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9c1176  No.14750792[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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9c1176  No.14750799



>>14750072 @RepThomasMassie: Study suggests Delta variant is being spread FROM VACCINATED healthcare workers TO VACCINATED healthcare workers.

>>14750092 @TheRealCVN71: Introducing Electrician's Mate (Nuclear) 3rd Class Caitlin Ross, from Lago Vista, Texas, your Rough Rider of the Week

>>14750112 FJB! Cincinnati Ohio

>>14750172, >>14750205 'After vaccinating over 85% of its population, Singapore 🇸🇬 finally flattened the curve, but along the wrong axis:'

>>14750229 Biden passes over rumored Nancy Pelosi for Vatican ambassador

>>14750230 @rothschildmd: This is a blank piece of paper (CodeMonkeyZ pic)

>>14750249 Public Interest Law Center Says Congressman Mike Kelly May Have Misused PAC Dollars On Luxury Resorts For Personal Use

>>14750252 BREAKING: Federal circuit court reinstates Texas heartbeat abortion ban

>>14750262 Wendy Rogers AZ just went full blown Q.

>>14750279 anon dig on "Done in 30"

>>14750326 @EricTrump: The Biden administration created less jobs in the month of September than the amount of illegal migrants that it let through our southern border.

>>14750357 FDA never really approved Pfizer COVID vaccine, Sen. Ron Johnson tells Tucker Carlson

>>14750362 #18654 #1 collected

>>14750385 Stunning Video Show "Supposedly Retired," F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighters In Action

>>14750123, >>14750127, >>14750484 Anon dig belief systems, Humanity's challenge? Unity despite the deceptions abound.

>>14750394, >>14750524 Vid. new CISA director Jen Easterly announced on August 31, 2021. Government contracts with CISA with who? You guessed it! Crowdstrike, Paloalto, Fireeye, Microsoft, Google, AWS(amazon), AT&T, Verizon, & Lumen.

>>14750553 The Mystery Of The Millions Of “Missing Workers”

>>14750699 Chile prosecutors to investigate President Pinera following Pandora papers leak

>>14750742 mp4 vid. HOLY SHIT! I was in the building across from the DTLA shooting / hostage situation today. Viewer discretion advised

>>14750773 California to Make Critical Race Theory Indoctrination a Requirement for All High School Graduates

>>14750791 #18657

#18656 #18654 #3


>>14749341 Afghanistan: Part of The Plan

>>14749350 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Yikes. #FJB

>>14749354, >>14749409, >>14749554, >>14749612 PF report

>>14749376 @realLizUSA: Statement by Donlad J. Trump October 8, 2021. Biden has rejected our request to withhold White House information from the House Unselect Committee investigating the January 6th protest

>>14749488 Wendy Rogers, [08.10.21 19:14] Everyone is asking what is going on with the AG in Arizona. I have no idea. I will work on finding out but no news in this business is bad news.

>>14749635, >>14749662 vid. General Flynn - - "We Have Two Separate Governments.

>>14749644 Jim Watkins, [08.10.21 20:48]The Revolution Starts at 7. https://freedomslips.com/

>>14749658 GA Deputy SofS Jordan Fuchs, Who Lied About Trump Phone Call, On Board Of Leftist Non-Profit

>>14749664 How many kids do you think Biden has raped since he stole the elections?

>>14749672 Biden Denies President Trump Request To Invoke Executive Privilege On Documents Regarding Jan. 6 Protests

>>14749703 5.1 Earthquake Iran

>>14749758 California will mandate menstrual products be supplied in public school restrooms, including in at least one men's bathroom per school.

>>14749851 Beijing FUMES, demands answers after US nuclear attack submarine hit unknown object in the Pacific

>>14749938 JUST IN: In a unanimous published decision issued Oct. 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio, held Western Michigan University's vaccination mandate likely violated sixteen unvaccinated athletes’ First Amendment rights.

>>14750035 #18656

>>14747717 #18654 aka #18655 TBC

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9c1176  No.14750801


>>14747767 if you're unvaxxed in Canada as a tourist, a student, a foreign worker, etc. you literally won't be allowed to fly out from any airport

>>14747773 Vigiacess WHO vaccine injuries

>>14747787 New Court Docs Reveal Dershowitz Blew His Load With Child Sex Slave Virginia Giuffre

>>14747821 Biden back to fake White House set for spin on down jobs report

>>14747847 Adam Schiff claims Robert Mueller suffering 'heartbreaking' cognitive decline

>>14747927 Health cover like NoName. Also, the word "heartbreaking" was used in another article. Anon pointed to the keyword of the day in an earlier bread.

>>14747849 17 shipsU.S. Navy @USNavy. 4 carriers in the Pacific

>>14747856, >>14747868 Facebook and Instagram users hit with outages — again

>>14747890, >>14747898, >>14748095 packed on a few pounds since 2019

>>14747893 Andy Biggs questions corrupt AZ county commissioners on election fraud, must go viral

>>14747896 China Threatens "Cataclysmic Upheaval" In Relations After Former Aussie PM Gives Fiery Speech In Taiwan

>>14747917 ‘Trump Wins’ again: Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Says January 6 Select Committee Is ‘Dead’

>>14747931 Biden Rushes Away From White House TV Set, Ignores Reporters After Defending September Jobs Report

>>14747962 today, driving down the interstate in Central Illinois

>>14747993 Bannon will not comply

>>14748007 Sidney Powell sues Defense Department over vaccine mandate |

>>14748031 Science

>>14748066 Killary virtual tour next week

>>14748266, >>14748238, >>14748283, >>14748290 Nancy: It Italy international in in in investing in inclusive. [i] = missle. Interdasting

>>14748490 47 on Kamal-toes hat

>>14748064 Americas front line doctors filed-a-complaint-against-kaiser-permanente

>>14748103 CodeMonkey has been in the trenches in Arizona recently.

>>14748078 Durham Investigates Pentagon Contractors Who Helped Clinton Campaign Plot Russia Hoax

>>14748098, >>14748110 DJT Jr: #FJB. Red Wave or Red Tsunami

>>14748193 NEW! President Donald J. Trump

>>14748268 White House orders release of Trump records to Jan. 6 committee

>>14748338 Wisconsin Judge Michael Gableman Gives an Update on His Election Investigation

>>14748339 Psaki blames Biden’s plunging approval ratings on the “20% of the country who’ve decided not to get vaccinated.”

>>14748410 Newsom has signed a bill to make CRT a high school graduation requirement,

>>14750362 #18654

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9c1176  No.14750802


>>14746864 Teachers Union, AG Merrick Garland and FBI’s Plan to Monitor Parents was Political Setup for Midterms

>>14746882, >>14746927, >>14746940 PF

>>14746898 Gazprom Plant Connected To Russia-China Gas Pipeline Shuttered Due To Fire

>>14746916 Los Angeles sheriff refuses to enforce vaccine mandate

>>14746929 Original Facebook Whistleblower Exposes How Frances Haugen Only Helps Big Tech and Gov’t

>>14746955 Beijing Rebranded Confucius Institutes in Response to Rising International Criticism: Report

>>14746964 Video: Biden Delivers Remarks on Restoring Protections for National Monuments

>>14746985 I Interviewed Trump For 5 Hours. Here’s What He Told Me About …

>>14747023 China bombs own dam for flood containment

>>14747056 Teamsters employees say union creates hostile work environment against unvaccinated staffers

>>14747075 New York Times' Quarterly Profits Falls 58 Percent

>>14747101 Pandemic: Biden maskless, coughing, hands out pens, shakes hands

>>14747109 Son of Afghanistan’s Former Defense Minister Buys $20.9 Million Beverly Hills Mansion

>>14747114 Iceland stops administering Moderna vaccine

>>14747150 Finland pauses use of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine for young men

>>14747134 Stephen Bannon doesn’t plan to comply with a subpoena from the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack

>>14747115 Video: Psaki live

>>14747153 Registered Foreign Agent Terakeet Gave $200K to McAuliffe Campaign

>>14747182 Reminder: submarine comms from August

>>14747186 Judicial Watch Sues for Info on Biden Administration Shut Down of China-COVID Investigation

>>14747221 @RealGenFlynn: 21 Years of Election Fraud – and They All Know

>>14747232 California Criminology Professor Is Charged With Arson

>>14747244 Wendy Rogers: Deep State Midge’s new “close” friend. Trump hater.

>>14747276, >>14747285, >>14747298, >>14747303, >>14747310, >>14747343 #2 attacked topic _[POTUS #1]

>>14747326 PEDO Bun 8 October 21

>>14747337, >>14747347, >>14747369, >>14747378, >>14747382 Craigslist: Arizona 2021 Election campaign jobs for the vaxxed - FieldWorks

>>14747340 International print shop for forged documents dismantled in Barcelona

>>14747371, >>14747417 How Many "Heartbreaking" Headlines?

>>14747475 Facebook Services Currently Suffering Moderate Outages

>>14747477 China's Largest Bank Restricts Forex And Commodity Trading For Retail Investors

>>14747488 Pharma Company Behind Miracle COVID Pill Is Marking Up Price 4,000%

>>14747550 #18653

Previously Collected

>>14745131 #18650, >>14746034 #18651,>>14746817 #18652

>>14745474 #18647, >>14745490 #18648, >>14745542 #18649

>>14739897 #18644, >>14740772 #18645, >>14745380 #18646

>>14738114 #18641, >>14740065 #18642, >>14739878 #18643

>>14738419 #18638, >>14737024 #18639, >>14739111 #18640

>>14732650 #18635, >>14733414 #18636, >>14734217 #18637

>>14730318 #18632, >>14731455 #18633, >>14738419 #18634

>>14727998 #18629, >>14728827 #18630, >>14729551 #18631

>>14731574 #18625, >>14726463 #18627, >>14732095 #18628

>>14722675 #18622, >>14723753 #18623, >>14724180 #18624

>>14722017 #18619, >>14721080 #18620, >>14721777 #18621

>>14717983 #18616, >>14718757 #18617, >>14721875 #18618

>>14721538 #18615, >>14717983 #18616, >>14718757 #18617

>>14716758 #18612, >>14717988 #18613, >>14721371 #18614

>>14713149 #18609, >>14713376 #18610, >>14713894 #18611

>>14709897 #18606, >>14713076 #18607, >>14713057 #18608

>>14707438 #18603, >>14712934 #18604, >>14709144 #18605

>>14706605 #18600, >>14706721 #18601, >>14707052 #18602

>>14704619 #18597. >>14704617 #18598, >>14704702 #18599

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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9c1176  No.14750804

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>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

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>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

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9c1176  No.14750807



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58f10c  No.14750816

File: 905aec511023c20⋯.jpeg (37.31 KB, 370x310, 37:31, B34B470F_1809_46F9_9279_0….jpeg)

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4c14f3  No.14750830

File: 4cea8f27755f092⋯.png (1.57 MB, 940x1030, 94:103, E1668036_2D57_4FFC_A11C_13….png)

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e26500  No.14750833

Does 'ler's go' have new meaning on its own?

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20b96a  No.14750840

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, Our_flag.jpg)


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81e055  No.14750841

File: 3e9d4c7a8b879f7⋯.png (353.23 KB, 828x585, 92:65, 354b74b7556510dfcab980b053….png)

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1ba520  No.14750842

File: fa41c2acd530349⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 314x460, 157:230, TRUMP2020GIRLSv12.jpg)

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81e055  No.14750843

File: 9db512d5623872c⋯.png (992.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9fdedcfba1d49415531d93a847….png)

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5b44f2  No.14750844

File: 7216ae81950e866⋯.jpeg (356.73 KB, 750x739, 750:739, 0B0AE96C_757C_4925_B8D6_2….jpeg)


Thank you baker

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61c2ce  No.14750845

File: b2865844c2c7ab2⋯.png (466.32 KB, 753x577, 753:577, elmo_reparations.png)


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4e4b89  No.14750846

File: e243a8ff06c5917⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 554x564, 277:282, BAKER_2FER1.jpg)




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cdd960  No.14750847

File: a9b10724d8b8d3f⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 1080x1053, 40:39, Screenshot_20211008_221022….jpg)


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0d12f7  No.14750848

>>14750777 /LB

Good for you! Still intrinsically 'unattractive', but beauty comes from within, so kudos.

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e54b3c  No.14750849

File: 3a617a0c4e69bcc⋯.png (242.14 KB, 776x635, 776:635, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS in danger tomorrow?

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5b44f2  No.14750850

File: 1689eeb5a903bb1⋯.jpeg (312.99 KB, 683x673, 683:673, DD6C693D_C91D_4977_ABB0_B….jpeg)

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5b44f2  No.14750851

File: ce18c34014b4670⋯.jpeg (157.5 KB, 570x480, 19:16, 38F0DC36_3EC7_499C_9697_3….jpeg)


Your sincerity is both stunning and brave Mr Pig

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20b96a  No.14750852

File: f6622c8ea766888⋯.jpeg (95.23 KB, 712x712, 1:1, leftist_memes.jpeg)

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67f405  No.14750853


Maybe, except this would be Biden now.

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ec2ddc  No.14750854


Keep licking, you missed a spot.

kek… fuckin' piglets.

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9794cf  No.14750855

File: 6635baa83ae7ce1⋯.jpg (739.57 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, paddock.jpg)





Engaging in a cathartic release by sharing pics and some esoteric information. For instance: being a former resident of NM I have decent insight into Epstein and Bill Richardson (the former governor).

>Epstein relished privacy, subsequently buying land in NM (Zoro Ranch) in the proverbial wild west adjacent to Tom Ford's estate.

>Compound was noted for its 1000 square foot subterranean "strip club", on site residences for hired up, and its relatively close proximity to Santa Fe.

>Santa Fe Houses the detestable Santa Fe Institute, home of esoteric teachings brought to you by Maxwell's sister, and classes supposedly taught by Bill Richardson.

>Aside from a possible airstrip, the government owns a swatch of land of inside the estate.

I implore anons to look into the aforementioned institute, national parks in NM (especially Carlsbad), and the myriad of Sci-Fi-esque endeavors of this hell hole I escaped from. Hint: AFOTEC/Space Force ops yields a trove of valuable info.

Plus, there is a lot of Zoro Ranch, and ties to Atlantis, and the whole transhumanism to cover.

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cdc5ff  No.14750856





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5b44f2  No.14750857

File: 96872850615f73d⋯.jpeg (415.82 KB, 750x782, 375:391, 0E0FBB52_FD0B_4C95_BEB1_2….jpeg)

Watch: MSM Can’t Believe Biden’s Abysmal September Jobs Report: “The Worst of the Year”


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68f655  No.14750858

File: 8935cda672b4355⋯.png (18.67 KB, 474x379, 474:379, 6DA321B3_C547_4D55_92B8_AE….png)

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4e4b89  No.14750859

File: 34d242f130b7074⋯.jpg (134.17 KB, 758x452, 379:226, PIG_T_109.jpg)

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5b44f2  No.14750860

File: 8638ff9522fc56c⋯.jpeg (175.53 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, 43764349_E462_4B67_9412_D….jpeg)


I was being facetious

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81e055  No.14750861


What is this pic?

Paddock related?

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cdd960  No.14750862

Admit you're definitely RETARDED

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ec2ddc  No.14750863


Got it! You have to admit, the adoring "fans" are no less smarmy.

Good camo, good joke… and even better kek!

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9c1176  No.14750864

File: 0af9ed58c7f274a⋯.png (290.72 KB, 478x563, 478:563, Screenshot_2021_10_09_at_0….png)

The Times of Israel


Proud Boys-sympathizing rabbi in Florida providing vaccine exemption requests




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126468  No.14750865

File: a0d4e4641ede2bb⋯.png (65.21 KB, 745x387, 745:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d46fb2794e27c5⋯.png (876.37 KB, 1044x909, 116:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb8e348559590a⋯.png (161.11 KB, 717x889, 717:889, ClipboardImage.png)





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e26500  No.14750866


The Bidan low poll numbers are hard for them.

What's worse are Trump's high favorability numbers.

That scares them enough to pull out all stops to take him down.

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67f405  No.14750867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cdd960  No.14750868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5f60d3  No.14750869

File: 3db297a0714c123⋯.jpg (71.31 KB, 413x612, 413:612, pig_agent.jpg)

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61c2ce  No.14750870

It just dawned on me!

Everything makes sense now.

Mr. Pig is Q.

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9c1176  No.14750871

File: 807bb8737224d6d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, c7f66c86955f3bbe3d8dc5ff09….png)


Hi Patrick

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3fce05  No.14750872

File: a7357b6e85015aa⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1016x1160, 127:145, 1633758577521.png)

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4e4b89  No.14750873

File: c8dd56b39f07a5f⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 387x639, 43:71, AGENT_WIN.jpg)

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7e7e90  No.14750874

File: 27c5dd5f6a8d4eb⋯.png (13.03 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 27c5dd5f6a8d4ebc6579da5340….png)

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3d45b7  No.14750875

File: f5baf259dd716f5⋯.jpg (68.63 KB, 717x676, 717:676, 20211008_233621.jpg)

File: 1bae9fe01946952⋯.jpg (170.66 KB, 1294x720, 647:360, 20200817_223037.jpg)

File: 98dd345bd12886e⋯.jpg (153.12 KB, 1242x720, 69:40, 20200817_222829.jpg)

File: 1dfc7a99cd828a9⋯.jpg (328.48 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200412_110520….jpg)

File: 66ec9f293ceb1b0⋯.jpg (217.65 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200412_110422….jpg)


>>14750631 lb

I did the same with Microsoft.

Told them I wasn't going to support their business any longer because they hired Marina Abramovic the Luciferian Spirit Cooking Witch, who is a known pedophile/pedovore as their spokes person.

I wonder how many people dropped their serviced and called. Because they let Marina go because of it. Ha

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68f655  No.14750876

File: ea8eebd1349792c⋯.png (107.27 KB, 254x158, 127:79, 3BA7B34F_BE69_4A49_A1CF_C2….png)

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4e4b89  No.14750877

File: 7a77ecc29ef7c2b⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 397x431, 397:431, NOPE_3.jpg)

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3fce05  No.14750878

File: 76718ca4a70186c⋯.jpg (224.57 KB, 944x1078, 472:539, 20211008_231543.jpg)

File: a99758f1ee95a0d⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1016x1160, 127:145, 1633758376976.png)

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81e055  No.14750879

File: e02cfa7cb1302d6⋯.jpg (93.08 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, zumaamericastwentyeight259….jpg)



Ok found the source.

>Reporter Laura Loomer obtained an image from inside the Mandalay Bay valet center which shows Paddock’s car was first logged on September 25. Below the computer display a hand written note is also visible that states “Stephen Paddock 9/25-10/2.”

>According to Loomer’s source, the note was written by an FBI agent when he asked valet staff to provide details of all in-out times for Paddock’s vehicle.

>According to Loomer, the picture “proves (the) FBI misled public about #StephenPaddock’s check in date.”


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0037db  No.14750880

File: 85e986118c23cdc⋯.png (361.5 KB, 570x468, 95:78, ClipboardImage.png)

Manchin Buries His Head in His Hands, Tells Schumer His Unhinged Senate Speech Attacking Republicans Was “F*cking Stupid”


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68f655  No.14750881

File: 21332a2d239c2eb⋯.png (567.88 KB, 640x423, 640:423, BF4C8A02_56CB_4B27_BB90_92….png)

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3fce05  No.14750882

File: a114953ea25d118⋯.mp4 (5.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Marina_6.mp4)

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4c14f3  No.14750883

File: f5b3b05331b7ef3⋯.jpeg (28.74 KB, 255x247, 255:247, E6CDC205_2902_4BAC_9C44_6….jpeg)


never go full retard

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67f405  No.14750884


We really should make more of a big deal of this. People would be more enthusiastic about adopting linux.

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741fc1  No.14750885

File: af93260255f5519⋯.png (3.89 MB, 944x1078, 472:539, biden_slide.png)

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4e4b89  No.14750886

File: c6504063b40f205⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 443x304, 443:304, FULL_PIG.jpg)



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4b397b  No.14750887

File: 6790028981a7d08⋯.jpg (8.94 KB, 255x116, 255:116, great_awakening_emoji.jpg)

Got this meme a few breads back. (well done! whomever did this)

Anyone have similar memes like this they wouldn't mind sharing?

Thx in advance.

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3fce05  No.14750888

File: 79a2a215d2f4c09⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 1082x720, 541:360, Trump_won_Pepe_balloon.mp4)

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bea900  No.14750889

File: 3ee092f0d0a08c7⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 667x482, 667:482, rpouhsgdjhsdggsss.jpg)

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9c1176  No.14750890

File: b8d175ace58850d⋯.png (400.41 KB, 535x630, 107:126, Screenshot_2021_10_09_at_0….png)

The Times of Israel


Israeli man arrested in Dubai for suspected drug trafficking

Resident of central Israel said suspected of involvement with smuggling dozens of kilograms of cocaine that Emirati authorities found in a car


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132a4d  No.14750891

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]:

Everybody should be properly trained in firearms.

I have never encouraged violence, and will never encourage violence.

The path of peace is the path of the Lord.

11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11

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4e4b89  No.14750893

File: 05aa2eeef32eeeb⋯.jpg (117.35 KB, 686x476, 49:34, TIMELINE.jpg)

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3d45b7  No.14750894

File: 65f3e7845b221ef⋯.jpg (236.97 KB, 717x717, 1:1, 20200817_222914.jpg)

File: 4ee44dd10ab9072⋯.jpg (234.76 KB, 720x972, 20:27, 20210410_201226.jpg)

File: 3a52fd9b1353194⋯.jpg (302.51 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200412_105444….jpg)

File: 6a92fd666d3a4de⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 1150x513, 1150:513, 20201221_111410.jpg)

File: 581315368973a60⋯.jpg (245.06 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200412_104827….jpg)


Hillary, Obama, Podesta, etc. Isn't gonna get away with this.

All the Pedowood stars. Watch it… We know who you are.

Never forget!

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924e71  No.14750895

File: 9489e2a794376c3⋯.png (478.04 KB, 546x368, 273:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 062efdadc7900e1⋯.png (49.89 KB, 240x206, 120:103, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14750193 lb

>Animals are not humans and don't think.

Dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. Holy shit. They're conscious. They're aware. They ARE thinking. Even bugs think. WOW!!! I'm fucking shocked. OMG. I'm fkn blown away at that comment. What an abysmal moran. Kek. My jaw is still on the fucking floor. That shit right there will force me to drink some absinthe. I need to go for a walk. Oh Lord, help me. I'm not made for this planet.

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132a4d  No.14750896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember what Q said

In Drop #4953

We're not gonna take it

Oh no, we ain't gonna take it

We're not gonna take it anymore

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126468  No.14750897

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5b44f2  No.14750898


They didn’t even bother trying to fudge up the numbers

All the Democrats are there for is the big steal

They got their eyes set on that 5 TRILLION dollars of OUR money they are about to steal plus an additional 1.5 TRILLION each year in entitlements.

They are going to bankrupt the country and then they’ll invite their Chinese billionaire buddies to buy everything up and become your slum lords.

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3fce05  No.14750900

File: 916c3e0c1f723da⋯.jpg (126.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide_Pods_Digest_1.jpg)

File: 80ea6644518aa1a⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide_pods_digest_2.jpg)

File: 39f81c51b2f96c5⋯.png (511.98 KB, 500x562, 250:281, Time_GITMO_is_full_edition….png)


I made that Hillary news week meme, kek

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4e4b89  No.14750901

File: 168f398a9b47042⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 681x365, 681:365, SHORT_CHANGE.jpg)

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61c2ce  No.14750902

File: 5f082cba5af66ec⋯.jpeg (92.45 KB, 1188x952, 297:238, pepe_retard_juice.jpeg)


>The path of peace is the path of the Lord.

That's why the Bible is so chock full of peace, and why Jesus never said anything about coming not with peace but a sword.

I make a silly joke and that's going full retard? Chanting profanities at sportsball games and twatting inanities like CockMuncherZ just did, and expecting shit to change, THAT is full retard.

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132a4d  No.14750903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember what Q said

In Drop #4953

We're not gonna take it

Oh no, we ain't gonna take it

We're not gonna take it anymore

We've got the right to choose it

There ain't no way we'll lose it

This is our life, this is our song

*yawn* but I'm an American

I'm a sheep

So I am satisfied with hopium

And I'll stay in my basement 'til I rot

…soon… very soon… PLOP!

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5b44f2  No.14750904


Mr Pig,

You think SHIB is worth a try?

It’s supposedly an Elon shitcoin spinoff of Dogecoin

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c85249  No.14750905

>>14747182 (pb)

Trump was always talking about "nothing like this since 1917".

Germany declared unlimited submarine warfare in 1917, planned to take out all the navies of the world.

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924e71  No.14750906

File: 9489e2a794376c3⋯.png (478.04 KB, 546x368, 273:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14e5de4e4eac942⋯.png (242.17 KB, 600x514, 300:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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132a4d  No.14750907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Follow The Money


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4e4b89  No.14750908

File: 3ffb06a3ac85b01⋯.jpg (105.28 KB, 771x430, 771:430, PERSONAL_TRAP.jpg)

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9c1176  No.14750909

File: 225a95dfd1a0a5a⋯.jpg (199.07 KB, 1600x780, 80:39, FBL_66cXIAYl5mz.jpg)

File: 659669b75dd965e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1299x750, 433:250, Screenshot_2021_10_09_at_0….png)

U.S. Central Command


#ICYMI Great Photo! #BrightStar21 participants flying in formation with the Egyptian Air Force, @USAFCENT, @RoyalAirForce, Hellenic Air Force, and Royal Saudi Air Force #Egypt @EgyArmySpox @modgovksa @HAFspokesman


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4e4b89  No.14750910

File: 321b83335b58e30⋯.jpg (123.87 KB, 668x372, 167:93, AMMO_CASH.jpg)

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837a0d  No.14750911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Long but good

Aussie fem-cop

blows the whistle on

bullshit policing in

the great land of OZ

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3d45b7  No.14750912

File: 1fe51357ed60bdf⋯.jpg (288.54 KB, 720x933, 240:311, 20200412_230543.jpg)

File: 8da20186135f2cb⋯.jpg (261.84 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200412_104826….jpg)

File: e8f7670f7dce5bc⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_20200408_215255.jpg)

File: 84e5cc974daa0aa⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 1439x797, 1439:797, IMG_20200408_215246.jpg)

File: 5b3726fff395edd⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 288x432, 2:3, IMG_20200408_215130.jpg)


Expose their evil any chance you get.

These people aren't even human.

They are animals.

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e26500  No.14750913


I thought your pig is Q joke was funny.

Also think chants are funny, too.

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42778a  No.14750914

File: 17dbedc09a766e8⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1001x714, 143:102, JP.jpg)

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b24d29  No.14750915


Love your neighbor fren (even CM)

but I do not think we are expected to watch his neighbor attempt to kill him

pew pew get it ?

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1e2d18  No.14750916

File: db98564072035e5⋯.jpg (303.96 KB, 1981x745, 1981:745, Q.jpg)



>>14750716 (lb)

>They killed James Bond. Why? Outside of the obvious desire to destroy the "white patriarchy."

I had no expectations, but thought the movie was great. I got excited about the Q character only to learn afterwards that Q is a military position (a Quartermaster) and has historical roots in military and intelligence circles, which explains its incorporation in 007 movies and also validates another possible reason why "Q" may have been chosen as the name of a backchannel to an awake public by benevolent military planners trying to save the world. "But, but, there were hints in the movie that Q was gay the shills will say." So, fucking what. Richard Grenell is gay, but that makes him no less benevolent or less of a Patriot.

I also don't think the movie's plot was written to "destroy the white patriarchy." All mortal human beings die, including our greatest heroes (even Christ). But, the spirit of truth and humanity lives on in the natural human creation that occurs between heterosexual men and women who are in love. Whether willful or not on behalf of the screenwriters, this pro-humanity theme of the movie could be taken as a big GFYS to Satanic Hollywood transgender elites and Silicon Valley eugenicists like Bill Gates who worship AI and gleefully plan to depopulate the human race with gene modifying bioweapon nanobots while enjoying age reversing blood transfusions from live babies on a google owned ship parked in international waters.

During a memorial for Bond at MI6, M quotes from the American writer Jack London, which first appeared in the San Francisco Bulletin in 1916.

“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.

I shall use my time.”

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b24d29  No.14750917


> Egyptian Air Force, @USAFCENT, @RoyalAirForce, Hellenic Air Force, and Royal Saudi Air Force #Egypt @EgyArmySpox @modgovksa @HAFspokesman

save to conclude all of these are pushing the nwo poison on their troops ?

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4e4b89  No.14750918

File: 22adee99784a395⋯.jpg (107.68 KB, 409x618, 409:618, FORESHADOWING.jpg)

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ec2ddc  No.14750919


Those chants cause doubt in those without them, cause a PR nightmare for those who would control us, and bring a sense of solidarity (and peer group size) among those who turned out to be right all along.

Nothing retarded about them.

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9c1176  No.14750920

File: 291a201660a9f16⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 1096x1280, 137:160, FAzdJh1WQAU5OBr.jpg)

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61c2ce  No.14750921


>I do not think we are expected to watch his neighbor attempt to kill him

But the men of America sit by and watch their "government" attempt to kill their families, and no

>pew pew get it ?

Get it?

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61c2ce  No.14750922


The ruling authorities trying to murder us don't give two shits about sportsball chants.

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b24d29  No.14750923

Paging Dr Fraudi

Fauci is well known as a shameless opportunist among many within the medical research community. For example, the creator of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test, Kary Mullis, had nothing but disdain for Fauci. Mullis was an interesting figure who valued scientific honesty above all else. He often warned that his PCR test could be exploited to inflate infection numbers by identifying remnants of a virus in person’s body without distinguishing whether or not they are actually “infected” (sick). Sadly, his test is no be used in this exact manner today to exaggerate infection rates of the covid-19 virus.

In interviews Mullis has referred to Anthony Fauci as a “liar”, arguing that he is a bureaucrat that “doesn’t know anything about anything”. Mullis noted that people like Fauci have an agenda that is outside of the public good, and that they have no problem misrepresenting the science to the populace to achieve their goals. It should also be noted that YouTube has made it their mission to consistently erase any traces of the Mullis interviews mentioning Fauci from their website.

A Message To Fauci: You Are In No Position To Dictate The "Greater Good"


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9c1176  No.14750924

File: 431dc411fd67f16⋯.png (436.71 KB, 535x701, 535:701, Screenshot_2021_10_09_at_0….png)

Dan Scavino Retweeted

Dan ScavinoFlag of United StatesEagle


Police cars revolving lightIOWAPolice cars revolving light

Saturday, October 9th

Iowa State Fairgrounds

3000 E Grand Ave

Des Moines, Iowa, 50317


New Dan

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5b44f2  No.14750925

Ever been to a Democrat run city? Notice how high the taxes are? See how bad the roads are? Where do you think all that road money goes?




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e26500  No.14750927


From your description, the movie sounds awful.

James Bond movies are for pure entertainment, not pushing a message.

Bond movies took a pitiful turn to bad when Craig in them.

Sensitive crap

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ec2ddc  No.14750928


Their efforts to dismiss them say otherwise.

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b24d29  No.14750929


got it

1) no love for your neighbor CM

2) failure to see huge log in your eye while attempting to point out a nonexistent speck in CM's eye

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e3eac6  No.14750930

File: ba50ece1e60f9f4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1205x383, 1205:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4e920  No.14750931

File: 051a737104a6d2c⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 465x715, 93:143, Hunter_Biden_Red_Buttons_C….jpg)

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58f10c  No.14750932

File: ade2ac4bed35a63⋯.jpeg (179.02 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 0BE6411A_F8F8_4C22_A806_B….jpeg)

File: f5feba1e73ba414⋯.jpeg (239.97 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 49C7CAE9_27AA_45A6_8AB7_D….jpeg)

File: 50998302373fc34⋯.jpeg (49.06 KB, 507x338, 3:2, AA9610AB_6B1F_43C2_BE32_D….jpeg)

File: d91dc058f3f8492⋯.jpeg (56.81 KB, 700x483, 100:69, 16457BB5_CAFC_47CF_AA30_1….jpeg)

File: 9183e2b1301e7bb⋯.jpeg (157.99 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, 4EDFBF1B_43CB_4AC4_998E_3….jpeg)

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65fe3e  No.14750933

File: 8e80cc5cd75248f⋯.png (11.54 KB, 454x172, 227:86, ClipboardImage.png)

The Election Wizard, [08.10.21 23:36]

871 firefighters file notice of intent to sue over the City of Los Angeles’ COVID vaccine mandate.

Firefighters are seeking $1.7 BILLION in damages.


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e3eac6  No.14750934

File: a0021d1bc1b0f37⋯.png (468.64 KB, 565x302, 565:302, ClipboardImage.png)


Can't forget the Typhoon

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3d45b7  No.14750935

File: bc43dd78cc90994⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 630x500, 63:50, IMG_20200408_215117.jpg)

File: eb0bb8584efe7ca⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 455x779, 455:779, IMG_20200408_214901.jpg)

File: 80532242efd41af⋯.jpg (186.91 KB, 720x427, 720:427, 20200408_214441.jpg)

File: 724701658dcd3f7⋯.jpg (153.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20200409_125308.jpg)

File: 0b61e31bc702ae4⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 717x469, 717:469, 20210410_202223.jpg)



Everyday should be an expose these LUCIFERIAN PEDOWOOD PEDOVORES day!

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924e71  No.14750936

File: 138a3fff74f7f78⋯.png (280.89 KB, 795x543, 265:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc155e5da3ce526⋯.png (154.36 KB, 875x641, 875:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c0f47349c94f24⋯.png (65.33 KB, 851x561, 851:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e00c58e040864a⋯.png (732.72 KB, 1251x679, 1251:679, ClipboardImage.png)


Dissolution of coated microbubbles: The effect of nanoparticlesand surfactant concentration




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65fe3e  No.14750940

File: 718eb1cfce116a0⋯.png (917.49 KB, 994x961, 994:961, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 490c6e674247d96⋯.png (73.86 KB, 1038x945, 346:315, ClipboardImage.png)


Free Tickets to Iowa State Fairgrounds

9th October

Event Details

Sat, October 09, 2021

07:00 pm (CDT)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Iowa State Fairgrounds

3000 E Grand Ave

Des Moines, IA, 50317

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449235  No.14750943

File: 593a520ceb5f6cc⋯.png (362.55 KB, 605x412, 605:412, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d12f7  No.14750944

It's true, and on record, that I have taken all this filth pretty badly. I consider it a badge of honour. I bailed back in the day when my 'peers' jumped on rotten.com

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65fe3e  No.14750946

File: 74e5c970041de3c⋯.png (314.71 KB, 465x687, 155:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3299e6a651b6d03⋯.png (895.6 KB, 938x987, 134:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d26f1deca8b7a50⋯.png (690.87 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden’s DHS CANCELS All Remaining Border Wall Contracts in 2 Overwhelmed Sectors; Calls on Congress to Fund “Smarter” Border Security As Unprecedented Numbers of Illegals Continue Pouring Across Areas With NO WALL

Last year, while Trump was still commander-in-chief, Americans were enjoying the most secure southern border they’d had in their lives. Trump had delivered on his promise to build the wall, which had severely limited the areas where cartels and smugglers could operate freely and made it much harder for people to sneak across without being apprehended.

Although construction was not completely finished (most of it was, the swamp fought at every turn for 4 years to interrupt any progress), the entirety of it was paid in full, and all of the contracts were signed – all that was needed was a little bit more time.

In other words, despite the areas that still needed to be completed, the wall was a resounding success.

But now, Biden’s DHS is ensuring that the wall will not be built, wasting hundreds of millions in taxpayer money that was supposed to be spent on building the wall in the process.

On Friday, the DHS announced in a press release that it will be canceling any border barrier contracts that are still in effect in two of the most heavily trafficked sectors on the southern border – The Laredo sector and The Rio Grande Valley Sector – and will reallocate the remaining funds to conduct “environmental planning” in the area.

The DHS will also ask Congress to approve more funding for what they call “smarter” border security measures.

Press release: pic.twitter.com/fp4Y8YBrBt

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) October 8, 2021

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t trust anything coming from these charlatans as “smarter,” these are the same people who – in just 10 short months – have caused this unprecedented mess after being handed the most secure border in history. If these crooks are given any more taxpayer money to put towards the border, it will just be used to import and pay off more illegal democrat voters.

Biden and these sellouts don’t care one bit about stopping illegal immigrants from flooding the US or protecting Americans, the crisis on the border is all about seizing power for the long run.

They were even willing to spend a whopping $5 million PER DAY to NOT build the wall.

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott: Biden was paying $5 million a day "to not build the border wall." pic.twitter.com/W3K2F4005j

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 5, 2021

The severely understaffed US authorities who are struggling with the record-shattering influx of illegal aliens on the southern border could be using all the help they can get right now as they are preparing for another unprecedented month of crossings – but instead, the open-borders Biden administration has undermined them and US immigration law at every turn, while also continuing to encourage unvetted foreign nationals to come in droves by offering up taxpayer-funded incentives and bogus amnesty that shields them from deportation.

The DHS should be demanding that Biden send in the US Military to get a handle on the border crisis, not wasting hundreds of millions of dollars that was already spent on contracts to finish the wall.

Department of Homeland Security… What a JOKE.


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5b44f2  No.14750948

File: 5464dcfbbd4c8d6⋯.jpeg (475.2 KB, 750x1108, 375:554, 95B80DAA_E5A7_4D28_A475_B….jpeg)







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4e4b89  No.14750949

File: 057d24d686898d4⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 767x539, 767:539, DOWN_SHE_GOES.jpg)

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61c2ce  No.14750951


I am simply pointing out the obvious. To start a tweet saying that everyone should be trained in use of weapons, and then backflip with stupid platitudes about peace, and cite a scripture that is rife with force and violence, is contemptible. If that is a speck in CM's eye, then the speck is self-contradiction, and I have no such log. At this point, I don't love those who are trying to murder me, and I don't love posers, and I don't love idiotic verbiage. You wanna pretend CM's tweet and other virtue signals of its ilk are sane and cogent, you go do you.

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60a278  No.14750952

File: 86ab6ec2289ebb5⋯.png (246.49 KB, 310x563, 310:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7c3f272c613ad⋯.png (2.93 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d471ce53e33724f⋯.png (428.27 KB, 472x805, 472:805, ClipboardImage.png)

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [08.10.21 23:29]

[ Video ]

Defending GOD and Country.


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [08.10.21 23:30]

[ Photo ]

Everybody should be properly trained in firearms.


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [08.10.21 23:50]

I have never encouraged violence, and will never encourage violence.

The path of peace is the path of the Lord.

11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11


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924e71  No.14750954

File: c29ca7f18b86460⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95ebd30ac5432f7⋯.png (330.5 KB, 320x426, 160:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc621d2ddeea353⋯.png (289.43 KB, 450x300, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Fkn loser.

I moved here from that pos country. I'm a permanent resident. Got here when I was 10. Loved it from day 1. All my family moved back. Not me. I took an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution.

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b24d29  No.14750955


>To start a tweet saying that everyone should be trained

perfectly legal and a safe thing to do

you may need to help your neighbor (that you love if you even do ) some day from a crazed leftist like antifa

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3d45b7  No.14750956

File: f8401addf4aac2d⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 20210410_202113.jpg)

File: 1e650494c4ffe62⋯.jpg (83.55 KB, 720x523, 720:523, 20201222_100806.jpg)

File: 8bf60dbc0c04c8b⋯.jpg (90.64 KB, 720x716, 180:179, 20210410_203936.jpg)

File: 0f55f8694f5b7cb⋯.jpg (224.97 KB, 654x1294, 327:647, 20210410_203202.jpg)

File: 348b4b387c68da1⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 635x608, 635:608, 348b4b387c68da132da8d35339….jpg)


Our Government leaders participate in this evil.

Nice art Marina…NOT

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114155  No.14750957

Prostitution should be legal.


Come on perverts.

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e9a517  No.14750958

like that song: this is America



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449235  No.14750959

File: af342ea5e5a6904⋯.png (134.8 KB, 300x159, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b8b8e9d29a5c4f⋯.png (178.98 KB, 334x251, 334:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c1176  No.14750962

File: 7aa8a84c49cf704⋯.png (485.26 KB, 398x740, 199:370, Screenshot_2021_10_09_at_0….png)

File: 9387ea2e5b61670⋯.jpg (620.44 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, FBH4AXrXEAMxKqe.jpg)

Huma Abedin


An exclusive excerpt of #BothAndMemoir arrives Oct 18th in @voguemagazine

Thrilled to be mentioned on the same cover as the brilliant & stunning @adele!


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4e4b89  No.14750963

File: 2ea93ec103c9596⋯.jpg (223.24 KB, 859x639, 859:639, GREAT_RETAKE.jpg)

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924e71  No.14750964


The bulls that win get to retire out in the field. I hate that pos country. I'll never return. I even dream in English.

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64aabb  No.14750965




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114155  No.14750966


No one cares about the constitution anywhere. Good luck.

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e26500  No.14750967


I can't figure him out.

He got all , or most of Trump's judges through.

He stopped Trump's peachmints.

And the he does this,

Is his role scripted?

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b24d29  No.14750968


far better grouping than I

however I am confident I can still be effective

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81e055  No.14750969



That was a fun article. The president seems like he'd be a blast to hang out around, just hearing him telling stories and jokes. I enjoyed the article so much, I'll have to pick up her book.

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60a278  No.14750971

File: cae1acf68dfcb68⋯.png (47.13 KB, 303x612, 101:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: caabc5aa0ae1445⋯.mp4 (524.61 KB, 272x432, 17:27, video_2021_10_09_02_27_21.mp4)


imglover, [09.10.21 00:21]

[Forwarded from imglover (13th-GEN_PATRIOT)]

[ Video ]

Dan Scavino IG Story



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66e5fc  No.14750972

File: 2bb668ff8b423ca⋯.png (1.47 MB, 884x2324, 221:581, MariaMarinaAbNose.png)

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1e2d18  No.14750973


>From your description, the movie sounds awful.

bla, bla, bla

I never said it was pushing a message.

Great art is that which can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.

Many in the WOKE snow basket will be sadly butt hurt that it doesn't push the typical satanic transgender BS spewing out of Hollywood these days. I think its a good thing, but its my opinion.

If you didn't like Craig, then don't go see it. He's out now anyway.

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667b87  No.14750974

File: fe8cc562edce1bc⋯.mp4 (14.44 MB, 640x1138, 320:569, pussylanguage.mp4)

chappelle directly mentioned q but of course it was underhanded

hey chappelle if you're watching the board, you're pretty funny in a teenage mutant nigger turtle kind of way

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64aabb  No.14750976


Glad you are here. Time to defend it.

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4e4b89  No.14750977

File: cf66ea39d453da5⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 624x599, 624:599, THE_CONSTITUTION.jpg)

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9c1176  No.14750978


2 Booms

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e26500  No.14750979


Where is Dan?

Will he be at rally?

Is it to late to serve his subpoena?

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61c2ce  No.14750980

File: 1f31b8602068769⋯.png (3.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, you_point.png)


It seems that you are trained in the art of totally

missing the point.

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0d12f7  No.14750981


Well it's mostly about attitude right.

Success = 10% inspiration & 90% perspiration.

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64aabb  No.14750982


which stations are covering it?

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66e5fc  No.14750983

File: 4894058b9161f95⋯.png (1.34 MB, 780x2464, 195:616, MariaMarinaAbNose.png)



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e26500  No.14750986


You made my point.

Bond movies aren't meant to be interpreted like 'great' art.

They are meant to entertain

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0d12f7  No.14750987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fc54e5  No.14750988

File: 37336e0593d5717⋯.jpeg (99.79 KB, 1242x1204, 621:602, 627d7514aa42cb86.jpeg)

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48952c  No.14750989

File: 0dc530eeb95d811⋯.png (465.83 KB, 600x450, 4:3, system_7.png)

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72842e  No.14750990

anon, anon

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61c2ce  No.14750991

File: 3dbd0746d68276d⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 652x960, 163:240, obongos_party_your_child.jpg)


Need I even comment?

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fc54e5  No.14750992

File: 14b72bf194b4a7d⋯.png (173.56 KB, 642x741, 214:247, 62d8c25bbc4559d3a69bc1ea39….png)

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9c1176  No.14750994

File: a519b4519ab516f⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, a519b4519ab516f8923288d792….jpg)


>>14750807 Dough

It´s too late 4 me


New baker self confirm

Godspeed patriots

See you later!

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66e5fc  No.14750995


>Pfizer man

>Pfizer man

>Doin' whatever a Pfizer can

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ec2ddc  No.14750996


Not if it's going to be as unrelated to the subject at hand, as this is.

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fc54e5  No.14750997

File: 422a4ccb3640e44⋯.png (449.79 KB, 588x600, 49:50, 22d8d3d331b8e525.png)

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64aabb  No.14750998


He is a long time survivalist and tightrope performer. A master at his art.

A politician extraordinaire.

Key takeaway: politician

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0d12f7  No.14750999


Fuck off Tim

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66e5fc  No.14751000

File: b68dde82cbdbdcf⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1058x1200, 529:600, 3bewbsprojct2.png)


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6d0482  No.14751002

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3d45b7  No.14751003

File: 8994af1c005a46f⋯.jpg (143.9 KB, 720x979, 720:979, 20210410_203452.jpg)

File: c5e8d5e7b6417a0⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 720x633, 240:211, 20210410_204736.jpg)

File: cb7328e764f4701⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 720x1324, 180:331, 20210410_203412.jpg)

File: 67716c5e6bbb22d⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 720x891, 80:99, 20210410_203344.jpg)

File: e729abc7435df31⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 573x573, 1:1, 20200408_213133.jpg)


Jewish ancestry?

Nose job gone wrong.

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fc54e5  No.14751004

File: 87007a88fc1541c⋯.png (119.06 KB, 345x336, 115:112, a9e6c3e333fa3d01.png)

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0d12f7  No.14751005


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81e055  No.14751006

File: c7c43fe1551c970⋯.png (416.51 KB, 669x694, 669:694, Trump_Judges_elections.png)


>He got all , or most of Trump's judges through.

What good have those judges done? I'm not being facetious or critical of you, I'm genuinely curious. The only thing I know about Trump appointed Judges is they didn't want to hear anything about the election. But if they are scummy, which I have no evidence for, that could explain why McConnel got them through.

>President Barack Obama appointed 55 in eight years. Trump has appointed roughly a quarter of all trial-level federal judges.


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6d0482  No.14751007

COVIDLAND: The Lockdown – Full Documentary


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fc54e5  No.14751008

File: aa170ef42bb3ea5⋯.jpeg (54.85 KB, 600x400, 3:2, c877403d9b3ed036.jpeg)

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8bca59  No.14751009

File: b09756b1b1f7361⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_10_09_at_….png)

Check out the lightning striking la palma as it erupts.

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8b6fcf  No.14751010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good Day from Guadalajara, Spain.

In here we must have a mask, while swimming, in the sea.

But I'm smart, I swim at night.

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81e055  No.14751011

File: 66f276916797967⋯.png (421.12 KB, 722x699, 722:699, Trump_Judge_in_PA.png)


Being curious about Trump judges, I came across this. That's one positive.


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fc54e5  No.14751012

File: 2b1e2bbee8d7aae⋯.jpeg (117.28 KB, 1242x608, 621:304, a399ad23ba0ed469.jpeg)

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66e5fc  No.14751013

File: f1ae796c9788dc8⋯.png (14.02 KB, 418x563, 418:563, ClipboardImage.png)










Russia ICBM tech.

HRC open source.




Highest levels of US-G.



WHY would Russia tell the world?


Why is SR back in the news?


Why is SESSIONS acting weak?


IG report?

No legit leaks.

MSM staging narrative.

IG appointed by SESSIONS for?



Enjoy the show.

Dead cat bounce.


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8bca59  No.14751015


Yes but they always have something freaky true about it like the 5 eyes.

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61c2ce  No.14751016


>unrelated to the subject at hand, as this is.

No, it is not. I claimed that the ruling authorities don't care about sportsball chants. You disagreed. In the background, we have this notion of PANIC. I don't see anything of the sort. That meme I just posted is a glimpse behind the scenes. Do you see any PANIC in those faces? The slightest hint of worry even? They stole a presidential election blatantly, they know that tens if not hundreds of millions know it, and not even when they discovered that their entire judicial system was infiltrated to the point of no legal recourse did they take action, REAL ACTION, to rectify it. But they'll to sportsball and chant. The elites committed the greatest political crime in modern history, in blatant fashion, and the meme I showed is indicative of their true state of mind. Logic tells me they're not losing a wink of sleep over sportsball chants.

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31f842  No.14751017


search: Jesuit KINO Border Initiative

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fc54e5  No.14751018

File: 009d203b7a7fe0a⋯.png (196.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 40a233e90648344c.png)

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66e5fc  No.14751019

File: f69bfbf06f9e7db⋯.png (571.19 KB, 626x828, 313:414, ClipboardImage.png)



Does Q work for the Gateway Pundit?

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66e5fc  No.14751020

File: 91fff53470c53f8⋯.png (943.8 KB, 754x760, 377:380, SatanLion.png)

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0d12f7  No.14751021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… ugh. C'mon Julian.


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fc54e5  No.14751022

File: c3e32fabb4c5a40⋯.png (42.34 KB, 750x900, 5:6, 0c4ef40d911c02b7.png)

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66e5fc  No.14751023


>Russia ICBM tech.


>HRC open source.


>Russia ICBM tech.


>HRC open source.

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64aabb  No.14751024


Israeli man is the new Florida man

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72842e  No.14751025


"She thought she would always be Queen


Key weein'

i am the mad hatter, my tea party, even pulled a rabbit outta the hat yesterday

name fame fag elsewhere

anon is weary from concern for others safety & My own, and my cats

Woolies fleeced me yesterday

Today i am stealth bomberin'

did you know when 2 become one ?

Twin peaks M 2

become one in the Chrysallis


Chris a liss

anon is a butterfly has been for many years

thank fullness for the mornin' sun


when 2 become one

I am the Alpha (Beginin')(Start)

and the

Omega (Finish) (End)

start as one end as 2

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64aabb  No.14751026

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81e055  No.14751027

File: cfb6ab3d28244f4⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 255x253, 255:253, cfb6ab3d28244f43ad9cb5765f….jpg)


>but they always have something freaky true about it like the 5 eyes.

An espionage movie using real-life espionage organizations like 5-eyes, MI-6, and the CIA is not "freaky true"

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fc54e5  No.14751028

File: 34d9d3e96567df1⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 720x678, 120:113, 4dc454670a6660b9.jpg)

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3d45b7  No.14751031

File: 020192eb80dbc22⋯.jpg (194.95 KB, 720x994, 360:497, 20200409_212725.jpg)

File: 003131d3807f623⋯.jpg (294.81 KB, 720x1036, 180:259, 20200409_203941.jpg)

File: a1bacb6642a49ab⋯.jpg (311.89 KB, 646x943, 646:943, 20200409_210126.jpg)

File: 36c7a248daff22f⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, inCollage_20190813_0609045….jpg)

File: 4e4c0632f668080⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, inCollage_20190813_0613503….jpg)


It's a good one

Some of mine

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b06461  No.14751032














30-Jun-2018 2:36:13 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs


Archived links:


You have a choice.

The choice has always been yours.



















































"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."


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66e5fc  No.14751033


male anus?

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b06461  No.14751034



What key elements?

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fc54e5  No.14751035

File: a2bab94d9665566⋯.png (376.96 KB, 720x536, 90:67, 71e79cca408a43de.png)

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48a5ba  No.14751036


Covidland. Very good doco. Send this to your normie frens and family.

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dc564a  No.14751037

File: f15a7976a1c1141⋯.png (786.45 KB, 720x488, 90:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Would any gold and silver anons care to share what kind of premiums are being asked on various coins/bars in your local areas?

Here in the PNW they asking asking $6 over spot for silver eagles and silver maples. One hundred ounce silver bars are $2 over spot.

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fc54e5  No.14751038

File: a5bbd3b8f4a03aa⋯.jpeg (59.19 KB, 526x636, 263:318, 8588e97a21b7e370.jpeg)

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ec2ddc  No.14751039


I would expect to see no panic in a staged photo… And, I wouldn't expect to determine the mood of the entire elite by looking at a single one of their puppets.

The fact is, throughout history, fascists have had to quell any public dissent.

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66e5fc  No.14751040

File: 54cc83be7e21f86⋯.png (164.14 KB, 207x261, 23:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebdba7  No.14751041

Donald duck Trump was too stupid to be president.

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8b6fcf  No.14751042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is why I love so much animals.

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fc54e5  No.14751043

File: 67bbfefdea41714⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1109x1478, 1109:1478, 57e4f4bc015176eb.png)

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0d12f7  No.14751044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… yeah well the stupid bitchs' face said it all when she got rolled into the van. Just lucky Russia is predominantly Christian and steeped in tradition and Putin is a decent cunt.


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81e055  No.14751045


Good question.

B/c if that is true, considering how bad everything looks today, one would assume we'd be living in literal hell if if they had not taken over key elements to retard the goals of bad actors. Or Q used control of the key elements to bring about a pandemic b/c Q's an asshole.

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66e5fc  No.14751046


>Watch the water

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3d45b7  No.14751047

File: 668590a0eb55a12⋯.png (628.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 668590a0eb55a12056898da2c8….png)


Red text fail

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114155  No.14751048


I eat paper (LSD).

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fc54e5  No.14751049

File: 18ecb0dd85df8e5⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 500x544, 125:136, d11943ba4b5649b9.jpg)

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64aabb  No.14751050


several roles, good infiltrators, baddies in the limelight, exposure. war.

the great awakening.

watching it unfold.

invest in popcorn.

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8b6fcf  No.14751051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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66e5fc  No.14751053

File: c0828cfb375bb23⋯.png (188.89 KB, 262x276, 131:138, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d12f7  No.14751054


… yeah, go for gold, but you left out a"

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b06461  No.14751055

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ebdba7  No.14751056

When Donald duck Trump chose Pence you should have realized it was going to be a shit show.

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fc54e5  No.14751057

File: 0d0aabc1d392437⋯.jpg (98.97 KB, 828x614, 414:307, ca7a18c830ddacf0.jpg)

File: 60ecf68c98317ff⋯.png (223.36 KB, 552x749, 552:749, a11c69ecc1b197d8.png)

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61c2ce  No.14751058


You believe what you want. I don't pretend to know it all, but as I see it, the whole PANIC narrative is delusional. Hurried, yes. A bit hectic, even, yes. But even as they start honing in on the children with their poison jabs, there is no blowback in the realm of force. If parents will not defend their children with force, where do you think it will go from there. I'm pretty sure our masters have it all pretty well gamed out.

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ebdba7  No.14751059


Trump embarrassed his fathers.

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66e5fc  No.14751060

File: d9fff8b6e8f18be⋯.png (297.17 KB, 613x608, 613:608, MikePEncecoinHndoff.png)

File: ba17c1f9cab524a⋯.png (290.86 KB, 433x278, 433:278, MikePenceSecretDaughter.png)

File: 47594534c9a7861⋯.png (1.63 MB, 978x1634, 489:817, Screenshot_2021_01_03_0220….png)


He'll choose Pence again if reelected.

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881b56  No.14751061


Trump told you why he got all the judges through. Because he was running the Government not the corporations. The laws passed before Trump was passed by the Corporations.. they wrote the bills and paid the shills.

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ebdba7  No.14751062


No one is supporting Trump we aren't that stupid.

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0d12f7  No.14751063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… watch your mouth. All 'famefag', aka tamartiss & plug, goes to musicians. I won't see a penny, fuckwit.


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66e5fc  No.14751064


We need a leader.

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72842e  No.14751065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AI covenant

birth of the new world


Called CAT hole lick church for a reason anon


when your only other choice is a lake of fire wings are good



Fem cop

She's not you know, i'm doin' it for her but you get that, experience


anon, not to ruin things for you but now you have 008




>>14750946 Gold



>>14750959 :)


Almost went there

will reference obliquely

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ebdba7  No.14751066


Trust Jesus.

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60a278  No.14751067

File: 312979e63c4c021⋯.png (94.47 KB, 496x871, 496:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Garrett Ziegler, [02.10.21 12:17]

[Forwarded from Julio]

full transcript of the video:

Perkins Coie - Political Law Group - Washington, D.C.

Marc Elias, Chair, Political Law

The practice has really grown as politics have grown.

As you've seen, the size of campaigns and the length of campaigns get ever bigger and bigger. The political law practice grows along with it.

Historically, everyone had been a generalist. As the group has grown, and the laws has become more and more complex, there are now more people that are more specialized.

So we have partners and associates who focus primarily on representing corporations on a non partisan basis. We have others who tend to do more work around party commities.

And we have lawyers who do nothing other than voting rights litigation, and other litigations to support our clients.

We are 20+ lawyers, most of whom are in Washington, DC, though we've now added lawyers in Chicago and San Francisco.

Clients come to us because we bring a level of expertise, not just in the law, but how the law helps them achieve their goals.

When we staff these matters, we make sure that we are given the right mix of skill sets, the right mix of seniority, and the right mix of experience.

We know the technical legal issues that they face. We know their business. We know what political parties do, how they do it, and why they do it.

And what are the various techniques that they use to implement their overall strategy of winning elections.

We are here to part of a team, with our clients, to make sure that they meet their objective of winning elections, and part of that is understanding how our clients opperate and what's important to them.

"Perkins Coie, Counsel To Great Companies"


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8bca59  No.14751068


It is when they talked about 5/9 eyes taking over before Q told us.

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fc54e5  No.14751069

File: 236278e31699df9⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 960x788, 240:197, 236278e31699df9c035a9de8fb….jpg)

The sole path to victory is through relentless production and distribution of original content.

But why?

Why is anon original content so important to winning this war?

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ae69ea  No.14751070

>>14750252 BREAKING: Federal circuit court reinstates Texas heartbeat abortion ban


POLITICS Published 4 hours ago

Texas 'fetal heartbeat' abortion law reinstated by appeals court ruling

The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals issued an administrative stay

By Thomas Barrabi | Fox News

A federal appeals court reinstated Texas’ controversial "fetal heart beat" abortion ban on Friday night, days after a lower court suspended the Republican-backed law.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay, effectively pausing U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman’s decision to grant a temporary restraining order against the abortion ban earlier this week. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, had appealed the lower court’s decision.

"Great news tonight, The Fifth Circuit has granted an administrative stay on #SB8. I will fight federal overreach at every turn," Paxton wrote on Twitter after the decision.

The appeals court decision means the abortion law is reinstated pending further legal actions. In his earlier decision, Pitman referred to the law as an "offensive deprivation" of the constitutional right to an abortion.

Paxton told Fox News earlier Friday that he expected the appeal to succeed. The Texas attorney general said one of the strongest arguments in its favor was that the law "was passed by the elected representatives of the state of Texas."

The ban, also known as Senate Bill 8, was originally signed into law in May.

The law outlaws abortions once medical professionals can detect a fetal heartbeat, usually around six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they are pregnant. The law allows citizens to sue abortion providers or anyone suspected of helping a woman obtain an abortion.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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3fce05  No.14751071

File: e4875e35bcb88a0⋯.png (294.63 KB, 797x741, 797:741, florida_vet_22_years_in_pr….png)

File: c704451da6062c4⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 900x599, 900:599, FBPUS_BWYAIYRZQ.jpg)

Florida vet gets 22 years for sexually abusing dogs, storing child porn https://trib.al/dCoNb2J


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ebdba7  No.14751072

Catholicism is Satanism.

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3fce05  No.14751073

File: 79112229bae1413⋯.png (375.51 KB, 900x599, 900:599, If_only_you_knew_how_bad_a….png)

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42778a  No.14751074


The bulls deserve it.

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ebdba7  No.14751075


The Pope is a dope.

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ec2ddc  No.14751076


Thank you. I believe that the chant, especially now that the "brandon" thing is in stone, and you can whistle the chant, and it's recognized… is as unkillable as that Q thing everybody is talking about.

It's another major crack in their foundation.

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ebdba7  No.14751077


Dogs don't count count.

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3fce05  No.14751078

File: 365c655c1464d08⋯.jpeg (60.53 KB, 474x314, 237:157, 365c655c1464d08b6cdd7d7d2….jpeg)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Satanic_Vatican.png)

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60a278  No.14751079

File: 22e3a8be3234716⋯.png (191.74 KB, 428x409, 428:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fba102bbe412678⋯.png (374.79 KB, 704x565, 704:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Sidney Powell

[09.10.21 01:17]

More on Dominion's prior history of voting problems.

Dominion in Canada



Dominion in Canada

A brief look into Dominion Voting Systems in Canada. Rebel News 11-16-2020


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66e5fc  No.14751080

File: 4a8a8b7d134ef09⋯.png (20.94 KB, 144x46, 72:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6fcf  No.14751081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae69ea  No.14751082

File: 10ab9db256458e8⋯.png (78.75 KB, 1061x353, 1061:353, ClipboardImage.png)



Tonight the Fifth Circuit has granted an administrative stay in the #SB8 case.

I will continue to fight to keep #Texas free from federal overreach.

10:02 PM · Oct 8, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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ebdba7  No.14751083

Morons pray the rosary.

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fc54e5  No.14751084

File: b14c95cd717a39e⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1125x1370, 225:274, 65101e29222df873.png)

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66e5fc  No.14751085

File: a0d3f2cae142e5e⋯.png (41.7 KB, 231x68, 231:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebdba7  No.14751086


Jesus hates the rosary.

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72842e  No.14751087


anon my cat turned my sound off, will return

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fc54e5  No.14751089

File: c17d735aedf4fc2⋯.png (596.94 KB, 552x830, 276:415, b9283627ee4d2334.png)

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c0bf34  No.14751090

File: 058e6c62213b88f⋯.jpg (20 KB, 320x247, 320:247, ASL_I_love_you.jpg)

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0d12f7  No.14751091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… yeah too successful & wants people to live long and prosper. We have our differences, but he gets amongst it. Ice challenges, wrestlin, grabbing pussy in change rooms, marryin not only a supermodel but a true virtual 'aunty' to me. I roll my eyes too. I still don't believe he was fired, but if he was, good. Now he has tasted his own medicine, rehire him imbeciles. Give the MAN a fucking break, or I'll stop the car.


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ebdba7  No.14751092


Pagan bullshit.

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66e5fc  No.14751093

File: 49938563183c7ae⋯.png (40.02 KB, 291x102, 97:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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72842e  No.14751094




everyone hates me anon


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3d45b7  No.14751095

File: 309b6014e4a3c4f⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 553x433, 553:433, 309b6014e4a3c4f8be7f070d81….gif)


She really does look like Pence.

Spittin image

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31f842  No.14751096


They want to remove Biden and install Aunt Kum-Allah Harris. That has always been the plan.

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66e5fc  No.14751097


She looks pissed!


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3d45b7  No.14751098

File: e73354d928f3673⋯.jpg (741.11 KB, 1014x1282, 507:641, Screenshot_20211009_011646….jpg)



She really does look like Pence.

Oops, forgot the image

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a044d4  No.14751099

File: bdfcd12c4bb90fc⋯.jpeg (48 KB, 400x579, 400:579, 5ABC2433_E976_412D_B752_7….jpeg)


>Why is anon original content so important to winning this war?

Anon content is love in a world of hate.

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8b6fcf  No.14751100


Good that you have a cat, now go take the vaxx, and let the cat eat your ears, eyes, fingers tip, a dog will simple die on your cheast for hungry, but protecting you!!!!

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ebdba7  No.14751101

Jesus hates Q.

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66e5fc  No.14751102


Tool for deep meditation.

Hard to explain.

Kind of like dying.

White static light and everything goes quite and peaceful…kind of like a winter's morning when there is fresh fallen snow.

Everything is just silent.

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60a278  No.14751103

File: 9fc0d680764616e⋯.png (220.42 KB, 634x752, 317:376, ClipboardImage.png)

January 6 committee threatens to criminally CHARGE Steve Bannon for defying subpoena: Trump's social media director Dan Scavino is served with notice to appear

The select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot is threatening to pursue criminal charges against Steve Bannon

Bannon's lawyer told House committee he will not comply with subpoena

'I stand with Trump and the Constitution,' said former White House strategist

Lawmakers had asked him for documents and testimony on the Jan. 6 attack

But his lawyer, Robert Costello, said Trump's 'executive privilege' meant that Bannon was unable to comply

It sets up a possible legal challenge to force Bannon and other aides to testify

The committee said it would consider criminal contempt proceedings


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8b6fcf  No.14751104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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66e5fc  No.14751105


>Quiet…not "quite"

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5b44f2  No.14751106


We are always just one Masonic handshake away from being sold down the river.

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3fce05  No.14751107

File: 48cd8034599979f⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 48cd8034599979fdaed2ba3571….jpg)

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64aabb  No.14751108

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fc54e5  No.14751109

File: 82ffc7ffe0335df⋯.jpg (171.5 KB, 784x954, 392:477, 82ffc7ffe0335df79d2b4e77e1….jpg)

File: 08b8c5c28f15cde⋯.png (416.42 KB, 751x742, 751:742, 553755d7b7cb58c7.png)

File: 98d18d204aa7705⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 1114x750, 557:375, 98d18d204aa77050117c915a1c….jpg)

File: 2fd9f0897b5509f⋯.png (330.66 KB, 1024x1075, 1024:1075, 88646643c3f6ead863fdf8132b….png)

File: 97fc378a293f281⋯.png (457.97 KB, 851x427, 851:427, 461c504ae1ef337c48649ad820….png)

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ebdba7  No.14751110


3 wives is two too many.

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ec2ddc  No.14751111


They want to remove him, and we want to destroy him. 6 of 1…

Harris is already toothless. At least we could give her our best shot, without feeling like we are abusing a senile elder. I look forward to her facing the music.

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66e5fc  No.14751112

File: 5ce72d04864027f⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 497x750, 497:750, Quads.jpg)

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ebdba7  No.14751113


Banged Norma Jean

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ebdba7  No.14751114


>Banged Norma Jean

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ebdba7  No.14751115

Banged Norma Jean

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3fce05  No.14751116

File: a3fdf7093dddc3a⋯.png (261.86 KB, 535x645, 107:129, e7a6aba42d63fdebe18e025147….png)

File: 3b3fb02bb42f47a⋯.jpg (170.58 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, FBM_bNGXIAI7oaj.jpg)

File: 5eba636137539eb⋯.jpg (181.53 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, 5eba636137539ebee170d51e5d….jpg)



Harris is already taking a shine to the number 47.


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ebdba7  No.14751117


My dad banged her also.

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80a3cb  No.14751118

File: 01730d634a9af05⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb35154768b418⋯.jpg (522.23 KB, 1080x1408, 135:176, Screenshot_20211009_203038….jpg)

Check the q cup

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81e055  No.14751119

File: 4706c4b068332bd⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 710x540, 71:54, 5718523254_c05e2376ca_b_1.jpg)


Sexual deviant status:

All of them

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ebdba7  No.14751120


So did all her neighbors.

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66e5fc  No.14751121

File: 45b5fecdeac0910⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1600x1180, 80:59, ClipboardImage.png)


Was there symbolism being used in her photographs?

As compared to the symbolism being used now in the mainstream Hollywood culture?

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ebdba7  No.14751122


Marilyn Monroe was a whore.

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0d12f7  No.14751123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are a deranged, unrealistic, virtual signalling mung bean, with no concept of human interaction… only weaponised rose coloured glasses with extremely shady and sinister motives. One is very lucky to marry their first love, but you 'were' up against 3 letter agencies, banking cartels, blackmailed politicians… remember?


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ebdba7  No.14751124


Yes Yes Yes.

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31f842  No.14751125


There's a storm a'comin.

You'll see.

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ec2ddc  No.14751126


At least, someone was too smart to put it on her jersey.

Bet that it wasn't her.

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66e5fc  No.14751127


She's not even hiding it.

Everyone knew when Biden chose her.

Nobody likes her, nobody was ever going to vote for her.

Tulsi kicked her in the nuts and she was never going to recover.

She's a horrible leader.

Horrible decision maker.

She's just a good puppet to keep her masters happy.

We are so fucked.

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ebdba7  No.14751128


Disney made her.

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66e5fc  No.14751129

File: a82959f9f0b2a0e⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1100x1091, 1100:1091, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6fcf  No.14751130

Yoooo, Trump sons, maybe, and I say MAYBE, your father will come to my world, but you NEVER!!!

Go kill some animals.

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80a3cb  No.14751131

File: 0a8005ef3ad148f⋯.jpg (241.96 KB, 1065x681, 355:227, Screenshot_20211009_203249….jpg)

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ebdba7  No.14751132

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6371ee  No.14751133

File: 9a2e1e73f30b293⋯.png (197.37 KB, 1165x618, 1165:618, Ape_Exclusive_Pricing_Silv….png)


I do not know about LCS lately, but Maples have come down a bit online. Pretty good deal here out of Las Vegas. I just got some cheaper than that a couple days ago from Monument Metals, but the sale is over and the price got jacked up a lot.

I know American Eagles are "coin of the realm" and all that, but I cannot bring myself to pay that kind of a premium. $6 over is as cheap as I've heard. I try to always keep any premium under $3.50.

I do think we all need to prioritize keeping. local money local going forward, so I kind of hate to be promoting the online bullion dealers. With who knows what coming, can you even rely on USPS, FedEx, UPS, shipping systems in general to keep running smoothly? They already kind of are not.

Wall Street Silver special pricing page:


another $10 off $300 or more:


We will look back on these prices soon and wish we had backed up the truck.

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449235  No.14751134

File: 8f30a90caf6111c⋯.png (406.63 KB, 512x322, 256:161, ClipboardImage.png)


We are past that.

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ebdba7  No.14751135


So sad.

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66e5fc  No.14751136

File: 56548832700893e⋯.png (688.05 KB, 390x800, 39:80, ClipboardImage.png)




Bird shit?

Paint splotch?




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3d45b7  No.14751137


Who the HELL does this to their kids?

This is mental abuse.

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ebdba7  No.14751138

Walt Disney is all about sex with children.

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8b6fcf  No.14751139


Baron has a free enter.

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0d12f7  No.14751140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You'll never understand Sophie.


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ebdba7  No.14751141


That drove his life.

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ae69ea  No.14751142

File: bd1adaee05d2561⋯.png (180.29 KB, 720x450, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fce05  No.14751143


Her husband looks like Chuck Schumer's Tarded brother, kek

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ecd08d  No.14751144


Holy shit, is that Mitch McConnell?

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64aabb  No.14751145


Unfortunate typical thinking.

Small sound bites that appeal to the self can only be understood.

Jesus also talked about those with this type of thinking and the danger.

Where are those parts?

Put it all in context without the Spirit as well. Not possible.

Study more or follow 'do as thou will'.


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31f842  No.14751146


Biden was always just a placeholder for the first female pResident who couldn't even get nominated on her own. She's bad news. Real bad news.

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8b6fcf  No.14751147


On point, less triangle shit!

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ebdba7  No.14751148


Joe Biden is a brilliant Alzheimer's patient.

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8b6fcf  No.14751149


Go Brandon!

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ebdba7  No.14751150

Q is Satan.

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05f21e  No.14751151

File: 0a1ec204877d7a4⋯.jpeg (739.21 KB, 1022x1682, 511:841, 53C72212_7362_4632_BE2D_3….jpeg)

Would the Anon who suggested that people are gettingheart inflammationfrom having/not having an intra muscular Covid vaccination please stand up?

Genuine apologies for not citing your research correctly, it’s just it was such uninformed, ignorant, medically retarded bullshit that Anon can’t remember your theory…other than you seemed to think that those who vaccinate others are giving them heart inflammation because vaccinators aren’t aspirating the Covid vaccine properly & this is the reasoning for this specific symptom/side effect…..

For other Anons sakes, Lupus and Covid rant Anon over here would like to give a short medical lecture, assuming everyone here has still retained their eyesight.SEE SOMETHING. SAY SOMETHING.right?:

- After 10s using our dear friend called Mr Google, it would appear, against my correct initial medical understanding of the term “aspirate” - that stupid Anon had some vague reasoning for using this term. At this point I cite an actual medical publication - seems stupid Anon was on board with NIH on this one… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/

- Indeed, if one reads this article, some medical professionals appear to be of the retarded opinion that a vaccine, or indeed any injection (trust the Anon here who looked like a human voodoo doll on what does and doesn’t happen when a syringe is used to inject anything…) requires aspiration.

- In a vaccine specific context, ASPIRATION refers to a specific practice: positioning the needle into the injection side and pulling the syringe plunger upwards, so as to ‘withdraw’ any presumably a) interstitial fluid (ergo needle is positioned in the correct place),

OR b) some form of blood (ergo needle has hit a muscle/capillary or a bloody artery - if that practitioner decides to be totally reckless…its not very fun, Ill tell you that much..

- In summary, if for whatever reason, any injection of anything hits a blood vessel, then ofcourse it will circulate into your blood stream much faster.

P.S I’m falling asleep out of boredom at Anons’ stupidity here …that’d be the BTW - original retard Anon, you do know how a heart is literally akin to a biological pump with chambers and all…the vaccine doesn’t just sit there in your heart. Pretty sure you’d notice as it would mean you were dead as your heart will stopped. Awkward for you shit digger fag.


Here’s a motherfucking sauce you can all goddamn read for yourselves. https://www.healthline.com/health/heart-disease/myocarditis#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1

And to answer of y’alls stupid question,NO, it not always caused by any Covid vaccine of ANY brand, no matter if it was manufactured by POTUS (o7 Sir) himself.

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c0bf34  No.14751152


Agree with most everything you said except the bit about "buying local"…

Food for thought:


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ebdba7  No.14751153


Q is Satan.

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3d45b7  No.14751154

File: 20cec7a7a75c7e6⋯.jpg (167.39 KB, 558x845, 558:845, 20cec7a7a75c7e6d414b88c63a….jpg)


Why even drop this shit?

No flippin dates?


I know I was one.

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ebdba7  No.14751155

Q is Satan.

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0d12f7  No.14751156


I gut fish. So what?

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64aabb  No.14751157


Not even close

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66e5fc  No.14751158

File: 5f16161e85d0bb2⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1082x932, 541:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 304af2ec2d09e3c⋯.png (11.49 MB, 2318x2307, 2318:2307, ClipboardImage.png)





50 cents?

Half Dollar?

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ebdba7  No.14751159

Trump says Q is Satan.

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8b6fcf  No.14751160


Sure it is…..

You thought you deserve better?

Like angels, Jesus, Enki??

You have what you deserve…….

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ebdba7  No.14751161


Q got Biden elected.

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ebdba7  No.14751162


>Q got Biden elected.

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5b44f2  No.14751163

File: 381005c5090a8b7⋯.jpeg (358.67 KB, 700x773, 700:773, 21A93531_709F_43A7_A33A_A….jpeg)

I’m tired of the same people fucking us over











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81e055  No.14751164



We're not on halfchan

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8b6fcf  No.14751165


And He voted for him, like 30 mil people , tards like you.

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b9d616  No.14751167


She is pretty.

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66e5fc  No.14751168

File: 068c4372c74f93a⋯.png (184.65 KB, 244x258, 122:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7963f73adac59b⋯.png (38.28 KB, 627x505, 627:505, ClipboardImage.png)


WTF is that?

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64aabb  No.14751169



But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking

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7e7e90  No.14751170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



153 views * Oct 8, 2021


>>14751166 (QSG)

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31f842  No.14751171


Initials of the designer?

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ffd650  No.14751172

File: b36f9bb3e3092ef⋯.png (5.14 MB, 1632x2048, 51:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d12f7  No.14751173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… and masks, satanic trans and antifa teaches, food water & fluoride, and family courts aren't? Fuck you marxist.


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8b6fcf  No.14751174


Fk off evil.

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ffd650  No.14751175


>She is pretty.

She is prettty.

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66e5fc  No.14751177

File: 848ac382e88701f⋯.png (339.89 KB, 768x376, 96:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58bfefa624f1826⋯.png (22.3 KB, 332x459, 332:459, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's from 2018.




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449235  No.14751178

File: 445134f5a616874⋯.png (326.16 KB, 404x304, 101:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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05f21e  No.14751179


Do any Anons per chance have the ability to do a simple decode?



Starter for 10s (MISSPELINGS MATTER):


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ffd650  No.14751180

File: 8ea0fa237904ca8⋯.png (1.38 MB, 888x696, 37:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6fcf  No.14751181



Stay away, satan!!!

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66e5fc  No.14751182

File: 757718dcefbde9d⋯.png (280.18 KB, 346x358, 173:179, bewbsonaplane.png)



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9622df  No.14751183

File: c88a3b84adad6f9⋯.jpeg (191.44 KB, 750x1169, 750:1169, F7657C70_C680_4990_91FE_3….jpeg)


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ffd650  No.14751184



why you couldnt just research and provide the answer intead of wtf?

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ebdba7  No.14751185

Q is Satan.

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ebdba7  No.14751186

Q is Satan.

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ebdba7  No.14751187

Q is Satan.

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ebdba7  No.14751188

Satan is Q.

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ebdba7  No.14751189

Jim Watkins is gay.

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9622df  No.14751190

File: 0f33771b57d9ad2⋯.jpeg (91.29 KB, 750x538, 375:269, 5854FF3A_79AE_4D72_971B_4….jpeg)

File: d11eb22ce5b2d27⋯.jpeg (131.16 KB, 750x789, 250:263, 7A9029B3_73ED_46D1_A54A_E….jpeg)


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66e5fc  No.14751191

File: e491e09370ddb7f⋯.png (150.24 KB, 625x644, 625:644, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebdba7  No.14751192


Trump had no idea what he was doing.

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05f21e  No.14751193

File: b71363e52a466c0⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1536x2008, 192:251, 7BCB2828_1FFF_43E2_886F_A….jpeg)


BO - do we have the Z team on the night shift here?

This is rant for the day Anon typing you assholes.

At which point I would like to note that I maybe *just* maybe posted this bloody obvious fucking research about 6 months ago…did anyone show any interest? Nah….

Maybe this is more exciting:

And yes Anons I already fucking sauced it above. But as none of you can read, I prepared some nice big red boxes for you to read in 15seconds.

THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPIDand at this point that includes you Anons.

o7 Guys

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0d12f7  No.14751194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8d9ea0  No.14751195


Doctor Reveals How The JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED FDA And JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED CDC Are Hiding The Truth about the JEWISH Covid GOYIM DEATH Vaccines …Another Brave Doctor Speaks Up, and will probably be destroyed by our JEWISH MASTERS.- Watch if you stupid, jew-loving boomers dare…

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ebdba7  No.14751197

Q is gay.

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3d45b7  No.14751198

File: 370acaf146a3ee0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1100x740, 55:37, 7a186eabf96d9807a7735c5da4….png)



If it isn't already

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05f21e  No.14751199


Q Team - seriously - do I have to do actual decodes to get these morons’ attention?

Stupid question…

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ebdba7  No.14751200


Q got Biden elected.

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ebdba7  No.14751201


Biden has Alzheimer's.

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ffd650  No.14751202





nobody interacts with shill

shill cries

so sad

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ebdba7  No.14751203


Severe Alzheimer's

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05f21e  No.14751204


Thanks for the compliment - I am most flattered.


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ebdba7  No.14751205

Q is retarded.

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3d45b7  No.14751206

File: aa78dc899b12f44⋯.jpg (683.45 KB, 1058x1445, 1058:1445, Screenshot_20190801_084028….jpg)



That is not attractive.

Sorry guys, gotta pass.

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8d9ea0  No.14751207


GOYIM Babies Breastfeeding from Covid-Vaxxed Mothers are Becoming Sick, and Some are Dying

Boomers and their jew masters cheer on the death.

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64aabb  No.14751208

File: 57bf6d282ba8f18⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 360x640, 9:16, ipw9r_0RuwcOr0W4.mp4)

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66e5fc  No.14751209

File: 6c167f6d202ffa8⋯.png (57.99 KB, 267x304, 267:304, ClipboardImage.png)



His monogram “GR” appears in fancy font at the base of Kennedy’s neck. “It’s my monogram, a ‘G’ and an ‘R’ in script, combined,” said Roberts in a 1964 interview. “It might look like two sickles maybe. But it looks nothing like a sickle and hammer at all. You’ve got to have a slanted mind to see that there.”

I guess I have a slanted mind, because that's the first thing I thought of was a communist symbol with sickles.


Still think there is more to that than just a guy's initials.

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05f21e  No.14751210


Accurate to an extent. Not really though…

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8b6fcf  No.14751211


Put USA there.

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ae69ea  No.14751212

File: 022752c641184d5⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 407x425, 407:425, 022752c641184d5509db7a64a4….jpg)

File: 5797724f51a1c2e⋯.png (81.21 KB, 834x1256, 417:628, fdbd451390f494628d6e5b7d23….png)


screenshot was intercepted from elsewhere

not directly from twatterville

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93eac5  No.14751213

File: f620dfd7661c131⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 900x300, 3:1, 5908ug09u0jr02q98uytr0gjh0….jpg)

even comp'd media can no longer hide from the truth

Delta variant does not appear to make children sicker

Secondary immune response stronger after infection than vaccination


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9622df  No.14751214

File: 2f93678228c77f2⋯.jpeg (134.57 KB, 750x935, 150:187, 7CF16F18_D000_40C1_96AA_1….jpeg)

File: f289e623c094945⋯.jpeg (125.61 KB, 750x707, 750:707, CEB8D5B3_5987_4778_8D7C_0….jpeg)

File: 221697281f5cd92⋯.jpeg (205.29 KB, 750x1016, 375:508, 2D49D51D_84C0_4ECA_AF45_3….jpeg)

File: 0ef8e5851460ca6⋯.jpeg (210.15 KB, 750x1113, 250:371, 59D52368_C955_4126_B87F_B….jpeg)


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05f21e  No.14751215

File: 86a1c2c290a10e9⋯.png (90.4 KB, 500x479, 500:479, D28924C0_E9A2_46B7_8D34_EC….png)


WannaNOTABLEmy shit?

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0d12f7  No.14751216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… see, I am in two minds, because Dementia Awareness/Research is something I novicly care about a lot, and cgi, deep fakes, printed lies, antagonizing… always has you thinking twice, whatever ways.


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8b6fcf  No.14751217


E bake.

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64aabb  No.14751218





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8b6fcf  No.14751219



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8d9ea0  No.14751220


A Patriot Public School History Teacher's Warning She Risked Her Employment To Warn Americans ABOUT JEWISH COMMUNISM, and will be out of a job, and probably killed by JEWS before long.


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9622df  No.14751221

File: c00663b30bece8e⋯.jpeg (197.32 KB, 750x1074, 125:179, 290ECADB_2674_4487_B041_1….jpeg)


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0d12f7  No.14751222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ffd650  No.14751223

File: d66425a1c4aeb72⋯.png (1.09 MB, 900x481, 900:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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61c2ce  No.14751224

Excellent video to get through to normies about the vaxxxes.


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5b44f2  No.14751225


If Amazon kills Captain Kirk I will never use Amazon again

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0d12f7  No.14751227


… wisdom… meh.

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8b6fcf  No.14751228


Sorry dude, we don't love jews in here, Even Jesus said in the bible, that you are a whore.

Also, your roots are in rotshschild family of evil. The most rich people, if you wanted good to the planet, you donated at least half, but you promote vaxx to save me, ahahahahhahahhahaha, I take this pain, b/c I'm a moran, but I'll return and kill you all.


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31f842  No.14751229



What is that?

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ffd650  No.14751230

File: e1a5d553e1e32d6⋯.png (603.47 KB, 900x444, 75:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb7378  No.14751231


Mr pig is dead and stuffed

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f106ab  No.14751232


why not link to the video page?


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64aabb  No.14751233


Watched and then saw this which is a pervasive industry that needs much more digging and exposure.

Tons of related videos.

Sad and unreal reality with dumb parents pushing their own children into it.


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0d12f7  No.14751234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6371ee  No.14751235


The author's incentives might not be aligned with mine.

I used to be of a different mind on this matter.

My town used to be the #2 producer of stell in the nation. Now we make damn near nothing. Time has convinced me that a good future shouldn't need more Walmart-based living. I get that trade is necessary if you don't want all your buying options to fit on a post-it note, "free & fair trade" has proved disastrous to much of the industrial midwest climate.

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64aabb  No.14751236


You must be jesuit

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0d12f7  No.14751237


I find it hard to go down those rabbit holes. That's too forensic. I'm aware.

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42ca80  No.14751238


>If Amazon kills Captain Kirk I will never use Amazon again

so you still donate money to the commies? and you have the balls to come here and pretend to be a patriot?

fucking traitor.

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ffd650  No.14751239

File: ebf3a1f6be6a292⋯.png (822.26 KB, 833x888, 833:888, ClipboardImage.png)


American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) holding a sheer scarf, Beverly Hills, California, June 1962. The scar from a gallbladder operation is visible on her abdomen. The two sessions for the photoshoot took place in late June and early July, only weeks before her death on 5th August 1962. The images were published posthumously in Vogue magazine under the title 'The Last Sitting'. (Photo by Bert Stern/Getty Images)

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0d12f7  No.14751241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0d12f7  No.14751243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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61c2ce  No.14751244

File: 868b9a66fdeeaf7⋯.png (343.39 KB, 1230x914, 615:457, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know about that part of the link, but I copied it from jimstone.is website, and it works.

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64aabb  No.14751245

File: 8bee9d09de0b528⋯.gif (8.81 KB, 389x240, 389:240, 512354575684456665.gif)

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8b6fcf  No.14751247




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61c2ce  No.14751248


I copied the link from Jim Stone's website. Thanks for finding the original.

By far the best video I've seen for schooling anyone skeptical about the anti-vax position.

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81e055  No.14751249

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5b44f2  No.14751250

File: aae698478e6b47d⋯.jpeg (525.2 KB, 750x802, 375:401, F3496812_D7E8_4E4B_9926_F….jpeg)




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0d12f7  No.14751251


… if everything is true & factual about John Podesta (… and bro… same same but different), he would have been put down by now.

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7e7e90  No.14751252

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6371ee  No.14751253

File: e476ecb955aeb28⋯.png (97.24 KB, 970x443, 970:443, ClipboardImage.png)



I know "they" are not happy with the new American Silver Eagle design. Does not give them the "free reign" they had with prior design. Clipped left wing, different letter positioning, branch only (no arrows), eagle's head tilted down in a landing pattern, not proudly up, no more 13 stars. "They" disguise it fairly well, but anyone paying attention, who doesn't really comprehend exactly what silver is, or what it facilitates, will reach the conclusion that it is somehow "inhabited" and the symbolism is a big part of that.

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7e7e90  No.14751254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b6fcf  No.14751255


But who we have there, to put criminals behind bars???


So again, we must beg for external help!!

But they will want to help US??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


So we are alone, as usual, fvcked all day long!


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0d12f7  No.14751256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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81e055  No.14751257

File: a93a08efea656fd⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 657x440, 657:440, a93a08efea656fd1f3456523e1….jpg)


that's what I was trying to do here, >>14751249, but forgot o click to reply to the post >>14751249

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efe6d0  No.14751258

File: 2b65a4f1904830e⋯.png (60.69 KB, 942x468, 157:78, ClipboardImage.png)


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0d12f7  No.14751259


* well that's just your opinion man meme here *

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7e7e90  No.14751260

File: eadea4802fcdff8⋯.jpeg (420.8 KB, 1080x1073, 1080:1073, eadea4802fcdff8cd4a5954f0….jpeg)

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8b6fcf  No.14751261


It is reality.

And it is hurting.

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0d12f7  No.14751262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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efe6d0  No.14751263



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0d12f7  No.14751264


… well, I personally ain't doing overly bad stuff. Don't know what everyone else is doin.

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dc564a  No.14751265


Agreed anon, especially the part about the premiums. I lucked into a deal for three years in a row with a local dealer selling 90% junk for exactly spot. I trimmed the shit out of my budget to take advantage of that. $12 silver in March 2020 was a real treat! Even with today's premiums, silver is unbelievably cheap.

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3d45b7  No.14751266



https://www.christianitydaily.com/articles/12386/20210625/cdc-whistleblowers-tell-top-doctor-vaccine-injections-already-killed-50-000-americans.htmFull article explaining Fauci's inescapable secret connection to Israel:

REDPILLED MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: FAUCI BOWS TO ISRAEL! Dr. Fauci Flip Flops on Natural Immunity Once Israel Supports It Right After Receiving Million-Dollar Israeli Bribe (VIDEO)


https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1Makes ABSOLUTELY NO sence!

No vaXXXinations for


2. UPS

3. Delivery Companies

4. Military= paid Honorable Discharge

5. Illigal aliens coming over the boarder

6. Afghanistan's refugees in U.S.

7. Congress


And biden's admin thinks they can push business to do their dirty work to push the vaXXX.

You know who else hasn't been vaXXed?

Bill & Melinda Gates, or their children.

Fauci, NHI or their employees. Same with Pfizer and their employees. Not sure about the other vaXXX companies. But seeing what's in the vaXXX and the fact it still hasn't finished clinical trials for 2 more years. I'm sure they havent either.










Very sad, indeed.

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0d12f7  No.14751267


… why?

It's a great song for children to get some history.

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eb2d22  No.14751268







tardanons repeat knowingly like it was a magical mantra while it's just a basic distinction in law

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0d12f7  No.14751269


notable newbie exchange

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f106ab  No.14751270


Just a handy hint for the future:

If you take the filename from your seed link, OAPf9PTh7PPX.mp4 in this case and remove the .mp4 what you actually have is the unique id of that particular video so you can take that id and do: bitchute.com/video/id-goes-here and find the corresponding page.

Hope that makes sense.

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efe6d0  No.14751271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Look at this fucking guy, KMAO


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7e7e90  No.14751272

File: e057de70d66ffb4⋯.jpg (119.56 KB, 910x642, 455:321, Screen_Shot_2021_08_05_at_….jpg)



Its an adverb.

>tardanons repeat knowingly like it was a magical mantra while it's just a basic distinction in law

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31760c  No.14751273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You've probably seen this ? Very stirring..my mum loved this piece of music so it's extra emotional watching this for me but even without that I do tear up alot!

when I see President Trump !

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535d63  No.14751274


Meth is a helluva drug

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8b6fcf  No.14751275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stay the course.

Can't go wrong, if you're right!

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0d12f7  No.14751276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I enjoy being here at the mome. May get keen for shooters and some rock and roll later. Who knows. Don't wanna put a mask on at the bar. Security also needs to chill the fuck out. RSA laws and shit. Only need to wind back a little. No one punch ff. Need to find my niche again after destabilisation.


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e53fc2  No.14751277

Why has Orion dimmed in the night sky? Or is it just me? I can only see it if I glance at it peripherally.

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eb2d22  No.14751278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Spirit Cooking

Linux/GNU is based on commie satanism

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0d12f7  No.14751279


'You go to a bar to get pissed'.

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81e055  No.14751280

File: 0cf435659f4a77e⋯.jpg (158.25 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, 0cf435659f4a77eb64c44e21c3….jpg)

File: 467d9ae5a164858⋯.png (50.25 KB, 1126x850, 563:425, Memetic_warfare.png)


>Why is anon original content so important to winning this war?

Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.

Attacking and defeating ideologies with conventional military means (precision munitions or large infantry and armored formations) is not and has never been holistically successful. History and contemporary military operations prove defeating an ideology requires a more sophisticated and complex approach. The spread of ideologies proliferates daily with increased sophistication and widespread access to global media. [Think COVID, Socialism, Critical Race Theory, etc…]

Memes offer an opportunity to enter into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.


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61c2ce  No.14751281


>Hope that makes sense.

It does. Thanks.


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0d12f7  No.14751282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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42ca80  No.14751283


>We are always just one Masonic handshake away from being sold down the river.

WUT? you didn't notice?

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eb2d22  No.14751284


new york mob godfather vibes

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61c2ce  No.14751285


Madcow is one deeply evil cunt.

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0eb877  No.14751286

If y'all don't stop chanting fuck joe biden… he's going to lock you down again…

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8b6fcf  No.14751287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0d12f7  No.14751288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… and it's not $10 cheap wine, it's a goon bag.


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0d12f7  No.14751290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7e7e90  No.14751291

File: 625c95c089960d3⋯.jpg (406.63 KB, 1020x1318, 510:659, Screen_Shot_2021_10_09_at_….jpg)



>Its an adverb.

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eb2d22  No.14751293


>If y'all don't stop chanting fuck joe biden… he's going to lock you down again…




>>>14750137 pb


>This is the way

POTUS said "shit" …

the Patriots were ecstatic

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42ca80  No.14751294


put a bag over her head, and you can pretend you're fucking ahhnold.

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0d12f7  No.14751296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truly a role model for nervous parents.


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c39f3c  No.14751297

File: 26f15d2ef0ccc6f⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 660x644, 165:161, 20211009_031318.jpg)

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7e7e90  No.14751298

File: b5366a8b51cdc4a⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1000x883, 1000:883, b5366a8b51cdc4a9c5f71cf735….png)

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182824  No.14751299

File: 3d9c2a8d5865815⋯.png (190.21 KB, 605x502, 605:502, one_o.png)


The Columbia Bugle Flag of United States



Oct 7

Tucker Carlson's Monologue On Who Is Really In Charge In Washington

"[General Flynn] told us what is really obvious to everyone who watches, an unelected group within Washington effectively runs the country without reference to voters."

The Columbia Bugle Flag of United States



Oct 7

"How is democracy more threatened than having unelected people who operate in the dark free to undermine and sabotage the person that Americans chose as their President?" -@ggreenwald

Quote Tweet

The Post Millennial


· Oct 7

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald discusses who is really in charge of the government


0:02 / 4:18

Tammy Bruce Retweeted

The Columbia Bugle Flag of United States


Still one of the most insane segments ever aired on the mainstream media.

Quote Tweet

Glenn Greenwald


· Apr 8, 2019

This turned out to be one of the most prescient and important (and creepy) statements of the Trump presidency: from Chuck Schumer to Rachel Maddow - in early January, 2017, before Trump was even inaugurated:

9:12 PM · Oct 7, 2021

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8b6fcf  No.14751300


For you I'm here, You have no worries.

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81e055  No.14751301

File: 2822788709b65bd⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 577x432, 577:432, knowingly.jpg)

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42ca80  No.14751302

File: 458dba0e94f9c9f⋯.jpg (240.79 KB, 863x1300, 863:1300, e7f0b2e0f1b6eaf81fc8cc4bb7….jpg)

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fcbb3d  No.14751303


Are there more of these types of cards?

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0d12f7  No.14751304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c39f3c  No.14751305

File: 81b1597076f8ad3⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 540x303, 180:101, 20211009_030043.gif)

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182824  No.14751306

File: c56bef11fe8042b⋯.png (349.23 KB, 858x763, 858:763, trolls.png)


HILARIOUS! Passenger Trolls Airline Into Paging “Let’s Go Brandon” on Intercom at Chicago Airport in a Viral Video

By Jim Hoft

Published October 8, 2021 at 10:12pm

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0d12f7  No.14751307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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81e055  No.14751308

File: 5533ae0f6fee5f0⋯.jpg (14.57 KB, 350x262, 175:131, pat_saturday_night_live_b3….jpg)


That's hot

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61c2ce  No.14751309

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB, 850x1025, 34:41, Grammar_Toots.png)


Most of those are not adverbs.

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5e1e73  No.14751310

File: 26b9f092ea3bff8⋯.jpg (279.87 KB, 1069x1393, 1069:1393, 20211009_051002.jpg)

File: e61b0150ced3883⋯.jpg (386.38 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20211009_050739….jpg)

File: 40cd732eeb081c6⋯.jpg (339.95 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20211009_050851….jpg)

File: 252cda9fe6872ad⋯.jpg (251.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20211009_050901….jpg)

File: 26b9f092ea3bff8⋯.jpg (279.87 KB, 1069x1393, 1069:1393, 20211009_051002.jpg)

New open VAERS Report

This is through 10/1/2021

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182824  No.14751311

File: f77616477d240ec⋯.png (315.65 KB, 857x814, 857:814, ucla.png)


“I’m Willing to Lose Everything…Even My Life” – Anesthesiologist Escorted Out of UCLA Medical Plaza for Refusing to Get Covid Vaccine (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published October 8, 2021 at 6:30pm

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fcb844  No.14751312

File: 746413c902edbb6⋯.png (12.26 KB, 98x85, 98:85, Untitled1.png)

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182824  No.14751313

File: 8a7b73c912078f2⋯.png (614.5 KB, 898x667, 898:667, obit.png)


News & Politics

Twitter Censors Obit of Washington Woman Who Died From Covid … Vaccine

By Victoria Taft Oct 08, 2021 7:37 PM ET

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3d45b7  No.14751314


I think the death count is actually more than that.

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8b6fcf  No.14751315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fcb844  No.14751316


And I heard somebody state (or saw it quoted) maybe yesterday, that only around 10% of actual events get reported. So this VAERS data really is a 10% sample of the reality on the ground, across the country.

If I can find it I will come back & post sauce.

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182824  No.14751317

File: 26b529607ce5cfd⋯.png (71.54 KB, 1333x253, 1333:253, refute.png)


Michael Flynn refutes QAnon claims that he worships Satan during guest appearance on Christian YouTube channel

Morgan Keith

7 hours ago

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fcb844  No.14751318


Actually now that I think about it I might have read that in here KEK - but I will look

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3d45b7  No.14751319



I've never heard anons accuse Michael Flynn of worshiping satan. GMADB

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c39f3c  No.14751320

File: e5e11f1326c9927⋯.gif (35.28 KB, 113x202, 113:202, 20211009_033451.gif)

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7e7e90  No.14751321

File: 6cedb59df95e3b3⋯.jpg (230.95 KB, 844x993, 844:993, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….jpg)

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0d12f7  No.14751322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I got.told to breathe…

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182824  No.14751323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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484632  No.14751324

File: 52b8399f02d450d⋯.png (433.22 KB, 1920x4973, 1920:4973, possible_news_story_0800_e….png)

/pol/ thread claiming major news at 8am eastern

An anon made a thread about a possible major news story hitting at 8am today, Oct 9th. He wouldn't say what it was, but he hinted at something political. Then an Ivan showed up, saying it's about what really happened to the attack boat that "bumped something", or that it's infrastructure related. The OP hinted that Ivan was correct. Pic related is the thread with relevant posts shown. Thread was deleted, archive link below.


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c39f3c  No.14751325

aaannnnd it is remedial engrish night…

Many here need it.

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b12644  No.14751326


He said a prayer in public where he mentioned

"7 fold rays" and "legions"

it was said that some,people thought it sounded occult like.

"fact checkers say" it was plagiarized from a mormon sect leader.

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80a3cb  No.14751327

File: 3efd4d5bbd75d4c⋯.png (106.92 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Dark to Light

Great Awakening

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7e7e90  No.14751328


All of them are adverbs depending on how they are being used.

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0d12f7  No.14751329


… mirror is Julian Assange

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182824  No.14751330

File: 7dc4ed329dba9b3⋯.png (656.84 KB, 1350x875, 54:35, flynns_horse.png)

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80a3cb  No.14751331

File: ccd1386b1d7fb24⋯.png (951.8 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d45b7  No.14751332

File: fe7dc5425e71ef0⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 527x521, 527:521, 37bf87795e5ede416c0a2bc8b1….jpg)


There in the same cult.

Freemasonry Luciferians

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c39f3c  No.14751333

File: 0ae9c3f9ea2be9c⋯.gif (147.54 KB, 427x427, 1:1, 20211009_034153.gif)


so it has gone from "soon" to

"maybe tomorrow".


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fcbb3d  No.14751335


From the Quantum community ya ding(us).

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5e1e73  No.14751336



VAERS Reports of only 1% of actual incidents/occurrences. Hospitals rarely report anything. Take these #s and ×100 may be closer to the truth.

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fcb844  No.14751337

File: de18f73e1c3c182⋯.png (438.95 KB, 858x1673, 858:1673, VAERS_Fact_Check1.png)


Hey check it out – Already been "fact-checked" so must be over the target.

The best part is this gem: “Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death,” it says.

But the exact same logic does not apply with "COVID deaths" hmmm???


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0d12f7  No.14751338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8b6fcf  No.14751339


Fvck off.

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80a3cb  No.14751340

i cant watch trump rallies anymore

no happenings

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0d12f7  No.14751341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7e7e90  No.14751342



For syntaxing purposes they are all adverbs 1st. Depending on where they land in the fictitious-grammar sentence [no]-structure they can also be verbs, adjectives or pronouns.

>All of them are adverbs depending on how they are being used.

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8b6fcf  No.14751343



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fcbb3d  No.14751344

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpeg (24.14 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 0f8d66af00cc8cdbdd31fa653….jpeg)

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60a278  No.14751345

File: d27f8c36c53cc65⋯.png (190.58 KB, 579x422, 579:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56253152694d50f⋯.png (161.98 KB, 466x915, 466:915, ClipboardImage.png)

ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel, [09.10.21 03:38]

[ Photo ]

When Christopher Gadsden (Founder of the Gadsden Flag) began the call to organize the colonies for a revolt against Britain roughly 10 years before the official American revolution, he was considered a radical and was largely outspoken.

He was speaking truths that would inevitably result in temporary hardship for many.

But he kept his vision clear and he had an unique ability to see the bigger picture of what the result of his efforts would become.

It took nearly a decade for his vision of a sovereign United colonies to become popular enough for others to catch on and ultimately kick off the American Revolution.

To be clear, Gadsden wasn't the only one with these ideas (there were few), but he's largely considered the most vocal…

History also shows without Gadsden, the American revolution likely never would have happened.

Keep these things in mind as you hear the word "sesession" begin to be thrown around…


Learn more about Gadsden's revolutionary role here:



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60a278  No.14751346

File: 323f77093ccee61⋯.png (49.94 KB, 421x771, 421:771, ClipboardImage.png)

ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel, [09.10.21 04:32]

To be clear I'm not saying we should secede YET.

We should still use every legal option to fix 2020 first.

But if lawlessness continues the way it is now, sesession should be a conversation we're all having.

That said we're a solid 5-10 years off and it would take a lot to do it the right way. This would be the ideal scenario:

1) States lead election reform so they cleanup their damn elections.

2) Digital soldiers step up to the plate and win the battle of public opinion and the propaganda war (just like Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, and others did back in the revolution).

3) We vote in candidates who openly promote sesession.

4) We negotiate peaceful terms to exercise our constitutional rights to break from the union. There is a two year period where people can move between state lines as the country rearranges itself.

I think the point a lot of people are missing is that we're closer to a peaceful divorce than we've ever been and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

But if this level of lawlessness continues, sesession will be the only option I see at this point.

And if states wanna kick it off early?

I'm all for it.

That's their constitutional right when they've had a breach of contract with the federal government (which the feds have breached).


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7e7e90  No.14751347

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c39f3c  No.14751348

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c932a7  No.14751349

File: c2ebfcbecd57de2⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 508x491, 508:491, 5pt7go.jpg)

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60a278  No.14751350

File: 3a781f3de7f91e7⋯.png (890.1 KB, 980x1280, 49:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e571eb0de3bc97⋯.png (308.48 KB, 1076x1280, 269:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72d61be363070d8⋯.png (112.77 KB, 460x423, 460:423, ClipboardImage.png)

MistyG 🇺🇸🦅, [08.10.21 21:30]

[ Album ]

Mitch McConnell wrote a letter to Biden saying he will no longer assist with Democrats grifs. He say the partisan spending bill hurts America and helps China.


Too little too late bruised doll man.

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a05252  No.14751351


Congress Used Ivermectin On Themselves While Banning It For Everyone Else…

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0eb877  No.14751352


You have one… he's this close (Im pinching my fingers together real hard) to starting a war with China…If Afghanistan was 20 years of sons, how many years will this war be? Cause all they've had for the last 20 years…sons, billions of sons…

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48a5ba  No.14751353


>But the exact same logic does not apply with "COVID deaths" hmmm???

That is what is infuriating about all this. Different standards of causation depending on whether it advances a particular agenda.

The coming Nuremberg II trials will straighten this shit out.

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a05252  No.14751354

File: 72f83c79d6b133e⋯.png (21.01 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 1b8ac07f9ad4b87766b4e79a92….png)

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7e7e90  No.14751355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There were some floating around here but now have a 'join or 404' spoiler on them.

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b12644  No.14751356

File: df57990d70bc3e2⋯.jpg (231.4 KB, 921x718, 921:718, g.jpg)


I just checked and I'm not seeing this pop up yet

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a05252  No.14751357

File: 9a11886bc955990⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_6_.jpg)

Why yes, yes I am beautiful…

Thank you so much for noticing…

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7e7e90  No.14751358

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c932a7  No.14751359

File: fa9565db37e8873⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 508x491, 508:491, 5pt7o2.jpg)

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a05252  No.14751360

File: 7158eab1cc2e247⋯.jpeg (88.92 KB, 630x450, 7:5, 7f804baa_8ac9_4338_8d1d_3….jpeg)

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80a3cb  No.14751361

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c39f3c  No.14751362

File: cde7bcc09360635⋯.gif (234.04 KB, 57x102, 19:34, 20211009_035412.gif)


he gets crucified on the mall with the rest.

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c932a7  No.14751364

File: b64659f4bf4d290⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 498x365, 498:365, wtf_homer.gif)

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bab3c8  No.14751365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… the daily beast reported. The shitheel rag doesnt even have a snapshot of their shitty paywall scrrRREEEEEEd.

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61c2ce  No.14751368


Show me in the dictionary where the preposition "at" is also an adverb.


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2f0797  No.14751369


Link it or it did not happen.

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903636  No.14751371

Been following damn near nightly since 2017. When the FUCK is something going to happen? Christ.

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ae69ea  No.14751372

File: e69a7b73306af24⋯.png (915.95 KB, 843x823, 843:823, ClipboardImage.png)

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c932a7  No.14751373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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61c2ce  No.14751381


Prolly right after you throw up your hands in exasperation and walk away. Murphy's Law.

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d386b1  No.14751382

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 64692A54_4550_4B61_8E73_57….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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182824  No.14751384

File: cabd4d0430192ec⋯.png (40.77 KB, 334x358, 167:179, one_month.png)


Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [08.10.21 20:00]

[ Audio file : Jeffrey Peterson – Sep 8 2021 ]

As we get ready to celebrate our first full month online since officially launching the Jeff.pro online technology community on Sep. 11th, 2021, here is a re-play of Jeffrey Peterson's live Telegram voice call (held on this channel) on September 8, 2021.

Best wishes to you, Patriots, as you set out to discover the very robust world of Free and Open Source technology. If you, like us, are ready to leave the spying and abuses of the "big tech" Windows/MacOS/Android operating systems, Linux is Digital Freedom!

Follow -> @Jeffrey_Peterson

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61c2ce  No.14751385


P.S. Murphy's Law is what? If something can go wrong, it will? So, no, not Murphy's Law. But another Law something akin to it.

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280033  No.14751386

I’m losing faith in this plan.

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182824  No.14751389

File: 6d54713a59fb1a7⋯.png (51.95 KB, 425x414, 425:414, break_down.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [08.10.21 19:20]

[Forwarded from Joe Oltmann (Joe Oltmann)]

Going live! Whistleblower! Thomas Renz shows with CMS data that the Vax is killing people!

Tune in at 5 PM MT/7PM EST!

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48a5ba  No.14751392


Top o' the mornin' to you, sir or madam.

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c932a7  No.14751396


What is it?

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b12644  No.14751397


I hope you don't think me harsh

and i have faith you will understand what I mean

when I say,

Faith and hope are of no use at all.

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61c2ce  No.14751398


>I’m losing faith in this plan.

Have you looked into hormone therapy?

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48a5ba  No.14751399


>I’m losing faith in this plan.

Patience or GTFO.

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182824  No.14751400

File: 48696dfcfdfda8e⋯.png (149.38 KB, 482x475, 482:475, bad_polls.png)


NewsBusters Podcast: Shameless Networks Burying Joe Biden's Collapsing Poll Numbers

Tim Graham

October 8th, 2021 10:50 PM

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80a3cb  No.14751401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23825a  No.14751402


Q said "we must go to the precipice of disaster"

and you said, 'nah i cant handle that, im gonna bitch out when we get toooo close for my liking!"

k then, fuck off then. why you here?

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586df9  No.14751405

File: 0854f45a7fdd54d⋯.png (870.15 KB, 917x620, 917:620, bfdc.png)

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182824  No.14751406

File: e91682494e51d7c⋯.png (136.01 KB, 420x384, 35:32, look.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [09.10.21 01:17]

More on Dominion's prior history of voting problems. https://rumble.com/vhniqx-dominion-in-canada.html

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c932a7  No.14751408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have an idea,


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586df9  No.14751410

File: 024e825397e406e⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 424x352, 53:44, nalkike.JPG)

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d5bce3  No.14751412

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release


Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan.

According to several sources, so far it appears no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval. The White House, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority.

“There is nothing there yet that gives employers any mandate,” Stephanie McFarland, spokeswoman for the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration, told me Oct. 6. “The president made an announcement on this asking OSHA to do it, but we’ve not yet seen anything come from it yet,” she also said. When the state agency gets any further information, she said, they’ll review it.

To impose the public perception of a mandate, the Biden administration is following an unusual rule-making process it also employed earlier this year, called an emergency temporary standard (ETS). The spring ETS rule took nearly six months to issue. Meanwhile, companies are telling reporters their vaccine mandates will have at the latest December deadlines. (For those who can’t calendar, that’s four months after Biden’s non-existent mandate was proclaimed. According to OSHA, an ETS takes up to six months to go into effect after the initial mandate is issued in the Federal Register — which, again, for the proclaimed 100-employee mandate hasn’t happened yet.)

Lawyers for big business were blunt about their love for this mandate mirage: “Everybody loves this cover,” Minneapolis employment lawyer Kate Bischoff told Bloomberg Law in September. “Many were already looking down the road at doing this, but the fact that they get to blame Biden is like manna from heaven.”

Using the ETS procedure instead of normal federal rule-making processes both allows the Biden administration to push its demands faster and without any public input or requirement of responding to public input, which is normally required of even legally laughable federal rule-making like this one would be. That is part of why ETS rules have been overwhelmingly overturned in courts.

“OSHA has used that legal authority only 10 times in 50 years,” David Rivkin Jr. and Robert Alt wrote in the Wall Street Journal in September. “Courts have decided challenges to six of those standards, nixing five and upholding only one.”

There are many other reasons any federal vaccine mandate would be obviously illegal and unconstitutional, Rivkin and Alt write, including that “The states have plenary police power to regulate health and safety. Congress has only those limited powers enumerated in the Constitution. That wouldn’t include the authority to impose a $155 fine (today’s equivalent of the $5 at stake in Jacobson) on an individual who declines to be vaccinated, much less to prevent him from earning a livelihood.”

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182824  No.14751414

File: 95aa1322fd1854f⋯.png (147.78 KB, 421x475, 421:475, notice.png)


The Library, [09.10.21 00:15]

WATCH: 871 L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over the City of Los Angeles’ COVID vaccine mandate.

Firefighters are seeking $1.7 BILLION in damages.


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80a3cb  No.14751416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hidden In Plain Sight -

Jimmy Savile | ICMAP | S3 EP6

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586df9  No.14751419

File: 686a82b3ed4de15⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 491x223, 491:223, jns.jpg)

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d5bce3  No.14751420





Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release


Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan.

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182824  No.14751421

File: 3b77056b94eac50⋯.png (271.92 KB, 604x608, 151:152, 22.png)


Former White House Strategist Steve Bannon, who is defying the January 6 committee subpoena, says “the return of Trump” will NOT be in 2024, but in 2022 “or maybe before, as we start the decertification process out in Arizona.”


Zachary Petrizzo

12:09 PM · Oct 8, 2021·

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d386b1  No.14751422


Sir will do


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693ffc  No.14751423

Rough night? So many timelines and shilliverse detours.

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586df9  No.14751424

File: 8c24f8ecf45137f⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 403x362, 403:362, ftrmp.jpg)

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81e055  No.14751425

File: 968a4a69c1b8204⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 506x314, 253:157, 968a4a69c1b82045390eca23ad….jpg)




Baker in the Kitchen

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c932a7  No.14751426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… require an 8kun legal studies bread.

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0eb877  No.14751428

File: 8b542a52a45616a⋯.png (959.25 KB, 841x1402, 841:1402, ClipboardImage.png)

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81e055  No.14751431

>>14750807 Dough

Notables @534

Call em out

>>14750857 MSM Can’t Believe Biden’s Abysmal September Jobs Report: “The Worst of the Year”

>>14750864 Proud Boys-sympathizing rabbi in Florida providing vaccine exemption requests

>>14750865 I interviewed Trump for 5 hours (Knowingly?)

>>14750880 Manchin Buries His Head in His Hands, Tells Schumer His Senate Speech Was “F*cking Stupid”

>>14750909 U.S. Central Command - #ICYMI Great Photo!

>>14750924, >>14750971 New Dan: SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT, IOWA!!!!!!

>>14750946 Biden’s DHS CANCELS All Remaining Border Wall Contracts in 2 Overwhelmed Sectors

>>14750952 Code Monkey: Everybody should be properly trained in firearms

>>14750962 Huma Abedin - Thrilled to be mentioned on the same cover (Vogue) as the brilliant & stunning @adele!

>>14751070, >>14751082 Federal circuit court reinstates Texas heartbeat abortion ban

>>14751071 Florida vet gets 22 years for sexually abusing dogs, storing child porn

>>14751079 Sidney Powell - More on Dominion's prior history of voting problems. Dominion in Canada

>>14751103 January 6 committee threatens to criminally CHARGE Steve Bannon for defying subpoena

>>14751116 Harris is already taking a shine to the number 47

>>14751133, >>14751152, >>14751037, >>14751265 Silver-fagging

>>14751195, >>14751208 Doctor Reveals How The JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED FDA And CDC Are Hiding The Truth (vid embed)

>>14751207 GOYIM Babies Breastfeeding from Covid-Vaxxed Mothers are Becoming Sick

>>14751213 Delta variant does not appear to make children sicker

>>14751224, >>14751252 Excellent video to get through to normies about the vaxxxes.

>>14751214 COVID-19 is linked to new diabetes cases

>>14751250 Democrat Party Files Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Future Pennsylvania Elections

>>14751266 Makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense! No vaXXXinations for USPS etc…

>>14751306 HILARIOUS! Passenger Trolls Airline Into Paging “Let’s Go Brandon” on Intercom

>>14751311 Anesthesiologist Escorted Out of UCLA Medical Plaza (not vaxxed)

>>14751412 Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

>>14751414 L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over the City of Los Angeles’ COVID vaccine mandate.

>>14751421 Bannon says “the return of Trump” will NOT be in 2024, but in 2022 “or maybe before

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61c2ce  No.14751432


>as we start the decertification process out in Arizona

I had thought the AZ was a bust and dead in the water.

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c932a7  No.14751434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… been pissin in the wind.


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80a3cb  No.14751435

File: da38cc6876c91c7⋯.png (461.1 KB, 598x534, 299:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 988760a8d110013⋯.png (384.34 KB, 601x496, 601:496, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a8748  No.14751437

File: 25ce594c5ccc0af⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 480x320, 3:2, Click_Your_Heels.gif)

Yawn Stretch..

Any Big Habbenings Last Night?

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efe6d0  No.14751438

File: 700403a56d25b59⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 131182002_5328128737258436….jpg)

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41e455  No.14751439


i thought this story was fake from a few months ago. Fucking hell. It's baseball bat time. You hurt children AND animals no mercy.

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6846bd  No.14751440


pee on my leg and tell me it's raining

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0eb877  No.14751442


Batman: I finished it for you…

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fcbb3d  No.14751445


Who the fuck can write more that one letter at a time?

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c932a7  No.14751446

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80a3cb  No.14751447

File: 7cf83fccef79bd1⋯.png (231.38 KB, 569x416, 569:416, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc4546cba496cfa⋯.png (707.08 KB, 750x422, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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61c2ce  No.14751449


>You hurt children AND animals no mercy.

Unless it's TPTB doing it. Amirite?

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0eb877  No.14751451


He looks happy, the dog…not so much. Where have I seen that expression before…

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c932a7  No.14751452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… for me, big changes in our monetary system could possibly help me smile again. kekkage.


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80a3cb  No.14751453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SNEAK PEEK: All The President's Venom | 60 Minutes Australia

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61c2ce  No.14751456


Media truly are our worst enemies. Lowest form of scum on the face of the earth.

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41e455  No.14751457

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c932a7  No.14751459


… bankers are hedgeders.

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5700b1  No.14751460

File: 0059a34cd98b992⋯.png (663.25 KB, 841x532, 841:532, linux_exo.png)

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c932a7  No.14751462


urinetown outtake

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c932a7  No.14751463


I believe in you.

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c932a7  No.14751464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



heil hitler

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5700b1  No.14751465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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80a3cb  No.14751466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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81e055  No.14751467




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2f0797  No.14751468


l propose the HOLOVAUX to describe this time of great loss of health and life as the reports of safety and security (you can keep your job if you get the jab from a vile vial.

Death and destruction of health follow behind the holovaux deniers pushing healthy people to receive an injection of mystery substance for a mystery illness that has an almost 100% chance of full recovery.




a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines.




extremely unpleasant.

"he has a vile temper" · [more]


foul · nasty · unpleasant · bad · disagreeable · horrid · horrible · dreadful · abominable · atrocious · offensive · obnoxious · odious · unsavory · repulsive · [more]

morally bad; wicked.

"as vile a rogue as ever lived"


wicked · evil · iniquitous · heinous · villainous · diabolical · diabolic · fiendish · vicious · murderous · barbarous · cruel · black · dark · rotten · [more]


of little worth or value.


Covid-19 positive (light 36 hr cold) survivor.

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5700b1  No.14751469

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693ffc  No.14751470


“ He was the kindest and sweetest person,” he said. “That is why it is so inconceivable. He had a very gentle manner. You could see that he treated animals with love. ”

Love is Love, right?

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c932a7  No.14751471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… saved a lot of lives. Seals are wonderful creatures.

It's difficult. News is fake. War is real.


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09cfe7  No.14751472

File: 0229673f5349649⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1920x3138, 320:523, debian_family_tree.png)



Debian is your friend anons

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dea77d  No.14751473


there`s your problem.


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6e7422  No.14751474


I believe to the bottom of my heart, that [they] can think and say whatever they want. I believe to the bottom of my heart, that people can read, hear and believe whatever they want based upon what [they] say…

However, I also believe to the bottom of my heart, that I should be perfectly free to NOT BELIEVE what [they] and [their people] say for ME TO DO, ever.

That is something very close to the crux of this massive issue being highlighted the world over. I am fine for them believing whatever crap they want… yet They are not fine with leaving me alone.

Gigantic fucking difference.

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693ffc  No.14751476


Kek. Problem solved.

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d5bce3  No.14751477

File: 52840c3d2871d71⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 30741101_10211063808816702….jpg)

File: 763e7eeeeb45ceb⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 88313731_606588806863348_8….jpg)

File: 4fb3618d9c8ca23⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 88438118_502309294043635_1….jpg)

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c932a7  No.14751478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c932a7  No.14751479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c932a7  No.14751480

… is this the cicada ya talk about?

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48a5ba  No.14751481

File: 55314e13de7da61⋯.png (137.87 KB, 509x480, 509:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba0378  No.14751482

File: aed391c9ffc4baa⋯.png (816.07 KB, 1080x715, 216:143, 20210928_190858.png)

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81e055  No.14751483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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746bfd  No.14751484

File: 75eb6bb5fcf6eae⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 1024x766, 512:383, elmo_electoral_college.jpg)

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5700b1  No.14751485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dea77d  No.14751486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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746bfd  No.14751487

File: 020b79a3928ff4e⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 539x617, 539:617, honkler_morale.jpg)

Morning, frens. How goes the communist takeover?

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c932a7  No.14751488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… never a chick flick.


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d5bce3  No.14751489


Good one!

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8b6fcf  No.14751490



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d5bce3  No.14751491

File: c31eace7e16a41c⋯.jpg (166.79 KB, 384x576, 2:3, gab_elmo_spy.JPG)

File: fc121ef1301ab70⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 528x408, 22:17, oscar_scrap_metal.JPG)

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5a8748  No.14751492

File: 39fb3616e248d32⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 532x480, 133:120, Intermission_Time.mp4)

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b64aed  No.14751493

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a riddlenigger named Q

A few useless clues the LARPing faggot did spew

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four

Anons are a sucker for punishment so let's wait some more

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design

Is just a place to shitpost in your free time

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made

But future proves past they were never repaid

Hill dawg was supposed to be caught in October by the team

But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment

But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?

Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but just for the stage

Whether you know it or not Trump is related to Hill

You claim to be woke but still chose the Blue Pill

A few million people had to die just for "optics"

Meanwhile Trump played golf with his Jew friends in the tropics

But don't worry frens, we were told "this is war"

While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope

For nothing to habben so now we just cope

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab

So we wait in line like good little sheep, just for the jab

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun

To use on the public when Q's job was done

Run along little sheep and go get your shot

You got nothing left but the piss in your pot

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel

Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

An illusion of choice for four years is what you got

What's left in your account, but a shot's worth of snot

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history

Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur

Undone in a year by Joe, his victories were a blur

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior

Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

Year after year you were fooled by Modus Operandi

There were never two sides battling, it just looks real handy

For thousands of years they've won at this game

Red vs Blue it's always the same

Join in oldfags gather round lets all sing this tune

You believed in Q for four years, you're such a buffoon

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c932a7  No.14751494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… nah holmes, they try to tap into cootamundra wattle shit and stuff.


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81e055  No.14751495


I love his voice.

Saw him live with Tool.

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dea77d  No.14751496

File: 32ed0b96b403aee⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 225x225, 1:1, 20210813_030039.gif)


consolidation phase

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a30177  No.14751497

File: b5eaa1373f9b591⋯.png (916.82 KB, 1448x875, 1448:875, for_human.png)

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ae69ea  No.14751498

File: 251257940d12333⋯.png (4.19 MB, 2400x1350, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6fcf  No.14751499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here, let me bring some other gay sh!t:

-and reptoids-

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dea77d  No.14751500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


magical dwarf sings magical warnings.

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ae69ea  No.14751501



Pence and Haley Aren’t the Future of the GOP—They’re Roadkill



While they might have been formidable Republican presidential candidates in, say, 2012, the party has moved on.

Matt Lewis

Senior Columnist

Updated Oct. 08, 2021 10:05AM ET / Published Oct. 08, 2021 5:01AM ET

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746bfd  No.14751502

File: 662ccb7db805b59⋯.jpeg (73.36 KB, 736x576, 23:18, sesame_street_murray.jpeg)


Cheers, fren! Have another.

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81e055  No.14751503




kekkity kek

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62dadc  No.14751504

File: c89945cbbd07fe7⋯.png (88.08 KB, 825x341, 75:31, ClipboardImage.png)


Notes collected from #18655: WWG1WGA Friday E-Bake Edition

>>14747717 (PB) OP

>>14747734 Dough


>>14748680, >>14748725, >>14748790, >>14748811, >>14748854 Planefags

>>14748049 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director discusses JCDC and contracts with Crowdstrike, PaloAlto, Fireeye, Microsoft, Google, AWS(amazon), AT&T, Verizon, & Lumen

>>14748386, >>14748502 AZ governor signs bill into law allowing pets' rescue if tenant becomes incapacitated or dies

>>14748500, >>14748652 (PB) Notables Final, notable collection #18653

>>14748509 Kamala has a 47 on her hat, she's just waiting for ol Joe to croak re: >>14748316 (PB)

>>14748568 Biden will become more destructively radical as his poll numbers crater

>>14748569 Rebranding Fail, Kamala Harris’ Handlers Create Extreme Cringe Video- students for space

>>14748607 Former Wisconsin SC Judge Gives an Update on His Election Investigation, rips fake news.

>>14748610, >>14748614 ,>>14748619 ,>>14748623, >>14748636, >>14748641 >>14748649, >>14748655, >>14748647 CERN, White Rabbit Diggz

>>14748611 “We’re on Track” – Psaki Praises Joe Biden’s Policies

>>14748659 All COVID shots remain under federal Emergency Use Authorization - individuals have the “option to accept or refuse”

>>14748664, >>14748684 @EricTrump: Mis-spellings count. Harnessing vs. Harrasing

>>14748687 Biden gets triggered: Trump Won and #LetsGoBrandon flags in Michigan

>>14748695, >>14748768, >>14748878 Change.Org petition: $2000 per month for everyone!

>>14748706 Over 130 Countries Reach Agreement to Set Corporate Minimum Tax at 15 Percent

>>14748707 Statement by Donald J. Trump on Witch Hunt and Radical Left Democrats

>>14748719 Anon Opinion - Afghanistan is Part of The Plan, winning

>>14748724 ICYMI: "Support for Donald Trump rising ahead of Des Moines rally"

>>14748754, >>14748774 @USNavy - The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine #USSJeffersonCity (SSN 759) returns to @JointBasePHH

>>14748777, >>14748894 Cat Turd: Just learned from Turnip Brain - fire employees who aren't vaxxed and get 100% vaxxed staff

>>14748778, >>14748919, >>14749041 CodeMonkeyZ and Ken Bennett on AZ Audit. CM: Hand delivered your comments to AZ AG

>>14748781 FBI confirms death due to cancer linked to Shanksville 9/11

>>14748789 TX National Guard embed: tracer rounds from Mexico fired into the US

>>14748809 US delegation to hold first in-person talks with Taliban since Afghan withdrawal

>>14748831 @JackPosobiec: Dan Scavino has accepted a subpoena via proxy

>>14748841 @mikepompeo: Happy National Hero Day

>>14748843, >>14749255 @RealGenFlynn: Kaiser cannot say they’re following the CDC, when Kaiser appears to be making the CDC's decisions

>>14748982 @TheRickWilson: As of now 1/6 commission is dead already, and will not enforce the subpoenas. Trump wins.

>>14749027 WaPo: Adam Schiff points to a second insurrection — by members of Congress themselves

>>14749052, >>14748934 Donald J. Trump - Big Michigan Rally coming up on Oct. 12th, on the Capitol steps in Lansing to demand Forensic Audit

>>14749065 Anon on COVID-19 = Follow The Money → [P]fi[Z]er

>>14749095 Pennsylvania Democrats file Lawsuit to demand mail in voting

>>14749116 CDC rule change: US to Accept WHO-Approved COVID-19 Vaccines for International Visitors

>>14749126 il Donaldo Trumpo found Dan! Spoiler - he's in India.

>>14749137, >>14749171, >>14749226 Flights cancelled in and out of Florida

>>14749141 Eric Swalwell Panic: If you romance crazy conspiracy theorists, sooner or later, they come for you.

>>14749192 Anon connects Durham investigation to Q drops (graphic)

>>14749245 Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland restrict the use of Moderna's vax due to cardiac side effects


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c932a7  No.14751505


Band of anons theme theme

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ae69ea  No.14751506



As liberal columnist and Texan Jim Hightower put it decades ago, there’s nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos.

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2c9d60  No.14751507

File: 37c9d1e897106aa⋯.jpg (251.15 KB, 482x640, 241:320, 810f1435b05e85b4f12cd6de93….jpg)

"Ornament is language."

- some shaman dude

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62dadc  No.14751508

>>14751504 (me)

bin for ez bakin' - https://controlc.com/5e480a90

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c932a7  No.14751509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d5bce3  No.14751510

File: a47aba392f79abd⋯.jpg (68.77 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ha_ha_ha_ha_ha_ha.jpg)

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81e055  No.14751511

File: 5be92b177d4a977⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, 5be92b177d4a977b3dece29e1a….png)



thanks added to the dough

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48a5ba  No.14751512

File: 8d28c3ceb2fc08c⋯.png (653.2 KB, 721x480, 721:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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af656a  No.14751513

File: 6a3c703511b8660⋯.png (47.09 KB, 557x320, 557:320, Remembering_Mr_Pig_Edition….png)


Sup? I'm wondering… are you referring to Mister Pig, are you declaring the feline in the photo to be Mr. Pig himself, or are you anon, simply titling the jpg with Mr. Pig as the pre-signature?

Nonetheless, did you ever get that new pad?

I'm in the process of a possible career change, or let's just say things are getting, worse.

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e2744c  No.14751514


Have to admit this is really good

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ae69ea  No.14751515

File: 769dacdfb1477f7⋯.png (800.04 KB, 860x475, 172:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Manchin to Schumer: Your speech was "f*g stupid" -

ED MORRISSEY Oct 08, 2021 8:22 AM ET


Just how badly has Senate control undermined Democratic unity? And how far will it go? Punchbowl reports this morning that four different sources say that Joe Manchin confronted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer after his remarks blasting Republicans while taking their debt-ceiling deal. Manchin told Schumer that his remarks were … cool? Helpful? Amusing?

Er … not exactly:

There was some last-minute drama, as well. Schumer went to the floor and harshly criticized Republicans for provoking the crisis. Schumer won this round of his never-ending battle with McConnell, and he made sure everyone knew it. But Republicans — and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) — didn’t like the tone of Schumer’s remarks. Senate Minority Whip John Thune complained personally to Schumer on the floor, while Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) complained to reporters.

Manchin told Schumer the speech was “fucking stupid,” according to four sources. Then Manchin complained to reporters too. The incident doesn’t really signify anything, except to show how tense everyone is in the Senate these days. And it’s only going to get worse.

First off, it’s not at all clear that Schumer won anything, which is why he was so angry yesterday about accepting McConnell’s short-term compromise. McConnell didn’t win much either, after having to whip ten reluctant and angry members of his own caucus to defeat a filibuster, but he did keep Democrats from getting a debt suspension — a blank check — rather than a short-term hike. It also relieves a little of the pressure off of Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema on the filibuster, at least for a few weeks. And Schumer found out just how brief this reprieve will be, as even an assist from McConnell almost failed to resolve this standoff.

Furthermore, Schumer’s speech backfired in the sense that it further alienated not just some Republicans who are willing to collaborate in some policy discussions, but also Manchin — who still is the key to Schumer’s control of the Senate. Maybe this one tiff doesn’t “signify anything,” as Punchbowl asserts, but it does at least point out how unhappy Manchin is with his caucus at the moment, and how entrenched that division has become. More on that in a moment.

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af656a  No.14751516

File: c8708b2277f773d⋯.jpg (115.93 KB, 1000x471, 1000:471, QuantumLove.jpg)

File: 27c5e9f09a45f6c⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 428x428, 1:1, QuantumPrayerAWKENPRYIO.jpg)

File: 1f11c0f23752cfd⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 360x526, 180:263, qisforquantumGreatAwakenin….jpg)

File: 5721392fb2a5729⋯.jpg (315.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, QUANTUMLEAP1.jpg)

File: 5a4dfaa0813f730⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 191x255, 191:255, QuantumBothLanes.jpg)


Attacks have intensified, and have too, gotten worse.

Plus, people think that it's just business as usual.


When I say people, I am pointing out the voices+characters+identity?

Too bad.-> "I'm livid."–

So, she's using my body, a clone of it. How did you grow a copy of my being?

Is it something you shopped for, via some underground stalking catalog via the 'agency?'

Did you really go through all that trouble to be able to copy my likeness, live as my residual self image, have sex with women, spend money (you don't necessarily have the right to since it really wasn't properly earned), take drugs that I wouldn't consume, somehow quantum entangle this cloned version to my real life and body. A 5D voodoo sex corpse 'car.' Suit up! Like the bug in MIB, pulls it over like a jumpsuit.

Whatever you do, while it's being occupied, you can view my existence remotely, through my eyes, adjust neuron activity down to the individual transmitter/receptor cites. This means you can change the way psychoactive substances interact inside the synaptic-cleft and how their affinity changes ultimately to prevent binding in the long run. This is more than just frustrating, it's downright abhorrent. You expect life to go a certain way, but instead, it feels… dampened.

* They are addicted to sex, and reproductive fluids of any kind.

* They may have an addiction to candied cat semen, straight out of the microwave.

* They have access to wireless tasers.

* They have the ability to make gas pockets, that they've called incels in the past.

* They can make you feel as if you're pregnant, even as a man.

* They are constantly ghost-raping me, and degrading my self-esteem by making my own reality seem unobtainable, and futile to pursue. This is due to medications not working as effectively as they should, and it's not like this was a gradual tolerance build-up, no. This was abrupt, sudden, and TOTALLY different in the pharmacodynamics.

* They've never actually broke the skin, and caused any loss of blood, so it's a damage that can be based in a interdimensional-osmosis if you can wrap your head around that.

* The fluids of your body can be swapped around, modified, filtered, detoxified, toxified, infiltrated, infected, injected…

* They can be rude, and yet at times, I can almost feel their hearts through empathic transversal.

* I refer to their location as Satellite World, considering that they could be above me in my building, but then again, I can still hear their "NO PRIV COMMS" outside, and believe me this is not schizophrenia. This is voice-to-skull technologies, working in tandem with quantum entanglement and quantum computers + medical advancements in radiology.

* Mansion World on the other hand is hidden within the mid-space time dilation, like the center of the hourglass. It wasn't necessarily there prior to this information. The matrix was hacked, and jailbroken to an open source state. Reality itself is slowly becoming editable by those whom have eyes to see, ears to hear, and wear the Armor of God. This also means having an unlocked script. Easiest way to unlock? Stop eating anything that once had a heartbeat. Once you do that, you will start to hear the rest coming in.

* Agents aren't necessarily human, and could be android. We all may be part android at some convergence point in the near future. This may be in a non-invasive way, which is better than to be expected, considering the bio-hacking communities' love for implants.

There is so much more. Yet, it's not smart to divulge too much at once. Absorb this, slowly and realize, this is fucking true. This is not a game. This is not a joke. I'm not losing my mind over here. I have years of experience in this subject material.

It's really happening, anons.















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ba0378  No.14751517

File: 7f1681b217c830a⋯.png (183.06 KB, 1080x521, 1080:521, Memeto_1632331925475.png)

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0e7677  No.14751518

File: 637397e36999755⋯.pdf (783.13 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, Signed_MCBOS_Fann_Agreemen….pdf)

File: 54277544691e37f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Unchecked Power: Karen Fann's Backdoor Deal with The MCBOS

Gail Golec


This Agreement is not a Win as reported. Here is the proof.

Here is a link to the Agreement for your reference:


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746bfd  No.14751519

File: 5b72925c043b660⋯.png (87.83 KB, 255x174, 85:58, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>14749126 il Donaldo Trumpo found Dan! Spoiler - he's in India.

Anybody know what kinda pin that is?

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ae69ea  No.14751520

File: 8c7615d32ef5b8c⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 710x815, 142:163, 8c7615d32ef5b8cd1d95962fbf….jpg)




CNN’s Manu Raju reports from the other side of the Manchin-Bernie Sanders feud, which is also making Schumer’s job impossible:

The two men — Sanders and Manchin — are trillions apart on their price tags, have far different ideas on what policies are needed, are at odds over the breadth of the new social programs in the proposal and are diametrically opposed about a central pillar in the package: dealing with climate change.

And increasingly, the feud has become public.

“I can’t speak for Mr. Manchin. I’m not a psychologist,” Sanders told CNN recently when asked about Manchin’s criticism of the economic package.

It’s pretty clear where the sympathies of the Senate Democrat caucus lie in this feud:

“Off the charts,” one Democratic senator told CNN on Thursday when asked about the caucus’ frustration with Manchin, contending many senators privately gripe that the West Virginia Democrat takes his public stands for “publicity” reasons.

Biden himself has sounded exasperated at both Manchin and Sinema, according to Democratic lawmakers who have spoken to him. The President told progressives this week that he has spent many hours with the two senators “and they don’t move,” two sources said. Biden even contended that Sinema didn’t always return calls from the White House, the sources added.

It’s gotten so bad, Raju reports, that now no one can see how to resolve the feud. Sanders has taken to insulting Manchin publicly, and while Manchin says he takes nothing personally, he’s also digging in even deeper over the last 48 hours. Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have become so persona non grata that Joe Biden won’t even extend to Sinema the Exalted Democrat Order of The Victim after getting harassed in public restrooms and on planes by Bernie-Bro activists.

So why don’t they “move,” as Biden complains? First, they can do math, a skill that the White House apparently lacks.

Equation 1: 50/50 and 220/212. Democrats barely have control of both chambers of Congress, which means that radical changes are not just impossible, they’re platforms for political disaster when they inevitably fail.

Equation 2: Biden lost West Virginia by 39 points.

Equation 3: Biden won Arizona by 0.4 points, and only because Trump proved so unpopular in that state.

Equation 4: Adding up all of the COVID-19 relief bills passed by Congress shows that the US has already appropriated over $5.3 trillion in off-budget spending.

Equation 5: Annual inflation has risen to 5.25% at the end of August, which is not at all coincidental to Equation 4.

Under these circumstances, the real “f*g stupid” move is to govern from the position of the Bernie Bros. Schumer’s speech is just an outcome of that idiotic strategic decision by Joe Biden to act as though he were Barack Obama and that he had the numbers from 2009 in crafting his domestic-priority agenda.

At this point, it might be a bit more realistic to play the “will Manchin flip?” game, given how corrosive relations with him are now in Schumer’s caucus — not to mention his political status in West Virginia. Right now, though, one has to wonder whether Mitch McConnell really wants control of a 51/49 Senate. Other than block nominees, McConnell won’t be able to do much … and his own performative subcaucus would likely make his life as miserable as Schumer’s is at the moment.

Instead, the smart move for McConnell and all other Republicans and conservatives is to … well, you know …

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60a278  No.14751521

File: 4e4ab335778216a⋯.png (191.2 KB, 986x430, 493:215, ClipboardImage.png)


Satanic edition? WTF

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96a125  No.14751522

File: 1edd364a2bfe3e5⋯.jpg (354.98 KB, 1078x682, 49:31, Screenshot_20200717_194424….jpg)


>Biden’s DHS CANCELS All Remaining Border Wall Contracts

Almost like they've [accidentally] created a funnel for easy targeting

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b64aed  No.14751523

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)


Thanks fren

Lots of days months years to sit and think

Everything in history repeats itself

Nothing truly ever changes

Same dragon different head

Big name arrests after four years and I wouldn't be singing this tune

As for now, every word is true

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01ef21  No.14751524

File: f447a0fda4510ae⋯.png (539.65 KB, 633x379, 633:379, letsgo_brandon.png)

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48a5ba  No.14751525

File: 5c6cd466dc1236e⋯.png (244.41 KB, 381x384, 127:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fbcd916939636b⋯.png (301.66 KB, 339x384, 113:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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81e055  No.14751526


you got talent

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b06461  No.14751527


Anon you are a part of the majority, (((they)) give a false impression that this is what the people of this country think of our President, Donald Trump. If we were not a great threat to their existence, they would not bother to keep going after Trump or us, that is why the anon's are here to keep driving them into the light.

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5f9c53  No.14751528

File: f125b1a3c48db57⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 606x500, 303:250, f125b1a3c48db577a995d5552d….jpg)

File: 87277e2dbea85bc⋯.jpg (123.42 KB, 720x583, 720:583, 87277e2dbea85bc123645be7b0….jpg)








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01ef21  No.14751529

File: 928b00b78e12fc2⋯.png (637.78 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, IEnjoy.png)

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c932a7  No.14751530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a30177  No.14751531

File: 9354505eb1d6b7f⋯.png (592.52 KB, 1401x864, 467:288, glow.png)

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09cfe7  No.14751532

File: d767aabd52e137a⋯.png (21.83 KB, 323x384, 323:384, debian.PNG)



>Satanic edition? WTF

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7f8325  No.14751533

File: d03bf558d675e5e⋯.jpg (778.34 KB, 1080x2031, 360:677, Screenshot_20211009_072153….jpg)

This dumb faggot who arrested a 16 yr old in Wyoming already tried his stunts in tn and left like a little bitch in 2015 because rednecks wouldn't let him implement his bs.

STAY SAFE jubal yennie you little bitch.

Guns are everywhere…

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01ef21  No.14751534

File: b3954f67a42cf41⋯.png (641.12 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, I_so_Like_it.png)

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60a278  No.14751535


yeah the pedo symbol was not lost on me either

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c932a7  No.14751536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… shut the fuck up nazi limp dicks. I have 2 bbq tongs. One long. One short.


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0eb877  No.14751537

Nurseanon update from FL…

The containment tents are gone from the ED entryway. Fewer Covid patients on the floor and in ICU.

And not for nothing but the email I received from the disaster medical coalition says it is the final Covid Situation Report…

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746bfd  No.14751538

There is an anon who prefers black pill to red.

He posts the same shitty doggerel on every bread.

He seems to desire that his poem be adored.

Though he is generally and roundly ignored,

Posting his noxious couplets to this board

May be the only pastime that he can afford.

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81e055  No.14751539


>the final Covid Situation Report

Interesting. Do you think it's because you're in DeSantis country? Or do hospitals nationwide follow the same trend(s)

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ce6880  No.14751540




Infiltration not invasion

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a30177  No.14751541

File: 08462d45d914003⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1444x856, 361:214, mark_b.png)

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b64aed  No.14751542

File: 4d68b0adea7245a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x844, 300:211, b4d0fad699c67464e97608e6d4….png)

There once was a riddlenigger named Q

A few useless clues the LARPing faggot did spew

A one year delta turned into two, three, and four

Anons are a sucker for punishment, so let's wait some more

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design

Is just a place to shitpost in your spare time

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made

But future proves past they were never repaid

The only "justice" has been a natural death so far

Maybe Q could hang ONE traitor and at least raise the bar?

Hill dawg was supposed to be caught in October by the team

But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment

But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?

Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage

Whether you know it or not Trump is related to rotten cabbage Hill

You claim to be woke but still ate the Blue Pill

A few million people had to die just for "optics"

While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics

But don't worry frens, Q said "this is war"

While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope

For nothing to habben so now we just cope

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab

So we wait in line like good little sheep, just for the jab

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun

To use on the public when Q's job was done

Run along little sheep and go get your shot

You got nothing left but the piss in your pot

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel

Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

An illusion of choice for four years is what you got

What's left in your account, but a shot's worth of snot

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history

Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur

Undone in a year by Joe, his victories were a blur

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior

Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

Year after year you were fooled by Modus Operandi

There were never two sides battling, it just looks real handy

For thousands of years they've won at this game

Red vs Blue it's always the same

Join in oldfags gather round lets all sing this tune

You believed in Q for four years, you're such a buffoon

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b21a4d  No.14751543

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, CC299F42_23B4_41DE_8DE5_A….jpeg)

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a30177  No.14751544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c932a7  No.14751545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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af656a  No.14751546

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0eb877  No.14751547


I was surprised when they went from daily to weekly a while back, but final? That caught my attention…

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594a9c  No.14751548


>Satanic edition


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09cfe7  No.14751549


>Infiltration not invasion

anon, are you purporting that debian is a BAD source?

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b06461  No.14751550


You're a child.

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7f8325  No.14751551

Its past time for parents to start shooting these communist faggots like yernie. They send them to different areas to try to implement agendas and if it doesn't work they send them somewhere else.

Someone has to make an example of these faggots so the others get the picture.

When one of these parents blows one of these faggots heads off, which isn't to hard the others will fall in line. WATCH

Violence as much as everyone wants to avoid speaks volumes when used against these faggots. They can't fight conventionally.

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594a9c  No.14751552


Ubuntu Satanic Edition – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution which brings together the best free software and free metal music on one CD.

Alongside the metal music, there is a standard set of pre-installed applications you can find in early versions of Ubuntu and Gnome desktop.

Ubuntu Satanic Edition features a dark theme, dark icon set, plymouth theme with the satanic logo, dark wallpapers, etc.

The last version of Ubuntu Satanic Edition 666.10 was released in July 2011, but the iso image is not reachable.

The last one I can share is 666.9 (Microsoft Massacre) UnDead CD. It was based on Ubuntu 10.10 and released December 6th, 2010.

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81e055  No.14751553


Well, hopefully it becomes a nationwide thing, and we are nearing the end of this bullshit. Thanks for the insight.

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ce6880  No.14751554


I'm purporting that Satanists try to infiltrate anything. Including Debian.

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c932a7  No.14751555


… but I don't like it sir.

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746bfd  No.14751556


>Violence as much as everyone wants to avoid

When it is done in self-defense, it is not violence. It is force. Learn the distinction.

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48a5ba  No.14751557

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been almost exactly a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability. It's not complete yet but there will be another version with a full-featured post editor available in a week or so.

There is no better way to consume bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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09cfe7  No.14751559


>I'm purporting that Satanists try to infiltrate anything. Including Debian.

Fair enough. It is a useful tool though despite the satanists attempt to infiltrate

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a30177  No.14751560

File: 2842f29b20538d1⋯.png (227.06 KB, 691x697, 691:697, drop.png)


Trafalgar Poll: Biden Approval Plummets Under 40 Percent, Under 30 with Independents


WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 08: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the September jobs numbers in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on October 08, 2021 in Washington, DC. According to the U.S. Labor Department, the economy added a disappointing 194,000 jobs in September as …

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Jacob Bliss8 Oct 2021

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c932a7  No.14751561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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29ae7c  No.14751562

The hardest part is so many people don’t even realize we’re at war!

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594a9c  No.14751563

File: 17063550c617a61⋯.png (983.76 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, fbiblank.png)


>Who the fuck can write more that one letter at a time?

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ea138e  No.14751564

File: 1da0dbb5fd364d6⋯.gif (990.03 KB, 375x155, 75:31, giphy_1_.gif)

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a4d27d  No.14751565

File: 9e710a3e5d4bf08⋯.png (9.14 KB, 255x176, 255:176, thinkingmonkey.png)


>They are animals

leave animals out of it, they're better than these people!

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b06461  No.14751566


What kind of war do you believe we're in?

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a30177  No.14751567

File: 74bd43bf24041fd⋯.png (196.3 KB, 420x525, 4:5, cap_news.png)


Capitol News, [09.10.21 07:37]

[Forwarded from Electric News Channel]

[ Video ]

A parent is serving $200 million "medical malpractice" lawsuits on the Clark County, NV school board members 🔥

⚡️ t.me/ElectricNewsChannel

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ac4a1a  No.14751568


hunt for red october?

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b3deee  No.14751569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14750799 Notables so post quotes below are lb

>>>14750394, >>14750524 Vid. new CISA director Jen Easterly announced on August 31, 2021. Government contracts with CISA with who? You guessed it! Crowdstrike, Paloalto, Fireeye, Microsoft, Google, AWS(amazon), AT&T, Verizon, & Lumen.


And that's why I switched to Linux and haven't looked back.

And body language ghost just uploaded this

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0eb877  No.14751570


I think some of the reduction in rate positivity is due to more people getting swabbed to avoid the vax and keep their jobs, twice a week in my case…

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b3deee  No.14751572


forgot to point out at 0:57 she got a kick out of badge info the address

1776 North Centennial Drive

I didn't notice that myself originally. I'm slipping.

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81e055  No.14751573


Again, interesting.

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c932a7  No.14751574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heil hitler.


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746bfd  No.14751575

File: bbab3c987fb7e4f⋯.png (78.1 KB, 339x254, 339:254, frankly_pepe.png)


>getting swabbed to avoid the vax

Anon's heart goes out to ya.

Is that the PCR test that everybody knows doesn't work?

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594a9c  No.14751576


What if I told you that major breaking news is set to drop this morning? A story even bigger than when Kikebook and Instagram went completely dark a few days ago. Would you believe me? I wouldn't doubt my source. He's an insider. Keeps your eyes peeled to the news around 08:00 HRS EST. It'll be shown across every media platform.

The story is political in nature and involves the following states: CA, NY, TX and involves Trump, Pence, Biden, Kamala, Biden Admin and aides, and FBI Director Chris Wray. Possibly General Milley, Lloyd Austin, and the US Military.

Its about the US submarine. News actually lied about it getting back to port. It sank and its reactor is about to explode

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0e7677  No.14751577

File: 54ca7d9b4f61b6a⋯.png (868.43 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74ebefcd0fb06c7⋯.png (691.94 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26d858a2e5c4e2d⋯.png (1022.76 KB, 789x3345, 263:1115, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14751518 Update

The Spin is On! Fann & Media Team Up and Gail Debunks the Spin!

Gail Golec



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29ae7c  No.14751578


Information war

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be02dd  No.14751579

File: 8bc13fafd3f55ca⋯.png (360.85 KB, 734x500, 367:250, FBP61oaXsAINs0N.png)

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48a5ba  No.14751580

File: 6c0e1099489f9ab⋯.png (875.43 KB, 719x480, 719:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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b06461  No.14751581

Its obvious these people are triggered , they don't think before they post stupid shit.

Ron thinks before he writes that way you don't waste paper.

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ce6880  No.14751582


>And body language ghost just uploaded this

Bombard, no one cares about your quack "readings".

You couldn't read a rabid dog foaming from it's mouth.

You're a satanic pedo defender. The blood of Dearmans kids are on your hands.

You are still not welcome here.

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594a9c  No.14751583

The United States Navy submarine, that struck an underwater object in the South China Sea last weekend, was operating in one of the world’s most difficult undersea environments. As per a report by CNN, the environment in which the submarine was operating was filled with noise from the ships on the surface of the water and the seabed’s contours were constantly shifting, which can take any submarine crew by surprise. On Thursday, the US defence officials succinctly informed about the accident involving the submarine that befell the USS Connecticut.

The defence officials reportedly said that only a number of sailors aboard were wounded when the vessel struck an object while passing through the South China Sea, leading to submersion. They also added that the injuries were not major and the submarine arrived at the United States naval base on the island of Guan on Friday, 8 October under its own power. A navy spokesperson told CNN that the front of the sub was damaged and there would be a “full investigation and a full assessment” of the entire incident.

Notably, Connecticut is one of the three Seawolf-class submarines left in the Navy fleet. These vessels, weighing 9,300-ton and 353-foot long, are worth US$3 billion each and were commissioned in 1998. The submarine is also powered by a single nuclear reactor and crewed by at least 140 sailors. Connecticut, as per the report, can carry more weaponry than other US attack submarines as it is larger even than the newest Virginia-class attack subs.

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ea138e  No.14751584

File: 0f3f4103b338d1d⋯.jpeg (472.58 KB, 1280x823, 1280:823, brandon44.jpeg)

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a30177  No.14751585

File: e4fdb45647dae27⋯.png (467.19 KB, 641x439, 641:439, drive.png)


Get in the driver seat

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81e055  No.14751586

>>14750807 Dough

Notables @670

Call em out


>>14750857 MSM Can’t Believe Biden’s Abysmal September Jobs Report: “The Worst of the Year”

>>14750864 Proud Boys-sympathizing rabbi in Florida providing vaccine exemption requests

>>14750865 I interviewed Trump for 5 hours (Knowingly?)

>>14750880 Manchin Buries His Head in His Hands, Tells Schumer His Senate Speech Was “F*cking Stupid”

>>14750909 U.S. Central Command - #ICYMI Great Photo!

>>14750924, >>14750971 New Dan: SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT, IOWA!!!!!!

>>14750946 Biden’s DHS CANCELS All Remaining Border Wall Contracts in 2 Overwhelmed Sectors

>>14750952 Code Monkey: Everybody should be properly trained in firearms

>>14750962 Huma Abedin - Thrilled to be mentioned on the same cover (Vogue) as the brilliant & stunning @adele!

>>14751007 COVIDLAND: The Lockdown – Full Documentary

>>14751070, >>14751082 Federal circuit court reinstates Texas heartbeat abortion ban

>>14751071 Florida vet gets 22 years for sexually abusing dogs, storing child porn

>>14751079 Sidney Powell - More on Dominion's prior history of voting problems. Dominion in Canada

>>14751103 January 6 committee threatens to criminally CHARGE Steve Bannon for defying subpoena

>>14751116 Harris is already taking a shine to the number 47

>>14751133, >>14751152, >>14751037, >>14751265 Silver-fagging

>>14751195, >>14751208 Doctor Reveals How The JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED FDA And CDC Are Hiding The Truth (vid embed)

>>14751207 GOYIM Babies Breastfeeding from Covid-Vaxxed Mothers are Becoming Sick

>>14751213 Delta variant does not appear to make children sicker

>>14751224, >>14751252 Excellent video to get through to normies about the vaxxxes.

>>14751214 COVID-19 is linked to new diabetes cases

>>14751250 Democrat Party Files Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Future Pennsylvania Elections

>>14751266 Makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense! No vaXXXinations for USPS etc…

>>14751306 HILARIOUS! Passenger Trolls Airline Into Paging “Let’s Go Brandon” on Intercom

>>14751311 Anesthesiologist Escorted Out of UCLA Medical Plaza (not vaxxed)

>>14751412 Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

>>14751414 L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over the City of Los Angeles’ COVID vaccine mandate.

>>14751421 Bannon says “the return of Trump” will NOT be in 2024, but in 2022 “or maybe before"

>>14751453 SNEAK PEEK: All The President's Venom | 60 Minutes Australia (ytube)

>>14751384 Here is a re-play of Jeffrey Peterson's live Telegram voice call. Linux is Digital Freedom!

>>14751350 Mitch McConnell wrote a letter to Biden saying he will no longer assist with Democrats grifs

>>14751400 NewsBusters Podcast: Shameless Networks Burying Joe Biden's Collapsing Poll Numbers

>>14751515, >>14751520 ED MORRISSEY Op-Ed on Manchin-Dem Feud

>>14751560 Trafalgar Poll: Biden Approval Plummets Under 40 Percent, Under 30 with Independents


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48a5ba  No.14751587


>Its about the US submarine.

You just ruined the suspense, kek.

But why would that involve Trump or Pence?

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c932a7  No.14751588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heil Hitler {'H' division)


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01ef21  No.14751589

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Flux Woo_

Clif High


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594a9c  No.14751590


The Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22) struck an object while submerged on the afternoon of Oct. 2, while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region. The safety of the crew remains the Navy’s top priority. There are no life threatening injuries.

The submarine remains in a safe and stable condition. USS Connecticut’s nuclear propulsion plant and spaces were not affected and remain fully operational. The extent of damage to the remainder of the submarine is being assessed. The U.S. Navy has not requested assistance. The incident will be investigated.

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594a9c  No.14751591

>It sank and its reactor is about to explode


>You just ruined the suspense

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ea138e  No.14751592


that's part of it

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b3deee  No.14751593


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

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ae69ea  No.14751594

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.

Oct 8 2020


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 62d606 No.10988977 📁

Oct 8 2020 20:22:20 (EST)

Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned?

How long ago?

Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

Recovery unexpected?

Impossible to unwind?

Next: 'mentally incapacitated' re: C19 language ["people are dying"] _safety and security to the well being ……….

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.


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5c9994  No.14751595

File: 1bbd505f7b0757d⋯.png (57.23 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a red one, but Bannon had same design back in 2017

Red October comms


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b3deee  No.14751596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe this will help you lighten up

Cats continue to be rescued from hoarder home on Long Island

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be02dd  No.14751597

File: 8b0035dc0a09182⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 736x679, 736:679, FBQNCwKWEAMP3wm.jpg)

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2aafa6  No.14751598


List of distros without the comped system.d


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0eb877  No.14751599


Even better, the rapid test that was discontinued but the "expiration date" has been extended. We have 8000 tests to use up…

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ae69ea  No.14751601


Washington Examiner

Adam Schiff claims Robert Mueller suffering 'heartbreaking' cognitive decline

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594a9c  No.14751602

File: 7b19b4d23ecb9ac⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MadcowPanicIamQ.mp4)


Maddow is batsoup

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ce6880  No.14751603


>Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Did you watch the Dearman reading? No. That was memoryholed when she rebranded because everyone (me included) called her out for it.

You retards just eat up her bullshit because she sounds like she sounds authoritative, but in reality she's a disgrace the the art of body-language reading.

Using her is toxic to any legit info it's bundled with.


>help you lighten up

Lighten up? That's just sad.

At least they are being rescued.

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746bfd  No.14751604

File: f40afff7870c9ae⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 650x650, 1:1, alien_digits.jpg)


Trinity trips

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ae69ea  No.14751605

File: 278bf5fd29ac66f⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2289x2289, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Next: 'mentally incapacitated' re: C19 language ["people are dying"] _safety and security to the well being ……….


>Adam Schiff claims Robert Mueller suffering 'heartbreaking' cognitive decline

Oct 8 2020 20:29:22 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 010213 No.10989031 📁

Oct 8 2020 20:24:10 (EST)




Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment?


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09cfe7  No.14751606


>List of distros without the comped system.d

been using devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ since it forked.

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01ef21  No.14751607

File: 2c4fd77d53105c1⋯.png (638.39 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, WhenIFinish.png)

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ce6880  No.14751608

File: 571775351823709⋯.png (107.43 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14751603 (me)

>she sounds like she sounds authoritative

Kek. A bit too fast there.

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a30177  No.14751609

File: 432fede957fcf6f⋯.png (242.46 KB, 604x604, 1:1, fuck_twat.png)


Dave Chappelle Responds To His Critics, Says ‘F**k Twitter’

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746bfd  No.14751610

File: 6e156308573cb6a⋯.png (864.77 KB, 1202x1186, 601:593, apu_belly.png)


Great, so now errybody has been tipped off and knows what to be distracted by while the real fuckery is going down.

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594a9c  No.14751611

File: 378420e783c5193⋯.png (174.75 KB, 436x436, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


covered up by the machines

the machines are covering up the crayola marks

calibration certification what what

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871c35  No.14751612

Previous Bread's notabled:

>>14749354, >>14749409, >>14749554, >>14749612 PF report

This particular bird is known to have been used by Pompeo. So, logically, one can conclude that the current Sec o State would be using it.

PFs should keep in mind tail numbers of all exec birds in the USAF.


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ae69ea  No.14751613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What Did Nancy Pelosi Mean By "Arrows In Our Quiver"? | My 2 Cents | ATS | Huckabee

254,179 viewsSep 19, 2020

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cf324f  No.14751614

File: 64ec2856e69ca90⋯.jpeg (120.1 KB, 400x640, 5:8, F9858F03_912A_4C02_A38A_D….jpeg)

Life after life, deeper insights are revealed to you, and you are entrusted with greater missions.

Who are you before life, and who are you after?

Spiritual divine consciousness that has willingly limited itself until it wishes to experience its limitlessness once again. Life after life you get closer to this goal.

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c932a7  No.14751615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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594a9c  No.14751616

File: 36545e28776670c⋯.png (182.46 KB, 444x444, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>calibration certification what what

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81e055  No.14751618


>>14750857 MSM Can’t Believe Biden’s Abysmal September Jobs Report: “The Worst of the Year”

>>14750864 Proud Boys-sympathizing rabbi in Florida providing vaccine exemption requests

>>14750865 I interviewed Trump for 5 hours (Knowingly?)

>>14750880 Manchin Buries His Head in His Hands, Tells Schumer His Senate Speech Was “F*cking Stupid”

>>14750909 U.S. Central Command - #ICYMI Great Photo!

>>14750924, >>14750971 New Dan: SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT, IOWA!!!!!!

>>14750946 Biden’s DHS CANCELS All Remaining Border Wall Contracts in 2 Overwhelmed Sectors

>>14750952 Code Monkey: Everybody should be properly trained in firearms

>>14750962 Huma Abedin - Thrilled to be mentioned on the same cover (Vogue) as the brilliant & stunning @adele!

>>14751007 COVIDLAND: The Lockdown – Full Documentary

>>14751070, >>14751082 Federal circuit court reinstates Texas heartbeat abortion ban

>>14751071 Florida vet gets 22 years for sexually abusing dogs, storing child porn

>>14751079 Sidney Powell - More on Dominion's prior history of voting problems. Dominion in Canada

>>14751103 January 6 committee threatens to criminally CHARGE Steve Bannon for defying subpoena

>>14751116 Harris is already taking a shine to the number 47

>>14751133, >>14751152, >>14751037, >>14751265 Silver-fagging

>>14751195, >>14751208 Doctor Reveals How The JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED FDA And CDC Are Hiding The Truth (vid embed)

>>14751207 GOYIM Babies Breastfeeding from Covid-Vaxxed Mothers are Becoming Sick

>>14751213 Delta variant does not appear to make children sicker

>>14751224, >>14751252 Excellent video to get through to normies about the vaxxxes.

>>14751214 COVID-19 is linked to new diabetes cases

>>14751250 Democrat Party Files Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Future Pennsylvania Elections

>>14751266 Makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense! No vaXXXinations for USPS etc…

>>14751306 HILARIOUS! Passenger Trolls Airline Into Paging “Let’s Go Brandon” on Intercom

>>14751311 Anesthesiologist Escorted Out of UCLA Medical Plaza (not vaxxed)

>>14751412 Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

>>14751414 L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over the City of Los Angeles’ COVID vaccine mandate.

>>14751421 Bannon says “the return of Trump” will NOT be in 2024, but in 2022 “or maybe before"

>>14751453 SNEAK PEEK: All The President's Venom | 60 Minutes Australia (ytube)

>>14751384 Here is a re-play of Jeffrey Peterson's live Telegram voice call. Linux is Digital Freedom!

>>14751350 Mitch McConnell wrote a letter to Biden saying he will no longer assist with Democrats grifs

>>14751400 NewsBusters Podcast: Shameless Networks Burying Joe Biden's Collapsing Poll Numbers

>>14751515, >>14751520 ED MORRISSEY Op-Ed on Manchin-Dem Feud

>>14751560 Trafalgar Poll: Biden Approval Plummets Under 40 Percent, Under 30 with Independents

>>14751519, >>14751595 Scavino and Bannon w/ similar pin? Anybody know what kinda pin that is?

>>14751590 Keeping eyes on the USS Connecticut submarine incident

>>14751601 Adam Schiff claims Robert Mueller suffering 'heartbreaking' cognitive decline


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ba0378  No.14751619

File: 76ed98bd6f669ce⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1193, 1080:1193, Memeto_1604924013119.png)

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594a9c  No.14751620


It's very funny and illuminates the complexity of our memetic warfare skills as a movement.

Which drive the commies crazy, since all they have is cringe.

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134c98  No.14751621


what does system d affect ?

I am a linux newbie

are system d open to NSA shit and backdoor crap ?

kek, nothing seems trustworthy anymore

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b3deee  No.14751622


>Did you watch the Dearman reading? No. That was memoryholed when she rebranded because everyone (me included) called her out for it.

>You retards just eat up her bullshit because she sounds like she sounds authoritative, but in reality she's a disgrace the the art of body-language reading.

>Using her is toxic to any legit info it's bundled with.

Personally, I don't care about her readings, I only post links like this, the more channels that call attention to, talk about and spread information like this the better imo.

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13d965  No.14751623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the world the Luciferians have created

Desmond Is Amazing - We Are Amazing (Official Music Video)



Desmond Napoles is a multi-awarded LGBTQ advocate, outspoken gay teen, genderfluid editorial and runway model, motivational public speaker, drag performer, designer, actor, singer, LGBT influencer, and published author.

Desmond is Amazing is the founder of their own social networks for LGBTQ youth and drag kids, the Haus of Amazing and Haus of Amazing Junior, as well as the Haus of Darlings, a supportive social network for parents and guardians of LGBT, queer, nonbinary, gender nonconforming and gender creative kids and teens.

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29ae7c  No.14751624

It’s after 8am eastern, where’s the news?

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c932a7  No.14751625


Everyone will be safe, but there will be a point where gay teachers are flicked, leaving only the good ones.

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ae69ea  No.14751626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Biden =>Ramble On

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c932a7  No.14751627


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594a9c  No.14751628

File: 6aa8a670e231b47⋯.png (227.7 KB, 552x436, 138:109, ClipboardImage.png)


>It’s after 8am eastern, where’s the news?

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594a9c  No.14751629

File: d0645fceef94e06⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB, 426x240, 71:40, We_re_coming_for_your_chil….mp4)


>Desmond Is Amazing - We Are Amazing (Official Music Video)

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b3deee  No.14751630


> Dearman

Also can you please elaborate on this Dearman you talk about. Instead of just getting all hot under the collar.

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a30177  No.14751631

File: 27d02d4b8fa1774⋯.png (527.04 KB, 796x629, 796:629, only_just.png)

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594a9c  No.14751633

File: 449f48def5e230b⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DemocracyIsCalling.mp4)

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29ae7c  No.14751634


Nothing ever happens

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48a5ba  No.14751635


Puke. Not sitting through that atrocious vid.

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6b7696  No.14751636

File: d140016fee96f7f⋯.jpeg (115.94 KB, 578x747, 578:747, 480937d5c0eaa30d.jpeg)

Some intern at WH comms shop picked up the chatter and now they have to rejigger the messaging probably.

Just remember, nothing ever happens until it actually happens.

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ce6880  No.14751637

File: 307816c711507d3⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, YourOpinionsAreShit.jpg)


>talk about and spread information like this the better imo

As long as they talk about the topic you want, it doesn't matter if they are being truthful or not?

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2aafa6  No.14751638



A process always running in the background that is still vulnerable to many exploits. Yes it's backdoor crap.

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594a9c  No.14751639

File: f65b97f95f97832⋯.jpg (77.62 KB, 852x480, 71:40, XiangguoQiu.jpg)


'I'd refer you to the gallerist for questions about the event': Jen Psaki dodges questions on photos of Hunter Biden attending his LA art show after White House insisted he would have no idea who buys his paintings

Hunter Biden made his professional debut on Friday at his first art exhibition in Hollywood, California, DailyMail.com can reveal

His paintings were showcased at Milk Studios to 200 guests including Sugar Ray Leonard, Moby, Mayor Eric Garcetti, and the artist behind the Obama 'hope' poster

Other notable artist guests were British performer Millie Brown and LA-born Gary Baseman - famed for his ABC/Disney animated series Teachers Pet

A writer who attended the exhibition told DailyMail.com the crowd appeared 'conservatively wealthy and would look to be buying the work'

The event had raised ethics concerns after the president's son's paintings were priced at $75,000 to half a million dollars

The White House claims they are avoiding any ethical conflict by ensuring neither the president nor Hunter will know the identity of the buyers

The LA exhibition - hosted by gallerist Georges Bergès - was one of two art shows Hunter's work will be featured in this fall

Garcetti is Biden's nominee to sere as ambassador to India

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki fielded multiple questions about the event at Wednesday's press briefing

She dodged questions on Hunter's attendance, saying: 'I'd refer you to the gallerist for questions about the event'

She cited an arrangement where the gallery owner agreed not to share any information on prospective buyers or those who purchase art

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b3deee  No.14751640


>Lighten up? That's just sad.

>At least they are being rescued.

Yeah I never understood that animal hording and people that do it. Some do it rescuing strays and it gets out of control. Others are complete mental illness. Horders.

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a30177  No.14751641

File: f0b5e22453b89bd⋯.png (254.71 KB, 596x462, 298:231, tank.png)


‘Not Good’: CNN Calls Out Biden’s Tanking Approval Ratings


‘Not Good’: CNN Calls Out Biden’s Tanking Approval Ratings

CNN called out President Joe Biden's tanking approval ratings during the Friday morning segment of New Day.

8:00 AM · Oct 9, 2021·

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ea138e  No.14751642

File: 6b9ff23c3ec5ddb⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 372x298, 186:149, 4e3c685c82bdb4c8a5f0a367aa….gif)

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c932a7  No.14751643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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594a9c  No.14751644

File: 288e305ee784f05⋯.png (648.84 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>Not sitting through that atrocious vid.

no kidding

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ce6880  No.14751645

File: 3f5f1dacbc4b31b⋯.png (403.28 KB, 916x532, 229:133, RD1.PNG)


FFS… I'm not a fan of Google. But googling Dearman isn't hard…

← this guy.

You know the guy whose kids talking about Satanic sacrifices. In detail.

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134c98  No.14751646


thanks for the heads up, anon

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871c35  No.14751647

File: e3dac161b2df4b0⋯.png (173.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 015f34e70bc3350⋯.png (330.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

What seems to be a French military exec bird, looks to be coming out of Aussieland, headed to USA.

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594a9c  No.14751648

File: 0385b8c0492bef1⋯.jpg (286.15 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, EpsteinDidntHillaryHimself….jpg)


what's new with prince ghislaine

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40c955  No.14751652

File: 1fdc0b0bc3e5f05⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 330x225, 22:15, 1fdc0b0bc3e5f0554bfa61019f….jpg)


>as we start the decertification process out in Arizona.”

Two weeks, right Steve McClickbait?

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594a9c  No.14751657

File: b5dc5dc5d897219⋯.png (344.25 KB, 620x595, 124:119, miles1.png)

File: 758950276462d09⋯.png (344.79 KB, 444x554, 222:277, miles2.png)

File: 9b27465dc9950e8⋯.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, miles3.png)

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 406x800, 203:400, MilesGuo.jpg)


>Steve Bannon

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9a64e6  No.14751658

File: cc093f4430ee049⋯.png (362.79 KB, 536x305, 536:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d6f380ace5fcbe⋯.png (336.46 KB, 537x296, 537:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cfcaeaa0376b03⋯.png (272.22 KB, 534x303, 178:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cee7b46ad9937d⋯.png (289.14 KB, 535x298, 535:298, ClipboardImage.png)


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2aafa6  No.14751659


Everything is comped nowadays anon. Even the hardware. But at the same time, why buy a new pair of shoes that already has a hole in the sole?

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60a278  No.14751660

File: 43c401e01e94f90⋯.png (220.37 KB, 729x609, 243:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Can I just have the launcher without the player?

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c932a7  No.14751661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

G'day graduates. No. Not yet. Not ever. Not my problem.

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9f121f  No.14751662


Bidan's a joke now, and the Let's go Brandon thing is a force multiplier. The whole incident encapsulates the, "You didn't see what your eyes saw and, you didn't hear what your ears heard", stink that emanates through this fucking administration. People are past the point of being pissed off, and it's turning to humor.

Under 30% with indies is devastating. I have to figure the majority of the Joe six-packs, and I'm a proud member, doesn't see any sense in getting in to a W-2 job which Brandon could fuck up at any time because that's the only thing he can do well. If you have any usable talent you'd have to be cash under the table gigging in small communities where people know how to shoot, shovel and shut up to stay marginally safe.

Harris won't be any better, because she has the factor that Bidan picked her ready to go viral as soon as she tries to assume office.

Good sign, I think. Maybe Bidan was gunning for the peeps rioting in the streets, but, instead, they decided to make a joke of him and his administration. What's he going to do, tell Garland to send in the FBI because the peeps are making fun of him?

You can't discredit the power of a confident, competent person at the top. Trump, mean tweets and all, inspired confidence in the work force. Trump and Bidan is night and day.

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81e055  No.14751663

File: addd0262611733b⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 630x420, 3:2, addd0262611733b4e6baf170ad….jpg)

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18659: Dawn of a New DayShift Edition

Fresh Bread

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134c98  No.14751664


probably delivering croissants to the frogs in the frenchie embassy

I think the french ambassador has returned to australia after recall because of the frog sub debacle

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2aafa6  No.14751665


*have. Don't hurt anon, kitty

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4f06e6  No.14751666


Most likely coming out of New Caledonia.

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594a9c  No.14751667

File: 26136246a240467⋯.png (129.14 KB, 197x669, 197:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6310e80641bf114⋯.png (147.73 KB, 447x559, 447:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbeb00ec2efc119⋯.png (125.77 KB, 393x390, 131:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffed1f98371b75a⋯.png (192.07 KB, 406x614, 203:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3307ad4bb69cdbb⋯.png (125.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a30177  No.14751669


not a daddy or a buggy man right? JUST A JOKE

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81e055  No.14751672

File: 04b635fc5bc2980⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, fb17ecf5aaba078430e9766fe4….png)




Q Research General #18659: Dawn of a New Day Shift Edition




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af656a  No.14751673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14751555 - Nice trips!




The Probability Engine

- Coincidences

- Technology

- Main-Stream Media [MSM]

- Main stream media personalities appear to interact & heckle

- Telephony / Comms

- While people are on the phone

- Not paying attention to the actual dialog

- Internet-based

- lulcows

- gang-stalking

- people congregating in groups of ~11+

- has access to state-of-the-art technology (or at least it from our perspective)

- DEWs

- Gamma knives

- Radiation guns

- High Frequency ThermoAcoustics

- Scalar Wave

- Satellite-based trans-muscular stimulation

- Gas pocket / bodybubbles that cause immense discomfort

- a means to cause alarm and irrational / erratic behavior

- has the ability to manipulate how drugs react in the brain

- can remove alkaloids directly from the plasma in a non-invasive, yet highly violating and sneaky

- interrupts the natural dynamic and pharmacokinetic actions of the brains receptor cites

- can halt or block the re-uptake pumps in the axion cleft / synapse / vesicle with great precision and selectivity

- Mental

- MemoryHole

- having one's most forefront thought be stolen directly; right out of the consciousness

- may or may not actually be stored for later retrieval

- Manipulation of the brain's ability to respond to psychoactive substances as it was originally intended and designed to do so.

- Numbers appear to behave in patterns that become more noticeable i.e., consecutive and repeating


- recalling information relative to the situation

- the rewarding factors of learning

- staying on same subject material

- seeing a project all the way through

- having the innate desire to initiate new projects

- Task planning and future intention break down

- Personal and Intimate Thoughts

- Deep thoughts of fictional nature

- Sexual Fantasies

- Day dreaming on future goals

- Verbal

- Laughter usually directed at (You)

- Rhetorical questions

- Agitation

- Voice Overs

- Medical / Biological

- Schizophrenia is a big mimicry

- There is a difference between schizophrenia and voice-to-skull technologies.

- People will have to come to terms with the idea that they were possibly interacting with an artificial intelligent 'agent'.

- People & NPCs are still human beings, and should be treated as such. There is no sub-human.

- Wirelessly induced pains that manifest themselves amongst the body, anywhere, for whatever reason, and is never explained or justified; and they correspond to current thoughts and feelings that may or may not have been procured from the self originally.

- While watching TV

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5f9c53  No.14751675

File: e0a70d2765ab537⋯.png (278.11 KB, 450x637, 450:637, c0849bc1f2dc020be0fb89f683….png)

File: 5719a1e6c62bfe4⋯.png (459.05 KB, 583x315, 583:315, dghbf.png)

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5f9c53  No.14751676

File: 6556ae64d9c3e8b⋯.png (167.84 KB, 483x534, 161:178, Reptojew.png)

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b3deee  No.14751678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See that's what I'm talking about. Can't you just tone it down it and give proper proofs and info. That's what we are here for.

Father falsely accused of being a 'satanic cult paedophile ring leader' Victoria Derbyshire

So what did body language ghost do? You still haven't answered that. You could have posted the video link I just did and elaborated how body language got something wrong. Still don't know what she got wrong.

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