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File: 76f19d6b320b931⋯.jpg (12.05 KB, 255x204, 5:4, d5864fabf1371e9f1f347ed5ef….jpg)

be9500  No.15070511[Last 50 Posts]

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be9500  No.15070524

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be9500  No.15070529


#19065through 300

>>15069465 fed spends 1.2b on films in 14 years

>>15069472 Whatever happened to the Rigged and Stolen Arizona Presidential Election - trump statement

>>15069505, >>15069500 UAE Leadership to visit Turkey. Erdogan invited the UAE, I wonder what he is panicked about


>>15069541 Structure-ID Technique Could Shift Chemistry to Warp Speed

>>15069567 India: Subversives, Fifth Column, Information/Guerrilla Warfare, Sinister Subterranean Campaign? [How’s the bunker?]

>>15069553 #19064

>>15069599, >>15069577 VIDEO SHOWING LINK TO MAXWELL HUSBAND AND FAUCI'S DAUGHTER CONNECTION, rumble video and sources

>>15069587 The Cruel Lesson to Learn from Austria's COVID Vax Insanity, american thinker


>>15069598 Iowa Medicaid must cover gender confirmation surgery, judge rules

>>15069603 Fauci Calls Out Tucker Carlson, Peter Navarro, Says Media Figures Who Criticize Him Are “Killing People”

>>15069610 Case Law Precedent has already been established to prevent the POTUS or anyone else from forcing the military to get the JAB

>>15069613 Why Is the Biden Administration Hiding Pedophiles in Public Schools?

>>15069616 The CEO of the American Trucking Associations says 37% of the association's drivers "not only said 'no,' but 'hell no'" to Biden's vaccine mandate.

>>15069623 Vaccinated dying at twice rate of unvaccinated in U.K. wnd

>>15069632 Hillary says we’re at the precipice

>>15069639 Unvaccinated US Soldiers are Set to be Forced Out of the Military – The Expose

>>15069644, >>15069638, >>15069638, Judge Halts Military's Required Anthrax Shots

>>15069693, >>15069650, >>15069633, >>15069607, the Australian Government rounding up Native Peoples to inject them against their sovereign rights, with the COVID-19 bioweapon.

>>15069692, >>15069675, >>15069478, >>15069508, Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster

>>15069694 WATCH: Science journalist Matt Ridley reveals the little coronavirus 'WRINKLE' in the number 7896 - Glenn beck podcast

>>15069765 #19065 through 300

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be9500  No.15070532


>>15068657 country, economy virus joe biden twat

>>15068752 Defense officials announce new UFO task force, look here not there tactics twat nyp

>>15069106, >>15068769, >>15068735, Lauren Hutton and the Nixon girl.

>>15068889 hannity interview with trump about new book our journey

>>15068844 GOATs, donald trump jr twat

>>15069029, >>15068981, >>15068865, >>15068703, Maxwell husbands property record and connections to fauci daughter

>>15069116 Gun owners details crackdown, gwp

>>15069157 anon opine on Q and Pool analogy, interesting

>>15069176 still births exploding in canada, twat and mp4 vide.

>>15069207, >>15069130 Elon Musk Claims His Mysterious Cyborg Dragon Tesla Is “Almost Done” youtube video and link to inverse.com

>>15069258 Los Angeles Covid Surge Defies ‘Vaccine’ Narrative: The Most Vaxxed Areas Are Now Most Heavily Infected - noqreport.com

>>15069303 Greece fight back against riot police, mp4 vid and rumble link

>>15069327 THE BLACK POPE INFO, Links and summary, Boss number 2 above the banksters, the Vatican and the holy Sea


>>15069362 TUCKER CARLSON'S EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW WITH ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR, Great time by time post by anon, how it should be done

>>15069415 Bank Regulators move on Tether and stable coin regulations, demand results by the 3rd Dec 2021

>>15069020 Biden thanksgiving, charge guests for dinner-gwp

>>15069007 Singapore's DBS suffers second day of online banking disruption, reuters twat

>>15068793 Operation Mockingbird was a CIA infiltration of news and entertainment media

>>15069553 #19064

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be9500  No.15070535


>>15067952 Hunter Biden called Asians ‘yellow’ in text exchange with cousin

>>15067962 Kyle Rittenhouse blames former lawyers for Proud Boys photos

>>15068029, >>15068076, >>15068339, >>15068394 Our Journey Together - 58

>>15068063 Russia’s defense chief lauds extension of missile launch notification deal with China:

>>15068120 Jennifer Granholm Under Fire for Promoting Proterra, an Electric Vehicle Company She Served on the Board of and Held Stock in

>>15068135 Fauci: People Like Tucker Carlson, Peter Navarro Who ‘Weaponize Lies Are Killing People’

>>15068174 Building a List: The ATF Has Gathered Millions of Records on US Gun Owners As Biden Administration Looks to Crackdown on Firearms

>>15068196 Fury as controlling bureaucrats demand millions of Australians wear masks through the Christmas season even though 95% will be fully vaxxed

>>15068292, >>15068303 Re: TrumpDJPOTUS interview with Hannity & Dark Secrets

>>15068323, >>15068449 TrumpDJPOTUS & Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15068328 Suspect in Wisconsin parade tragedy wanted on Nevada warrant

>>15068413 Trump Hannity - Enemy of the People

>>15068461 Fauci speaks of ‘unfinished business’ before he can retire

>>15068471 US Navy Tweet - We must work together

>>15068594 #19063

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be9500  No.15070539


>>15067125 Eric Swalwell Tweet - Takes the Vaccine Ball and calls it

>>15067134 Ghislaine Maxwell Gets Bad News – Her Accuser Will Testify About ‘Repugnant’ Epstein Sex Act

>>15067155, >>15067182 Alleged Wisconsin Parade Killer Darrell Brooks Charged With 5 Homicide Counts, Bail Set at $5 Million / Rumble Video RE: WI

>>15067190 Flurry of Air Force transports head to East Africa as potential for Ethiopia evacuation grows

>>15067203, >>15067240 Pelosi goes into contract for FL oceanfront mansion

>>15067239 Clockfags on the Clock - colorshading in the news

>>15067330 'Where is Annastacia?': QLD Deputy Premier grilled on whether Palaszczuk is 'in hiding' after furore over PCR testing requirements

>>15067410 Prince Andrew accusations left out of Epstein-Maxwell case

>>15067424 Neo-Nazi hate group and Hezbollah added to Australian terror list

>>15067450, >>15067763 Moar 58 Graphic

>>15067473 Why Is the Biden Administration Hiding Pedophiles in Public Schools?

>>15067517 GoFundMe Darrell Brooks

>>15067535 Unvaccinated children had just a 3% higher chance of catching Covid compared to double-jabbed in Pfizer US trial — and none were seriously ill

>>15067560, >>15067571 Anon on Wakaya Island / Fiji

>>15067570 21 House Republicans Push to Make Transgenders a Federally Protected Class

>>15067596 ANOTHER CORRUPT DEAL: Hunter Used His Chinese Secretary and Chi-Com Operative in Deal with Louisiana Gas Company that Eventually Fell Apart

>>15067630 Joe Biden Leaves Early for Thanksgiving Vacation in Nantucket; No Plan to Visit Victims of Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack

>>15067775 Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science” and advocating for vaccines

>>15067847 #19062

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be9500  No.15070543

Previously Collected Notables

>>15064813 #19058, >>15067138 #19059, >>15066276 #19060

>>15062756 #19055, >>15062930 #19056, >>15064015 #19057

>>15059466 #19052, >>15060259 #19053, >>15062756 #19054

>>15057196 #19049, >>15059255 #19050, >>15059029 #19051

>>15054830 #19046, >>15055594 #19047, >>15056429 #19048

>>15052475 #19043, >>15053375 #19044, >>15054848 #19045

>>15050292 #19040, >>15051036 #19041, >>15051780 #19042

>>15047744 #19037, >>15048670 #19038, >>15050488 #19039

>>15045427 #19034, >>15046159 #19035, >>15047005 #19036

>>15042978 #19031, >>15044228 #19032, >>15047366 #19033

>>15040629 #19028, >>15041420 #19029, >>15042394 #19030

>>15038347 #19025, >>15039109 #19026, >>15039917 #19027

>>15035982 #19022, >>15037110 #19023, >>15037556 #19024

>>15033692 #19019, >>15034490 #19020, >>15035262 #19021

>>15031357 #19016, >>15032130 #19017, >>15032922 #19018

>>15029431 #19013, >>15029722 #19014, >>15030534 #19015

>>15026557 #19010, >>15027382 #19011, >>15028184 #19012

>>15024190 #19007, >>15025084 #19008, >>15025789 #19009

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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be9500  No.15070546



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c3c0e2  No.15070558



Do you need handoff?

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bf090b  No.15070561

File: 9d984ad404436f1⋯.png (227.31 KB, 624x245, 624:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9425b0d899f64bf⋯.png (604.94 KB, 1008x593, 1008:593, ClipboardImage.png)


Check this out!

Click on the link to get the globe map.

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be9500  No.15070562


>>15066380 Jackson Sparks, an 8-year-old boy who was marching in the Waukesha Christmas Parade with his baseball team, has died from his injuries.

>>15066381 EXC: Gates Foundation Sent Over $54 Million To China Since COVID, Including To Wuhan Collaborators.

>>15066383, >>15066439 GatewayPundit interview with Dr. Zelenko

>>15066402 Maxwell/Teneo bun

>>15066413, >>15066450, >>15066467 SAM46 headed out of JBA.

>>15066424 Biden administration files emergency order to immediately reinstate its sweeping vaccine mandate on private companies

>>15066433 Ghislaine Maxwell is fighting to prevent jurors from seeing a copy of Jeffrey Epstein's 'little black book' at her criminal trial.


>>15066455 Missouri Court Rules Against Tyrannical St. Louis County Executive Sam Page and Unconstitutional Mask Mandates – But Sam Page Refuses to Honor Court’s Decision

>>15066476 Democrat Vaccine Mandates Force Long Beach, New York’s ONLY Emergency Room to Shut Down

>>15066489 Tonight! Hillary Clinton will be Rachel Maddow's guest.

>>15066514 Huma Abedin hobnobbing in SanFran with a few Top Cali Dems

>>15066518 Jan 6 Commission FABRICATED Whereabouts of Willard Hotel ‘War Room’ Attendee in Subpoena, Evidence Shows.

>>15066534 More German Politicians Support Making COVID-19 Vaccinations Mandatory

>>15066535 Brian Laundrie suicide: Gabby Petito’s former fiancé died of gunshot wound to the head, family attorney says

>>15066540 Kansas House of Representatives passes a bill allowing moral, medical, religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccines. Approval by the Senate is needed.

>>15066548 Alex Jones to the Liz Cheney Jan. 6 Committee: I Will Only Testify If It Is Aired on CSPAN Where They Can’t Twist my Words

>>15066554 Covid Fear Cancels Christmas In The Most Vaccinated City In The World

>>15066591 Scott Atlas: I Watched The Nation’s ‘Top Scientists’ Lie About COVID And Get Away With It

>>15066608 University of Wisconsin Student Association Executives call Rittenhouse verdict 'racist'

>>15066626 EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell's husband Scott Borgerson tries to keep a low profile in his quaint Massachusetts town a week before her sex trafficking trial

>>15066652, >>15066693 5 Points On How Allies Funneled Money To Clinton Foundation/Now we know why Hillary is so involved with Northern Ireland

>>15066680 The Fed Has Destroyed the US Economy, Now Biden's Pick for Head Bank Regulator Wants the Fed Controlling Even More

>>15066691 Fox Point Man Indicted For Defrauding Investors of Over $5.5 Million

>>15066709 Scotland: Negative Test Added on COVID Pass

>>15066743, >>15066916, >>15066885 (Arrests of) PEDO BUN 23 November 21

>>15066752 Jim Watkins: The Confidential Agreement With Moderna & The US Govenment that Spans Back to 2015

>>15066764 Lance Gooden Spills the Beans On Non-Profit Sponsored Operation to Move Migrants into the US

>>15066803 Tucker Carlson's Rittenhouse interview gets 5 MILLION viewers, CRUSHING CNN, MSNBC

>>15066847 Exclusive– ‘Laptop from Hell’ Documents Show Hunter Biden Using Family Leverage in Prospective Deal to Sell Louisiana Natural Gas to Chinese Firm

>>15066872 Launch of new NASA space telescope delayed after incident

>>15066873 Flight Attendants Share About Bad Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine

>>15066894 Chinese Regime Uses COVID-19 QR Code to Restrain Rights Lawyers’ Mobility

>>15066915 Blinken Warns Russia Over Mercenaries In Mali

>>15066930 Lindell posted the complaint the attorneys general plan to file with SCOTUS

>>15066933 Fauci speaks of ‘unfinished business’ before he can retire

>>15066937 Manchin asks Biden to restart Keystone XL Pipeline

>>15066977 White House pool report says Biden will stay in the vacation home of David Rubenstein, co-founder of the Carlyle Group, in Nantucket

>>15067008 Clinton Foundation puts out Message

>>15067032 #19061

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c3c0e2  No.15070569


This is the official thread to cover the uncovering of the US pedo ring and anything involving the trial.


Access the live audio feed of the proceeding by calling 844-721-7237 and using access code 9991787





Judicial shenanigans:







https://youtu.be/msel_Y6UoTs Audio Only






MAXWELL HUSBAND AND FAUCI'S DAUGHTER CONNECTION https://rumble.com/embed/vn3b8b/?pub=cppvg














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c3c0e2  No.15070574







































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be9500  No.15070583


Handoff Requested and accepted from anon

Phonefagged Ebake

But save the remainder notes from 19065, everything in dough ready to go forward

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c3c0e2  No.15070598




See if we can get an excellent anon to finish the scrape of LB

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fb24b8  No.15070636



He said something along the lines of they want to remain anonymous but that might change in the future. Something like that. He did use the word “anonymous” though

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3ea50c  No.15070638

File: f68dd09df11ff5b⋯.jpeg (35.65 KB, 428x489, 428:489, Trump_Meditate.jpeg)

>>15070618 (lb)

>When you think you have Trump figured out, you're wrong.


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2665fe  No.15070642

>>15070553 pb

it does not sound like a way out, it sounds like a way to punish patriots that are now held captive in military. It sounds like they will be made to suffer and that orders have been given for them to be antagonized and tortured until their contracted duty ends or they are subdued into being vAxed.

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c3c0e2  No.15070644

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - 86 stillbirths in fully vaccinated mothers between Jan and July (i.e., 6 months).

Normal stillbirth rate is 5 or 6 IN A YEAR. (30 seconds into video)


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f4ceb8  No.15070646

>>15070544 (pb)

>>15070584 (pb)

moar please

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fab206  No.15070650

File: ce56f6884358b88⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dogsandtrump.jpg)

>>15068437 pb

Hate speech has consequences.

Another inversion.

The dopes claim it's our alleged [hate?] speech which incites violence.

More witchcraft "spells"

They spin everything and invert it

Unless you see that you'll get spun and confused..

They need to make people dizzy with all their lies.

Im starting to really dislike that fame fag Rittenhouse.

Mr. Know it All, but doesn't look into anything.

Think of the SEAL who's handling him

Made sure he got in on the photo op with the POTUS

No smile either.. Total operative.

The dude lookls like his Dad too.

Who is his Dad after alll

Why wasn't his Dad there?

All my heros are dogs, Trump, Lindell and Lin, and the Watkins Ron and Jim.

oh and the honest Q research Bakers.

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37d566  No.15070652

File: bbd71b405a78bac⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 659x350, 659:350, Trump_Twitter.jpg)


PANICfor Jews.

The name of this article is “Trump’s Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews.” I hope this settles once and for all who is behind Antifa.


The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]

(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)

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fb24b8  No.15070653


>People who think Trump gets deceived or misled by 'bad advice', are themselves delusional.

>When you think you have Trump figured out, you're wrong.

People are retarded. Hope it’s shills that always say those things because if it’s a real anon they are permanently required to ride the tard short bus and drink nothing but tard juice

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6a1d67  No.15070658

File: b12ee2d2ad4511e⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 838x572, 419:286, militia.jpg)

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2b4530  No.15070660

File: ff5ce317f4bff5f⋯.jpeg (456.09 KB, 2048x1583, 2048:1583, 9B5278F5_05EA_4AFA_88A6_B….jpeg)

File: 75a9c392e319875⋯.png (599.61 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 896546C8_18F0_4F48_9784_DC….png)

File: bd32e8b3b539369⋯.jpeg (347.09 KB, 2048x1583, 2048:1583, F5200EC8_E16F_4768_AF1A_B….jpeg)


This woman really has a lot of time on her hands.

I’m phonefagging & can’t get link to her Twitter page.

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778996  No.15070661

>>15070442 (PB LB)

Possibly, very likely an organized op. Think about the effect this has. The "boy who cried wolf" being used as a tool against TRUTH. Make every one sick of "false pedo reports" until they ignore and dismiss claims outright. Think about the huge dampening effect of this on the future release of TRUTHS about the pedo network. Makes me sick to think about the possible and probable effect this will have.

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c3c0e2  No.15070662


NASA DART - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Asteroid Impact Mission



$20 says NASA is attempting to Disorbit the moon

How to disorbit, crash meteors into the moon until it moves in the direction u want

Something something fake moon amplifying saturn false reality frequency

>not a staurn fag, but I have ideas

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0be0ed  No.15070663

>Where things left off yesterday…

KyleFags - Lin fucked the boy over bad

LinFags - Kyle getting bad advice Lin dindu nuffin but help and pray

LoveBothFags (aka Doodle) - Can't we all just get along?

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3ca272  No.15070665

File: f698e3bfe0cbf0d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1810x1207, 1810:1207, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd092a  No.15070667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0ba64f  No.15070668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember what Q said


In Drop #4953

There was no Drop #4954

This was the end of the Q Drops

Your move, America!

Pay attention to the Last Drop

Remember Maxwell House coffee?

Good to the Last Drop

Important now that the Maxwell trial is on

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fb24b8  No.15070670


With the Wendy vs Rick cat fight and now Kyle vs Lin… seems scripted. Who will cat fight next?

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d8b799  No.15070671

File: 1d21f0856d14667⋯.jpg (169.33 KB, 720x1116, 20:31, 20211124_070449.jpg)

File: 3cc332a5af1da24⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 1120x1200, 14:15, 20211124_070422.jpg)


Not much has changed since 2016:

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6a1d67  No.15070672


Shills - rub hands together

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6bc1d3  No.15070673

File: 93609e26aae64bd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 200FE446_DDFF_4863_81E4_6F….png)

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving you exactly what you need in these transmissions. We are able to deliver so much more to you than the words Daniel here speaks could possibly convey to you. We are delivering to you messages within the messages, and when you receive these transmissions, you are getting the downloads, upgrades, and activations that you need. We know which ones will receive each transmission within twenty-four hours with a high degree of certainty. We cannot see ‘the future,’ of course, because there is more than one.

But we know what you need, and we deliver it. This is also how your Earth operates and how your sun operates. This is how your guides work with you. This is how so many other benevolent beings are serving humanity, and so, it is up to all of you to allow in what is being given. This is why we encourage you to connect with your sun and your planet. We hope that you connect with us because of how you feel to you, and we know that many of you do. We want you to connect with your guides for the same reason. We want you to connect with them because they are your friends, because they love you unconditionally, and because they have devoted themselves to you for this entire experience.

We were going to say, ‘For this entire lifetime,’ but after you shift, your guides will move on to something else. You will get a new set of guides. You will also get more access to your fifth dimensional chakra system. Right now, you tap in to that chakra system in certain moments, but you are still largely governed by the third-dimensional chakras that you were born with because you still have work to do within that system.

When you have fuller access to chakras eight through twelve, you are going to feel much more powerful, much more in tune with all of the higher frequency energies. You will be your higher selves, and you will feel us more clearly. Your guides are seventh dimensional, which means they are closer to you. We are talking about your personal, specific spirit guides. Any of you can experience an ascended master or an archangel as a guide, but your personal spirit guides are your friends. They are your soul family members, and if you feel for them, you will know that you are never alone, and you will feel their love.

If you talk to them and only listen with your inner ear for a response, you might give up. But if you show your appreciation for these beautiful beings and feel for the love coming back to you, that’s when you will know you have guidance, support, and unconditional love around you at all times. That is how we want you to experience us from now on, and that is certainly how we want you to experience your spirit guides from now on.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

**Channel: Daniel Scranton


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327d79  No.15070677


KEK, pretty spot on summary anon.

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7f83fe  No.15070678

>>15070227 (LB)

nice necklace on hil.

reminds me of the horrid, rothy, broad that was associated with alifantis.

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3ea50c  No.15070679

File: be402ebd9c82d33⋯.png (476.95 KB, 732x415, 732:415, Qresearch_Brain_Research.png)


Brainiac fags - Ignore the noise, and make more popcorn.

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21b62b  No.15070680

File: 15011a46ecb4dd6⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 960x640, 3:2, SunriseBRM.jpg)

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6bc1d3  No.15070681


>We are delivering to you messages within the messages, and when you receive these transmissions, you are getting the downloads, upgrades, and activations that you need.

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bc68ad  No.15070683

File: b7b1a1af20863f0⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 490x424, 245:212, johnny_cash1.jpg)

>>15070630 lb

>>15070630 lb

lawful vs legal

which rules govern the game you play?

>learn the code

learn to code kek

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3ea50c  No.15070689

File: 46af6a42bb6f68f⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1079x925, 1079:925, Moar_Popcorn_pepe.png)

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97e9ce  No.15070691

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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02a3b7  No.15070695

File: eaaa66519e8171e⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, eaaa66519e8171e99be121aa81….mp4)

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02a3b7  No.15070701

File: a130d5335da2055⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 493x300, 493:300, 5uzj.jpg)


Morning Swordy…

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3ea50c  No.15070703

File: fb4090723b05e04⋯.png (215.22 KB, 590x600, 59:60, Sword_Woman.png)


Same to you, Swordanon!

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fd092a  No.15070706

File: 023a82d4169fb92⋯.png (96.73 KB, 323x293, 323:293, 1e56aefb657b8fbc906039a4fb….png)


God Bless.

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6a1d67  No.15070707









a lot of actors

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37d566  No.15070708


You see, we know when a government begins to search for the Communists within its borders – they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area.

-Harrold Wallace Rosenthal

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f1979c  No.15070710

Okay, here are the latest updates I could find Re: America I0(you)s

No more shilling on MSM.

Shown Here:

Introduced in House (01/04/1995)


Title I: Contract with America: A Bill of Accountability

Title II: General

Title I: Contract with America: A Bill of Accountability - Provides for the adoption of the Rules of the House of Representatives of the 103d Congress as the Rules of the House of the 104th Congress with amendments as outlined in this resolution.

(Sec. 101) Requires the total number of House committee staff to be at least one-third less than the corresponding total in the 103d Congress.

Amends Rule X to prohibit House committees from having more than five subcommittees except the Committees on Appropriations, Government Reform and Oversight, and Transportation and Infrastructure which are allowed up to thirteen, seven, and six subcommittees, respectively. (Currently, each standing committee with more than 20 members, except the Committee on Budget, is required to establish at least four subcommittees.)

Amends Rule XI to revise provisions regarding committee staff funding and the appointment and use of staff.

(Sec. 102) Amends Rule XIII to require cost estimates in committee reports to contain a comparison of the total estimated funding level for the relevant programs with the appropriate levels under current law, with exceptions for specified committees.

(Sec. 103) Amends Rule I to limit the term of the Speaker of the House to four consecutive Congresses.

Amends Rule X to prohibit a Member from serving as chairman of the same standing committee or subcommittee for more than three consecutive Congresses.

(Sec. 104) Amends Rule XI to prohibit proxy voting by any committee or subcommittee member.

(Sec. 105) Requires all committee meetings and hearings open to the public to allow for radio, television and still photography coverage. Repeals a provision that provides for closed meetings for matters relating solely to internal budgets or personnel.

(Sec. 106) Amends Rule XXI to require a three-fifths vote of the House for passage or agreement to measures carrying a Federal income tax rate increase. Provides that it shall not be in order to consider any measure carrying a retroactive Federal income tax rate increase.

(Sec. 107) Directs the Inspector General to coordinate and report on a comprehensive audit of House financial records and administrative operations.

(Sec. 108) Provides that it shall be in order at any time after the adoption of this resolution to consider H.R. 1 (a bill to make certain laws applicable to the legislative branch) in the House if offered by the majority leader.

Title II: General - Amends Rule II to abolish the office of House Doorkeeper.

(Sec. 201) Amends Rule III to add to the duties of the House Clerk a semiannual reporting requirement on the financial and operational status of functions under the Clerk's jurisdiction.

Amends Rule IV to require the Sergeant-at-Arms to fulfill a similar reporting requirement and incorporates the Doorkeeper's duties into those of the Sergeant-at-Arms.

Amends Rule V to create a Chief Administrative Officer of the House to have operational and financial responsibility for functions as assigned by the Speaker and the Committee on House Oversight and requires the Chief to fulfill the financial and operational reporting requirement as well.


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c3c0e2  No.15070711

File: 0b1d2eb393ea8ec⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 900x609, 300:203, 0b1d2eb393ea8ec4d066659582….jpg)


DayShift -o7

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419cd0  No.15070712

File: ce01a5393421c9b⋯.png (80.95 KB, 299x168, 299:168, AA8F7B5C_9F5A_477B_B027_8A….png)


God bless you swordsnon

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f8dc91  No.15070714


Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity you brainwashed morons.

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bc68ad  No.15070715

File: c0537a1c29f16bc⋯.gif (21.89 KB, 136x176, 17:22, linda_gun.gif)


shields up!

Swords High!

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f1979c  No.15070716


Removes provisions regarding the Director of Non-legislative and Financial Services.

(Sec. 202) Amends Rule X to revise the existing standing committee structure and provides for changes in committee jurisdiction. Redesignates House committees as follows: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Banking and Financial Services; (4) Budget; (5) Commerce; (6) Economic and Educational Opportunities; (7) Government Reform and Oversight; (8) House Oversight; (9) International Relations; (10) Judiciary; (11) National Security; (12) Resources; (13) Rules; (14) Science; (15) Standards of Official Conduct; (16) Transportation and Infrastructure; (17) Veterans' Affairs; and (18) Ways and Means.

(Sec. 203) Requires each standing committee, in an open meeting no later than February 15 of the first congressional session and with a quorum present, to adopt its oversight plans for that Congress.

(Sec. 204) Prohibits House Members, Delegates, or Resident Commissioners from serving simultaneously as members of more than two committees or four subcommittees. Provides that ex officio service by a chairman and ranking minority member of a committee on each of its subcommittees shall not be counted against the limitation on subcommittee service.

(Sec. 205) Amends Rule XI to set forth certain administrative provisions.

(Sec. 212) Repeals provisions of: (l) Rule XII which gave the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico and each Delegate to the House the same powers and privileges in the Committee on the Whole as other House Members (including the right to vote); and (2) Rule XXIII which permitted the Resident Commissioner or a Delegate to be appointed to chair the Committee on the Whole and which required the Committee on the Whole to automatically rise and consider a question de novo whenever the votes of the Resident Commissioner and Delegate were decisive in the Committee on the Whole.

(Sec. 215) Amends Rule XXI to prohibit the inclusion of non-emergency provisions in emergency spending measures unless the provisions rescind budget authority, reduce direct spending, or reduce an amount for a designated emergency.

Provides that during the reading of any appropriation bill for amendment in the Committee of the Whole, it shall be in order to consider en bloc amendments proposing only to transfer appropriations among objects in the bill without increasing the levels of budget authority or outlays.

Requires reports from the Appropriations Committee accompanying any general appropriation bill to contain a list of all appropriations for expenditures not previously authorized by law.

(Sec. 216) Amends Rule XXII to ban commemorative bills or resolutions. Requires the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight to report to the House on alternative means for establishing commemorations.

(Sec. 220) Amends Rule XLIII to require House Members, officers, or employees to take an oath before gaining access to classified materials.

(Sec. 221) Amends Rule XLVIII to reduce the maximum number of members of the Select Committee on Intelligence from 19 to 16 and limit to nine the number of members from one party. Raises the ceiling on service on the committee to four Congresses in any period of six successive Congresses.

(Sec. 222) Prohibits the establishment or continuation of legislative service organizations.

(Sec. 223) Establishes the Speaker's Office for Legislative Floor Activities.

Permits the first 20 bills and the first two joint resolutions introduced in the 104th Congress to have more than one Member reflected as first sponsor.



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fb24b8  No.15070717


Those drawings are professionally done. May just be stick figures but that’s not an amateur. Funny thing is… jokes on them. Anons will just shop out her words and add new ones. Those sketches will become part of the “map” kekkity Kek Kek

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6bc1d3  No.15070719

Start looking for new crop circles and within them the designs for free energy.

This is very important

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271be5  No.15070720

File: 1c8994a43ba4fae⋯.gif (846.14 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 6DB3D0EC_97A4_4230_8E44_D2….gif)


Toots prolly.

Keep training.

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62e4f9  No.15070721

File: 983574020735481⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 550x626, 275:313, bikini_girl_5e99065e0daf1e….jpg)

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747437  No.15070723

File: 86b94d72e4a654b⋯.png (961.04 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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97e9ce  No.15070726

File: 616841503175f8d⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this you?

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c52190  No.15070728

File: c20cdfb89e28ab0⋯.png (895.83 KB, 980x654, 490:327, naturalimmun.png)

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62e4f9  No.15070731

File: dbf16471b240198⋯.jpg (125.58 KB, 965x852, 965:852, 20210729_103530.jpg)


>stick figures

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bc68ad  No.15070732


all your drawings are belong to us now

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21b62b  No.15070733

File: 071401963cb4424⋯.jpg (681.98 KB, 1200x2061, 400:687, Accolade_by_Edmund_Blair_L….jpg)


God Bless you as well, Swordanon

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37d566  No.15070736

File: 379c3646c4bd03f⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 942x728, 471:364, GOD_Bless_You.jpg)

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02a3b7  No.15070739

File: f82f1cf9becc488⋯.png (690.69 KB, 897x1124, 897:1124, Screenshot_20211124_081253….png)

Anons if she lost 150 pounds would you hit it ??

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b59265  No.15070740

File: 2c8be5d1108a4d4⋯.jpeg (623.67 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 27A9FF37_AA65_4AFF_94B7_7….jpeg)



dayshift in tha house

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747437  No.15070741

File: 84b4909aaea13a5⋯.mp4 (13.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, knockknock.mp4)


Brooks went in a stranger's home for help

After the parade tragedy, Brooks was seen on a Ring doorbell video asking a Waukesha resident for help.

Daniel Rider, 24, told CNN he was in his recliner watching football on Sunday, unaware of what happened at the parade.

He said a man later identified as Brooks rang his doorbell and asked to use his phone to call an Uber, saying he was homeless.

Rider's family had recently told him about a sermon calling on everyone to help the homeless. So he invited Brooks in, made him a sandwich and let him use his phone.

Rider said Brooks smelled of marijuana, but he didn't feel threatened by the man in his home.

When he saw police going up and down his street, he had a feeling it was related to Brooks. So he asked Brooks to leave, and he did.

Brooks then returned, claiming his ID was left in the house, but Rider wouldn't open the door.

Police told Brooks to put up his hands and arrested him in front of Rider's home.

"Uber showed up maybe a minute after he was in custody," Rider said. "So I just think about sometimes if he'd gotten in that car, what could have happened?"

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97e9ce  No.15070743

File: f26f4bd8b173a1d⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1200x672, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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6bc1d3  No.15070744


Perhaps it’s (You), do you remember who / what you were prior to this incarnation?

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0be0ed  No.15070747

File: 8672840bc244b5a⋯.png (302.39 KB, 497x500, 497:500, toots_makeitadouble2.png)


Pig vs Toots was where Pig got his start back in the day.

Now, if you want to take that slide to the next level…

Is current Pig same Anon as OG Pig?

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bf090b  No.15070748

File: 49c5da2c6b1a7aa⋯.png (173.36 KB, 400x573, 400:573, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf090b  No.15070749

File: 49c5da2c6b1a7aa⋯.png (173.36 KB, 400x573, 400:573, ClipboardImage.png)

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747437  No.15070752

File: 66822232fa79dfb⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 720x406, 360:203, They_said_I_was_safer_in_j….mp4)

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6a1d67  No.15070757

File: ebaeecd615badac⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 797x802, 797:802, x_wing_ns.jpg)


I'm on bingo fuel boys, time to head for base

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97ad0a  No.15070758



very shallow

mostly maps paytriots

no anons on the map, as it should be.

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0be0ed  No.15070759

File: 1a145d31e79085b⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 834x1024, 417:512, AOC_Blue.jpg)



Those are AOC level saggies.

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271be5  No.15070761


> Daniel Rider, 24, told CNN he was in his recliner

In his recliner?

24 year-olds don’t own recliners.

Fake news.

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778996  No.15070763


Many FALSE pedophilia reports being made on TIK TOK


People will learn to ignore and dismiss future revelations of the pedo network.

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419cd0  No.15070765

File: 64354af0c083105⋯.gif (3.57 MB, 434x308, 31:22, B34295DC_9128_4E58_9D13_B5….gif)


>Anons if she lost 150 pounds would you hit it ??

She’d have to lose tree fiddy…

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bc68ad  No.15070766

File: d93843786d2e06a⋯.jpg (265.33 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, hiill.jpg)

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02a3b7  No.15070767

File: 8f90294d6dfbac2⋯.png (312.84 KB, 526x506, 263:253, 0e843278f3a7ffdb2a5fe9bea8….png)

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c3c0e2  No.15070769


o7 Fly safe NS.

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9395f2  No.15070773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15070413 (lb)

> South Park's prophecies





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4c4b90  No.15070774



They suck, and there are plenty of Jews that can't stand both of them, while appreciating articles written on a higher reading level than the NYPost.

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6a1d67  No.15070777


Just like deep fakes will condition them not to believe what they see

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747437  No.15070778

File: 7576a398886e78d⋯.mp4 (423.24 KB, 736x432, 46:27, Looks_like_Hillary_still_h….mp4)

File: 8deddc4b09c7d73⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x406, 360:203, Man_we_really_dodged_a_bul….mp4)

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bc68ad  No.15070779

File: a579bc8f0b04ba3⋯.png (414.9 KB, 575x432, 575:432, jo.png)

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97e9ce  No.15070780

File: 245a0f0dd6b4691⋯.png (397.93 KB, 1920x1508, 480:377, ClipboardImage.png)

From the central galaxy came …


He filters life itself



Produced by Anon

The First 5 Dimensional Epic

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b44442  No.15070781

File: 6e834c8a615cf82⋯.jpg (354.04 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20211124_091507.jpg)

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fab206  No.15070784

File: ad4542832f57731⋯.jpg (115.27 KB, 440x534, 220:267, alexjones.jpg)





everyone wants Trump

he's competent

Best President ever.

Can't find that easily.

Only shows up every four hundred years or so.

According to some news / info.. The SEAL handler of Rittenhouse, got the money from Lin.

So that guy is the one who stole the money.

It was Lin's non-profit. Not meant to go directly to Rittenhouse or Kyle family handlers.


Hoping Lin sues them, and I think it's happening.

Fame Fag KR backpedaled on the charges of "I fired him because he tried to keep me in Jail"

[turns out to be a lie?]

Then back -up story

"He supports the Q resrearch and says the Election was stolen"

little punk

Good with a gun, But brains are missing.

fame fag.

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fd092a  No.15070785


mask up

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62e4f9  No.15070787

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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a8eeaf  No.15070791

File: 93ebc9fae01f752⋯.png (267.3 KB, 614x786, 307:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 306afee74064856⋯.png (1.1 MB, 615x3369, 205:1123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be094ae399efe01⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1000x1294, 500:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc967f1bc2ed0aa⋯.png (229.94 KB, 1559x759, 1559:759, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15070575 /pb

>link to her Twitter.


>post again in fresh bread for eyes


Pinned Tweet



My second "Big Book":

WTF is Happening


75 of my best story-maps

to help explain…

WTF is Happening!


amazon . com

WTF is Happening: Maps by Jzikah

WTF is Happening: Maps by Jzikah

3:48 PM · Nov 11, 2021·Twitter Web App


WTF is Happening: Maps by Jzikah Paperback – November 1, 2021

by Jzikah Squier Ball (Author)

"WTF is Happening" is a book of 75 story-maps by Jzikah.

The over-arching theme brings what is happening to America into the realm of the light.

Most maps are drawn from works by serious journalists, authors or thought leaders,

by simply transforming the works into picture-form with funny nick-names added.

A great way to accelerate your understanding of "WTF is Happening";

also perfect for the reluctant reader or for gift giving.

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37d566  No.15070793

File: c8fa3e3723173ad⋯.jpeg (208.64 KB, 750x757, 750:757, dead_jew.jpeg)

File: a826472f215e43c⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 460x604, 115:151, Antifa_Jews.jpg)

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f9bbf3  No.15070794


This is neat, ty for sharing the link.

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0be0ed  No.15070797

File: 9555a37e7fed4c6⋯.jpg (97.95 KB, 825x573, 275:191, Screenshot_2021_11_24_0822….jpg)


Ghost of Johnny Carson: That is wild - I did not know that.

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97e9ce  No.15070799

File: 0e6d7f136ad315d⋯.png (489.18 KB, 693x390, 231:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8fe0ff62bf521d⋯.png (103.07 KB, 960x578, 480:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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b44442  No.15070800

File: 43c938cfebde657⋯.jpg (136.7 KB, 660x879, 220:293, 20211124_083707.jpg)

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6a1d67  No.15070801

File: a3077a20e0ec68c⋯.jpg (136.23 KB, 588x670, 294:335, kek.jpg)

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6bc1d3  No.15070803


This is awesome. Saved

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fb24b8  No.15070805


The story has too many ghey ass details. Overdone. Fake news

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bc68ad  No.15070806

File: 2b0088d7e7c6e78⋯.jpg (85.19 KB, 720x960, 3:4, mask5ec9ea3e36d57_image.jpg)

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3ea50c  No.15070807


There's going to be Pepe's, Comey's hanging, Asian chick dancing, Mounds, Barrel Rolls, Biden's falling down, Psaki's tongue, Man-chelle's back muscles, Obama with Ice cream cone, Toots, Mr Pig, a pen, some glowy shit, and that dude playing the drums while PDJT does his dance.

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b44442  No.15070808

File: 3baab7247b03283⋯.jpg (87.26 KB, 720x911, 720:911, 20211124_091429.jpg)

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02a3b7  No.15070810

File: 8b44dfde73d491c⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 754x488, 377:244, 5v8i30.jpg)

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f4ceb8  No.15070814



>Check this out!

>Click on the link to get the globe map.

thanks anon

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f78248  No.15070816

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching this, right now. Don´t know where it will lead me, but the first minutes are good so far (try to embed)



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0be0ed  No.15070818


>24 year-olds don’t own recliners.

No, but mom does.

>t. Been there done that

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bc68ad  No.15070820


at the very least


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078734  No.15070823

File: a903e742f3328a5⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_of_all_the_tyrannies….jpg)


…Fuckin' shut up. Bored of your larp.

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cc6625  No.15070824


Bless you too


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21b62b  No.15070828




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b44442  No.15070830

File: a92f64e37f6cf02⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 675x654, 225:218, 20211104_182136.jpg)

File: 22be9d9d0e31aea⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 720x410, 72:41, 20211124_083312.jpg)

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b2984a  No.15070832



KR = 11.18

This is the month of Nov. - 11


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/21/2018 15:44:08 ID: 30e575

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1133425 / 1133942

Direct Link: 1133942

Anonymous 04/21/2018 15:43:12 ID:03b5fb

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1133425 / 1133925

Direct Link: 1133925

THANKQ - we are an existential threat to the establishment.






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fab206  No.15070834

File: c54d81af6392fb6⋯.jpeg (238.21 KB, 1200x1436, 300:359, kyleatwhitehouse6.jpeg)


So that guy is the one who stole the money?

The handler looks like he's wearing a bullet-proof vest.

Who got the 2 million?

Was it the handler?

Then they accuse Lin of what they did?

"money talks. Bullshit Walks"


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97e9ce  No.15070835

File: a7e744f746fae8e⋯.png (54.73 KB, 512x307, 512:307, ClipboardImage.png)


why are you posting NPC doodles here?

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4c4b90  No.15070837

File: 9354ab0a98510fc⋯.png (281.65 KB, 1388x658, 694:329, ClipboardImage.png)


No – more like this:

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f8dc91  No.15070838


Leper, heretic, jew, nigger, pedo… I wonder what the next polarizing pejorative will be used to keep the masses divided and distracted from the kingdoms and religions that have them enslaved?

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02a3b7  No.15070840

File: f615b25dd62b673⋯.jpg (924.95 KB, 2796x2289, 932:763, IMGbbb.jpg)

Just looked outside my motel room window and the punisher truck is still here…

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6cb46e  No.15070841

File: 59df3a3373a43c7⋯.jpg (157.04 KB, 940x627, 940:627, fuck_nuremburg_when_money_….jpg)

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97e9ce  No.15070842

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0be0ed  No.15070843

File: d1558cee32cc2de⋯.png (1.29 MB, 489x289, 489:289, SwordyShift.png)


Swordy's a QR institution at this point.

Just take a chill pill.

Besides, Clown in a Phone Booth is criminally underrated here.

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cc1360  No.15070844

File: 42341383b5b8502⋯.png (939.67 KB, 1050x1374, 175:229, BO_Dplaybook.PNG)


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778996  No.15070845

File: 781a05d056ad881⋯.png (834.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


THIS Anon gets it.

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327d79  No.15070847

File: c28135fc555622a⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tonight_show_set_1984.jpg)

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fb24b8  No.15070851


Lorettas cankles, aoc saggies crying at the fence, big mike and his dick, Jeb’s face from funeral shock from paper, jebs midget housekeeper/wife, Maxines disgusting feet jammed into those shoes, Hillary body double falling down the stairs, List goes on

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97e9ce  No.15070852

File: 30725baeddf6830⋯.png (56.08 KB, 698x528, 349:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0be782a858d3c74⋯.png (21.86 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca113284a7eb8c⋯.png (313.7 KB, 1500x895, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a1d67  No.15070854

OT but raise your hand if you ever ate at Pizza Papalis in downtown Detroit.

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4c4b90  No.15070855

File: 9061fb044b844f9⋯.png (672.19 KB, 606x1280, 303:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfd2e5  No.15070858

File: 2ce1fba44abf7f2⋯.jpeg (195.29 KB, 710x1024, 355:512, 552234DF_8897_4EE7_911D_D….jpeg)

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d6b66b  No.15070860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What can we expect as the “Financial Reset” arrives

by Catherine Austin Fitts


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b2984a  No.15070863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ghost - Cirice (Official Music Video)


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cc1360  No.15070864


How about senior citizen killer Cuomo's 4am talking point:

"Supremacist vigilante"

You will need to rely on fake news repetitive code in order to be good and properly distracted away from the uber racist satanic bloodline cult.

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0be0ed  No.15070867



kek this is turning into either:

- It's The End Of The World As We Know It

- We Didn't Start The Fire

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97e9ce  No.15070868

File: 2e3c4ae77fd28bb⋯.png (70.34 KB, 825x458, 825:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80bdafdbf0e231d⋯.png (95.54 KB, 800x816, 50:51, ClipboardImage.png)

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running 'psyops,' or 'Information Operations,' stories which use information in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

*The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

*The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

*The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

*The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

*The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values and gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult materials (eg. Catcher in the Rye) are introduced into high school required reading lists. False history and false flags arelegitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, while subversive 'educational' programs like "common core" are promoted to turn kids off learning.

Cultist media gradually, over decades, reduces the public vocabulary, promotes social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure; the entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals.

It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember fellow citizens still trapped in the matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control.



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bc68ad  No.15070870

File: a6c9331a48f5126⋯.jpg (248.46 KB, 640x427, 640:427, stanardshit.jpg)


are they mocking the smocking?

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cc1360  No.15070875

File: 3f5742eafd2d0fe⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4272x2434, 2136:1217, Marxism.jpg)



Still the best economist who ever lived.

Learn the truth about Marxism

Leszek Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his CRITIQUE OF MARXISM AS TYRANNICAL in "Main Currents of Marxism":




Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that PROFITS, NOT WAGES IS THE 'ORIGINAL' MONETARY INCOME in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that MARXISM IS A SECULARISED RELIGION:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how MARX ATTACKED HUMAN REASON itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC INHERENT IN MARXISM:



Anon's 2 most important things to know about Marxism

Religious: Marxism is derived from a dialectic in Creatology that imputes to "The One"/"God"/"Geist"/etc an inner DIVISION, an inner 'schism', an inner 'uneasiness', an inner 'conflict', that 'needed' the creation of the empirical universe to make itself whole through the historical process, whereby the path to "wholeness"/"completeness"/"fulfillment"/etc is through a history of good vs. evil until at last there occurs an 'inevitable' cataclysmic apocalypse of maximum depravity, pain, and destruction, after which the 'historical process' will have finally 'worked itself out', and humanity will have finally 'reabsorbed' back with "The One"/"God"/"Geist", and Humanity will itself become permanently fractured and cleaved into two 'species', a demonic global 'elite' controlling the lives of the remainder of the world species.

[This is contrasted with orthodox Judaism/Christianity/Islam that holds the event of Creation was an event of God's Love and Benevolence for his creations (humanity). Imagine the differences that can occur in social relations between a world where people believed HUMANITY is DIVIDED, and a world where people believed HUMANITY is UNITED! THIS is the battle being waged in the plan of 'The Great Reset']

Economic: Marxism is derived from a false description of the origination of money incomes in human civilization. Marx, following Adam Smith, believed that in the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, that the very first monetary incomes earned were wages, and that later on with the introduction of people acting in the capacity of "capitalists", there was a reduction in wages and introduction of profits. This is the conceptual framework of Marx's exploitation theory which is what EVERY Marxist institution depends on and takes for granted as true. The reality is that PROFITS were the first monetary income. In the "early and rude state of society" people made products directly from the material world around them, and sold them as commodities. The monetary incomes earned on the sale of commodities is product sales revenues, not wages. Since there were originally no money costs of production, all of the sales revenues were profit. Then, once people became wealthy enough and saved money for investment, instead of using it to consume right away, money began being used to pay people not for their commodities, which requires land and means of production of their own, but for only their labor. This was the onset of wages. Wages represented a monetary cost to DEDUCT from product sales revenues, which used to be all profit, but was now less than 100% by whatever extent wages were paid.

[Imagine if the world knew the reality that the rise of capitalism was in fact the end of the all profit era and beginning of the wage earning class era, that the rise in capitalism brought about a FALL in profit incomes, not the other way around as per Marx!]

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84fbdb  No.15070876

File: fa06eb1b3f008e1⋯.png (79.67 KB, 840x480, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)


oy vey… calm down.

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8da2f0  No.15070879

File: 0ce1ab4ef665fd2⋯.png (32.59 KB, 170x170, 1:1, lost_something.png)


> I wonder what the next polarizing pejorative will be used to keep the masses divided and distracted from the kingdoms and religions that have them enslaved?

You have understood absolutely nothing so far!

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0be0ed  No.15070880


…and, yes, I know about the OG in that category:

- Subterranean Homesick Blues

Oversight - sorry.

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3b7c5e  No.15070890


Starting with page one, The Declaration of Independence (if anyone has a better idea, thisanon is all eyes and ears), starting with page one, whenever a Government becomes destructive of their charge and exceeds their limitations… it is by right and duty to END [them] and start anew.

(Something like that should be Goto-line-one of the renewed Code (keks)).

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8da2f0  No.15070892

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o


























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fb24b8  No.15070894


>We Didn't Start The Fire

Billy Joel should be forced to write a version of that song but based on the last 5 years

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7e01d8  No.15070895


Go Ask Alice

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fc2b47  No.15070903

>>15066380 LB

>Jackson Sparks, an 8-year-old boy who was marching in the Waukesha Christmas Parade with his baseball team, has died from his injuries.

Any celebrity outrage or condolences for this family?

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37d566  No.15070904

File: f89676abc4a06c4⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 474x346, 237:173, plandemic.jpg)

TEL AVIV, Israel – Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science” and advocating for vaccines now being administered worldwide to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

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b59f79  No.15070906

File: 8090cf18bb192b2⋯.png (640.68 KB, 590x649, 10:11, 19674489a9ad189f8925aa0310….png)

One to go.

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b75656  No.15070907

File: 3c106eb4218a382⋯.png (697.77 KB, 720x867, 240:289, ClipboardImage.png)

Where's all those faggots that were defending that Lin Wood faggot yesterday??

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078734  No.15070908

File: e516b78eba82540⋯.png (38.31 KB, 1200x468, 100:39, Screenshot_2021_11_24_at_0….png)

File: e1602c9a8150761⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 618x340, 309:170, rotnfuckyou.jpg)

…I'd filter me, too.

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bc68ad  No.15070910


>forced to write

kek that anon

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bf090b  No.15070911

File: 76493cec8b0276c⋯.png (180.38 KB, 564x612, 47:51, ClipboardImage.png)

My Twatter


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1bc4f4  No.15070912

File: 59d271087656502⋯.jpg (257.21 KB, 688x710, 344:355, Screenshot_20211124_083722….jpg)

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0e1934  No.15070914

File: b92ec767d540252⋯.png (292.05 KB, 693x390, 231:130, 1b3511e6b09df2dc9cd8c0ff1c….png)


mornin Swordy!

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37d566  No.15070915

File: d759ffa8adf8caf⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 474x296, 237:148, holohoax.jpg)

Dr. Anthony Fauci poses with an award from the March of the Living in a broadcast posted by the Holocaust remembrance group, April 7, 2021.

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3b7c5e  No.15070916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a1d67  No.15070917


Yep, this simple truth eludes the simple minded. They spend their energy in an endless struggle to work within the existing system. When in fact, the existing system needs to be chucked out the window.

I declare we start fresh.

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cc1360  No.15070919

File: c7d9959ff2d6fdf⋯.jpeg (323.99 KB, 750x873, 250:291, c7d9959ff2d6fdfd9650c33db….jpeg)

File: 56ee579a43ed5ea⋯.jpg (170.14 KB, 1180x1172, 295:293, 56ee579a43ed5eaaae618dfedf….jpg)

File: 6aeab228bf406a6⋯.png (168.55 KB, 528x934, 264:467, 12dcfc340f946e3c085a62563b….png)

File: c90f27ec388a479⋯.png (43.41 KB, 1280x621, 1280:621, rev_39.PNG)


Saying 'it's the Jews' misses the mark.

It's the Satanists falsely calling themselves Jews, who Jesus called out in Revelation 3:9.

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294815  No.15070921

File: 307187458fed337⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 400x220, 20:11, MMS44.gif)

what's going on in here

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6cb46e  No.15070922

File: 72eae784b42b9db⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 860x486, 430:243, PUPPET_MASTER_NOT_IMPRESSE….jpg)

File: b110004e4bddac1⋯.jpg (172.38 KB, 1116x544, 279:136, puppet_string_puller.jpg)

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1bc4f4  No.15070923


Lin Wood - Rittenhouse

Distraction. Don't fall for it, anons.

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327d79  No.15070924

File: af43c492aa188e7⋯.png (75.95 KB, 636x773, 636:773, npc_waking.png)

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3ca272  No.15070925

File: 2cbc2efad880d3e⋯.png (706.15 KB, 1395x784, 1395:784, ClipboardImage.png)




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6a1d67  No.15070926

File: be01295d01b4f12⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 247x751, 247:751, FU.jpg)

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8d15d0  No.15070927

Jury is asking to see a video.

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da3bbe  No.15070928


Nice new docuseries called 'Outcry'on Netflix right now about a high school kid accused of molesting two little boys. They go into detail re: the 'false memory' stuff from the McCartin daycare case which was widely 'debunked' - until the CIA released all that stuff about The Finders — probably not many aside from anons read that though.

McMartin Wiki:


I'm sure the timing of this show being on Netflix right now is just coincidence though

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0be0ed  No.15070930


Uh…. is this a trick question?



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78003b  No.15070933

File: 14aa26efd3e1e63⋯.jpg (436.01 KB, 900x1335, 60:89, the_seer_by_alex_grey.jpg)

File: e22dd90c6a3642c⋯.png (567.43 KB, 720x655, 144:131, E5kgERCXoAU6oMB.png)


choice instead of action.

MOCKERY was intent with seriousness to those who pushed.

honor. loyal. humbled. shame.

shameless forced onto oneself.

pun frens fire away

ammo so high i have warehouses yo….


just a fun board game.

RTS being constructed out of all fabrics of LIFE.

sounds good.

real or not.

make them question.

push the process.

observe. constructive criticism. relight.


no just a usefullllll ediot. can't worry about politics.

unless you want to worry about politics we can debate.

save the games for the warriors.






don't black out the sun until you are ready.

roundtables return when verifications are back in order.


Still in research and developement…………..


like hebrew being a quantum computer code

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f8dc91  No.15070934


I understand that religious zealots created the term "PEDO" about 100 years ago and in the last 50 years they have turned it into another cudgel to continue to control the levers of power to further the goals of the elite and to demonize sex leading to further population reductions among the "useless wretches" that eat all the King's food.

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b75656  No.15070935

what is bait?

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6a1d67  No.15070937


All this Kyle / Lin shit is going to turn out to be fake news

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3ea50c  No.15070938

File: 17d2d44db876601⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Smiling.jpg)


It's both, I'm certain.

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2b0b9e  No.15070940


That second clip - kekity kek

Pot meet kettle

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8d15d0  No.15070941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jury coming in now to watch video.


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7f83fe  No.15070942


which hopefully isn't what will happen to us in the next 10 years.

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cc1360  No.15070943

File: e773690cb1d996e⋯.png (33.24 KB, 253x199, 253:199, kiddo.png)

File: 7e3e92c10a8fa5c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2676x3540, 223:295, DemPlaybook2021C.png)


This shill has no clue.

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da3bbe  No.15070946


Someone posted a little vid yesterday of Lin's new security guy, saying he had just returned from changing everything about Lin's security, including the prior team. Some kind of shit has been going down with Lin very recently. Something happened at his home last weekend, according to the guy in the vid. Sorry I'm going by memory - didn't save thr clip

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0be0ed  No.15070948


It's all Judge Chuck Schumer's Sister-In-Law's fault.

She won't let us talk about the Maxwell trial instead.

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b5dd2e  No.15070949

Split bread and shill count high = nice and comfy

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4c4b90  No.15070951

File: 0289936c0b7a199⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2865x1599, 955:533, ClipboardImage.png)


>Still the best economist who ever lived.

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6031c8  No.15070952


This is not a real person. Funny as hell, since we can now meme the hell out of it and respond with the Qanon Map showing all the organizations involved in the real cult.

The Left is fuking stoopid. Every paytriot has a role to play. But anons are anon.

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fb24b8  No.15070954


Alice as in the command center flying around? Or the AI?

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bc68ad  No.15070955


they have called themselves every name in the book

they change their names to hide

they assume any identity they need to

they hold no allegiance but to themselves in the end

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6bc1d3  No.15070957

Who does this clown really answer to?

Howard Stern suggests he should run for president in 2024, claims he would beat Trump's 'a–'

Liberal radio host Howard Stern is so triggered at “fucking morons” who oppose Covid vaccines that he’s now threatening to run for president in order to “clean this fucking mess up.”

During the Tuesday transmission of his SiriusXM radio show, Stern told co-host Robin Quivers he might “have to run” for president so that he can go after anti-vaxxers.

“Believe me, this here is turning into a third-world country because of the fucking morons we have living here,” Howard said. “It’s a sad commentary on my country. This is my country. I’ve got too many morons living here. We could be past a lot of this COVID business.”

Any political strategist will tell you the best way to connect with constituents is by calling them “fucking morons.”

Quivers noted Stern was a champion of free speech in the 90’s, telling him, “You were all about freedom, until the morons got ahold of the place.”

Howard responded, “Now I’m not into freedom. I don’t feel good about what’s going on in my country. I might have to run just to clean this fucking mess up. I could clean it up in two seconds. Just the way [President] Biden got us out of Afghanistan — that quick I’m going to clean things up. Boom! Right away.”

Just two weeks ago, Stern floated the idea of running against Donald Trump in the 2024 election, saying, “I’ll beat his ass. There’s no way I’d lose.”

The SiriusXM radio host is seemingly obsessed with Americans who don’t agree with the establishment narrative on Covid vaccines, recently mocking NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers for suffering a toe injury.

“Now I hear he has a toe injury. When he had the toe injury – did he go to the doctor or did he go to Joe Rogan? Who fixed his toe?” Stern jested. “I bet you he went to a doctor, so he goes to doctors for everything else, but on the vaccine he’s listening to Joe Rogan.”

The remark came a couple of weeks after Howard called Rodgers a “fuckhead” for not taking an experimental Covid jab.

Stern has been extremely hostile to anyone who pushes back against the experimental Covid shot rollout.

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778996  No.15070958

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f46e6b  No.15070960

File: 9ec105b2547b4a8⋯.png (286 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfy.png)


o7 swordy!

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fb24b8  No.15070961



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c24ab1  No.15070962

File: a55f663a8e02734⋯.png (410.73 KB, 967x742, 967:742, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f2588600ec7868⋯.png (465.48 KB, 888x464, 111:58, ClipboardImage.png)


> Maps by Jzikah



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4c4b90  No.15070963

File: d0232fd03350a62⋯.png (449.44 KB, 917x1156, 917:1156, ClipboardImage.png)


How many WTFs in a tweet?

Slice of pizza "Act now to protect your own people, Prime Minister. What do you say to those who think the Clandestine Operational Response Team should go on handing out pizza at public expense? Dough balls." | Writes


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8da2f0  No.15070965


As I said, you have understood absolutely nothing.

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a8eeaf  No.15070966

File: db762fb3ccd17e6⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8accb6aabd0bb4⋯.png (153.75 KB, 425x282, 425:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59503e92e630236⋯.png (698.21 KB, 900x602, 450:301, ClipboardImage.png)


>moar please


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fbc748  No.15070968


He knows who pays him

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3ca272  No.15070969

File: b0adee6b0bdfc87⋯.png (727.59 KB, 1032x670, 516:335, ClipboardImage.png)


Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab Is "Murder" by Dr. Vernon Coleman

"We conclude that the mRNA vaccine dramatically increases inflammation of the endothelium and T-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination."

The endothelium is a layer of cells lining blood vessels and lymphatic vessels – T-cells are a type of white cell.

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6031c8  No.15070970

File: 3ccb4ebd5942360⋯.png (263.14 KB, 564x750, 94:125, ClipboardImage.png)


ZIKA Virus


Looky at the Map showing the infection

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5e7563  No.15070972


God Bless You swordAnon.

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2d7950  No.15070973



shill responding to himself without knowing

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02a3b7  No.15070974

File: 407215390c161f9⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 517x500, 517:500, 5vcloa.jpg)



Anon if you are going to make a meme do it right… Stop being a clown.

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7e01d8  No.15070975


Jefferson Airplane

One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits

And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar

Has given you the call

Call Alice

When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard

Get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice

I think she'll know

When logic and proportion

Have fallen sloppy dead

And the White Knight is talking backwards

And the Red Queen's off with her head

Remember what the Dormouse said

Feed your head

Feed your head

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9395f2  No.15070976

File: e8ff17980d8aee1⋯.png (327.68 KB, 800x430, 80:43, you_POTUS.png)

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fb24b8  No.15070977


Stern - Quivers 4 the Wood Chipper 2024

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97e9ce  No.15070979

File: 4c37837dfdff839⋯.png (132.53 KB, 451x597, 451:597, ClipboardImage.png)

TELL the shill that the men who fought on either side at Hastings' plain cared nothing for national but everything for feudal allegiance; that lex terrae means the local custom of ordeal and not the "law of the land"; tell him that judicium parium means the right of a noble to be judged by nobles, and has nothing to do with the jury system; tell him that Magna Carta was certainly drawn up before the meeting at Runnymede; that not until the Lancastrians did English kings speak English; that Oliver Cromwell owed his position to the enormous wealth of the Williamses, of whom had he not been a cadet, he would never have been known; tell him that the whole force of the Parliament resided in the squires and that the Civil Wars turned England into an oligarchy; tell him the exact truth about the infamy of Churchill; tell him what proportion of Englishmen during the American War were taxed without being represented; tell him what proportion of Washington's troops were of English blood; tell him any one illuminating and true thing about the history of his country, and the novelty will so offend him that a direct insult would have pleased him better.


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8da2f0  No.15070981

File: 33ef995aac6119d⋯.png (73.99 KB, 262x400, 131:200, Lurchi2.png)

File: 7656980ecabc719⋯.png (63.95 KB, 318x291, 106:97, Beep_Beep2.png)


>This shill has no clue.

Unlike you stupid Jew brat, I have been doing research for 20 years.

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37d566  No.15070983

File: ab15f077cde1a93⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 750x1105, 150:221, DQZv0mDUEAA08fh_2.jpg)

File: a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, Organ_theives.jpg)

File: 70d77b27a8d0cb8⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 850x400, 17:8, satanists.jpg)

File: a82f4eaabaff52e⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 1080x499, 1080:499, wake_up_.jpg)

File: b1c135f4828afe8⋯.png (869.64 KB, 781x926, 781:926, Satanic_Jews.png)


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

(John 8:44, Jesus speaking to the Jews)

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3ca272  No.15070984

How to fight the Great Reset Spiritually


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6cb46e  No.15070985

File: 52c3acc065e0963⋯.jpg (202.34 KB, 1152x542, 576:271, ANIMAL_TESTS_DIED.jpg)

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fb24b8  No.15070986


So who the fuck is Alice?

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f46e6b  No.15070987

File: 6e5b89a3e91abd0⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Hillary_suicide_people.jpg)

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0be0ed  No.15070988

File: 1cb8a559fe38b67⋯.jpg (4.28 KB, 187x200, 187:200, GlorkTheCubsFag.jpg)


For the Love of God can someone please shop a Cubs logo on top of my beloved Cardinals there.

I've been shamed enough as it is!

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078734  No.15070989

File: b1567b6081e76d9⋯.png (716.89 KB, 1451x603, 1451:603, askalicesat.png)

File: 98bf92cbc990835⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 578x821, 578:821, illuminati_card_center_for….jpg)

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d8b799  No.15070990

File: de3bdd6ee870760⋯.jpg (187.12 KB, 720x1244, 180:311, 20211124_075013.jpg)

File: 5f781f66296ba5e⋯.jpg (191.66 KB, 443x264, 443:264, 20211124_074936.jpg)


Devil Horns

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c24ab1  No.15070991

File: 0675a2d5f4cf575⋯.png (305.37 KB, 739x590, 739:590, ClipboardImage.png)


> I have been doing research for 20 years

looks like you were top of your class

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6031c8  No.15070992



Howie Boy, you should have just stayed under your Rock. Kekistan has you noted as an enemy of the people.

Sleeping well ? knowing all the little teen girls you've fucked just waiting till after the Ghislaine aka Jizzlane trial to get revenge.

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3ea50c  No.15070993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Charge your phone, anon!

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0b3688  No.15070994

File: e44aea2cee17f45⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1578x951, 526:317, fauxWhatAgainst.png)

File: 8aeb92bb5e40bd7⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1631x952, 233:136, MikeLfaux3.png)


faux sure seems to have something against ANYBODY who talks about Election Fraud, don't they.

PULL your ads, Mike Lindell!

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8da2f0  No.15070995

File: 1c93b65139c3b2a⋯.png (133.61 KB, 392x426, 196:213, Judenkasper.png)

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97e9ce  No.15070996

File: f44f3c7d816634d⋯.png (167.66 KB, 421x450, 421:450, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a3b7  No.15070997

File: fdfc629c8a30a63⋯.jpg (120.04 KB, 718x477, 718:477, 5vad7m.jpg)


66 Million claim has no sauce.

If there is sauce let's see the pictures the mass graves ECT…

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c24ab1  No.15070998

File: 2c7138f5aa5be57⋯.png (329.27 KB, 727x546, 727:546, ClipboardImage.png)



>So who the fuck is Alice?

c'mon man

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3ca272  No.15070999

File: 55a817b305cc6ed⋯.png (4.58 MB, 1431x1858, 1431:1858, Screenshot_2021_11_15_at_1….png)


Who did this?? LMFAO

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2d7950  No.15071000


>Howard responded, “Now I’m not into freedom. I don’t feel good about what’s going on in my country. I might have to run just to clean this fucking mess up. I could clean it up in two seconds. Just the way [President] Biden got us out of Afghanistan — that quick I’m going to clean things up. Boom! Right away.”

He is basically Joy Behar now

He belongs on the View

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b75656  No.15071001


I get so sick of every time I come here, seeing you arguing with someone. You are literally a worthless cunt, you spend all day every day here, contribute jack shit, and do nothing but piss people off. The literal definition of a shill.

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8da2f0  No.15071002


>Devil Horns

He's a fucking Kike!

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fb24b8  No.15071003


EdGheyDan would get his ass beat by anon in the ring. He can eat a dick

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72a740  No.15071004

File: ad2ef63c9744ed9⋯.png (193.52 KB, 400x573, 400:573, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbc748  No.15071005


Black people don't even know who she is.

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dfd2e5  No.15071006

File: 6e264e9fa4ff7f2⋯.jpeg (76.74 KB, 300x417, 100:139, A55009E5_B3B3_45A4_81A6_4….jpeg)

File: 38271052d73e6d6⋯.jpeg (43.69 KB, 272x400, 17:25, A56CE6D2_D7E0_46EE_9F5E_6….jpeg)

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c24ab1  No.15071007


yes officer

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2d7950  No.15071008


from last year

wasn't this a 4chan thing? They got white girls to shave their heads for BLM

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0be0ed  No.15071009

File: a495c3ab0745078⋯.png (264.45 KB, 719x339, 719:339, MozAnon1.png)


I love you, Mozzer!

I've been dreaming of a time when

The English are sick to death of Labour and Tories

And spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell

And denounce this royal line

That still salute him and will salute him forever

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b43c17  No.15071010

File: ec7b1f71319d67b⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6B4AF694_A87E_4DB3_9472_3….jpeg)

Regardless if you like or dislike Linn Wood there is evidence and truth that Linn

1. Did not keep Kyle in jail, it was his criminal defense atty Pierce that messed it up

2. He did not set up the WAPO interview it was Pierce

3. He did not send Kyle to the bar to meet the proud boys, it was Pierce

4. The bail money was bail money, once a defendant is acquitted the money goes back to the bail bondsman or in this case tye foundation. Kyle’s family has no right to claim that money as their own, it was a loan and that all it is. Additionally if Linn lent money to the foundation like Ricky Shroeder did, its a loan and goes back to the person thst loaned it.

The rittenhouses admit they fired Linn because they disagreed with Qanon and election fraud theories.

#1 Evidence, Pierce was tge criminal attorney, Linn was the civil attorney. Linn was only going to represent them in defamation after acquitted. Further lawyer cannot advise on marters outside their speciality. Only a criminal atty could recommend Kyle stay in jail

Listen to interview with Linn explaining what each lawyer was responsible for.


#2 Evidence: Linn was only hired for defamation after Kyle was acqitted, Pierce was hid criminal atty and should have never set up an interview before the trial. Linn spoke with Kyle for 2-3 minutes while he was in jail once, thats it.

#3 Evidence: Rittenhouse said, “That’s a good question. I didn’t know that the OK hand sign was a symbol for white supremacy, just as I didn’t know those people in the bar were Proud Boys. They were set up by my former attorney, who was fired because of that, for putting me in situations like that with people I don’t agree with by having them set up for security without telling us their background. If I had known that they were Proud Boys, I would have said absolutely not.”

=Banfield said, “So, to be clear, which attorney put you in that bar?”==

Rittenhouse said, “John Pierce.”

Banfield asked, “He took you to that bar?”

Rittenhouse said, “He arranged it. He wasn’t there, but he set it up and arranged it.”


#4 Evidence, again listen to the interview above. And look up Bail bondsman and laws on charitable foundations. The foundation leant the bail money, the money has to be returned to the person who loaned the money for bail. The defendant doesnt get to keep regardless of how it was raised. Kyle is naive to think anyone in his circle does not have “a cause” or reason for being involved. Of course Fightback Foundation was helping Kyle charitably but also they were doing the mission of the foundation to fight back against illegal and unjust matters.

There is a lot of other proof that Linn did nothing wrong, had no involvement in his criminal case, and Linn has a right to get back any money he personally loaned and the foundation get back the money they loaned, like every bail money ever given.

Whats fucking surprising to me how money journalists (right wing), politicians, influencers are attacking Linn Wood & believing a 17-18 year old kid actually knows the complete story, and he cant know if hes being lied to by his trusted advisors.

I think the main truth is that his advisors told him to distance himself from Linn because of Q and bevause of election fraud. And Hancock lied about the bail money.

Before yelling at me, do your own research. Dont believe a kid that probably doesn’t know the full story and be wary when Tucker interviews him within hours after the acquittal. I dont know about you, but kyle on that interview was not the kyle from the courtroom, it seemed a scripted narrative and he didnt come off as the innocent kid the country fell in love with. In addition everyone surrounding him now has an agenda (everyone) and its not solely for his protection or guidance. Hancock his spokesman, is sketchy as hell to me, look at thd picture with Trump, him grabbing Kyle’s shoulder like he doesnt want Trump to get close to him, hancock is taking possession of kyle. The sooner he finds out the better. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hancock hired a bunch of navy seals to guard him and were any of them in on the charity fraud he did.

For this reason we should pray for Kyle and family and Dig on Hancock

I dont care if you hate or love Linn, the jury is still out in my mind, but i will choose the benefit of the doubt for Linn. This matter of Kyle’s accusations imo is over.

But be aware there’s a real reason why Linn and Flynn have been relentlessly attacked on the board in the last weeks, and i think I know who they want to take down next!

If you divide and remove all the fighters fighting for Trump and reveal election fraud, then all unity of purpose is over! Dont let this matter divide the board.

Ok have at it anons…

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97e9ce  No.15071011

File: c9b88e1ebf098e0⋯.png (91.52 KB, 639x138, 213:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc36c208e03dd5d⋯.png (81.07 KB, 1100x731, 1100:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f8267912900dc6⋯.png (115.17 KB, 640x364, 160:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a1d67  No.15071012


Boom fucking energy right there

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fb24b8  No.15071013


She be dead. Can’t ask someone who was thrown off a Navy ship at sea

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adbe55  No.15071015




It is also important to note that Hillary had Q clearance in her position in the Obaba Whitehouse.

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a68e17  No.15071016

File: a76a085ba5a1c8c⋯.png (7.61 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, waukeshawlinesstigerking58….png)

>>15068689 (PB)

Thanks to the Anon with the good eyes on the 58th Inauguration KEK

Room for a little bit more now if any Anons spot an extra 58 somewhere

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12201c  No.15071017

File: 360c71bfe18c009⋯.png (15.97 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 05def00c7adef62e4e73889814….png)


seems familiar

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dfd2e5  No.15071018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?

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9395f2  No.15071019

File: 289d6ac846fc882⋯.png (43.37 KB, 598x385, 598:385, ClipboardImage.png)



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f9bbf3  No.15071020


That is how I see it also. A division/distraction to draw the spotlight and everyone's attention from ring one to the other side of the circus tent. The question is why? While everyone is looking at the spotlight what is happening in the shadows?

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f8dc91  No.15071021


I understand that religious based behavioral controls ALWAYS lead to black markets which divide the masses and keep the king and church in power. This is the societal weakness that China is using to control the puppets in power. Until people reject their ridiculous religious programming they will continue to do the bidding of their slavemasters even unto the demise of the human species.

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3ca272  No.15071022

File: 476e56d54479a38⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 2764x3456, 691:864, andrea_de_santis_InI5vjGWQ….jpg)

BV bringing the ballpeen hammer


nice try mom

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a2bd7f  No.15071023

File: 749274dc917c7f8⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 300x455, 60:91, BT.jpg)


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



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b75656  No.15071024

File: 0d95d7ba77ca2ce⋯.png (4.14 MB, 3436x2012, 859:503, swcchat.png)


Who owns COD?


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a2bd7f  No.15071025
























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622465  No.15071026


then stop coming here. problem solved.

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078734  No.15071027


…Always that background subtlety to influence emotion and remove ones self from reason & logic based thought.

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12201c  No.15071028


ty for locking last


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b7a4ac  No.15071029

File: 5d8fb3560267877⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 640x640, 1:1, CLINT_KYLE.mp4)

Glork glork

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7f83fe  No.15071030


Holy shit

that is not a good lookup for her

ugly as sin even with the aid of makeup

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f4ceb8  No.15071032


thanks anon. love and light to (You)

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b75656  No.15071033

File: 13e461e5541638b⋯.png (20.73 KB, 1225x194, 1225:194, ClipboardImage.png)


>problem solved.

Yes it is.

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8ba290  No.15071034



November 22, 2021


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8da2f0  No.15071035


>looks like you were top of your class

The only one who was not indoctrinated and brainwashed!

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fbc748  No.15071036

"at the time, I was confused and shocked. I couldn't understand what the point of it all was "


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327d79  No.15071037


This reminds me, Biden addressed congress. Was note a State of the Union. Wonder what will happen in 2022.

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a68e17  No.15071038

File: a0a63357cb467ee⋯.png (7.62 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, waukeshawlinesstigerking58….png)


Added 58 from Q private board

Mentions Barry by name

Seems to fit with the helicopter departure picture highlighted on Hannity last night.

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12201c  No.15071039

File: 80bc8ab30b35d62⋯.jpeg (679.54 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, R_11_.jpeg)

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3ca272  No.15071040

File: 0d82d3ba6dda533⋯.png (114.43 KB, 319x351, 319:351, 1629676907.png)

I'm juth so thick of you people!


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b7a4ac  No.15071041


Plastic surgeons did a great job covering up her forehead lobotomy scare.

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fb24b8  No.15071042


Just like St Baldricks. Shaving ones head for cancer patients … then walk around feeling and looking like one. It’s psychological warfare that manifests reality through these evil schemes

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4c4b90  No.15071043



>they hold no allegiance but to themselves in the end


>Saying 'it's the Jews' misses the mark.

Even Europa (even though filmaker guy didn't resolve it, b/c he'd spent a gazlillion hours slamming Jews) points out that Jews at the top of the criminal food chain "unleashed" antisemitism on the Jews of Germany to further the cause.

Which just highlights that criminals at the top don't give a shit about who is stepped on….the whining you and I do to our duly elected corruptocrats doesn't fall on deaf ears at all. Rather, they enjoy it. They revel in our misery and draw strength from it. They are like the serial killer / rapist that gets off on the cries and screams of the victim.

Frame it all in that light and you begin to understand the mindset(s) of people like the Clintons, Alaweed, 0blowhole, BigMike etc.

We needn't plead nor negotiate with them. Swift, clean and fair trials with corresponding sentencing that doesn't foresake or pervert our values through cruelty or revenge (that's what they would want - bringing us to their level).

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67281f  No.15071044

Lebron James leaving the Four Seasons Hotel


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f9bbf3  No.15071045

File: 2806e3b403428ea⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Dr_Vernon_Coleman_001.mp4)


here's the vid for that

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6031c8  No.15071046


CorrectionJesus speaking to the Pharisees and Scribes. Same as today Corrupt evil ruling class, They are not the people nor represent them.

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f4ceb8  No.15071047


>Room for a little bit more now if any Anons spot an extra 58 somewhere

>>15070544 (pb)

>>15070584 (pb)

here ya go anon

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b5dd2e  No.15071048


Well said

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4c4b90  No.15071049



( I watched it the other day).

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dfd2e5  No.15071050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3b7c5e  No.15071051


There is no shortage of Article V convention talk… and other people quickly rush in talking about how a Convention can ‘runaway’. I don’t think that has to be the concern. For starters, the premise of such a first convention can simply be a parsing between what IS the lawful (de jure) constitution, vs. what has become (de facto) yet unlawful hundreds of thousands of pages of gobbledygook crap that We common people have gotten tangled in. By that, no new Constitution needs to be written, just cut back all the overgrowth of weeds.

But not talking about a convention anyway…

If anything fresh, a picture book illustrated (for kids AND ignorant adults), meme-ing out the major themes of the Declaration and especially the BoRs… first The Warning, then the Prohibitions placed on ALL public employees.

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44bd49  No.15071052

File: 8fec7c513aba71b⋯.png (390.63 KB, 561x520, 561:520, Goode_shit.png)


Not a single word of this will ever come true.

Like 100% of the rest of it.

Four years you faggot have been at this…

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37d566  No.15071053


Then answered the Jews…

John 8:48

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7936fb  No.15071054

File: 7be445764db5faa⋯.png (1001.3 KB, 684x659, 684:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5618bc2ac851fc6⋯.png (470.19 KB, 461x485, 461:485, ClipboardImage.png)


Albright and Soros related?

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b2984a  No.15071055

A little known cult is at the heart of S.Korea's latest COVID-19 outbreak

SEOUL (Reuters) - A little known sect led by apastor who pokes eyes to healis at the centre of a COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea, as the country reported a new daily record of 4,116 cases and battles a spike in serious cases straining hospitals.

In a tiny rural church in a town of 427 residents in Cheonan city, south of Seoul, at least 241 people linked to the religious community had tested positive for coronavirus, a city official told Reuters on Wednesday.

"We believe the scale of the outbreak is large…," the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a statement.

About 90% of the religious community was unvaccinated and the majority were in close contact through communal living.

Many of the congregation were elderly in their 60s and above and were unvaccinated, the city official said. Just 17 out of the 241 confirmed cases had been vaccinated.

"I believe it's the church's anti-government beliefs that refrained the believers to get the vaccine," the official said, adding that the town was put under a lockdown.

However, the KDCA said it was not possible to determine precisely why such a large number were unvaccinated, as the elderly and people with underlying conditions were not banned from inoculation.

The church opened in the early 1990s and has ever since become larger with communal living facilities of its own.

The religion is not officially registered as a sect, however the ritual act the pastor performs is known as the so called "imposition of hands on eyes", a practice of poking two eyes to rid of secular desire, Jung youn-seok, a head of cult information resources think tank told Reuters.

"Such act is extremely dangerous and nonbiblical. It is an outright ban in Korean Christianity," Jung said, adding that the pastor's mother was a powerful figure and was ousted from Christian community in the 1990s for practicing identical rituals.

Calls to the church from Reuters went unanswered.

The outbreak is a small portion of the national total, but is an example of a cluster with a high concentration of cases.

Shincheonji was a church at the centre of the first major coronavirus epidemic outside China early 2020, with at least 5,227 people linked to its 310,000 followers infected after attending a service in the city of Daegu.


South Korea this month switched to a "living with COVID-19" plan aimed at lifting rigid distancing rules and ultimately reopening after reaching vaccination goals last month.

Since then there has been a sharp rise in cases with a fresh daily record of infections on Tuesday.

Looking at the metropolitan Seoul area alone, the situation is critical enough to impose an emergency plan at any time, Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum told a COVID-19 response meeting on Wednesday.

He called on health authorities to classify the patients accordingly based on the severity of the symptoms and make use of self-treatment options for mild or asymptomatic cases.

Less than 20% were treating themselves at home last week, Kim said.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) had said the emergency plan may be imposed if and when the nationwide ICU bed capacity surpasses 75% or depending on the risk assessment that reviews medical response shortfalls, surge in number of elderly patients and uptake in booster shots.

Hospitals were treating 586 severe COVID-19 patients as of Tuesday midnight, rapidly filling up limited hospital beds for serious and critical cases. More than 85% of them were aged 60 or above, KDCA data showed.

71% of the ICU beds were filled up nationwide and 83.7% in capital Seoul and neighbouring areas alone, Son Young-rae, a senior health ministry official, told a briefing, stressing ministry efforts to secure more beds with administrative order.

Hundreds were still awaiting for their beds.

Despite the increase in hospitalisation rate, the country's mortality rate remains relatively low at 0.79%.

South Korea was one of the first countries to record novel coronavirus cases after it emerged in China in late 2019. It has since had 425,065 infections, with 3,363 deaths.

The country has fully vaccinated 79.1% of its 52 million people, while just 4.1% have been given a booster dose.


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09e632  No.15071056

File: b409ad9e665bbf5⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ZomboMeme_23112021111448.jpg)

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a2bd7f  No.15071057

File: 968bb058b716b6d⋯.jpg (459.16 KB, 1000x901, 1000:901, 23ChaplainPain.jpg)

Mornin' Frens


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3ca272  No.15071058


Didn' do nuffin'


typical fucking attorney LAWYER

they're all fucking LIARS

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079a74  No.15071059


He said, "…weapons grade spike protein…".

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b43c17  No.15071060


Not true

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2605eb  No.15071061

BREAKING! Jury in Albery case asks for two video clips of the shooting to be played, each 3 times, and a portion of the 911 call to be played once. msnbc televised it but did not show the video clips, only the judge and attorneys. cnn showed the actual video clips. There was one man on the ground with a gun. A man standing up in the pickup bed. Arbery ran around the frot of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. Started punching him. He got shot once and kept punching. Kept punching until the third shot ran away about 5 steps and fell to the ground. It looked like he grabbed the gun barrel at one point.

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02a3b7  No.15071062

File: dd2202504ad9fe4⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1080x1581, 360:527, Scrbb.png)

Trump made a fool of himself by having Kyle Rittenhouse at Mar A Lago… Childish behavior.

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3949e8  No.15071063



Whats up Karen…..

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1bc4f4  No.15071064

File: cc0de46d1af55ed⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 281x153, 281:153, Screenshot_20211124_090533….jpg)

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4c4b90  No.15071065

File: 1792a179909c56b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2557x1589, 2557:1589, ClipboardImage.png)

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12201c  No.15071066

File: cc4b718a98565fd⋯.jpg (108.58 KB, 1280x941, 1280:941, message_editor_15555988462….jpg)

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3ca272  No.15071067

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 886x486, 443:243, IF.mp4)

watch this BV you might learn something

rather than sperging like a faggot

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8da2f0  No.15071068


You are too stupid and brainwashed, to talk with you is pointless,sry.

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7f83fe  No.15071069



Those of us who caught the original covid have them as well as those who got jabbed.

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a68e17  No.15071070


I don't see any 58 in Q Post 4

Not making the connection.

Also not sure of the significance of the socket/restaurant sign.

Can you make the connection for this Anon?

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b2984a  No.15071071

File: 82c03ab193e5679⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 322x328, 161:164, HRS.JPG)


They're all starting to look alike

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62e4f9  No.15071072


>I get so sick of every time I come here, seeing you arguing with someone. You are literally a worthless cunt, you spend all day every day here, contribute jack shit, and do nothing but piss people off. The literal definition of a shill.

Mr Pig right?

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c24ab1  No.15071073

File: 07e546017e6b815⋯.png (208.54 KB, 500x651, 500:651, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6fa50  No.15071074


They wanted to try and divert Apophis.


Kamikaze Satellite Could Be Earth's Last Defense Against Asteroid

Chinese researchers have revealed plans to divert the asteroid Apophis which may well collide with Earth in a couple decades by smashing a kamikaze solar sail into it.

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7936fb  No.15071075


Lin is small potatoes in this fight.

why you fighting so hard for him?

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3ca272  No.15071076

DARPA & Peter Daszak Developed The Nanoparticle Bioweapon Dropped On New York City


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26faac  No.15071078


bv just doing his drive by to ban as many people as possible to put this board out of existence

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a2bd7f  No.15071079

File: 323a3dcd03d2657⋯.jpg (171.11 KB, 800x789, 800:789, BT_Champ.jpg)

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2605eb  No.15071080


Interesting. I think the exact opposite. Oh well, I bet we would disagree on most everything.

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0be0ed  No.15071081


ok LinFag

At least the one above made a case for Lin w/o attacking Trump for the dumbest of reasons.

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b7a4ac  No.15071082


I don't get it..

What does that song have to do with the Clint Kyle clip?

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45473a  No.15071083

The dogs are throwing farts at me.

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3ca272  No.15071084

File: 9e9e5a652b20971⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1773x1374, 591:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Funeral Director Confirms The Jabbed Mass Die-Off Has Begun - The Real Meaning Of "Dark Winter"

watched this one twice


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ee0310  No.15071085

File: bb18c84f20b5fcf⋯.png (54.19 KB, 892x289, 892:289, Screenshot_2021_11_24_0809….png)



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44bd49  No.15071086

File: 57d95cfba14d80a⋯.jpeg (24.12 KB, 589x397, 589:397, 57d95cfba14d80aef7e2d88e2….jpeg)

File: b012521069a9237⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 865x452, 865:452, b012521069a92376b317b40a44….jpg)

File: 345f0002b709f88⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 491x446, 491:446, donhillbilljeff.jpg)

File: 3a9879602a4300c⋯.jpg (453.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, EOEpDbOtCevx1bxUzSsGkDHj_9….jpg)

File: 322799180157422⋯.jpg (240.38 KB, 1024x894, 512:447, gettyimages_862753518_1024….jpg)


Ugh haven't you been paying attention, Anon?

He hangs out with much, much worse.

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12201c  No.15071087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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a68e17  No.15071088

File: f8c123448bf4101⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1220x542, 610:271, ClipboardImage.png)



Not seeing the connection. Burger looks good though.

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f4ceb8  No.15071089


>Not making the connection.

apologies anon, not a clockfag here, but the abundance of 58's over last couple breads are interesting

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b7a4ac  No.15071090


Just look at them!

They are all are soulless ghouls.

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3ca272  No.15071091


roastie will fucking lose.

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fab206  No.15071092

File: 2fe0f6ac7ddbf58⋯.mp4 (13.94 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Lin_Wood_Security.mp4)




Could Kyle have been trained by he SEAL father, and then coms interfered with among the ANTIFA / BLM to name Kyle as their target.

He's the perfect bluff since he looks like a rotund small person (acrobats are always best small) , a chld really - so they lured 'em in,

remember when this first happened military people were saying only a SEAL trained for some number of years could do what Kyle did?

Remember he was kicked in the head.

maybe the scum were set up too?

The ex-cons put in that posiition on purpose.

how is kyle a trump supporter and at

the same time thinks the electionwashonest?

And that he, Kyle, can't be associated with Lin since Lin is fighting to correct the steal?

Makes no sense.

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c24ab1  No.15071093



problem solved

i can not debate, just hate

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f8dc91  No.15071094


I took me decades to throw off the brainwashing of a fundamentalist Southern Baptist/Public School upbringing, but it is possible to free your mind, Anon. Everything you've been led to believe is a lie. The Abrahamic religions worship Satan, and do evil to their fellow humans in "his" name.

Wake up.

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2d7950  No.15071095



"By the power of the lord, Cast out your demon

The Lin wood shills are not organic"

said by Lin Wood himself. He also did an air Q pointed at you

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568a8b  No.15071096


They want us devided…

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078734  No.15071097

File: b32350efe12ce46⋯.png (132.9 KB, 383x411, 383:411, ducepoint.png)

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62e4f9  No.15071098

File: 8e95a1a97be5b18⋯.jpg (97.46 KB, 410x265, 82:53, 20200303_100101.jpg)


>Childish behavior.

Damn your sophistication

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2d7950  No.15071099

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f9bbf3  No.15071100


When Trump takes office again we need to put so many wells in the ground we never ever again will need so much as a drop of oil from these people again. And I don't believe we should export any of it either.

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b43c17  No.15071101


Because it dividing the board and people, if you read the last paragraph of my post, it says it all, i’m calling for the protection of Kyle from bad actors

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a68e17  No.15071102


Agree that 58 was the number de jour

Thanks for pointing out those 58's. Won't add them unless someone can point out a connection.

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b7a4ac  No.15071103


Still don't get it..

A drag queen stuffing shit up it's dress.

Never was into Jane's Addiction. More a Doobie Brothers kinda guy.

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2605eb  No.15071104


Just checking anons. Has anyone here seen the referenced post?

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b75656  No.15071105


Oh I forgot to mention that when you get called on your bullshit you cry and play the victim, just like the jew you are.

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6031c8  No.15071106


Nice Analysis.

Everyone needs to focus on every "paytriot" has a role. Kyle disavowing anons or Q was necessary for the self defense to be concluded with prejudice. It also sets the stage to make BLM and ANTIFA continue to look violent and evil based on the videos showing Kyle trying to get them to stand down that he was not there to attack them just protect family property.

This anon makes no judgements on Lin Wood or others until the show is over. Meanwhile Kyle had a nice long phone call with Sandman the other defamed youth. Kyle needs to bring both civil suits against the local sheriff, mayor and governor for not doing their jobs. He will be able to finance that with the defamation lawsuits coming against every big mouthed politician, Actor/Actress and MSM idiot labeling him a murderer or misstating he crossed state lines or carried a weapon illegally. Kid is going to be wealthy and will need it because these people ruined his life.

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9eadbd  No.15071107

File: 30e473224eaf55f⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 659x488, 659:488, 5uz1awedczfze.jpg)

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60b71a  No.15071108


I worked with a woman who recently left a very good job that she has been at for 15+ years. Her reason? Her husband is 4th generation in the funeral business and business is booming, they desperately needed competent help. Big money being made.

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f78248  No.15071109


Soldiers must tolerate protection

-Corona vaccination obligation in the Bundeswehr

Corona vaccination is becoming mandatory for men and women in the German armed forces. They must now tolerate this protection as the first occupational group - with reference to the operational capability.

Soldiers must tolerate corona vaccination. The Defense Ministry has made this vaccination mandatory for the more than 180,000 men and women in the Bundeswehr.

The caretaker defense minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) has decided and instructed this, as a spokesman for the ministry explained on Wednesday.


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0be0ed  No.15071110


kek let's all pray now

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fab206  No.15071111

File: 40232d6032d76c3⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB, 320x240, 4:3, linssecurity.mp4)





Could Kyle have been trained by he SEAL father, and then coms interfered with among the ANTIFA / BLM to name Kyle as their target.

He's the perfect bluff since he looks like a rotund small person (acrobats are always best small) , a chld really - so they lured 'em in,

remember when this first happened military people were saying only a SEAL trained for some number of years could do what Kyle did?

Remember he was kicked in the head.

maybe the scum were set up too?

The ex-cons put in that posiition on purpose.

how is kyle a trump supporter and at

the same time thinks the electionwashonest?

And that he, Kyle, can't be associated with Lin since Lin is fighting to correct the steal?

Makes no sense.

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9e26f4  No.15071112

So basically Trump is not coming back before 2024,if he even runs and wins.

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fb24b8  No.15071113


Ha! They release 2.5 days worth of petroleum as if it will remedy the situation. People are stupid

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fa25fa  No.15071114


Lin getting "his personal" money back sounds reasonable…

I'm just curious as to the money that people donated to Kyle Rittenhouse's whole saga "FUND"…a bit of transparency would go a long way into what side to believe in…

Where did all the money go that was donated to Kyle???…

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e1f119  No.15071115

File: 904cb4279909c18⋯.png (26.34 KB, 677x449, 677:449, ClipboardImage.png)

He gets it.



If We Are To Busy Fighting Amongst Each Other…

We Will Never See The Real Threat That Intends To Enslave All of Us…

Resist Covid-1984…

12:37 AM · Nov 24, 2021·Twitter Web App


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0be0ed  No.15071116


That Anon was trying to say that after they shoplift they're taking it to the streets.

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b7a4ac  No.15071117




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97d637  No.15071119

Keep seeing Granite Reality LLC

GM related so here are a couple others +

Hopely Yearly





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adbe55  No.15071120



I personally would like to see real enforcement clauses for violations.

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62e4f9  No.15071121

File: 1978316a103353c⋯.jpg (135.28 KB, 575x593, 575:593, 20211117_110900.jpg)

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211dc1  No.15071122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b59f79  No.15071123

File: c22421425426fdc⋯.png (52.98 KB, 770x762, 385:381, 29.png)

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0b3688  No.15071124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15068279 (PB)

>Not his dad at all, its Hancock the navy seal who is the family spokesman. At least tge guy on the right, not Trump on the left

THIS was the navy seal who was booted out for inventing "charities" and scamming people in the name of the Navy. Shame there's ZERO legitimate msm who doesn't want to keep this info suppressed!

SAVE this before it's yanked (Did; File's huge, so can't post)


Morning Update 11/13/21: Kyle Rittenhouse Case Leads #TheUneven Into Deep State Expose'''

#DavidHancock #AaronVick #FortressGlobal #FortressMaritime #PuertoRicoGovernment

VID (18:53) https://youtu.be/ij0ACpgS92A


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97e9ce  No.15071125

File: 36b6db29bab316d⋯.png (876.52 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61ea87e36d33553⋯.png (468.39 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8230d3d4494d6bc⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43dfddfcff50c8d⋯.png (174.65 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Something that says "look a me humbly doing good for others " is easily induce imitation, insecure people are always looking for a way to 'be somebody'

people imitate stars and celebrities', we imitate the rich and powerful - we imitate the way our heros talk, the way they dress amnd the things they do. Other than imitating people we consider important we will also do what we see large numbers of others are doing.

We are an extremely imitative species, it's how we learn. It is also a huge cognitive weakness that can be negatively exploited by those who seek to control us.

One example of how our propensity to imitate can be used to harm us is the Blue Whale challenge that uses conditioning and hypnotic induction destroy weak vulnearble teenagers; the "Blue Whale challenge," which uses a series of challenges, guided imagery and music in which the victim is persuaded to kill themselves.

There are many variations of this psyop, it is just a personalized and more focused form of pop culture intended to kill quickly, probably as an experiment


The “Blue Whale Challenge” has received a lot of media attention in India and rest of the world, but it was considered a hype as there was lack of any mention in the medical literature until Balhara et al.[1] reported the first case where they mentioned about an adolescent boy who after downloading an application in his mobile started playing the game. This game was named by its creator, a Russian psychologist, who thought that a person with “no value” should commit suicide as does the whale which “strands” itself. When an individual or a group of marine mammals are washed ashore or in shallow water and cannot return itself, it is known as “stranding” which is believed to cause by disorientation due to naval use of sonars or naturally by earth's magnetic field. Many views “stranding” as a suicidal behavior and this is the basis of the name of the “Blue Whale Challenge.”[2] This game consists of different tasks/challenges which has to be completed within 50 days and is monitored by an administrator. With completion of each task, subsequent task becomes more dangerous and the final challenge is to commit suicide



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b7a4ac  No.15071126


Guess it is okay, so long as it makes sense inside of his head.

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3ea50c  No.15071127

File: 4f19d3d6d99a8d5⋯.jpg (70.66 KB, 503x892, 503:892, Think.JPG)


Well put!

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62e4f9  No.15071128

File: 0ee5da4c5866f29⋯.gif (999.82 KB, 500x320, 25:16, kriss.gif)

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fa25fa  No.15071130

File: 28af714f3af93ac⋯.jpeg (149.2 KB, 750x1005, 50:67, Trump_and_Kyle_at_Mar_a_l….jpeg)

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6031c8  No.15071131


???? You are stoopid. After Biden threatens the kid with the DOJ and calls him a white supremacist. Trump hosting him at Mar-a-Lago for a victory congratulations is pretty smart optics.

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7936fb  No.15071132

If I am Kyle R, innocent for the world to see, and sitting in jail at 17 years old, I don't need a Lin Wood calling me to pray with me, I need him to get me out of jail.

the lawyer says he will pray for you.

it's an actor and pillow maker that act as lawyers to get you out of jail.

see….how odd that is…..I don't want a lawyer for his prayers…i need him for action.

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1910f8  No.15071133

File: 53cd6559e4fbc01⋯.jpeg (98.06 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, 911A8651_C8AD_448A_92E7_8….jpeg)

File: 436f397e4b8983d⋯.jpeg (120.43 KB, 690x410, 69:41, 2213C0D4_52BF_4860_83A2_0….jpeg)

File: 04fa4ce7589e537⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB, 474x710, 237:355, 214E954B_84D4_44BD_BFBD_9….jpeg)

File: f2ffd5e97814eae⋯.jpeg (39.86 KB, 455x683, 455:683, 70CB5D09_2458_45F3_BF1B_0….jpeg)

File: 0d5c157ed44939d⋯.jpeg (35.68 KB, 474x704, 237:352, 0D39C92F_587B_402E_81D0_2….jpeg)



Kamala Shaves Head In Preparation For Meeting With Biden.

WILMINGTON, DE—In preparation for her first campaign strategy meeting with Biden, VP pick Kamala Harris has shaved her head to remove any potential distractions to Joe Biden. This will make her America's first bald female candidate to run for Vice President.

"This election is important, the most important in my lifetime, and the fourth most important in Joe's lifetime," said Harris to the gathered Press outside a prison hair salon where the shaved-head look was completed. "We must remove any potentially unhelpful distractions like my long hair."

Harris will also be slathering foul-smelling garbage juice on her scalp just to keep her head safe from Biden's famously wandering nose. Sources close to Harris confirmed she feels it's a small price to pay for a shot at the presidency.

Political consultants are calling the new look "bold," "brave," and "very shiny." With this new look, Kamala Harris will also employ an innovative new debate strategy and reflect bright stage lights into Mike Pence's eyes to temporarily blind him while he tries to rebut.


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f4ceb8  No.15071134


this was of particular interest



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97e9ce  No.15071135


think that they are also using the in game AI to manipulate players emotional states for marketing boost to in game sales.

It's an incredible MK system, they map the gamers home, pets, chopping medical, work, and they use the data to determined psychological weak point to exploit.

very f'd up.

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7936fb  No.15071137


>Trump made a fool of himself by having Kyle Rittenhouse at Mar A Lago… Childish behavior.

and Lin Wood made a fool out of himself when ,as a lawyer, he 'prays' with Kyle instead of springing him.

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97ad0a  No.15071139


havin a seal dad would explain his perfect shots


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b7a4ac  No.15071140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c3c0e2  No.15071141



>>15070569, >>15070574 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!!

>>15070644 86 stillbirths in fully vaccinated mothers between Jan and July

>>15070662 NASA DART - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Asteroid Impact Mission

>>15070668 Remember what Q said

>>15070741 Post Massacre - Brooks went in a stranger's home for help

>>15070778 Hillary *Cough (Vid)

>>15070561 Tune in when you can http://radio.garden/

>>15070864 Murderer Cuomo's 4am talking point: "Supremacist vigilante"

>>15070875 Learn the truth about Marxism

>>15070904 Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science”

>>15070941, >>15071061 Jury deliberates in trial for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery

>>15071010 Anon opine on Rittenhouse and Linwood

>>15071024 MapFag - Who owns COD?

>>15071038 Qlockfag chimes in with - Added 58 from Q private board

>>15071045 Dr. Vernon Coleman Calling out Vaccines (VID)

>>15071084 The Real Meaning Of "Dark Winter"?

>>15071115 Resist Covid-1984

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1910f8  No.15071142

File: 7b492d20e25308d⋯.jpeg (59.34 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 5D79527D_93D3_474E_A075_8….jpeg)

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f4ceb8  No.15071145

File: b7857fa7edad2bf⋯.mp4 (13.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Digital_Transition.mp4)



>this was of particular interest

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65990a  No.15071146

File: 49bb8b9f5b26029⋯.png (771.49 KB, 1024x814, 512:407, 8meme_He_Will_Not_Divide_U….png)

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fb24b8  No.15071147


It’s time for America to be ‘selfish’ for a bit. Fuck everyone until further notice.

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c3c0e2  No.15071151

Im telling you anons since I have switched to a more stable IP for kun I have saved over 17% of my insanity.


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45473a  No.15071152

File: 3096e167bd64f31⋯.jpeg (42.32 KB, 1195x623, 1195:623, 10ABF85E_4BCD_451D_8231_6….jpeg)

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b43c17  No.15071153


Good statement, Kyle also needs to become aware of those sround him using him for personal vendettas they have.

I’m glad Kyle and Mom visited Trump because if its true Sandman is an anti Trumper at this point it means Kyle hasnt. Kyle will have a lot of people trying to convince and control him, to turn against Trump.

Sandman taking a job with McConnell was a mistake, but they did it on purpose

The very fact that Kyle denounces election fraud is proof of his naivete

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97ad0a  No.15071154


just like here on QR

schozzengruben and all

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b7a4ac  No.15071155

File: 30c8b1d2abda1cc⋯.png (855.92 KB, 968x919, 968:919, ClipboardImage.png)

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1910f8  No.15071156

File: 70272ebba8e52dd⋯.jpeg (249.07 KB, 1835x910, 367:182, 16704DE0_868C_4EEB_BF8C_2….jpeg)

Angela Merkin related to Hitler’s moustache

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b75656  No.15071157

Nick Sandman - Fired Lin Wood

Kyle Rittenhouse - Fired Lin Wood

Other Lawyers - Lin Wood is a Grifting faggot

Kyle Rittenhouse - Lin Wood tried to keep me in jail

High IQ Anons - Lin Wood has tried to model his entire personality on a rip-off version of PDJT, and rode the Q wave to fame, while making everyone he's associated look like shit because he writes checks he can't cash.

Q research shills - Lin Wood is based, ETheFriend is not a larp, B is the contiuation of Q, JFK Jr is alive.

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b43c17  No.15071160


Its money to a charitable foundation they dont get to take it back unless they did it at a loan as Ricky Shroeder did.

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0be0ed  No.15071161


>.I don't want a lawyer for his prayers

Prior to this brouhaha that's what set off my Charlatan Radar when it comes to Lin.

Yeah, I get that he's Born Again.

But, he invokes the scripture/prayer lines (especially when cornered) way too much to the point of seeming phoney about it.

And, unlike Mike Lindell, he has way too much malice to go alongside that in his posts.

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b7a4ac  No.15071162

File: f65787b2c022ade⋯.png (997.5 KB, 1203x711, 401:237, ClipboardImage.png)


easy to spot

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323f1d  No.15071163

File: 117b2c74ea1ec16⋯.png (370.6 KB, 548x372, 137:93, Screen_Shot_2021_07_10_at_….png)



This is what passes for bravery among celebs

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fb24b8  No.15071164


Anon has solved the problem. Stop caring about Kyle and Lin altogether. Boom. Problem solved. Anon could care less about either of em

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f46e6b  No.15071165


ty clockfag

This is nice!

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97ad0a  No.15071166

kenosha waukesha will be the ground zero for FOIA on FBI FF ops?

drones here drones there?

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60a593  No.15071168

File: 20770278631033c⋯.jpg (79.91 KB, 643x482, 643:482, hilterlongassmovie.jpg)

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b75656  No.15071169

File: 738cf9fca6cde15⋯.png (570.08 KB, 1057x685, 1057:685, ClipboardImage.png)



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97ad0a  No.15071170


plus deadmacafeelarp

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c3c0e2  No.15071172

anon seeing a lot of reference to 58 it the past few days


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.


Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.


>No signature


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b75656  No.15071173


>plus deadmacafeelarp

Oh fuck, thanks for reminding me

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8da2f0  No.15071174


>I took me decades to throw off the brainwashing of a fundamentalist Southern Baptist/Public School upbringing, but it is possible to free your mind, Anon.

They didn't manage to indoctrinate me in kindergarten or school. I have been a rebel since I was 4 years old. What are you trying to tell me?

>Everything you've been led to believe is a lie.

I know!

>The Abrahamic religions worship Satan, and do evil to their fellow humans in "his" name.

This is well known to me, Talmud, Bible and Koran were all made by the filthy Jews the children of the devil!

>Wake up.

I am!

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97e9ce  No.15071175

File: 8fb7cd4c6a02078⋯.png (297 KB, 450x561, 150:187, ClipboardImage.png)

NPCs are painting the tips of their noses red in huge numbers for " Fesitvus" the cultist Christmas alternative, to support the new Pfizer boosters and president Joe Biden.

Already this craze is catching on.

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b43c17  No.15071176


Listen to Linns interview he explains what happened to the money. The foundation loaned $600,000 out of their own funds, linn said it was everything they had. The money will be used for other causes of #Fightback, thats how it works

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97ad0a  No.15071177

wrt powell giuliani linwood pearce

they are all attorneys

every attorney is an agent of a foriegn power, not America First, ever.

all you need to know.

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b7a4ac  No.15071178

File: d045f0055501c46⋯.png (405.04 KB, 651x624, 217:208, ClipboardImage.png)

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45473a  No.15071179


2A LOUD AND CLEAR, faggot.

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211dc1  No.15071180

File: a513599f2ce0ab8⋯.jpeg (173.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smokem44.jpeg)


Bidan White House

"WH Tapping Into Strategic Reserve To Fight High Fuel Costs."




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323f1d  No.15071181

File: 0d828d4b6a64dd4⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 500x333, 500:333, jamie_dimon_jp_morgan_chin….jpg)

JP Morgan CEO apologizes to the CCP

“I regret and should not have made that comment,” Dimon said in a statement from the bank Wednesday.

“I was trying to emphasize the strength and longevity of our company.”


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97e9ce  No.15071182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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60b71a  No.15071183


..a frequent guest years ago at Epstein's Manhattan pad where he was Brownstoned…very shortly after came the insanely lucrative satellite radio contract.

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97ad0a  No.15071184



even wthout expanding graphic

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402b1d  No.15071186

File: 0332279c985b69b⋯.png (139.79 KB, 333x219, 111:73, hillary_smoking_crack.PNG)

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fb24b8  No.15071187


>I have been a rebel since I was 4 years old

Kek! Anon would get a pass from math and study hall teacher to go to PE instead all the time. Anon would have three PE classes a day Kek. Sports, sports, English, lunch, sports, Science, history. Boom

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c3c0e2  No.15071188


>Alice & Wonderland.

hmm not alice IN wonderland

Wonderland = Terremar

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3b7c5e  No.15071189


Funny you mention that… i too can’t recall any particular passages the Founders suggested in HOW to go about dealing with the ‘petty’ transgressions which come up first before we get to a situation like we have now. Treason is a death penalty (if only by eventual bloody unrest), but MOST public employees begin with small steps first. THAT is what needs some clarification to nip shit in the bud.

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a68e17  No.15071190

File: a081075242b8f5d⋯.png (7.72 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, waukeshawlinesstigerking58….png)



Made the cut.

Not sure of the significance but seemed spoopy enough to matter.

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f8dc91  No.15071191


Kyle Rittenhouse, Vaccines, and Pedophilia all have one thing in common. They are irrelevant tropes to keep the brainwahsed masses divided and fighting each other instead of attacking the evil machine that creates the nonsense.

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09e632  No.15071192


Enlightened, evolved men roast their own coffee. It's a subtle process that cannot be rushed. The beans crack when they are ready and you have to be in tune.


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0be0ed  No.15071193


Ayo hol up.

Lin has LARPwood connections, too?

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c3c0e2  No.15071194

>>15071188 Im starting to wonder if Ghislaine is not Alice.

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d8b799  No.15071195

File: b6c65a9343de0c7⋯.jpg (252.34 KB, 902x1509, 902:1509, 20211124_082605.jpg)


Shit anons ,look at this.

Trailer here


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d8b799  No.15071196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f83fe  No.15071197


Think we, as anons, are participating in it as well.

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c3f6b5  No.15071198


Does this mean when PDJT mentions warp speed he’s discussing the prevention of sleeper cells ability to add 3rd party chemicals to the vatccines after they leave production. Prevention of mass murder.

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402b1d  No.15071199

File: df937ebf5cef08f⋯.png (119 KB, 497x273, 71:39, ron_paul_its_happening.PNG)

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fa25fa  No.15071200


Well, I'm curious as to asking the public to donate to a "certain" person and then putting the money that was donated into a general fund…sounds a bit like what the Democrats do all the time to launder their money…

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344773  No.15071201


Good morning

Stabs the Air.

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8da2f0  No.15071202

File: ac33f8c51ed4eb0⋯.png (240.02 KB, 592x476, 148:119, Judenvogel.png)

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402b1d  No.15071203


give it up, lin

no one believes ur big bag of bullshit

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fb24b8  No.15071204


Exactly. Anon doesn’t care about Kyle one fucking bit. Don’t care at all. Glad the public shitshow fake trial was televised for a “win” but who gives a fuck. Anon knows the jab narrative is hogwash but wouldn’t care if everyone died from it. Don’t care

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6031c8  No.15071205

File: f6536c86bb0aea1⋯.png (263.62 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03d9ad45b8df456⋯.png (1.43 MB, ClipboardImage.png)


Well she is the daughter of: Bill de Blasio (/dɪˈblɑːzioʊ/; born Warren Wilhelm Jr., May 8, 1961; later Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm)

Wait look, kid was probably raped and abused by Daddy, especially since mommy is a lesbian

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97e9ce  No.15071206

File: d81b4594331fa69⋯.png (2.61 MB, 995.png)



This Festivus show those Trumpers you support science based reality, Join Chrissy Tidybowl and thousands of athletes and celebs !


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6031c8  No.15071207

File: f6536c86bb0aea1⋯.png (263.62 KB, 415x276, 415:276, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03d9ad45b8df456⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Well she is the daughter of: Bill de Blasio (/dɪˈblɑːzioʊ/; born Warren Wilhelm Jr., May 8, 1961; later Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm)

Wait look, kid was probably raped and abused by Daddy, especially since mommy is a lesbian

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a68e17  No.15071208

File: fd0182ee53f6498⋯.png (387.49 KB, 942x564, 157:94, ClipboardImage.png)




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d9d2a6  No.15071209

File: 5f7ea36124e779d⋯.png (453.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



>That second clip - kekity kek

>Pot meet kettle

Ain't no lie!

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8da2f0  No.15071210

File: f435ab4a1300820⋯.png (116.57 KB, 507x359, 507:359, oy_vey.png)

>>15071187 JUDE

I am terribly sorry that I do not speak the language of the occupiers flawlessly.

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fab206  No.15071211

File: ff3e986d02782f9⋯.jpg (790.04 KB, 2112x1124, 528:281, philosophybenefitsof1.jpg)


sorry for the double post.

Philosophy ( Love of Wisdom) is its own reward.

Who has the motive to cover up the truth?

and Why?

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dfd2e5  No.15071212

File: 606b69f85deb0b7⋯.jpeg (325.35 KB, 750x962, 375:481, 042C58FE_28DB_4691_81AC_F….jpeg)

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402b1d  No.15071213

File: 985333a18673d24⋯.png (1.01 MB, 915x458, 915:458, crickets.PNG)

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0be0ed  No.15071215


Same head-scratching on my end about that as well, BRT Anon.

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0249f1  No.15071216

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 255x254, 255:254, HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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12201c  No.15071217

File: 7bac7e1d7211d39⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1331x741, 1331:741, 24NOV21_5.PNG)

File: 3f537287d7d8107⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1282x732, 641:366, 24NOV21_6.PNG)

File: 92351a27a5406d0⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1334x734, 667:367, 24NOV21_7.PNG)

File: a46fc13ea61c457⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1286x736, 643:368, 24NOV21_8.PNG)



Discussing Vaxx Etiquette during the holidays.


Possible 58 since ya'll looking


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1910f8  No.15071218

File: 4d9d25d927b63bb⋯.jpeg (100.77 KB, 787x1200, 787:1200, 81DF27D2_9749_4189_9AF6_4….jpeg)

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e1f119  No.15071219

File: eae8ba66c05dfae⋯.png (288.25 KB, 677x663, 677:663, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS book out.

Donald Trump Jr.


Now available on Amazon! Our Journey Together: Donald J. Trump: 9781735503721:


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97e9ce  No.15071221

File: d81b4594331fa69⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 995.png)



This Festivus let's show those snot-eating Trumpers we support logic, reason and science based reality,

Join Chrissy Tidybowl and thousands of athletes and celebs !


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0be0ed  No.15071223


I see a pill and I want it painted black.

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f1979c  No.15071225

File: c9a36bd1d7d78e2⋯.png (161.57 KB, 480x563, 480:563, Capture_2021_11_23_18_43_5….png)

File: 87aae45c79a8317⋯.png (81.98 KB, 1286x590, 643:295, 534.png)

File: c67b0891e11d557⋯.png (42.05 KB, 1286x326, 643:163, 3872.png)


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b43c17  No.15071227


I need help from anons digging on “David Hancock navy seal as spokesman of rittenhouses. Sketchy as heck

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9e9086  No.15071228


She left out the entire Galactic Federation

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f1979c  No.15071229

File: 9deb3de4a6e6061⋯.png (29.3 KB, 446x377, 446:377, Capture_2021_11_24_09_28_4….png)

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b75656  No.15071231


>Well, I'm curious as to asking the public to donate to a "certain" person and then putting the money that was donated into a general fund…sounds a bit like what the Democrats do all the time to launder their money…


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fb24b8  No.15071233


Nah. Just a hangover. Didn’t drink for over a week and had a few lagers last night while playing billiards

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02a3b7  No.15071235

File: 2ad4560c759672d⋯.jpg (61.15 KB, 493x399, 493:399, bvti_1.jpg)

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91d80a  No.15071236



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402b1d  No.15071237

File: 46d468518b39246⋯.png (385.52 KB, 450x460, 45:46, alex_soros_albright.PNG)

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323f1d  No.15071238

File: 19743f641c92dd8⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 386x500, 193:250, r8pkhxhkzjhga4kq5m58.jpg)

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12201c  No.15071239

File: a46fc13ea61c457⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1286x736, 643:368, 24NOV21_8.PNG)


possible 58 for those tracking


capped 103424NOV21ET

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249a28  No.15071240


HRC = Alice

SA = Wonderland


Re_read drops re: SA

Have faith.

For God & Country.


Spider web.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).

This is staged and deliberate.

Snow White

Godfather lll


Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).






Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia.


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.


SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

Alice & Wonderland.


Alice & Wonderland

Alice (Lewis Carroll) =

The Bloody Wonderland =


How could this be discovered?

What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'?

It's a name recognized around the world.

Alice & Wonderland.


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d8b799  No.15071241

File: afdaa2dc49ced0a⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 720x699, 240:233, 20211124_083612.jpg)

Video upload date November 18th

Waukesha parade November 21st




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b2984a  No.15071242


I believe Prince Andrew was the catapult for Maxwell. Knowing the thrown is evil beyond evil, it would be fitting she worked for them.

How Prince Andrew helped Ghislaine Maxwell into New York high society


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0249f1  No.15071243


blah blah blah

blah blah

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f4ceb8  No.15071244

File: 82e177f5fbd9eb3⋯.jpg (232.31 KB, 1200x611, 1200:611, wea.jpg)




>this was of particular interest

>asked anon why?

image was response

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84fbdb  No.15071245

File: 715f46b4585ef8d⋯.png (249.91 KB, 400x384, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)



Someday, when Saint Lin is President, you sir, shall rue this day.

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c3c0e2  No.15071246

File: 48aa697a7c27637⋯.png (970.46 KB, 1008x833, 144:119, 1637710243727.png)

File: 5520ec4dcf778ae⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 4068x1276, 1017:319, 1637710197963.jpg)

File: 4c973a779ded637⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 1920x3437, 1920:3437, 1637703896152.jpg)

File: dc625cc4a303b25⋯.png (649.83 KB, 506x629, 506:629, 1637703384015.png)

File: 87f7272ed76f8fc⋯.png (96.06 KB, 516x713, 516:713, 1637702947085.png)






-Hillary Coughing


>please resume and this photochopped image

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fbc748  No.15071247


That's why you should never stop.

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fab206  No.15071248

File: ff3e986d02782f9⋯.jpg (790.04 KB, 2112x1124, 528:281, philosophybenefitsof1.jpg)

File: 5734fab9e3137dd⋯.jpg (209.1 KB, 683x1200, 683:1200, plotinuspletonplato1.jpg)


sorry for the double post.

Philosophy ( Love of Wisdom) is its own reward.

Who has the motive to cover up the truth?

and Why?

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2c9557  No.15071249

>>15069567 (lb)

Yes, the 5th column is the most dangerous. Same as here in the US. Very glad to see India facing the threats straight up, making significant arms purchases. CCP must be defeated everywhere; they are a bane on the entire world. Especially dangerous now, as their fraudulent economic/financial plan is unraveling rapidly. They will not go down without kinetic war. Got to beat them sometime.

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60a593  No.15071250

File: 4be48624027ea24⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, burnit.png)

File: ef5b1605d807f62⋯.jpeg (560.05 KB, 1125x900, 5:4, phoenix.jpeg)

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fab206  No.15071251

File: ff3e986d02782f9⋯.jpg (790.04 KB, 2112x1124, 528:281, philosophybenefitsof1.jpg)

File: 5734fab9e3137dd⋯.jpg (209.1 KB, 683x1200, 683:1200, plotinuspletonplato1.jpg)


Philosophy ( Love of Wisdom) is its own reward.

Who has the motive to cover up the truth?

and Why?

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b75656  No.15071252


>Someday, when Saint Lin is President, you sir, shall rue this day.

This would be funny if it wasn't exactly what Lin Wood was aiming for.

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02a3b7  No.15071253

File: 2ad4560c759672d⋯.jpg (61.15 KB, 493x399, 493:399, bvti_1.jpg)



Alex Soros the BLM black Boner consultant.

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b43c17  No.15071254


He takes pictures with 1,000s of people. Trump is supporting Kyle he stood up for 2A and the right if self defense. If you are ashamed of Potus why are you here?

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a7c42d  No.15071255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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402b1d  No.15071256


he disavowed "qanon," not Q research

he disavowed lin wood, not patriots

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323f1d  No.15071257

File: 40283b9fac99ca6⋯.png (801.47 KB, 1416x802, 708:401, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)

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8da2f0  No.15071258

File: e8873cb00fc6165⋯.png (1.22 MB, 719x862, 719:862, e8873cb00fc61651ba91094789….png)

File: 9d9e07e07507d14⋯.png (420.69 KB, 1280x1058, 640:529, covid_and_Kikes.png)

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b40730  No.15071259

File: 009e1856c3ac7b5⋯.png (377.02 KB, 306x472, 153:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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16dbc2  No.15071260

'Track down' and punish sources of COVID 'disinformation,' urges top health official

Published November 23, 2021

Francis Collins, the chief of the National Institutes of Health, has told National Public Radio in an interview that he wants to "track down" and deliver "justice" to those he thinks have distributed "disinformation" about COVID-19.

"I'm still worried about where we are," he said. "…the thing that worries me most is the way in which misinformation and, frankly, disinformation has become so prominent in the face of a public health crisis. And it has been manipulated in some situations for political reasons in a fashion that is turning our culture wars into something really serious."

He continued, "We probably lost 100,000 people to COVID-19 who were unvaccinated because they had information that told them that this wasn't something that would be safe for them. And that's heartbreaking. And it is kind of a breakdown, it seems to me, in our society of the ability to distinguish opinions from truth. And if we've lost that ability, if we can't sort through the evidence and understand what's real and true, then I worry about all kinds of other challenges that lie ahead for us."

He suggested punishment for those deemed to have disagreed with the government propaganda on the issue.

"And I think those who are intentionally spreading this kind of information that they know to be false for some political or personal reasons, I really think they are the ones that we ought to be trying to track down and figure out, why are you doing this? And isn't there some kind of justice for this kind of action? Isn't this like yelling fire in a crowded theater? Are you really allowed to do that without some consequences?"


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8da2f0  No.15071261

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b75656  No.15071262

File: 54acee459ec0fd3⋯.png (474.62 KB, 455x800, 91:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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1910f8  No.15071263

File: daa65bd96bd8a19⋯.jpeg (141.2 KB, 1000x1155, 200:231, 950D589E_4184_4C11_B9E0_8….jpeg)

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b2984a  No.15071264




There is no Qanon.


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0249f1  No.15071265

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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3ea50c  No.15071266


One of the greatest episodes in cartoon history.

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f1979c  No.15071267


Try running your script with South America instead of Saudi Arabia. Disinformation could be a common theme. Think Portuguese. .. JK


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0be0ed  No.15071268

File: 0aef12c5a967986⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 486x296, 243:148, Lin_Believe.jpg)


kek duly noted

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16dbc2  No.15071269

File: 8f470f3b3f7eb6b⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 722x547, 722:547, pointing.jpg)

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60a593  No.15071271

File: 4be48624027ea24⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, burnit.png)





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02a3b7  No.15071272

File: 5c2df002839fb3b⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 500x721, 500:721, Clicker_1_1.jpg)

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c3c0e2  No.15071273




>>15070569, >>15070574 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!!

>>15070644 86 stillbirths in fully vaccinated mothers between Jan and July

>>15070662 NASA DART - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Asteroid Impact Mission

>>15070668 Remember what Q said

>>15070741 Post Massacre - Brooks went in a stranger's home for help

>>15070778 Hillary *Cough (Vid)

>>15070561 Tune in when you can http://radio.garden/

>>15070864 Murderer Cuomo's 4am talking point: "Supremacist vigilante"

>>15070875 Learn the truth about Marxism

>>15070904 Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science”

>>15070941, >>15071061 Jury deliberates in trial for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery

>>15071010 Anon opine on Rittenhouse and Linwood

>>15071024 MapFag - Who owns COD?

>>15071038 Qlockfag chimes in with - Added 58 from Q private board

>>15071045 Dr. Vernon Coleman Calling out Vaccines (VID)

>>15071084 The Real Meaning Of "Dark Winter"?

>>15071115 Resist Covid-1984

>>15071172 Seeing a lot of reference to 58 it the past few days

>>15071219 POTUS book out. @DonaldJTrumpJr Now available on Amazon! Our Journey Together:

>>15071242 How Prince Andrew helped Ghislaine Maxwell into New York high society

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0be0ed  No.15071274



Just taking a break from watching the trial and reading all the news coming from it.

Wait wut?

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60a593  No.15071275

Is Rittenhouse a crisis actor?

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1910f8  No.15071276

File: a11e02dba2f0fb7⋯.jpeg (77.49 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, 1C923676_37CB_4DB4_A274_5….jpeg)


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6cb46e  No.15071277

File: 79dcd4534c37c18⋯.jpg (149.44 KB, 814x678, 407:339, FAUCI_VACCINE_DEADLY.jpg)

File: fa38270e37e6a13⋯.jpg (164.32 KB, 810x540, 3:2, NIH_website_search_nurembu….jpg)


YUP… hang those responsible for bullshit.

The sooner the better.

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aa8282  No.15071278

File: d5f51eb21c14619⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20211124_104542.png)

File: 3d4457f07d6409e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20211124_104456.png)

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3ea50c  No.15071279

File: f7d31d5eeea6408⋯.png (159.82 KB, 853x261, 853:261, ClipboardImage.png)


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323f1d  No.15071280

File: fb6e6a083a69e19⋯.png (4.4 MB, 2396x1194, 1198:597, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)

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b43c17  No.15071281


Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on Linn are coordinated to take him out, he embarrassed the DS and the DS doesnt want the proof of what he knows to come out

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b7a4ac  No.15071282


That many bald heads, it was the first thing that came to mind. Can almost hear the music even. kek

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323f1d  No.15071283

File: 975f168b48d236b⋯.png (371.8 KB, 568x360, 71:45, Screen_Shot_2021_11_22_at_….png)

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8d15d0  No.15071284

Didn't I see on a post on here that Trump sent Lin a picture or note (can't remember off hand), but I do remember he mentioned he received in June. Was that June of 2021? Anyone know?

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0249f1  No.15071285


Good God!

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8da2f0  No.15071286

File: e560a0d61502a2c⋯.png (226.89 KB, 484x481, 484:481, Children_of_the_Rainbow.png)

File: e3cea8fc0b4e42c⋯.png (719.99 KB, 618x743, 618:743, e3cea8fc0b4e42c938f6c7648d….png)

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9e9086  No.15071288

File: 3a3e6dc6b5b8809⋯.png (213.91 KB, 499x288, 499:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1979c  No.15071289


I'm just making the best of the hand he delta me.


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b40730  No.15071290

File: bc31b8d51c75406⋯.jpeg (24.27 KB, 256x227, 256:227, bc31b8d51c754067f9b82e64b….jpeg)




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249a28  No.15071291


No script, Anon. Old-fashioned search, read, copy, and paste. (Something that passes as work in today's workplace). Trying to help someone interested in Q's 'Alice'. Obrigado.

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e29b8d  No.15071292

File: b8357f79b656b06⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 768x438, 128:73, a560e029873f4eb715eedd8c7f….jpg)

anyone else find it odd that Trump left $85 billion worth of military equipment in Afghanistan with only 2500 troops deployed in Jan 2021?

anyone else find it odd that Trump freed the current leader of Afghanistan "Abdul Ghani Baradar" in 2018 from a Pakistani prison.


Abdul Ghani Baradar[a] (born 29 September 1963 or c. 1968) is an Afghan political and religious leader who is currently the acting first deputy prime minister alongside Abdul Salam Hanafi and Abdul Kabir, of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He is also a co-founder of the Taliban. He is known by the honorific Mullah.

He held senior positions in the Taliban during their rule from 1996 to 2001. After the Taliban government fell to the US-led invasion in 2001, he rose to lead the organization's Quetta Shura in Pakistan, becoming the de facto leader of the Taliban. He was imprisoned by Pakistan in 2010, possibly because he had been discussing a peace deal with the Afghan government secretly, without the involvement of Pakistan. He was released in 2018 at the request of the United States and was subsequently appointed a deputy leader of the Taliban and head of their political office in Qatar.

Almonds tell me there's more to this than meets the eye.

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3b7c5e  No.15071293


If Trump is ‘using’ such language and doing such things, that would be great. I hope so, however until he explains it himself I won’t be taking any chances with His Vax.

Not sure that damage of the last two years can be reversed with anything but SMOD. For a four year old, they have spent half their life in a psychologically damaging face mask… and lots of those children and their parents have been conditioned to accept anything injected under their skin. Not good at all.

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a8eeaf  No.15071294

File: f7c84e6ac17a501⋯.png (483.99 KB, 700x401, 700:401, ubi_soft_SOROS_BLIZZARD_AC….png)




from an earlier digg

Inside Blizzard Developers’ Infamous Bill ‘Cosby Suite’

Booze, sexual remarks, and a giant portrait of Cosby are all at the center of Activision lawsuit

By Ethan Gach Yesterday { July 28 } 2:05 PM

{ excerpts }:

Former World of Warcraft developer Alex Afrasiabi and other current and former Blizzard developers

allegedly posing with a portrait of Bill Cosby at BlizzCon 2013.Screenshot: Kotaku

Since news broke last week of widespread allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination at Activision Blizzard

via a legal complaint from the state of California, many top male developers there, both current and former, have responded with shock and dismay.

But while many claim they weren’t aware of the problematic “frat boy culture” leading to accusations of sexual harassment and assault at the hands of male Blizzard employees, comments and images shared on social media paint a different picture.

Based on photographs and screenshots of Facebook posts obtained by Kotaku, it’s clear that people beyond Alex Afrasiabi

—the man named in the lawsuit, and a long-time World of Warcraft developer

—were aware of the “Cosby Suite” mentioned in the lawsuit.

That was apparently a nickname for Afrasiabi’s BlizzCon 2013 hotel room, and seemingly a reference to the name of previously convicted rapist Bill Cosby.


July 28, 2021 | By Bryant Francis


2:30 PM · Jul 28, 2021 · Sprout Social

Solidarity and tension on display during employee walkout at Blizzard HQ

July 28, 2021 | By Bryant Francis

Today Activision Blizzard employees gathered in front of Blizzard Entertainment’s headquarters in Irvine, CA.

The gathered employees had returned to their offices not to resume work after the pandemic,

but to protest the company’s response to a lawsuit filed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

Dozens of employees gathered alongside Blizzard’s gates, voicing anger at the company’s dismissal last week

that the State of California’s lawsuit was “meritless.”






Ubisoft staff back Activision Blizzard protests, decry 'ingrained culture of abusive behavior'

July 29, 2021 | By Chris Kerr

Ubisoft employees have voiced their support for protesting Activision Blizzard developers and called for more accountability

and action to combat "a widespread and deeply ingrained culture of abusive behavior" within the games industry.

As reported by Axios, almost 500 current and former Ubisoft workers signed a letter criticizing the Assassin's Creed publisher,

Activision Blizzard, and other industry-leading companies for allowing toxicity to take root and flourish through seemingly

willful inaction.

The letter was released as Activision Blizzard employees staged a walkout at Blizzard Entertainment's headquarters in Irvine, CA, to voice their anger at the company's dismissive response to a lawsuit filed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.


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323f1d  No.15071295

File: 2d1a4e591ef121b⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1700x1244, 425:311, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)

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c3c0e2  No.15071296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9e9086  No.15071297

File: 155d9e8885cd2d5⋯.png (269.27 KB, 563x648, 563:648, ClipboardImage.png)

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fab206  No.15071298

File: a2d5e9c44d1b52e⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 560x210, 8:3, alex_jones_bill_hicks.jpg)


fake trump photo

try harder

With all the money the Trump haters have at their disposal

the best they can do

They make up in lack of accuracy with their ability to spam;

$$$$ per the usual

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c3c0e2  No.15071299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c3c0e2  No.15071300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c3c0e2  No.15071301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c3c0e2  No.15071302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c3c0e2  No.15071303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ca272  No.15071304


LMFAO that future timeline has been obliterated as of now

Hark! What was that?

I think I just heard his career tank like the Titanic

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0249f1  No.15071305

File: cc41facf689557a⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 474x315, 158:105, gollum.jpg)


Good God!>>15071071

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0be0ed  No.15071306

File: 94af0cc69533b3c⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 487x376, 487:376, Lin_DevilDidIt.jpg)


Ah, yes, the muh hero dindu nuffin and all you niggas is shills line.

Haven't seen that before here.

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c3c0e2  No.15071307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ea50c  No.15071308

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, I went straight into it in my mind.


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8da2f0  No.15071309

File: e560a0d61502a2c⋯.png (226.89 KB, 484x481, 484:481, Children_of_the_Rainbow.png)

File: e3cea8fc0b4e42c⋯.png (719.99 KB, 618x743, 618:743, e3cea8fc0b4e42c938f6c7648d….png)

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b40730  No.15071310

File: 45b85a48793f822⋯.png (111.44 KB, 481x200, 481:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ca272  No.15071311



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8d15d0  No.15071312

I seem to recall at some point Lin going after Vernon Jones and not long after I believe MTG started on Lin about Kyle.

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09bdf5  No.15071313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0fdb19  No.15071314

File: 8e8125e0c3c0d29⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0be0ed  No.15071315


Yes, Lin had a Telecancer post yesterday where he said he couldn't have done anything wrong because he has an autographed pic of Trump.

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cc6625  No.15071316


Giving the Strategic Reserve the people have paid for to the oil companies so the oil companies can refine it and sell it for a profit back to the people who technically already own it.

Sound economics. sarc.

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b75656  No.15071317


>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on Linn are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on BAnon are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on EtheLarp are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on BDAnon are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on RAnon are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on Alex Jones are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on Anyone Jewish are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on Michael Cohen are coordinated to take him out

>Very interesting, confirms my theory all of these attacks on (insert a grifter name here) are coordinated to take him out

Shit never ends.

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f1979c  No.15071318


Learn to play the game. This is not a game .

Three-card Monte – also known as Find the Lady and Three-card Trick – is a confidence game in which the victims, or "marks", are tricked into betting a sum of money, on the assumption that they can find the "money card" among three face-down playing cards. It is very similar to the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells.[1]

In its full form, Three-card Monte is an example of a classic "short con"[2] in which a shill pretends to conspire with the mark to cheat the dealer, while in fact conspiring with the dealer to cheat the mark. The mark has no chance whatsoever of winning, at any point in the game. In fact, anyone who is observed winning anything in the game can be presumed to be a shill.

This confidence trick was already in use by the turn of the 15th century.[3]

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b7a4ac  No.15071319

File: 8dc8f0451ce8b71⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Flynn_Surf.mp4)

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6cb46e  No.15071321

File: 605549ad80f8dab⋯.png (761.81 KB, 952x500, 238:125, MASS_MURDERER.png)

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80bb43  No.15071322

File: d11e1ea816a065b⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 500x520, 25:26, Pull_it.jpg)

Lin Wood hasn't killed anyone.

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fd092a  No.15071323

File: 2145cedc511afb0⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 564x376, 3:2, fda80348c83e190db5ce52f74c….jpg)



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6cb46e  No.15071324

File: 307da6da894966c⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Fauci_swamp.jpg)

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0fdb19  No.15071325


Bought the Same oil Twice

Yeah, like that's gonna help

He's weakening America

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12201c  No.15071326

File: b69af0566aa0ab1⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1328x738, 664:369, 24NOV21_9.PNG)

File: fbfdfc33f8fae2f⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1328x743, 1328:743, 24NOV21_b.PNG)

File: 42ac76d375bfc00⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1331x736, 1331:736, 24NOV21_a.PNG)

File: 9af146134bc2ef1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1329x733, 1329:733, 24NOV21_10.PNG)




Ukraine considering Drawing up 200K Reservists

"Putin hasn't decided whether or not here is going to be an invasion."

"The Defense Dept. has been pushing for Stinger Missiles to be sent to the Ukraine, which of course they are anti-aircraft defense systems, but some in the administration think that can be provocative." -Natasha B

call Rambo


Port of Berdiansk mentioned

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91d80a  No.15071327


Hitler was a jew. Faggot. now neck yourself coward.

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53c631  No.15071328


These sick fuckers told us what was going to happen and they get a karmic pass for telling us.

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b75656  No.15071329


>Hitler was a jew


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c3c0e2  No.15071330

File: b15e43c3b8caeec⋯.png (13.67 KB, 250x244, 125:122, GM_1964.png)

anon suggested that Major Dealerships are a trafficking front

[G]hislaine [M]axwell

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0249f1  No.15071331


MK Ultra trigger?

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927175  No.15071332

File: 129a74b486a5702⋯.jpg (248.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20211124_095529….jpg)

File: d2953bbef743c82⋯.jpg (301.09 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20211124_095451….jpg)

What's wrong with her hands

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3ca272  No.15071333


and we get a karmic pass for kicking their asses back to hell.

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f78248  No.15071334

File: e8a68d5b7c62242⋯.png (777.2 KB, 1048x528, 131:66, Nuff.png)

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03f57b  No.15071335

File: feb5ea58d4e14e0⋯.png (826.74 KB, 595x1023, 595:1023, ClipboardImage.png)

This looks like comms to me.


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09d83a  No.15071336

File: 040351741a62f52⋯.jpeg (235.31 KB, 1124x2048, 281:512, divine_mercy_image.jpeg)

File: 0dd6a1988024ea0⋯.jpg (4.85 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, our_lady_of_guadalupe.jpg)

pray the rosary! Jesus, I trust in You.

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12201c  No.15071337


selling it to China

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b40730  No.15071338

File: 39e5151d30f0b73⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1536x737, 1536:737, ClipboardImage.png)


symbolism will be their downfall

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c3c0e2  No.15071339


>Baker has set the tone.

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b01207  No.15071340


Man, as much as she disgusts me, I would do her.

And, I would probably feel badly about it.

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6cb46e  No.15071341

File: dc0c8f60ec915e0⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1094x567, 1094:567, kids_for_cash.jpg)

File: f3e0f57d0b53368⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 385x256, 385:256, FUCK_YOUR_DYING_KIDS.jpg)

File: 571a997d63eade2⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 527x274, 527:274, CLICK_OR_BANG.jpg)

File: 0e39e5fac3c8d02⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 605x285, 121:57, another_jab.jpg)

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7ef5dc  No.15071342


There are useful idiots and useful grifters.

They share the same fate.

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323f1d  No.15071343


>Could Kyle have been trained by he SEAL father

Makes sense. The kid was an absolute professional with that rifle at age 17

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3ca272  No.15071344


she's a fucking asshoe

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2605eb  No.15071345


>'Track down' and punish sources of COVID 'disinformation.'…..

Actually the traitor is saying to track down and persecute those who are speaking TRUTH about covid and the vaccine.

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a7c42d  No.15071346


So does that mean BRCC supports Kyle now because Kyle said he supports BLM?

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b75656  No.15071347


>So does that mean BRCC supports Kyle now because Kyle said he supports BLM?

Seem reasonable.

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b7a4ac  No.15071348

File: 8dc8f0451ce8b71⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Flynn_Surf.mp4)


Forgot about Bugs in drag.. Even back then they were fuckin with our heads.

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0be0ed  No.15071349


I'm not sure if your post is a defense or criticism of Lin.

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c16b32  No.15071350

File: 9fa32d703649de3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1024x538, 512:269, ClipboardImage.png)


This soup is a long way from being fully cooked boys and girls. Emotions are high and has a lot of folks chiming in with their theories.

I like that old story… about the old bull and the young bull shaded up and out of the flies on a hill. A bunch of heifers graze into the meadow below and the young bull says “Let’s run down and fuck a couple of heifers.” The old bull gets up, stretches and said “Let’s walk down and fuck them all.”

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6031c8  No.15071351

File: f6536c86bb0aea1⋯.png (263.62 KB, 415x276, 415:276, ClipboardImage.png)



Looking Glass and MK-Utra. How many south park, simpsons episodes used this way.

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6cb46e  No.15071352

File: bdf2f2cd043f690⋯.jpg (224.9 KB, 780x550, 78:55, AstraZenica_UN_fatalities_….jpg)

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a7c42d  No.15071353


Trip tre chekt

Let the asskicking commence

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cc1360  No.15071354


I am convinced that every time DJT says that as bad as the Democrats are 'they stick together' better than Republicans, that he is knowingly stating a double meaning sentence, referring to the death cult.

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121381  No.15071355


I truly believe HRC is ded.

This is an imposter.

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91d80a  No.15071356


Hitler was not only a jew roth, he was he had the palsey and was a faggot. Now slice your wrists open and cry some more.

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8da2f0  No.15071357

File: 7894b1e2ec7981c⋯.mp4 (491.61 KB, 722x480, 361:240, 7894b1e2ec7981c2ab6c7764c0….mp4)


>Hitler was a jew. Faggot. now neck yourself coward.

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8d15d0  No.15071358


Was it from June 2021, that's what I would like to know.

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0b3688  No.15071359


Regrettably didn't save old stuff but Stew Peters & others were exposing him a while ago. Should have bookmarked, because good luck finding the info now.

Found a Lin Wood post from this past June:

Lin Wood: As I previously reported to you, Hancock is a disgraced Navy SEAL who created a fraudulent donation fund for families of SEALS who had lost their lives in the service of our country and Hancock stole the money. His Trident was pulled and he was up for dishonorable discharge before claiming Valium addiction and obtaining a medical discharge.

I learned this information from Hancock’s commanding officer AFTER I had allowed Hancock to do some work for me and #FightBack which I now know was done under false pretenses. Hancock also formerly worked with the CIA. He clearly was undertaking to create situations that he could later misconstrue to try to smear me.

I got wise to Hancock when I, along with others, learned that after he was terminated and ordered to leave my premises, he unlawfully hacked the #FightBack computer domain to steal information to use in his next donation scam. I fear that his next donor scam might be related to Kyle Rittenhouse which would explain the source of the false information about #FightBack’s efforts for Kyle. #FightBack crossed every t and dotted every i. #FightBack has an independent audit which establishes that TRUTH. We only helped Kyle and were transparent in ALL of our efforts for him and his criminal defense lawyers.

Hancock’s illegality in committing computer fraud against #FightBack was independently investigated by skilled and objective experts.

Despite Hancock’s false denials, an arrest warrant is outstanding and in due time, Hancock will be in jail where he belongs.

I cannot prevent you from being misled by the lies, false smears, and events created by wrongdoers to try to harm my reputation and minimize my influence for their own agendas and personal gain.

I have been subjected to surreptitious taping of conversations intended to cast me in a false light by being edited and taken out of context. Like Hancock, even my former office-sharing law partners engaged in this type of reprehensible conduct for their own self-serving purposes - Nicole Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, and G. Taylor Wilson of the Atlanta law firm of Wade, Grunberg & Wilson, LLC. As you know, Jonathan D. Grunberg is a public supporter of BLM.


This could be confirmed with the Navy:

Hancock’s Trident was pulled for reasons related to his improper creation of an alleged “charity” for families of deceased Navy SEALS and in connection with alleged misuse of a government credit card.

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3ca272  No.15071360

File: 949c489ce6ef68f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 609x670, 609:670, ClipboardImage.png)

stahp it


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3ea50c  No.15071362

File: 3b77a26decd1220⋯.png (283.28 KB, 469x222, 469:222, ClipboardImage.png)


I've never been propositioned by a journalist, before.

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3e8f2b  No.15071363



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c3c0e2  No.15071364




>>15071296, >>15071299, >>15071300, >>15071301, >>15071302, >>15071303, >>15071307 #Maxwell Vids

>>15070569, >>15070574 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!!

>>15071242 How Prince Andrew helped Ghislaine Maxwell into New York high society

>>15070644 86 stillbirths in fully vaccinated mothers between Jan and July

>>15070662 NASA DART - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Asteroid Impact Mission

>>15070668 Remember what Q said

>>15070741 Post Massacre - Brooks went in a stranger's home for help

>>15070778 Hillary *Cough (Vid)

>>15070561 Tune in when you can http://radio.garden/

>>15070864 Murderer Cuomo's 4am talking point: "Supremacist vigilante"

>>15070875 Learn the truth about Marxism

>>15070904 Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science”

>>15070941, >>15071061 Jury deliberates in trial for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery

>>15071010 Anon opine on Rittenhouse and Linwood

>>15071024 MapFag - Who owns COD?

>>15071038 Qlockfag chimes in with - Added 58 from Q private board

>>15071045 Dr. Vernon Coleman Calling out Vaccines (VID)

>>15071084 The Real Meaning Of "Dark Winter"?

>>15071115 Resist Covid-1984

>>15071172 Seeing a lot of reference to 58 it the past few days

>>15071219 POTUS book out. @DonaldJTrumpJr Now available on Amazon! Our Journey Together:

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8d15d0  No.15071365


Let me see if I can find his post.

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d3f75a  No.15071366


Dear newfag,

Same thing.


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b7a4ac  No.15071367


Forgot to remove clip

Clip was meant for >>15071348 and would not post. I guess it does work.

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fab206  No.15071368

File: 5735d09a27982ad⋯.jpeg (80.6 KB, 1200x422, 600:211, darksecrets1.jpeg)

File: 5853956c8546b5f⋯.jpeg (112.93 KB, 1200x637, 1200:637, darksecrets2.jpeg)

File: a84150343716fc4⋯.jpg (175.41 KB, 596x1613, 596:1613, blackmmailpalintine.jpg)

File: ca7ffe07f3991e2⋯.png (208.43 KB, 506x411, 506:411, muellercomey.png)




no, but intense practice since five years old would


Also take into consideration Linn's whistleblower transcript which nails RR;

If RR is a blackmail artist / murderer then so is Mueller

Mueller was in charge of the 9/11 attack investigation,

The chief cover-up artist of the whole op.

If Mueller is proved to be what insiders have claimed - a base crook who kills and frames innocent men and woman for his own crimes; plus a war criminal?

Isn't he supposed to be gay lover to Comey?

Isn't Comey's daughter in charge of Jizzlaine trial?

The whole house of cards goes Ka-Bloom

Maybe the Jizzlaine trial is the distraction?

Is the Prosecutor the daughter of Comey?

What do people expect from that?

Anybody ever figure out what those names were; on the game chat?

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7ef5dc  No.15071369



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f78248  No.15071370

File: 5de3bef2135b4c6⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 805x317, 805:317, FullTalibanAudit.jpg)

File: 86cf8b6e8ac72b1⋯.png (986.86 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Callmeagain.png)

File: 69a7bbd7ff4ccc4⋯.jpg (201.03 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Arms_dealer.jpg)


He said with Levin, that the Taliban now have better equipment than "we" have. Maybe to hunt the bad guys there? I don´t know… Riddles in riddles in a basket of lies…

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e53b96  No.15071371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you know how is to have two hearts in your body?

and fucking feel it the second heart up your heart?!?!?!?!?!?!

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3b7c5e  No.15071372


How does one still have a smile on their face after being the spokesperson for “W” setting our country off on The Twenty Years War of Financial and Moral Bankruptcy?

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b7a4ac  No.15071373

File: ec1a10a7a1346e6⋯.png (83.39 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ca272  No.15071374

File: b6cf62a02639e58⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1888x1023, 1888:1023, ClipboardImage.png)



86 stillbirths in 6 months in fully vaccinated mothers in Waterloo, Ontario

13 stillbirths in 24 hours in B.C.

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c30e6d  No.15071375

File: f83ff8e57b33332⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 720x900, 4:5, FB_IMG_1637397743658.jpg)


Notice the different body language

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aaacd9  No.15071376


Fun fact: cows can walk up steps, but they cannot walk down steps. It’s the way their joints are designed that make it physically difficult impossible for them to walk down steps.

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d4918c  No.15071377



and um….it happens at :23

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91d80a  No.15071378


HITLER WAS A JEW and it makes you cry. he was a bitch just like you and just like him you are going to die just like him, a little cowardly faggot popping pills shitting yourself to death.

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6df535  No.15071379

File: e6a256e956fa896⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 833x655, 833:655, scotland_baby_deaths.jpg)


Something troubling is happening in Scotland. At least 21 babies under four weeks old died in September, a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births. The former average was 2.1 deaths per 1,000 births. The nationalized health service tracks records, because everyone is on the same system; that’s why when an internal alarm is triggered by the data as it rolls in, they stop and look immediately. Public Health Scotland says:

“Exceeding the upper control limit indicates there is a higher likelihood that there are factors beyond random variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths.”

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823aaa  No.15071380


Trump has a history of being very generous in such situations.

Not a stretch, IMO, to consider that the whole situation, from the riots to the $2 million bond, was a political maneuver in an election year. Trump, then may feel some responsibility for what Kyle had to endure, not directly, rather that Kyle was in the wrong place at the wrong time because of efforts to elect Bidan.

I figure security and college will be offered. That's my take going on on what I think Trump does, and has done in the past.

Another angle is that the bail release was after the election. What's the chance that some of the money was put up by Trump, via proxies? Might be an angle where, if Trump did put up some bail money, that they really did need to wait until after the election.

IIRC, there was no other group getting bail up. That's not Wood's fault.

Media articles at the time credited Wood with getting the money, together, too. Does not seem to be any question that Wood, indeed, through his efforts, got Kyle out of jail, when no one else could.

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6cb46e  No.15071381

File: fb37adc78335280⋯.png (326.95 KB, 500x420, 25:21, how.png)

File: 054f7732c0346cb⋯.jpg (216.95 KB, 1024x601, 1024:601, fauci_loves_hurting_animal….jpg)

File: 71bf944fb0e5cab⋯.jpg (80.79 KB, 620x413, 620:413, FAUCI_HAS_VESTED_INTERESTS.jpg)

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0be0ed  No.15071382

File: 9134fbdeed9662c⋯.jpg (836.73 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, BRC_Shark.jpg)



How many bags are they even selling these days?

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09bdf5  No.15071383

File: 9ed491576dba481⋯.mp4 (12.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_Col….mp4)

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b75656  No.15071384

File: b5eca45e2b7f16e⋯.png (347.34 KB, 2159x951, 2159:951, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hitler was not only a jew roth, he was he had the palsey and was a faggot. Now slice your wrists open and cry some more.




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5b8dc4  No.15071385


Primitive gesture of disdain

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3ca272  No.15071386

File: 85ed467e80d5e9f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1474x1129, 1474:1129, ClipboardImage.png)



Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab Is "Murder" by Dr. Vernon Coleman

"We conclude that the mRNA vaccine dramatically increases inflammation of the endothelium and T-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination."

The endothelium is a layer of cells lining blood vessels and lymphatic vessels – T-cells are a type of white cell.


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ba3422  No.15071387

File: bb4c222cb7c807c⋯.png (7.44 KB, 255x249, 85:83, b8446382da97e4156c3c24f935….png)



it is

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a8eeaf  No.15071388

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f1979c  No.15071389

File: c255bf74420e8fd⋯.png (296.22 KB, 1286x1292, 643:646, 4000.png)


Which one?

AR=Augmented Reality?

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b7a4ac  No.15071390


The only people watching MSM now, are there long enough to laugh before changing the channel back to the Home Shopping Network.

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6c4606  No.15071391


When it's overly wordy and doesn't just stick to the details, it is probably fiction.

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d7ad54  No.15071392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moar South Park predictive programming of Waukesha Christmas Parade Hit and Run Homicides

I called this South Park trailer out as a self notable (pb) which was seconded but compd baker ignored. Go to 00:20 - 00:24 sec mark and play it at slowest speed. You'll see the "driver of color" in a red suv mowing down a father with baby and body left in the wake.

Also see: https://greatawakening.win/p/140JFNiy9Y/south-park-thanksgiving-special-/c/


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cc1360  No.15071394


You keep making the same error, repeating it over and over again will NEVER make a lie a truth.

Jesus wasn't 'speaking to the Jews', he was speaking to the Satanists falsely calling themselves Jews.

Jesus was a Jew, to say that Jesus was condemning and calling out 'the Jews' is to say that Jesus condemned and called himself out, which is stupid.

That Rosenthal quote, one man does not speak on behalf of anyone but himself.


I know you are but what am I? Your 'research' is you having your head stuck up your own ass for 20 years.

Repeating a lie does not make it a truth you stupid low IQ shill. Get a clue.

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9e9086  No.15071395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b7a4ac  No.15071396


Got my tang tungled around my eye teeth and could not see what I was saying.

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b75656  No.15071397

File: 143bc6b182c5c96⋯.png (8.89 MB, 3770x6250, 377:625, cOLOR1.png)

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26faac  No.15071398


don't know but they have an upcoming IPO. They be goin public

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e53b96  No.15071399

tards at work.

ty for your service to God.

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6cb46e  No.15071400

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8da2f0  No.15071401

File: 1483570d49382d4⋯.png (1.21 MB, 803x640, 803:640, d286ffeb4a1f1fba7f12106e96….png)

File: 5eed008d516bd34⋯.png (202.77 KB, 595x650, 119:130, 3g2upl4pq6kufc4nion.png)


>Hitler was not only a jew roth



Brain-dead Kike!

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b43c17  No.15071402



Thank you

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aaacd9  No.15071403



THISexplainsA LOT

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b40730  No.15071404

File: 4c87db773d06744⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1684x926, 842:463, ClipboardImage.png)




Jim: Take no bull?

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6031c8  No.15071405


Babes, Children, Teens, Adults

The guilt of the people will drive violent response when they learn they were lied to and their recommendations or actions killed their loved ones. Transferrance is potent and the false narrative against the unvaxxed will fail because they cannot cause babies to die in their cribs.

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6cb46e  No.15071406

File: 6431eceea4490b1⋯.jpg (100.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, MMM_BODY_PARTS.jpg)

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6c4606  No.15071407


So the same trick is played back at them when we have Black Panthers spitting out "Kill all Whites"

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8d15d0  No.15071408

File: fbef62649fcaecf⋯.png (537.09 KB, 944x975, 944:975, Screen_Shot_11_24_21_at_11….PNG)

Ok found it. It was 2021. So when did folks start having a problem with the $ or how long he was in jail? I haven't followed the Rittenhouse case at all.

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0b8134  No.15071409


Got to wonder since they took that spac money?

Did the backlash ambush the wunderkids and their aggressive growth followed by lagging sales left them in the sandbox?

Personally prefer Stocking Mill, but that's anons personal preference.

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3ea50c  No.15071410


Nao I'm jelly; lol.

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f1979c  No.15071411


Don't kill the filibuster!


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0be0ed  No.15071412

File: 474f7b3ada06a1e⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 492x289, 492:289, Dana_bubble.jpg)


Having a hubby that's in his 80's and fucking everything with a boner at the Faux Studios prolly has something to do with the smile.

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b2984a  No.15071413

File: 6978f32f4d00b62⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 772x615, 772:615, GM_Key.JPG)


pic from link vid


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e53b96  No.15071414



So now I suppouse that you'll learn about walk-in.

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ce30ba  No.15071415

File: 494c692499e1dd2⋯.png (655.31 KB, 811x879, 811:879, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15069603 lb

What if it can be proven that the plutocrats running Fauci are intentional [Knowingly] mass murderers? Would this indict them for the ongoing permawar, 2 world wars decimating Europe, the soviet holodomors and genocide and the Chicom genocide? Maybe even AIDS?


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823aaa  No.15071416


Go to guy on shadowy Seals is Don Shipley.

Shipley emphasizes on stolen valor cases, though. Don't know if the Hancock stuff would be in his wheelhouse. Hancock actually was a Seal.

Worth a look, though, IMO.

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91d80a  No.15071417


You will be brain dead when you over dose from depression. Pop them pills little bitch swallow them like you do all that aids jizs. You will die sad and alone just like Hitler the jew.

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6cb46e  No.15071418

File: 2fc01597e22721f⋯.jpg (185.42 KB, 976x549, 16:9, SKYROCKETING.jpg)

File: f4e0c76814be990⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 621x315, 69:35, EXECUTE_FAST.jpg)

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cc1360  No.15071420


Yes, and the Democrat Party creation Klu Klux Klan went around saying 'kill all blacks'.

Racial division using brainwashed 'assets' is the Satanist's M.O.

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121381  No.15071421

File: 2870dff7acd33f3⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)

Suggestions for a good civil lawyer in Calif. willing to go after Large liberal Co. with DEEP pockets?

Company is firing all pure bloods (AKA Conservative employees) Dec. 3rd.

I want to own their ass.

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e53b96  No.15071422



But you must know that it is different lvls of walk-in.

Also…. different sides.

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0be0ed  No.15071423

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 397x394, 397:394, TuckerSucks.JPG)


Every time I see you here you always have a bowl packed ready to go.

>t. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That

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91d80a  No.15071424

can't decide who gets upset more the jews or the stormfront fags when i say HITLER WAS A JEW.

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d7ad54  No.15071425



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16dbc2  No.15071426


Sure hope Kyle and family are aware of this!

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0249f1  No.15071427



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6c4606  No.15071428


So you think that the KKK was just a strawman tactic?

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09bdf5  No.15071429

File: 23c9e17888fa643⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1226x798, 613:399, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)

File: d1e82104b6820fa⋯.png (786.46 KB, 1046x532, 523:266, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)

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5b8dc4  No.15071430


TY anon

ordered it.

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37d566  No.15071431


Jesus was not a Jew.

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1b5d34  No.15071432


IDK, but tell him to move to Florida because we'll need his services too.

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e53b96  No.15071434


You must choose wisely.

So you nut end up burning yourself.

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09bdf5  No.15071435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b40730  No.15071436


welcome. dasting fantasy fiction for those so inclined. Vulcan made, as I recall–been many years since read

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ccaf0a  No.15071437


just watched it

it's shocking


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e53b96  No.15071439


Literally burning yourself.

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3b7c5e  No.15071440


Anon is familiar with the concepts of psychopaths NOT being able to empathize and ‘see’ into consequences ‘n shit… but still… where do these people really expect to live after that have successfully destroyed civilization? In their mansions? Who’s gonna cut the grass, clean the gutters and brush the horses? Under ground in their boltholes??? Why can’t they just go move into their boltholes NOW?

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5f4a05  No.15071441


I’m in Ireland. 94% of adults vaccinated. 77% of total population. They are planning to start the 5-11 year olds soon. Also rhetoric is picking up this week about mandating vaccines.

Even though case numbers are going up. Even though all 45 deaths reported last week were fully or partially vaccinated.

There are some people waking up. But the propaganda - it is staggering just how many still believe it. Who are complaining that we aren’t doing enough PCR tests on asymptomatic people. And that some last few haven’t taken the vaccine.

Getting very scary.

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c3c0e2  No.15071443


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6cb46e  No.15071444

File: 82859a0fced54ec⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 540x540, 1:1, It_started_with_a_finger.jpg)

File: ac5f6380a6e2bb4⋯.jpg (170.22 KB, 805x555, 161:111, SPINELESS_MAGGOT.jpg)

File: 0085879e72caa0e⋯.jpg (113.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, it_starts_with_the_fingers.jpg)

File: d0f5316013e0597⋯.jpg (209.42 KB, 718x722, 359:361, fist_up_arse_puppet.jpg)

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b40730  No.15071445

File: 1cf9138800a979b⋯.png (349.47 KB, 600x254, 300:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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0249f1  No.15071447



but what do I know I'm just an anon

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b2984a  No.15071449

File: f1c0af8b00d1236⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 755x527, 755:527, DWAC_11_24.JPG)

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6031c8  No.15071450


This man is so evil and it is on display. I think it's time to post the beagle video again.

Imagine a courts martial by Beagles:

Keep his vocal cords intact and put a cone around his head and put his head in an incubator with the fleas like he did our brothers. Press record button, create fast replay version as a reminder to every supposed biologist about the result of a lack of morals.

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0249f1  No.15071452

File: 72982970bd2347d⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FOCKJOEBIDAN.mp4)

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6731fc  No.15071453


Hancock = Fed

Rittenhouse = Fed

Tucker = Fed

MT Green = Fed

BLM = Good

Q'anon' = Bad

1st thing I would do after being acquitted is go on a nation wide media tour bashing specific things to cause confusion and division.

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fc6346  No.15071455


life is but a Blue Dream

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ec51ab  No.15071456


Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey – the daughter of former FBI chief James Comey


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e53b96  No.15071458


With you heart and character.

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09e632  No.15071459

File: a605bd707530008⋯.gif (3.5 MB, 360x267, 120:89, 24ib6k.gif)

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0be0ed  No.15071469


I think that's what the Georgia Guidestones were hinting at.

Just keep enough riff-raff around to do that menial stuff.

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0b3688  No.15071471


They're not, at all apparently. As with too many people still, their only exposure to "news" appears to be faux, which won't even mention election fraud. How did lifelong Trump-hater carlson get that interview so quickly?

Just like how China Turtle hurried up & hired Sandmann. It's ALL CCP/Soros-controlled.

Nick Sandmann lands job with Mitch McConnell's reelection campaign

by Andrew Mark Miller August 29, 2020 04:33 PM https://archive.md/wip/sGCJV


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823aaa  No.15071472


Teacher's removed for sexual innuendo is a thing. I seen't it. Instant gone. Career over, regardless if veracity of claim is shown to be non-existent later on.

That's the reason, IMO, that teacher unions have such a big membership. The legal protection they provide.

I'm in Europe and we have legal insurance. Not expensive and you just hand everything over to a lawyer if you're an aggrieved party. This guy was in the UK, they probably have the same thing. The stress he describes, though is credible. To me, anyway. You can't act naturally and any flare up is a potential career ender.

Not worth it.

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6c4606  No.15071473


They keep pushing this bald woman look.

There has to be a nefarious reason for this.

Making men look like women and women look like men.

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e53b96  No.15071477


If your lucky, sometimes the good ones will chose you.

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3ca272  No.15071478


you mean,

don't choose dumbly

make as much sense

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5f4a05  No.15071479


Recent expansions include Pandaria (pandas) & demon-possessed demon hunters.

Nothing to see here…

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a8eeaf  No.15071480

File: 3947b80337df73b⋯.png (5.39 KB, 255x149, 255:149, Real_SQ_shitTwice.png)

File: d4f1bcb44099cf8⋯.png (11.86 KB, 255x191, 255:191, TRUMP_SGNIT_BK_and_CHAIR_s….png)

File: 7019d48646a24ca⋯.png (317.44 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Shitpost_23rd.png)

File: ad4f0705a6d24e0⋯.png (325.31 KB, 641x727, 641:727, pepe_SHITpostING_WARneverC….png)

File: f454faa6f90e7d9⋯.png (663.55 KB, 766x943, 766:943, NO_TRESP_ASS_ing_Dr_SEUSS.png)


KeK in half-chan

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c3c0e2  No.15071481




>>15071296, >>15071299, >>15071300, >>15071301, >>15071302, >>15071303, >>15071307 #Maxwell Vids

>>15070569, >>15070574 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!!

>>15071242 How Prince Andrew helped Ghislaine Maxwell into New York high society

>>15071413 Jeffrey Epstein said Ghislaine Maxwell ‘is the best at what I need’: new doc

>>15070644 86 stillbirths in fully vaccinated mothers between Jan and July

>>15070662 NASA DART - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Asteroid Impact Mission

>>15070668 Remember what Q said

>>15070741 Post Massacre - Brooks went in a stranger's home for help

>>15070778 Hillary *Cough (Vid)

>>15070561 Tune in when you can http://radio.garden/

>>15070864 Murderer Cuomo's 4am talking point: "Supremacist vigilante"

>>15070875 Learn the truth about Marxism

>>15070904 Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science”

>>15070941, >>15071061 Jury deliberates in trial for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery

>>15071010 Anon opine on Rittenhouse and Linwood

>>15071024 MapFag - Who owns COD?

>>15071038 Qlockfag chimes in with - Added 58 from Q private board

>>15071045, >>15071386 Dr. Vernon Coleman Calling out Vaccines as Murder-by-Jab (VID)

>>15071084 The Real Meaning Of "Dark Winter"?

>>15071115 Resist Covid-1984

>>15071172 Seeing a lot of reference to 58 it the past few days

>>15071219 POTUS book out. @DonaldJTrumpJr Now available on Amazon! Our Journey Together:

>>15071241 Moar South Park predictive programming of Waukesha Christmas Parade Hit and Run Homicides


Q Research General #19067: All Eyes On - Maxwell's Trial Edition




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b40730  No.15071482


I've been pondering the Blofeld / Prof Moriarty perspective–Sun Tzu know-yer-enemy sort of thing.

To get the desired herd cull / mass depopulation, can't have all the vaccines be kill shots at once. Too obvious, normies would see through and refuse/rise up.

Need a certain % to be delayed kill shots, so not obvious. Increased vax deaths marketed as next variant to keep fear / vaxx compliance up. Cycle, iterative.

Prolly way moar complex than this (future cancer, sterilization, …), but anon suspects there is still a dimension of truth in this perspective.

Love to Ireland (no shamrock homo)

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121381  No.15071483


Crazy thing is, he works remote 100%.

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3ea50c  No.15071485


>and they get a karmic pass for telling us.

No they don't. That's just what they want people to think. Don't fall for it.

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1b5d34  No.15071488

File: 3d050f4b2be0358⋯.png (388.6 KB, 732x560, 183:140, ClipboardImage.png)


Trans-humanist bullshit.

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f4c060  No.15071489




nickelor a nail

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f2caf9  No.15071491


>Disorbit the moon


That's reaching.

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e53b96  No.15071492


My engrish, it's like your president.

But he's native dumb.

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820992  No.15071494

File: 30b04d01ae2f861⋯.png (135.94 KB, 435x426, 145:142, ohyeah.png)

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1c0853  No.15071495

File: bb73bbfe841e4dc⋯.png (780.23 KB, 960x960, 1:1, marijuana_kills.png)


>Brooks smelled of marijuana

killer weed man

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fb24b8  No.15071498

File: 9dc3912619e3c2e⋯.jpeg (89.55 KB, 680x850, 4:5, 12CD65A9_C117_4E65_B9DE_F….jpeg)

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49126d  No.15071500


Venusian chemo patient.

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820992  No.15071502


Reefer Madness

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6c4606  No.15071503


Every time I am around vaxxed people I get a bad head ache afterwards.

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3b7c5e  No.15071504


But the climate control computers in their ‘houses’ and SUVs are not serviced by riff raff. And the flight management systems and fuel injectors on their helos and jets don’t last forever and very long supply chains are needed to create such things.

I don’t think [they] have really thought this out.


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8da2f0  No.15071505

File: 1483570d49382d4⋯.png (1.21 MB, 803x640, 803:640, d286ffeb4a1f1fba7f12106e96….png)

File: 6648c32dd473593⋯.png (401.39 KB, 668x363, 668:363, 53dfdfbf76e52707035c5e4209….png)



Typical Kikes!

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8dd331  No.15071506


>early bake wednesday morning

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121381  No.15071508


got me sum of dat at $18

made enough to buy some hamburger for T Day.

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5f4a05  No.15071509


Reports of different vials in Slovenia & all VAERS reports being tied to 5% of vials suggests you are correct.

But there are some here I think, but people quite blind to the totalitarianism of it all.

Clintons kindly helped our Northern Ireland peace process & got everyone up there disarmed. Yay.

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6df535  No.15071510


San Francisco declared a water shortage emergency two days before Thanksgiving.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission called for a 10% reduction in voluntary water usage due to a water shortage emergency.

The shortage will affect more than 2.7 million residents in San Francisco, Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Mateo counties, and SFPUC will institute a temporary drought surcharge for retail water and wastewater customers of up to 5% on part of their bill.

SFPUC will not introduce the surcharge until April 1, 2022. The mayor's office estimates that the additional charges on their water system will increase by a maximum of $6.

The commission also asked agencies in other counties that purchase water from San Francisco to cut their use by 14%

San Francisco's reservoir supply is currently at 73%, but the reservoir has typically been at 80% at this time of year. One-third of that water cannot be used due to state policies regarding the drought.

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820992  No.15071513

File: 73139b4f035d296⋯.png (74.42 KB, 1208x900, 302:225, jidf.png)

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8dd331  No.15071514


>who did the time

>for the crime?

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91d80a  No.15071515


awww the little scared shill knows death is coming for him and his family soon . Pray shill there will be no mercy for you so kill yourself now.

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121381  No.15071518


San Fran needs to dry up and blow away into the ocean

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3ca272  No.15071519


>Northern Ireland

90% of the Irish are jabbed.

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db59e8  No.15071520

File: 145102b618cc581⋯.png (260.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't do bongs anons !

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b7a4ac  No.15071522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Blue Dream

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8da2f0  No.15071523

File: 7ec1ef8bf450af1⋯.png (149.31 KB, 417x355, 417:355, Fuck_you_Israel.png)


>Repeating a lie does not make it a truth you stupid low IQ shill.

kek, typical projecting wannabe rabulistic Kike.

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39e6d7  No.15071524


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2b0b9e  No.15071525


With the Perinos of the world suddenly at the bottom of the remaining food chain. I wonder if any of these people not at the elite elite level ever think of that

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6cb46e  No.15071526

File: 99aebecd978658b⋯.jpg (62.69 KB, 358x478, 179:239, brutal_factory.jpg)

File: 9b5a41d3e11b3f5⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 976x549, 16:9, JUST_A_SCAM_FOR_MONEY.jpg)


So he's the worst this planet has to offer?….. I wish… but not so.

People have to realize that there are those that don't have compassion… they are sick and twisted.

He's just one of many, in a big machine.

And unfortunately, they are in all positions of authority.

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91d80a  No.15071527


I fuck with them for free. Sad they waste so much money on shit tier posts, and get triggered so easily.

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b2984a  No.15071528


Yeah, others of us weren't that lucky.

Bought late, bought high, regretting it now.

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820992  No.15071529


We can mine it for fertilizer. (← free-range poop joke)

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f4c060  No.15071530


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8da2f0  No.15071531


>awww the little scared shill knows death is coming for him and his family soon


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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o


























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fb24b8  No.15071532


Hopefully Perino becomes a full nude dancer. Always wondered what that traitorous front butt looks like

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2605eb  No.15071536


If He did that to the fake Jews what will he do to those who call themselves Christians, Muslims, etc., and are not, but do lie?

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7a3b26  No.15071537

File: 0277c0663ff0f68⋯.jpg (650.13 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2595.JPG)


anon looked and wanted badly at 18

couldn't swing it tho

good for you

what'd you get fer it?

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271be5  No.15071538

File: cf4597746f76358⋯.jpeg (274.86 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, CB272091_8C7E_4AB9_ABF4_0….jpeg)




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91d80a  No.15071539


scream more, won't help save your life.

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8da2f0  No.15071540

File: 0034fdec270d722⋯.png (196.53 KB, 392x406, 28:29, Who_is_behind.png)

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f9bbf3  No.15071541


Stupid people give me a headache also anon, I think that is normal and may or may not have anything to do with them being vaxxed.

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8dd331  No.15071542


>double the loosh

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91d80a  No.15071544



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f1979c  No.15071545

File: 121e0c674836021⋯.png (88.89 KB, 448x398, 224:199, Capture_2021_11_24_10_22_1….png)


Wasn't his only other claim to fame bombing FF?

Shell game.

These funds from WAPO go fiteback while defamation charity set up in Seal's name for future fake news wrapup smear and safety valve?

You think both crisis actors with a bag were coincidentally minors


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6c4606  No.15071546


The teacher union in the US does not provide any protection for individual teachers. They are bargaining tools for perks like raises and days off and such. They are an arm of the Dem. party. They keep people's property taxes high.

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294815  No.15071547

File: 366e6c512193010⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 709x496, 709:496, Inked22NOV21_AA_LI.jpg)

File: f91036ede8bfdc0⋯.png (59.65 KB, 1019x678, 1019:678, 24NOV21_AA1.PNG)

Caught the CNN cap on 22NOV21

Jennifer Lawrence x 2

Capped Article: 24NOV21

Article pops same day. Just noticed


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121381  No.15071548


never seen a bong like that


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ccaf0a  No.15071549

The line at Guillotine gets longer and longer

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c3c0e2  No.15071551



Q Research General #19067: All Eyes On - Maxwell's Trial Edition






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6df535  No.15071554

File: e8a69f7efbffe69⋯.png (41.22 KB, 615x424, 615:424, kek_gift.PNG)

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0b3688  No.15071556


Lin was calling them out for not addressing the Stolen Election. They wouldn't. Jones finally mentioned it after Kandiss Taylor (who's running for Gov.) was bringing it up everywhere at her speeches.

Green is a plant and a wacko. Her "job" was to discredit "Qanon" as they call us.

Stew Peters has been reporting on skeletons in Jones' closet for a while now:

The Stew Peters Show released a shocking clip from an upcoming investigative report on allegations of sexual assault by Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones.

Peters released a video clip of an interview from the special with Antje Kingma, former Senior District Attorney/Sex Crimes Unit.

What she says is shocking, watch part one here: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/exclusive-vernon-jones-rape-case-brought-to-light-video/


Vernon Jones Rape Case, Arrest Fauci, AZ Audit, Insurrection: The Stew Peters Show

OCTOBER 25, 2021


Stew Peters Exposes Vernon Jones – Causes Him To Flee Interview

During his show on Thursday, our very own Stew Peters got into it with Vernon Jones, the former Democratic Georgia state representative who claims to now be a supporter of Donald Trump. It didn’t take long for the interview to become contentious, with Jones eventually storming off.

The interview went off the rails when Peters brought up a legal scandal that Jones was embroiled in a decade ago. In 2010, The New York Times reported:

“A jury awarded more than $180,000 in damages Thursday in a reverse discrimination case against DeKalb County and its first black chief executive, Vernon Jones. Three white former managers in the county’s Parks and Recreation Department claimed they were victims of an attempt to replace whites with blacks.

He denied he had discriminated based on race and compared himself to President Obama. According to trial testimony, the county had 33 black and 61 white top managers when Mr. Jones took office and 60 blacks and 57 whites five years later.”


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8dd331  No.15071559


>spess ayds

>from the children

don't think too hard about this one

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6031c8  No.15071560


The non-lethal jab % was a setup for the boosters to coincide with a BS push about breakthrough virus variants. They want to Kill off at least 20%, that is 1.5 billion people. For those starting to wake up in my social circle, I have implored them to skip the booster and just use prophylaxis compounds. Some are finally listening. The real reason they are listening is because the 96% efficacy they were sold is a huge lie and it always was and I had told them they will be told they need more jabs forever 9 months ago.

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7a3b26  No.15071562

File: 2d91a46ca51916b⋯.png (6.06 MB, 2728x1366, 1364:683, Screen_Shot_2020_06_06_at_….png)

File: 5f5d7eba02c5f0f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2744x1684, 686:421, Screen_Shot_2020_06_06_at_….png)

File: 497f392a7d03e5e⋯.png (983.41 KB, 1610x1142, 805:571, Screen_Shot_2020_06_04_at_….png)

File: 21aa6fc3755f042⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1142x686, 571:343, Screen_Shot_2020_05_26_at_….png)

File: bbc28d9348fa106⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1896x1522, 948:761, Screen_Shot_2020_05_06_at_….png)


just brined my bird in dixieland no prob

fuck london breed

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ce30ba  No.15071563

File: 0b5910774ec258c⋯.png (385.04 KB, 653x340, 653:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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906789  No.15071566



Do Anons member this?

Ricky Schroder defends helping bail out Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse


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fb24b8  No.15071567


That stupid old hag. Going back to old property “claims”. Anon is claiming that property. It’s mine now.

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8da2f0  No.15071568

File: 65d2edd71a3889c⋯.png (616.82 KB, 400x579, 400:579, Donar2.png)


>won't help save your life.

kek, typical Kike!

Come and get me, filthy kikes!

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b40730  No.15071571

File: d09d84087830e51⋯.png (219.91 KB, 598x697, 598:697, ClipboardImage.png)



topover on a childhood visit to the Irish Republic. But far from being daunted, he has been widely lauded for his ability to grasp the complexities of the situation.

Although Canadian, the chairman of the International Commission on Decommissioning is British by upbringing. The son of a Scottish oil engineer and an American-born mother, he was born in Romania and educated in Fettes, Edinburgh. He followed his parents to Canada when he was 18.

Instead of Oxford he chose the Canadian Royal Military College. In the military, he rose quickly through the ranks, serving in Germany and Cyprus. In 1990, he played a key role in the Oka Crisis, a two month stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Canadian army over attempts to turn Mohawk burial lands into a recreational area.

Gen de Chastelain supervised the negotiations with the Mohawks which resolved the dispute. The solutionled to the decommissioning of some Mohawk weapons.

He was rewarded in 1993 when he was appointed Canada's ambassador to the United States, a post usually reserved for high-ranking diplomats. A year later he was made Chief of Defence Staff.

But his career has not been without its moments of controversy.

An inquiry into the torture and death of a Somali teenager at the hands of members of the Canadian Airborne Regiment said he "failed as a commander" as defence chief when the troops were sent on their disastrous 1992 peace-keeping mission.

Nevertheless, friends of the General believe that he is up to the task ahead.

The General himself was optimistic when he took the post, and his July 1999 report on the prospect of decommissioning concluded that it was the commission's "considered view" that paramilitarydecommissioningwould meet the May 2000 deadline.

That deadline was missed. But at the same time the IRA made its unprecedented offerto allow independent international inspectors into some of its arms dumps.

They confirmed that they had put in place measures [unknown] to make sure that the arms could not be used without their knowledge.

But on the crucial issue of decommissioning - or the IRA's preferred phrase "placing arms beyond use" - Northern Ireland is still waiting for General John de Chastelain to confirm it has taken place to his satisfaction.


have read elsewhere than much of Irish violen extremists were Brit INTEL / agitators/informant types. Like FBI in US

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ce30ba  No.15071572

File: a6d0ae2e14ebc50⋯.png (1.11 MB, 650x813, 650:813, ClipboardImage.png)

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b7a4ac  No.15071575


New hairless Chihuahua.

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27cc0c  No.15071576

File: e2d8178985a9237⋯.png (22.74 KB, 260x340, 13:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats love them some child sacrificing.

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0be0ed  No.15071580

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB, 409x604, 409:604, PhilS.png)

Phils of the board unite and take over!

Or, at least finish this one off in style.

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121381  No.15071585


Long term anon. They have not even launched yet. hang in there.

>>15071537 doubled my money.

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69e85e  No.15071587

Fauki saying other people's lies are killing people when it's his own means he knows he skates a thin line. That line breaks when he does anything more to offset his blame. He's on the precipice of causing his own demise.

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0be0ed  No.15071588

File: 141f3721481d35d⋯.png (847.74 KB, 1034x614, 517:307, PhilE.png)

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294815  No.15071592

File: 64f7459510f08b2⋯.png (7.31 KB, 255x175, 51:35, d8be1811a2ff569c86f7a10c62….png)

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0be0ed  No.15071593

File: 2271172d5b0fc3a⋯.png (953.75 KB, 1098x615, 366:205, PhilDr.png)

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fb24b8  No.15071596

File: 30bb8005c4ef745⋯.jpeg (165.28 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DB19C077_FBAE_4D82_AF23_A….jpeg)

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294815  No.15071597

File: 777654eb8d7c617⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c4dcc38c2f62f6109fd52331a6….jpg)

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3b7c5e  No.15071598

File: 270bb363ed75aed⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB, 880x660, 4:3, D843B127_0510_4D01_9D14_C….jpeg)


She is a bit fetch, anon will not deny that. But complete turn off to see her move from one subject to the next without ANY glint of recognition that there is connectivity to a bigger picture. That smile doesn’t work well enough on thisanon.

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69e85e  No.15071600


Anon bought, then it started tanking. Sorry, sometimes anon has the loser's charm

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294815  No.15071601

File: 34fbc01853d7abb⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 266x200, 133:100, 681372678_BraveheartFunnyI….jpg)

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0be0ed  No.15071602

File: 77418ed36032f07⋯.png (881.75 KB, 791x610, 791:610, PhilH.png)

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7932a4  No.15071604

File: cdae9ba01eef7bc⋯.jpg (2.25 KB, 90x90, 1:1, thinlizzyphil.jpg)

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0be0ed  No.15071605

File: 3ddb92cad8947e3⋯.png (978.72 KB, 1024x604, 256:151, PhilM.png)

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820992  No.15071607

File: 881a6b3db4a56a5⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1159, 1080:1159, GilliganRescued.png)

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b40730  No.15071608

File: 63c107c352d93f2⋯.jpeg (11.25 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 63c107c352d93f294639a4f6e….jpeg)


if anon can't haz Olga, …

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7932a4  No.15071610

File: d0576f90cbcc190⋯.jpg (252.9 KB, 1440x2068, 360:517, Phil_as_Chick_1_1.jpg)

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419cd0  No.15071611

File: 3dde56dd4e38fad⋯.png (57.34 KB, 235x141, 5:3, oh_my_copy.png)

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3b7c5e  No.15071612

File: b46b2c3919163b6⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 480x270, 16:9, E9CAB0BA_7E2A_4D8B_A107_22….gif)

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294815  No.15071613

File: cb8b38096848ce2⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 320x136, 40:17, R_7_.gif)

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91d80a  No.15071614


aww still crying like a coward. You are going to die in a room just like the JEW HITLER. Your family can join you also. Actually they will. They are going to die just as much as you will

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0be0ed  No.15071616

File: dff72655d264d5c⋯.png (623.69 KB, 652x602, 326:301, PhilD.png)

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7932a4  No.15071617

File: 2d9376a82cb6c08⋯.jpg (2.09 KB, 90x90, 1:1, dufferphil.jpg)

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294815  No.15071618

File: 7aa92275475464f⋯.jpg (6.78 KB, 279x181, 279:181, 3344.jpg)

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b40730  No.15071620

File: b5391e094a76238⋯.png (614.57 KB, 597x759, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb24b8  No.15071624


No Phil Donohue?

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7a3b26  No.15071625

File: 88ed47e1218d17a⋯.jpeg (275.66 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7C709703_6814_4989_99A8_D….jpeg)

File: e7274e8ee5d369c⋯.jpeg (480.68 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E1FBC66B_9BCA_425C_9039_C….jpeg)

File: 7e837d4beca3e7d⋯.jpeg (755.61 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9D338A00_0C81_47BC_A524_F….jpeg)

File: d4329b9e3dbd77c⋯.jpeg (137.73 KB, 719x725, 719:725, BA410F38_597A_41BD_A1EB_4….jpeg)

File: 0198186d8cb5851⋯.jpeg (389.47 KB, 1054x1568, 527:784, 4489CD3D_ACEC_446D_9D73_5….jpeg)


if the children die they never have to face the realization of their abuse

so they kill them by state order

and pretend they didn't

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f2cd45  No.15071626

File: 0dc1146dfd0f2ae⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 320x180, 16:9, o6.gif)

God is not real but the Devil is.

Nothing ever happens to them.

God is with them not you.

They are pure evil

God is the Devil.

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2af6e5  No.15071628


you can be a jew by blood and ancestory as well moran, how the JQ is beyond your grasp is ridiculous given everything in the old testament that showed how many times they rejected God


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91d80a  No.15071630


You need to just end it, because I know what you are, we all do best to just end your life now. Spare your family the trauma of watching your head get chopped off.

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820992  No.15071632

File: 90192a5a04ff381⋯.png (685.62 KB, 769x767, 769:767, 50ad22ca842bc93f225354c34f….png)

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823aaa  No.15071633


That chick that posted above is FOS.




There are many valid reasons that you should consider joining a union. Those can include:

Teachers unions can provide legal protection and advice. In today's lawsuit-happy society, this protection alone can be worth becoming a member.

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ab4acc  No.15071634

File: 83c776375280b34⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1240x930, 4:3, Trump_YOU.png)

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294815  No.15071635

File: bc1ffea4717bfad⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 400x300, 4:3, myisland44.gif)

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0249f1  No.15071637




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294815  No.15071639

File: 659ad6f471b62f7⋯.png (18.18 KB, 242x255, 242:255, salty444.png)

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b40730  No.15071640

File: c10d681d67f6abc⋯.jpeg (28.14 KB, 640x576, 10:9, c10d681d67f6abcae2e83a4c5….jpeg)

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6cb46e  No.15071641

File: bdf76b377632f7c⋯.jpg (223.65 KB, 945x494, 945:494, SOLIDARITY.jpg)

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0be0ed  No.15071644

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 620x400, 31:20, PHIL_lies.jpg)

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