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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, b583bfbcb1d9f492d74d71052d….png)

b14b2a  No.12187802[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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b14b2a  No.12187808

Global Announcements

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud

>>12154670 Alternative Paste Text Sharing Website (anons, please add more to this list)

>>12153677 Qanonbin just went down, getting the VanwaTech CDN offline page

>>12178750 Sign the Petition We DEMAND a National Re-Vote! https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now


Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12187190 @DOD: BOOM Operator Staff Sgt. Devaughn Granger

>>12187203 David Rothschild tweets #25thAmendment

>>12187216 Anon opine: AQW was C_A

>>12187221 X22 report - saying that Pence is waiting until Jan 6th to play his card re the electorates.

>>12187241 , >>12187263 on the street Nashville video

>>12187294 , >>12187444 Digg: Paul Nakasone's daughter

>>12187304 BREAKING: Nashville bomber believed to have died in Friday's explosion - CBS/CNN

>>12187309 Windows broken a block or so behind Nashville blast site.

>>12187459 @Johnheretohelp called the "bombs" back in Sept.

>>12187461 Rep. Kinzinger swipes at Trump, fellow House GOP for denying election loss: 'It's sad'

Bread froze halfway through, notetaker needed


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b14b2a  No.12187809


>>12186986 FULL BUN RV/Nashville diggs

>>12186415 , >>12186466 , >>12186538 Anthony Quinn Warner diggs

>>12186427 Governor pleads with Trump to declare EMERGENCY to aid recovery after Nashville bomb cripples AT&T networks and other systems

>>12186454 How the Concept of the ‘Greater Good’ is Used as a Tool for Social Control

>>12186483 2012: Pillsbury Announces Nashville Downtown Location for Firm's Global Operations Center

>>12186559 @USAF: Snow and lightning in the forecast.

>>12186565 FBI Says White Supremacists Plotted Attack on US Power Grid


>>12186685 MasterChef food critic Charles Campion dies aged 69 as Jay Rayner leads tributes to ‘a great and lovely man’

>>12186691 270 page drop: All your election are belong to them

>>12186699 Michigan Attorney General Wants to Disbar Sidney Powell, Pro-Trump Attorneys

>>12186789 CIA FOIA Request Logs form 1999-2004

>>12186832 Five family members found dead on Christmas Day in Arkansas

>>12186868 @CBS_Herridge: DNA tests being done on remains found at blast site

>>12187035 #15559

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b14b2a  No.12187812


FBI public affairs officer Darrell DeBusk said information developed during the course of the investigation led law enforcement to this home on Bakertown Road in Antioch. #nashvillebombing

>>12185711, >>12185715, >>12185723, >>12185745 Tel Aviv research: 99.9% of COVID-19 virus in 30 seconds with UV LEDs

>>12185705 pf

>>12185837 , >>12185866 New video of RV exploding

>>12185838 Voat officially shutdown, their goat "sacrificed"

>>12185865 Why former Australian PM's daughter visited billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's New York lair with Prince Andrew

>>12185894 Anon dig confirms that last night's post congratulating Anons on the Nashville digs was from Trump inner circle

>>12185922 Legendary Soviet double agent George Blake dies aged 98, Russian intelligence service confirms

>>12186034 AA shuts down air space over Nashville after bombing as military warns U.S. government will use 'deadly force' against any aircraft

>>12186111 FBI activity conducted at Nashville home as agency investigates bombing leads

>>12186126 New York Times forced to retract hit ISIS podcast series … because it was a HOAX

>>12186286 #15558

Previously Collected Notables

>>12184747 #15556, >>12185703 #15557

>>12182485 #15553, >>12183251 #15554, >>12183975 #15555

>>12180128 #15550, >>12180916 #15551, >>12181696 #15552

>>12177845 #15547, >>12178567 #15548, >>12179276 #15549

>>12175468 #15544, >>12176253 #15545, >>12177082 #15546

>>12173168 #15541, >>12173993 #15542, >>12174741 #15543

>>12170888 #15538, >>12171310 #15539, >>12171986 #15540

>>12168258 #15535, >>12169058 #15536, >>12169799 #15537

>>12165939 #15532, >>12166698 #15533, >>12167471 #15534

>>12163693 #15529, >>12164429 #15530, >>12165183 #15531

>>12161386 #15526, >>12162156 #15527, >>12162908 #15528

>>12159088 #15523, >>12159860 #15524, >>12160656 #15525

>>12156777 #15520, >>12157577 #15521, >>12158365 #15522

>>12155216 #15518, >>12155216 #15518, >>12156004 #15519

>>12152110 #15515, >>12153149 #15516, >>12153760 #15517

>>12149817 #15512, >>12150604 #15513, >>12151390 #15514

>>12147485 #15509, >>12148254 #15510, >>12149043 #15511

>>12145167 #15506, >>12145956 #15507, >>12146713 #15508

>>12142815 #15503, >>12143619 #15504, >>12144390 #15505

>>12140532 #15500, >>12141313 #15501, >>12142046 #15502

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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b14b2a  No.12187817

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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b14b2a  No.12187818

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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b14b2a  No.12187821



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ae71ab  No.12187822

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b14b2a  No.12187823



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ae71ab  No.12187828

File: e3af10df5902d29⋯.png (40.24 KB, 627x446, 627:446, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood

I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell.

Richard was falsely accused by FBI. He was a scapegoat so that FBI could claim to world that it “had its man” & the man was Richard Jewell.

Richard did not bomb Olympic Park.

Connect the dots.


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856b93  No.12187850

File: 544310b43b46734⋯.jpg (137.63 KB, 1181x785, 1181:785, warner.JPG)

File: af5b4c6455ef153⋯.jpg (546.82 KB, 1172x2430, 586:1215, swing.jpg)

Here's Anthony Quinn Warner and Michelle Swing, the person he gave his house to.

From his factoids: "On November 29, 1993, an explosive handling permit was issued to him in Tennessee and it was scheduled to expire on November 30, 1998. He has experience with alarms and electronics."

Can I get a fucking notable here? Jesus.

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000000  No.12187860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12187865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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38d461  No.12187867

File: 2233aa9c20262f5⋯.png (464.67 KB, 772x721, 772:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Soooooo white supremacists took out power and comms in one of the whitest cities in the country ?!

Sorry. I'm not buying that BS.


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000000  No.12187872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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c5dd23  No.12187873

File: 2eb7df4df7237f2⋯.jpg (130.8 KB, 500x723, 500:723, bdsmlr_9970798_gSlfNsTzsQ.jpg)


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000000  No.12187876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "There is no Qanon" "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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01bcf4  No.12187878

File: 2b364230298302e⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 2276x3599, 2276:3599, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)

2 days ahead of schedule

Schedule Jan -7th

2 days ahead - Jan 5

Jan 5th C_A stop payment

Jan 5th = GA Run Off

Jan 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC

Jan 6th = Electoral College/Pence

2 days Ahead of 19th = Jan 17th

Jan 17th = D5 on Lunar

Jan 19th = D7 on Lunar

Jan 19th - remember THIS DAY

D7 = a day that will live in infamy (never forgotten)

Jan 19th = Epiphany

Epiphany = A sudden moment of realization

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c92c98  No.12187880

File: 8d7c43f90d1201c⋯.png (684.38 KB, 686x659, 686:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b37354d2f480b0d⋯.png (86.06 KB, 532x526, 266:263, ClipboardImage.png)

Michelle Louise Swing


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bf8f70  No.12187882

File: 4e6d34612acb6d1⋯.png (49.16 KB, 734x522, 367:261, ClipboardImage.png)

I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell.

Richard was falsely accused by FBI. He was a scapegoat so that FBI could claim to world that it “had its man” & the man was Richard Jewell.

Richard did not bomb Olympic Park.

Connect the dots.


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38d461  No.12187888


And everytime there's an attack of some sort … the FBI already knows b/c they had advanced knowledge of some sort !?

Um. No.

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0eb8c6  No.12187889

File: 9f76522badaa068⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 900x720, 5:4, howdyjew.jpg)


>white supremacists

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af130c  No.12187891


if they spin this story any harder, it might go back in time….

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c92c98  No.12187894




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e23b80  No.12187895

Fuuuuuck. Lin Wood is retweeting that eye spy faggot now…


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f92097  No.12187896


BOOM! I said this last bread. Knew this was coming! Things becoming clear yet, anons?

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33e338  No.12187900

File: aad1a9a5089b1c1⋯.jpeg (251.41 KB, 640x355, 128:71, 31D15948_3761_446C_AB49_7….jpeg)


Oh shit oh shit oh shit

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856b93  No.12187901



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a9ec57  No.12187906

File: 5fbfdd3fd134deb⋯.jpeg (210.58 KB, 640x345, 128:69, D65CB6D2_4A70_4DBE_B6F1_0….jpeg)

File: c9ede23a902c838⋯.jpeg (247.8 KB, 640x369, 640:369, 18968DCD_E97D_493D_9E7E_3….jpeg)


Oh fuck

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856b93  No.12187907


This is gay and fake and gay.

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ce6635  No.12187908


Doing our best anon. Feels like the 4th quarter to me

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35d696  No.12187909


Now they saying the nigga “died” in the explosion?

Fuck outta here!

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b55ba7  No.12187913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon needs help ASAP:

Loud speaker Audio at Nashville bombing played in reversed asks "Are You Having A Merry Christmas?"


Download this youtube video


Reverse it here



^ audio has been isolated and cut down to just the one section


Can any anons help figure out what is happening here?

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f92097  No.12187914


So have you always been retarded, or did you hit your head recently?

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779062  No.12187918


>Richard did not bomb Olympic Park.


>Connect the dots.



People Republic of China is responsible

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5393a0  No.12187920

File: 1ddeb5665ed860a⋯.png (6.68 MB, 2365x2365, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks Baker!

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38d461  No.12187922


I'm sure gimp/PS have that same font.

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52345f  No.12187923

>>12187867 100% Bullshit

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01bcf4  No.12187926


Jan 6 will be our show of force. I don't mean take weapons, you should not, but flooding DC and state capitols with able body Americans will say fuck around and find out pre-Jan 7th to anyone thinking about it.

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f92097  No.12187927


As each one of their little pliys get exposed, the story will change. Again and again. With everyone watching. This is going to be fun

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9e6a15  No.12187928

File: 2f752df28be7510⋯.jpeg (184.06 KB, 640x373, 640:373, 740E4256_92F1_4D50_A203_8….jpeg)

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dad0b2  No.12187931

File: 49e883d30e61657⋯.jpeg (265.65 KB, 640x697, 640:697, 0CC043FE_E192_4B94_A990_8….jpeg)

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f92097  No.12187933

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f18d68  No.12187935

File: 877bfc10c045203⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 720x518, 360:259, 877bfc10c045203e9605387631….jpg)

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d0abcb  No.12187938


Not a bull but notable

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3614f4  No.12187943

do anons still think ATT is involved in the memphis explosion?

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38d461  No.12187946


.. could also refer to 'holding the line' on Jan 6 to ensure the WH doesn't get over run.

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b32fec  No.12187947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nashville Update

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d3aa86  No.12187948

File: c1e250a15109dd8⋯.png (596.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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35d696  No.12187949



Like The Vegas shooter, old white man shoots up a bunch of white people?

All this white on white violence has got to stop!

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d0abcb  No.12187950


Hyde up to his old tricks.

He admitted his plots to blow up the government in his own writings

Hes obviously involved

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c92c98  No.12187951


this man made the perfect patsy.

>ordnace experience


>simplifying his life to become a full itme rv'er

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f92097  No.12187952


CIA. And they expected MSM to be able to spin it. They are so fooked

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644efb  No.12187953

File: 1a51f5cae5c2204⋯.jpeg (143.73 KB, 1242x895, 1242:895, 536C0F7A_0B1C_4537_96DB_F….jpeg)

I tried to post last bread before it went fucky

(And thanks baker)

>>12187217 (lb)

>>12187221 (lb)

If Jan 6th comes and goes, and POTUS still not recognized as legitimate winner of election, then the only option seems to be the military.

How about the troops conduct a mass arrest on Jan 20th, on the steps of the Captiol, while all the traitors are gathered together in one place —-waiting for swearing in of Biden; which does not happen!

Watching such a mass arrest of these criminals and traitors on TV at such a spectacular time, would be a sight not soon forgotten.

That first arrest (of dozens) would SHOCK THE WORLD.

(Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that; but I’m okay with it as a last resort.)

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04f208  No.12187955

File: 9c69f049969c78a⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 560x405, 112:81, FBI.jpg)

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1868f6  No.12187956



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2ee1a5  No.12187958

I'm very suspicious that, as a result of this Nashville BS where maybe only one person died, nobody is talking about the election any more. Seems like an obvious FF by the blackhats to change the narrative to me just sayin'

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51615b  No.12187959


Clown cover ID. Notable.

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7a707b  No.12187960

File: 93a16ab7280248f⋯.jpg (141.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, index.jpg)



Tried to check second half of last bread for notes.

Seems like everybody was busy trying to get their 8kun unfreeze again, found only these two, apart from what you had already:

>>12187748 Summary about Michelle L. Swing from conandaily.com

>>12187762 U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden's wife shares photos of their new son

Maybe other anons checked as well ….

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35d696  No.12187961


They’ve gotta be dizzy from all that spinning.

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38d461  No.12187963


it would have to be a group of folks that had/have knowledge of how the nations phone networks are connected. And which sites are more critical or not.

Who beyond ATT would have that knowledge… Intel agencies for sure.

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ce6635  No.12187964



Sis a larking tool, but I guess his post was an accurate reading.

A stopped clock is right twice a day.

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38d461  No.12187965


cia for sure

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281e12  No.12187966


I'd say we're at the 2 minute warning, time to get that hurry-up offense going

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da750d  No.12187967


Programming us Anons

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01bcf4  No.12187968


>If Jan 6th comes and goes, and POTUS still not recognized as legitimate winner of election, then the only option seems to be the military.

He will not be and on Jan 7th the lights go out.



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6d8e1d  No.12187969


>>12187620 (lb)

Aircraft tire!!

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5d988b  No.12187970

File: 68b8974f8df6bbb⋯.jpg (92.14 KB, 500x694, 250:347, 1776.jpg)

File: 9c37967188173c4⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 500x525, 20:21, Asymmetric_Warfare.jpg)

File: b73d3e4890daf8c⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 4dqamz_1_1.jpg)

MAGA Patriots posted the entire election stealing plan and process four months before the election and labeled their mission Code Red and Trump knows all about it.

Q Research was late to the game.

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000000  No.12187971

>>12187768 PB/LB


holy shit it really does say "Merry Christmas to all."

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af130c  No.12187972


cover story was that fuel tanks on flight 800 were the fuel tanks exploded due to a spark.

that's the official story.

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7a20bb  No.12187973

File: e560d5e01641165⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1423x1524, 1423:1524, comeynash_.png)

File: 7c0181dd869f686⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 680x615, 136:123, comeyboy.jpg)

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82b8c8  No.12187974


but what they discovered is that it was . . . .

ex-soviet albinos from the Caucasus just larping as white Americans . . . ?

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04f208  No.12187975

File: 0b5298b5aacce93⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 922x576, 461:288, Football.mp4)

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a55358  No.12187976

File: e8a2d32d8e50dac⋯.jpeg (156.14 KB, 640x420, 32:21, 16F8383D_E49D_4829_9193_7….jpeg)


Think mirror

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35d696  No.12187977


Sounds a lot like “Paddock”

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eb54c7  No.12187978

File: faaba19a894d3db⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 995x1489, 995:1489, 5AEA6AA7_C767_4F6F_AE19_2….jpeg)

Anons remember Nov 7, 2020 Rudy’s press conference at 4seasons total landscaping, The ONLY sign that has TRUMP PENCE 2020 is in the 6th space

If this is a calendar it would be January 6th,

if this is just the number 6, it’s watch your 6, or if 6 = letter F it’s pay your respects

Jan 6,2021 PENCE to preside over the electoral count and will declare who has been elected president and vice president of the United States.

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d39ef3  No.12187979


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8898c8  No.12187980

>>12187828 Lin Wood: I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell.


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85e495  No.12187981

File: c8736b4d153a9bb⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1181x941, 1181:941, bui9hgkjk_j57butd7uklreuq3….png)

>>12187620 pb

Wires coming out of broken lamp base

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33f5d0  No.12187982

File: 592d75e38895512⋯.jpg (331.87 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, World_War_One_Images_Trans….jpg)

File: ea8fc6c6b603125⋯.jpg (128.55 KB, 652x800, 163:200, 20200626191146.jpg)

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b14b2a  No.12187983


thanks notetaker o7, will keep eyes on for others

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ce6635  No.12187984


>CIA. And they expected MSM to be able to spin it. They are so fooked

Are you seeing this attempt at spinning it working with normies? I know the anons never bought it, but I feel like it’s confirmation bias for lefties

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82b8c8  No.12187986

what if they had the Superbowl, and no body remembered to go?

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f9f09c  No.12187987



are you having a merry christmas troll?

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ee3ef7  No.12187988

File: e6a00d4c280cfc3⋯.jpg (11.85 KB, 255x129, 85:43, holdtheline.jpg)

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f92097  No.12187990


Oh they haven't even gotten started yet. This is going to get good. They know they're fucked by now, too. All of them

they took the bait, and now they're stuck. They have no choices, no options. Just watch

Too many anons know to keep exposing the details that don't add up - and we are not alone

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7bd4ec  No.12187991

>>12187290 pb

Yeah, Dave sometimes seems to have inside info but he also gets shit wrong, like insisting that big mike would replace Biden, also recently he reported that nasa said the mutherfucking sun would go dark this week.

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96a07e  No.12187992

File: de6b9dafb04bb0c⋯.jpg (320.81 KB, 720x1359, 80:151, Screenshot_2020_12_27_10_2….jpg)

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29727c  No.12187993

Go to Potus' twitter!

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000000  No.12187994


>Wires coming out of broken lamp base

did you think the lights are still made with fire, Anon?

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c7e27b  No.12187995



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4c7092  No.12187996

File: eee35103007ce31⋯.jpeg (130.86 KB, 1106x610, 553:305, nashville_3.jpeg)

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f92097  No.12187997

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ff599a  No.12187998


the solution is the same one now as it was in the beginning of this plan

full disclosure

once a very public figure confesses or is arrested with indisputable evidence their game is over

POTUS can play this trump card when he decides its the most advantageous

but he's down to the wire

not surprised the way the man rolls

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460877  No.12187999



This is the fucking "landing gear" from 9/11

you absolute mongoloids

Fuck, this board has become an embarrassment

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1dd427  No.12188001

It finally dawned on me. We are not only the news. We are our own "the people's intelligence agency".

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263b68  No.12188002


is sportsball still a thing?

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ccb48c  No.12188003

RV - definitely a red herring; top front of camper does not match - check center beneath decal/line/stripe. One has light/camera, other does not.

Explosion came from within building, as evidenced by vertical force of clouds/plumes as seen from a distance. If the van had erupted with so much force, it would have been more diffuse.

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021ab2  No.12188004

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108285  No.12188005

File: 1d4a8531f5fa576⋯.jpeg (486.23 KB, 1800x1023, 600:341, 291E03B9_3DC3_40F7_863B_7….jpeg)

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0eb1e4  No.12188006




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afba06  No.12188007

File: 465dba37560a681⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 737x113, 737:113, in_am.JPG)


Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America

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ff599a  No.12188008


btw wut does an oversize ass have to so with anything

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56f7f5  No.12188009

File: 37ce9c556f3833d⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 534x467, 534:467, 86_d.jpg)

i have 10 min, family is over and i have to be responsible .. i havent been on seen late last night.. anyone want to give me a QRD of what has happened today?


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224d7e  No.12188011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>inside Qresearch HQ

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01bcf4  No.12188012

File: f084d73ad499e64⋯.png (206.64 KB, 898x1199, 898:1199, Screenshot_2020_12_26_Dona….png)


Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters,

…fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested….

….Courts are bad, the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with….

…But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history, WE WILL WIN!!!

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a63000  No.12188013


He’s laying it all out.

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e4a48f  No.12188014

File: 47be9407ea0eec7⋯.png (847.6 KB, 1034x547, 1034:547, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

File: 7c57ecf681a9c5a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1132x608, 283:152, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

File: fe27e4c4938f42d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1106x610, 553:305, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

File: 445e572b38ee563⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1424x719, 1424:719, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

File: c6afe467530ebbe⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)


repoating for this bread my images of nashville

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893cf6  No.12188015

File: 3acefaf21347d3d⋯.jpeg (230.81 KB, 640x345, 128:69, D258D5C5_BCC3_4130_A446_6….jpeg)

Oh shit is this forreal??

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63c9e3  No.12188016

File: 1ca7c33f6100786⋯.png (593.96 KB, 680x638, 340:319, 51.png)

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736d55  No.12188017

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ce6635  No.12188018


Keks autocorrect.

What I mean is “E is a LARPing fool, but perhaps a stopped clock is still right twice a day.”

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56f7f5  No.12188019

best pillow ever


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f92097  No.12188020


It's supposed to. Catching on yet? This is about to get really big, really fast. They are in the spotlight. A lot of things are about to be exposed with this

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967ef2  No.12188021

File: b4b0676f304b703⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, blow_up.mp4)

Rudy Giuliani: "Starting after Christmas, this is really gonna BLOW UP."

Does anybody know the sauce for this clip? Just found it on GAB with no sauce.

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29727c  No.12188022

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ff599a  No.12188023


post the audio anon

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afba06  No.12188024

File: b41ddfedc259721⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 758x548, 379:274, dump_p.JPG)


'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated

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54572e  No.12188025

Not gonna lie…

Kinda miss the tranny shill

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51615b  No.12188026


Could be. Any aviation tech anons out there?

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2eb83c  No.12188027

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ae71ab  No.12188028

File: 64004341e1d9143⋯.png (92.53 KB, 616x822, 308:411, ClipboardImage.png)


Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters,

…fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested….

….Courts are bad, the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with….

…But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history, WE WILL WIN!!!


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021ab2  No.12188029

File: fb0eee036673357⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 900x900, 1:1, wjhtvSgxOaMKU_KsGDDkabGa8a….jpg)



Silly Gooses

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5767f1  No.12188030

File: 5f73967026e379d⋯.png (553.24 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 6C7492C8_464D_45D6_975B_A0….png)


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12c5a4  No.12188031


that is NOT off the RV in question anon


the Hub is ALL WRONG

that should be a basic DRUM BRAKE hub

the hexagonal looking device between the hub and the broken section of axle is something I have never seen before

it is POTENTIALLY part of an electric HUB MOTOR that was driving that wheel

making this from an electric vehicle of some sort

the AXLE is about 3-4 larger in DIAMETER than the hub axle SHOULD be for that type of vehicle

it SHOULD be a SOLID STEEL axle, about 1.25 - 1.5 inches in diameter

that axle looks aluminum

its about 6 inches + in diameter

and its hollow

I have NEVER seen that before at the hub in any vehicle I have worked on (MechanicFag)

The Tire has NO TREAD

that is NOT a DOT legal tire for STREET use

it ALMOST looks like a racing tire

a Drag Radial

or a Circle Track Slick

but I doubt that

it is pobably something Commercial/ Industrial

for moving BIG/ HEAVY shit

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cdc0ca  No.12188032


where was lin wood the past 4 years besides donating to dems? when are we going to stop believing these talking heads once and for all?

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afba06  No.12188033

File: 070f45d18455011⋯.jpg (141.53 KB, 836x662, 418:331, and_japan.JPG)


QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

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c6473f  No.12188035

This anon has been thinking about the whole Nashville explosion and here’s my theory…..here on the boards and on twitter numerous comma and theories were floating that the patriots/trump would make their move Xmas morning.(all the George Washington crossing the Delaware river comms). That was the bait (as referenced in scavinos bushy baby video comms). The deep state(clowns) took the bait and reacted by taking out the nsa data center. I still can’t figure out what their goal was? A message? Getting rid of stored data? Taking out the 911/comm system of the white hats? Q has said numerous times that they will never give away or tip anyone off as to their plan or next move but they instead force the enemy’s hand by scaring them enough to act on false info…..what do you guys think?

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95ca09  No.12188036


Human trafficking, who to report to since the FBI won't listen?

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e6b7da  No.12188037


You forgot to edit out the breakyourownnews.com watermark.

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af130c  No.12188038


QIA…it fits.

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95ca09  No.12188039


Never trusted 'em

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872b8b  No.12188040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>12187619 pb

Scavino dog comms/ fleetwood mac dreams

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f92097  No.12188041


It will work at first. But as they keep having to change the story, even normies are going to piece it together. Watch them on this board even - trying to spin disinfo and get anons chasing bullshit

I am enjoying this immensely

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108285  No.12188042

File: b569447e2246b03⋯.jpeg (366.77 KB, 1800x1136, 225:142, 7CB9E80E_F09D_4AAD_BF69_E….jpeg)


Trump ain't lyin.

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01bcf4  No.12188043

2 days ahead of schedule

Schedule Jan -7th

2 days ahead - Jan 5th

Jan 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan 5th = GA Run Off

Jan 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar -PAIN 23

Jan 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC -Fuck around and find out day

Jan 6th = Electoral College/Pence

2 days Ahead of 19th = Jan 17th

Jan 17th = D5 on Lunar

Jan 19th = D7 on Lunar

Jan 19th - remember THIS DAY

D7 = a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day

Epiphany = A sudden moment of realization

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0eb84c  No.12188044

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afba06  No.12188046

File: 550aa5ff0ad5f3d⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 681x634, 681:634, at_b.JPG)


Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

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5d988b  No.12188047

File: b43b6dcc996fef4⋯.png (101.05 KB, 1080x979, 1080:979, Screenshot_20201226_152546….png)

Anons I don't have the Q map but can someone check and see if Q posted the same day of Trump's election interference executive order.



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5767f1  No.12188048


You’re pushing him like you’re the guy who paid for Geronimo

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3cbda2  No.12188049

File: 28d7540a43c1106⋯.jpg (106.87 KB, 500x474, 250:237, Kosher_blood.jpg)

File: e04596ab63dd3cc⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 396x436, 99:109, sabbath_quotes_hold_on.jpg)

File: 521ddd1566d447e⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 499x691, 499:691, Mr_Pig_gets_a_C_plus.jpg)

File: b086e602a13641e⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 499x559, 499:559, 666_NOW.jpg)

File: 0f631f86e287a69⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 499x711, 499:711, Bacon_Wisdom.jpg)

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38b628  No.12188050

File: 01ae33979ed90b9⋯.jpg (134.22 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1569968257295m.jpg)

>>12187687 (lb)

Rule 1: Message, not messenger.

Rule 2: Stop following celebs. Trust yourself.

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1dd427  No.12188051


Aircraft tires don't have a tread. This is either photoshopped or the Police are completely retarded.

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8898c8  No.12188052


Stay focused on the election anons!

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da750d  No.12188053


Great images. I will save

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186a06  No.12188054

File: 19716a0c134d024⋯.png (286.48 KB, 535x547, 535:547, Screenshot_2020_12_26_Sput….png)



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12c5a4  No.12188055


>This is the fucking "landing gear" from 9/11

well that makes a lot more sense that it being from Van Chassis based RV

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ce6635  No.12188056


Definitely making the case that the system is broken, and that (presumably) We need “something to handle it.

I don’t think he’s tweeted about being willing to use the military for this voter fraud yet though

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29727c  No.12188057


He does.

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5767f1  No.12188058


We can pump fake, they can’t

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868804  No.12188059

>>12187852 PB


FBI FF goal of blaming Right Wing for:

1. infrastructure destruction (primarily network assets not in immediate vicinity of explosion)

2. Local street destruction (means to achieve goal #1).

Patsy either pre-killed (and left in rv) or subdued and left restrained in RV to die from unexploded propane gas inhalation.

Detonated after 'gun shots phone call' and ridiculus loudspeaker warnings leading to MNPD scrambling to evac area - minimal casualties was intended and achieved.

Human remains are from patsy.

MNPD was not in on the OP.

Upcoming link to Right Wing and possibly Q/ Q Research Anons ("US")/ MAGA as sour grapes for election.

Fosters terrorist designation for Right Wing/ Q/ Q Research Anons ("US")/ MAGA. Which included increased monitoring and surveillance.

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afba06  No.12188060

File: 49df7795ded5a73⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 602x767, 602:767, v_17.JPG)


Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom

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cf5cfa  No.12188061

File: 18cbd7a80825550⋯.png (35.98 KB, 401x617, 401:617, 921.PNG)

File: 5c3dbf38f3ff62d⋯.png (34.43 KB, 405x595, 81:119, 922.PNG)

File: be71f717799dc2b⋯.png (8.52 KB, 404x170, 202:85, 923.PNG)

File: 6ba397a5786979c⋯.png (26.62 KB, 404x498, 202:249, 5381.PNG)

Reading these now 3 years out….do you have any new speculations or theories about what happened in Vegas? Who shot Paddock? Who shot Campos?

Q Drops #92 and #538

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6eff3a  No.12188062

Posting again because last bread fucked just after:

1. AT&T building that was blown up was a datacenter.

Sample of permits pulled for AT&T's Nashville Main Central Office at 185 2nd Ave N in Nashville (not the Batman building). It's got a 7th floor data center:

4/29/2019 INSTALL 6 XDH AND 2 XDP LIEBERT/VERTIV COOLING UNITS TO 7TH FLOOR [Liebert® XDH™ Horizontal Row Cooler provides efficient and economical cooling for high heat density equipment]




2. Connections between 211 Commerce St and Clintons

211 Commerce St, Nashville that Codemonkey tweeted about vXchnge has a datacenter there. It was a portfolio company of The Stephens Group from Little Rock, AR. Officer was Ronald M. Clark. He previously worked for the Rose Law Firm. Rose Law Firm - Clinton & Whitewater.


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000000  No.12188063


>can someone check and see…

What would you say you actually do here, Anon?

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12c5a4  No.12188064


Is this even fucking Nashville?

where is the sauce for this pic???

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af130c  No.12188065


most people don't have a passing knowledge of physics, especially not ballistic physics.

force. joules…psi/newtons, etc.

but we anons know.

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421a47  No.12188066

File: 61c667c65ba66cb⋯.jpg (166.1 KB, 720x1182, 120:197, 20201226_162452.jpg)

File: bdbed5fecbd6c83⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, EqMv74HXYAApOQy_jpeg.jpg)

File: c85582c46ba1fbb⋯.jpg (15.26 KB, 279x201, 93:67, 20201226_162052.jpg)

File: 304b682c68714ff⋯.jpg (94.19 KB, 720x857, 720:857, 20201226_162732.jpg)


The Hook-Up!

@25thID shows its ability to project combat power forward in support of maneuver ops with an Air Assault demo during the Indian Army Vice Chief of Staff visit at #SchofieldBarracks, Oct. 20, 2020.

#PicOfTheDay | #TropicLightning

by Spc. Jessica Scott https://t.co/puEwaZ542O

NEW Army Twat

Copter number 204

Drop #204

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c5dd23  No.12188067

File: 7035490e58ad52a⋯.jpg (143.63 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Tires_Facebook.jpg)


Kill yourself faggot.

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73cf1a  No.12188068


Nailed it… it t’s the base of the light standard

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e50115  No.12188069


>Anons I don't have the Q map but can someone check and see if Q posted the same day of Trump's election interference executive order.

As loudly as they shrieked and wailed and tore their sack cloths, I cannot believe you dont know where to find the holy grail known as the map

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ce3e44  No.12188070

File: d0995bb556d1887⋯.png (639.57 KB, 609x743, 609:743, ClipboardImage.png)

NSA and AT&T cooperated on STORMBREW - data collection.

Think it ran through that Nashville hub? Graphic shows comm lines.

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f92097  No.12188071


RV is a red herring. 'Perp' is a red herring. It is all going to be red herrings on the MSM. a lot of them. So many even mormoes wake up. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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c6473f  No.12188072

dont Know what they mean but scavino is putting out dog comms on Facebook

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35d696  No.12188073


You some type of faggot or something?

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afba06  No.12188074

File: e1b1609cd28a762⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 952x637, 136:91, the_hell.JPG)


President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'

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927289  No.12188075

DS try to actively bring Pence down through the interviews and things like the CGI fly. On the other hand we have strange handoffs at Bush's funeral and whatnot.

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d3aa86  No.12188076

File: 4699f8ead8d6578⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, baitman.jpg)


>Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow

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33fdbb  No.12188077


>Richard was falsely accused by FBI. He was a scapegoat so that FBI could claim to world that it “had its man” & the man was Richard Jewell.

ding ding ding

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302d41  No.12188078

File: 40c40036ef2450f⋯.jpeg (33.03 KB, 254x252, 127:126, A5E90175_E92C_4CAF_B709_4….jpeg)



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af4ef6  No.12188079

File: 491fc929344307f⋯.jpeg (320.67 KB, 640x357, 640:357, F90F83C5_B780_418F_808D_8….jpeg)



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29727c  No.12188080


We don't know yet.

We'll have to wait and see.

I hope for the best.

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2f2856  No.12188081


I think some assholes tried to kill a bunch of innocent people on Christmas Day

I smell commies

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afba06  No.12188082

File: ca8c2432759bdcf⋯.jpg (45.55 KB, 1221x263, 1221:263, heavy_named.JPG)




Breaking News

Anthony Quinn Warner Named as Nashville Bombing Person of Interest

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707bd0  No.12188083


Aircraft tire, hub and shaft.

Worth way more than a mid 1990s ford rv.

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3b7aa6  No.12188084

Longtime lurker and first post.

Sitting and chewing over the info anons have pulled together on the Nashville event I reckon what we have here is a white hat OP.

Points to consider.

The warning of a bomb before detonation removes terrorism.

The damage to the internals of the building below the street level.

The time and day of the event. No people expected to be around.

No visible crater in the road base.

The vapour trail in the images.

The building is a vital data pass through point, maybe data collection/storage?

Fake news appear to be out of the loop with the OP….no prior knowledge? Q supporter likely to be blamed if a FF.

Then think on this.

The data centre is a major data pass-through point for the Georgia area. There is a Senate election early January run by the same corrupt establishment that is attempting to rob POTUS and the Deplorables.

I submit to the anons that this operation was white hat to remove/limit the DS ability to alter votes via data transmission.

Been wrong so many time in my life that this could be added to my list, but i wanted to share thoughts and see what y’all think.

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186a06  No.12188086



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da750d  No.12188087


They had to expose how bad Republicans are too. Then time for for drastic measures that all can justify.

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f92097  No.12188088


Sure, retard. Go research it. Bye

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ce3e44  No.12188089


Whoever is behind Snowden is behind this explosion.

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435a40  No.12188090

File: ba766186b5d31a8⋯.png (368.04 KB, 727x702, 727:702, ClipboardImage.png)


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ddbedc  No.12188091

if you cum all over your screen while jerking it to the ginger mound you gain special magic powers that let you rule the internet

trust me. I am a doctor

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cdc0ca  No.12188092


right on! i've been fooled way too many times the past few years….and then I remember we're at war and this is how them commies have always played this game

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a63000  No.12188093


Here but you might need a sub like I have


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7a20bb  No.12188094

File: eb825f7eb8f0efd⋯.jpg (374.49 KB, 1050x847, 150:121, ellen.jpg)

File: bd37419ee88a853⋯.jpg (4.84 MB, 2000x2973, 2000:2973, elleno.jpg)


that's only for Ellen to know, citizen

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52345f  No.12188095

File: 579d8b3fb4fb02c⋯.png (338.99 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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afba06  No.12188096

File: a44622ce7f59f2c⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 714x697, 42:41, moll.JPG)


Mollie Hemingway: Trump Fight Against ‘Disgraceful’ Pork-Stuffed COVID Bill Illustrates Strength Of Conservative Populism

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29727c  No.12188097


Yes, this country will win.

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5d988b  No.12188098

File: 77934c05760ae44⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 456x234, 76:39, Traitor.jpg)

Mike Pence burns president Trump and the MAGA Patriots on the 6th then Mike Pence will be a Benedict Arnold and a man without a country, Indiana will tell Mike Pence to get the hell out you are a disgraceful traitor.

Pence has been in politics to long so I'm betting Mike Pence is a traitor in the highest order.

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1dd427  No.12188099


Probably posting in here as Q, training us for the main event. We figured out the nashville bombing by noon on Christmas.

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56f7f5  No.12188100

based mike


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71fb49  No.12188101

Every single account the brings up the lolATT bombing I block, wheels from 911 included. Ya'll niggas getting filtered tf out.

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725aeb  No.12188102


just discovered that a shot of vodka disappears in a hot mug of ( celestial seasonings) Bengal Spice Tea….superbly


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5767f1  No.12188103


Big media/party/tech Adding life sentences

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000000  No.12188104


>on twitter numerous comma and theories were floating

If someone were to say this in English, what would it mean?

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a830f1  No.12188105


Sam Hyde is off the hook…it was some guy with Anon in his first name….Q in his middle name and War in his last name….and he supposedly is the human remains

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35d696  No.12188107

File: 70f5362ef510210⋯.jpeg (107.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3933235D_AD87_480A_BB78_1….jpeg)

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a63000  No.12188108

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4c7092  No.12188109



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afba06  No.12188110

File: 1c955eb729116c5⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 847x548, 847:548, world_v.JPG)


World Vision sent tax money to group that backed Osama bin Laden

Senate probe finds evangelical aid organization was 'borderline negligent'

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b14b2a  No.12188111

FINAL #15560 Notes


>>12187190 @DOD: BOOM Operator Staff Sgt. Devaughn Granger

>>12187203 David Rothschild tweets #25thAmendment

>>12187216 Anon opine: AQW was C_A

>>12187221 X22 report - saying that Pence is waiting until Jan 6th to play his card re the electorates.

>>12187241 , >>12187263 on the street Nashville video

>>12187294 , >>12187444 Digg: Paul Nakasone's daughter

>>12187304 BREAKING: Nashville bomber believed to have died in Friday's explosion - CBS/CNN

>>12187309 Windows broken a block or so behind Nashville blast site.

>>12187459 @Johnheretohelp called the "bombs" back in Sept.

>>12187461 Rep. Kinzinger swipes at Trump, fellow House GOP for denying election loss: 'It's sad'

>>12187748 Summary about Michelle L. Swing from conandaily.com

>>12187762 U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden's wife shares photos of their new son


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e50115  No.12188112


Damn them and their banner!

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868804  No.12188113

>>12186446 PB

An incoming drone or missile would have left the sill under the 2nd story hole clean instead of with bricks on it.

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b14b2a  No.12188114

notes @ 200

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12187828 @LinWood: I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell.

>>12187850 , >>12187880 Digg: Michelle Louise Swing

>>12187913 Loud speaker Audio at Nashville bombing played in reversed asks "Are You Having A Merry Christmas?"

>>12188007 Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America

>>12188021 (past) Rudy Giuliani: "Starting after Christmas, this is really gonna BLOW UP."

>>12188024 'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated

>>12188028 @DJT: "Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable!"

>>12188033 QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

>>12188046 Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

>>12188060 @Pompeo: "Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom"

>>12188074 President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'

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12c5a4  No.12188115


yep yep anon

welcome to the resistance

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302d41  No.12188116

File: e88e218b5b18ed9⋯.jpg (58.43 KB, 500x713, 500:713, 4rhmvf.jpg)


You might be right

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549e1f  No.12188117



Notable = Defending The Republic

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5a345f  No.12188118

File: bf99cd2ec91a127⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1182x1106, 591:553, ClipboardImage.png)

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1dd427  No.12188119


hey. Do the tires I commented on have treads? NO.

Do your tires have treads?


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94917c  No.12188120

File: becdcfc6ee4c14b⋯.jpeg (99.72 KB, 640x589, 640:589, A5AF8B21_13D8_40EB_9923_8….jpeg)

File: 50f8f865d5a0eac⋯.jpeg (64.55 KB, 960x721, 960:721, E5A2FAB5_9537_45B8_9EE4_B….jpeg)

File: 40c28d290ffa2f3⋯.jpeg (139.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, BAC6996A_2631_412D_BC10_D….jpeg)

File: 8e2e3f4287e8156⋯.jpeg (388.33 KB, 1936x1337, 1936:1337, BC8A51F8_A49A_40F5_9CE2_9….jpeg)

File: 8fca248ae4d8fc6⋯.jpeg (386.65 KB, 2388x1668, 199:139, 92632E09_692B_4FAE_9424_6….jpeg)

>>12187550 (pb)

More pics to support Michael Hoffman/Todd Beamer theory: Rafting pics posted by Jennifer Naylor: Are these people from Flight 93? Namely Jeremy Glick and Mark Bingham?

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da5354  No.12188121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trouble in Paradise hahaha

Dec 26, 2020

TYT Keeps Shamefully Squeezing Followers For Ca$h During Pandemic


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872b8b  No.12188122


A jet wheel from 911?

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8fb120  No.12188124

New york 911 landing gear >>12187948

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1a7032  No.12188125


A do not see a bomb crater in the road. If RV exploded, there should be a bomb crater.

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c7e27b  No.12188126


There is no Durham Report, just the sound of a can being kicked down the road…over and over….

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435a40  No.12188127

File: 159b505d736a757⋯.png (1.01 MB, 736x784, 46:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom

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8898c8  No.12188129


I have that tea….think single malt whiskey would work?

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eb54c7  No.12188130

File: d84a592f61c9890⋯.jpeg (307.82 KB, 1242x1649, 1242:1649, 99D3FBE5_C40C_4042_9AA5_1….jpeg)


and Sugar glider comms too

[They] are eating right out of our hand! #Winning


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fe0a6d  No.12188131

File: a967d92f793c8c3⋯.png (119.24 KB, 1060x277, 1060:277, image_2020_12_26_183444.png)

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281e12  No.12188132


Only one way to find out!

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d492dd  No.12188133

File: e77e4611e2c500f⋯.png (278.88 KB, 644x338, 322:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12e61a0aaca3a8e⋯.png (572.16 KB, 800x880, 10:11, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12186685 (lb)

>MasterChef food critic Charles Campion dies aged 69 as Jay Rayner leads tributes to ‘a great and lovely man’

Will wait for them to say COVID.

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52345f  No.12188134

>>12188076 well they don't unless the church is registered in the The National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China or the The Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. Both CCP.

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35d696  No.12188135


“Let’s see what happens”

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04f208  No.12188136

File: bd9214160942972⋯.png (233.88 KB, 569x642, 569:642, NROL_44_Mission_Patch.png)

File: 3a8f7d337cfa51b⋯.png (108.75 KB, 295x437, 295:437, NROL_44.png)

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80b918  No.12188137

File: 8a8bd0cb56c748e⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 462x526, 231:263, lonegunman.jpg)


"Lone Bomber" what a joke

FBI? When will they be disbanded.

They are a poison, a cancer on this Country

From what I understand they are the "water boys" for the C-A

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6d8e1d  No.12188138

File: c86538acdf938c1⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1165x731, 1165:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a20bb  No.12188139

File: 351fd99a3d555a2⋯.jpg (239.45 KB, 472x563, 472:563, Qline4.jpg)

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5d988b  No.12188140

File: 30e39205a09677f⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 500x390, 50:39, Fizzled_Out.jpg)

File: 4a8a54f3042645f⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 4fvius.jpg)

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afba06  No.12188141

File: 6da33f7cbfeeff7⋯.jpg (88.59 KB, 859x816, 859:816, brit.JPG)


Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet…

If you wonder why Fox News ratings are now in the gutter …

Brit's tweet will tell you. >>>Catturd ™

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725aeb  No.12188142


It would be worth a try if I drank whiskey Anon…. the vodka is really good tho if not

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ffe25c  No.12188143

File: 102e67948248502⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Tires_Header.jpg)


Aircraft wheel…

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da5354  No.12188144


what the fuck is CONANDAILY?

and whats with the 3 triangle pyramid?

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a830f1  No.12188145

File: a5f64aa9cf32e47⋯.jpg (8.22 KB, 255x249, 85:83, huh_.jpg)


yea, and i miss daniel

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8c3a58  No.12188146


"….. and folks , whatever they are going to do and blame on Osama Bin Laden , dont you even believe it " — Bill Cooper , June 2001>>12187828

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000000  No.12188147


fuck off alkie

go be a fumbling drunk idiot somewhere else

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562ac3  No.12188148


rumor has it that lowest ranking anon has been taken int custody for questioning

his initials are FBI

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903978  No.12188149

File: c98102c6076dfd8⋯.png (424.19 KB, 598x530, 299:265, ClipboardImage.png)


>>12187707 (lb)

nice movie props

ff'ers, fakers also get the rope fyi

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7bd4ec  No.12188150


It was #1 to change the news cycle/topic from what they thought PDJT was going to do, #2 there was something important to them that they blew up though it may not have had anything to do with the election, maybe covering up crimes.

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ce6635  No.12188152


They’re called BUSH BABIES anon.

A bush baby(Jeb maybe?) took the bait in some way is the general consensus here

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435a40  No.12188153

File: 1857c38c8bb430d⋯.png (36.21 KB, 736x290, 368:145, ClipboardImage.png)


OMG!!! Audio and video is going to be sent to me of Schiff and his Miranda rights being read to him in cuffs!!! Everyone who said no pics, no story buckle up!!! Stay tuned

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10e299  No.12188154

File: d3362986f83893c⋯.jpeg (13.14 KB, 300x191, 300:191, download_56_.jpeg)


I like it.

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bd380c  No.12188155

File: 936a3e13f4473e8⋯.jpeg (173.72 KB, 640x353, 640:353, 7E97E218_497E_4FBA_B237_D….jpeg)

oh shit!

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fe7606  No.12188156

File: 75718a2a4ad4948⋯.png (308.88 KB, 698x938, 349:469, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12187620 (LB)

Fake and gay!!!


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afba06  No.12188157

File: 9afa009af2c96f0⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 863x657, 863:657, big_num.JPG)


“Big Numbers Found In Arizona” — Trump: “We Must Win For Our Country!”

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736d55  No.12188158

File: c9402f4405cb244⋯.jpg (125.82 KB, 558x857, 558:857, Potus_12_26_2020_6_23_pm_t….jpg)

File: e3eb18ee287f320⋯.jpg (40 KB, 537x602, 537:602, Q_623_twitter_owned_what_o….jpg)


Potus tweet to Q post via timestamp.

+ 3 hr for time zone adjustment.



Twitter % owned?

Other ownership stakes in the US?

What happens if seized?

Who controls?

Who controls the controllers?

EO 12/21.

NEW puppet master.


Not deal.


No choice.

Think others.

It’s what you don’t know.


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2f2856  No.12188159


NSA failed op….FBI swoops in and covers it all up

Investigate the NSA…..cuz the elections were stolen electronically and [[They]] let it happen

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ddbedc  No.12188160

try some nice guy masturbation.

jerk off to jesus

if that is too gay

jerk off to mother theresa

if that is too pure

jerk off to Q

be a patriot

jack it for america

real proud boys don't hoard their divinity

they spill it all over their computer screen and lick it off like a man

pure magic

you can win life

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435a40  No.12188161

File: 267262efa536ad3⋯.png (28.88 KB, 690x264, 115:44, ClipboardImage.png)

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967ef2  No.12188162



Thanks Anon.

Baker. Giuliani "Blow up" comms from 23rd. Original sauce. [13:00]


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7a20bb  No.12188163

File: 5a5506d057829ea⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 416x379, 416:379, cia_2.jpg)


hi girlfriend's initials are C_A

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281e12  No.12188164


This is still a thing?


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e44602  No.12188165

File: 2ce1a02cd240cfa⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 960x640, 3:2, e1af6f8ceb2ef856a2e7980f38….jpg)

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15aa5a  No.12188166


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d492dd  No.12188167


I wonder if Lin Wood actually has inside info, or if he comes here and see our theories and just shoves them out into the world whether they're true or not.

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4c7092  No.12188168

Anybody have coordinates for nashville blast?

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a69109  No.12188169

File: e264d71a7892d66⋯.png (50.65 KB, 860x505, 172:101, ClipboardImage.png)


See (4) in the image then,

Kill yourself, faggot.



Also kill yourself because of the obvious photochop.

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afba06  No.12188170

File: 0187c2ef556d3ac⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 844x574, 422:287, j_fire.JPG)


Public Radio “Reporter” Arrested For Firebombing Police Cars

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ce6635  No.12188171


Omg then release for audio and video. Ffs it’s like a trailer to a trailer

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967ef2  No.12188172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Forgot the embed. Dammit.

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f92097  No.12188173


RV = red herring

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7a20bb  No.12188174


Is that a jet wheel?


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12c5a4  No.12188175




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a830f1  No.12188176

File: 8be88fbbc7241d3⋯.jpeg (10.97 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 035b7b0cc2221c6c66715ed38….jpeg)

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33fdbb  No.12188177

File: b356edbb64f97c4⋯.png (104.88 KB, 529x769, 529:769, ClipboardImage.png)


>Go to Potus' twitter!


"Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters,


….fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested….

….Courts are bad, the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with….

….But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history, WE WILL WIN!!!"

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0eb84c  No.12188179

File: 0247478d548648e⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 500x625, 4:5, hesrightCagney.jpg)

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000000  No.12188180


> to long

why don't you worry about your own country you fucking gook?

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09216b  No.12188181

File: 08c2db93ff6bbc8⋯.jpeg (88.39 KB, 500x570, 50:57, C087FB71_EC89_435A_8DD2_B….jpeg)

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f076db  No.12188182

Christmas, families nationwide talked about the FF bomb instead of voter fraud

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8fb120  No.12188183

Still no R.V, debris then. >>12187981

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12c5a4  No.12188184


>Aircraft tire, hub and shaft.

yep yep

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841933  No.12188185

File: c395a5bd35ff5fe⋯.jpg (38.13 KB, 560x282, 280:141, pointer_meme_zap.jpg)

File: 03e3bc928e00743⋯.png (871.26 KB, 752x501, 752:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 960c448df38fc7e⋯.png (613.81 KB, 562x426, 281:213, ClipboardImage.png)


noice autism.

w/ full photo, we might also infer:

a) 10 people → 5:5

b) alternating blue-red grid of TRUMP posters + 2x speaker stands → Masonic black-white floor grid and Boaz-Jachin twin pillars / towers

however, your Jan 6th interpretation seems strongest

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f92097  No.12188186


It will be good. So very very good

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7a707b  No.12188187

File: c2f1c2aef1c2068⋯.png (194.94 KB, 560x400, 7:5, bread_sauce.png)


thanks for the sauce!

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afba06  No.12188188

File: 0f0e8c378b38c32⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 853x613, 853:613, clean_glass.JPG)


“You Were Hired to Clean Glass and Other Menial Tasks” – DISGUSTING! Dominion Voting Systems Sends Nasty Letter to Witness Mellissa Carone

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725aeb  No.12188189


You have no idea who I Am

I just made a few anons happy and I’m praying your heart to soften right now Anon

Stay warm

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927289  No.12188190


It's already over. What we need is a solid public transition from all this so Federal Reserve shenanigans don't happen again.

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5d988b  No.12188191




Knucklehead scumbags Robert Mueller and James Comey were FBI directors that says it all.

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9cf9e8  No.12188192

Woah what the fuck was that?

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da750d  No.12188193


And why and by whom Anon?

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38b628  No.12188194





Fucking yawn. All her contact needs to do is contact Bannon so we can get it released through Lude next to Hunter's dick pics.

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000000  No.12188197


Could the Reference Anthony Q. Wiener be relevant here?

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7a20bb  No.12188198

File: 1dfbdc95bb9fc34⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1044x696, 3:2, mitch.png)

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d492dd  No.12188199


Thank you! That's what I want to know.


HUGE fucking nose. Works in entertainment.

You do the math.

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12c5a4  No.12188200

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB, 700x674, 350:337, thoughtful_pepe.png)


>I submit to the anons that this operation was white hat to remove/limit the DS ability to alter votes via data transmission.

actually sounds fairly plausible anon

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eb54c7  No.12188201


BUSH BABIES? Makes even moar interdasting. Jeb did get an envelope. Thanks anon

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afba06  No.12188202

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB, 634x525, 634:525, have_a_look.PNG)



Read and look anons…

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0b9d0c  No.12188204


It wasn't the lamp post base it was the flanges on the inside of the rim and the axle, noice. Perfect pic o7

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7a20bb  No.12188205

File: d9a68b2d5a75637⋯.png (584.52 KB, 776x603, 776:603, hillaryboot.png)

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fee27f  No.12188206

File: c9027655f033005⋯.jpg (15.89 KB, 251x250, 251:250, oldfag.jpg)

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da750d  No.12188207


Yah physics 201 202

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9496a0  No.12188208

FBI has their patsy. After Las Vegas I would not care if bounty put on every FBI agent. Fuck them all.

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2f2856  No.12188209


Ancients must have been smoking good stuff to visualize some of the constellations

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5393a0  No.12188211

File: 312329ddc89ba29⋯.png (453.83 KB, 412x550, 206:275, ClipboardImage.png)


jerk off to your rabbi.

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470e32  No.12188212

File: f6ac0ef3ed2521b⋯.jpeg (148.71 KB, 562x476, 281:238, C19AE1CD_1C31_4526_ACBD_A….jpeg)


“..risking it all to bring the news to you..”

Yeah okay Felicia aka Austin Steinbart with a wig on

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82b8c8  No.12188213


Does Dan realize that people can't view this?

you can't get to the URL it gives you a blank page that says 'submit and smell the glove' or something of that nature.

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a830f1  No.12188214


that has a better chance being from Lets Roll 93 then an RV

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afba06  No.12188215

File: 6f657a554c86f7a⋯.jpg (66.31 KB, 652x574, 326:287, slams_rep.JPG)


Mike Pompeo slams reporter over coverage of wife’s alleged COVID diagnosis

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d492dd  No.12188216


What's the chance an NSA collection gathering site doesn't have people working there 24/7?? Would white hats kill innocent patriots?

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e8557f  No.12188217

Why so quiet lately Ezra?

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d3aa86  No.12188218

File: 3f7c22895878cce⋯.png (215.56 KB, 565x166, 565:166, ClipboardImage.png)


>Read and look anons…

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7a20bb  No.12188219

File: 40c07f0612eecf2⋯.png (282.96 KB, 557x350, 557:350, pompeo.png)

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562ac3  No.12188220

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e90a05  No.12188221

File: 17efe4c55b33061⋯.png (44.57 KB, 492x689, 492:689, v54c23422.PNG)


6:23 PM · Dec 26, 2020

Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters,

….fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested……..

Courts are bad, the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with….

….But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history, WE WILL WIN!!!


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000000  No.12188222


can you stop posting this roastie attention whore?

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80b918  No.12188223


notice the fascia light pole which hasn't been on the streets near there for many before

Someone dug it up to pose it there

That was a com

Nazi World Order.

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63428c  No.12188224

File: c2e3babfc822874⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, obama_and_biden_await_upda….jpg)

Paul Nakasone is a long time friend of Obama's chief of Staff Denis McDonough. They both attended the same school.



Few Americans would recognize Nakasone if they saw him walking down the street. He throws off the vibe of a Midwestern suburban dad, which he is. (He and his wife have four children, the youngest of whom are just entering college, and Nakasone is deeply loyal to Minnesota, where he grew up.) “Level-headed, non-emotional, well-prepared, and exceedingly decent” is how Denis McDonough, a longtime friend who served as Barack Obama's White House chief of staff, describes him. Yet Nakasone not only leads Cyber Command, he was one of its architects, and he was a key figure in each stage of its operational trials and evolution.

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1dd427  No.12188225


That's not what I mean when I say tread. relax.

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7a20bb  No.12188226


who has the similar Q post?

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12c5a4  No.12188227


>fake and gay slide confirmed


>where is the sauce for this pic???




9/11 Image attempt to pass as Nashville scene image fails bigly

fake and gay slide confirmed

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8642e4  No.12188228




Nov 7, 2020 Rudy’s press conference at 4seasons total landscaping, The ONLY sign that has TRUMP PENCE 2020 is in the 6th space

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3b3096  No.12188229


Note: Verse after highlit portion contains the "through a glass darkly" phrase; as in, a dim mirror.

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d3aa86  No.12188230

File: 97ed6776ec2e43c⋯.png (175.91 KB, 598x814, 299:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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1cf2c5  No.12188231

File: 6778869e6b5535f⋯.jpeg (87.29 KB, 420x730, 42:73, tactical_pitchfork.jpeg)

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9a43a9  No.12188232


Then why did Dominion send he to the training session. Which did not include how to clean glass and do menial tasks? Questions, questions.

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0eb84c  No.12188233


He is going over what to declass first and on who

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35d696  No.12188235


Fucking alphabetniggers

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82b8c8  No.12188236

Adam Kizenger is a dolt and ought to figure out the real story.

Adam, there won't be a republican party to restore, and you will be on the wrong side of the story.

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3614f4  No.12188237

File: 6eb98f8abf24814⋯.png (956.93 KB, 1089x784, 1089:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 376c9cf8e8f9661⋯.png (682.85 KB, 1001x671, 91:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d409ab2a10e4043⋯.png (82.7 KB, 1029x443, 1029:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f2e6f99797fbb2⋯.png (127.12 KB, 1065x575, 213:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be76510556b1f42⋯.png (534.68 KB, 1036x764, 259:191, ClipboardImage.png)


John Stankeyis the COO of AT&T who will be succeedingRandall Stephensonas the CEO of AT&T on July 1 of 2020.

HOWEVER, Randall Stephenson will be the Executive Chairman until January 1 of 2021

If you have ever heard of AT&T, chances are you have heard ofRandall Stephenson. If you are living under a rock, or somehow, you have never heard of AT&T, it is a multinational telecommunications conglomerate. The headquarters are located in downtown Dallas, Texas,and it is the second largest mobile telephone provider and the largest provider of landline services in the Untied States. AT&T also offers broadband television services through DirectTV. Randall Stephenson is the chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. If you don’t know much about Randall or what he does, continue reading.


Cingular Wireless and President Bush

Between 2003 and 2004, Randall made huge strides in his career. He was still working for SBC and in 2004, he was named the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Between 2003 and 2004, he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the now defunct, Cingular Wireless. With all of the professional accomplishments that Randall was making, people started taking notice. One of these people was President Bush in 2004. He saw how successful Randall was in his business ventures and he appointed him to the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. This was a huge honor and responsibility which Randall took very seriously.




please note that Ed Gillespie in a Bushie, too,…..a close connection to Bush and Clinton

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2f2856  No.12188238

File: 21adc6af63a2154⋯.jpeg (191.44 KB, 1822x1080, 911:540, 1D76DB9A_1D76_4AD7_9D4F_7….jpeg)

FBI stepping in shit……again

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000000  No.12188239


>You have no idea who I Am

you sound defensive, perhaps you should be in a meeting so you don't get drunk and beat your kids again.

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35d696  No.12188240



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73cf1a  No.12188241

Is the video from previous notable >>12185866 is real. I watched frame by frame and somethings do not make sense to me.

1. There is no RV in the footage.

2. At about 14 seconds it looks like a vehicle is being tossed in the air, which then lands in front of the white car, even though there is no vehicle where the explosion was before it happened.

Did the RV drive away before the explosion?

What the heck is that thing flying through the airstrip 14 seconds?


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c6dc93  No.12188242

File: 183739dfb9b4638⋯.png (171.59 KB, 977x782, 977:782, Screenshot_2020_12_26_KM4U….png)

File: f867dead580e064⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 800x455, 160:91, sstv.jpg)

Guess where Nellie Ohr's HAM license is registered?


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3daaa2  No.12188243

File: 698967b9a39e37d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1416x847, 1416:847, msedge_Q9Mp0PClEk.png)

Stabilized footage of the strange light in Nashville.

Jeez that building is so creepy


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cf5cfa  No.12188244


What does Seth Rich, Julian Assange, Wikileaks (CIA report), Vegas have to do with SA?

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872b8b  No.12188245

File: b8c051a2431a86e⋯.jpg (165.74 KB, 1280x746, 640:373, AP_18083635375798_c0_211_5….jpg)

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3b3096  No.12188246


FBI side: Mueller

Defense side: Lin Wood

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afba06  No.12188247

File: ae73235fe087058⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 658x537, 658:537, inside.JPG)

File: 2f0f1377e8c0d13⋯.png (996.38 KB, 739x909, 739:909, aoc.PNG)


‘The Squad’ could become a thing of the past, insiders say

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7a707b  No.12188248

File: 846a5524086fb90⋯.jpg (147.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 846a5524086fb90f6ad43f0fe0….jpg)


pirated, thanks!

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94917c  No.12188249

File: 813397f3dbb0381⋯.jpeg (553.5 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 1EB19DD5_C539_4470_9387_1….jpeg)

File: 57548c675dbe9b5⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 2D4BF169_B17F_46CC_9AF1_2….jpeg)

File: 1d2796969e34868⋯.jpeg (63.4 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 993C6297_A65F_4B6B_96A9_2….jpeg)

File: 79be02b63dbfd58⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1284, 207:214, FF70054F_0C93_4844_BC94_6….jpeg)

File: 6ea4139d4d68d71⋯.jpeg (139.89 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 959A3D18_D9E6_45CF_8936_3….jpeg)

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c92c98  No.12188250


>disinformation is real

>disinformation is necessary

if we know for sure, then they know for sure

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e44602  No.12188251


At&t no internet in days in Nashville and surrounding states. phones heavily throttled

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d492dd  No.12188252


Paddock came from a family of spooks. He was doing illegal gun running.

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9496a0  No.12188253

If Trump wants to abolish the US govt and call a new constitutional convention I'm okay with that.

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753722  No.12188254


perhaps someone not fully briefed was trying to destroy the election night traffic logs from Georgia to Frankfurt.

what was all that possibly related stuff about how a Firstnet tower backs itself up to (somewhere) in certain events like explosions or power outages?

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da750d  No.12188255


But what about the immediate RV patsy story day 1

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402940  No.12188256

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33fdbb  No.12188257

File: 32876e0a6f98c53⋯.png (35.6 KB, 509x317, 509:317, ClipboardImage.png)


"NO fly zone currently over Nashville, reports of gunfire prior to major explosion, and now REPORTS with video evidence of what looks like a Missile stream, just prior to detonation..

Did we BLOW it up?"


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7a20bb  No.12188258

File: 690f54e7b5712cb⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 679x483, 97:69, squadcivil.jpg)

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bd3b5f  No.12188259

Lotta help you all are…

What, you scared?

All talk, no action…

>>12187433 (lb)

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cf5cfa  No.12188260


I mean I get the Mandalay part SA and the car…but the SR throws me off.

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30d846  No.12188261

>>12187407 lb


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f2e376  No.12188262

c40c0a Conf.

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12c5a4  No.12188263


lets fucking see it then

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467445  No.12188264

File: 2fc4d11a45c5789⋯.jpg (152.24 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, pepeye.jpg)


>QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

That's it! QANON does exist, they just took their show on the road to Japan!

Yeah, that's it!

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80b918  No.12188266

File: d3621efb9a9fe27⋯.jpg (84.54 KB, 652x397, 652:397, liarsgonnalie.jpg)


notice the fascia light pole which hasn't been on the streets near there for many YEARS before.

The FBI planted the evidence

Mueller needs to be tried and hung, expeditiously; if he hasn't been already

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2f2856  No.12188267


Hey, fuck government employees

They could have killed many civilians


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1dd427  No.12188268


Find the missile stream tweet. He's a bit out there sometimes.

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d492dd  No.12188269


That's from 9/11 faggots.

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18a7a9  No.12188270

File: f1d73c5941993fc⋯.png (818.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Knoxville_Tire.png)

Looks like part of a landing gear for an airliner. Slick aircraft tire and massive disc brake hub and hollow axle tube (no axle) remaining. Not RV, as most Rv's of that era had drum brakes on the rear.

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d0575d  No.12188271

File: 2cd44824f11842e⋯.png (25.78 KB, 633x396, 211:132, ClipboardImage.png)


No, that's what I meant because I was inferring this:

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b64686  No.12188272

File: 1dfdf1846b86fc7⋯.jpeg (175.22 KB, 640x348, 160:87, 9D3BE005_DCEF_4C70_A49F_C….jpeg)

Oh shit!

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ce8cf4  No.12188273


How can the fat retarded Cheeto complain about a rigged election when he was POTUS. Do your fucking job Trump, stop crying on twitter like a little woman.

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35d696  No.12188274


Nah, no treads

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779062  No.12188275


Underground explosion came out thru the vent(s)

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afba06  No.12188276

File: ad2fe701d216e84⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 656x543, 656:543, 19_boom.JPG)


COVID-19 baby boom expected to start in January

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94917c  No.12188277


Sorry for the Seal Team 6 pic. I’m phonefagging.

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562ac3  No.12188278


>they had advanced knowledge

easy to do when they plotted the damn thing

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b64730  No.12188279





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da5354  No.12188280


don't forget to find the noose on the garage door

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85e495  No.12188281


>We are our own "the people's intelligence agency".

I ain't feeling so smart

how bout the people seeking intelligence agency

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56f7f5  No.12188282

File: 28ca5d7d9214e69⋯.png (264.44 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Taxi_ReverendJim.png)

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3efd16  No.12188283

File: b42dcbef64dea65⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 532x397, 532:397, FFWF_2.jpg)

File: ff33116a62f5778⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 533x399, 533:399, 4L_IHTS.jpg)

File: 5a28cbc19c4f69a⋯.jpg (186.45 KB, 499x699, 499:699, Mr_Pig_says_2.jpg)

File: 226371cb5c1f4c1⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 499x512, 499:512, 666_the_CURE.jpg)

File: ce100e14ed17337⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 666x474, 111:79, the_worst_of_the_worst.jpg)

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9cf9e8  No.12188284

Did you hear the one about the intel traitor commie fuckhead who posted on 8kun and then got thrown in military prison?

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736d55  No.12188285

File: 6c78b13c4676b58⋯.jpg (223.04 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, Gina_Haspel_official_CIA.jpg)

File: d428a8f002bf967⋯.jpg (158.98 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, General_Paul_M_Nakasone_NS….jpg)

Clowns In America

No Such Agency

Color revolution


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d492dd  No.12188286


>I submit to the anons that this operation was white hat to remove/limit the DS ability to alter votes via data transmission.

They'd have to black out ALL the internet in all of Georgia from now until election to do that.

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f076db  No.12188288

File: 0f64be69a9d0c48⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 430x343, 430:343, zep.jpg)

Dudes the explosion was in the air caught on this security cam.

WTF, how was it missed?

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967ef2  No.12188289

File: 9583567500588e1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1053x801, 117:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 294746cd1b5bcc5⋯.png (156.41 KB, 299x323, 299:323, EebVBJeX0AIFehV.png)


2 Corinthians you say?

"Trump had no problem talking about himself. But when it came to quoting scripture, it came out like this.


“Because I hear this is a major theme right here, but Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, right? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,” he said."


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000000  No.12188290



Who's "we", Chuck?

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bd4395  No.12188291


So… anything happen in Georgia after 6:30 am on the 25th?

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ea1ff9  No.12188292


I have the Transcript:

" You have the right to shoot Black men up and Rape them them with Buck, You have the right to Lie to Anyone on TV, You have the right to rape children at the Standard Hotel"

TLDR it all

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753722  No.12188293


heavy lifting begins

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7a707b  No.12188295

File: 2ea34cfe31bfa73⋯.png (2.14 MB, 873x1211, 873:1211, 2ea34cfe31bfa7380c8368e331….png)


>file name

>mentions RV

>hasn't seen >>12188156


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a93ccd  No.12188296

File: 7eb5608ba28354c⋯.png (165.52 KB, 972x930, 162:155, schiff.png)



Went to the LA County website and verified a 60 year old Adam Bennett Schiff was arrested.

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f92097  No.12188297


That would be so weird if someone is planting 'evidence' in Nashville and it is all from FFs past. Like ghosts of Christmas past coming back to haunt.

I like this game that is not a game

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aed39e  No.12188298

>>12181033 (PB)

Need to correct some bad information - that's NOT a RAID. (or not simply RAID)

It's a SAN - Storage Area Network. it's the standard network storage device now for a multitude of reasons - and quite pricy - offering the highest level of both performance and redundancy.

Note each drive bay is a 1TB drive.

Looks to be a 3TB SAN appliance and that 3 TB can be allocated to any number of 'drives' which then can be sub-allocated off as virtual machine servers, each with a multitude of drives - all hosted by that SAN.

The vertically placed devices are very likely physical 'blade' servers.

The top device is a gigabit switch.

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afba06  No.12188299

File: 9b499e6b51a2c8d⋯.jpg (115.6 KB, 959x754, 959:754, closing_in.JPG)


CLOSING IN Nashville bomb ‘person of interest’ named as FBI raid house he ‘gave woman for FREE last month’ where ‘similar RV seen’

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147cec  No.12188300


If it was black hat, they would have set it off during high traffic mid day and set up a free beer display to bring in more bodies. Within 10 min they would have an 'evil trump supporter' to blame with a full backstory. They would never give a warning and enough time to get EVERYONE clear.

Someone needed this building / center gone. What changes now that it is gone? One thought is does it have an impact on the presidential alert system? would you be able to stop a presidential alert from here or remotely if this building was intact?

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52345f  No.12188301

>>12188161 clownworld feedback loop

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80b918  No.12188302

File: 45c38748c774355⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 900x636, 75:53, muellernineelvenperp2.jpg)


notice the clear cut.

Planted plane evidence

lower manhattan

9/11 2001

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b4d7c5  No.12188303



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c66362  No.12188304

This photo is from 9-11-2001. Wrong false flag retards. Low iq anon posting this image repeatedly, how disappointing. Low quality research skills are showing newb. >>12188270

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f9afb8  No.12188305


The FBI investigating the C_A/Nashville???….omg!! too funny….FBI investigating anything has me kekking really hard i'm about to drop a kidney….don't believe the FBI is investigating….THEY ARE COVERING IT UP and THEY WILL BLAME SOMEONE!!….OH…TOO FUNNY!!!

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108285  No.12188306

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9496a0  No.12188308

Carbombs leave craters. This is something else.

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f2e376  No.12188309

File: 2aab0d2048dfd71⋯.png (299.41 KB, 486x212, 243:106, ClipboardImage.png)


That line

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9a43a9  No.12188310


Remember. It will come down to the military. Also, not only will the American people accept military in the streets, they will be grateful for it.

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562ac3  No.12188312



thinking the same

hollow aluminum axle would provide a reduction in weight

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eb0149  No.12188313

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80b918  No.12188314

File: 0527ecac9b73025⋯.jpg (17.73 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 911brokeme.jpg)


that would be you.

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2f2856  No.12188315


Plane part from 9-11 shows up in Nashville explosion?

Was it in the RV

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5393a0  No.12188316

File: 3e582a2f811d464⋯.png (115.99 KB, 261x193, 261:193, ClipboardImage.png)


yet another tiresome Jew, stealing valor.

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8c3a58  No.12188317


citizens agency for joint intelligence

C.A.J.I. - Bill Cooper rides again

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f789e9  No.12188318

File: 7e88061b84cfe0e⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 400x387, 400:387, 12341391_10206357766122080….jpg)

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563904  No.12188319



— TDS warning given by Scavino prior?

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80b918  No.12188320


wouldn't be clear cut.

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8642e4  No.12188321

File: 89ee305dba8880a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 980x1340, 49:67, Army_Hook_Up.png)

File: c5ab4bd7c8678ef⋯.png (242.07 KB, 678x1070, 339:535, Post_605.png)


And also…

Thank you F&F!


AT&T>No Such Agency [contract].

AT&T>GOOG/FB/etc. 'prevent unfair censorship' PUSH.

Internet Bill of Rights.



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f2e376  No.12188322


There is Al axles for racing but they are custom jobs and usually have a larger dia.

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c4159a  No.12188323

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b14b2a  No.12188324

notes @ 400

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12187828 @LinWood: I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell.

>>12187850 , >>12187880 Digg: Michelle Louise Swing

>>12187913 Loud speaker Audio at Nashville bombing played in reversed asks "Are You Having A Merry Christmas?"

>>12188007 Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America

>>12188021 , >>12188162 (past) Rudy Giuliani: "Starting after Christmas, this is really gonna BLOW UP."

>>12188024 'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated

>>12188028 @DJT: "Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable!"

>>12188033 QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

>>12188046 Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

>>12188060 @Pompeo: "Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom"

>>12188074 President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'

>>12188141 Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet…

>>12188170 Public Radio “Reporter” Arrested For Firebombing Police Cars

>>12188188 “You Were Hired to Clean Glass and Other Menial Tasks” – DISGUSTING! Dominion Voting Systems Sends Nasty Letter to Witness Mellissa Carone

>>12188215 Mike Pompeo slams reporter over coverage of wife’s alleged COVID diagnosis

>>12188224 Paul Nakasone is a long time friend of Obama's chief of Staff Denis McDonough. They both attended the same school.

>>12188247 ‘The Squad’ could become a thing of the past, insiders say

>>12188276 COVID-19 baby boom expected to start in January

>>12188299 CLOSING IN Nashville bomb ‘person of interest’ named as FBI raid house he ‘gave woman for FREE last month’ where ‘similar RV seen’

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a7f08b  No.12188325

File: 4c5baf590ad4d5a⋯.jpg (104.5 KB, 1125x896, 1125:896, EqMzoT0XcAE_5dG.jpg)

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32bdb7  No.12188326

File: e6ece38fbd711a9⋯.jpg (147.58 KB, 750x684, 125:114, Skeptical.jpg)


Docotr of what?

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afba06  No.12188327

File: aedd8782970900a⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 959x171, 959:171, we_lin.JPG)


Lin Wood directs ire at Mark Meadows after he allegedly stiff-armed Sidney Powell

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9cf9e8  No.12188328

Send the drone to the phones and stop their hearts,

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6ec9bc  No.12188330

File: a5ca6621af50b2b⋯.jpeg (246.42 KB, 640x359, 640:359, C9AD7EFD_6948_4303_9FAB_A….jpeg)


Oh fuck

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35d696  No.12188331


It ain’t illegal if you don’t get caught and the very govt that’s supposed to stop you actually allows you to do it.

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7a20bb  No.12188332

File: 3ed9a547182d355⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 665x680, 133:136, truthknock.jpg)

Hollywood, Fake News and Politicians CREATE and SIMULATE a reality for normies. When said reality is blown apart, so go the normies.

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d492dd  No.12188333


C'mon, man! There might be a noose there.

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c4159a  No.12188335


notable as all fuck

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51615b  No.12188336


>>Did the RV drive away before the explosion?


>>What the heck is that thing flying through the airstrip 14 seconds?

The concrete lid to the cargo elevator tht blew off from the underground explosion.

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ddbedc  No.12188337


I have a P.h.D. in fisting your wife.

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52345f  No.12188338

>>12188167 I like the guy. Lately he is too quick on the draw though for facts and the hyperbole is off the charts. Perhaps his purpose is just to keep the pot stirred and patriots engaged. idk………

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ce6635  No.12188339



>Remember. It will come down to the military. Also, not only will the American people accept military in the streets, they will be grateful for it.

I guess that’s the whole point. When Kissinger was planning for martial law he was big on making sure the public would demand and welcome it first.

Even though he obviously represented evil, it is ironic the good guys appear to be using this tactic against them.

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cf5cfa  No.12188340


Potus keeps talking about that Section 230 too.

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4cb21b  No.12188341

File: 6c07d6bb1aabf2d⋯.png (57.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, I_b4_E.png)


omg, you're on to something.


Let's take this shizz on the road!!!

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12c5a4  No.12188342


>how was it missed?

ohhhhhhhhh, the HUMANITY!

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d492dd  No.12188343



I'm just saying, they might have pinned "shooting" on Paddock, but he was 100% spook.

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fdb8ff  No.12188344

File: 70243af18b7f2f7⋯.jpeg (289.17 KB, 640x797, 640:797, F5107C35_99C0_468B_91E4_A….jpeg)


Great work on these digs anons

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2eb83c  No.12188345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b253a0  No.12188346


Q posted 7 times that day.

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f9afb8  No.12188347

File: a03cc38e49c0215⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 557x664, 557:664, Wray_out.JPG)

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2f2856  No.12188348

NSA is busy deleting every video camera in Nashville

Why it’s “no fly”

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7cdfb4  No.12188349


step 1 filter the fucking baker

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1cf2c5  No.12188350

File: 5b5a736abb64e75⋯.png (94.89 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e440358476112d⋯.png (563.7 KB, 559x443, 559:443, ClipboardImage.png)


9/11 Aircraft Parts and Contents Recovered in NYC


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afba06  No.12188351

File: ff0fde06e7843ee⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 973x178, 973:178, historian.JPG)

File: 65db3c3cefa34de⋯.png (374.89 KB, 631x420, 631:420, FLOTUS.PNG)


Trump joins White House historian in blasting media for not appreciating Melania

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c92c98  No.12188352


nah, not white hats



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753722  No.12188353


someone done blown up muh re-value

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32b3d9  No.12188354

File: 765ac6cb744696c⋯.png (247.86 KB, 400x547, 400:547, Foghorn_leghorn.png)


Concur. Clowns would have someone in place for just such an emergency.

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ce3e44  No.12188355


I'd bet it's been edited. Right before the major flash, something seems to be missing.

Camera is moving. Is someone filming a computer screen or is that supposed to be the original?

If original who knew to film the location?

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6e8559  No.12188356

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eccae7  No.12188357


Plane tired don't look like that .. If you gave yourself a little research you'd know ..

It's dumb fucks like you that gives the movement a bad name

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adcb71  No.12188358


I just dedicated my next beer to YOU anon, excellent catch!

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da5354  No.12188360


at least I am not the only one who thinks NROL-44 was a big deal

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000000  No.12188361




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db198f  No.12188362

File: d3f0b34d2348917⋯.png (461.29 KB, 783x796, 783:796, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a707b  No.12188363

File: c59cabba2916fd9⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 618x400, 309:200, 03a2f727e7eb386052c2712c5c….jpg)


>trust me. I am a doctor

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186a06  No.12188364

File: 62c4cd9e01692fa⋯.jpg (218.14 KB, 922x2048, 461:1024, EiZb2pQXgAgstBw.jpg)

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872b8b  No.12188365

File: d74e8a214d23258⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 660x373, 660:373, 636526437196514238_AP_2018….jpg)


Dog comms and fleetwood mac song dreams.

Bill and Hillary Clinton honor Fleetwood Mac: 'I owe them more than anything'

Former president Bill Clinton will always share a bond with the music of Fleetwood Mac, first using the band's Don't Stop as his campaign theme for 1992 presidential run, and hosting several Fleetwood Mac performances during his time in office.

Clinton reunited with the band onstage Friday night to present them with the MusiCares Person of the Year award, with the Grammys-associated charity honoring the group for their creative accomplishments and contributions to charitable causes.

"I did win two Grammys, and I also have a date tonight who won a Grammy herself — Hillary came with me tonight," Clinton said, as the crowd gave Hillary a standing ovation.

Clinton went on to praise the mission of MusiCares, which provides financial and medical assistance to artists in critical need, before thanking Fleetwood Mac for their years of support…


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3263ca  No.12188366

File: 9eee78bfc4e85dd⋯.jpg (80.96 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 4rnaj6.jpg)

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147cec  No.12188367


The RV was just the 'evacuate the area alert system' Big enough and suspicious looking enough to be sure everyone would take it serious and see the size of it and clear out a large area.

Command center raided / gunfire earlier. Explosives placed / area cleared / demoed

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35d696  No.12188368


You’re not on twat libby

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1590c9  No.12188369

File: ad36a73d71ecdbf⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, duck2.jpg)

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d3aa86  No.12188370

File: d456581b52ea1b3⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 500x1063, 500:1063, 187_digits.jpg)

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b14b2a  No.12188371

File: 26868418c26b29f⋯.png (157.19 KB, 387x386, 387:386, 26868418c26b29f16d2d7cadad….png)

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8c3a58  No.12188372




nothing ever happened with the odd jobs the locals arrested in New Mexico desert for having a school shooter jihad camp and a dead child on site

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35d696  No.12188373



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f9afb8  No.12188374


Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.

Edgar Allan Poe

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Abraham Lincoln

"There's a sucker born every minute".

P. T. Barnum

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1590c9  No.12188375

AS knows whats coming..rethink your options

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12c5a4  No.12188377


>Was it in the RV

your fucking retarded

that WHOLE IMAGE is from 9/11


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ddbedc  No.12188378

i filter everyone so all i hear is me talking to myself.

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2f2856  No.12188379


Looks like explosion came from loading doors in sidewalk

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80b918  No.12188380

File: fbaef834b266686⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 696x820, 174:205, fasces1.jpg)


There's other evidence and context which shows they planted the evidence, with the collusion of NYPD.

But all you need is one strand of good solid clear evidence ; and that is it

Between the wheel with no dust, cut clean, placed under an awning

And then the com in front for the photo op


That light pole was placed there; Not from that street, nor from any street in Manhattan that year. There might have been a few of those up the hill from there, but there weren't

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f92097  No.12188381


Wait until more and more out of place 'evidence' keeps turning up. Maybe Lin jumps in to help the patsy so that will be a no-go. Will they make ip a new one?

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000000  No.12188382




We're the media, POTUS!

Is he saying we don't appreciate Melania?

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23d840  No.12188383

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302d41  No.12188384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know that you can count me out

Don't you know it's gonna be




You say you got a real solution

Well, you know

We'd all love to see the plan

You ask me for a contribution

Well, you know

We're all doing what we can

But if you want money for people with minds that hate

All I can tell you is, brother, you have to wait

Don't you know it's gonna be




You say you'll change the Constitution

Well, you know

We all want to change your head

You tell me it's the institution

Well, you know

You better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know it's gonna be


Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright!

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afba06  No.12188385

File: 1565e3eb415cbd8⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 620x593, 620:593, cost_nancy.JPG)


COVID Might Cost Nancy Pelosi the House Speakership

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7571fe  No.12188386


that duck's fuckin' hilarious.

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1590c9  No.12188387

File: 9a7f6fb32c6f226⋯.jpg (32 KB, 720x521, 720:521, alien.jpg)

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38b628  No.12188388


Bloody Wonderland, anon. JA got the comms emails from Seth. Seth knew exactly what they were talking about, and likely could identify the entire network. SA was the first to get cleaned up, remember?

It's all directly related to Bloody Wonderland. Epstein was small fries for rich elites, anon. Triangle had three sides, and SA was one of those sides. Order is important.

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66d109  No.12188389

File: d8aec6f0afdfb5e⋯.png (53 KB, 736x290, 368:145, ClipboardImage.png)












OH LOOK…………….


From the USELESS

Piece of SHIT "agent" Dumbass

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7a20bb  No.12188390

File: 3581b28ed1b8852⋯.png (1.32 MB, 814x894, 407:447, kek.png)

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04e3a1  No.12188391

File: a5728f07c28337c⋯.jpeg (277.36 KB, 640x469, 640:469, EB88A0DD_6674_4DC7_A85F_0….jpeg)

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1590c9  No.12188392

File: b1c2528597756ee⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, duck_3.jpg)

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435a40  No.12188393

File: b6afa56d22d409b⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1242x1647, 46:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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106b7a  No.12188394


I think big part of Lin's strategy is to get sued.

Since courts won't even look at the fraud cases, he might try to force Discovery that way.

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e50115  No.12188395


>>Was it in the RV

>your fucking retarded

>that WHOLE IMAGE is from 9/11

Lets make it nice for newfags, what could it hurt? It will be fun they said…..

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18f8c4  No.12188396


>It's time to wake up.


>Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

Those sick fucks!

OMG, anons, get in here!


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32b3d9  No.12188397

File: c0bea8d3c18a92c⋯.jpg (31.13 KB, 736x414, 16:9, c0bea8d3c18a92c4c723ac055e….jpg)

File: a54ddec96e04da0⋯.png (4.2 MB, 3072x3072, 1:1, a54ddec96e04da0d4dd3634070….png)


Trips chek't and kek'd

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afba06  No.12188398

File: e76c7ceee3461d0⋯.jpg (82.54 KB, 856x603, 856:603, fbi_active.JPG)


FBI Activity Spotted At Nashville Home As Bomber Remains At Large

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f789e9  No.12188399

File: d5d5dd0e828a517⋯.mp4 (8.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d5d5dd0e828a517ec43db73330….mp4)


Sweet! TY!

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8a1e37  No.12188400

File: 76b17d4d0a2d193⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 76b17d4d0a2d193967b7f15b58….jpg)


An interesting stratagem could be to only select and amplify our theories that are correct, but supply no additional insider information.

This would look to many like Lin has gone off the deep end, but would be secure comms to point us in the right direction.

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c6473f  No.12188401


Wow good thinking anon! Never thought of the presidential alert system untill now. But now that you say it I did see a post on the boards on 12/24 that said they would be sending out a message through the presidential alert system on Xmas day!!! Might really be something to this!!

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903978  No.12188402

File: 56ef0a78452de61⋯.png (546.64 KB, 609x347, 609:347, ClipboardImage.png)


>Did you hear the one about the intel traitor commie fuckhead who posted on 8kun and then got thrown in military prison?

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753722  No.12188403


implies 2 more islands?

the one off the coast of iran?

the bronfman island in fiji?

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661552  No.12188404

Dingell: House Will Vote on and I Think Will Pass $2,000 Direct Payments on Monday

Ian Hanchett26 Dec 2020


On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Velshi,” House Majority Senior Whip Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) said that Democrats will vote to increase direct payments to $2,000 on Monday, and believes that the vote will pass in the House.

Dingell said, “We’ll vote to get it on Monday. … Republicans objected to passing it. We’re coming back in on Monday and we will vote on it again. I’m not quite sure, I think everybody’s trying to figure out the parliamentary procedure, but I do believe it’ll pass the House. So, Mr. President, talk to your Republican Senate, talk to your Republican leader. Let’s get this done for the American people.”


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f92097  No.12188405


Stay on it. You will get attacked for going in the correct direction. They want you to be distracted by the RV and the patsy

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d2afb4  No.12188406

File: 9073f5ef2cdc641⋯.png (187.04 KB, 349x262, 349:262, Screenshot_2020_12_26_duck….png)

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6f8192  No.12188407



The division logic from the shills is meant to structure all subsequent 'obedient' 'yOu mUsT diSpRoVe mEEeeEeeEeee' anon posts as 'internal' 'self-directed' [DIVIDED] 'narrative'.

That's an attempt to destroy the impact that clarity of an insider SOURCE 'trip code' has helped achieve via backchannel [bypass fake news] when the noise is revealed as such as intentionally structured to divide all of humanity.

I am not making any ethical or moral argument when I say that what the fake news is doing with source 'Q' by spreading 'QAnon' logic is the same fake news controlled by those who want to replace 'God' with 'God_Anon' logic.

What happens when humanity is 'divided' AT SOURCE?

Perceived 'Self-directed' killing of human beings on massive scales so big they are not to be believed as human sourced but 'inevitable' 'great reset'?

A great awakening will always logically imply being faced with the reality of those seeking to dominate in the name of the 'great destruction' which is equivalent logic to 'great reset'.

Resettting ERASES 'volatile' memories…your and everyone else's 'minds' that structurally presumes a demarcation in logic?

Polylogism is NOISE that smothers the source logic. People 'put to sleep' is not just a saying.

The reason why the enemy is hidden is because its source is 'spiritual' combined with 'material'.

Polylogism does to the human race what the China virus of spiritual combined with material ('communism' as 'spiritual' and 'virus' as 'material') movie productions of self-aggrandizing INFORMATION 'directors'…using the country's highest 'power brokers', is doing to whole countries.

Humans are NOT divided.

There is 'God'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'God_Anon'. 3

Anon labelling as 'God_Anon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'God' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].


The logical structure of the fake news and big tech is to increase noise and suppress source information.

A terrible evil that must have been adopted without fully self-conscious will/spirit/self reflection by way of UNINTERRUPTED source code duplication at other points in spacetime.

Terrible evil covered darkness of professional deception and blackmail, loudest accusers most guilty…their 'voices' became 'noise' to cover up truth of how the original 'demarcation' in the human species arose.

It was by adoption of polylogism. One possible argument we could hear is "You are not even capable of understanding how you're in a fantasy world when you're daring to perceive yourselves as united with us logically. We 'see' you as deceiving to increase the risk of us ending up dead so that's why we want you dead and we'll make money doing what you would be so deluded as thinking it matters that a polylogism is being attributed to you by false accusation. No, you are an 'outsider' species. Our 'logic' rules your 'logic'. Everyone who would think like you, we rule you like sheep."

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1bfe9b  No.12188408

File: e8eec245ec17e27⋯.jpg (238.42 KB, 1080x587, 1080:587, Screenshot_20201226_155346….jpg)

So is it plausible that an aircraft could have dropped a smaller "bunker buster"?

Do any planefags have any eyes in the sky during the time of the explosion?


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da5354  No.12188409


to quote Krusty the Clown: this is going to get you a husband?

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ddbedc  No.12188410

i only smoke this shit cause the brand name is dabby wabby and it has a smiley face on the top. can i go wrong with a $10g of something called dabby wabby.

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f658d8  No.12188411


I knew it was toots

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73cf1a  No.12188412


Thank you for your answers. That leads to another question though, if the explosion was recorded so should have been the RV driving away right?

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cf5cfa  No.12188413


Who accepts a house like that?

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5d3f95  No.12188414


trump 2020 riding alone until the 6th, when pence joins in!

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6f8192  No.12188415

File: be5c37510be8434⋯.png (92.79 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerHyphenShill.png)




Structurally divide humanity by implementing B movie productions being trusted as reality..ancient 'pre-logical enlightenment' criminal strategy of political dominance in plain view?

Enlightenment is awareness of 'inner' logic and 'outward' uniting logic in the information bandwidth 'practised' by the human species as a whole.

Each individual is structurally united logically with reality directly, the bridge is that the logical structure of the mind is also the logical structure of reality as it would be to the whole human species, considering the practise of divisive role play, and are all capable of knowing truth and falsehoods by way of a self-directed faith in the self as gifted to you by what or who or when.

I know there was election fraud committed by a network that supports or more likely controls 'Joe Biden'.

How do we know all that plastic surgery didn't also include a switching of person, like how would we absolutely for sure know?

Maybe one way of resolving the conflict is by way of an open admission of guilt understanding that the remainder of reality won't annihilate you except if you walk down the streets?

Deal? After centuries of psychothic bloodshed and genocide for the sake of power and money, killing untold numbers of people that anyone can really be absolutely sure of, it's in the hundreds of millions the last few centuries.

Is that really 'normal'?

According to who REALLY?

Would you sacrifice your career to save humanity by playing a role that is self-sacrificial but never as important as He who ultimately sacrificed for everyone all those years ago?

To keep some really bad people 'occupied' with a 'narrative'?

And why not see the human species as INTERNALLY AS A WHOLE as logically united?

Anyone who logically presumes themselves as existentially superior to me or anyone else in the eyes of God, I am holding the line that is my own understanding of myself and knowing when I see lies and when I see truths, and not 'forgetting' the truth of the deception they chose to assimilate and practise about Q and Q+, accusing them of false accusations, they could do that to me if they would do that to Q+.

But I am just an Anon, so I see the deep state's low level logic shills on 8kun trying to divide Q and Anons by introducing a character 'QAnon' and attributing suggestions, theories, AND ACTIONS, to Anons.

'QAnon' is informational noise between Q and Anon. Direct connection between Source and Perceiver and unified logical 'programming'… no 'interpreting' 'language' is needed.

Q as source, Anons as source, no non-unified logic is needed and any practical plan implemented that is predicated on attributing legitimacy to a non-unified logic is necessarily selectively suppressed sources and 'echoing' a source that presumes division.

I am awake.

I am human just the satanists are.

But I trust in God to know that satanists are not in any way existential or practical 'directors' over me.

They don't control my thoughts or actions. No amount of historical 'accusations' justify present divisive accusations.

They can throw everything but the kitchen sink at the information space…their own logic in fact implies a unified logic that they are suppressing….their own self-contradictory headspace is made visible by how they 'interpret' source?

Why all the shill focus on 'QAnon' and not 'Q' or 'Anons'?

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e85582  No.12188416

File: b29171b86e07ebe⋯.jpg (373.48 KB, 460x667, 20:29, vampirical_a.jpg)


noticed that Jilly is a Lynn wannabe. follow the moolah to swiss banks.

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1590c9  No.12188417

File: 2a19789638d13e2⋯.jpeg (54.17 KB, 620x460, 31:23, Funny_Duck_Meme_Fuck_You_….jpeg)

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12c5a4  No.12188418


>Lets make it nice for newfags


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afba06  No.12188419

File: f88254a68e7bf45⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 885x590, 3:2, gaza.JPG)


Israel Pounds Gaza Overnight & Separately Launched Christmas Eve Strikes On Syria

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80b918  No.12188420



See the actors behind pretending to stare at the "evidence"

matching shirts and pants on 3 of them

This wasn't just thought up in two minutes.

People have been studying this for years.

Just as they've studied the JFK for decades.

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f4d583  No.12188421

File: 204a6c98f34aee8⋯.jpeg (185.31 KB, 640x343, 640:343, 1F334813_7FF7_445C_8A48_5….jpeg)

Oh shit it’s happening

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95f637  No.12188422


Now that’s a great question.

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abe8cb  No.12188423


i see lots of this look at me and the info I got, tune in later…..and later never comes.

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af130c  No.12188424


this is a good direction to go in.

get ready for flak.

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01d3bf  No.12188425

File: 5e3ec2ac7b94899⋯.png (248.49 KB, 597x317, 597:317, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm late but just noticed the 223

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f43bb1  No.12188426


There was no crater though.

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ccb48c  No.12188427


AT&T = Former Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - they purchased the rights to the AT&T name and with financing from Israel they started buying up other baby Bells.

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789e5d  No.12188428


and ghey

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b89640  No.12188429


20I7 means BO 9G 9 start with a N so the clue is BO NG ??? or Bong lol

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341f5c  No.12188430

File: e8c61c3ffa5aade⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1069x504, 1069:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0651d804c17e45⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1278x571, 1278:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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106b7a  No.12188431


These TAP points will be unmanned, except when there's a hardware fault or some such that requires on-site presence.

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c30ce8  No.12188432


The Beatles were comp'd.

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56f7f5  No.12188433

File: fb8c6dc74ba5f8f⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 492x641, 492:641, schifty_the_clown.jpg)

LA county cant arrest a US rep.

just sayn


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230490  No.12188434

>>12187779 /lb

My friend died from only one injection of Qanons.

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ab957e  No.12188435

File: 98f9f7fefae931e⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 990x312, 165:52, Capture.JPG)

The Curious Case of Seth Rich: Why DNC Staffer's Murder Continues to Stir Up Political Controversy

DNC staffer Seth Rich's unresolved murder case is still raising questions on both sides of the US political aisle. An American investigative journalist has shed light on the efforts to get to the bottom of the case and the FBI's potential role in investigating the 27-year-old's death.

Earlier this month, American attorney Ty Clevenger announced on his blog that his years-long search of documents concerning the mysterious murder of 27-year-old DNC employee Seth Rich had eventually borne fruit: after repeated denials, the FBI reportedly admitted that it has over 20,000 pages of records mentioning the victim and, more importantly, his personal laptop currently being under examination by the bureau.


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1bfe9b  No.12188436


It would leave a hole if entering a cavity

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51615b  No.12188437


One that didn't leave a crater and blew the elevator doors open from the inside? Try again.

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a830f1  No.12188438


you low on red ink? or just playing it cool ?

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562ac3  No.12188439


>this operation was white hat to remove/limit the DS ability to alter votes via data transmission.

facility was under NSA / white hat control

they could have easily accomplished this with tech vice blowing up their own shit

imho it was a retaliation attack by black hats to limit white hat capabilities

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147cec  No.12188440


That's not det cord, it's an extension cord.

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000000  No.12188441


fuck the fuck right off you fucking fuckface fucker!

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35d696  No.12188443


They prob set them up somewhere else

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8c3a58  No.12188444


these fasces stand vertical in the US Senate in either side of podium

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32b3d9  No.12188445

File: 6f200c76f5c1735⋯.png (747.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 6f200c76f5c173582777ad7a9f….png)


Open source intelligence gathering and analysis is what this particular heard of anons has been about since the beginning.

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f92097  No.12188446


I only snort the Qanons

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30d846  No.12188447

File: b480f4a05d47e00⋯.png (1.32 MB, 845x2317, 845:2317, ClipboardImage.png)



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c92c98  No.12188448

File: eb61fe989a38cb4⋯.png (30.27 KB, 682x277, 682:277, ClipboardImage.png)


that isn't an official site

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80b918  No.12188449

File: a283a4a581a16d6⋯.mp4 (174.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cheatanelection.mp4)


oh they found the patsy already.Whoopee Doo

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77478d  No.12188450

File: 018f2de2806d700⋯.png (94.46 KB, 247x205, 247:205, Screen_Shot_2020_12_26_at_….png)

>>12187948 looks like an a/c tire, any plane fags around?

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1dd427  No.12188451

File: 6424fa82d1dc12c⋯.png (533.83 KB, 1530x932, 765:466, Screen_Shot_2020_12_26_at_….png)


from page 108, bullet list of the forensic findings highlights.

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04f208  No.12188452

File: cc395e3901e6aee⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 423x594, 47:66, gettyimages_1206116172_594….jpg)

File: 7af9100400548ba⋯.jpg (443.09 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 45571.jpg)

Nashville Mayor John Cooper's brother is US Rep. Jim Cooper TN 5th District.



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52345f  No.12188453

>>12188284 Reality Winner?

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000000  No.12188454


Somewhere in the world a guy named Israel and his girlfriend Gaza are kekking.

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afba06  No.12188455

File: f67a2d31efd6990⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 1285x375, 257:75, champ_claim.JPG)


Stephen Moore: Dems claim to champion poor and minorities, but hurt them with job-killing COVID lockdowns

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ce6635  No.12188456



But she didn’t say WHEN he was arrested. She did like the rest of did. Look up the name on la county records and cold stop at the paywall to see the arrest record.

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110a27  No.12188457


Nothing good will happen on the 6th. It’s war after that

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94917c  No.12188458

File: be8da45416d55bf⋯.jpeg (259.38 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 8A7717F9_CFE7_440D_ABE5_2….jpeg)

File: faa6226dc0bbc52⋯.jpeg (78.59 KB, 570x720, 19:24, 3CEF55B3_2243_420F_B476_5….jpeg)

File: 32bae31dad7077c⋯.jpeg (372.86 KB, 1242x1802, 621:901, 9D56B751_86A3_4829_8EBB_C….jpeg)

File: 98502a7da5a81e3⋯.jpeg (602.38 KB, 1539x2047, 1539:2047, 07679EE3_B6D6_442A_841E_4….jpeg)

>>12187550 (pb)


This guy Swem is a friend on Hoffman’s FB: (or was. He has since unfriended) Could this be Guadagno from Flt 93?

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18f8c4  No.12188459

File: da65a803a7d64cc⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1404x1221, 468:407, mnrBlitzAttack.png)


I know it was /comms/ bakers at /midnightriders/.

They are planning to take down QR and reinstall their original flag.

The only way they could do that is if they take down the whole net.

There is Q, there are anons, there is no Qanon, but there is this shit.

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40ead1  No.12188460

File: bdbf8f50dddbee5⋯.png (818.45 KB, 812x647, 812:647, Qsays.png)

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da8429  No.12188461



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2403a8  No.12188462


notice the debris scattered closely around the square hole

like a high velocity blast exited square hole and created a low pressure area around it like venturi effect

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230490  No.12188463


It grabs hold of you, careful!

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a830f1  No.12188464


never freebase Qanons …see what habbened?

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ab957e  No.12188465

File: cc4bb7c09229245⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 611x328, 611:328, Capture.JPG)

Public Radio “Reporter” Arrested For Firebombing Police Cars

A “reporter” for a public radio station in Little Rock, Arkansas has been arrested for firebombing police cars.

She allegedly threw Molotov cocktails into police cars and punctured their tires.

Three of the four — Nowlin, Goddard and Espinosa-Villegas — allegedly prepared Molotov cocktails at Jeffrey’s home and then threw them into several Little Rock Police Department cruisers during a “protest” on Aug. 25th. They also allegedly punctured the vehicles’ tires.

One of the four, Goddard, has since been outed as Renea Baek Goddard, a radical, far-left “gay rights” and “trans rights” activist who’s worked as a “reporter” for local public radio station KUAR since 2018.


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f789e9  No.12188466

File: a4b467d89a677b3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 887x692, 887:692, colar.png)

File: 3af619c2857a989⋯.png (277.14 KB, 582x477, 194:159, colar_01_png.png)


>So is it plausible that an aircraft could have dropped a smaller "bunker buster"?

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9a43a9  No.12188467


Don't sell normies out. Normies waking up in greater numbers than ever.

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f43bb1  No.12188468


It is. It's a photo from 9/11. And it is called the Nashville Slide.

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51615b  No.12188469


There was a few seconds white-out period on the cams after the explosion. Enough time to slam that bitch into reverse and leave the scene. If the RV had exploded, there would be debris, and the nearby cars would have gotten wrecked. They were almost untouched.

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ebf177  No.12188471



Anon suggests the text of the highlighted scripture in Pompeo's Tweet as the cap for this notable:


>@Pompeo: "Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom"

Scripture is2 Corinthians 3:17

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

TYB for your service this evening.

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b89640  No.12188472


Bring Out National Guard

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afba06  No.12188473

File: 133870c9f6a7234⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 1119x240, 373:80, side_step.JPG)


Senate candidate Warnock sidesteps questions on ex-wife's police video

Warnock accused Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler of 'playing games' in the Georgia runoff

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460877  No.12188474


notice how they never address the pork

Now they send the same garbage back to Trump

and when he vetos can attack him make the demons look good….lather, rinse, repeat

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855f5f  No.12188475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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32bdb7  No.12188476

File: eb7113301217d77⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 436x472, 109:118, Katie_Holmes_herpes.jpg)

File: bebabc540a93923⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Kim_Kadashian_herpes.jpg)


The good news is you still have STD shill.

(and me)


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af130c  No.12188477


how about JUST a bill to give us the $2000 payments free of traitorous pork? since you corrupt freaks were so kind to use our money to give yourselves a raise.

Anyone else like getting paid back with our own money?

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f92097  No.12188478


Oh shoot, that was a typo. I snort AT the Qanons. My bad

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12c5a4  No.12188479


>I know it was /comms/ bakers at /midnightriders/.

I kek'd

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94917c  No.12188480

File: b2733052458c2e1⋯.jpeg (219.33 KB, 1242x823, 1242:823, DB16F887_D3F1_4F64_BD4C_9….jpeg)

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73cf1a  No.12188481


If it’s a stationary cam it might be getting blown around or something. I’m thinking it’s on a street lamp or something.

If someone is holding the cam it doesn’t make sense. Any normal person holding the camera would have at least flinched.

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f2e376  No.12188482


Not on a ship on a backbone, which a group though they could turn into a commoditization.

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1590c9  No.12188483

File: 779ae3740881a28⋯.jpg (93.75 KB, 530x380, 53:38, duck_slide.jpg)

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f789e9  No.12188484

File: 83c3af3deafdf5c⋯.png (260.78 KB, 1110x777, 10:7, crater.png)

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a7f08b  No.12188485

File: 0330573f5c2a2be⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 647x1201, 647:1201, EqLpe4SXUAABUdQ.jpg)

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d2afb4  No.12188486

File: 9d01219d6f6b302⋯.png (236.29 KB, 349x262, 349:262, Screenshot_2020_12_26_duck….png)

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872b8b  No.12188487

File: 113096b0a37638b⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 610x500, 61:50, 2r5v17.jpg)



"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

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5e43f2  No.12188488


You come to conservative social media to bitch about someone using leftist social media to communicate his thoughts and opinions??

You leftists really are mentally sick. You don't leave much room for other interpretation.

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51615b  No.12188489


The beneficiary of a quitclaim deed doesn't necessarily have to know about the transaction. Was likely a handler or fellow agent. Easy way to transfer property without attracting attention.

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abe8cb  No.12188490


why is AT&T removing 3000 to 4000 US citizen employees per quarter since 2014 and replacing them with asian contractors?

AT&T was dying, SWBT Whitacker was trying to rebuild the bell system but the criminals got ahold of US West and fucked that company over. SO he went after AT&T. It was too late to save Belllabs, which was eventually purchased by SAIC that sold the tech to China for pennies on the dollar.

It's a very sad story. All of it.

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b14b2a  No.12188491

notes @ 550LAST CALL

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12187828 @LinWood: "I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell."

>>12187850 , >>12187880 Digg: Michelle Louise Swing

>>12187913 Loud speaker Audio at Nashville bombing played in reversed asks "Are You Having A Merry Christmas?"

>>12188007 Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America

>>12188021 , >>12188162 (past) Rudy Giuliani: "Starting after Christmas, this is really gonna BLOW UP."

>>12188024 'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated

>>12188028 @DJT: "Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable!"

>>12188033 QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

>>12188046 Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

>>12188060 , >>12188471 @Pompeo: "Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom"

>>12188074 President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'

>>12188141 Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet…

>>12188170 Public Radio “Reporter” Arrested For Firebombing Police Cars

>>12188188 “You Were Hired to Clean Glass and Other Menial Tasks” – DISGUSTING! Dominion Voting Systems Sends Nasty Letter to Witness Mellissa Carone

>>12188215 Mike Pompeo slams reporter over coverage of wife’s alleged COVID diagnosis

>>12188224 Paul Nakasone is a long time friend of Obama's chief of Staff Denis McDonough. They both attended the same school.

>>12188247 ‘The Squad’ could become a thing of the past, insiders say

>>12188276 COVID-19 baby boom expected to start in January

>>12188299 CLOSING IN Nashville bomb ‘person of interest’ named as FBI raid house he ‘gave woman for FREE last month’ where ‘similar RV seen’

>>12188327 Lin Wood directs ire at Mark Meadows after he allegedly stiff-armed Sidney Powell

>>12188351 Trump joins White House historian in blasting media for not appreciating Melania

>>12188385 COVID Might Cost Nancy Pelosi the House Speakership

>>12188398 FBI Activity Spotted At Nashville Home As Bomber Remains At Large

>>12188404 Dingell: House Will Vote on and I Think Will Pass $2,000 Direct Payments on Monday

>>12188419 Israel Pounds Gaza Overnight & Separately Launched Christmas Eve Strikes On Syria

>>12188435 The Curious Case of Seth Rich: Why DNC Staffer's Murder Continues to Stir Up Political Controversy

>>12188455 Stephen Moore: Dems claim to champion poor and minorities, but hurt them with job-killing COVID lockdowns

good job keeping up the energy after that last bread freeze anons

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230490  No.12188492


Was funnier before you "fixed" it.

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186a06  No.12188493

File: 5cba1c8587d3495⋯.jpg (146.78 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, bf271623c9427924db90fdc974….jpg)

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ab957e  No.12188494

File: be78cb4a649028d⋯.png (386.96 KB, 518x347, 518:347, Bush1.PNG)


Those Redpills can help bring you back to life….feeling any better now..kekeke

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7a20bb  No.12188495


Qanon- not even once

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cf5cfa  No.12188496


Okay, thank you for that explanation. I appreciate it, anon.

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d492dd  No.12188497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What you've circled on #2 is one of those underground lifts. Great place to put a bomb.

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1590c9  No.12188498

File: c5472684e8c56f2⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 295x340, 59:68, clown_eating.jpg)

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3f6687  No.12188499

File: 9779743a0ecd85d⋯.jpeg (260.67 KB, 640x353, 640:353, 022090CE_DC3A_4F74_A28F_1….jpeg)


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e50115  No.12188500


So thats why the mnr name. Dont see what thats got to do with how you framed it. They are ashamed of Q and of the effort, so they distanced themselves.

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c6473f  No.12188501


Wow, thank you anon! If this isn’t NOTABLE I don’t know what is. Especially seeing as there were multiple rumors/comms that one or both of them were arrested/died this morning!!

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5393a0  No.12188502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bridgerton - yet another Jewish Hollywood TV series Re-Writing White European History… with Black people.

Set in 1813 London high society…. filled with Black nobility. and interracial couples. As soon as Episode 1 starts, 3 seconds in a black gentleman walking arm in arm with a white lady, and a white gentleman walking by tips his hat to the black man.

Yeah, like that's what 1813 England was like.

How come Jewish Hollywood never makes a Holocaust movie or TV series with Black people in the Concentration Camps? nor Black men in the Warsaw Ghetto fucking Jewish women who are crazy about the black men?

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f92097  No.12188503


Shoot. That was a typo

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1a9869  No.12188504

File: 4e1bdfda531b273⋯.jpg (462.7 KB, 1080x1732, 270:433, 20190308_210203.jpg)

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2493f4  No.12188505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HQ Footage by Real Estate Photographer of the whole area Street level and Aerial. Very good views for digging OSINT GIS anons.


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7a20bb  No.12188506

File: 313e3808182a9b9⋯.png (25.25 KB, 216x216, 1:1, liddlekids_cutout.png)

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9b6242  No.12188507

>>12188021 It's in here Anon


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04f208  No.12188508

File: bbe96eb2d5633a3⋯.png (800.84 KB, 1200x1606, 600:803, Nellie_Ohr_Ham.png)


here's a dig from summer 2018 hamfag, if you want to dig moar


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66d109  No.12188509



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f9afb8  No.12188510

File: 97c3b264c7280c3⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 1051x1200, 1051:1200, Dicks_in_congress_GOP_ball….jpg)

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209d18  No.12188511



If this showed up in Nashville it is probably one of the good guys in the FBI planting it to let everyone know this was an FBI, police, deep state, satanist operation.

Or they screwed up thinking a plane was supposed to crash, and planted the evidence. Either way this looks exactly like the one I saw on 911 when I went for body bags. It couldn't have hit the a building and be in that shape after falling 1/2 high. Plus on 911 it didn't have much dirt on it while everything else was covered in soot.

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230490  No.12188512


There's a joke to be made here.

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38d461  No.12188513


US Reps *can* be arrested.

Constitution. I suggest you *READ* it.

"They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." Art 1, Sec 6


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ab957e  No.12188514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just when you thought this song couldn't get any hotter then there's zepperella

Zepparella Dazed and Confused

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afba06  No.12188515

File: 2979b2fe4a85416⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 668x637, 668:637, un_acc.JPG)


GOP Rep. Buck: I Think GOP Will Support $2,000 Check if Pork Is Removed, But Just Adding $2,000 Payment ‘Unacceptable’

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a830f1  No.12188516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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341f5c  No.12188517

File: 16458fbdd919f00⋯.png (746.54 KB, 1050x573, 350:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa773c1d24c372a⋯.png (20.02 KB, 745x294, 745:294, ClipboardImage.png)


All the important shit would have been underground

Reminds me of when Hurricane Sandy flooded out the Verizon network in NYC in 2012 because all that shit was kept below street level

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d492dd  No.12188518


She needs to just stop with this.

If she was there and saw Schitt getting arrested, she should have taken video.

No sauce, no story.

stop fucking posting this shit until there's proof.

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9b6242  No.12188519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry forgot

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1e58bf  No.12188520


No one except insiders and the terminally stupid wants what that brand of Republican Party is selling.

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35d696  No.12188522


Das it mane, anybody got a feed from that day?

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c92c98  No.12188523



estranged daughter?

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8fb120  No.12188524

File: b0e88da07a67f68⋯.jpg (717.62 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 1609011839272.jpg)

crater is inside the building? >>12188437

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52345f  No.12188525

>>12188378 that is what (They) want of you.

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7a707b  No.12188526

File: 5709e7fc3fa10a0⋯.jpg (77.62 KB, 768x605, 768:605, 38ada15a24b639ea0d43fd9305….jpg)

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aeafa0  No.12188527

File: 712a3ba5087bce3⋯.jpeg (583.91 KB, 828x1436, 207:359, C78F0F39_72BB_4419_9DA8_C….jpeg)

Trump Unveils Even Bigger White House Next To Current White House


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d492dd  No.12188529


Scaffolding in NYC. NOT in Nashville.

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79815b  No.12188530

And your point is ?


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d492dd  No.12188531

File: 5348a03ae2c4c83⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 360x464, 45:58, white_obama.jpg)

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8a4567  No.12188532

File: 27ee95d45b9db60⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1546x911, 1546:911, bunker_busted.PNG)


Yes. It's possible. No crater bullshit is red herring. Could have dropped it right in the front door and into the basement. Then the crater would be inside the building with all of the shit blown outwards. Kinda exactly like what we see.

bomb smashes through masonry side of the building, drops through the floor into the sub basement, hits something hard, blows up, blast propigates through the tunnels and pushes them up and out

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872b8b  No.12188533

File: 5b69c797eeaafed⋯.png (531.51 KB, 838x1134, 419:567, fury.png)

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186a06  No.12188534

File: cd652c010f967fc⋯.png (893.6 KB, 788x523, 788:523, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Dona….png)


change my mind

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12c5a4  No.12188535


nice meme

but nothing stops what is coming

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f2e376  No.12188536



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da5354  No.12188538


RV tested COVID positive.

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9c4277  No.12188539

File: 5629c09dd078e2f⋯.jpg (170.69 KB, 948x920, 237:230, Screen_Shot_12_03_20_at_01….JPG)


>‘The Squad’ could become a thing of the past, insiders say

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38d461  No.12188540


And this privilege against arrest is only

"during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same;"

The dang US Constitution just gets in the way of everything the DS tries to do.


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51615b  No.12188541


Also a possibility.

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000000  No.12188542


is that a time machine?

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3614f4  No.12188543

File: 726abb77708f75b⋯.png (152.14 KB, 1488x715, 1488:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9e7da4566c8177⋯.png (151.61 KB, 1513x728, 1513:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f72a9cc2060b469⋯.png (115.17 KB, 1506x728, 753:364, ClipboardImage.png)



CapStar Bank ….ATT tennesee President, Joelle Phillips & Bush associate

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2eb83c  No.12188544

File: 028935c5c388dbc⋯.png (142.37 KB, 210x362, 105:181, bee.png)

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cc0ce4  No.12188545

File: 043073f3c13759c⋯.jpeg (230.51 KB, 640x355, 128:71, F821A1E7_F72D_48A3_A783_A….jpeg)

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afba06  No.12188546

File: dbf3724a04112d8⋯.jpg (65.26 KB, 761x528, 761:528, space_x.JPG)


SpaceX Says Its Taxpayer-Funded Explosion Was a Success

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ce6635  No.12188547


>They shall in all Cases, except Treason,

Yep, that’ll do it alright

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000000  No.12188548


Was the RV housing the pointer for the bunker bomb?

X marks the spot…..

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1bfe9b  No.12188549


Air space closed over Nashville. Is it possible the entry location was the roof. Down thru a elevator shaft

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c6dc93  No.12188550


Thanks for that fren, I'll be adding those DMR Repeaters kek

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404491  No.12188552

File: 7713d4df387a981⋯.mp4 (201.64 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Nashiville_Explosion_Warni….mp4)

File: 1a972bb05f2fcea⋯.png (446.39 KB, 528x701, 528:701, Tweet_Nashville_Explosion_….PNG)

>>12187768 [lb]

>Download this youtube video

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGfUTy3vX_I [Embed]

>Reverse it here




>Can any anons help figure out what is happening here?

1. I used a completely different video taken from twitter, the first random tweet/video I found


2. I used a different program I just found on line as I have never reversed a video before [kapwing]


I have the backwards mp4 and have played it multiple times and it does say 'Merry Christmas to all' and something else I can't make out

However getting this error message when trying to post

one H264 and one AAC stream only


What is this and how do I fix it

Vid is the one I used from Twitter

Can't post the reversed version

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1590c9  No.12188553

File: 56585d61d4efc6d⋯.gif (461.4 KB, 220x246, 110:123, Clowns_again.gif)

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5767f1  No.12188554

File: b8e2b62116e4267⋯.png (1.34 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, FC4328E9_97D7_469E_A9BF_E6….png)


Dan, If anyone is getting chewed out on twitter

@these faggots


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753722  No.12188555


easy as womp rats back on tatooine

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73cf1a  No.12188556


Wait… so you’re saying the RV was out of frame? I thought the RV was parked in front of the at&t building when the explosion happened.

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f789e9  No.12188557

File: 2dc3913d730a14c⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 648x364, 162:91, 2dc3913d730a14c6d02782d862….mp4)


>change my mind

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80b918  No.12188558

File: ff17b3c17880bd1⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 32411.jpg)

File: 59112a8b76fc4c6⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 402x600, 67:100, airplaneengine21361.jpg)

File: f90db26d5dbdedb⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 600x397, 600:397, airplanepartsfbi21753.jpg)


There was zero mark in the street where it was alleged to have fallen

Might not even match the airline type which allegedly hit the Tower.

They messed up with the "engine" they planted; Was wrong type for alleged plane

Looked like a washing machine

Also placed under and awning.

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1dd427  No.12188559


It's only closed over the bombing area. More to keep out the drones.

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673435  No.12188560


I'm just having a merry Christmas troll

I'm just a merry Christmas troll.

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aeafa0  No.12188561


Barry Sotello for President 2024.

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110a27  No.12188562



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147cec  No.12188563


How deep would a national security data center be underground? How well fortified would it be? If it was in the hands of 'black hats' could they lock the vault doors and fend off an attack for hours? days? If you had to be sure every last one was dead and the center out of service would you expect it to look any different the what we see here?

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02c163  No.12188564


them motorboating each other would be no joke

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afba06  No.12188565

File: e36dc789407bebe⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 1199x436, 11:4, schin.JPG)


In Japan, Donald Trump supporters, QAnon fans still think Joe Biden lost US election

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e85582  No.12188566

File: 13625e31987186e⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1776x1325, 1776:1325, Hot_11_4_nov_4_domino_span….png)

Did we miss a message here?

Get your data offline. The public net going dark?

but how???

WELL that www.sncorp.com outfit is very interdasting. (upthread or last bread)

"acquired" in 1994 from previous US owners.

Turkish migrants to Colorado. Poster children for the american way it seems….

Grads both husband and wife at college there.

Dig - this woke company flashes lots of cash from somewhere - look at the timeline acquiring other defense tech companies.

Has it anything to do with Staple Street, Carlyle, cabal beltway lawyers?

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2fad20  No.12188567



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41b79c  No.12188568


Interdasting, this brings out his half indonesian side more.

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abe8cb  No.12188569


in 1813 UK blacks were not even seen as human, although UK men would fuck black women at the drop of a hat, being hypocrites it would have been the equivalent of bestiality.


I'm waiting for the muslim UK heros that fought in WW1 and WW2 LOL

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da750d  No.12188570


Hard to imagine a merry troll

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f9afb8  No.12188571

File: 70e5c65eefefab3⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 781x392, 781:392, Spaceballs_RV.JPG)


Yippeeee!!!….I found the vehicle where that tire came from….everybody is right/wrong…..SPACEFORCE RV TIRE!!!….KEKKING HARD!!!

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f2e376  No.12188572


did not mean you lol

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753722  No.12188573


space beast next

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8fb120  No.12188574

Disregard meme, took it from half for the clear pic of the building.>>12188535

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51615b  No.12188575


Maybe? Looks more consistent with a ventilation shaft blowing out due to a pressure wave. But I'm open to the possibility, with more evidence.

It's not Beggar's Canyon, but it's a tight shot.

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e6b7da  No.12188576


Anyone else get a really, really bad vibe from Warlock? I mean Podesta level nasty vibes, or maybe even worse.

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cf5cfa  No.12188577


Interesting, anon. I am seeing some similarities to previous events …..all in one event. Will keep my eye out for more!

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28721c  No.12188578

File: 7146372f2bb4757⋯.jpeg (311.69 KB, 640x756, 160:189, 7FDCFFC1_B088_4A6A_9E08_8….jpeg)

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186a06  No.12188579

File: fb1b6a1e2483c86⋯.png (355.63 KB, 535x607, 535:607, Screenshot_2020_12_26_The_….png)

Researchers from @TelAvivUni have proven that the novel #coronavirus can be killed efficiently, quickly and cheaply using #UV light-emitting diodes at specific frequencies.


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b14b2a  No.12188580

FINAL #15561 Notes

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12187828 @LinWood: "I see disturbing similarities between Anthony Quinn Warner & Richard Jewell."

>>12187850 , >>12187880 Digg: Michelle Louise Swing

>>12187913 Loud speaker Audio at Nashville bombing played in reversed asks "Are You Having A Merry Christmas?"

>>12188007 Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America

>>12188021 , >>12188162 (past) Rudy Giuliani: "Starting after Christmas, this is really gonna BLOW UP."

>>12188024 'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated

>>12188028 @DJT: "Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable!"

>>12188033 QAnon and Japan: Hundreds still contesting Trump's election defeat

>>12188046 Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

>>12188060 , >>12188471 @Pompeo: "Tonight, we’re freely worshiping Jesus Christ and drinking Australian wine — two things that the CCP does not allow #FightForFreedom"

>>12188074 President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'

>>12188141 Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet…

>>12188170 Public Radio “Reporter” Arrested For Firebombing Police Cars

>>12188188 “You Were Hired to Clean Glass and Other Menial Tasks” – DISGUSTING! Dominion Voting Systems Sends Nasty Letter to Witness Mellissa Carone

>>12188215 Mike Pompeo slams reporter over coverage of wife’s alleged COVID diagnosis

>>12188224 Paul Nakasone is a long time friend of Obama's chief of Staff Denis McDonough. They both attended the same school.

>>12188247 ‘The Squad’ could become a thing of the past, insiders say

>>12188276 COVID-19 baby boom expected to start in January

>>12188299 CLOSING IN Nashville bomb ‘person of interest’ named as FBI raid house he ‘gave woman for FREE last month’ where ‘similar RV seen’

>>12188327 Lin Wood directs ire at Mark Meadows after he allegedly stiff-armed Sidney Powell

>>12188351 Trump joins White House historian in blasting media for not appreciating Melania

>>12188385 COVID Might Cost Nancy Pelosi the House Speakership

>>12188398 FBI Activity Spotted At Nashville Home As Bomber Remains At Large

>>12188404 Dingell: House Will Vote on and I Think Will Pass $2,000 Direct Payments on Monday

>>12188419 Israel Pounds Gaza Overnight & Separately Launched Christmas Eve Strikes On Syria

>>12188435 The Curious Case of Seth Rich: Why DNC Staffer's Murder Continues to Stir Up Political Controversy

>>12188455 Stephen Moore: Dems claim to champion poor and minorities, but hurt them with job-killing COVID lockdowns

>>12188473 Senate candidate Warnock sidesteps questions on ex-wife's police video, Warnock accused Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler of 'playing games' in the Georgia runoff

>>12188515 GOP Rep. Buck: I Think GOP Will Support $2,000 Check if Pork Is Removed, But Just Adding $2,000 Payment ‘Unacceptable’

>>12188546 SpaceX Says Its Taxpayer-Funded Explosion Was a Success

>>12188565 In Japan, Donald Trump supporters, QAnon fans still think Joe Biden lost US election



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c6dc93  No.12188581

File: 903367932339b8b⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 800x493, 800:493, DeadAF.jpg)

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ce6635  No.12188582


>Air space closed over Nashville

I have to admit, I hadn’t considered the implications of that closing. That implies (to me at least) that the good guys believe that whoever did this has some sort of air capability. Definitely not your Richard jewell type

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2eb83c  No.12188583

File: 44ccb0296030ae0⋯.png (41.01 KB, 300x240, 5:4, rat2.png)

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12c5a4  No.12188584


>Disregard meme, took it from half for the clear pic of the building.

got it anon


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33fdbb  No.12188585

File: 43ef12a331f31b8⋯.png (339.78 KB, 513x519, 171:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Here we fucking go again!


"Setting up the steal? Again?"


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fc04ec  No.12188586


freedom is underlined.


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7a20bb  No.12188587

File: a18fa1ed191762a⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, michellen.png)

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2403a8  No.12188588


gay spam is gay (and fake)

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52345f  No.12188589

BREAKING: Human remains found by authorities at the site of the explosion in Nashville tested positive for Covid-19.

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66d109  No.12188590

File: b6db797dddb4d06⋯.png (69.1 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1051466d517739b⋯.png (129.31 KB, 868x842, 434:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26b91133ed6a57⋯.png (144.96 KB, 401x864, 401:864, ClipboardImage.png)



Looks Like Good OLE NELLIE didn't avoid detection.

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18f8c4  No.12188591

File: 1ed9c6db53dac33⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 601.45 KB, 691x613, 691:613, WildWoman2.png)



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30d846  No.12188592

File: 18419befdc0d442⋯.png (4.66 MB, 697x5865, 41:345, ClipboardImage.png)



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000000  No.12188593



Hyper-Velocity Precision Kinetic Strike.

Satellite Launch >% Probity (C_A Rouge asset)

[Subterranean Complex]

→RE: Gaping Street Elevator Doors/Missing

Plume Rocket braking terminal guidance,

Exhaust gasses >> Fills Passage Vacuum

→ creates illusion of opposite travel

RV Scapegoated Lone Wolf (Posed Corpse)

RV Explosives Mask Energy of Kinetic Strike

→Concurrent /sympathetic detonation triggered

RV Parked opposite side to AT&T BLDG


Destruction/Denial of Evidence

Reduce destory/Dely Comms

Reverse Narratives:

Defund The Police

Blackened FBI Reputation

Fake News MSM Reputation

Facility Equipment Comped

SolarWinds Orion


→Replace w/ Clean/Uncomped

-(They Think Clean=Safety)-

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a7c733  No.12188594

File: f614b9ee01bfeda⋯.jpeg (23.04 KB, 700x360, 35:18, B17E689F_986E_416F_BFE0_C….jpeg)


My boy never did nothing to nobody!

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572a50  No.12188595

File: 78e423eb3fa13c4⋯.png (669.91 KB, 1119x716, 1119:716, 6AWWXhr6Smir7mBBRlvMl_Aom_….png)


>the public net going dark?

Have you asked hacker 4chan?


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753722  No.12188596

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435a40  No.12188597

File: 74f0b9b00d83db7⋯.png (1.23 MB, 601x1068, 601:1068, ClipboardImage.png)

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da8429  No.12188598


I'm waiting for the remake of Zulu with a lot of white tribal warriors.

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000000  No.12188599


Barry got Bog'd

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cd0ed9  No.12188600


Holy fuck. It was a Covidsplosion!

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519e51  No.12188601

File: b853a12106c61e3⋯.jpg (464.15 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20201226_190950….jpg)

The Insurrection Act, Chapter 13 of Title 10 (10 USC Sections 251-255). This act allows the President to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S. by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.


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af130c  No.12188602


a landing gear like that would weigh a few tons, even if it's made from aluminum. then there's the force at which said landing gear would have to hit the ground. if it was falling (f=m*a), it would've left an impact on the sidewalk or ground.

looks like another slide.

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38d461  No.12188603


Two types of criminal offenses.

Misdemeanor and Felony.

Felonies ( murder, rape, robbery ) are considered serious offenses . So, when police hear someone is wanted on felony charges 'felony stops' are warranted and police go into 'better be judged by 12 than carried by 6' mode.

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abe8cb  No.12188604


he looks a little like Mayor Pete.

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80b918  No.12188605

File: 185bdbc76e77462⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 22839.jpg)


I thought engines were bigger than that


It's totally releavant to Nashville.

It bears upon the "work" of the criminal FBI

And what?

They are even suspects at Nashville


You certainly can't believe a word they release.

Alleged Engine "from Plane" was also placed under AN awning.

I'm told an engine would have more parts and be bigger than that, if it even matched the type it was supposed to be, and it didn't



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51615b  No.12188606


Not a bad theory. There was a report about AA fire on video, but I don't have it bookmarked. Would also explain the No Fly Zone and the US MIL extreme response to it.

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563904  No.12188607


What was your conclusion about the bombing?

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aeafa0  No.12188608

File: 727a9b4c63cc531⋯.gif (521.51 KB, 296x170, 148:85, A5BFCC6F_F39C_4FE8_A7B8_87….gif)


Better than a motorboat.

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7a20bb  No.12188609

File: b931eed86c43302⋯.jpg (150.9 KB, 700x445, 140:89, maskref.jpg)


and we all with "unveiled face"…

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5767f1  No.12188610


Personally thought Collins was facing Lolller, all this shit is void, waiting for the ballot to exempt the dem 🤷‍♂️

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c30ce8  No.12188611


Well hell yeah. Who didn't see the Hunter Biden texts & pics? That family fucks each other literally. Luciferian? Certainly not Christian.

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768ff4  No.12188612


Could they have piggybacked the system from that location and detonated a natural gas or propane bomb?

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147cec  No.12188613


This is damage from internal over pressure / see rubble / bricks outside. see below the arrow, shielding wall inside the building limiting and reflecting over pressure to this one bay.

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891cfc  No.12188614


you can only post .mp4 or .webm

you can use Audacity to reverse the audio.

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1bfe9b  No.12188615


I believe the RV driver is nothing more than a Paddock style vegas cover

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ccb48c  No.12188616


>never freebase Qanons …see what habbened?

awwww hell NO man. boil 'em and drink the tea

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a587c0  No.12188617

File: cff28744a9a41da⋯.png (648.46 KB, 750x404, 375:202, 84704DA2_D6AD_4035_9003_53….png)


ISIS supporter

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0b7df6  No.12188618

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872b8b  No.12188619

File: 872840e671681f7⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 220x211, 220:211, pepe_kek.jpg)

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80b918  No.12188620



they must be skeered

I wonder what of?

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7a20bb  No.12188621

File: 5aec558eda3f5d8⋯.gif (699.25 KB, 500x190, 50:19, will.gif)

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ef836e  No.12188622

File: c5c214f94202397⋯.png (629.08 KB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture_2020_12_26_18_13_1….png)


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f2e376  No.12188623


We have an audio record feature btw

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753722  No.12188624

RV dude is at Space Mountain by now

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ddbedc  No.12188625

File: 56d5b11be2bdba3⋯.png (954.74 KB, 1414x700, 101:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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56241f  No.12188626

File: de0fc82a69696fc⋯.png (488.5 KB, 879x321, 293:107, Otters.png)

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afba06  No.12188627

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_drop.PNG)

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404491  No.12188628


>you can only post .mp4 or .webm

Thank you

File does say it is mp4…for both

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5690c0  No.12188629

Historical Timeline of Electronic Voting Machines and Technology

Thought I’d do some digging on history of ballots and voting machines, particularly electronic ones.

Came across this collection of history,


authored by Carrie Jean Del Valle, I have no idea who she is.

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341f5c  No.12188630


Whoever died might have been shot prior to the explosion

We don't know

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38d461  No.12188631

I wonder if any planefags have the ability to pull up what was in the air prior to the Nashville blast.

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2403a8  No.12188632


ded patsy is good patsy

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0d0447  No.12188634

File: 38e60af3b0a03c0⋯.png (771.18 KB, 1170x1993, 1170:1993, Screenshot_2020_12_26_13_T….png)


A few things come to mind, tire looks too large for a RV the treads don't make sense for a truck type vehicle too smooth of a tread.

Whats Missing:

Where's the motor? Where are the other tires? Where are the vehicle body parts, anything..light lens etc?

A tire that appears not to have any treads, not see it as a road worthy tire used for carrying the weight of a RV.

And This:


13xs First found on Nov 8, 2009



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bf90d7  No.12188635

File: 8e0f80c17d35a77⋯.jpeg (53.52 KB, 564x443, 564:443, 39144620_5CD9_409D_87D4_B….jpeg)

How is the little kraken feller we released doing? Any arrests? Is trump going to be sworn in on the 20th?

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1a9869  No.12188637

File: 09eb64eb7cc248d⋯.jpeg (233.44 KB, 1440x1114, 720:557, 1528328790.jpeg)

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8582bc  No.12188638


>Anthony Quinn Warner


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e21449  No.12188640


Kek! That's our POTUS.

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c6dc93  No.12188642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It's quite simple to listen in on private DMR calls

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3614f4  No.12188643


China joins ATT conference as a state party for the first time


China attended the Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as a state party for the first time and called for strict arms control mechanisms in a written statement submitted to the meeting.

The sixth Conference of States Parties to the ATT was convened by written procedure on Monday and is expected to last until Friday.

In its statement, China made proposals on further strengthening the ATT and urged countries to refrain from selling arms to non-state actors and to stop interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign countries through arms sales.

China advocated strengthening the interaction and coordination of conventional arms control mechanisms within the UN framework and actively supported the UN in playing a central role in conventional arms control.

In a phone call with president of the conference Federico Villegas and head of the ATT secretariat Dumisani Dladla, Chinese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Disarmament Affairs Li Song said China supported strict management of military exports and urged state parties to take a "prudent and responsible attitude" toward the issue and enhance crackdowns on illicit arms transfers.

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32bdb7  No.12188645

File: 12d1118edb294cb⋯.jpg (72.86 KB, 964x815, 964:815, Austin_Gun.jpg)

File: a233bfeaa163df9⋯.png (254.25 KB, 879x491, 879:491, Bill_Maher_is_Qanon.png)

File: 5fd84969ca3f95f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 586x784, 293:392, Infinity_Gauntlet.png)


Anons, I'm not sure which Q_Anon is the legit leader.

Is it Austin Steinbart OR Bill Maher?

Is there some way to tell like which one holds the 'Dark Saber', Infinity Gauntlet or something?



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95f637  No.12188646


Mayor Pete’s gay ugly cousin.

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aaf1e0  No.12188648

File: 083adcbbbe58697⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RV_Mid_air.mp4)

why is this thing intact? explosion came from below and not within. expert analysis needed.

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c30ce8  No.12188649


He reminds me of Hogg

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fad4c2  No.12188651


He can't keep getting away with this

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1dd427  No.12188652


Narrative changing Deep State Op most likely by Iran / China / Mos / et al, targeting joint AT&T NSA FISA VoiP site, likely containing FISA data pertaining to any voter fraud investigations in order to destroy the evidence.

White hats were able to kill primary suspect on site prior to detonation. However due to the construction / type of explosive device, they had to leave it alone and let it detonate. EVAC order issued on loudspeaker and secret war was kept secret until POTUS gives the order.

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80b918  No.12188655


I saw what looked liked something coming down from the sky at an angle

And the burst went upward in the middle of the building

SoDUHthey will think they can convince everyone it came from a van outside

OK Bombing schtick redux

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8582bc  No.12188656

File: 0bed0ac38050420⋯.png (609.19 KB, 828x530, 414:265, Screenshot_2020_12_26_1220….png)

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8fb120  No.12188657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Angle steep. >>12188575

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7a20bb  No.12188658

File: 178f8f959824c96⋯.png (221.43 KB, 1200x728, 150:91, obamahopeless_2.png)

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2e03f2  No.12188659



It’s really no joke……

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b14b2a  No.12188660

Q Research General #15562: Jesus Christ and Australian Wine Edition






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f658d8  No.12188661


They don’t give a rip if it’s obvious. The game is stop it if you can. If you can’t stop it you lose. IMO that’s their message here

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147cec  No.12188662


the domino is framed 11.4

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7125b0  No.12188664



>>>>>probe addiction for almost forty yearsfight a double alien probe addiction willing to fight three alien probes at oncewent alien probe to mouth once to impress its frens




>>mickey mouse gets outed to lederhosen mafia live with polka music >>12187202



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4714c4  No.12188665

File: e9e051bbb2875a7⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1078x768, 539:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77f3c02521db78a⋯.png (531.77 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1f96b470665489⋯.png (799.84 KB, 640x741, 640:741, ClipboardImage.png)

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186a06  No.12188666


interdasting Pam

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8dfb72  No.12188667


107mm impact:


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7a707b  No.12188668

File: e1ea5fdc7a0d7cf⋯.png (416.72 KB, 709x373, 709:373, e1ea5fdc7a0d7cfdd25dc2f3bc….png)



Computer language expert anon checking in.

Looks totally like Q syntax, incl. the "on the move" typos.

Scratch the question mark.

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7a20bb  No.12188669


so does mom and dad, but they needed a sacrifice

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460877  No.12188670

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b9f668  No.12188671



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9a43a9  No.12188672


What's the point? You show a vid clip of a different sidewalk and an underground elevator closing. It has nothing to do with the fact that those 2 hinged metal doors on the sidewalk beside the ATT building were blown the fuck out.

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341f5c  No.12188673


You can see the smoke being sucked back down into the hole after the explosion

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33fdbb  No.12188674

File: a910e26c93ca286⋯.png (320.45 KB, 552x500, 138:125, Pepe_FU.png)


>Barry Sotello for President 2024.

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30d846  No.12188675

File: d67c904195b8c93⋯.png (1.55 MB, 872x4742, 436:2371, ClipboardImage.png)



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903978  No.12188676

File: 4604ac174d1b856⋯.png (311.29 KB, 337x347, 337:347, ClipboardImage.png)


>It's a very sad story. All of it.

yes it is ->>12188543

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a46645  No.12188677

File: e81caeb4ba32205⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1905x935, 381:187, nashville37.png)

File: 08cbb52a034fea7⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1917x924, 639:308, nashville38.png)

File: 2ed36847c472e30⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1910x928, 955:464, nashville39.png)

File: df117fee1ea5e9f⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1916x935, 1916:935, nashville42.png)



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b14b2a  No.12188681

Q Research General #15562: Jesus Christ and Australian Wine Edition







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80b918  No.12188683

File: b48f7df273fd3d5⋯.png (244.45 KB, 607x386, 607:386, obamamerkel.png)


do you think he bleached his skin and had his nose done to resemble a black American; but this is what he really looks like?

Nephew of Merkel?

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f9f09c  No.12188684


Federal charges would not be on LA county web site would they?

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8a4567  No.12188685

File: b20350eda26dfc8⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1915x911, 1915:911, ClipboardImage.png)


The public not buying their lies would be my guess.

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73cf1a  No.12188686


So you are saying that someone triggered the warning system before the plane dropped some kind of self targeting bunker buster.

This would explain why there is no footage of the RV yet other than a single photo time stamped at 1 am. It does not explain the 3 gun fights.

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5767f1  No.12188687

File: 1dffcebb5a76165⋯.png (1.39 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, BCC4F1B7_0046_46E5_B6F6_AD….png)

Member when the persona conceded

They switched up since the blast

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cb644b  No.12189078





Saw this in the last dough..

Anonymous 2/27/20 (Sun) 00:09:56 000000 (22) No.12188593 >>12188668




Hyper-Velocity Precision Kinetic Strike.

Satellite Launch >% Probity (C_A Rouge asset)

[Subterranean Complex]

→RE: Gaping Street Elevator Doors/Missing

Plume Rocket braking terminal guidance,

Exhaust Gasses >> Fills Passage Vacuum

→ creates illusion of opposite travel

RV Scapegoated Lone Wolf (Posed Corpse)

RV Explosives Mask Energy of Kinetic Strike

→Concurrent /sympathetic detonation triggered

RV Parked opposite side to AT&T BLDG


Destruction/Denial of Evidence

Reduce Destroy/Delay Comms

Reverse Narratives:

Defund The Police

Blackened FBI Reputation

Fake News MSM Reputation

Facility Equipment Comped

SolarWinds Orion


→Replace w/ Clean/Uncomped

-(They Think Clean=Safety)-

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330cd0  No.12189111


well if the MEDIA FAKE NEWS SAYS SO it must be true… NOT

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eb0149  No.12189114


Kindly prune the tracking info.


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63298c  No.12189128

File: 636ab27c881c10b⋯.jpeg (121.52 KB, 1283x1310, 1283:1310, covid_iot.jpeg)


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8dd63b  No.12189143


Strip the pork out. Otherwise, I can do without the $2,000.

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02c163  No.12189170

test - frozen?

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421a47  No.12189171

File: 2c956ddb420f1f7⋯.jpeg (996.43 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 2c956ddb420f1f7f911594c53….jpeg)

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02c163  No.12189173


not frozen here in previous bread

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02c163  No.12189179

File: a6b2202bcdba7b2⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1370x780, 137:78, Screen_Shot_20.png)

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02c163  No.12189181

File: 90ec508ed645301⋯.png (704.91 KB, 1032x776, 129:97, Screen_Shot_19.png)

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ce3e44  No.12189183


There is a stationary cam there but the air seems very still before the blast and doesn't change much after. I think this could be someone holding a phone/cam and filming a monitor or screen.

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421a47  No.12189196

File: da7bab94f68e0fe⋯.png (198.7 KB, 704x430, 352:215, 6612d3355b5ec33c77a3526444….png)

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421a47  No.12189208

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 270162a44919ee1378cf4b96e5….jpg)

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