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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, working_template2.png)

2c5447  No.12090060[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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2c5447  No.12090061

Global Announcements

>>12078639 Pastebin has put content filters on Q Research Dough. Alternative Anonymous Backup Bins are recommended

>>12063254 How to follow the Legitimate Baker during Split Breads

>>11985878 , >>11985891 Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

>>11967950 Firefox plugin workaround for Clearnet posting. Install it and enable it and you're good to go.


>>12046719 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>12046728 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12089659 Meme request: The new pic of Dan talking with POTUS… can someone put a lightning bolt in his hand? Or maybe a hammer?

>>12089319 'White Hat Hacker' spYder - 305th analysts credentials were sworn to under penalty of perjury. (sauce)


>>12089386 Comrade De Blasio: “I’d Like to Say Very Bluntly: Our Mission is to Redistribute Wealth” (VIDEO)

>>12089421 Metcalfe Petition Nears Threshold for Special Session on Election Issue [PA]

>>12089419 Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Loses Bid For Seat On House Energy And Commerce Committee

>>12089430 , >>12089438 Following the Money @Blackstone

>>12089483 , >>12089485 , >>12089497 , >>12089568 , >>12089557 , >>12089533 New Scavino: Eagle Eyes on [YOU]

>>12089620 Moar 3am Scavino

>>12089639 Vincent Kennedy tweet…

>>12089666 One more time for Posterities Sake

>>12089899 5 Missiles fired on American base in Afghanistan

>>12090059 #15435


>>12088718 Confirmed: Chinese Troops on Canadian Soil During Military Exercises

>>12088736 PF Report

>>12088740 Interesting analysis on Oval Office pic w/ Scavino & POTUS


>>12088870 , >>12089018 ‘“Come in to my parlor,” said the Spider to the Fly.’

>>12088957 Wikileaks info on Smartmatic / Venezuelan ownership

>>12088960 anon dig on CRISPR and China Virus vaccines

>>12088974 12/8/2020 FireEye release of details on recent Cyber Attack

>>12089002 FireEye has a RED TEAM (hackers to test vulnerabilities)

>>12089008 More Santa comms?

>>12089078 More on Spider

>>12089115 , >>12089118 Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump

>>12089127 Red Carpet rollout?

>>12089151 Blackstone, ClearSky Close $400M FireEye Investment Deal; Kevin Mandia Quoted

>>12089172 3 Reasons To Be Worried About the Blackstone Group—and Their Friend, Hillary Clinton

>>12089205 Big Protest in DC on January 6th, 2021

>>12089283 #15434


>>12087886 Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming (video)

>>12087946 President Trump signs a bill restricting Chinese companies from listing their shares on U.S. exchanges

>>12087950 Anons step up! We need bakers in the kitchen now more than ever

>>12088302 Kevin McCarthy opens up about FBI briefing on Swalwell's ties to Chinese spy

>>12088353 5:5

>>12088376 Senate investigators say that despite receiving subpoenas, FBI Director Wray is still stonewalling demands for Crossfire Hurricane documents

>>12088377 Listen to General Flynn lay out the threats of SolarWinds + threat from China/Foreign Actors

>>12088035 Mayor of St. Louis "retires"

>>12088409 Sidney Powell - Events will unfold QUICKLY over next few days. Listen to PRESIDENT TRUMP ONLY.

>>12088430 COMMS that they all have been trapped in POTUS web?

>>12088461 76K new Georgia voters registered before US Senate runoffs?

>>12088485 #15433

Previously Collected Notables

>>12086949 #15431, >>12087723 #15432,

>>12084649 #15428, >>12085407 #15429, >>12086206 #15430

>>12082372 #15425, >>12083135 #15426, >>12083899 #15427

>>12079943 #15422, >>12080730 #15423, >>12081607 #15424

>>12077661 #15419, >>12078492 #15420, >>12079154 #15421

>>12075237 #15416, >>12076087 #15417, >>12076887 #15418

>>12073023 #15413, >>12073793 #15414, >>12074524 #15415

>>12070721 #15410, >>12071496 #15411, >>12072273 #15412

>>12068416 #15407, >>12069186 #15408, >>12069951 #15409

>>12066095 #15404, >>12066886 #15405, >>12067624 #15406

>>12063784 #15401, >>12064559 #15402, >>12065378 #15403

>>12061328 #15398, >>12062090 #15399, >>12062870 #15400

>>12059094 #15395, >>12059815 #15396, >>12060571 #15397

>>12056733 #15392, >>12058162 #15393, >>12058353 #15394

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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2c5447  No.12090063

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>12053898 ————————————–——– Canada #11

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11918490 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11954418 ————————————–——– UK #27

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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2c5447  No.12090066

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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2c5447  No.12090067

File: 4542a5eb167a0e6⋯.mp4 (13.46 KB, 240x400, 3:5, Eagle_Eyes_Five_Five.mp4)







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375a3f  No.12090079

File: 270cbd4d324cedd⋯.jpg (260.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, TRUMP_5_5.jpg)

File: 8d4210c1eac3f87⋯.jpg (467.87 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, untitled_5_.jpg)

File: a6c3c620d7fc465⋯.png (1.19 MB, 700x703, 700:703, a6c3c620d7fc465c92b2d15195….png)

File: 656f57d9f34ff11⋯.jpg (204.77 KB, 2000x1508, 500:377, Screen_Shot_2020_12_18_at_….jpg)




Hope you believe in prophecy Anons

Your in one

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375a3f  No.12090117

File: a1fbe1a01358863⋯.png (9.03 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, img_0404_bicubic_1_.png)

Shadownet Hack 2009

OPM Hack 2015

Vault 7 CIA hacking tools 2017

Solarwinds/ORION #SUNBURST 2020

There is a map of hacks that led to this.

How much of this list is the CIA???

Much of it is in this video witch includes the HSPD-51 National Emergency rules.

We have been under attack in progressive waves. This attack is to try and absolutely destroy our country.

Our President must act.

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8bdb02  No.12090119

Do bakers actually appreciate TYB posts, or are we wasting bread space?

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375a3f  No.12090129

File: 978ceea77d22f64⋯.jpg (377.36 KB, 885x1229, 885:1229, 4a60bfc05f5fce23c9a2664f03….jpg)



Sorry Anons here is the video


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6e0d6f  No.12090131

File: 2a9e57605709454⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1500x998, 750:499, BidenHarris_Losrsaywut_DEC….png)

"Sources" report the conversation took place without masks in Joe's basement. For real though…

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2c5447  No.12090133


>Do bakers actually appreciate TYB posts

as a baker

I do appreciate them, anon

>or are we wasting bread space?

explain wasted bread

are we going to run out of breads?


are we going to run out of new numbers for new breads?

is this board going to lock up at x# of posts?


the spam shills are not going anywhere

and the TYB's actually contribute something to "board morale"


other may have a different opinion

but I always thought the whole "wasting bread"/"hogging bread" argument was VERY weak sauce

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0a04b5  No.12090136

File: a6cb2b33b8d05bb⋯.jpg (841.13 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, liz_sophia_5_3000_050.jpg)

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91fe9e  No.12090140


This account has been dark since dec10

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4e462e  No.12090157

Mind Warrior Training

Blatant evidence out in the public domain, nothing comes of it = public frustration

9/11, Clinton corruption, Benghazi, U1, CIA manipulating regimes around the world, FF ops (sandy hook, las vegas, on and on)

See the pattern?

Looking historically at these people who have been ruling humanity for so long, do they care that people know that they are lying? No, not at all, in fact, they thrive in that situation. They are not only psychopaths, it's much worse than that, they are purposefully sadistic. How do you think people will develop psychologically when growing up in an absolutely sadistic environment with a facade of normality and goodness to present to the world? They become absolutely that, nothing will ever change those people to start to learn morality which prevents a normal human being to even think the way they do. Their natural morality is covered up by so many layers of tyrannical drive that they are truly lost.

How do we stop the trend? It starts with ourselves. The emotion of frustration, I tell you, learn to observe it in your body without letting it steer your thinking process. It is an art, but you see, it is the loop that keep this process going. Stopping the loop individually allows for the greater perspective that can actually solve the problem. New thoughts and ideas will appear. If you would train this every day, sooner or later you would find that nuggets of new understanding will start to pop in from nowhere. Do not be afraid of being empty for a short while, it is the space created from removing emotional loops and we are allowing God to fill it with something new.

They want people to feel frustrated and hopeless because as long as people stay in that emotion they don't allow themselves to perceive anything else than that which reinforces that emotion. Breaking free from this mind control is the greatest work of freeing ourself, taking back the power of how we perceive reality. That is the true warrior in full control of ones own attention and therefore able to access the Genius that we all have latent in us.

With Love.

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ac74de  No.12090159

Wtf just happened? I watched in the catalog as one load was replaced by another right before my eyes! . Same number, new title. Was Congress needs to lead, follow, or get out of the way, changed to Eagle Eyes FIve Five Ed. Maybe I do need to get involved in baking since it seems we have some real shady ones baking now. Here from start practically beginning of November 2017, and it seems in the last six months or so, we get split breads, breads with no Ed. #, and links to Notables that are inaccessible. Must be some really fucked up, or compromised bakers!

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e7f331  No.12090167

File: 3c12e06611a0c26⋯.png (1.38 MB, 828x870, 138:145, 4moreterms.png)

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ac74de  No.12090173



Meant one loaf, not load! Friggin auto-correct!

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c7e2b1  No.12090176

File: 95f6534c25b62c9⋯.png (983.04 KB, 1174x720, 587:360, Oath_of_office.png)

File: 91e5ace32a5be43⋯.png (269.17 KB, 650x813, 650:813, Oath_Scavino_Eagle_tweet_d….png)

Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am

Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)







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878b57  No.12090177

It goes down kinda like…

Deep state feels cornered and they unleash hell (false flag shit) on "We The People".

Will not happen!

Boom, "What the fuck was that"?

Boom, "This can't be happening"??

Boom, "Game Over Sweetheart"!!!

Count to Three…

Duel…Take three steps and shoot…


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1f333c  No.12090178


Just went back to see if it did change & holy shit youre right… how TF did they change the bread name…..

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9e33d2  No.12090180

File: 3e6392a46d46670⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 426x426, 1:1, THEIF_BEAT_DOWN.mp4)



Have a Feelz Good Good Morning Clip?

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660501  No.12090181

File: c7b861cc345f8d6⋯.jpg (275.53 KB, 1919x963, 1919:963, RCH151_19_Dec_20_1010.jpg)

RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

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c7458d  No.12090182

File: 918141a4d169f41⋯.png (153.65 KB, 540x360, 3:2, greatawakening.png)

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185be2  No.12090183

Joe Biden rapes children and you are ok with that.

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d6204c  No.12090184

File: 2b856d8e901ba96⋯.png (146.85 KB, 381x333, 127:111, 2b856d8e901ba96b31546f49a1….png)

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ce69c3  No.12090185

File: c4b23f0ac532c99⋯.jpg (29 KB, 462x382, 231:191, 1605922514590.jpg)


Thank you, Anon.. for holding the line and never giving up.

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2aecc2  No.12090186

File: be6e0cb91e36b53⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 480x475, 96:95, FB_IMG_1608372651285.jpg)

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c20fef  No.12090187

File: e40e40342118d19⋯.png (687.34 KB, 1066x709, 1066:709, NSIntercept.png)


Hi Dan.

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185be2  No.12090188


Whats wrong with you?

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9e33d2  No.12090189

File: 32d2246717024db⋯.png (54.46 KB, 255x129, 85:43, ClipboardImage.png)


I so appreciated the PF

I cannot imagine a more boring job.

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185be2  No.12090190


Joe Biden rapes children and you are ok with that.

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1f333c  No.12090191

Remember WE THE PEOPLE must not fall for the fraud… if we let this happen it will only get worst … give them a inch they will try to take a mile

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185be2  No.12090192


you are only fooling yourself.

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c20fef  No.12090193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

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b2205d  No.12090194

File: 6d124b9b3ec366a⋯.png (515.27 KB, 650x381, 650:381, Shill_Derr.png)


>You're only fooling yerself derrrr

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ce69c3  No.12090195

File: 93b858a4b250f3f⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 481x394, 481:394, 93b858a4b250f3fa0276af8ee9….jpg)



What the fuck?

Are you seriously talking to me?

Kill yourself.

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185be2  No.12090196


What kind of moron hangs out with people they hate?

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c20fef  No.12090197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NTSB Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part II -18 Dec 2020

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30eb5a  No.12090198

File: 264206f11e97785⋯.png (290.05 KB, 432x578, 216:289, Screen_Shot_2020_12_19_at_….png)

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185be2  No.12090199

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9e33d2  No.12090200

File: 399014ecbb28a0e⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Awesome_Motherfucker_fucka….mp4)


>TYB's actually contribute something to "board morale"

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ac74de  No.12090201


That's above my tech savvy and pay grade. Need someone like CM to look into that, now that he's gone.

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b2205d  No.12090202

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, 0eb9e67c7a59a21f2ad655826….jpeg)




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2c5447  No.12090203

File: 2bb0c4ec006743d⋯.png (575.42 KB, 593x767, 593:767, prease_dont_leave.png)


>Thank you, Anon.. for holding the line and never giving up.

thank you for having the strength to stand with us

and to never stop being (you)

you are loved 'round these parts, senpai

▲ ▲

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185be2  No.12090204


You are going to be so sad.

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c3fc0a  No.12090205


nobody cares

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f0f0c1  No.12090206


Remember everyday for the last 20 years.

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8bdb02  No.12090207


shut the FUCK up you anime shill.

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ce69c3  No.12090208

File: 29d95b14aa829c5⋯.jpg (94.51 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 4d8d3b5fb3359466ab992b8d9b….jpg)


Think mirror.


▲ ▲

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000000  No.12090209


can you imagine Adm Rogers mad?

He looks pissed when he's happy.

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9e33d2  No.12090210


scratch the "d"

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11606a  No.12090211

File: 7a05d4da7d867b3⋯.webm (1.62 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, NotUrsTho.webm)




not urs tho

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000000  No.12090212


>Think mirror.

I'm thinking about that anime pussy from Japan

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c7458d  No.12090213

File: fad9397dcda80fc⋯.png (6.3 MB, 2578x1466, 1289:733, Screen_Shot_2020_12_08_at_….png)

File: 5e5693fa6e72551⋯.png (5.83 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A13B4C0F_EBF9_4E22_8C93_CC….png)

File: 252eaad9cc55215⋯.jpeg (283.96 KB, 1800x1496, 225:187, 6CD58B4B_67C0_46AB_B7B1_9….jpeg)

File: f39368ca657bf46⋯.jpeg (749.2 KB, 1348x1800, 337:450, 2E644A3D_53F0_48AF_AB0B_B….jpeg)

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2c5447  No.12090214

File: 08dbf14dc76e31f⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 800x666, 400:333, Top_Cunts.jpg)



I got cool friends

suck dicks niggers

going to be a long morning

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c20fef  No.12090215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bob Hoover Taken Prisoner in Nazi Prison Camp

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185be2  No.12090216


My job is making people disapere

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d6204c  No.12090217

File: 967d1b96d2b276e⋯.png (682.56 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f333c  No.12090218


yea i wonder if CM still lurks & post…

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9e33d2  No.12090219

File: 21a792a4f6efd8f⋯.png (891.68 KB, 634x533, 634:533, ClipboardImage.png)



Can't be older then 16

Shit is fucked up what has happened to an entire generation.

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bbb283  No.12090220

probably too late to catch but CM is on OANN


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e7f331  No.12090221

File: afd1775ee32ce0e⋯.png (208.97 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 4terms.png)


And the wall just got ten feet higher.

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d6204c  No.12090222

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e5d78b  No.12090223


Now look at Pence’s needle- it has a green tip

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ac74de  No.12090224



Makes more sense than Biden! Mother fucker for President 2024!

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ce69c3  No.12090225

File: 81a13c8daa6d3ed⋯.png (278.28 KB, 411x415, 411:415, 81a13c8daa6d3ed3ebac04001b….png)


Obviously it had nothing to do with English..

Try harder, Chang.

Taiwan is best China.

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30eb5a  No.12090226

File: b4aaef8aae12846⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1108x739, 1108:739, sun.png)

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c20fef  No.12090227


Would love to meet you on my front porch.

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e7f331  No.12090228

File: 9840c815f355125⋯.jpeg (661.38 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, AdmRogers_redpill.jpeg)


kek, he looks happy in this picture.

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9e33d2  No.12090229



He's not mean enough to be POTUS in today's world.

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5dde76  No.12090230

File: 7bf103906e83508⋯.png (106.25 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorOUT.png)

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30eb5a  No.12090231

File: 6547d6cac356d0a⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Bad_Moon_Rising.mp4)

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d6204c  No.12090232

File: 78415274ae62572⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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185be2  No.12090233


You should go hang out with your friends. I am the angel of death. It wont be pretty.

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c02fc0  No.12090234


Is she cradling a pretend baby she’s going to eat?

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2c5447  No.12090235

File: 71a068f1a7359ae⋯.jpg (126.85 KB, 1024x946, 512:473, Anime_Bunker.jpg)


>thinking about that anime pussy

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878b57  No.12090236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>nobody cares

anons care

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c20fef  No.12090237

Let's roll past the comments and consider the effects.

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0fbecc  No.12090238

File: f23f47ac0f50bb8⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 426x320, 213:160, TPB.gif)

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b09910  No.12090239

File: 73bb9c849352fd5⋯.png (218.49 KB, 1440x3168, 5:11, DBC182EB_0E86_43E7_8ED5_14….png)

File: 098ac1126b3cde4⋯.jpeg (536.23 KB, 1619x1385, 1619:1385, 85E99581_6812_4F7D_AE80_6….jpeg)

>>12090050 lb

>>12090040 lb

Did a quick dig on the “I can hear you breathing” drop.

Found this. (Pic related and drop pic reposted for convenience)

So, if an LDR senses proximity and tells devices you are near, software in the device can turn on mics … turn on cameras …

There’s your Palantir, Anons. I mean, we all knew it. We just did not KNOW know it. You know?

Been Red Pilled all my life, but got my booster a few years ago.

I’m based now. Based as hell.

On that note, time for me to get up and start a pot of Covfefe. No sense in trying to sleep now. What a crazy night.

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11606a  No.12090240

File: 42f0117c77fee93⋯.webm (1 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, BidenGirl.webm)



Agree. Even that Biden Girl, there are tik toks everywhere, This generation of kids are lost… and these are just the decent vids… sad.

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9e33d2  No.12090241

File: a2d74fdc643673a⋯.png (493.69 KB, 606x521, 606:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12090242


Hard to shoot a rifle with one hand, Anon

Pistol is best

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ac74de  No.12090243



With all of his digging and twatting on Dominion, twatting photos of politicians posing with their CCP Masters, I think he's a little busy right now.

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bbb283  No.12090244


imagine 1/32nd of what he has seen.

ptsd is a bitch

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ce69c3  No.12090245

File: 594d86f2deb11c4⋯.png (111.29 KB, 458x428, 229:214, 0c342cab5b9e8e3030509fb6ac….png)


The low IQ nigger thinks we are the same person.

Imagine my surprise when no one fucking gives two shits about a supposed angel of death that can't even identify different posters on a mongolian basket weaving forum for aquatic pumpkin carving enthusiasts

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91fe9e  No.12090246


ThankQ anon

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233fa1  No.12090247


Or it could be Cue, and this is a message, the new title.

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1f333c  No.12090248

Why did CM resign on election day??? has that question ever been answered???

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9873cb  No.12090249


Boat Fagging.

Now, that's even slower work . . .

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185be2  No.12090250


I've been responsible for some of the most famous peoples deaths. You would be a joy.

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9e33d2  No.12090251


am dying over here..

Ooh mann

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8bdb02  No.12090254


he resigned because you're such a faggot. so stop it.

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000000  No.12090255


She looks great for a mom.

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878b57  No.12090256


anon has your back brother/sister

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2c5447  No.12090257

File: 77a2a03a44dc2ec⋯.gif (476.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, whyface.gif)


>supposed angel of death that can't even identify different posters

imagine the look on this angels face when it finds out whatNIGHTMARESare made from?

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9e33d2  No.12090258





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ac74de  No.12090259


Being sarcastic.

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c20fef  No.12090260

File: 36b438605a2551e⋯.png (81.11 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 36b438605a2551e606950e078d….png)

Dee Snider was arrested for horrible concert comments in Amarillo, Texas. Namely the use of profanity. US Senate hearings soon followed.

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d6204c  No.12090261

File: a2e952d10cd1146⋯.png (699.56 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Is he stupid or does he just play stupid on TV?

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e7f331  No.12090262


>imagine 1/32nd of what he has seen.

Can't even. I imagine it will make victory very sweet indeed.

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185be2  No.12090263

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ce69c3  No.12090264

File: d8bf5d64199313d⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 770x702, 385:351, d8bf5d64199313d4fe15e280f9….jpg)



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c20fef  No.12090265

File: 4b5b6ea3bfe3930⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 333x250, 333:250, AngryGirlfriend.gif)

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9e33d2  No.12090266

File: 98ed3227b8da20c⋯.mp4 (13 MB, 274x480, 137:240, BIDEN_Lip_SYnc_Crazy_Eyeba….mp4)

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185be2  No.12090267


Go away and never come back.

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c20fef  No.12090268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bob Hoover - Shrike Commander 500S - 1986 Denver Full Flight HD

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b09910  No.12090269


CM got an offer no Patriot would refuse. Do you Twitter ?

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bbb283  No.12090270

File: 9e53c11c0ea107b⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 399x385, 57:55, wr6u63wwhjeu5yqwjthw5t3qju….jpg)

Are there any QAnons on here?


time to take a break.

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9e33d2  No.12090271


Wake up and it has moved 2 inches on your monitor. EXCITING STUFF!

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2c5447  No.12090272

File: 8fd6225f142cc36⋯.png (320.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Anime_Baker_DJ.png)


NIGHTmares are best mares

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233fa1  No.12090273


This is pedophilia, she is a minor.

Where are her parents? Take this down from the board.

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1f333c  No.12090274


yup been following CMZ for about a month

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d6204c  No.12090275

File: 0a12437ef638ce4⋯.jpeg (98.41 KB, 585x591, 195:197, 0a12437ef638ce4cc1f4e3950….jpeg)

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9873cb  No.12090276


Is she still lactating ?

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375a3f  No.12090277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hey PalantirAnon I have some research for you.

I spent weeks on this.

Here is the google Doc


It is the Palantir Alexander Karp Clinton Foundation Mother lode

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ce69c3  No.12090278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c7458d  No.12090279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.12090281


>Is she still lactating ?

I would love to find out.

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4c3542  No.12090282

is this an anime board ?


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2c5447  No.12090283

File: bdfb139cf56846e⋯.jpg (27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, chuuune.jpg)




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bbb283  No.12090284



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4f152b  No.12090285

File: 8291b90af920911⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 594x394, 297:197, pedophilia_the_act_of_endi….jpg)

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878b57  No.12090286


Juan takes CCP up the Ass.

He must get Wuhan money!

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185be2  No.12090287


Faker run away and never come back or get what you deserve.

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ce69c3  No.12090288

File: d7db8c96685179a⋯.gif (101.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, d7db8c96685179ae80a03c4dfa….gif)


Dancing on the graves of the deepstate!

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185be2  No.12090290


>Faker run away and never come back or get what you deserve.

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2c5447  No.12090291

File: 256cbf2af53690d⋯.jpg (19.68 KB, 500x376, 125:94, classy.jpg)


>get what you deserve

if only I could be so lucky

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4f152b  No.12090293

File: 5001b5380dd8132⋯.jpg (90.65 KB, 598x446, 299:223, as_directed_by_michigan_se….jpg)

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ce5e76  No.12090294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found this from the Atlantic Counsel 3 years ago. It’s about how bad the voting machines are. Has anyone heard them speak up since the 2020 election debacle.

Can someone tweet this to Rudy? CM?

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185be2  No.12090296

Faker run away and never come back or get what you deserve.

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ce69c3  No.12090299

File: b397b2d0dcf1d5d⋯.png (558.59 KB, 1495x1041, 1495:1041, b397b2d0dcf1d5dd1795941fe2….png)

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4f152b  No.12090306

File: f2ff17423d109bc⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 595x554, 595:554, 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_ba….jpg)

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185be2  No.12090309


This is not a joke.

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2c5447  No.12090310


Can you imagine this blasting out into the open desert @10,000 watts during a literal sandstorm?

because it something an anon would never forget

if anon were lucky enough to experience

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000000  No.12090311

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3f4685  No.12090312


“Remember this, keep it in mind,

take it to heart, you rebels.

9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;

I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me.

10 I make known the end from the beginning,

from ancient times, what is still to come.

I say, ‘My purpose will stand,

and I will do all that I please.’

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185be2  No.12090313


I am the Angele of death.

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13ff72  No.12090314

File: a9ab8ed98df7b55⋯.png (394.71 KB, 508x342, 254:171, EagleWater.png)

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ce69c3  No.12090315

File: e4c73e1c2c82b7f⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 1015x665, 29:19, e4c73e1c2c82b7fe0b98509e1b….jpg)


There will plenty of time to celebrate..

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3f4685  No.12090316

From the east I summon a bird of prey;

from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.

What I have said, that I will bring about;

what I have planned, that I will do.

12 Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted,

you who are now far from my righteousness.

13 I am bringing my righteousness near,

it is not far away;

and my salvation will not be delayed.

I will grant salvation to Zion,

my splendor to Israel.

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bbb283  No.12090317

To err is human to forgive is divine.

Justice is also divine.

Context matters.

DS you are going down and God can sort you out!

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ba2558  No.12090318

More threats to expand house arrests in the South East of the UK before Christmas..

London and south east could be 'cut off' from the rest of the UK with travel banned after new 'highly contagious' coronavirus variant rampages through region


But behold! A possible saviour just in time to free the UK peasants from house arrest before New Year? Can it be that the days of the government holding the British people to ransom in order to push Bill Gate's and 'Dr' Fauci's W.H.O. vaccination plan are nearing an end?

Oxford vaccine 'WILL be approved before New Year' amid fears UK will soon RUN OUT of Pfizer vaccine until March - massively delaying mass vaccination program that is already struggling to inoculate people fast enough


Q, unless this part of the plan, all of these people should be dealt with swiftly and publicly to expose their genocidal agenda once and for all.

And British government/Rothschild banking crooks, if you think I'm paying more taxes to contribute to your debts incurred during this fake plandemic, you're sorely mistaken. In fact, under Common Law, I won't be paying any taxes in future. That's the problem when people have too much time on their hands because their livelihoods have been destroyed by your bullshit. They research, discover, plan and execute.

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2c5447  No.12090319

File: d2750a84b894901⋯.jpg (82.73 KB, 770x1085, 22:31, Begone_Satan.jpg)


>I am the Angele of death.

take this

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2c5447  No.12090320


>There will plenty of time to celebrate…

the stuff dreams are made of

dream it till they meme it

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ed0b5c  No.12090321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I didn't realize this was freely available on YT but if anons haven't seen "A Good American" documentary on Bill Binney and others, this is worth the 90 mins.


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3f4685  No.12090322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


90210/316 ☝️😬✌️

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b09910  No.12090323


Everything is there. If you read between the Tweets, you kinda know what he is up to now.

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375a3f  No.12090324

File: ca74cab307e5c6b⋯.png (267.53 KB, 629x626, 629:626, ca74cab307e5c6beb61e654640….png)


Downoading and archiving right now will throw it up on Rumble

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ce69c3  No.12090325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Upon the projection screen did show a brilliant light, it gleamed..

Scintillation supreme, the mind opened wide to witness obscene

Their eyes opened, released from dream..

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9e33d2  No.12090326



And then we have this anime crap everywhere to boot!


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e511f8  No.12090327

File: c18cfe099c55e62⋯.jpg (20.41 KB, 322x313, 322:313, cleopatra.jpg)

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1f333c  No.12090328

Whos on PAT44 from spain & why were they in spain???

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7c0fcc  No.12090329

Biden aide says Pentagon DID stop transition meetings, amid speculation Trump is preparing to ‘cross the Rubicon’


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ce5e76  No.12090330


Watch Glen Beck, Blaze tv.bunch of Dem Congressmen sent a 38 page letter to Biden, demanding he run all Christian Republicans out of government and business, because we’re soooo dangerous.

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f0f0c1  No.12090331


So then it is time to break their dam and send them back home on a save and rescue operation, right? Waiting for a just cause.

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c3fc0a  No.12090332


Orange is a locking safety cap that closes over the point of the needle after use.

Green is just a regular needle with a plastic cap that doesnt lock after use.

Not saying there isnt more to it, just know this from being a medic for the last 15 years.

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2c5447  No.12090333

File: 805b109c7daaa3e⋯.jpg (248.69 KB, 1600x1142, 800:571, comfy_on_the_storm.jpg)


mind = read

yu can b mai DJ anytime

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e7f331  No.12090334


> Atlantic Counsel 3 years ago. It’s about how bad the voting machines are. Has anyone heard them speak up since the 2020 election debacle.

Weren't a bunch of the "impeachment" characters members of the Atlantic Council? That's probably the answer. CFR, too. I can't tell them apart anymore. The all look like traitors.

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ce69c3  No.12090335

File: 25f24a6262b7eaf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 25f24a6262b7eaf6715b18eecf….png)


Trips of Truth..

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ed0b5c  No.12090336


Posted on Twat and tagged CM, Rudy, and others.

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6c2d51  No.12090337

File: 68362615f273304⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 204x255, 4:5, meow_bomb.jpg)


Hi IQ post…. felt this for a long time, but never been able to say it so succinctly … add the Covid 1984 hoax which they pulled off on the whole world, along with the impossibility of Biden's 80 million! votes, Mockingbird media, and corrupt judges blocking any sort of accounting of this and I would say the frog in the pot is reaching a boil…. thanks for the perspective


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9e33d2  No.12090338



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000000  No.12090340

Not being able to embed Bitchute videos makes my loins tremble


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60731f  No.12090341

File: b14a91d107fe82d⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, 478x270, 239:135, utahsoveriegnty.mp4)


UN would be taking charge in UTAH?

NYC is……. fucked?

>>12089386 pb

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bc4ce6  No.12090342

File: 6c551ccf8c2a1fe⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 720x720, 1:1, poomask.mp4)

Takes mask off and uses to pick up dogs poo, then puts mask back on..


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8fccdf  No.12090343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mind Warrior Training

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d6204c  No.12090344


all while all alone outside

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2c5447  No.12090345

File: b790ba0e137fdc9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 907x1200, 907:1200, tritium_pepe.png)


>Trips of Truth…


Kek approves

the god of ChaosLoveMusicCore

feels good man

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000000  No.12090346


>the greater perspective that can actually solve the problem




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bc4ce6  No.12090347


I don't understand.

I hope she get the PEG vaccine… /hate to say it

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9e33d2  No.12090348



This dude knows things..

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233fa1  No.12090349


There is no pandemic. Viruses are natural, exsomes, and are not contagious. So, for the life of me, I can't yet figure out why all these 'vaccines', and why is POTUS allowing for such since he doesn't really support vacccines.

Are they saline? Is it a big Q Troll? I know many say it's cover for the military to move…but if that's so, it's going too far. Vaccines are always dangerous, destroying the immune system and deadly, at least all the ones given previously to this one.

And people need to recall their political leaders right now, and take legal action against their 'mask' discrimination. We all have a medical exemption and it's illegal to violate our rights on many, many grounds. Watch Peggy, The Healthy American videos on bitchute.

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0d6126  No.12090350

File: 0d52fed68d5bfc7⋯.png (91.86 KB, 670x501, 670:501, 4677458.png)

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1f333c  No.12090351

2 EO for 12/21/20

Wright Brothers day-


National Strategy for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion -


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ce69c3  No.12090352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And the world was given to thee..

A bastion of new life and possibility.

Their hopes given the luxury to be free

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e511f8  No.12090353

File: 671f5d4e9226429⋯.jpg (184.76 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, i_tried.jpg)

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56cb1a  No.12090354


Well I think we need to consider that CM was not just a random IT admin running a random forum. Just like Jim is not some random guy. Snowden is not some randome guy. Many people in this movie are playing roles IMO.

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d6204c  No.12090355


she doesn't need a mask in the first place, there's no one around

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000000  No.12090356




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9e33d2  No.12090357

File: 17407e56aebf44a⋯.gif (4.68 MB, 400x250, 8:5, Tackle_Hugs.gif)

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bc4ce6  No.12090358


She doesn't need a mask at all..

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ce69c3  No.12090359

File: 31cca6cc8372744⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1292x1356, 323:339, 1605985233489.png)


Never Give Up.

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878b57  No.12090360

How about our children's children learning the history of what we are living through today.

History my friends…

For them Trump is a hero that saved the world from evil.

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d6204c  No.12090361

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e511f8  No.12090362

File: d0c84d1f1c2aaed⋯.png (119.73 KB, 484x527, 484:527, real_pandemics.png)

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2c5447  No.12090363


you know

as fucked up as the music/entertainment scene in LA was

I do have some very fond memories

music is amazing at eliciting memories

thank you senpai


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0ec0fa  No.12090364


Only BO or BVs have the tools to edit breads.

BO insists that BVs don't bake, however …

evidence suggests they do and are closely affiliated with the endchan discord tranny faggots that have infiltrated and subverted the board.

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6fd1da  No.12090365


Can you shine some light on the whole "Missing 411" people going missing in the National Parks especially the ones in CA every year.

Some seriously suspicious shit and the National Park Service/BLM is covering the whole thing up.

Thank you for any info you can give. WWG1WGA

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c20fef  No.12090366

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)

We would what we are have to do. Any wonder? How far beyond human studies are you? Is there a connection? Where would we find those deep held beliefs? Sick joke. I know.

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ce69c3  No.12090367

File: 0aa7ce90aedf065⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 0aa7ce90aedf065d3d8a6e792e….png)


And to me, that hero is you.

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0d6126  No.12090368

File: f3735ad99fad495⋯.png (196.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 3547458.png)

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e7f331  No.12090370

File: 933a897010aae3b⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1048x894, 524:447, SuperPOTUS.png)

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f0f0c1  No.12090371


Respectfully disagree. Read 1 Kings 18:40.

To let me them get away with crimes and murder is the fading away of good people. God's witnesses are already here, and a day of reckoning starts today, day 1.

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c01e96  No.12090372


Depends on what the sentence "The end won't be for everyone" means in the end.

Will anyone know the names of the Operatives during C19? Probably not.

Will Trump stay neutral for optics until the very end? Maybe.

Will we even know who the people posting here were? Well…

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c20fef  No.12090373

File: 707882e58d28b31⋯.jpg (105.56 KB, 768x750, 128:125, im98521478521478g_thumb_jp….jpg)

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9692e8  No.12090374


Lethal Injection would be nice.

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2c5447  No.12090375



so to be perfectly fucking clear

it is being claimed

that I baked this bread with the SAME bread number as the last bread

and then

magically and mysteriously

the bread number became sequentially correct?

is that what is being alleged?

for the record

I baked this bread as #15436

that was, and still is the correct sequential number



go be niggers elsewhere

or dont

free will and all

you do you

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c20fef  No.12090376

File: f242d0e16ffd01f⋯.jpg (79.87 KB, 666x750, 111:125, FB_IMG_1599019385950_thumb….jpg)

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c01e96  No.12090377


What is that? A suction cup on the needle?

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ce69c3  No.12090378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you, Anon..

Let the degeneracy stumble and fall..

So that the Anthem of Angels may echo beyond all time..


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0fbecc  No.12090379

File: f4393ae769ad946⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1584790557777.jpg)

Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC[1] precipitated the Roman Civil War, which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator and the rise of the imperial era of Rome. Caesar had been appointed to a governorship over a region that ranged from southern Gaul to Illyricum (but not Italy). As his term of governorship ended, the Roman Senate ordered Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome. He was explicitly ordered not to take his army across the Rubicon river, which was at that time a northern boundary of Italy. InJanuaryof 49 BC, Caesar brought the 13th legion across the river, which the Roman government consideredinsurrection, treason, and a declaration of war on the Roman Senate. According to some authors, he is said to have uttered the phrase "alea iacta est"—the die is cast—as his army marched through the shallow river.

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bc4ce6  No.12090380

File: 36f42b6cdb0ede8⋯.png (12.93 KB, 593x162, 593:162, recent.PNG)



Don't see anything, maybe small edit aren't shown?

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9e33d2  No.12090381




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56cb1a  No.12090382


That's an old vid, happened some time ago. Still shocking, but I don't see the relationship to DeBlasio's communist tendencies.

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f90c78  No.12090383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fight for Trump


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58d075  No.12090384



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375a3f  No.12090385

File: eafd7226e63e7a1⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1736x1218, 124:87, Screen_Shot_2020_12_19_at_….png)



Video for CM archived here on Rumble


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72b932  No.12090386

File: e877d5ef0198852⋯.jpeg (88.49 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 6F314BBF_15C1_404D_985D_5….jpeg)

It’s all over but the crying.

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9e33d2  No.12090387



Sounds like music they play in Africa to kids they kidnap, hook on drugs, and force them to commit genocides.

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e91b47  No.12090388

File: 6c5ee43a4e1e3be⋯.png (279.76 KB, 774x490, 387:245, take_test.PNG)


Governor Cuomo Should Take a Polygraph Test, Just Like He Demanded of Brett Kavanaugh

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86a36b  No.12090389



Have fun watching the brain melt in the mirror.

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1f333c  No.12090390


no claim is the bread name changed … i saw the name change too .. dont be a nigger fren … you changed the name congress lead follow or get out the way to eagle 5 5

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d6204c  No.12090391

File: c6baaf4315e19c4⋯.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, c6baaf4315e19c489dd5183567….png)

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e91b47  No.12090392

File: 0fe9635779d27f2⋯.png (32.3 KB, 857x255, 857:255, mi_vid.PNG)


MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

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000000  No.12090393



The NeYeN sequence


Tesla Vortex and sheeit

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e91b47  No.12090394

File: cd78624c4460907⋯.png (663.03 KB, 858x629, 858:629, be_big.PNG)


President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

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ce320b  No.12090395

File: 4ffa14ab1d5812c⋯.jpg (616.11 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 4ffa14ab1d5812c9aa19a4896f….jpg)

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9e33d2  No.12090396


Next they'll sell Poop Scented Masks to the normies.

Insert ridiculous reasoning here

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ce69c3  No.12090397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sayonara.. My small world calls.

Have a wonderful bake, Anon.

I believe in you, thank you..

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2c5447  No.12090398

File: 99e1fb5eefa4b6c⋯.png (573.98 KB, 1885x511, 1885:511, dafuq.png)


>no claim is the bread name changed … i saw the name change too .. dont be a nigger fren … you changed the name congress lead follow or get out the way to eagle 5 5

I changed the name of which bread anon?

they are both still there

check the catalog


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e7f331  No.12090399

File: b17055b31316caa⋯.png (83.06 KB, 254x240, 127:120, POTUStricorn.png)

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0d6126  No.12090400

File: 3d1e2852ba2a8d0⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 368x259, 368:259, 636636.jpg)


probably we just switched time-lines/mandela

(only half jokin')

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c673fb  No.12090401

File: 9123a98c55268a8⋯.jpg (110 KB, 604x734, 302:367, nystatesflag.jpg)



notice how the New York flag is lain over the one of USA

Probably will give order to cede the city to the UN, to defend against USA

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d6204c  No.12090402


i can supply the poop, go the shits this morning

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464e1a  No.12090403



Ugly asshole too.

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e91b47  No.12090404

File: 196910c0c943f6a⋯.png (330.63 KB, 667x595, 667:595, flame_d.PNG)


Biden’s Transition Has Been

a Flaming Disaster

Breitbart Politics, by Charles Hurt

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ba2558  No.12090405


No words can describe the stupidity here..

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fdcc2b  No.12090406


I think there could be many epiphanies that day.

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2c5447  No.12090407

File: 8b8101f4d380b5b⋯.png (720.16 KB, 573x428, 573:428, tippy_top_comfy.png)


>My small world calls.

have a blessed day senpai!

(you) are on top of the world!

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0d6126  No.12090408


>they are both still there


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1f333c  No.12090409


glads theres an anon that kind of understands the science

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000000  No.12090410


I'm actually surprised to see a black girl doing this. Typically, old nasty white cat ladies are more prone to stick a shit-covered rag on their face. Black girls, in my experience, are a bit prissy when it comes to gross things.

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e91b47  No.12090411

File: eb7614a513cabc8⋯.png (342.82 KB, 652x663, 652:663, p_clear.PNG)


It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack

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878b57  No.12090412


>Will we even know who the people posting here were? Well…

We are anon

history will be for the greater good

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bc4ce6  No.12090413

File: 28b531b34f0e002⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1100x1095, 220:219, 28b531b34f0e002bcb963937b3….png)


>S T U P I D

I think she flips the mask around but instead does a full rotation puttin the poo side on her face! kek

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e91b47  No.12090414

File: 8f24b0fa5ded8e0⋯.png (583.12 KB, 718x635, 718:635, gets_term.PNG)


Georgia Poll Workers Who Raised Election

Concerns Get Terminated

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

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2c5447  No.12090415


>no claim is the bread name changed … i saw the name change too .. dont be a nigger fren … you changed the name congress lead follow or get out the way to eagle 5 5

in the VERY possible case that you are just THAT retarded


when I baked a NEW bread

I gave that NEW bread a NEW title to go along with its NEW number

as can be clearly seen in the catalog


if you check theFresh Breadpost that was dropped at the END of LAST BREAD you can cearly see what I INTENDED to name this bread:

>>12090172 (PB)

>>12090172 (PB)

>>12090172 (PB)

Q Research General #15436: Eagle Eyes Five Five Edition

Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:2c5447

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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0d6126  No.12090416

File: aed8add2cba9a21⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1084, 270:271, 685959.png)

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c673fb  No.12090417

File: b14fa6cfc5c7998⋯.jpg (301.24 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, biblical12.jpg)


UN is reason for "The Plan"

Patriots descovered they (Rockefeller) were betraying the USA back in the Korean War days, when the leaks by the UN to the "North Koreans" (such as they were, i.e. C-A?) caused many deaths of US soldiers.

Citation for this ^^^^ is floating around~

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bc4ce6  No.12090418


>Will we even know who the people posting here were?

Only famefags from twitter.

We are Anon.

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f0f0c1  No.12090419


It's not a question of believing in prophecy, it about fulfilling it. Elias.

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9873cb  No.12090420


Nancy: This is how AOC holds hers up !

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000000  No.12090421


>kind of understands

I haven't spent a lot of time on it but have heard some interesting points on the matter from time to time. Coincides a lot with what you learn in Electricians courses.

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1f333c  No.12090422


then there must have been a site error… i 100% saw Congress… with 4 post then the name changed to eagle…

Makes me wonder bout CM leaving… was he pushed out??? left freely or told to leave & say he left willingly

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726734  No.12090423


It's really disturbing how many anons believe there really is a pandemic. As if they WANT to get vaxxed

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bc4ce6  No.12090424

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a1d091  No.12090425


The objective is to destroy the US Constitution through any means possible; activist judges, for insatnce, and then claim the Constitution as written is inadequate to cope with modern societies - it was written too long ago to remain pertinent in today's technological world which could not hve been foreseen by Founding Fathers.

The reason authoritarians (elite) so hate the US Constitution is that it recognizes INALIENABLE RIGHT GRANTED BY OUR CREATOR. These rights are not granted by governments and therefore cannot be rescinded by governments. All human rights treaties devised by men codify rights as grants of governments which therefore can be rescinded by governments.

Get rid of Creator bestowed rights and governments have ultimate power.

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0d6126  No.12090426

File: 750404003304513⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 800x570, 80:57, 53748.jpg)

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9e33d2  No.12090427

File: bc31068815f475c⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB, 638x480, 319:240, CAN_T_TOUCH_THIS_SLICED_BR….mp4)


Something is about to burst!

I can feelz it in my bones…

Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy

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2c5447  No.12090428


>Makes me wonder bout CM leaving… was he pushed out??? left freely or told to leave & say he left willingly

go push your fucking slide somewhere else

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6b9359  No.12090429

We are all fighting Satan and his assholes.

How can you get rid of the power of these evil spirits?

Here is my method!

Make them ridiculous in your mind!

What are the fallen angels and their nephilim?

Nephilim are their giant children they begot with the earth women. Since these were begotten on earth and their spirit did not came from heaven, they are known to us today as demons, because God did not allow them to ascend to heaven after they were extinguished on earth.

I call them, children of the greatest idiots ever recorded and I pity them, in a not really pitying way!

Let us consider now the fallen angels, the most ridiculous failures for eternity!

They are far superior to us, older brothers, who already learned millions/billions of years ago how to use the ether!

After these brainiacs had created us people, under the order of God, they stated…. "Hey, there we have created some very hot chicks!" - Muh dick takes over in a full control mode (who does not know how that works?)!

Not with all, but with some hundred of them!

Now we have in mind, "they created us, they are all much further advanced in spirit than we are and they had eternal life in heaven, far away from all „carnal“ desires!“

And then came the vagina magic of the earth woman along and you see… spiritually higher beings could do nothing but unpack their fucking dicks and fuck around brainlessly!

Great idea, Satan and gang… Great idea, idiots! Applause!

Now, we do know, we earthmen, how earthwomen can be….

And the super higher idiot spirits have got this probably also quite fast and thought to themselves, probably…

"All this stress because of a little bit of fucking?"

But it was too late!

The wrath of God was upon them and they now had to spend their miserable lives with the psycho females on Earth…. FOREVER!

These stupid "asses in full" probably got the entire range of.

"Satan, remember the garbage when you go out!"

"Abaddon, you can clean the toilet too, after all, you poop too and why should I have to clean it all the time?"

"No, Azazel, there will be no sex today, I'm still mad at you for not intervening when Semyaza's wife said I looked fat in this dress!"

"Where did you come from at this hour? And how do you look again, Sabnack? You can casually forget about sex for the next three months at a minimum! I am offended"

or the classic…

"What are you thinking, Penemuel?"

If you now still consider that we are the creation of these "angels" (under supervision of God)

Genesis 1:26

- Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, -

then the comparison of the man who invented the rubber doll comes in mind….

So fallen angels are merely sore losers who fucked their rubber dolls because they had no control over their highly developed mind anymore when they spied a naked earth woman….

So, the only thing these peepeewhiners were still able to do was to think with their dicks (let someone reproach me again, being the spiritually poor sinner that I am!)!

Conclusion… Never stick your dick in crazy! And beware of the madness of the earth woman and her vagina magic!

It's not worth the whole thing… (I will ask Satan personally on occasion and laugh at him barbarically! I already ask him, in my mental way, on a daily basis! It is a pure plessure, because I know that he is a pathetic loser, while I ridicule him in my thoughts!)

When you have fully internalized this real slapstick (as sad as it may sound), I ask myself the question.

"Why was I ever afraid of these losers?" They're not the absolute evil, they're the brutally ridiculous!"

And you start making fun of these ancient soyboys, permanently! The muh fathers of the soyboys…

Then, when you find out that you, yourself, are a powerful force yet to be understood by you, you start to realize that Satan and the "savage fuckers" are afraid of you!

They don't want you to be free! They know what you are, fully awakened and on your way to understand yourself!

And so I say, with complete conviction

"Satan is scared to death of me personally, because he knows I'm more powerful than him, his Minions and his whore children and he definitely doesn't want to see my spirit outside of my „physical prison"!

Because I am a migthy power, on the side of God!"

Go fuck yourself Satan, Jesus is King!

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2c5447  No.12090430

>>12090067 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @250


>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12090200 Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!

>>12090176 Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am - Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)

>>12090117 There is a map of hacks that led to this…

>>12090181 PF: RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

>>12090193 , >>12090197 NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

>>12090351 2 EO for 12/21/20

>>12090379 Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War

>>12090392 MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

>>12090394 President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

>>12090411 It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack


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f0f0c1  No.12090431


Behold, The Lion of Judah!

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000000  No.12090432

>>12089731 (pb)

Where is this footage from?

Who are the white guys in yellow coats running security?

Just Qurious

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3065d4  No.12090433

While it's slow - there was a vid posted on here or maybe qresearch2, during the frazzledrip mania. It was of lights, and arrows and rabbits and crazy sounds - but it was energy shifting. Incredibly so. I have never been able to find it again. Anyone?

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464e1a  No.12090434

She’s my sister.

She’s my daughter.

She’s my sister.

She’s my daughter.

She’s my sister and my daughter.

It’s Russia.

It’s China.

It’s Russia.

It’s China.

It’s Russia and it’s China.

Trust the plan.

Trust Q.

Who knows what to trust.

So much fuckery and bad information and shills and anons and the clock is running out!

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230d85  No.12090435

Morning Anon's

About a week ago someone posted a video of a gentleman saying "We have it all" every naked short sale and legal activity.

The speech ends with "make the deal MotherFucker or die"

Can someone repost it and the can bakers make it part of all the breads?

It is a important speech or statement.

If it is saved some where and someone can point me to it great.


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7543c4  No.12090436


Did it ever occur to you that it might be a stupid setup vid, like those corney Jap vids that are so blatantly fake?

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af45f1  No.12090437


This is about THE GREAT RESET anon.

POTUS is trying to save the WORLD from economic collapse.

He is trying to break the narrative by removing the fear.

Please support him however you can….

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9e33d2  No.12090438

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Daily_affirmations.mp4)


Anon's daily inspirational speech

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26bd3a  No.12090439

File: 6e1526d6601c619⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1172x840, 293:210, 2267517632004376.png)

File: 3eba440a0aaef6e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1172x840, 293:210, 1111980067542563.png)

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1f333c  No.12090440


im 100% not crazy & i know what i saw … baker you are acting way to angry about this & making yourself look suspicious … covering something up??? i thought site error at first but your reaction to this is foretelling

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000000  No.12090441


>We are all fighting Satan and his assholes.

stopped reading there

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375a3f  No.12090442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice work but you have to add the Palantir Dig

They are mentioned in Vault 7 Over and Over again. Also started up by the CIA slush fund IN-Q-TEL.

HERE BakerAnon


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c673fb  No.12090443

File: b38b05ecac78360⋯.jpg (436.66 KB, 1200x821, 1200:821, dogshiding.jpg)

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e91b47  No.12090444

File: a0abc7f443f6d43⋯.png (199.01 KB, 432x364, 108:91, st_christ.PNG)

File: dc2913f6aff7c52⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1276x717, 1276:717, this_is_the_way.PNG)

File: 5ca1deba35c7973⋯.png (432.69 KB, 294x522, 49:87, nothing_new_under.PNG)

the symbolism of the immensely successful Disney+ show The Mandalorian and the Baby Yoda phenomenon. In doing so, they showcase how the story of The Mandalorian maps almost perfectly onto the story of St. Christopher and gives their take on how that may help us understand the show’s popularity and what that can tell us about the state of culture.


The Religious Meaning of The Mandalorian & Baby Yoda


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000000  No.12090445


>Anon's daily inspirational speech

I really needed some sleep that day.

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e7f331  No.12090446


TY, I'm about 35 minutes in.

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2c5447  No.12090447


got it in nao

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2c5447  No.12090449


>baker you are acting way to angry about this & making yourself look suspicious … covering something up??? i thought site error at first but your reaction to this is foretelling


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000000  No.12090450



"Their NEED for symbolism will be their downfall"

Written Chinese

Written Chinese comprises Chinese characters used to represent the Chinese language. Chinese characters do not constitute an alphabet or a compact syllabary. Rather, the writing system is roughly logosyllabic; that is, a character generally represents one syllable of spoken Chinese and may be a word on its own or a part of a polysyllabic word.

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e91b47  No.12090451

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB, 264x271, 264:271, god_wins.PNG)

File: 19ad86ee480e3bc⋯.png (643.48 KB, 630x452, 315:226, I_O_mando.PNG)

File: 61e82209765374e⋯.png (787.38 KB, 721x843, 721:843, I_O_chess_b.PNG)


Watch the Water….

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9e33d2  No.12090452

File: 96045ed261365f1⋯.mp4 (452.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, HARRUMPH_HARRUMPH_HARRUMPH.mp4)



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f0f0c1  No.12090453



5 Blinks in 5 seconds = 5:5

Revelations 5:5

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bc4ce6  No.12090454

File: 6542114a3f69732⋯.jpg (96.7 KB, 564x873, 188:291, 0686e2eec3bbd68a60b0c7ba8f….jpg)



The Phoenix has two wings, one LEFT and one RIGHT. Both headed in the same direction, flapping in sequence but in a different motion.

The sleeping Giant is waking.

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1f333c  No.12090455


stop being a nigger & answer the question then fren

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de6216  No.12090456

Epiphanius of Salamis says that January 6 is Christ's "Birthday; that is, His Epiphany" (hemera genethlion toutestin epiphanion).[28] He also asserts that the Miracle at Cana occurred on the same calendar day.[29] Epiphanius assigns the Baptism to November 6.[23]

Trump says BIG protest in DC on Jan 6.

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375a3f  No.12090457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks Baker your the real HackerMan


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0d6126  No.12090458

File: 84cf41659de807a⋯.jpeg (97.32 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 43536366.jpeg)

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d6204c  No.12090459

File: e22329b0faebb69⋯.png (150.96 KB, 538x360, 269:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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3065d4  No.12090460



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4f152b  No.12090461

File: 6389199e0d05cd1⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 595x578, 35:34, have_seen_the_masks_but_wh….jpg)


Didn't even pick up all the shit, she obviously is no Girl Scout. "Be Prepared"

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000000  No.12090462


>occur to you


I felt happier not putting the amount of thought into it required to reach that conclusion.

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230d85  No.12090463

File: 75d7b0c91078b4a⋯.png (332.3 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count


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e91b47  No.12090464

File: 5b9c70c1b962da5⋯.png (509.18 KB, 342x596, 171:298, st_ch_crossing.PNG)

File: 345e51f92874b79⋯.png (319.87 KB, 666x335, 666:335, yoda_gear_shift.PNG)

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9e33d2  No.12090465

File: 794ac8cbd788e10⋯.png (602.93 KB, 547x550, 547:550, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>12090200 (You) Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!


I made Notables today..

I try to at least a few times per day.

During the day.. When the shills take over is when I dig more and try to post breaking news I dig up.

Night shift is a lot more relaxed.. Chilled even?

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f0f0c1  No.12090466


Because they will not relent, day 1 of Judgement. Watch the water…

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9dc90c  No.12090467

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, B2DE70CB_BDBF_405B_8DA5_F0….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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4e1c52  No.12090468

File: dc2bba7ca01a980⋯.png (172.49 KB, 1184x930, 592:465, dc2bba7ca01a980b61f9ca4adc….png)

File: 2fd59b29c6a9fab⋯.jpg (223.74 KB, 1280x585, 256:117, 2fd59b29c6a9fabb57518499a0….jpg)


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9e33d2  No.12090469

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2c5447  No.12090470

File: 0025d68be5e8edb⋯.jpg (134.91 KB, 1280x843, 1280:843, slow_night_shift.jpg)


>Night shift is a lot more relaxed.. Chilled even?

exactly this anon

you should stop by more often

sun is rising soon

will be Swordy shift for a blessed few hours

then well, you know the drill, kek!

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6055f8  No.12090471


amateur shill attempts amateur gaslight

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e86147  No.12090472



some probably make notables multiple times but for us "non autistic" its pretty cool.

made notables last month for first time myself.

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d6204c  No.12090473

File: d5cff1a9fe2a670⋯.jpg (77.6 KB, 1024x736, 32:23, pepe11.jpg)

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bc4ce6  No.12090474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tip of the spear.

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e91b47  No.12090475

File: e4478cd62897d02⋯.png (473.49 KB, 675x709, 675:709, tg.PNG)


Tulsi Gabbard: Redirect Profits from Corporations Allowed to Remain Open to Small Businesses Forced to Close

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c673fb  No.12090476

File: 503346f9b9f4b6c⋯.png (97.04 KB, 662x448, 331:224, dday.png)


must have something to do with

Princess LIE-a - yesterday

Mark Ham El

and "Return o the Jedi" all trending on TWIT


the vid which got the 444 claims it was a failed trilogy

Maybe Lucas will get arrested soon?

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375a3f  No.12090477

File: 9227a05e449f4e1⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB, 960x540, 16:9, FLYNNL1VE5_.mp4)


Night Shift is the ONLY SHIFT

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6055f8  No.12090478


right, try to combine the slides when neither one works

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230d85  No.12090479

File: 2748c54f8ff77f0⋯.png (255.5 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia Official Warned Counties Not to Grant Open Record Requests for Voting Software: Memo


Georgia’s elections director in November sent a memo warning counties that voting machine software was not subject to open record requests as public demand was growing for transparency over Dominion Voting Systems software and other electronic poll book data.

“Multiple counties have reported receiving Open Records Requests asking for data information such as, copies of original software for the voting equipment, copies of any software patches performed on Dominion voting machines in the State of Georgia prior to the November 3, 2020 General Election, as well as copies of any thumb drives provided to you containing software or software updates,” states the memo from


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c7e2b1  No.12090480


Viruses are designed to detox your body.

Everthing in nature has a purpose.

Some are just not understood.

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2c5447  No.12090481


>right, try to combine the slides when neither one works

I kek'd too anon

full potatoe tier shilling this morning

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f0f0c1  No.12090482


True patriot.

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30eb5a  No.12090483


Fake And Gay

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9e33d2  No.12090484


Yer SlackiN`

Made Notables at least 50x in 4 years.

So sick of waiting though.. Been digging since Bill Cooper days and dial up modems.

Now I am old and frankly, just along for the ride.

I feel I have done the heavy lifting getting all the youngins interested over the years and now I can enjoy the show.

If we fall we deserve it at this point..


Mind Warrior Training

Blatant evidence out in the public domain, nothing comes of it = public frustration

9/11, Clinton corruption, Benghazi, U1, CIA manipulating regimes around the world, FF ops (sandy hook, las vegas, on and on)

See the pattern?

Looking historically at these people who have been ruling humanity for so long, do they care that people know that they are lying? No, not at all, in fact, they thrive in that situation. They are not only psychopaths, it's much worse than that, they are purposefully sadistic. How do you think people will develop psychologically when growing up in an absolutely sadistic environment with a facade of normality and goodness to present to the world? They become absolutely that, nothing will ever change those people to start to learn morality which prevents a normal human being to even think the way they do. Their natural morality is covered up by so many layers of tyrannical drive that they are truly lost.

How do we stop the trend? It starts with ourselves. The emotion of frustration, I tell you, learn to observe it in your body without letting it steer your thinking process. It is an art, but you see, it is the loop that keep this process going. Stopping the loop individually allows for the greater perspective that can actually solve the problem. New thoughts and ideas will appear. If you would train this every day, sooner or later you would find that nuggets of new understanding will start to pop in from nowhere. Do not be afraid of being empty for a short while, it is the space created from removing emotional loops and we are allowing God to fill it with something new.

They want people to feel frustrated and hopeless because as long as people stay in that emotion they don't allow themselves to perceive anything else than that which reinforces that emotion. Breaking free from this mind control is the greatest work of freeing ourself, taking back the power of how we perceive reality. That is the true warrior in full control of ones own attention and therefore able to access the Genius that we all have latent in us.

With Love

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e91b47  No.12090485

File: 6960c857201c4c9⋯.png (28.65 KB, 1229x279, 1229:279, mue_statue.PNG)


Condemning ‘cancel culture,’ New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart vetoes council vote to remove city’s Columbus statue

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230d85  No.12090486



A true CCP/Russian Patriot

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6055f8  No.12090487


"with love"

yeah love bombing to try to make your shit legit.

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c8dad6  No.12090488

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE.mp4)



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000000  No.12090489


>True patriot.


She is a member of the CFR

they took her name off the site when she was a candidate for president.

No politicians are Patriots.

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c7e2b1  No.12090490


They're not anons, anon.

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c01e96  No.12090491

0 shills.

Something ain't right.

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e91b47  No.12090492

File: 9e59a5dc193baad⋯.png (480.59 KB, 909x742, 909:742, three_stories.PNG)


China, Spies, And Sexual Harassment: 3 Bombshell Stories The Legacy Media Are Hiding From You

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f0f0c1  No.12090493



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9e33d2  No.12090494


When shit gets serious.. I shut up and focus..

There is a difference!

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ac74de  No.12090495

>>12088376 (pb)

Wray needs to get "Barred" by PDJT. Swamp creature who is insubordinate. A real "slow walker." Probably comped and fighting for his life.

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1f333c  No.12090496


im the one being gaslighted… ive been on here for 3 years … i know what i saw, i was ready to write it off as site error till another anon said something about it…

why would i lie about this??? Baker is acting way to angry about it… really think about it

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2c5447  No.12090497


>election fraud, Election Fraud and ELECTION FRAUD:3 Bombshell Stories The Legacy Media Are Hiding From You


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c8dad6  No.12090498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f0f0c1  No.12090499


Didn't know that, but her action was patriotic, why should Amazon be open and small shops closed?

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9e33d2  No.12090500

File: b9a4309dec9751f⋯.png (22.02 KB, 556x434, 278:217, ClipboardImage.png)


And if you bothered to read it..

I did not write that portion. I jsut thought is spot on and included it.

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000000  No.12090501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0d6126  No.12090502


the calm before the storm

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34a4a3  No.12090503

the board for Q's Anon researchers

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e91b47  No.12090504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6055f8  No.12090505

you misread the catalog

now you are being ridiculous

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bc4ce6  No.12090506


We now have BV's that can edit breads, yes. Here's a boardlog, doesn't show anything though.


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c01e96  No.12090507


>It's really disturbing how many anons believe there really is a pandemic

That's how we're flagging certain posters for now.

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c7458d  No.12090508

File: 25bf127909e5ccf⋯.png (965.08 KB, 1280x545, 256:109, nswashere.png)

File: e2add38bec800a7⋯.png (6.12 MB, 3348x1542, 558:257, nightshiftcoming4u.png)

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40b2a8  No.12090509


You actually think filthy nigger bitches are 'prissy'?

Those dirty hoes relish maintaining their natural oils and aromas! They think three-week old cum dipping pussy is sexy FFS!

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2c5447  No.12090510


>i know what i saw

and what it is you know you saw?

-the bread title changed

what the fuck anon

what is that going to do?

is the bread title being censored?

was some vital piece of information lost?

were anons harmed in some way?


(and its not)

playing FULL Devils advocate

what WRONG or HARM was done?

why is it a BAD thing to have happen, if it in fact happened?


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163abd  No.12090511

File: be80f41f800e857⋯.jpeg (1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, AF5776E3_76FF_4BD6_9BD8_D….jpeg)

On CNN now.. interesting number of deaths today

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230d85  No.12090512


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c81fbf  No.12090513

File: ddd1ee72bf10158⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)



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e91b47  No.12090514

File: 51b386eb07ca34e⋯.png (897.39 KB, 1008x779, 1008:779, stolen_truck.PNG)



Fifth Amazon truck stolen in Cleveland area in just over three weeks in what is becoming a national trend, police reports say

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e86147  No.12090515


absolutely beautiful statement and probably true.

If Ive learned one thing in 4yrs it is just KNOWING the truth can be worse, than blissful ignorance, if your not willing to stand.

or not willing to face reality.

This movement has been REAL.

by that I mean it will {in the end} answerer mankinds biggest Q uestion.


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44f5d9  No.12090516

File: d9f4af81f8eacd6⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1500x1072, 375:268, mems.jpg)

morning you glorious homos, in a funk this am, no caffeine but plenty of weed.

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f0f0c1  No.12090517


Thanks anon, reminds me of Michael Jean Jarre. Use to have a collection. Let's march towards freedom and liberty in the name of the Lord.

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72b932  No.12090518



Ain’t clicking that shit nigga

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375a3f  No.12090519

File: 79e1e14e24a686b⋯.mp4 (5.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, HEAVENS_GATE.mp4)






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e91b47  No.12090520

File: d9ca56969381017⋯.png (222 KB, 674x710, 337:355, mark_z.PNG)


Report: Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 Million Non-Profit Contributions ‘Improperly Influenced 2020 Presidential Election’

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a5b478  No.12090521

Calling Bible Fags - Mark 5:5 wiki page links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source which in turn links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q%2B/Papias_hypothesis

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000000  No.12090522


So retarded when there are multiple therapeutics available.

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375a3f  No.12090523


Revelations 5:5 Check it

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bc4ce6  No.12090524


Interesting, explains a lot.

Also Grogu like Christ can wield the Force.

Grogo means steal.

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0d6126  No.12090525

File: d0e041a47571f4d⋯.png (206.01 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 364758.png)

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000000  No.12090526


Your father could have been a better man.

Don't hold it against him.

He was abused, too.

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c81fbf  No.12090527


Sooo… wealth redistribution?


It does not sound great.

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c3c454  No.12090528


Good morning anon and good night. I am off to bed.

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e91b47  No.12090529

File: d8b2e6c40c04954⋯.png (16.5 KB, 1063x231, 1063:231, votes_to_dis.PNG)


New York village votes to dissolve its own government

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44f5d9  No.12090530


get a good rest soldier.

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dd5db9  No.12090531


Bob Hoover has the best demonstration of spin recovery anon has ever seen or practiced. Should be required learning for ANYONE in positions of “control” and yet may find themselves in a situation “out of control”. Reduce power, let go of the stick, apply opposite rudder.

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e86147  No.12090532


Revelation 5:5

New International Version

5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

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e91b47  No.12090533

File: 45ff1f38c05610f⋯.png (27.51 KB, 628x250, 314:125, army_ch.PNG)


Army chief of staff slaps down pardoned general Mike Flynn's demand for martial law saying 'There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election'

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163abd  No.12090534


Msm keep stumbling on words.. look more anxious than usual … and pushing the fear porn , Russia Russia Russia, and orange man bad …

Parent anons watch religiously these days (blehhh) and I figure keep enemy close .. weed helps with listening to the brain washing rinse repeat tactic

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1f333c  No.12090535


then it might have been a site error, 2 anons saw it point blank… everyone attacking are being ignorant thinking since they didnt see it it didnt happen… trust your gut & ask yourself what do i have to gain if i lied???

idk what happened but when i clicked this bread it was named Congress…..

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d6204c  No.12090536

File: 0e3d68423e45450⋯.png (200.9 KB, 969x509, 969:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Sum of All Fears boomerang

Smith–Mundt Act

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9e33d2  No.12090537


That was posted last bread. I recommended it for NOTABLES but, who am I?

I saved it just the same because I found it brilliant and what any one individual thinks, matters!

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2c5447  No.12090538


>There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election

All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

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e91b47  No.12090539

File: 3ab16503a2e1d89⋯.png (807.94 KB, 668x662, 334:331, keep_dark.PNG)


Foreign Refugee Managers: Keep Americans in the Dark

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479aac  No.12090540

File: 0826422de6d604b⋯.png (312.83 KB, 567x803, 567:803, hunter_plane.png)

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9e33d2  No.12090542


>what any one individual thinks, matters!

Unless your brown or black..

Then you go to the front of the line.


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f0f0c1  No.12090543


Thanks Night shift anon, read Q 396:


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bc4ce6  No.12090544


You witnessed a glitch in the Matrix!! kek

Dunno Anon!

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e86147  No.12090545


Sooooo your NOT the highest ranking anon?


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ce478c  No.12090546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12090069 (LB)

I wanted to bring this information forward along with 2 links I also found associated with the information.

It seemed important to me.




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dd5db9  No.12090547


At some point, “playing stupid” becomes stupid itself.

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8f1ea2  No.12090548


A step in the communist direction. While I'm a small business owner and totally agree, the slippery slow to communism begins. I'd rather find everyone complicit in this lie of covid and take everything from them. Everyone complicit who knowingly subverted the will of the people and committed treason against the United States, take every single penny from them. Every single tax dollar that went to the federal reserve…. give that to the people. Don't allow them to give us the poison and then think they are saving us with their antidote… take them out.

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000000  No.12090549


>Michael Jean Jarre

I like music without words.


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bc29cc  No.12090550


its an interesting passage, but i dont think that is the one we are looking for. came across this early in the game and did not see how it would fit.

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bc4ce6  No.12090551

File: 8153f267fea96a6⋯.png (743 B, 64x62, 32:31, fak.PNG)

Can't rid this damn square!

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e91b47  No.12090552

File: 4393778789eed45⋯.png (17.87 KB, 826x183, 826:183, walker_urg.PNG)


Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'

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c673fb  No.12090553

File: 49d5e900e0bf2d0⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 960x727, 960:727, clintondoubles.jpg)


i don't have to answer any question

fuck off

god, you're a trashy shill

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c8dad6  No.12090554

File: 0cdf1b0c37be5a2⋯.mp4 (237.08 KB, 886x480, 443:240, Platoon_We_Got_Zips_In_The….mp4)

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2c5447  No.12090555

File: d1f5fa68f3809b8⋯.png (116.65 KB, 1335x492, 445:164, uhhhhh.png)


>That was posted last bread. I recommended it for NOTABLES but, who am I?

an anon that doesnt look at current bread notables?


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9e33d2  No.12090556

File: 2df476501ce920f⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 464x463, 464:463, moran_idiot_autism_dumb_pe….jpg)

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c8dad6  No.12090557

File: b584fb2e87441ae⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 600x461, 600:461, Buyers_Remorse.jpg)

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479aac  No.12090558

File: 1497a5303793951⋯.png (652.29 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, pepe_superpower.png)

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e91b47  No.12090559

File: 909f7730b469ff1⋯.png (369.01 KB, 679x591, 679:591, sc_punt.PNG)


Supreme Court Punts Census Lawsuit into January, No Quantifiable Harm Currently Appears

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2c5447  No.12090560

>>12090067 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @350


>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12090200 Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!

>>12090176 Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am - Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)

>>12090117 There is a map of hacks that led to this…

>>12090181 PF: RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

>>12090193 , >>12090197 NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

>>12090351 2 EO for 12/21/20

>>12090379 Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War

>>12090392 MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

>>12090394 President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

>>12090411 It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack

>>12090239 , >>12090215 , >>12090277 Palantir Dig

>>12090552 Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'


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c8dad6  No.12090561

File: cd721f2cd520e0f⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 960x689, 960:689, Twins.jpg)

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0d6126  No.12090562


>KNOWING the truth can be worse,

post 2051

Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.


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7543c4  No.12090563

File: 45db08f94d0701f⋯.png (792.92 KB, 836x922, 418:461, ClipboardImage.png)


TFW you realize shit has hit the fan!

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000000  No.12090564


Very challenging to get through to them because they are so locked into the machine. Hard to watch. Frustrating to see. Its all good however.

…they are being shown.

Be ready to help them along with the time comes. Baby steps for the ones really dug in…

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9e33d2  No.12090565


Now you cannot post that without summarizing it. kek

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e91b47  No.12090566

File: 11ec0ea6a6433c2⋯.png (531.96 KB, 705x663, 235:221, green_li.PNG)


Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count

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000000  No.12090567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there are some exceptions

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bc29cc  No.12090568

last years influenca deaths are this years covid deaths.

it is all a lie.

they decided to shut down. it was decided long ago.

the "great reset" seems to be a multi level event in which they

- shut down all small competition, forever

- bail out all big tech, banks and big money, again

- blame the financial meltdown on Covid, not on their money system

- destroy all human rights, forever because muh distancing

- give all power into the hands of unelected global cabal, masquerading as the helping hand (World Health Organisation)

- do everything they wanted to to because of muh climate and muh refugees, and ran into too much restistance.

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f0f0c1  No.12090569


A Merry Christmas to you and all anons.


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1f333c  No.12090570

File: 7e947c78bb54cd5⋯.jpg (166.69 KB, 1509x691, 1509:691, CMtweet1.jpg)

File: ad07b4308d47b71⋯.jpg (277.62 KB, 1519x1271, 49:41, CMtweet2.jpg)

OK back to CM

Wonder if this tweet had anything to do with him resigning ???

Would 8kun owners

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e91b47  No.12090571

File: 968cdef79bf6d8b⋯.png (137.19 KB, 679x717, 679:717, a_black_man.PNG)


Woke Art Centre Celebrates Beethoven Birthday with Portrait of Composer as a Black Man

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9e33d2  No.12090572



did it for you..

Simple and Efficient Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, with Moshe Wasserblat, Intel AI




David Wynn Miller 2012 FULL Quantum-Language Grammar Syntax Seminar


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2c5447  No.12090573



they just branded the seasonal flu

every year

going back however far

the season flu HAD a specific genetic name/ designation

they just never branded that before muhCovid19

this is the first year they gave the SEASONAL flu a yearly brand name

inb4 Covid20/21/22/23/etc/etc/etc

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f0f0c1  No.12090574

File: 9d1c3cacc9ede1a⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 300x444, 25:37, shroud.jpg)

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1f333c  No.12090575


kek had to be a system glitch cause another anon pointed it out at the beginning of the bread… the LB was at 650ish when i came into the this bread …

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e86147  No.12090576


I think if you want to be highest ranking, you should post a pic of your laptop.

if it isnt coffee stained



fingerprints on screen and laptop

and on a towel because keep spilling so just keep it there!


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163abd  No.12090577

File: 64c73dca9bdae5d⋯.png (45.33 KB, 600x700, 6:7, EC0A4528_428E_44C7_9383_9A….png)



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9e33d2  No.12090578



I recognize those digits/ID


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865d08  No.12090579

File: c72d955707406e9⋯.png (488.59 KB, 518x477, 518:477, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8dad6  No.12090580

File: 2d9e15f267873a1⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Democrat_Shit_In_A_Box.jpg)

File: d28a7943c1acb16⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 480x270, 16:9, d28a7943c1acb16c46735acdca….gif)

File: 0d360911f661a07⋯.gif (556.29 KB, 250x250, 1:1, cologuard_collection_kit.gif)

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c673fb  No.12090581

File: 0d5f782cd36cd30⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 720x856, 90:107, hunterbiden0.mp4)

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c01e96  No.12090582


The other side to C19 is we don't know to what extent it is co-opted by white hats.

We've got the joint international ops everywhere, lockdowns coinciding with that in various places but who can say about the initial push C19 was given and by whom.

Did DS really just have it up their sleeve the entire time? Considering the Freemason, CCP actors (people "dying" on the streets") and Cruise ship connections early on, you would guess that white hats gave the 'ok' for DS to activate C19.

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153b60  No.12090583

File: f3ad4797be3b379⋯.jpg (531.48 KB, 2210x1009, 2210:1009, SmartSelect_20201219_06493….jpg)


Eagle blinks 5x

Scavino Posts at 2:40am EST.

Post 2041

🦅 D5


2 yr [DELTA]

🇺🇲[D] Day, Patriots

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e54822  No.12090584


yeah other than the baker team

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a5b478  No.12090585

Q's existence has been questioned

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9e33d2  No.12090586


Some FAG posted this.. :D

Mind Warrior Training

Blatant evidence out in the public domain, nothing comes of it = public frustration

9/11, Clinton corruption, Benghazi, U1, CIA manipulating regimes around the world, FF ops (sandy hook, las vegas, on and on)

See the pattern?

Looking historically at these people who have been ruling humanity for so long, do they care that people know that they are lying? No, not at all, in fact, they thrive in that situation. They are not only psychopaths, it's much worse than that, they are purposefully sadistic. How do you think people will develop psychologically when growing up in an absolutely sadistic environment with a facade of normality and goodness to present to the world? They become absolutely that, nothing will ever change those people to start to learn morality which prevents a normal human being to even think the way they do. Their natural morality is covered up by so many layers of tyrannical drive that they are truly lost.

How do we stop the trend? It starts with ourselves. The emotion of frustration, I tell you, learn to observe it in your body without letting it steer your thinking process. It is an art, but you see, it is the loop that keep this process going. Stopping the loop individually allows for the greater perspective that can actually solve the problem. New thoughts and ideas will appear. If you would train this every day, sooner or later you would find that nuggets of new understanding will start to pop in from nowhere. Do not be afraid of being empty for a short while, it is the space created from removing emotional loops and we are allowing God to fill it with something new.

They want people to feel frustrated and hopeless because as long as people stay in that emotion they don't allow themselves to perceive anything else than that which reinforces that emotion. Breaking free from this mind control is the greatest work of freeing ourself, taking back the power of how we perceive reality. That is the true warrior in full control of ones own attention and therefore able to access the Genius that we all have latent in us.

With Love

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479aac  No.12090587

File: 8ba03c2f06d51ed⋯.jpeg (78.38 KB, 933x889, 933:889, hunter_laptop_crack.jpeg)

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e91b47  No.12090588

File: f2cdab5045c419a⋯.png (26.93 KB, 858x220, 39:10, mem_card_is.PNG)


Report: Dominion had warned of memory cards hitting capacity

Some that were 'swapped out' had uncounted votes

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acc012  No.12090589

File: d0066a3b9359b3a⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 225x225, 1:1, total.jpg)


>True patriot.

No, she's a contingency plan

Like Crenshaw

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e91b47  No.12090590

File: c49b7078f7fc001⋯.png (28.76 KB, 814x272, 407:136, rep_call_while.PNG)


House Republicans call for election-fraud hearings

Mitch McConnell warns senators not to join floor fight Jan. 6

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86a36b  No.12090591

File: 7c95e6bc5201931⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1235x1017, 1235:1017, ClipboardImage.png)



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c8dad6  No.12090592

File: f6bdb60a730c5cd⋯.jpg (145.52 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Sucka_Cawrk.jpg)

File: 25dd7e12e92cc64⋯.jpg (120.49 KB, 770x861, 110:123, Cutie_Cucks.jpg)

File: d24f3e28706e823⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 529x368, 23:16, Died_for_You.jpg)

File: 507a44e11f85b6a⋯.jpg (194.19 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, JOE_BIDEN_TRANSITION_TEAM.jpg)

File: 9e19d897885709d⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 603x493, 603:493, Hunter_Hide_N_Seek.jpg)



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2c5447  No.12090593


>floor fight Jan. 6

going to be Biblical

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9e33d2  No.12090594


The ONLY computer I need!

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de9ecd  No.12090595

File: 63561832d500cbd⋯.png (463.23 KB, 572x353, 572:353, potus_birx.PNG)

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e91b47  No.12090596

File: eac912c62cd7ac9⋯.png (25.36 KB, 775x242, 775:242, ron_j.PNG)


Sen. Ron Johnson blocks $1,200 relief checks

Objects to 'shotgun approach' to recovering from coronavirus lockdowns

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7b2736  No.12090597

File: beeb4bcaec1b78f⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 1857047E_E591_46C7_AF79_21….png)

File: 84225ef68673d47⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, B959788E_D7DE_4C5E_89B6_57….png)

Passes out 17 minutes after getting the gates vax on 17th December…. rrrriiigghhtt

Pyew pyew your deeeed.

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3065d4  No.12090598


Why couldn't Gadolinium been named Godolinium?

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23fdf4  No.12090599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


try this

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9e33d2  No.12090600

File: da76470fc24acc8⋯.png (236.92 KB, 505x407, 505:407, ClipboardImage.png)


I must be tard'd

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230d85  No.12090601

File: 8e382fed20f419d⋯.png (540.24 KB, 720x523, 720:523, ClipboardImage.png)



Cultural Intelligence


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163abd  No.12090602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe this?

Rabbits, energy shifting, and warning of flashing lights ect

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9e33d2  No.12090603

File: 1a886a22926eba4⋯.png (295.51 KB, 1472x689, 1472:689, ClipboardImage.png)


If a snek, it would have..

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44f5d9  No.12090604


was this just recently dropped holy cow. Have not seen it before if it has.

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e91b47  No.12090605

File: ca4f202f0a0ecfc⋯.png (747.14 KB, 914x825, 914:825, push_to_tap.PNG)


Progressives Push Biden to Tap Foreign Policy Experts With Deep Koch, Soros Ties

List of 100 personnel recommendations including prominent anti-Semites and a former registered foreign agent

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2c5447  No.12090606

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2c5447  No.12090607


all is forgiven

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e54822  No.12090608


this is a fucking slide and not Roberts, fer fucks sake, where have you been… oh right sliding the board…

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9e33d2  No.12090609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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479aac  No.12090610

File: 09b13057cc0d8b2⋯.png (490.72 KB, 558x447, 186:149, NOTABRU.png)

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c8dad6  No.12090611

File: 78a48a05a1eecae⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 357x357, 1:1, download_2_.jpeg)

File: cca5322749d0661⋯.jpg (230.69 KB, 960x540, 16:9, cca5322749d0661fc47c7e849d….jpg)


Dirty Fuckin Anal Chancre Sore

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000000  No.12090612


Why an old roastie when there's mountains of hot jaybee around?

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e54822  No.12090613

File: 8fe882a76b697c2⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, slide.jpg)


just stop

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44f5d9  No.12090614


first off fuck you, secondly, i said i had not seen this before, its dropped bitch.

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d43944  No.12090615

>>12089453 Pb


Fuuuken account suspended

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4c9777  No.12090616

>>12081502 (pb)

Probably a Kid-zinger . . . .

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bb43b4  No.12090617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6204c  No.12090618

File: d9c07924eac7aee⋯.png (352.41 KB, 630x472, 315:236, d9c07924eac7aeee7680d15633….png)

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9e33d2  No.12090619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sing a happy song!

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0ec0fa  No.12090620


I dare you faggots to notable this bullshit.

Go on, show your fucking true colors.

Brunel is NOT Roberts.

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c8dad6  No.12090621

File: 6f518b528fc6dd0⋯.png (230.18 KB, 433x433, 1:1, 6f518b528fc6dd0fd945c8c354….png)

File: f52f921bd08d556⋯.png (105.95 KB, 322x282, 161:141, f52f921bd08d5562d15187a6d5….png)

File: dcd4d2f69b2dffb⋯.png (91.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dcd4d2f69b2dffb46f7158b021….png)




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f7ebf5  No.12090622

File: 49600bfe3f2ad69⋯.png (22.12 KB, 350x180, 35:18, ClipboardImage.png)


9 EYES ?

Nine Eyes

A map of the Nine Eyes countries

The Nine Eyes is a different arrangement that consists of the same members of Five Eyes working with Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Norway.[78]

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e91b47  No.12090623

File: 551a4d62331887b⋯.png (402.64 KB, 866x639, 866:639, few_days.PNG)


“There’s Going to Be Evidence that Comes Forward in Next Few Days what Will Drastically Change the Playing Field” — Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming (VIDEO)

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479aac  No.12090624


Looks like Roberts to me. You got sauce that it isn't Roberts, faggot?

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c8dad6  No.12090625

File: 0ed6c0d935561a4⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 544x447, 544:447, TRUMP_WINNING.jpg)

File: b323f984d1c11ef⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Cockmeat_Sandwiches.jpg)

File: 82034b547566984⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 600x450, 4:3, DEFUND_CONGRESS.jpg)

File: 955d91a1cb2f30c⋯.jpg (254.55 KB, 1377x771, 459:257, OBAMA_COMMIE_ORGANIZER.JPG)

File: 9b0b28d262269fa⋯.jpg (124.42 KB, 930x620, 3:2, Hold_Muh_Beer.jpg)


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0ec0fa  No.12090626


And thirdly, it's not Roberts; it's Brunel.

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e91b47  No.12090627

File: 0c06fdc13e2e6a4⋯.png (19.3 KB, 818x183, 818:183, arctic_r.PNG)



Trump administration removes close to 475,000 acres from Arctic refuge oil lease sale

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4c9777  No.12090628

>>12081485 (pb)

Wyden - that's his name! - that's him workin' the room in The Gunner's Wife lip-reading (go find it).

What a creep. Total snake.

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5485b2  No.12090629


That's Jean-Luc Brunel. Not Roberts.

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2c5447  No.12090630

>>12090067 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @450


>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12090200 Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!

>>12090176 Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am - Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)

>>12090583 More Scavino Eagle Tweet Decode

>>12090117 There is a map of hacks that led to this…

>>12090181 PF: RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

>>12090193 , >>12090197 NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

>>12090351 2 EO for 12/21/20

>>12090379 Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War

>>12090392 MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

>>12090394 President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

>>12090411 It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack

>>12090239 , >>12090215 , >>12090277 Palantir Dig

>>12090552 Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'

>>12090559 Supreme Court Punts Census Lawsuit into January, No Quantifiable Harm Currently Appears

>>12090588 Report: Dominion had warned of memory cards hitting capacity - Some that were 'swapped out' had uncounted votes

>>12090596 Sen. Ron Johnson blocks $1,200 relief checks

>>12090623 “There’s Going to Be Evidence that Comes Forward in Next Few Days what Will Drastically Change the Playing Field” — Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming (VIDEO)SOON™


Baker Requesting Handoff

will ghost next bread

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7543c4  No.12090631


Biblical theology explained in Bronx vernacular. Good job, anon!

Interesting approach of intertwining the spiritual with the physical and aptly depicting the plight of MANkind and Demonkind alike. Pussy makes us do stupid things!

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c8dad6  No.12090632

File: 6fca75ae90688df⋯.png (834.6 KB, 581x745, 581:745, Neck_Yurself_Robin_William….png)

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)


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000000  No.12090633



It's Roberts

this shill is trying to shade the truth!

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e91b47  No.12090634

File: 65ed52340c3e9b0⋯.png (347.28 KB, 981x597, 327:199, woods_dunks.PNG)


James Woods Dunks On Ilhan Omar After She Calls For the Abolishment of Death Penalty, Electoral College & ICE

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e54822  No.12090635


if so, my apologies… .this topic was beaten to death yesterday and notabled many times… anons know it's that fucking perv arrested in Paris the other day, Epstein's BFF

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0ec0fa  No.12090636

File: 7a2dd276085e243⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 501x501, 1:1, faggotry_shirt.jpg)


Only sauce is about 500 posts on the board before today, faggot!

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9e33d2  No.12090637


That face kills me every damn time!!!

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230d85  No.12090638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








All this is on Robert Steele's web site.

The man who made the WE HAVE IT ALL video.


I am wondering if Robert Steele might be Q

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c6e100  No.12090639

File: d1e1b6289456201⋯.jpg (214.3 KB, 1080x1319, 1080:1319, Screenshot_20201219_070011….jpg)

File: ab756cafe769aca⋯.jpg (307.93 KB, 971x2393, 971:2393, Screenshot_20201219_070204….jpg)



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9e33d2  No.12090640


WHAT is that originally from?

My guess..

The moment he got a hernia doing something?

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7b2736  No.12090641

File: 4438eef906bbeb2⋯.jpeg (97.29 KB, 523x1384, 523:1384, CC661E44_D503_416C_9CD1_C….jpeg)

I love this show. Let’s binge watch together

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0ec0fa  No.12090642

File: 25a4132e8a59921⋯.png (975.72 KB, 873x1134, 97:126, faggotry_works_1.png)


>this shill is trying to shade the truth!

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05275e  No.12090643



In a nutshell, learning to think and love yourself. Don't fall for the hype that you need to be surrounded with "things"to make you happy. Find yourself and stay true to yourslef.

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e91b47  No.12090644

File: 94bc299c97e4ef5⋯.png (573.12 KB, 669x754, 669:754, diff_outcome.PNG)


Peter Navarro: If Election Investigation Reveals Voter Fraud, ‘Americans Deserve a Different Outcome’

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f7ebf5  No.12090645

File: 9eafea5b9041c13⋯.png (22.33 KB, 350x180, 35:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19bc1a8b351f344⋯.png (13.75 KB, 270x119, 270:119, ClipboardImage.png)




Fourteen Eyes

A map of the Fourteen Eyes countries

According to a document leaked by Edward Snowden, there is another working agreement amongst 14 nations officially known as SIGINT Seniors Europe, or "SSEUR".[91] These "14 Eyes" consist of the same members of Nine Eyes plus Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden

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ce478c  No.12090646


Thank you, Mother Fucker

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479aac  No.12090647


Shill >>> English translation:


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2a45c3  No.12090648

File: 714bb50ad767ef4⋯.png (359.31 KB, 797x1361, 797:1361, Memeto_1608304040768.png)

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2c5447  No.12090649


>Peter Navarro: If Election Investigation Reveals Voter Fraud, ‘Americans Deserve a Different Outcome’

well fuckin' A

I agree

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c8dad6  No.12090650

File: 0f7809dad98b052⋯.gif (9.78 MB, 320x240, 4:3, im_retarded_quantum_leap.gif)

File: 2dd2abafcc2767a⋯.jpeg (20.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WUT_N_RETARDATION.jpeg)

File: bc937eb00589c68⋯.gif (807.21 KB, 240x232, 30:29, ComplicatedCoordinatedChih….gif)

File: 56b412446a3ecf3⋯.png (37.11 KB, 675x827, 675:827, Chyna.png)

File: 453470685633240⋯.jpg (95.9 KB, 978x652, 3:2, Chuck_Nancy.jpg)



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c673fb  No.12090651

File: 2fe0602232f4316⋯.png (296.37 KB, 351x486, 13:18, ciaclown2.png)


RDS is a liar and a nasty bastard

also too stupid and liar to be "Q"

dude is disgusting "ex-C-A" AS IF

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e7f331  No.12090652

File: c05dafd7bee2a3c⋯.png (471.42 KB, 960x651, 320:217, POTUS_hahahaha.png)

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c8dad6  No.12090653

File: bcb735fc5fa5649⋯.jpg (173.71 KB, 984x674, 492:337, Enjoy_The_Joe.jpg)

File: d2ddd6a7f94110b⋯.jpg (184.03 KB, 704x941, 704:941, Enjoy_The_O.jpg)

File: 88ff78d3efed31f⋯.jpg (186.44 KB, 833x999, 833:999, Fast_Jack_Demon.jpg)

File: 61974517646d748⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 547x302, 547:302, Foxy_Ribbed.jpg)

File: 63975dd32cc9fb3⋯.jpg (115.92 KB, 650x498, 325:249, Child_Crimes.jpg)

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0d6126  No.12090654

File: a51a2a98006ab76⋯.png (20.79 KB, 689x473, 689:473, 647544.png)


>Why an old roastie

exactly, Ghislaine Jizzstain is a disgusting filthy old thot that's probably sucked ten thousand dicks

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44f5d9  No.12090655

File: c40c889993c18ab⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 1180x663, 1180:663, _methode_times_prod_web_bi….jpg)


i was in and out all day yesterday but never saw this. I just looked him up but i am not seeing it

, honestly not trying to slide either but you are saying that it is this guy.

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9e33d2  No.12090656


I mentioned this LB


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1aa3d3  No.12090657

File: c7c5d76628cbef7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55ae0f98b800975⋯.png (374.36 KB, 600x728, 75:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Mrs. J B


This is some next level disgusting propaganda at its finest.


Because losing your civil liberties to the leftist cabal is just like a fun musical

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9e33d2  No.12090658

>>12090656 er


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000000  No.12090659


>if Robert Steele might be Q

No, but he definitely knows who is.

I'm not a fan of RBS

I'm not an opponent, either, just don't know enough about him to make a judgement call. I do know he surrounded himself with real Patriots.

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3065d4  No.12090660


Is that real? I just don't have time,

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479aac  No.12090661


Sauce or you are a filthy faggot, faggot.

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2aecc2  No.12090662


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000000  No.12090663




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c8dad6  No.12090665

File: e7b4503625154d4⋯.png (7.37 KB, 409x241, 409:241, D1v5FgaWsAAvNfk.png)

File: 0a051756575765e⋯.gif (476.08 KB, 298x182, 149:91, Ok_Faggot_What_s_Next.gif)

File: ec75a054be0d866⋯.png (1.03 MB, 773x1056, 773:1056, Ancient_Faggotry.png)

File: 9e0bb9521a93503⋯.jpg (133.28 KB, 1367x768, 1367:768, HURR_FAG.JPG)

File: 33b1e5ee0e115e4⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 280x210, 4:3, Flamming_Faggot.gif)


Self Sucking Cucks Going the High Scorecard

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222fdf  No.12090666


thank you. brain melting. good good

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1f333c  No.12090667


Heres another tweet that my guts telling me its imporant…

he didnt post anaything about leaving 8kun in the months before resigning … so why did he resign ??? Project Odin maybe???

i just dont get why he abruptly left 8kun without any warning or anything… one day hes admin next day hes gone, no warning … sounds like he was pushed out or he left to work for someone/something else … maybe govt agency ?????

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9dc0d8  No.12090668

File: 196296d2b3f3ca4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1220x1165, 244:233, 40E16AA5_88AC_442E_A193_E6….png)

Something Big is Coming!

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c673fb  No.12090669

File: 614e0233a169e14⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 640x481, 640:481, tvfakstagingmediafakery.jpg)


dude covered up 9/11

for the "hacker" crowd

that's who he was assigned to mis-lead

Fuck him and the train he rode in on

May it crash soon

he attached 9/11 researchers.

he should go to hell

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3065d4  No.12090670


He's all over it and knows more than you do - and was part of that World Justice thing into all kinds of wrong and bad shit.

He's too fat and happy and unafraid to be a shill.

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9e33d2  No.12090671


>Find yourself and stay true to yourslef.

Living off grid with my dog and planting a garden is my dream!

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0d6126  No.12090672

File: 73d6adc3ef3636f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 960x1007, 960:1007, 465758.png)


maximum keks if authentic

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bb43b4  No.12090673

How many tards would a retard tar if a retard could tar tartds?

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2c5447  No.12090674


>Something Big is Coming!


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163abd  No.12090675



Interesting… I’m not usually into the whole star seed thing but this Magic Box (Ark of the Covenant?) is an interesting read for sure

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7543c4  No.12090677


Typical Socialist tactics. Put lipstick on a pig and present it as the new best thing to make everyone's life better. Many fail to see beyond the lipstick and realize that the pig (government) will only get fatter.

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230d85  No.12090678

>>12090659 A lot of posts 28

How does someone get a ID of 000000?



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1f333c  No.12090679

File: fe6449d186187d8⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 1459x1079, 1459:1079, CMtweet3.jpg)


Forgot to post tweet

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86a36b  No.12090680


Thank Anon & Baker who added it to the real dough.

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6055f8  No.12090681



why suddenly so important ?????

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375a3f  No.12090682

File: 2f5105e73aec8d2⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB, 854x480, 427:240, IMG_1354.mp4)



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2c5447  No.12090683


>How does someone get a ID of 000000?

the onion router

Tor poster

they ALL have the same ID


welcome to chanboards

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9e33d2  No.12090684


True if brilliant!

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7b2736  No.12090685

File: aaabb5dec7a9cbf⋯.jpeg (380.06 KB, 1264x2456, 158:307, 5D7B0F40_56C8_4EB2_9804_8….jpeg)


I don’t know. Got sent to me. I don’t have time or the will. We are way past the discovery phase. Deeply into the kek phase as we watch POTUS cross the rubicon.

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c673fb  No.12090686

File: f7520715d8cd27c⋯.mp4 (12.85 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Truth_Bomb_Hits_Hillary_Sa….mp4)


he ATTACKED 9/11 researchers.

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7b2736  No.12090687


And still impressive if false

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000000  No.12090688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Welcome home Chan Man

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44f5d9  No.12090689


officially backing out of this. Found other photos but damn he is one of them chameleons with that nose, christ.

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f49356  No.12090690


Mornin' Sam!

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9e33d2  No.12090691



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2aecc2  No.12090692


Me either. ( Australian aboriginies)

They are one of, if not the oldest people on earth. THAT holds weight for me, to pay attention.

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c673fb  No.12090693


he ATTACKED 9/11 researchers.

~hang out … he's a HANG OUT like "JONES"

He fucked up Clown Jones on the fraud "Jones"' Clown show too , didn't he

:"Pedophiles on Mars"



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0ec0fa  No.12090694

File: 476b948cfbe6f02⋯.png (221.93 KB, 634x361, 634:361, niggernegger_acrostic.PNG)


>Is that real?

No, it's copying an old one that Swarzenegger sent.

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24d590  No.12090695

File: 5512613b1945bb1⋯.jpg (333.18 KB, 2048x1520, 128:95, gretchen_60.jpg)

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c8dad6  No.12090696

File: 7db6b82ee9bdb9c⋯.jpg (246.47 KB, 1080x1055, 216:211, Screenshot_20201219_061343….jpg)

File: cab263a6d9f30d6⋯.png (10.61 KB, 250x71, 250:71, gI_62666_Saife_Logo_RGB.png)

File: d885ac7f737e1d4⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1644x1613, 1644:1613, 1601341373837.png)

File: 5617f8fb28926ff⋯.png (210.02 KB, 600x405, 40:27, 1598552787647.png)





new phone….hoo diss?



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9e33d2  No.12090697



Did we enter a time warp?

The breads have collided somehow!

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1f333c  No.12090698


IDK just weird he left on election day … want to find out his motives for leaving ….. my gut is telling me hes was pushed out of 8kun & had a NDA so he couldnt speak out & also feel like hes working for GOVT too

this is all speculation

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230d85  No.12090699


Just a old fag here since the beginning but not to computer literate.

What language are you speaking :-)

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bb43b4  No.12090700

File: 69eb1b0b6e8c39e⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 258x142, 129:71, exit.jpg)


how many tards would a retard tar, if a retard could tar tards?

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0d6126  No.12090701

File: 0b4cd8c9e1fd457⋯.png (69.75 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 3536.png)


anon, you need to upgrade to an 8K Gold Account to get all the perks of 8Kun Premium, then you can choose your ID numbers

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2c5447  No.12090702


>What language are you speaking :-)


fluent chan-nigger

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c8dad6  No.12090703

File: 5d6634586ef27a2⋯.png (35.59 KB, 226x227, 226:227, 1600737951653.png)

File: 74b682c4a80db6f⋯.png (275.48 KB, 1315x1251, 1315:1251, 1600301565387.png)

File: 2bf16df67397c58⋯.png (38.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1600300439624.png)

File: 1ff53a8f44002ee⋯.png (159.77 KB, 395x688, 395:688, 1598707752247.png)

File: 9a28bf56b013a46⋯.png (421.53 KB, 600x690, 20:23, 1598669242846.png)

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7543c4  No.12090704


Good, honest response, anon. I like you (no homo).

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cb39fd  No.12090705

File: 27c8ff5585e1175⋯.png (379 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


>I do know he surrounded himself with real Patriots.


Can. Stop. Laughing.

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3e8d64  No.12090706

File: c014be10c864bc1⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 972x7381, 972:7381, Screenshot_20201219_041924….jpg)

File: 7b3190c19be9c32⋯.jpg (739.43 KB, 972x4027, 972:4027, Screenshot_20201219_042042….jpg)

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7b2736  No.12090707


Shame…. would have been epic

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1f333c  No.12090708


ok boomer… kek just fucking with you fren … but trust me none of us know it all, alot of fags on here think we should all be autistic as them & know every thing about infinite chan…

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24d590  No.12090709

File: b0032b3718641d6⋯.jpg (173.49 KB, 500x652, 125:163, gretchen_bow.jpg)

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c8dad6  No.12090710

File: ebe4b0ee3292bf6⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 259x385, 37:55, Timecopposter.jpg)

File: c2207c2fd39afa3⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 245x220, 49:44, Time_Warp_Tan_Man.gif)

File: 0b0416ceb7db60e⋯.jpg (203.64 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, Harvest_Time.jpg)

File: 48882db7221f3a7⋯.png (179.01 KB, 610x692, 305:346, Back_in_Time.png)

File: b417ec35895796b⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 625x349, 625:349, Welp_We_Outta_Time.gif)


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4c9777  No.12090711

>>12084390 (pb)

Is that "mark" or "celebrate"?

>>12082513 (pb)

Why doesn't YinTang use his own personal choice & get it tattooed on his forehead?

>>12081000 (pb)

If you so clever, how about doing a truthful audit on the ballot scandal?

>>12081246 (pb)

Probably the person that lost all the moon mission data is to blame for this as well.

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2c5447  No.12090712


>we should all be autistic as them & know every thing about infinite chan…

well said anon

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3e8d64  No.12090713

File: 4c789061b4150ce⋯.jpg (218.47 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042312….jpg)

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9e33d2  No.12090714

File: 85af006cf04f329⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1600x1202, 800:601, PAL_Q.png)

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3e8d64  No.12090715

File: 74d80f95aa93aeb⋯.jpg (218.49 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042413….jpg)

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1f333c  No.12090716


LMFAOOO … this deserves more then a kek

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3e8d64  No.12090717

File: 26da2c0447a4754⋯.jpg (61.31 KB, 1080x380, 54:19, Screenshot_20201214_082455….jpg)

File: 0ce0c9651ef6807⋯.jpg (578.06 KB, 1079x1814, 1079:1814, Screenshot_20201214_082617….jpg)

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6c5c0d  No.12090718


3 asians pictured for england/kung flu story. bbc going subconscious to justify eu/china/biden liberating them from windsor?

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c8dad6  No.12090719

File: 7fbf4c8c845f0b2⋯.jpeg (265.51 KB, 2000x1968, 125:123, 202011230837_t8xkkpba3I.jpeg)

File: eeafa9a74771d19⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 600x287, 600:287, FUQQEN_KEK.jpg)

File: d28f6cd66329c55⋯.jpg (140.09 KB, 1194x601, 1194:601, Dick_Burns_KEK.JPG)

File: 0edbd1eef5f05b3⋯.jpg (298.32 KB, 905x1243, 905:1243, Screenshot_20201122_201507….jpg)

File: c298104c2a8b767⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2196x1207, 2196:1207, 1595949502384.png)



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c01e96  No.12090720



Royals comms?

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9e33d2  No.12090721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


spoopy ikr

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230d85  No.12090722

Ok here is another interesting post of his…….



Cultural Intelligence

Tweet 0 Share Email Print 0


300 Million Talons…

Why American Children Stopped Believing in God

The story of religious decline in America is not the story of adults consciously rejecting the faith of their forefathers: It’s the story of each generation receiving a more secular upbringing than the generation preceding it. What accounts for this secularization of childhood over time? Taxpayer dollars.

Children learn more at school than reading, writing, and arithmetic. They imbibe a whole set of implied assumptions about what’s important in life. By excluding religious instruction from public schools, the government-run education system tacitly teaches students that religious commitments are not a first-order priority in life. Faith in God becomes a sort of optional weekend hobby akin to playing tennis or video games. Christ and Moses are treated by teachers and administrators like weapons or drugs — confiscated upon discovery.


Why does he make reference to EAGLE when referring to the article?????

Why did Dan the Man post a tweet of the eagle?

Is it some sort of comms?

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7b2736  No.12090723


This is your ID old fag. Designated to your IP. Idiots that imagine TOR provides security as they exit out of the newest CIA exit node get a 000000 instead. Not very exciting when compared the Aesop’s fables. Sadly they never had them read to them as children.

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3e8d64  No.12090724

File: 1f957734d3f768f⋯.jpg (517.72 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042659….jpg)

File: 9a71aef20356c04⋯.jpg (590.69 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042712….jpg)

File: 06ad1dc9db3ff77⋯.jpg (436.16 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042716….jpg)

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3e8d64  No.12090725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24d590  No.12090726

File: 46f5491de51e42d⋯.jpg (281.13 KB, 1999x1124, 1999:1124, gretchen_56.jpg)

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000000  No.12090727



Tarot Card - The Hanged Man | Sacrifice . jaypayguh

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0eff58  No.12090728

Morning anons…


ty bake and like the image…

you guys know the story right? An anon asked DanO to post an EAGLE pic a day before it goes down…

DanO has posted a few (eagle on ice) but none like this…

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7b2736  No.12090729

File: a2cbe0afdd7f31a⋯.jpeg (191.4 KB, 508x1100, 127:275, 7A37759B_94AD_485F_A100_E….jpeg)


Whoops old fag mark 2 forgot the pic!

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1f333c  No.12090730



Chrissy Teigen had a miscarriage not to long ago

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3e8d64  No.12090731

File: eab7e6b203c4806⋯.jpg (371 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_042811….jpg)

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e7f331  No.12090732



Treason and greed and disregard for human life beyond anything imaginable. Fuck, I hate these people.

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3065d4  No.12090733

File: c206e642ac0b147⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dontlikeit.jpg)

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3e8d64  No.12090734

File: 61b8e8e6ec620b0⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_042841.jpg)

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d6204c  No.12090735


>An anon asked DanO to post an EAGLE pic a day before it goes down…

did not know


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dc7994  No.12090736

File: 2f87e855257adae⋯.png (924.28 KB, 793x639, 793:639, pedos_2.png)

File: a57ee7c8accb03f⋯.png (925.56 KB, 731x1020, 43:60, pedos.PNG)


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910918  No.12090738


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9e33d2  No.12090739


Dan is a baker now?

Wish I had a meme for that.

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2c5447  No.12090740

>>12090067 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @550


>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12090200 Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!

>>12090176 Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am - Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)

>>12090583 More Scavino Eagle Tweet Decode

>>12090728 An anon asked DanO to post an EAGLE pic a day before it goes down…

>>12090588 Report: Dominion had warned of memory cards hitting capacity - Some that were 'swapped out' had uncounted votes

>>12090623 Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming (VIDEO)SOON™

>>12090392 MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

>>12090644 Peter Navarro: If Election Investigation Reveals Voter Fraud, ‘Americans Deserve a Different Outcome’

>>12090552 Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'

>>12090379 Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War

>>12090394 President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

>>12090117 There is a map of hacks that led to this…

>>12090181 PF: RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

>>12090193 , >>12090197 NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

>>12090351 2 EO for 12/21/20

>>12090411 It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack

>>12090239 , >>12090215 , >>12090277 Palantir Dig

>>12090559 Supreme Court Punts Census Lawsuit into January, No Quantifiable Harm Currently Appears

>>12090596 Sen. Ron Johnson blocks $1,200 relief checks

>>12090634 James Woods Dunks On Ilhan Omar After She Calls For the Abolishment of Death Penalty, Electoral College & ICE


Baker Requesting Handoff

will ghost next bread

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2a45c3  No.12090741

File: 8f4643df17b4c44⋯.jpg (171.7 KB, 722x571, 722:571, 20200518_143957.jpg)

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2c5447  No.12090742

File: 0092f662d9af9e9⋯.png (432.48 KB, 960x640, 3:2, look_sir_2.png)


>Wish I had a meme for that.

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000000  No.12090743


>Dan is a baker now?

Dan: "I Can baker, sir."

POTUS: "Fuck off, Dan. I got this."

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3e8d64  No.12090744

File: 92dffb8c6988ec1⋯.jpg (418.78 KB, 1124x2051, 1124:2051, 20201124_064311.jpg)

File: 0ac9fc20b05cc29⋯.jpg (672.15 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201123_212634….jpg)

File: d97490b495a5ee7⋯.jpg (635.99 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Screenshot_20201208_105515….jpg)

File: 383c50a4b8b3fe7⋯.jpg (416.53 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, 383c50a4b8b3fe7487f0ca459e….jpg)

File: 2896c743f08b284⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 760x586, 380:293, Prince_Eric_Prince_Philip_….jpg)

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7b2736  No.12090745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3065d4  No.12090746


Sauce? Pic? Confirm goddamit.

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c673fb  No.12090747



doesn't priest have money to get his teeth fixed?

Oris that a "look?"

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2a45c3  No.12090748

File: 8bc52c7791305e8⋯.jpg (434.72 KB, 1080x861, 360:287, 20191222_203654.jpg)

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163abd  No.12090749


Anon if that’s from you, your pic is in corner… report as self doxx if so

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2c5447  No.12090750


>Dan: "I Can baker, sir."

>POTUS: "Fuck off, Dan. I got this."

I literally guffaw'd

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9dc90c  No.12090751

With only 4 weeks left until the inauguration, there is a lot to cram in to wake the normies.

It’s going to be an avalanche

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c9f483  No.12090752

File: 98357d5437e67bd⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 220x275, 4:5, 220px_Caspar_Weinberger_of….jpg)

Good morning Patriots.

What will you dig up today?

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6055f8  No.12090753


>this is all speculation


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952ae8  No.12090754


>Baker Requesting Handoff

now or next bread?

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2a45c3  No.12090755

File: 1432aac1adc4467⋯.gif (71.86 KB, 200x250, 4:5, a06fe237110e6da70fefe36b99….gif)

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c8dad6  No.12090756

File: 18a41c8b6c80b1e⋯.png (327.65 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 1608381012031.png)

File: d72c092291aee4d⋯.png (673.7 KB, 960x627, 320:209, 1608380943364.png)

File: 0a6b71daf563b9b⋯.png (229.47 KB, 488x408, 61:51, 1603497927733.png)

File: cede02d43217c4e⋯.jpeg (27.95 KB, 500x327, 500:327, Suffer_Cake.jpeg)

Like Two Lesbians Scissoring in Your Mouth…


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3e8d64  No.12090757


I've posted my birth certificate

My dad's death certificate

My common-law step-sister's marriage certificate

My former friend's fight with her boyfriend

So much more…

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d6204c  No.12090758


that faggots pics were all over here a few days ago

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c673fb  No.12090759


eagle on ice could mean hold pattern?

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952ae8  No.12090760


>Baker Requesting Handoff

now or next bread?>>12090740

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2c5447  No.12090761

File: fff98fd9b7307e1⋯.gif (917.05 KB, 500x238, 250:119, knightwatch.gif)


>now or next bread?

next bread

thank you anon!

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5fc31d  No.12090762

File: 85424d0370d6279⋯.png (125.04 KB, 408x292, 102:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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24d590  No.12090763


THat guy's been posting self-dox longer than probably most anons here have been posting.

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163abd  No.12090764

File: b5dd97ea1421874⋯.jpeg (139.29 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 3C5ED1E3_8507_4DEC_9D58_3….jpeg)

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168211  No.12090765

so 12/18 predictions where a big nothing burger.

like every other Q theory.

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3e8d64  No.12090766


Not just any FAGGOT 🤫😏😬🤣🤤😈😘

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0d6126  No.12090767

File: 5ef07cf0c3fe255⋯.png (193.1 KB, 493x709, 493:709, 447.png)


hey old-timer

I hope your posts are routing thru a Quad Core Lokinet node in a secure cloud, using a triple VPN 8bit tunnel, routing thru the McMurdo Station trans-global Arctic encrypted ENIGMA optical submarine link…..

otherwise you are toast

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5fc31d  No.12090768


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6a0050  No.12090769

File: 8c07419a5970307⋯.jpg (138.02 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, good.jpg)

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c8dad6  No.12090770

File: 4287ab642efd0c5⋯.gif (255.13 KB, 300x243, 100:81, Pepe_Camera_NEAT.gif)

File: 69e88d5c9abfffa⋯.png (49.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Neat.png)

File: 8f55ade7a94a06c⋯.jpg (32.07 KB, 500x541, 500:541, NEAT_GLUE_FAIL.jpg)


Y tho¿♤

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1f333c  No.12090771


but isnt it weird… leaving on election day… Q+ knows the answer & i want to know

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2c5447  No.12090772

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c01e96  No.12090773


Date fag and pay the price.

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c8dad6  No.12090774

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)


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3e8d64  No.12090775

File: 9707b1bb8915d0a⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_043602.jpg)

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c8dad6  No.12090776

File: c214544c0799e46⋯.mp4 (13.69 MB, 320x180, 16:9, NEVER_GIVE_UP.mp4)

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d6204c  No.12090777

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2c5447  No.12090778


isnt that like, assumed…?

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3e8d64  No.12090779

File: b5c73d660a3ff22⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_043600.jpg)

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7b2736  No.12090780

File: 6a623fb03748759⋯.png (7.26 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, FA00860F_9C28_496C_9518_CF….png)


Her eyes


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6a269d  No.12090781

File: c26e94404b06baf⋯.jpg (266.97 KB, 1042x882, 521:441, 20201217_044854.jpg)

File: 17facf57fdb4eb8⋯.jpg (647.17 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201217_050959….jpg)

File: 575655c883267be⋯.jpg (323.56 KB, 991x1260, 991:1260, 20201217_071020.jpg)

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9e33d2  No.12090782

File: f46911515cd0bb8⋯.jpeg (111.74 KB, 661x627, 661:627, WE_R_THE_NEWS_001.jpeg)


Now that we are in the Enjoy the Show "phase" before the lights go out.. We need a WW TOAST to… THEE PLAN!

Everyone load their bowls, fill their drinks, grab a beer, and toast to THE GREAT AWAKENING !


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2a45c3  No.12090783

File: 6e3b651521d4aa7⋯.jpg (358.61 KB, 1125x872, 1125:872, 20200723_191314.jpg)

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c9f483  No.12090784

File: fbc0728f9a7b17b⋯.jpeg (301.06 KB, 1458x1432, 729:716, fbc0728f9a7b17b1269e948d3….jpeg)


Settle the score


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5fc31d  No.12090785

File: 424e604e5e731f7⋯.png (904.66 KB, 600x906, 100:151, ClipboardImage.png)





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6055f8  No.12090786

File: 5c091e20da18f4f⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 720x705, 48:47, 5c091e20da18f4f5a70f8803b8….jpg)


hope your whims are catered to

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6c5c0d  No.12090787


she isn't royal. comms yes but royals hate her. might be a threat from megan or a warning from windsor.

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9e33d2  No.12090788

File: adaa77f7d429d79⋯.png (107.05 KB, 640x192, 10:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c5447  No.12090789



is this fo realz?

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230d85  No.12090790

File: 48034aeee94d972⋯.png (467.61 KB, 789x460, 789:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fd1f1512fab006⋯.png (139.98 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12090722 Sorry forget the original link from Steele

Ok here is another interesting post of Steele's…….

Notice he directs the article to EAGLE



Cultural Intelligence

Tweet 0 Share Email Print 0


300 Million Talons…


Why American Children Stopped Believing in God

The story of religious decline in America is not the story of adults consciously rejecting the faith of their forefathers: It’s the story of each generation receiving a more secular upbringing than the generation preceding it. What accounts for this secularization of childhood over time? Taxpayer dollars.

Children learn more at school than reading, writing, and arithmetic. They imbibe a whole set of implied assumptions about what’s important in life. By excluding religious instruction from public schools, the government-run education system tacitly teaches students that religious commitments are not a first-order priority in life. Faith in God becomes a sort of optional weekend hobby akin to playing tennis or video games. Christ and Moses are treated by teachers and administrators like weapons or drugs — confiscated upon discovery.


Why does he make reference to EAGLE when referring to the article?????

Why did Dan the Man post a tweet of the eagle?

Is it some sort of comms?

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c66936  No.12090791

File: e9cd8d5ad3a412c⋯.png (4.67 MB, 1440x1800, 4:5, e9cd8d5ad3a412c0e35a093405….png)

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9e33d2  No.12090792



Innocence ruined

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25c299  No.12090793

File: 8b198e746592724⋯.png (53.84 KB, 119x170, 7:10, 7745786789.png)


I'm still the 'then' guy because I have principles. Whenever I hear "OMG [x] AMOUNT OF PEOPLE COULD DIE IF WE DON'T DO [y]" I'm just like "good I fucking hope so."

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c8dad6  No.12090794

File: 21a560182faa109⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 172x255, 172:255, CIA_NIGGERS.jpg)

File: 22c57cee1d1fbc5⋯.jpg (20.3 KB, 250x336, 125:168, Blue_plate_special_sign.jpg)

File: da193175e4ec232⋯.jpg (175.86 KB, 953x948, 953:948, special_operations_socom_m….jpg)

File: 9c2a9183c878a8b⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 445x250, 89:50, GivingUnderstatedIvorygull….gif)


Just waiting at the Hacienda for the Van to show up so my Neighbors Can Enjoy Watching Me Stack Em Waist High Like Cordwood…

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ce478c  No.12090795


Hello Sean

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9922fc  No.12090796


To sum it up, they went full retard.

Never go full retard.

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3e8d64  No.12090797





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0d6126  No.12090798

File: cdc70d8913fae2b⋯.png (284.25 KB, 548x411, 4:3, 53646475478.png)


which faggot are we talkin' about ?

number 44 ?

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c66936  No.12090799

File: 6a65493eed1ad8f⋯.png (922.41 KB, 954x1024, 477:512, 6a65493eed1ad8f8fa6abe3487….png)

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9e33d2  No.12090800


I was 7

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86a36b  No.12090801

File: 484916622789b6f⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x204, 5:4, EAMXAXKU0AAmxAi.jpg)



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3e8d64  No.12090802

File: 7986c5501ff789c⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_044227.jpg)

File: b6cc6939a52abe1⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_044236.jpg)

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163abd  No.12090803

File: 38be33af16c6da8⋯.gif (87.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 4C56B486_3071_4B36_A838_D1….gif)

File: 076da5d8a573bb2⋯.jpeg (193.55 KB, 1080x767, 1080:767, 4E9ADE77_B479_4BE0_92AC_1….jpeg)



What a ride… comfy as fuck

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0eff58  No.12090804


>Army chief of staff slaps down pardoned general Mike Flynn's demand for martial law

And now the Army Chief of StaffGLOWS

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f7a556  No.12090805

File: c76d24f2c4840c3⋯.png (123.91 KB, 310x190, 31:19, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12090601 SLIDE

>>12090633 IDIOT


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0b8956  No.12090806


Roberts looks like McCarrick. Are they related?

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1f333c  No.12090807

File: 722be207071ddd7⋯.png (276.68 KB, 716x361, 716:361, KnownUnkown.png)


I wouldnt even be sure where to put my whims on this chart kek so much fog in this storm

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5fc31d  No.12090808

File: c7e39fef7a3d58d⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Microsoft_s_president_tell….mp4)


Microsoft’s president tells @CBSNews “this attack is still taking place, the industry is scrambling, people in government are scrambling to get it under control, but it's not under control yet

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2c5447  No.12090809

File: 6d5d73ee65dc038⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1521x1001, 117:77, Night_Shift_Bar_Hibiki_12_….png)




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5fc31d  No.12090810

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB, 494x247, 2:1, GhislaineAmanpour.png)


>Roberts looks like McCarrick. Are they related?

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5ba0a7  No.12090811

File: ad36a73d71ecdbf⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, duck2.jpg)

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9e33d2  No.12090812


Steve McKinney was his name

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3e8d64  No.12090813

File: 1cccd12635ab628⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_044358.jpg)

File: 4fc4c725d4e9c90⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_044406.jpg)

File: f02fde5d756d5b7⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_044410.jpg)

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000000  No.12090814


>My dad's death certificate

Surprise, Son!

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0ec0fa  No.12090815

File: 52ac170d959e6cf⋯.gif (662.82 KB, 320x240, 4:3, slap_gif_14.gif)


Thanks for bitch slapping the sliding shill faggots

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000000  No.12090816




That shillnigger appeared on AJ ClownWars multiple times. That doesn't necessarily mean he is Blackhat; William Benny also appeared on AJ several times as well. (Many good people have.) But for a short time, RDS also became a fixture at ClownWars and hosted the 3rd and 4th hours too many times to count. First he claimed to be a Q insider, and then a year later climbed on the AJ short-bus calling Q a LARP.

Always here, don't chime in often unless it is necessary. And it is necessary to say: Fuck RDS.

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2c5447  No.12090817

File: 8ab8e1f4b78ba43⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1521x1001, 117:77, Night_Shift_Bar_Guiness_an….png)


>Everyone load their bowls, fill their drinks, grab a beer, and toast to THE GREAT AWAKENING !

working as directed!

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0d6126  No.12090818


duck comms ?

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5fc31d  No.12090819

File: 37fbe3b9876c4c5⋯.png (11.41 KB, 450x275, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Silver is freaking out a bit

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3e8d64  No.12090820





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4276d6  No.12090821


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86a36b  No.12090822


Quacking the Codes….

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9e33d2  No.12090823


I was 7 he was 19..

25 years later, I drove by his house and his mom was cutting the grass. I stopped and called her over.. "Lucy".

It took a minute before she knew who I was and I then told her what her son did to me.

I drove away..

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000000  No.12090824



Fucking CIA Glownigger rag

Find a real source, faggot

It's Justice Roberts and everyone here knows it is.

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c66936  No.12090825


Hunter, that you?

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0eff58  No.12090826


CM, either by choice or by the asking, got pulled intothe planin a big way…

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58b4da  No.12090827

File: 621cc0faaae58a9⋯.jpeg (847.28 KB, 1125x2049, 375:683, 268EFEBB_8FB3_4A5A_BE03_9….jpeg)

File: b5ccd296939821f⋯.jpeg (569.54 KB, 1110x1589, 1110:1589, E5EB5BD6_475A_49C3_A123_7….jpeg)

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2c5447  No.12090828


I re-named this movie

it should have been called

Ad-(Everthying Goes Wrong)-Astra

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4c9777  No.12090829



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1f333c  No.12090830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CM posted this on twitter

Serbian Warning: What Happened When Their Elections Were Stolen in 2000

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ce478c  No.12090831


metal doesn't freak out.

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c66936  No.12090832


You being serious there?

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d6204c  No.12090833

File: 48a7c112351a11b⋯.png (290.87 KB, 699x347, 699:347, blow.png)

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2c5447  No.12090834

>>12090067 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12090200 Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's!

>>12090176 Scavino tweets Eagle @ 2:40am - Patriotsfight #240 (drop #2178)

>>12090583 More Scavino Eagle Tweet Decode

>>12090728 An anon asked DanO to post an EAGLE pic a day before it goes down…

>>12090588 Report: Dominion had warned of memory cards hitting capacity - Some that were 'swapped out' had uncounted votes

>>12090623 Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming (VIDEO)SOON™

>>12090392 MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County

>>12090644 Peter Navarro: If Election Investigation Reveals Voter Fraud, ‘Americans Deserve a Different Outcome’

>>12090552 Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'

>>12090379 Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War

>>12090394 President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’

>>12090117 There is a map of hacks that led to this…

>>12090181 PF: RCH151 also out of Hawaii. SAM340 left there earlier.

>>12090193 , >>12090197 NTSB Factual Report B-17G Crash 'Nine-O-Nine' Part I -16 Dec 2020

>>12090351 2 EO for 12/21/20

>>12090411 It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia did it, Pompeo says of massive U.S. government hack attack

>>12090239 , >>12090215 , >>12090277 Palantir Dig

>>12090559 Supreme Court Punts Census Lawsuit into January, No Quantifiable Harm Currently Appears

>>12090596 Sen. Ron Johnson blocks $1,200 relief checks

>>12090634 James Woods Dunks On Ilhan Omar After She Calls For the Abolishment of Death Penalty, Electoral College & ICE

>>12090830 From CM (Video): Serbian Warning: What Happened When Their Elections Were Stolen in 2000

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD faggots!

Baker Handing Off Next Bread

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0ec0fa  No.12090835

File: 976a8a84a8c571d⋯.jpg (35.47 KB, 293x282, 293:282, faggot_jack_black.jpg)

File: 6892a194e67fb1a⋯.jpg (482.73 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, Glowing.jpg)


You think you are safe on TOR?

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dc7994  No.12090836

File: 7974f6767df436f⋯.png (184.37 KB, 388x436, 97:109, S10.PNG)


Put your phone away, make your bed, clean up the room and put your shit away and you drink too much.

(And you should disable "Location")

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9e33d2  No.12090837



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479aac  No.12090839

File: fd09a6395d01a0f⋯.png (1.37 MB, 992x1416, 124:177, POTUS_Scavino_Activate.png)


Here is what it takes to make a meme.

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a40195  No.12090840

File: 7bf7ffcacfd49c0⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 433x276, 433:276, Brian_morans_cat.jpg)


it's caturday

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0d6126  No.12090841


it's a chat-bot, anon

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5fc31d  No.12090842

File: c764218fcba832b⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, YouCantHandleTheTruth.mp4)

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6a269d  No.12090845

File: e03547b0066ffbf⋯.jpg (412.19 KB, 1080x1360, 27:34, 20201218_185503.jpg)

File: 2a224b2f7782443⋯.jpg (420.77 KB, 1017x1276, 1017:1276, 20201218_185521.jpg)

File: 68973f172410308⋯.jpg (386.67 KB, 1000x1248, 125:156, 20201218_185539.jpg)

File: d47c4a87e5e11e3⋯.jpg (366.52 KB, 1080x1090, 108:109, 20201218_185554.jpg)


Stale Bread?

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4eec2a  No.12090846


Filtered that fuck

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7a03b4  No.12090848


steele is head shill

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ce478c  No.12090849


string all pedos up

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c66936  No.12090851



Had my almonds tingling there for a sec.

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9e33d2  No.12090852

>>12090841 Bzzzt


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000000  No.12090854



he's right you know

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9dc90c  No.12090855


It’s early here, fren, how about covfefe and edibles?

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dc7994  No.12090856


Could be, they all come from the CIA

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c673fb  No.12090857

File: e0ec7f12f3fd1a7⋯.jpg (259.79 KB, 1025x591, 1025:591, danceofthesnowflakessweet.jpg)


fuck off shill, no one cares


23 posts casting shade on CM



i'm in. say when?

Believe it or not I think it's one more fake out

But I'm going to toast to the the future of the Constitution, Voting which is verified an confirmed, breakup of the Broadcast Media, right to bear arms, and Hail to the anon project, (whoever thought of it.) MY DEEP GRATITUDE


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f7a556  No.12090859


2nd source for the TOR slide fag



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9e33d2  No.12090860


It was at the swamp swing. He lured me there..

Seems easier to be anon and say this than to IRL


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c66936  No.12090861


Oh shit! I just got schooled by the MAN!

Thank you Sir. I will admit I'm not the best meme maker (as you know).

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910918  No.12090862

File: 3249c4b0091b33d⋯.png (668.55 KB, 454x650, 227:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e8d64  No.12090863

File: 9eb315c08fbefe4⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045134.jpg)

File: e366c3eb7c98aeb⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045140.jpg)

File: 70c7de3c9af39fc⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045143.jpg)

File: daadef6e2279ece⋯.jpg (4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045203.jpg)

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4edd40  No.12090864


Martin Armstrong’s turn date and an astrological significant event as well.

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cb39fd  No.12090865


>23 posts casting shade on CM

CM is a giant faggot just sayin'

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a40195  No.12090867


I'll take baked baker on a slow night for $800 Alex

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481697  No.12090868

Has anyone ever bought anything these ads are selling?

Has anyone else noticed, since the ads started showing up, this site is really nothing more than a way to capitalize on anons…

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0ec0fa  No.12090869


This faggot is in here every nightshift, always with 50 + posts telling us all about its wonderfully exciting fantasies.

Did you see the one about it distributing bibles in China?

That one is a classic.

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1f333c  No.12090870


how he resigned on election day abruptly feels like a sign or hint

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9e33d2  No.12090871



I'm a pretty fucking persistent "chat Bot" then, eh? KEK

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0ec0fa  No.12090872


>since the ads started showing up

What ads?

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910918  No.12090873


CM was Q

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2c5447  No.12090874

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB, 700x674, 350:337, thoughtful_pepe.png)


>I'll take baked baker on a slow night for $800 Alex

*slowly puts down bong…*

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c66936  No.12090875


>That one is a classic.


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c8dad6  No.12090876

File: 1c1bfcd8ce38e60⋯.gif (551.78 KB, 289x145, 289:145, Donkey_Nadler_Spit.gif)

File: 548154b32a1c42b⋯.gif (4.26 MB, 444x250, 222:125, Donkey_Nadler_Hearing.gif)

File: b5083e0c7bc86fa⋯.gif (4.27 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Donkey_Nadler_Oral_Argumen….gif)

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 390x373, 390:373, b0b3ced27a1dd02d5fcd6ea9b4….gif)





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c673fb  No.12090877

File: 0e431aa9ec244db⋯.png (121.18 KB, 520x412, 130:103, dancers.png)








SO BE IT. To AMERICA cleansed as she should be Forever

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479aac  No.12090878


I encourage you to continue.

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9e33d2  No.12090879

File: b69b87aa6e5fd85⋯.png (62.71 KB, 184x170, 92:85, ClipboardImage.png)



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c66936  No.12090880

File: 3485399d87b34e7⋯.jpg (587.18 KB, 1692x1224, 47:34, 5fda1ab07b9d0_image.jpg)

Today in history:

"In 1777, during the American Revolutionary War, Gen. George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to camp for the winter."

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9922fc  No.12090881

Not the Christian Michael Leu nigger again.

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9e33d2  No.12090882


You've used this same meme and slogan all night..

Almost bed time ya think?

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3e8d64  No.12090883

File: 0b682684a8ab7c7⋯.jpg (602.01 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_045514….jpg)

File: 30beaad5bcc463b⋯.jpg (321.84 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_045533….jpg)

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c66936  No.12090885

File: 000fa9c92c48917⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1480x1390, 148:139, solid_copy.png)

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9e33d2  No.12090886


>That one is a classic


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cb39fd  No.12090888


>CM was Q

Once, I would have thought that was BS but since Q has disappeared and CM is now putting himself front and center, you might be right.

But that means Q was not a military op as he claimed to be and, in that case, Q was LARP and CM is a faggot.

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000000  No.12090889


>I'm a pretty fucking persistent "chat Bot" then, eh? KEK

Persistence is a feature of any program

but you're a well-coded chat bot, I'll give you that.

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4edd40  No.12090890

What arrest would shock the world? Someone famous by title if not by name, someone involved with the deep state election coverup and denial of justice that would require the military to intervene?

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts. Or. Christopher Wray, director of the FBI.

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2c5447  No.12090891


>You've used this same meme and slogan all night..

to be fair

its the second time I have employed that reponse tonight

once per bread

so fuck YOU, good sir

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4eec2a  No.12090892


bwahhhahahahahahah Thank YOU for that, fkn a great to start the day with a good laugh

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c8dad6  No.12090893

File: 7409361968bc6a8⋯.jpg (23.05 KB, 440x236, 110:59, 440px_DurhamBoat_StLawrenc….jpg)

File: db115026b9edf92⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 250x188, 125:94, durham_boat.jpg)

File: af7896e43d2aebc⋯.jpg (231.81 KB, 598x900, 299:450, general_washington_crossin….jpg)

File: 92104fca270f263⋯.png (712.2 KB, 571x745, 571:745, The_Phoenician_Origin_Of_B….PNG)

File: f0f0362e7138fe1⋯.png (597.93 KB, 972x774, 54:43, The_Phoenician_Origin_Of_B….PNG)

I prefer Viking Durham Boats….

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20277e  No.12090894

File: e7aaf353ff17440⋯.png (226.57 KB, 285x315, 19:21, ClipboardImage.png)


No, this is Q.

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5fc31d  No.12090895

File: 42b596960a7bc64⋯.mp4 (10.46 MB, 1278x714, 213:119, BLMX.mp4)

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b1ae3d  No.12090896


No ads with Premium Account anon

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481697  No.12090897

File: 928779b7bea6b16⋯.png (565.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20201219_075529.png)

File: 98f757c61c54d81⋯.png (332.09 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20201219_075551.png)


These ads…

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3cf49f  No.12090898


if that story is a true story I am very sorry it happened to you anon, terrible crime

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9922fc  No.12090899


That’s John Lewis.

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9e33d2  No.12090900


>distributing bibles in China?


It must have been another that threatens your existence..

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a40195  No.12090901

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3e8d64  No.12090902

File: 5337147ecdb194e⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045653.jpg)

File: 65a09dae9e8cae2⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045700.jpg)

File: 7741291223a2738⋯.jpg (4.75 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_045716.jpg)

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2aecc2  No.12090903



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58b4da  No.12090904

"CCP wants our land to grow food"…..

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5fc31d  No.12090905


I used to take the time to inspect element then delete the box from the page, but whatever

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4edd40  No.12090906

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000000  No.12090907

>>12090888 Checked

Just be glad this post didn't piss CM off.

How do I know it didn't piss him off?

We'll see if you'r still alive to respond…

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6a269d  No.12090908

File: 68daab78f07297d⋯.png (9 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 918141a4d169f41b61f864528a….png)



Shade means over target!

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ca3cfe  No.12090909

File: 5961c13f300d265⋯.png (319.2 KB, 357x391, 21:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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23fdf4  No.12090910

File: 68b562e3a5ea997⋯.png (527.57 KB, 640x565, 128:113, 68b562e3a5ea99766769fc44a2….png)


paytriots are not welcome here.

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c66936  No.12090911

File: 0f9ba529a73f979⋯.jpg (128.45 KB, 762x900, 127:150, john_lewis.jpg)


No this is John Lewis.

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5fc31d  No.12090912



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9e33d2  No.12090914



Yes it is true..


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230d85  No.12090915



I think after Jan 6th


Joe R Biden

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56cb1a  No.12090916


Dude, at this point you are probably just an MSM shill trying to bait us into some bullshit. Of COURSE he resigned here to fulfil his next duties. Why is this so fucking hard to grasp.

We all accept it, and its not a mystery.

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1f333c  No.12090917


i dont think CM was Q & im not putting shade on CM im just QUESTIONING things … like Q told us too

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3e8d64  No.12090918

File: be067c9bae72a6b⋯.jpg (453.79 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201219_045949….jpg)

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d05bf3  No.12090919


Maybe CM from another country and not to interfere

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c8dad6  No.12090920

File: 1f74ae45b07d0d9⋯.jpg (257.04 KB, 840x560, 3:2, WiggerBoo_Jiggums.jpg)

File: adc8176454d123b⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 435x250, 87:50, YellowishMammothAmericanwi….gif)

File: 9d5d56dce8967f9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 959x1539, 959:1539, Wigger_Boo_Niggums.png)

File: e4fe2c307da4c4f⋯.gif (484.51 KB, 487x324, 487:324, Triangle_Wiggle.gif)

File: e5efcb94965643c⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 416x590, 208:295, WiggerBooNiggums.jpg)


Thats a Nigger….Nigger…



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c673fb  No.12090921

File: fd3e7db93314e7d⋯.jpg (54.03 KB, 564x423, 4:3, muellerrussiancollusion.jpg)


got a total clown face


friends with Roberts and Bush;

sounds legit

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3f4685  No.12090922


That's Bill Barr

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9e33d2  No.12090923



I called him out to his mothers face and went into great detail. Was a weight lifted.

Happened a long time ago. Not sure how it ended up here LOL

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fb724c  No.12090924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why Jerry Why, Kek.

Because they are fucking Satanic Pedos.

Pedos Become the Hunted

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3e8d64  No.12090925

File: 7b44cf5796b298f⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201219_050049.jpg)

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2aecc2  No.12090926


I sincerely hope you are right.

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481697  No.12090927


Remember that one time, when the calls were coming from inside the house…

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ce478c  No.12090928


We don't doxx Q anyway WTF with the weenies wanting to know who Q is.

Pay attention to the message.

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1f333c  No.12090929


im questioning 8Kun leadership not CM… im wondering if CM was pushed out of 8KUN … cause his twitter was nothing before he left…

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ca3cfe  No.12090930


Not, it's Bill Burr.

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c673fb  No.12090931


Good you told to his mother.

kudos anon.

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9b11b5  No.12090932


all of that is comms between the shills, anon.

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5fc31d  No.12090933

File: 11361e94f0bfdd8⋯.png (192.64 KB, 762x625, 762:625, ClipboardImage.png)



The Septemberprogramm is a documentary insight to Imperial Germany's war aims, and shows the true scope of German plans for territorial expansion in two directions, east and west.

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9e33d2  No.12090934


Scary part of it is, I did not feel like a victim and have only recently realized I am.

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a40195  No.12090935


It depends on whether it's organic or not

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3f4685  No.12090936



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c673fb  No.12090937

File: f791c3834839258⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 480x270, 16:9, yourturn.mp4)


no you aren't

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230d85  No.12090938

>>12090924 Justice Served who needs the courts to drag it out.

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f58b6f  No.12090939

File: a793125e37e4f80⋯.png (4.32 MB, 2146x1472, 1073:736, barr_daaarker.png)

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2c5447  No.12090940

Q Research General #15437: Have a Beautiful Day Mothafucka's! Edition

NEW Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:767fca

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Baker Has ALREADY Handed Off In Next Bread

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000000  No.12090941


its 100% Bull Barr

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c66936  No.12090942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cb39fd  No.12090943


Oh, sure.

As well as being Q, CM has access to international hit squads and/or drone strike capabilities.

Get real, anon.

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dc7994  No.12090944


So you're a fudge packer and a cock sucker, got it ;-)

All that money and yet still so empty inside. Pain, the price you pay for the choices you made. Poor bastard, if only there were do overs eh?

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c66936  No.12090945

God Wins.

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