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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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e07e2e  No.14536462


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e07e2e  No.14536466

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

#18388 >>14535571 TBC


>>14534864 Rutgers bars unvaccinated student from attending virtual classes

>>14534894, >>14534897 Vaccination/Injections/Immunizations Religious Exemption

>>14534903 Finally starting to see more celebs grow a conscience

>>14534920 California Republicans…Do you want to get a Dem out of the republican party?

>>14534987 Aussie Health Chief: People Will Have To "Get Used To" Endless "Covid" Booster Vaccines

>>14535031, >>14535031 Security video of plane hitting Pentagon released, adds, S'bite from Judicial Watch

>>14535019, >>14535045 THERE IS NO 'QANON' (MediaConspiracy) -Anonymous

>>14535038 Hunter Biden Invested In A Pandemic Firm Collaborating With Daszak’s EcoHealth and The Wuhan Lab

>>14535090 Vernon Jones For #GAGovernor

>>14535098, >>14535099 Nurse Blows The Lid Off The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated Narrative

>>14535105 Pandemic election results could take a few days


>>14535112 The Federal Court will hear our lawsuit against Trudeau TOMORROW!

>>14535165 #18386 noteaker's notes

>>14535188 NOTE TAKERS NEEDED (& Bakers o7 js)

>>14535288 BO does not control image server

>>14535331, >>14535345 GETTR CEO Detained at Airport in Brazil

>>14535375, >>14535402, >>14535409 #PotatoBiden Live @WH #AuditLikes #6uild6ack6etter

>>14535390 Karen Fann RT @larryelder California’s best days are ahead. Sept 14, vote YES to #RecallNewsom #CAaudit

>>14535400 CodeMonkey is up to sumting. "Final Day PSBSR"

>>14535407 Mike breaking it down. Flipping votes County by County. https://lindelltv.com/

>>14535409 It's not the School Boards forcing masks on your children. It's the County and State Health Boards/Officials #ClassActionSueYourCountyHealthOfficial

>>14535459 UN Attack Texas' New Laws But Appoint Afghanistan To Women's Commission

>>14535470 Fauci Bombshell Drops — Should Send Him To Jail!

>>14535477 Reminder PDJT - We must have hostages released and our Military equipment


>“Election Integrity is Now Law in the State of Texas” – Gov. Abbott Signs GOP Election Integrity Bill Into Law

>>14535507, >>14535572 [PSBSR]

>>14535527 Justin Trudeau Pelted By Rocks At Campaign Event

>>14535540 Taliban Unveils New Government, Includes FBI 'Most Wanted' Terrorist As Interior Minister

>>14535586 Strange that Hillary, and both Obamas tweet today?

>>14535592 #Guantanamo @CBSMornings We are live at Camp Justice this week as the 9/11 pre-trial hearings resume + I’ll be inside the high security court as history unfolds #OriginalReporting #Habbening

>>14535612 last night there was a train derailment reported in Jupiter FL with multiple casualties PSBSR

>>14535616 83 Unaccompanied Migrant Children Found in Single Group in AZ Desert

>>14535630 #18387

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e07e2e  No.14536468

#18386 noteaker's notes

>>14534080 Inside an Australian COVID Internment Camp, a Dystopian Hell Awaits

>>14534084, >>14534093 More than 900 pages of materials related to U.S.-funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

>>14534086 An Australian doctor has been suspended for promoting Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

>>14534105 Researcher at the University of Arizona discovered a genetically related snake venom enzyme in COVID-19 fatalities in doses 20 times the safe amount

>>14534089 CM: I will be tentatively turning off the ability for participants to comment on CodeMonkeyZ posts or chat

>>14534152 Robert E. ​Lee Statue Will Come Down In Richmond, Virginia On Wednesday

>>14534160, >>14534161 ‘Horse Dewormer’ Overdose Stories DEBUNKED

>>14534262, >>14534263, >>14534266, >>14534267, >>14534268, >>14534270 The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

>>14534346 Lindsey Graham Tells BBC Terrorism Threat Will Require U.S. Military to Deploy Again to Afghanistan

>>14534348 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1947, a captured GermanV-2 was launched from USS Midway as part of "Operation Sandy"

>>14534402, >>14534404, >>14534434 UK Dr's.:No clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19

>>14534411, >>14534420 Elimination of Onchocercia volvulus transmission in the Santa Rosa focus of Guatemala (Ivermectin)

>>14534466 Reread drops: #4881 There is no 'Qanon'

>>14534501, >>14534608 Trudeau hit by gravel as protesters surround campaign bus in London, Ont.

>>14534521 CDC: …an expected outbreak of the polio-like disease Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) in the next four months.

>>14534534 FOIA documents PROVE Fauci-funded EcoHealth Alliance…absolutely engaged in gain-of-function research to make chimeric SARS-based coronaviruses

>>14534553, >>14534556 Florida County Commissioner Drafts Letter to Governor DeSantis to Make Ivermectin Widely Available in Florida

>>14534549, >>14534550 Gen Flynn: Summary from Lara Logan on the evolving situation in Afghanistan

>>14534566, >>14534568, >>14534570 FOIA Release: Fauci Funded Construction Of 'Chimeric Coronaviruses' In Wuhan

>>14534594 CM: Comments on the state of affairs in Austrailia

>>14534614 South Carolina attorney shot in the head 3 months after his wife and son were killed (discernment on sauce)

>>14534631 Rasmussen Reports: (Democrats polled) 40% say Biden deserves to be impeached, 33% say Harris is not qualified to be President

>>14534674 Police, Firefighters In LA Form Group To Resist Vaccine Mandates

>>14534760 Why in the World Is the Government Disrupting the Distribution of Monoclonal Antibodies Now?

>>14535165 #18386


>>14533331, >>14533377 FAKE NEWS Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research At Chinese Lab

>>14533358 CM: PSBSR

>>14533364 Message to anyone who thinks it’s OK to deny medical treatment to those unvaccinated against Covid

>>14533374 Planefagging

>>14533381, >>14533438, >>14533456, >>14533479, >>14533493, >>14533590, >>14533615, >>14533626 Todd Beamer (?) tiktok video revisited

>>14533382 The Taliban invited 6 countries to take part in the formal announcement of their new government

>>14533400 Luciferase? The Micro-Needle Vaccine Delivery System

>>14533403 President of Human Rights Campaign Fired After Being Named in Cuomo Sexual Harassment Probe

>>14533411, >>14533412 Canadian Protesters Chant “F*ck Trudeau!” and “Lock Him Up!” at His Ontario Campaign Stop (VIDEO)

>>14533444 Wendy Rogers, Holy smokes. We are at 663,458 signatures now, Audit results are coming soon, more states are coming online

>>14533452 Newsom Rally Speaker Calls Republican Larry Elder a “Black Face on White Supremacy” at Democrat Rally

>>14533474 Bummer Summer: Biden Presidency Already Historic Failure

>>14533511, >>14533471, >>14533526 Population Control and the Covid Vaccination, Georgia Guidestones

>>14533457 Judge denies request for West Chester Hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin

>>14533556, >>14533568, >>14533588 ……M I L I T A R Y……….T R I A L S……..

>>14533594 Victoria, Australia will ‘LOCK OUT’ unvaccinated people from its economy

>>14533625 Top FBI Official Arrested FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51

>>14533632 Trump interview from 9/11/2001

>>14533726 Pierre Gilbert (1995) speaks on mRNA death jabs and how the liquid crystals

>>14533730 Will Canada Ditch Trudeau to Save the Nation from WEF?

>>14533750, >>14533739 Comments to supporting the Texas anti-abortion law, Tripwire CEO John Gibson has stepped down

>>14533795, >>14533797, >>14533802, >>14533816, >>14533825 BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell

>>14533840 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' Robert F. Kennedy Jr (12:46)

>>14533756 Former Walmart executive unveils plans for Telosa, a sustainable metropolis

>>14533765 Dig Request: EcoHealth Alliance & BL-4 Lab

>>14533976 Guinea military commanders stage coup, remove President Alpha Conde from power

>>14534064 #18385

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e07e2e  No.14536470


>>14532542 CM: Cautioning about Privacy and correct Telegram Settings

>>14532563 Fear PORN Tony Blair Speech Recently On Afghanistan: We Must Get Ready By Non State Actors To Strike A Bio Weapon Attack

>>14532536, >>14532556, >>14532574, >>14532581, >>14532599, >>14532789, >>14533036 Catherine Herridge on the expansion of Gitmo (5:17)

>>14532584 Australia NSW will start requiring churches to use vaccination certificates for entry into worship

>>14532644 Debbie Wasserman Schultz upset that Texas Abortion Law has limited killing babies

>>14532820, >>14532657, >>14533073, >>14533075 Aussie Politician Daniel Andrews: People Who Do Not Get COVID Vaccine Will Not Be Allowed Healthcare (1:58)

>>14532694 Lt. Col. Allen West EXPOSES ‘Progressive Socialist Left,’ ‘Delusional Republicans’ For ‘Bowing Down And Worshipping’ Moloch

>>14532720 Professional Liar Antony Blinken Will Testify Before House And Senate On Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>14532885, >>14532930 CDC is a Vaccine Company: Robert F. Kennedy (12:46) CDC is a Private Organization – Not Government

>>14532963, >>14533085 India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala

>>14532987 Biden Admin Launches Spurious “Civil Rights” Investigations Into States Banning School Mask Mandates

>>14532999 Newsmax calling out Fox over the TX abortion ban (4:06)

>>14533008 Hawaii to Roll Out Vaccine Passports at Restaurants, Bars, and Gyms

>>14533018 China Is Killing Americans with Fentanyl - Deliberately

>>14533072 South Florida Doctor Says She Won’t Treat Unvaccinated Patients

>>14533094 Go to EZAZ.ORG for links & instructions to STOP HOBBS

>>14533111 Top FBI Official Arrested FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51

>>14533169 TX Dept. of Public Safety Lt.: Border Situation ‘Out of Control’

>>14533182 Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt Calls for Halt to Biden’s Afghan Resettlement

>>14533231, >>14533238 Dan Scavino (Cap 0:07)

>>14533269 #18384

#18383 notetaker's notes

>>14531784 Russian father who killed pedophile after finding footage of him raping his eight-year-old girl is released from custody

>>14531814 I got 2 alerts about a 6.5 earthquake in BC but the earthquake has been deleted from the USGS site & it says (false alarm)

>>14531834 RALLY ALERT: Trump will hold a Save America rally in Georgia on Sept. 25!

>>14531837, >>14531888 Despite President Biden's goal to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camps after a review, @CBS_Herridge reports a multi-million construction project is underway

>>14531852, >>14531942 GM Docs: Things that seem strange and notable

>>14531855, >>14532166 Trudeau protested and heckled again in London today

>>14531872 Sweden Arrests Two Women Linked to Islamic State

>>14531895 DJT: Thank you Shana—our Country loves you and especially loves your beautiful boy, Kareem (2nd time to Shana)

>>14531897 Moar Ivermectin

>>14531905 George News: The Spirit of 2024

>>14531919 4-year-old killed, seven other children hurt in weekend shootings in Chicago

>>14531937 University of Kansas Student Body President tweets: “DEATH TO AMERICA” (twice)

>>14531958 The Atlantic: Guns make those around them less safe

>>14531982 HRC: Happy Labor Day. For weekends, holidays, 40-hour weeks, workplace protections, and more, thank a labor organizer—and thank a union

>>14532108 How many fake voters in Maricopa County?

>>14532118 West Africa bloc to hold extraordinary summit on Guinea -staff memo

>>14532119 Ariz. Sen. Rogers: Audit Results Are Real And Coming Up, Urges All States To Audit 2020 Elections

>>14532124 'Loud Explosion', Shaking Ground Puzzles Authorities in Tennessee

>>14532169 It’s now obvious that Biden doesn’t even want to stop the ever-growing border surge

>>14532184 DT Jnr: What are we becoming?

>>14532185 AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Tries to Cheat Again: EZAZ Civic Action Group Finds 170 Issues with Her Elections Manual

>>14532201 United Nations Vows To Keep Afghan Aid Flowing After Meeting With Taliban

>>14532209 Sky News Boss Lambasts YouTube For Suspension, "Opaque" Guidelines

>>14532225 Over 7 Million Lose Unemployment Benefits As Pandemic Programs Expire Today

>>14532249 Cher Freakout: ‘DEMOCRACY WILL WITHER & DIE’ After Texas Abortion Law, ‘WOMEN WILL DIE’

>>14532328 FLASHBACK: Trey Gowdy Blamed Donald Trump, Supporters For 1/6

>>14532428 Dr. Stella Immanuel reveals the stunning truth about COVID cures and how hospitals are KILLING patients

>>14535669 #18383

Previously Collected

>>14530963 #18381, >>14531713 #18382

>>14529792 #18378, >>14529851 #18379, >>14534810 #18380

>>14527102 #18376, >>14527861 #18377, >>14529792 #18378

>>14524725 #18373, >>14525407 #18374, >>14529041 #18375

>>14522343 #18370, >>14523166 #18371, >>14523950 #18372

>>14520435 #18367, >>14520799 #18368, >>14521572 #18369

>>14518377 #18365, >>14519140 #18366/1, >>14519142 #18366/2

>>14516043 #18362, >>14517066 #18363, >>14517593 #18364

>>14517275 #18360, >>14517271 #18360, >>14517968 #18361

>>14512696 #18358, >>14512695 #18358, >>14513514 #18359

>>14510356 #18355, >>14511141 #18356, >>14511895 #18357

>>14509316 #18352, >>14509352 #18353, >>14509432 #18354

>>14506158 #18349, >>14506335 #18350, >>14507086 #18351

>>14503170 #18346, >>14504039 #18347, >>14504724 #18348

>>14500462 #18343, >>14501275 #18344, >>14501753 #18345

>>14499461 #18340, >>14499462 #18341, >>14499703 #18342

>>14495781 #18337, >>14496578 #18338, >>14497366 #18339

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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e07e2e  No.14536473

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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e07e2e  No.14536481


#18389 https://controlc.com/5e010373




ex: https://imgur.com/a/Iwswcn5

(Stay Proxy my Frens o7)


Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics…)











Domion Voting

Governor Seniorcide

Lyndsey Graham Judges


Counter Media Narrators

No Vaccine: Child, Passports, Military



GOP Back The Blue

Save The Filibuster


2020 Riots and timelines

Counter Fact Checkers

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32fea0  No.14536486

Γ, γ Gamma (γάμμα) gám(m)a (γάμ[μ]α) g [g] g, γγ = ng, γκ = (n)g5),

γχ = nch, γξ = nx [ɣ], [ʝ]

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32fea0  No.14536487

Δ, δ Delta (δέλτα) délta (δέλτα) d [d] d [ð]

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32fea0  No.14536488

Μ, μ My (μῦ) mi (μι) m [m] m, μπ = (m)b6), μψ = (m)bz6) [m]

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32fea0  No.14536490


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5483f3  No.14536492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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32fea0  No.14536493

Δ δ delta, δέλτα [d] d as in English delete[13][12][11] [ð] th as in English then

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6fcaba  No.14536494







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32fea0  No.14536495

d as in English delete[

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32fea0  No.14536496

th as in English then

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516074  No.14536497


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32fea0  No.14536498


Α α alpha, άλφα Short: [a]

Long: [aː] Short: first a as in English await[11]

Long: a as English father[11] [a] a as English father, but short

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32fea0  No.14536499


a as English father, but short

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de5bcf  No.14536500

Did anyone catch what Biden said to the kid at his speech?

Don’t jump?

Thought I heard that

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7f6dea  No.14536501

File: f5ce7f49012fbc3⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 448x590, 224:295, download_9_.jpg)

File: 55e25b2ba5af58d⋯.jpg (254.47 KB, 876x493, 876:493, 210902_unitied_flight_93_c….jpg)

File: 97c3eeb21358daa⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 474x592, 237:296, download_24_.jpg)

all PB


>>14536469 is that you dead Todd Beamer image *curl on forehead Todd Beamer Class of '87 hmmmmm


here are the faces of the "dead" on flight 93 that "crashed" into the field.

see face images:


will be biblical

"Let's Roll"



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08f79d  No.14536502

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caef75  No.14536503



>call bullshit on yourself

Have been doing that for the last 11 months. It’s hard and sad. Miss my family more than anything

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a2db7c  No.14536504


<3 Beautiful.

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de5bcf  No.14536505

The World is Watching

Right now on the five

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7f6dea  No.14536506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



who is this man?

dec. 7, 2020

tik tok vid

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454ce2  No.14536507

In a great supposedly enlightened era

Dem/commies insist on pushing the barbaric ritual of killing children with abortions

You will burn for eternity for your evil deeds

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722eb5  No.14536508

Five Big Problems With President Biden’s Energy-Climate Plan

1. Oil obviously has no alternative

2. Companies want to produce more with less jobs.

3. Higher-cost, less-reliable energy isn’t a climate solution.

4. The domestic benefits of U.S. climate policies should be questioned.

5. Renewables are “supplemental,” not “alternative.”



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7f6dea  No.14536509



Vice President Kamala Harris and former President George W. Bush to attend 9/11 observance at Flight 93 memorial


imagine if

"Let's Roll"

Todd Beamer


to show up'

watch the crowd for old forgotten FACES

memories restored event? (biblical)


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5483f3  No.14536510


>Don’t jump?

Yep, heard the same.

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6f761d  No.14536511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity.

But the Bible is truth…no way it was modified w/ lies, to install fear 4 manipulation.

Even a shit from congress it is highly redacted, to hide the truth, But the bible, that tells the truth, it is free for you.

Same as the shit no doctor of anything gates of hell, that is complaining all day that the planet is overpopulated, wants to save me….. also it is forcing me do be saved of the virus…..almost like i am a suicidal person, and want to kill my self w/ the virus, and he as a super hero, saves me….. he and soros….



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7f6dea  No.14536512




who will be in crowd

will be worth scanning the faces

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0c70be  No.14536513

No.14536478 pb

>>14536443 (You)

cool. Explains how you could edit a posting then!

Larp away little fella.

There is no larp. JavaScript was entered into the server to disable imaging.

There is no imaging. There is no fix. There is no larp.

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08f79d  No.14536514

Election Integrity is Now Law in the State of Texas – Gov. Abbott Signs GOP Election Integrity Bill Into Law (VIDEO)

Published September 7, 2021

Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Tuesday signed the GOP election integrity bill into law after Democrats fled to DC in a failed stunt.

The law added new ID requirements for mail-in voting and banned some early voting.

Abbott railed against ballot harvesting as he signed the new bill into law.

“Election integrity is now law in the state of Texas,” Abbott said.

At least 60 Democrat members of the state House of Representatives fled Texas to Washington DC to block Republicans from advancing new voting laws through a special session of the legislature.

Democrat lawmakers were seen packed on a private plane, maskless, flying from Texas to DC.

The voting integrity bill was signed into law anyway proving this to be a failed stunt.

The only thing the Democrat lawmakers accomplished was spreading Covid all over DC.


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7f6dea  No.14536515

>>14536512 <<<<<

just like when the accusers of bill clinton came to the debates

"victims" show up




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029d30  No.14536516


Must jump…jump..jump


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454ce2  No.14536517


That’s why they are doing 9-11 anniversary in Skanksville

They can control “whom” gets to show up

State police will be checking everyone’s ID

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a69ddc  No.14536518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f176da  No.14536519

File: 06d35de2f7ddbcf⋯.jpg (77 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5ff8bec162300_image.jpg)

Two arrested in Polk County for stealing human heads


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029914  No.14536520

Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 4


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454ce2  No.14536521


No….Enoch does NOT tell the story of man….it is the story of evil

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105470  No.14536522

Monster Typhoon on its way to China, y'all…

Currently a Cat 4, on its way to becoming Cat 5… yikes. The gif image of it on the tweet is pretty nasty looking.

NOW - Typhoon #Chanthu has intensified into a Category 4 typhoon in less than 12 hours. It could strengthen further into a Category 5 super typhoon before hitting Taiwan and China.


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ebfc15  No.14536523

File: 6f1487538944da6⋯.png (924.18 KB, 858x1078, 39:49, Screenshot_20210905_142226….png)

''Military Schedules Hunter Biden Tribunal

By Michael Baxter -September 4, 2021''

Hunter Biden, the disgraced son of illegitimate President Joseph Biden, will face a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay beginning on Monday, October 4, less than a month after U.S. Navy Seals apprehended him at Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C.

Per a source at the Office of Military Commissions, the charges against Hunter Biden run the criminal gamut: The military is said to have evidence proving he had sexual liaisons with many underage females in the United States between 2012-2020, most of whom he purportedly drugged ahead of raping them.

A day after Biden’s arrest, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps filed a proposed witness list of 15 females Hunter Biden had drugged and raped, all of whom are expected to testify briefly view ZOOM as to their disastrous encounters with Biden. Other victims, our source said, don’t wish to cooperate for fear of Deep State retaliation.

JAG intends to link Hunter Biden to the deaths of three females whom he allegedly murdered during the production of “snuff” films.

In at least one incident, the military will give evidence showing that Hunter and his father raped a then-14-year-old girl in 2013.

Other charges include money laundering, drug trafficking, and a litany of lesser offenses.

Real Raw News will provide coverage when the tribunal begins.

Note: I am still awaiting updates on Gates’ tribunal, and it is a holiday weekend, so I may not have additional information until Tuesday.

(Visited 75,778 times, 6,827 visits today)

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de5bcf  No.14536524


What a dickish thing to say 4 days before 9/11 anniversary when Americans had to jump from the towers to their deaths.

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f9a23a  No.14536525


Caught my attention

From January

Still worth clicking for the photo if nothing else

Heads of veterans


Here's sauce:


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d40bed  No.14536526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I heardt it

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1dada5  No.14536527



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0f971a  No.14536528

I Heat Up

I Can't Cool Down

Schuman's got me Spinning

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722eb5  No.14536529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Steyn - IPCC Official Admits Global Warming Is A Lie To Redistribute Wealth

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0c70be  No.14536530


Wait till you find out these reports are legit. Anons heads will pop!

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caef75  No.14536531


The resonance and vibrations cannot escape anyone. A forced hand. Painful but necessary. Growing pains

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7f6dea  No.14536532


and a grin

where have we heard that term many times







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dc3a9b  No.14536533


Would that be a storm? Askin' fer a fren…

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6fcaba  No.14536534









.=++-:. ……::::::---=+++***=

.***++-:. .--::::--==++++*#@@@@#
































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794208  No.14536535

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14536459 lb


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029914  No.14536536

Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 4


At the conclusion of Day 3, which took place last Wednesday, the U.S. military claimed to have evidence proving that Gates, or people on his behalf, injected at least 250 unsuspecting persons with an experimental influenza vaccine designed to slowly erode bodily organs and eventually cause death. Gates’ lawyer, the animated and theatrical David Baluarte, asked for a continuance so he could speak to his client in private. When the trial resumed Thursday morning, Baluarte asked the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps to produce the corpses of all 250 alleged victims, so that he could hire an independent forensic pathologist to exhume and examine the corpses.

“But you can’t do that, can you, Vice Adm. Hannink? You know why you can’t? Because those people do not exist, and the injections never happened. You’re attempting to prosecute this man based on roleplaying games he had with friends. Nothing more; nothing less. Were they morbid? Yes. Were they criminal? No. This tribunal is a sham,” Baluarte said.

Vice Adm. Hannink, however, seemed prepared for Baluarte’s challenge.

“Bill Gates is arrogant and a narcissist,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, pointing at the accused, “but he isn’t sloppy. Even if there were bodies to exhume, it’s doubtful we’d find much after 20 years. But Bill made sure no exhumations would ever happen. All were cremated, in some cases in defiance of the decedent’s last wishes.”

He showed the tribunal an ad the fledgling Gates Foundation had published in the Seattle Times in August 2001. The ad sought volunteers to receive a ‘revolutionary’ influenza vaccine that, the ad said, would last 5 years and automatically interact with the human body to combat yet unknown variants of seasonal influenza. Participants, the ad went on, had to be between 65-75 years old and have no chronic ailments such as heart disease or diabetes. Recipients of the diabolical concoction had to sign a battery of non-disclosure agreements and a waiver absolving the Gates Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, and Harborview Medical Center, where the drug was administered, of “loss of life.” Moreover, it indemnified Chiron Corporation—Gate’s biotech partner at the time—against any recrimination stemming from receipt of the so-called vaccine.

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5f2d08  No.14536537



virtue signalling

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0f971a  No.14536538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Snap! I've got the Powar!

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c1f2d8  No.14536539


>Real Raw News


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a69ddc  No.14536540


suck a dick

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7f6dea  No.14536541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fitting times




evil ones use abracadabra

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1dada5  No.14536542


I have thought they were from day 1.

Q told us there would be select reporters recruited to the "less than 10" team.


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029914  No.14536543

Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 4



Baluarte interrupted, asking from where the military got its copy and, more importantly, from where he could obtain a copy to verify its veracity. He said the Office of Military Commissions could have drawn the ad on photoshop simply because the military hates his client.

“Bill Gates, detainee Bill Gates, is very good at purging digital data. And what was then a very rudimentary internet—well, he had no problem making sure that any digital records were destroyed or deleted. He is not so thorough at eliminating analog evidence, and fortunately for the prosecution, the Seattle Times was still backing up its print on microfiche,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, and produced a small, metal canister. “We also obtained from Harborview a list of the 253 recipients, and paperwork bearing Gates’ signature.

Baluarte objected, claiming JAG had whimsically invented 3 new fatalities.

“You said 250? Now it’s 253? Which is it?” Baluarte barked.

Vice Adm. Hannink made a startling revelation; he said there were 3 added participants who had miraculously survived the Gates vaccine, but two of whom perished years later.

“Amazingly, one still lives, now 91-years-old. And I think we should hear what she has to say,” Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the panel.

Via ZOOM, a woman who identified herself as ‘recipient 163,’ Mary Johnson, appeared on screen, a faint smile on her weathered face.

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6f761d  No.14536544


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

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ebfc15  No.14536545

File: 1d2d167bbf25a52⋯.png (623 KB, 1021x1942, 1021:1942, Screenshot_20210907_170711….png)


''' Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 4

By Michael Baxter -September 7, 2021 '''


At the conclusion of Day 3, which took place last Wednesday, the U.S. military claimed to have evidence proving that Gates, or people on his behalf, injected at least 250 unsuspecting persons with an experimental influenza vaccine designed to slowly erode bodily organs and eventually cause death. Gates’ lawyer, the animated and theatrical David Baluarte, asked for a continuance so he could speak to his client in private. When the trial resumed Thursday morning, Baluarte asked the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps to produce the corpses of all 250 alleged victims, so that he could hire an independent forensic pathologist to exhume and examine the corpses.

“But you can’t do that, can you, Vice Adm. Hannink? You know why you can’t? Because those people do not exist, and the injections never happened. You’re attempting to prosecute this man based on roleplaying games he had with friends. Nothing more; nothing less. Were they morbid? Yes. Were they criminal? No. This tribunal is a sham,” Baluarte said.

Vice Adm. Hannink, however, seemed prepared for Baluarte’s challenge.

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c1f2d8  No.14536546



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c5f878  No.14536547


… yeah I won't be purchasing a soccer mum's car. I couldn't care less if it's a win for them. They're insane. It is interesting to follow what you're doing about it though. Young strapping men need a chance. Not my loss, anymore. I know how rare I am these days. Enjoy your micromanaged, stacked and loaded dystopia. Muh diversity. Copy.

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6dbe20  No.14536548


Anons would do well to read the Apocrypha - all of it. It fills in the gaps…wait until you find out the importance of gold, frankincense and myrrh…

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7f6dea  No.14536549


should use music in schumann memes

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5483f3  No.14536550


If only you knew how bad things really are…

Adam Schiff


The right to vote is under attack. Our democracy is in unprecedented peril.

History will remember us by how we meet this moment.

Are we willing to stand up for democracy?


Let’s pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Before it's too late.

10:06 AM · Aug 24, 2021·Twitter Web App



This is Thailand


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029914  No.14536551

Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 4



She spoke slowly, giving each word its owed space: “I received the shot on August 24, 2001, at the advice of my physician after showing him the advertisement. The influenza season was about to hit, and I didn’t want to get sick. I also have a phobia of needles, so when I heard I could get a shot to last five years, I was thrilled. The leaflet said the shot was safe and effective and might have only mild side effects—sore arm, brief chills, mild fever, that sort of thing. I read that it was sponsored by Bill Gates Foundation and Chiron and didn’t think twice—until a year later.”

Twelve months later Ms. Brown endured catastrophic organ failure. First, cortical necrosis of the kidneys that needed a double transplant. Then, unexplained sclerosis of the liver, even though she did not drink or take medications known to cause such a condition. A month later, she had acute appendicitis and had to have her appendix removed, followed by her gallbladder a month later. Three months later, she survived two heart attacks in a month; a year later, her optic nerves dissolved, leaving her with less than 15% of vision. Her physician called it “inexplicable systemic, cascading organ failure,” but Ms. Johnson insisted Gates’ vaccine caused her rapid decline in health.

“Look, I wasn’t young, but I wasn’t in poor health, and it’s a damn miracle I’m still alive today. And here’s the kicker—after my liver transplant, I got a phone call in the hospital, and the caller said he was Bill Gates, and he asked me how I was doing. I was so doped up on morphine I didn’t know what I was saying, but I said something like ‘Oh, hi, Bill, I’m glad you’re checking up on me.’ And he said to remember I signed agreements, agreements that had to be honored, and hung up,” Ms. Johnson told the tribunal.

“If I’d known my organs would liquify, I’d never have taken that crap,” she said, breathing heavily between words.

Following her testimony, Vice Adm. Hannink put the tribunal in recess until after the holiday weekend, to resume Tuesday, September 7.

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ebfc15  No.14536552

File: d21c848ef7a92e8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20210831_190127.png)


“Bill Gates is arrogant and a narcissist,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, pointing at the accused, “but he isn’t sloppy. Even if there were bodies to exhume, it’s doubtful we’d find much after 20 years. But Bill made sure no exhumations would ever happen. All were cremated, in some cases in defiance of the decedent’s last wishes.”

He showed the tribunal an ad the fledgling Gates Foundation had published in the Seattle Times in August 2001. The ad sought volunteers to receive a ‘revolutionary’ influenza vaccine that, the ad said, would last 5 years and automatically interact with the human body to combat yet unknown variants of seasonal influenza. Participants, the ad went on, had to be between 65-75 years old and have no chronic ailments such as heart disease or diabetes. Recipients of the diabolical concoction had to sign a battery of non-disclosure agreements and a waiver absolving the Gates Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, and Harborview Medical Center, where the drug was administered, of “loss of life.” Moreover, it indemnified Chiron Corporation—Gate’s biotech partner at the time—against any recrimination stemming from receipt of the so-called vaccine.

Baluarte interrupted, asking from where the military got its copy and, more importantly, from where he could obtain a copy to verify its veracity. He said the Office of Military Commissions could have drawn the ad on photoshop simply because the military hates his client.

“Bill Gates, detainee Bill Gates, is very good at purging digital data. And what was then a very rudimentary internet—well, he had no problem making sure that any digital records were destroyed or deleted. He is not so thorough at eliminating analog evidence, and fortunately for the prosecution, the Seattle Times was still backing up its print on microfiche,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, and produced a small, metal canister. “We also obtained from Harborview a list of the 253 recipients, and paperwork bearing Gates’ signature.

Baluarte objected, claiming JAG had whimsically invented 3 new fatalities.

“You said 250? Now it’s 253? Which is it?” Baluarte barked.

Vice Adm. Hannink made a startling revelation; he said there were 3 added participants who had miraculously survived the Gates vaccine, but two of whom perished years later.

“Amazingly, one still lives, now 91-years-old. And I think we should hear what she has to say,” Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the panel.

Via ZOOM, a woman who identified herself as ‘recipient 163,’ Mary Johnson, appeared on screen, a faint smile on her weathered face.

She spoke slowly, giving each word its owed space: “I received the shot on August 24, 2001, at the advice of my physician after showing him the advertisement. The influenza season was about to hit, and I didn’t want to get sick. I also have a phobia of needles, so when I heard I could get a shot to last five years, I was thrilled. The leaflet said the shot was safe and effective and might have only mild side effects—sore arm, brief chills, mild fever, that sort of thing. I read that it was sponsored by Bill Gates Foundation and Chiron and didn’t think twice—until a year later.”

Twelve months later Ms. Brown endured catastrophic organ failure. First, cortical necrosis of the kidneys that needed a double transplant. Then, unexplained sclerosis of the liver, even though she did not drink or take medications known to cause such a condition. A month later, she had acute appendicitis and had to have her appendix removed, followed by her gallbladder a month later. Three months later, she survived two heart attacks in a month; a year later, her optic nerves dissolved, leaving her with less than 15% of vision. Her physician called it “inexplicable systemic, cascading organ failure,” but Ms. Johnson insisted Gates’ vaccine caused her rapid decline in health.

“Look, I wasn’t young, but I wasn’t in poor health, and it’s a damn miracle I’m still alive today. And here’s the kicker—after my liver transplant, I got a phone call in the hospital, and the caller said he was Bill Gates, and he asked me how I was doing. I was so doped up on morphine I didn’t know what I was saying, but I said something like ‘Oh, hi, Bill, I’m glad you’re checking up on me.’ And he said to remember I signed agreements, agreements that had to be honored, and hung up,” Ms. Johnson told the tribunal.

“If I’d known my organs would liquify, I’d never have taken that crap,” she said, breathing heavily between words.

Following her testimony, Vice Adm. Hannink put the tribunal in recess until after the holiday weekend, to resume Tuesday, September 7.

(Visited 713 times, 713 visits today)

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20ce20  No.14536553


Why is this (or it's mirror) the only picture of Beamer on the Internet? Here's a link to pic related with comparison from video


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cd6202  No.14536554


Then tell me, what scripture is Jesus refering to, as he was asked about the women who married 5 brothers?

Matthew 22

29Jesus answered, “You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven.

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d40bed  No.14536555


You have 2, dub 2's



Last Updated: Sep 7, 2021, 6:00:00 PM GMT

Location:13.3N 122E

Movement: WNW

Wind:65 mph




Last Updated:Sep 7, 2021, 6:00:00 PM GMT

Location:16.3N 133.5E

Movement: W

Wind:145 mph

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bb2ead  No.14536556


Biden is like that weird uncle who thinks he's being funny, when he isn't.

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125bac  No.14536557




Q drop reference "jump" :

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 0a9612 No.10925📁

Nov 29 2017 14:21:16 (EST)

Snow White utilized/activated to silence.

This was not anticipated.

Control / protection lost.

Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.

Working to resolve.

Select people removed.

Stay strong.

We are winning.

More to follow.


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7f6dea  No.14536558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



fitting times




evil ones use abracadabra



Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in stage magic tricks, and historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet.

Abracadabra is of unknown origin, and its first occurrence is in the second century works of Serenus Sammonicus, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Several folk etymologies are associated with the word: from phrases in Hebrew that mean “I will create as I speak”, or Aramaic “I create like the word”, to folk etymologies that point to similar words in Latin and Greek such as abraxas. According to the OED Online, “no documentation has been found to support any of the various conjectures.” The first known mention of the word was in the third century AD in a book called Liber Medicinalis (sometimes known as De Medicina Praecepta Saluberrima) by Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, physician to the Roman emperor Caracalla, who in chapter 51 prescribed that malaria sufferers wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of a triangle, or “abracadabrangle”. The power of the amulet, he explained, makes lethal diseases go away. Other Roman emperors, including Geta and Alexander Severus, were followers of the medical teachings of Serenus Sammonicus and may have used the incantation as well.

It was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones, which were worn as amulets. Subsequently, its use spread beyond the Gnostics. The Puritan minister Increase Mather dismissed the word as bereft of power. Daniel Defoe also wrote dismissively about Londoners who posted the word on their doorways to ward off sickness during the Great Plague of London. But Aleister Crowley regarded it as possessing great power; he said its true form is abrahadabra. The word is now commonly used as an incantation by stage magicians when performing a magic trick. It is also applied contemptuously to a conception or hypothesis purporting to be a simple solution of apparently insoluble phenomena.


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a1e68c  No.14536559

Nothing never happens…

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4234c1  No.14536560

“Murderer! Worthless Piece of Trash!” – Trump Supporters Line the Streets in New Jersey to Tell Joe Biden What They Think of Him (VIDEO)

Joe Biden traveled to Manville, New Jersey on Tuesday to deliver remarks on ‘climate change’ after Hurricane Ida’s remnants caused flooding last week.

81-million vote recipient Joe Biden arrived to New Jersey to a line of Trump supporters.

Biden doesn’t even have support in the ‘blue’ state of New Jersey.

But he totally got 81 million votes.

*Harsh language warning on all videos*

“Murderer! You’re killing our kids out there! Worthless piece of trash!” protesters shouted.


No supporters showed up for Biden in New Jersey — but dozens of Trump supporters lined the streets to tell Joe what they thought of him: WATCH pic.twitter.com/VE15qv3STI

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 7, 2021

“Fu*k you Joe Biden. Fu*k you, Motherfu**er. Leave our soldiers and Americans behind. Piece of sh*t. Bastard. Fu*k you, Biden!”


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1dada5  No.14536561


then something always happens

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6f761d  No.14536562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here's the evil,MORAN.


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5f2d08  No.14536563


OK glug

now glarg what?

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4d4344  No.14536564


Jesus told you, they go into great detail about what they've seen, puffed up by their unspiritual minds. Enoch says he saw what?

Ever heard of Enochian magic? Why do you think it's called that?

As for why we're "allowed" to have the bible. They don't understand what it says, so no reason to ban it.

>Mark 4:11-12 KJV

>11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

>12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

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3edca6  No.14536565


I sure hope they have more than what was covered in that article…Day 4 was kinda lame.

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7f6dea  No.14536566




fitting times





>posted the word on their doorways to ward off sickness during the Great Plague of London.

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4234c1  No.14536567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“F*ck Biden!” Rap Tops 800.000 Views: “This Man is an Idiot!”

Patriotic rapper Burden from Tampa, Florida, has composed the hymn for the populist resistance against the imposter President occupying the White House.

It already has 800.000 views on YouTube. Let’s get it to a million and more!

Biden will be chased out of the White House in disgrace, along with Kamala and Nancy.

This man spoke more truth in 2 and a half minutes than the Biden administration has said in the past 7 months.

Burden - F Biden (Official Video)


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125bac  No.14536568


That may be the final straw for 3 Gorges Dam.

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7f6dea  No.14536569


they won't be able to walk down the street

is just starting

and this is tame

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a69ddc  No.14536570


keep it in your mouth

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a7b28b  No.14536571

If the military is the way whens the deadline for all troops to get jabbed?

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4d4344  No.14536572


Yes that is in the book of enoch, but remember Jesus called out the scribes. Why did He do that?

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5f2d08  No.14536573


> final straw for 3 Gorges Dam

final straw for 3 Gorges Dam year 4

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03a258  No.14536574


Has anyone found such an ad? It would be something else to see that Bill really did this.

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5f2d08  No.14536575


mhmm mhmm

but i hand free

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7f6dea  No.14536576

File: 8a9b8cd4a18395f⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Zcq6_twbdyPima2k.mp4)





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d40bed  No.14536577


Horror Vacui.

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125bac  No.14536578



…AND twatter lets that shit be posted? Amazing!

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6f06b8  No.14536579

File: 4739904c6896f6c⋯.png (190.59 KB, 1301x860, 1301:860, PSBSR.png)


Well, I found this which is a 2009 paper talking about computer (?) viruses, worms, vaccinations, etc. Seems like it could be related.

Anyone else thinking about NOT logging into the Internet tomorrow?


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029914  No.14536580


Be a great proof.

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55e1e7  No.14536581

FROM A LAB TECH - there is no test to distinguish Delta

(email received from a friend, so I don't have a link)

"I wanted to give you a break down on COVID testing to clear things up about variants and how they are determined.

"First off, the PCR test currently in use, including the rapid COVID tests ONLY TELL YOU POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. It can't tell you what variant you have. To be able to say what variant, you have to send the sample for genetic testing. Which means, they would have to either collect 2 samples or use the same sample to send for specific genetic testing, The PCR test cannot determine the genetic difference in any of the variants. The PCR test is specific for ONE PROTEIN COMMON TO ALL VARIANTS.

"The only way that the CDC or anyone else can see what variant is prevalent is like I said, send a second or the same POSITIVE ONLY sample to a lab that has the gene sequencing instrumentation.

"Right now, the only rapid test we have that can distinguish variants is the flu test. It can tell you if you have Flu A or Flu B. Not what variant, if any exist.

"On another note, viruses tend to become more contagious but, less harmful as the mutate. This is what has been seen in nature. It does not make sense biologically for an invasive organism to kill its host, which would end it's life cycle as well.

"I hope this helps people understand."

are there any other lab people out there that can verify and/or add to this?

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caef75  No.14536582


Oh dang. Milley and others are gonna be like Jack in A Few Good Men. “MP’s, secure the …”

Fuck you, Milley until further notice

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722eb5  No.14536583

They want you to believe that almost 21 million people have been vaccinated in Australia, when in fact, less than 8 million Australians are fully vaccinated! This is a psychological game

pics here


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0f971a  No.14536584

The Canaan of Q+Anon's

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5483f3  No.14536585



LGBTQ advocacy group fires president for helping scandal-hit Cuomo

4:45 PM · Sep 7, 2021·True Anthem




The best is yet to come!

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e8467a  No.14536586


How convenient..

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c5f878  No.14536587

Organic. Wonderous. Exciting. Love blooms under surveillance, monitoring your pick-up lines, conversation and sex life. Bom bohhhh. Not happening.

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cd6202  No.14536588


>to install fear 4 manipulation.

I agree with you on the book of Enoch. But the Gospel is breaking you from fear! The wisdom in the 4 books is not reached, but there is lecture outside, to be read and understand! But Jesus is the way! And the reason we got the bible (look up the history of the church, Constantine, Council of Nicea) is the reason they had to create a big lie arround the truth! The truth was too big to kill, so burry the truth as far as possible!


Chapter 46

1. There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was; and why he accompanied the Ancient of days.

2. He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.

3. This Son of man, whom thou beholdest, shall raise up kings and the mighty from their couches, and the powerful from their thrones; shall loosen the bridles of the powerful, and break in pieces the teeth of sinners.

4. He shall hurl kings from their thrones and their dominions; because they will not exalt and praise him, nor humble themselves before him, by whom their kingdoms were granted to them. The countenance likewise of the mighty shall He cast down, filling them with confusion. Darkness shall be their habitation, and worms shall be their bed; nor from that their bed shall they hope to be again raised, because they exalted not the name of the Lord of spirits.

Enoch is describing Jesus!

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1dada5  No.14536589


we need to show up everywhere these cheaters show up.

Be Loud, Be Proud.

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7f6dea  No.14536590


holy shit

remember all the hub bub around the abualnce that followed Hillary everywhere 2016


Biden has one and it is normal


HIS ia ALL BLACK like death symbology is dark with that one



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78c5da  No.14536591

Ted has a horse named hope.

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0c70be  No.14536592


His wife’s testimony is enough. That’s why they switched her out long before the breakup was made public. The Marshals have had the real Melinda Gates in witsec for nearly 2 years now. The rest is just going through the motions. Nobody gets found “not guilty” in a military tribunal. It’s a cake walk.

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03a258  No.14536593

>>14534864 (pb)

About that Rutgers student locked out of virtual classes because he is not vaccinated.

Children's Health Defense is helping another student in a similar situation:


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4d4344  No.14536594


Or Jesus came to fulfill what was written.

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d40bed  No.14536595


And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen: for God took him away.

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614bd6  No.14536596

“Murderer! Worthless Piece of Trash!” – Trump Supporters Line the Streets in New Jersey to Tell Joe Biden What They Think of Him

Joe Biden traveled to Manville, New Jersey on Tuesday to deliver remarks on ‘climate change’ after Hurricane Ida’s remnants caused flooding last week.

81-million vote recipient Joe Biden arrived to New Jersey to a line of Trump supporters.

Biden doesn’t even have support in the ‘blue’ state of New Jersey.

But he totally got 81 million votes.

Trump supporters shouted at Joe Biden as his motorcade drove by in Manville, New Jersey.

*Harsh language warning on all videos*

“Fu*k you Joe Biden. Fu*k you, Motherfu**er. Leave our soldiers and Americans behind. Piece of sh*t. Bastard. Fu*k you, Biden!”

Gotta love these patriots!


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7e0c41  No.14536597


Hear me out..

What is the 13 soldiers who were killed, really weren’t.

I find it odd that they were all very young. What is the purpose of putting such young non-experienced military men into a situation like that instead of a veteran who is used to hostile environments?

Maybe they were young so that none of the veterans can question it and say they’ve never heard of that person and they were in that same division/unit

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7f6dea  No.14536598



Biden trailing ambulance

ALL BLACK like death symbology is dark with that one

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c5f878  No.14536599

Sex on the beach has been destroyed.

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1dada5  No.14536600



we all Know Melinda was replaced with a fake a few years ago.

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8b1d83  No.14536601

List of hospitals that arent following the data and are calling the mRNA/DNA injections “vaccines” and are forcing mandates

With Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine approval, 166 health systems now require mandatory vaccination for their workforces


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1aaf08  No.14536602


Your friend is correct.

PCR testing cannot inform you of the variant you have. Only genetic sequencing can tell you that.

And yes, viruses tend to become more infectious and less harmful the more they mutate.

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722eb5  No.14536603

There’s absolutely nothing better then watching the fall of the “Great Reset” a movement worth joining



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1dada5  No.14536604


don't worry anon. I am sure they were promoted to very high level clearance jobs in the Military.

Optics go both ways.

Trump is still in charge making Dems look like fools.

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32fea0  No.14536605



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421583  No.14536606


His name is Aaron Vaughn.

US Navy Seal.

[They] shot down CH-47 helicopter (Extortion 17) in Afghanistan to try to cover shit up, but guess he survived.

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44bea9  No.14536607
















































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cd6202  No.14536608


>You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures

I know, but this is the important sentence! The book of Enoch is a good one, as far as I see what is in it. Remember, the only one who was uplifted was Elijah. And… Enoch. We got, in the bible, Elijah and Moses who talked to Jesus. Who is telling me that? It could be Elijah and Enoch!?

I posted here Chapter 46. Enoch is describing Jesus. I could not find evil in this book. And I have to look it up again, but I am almost for sure, that Peter is also refering to Enoch.

I like the book and the fact, that Jesus is refering to it, too!

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3edca6  No.14536609

holy molies, I got a freighttrain weather system coming at me.


Please pray for us. omg gosh it got so dark…gonna lose powere any second

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7f6dea  No.14536610


the timing is impeccable

all black death symbology

Biden ambulance goes by

as the word murderer is yelled





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f53e16  No.14536611


Golden Tickets (Navy)

The sailors who are nominated can receive a gold or silver ticket. A golden ticket recipient is guaranteed streamlined return to active duty within one year of release while a silver ticket recipient is afforded a streamlined return to active duty dependent upon the needs of the Navy.


Golden Ticket (IT Security)

A Golden Ticket attack is a kind of cyberattack targeting the access control privileges of a Windows environment where Active Directory (AD) is in use.

In a golden ticket attack, adversaries use Kerberos tickets to take over the key distribution service of a legitimate user. Such an attack has far-reaching consequences.


Some were saying the TikTok guy was Aaron Vaughn - member of Seal Team 6.


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cd6202  No.14536612

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03a258  No.14536613


I hadn't but perhaps that is good thinking.

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4234c1  No.14536614

Nearly 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather QUIT THEIR JOB than take mandatory vaccination – poll

Almost 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather quit their job than submit to mandatory vaccination, a new poll found, as another survey suggests more than 50% of companies plan such requirements by the end of the year.

Some 35% of the 1,066 unvaccinated individuals polled by the Washington Post and ABC News last week said they would request a religious or medical exemption if their employer adopted a vaccine mandate, while 42% said they would quit.

Asked what they would do if no exemptions were available, the majority opted to join that 42% and said they would call it quits if ordered to vaccinate, amounting to around 67% of unvaccinated workers who would rather quit than comply.

Wash Post/ABC poll shows 67% of workers who aren't self-employed would respond to a workplace vaccine requirement by quitting or asking for an exemption and quitting if it's denied. pic.twitter.com/Ad49dgFpP6

— Jon Steingart (@jonsteingart) September 5, 2021

Such a hefty majority doesn’t look good for American corporations, more than half of which (52%) said they planned to have at least one vaccination requirement in place by the last quarter of 2021, according to a Willis Towers Watson survey last week. That survey addressed 961 companies, employing a total of almost 10 million people


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029914  No.14536615

File: 450c5b787d768b2⋯.png (73.94 KB, 501x492, 167:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Sydney media personality Simeon Boikov takes to the air offering his perspective on local and international affairs.



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1dada5  No.14536616


follow the wives.

the ones that have been replaced/died

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7f6dea  No.14536617



>recipient is guaranteed streamlined return to active duty within one year of release


check out Beamer https://qresear.ch/?q=beamer

and then research Hoffman

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516074  No.14536618


Just tell us what you know anon, thats the point here

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7e0c41  No.14536619


Yes, this was my point!

How do we know for sure any real soldier died that day??

Maybe it’s all optics..

Trump and the military or making the left look like absolute buffoon’s. And it’s working wonderfully because so many people are waking up.

Does anyone here know, personally know, any of the 13 soldiers that died?

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dc3a9b  No.14536620


Morningstar just went down, coinkydink like.

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4234c1  No.14536621

Closer Everyday

PURE EVIL: Former State Supreme Court Judge Wants Doctor’s Licenses Revoked For Questioning COVID Vaccines

The Left has effectively taken control of the media, big tech, and our judicial system.

Very few people take Facebook’s “fact-checkers” seriously. These so-called “arbiters of the truth” are left-wing activists who are part of the Democrat Party’s canceling mob. Along with their allies in the Democrat Party, they are hell-bent on taking down conservative influencers and news sites like ours who work tirelessly to expose the lies and propaganda they push on Americans every day, especially regarding COVID.

When America’s Frontline Doctors came out in support of hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients, the media, the Democrat Party, and so-called medical experts circled the wagons to not only discredit them but to ruin their careers and even their lives.

On Saturday, The Hill shared an op-ed written by a leftist activist and former Idaho Supreme Court Justice who actually believes doctors should have their licenses revoked if they share opinions about the FDA emergency approved shot for the CCP virus that doesn’t align with the narrative provided for them by the so-called “medical experts,” that’s delivered to the masses by the dishonest mainstream media.


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7f6dea  No.14536622




more images

look for the curl on forehead even in short hair yo can see a "cowlick"


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d40bed  No.14536623


Morningstar you say?

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1dada5  No.14536624


does not matter. In the family and frens eyes, he ded.

New identity, new top secret job….

For God & Country.

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4d4344  No.14536625


Jesus came to fulfil what was written.

Remember, you were warned about those who go into great detail about what they've seen, puffed up by their unspiritual mind.

John was Elijah, and among those born to women no one is greater, but the least in heaven is greater than he.

Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

What does it mean to take, or be taken in marriage? What did marriages used to be?

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caef75  No.14536626


Linda Howe lololol

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32fea0  No.14536627



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7f6dea  No.14536628


i never thought it is


the match in my vision

is todd beamer

the curl on forehead

locks it for me pun was not intended but now that i typped it for me it is truth leaking

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4234c1  No.14536629

Twitter Suspends J.D. Vance Campaign Account

Twitter has suspended the official press account of J.D. Vance, a contender in the Republican primary for Ohio’s Senate race in the midterm elections.

Vance’s primary Twitter account is still active, and he took to the platform earlier today to demand answers from the company and condemn its behavior. “No warning. No explanation of what rules I allegedly broke,” wrote Vance. “But this is what happens when we allow five companies to control what we’re allowed to say.”

No warning. No explanation of what rules I allegedly broke. But this is what happens when we allow five companies to control what we’re allowed to say. https://t.co/XFfMcPpSwx

— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) September 7, 2021

It is currently unclear why Twitter suspended the account. Breitbart News has reached out to the Silicon Valley company for comment.


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722eb5  No.14536631


CDC changed the definition of Vaccination

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.



Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Protection vs Immunity



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af96e6  No.14536632


That’s why they’re all still coming across the border.

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caef75  No.14536633



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0046b0  No.14536634


>Michael Baxter

"Real Raw News is owned and operated by Michael Baxter, a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher. I can be reached at michael@realrawnews.com I delete all trollish email without reading them.

All content on Real Raw News is written by Michael Baxter

Photographs displayed on Realrawnews.com are believed to be in the public domain and are used for illustrative reasons only.


Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

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6f761d  No.14536635


Like it or not, THE SOLDIER is talking.

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c5f878  No.14536636


… muh life's work. Shove it. Loaded, cooked, seditious.

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03a258  No.14536637


I think it sad that hospital/corporate leadership would rather inject bio-weapons than care for people. It says their revenue really isn't coming from providing "medical care", ultimately.

That said, I am very pleased to see the evil exposed. When dimwit physicians say they won't treat the "unvaccinated" I am THRILLED. I neither want nor need their substandard, devilish, mandate and order- based "care".

The vast majority of people should ditch their overpriced "plans" that extract much but deliver next to nothing. Invest in some good food, supplements and a healthy lifestyle and leave "insurance" based medical care behind.

If you need something go straight fee for service. And pay for the care you WANT. When a plan tells you what you get they are no longer providing "insurance" they are moving you into socialized medicine.

If you wreck your car and get money for the damage because it wasn't your fault you can spend it however you like. "Health insurance" is not true insurance because the insurer (not your doctor) tells you what you can have done and who you can ask to do it.

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5483f3  No.14536638

Why Texas's strict abortion law is terrible for the economy

By Anneken Tappe, CNN Business

Updated 1630 GMT (0030 HKT) September 7, 2021


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6c97c5  No.14536639


Former English teacher cannot write in English.

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4234c1  No.14536640


Rutgers University bans unvaccinated senior from attending remote classes

Logan Hollar is a 22-year-old senior at Rutgers University. He's spent the last few years working toward his diploma, and transferred to the New Jersey school in 2020 for his junior year. Because of COVID, he elected to take classes remotely last year from his home in Sandyston, New Jersey — 70 miles from Rugters' New Brunswick campus, NJ.com reported.

The system worked out well for him, so he decided to do this same thing for his senior year and signed up for all virtual classes.

Hollar is also unvaccinated.

This is a problem for the higher-ups at Rutgers, which implemented a first-in-the-nation vaccine mandates for all students attending classes on campus — but not for staff or faculty — so they've banned him from attending any classes and locked him out of his school email account, even though he would be attending remotely and has no desire to step foot on campus.


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78c5da  No.14536641

Thunder Kiss ‘65

Thunder Kiss ‘sixfive

Thunder Kiss ‘sixtyfive

Nineteen Six & 5 5 5..

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6f761d  No.14536642



I have to splain this like to a fkin' 4 yrs child….

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1ba815  No.14536643

Hate, fear and the communist agenda has allowed a mass hysteria to take root in an effort to destroy our country. First, you were cowed into masking and social distancing. Next, you were coerced by fear and your need to 'virtue-signal' your allegiance to the Dems by taking an experimental fauxvax "jab" and masking your children. You obeyed unconstitutional mandates and polices and ignored very obvious red flags, media lies and absurdities. You were lured by the media and Hollywood 'covid campaign' and you fell for a dangerous mass experiment that grossly benefits only those who fooled you. You have lost your grasp on common sense, science, health, gender, education, freedom, love of neighbor, family, and country. You ignored the dissenting doctors and nurses and journalists worldwide who dared to speak against the narrative. You shut down alternative media or dissenting opinion. You turned on your family and friends who tried to warn you to do your own research. You not only took the jab, which is your right if you want it, but now you must play bootlicker to ensure everyone else takes it too, because somewhere inside your brainwashed mind, you know you got played. - unvaxxed

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029ef8  No.14536644


The CDC was 'compelled' to admit a long standing truth that they never did produce 'immunity'.

The flu vaccine was given in the 1910's AND SINCE. Still have flu today (although the data for that is fudged as well).

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516074  No.14536645


>"First off, the PCR test currently in use, including the rapid COVID tests ONLY TELL YOU POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE.

…aaaaaand filtered. The PCR test was pulled because it can't differentiate between "covid" and influenza. There is no covid, there are no variants, there isn't a best cure, the treatments aren't fighting any viral infection other than typical seasonal allergies, modern day parasitic infections, and pathogens humanity has fought for millenia.

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029ef8  No.14536646


You knew CNN would publish an article like this.

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d40bed  No.14536647





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08adfd  No.14536648


Clues are left everywhere for those with eyes to see them. You're watching a movie!

Who's in control? Who's really in control?

Controlled Demolition / Devolution

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caef75  No.14536649


She should do a backflip off her roof with that disgusting cat in her hands. Sad part is the ugly piece of shit cat would survive. Toss that thing in a furnace

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722eb5  No.14536650

Australia continues to break every basic human right.. unvaccinated will be locked up indefinitely.. nurses to be fired.. Christians will not be allowed to worship.. how can citizens just allow this to happen..?


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614bd6  No.14536651

How Facebook Undermines Privacy Protections for Its 2 Billion WhatsApp Users

WhatsApp assures users that no one can see their messages — but the company has an extensive monitoring operation and regularly shares personal information with prosecutors.

When Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook in March 2019, he cited the company’s global messaging service, WhatsApp, as a model. Acknowledging that “we don’t currently have a strong reputation for building privacy protective services,” the Facebook CEO wrote that “I believe the future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services where people can be confident what they say to each other stays secure and their messages and content won’t stick around forever. This is the future I hope we will help bring about. We plan to build this the way we’ve developed WhatsApp.”

Zuckerberg’s vision centered on WhatsApp’s signature feature, which he said the company was planning to apply to Instagram and Facebook Messenger: end-to-end encryption, which converts all messages into an unreadable format that is only unlocked when they reach their intended destinations. WhatsApp messages are so secure, he said, that nobody else — not even the company — can read a word. As Zuckerberg had put it earlier, in testimony to the U.S. Senate in 2018, “We don’t see any of the content in WhatsApp.”

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WhatsApp emphasizes this point so consistently that a flag with a similar assurance automatically appears on-screen before users send messages: “No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.”

Those assurances are not true. WhatsApp has more than 1,000 contract workers filling floors of office buildings in Austin, Texas, Dublin and Singapore, where they examine millions of pieces of users’ content. Seated at computers in pods organized by work assignments, these hourly workers use special Facebook software to sift through streams of private messages, images and videos that have been reported by WhatsApp users as improper and then screened by the company’s artificial intelligence systems. These contractors pass judgment on whatever flashes on their screen — claims of everything from fraud or spam to child porn and potential terrorist plotting — typically in less than a minute.

Policing users while assuring them that their privacy is sacrosanct makes for an awkward mission at WhatsApp. A 49-slide internal company marketing presentation from December, obtained by ProPublica, emphasizes the “fierce” promotion of WhatsApp’s “privacy narrative.” It compares its “brand character” to “the Immigrant Mother” and displays a photo of Malala ​​Yousafzai, who survived a shooting by the Taliban and became a Nobel Peace Prize winner, in a slide titled “Brand tone parameters.” The presentation does not mention the company’s content moderation efforts.

WhatsApp’s director of communications, Carl Woog, acknowledged that teams of contractors in Austin and elsewhere review WhatsApp messages to identify and remove “the worst” abusers. But Woog told ProPublica that the company does not consider this work to be content moderation, saying: “We actually don’t typically use the term for WhatsApp.” The company declined to make executives available for interviews for this article, but responded to questions with written comments. “WhatsApp is a lifeline for millions of people around the world,” the company said. “The decisions we make around how we build our app are focused around the privacy of our users, maintaining a high degree of reliability and preventing abuse.”


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1ba815  No.14536652


Guess they didn't hone in the effects until [1917] for the 1918 flu pandemic

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0c70be  No.14536653


Well it was the same with Hillary. We all saw her being thrown into a van like a side of beef. We all mused about her being unwell, nobody realised that’s how somebody acts when they know they are on the next flight to GITMO. Sauce you say? Her own bloody words. “ we’ll all hang if that bastard wins”

And so she did. The real Hillary ain’t been seen since. Just like the real Melinda hasn’t been seen for nearly 2 years.

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4234c1  No.14536654


Exactly……Wages didn't start to rise until Trump instituted the remain in Mexico policy ..and companies couldn't hire illegals and had to pay a decent wage

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029ef8  No.14536655





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4d4344  No.14536656


>a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher

English teacher to whom?

They write at a mid-high school level at best.

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6f761d  No.14536657


You don't belong here, you are evil. Bye.

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029ef8  No.14536658


[1917] Bolshevik INVASION of Russia and slaughter of millions of Christians.

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a5a201  No.14536659


…BUT at least innocent lives will be spared…

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9452ed  No.14536660

Part 1 (of 3)



What advantage would there be

in leading the world to believe Gain of Function was achieved?

1) - Fauci could be thrown under the bus.

(they KNEW eventually they would need a "fall guy")

2) - The world would still believe the "fiction" that it is a VIRUS - (that works)

even though examination of every single angle seems to argue that it does NOT.

Bear with me.

I still think the pandemic is simply the Flu.

I think there was never a pandemic, but what Fauci and co-conspirators did was to cause initial / bizarre simulated outbreaks through either; fear & propaganda (exacerbated by intubation procedures and toxic drugs like remdesivir and MAB drugs etc.)

Or even through actual targeted area spraying of something toxic like sarin (which mimics acute infectious respiratory symptoms) or …by some other nefarious means.

(If you think that sounds conspiratorial - You're right. It is -

However - If you dismiss what I'm saying because of that, then you haven't been paying attention.

Because this entire thing IS an actual conspiracy.)

But I don't think —for an instant— that these people actually know how to create a real scientifically provable Virus. All they have is a computer similation. This is actually from their OWN description of their methods.

We know this because all They have EVEN NOW - after all of this - is still nothing but computer simulations and lots of complex lab procedure "descriptions" which end up being really just nonsensical hocus pocus — but absolutely NOTHING that is actually provably VIRUS by any scientific means other than their Precious PCR and Computer Algo simulation predictions….

Additionally — they have lots of previously FAILED attempts at virus fear-mongering — like swine flu, zika, ebola, hanta, etc etc.

THINK: None of THESE … None of them actually worked as a Stand Alone Virus NOT without accompanying the "said virus" (including HIV) with massive amounts of PROPAGANDA Mendacity and FEAR MONGERING …and none of the said viruses actually "worked" clinically and NOT a single ONE even now– can be proven using actual scientific method.

This one did not WORK either. Check actual death records and co-morbidity and look at all the rampant LYING that had to accompany the hospitalizations and deaths in order to simulate appearance of a pandemic. This tells us the story of a "Leaked" virus is also bullshit.

Why would they want us to think that? I mean it's really backhanded and backwards. Pretending they are trying to keep us from finding out it was an experiment in Gain of Function. Why would they want us to think that?

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bb2ead  No.14536662


Wouldn't want a bunch of hungry kids gobbling up profits.

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7f6dea  No.14536663



no plane crashed in that field



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c5f878  No.14536664

… because the slow creep wasn't identified and Aussie's were just chipping away and muh allies were nowhere?

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77ce59  No.14536665

A positive Covid test shows as Red

They had the tests rigged for red.

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9452ed  No.14536666

Part 2 - cont.


If we THINK they secretly and nefariously created a monster that accidentally or even purposely was set loose then what NARRATIVE are we buying? We are BUYING the FICTION that they are able to create Viruses. IN fact: Nothing they've created so far has worked. Including this. So no. They are UNABLE to create a virus. Maybe (according to some) there is no such thing as a pathogenic VIRUS… or… maybe they simply can't do it. So what would be the benefit in making us think they can?

1) - We believe it is real so run to the Cure - Vaccine.


2) - We don't look for the REAL CAUSE of suffering / what is making people sick. (Which could be several things or simply the flu - or parasites which are EASY TO SEE under magnification!) or… we would see that the FEAR and PROPAGANDA creating FEAR is causing the appearance ONLY of a pandemic which is then used to get people to take the real poison - the vaccine.

This means they were completely prepared with that misinformation from the outset. They KNEW they did not have an actual VIABLE virus.

This also means that the initial deadly seeming WAVE could NOT HAVE BEEN INFECTIOUS …

Why? Because the initial momentum was only maintained through deliberate propaganda and outright pre-meditated FALSEHOODS. This proves they never had a "created" infectious virus.

They DO HAVE a massively toxic vaccine however.

And it appears on the surface to have properties of a parasite /or is mitigated by MEDS USED FOR RIDDING ONESELF of parasites and toxic things like graphene oxide.

So it seems to me that the arguments that "a virus escaped a lab"…or the Judy Mikovitz and Luc Montagnier arguments (who SEEM on the surface to be on the side of humanity)… Are all essentially STRAW MAN ARGUMENTS. Have you noticed how many people we are supposed to "trust" turn out to be un-trustworthy?

But by spreading this "virus escaped the lab narrative" … they have everyone continuing to scurry about unravelling their FICTIONAL virus science…

There is another point to keep in mind. The CDC (known LIARS and TOXIN PUSHERS and ADMITTED experimenters on HUMANS) — pushed a 32 page COMIC BOOK (graphic "novel") online —which is still there… which was done years before any so called FAKE-DEMIC.

Which describes a VIRUS creation in a LAB that escapes!

We should not believe that narrative simply because THEY PUSHED IT - if for no other logical reason. (Although there are plenty of other rational reasons to reject this narrative.)

People keep holding up Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier and his understudy Mikovitz but people are either too young to know or have not been involved in the world of Virology to realize that Luc was an essential part of the HIV = AIDs fraud and He personally made many millions from the TEST KITS. He is a FULL BORE => Fauci co-conspirator. Not a truth teller.

He may (and seems to be) telling truths now! Yes.

But I WILL NEVER FORGET that the AIDs LIE was HIS LIE and it is also the very BASIS and foundation of the current COVID lie and every single essential part of the current lie is based on the same procedures.

Here are the basic Lies:

=Asymptomatic people are infected.

=PCR tests prove infection.

=Without drugs you are doomed.

=Death statistics are one big fat LIE under the light of completely non existant differential diagnoses.

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32fea0  No.14536667


You're welcome

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9452ed  No.14536668

Part 3 cont.


I DO indeed want to believe Mikovitz has a good heart

and want to believe that SHE BELIEVES she is telling the truth

(she has suffered and not profited materially)

and that she is simply misguided (she believes in HIV too) because the truth is this: For HER to say OTHERWISE — she must trash 40 years of study and foundations of her "science"…and this has GOT to be excruciatingly painful. (if not impossible for her to do…)

But somebody's got to do it. So I am.

Nothing she says can negate the fact that calling this entire thing a PANDEMIC and deadly escaped virus is in every sense provably and most definitely a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT.

Someone WANTS us to believe it was an escaped Lab creation.

Then we will still FEAR the non-existent virus.

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516074  No.14536669


Now that looks much more likely than jfk jr or the other guy above.

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1dada5  No.14536670


misinformation necessary


Agree 100%

Bill and HRC look alikes are so animated it's embarrassing…..

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77ce59  No.14536671


Rig for Red

Q knew

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4706b9  No.14536672

>>14536018 (lb)

We the People paid to have that military equipment shipped over so why not charge We the People for shipping it back and making sure it does not fall in the hands of our enemies !! What a waste of OUR TAX DOLLARS !!

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0046b0  No.14536673


Right? No one who really researches takes that site seriously.

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d40bed  No.14536674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c42052  No.14536675


Not The End Of The World

Katy visits the blue alien people and saves the world by unplugging the Internet

An 'Internet apocalypse' could ride to Earth with the next solar storm, new research warns


It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's not the end of the

No, not the end of the world

You can catch a star if the sky is falling down

There's a golden lining up in every single cloud

You can take a frown turn it all the way around

All the way around, all the, all the way around

A fortune teller told me the power's in your mind

You might see a cliff, but I see a way to fly

Flipping off the flop, now I just enjoy the ride

Just enjoy the world, yeah, I just enjoy the ride

Na, na, na, na, what a time

Na, na, na, na, to be alive

Don't say goodbye

It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's not the end of the

No, not the end of the world

You can make a wish even on a satellite

On a plastic lash or anything you like

You can tame a dragon if you're not afraid to fight

Not afraid to fight, no, not afraid

Na, na, na, na, what a time

Na, na, na, na, to be alive

Don't say goodbye (don't say goodbye)

It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

Na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na

Don't say goodbye (don't say goodbye)

Na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na

Don't say goodbye

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1dada5  No.14536676


speak for yourself anon.

i consider anything possible these days.

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0046b0  No.14536677


>misinformation necessary


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0c70be  No.14536678


The CDC also changed the definition of “Pandemic” in 2019.

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b2e2e8  No.14536679

Guys, allow me to reiterate:

Q doesn't get to decide what we call them. Sure, we've been humoring Q and some of you newfags, but to be very clear, we reluctantly allowed Q to exist as a namefag in our Anonymous network. We've seldom afforded other namefags the same honor. Whether or not you enjoy them, care about them or have entertained them, meganon, bdanon, HLIanon, fbianon, hwoodanon, all of the other guys, never decided their name.

Anons decided to call Q "Qanon" in the beginning. We made several websites, including qanon.pub, which is still in use, we created several blogs, subreddits, memes, videos and much more, all with the name "Qanon" on/in things.

Q suggesting "there is no Qanon" doesn't mean we were wrong to call them "Qanon" in the beginning. It doesn't disqualify or restric veracity of previously created content.

However, Q is bringing this up for a reason and it can lend insights in to how we maneuver in the currently unfolding internet cold war. Q has their reasons, reasons which do not have to be explained to any of us, for making the transition.

Many of you seemed to think that means we should remove all of the banners, videos, websites, blogs and whatever else from all affiliations, but there's no reason to go overboard.

Just to reiterate, Q, like any other namefag we afforded the luxury of operating within our network, does not get to decide what we call them. There is no central authority that governs us. There is no collected manifestation of our power or whim.

Q came to us. We didn't go to them. To be clear though, this doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't entertain them. It should be known that the subsequent shitfest that occurred was unnecessary, however.

Now stop giving each other commands detailing how we are conduct ourselves. Stop focusing too much on irrelevant shit. Start practicing agency and independent thought.

Tidy the fucking ship.

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caef75  No.14536680


You’re welcome.

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77ce59  No.14536681


That’s part of the show.

We made a deal with the Taliban to kill the deep state players.

They need good weapons to do that.

Watch the video a few times.

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0046b0  No.14536682


well then I guess after you have been doing this shit for over 40 years like I have, you may think differently

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4d4344  No.14536683


Shut up larp.

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c5f878  No.14536684

You take away everything a person loves then expect them to join you? LOL.

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32fea0  No.14536685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7f6dea  No.14536686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14536663 trips do not lie 666

fake as fuck that field crash

then they made all the propganda lets roll movies



look for 11's




b/w checkerboard

in every video you re-watch now that you are awake

no plane parts like real crashes

just a crater

fake as fuck if you put on your brain

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77ce59  No.14536687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That embed didn’t work try this

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1dada5  No.14536688


Trump made the deal

He went to all the leaders within his first year and made "the Deal"

Rid them of US CLOWNS

Give them their Countries back.

Prevent world war.

Trump is in control

have you been watching the stock market?

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5724ba  No.14536689


thus the use of ivermectin and other "vaccines" is a protection from a specific disease

sick of these nigger toes bitch

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6dbe20  No.14536690



Start here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_watchers09b.htm

The First Book of

Adam and Eve

part of the "Forgotten" books of Eden

from EarthHistory Website

The First Book of Adam and Eve details the life and times of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the garden to the time that Cain kills his brother Abel.

It tells of Adam and Eve's first dwelling - the Cave of Treasures; their trials and temptations; Satan's many apparitions to them; the birth of Cain, Abel, and their twin sisters; and Cain's love for his beautiful twin sister, Luluwa, whom Adam and Eve wished to join to Abel.



[They] call this a story of fiction because it explains the beginning of [CAIN and his line]

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722eb5  No.14536691

This is absolutely INSANITY.. French government plans to open 7000 vaccination centres in schools *without parental consent. If they don’t agree with this they can be fined €30,000 or face 2 years imprisonment.

vid here


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32fea0  No.14536692

09.1979 +42 years

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cde18b  No.14536693

Meme's have proven one of the greatest weapons used by Anons to get the message out. Thus the loss of images on the board should be taken more seriously.

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029ef8  No.14536694


>Now stop giving each other commands detailing how we are conduct ourselves. Stop focusing too much on irrelevant shit. Start practicing agency and independent thought.

>Tidy the fucking ship.

These are all commands.

You're telling others not to give commands because you want to give commands.

Reflection much?

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7f6dea  No.14536695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Flight 93 aircraft debris, stand down, shoot down, V.P. clown?

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c42052  No.14536696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After Trump's Inauguration

33 days pass

And a song is released

Lions by Skip Marley

At the same time social media is filled with lion images

Portraying Trump as a Lion of Persia

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7f6dea  No.14536697


read comments

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b2e2e8  No.14536698



All your posts are evangelical appeals and filled with redditspacing.

We don't need you. Return to where you came from.

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0c70be  No.14536699


What was we also told?

Trump cannot be seen to be connected to any of this and will be making no announcements regarding such matters. Reconcile.

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cfb8a8  No.14536700


More like a creative writing teacher, where fiction gets poor grammar added to it.

The national enquirer has more truth than that site.

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1dada5  No.14536701


you should have been saving off line anon.

we were warned.

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b2e2e8  No.14536702


Feel free to ignore me.

Don't you feel absorbed in paradox?

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029ef8  No.14536704


Not 'absorbed' because I can SEE the inconsistency in your post.

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794208  No.14536705

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This is absolutely INSANITY.. French government plans to open 7000 vaccination centres in schools *without parental consent. If they don’t agree with this they can be fined €30,000 or face 2 years imprisonment.

>vid here


you can embed twat videos now by putting the url same place as youtube videos– fyi

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38086d  No.14536706


Right now their only way out is to say the virus escaped the lab. Because we all know that didn't happen - it was deployed. The Military intercepted what was supposed to be a highly lethal virus, and released a flu (one that makes us un-consumable to them). They had to move on with the propaganda campaign to buy them more time to get it right the second time. And now here we are…

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c5f878  No.14536707

I have my dignity. I'm glad I walked away.

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b2e2e8  No.14536708


You're a pedant.

I don't care about the inconsistencies you percieve.

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0046b0  No.14536709


>The national enquirer has more truth than that site.

absolutely, fan fiction. reminds me of C-As David Booth/ Sorcha Faal same MO

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5483f3  No.14536710

The Times of Israel


Afghanistan’s last Jew finally leaves the country, reportedly headed to US

4:33 PM · Sep 7, 2021·dlvr.it



>Archive offline

Memes ready?

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105470  No.14536711


chk'd……5:5:5 noice

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f93f7d  No.14536712



Here's a live sat animation with graphics.

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4d4344  No.14536713


Yes larp, you fucking wannabe.

Q told you to read your bible for a reason. Maybe if you did you'd understand what Q's doing and the parable between Q/Qanon and Jesus.

There is Q, and there are anons, there is no Qanon.

There is Jesus, and there are anons, there is no Jesus-anon.

What do muslims claim about Jesus? What did pope francis say about Jesus? He was just a man?

It's called spacing, it's not my fault people on reddit use it. I've been around a lot longer than reddit or most likely you so kindly go fuck yourself larp.

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9452ed  No.14536714


No one is saying there are not real THINGS out there.


THEY.... do NOT know how to TEST FOR DELTA.

Their FIRST tests can't even tell the dif between COMMON COLD CORONA

or COVID...

SO I'm not denying people are not SICK

from things.


they did not create something.,

I have been sick too.

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b0abd1  No.14536715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sep 7, 2021

Press For Truth

263K subscribers

Justin Trudeau has clearly become the most hated candidate in this snap election and his campaign tour is beginning to fall apart as he slips further and further in the polls, leaving the future of a liberal government in question. At a campaign stop in London Ontario a number of people shouted their displeasure with his Covid-19(84) response measures while two individuals allegedly threw a handful of gravel at the PM, enough to not cause any damage but also enough to give the media food for sympathy as his campaign marches forward. In this video Dan Dicks or Press For Truth looks at the possibility these two are agent provocateurs working on behalf of the liberal government posing as violent conservatives and even if they aren’t this still goes o show that violence is not the answer when you’re going up against the real mob aka the secret government.


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5be1b6  No.14536716

>>14534903 Finally starting to see more celebs grow a conscience


Do any of you "researchers" ACTUALLY research ANYTHING?

Fucking twats.


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bddd52  No.14536717


You don't get to decide what I call anything nor anyone. Eat shit

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516074  No.14536718


hey thanks anon

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b2e2e8  No.14536719


Now you're getting it. Good work, anon.

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66d1c6  No.14536720


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03a258  No.14536721

There is a rising tide of anger that I am feeling about what is going on in American schools. Fortunately I am learning not to remain angry or to get into destructive rage, but change is absolutely necessary, imo.

This author's words capture some of the feeling I share:


"get the damn masks off our children’s faces. You have no idea of the long-term consequences and you have no right to force this risk on other people’s innocent children."

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029ef8  No.14536722


I don't care that YOU don't care about your own inconsistencies. This is not mere 'perceived'. You barked commands at other anons and in the same post you said anons must stop giving commands.

This is being 'pedantic', it's being LOGICAL.

Look into that.

I post for myself and all anons.

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b6bcdb  No.14536723

File: 13ee8adbfd335ff⋯.jpeg (379.47 KB, 828x581, 828:581, 55475B70_A097_4971_B89E_2….jpeg)

File: 93260f8c1c05908⋯.jpeg (293.93 KB, 828x580, 207:145, D785252C_7D74_4A9E_8459_8….jpeg)


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516074  No.14536724


>to get the message out

Exactly, we don't need to meme each other, we just need to comm. Nothing is stopping anyone from memeing the normies

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c5f878  No.14536725


err… that's another order…

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caef75  No.14536726




Cats should be culled. Fuck cats. Toxoplasmosis is a thing and people are insane for their shit and piss all over their homes. It’s insanity to turn your home into a zoo. Fuck cats. May most of them die

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b6bcdb  No.14536727

File: 7e5c59284d41ddc⋯.jpeg (319.61 KB, 828x434, 414:217, 9D20D042_1866_4CF2_821B_E….jpeg)


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5be1b6  No.14536728

>>14534987 Aussie Health Chief: People Will Have To "Get Used To" Endless "Covid" Booster Vaccines

First man to put a bullet in the Aussie Health Chief is a HERO!

Just sayin'…

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0c70be  No.14536729


Tainted meat.

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9452ed  No.14536730



YES they created SOMTHING...

but not a VIRUS per se.

Whatever IT is.... seems to be cured by something they DO NOT WANT YOU TO USE....

and all of those things

have one thing in common


The sickest I have ever been was from a parasite by the way.






all seem to help with parasites

and are not normally used for so called VIRUS

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b6bcdb  No.14536731

File: 8271d520d3b6a3a⋯.jpeg (498.42 KB, 828x667, 36:29, 4D382F38_87FE_4ACF_B0BA_1….jpeg)

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b6bcdb  No.14536732

File: bb59393d734b4fb⋯.jpeg (372.89 KB, 828x454, 414:227, 2AEE6A7E_1705_44FB_8957_0….jpeg)

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5be1b6  No.14536733


And where did you hear this???


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029ef8  No.14536734




Contradicting your own claims is 'anon getting it?'

To 'get it' one has to reject what you say?

What an illogical mess of a trail you're making here.

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722eb5  No.14536735

A French Pepe made this

Below weather channel video


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9452ed  No.14536736



where are the actual numbers.


I'll wait.

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b6bcdb  No.14536737

File: 3273fa12bc3960f⋯.jpeg (453.19 KB, 828x542, 414:271, 90E11F97_BC11_4A76_992F_C….jpeg)

File: bb041e4d52962aa⋯.jpeg (563.32 KB, 828x930, 138:155, 6FE088AA_D867_4596_B4B1_E….jpeg)

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f0d829  No.14536738

9/11 was a long

term/ goal , set up.

Looks like it has

been seized to serve

a new goal/purpose.

Who would have the control

to make this happen?

And what changes would it take

to make this happen?

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b6bcdb  No.14536740

File: 93a80fd4bedffae⋯.jpeg (298.95 KB, 828x492, 69:41, D428743D_C017_4F89_A7D1_A….jpeg)

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b6bcdb  No.14536741

File: 6afa13b3d2b35ac⋯.jpeg (600.53 KB, 828x804, 69:67, F8A360DA_893D_4F86_B1EC_C….jpeg)

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5be1b6  No.14536742


>Their FIRST tests can't even tell the dif between COMMON COLD CORONA


I'm surprised moar people aren't pointing out that the FLU has almost completely disappeared, suddenly, right as Corona rose… Hmmmm???


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a69ddc  No.14536744


I like it. ty anon


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516074  No.14536745


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722eb5  No.14536746


TY!! I will try to do that.

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08adfd  No.14536747


It's possible but I could see some of the women really loosing their shit at these protests!

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b2e2e8  No.14536748


>What an illogical mess of a trail you're making here.

I know, I know, you don't get the angle I was taking.

That's okay. The point was made and the intended effect accrued.

Just don't be a hypocrite now.

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516074  No.14536749

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722eb5  No.14536750

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1dada5  No.14536751


thy just say the masks work for colds and flu.


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f93f7d  No.14536752


Commissars everywhere. Same script every takeover.

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029914  No.14536754

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]

You dont know whats coming.

They dont know whats coming.

The final day.


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b2e2e8  No.14536756


Eventually you'll realize what memes really are, what you're actually doing and why understanding to use them is important.

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74ac2a  No.14536757



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79f40d  No.14536758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0c70be  No.14536759


It’s hard to make head nor tail of it. We all know they have viruses that could wipe out 90% of the world’s population in 72 hours if they do wishes. As for the vaccine, yes the deaths and adverse affects are being massively downplayed but not to the extent you could claim it’s a cull. Neither the virus nor the vaccine seem deadly enough for Genocide and a population of half a billion to be to be the main goal. Something else is afoot.

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722eb5  No.14536760



Ty it worked!!!!! Didn't know to click on it to make it work kek. (face palm)

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a9b944  No.14536761


PCR test is still being used in my hospital for admissions and 3days before procedures/ surgeries. When I ask if it’s the same test they said yes and they didn’t know about PCR test not differentiating between flu/COVID

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4234c1  No.14536762


>Just to reiterate, Q, like any other namefag we afforded the luxury of operating within our network

KEK and he had his own Trip code which NOBODY else had…I was here when it was set up…You're a Idiot…kekeke

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6a43a0  No.14536763

Most likely not this year but good info to pass to non believing frens


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029ef8  No.14536764


Your 'angle' is a self-contradictory mess.

The 'intended effect' was to have anons point out the inconsistencies in your posts? Yeah no.

Hypocrite? Prove your accusation.

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38086d  No.14536765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Military doesn't train in civilian zones (unconstitutional).

The virus had to be lethal so that people would demand the vaccine… and now we know that nobody dies from this bug. It was switched out, but they still need to get the vaccine into as many as possible. Hence the stupidity.

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8b1466  No.14536766


What a stupid thing to say.

Just sayin….

Glow Moar

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77ce59  No.14536767

Important to learn that Q or anyone highly read in on the Galactic stuff cannot violate your free will.

The Law of Free Will cannot be infringed or else there are dire consequences.

Anons need to lear the Galactic Laws

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16000f  No.14536769


"stop talking now"


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029d30  No.14536770


> - it was deployed

I don't doubt that at all. Was it in March 0f 2020 when PDJT shut down nearly all flights? Then the crooked congress and the msm started screaming about it being a mistake/not necessary.

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8a3eaf  No.14536771


the federal reserve ponzi sceme is about to collapse either way, the so-called "great reset" is just a way to reset and restart another ponzi scheme, this time it'll be fully controlled because all monies will be digital.

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5483f3  No.14536772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Narcissists and #RIOTS

Just let your ego out of the room lady.

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8b1466  No.14536773


Intel agencies and the Media.

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25366a  No.14536774


>practicing agency and independent thought.

Q: Do carnists practicing agency and independent thought.?

>Tidy the fucking ship.

Yes 'tisT.I.M.E.:

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77ce59  No.14536775


Christ’s symbol is our number 9

Gods symbol is our number 11

The twin towers looked like the number 11

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722eb5  No.14536776

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pentagon paid PR firm $540 million to make fake terrorists videos


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e7b5b3  No.14536777

>>14533726 (pb) Pierre Gilbert (1995) speaks on mRNA death jabs and how the liquid crystals

scary how real this likely is

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22eea4  No.14536778


I can't tell if this weapon (QR) is being decommissioned, field modified, or re-commissioned.

One thing is for sure… the image "problem" has castrated the famefags and all the visual psyops.

I'm in no hurry to walk through cat shit again.

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acff9a  No.14536779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It was switched out

I wonder if the "switching out" was related to the Q pics re: that chinese building w/ the blasted window.. good times

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8b1466  No.14536780


Wizards and Warlocks.

The stage had to be set.

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38086d  No.14536781


Yes. These idiots repeatedly saying the virus did not escape the Wuhan lab are only shooting themselves in the foot. Because the only other explanation points directly to an act of war. Trump and the Military managed to save EVERYONE. But we cannot save people from themselves.

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cde18b  No.14536782

I do have megs of meme material. I was illustrating the fact that new meme's about current events are limited.

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6a43a0  No.14536783


>Tidy the fucking ship.

you first

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8a3eaf  No.14536784


>but they still need to get the vaccine into as many as possible

because the vaccine is the real danger/sickness.

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f53e16  No.14536785


After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.


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a69ddc  No.14536786

can there be commands without being commands? sure, yes, why not. all things ….blah, blah, blah. sometimes smh. … just let it go. think mirror



Hate has 4 letter's , so does Love .

Enemies has 8 letters , so does Friends .

Lying has 5 letter's , so does Truth .

Negative has 8 , so does Positive .

Under has 5 , so does Above .

Cry has 3 , so does Joy .

Anger has 5 , so does Happy .

Right has 5 , so does Wrong .

Hurt has 4 , so does Heal .

It means life is like a double edge sword .

Tranform every negative side into an aura of Positive .

I don't ask you to think like me .

I ask you just to think .

Honk Honk


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105470  No.14536788


A quote from the page you've linked to:

>The present English translation was translated in the late 1800's by Dr. S. C. Malan and Dr. E. Trumpp.


Strange coinkydink kek

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c5f878  No.14536789

I'm pretty sure casino's are big on surveillance.

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b6bcdb  No.14536790


WHO GIVES A SHIT, looks like this is the week for families to cry on national tv again….Let's Roll.


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516074  No.14536791


Modern healthcare professionals are no more autonomous from orgs like the WHO, than a self checkout is autonomous from the walmart check out section.

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5be1b6  No.14536792

>>14535540 Taliban Unveils New Government, Includes FBI 'Most Wanted' Terrorist As Interior Minister

Given what we now know about the FBI, regarding things like this:

>>14533625 (You) Top FBI Official Arrested FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51

I imagine the people on the FBI's Most Wanted list, aren't really that bad. I mean, it's basically an Antifa most wanted list.

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c5f878  No.14536793

How do you tap out?

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4234c1  No.14536795


> Same script every takeover.

Q told us know their plan

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cde18b  No.14536796

Many lurk here and use the meme's and articles provided to spread the word. I am merely highlighting the fact that an important weapon in our arsenal is now missing.

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d40bed  No.14536797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cd6202  No.14536798

I stumbled over this and just wondering… Is there more to know about this lady?

Muh Wiki

Violet Constance Jessop (2 October 1887 – 5 May 1971) was an Argentine ocean liner stewardess, memoirist, and nurse who is known for surviving the disastrous sinkings of RMS Titanic in 1912 and her sister ship HMHS Britannic in 1916. In addition, she had been onboard RMS Olympic, the eldest of the three sister ships, when it collided with a British warship, HMS Hawke, in 1911.[1][2] She is often called the "Queen of sinking ships," as well as "Miss Unsinkable".


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16697e  No.14536799

Just finished watching a Fake Media (msnbc) interview conducted by hostess (the total ditz Nichole Wallace) and Steve Schmidt. Steve was very animated, emotional ever, early on. Who is Steve Schmidt? He's a college dropout who became maybe the most important Republican advisor of his era. He worked in a high position for both W an Dick Cheney. He also led no name to the GOP nomination for Pres. in 2008. He was the one who got Sarah Palin to be the V.P. nominee.

Oh yeah, he was a RINO. When Trump won Schmidt was a co=founder of The Lincoln Project. Yep, that's the Republican that the ditz Nicole interviewed. How did it go? Steve Schmidt was very animated from the start. One could say emotional. He said, with much emotion: "We have reached apolitical conflagration. I had to look the word up. Conflagration: a tremendous fire. Similar words: blaze, flames, inferno firestorm.

Yep, Anon loves it when a plan comes together. Hooah!

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6dbe20  No.14536800


You are most welcome - I read the first books of Adam and Eve, and reread them. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, bless you.

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722eb5  No.14536801

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Home COVID test

I know the feeling……so I did the Covid test…


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614bd6  No.14536802

Vaccine passports for Australians from October, but still no word on opening international borders

The federal government is rolling out vaccine passports for international travel from next month, but there's still no clear indication on when Australia's borders will reopen.

The passports will allow people to prove their vaccination status internationally.

Even though they'll start being issued from October, vaccinated people entering Australia will still need to quarantine for two weeks.

But outbound travel isn't likely to kickstart from then as a result, the federal government has given no clear indication about when it'll open Australia's international borders and ease restrictions on both inbound and outbound travellers.


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0bbb49  No.14536803


Anon found a Trumpf last week. Decodes abound!

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bb2ead  No.14536804


Trump had connections to The National Enquirer.

Maybe we shouldn't just write off The National Enquirer. Maybe there are hidden coded messages in it.

Like in the Men In Black movie where Tommy Lee Jones (Kay) looks at the magazine at the news stand for the hidden message.

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f93f7d  No.14536806


This is a Declaration of War against the French people by it's government. This is hard to understate how defining this is. The state is going to euthanize citizens children and threatening the parents if they try to protect them. All the soft stuff is over. This will force lethal combat and civil war.

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8a3eaf  No.14536807


and what are they willing to do to fight those that would infringe upon said free will?

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e7b5b3  No.14536808


I posted my electromagnetic weapon meme a day or so before the image server went down


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029ef8  No.14536809


AUS Government = Fascists

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5be1b6  No.14536810


A. 11

B. 34

C. As many as they can.

D. They are the child molesters.

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03a258  No.14536811



>natural immunity for 7 or 8 months earned the hard way

Should last you MUCH longer than 7 or 8 months.

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a2db7c  No.14536812


>what is making people sick.

The power of thought.

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6a43a0  No.14536813


>Q told us know their plan

isn't that modus operandi for satanists ?

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cfb8a8  No.14536814


Gain of function was funded. There is still no fingerprint for the alleged COVID-19 or variants.

What we do know is that there is a bioweapon causing a storm of spike proteins leading to blood clots, organ inflammation and a severe upper respiratory mucus response as well as a blood oxygen depletion.

Useful therapies are anti parasitic and anti inflammatory drugs and supplements like HCQ, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Sweet artemisia, Zinc citrate, quercitin, bromelaine and D3. The usual steroids and inhalers can ease resipratory symptoms.

The bio-weapon and weakening of the immune response via mRNA therapies has led to extended sickness and breeding of new parisitic variants in "vaxed" hosts.

The mRNA's are spiked with toxic nanotubes, infant cells.. known triggers of inflammatory disease and adverse nuerological responses, blood clots.

So the pertinent question is when will the forensic doctors and technicians break ranks and document what the actual pathogen is.

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614bd6  No.14536816


E. All of the Above

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3fc82b  No.14536817

i miss memes :(

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b6bcdb  No.14536818

File: d3125972fd39e7c⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 176x286, 8:13, download.jpg)

If I was married to this I would have taken down the plane to, beats the hell of going home to her.

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6a43a0  No.14536819


>AUS Government = Fascists

aka nwo satanists

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c5f878  No.14536820


Never had to think, just came naturally. On you.

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ef799f  No.14536821


Frogs to destroy them.

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32fea0  No.14536822



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66795b  No.14536823







Blessed word whomp pogo playing time giving me the heads up.

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cde18b  No.14536824

Why I like physics so much.

3rd Law = For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Every cloud has its silver lining.

Images are like any other tool, they can be useful or destructive. All depends on the users intent.

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cfb8a8  No.14536825


Black America knows better, they have been the target of eugenics for over a century.

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029ef8  No.14536826

File: f131bd5378497bf⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2661x1521, 887:507, AUSSatanism.PNG)

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d4a198  No.14536827

Besides structural parts of the virus, various steps associated with the innate and the adaptive immune responses have been proposed as the most important targets of interest. For instance, the significant rise in the level of chemokines and cytokines, including IL-1β, IFN-γ, IP-10, and MCP-1, which is called the cytokine storm, can be inhibited by antibodies [69]. The preliminary studies of critically ill COVID-19 patients have shown that IL-6 may cause severe inflammatory responses that lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome [70]. Herein, tocilizumab, an IL-6 inhibitor monoclonal antibody, has gained significant attention. In a 21-patient clinical study recruited in China, tocilizumab resulted in the reduction of oxygen need in 75% of patients, lung lesion opacity absorption in 90.5% of patients, and correction of lymphocyte and C-reactive protein levels [70]. The significance of tocilizumab can be better explained since a noticeable number of 46 clinical trials regarding its use against SARS-CoV-2 related pneumonia and respiratory tract infections were recorded in NIH until May 27, 2020. An increase in the level of some of these pro-inflammatory cytokines such as granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) results in a positive feedback in the number of other inflammatory mediators, including IL6, IL-23, and TNF. GM-CSF along with IL6 and IL23 also induce Th1/Th17 differentiation and the polarization of macrophages to M1 phenotypes, which in turn boost the inflammatory responses [71]. Th17 immune response also can aggravate the cytokine storm by raising the level of IL17, GM-CSF, IL21, and IL22 [72]. High levels of GM-CSF and Th17 cells were observed in the plasma of severe- to critically ill COVID-19 patients [73], [74]. Herein, harnessing the upregulation of GM-CSF can prevent a cascade of inflammatory responses, which result in acute respiratory syndrome. Since monoclonal antibodies targeting one inflammatory mediator, may fail to control the whole cytokine storm and prevent the lung injury induced by acute respiratory distress syndrome, a newer approach to prevent lung injury was proposed. It was shown that physical stress such as excessive mechanical stress caused by ventilators upregulates the expression of a gene, called nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). As the bioavailability of NAMPT increases, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), which is responsible for lung inflammation, gets activated [75], [76]. Herein, neutralization of circulating NAMPT by monoclonal antibodies can be another viable approach in preventing the lung injury caused by SARS-CoV-2.


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5483f3  No.14536828


Patriot Stealth Bomber Seth Rich

Change my mind

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6a43a0  No.14536829


anonymous is taking proactive steps to halt operation "depopulation"

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c06e35  No.14536830

>>14534905 (PB)

Our military or (((theirs)))?

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105470  No.14536832




For old time's sake, and any newfags… a little backstory about Meme magic

The Truth About Pepe the Frog and the Cult of Kek


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029ef8  No.14536833


>Every cloud has its silver lining.

That ain't physics, silver linings require sun at specific angle range, and cloud composition, and height.

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a9b944  No.14536834

Before Sept 3rd if you were vaccinated they didn’t do PCR for admissions or procedures/surgeries but now everyone is getting tested again. They didn’t know anything about PCR not working or that a new PCR test coming.

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22eea4  No.14536835


Is it possible they don't have cures for those, that they can save themselves with?

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ce6f39  No.14536836

































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029ef8  No.14536837

File: 80c7503d5a4f0d7⋯.jpg (348.24 KB, 2661x1521, 887:507, AUSSatanism.jpg)

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5483f3  No.14536838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the keks

Narcissists and #PrayForAfghanistan

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7a593f  No.14536839


Natural immunity should be many long years

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6a43a0  No.14536840


>Change my mind

Private security briefing…Seth Rich

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c5f878  No.14536841


Fallout Boys…

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722eb5  No.14536842



Denmark announced Friday that it is ending all restrictions related to COVID-19 starting September 10 and one health official went as far as saying the virus is “no longer a critical threat to society,” due to the country’s vaccination level.

Magnus Heunicke from the Danish health ministry said that the COVID epidemic is “under control” and that means the country can drop all rules, including COVID passports used to get into bars, movie theaters, gyms, sporting events and hair salons.

COVID vaccination data shows that 71% of Denmark’s population has been vaccinated, making it the third-most vaccinated country in the world.

Even with the end of COVID as a “critical threat” to Denmark, the country will still recommend that people with weakened immune systems receive a vaccine booster.


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614bd6  No.14536843

PEDO BUN 7 September 21

Springfield Woman Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking a Child


New York Man Sentenced for Sending Child Pornography to Liberty Man


Pittsburgh Man who Produced Images of His Sexual Abuse of Children Sentenced to Nearly 20 Years in Prison


Man Pleads Guilty to the Sexual Abuse of a Two-Year-Old and a Seven-Year-Old Child in Order to Produce Images of the Abuse


Crownsville Man Sentenced to Six Years in Federal Prison for Possession of Child Pornography


District Heights Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges for the Sexual Abuse of a Two-Year-Old and a Seven-Year-Old Child In Order To Produce Images of the Abuse


Rochester Man Pleads Guilty to Producing Child Pornography Via Snapchat


5 More Arrests Made In South Carolina Online Predator Sting ‘Operation Home Alone’


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25366a  No.14536844


>Declaration of War against the French people by it's government.

I.T.'s whorld-wide;- hoe[z]


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b2e2e8  No.14536845


I got them to do what I wanted, just like you're doing right now.

Once you learn to see past stupid vanity bulshit like this and look at the ends instead of focusing too hard on the means, you'll realize what I just did and why it was effective.

Thanks for playing. You did exactly what I wanted.

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acff9a  No.14536846


Nice anon. Do you happen to have a link to the old thread that lays out the Q plan that "will really bake your noodle"?

It starts off (iirc) the Mandalay Bay massacre and so forth? I read that so long ago don't know where to begin to find it.. Good stuff as well.

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1dada5  No.14536847





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52bdab  No.14536848


Tomorrow I will be making Curcumin cocrystals, increasing water solubility almost 600 fold. Curcumin is a very potent TLR4 inhibitor, and will offer a strategy to halt the progression of both infection and spike protein side effects.

IMO, TLR4 is the key - and we can control it very easily.

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77ce59  No.14536849

US Navy Pilot and Gulf War POW

Michael Scott Speicher

Red White and Blue spray

What or who really killed him?

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d2aaf6  No.14536850


I used to work at one. The reason none of the guards have guns is because they don't need them. The casino eyes in the sky see and record everything.

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32fea0  No.14536851

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cde18b  No.14536852

Specific angle's of light refraction against a clouds molecular composition and height?


“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain.

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b5b78a  No.14536853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Larry Elder presser

California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder addressed supporters as the recall election draws nearer. Elder pledged to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) with a Republican if he wins the Golden State's recall election against Gavin Newsom and as a plus a California Democrat just endorsed him.


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73a5cc  No.14536854

What does PSBSR stand for?

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722eb5  No.14536855


And Sweden.. no masks, no social distancing, no lockdowns

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5483f3  No.14536856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Blackout Allstars - I Like It (Like That)

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25366a  No.14536857



>>what is making people sick.

>The power of thought.

Q: The thought, emotion and ACTION of eating a sentient being fortaste [pleasure] ALONE[?]

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8a3eaf  No.14536858


>The casino eyes in the sky see and record everything.

they keep files on POI's at every casino too.

Facial recognition tech originated in those casinos

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c5f878  No.14536859


The world is a casino. I'll ask again, besides death, how do you tap out?

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66d1c6  No.14536860


Pedo buns are best buns.

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029914  No.14536861



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2e8522  No.14536862



Please stop being so retarded?

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f53e16  No.14536863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or for those that prefer the original:


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105470  No.14536864


Rings a bell… If I have it, I have a gazillion links to go through kek. I'll look for it

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d2aaf6  No.14536865

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832b54  No.14536866

Think Mirror

Watch the Water


(cannot embed for some reason)

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a9b944  No.14536867


Well, I know for a fact that my hospital was still using the same PCR for unvaccinated. I live in MA, it’s like 80% pop is vaccinated and they only started doing PCR testing again when vaccinated people were getting hospitalized. When had a surged of COVID in July/August.

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614bd6  No.14536868

Judge denies majority of Pornhub’s bid to toss child porn suit

A California judge ruled Friday that the majority of a teen’s child pornography and sex-trafficking suit against embattled X-rated purveyor Pornhub can move forward.

The teenager filed suit anonymously under the name Jane Doe in February, alleging that Pornhub and its parent company MindGeek profited off the videos taken of her when she was just 16.

Her ex-boyfriend posted the videos to Pornhub and another MindGeek site, RedTube, in December 2019, with one of the videos featured on the latter site’s front page receiving 30,000 views, her suit said.

MindGeek — which has been sued by dozens of other alleged victims — asked a judge to toss the suit, claiming immunity since it didn’t create or post the video.

California federal Judge Cormac Carney found that the victim sufficiently alleged that MindGeek, in fact, did act as a content creator — a legal distinction that wouldn’t allow it to claim immunity in the case — for a slew of reasons.

The site asks users to fill out surveys about what type of videos they prefer; it allegedly uses “coded language for child pornography to ensure that content is visible to the ‘right fans'”; and the site allegedly tells users how to name their videos in certain ways that “target individuals interested in child pornography,” the ruling says.

For example, the suit claimed that MindGeek’s sites promote underage content with video playlists titled “less than 18,” “the best collection of young boys” and “under-age.”

“The court finds defendants’ conduct, as plaintiff alleges, has materially contributed to the creation of child pornography on its platforms,” Carney’s decision said.

The judge tossed three other claims in the suit for technical reasons while denying “in substantial part” MindGeek’s motion to dismiss.

The teen’s suit also accused the site of being on notice about the rampant issue of child pornography and child sexual exploitation on its pages, even promoting this content and trying to hide the full extent of the problem — since it profits off it.

“We are thrilled with the decision and we are looking forward to moving forward with discovery and hopefully a trial to vindicate the rights of victims of child sex-trafficking,” her lawyer Arun Subramanian told The Post. “There is just an epidemic of images and videos of underage victims being posted to sites like MindGeek’s and that’s what this case is all about.”

Lawyers for MindGeek did not immediately return a request for comment.

MindGeek has been brought to court by others who claim its sites feature countless videos of women being raped and forced into porn without consenting to the release of the videos.


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105470  No.14536869

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03a258  No.14536870


Time to get out and defend our families and communities, maybe?

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16697e  No.14536871

No up. A black male hose opened with: Trump's big lie. He played an audio clip of Trump's phone call with GA Sec of State Rathensberger saying: find 11 thousand something votes. Media is today, the drowning man going down for the 3rd time.

Pssst. Keep this a secret. That phone call was a pre-trial settlement conversation between the two contesting in Court parties: Trump and Rathensberger. It was DJT's giving Rathensberger a chance. But…….for some reason…………..Rats, his attorney…….or the media…….understands what's coming down on top of them.

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cfb8a8  No.14536872

Covid and the mRNA's are man made parasites

Ask why is ivermectin and HCQ effective ? They eliminate parasites.


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66d1c6  No.14536873


Now in anon's top 3.

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d4a198  No.14536874

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine during pregnancy: What do we know?


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74ac2a  No.14536875

>>14536854 Pork shoulder barbecued with side of ribs.

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2e8522  No.14536876


You're welcome.


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16697e  No.14536877


How that happen? Now up. A black male host.

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105470  No.14536878


I'm starting to wonder about how many of our "illnesses" might be caused by parasites

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dc3a9b  No.14536879





PCR test also ran tests 35-40 times on the same sample, sorta like voting until you get the result you want. As a test, utterly meaningless.

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c5f878  No.14536880

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614bd6  No.14536881

MORE Afghanistan spending: Biden asks Congress for $6.4 billion for ‘full resettlement’ of Afghan refugees

President Joe Biden has asked Congress to fund the transport, screening, and “full resettlement resources” for Afghan refugees airlifted out of Kabul and waiting to go to the US. The operation will cost the taxpayer $6.4 billion.

By the time the last American plane left Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul a week ago, more than 120,000 people had been airlifted out of the Afghan capital. However, fewer than 6,000 of these were American citizens and their families. “The vast majority” were Afghan refugees and Special Immigrant Visa applicants, according to the Pentagon.

These Afghans were shuttled to American military bases around the world to be processed, with some already flown to new lives in the US. However, keeping and transporting these refugees costs money, and Biden on Tuesday revealed the price in a request to Congress: $6.4 billion.

The White House asked Congress to include this sum on a forthcoming continuing resolution – a bill that modifies the previous year’s spending bill to allow the continued functioning of government should debate delay the passage of the following year’s spending legislation.

The $6.4 billion will fund the security and health screening of “tens of thousands” of Afghans at the US’ overseas processing centers, humanitarian assistance for these people, transit costs from the centers to the United States, “along with full resettlement resources and a path to enable them to build successful new lives here,” all as per a White House statement.

Once in the US, these refugees will also be assisted by government-funded NGOs, meaning the true cost to the taxpayer will be higher still. Moreover, Biden’s request only asks Congress to temporarily fund these refugees, and more money could potentially be set aside for them in next year’s budget.

An administration official told reporters the funding will be used to bring some 65,000 Afghans to the US by the end of September, and another 30,000 after that.

Despite the apparently hefty price tag, $6.4 billion is a drop in the ocean compared to the roughly $2.3 trillion the US spent on its two-decade war and occupation in Afghanistan.


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4234c1  No.14536882


Agenda 21,Vaccines And Depopulation!!!

How many people have heard of Agenda 21 or the New World Order better known as the Great Reset? It is a plan by the deep state and people like Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, George Soros and others to depopulate the world and in their eyes make it a better place.

They think there are “too many useless eaters” alive today and they want 95% of us gone. They even put up a huge stone monument called the Georgia Guidestones where they told the world their plan!

So, what do they say?

.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Some of those sound kind of nice. Fluffy little ideas.

But did you catch the first one?

That’s 500 million people….reduce the world population to 500 million people.

We currently have approximately 7.6 BILLION people on Earth today.

A reduction from 7.6 billion to 500 million would be a reduction of 99% of the people currently alive on the Earth today!

Bill Gates has said publicly there are seven billion people in the world and there should only be 500 million to save THE planet and the best way to do that is through vaccinations . He’s proven that with what he did in India and Africa with vaccinating thousands of people under the guise he was fighting disease and instead killed them or rendered them impotent. He was thrown out of those countries and banned forever. Fauci, Soros and Hilary are all of some of the ones who believe this too.

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03a258  No.14536883


Most, perhaps. But poisons seem significant, too. Lead, fluoride stuff like that are also harmful.

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a84dbf  No.14536884


Psaki sux balz so rite

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1dada5  No.14536885


something about a baby crawling on the floor…..


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ac7017  No.14536886


Much worse. Not 35-40 times, 35-40 cycles, each of which doubles the previous (until you get up to the 30s). 30 is over a billion times increase.

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26f03b  No.14536887


holy shit. thank you for posting.

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0c70be  No.14536888


Remember the plot for mission impossible 2? It was all about holding the world to ransom with the cure for the virus, not the virus itself. When they create these viruses they create the antivirus simultaneously, or in tandem. Two sides of the same coin. I don’t doubt there’s some black ops rogue scientists somewhere that could go full blown 12 monkeys on us if they wanted to, but this isn’t that.

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029d30  No.14536889


Do you meditate at all? Give it a try.

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25366a  No.14536890


kek- yep - 'nI.T.'s aKILL'a

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dc3a9b  No.14536891


Yas, I speak and write engrish in a hurry. Danks, fren.

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794208  No.14536892


>Please stop being so retarded?


I think we have a winner–

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839921  No.14536893


Obviously China is in control and they are using Americans to kill Americans.

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c5f878  No.14536894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Round and round we go. So insane.


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697b69  No.14536895


what happens with all that amplified test media? do they incinerate it or just put it out in the dumpster in garbage bags in the rain?

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dc3a9b  No.14536896

Kaydee King


So COVID is over for all the Karen’s who screamed at us to stay home the last year & a half? We had to stay home so we didn’t kill grandmas but y’all can match around & “super spreader events” to promote killing babies. Good to know. 😒

Occupy Democrats @OccupyDemocrats

BREAKING NEWS: The Women's March announces that it will hold a massive nationwide protest in ALL 50 STATES on October 2nd to oppose Texas’ extremist anti-abortion law. RT TO RAISE AWARENESS AND SHOW THEM YOUR SUPPORT!


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ced1af  No.14536897

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d40bed  No.14536898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Itis

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25366a  No.14536899


Q: What's NOT toxic in your fridge/house/clothing/water/air/ SHITe?

Terrain is wHERE it's AT.

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b5b78a  No.14536900


A Combination of things



Heavy Metals Poisoning



Toxic Dyes



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f53e16  No.14536901


They vary the threshold cycles to suit the result they want at any given time. More like magnifying the result.

And if they're testing for corona virus (Flu, common cold) there's a strong likelyhood of finding it - you just have to multiply the results exponentially to get you false positive.

Each cycle doubles the number of viral RNA molecules from the sample exponentially so each cycle leads to many more of them.

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26f03b  No.14536902


fuck sports ball

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dc3a9b  No.14536903


No, the multi-cycle is on the SAME media, making the results statistically inevitable, and thus worthless.

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102379  No.14536904


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722eb5  No.14536905

Rolling Stone has now issued a second "update" that effectively retracts its false story that gunshot victims are waiting in ER rooms in Oklahoma due to overflow from ivermectin poisoning, yet


still has her tweet up from 4 days ago promoting it, with no subsequent note:


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f93f7d  No.14536906


Add d-limonene to the growing list.


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cfb8a8  No.14536907


The previously touted mRNA for HPV has led to a 15-20% infertility rate in young people.

Add another 20% with this vax insanity and attempted crash of the world economy, there will be a decent depopulation event bringing the herd down by at least 1-1.5 billion.

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16697e  No.14536908


Cripes. It was around $900 million that Gov. Newsom hit the CA State taxpayers. WTF is going on?

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bb2ead  No.14536909


Natural immunities acquired by kids who crawl on the floor of a hut with a dirt floor vs kids who crawl on a floor that has been cleaned with chemicals.

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697b69  No.14536910

Gates Foundation Threatens Real Raw News


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839921  No.14536911

>3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

A language where the definition of what a vaccine does can be changed from providing "immunity" to providing "protection". As in a protection racket…racketeering, RICO, the medical mafia.

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5483f3  No.14536912


Catherine Herridge


Inside the GTMO high security court: As the 5 defendants got settled, it had the atmosphere + energy of a long-awaited reunion, with the men, some smiling, talking, gesturing to each other. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed looked older, smaller, his beard long + grey, tinted an orangey red on the sides. The remaining 4 deeply engaged w/their lawyers. Most brought large plastic footlockers w/personal files. While dozens of lawyers + support staff wore masks at the request of the judge, 4 of the 5 defendants largely did not. #First time seen by public 18 months.

4:59 PM · Sep 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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105470  No.14536913


I know about all the other stuff, but since all this new info regarding Ivermectin, HCQ & parasites… I've never considered parasites before, and they keep popping up everywhere lately

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029d30  No.14536914


But then in 2016 "she" lost, and they had to rush their plans for world domination over their meager subjects and things got sloppy.

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c5f878  No.14536915


Fk me. Thanks for the nice thought, but shut the fk up. My destiny is managed externally, always has been. Before you virtue signal, I address and repent for mistakes under my control so irrelevant.

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1dada5  No.14536916


panic over fictions?

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f93f7d  No.14536917



Just basically pure orange oil. Effective anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, gastroprotective, anti-anxiety, analgesic.

Safe…as in GRAS food stuff safe.

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0046b0  No.14536918


>Gates Foundation Threatens Real Raw News

KEKEKEKEKEK! Best laugh I've had all day.

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f53e16  No.14536919


>Gates Foundation Threatens Real Raw News




Gates Foundation Threatens Real Raw News (according to RRN, with zero sauce).

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16697e  No.14536920




Anon figured out what PSBSR is. Please stop being so retarded.

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105470  No.14536921

Board's acting fucky for me. Anyone else?

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9ebc3a  No.14536922


They've already discovered and documented trypanosomes (parasites) in some samples.

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0046b0  No.14536923


>with zero sauce


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03a258  No.14536924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blood of the innocents crying out to God.

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0c70be  No.14536925


Louis Pasteur denounced germ theory on his deathbed.

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3bb218  No.14536926


Been digging on this recently as well as I have an auto immune that the doctors say there isnt a cure for. Found claims that the majority of auto immune disease could be parasite related but doctors say they aren't a problem in America. Waiting on my test results and started an anti parasite protocol.

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b2e2e8  No.14536927



>Pennyroyal Scuba Blue Springs Resort

>BSR™ is an organization of sustainable business experts that works with its global network of the world’s leading companies to build a just and sustainable world.

Also, this one:

>It is being highlighted for now.

>You will learn what it means when they find out too.


found in archives

seems the whole point is the question

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45d97a  No.14536928

GLF5 SAM206 Up - Take my word for it.

Mapping to Q206… very interesting….


Nov 22, 2017 11:47:11 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: ss2EXAyq No. 150560899

Can’t wait for the green light.

Teams on standby.


Sauce at: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae0406

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1ba815  No.14536929


How so?

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8b1466  No.14536930


Wendy Rogers live.

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22eea4  No.14536931


Remembering they need a slave class, I'm thinking they might have to be careful. Too few survivors, and they are digging their own ditches… too many, and they have to contend with armies of disillusioned survivors.

Can't help but wonder if the "boosters" are an attempt to find that balance.

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22b0cc  No.14536932

Timestamp 4:28 pm 16:28 1+6+2+8 = 17 and Q cherry on top!

President Biden


United States government official

Tune in as I deliver remarks from Queens, New York on our response to storm damage from Ida.

4:28 PM · Sep 7, 2021·Twitter Media Studio

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8a3eaf  No.14536933

Democrat strategist Steven Rattner:

“WE need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”


So is this why COVID hits the elderly hardest and they stuck COVID patients into Nursing Homes on purpose?

memeber that time Obummer tried to stick euthanasian practices into his Obamacare package? Anon remembers!

sauce on Quote above;


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a69ddc  No.14536934


CNN is no better

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e574bc  No.14536935



Can't embed with a starting time "t=17658"

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b2e2e8  No.14536936



There's no more sense in speculating. Ron says we'll find out when [they] do.

Besides, we wouldn't want to ruin all of Ron's fun.

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0c70be  No.14536937


Yeah I hear that. But still, they have viruses that would cull 90% In days, and the cures for said viruses to protect the chosen few. Why go to all that trouble?

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105470  No.14536938


Dasting. I watched a video the other day. Reiner Fuelmich was interviewing Dr. Bryon Ardis. In the beginning of it, he made a comment about how if anyone's been diagnosed with Lupus, tell their doctor to check their pancreas for parasites. Get rid of the parasties, no more Lupus.

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7f6dea  No.14536939

this tweet is from the left regarding vaccines

now apply to

children in the womb and abortion


Occupy Democrats




The right to liberty doesn’t give you the right to cause someone else’s death. Plain and simple.

every tweet on this Twitter timeline is retarded https://twitter.com/occupydemocrats

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421583  No.14536940





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b5b78a  No.14536941



A little while ago I even read something here attributing male baldness and liver spots to them as well.

Those dirty little worms had tricked us all.

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b2e2e8  No.14536942

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c2b5ad  No.14536943



>>14535188 NOTE TAKERS NEEDED (& Bakers o7 js)


>>14531777 Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health

>>14531784 Russian father who killed pedophile released from custody

>>14531790, >>14531850 Guaranteed this is going to be used to "debunk" cyber ninjas work. They are debunking themselves

>>14531814, >>14532127, >>14532025 Earthquake or no earthquake?

>>14531820 Comfy

>>14531834 Save America rally in Georgia on Sept. 25

>>14531837 Construction at Gitmo

>>14531852 Maxwell docs report

>>14531855, >>14532166, >>14532295 Trudeau protested and heckled again

>>14531868 Researchers discovered a genetically related snake venom enzyme in #COVID19 fatalities

>>14531872 Sweden Arrests Two Women Linked to Islamic State

>>14531894 fenbendazole livestock dewormer


>>14531895 2nd time PDJT has released a statement to Shana

>>14531905 The Spirit of 2024

>>14531919 Democrat Chicago Death Toll

>>14531930 Eight planes of American hostages in Afghanistan chartered by Glenn Beck,

>>14531958, >>14532409 The Atlantic: How to Persuade Americans to Give Up Their Guns

>>14531967 'The Wire' actor Michael K. Williams found dead in apartment

>>14531971, >>14531989 Anons improvising

>>14531988 Sidney Powell: STOP HOBBS' BAD ELECTION THINGS

>>14532038 Over 7 Million Lose Unemployment Benefits As Pandemic Programs Expire Today

>>14532069 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service), a human trafficking NGO

>>14532089 Wendy Rogers Alert

>>14532119 Moar Wendy: Audit Results Are Real And Coming Up

>>14532108 How many fake voters in Maricopa County❓

>>14532114 Biden to attend 9/11 ceremonies at all three sites on 20th anniversary of attacks

>>14532118 West Africa bloc to hold extraordinary summit on Guinea

>>14532124 'Loud Explosion', Shaking Ground Puzzles Authorities in Tennessee

>>14532169 Biden doesn’t even want to stop the ever-growing border surge

>>14532184 DJT Jr. WTF: What are we becoming? Now the National Archives posts a "Harmful Language Alert"

>>14532201 United Nations Vows To Keep Afghan Aid Flowing After Meeting With Taliban

>>14532213 Rolling Stone Fake News Retracto

>>14532249 Cher: muh abortions

>>14532281 Hundreds of NYC inmates serving time on Rikers set for early release amid surging crime

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25366a  No.14536944


>Louis Pasteur denounced germ theory on his deathbed.

Yes, he did:

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8a3eaf  No.14536945


>BREAKING NEWS: The Women's March announces that it will hold a massive nationwide protest in ALL 50 STATES on October 2nd to oppose Texas’ extremist anti-abortion law.

Bull Shit, they are just providing a distraction for this shitty admin, wonder what news is due to drop at that time?

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5483f3  No.14536946

Hillary Clinton


Love this tribute to @BillClinton, and love seeing all these familiar faces!

1:55 PM · Sep 7, 2021·Twitter Web App



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f93f7d  No.14536947


This vid thumbnail makes him look like a Ray Charles tribute act.

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029d30  No.14536948


Do you remember where you read that? Or do you have the sauce?

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bddd52  No.14536949

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839921  No.14536950


They are killing with a virus. They are killing with the vaccine and murderous medical protocols. The medical establishment is comitting this genocide. Goverment is merely enabling them, not conducting the murders…plausible deniability. "We didn't know. We trusted the experts."

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722eb5  No.14536951

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it time for President Biden to resign?

Christian Whiton: "He ought to do it now."

This is just horrific


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7f6dea  No.14536952


same group


Occupy Democrats




BREAKING: Satanists launch legal challenge against Texas’ abortion ban, vow to fight all the way to the Supreme Court. They say the law is unscientific & that they believe one’s body is subject to “one’s own will alone.”RT IF YOU THINK SATANISTS MAKE MORE SENSE THAN REPUBLICANS!


Occupy Democrats




BREAKING NEWS: A new poll finds that the vast majority of Americans are more worried about the threat posed by white, homegrown domestic terrorists than they are about terrorism stemming from abroad. RT IF YOU’RE A PART OF THAT MAJORITY!

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839921  No.14536953


*They aren't killing with a virus.

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1c2821  No.14536954


Thank you. Just. Thank you. Been a long almost four years now but this anon is standing up and not getting vaxxed and not doing the testing weekly and not going to have job prob. very soon. Is okay. Feelz so damn fine. But before this, THIS, and you all, I know I wouldn't have said no. Would prob. have gotten jab out of FEAR. Thank you. Q said DO NOT FEAR.

This anon listened. Anons give strength to each other. Is good to still be here. God bless.

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5be1b6  No.14536955



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0c70be  No.14536956


What is cancer fren? We’ve all heard of it, fuck one in two of us will die from it but has it ever been explained by (((them))) what cancer actually is? Why do anti virals work against it and why are (((they)))so desperate for you to not know it?

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ced1af  No.14536957

🐸 Please stop being so retarded 🐸

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0c70be  No.14536958


Makes you wonder though.

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16697e  No.14536959

Anybody know what time CodeMonkeyZ is posting from? He posted: Dawn of the final day PSBSR at 11:46. He's on the military clock.

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5be1b6  No.14536960

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3bb218  No.14536961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yep thats what kicked it of for me. Went to Dr Ardis YouTube and he had a video titled "You dont have IBS or Chrohns or Ulercerative Colitis. I have UC so that peaked me interest.

Check out this video of him interviewing Dr Amin a parasitologist.

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45d97a  No.14536962


He's in Japan normally.

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105470  No.14536963


Awesome. WWG1WGA. God bless you, anon

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b5b78a  No.14536964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He got himself a pair of glasses from They Live

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fe8b15  No.14536965


>They say the law is unscientific & that they believe one’s body is subject to “one’s own will alone.”

they are talking about mandates to get vAxed or no

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d40bed  No.14536966


God bless and Godspeed.

Glad you are still with us.

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105470  No.14536967



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794208  No.14536968


>This is just horrific

so fucking embarrassing– smh

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288fe7  No.14536969

File: 94d89e0ed624158⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 1075x1512, 1075:1512, 94d89e0ed6241584af5cc3ab20….jpg)

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16000f  No.14536970


please select a prize from the top shelf

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0046b0  No.14536971


>Makes you wonder though.

it might make YOU wonder, not me, not even for a millisecond

the epitome of fake news

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03a258  No.14536973


God bless you, too.

Wonderful post. Hasn't (yet, anyway) come down to that for me, but I think I am ready.

No vax, no testing and if it comes to no job, then so be it.

Helping co-workers figure out how to get the school board to stand against mandated vaccines.

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38086d  No.14536974


Wait until people find out hydroxychloroquine combined with febendazole cures pancreatic cancer. You didn't think that old bat RBG was able to beat it with chemo did you?

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0c70be  No.14536975


I’m not sure plausible deniability would be necessary when there’s only a few hundred million of us left.

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5483f3  No.14536976



Nothing to see here, move along.

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288fe7  No.14536977



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dc3a9b  No.14536978


They WANT depopulation. Think that's the true threat to their future needs of water and food. But because of societal complexification, they'll die just as quick as anyone else when their plumbing stops working and they end up digging their new outhouse hole too close to the water supply because they have no idea how real shit works. Yass, literally.

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5be1b6  No.14536979


Only fags filter

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9f9859  No.14536980


$6.4 billion! …for 120k people.

It comes to, what, over 53k per person? Even the kids?

I bet Trump could do it for a fraction of this inflated amount, simply by cutting out who knows how many corrupt people getting their slimey cut along the way.

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ac7017  No.14536981


He gives plenty of direct answers. You're just not picking them up. Pay attention, they all know how

to speak in a way that isn't obvious to normal people.

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288fe7  No.14536982



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acff9a  No.14536983


Thanks anon! I kick myself for not saving it back in the day. It includes a link to a video of what appears to show the saudi prince (bin salman) being escorted out of vegas hotel w/ big security.

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2e8522  No.14536984


>please select a prize from the top shelf

Ty anon

I'll take the smug Pepe stuffed toy, if you please.

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1a86f5  No.14536985

What's habbenin'? Just got off work.

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c5f878  No.14536986


… just one big loveable family aren't ya. Always spruiking about your wonderful families. Kinda taunting those who don't have any left at the hands of you. I'm not gonna say it was worth it, and the pain makes you drool, but I'm comfy as fk knowing you and your little clan are exposed for what you are. The little devil on my shoulder wants to ram a lethal injection so deep into your eyeball right now.

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105470  No.14536987


Noice, thanks anon. Will watch it this evening

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288fe7  No.14536988

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52bdab  No.14536989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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25366a  No.14536990


Q: y-cum "Pork shoulder barbecued with side of ribs" same-same "Please stop being so retarded"[?]

butt different?

Now Playing: Vinny Eastwood - Mass Vaccination Protest at Parliament - 5-28-21


Q: how long are Vinny and Billy going to be MIA?

FUCK [govern-mentis]

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0046b0  No.14536991


>Only fags filter

nah, many filter, only fags announce they are doing so

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5be1b6  No.14536992


How no one has offed her yet, is beyond me… I mean, if I was near her, I would HAVE to.

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5be1b6  No.14536993


Double nah… Both are fags.

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105470  No.14536995



Yep. Just learned about this on a Clif High video. You can buy it on Amazon

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25153e  No.14536996

File: 4ea299a1b3a722e⋯.png (97.86 KB, 1013x559, 1013:559, what_charm.PNG)

File: b199b0d5b177572⋯.png (630.33 KB, 766x576, 383:288, cookies_meme.PNG)

File: ede827d7792aaed⋯.png (377.29 KB, 469x474, 469:474, house_of_pain.PNG)


Joe's charm offensive gets blown off course: New Jersey locals heckle 'despicable' Biden as he tours neighborhood wrecked by Hurricane Ida floods - after MAGA protesters greeted him at airport

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.com and Elizabeth Elkind, Politics Reporter and Nikki Schwab, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Published: 12:53 EDT, 7 September 2021 | Updated: 18:05 EDT, 7 September 2021

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38086d  No.14536997


Maybe people should think for themselves.

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dc3a9b  No.14536998

Jim Banks


General Milley: Bagram “not much value added…”

China: We will take it …

Paul D. Shinkman @PDShinkman

SCOOP: China mulling occupying Bagram air base after "humiliating" U.S. withdrawal.

More here: usnews.com/news/world-rep…



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22eea4  No.14536999


Drink shit and die?

Always been a big fan of poetic justice. I like the way you think.

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c42052  No.14537000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perry Como

Unchained Melody

Make America Great Again

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0c70be  No.14537001


It’s like when ole uncle Joe started going off about drinking the blood of children. Why the fuck would you even go there if there’s no there there?

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8a3eaf  No.14537002

Planned Parenthood

Taking away the right to life and parenthood since 1942

Nazi like genocide fun for the New World Order!

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8675e3  No.14537003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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029914  No.14537004


Keep getting told flood detected, post discarded.

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0046b0  No.14537005


> Why the fuck would you even go there if there’s no there there?

for clicks, duh

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d67eb0  No.14537007


Maybe they need the "boosters" to create a zombie class that can be easily controlled.

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2e8522  No.14537008


>What's habbenin'?

The habbening that everyone has been waiting to be habbening is not going to be habbening today.

There are other habbenings but these are not it either.

Anons are waiting for the actual habbening which will trigger all the other habbenings to the final big boom habbening.

That habbening needs to habben sometime soon in this anons opinion, otherwise it will look like the original promised habbenings, are not really ever going to be habbening at all.

I think you are about caught up now.

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d40bed  No.14537009


CM acronym debate.

Difi death notables.


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c42052  No.14537010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Katy Perry

Chained To The Rhythm

Patriots Are Now In Control

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a9cfcb  No.14537011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Seminole County School Board Meeting

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25153e  No.14537012

File: 63101645a35c7b5⋯.png (364.9 KB, 827x806, 827:806, peddle.PNG)


Of Course She Did: Joy Reid Joined Liberal Mob in Peddling FAKE Ivermectin Story

Curtis Houck

September 7th, 2021 6:24 PM

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25366a  No.14537013



EAT, DRINK 'n be Merry-Marry

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105470  No.14537014


me too. also, not getting a (you) when someone replies to me

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fe8b15  No.14537015


anon, bidan gotta be setting each ah them afgans up with a mcMansion, some dope rides, full on private school tuition for the kids, free health care and some capital for their start up biz you know that shit ain't cheap what's your problem

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4234c1  No.14537016

Closer Everyday

Robocop Patrols For ‘Undesirable Behavior’, Reports Violators

Technocracy advances. With 360 degree camera surveillance, you cannot sneak up on Xavier and disable it. Facial recognition will ID you before you even get close. “John Smith, do not come any closer or you will be reported for assaulting a police officer.” ⁃ TN Editor

Slowly but surely, the world is transforming into a 1984-Robocop-Terminator-Minority Report–Judge Dredd fusion dystopia.

And while we wait for Elon Musk’s dancing humanoid robot (wonder how much the deposit on that particular pipe dream will be), Singapore is wasting no time, and according to Mothership the small Asian nation is deploying ground robots on trial to patrol and survey a public area with high foot traffic, in a joint project involving five of the country’s public agencies: HTX (Home Team Science and Technology Agency), National Environment Agency, Land Transport Authority, Singapore Food Agency, and Housing & Development Board.

According to a media release, an HTX robot will be deployed for a three-week period from Sep. 5 to patrol Toa Payoh Central, a planning area and matured residential town located in the northern part of the Central Region of Singapore

The robot(s), called Xavier, will weave its way autonomously through the crowds to detect “undesirable social behaviors” including:

Congregation of more than five people (in line with prevailing Safe Management Measures)

Smoking in prohibited areas

Illegal hawking

Improperly parked bicycles within HDB Hub

Motorized active mobility devices and motorcycles on footpaths


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a1e68c  No.14537017


They aint called tornadoes anymore, it’s unclear what they are called now.

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288fe7  No.14537018



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16697e  No.14537019

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c4ab15  No.14537020


this. everyone i know (work, home, everywhere) got some sort of flu in sept 2019.

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b5b78a  No.14537021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d67eb0  No.14537022


Depopulation is no secret. It's literally written in granite on the Georgia Guide Stones.

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c42052  No.14537023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After Trump's Inauguration

33 days pass

And a song is released

On the23rdday of February

Lions by Skip Marley

At the same time social media is filled with lion images

Portraying Trump as a Lion of Persia

The singer tells us how to make the DeepState

Feel The Pain

By all rising up united as one America diverse and free

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25153e  No.14537024

File: 12f3a8bf87a46f5⋯.png (422.46 KB, 980x685, 196:137, cid_trucks.PNG)


Sydney truck drivers block traffic in protest of Covid-19 restrictions

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dc3a9b  No.14537025


Yes, it's Complexification they have no clue about.

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0c70be  No.14537026


Is he sleeping on Benjamin Fulfords couch or summin?

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c2428a  No.14537027

Perfect people united. Saving America by the bazillions. Mission accomplished.

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f93f7d  No.14537028


Peace to you, Anon. Harder days to come, but you have shown yourself worthy of the challenge. It'll all be worth it and much more.

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3bb218  No.14537029


No problemo! It is a long video and has some very interesting stuff…

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25153e  No.14537030

File: bb1fa6dea41a867⋯.png (483.44 KB, 1038x627, 346:209, gov_ignor.PNG)


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43200e  No.14537031



Has this been decoded?

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d40bed  No.14537032


Was it ever?

Zombie option better than Alien option.


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1ba815  No.14537033


Maybe if he had tried to fight it straight on, even more people would have taken it

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52bdab  No.14537034



WASHINGTON, D.C.—Several prominent Republicans came forward this week to call for the impeachment or resignation of whoever on earth is telling Biden what to do every day.

"I think it's clear at this point that the person controlling Biden —and telling him what to do and say every moment—is completely incompetent," said Republican Representative Bob McCobb. "We're not really sure who that is, but they need to be impeached immediately. They suck."

Americans increasingly agree with this sentiment, as recent polls revealed record-low approval ratings for whoever that person is who is pulling the strings of the barely sentient President Biden every day.

"Seriously, can he find a person who can put better words in his mouth and tell him better decisions to make?" said one Ohio voter who agreed to be interviewed.

Biden responded to the attacks, saying "The notion that someone is controlling me and telling me what to say and what to do and chewing my food and changing my diapers is absolutely ridiculous. But that's all I'm allowed to say right now."

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4234c1  No.14537035

Closer Everyday

20 Years of Government-Sponsored Tyranny: The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19

“I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”—Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN

What a strange and harrowing road we’ve walked since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties. We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade a freedom-loving people to march in lockstep with a police state.

Our losses are mounting with every passing day.

What began with the post-9/11 passage of the USA Patriot Act has snowballed into the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse.

The citizenry’s unquestioning acquiescence to anything the government wants to do in exchange for the phantom promise of safety and security has resulted in a society where the nation has been locked down into a militarized, mechanized, hypersensitive, legalistic, self-righteous, goose-stepping antithesis of every principle upon which this nation was founded.

Set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, police violence and the like—all of which have been sanctioned by Congress, the White House and the courts—our constitutional freedoms have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded.

The rights embodied in the Constitution, if not already eviscerated, are on life support.


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22eea4  No.14537036


I think the best bet is: both.

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832b54  No.14537037


Why not? That is the timestamp. The video is over 6hr.

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5be1b6  No.14537038


>Nazi like genocide fun for the New World Order!

The "Nazis" never committed a fucking genocide retard… They were genocided.

Jewish population numbers in Europe rose from 15,300,000 to 15,900,000 DURING WW2, according to census numbers. The "6 gorillion" bullshit is a LIE.

You will not find ANY books or seized document EVER, written by Germans, planning the extermination of ANYONE.

Yet, Google, "Germany Must Perish"… This is a book written by NY Jew, Theodore Kaufman, published in 1933 just before the war. The book calls for the sterilization and extermination of over 17 million German men, women and children. It was praised by the Jew York Times, the Washington Post, TIME Magazine and more. And, was a national best-seller in the United States.

Furthermore, you can watch Mossad operatives on Youtube, admit to attempting to poison the water supply of Germans, in an attempt to exterminate millions of them. (They were caught, never punished).

In other words, FUCK YOU, you shitty historian and worse propagandist.

IT'S THE KIKES… Always has been, from the dawn of time. They have been kicked out fo 110 nations, for the same shit every. fucking. time. Their sacred texts condone pedophilia and allow for crimes of all variety to be committed against non-Jews.

The most prominent Rabbi is Jewish history, Rebbe Schneerson (who Ivanka and Kushner visited the grave of) referred to non-Jews as "cattle and dogs" and claimed God made them ONLY to serve Jews. Most Jews attended his funeral than any Rabbi in history, FYI.

These people are CANCER, everywhere they exist.

WE are the chemo.

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0c70be  No.14537039


He don’t need the clicks fam, ole Joe is the most popular president ever don’t ya know.

81 gorrilion motherfucker!!!

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2e8522  No.14537040


> Mission accomplished.

Go home George. You're drunk

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c5f878  No.14537041





Besides death, how do you tap out?

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b2e2e8  No.14537042



here ya go anon

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288fe7  No.14537044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 09:19]

Overnight we are witnessing a beautiful country fall into the iron grip of tyranny.

We must pay attention and fight for those who have lost their voice.

We are next on the list.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 10:35]

Do not be complacent.

Australia is the canary in the coal mine.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 11:14]

Australian police in nsw search a JOURNALISTS home without a warrant in attempt to confiscate his (non-existent) guns.


The "Great" Police Raid: Government unleashes terror campaign targeting journalists in Australia




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44b4d8  No.14537045


Pussies Still Believing Stupid Riddles

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a69ddc  No.14537046

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1ba815  No.14537047


Should people take a combination of parasite therapies to ward off all cancers, autoimmune disorders and flus?

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06c87a  No.14537048


It's always been their plan.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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9c621a  No.14537049


I believe he was referencing Derechos.

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288fe7  No.14537050

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 11:24]

[ Photo ]

2019 Guidance by the CDC on foreign refugee health mentions Ivermectin 47 times.




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25153e  No.14537051

File: 0a5ac61acddf787⋯.png (456.74 KB, 893x740, 893:740, jam_white.PNG)



Grocery Shelves Bare In Australia As Trucker Strike, COVID Isolation For Workers Reels Country

Date: September 7, 2021

Author: Nwo Report


Comes as Australian government threatens to shut off unvaccinated individuals from society and introduces Orwellian COVID tracking app.

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45d97a  No.14537052


Planefagging text only ain't easy.

DC10CABAL93up out of JBA headed into Hawaii.

SAM206(Map to Q206 for fun…this is a good one) Origination airfield unclear but making a beeline North for Colorado Springs.

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16697e  No.14537053

>>14531784 pb

>Russian man released from prison for killing pedophile (who raped his 8 yr. old daughter).

The day we see something like this, say: Father kills pedophile who raped his 8 yr. old daughter and is found innocent of murder, that will be the day oldanon can rest in peace.

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b2e2e8  No.14537055


>they were genocided

not quite

a lot of them did suddenly vanish a couple of years before the war was officially over though

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c2428a  No.14537056


I don't drink or use drugs. Try harder George.

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288fe7  No.14537057

File: 1d8018009600516⋯.png (305.1 KB, 450x848, 225:424, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 11:55]

[Forwarded from Wayne]

[ Voice message : Unknown Track ]


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 12:00]

^^^^ Wayne discusses how the Australian police confiscated his rifles.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 12:30]

[ Photo ]

This document was just sent to me.

It is alleged to be an internal memo for medical staff at St. Lukes Health in Texas regarding restricting the usage of Ivermectin for covid-19.


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a1e68c  No.14537058


I think you’re right.

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06c87a  No.14537059

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

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08b014  No.14537060


In Nevada of course

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25153e  No.14537061

File: b39b162b151905d⋯.png (16.23 KB, 977x188, 977:188, aust_gov.PNG)


Australia Government Ignoring The Truckers


On Sep 7, 2021

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c5f878  No.14537062


'A sick and confirmational compliment of brilliance'.

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43200e  No.14537064



Just saw CM's latest posts.



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38086d  No.14537065


That's up to you, do the research. But these drugs have been around forever and are well tolerated within the human body. Just as safe as aspirin, so why the big hoopla from the media to discredit. Probably more beneficial than drinking soda, so I wouldn't hesitate myself.

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288fe7  No.14537066

File: 740f37b281d489d⋯.png (20.14 KB, 257x424, 257:424, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 12:46]

Dawn of the final day.



CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 13:22]

You dont know whats coming.

They dont know whats coming.

The final day.



CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 13:23]



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e9dc54  No.14537068


Do we look like doctors?

go ask your health care provider.

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02c345  No.14537069

File: 7c18439b726c10f⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 474x249, 158:83, YELLOWSTONE.jpg)

Maybe its time to send Joe to the train station!

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4234c1  No.14537070

‘A lie is born’: Extreme weather expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. rips media’s false claim that ‘1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer’ – Pielke slams ‘spectacular…quality control problems in climate journalism’

How to trick a president with poor data practices

➡️Trump issued zero statewide disaster declarations for weather/climate events 2017-2020

➡️Biden has already issued 8 statewide declarations in 2021

Of course more people are covered by declarations in 2021 https://t.co/kn4iDbY15X pic.twitter.com/k5bzzM4Pl2

— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) September 7, 2021

If not then this headline is wrong

Pro tip: Federal Disaster Declarations reflect presidential politics + disasters pic.twitter.com/uugv8ts2xr

— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) September 7, 2021

A lie is born

1-"More than 32% of Americans live in a county or state that has been declared a disaster area by FEMA"

2-"Nearly 1 in 3 Americans live in a county hit by a weather disaster in the past 3 months"

3-"Nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer" pic.twitter.com/WOABfx9k9S

— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) September 7, 2021

Climate change is real & aggressive adaptation and mitigation policies make good sense

So does that mean that we can just make stuff up?

I do not understand the quality control problems in climate journalism but they are spectacular

— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) September 7, 2021

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25153e  No.14537071

File: 2d69bacd08b27ab⋯.png (993.13 KB, 813x752, 813:752, after_6.PNG)



Mandatory truckie vaccinations on cards after sixth driver tests positive

dalecrudden20 hours ago

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0c70be  No.14537072


Imagine the shitstorm if Trump told everyone not to take the vaccine. The MSM would be frothing at the gash to make sure every single death everywhere in the world for what ever reason was laid at the feet of Trump. I don’t like it either anon, but sometimes it is what it is.

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5724ba  No.14537073


when the government starts being about the government and not the people

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3edca6  No.14537074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't think I've ever seen this compilation;

The Present - Isaac Kappy


Premiered Feb 16, 2020

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9164fb  No.14537075


Please Sit Back Relax Sir

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1a86f5  No.14537076


Thanks, guy! On my 3rd beer.

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794208  No.14537077



>Biden responded to the attacks, saying "The notion that someone is controlling me and telling me what to say and what to do and chewing my food and changing my diapers is absolutely ridiculous. But that's all I'm allowed to say right now."

top kek, BB–

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9164fb  No.14537078


Please Sit Back Seat Reclined

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45d97a  No.14537079


Well tomorrow is 9/8.

9+8 = ?

I am pulling tendons on this stretch.

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e9dc54  No.14537080



That was to rid the world of white Europeans.

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25153e  No.14537081

File: 5a3b0ad221038a4⋯.png (462.37 KB, 790x852, 395:426, food_short.PNG)


Latest NewsFood Shortages in Australia as Premier Dan Andrews Announces Unvaccinated ‘Locked Out’ From Future Economy Admin 2 Hours Ago

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c5f878  No.14537082

I don't know what the plan is to unravel all this Joe BS, but it's pretty fucked up and I think it's time you moved on. Aren't you embarrassed?

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43200e  No.14537083








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02c345  No.14537084



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5483f3  No.14537085


Please Sit Back Stay Ready.

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f93f7d  No.14537086


Let's hope, then he can call 'em out for the cleanup crews.

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a1e68c  No.14537087



Patriots Stand Back Stand Freddy

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43200e  No.14537088



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9164fb  No.14537089


seriously.. i like it!

its supposed to be a surprise, so i really like it!


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d67eb0  No.14537090


We're the small business creators and innovators. We don't need them. They don't want us.

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beafb0  No.14537091

controlled ? punishment for Florida?

Former marine kills family of 4 in Florida, including 3-month-old baby

The family in Lakeland did not even know the attacker who experienced serious mental health problems.

Floridian identified as Brian Riley, aged 33, killed four people in Florida on Sunday, then launched a firefight with police officers before giving up.

The victims of the former soldier are a 3-month-old baby, his mother and grandmother (33 and 62 respectively), and a man, 40.

The shooter has also killed the family’s dog and fired several bullets at an 11-year-old girl. She has been taken to Tampa General Hospital and is in safe and stable condition now.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd gave a conference in which he presented details of the crime. He also shared on Twitter photos of the suspect and the crime scene.



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08f79d  No.14537092

Someone hopped on one of your guesses -


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9c4db1  No.14537093

File: e19669c1241d070⋯.png (15.56 KB, 631x129, 631:129, Capture.PNG)

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d40bed  No.14537094


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5be1b6  No.14537095


NO… South Africa was the canary in the coal mine… No one listened then. Now Aussies are on the chopping block. No one is listening to them. France will be next. No one will care until it's too late… You are not free or brave, America. Delusional and arrogant, sure. But not free or brave.

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288fe7  No.14537096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aussie Cossack

50k Subs! No "Customers", but a Russian Diplomat on P-plates got rear-ended by Local Granny Today!



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25153e  No.14537097

File: f6c42abbcc44e66⋯.png (493.48 KB, 1015x772, 1015:772, angry_qanon.PNG)


Angry QAnon backers want hospital to treat supporter’s COVID-19 with unapproved drug

QAnon supporters have in recent days targeted Amita Resurrection Medical Center with a protest and a flood of phone calls demanding that doctors give a hospitalized ally ivermectin.

By Tom Schuba Sep 7, 2021, 6:05pm CDT

Share this story

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f3d9a2  No.14537098



Something something something Seth Rich?

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45d97a  No.14537099


Strand Black

Ramen Clam.

Thrust the flan.

Scotch and Water.

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029d30  No.14537100


Yep, but the post still posts. No you's either, but

I'm fine with it.

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e574bc  No.14537101


I respect Ron… but these faggy coy crap is pretty lame. Just one more thing to let us down. We will find out it is just one more nail in "their" coffin which makes no difference to normal people on a day to day basis. We have had so many revelations that just get swept under the carpet and then we move on to the next…. soon (TM).

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25153e  No.14537102

File: 7060b3539a2da78⋯.png (25.51 KB, 873x313, 873:313, twice_in_week.PNG)


Texas abortion ‘whistleblower’ website shut down twice in one week


by: Russell Falcon, KXAN, Nexstar Media Wire

Posted: Sep 7, 2021 / 08:55 AM PDT / Updated: Sep 7, 2021 / 09:02 AM PDT

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45d97a  No.14537103



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9c4db1  No.14537104

Funny you mentioned that…


T-3 to 17,369



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c4f274  No.14537105



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16000f  No.14537106



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8675e3  No.14537107



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288fe7  No.14537108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Local Mum attacks police in defence of the Cossack during service of FPO!



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5724ba  No.14537109


schocking habbenings in aussie lands

the woman is remarkably calm, man she should be balling as she is a nazi victim in 2021

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16000f  No.14537110



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25153e  No.14537111

File: 75d4536783f63b5⋯.png (32.04 KB, 685x242, 685:242, gop_doner.PNG)


Lawsuit: GOP donor offered money to hush girl he trafficked

A prominent Minnesota GOP donor who is charged with multiple counts of child sex trafficking is now being sued by an underage girl who was one of his alleged victims

By AMY FORLITI Associated Press

September 7, 2021, 8:17 AM

• 5 min read

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ac7017  No.14537112


Exactly. Operation Warp Speed was a sting, anyway. They've already likely caught them for taking

bribes to grease the authorization wheels. The two that resigned are either whistleblowers for this con,

or they got found out and tried to withdraw Pfizer's vaccine approval but Biden beat them to the

punch. Yes, when he declared it was approved, they were fucked *unless* they were whistleblowers

against others.

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288fe7  No.14537113

Nine so far

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [05.09.21 20:29]

Still a few days to go.

Don’t think about it too much.

It will be a big beautiful surprise for you… but moreso them.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [05.09.21 22:26]

Coming soon.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [05.09.21 23:07]

Sleep well knowing it is their last few days of sound sleep.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [06.09.21 10:44]

They won't know what hit them.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [06.09.21 11:56]

It is being highlighted for now.

You will =learn what it means when they find out too.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [06.09.21 22:25]

Preparations underway.

Close hold - they will find out when you find out.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 12:46]

Dawn of the final day.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 13:22]

You dont know whats coming.

They dont know whats coming.

The final day.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [07.09.21 13:23]


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1ba815  No.14537114


Patriot Soldiers Battle Stations Ready

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45d97a  No.14537115


Sup Gary, how's the bigoting working out this evening.

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16697e  No.14537116


Dawn of the final day, PSBSR was shown as posted at 11:46 where I am. Central DL time, USA. Slowanon can use some help. Japan is 13 hours ahead of New York City. So: 12:46 in New York would be 01:46 tomorrow in Japan. 01:46 IS NOT dawn. Maybe CodeMonkey is someplace else.

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bb0403  No.14537117


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d67eb0  No.14537118


Population Should Be Significantly Reduced

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288fe7  No.14537119


Where do you live?

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e574bc  No.14537120


I like this one.

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1ba815  No.14537121


Paper Soldiers Battle Stations Ready

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839921  No.14537122

When you see people in uniform coming at you with needles, they will be from the US Public Health Service. The CARES Act enabled them to commission a Ready Reserve to "Promote, Protect, and Advance the health of the nation.


Here's you shadow government. The signature on the "FDA approval" was from a USPHS Rear Admiral.

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c4f274  No.14537123

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing

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e574bc  No.14537124

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16697e  No.14537125


Someplace in the Central Time Zone, USA.

Where do you live?

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0c70be  No.14537126


I think at this point anons trust this board to give better advice than any medical professional. And even if you did find an upstanding old skool doctor to prescribe you what you needed, try finding a pharmacy that will fill that prescription.

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1ba815  No.14537127


that punk on the website

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d40bed  No.14537128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5483f3  No.14537129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cac525  No.14537130

Flynn n CM pics keep popping up at bottom of board

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25153e  No.14537131

File: ca1016249b09991⋯.png (595.04 KB, 859x671, 859:671, deny_ex.PNG)


Hospital 'denying religious exemptions' and firing unvaccinated gets legal surprise

'These irrational mandates will soon cause a national health care crisis'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published September 7, 2021 at 4:57pm

Methodist Health System in Texas is firing dozens of workers for refusing to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations, and is threatening many more, but now is facing resistance in the form of a legal demand letter that accuses officials in the corporation of saying workers can't have religious exemptions because they believe the "wrong things."

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25366a  No.14537132


>Should people take a combination of parasite therapies…

Q: How about just not eating toxic shite?

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288fe7  No.14537133

File: 5d910730dbc94f7⋯.png (144.19 KB, 435x567, 145:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [07.09.21 10:22]

I encourage everyone to take a look at the work done by former Army Captain & patriot Seth Keshel. It is top-notch. Even Garrett Archer the Data Guru should take a look at it. The military is getting it done.



Wendy Rogers, [07.09.21 10:39]

I am getting a lot of trolls lately. Must be over the target.


Most of them are bots, filter and filter often!

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b2e2e8  No.14537134



Maybe brother. I'm pretty sure who my dad is though, thanks.

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1ba815  No.14537135


No thanks, I don't need a health care provider. I've done my research.

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6dbe20  No.14537136


ApuAmensAndSuch dot jpg


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25153e  No.14537137

File: c8335a30ef41350⋯.png (30.08 KB, 850x278, 425:139, but_why.PNG)


The government is lying about vaccines and ivermectin – but why?

Wayne Allyn Root cites Israel as proof the jab has been 'a dangerous and deadly failure'

Wayne Allyn Root By Wayne Allyn Root

Published September 6, 2021 at 6:49pm

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0c70be  No.14537138


We just wanted to play video games. Anita fucking Sarkeesian!!

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d2eb37  No.14537139


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6dbe20  No.14537141


Indeed! There are no coincidences *wink*

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ac36b9  No.14537142


Isn't a healthcare crisis what China wanted in the first place? Overload the hospitals with covid cases then swoop in when our hospitals can't handle the load and save the day. Couldn't do it with covid so now they are trying to do it with vaccine mandates.

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288fe7  No.14537143


filtered for lying

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43200e  No.14537144


Good job.

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45d97a  No.14537145


But you video games weren't woke enough Anon.

And you know what Trump says about everything woke.

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25153e  No.14537146

File: c5f999abf728979⋯.png (662.54 KB, 1198x700, 599:350, from_looters.PNG)


Fearless Defender PROTECTS Businesses in NOLA From Evil Looters Post-Ida

Terrence K Williams Published September 7, 2021

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aeeb36  No.14537147

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

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8675e3  No.14537148










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5724ba  No.14537149

the aussie totally shames the cops and stasi searchers looking for weapons – and he calls em out as nuremberg law violators

the cowards ackshually ses they just following orders and when the gentleman reminds em that defense like "i kill cause im stupid" didn't work and the guards were killed for their nazi shit

get ready traitiors

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16697e  No.14537150


Okay, you caught me. Where am I?

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5483f3  No.14537151


It’s a quote routinely attributed to Edmund Burke. But it turns out falsely so. Apparently, he never uttered these words. At best, the essence of the quote can be traced back to the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews and stated: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”


I´m here in a peaceful protest.

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25153e  No.14537152

File: c9659df18d23bda⋯.png (581.68 KB, 708x569, 708:569, biden_show.PNG)


Holy cow! This video is amazing. Stick with it. Biden in NJ. The camera angle doesn't really show what's happening until it whips around and shows Biden within earshot.

Biden is hated by America right now:

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c2428a  No.14537153


Because that's more important than nazi victims right here at home.

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029d30  No.14537154


Has anyone noticed how much the vax issue is overriding nearly everything else? I hate to say it but I just want this election fakery proven and over with right now. Can't the NSA just accidentally release it all? And I mean everything. ffs

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7f6dea  No.14537155


should be sauced and notabled for normies to see and research themselves

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78c5da  No.14537156

Scott MacFartlane rtlene, big mouth ass.

What’s this I see about NSWDG, GTO & an assault?

How ‘bout t2en j r u_h+:_f&a+h ben j r 21_10_69 & ted bea a bit bitch cruz gettin’ Hope hooked on Fentanyl?

Cracking FSG.


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08f79d  No.14537157



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/22/2017 23:47:11 ID: ss2EXAyq

4chan Thread/Post: 150559618 / 150560899

Direct Link: 150560899

Can’t wait for the green light.

Teams on standby.


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25153e  No.14537159

File: aca87e2b8ae9523⋯.png (494.09 KB, 814x656, 407:328, fuck_joe_trend.PNG)


“F*** Joe Biden” Chants Break Out at Almost Every Large Event Over the Weekend [WATCH]

by Collin Rugg

about 7 hours ago

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839921  No.14537160


It's Trump's vaxx that is killing people. Does it really matter which conman is in the WH?

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f9a23a  No.14537161



Peter Madsen

Peter Madsen

Peter Madsen

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5be1b6  No.14537162


AUSSIES… FIGHT OR DIE! (Not kidding)

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bb2ead  No.14537163


>I just want this election fakery proven and over with right now

No, everyone who has been involved in election fraud has to be indicted. Every rock overturned. All of them exposed.

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5724ba  No.14537164


wut a pathethetiker genderless traitor

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45d97a  No.14537165


Do we have a WH webcam, see if the lights are green.

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43200e  No.14537166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But FrankenSTEEN

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4d4344  No.14537167


Nobodies dying from the vax. It's purpose is to divide.

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8675e3  No.14537168

Anons what is going on in Brazil?

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7f6dea  No.14537169


Gloria STEINem

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25153e  No.14537170

File: dcfd7f631f3d1db⋯.png (223.73 KB, 443x401, 443:401, holl_land.PNG)


Australia Times, [07.09.21 12:36]

[Forwarded from The Europe News]

[ Video ]

Heros! The Police officers stand against Pharma-Fascis past and present alongside veterans lead a rally of thousands against Coronavirus tyranny in Holland.

🇪🇺 t.me/TheEuropeNews

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bddd52  No.14537171


I agree with this. This was a lose/lose situation, and I would imagine that the revenge/punishment for it will be quite extreme and ruthless - at least that is my sincere hope as I sit here typing this and wondering if I am going to remain employed now that my very large employer has mandated the vaccine. That is my red line and although I worked like a dog to get here, I will force them to fire me before I will take a vaccine. is what it is

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25153e  No.14537172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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16697e  No.14537173


You know, I never thought it would come to this. However, this is much much worse than Hitler and the 3rd. Reich. They (the evil fucks) worked hard, it took them way over a generation. These pretenders today are children throwing tantrums. They actually doing the full nazi shit.

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c2428a  No.14537174


Yep. So much for bravely coming forward with what I knew and experienced. Evil will continue unabaited until it affects some rich, young, petite little thing, who can afford the cost representation and real justice. Good for her when she finally arrives.

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78c5da  No.14537175


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5724ba  No.14537176

msdcn joi live w biden in nj getting bitched out

someone grab a hairdresser for the whitey crackers

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057a84  No.14537177


Are you sure?


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0c70be  No.14537178


Well her channel has gone to shit. She barely gets a thousand views on her shitshow podcast these days. Wonder who bankrolled her? Did we ever dig Anita Sarkeesian? Ashamed to admit it but I would of smashed it. She made me sick to my stomach and hard in my pants at the same time. Was never emotionally equipped to deal with that.

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2e8522  No.14537179


From the UK telescreens today:

Esports: Why are there so few professional women gamers?

Esports: Why are there so few professional women gamers?

The number of female gamers is growing rapidly with nearly half the world’s gamers now women and girls. But whilst there are plenty of successful female gaming influencers and personalities – few are making it in esports – the competitive side of video games.

Research shared exclusively with the BBC has for the first time laid bare the lack of female success in esports and found that there are no female players in the top 300 earners and only a tiny fraction of the millions being won in competitions around the world is going to women. Our Cyber Reporter Joe Tidy speaks to female esports players to find out why there are so few women at the sharp end of gaming.

Produced and directed by: Natalia Zuo

Executive producer: Claire Williams

There is a vidya in link. I'm going to say there are few esports gamers at high end because they need to git gud.

What these miserable feminist types miss about gaming is it is the most inclusive medium on the planet.

It's the 'gamer' and 'controller'. The game does not care if you are male, female, black, white, gay, one of them new transgenders, or even if you have a fucking arm missing.

Inclusive and diverse.

Like I said, roasties need to git gud is all.


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8b1466  No.14537180


Seth is said to break huge news in the AM on war room.

AZ audit report begins in the AM as per rogers on war room just now.

CM is trolling hard claiming tomorrow is the beginning.

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8675e3  No.14537181


>Nobodies dying from the vax.

Shut up shill

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25153e  No.14537182

File: 5609428cbccf5da⋯.png (221.32 KB, 442x479, 442:479, human_hist.PNG)



Australia Times, [07.09.21 10:46]

[Forwarded from The Europe News]

[ Video ]

NEW: Since millions protest in Brasil and all around the world, the anti Pharma-Fascism protests is the largest Protest Movement in all human history!

This is a revolution but against the Digital-Control-Agenda-Great-Reset which the World Economic Forum Mafia planned - it‘s against them and it’s their end! This is the beginning of a new freedom!

🇪🇺 t.me/TheEuropeNews

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5be1b6  No.14537183


A "nazi victim"…



"We fought the wrong enemy" - Gen. Patton

Fucking imbeciles you retards are.

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4d4344  No.14537184


Yes I am.

Like I said, it's meant to divide.

All assets deployed.

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43200e  No.14537185


I guess 81 million ain't what it used to be.

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4d4344  No.14537186


No you shut up and stop projecting your bullshit onto me. It's meant to divide.

Some of us have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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f9eaea  No.14537187


FF tomorrow from this feint. Same as the last few.

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5be1b6  No.14537188


Fucking Daddy-LARP over here…

"BOOM incoming…"

FUCK YOU, liar.

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8675e3  No.14537189



Wrong. Two sides of the same coin.

FDR, Hitler, Stalin, Churchill were all masons.

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77ce59  No.14537190


Who was Hitlers handler?

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caef75  No.14537191


Don’t care as long as whoever governs decides to round up cats and kill them

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25366a  No.14537192


Aussi Aussi Aussi !!! [!!!!]


THIS is so[w] fuck'd UP-dOWN-'n SIDE-way[z] and inside-OUT

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5be1b6  No.14537193


You heard it here, boys and girls…


Just like the last 4967 times that never panned out.

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8675e3  No.14537194


> It's meant to divide.

That's not the part I quoted shill

Shut up

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d40bed  No.14537196


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057a84  No.14537197


Vax deaths/injuries is honest reporting

The push for being scared of viral shedding of vaxxed or unvaxxed is the division gameplay

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4d4344  No.14537198

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8e8476  No.14537199

IF? Three Gorges Dam were to burst/spill/break open, what, pray, could some of the damage be? I mean would it be dire for China or just a blip? Please explain.

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4234c1  No.14537200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This song was written about the 1922 Mississippi floods

Never in my life have I wanted to be a harmonica more than I do right now.

Led Zeppelin When The Levee Breaks by Zepparella

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bb2ead  No.14537201


Isn't this the kind of stuff that prompted the American colonies to revolt against the British?

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d40bed  No.14537202


Total devastation

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4d4344  No.14537203


Nobody is dying from the vax.

The news is fake you dipshit. A scripted movie remember?

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caef75  No.14537204


All except Pig

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16697e  No.14537205


For one thing, it would wipe out all the records at the Wuhan Lab.

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45d97a  No.14537206


The Pres is having the Army clean out the Cabalist Supreme Court and government.

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5be1b6  No.14537207


No… You are stupid and you drank the Kool-aid.

We're all of the German woman and children who were massacred, "Masons", you faggot?

I was a Mason. A Master Mason. And I've been in these trenches with you for years, you fucking retard. You know nothing.

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1a86f5  No.14537208


I think the good guys grabbed Seth, if that's his real name.

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4d4344  No.14537209


No, they're BOTH for division. The plays are known.

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db589b  No.14537210

I posted this last bread, bern reading a lot ofarticles on Vernon Jones, i remember hearing about him and he was basically in the news constantly in GA in the 90s and 2000s. After refreshing my memory, not sure he’s changed his ways, Im pretty sure conservatives are treating him as a darling to switch to republican and a Trump supporter,but his record is not insignificant. So I’m going to post my research and ask anons to weigh in, the articles I’ve found remind me of all the news reports i’ve heard.I’m pretty sure we dont need another ethically challenged governor in GA.

>>14535090 Vernon Jones For #GAGovernor

Call to dig anons

Being a GA resident there 100s of articles on Vernon Jones in the 90s as a dem doing some perhaps illegal things. I think it was in Dekalb county (the most corrupt along with Fulton).

Remember the left has been putting in fake republicans in many houses and governorships only for them to turn out like Ducey.

If anons would do sone digging it would be appreciated. I looked for past articles and couldnt find many, maybe scrubbed or maybe I didnt digg deep enoungh.

• Friends with Stacey is a good question.

• Lin brought up the fact that he wasn’t calling for a full forensic audit.

I dont know I just feel uneasy about him right now. Was excited he turned rep but something to check out.

Is Rep. Vernon Jones going to get kicked out of the Georgia House?

Jonathan / April 9, 2020. The Latest: If Rep. Vernon Jones isn’t eligible to run in District 91, how can he keep his House seat? Did Jones duck the issue when he quit the race? “Man Overboard! In midst of residence challenge, Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones jumps to Trump

By Jonathan Grant@Brambleman

The residency challenge to Democratic State Rep. Vernon Jones hasn’t generated many headlines during the coronavirus pandemic, butit’s a big issue for DeKalb County and a serious threat to the legislator’s checkered political career, despite his claim that it’s “baseless and without merit.”

Rhonda Taylor: Jones currently represents House District 91, which includes four precincts in the southeast corner of DeKalb, with most of its precincts in Rockdale, home to Democratic activist and veteran campaign worker Rhonda Taylor, Jones’s only challenger in the June 9 primary. Taylor ran against Jones in 2016 in a four-way race and forced a runoff, which Jones won with 54 percent of the vote to take his current seat. Lithonia resident Faye Coffield has filed a legal challenge to Jones’s candidacy, claiming that he isn’t eligible to represent House District 91 because he actually lives in Atlanta. After looking through the documents in her filings, one might wonder exactly where Jones has been living for the past two decades

The Gold Dome: Not your typical politician

Jones is a former CEO of DeKalb County, and he has a contentious reputation. He’s often described as divisive, negative–even Trumpian (he’s an NRA guy and somewhat reactionary on immigration, environmental, and LGBTQ issues).

Jones & JFK from (Facebook)

He’s also known for not playing well with others. During this year’s fraught negotiations on ethics legislation, Jones called fellow DeKalb Rep. Michael Wilensky (D-Dunwoody) “chickenshit” in a public meeting. In a separate incident, Jones got into a confrontation with Doraville Councilwoman Stephe Koontz, Georgia’s first transgender elected official. According to her, Jones let loose with a transphobic rant. The State Democratic Party called for Jones to apologize, as did primary rival Taylor, who also reached out to Koontz. Jones does not seem to be an apologetic guy

Two articles, “The Ethics of Vernon Jones” by George Chidi and “Vernon Jones and his bid to ‘fix’ DeKalb’s ethics board” by Bill Torpy, both written in 2017, give you a good idea of what his fellow legislators have to deal with.If you’ve followed the debacle of DeKalb ethics legislation over the past few years, you won’t be surprised to learn that many ethics reformers consider Jones an enemy of, well, ethics.

Jones, has compiled alousy attendance record, and last fall,he was one of 13 legislators cited for campaign finance violations. His most recent campaign disclosure includes at least $2,000 in donations from bail bondsmen, as well as three donations since Jan. 13, 2020, There’s so much more. Let’s just say his Wikipedia page is more interesting than most.

The basis of complaint: If Coffield’s challenge is successful, Jones would be removed from the ballot, likely triggering action to remove him from the General Assembly seat he’s held since 2017. Jones disputes Coffield’s claim that he actually lives in House District 89, at 854 Moreland Avenue in Atlanta. In an email to the AJC, Jones called the challenge “baseless and without merit.” Which is a thing politicians say.


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2e8522  No.14537211


It iwll break, lots of chinee will be washed away.

The world will collectively look the other way and ask each other: Did you see the latest episode of (insert popular show here)?

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5be1b6  No.14537212


I'm sure you're going to tell us, what no historian has confirmed ever in history… Go on.

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45d97a  No.14537213


You mean like paper records?

Dead trees?

How old are you Anon?

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25153e  No.14537214

File: 380121a1d2f0636⋯.png (306.04 KB, 361x633, 361:633, line_the_streets.PNG)


Qtah, [07.09.21 09:56]

[Forwarded from The Justice League (Diana Prince)]

[ Video ]

“Patriots in Manville NJ line the streets with a strong message for Biden as he arrives to tour neighborhoods hit by Hurricane Ida.”

via PatrioticBabe

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16000f  No.14537216


Two Young Boys Immediately Stop What They're Doing When They Encounter Military Funeral: 'Their Parents Should Be So Proud'


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e574bc  No.14537217


it would literally kill millions and devastate their infrastructure for at least 25 years.

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8e8476  No.14537218

So? Should we pray for rain?

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44763d  No.14537219


>For one thing, it would wipe out all the records at the Wuhan Lab.

Didn't that already happen?

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06cd37  No.14537220

Afghan Refugee Stopped on US-Bound Flight with Explosive Materials in Luggage – Identified as US Contractor


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caef75  No.14537221


A shame. Very few close to me took it. Could deal with the outer family that did. Wouldn’t have been all that bad

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49fb09  No.14537222


There is no honest reporting.

Fake news is fake news.

And alternative media is simply alternative fake news.

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8675e3  No.14537223


Perhaps you're not a shill… you're just stupid and have lost sense of reality.

Well what did CIA say… "We'll know we have been successful when the American public..". you know the rest

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679996  No.14537224


open vars system tells a different story

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2e8522  No.14537225


>Should we pray for rain?


I will not pray for iran.

>I have dyslexia

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9164fb  No.14537227




Religious Exemption

To whom it may concern,

This email is intended to serve as notice of my religious beliefs and convictions against receiving a COVID or any other injection which is mandated now or in the future by this company.

I need no church, temple, mosque, pastor, priest, rabbi, or mullah to validate or verify my Strongly Held Beliefs on this matter.

I live my life, as best I can for we are all sinners, through the Living Word of God.

I ask that you forward this email to whatever person(s) of authority can exempt me from this injection as well as any and all future injections and preserve my employment status.



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78c5da  No.14537228

ID: 78c5da

Showing (5) posts now, (4) posts made.




+ this one.

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f6f4eb  No.14537229


Eva Braun, Hillary’s mother!

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057a84  No.14537230


Dude. Every vax death or injury posted here is sauced

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9164fb  No.14537231

‘I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead.

I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:

1. Can you please advise me of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise of the full list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT ‘experimental mRNA gene altering therapy’?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions - namely that:

1. You confirm that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.’

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acff9a  No.14537232



A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News.

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8675e3  No.14537233


>We're all of the German woman and children who were massacred, "Masons", you faggot?

The Germans were massacred because Hitler was a mason who wanted to kill Germans

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06cd37  No.14537234

Baker is faggot

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2e8522  No.14537235


>Baker is faggot

They always are.

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9c621a  No.14537237


Trips of truth chek’d.

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7f6dea  No.14537238


STEIN meaning in German


More meanings for Stein:

stone der Kern noun core, nucleus, kernel, center, seed

Kern, Korn Corn




calculus die Rechnungsart noun type of calculation



Grube die Grube common the pit

der Kern noun core, nucleus, kernel, center, seed

großer Stein big Stone


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726888  No.14545683


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b00ea7  No.14545685


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b00ea7  No.14545686

PSBSR to do with 9/11? Suicide wkend on 9/11 weekend?

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b00ea7  No.14545688


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b00ea7  No.14545690

Why so many breads?

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a2db7c  No.14545691


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b00ea7  No.14545698

Bidan, not Trump, will declas all of 9/11?

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a2db7c  No.14545701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2db7c  No.14545704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b00ea7  No.14545706

But Q said No Such Agency accidentally releases it all. But

>think mirror

What would be the mirror to that?

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a8a0ed  No.14545709


Fog filled hall of funhouse mirrors.

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a2db7c  No.14545710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9/11 Go Home They Are Blowing Up The Buildings … World Trade 7 Is Gone!

3,870 views 👀 Aug 21, 2012

↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Seriously?

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c15c8a  No.14545711



Theres a caller on the line looking for a Fink L Stein, anyone? Fink L stein…

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a2db7c  No.14545715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b00ea7  No.14545716

What happened to the 12 tons of gold that was under the WTC? Building 7?

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0a9ec4  No.14545717


sorry no image .jpg

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a2db7c  No.14545719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1st Plane Hitting WTC - 9/11

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0a9ec4  No.14545720


(((Lucky Larry))) took it


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726888  No.14545722

Phil Snipe

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39793e  No.14545723

kek (quirky vid)

David Wilcock: Mass Arrests! The Classics


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