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File: 8d1a7c74560296b⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e9e92714eb6469333494374e72….jpg)

38e5ca  No.14770440[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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38e5ca  No.14770443



>>14769729 Philippe Argillier

>>14769737 Military Members & Pilots #HoldTheLine and #DoNotComply With Stalinist Purge & Nazi Propaganda

>>14769739 ‘I Think About That A Lot’: Pelosi Says She Talks To People About Fantasies Where She ‘Ruled The World’

>>14769752 Liz Harrington: “It’s a self evident lie and the American people know it, and that’s why we’re not moving on.

>>14769754, >>14769876 Schiff throws Mueller under the bus

>>14769758 Plane crashes into homes near Santee, California, causing inferno and killing at least 2

>>14769775 Those Q anon’rs are at it again.

>>14769778, >>14769799, >>14769878, >>14769915, >>14770074, >>14770104 Jill Biden really likes Lemon tree dresses?

>>14769794, >>14769864 Dan Scavino posted a man reaching the precipice. Is Dan hinting at something here?

>>14769809 Jovan Pulitzer Explains the 284,000 Maricopa County Ballot Images Missing (1:46)

>>14769838, >>14769988 SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS”

>>14770013 Submarine news during one of America's and the world's most "RED" financial months ever in history

>>14770086 When does a bird sing?

>>14770092 Flynn's message about Seven Rays were symbolic comms

>>14770167 #AuroraBorealis in Steele, ND

>>14770206 Daniel Scavino When they want to silence you — there’s a reason. Don’t let it happen, you’re being effective, and making a difference — don’t stop!

>>14770381 PF Reports GOLD82 GOLD91 GOLD92

>>14770434 #18682


>>14768908 17 Things With A Higher Approval Rating Than Joe Biden: Babylon bee

>>14768910 Threatening to Report Certain Undocumented People Now a Crime in NY

>>14768951, >>14769161 TEXAS BANS ALL VACCINE MANDATES…

>>14768961 This is graphene oxide (Cap 1:46)

>>14768966 Michael Jordan has emphatically endorsed the NBA’s Covid-19 protocols

>>14769058 Dead Body Found Near Fort Hood, Authorities Say

>>14769068 Statement by Donald J. Trump: Unselect Committee is just a sideshow to distract, Left's Witch Hunt—led by Shifty Adam Schiff and his crew who misled America on RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA

>>14769079 Arizona Attorney General Fires Off Letter to Secretary of State — Demands Documents Based on Forensic Audit Results

>>14769099 Plane crash in Mesa County, CO

>>14769127, >>14769343, >>14769545 Rotten Tomatoes Reveals ‘Fauci’ Audience Score of Just 2 Percent

>>14769146 Raiders Coach Resigns After Leaked Emails Show He Called Joe Biden a “Nervous Clueless Pus*y”

>>14769209, >>14769222 Military microwave crowd dispersal


>>14769283 Sunoco Accused Of Violating State Laws And Polluting Westmoreland County Couple’s Well Water

>>14769400 Patent PROVES Vaxx is Obedience Training Platform

>>14769427 Donald Trump Des Moines, Iowa Rally Speech Transcript October 9

>>14769491 FAKE NEWS Pentagon’s first software chief quit because China has already won global tech war

>>14769542 Shirtless man climbs electric substation, leaving thousands without power in Ohio

>>14769526, >>14769529 Gen Flynn: Attention Airline Employees: Don't Want to Take the COVID-19 Vaccines?

>>14769556 AG Brnovich has started his investigation into the STEAL

>>14769561 This is Why It’s Beginning to Feel Like Trump is Going to Win in 2024

>>14769622 Maria Zack Says Says She Was Offered 5 Million Euros To Drop The Exposure

>>14769624 The CEO of Southwest Airlines is a member of the World Economic Forum. Surprised?

>>14769637 #18681

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38e5ca  No.14770444


>>14768147 ENFORCEMENT ACTS OF 1870 AND 1871

>>14768150 131 Federal Judges Didn’t Disclose Their Interests and Cases May Be Reheard

>>14768151, >>14768310 Texas.gov: Governors Abbott Issues EO Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates By Any Entity

>>14768153, >>14768496 Learn Russian

>>14768157, >>14768183 The CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election” – Former CIA and State Department Employee Larry Johnson

>>14768165 Breitbart Cartel Reporter Dies in Mexico, Authorities Believe He Drowned

>>14768188 Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

>>14768194 Oak Park guardian accused of voter fraud involving multiple incapacitated individuals

>>14768230 Kamala Harris, NASA Release ‘Propaganda’ Film Featuring Child Actors, Receive Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews

>>14768249 @SecBlinken, I am grateful for the leadership of my predecessors and for their service to our country.

>>14768258 Federal Foreknowledge or Federal Incitement? Arrest of Green Beret Oath Keeper Threatens to Expose FBI’s Darkest 1/6 Secrets

>>14768291 Climate Protesters March on White House, Vandalize Andrew Jackson Statue

>>14768303 Mysterious Explosion Rocked Afghanistan’s Capital, Kabul

>>14768375 This is the guy coming on the board with his buddies trying to convince us Flynn is a Satanist

>>14768600 @AdamSchiff: On planes, down in the bunker, and inside the Oval Office, I wanted readers to see how Trump made it Midnight in Washington.

>>14768705 Amish give their kids ZERO vaxxes, not even the old standards. Amish have ZERO autism.

>>14768757 The doctors trial, the medical case of the subsequent Nuremberg proceedings

>>14768775 PF

>>14768784 George Clooney says President Biden's recent sinking poll numbers are because he inherited a wounded country from former President Trump

>>14768846 #18680


>>14767330 Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

>>14767339, >>14767355, >>14767368 Moderna Vaccine under microscope component description vs. what's known of mRNA slides mini bun

>>14767348, >>14767434, >>14767829 Dr. Charles Lieber mini bun Vaccine development prior to covid outbreak related

>>14767589, >>14767618 Arizona Attorney General Fires Off Letter to Secretary of State — Demands Documents Based on Forensic Audit Results

>>14767664 FDA Responds to Nordic Countries Suspending Moderna COVID Vaccine Usage

>>14767666 left-wing education company recommends that teachers read a book in which the first essay is written by Bill Ayers

>>14767680 Biden Should Force China To Pay the World Restitution for Coronavirus Damage, Retired General Says

>>14767798 for the kek inclusion Southwest Airlines Offering Free Flights To All Passengers Who Are Vaccinated And Can Fly A Plane

>>14767799 Donald Trump rally in Iowa: Ex-president tells thousands, 'We're going to take America back'

>>14767841, >>14767846 Texas Gov. Abbott Issues Executive Order to Ban ‘Any Entity’ from Mandating Covid-19 Vaccines

>>14767901 Reminder of Italy Affidavit of election 2020

>>14768318 #18679

Previously Collected

>>14766487 #18677, >>14767251 #18678,

>>14764148 #18674, >>14764936 #18675, >>14765718 #18676

>>14761832 #18671, >>14763304 #18672, >>14764148 #18673

>>14759574 #18668, >>14760055 #18669, >>14762847 #18670

>>14757021 #18665, >>14757810 #18666, >>14759665 #18667

>>14754713 #18662, >>14755508 #18663, >>14756226 #18664

>>14752378 #18659, >>14753359 #18660, >>14753956 #18661

>>14750035 #18656, >>14750791 #18657, >>14751618 #18658

>>14747550 #18653, >>14750362 #18654, >>14751504 #18655

>>14745131 #18650, >>14746034 #18651, >>14746817 #18652

>>14745474 #18647, >>14745490 #18648, >>14745542 #18649

>>14739897 #18644, >>14740772 #18645, >>14745380 #18646

>>14738114 #18641, >>14740065 #18642, >>14739878 #18643

>>14738419 #18638, >>14737024 #18639, >>14739111 #18640

>>14732650 #18635, >>14733414 #18636, >>14734217 #18637

>>14730318 #18632, >>14731455 #18633, >>14738419 #18634

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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38e5ca  No.14770445

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38e5ca  No.14770446



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38e5ca  No.14770450



Baker requests Handoff

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0aa63d  No.14770451

File: 6e32ba6800c994c⋯.jpg (240.23 KB, 1080x1698, 180:283, Screenshot_20211011_231533….jpg)

File: 4e902d606456134⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 1080x692, 270:173, Screenshot_20211011_231259….jpg)



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9ea4f3  No.14770459

File: d6ecc98e727866d⋯.jpg (151.04 KB, 925x1184, 25:32, maxwell.jpg)

Not to be a pain in the ass…posted this last bread and wonder if anyone else did…no shocker Disney is listed as a defendant.

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2a24f3  No.14770462

File: 921bdc559b0ea64⋯.png (134.68 KB, 270x270, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2effac  No.14770468

File: a5a79d136ca12da⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1418x837, 1418:837, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a24f3  No.14770469

File: 9e3f85ce1a0531d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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74223e  No.14770471

File: 4b74b00854b9908⋯.png (272.39 KB, 500x327, 500:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9320e  No.14770477

Trump, Speaker of the House 2022

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579bae  No.14770478

File: e3b326ea485795d⋯.png (807.66 KB, 762x486, 127:81, 3435367447.png)

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907f9d  No.14770479

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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2a24f3  No.14770480

File: 352151840ba7a08⋯.png (13.5 KB, 270x270, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump will be executed for spreading COVID as a bioweapon.

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2effac  No.14770481

File: 38eb177b794215c⋯.png (343.85 KB, 450x334, 225:167, ClipboardImage.png)


So.. We live on a Giant Magnet…

If Earth was shaped like a Tuning Fork, would it break glass?

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ce6b82  No.14770482


Dream on and glow brighter, shill.

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af4570  No.14770483

File: 2a7c006469990de⋯.jpeg (76.49 KB, 960x840, 8:7, covfefe_motion.jpeg)

File: 4a6ebb8021e1ac5⋯.gif (845.35 KB, 1696x1528, 212:191, cyber_war.gif)

File: d72b52769b4080f⋯.png (313.18 KB, 814x601, 814:601, DARKEST.png)

Anon's theory: President Trump DID invoke the insurrection act. One of the requirements is that he must publicly order the insurrectionists to disperse. He fulfilled this requirement on January 6th at his speech when he ordered everyone to go home. It doesn't matter who we perceived him to be talking to at the time; he fulfilled the legal requirement of publicly ordering the insurrectionists to disperse.

Invoking this act permits the President to suspend the writ of habeus corpus and grants many other legal powers; it does NOT require him to inform CNN and Twitter or issue official rulings. In essence, on January 6th, President Trump's real plan began. We are in the midst of it and even we on QResearch can barely see the signs. But we DO see them. You guys post things almost every day; glints of light caught in the reflection of airborne particles of shattered glass. Something big is ongoing behind the scenes, and though the facade is extremely well-wrought, the most miniscule rays of light shine through, foreshadowing a better tomorrow.

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eaecfc  No.14770484


>The City of New Yok

Is that really a thing?

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0aa63d  No.14770485

File: ba39ab32fd739ff⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 570x928, 285:464, il_570xN_1921239733_1f5q.jpg)

Enjoy the show.

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ce6b82  No.14770486


I caught that too…someone's typo.

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53d874  No.14770487

File: 19f0ed62b845602⋯.jpg (407.37 KB, 620x581, 620:581, jewswholooklikearabs.jpg)

File: 473582fcbc90765⋯.jpg (481.82 KB, 720x679, 720:679, greaterisrael.jpg)

File: d17d260d3e0c684⋯.jpg (631.65 KB, 743x753, 743:753, SUPPORTING_ISRAEL_IS_TREAS….jpg)

File: ed54f96043e1125⋯.jpg (298.87 KB, 1024x885, 1024:885, 1630626643920.jpg)

File: 3063a0690f56017⋯.jpg (105.39 KB, 650x698, 325:349, satanisthelordandmasteroft….jpg)

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ce6b82  No.14770488


I caught that too…someone's typo.

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2a24f3  No.14770489

File: 0de964925bc0b25⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 591x622, 591:622, CHINA_VIRUS_FORT_DETRICK_C….jpg)

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77cbed  No.14770490

File: 7d9cdc58d0623f6⋯.jpeg (327.67 KB, 750x1254, 125:209, 547594E7_44D1_4285_A347_D….jpeg)

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said a raft of documents he provided to special counsel John Durham supports additional charges in his criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation.

"Michael Sussmann's is the first of what I would hope would be a number, based on the fact — I provided not just those declassified documents, but I provided 1,000 intelligence community documents that I think support additional charges that I would expect John Durham to bring," he told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.


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38e5ca  No.14770491

File: abf55942ec2aa8a⋯.png (34.72 KB, 778x438, 389:219, ClipboardImage.png)

Been posted 6778 times already, thanks all the same


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eaecfc  No.14770492


But proofread by somebody that should have caught it and had it corrected. Q did say misspellings matter

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ce6b82  No.14770493


From a Chinese outlet? Bwahahahaha!

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ce6b82  No.14770494


Good point.

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2effac  No.14770496

File: 568d630b308aaa1⋯.jpg (100.33 KB, 1200x653, 1200:653, 10_12_2021_023745.jpg)

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655e1e  No.14770497

File: 97877027e8affdd⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 713x401, 713:401, 97877027e8affdd084003c7e00….jpg)

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2effac  No.14770498

File: 59ace3e68bf3256⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1165x868, 1165:868, ClipboardImage.png)

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194d9d  No.14770499

>>14770092 lb

Michael Flynn is the second godfather of the Nexus7 The Secret Spy Machine For Afghanistan,

That his best friend Stanley (Wikipedia Flynn Intel Group first paragraph: The Flynn Intel Group is a lobbying group established by Michael Flynn in October 2014.[1] Flynn registered the company from the home of his friend Stanley A. McChrystal, a "fellow general-turned-consultant."[2]

)McChrystal is current using against Pro Trump Accounts.

An anti-Trump Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is planning to deploy an information warfare tool that reportedly received initial funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s secretive research arm – transforming technology originally envisioned as a way to fight ISIS propaganda into a campaign platform to benefit Joe Biden.


Both trained under Michael A. Aquino, bio on Amazon won’t link here…temple of set/ mkultra

Wizards and warlocks is no joke…

Flynn Invaded Haiti for the Clinton’s it was only the beginning…


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77cbed  No.14770500

File: a6e41410292446b⋯.jpeg (200.05 KB, 469x889, 67:127, 58E2E0F3_FB8F_4CA2_9BCB_0….jpeg)


Kanye’s music production company is G.O.O.D Music

Location: New York

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2a24f3  No.14770501

File: 5c6e2a7866f493b⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 480x270, 16:9, CatAlunya.mp4)



Just like the news you are getting from an American outlet.

I trust the news moar from China than I do from the US of A.

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38e5ca  No.14770502


The manufactures will be held accountable, sheesh the shill is low iq this morning, where did you get dragged from? Perkins Coie?

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fa96f9  No.14770503

>>14769739 (lb)

I'm still holding the line at Pelosi being "P".

Pelosi in Portugal, no less.

Is this the still the same jaunt for the Pope visit, and, as I read somewhere, a UK visit? I'd guess City of London rather than UK.

There was a video of her in an animated phone call at the Congressional ball game, and the funding bills were put on ice the next day, I think. Then she flew out on the Pope trip. I still think she got a margin call.

The old grey mare she ain't what she used to be, or a wizard on the machine who got their curtain pulled. Any, "World Ruler", wouldn't need to be addressing it in some speech.

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f9320e  No.14770504


i mean it was a team effort.

china can't deny they made/released fake covid death videos.

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579bae  No.14770505


>It all begins with the Lithium Ion Battery.

how so, anon, if you are still here ?

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0aa63d  No.14770506


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579bae  No.14770508


PB sorry

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b1a76f  No.14770510

File: 178bba69e4b31e8⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 495x436, 495:436, Wheels_down_potus_nov_3_20….jpg)


You're fired

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38e5ca  No.14770511

File: fec28ceebc36199⋯.png (237.01 KB, 446x844, 223:422, ClipboardImage.png)

imglover, [12.10.21 01:34]

Framing Michael Flynn



imglover, [12.10.21 02:01]

[ Video ]

The Framing of Michael Flynn: The Timeline


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5720c1  No.14770512

File: afab2d9b988cfdd⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB, 720x900, 4:5, dan_s.mp4)

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f3330c  No.14770513

>>14770387 pb

>A free & public education is not in the Constitution.

>That's the Socialist way.

ok then. just remember that when your home is burning down, don't you DARE call the publicly funded fire dept to come put it out.

check the yellow pages for a for-profit fire COMPANY and negotiate a price to have them come put it out for you.

FUCKWIT. the world is NOT black and white. sometimes a little socialism is a GOOD thing.

stop leaning on the label-think, and try some actual critical reasoning.

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5720c1  No.14770514

File: 3c01ea3fe4ece25⋯.mp4 (203.24 KB, 400x170, 40:17, DanScavinao010221.mp4)

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fa3a13  No.14770515


They're all fake news.

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5720c1  No.14770516

File: 65814c952033365⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 640x1138, 320:569, danscavino_75043899_301933….mp4)

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655e1e  No.14770517

File: 5d6178d1b068d7e⋯.png (27.31 KB, 535x330, 107:66, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_0….png)

Do not get drawn into conflict or arguments at this stage. It serves only to weaken your energy. It is deliberate and targeted. Focus on your own peace and strengthening yourself. We are winning. We need you at your peak.


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5720c1  No.14770518

File: 94d495555401afe⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 1280x444, 320:111, Dan_Scavino_17_times_flyby.mp4)

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eaecfc  No.14770519


Found 3 'yok's here. Still not sure if/how ot connects, but a holistic approach may reveal something.

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2a24f3  No.14770520

File: 89c24a82c3043fe⋯.pdf (788.35 KB, techtalk50_23_MITvirusLiOn.pdf)




Able to use viruses inside of Lithium Ion Batteries to act as Cathode/Anode.

Also, some other very interesting articles included.

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38e5ca  No.14770521

File: 78e50d4acb6483b⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 78e50d4acb6483b7b377bdffd6….jpg)

File: 21744231c276629⋯.jpg (312.01 KB, 1987x2638, 1987:2638, 21744231c27662918ae6bd4ef1….jpg)




Baker is out, notetakers step up.

New Baker self confirm

Thank you anons


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5720c1  No.14770523

File: e20e415d1b0855f⋯.mp4 (348.12 KB, 320x400, 4:5, DanScavino122720.mp4)

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fa3a13  No.14770524


Look at some of the "artists"/song titles.

John Legend.

A song called "Panda."

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2a24f3  No.14770525



It fails to be about the truth, but both sides get wrapped up in the narratives that each wants you to believe so they can hold on to political power.

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67ef02  No.14770526

Comedy break




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655e1e  No.14770527

File: 0487c243a871dbf⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0487c243a871dbf29e898ee21e….jpg)

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2effac  No.14770528

File: 3754b740a111449⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1155x779, 1155:779, ClipboardImage.png)

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579bae  No.14770529


>i mean it was a team effort.

Yep, I agree

I understand the Bioweapons Wuhan lab was built with French expertise, they were probably in the bioweapon joint-venture with the Chinks

Research was outsourced from Fort Detrick to China after that sort of research was barred after an outbreak from Fort Detrick on American soil

Then there are those Chinks arrested from Canada smuggling germ research/bioweapons back to China

Apparently lots of bioweapons research is "outsourced"..maybe for plausible deniability in case of breaches or leaks

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2effac  No.14770530



Past my bedtime.

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dee576  No.14770531

Microbial transformation of quinic acid to shikimic acid by Bacillus megaterium, 2004

The production of shikimic acid from quinic acid (1.4 mM) using Gluconobacter oxydans as biocatalyst has been reported [18,19] with both whole cell catalyst and immobilized cell system (57% to 77% bioconversion). In the biotransformation, quinate dehydrogenase (QDH), a classical membrane-bound quinoprotein containing pyrroloquinoline quinine (PQQ) as the coenzyme functions as the primary enzyme in quinate oxidation converting quinic acid to 3-dehydroquinate (3-DHQ) (Figure 1) [9,18]. This 3-DHQ further gets converted to 3-dehydroshikimate (3-DHS) by 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (DQD). Finally, 3-DHS gets converted to shikimic acid by the action of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP)-dependent shikimate dehydrogenase (SKDH). Entry into the shikimate pathway from quinic acid seems to be advantageous over the classical pathway starting from glucose as there is less number of steps involved. From quinic acid, it is converted to shikimate by three enzymatic steps using microbial biotransformation

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a0f974  No.14770532

Q is a moron.

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f3330c  No.14770533

File: 6c3889447cd6f3c⋯.png (617.31 KB, 542x943, 542:943, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)



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579bae  No.14770534


hello bot

first shill post of the evening ?

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67ef02  No.14770535

Stew Peters Interviews LA Port Worker To Get Ground Report on Cargo Ship Backlog

An anonymous worker from the West Coast Port of Los Angeles came forward on “The Stew Peters Show” to discuss the claimed issues around the cargo ship backlogs. {Direct Rumble Link} As the port worker noted, based on his 18-years working there, there is no supply disruption on the unloading end of the supply chain; though they are a little backed-up, but the port is offloading at a high capacity.

The interview is interesting because the ground report contradicts the popular narrative about COVID impacts on the current supply chain. There are ample goods flowing into the supply chain from the ports, yet there are claims of shortages at the warehouse and distribution level. WATCH


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5720c1  No.14770536

File: eefa61a712b479f⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dan_Scavino_The_Aurora_Bor….mp4)

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579bae  No.14770537


Thanks anon, I'll read it now


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aed4b2  No.14770538

File: de8b3ce28c8cfe0⋯.png (3.41 MB, 1918x1182, 959:591, ClipboardImage.png)

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e44f9a  No.14770539

>>14770135 pb

Ge. Flynn has often tried to talk sense to the anons, explaining there is no big "Plan" and that anons should stop overinterpreting/"decoding" every little word and gesture …

He might be a registered Democrat but that does not make him a "Satanist".

the Seven Rays probably comes for the Theosophy, but the theosphists were not Satanists, more like proto-Hippies believing in the Age of Aquarius and fascinated by the Easter religions, which they preferred over the Abrahamic religions.

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2effac  No.14770540




Common Knowledge.

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f3330c  No.14770541


>Microbial transformation of quinic acid to shikimic acid by Bacillus megaterium, 2004

>using Gluconobacter oxydans as biocatalyst

yeah? so what? of what possible value is this "revelation" to the ordinary person? aksing for a fren….

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a0f974  No.14770542


Q is a moron.>>14770534

I rarely post here but I know Jim is a total asshole.

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74223e  No.14770543

File: 46f80283fe0be33⋯.png (597.95 KB, 692x550, 346:275, ClipboardImage.png)


At least this season's shill class has brought a couple of new tricks to practice on. It makes their punishment for losing that much sweeter. They keep making the same mistakes.

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792623  No.14770544

File: bbf6c24dc36cb18⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 320x283, 320:283, Polish_20211011_063725479.jpg)




Was trying to claim

But the server's bein fucky for me..

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fa3a13  No.14770545


I'm not following here…then again it's about 3 AM my time and I'm tired.

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2effac  No.14770546


Bucket List #17

Ride a Rocket Through The Northern Lights.

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f9320e  No.14770547


I think Xi is cooperating with Q on some level and deliberately released a dud or nothing at all. If the aim was to attack, they wouldn't have released the fake death videos at all. If you add unreliability of the PCR test, juiced death numbers, no live sample, and fake news fear mongering, one could say Covid didn't exist at all until the vax was introduced.

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a0f974  No.14770548


Jim Watkins will pay dearly.

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39153d  No.14770549


Given this sample, encompassing only your opinions, I appreciate your limiting your posts, on this research board.

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38e5ca  No.14770550

File: 404ba1d8c7838a1⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 404ba1d8c7838a189014950842….jpg)


The is a DDOS occurring, they are always trying to get in, kek

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fa3a13  No.14770551


Who knows. We may well find out down the road.

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f3330c  No.14770552



they used viruses to build nano-sized lithium batteries. you imply that the lithium batteries in your phone is spreading viruses.

that is one giant leap of illogic, even for a scientifically illiterate moran. you are a world class retard or a shill or both. KYS now.

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a0f974  No.14770553


You're welcome.

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e44f9a  No.14770554

>>14770504 pb

>china can't deny they made/released fake covid death videos.

I suspect those were released by anti-CCP actors like the CIA supported Hong Kong activists

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39153d  No.14770555


If you aren't BSing, there is only one thing I can say:


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a0f974  No.14770556


Trump is a clown.

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e67034  No.14770557

File: dcfbf819bd361cb⋯.png (375.26 KB, 981x551, 981:551, c92004144b3b6cf2.png)

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dfa9ad  No.14770558

File: a48c6cce41e51b6⋯.png (113.1 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_024340.png)

File: 1f4c27c3a13986b⋯.png (104.74 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_024346.png)

File: 3043781b72ac230⋯.png (200.54 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_024357.png)

File: 0441a0bb4a998cb⋯.png (121.29 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_024436.png)

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f3330c  No.14770559

File: 6a59494ec8b3bf2⋯.png (754.09 KB, 1269x711, 141:79, Airplane_2.png)


>Jim Watkins will pay dearly.

how do you know what will happen to JW? and stop calling me dearly.

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2effac  No.14770560

File: 327aba62dd52422⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1270x848, 635:424, ClipboardImage.png)


Our technicians are aware of the issue and will have the problem resolved shortly.

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dfa9ad  No.14770562

File: 8e9933244ce59c1⋯.png (87.41 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_025521.png)

File: 60f0d91f0ee1f52⋯.png (373.03 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_025531.png)

File: 77b2bc0cebcfe2c⋯.png (215.84 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_025542.png)

File: 266310e2df6073c⋯.png (102.35 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_025852.png)

File: d03b95aa962de7d⋯.png (325.9 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_025907.png)

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a0f974  No.14770563


Trump never thought Hillary would lose.

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1a2371  No.14770564

File: eda4ae6f2bd15d4⋯.jpg (83.73 KB, 702x499, 702:499, apuguitar1.jpg)

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dfa9ad  No.14770565

File: e22304bb1e25c52⋯.png (289.01 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_011312.png)

File: 43232e515607b4f⋯.png (252.73 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_011315.png)

File: d351fa4924dbfcd⋯.png (253.49 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_013024.png)

File: 2cd9a23f8a4bf6c⋯.png (265.7 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_013027.png)

File: a053a518e57a675⋯.png (316.08 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211011_194447.png)

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67ef02  No.14770566


How much money does JW owe Dearly ?

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aed4b2  No.14770567


The photo was posted.

I reciprocated the location.

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e67034  No.14770568

File: 7d095a9ed9ef484⋯.jpeg (57.69 KB, 533x500, 533:500, a4a1549ccc334e9f.jpeg)

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1a2371  No.14770569


All righty.

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f9320e  No.14770570


a lot of those videos couldn't have been produced without government sponsorship.

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2effac  No.14770571



There is no way so many people are that fucking evil.

Not in my world!

I have a feeling we're all going to be blown TF away when this goes, "Pop".

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a0f974  No.14770572


He hangs out in my nieghborhood.

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1a2371  No.14770573


You'd be surprised, anon, this is Satan's world for now. He's a liar and a murderer, should we expect anything else from his lackeys?

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e67034  No.14770574

File: 1732d99cba35df0⋯.jpeg (79.79 KB, 1016x1024, 127:128, b4d01e0c34c79187.jpeg)

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38e5ca  No.14770575

File: dd38dec32121936⋯.jpg (172.42 KB, 832x492, 208:123, dd38dec32121936cde83dea635….jpg)

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f3330c  No.14770576


>this is Satan's world for now.

the sage has said, "evil cannot be defeated in this world, only resisted within oneself."

paradoxically, if everyone did that, evil WOULD be defeated in this world.

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792623  No.14770577

File: 509296391bfe167⋯.jpeg (35.28 KB, 816x810, 136:135, received_823051315297387.jpeg)


>DDOS occurring

Been awhile, kek!

Alleycat trending again?

They say trap has been set..

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2810d0  No.14770578

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2effac  No.14770579

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB, 1824x1212, 152:101, Armor_of_God.jpg)


Either way it goes..

I am content in knowing Jesus loves me, yes he does!

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e67034  No.14770580

File: 877a3194a113b84⋯.jpeg (130.25 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, cc07bfb9b9fdebb5.jpeg)

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1a2371  No.14770581

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a0f974  No.14770582


He fooled Trump.

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38e5ca  No.14770583

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e67034  No.14770584

File: 31b66d323b2a42f⋯.jpeg (62.12 KB, 460x640, 23:32, 8e736624c813afba.jpeg)

File: 12ccc530dbb2797⋯.jpeg (53.15 KB, 628x640, 157:160, ecec503e0cdb11b3.jpeg)

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a0f974  No.14770585


Trump is only into sex with strangers.

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579bae  No.14770586

File: 448748d761efadb⋯.png (731.14 KB, 1514x786, 757:393, np.png)


Very interesting to read, anon

It seems clear that the mRNA "vaccines" for Covid 19 are using this type of technology, adapted for their specific use

Also notable is their design and use of the self assembling nanowires, exactly what we are seeing in some of the Covid 19 liquids

They can form electrical circuits and switches and possibly act as a battery for (at present) unknown elements in the "vaccines"

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67ef02  No.14770587


[Mar 3:11 KJV] 11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.

[1Jo 4:4 KJV] 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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74223e  No.14770588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a0f974  No.14770589



He never wanted to be president.

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e67034  No.14770590

File: e3455d186aed997⋯.jpg (91.01 KB, 750x840, 25:28, e9bb3628de29e083.jpg)

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2effac  No.14770591

File: 2ae312f31e1a246⋯.png (312.96 KB, 835x443, 835:443, Patriot_Oath_Prayer_Hero_A….png)


I can only hope I save as many as possible when my time comes.

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e44f9a  No.14770592


>china can't deny they made/released fake covid death videos.

I suspect those were released by anti-CCP actors like the CIA supported Hong Kong activists>>14770570



>a lot of those videos couldn't have been produced without government sponsorship.

can you point an example?

the videos I saw were mostly just somebody shaking and falling, shot from distance … no props or sets required

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a0f974  No.14770593

Trump voted for Hillary.

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65632e  No.14770594

File: 2de61753f1defc7⋯.png (1.08 MB, 800x1561, 800:1561, 2021_10_12_0_03_43.png)


World masters meet to decide OUR FATE:


Well, they are all about isolation, lying, censur [e] and ”transhumans” and we are all about transcending Humanity into the Light & Love that we are! And TRUTH, openess, connection in compassion and caring to form healthy Communities 💞🙌🏻.

Light always erases darkness, but darkness can never erase light. They can sit on their billion $ golden thrones - but let’s see who wins… ❤️🙌🏻☀️

Besides, “transhumans” is their code word for zombie, and they haven’t a clue what being a true human is.

- - - - -



perfectly ambiguous!

Much like the Twilight Zone episode "TO SERVE MAN"

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38e5ca  No.14770595

File: a585260c801b8e4⋯.png (95.88 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


mmm sticking their nose in, hope we get some action shots for the Christmas blooper reel?

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e67034  No.14770596

File: 2427ce5f70c85ff⋯.png (223.8 KB, 780x913, 780:913, 6077dc6c79832cdb.png)

File: f8e55088a2d232c⋯.png (150.75 KB, 768x983, 768:983, d0bf0bf3cf2418fe.png)

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2810d0  No.14770597

>>14770542  > Jim is a total asshole.

It takes Shit to recognize a Source !

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1a2371  No.14770598


To be a fly on the wall there….

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e67034  No.14770599

File: 0e4c1f6bc261c72⋯.jpg (211.94 KB, 1434x960, 239:160, ca1773010d94759b.jpg)

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1a2371  No.14770600


Please…I just ate….

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2effac  No.14770601

File: a2094251a4ccc5f⋯.png (823.61 KB, 1092x653, 1092:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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67ef02  No.14770602


muh joo shills have infiltrated SWA support forum

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e67034  No.14770603

File: 250439f28997cac⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 0e911a45c9c34e76.png)

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f9320e  No.14770604


related: https://rumble.com/vnm1cn-receipts-patent-proves-vaxx-is-obedience-training-platform.html


one is how they built an entire hospital in 24-48 hours and then not used. also videos of wuhan quarantine by military. but here's a cache of them


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1a2371  No.14770605


I am okay with Jews having their own homeland. What pisses me off is the hypocrisy. Not all white nationalists are white supremacists. Some of us simply want to be left alone.

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74223e  No.14770606

File: 53c497844652c1b⋯.png (548.69 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


If I needed nanoparticles I would have them. If I needed a mask I would look like a turkey. Billions of years of evolution trumps snake oil.

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579bae  No.14770607

File: a940afa82178988⋯.gif (3.61 MB, 286x296, 143:148, xi.gif)


Yes, I'm on the same page as you. I hope soon we will have all or some of the information to connect the dots

Your comment about Q and Xi is interesting

The attached image was circulating here about a week ago, Xi seems to be deferential and subservient to Trump as he guiltily removes hands from pockets as Trump glares at him briefly

Very curious body language, looks like they were in Beijing at the Forbidden City

Maybe Xi is Trump's / Q's bitch !

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2effac  No.14770608


Guessing that was funny inside of your head.

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e67034  No.14770610

File: 02bff7647795703⋯.png (224.06 KB, 588x335, 588:335, 521740c5ea6e2d89bd8f54656e….png)

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dfa9ad  No.14770611

File: 602f73201f78a40⋯.png (89.25 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031151.png)

File: 5d7d1ce692f38bf⋯.png (93.57 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031358.png)

File: 5a81c8cf0d902bc⋯.png (121.2 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031514.png)

File: e0812f37b8b38bd⋯.png (102.06 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031627.png)

File: 877481852c4158e⋯.png (96.87 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031732.png)

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38a3ae  No.14770612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

rab`ay s's kind

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1a2371  No.14770613

File: eac810b61eaa645⋯.png (759.7 KB, 1200x636, 100:53, pepenews.png)


Trump's a boss. Beijing Biden is a clown.

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a0f974  No.14770614

Jim Wakens wife and children should know he is gay.

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792623  No.14770615

File: 64ce2af0f7a754b⋯.jpeg (40.56 KB, 667x500, 667:500, received_254511596267819.jpeg)

>>14770594 LOOK WHAT'S HABBENING AT THE VATICAN on the 23rd!!

"World masters" all in one location?

Oh boy, I sure hope nothing happens to [them]

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3a64f3  No.14770616

File: dad316ddc294f39⋯.png (510.63 KB, 764x763, 764:763, Traitor_submarine_secrets_….png)

Wife of Navy nuclear engineer arrested for selling secrets appears to support 'resistance,' BLM https://trib.al/NfpjRA3


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2effac  No.14770617

File: ccbe1453d5464d3⋯.png (606.29 KB, 679x657, 679:657, Pepe_Bath_Turds.png)


If ever there was a place for this Pepe Turd Bath Meme.

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579bae  No.14770618

File: ee0831b0511870c⋯.png (395.28 KB, 596x404, 149:101, 325525.png)


shirley you're joking ?

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e67034  No.14770619

File: d4df7d191ce6cdf⋯.jpg (117.97 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, 88e6fea457134e97.jpg)

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dfa9ad  No.14770620

File: 763d0c8c4caf693⋯.png (92.97 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031908.png)

File: 6125250d692622b⋯.png (93.6 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031935.png)

File: cf0cf6023911779⋯.png (93.82 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032017.png)

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67ef02  No.14770621


>support 'resistance,' BLM

translation : acute mental leftardation

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74223e  No.14770622

File: 22c1f61b8b0c9cf⋯.png (420.65 KB, 397x419, 397:419, ClipboardImage.png)


Good is subjective. Good luck with that one, vipers & victims.

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579bae  No.14770624


CS Lewis is correct

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e67034  No.14770625

File: 175bb814ac622f6⋯.jpeg (191.57 KB, 1529x1072, 1529:1072, 9b1c769ff1ddf2ff.jpeg)

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2effac  No.14770626

File: 6ab769bf46fda9a⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 444x475, 444:475, I_see_what_you_did_there.jpg)


She's a Democrat and those were Racist Secrets.. Nothing to see here..

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f3330c  No.14770627


>Very interesting to read, anon

reread the OP anon. OP was suggesting that "they" are using lithium batteries in cellphones to spread the virus.

either a total moran conflating what she read with delusional paranoia, or a tard unable to express herself with cogent sentences.

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74223e  No.14770628

File: ab7f7a25ab7861f⋯.png (364.25 KB, 617x496, 617:496, ClipboardImage.png)


And she still lost.

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792623  No.14770629

File: 3350e48c9401a64⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 349x349, 1:1, FB_IMG_1632433043814.jpg)

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e67034  No.14770630

File: 552f8556bbc72aa⋯.jpeg (120.42 KB, 1091x1305, 1091:1305, 82365c5c7a08497f.jpeg)

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74223e  No.14770631

File: 1cbc0df5368d6e4⋯.png (75.27 KB, 276x280, 69:70, ClipboardImage.png)


The best we can do is, you all die first.

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ce59a9  No.14770632


Sorcerer kebabs.

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eb4d34  No.14770633

File: d24cbb0495506b7⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, catpeek.jpg)

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3a64f3  No.14770634



Nuclear Submarine secrets.

The woman arrested with her Navy nuclear engineer husband for allegedly selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent appears to be vocally in support of Black Lives Matter and “resistance” movements on her social media.

Diana Toebee, who was arrested on Saturday alongside her husband, Jonathan, reportedly repeatedly posted in support of the Black Lives Matter movement on several social media pages reviewed by Fox News, including Facebook and Instagram.

On Twitter, an account appearing to belong to Toebee followed several “resistance” accounts including @NotAltWorld, an account for “The Original Alt National Park Service Resistance,” @altUSEPA, “The Unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” and @RougeNASA, the self described “unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of NASA.”


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74223e  No.14770635

File: efa4a51a48ff76a⋯.png (526.16 KB, 526x711, 526:711, ClipboardImage.png)

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e67034  No.14770636

File: 0d8e2d0fd19f1b5⋯.jpeg (114.49 KB, 828x1307, 828:1307, 0794853080b93eb0.jpeg)

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38a3ae  No.14770637

File: 213087040bf181d⋯.png (70.04 KB, 894x576, 149:96, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_0….png)

File: ef100679865b15a⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 480x246, 80:41, alley_oop.gif)

File: 9e0620c6c0b26a8⋯.png (45.75 KB, 173x126, 173:126, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)



02-Dec-2018 2:38:29 PM PSTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch


viva vs vive.png


You are learning, Anon.

[J C] & Vive la France.

Riots in France today.

Comey testimony?

Do you believe in coincidences?


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e67034  No.14770638

File: 4b221b0ad816d7e⋯.png (214.66 KB, 575x493, 575:493, 0ebc78b6e2f02d57.png)

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74223e  No.14770640

File: bafd28f7eb2dfcf⋯.png (597.51 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9320e  No.14770641


DS script for covid didn't match the reality on the ground, but they adjusted and kept moving the ball. And if you factor in DS defense of Wuhan lab as the source and then later pointing the finger, it's possible XI double crossed them and they got pissed. Also Gates' comments about the 'next one will get their attention' seems like sour grapes thing to say.

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eb4d34  No.14770642


Now that's the funniest part of all…the virtue-signaling, self-righteous pro-mandate Karens not being able to fly.

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dfa9ad  No.14770643

File: 877481852c4158e⋯.png (96.87 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031732.png)

File: 763d0c8c4caf693⋯.png (92.97 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031908.png)

File: 6125250d692622b⋯.png (93.6 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_031935.png)

File: cf0cf6023911779⋯.png (93.82 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032017.png)

File: 835c75c344c3428⋯.png (82.54 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032705.png)

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f3330c  No.14770644

File: ed3319a7392bafe⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1ab1dc2d2ba4c7206c130b7663….png)

File: 471219420e387a7⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1651x2048, 1651:2048, 4c82f1a0eddbec8dda0cad8e08….png)

File: 50adf9239691e75⋯.jpg (104.38 KB, 960x878, 480:439, 50adf9239691e754a883f2f40b….jpg)

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e67034  No.14770645

File: a7957c7050d19a2⋯.jpeg (80.75 KB, 844x815, 844:815, 3642875b182f8341.jpeg)

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2d61ae  No.14770646


This was a very thoughtful, welcome addition to this board.

A couple of years ago I wouldn't have been able to recognise the truths within it. They've not been great years to be honest, but perhaps there's been a purpose to them.

I believe there's an alchemic process at work, the breaking down of what we knew is going to be very painful to witness, but perhaps if enough people of goodwill are engaged then we will see a better tomorrow.

Thank you for your post.

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dfa9ad  No.14770647

File: eed8e2886ed8cae⋯.png (235.2 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032914.png)

File: 109d996e4a4f8b9⋯.png (214.66 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032919.png)

File: fe1dc96a531eb6c⋯.png (215.02 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032924.png)

File: 49b5daad06f1bad⋯.png (251.53 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032929.png)

File: 7ba7512fee57720⋯.png (387.53 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032954.png)


It's actually more like this…

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579bae  No.14770648

File: 66a56efc293347a⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 504x376, 63:47, sm.mp4)



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f3330c  No.14770649


TY, anon.

i made that. now i know at least one person liked it.

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74223e  No.14770650

File: 505bb16e367645d⋯.png (463.59 KB, 640x465, 128:93, ClipboardImage.png)


The vaxx is a bunch of toxins that produces a basket of autoimmune disease reactions.

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3a64f3  No.14770651

File: c777fafa1209cd2⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 353msh.jpg)

File: bb27af8c7b4f957⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 353mpl.jpg)

File: 29e35b5e4f0317f⋯.jpg (97.14 KB, 753x500, 753:500, 3566nw.jpg)

File: 3361167ef884e53⋯.jpg (107.81 KB, 753x500, 753:500, 3566sr.jpg)

File: 509d7f44e65678e⋯.jpg (107.24 KB, 753x500, 753:500, 3566y6.jpg)


I made these a couple of years ago, kek


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ce6b82  No.14770652

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38a3ae  No.14770653

File: 17566cceef4d98d⋯.png (520.13 KB, 948x658, 474:329, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 2d9a0c12f2a3ea2⋯.png (796.39 KB, 1344x576, 7:3, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 2b22f84e889d3d2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1363x562, 1363:562, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: ba9ec2c3ca793ac⋯.png (1.06 MB, 980x657, 980:657, Screen_Shot_2021_10_10_at_….png)


droppin' in

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49f21a  No.14770654

File: ea99ce1a1ce9d5b⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 255x248, 255:248, incredulous_pepe.jpg)


>>14767680 Biden Should Force China To Pay the World Restitution for Coronavirus Damage, Retired General Says

How could a general and NSC member under Trump be that clueless? Is he trolling? WTF?

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ce6b82  No.14770655



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792623  No.14770656

File: 25f99fc11ce6868⋯.jpeg (71.62 KB, 540x852, 45:71, received_1836310789874941.jpeg)


Chekt and spspsps'd

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dfa9ad  No.14770657

File: a6eb7c293e35308⋯.png (268.99 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033315.png)

File: 2b4bd6aa140f2f2⋯.png (334.33 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033319.png)

File: 36b6ce546e90a1e⋯.png (468.3 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033324.png)

File: 620418db6198010⋯.png (375.39 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033327.png)

File: 502956dc70ae2ed⋯.png (282.44 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033405.png)

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ce6b82  No.14770658


Please. If anything Beijing Biden will give money to China.

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f3330c  No.14770659


>I suspect those were released by anti-CCP actors like the CIA supported Hong Kong activists

read some msgs allegedly smuggled out of chyna by members of falun gong. said the vids showed CCP executing dissidents, with vid editing to remove blood. two birds one stone. they love that shit.

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dfa9ad  No.14770660

File: 835c75c344c3428⋯.png (82.54 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_032705.png)

File: 85395dc106edd34⋯.png (400.09 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033522.png)

File: 2b2aead62d85fd9⋯.png (395.87 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033605.png)

File: 27090dbb6c5f3c1⋯.png (513.23 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033645.png)

File: b8bfb4de6285778⋯.png (291.92 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033635.png)

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f9320e  No.14770661


imma self nominate the archive link


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632de3  No.14770663

File: ce8585e8eacbb4f⋯.jpg (243.95 KB, 962x722, 481:361, 22959770_7847069_image_a_3….jpg)

the catalog is broken

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3a64f3  No.14770664

File: 7892c064b83297d⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_china_virus_covid_co….mp4)

also please pray for me and my family anons, been fightin the Rona.

Spouse anon tested for it, and we have both been sick the past week or so..

No taste the past 4 days.

Hoping i'm over the worst.

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632de3  No.14770665


Get some Host defense brand Cordyceps and Reishi mushrooms at Whole Foods

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dfa9ad  No.14770666

File: a139f935118b654⋯.png (304.3 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033844.png)

File: 14e830cc2024867⋯.png (400.1 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033910.png)

File: ad842a5d652507e⋯.png (172.87 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_033939.png)

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3ce651  No.14770667


the left can't meme

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632de3  No.14770668

File: 8f2c17f1256f79a⋯.png (729.54 KB, 414x822, 69:137, ClipboardImage.png)


looks like this

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579bae  No.14770669


>Gates' comments about the 'next one will get their attention'

What does Gates et al have planned, I wonder ?

I don't think the world will be suckered into another "deadly virus" scam

Something else; like massive bank failures ?

We are already seeing "food shortages" and "logistics bottlenecks" so perhaps a manufactured famine is next on the DS agenda

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2effac  No.14770670

File: 5c76c00e7b3988f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1243x663, 1243:663, ClipboardImage.png)


These People are sick!

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632de3  No.14770671

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f3330c  No.14770672

File: 8b093da43cfcf62⋯.png (80.47 KB, 859x241, 859:241, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

guise… i just found this msg in my email inbox. my work just got the ultimate notable. thinkin' imma call it a nite.

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579bae  No.14770673


pretty sure we are under ddos attack still

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2effac  No.14770674


"The last card…"

"The last card.."

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74223e  No.14770675

File: 8db5a8b89e3da9f⋯.png (52.27 KB, 216x255, 72:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 358ecea34023c89⋯.png (640.82 KB, 704x1860, 176:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49cb42cb3c828d2⋯.png (793.12 KB, 682x480, 341:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 798af0bfe154397⋯.png (654.39 KB, 480x525, 32:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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aed4b2  No.14770676

File: b7151ece151604a⋯.png (839.2 KB, 877x1297, 877:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfa9ad  No.14770677

File: 27ff739d0af91cc⋯.png (355.74 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_034120.png)

File: 7741cedf836f8cf⋯.png (218.65 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_034101.png)

File: af1ceda7e52ef96⋯.png (270.84 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_034330.png)

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632de3  No.14770678


wow - I just realized that's why both DJT and Mrs DJT hang their arms down like that – no body language to read!

they're both highly trained…

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8b19e2  No.14770679

Good day from Beijing.

Xi said to me to wish you all the good.

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3a64f3  No.14770680

File: cb8a572e543ac19⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)





I have been taking vitamins, D 3, C, Zinc and others that support the immune system.

Just stocked up, and probably not heading back to any stores right now, but if i feel worse, may have to try it.

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38a3ae  No.14770681

File: 7a52fb68de3e88b⋯.png (292.64 KB, 389x359, 389:359, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 3fa30f750817f8a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1352x641, 1352:641, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)


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994394  No.14770682

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been almost exactly a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability. It's not complete yet but there will be another version with a full-featured post editor available in a week or so.

There is no better way to consume bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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632de3  No.14770683

File: 987baee3ab60a34⋯.png (800.5 KB, 663x453, 221:151, Screenshot_2021_10_06_at_0….png)

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3ce651  No.14770684

File: d63f27fe722d3c5⋯.png (240.83 KB, 596x457, 596:457, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

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573a2b  No.14770685

File: b6408e05f7787b5⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 640x721, 640:721, fren.jpg)


Hope you feel better soon, fren.

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65632e  No.14770686


>hope nothing happens to [them]

me too or they'll come nosing around here askin' questions


Getting pretty fukken brazen, aren't they?

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f3330c  No.14770688


>pretty sure we are under ddos attack still

skeerd me for a second. at first glance thought it said we are under dildos attack.

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f9320e  No.14770689


can't find the video, but the context was the next one will actually be deadly. then him and his husband smirked.

according to WEF great reset, one of the things they mentioned was a massive banking hack, which could be a prelude to a digital currency, for our safety.

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632de3  No.14770690

File: 987baee3ab60a34⋯.png (800.5 KB, 663x453, 221:151, Screenshot_2021_10_06_at_0….png)


they will boost your immunity. It is the difference between days. Cordyceps will heal you fast. reishi is called hte mushroom of immortality – for a good reason. It is a very good immunomodulator.

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65632e  No.14770692


get quercetin from amazon - needed to activate the zinc

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49f21a  No.14770693

File: 59f877c781d9d88⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 500x513, 500:513, left_cant_meme.jpg)

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ab9003  No.14770694


yes, went to vanwa for me

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3ce651  No.14770696


not a bad theory about J6, anon. would explain much

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65632e  No.14770697


but it's a mild 'dildos' attack


just some vanwa stuff popping up and endless "posting" messages, could be worse

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af4570  No.14770698

File: 45e58a9dcce31f1⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 498x306, 83:51, Fist_of_an_Angry_God.jpg)



>Oh boy, I sure hope nothing happens to [them]

Dear God, please just one unexpected 25-meter meteorite. Let the satellites and radar operators fail to detect it. The good people lost in the event will pale in comparison to the number lost if these evil people persist upon the Earth.

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994394  No.14770699


Kek. That's the whole plot in 28 seconds.

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3a64f3  No.14770701


I looked for that, and could not find any local.

Family anon in another state has an extra bottle and may send it.

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2d6b30  No.14770702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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efaa65  No.14770703


Putin's statement from the meeting of Russia's ONF interregional forum


I have always liked communist and socialist ideas. If we consider the Code of the Builder of Communism that was widely published in the Soviet Union, it strongly resembles the Bible. This is not a joke; it was actually an excerpt from the Bible. It spoke of good things: equality, fraternity, happiness. However, the practical implementation of these ideals in this country had little in common with what the utopian socialists Saint-Simon or Owen spoke about. This country had little resemblance to their Sun City.

Utopian socialists



Given that we know the Cabal works by infiltrating groups that support liberty and then twisting them into tools for feudalism, perhaps some of these ideas need to be investigated with fresh eyes. Remember, when the Cabal is threatened by the turn of world events, it coopts them in order to DOMINATE the narrative with their own version, and hide the history from before their narrative.

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632de3  No.14770704


Cordyceps increases oxygen uptake to the blood. Mountain climbers in the Himalayas use it as an edge to get to the top (it's native to that region) >>14770680

Mushrooms ALSO CONTAIN GLUTATHIONE AND IODINE, which you need right now

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3ce651  No.14770705

File: d63f27fe722d3c5⋯.png (240.83 KB, 596x457, 596:457, mccriminal.png)



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849c39  No.14770706

The Democrat traitors had their way with Trump.

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2effac  No.14770707

File: 1d5fe108e22b37a⋯.mp4 (759.59 KB, 640x340, 32:17, Mix_Drugs_with_Stupidity.mp4)

For Archiving Purposes

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dfa9ad  No.14770708

File: aeb1e1ead848fd9⋯.png (106.71 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_035007.png)

File: 7a238e512fd1e2f⋯.png (78.04 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_035206.png)

File: 22920e6df434fbe⋯.png (434.15 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_035029.png)

File: be0737e69ebe2a8⋯.png (278.09 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_035132.png)

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f9320e  No.14770709


yea but at the same time, everything else is falling apart in real time. so your theory is still just hopium.>>14770483

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2effac  No.14770710


Compared to the CGI crap they call Block Busters now…

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f3330c  No.14770711

File: 699b2f3742d67e7⋯.png (349.88 KB, 1393x764, 1393:764, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)



do yourself one better…

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38a3ae  No.14770712

File: ea57281ebc44b73⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 474x296, 237:148, EXCNLZeWkAEXrPb.jpg)

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b621bd  No.14770713

File: 7569a49fdb2b5b7⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1640x2360, 41:59, 451B5318_89A3_46EE_A59D_9E….png)

Fatal Plane crash in Mesa County, CO

Were any elections officials aboard?


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dfa9ad  No.14770714


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efaa65  No.14770715



All debts will be paid in full when the margin calls come in.

They will be paid by whatever means necessary.

But make no mistake.. they will be paid. In full.

There will be no panic.

There will be no warning.

No amount of money will buy safety.

Nothing lasts forever.


Trial in Absentia

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af4570  No.14770716

File: 0ca6eac70cb4a73⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 287x400, 287:400, P_eater.jpg)


Eat a grasshopper if you can catch one

It won't help but you never know how good it might be until you try it.

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49f21a  No.14770717


>He fulfilled this requirement on January 6th at his speech when he ordered everyone to go home.

Did he? I thought he urged them to walk on over to the Crapitol and "peacefully make their voices heard".

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dfa9ad  No.14770718


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3ce651  No.14770719


yep. that is where this is going.

that's ok, CCP. we want the CCP to burn, as well as our war criminals. Anyone who had a hand in unleashing this.

stupid fuckers think they are threatening us, when in reality they are just confirming what we already know. guilty confession by them.

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573a2b  No.14770720


I dunno, I see a bunch of dicks posting aka shills.

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792623  No.14770721

File: d74fcddec52bfae⋯.jpg (184.64 KB, 1528x861, 1528:861, Screenshot_20211012_035611….jpg)




Yup, can't embed

Which is a shame because this vidya isnotable

Stuart is still in jail, court marshalled for speaking the truth!!!

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15c4b2  No.14770722

File: 883f47646cc3adb⋯.png (470.16 KB, 989x670, 989:670, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_46….png)

File: 439a517dedd90e2⋯.png (760.7 KB, 988x670, 494:335, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_46….png)

File: e9fc39a8695c28f⋯.png (744.5 KB, 989x671, 989:671, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_46….png)

File: f17230720f688dc⋯.png (560.85 KB, 987x669, 329:223, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_46….png)

File: 1dd210a9d60c459⋯.png (555.03 KB, 798x1050, 19:25, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_47….png)



speaking of flights over "man-scraped" plots of earth, a plane flew over anon's house at 3:05 AM.

Always strikes me as JFK digits, although I realiize it can mean moar. Especially considered the JFK angle from the angle that today's date makes 11/22/21 AND it originated in Boston AND it had "CASTLE" in the name (Camelot) and "227" (J+F+K=27) and moar… you bet the the gist of it.

So I always take a closer look at the entire flight path of anything that flies ~directly over and look for anomalies… only one small "jerk" in the path was noticed and as I zoomed in on it was a. little taken aback to see it was over "Satan's Kingdom Wildlife Mgt" which borders a Concrete Facility with a MT HERMON Rd running thru it.

This seems to have A LOT of ingredients… Mt Hermon is where the Fallen Angels landed at the 33rd parallel as I recall?

Anyway, was gonna take a pass (not MIL), but figured there was enough going on here to merit the effort.




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2effac  No.14770723

File: d6ed71054a3509f⋯.gif (850.69 KB, 500x240, 25:12, crowd_cheer_applause_clap_….gif)

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2effac  No.14770724


just wow..


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f9320e  No.14770725


that was at the rally. from the WH, he told everyone to go home when media was questioning him about the Capitol

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b7a156  No.14770726

File: a0205c1e8aef642⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 1193x672, 1193:672, 20211012_005628.jpg)

Nice ring bitch

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28a22f  No.14770727

File: 8c989010787c26a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, dildo_yours_pepe.png)

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f3330c  No.14770728


shakespeare didn't even write the plays and sonnets. christopher marlowe wrote everything attributed to shakespeare. he faked his death in a duel and fled to italy to live safely under an assumed name. his work was smuggled back to england and they used a halfwit wannabe to be the front man who got the author credit.

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579bae  No.14770729


I like your thinking, anon

very astute observations

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260260  No.14770730

File: d1d1f7c00ebc6e3⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 686x1024, 343:512, rodhamlife.jpg)


Same as here?

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b7a156  No.14770731

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8b19e2  No.14770732


I just make water→ wine, and I'm just fine.

A bit drunk all the day, but I use the public transportation.

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f9320e  No.14770733


visited the family manor. the doorways are like 5'6"

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28a22f  No.14770734


Fucking spoiler that nasty shit, anon.

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b7a156  No.14770735


Looks different in size, same stone type possibly.

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efaa65  No.14770736


Green Tea is cheaper, does more things and you don"t have to send money to the Cabal(Amazon) to buy it.

Get Green Tea extract with a high EGCG content at a local store.

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579bae  No.14770737


"Portrait of a Serial Killer"

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260260  No.14770738

File: 744596555df1d1b⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 590x979, 590:979, eyebleach.jpg)


Sorry anon…hope this helps.

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af4570  No.14770739

File: 66f1ded7f7a81ab⋯.png (1.61 MB, 862x1207, 862:1207, hillary_aieeeee.png)

File: 3342aa5c0f2cadc⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 1045x1600, 209:320, hillary_blow.jpg)

File: 158ca0fb3711f40⋯.png (76.94 KB, 210x239, 210:239, Hillary_Eyebrows.png)

File: 7d0ddc0629a8b2c⋯.png (478.1 KB, 598x405, 598:405, hillary_ghoul.png)

File: f64e148c339b83d⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 649x651, 649:651, hillary_tour_bw.jpg)

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ab9003  No.14770740

File: 6e4b1068e36b649⋯.png (1.94 MB, 962x721, 962:721, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a3ae  No.14770741

WHISTLEBLOWER: LA Port Worker Says Shortages are FAKE!


Not surprising. Just a Puerto Rico FF done on a WW scale.

I imagine Venezuela was a test run and desensitizer as well.

Suppliers bowing down to their globalist masters.

Puerto Rican official ousted after warehouse filled with Hurricane Maria supplies found on island


Puerto Ricans call for governor to resign after Hurricane Maria supplies found in warehouse | NTDTV


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dfa9ad  No.14770742

File: de5bebc63190e01⋯.png (198.16 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_040357.png)

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260260  No.14770743


Oprah had a similar one.

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f9320e  No.14770744

File: e567e80a9a0b116⋯.png (185.32 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0675aaeea619712⋯.png (348.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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632de3  No.14770745

File: dec49ed108d0118⋯.png (878.88 KB, 575x570, 115:114, 1536530728.png)


>You guys post things almost every day; glints of light caught in the reflection of airborne particles of shattered glass.

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38a3ae  No.14770746

File: ea2bd966ffc5f4d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 974x646, 487:323, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 5c1cce2f14a97b9⋯.png (322.57 KB, 1068x615, 356:205, submarines_biologique.png)

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93f52e  No.14770747

File: 34b1822de131b0a⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 720x843, 240:281, Screenshot_20211012_090358.jpg)

Due to censorship/tortious interference, we've lost all income we used to pay for the servers, language translations, services, etc. Please consider making a donation to help support our work & expenses. ThanQ!


Social Media

Gab @QAlerts

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579bae  No.14770748

File: d806446fca50f98⋯.png (953.08 KB, 863x647, 863:647, 242425.png)


>under dildos attack.


dubs checked

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f3330c  No.14770749

File: 1144c495c7cee2d⋯.png (344.71 KB, 1411x789, 1411:789, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)


>Get Green Tea extract with a high EGCG content at a local store.

nutraceuticals are unregulated, and off brands in grocery stores are likely to be catnip. stick to national brands. NOW makes a great EGCG at a great price, and you don't have to go to amazon.

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632de3  No.14770750

File: b2fdbd3e7297ec3⋯.png (2.57 MB, 862x1270, 431:635, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

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38e5ca  No.14770751


does it work with foss?

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f9320e  No.14770752

File: e58791bcac6d3e2⋯.png (58.47 KB, 148x138, 74:69, ClipboardImage.png)

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28a22f  No.14770753

File: c3616c8962bdc4c⋯.jpeg (35.29 KB, 1013x360, 1013:360, hildabeest_suicide_reques….jpeg)

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3a64f3  No.14770754

File: 9363c6c0702e3df⋯.png (148.57 KB, 785x309, 785:309, 9363c6c0702e3df048abf71c9d….png)


I prefer my smoke, kek

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2effac  No.14770755

File: beb510d9c0603fc⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 640x354, 320:177, Smells_like_marijuanna.mp4)

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efaa65  No.14770756


This is the real reason for the COVID19 event. It was done to provide cover for the people who were trying to stop a total collapse of the global banking system when 500 European banks were on the cliff edge and about to go bust, wiping out Europe's economy, and knocking down all the dominoes in the interconnected One World Order banking system. No diversity means no resilience, no strength.

Wirecard … the biggest accounting fraud? Is the customers money safe? The end of Banking-as-a-Service?


Some of us are old enough to remember Arthur Anderson and Enron, a mixture of two companies that created an accounting mess bigger than any seen before in corporate history. That was until Ernst & Young (EY) and Wirecard.

Interestingly, there have been many auditing mess ups in the past few decades, but there are some really surprising issues with this latest one, such as EY not bothering to even check the company’s bank statements for the past three years. Even my accountant does that!

In fact, what is astounding is that the missing €1.9 billion was only discovered as an irregularity when EY finally did check the financial dealings of Wirecard in Singapore, Manila and Dubai. When EY asked two banks in the Philippines for the Wirecard account balance and the banks said: What Wirecard account? We don’t deal with them. Hmmmm … Wirecard claimed they had over two billion dollars in those accounts. How strange?

Anyway, you can read all about it in the links at the end of this blog, but there’s two other things that come to mind. One, this is the biggest accounting fraud in post-war European history and, two, it involves a licensed and regulated financial firm with not just direct customers but also many, many third parties like Anna Money, British Airways Executive Club, Curve, Ramsdens and more.

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849c39  No.14770757


Trump had many opportunities to arrest the criminal traitors but chose not to.

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3a64f3  No.14770758

File: 63f5652158fc796⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 1500x1200, 5:4, Savannah_wants_the_world_2.mp4)

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b7a156  No.14770759


Bingo, what fag can remember the stone type? Slipping my mind on that one. I'm sure someone can get a better shot of this ring.

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792623  No.14770760

File: f29df035930350f⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, 1633938228998.jpg)

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792623  No.14770761

File: f29df035930350f⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, 1633938228998.jpg)

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a8a3ae  No.14770762


You truly STILL do not understand what is going on after 4+ years???

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efaa65  No.14770763


The Cabal really do have generations of experience at world dominance, managing wars and pestilence to bring great wealth into their secret vaults at Gringott's, deep below the mountains of Switzerland. Those Swiss bankers you love to hate… they are just the guards of Smaug's treasure hoard

How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse


Six hundred and fifty years ago came the climax of the worst financial collapse in history to date. The 1930’s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340’s, which decimated the human population.

The crash, which peaked in A.C.E. 1345 when the world’s biggest banks went under, “led” by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy, was more than a bank crash—it was a financial disintegration. Like the disaster which looms now, projected in Lyndon LaRouche’s “Ninth Economic Forecast” of July 1994, that one was a blowup of all major banks and markets in Europe, in which, chroniclers reported, “all credit vanished together,” most trade and exchange stopped, and a catastrophic drop of the world’s population by famine and disease loomed.

Like the financial disintegration hanging over us in 1995 with the collapse of Mexico, Orange County, British merchant banks, etc., that one of the 1340’s was the result of thirty to forty years of disastrous financial practices, by which the banks built up huge fictitious “financial bubbles,” parasitizing production and real trade in goods. These speculative cancers destroyed the real wealth they were monopolizing, and caused these banks to be effectively bankrupt long before they finally went under.

The critical difference between 1345 and 1995, was that in the Fourteenth century there were as yet no nations. No governments had the national sovereignty to control the banks and the creation of credit; or, to force these banks into bankruptcy in an orderly way, and replace fictitious bank credit and money with national credit. Nor was the Papacy, the world leadership of the Church, fighting against the debt-looting of the international banks then as it is today; in fact, at that time it was allied with, aiding, and abetting them.

The result was a disaster for the human population, which fell worldwide by something like 25 percent between 1300 and 1450 (in Europe, by somewhere between 35 percent and 50 percent from the 1340’s collapse to the 1440’s).

This global crash, caused by the policies and actions of banks which finally completely bankrupted themselves, has been blamed by historians ever since on a king—poor Edward III of England. Edward revolted against the seizure and looting of his kingdom by the Bardi and Peruzzi banks, by defaulting on their loans, starting in 1342. But King Edward’s national budget was dwarfed by that of either the Bardi or Peruzzi; in fact, by 1342, his national budget had become a sub-department of theirs. Their internal memos in Florence spoke of him contemptuously as “Messer Edward”; “we shall be fortunate to recover even a part” of his debts, they sniffed in 1339.

A “free trade” mythology has been developed by historians about these “sober, industrious, Christian bankers” of Italy in the Fourteenth century—“doing good” by their own private greed; developing trade and the beginnings of capitalist industry by seeking monopolies for their family banks; somehow existing in peace with other merchants; and expiating their greedy sins by donations to the Church. But, goes the myth, these sober bankers were led astray by kings (accursed governments!) who were spendthrift, warlike, and unreliable in paying debts which they had forced the helpless or momentarily foolish bankers to lend them. Thus, emerging “private enterprise capitalism” was set back by the disaster of the Fourteenth century, concludes the classroom myth, noting in passing that 30 million people died in Europe in the ensuing Black Death, famine, and war. If only the “sober, Christian” bankers had stuck to industrious “free trade” and prosperous city-states, and never gotten entangled with warlike, spendthrift kings!

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f9320e  No.14770764


what's that for?

didn't this start out as what's better for zinc delivery?

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dee576  No.14770765


Look past all the big words and you can see shikimic acid, quinine, and nicotine are all needed for your immune system to function as intended.

Make sure you're getting all 3.

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579bae  No.14770766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hillary had a plan for that back in 2015


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2effac  No.14770767

File: c714715076b6919⋯.jpeg (622.07 KB, 3024x3024, 1:1, c714715076b6919fdf60d24b5….jpeg)




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94e73d  No.14770768

File: 35a8e3ee203fe9c⋯.jpg (80.54 KB, 748x748, 1:1, 20211012_101124.jpg)

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792623  No.14770769

File: 060789f87ead46d⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 1631121045249.jpg)

Oh boy.

Here we go again.

Shouldnt have bullied the shills so hard.

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3ce651  No.14770770

File: cfdb0542d86b2c6⋯.png (143.79 KB, 459x239, 459:239, hrc.png)

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a8a3ae  No.14770771


If you flinch from recoil on the range you're a sissy.


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e44f9a  No.14770772

a message from God … or from Q?

Ex-marine accused of killing family of four in Florida expected to plead insanity defence

Riley was allegedly under the delusion that his victims were part of a child sex trafficking ring

The 33-year-old former marine, who served in Iran and Afghanistan, went on a cold-blooded shooting rampage on 5 September in Florida’s Lakeland, where he believed he was “carrying God’s message.”

Four people were killed in the shooting, including a four-month-old baby, the child’s 33-year-old mother Theresa Lanham, her boyfriend Justice Gleason and Gleason’s 62-year-old mother. The family dog, Diogi, was also shot. Gleason’s 11-year-old daughter was shot multiple times and airlifted to Tampa General Hospital for surgery. She is the sole survivor.

Mr Riley, who is facing 22 charges including murder, arson, kidnapping, burglary, and animal cruelty, could get the death penalty if found guilty.

According to investigators, Mr Riley claimed that the family was involved in child sex trafficking and that he had been asked by God to rescue a child named Amber. One of the witnesses in the neighbourhood, who had seen Mr Riley patrol just hours before he went on a rampage, told him that no one named Amber lived in the area.


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ab9003  No.14770773

File: 2b0312ea9720e73⋯.png (762.71 KB, 551x680, 551:680, ClipboardImage.png)

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39153d  No.14770774


You clearly don't understand how any of this works. The Executive branch hasn't the power to arrest anyone.

Stop looking for Daddy, and pretending we elected a King.

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849c39  No.14770775


I understand that there is a communist revolution taking place and the Democrats control the entire federal government.

Meanwhile, you're still sucking Q's dick.

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2effac  No.14770776

File: e99c11944d5e311⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't tear your face off dude!

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3a64f3  No.14770777

File: 79a2a215d2f4c09⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 1082x720, 541:360, Trump_won_Pepe_balloon.mp4)

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dfa9ad  No.14770778

File: 6d9e640f75194a5⋯.png (86.15 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_041653.png)

File: b98e58cf08969da⋯.png (418.61 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211012_041738.png)

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1085fa  No.14770779

File: a67d4d45dd777a2⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 933x445, 933:445, wp_content.jpg)

Pope Francis Greets Abortionist Nancy Pelosi With Masonic Handshake After Her NWO G20 Summit Speech

Nancy Pelosi, the first Italian-American Speaker of the House was in Rome to give the keynote address at the opening session of the G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit. She also met with the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. The day before her audience with the pope, the 81-year-old discussed the environment, migration, and human rights during a visit to the Vatican. The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announced the visit on Oct. 8 in a post on its Twitter account. Pelosi was accompanied to the Vatican on Friday by Patrick Connell, the chargé d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Pope Francis met with pro-abortion House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday. The Vatican refused to say what the pope and Pelosi discussed after her keynote address at the New World Order G20 Summit.

If you think that Pope Francis is against abortion, you are deluded to a degree that is both appalling and pathetic. Pope Francis warmly welcomed abortionist Nancy Pelosi at the Vatican earlier today, greeting her with the Masonic handshake as the two exchanged knowing glances. Nancy Pelosi is the most-powerful woman in America, and willing co-conspirator with the Jesuit papal monarch. Who cares about a little thing like the murder of tens of millions of babies when you have much bigger fish to fry? Not these two.

“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” Revelation 17:5,6 (KJB)

Pope Francis is having himself one Hell of a week, what with assembling the heads of all the world’s religions to prepare for their upcoming presentation of Chrislam and Gaia for the UN COP26 Climate Conference on Halloween night. For an old guy, he sure gets a lot done, his John 8:44 father must be so very proud of him. The next time you hear Pope Francis talking about the ‘evils of abortion’, go laugh right in his face, because he sure is laughing at you.


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dfa9ad  No.14770780


Women and girls are a mistake: only me, Henry Cavill, and Sam Heughan matter!

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f9320e  No.14770781


important to understand is that an 'audit' of a publicly traded company for public disclosure purposes is not what the public thinks it is. it's not like an irs audit looking for omissions or mischief. it simply makes sure the number that the company reports lines up with the numbers that the company gave the the audit company.

the entire world is fake.

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3ce651  No.14770782


later told everyone to disperse. get your head in teh game!

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a8a3ae  No.14770783


>a message from God … or from Q?

This would be a not well thought out slow bus response.

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f3330c  No.14770784


>Look past all the big words and you can see shikimic acid, quinine, and nicotine are all needed for your immune system to function as intended.

balderdash. first, quinic acid is totally unrelated to quinine. second, nicotine is highly toxic and causes an incredibly painful death. ironically, the national park service uses a dart filled with nicotine to kill dangerous bears in yellowstone. none of them are essential to immune function. looking past the big words is a lazy fool's way of going thru life. word of advice, don't try to shine one on with someone who WRITES the big words.

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2effac  No.14770785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab9003  No.14770786

File: 032d127f12ddd82⋯.png (315.37 KB, 405x545, 81:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9320e  No.14770787


member when media chimped out after soleimani got vaporized

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e44f9a  No.14770788




>Look past all the big words and you can see shikimic acid, quinine, and nicotine are all needed for your immune system to function as intended.


>Make sure you're getting all 3.

not nicotine for sure …vitamin B3 (nicotinamide, (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide riboside.[1] All three forms of vitamin B3 are converted within the body to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).[1] NAD is required for human life and people are unable to make it within their bodies without either vitamin B3 or tryptophan.[1] Nicotinamide riboside was identified as a form of vitamin B3 in 2004.

tobacco is not healthy or required

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38a3ae  No.14770789

File: 75bccf3624ac3d6⋯.png (110.72 KB, 363x288, 121:96, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 12e13549e18068d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 974x647, 974:647, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

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f3330c  No.14770790


>didn't this start out as what's better for zinc delivery?

exactly. that's what it's for, among other things.

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39153d  No.14770791


If, as you claim, the D's are running things, why hasn't a single thing they have tried made it into law?

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3ce651  No.14770792


uhhh…. sorry, anon. the executive branch IS the branch that makes arrests.

judicial has sheriffs, but the primary enforcer of laws is executive. FBI is executive. police are executive.

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dee576  No.14770793


How about pyrroloquinoline quinine? Is that related to quinine?

Why do we have nicotine receptors in our brains?

Why is nicotinic acid the basis for molecules that deliver energy to our cells?

Come on, use those big words.

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e44f9a  No.14770794


>>>14770772 (You)


>>a message from God … or from Q?


>This would be a not well thought out slow bus response.

think again

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792623  No.14770795

File: 12d9fb2ff1068c7⋯.jpg (449.11 KB, 818x1076, 409:538, Screenshot_20211011_194529….jpg)


>The Executive branch hasn't the power to arrest anyone.

Correct. Whole "system" has been a work of fiction, for quite some time now


>Dear God, please just one unexpected 25-meter meteorite

We don't need a meteorite.

Anons have the power to do it all

This is a great chance to demonstrate..

And if they cancel? We will find them.

One by one if neccesary.

Bring them to justice.

Public trials.

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a8a3ae  No.14770796


If you keep thinking in the immediate and not beyond your nose, you will remain suspended

in a state of blissful ………

I hope you figure at least that much out.

There is still reality and truth to contend

with beyond the temporal.

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f3330c  No.14770797


>You clearly don't understand how any of this works.

project much?



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ab9003  No.14770798


>media chimped out

then Barbra told the internet to delete a photo of her house.

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f9320e  No.14770799

File: fe198cd397e4f5f⋯.png (325.09 KB, 474x318, 79:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9320e  No.14770800


i see. dr. Z recos Quercetin, so that's what i bought.

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dee576  No.14770801


Wake up. B3 is niacin, which is nicotine. They named it niacin because they had already told everyone nicotine was bad.

I never claimed tobacco or smoking was healthy.

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2effac  No.14770803


Just like a satanist to use an innocent baby's face to tug at the idiots heart strings.

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994394  No.14770804


>does it work with foss?

What do you mean? I looked it up but I still don't get what you are asking.


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2effac  No.14770805


Ain't that what's his name?

Sniper tower killer Marine from back in the day..

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39153d  No.14770806


>>14770792 Correct. I should have said "the President".

In spite of my error, the fact remains that too many blame Trump for not exceeding his Constitutional power.

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f9320e  No.14770807

File: 84145e012d34b6b⋯.png (376.02 KB, 474x360, 79:60, ClipboardImage.png)


remy from higher learning

wanna be skinhead

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e44f9a  No.14770808


>niacin, which is nicotine


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2effac  No.14770809


New to me..

Lots of crazy white boys out there too.

Evil comes in all colors.

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a8a3ae  No.14770810


1. You asked, not stated

2. You could be correct and I concur with the reasoning

3. You failed to mention other possibilites,

One such being a message from the dark


4. People confused and learning can easily


No harm, no foul

It serves as a constant reminder to be cautious

in communicating to me as well.

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a8a3ae  No.14770811


*for me as well

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f3330c  No.14770812

File: 475d1ce1655ffc3⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 720x700, 36:35, 475d1ce1655ffc38955e42db34….jpg)


>Why do we have nicotine receptors in our brains?

we have receptors that coincidentally bind nicotine. doesn't mean they are ONLY there for nicotine. we have receptors for strychnine and curare, too. does that mean they're good for you? there a over 100,000,000 million recognized organic compounds. there's only 26 letters in the alphabet. similar names does NOT imply similar structures. likewise, chemical formulae that LOOK similar to the untrained illiterate eye can have ENORMOUSLY different actions in the body. the compound that is exactly like sugar except it is the mirror image has NO sweetness, and cannot be digested by the body. it was the mirror image of thalidomide that was mixed with the other thalidomide, which caused all the birth defects. the pure thalidomide without the mirror image present WAS totally safe, and in fact, has been re-introduced to the marketplace. similar structural drawings on a piece of paper DOES NOT translate to similar properties. did i make the words small enough for a tard to understand? now FUCK OFF, shit-for-brains.

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f9320e  No.14770813


old black-centric movie about race relations

of course there's the obligatory white skinhead school shooter

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2effac  No.14770814


>Evil comes in all colors

Everything any sane person needs to know is within their heart.

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f3330c  No.14770815


>Correct. I should have said "the President".

STILL wrong. potus is the highest ranking executive, and he CAN make an arrest. ffs, read the fucking constitution.

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e44f9a  No.14770816


>>>14770794 (You)


>1. You asked, not stated


>2. You could be correct and I concur with the reasoning


>3. You failed to mention other possibilites,


>One such being a message from the dark




>4. People confused and learning can easily




>No harm, no foul


>It serves as a constant reminder to be cautious


>in communicating to me as well.

certainly the idea didn't come from God … but it is Q followers who have been pushing the idea that the child sex rings are everywhere, so ultimately the idea might have come from Q, via anons, and downstream social media influencers and fans.

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792623  No.14770817

File: 3d5a12b09f8951e⋯.jpg (382.78 KB, 808x1086, 404:543, Screenshot_20211009_213733….jpg)








Now that I have your attention..








My final message

Change da world


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94e73d  No.14770818

Have social media face checkers ever fact checked Joy Reid, CNN or the New York Times?

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65632e  No.14770819



Best one liner on tv

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38a3ae  No.14770820

File: caa200d1a977df9⋯.png (315.34 KB, 509x527, 509:527, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

U.S. Navy


Thank you @sfgov

for your support during #sffw2021. Our Sailors are already looking forward to the next opportunity to share their #USNavy with the great people in the Bay Area.

#BlueAngels @FleetWeekSF






10:41 AM · Oct 11, 2021·Sprinklr Publishing




Quote Tweets




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2effac  No.14770821


>Everything any sane person needs to know is within their heart.

I just said that?

scratching head

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38e5ca  No.14770822


can you install 8kun launcher in linux? will it work?


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f3330c  No.14770823


>dr. Z recos Quercetin, so that's what i bought.

quercitin is dangerous, especially if you take more than the recommended amt. doctors are the LAST people on earth you should ask for SCIENTIFIC advice. ask 100 drs HOW penicillin works. you'll be lucky to find one that knows. drs are trained in diagnosis. everything they do is monkey-see-monkey-do.

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994394  No.14770824


>can you install 8kun launcher in linux? will it work?

Yes. As far as I know.

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2effac  No.14770826


You need a few AA batteries, a paper clip and a rubber band.

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dee576  No.14770827


Take the five-atom ring off nicotine by breaking just one bond and replace it with a COOH group and you're there.

The two molecules are not unrelated. A simple oxidation reaction is all you need to turn nicotine into nicotinic acid.

Look at when niacin hit the market.

Or continue to believe that the whole war on tobacco was the government looking out for our best interest, if that's what gets you through the night.

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ab9003  No.14770828

File: 43f2b800c281f6a⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 502x375, 502:375, macgyver_thinking.jpg)

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f9320e  No.14770829

healthy dessert you can make at home

greek yogurt

mix in flavored vodka

throw in the freezer

vodka froyo

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f9320e  No.14770830

damn anon now u making me worry

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a8a3ae  No.14770831


Evidence. Decades and centuries.

I may have to revert back to my original 'slow bus response' if you only follow that narrow train of thought.

Expound on the other possibilities instead of

the blame game and reconsideration may occur.

I am done regardless because I have things

to do and you reek of shilliness.

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f9320e  No.14770832

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38e5ca  No.14770833


kek, if I had a rubber band I would sling shot those batteries at your bent paperclip


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39153d  No.14770834


We can all make arrests. Let's talk IRL, here.

What do you think would happen if he went to the House, and arrested Pelosi? You want to discuss how his avoidance of any appearance of being power mad has taken the wind out of many attacks on him… and, is the very reason I still trust the man (he, like George Washington did, has many supporters who would cheerfully make him a King),

Or, do you just want to neener-neener me? Your call.

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dee576  No.14770835

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38e5ca  No.14770836


Will try it tomorrow


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f3330c  No.14770837


FFS, are you STILL at it? you're a clueless illiterate tard. a wise man once wrote, "ther is NOTHING more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge." you have as little as anyone i've met. STOP posting bullshit you know less than nothing about.



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994394  No.14770838

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2effac  No.14770839



That requires the torn off cover to a Pack of Matches Rolled-Up and then bent around a stretched rubber band and your two extended fingers.

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f3330c  No.14770840


don't get your panties in a bunch. you bought the quercetin, go ahead and use it. just don't get the bright idea that more is better.

there is a related compound, dihydroquercetin, or DHQ, that is equally effective and much less dangerous. but it's hard to find.

when the quercetin is all used up, i'd switch to EGCg.

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dee576  No.14770841


"100,000,000 million"

So, that's like 100 trillion or something, right professor?

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f3330c  No.14770842


uuuuu… i made a typo replying to a pigheaded tard at 5AM. i must be full of it. GFY. when you're done, GFY some more. jackoff.

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a8a3ae  No.14770843

File: c8d32e3322caf8b⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, g78542yt5ygy8w75yt283uth09….jpg)


One more thing, heck, why not.

Everything is a message from God ultimately, whether good or bad.

Do you have the same or higher level access


information as Q?

Why would this information cause such a stir

and following WW after that many people have

vetted the info and confirmed for this long?

Why would the DS be trying so hard to squash it?

Common and obvious sense.

Your efforts are counterproductive and could

or will in the long run go pop!

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f9320e  No.14770844

File: 37232a9d953cab0⋯.png (198.47 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2effac  No.14770845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ENORMOUSLY different actions in the body

They make look the same…

They may not behave the same!

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dee576  No.14770846

Tune in next week when Dr. Science explains that sulfuric acid and sulphur are completely unrelated.

Heah, if life gives you lemons, make citric acid!

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f3330c  No.14770847

File: 552f8556bbc72aa⋯.jpeg (120.42 KB, 1091x1305, 1091:1305, 552f8556bbc72aa059b576e04….jpeg)


you win.

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2d6b30  No.14770848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f3330c  No.14770849

File: 58bfee007921020⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 450x390, 15:13, hek23.jpg)

File: 34b9bf2b9170c12⋯.png (334.07 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 34b9bf2b9170c1238c8f1673cd….png)

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2effac  No.14770850


Knew I heard that somewhere.


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dee576  No.14770851


You don't think your body is capable of a simple oxidation to convert nicotine into nicotinic acid?

How do you think your body gets nicotinic acid if you don't take your little niacin pill?

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39153d  No.14770852


I didn't win shit. I came for an adult conversation on the perceived vs the real power of a President (and, how the shills use that to detract from DJT's real accomplishments, under the very worst circumstances), and I get a holier than thou meme?

You won.

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b4a74c  No.14770853

File: 3b308de5149e82a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1244x771, 1244:771, 68u5ie57897uyjsyid5s678suw….PNG)

BREAKING: Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received


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b4a74c  No.14770854

More Than $100 Million In Unused Border Wall Panels Rusting Away In Texas (VIDEO)


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2d6b30  No.14770855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2effac  No.14770857



I am up way past my bedtime.

Don't ask me!

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b4a74c  No.14770858

12 Pro-Life Truths To Counter Every Abortion Myth


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417ce3  No.14770859



>"100,000,000 million"

>So, that's like 100 trillion or something, right professor?

one hundred million

it has been my experience after 50 years of study that those who have to show you how much they know dont know much

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994394  No.14770860


Bloody sad waste of material. What are they going to do with it? Melt it down? Think of the carbon footprint! Video link below.


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2d6b30  No.14770861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b4a74c  No.14770862

After Keystone Pipeline Cancellation, Oil Begins To Flow Through New Route On Line 3


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2effac  No.14770863

File: 8c287a88882c0a0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Not_Worried.mp4)


>More Than $100 Million In Unused Border Wall Panels Rusting Away In Texas

No Worries!

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0cf3c6  No.14770864


Noice, but


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f3330c  No.14770865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I came for an adult conversation

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2d6b30  No.14770866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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dee576  No.14770867


Nicotine is there in the tobacco in the cigarette.

Smoker inhales, drawing oxygen across the leaf as it heats up and burns.

Do you think maybe some of the nicotine gets oxidized?

What do we call nicotine that has been oxidized?

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43058a  No.14770868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The bulk of anons are around 5 years old in this fight. Us old fags remember watching this video of [OUR GUY] keeping us as dumb as possible in our little sheep pen.

I've watched anons and normies for years just lapping up what Tucker and Hannity spit out. Look how this guy uses his brainwashing techniques on camera. You now know how to spot them. Let's send this video back to him and see his response.

Tucker is on the short leash…maybe. Or maybe this is how we are supposed to be lead into blindly following the only hand that helps us out of a manufactured hell hole.

Be careful who you follow. Obama never fooled the very elect. We might be going for a little ride for the next few years.

The important thing to take away from this never ending tug of war of ideas is this:

We know we aren't fighting flesh and blood.

Then who are we fighting?

We know this is a spiritual battle.

How do you fight spirits?

The fight is in our own personal homes. Until we can get our homes under control then we can start at work. They have proven that they can steal an election and lead us on and on with the one word that sums up all cults…..SOON.

Our creator will want to save us if we:

13 When I hold back the heavens so that there is not rain, and when I command the locust to devour the earth, AND IF I SEND DISEASE AMONG MY PEOPLE, 14 then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and will pray and will seek my face and will turn from their evil ways, then I myself shall hear from the heavens and will forgive their sins and HEAL THEIR LAND.

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f3330c  No.14770869


>More Than $100 Million In Unused Border Wall Panels Rusting Away In Texas

so if they had been used, then the wall would be rusting away?

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1d4755  No.14770870


a rusty wall is still a wall,

even more discouraging to climb a wall when it is rusty, no one wants tetanus

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43058a  No.14770871


If tetanus really exists.

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2bb62d  No.14770872

File: 2625b06f5f1440e⋯.png (122.7 KB, 674x215, 674:215, ClipboardImage.png)

La Palma at 23 days of Eruption

"Is that the calm before the storm?"


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c88672  No.14770873

File: 14ef1a792ec6e29⋯.png (826.63 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E56BC308_E4D8_40B3_ADBB_92….png)

Before and after Rotten Tomatoes enabled user reviews after they previously disabled it due to so many negative user reviews. It resulted in backlash and they re enabled it. KEK

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1d4755  No.14770874


so how do you explain the lockjaw symptom then?

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792623  No.14770875

File: 564db7469ceb924⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 960x847, 960:847, FB_IMG_1634030649494.jpg)


Kek, seconded

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994394  No.14770876


Kek. Monty Python is never not funny.

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792623  No.14770877

File: b4789776465b5e5⋯.jpg (97.56 KB, 963x570, 321:190, Screenshot_20211011_190742….jpg)


Explain how big pharma makes money first

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43058a  No.14770878


Never heard or seen of anyone in my life that suffered from it. I know that if you were wearing white gloves I could make get you to buy a ketchup popsicle.

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39153d  No.14770879


Neener-neener it is, then. I gave you 2 choices, and you are self limiting to the expected one.

You won…we're done.

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b4a74c  No.14770880

Simple question: Then why didn't she launch an unprecedented investigation like the one currently going on for 2020?

Whining ceased. Lie exposed.

Deranged 2016 Election Conspiracy Theorist Hillary Clinton Whines About Trump’s 2020 Criticisms


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dd9102  No.14770881

File: edc8749e5538681⋯.png (730.29 KB, 742x885, 742:885, lets_go_meme.png)

File: 58d6dab2bf54b20⋯.png (427.86 KB, 884x551, 884:551, how_lets.png)


How 'Let's go Brandon' became an anti-Biden conservative heckle

Anthony Zurcher

North America reporter


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2effac  No.14770882

File: b910a273d7f1ebf⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB, 640x362, 320:181, COPS_swarm_the_bad_guy.mp4)

COPS perfectly execute this capture and painful running tax of a bad guy.

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38e5ca  No.14770883


kek you're funny!


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994394  No.14770884


The wall gets painted after it is installed.

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2effac  No.14770885

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dd9102  No.14770886

File: 4f3b7945b02f681⋯.png (274.2 KB, 598x675, 598:675, s_out.png)


I was also escorted out..

Quote Tweet

Josh Mandel


· 8h

I just got escorted out of the Lakota School Board meeting for speaking out against mask mandates.

Thanks to the moms who invited me to speak.

We are still in charge of our kids — even if Biden tries to call us “Domestic Terrorists”.

9:38 PM · Oct 11, 2021

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b1b822  No.14770887



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43058a  No.14770888


I thought that our "loan" deadline was on the 18th and the big dogs have to get together and negotiate with the other clans on what to do with their divided share of the USA pie at the end of the week.

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994394  No.14770889


Why are the critics always at odds with the audience?

Obviously, the critics are paid to support the agenda.

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d7d542  No.14770890

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 69990B47_C958_4C95_918C_D4….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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b4a74c  No.14770891

File: 8a4a46a79208590⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1019x606, 1019:606, j5e7jyuej57iu3ewy7je5ju5e7….PNG)

New California Law Requires Schools to Provide Free Menstrual Products, Including in at Least One Men’s Restroom


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b1b822  No.14770892



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e4a340  No.14770893

File: 7051a3fcb0c6bd3⋯.png (694.54 KB, 862x480, 431:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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1cb3d9  No.14770894

File: 61d0d1936f498c7⋯.png (498.46 KB, 652x920, 163:230, LetsSummonQRB.png)

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1d4755  No.14770895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


guess all those people were just shills for big pharma huh?

listen, fuck big pharma, but lets not loose our fucking brain when we open our mind. dont let it fall out.

theres plenty of proof out there lockjaw exists, if you want to provide some speculation that something else causes it fine, do that.

but just saying theres no such thing of any of it, is just ignorant. (never seen it myself) your small sample size is rather meaningless in the face of billions of humans living currently.

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b4a74c  No.14770896

File: ce79d7e9775e3fd⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1016x608, 127:76, w4yhwrnh6u4ytqhwrtyj367989….PNG)

Another in the same area.

Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes Off Alaska Coast


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dd9102  No.14770897

File: 92320ba6f4da339⋯.png (110.89 KB, 421x504, 421:504, frens.png)


Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [11.10.21 23:13]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Photo ]

I'm in my feels tonight.


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2effac  No.14770898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trains coming…

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792623  No.14770899

File: e83d8b7f31a0218⋯.jpg (716.74 KB, 1920x1076, 480:269, Screenshot_20211012_053339….jpg)


>what to do with their divided share of the USA pie at the end of the week.

[They]'re in for a rude awakening

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2a24f3  No.14770900

File: d0348e42775b224⋯.png (112.48 KB, 390x308, 195:154, ClipboardImage.png)


They don't make 'em like her anymoar!

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994394  No.14770901


Top o' the mornin' to you, sir.

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38e5ca  No.14770902

File: a30a38d49b8f156⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1905x1018, 1905:1018, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcf8753730a2c57⋯.png (711.62 KB, 1908x995, 1908:995, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a9fc431600cd08⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1901x985, 1901:985, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 644ce0d9d9e354e⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1915x1013, 1915:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4a74c  No.14770903

Ya don't say?

CDC Director Pushes for Flu Shot, Warns of Surge This Season


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2effac  No.14770904


Bwahaha KEK

Put this on Blast!

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38e5ca  No.14770905


==for PF=

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b4a74c  No.14770906

Texas Governor Issues Executive Order Banning Vaccine Mandates by Any Entity


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e4a340  No.14770907

File: 34e0df32d6376c6⋯.png (512.37 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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792623  No.14770909

File: 6a1530b87ecc6ed⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 951x480, 317:160, FB_IMG_1634031396270.jpg)



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b4a74c  No.14770910

Why Are So Many People Still Dying from COVID?


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38e5ca  No.14770911


Russian A148 out of Russia

for pf

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e4a340  No.14770912

File: b8f0c966c81ee04⋯.png (583.83 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd9102  No.14770913

File: d0a3b677131ccae⋯.png (41.38 KB, 921x209, 921:209, moar_charges.png)


Ratcliffe says 1,000 intel documents given to Durham support more charges

by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor |

| October 11, 2021 10:08 PM

| Updated Oct 11, 2021, 10:43 PM

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b1b822  No.14770914


Its not the rust…open-air exposed rust is not where you find tetanus.

Its in anerobic environments, so buried and wet rust, thats where you find tetanus…

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b4a74c  No.14770915

The Benefits of Blue State Bankruptcy


“Sometimes,” as President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously said, “the best way to solve a problem is to let it get worse.”

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b4a74c  No.14770916


Let's Go Brandon to you, too


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38e5ca  No.14770917


And why have people stopped dying from cancer, heart attacks and every other cause known to man, yet the death rate is exactly the same?


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792623  No.14770919

File: d3ea970803f937e⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 750x911, 750:911, FB_IMG_1634030490967.jpg)


In a jewish doctors wallet, that's where you find tetanus

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dd9102  No.14770920

File: f2f3a7936085a1a⋯.png (126.44 KB, 690x534, 115:89, cleve.png)


Cleveland Clinic joins Colorado Hospital and says it will stop performing organ transplants for unvaccinated people due to fears of recipients being vulnerable to Covid

By Mansur Shaheen U.S. Deputy Health Editor For Dailymail.Com

Published: 17:53 EDT, 11 October 2021 | Updated: 17:54 EDT, 11 October 2021

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dd9102  No.14770921

File: 93eb192db915ab6⋯.png (781.31 KB, 1840x470, 184:47, over_play.png)


Revolt of the masses: The left has overplayed its hand

By Robert Knight -

Sunday, October 10, 2021

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b1b822  No.14770922


If you don't want to accidentally get the Corona vax, do not get the flu shot at the pharmacy, get the flu shot directly from your doctor's office…

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b4a74c  No.14770923

Figuring out the lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages


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424054  No.14770924

File: e5179e991b86aaa⋯.jpeg (63.4 KB, 1080x1023, 360:341, faggot5.jpeg)

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b4a74c  No.14770925




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dd9102  No.14770926

File: 47fac7467109c19⋯.png (39.77 KB, 874x188, 437:94, scorched.png)


SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS”

By Jordan Conradson

Published October 11, 2021 at 10:20pm

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43058a  No.14770927


Ok fuckwit. Read The subluxation specific the adjustment specific volume 18. In fact just read the opening because you won't have to brain power to understand it so I will break it down for you.

An atlas misalignment will mean your transverse process could be in many directions including the area of the mandible glidepath.

I have personally performed 36 successful atlas specific corrections. The Trigeminal nerve can also have pressure on it which causes this sensation. I have seen instant results and I have NEVER been looking to make excuses for ANY vaccine. You have no idea what a vaccine is do you?

Why would you want the tetanus vaccine?

You must be one of those closet mask wearing anons that just comes here to tell his friends he bested an anon on 8kun when in reality you are a pseudo-intellectual and probably still wear those stupid looking nerd glasses so normies wouldn't think you are totally retarded.

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6cf2bd  No.14770928

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, 0B44A53D_1811_4DE5_A637_8….jpeg)

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dd9102  No.14770929

File: 534b4ba0a841b56⋯.png (244.44 KB, 792x603, 88:67, dis_reee.png)


Nets Disregard Caravan Leader Pledging 'Ready for War' With National Guard

Nicholas Fondacaro

October 12th, 2021 1:24 AM

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b4a74c  No.14770930


And still be mindful your doctor gets his stock from major suppliers for the most part.

Ask persistent and annoying questions.

It's your life.

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83a5fa  No.14770931

File: bfee1830747ed01⋯.jpeg (95.91 KB, 457x560, 457:560, 41612327_CE2B_4B83_A392_D….jpeg)

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5a678b  No.14770932

File: d1da3eb9d6fa6e4⋯.jpg (389.44 KB, 1078x1482, 539:741, Screenshot_20211012_224456….jpg)

Interesting to learn David Ickes book the secret is nearly word for word Q drops only wayyyyyyyy before Q..


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b1b822  No.14770933


If Earths baseline temp is condusive to gigantic dinosaurs and not mammals, what is the expected outcome of a planet returning to its baseline temperature after the last ice age…

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95d32c  No.14770934


The accent of a Canaanite..

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dd9102  No.14770936

File: 13b4ede9406e436⋯.png (84.74 KB, 614x518, 307:259, never_voted.png)


There is not a federal law mandating vaccines.

We never voted on it because it does not exist.

There is also no rule under OSHA that allows for companies to be fined for not mandating vaccines.

Corporate Communism needs to end now.

Biden is not a dictator.

Quote Tweet

Freedom Flu Poso Blue heartRed heartYellow heart


· 7h

Show me the federal law that says Americans are required to take the COVID vaccine. When was it passed? How did each Congressman vote? twitter.com/Justdrewisme/s…

10:17 PM · Oct 11, 2021·

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2a24f3  No.14770937

File: fbd6a569972ad0d⋯.png (332.76 KB, 1085x794, 1085:794, ToServeMan.png)

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79cb00  No.14770938

File: 9b9158ae94ebeda⋯.jpg (141.47 KB, 962x1008, 481:504, 09d8b0403971.jpg)

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417ce3  No.14770939


> word for word Q drops

reptilian humanoid extraterrestrials


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dd9102  No.14770940

File: 51fb8dbeed739e8⋯.png (35.4 KB, 1038x213, 346:71, wis.png)


Wisconsin court orders release of 2020 election investigation records

by Kaelan Deese, Breaking News Reporter |

| October 11, 2021 06:13 PM

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b1b822  No.14770941


Yes well everyone knows there's no sub zero freezers at the doctors office, unlike pharmacies who have access to such freezers because…..because….because….fuck it, I don't know why…

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1cb3d9  No.14770942

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


>get the flu shot directly from your doctor's office…

Why would you get the flu shot in the first place?

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43058a  No.14770943


My microbioanon friend says rust is actually a fungus. The oxidation helps it break down the iron, almost like it pre digests it for the fungus. I'll have to ask him to make a video about it next time we talk.

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79cb00  No.14770944

File: 1a305371fe06fcb⋯.webm (404.94 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Psaki_snake_tongue.webm)

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79cb00  No.14770945

File: 9936e508d3b7c74⋯.jpg (139.91 KB, 1667x358, 1667:358, e14f64fca60038ae1093cde776….jpg)

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dd9102  No.14770946

File: 97590d4c635ba76⋯.png (178.96 KB, 607x815, 607:815, a_pep.png)


In Australia Flag of Australia the police are now detaining and pepper spraying children as young as 12 years old for not wearing a mask. Yet nearby Police are not wearing them themselves! Face with symbols over mouth

5:17 PM · Oct 11, 2021

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b1b822  No.14770947


$4000.00/ month that's why…

Im not anti vax, Im antiCorona vax

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b4a74c  No.14770948



deluvian reversal not possible.

I partially and minimally retract, only one is anyway.

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5a678b  No.14770949

File: db2e46be813d9cb⋯.jpg (657.45 KB, 1080x1672, 135:209, Screenshot_20211012_225349….jpg)

WTF is Grey Day?

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43058a  No.14770950


watch secrets of the matrix 1, 2 and 3. Icke was at his peak in 03. Most of these guys get their info from Jordan Maxwell. I had a whole hard drive back in the day of his stuff.

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994394  No.14770951


>Why would you get the flu shot in the first place?

Yeah, that never made sense to me. What is so bad about the flu that you would need to jack yourself with a needle to supposedly prevent it? Which it doesn't do, of course, but people will try to rationalize why they get sick after the shot.

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dd9102  No.14770952

File: 0d0049810ae3719⋯.png (296.18 KB, 1260x689, 1260:689, oz_is_in_west.png)




Published 18 hours ago

Wyoming teenager arrested after refusing to wear mask on school grounds, family says

Grace Smith was arrested for trespassing at Laramie High School after suspension, refusing to leave

By Stephen Sorace | Fox News

Twatter must have missed this one on the home soil…..

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1cb3d9  No.14770953


>$4000.00/ month that's why…

You're a cheap whore

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1cb3d9  No.14770954

File: 84800d8a5306c14⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 300x192, 25:16, icke_one_eye.jpg)


>David Icke

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b1b822  No.14770955


Have you ever had the flu? Cause it sounds like you've never had the flu…

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77c9f4  No.14770956


rust is mycelium

which emcompasses fungus

nobody knows this hardly

i hate rust way more now

Rust is cancer.

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994394  No.14770957


Been sick with the flu or the cold many times in my life. Each time, it is less severe as immunity builds up. Nothing to panic about.

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b4a74c  No.14770958

File: 848895d64da036b⋯.png (138.21 KB, 1052x439, 1052:439, GAS_RATING.png)


Zero ratings.

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1cb3d9  No.14770959


I had the flu… multiple times… and lived to tell the tale.

The flu is a week (at most) in bed and you're back in action.

Vaccinating against that (with a substance that obviously doesn't create immunity, since you need to get a new shot each year) is akin to amputating you leg because you stumped your toe…

FFS did everyone turn into pussies in the last year and a half?

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ac8a70  No.14770960

anon, anon

Brrrt i supose

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7439fe  No.14770961


This is great news. When I was a young'un, we had to go into the girls toilets to empty the tammy bins all over the floor…

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994394  No.14770962


>FFS did everyone turn into pussies in the last year and a half?

Seems like it. The propaganda is strong. They've forgotten about natural immunity. And sick in bed for a week is not something I've had to go through. Feeling like shit, yeah, but not in bed. Why go to bed for the flu?

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994394  No.14770964



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1cb3d9  No.14770965


>Why go to bed for the flu?

I wouldn't call it necessary. But rest does facilitate a quicker recovery.

Also a week off of work is always nice. Kek

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994394  No.14770968


>But rest does facilitate a quicker recovery.

I doubt that. It just makes you lazy and you focus more on being sick instead of being better.

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e2b1f7  No.14770969


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b4a74c  No.14770970


I have stopped getting the flu since no longer getting shot or nasal spray.

Was mandatory for employment.

No more and healthier than ever.

Have only had slight nasal congestion due to allergies which have cleared up immensely

since as well.

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2d6b30  No.14770972


so gross.

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b4a74c  No.14770973

Anyone have access to this pdf?

Taliban's Foreign Ministry Issues Statement on Meeting with U.S. Delegation


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417ce3  No.14770974



great news

i've been taking 2 aspirin every 4 hours for 3 years now


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ac8a70  No.14770975


you're gonna make me put the headphones on arent you

this is how willow lost her tail in the first place you know


anon is lacklustre about this, all seems so pointless

cant you just pretend that i've put the headphones on so you think i'm julie thereby justifyin' your choices to choose her

no food & menstration make Nancy a dull, dull girl

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b1b822  No.14770976


Well I dont really have any bills so its enough, it is after taxes…besides, someone has to adjust the ventilators.

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1cb3d9  No.14770977


Let's agree to disagree.

I know what works for me.

I have no clue what works for you.


<opinion incoming> Modern medicine is the satanic practice of inversion.

"Do no harm" as the doctors swear in their hippocratic oath is a direct opposite of what they then proceed to do.

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ac8a70  No.14770978


1/2 an asprin of a mornin' is enough

anymore will kill your kidneys and liver

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ac8a70  No.14770979


they harvest

god trips confirm

fine i'll go get the headphones

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1cb3d9  No.14770980


>someone has to adjust the ventilators.

Kek. Gave yourself away there glowie.

It must be hard that everyone isn't as panicked as you are.

Keep trying to spread that fear. Kek

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b1b822  No.14770981


Ive been taking ASA everyday as well, prepping for the ultimatum…its no use really, dad was on Eliquis and still managed a death dealing clot…

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1605ee  No.14770982

File: 42a9e269070f6cc⋯.png (69.21 KB, 1010x483, 1010:483, flu1.png)

File: b59e16c77193ae5⋯.png (67.76 KB, 991x476, 991:476, flu2.png)

File: a5a1927b5abffc7⋯.png (66.34 KB, 998x479, 998:479, flu3.png)

File: ab974b1eb42ab0b⋯.png (37.48 KB, 1010x200, 101:20, flu4.png)

yup get in line for that flu shot folks, humanity didn't make it this long without them!


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1605ee  No.14770983


VE = vaccine effectiveness

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4cea5d  No.14770984


Saved for sharing with others.

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7439fe  No.14770985


Had 'flu about a decade ago. For two days I couldn't get off the sofa. Not resting wasn't an option.

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d62d9c  No.14770986

File: 59b29de233d248e⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1570894848.jpeg)

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88d50c  No.14770987

How many different Americans are there?

Hispanic Americans?

African Americans?

French Americans?

American Americans?

Why not just Americans?


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b1b822  No.14770988



Im just a 57 year old grandmother who has had to get the flu shot for employment for over 20 years, Im not afraid of the flu shot…Im not afraid of Covid…Im not afraid of you…Im afraid of the Corona vax and I am a nurse, if that makes me your glow nigger then #FUCKYOUBRANDON…

I'll still take care of you though, give you the same care I give everyone else…

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92a045  No.14770989

File: ff2f412f720f516⋯.png (521.12 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, VexYouMustVx.png)

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2b1cb9  No.14770990


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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b4a74c  No.14770991


Choice will always be key.

I choose not to.

For others, I can only suggest thorough research

before getting unknown substance inserted.

And even still you are subject to many unknowns.

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417ce3  No.14770992


well i obviously dont take them for covid or prevention

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994394  No.14770993

File: 40a0428dd74059d⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 480x311, 480:311, we_are_q.jpg)

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60b941  No.14770994

File: f83859a9d5d4fc8⋯.gif (3.66 MB, 337x263, 337:263, YES.gif)


>I'm doing everything I can Mr. President

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319b52  No.14770995


I like her

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83a5fa  No.14770996


It’s not a vaccine, and the cdc changing the definition of what a vaccine is a few months back does not make it so.

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1cb3d9  No.14770997

File: df929b670734441⋯.png (117.57 KB, 277x182, 277:182, ClipboardImage.png)


>Im not afraid of Covid

But you want us to be by claiming that by taking the vaxx you'll be the one to adjust our ventilators?

Nice try granny.

>Im just a 57 year old grandmother

Bullshit. Also Tits or GTFO

>I'll still take care of you though, give you the same care I give everyone else…

See even if your rebuttal your fear shines through. Kek.

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1cb3d9  No.14770998

File: 571775351823709⋯.png (107.43 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14770997 (me)



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b1b822  No.14770999


You sound like someone who has worked an entire career without ever getting sick…what's your secret anon?

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60b941  No.14771000

File: ca3fe641b47b2da⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 329x248, 329:248, Dtczz4hXoAA_FaO.jpg)



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0d33cb  No.14771001

File: 2c68f5154def1c9⋯.jpeg (375.78 KB, 1242x1581, 414:527, 8AC85A04_1837_4D7A_B940_2….jpeg)

Powerful Message here.


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994394  No.14771002


Check my earlier posts. I admitted to getting sick. That was in my younger years before I built my immunity. I haven't had a bad case of the cold or flu for, oh, 30 or 40 years.

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b1b822  No.14771003

File: 165ab97b78d19d8⋯.png (949.57 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200603_070558.png)


You're putting words in my mouth but it feels like your dick…

Here are your tits, now you GTFO

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1cb3d9  No.14771005


>Here are your tits, now you GTFO

Not how the game is played sister.

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83a5fa  No.14771006

File: 88e344d8c0bedb8⋯.jpeg (75.51 KB, 637x600, 637:600, 82CD8DF8_2A99_4873_9104_C….jpeg)

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92a045  No.14771007

File: 0996077abff2ea3⋯.jpg (82.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Shadowpeople.jpg)

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b1b822  No.14771008


Im pretty healthy myself, Ive only had the flu once, but once is enough, at least for me.

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ba759b  No.14771009

Wake up, check my surroundings, yep still in clown world

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b1b822  No.14771010


I know, it should have been 666…

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994394  No.14771011


This is pretty good. He makes a solid case against the vax mandates.


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b4a74c  No.14771012

File: 77e6dabbd584cfa⋯.png (545.2 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, 01e2ac29364e98cc672c88ac92….png)

File: dae379bdddd12a2⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 800x420, 40:21, w46u356uythnqw7ie565y25405….jpg)

File: 2e5f2d901e94a48⋯.png (674.09 KB, 717x720, 239:240, w6uw4hehw46y54yhwsby54yqwh….png)

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b1b822  No.14771013


Fuck, did it again…

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39153d  No.14771014


A silver lining to all this is that there is a real awakening to the horror of the Tuskegee Experiment (I forget the code name).

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60b941  No.14771015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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83a5fa  No.14771016

File: 3645336dc1cbcc0⋯.jpeg (109.26 KB, 942x559, 942:559, C6131EDB_FDAB_46F2_96D2_A….jpeg)

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b1b822  No.14771017


I have the premium 8kun membership…

Im not the one playing by rules…

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1cb3d9  No.14771018

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, LaughingPepe.png)


>I have the premium 8kun membership…

>Im not the one playing by rules…

Payed to conform to the rules.

Still claims that you're not following the rules.

<Kek even your attempts at anon lingo fails hard

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69d82f  No.14771019

Today's Forecast: Faggot In The Morning, Turning Mostly Faggot In The Afternoon. Steady Faggot Into The Evening With 100% Probability Of jack squat nothing All Day.

Long Range Forecast: Count On jack squat nothing Through The Week. Chance Of Faggot - Excellent Every Day

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d114ce  No.14771020


communicating. we. we (thanks anon) were communicating.

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994394  No.14771021




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b1b822  No.14771022


Damn son, you twist words like someone in stuck in cognitive dissonance, are you truly thinking for yourself or following someone else…

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d114ce  No.14771023


she looks fat

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1cb3d9  No.14771024




Please post your credit card information in the subject field of your next post and get a limited offer of a 1 months membership of 8Kun Premium for only $99.99

Act now!

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1cb3d9  No.14771025


>you twist words

Nah, you just fail at logic.

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b1b822  No.14771026


I cant help it if you are not able to properly send and receive messages…

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d114ce  No.14771027


Council on Foreign Relations

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1cb3d9  No.14771028

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB, 500x498, 250:249, wat.png)

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4cea5d  No.14771029




Never really ever considered myself “anti-vax” before all this… but i don’t know how anyone who’s honestly followed these last two years… honestly mind you… and now NOT be completely totally absolutely 100% anti-vax and anti-EVERYTHING related to a “Health System” animated by such murderous stupidity and cowardice?

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ac8a70  No.14771030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



*i dont want to go to ra


i'll continue, know ya'll dont want me here

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1cb3d9  No.14771031


>murderous stupidity

Kek'ed and agreed.

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b4a74c  No.14771032

File: 8587b6595c2e340⋯.gif (3.22 MB, 500x288, 125:72, g8wu5489ut8qigja8stug8931y….gif)

shills busy typing while driving

they still don't get it

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72d1c9  No.14771033



Hey y'all… kek

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1f713c  No.14771034

File: 8aa8f1f1298a0d3⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 500x457, 500:457, Warp_Speed.jpg)


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0c306e  No.14771035

File: 9261b51374a1d6b⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1250x834, 625:417, WhytheVax.png)

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994394  No.14771036


>who’s honestly followed these last two years

Never mind the last two years. What about the failed vax for the swine flu in '78 (or thereabouts)? What about the swine flu farce of 2009? Plenty of nasty shit has been going down for a long while. Nobody remembers history, I guess.

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d48ae3  No.14771037

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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e44f9a  No.14771038



>watch secrets of the matrix 1, 2 and 3. Icke was at his peak in 03. Most of these guys get their info from Jordan Maxwell. I had a whole hard drive back in the day of his stuff.

The Greatestest Secret is a good starting point …

Kind of amusing that Icke wrote hundreds if not thousand pages about the Satanist Pedo cabal, and Q didn't have to put much more effort than write something like

think pedos

why is Satanism relevant?

and off went the anons digging and discovering the wheel again

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994394  No.14771039


Go ahead, drink the damn covfefe, don't just smell it.

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e4a340  No.14771040

File: 7dcdf23f187c98b⋯.png (723.4 KB, 732x480, 61:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4a340  No.14771041

File: 2c83a46839c9770⋯.png (725.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b1f7  No.14771042


20 years 3to4 a day

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ac8a70  No.14771043



do fuck off

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b4a74c  No.14771044

File: 8f8e3b3018d8ed9⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 339x252, 113:84, 459y7ygwe7gyh83qi5jt9aeg8j….gif)

Space…the final frontier

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88d50c  No.14771045

File: a293d40cca30394⋯.png (517.35 KB, 1052x319, 1052:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c06f0ce54153fc6⋯.png (634.59 KB, 797x416, 797:416, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbe36d9018bd6a4⋯.png (326.46 KB, 709x304, 709:304, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody else been to captains mast?

They offer you a deal.

I did not take it.

Said nope.

Put me on restriction - in Hawaii (think Maui Maui).

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d48ae3  No.14771046

File: 2194cb0e8acf314⋯.png (21.47 KB, 801x303, 267:101, larenta.png)

File: 4ca746b023caae9⋯.png (364.71 KB, 795x752, 795:752, bigguy.png)

File: 6d753c5d5726468⋯.png (103.51 KB, 460x315, 92:63, dumbestLemon.png)

time to pay up.

the rent


>>14769778, >>14769799, >>14769878, >>14769915, >>14770074, >>14770104 Jill Biden really likes Lemon tree dresses?

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ac8a70  No.14771048


Quick lesson in biology

women never appear as dogs, dogs are male, cats are woman

except for wolfmothers

now deal with your repressed sexuality and admit you want to fuck men and we'll get along fine

you take hating women ALL WOMEN too far for any man i've ever met who isnt gay

so just except that and move on

not my fault you're a closet poop pusher

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4cea5d  No.14771049


I got ya… just that the last two years is beyond-beyond.

Thisanon was working at the tippytop of biotech back in the 90’s, and got a very clear look under the filthy hood of CDC/NIH/Pharma/University. departed the field as it was apparent to me then that honest science was not going on. Impossible to explain that to anynormie back then. Still nearly impossible to explain. But the now PUBLIC contradictions spilling from every angle, you would think it would be impossible to ignore. But the general public amazes me in its ability to continue to suck the tit of their own tax funded (underwritten) psyop against them.


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e44f9a  No.14771050



>> word for word Q drops

>reptilian humanoid extraterrestrials

Q = Icke minus reptilians, basically

Icke's was a Grand Unified Conspiracy theory, he included everything in it, without any discernment

the novel elements in Q were the gamification, larping and participatory social media activity ..

and then the right wing authoritarianism, the worship of militarism and the POTUS cult.

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ac8a70  No.14771051

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92a045  No.14771052

File: f36b895ec98c4c7⋯.jpg (376.95 KB, 2250x562, 1125:281, shake1.jpg)

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0c306e  No.14771053

File: ff062e5f5e5ebb5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Let_go_Brandon.png)

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b1b822  No.14771054


I really dont understand why the World3 model hasn't gotten more traction here, its the whole reason they are doing this, its plain to see. They really think they are saving humanity…

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28a22f  No.14771055

File: 548acc193c2a69b⋯.jpg (198.94 KB, 794x494, 397:247, brennan_believes_wilcock.jpg)

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994394  No.14771056


>departed the field as it was apparent to me then that honest science was not going on

How much training and education did you throw aside? Hopefully, you didn't waste too many years.

>But the now PUBLIC contradictions spilling from every angle, you would think it would be impossible to ignore.

A bit at a time, I guess. A lot of years of propaganda and lies to break down.

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6c75b7  No.14771057


This anon almost NEVER dreams. Once, maybe twice a year. Started taking cordyceps and had the craziest dreams you ever heard of. Stopped taking them and returned to sleeping like the dead.

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28a22f  No.14771058

File: f66e17093035e98⋯.png (673.44 KB, 848x494, 424:247, brennan_icke.png)



wrong one

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4cea5d  No.14771059


World3 model?

Maybe you could elaborate a bit?

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994394  No.14771060


>World3 model

Post your digs and we will look at it.

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83a5fa  No.14771061


Which Patrick Byrne is a member of and claims is completely benign and a big fat nothing burger.

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ac8a70  No.14771063


anon is too weakend for riddles anon

i know i am supposed to look to you, i dont know how, that is why i'm shown dancin' on my knees at this point in Pet Goat ll

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d5db10  No.14771064


3 copies of gray day book and poster, 4 copies and -oyster of breach book, book on. She;f, ordered to kill… can’t read the other titles

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d5db10  No.14771065



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319b52  No.14771066


I remember this being talked about when he gave that notice

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417ce3  No.14771067



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e2b1f7  No.14771068

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d5db10  No.14771069


Gray Day: My Undercover Mission to Expose America's First Cyber Spy is a 2019 non-fiction book by Eric O'Neill, published by Crown Books, about his mission to collect evidence against Robert Hanssen, an employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who spied for Russia. Wikipedia

Originally published: 2019

Author: Eric O'Neill

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e4a340  No.14771070

File: 07b847bc199405c⋯.png (761.05 KB, 682x483, 682:483, ClipboardImage.png)

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62d5ef  No.14771071

File: de1005b073ceac5⋯.jpeg (999.88 KB, 1125x781, 1125:781, AnonsTracking.jpeg)


They do their best, but level of posts from shills is low today.

When shall these buncha losers face thermselves in the mirror?

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0c306e  No.14771072

File: 73c96953eb76407⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1500x1106, 750:553, The_Enemy_Needs_to_Win.png)

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1c4768  No.14771073

File: 2194cb0e8acf314⋯.png (21.47 KB, 801x303, 267:101, larenta.png)

File: 4ca746b023caae9⋯.png (364.71 KB, 795x752, 795:752, bigguy.png)

File: 8abe369ce94c025⋯.png (198.49 KB, 806x455, 62:35, oscarDeLaJoya.png)


>Pledging 'Ready for War' With National Guard


>the rent

Oscar De La Renta

<the rent

Oscar De La Hoya

>the hole

video from La Joya Texas

And in leading up to that threat of “war,” Melugin shared a video he took of a Mexican drug cartel shooting bullets with tracer rounds across the border into the U.S.:

MELUGIN: And just a few nights after the incident, we were embedded with the Texas National Guard when a cartel machine gun fired across the border directly into the United States. I caught it on video. Take a look at this.

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5cccd0  No.14771074

File: 8f4f5442d387f96⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 419E8310_1FC9_4A0F_8AF4_6….jpeg)

Payseur Labs


“Body size evolution has been rapid: mice were recently introduced to the island (in the 19th century) and a major size increase was observed over just a 40-year period. The drastic size change of Gough Island mice has been attributed to low temperature, extended longevity, reduced predation, andcarnivorouseating habits.”

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83a5fa  No.14771075


If there were no shills it would mean this board was irrelevant.

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b4a74c  No.14771076

File: d32f705b2bd1812⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1000x777, 1000:777, 6cd34e654416422574fe054f5e….png)


They are successful if they distract us from the source of their true sacrificial power.

Focus on politics and not the lifeforce of the blood.

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62d5ef  No.14771077


false, anons make the relevance

shills are just waymarks

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6c75b7  No.14771078

File: 3c8bac339dfdbd6⋯.png (555.7 KB, 981x551, 981:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Trouble today is that men don't have minds anymore. They watch shit like Honey Boo Boo and wear man-buns and thumb rings.

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c6b97e  No.14771079

File: 3ece4c553dc5cbb⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1280x768, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q = Icke minus reptilians, basically

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b4a74c  No.14771080


Not so. Anons would focus on much deeper digz and the gen public would not be afraid or discouraged to come here.

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6c75b7  No.14771081

File: c1ef065ffc5a7fc⋯.png (769.38 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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417ce3  No.14771082


same, splitting headaches when aspirin wears off

so yeah, amen for aspirin

i have never taken any of the other stuff

ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc dont want

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f603ae  No.14771083

Have any of you been receiving magazine subscriptions you haven't ordered? I received the FORTUNE magazine for a yr & when that ended, I now receive weekly PEOPLE mag. I tried to cancel both, but was informed "only the purchaser can cancel."

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83a5fa  No.14771084


20,000 IUs of vit D3 once a week.

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60b941  No.14771085

File: 65f8a4448151285⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 706.12 KB, 1334x2000, 667:1000, Cock_pic_11.jpg)

I spent the past 30 minutes taking pictures of my cock.

I've decided what picture is the best to share amongst the rest of you anons. I added the spoiler so nobody has to see a cock on their screen.

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417ce3  No.14771086


aint no one but leu clickin that shit and he aint here now faggot

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b4a74c  No.14771087



Or change it to this, most likely in response.

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ac8a70  No.14771088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4cea5d  No.14771089


Noice observation.

Just before I entered the “BioTech” field, anon was on a fantastic trajectory of healthy productivity, fun, family and relative happiness. Didn’t take (waste) a lot of time ‘under the hood’ to see how hopeless the industry was, and i was not wrong. Took thirty years to be vindicated, but that is nothing anon is happy about at all.

The real and tragic ‘waste’ that has occurred, is the life of mine, and countless others, who have NOT BEEN ABLE to form useful, industrious, imaginative, happy and productive/prosperous lives… all the while this skullfucking Government/Media/WTF continues on as-is holding sway over the minds of so many.

The most counterproductive “thing” anon has ever seen, read of in ‘history’ or even heard about in fictional accounts.

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83a5fa  No.14771091

File: 200e790b83a449e⋯.jpeg (90.98 KB, 597x563, 597:563, 991CCFA4_02C4_49C1_9CD3_8….jpeg)

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b4a74c  No.14771092

File: 3198e2fac54aacc⋯.png (91.14 KB, 980x905, 196:181, f7u9y34t7qy4th08au8dvfy7r5….PNG)


several ref mats

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43058a  No.14771093


I remember as a kid working a cash register. The old people used to come in to get wd 40 for their joints. WD40 kills rust or mycelium? Almost all joint related pain is misdiagnosed as arthritis. It is usually a fungal colony hanging out in your joints. WD40 penetrates the body quite well.

Remember how the space program designed it?

Most of our problems are from a the molds, yeasts, fungus, and bacteria. Phagocytes attack all of these. Notice how no one is pushing phagocytes?

I wonder if anyone has any good studies on WD40 cleansing nasty infected wounds.

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ca140a  No.14771094

File: 7605626a4de5b5b⋯.png (743.79 KB, 1343x565, 1343:565, loudoun_co_school_rape.PNG)

On June 22, Scott Smith was arrested at a Loudoun County, Virginia, school board meeting, a meeting that was ultimately deemed an “unlawful assembly” after many attendees vocally opposed a policy on transgender students.

What people did not know is that weeks prior on May 28, Smith says, a boy allegedly wearing a skirt entered a girls’ bathroom at nearby Stone Bridge High School, where he sexually assaulted Smith’s ninth-grade daughter.

Juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.

“If someone would have sat and listened for thirty seconds to what Scott had to say, they would have been mortified and heartbroken,” Scott’s attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster said.

As a result of the viral video showing his arrest, Smith became the poster child for what the National School Boards Association has since suggested could be a form of “domestic terrorism”: a white blue-collar male who showed up to harangue obscure public servants on his local school board.

“If someone would have sat and listened for thirty seconds to what Scott had to say, they would have been mortified and heartbroken,” Lancaster said.


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83a5fa  No.14771096

File: 2cf0ece45225105⋯.jpeg (72.87 KB, 371x547, 371:547, 03B06C56_B9DE_4C98_8D26_B….jpeg)

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62d5ef  No.14771097


Pretty weak they need external source of lifeforce to sustain their miserable lives.

Those supplies are cut, yes?

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bdaf94  No.14771098


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e4a340  No.14771099

File: 24b76b9291edd16⋯.png (897.53 KB, 699x480, 233:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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83a5fa  No.14771100


Not bad

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919f51  No.14771101

File: c50729f6aca7894⋯.png (118.89 KB, 237x237, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>external source of lifeforce

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b4a74c  No.14771102

CNN’s Cuomo: GOP All-in on Trump’s Lie — ‘There Are Not Good People on Both Sides’


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43058a  No.14771103


Yep. It is like babysitting a bunch of college freshmen. They get a little knowledge and then they think they've got the world figured out.

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b4a74c  No.14771105


synthetics, alternatives and outliers.

can't truly say

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d56115  No.14771106


>it has been my experience after 50 years of study that those who have to show you how much they know dont know much

astute observation and has proved true in this anons experience. love and light to (You) anon

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60b941  No.14771107

File: 1b0e84dbdb9378e⋯.jpg (95.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, COck_pic_23.jpg)




Here is another cock pic for you guys. This time I didn't spoiler the image.

My thought process is if it took them two seconds to respond it probably took them 1 second to click the image.

Enjoy another cock pic.

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919f51  No.14771108

File: 781a5a835486d74⋯.png (293.83 KB, 564x423, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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1c4768  No.14771109

File: b89515bab2dd4d3⋯.jpg (565.22 KB, 828x775, 828:775, HiHunter.jpg)


Hunter, is that you

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417ce3  No.14771110

File: 6401972cf56c7ca⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1776x2000, 111:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4a74c  No.14771111


Look at how cute you are.

Superbly productive member of society.

Wait until the cock crows thrice.

See ya then.

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919f51  No.14771112

Ask any U.S. Marine what the Eagle, Globe and Anchor stands for. From the cross on the top of an officer’s cover to the blood stripe on a corporal’s trouser. Why such a focus on tradition?

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ca140a  No.14771113

File: 51ba2f8faa82c2f⋯.png (310.89 KB, 382x351, 382:351, oprah_naomi.PNG)

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83a5fa  No.14771114

File: 24362db01cd1c1c⋯.jpeg (114.11 KB, 460x547, 460:547, CFB49FF3_6224_4E94_B421_B….jpeg)

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4cea5d  No.14771115


Not only did the School Board prevent this parent a chance to voice and seek redress… Federal Government and Media paints anyone like him trying to speak up as-if “Domestic Terrorist”.

Anon is not trying to “terrorize” anyone, but such an education system and government needs to be snuffed out. Period.

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b4a74c  No.14771116

File: 153d2ea50955192⋯.png (645.68 KB, 952x714, 4:3, It_dj_in_fhk_in_ggm_in_NC_….PNG)

File: db50c6272f13512⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 3500x2023, 500:289, 25884224700085535168870765….jpg)

Pete Buttigieg Absent as Flight Delays Snarl Columbus Day Weekend Travel


old players. where are they now?

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ac8a70  No.14771117


Get over that women bleed

is natural, from libertys blood you'll be born

so shut the fuck up

anon thank you for the defense

anon has had many, theyre obsessed by the bloodline

My eyes are brown flecked with gold anon, not much point bein' a whore otherwise right ?

scapegoat required

i knew Merovingan, Hapsberg was a surprise

their line died out

matters, nought

spaceforce was such a nice idea

wish anon could work out how to 5 5

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ac8a70  No.14771118

Good night anon

am weary

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167046  No.14771119

File: 98c7d1739f7c914⋯.png (550.81 KB, 1200x367, 1200:367, fakenewskills.png)


"Because I wouldn't settle for less,

I made it this far"

The extent of the betrayal is stunning.

They are Satanic, so they waste, put to waste.

Thieves, Jokers. for a long long time.

I knew as a teenager that there was a story which needed to be told.

Which I wanted to know.

Stepped outside of everything, was how I started.

Cause I knew when I got to the end of my University courses, for whatever major I chose, I wouldn't have the answer; I wouldn't have what I wanted.

They definitely stole from me.

Still waiting.

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4ad26a  No.14771120

>>14769838, >>14769988 SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS”

Is Attorney General Mark Brnovich pulling a Bill Barr?Investigations and Proecutions take a long time?

He could have got involved when Karen Fann and Petersen couldnt get the logs and routers, they were disobeying a legal subpoena

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ea5edd  No.14771121


Short term memory is being overloaded with media noise. One week has more input now than what used to be experienced in a year. It is a rare normie that remembers past three months.

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6f2857  No.14771122

Sauce on Bezos is a Jew. Can’t find any.

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919f51  No.14771123

File: 0216c391d38fb31⋯.png (283.63 KB, 457x599, 457:599, ClipboardImage.png)

He is best known for his novel Don Quixote, a work often cited as both the first modern novel and one of the pinnacles of world literature.

In 1569, Cervantes was forced to leave Spain and moved to Rome, where he worked in the household of a cardinal. In 1570, he enlisted in a Spanish Navy infantry regiment, and was badly wounded at the Battle of Lepanto in October 1571. He served as a soldier until 1575, when he was captured by Barbary pirates; after five years in captivity, he was ransomed, and returned to Madrid.

Cervantes supplied in its place a description of himself:

"This person whom you see here, with an oval visage, chestnut hair, smooth open forehead, lively eyes, a hooked but well-proportioned nose, and silvery beard that twenty years ago was golden, large moustache, small mouth, teeth not much to speak of, for he has only six, in bad condition and worse placed, no two of them corresponding to each other, a figure midway between the two extremes, neither tall nor short, a vivid complexion, rather fair than dark, somewhat stooped in the shoulders, and not very lightfooted."


Berganza's story begins with the description of life in a slaughter house in Seville, where he was born. He gives a lot of details about the doings of the underworld, its thieves, and its villains. Scipio adds comments and gives advice on how to narrate a story properly: If you’re going to take this long to describe the condition of the masters you’ve had and the failings of their professions, […] I want to point something out to you, and you’ll see the truth of it when I relate my life story. Some stories are intrinsically appealing, others are made appealing in the way they are told.

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2d2782  No.14771124

File: 87dc7d9b8b5a1bb⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 480x209, 480:209, 87dc7d9b8b5a1bb2ff880472f6….jpg)

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7cf029  No.14771125

File: e1968ef07d77584⋯.png (193.09 KB, 950x534, 475:267, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 084f92161014f8d⋯.png (176.61 KB, 550x678, 275:339, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Morning anons…

Its about time OKC came up…paybacks aBITCHJamie…


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db779e  No.14771126

File: b505ca39f3b4983⋯.png (899.51 KB, 1914x740, 957:370, ClipboardImage.png)


Was successful in overturning school mandated masks. Was fired from his job. Started vaccine-police.com and is travelling the country redpilling America.


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b4a74c  No.14771127

Why the long overdue shift? Commands from masters above (below).

An increasing number of schools across the country are banning LGBTQ “pride” and Black Lives Matter flags, calling them too political and divisive.


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ca140a  No.14771128


wut time is today's michigan rally?

gretch and nessel must be triggered

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167046  No.14771129

File: 4ff0ad9efaa1665⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 552x405, 184:135, theydiditall.jpg)


That's why I do the research, hoping somehow, in some minor way, at least, it could be used against them, to give us back our world, as it was destined.

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28a22f  No.14771130


Anon did not click that shit, nigger, because it was too fucking obvious!

What are you, a 12 year old?

Or just have the mind of a 12 year old?

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6f2857  No.14771131


Ha! You want us to wait? Yeah that’s a new idea. Waiting.


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ca58f6  No.14771132



I've had all my vaxxes all my life, up to and including the shingles and pneumonia. But, I will never take another vax of any type ever again.

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33a2ed  No.14771133

Dr Sugata Das, Cardiologist was the pilot of the plane that crashed in Santee CA. Dig!

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6f2857  No.14771134


First day here?

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167046  No.14771135

File: bb0927fdd9a748a⋯.jpg (235.93 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Hillary_what_hoppened.jpg)



Hoping Mueller is the first.

That's why Schiff tried to claim he's totally gone.

To forestall his arrest.

Will be interesting to see who's the first?

still waiting


people don't know maths.?

or can't apply it to questions that are supposed to be left unanswered.?

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919f51  No.14771136

File: b7431178fe533e0⋯.png (1.54 MB, 800x1035, 160:207, ClipboardImage.png)


>Some stories are intrinsically appealing, others are made appealing in the way they are told.


When I first started reading the Quixote I thought it was the most tragic book in the world, and I would read it and weep. As I grew older, my skin grew thicker, and so when I was working on the translation I was actually sitting at my computer and laughing out loud. This is done, as Cervantes did it, by never letting the reader rest. You are never certain that you truly got it. Because as soon as you think you understand something, Cervantes introduces something that contradicts your premise.

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d56115  No.14771137

File: 3bc873165530922⋯.png (55 KB, 512x216, 64:27, 6cbd6688727fe9bd0ecb3b367e….png)

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2d2782  No.14771138

File: d5ee175c1b1eefc⋯.png (355.33 KB, 1266x846, 211:141, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dr Sugata Das


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4a9a17  No.14771139

File: b1a74367b341408⋯.png (250.97 KB, 436x436, 1:1, plosi.png)


>Pope Francis Greets Abortionist Nancy Pelosi With Masonic Handshake After Her NWO G20 Summit Speech

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4cea5d  No.14771140


If it costs me everything to my last breath… and my last breath is just enough to tip [them] into the fire of hell where they belong… i’ll be cool with that.

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28a22f  No.14771141


>I would read it and weep.


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fc1bd4  No.14771142

>>14770450 Baker requests Handoff

>>14770544 Was trying to claim


guess no one is claiming the bake.

I will step up.


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919f51  No.14771143

File: aa7b8d2732313d2⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 960x940, 48:47, dankmeme.jpg)


>I was actually sitting at my computer and laughing out loud.

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4a9a17  No.14771144

File: b505f246d2ff822⋯.png (315.45 KB, 678x381, 226:127, stlter.png)

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ca140a  No.14771145


a lot more to the story, but wuz behind a paywall

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b4a74c  No.14771146

File: b8576343557226c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 962x723, 962:723, Ffui_in_fdsthhffikhggjkjhj.PNG)

File: 023d3b916e79e92⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 84223258008865366887007552….gif)

Implosions will burgeon.

Kyrsten Sinema Badgered by Activists at Boston Marathon


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bdaf94  No.14771147


mueller? Do you know how many people out there even know who he is?

The arrest has to be someone who's arrest will rock the WORLD.

Not just the beltway.


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4cea5d  No.14771148

File: c5f6b36ee45fbf7⋯.jpeg (400.06 KB, 1200x1717, 1200:1717, 701C14C7_62DC_4FCA_8FA9_E….jpeg)


A lot is revealed about a person, by their interpretation of who/what Quixote was.

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0cf3c6  No.14771149


Archive.is usually works

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72bed5  No.14771150

The United States is still number one in cyber capabilities [1]

That’s the conclusion from a mammoth 182-page report

released today by British think tank the International Institute for

Strategic Studies that reviews the cyber capabilities of 15 of the

world’s biggest players in hacking and digital defense. The report

assesses both government and private-sector capabilities.

Despite Chinese Efforts, the U.S. Still Leads in AI [2]

After years of threatening U.S. leadership in the area, experts say Chinese ambitions have thus far failed and America still leads in the research and use of AI.

Who Is Winning the AI Race: China, the EU or the United States? [3]

The United States leads for several reasons. First, it has the most AI

start-ups, with its AI start-up ecosystem having received the most

private equity and venture capital funding. Second, it leads in the development of both traditional semiconductors and the computer chips that power AI systems. Third, while it produces fewer AI scholarly papers than the EU or China, it produces the highest-quality papers on average. Finally, while the United States has less overall AI talent than the European Union, its talent is more elite.

1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/06/28/cybersecurity-202-united-states-is-still-number-one-cyber-capabilities/

2. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2019-08-19/the-us-is-still-the-global-leader-in-artificial-intelligence

3. https://datainnovation.org/2019/08/who-is-winning-the-ai-race-china-the-eu-or-the-united-states/

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4cea5d  No.14771151

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60b941  No.14771152

File: ca3fe641b47b2da⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 329x248, 329:248, Dtczz4hXoAA_FaO.jpg)





Anyways I love pussy. I bet you faggots don't love pussy as much as me.

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60b941  No.14771153




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919f51  No.14771154

File: c6746b1462dbad7⋯.png (177.84 KB, 848x793, 848:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 547419d405283e4⋯.png (174.21 KB, 848x793, 848:793, ClipboardImage.png)


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62bbf5  No.14771155

File: 8cb58aacbd9f5d1⋯.png (606.45 KB, 894x501, 298:167, 8cb58aacbd9f5d131509cc28ea….png)


Two weeks, just two more weeks…we just need a few thousand more diseased rapey foreigners to dump on the Red States.

That's the real plan

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fc1bd4  No.14771156

File: ea30d9fc24d76d8⋯.jpg (220 KB, 640x371, 640:371, sean_connery_dr_noles_amba….jpg)

Any memers know what i want?


8kun Baker

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6f2857  No.14771157


You shouldn’t be here. Go watch porn.

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4a9a17  No.14771158

File: a907974bbc6ba4a⋯.png (141 KB, 357x396, 119:132, 2_more_weeks.png)


>Two weeks, just two more weeks…

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7cf029  No.14771159

File: 7dbfa84eba05615⋯.png (89.91 KB, 920x318, 460:159, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: dd08ea4c95ab34c⋯.png (896.34 KB, 938x1080, 469:540, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

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17ae14  No.14771160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

all you have is all you need

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6f2857  No.14771161

I will never forgive or forget the people who not only wore masks willingly but told others to wear them. I will give them a reminder when this is all over.

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4cea5d  No.14771162


Thisanon lives in Loudoun and familiar with many of the mothers and fathers trying to seek redress with this school board. Locally, a huge amount of tension has been STOKED by the Board, local LEOs, Feds and media NOT TELLING THE TRUTH about any of it.

The fact the Officials continue to make this situation worse by PREVENTING solutions, makes me sorrynotsorry to say… [they] need to walk away, peacefully be removed… or burn in hellfire.

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167046  No.14771163

File: 424dc8b94fc2d7f⋯.png (153.55 KB, 490x275, 98:55, CalmBeforeTheStormReddit.png)


Psychos sit up nights thinking up the ways to hurt others deeply;

Best revenge is to, as much as possible, keep them from hurting you.

They're sadists; With the crocodile tears.

Did you see the bit in Fauci's show when he cries?


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919f51  No.14771164

File: 610aaf8e5df963b⋯.png (644.03 KB, 709x480, 709:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>A lot is revealed about a person, by their interpretation of who/what Quixote was.

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a20d90  No.14771165

File: c9935c1252bd7be⋯.jpeg (84.58 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1567441053.jpeg)

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60b941  No.14771166


>Go watch porn.

What do you recommend I watch and how do I find it?

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83276b  No.14771167

File: 6f85bef7e9ccd92⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Assassins_Creed_Cinematic_….mp4)

>>14769794, >>14769864 Dan Scavino posted a man reaching the precipice. Is Dan hinting at something here?


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a20d90  No.14771169

File: e48a2feb86b9c3e⋯.jpeg (64.99 KB, 1080x617, 1080:617, 1599594048.jpeg)

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fc1bd4  No.14771170


>how do I find it?

seems thats the question all men ask women

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6f2857  No.14771171


Yeah. Okay so there are a several ways. One you can get a sharp knife and drag it across your neck or your wrists.

If you have a gun that’s great just point it at your face. Then shoot it.

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919f51  No.14771172

File: 3a53d18cddace86⋯.png (1.13 MB, 957x1128, 319:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc1bd4  No.14771173


thanks anon but was looking for a memer that can u do a baker one for all our bakers

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7cf029  No.14771174

File: 0c53acf959830a2⋯.png (182.31 KB, 1508x1288, 377:322, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 1422484fc3723ff⋯.png (300.06 KB, 992x744, 4:3, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 9bb3e3884aab51e⋯.png (48.26 KB, 586x236, 293:118, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Snowden is a CLOWN…

But even clowns can do the right thing…

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bdaf94  No.14771175


The AG of the USA can get involved in state election issues?

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167046  No.14771176

File: 403c79e44cdd78b⋯.jpg (155.07 KB, 1000x674, 500:337, Bill_Gates_vaccineswut.jpg)


didn't mean to advertise reddit

I better edit that reddit

Just some old meme.. These things happen


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fc906b  No.14771177

Do you see it now?


Gog & Magog

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7cf029  No.14771178

File: c42258fbd2b3041⋯.png (88.77 KB, 790x576, 395:288, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 05b1a75826325a6⋯.png (185.62 KB, 802x1396, 401:698, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 46fd1eee3406970⋯.png (70.62 KB, 800x584, 100:73, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

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6f2857  No.14771179


The Bible isn’t literal. It’s literary.

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dfb31c  No.14771180

File: 725a216a351f182⋯.png (855.74 KB, 663x680, 39:40, 725a216a351f182fe2e73d1cfa….png)


Baker worship is the first step on the slippery slope to faggotry. Repent now lest ye suffer an eternity of Mr Pig.

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4cea5d  No.14771181

File: c225d7e9bc06f34⋯.jpeg (392.56 KB, 723x900, 241:300, FC759695_4C02_492C_9099_7….jpeg)


And old, worn down, rusty and broken idealistic dreamer…

With a heart that simply will not stop. ANONS!

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bdaf94  No.14771182


ACCK! my bad! it's too early

Garland is usa attorney

I knew that…

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60b941  No.14771183


Sorry but I have none of the objects you described. Do you have any other tips or trick?

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fc1bd4  No.14771184


pretty sure a meme for all the hard work our bakers do is not considered baker worshiping.

could be wrong tho

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167046  No.14771185

File: 3bf471caeac2eec⋯.jpg (144.11 KB, 1000x877, 1000:877, islam_gog_magog_eurasia.jpg)


Not Really.

Keep Going.

is the Suez Canal still blocked?

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fc1bd4  No.14771186


>standby anons

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6f2857  No.14771187


I’m not saying you get filtered but I bet you do.

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dfb31c  No.14771189


Your choice anon. Just sayin' bad things happen to the board when you inflate their egos.

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b4a74c  No.14771190


Accounting for all that history will be a problem in your thinking.

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d56115  No.14771191

File: a93576ae9a16218⋯.jpg (7.34 MB, 5248x3936, 4:3, IMG_20190725_180019.jpg)

File: 5f10d5447cb979a⋯.jpg (7.58 MB, 5248x3936, 4:3, IMG_20190725_180049.jpg)

File: 28e8582d1ee22bb⋯.jpg (257.42 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_20190725_180049.jpg)

File: e352dc09adfa31b⋯.jpg (242.84 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_20190725_180100.jpg)

File: 7f01d865db7c755⋯.jpg (240.23 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_20190725_180124.jpg)

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60b941  No.14771192

File: f83859a9d5d4fc8⋯.gif (3.66 MB, 337x263, 337:263, YES.gif)

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dfb31c  No.14771194


Meant for >>14771184

Not enough covfefe yet

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fc906b  No.14771195


It is our traditions, soaked in blood, which allows peace to prosper. We may be the "President's Own", but we are also God's right hand.

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919f51  No.14771198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b4a74c  No.14771199



The true bakers will be selfless and understand.

Send them a 'tyb' and keep digging and fighting.

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270596  No.14771201


Nice try Satan.

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167046  No.14771202

File: 46bca926a734159⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, whatwouldn_ttheydo.jpg)


are they likening DJTrump to Quixote now?

They are buffoons.

Interesting fight.

They have all the media and all the generations of mental conditioning of the population.


DJT who has the truth, American practicality, American stamina, American freedom, Love of America, beauty of vision for the future, Love and respect of God.

And then everybody gets to see what side everybody chooses.

DJT's got more bodies on the ground.


That's what Nancy is jealous of

You know, the one who gets heckled in Rome.

in Church.

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dfb31c  No.14771203

File: 0dfb97e9e0d3bb3⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 788x560, 197:140, TYB.jpg)



TYB - No fap 'till end of shift

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fc1bd4  No.14771204


Q Research General #18684: Patriots calling for forensic audit of Michigan's 2020 election Edition




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4cea5d  No.14771205


The wrong sort of people laugh at Quixote.

The good sort, cry for him.

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6b923e  No.14771207

File: a030288c4e6bd82⋯.png (381.8 KB, 750x721, 750:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Grammy's = Worthless

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6f2857  No.14771208

Literary may use historical events. Doesn’t mean it’s literal. Take for example you right now. On a site for free speech because your message would be filtered by the Jews. So you make memes. This is the same thing. Your Bible was written by Greeks to hide the truth inplain site so that those with ears might hear. Not see the plain text and run with it. Hence the world you live in today. >>14771190

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8e46f5  No.14771209

File: af802b1bfc7dbba⋯.jpeg (267.79 KB, 1800x1043, 1800:1043, 997388B0_2E3A_4A6B_8A16_1….jpeg)

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6b923e  No.14771210

If the fake news media is willing to perpetuate an obvious lie regarding the Southwest Airlines sick-out being employed to protest mandatory vaccinations in order to protect the interests of the Democrat agenda, why would anyone think they wouldn't do exactly that to provide them cover for a stolen election?

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0218cf  No.14771211

File: f8fae0c79650658⋯.jpg (142.86 KB, 720x1024, 45:64, 51660007.jpg)

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6f2857  No.14771212

File: 7324769f2d16773⋯.jpeg (737.96 KB, 2560x1631, 2560:1631, 4136E27C_27C2_4CB2_B2A6_B….jpeg)

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919f51  No.14771213

File: 2ab7201ed0c1fb4⋯.png (620.88 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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39153d  No.14771214

File: 6d2db3fbaf4554c⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 1600x1982, 800:991, GB_NEW_BAKERS.jpg)

File: 5c0a27ed1a40da6⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 570x456, 5:4, GBebakers.jpg)

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297d31  No.14771215

File: 17d0a4f265d4375⋯.png (27.91 KB, 562x328, 281:164, ClipboardImage.png)



Remember when PDJT corrected the reporters for mispronouncing his name as "Zi", instead of "Chi"? There's more to their relationship, that's for certain.

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6f2857  No.14771216

What if Gog and Magog were just

Dopamine and Serotonin?

Remember Moses was an Egyptian and those niggas dissected people.

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dfb31c  No.14771217

File: ba145fb6808b4f2⋯.png (768.62 KB, 919x720, 919:720, ba145fb6808b4f211eeeeb8e5d….png)


What no fly girls? In Living Color ain't what it used to be.

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874a11  No.14771218

File: 1461a2ebdcb3548⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1260x1425, 84:95, Same_Pic_SWA_and_Milli_Van….png)

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0218cf  No.14771219


How will Biden be hosted?

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a14659  No.14771220

404 server offline while trying to get in here

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b4a74c  No.14771222


What a mishmash of garbage. Truth mixed with lies.


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64a05e  No.14771223

File: e7c2a8683e6c744⋯.jpeg (21.13 KB, 474x263, 474:263, 3BA622CB_312A_444B_A664_2….jpeg)


>how bou da?

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fc1bd4  No.14771225

File: e5e0917fe42bf37⋯.jpg (268.21 KB, 640x371, 640:371, baker_8kun_baker.jpg)


Q Research General #18684: Patriots calling for forensic audit of Michigan's 2020 election Edition




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6f2857  No.14771226


Keep waiting. I’m sure Jesus is excited to see you.

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874a11  No.14771227

File: b5f04b02c23e45f⋯.jpg (962.35 KB, 972x2302, 486:1151, Screenshot_20211012_083410….jpg)

The hive is alive.

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6b923e  No.14771228

File: 6428cfbcd805f8a⋯.png (283 KB, 1080x667, 1080:667, ClipboardImage.png)

Even MOS assets are calling out the devolved pagans/nwo.

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6f2857  No.14771229


Trips wasted. Pay a pastor to tell you something to make you feel better. Get that dope dopamine.

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b4a74c  No.14771230


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167046  No.14771231



I don't bake here.

Been there, done that

Too many times

bread gets locked

given to someone else


Once or twice burned , never again

If I do bake it will be for the bunker

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8e46f5  No.14771233

File: 91ab04ebfed7113⋯.jpeg (173.82 KB, 2224x1272, 278:159, C0A54AF1_68A3_4D8A_8670_7….jpeg)


got pretty quiet all the sudden too


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fc1bd4  No.14771234


Q Research General #18684: Patriots calling for forensic audit of Michigan's 2020 election Edition




>>14771208 saved ty anon

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b4a74c  No.14771235


so easy to draw out

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8ebd1f  No.14771238



filler up yo

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8e46f5  No.14771239

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpeg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6B0097F6_E240_427F_BD4F_A….jpeg)

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6b923e  No.14771241

File: f4d32064b8fc18f⋯.png (641.33 KB, 750x698, 375:349, ClipboardImage.png)

When Fake News is so fake that you can't tell whether the headlines were written from the inside of news network HQs or whether they were written by someone trying to make Fake News look like they belong in an insane asylum.

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fc1bd4  No.14771242


hmm lets see.

i have had 4-5 doughs locked

i have been banned about 23 times

i have had notes stolen, dough stolen

i have to ebake 3 breads simultaneously

i have been through raids, and shills and hate and all else that can be thrown against me.





I am the 6th Element of life. FREEDOM

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e4a340  No.14771243


Covered in gold.

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dfb31c  No.14771245

File: 65c45c3d81fa210⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 65c45c3d81fa21095864f70ba1….jpg)


Evolve beyond the need for bakers. Learn to bake comfy homemade bread for survival and self-sufficiency.

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80fdd0  No.14771248


FastJack is the enemy of bakers and the board

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8e46f5  No.14771253

File: 6a94cb366bcabdc⋯.jpeg (48.45 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 0C078A16_99D3_434D_965E_A….jpeg)


unstoppable baker

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dfb31c  No.14771257

File: 00530ff6937b1a4⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 700x741, 700:741, BookOfMeme.jpg)


If anyone needs an ego refill, this guy's got plenty to spare. 9 lines of text and used the word 'I' 7 times.

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fc1bd4  No.14771260


jsut stating the facts for the record anon.

pretty sure when I bake I bake alone.

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fc1bd4  No.14771261


u planing on collecting notables for me next bread?

if so i will stfu

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fc1bd4  No.14771265


filling the thread

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fc1bd4  No.14771266

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fc1bd4  No.14771267

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fc1bd4  No.14771268

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fc1bd4  No.14771270

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fc1bd4  No.14771271

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fc1bd4  No.14771272

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fc1bd4  No.14771273

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