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File: fc95a65e717e75e⋯.png (283.45 KB, 790x423, 790:423, qr_from_potus.png)

869a71  No.11981624[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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869a71  No.11981657

Global Announcements

>>11967950 Firefox plugin workaround for Clearnet posting. Install it and enable it and you're good to go.


>>11922609 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>11922273 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org


If YOUTUBE vids by CM get nuked. https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

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869a71  No.11981664

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>11980954 baker changed

>>11980955 Donald J. Trump

>>11981065 17 times the jet flies by in the video.

>>11981079 get familiar with four names

>>11981251 Potus tweet mistake the omits to Q318 The vs. To everything has meaning.

>>11981327 Looks like Scytl has/had a dev related subdomain called SAURON

>>11981377 LIVE: Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing in Milwaukee, WI 12/10/20

>>11981437 Reply of State of Texas submitted.

>>11980955 DJT Tweet: Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices.

>>11980956 Taking the Keys Away Chuck Schumer Confronts Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline.

>>11980995 Pennsylvania to U.S. Supreme Court: Texas Guilty of ‘Seditious’ Behavior.

>>11981115 Ted Cruz AG Barr + Director Wray about former Director Comey + former Deputy McCabe’s testimony.

>>11981120 Unbelievable marching orders from big tech money, on the election.

>>11981144 Defense Department seeking open source intelligence software.

>>11981193 Pelosi won't say how many other house intel dems had sexual relationships with spies.

>>11981251 Potus tweet mistake the omits to Q318 The vs. To everything has meaning.

>>11981294 Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump.

>>11981327 Looks like sauron has/had a dev related subdomain called SCYTL.

>>11981437 Reply of State of Texas submitted.

>>11981500 Motion of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, and The Presidential Coalition, LLC for leave to file amicus brief submitted.

>>11981502 Code access "SCYTL Repository" OPTICS

>>11981324 Outrageous video. Mafia Mob flipped for Trump, evidence before Supreme Court.

>>11981629 DJT RT https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1337404126263734272

>>11981645 #15294

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869a71  No.11981684


>>11980167 Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline

>>11980196 Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'

>>11980265 Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

>>11980269 Missing n in dam on DJT tweets

>>11980413 , >>11980457 , >>11980529 , >>11980495 , >>11980570 , >>11980639 Tweet and Q decode analysis

>>11980283 No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief

>>11980296 DJT: I just want to stop the world from killing itself!

>>11980330 Anon opines on MSM effect on the masses

>>11980360 Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas

>>11980422 Jeep comms?

>>11980461 David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint. Comms?

>>11980605 Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

>>11980661 POTUS Schedule for 12/11/2020

>>11980676 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves

>>11980687 Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.

>>11980786 (Vid) Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?”

>>11980768 Comey and Wray lied in their testimony.

>>11980774 , >>11980804 , >>11980841 , >>11980849 Planefag Updates

>>11980876 Dan Scavino posts a vid with 17 jets over the target

>>11981662 #15293


>>11979386, >>11979389, >>11979406, >>11979425, >>11979449, >>11979543 Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

>>11979395, >>11979413, >>11979455, >>11979512 Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

>>11979427, >>11979466, >>11979500, >>11979506, >>11979844 Things Worth Remembering

>>11979459 Modified DNA or RNA in Vaccine? Concern Possibility of ALTERING GENOME OF HUMAN GENETIC STRUCTURE!

>>11979513 Haze Fan of Bloomberg news detained in Beijing on suspicion of endangering national security

>>11979518 FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

>>11979567, >>11979581, >>11979586, >>11979593, >>11979619, >>11979698 AlienAnon Research

>>11979578 The Caning of Charles Sumner - Future proves past - Don't be surprised if Chuck Schumer gets severely beat by a cane on his head by some fake Qanon follower soon.

>>11979596 DNI report due by next Friday. One week away.

>>11979607, >>11979623 DOS Tweets: "The tide is turning against Huawei and other surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party. Many countries and companies are choosing to allow only trusted vendors in their 5G networks. We call on our freedom-loving partners to join the Clean Network." +

>>11979622 USAF Tweets: "#ReadyAF"

>>11979638, >>11979659 Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.

>>11979648 (Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing

>>11979663 CP roundup for 12/10/2020

>>11979683 Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named TIME's 'Person of the Year' as a predictable finger in Trump’s eye

>>11979753 Close will be arraigned on December 14, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark W. Pedersen.

>>11979757, >>11979778, >>11979797 PF Reports

>>11979816 5:5 DOD

>>11979931, >>11979976 Keks

>>11979996 Epoch Times: Declassified with Gina Shakespeare

>>11980088 #15292

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869a71  No.11981686


>>11978518 New Study Reveals The Most Heavily Surveilled Cities on Earth

>>11978562, >>11978632 Codemonkey has decided to hijack the pussy parade + Related

>>11978578 Federal Executions And Related Bun+

>>11978623, >>11978684, >>11978767, >>11979094 PF Reports

>>11978637 ?

>>11978643 A Call to Quantum Realization

>>11978654 Do Unicorns Exist? Narwhal-unicorn-puppy

>>11978655 Bakers, BO/BV, thank you for keeping the ship upright in the midst of all the turbulence.

>>11978704 "Nazis They're Nazis"

>>11978707, >>11978732 Alaska Joins Texas Lawsuit

>>11978725 Belarusian President Heightens Security after Releasing Damning Statements about IMF

>>11978754 How odd. Isn't it procedure for the WH to be immaculate?

>>11978816, >>11978828, >>11978896, >>11978902, >>11978910 Things to Remember...

>>11978926 Fake News Fantasy {Delusion} Continues

>>11978970 Feinstein and Security Compromisations

>>11978996 Sealed Indictments 210K+ NATIONWIDE!

>>11979012 Fighting Tigers of U.S. 5th Fleet: "Standing by ready to fly."

>>11979106 Background on United States Space Force Super Weapon, X37B Space Fighter

>>11979140 ‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ fundraising event draws different reactions

>>11979153, >>11979163 "This is the be-all, end-all case..." Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow

>>11979165, >>11979180, >>11979251 Spy games; War games\Training, pre-planned and coordinated with Trudeau's Troops

>>11979185 Ode to the Hour: Isaiah 29:15 - Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

>>11979199, >>11979223, >>11979301 Enough with the meme ammo Schumer it's too easy

>>11979217 Supreme Court denies pro-Trump bid to nullify election results in Pennsylvania

>>11979316 Vaccine Corruption and yet... still endorsement?

>>11979330 #15291

Previously Collected Notables

>>11978480 #15290,

>>11975750 #15287, >>11976891 #15288, >>11977672 #15289

>>11973017 #15284, >>11974282 #15285, >>11975105 #15186

>>11970567 #15281, >>11974742 #15282, >>11972375 #15283

>>11968226 #15278, >>11968993 #15279, >>11969816 #15280

>>11965924 #15275, >>11966616 #15276, >>11967501 #15277

>>11963620 #15272, >>11964368 #15273, >>11965151 #15274

>>11961295 #15269, >>11962078 #15270, >>11962824 #15271

>>11958909 #15266, >>11959678 #15267. >>11960502 #15268

>>11956612 #15263, >>11957398 #15264, >>11958173 #15265

>>11954210 #15260, >>11955022 #15261, >>11955791 #15262

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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869a71  No.11981687


Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– More Twitter Tools and Services

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>11740091 ————————————–——– Canada #10

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11726798 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11954418 ————————————–——– UK #27

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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869a71  No.11981690

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master:


Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-


QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn Digital Warfare

>>>/warroom/5684 ————————————–——– Lessons in Digital Warfare #1

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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869a71  No.11981701

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB, 1222x730, 611:365, ghosbaker.jpg)


#15295 https://qanonbin.com/paste/eU0O7sOpr

>>>/warroom/ OORA

Any Other Baker Around?

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4d5eb5  No.11981721







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85b738  No.11981729


You do realize everyone just filters your shitty posts and doesn't even read what you type, right?

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6e83fd  No.11981730


Why bake one then leave?

They are prepared for you. Did you want to title it or?

You said you couldnttake notes then you did…

what's up?

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a6508c  No.11981736




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6e83fd  No.11981739


oh OH ohh Okay… I see.

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a6508c  No.11981740


work irl anon. ty.

do u want to bake

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a6508c  No.11981745


looks good dont it :)

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170db0  No.11981746

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200f0d  No.11981748

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB, 308x305, 308:305, ThankQ_Baker.png)

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d144e4  No.11981751

File: 32961b2a8da51b6⋯.png (9.68 KB, 825x641, 825:641, 7be16ca5e95b859f57afc9d607….png)

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170db0  No.11981753

File: 0aa3bb18f18b5e9⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 0aa3bb18f18b5e9324f77abe89….mp4)

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b87023  No.11981754

File: e190cee668c5286⋯.jpg (53.43 KB, 600x503, 600:503, america_the_beautiful.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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5fae1a  No.11981757


Still haven't had your goat, Mullah?

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e23dc1  No.11981758

>>11980916 (pb) Have watched B2 closely during his time as Trump's AG. Am willing to bet it all that he is working for the white hats. I say this because of his words, and how he has delivered them with passion, during EVERY occasion he has spoken publicly. Maybe a person could fake sincerity once or twice, but not consistently, for the entire run. He is one of us, and I fully expect a Durham MOAB at any time now.

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b2e57a  No.11981759

File: accced4f27a3de9⋯.png (806.19 KB, 700x838, 350:419, salute.png)

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163c19  No.11981760



>>11980153 Investors swap China holdings from Wall Street to Hong Kong as delisting threat brews.


>>11980167 Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline.

>>11980265 Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta.

>>11980296 DJT Tweet: "I just want to stop the world from killing itself!"

>>11980344 >>11980350 Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia.

>>11980374 US Pentagon signals it will stop supporting CIA’s counter-terrorism mission.

>>11980422 Dig on Jeep.

>>11980466 St. Louis Prosecutor Removed From Mark McCloskey Case.

>>11980598 Pelosi: Republicans Focused on Eric Swalwell Scandal to Distract from QAnon.

>>11980676 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves.

>>11980739 Sidney Powell Tweet. Look at the wording, we have it all now.

>>11980768 @CBS_Herridge Tweet. Letter from Cruz to Barr & Wray about Comey & McCabe.

>>11980786 Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night. 4 individuals worth digging.

>>11980167 Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline

>>11980196 Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'

>>11980265 Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

>>11980269 Missing n in dam on DJT tweets

>>11980413 , >>11980457 , >>11980529 , >>11980495 , >>11980570 , >>11980639 Tweet and Q decode analysis

>>11980283 No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief

>>11980296 DJT: I just want to stop the world from killing itself!

>>11980330 Anon opines on MSM effect on the masses

>>11980360 Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas

>>11980422 Jeep comms?

>>11980461 David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint. Comms?

>>11980605 Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

>>11980661 POTUS Schedule for 12/11/2020

>>11980676 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves

>>11980687 Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.

>>11980786 (Vid) Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?”

>>11980768 Comey and Wray lied in their testimony.

>>11980774 , >>11980804 , >>11980841 , >>11980849 Planefag Updates

>>11980876 Dan Scavino posts a vid with 17 jets over the target

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e4a68e  No.11981761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Breaking wide open bread jam tuneage

Crying won't help ya Prayin won't do you no good.

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14856f  No.11981763

File: 49970a2d30d5f34⋯.mp4 (463.08 KB, 778x270, 389:135, 17_.mp4)


TY, baker.

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1100a6  No.11981764

File: 11a7f8599b5a633⋯.jpg (212.03 KB, 600x756, 50:63, 3ef07ed25825217fb8cc1879ae….jpg)

>>11981446 (PB)

Can't help but remember the big grin on Schumer's face as he sits with his head hanging down being scolded by POTUS.


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170db0  No.11981765


fuck off faggot shill

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4d5eb5  No.11981767



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c2683d  No.11981768

File: 0c40af08eb43079⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 474x592, 237:296, russ.jpg)

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9c552d  No.11981769

File: 7fa7f6796b2ff67⋯.png (106.93 KB, 559x785, 559:785, 2020_12_11_9_36_34.png)

File: e22f62a53cccda6⋯.png (141.27 KB, 543x746, 543:746, 2020_12_11_9_36_59.png)

File: 438c82119664907⋯.png (202.15 KB, 562x733, 562:733, 2020_12_11_9_37_10.png)

File: 723d3bbb4158749⋯.png (178.65 KB, 489x726, 163:242, 2020_12_11_9_37_35.png)

File: 24e7f8705d5a3a7⋯.png (106.31 KB, 528x742, 264:371, 2020_12_11_9_40_49.png)

Texas will Prevail

Texas asks to have a longer word count for filing and calls out defendants as not supporting with facts and suspect in their actions.

Defendant States do not seriously address grave issues that Texas raises, choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions in which Texas could not participate and to mischaracterize both the relief that Texas seeks and the justification for that relief. An injunction should issue because Defendant States have not—and cannot—defend their actions. First, as a legal matter, neither Texas nor its citizens have an action in any other court for the relief 2 that Texas seeks here. Moreover, no other court could provide relief as a practical matter. The suggestion that Texas—or anyone else—has an adequate remedy is specious.

Second, Texas does not ask this Court to reelect President Trump, and Texas does not seek to disenfranchise the majority of Defendant States’ voters. To both points, Texas asks this Court to recognize the obvious fact that Defendant States’ maladministration of the 2020 election makes it impossible to know which candidate garnered the majority of lawful votes. The Court’s role is to strike unconstitutional action and remand to the actors that the Constitution and Congress vest with authority for the next step. U.S. CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 2; 3 U.S.C. § 2.

Third, Defendant States’ invocation of laches and standing evinces a cavalier unseriousness about the most cherished right in a democracy—the right to vote. Asserting that Texas does not raise serious issues is telling.

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82a78d  No.11981770

Quit fooling yourselves thinking the Supreme Court is going to do anything.

There are a group of hostile foreign powers attempting a coup of our government.

They military steps in, or they win and we are headed for re-education camps.

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0df664  No.11981771


what the fuck is wrong with her elbow

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170db0  No.11981772

File: a82241144212bcb⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 1128x720, 47:30, YmqWvrvP5WgbKPQH.mp4)

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278156  No.11981773


imagine being here on /qresearch/ with a wealth of knowledge and truth at your disposal, yet still making the conscious decision to attack anons for your own gratification.

absolutely pitiful. no wonder your family hates your guts.

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200f0d  No.11981774


Agreed, not ready to give up on him yet.

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96fbc8  No.11981775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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163c19  No.11981778


>15293 Full Notables Bun Updated




#15295 https://qanonbin.com/paste/1qttlbD1u

#15295 https://qanonbin.com/paste/1qttlbD1u

#15295 https://qanonbin.com/paste/1qttlbD1u

#15295 https://qanonbin.com/paste/1qttlbD1u



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8c6456  No.11981779

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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501d1a  No.11981781

File: 1a65085d084238a⋯.png (50.01 KB, 784x452, 196:113, Capture_2020_12_11_10_54_5….png)

40 days


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f5f536  No.11981782

>>11981502 p

Dastingly, many early versions of SCYTL repos are in Spanish.


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d692ca  No.11981783


You can go to the camp if you like.

I'm not, no way in hell will that happen.

I'll watch from heaven your suffering and laugh when you stand before God and explain to him why you did nothing to help your fellow man against evil.

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f5f0c9  No.11981784


enough with the tranny whores!

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f5f536  No.11981785


then the flood.

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8c6456  No.11981786

File: 51da887fdcbc853⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 750x491, 750:491, bidengotcaught.jpg)

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e4a68e  No.11981787

File: cd6592ed46290b0⋯.png (44.15 KB, 444x284, 111:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e63aea148172aa6⋯.png (60.42 KB, 598x313, 598:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f29148d48249b5e⋯.png (75.86 KB, 598x374, 299:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61e53750c0e4dfb⋯.png (21.25 KB, 444x144, 37:12, ClipboardImage.png)

Repost with bonus material.

Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>Now it turns out that the Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices. This would be terrible, and must be stopped. Even Justice RBG was strongly opposed!

want "the" pack the court should be

want "to" pack the court


And then we have the earlier comms "dam" vs. "damn"



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316b0a  No.11981788


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

You still haven't answered this question, red text 'Anon'.

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4d5eb5  No.11981789



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c2683d  No.11981790

File: e0a1d5bea49f517⋯.png (27.13 KB, 535x310, 107:62, Screenshot_2020_12_11_TheS….png)

Major indictment announcement set for Friday from U.S. Attorney. U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida Lawrence Keefe is set to announce an indictment of “statewide significance” Friday, December 11th at 9:30 a.m. central.


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170db0  No.11981792

File: 89e44280f735a1d⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 740x457, 740:457, Donald_Trump_Mt_Rushmore.jpg)

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163c19  No.11981793


> making the conscious decision to attack anons

how so anon?

im just baking, but seems u are attacking me. so i shall counter attack: blo

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d692ca  No.11981794


Rapid reports of NO that just happen to sound like 5.56 rounds going off….

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0e2c2d  No.11981795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


- Massive Attack

This country is more than just a construct of men.



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e76e3d  No.11981796


Yep, that's what I was thinking when I saw "dam". I love some Friday Fireworks!

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501d1a  No.11981797

File: ee5eec6970c274c⋯.png (729.06 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ThorTrump.png)


I hear thunder.

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316b0a  No.11981800


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

You still haven't answered this question.

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55fcc7  No.11981801

File: a9272e2e4b8ef70⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DateFag.jpg)

So setting up for grab the popcorn MAGA promise next week Friday/Saturday. Just after DNI Report regarding foreign interference.

Just an idea

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163c19  No.11981802



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82a78d  No.11981803



Stop fooling yourself. They had every opportunity to step in and did NOTHING.

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352d05  No.11981804


more like 40 hours

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316b0a  No.11981805

File: 9e3cc1e511ff135⋯.jpg (5.05 MB, 8580x4944, 715:412, BannerGraphic8kunTop.jpg)

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163c19  No.11981807



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85b738  No.11981808


Either that or the three gorges.

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316b0a  No.11981809


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

You still haven't answered this question.

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200f0d  No.11981811


Is there sauce for his claim?

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462e41  No.11981812

File: 38357f4d96dd465⋯.png (803.94 KB, 728x534, 364:267, arrests.png)

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545a27  No.11981813

File: ec2e67171bf4939⋯.png (212.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ec2e67171bf493937816b690d9….png)

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163c19  No.11981814



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352d05  No.11981815



>He wants to get their hopes up more so they can fall from a greater height.

Pretty much

Probably would have been more accurate to use "would" but wtf

If I were going to drop a MOAB on some evil person's house, I would talk as if that house would be standing for years to come, just to keep the unawares

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14856f  No.11981816



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76e2ec  No.11981818


>how so anon?

>im just baking, but seems u are attacking me. so i shall counter attack: blo

No, anon is correct. You're a shillfaggotcunt

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163c19  No.11981820


Learn Digital Warfare Faggots

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4c2e14  No.11981821

File: a979ea30b57098a⋯.jpeg (655.13 KB, 1242x1920, 207:320, 8E0A5BFB_3023_4EE3_8D0B_7….jpeg)

File: 90a42c84553eea8⋯.jpeg (143.34 KB, 749x1037, 749:1037, 85EDA725_D9EF_4087_A746_0….jpeg)

File: db587602e644a43⋯.jpeg (300.06 KB, 749x1154, 749:1154, 4817BC27_F974_4D14_B96F_6….jpeg)

File: 4b0947ddbb33fad⋯.jpeg (213.05 KB, 748x799, 44:47, 620B561A_D057_49B2_9628_8….jpeg)

File: 128f15030771bfc⋯.png (499.75 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1C53CD2D_04D0_4572_88AE_41….png)


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4d5eb5  No.11981822


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e23dc1  No.11981823

>>11981770 Well I guess that settles it then. However, other minds see an entirely different scenario playing out. To wit, SC hands Trump a massive win of whatever flavor, then the military polices up the radical slime who want to cap off some rounds. This is the best of all worlds–a legal framework for patriots/military to FINALLY clean house.

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f5f536  No.11981824


faggots should be boiled, not baked.

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163c19  No.11981825

Learn Their Comms Faggots

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98749a  No.11981826


Sorry. I would like to meet real anons. But until I am certain the meet is not a honeypot I will not attend any said functions. I don’t want to be disappeared or suicided. Or probed by some big grey alien motherfucker.

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316b0a  No.11981827


Until what, Joe Biden is sent to prison?

They get divorced?

Executions of traitors begins?

What does she mean?

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316b0a  No.11981828


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

You still haven't answered this question.

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e23dc1  No.11981830

>>11981803 "Someone" is fooling themself.

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a5dc25  No.11981831

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c649ea  No.11981832

File: 6fbd2793f826d63⋯.jpg (337.44 KB, 1440x859, 1440:859, POTUS_biden.jpg)

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278156  No.11981833


>im just baking

no you're not. your intentionally appearing as "ghost" as an excuse to ignore legit bakers holding the dough so that you can split the bakes.

how monumentally retarded do you have to be to think that anons cant see you? non of this has worked in 3 years and all you faggots can do is stay the course as if today is going to be the day a miracle happens, and you start to matter.

such a miserable worthless existence. i dont know how you cope with it.

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4a3367  No.11981834


40 days until they do a street performance of a Presidential Inauguration which absolutely any group of actors and actresses can do. This is going to confuse the public as there will be full coverage of such a unique display of acting. They will sell it, the will own it, they will be the ones stuck with the chaos.

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170db0  No.11981835


Didn't realize sinus infections can increase your anxiety, no wonder I have been so fucked up the last few months

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cc2931  No.11981836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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50abf5  No.11981837

File: 0d8e68d736e8100⋯.png (203.85 KB, 500x313, 500:313, ClipboardImage.png)

lb/pb Remember?


I truly enjoyed this moment:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee2415 No.97777

Jan 19 2018 17:50:33 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 6ac131 No.97752

Jan 19 2018 17:49:17 (EST)


He has to use the bathroom prior to leaving.


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28e849  No.11981838


>Hero's Journey PSYOP

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163c19  No.11981839



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4a2621  No.11981841

File: 2775855029305da⋯.png (179.55 KB, 499x279, 499:279, angry_poor_noises.png)


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f58e08  No.11981842

File: 6ae7506f8b3badc⋯.png (146.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, F1C145A1_B270_4E4A_95AC_A5….png)

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545a27  No.11981844

File: 671f59ef8ca7f94⋯.png (399.81 KB, 602x760, 301:380, ClipboardImage.png)

Honored to be named


’s Person of the Year with President-elect



We’re at a moment where we’re being confronted by multiple crises that have converged. We have a lot we need to handle in the days ahead but I know together we can get it done.


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14856f  No.11981845

File: 9178145729b4f5f⋯.png (564.16 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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163c19  No.11981846

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f5f0c9  No.11981847



We the People are

The Only Way

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b87023  No.11981848

File: 5f6a19826b15e45⋯.jpeg (72.46 KB, 1440x839, 1440:839, 1524005947.jpeg)

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82a78d  No.11981850


How stupid are you anon?

Why would EST time Florida announce an indictment in CST?

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501d1a  No.11981853


Flash flood?


…Nothing can stop what is coming.


Slow drip > Flood


Looking forward to that flood Sir!!

"What storm, Mr. President?"

"You'll see!" - POTUS



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5cac55  No.11981854

File: f1cc377ddaa9447⋯.png (231.13 KB, 401x560, 401:560, flynncard.png)




nope, liar



>>11980167 pb

graceful public exit; so far

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cae717  No.11981855

File: a98e718d695c887⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 580x773, 580:773, CrimeTime.jpg)

Made it specially for RED Dead letter anon

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f5f0c9  No.11981856


Dam Breech, sudden inundation.

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14856f  No.11981857



can anon fit moar in there? Like 100?

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5cac55  No.11981860

File: 97da0e2267c2555⋯.jpg (142.91 KB, 854x854, 1:1, comeycoverup.jpg)

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163c19  No.11981861


sory not sure what u mean, last dough was ebake with moldy dough.

i am confirmed handoff baker.

so please stop with your divison and you know the rules TOGO

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633c24  No.11981862


Timing is everything, shill

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501d1a  No.11981864


Joe's "Sell-by" date?

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f5f536  No.11981865

File: eecf333a5cba1f7⋯.png (15.72 KB, 368x316, 92:79, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)

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b2e57a  No.11981866


hope you feel better anon! i used to get terrible sinus infections growing up, apparenly one of my wisdom teeth grew the wrong way and punctured my sinus cavity so i ended up getting staph in there too. covid ain't shit. ill pray for ya. o7

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2c3767  No.11981867

who is that guy fooling in Wisconsin case when he said the election commission does not take sides in an election.

the one in Georgia was one of the biggest cheaters.

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e82a2a  No.11981868

Does POTUS depart at any time today? Possible storm twat today?

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5c567c  No.11981869

File: 2b0a718c84fdb6c⋯.png (542.39 KB, 758x671, 758:671, ClipboardImage.png)



It's a big indictment for teacher certification fraud.

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4d5eb5  No.11981871


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2c3767  No.11981872


you expect something to happen today?

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d144e4  No.11981873

File: 28817dd3ff595aa⋯.png (195.83 KB, 269x369, 269:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9959e548ff98678⋯.png (1.6 MB, 999x1000, 999:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16a9cfb22e56689⋯.gif (856.67 KB, 320x180, 16:9, EmotionalDisfiguredDoe_max….gif)

File: e0af6ad6f0ebc40⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 444x250, 222:125, BogusPrestigiousDeinonychu….gif)

File: e926af358281a3b⋯.png (441.28 KB, 800x326, 400:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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57b739  No.11981874


State capitol is in Tallahassee, which is in the panhandle, which is in the central time zone.

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f5f0c9  No.11981875

Civility and respect for others

is the only way

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170db0  No.11981876


thanks anon, I am getting better but it is hard to shake

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b0413a  No.11981878

File: 1f5c535ceba6579⋯.png (167.59 KB, 513x299, 513:299, 2020_12_11_11_05_01.png)

>>11981643 LB

>Britain's @AstraZeneca signaled on Friday it would investigate combining its own experimental #CovidVaccine shot with Russia's #SputnikV, a move Russian scientists have suggested could sharply boost efficacy.

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ad2fc9  No.11981879

File: 6789ebd8f14d31e⋯.png (156.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SWALWELL5.png)

File: a6506c4e73bdcf9⋯.png (512.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WERENOTGONNA1.png)

File: f5461ef3ae920ae⋯.png (627.05 KB, 800x514, 400:257, MADASHELL2.png)

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163c19  No.11981880


statement stand.

>how so

also sine you also have chosen to attack me. i shall counter attack as well

FU and have a nice day o/

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e76e3d  No.11981883


Where in the world do they get the # 26 justices at? That's way too many… there has to be a code in there.

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d692ca  No.11981884

Serious question anon's

Why do you guys get so bent and butt hurt about the 'dough' being 'wrong'??

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316b0a  No.11981885


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

You still haven't answered this question.

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000000  No.11981886

Demonic Attacks Against America

(America She Shall Not Fall)

9:30 AM 11/11/2020

My fellow American need not be living in fear but in prayer. My fellow Americans must get into the fight. Put on the Full Armor of God - Ephesians Chapter Six. The Deep State Democrats, Neo-Con Republicans, and the Agents of the demonic have uttered declarations of war upon us all and have fraudulently declared a man, Joe Biden our next President but that shall not be. Even the Deep State Pastors, Preachers, Apostles, Prophets, and other Ministers that have declared themselves not of God but of their father, Luci-fer Satan the devil. Big Tech with Social Media Giants have taken upon themselves the demonic mantel of Goliath to which they will be brought down just like Goliath was brought down by David. These Corporations and Corporate Executives that have chosen the Darkside will also be brought down. Politicians like Hillary Rodham-Clinton will be brought down just like Jezebel in 2nd Kings by a Jehu, Donald John Trump. President Donald John Trump has been chosen for such a time as this. He is a man that is so clean that the Demonic Deep State can only utter Lies about him. The many Shills and Trolls that are paid and unpaid online shall be whining and gnashing their teeth upon the day the Truth comes out about the fraud that has happened within this Election in 2020. Panic has set in within the Swamp of DC so much that the demonic spirit runs about like chickens with their heads cut off. The Apocalypse of Revelation is the Revealing of the Sins and Crimes of the Demonic Deep State Cabal. That is happening right now. The Truth is coming out like Noah's Flood.

In this Flood of Truth you can see the demonic coming out in people like the Democrat Woman in Michigan who threatened 80 Million Americans who support and voted for Donald J. Trump. She just suffered consequences but her punishment is not yet over, she has more to pay for her reprobate stupidity.

My Fellow Americans, My Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, be encouraged and not panic and fret. Put on the Full Armor of God. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

For God and Country

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00fe9b  No.11981887

File: 9cb55648fa55c49⋯.jpg (646.9 KB, 1000x1083, 1000:1083, tumblr_o48scjiGDH1qzr8nao1….jpg)


Trump lost … why are you here fagit?

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f5f536  No.11981888


>State capitol is in Tallahassee, which is in the panhandle, which is in the central time zone.

tell anon THAT isn't some serious cabal fuckery.

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2c3767  No.11981890

It is 10 Central time now

was there an announcement?

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c1f6ed  No.11981891



the kitchen's been a mess for months now. i wouldn't get too close to the kitchen anon.

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e4a68e  No.11981892



POTUS giving us Q comms

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c1f6ed  No.11981896

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e23dc1  No.11981897

>>11981844 This is a klaxon call that we have won.

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28e849  No.11981898


recent elections that occured Post-Strong Arm Fraud:


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55684e  No.11981899

File: 8309d03015f6735⋯.png (564.26 KB, 489x840, 163:280, Trump_NOTABLE_pose_1.PNG)



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541e5b  No.11981900

File: 2b0efc5f890ad1f⋯.png (240.47 KB, 457x317, 457:317, scratch_muh_balls_1.PNG)

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2c3767  No.11981901


is the UK's kitchen any better?

Is that why Q posts there?

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9c552d  No.11981902



The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.

It's unclear whether the indictment involves one person or multiple individuals.

"U.S. Attorney Keefe will be joined by representatives from the law enforcement agencies who conducted the investigation leading to this indictment," the office said in a Thursday news release.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Justin Keen serves as lead prosecutor in the case. Keen's focus is "fraud and other white-collar crimes," according to his LinkedIn page. He also created and leads the Tallahassee-area Economic Crimes Initiative."

Keefe will make the announcement virtually. A media availability is set for 10:30 a.m.


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96fbc8  No.11981903


>arrests will totally happen before biden wins the election

>arrests will totally happen before biden gets inaugurated

>arrests will totally happen before biden takes office

>arrests will totally happen before the civil war happens

>arrests will totally happen before the communist takeover is complete & overt

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9d1f64  No.11981904

Fuking ass hat posting fake dough early

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5c47c2  No.11981906

>>11981719 (lb)

Then all the Dems and Libtards must have Covid because they can't smell their own Bullshit!


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4d5eb5  No.11981908



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200f0d  No.11981912


TY Anon

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b2e57a  No.11981914


yep, lots of fluids! o7

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0e1f62  No.11981915

File: 0d9767994a10a10⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB, 1600x1072, 100:67, iwojimaheadervid.mp4)

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278156  No.11981916


>i am confirmed handoff baker

no your're not. your handoff was denied because you dont bake. you just pretend to bake, and ignore bakers. dont you feel pitiful that you have to stick to the gaslighting flow chart in a feeble attempt to appear as anon, when every single anon can still see that you are a worthless cuck with nothing to offer the world?

everything you've ever attempted in life has been a failure. what makes you think your low IQ internet trolling would be any different.

seriously i want to know. how do you reconcile your behavior? are you so overcome by ego that you dont even look within, or do you know that you are the scum of the earth, and come to terms with it?

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f5f536  No.11981917

File: 79a0850b066e7f8⋯.png (23.76 KB, 692x161, 692:161, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)


sorry, anon.

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b2e57a  No.11981918


fuck i just went full mom. never go full mom.

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c1f6ed  No.11981919


this kitchen has been comp'd since the [DS] took over the kitchen. that's the only reason Q posts elsewhere.

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55fcc7  No.11981920


next week

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a5dc25  No.11981922

File: 031bdac953f6f86⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 800x790, 80:79, JYCV.jpg)

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aeaf3f  No.11981923


Whats next, Biden being nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to Middle East ?

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4d5eb5  No.11981924

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0aa33f  No.11981925

Normally, I'd consider this off-topic, but in this case, I think it might be something. Have other anons notice packages arriving via USPS have come to a complete halt? I have several inbound packages on time from Fedex and UPS. But, anything coming via USPS has just stopped moving. All packages coming to this anons domicile have all stopped in Massachusetts, with no movement since December 5th.

I know – offtopic, but considering the USPS role in ballots, maybe something is afoot?

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b2e57a  No.11981926

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541e5b  No.11981928

File: 91b17a45d0f55d0⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 965x1202, 965:1202, pepe_highest_ranking_anon.jpg)

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021a00  No.11981929


> you just pretend to bake,

and yet here we are

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0e1f62  No.11981930

File: c764b8476e924dd⋯.png (102.2 KB, 659x692, 659:692, copper_88.PNG)

File: 11f64d95fb9fe09⋯.png (100.71 KB, 707x155, 707:155, stranger_than4.PNG)

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e76e3d  No.11981932

File: d578c834d4277ff⋯.png (15.85 KB, 425x268, 425:268, q26.PNG)

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f5f536  No.11981933

File: 6abe47f99bc5acd⋯.png (179.75 KB, 753x513, 251:171, Screen_Shot_2020_12_07_at_….png)

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4a3367  No.11981934

File: 0c0245a9c5681bf⋯.png (1.03 MB, 812x602, 58:43, 0c0245a9c5681bf30e1c079c35….png)

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2c3767  No.11981936


>Keefe will make the announcement virtually. A media availability is set for 10:30 a.m.

new time for FL announcement….1030 Central time

ty, anon

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0df664  No.11981937


you know the rules…

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50abf5  No.11981938


He is quite genuine. Like many he is performing a role in this drama. It seems the USA sends some good people to DC - unfortunately puppet masters need puppets so good people get targeted and controlled.

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5d7d21  No.11981939

My prediction

US Supreme Court rules 6-3 upholding the election results of Joe Biden as the 46th President.

Defectors: Roberts and ACB

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545a27  No.11981940

File: 303f2ab25d7df84⋯.png (101.25 KB, 614x737, 614:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90f666289ec631⋯.png (135.43 KB, 793x832, 61:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d6a06c072d2e47⋯.png (128.83 KB, 784x834, 392:417, ClipboardImage.png)






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f5f536  No.11981943


seems dated.

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14856f  No.11981944

File: 917f2c94d3ca3af⋯.png (44.79 KB, 416x282, 208:141, ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.


case would fundamentally change Facebooks section 230 protections.

9:19 AM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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2c3767  No.11981946




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d144e4  No.11981947

File: 4e4eca4d459762e⋯.jpg (994.06 KB, 1535x2114, 1535:2114, ZArchive.jpg)

File: 5dd4d81b5936f79⋯.jpg (396.88 KB, 1081x1546, 1081:1546, ZGi91Go_Copy.jpg)

File: 3c8053a6318a6c5⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 731x650, 731:650, so_trump_Copy_Copy.jpg)

File: a93d97ed60c08b7⋯.jpg (108.44 KB, 720x798, 120:133, EOhhZ8mW4AAjnKh_Copy_3_.jpg)

File: 1cfb90992f13792⋯.jpg (142.19 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 8h8opIT_png_Copy.jpg)


>It's unclear whether the indictment involves one person or multiple individuals.

>It's unclear whether the indictment involves one person or multiple individuals.

>It's unclear whether the indictment involves one person or multiple individuals.

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cc2931  No.11981948

File: 51ecde4b4a7fb7c⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 557x448, 557:448, pepesatanstanddown.jpg)

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d692ca  No.11981950


Ignore SCOTUS and they go away huh

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28e849  No.11981951

>seems dated.

got a (you) tho :^)

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95dc8c  No.11981952

Military involvement is the only way that this gets resolved.

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278156  No.11981955

File: 32083e338c567c9⋯.png (105.81 KB, 589x389, 589:389, ClipboardImage.png)


ebaking isnt baking. neither is weaponizing the kitchen.

and yet here we are. pic related.

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352d05  No.11981956


You are probably correct, anon, but we won't know for many days so it would be better to make a prediction around this time next week

We are going to see one MFer of a court case shortly

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50abf5  No.11981957


Indeed we are. Are you the next initiate? You seem to like it here.

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2e1ae1  No.11981958


>Any Other Baker Around?

There's a baker thats been around and has been ebaking. Yet here you are baking 1 bread and then fucking off requesting for other bakers to take over.

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545a27  No.11981959

File: 7c48142b7783506⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 642x482, 321:241, pxhpGY7.jpg)

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c20ff2  No.11981960

We have two breads open. This one working?

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5cac55  No.11981961

File: 1111eaa1529aabd⋯.png (208.53 KB, 720x603, 80:67, ifonlyyouknewe.png)


"Time" has been run by the traitors / Propagandists since they killed Kennedy

"Time - Life " was in on it.

"Time Life was based in the Time Life building in Rockefeller Center."

Looks like Web is wiping the infor

Time-Life morphed to Time - Warner

They fixed the search engine.

Have to go look in an actual book

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2d9ece  No.11981962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f21ad0  No.11981964


I use colloidal silver in a nasal inhaler and like the recommendation made to me, the first time you inhale the stuff through your nose if you have any sort of infection it's gonna burn for a minute or two. Once a day, inhale the cs through your nose. Should be going and/or gone in no time.

My colloidal silver is at 50 ppm, but there are weaker solutions.

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57b739  No.11981966


Yeah, I see that on the map now. Must be the press conference was held in a city further west.

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b2e57a  No.11981967




any of you oldfags member wen ron added the voice box to record yourself talking and post it to the board?

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501d1a  No.11981968

File: e833393581ccbd8⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 480x449, 480:449, IMG_20191026_205804.jpg)


Right! Damn/dam

Flood incoming. Frogs thrive in the wetlands.

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e23dc1  No.11981969

>>11981939 You say this based on absolutely NOTHING. Not going to happen.

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95dc8c  No.11981970


Gov Cuomo said that their ruling regarding church closures was irrelevant, so the left doesn't respect SCOTUS, and won't until they stack it with the 26 justices that they want.

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45710b  No.11981971


>40 days

Hang Time

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2c3767  No.11981972

File: 9fb4d33dfffadb6⋯.png (127.88 KB, 649x752, 649:752, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b34fff4b6040faa⋯.png (157.67 KB, 732x753, 244:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab04e8b5a26e4f4⋯.png (102.41 KB, 660x753, 220:251, ClipboardImage.png)



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0b3114  No.11981974

Friday the 13th fell on the 11th this month. 2 days early.

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b87023  No.11981975

File: 556f0c70c1a6819⋯.png (415.89 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, Memeto_1601851748117.png)

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e76e3d  No.11981978

If Seth Rich's murder turns out not to be a "conspiracy theory", do the parents have to return the money?

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c2683d  No.11981979

File: 0ce980f4ce96662⋯.png (225.88 KB, 535x526, 535:526, Screenshot_2020_12_11_Dona….png)





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2c3767  No.11981980


>BREAKING REPORT: Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.


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5cac55  No.11981982

File: 23256c496c7ae8d⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 800x822, 400:411, robertsblackeyeclub.jpg)


"Roberts" stands behing POTUS DJT?

Well you can cross out that prediction

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b2e57a  No.11981983


that is weird because i see usps everywhere. not near your area but, i am seeing a lot of shredding trucks too. kek

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f5f536  No.11981984


honestly it makes even less sense now that anon has dug on it

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e05747  No.11981985


The novelty wore off after the first day.

Still there, tho.

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76e2ec  No.11981986

Shill baker in the kitchen

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79958e  No.11981987

File: d99d45c3e00422b⋯.jpg (238.25 KB, 674x667, 674:667, d99d45c3e00422bc9d2b239e91….jpg)

bannon's, war room, beatn' the the shit out of POS barr's inaction.

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ab5fde  No.11981988


military stepped in 4 years ago on this project.

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f5f536  No.11981989


what the fuck did you just fucking call anon?

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4b921a  No.11981990

File: ca736cfe81a1ca9⋯.jpg (23.41 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 08e7ff4a930bea78a56c6e7b40….jpg)

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b2e57a  No.11981992


Agreed. I would never use it again.

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45710b  No.11981993


>Honored to be named


>’s Person of the Year with President-elect


TIME to Hang POS of the Year

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b87023  No.11981994

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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f2106c  No.11981997


>any baker around

so thats a no from you… noted

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f21ad0  No.11981999


This is the result of selfishness.

The warroom link is in the dough I see, satisfying Gerbil's threats of continued extortion and fucked up breads until that specific link was put back in the bread.

Appeasement never works. See?

These are just a group of selfish fuckers I used to respect, used to think of as heroes. Not anymore. Just glad I'm not on the receiving end of their karma because the longer it takes to get to them, the worse it is.

God is watching.

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a5dc25  No.11982000

File: ca1df112f166b5a⋯.mp4 (408.04 KB, 1162x720, 581:360, Femanon_edit.mp4)

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2c3767  No.11982001

Sounds like their argument in Wisconsin is "sure, the law said there should be stringent handling and verification of ballots and recounts….however, that just isn't realistic….so therefore…the count is the count we got by not being stringent because being that stringent is not possible if we want to get the results we got"

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602b1d  No.11982003

Catalog is borken.

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000000  No.11982004

Florida DOJ announce just gonna be more fraud, or more sex traffic or both. The norm for FL

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85b738  No.11982005


welcome to last week

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5cac55  No.11982007


Seeing Police Buses.

No commercial flights over head.

Or maybe one or two, when usually it's dozens+


yeah, but voice is too easy to ID

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95dc8c  No.11982009

File: 3480c65d69404e6⋯.jpeg (73.14 KB, 1020x748, 15:11, catalog.jpeg)

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b87023  No.11982010

File: 14cfb4f117c7e0a⋯.jpeg (203.77 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1553366826.jpeg)

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3a0edf  No.11982012

File: 320acd4facd5bf5⋯.png (683.57 KB, 945x650, 189:130, a512kek.PNG)

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5cac55  No.11982013


Pay attention to what Legislators say

The rest of fucks don't matter.

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200f0d  No.11982014

Trudeau moves from China’s 'useful Idiot' to something more dangerous

There is something different going on here.

It’s the accumulation of everything we’ve seen with Trudeau, his allowing China to take over sensitive Canadian national security companies, his willingness to criticize India and the United States but go easy on China, his expressed admiration for China’s "basic dictatorship," and now his desire to have Chinese Communist troops on Canadian soil to learn winter warfare tactics – even going so far as to oppose the military who wanted to shut that down.

Trudeau is no longer just a "useful idiot."

With his approach to China, the damage it does to our national security, and the damage it does to our alliances with democratic nations, Trudeau’s attitude is becoming incredibly dangerous for our country.


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316b0a  No.11982015

File: f07a96bef454f51⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 4760x4944, 595:618, BannerGraphic2.jpg)

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e4a68e  No.11982017


Cryin' won't help you

Prayin won't do you no good

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2d9ece  No.11982018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f2106c  No.11982020


how so?

and since you also have chosen to attack me. i shall also counter attack: TOGO

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83e5a1  No.11982022


I wouldn't bet against this.

The entire court system is a filthy cesspool of corruption.

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2c3767  No.11982024


wisconsin rebuttal.

well, "how do some clerks follow the law exactly and reach verifiable and certifiable accounts, when other counties and clerks understood the rules but failed to follow them at all saying the rules were too harsh.'

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aed3b1  No.11982025

File: b522c77783925ed⋯.jpeg (135.31 KB, 980x588, 5:3, b522c77783925edbb9212a2c6….jpeg)

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ad2fc9  No.11982027

File: fa18c75f5fce9c8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, BIDEN172.png)

Another fake "honor" to try to sell the fraud to the world.

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6045d6  No.11982028


she needs some serious exfoliation

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200f0d  No.11982030


In my studies of The Revelation, God tells us that Chyna will march against us, from the North.

Just FYI

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b2e57a  No.11982031

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f5f536  No.11982032

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95dc8c  No.11982033


The courts are going to accept that too. Watch.

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73314a  No.11982034


How is the weather in Iran today

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a57d1d  No.11982035

File: 5af83e2d3577278⋯.png (8.41 KB, 630x147, 30:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dce3a67914ae451⋯.png (31.25 KB, 737x188, 737:188, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9650a355d8c442f⋯.png (20.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Quarantine means Forty Days

Signal flag "Quebec, " called the "Yellow Jack", is a simple yellow flag that was historically used to signal quarantine (it stands for Q), but in modern use indicates the opposite, as a signal of a ship free of disease that requests boarding and inspection.

The word "quarantine" originates from quarantena, the Venetian language form, meaning "forty days". This is due to the 40-day isolation of ships and people practised as a measure of disease prevention related to the plague.


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5cac55  No.11982037

File: 076ba632f54a566⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 750x697, 750:697, castrotrudeauL.jpg)

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5c47c2  No.11982038


None of these companies will be here 10 years from now…half or more will be directly shut down when their assets are seized, the other half will die because of their betrayal of the people

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626ca2  No.11982040

File: dd1f3611f03aaab⋯.png (280.34 KB, 520x664, 65:83, 547d45d9a8272c69b37b82a2ea….png)


Excellent job, mememaker

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d144e4  No.11982041

File: 49289d163ef11a2⋯.png (146.92 KB, 743x531, 743:531, Screenshot_2019_01_01_Larg….png)

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921768  No.11982042


Try colloidal silver. Spouse anon had a nasty sinus infection a few months back. Purchased a spray version of it (Amazon purchase, I think)… 12 sprays into mouth, twice a day. Sinus infection cleared up completely in less than a week. Amazing stuff

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4b8dda  No.11982043


Well, after Noah went into the ark, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. So a big flood?

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5cac55  No.11982044

File: 731f59cb29e06eb⋯.png (438.86 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 731f59cb29e06eb791c32bc2bf….png)

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a4b06a  No.11982045

File: ac42e5a354f804e⋯.jpeg (10.07 KB, 290x174, 5:3, download_3_.jpeg)

It's time to do something Q. Michael Corleone these Mfers. In nomine patri (BOOM) et fili (BOOM) spiritus sancti (BOOM). No more War games. It's time for hitting the fucking mattresses. No more Ivy League Machiavellian bullshit. Bada Bing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ain't like the army. So stop listening to these compromised fucks

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0b3114  No.11982046

The hearing before the Wisconsin District judge on WisEye.org went down. OAN is carrying it.

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2d9ece  No.11982047


Don't it make you feel bad

When you're tryin' to find your way home

You don't know which way to go?

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602b1d  No.11982048

File: 9a3447d945cf91b⋯.jpeg (177.11 KB, 1501x1000, 1501:1000, F960E682_745B_4D9F_AF97_9….jpeg)


Deal with it.

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0f1879  No.11982049

File: 95154b1e6253466⋯.jpg (235.08 KB, 851x658, 851:658, Eo_DBkrXUAEGnNo.jpg)

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95dc8c  No.11982051



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027ac5  No.11982052

File: 054a50256c64ca6⋯.png (461.88 KB, 1600x899, 1600:899, catalog_fuckery.png)


I'll see your fucked up #295 and raise you too #304


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278156  No.11982054



ignoring the truth about yourself wont make it go away. only changing your true self can.

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73314a  No.11982055

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1kektear.png)

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a5dc25  No.11982056

File: 980dc4b13765b65⋯.mp4 (675.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Creepy_joe.mp4)

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a57d1d  No.11982057

File: 95f29435fa23796⋯.png (72.79 KB, 834x1256, 417:628, 95f29435fa237968ee383709e9….png)

File: e03157bcbd55cde⋯.png (254.58 KB, 860x1242, 430:621, e03157bcbd55cde4401eb14d66….png)

File: 632244d0d85e961⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 381x550, 381:550, cf201451d6fdfd06499eacf05b….jpg)

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aed3b1  No.11982058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chatty queers!

Thupper chat!

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f5f0c9  No.11982059

File: cdfb329fc905323⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 528x397, 528:397, 26_Supremes_are_too_many_.jpg)

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501d1a  No.11982060

File: 0d2d728f457f6e4⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, PicsArt_12_11_10_43_18.png)


Go time. Clock started.

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316b0a  No.11982062

File: c30c275d5791900⋯.png (2.59 MB, 4760x4944, 595:618, Untitled3.PNG)

File: 8a468b932352584⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 500x415, 100:83, Cry.jpg)

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db956a  No.11982063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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278156  No.11982064


gerbil is sperging out cause he cant cope with himself.

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2c3767  No.11982069

drawdown process???

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e76e3d  No.11982070

File: 0f3d0a05a9c5b58⋯.png (33.88 KB, 426x561, 142:187, seth1.PNG)

Seth was a computer voting specialist…He was asked to complete a job. Who asked Seth to complete a job? Sidney Powell has mentioned Bernie's votes were affected. Seth had to have found out something dealing with these machines that ties into what we are dealing with today. There has to be a connection, but I am struggling at piecing it together.

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14856f  No.11982071


would be gud meme with words,

"Which one are you?"

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f5f536  No.11982072



can you remind us in 45 min?

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009d0b  No.11982073

File: fbd41e2fcfea97c⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB, 400x400, 1:1, youdidit.mp4)

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626ca2  No.11982074

File: 5cc1eec9dbd7b11⋯.png (65.48 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Tard_Pepe.png)

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2c3767  No.11982075


>drawdown process???

equalize ballots??

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4113af  No.11982076

Guys? I'm sort of nervous of what is to come. I know that I should be on the alert and always be prepared when the time of the military arrives, but once they do should I at least stock up on some long lasting items such as food and water?

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602b1d  No.11982077

File: 325a7ebd095f402⋯.jpeg (98.52 KB, 750x335, 150:67, 07E82D1E_7451_41A7_90ED_8….jpeg)


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5cac55  No.11982078

File: 1a6e527709e4475⋯.gif (796.54 KB, 500x667, 500:667, begonetard.gif)



Why can't you deal with it?

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462e41  No.11982079


Who is this guy?

States violated their constitutions. Period. There is no need for cross examination.

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6659ca  No.11982081

File: 191f3a4d7287b55⋯.png (184.95 KB, 1012x388, 253:97, breakn1211.png)

did i miss anything? kek

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541e5b  No.11982082

File: 395b1a9eed97ca3⋯.png (131.34 KB, 362x355, 362:355, pepe_retard_fbi.png)

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6e83fd  No.11982083

File: 01436cab0230bd9⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)

File: 19605d0ac0561a5⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TYPES_OF_PEOPLE_ON_THE_INT….mp4)

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96fbc8  No.11982085



I dropped an embed near the top of the thread. It's still going.


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316b0a  No.11982086

File: 2056022711306b8⋯.jpg (432.56 KB, 942x942, 1:1, Projection2.jpg)

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50abf5  No.11982087


“John Marshall has made his decision now let him enforce it.”

President Jackson

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f787d7  No.11982088

File: 371be55f11766bb⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, 320x568, 40:71, D_Rep_Johnson_3.mp4)



This ignorant, corrupt whore pretty much admits she rigged the vote in Detroit for pedo Joe/Kumala!

"THEY OWE ME. I put my life on the line!"

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f5f536  No.11982089

File: ce9d19b30c2f84c⋯.png (521.28 KB, 1007x520, 1007:520, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)

is this bozo saying we're farked

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f21ad0  No.11982090


Boy, I wanna be snarky but that's not your fault.

Yes, you should have extra food and water, just in case.

And some way to keep warm if you lose the electric.

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2c3767  No.11982091


he is talking to Joe Biden….telling Joe that if he doesn't concede really soon, …

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316b0a  No.11982092


And that's why the Satanic death cult is being exposed first, before they're rounded up and executed.

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602b1d  No.11982093

File: 6ddf96e51935181⋯.jpeg (135.43 KB, 750x450, 5:3, 365819F5_D3B9_4786_95B4_C….jpeg)


Nice work!

Let’s finish this!!!

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79958e  No.11982095


indeed, let's hope the US Supreme Court see's it that way!

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96fbc8  No.11982096


>killing itself

Suicide weekend?

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0f1879  No.11982097

File: ef3d4812a70fc72⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 987x571, 987:571, Eo_E3z8W4AEjlGT.jpg)

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0b3114  No.11982100


Yeah, it was only down for 5-10 minutes.

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52e03e  No.11982101

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aed3b1  No.11982102

File: d5fdea8609a0693⋯.png (116.36 KB, 240x426, 40:71, b7971f2863066cbbd7939dc45e….png)


KEK its your lame as meme fucktard!

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2c3767  No.11982103


>Suicide weekend?

Biden better concede ….soon

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027ac5  No.11982104


You don't realize (yet) that [they] have already split the NEXT NINE THREADS.

Bullshit is just sitting in the Catalog waiting.

See graphic @ >>


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0aa33f  No.11982105


It's never a bad idea to be stocked up on food and water.

Read Q 528.

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541e5b  No.11982106

File: e4c22be9cecb8da⋯.png (508.66 KB, 522x401, 522:401, retard_you.PNG)

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462e41  No.11982107

File: f0c15f1792d3cc1⋯.png (488.66 KB, 489x759, 163:253, f0c15f1792d3cc11d24d039b76….png)

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626ca2  No.11982109

File: 2ac9f38bc38ac18⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 420x481, 420:481, fuckit.jpg)

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35f2ab  No.11982110

File: 726ff818e8c0d91⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Mark_Taylor_11_5_20.mp4)


Anyone who have been here and followed Q closely since 17, if you don't understand by now to trust the plan, you are watching a movie and are not comfy af, well I just can't help you. But I do Pray for you and I Pray for God to bring you peace of heart and mind.

Trust in God and trust in the plan, don't get too wound up, the future is already written, it's already happened and nothing can stop what's coming. It truly is Biblical, God works through us, whether you know it or not.

We are each here for a reason. Relax anon's, enjoy the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ and be Thankful. We are Blessed, Truly Blessed.

Now go make it a good day!

Illegitimi non carborundum

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db956a  No.11982111

WEhave 2 #15295 breads. Following both, but…

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000000  No.11982112



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3f37e9  No.11982113


They have their own board if they need to contact us.

They barely use the thing.


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95dc8c  No.11982114

File: 9da716eebf43296⋯.png (524.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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f2106c  No.11982115


gerbil is this dough's baker anon.

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8600c0  No.11982116


You made me feel bad for thinking of suggesting good knee pads

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b2e57a  No.11982118


Hunter Biden suicide incoming?


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170db0  No.11982119


yes anon we have all been stocking up for quite a while

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6a20f4  No.11982121

File: 97ac18a2ed62ecd⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2048x2166, 1024:1083, 319A82D8_FF97_4FC1_8C45_D….jpeg)

4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

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000000  No.11982125


At least she understands the consequences.

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602b1d  No.11982126

File: 50b0c3a160dc1bd⋯.jpeg (222.85 KB, 716x1074, 2:3, D941C03F_4C44_48DD_8A02_C….jpeg)

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85b738  No.11982128


Every Friday.

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2c3767  No.11982130


Biden needs to be the one person 'showing courage and wisdom'

do the right thing for everybody, Joe, including your own family…..

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f2106c  No.11982131




>>11981769 Texas will Prevail

>>11981787 Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>>11981902 The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.


>>11981944 Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.

>>11981979 DJT

>>11982121 PF 4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

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b2e57a  No.11982133

File: 452f47cda37d443⋯.png (885.15 KB, 928x1040, 58:65, frogs2destroythem.png)

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a4b06a  No.11982134


You would be wrong not to be. Dont listen to these fucking retards. Keep your head on a swivel. If I had it all. I wouldnt let people keep suffering and allow children to be abducted every day. I would act on all the shit I had to stop further atrocities. Also I would start releasing the information on sustainable energy a long time ago. I dont trust any one. And I dont trust the plan. The left have shut down every Avenue. And they do nothing to stop them. They just make another video with some gay music and idiots circle jerk each other like something was accomplished. A bunch of meaningless pedos go down but the ring leaders are free. It's all bullshit anon. I'll believe it when I see it. And I havent seen shit.

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a57d1d  No.11982135

File: 1c8d64b4b0ad380⋯.png (411.84 KB, 720x654, 120:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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f21ad0  No.11982137

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50abf5  No.11982138


I hear he's on tape. Who is in control? Whose asset?

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6ce357  No.11982139


At this point clearly, Psyop Bullshit!

"If you post it enough, they will come."

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a5dc25  No.11982141

File: 419053b51a533d0⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 945x650, 189:130, newfagoldfag.jpg)

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278156  No.11982143


i know. now go look what he did with the catalog. hes throwing a temper tantrum cause anons showed him the truth about himself and he cant cope. its like a 5yo

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b0413a  No.11982144

File: 1e9e08e8eaea65a⋯.png (159.38 KB, 357x294, 17:14, barr_not_gonna.png)


>bannon's, war room, beatn' the the shit out of POS barr's inaction.

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316b0a  No.11982145

File: 3693c8fbcef4fbe⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 500x415, 100:83, Cry2.jpg)




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f5f0c9  No.11982146


"Stop, in the name of love, before you break my heart" from a song by Diana Ross and the Supremes, featured in a nearby meme here:


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ad2fc9  No.11982147

File: 893c4af9bbeb418⋯.jpg (581.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, popcorn.jpg)

File: 5a80c3b70e8e0df⋯.png (100.87 KB, 432x432, 1:1, Punisher3.png)

File: bd7529b7c173e3f⋯.jpg (359.68 KB, 533x800, 533:800, PANIC4.jpg)

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b2e57a  No.11982148


crumb… you mean crumb, right?

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03c978  No.11982150

made it!

It's hard to find without the Cat. updating. TYB.

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c1f6ed  No.11982151




this is what oss and gerbil do. they sew seeds of chaos then blame it on others to stir the pot. keep anons split instead of unified.

straight out of the alinsky playbook.

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a4b06a  No.11982152


Tits or gtfo

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f2106c  No.11982153


ok anon let me be clear. i am gerbil. i am baking. and that shit in the catalog has nothing to do with me.


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5cac55  No.11982154

File: 7b41a8c18acc421⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 600x489, 200:163, haitishit.jpg)


now she's going after Biden because she's in trouble.



She Sad.

Busted, now she's calling names.

voicemail , and videos

Wonder what 's she's got.?

"Whole world can see"

she cool

Look for "suicide"

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73314a  No.11982155


Pretty hard to get more ghetto than that. ebonics live and well

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a5dc25  No.11982156

File: 3ba1406c811683b⋯.jpg (109.59 KB, 800x535, 160:107, GPCV.jpg)

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b2e57a  No.11982157

File: 0411766f3a37e25⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, magic_af.jpg)

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2c3767  No.11982159

this guy is clear

voting at an election place is a right.

voting by mail, absentee or otherwise, is a privilege and therefore subject to stringent rules and guidelines to guarantee no fraud.

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5d783e  No.11982160

Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

Online child sexual exploitation is a global crime that demands a continued global response. And yet an expansion of the “ePrivacy Directive” slated to take effect in the European Union this month may prohibit tech companies from using some of the most powerful tools available to detect child sexual abuse material and grooming by predators, making it easier for children to be exploited without detection. We commend Senators Cotton, Loeffler, and Boozman for introducing a resolution that encourages the EU to preserve companies’ ability to detect and prevent child exploitation, consistent with the Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.


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541e5b  No.11982161

File: 13f255a4da66dff⋯.png (429.19 KB, 550x525, 22:21, pepe_midas_always_mad.PNG)


stale breh

get a new script…the one you have not working.


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4a3367  No.11982164

File: e7ad8541084d18f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, Why.png)

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4a3367  No.11982168

File: 53898c4a36cd296⋯.png (869.26 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, personoftheyear.png)

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4a3367  No.11982169

File: d385791fc60b051⋯.png (810.09 KB, 987x675, 329:225, 2020.png)

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6ce357  No.11982170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In case you missed it the lat 12x kek

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278156  No.11982171


maybe you are maybe you arent. you ip hop like a shill, so hard to tell. but just in case:

bullshit. even if you wanna blame the other "legit" baker, who is obviously your wingman after your failed IP hops last bread, anons will still see through your bullshit

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4a3367  No.11982172

File: cc8648c51039cf4⋯.png (473.33 KB, 1011x675, 337:225, Applause.png)

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2c3767  No.11982174


voting at a poll place , in person, is a right

voting by mail, not in person…..is a PRIVILEGE

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a4b06a  No.11982175


Tits or gtfo

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4a3367  No.11982176

File: 4c3c06504386217⋯.png (805.95 KB, 1002x576, 167:96, Biden_d_Up_for_anon.png)

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4a3367  No.11982178

File: e0e91f27712380a⋯.png (343.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Dominion_We_the_People_Tru….png)

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4a3367  No.11982180

File: c7bf2345b46e907⋯.png (280.87 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, INCOMING_.png)

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52e03e  No.11982181


John Roberts won't take the case. Last statement from this guy

Legal reason, from this guy's point of view, is that the redress, (new vote/state legislatures pick electors) asked for is too high a hurdle.

I'ts gonna' get ugly.

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4a3367  No.11982183

File: eda3f03f342e0b6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, comfy.png)

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2e1ae1  No.11982184

File: 71f8d1ff774fdea⋯.png (352.21 KB, 622x485, 622:485, 71f8d1ff774fdea446fb792caa….png)

File: 797342f6d2c5fe9⋯.png (407.86 KB, 2518x448, 1259:224, bread1.png)

File: 850ff3088bfc0e7⋯.png (458.8 KB, 2900x440, 145:22, bread_2.png)


There was no handoff confirmation from last bread to this current baker.

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2d9ece  No.11982185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Harry Crumb?

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4a3367  No.11982186

File: 44c94946a85f9bd⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2047x746, 2047:746, PepeChristmasTree.png)

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e23dc1  No.11982187

>>11982110 Agree with every word. We are witnessing the defeat of the dark side timeline.

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4a3367  No.11982188

File: 780313a153a3298⋯.png (433.55 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DJT_Bliss.png)

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352d05  No.11982189


>should I at least stock up on some long lasting items such as food and water?

You should have done that years ago, it's a basic responsibility of every adult

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f2106c  No.11982190


anon i am the legit baker from lb handoff.

OTHER baker is ebake a split bread.

are you ok?

do you take meds or something?

you seem confused… seriously. js

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2c3767  No.11982191


>John Roberts won't take the case. Last statement from this guy


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f5f536  No.11982192

File: 80ae006d512af5b⋯.png (251.35 KB, 360x580, 18:29, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)

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e05747  No.11982193


Go give bread #95 a boost.

It's almost 4 hours old and still not at the century mark.

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766d7b  No.11982195

File: 5761335abb43d48⋯.jpeg (395.09 KB, 665x641, 665:641, AD38D1FF_C851_42AB_91A5_0….jpeg)

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f21ad0  No.11982197


It HAS to go this way. Every legal avenue must be exhausted.

Nobody said shit about how many innocents were dying before Trump. He shows up with his guys and they have a plan to root the evil out of this country and it ain't fast enough for you. Not to mention all the kids that have been saved since he showed up, all the traffickers taken out, all the illicit revenue streams shut down, etc and so forth.

So, show us your plan, Bucky. Where the fuck were ya?

I've been waiting for decades for a Trump to show up with a plan to solve this fucking problem of evil. Why? Because I'm a problem solver and so is Trump.

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35f2ab  No.11982199


Another minion about to have reality slap her right in the Karen when she realizes she was only a fool tool. Used and now tossed under the bus. If sh'e not careful, red scarf for Christmas

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95dc8c  No.11982200

File: 6966fe6cce61ca2⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 640x400, 8:5, steal_the_election1.jpg)

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44c31e  No.11982202


oh the meds slide

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a5dc25  No.11982203

File: 24e9b5fdb117b42⋯.jpg (127.95 KB, 750x873, 250:291, FlySorosFly.jpg)

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f2106c  No.11982204

>>11982184 lb was ebake, not handoff needed. but glad u try to instill division.

and since you have chosen to attack me with fasle statement i shall counter: you suck dek.

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73314a  No.11982205


Sauce it

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f5f0c9  No.11982206

File: f09bce8711e19b3⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 560x595, 16:17, Diana_Ross_and_the_Supreme….jpg)

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316b0a  No.11982207



MRC faggot confirmed.


How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

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e4a68e  No.11982209

File: ef99bf89fa1d373⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1440x1872, 10:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.11982211


United States Attorney Lawrence Keefe today announced the indictment of two people in a far-reaching conspiracy scheme to allegedly steal, defraud, and profiteer by cheating the state’s educator testing, certification, and licensing process. The indictment says the couple and employees of their private company repeatedly took state required exams in order to memorize the questions so they could then profit by selling them to prospective educators.

The indictment alleges that since January 2016, certified Florida teachers Kathleen M. Jasper, 42, and Jeremy M. Jasper, 40, both of Estero, Florida, stole content from the Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE) and the Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE). They are alleged to have then included the stolen content in test preparation materials and services sold through their business, the indictment says. Passing these exams is required for certification in Florida, and the test content is owned by the Florida Department of Education and the State Board of Education.

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278156  No.11982214


this is what shills do. ignore the enemy within our ranks and just and call anons who are calling it out, a shill to keep anons split instead of unified against the enemy. straight out of the same playbook we've been watching for years.

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766d7b  No.11982215

File: 392271a028e4d5b⋯.jpeg (437.4 KB, 888x590, 444:295, 370DD3B7_B9F3_46C5_9F05_4….jpeg)

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f5f536  No.11982216

File: 697da180ce32739⋯.png (784.75 KB, 1000x531, 1000:531, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)

whoa bannon bitch-slaps the chatters for hating on the gay lawyer.

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e23dc1  No.11982217

>>11982192 No way this "thing" just walks away, after the final defeat of her side.

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f2106c  No.11982219


counter his bake slide.

seems legit

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6659ca  No.11982220

File: 561f224dcd013b4⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, barr_personally_asks_forei….jpg)

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50abf5  No.11982221


>Seth had to have found out something dealing with these machines

Seth supported Sanders.

He discovered DWS rigged the primaries to favor HRC. Can be done with fractional vote settings in voting machines.

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5cac55  No.11982222

File: 565de2dbb1b039a⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 538x313, 538:313, assassins_.jpg)


Lincoln attempted an arrest of a SCOTUS chief justice

Or did he do it and the history blotted out

"recently surfaced"


The Gang wants to assassinate Trump too;

I wonder why?

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52e03e  No.11982224


Not what the guy on warroom thinks. Guy carries weight. Bannon says guy has a good track record. Have to listen to what he says.

Says Roberts punts.

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c1f6ed  No.11982225


why? looks like they are doing a ok. notes are cogent and not a mile stack of bs like in this place. it used to be like that here. now itz just ratz in da kitchen.

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541e5b  No.11982226

File: 6754427a5525b39⋯.png (569.25 KB, 757x789, 757:789, pepe_kys_1.PNG)


(13) posts of "management"


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f5f536  No.11982227


she gets promoted to regional mgr

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352d05  No.11982230


It's probably not very likely Jill Biden is employing biblical metaphors or associating with Q-type hints, numbnuts

Use your brain if you are going to play the "association" game or you just look stupid

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5c47c2  No.11982233

Fucking KEK…

Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive…


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00f676  No.11982234


Show them things, come on now…

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83e5a1  No.11982236

File: cb036dc1f257794⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 500x456, 125:114, EjCnNDKU8AEttfV.jpg)

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14856f  No.11982237

File: d53452866dafebb⋯.png (53.57 KB, 446x386, 223:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ed526811253d70⋯.png (44.65 KB, 431x283, 431:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb739709181341e⋯.png (45.21 KB, 457x283, 457:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82e69bd2ae2b077⋯.png (39.49 KB, 592x240, 37:15, ClipboardImage.png)

Flood is coming.

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96fbc8  No.11982238

>judge rules the WI vote count stands

Did anyone expect differently? Honestly?

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027ac5  No.11982239


(hint has been that Military is the only way)

Think logically.

IF SCOTUS DID overturn or vitiate the election all that accomplish is give Trump his second term. No moar. What of all the evil doings then?

Conversely . . .

IF SCOTUS DOES NOT overturn or vitiate the election, what would that prove?

It would prove that the CIVIL Court System is comped beyond recognition in addition to the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ.

What is left at that point is the MILITARY !

The Insurrection Act brings the Military AND it's intelligence to MILITARY COURTS.

This results in the Justice that we seek and know is due.

Not just the election, but everything that the FBI,CIA, and DOJ have been sitting on for YEARS.

They have been obstructing justice for each other for years ! !

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67f507  No.11982241

File: ee7352d85c14bc7⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 1850x1531, 1850:1531, Green.jpg)


> https://www.gstatic.com/gumdrop/sustainability/carbon-free-by-2030.pdf

> https://insights.sustainability.google/places/ChIJAYWNSLS4QIYROwVl894CDco?ty=2019

Tiered C19 regions are being set up ready. The system will remain and migrate to an emissions-based lockdown.


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f787d7  No.11982242

File: 41cd0c8bce28afa⋯.png (377.17 KB, 621x1245, 207:415, ClipboardImage.png)


"REPORT: The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support." https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1337247360750149635

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50abf5  No.11982244


Peace deal prelude.

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00f676  No.11982245


Yes, same in Pa. Fucking pissed!

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633c24  No.11982246


I'm good with that.

I just don't want them attacking the pacific coast.


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316b0a  No.11982248


It's at SCOTUS now, all previous rulings moot.

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0e2c2d  No.11982249


Look into a neti pot with warm saline and a little baking soda. If you have a waterpik, adapting a wand (look into it) can really work wonders. Avoid the ones recommending hydrogen peroxide in the sinuses unless you're super into pain.

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509793  No.11982250

LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues


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f5f536  No.11982251


>I'ts gonna' get ugly.

who among us isn't ready for some ugly?

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95dc8c  No.11982252

File: baf85ee7b312b0c⋯.png (135.7 KB, 424x191, 424:191, Cruz_points3.png)

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766d7b  No.11982254

File: 85346bf375b1d09⋯.jpeg (272.14 KB, 741x555, 247:185, D4ABE015_E138_46DE_BACB_A….jpeg)

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efe906  No.11982255


SAME. It isn't that safe yet I can tell you they know who we all are. that much I know. TOR and Onion do not hide you. none of us are hidden. so I dont know if our paranoia makes any difference.

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6e864c  No.11982256


Oh look, the photo that proves flat earth

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ae6a82  No.11982257


i think Roberts has to Punt, it is his only option. He is fucked either way he goes. I hope he does not and judges in honor, but its doubtful. WE do not give up we only advance.

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a4b06a  No.11982258


Nobody cared? Bitch you have no idea who I am. And how long I've cared. And what I've done. Its retarded to even say what's your plan. My plan is simple. You arrest them. If you have it all arrest them. And kill the ones who put up a fight. What the fuck are you even talking about? How do you think this movement started? With Q? Are you a fucking retard? He came to /pol for a reason right? Because we knew shit normies didnt. So there was a whole movement who got Trump elected and was destroying the left and getting the truth out there LONG before this faggot Q. He jumped on our train. And detailed it. Now you all are looking into election fraud instead of pedos. The psy op worked

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67fdc5  No.11982259


Just 1 time for you guys o7

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c2683d  No.11982260

File: 8f06c7bb1c39fd8⋯.png (139.82 KB, 298x643, 298:643, Screenshot_2020_12_11_Sena….png)

Senate Republicans


America's small businesses need saving.

Unemployed Americans need relief.


We need funding for efficient + safe vaccine distribution.

And we need it ASAP.

But Nancy Pelosi preferred to vote on legalizing pot.

Let that sink in.

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4a3367  No.11982262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Initiate Operation Human Shield.

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020b94  No.11982263

File: 372909e0ed9bba7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 700x687, 700:687, FlatEarthTwatGlobe.png)

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559a94  No.11982264

File: 9eb6223e21286fe⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 9155430E_C727_4B4E_A4D5_D4….png)

File: 84e7b5f3b63570c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 86D8FA01_134D_40B3_9353_91….png)

File: bc410c4dbe354a8⋯.jpeg (566.1 KB, 1241x2087, 1241:2087, 09C78D5B_D4D7_4A64_8435_A….jpeg)

File: ab2175d06adbe8e⋯.jpeg (582.06 KB, 1241x2060, 1241:2060, A0429744_71E1_442D_ACC7_9….jpeg)

File: 890fee718b2d3f3⋯.jpeg (577.8 KB, 1241x2092, 1241:2092, A10D7B55_9446_4DFD_BF4F_7….jpeg)

Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc, he says all states opposing basically went to the media and in their briefs to SC admitted fraud, they’re screwed


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278156  No.11982266


>anon i am the legit baker from lb handoff.

you keep saying that as if you werent denied handoff for being a worthless faggot shill. this is what exposes you. every single anon saw what happened last bread, and you just live in your own reality to support your behavior.

do you really think doubling down will do you any good.

dont you see that your gaslighting, namefagging, and below average intelligence glows like a candle in a void around here.

how could you be so stupid to underestimate anons? dont you understand that /qresearch/ would be better without you? of course you do?

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170db0  No.11982267


Lots of people stepping up, those that don't will be remembered for their treason

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f5f536  No.11982270


fucking prophetic post

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79958e  No.11982272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

now, barr hid information from the public.

barr continues fail.

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3a0edf  No.11982273

File: 874616fe57aedbb⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x247, 255:247, pepethumbsup.jpg)

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35f2ab  No.11982274

File: 6d83ca5d14c26ad⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 735x478, 735:478, beany.jpg)

looks like she's got a Beany cap

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67fdc5  No.11982275


so much text so shall counter

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

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501d1a  No.11982276


Amen. God already won, because God wins.

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d692ca  No.11982278


i bet roberts punts also..

what reason does he have not to?

Where has he been shown that bad things happen to high ranking govt types that don't obey existing law?

What, do you think someone's is going to stuff a gun or a missile up his butt and make him do something else?? He doesn't.

So far, he's right.

Optics, imagine how "bad' it would 'look' if the US Marshalls or the Marines came in with all those evil gun and stuff..

That' is what he is counting on and is secure in.

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2ed6f2  No.11982280

File: 257d0de370fc5d6⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2278x2605, 2278:2605, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)

File: bfcc1f8fc421d20⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 2280x6656, 285:832, Epiphany_redux.jpg)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.120050 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:22:07 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?



Expand your thinking.

Planned [3].(2018 WAS glorious)

Moves and countermoves.(Bye Bye CIA)

Strategy warfare.

This week will be revealing.

SNOW WHITE [1, 2, and 5] offline.

7th Floor is no more.

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean BIG things aren't happening.

Night_Riders_FLY.(NROL-44 Launch)

2018 will be GLORIOUS.


Planned [3] - 3 years

NROL-44 (Night Riders) FLY (Satelitte Launch) 12/10

Pentagon Announce Defund CIA 12/10

GA Run-Off 01/05

Pentagon Defund CIA 01/05

XMAS 01/07

Epiphany 01/19

Inauguration 01/20

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efe906  No.11982281

File: 6ad456b015268be⋯.gif (721.23 KB, 806x720, 403:360, PEPE_POUNDS_JOHNSON.gif)





>>11982264 NOTABLE


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48249e  No.11982282

Q Is A Modern Day VENONA

Q Is A Modern Day VENONA

Yo, mad respect to Big T, Ezra and Flynn, if you can pull it off.

They know that I know that they know about the so-called "Deep State".

Bear in mind, this would be a voyeur op to counterintelligence services globally. PCAP's and satellites and all that..

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35f2ab  No.11982284

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f21ad0  No.11982285


If they meet her price, she'll be fine. But she strikes me as a person who has no limits. Look at her mouth.

Oh, the things she must know that right now have value-to those who wish these things kept hidden.

She's too dumb to realize she's painted a target on her own back.

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ad2fc9  No.11982287

File: 3937fca32c9bd84⋯.png (1005.64 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, GOTIME1.png)

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95dc8c  No.11982288

File: 50b3c0e7a4b0baa⋯.png (292.45 KB, 583x480, 583:480, Biden_gallows.png)

40 Days?

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b2e57a  No.11982289

File: 2dc2e9ebd411f09⋯.png (257.19 KB, 386x377, 386:377, 2dc2e9ebd411f099513a6be4db….png)

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73314a  No.11982290

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 1asmoke.png)

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027ac5  No.11982291


>voting at a poll place , in person, is a right

Voting at a polling place, in person,with a valid ID, is a right.

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4a3367  No.11982292



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5cac55  No.11982293

File: 491ba2d60d65bf9⋯.png (485.14 KB, 828x758, 414:379, whatwillhighcourthear.png)


not certain it's up to John Roberts.

That saves time though?

No, if FOUR decide, it's taken

We dont't even need Roberts anymore for a majority

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746650  No.11982294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah baby im there

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a663f4  No.11982296

File: 62b067fb4c847f4⋯.png (611.38 KB, 1915x654, 1915:654, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c3767  No.11982297

File: 49bdd43a362cc68⋯.png (53.81 KB, 450x586, 225:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0a6703a3fc8844⋯.png (136.73 KB, 806x710, 403:355, ClipboardImage.png)


EVEN THE naysayers say it is up to a vote by the justices.

they all vote on it. it's not just Roberts who decides



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541e5b  No.11982298

File: 376f7c8c0fda792⋯.png (1.02 MB, 818x458, 409:229, chapstick_crew.PNG)

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aed3b1  No.11982300

File: f79c4f6fb9ed33c⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 664x605, 664:605, f79c4f6fb9ed33cd159ed75069….jpg)

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7026c1  No.11982301

File: 413cf67c87f65f2⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 900x607, 900:607, LightningPOTUS.jpg)



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170db0  No.11982303


yea they don't need him but he can make it difficult

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d2e03f  No.11982304

File: f65306eb226cd79⋯.jpg (258.04 KB, 811x808, 811:808, theyarehere.jpg)

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a4b06a  No.11982305


That's your problem waiting for some one to tell you its go time. It's been go time Captain America

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5cac55  No.11982306



Where's the sauce? Who's the guy

Is warRoom less than reliable?



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c2683d  No.11982307

File: e7317322fa703fe⋯.png (137.12 KB, 478x637, 478:637, Screenshot_2020_12_11_Park….png)


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6e864c  No.11982308


I don't get it.


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cd57c7  No.11982309


There's already enough reason to use the military, regardless of a SCOTUS decision. What's happening now is a coup with foreign support. It's a national security matter. Invoking the Insurrection Act is fully justified at this point.

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44c31e  No.11982310


practically friction-less

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52e03e  No.11982311



Posted in an earlier thread wrt to Trump tweets that they were aimed at Roberts.

My take. If Robert plays ball people get rolled up behind the scenes.

If not, Cyber/informationa/biological war with China is revealed and all the collaborators become public record, foreign actors included.

That was gist of the suicide tweet, IMO. If Roberts punts he's responsible for the events that will then happen in the public square.

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83e5a1  No.11982312

File: 7e8b130002c91d2⋯.png (230.43 KB, 657x597, 219:199, Capture.PNG)

This is a strange story. Home made weather modification machine, sure.


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000000  No.11982313


You are right to be distrustful; to an extent. I also agree with your sentiment of "wanting to stop it all, immediately, and as soon as possible". But think of it this way. If "plan Z" had been plan #1, we would probably just now be getting back to civility. Half the country genuinely hated Trump, and now it's "less than half", but that's only part of the problem with a plan Z scenario.

The other part is "How many criminals would have escaped?" Then, those criminals would have hit up every rogue group/state in the world to cause utter chaos and destruction as they clawed to get back every resource they believe they own. Also think about how complicit the MSM would have been in that endeavor. More than half the nation would have turned on @POTUS as they painted him a dictator.

This is war. War is hell. Yes, children have suffered. They have been suffering since the beginning of time. If you have a problem with that, you should seek God's take on why it's necessary, or why God needed to wait until Trump was elected to use a few good patriots, and the US Mil to get the job done.


So you are talking Gog and Ma'Gog from Revelation. How many allegorical references we can shove into this plan to make it stick? Who authored the books? Who complied them, and pushed them on the people? Genuinely curious…

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278156  No.11982314


if you were legit baker, why can you only ghost and not collect notables? why cant you resist ghosting when anons call you out for what you really are? why do you refuse to answer my questions about the kind of person you choose to be? why do you IP hop 10 times a bread? why do you keep finding excuses to cope with the kind of person you know you really are? when will you ever choose to be decent?

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2ed6f2  No.11982316


>Why bake one then leave?

So he could add /warroom/ back to the dough again.

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225128  No.11982317

File: 3abcc44cbbd5fef⋯.png (567.17 KB, 760x635, 152:127, ClipboardImage.png)


@USNavy JUST IN: #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.


USS Theodore Roosevelt Man Overboard

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) is conducting search and rescue efforts in support of a possible Sailor overboard off the coast of Southern California, Dec. 10.


USS Theodore Roosevelt Man Overboard

11 Dec 2020

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) is conducting search and rescue efforts in support of a possible Sailor overboard off the coast of Southern California, Dec. 10. The ship initiated search and rescue procedures after a lookout spotted what appeared to be a person in the water. Three search and rescue helicopters and a Rigid Hull Inatable Boat were launched in response, and one Sailor was unaccounted for during a commandwide muster.

The U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy aircraft, USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), USS Russell (DDG 59), and USS Howard (DDG 83), and USS Charleston (LCS 18) are participating in the search and rescue efforts.


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f787d7  No.11982320

File: c093058692fd491⋯.png (631.13 KB, 585x445, 117:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b8dda  No.11982321


Don't know about nowadays, but I took that teacher certification test in Illinois 25 years ago and it was one of the easiest tests I ever took. A person had to be pretty stupid to fail it.

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e2d77b  No.11982322


>until I am certain the meet is not a honeypot


this board is a MI honeypot

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95dc8c  No.11982323

File: 2fc99e60d426690⋯.jpg (582.86 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pepe_wzrd.jpg)

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67fdc5  No.11982325



i can work with that @ with a 95% confidence

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52e03e  No.11982326


Cognitive dissonance wing is that way ->

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170db0  No.11982327


they tossed a traitor kek

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73314a  No.11982328


Well that makes me feel much better. We all know Roberts is comped badly

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f787d7  No.11982330

File: d2193769c918a33⋯.png (30.42 KB, 609x285, 203:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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027ac5  No.11982331


Just like child (or libtard) with no valid response,

you go back to your script of bull shit.

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020b94  No.11982332

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5fae1a  No.11982333


Yeah, she's working really hard to earn a 187.

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6e83fd  No.11982334


Oh yeah all that.






















>>11981760 Tag team because didnt drop in other bread and worked together in thread maybe not...




Sudden awareness ensues even though dropped this last bread?

Kinda like biden files...


Anons Call em out.

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356919  No.11982335


Well, at least we have multiple people fighting to be the baker.

Recently, main problem has been lack of any baker.

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c1f6ed  No.11982336


never had any drama with the regular bakers. they just baked. now its bred gobbling drama everyday in here. new bakers need to shut up and bake.

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2e1ae1  No.11982337

File: 26b7d4df57d20d0⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 177x150, 59:50, 1604543205681.gif)


> lb was ebake, not handoff needed. but glad u try to instill division.

and since you have chosen to attack me with fasle statement i shall counter: you suck dek.

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73314a  No.11982338


Wore a Biden hat

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d6c2d4  No.11982340

File: 2ffccb1eb2cd037⋯.png (185.69 KB, 770x1064, 55:76, thetobreak.png)

>>11981658 pb

>>11980599 pb

38 mins

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67fdc5  No.11982341



>>Why bake one then leave?

cuz FREEDOM and i work for a living.

but i got a moment at the moment.

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225128  No.11982342

File: ee8cc5d049b9755⋯.png (144.01 KB, 436x338, 218:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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545a27  No.11982343

File: dce6cd3e8036856⋯.png (50.17 KB, 611x665, 611:665, ClipboardImage.png)

We must win in Georgia.

Otherwise, McConnell's legislative graveyard only grows:

Green energy blocked.

Healthcare blocked.

COVID relief blocked.

Voting rights blocked.

Student debt relief blocked.

We can't let that happen.


11:47 AM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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f21ad0  No.11982344

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ae6a82  No.11982345


good thought. I just do not see anyone being happy with the supreme court decision, if it goes well for us we still will require the military to stop the riots by leftist traitors. If it goes against us, I do not see patriots backing down. Military again. It is a battle over the optics right now.

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000000  No.11982346



They've already take the case. If Roberts recuses, he'll have 'splainin to do. If Roberts rules against this very constitutional case, he'll have 'splaining to do. There's a lot offinalchess moves being coordinated as we speak. It's actually pretty exciting.

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52e03e  No.11982347


Amen, anon.

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a5dc25  No.11982348

File: 46d745b0e923c5d⋯.jpg (633.62 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, HeShatHimself2.jpg)

File: f59376377d41392⋯.jpg (634.65 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, HeShatHimself.jpg)

File: 71fd9a1574a15da⋯.jpg (641.26 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SwallowChina.jpg)

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89f0e0  No.11982349


Ready or not, does not matter because it is coming. I only know the good guys are more ready in every way than the libtards.

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6659ca  No.11982350

File: 626abd1009770bd⋯.jpg (112.69 KB, 1002x500, 501:250, 4pzin7.jpg)

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35f2ab  No.11982351


Merry Christmas Fren

Make it the same as any other year ;-)

I'm about ready to walk away from the board for the day. Going to make a cup of good hot chocolate, snuggle up with the pup & the cat and watch a classic 60's Christmas movie ;-)

Have a Great day!

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facedf  No.11982352

File: d0758e5572aa1d8⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 190709_leon_black_epstein.jpg)

Leon Black

A private equity investment firm’s CEO has ties to Jeffrey Epstein, and Oregon is one of its investors


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541e5b  No.11982353

File: 6a2b5c2ab08e80a⋯.png (107.44 KB, 763x440, 763:440, SoCal_snap_unidentified_ou….PNG)


Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

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a663f4  No.11982354

>>11982296 (me)me

I was zoomed in when I pasted this.

snatched at 17 seconds in the danscavino video (out of 29)

I only added pepeQmaga on the plane.

>>WTF is that on the left side.

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ca8a7f  No.11982355

Well, I’m not a lawfag but it seems like Trump lost this Wisconsin case. If I’m wrong please explain why.

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027ac5  No.11982356


Agreed. The difference being though, that by playing the SCOTUS card FIRST, DJT maintains and gains support of the normies for having exhausted EVERY other means available to him.

As such, I see SCOTUS failing to offer relief as a advantages part of the plan.

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67fdc5  No.11982358


you have been given a valid response. it is up to you to accept or not.

it seems you have not. cognitive dissonance confirmed. comms closed

attack word (child.libtard)

have a nice day [counter attack word (shillnon)]

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e4a68e  No.11982359





anons spouse has a cousin serving on this ship. spouse anon just heard from cousin anon. this happened yesterday all the cousin said is "sad day"

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55684e  No.11982360

File: d79cb9300a5bd1e⋯.png (112.15 KB, 734x735, 734:735, Q_drop_35.PNG)



SPIRITUAL WAR manifesting in the physical.


"Above all, please PRAY." (Q #35)


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9d2ea1  No.11982361

File: 35a5a2a79a7d97f⋯.jpg (281.13 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, mememake.jpg)

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f787d7  No.11982362

File: 2e35dc384a0c524⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1284x2276, 321:569, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c552d  No.11982363

File: e747e935dc1f6af⋯.png (324.31 KB, 777x912, 259:304, 2020_12_11_10_46_15.png)

File: c9f2d4961d7282d⋯.png (109.73 KB, 747x784, 747:784, 2020_12_11_10_47_28.png)

File: d82a14d24a5c585⋯.png (104.63 KB, 738x626, 369:313, 2020_12_11_10_47_41.png)

File: f56a442bf4f86f8⋯.png (105.89 KB, 763x751, 763:751, 2020_12_11_10_48_01.png)

File: e346ac61370d2c0⋯.png (134.67 KB, 779x748, 779:748, 2020_12_11_10_49_34.png)

Alito and Thomas have dissented before in regards to original jurisprudence being denied being heard by the SC.

Four years ago Justices Thomas and Alito took the view that the Supreme Court cannot, in an exercise of discretion it has conferred upon itself, deny States a forum to litigate disputes with other states because, under the Constitution, the Supreme Court is the only forum where such disputes can be resolved.

What is unknown on this day is the views of Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett on this key issue.


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ae6a82  No.11982364

File: ee59f0d421d275d⋯.png (295.68 KB, 477x544, 477:544, Screenshot_2020_12_11_Repu….png)

New Mexico is adding support, even if behind enemy lines.

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96fbc8  No.11982366


>that by playing the SCOTUS card FIRST, DJT maintains and gains support of the normies for having exhausted EVERY other means available to him.

You're joking, right? Normies will see it as Trump being a sore loser throwing a Tantrum

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67fdc5  No.11982367


MODS !!!


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62390b  No.11982370

File: f41ac4742796305⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 1580052618318.jpg)


Sounds nice fren. Have a good day.

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f5f536  No.11982371

File: 0429accd26770b0⋯.png (645.34 KB, 1006x521, 1006:521, Screen_Shot_2020_12_11_at_….png)

fucking bannon just called her the "tip of the spear."

anon restrains self for muh decorum.


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67fdc5  No.11982372


>Well, at least we have multiple people fighting to be the baker.

watch whenever i bake. always happens kek.

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95dc8c  No.11982373

File: 3e17c2a4a0ecb96⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1536x2362, 768:1181, pepe_wzrd_ufo.png)

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79958e  No.11982374

by POTUS allowing fbi/doj at the highest levels, wray/barr, to remain in their position is to show the American people the extent of the infiltration.

it's not hard to figure out, one only look at their past and present behavior. as moar massive evidence surfaces, cornered rats become moar desperate making horrible decisions.

fbi/doj, for decades has been the legal arm of protecting the elite, one of their primary functions, exposure now is quite telling.

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5cac55  No.11982377

File: 36269bc392588f7⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x1403, 1200:1403, sorosgollum12.png)

File: d24e44e2b65c1bd⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 573x533, 573:533, sorosgreendealcrisisactor_.jpg)




Him and Greta look alike


Anybody seen Greta recently

My friend thinks she should be Queen of the World, because of her heart?

Well, she must be a great actress?

I think she a poor actress because she "chews the curtains"

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d692ca  No.11982379


who dis?

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67fdc5  No.11982380


ikr, i bake and all shills break loose. WTF chuck? really o.0

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35f2ab  No.11982381


Keep comfy anon, Trump will be sworn in for his 2nd term, trust the plan. The future has already been written, it's already played out, we are watching a movie. This is all to wake the sleepers, "You must show them" Enjoy the show and stay comfy.

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9d2ea1  No.11982382

File: 6010e562c93cf5d⋯.jpg (122.65 KB, 338x540, 169:270, wmmj.jpg)

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f5f536  No.11982383


fun read

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020b94  No.11982386


Searches into prior flights suggests this bird is an UH60M (Multi-mission Blackhawk).

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96fbc8  No.11982387


>Anybody seen Greta recently

Got her chained to my bed. She can't do any photo ops until I'm bored of impregnating her

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5337c3  No.11982388

File: f1b3bedd4fd23c3⋯.jpg (561.1 KB, 1079x1315, 1079:1315, Screenshot_20201211_085044….jpg)

File: 89587b83f75a784⋯.jpg (799.65 KB, 1078x1384, 539:692, Screenshot_20201211_085241….jpg)

File: 0b48705d6a34f65⋯.jpg (791.66 KB, 1079x1871, 1079:1871, Screenshot_20201211_085321….jpg)

The English word lavender is generally thought to be derived from Old French lavandre, ultimately from the Latin lavare (to wash), referring to the use of infusions of the plants.[10] The botanic name Lavandula as used by Linnaeus is considered to be derived from this and other European vernacular names for the plants. However it is suggested that this explanation may be apocryphal, and that the name may be derived from Latin livere, "blueish".[11]

The names widely used for some of the species, "English lavender", "French lavender" and "Spanish lavender" are all imprecisely applied. "English lavender" is commonly used for L. angustifolia, though some references say the proper term is "Old English Lavender".[12] The name "French lavender" may refer to either L. stoechas or to L. dentata. "Spanish lavender" may refer to L. stoechas, L. lanata or L. dentata.

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50abf5  No.11982389


>It would prove that the CIVIL Court System is comped beyond recognition in addition to the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ.

What is left at that point is the MILITARY !

"ordinary course of judicial proceedings"

How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?

10 U.S. Code § 252 - Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

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5cac55  No.11982390


The reason the lack of baker?

They won't let you learn

If you try and you are new, they will take it from you and shut you down

This just started happening once Q research became infamous / famous

Before they would hold your hand

I believe many Bakers have left.

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6659ca  No.11982391

File: 7471ef0580911b2⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 7471ef0580911b200ec4dfc0be….jpg)

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b2e57a  No.11982392


that's not doxxing.

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a663f4  No.11982393


Ask Chiiii….NA

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2f7482  No.11982394

>>11982350 You have to replace the salad with something more fattening like mac n cheese or lasagna. No way Barr eats salad.

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000000  No.11982395

All those drugs still didn't compare to the angels he saw as a child.

- Green Whale.





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52e03e  No.11982396



Thing is Pasquale? (note sure of spelling), is not a never Trumper and has good accomplishments in FL.

While you can't say he's gospel, you can't dismiss what he says out of hand. Have to bake all those variables into an alternate scenario then what I, at least, was hoping for.

I could see the warroom guys deflate. But, Bannon's correct here IMO. Gotta' suck it up. Hope the guy is wrong and be ready for any scenario. No denial phase with Bannon.

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9d1f64  No.11982397


Don't think that's the new Green Deal she had her sights on

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b87023  No.11982398

File: a9bcb739f57b7e3⋯.jpg (88.39 KB, 483x270, 161:90, 20200723_182605.jpg)

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56b9b7  No.11982399


Only 2 more are needed. Rule of 4.

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73314a  No.11982400


Keep us posted if you have updates. would hate i fit was my family member

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746650  No.11982401


lawfag here

thomas is 100% CORRECT

this "discretion" (=abuse of power!) is just another on the LONG list of DS bullshit the scotus has piled up over many decades

so many they teach all this wrong shit at every law scholl as if it is correct!




their BS rules and restrictions nbeed to be tossed out

and remember

precedents are ONLY the record of what was decided

NOT what was decided correctly

all the POTUS appointees will agree with this

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f961a3  No.11982402


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1c2039  No.11982403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce925e  No.11982404




>E-Bake Same Dough


>Step Up







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2de2b8  No.11982406


It has come to our attention that some users have posted offensive material. Thank you.

The Management

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96fbc8  No.11982407


This is gonna get ugly. Very ugly.

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2ed6f2  No.11982408


Go fuck yourself Gerbil.

50 IQ faggot.

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bca795  No.11982409

Just submitted:

Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.


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559a94  No.11982410

File: 2f499521bc65ebe⋯.jpeg (492.77 KB, 1242x2038, 621:1019, A34C74F5_3987_46DF_AEAD_7….jpeg)

Countries around the world supporting POTUS and Flynn, love this


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de3ab7  No.11982411



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027ac5  No.11982412


Geography much?

You have no clue WHERE the STate Capitol is?

Common Core indoctrination heh?

FFS, use google and look it up.

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b5846c  No.11982413

File: 5f7ce6c14cff3f9⋯.png (29.54 KB, 482x201, 482:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams Announces Departure from the Office of Legal Policy


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541e5b  No.11982414


too fast for that, was up at 300 kts on outbound.

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e4a68e  No.11982415

File: f3632c17930344e⋯.png (38.09 KB, 598x253, 26:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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094416  No.11982416

File: 83ebd34051529c3⋯.jpg (182.35 KB, 563x740, 563:740, TreasonOfTheYear.jpg)

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2f7482  No.11982417

File: 14e7d82d9bdace9⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 680x383, 680:383, muh_dick_falls_off.jpg)

Latest Covid vaccine scare tactic. Muh dick won't work.


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559a94  No.11982419


POTUS, Flynn and Q made patriotism great again

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f961a3  No.11982420


Where the fuck is this dough tracker coming from and why werent they taking notes for me earlier last night? never saw em check in…

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85b738  No.11982421

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b87023  No.11982422

File: ba666b271a4e90c⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 1024x840, 128:105, 1607510028633m.jpg)

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5fae1a  No.11982424


It is true.

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541e5b  No.11982425

File: 5fbcc9d35f23cc6⋯.jpg (385.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepe_tfw_feelz.jpg)

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2c3767  No.11982426

File: 71b24e7057e7c4f⋯.png (127.67 KB, 1368x805, 1368:805, ClipboardImage.png)


No Name used the phrase "courage and wisdom" in his campaign speeches.

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7026c1  No.11982427

File: 9b2479783bf9983⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 638x479, 638:479, Jeremiah15.jpg)

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50abf5  No.11982428


>I see SCOTUS failing to offer relief as a advantages part of the plan.

Agreed. Post-decision, foreign influence to be revealed. Courts corrupt.

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733e4c  No.11982429

File: 6d124b9b3ec366a⋯.png (515.27 KB, 650x381, 650:381, Shill_Derr.png)


Muh Dough Tracker

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027ac5  No.11982430


Better point is that this supposedly happened over an hour ago now. What was it that happened?

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f2106c  No.11982431





>>11981769 Texas will Prevail

>>11981787 Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>>11981902 The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.


>>11981944 Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.

>>11981979 DJT

>>11982121 PF 4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

>>11982160 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

>>11982233 Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive (TOPKEK)

>>11982242 The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support.

>>11982250 LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues

>>11982264 Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc

>>11982307 https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1337427630874914816

>>11982312 Home made weather modification machine,

>>11982317 #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.

>>11982353 PF Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

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5337c3  No.11982432

File: 58f91a499782cb7⋯.jpg (409.11 KB, 1079x1540, 1079:1540, Screenshot_20201211_085021….jpg)

File: f3c7c58426588f9⋯.jpg (783.58 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_085819….jpg)


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bca795  No.11982433


Why is it NEW California State & NEW Nevada State?

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746650  No.11982434


pro life disinformation

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7667e0  No.11982435


Imagine the smell

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2f7482  No.11982436

File: 45b5e729cdff68e⋯.png (282.66 KB, 588x468, 49:39, shit_posters.png)

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602b1d  No.11982437


Wear a condom when in public.

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316b0a  No.11982438


>How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

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56b9b7  No.11982439


Google Paul Preston

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ed510a  No.11982440


I concur

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2c3767  No.11982441


BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

MILWAUKEE – Wisconsin State Reserve Judge Stephen A. Simanek issued a ruling from the bench, affirming the certification of the presidential results from two Wisconsin counties.


16 mins ago

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e4a68e  No.11982442

File: bc323a4af5deca7⋯.png (301.61 KB, 490x372, 245:186, ClipboardImage.png)

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559a94  No.11982443


Shut up schitt, watch your own backyard, I hear things going down in Sacramento

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00f676  No.11982444


Really nigga?

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ae6a82  No.11982446


add him to the list.

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000000  No.11982447



The question you need to ask yourself is, why would they neck themselves instead of facing judgement? Then once you figure out they aren't necking themselves, you have to ask yourself what all this is REALLY about.

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2c3767  No.11982448

File: 5ef35772ea269a1⋯.png (668.15 KB, 1033x753, 1033:753, ClipboardImage.png)


>BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

December 11, 2020 | 10:32 AM

MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin State Reserve Judge Stephen A. Simanek issued a ruling from the bench, affirming the certification of the presidential results from two Wisconsin counties.

The judge said the court could only review the recount process in Dane and Milwaukee counties, that resulted in some 200,000 ballots being challenged by President Trump’s legal team.

Judge Simanek determined that state election officials followed the law during the recount process.

The judge noted it was important to rule on the case quickly and his decision was subject to appeal.

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6e864c  No.11982449

File: d41f10449779dbb⋯.png (113.45 KB, 920x618, 460:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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0df664  No.11982450


am i supposed to understand what the significance of the scarf is?

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5337c3  No.11982451

File: 4ca62f04858d5ef⋯.jpg (362.79 KB, 1080x1193, 1080:1193, Screenshot_20201211_090046….jpg)

File: adf96a51d94a602⋯.jpg (330.55 KB, 1080x1505, 216:301, Screenshot_20201211_090111….jpg)

File: f57cc05f2b0162d⋯.jpg (666.27 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_090133….jpg)

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73314a  No.11982452

File: 583d97b164eb32f⋯.jpeg (300.06 KB, 1560x1152, 65:48, 583d97b164eb32f7af99eeb27….jpeg)

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278156  No.11982453


just saying "handoff confirmed' doesnt give you the dough. never has. and if you required no handoff from an ebake, why even confirm? why is your confirmation valid, but not the denial? why are you so afraid that you can only stay the course? how do you find the time for all this sliding in between trap faps and mommy blowjobs?

handoff denied

>>11980992 lb

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541e5b  No.11982454

File: 9311fe2cb8a78f1⋯.jpg (30.41 KB, 322x318, 161:159, make_me_a_sammie.jpg)

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5d783e  No.11982455


NEWSOM is spelled wrong.

New California State and New Nevada State

are directly impacted by the arbitrary and capricious

changes in election laws and procedures occur with

unfortunate regularity in the current States of

California and Nevada.

Part of the reason for the formation of New

California State and New Nevada Sate is to stop the

lawless actions of Governors Newsome (California)

and Sisolak (Nevada). An opinion by this Court

affirming a national, uniform rule of law reestablishing the supremacy of The Electors Clause of

Article II, § 1 of the United States Constitution will

resolve some of the complaints causing the

establishment of these new States.

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96fbc8  No.11982456


Oh come on, anon. You wasted perfectly good trips on that?

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316b0a  No.11982457


>How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

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5337c3  No.11982458

File: e7215effd795c2d⋯.jpg (705.74 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_090232….jpg)

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000000  No.11982459


Think Kate Spade.


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b0413a  No.11982460

File: 76d6d0cbd81b97b⋯.gif (847.05 KB, 240x270, 8:9, aoc_petulant.gif)


>Popcorn for the Anons

>Some of my favorite people

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6659ca  No.11982461

File: f31e574b340bf35⋯.png (664.27 KB, 1002x500, 501:250, sasasasasasaaasa.png)

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95dc8c  No.11982462

File: 5234bd402c73a85⋯.jpg (242.86 KB, 494x720, 247:360, pepe_watch.jpg)

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83e5a1  No.11982463

File: 96c348e6a3bf509⋯.png (404.48 KB, 600x587, 600:587, Capture.PNG)

Brit continues to expose himself.


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5cac55  No.11982465

File: 9b679bf4c22f1ac⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ballotsinsuitcasesI.mp4)


>>11981126 pb


This .. It all changed when the people with diarrhea of the Notables took over.

Small notables were never before a problem

Those are the ones stealing the bread

including Anime creep.

Maybe they are very good at collecting notables. but I need sauce for that.

IMO it's just as likely a team

They are like the ballots in the suitcase people; no matter how fast the bread goes, they pull out a long list of Notable,


What are the chances it's the same people who spent a lot of money and hardward getting Frankenbloomen at the top of the bread 24 / 7 (also improbable without $$$ and tech help) year after year, month after month , day after day, hour after hour and night and day.

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f2106c  No.11982466




oh and have a nice day o/

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1f7b5b  No.11982467


Well THAT was anticlimatic… https://www.wtxl.com/news/local-news/couple-accused-of-selling-answers-to-floridas-teacher-certification-exams

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f23fec  No.11982468


There it is…. no one is going to want the vax.

Erectile dysfunction following bell's palsy, and someone died. I forgot what else.

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9c552d  No.11982470

File: 3585843fbb11221⋯.png (102.87 KB, 515x721, 5:7, 2020_12_11_10_58_18.png)



Attorney for New California State and for New Nevada

State ?

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4b8dda  No.11982471


You were chosen for a reason.

God works in mysterious ways.

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efe906  No.11982472

File: e2830c5a6423267⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 703x509, 703:509, objects_in_mirror_trump.jpg)


Kind of weird…my (admittedly stoned) mind is going here:

Potus wears Gray Scarf

the ol NECK TIE, tho under CABAL that is RED.

From past rabbit holes, I learned that there is


A Black POPE (South America)

and a GRAY POPE who is the top pope and he controls Washington DC.

NOW a scarf is what the ones who get hung/suicided is used to kill the ones who try to escape or talk.

What I think POTUS is signaling is that

the Tippy Top is about to the ol scarf

and this must have something to do with the deadly vaccines/China takeover/Cabal threat of nukes or something like that…

just an opinion but he is also standing in the "woods" and its snowing (dark winter?) as well as the look on his face is quite serious.

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541e5b  No.11982473

File: c6a4e413c6aa786⋯.png (175.88 KB, 494x316, 247:158, pepe_tard_jail.png)

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e4a68e  No.11982474


Suicide Weekend

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2d9ece  No.11982476

File: 670d99ce34b8a66⋯.jpg (8.75 KB, 255x191, 255:191, d11a0d6494497bdefd0df5fb0d….jpg)

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e43f31  No.11982477

File: cf4946313982599⋯.mp4 (13.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fox_News_Dr_Sucharit_Bhakd….mp4)

>>11976534 pb notable

Fox News: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi bei Laura Ingraham am 02.12.2020


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316b0a  No.11982478


>How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

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f5f536  No.11982479


hope we have moar than this going for us

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020b94  No.11982480

File: 4dbacb0e34b382d⋯.png (767.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


After more "prior" flight searching, seems this HEX is used on all types of A/C, possibly testing for new or equipment upgrades (if the bird has been grounded).

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50abf5  No.11982481


Agreed, but this a sweep designed to eliminate the enemy, not just capture and kill. Eliminate. If SCOTUS is comped SCOTUS must be targeted.

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5acc16  No.11982483

Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.


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2d9ece  No.11982484


He might pull part up over his face, bring the rest up over his head and go ham on some peeps…

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95dc8c  No.11982486


Suicide weekend.

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278156  No.11982488



only when you're claiming the kitchen for the day.

just remember, when you leave it will be like you were never here. accomplishing nothing other than your own continued demise.

if you truly want to live a life worth living, you'll learn to accept your irrelevant existence, and be somebody for a change.

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57113f  No.11982489

File: 6a27e1a3bf6177d⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1265x899, 1265:899, giants.png)

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d2e03f  No.11982490

File: 71d6e52ca7bb0a4⋯.jpg (332.1 KB, 811x808, 811:808, theyarehere.jpg)

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96fbc8  No.11982491


You know just spamming the same shit over & over again doesn't get the point across, rite?

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15e7bc  No.11982492

File: 7067565325ba11b⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS_SHARK.jpg)



That shit will kill this anon.

Taking a pass on suicide weekend.

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311397  No.11982493

File: 1f418e4370097dc⋯.jpeg (3.22 MB, 1887x2147, 1887:2147, A9B8917B_587A_4CC7_ABF9_F….jpeg)

File: 3b446953fb905b5⋯.jpeg (452.55 KB, 966x720, 161:120, 68FFE5E2_CFCB_4718_A7F4_C….jpeg)

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9ba821  No.11982494


Former President Barack Obama’s cybersecurity czar confirmed Wednesday that former national security adviser Susan Rice told him to “stand down” in response to Russian cyber attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Not a peep of this in the MSM. It is almost criminal the way they are not reporting on.

We all know the order originated from the top… So the question becomes why he ordered a stand down against a foreign nation’s cyber attacks on an America election?

Equal justice under the law is why these perps need to be arrested and sent to jail. That includes almost everyone from Obama and the Clinton crime families to half the FBI, DOJ, and don’t forget the IRS.

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6659ca  No.11982496

File: 24c0f20f07cef08⋯.png (191.21 KB, 1012x388, 253:97, breakn1211aaa.png)

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541e5b  No.11982497

File: 8e24a4db123b561⋯.png (186.82 KB, 400x388, 100:97, pepe_thumbs_up_1.png)


spamming over and over

good job faggot.

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95dc8c  No.11982498

File: 07373091c1bcddb⋯.jpg (107.52 KB, 525x468, 175:156, Suicide_1.jpg)

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f2106c  No.11982499


see how supportive the shills are anon.

some anons are not who they say they are


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efe906  No.11982501


and one last thought

grey scarf/ Grays? AYLMAO/ Good vs Evil Alien invasion "invasion" or ….

Gray pope is / Alien (G'ould) type body snatcher/shape shifter types? WHO KNOWS

But the signal is definitely there…

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2d9ece  No.11982503


Maggie VandenBerghe?

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fdb370  No.11982504



put ? after the address and voila!

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2e1ae1  No.11982505


That baker first requested very nicely mind you, for you to take notables. You did not respond. And all the sudden you're the baker? Without communicating with ebaker? There's a reason why there is handoff confirmation.

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56b9b7  No.11982506


I missed this yesterday. Where did the photo of POTUS in scarf first appear?

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2de2b8  No.11982507


Our biggest job at this point is to be the most joyful, positive, and loving reflections of Jesus that we can possibly be within our circle of influence. Even if this goes much more western than we'd like, smile and love our loved ones as we do what work He puts before us.

Godspeed anons.

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5bd840  No.11982508


Yeah, so I'm sorry that you caught us all standing in line to fuck your mom today.

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d2e03f  No.11982509

File: c94ef2bedb883ed⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, chick.png)

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00f676  No.11982510

File: 49f5e1db95d552e⋯.jpeg (407.67 KB, 1966x1233, 1966:1233, 4FEB10E3_F301_40CF_97BC_6….jpeg)

Da fuq USPS?

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170db0  No.11982511

what does the scarf mean, did I miss something?

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559a94  No.11982512


Would if, the military is the only way if the SC is comped. POTUS changed that so I think the military won’t be here for the election fraud, it will be riots, FFs and possibly countries trying to invade us. This is much bigger than a 4 year election. The point of exposing China, Canada, iran and the rest is to show people that we can be destroyed from the outside

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b2e57a  No.11982513


i missed it too, have not seent it.

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311397  No.11982514

File: ada96071f85098e⋯.jpeg (489.78 KB, 868x861, 124:123, C73FDEF1_3B15_4C39_893C_6….jpeg)

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020b94  No.11982515


Maybe POTUS was just fucking cold?

Goddamn, not everylittlefuckingthing is /comms.


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5337c3  No.11982516

File: 70fd8e9d9b578cd⋯.jpg (558.13 KB, 1080x1611, 120:179, Screenshot_20201211_090610….jpg)

File: 1006549bd6f42e1⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 743412037_640.jpg)

File: 0fdd36a91c497af⋯.jpg (802.59 KB, 1079x1830, 1079:1830, Screenshot_20201211_090653….jpg)

File: 2833b6b7d6d1e23⋯.jpg (513.44 KB, 1079x1876, 1079:1876, Screenshot_20201211_090747….jpg)

File: dcc3bb8f733baa4⋯.jpg (570.03 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_090808….jpg)

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9c552d  No.11982517

File: 792c5899de1d557⋯.png (246.55 KB, 1044x364, 261:91, 2020_12_11_11_04_28.png)



New California is a new state in development exercising its constitutional Right to form from the State of California as codified under Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution and in the United States Declaration of Independence.



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76e2ec  No.11982518

File: 9ecbc0bb764b17c⋯.png (5.26 KB, 403x102, 403:102, ClipboardImage.png)

@jack is a cunt

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c5a852  No.11982520

File: b42f561b774bc4c⋯.jpeg (7.59 KB, 250x255, 50:51, qpost1933.jpeg)

File: 62219722e0be31b⋯.png (93.71 KB, 719x296, 719:296, dansc28sec.png)

File: afb1cb17c485839⋯.png (75.38 KB, 664x513, 664:513, danscaveno17flyby.png)

I see 29 seconds not 28

Defiant 17 flybys tho….



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5337c3  No.11982521

File: 0b78ac40b2e27ee⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 1000x1165, 200:233, H2355_L198583869.jpg)

File: cdd09eb5979c759⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 600x800, 3:4, big_5c1589cb28e8c0d1401f4e….jpg)

File: 0542db7e3d78f4a⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 396x480, 33:40, b7637703f6d81242f996e60ede….jpg)

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733e4c  No.11982522

This Looks Like a bunch of bullshit. BAKER SELF-CONFIRMING!

Baking! Thank You Note Taker!

>>11982431, >>11982453






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b87023  No.11982523

File: 7961544297f3331⋯.jpg (215.3 KB, 734x800, 367:400, 20200504_171418.jpg)

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559a94  No.11982524


“We have a special place for GS”

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f5f536  No.11982525



this bitch just gave roberts the cover he needs

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efe906  No.11982526



We ALL need to remember this

as there is enough strife, and they will be melting down but this affects us ALL. it will not be an easy end of 2020 to 2021 beginning to say the least.

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4a3367  No.11982527

File: a471dec230c83c6⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 300x470, 30:47, suicide.jpg)

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2d9ece  No.11982528

File: c5fee6fdd9553c2⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 241fe34dda43e118f85e2bc8f7….jpg)

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f2106c  No.11982530


once ebakes is handed up and confirmed, the only thing the ebaker could have done is collect notables. he did and i entered them into the dough. all good. please continue with your regularly scheduled program.

btw you bake?

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2de2b8  No.11982531

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027ac5  No.11982532


>you have been given a valid response. it is up to you to accept or not.

I do not.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

>lb was ebake. no handoff needed. i confirmed first; therefore, am legit baker.

If you perceive that childish rant to be a valid response, you have confirmed your childish/libtard mentality beyond all doubt.

Now get the fuck out of the kitchen, before your mommy locks you in the war room with the other retards.

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7026c1  No.11982533


ANY SCOTUS member who doesn't support a free and fair election is compromised and needs to go. And if they use their position to further the coup, then they are accomplices and domestic enemies

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50abf5  No.11982534


>Judge Stephen A. Simanek

I wonder how long it will survive in the sunlight?

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4537b3  No.11982536


Niggers! I see dumb fuckin niggers everywhere!

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de3ab7  No.11982537



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f5f0c9  No.11982538


what part of 'think for yourself' does that spammer not get. He asks a question and they uses it as if it's a trap.

what a jerk.

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e04a3e  No.11982539

File: 64f7ee816cd1234⋯.jpg (165.81 KB, 679x1024, 679:1024, jekyll_island.jpg)

File: 5fcb469a00255e2⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 342x342, 1:1, itsthesatanists.jpg)

got bored AF waiting on Election Fraud, went back and read these 2 books, 40,000ft view clarified.

Brings new meaning to the "if only you knew" memes.

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1c2039  No.11982540


I’m looking at twat rn….deleted?

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733e4c  No.11982541

File: 139a5451ba1afe2⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 230x219, 230:219, 139a5451ba1afe2fea8382a80a….jpg)

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7cb22b  No.11982542


Just the tip?

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95dc8c  No.11982543

File: 6f4a34634dd223a⋯.jpg (273.01 KB, 640x677, 640:677, aliens1.jpg)

File: c4f75bd0a0ebafe⋯.png (331.46 KB, 693x500, 693:500, ayy.png)

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733e4c  No.11982544

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efe906  No.11982545


maybe, OR


take your ex-lax you constipated boomer

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094416  No.11982546

File: f3b0b7ad88dee2c⋯.jpg (518.85 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Hunter_Xi_SwalwellTreasons.jpg)

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0aa33f  No.11982547


>Da fuq USPS?

All 6 inbound packages of mine say that. I may be a tough guy on here, but I need my new muffin pan

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de3ab7  No.11982548



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733e4c  No.11982549








Who the fuck are you?

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2de2b8  No.11982550


Fake. No beer in hands.

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6e864c  No.11982551


that you called it twice means fake.

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f787d7  No.11982552

File: ed81ec3b63903d8⋯.png (147.77 KB, 456x402, 76:67, Aliens_Up_Next.png)

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278156  No.11982553


die in a fire you worthless cuck.

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4a3367  No.11982554

File: c808cf91e3d52de⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 720x719, 720:719, c808cf91e3d52def93ef581790….jpg)


Fuck off

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541e5b  No.11982555

File: 694ff76afc0a3e1⋯.png (570.25 KB, 549x373, 549:373, you_ghey.PNG)

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5cac55  No.11982556

File: 3e338dd30d6195b⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 760fc1401de6eb9a2e3a1573d0….png)


Is their Gutenberg project download?

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1c2039  No.11982557


Yeah, he usually likes to take fashion selfies…..


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733e4c  No.11982558

File: 52d6bba96b06493⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 52d6bba96b064931c7b2b27c2d….mp4)


What the fuck kind of logic is that?

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de3ab7  No.11982559


Highest ranking anon

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509793  No.11982560

File: 180b81e32c08920⋯.mp4 (785.88 KB, 720x720, 1:1, person_of_the_year.mp4)

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316b0a  No.11982561


All the 'anons' are spamming my posts with non-answers.

>How do you think SCOTUS will rule when the most legal ruling is also at the same time the most selfish for SCOTUS ruling?

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73fd7a  No.11982562

File: 9346b1e0546ce91⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 4pzf2r_1.jpg)

Q SoyBoys suck my ass you worthless mother fuckers…. You still don't have anything on the FREAKING scoreboard…ffs

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efe906  No.11982563

File: 1189a79d27f29ed⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 720x712, 90:89, Alien_cat.jpg)

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2f7482  No.11982564


They will prolly tell the womenz the vax will make their titties grow.

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733e4c  No.11982565

all shills identified easily with the freshie post.








Who the fuck are you?

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020b94  No.11982566


Fuck yourself with a chainsaw, pipsqueak.

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00f676  No.11982567


Kek it ain’t like I was rolling. I fucked up the 7’s last week too!

<7’s, Trump wom

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5337c3  No.11982568

File: 36ce9eee6f5aad4⋯.jpg (416.17 KB, 1079x1822, 1079:1822, Screenshot_20201211_091059….jpg)

File: 7fb742d931d3ca2⋯.jpg (148.5 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, NMHBAZM_mz.jpg)

File: 107c6951d020539⋯.jpg (385.79 KB, 1071x1694, 153:242, Screenshot_20201211_091153….jpg)

File: f6b0f0444c205fe⋯.jpg (733.17 KB, 1080x1992, 45:83, Screenshot_20201211_091237….jpg)

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c5a852  No.11982569

File: 858796e778add8b⋯.png (212.47 KB, 388x598, 194:299, qpost395429connections.png)


I see 29 seconds not 28

Defiant 17 flybys tho….



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f2106c  No.11982570







>>11981769 Texas will Prevail

>>11981787 Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>>11981902 The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.


>>11981944 Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.

>>11981979 DJT

>>11982121 PF 4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

>>11982160 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

>>11982233 Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive (TOPKEK)

>>11982242 The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support.

>>11982250 LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues

>>11982264 Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc

>>11982307 https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1337427630874914816

>>11982312 Home made weather modification machine,

>>11982317 #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.

>>11982353, >>11982480 PF Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

>>11982410 Countries around the world supporting POTUS and Flynn, love this

>>11982441 BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

>>11982483 Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.

>>11982517 New California is a new state

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83e5a1  No.11982571


You don't belong here.

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733e4c  No.11982572

shills head explodes while brain simultaneously Implodes.

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541e5b  No.11982573

File: 82c980bdb709a90⋯.png (316.91 KB, 638x359, 638:359, pepe_am_i_disabled.png)


This ain't a therapy couch faggot

Go fuck yourself

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50abf5  No.11982574


>why would they neck themselves instead of facing judgement?

Revelation of their depravity, Anon. Do you know who these people are?

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 205f78 No.1694734 📁

Jun 10 2018 23:16:25 (EST)

Track ALL suicides.

Example 1:

Think Spade.

Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).

Trace to Import/Export.

Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.

Trace sale/spin off of Co.

Trace to CF.

Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).

Who granted?


Expect A LOT more.


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d22576  No.11982575


That would leave it at 5-4, who's your other defector?

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6e864c  No.11982576


Been here for a long while logic. Every time this happens, someone is attempting to force their will.

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027ac5  No.11982577

File: 35b3f75ff328b99⋯.png (424.49 KB, 508x589, 508:589, rotKC.png)





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733e4c  No.11982578


Baker no need to bake you at work right buddy?








Who the fuck are you?

Fresh right here








Who the fuck are you?

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f5f0c9  No.11982579


why don't you say this, because this seems to be what you parrots who do this psyop believe:

"repetitive constant repetition is the only way"

say it over and over and over again

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b2e57a  No.11982582

File: 6938fc1e1354925⋯.jpg (106.59 KB, 794x1024, 397:512, 6938fc1e1354925cf4a129cff1….jpg)

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db956a  No.11982583



that is a bread inside of another bread

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733e4c  No.11982584

So can anon call it or what…


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020b94  No.11982585


I don't belong because I don't think there's a comm here?

What could it MEAN?? OMG, he wore a scarf.

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e4a68e  No.11982586


why are you posting early and often

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733e4c  No.11982590


Man you simple been poastin that fore 10 mins.

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2f7482  No.11982591

>>11982468 This is to trick you into getting the vaccine anon. It says Corona Virus causes erectile dysfunction. It's to trick men into rushing out for the shot.

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311397  No.11982594

File: e0f736cdc31f168⋯.jpeg (679.22 KB, 1127x765, 1127:765, 567E75E9_A973_49CC_8D1B_C….jpeg)

File: 1a7e52e1e8a5f9d⋯.jpeg (235.41 KB, 1196x482, 598:241, 1B923632_134F_47BE_B127_7….jpeg)

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96fbc8  No.11982595


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

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95dc8c  No.11982596

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_dank_3.png)


>bread inside of another bread

Bread sammich

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5cac55  No.11982599

File: 80af8da0e4a9116⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 640x807, 640:807, cakeone1.jpg)

File: 6341180e7ea9db5⋯.jpg (335.01 KB, 1130x1600, 113:160, cake20.jpg)


Which should I take?


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020b94  No.11982601

File: 4ab921b80c2bf43⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 334x222, 167:111, POTUScheersWater.jpg)

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469ed8  No.11982602

File: f544897219ccc2e⋯.jpg (160.02 KB, 828x1368, 23:38, power.jpg)

>>11980196 pb

>Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US

This anon has a copy of the book The Power Exchange, a novel by Alan R. Erwin written in 1979. Texas actually leaves the Union and it gets very interesting. Texas cuts off oil to the US, there's border defense, all kinds of stuff. Seeing that post brought it to mind and I was able to find the book on Open Library so I thought I'd share, in case any other anons might find it as interesting as I did. Here's the link - https://lujobumyzugilyjet.desi.pw/the-power-exchange-book-26014dn.php

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f5f536  No.11982604

File: 3a4ad3499a16adf⋯.png (23.63 KB, 188x154, 94:77, Screen_Shot_2020_12_10_at_….png)

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733e4c  No.11982605

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db956a  No.11982606

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a3542d  No.11982607

File: 729e7fc29f9da7e⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 700x437, 700:437, redhead_scarf.jpg)


Find a picture prior to that where @POTUS is wearing a scarf around his neck.

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e28729  No.11982609


A scarf???


holy shit must be comms

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5337c3  No.11982610

File: 79b74b2b65c7e08⋯.jpg (777.49 KB, 1079x1823, 1079:1823, Screenshot_20201211_091551….jpg)

File: abd283c2faff165⋯.jpg (725.64 KB, 1079x1936, 1079:1936, Screenshot_20201211_091537….jpg)

File: 27713cd0646b678⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 1080x1544, 135:193, 20201211_091751.jpg)


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602b1d  No.11982611

File: 7563ee6e1e4d7d1⋯.jpeg (367.09 KB, 750x898, 375:449, 3858F02A_C776_4314_86F8_3….jpeg)

The civil civil war. We have come so far indeed.


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aed3b1  No.11982612


Fags Cry Re

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f2106c  No.11982614










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ae6a82  No.11982615

File: e2509a558b16b0e⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 269x187, 269:187, pipe.jpg)

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733e4c  No.11982616


Or you can move ahead to the next numerical progression and fill in notables… here. which is probably easier.















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a3542d  No.11982617


I used to be in this boat, anon, but if you take a sec to think that most everything is a comm of some sort; some for us, some for (them), and some for operatives on both sides, you begin to see a fuller picture.

Honestly, this movie gets better and better.

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73fd7a  No.11982618

File: 965b9b401daf9f4⋯.png (280.76 KB, 638x405, 638:405, Big_Guy.png)

Q SoyBoys suck my ass you worthless mother fuckers…. You still don't have anything on the FREAKING scoreboard…ffs

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766d7b  No.11982621

File: c0109cdac25e36d⋯.jpeg (405.51 KB, 871x783, 871:783, 388D967A_76F8_489B_A7A6_7….jpeg)

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6e864c  No.11982622


except for you fucking idiots

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56b9b7  No.11982625


Well, if you NEVER wear a scarf, and POTUS never wears a scarf, maybe there are some comms going on.

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a3542d  No.11982627


That you know of.

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9eeff1  No.11982628

File: cb9d0925a514ce2⋯.png (118.36 KB, 184x273, 184:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Thread filler.

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469ed8  No.11982629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The judge is ruling now in Wisconsin. LIVE: Trump vs Biden—Wisconsin Court Hearing on Trump Lawsuit (Dec. 11) | NTD

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526d70  No.11982630

What is this catalog nonsense I hear tell of?

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50abf5  No.11982631


>Brit continues to expose himself.

Maybe she offered him tea?


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2d9ece  No.11982632

File: fecae35cbb674b5⋯.png (254.54 KB, 798x574, 57:41, fecae35cbb674b57dde9d24f06….png)

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f5f536  No.11982633

File: 449208148f243f2⋯.png (523.5 KB, 725x698, 725:698, cardigan_pepe_copy.png)

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73fd7a  No.11982635

File: 73ad2a62bf40411⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 500x430, 50:43, NigLoid.jpg)


Nigga you got owned right out of the gate.

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202290  No.11982637




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6e864c  No.11982638


if that's what you owned, that's just sad.

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97fd83  No.11982641

>>11981293 pb

>any one else notice the last 3 post of potus

>7 am NOW…

>8 am NOW…

>9 am NOW…


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5337c3  No.11982642

File: 03b0553873a5332⋯.jpg (206.23 KB, 1080x1052, 270:263, Screenshot_20201211_091908….jpg)

File: a5ee00972f90e56⋯.jpg (411.29 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_091922….jpg)

File: 59aa8c7f71c051e⋯.jpg (514.63 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20201211_091959….jpg)

File: 3de361aa38f68dd⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 644x750, 322:375, 8d085806e9b1fef3f251eff0fc….jpg)

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f23fec  No.11982645


Winter 2017/18 I was watching the board late at night. The anons started digging on what seemed to be the most irrelevant thing. I can't remember what it was. Within maybe 10 minutes they found a flood of info that turned out to be very pertinent. Surely some things might end of as dead ends, but so what.

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4a3367  No.11982646


Imperial Crown.

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96fbc8  No.11982647


<think mirror

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0b3114  No.11982649


Yes he did. However, he's delivering the paperwork within the hour so it can get to the U.D. Supreme Court. Note that he specifically said that he is not ruling on the constitutionality of it.

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4b8dda  No.11982650


Milwaukee is a miniature Chicago.

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202290  No.11982651








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5337c3  No.11982653

File: f818f087ad3ce9a⋯.jpg (305.71 KB, 1080x1478, 540:739, Screenshot_20201211_092337….jpg)

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526d70  No.11982654


No.. but everything is connected.

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e05747  No.11982655

Tommy's Cricket Board getting cockspammed right now.

Looks like their BO Tommy not so fast on the banhammer like they claim.

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96fbc8  No.11982656


Hell, back long time ago when I used to bake, the insiders were claiming that the peanuts post was notable, while I was calling them all retards for trying to get me to add it to the notables.

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2d9ece  No.11982657

File: 0f14da5b267876a⋯.png (121.43 KB, 231x346, 231:346, OIP.png)

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6e83fd  No.11982658


U here…

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50abf5  No.11982660


That Anon appears to have lost an argument when the opponent disengaged.

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9d2ea1  No.11982661

File: adea861d5e87d6b⋯.jpg (146.03 KB, 468x600, 39:50, bwtm.jpg)


another good one

keep them coming

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f23fec  No.11982662


Never mind that there was also fuckery all over the state.

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97fd83  No.11982663


Long weekend

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73fd7a  No.11982664

File: c368a742e6b75e0⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 500x482, 250:241, Rufus.jpg)



Patriot Baker's don't exist.

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5cac55  No.11982665

File: adaa366208b8b12⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hillaryiwon.mp4)


"Trump's lawsuit will invalidate millions of votes"


Ignore evidence

Pretend they were too stupid to get their vote in on time

Who's the lying racist now?

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6e83fd  No.11982667

File: 59238849d9ee89c⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 612x556, 153:139, 59238849d9ee89c6b24738eeb6….jpg)


Which will be an Ironic Display Actually.

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541e5b  No.11982668


did not know you had that many gay-ass pics bro.

Impressive…for a faggot

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c1f6ed  No.11982669


yup… regular bakers used to do hours long workshops every week to teach baking. not any more. these bakers are commies.

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454a33  No.11982672

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6e83fd  No.11982674

File: 9acd6b34252f7d5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 773x942, 773:942, 9acd6b34252f7d5970c6958494….png)

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3a0edf  No.11982676

File: d167ff9684f834a⋯.mp4 (563.88 KB, 426x240, 71:40, use_a_scarf.mp4)

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6e83fd  No.11982677

File: ad4f47c6b9bf99c⋯.png (88.53 KB, 500x434, 250:217, Shut_Down_.png)

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e05747  No.11982678


kek not me I just lurk with eyes on

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6e83fd  No.11982680

File: 0c482af3eacfc41⋯.png (517.96 KB, 821x346, 821:346, SHUTITDOWN_.png)

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f23fec  No.11982685


We were talking about comms, not notables.

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6e83fd  No.11982686

File: 0ce7d670631fd45⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 888x499, 888:499, POTUS_Says_Relax.jpg)

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6e83fd  No.11982687

File: 8835eea83dd2d1b⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 474x293, 474:293, 404_Gov.jpg)

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602b1d  No.11982689


Actually, cheating invalidated the true voters cast ballots. If you want to know the truth, read cnn while hanging in a bat cave.

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a3542d  No.11982690


Most things are like that, then evidence disappears, and it got to the point you needed two things to "stay abreast":

1. Be good at digging.

2. Be quick to "save offline" (at least the stuff that was safe to save).

Here's what happened to this anon. I would compile enough through my shitty digs and stuff anons posted here, and get a general idea about some things. Good enough for me, at least. But where I took comfort was where Q would lead that charge, so to speak. Q would say something along the lines of "Bloody wonderland" and within a day, you'd have pictures of people in bunny suits, and all sorts of anon gathered publicly available content and twitter posts from sickos to paint the picture. Then deleted tweets and instagram accounts would check the box of "Well, that must've been something".

If we're able to compile the stuff in a parallel collection (something that doesn't really happen as much anymore because it's not as pertinent and we're in a different phase of this since COVID), then you know for a fact that Q and the rest already have all the goods.

So while folks trip shit over scarf significance, I sit back and watch all this unfold from the perspective of "Nothing can stop what is coming". Doing so takes all that anxiety away, to be completely honest.

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