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c6cde1  No.14768131[Last 50 Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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c6cde1  No.14768133


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NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14766553 Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (2021-09-20)

>>14766568, >>14766635, >>14766667, >>14766720, >>14766757 Anons discuss the Global Supply Chain Interruptions

>>14766569 New Zealand sets vaccination deadlines for doctors, community nurses and teachers

>>14766574 The United Nations Endorses “The Great Reset”

>>14766581 Callouts Due to Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Lead to Seattle Ferry Crew Shortages

>>14766588 Iran-linked DEV-0343 targeting defense, GIS, and maritime sectors

>>14766606, >>14767076 Superman is now confirmed to be bisexual

>>14766609 UK eyes 'walk me home' phone-tracker to protect lone women

>>14766616 Patriots in the SF Bay Area: Sign up now for a Religious Exemption Writing Workshop

>>14766669 Biden Climate Pact Hobbles US Manufacturing And Agriculture But Gives China, India, Russia A Pass

>>14766693 Georgia asks DOJ to investigate largest county over alleged destruction of election documents

>>14766708 Kash Patel joined Stew Peters for insight on the Durham probe

>>14766734 Fauci at work in his home office, beneath a larger-than-lifesize oil painting portrait of himself.

>>14766782 Southwest cancels hundreds more flights, denies sickout

>>14766790, >>14767112 Flynn leading a prayer (vid embed)

>>14766804 Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates w/zero vaccines (May 2021)

>>14766808, >>14766862, >>14766928 #BREAKING: Plane Crashes Into Neighborhood Near San Diego

>>14766829 U.K. police say they won't take action on Prince Andrew sexual assault lawsuit

>>14766843 California will require toy sellers to provide a non-gendered section in their stores under a new law

>>14766844, >>14766868 Repeats Necessary - Looking at the 4 Q deltas today [RR]

>>14766888, >>14767175 Dig on Acting Chief of the United States Capitol Police Yogananda Pittman. GLOWING

>>14766884, >>14766893 Back in the news. What is James R. Clapper’s biggest worry these days?

>>14766907 Plane crashes from c. Prev 2 weeks

>>14766957 Moderna won't "share the recipe" for its #COVID19 vaccine with others

>>14766980, >>14767006 Fauci documentary - The reviews are in… (Rotten Tomatoes)

>>14767005 Not even ONE state legislature has passed a covid vaccine mandate. Rogue Governors

>>14767050 DOJ - Bronx Man Convicted Of Attempting To Provide Material Support For Terrorism

>>14767039, >>14767070, >>14767095 Adam Schiff: Kevin McCarthy "makes shit up" (vid embed)

>>14767103 Damian Williams, First Black Manhattan U.S. Attorney, New head of the SDNY

>>14767122 CHINA FIRST: Biden-Linked CCP Oil Firm Hits Record Production Amidst Keystone Pipeline Cancellation.

>>14767251 #18678

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c6cde1  No.14768134


>>14765773 Marjorie Taylor Greene, no time. [Big Fishing?]

>>14765808 Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner to take immediate medical leave

>>14765810, >>14765810 What the hell is a sneed anyways?

>>14765819 California surfer’s ‘measly punch’ fends off great white shark attack

>>14765838, >>14765881, >>14765892, >>14765924, ( >>14765933 VIDS ), Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on 'The View'

>>14765900 Biden - Despite the attacks and misinformation, my plans still have the overwhelming support of the American people.

>>14765923 Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for selling secrets appears to support BLM, 'resistance' movements

>>14765938 Trump says Michigan rally to press for audit of state 2020 vote

>>14765940 White -> Black [HA HA HA]

>>14765950, >>14765990 Be kind. Be calm. #Bebest.

>>14765970 Anon was exposed to COVID on Friday and has scratchiness in the throat and air passages feel a little raw.

>>14766009 Notable Updated o7

>>14766015 Catholic non profit hospital denies 650 employee religious exemption for covid vaccine.

>>14766046 AZ State Rep. Receives Illegal Mail-In Ballot For 2021 Local Election – “Something Ain’t Right”

>>14766050 https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/covid/early-treatment/

>>14766102 Merck asks FDA for emergency approval of its antiviral COVID-19 pill

>>14766110, >>14766126 Two Children ‘Accidentally’ Given COVID-19 Vaccines At Walgreens, BOTH Now Suffering From ‘Heart Issues’ – Lawyer

>>14766128 Facebook Whistleblower’s Private Twitter Account Reveals Marxist Sympathies.

>>14766266 Southwest Whistleblower Reveals Internal Documents for Covid-19 Exemptions COMPLETE VIOLATIONS of TITLE VII

>>14766267 Kamala has a thing for bakers [o.0]

>>14766320 Netanyahu trial: Website owner clearly intervened to benefit Netanyahu, witness says

>>14766333 NIH director Francis Collins lied and committed treason, but the media refuses to report it

>>14766386 More than $100 million in unused border wall materials left to rust by Biden administration

>>14766398 Solar storm expected to hit Earth, could make northern lights visible in New York

>>14766416 Anon's Patriot Optics List

>>14766427 Indictment Announced against Delaware State Auditor, Kathy McGuiness, for multiple felonies, including theft and witness intimidation.

>>14766451 BBC 17 COMMS?: Covid Australia: Sydney celebrates end of 107-day lockdown [107 → 17]

>>14766454 Maxwells co-conspirators are supposed to be unsealed by today's deadline (Net down in 3..2..) #SolarFlar #HotOctober

>>14766461 Child stealing networks operate worldwide #SaveOurChildren

>>14766487 #18677

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c6cde1  No.14768135


>>14764983, >>14765075 Qbrief chimes in with collection of 8kun Vid Downloads for anons

>>14765011 GQP Now we are peeing on one another?

>>14765013 Positive COVID-19 cases have plummeted nationally. #FauciIsTheVirus

>>14765041 Is Mikes Taylor the secret WH aid that was working against Trump?

>>14765080 Merck seeks FDA emergency use authorization for antiviral Covid-19 treatment 'molnupiravir'

>>14765112 Arizona State University Sends Out Homework that Says Election of Donald Trump Posed a Threat to the World Trading System

>>14765125 60 Minutes' reporter gets the deepfake treatment as he explores the potentially dangerous technology

>>14765126 Wendy Rogers Verified https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/

>>14765149 Son of Afghanistan's Former Defense Minister Purchases $20.9 Million Mansion in Beverly Hills

>>14765162 MI PATRIOTS HOLD AUDIT RALLY - CAPITOL STEPS - OCT 12TH. #Patriots demand a #ForensicAudit #VoterFraud #AuditAll50

>>14765163 Vax effectiveness dropped to minus 86% for over 40 years old people in the UK #Covid19

>>14765167 Covid Numbers Drop by 40% Across Florida with NO MANDATES in Place

>>14764218 (LB), >>14765171 Capitol Police Whistleblower. The fix was in!

>>14765160 Weird employment figures [VAXX DEATHS!]

>>14765230 Henry Kravis And George Roberts, Founders Of Private Equity Titan KKR, Step Down #Winning

>>14765242, >>14765213 53% of Iowans now have a favorable view of Trump.

>>14765118 @RealGenFlynn -Call out Congress - IVM is good for me, but not thee? #IvermectinIsTheCure

>>14765119 Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

>>14765244 January 20, 2021, Crude Oil was at $52 a barrel. Now at $81 #Stagflation

>>14765252 flood in china shanxi province 2 million displaced area produces 1/3rd of chinese coal

>>14765255 Names to dig - Congressional (pelosi) protecting and elevating Pittman And Gallagher for political purposes

>>14765269 “We Will Not Be Silenced” Parents Respond to Frightening DOJ Memo Targeting Them

>>14765271 The View @TheView COMING UP: @HillaryClinton

>>14765279 Southwest Airlines disruption continues – 348 flights canceled Monday with a further 303 delayed

>>14765286, >>14765381 A massive solar flare is due to hit Earth today (10/11/21); or, are Ghislaine Maxwell's conspirators being named today and [THEY] need an excuse to take everything offline?! #EpsteinDintKillHimself

>>14765351 Report Reveals COVID-19 Was a Planned Bioweapon by China’s People’s Liberation Army

>>14765366 U.K. Police Drop Investigations Into Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell And Jeffrey Epstein Allegations

>>14765393, >>14765424 Anon this past week was thinking about post 520, after another anon asked what BDT means

>>14765408 Evergrande misses third round of interest payments, totaling $150 million of coupon payments.

>>14765445 Last 20 years of warming mostly to due cloud cover changes.

>>14765521 Armed police show up at a man’s house, in the dead of night, to ask him about his anti-lockdown Facebook posts six months ago. #FBPolice

>>14765718 #18676

Previously Collected

>>14764148 #18674, >>14764936 #18675

>>14761832 #18671, >>14762492 #18672. >>14763304 #18673

>>14759574 #18668, >>14760055 #18669, >>14762847 #18670

>>14757021 #18665, >>14757810 #18666, >>14759665 #18667

>>14754713 #18662, >>14755508 #18663, >>14756226 #18664

>>14752378 #18659, >>14753359 #18660, >>14753956 #18661

>>14750035 #18656, >>14750791 #18657, >>14751618 #18658

>>14747550 #18653, >>14750362 #18654, >>14751504 #18655

>>14745131 #18650, >>14746034 #18651, >>14746817 #18652

>>14745474 #18647, >>14745490 #18648, >>14745542 #18649

>>14739897 #18644, >>14740772 #18645, >>14745380 #18646

>>14738114 #18641, >>14740065 #18642, >>14739878 #18643

>>14738419 #18638, >>14737024 #18639, >>14739111 #18640

>>14732650 #18635, >>14733414 #18636, >>14734217 #18637

>>14730318 #18632, >>14731455 #18633, >>14738419 #18634

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>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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c6cde1  No.14768136

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*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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c6cde1  No.14768137



Kitchen still open

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6ecde5  No.14768138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7dfc4b  No.14768139

File: edc8749e5538681⋯.png (730.29 KB, 742x885, 742:885, lets_go_meme.png)

File: 4ed4eadd1ce3a5a⋯.png (224.62 KB, 596x569, 596:569, right_now.png)



Southwest right now:


4:26 PM · Oct 10, 2021

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194fb2  No.14768140

File: ae67dd15f767feb⋯.png (445.27 KB, 473x585, 473:585, General_Flynn_prays.png)

>>14767911 PB

Exodus 25:37

Then you shall make its lamps seven in number; and they shall mount its lamps so as to shed light on the space in front of it.

Exodus 37:23

He made its seven lamps with its snuffers and its trays of pure gold.

Numbers 8:2

“Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you mount the lamps, the seven lamps will give light in the front of the lampstand.’”

Zechariah 4:2

He said to me, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see, and behold, a lampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and its seven lamps on it with seven spouts belonging to each of the lamps which are on the top of it;

Revelation 1:12

Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands;

Revelation 1:20

As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

Revelation 2:1

“To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands, says this:

Revelation 4:5

Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

Revelation 1:16

In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

Revelation 3:1

“To the angel of the church in Sardis write:He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

The dark side created nothing.

All that exists was created by the Power behind all things.

The dark side can only manipulate and corrupt.

Remember, the religious leaders of the day murdered Yeshua because he said things that they thought were blasphemy.

The reality was, He knew things they thought they knew.

He was right and they were wrong.

True pursuers of Truth don't pretend to know things they don't know.

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ee3d6b  No.14768141

File: 81bae0c7a352220⋯.png (52.66 KB, 697x397, 697:397, ClipboardImage.png)


CNN's Erin Burnett just interviewed the paraplegic motorist dragged out of his car by police, in Dayton, Ohio. But, she never asked him why he was traveling through a high drug traffic area with $22,000 in cash in his car!

How can she possibly have NOT asked that question?

6:50 PM · Oct 11, 2021

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cf679b  No.14768142

File: cb0a035824ca17a⋯.jpg (13.09 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 69d04ed65e7912b39554585003….jpg)

>>14767567 (lb)

no dumbass.

drones can target those targets with EMF pulses, microwave pulses, etc… and those 'missles' may be laser/EMF capable drone swarms… in the millions.

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738dd2  No.14768143

hey nerds what’s going on

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8b70bb  No.14768145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a8228a  No.14768146


>>14767122 pb CHINA FIRST: Biden-Linked CCP Oil Firm Hits Record Production Amidst Keystone Pipeline Cancellation.

Wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi holds stocks in that company as well

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68d221  No.14768147

File: e77f03d20b4887a⋯.png (455.82 KB, 1213x842, 1213:842, Screenshot_2021_10_11_1447….png)

File: 622016bfc463d59⋯.png (184.01 KB, 577x1186, 577:1186, Screenshot_2021_10_11_1534….png)

File: 970cae09f084b22⋯.pdf (688.99 KB, 1213x842, 1213:842, EnforcementAct_1870.pdf)

File: f81f075ce3656c8⋯.pdf (785.31 KB, 1213x842, 1213:842, EnforcementAct_Feb1871.pdf)

File: fb8a797c6fac2ef⋯.pdf (387.59 KB, 1213x842, 1213:842, EnforcementAct_Apr1871.pdf)





I think I found one of Q's earliest references while digging on bills related to martial law: the Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871. You can find an overview and links to .pdf versions of the laws here:


These laws provide a direct answer to several of Q's questions. They've been mentioned before (search "enforcement act" qresear.ch), but usually just in passing. That's because they're usually described as laws to protect black voters from the KKK. But these laws were written to apply to all US citizens facing election fraud, and especially organized election fraud.

Almost every line of these laws is an indictment of what we're going through. I'm pretty sure that Q has been highlighting various topics specifically because they apply here.

Small sampling:

- outlines conditions by which the President may suspend the writ of habeas corpus

- specific laws aimed at people wearing disguises

- two people living in a town of 20k+ can request federal oversight of an election

- nobody suspected of involvement allowed to sit on a jury

I've attached the three .pdf files, they're fairly easy to read. There are bombshells in here, anons. Make sure you aren't wearing tight pants as you read them.

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738dd2  No.14768148

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ee3d6b  No.14768149


>hey nerds what’s going on

it's all Trump, all the Time….

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c8e45f  No.14768150

131 Federal Judges Didn’t Disclose Their Interests and Cases May Be Reheard

Federal district judges earn $218,600 annually and many hold stock investments, a potential conflict of interest when a case involving the companies in which they’re invested comes before them.

That’s exactly what happened with 131 federal judges who broke the law by hearing suits in which they had a financial interest, The Wall Street Journal recently reported.

The Journal looked at the financial disclosure forms that about 700 federal judges filed between 2010 and 2018 and found that 129 federal district judges and two federal appellate judges in 685 lawsuits had at least one case where they or their family owned stock in a company that was a plaintiff or defendant in their courtroom.

Now, 56 of the judges have told their court clerks to notify parties in 329 lawsuits that they should have recused themselves, making it likely that new judges will be assigned to re-hear the cases at a huge cost to taxpayers.

There’s no law stopping judges from owning stocks, but since 1974, federal law has barred judges from hearing cases that involve a party in which they, their spouses or their minor children have a “legal or equitable interest, however small.”

While there’s no estimate as to how large the bill is that taxpayers foot for the average, federal court case, we know that these judges collect $218,600 annually — $28.6 million for 131 judges — plus benefits.

Their court clerks and other support staff are paid salaries as they go through case after case, and re-hearing cases that have already been decided is a waste of taxpayer money that could have been avoided if judges disclosed their conflict of interests before taking a case.


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4c4f0e  No.14768151

File: 7e43096bb0f7f45⋯.png (126.58 KB, 1277x850, 1277:850, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_10….png)



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1be3c5  No.14768152

File: 52ef953d745a03d⋯.png (78.28 KB, 226x223, 226:223, FEA481C6_7365_4335_B993_41….png)


Thx baker…

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ee1363  No.14768153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn Russian

Hey guys! Today we will learn the Russian letters and the Cyrillic script. And I will explain every letter just on the street, on the example of shop signs in my hometown. I hope you enjoyed this video and that it was useful for you!

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b08dae  No.14768154

So when's something gonna FUCKIN' happen? Enough coded tweets, and dog comms, and watch the water bullshit.

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a8228a  No.14768155

File: 3c170eb10a8369d⋯.gif (133.63 KB, 220x196, 55:49, thats_racist.gif)


>How can she possibly have NOT asked that question?

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8c3d1b  No.14768156

File: 1069ade99844345⋯.png (187.29 KB, 740x548, 185:137, storms.png)

Michigan Anons: see y'all tomorrow.

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c8e45f  No.14768157

The CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election” – Former CIA and State Department Employee Larry Johnson

Former CIA and State Department employee Larry Johnson was on with Joe Hoft and Kell Brazil at Real Talk 93.3 out of St. Louis this morning. Larry discussed the beginnings of Obama’s Deep State actions against candidate and President Donald Trump this morning.

When Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen was discussed and his efforts and the CIA’s efforts using methods against President Trump before the 2016 Election through the 2020 Election, here is part of what Johnson responded:

This effort to go after Trump evolved. It didn’t start out from the beginning with a well-formed, coordinated plan. In the summer of 2015, the Central Intelligence Agency was helping collect information and working with foreign governments, particularly the Brits and MI6 to dig up dirt on not just just Trump, but all Republican Presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders. They were working on behalf of Hillary Clinton…

What we saw was the law enforcement and intelligence assets of the US government, instead of serving to protect the interests of the US people, were turned and used in the most abhorent, partisan ways to attack a Presidential candidate to discredit him. Despite all their efforts they initially failed in 2016. But they didn’t stop. They continued the effort to try to destroy Trump and they realized the only way they could do it was they had to steal the election.

Listen to Larry’s comments from this morning below.



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509827  No.14768158

File: 19c3bc1476d8153⋯.jpeg (18.78 KB, 255x183, 85:61, b43641bd2715471e6a2266cfc….jpeg)

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80859e  No.14768159

File: c662dd901013b44⋯.png (889.55 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5E50C818_F65C_474B_AC01_E7….png)

File: dc6382a97838d90⋯.png (259.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 01DBA19E_7C3F_4CCE_A50E_58….png)

>>14767843 lb

JTWILDE is personal friends with the Flynn family. The family provided all of the photos for the slide show that ran during his performance. His music is for sale On Ramtha’s website. And he’s set to perform at the patriot voice Round up.



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ec2420  No.14768160

File: 175abc095b19165⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1254x1252, 627:626, cde2d357676b578ff87c37d806….png)

Why do so many believe the Arizona audit showed no fraud? Correct me if I'm wrong in believing its not over

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e1ee33  No.14768161

File: 4767656683613ce⋯.jpeg (295.12 KB, 630x657, 70:73, 0448843D_ADD5_4D9F_80DE_9….jpeg)

I am Saint Germain. I come at this time, in these times that are expressing great change, across not only this country where many of you find yourselves now, but across the entire planet.

Many changes. Many changes that are seemingly not what you are wanting to happen, but knowing that these are changes that must happen. For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one. So great many changes are in process right now.

You have been told to prepare for those changes, never knowing when indeed they will happen. But I tell you now, they are happening in this moment, many things yet behind the scenes. But for those that do have eyes to see and ears to hear, you can find these truths. They are there. And all you need to do is what is being called ‘connect the dots’ as many across the planet now are doing.

For it is all about the light coming into and illuminating the darkness everywhere, and the darkness fading away more and more. But before it fades away, it first must come into the light and experience the light, experience the higher vibrations. And then have a choice: to go into those higher vibrations and be within that light, or fade away from it.

And yes, many have decided already to fade away from the light. They do not want to be within the light. Think of many of them as the vampires within your fables, in your stories. They fall away from the light. They cannot handle the light. They fall away from the higher vibrations because they cannot handle the higher vibrations and as the Earth, as Gaia, indeed continues to rise in vibration, leaving less and less space for those of lower vibrations.

It is destined. You are destined, all of you. All of you that resonate to these words are destined to be a part of this Great Changeover that is happening.

But many of you are being more a part of it than you even begin to understand at this time. Some of you step out and are more vocal about standing up for yourselves, to declaring your freedom, your sovereignty. And others of you find that you are working with energy. You are working with the light. You are working with vibration within yourself. And as you focus within yourself, raising the vibration within yourself, you raise the vibration for all all of humanity, all of life here on this planet. So, as we have said many times, you are all doing your part. But whatever that part is, know it is what you are supposed to do if you are following your guidance. If you are shying away from that guidance, then you are indeed not following it.

So feel it. Know it within yourself. Hear those wee small whispers within that tell you it is time; it is time to move forward in whatever way that might be. As was said some time ago, you have your marching orders. They are not orders from us. They are orders from within yourself, from your own Higher Self to follow, to move forward, however that might be.

But there is need for those of you, the Boots on the Ground, to rise up as one nation, as one world rising up and saying, “no more!” Saying, “Enough is enough!” And not giving in. Not giving in to the system. Not even becoming a part of the system any longer. For this system must fall. It has to. It cannot sustain itself much longer.

And you have a great deal of help that is coming from every direction, even though they cannot go against the Prime Directive. They cannot directly interfere in your soul advancements. But they can intercede when they are asked to do so, whether it is the Galactics, or us the Ascended Ones. We can all intercede when asked. And the Agarthans as well. All are here to assist this process. And all of us have been assisting in various ways, more ways than you can possibly imagine.

For if it were not for the Galactics themselves, this system, this planet even, would not even be here. It would have been destroyed long ago. And civilization as you know it would have been gone. That was the plan, or their plan, those of the forces of darkness. Their plan, as you know it, was for depopulation of the planet. Where they then could control a small group of slaves. But that was not going to happen. And in the various councils that came together bringing the decision forward that this would never happen. It would never be allowed. For mankind, humanity must continue on, on this planet.

So you have a great deal of help much behind the scenes. But all of you, each and every one of you, have a great part to play in this to bring about freedom, freedom as those of the Founding Fathers of this country meant to have here. But not only this country, it spreads through the entire planet.

The fathers of this country had a mission


**Channel: James McConnell


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a8228a  No.14768162


>the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election

Well color me shocked. How did we not know this.

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e1ee33  No.14768163



The fathers of this country had a mission. They set forth that all men were created equal. All of mankind are equal. In the eyes of the Father God, and The One, the Creator Being. And it is not for man to establish otherwise. But try, they have. And in many cases they have succeeded for some time. But those times now are over. They cannot continue to sustain the control they have over the population. For they are few. And you are many. And the many shall overcome the few.

I tell you now, rise up in whatever way that you know to do, and do not go gently into the night. Be those ones you came here to be to bust this system wide open. For without you, who?

I leave you know in peace, and love, and oneness.

I am your Saint Germain, always here to be with you, and even more so in the coming times ahead.

**Channel: James McConnell

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9c7c25  No.14768164


Do not pray in public to boast of your relationship with God. Pray in public to unite others in your witness to God and his blessings. We are in the times of Revelation and are vying for 1000 years of the light and of peace in shining cities on the hill. Before judgement comes, 1000 years will be given to prepare. It can be 1000 years of light or 1000 years of darkness. Humanity will choose their path, for it is the individual liberty bestowed on them by God and they can indeed choose the path that best suits their needs.

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c8e45f  No.14768165

File: a8448dbfab40995⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Breitbart Cartel Reporter Dies in Mexico, Authorities Believe He Drowned

Breitbart News Cartel Reporter Gerry Aranda’s body was discovered in the Pacific Ocean in Chiapas, Mexico, on October 4, 2021. Local authorities believe he drowned while swimming. Aranda was a central figure in Breitbart’s Border and Cartel Chronicles team.

He was in Chiapas investigating the spread of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and the group’s local affiliate, a self-defense organization calling themselves “Los Machetes.” Despite denials from Mexico City, the Machetes use advanced paramilitary tactics and explosives to wage a fierce turf war against allies of the Sinaloa Cartel — key facts revealed by Aranda’s investigative reporting at Breitbart.

Aranda was also investigating the narco-politics behind the Haitian migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border, including the involvement of government officials and criminal organizations in control of human smuggling throughout the country.

During his trip, Mexican authorities say eyewitnesses saw a strong current pull Aranda into the ocean near Puerto Arista, Chiapas.

Aranda, whose full name was Gerardo Antonio Moreno Aranda, was an immigrant who obtained U.S. citizenship after moving from Mexico to Texas in 2012. During his time as a journalist in Mexico, Aranda endured threats from criminal organizations for his reporting. In one particular event, a central figure in Los Zetas Cartel Hector Raul “El Tory” Luna Luna threatened Aranda for publishing his name in an article.

He began his work with Breitbart’s Cartel Chronicles project in 2016 under an alias due to concerns for his safety. The project allows Mexican journalists and others to write under pseudonyms so they can report truthfully without being murdered by the cartels and corrupt political leaders facing exposure. Aranda only recently began reporting at Breitbart under his own name.

During his time at Breitbart News, Aranda helped report on corrupt Mexican officials and judges in addition to unmasking key drug trafficking figures responsible for significant portions of the violence in northern Mexico.

Aranda’s last published work helped expose a substantial money laundering network allegedly used by Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepulveda and his family to move illicit funds into his campaign accounts. The article also lays out details of potentially embezzled funds and assets from a former Gulf Cartel boss.

Aranda’s work led to exposing and publicly identifying several key figures within drug trafficking organizations. Some of those individuals were later arrested by Mexican authorities.


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30fd59  No.14768167

File: fc43d97f8a668ca⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 489x236, 489:236, Lefty_From_Mulberry_Street.gif)

File: dea76f7b32984dd⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 626x650, 313:325, FuQ_Yo_Vax.jpg)


FuggetAboutIt Italian Baker!


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a9213e  No.14768168


It has to play out. People have to see the depth and breadth of the corruption

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818d36  No.14768169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… ah you know, just going through the motions.


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b0dfbb  No.14768170

File: eedd6ffc0b56f4a⋯.jpg (241.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, bux.jpg)

File: 04b32264d958b1a⋯.jpeg (205.52 KB, 999x1465, 999:1465, buok.jpeg)




Unflushable down Orwell's black hole of history

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39b57e  No.14768171

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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30fd59  No.14768172

File: 112841a5f9f8f15⋯.jpg (116.38 KB, 626x650, 313:325, No_Jab_No_Job_GFyS.jpg)

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6b6386  No.14768173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we know, we heard you a long time ago. go away

Saint Germain Pt 1: The Man Who Would Not Die


375 subscribers

Fascinating saga of the Count of Saint Germain, who dazzled the courts of Europe for over 100 years, including King Louis IV of France, leading some to believe he was immortal. In Search Of series.


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30fd59  No.14768174

File: f6cf523c44c7425⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 945x701, 945:701, Finis_Pepe.jpg)

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251779  No.14768175

File: 452f0803b594ec1⋯.jpeg (95.25 KB, 760x561, 760:561, 9D3693C6_DF84_407F_BD78_8….jpeg)

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f59aa7  No.14768176


Way too many people watch too much TV and like their news screened by MSM and other so called trusted sources. They're fools!

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0f397b  No.14768177

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 750x487, 750:487, fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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9c7c25  No.14768178

We were born of the Storm, in the Storm and as a product of the Storm.

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7a94f7  No.14768179

>>14767605 (lb)

Our positions are quite similar then. The scum I reference are those in positions of power, who have committed genocide, while attempting to overthrow nations such as AUS. As to those in my own circle who have taken the clot shot (75%), yes they made their choice. And with me splainin' it all to them too. I don't hate them, but I hate what they did, and what comes next. They have failed, and are trying to take the sane people with them.

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c6cde1  No.14768181

File: 1dcd40fb08d682a⋯.png (368.39 KB, 1345x750, 269:150, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)



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a531b0  No.14768182

>>14767582 (lb)

>video with Kamala Harris features child actors, with agents, auditions, and all.

Welp, after F. Joe Bidan posed in that photo shoot with all the kids in MAGA gear they gotta' go with child actors, now.

Dumb fucks gonna' dumb fuck and need to be protected from making it obvious on the TV, I guess. 5th graders all over the fucking place, too. It's a war zone out there.

Fucking kids. This way maybe you can sue 'em if they, "act up", or something.

Lord help us.

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e1ee33  No.14768183

File: ae4cd78841ae6e5⋯.png (352.71 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 60AAB7D9_8300_402B_BCFE_89….png)

Guys this looks to be a big story…

Former CIA and State Department employee Larry Johnson was on with Joe Hoft and Kell Brazil at Real Talk 93.3 out of St. Louis this morning. Larry discussed the beginnings of Obama’s Deep State actions against candidate and President Donald Trump this morning.

When Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen was discussed and his efforts and the CIA’s efforts using methods against President Trump before the 2016 Election through the 2020 Election, here is part of what Johnson responded:

This effort to go after Trump evolved. It didn’t start out from the beginning with a well-formed, coordinated plan. In the summer of 2015, the Central Intelligence Agency was helping collect information and working with foreign governments, particularly the Brits and MI6 to dig up dirt on not just just Trump, but all Republican Presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders. They were working on behalf of Hillary Clinton…

What we saw was the law enforcement and intelligence assets of the US government, instead of serving to protect the interests of the US people, were turned and used in the most abhorent, partisan ways to attack a Presidential candidate to discredit him. Despite all their efforts they initially failed in 2016. But they didn’t stop. They continued the effort to try to destroy Trump and they realized the only way they could do it was they had to steal the election.


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c798b0  No.14768184


MSMedia has to fall first or Normies won’t believe it

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fe6f0b  No.14768185

File: f2a3b69f7942601⋯.png (483.79 KB, 500x340, 25:17, ClipboardImage.png)


He drowned…

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30fd59  No.14768186

File: 655f24c1d8bf3f6⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 400x784, 25:49, West_Somalia.jpg)

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5e30d6  No.14768187


This is true but it is a natural law. Not some group 10 or less doing it.

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c8e45f  No.14768188

File: 8ffc4bb7f924607⋯.png (867.73 KB, 744x495, 248:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab71078d4fd7f0f⋯.png (73.05 KB, 805x909, 805:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5417b61e38676b1⋯.png (37.5 KB, 786x438, 131:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18cb72bec788e8c⋯.png (53.74 KB, 776x640, 97:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a038f081eb9e16f⋯.png (38.45 KB, 787x470, 787:470, ClipboardImage.png)

Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

Halloween came early this year, courtesy of the Biden Administration. While the president is primarily to blame for the choices in Afghanistan, the border and holding an infrastructure bill hostage to the Squad, his team is facing their own crises, many self-created. Here, some of the lowlights of many of the members of Joe Biden’s Cabinet of Horrors.


Vice President

Put in charge of the border crisis, Harris quickly clarified that she would concentrate on “root causes,” not the border itself. After a cursory trip to Guatemala and Mexico, Harris has declared victory and moved on even as a record number of illegal immigrants cross into the US. Even more caravans are headed our way after the US waived in thousands of Haitians. Meanwhile, Harris has gone into hiding, barely making public appearances as her favorables have tanked.


Secretary of State

As his appearance before the Senate made clear, he has no answers for the debacle in Afghanistan. Said they had no idea the Taliban would advance so fast. Had no real plan to get Americans out — which led to the deaths of 13 US service members. By his count, there are still at least 100 Americans behind enemy lines, and thousands of green card holders. But since the US abandoned the embassy in Kabul and Bagram Airfield, there’s no way to get them out. Then Blinken managed to anger ally France by announcing a nuclear submarine deal with Australia with little notice.


Secretary of the Treasury

During her confirmation hearings, Yellen promised that she would “be a voice for fiscal sanity.” So much for that! Yellen is going to bat for the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion (and probably much more) spending plan, even after trillions of stimulus. The eminent economist now seems to think that, despite all evidence to contrary, inflation and interest rates won’t rise — and increasing our astronomical $23 trillion in national debt won’t be a drag.


Secretary of Defense

Besides the Afghanistan horror, Austin now knows that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, secretly went behind President Trump’s back to assure the Chinese he would tip them off to the US military’s plans. How can Austin ever trust him? How can he not tell Biden he must be removed from his post?


Attorney General

Bowing to teachers’ unions and school boards who call parents upset over critical race theory and mask mandates “domestic terrorists,” Garland promised to get the FBI involved — a spectacular overreach of federal power. The goal: Intimidate protesters so Democrats get their way with kids. But in a fight between angry moms and a weaponized Department of Justice, our money is on the moms.


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194fb2  No.14768189



[Mocking Bird]

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a3ee9b  No.14768190

File: fbdcabc9b9e3201⋯.jpg (99.54 KB, 1048x679, 1048:679, IBaker.JPG)


Grazie eBaker

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87d7c6  No.14768191

File: 5466e5248536204⋯.png (102.47 KB, 223x248, 223:248, 5363636.png)

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30fd59  No.14768192

File: e8f9e119d3cc3e7⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 544x304, 34:19, You_re_Welcome.jpg)

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b0dfbb  No.14768193


>Breitbart Cartel Reporter Dies in Mexico, Authorities Believe He Drowned

Breitbart Cartel Reporter Killed by Cartel in Mexico, Authorities Say He Drowned


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8c3d1b  No.14768194

LANSING — A woman whose company handles legal guardianships faces multiple charges of forgery and voter fraud after allegedly attempting to obtain at least 14 absentee ballots — and possibly as many as 26 — for Michigan residents deemed incapacitated.

Nancy Juanita Williams, 55, of Detroit, is charged in five jurisdictions in Wayne and Oakland counties, Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said in a Monday news release.

Reached at her Oak Park office Monday, Williams denied the allegations and said she has no knowledge of the charges.

State election officials became concerned and contacted the Michigan State Police last October after several local election officials advised them about absentee ballot applications signed with an "X" and requesting that ballots be sent to Guardian & Associates, an Oak Park business, according to the news release.

Investigators determined Williams "developed and implemented a plan to obtain and control absentee ballots for legally incapacitated persons under her care by fraudulently submitting 26 absentee ballot applications to nine identified city and township clerks, seeking to have absentee ballots for those individuals mailed directly to her," the release said.

"She also submitted separate voter registration applications for each person — all without knowledge, consent or understanding of the person under her care."

No fraudulent ballots were ever cast or counted, said Lynsey Mukomel, a spokeswoman for Nessel.

Charges Williams faces appear to involve 14 separate cases of alleged forgery involving absentee ballot applications. They include:

- In 46th District Court in Southfield, six counts of election law forgery, six counts of forging a signature on an absentee ballot application, and six counts of making a false statement in an absentee ballot application. The forgery charges are five-year felonies.

- In 28th District Court in Southgate, one count of forging a signature on an absentee ballot application, one count of election law forgery, and one count of making a false statement on an absentee ballot application.

- In 17th District Court in Redford Township, two counts of election law forgery, two counts of forging a signature on an absentee ballot application, and two counts of making false statements in absentee ballot applications.

- In 18th District Court in Westland, three counts of election law forgery, three counts of forging a signature on an absentee ballot application, and three counts of making a false statement on an absentee ballot application.

- In 29th District Court in the city of Wayne, two counts of election law forgery, two counts of forging a signature on an absentee ballot application, and two counts of making a false statement on an absentee ballot application.


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30fd59  No.14768195

File: 7c835f33af1a8b9⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Refuse_Medical_Treatment.jpg)

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f33f4a  No.14768196

File: 8acc7522d3e1b29⋯.jpg (179.06 KB, 809x614, 809:614, NOV_AGENDA.jpg)



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87d7c6  No.14768197

File: 8eb5edec5cb093e⋯.png (549.58 KB, 621x484, 621:484, 5356.png)


white supremacists !

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16a9b9  No.14768198

File: 668cac302834e36⋯.jpeg (233.81 KB, 500x663, 500:663, image_asset.jpeg)

URME Surveillance currently consists of three primary devices. The first is the URME Surveillance Identity Prosthetic, which is a 3D printed, photo-realistic mask of my face. The second is the URME Paper Mask, a economical alternative that lends itself to groups such as activists and protesters, and lastly the URME Facial Video Encryptor, a custom built software that encrypts files by digitally replacing up to five faces in the video with my own. These devices are made available to the public at www.URMESurveillance.com. Click on the names below to navigate to each device on the URME Surveillance website.


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30fd59  No.14768199

File: ff3139337da98d1⋯.jpg (172.98 KB, 726x761, 726:761, Vax_Proof_NONE.jpg)

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6c20e7  No.14768200

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a9213e  No.14768201


Agreed. But that has to play out very visibly as well. They have to destroy themselves. (For the normies to see)

It's coming

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c8e45f  No.14768202

File: df3d7fe44079fd6⋯.png (741.66 KB, 719x858, 719:858, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bcec1733b56e56⋯.png (16.63 KB, 745x339, 745:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Andrews unveils new cabinet changes after Luke Donnellan resigns

Dan Andrews has unveiled his new cabinet team after bombshell allegations were aired during anti-corruption hearings.

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has unveiled his new team after a cabinet minister sensationally quit following allegations aired during anti-corruption hearings.

Mr Andrews has handed extra responsibilities to two senior ministers after Luke Donnellan resigned from his portfolio of aged care and disability on Monday.

Deputy Premier James Merlino will add the disability, ageing and carers portfolio to his responsibilities, while Richard Wynne has been handed child protection.

Both ministers were sworn in on Monday night.

“As senior ministers in the relevant departments, I have asked the Deputy Premier and minister Wynne to assume these additional duties in the short term,” Mr Andrews said.

The Premier said broader changes would be made to his cabinet at a later date.

Mr Donnellan’s resignation came just hours after federal Holt MP Anthony Byrne told the independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) that Mr Donnellan had paid for party memberships when being quizzed about branch stacking.

He is the fourth MP forced out of cabinet as part of the secret tapes scandal centred around powerbroker Adem Somyurek.


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738dd2  No.14768203

does anyone have a good book on chakra / energy center balancing? I’ve been reading “Living the Law of One” but i’ve found it to be kind of lacking on the specifics, especially on the Orange which I just finished.

Many thanks

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e1ee33  No.14768204


>For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one.

“All must rise as one”

Where we go one, we go all

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6b6386  No.14768205

File: db2a8bb9be13574⋯.png (593.59 KB, 550x550, 1:1, db2a8bb9be13574c1c76caa35d….png)

File: 1af540a64d50a9b⋯.png (559.96 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1af540a64d50a9bf2605141217….png)

File: a6f4da8678a010c⋯.jpg (66.45 KB, 613x407, 613:407, a6f4da8678a010c238ec2e583d….jpg)

File: 71a4315bc1116af⋯.png (582.47 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 71a4315bc1116af77b46f9f967….png)


>Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen

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8b70bb  No.14768206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9213e  No.14768207


Still don't understand Q, eh? That's okay. You will

Or maybe you won't - you really should by now

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87d7c6  No.14768208

File: ce5f8f4f7b1abf4⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 546456.jpg)


piggy psyop shift begins at 8pm, eh ?

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fe6f0b  No.14768209


Who will report it? Serious question.

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81406e  No.14768210

File: 9bc77bde195dbd0⋯.jpeg (20.64 KB, 255x182, 255:182, e1c8d4ce64e4c0ee9c9703383….jpeg)

>>14768109 LB

This is what I felt like last week.

I decided to shop at a Winco, which I hadn't done in a while. Sadly, everyone, nearly everyone was masked when I went in and it was very busy! I didn't wear a mask.

As I was shopping a couple passed me as they were turning the corner and the wife/gf said, "oh, you don't have to wear a mask in here?". I had my back to them at this point but I turned around, I could see she was asking her husband/boyfriend. She was holding a fabric mask in her hand and the guy was wearing a surgical type blue mask. He shrugged and I answered smiling "N'ah! Get rid of that face diaper!" I said, you know that masks not only don't work, but they are harmful and I choose to breath fresh air! I'm healthy and I don't need to be treated like I am the disease! They both laughed and nodded their heads. She said, "But no one has come up to you and told you to put a mask on?" I said no! And if they do, I will talk with them sensibly and ask them to show me the law that mandates this as I need to breath fresh air and can't wear those masks. Those masks (pointing to his blue mask) are filled with fibers and I can't breath them in. Just discuss it calmly and if they insist I would leave. But no one bothered me at all. I think they know it's all BULLSHIT!

Anyway, we talked for a little while and she also told me she thinks she's had covid back in 2019, I said I had it in 2018. They were surprised. Well, look in your old medical journals (or online), covid is the "common cold". They were so thankful that we talked and she said "God Bless you!". He had taken his mask off at some point and they waved and walked off! Felt like Frens! We all continued to shop in freedom!

Btw, I had prayed for God to bring someone in my path I can speak to! I also noticed, as we were speaking some others (with masks) started hanging around our aisle and listening in - hope they learned something! There are so many people that are fed up but afraid to be the ones to step forward first. Once they see someone else doing it, they follow suit!

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c8e45f  No.14768211

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese holds press conference following IBAC bombshell allegations

Mr Albanese addressed the fallout from the first day of Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog hearings on Monday where Federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne admitted to branch stacking, hiring ghost staff, and being aware of rigged party ballots.

Mr Albanese spoke to media amid the fallout from Federal MP Anthony Byrne's testimony during Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog hearings on Monday.

During Monday's testimony Federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne admitted to branch stacking, hiring ghost staff, and being aware of rigged party ballots.

Mr Byrne also told the hearing former government ministers Adem Somyurek and Marlene Kairouz were “coercing” electorate and ministerial staff to engage in branch-stacking.

The fallout continued with Victorian Aged Care Minister Luke Donnellan quitting the Labor ministry on Monday after Mr Byrne accused him of paying Labor Party membership fees on behalf of others as part of a branch stacking operation.

When asked if he knew before yesterday whether Mr Byrne was involved in branch stacking Mr Albanese said "no".

He also said he did not know there was an "endemic" problem with branch stacking in the Victoria branch since the 1990s.

However, Mr Albanese said while he did not have ‘detailed knowledge’ of the Victorian branch of the Labor Party he pointed out that he took action immediately in the past to expel the construction union boss John Setka from the Labor Party after a series of scandals

“Since I’ve been the leader of the Labor Party, lets be clear about the actions I’ve taken. One of the first actions I took was to expel John Setka from the Labor Party.

"Once the revelations were given on Channel Nine and 60 Minutes, myself and Dan Andrews supported an intervention into the Victoria branch, which essentially took over the Victoria Branch and we appointed Steve Bracks and Jenny Macklin as the administrators of the branch.

"I did that within 46 hours of taking over," he said.

Probed on whether he would ask Mr Byrnes to step down, Mr Albanese told reporters it was inappropriate for him to comment on specifics of the ongoing IBAC procedures.

"They are legal processes and it's important that they be allowed to take their course," he continued.

"What I did was intervene strongly, immediately, decisively - intervene in the Victorian branch so that any branch stacking or any manipulation of the rules couldn't achieve any advantage of anyone.

More to come


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e14f03  No.14768213

File: a76ee984a93fb98⋯.jpeg (61.49 KB, 609x500, 609:500, facebook22.jpeg)

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f33f4a  No.14768214

File: 51cb93f07f3bdc8⋯.jpg (99.65 KB, 656x407, 656:407, HAUNT_DS.jpg)

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194fb2  No.14768215



If you are conscious here and now, it's for a reason.

God doesn't make mistakes.

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b0dfbb  No.14768216

File: ab65f7c6a2ba715⋯.jpg (297.74 KB, 1975x1539, 1975:1539, ga.jpg)


with a few other dozens of BOOMS all at once FLOOD the People

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e17b6b  No.14768217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deal with it.

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1be3c5  No.14768218

File: e2fa88cc58a6850⋯.png (104.98 KB, 255x185, 51:37, CE8DEF23_989F_46E0_9884_09….png)

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80ea93  No.14768219

File: 7e529be78e5f348⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c97ef449a05a1b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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5e30d6  No.14768220


So you understand Q? What Q post do I dare pull out of the mix and have decode it to perfection and understanding? Teach me oh wise One.

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a3ee9b  No.14768221

File: d8d8793c525fa56⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 659x465, 659:465, cat_field_ns.jpg)

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f33f4a  No.14768222

File: c5dcda5047ddaad⋯.jpg (97.05 KB, 468x552, 39:46, 4_U_ONLY.jpg)

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02d682  No.14768223

File: 9580120b0aca0a7⋯.jpeg (92.84 KB, 1093x1068, 1093:1068, E8fMLGdXoAI0fY8.jpeg)

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9c7c25  No.14768224

They [Cabal] are quite right about their fear with us Patriots. The gallows are a better end than not doing everything within anon's / citizen journalist's power to retake and remake America so that it again comports with the US Constitution.

We're not going away. Patriots are ready to get whatever job needs to be done in front of us so that it can be knocked out to move on to the next thing. It's not a time for weak knees. This is a time for serious people ready to do serious things. Just ask the SWA Pilots - heroes of our time.

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f33f4a  No.14768225

File: 40faacaa6e1c406⋯.jpg (132.59 KB, 869x485, 869:485, NS_OWNS_DA_NIGHT.jpg)

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6cfcea  No.14768226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tyeb <3

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a9213e  No.14768227


The media will lie about things that people can easily see for themselves. It will have to be very obvious - and it will be. And that will be the beginning. THEN they will begin to be prosecuted, and the people will cheer it on rather than protesting/resisting

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30fd59  No.14768228

File: 23ca746f90bd7ff⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 432x244, 108:61, Flynn_Eyes.gif)

File: fc43d97f8a668ca⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 489x236, 489:236, Lefty_From_Mulberry_Street.gif)

File: 6c53c0da41a92ac⋯.gif (4.54 MB, 498x280, 249:140, mib_men_in_black.gif)

File: a5345eafe2f471b⋯.gif (926.59 KB, 702x388, 351:194, a5345eafe2f471b566cc5d1be4….gif)

File: 9d787ee217c6ef0⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 498x372, 83:62, 9d787ee217c6ef05dd71a86543….gif)


I ain't Taking muh Fuggin' Boots off….

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87d7c6  No.14768229

File: f8fd2dce5a57a84⋯.png (878.83 KB, 937x609, 937:609, 5353636.png)


those ebil whitey's look like their up to something

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c8e45f  No.14768230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris, NASA Release ‘Propaganda’ Film Featuring Child Actors, Receive Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews

The YouTube video and its trailer received incredibly low marks upon release

Kamala Harris is featured in a new NASA space video series featuring child actors. Upon release of the trailer and first episode, viewers overwhelmingly hit the dislike button.

The first episode of Kamala Harris’s NASA space series features a handful of child actors and received incredibly low marks upon release on YouTube. The series is an attempt by the government to get children more interested in space.

As was reported by the Washington Examiner, the video received around 114,000 views on YouTube, with only 1,900 likes and a whopping 2,800 dislikes. The trailer for the video itself drew 48 likes and 136 dislikes.

In the video, Harris speaks to the children about space in a bizarre fashion. “I love the idea of exploring the unknown,” Harris said in the video, gawking at the children. “And then, there’s other things that we just haven’t figured out or discovered yet. To think about so much that’s out there that we still have to learn, like, I love that. I love that. And so, I’m very excited about the Space Council.”

“We’re going to learn so much,” Harris said to the children, adding “you’re going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. With your own eyes. I’m telling you.”

YouTube disabled comments for the video series, but users on Twitter were quick to make note that the project appeared to resemble “a heavily produced propaganda piece,” with others slamming the Vice President for being “fake.”

Benny Johnson of Arsenal Media, a company famous for creating viral videos for conservative politicians, wrote “Have you ever seen someone as fake as Kamala is?”


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509827  No.14768231

File: d626e7828ca6b8c⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x215, 100:43, giphy_2_.gif)


deuces chkt

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80ea93  No.14768232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CME Impact Expected Today, Quakes, QBO, Coronal Condensation | S0 News



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7a94f7  No.14768233


POTUS was crushing the homo's hand. But afterward he prolly had to have a mud bath & ritual exorcism.

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a9213e  No.14768234


Hard pass. im not a dancing bear - 8 don't perform for normies. i figured things out for myself - that means you could too, were you so inclined

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978aaa  No.14768235

Canadian Member Derek Sloan, the only mp with a set of balls, addresses censorship of doctors, nurses and scientists in Canada.

Calls for Royal Commission on COVID response.


Sorry it will not embed for me.

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855b5f  No.14768236


i think everyone is listening to saint george of fentanyl now

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02d682  No.14768237

File: 9c1d466952b6218⋯.png (12.21 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 425e075ac1ed74c15fb38f98d0….png)

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16a9b9  No.14768238

link to court document of Southwest pilots lawsuit.


Case 3:21-cv-02065-M Document 11 Filed 10/08/21 Page 1 of 8 PageID 70



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96f10c  No.14768239

>>14766693 Georgia asks DOJ to investigate largest county over alleged destruction of election documents

Going to Just The News is evidence he trying to show hes always been a conservative, which makes me question John Solomon’s intervention in this guys problem.

Raffensberger is trying to save himself, from his own participation in the fraud that he lied to the President about. The most secure election ever.

If people of Georgia have been pissed for years, he did nothing! The guy is a fucking liar and has been for a long time. He is owned by China. And hes trying to protect Kemp, which he cant!

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b0dfbb  No.14768240

File: bb011672411b179⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 255x173, 255:173, qnew.jpg)


I do watch the tv news to see how they spin and plan

like letting a guilty man keep talking

he'll bury himself with no help from you

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fe6f0b  No.14768241


What they fear the most. It seemed to this anon that lock-downs were partly to combat social interaction that would lead to social consensus, an awakening if you will.

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ca2b7e  No.14768242

File: 4fba1389beb0a26⋯.jpg (26.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 053b2260eb4a8d7a74b6a32bad….jpg)


>The media will lie about things that people can easily see for themselves.

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98ca84  No.14768243

File: 9889d55b7f61763⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, InkedBARBARIANS_AT_THE_GAT….jpg)



(pb) title caught anon's eye- Barbarians At The Gate.

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509827  No.14768244

File: 7b8b4fdf11ee8b7⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, OIP_3_.jpg)

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bc721e  No.14768246

File: 2c61324aae77cd5⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1381x1165, 1381:1165, F593BB34_2215_4E31_AD0A_1….jpeg)

The only reception politicians and government employees should get


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5847f3  No.14768247


>THEN they will begin to be prosecuted,

by who?

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6c20e7  No.14768248


Manly P Hall

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a58eb4  No.14768249

File: c74aeaae09c16b1⋯.png (433.07 KB, 598x483, 26:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7a6f9f081f5ade⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1116x744, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2cae020a97e931⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1116x744, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecb692b73f7d9b3⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1116x744, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c16210a096de920⋯.png (557.43 KB, 607x342, 607:342, ClipboardImage.png)

Secretary Antony Blinken


United States government official

I am grateful for the leadership of my predecessors and for their service to our country. I learn from the examples they set at the @StateDept

and their counsel today.


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aad0e7  No.14768250


Everyone wants something to happen now. It’s a natural response. No one knows. We are headed for a showdown and it’s going to come to a head real soon. I give it 6months tops

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5e30d6  No.14768251


thought so. You don't understand Q any more than anyone else and you certainly do not understand natural law whatsoever. Q is using many laws that exist in his aether to garner the support he needs to overcome the wickedness. Those resources are much more greater than Q. God won.

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a9213e  No.14768252


I'll bet if you sit tight and pay attention, you'll find out

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a35f86  No.14768253


>There are so many people that are fed up but afraid to be the ones to step forward first.

Yeah, that's a problem but, optimistically, everybody falls in once the ice is broken.

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5847f3  No.14768254


notice the absence of a white male child actor.

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e1ee33  No.14768255


>For it is all about the light coming into and illuminating the darkness everywhere, and the darkness fading away more and more. But before it fades away, it first must come into the light and experience the light, experience the higher vibrations. And then have a choice: to go into those higher vibrations and be within that light, or fade away from it.

Man, that’s deep

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a9213e  No.14768256


I'm not here to argue with you about what I do or do not understand, junior

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855b5f  No.14768257


any kamila harris/ sinking ship memes out yet?

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6b6386  No.14768258

File: 1bfc975913ecbed⋯.jpeg (211.73 KB, 1920x1005, 128:67, 2021_10_10_07_09_revolver….jpeg)

File: e20488b3dc74dc1⋯.png (104.06 KB, 1861x736, 1861:736, Captsefegure.PNG)


← Front page / Exclusive

Federal Foreknowledge or Federal Incitement? Arrest of Green Beret Oath Keeper Threatens to Expose FBI’s Darkest 1/6 Secrets

October 10, 2021 (1d ago)

The Oath Keepers are the highest-profile and most extensively prosecuted militia group associated with the events of January 6. So far, the government has charged a total of 18 Oath Keepers with conspiring to obstruct Congress’s certification of the 2020 Presidential Election. This is a serious conspiracy charge that could potentially lead to decades of prison time.

Oddly enough, Oath Keepers founder and leader Stewart Rhodes himself has not been charged with anything, despite the fact that the government cites Rhodes’s own statements and actions as largely constitutive of the conspiracy for which so many of his underlings face charges. Revolver News has previously covered this extensively in a major piece of investigative journalism.

Apart from any charges of conspiracy, there is no doubt that, based on his actions on January 6, Stewart Rhodes could technically be prosecuted for trespassing on US Capitol grounds.

Just last Thursday, in fact, approximately 20 FBI vehicles swooped in on the home of Oath Keepers associate Jeremy Brown, searched his belongings for five and a half hours, and took all of his phones and electronics. The feds justified their entire raid on Brown on a minor alleged “trespassing” offense.

Jeremy Brown

0:05 / 9:01


Stewart Rhodes is on record and on video committing the exact same trespassing offense—a fact that has also been stipulated in court.

All of this raises serious questions that the government and its press lackeys have yet to answer.

Why has the government avoided indicting Rhodes on an easy lay-up trespassing charge? Why are they protecting him from indictment on more serious conspiracy charges? And if, after 9 months of “investigation,” the Feds eventually hit Rhodes with a minor charge like trespassing, rather than the more serious conspiracy charge so many of his underlings face, what would that imply?

This report will answer these questions, and in so doing raise some profoundly disturbing questions related to federal involvement, at the very highest levels, in the events of January 6.

Before we proceed, however, we must very clearly state one thing: If Stewart Rhodes were to be charged with trespassing, it would be a very stupid and illegitimate charge, just like it would be for any other January 6 attendee who never went inside the Capitol. But if the Justice Department wants to, levying such a charge would be inescapable, based on the aggressive prosecutorial standard it has already established for January 6 cases.

Back to the case of Jeremy Brown. The Justice Department explained in its peculiar arrest affidavit for Brown, an Army Green Beret veteran and Oath Keeper associate, that anyone who set foot anywhere in a giant swath of land ranging from the Capitol’s West side lawn to its East side promenade is technically guilty of trespassing:


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509827  No.14768259


did they eat him?

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f33f4a  No.14768260

File: f4509780d18a401⋯.jpg (147.5 KB, 745x443, 745:443, THE_NEWS.jpg)

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5847f3  No.14768261


>Georgia asks DOJ to investigate

uh yeah, that will go well.

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5e30d6  No.14768262


Of course. You are here to enlighten us. Thank you so much for your wisdom on Q. Carry on. Sorry to slide your most hard work.

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5e1ed3  No.14768263


Hopium psyop sez what?

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886a62  No.14768264


Which is it, weather or covid? incompetent, thieving quotas can't even keep their lies straight long enough to finish them.

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30fd59  No.14768265

File: aabf2b7b6bac329⋯.jpg (136.13 KB, 937x609, 937:609, Bag_O_Dicks.jpg)

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aad0e7  No.14768266


Sounds like a bunch of new age bs to me

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b0dfbb  No.14768267

File: dd5eac2f3c7b7d6⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 474x370, 237:185, catt.jpg)

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efb634  No.14768268

File: 902e34c068a14d9⋯.jpg (570.5 KB, 1891x1988, 1891:1988, Trumpkin.jpg)

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ccdf04  No.14768269

File: df823ebea12190d⋯.jpeg (129.96 KB, 1024x812, 256:203, 93025FD9_AFC0_40C8_8D32_1….jpeg)

File: 801e3780cb49ee2⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 625x473, 625:473, 24ADF907_9E9A_4D13_A80E_8….jpeg)

File: 197023ab7959a78⋯.png (712.87 KB, 718x786, 359:393, 445E518C_281C_437E_9935_7B….png)


Not sure who that is, got this from halfchan

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96f10c  No.14768270

File: 6368215fa47878c⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 134E37C0_24A9_461F_B45D_4….jpeg)

File: 082cb9054f4de3b⋯.jpeg (698.04 KB, 2185x3487, 2185:3487, 26A69F05_C983_4223_8E52_7….jpeg)


Sky over N GA tonight and a nice plane to boot

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30fd59  No.14768271

File: e50a4ad87e11c7c⋯.jpg (92.25 KB, 627x666, 209:222, Lt_Gen_Flynn_Surf_Point_Br….jpg)

Gen Flynn Coming Up on Tucker!


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39b57e  No.14768272


Richest, most talented country in the world. Access to trillions in dark assets. MK Ultra specialists and other programs.

Yet with all that they cannot brainwash this dumb whore into being even remotely tolerable or likeable.

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f33f4a  No.14768273

File: b0b04e45931f6d9⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 719x540, 719:540, HAUNT_THEM.jpg)

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e1ee33  No.14768274


Didn’t someone talk about dark to light?

Is Q new age then?

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6b6386  No.14768275

File: 92c5fba0066bd4f⋯.mp4 (11.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d7b01b.mp4)


Under ordinary circumstances, these “grounds” are open to the public, not “restricted.” But because law enforcement erected some police barriers and fencing there on January 6—barriers that were all but removed before most of the attendees even arrived at the Capitol—thousands of Trump supporters unknowingly crossed an imaginary Maginot Line.

Effectively, they walked into a booby trap.

Stewart Rhodes, the head of the Oath Keepers, was actually standing on the Capitol steps, even deeper into that restricted zone than Brown.

For example, here is Rhodes on the Capitol steps, between 3:35-3:41 p.m., on January 6:

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30fd59  No.14768276

File: cf0ef470bca3a7f⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 326x200, 163:100, 200_1.gif)



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cfac28  No.14768277



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96f10c  No.14768278


Ok Stop it now!

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02d682  No.14768279

File: 8ec015e28075fa8⋯.mp4 (12.79 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 8ec015e28075fa89ba22b2b484….mp4)


>I do watch the tv news to see how they spin and plan

or crash and burn kek

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abd2cf  No.14768280

File: 6b41ea1e45e1913⋯.jpg (65.96 KB, 597x595, 597:595, WTW10.jpg)

General Flynn up next on Tucker…….

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eae2b7  No.14768281

Flynn gonna be on Tucker.

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886a62  No.14768282


Yeah, but they got their quota of women, homos, commies, loxists, spies, mysandrists, deranged perverts, "family" and Traitors, so whatever happens is your fault for noticing they all suck.

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6b6386  No.14768283



first thing i see is fucking Gorka kek

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738dd2  No.14768284


The initiates of the flame ?

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fe6f0b  No.14768285

File: dd79d0ab2bb8acb⋯.png (110.02 KB, 332x396, 83:99, biden_point_removebg_previ….png)

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30fd59  No.14768286

File: eeb4fc7730e3411⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 491x323, 491:323, mas_masonic2a.jpg)


It is a really really old Masonic Phrase…

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a3ee9b  No.14768287

File: 5ec3e5d00996d50⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 480x357, 160:119, socks_press.jpg)

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b0dfbb  No.14768288


the first couple weeks we heard all about the tours during the week before

the pre planned placement of people inside of the capitol

ain't heard it once since

we got all that o7

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f44ff4  No.14768289

File: 5baa79ea08287b3⋯.png (108.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>He Drowned


"He Drowned"

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947a4b  No.14768290

File: 11134fc5e8bf6c5⋯.png (60.67 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DoubleDiamond.png)

Shills are in blend-in mode.

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c8e45f  No.14768291

File: eca452e9ecc4d58⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Climate Protesters March on White House, Vandalize Andrew Jackson Statue

Protesters have reportedly demanded that President Joe Biden — who touted himself as a future champion of green policies during the election campaign — give up on fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency in the United States.

Dozens of climate protesters have hit the streets in Washington, DC, US media reported on Monday, as Americans are celebrating Columbus Day, or what's becoming more known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

According to pictures shared online, the protesters spray-painted the statue of former US President Andrew Jackson at the White House, and demanded urgent action from Biden regarding climate change.

Activists were seen carrying signs that read, “Biden, reject fossil fuel projects”, “Defund Line 3,” and “Protect Native Lands,” insisting they are not ”protesters,” but rather ”protectors.” They were also singing and praying, as seen in the videos below.

One of the climate activists shared with media the rationale behind Monday's protest.

“People are dying right now from the pollutants, the toxins, the climate catastrophes that are happening — and we have to stop the harm,“ Siqiñiq Maupin told Fox News in an email statement. "Biden’s election was riding on climate change; his entire election hinged on turning out people of color and Indigenous people.“

Local law enforcement initially told the crowd they had to disperse or risk being arrested.

At least one participant was eventually detained by Secret Service officers after she threw an unknown object over the White House fence, media reports say.

The protest was apparently organized by TheBuild Back Fossil Free coalition, which seeks to ensure “Biden becomes the climate president he promised to be“, according to its official website.


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a58eb4  No.14768292

File: 1ed692b25257f20⋯.png (287.83 KB, 296x325, 296:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bd67c6a06802b1⋯.png (746.26 KB, 600x535, 120:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70ffbb44550af45⋯.png (1.06 MB, 911x443, 911:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9ffd2991e9d92b⋯.png (208.98 KB, 498x342, 83:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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926e1e  No.14768293

File: 7f584cbb436521a⋯.png (250.42 KB, 988x773, 988:773, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: ec0c107b94d55fa⋯.png (428.48 KB, 718x790, 359:395, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 4049dd1f2ddf699⋯.png (261.06 KB, 1327x550, 1327:550, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

New: [Wrap-Up Smear] = Censor The "Insurrectionists" Op

→ Started 1 yr ago.

Frances Haugen & FB + Snopes & NYT + (Oct 2020) & (Jan 6 2021) = QAnon/MAGA "Insurrectionists" Must Be CENSORED as a National Security Threat.

(Oct 6, 2021) [Snopes] twitter thread:

- (Quotes NYT "reporting")


@snopes · Oct 6

2/ On Jan. 16, The New York Times reported that a man named Keith Lee "spent the morning of Jan. 6 casing the entrances to the Capitol." During the riots, he carried a bullhorn. "Mr. Lee called out for the mob to rush in, until his voice echoed from the dome of the Rotunda."


@snopes · Oct 6

3/ "According to The New York Times, Lee was involved in organizing the caravan and blockade of the Biden-Harris campaign bus in Texas [on Oct. 30]. The newspaper also reported that Lee helped to fund 'dozens of caravans to meet at the Jan. 6 rally.'"


→ [They] connect these two incidents:

1. (Oct 2020) I-35 Austin, TX Biden/Harris Bus - MAGA Caravan incident.


2. (Jan 6, 2021) Capitol "Insurrection".

(Oct 2020) - Remember when the driver of the white car (Biden campaign operative) sideswiped the black (MAGA) truck?

But the Dems screamed the MAGA vehicles "attacked" the bus.

Biden/Harris bus and follow cars were weaving badly to begin with.

(Youtube video still exists here)

Trump Supporter's Car Collides With Vehicle Crossing Into Lane During Biden Bus Trail Incident

4,896 views Nov 2, 2020


Those two incidents were the [Set-Up]

Their "Ammunition" if you will.

[The Wrap-Up Smear]

(Enter) → [NYT] + [Snopes] + [FB]

- [NYT] hit piece:

1. Ties the two incidents together. (Oct 2020 + Jan 6, 2021).

2. [Frames the Narrative] = [Snopes] "warned" [FB] the "dangerous" (MAGA) "insurrectionists" were using their platform without being censored.

(Enter) → [The Wrap-Up Smear] "Whistleblower" - ala = [Alex Vindman][Christine Blasey-Ford]

→ [Frances Haugen] "Whistleblower" = We Need Moar Censorship - To protect against these "dangerous" MAGA/Trump supporters.

1. 60 Minutes interview

2. Congressional testimony

3 [FB Oversight Board] - briefing ← [They] belong to [FB], for cryin out loud!

(Oct 11, 2021) tweet

Frances Haugen


I have accepted the invitation to brief the Facebook Oversight Board about what I learned while working there. Facebook has lied to the board repeatedly, and I am looking forward to sharing the truth with them.

12:37 PM · Oct 11, 2021


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c6cde1  No.14768294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eae2b7  No.14768295

Did we get the Ghislaine co-conspirators list today?

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818d36  No.14768296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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ca2b7e  No.14768297

File: 0ea9a86d372e8c8⋯.png (603.5 KB, 926x582, 463:291, 0ea9a86d372e8c8f8380eafa75….png)

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947a4b  No.14768298

File: 2487bcf59512ba7⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 190x255, 38:51, hwfg.jpg)

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886a62  No.14768299

File: 74c08a860434148⋯.png (212.25 KB, 295x367, 295:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf3f7bea74a7409⋯.png (117.57 KB, 510x188, 255:94, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd5b2b83f35372c⋯.png (501.11 KB, 600x461, 600:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13e4cba4dbccf4e⋯.png (546.43 KB, 628x407, 628:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dfbb  No.14768300

File: 52dd4f279f33b40⋯.jpg (3.87 KB, 259x194, 259:194, index.jpg)

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baf913  No.14768301


It's happening, they falling. Just todaynCNN's Erin Burnett had the media man (Bob Woodward) who took down Nixon on her show today. They both looked very sad. Erin: what's going on? Bob: it's different today. Back then we (media) had Nixon cold, there was nothing he could,we had the American people believing us. Today, now matter what we do (how many lies we tell) against Trump is GAINING SUPPORT.

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129758  No.14768302


nothing happens…

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c8e45f  No.14768303

Mysterious Explosion Rocked Afghanistan’s Capital, Kabul

According to several reports, a large explosion was heard in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, on October 11.

The explosion reportedly took place in the 5th district of Kabul. It allegedly followed the clashes between the Taliban and ISIS militants.

No details on the explosion have been revealed so far. The local officials are yet to confirm the reports.

The blast could be an accident or it may be linked to a counter-terrorist operation of Taliban forces.

The Taliban have recently launched the counter-terrorism operations against ISIS in the capital and its outskirts. The successful operations were were reported in the 17th, and the 7th districts of Kabul.

On October 10th, a spokesman for the Taliban claimed that the new government is able to fight ISIS-Khorasan Province on its own without support from the US.

According to the spokesman, 19 ISIS terrorists have been killed and 16 others have been wounded, so far, as a result of successful operations by the Taliban.


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801a1b  No.14768304

It’s fucking ON.

Internet entities are currently scrambling to find out who has what seems to be an untraceable remote access to their systems. Facebook and it’s subsidiaries are scoring through any and all lines of server code to find out who flipped their switch last week.

Silicon Valley is watching Facebook in fear, as tech giants Apple and Twitter are currently combing through their network security as well.

It’s not possible to find out who has remote access when the accessor has the keys and the locks. Internet of things as a pipeline has no security as long as you own the reservoir.

Maxwell in the news…NOT. No coverage of court-ordered release of co-conspirators today. MetPolice dropping Prince Andrew’s case without deposing/interviewing witness? Smoke. Mirrors. No need for MetPol if…?

Can you tell the Sun to wait? Solar Flare (Mass CORONAl Ejection) at a MCE level of G-2 will be “delayed.” Space Force new offensive weapon (CLAS) unveil incoming. Everyone Must Play.

Don’t be fooled.

Every person involved in what is coming, which cannot be stopped, is working with a level head and a clear and present goal in mind. Orders received years ago are playing in lock-step with the enemy. Their moves are our counter. Our countermoves are already planned for their actions. Scale in the timeframe of years.

10/31 is a day for masks.

11/1 will be amazing.

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ff43a8  No.14768305


There has never been any need to decode. It's not predictive. It's explanative. New unlocks. Future proves past. When something develops look to what Q wrote with what you now know. It's a spin-preventive countermeasure to the MSM.

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c6cde1  No.14768306

File: a2a84632a5f4e36⋯.png (742.3 KB, 872x541, 872:541, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

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509827  No.14768307


ginger looks comfy

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02d682  No.14768308

File: ca87e5211cc2f39⋯.png (81.87 KB, 1106x684, 553:342, Screen_Shot_2021_10_09_at_….png)


>nothing happens…

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352f7e  No.14768309


we are heading into 5 year deltas next year

i would never have guessed

not in a million years

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62205c  No.14768310

File: 64c96a90ca23d55⋯.jpg (397.92 KB, 1178x1502, 589:751, Xnip2021_10_11_20_23_52.jpg)

Abbott prohibits COVID mandates in TX.

I issued an Executive Order prohibiting vaccine mandates by ANY entity in Texas.

I also added the issue to the Special Session agenda.

The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, & our best defense against the virus, but should always remain voluntary & never forced.


but still has to put the BS that they are safe…blah, blah

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98ca84  No.14768311

File: 7baa876af36f0c2⋯.jpg (94.77 KB, 836x1024, 209:256, Matrixxx.jpg)


Peperidge Farms remembers

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8e0861  No.14768312


The usual faggotry. Yourself?

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ccdf04  No.14768313

File: 2fb1ef828d9578e⋯.jpeg (95.7 KB, 600x976, 75:122, C5721AFC_5EEA_41B4_8680_3….jpeg)

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f44ff4  No.14768314

File: f454337696427f2⋯.png (58.49 KB, 888x352, 111:44, ClipboardImage.png)


>dark to light


>dark to light

are you 2 a team?


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bc721e  No.14768315


Ya ever notice NONE of these high and mighty environmentalists never “live” life without fossil fuels…just lecture everyone else about using them

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55793d  No.14768316

Flynns Live!


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05ade8  No.14768317


just like Comey investigated Hillary's laptop.

what this is, is Raffensberger asking Garland to `find and destroy all the relevant evidence

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f83efb  No.14768318


quick scrape over #18679 for whoever bakes their noodle

add 'em if you got 'em

all LB

>>14767330 Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

>>14767339, >>14767355, >>14767368 Moderna Vaccine under microscope component description vs. what's known of mRNA slides mini bun

>>14767348, >>14767434, >>14767829 Dr. Charles Lieber mini bun Vaccine development prior to covid outbreak related

>>14767589, >>14767618 Arizona Attorney General Fires Off Letter to Secretary of State — Demands Documents Based on Forensic Audit Results

>>14767664 FDA Responds to Nordic Countries Suspending Moderna COVID Vaccine Usage

>>14767666 left-wing education company recommends that teachers read a book in which the first essay is written by Bill Ayers

>>14767680 Biden Should Force China To Pay the World Restitution for Coronavirus Damage, Retired General Says

>>14767798 for the kek inclusion Southwest Airlines Offering Free Flights To All Passengers Who Are Vaccinated And Can Fly A Plane

>>14767799 Donald Trump rally in Iowa: Ex-president tells thousands, 'We're going to take America back'

>>14767841, >>14767846 Texas Gov. Abbott Issues Executive Order to Ban ‘Any Entity’ from Mandating Covid-19 Vaccines

>>14767901 Reminder of Italy Affidavit of election 2020

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886a62  No.14768319

File: f7cb95a7a53b94c⋯.png (223.79 KB, 474x329, 474:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768320

File: e3d262a04a1af99⋯.jpg (219.64 KB, 838x576, 419:288, GOT_EM_RUNNING.jpg)

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f33f4a  No.14768321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87d7c6  No.14768322

File: 571005ba0f6a9ae⋯.png (204 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 53636.png)


so piggy, is your shift 8 or 12 hours ?

do they give you a post limit you must reach ?

5c or 10c per post ?

a bonus for replies ?

breaks to change your tranny leakage diaper ?

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30fd59  No.14768323

File: 6c13a6340f4213d⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x596, 125:149, Count_Down.gif)

File: c4e2481d57bf974⋯.gif (822.24 KB, 245x134, 245:134, giphy.gif)

File: e41e6e612d12ca0⋯.gif (187.96 KB, 472x280, 59:35, tenor.gif)

File: 84583fc85ab7ff1⋯.gif (5.76 MB, 454x209, 454:209, Dreamy_Missiles_1.gif)

File: 2f3ed6bbd520cbd⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 335x223, 335:223, Please_DOn_t_1.gif)


Condi signed the Whole of Society Whole of Government Document that began the Surveillance on the Obama Administration….

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c8e45f  No.14768324



And you know this how?

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fe6f0b  No.14768325

File: b8708dfd3f181f5⋯.png (865.71 KB, 888x499, 888:499, servers_are_belong_to_us.png)

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e46b91  No.14768326

File: 069207b3d5891c7⋯.png (36.54 KB, 490x711, 490:711, ClipboardImage.png)

My gf says she is going to get the flu shot tomorrow, I told her she was nuts..

combine pneumonia INFLUENZA death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]

next round incoming red text????

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b0dfbb  No.14768327

File: 115cf7a051f4f17⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, caat.jpg)


always comfy

ever alert

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509827  No.14768328

File: 7aa92275475464f⋯.jpg (6.78 KB, 279x181, 279:181, 3344.jpg)


talkin' about deep state

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863627  No.14768329

File: 7122ed8be44e6bb⋯.png (66.54 KB, 982x446, 491:223, Gematria_value_of_flat_ear….png)

File: fe1787871c1eaa2⋯.png (3 MB, 2392x1257, 2392:1257, ClipboardImage.png)


Been curious this whole journey the mechanism by which this will be exposed, rather than preached or explained. Such a hard sell unless something comes along and reveals it as impossible to dismiss.

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abd2cf  No.14768330

File: 5d516eb319d88f2⋯.jpg (107.89 KB, 950x699, 950:699, MikenJeff.jpg)

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02d682  No.14768331

File: 6b702d53a862d93⋯.jpeg (12.75 KB, 600x360, 5:3, 6b702d53a862d931c94e4c1af….jpeg)




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ff43a8  No.14768332


*News unlocks. Moushiwake arimasen.

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c6cde1  No.14768333

File: 051b6bc058881ad⋯.jpg (463.44 KB, 1194x1920, 199:320, FBV9CuXWYAEPMAc.jpg)


ty updating the dough later.

I´m busy now.

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509827  No.14768334


nice HK


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a3ee9b  No.14768335

File: 691a2769a33dbfd⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 1034x848, 517:424, Capture.JPG)

File: eeee030bb92c992⋯.jpg (155.22 KB, 962x880, 481:440, Capture2.jpg)

Joe takes day off amid budget crisis to attend wedding of nephew Cuffe Owens to ex-Real Housewives of OC star Meghan King after the president spent the weekend in Delaware


– The first couple spent the holiday Monday at the wedding of their nephew Cuffe Owens and the reality star

– LA-based attorney Owens, 42, is the son of Joe Biden's sister Valerie Owens, who advised his 2020 campaign

– Reality TV star Meghan King, 37, only revealed they were together last month after meeting on a dating app

– King's twin sons, Hart and Hayes, and her daughter, Aspen, were part of the wedding party

– The couple opted for a small wedding with family and close friends in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

– It meant Biden spent another day away from Washington, despite mounting crises gripping the US

– Stores began rationing products at amid supply chain problems and his spending plan is in limbo

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4c4f0e  No.14768336

File: 786f4dbd5a9ee0f⋯.png (382.9 KB, 800x1020, 40:51, M_942a.png)

If you have Twatter, please steal and post with hashtag #FreedomFlu

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818d36  No.14768337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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738dd2  No.14768338

maybe i should just dive into Initiation Into Hermetics.


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c8e45f  No.14768339


Show her this

4-year-old mistakenly given adult COVID-19 vaccine instead of flu shot

Pharmacist mistakenly administered the child an adult dose of the COVID-19 vaccine


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f33f4a  No.14768340

File: 218d5760934184c⋯.jpg (114.35 KB, 504x546, 12:13, GLOW_WORM.jpg)

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21625f  No.14768341


You are too smart for her, anon.

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bc721e  No.14768342

File: 0ca335cff2e88e7⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1502x1080, 751:540, EFB9912E_7433_426E_BE4D_32….png)


Bio marker jab….so they can track ya

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f44ff4  No.14768343

File: e32119ee19088df⋯.png (473.28 KB, 888x479, 888:479, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ghislaine co-conspirators

Damian Williams is an unusual Manhattan U.S. attorney in some ways. President Biden nominated him from the Southern District of New York’s own ranks of prosecutors, choosing an insider for a role normally given to an outsider in modern times.

But he is also a traditional choice in other ways. As the co-chief of the office’s securities-fraud unit, he is steeped in financial-crime prosecutions and has been involved in several high-profile white-collar trials that are the hallmark of the office.

Mr. Williams, 41 years old, began work this week as the first Black U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

This fall, Mr. Williams will oversee the trial of socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, an associate of the late Jeffrey Epstein, and its investigation of Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Giuliani has denied wrongdoing, and Ms. Maxwell has pleaded not guilty.


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b0dfbb  No.14768344

File: 01a75bf6490ed77⋯.png (849.99 KB, 901x550, 901:550, AW.png)


Pig is everywhere

drives y'all crazy

enjoy the show

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509827  No.14768345

File: aac2997812a33cf⋯.jpg (3.82 KB, 259x194, 259:194, index444.jpg)

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87d7c6  No.14768346

File: 851dadd4a64e5f0⋯.png (328.21 KB, 505x543, 505:543, 3533636.png)


same shit/different day

regular clowns are here as usual

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6860d9  No.14768347

DC Capitol Police are a DIRECT report to the Office of the Speaker. In other words, "ON HER PAYROLL".

Strong Sauce: https://www.uscp.gov/the-department/oversight

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5cad02  No.14768348


Oil isn't a fossil fuel though.

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886a62  No.14768349

File: 00baf2deba7301a⋯.png (12.24 KB, 568x193, 568:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768350

File: 60825fae7e74384⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 772x259, 772:259, AMERICA_WINNING_DAILY.jpg)

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02d682  No.14768351

File: 374de9a23184c42⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 374de9a23184c42a381d4e274c….jpg)


Flynn's done now but there's a longer interview available on Fox something something.

I heard only 30 seconds but Flynn was talking about the Deep State and that there's an additional element now called the Security State..

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545a1b  No.14768352

File: 598f7b6771f58a5⋯.jpg (344.46 KB, 1780x1392, 445:348, Xnip2021_10_11_20_31_14.jpg)

Damn, the ATC sick out is bigger than we thought. kek

Capt. Kirk delayed getting to space.

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509827  No.14768353

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)


tetras chkt

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e1ee33  No.14768354

Schumann went down for 3 days a few months back , they messed with it.

Ever since it shows no big surges.

These fucker rig everything

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6c0194  No.14768355

"Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets"


This lecture was given on June 28th, 2016; but wasn't uploaded to Youtube until December 7th, 2016.

The Day of Infamy.

Can't be a mere coincidence.

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c3f28e  No.14768356

File: 0dab7251520fec6⋯.png (592.87 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>hey nerds what’s going on

saving the world

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87d7c6  No.14768357


nah, I filter the pig…he's just boring

tranime faggot has more talent then the pork-shill

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352f7e  No.14768358

what happened to the solar flare?

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8b1067  No.14768359


slow down, we're still a couple weeks away from 4 year deltas

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d63864  No.14768360


link pls?

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5cad02  No.14768361


He could ask Scotty to beam him out…oh wait, he's been dead awhile….

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f44ff4  No.14768362

File: 6fecce206a0e0f7⋯.png (99.54 KB, 387x257, 387:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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855b5f  No.14768363


who is going to remember those million year deltas?

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194fb2  No.14768364


It's over but the long form is available with subscription.

I'd imagine it's findable online somewhere.

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c8e45f  No.14768365


getting high with Ghislane's co-conspirator list

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6c09a2  No.14768366

File: f1ba4729a039ac2⋯.png (748.26 KB, 1273x569, 1273:569, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: cbf022a77c4a31d⋯.png (127.27 KB, 1114x840, 557:420, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_1….png)

File: 9faaf02635da665⋯.png (49.14 KB, 808x340, 202:85, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)




in plain sight…






[SEC 702]



P talks to X

X talks to Y

Y talks to Z



31-Aug-2018 6:29:12 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

Archived links:



Special Approval




[LL]>paper trail>special entry

[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort

FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort


FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos


FISA warrant issued / approved>Page


FISA warrant issued / approved>FLYNN





[SEC 702]



P talks to X

X talks to Y

Y talks to Z








10-Mar-2018 11:34:54 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.


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f33f4a  No.14768367

File: c30ff0bb74da71c⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 555x559, 555:559, NO_U_DONT.jpg)

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e70e93  No.14768368

File: 09e45a8693df326⋯.png (189.69 KB, 403x454, 403:454, nsfl.png)

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c3f28e  No.14768369

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 434x308, 31:22, BidenLaugh.gif)


>getting high with Ghislane's co-conspirator list

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c6cde1  No.14768370

File: 5eea864d6e2d0dc⋯.png (236.55 KB, 478x652, 239:326, Screenshot_2021_10_10_at_0….png)


I just received an anonymous transfer, I hope it's not your money.

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6860d9  No.14768371


Yeah, Epstein ran a "Service-for-Fee' biz and used the fake Formations House banking links in the SWIFT system for payment. It's why his "Estate" wired cash to test the "Auto-Pay" function out of the US Virgin Islands bank he owned.

Sauce, MFers: https://nypost.com/2020/02/04/mysterious-bank-jeffrey-epstein-created-received-millions-after-his-death/

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825f99  No.14768372

File: 30589a86bc29547⋯.png (681.99 KB, 2316x3088, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>When Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen

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886a62  No.14768373


How many safety checks? That's not an accident. Prosecute the "pharmacist" for murder. Take their license. Take all their shit, give it to their victims' survivors and defund the criminal "schools" that forged their credentials and imposed them on America.

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855b5f  No.14768374


can still see it here


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96f10c  No.14768375

File: c02c8598ef53b13⋯.jpeg (395.87 KB, 1241x1890, 1241:1890, 0F9E3851_ED88_489D_B7AF_4….jpeg)

File: 6894a7bddac768e⋯.jpeg (327.42 KB, 1170x1488, 195:248, 81F43353_5F0D_41AE_9B5E_C….jpeg)

File: 6586d5502ed1817⋯.jpeg (332.41 KB, 1175x1362, 1175:1362, 3ED948F2_36E0_4AFB_AB30_8….jpeg)

File: 29a079ca036f451⋯.jpeg (342.88 KB, 1169x1207, 1169:1207, 76885D5A_BE18_4E96_B9A1_F….jpeg)

File: f2e3337bccf4153⋯.jpeg (482.8 KB, 1175x1973, 1175:1973, 7D44CC63_C5D3_47E5_91E9_F….jpeg)

This is the guy coming on the board with his buddies trying to convince us Flynn is a Satanistbecause he recited s prayer, that hd probably had no idea where it came from.

He even says on one of his posts “doesnt this concern you”, just how it started this am!

How dare he say “It’s gonna be hard for them to “hold the line”

Read the whole thread, he gets everyone to believe this shit, when you watch the video of Flynn being handed a holy card of Saint Michael years ago!

Antifa tactics. Haters will be haters

I’m not making judgement one way or the other. But I’m not taking this guys word for it!


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f33f4a  No.14768376

File: 703244cccf3c6c8⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 560x527, 560:527, UP_AND_UP.jpg)

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f44625  No.14768377

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ff43a8  No.14768378


GEOMAGNETIC STORM, SLIGHTLY DELAYED: A CME expected to hit Earth on Oct. 11th is running late. As a result, NOAA forecasters have shifted their prediction of a possible G2-class geomagnetic storm from Oct. 11th to Oct. 12th. G2-class storms are moderately strong, and can produce naked-eye auroras in northern-tier US states.


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2f3cf0  No.14768379


>Feds give guns to mentally ill to wreak havoc

Anon's seen this. About 4 years ago, they gave a nice shiny shotgun to the local homeless screamer dude. Little did they know that he blamed most of his ails on the establishment of ants, as he believed the insects were in league with the cabal. So he did what was in character for him, he busted off a few rounds into the sidewalk of a busy center, killing hundreds of ants. The media still had a go at spinning the narrative, and the man now languishes in prison without representation.

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8b70bb  No.14768381


Muh… Flynn…. he's like expired milk or yesterday's newspaper… just throw 'em out.

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a3ee9b  No.14768382

File: 3e5fcdc11c5106d⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 354x170, 177:85, PA_PigWins.JPG)



Pig Winning

America Winning

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c3f28e  No.14768383

File: 90369370b76526d⋯.png (605.47 KB, 990x540, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

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d63864  No.14768384


wonder what the Security State is / who'se in it?

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30fd59  No.14768385

File: 1e78feec3ae71c9⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 638x300, 319:150, space_camping.gif)

File: aa16a07420fa269⋯.gif (682.99 KB, 426x224, 213:112, Secret_Weapon_Plaid_Speed.gif)

File: efe4d05ab1b8122⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 371x200, 371:200, Ludicrous_Speed.gif)

File: c67ff7142edce42⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 700x479, 700:479, Stay_Frosty_Trump_Barr.jpg)

File: 0d8ab5f728774b4⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1652x1606, 826:803, 1633960824854.png)



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02d682  No.14768386

File: 0e4aeced3729c9b⋯.jpg (199.84 KB, 640x469, 640:469, 0e4aeced3729c9bd3ad8f91f64….jpg)

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f33f4a  No.14768387

File: 9d6eefce1adb5b2⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 583x280, 583:280, PIGPEN_24_7.jpg)

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6d37fb  No.14768388

You say you want a devolution

Well you know….

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9c7c25  No.14768389

The globalist military/industrial economy has to be brought down and replaced with one that greatly favors We, the People. President Trump, because of optics, couldn't be at the helm when the fake and highly manipulated global economy failed so he picked a patsy. Biden is the patsy. Their [Cabal] world must fail so that ours [Patriots] can be put in place. Patriots are in control of down to what type of tape to use for marks on the stage.

Anons can be certain there is a contingent in power that has their back. Anons have the cover to keep doing what they do best.

P.S. - Trump outsmarted them at their own game, over and over and over. I personally think it's the inbreeding…

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c8e45f  No.14768390

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c3f28e  No.14768392

File: 48af5390216eb93⋯.jpg (319.52 KB, 660x370, 66:37, 1996.jpg)

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6860d9  No.14768393


CME and "Solar Flare" are two distinctly different energy discharges from the sun. Flares are burst that include higher energy particles like x-rays, where CME stands for Coronal Mass Ejections, akin to ionized blunt force trauma coming in the solar winds.

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02d682  No.14768394

File: 42a64e551aa844a⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 524x800, 131:200, 42a64e551aa844afade4f2a126….jpg)


I hope I didn't get the wording wrong but I think that's how he put it.

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f33f4a  No.14768395

File: d218983746f9208⋯.jpg (112.62 KB, 548x508, 137:127, SMILING.jpg)

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430989  No.14768396

File: 78e9bc72fb9d94f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 680x680, 1:1, Pepe_Flynn_stone_and_bitch.png)

File: e1621fee872d564⋯.gif (920.59 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night_Shift_Frog.gif)

File: 8f3c41f27bc499c⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 935x640, 187:128, Night_Shift_Lion_Flag.gif)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, night_shift_punisher_flag.gif)

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 1500x1949, 1500:1949, Night_shift_arrow.gif)

It almost like trying to locate Jimmy Hoffa's body, we have been digging on all the wrong places…we should be digging up anything and everything concerning the "Military Industrial Complex" starting with 1960's…and put all the pieces we can find together…

So, grab some shovels and let's start digging…after all that's what we do on Night Shift…hoorah!!!

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5cad02  No.14768397


Pennsylvania has insane, aggressive drivers. I live in Ohio and every time I see a car with a PA plate, sure enough they drive more insane than us Buckeyes.

And I learned how to drive in the Detroit area.

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818d36  No.14768398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c3f28e  No.14768399


>CME and "Solar Flare" are two distinctly different energy discharges from the sun. Flares are burst that include higher energy particles like x-rays, where CME stands for Coronal Mass Ejections, akin to ionized blunt force trauma coming in the solar winds.

burp vs vomit

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80ea93  No.14768400

File: b034335bafd3f78⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768401

File: 5b161ed1e58d55e⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 683x355, 683:355, MI_PIG_PLATE.jpg)

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39b57e  No.14768402

File: 1b85f12a34efc7a⋯.jpg (127.59 KB, 1000x996, 250:249, ZomboMeme_26062020224047.jpg)

File: 8dd8c80595e870e⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 948x948, 1:1, ZomboMeme_24062020155321.jpg)

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6860d9  No.14768403


Scott Fauver & Bob Creamer pay for dis chit.

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f93f02  No.14768404


What is that in Brandon's left hand?

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a9213e  No.14768405


I wouldn't have either - back in the day we were so excited that we all thought it was happening real-time. We saw what we wanted to see. When things weren't an exact fit we shrugged it off.. that was our mistake, not deception by Q

But common sense also says there was never a way to totally figure it all out - and that is the genius of Q. the complexity of the whole thing is beautiful

I just wonder how much of what was supposed to have happened to we and this country will be revealed. How much of what happened to Trump will be revealed

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87d7c6  No.14768406


This guy in the video (linked below) conjectures that the graphene oxide in the "vaccines" are to feed the nanobots inside the bodies of the vaxxed

The squid like things are made of aluminium or carbon and are growing/multiplying


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d63864  No.14768407

File: 16d39ba447b7171⋯.png (282.58 KB, 600x618, 100:103, genflynn_alwayswatchin.png)


o7 ty anon

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886a62  No.14768408

File: 4cf4ea6c6110072⋯.png (514.75 KB, 700x350, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


When pudnheads repay your kindness with Treason, espionage, murder, rape, genocide and racketeering, execute them and erase them.

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5cad02  No.14768409


I heard Hoffa's part of the George Washington Bridge. He was still alive, in a body bag, so the story goes, the GW Bridge was under construction…supposedly he's part of an abutment.

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6860d9  No.14768410


Using "A Bar" as your universe, precisely my fren.

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30fd59  No.14768411

File: d0230894bd63612⋯.gif (435.19 KB, 485x485, 1:1, d0230894bd636128a358a2f33f….gif)

File: 0ae234c53c286ca⋯.gif (6.26 MB, 607x250, 607:250, d12a2b5fa9138c325ac25d2470….gif)

File: b6f229f75c43811⋯.gif (976.75 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Yesh.gif)

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5cad02  No.14768412


I've lived in Michigan and Ohio. kek

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6c09a2  No.14768413

File: a87382fa5508e7e⋯.png (57.04 KB, 1251x425, 1251:425, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_1….png)


first Q post ever.. 4 year ∆elta in 17 days

>Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

this will be 4 year ∆elta in 19 days

> QQ

Q 01

28-Oct-2017 1:44:28 PM PDTAnonymous4ch/pol



Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

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352f7e  No.14768414


Q said they will fight, you are ready

their tactics are so obvious now

they need to go breast feed from their mommas

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2f3cf0  No.14768416


>barges full of blue helmets

Anon wouldn't put it past them, as the edges are rhe spots where they've kept citizens from ownong guns. It's getting to the heartland, that will be their biggest problem.

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02d682  No.14768417

File: a565eec5f9a9a40⋯.jpeg (22.43 KB, 255x207, 85:69, a565eec5f9a9a4065907d5178….jpeg)

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f33f4a  No.14768418

File: 72cfa7935635ab3⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 656x328, 2:1, OHIO_WIN.jpg)

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f33f4a  No.14768419

File: 057d24d686898d4⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 767x539, 767:539, DOWN_SHE_GOES.jpg)

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5cad02  No.14768420


If you want sauce: http://www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=7230

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30fd59  No.14768421

File: 9a9ad7b04a9c283⋯.gif (684.78 KB, 500x206, 250:103, Mr_Stark.gif)


17 Chekk'd

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9c7c25  No.14768422


We need a Mr Pig license plate for all 50 states and all European Countries, like a collector edition.

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87d7c6  No.14768423


shills supporting shills

why am I not surprised ?

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d841a4  No.14768424


Interesting coming from a b o t

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a58eb4  No.14768425

File: 801d589e81d9439⋯.png (111.86 KB, 1521x744, 507:248, ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't she just wear that dress?

Is LL in Mexico, anyone know?

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02d682  No.14768426

File: 064365f833e617a⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 960x712, 120:89, 064365f833e617a1341b2b0613….jpg)

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abd2cf  No.14768427

File: c1aa0d56833b197⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 957x709, 957:709, HRC1.jpg)

When Hillary has more warmth then CAMALATOE!

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3c13d5  No.14768428

File: 89851240e77fe66⋯.png (938.29 KB, 1089x571, 1089:571, nsgrn.png)

>>14766635 PB

Anon. I brought this up earlier today. Here is my take in a little more detail.

Patriots know exactly what the cabal is going to do. Supply chain disruption, jabs etc..

Patriots using the cabal lame ass moves to create the window to smash the shitbags. In order to have some element of suprise you can't announce to the American People. Hey you are undermartial law go home. But..

1. Pilots (majority ex military and mostly Patriots) shut down flight travel. People have to be at home. Cant have people all over the country when you shut it down.

2. Boats stuck off shore, trains down, trucking stops. Break where people go home until shit happens and world back on track. You dont want vital truckers(also patriots) all over the country when you shut it down and things go hot. Amtrak, Ferry boats , buses having issues because of jab mandate.

It is critical for the saving of lives that people need to be near home and family when things get wild. Only way operators can move without concern of killing innocents. or at least as few as possible. This anon thought first shut down was the time but it is looking like now and of course with Q proofs/Red October hints everywhere….

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6860d9  No.14768429


It's "AnteFa", "before the fascists", which is what they truly are, the brown and blackshirts of yore.

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f33f4a  No.14768430

File: aa0e09c9247db24⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 694x350, 347:175, ARK_WIN.jpg)

File: 47f929f8616d288⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 594x313, 594:313, AZ_PLATE_WIN.jpg)

File: 5d7fc73de03f0fc⋯.jpg (88.59 KB, 864x443, 864:443, BIG_TENN_WIN.jpg)

File: 30d498f8beb26be⋯.jpg (19.77 KB, 374x188, 187:94, CA_PIG_WINNING.jpg)

File: cb45e82580a271d⋯.jpg (72.37 KB, 828x414, 2:1, CO_WIN.jpg)

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5cad02  No.14768431

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ff43a8  No.14768432


The NOAA Space Weather Scales were introduced as a way to communicate to the general public the current and future space weather conditions and their possible effects on people and systems. Many of the SWPC products describe the space environment, but few have described the effects that can be experienced as the result of environmental disturbances. These scales are useful to users of our products and those who are interested in space weather effects. The scales describe the environmental disturbances for three event types: geomagnetic storms, solar radiation storms, and radio blackouts. The scales have numbered levels, analogous to hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes that convey severity. They list possible effects at each level. They also show how often such events happen, and give a measure of the intensity of the physical causes.


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30fd59  No.14768433

File: cdbe36a93dfd904⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1694x1566, 847:783, 1633622673635.png)

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87d7c6  No.14768434


plenty of bots and shills here now

they clocked on at 8pm for their shift

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a58eb4  No.14768435

File: 43c86cb6e061be0⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1559x788, 1559:788, ClipboardImage.png)

This looks like LL fwiw.

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2f3cf0  No.14768436


That's a hard drive wrapped up.

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6860d9  No.14768437


Hence the 10 day mop up notice.

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80ea93  No.14768438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is that the calm before the storm?

Bushcraft Bear


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1ff8e9  No.14768439

All this stuff about General Flynn is a tempest in a teapot.

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6c09a2  No.14768440

File: 9f06c3d18606dba⋯.png (221.51 KB, 624x524, 156:131, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

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3e3486  No.14768441

Happening now…

my amazon streaming just went down…!

Solar Flare shit I imagine.

Get ready….

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9c7c25  No.14768442

Anons are winning winning winning. Robust formative helpful conversations, sauce, comms, graphics, memes, prayer, religious discussions, all night every night outpost for the misfit toys.

Q Research has come a long way.

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87d7c6  No.14768443

File: b780fb639c8a2b2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 53536366.png)


shilling for a living


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30fd59  No.14768444

File: 9600000920fdd51⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1807x2626, 139:202, 20210730_072102.jpg)

File: e730615dd6c9820⋯.jpg (512.66 KB, 998x1360, 499:680, 20210730_074725.jpg)


It Matters Not…

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156760  No.14768445

File: c27ccc06f3f3558⋯.png (51.49 KB, 660x574, 330:287, 8092u80950bu0852.png)


some clown 10 months late to the party

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509827  No.14768446

File: 8e2d22c1be16437⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 116x192, 29:48, OIP_5_.jpg)

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a35f86  No.14768447

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been almost exactly a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability. It's not complete yet but there will be another version with a full-featured post editor available in a week or so.

There is no better way to consume bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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c3f28e  No.14768448

File: f2bdc951b9c2c44⋯.png (498.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768449

File: e673fab840da188⋯.jpg (156.07 KB, 820x573, 820:573, BEST_MEME.jpg)

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c8e45f  No.14768450

How Israeli Ministry of Health, deleted thousands of testimonies | Avi Barak Media

On September 30th, Israeli Ministry of Health, deleted thousands of comments and testimonies about vac(x)ine adverse effects. This is how it unfolded.


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3c13d5  No.14768451


Yes and it is not about hurting the cabal financiallY. It will all be seized. Taking every dime and executing them is smashing the cabal.

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baf913  No.14768452

The commenters here today are in for a big surprise. To them. Not to us oldfags who check in and sometimes make a comment. Yep. Big surprise inbound.

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5cad02  No.14768453


It would also be pretty hard for the swamp creature to make a getaway. Sure they have private planes…but don't they need control towers?

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d81366  No.14768454


The T.V. watchers learn their truth this way. Sorcery 101.

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430989  No.14768455


Shit, 10 months is plenty of time to cover up all the mistakes they made in the fraudulent election…go thing we have video and other forms of proof that they can't explain away…but they will try…but all it all it won't make a difference…the Democrats will just wash it away with deny…deny…deny…nope…wasn't us…must have been something else…someone else…you're mistaken…but time will tell…by the time everything get discovered it will be 2022 hopefully…

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5e5986  No.14768456

File: c77c3ba65ef0f64⋯.jpeg (86.26 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 9obFHiluXvDaALGsrdJIOhh5H….jpeg)

File: 3ac0b653ac6db95⋯.png (395.38 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, image_asset.png)

File: 0a120fa02344b04⋯.jpeg (22.81 KB, 400x267, 400:267, Jennifer_Grey_went_on_to_….jpeg)


no, paratroopers.

Didn't you see Red Dawn?

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e46b91  No.14768457

File: 182ef25139c83ca⋯.png (74.48 KB, 1110x440, 111:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bcd87177c926a6⋯.png (501.1 KB, 1389x915, 463:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Need a flu shot instead

What was the 2020-2021 flu season like?

Flu activity was unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. During September 28, 2020–May 22, 2021 in the United States, 1,675 (0.2%) of 818,939 respiratory specimens tested by U.S. clinical laboratories were positive for an influenza virus. The low level of flu activity during this past season contributed to dramatically fewer flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths compared with previous flu seasons. For comparison, during the last three seasons before the pandemic, the proportion of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza peaked between 26.2% and 30.3%. In terms of hospitalizations, the cumulative rate of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations in the 2020-2021 season was the lowest recorded since this type of data collection began in 2005. For pediatric deaths, CDC received one report of a pediatric flu death in a child during the 2020–2021 flu season. Since flu deaths in children became nationally notifiable in 2004, reported flu deaths in children had previously ranged from a low of 37 (during 2011-2012) to a high of 199 (during 2019-2020).

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f33f4a  No.14768458

File: bc2b78ae874f3c1⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 507x380, 507:380, HONESTY.jpg)



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d841a4  No.14768459


Trigger words there

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abd2cf  No.14768460

File: 573a8ea6137df87⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 598x393, 598:393, WTW9.jpg)

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87d7c6  No.14768461

File: c0c20b6da4d07e2⋯.png (122.58 KB, 686x504, 49:36, 444.png)


trips of truth


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30fd59  No.14768462

File: 643ef9a59a4dd38⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1754x2560, 877:1280, 20210730_072138.jpg)

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d63864  No.14768463


it seems like an act of war that they aren't able to complete their deliveries for citizens to have products on the shelves.

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b0dfbb  No.14768464

File: 160945d87cc6cd9⋯.jpg (75.59 KB, 381x405, 127:135, 160945d87cc6cd965a35c4d264….jpg)



making shills cry until

moar winning

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02d682  No.14768465

File: 1959e75fae53dfe⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 346x425, 346:425, 1959e75fae53dfec2bbf653e53….jpg)


>Didn't you see Red Dawn?

Required viewing where I went to school.

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6860d9  No.14768466


Remember. the "Blue Helmet" disparagement has its roots from the 1968 Democratic Convention in Beeeyootiful Chicago. All the Weathermen's plans from back then are playing out today.

"Somebody has to be "The Man", man."

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96f10c  No.14768467


Yep they will, now Flynn’s parents are involved in a cult (without evidence) and his brother left the Capitol not defended, I dont know But I don’t even think hisbrother was assigned to the 9th fleet (or whatever) in the water, 1,000s of miles away from DC.

This guy is a nutjob and the tagteam cane on the board today.

I guess they figured no anon would have read about this, but I did and I thought it was shit then and shit now! It came out last Friday night,

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30fd59  No.14768468

File: 3368f19e2d4ba99⋯.gif (864.74 KB, 260x199, 260:199, HonoredCloseAmericanbitter….gif)

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3c13d5  No.14768469


Easy for Patriots to blast a few out of the sky when not a ton of planes in the sky. Would be like shooting ducks in a bath tub.

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f33f4a  No.14768470

File: bddee3e9f5eeea7⋯.jpg (50.38 KB, 424x374, 212:187, SUN_TZU.jpg)

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d841a4  No.14768471

Bot and or shill

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509827  No.14768472

File: e14c2b38199aade⋯.jpg (128.91 KB, 900x900, 1:1, DDD.jpg)


Tetragrammaton trips chkt


Paratus Comitatus



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845476  No.14768473

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a LARPing faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew

A one year delta turned into two three and four, Anons are a sucker for punishment so let's wait some more

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is just a place to shitpost in your spare time

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future proves past they were never repaid

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope

A natural death has been the only "justice" so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the bar?

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?, Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to rotten cabbage Hill, You claim to be woke but ate the Blue Pill

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

For thousands of years they've won at this game, Red vs Blue it's always the same

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, but only the learned chose the red pill

History repeats itself all through the ages, those who can see are the wisest of sages

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87d7c6  No.14768474

File: cdeabec7ddd1f6e⋯.png (309.28 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 353533.png)


sometimes you gotta fish for the bots, it's fun watching them sperg when they get hooked

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947a4b  No.14768475


Did you stock up for Disaster Preparedness Month yet?

What's in your food stockpile?

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f33f4a  No.14768476

File: 662683e67e9a0df⋯.jpg (110.18 KB, 719x429, 719:429, SIGNATURE_WEAPON.jpg)

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9c7c25  No.14768477

If you're going to go down in history either way it's better to be a legend than a footnote.

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e1ee33  No.14768478


That would be better than slaving at work every day. Ambushing , assassinating their officers, oh the pain I would bring by myself.

I hope that happens

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886a62  No.14768479

File: f4a5752dd5201d9⋯.png (1.33 MB, 743x960, 743:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24f8274ec2d2146⋯.png (973.96 KB, 600x801, 200:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e16e3bb48a2b5e⋯.png (643.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf9bfe7eb5246e0⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1164x777, 388:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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e46b91  No.14768480

File: 638395dc2b56480⋯.png (718.94 KB, 890x735, 178:147, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3f28e  No.14768481

File: 425e6a0e0d581b7⋯.png (611.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Red Dawn


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39b57e  No.14768482

File: 027d86bd6bbd0ac⋯.jpg (269.95 KB, 1065x1275, 71:85, Screenshot_20211011_205200.jpg)








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e0932b  No.14768483


This goes without saying but anons please don't doxx yourselves on social media saying you have however much. Some areas have laws against hoarding food (which you should ignore–such orders are unlawful), and if the SHTF and your neighbors are SOL, you don't want them beating down your door.

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da7390  No.14768484


The news here in Maryland said the $22,000 was his life savings. Kek.

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509827  No.14768485



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3c13d5  No.14768486


Our fighter jets vs their Falcon ….They can fly without ATC. Please let them try..please..

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87d7c6  No.14768487

File: 605d592e5c5cad0⋯.png (179.24 KB, 419x260, 419:260, 1.png)


> Bot and or shill

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c3f28e  No.14768488


Saddam's allies moved his corpse, fearful Shi'ite militias would harm it: tribal leader

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534b07  No.14768489





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f33f4a  No.14768490

File: 8fee0c962ba5b5b⋯.jpg (168.52 KB, 600x670, 60:67, ART_OF_WAR_2.jpg)

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947a4b  No.14768491


I already know which neighbors I'm gonna have to shoot.

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eae2b7  No.14768492


I have a few libtard neighbors… I'm just gonna take their stuff.

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abd2cf  No.14768493

File: d40e3f979f50362⋯.jpg (137.45 KB, 1198x663, 1198:663, POTUS1POINT.jpg)




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30fd59  No.14768494

File: 11e2cb9720642e8⋯.jpg (132.73 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, GTY_hillary_clinton_plane_….jpg)

File: 2b10bc4aa93a4cd⋯.jpg (725.78 KB, 3280x3280, 1:1, GettyImages_611668824.jpg)

File: 1f85e432693ae04⋯.jpeg (5.26 KB, 260x194, 130:97, images.jpeg)

File: ccd4b1cc2df2c12⋯.jpg (137.34 KB, 591x520, 591:520, Picture1.jpg)

File: 8c55cb27256112b⋯.jpg (71.63 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 640948_01_1400x.jpg)



Planes of ALL Sizes can be grounded with either a Hammer or a High Powered Pellet Rifle…

A Hammer to the Air Speed Sensor(s) and/or a Pellet Rifle to the Windshields and Skin… (Multiple Shots.

Also ice pick the tires… Leave the ice pick in… Or a handful of Carpet Tacks just in front of them…

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80ea93  No.14768495

File: 88ab58cf6239636⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7db8f13733d874f⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee1363  No.14768496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn Russian

My friend and I decided to show what a supermarket looks like in Russia, what prices we have, what products are usually bought by Russians, typical Russian products.I asked my friend (she is a teacher) questions about prices and life in Vladivostok.

100 rubel is around 1.3 dollar

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545a1b  No.14768497


agreed. would be a good time.

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a9213e  No.14768498


I didnt say anything about Q not being real

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e0932b  No.14768499


Yeah I don't know how all that works, I'm no planefag. kek

But I can imagine things being grounded and people walking off the job at the airports can't make things easy for them.

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9c7c25  No.14768500


Just look at those beautiful dates


>'Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?' Q

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6860d9  No.14768501


Anyone seen live camera shots of the ships "backed up" at "Muh Ports"?

Seems like an easy thing to do. I ask because not one person is mention what I saw in the one film of Houston's backup.

All the ships' waterlines are "high". The red paint being exposed means they're light in the water, a k a "Empty" or nearly empty.

Someone else needs to double check it and put eyes on it.

That's the "Watch The Water" moment, if there ever was one.

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855b5f  No.14768502


even easier and cheaper to just disable their plane if they all start fleeing

its not like the maintinance people don't know who's plane they are storing/ working on

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c6cde1  No.14768503

File: c001fe7e38124a8⋯.png (442.5 KB, 419x408, 419:408, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

File: 9f28508b4ff0d69⋯.png (131.32 KB, 232x223, 232:223, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

File: f528fadd7dceb5a⋯.png (289.61 KB, 508x285, 508:285, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

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c8e45f  No.14768504

File: a8b2d7e8b4914b8⋯.png (62.49 KB, 1053x730, 1053:730, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63a6e5d97d92b27⋯.png (73.86 KB, 1050x810, 35:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5222e6e2e547fdd⋯.png (41.54 KB, 1036x857, 1036:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dad7b5b71f87822⋯.png (67.87 KB, 1060x796, 265:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ced73a12b16804⋯.png (69.97 KB, 1056x831, 352:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Who’s Missing From the Pandora Papers: The Main Offenders and Accomplices

Missing from the elaborate Pandora “disclosure” are not only the main financial havens, companies and banks, but also today’s leading investors.

At a cost of many millions of dollars, euros, pesos, etc., 600 journalists from 148 media outlets and 117 countries have compiled the “Pandora Papers” over several months as part of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ): 2.94 terabytes of data with 11.9 million documents on shell companies in numerous financial dossiers. Tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, corruption and the like among 330 named heads of state and government, other politicians, sports and cultural celebrities, and thousands of businessmen and billionaires are suspected, are probable.

29,000 shell companies

The heads of state and politicians are almost exclusively from dozens of smaller and remote countries such as Jordan, Montenegro, Kenya, Congo, Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Colombia, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Qatar. Western prominent politicians are the major exceptions, and most are no longer in office: ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, ex-Italian head of government Silvio Berlusconi, ex-Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Haim Ramon, ex-Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, ex-European Commissioner John Dalli. Only three incumbent Western politicians in smaller states are mentioned: “Christian” Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra, Czech Prime Minister and oligarch Andrej Babis, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — that’s about it. USA, Germany, France, Canada, Scandinavia — all clean.

Among the cultural and sports celebrities, the ex-model Claudia Schiffer, the musicians Ringo Starr, Elton John, Julio Iglesias, the Nobel Prize-winning writer Mario Vargas Llosa, and the soccer coach Pep Guardiola (FC Bayern Munich, Manchester City) are all from the colorful pages’ picture book. From the aristocracy, a daughter of Moroccan King Hassan, the royal family of Qatar, and Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, entrepreneur and playmate of the resigned Spanish scandal king Juan Carlos I. Who would have thought it?

Among the many businessmen mentioned by name, there are similarly picture-perfect ones from Western-connected countries known for messy dealings anyway, such as India, Pakistan, Turkey, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Colombia, the Philippines and the Western-assumed territory of Hong Kong. However, there are also a few lost figures from more important countries: Robert Smith/Vista Equity Partners and Robert Brockman/Reynolds&Reynolds, two donors to the two leading U.S. parties; Alexander Temerko as donor to the British Tories; India’s richest entrepreneur Mazumdar-Shaw; the Israeli multi-billionaire Benny Steinmetz, sentenced to prison for money laundering and bribery; Formula I racing promoter Bernie Ecclestone.

In the margins, the US corporations Apple, Abbott, Nike and RJR Nabisco appear abruptly, also the most important US business law firm BakerMcKenzie (from which ECB chief Christine Lagarde comes), admittedly without naming individuals, without further elaboration and without justification for this tiny selection.

The largest unified group so far consists of 1,892 owners of shell companies from China, including a brother-in-law of head of state Xi Jinping and a daughter of ex-premier Li Peng. The second largest unified group from one state is formed by the dozen Russian businessmen described as “close friends” of President Putin. And one Svetlana Krivonogikh, once presented by german scandal sheet BILD as an “alleged” former mistress of Putin and since 20 years belonging to the jet set in the Principality of Monaco, was now punctually rediscovered by ICIJ investigators, with “alleged” 85 million euros in the mailbox.


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02d682  No.14768505

File: b0a066502db0777⋯.png (496.98 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 979e8033f911bdc567a441cdac….png)

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fc559c  No.14768506



>longer interview available on Fox something something.

Where people will have to pay $$, have a "subscription" to view it.

Praying people don't fall for this bait, but enough will despite Flynn interviews being conducted so frequently elsewhere, where he isn't censored.

faux is garbage.

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c3f28e  No.14768507


>the maintenance people

dream of barrel rolls

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f8198a  No.14768508

File: 77f9cd3c16f6f10⋯.png (249.88 KB, 449x839, 449:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2aa08d9e83b4855⋯.png (215.94 KB, 645x757, 645:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60d206314cba97a⋯.png (304.26 KB, 768x991, 768:991, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe1c8fd35969ae3⋯.png (128.75 KB, 768x966, 128:161, ClipboardImage.png)

XCLUSIVE: Southwest Whistleblower Reveals Internal Documents for Covid-19 Exemptions COMPLETE VIOLATIONS of TITLE VII

October 11, 2021 8 Comments


Yet another Southwest Airlines Whistleblower has came forward to The DC Patriot in less than 24 hours, this time with internal documents and forms of the companies insane exemption policies.

According to the Southwest employee, regardless of what you do, it’s very rare for an exemption to be accepted. They even went as far as to explain to us there’s an online procedure where you have no choice but to check a box giving Southwest Airlines permission to talk to your healthcare provider. A complete and total violation of HIPPA.

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96f10c  No.14768509


Youre wrong there 5:5

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ff43a8  No.14768511


Think of Georgia after Sherman's 'Bummers' came through. You will be picked clean. No provisions and lucky to be alive.

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f33f4a  No.14768512

File: 19c43289edaa2b6⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 320x426, 160:213, o7_WIN.jpg)

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430989  No.14768513

So, the RED states concede from the U.S. which leaves just BLUE states, Civil War will break out, most of the Military Patriots will be in the RED states…we beat the shit out of them…then take over their local/state Governments and now we have back our 50 states of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…we won't have to vote them out…and they vanish one way or another…easy peasy…let's get on it…

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dbd73c  No.14768514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SWA Meltdown and the Federal Vaccine Mandate 11 Oct 2021


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3c13d5  No.14768515


And I know that most private pilots including a close friend are Patriots. He would radio military base and deliver them to the front door.

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a9213e  No.14768516


Mine is still up (Texas)

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c6cde1  No.14768517


0 dig, 0 meme, 0 pray

try harder

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545a1b  No.14768518


i just had to throw away some this past weekend that expired.

time to replenish now.

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02d682  No.14768519

File: d2ab5c67d23180f⋯.jpg (476.5 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, d2ab5c67d23180f9fd822367bd….jpg)


>I didnt say anything about Q not being real

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3c13d5  No.14768520

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96f10c  No.14768521


Cool, i hope I can intuit it, dont say it out loud! I know you wont. Hive mind working

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d841a4  No.14768522

Probing time

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509827  No.14768523

File: 2c50c568db73910⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5cf9d3638f9144d99662776a33….jpg)

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a9213e  No.14768524


It was all captured real-time. internet traffic, texts, video, cell phone records

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baa863  No.14768525


This is also what I have been thinking.

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e0932b  No.14768526


Some are okay a little beyond the expiration date…My understanding is that's so people won't stock up. I've eaten potato chips a month past expiration and they were good. Milk I keep no more than 3 days past it (my father-in-law used to work at a dairy, he said a week is good).

Just use good judgment. :)

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c3f28e  No.14768527

File: bdf4d170776d82c⋯.png (648.14 KB, 700x446, 350:223, ClipboardImage.png)


manoeuvre requires training

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30fd59  No.14768528

File: 233e2dc9013b5cb⋯.gif (158.01 KB, 220x135, 44:27, Grim_Job_1.gif)

File: 390c2feb4044d54⋯.gif (895.78 KB, 200x148, 50:37, 390c2feb4044d54cdb266e6682….gif)

File: c76bfff51e1d97f⋯.gif (462.6 KB, 350x192, 175:96, c76bfff51e1d97f6b35cd62902….gif)

File: 4e4e3dd48700f10⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 540x351, 20:13, 5x5.gif)

File: 9810e4b12e2d4f7⋯.gif (360.28 KB, 500x323, 500:323, I_See_What_You_Did_There_a….gif)


That was a fun day….

The media buried the part where he had $100,000 in the Brand New $20 BillsBEFOREthe U.S. Treasury released the bills in the States….

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98ca84  No.14768529

File: 040041328d7ab38⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Meghan King and Cuck Biden Owens

Who is happier today? Meghan or her ex Jim Edmonds. He bailed after 5 years, he didn't want more kids but she required those 18-21 year insurance policies. She's insufferable.

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c608e6  No.14768530

File: e5407342ea100fe⋯.png (602.78 KB, 500x625, 4:5, freebeertomorrow.png)


Next week anon…. Trust the plan.


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053fc9  No.14768531

File: 8684993e2c8224e⋯.png (381.05 KB, 861x2374, 861:2374, screenshot_trumpwhitehouse….png)

important to remember HISTORY!

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f83efb  No.14768532


he's thinking

I could use some Romulan Ale right about now…medicinally, that is

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02d682  No.14768533

File: 3119b2c70faffb6⋯.jpeg (51.53 KB, 520x480, 13:12, 3119b2c70faffb61f96a23f63….jpeg)

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96f10c  No.14768534


Agreed its BS

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e0932b  No.14768535


"Package delivered!"

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b0dfbb  No.14768536

File: 55371455254ac43⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1330x1995, 2:3, 55371455254ac430471b711e2d….png)

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ff43a8  No.14768537


>Sherman's 'Bummers'

The soldiers of the Army of Georgia were authorized to live off the land, since it was Sherman's intent to "make Georgia howl" and to lay just as heavy a hand on South Carolina, which many Federals considered a "hellhole of secession." On the road from Atlanta to the sea and then north, Sherman's columns left their supply bases far behind, and their wagons could not carry provisions sufficient for all. Nevertheless, the Union commander sought to regulate and limit foraging, keeping it within accepted rules of warfare. Each brigade leader was to organize a foraging detail under "discreet officers." The details were empowered to gather rations and forage of any sort and quantity useful to their commands and could appropriate animals and conveyances without limit. Soldiers, however, were not to trespass on any private dwelling, were to avoid abusive or threatening language, and, when possible, were to leave each family "a reasonable portion [of provisions] for their maintenance." In regions where the army moved unmolested, no destruction of property was permitted. But where bushwhackers or guerrillas impeded the march, corps commanders were enjoined to "enforce a devastation more or less relentless, according to the measure of hostility."

Many who marched through Georgia and the Carolinas disregarded these prohibitions. Too often, foraging parties became bands of marauders answering to no authority. One conscientious bummer wrote to his sister about the depredations inflicted on South Carolina:

How would you like it, do you think, Ab, to have troops passing your house constantly … ransacking and plundering and carrying off everything that could be of any use to them? There is considerable excitement in foraging, but it is [a] disagreeable business in some respects to go into people's houses and take their provisions and have the women begging and entreating you to leave a little when you are necessitated to take all. But I feel some degree of consolation in the knowledge I have that I never went beyond my duty to pillage.

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3ca237  No.14768538

File: aaea3715eed2cba⋯.jpg (42.9 KB, 511x640, 511:640, 219981952_5872993042771761….jpg)

File: 1723af6f5f4b5a6⋯.png (136.79 KB, 374x371, 374:371, amen.png)

File: 3bade6956ec2261⋯.png (310.09 KB, 706x676, 353:338, dba14c27b937d40186eb3d4ecd….png)

File: 521740c5ea6e2d8⋯.png (289.39 KB, 588x335, 588:335, lkasdhf4232fa.PNG)

I don't need a religious exemption to tell anyone and everyone, "Fuck you, I'm not taking it."

I also don't need a religious exemption to tell anyone and everyone, "Try to jab me and it might not come today but rest assured, it will come. When it does come, it will bad for all involved."

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abd2cf  No.14768539


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6c09a2  No.14768540

File: 8118d031c5b07f1⋯.png (99.5 KB, 443x402, 443:402, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 6baba24547ca9c6⋯.png (937.32 KB, 988x590, 494:295, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 521bbbbec574f3d⋯.png (68.03 KB, 510x355, 102:71, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 061808162204675⋯.png (784.72 KB, 1277x578, 1277:578, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: d07bceb59157a97⋯.png (227.6 KB, 957x604, 957:604, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)




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c3f28e  No.14768541

File: 47a1fca82d99e85⋯.png (378.88 KB, 385x480, 77:96, ClipboardImage.png)


>medicinally, that is

to your health

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b0dfbb  No.14768542

File: eb5cf03478c7a70⋯.jpg (14.47 KB, 243x255, 81:85, 97045db799b39210884892c72a….jpg)

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3e3486  No.14768543


came back up….mebbe just a glitch….never happened before.

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fe6f0b  No.14768544

File: c28135fc555622a⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tonight_show_set_1984.jpg)


>The media buried the part where he had $100,000 in the Brand New $20 BillsBEFOREthe U.S. Treasury released the bills in the States….

Interdasting, this anon knows a few stuffs but did not know this.

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ede5f8  No.14768545

File: 1ba16c3b870dcee⋯.jpg (87.91 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5q2ywq.jpg)

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534b07  No.14768546


Talked about secession in a couple breads yesterday and people called me a shill

Serious steps are the only way. Whether it is secession, con-con, militias, coalitions, etc. Milque-toasting our way through this is not going to accomplish jack shit.

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fcc1c3  No.14768547

It’s fucking ON.

Internet entities are currently scrambling to find out who has what seems to be an untraceable remote access to their systems. Facebook and it’s subsidiaries are scoring through any and all lines of server code to find out who flipped their switch last week.

Silicon Valley is watching Facebook in fear, as tech giants Apple and Twitter are currently combing through their network security as well.

It’s not possible to find out who has remote access when the accessor has the keys and the locks. Internet of things as a pipeline has no security as long as you own the reservoir.

Maxwell in the news…NOT. No coverage of court-ordered release of co-conspirators today. MetPolice dropping Prince Andrew’s case without deposing/interviewing witness? Smoke. Mirrors. No need for MetPol if…?

Can you tell the Sun to wait? Solar Flare (Mass CORONAl Ejection) at a MCE level of G-2 will be “delayed.” Space Force new offensive weapon (CLAS) unveil incoming. Everyone Must Play.

Don’t be fooled.

Every person involved in what is coming, which cannot be stopped, is working with a level head and a clear and present goal in mind. Orders received years ago are playing in lock-step with the enemy. Their moves are our counter. Our countermoves are already planned for their actions. Scale in the timeframe of years.

10/31 is a day for masks.

11/1 will be amazing.

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e0932b  No.14768548

File: 666b73d2a160197⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 599x451, 599:451, picardscotty.jpg)


Aldeberan whiskey?

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ff43a8  No.14768549

File: f6f06f784a208e0⋯.png (173.97 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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f93f02  No.14768550


hot pockets, dollar store olives, and Ole Milwaukee

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b0dfbb  No.14768551

File: 012d6835ae6aff7⋯.jpg (304.32 KB, 1699x1080, 1699:1080, bpe.jpg)

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c3f28e  No.14768552

File: 85dcad5a48dfec9⋯.jpeg (172.08 KB, 822x462, 137:77, JustinCastro.jpeg)

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f33f4a  No.14768553

File: 876ca3da6de79bc⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 388x525, 388:525, LEMAY.jpg)

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a9213e  No.14768554

File: 6fc3945fde8b10c⋯.jpg (88.45 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1633020221020m.jpg)


The retardation is strong in you. try ivermectin

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4c4f0e  No.14768555

File: 15716c9876658d9⋯.png (471.6 KB, 620x413, 620:413, M_943.png)

File: e740d869b21e045⋯.png (533.88 KB, 620x411, 620:411, M_944.png)

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1ef278  No.14768556

>>14768151 Texas.gov: Governors Abbott Issues EO Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates By Any Entity


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cba025  No.14768557

what is coming that will surprise even anons?

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509827  No.14768558

File: dd79b179107e94c⋯.jpg (12.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1e9358b484f4b7c848088c7ec2….jpg)

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d841a4  No.14768559


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673242  No.14768560


canned goods 2016 expired. stock from hussein regime. kek

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947a4b  No.14768561

File: 40c2690b4bbcd17⋯.png (522.22 KB, 1918x923, 1918:923, ClipboardImage.png)

Ring of fire is acting up.

Seems to be a lot of activity coming all at once.

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352f7e  No.14768562


i used soup in a casserole today, expired in 2016

it was fine

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d37216  No.14768563

File: 629f7db3176ddae⋯.jpg (319.6 KB, 906x912, 151:152, 20210601_110450.jpg)

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6cfcea  No.14768564

any amish folks here?

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cba025  No.14768565

File: 085add62c1c9997⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 360x288, 5:4, watchcaplane.jpg)

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509827  No.14768566

File: 6e85cb9022f20c4⋯.png (16.74 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 7b78607d172820d7dedb7c2d1d….png)

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c3f28e  No.14768567

File: c37f8695c9e94ed⋯.mp4 (329.32 KB, 460x258, 230:129, goboris.mp4)

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5a982b  No.14768568

File: 0d119601950a3b5⋯.png (510.93 KB, 606x454, 303:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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f92ca3  No.14768569

File: fc5e14e92a35e9d⋯.jpg (178.48 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, gretch_beer.jpg)

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c6cde1  No.14768570

File: 32f3d1ae8845df9⋯.png (86.49 KB, 222x180, 37:30, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)



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e0932b  No.14768571


Probably the younger ones in Rumspringa.

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9c7c25  No.14768572

Judgement that comes from man is a band aid at best. Judgement that comes from God is a permanent and oppressive edict that provides relief to parties harmed and harsh punishment to the guilty. Trust God in judgement, not man. Prayer works in pleas to God for justice in this realm. God takes care of God's own. God is no dummy.

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a159d0  No.14768573


was this a real episode?

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30fd59  No.14768574

File: 3b2767c86f95e24⋯.gif (933.24 KB, 480x270, 16:9, fp5cf0c919_1.gif)

File: 208e0b0015996d1⋯.gif (796.5 KB, 268x150, 134:75, rz5da51b9a_1.gif)

File: 573c9931339b65f⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x250, 2:1, GW_SIR_P_RISE.gif)

File: be55fb3d9ee2e1c⋯.gif (606.57 KB, 800x792, 100:99, be55fb3d9ee2e1ce726eb38b70….gif)

File: 5bd2a35b44dd689⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 268x150, 134:75, Suckin_IT.gif)


Dear Shill,

I Made this Meme.

We now haveEVERYTHINGon every D-Vice It Reside[s] On.



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bcafe6  No.14768575


not yet but attempting to become one

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e0932b  No.14768576


Yep. TNG episode "Relics."

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599b9c  No.14768577


Scooty swiggin the MD 20/20

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02d682  No.14768578

File: b647800c4e18ed1⋯.png (554.25 KB, 1001x640, 1001:640, b647800c4e18ed1e96a8b82ac9….png)

File: 592f7dc25fd1b3b⋯.png (276.21 KB, 487x398, 487:398, e0d163bd1184f5e9e1110e5f62….png)

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b59174  No.14768579

File: adac6bf9b730b31⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, _let_s_Go_Brandon_.jpg)


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cba025  No.14768580


what about 18 year old Enfamil Infant formula

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39b57e  No.14768581


Whoa…look at Mister Fancy Casserole guy. Too good to eat bugs with us.

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8dd187  No.14768582

File: 3594ba4e48173a8⋯.png (111.59 KB, 382x357, 382:357, footnote43pg45.png)

File: 0d983d5b9fb2574⋯.png (211.66 KB, 702x235, 702:235, footnote43pg57.png)

Footnote 43 (Pg 57) of HPSCI Report on Russian Active Measures (March 22, 2018) appears to connect Hussein and Brennan (Pg 45) to Sussmann-Baker meeting and Alfa Bank hoax.


Interview of Michael Sussmann (Monday, December 18, 2017)


Was a Trump Server Communicating With

Russia? by Franklin Foer


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abd2cf  No.14768583

File: 225e8a9c08ff423⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, WTW8.jpg)

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947a4b  No.14768584


Retailer Insider Tip.

Most 'dry' goods never expire but consumers have been trained to expect to see a date.

Pasta is good forever if kept cool and dry.

Canned goods should be fine for decades UNLESS the can swells in which case dump it.

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b0dfbb  No.14768585

File: 89797002a6b2128⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, memes.jpg)

File: 5b846199d15b9d1⋯.jpg (7.17 KB, 221x228, 221:228, boom.jpg)

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ca2b7e  No.14768586

File: d8b561c53e2c286⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Taenia_solium.jpg)

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c608e6  No.14768587



Trust Sessions

Trust Wray

Trust Huber

Trust Horowitz

Elections are safe

Are you ready for arrests?


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e0932b  No.14768588


Hillary had this "we're fooked" look going.

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b59174  No.14768589


Yea, rather watch this!!!

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c3f28e  No.14768590

File: 79a5fe79ab744d6⋯.png (315 KB, 500x367, 500:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fb9c1c3f84e319⋯.png (861.98 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768591

File: 4b2064a7faa8645⋯.jpg (139.58 KB, 767x567, 767:567, RAT_A_TAT_TAT.jpg)

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96f10c  No.14768592


Gid bless you anon, kind soul

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a159d0  No.14768593


sweet. thanks for the confirmation


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419c2a  No.14768594


First published at 19:47 UTC on October 11th, 2021.


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352f7e  No.14768596


ty very helpful

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1c9146  No.14768597

File: 6a280c5524ae44f⋯.jpg (64.62 KB, 521x331, 521:331, DR_Vaxworm.jpg)

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f83efb  No.14768598



*goes off in search of secret ingredient to southern baked beans (finally makes sense why the baked)

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16a9b9  No.14768599


The question is……………….

Who is NOT LYING to us?

(Less than 10) that I can count

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c6cde1  No.14768600

File: edc464e6c0d1a3e⋯.png (72.08 KB, 535x559, 535:559, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_2….png)

Adam Schiff


On planes, down in the bunker, and inside the Oval Office, I wanted readers to see how Trump made it Midnight in Washington.

But I want to show the way forward as well. Midnight may be the darkest hour, everything that follows brings light.



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534b07  No.14768601



nice try

dammit, got my hopes up for sec

shame on me

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02d682  No.14768602

File: adeb02115dd79e3⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, adeb02115dd79e3a1b2760c27….jpeg)


Yep and that face is on inauguration day - almost 3 months after the election was called.

She had 3 months to get her game face together and that was the best she could do.

I think HRC knows how bad things really are.

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430989  No.14768603


Yep, I'm thinking of ordering the Mandarin module from Rosetta Stone…

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c3f28e  No.14768604



something 2017 here

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e0932b  No.14768605


How about stuff in jars? Like, say, pasta sauce?

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599b9c  No.14768606

File: 074cf4e8cb3284a⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1300x956, 325:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Pic Related…

Extra Gochujang in da chigae

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509827  No.14768607

File: 7b43b362ed63ac2⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 208x255, 208:255, f81d5a8c69b8d20e7857202b63….jpg)


its pop-tarts, but don't tell anyone

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c3f28e  No.14768608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a35f86  No.14768609


Comms? Dark to light.

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a15706  No.14768610


my ancestors buried family valuables to keep Sherman's army from taking them. i remember my great grandmother talking about it when i was a small anon.

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96f10c  No.14768611


Sorry I meant to say “God Bless you kind soul anon”

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ac1407  No.14768612

File: ca39b2bb88c3b36⋯.png (318.45 KB, 761x376, 761:376, CFR.PNG)


>How can she possibly have NOT asked that question?

Because she is C.F.R. member Erin Burnett, that's why.

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eae2b7  No.14768613

File: 11a7f8599b5a633⋯.jpg (212.03 KB, 600x756, 50:63, 11a7f8599b5a6331a473a04bf6….jpg)

File: ef73eb7c5924420⋯.png (528.98 KB, 750x774, 125:129, 00e2fc455405779dc0aadfedec….png)

File: 0338a0f14865ae1⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 749x757, 749:757, 0338a0f14865ae1f9ba0b3f6ae….jpg)

File: 87c918feff40171⋯.jpg (219.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 107919871_454507.jpg)

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fe6f0b  No.14768614


Trust your nose.

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509827  No.14768615

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e0932b  No.14768616


It's gong to be a dark time for the deep state.

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b0dfbb  No.14768617

File: b9c1dd38400fd7c⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 720x522, 40:29, digiwari.jpg)

File: 836e12e72160367⋯.jpg (117.5 KB, 1179x1179, 1:1, dove.jpg)


information bombs spread peace

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5f9d1d  No.14768618


Nevertheless, true light will confront the dark whenever and wherever it appears, including in 3 space. And knowing the goats will go to hell does not stop the administration of earthly justice. There has never been a greater crime than what they are doing, and the punishment must fit that crime. To do otherwise would be a sin. They are going down, and the entire world will rejoice.

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845476  No.14768619

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)


But you already speak fluent faggot.

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81615a  No.14768620

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cba025  No.14768621

File: 6177e5d63048000⋯.png (181.96 KB, 667x419, 667:419, sw.png)

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c3f28e  No.14768623

File: ae9738c68df0f0a⋯.mp4 (932.24 KB, 640x352, 20:11, australian_psychopath_Glad….mp4)

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39861e  No.14768624

File: 72cfecd9c9f6722⋯.jpg (208.9 KB, 1056x900, 88:75, 9e3e2341cff6e52c5bd79c320a….jpg)

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81615a  No.14768625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a58eb4  No.14768626

File: 6ba7a8e5f95dd49⋯.png (507.69 KB, 409x515, 409:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1039f8dcc30def8⋯.png (526.51 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c1ac821848c9ca⋯.png (17.36 KB, 1376x255, 1376:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25061b58541c8d7⋯.png (24.58 KB, 444x517, 444:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af24752124784e3⋯.png (28.69 KB, 444x609, 148:203, ClipboardImage.png)

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ede5f8  No.14768627

File: 9f155943e9b15ce⋯.jpg (91.66 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 55q1ky.jpg)

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80859e  No.14768628


Flynn never did shit when he was in office to protect American First. I think it’s part of his plea deal to share some of this information that was unknown prior to PresidentT. Anyone ask him why he only paid $10 for his 500K home in Florida?

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02d682  No.14768629

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, a355984fc32362caeeeb2299e7….jpg)

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534b07  No.14768630


Fuck that, learn to speak Southern

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f33f4a  No.14768631

File: dab7d57be895d80⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 730x390, 73:39, CRAZYPIG.jpg)

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bab978  No.14768632


I watched his execution and I didn't feel any happiness about it. I felt dread and sadness. Like it was the wrong thing to do.

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a6bdda  No.14768633

There has to be a shipping/logistics or freight booking Anon on Nightshift who can explain more in-depth about the potential fuckery going on at US ocean freight ports.

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a15706  No.14768634

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a35f86  No.14768635


Always check the lid before opening. If it is bulging out then you've got some botulism in there. I made that mistake once and threw up for two days.

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86df58  No.14768636

File: a8e8b6b144d5a9c⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, lZ_B4v1O_400x400.jpg)

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b8297c  No.14768637

File: 214834292150562⋯.png (215.51 KB, 400x398, 200:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0932b  No.14768638


I check it when buying, and I check it again right before opening.

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efb634  No.14768639

File: 8ed215faa338662⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 500x504, 125:126, Let_s_go_Brandon_2.jpg)

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30fd59  No.14768640

File: 7aed574a7e7b53a⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 500x288, 125:72, Good_Sizan.gif)

File: a814233c08cbac3⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 444x250, 222:125, Niggers_Nigging.gif)

File: f5ce84c69fa4fd8⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 540x227, 540:227, PEDO_John_Clark.gif)

File: 00663581639e2b3⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 245x351, 245:351, Capt_Brewster.gif)

File: e92103292508d5a⋯.gif (800.63 KB, 500x209, 500:209, Welcome_to_Pain.gif)


Many who didn't kickoff and closeout Iraqi Freedom, as well had held a YANKEE WHITE CLEARANCE didn't know and/or remember…

A few of the news report spoke about him having cash on him but the new $20 Bills, the ones with the magnetic strips didn't make the press.

G.W. era Clowns…

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f44625  No.14768641


>pasta sauce

Better to have canned tomato paste, olive oil, dried herbs, salt. All last indefinitely and make a good enough pasta sauce. Cans outlast jars as a general rule.

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419c2a  No.14768642



Uh, this happened in the last 10 days.

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a6bdda  No.14768643


Is that even possible?

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855b5f  No.14768644


looks like this isn't your first rodeo

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bcafe6  No.14768645


Amish folk gonna start droppin some parasite truth

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5f9d1d  No.14768646


He skeered & blathering.

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d37216  No.14768647

File: 0415f9d044d332f⋯.jpeg (98.84 KB, 1073x739, 1073:739, 1564947397.jpeg)

File: 7ee43dd6f199bcf⋯.jpeg (136.88 KB, 1080x731, 1080:731, 1564947082.jpeg)

File: 7952034aa56a3a5⋯.jpeg (71.41 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, 1564948836.jpeg)

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c62d10  No.14768648


Anons will

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d63864  No.14768649


the one he had to sell?

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b0dfbb  No.14768650

File: bef4f37e566d464⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1280x1189, 1280:1189, dur.png)

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c8e45f  No.14768651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Marine Exposes Possible Punishment For Refusing To Follow Biden’s Mandate!

In a video guaranteed to make your stomach turn., an anonymous young man claiming to be Marine outlines the potential consequences for servicemen and women who fail to comply with Joe Biden’s dictatorial and anti-science vaccine mandate for the military.

The Marine reads through the most recent information about the COVID vaccine mandate that is publicly available on the Marines’ website, which can be found here.

According to the Marine, “there are two available exemptions, the medical exemption and the religious exemption, both of which you can apply for.”

“Problem is,” the Marine continues, “is if your [exemption] doesn’t get approved, you’re going to be ordered to get the treatment again. And then if you refuse after having your exemption denied, you’re going to be treated just like any other refusal would be.”

At this point, the Marine reveals the dark and distressing possible implications for Marines who refuse to receive the experimental mRNA shot.

“Everyone who refuses to get this treatment will be subject to a general court-martial convening authority in which they will determine your fate.”

“A general court-martial is the highest tier of military justice that can be administered, and they have the authority to issue up to a death sentence to anybody whose case comes to a general court-martial.”

At the conclusion of the video, the courageous Marine looks directly into the camera and issues a warning to whoever he will face during his court-martial.

“Whoever ends up presiding over my case, as I have blatantly refused to get this treatment because it’s wrong, just know I will happily die before I have this injected into my body.”

Contrary to our so-called “military leaders” such as General Milley, who is an embarrassment to the United States and a traitor, this young man is a true hero who embodies what our military is supposed to stand for: FREEDOM and LIBERTY!



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4db758  No.14768652

File: 26d91c13d21140f⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x984, 128:123, FBAnons.png)

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509827  No.14768653

File: f9d078d46a060c3⋯.jpeg (459.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kek44.jpeg)

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e0932b  No.14768654


Yeah, that's my thinking too. I just have several jars of sauce.

I also have cans of tomato sauce and beans…cook that up with some ground beef, good chili. Throw in diced tomatoes. I can make a pound of beef last a few days, just me and my son.

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39861e  No.14768655

File: b6b73ad758c2174⋯.png (165.12 KB, 794x581, 794:581, 59df9e30ade2826304c2d893c9….png)

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ff43a8  No.14768656


Bless you and yours, Anon. We can show others what happened before.

>Too often, foraging parties became bands of marauders answering to no authority.

“Sherman, with his hordes of depraved and lawless men, came upon us like a swarm of bees, bringing sorrow and desolation in their pathway. For days we had been expecting them and our loved boys in grey had been passing in squads, looking ragged and hungry. We gave them food and clothing, especially shoes and socks, for many were barefoot. The enemy seemed to be pouring in by every road that led to our doomed little town. Our cavalry [was]

contending every step, firing and falling back, covering the retreat of our gallant little band, Hardee’s forces, with Wade Hampton, Butler, and other – the scene in our town baffled description, all was consternation and dismay. In less time than I can write this, Sherman’s army was in possession of our once peaceful, quiet homes. Every yard and house was teeming with bummers, who went into our homes – no place was sacred; they even went into our trunks and bureau drawers, stealing everything they could find; our entire premises were ransacked and plundered, so there was nothing left to eat, but perhaps a little meal and peas, chickens, and all poultry was shot and taken. We all knew that our silver, jewelry, and all valuables would fall into their hands, so many women hid them in such places as they thought would never be found, but alas, for their miscalculations; one of my friends had a hen setting, and she took her watch and other valued jewels and hid them in the nest, under the hen; they did not remain long concealed, for they soon found them and enjoyed the joke. They went into homes that were beautiful, rolled elegant pianos into the yard with valuable furniture, china, cut glass, and everything that was dear to the heart—even old family portraits—and chopped them up with axes. They rolled barrels of flour and molasses into parlors, and poured out their contents on beautiful velvet carpets, in many cases set fire to lovely homes and burned them to the ground and even took some of our old citizens and hanged them until life was nearly extinct, to force them to tell where their money was hidden when alas, they had none to hide.” (31:274)


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f33f4a  No.14768657

File: ab18afd69c1c28b⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 862x485, 862:485, 10_BEARS_SEZ.jpg)

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ac1407  No.14768658

File: 241bec272fdca21⋯.png (607.61 KB, 1562x1252, 781:626, LL_EH_SM.png)

File: eeb0ec83b9bc68c⋯.png (146.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Seth_Rich_187_LL_BC_CL.png)

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1765ed  No.14768659


>you've got some botulism in there

but you looked 10 years younger. kek

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6b6386  No.14768660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

must watch and spread

great rap song

Let's go Brandon is Uniting America and the World

LETS GO BRANDON - Theme Song - Loza Alexander

Premiered 22 hours ago


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e0932b  No.14768661


They had that Trump parade in Fredericksburg, Ohio. One of my relatives knows someone who was in it.

The Amish don't usually do that, it was really cool.

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f83efb  No.14768662

File: 1367a62256883d0⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Jason_Chaffetz_Hillary_Cli….jpg)


there's a picture or video of Chaffetz shaking Hills mitt and she had a surprised look based on what he said…pic related but not it

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430989  No.14768663

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB, 660x780, 11:13, Wizard_Pepe.gif)


thank you…kek…that's good…right??? aren't we all "fags" here…oh…wait…some of you are just lowly anons…and some of us who know what the fuck we are talking about are called "fags"…kek…gottcha…

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947a4b  No.14768664


Pasta sauce/pickles treat like canned, it is put in the jar and sealed too hot for bacteria. The vaccuum seal on the lid (button pop) occurs as the contents cool. As long as the seal stays tight and the lid doesn't bulge, it should be fine. Notably, some things don't age well from a texture point of view. They may eat like mush but they shouldn't poison/infect you.

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e0932b  No.14768665



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86df58  No.14768666

File: 9608011fa9e7f9b⋯.jpg (179.69 KB, 720x1208, 90:151, 20211011_191323.jpg)

File: 4db56e60c3e8e9f⋯.jpg (80.21 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, 20211011_191237.jpg)


Las Vegas Raiders head coach Jon Gruden to resign after old emails revealed racist and homophobic comments - @TomPelissero

nervous clueless pussykek

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44e8e0  No.14768667

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d37216  No.14768668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b59174  No.14768669


B, quit fucking around here. If you and Q are going to bring it you need to get on the stick. Time is wasting and the country is under attack from all quadrants.

Let's go brother. Y'all fucking with twittwat, yoogle and facebutt? Making em' sweat a liddle?

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d86d4a  No.14768670


These would be hilarious to wear into a mask-only location.

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a58eb4  No.14768671

File: b30da548128b9a0⋯.png (508.06 KB, 630x413, 90:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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f44ff4  No.14768672


>his 500K home in Florida?

where tf can you get a Florida home for $500K?

sauce that shit faggot

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1765ed  No.14768673


>canned tomato paste,

the acidity can breakdown the cans and allow product to leak. that's what happened to mine. just the canned tomatoes that had problems. leaked everywhere.

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39861e  No.14768674

File: c180ed5ee9ac2af⋯.gif (191.24 KB, 640x636, 160:159, c180ed5ee9ac2af383e008a397….gif)

"Yes, it is alright to be white."

- Ol' Black Pepe

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43d580  No.14768675






All LB

Anons remember two years ago discussing videos and reports of gubmint stocking huge amounts of food stocks on the left coast.

This is by design

This is a scare event

This is to piss people off

This is to start a war

Be smart

Stock up

Be wary of the news…

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7aaf74  No.14768676

So Nancy P spoke on her running the world today…

Visiting the Pope now "receiving an award" as an excuse to be at NATO?

Who's running what these days?

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1ef278  No.14768677


>God doesn't make mistakes.


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5a982b  No.14768678

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Repost, and highly recommendation to watch anons, great work, also bitcute video embedded


time stamp 9.00 to just after






Trump says get rid of mandates


Boris Johnson dad wants depopulation


Graphene Oxide dance


Spanish TV walkout


Durham reports vid


Tyson Fury calls out Deantay for his alter ego demon


Tyson Fury shows the evil Deantay worships..


Wilder summons demons


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30fd59  No.14768679

File: 1730472e28e5b71⋯.jpg (186.85 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Get_Em_Early.jpg)

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509827  No.14768680


i'm honored by your intuition

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02d682  No.14768681


I think I know what pic you're talking about but I don't have it either.

If it's the one I'm thinking of I don't know how that pic got taken from this angle.

I don't see any cameras up close to Hildawg.

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6b6386  No.14768682

File: fc4693e199c0b05⋯.mp4 (14.49 MB, 854x480, 427:240, yt1s_com_LETS_GO_BRANDON_T….mp4)


LETS GO BRANDON - Theme Song - Loza Alexander

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bd1ed8  No.14768684


Seems to me like Nancy's the power behind the throne, taking marching orders from the Vatican.

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065f64  No.14768685


>I give it 6months tops

and how many times have you said this before? 6 or 7 maybe?

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baf913  No.14768686


To your question: Nothing. Your question is really: What is coming that will surprise even us nonanons? Answer: You about to find out.

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f33f4a  No.14768687

File: c487fec7f992dbf⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 568x553, 568:553, BLANKET_COMFY.jpg)

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509827  No.14768688

File: 3ed1fd549649db5⋯.png (16.91 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 10a2b9aab0f10e371ea45b688a….png)

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43d580  No.14768689

>>14766606 (lb)

SUPERFAGGOT has arrived

Board should be proud!

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845476  No.14768690

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)


Right he just makes mass murderers and genocide and child raping baby eaters.

God makes everything just perfect

Happy little accidents as Bob Ross would say

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430989  No.14768691


I already speak southern…among a few islander accents…

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bd1ed8  No.14768692


Bless your heart Joe Biden! kek

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80ea93  No.14768693

File: 6617132de3f0bd9⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a4ef4  No.14768694


>the acidity can breakdown the cans and allow product to leak. that's what happened to mine. just the canned tomatoes that had problems. leaked everywhere.

Aww shit, didnt think of that. Thanks for the heads up.

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6c09a2  No.14768695

File: 1e15bb30fc79977⋯.png (888.13 KB, 884x484, 221:121, up_in_smoke_rotsch.png)

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4db758  No.14768696


>there's a picture or video of Chaffetz shaking Hills mitt and she had a surprised look based on what he said…pic related but not it

he twattted 'so glad she's not potus. the investigation continues' with this photo inauguration day – fat lot of good that bs did with jc/rr/rm croonies running crooked's campaign for her. along with lame stream fake media.

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509827  No.14768697

File: ce5ee0363e8c952⋯.png (92 KB, 625x351, 625:351, 36de317c02310795ccc3ead773….png)

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02d682  No.14768698

File: 937ce38d11d2294⋯.png (53.93 KB, 228x164, 57:41, 937ce38d11d2294dc2e1322f6f….png)

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30fd59  No.14768700

File: 8bfcec209db3a87⋯.png (164.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Smoking_Pepe_Lines.png)

File: 5d3551048522e2a⋯.png (6.55 KB, 900x429, 300:143, Pepe_Eyes_Only.png)

File: 7819db64c477c74⋯.png (107.36 KB, 860x670, 86:67, Red_Skin_Pepe.png)

File: 6d7cf902946ab4c⋯.jpeg (938.86 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, image.jpeg)

File: e8d2866376fd318⋯.jpg (379.64 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, kamala_harris_nasa_main.jpg)

Meme Fodder

Happy Columbus Day!

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d63864  No.14768701

ok the pig in a blanket comfy one is funny

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212a8e  No.14768702

File: 743c07b0121339f⋯.jpeg (641.22 KB, 1242x2164, 621:1082, 933D56CB_1537_4ECD_8C31_2….jpeg)

File: fadcda86e6f3c75⋯.jpeg (480.24 KB, 1242x2174, 621:1087, A0EE6B33_B5A3_4B78_8336_E….jpeg)

File: b148fd715a5307f⋯.jpeg (432.64 KB, 1242x1833, 414:611, F05ECABC_B217_4C13_9084_E….jpeg)

What are we hearing in the news the last week or so?

Plane crashes.

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dcd8be  No.14768703

File: ad55eec8eb1775e⋯.png (631.1 KB, 634x476, 317:238, sobe.png)

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b6b673  No.14768704

File: af3368bb0a6c1d0⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Flynn never did shit when he was in office to protect American First.

You're one Stupid Mother Fucker, you know that?

If Flynn was anywhere near a bad guy he wouldn't have been fucked with so hard by this guy…

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065f64  No.14768705

File: 92be0347184b316⋯.jpg (82.77 KB, 1242x880, 621:440, acc22.jpg)


Amish give their kids ZERO vaxxes, not even the old standards. Amish have ZERO autism. Coincidence.




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f83efb  No.14768706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


from remembrance it was almost first person and his words on/about investigation were overheard?

here's the video from that picture perspective, can pick up some of her facial reaction…

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f33f4a  No.14768707

File: 033e4c00d75688e⋯.jpg (108.44 KB, 506x558, 253:279, SOUTHERN_TALK.jpg)

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947a4b  No.14768708


Have a 30lb sack of rice stashed. For a filling meal all you need to add is a cup of water… You always need carbs, especially if it's cold out.

Proteins in cans fish/meat of your choice.

(Have some flavorings available to prevent boredom - bouillon cubes last forever - soy sauce and as Anon suggested dried herbs/spices.)

Canned fruit may be an option but remember that vitamin C is lost by heating in the canning process.

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5f9d1d  No.14768709


Exactly. Everything about Flynn screams GOOD GUY, but now they are after him with the latest assault.

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f44625  No.14768710

Anon has canned tuna that doesn't "expire" until well into 2028…

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fe6f0b  No.14768711

File: 2dae3b0cf547c59⋯.jpg (145.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fake_N_gay_BO.jpg)

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30fd59  No.14768712

File: 0bb2a70def71eb9⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Slave_Owner_Kamel.jpg)


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753dd7  No.14768713

>>14765953 pb

"That's a dead thing. Don't do that"

>>14766066 pb

>>14765953 pb

"That's a dead thing. Don't do that"

Chokes on the name "Robert Kennedy Jr."

I wonder why

I think he's threatening. What a psycho.

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d37216  No.14768714

File: 18782af239e7ade⋯.jpg (355.75 KB, 975x768, 325:256, 20200612_053459.jpg)

File: c24751f573a226c⋯.jpg (405.09 KB, 900x813, 300:271, 20200613_142929.jpg)

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1765ed  No.14768715


>Bless your heart Joe Biden!

Southern for "you're so stupid"

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904de1  No.14768716


intesting pic. Huge library, where is it, what year?

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81406e  No.14768717

File: 16c1c391343d9f8⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x245, 51:49, c4de422965799182d29c81bbbf….jpg)

File: 074afd19ef812cc⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download_2_.jpg)


Thank you anon! Bless you too!!

God is Truly Awesome!

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753dd7  No.14768718

File: 9ca501a150a35e9⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 848x464, 53:29, gatesmeetstrump2.mp4)

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855b5f  No.14768719

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cfac28  No.14768720

Is reddit down or some other room??

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b0dfbb  No.14768721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


today on Amish and their lack of covid

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f44625  No.14768722


>Canned fruit may be an option but remember that vitamin C is lost by heating in the canning process.

Get powdered C for C needs.

Canned fruit is for morale.

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88ef13  No.14768723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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430989  No.14768724


it's Joe "Bidan"…remember where you are at!!!…

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43d580  No.14768725




It will happen when the weather cools

The Rod and the Ring will strike

Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood

La Palma - the rod

Pacific - the Ring [of Fire]

Dual tsunamis hitting the US on each coast at around the same time?


'specially since most of the liberal shit lives near the coasts…

Keep your eyes pealed for an interesting remainder of the month…

I'm heading inland…

See you in Johnstown

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6c09a2  No.14768726

File: d3db908fd7cd32f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1251x653, 1251:653, Screen_Shot_2021_01_18_at_….png)

File: bf5313ea4fc3046⋯.png (303.41 KB, 1196x575, 52:25, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

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80859e  No.14768727


Not his Alexandria Home for $800K

McChrystal rented this home from Flynn.

The Flynn Intel Group is a lobbying group established by Michael Flynn in October 2014.[1] Flynn registered the company from the home of his friend Stanley A. McChrystal, a "fellow general-turned-consultant."[2]


The one he now owns in Englewood, Florida

A Look at Boca Royale, Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s New Home


Public record shows they paid $10 for the deed, I had a copy of it and delete it. Most images that Flynn used that are Q related are being scrubbed from the internet.

And they still own the $1 million dollar property in Middletown, RI

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cc2b9f  No.14768728

File: 6d4aa4397af185f⋯.jpg (87.77 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Michael_over_Devil.jpg)


Good work, Anon. Not necessary for the oldfags, deep in the spirit, but for the new ones, hoping for sanctuary, it will refresh them.

There are some who seek to divide us. They look like us, some try to speak like us, but inside they are full of every wicked thing.

Those who sought to attack Gen. Flynn by twisting long canonized liturgical terminology and accusing him of the infernal worship they themselves secrety and openly practice.

Into them has been sent the hornet. They are bound as surely as flies.

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212a8e  No.14768730

File: 4ae54a7741d2b2b⋯.jpeg (443.65 KB, 713x2591, 713:2591, 9482D39C_0EB0_4A6D_A507_3….jpeg)

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9ab765  No.14768731

Anon wants to know if my parents will ever wake up…. bummer to be related to people that are so lost

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98ca84  No.14768732

File: 8eda169e488290d⋯.png (310.15 KB, 800x897, 800:897, Screenshot_64_.png)


>>Flynn never did shit when he was in office to protect American First.

>You're one Stupid Mother Fucker, you know that?

Well said anon. Losing this follow when my account got banhammered was painful. I got it back on the new account. Until the next banhammer. God bless the Flynn family, they have sacrificed a tremendous amount. He's one of the VERY few I have any confidence in at all.

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02d682  No.14768733

File: b7f95f9f52d5b8d⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hillary_Clinton_shakes_han….mp4)


Nice. Saved that little gem.

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ac1407  No.14768734

File: 5abbf137e88b82b⋯.jpg (456.84 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, kamala_Blind_item_8.jpg)



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6c8cd1  No.14768735


Voted the most punchable face before Fraudci and Hitler.

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d3cc41  No.14768736

File: c741596eaee15ba⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 320x320, 1:1, c741596eaee15ba4199253ff09….mp4)

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0d8887  No.14768737

60,000 migrants headed to America! Come on in! We can't wait!

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251779  No.14768738

600 meaningless posts.

Nice jobs, idiots.

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987792  No.14768739

Small state with big indictment- let’s keep the snowball rolling!



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065f64  No.14768740

File: bcf960b2c1a9216⋯.png (31.42 KB, 283x388, 283:388, jar_of_spaghetti_sauce.png)


>Cans outlast jars as a general rule.

couldn't resist.

besides, your post is BS. first, cans are lined with plastic containing estrogen mimics, including some with BPA.

older cans are plated with tin on the inside, a heavy metal toxin.

glass, on the other hand, does not leach anything into the contents, and is totally impervious to chemical attack by the contents.

honestly, only a moran would think cans are better that glass jars. learn not to drop them, butterfingers.

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80859e  No.14768741


Digital Ramtha Soldiers in the House

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509827  No.14768742

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88ef13  No.14768743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

California moves toward ban on gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers


Los Angeles Times

485K subscribers

California will outlaw the sale of new gas-powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chain saws as early as 2024 under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

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d37216  No.14768744

File: 00da2728a240a82⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 301x302, 301:302, 11078778.jpg)

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156760  No.14768745

File: 6e62785823d28ae⋯.png (214.22 KB, 464x496, 29:31, Untitled.png)


a quality meal replacement type protein powder isn't a bad idea, vitamins minerals carbs protein 1000 calories for ~2-3$/day, cut the servings in half and stretch it a month

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b0dfbb  No.14768746



The Lack Of Covid Among The Amish

Sharyl Attkisson on Full Measure today

3 other links


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947a4b  No.14768747


Oh and for the major preppers…. I didn't buy an AR, I got a decent 1000fps .177 airgun and 5000 pellets for 120 bucks. I am not above eating squirrel, rabbit or raccoon.

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c3f28e  No.14768748

lots of water bottles..


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cfac28  No.14768749


Rice AND beans make a complete protein.

Carbs are not necessary for life actually.

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1be3c5  No.14768750

File: 0d4f19b3e92bfec⋯.jpeg (124.27 KB, 662x814, 331:407, 44B22717_DD95_4517_AB9C_B….jpeg)

God bless, General…

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dcd8be  No.14768751

File: d6271ebdeba0986⋯.png (426.66 KB, 794x784, 397:392, wokeee.png)

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7aaf74  No.14768752

File: e526b82700d335f⋯.png (170.87 KB, 581x335, 581:335, dead_inside.png)

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f33f4a  No.14768753

File: ffc7f365da490e3⋯.jpg (109.21 KB, 506x552, 11:12, DEMORALIZER.jpg)

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c62d10  No.14768754


Based. Should have bonused him

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c3f28e  No.14768755

File: f4508d597bfbef3⋯.png (127.51 KB, 425x235, 85:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 534560061fea363⋯.png (112.74 KB, 418x238, 209:119, ClipboardImage.png)



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02d682  No.14768756

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 8ea52af43ba59afbf5e8326f8f….png)

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671a0f  No.14768757

File: 913841a317d67be⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1482x2048, 741:1024, Screenshot_20211011_181253.png)

File: 50e5b20009bd204⋯.png (600.38 KB, 1610x2048, 805:1024, Screenshot_20211011_182008.png)

File: ea5931efb48dd82⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1331x2048, 1331:2048, Screenshot_20211011_182036.png)


Historical context:



On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity. This was Case #1 of the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings.

Brigadier General Telford Taylor was Chief of Counsel during the Doctors Trial. In Taylor's own words, from the opening statement by the prosecution:

"The defendants in this case are charged with murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science. The victims of these crimes are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. A handful only are still alive; a few of the survivors will appear in this courtroom. But most of these miserable victims were slaughtered outright or died in the course of the tortures to which they were subjected. For the most part they are nameless dead. To their murderers, these wretched people were not individuals at all. They came in wholesale lots and were treated worse than animals."

After almost 140 days of proceedings, including the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. Sixteen of the doctors were found guilty. Seven were sentenced to death. They were executed on June 2, 1948.

*** Nursing homes, hospitals, extra money made from covid deaths if - $13k covid death dx, $39k if venilator used. - Their own "fact checker" https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/hospital-payments-and-the-covid-19-death-count/

Their sacred oaths went out the window when lives taken for money.

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5a982b  No.14768758

File: f41c6aa7f0f734d⋯.png (44.52 KB, 597x460, 597:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfa69668984600c⋯.png (718.34 KB, 960x411, 320:137, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - #Bitcoin is worthless and government regulation is coming for cryptocurrencies, says CEO of JPMorgan Chase.

5:04 PM · Oct 11, 2021·Twitter Web App

Probably Google's YouTube will soon ban monetization of videos discussing #Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies Rolling on the floor laughing


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904de1  No.14768759



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947a4b  No.14768760


When it's 10 degrees below, carbs are a nice to have.

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86df58  No.14768761

File: ead928ecd583f92⋯.mp4 (830.81 KB, 360x640, 9:16, I3JrEtqxHO2mWJ4J.mp4)

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ac1407  No.14768762

File: d992bc4d9aa9266⋯.jpg (4.72 KB, 255x207, 85:69, lil_kek.jpg)

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a35f86  No.14768763


Bullshit. The Amish caught a virus that doesn't exist? Shame on Sharyl.

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962cb4  No.14768764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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96f10c  No.14768765


You have to ask God, and ask him

To help you with messaging. If not that, than people have free whoever they are. We cant control another’s will

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39b57e  No.14768766

File: 5dc61779feeee47⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 580dba027f624278ae0fc87339….jpg)

File: 8ef78389569e99b⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 187x113, 187:113, ResizedP_1623112424027_120….gif)

File: a723236abcbbb15⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, a723236abcbbb15106950211d0….mp4)

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b59174  No.14768767


That fucking thing's name is Adm. Ackbar? Peace be upon him then.

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f44625  No.14768768


It is anon's experience that products in jars spoil before those in cans. In a survival situation, a little chemical contamination from can linings is not of primary concern.

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baf913  No.14768769


The expert guy who is not Amish but has made his life's work studying Amish is among the most stupid people who ever walked this earth. Has to have Ivy League degrees.

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cb98ea  No.14768770

File: e9932a6034acfdc⋯.png (231.04 KB, 640x886, 320:443, ClipboardImage.png)

Australian Police harass civilian about fb posts made 6 months earlier

Michael P Senger


Police interrogate resident at his home in Victoria, Australia, following a report of photos he posted on Facebook of a protest six months prior.


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a58eb4  No.14768771

File: 81d632f80c2896b⋯.png (179.94 KB, 342x342, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




It must suck to have to cheerlead with such losers.

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ee3d6b  No.14768772


>the barges being backed up

is it time to call a plumber?

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cce15c  No.14768773


Yep. Where the Amish are smart is to avoid the death jabs.

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f83efb  No.14768774


it was the Hillary was the fucked look that kicked it off…

and then there's mention of Chaffetz (Jason) and Gowdy in the Strozk Page texts, keyword searchable


?left hand media? Lord Help Me / Have Mercy?

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212a8e  No.14768775

File: 1276e717f122921⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1862, 621:931, AB826ACC_92DC_4E73_80FF_F….jpeg)

We have three SPAR (Special Priority Air Resource) flights out of Joint Base Andrews.

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753dd7  No.14768776

File: 92a1f4973c68441⋯.png (811.26 KB, 1000x1733, 1000:1733, sullivan.png)


Sullivan is a joke

by some accounts he rapes his own daughter.

and beats her.

His in the same dirty blackmail clique with RR

Can't find the text at the moment

It 's in the transcript of the Lin Wood informant

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818d36  No.14768777


…. I've got out of date beef jerky. If it got to that point, I wouldn't mind, afterall, they used to just hang and salt meat before refrigeration.

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39b57e  No.14768778

File: 22c94266303ae32⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 600x413, 600:413, ZomboMeme_11102021182318.jpg)

File: 0222bfbc1fad904⋯.gif (4.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, JollyGrouchyAnura_size_res….gif)

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c62d10  No.14768779

File: 3aea5325acd0043⋯.jpeg (83.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 17FEFD87_1C8B_4A87_BCE7_7….jpeg)

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ac1407  No.14768780

File: 02cb3339e100f76⋯.png (111.71 KB, 977x503, 977:503, Life_flog.png)


>Police interrogate resident at his home in Victoria, Australia, following a report of photos he posted on Facebook of a protest six months prior.

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212a8e  No.14768781

File: deefebdabb48557⋯.jpeg (29.98 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 890D08CE_772B_478E_B25F_0….jpeg)

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02d682  No.14768782

File: 93156d2290d77b0⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB, 238x432, 119:216, ksapr4dBFgj8kjt0.mp4)


Australia rant related.. well worth the listen imo

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81406e  No.14768783


When I first came to America, years, years ago, I remember the first thing I noticed about Americans is that they were always smiling! Not from my country, in fact you'd better NOT smile where I came from. I had to even ask my mom, why are they smiling so much and she said they're just happy to be here and kind people! I thought wow, I love this place! I was just 6 years old.

I think people, especially here miss seeing each others smiling faces. We always say hello as we pass by each other. When I got to the register I noticed that the cashier was really happy to see my smile! She smile right back, I could see it from behind her mask. She was so sweet and kind to me, never made me feel uncomfortable, in fact she was very warm and talkative. People draw to you when you smile and just start talking about anything. I love that about being a part of this country, my home, and it's part of what I love about the MAGA movement - the rally's are always full of smiling, happy and blessed Americans! That's such a magnet! That's Trump's style as well, cool, collected, happy and secure!

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86df58  No.14768784

File: 1817fd524a6398b⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 711x948, 3:4, 20211011_193227.jpg)

File: 39f3ec0263098ee⋯.jpg (360.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211011_193205.jpg)


George Clooney says President Biden's recent sinking poll numbers are because he inherited a wounded country from former President Trump

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d3cc41  No.14768785


God's wrath is about to wake some people up following devil dan does andrews.

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818d36  No.14768786


… difference between best before and expiry

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96f10c  No.14768787


I love watching the ally cats

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cfac28  No.14768788

>>14768730 Thanks seems as though they are congregating here.

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d37216  No.14768789

File: f50afadbee97139⋯.jpg (542.02 KB, 1080x1390, 108:139, 20210225_103320.jpg)

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d988ae  No.14768790


Sounds like a good time to invest in cryptocurrencies.

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d86d4a  No.14768791


Yes, there are doctors that have said that if you get any vaccine (not just covid) it will fuck you up further.

Make her fill out a will online.

Do it very seriously and unmockingly.

Ask her at least three times.

When she leaves to get it tell her you love her.

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fe356d  No.14768792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how they operate

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cc2b9f  No.14768793

File: 82e2afcf3c49b0a⋯.jpg (101.8 KB, 649x507, 649:507, We_the_Pepe.jpg)


If 60,000 Patriots met them at the border, they would rethink their ready for war attitude and turn around.

An invasion is an invasion. If the military won't protect the country, then those failing elements need to be disbanded and court martialed after the citizen patriots do their jobs for them.

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212a8e  No.14768794

File: 18e36944d63ab93⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1242x1448, 621:724, DF391210_A744_4EF0_9A02_28….png)

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6c09a2  No.14768795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




28-Aug-2018 4:33:25 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch


Hey Q

Does P= Payseur ?

When Do we start seeing the Pain… 


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904de1  No.14768796


>same shit/different day

shame shit, different flies.

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f44625  No.14768797


One of my creations. Too bad it didn't turn out to be true.

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02d682  No.14768798

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)


Nice - thanks anon.

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4db758  No.14768799

File: b41970a198c62cf⋯.png (392.76 KB, 622x856, 311:428, 1_6_21_Capital_whistlerblo….png)


>Police interrogate resident at his home in Victoria, Australia, following a report of photos he posted on Facebook of a protest six months prior.

already doing that here with their fake ass "insurrection" bs arrest–

whistleblower just proved "they" knew, period.

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c3f28e  No.14768800

File: ca222627446c348⋯.png (99.7 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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947a4b  No.14768801


…but you are right about beans.

I avoid them because they take forever to cook.

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cfac28  No.14768802


HAH! I do agree with that!

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ac1407  No.14768803

File: 40e68de604252c9⋯.png (319.08 KB, 349x345, 349:345, well_we_re_waiting.png)


2nd picrel….

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f83efb  No.14768804

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80859e  No.14768805


Jzknight, Jordan Sather, David and Corey all stump for Flynn.

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86df58  No.14768806

File: 706172eda749978⋯.jpg (359.78 KB, 774x902, 387:451, Psakiderrr.jpg)

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c6cde1  No.14768807


>>14768137 Dough

>>14768318 #18679



>>14768147 ENFORCEMENT ACTS OF 1870 AND 1871

>>14768150 131 Federal Judges Didn’t Disclose Their Interests and Cases May Be Reheard

>>14768151, >>14768310

Texas.gov: Governors Abbott Issues EO Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates By Any Entity

>>14768153, >>14768496 Learn Russian

>>14768157, >>14768183 The CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election” – Former CIA and State Department Employee Larry Johnson

>>14768165 Breitbart Cartel Reporter Dies in Mexico, Authorities Believe He Drowned

>>14768188 Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

>>14768194 Oak Park guardian accused of voter fraud involving multiple incapacitated individuals

>>14768230 Kamala Harris, NASA Release ‘Propaganda’ Film Featuring Child Actors, Receive Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews

>>14768249 @SecBlinken, I am grateful for the leadership of my predecessors and for their service to our country.

>>14768258 Federal Foreknowledge or Federal Incitement? Arrest of Green Beret Oath Keeper Threatens to Expose FBI’s Darkest 1/6 Secrets

>>14768291 Climate Protesters March on White House, Vandalize Andrew Jackson Statue

>>14768303 Mysterious Explosion Rocked Afghanistan’s Capital, Kabul

>>14768375 This is the guy coming on the board with his buddies trying to convince us Flynn is a Satanist

>>14768600 @AdamSchiff: On planes, down in the bunker, and inside the Oval Office, I wanted readers to see how Trump made it Midnight in Washington.

>>14768705 Amish give their kids ZERO vaxxes, not even the old standards. Amish have ZERO autism.

>>14768757 The doctors trial, the medical case of the subsequent Nuremberg proceedings

>>14768775 PF


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cce15c  No.14768808


10+ classic rant

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c3f28e  No.14768809


this guy

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065f64  No.14768810


>It is anon's experience that products in jars spoil before those in cans.

with all due respect, if the contents of jars spoil, it can only be because a poor job was done in the canning process. learn to sterilize jars and to sufficiently pasteurize the contents and to avoid contamination during canning, and your spoilage problems will vanish. anon still has jars of jelly that were put up by grandmother over 80 yrs ago. been saving for a special occasion.

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fe356d  No.14768811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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158d73  No.14768812

File: 972575f9cbbc694⋯.png (107.83 KB, 846x905, 846:905, Trump_Parade_.png)

I Remember Trump's enthusiasim for a PARADE!

Newsweek from 3/18/2018. November 11


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7dfc4b  No.14768813

File: b2b3274463d49b2⋯.png (218.91 KB, 603x722, 603:722, new_let.png)


LET'S GO, BRANDON!!!Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy

8:42 PM · Oct 11, 2021

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98ca84  No.14768814


>Public record shows they paid $10 for the deed

MY Deed says I paid $1.00. I can assure anon I most certainly did not pay $1.00.

Have you EVER bought a home? This line of reasoning suggests you never have.

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02d682  No.14768815

File: 6667d95d4e379dd⋯.png (19.93 KB, 255x251, 255:251, e3abd9b953732f3852bf0437c2….png)


>One of my creations.

A couple of years ago an anon told me the same thing. Is that you? What did you tell me specifically when you said you were surprised to see your meme "out in the wild".


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cb98ea  No.14768816


He nailed it

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f581b0  No.14768817


I really like this man.

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d37216  No.14768818

File: aacc23e9892871d⋯.png (530.13 KB, 1080x975, 72:65, Memeto_1619355897067.png)

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1dc886  No.14768819

File: 8b80b5bae434976⋯.png (629.27 KB, 600x896, 75:112, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb98ea  No.14768820


George Clooney is a liar.

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cc2b9f  No.14768821


Been doing this for years…it only looks expensive until you realize how much you save on skipped meals. Last thing I had this evening in fact.

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c3f28e  No.14768822


keeps on giving

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a35f86  No.14768823


They're batshit crazy in Cali. Banning plastic straws and now lawnmowers.

It's like picking your nose till it bleeds. See? We need to ban nosepicking.

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d3cc41  No.14768824

File: 0342c6c8a1a6e63⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 953b95f9f77f8079e9b52df152….jpg)

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3734a9  No.14768825

File: e2ede1a76f981e0⋯.jpeg (148.04 KB, 750x588, 125:98, 2AB61CFD_32D6_46EB_B524_E….jpeg)


Nice background.

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81406e  No.14768826

File: 6278566f37f577d⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2047x513, 2047:513, ClipboardImage.png)

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212a8e  No.14768827

Did Las Vegas really fire Gruden for an email send a decade ago?

What does he know? Something seems WAY off base here. He knows something about someone and they are trying to send a message.

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c227ec  No.14768828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Silent Running…It was Never about the Election

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886a62  No.14768829

File: 0c18ebcaf8a7d12⋯.png (319.49 KB, 442x343, 442:343, ClipboardImage.png)


My impression was that Emhoff could learn a lot more about the moon for a lot less if she practiced reading books, and that even at her age, practicing reading would definitely improve her mental faculties.

She's a small fish. Swamp = 15 million gangsters + tens of millions more cronies

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cc2b9f  No.14768830


Get both. The ARs ain't for squirrels.

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30fd59  No.14768831

File: d3ec3630bda78ac⋯.png (730.75 KB, 991x1307, 991:1307, 1634002499852.png)

File: bae089ccd096347⋯.png (43.07 KB, 495x186, 165:62, 1634002200560.png)

File: 74ecfad0540b1c9⋯.png (927.7 KB, 2171x1221, 2171:1221, 1634002633878.png)

File: 0c3bfd87d9dd3c3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1418x1870, 709:935, 1634002559097.png)


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f83efb  No.14768832


just as long as it isn't green beans and pop tarts

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f44625  No.14768833


>A couple of years ago

That was somewhere around last December or January.

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065f64  No.14768834


>MY Deed says I paid $1.00.

have you ever read past the first line? in this anon's state, the actual price must be explicitly stated in the deed.

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86df58  No.14768835

Yea it looks like he's hanging out at the wood pile


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98ca84  No.14768836

File: 7eb97f9be73d394⋯.png (22.49 KB, 239x255, 239:255, _StupidPeople.png)



Special delivery dipshits

"Bless your hearts"

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7dfc4b  No.14768837

File: 1a1b9fab160e83c⋯.png (294.25 KB, 552x471, 184:157, cheers_1.png)



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c62d10  No.14768838

File: 3aea5325acd0043⋯.jpeg (83.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 30221CAB_F336_46B7_BE98_C….jpeg)

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ff43a8  No.14768839


All it would take to mobilize is a call for volunteers for a state militia to protect our southern border. Who would propose such a bill?

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1765ed  No.14768840


>canning process.

If jars are used…why do they call it canning? kek

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d26620  No.14768841


This anon lives in the country. When you walk into the feed store people will call out hello. When you're in the grocery, the checkers can't help but gab up a storm.

I was in London a couple years ago and walked into the grocery store by my hotel. Got what I wanted, stood in line to check out and noticed that not a single person talked to the cashier when they paid for their shit. He was a man in his thirties.

So when it was my turn I said Hey, how's it going? He kinda looked at me, paused - probably thought - OK - we got us an American. And I thought for sure he was gonna be a dick.

But then he smiled instead. And said, I'm good, how are you? And I said, Yeah, I'm OK.

Everyone in line behind me looked at us like they had never seen two strangers have a conversation before. It was weird. But that guy smiled because I said hello.

City people have no clue what the real world is like.

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fe356d  No.14768842


le faique

el gayo

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ccdf04  No.14768843

File: 0c1d00635ef8470⋯.jpeg (117.36 KB, 1024x864, 32:27, ED0D5C7E_1BC8_43F7_9ED0_F….jpeg)

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80859e  No.14768844


So a Flynn family fundraiser at the Ramtha Cult School of Enlightenment or his nuclear Doomsday Cult prayer isn’t a sure sign of His [Qdrop 369 Bishop] status in a cult?

Sure Jan.

You’re probably also proud that he was Joint Chief of War Plans when he invaded Haiti for the Clintons.

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a3ee9b  No.14768845

File: 990a420987b9281⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 346x166, 173:83, HI_MrPig.JPG)

File: e496023ac546581⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 348x167, 348:167, HI_Winning.JPG)

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c6cde1  No.14768846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14768137 Dough

>>14768318 #18679




>>14768147 ENFORCEMENT ACTS OF 1870 AND 1871

>>14768150 131 Federal Judges Didn’t Disclose Their Interests and Cases May Be Reheard

>>14768151, >>14768310 Texas.gov: Governors Abbott Issues EO Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates By Any Entity

>>14768153, >>14768496 Learn Russian

>>14768157, >>14768183 The CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election” – Former CIA and State Department Employee Larry Johnson

>>14768165 Breitbart Cartel Reporter Dies in Mexico, Authorities Believe He Drowned

>>14768188 Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

>>14768194 Oak Park guardian accused of voter fraud involving multiple incapacitated individuals

>>14768230 Kamala Harris, NASA Release ‘Propaganda’ Film Featuring Child Actors, Receive Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews

>>14768249 @SecBlinken, I am grateful for the leadership of my predecessors and for their service to our country.

>>14768258 Federal Foreknowledge or Federal Incitement? Arrest of Green Beret Oath Keeper Threatens to Expose FBI’s Darkest 1/6 Secrets

>>14768291 Climate Protesters March on White House, Vandalize Andrew Jackson Statue

>>14768303 Mysterious Explosion Rocked Afghanistan’s Capital, Kabul

>>14768375 This is the guy coming on the board with his buddies trying to convince us Flynn is a Satanist

>>14768600 @AdamSchiff: On planes, down in the bunker, and inside the Oval Office, I wanted readers to see how Trump made it Midnight in Washington.

>>14768705 Amish give their kids ZERO vaxxes, not even the old standards. Amish have ZERO autism.

>>14768757 The doctors trial, the medical case of the subsequent Nuremberg proceedings

>>14768775 PF

>>14768784 George Clooney says President Biden's recent sinking poll numbers are because he inherited a wounded country from former President Trump


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fe356d  No.14768847

File: fd9b078cc40eb65⋯.png (174.92 KB, 496x310, 8:5, pepe_blast_2.png)

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02d682  No.14768848

File: e0d5fbfad0bcaf7⋯.jpg (98.89 KB, 960x731, 960:731, e0d5fbfad0bcaf79ba32bb1306….jpg)


double dubs

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cb98ea  No.14768849

File: ac4d23ee34dc9c8⋯.png (530.72 KB, 678x807, 226:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98567e00e8bc94e⋯.png (305.5 KB, 600x534, 100:89, 98567e00e8bc94eaa87b8c3f9a….png)

White House Whistleblower Claims Strangers Drag Him From Place To Place And Make Him Sign Papers And Read Words On Monitors And He Hardly Gets Any Ice Cream

WASHINGTON, D.C.—CNN has just released a bombshell interview with an anonymous White House whistleblower, who gave a harrowing account that could spell trouble for the Biden administration.

Speaking with Jake Tapper, the whistleblower—who identifies as a "White House aide who is young, with no hair plugs or dentures and definitely not Joe Biden"—gave an account of brutal working conditions in the White House.

"Listen, folks, here's the deal," said the unidentified whistleblower through a distortion filter to protect his identity. "It stinks here, Jack! Strangers drag me from place to place and make me sign papers and read words on monitors and I hardly get any ice cream!"

"With so much to lose, why are you coming forward now?" asked Jake Tapper solemnly.

"Because it's the right thing to do, you lying dog-faced pony soldier!" said the mystery man whose face was shrouded in darkness. "No ice cream? Are you kidding me? It's inhumane! And I haven't sniffed hair in a week!"

We reached out to President Biden for a response but were unsuccessful.


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88ef13  No.14768850

File: 8b21f67d75afe2b⋯.png (256.02 KB, 566x596, 283:298, ClipboardImage.png)



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4db758  No.14768851

File: 350ce4e1ce0de60⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1432x1796, 358:449, Jobs_report.png)

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158d73  No.14768853


Anybody seen Shifty in front of a mic at a press conference lately? He used to be in front of the cameras every other day is seems. Reduced to twitting by an unknown?

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5cad02  No.14768854


I thought it was Southern for "fuck you."

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aa4628  No.14768855


And yet they let this happen …HOW are they going to change it …Talk is cheap

How Australia’s “Gold Standard” for Gun Control is Killing Citizens’ Freedoms

Australia’s current COVID-19 and firearm freedom turmoil should be more than enough proof that America can’t afford to make the same mistakes.

Many on the left seek to use Australia’s strict gun laws as an example for the U.S. to follow. In reality, Australians’ rights to defend themselves are now being exploited by their own government and police.

Due to surging COVID-19 cases, Australia has once again imposed strict lockdowns in most areas of the country. Recent footage and reports show that those who disobey by merely going outside are being shot with non-lethal rubber bullets by police. While these outrageous actions of violence and control might be expected from the Chinese Communist Party, seeing it from Australia is truly shocking.

Americans should look to what’s happening in Australia and defend their rights, from firearms to free speech. Australia’s own ambassador to the U.S., Joe Hockey even admits that “Australia was born from a culture of ‘the government will protect me,’” changing the discussion of how Australian laws compare to our country. We now see how dangerous that mindset can be and why the left’s proposed courses of action should not be followed.

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6c8cd1  No.14768856


Fraudci and Gates have killed way more then 100's thousands with their gain of function in Wuhan and patented poison vaccines… wretched crimes against humanity.

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886a62  No.14768857

File: e9cf414099fc77f⋯.png (523.64 KB, 640x587, 640:587, ClipboardImage.png)

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987792  No.14768858


Kek! Still got some y2k stores.

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5cad02  No.14768860


I had a conversation with a Mennonite woman a while back and she confirmed that.

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96f10c  No.14768861


God bless you anon, we will all be smiling bug happy smiles again! Its the best thing about America, the majority are kind happy people! They are trying to destroy that!

Anons and patriots will not allow that to happen!

WWG1WGA and we love our country and all people that dont mean us harm. The others need to go. We will never be a socialist or communist nation! DJT

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c3f28e  No.14768863

File: 3dc4e7ee045927e⋯.png (194.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Father, husband, former federal prosecutor, triathlete and sometimes comic.

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a35f86  No.14768864


>anon still has jars of jelly that were put up by grandmother over 80 yrs ago. been saving for a special occasion.

Really? That's amazing. But how can you be sure that the jelly is still good? Do you eat a sample from time to time?

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6c09a2  No.14768865

File: 29318deb0292740⋯.png (1.06 MB, 957x660, 29:20, Screen_Shot_2021_10_11_at_….png)

File: 160b126b5a9018f⋯.png (942.57 KB, 692x7438, 346:3719, Screenshot_2021_10_11_at_1….png)

File: c38f4b1c902401e⋯.png (378.73 KB, 603x600, 201:200, djt_purple.png)


illary Clinton conceded defeat in the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday morning, calling on her supporters to give Donald Trump “an open mind and the chance to lead.”

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534b07  No.14768866

File: c4fc936d57c7a5d⋯.jpg (80.23 KB, 384x623, 384:623, southern.jpg)

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54f606  No.14768867

>>1476882 You forgot the POS part.

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065f64  No.14768869


>If jars are used…why do they call it canning? kek

hey everyone, george carlin is here!

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fe356d  No.14768870



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c3f28e  No.14768871

File: 033fc5934b66367⋯.png (232.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Stephanopoulos911.png)


“I was most angry with these insurrectionists in suits and ties…my colleagues of mine who knew it was a lie.”

@RepAdamSchiff speaks to @GStephanopoulos about the January 6th insurrection.

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947a4b  No.14768872


Gay kiddie fiddler and murderer?

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818d36  No.14768873

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f44625  No.14768874


My strategy for surviving a dark winter of hyperinflation and food lines and "food assistance" (only in return for getting jabbed) is a diet high in proteins and fats, very low in carbs. Where I live, proteins come primarily in cans, not jars.

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39b57e  No.14768875

File: aad561bc16147ac⋯.jpg (337.34 KB, 1077x1192, 1077:1192, Screenshot_20211004_210035….jpg)

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ac1407  No.14768876


>Who would propose such a bill?

Governor West of Texas.

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ff43a8  No.14768878


Drop this one. It was checked out here years ago. It was a family outing in Italy with other adults present. I remember many who sought to use this image but did not succeed. Let this one go.

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b4cb2a  No.14768880

File: 667d7dd9b69ae02⋯.jpeg (40.35 KB, 960x730, 96:73, received_249813207160693.jpeg)

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fe356d  No.14768882

File: 10a0df83d4f8ebe⋯.png (329.5 KB, 492x302, 246:151, pepe_dragons.png)

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80859e  No.14768883

File: 22ae485294a151b⋯.png (442.68 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 43AF474E_D61A_48C1_83A5_91….png)


They’re friends. Try again dipshit.

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430989  No.14768885


Love Justin's videos…

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7aaf74  No.14768886

File: ad0797278c41456⋯.jpg (393.9 KB, 640x492, 160:123, hhhhhhhhhh.jpg)

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96f10c  No.14768888


George has s serious commupance coming soon!

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4db758  No.14768889

File: 5201dda965fe11a⋯.png (25.96 KB, 577x459, 577:459, ClipboardImage.png)


>So a Flynn family fundraiser at the Ramtha Cult School of Enlightenment or his nuclear Doomsday Cult prayer isn’t a sure sign of His [Qdrop 369 Bishop] status in a cult?

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c3f28e  No.14768891

aimless individuals acting on impulse is not an insurrection

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bd1ed8  No.14768892


She's the DC bicycle, everyone gets a ride.

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b4cb2a  No.14768893


Digits confirm

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065f64  No.14768894


>But how can you be sure that the jelly is still good?

they have not exploded. the jars have no lids on them. she sealed them by pouring molten canning wax over the contents.

if the contents went bad, the fermentation would produce gases and the pressure would cause the wax to rupture.

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6cfcea  No.14768895

File: 3e489ce450d719b⋯.png (69.26 KB, 709x798, 709:798, pepe_pitchfork.png)

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c6cde1  No.14768896

File: 1a57bdff7eb3e6b⋯.jpg (342.87 KB, 710x893, 710:893, FAA_wgMVUAYUqjR.jpg)





Q Research General #18681: BIRTH of a NEW NATION Edition

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947a4b  No.14768897

File: 935a1df5747cd0f⋯.png (337.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AmDreamKH.png)

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80859e  No.14768898

File: 3abe244b41c7477⋯.png (741.09 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 069B7880_AEB4_4995_BDA1_E7….png)


Oh and check that www.mikeflynndefensefund.org while you’re at it. I’ll wait 😂😂

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ee3d6b  No.14768899


>aimless individuals acting on impulse is not an insurrection

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cc2b9f  No.14768900


Someone soon, let's pray.

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bd1ed8  No.14768901


Sol…don't post.

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f33f4a  No.14768902

File: ff32c96b2b7cda5⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 664x288, 83:36, HI_WIN.jpg)

File: cada01d8f7717d0⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 687x329, 687:329, HI_WIN_MOAR.jpg)

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b4cb2a  No.14768903


Gratitude, baker

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6c8cd1  No.14768904


Spot on - every word is truth.

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