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File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB, 255x143, 255:143, b03b809b65968d68b95c3cdd5f….jpg)

fa8586  No.11687424[Last 50 Posts]

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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fa8586  No.11687435

Global Announcements

>>11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"



Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11686756 , >>11687120, Make the deal Motherfucker or you are going to die

>>11687336 Quad corners the Dragon.

>>11687273 President Trump Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

>>11687142 Kraken is a supercomputer / The Top Five Supercomputers, Illustrated

>>11687127 THEY the evil ones choose the name DOMINION? BUN

>>11687218 , >>11687285, >>11687307, CM

>>11687217 Majority in the House, a real possibility

>>11687194 If Biden isnt certified this country will be torn down. Blue check scare tactics

>>11687190 The Kraken- disorientation device

>>11687176 Controversial Fed nominee Judy Shelton stalls in Senate test vote

>>11687169 Does the name Scytl have anything to do with this?

>>11687164 PF Check it out! The HAMMER

>>11687162 PEDO Arrest list November 17, 2020

>>11686934 U.S. Marines Would you like to know more?

>>11686827 , >>11686936, >>11687011, >>11686957, >>11687043, Looks like Chris Krebs getting fired is pissing off all the right people. Great move President Trump

>>11686905 , >>11687063, >>11687025, >>11687007, >>11686950, >>11686985, "Kraken" super comp in Tenn was taken offline in 2014

>>11686874 Sidney Powell did promise to release “The Kraken”. Please meet The Kraken!

>>11686844 Could the LEFT be sowing discord about Lindsey on social media?

>>11686823 Goldman Sachs plans further job cuts

>>11686813 DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs And Deputy Director Matt Travis Tied To Clapper Who Commandeered Hammer Scorecard

>>11686806 (2011) 'Kraken' provides needed intelligence, force protection at NIE

>>11686804 , >>11686833, POTUS

>>11686802 Brennan weighs in…..

>>11686795 Full clip Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly (NewsMAX)

>>11686776 Sidney Powell calls for HEAD OF CIA to resign HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>11686759 The Kraken and Nautilus Are Both SQUIDS

>>11686754 , >>11687056, Chris Krebs parting words

>>11686748 President Trump has fired Chris Krebs, the director of CISA

>>11687414 #14921

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fa8586  No.11687443


>>11686511 Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11686475 Trump says U.S. DHS cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs has been terminated

>>11686450 Deputy Director, Matthew Travis CISA

>>11686423 "Founder of Dominion admitted he can change 1,000,000 votes, no problem at all"

>>11686399 UKRAINE of Ukraine HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges.

>>11686365 Trump fires CISA Director Chris Krebs

>>11686332 Trump's Nevada electors, including the chair of the Nevada Republican Party, are suing to either have Trump declared the winner of Nevada or to have the presidential election in the state annulled

>>11686290 What do we know about ES&S Equipment?

>>11686284 , >>11686456, Wasn’t expecting Grassley to be away


>>11686264 POTUS

>>11686255 , >>11686270, Digg: Open Source Election Technology (OSET) Institute's Initial Funders and Advisory Board - Lots of Dems and former employees from BHO's admin, DARPA, moar

>>11686244 , >>11686439, >>11686533, DJT with decode

>>11686239 CNN, too little too late? Congratulating President Trump?

>>11686233 China’s People Liberation Army reportedly used microwave weapons against Indian forces in a months-long border standoff between the two countries in the Himalayas

>>11686231 POTUS

>>11686218 Former Vice President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that he would select Washington swamp monster Steve Ricchetti to serve as the “counselor to the president.”

>>11686204 Sen. Mike Lee Grills Dorsey and Zuckerberg

>>11686198 IN THEORY, Ghidra should be able to ID "untraceable" (MACHINE LANGUAGE FILES) election fraud computer programs used to flip votes.

>>11686020 Biden's name formally unreacted by Ukraine in the Shokin / Burisma case

>>11686110 HIT PIECE WASHINGTON, D.C. — A tweet seeking to distance Elections Canada from the use of electronic voting equipment

>>11686101 Biden-Harris Receive National Security Briefing Today, But There’s Just One HUGE Problem!

>>11686090 , >>11686118, BAKER TITLE SHOULD READ SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices).

>>11686058 , >>11686073, This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results

>>11686054 Can we now arrest Resident Biden and call him Inmate Elect Biden?

>>11686038 What is a kraken?

>>11686031 , >>11686143, >>11686051,>>11686096, >>11686100, >>11686289, >>11686320, POTUS Tweet-fires CISA Director Chris Krebs

>>11686028 0.2% change SAME EXACT PATTERN IN BOTH PA AND GA.

>>11685983 Another Georgia county has uncovered 2,700 missing votes

>>11685954 , >>11686060, >>11686223, >>11686506, PF

>>11685953 Rebel News Reporter Escorted From Dominion Building After Discovering That They Share Office Floor With Soros-Linked Group (Tides Foundation)

>>11685934 Fulton County 2017 Election Fraud Voting GLITCH

>>11685912 You media morons are all laughing at Rudy Giuliani

>>11686655 #14920

Previously Collected Notables

>>11684301 #14917, >>11687010 #14918 , >>11687051 #14919,

#14915 2/2 >>11682768, #14915 1/2 >>11682708, >>11683539 #14916

>>11681239 #14913, >>11681953 #14914 part 1, >>11681982 #14914 part 2

>>11678789 #14910 1/2, >>11679584 #14911, >>11680352 #14912

>>11677261 #14908, >>11678021 #14909, >>11678790 #14910 2/2

>>11674905 #14905, >>11675673 #14906, >>11676433 #14907

>>11672561 #14902, >>11673361 #14903, >>11674123 #14904

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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fa8586  No.11687445

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>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

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fa8586  No.11687449

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fa8586  No.11687490

File: 8d18700dbf7d774⋯.png (408.91 KB, 690x869, 690:869, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1818….png)

File: 8e217902f5c4de1⋯.jpg (745.24 KB, 1017x720, 113:80, 8e217902f5c4de1a5211d5ac88….jpg)

File: fef8eb45a5bdd27⋯.jpeg (92.19 KB, 450x450, 1:1, fef8eb45a5bdd27ccc2e349d0….jpeg)



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65200f  No.11687507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Loving it bakes, Never Give Up and Never let them take your smile!

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e5808f  No.11687518

File: fca264c8e358e3b⋯.png (34.76 KB, 527x331, 527:331, Schwartz_re_Krebs_Bossart_….PNG)

File: f7ddda2b0ff8f1f⋯.png (329.37 KB, 524x594, 262:297, Bossart_re_Krebs_11_17_20.PNG)

Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

Bossert doesn’t know that Krebs hadn’t been showing up to work for months & refused to attend election security meetings because Bossert hasn’t been to work since he got fired a couple years ago.


Thomas P. Bossert


Chris Krebs made America safer and our election system more secure. Thank you for your service, Chris. Well done. @C_C_Krebs


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e81a40  No.11687519

File: 348c6276a72a78b⋯.png (688.58 KB, 660x660, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd83ef  No.11687520



Seems to be a common trajectory for those guys who exist way down deep in the rabbit hole, like Steele, Icke, Lazar. They can't be 100% right, but damn 80% of it is pretty compelling. That's why I try to keep fresh on the different ideas and claims, there is truth in there somewhere.

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e5808f  No.11687521

File: 605ad9a50110679⋯.png (16.53 KB, 534x245, 534:245, Bongino_to_Bila_re_Ridicul….PNG)

File: 5935a7f58e6c75f⋯.png (19.13 KB, 534x264, 89:44, Bila_re_Ridiculous_POTUS_F….PNG)

Not at all ridiculous.

I said it.



Jedediah Bila



Yea, I said it.


>BREAKING: President Trump has fired a top security official who vouched for the 2020 election as he pushes unsubstantiated claims of fraud after his loss

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1903a2  No.11687522

File: 4e240d29fa09c1b⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 680x383, 680:383, wzTWbz_i.jpg)


Praying Medic


Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.


November 17, 2020


Press Releases

Nevada’s electoral college candidates pledged to President Donald J. Trump today filed an election contest under Nevada’s election code, citing substantial irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that occurred in Nevada’s 2020 presidential election. The suit details the unreliability of the Agilis ballot processing and signature scanning machine used in Clark County, and the electronic voting machines used throughout the state. It also argues that the denial of observer access to the duplication process, and the impropriety of some Native American outreach programs that resulted in apparent vote-buying, cast substantial doubt on the results of the election. No less than 40,000 votes, and possibly more, were impacted by these various defects. This margin is greater than the margin between President Trump and Joe Biden in Nevada.

"We believe the discrepancies discovered in the days following Nevada's election and invited by the Democrat’s last-minute changes to the law monumentally influenced this presidential election to benefit Joe Biden, and as a result, these irregularities have deprived Nevadans of their right to a free and fair election," said Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Advisor. "These malicious actions, which have impacted more than 40,000 ballots, cannot be overlooked, and President Trump will continue battling for justice and seeking to restore Americans' faith in our electoral process."

The contest was filed in the First Judicial District Court in Carson City, Nevada, on behalf of six Nevada citizens and voters who were candidates for presidential electors in Nevada.

The contest filings are available here:

21 page PDF


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ac726f  No.11687524

File: 6f0907b87c4a4b1⋯.png (16.56 KB, 255x218, 255:218, Adolf_Hitler_Idea.png)


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1903a2  No.11687525


6:54 PM · Nov 17, 2020·

Twitter for Android




Quote Tweets



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b1613b  No.11687526

File: d856ac1afec06b2⋯.png (520.56 KB, 586x736, 293:368, andrew_cuomo_bill_de_blasi….png)

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cde2b5  No.11687527

>>11687468 ?LB little whiner argues:

> beanz spoke at the million maga march

Show it! I didn't get that clip.

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000000  No.11687528

Lin Wood 2024!

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a928f3  No.11687529

Q and Q+

You have to Know

We Are Soon To Start Taking These People Out.

On POTUS's Order

Keep us Informed

Semper Fi

I Still Hold my Oath Close…Against All Enemies Foreign And Domestic So Help Me God

God Bless DJT

Let's Get It Done

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1903a2  No.11687530


>No less than 40,000 votes, and possibly more, were impacted by these various defects. This margin is greater than the margin between President Trump and Joe Biden in Nevada.

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a89525  No.11687531

"The only thing secure about our 2020 Election was that it was virtually impenetrable by foreign powers. On that, the Trump Administration takes great credit. Unfortunately, the Radical Left Democrats, Dominion, and others, were perhaps more successful!"

Can someone please help this first grade reading comprehension understand this?

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d1a0f3  No.11687532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Ron is a cowboy












>Maybe it's a message to POTUS to put on the hat & arrest the criminals

Trump is the gunslinger that this country needs

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a71ff5  No.11687534

I you were going to leave the US and become an expat where would you go?

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fa8586  No.11687535

>>11687506 lb


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fd83ef  No.11687536

Wouldn't it be funny

if the recounts and challenges end up in a super-narrow Trump victory. Without getting into the whole fraud evidence in court. But the Dems become so pissed that they start legally challenging it.


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b1613b  No.11687537

File: a16655cbe420ad1⋯.png (351.21 KB, 660x534, 110:89, ClipboardImage.png)

A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

More info in link


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ac726f  No.11687538

File: 1a13dc1c19f910b⋯.png (119.92 KB, 316x273, 316:273, Adolf_Hitler_ENSLAVED.png)


THE TRUTH. SMALL changes make such

BIG differences.

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1903a2  No.11687539


>"We believe the discrepancies discovered in the days following Nevada's election and invited by the Democrat’s last-minute changes to the law monumentally influenced this presidential election to benefit Joe Biden, and as a result, these irregularities have deprived Nevadans of their right to a free and fair election," said Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Advisor. "These malicious actions, which have impacted more than 40,000 ballots, cannot be overlooked, and President Trump will continue battling for justice and seeking to restore Americans' faith in our electoral process."

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a1a50b  No.11687540


it's clear.

so no, you can't be helped.

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dcf41c  No.11687541


Discord trannys go to hell.


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0e2a5f  No.11687542

She said it was a faulty outlet, wouldn’t look at the camera (understandably bewildered, can’t fault her on that yet)

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cc4277  No.11687543

File: b125cb8b946dc9a⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jon_Voight.mp4)

>>11687320 lb

>My fellow Americans…..

>>11687356 lb

"My fellow Americans….."

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036818  No.11687544

File: 6ee97aafc164fa6⋯.jpeg (426.92 KB, 828x937, 828:937, 9CC44DA4_765D_40B9_8A89_1….jpeg)

PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

And I thought Newsom was a tyrant.


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3651df  No.11687545

File: 4c87dcfde26c60d⋯.png (5.01 KB, 224x109, 224:109, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11686787 lb

Chris Krebs

another 11.3?



>>11686841 lb

same thought here anon, was mulling over the mirror of it.

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54ba95  No.11687546

File: b189d4ebfdca32f⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 11_3.jpg)

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196ad9  No.11687547


Costa Rica? Meh, dunno

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2936b4  No.11687548

>>11687496 (lb)

This. Spot on, anon. 80/20.

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fd83ef  No.11687549


I can recommend Philippines, but its not for everyone.

What about Greenland?

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b2a627  No.11687550

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)



Semper Fidelis

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24c4b8  No.11687551

File: de8dfc7eeb6ba1a⋯.jpeg (439.34 KB, 536x878, 268:439, 5C1D48F0_4C79_417B_9C0B_2….jpeg)

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cde2b5  No.11687553


pfft. I doubt you've even heard her name before the most recent events, so fuck off with you FAKE loyalty.

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196ad9  No.11687554


Do they think anyone is going to fall for this shit?

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6432e4  No.11687555

File: 646b65249d23318⋯.png (231.82 KB, 473x236, 473:236, ClipboardImage.png)

New March for Trump


I'm sure this time, there will be plenty of fighters on hand to deal with cuntifa.

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b0299c  No.11687556

>>11686983 (all pbs)

Bro you can't even get the supposed "woke" here to get rid of FB. I posted the post below here on the last bread and not a single response despite that movement having been extremely effective.

Imagine what we the people could do in synchronized protests against the New World Borg could do to shut it down…BTW if you never heard of this it's because the media refused to cover it. (ring a bell?)

If we could do this world wide even just once….however the reality is, people are comfy and won't rock the boat.

IF they take time to start watching "Europa, The Last Battle" and discover how everything they thought they knew about the world wars was a lie, MAYBE….I know what's going to happen to us next.

A civil war would be over in days, the left isn't armed, neither can they meme. Their weapons are social media—to which most big mouthed "wokenics" on here are using and enslaved to.

The left has basically already won a civil war. Without Trump you'd be hanging the Commie flag and liking it. Why do people expect HIM to do everything for them? why don't we do something for ourselves?


>Elections Canada issued another tweet Tuesday pointing out that Monday’s posting was only intended to note they don’t use vote-counting machines “and should not be construed as anything other than that.”

They're lying. But fat chance Canadians can be incited to investigate.

But something occurred to me. Chanology was the single largest world-wide coordinated protest movement ever. We had protests everywhere in the world there was a borg. It was awesome. Once a month we all protested Scientology coordinated. We had local "cells" but we organized on 1 site and decided each protest theme based on consensus. We had fun, managed to bring the borg to their knees and that helped people escape and speak out, something that would have been impossible before.

We faced serious opposition from the borg as they used all their usual method to doxx us and try to ruin our lives. HOWEVER there were too many of us. We managed to get our message out….

My point is, this vote fraud is happening everywhere. Maybe Europeans didn't vote to fuck their countries up.

What if we did the same thing? World-wide protests against the government borgs? It wasn't hard at all. Once people started getting educated about what Scientology does to people it was easy. We did this 1x a month for five years.

why can't we do it now?

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65200f  No.11687557

File: 89c19abfa4ef5cc⋯.gif (362.21 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 89c19abfa4ef5cc25d52eda33d….gif)

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4529be  No.11687558


Aus. But it depends who you are..

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dcf41c  No.11687559

File: 7da2aa902c38409⋯.jpg (289.44 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, crenjew.jpg)

File: a43ecd03ab133e1⋯.png (391.4 KB, 591x623, 591:623, GIVEMEWARCREN.png)

File: a43ecd03ab133e1⋯.png (391.4 KB, 591x623, 591:623, GIVEMEWARCREN.png)

Hey Dan Crenshaw, are you on here? SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WARMONGER.

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98863f  No.11687560

File: e2e5549f43ddde2⋯.jpeg (324.42 KB, 1358x1325, 1358:1325, 51799AA4_E159_4C49_AC33_A….jpeg)

File: f1c45f89a193f51⋯.jpeg (3.09 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, 0F70DCAE_6153_4141_967F_2….jpeg)


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eaf21a  No.11687561

File: 82ee2c05dd04b58⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, red_rage_pepe.jpg)


>>11686511 Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden


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a89525  No.11687562


If you understood it, you could explain it in your own words.

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9be4f5  No.11687563

File: a965d79174e2478⋯.png (65.73 KB, 598x374, 299:187, ClipboardImage.png)


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c1e0db  No.11687564


How do they expect to enforce that? Sadly, most sheep will enforce it themselves. Totally reasonable, they'll say.

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98863f  No.11687565

File: af6090e42438868⋯.jpeg (300.95 KB, 1419x1282, 1419:1282, 2BF4C2CB_E0B2_49D0_8DA3_2….jpeg)

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814de5  No.11687566

File: 46d74dc41e092da⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ss_170301_melania_tease_f8….jpg)


Thank you kindly baker.

Be Best!

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ef275e  No.11687567

"Egyptian spy" arrested from Merkel press office fired after 20 yes, RT reported

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54ba95  No.11687568

File: b3856a8564cfd46⋯.png (94.08 KB, 535x555, 107:111, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Sput….png)

File: c94073b5043c460⋯.png (71.31 KB, 690x1232, 345:616, Screenshot_2020_11_17_ISAI….png)

File: 5fe28da68486d6e⋯.png (28.26 KB, 416x268, 104:67, Screenshot_2020_11_17_isai….png)

Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA


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9ac0ed  No.11687569

File: 643349c6f9d3b2b⋯.jpg (8.97 KB, 284x123, 284:123, a0262f176ae799f32aa0ab603f….jpg)



Release the Krackel

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a2e4ac  No.11687570


Arson investigators know all the Jewish lightening tricks.

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d8c293  No.11687571


She's a He…

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1903a2  No.11687572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#MarchForTrump #magamarch #magarally

Tracy Beanz:

I was honored to speak today at the March For Trump

20 views•Nov 14, 2020


House burnt today

total loss

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252937  No.11687573

File: 7d912318be21db1⋯.jpg (46.22 KB, 915x438, 305:146, terminated.jpg)

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ae4c93  No.11687574

File: f58862f8a1986f2⋯.png (375.71 KB, 482x1200, 241:600, ClipboardImage.png)


Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy :

3 oz. Kraken

8 oz. Ginger Beer (Barretts)

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000000  No.11687575


Bitch, I've been following my hero Lin Wood, since he got the Ramsey family off for allowing their daughter to be abused to death.

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9d1aaa  No.11687576

File: ccb557453db7ef3⋯.png (309.79 KB, 590x564, 295:282, micheal_IS_male.png)

Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male.


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65200f  No.11687577


It's actually so good, I've been listening to it for three breads now..

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142304  No.11687578

File: a44442d8cfa14b5⋯.png (72.68 KB, 862x674, 431:337, 4524.png)

Christopher Krebs

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1e08d8  No.11687579


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d4446b  No.11687580

File: ab995570839b174⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1715x825, 343:165, De_Lackner_HZ_1_Aerocycle.png)



United 216

De Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle

Dulles to San Fran on one of those?

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54ba95  No.11687581

File: e777d0115675106⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, uRAr8b_jGZs2nv0F.mp4)

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cc4277  No.11687582


>I you were going to leave the US and become an expat where would you go?

Costa Rica has a large expat community.

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196ad9  No.11687583


Never liked nor trusted that’ cocksucker. Now I know why.

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af4661  No.11687584


Argentina, At least there you inow who the NAZIs are.

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547301  No.11687585

>>11687455 last bread


>WHAT TO DOOO???!!!!

Pray for her that her insurance fraud is not as true and provable as Sleepy Joe Biden's election fraud.

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dd9956  No.11687586



I agree. In the interim, however, this is information warfare. The media and network resources are enemy assets. We will seize them through the EO. How do the white hats then turn those weapons against our foes? They need to educate or even-deprogram people through the same media that was used to harm them. How can those media assets possibly be turned around and establish trust with the public again for generations?

This is an intriguing part of the plot. Personally, I welcome our new overlords.

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26bbd4  No.11687587

File: 758bfdfafa42876⋯.png (159.56 KB, 827x257, 827:257, ClipboardImage.png)

Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

Real Communism.


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a3c78e  No.11687588


Perhaps it's a head fake. Make them think they are winning.

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a767ec  No.11687589



One year per fraudulent vote.


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2a0873  No.11687590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

don't forget that humor can be an effective information weapon anons

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7d147d  No.11687591

File: ada8fae09c19d40⋯.png (1.68 MB, 2291x1608, 2291:1608, 1605665061827.png)

I've totally had it with this two faced traitor

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5cb4b7  No.11687592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEET Anthem

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196ad9  No.11687593


Miss me some Shia. Good times. Good times.

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9ae799  No.11687595

File: c5766a43c45b672⋯.png (260.44 KB, 609x476, 87:68, ClipboardImage.png)



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41751e  No.11687596

File: cf4f477910ee365⋯.png (638.99 KB, 825x501, 275:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e2a5f  No.11687597

File: 76f715b319b0a82⋯.png (553.68 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, ECBEC5FB_B295_4220_A319_36….png)



I’d pay attention to the other two fucks that weren’t there either

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a2e4ac  No.11687598


Need them foreigners in their meat plants.

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9be4f5  No.11687599

File: f031573df7a35de⋯.png (115.8 KB, 631x552, 631:552, ClipboardImage.png)


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1c4d49  No.11687600

File: c5df77e8160fdcb⋯.png (19.81 KB, 556x204, 139:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d9f974f8ac25a3⋯.png (368.65 KB, 607x726, 607:726, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dcabb7f95b4164⋯.png (26.46 KB, 568x285, 568:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8387a90884d66fa⋯.png (21.96 KB, 630x216, 35:12, ClipboardImage.png)

'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

Officials in Wayne County, Michigan - home to the city of Detroit, have refused to certify the results of the Nov. 3 election, after the Board of Canvassers have deadlocked in a 2-2 vote along party lines.

Both Republican members of the board refused to move forward amid discrepancies discovered in absentee ballot poll books - issues which were previously noted in the county's summer primary and the November 2016 election, according to Just the News.

During the meeting, Democrat member Jonathan Kinloch objected, saying "I smell politics at the core of this action," adding "I smell the games."

According to Michigan GOP Chair Laura Cox, "enough evidence of irregularities and potential voter fraud was uncovered" during the election to trigger the deadlock.


Michigan has a system where panels of citizens (2 D’s, 2 R’s) have to certify vote totals. Usually 4-0 approved. This year, R’s statewide discussed not approving them and splitting to a deadlock. This appears to be part of that effort in Wayne County.

This county covers Detroit. The panel R’s said they would approve everywhere *but* Detroit, building strong case for an inherent racial discrimination claim in a future voting lawsuit. But this is extremely concerning. Counties that fail to certify send evidence to Secretary of State (a Dem) and State Board of Canvassers to certify. State Board similarly split (2 D’s, 2 R’s). In the end obstruction is unlikely to work. But it is a clear effort to deligitimize election and delay.

A winner of Wayne County (Biden, or someone else who won an election there) may want to bring a state lawsuit about this. While it’s not clear there is a proper claim to make, a judge might ask the panel to give evidence of why it is suddenly deadlocked, or order them to certify.


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478a97  No.11687601


Actually yes.

I mean these people drive down the highway, in their car, with masks on.

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dee4d4  No.11687602

>>11687324 lb

Watched 3 1/2 minutes of it. (couldn't take it anymore). He's a clone or something not human. Sounds like 0bama. Creepy AF.

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fd83ef  No.11687603


Put that in as exhibit 450, right after Coomer saying on tape that "the elections won't be a problem, I've taken care of that."

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ffe9a4  No.11687604


Come to Costa Rica, we have no addresses. It's literally "where the streets have no name" Kek

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439ba2  No.11687605

File: 19be10bb8acbe8e⋯.png (44.48 KB, 596x431, 596:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!


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f2c420  No.11687606

File: 35918ec2a83d5ec⋯.jpg (381.7 KB, 1080x1861, 1080:1861, 20201117_180608.jpg)


Spy or compromised?

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a36af0  No.11687607

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faf301  No.11687608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1c0634  No.11687609


48 hour rule MINIMUM these days. Fake News tryin'a take out every damn Republican.

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478a97  No.11687610


He use to join us on 8ch back in the day.

I miss chatting with him.

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b721dc  No.11687611


So sad .. prayers for Tracy

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bc4d5f  No.11687612

File: 853f856f82aa794⋯.png (50.79 KB, 1000x389, 1000:389, 4951.png)

Just a theory for Double Meanings Exist.

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bf49aa  No.11687613


isnt pompeo in turkey?


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98863f  No.11687614

File: c58c430e24140e8⋯.jpeg (230.59 KB, 1500x1159, 1500:1159, 17B588D1_3616_4A54_976F_B….jpeg)

File: af0d1e8b7b64bdf⋯.jpeg (109.46 KB, 862x1149, 862:1149, 31808487_FE20_4415_B9C1_4….jpeg)

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faf301  No.11687615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc4277  No.11687616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sidney Powell With Mark Steyn


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75e81e  No.11687617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blaming Wuhan The Documentary 武汉 2020 中文字幕


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ae0e76  No.11687618

File: 732351a712abd7c⋯.png (374.97 KB, 822x832, 411:416, cowboy_up_pepe.png)

File: 530df3cce337ad2⋯.jpeg (265.95 KB, 1242x1203, 414:401, TrumpCowboy.jpeg)

File: ecc6039f0306585⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 469x490, 67:70, Crazy_Cowboy.jpg)

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c24e19  No.11687619

File: db1699825fae064⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, NCSWIC.png)


Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

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2757ae  No.11687620

File: a131fc7c00ded34⋯.jpg (79.43 KB, 599x493, 599:493, Az_Vaccine.jpg)

Anyone else hear about this?


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8f4eab  No.11687621

File: a36d3ce5dc6ce65⋯.png (7.12 KB, 818x105, 818:105, ClipboardImage.png)

aww, you poor bastard!

How does it feel to have the stick shoved in your ass bitch?

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1de3b9  No.11687622

File: 9add83f2ba1bc58⋯.png (25.77 KB, 1385x76, 1385:76, Chris_K1.png)

File: 2ad9cf562387f24⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Chris_K2.jpg)

Sure didn't take long for wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info!

Looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?


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ae4c93  No.11687623


A lot of US expats in Puerto Rico because the Income Tax there is 4%.

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8a16f3  No.11687624

==Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

From 2019:

An online letter in Ito’s defense, which first appeared on Monday, described Ito as a “visionary director” and a person of integrity — and asked him explicitly not to resign his post. By Wednesday, more than 160 people from Ito’s social network in Cambridge and beyond had signed on.

The biomedical engineer Robert Langer was one of the letter’s early signatories. In an interview, Langer — who has a role in the Lab’s administration — cited work to help amputees and to attract more diverse fellows to campus from groups that might otherwise be underrepresented, among other Ito initiatives. “To me, the tremendously good things he’s done for MIT and for the world — so far outweigh the bad things,” Langer said.

Earlier this week, MIT president L. Rafael Reif shared his own apology and resolved to donate $800,000 — the total sum of Epstein's contributions to MIT — to an “appropriate charity.” Reif also announced a review of the Institute’s practices around private giving.

Langer said he supported that initiative, but noted that “there are people who are gonna complain about everything" when it comes to researchers receiving private contributions.He noted that at MIT, the recipients are typically "trying our best to help improve and save people’s lives.”


Last week, director Joi Ito publicly apologized for what he called an "error in judgment" for inviting Epstein to the Media Lab, and for accepting donations from Epstein's foundations to the lab, as well as investments in several of Ito's outside funds. Ito said he also visited several of Epstein's residences, although he said that he "was never involved in, never heard him talk about, and never saw any evidence of the horrific acts that he was accused of."

Epstein died earlier this month, in an apparent suicide in a New York jail. He was facing accusations of sex trafficking and abusing young girls. Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges of soliciting prostitution from a minor. Ito wrote that he met Epstein "through a trusted business friend" at a conference in 2013.

On Tuesday, Ethan Zuckerman, who leads the Center for Civic Media at MIT and teaches at the Media Lab, wrote on his website that the "scale of Joi's involvement" made it clear he had to move his work out of the Media Lab by the end of the academic year. His decision was first reported by The Boston Globe.

"The work my group does focuses on social justice and on the inclusion of marginalized individuals and points of view," Zuckerman wrote. "It’s hard to do that work with a straight face in a place that violated its own values so clearly in working with Epstein and in disguising that relationship."

Zuckerman also said that Ito asked him to meet Epstein in 2014, and Zuckerman refused "and urged [Ito] not to meet with him."


MIT Scientist Bob Langer Becomes A Billionaire Thanks To Moderna Stock Rally


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a36af0  No.11687625


How is mail addressed to you..ie how do they know who to deliver it to?

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1903a2  No.11687626


she is alive and her famil yis safe

the stuff can be replaced

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24c4b8  No.11687627

File: a56e083b87d4feb⋯.jpeg (222.17 KB, 828x1213, 828:1213, 8C79F38F_EC72_49E1_BA35_4….jpeg)


The build up is palpable

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1c4d49  No.11687628

File: 7bb5e81644087b3⋯.png (20.96 KB, 566x206, 283:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d94782150106f9d⋯.png (414.32 KB, 477x376, 477:376, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 220190d3ae1ec88⋯.png (334.01 KB, 546x501, 182:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 878679f804c2e03⋯.png (38.19 KB, 895x271, 895:271, ClipboardImage.png)

China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

Chinese President Xi Jinping told the 12th BRICS summit via video link on Tuesday that the global economy is experiencing "the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s" according to state media Xinhua.

He made the remarks while urging BRICS countries to cooperate in maintaining multilateralism which he said is a greater guarantee to "safeguard world peace and stability" during the tumultuous challenges of COVID-19.

According to Xinhua, Xi also urged "openness and innovation to facilitate global economic recovery, as well as green and low-carbon development."

"At present, the world is caught between the most serious pandemic in the past century and momentous changes never seen in the last one hundred years," Xi said.

"Despite all this, we remain convinced that the theme of our times — peace and development — has not changed, and that the trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization cannot be turned around," the Chinese president added.

His proposals during the speech to lift the global economy out of COVID recession were summarized as follows in state sources:

Upholding multilateralism and safeguarding world peace and stability;

Deepening solidarity and cooperation in jointly coping with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic;

Upholding openness and innovation to boost global economic recovery;

Prioritizing people's livelihood and promoting sustainable development across the world;

Upholding green and low-carbon development and promoting harmonious co-existence of man and nature.

Xi gave the speech also on the heels of Sunday's historic signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, which had been eight years in the making.

The RCEP agreement was signed during the annual summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and effectively established the world's largest trading block that is expected to encompass almost one-third of all global economic activity, crucially without the United States. It will go down in history as the biggest free trade deal ever among fifteen Asia Pacific Nations and involves ten ASEAN bloc member nations including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – and additionally their trade partners Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea.

This past weekend China's Premier Li Keqiang was cited in state media as hailing it as a "victory against protectionism" and in international media reports called it "a coup for China" which will bolster Chinese claims that it remains a "champion of globalization and multilateral cooperation".

"The signing of the RCEP is not only a landmark achievement of East Asian regional cooperation, but also a victory of multilateralism and free trade," Li said, after it's been in negotiations for eight years.

This is a theme that Xi picked up on during his Tuesday speech which offered multilateralism as the chief antidote to lift the region out of recession.


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8f4eab  No.11687629

File: f923efb4b3b5581⋯.png (78.27 KB, 839x763, 839:763, ClipboardImage.png)

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cde2b5  No.11687630


While I stand chagrined…is that all she had to say? And you BASE that for your loyalty.

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e384d9  No.11687631

Sorry about you're (-88%) parler ROI yoy were to greedy to stick me with.

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814de5  No.11687632

File: 362d5c3888498d9⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 448x252, 16:9, ForbiddenPlanet_Id_Roar_sm.gif)



Do you feel it anons?

Growing stronger…

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73a6d5  No.11687634

File: fc170fa2ee34cfd⋯.jpg (26.86 KB, 273x480, 91:160, cleavonlittle12_1.jpg)

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6212a6  No.11687635

What if, Anons were right all along?

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cefc8c  No.11687636

Just found this article. Very interesting. Links John Podesta to George Soros and the Jesuits. It's long so I'm just pulling clips.


09/11/2020  Posted by Mary Anne Hackett

DETROIT (ChurchMilitant.com) – In the past four years, Jesuit institutions have received at least $1.7 million in donations from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) that are funded by plutocrat George Soros.

By examining documents recorded on the internet, it’s evident that the Jesuits’ biggest recipient of Soros’ largesse is the U.S.-based Jesuit Worldwide Learning.

In 2016, the organization received $890,000, while, in 2018, it garnered another $410,000. This was the only one of the three Jesuit institutions to recognize the Soros Foundations as a “partner.”

…When WikiLeaks revealed the emails of the Democratic National Committee and various allied groups in advance of the 2016 presidential election, it found that the president of Voices for Progress, Sandy Newman, conspired in 2012 with John Podesta of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress to promote contraception as a “revolution” to overthrow the “middle ages dictatorship” of the Catholic Church.

Podesta wrote, “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good [CACG] to organize for a moment like this.” According to its Facebook page, “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good promote the social justice mission of Pope Francis and the Catholic Church in U.S. politics, media and culture.”

CACG was prominent in pushing for national health care legislation that became known as Obamacare, which Catholic bishops criticized for lacking conscience provisions to prevent Catholic hospitals from performing abortions. Also, CACG was one of some 16 others to receive $4.5 million in Soros funds. Podesta served as chief of staff in the Clinton administration and, later, as a counselor in the Obama administration.

…PICO uses Alinsky-style organizing tactics to advance the doctrines of the religious Left.Tweet

In the missive, the pope praised People Improving Communities through Organizing (PICO), writing that the group’s name is a “great synthesis of the mission of popular movements: to work locally, side by side with your neighbors, organizing among yourselves to make your communities thrive.” Funded by Soros, the leftist Discover the Networks website describes PICO as a group using “Alinsky-style organizing tactics to advance the doctrines of the religious Left.”

There has long been an alliance between sectors of the Catholic hierarchy and progressives. In her four-volume Change Agents: Alinskyian Organizing Among Religious Bodies and Organizing the Culture of Death: Using Congregations for Progressive Politics Through Alinskyian Organizing, investigative journalist and author Stephanie Block recounts how radical progressives, inspired by the atheist community organizer Saul Alinsky, infiltrated Jewish and Christian congregations and organizations to advance leftist goals. Ironically, Alinsky’s famed book Rules for Radicals is dedicated to Lucifer — the original rebel.


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a36af0  No.11687637


I swear I was chatting w him one night.

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b721dc  No.11687638


Ikr… and Dan Crenshaw and Rio Ferdinand.

Cant trust any of these people.

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bd8eeb  No.11687639

File: f81b4fac5feac8e⋯.jpg (206.1 KB, 720x1137, 240:379, 20201117_190529.jpg)

File: 4d5683f18591daf⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, NX6Tq0G3nOU1ogG8.mp4)


Floyd County, GA: After a FULL day of rescanning, counting, & software techs troubleshooting, election officials (while VERY transparent), still had NO answer as to what caused 2700 votes to go

uncounted. Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!

look how NERVOUS these guys are , checking their watches, looking at each other for answers, PANIC

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fa8586  No.11687640

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 100

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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22b16c  No.11687641

how i know the majority are gamergators


gamerghazi strangley interrested into qresearch notables

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cde2b5  No.11687642


There is something terribly WRONG with you.

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439ba2  No.11687643



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5a9171  No.11687644

File: c40c554ccd3da8f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1360x765, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 507671df84faedd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 946.28 KB, 800x1086, 400:543, ClipboardImage.png)



come for the black flies, stay for the fine dining.

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8f4eab  No.11687645

File: 23dccd2b559b7f7⋯.png (24.41 KB, 841x160, 841:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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109ea3  No.11687646

File: 5c98e0a1db8b5ba⋯.png (986.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ee183  No.11687647


Be there at 0800 sharp.

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cc4277  No.11687648

File: ac5986e8bdba36b⋯.png (636.23 KB, 709x411, 709:411, ClipboardImage.png)

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9be4f5  No.11687649

File: de17bb65ce04832⋯.png (74.73 KB, 598x419, 598:419, ClipboardImage.png)


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ae0e76  No.11687650

>>11687300 lb

Christopher Wray Financials…continued

Newsweek article:

Christopher Wray can look forward to a healthy salary if he is confirmed as FBI director, but he will have to take a massive pay cut from what he has been taking home in recent years. Wray will face a Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday as lawmakers weigh whether he is the man to replace James Comey, who was fired by President Donald Trump in May.

Comey earned a salary of $172,000, according to U.S. Office of Personnel Management documents. While that's more than $100,000 more than the median U.S. household income, it's around $9 million less than Wray has pocketed in the past 18 months.

Since January 2016, the 50-year-old made $9.2 million as a private lawyer at the firm King & Spalding, according to his financial disclosure form released earlier this week. The form lists 20 clients who paid him more than $5,000 since January 2015, including New Jersey governor, and early Trump backer, Chris Christie.

His wealth does not end there. From his 20 pages of listed assets, Wray is shown to be worth $23 million to $42 million, according to a calculation from the Wall Street Journal. His appointment would help maintain the Trump administration's position as one of the wealthiest in memory. And thus, while Wray's salary will take a substantial hit if confirmed by the FBI, his net worth should help soften the blow.

Wray, described by Trump as a man of "impeccable credentials" when nominating him last month, also will have the comfort of knowing that he will be entitled to a pension under the Federal Employees Retirement System. There is a warning, though, if Wray gets on the wrong side of Trump, or Trump's successor. It emerged when Comey was abruptly fired that, according to the Office of Personnel Management, presidential appointments aren't entitled to severance pay.

FBI directors are, however, granted 10-year terms in order to insulate them from politics and partisanship. Thus, even if Trump is replaced by a Democrat in the White House it does not mean Wray will lose his comfortable salary.

Wray is no stranger to working in Washington. From 2003 to 2005 he worked as assistant attorney general when he oversaw the Department of Justice's criminal division. Wray was nominated by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate.

He will now go back before the Senate Wednesday looking to avoid becoming only the second individual to have his FBI director nomination withdrawn by the president since hearings began in 1973.

Sauce: https://www.newsweek.com/fbi-director-christopher-wray-pay-cut-635176

Christopher A. Wray's Financial Disclosure - 2014 - Current FBI Director

Worth 10's of millions

PDF attached:



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b721dc  No.11687651


any leads? i hope they get whoever did this… its hard to think it was accidental at this point in the 'Game'

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9be624  No.11687652


Interdasting date. 2 days before electoral college meets in DC

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9ac0ed  No.11687653


What does Crenshaw think 2500 troops are doing there besides being targets?

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b6c44e  No.11687654


I was late to the party. Wish I coulda seent that shit live.

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fd83ef  No.11687655


Deleted by the Don or by Twat?

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196ad9  No.11687656


PR is a territory if the us. Not sure you can be an expat there?

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f2c420  No.11687657

File: 3200e32ec9d335c⋯.jpg (293.34 KB, 606x734, 303:367, 1604454963414.jpg)

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a767ec  No.11687658

File: 7fbb969e7f3391f⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 1024x811, 1024:811, dreams_metroeve_gallows_dr….jpg)

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0640b0  No.11687659

File: 87decf8e8d7cb14⋯.png (104.34 KB, 361x303, 361:303, curler.png)

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1c4d49  No.11687660

File: bbef5bffa7c226d⋯.png (355.7 KB, 591x732, 197:244, ClipboardImage.png)

BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

President Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania when all of a sudden vote counting came to a halt.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia stopped counting ballots on election night.

This is when crooked officials in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh got to work stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Millions of ballots appeared within a few days and hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted for Joe Biden as officials blocked GOP poll observers from having access to the vote counting centers.

GOP poll observers and lawyers for President Trump’s campaign were blocked from observing the process despite a court order from an appellate judge.

According to the court order, GOP observers must be allowed within 6 feet of the ballot counting.

Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said all the state law requires is observers be allowed “‘in the room’ where ballots are counted. The law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.”

GOP observers using binoculars could not see the ballot counters.

What is the point of allowing poll watchers in the vote counting centers if they cannot properly observe what the ballot counters are actually doing?

Philly poll watcher: We couldn’t see anything



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3183a1  No.11687661


macron looks nuts.

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133126  No.11687662

File: 81ce027e9b0739e⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1738x1626, 869:813, laughs_in_habbening.png)

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c1e9ec  No.11687663


PIZZA fortune you khunt make this shit up

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2936b4  No.11687664


Crenshaw's a little too… zoggy for my taste.

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4cc1d4  No.11687665

Once these elections have been certified – those who signed the certification


Good times ahead for us with so many KeKs

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2e1fa4  No.11687666

File: 6cfefa35078a56d⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 868x493, 868:493, are_we_not_united.jpg)

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439ba2  No.11687667

File: 2afe84b3edb83f6⋯.png (22.47 KB, 594x211, 594:211, ClipboardImage.png)



Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!


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a89525  No.11687668


So first Trump says the election was impenetrable to foreign powers, because of his admin. Then says the dems, et al, were more successful?

But why then is this whole dominion scandal bringing in China, Venezuela, Germany, and Spain? Isn't that penetration of foreign powers? So how exactly did Trump stop that, and how were the dems somehow even more successful??

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bf49aa  No.11687669

File: a1dbecb91aaa185⋯.png (296.23 KB, 737x365, 737:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3a118fd2e54a4a⋯.png (95.21 KB, 873x360, 97:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7b583e84739717⋯.png (615.55 KB, 985x746, 985:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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af4661  No.11687670


Graham WormTongue

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fa8586  No.11687671

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 150

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687574 Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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9f5a60  No.11687672

File: c334b74b0ebde47⋯.png (185.55 KB, 607x341, 607:341, misonrevaldt.png)

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305592  No.11687673

File: ee4ea7bfe9b25ae⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1647x5779, 1647:5779, Screenshot_2020_11_17_DHS_….png)

Reposting Mary Fanning and Alan Jones Nov. 13, 2020 article re Chris Krebs

Can't copy pasta it.

Can't right click it.

Helping out the Anon from previous thread. I was able to screenshot the entire page even though right click disabled.

It's an amazing article, worth a read.


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dbc1e2  No.11687674

So this Robert David Steele made the notables?

"We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride, so that once they get to Mars, they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony," Steele told Jones, the founder of the controversial InfoWars website.


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ffe9a4  No.11687675


We give explanations with points of references and sometimes it's just hilarious…… 300 mts north of the big Guanacaste tree at the intersection in direction San Jose, second house on the right, green color….. San Ramon, Alajuela, Costa Rica……. and guess what, it gets there…… Kek

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f2c420  No.11687676


He fucks grandmas… of course he's nuts.

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9ae799  No.11687677

File: fed8179b7ccc49b⋯.png (290.85 KB, 537x436, 537:436, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66bcc2fe1422af0⋯.png (131.26 KB, 770x747, 770:747, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny you say that



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e384d9  No.11687678



I know I'm so tired of winning.

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ba83fc  No.11687679

File: 7b2068c9e9be92a⋯.png (382.62 KB, 600x372, 50:31, where_have_you_gone_billy_….png)

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b721dc  No.11687681


bout what.. numb nuts?

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a2e4ac  No.11687682


Beanz is a suspect in my book

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b0299c  No.11687683

>>11686773 (pb)

>I think Breitbart is comped now.

AH, son, welcome to the light. Now research Lipstick Alley. It's a nigger message board and holy shit. Reading there might give you brain cancer the stupid is so huge. However, it's primarily a hate group. Literally. Not like nigger or whatever…flat out hate. It's kangz and quans who are so FUCKING stupid it oozes from every post. (IE they went wild over the CDC post about it not being necessary to wash chicken because cooking it kills germs–they ranted for days that the CDC was racissss and trying to commit genocide against them.)

Now that I've outlined the stupid, guess who owns lipstick alley?

come on, guess.

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bd8eeb  No.11687684


That's not a good list to be associated with

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6212a6  No.11687685

File: c3ec3f2f8ac7965⋯.png (64.18 KB, 580x858, 290:429, ClipboardImage.png)


The Torch Has Been Lit

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663313  No.11687686

Glad to read Krebs got axed today. Beautiful news, just need Wray and Haspel to go now.

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2d7f01  No.11687687


>Sure didn't take long for wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info!

kek it's actually a sport where many race to be first with major updates

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ac726f  No.11687688

File: e730e78b05eae1c⋯.png (41.63 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


The former Soviet archives have produced a previously secret speech that Stalin delivered on August 19, 1939, four days before the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact was signed in Moscow on August 23. Stalin explained that peace prevented the spread of communism; war, on the other hand, provided the destruction and destabilization that was the entrée to revolution:

Comrades! It is in the interest of the USSR, the Land of the Toilers, that war breaks out between the [German] Reich and the capitalist Anglo-French bloc. Everything must be done so that the war lasts as long as possible in order that both sides become exhausted. Namely for this reason we must agree to the pact proposed by Germany, and use it so that once this war is declared, it will last for a maximum amount of time.

In Stalin’s mind, if the Nazis were defeated “the Sovietization of Germany follows inevitably and a Communist government will be established.” And if the war had weakened the Western allies enough, “This will likewise ensure the Sovietization of France.”

Richard Eberling, May 9, 2016

The Future of Freedom Foundation, fff.org

Setting the Record Straight: How Stalin Used Hitler To Start World War II

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dd9956  No.11687689


It is only through celebrity and success that some of the unwilling participants are able to escape. Possibly compromised seeking to redeem herself.

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2757ae  No.11687690


Should I wear my Freemason costume?

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54ba95  No.11687691

File: 7290ea98b9bee5a⋯.png (395.04 KB, 535x512, 535:512, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Trac….png)

I have lost my home today - to a horrific fire. Everyone is safe and alive. But I’ve lost everything. Prayers are so needed.


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926a55  No.11687692

Final tally 31-19

Trump inauguration Jan 2021

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a36af0  No.11687693


Kek. Love it!

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24c4b8  No.11687694

Deepstate traitors will lose their will to fight and begin to “get their affairs in order” before the end of this sentence.

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000000  No.11687695


I just want all parents that abuse their children to get off scot free, Lin Wood is the man for the job. How's that make something wrong with me?

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1903a2  No.11687697

File: a4667e686bd58be⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download.jpg)


fuck this shit


Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

Experts say a COVID-19 vaccine mandate might be difficult to enforce, so public education or a limited mandate might be better solutions. Getty Images

Experts say it appears government agencies and even employers can require people to get a COVID-19 vaccine once it’s available.

However, they say such a mandate might be difficult to enforce, so public education might be a better option.

Another alternative would be to mandate that healthcare workers and people in high-risk groups get vaccinated.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 outbreak.

It’s still a long ways away, but the debate over COVID-19 vaccinations has already begun.

And if recent experiences with measles vaccines and face masks are any indication, all those months of waiting might be needed to have enough time to build public support.

Dr. Anthony FauciTrusted Source, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Congress on Friday that he’s cautiously optimistic that we’ll have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021.

But as researchers race to develop and test potential vaccines, groups have shown up at rallies against lockdown orders or face mask requirements. And there’s skepticism in even the less-extreme segments of the population as well.

A May survey found that less than two-thirds of U.S. adults were “very” or “somewhat” interested in getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

In a different survey, nearly a quarter said they wouldn’t be willing to get a COVID-19 vaccine, including nearly two-thirds of those who were skeptical of vaccines in general.

And a June survey found about 27 percent of adults would “probably” or “definitely” not get a COVID-19 vaccine.

“One group will start running and rolling up their sleeves, and one group is not so sure and will wait to see if anything bad happens and then consider it,” Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told Healthline.

Skepticism about an as-yet unproven and nonexistent medication that promises to return the world to “normal” life may seem understandable for now.

But the open, albeit still hypothetical, question is whether that skepticism will remain if a vaccine has been proven safe and effective.

If so, can governments or employers mandate that people get vaccinated? And will they?

The answer to the first question appears to be yes. There are already vaccine requirements for diseases, such as measles or tuberculosis, to attend or work at many schools.

And there are requirements for diseases such as polio to travel to most countries.

Certain exemptions to those requirements have been tightened up in many states as high-profile outbreaks of measles in places like Disneyland revealed the extent of the anti-vaccination movement in some communities.

But while voluntary compliance in the name of protecting yourself and others is ideal, the anti-vaccination movement underlines why the nation might need requirements in an emergency, such as the current pandemic.

“What concerns me is when I see the types of fights over wearing a mask. I can’t even imagine what would happen over vaccines,” said Debbie Kaminer, a law professor at Baruch College in New York who has written about the legal questions around vaccination laws and exemptions.


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a767ec  No.11687698

File: b1530132494a111⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 259x194, 259:194, notable.jpg)

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2936b4  No.11687699



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1c4d49  No.11687700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

Russ Ramsland: We have been out looking mostly at Michigan. We are beginning on turning our sights on Pennsylvania and Georgia. The things you find in Michigan are amazing. There are over 3,000 precincts where the presidential votes cast compared to the estimated voters from the SOS (Secretary of State) is 99% all the way up to 350%. Those kind of numbers don’t exist in the real world. So where did all those votes come from? And looking at that, we’ve gone back and looked at some of these huge vote dumps that were mostly Biden’s. We call them spikes. We’ve gone back and traced the spikes. We’ve seen where they were cast, primarily in four counties. We looked at how long it took to cast those votes. And we looked at the equipment that exists at all of those locations by serial number. And the fact of the matter is we can’t see any physical way possible for some of those votes to have been in those kind of numbers because they just don’t have the equipment that can produce it in that timing.


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3fe4ff  No.11687701

oh no

they threw schumer's great big johnson into the wood pile of faggots

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b1613b  No.11687702

File: bab3c4fc4c0a35d⋯.jpg (120.4 KB, 768x380, 192:95, macron_eiffel_tower_le_gay.jpg)

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fd83ef  No.11687703

Any Banker anons here?

Digging on the Roths yesterday, a 2013 blog that indicated there were only 3 banks NOT controlled by the Roths: Cuba, North Korea, and Iran.

Do we know the status today?

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26bbd4  No.11687704

File: 7c9af2770b33ac9⋯.png (560.53 KB, 520x442, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d75b5365134afd⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 520x444, 130:111, BrianRuhe.jpg)



The All.Lies Enslaved Eastern Europe

By enabling the communists:

Lend Lease. Every single military truck. Machinery. Fuel.

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cfef19  No.11687705

File: 908f046673ff2a6⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 255x215, 51:43, d6eb32124b17ec5bac4316ed70….jpg)

who's joining me?

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eaf21a  No.11687706

File: f4c26200399abd1⋯.png (748.93 KB, 806x703, 806:703, ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor


I want to see this faggot hanged by his entrails with his cock shoved down his throat.

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cc4277  No.11687707

File: cad23827340920f⋯.png (27.6 KB, 611x229, 611:229, ClipboardImage.png)


@realDonaldTrump"Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!"https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328883405837258753

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cde2b5  No.11687708


It is quite obvious at this point that that is all that is being waited on, to see just how far into their quagmire they will go. The notice was sent out; [they] all knew [they] were being cat-dogged at every turn…silly wabbits.

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9f5a60  No.11687709

File: 7261399f55692c0⋯.png (244.98 KB, 520x520, 1:1, deathcult.png)

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814de5  No.11687710


Strange you'd care fren.(OLDOldfag)

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b0299c  No.11687711


She's just acting as a ratings keeper now. She's borg trying not to lose voters.

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ef275e  No.11687712

'Egyptian spy' who worked in Angela Merkel's press office for 20 years charged in Germany

16 Nov, 2020 18:08

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'Egyptian spy' who worked in Angela Merkel's press office for 20 years charged in Germany

FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / dpa / Matthias Bein


Follow RT onRT

German prosecutors have charged an alleged Egyptian spy who worked in Chancellor Angela Merkel's press office in Berlin for 20 years, claiming his espionage efforts date back to at least July 2010.

Identified in a statement from the German Federal Prosecutor's Office on Monday as Amin K., the suspect first joined the German government's press office in 1999 in the area of ​​visitor services, and worked there until 2019, when he came under investigation.

German news outlets reported that he'd worked as a mid-level employee, meaning he would have taken a special exam and undergone at least two years of vocational training to get the job.

The suspect, a German citizen, is alleged to have aided Egyptian intelligence by "observing and evaluating the media with regard to German domestic and foreign policy," prosecutors said. The charges also claim Amin K participated in an unsuccessful bid to "recruit a source for the Egyptian secret service" by providing them with "the necessary contact."

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a9d303  No.11687713

File: ac81cbfb51dcfe5⋯.jpeg (157.96 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, 9FFFB690_B842_4CB2_8568_D….jpeg)

File: f53eba531c92c10⋯.jpeg (202.01 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, 8F070C92_4D31_4ABF_BC00_B….jpeg)


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8e18b6  No.11687714

File: 0a6917b8ee99a51⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 481x641, 481:641, 0a6917b8ee99a512a32a5e5f78….jpg)


…walk in the country…with a mask on; bike, with a mask on; walk the dog, play soccer (saw that at a local high school)…

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9f5a60  No.11687715

File: 8e35a248572cf25⋯.png (211.42 KB, 693x390, 231:130, NOTHINGSTOPSTHISREDWAVE.png)

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b721dc  No.11687716


Shes been on my radar since pizza days… i think shes cool.. lots of uncalled for dislike for youtubers on the boards.

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e02f67  No.11687717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==God I love this video, “Thunderstruck”, enjoy night shift anons, this will get you through”

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1903a2  No.11687718



continued: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-vaccination-refusal-mandate

Plan A: Education

Kaminer recently wrote about the legality of states and employers requiring people to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

In her column, she writes, “People are often surprised to learn that states would likely have the legal right to enforce such a rule.”

Still, the ideal scenario would be compliance through public education. To Kaminer, though, that public education needs to have already begun by now — not once a vaccine is available.

“At the very least, there should be an enormous public education campaign going on right now, and that really hasn’t been happening the way it should,” she told Healthline.

Kaminer says a big part of that should be relying on people who can get the attention of particular communities.

She notes how polio vaccine rates surged after a young Elvis Presley got the vaccine on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1956, and how the Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association played a key role in convincing some people in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods to get the measles vaccine amid an outbreak in New York last year.

“Find the people who communities listen to and start that campaign now,” Kaminer said.

The catch could be that the opposite may be true in communities skeptical of a vaccine.

An April study found Americans who voted for President Donald Trump are more concerned about potential harms of vaccines than other voters, and that the president’s tweets can firm up their opposition.

But it can also work both ways.

In one of the earlier surveys about attitudes toward a potential COVID-19 vaccine, more than a third of respondents said they would be less — not more — willing to get a vaccine if President Trump said it was safe.

Only 14 percent said Trump saying it was safe would make them more willing to get it.

“We have both anti-vaxxers and those who don’t trust Trump, who think he just wants to say he has a vaccine,” Kaminer noted. “So there’s people on both sides.”

That makes this a unique situation, she says, adding that the name of the current White House vaccine project doesn’t help.

“I could not think of a worse name than Operation Warp Speed,” Kaminer said.

That’s because the title implies the vaccine is being rushed through.


Until you get through this, count on our support

In difficult times, you need to be able to turn to experts who understand and can help strengthen your mental well-being. We’re here for you.


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214524  No.11687719


I'm not saying this report is accurate.

But it does beg the question,

How do you dig out the deepest planted globalist ticks?



Or are they doing the digging?

Double agents?

This movie is very frustrating. But it's better than any work of fiction I have ever encountered.

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f2c420  No.11687720

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478a97  No.11687721


You probably were.

He's a good guy. Just has seen a lot of shit in Hollywood.

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2757ae  No.11687722


I was wondering several years ago if Trump handed NK to the Roths…

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ae4c93  No.11687723


a technicality. I know a lot of entrepreneurs who've moved there. They only have to be in PR for 6 months out of the year to qualify for the low tax rate. Beach community.

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3fe4ff  No.11687724

oh wow

the stateisms just blend right into the homicidal murderer creepypasta trannys

must /b/ pedogold shekels

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e106d9  No.11687725

File: 6d1aaf798c7b613⋯.jpeg (262.73 KB, 750x625, 6:5, A5922AE4_4C71_4AA5_BA1B_3….jpeg)

WTF is the deal with pushing the vaccine? What is Operation Warp Speed? Comms for what? It can’t be literal knowing what we know about the fake pandemic to progress a reset, supposedly. Anyone, please?

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1c4d49  No.11687726

File: fb32eeb89002aca⋯.png (395.44 KB, 941x859, 941:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1e18709b048bf2⋯.png (134.12 KB, 612x410, 306:205, ClipboardImage.png)


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26bbd4  No.11687727

File: 0eb2d3420dc5c60⋯.png (560.34 KB, 520x442, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)


For grammar kitty!

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000000  No.11687728




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7192ad  No.11687729


me and thanks for the reminder, Jah bless!

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68517d  No.11687730


Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr was a eugenicist

and tainted the Judicial branch

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98863f  No.11687732

File: 086650e50920e56⋯.jpeg (169.29 KB, 1588x1059, 1588:1059, D8F6A914_37BE_4F56_866F_0….jpeg)

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5a0206  No.11687733

File: d799c2b5e52a57e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 837x1220, 837:1220, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 835bc9985853c9d⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)


Always ready!

#USArmy Infantrymen conduct training at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska as part of the Advanced Leadership Course.

The 18 day course is designed to further the NCO's leadership skills.

by Sgt. Seth LaCount

#ArmyTeam | #TrainedAndReady


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a2e4ac  No.11687734


I don't trust anyone on television.

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ffe9a4  No.11687735


problem is when they cut the friggin tree….. 300mts north of where the big Guanacaste tree used to be…… kek kek kek kek

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468b96  No.11687736

File: f95d4a8fea12b57⋯.png (1.85 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, DF4F3575_9CE1_4663_A356_F5….png)

BOBBY11 landing around Wright Patterson after super long flight

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1903a2  No.11687737




continued: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-vaccination-refusal-mandate

Plan B: Targeted mandates

So, with education an ideal but tricky option in the current scenario, requiring certain high-risk groups could be an important tool.

This would include before the vaccine becomes plentiful and widely available.

“When vaccines first become available, they won’t be available in a sufficient quantities to vaccine everyone on day one,” Schaffner said.

As in past emergencies, such as 2009’s H1N1 outbreakTrusted Source and 2014’s Ebola outbreakTrusted Source, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee is going through a “very rigorous process… to figure out, to put it colloquially, who should go to the front of the line, who should go to the middle of the line, and who should wait a little bit,” Schaffner said.

He notes that education has an important role to play here, too, and that it would be important to be transparent about who’s getting the vaccine and why.

But, Schaffner says, there appears to be a “rather a uniform opinion in surveys that the first folks should be healthcare workers in contact with COVID, because we need to keep them as healthy as possible so they can take care of people with COVID and not get sick themselves.”

The CDC committee’s emerging thinking appears to follow that idea, with a preliminary five-tier sketch of the plan placing those workers in the top tier, followed by others working in healthcare and essential jobs, as well as those deemed high-risk of severe COVID-19 complications.

Schaffner says attention is being paid to focus equity and make sure all segments of the population are considered as any prioritization scheme is set up.

But as for requiring certain segments to get it once it’s available to everyone, the picture is less clear.

As for employers being able to require a COVID-19 vaccine, Kaminer notes in her article that while most employers would likely be hesitant to try it, they likely could, especially given the “significant cost to having an unimmunized workforce” amid the pandemic.

Schaffner says it’s possible that healthcare institutions could require workers get the COVID-19 vaccine, as some states already require they get flu shots.

Or maybe people in the armed forces would be required to get it.

But it’s just speculation for now, and Schaffner sees it’s probably unlikely.

“If you come on our property at Vanderbilt Medical Center and want to enter a building, you’re going to have your temperature taken, but that’s very different than obliging people to get a vaccine, and I don’t think that will happen,” he said.

“There may be some subpopulations where there is a requirement, but I would be hugely surprised if there’s a broader requirement,” he added.

(in between the article


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Plan C: General mandates

That broader requirement — while likely legal — would be a last resort and unlikely option, experts say.

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected multiple lawsuits stating that vaccine mandates infringed on people’s liberties.

But in addition to the potential outcry and conspiracy theories, enforcing a broad requirement may just be too difficult to enforce.

“I don’t think anybody is going to compel people to get a vaccine,” Schaffner said.

So, to avoid that, education may be key.

There may be a ways yet to go. After her article about the legal underpinnings for vaccine requirements was posted, Kaminer says “almost all” the comments were from people who were anti-vaccine.

But there’s still plenty of time.

A safe, effective vaccine is — at least — many months away.

Written by Matt Berger on August 3, 2020 — Fact checked by Maria Gifford

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2936b4  No.11687738


Take notice, but don't read too much into it. I don't think Graham could snake his way into double-crossing Trump this late in the game.

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8f4eab  No.11687739


This place is like the IRS, they hate competition.

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e7298a  No.11687740


Yeah, something about Crenshaw always rubs me the wrong way. I have zero issues calling out the "one eyed porn pirate", then again I don't trust most of the Republicans…

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5cb4b7  No.11687741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Honkler

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3fe4ff  No.11687742


maybe you are just sick in the head and a compulsive liar

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d67c00  No.11687743

File: 92315bbb1a2ee19⋯.jpg (197.51 KB, 1080x755, 216:151, Screenshot_20201118_021421….jpg)


Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

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a71ff5  No.11687744

File: 645bc10604327fd⋯.gif (710.75 KB, 500x265, 100:53, breakfast_club_weed.gif)

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bd7cc3  No.11687745

File: 75e3eb3403f6d43⋯.png (64.9 KB, 1316x606, 658:303, sjcsubpoena.png)

File: d38b56a4dd1a61b⋯.png (47.82 KB, 1254x387, 418:129, sjcsubpoena2_.png)

Chairman Graham Announces Committee to Consider Subpoena Authorization Related to Oversight of FISA Process, Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

Steve Ricchetti


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ae0e76  No.11687746

File: 5e0899b6af00d0e⋯.png (63.88 KB, 1443x425, 1443:425, wray_snip.png)

File: 91692264d0cb57b⋯.pdf (73.71 KB, Christopher_A_Wray_Financi….pdf)

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48aa19  No.11687747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Immortalys (full album)

- Ivan Torrent

Big thoughts need a big, awesome space to explore. Explore in comfy, Night Shift.



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d213ad  No.11687748


i member that..

seems like Q's plan got them NK ..

and it looks like Iran is next

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b6c44e  No.11687749


Any anons got that clip from no name's funeral at the very end where Lindsey's hobknbobbing with Huma? Two generals are looking back at it?

Good shit!

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b721dc  No.11687750


Have most states certified?? does certifying results mean arrests?

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fa8586  No.11687751

Q Research General #: DEEP STATE, SLOW SPIT ROASTED for more FLAVOR Edition

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 200


>>11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

>>11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>11687605 POTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>11687580 PF

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687574 Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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917b21  No.11687752

>>11687169 (pb)

Does the name Scytl have anything to do with this?

"Scythe" Was the corn ripe for harvesting?

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9ac0ed  No.11687753


but the MI Senate Majority Leader said the legislature will not certify their votes to go to POTUS.

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2757ae  No.11687754



Oh, Cuba has a lot of Masonic lodges there, so I am not sure I believe that the Roths are not already there.

Iran's Jewish Rulers:


I am not sure what to believe anymore…

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3243f2  No.11687755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice dub dubs.

I'm gonna go ahead and plug a jewtube livestream Re:Assange bc wth not

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80d977  No.11687756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can I go through please?

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2aa523  No.11687757


Crenshaw does seem to have the thirst for getting his name out there. I prefer the demeanor of Elise Stefanie, who presents herself when most necessary

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3fe4ff  No.11687758


digging a spammy grave

like a proud gapetriot jewfagham

so much refuge

much lies

very shelter

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10a99b  No.11687759

File: fca368f9de34d1e⋯.png (831.58 KB, 1302x733, 1302:733, r.png)

Blinky comms shit again idk

Needs to be looked into @2:30


sup with the red?

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db30df  No.11687760

How much longer will this charade go on before we go to SCOTUS?

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eaf21a  No.11687761


What part of fist-bump don't you understand, anon?

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3183a1  No.11687762

File: e4a20f97507b212⋯.jpg (215.66 KB, 1051x788, 1051:788, benzgreenbergs.jpg)


I think she's a political actress.

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000000  No.11687763

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cc4277  No.11687764

File: 02ea73fe0e946fb⋯.png (404.05 KB, 552x433, 552:433, ClipboardImage.png)


>@realDonaldTrump"Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!"https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328883405837258753




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f97a7e  No.11687765



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a2e3e3  No.11687766

File: 81a0d2b48eb0d56⋯.png (805.77 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 35D59A95_ABAD_45C9_8F53_7C….png)

DENVER, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Pols announced on Tuesday afternoon that 10 to 15 Colorado counties will move to Level Red: Severe Risk on the state's updated COVID-19 dial,including Denver, Jefferson and Arapahoe counties, on Friday.

By Tuesday evening, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment announced the full list of counties that were moving to the highest risk level before stay-at-home orders are implemented, beginning Friday:





Clear Creek




La Plata







In addition, the state will add a Level Purple: Extreme Risk to the dial. This new level will sit after Level Red. The upgraded dial goes into effect on Friday.

The new Level Purple will be used to indicate that hospitals are being overwhelmed. Under the new Level Purple, no indoor or outdoor dining will be allowed. Capacity will be greatly limited at churches and non-essential manufacturing, personal services and outdoor events and entertainment will close. No counties are at this level as of Tuesday afternoon, Polis said.

In the updated Level Red, indoor dining is temporarily closed, however, takeout, delivery and outdoor dining options are still available. Polis said they are expecting up to 15 counties to move to Level Red and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock confirmed that will include Denver County.

Counties will have until Friday to decide to move to a lockdown or stay in Level Red. Therefore, the exact counties expected to move to Level Red isn't clear. Following the Tuesday press conference, Jefferson and Arapahoe counties confirmed they will move to Level Red as well.

Hancock added that unlike March and April, Denver is more prepared to handle COVID-19 with resources, but a lack of staffing is becoming an issue for the local health care system.

Bars will remain closed and last call at restaurants serving alcohol will move from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. Gyms are allowed to operate at 10% capacity, Polis said about Level Red. Childcare will remain open. Indoor seated events will close. Offices are encouraged to switch to remote work, if possible, or have only 10% capacity in the building. Personal gatherings of any size will not be allowed.

Polis said even under Level Red, the state recommends K-5 to remain in-person, but middle school and high school should consider hybrid or remote learning models.

At-risk individuals should stay home as much as possible, he said.

"It's just not the time to see friends or be out," Polis said.

Polis said he hopes that these steps will stop a "more devastating lockdown" and will instead minimize disruptions to the economy while breaking the exponential growth of the virus. He said he believes Colorado's economy can stay open during this time and doesn't anticipate any lockdowns in the next week.

Colorado's dial previously had five levels and counties moved back and forth as conditions improved and worsened.

The levels, including the new Level Purple, are as follows, from least restrictive to most restrictive:

Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors

Level Blue: Cautious

Level Yellow: Concern

Level Orange: High Risk

Level Red: Severe Risk

Level Purple: Extreme Risk

The levels are based on several factors, including number of new cases, percent positivity of COVID tests and impact on hospitals, plus local considerations.

In order for a county to move to a less restrictive level, it must meet and sustain all three metrics for two weeks. As of Tuesday, Colorado counties were ticking up in cases and Coloradans need to do their part to stop that exponential growth, Polis said.

He noted that the COVID-19 dial is a tool, but doesn't want the public to get caught up on the colors and levels.

"There is a risk everywhere in our entire state," Polis said. "This is the riskiest time for the virus everywhere in Colorado that we have had from the very start, so no matter where you live, you should avoid interacting, to the extent possible, with people outside your household. You should wear a mask around others more than you ever have before and you should have social distancing, wash your hands when you get back if you do have to go out."

To learn more about the COVID-19 dial, click here to visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's website.

Both Hancock and Polis said the recent news of a COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna is promising, but there is still work to be done before the vaccine is widely available.

In addition to announcing the new COVID-19 dial an changes in store for multiple counties, Polis said he is calling a special session to encourage the legislature to help as the state waits for federal relief from Congress.


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1903a2  No.11687767

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2757ae  No.11687768


Trust the plan, Anon!

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2aa523  No.11687769



Stefanik. Urgh

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73a6d5  No.11687770

File: 3d4cc5e1ea7c620⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 459x259, 459:259, 1602647556.gif)



Maybe she'll STFU for 5 minutes

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54ba95  No.11687771

File: 8ef7a4e1a3710d9⋯.png (403.33 KB, 535x533, 535:533, Screenshot_2020_11_17_re5i….png)

178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida


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41751e  No.11687772

File: 6e33f68591a3a38⋯.png (552.55 KB, 839x469, 839:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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2936b4  No.11687773


Warp Speed has to be cover for something, or has to have some ulterior purpose. It's a huge question mark for me.

Ensnaring the drug companies while exposing the covid fraud? Getting out ahead of the planned "second wave" of covid for 2021?

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9ac0ed  No.11687774


infiltration. not invasion.

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3630bd  No.11687775

File: c5447dfe4833e15⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hippies.jpg)

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3fe4ff  No.11687776


oh now you want to be chicken little

or was it israeli software

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2e1fa4  No.11687777

File: d648e92f2f324d5⋯.jpg (203.23 KB, 634x417, 634:417, big_mike_ring_walk.jpg)


it's MA'AM

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ae4c93  No.11687778


Syria was on that list.

the 4 that I recall were:

Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran.

that's why the deep state wants to push the US into WWIII with Iran Iran Iran.

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a36af0  No.11687779

He seemed genuine..talked about his movie (honey boy)


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e83c96  No.11687780

File: b798b3b0021e2ae⋯.png (207.84 KB, 1295x310, 259:62, ClipboardImage.png)



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a2e4ac  No.11687781


Ol One Eye is a RINO

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65200f  No.11687782

File: f1a82fad901ca34⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, f1a82fad901ca34803cff5d0d0….jpg)


But Anon if you take pot then you will become a homosexual.

You don't want that in your future.

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a59f80  No.11687783


Fuck you Wolf!!! See ya hanging soon murderer!!!!

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439ba2  No.11687784


No, states have not certified yet. Some counties probably have (or in this case have refused to). I think each state has it's own schedule but the deadlines start coming after next week I believe.

Not sure how Michigan legislature handles it if Wayne County never certifies.

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f2c420  No.11687785

File: 6a1f3ee7e3d4a58⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 329a3037c9c88791b246f0cef5….jpg)


Dude I have nightmares about his skeletor wife.

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2757ae  No.11687786


At what point do people do something? That is the question.

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fd7dc2  No.11687787

File: 1afb654677806f5⋯.png (301.19 KB, 602x631, 602:631, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday


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41751e  No.11687788


Pompeo running things!

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3fe4ff  No.11687789


oh wow

fake documents

so much drama

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1903a2  No.11687790


>Skepticism about an as-yet unproven and nonexistent medication that promises to return the world to “normal” life may seem understandable for now.

>But the open, albeit still hypothetical, question is whether that skepticism will remain if a vaccine has been proven safe and effective.

>If so, can governments or employers mandate that people get vaccinated? And will they?

The answer to the first question appears to be yes. There are already vaccine requirements for diseases, such as measles or tuberculosis, to attend or work at many schools.

>And there are requirements for diseases such as polio to travel to most countries.

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1c4d49  No.11687791


In a world where I judge those who want war as EVIL……………..what do you make of this?

oh and

Where is their proof of such IED's being planted????

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ef275e  No.11687792

Plane crashes have been off the charts in the last few weeks, shady

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000000  No.11687793


you're fast with the memes

nice ID too

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3fe4ff  No.11687794


good thing you are making shout outs to pompous pedos fo sho

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a91c7a  No.11687795

File: 4a8afb32d163e45⋯.jpeg (786.63 KB, 1125x1492, 1125:1492, B196E00E_9CCD_4B59_920C_3….jpeg)

but wait there’s more

Another Georgia county has uncovered 2,700 missing votes, Secretary of State’s office says do you think they will cheat for the 2 senate runoff races as well? Wow


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2936b4  No.11687796


It's a mere gesture and it was done on-camera. All of these senators know each other and maintain relationships with each other regardless of which side of the political divide they sit on.

"Don't jump to conclusions" is the essence of what I'm saying. Things are nuanced.

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8e18b6  No.11687797

File: 46cb1dc83d22148⋯.png (551.5 KB, 1002x755, 1002:755, 46cb1dc83d22148ecab3866135….png)


do you understand the source of the hostility?

i don't. what did she do? I must have missed it.

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1903a2  No.11687798

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cc4277  No.11687799

File: 480c3e2180dc501⋯.png (40.72 KB, 611x411, 611:411, ClipboardImage.png)


@realDonaldTrump "Flip Michigan back to TRUMP. Detroit, not surprisingly, has tremendous problems!" https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328885313729687553

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b721dc  No.11687800


most anons take it as legit that No name was executed by the good guys…

i heard is daughter slip up once saying ' you cant kill him twice ' or words similar..

but do we actually have any real sauce on NoNames death?

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3183a1  No.11687801

File: 95d52a6923c6be1⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 727x500, 727:500, pelosililisland.jpg)


There's some deadlines

Dec. 8 is one?

The certifications have to be done by certain dates. If they aren't it get thrown to legislatures

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1e7c71  No.11687802

File: ad07889d661c76f⋯.png (336.49 KB, 1024x553, 1024:553, pacommuni.png)


Can confirm. Young ones, too. See many young bicycle-riders also, even when biking alone. It's what happens when ALL of the local "news" is Communist propaganda.

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6212a6  No.11687803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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439ba2  No.11687804

File: b451b4dff717301⋯.png (30.36 KB, 598x397, 598:397, ClipboardImage.png)


Flip Michigan back to TRUMP. Detroit, not surprisingly, has tremendous problems!


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3fe4ff  No.11687805







advocate the devil in teams already

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dee4d4  No.11687806

BREAKING! Wayne County 4 member board reversed it's decision. The sec. of state is on with Fredo.

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2e1fa4  No.11687807

File: 385e8a1f742af25⋯.png (120.21 KB, 655x576, 655:576, hey_kid_wanna_drink_weed_w….png)

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9be624  No.11687808

File: 9949620431bbade⋯.png (266.13 KB, 1855x1271, 1855:1271, Screenshot_2020_11_17_at_9….png)


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000000  No.11687809


This will help rest tonight


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d213ad  No.11687810

then after nothing happens but some more huge cock pic's trump will bow out of the spotlight leaving Kammmmaaalllers in charge of the Great Reset transfer of wealth..

the NWO is on the way.. and I feel like we helped it along.. >>11687768

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86eac4  No.11687811

>>11686756 (LB)

This is what I have been waiting to hear for years now!!


Keep showing and send it to everyone!


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e68492  No.11687812



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252826  No.11687813

File: 2b42a0b6e054357⋯.png (53.35 KB, 1496x380, 374:95, ClipboardImage.png)

That's it. That's the tweet


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356616  No.11687814

File: 9b6014b6ef1dbf9⋯.jpg (51.49 KB, 1100x618, 550:309, April_28_weasel.jpg)

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ba83fc  No.11687815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a2e4ac  No.11687816

When does the poison dwarf Fauci get the Wuhan virus.

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437cb5  No.11687817


I believe the net effect of these insane mandates which are totally unconstitutional is that the numbers of sick people will rise. Especially among those that have previously been vaccinated or taken flu shots or have other health conditions. Wearing a mask all the time and in the home will increase the likely hood of illness do to bacterial infection. A lowered immune system that is compromised by poisoned vaccinations will be triggered by infection caused by wearing a mask. This is exactly what they want to happen.

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a15e9a  No.11687818

>>11685225 pb anon cheat sheet - ghidra notable

anons, look at the id of the poster:


look at his other post:

>>11685295 pb

>hooked on fonix workked for me

these are comms!

FONIX is a mobile payment service

Fonix provides a mobile payments and mobile messaging platform and is based in London. Its services are used by the media, entertainment, telecoms, enterprise and commerce sectors[1] and Fonix has connections to all of the UK mobile networks. When consumers make payments, they are charged to their mobile phone bill. This service can be used for ticketing, content, cash deposits and donations.[1]


Hooked on Phonics is a commercial brand of educational materials, originally designed for reading education through phonetics.


In other words it means - learn to read the comms - "fonix mobile payment software will be relevant.

Perhaps the patriots have intercepted payments to the scytl operators being made?

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f2c420  No.11687819

File: 4604610bcd4853c⋯.jpg (156.7 KB, 500x1276, 125:319, 4604610bcd4853c8476bf9e4cd….jpg)


This she was there. I never understood why she was there, starting to make sense now.

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41751e  No.11687820


thanks namefaggo

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3fe4ff  No.11687821


oh no

mall cops

quick make a run for it >>11687807

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b61eb6  No.11687822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Responding to:

>>11686090 , >>11686118, BAKER TITLE SHOULD READ SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices). pb from notables

Superconductivity is what makes these supercomputers possible.

But until recently, Liquid nitrogen was needed to cool alloys and metals down to insanely low temperatures to achieve the phenomenon.

Look at the embedded video for an example of what a superconductor can do. Start at 2:46.

Scientists seem to have unearthed a rare material that can act as a superconductor.

This discovery will undoubtedly push the human race into the next age of technology.

The implications of this discovery are tantamount to the harnessing and usage of electricity.

A superconductor is an element or metallic alloy which, when cooled below a certain threshold temperature, the material dramatically loses all electrical resistance. In principle, superconductors can allow electrical current to flow without any energy loss (although, in practice, an ideal superconductor is very hard to produce). This type of current is called a supercurrent.

The threshold temperature below which a material transitions into a superconductor state is designated as Tc, which stands for critical temperature. Not all materials turn into superconductors, and the materials that do each have their own value of Tc.


From 14 Oct 2020

After decades of hunting, scientists recently announced the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor, an elusive material that conveys electricity with no loss of energy at everyday temperatures.

What is a room-temperature superconductor?

Electricity passes throughout a superconducting material without resistance. Superconductors also expel magnetic fields (the Meissner effect). Moreover, a superconductor can maintain an electric current even when a voltage is not applied. Each superconducting material has an associated critical temperature below which the superconducting state is maintained. Above the critical temperature, the superconducting properties are destroyed.

A room-temperature superconductor would revolutionize technology. A superconducting power grid would not lose energy via resistance, so it would result in tremendous energy savings compared with the technology we have today. Superconducting magnets are used in MRI machines, particle accelerators and in magnetic levitation trains.


Review the published paper yourself here:

I know it's a weird-looking link, but it's the one directly from the source, Nature.com.

You can't download it for free, but you can read it.


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1c4d49  No.11687823

U.S. Dropping Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering Charges Against Former Mexican Defense Secretary

Attorney General of the United States William P. Barr and Fiscalía General of Mexico Alejandro Gertz Manero issued today the following statement:

“On Oct. 15, 2020, former Mexican Secretary of National Defense General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda was arrested in Los Angeles, California, on U.S. charges of conspiracy to manufacture, import, and distribute narcotics into the United States and money laundering.

“The Mexican Fiscalía General de la República, upon learning of the arrest and U.S. charges against General Cienfuegos, opened its own investigation.

“In recognition of the strong law enforcement partnership between Mexico and the United States, and in the interests of demonstrating our united front against all forms of criminality, the U.S. Department of Justice has made the decision to seek dismissal of the U.S. criminal charges against former Secretary Cienfuegos, so that he may be investigated and, if appropriate, charged, under Mexican law.

“At the request of the Fiscalía General de la República, the U.S. Department of Justice, under the Treaty that governs the sharing of evidence, has provided Mexico evidence in this case and commits to continued cooperation, within that framework, to support the investigation by Mexican authorities.

“Our two countries remain committed to cooperation on this matter, as well as all our bilateral law enforcement cooperation. As the decision today reflects, we are stronger when we work together and respect the sovereignty of our nations and their institutions. This close partnership increases the security of the citizens of both our countries.”


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b721dc  No.11687824



Thanks appreciate that.

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bb29e5  No.11687825


Who initiated the attack anon

It came from within

Dems trying to cheat


Foreign powers couldn't do jack

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da49f6  No.11687826

File: 52dbe5aed69fe8d⋯.jpg (85.48 KB, 1321x484, 1321:484, Screenshot_2020_11_17_2017….jpg)

File: 503b24ab7d1105c⋯.jpg (14 KB, 235x230, 47:46, 5ce6c882ad30fe8a75c2327736….jpg)

I am watching OAN and a Trumpy Bear commercial just came on. Major League Cringe factor. Is this paid for by the left or do we actually have within the ranks retards of this caliber?

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1903a2  No.11687827


these are homes with many guns in most of the state

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dad9fe  No.11687828


Dominion IT there to "find" the issue, or scrub the bad code?

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bd8eeb  No.11687829

File: 5f2b7a6b36f500b⋯.mp4 (147.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Graham_fist_bump_Kamala.mp4)

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris returns to the Senate floor to cast a vote today.

Here, Harris can be seen extending her fist to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for a bump.


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db30df  No.11687830


Thank you. Even if it's not ideal, I appreciate someone giving me a semi-solid answer

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73dd4c  No.11687831


>The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday


Wrong! RED house = one of them being the speaker.

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e384d9  No.11687832


Pops was a partner.

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437cb5  No.11687833

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3fe4ff  No.11687834



it's teh butt watchers parade

and tehy worship mahrump

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a2e4ac  No.11687835


Someone was threatened severely if they folded tonight.

This alone is election interference.

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b1613b  No.11687836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Michigan attorney general says delaying certification of election results could disenfranchise her state



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7d0e89  No.11687837


Standard issue NeoCon. Those fucks should have their own party - see whether there’s any support for their worldwide perpetual war insanity.

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439ba2  No.11687838

File: 81fcdc85f6baece⋯.png (25 KB, 593x308, 593:308, ClipboardImage.png)



More votes than people, and that is the least of it!!!


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efc516  No.11687839

What if "MI is the only way" isn't military? What if it's Michigan?

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fd83ef  No.11687840


Is there a full version of this??? I love it but it stops in the middle of the song

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54ba95  No.11687841

File: 1bc181dd861ef29⋯.png (181.88 KB, 535x565, 107:113, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Disc….png)

Smartmatic's director admitted their voting system was used to create at least 1 million extra votes in a 2017 Venezuelan election. He said it happened when some party's auditors weren't present at every stage of the election.



>>11687581 VID

Some people´s not paying attention here

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a47f72  No.11687842

So when will the fact that Chris Krebs was appointed to run the Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming council that was formed after POTUS disbanded the previous iteration (The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity) back in 2018 and who ended up on Krebs committees

Both SMARTMATIC a Venezuelan company and Dominion (Canada) both were elected to serve and continue to serve as far as I know.

These two companies who are deeply involved in the fraud are writing the DHS statements that no fraud occurred and these were the most secure elections ever.

The media is now using this same statement written by Maduro himself I'm sure to attack POTUS.

Truly, how much more do the Patriots need? How much further do they let the deep state take this?

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2d7f01  No.11687843


kek now you're just trolling the stalkers

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2757ae  No.11687844

File: 5d1e461d61fbfbe⋯.png (377 KB, 475x353, 475:353, 5d1e461d61fbfbe530e9fbe4f5….png)

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fa508c  No.11687845

File: b47b23125b6b2db⋯.png (354.04 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, ClipboardImage.png)


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3fe4ff  No.11687846


you must be desperate for blow shekels

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cde2b5  No.11687847

File: f264f0d80c97591⋯.png (18.26 KB, 552x372, 46:31, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Gigg….png)



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000000  No.11687848


shills incoming

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ab161c  No.11687849


We wait, if by some crazy chance Biden is President that fake nuclear war that Killary was planning will be at our doorsteps. God I hope Trump wins because if he doesn't 2021 will be the start of the 2nd Civil War, and nobody wants that.

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af4661  No.11687850


Are you kidding? That scumbag will slither between whatever crack is opened up.

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b721dc  No.11687851


sorry for another anon.. laggy board

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3fe4ff  No.11687852


dude looks like a lady

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eaf21a  No.11687853


The cocksucker's voice mail is full.

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fa8586  No.11687854

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 300

>>11687707 , >>11687667, NEW POTUS Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

>>11687706 WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor

>>11687700 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11687697 Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>11687677 Pompeo in Turkey

>>11687660 BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

>>11687649 Joseph J Flynn Crack in the Dam is getting bigger . We_Have_Risen Release The Kraken

>>11687639 Floyd County Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!


>>11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

>>11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>11687605DELETEDPOTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>11687580 PF

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687574 Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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aacf47  No.11687855


Thanks Baker.

You know what is really sad anons? Now that the 'wall of electoral fraud' is crumbling for Biden? Watch how many Congressmen and Senators get in front of microphones and tv cameras defending President Trump as the real victor..

Fucking snakes.

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133126  No.11687856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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638cfe  No.11687857

File: 619c0176432e756⋯.png (424.31 KB, 1903x875, 1903:875, krebsss.PNG)

File: 581f65738f8d0cc⋯.png (40.84 KB, 909x950, 909:950, krebse.PNG)

these guys related? follow the family

Brian Krebs has written anti-Q articles

Chris Krebs

Christopher C. Krebs is an American attorney who served as the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security, from November 2018 until President Donald Trump terminated his employment on November 17, 2020.[5][6]


Brian Krebs


Brian Krebs (born 1972 in Alabama) is an American journalist and investigative reporter. He is best known for his coverage of profit-seeking cybercriminals.[1] His interest grew after a computer worm locked him out of his own computer in 2001.[1]

Krebs is the author of a daily blog, KrebsOnSecurity.com, covering computer security and cybercrime. From 1995 to 2009, Krebs was a reporter for The Washington Post and covered tech policy, privacy and computer security as well as authoring the Security Fix blog. He is also known for interviewing hacker 0x80.[2]

On March 14, 2013, Krebs became one of the first journalists to become a victim of swatting.[3] On December 18, 2013, Krebs broke the story that Target Corporation had been breached of 40 million credit cards. Six days later Krebs identified a Ukrainian man who Krebs said was behind a primary black market site selling Target customers' credit and debit card information for as much as US$100 apiece.[4] In 2014, Krebs published a book called Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime - from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door, which went on to win a 2015 PROSE Award.[5]

don't click this shit

duckduckgo says not secure


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0e2a5f  No.11687858

File: 6b6a60ba4e22e4f⋯.jpg (166.77 KB, 1112x693, 1112:693, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1823….jpg)

Alexander Statement on Judy Shelton Nomination

Posted on November 16, 2020

MARYVILLE, Tennessee, November 16, 2020 — United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement about the President’s nomination of Judy Shelton to be a Governor of the Federal Reserve Board:

“I oppose the nomination of Judy Shelton because I am not convinced that she supports the independence of the Federal Reserve Board as much as I believe the Board of Governors should. I don’t want to turn over management of the money supply to a Congress and a President who can’t balance the federal budget.”


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3aab77  No.11687859

File: cc9d1fb1cc8adda⋯.png (28.13 KB, 598x374, 299:187, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Adam….png)

Still something going on in Wayne County


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a89525  No.11687860


Isn't infiltration with foreign allies also penetration by foreign powers?

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f1be6b  No.11687861

File: 735799dfed1b89a⋯.png (29.04 KB, 399x511, 57:73, Matt_Couch_Tech_CEO_Joe_Ol….png)

Matt Couch


HUGE: I'll be LIVE with Tech CEO Joe Oltmann tomorrow morning as he blows the lid on Dominion and How Big Tech STOLE the 2020 elections from President Trump

LIVE at 8:15 CST 9:15 EST

TUNE IN! Details Coming Soon on where to listen! #StopTheSteal #FightBack #Trump2020

7:54 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Twitter Web App


Matt Couch


Replying to


You can listen on my Periscope Channel tomorrow morning America, TUNE IN!

8:10 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Twitter Web App


Periscope Link: https://www.pscp.tv/RealMattCouch/1YqKDezkemvGV

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2757ae  No.11687862

File: 2400ebc4b70ec53⋯.jpg (64.33 KB, 540x603, 60:67, 2fbc7ab12da24334bd08480659….jpg)

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fa8586  No.11687863

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1201e1  No.11687864

DAFUKS GOIN ON DID Q POST OR SOMETHING? Jk activity just appears higher than it used to be.

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0640b0  No.11687865

File: 21fcd97aad385fb⋯.png (323.06 KB, 722x414, 361:207, mostinterjoint.png)


I am in!

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fc0eec  No.11687866


Well, I mandate that this governor go fuck himself. Serious question, why is it that the Bill Barr and the DOJ are not pursuing "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law against these despot governors? This is a serious, federal statute with some real serious ass penalties for public officials. And yet……………………..

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2757ae  No.11687867

File: 2417fcaa8cac2d2⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 452x694, 226:347, 2417fcaa8cac2d2742873a97fa….jpg)

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8a16f3  No.11687868

File: a570abff64d97f2⋯.jpeg (54.53 KB, 822x537, 274:179, 434867.jpeg)

File: 851a0733b4f7f85⋯.jpeg (8.56 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download_6_.jpeg)

File: c42476539c1e889⋯.jpeg (7.37 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_20_.jpeg)

File: 9d1f3ab0d0da609⋯.jpeg (11.14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_21_.jpeg)

File: 55184508958dd34⋯.jpeg (7.03 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_22_.jpeg)


==Robert Langer was Epstein's most vocal defender at MIT, stating the good Epstein did far outweighed the bad…

Langer is an acclaimed bioengineer & is heavily funded by Bill Gates. Langer invented a remote control contraceptive implant at Gates' behest in 2017.==


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3fe4ff  No.11687869


we were gonna tie tiresia's retarded to tredeau's retarded to danielfaggot's retarded to the railroad tracks if theis gehy hobbit wedding doesnt happen

using staples and timber takes too long

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78a0ea  No.11687870


Soon. It's not past 9pm yet.

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e02f67  No.11687871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump's Most SAVAGE Moments Or as I cal them

“The best moments of my life”

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9ae799  No.11687872

File: 99bdc8495041627⋯.png (30.69 KB, 557x302, 557:302, ClipboardImage.png)



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fd83ef  No.11687873


In theory if a vaccine is available, then there would be no logic in lockdowns and masks. If people were worried about Covid they could vaccinate.

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73a334  No.11687874


I’m hoping it gets us out of these fucking lockdowns.

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3fe4ff  No.11687875


oh wow

bill gehytes has a recipe

to do gay pron with pedophiles online

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9ac0ed  No.11687876


this could be huge. the DS will attempt narrative change. FF incoming?

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439ba2  No.11687877

File: 36db83c56019b51⋯.png (28.43 KB, 592x317, 592:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, it’s really quite simple. You just can’t have more votes than people!


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151337  No.11687878

File: 8ef86a42cd13bd2⋯.png (101.75 KB, 203x256, 203:256, wray_x.png)

>>11687500 pb

That's just crazy. NO reason unless you were getting paid on the side for information or favors. *capt obvious I know*


The lawyer fees are odd too. He's got many high profile clients. I guess he came from Private sector and not a career FBI guy?

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f1be6b  No.11687879

File: 9380b07a8f41902⋯.png (1.18 MB, 796x799, 796:799, Pepe_I_be_like.png)

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26bbd4  No.11687880

File: b7561c288248db8⋯.jpg (137.04 KB, 512x966, 256:483, StalinsCommies.jpg)

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3183a1  No.11687881

File: 986fd4915ac2fa9⋯.jpg (430.45 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, nytimesclownsRED12cl_.jpg)


right, I think it alludes to harvesting votes.

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cc4277  No.11687882

File: aa89e3aa223cde0⋯.png (37.74 KB, 613x331, 613:331, ClipboardImage.png)



"Well, it’s really quite simple. You just can’t have more votes than people!" https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328886891765182466

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437cb5  No.11687883


Scotty, I need warp speed in three minutes or we’re all dead!

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14bffd  No.11687884

File: 0bf91c308bcb254⋯.jpeg (204.95 KB, 827x866, 827:866, 1DBC45AD_655B_48B4_8E69_5….jpeg)


They were allowed in. Huge difference…..


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1903a2  No.11687885


Beanz speaks on 14th at the Million MAGA March

Flynn thanks Beanz Nov 15 in tweet

her house burnt on the 17

17 is letter Q

Pinned Tweet

1st Amendment Praetorian


Not sure about you sir, but we’re nowhere near tired of winning over here.


Quote Tweet

General Flynn


· Nov 15

Thank you @tracybeanz for all you do & @RobertPLewis for your team of professionals. 1st Praetorian helps us; they now need our help. Consider donating to support these American Patriots Flag of United States




@seanhannity twitter.com/tracybeanz/sta…

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2757ae  No.11687886


Another Masonic live action play.

They don't do to well in a guerilla war. We shall see what happens.

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ae0e76  No.11687887


Thomas Paine Podcast

Ep. 47 – EXCLUSIVE: FBI Dir. Wray Profited from Hunter Biden's Illegal China/Russia Kickback Deal, per Records & High-Placed Feds. Is This Why the FBI Has Covered Up Hunter's Laptop?

Guess Who Else Cashed In on Hunter's Deal? AG William Barr.



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e8e371  No.11687889


His HCQ regimen prevents that from happening.

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3fe4ff  No.11687890

File: 142a5d51edaa7b7⋯.jpg (155.29 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_9061.JPG)

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26e88d  No.11687891

File: 3f5a0fca04e2be1⋯.jpg (169.64 KB, 592x972, 148:243, SickOfUrShit.jpg)


Any mention of Hitler, Jews, muh awiens, flat earth, masonry, or any other dumb-fookery gets insta-filtered.

Same goes for gore, inter-racial, or any other Triggly-puffed attempts to incite or slide.

Piss off.

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54ba95  No.11687892

>>11687854, >>11687581 Smartmatic's director admitted their voting system was used to create at least 1 million extra votes in a 2017 Venezuelan election. He said it happened when some party's auditors weren't present at every stage of the election.

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fa18a6  No.11687893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11687480 pb

Proud Boys singing to AJ's hotel window night of the DC Trump rally.. Starts at about 6:18:00. Steve had to put a age restriction on the video to keep it from being taken down as it showed some Antifa fuckery against Patriots. PB's better wake the fuck up re:Jarhead Jones

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c1e0db  No.11687894


Q said the "military" was the only way. You can't just swap out words to make things fit. Just relax. Eventually the military will be used.

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5a9171  No.11687895


gold or lead. works every time

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eaf21a  No.11687896

File: 324cf29a605cc90⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ultimate_rage_pepe.jpg)


We are at a crossroads beyond which the outcomes are so severely at variance that I see very little room for anything in the way of "nuance".

If Biden gets in, we are FUCKED.

Beijing Joe and Kameltoe are not political enemies. They are FUCKING MORTAL ENEMIES.

At my current state of lather, anyone showing chumminess with the enemy, IS THE ENEMY.

That is all.

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c642b5  No.11687897

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d213ad  No.11687898

File: 79f9a1eb1e21e1d⋯.jpg (98.87 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 85b65688fc6f8ba99f62e6b59c….jpg)


sometimes if feels like the world is trolling us.

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41751e  No.11687899

File: dcd0b9ff043cedd⋯.png (685.48 KB, 671x441, 671:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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e384d9  No.11687900



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fb2a4e  No.11687901


guuud news.

gotta keep praying for these people so they make the right decisions.

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2757ae  No.11687902

Anyone research the Killing of the King masonic ritual? I have some interesting sources, if anyone cares…

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0d9ab3  No.11687904


Ebot has had an upgrade… you understand pictures now

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713049  No.11687905


I kind of figured both of them would be into being fisted

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bf49aa  No.11687907

File: ff52d20534f02d2⋯.png (21.04 KB, 488x78, 244:39, ClipboardImage.png)


and you fags thought kraken was a super computer. release the video kraken soon.

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f694a6  No.11687908


John James could benefit from this too.

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2936b4  No.11687909


Trust the… caulk…

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9ac0ed  No.11687910


and the media made a big deal out of THAT???

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720498  No.11687911


She's already been outed as a Never Trumper.

Fox decent continues.

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9917b3  No.11687913


ecw related to zuckermanberg keeping it all in the "fam"

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3fe4ff  No.11687914

File: 0fa79a032117d11⋯.jpg (219.07 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, IMG_4770.JPG)

gay bar farts gloryhole hangover adverts

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870580  No.11687915


Throw some saline in a vial, call it a vaccine, and be done with it. Placebo effect more effective than an actual vaccine. End the lockdowns, what happened to the fundamental function of the Federal government? To intervene in defense of our constitutional rights if necessary!

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af4661  No.11687916


Nope, other than a freudian slip by Kasich on TV.

The only other "proof";are the Q drops.

His daughter slipping is a tell.

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a15e9a  No.11687917


think strategically - this will make the msm go full blown "anti vax".

Not all vaccines are bad, but the msm will do the job for us by bringing forward important criticism of vaccines only to push an anti trump narrative.

It is "making the enemy work for you".

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40cdbf  No.11687918


And more crap from "Rachie"


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1c4d49  No.11687919


He got Rona

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7d0e89  No.11687920



And if you think someone was threatened, you’re just a conspiracy theorist

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5cb4b7  No.11687921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stay srong anon.

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dad9fe  No.11687922

File: 90a36d22994a911⋯.png (370.45 KB, 637x575, 637:575, Domino2.png)

Um Guys, I was looking for "Dominion" in my files and noticed some "DOMINO" posts.


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b721dc  No.11687923


Curvature 8"/Mile/Mile

Find it..

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d8c293  No.11687924


She's a He…>>11687857Not sure if they are related or not, but I read Brian Krebs often! He does some great digs on cyber crime.

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a71ff5  No.11687925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f2c420  No.11687926


Post it.

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0e2a5f  No.11687927

File: b61fe22bd1d69c6⋯.jpg (110.98 KB, 1137x687, 379:229, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1828….jpg)


>HELP chairmain, Lamar obviously comped

Rob Woodall Republican Party Republican Georgia's 7th February 7, 2019

Jose Serrano Democratic Party Democratic New York's 15th March 25, 2019

Dave Loebsack Democratic Party Democratic Iowa's 2nd April 12, 2019

Susan Brooks Republican Party Republican Indiana's 5th June 14, 2019

Paul Mitchell Republican Party Republican Michigan's 10th July 24, 2019

Pete Olson Republican Party Republican Texas' 22nd July 25, 2019

Martha Roby Republican Party Republican Alabama's 2nd July 26, 2019

Mike Conaway Republican Party Republican Texas' 11th July 30, 2019

Will Hurd Republican Party Republican Texas' 23rd August 1, 2019

Kenny Marchant Republican Party Republican Texas' 24th August 5, 2019

John Shimkus Republican Party Republican Illinois' 15th August 30, 2019

Bill Flores Republican Party Republican Texas' 17th September 4, 2019

Susan Davis Democratic Party Democratic California's 53rd September 4, 2019

Jim Sensenbrenner Republican Party Republican Wisconsin's 5th September 4, 2019

Mac Thornberry Republican Party Republican Texas' 13th September 30, 2019

Nita Lowey Democratic Party Democratic New York's 17th October 10, 2019

Francis Rooney Republican Party Republican Florida's 19th October 19, 2019

Greg Walden Republican Party Republican Oregon's 2nd October 28, 2019

Peter Visclosky Democratic Party Democratic Indiana's 1st November 6, 2019

Peter King Republican Party Republican New York's 2nd November 11, 2019

George Holding Ends.png Republican North Carolina's 2nd December 6, 2019

Ted Yoho Ends.png Republican Florida's 3rd December 10, 2019

Mark Walker Ends.png Republican North Carolina's 6th December 16, 2019

Phil Roe Ends.png Republican Tennessee's 1st January 3, 2020

Ralph Abraham Ends.png Republican Louisiana's 5th February 26, 2020

Justin Amash Specialsession.png Libertarian Michigan's 3rd July 16, 2020


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027944  No.11687928


In practice, if POTUS (older, chunky, sleep deprived, stressful job) could recover from it in a weekend, no vaccine is needed

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fc0eec  No.11687929




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3fe4ff  No.11687930



with the blue scarf

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fd7dc2  No.11687931

File: 534c8fde1e69f1a⋯.png (513.33 KB, 1366x693, 1366:693, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)


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fd83ef  No.11687932


Syria, Libya, and Iraq were on the list as originally free, but controlled by Roths as a result of the wars there (which was recent in 2013 when the article was written).

It really helps outline and understand what the wars have been about.

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98863f  No.11687933

File: aa97814d94aaf45⋯.jpeg (227.86 KB, 1487x1128, 1487:1128, D727381E_2D8F_4151_B0AC_C….jpeg)

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e8e371  No.11687934


Not according to Fauchi


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b1613b  No.11687935

File: 9a0b67dab6237ff⋯.png (326.49 KB, 746x497, 746:497, kayleigh_mcenany_exhibit_g….png)

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2757ae  No.11687936

File: b5bee20603f8543⋯.jpg (183.08 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Massasoit_Forest_91_Tall_C….jpg)

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c1e0db  No.11687937


Whatever happened to "2 weeks to flatten the curve" back about 8 months ago?

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bf49aa  No.11687938

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a2e4ac  No.11687939


Just read they folded and let wayne be certified with a feeble request that inconsistencies be looked at.

Fucked again.

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fd83ef  No.11687940


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e384d9  No.11687941


POTUS even said we couldn't let Venezuela happen again.

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fa8586  No.11687942

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 400

>>11687829 Vice President-elect Kamala Harris returns to the Senate floor to cast a vote today.

>>11687822 , >>11686090 lb, >>11686118 lb , SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices)

>>11687787 The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday

>>11687771 178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida

>>11687766 DENVER, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Pols announced on Tuesday afternoon that 10 to 15 Colorado counties will move to Level Red: Severe Risk on the state's updated COVID-19

>>11687745 Steve Ricchetti

>>11687733 US Army Always ready!

>>11687726 From the IDF now. Syria Iran Israel

>>11687717 POTUS “Thunderstruck”, enjoy night shift anons, this will get you through”

>>11687707 , >>11687667, >>11687836, NEW POTUS Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

>>11687706 WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor

>>11687804 , >>11687838, POTUS

>>11687700 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11687697 Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>11687677 Pompeo in Turkey

>>11687660 BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

>>11687649 Joseph J Flynn Crack in the Dam is getting bigger . We_Have_Risen Release The Kraken

>>11687639 Floyd County Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!


>>11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

>>11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>11687605DELETEDPOTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>11687580 , >>11687736, PF

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687574 Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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dad9fe  No.11687943

File: b44a76f710bab89⋯.png (16.64 KB, 671x286, 61:26, domino.png)

File: 1775023a9a571db⋯.png (64.77 KB, 659x576, 659:576, domino4.png)



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d213ad  No.11687944


they will cut power first..

call it a CME or blame Iran for EMP attack..

after a month most of the population will beg for the banks to save them..

that's only if you survive the hoards of starving normies tying to keep there retarded fat families happy and fed..

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4dc4d4  No.11687945


TFW you realize that your military career was basically fucking useless, even though many died and were injured. For nothing.

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000000  No.11687946


POTUS timestamp 9:22 EST


Mar 10, 2018 2:29:24 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo No. 614493

Keep the resignation list updated.


Keep the graphics updated.



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3183a1  No.11687947


fuck right off

you are extremely unfunny and obnoxious.

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3fe4ff  No.11687948


it cost $7 million a year for alex jonesing for homo eunuch to fanatsize bout fakeing teh straight

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170299  No.11687949

Mitch McConnell assures there will be ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Biden administration

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the US will have an “orderly” transfer of power in January amid President Trump’s attempts to fight the 2020 election results in court and to spread allegations of widespread voter fraud.

McConnell, speaking to reporters, said legal disputes of the election would have to be settled first, but assured there would be an “orderly transfer from this administration to the next one.”

“All of this will happen right on time and we’ll swear in the next administration on Jan. 20,” he said, according to Politico.

“What we all say about it is, frankly, irrelevant,” he added.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he won the 2020 election while accusing the Democrats and Joe Biden of engaging in widespread voter fraud to steal his victory. Trump and his legal team have not provided evidence to support the claims.

Most every major news organization has called the race for Joe Biden, who is projected to win the presidency with more than 300 electoral votes.

Biden won states that Trump carried in 2016, including Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The former vice president also picked up wins in traditional Republican strongholds Georgia and Arizona.


Bet he gets the virus

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bf49aa  No.11687950

File: 01239098c3b8b56⋯.jpg (116.86 KB, 500x666, 250:333, jbb860e37cc18357f6b7448707….jpg)


glitchy tonight

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9ae799  No.11687951

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a1a50b  No.11687952


if I fight and die . . . that isn't good.

your type probably have a business selling organs or blood. You like the fighting and dieing so you can harvast the dead parts.

pretty disgusting if you are like that.

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ab161c  No.11687953

File: d4d565ce5daed74⋯.png (331.01 KB, 753x575, 753:575, NSPWSE.PNG)


Don't worry leaf, when the shit hits the fan we won't forget about you, tirese and tubbs, freddy may escape.

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78a0ea  No.11687954

File: 3e30d050a9224f2⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

So… when the military distributes the vaccine across the country all at once, they'll be in a lot of places. One fell swoop after delivery.

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b3b07f  No.11687955

you already posted this a gorillian times. It's old.

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fa8586  No.11687956


good work

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fc0eec  No.11687957


Fauci says that mask, social distancing will still be needed even with the vaccine.

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6212a6  No.11687958

[Energy Release Imminent]


Magic ->Summon -> Krakken



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252937  No.11687959


Firefox wouldn't let me go to that krebsonsecurity site, but you can access it through search cache. [I used Bing]

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1200df  No.11687960


Jesus, what posts are left for you to even see after that filter fest monologue ?

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47df29  No.11687961

File: 479de738282c0fd⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x1497, 428:499, 204D899D_B71B_4468_9A3F_6….jpeg)

WTF they burned down Tracy Beanz house after she interviewed Patrick Byrne again https://twitter.com/patrickbyrne/status/1328876406420467719?s=21


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0e2a5f  No.11687962

File: eb87958b959d52c⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 456x257, 456:257, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1831….jpg)



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b0299c  No.11687963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LOL white monkeys.

You know who is to fucking blame? CHINA. They were bombarding /pol/ with videos like the ones compiled in this video not sure if it will embed because it requires sign in. China is 100% responsible. We had fake chinks dropping/pol/ level proofs that the videos they were dropping were real.

This video is a fucking BULLSHIT because China was TRYING to spark fear by doing this. Fucking white monkeys now trying to shift the narrative. The comments are full of fucking stupid people. This channel has lots of compiled leaked videos. and there are HUNDREDS. So, explain CHINK why did CHina go to such lengths to spread misinformation because we know damn good and well that nothing gets out that they don't want out.

Don't even fucking bother watching this chink propaganda.

Clips of people being nailed into their homes, people being burnt alive in their homes. Do not fuck with us. This shit is CCP propaganda.


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196ad9  No.11687964


Way ahead of you

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26bbd4  No.11687965

File: fe2c16298f12fd1⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 569x319, 569:319, fe2c16298f12fd124448e1e5a2….jpg)


Well you wouldn't have all been prepped for it if she won.

Now you are. So you got that going for you.

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54ba95  No.11687966

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8e18b6  No.11687967

File: 7426e6e965491e5⋯.png (305 KB, 686x432, 343:216, Screenshot_2018_09_06_John….png)


John Kasich's slip up

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cde2b5  No.11687968


KeK lessons from the shills…please, fuck off

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73a334  No.11687969


Witnessed it in New York state back in the summer, even outdoors.

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170299  No.11687970

Harvey Weinstein is sick in jail, awaiting COVID-19 test results

Harvey Weinstein has come down with a fever and is being tested for the coronavirus, The Post confirmed on Tuesday.

The 68-year-old convicted rapist was awaiting results of his COVID-19 test at a maximum security prison in upstate New York, a source said.

“We can confirm that Mr. Weinstein has a fever and is being closely monitored by the excellent medical staff [at the Wende Correctional Facility] for which the entire legal defense team is grateful,” his reps, Juda Englemeyer and Craig Rothfeld, said in a statement.

TMZ first reported that Weinstein was tested for the virus on Tuesday morning, and that he’d been placed in isolation for 72 hours, pending the results.

The fallen film titan — who has high blood pressure, heart problems, severe diabetes and a spine condition — was diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 21, an official briefed on the matter previously told The Post.

It’s believed he was infected at Rikers Island, where he was briefly locked up before being transferred upstate, an official said at the time.

He reportedly overcame symptoms of the disease, including a cough and fever, and was released from quarantine some three weeks later.

Weinstein is serving a 23-year sentence for raping an aspiring actress and sexually abusing a TV and film production assistant.

His reps said they are working with the New York State Dept. of Corrections and the team at the lockup “to ensure Mr. Weinstein receives the proper medical attention he needs.”


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84a883  No.11687971

File: ac5b62348a32109⋯.png (51.74 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 11_4.png)

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3183a1  No.11687972

File: 1c6f0fc7ef02f6e⋯.png (519.88 KB, 705x791, 705:791, bushes.png)


fearporn fag


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638cfe  No.11687973

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b721dc  No.11687974


Really… I thought anons would require moar sauce than that..

Just makes me wonder why just him.. there are lots more equally treasonous people.

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2e1fa4  No.11687975

File: 528f07f9138ba37⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 720x675, 16:15, corona_hoax_fauxi_knew_hyd….jpg)

File: 7de177b793382d2⋯.jpg (197.85 KB, 1008x483, 48:23, fauxi_nametag.jpg)

File: cce792200f9a75a⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1600x2240, 5:7, dr_fauxi.jpg)


it's spelled FAUXI

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af4661  No.11687976


Bye Chuck, never cross the "one" .

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891054  No.11687977


That's been clear for quite awhile now. Was really hoping for her to not come back after having her baby. Unfortunately, she did.

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dd9956  No.11687978

File: 438ad2db15cf66a⋯.png (105.62 KB, 1891x300, 1891:300, Screenshot_39_.png)

Anon may have picked up a lead on another thread recently. I'm not sure it's legit. I'm researching and need the hive mind on this, please.

The post refers to:

Convicted Killer Evaded Capture for 50 Years—Until He Got Sloppy in His New Life

Allison Quinn

Fri, November 13, 2020, 7:11 PM EST·3 min read

Police in a small Detroit suburb stumbled onto the discovery of a lifetime recently when they charged a man for stealing hydrocodone pills from the local CVS pharmacy where he worked. After fingerprinting the man, a licensed traveling pharmacist by the name of Paul Dickson, authorities learned they had much more on their hands than a case of petty theft: Paul Dickson was in fact Leonard Rayne Moses, a convicted killer who’d been on the lam for nearly five decades.



Leonard Rayne Moses, 68, was arrested without incident on Thursday in Grand Blanc, Michigan by members of the FBI Detroit’s Fugitive Task Force.

For decades, Moses had been working as a traveling pharmacist under the alias ‘Paul Dickson’ after he escaped custody in 1971 while serving a life sentence in Pennsylvania.


FBI agent Michael Christman, who runs the bureau's Pittsburgh office, said on Friday that Moses had been living under the name Paul Dickson and had been working as a traveling pharmacist, at least since 1999. He was arrested Thursday at his home in Grand Blanc, Michigan, the news outlet reported.


The post says 'Who's this faggot and why do we care? Looks like a random murderer"

And then: Hmm, who was hiding him in plain sight under a different name?

Bless you, hive mind.

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4dc4d4  No.11687979


So what is Queer Barry? Normal homo?

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b6c44e  No.11687980

File: 937ce38d11d2294⋯.png (53.93 KB, 228x164, 57:41, 937ce38d11d2294dc2e1322f6f….png)

File: 93d84c5ee5ad130⋯.jpeg (208.06 KB, 717x411, 239:137, 93d84c5ee5ad1306cf26528c8….jpeg)

File: 98bf26ef150aac3⋯.png (342.77 KB, 513x513, 1:1, 98bf26ef150aac3dca552caa87….png)

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 630x421, 630:421, Eiz1SwxWoAAM3YH.jpg)

File: a2c5b812f9c9b9d⋯.jpg (247.06 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, Eizq9alXkAAoqLT.jpg)

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51149d  No.11687982


No. Not at 457 knots and 31900 feet.

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a89525  No.11687983


Okay, that makes sense. I guess the wording of the tweet was strange to my brain.

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ac726f  No.11687984


So you fight for free speech by LIMITING free

speech? It was an open discussion, hopefully

both sides seeing things they hadn't considered

before. Who are you to judge what is worthy or


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aacf47  No.11687985

File: 4a62a0168c832cb⋯.png (950.38 KB, 1299x901, 1299:901, evedit.png)

Anons, watch this show instead of Hannity. Much better news, analysis and less (way less) interruptions of guests. Hannty - you should watch and learn something you arrogant ass.

Elizabeth - Very nice program. I called it 3 years ago that you should be doing the Varney show and he should be your analyst. Congrats on your new show. I LOVE IT!


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b3b07f  No.11687986

They decided to certify right after Trump sent he tweet about MI. There was a message in there somewhere.

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a47f72  No.11687987


Georgia Floyd

George Floyd

The simulation is breaking down…..

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e5808f  No.11687988


>She's already been outed as a Never Trumper.

>Fox decent continues.

Bila is also just a really bad 'reporter' and 'host'

I stopped watching F&F's w/e when they brought her on

Now I don't watch Fox at all

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78a0ea  No.11687989


It was Antifa, mark my words.

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cde2b5  No.11687990


fuck off! Who is THEY is this instance?!

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86eac4  No.11687991

more importantly is a "certificate" that says you had it and gates and co. can't come after us with their tracker.


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51c1d0  No.11687992


If the big thing happening on our side is releasing information that was on this board 36 hours previous then we aint got that much happening.

Sydney, please tell us you have more than phone calls and footlockers.

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214524  No.11687993

File: ccd61c68ddfb6c9⋯.jpg (373.26 KB, 640x479, 640:479, there_is_only_996ceb8aa0.jpg)


We are not doomed.

Because we lack the basic desire to fight and die for [their] cause.

We will not kill each other for [you] any longer.

We will, if necessary, hunt [you] down and deal with [you] once and for all.

Pray that we do not.

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478a97  No.11687994


They forgot to mention that they aren't consecutive days.

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4dc4d4  No.11687995


I hope you are enjoying my Art Project.

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b1613b  No.11687996

File: 10c9a0698af8466⋯.png (322.28 KB, 614x410, 307:205, michelle_obama_buff.png)




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bf49aa  No.11687997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you son of a bitch, i'm in.

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891054  No.11687998


Actually, he said there would be an orderly transfer of power to the "next administration".

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fd83ef  No.11687999


referring to what?

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ec9ca5  No.11688000

File: f3cf9609fae1c8e⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Landfall_Games.jpg)

Landfall Games using pedo symbolism, sarcastically admitting to pizza gate affiliation (main dev has chicken emoji in twitter name).


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54db7d  No.11688001

File: 582425a3df5aa0a⋯.jpeg (22.24 KB, 320x160, 2:1, 2F295907_D88E_444E_A83A_E….jpeg)

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1e7c71  No.11688002

File: 3435c1ea61652c5⋯.png (796.73 KB, 1023x546, 341:182, clowncdedvote.png)

Is Michigan where carlson was going to yack about the "dead people voted"?

(Don't watch the slop, just see POTUS' messages about it.)

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3fe4ff  No.11688003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



dass shiesse auf meinem lederhosen acthung

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f694a6  No.11688004

File: c23d30d46e51ed2⋯.png (303.95 KB, 589x546, 589:546, ClipboardImage.png)

40 Michigan state legislators send STRONG letter to Secretary of State


demanding audit and “every legal vote must be counted.”

8:28 PM · Nov 17, 2020


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26e88d  No.11688005

File: 83005f7081a8dab⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 678x368, 339:184, FloppyMikeAngry.jpg)

File: 2d88f994196bc65⋯.png (457.55 KB, 690x393, 230:131, BigMikePlaysRaceCard.png)

File: 85581c8999e1627⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4hr5be.jpg)

Floppy Mike is out running his mouth again about how all Americans are racist if they don't #SupportTheSteal…

This motherfucker's whole life is a lie.

Wow! Michelle Obama Pops Up Her Head to Weigh in on Presidential Transition — Says “This Isn’t a Game”

sauce: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/wow-michelle-obama-pops-head-weigh-presidential-transition-says-isnt-game/

"Following [his] husband’s appearance last night on “60 Minutes” Michelle Obama popped [his] head up today and slammed the Trump administration — again.

This time Michelle told criticized the Trump Team for “groundless conspiracy theories” about the impossible election results.

Then [he] told President Trump the “transition” process “isn’t a game.”

"This comes after [his] husband spied on the Trump campaign and Trump transition team four years ago.


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9be4f5  No.11688006

File: 5e85db760a4dcbe⋯.png (81.13 KB, 778x358, 389:179, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: The Wayne County canvassing board re-voted Tuesday night and voted unanimously to certify the results. We are working on a full update to this story.


The canvassing board in Wayne County, Mich., which includes the city of Detroit, deadlocked 2-2 on certifying the Nov. 3 election Tuesday, sending the matter to the state canvassing board. The vote was split along party lines in a county that went heavily for President-elect Joe Biden.

If the votes in Wayne County were removed from the state total, President Donald Trump would win Michigan.

The Detroit News reports that the issue moves to the Michigan Secretary of State's Office and Board of State Canvassers. The Washington Post reports that board is also made up of two Democrats and two Republicans.

At issue in Wayne County, according to the Detroit News, is that a number of absentee ballot poll books were considered "out of balance." The paper said that same issue arose during the 2016 general election and the 2020 primary, but that the board certified those anyway.

Chairwoman Monica Palmer, a Republican, reportedly said she believed there was not "complete and accurate information" in the poll books. But The Detroit News reports that when Board Vice Chairman Jonathan Kinloch, a Democrat, noted that additional county tax money is being spent on the ongoing canvass, Palmer said she'd be willing to certify much of Wayne County with the exception of Detroit.

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Laura Cox released a statement praising the news.

"This action will allow more time for us to get to the bottom of these deeply troubling irregularities," Cox said.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., called it a case of putting politics over duty.

"Suggesting that all of Wayne County can be certified, EXCEPT for Detroit, is horrifying racist and a subversion of our democracy," Tlaib tweeted.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson released a statement that, in the past, the state board has handed canvassing duties to the Bureau of Elections and is prepared to do so again if necessary.

"It is common for some precinct in Michigan and across the country to be out of balance by a small number of votes, especially when turnout is high," Benson said. "Importantly, this is not an indication that any votes were improperly cast or counted."

My statement on the actions taken during today’s meeting of the Board of Wayne County Canvassers. pic.twitter.com/Vb2TRpiLdJ

— Jocelyn Benson (@JocelynBenson) November 17, 2020

Biden defeated Trump by 146,007 votes statewide in Michigan, according to the Associated Press. But if the Wayne County votes are excluded, Trump would win Michigan by 176,918 votes.

The Associated Press and major news outlets have called the presidential election for Biden. Most have called Georgia for Biden, giving him a total of 306 electoral votes – 36 more than needed to win the election. AP and Fox News have not called Georgia, giving Biden 290 electoral votes.

Michigan has 16 electoral votes, so even without that state, Biden is still above 270 according to the projections of all major news outlets.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


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41751e  No.11688007


cut off his life juice……same as was done to RBG.

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3183a1  No.11688008

File: 3b3b96f1d96cb05⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 745x960, 149:192, chartofcoersion.jpg)


as soon as supposedly "Biden Won" they all put on their masks tighter

Must be TV pushing the zombie?

Also, Church was going to open "in two weeks "Now that "Biden Won"

"We can't take any chances"

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cde2b5  No.11688009


fuck off! Who is THEY is this instance?! >>11687961

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e384d9  No.11688010




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b1613b  No.11688011

File: cf3191b85bcfd02⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, anthony_fauci_china_flag_c….png)

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1903a2  No.11688012




re: fire

cannot get it to upload


Ended 49 minutes ago

A Huge Thank You.

Tracy Beanz



General Flynn


Thank you


for all you do &


for your team of professionals. 1st Praetorian helps us; they now need our help. Consider donating to support these American Patriots Flag of United States






Quote Tweet

Tracy Beanz


· Nov 15

There aren’t any words to explain how absolutely life saving the guys of @1st_praetorian are. They protected us yesterday during the March. These are absolute heroes. Consider donating to them so they can continue giving to us.


Show this thread

4:18 PM · Nov 15, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



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256621  No.11688013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


/pol/acks love that shit.

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a2e4ac  No.11688014



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b3fc07  No.11688015


it's all connected. wray/barr check out their law firms and who they worked with.

same outfits in China and Russia Hunter Biden worked with

criminal syndicate greater than the mafia all under the guise of the two top law enforcement agencies in our land FBI/DOJ.

this is what makes it so fucking treasonous!

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f11517  No.11688016

File: 72b3eb1ebe274d1⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1836x2376, 17:22, 719286B5_0078_4CE0_A1A2_8E….png)


>We had no idea Michelle's penis was even bigger than Hunter's?!

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3fe4ff  No.11688017


oh wow

idiots got to reenact lord of the flies

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14bffd  No.11688018


What was the graphic for when folks get the virus etc.

Announced they were self quarantining = under arrest, etc…..

I cannot find it but i think that borris johnson is under arrest too…..

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170299  No.11688019

File: 68523f3a3a3e138⋯.png (51.78 KB, 753x908, 753:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfb9d2254f9004a⋯.png (41.17 KB, 725x856, 725:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d13a02d56eced8⋯.png (21.65 KB, 743x413, 743:413, ClipboardImage.png)

The Election Vote: The Deeper You Look, The Worse it Gets

In this article, I’m going to discuss two companies, Dominion, and ES&S. I would advise investigators not to go to sleep on ES&S.

I’m not going to repeat all charges that have been leveled at Dominion Voting Systems. But look at what happened in Texas, when the Secretary of State had an analysis done in the fall of 2019.

The report was titled, “Voting System Examination Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 5.5-A.” [1] It was prepared by James Sneeringer, Ph.D. Designee of the Attorney General of Texas.

The devil is in the details, so here they are:

“Adjudication results can be lost. In the [prior] January exam, during adjudication of the ballots in the test election, one of the Dominion representatives made a series of mistakes that caused the entire batch of adjudication results to be lost. We did not see this problem again during this exam, but the adjudication system is unchanged, so this vulnerability is still present. Recommendation: Certification [approval of the Dominion system] should be denied.”

“Installation is complex, error prone, and tedious. I counted 184 steps in their installation manual before deciding to estimate the remaining steps. I estimate a total of about 500 steps are required to install the software. I did not count steps that merely said something like ‘Click OK’ or ‘Click Next.’ This installation manual is 412 pages long with an additional 23 pages of front matter — contents, lists of figures, and the like…Recommendation: Certification should be denied.”

“Test Voting. During our voting test, we discovered that some party names and proposition text were not displayed, and one scanner was not accepting some ballots. These all turned out to be errors Dominion made in setting up the standard test election used by the Secretary of State. In the case of the scanner, it had accidently been configured not to accept machine-marked ballots. The other problems were caused by leaving some fields empty during election setup, something that the EMS software should not allow, or at least highlight. Recommendation: Certification should be denied.”

“Misleading Message. The ballot-marking devices incorrectly informed voters that they were casting their ballots, when in fact they were only printing them. The ballots are not be counted until they were scanned on a different device. Recommendation: Certification should be denied.”

“USB Port Vulnerability. The ICX ballot-marking device has an indicator light on top to show poll workers when the station is in use. That light is connected by a USB port. When Brian Mechler’s phone was attached to the USB port, the ICX scanned the files on his phone and did not complain, although Dominion later showed that the event was logged. When a USB drive with files was inserted, the ICX sometimes complained and sometimes did not, apparently according to the content of the USB drive and whether it was present when the ICX was first powered up or inserted later.”

The examiner’s final conclusion: “I cannot recommend certification. Computer systems should be designed to prevent or detect human error whenever possible and minimize the consequences of both human mistakes and equipment failure. Instead the Democracy Suite 5.5-A is fragile and error prone. In my opinion it should not be certified for use in Texas.”

If that doesn’t give pause for thought, nothing will.


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b6c44e  No.11688020

File: cdbb75fbed0c1a1⋯.png (916.57 KB, 1230x746, 615:373, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

New Dan Scavino


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1e08d8  No.11688021

File: b1a089e5ce58e95⋯.png (620.9 KB, 1274x1500, 637:750, E7CAFE90_D3BE_49EF_9DFC_5B….png)

File: 3bdc5d3bd1adb2a⋯.png (243.21 KB, 444x922, 222:461, A32993C3_56DC_4A6E_9E9D_88….png)

A friend recieved this

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ab161c  No.11688022

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2936b4  No.11688023


NAMBLA af, would not play/10

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54169e  No.11688024


But there's Puerto Ricans there.

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6a02e3  No.11688025


Cameltoe, our girl!. Go baby go!

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51c1d0  No.11688026


and serena williams

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3fe4ff  No.11688027


maybe you could spend more time photoshoppin bewbs with tucker

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1540ba  No.11688028


His wife probably looks better with the mask on

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8f4eab  No.11688029


seems like trusting the plan is working well.

this plan has more holes in it every day.

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d213ad  No.11688030


have you been paying attention to the msn?

ask a normie whats being said about Iran recently?

could they be setting something up to distract us from a red wave?

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c77bcb  No.11688031

File: d77168cfee3f4af⋯.jpg (156.78 KB, 1560x686, 780:343, POTUS_Law_Order.jpg)

File: a39316cc4fbe208⋯.jpg (110.77 KB, 682x846, 341:423, Fuck_It_I_ll_Arrest_these_….jpg)

>>11686946 LB >>>>> >Ron is a cowboy

>>11687072 LB >>>>> >Maybe it's a message to POTUS to put on the hat & arrest the criminals



Patriot Anons

Now it explains POTUS Law & Order tweets so many times

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1b2e4a  No.11688032

File: ebd29630ac4749c⋯.png (398.79 KB, 2374x1056, 1187:528, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Any Codefags out there understand why some of POTUS' tweets include   ?

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bc4d5f  No.11688033


I'm not a Doctor but I play one on TV.

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e384d9  No.11688034


I already knew it was my no face porn shill can't give a damn.>>11687907

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32f191  No.11688035

File: a469e13aa64b6d6⋯.png (769.99 KB, 2700x3330, 30:37, newfags_8kun.png)

For Newfags

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4dc4d4  No.11688036


I hear Panama is the place now, Costa Rica #2.

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1e7c71  No.11688037


Meant to add this from a week ago:

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

At least 10,000 deceased people were found to have voted in this year’s election in the state of Michigan.

According to state election data, about 9,500 people who voted this year were officially dead, while another 2,000 were 100-years-old or more. None of these voters were found to be alive through the Social Security Death Index.

Analysts from ‘Big Data Poll‘ said some of these people may have never existed, meaning Michigan Democrats possibly used phony ballots to boost Joe Biden in the election. https://www.oann.com/data-over-10k-dead-people-voted-in-mich-fraud-probe-underway/

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c1e0db  No.11688038


They were most likely threatened. Major fuckery is afoot in this country. Total shitshow.

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57065b  No.11688039

File: 9c09eaad13660bb⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, aaa.jpg)

I have an idea, we could have the Democrat Sec of State (Mich) do an audit of anything that stinks in the voting in Detroit.

If she says it all okay, then we trust her.

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54ba95  No.11688040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley: Hidden History of Elections


8,178 watching now

•Started streaming 93 minutes ago

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f2e223  No.11688041


What the actual fuck?

There has to be something more to this.

Threats? Payouts? A trick to make us all look like fools?

I want their heads.

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cc4277  No.11688042

File: d1f62f778fdb8c1⋯.png (1.52 MB, 963x1080, 107:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.11688043

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1903a2  No.11688044





Tracy Beanz


A Huge Thank You.


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3fe4ff  No.11688045

File: 8c1ab1f99d5fc4b⋯.jpg (179.31 KB, 815x800, 163:160, IMG_4075.JPG)

thank gosh mahrump has asswipe tp for bungholes

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41751e  No.11688046

File: f0f54663dbb71af⋯.png (227.76 KB, 407x407, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


strawberry..only piece of halloween candy I saved from this year.

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d4446b  No.11688047

File: 0bd546687f9d1ff⋯.png (142.86 KB, 1021x871, 1021:871, scum_bags.png)

This group is not hiding anymore. RINOs trying to rescue the Demoncrats.

No excuse for a non vote from either Alexander or Grassly. Could have voted online.

Collins, McConnell and Romney are RINO shills.


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dcf41c  No.11688048


That's what I'm thinking as well, POTUS already has the cure, the vaccine is only a front to allow MIL movement.

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000000  No.11688049



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fa8586  No.11688050

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

@ 500

>>11687949 Mitch McConnell assures there will be ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Biden administration (Bet he gets the virus)

>>11687922 , >>11687943, "DOMINO" posts. WHO WAS NOT WEARING A MASK TODAY?

>>11687882 , >>11687946, NEW POTUS Well, it’s really quite simple. You just can’t have more votes than people!

>>11687845 The Wayne County Board of Canvassers has just unanimously voted to certify the results of the election & called on Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson to conduct an audit of the unexplained precincts in Wayne County that did not match.

>>11687841 Smartmatic's director admitted their voting system was used to create at least 1 million extra votes in a 2017 Venezuelan election

>>11687857 Brian Krebs has written anti-Q articles

>>11687829 Vice President-elect Kamala Harris returns to the Senate floor to cast a vote today.

>>11687822 , >>11686090 lb, >>11686118 lb , SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices)

>>11687787 The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday

>>11687771 178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida

>>11687766 DENVER, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Pols announced on Tuesday afternoon that 10 to 15 Colorado counties will move to Level Red: Severe Risk on the state's updated COVID-19

>>11687745 Steve Ricchetti

>>11687733 US Army Always ready!

>>11687726 From the IDF now. Syria Iran Israel

>>11687717 POTUS “Thunderstruck”, enjoy night shift anons, this will get you through”

>>11687707 , >>11687667, >>11687836, NEW POTUS Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

>>11687706 WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor

>>11687804 , >>11687838, POTUS

>>11687700 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11687697 Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>11687677 Pompeo in Turkey

>>11687660 BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

>>11687649 Joseph J Flynn Crack in the Dam is getting bigger . We_Have_Risen Release The Kraken

>>11687639 Floyd County Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!


>>11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

>>11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>11687605 DELETED? POTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>11687580 , >>11687736, >>11687931, PF

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687574 Kraken Q Dark 'n Stormy

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus - SANA

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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9feaa8  No.11688051



>Um Guys, I was looking for "Dominion" in my files and noticed some "DOMINO" posts.


Gen. Dunford


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451f8d  No.11688052

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1540ba  No.11688053

File: 91c555581f924c4⋯.jpeg (125.63 KB, 1078x735, 22:15, 010BD711_A743_4CA7_BD9E_D….jpeg)

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f694a6  No.11688054


>BREAKING: The Wayne County canvassing board re-voted Tuesday night and voted unanimously to certify the results. We are working on a full update to this story.


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b0299c  No.11688055


if anyone can DL the video compilations on this channel you'll see. If there was propaganda the CHINKS were doing it. Over and over chinks "leaked" horrifying videos to /pol/ with proof after proof…so if those videos are a lie then China is a fucking lie.

china lied

people died

and if chinks did this shit on purpose?


your white monkey "we din du nuffin" fucking video is only going to work on brainwashed retards.

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cde2b5  No.11688056


Thank you, anon. Not a newbie, but good reminder

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9be4f5  No.11688057

File: 8ede2e9e61f0e8e⋯.png (341.62 KB, 590x567, 590:567, ClipboardImage.png)


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3fe4ff  No.11688059


find us tp rumpo

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e5808f  No.11688060


>WTF they burned down Tracy Beanz house after she interviewed Patrick Byrne again

24 hour rule

wait for the Fire Marshals investigation

in the meantime she'll be collecting on that Go Fund me

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b1a903  No.11688061


PA anon here. I see people every day running with masks on. I always figure they are Democrats. I also feel these are the same people who would have willingly entered the boxcars.

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170299  No.11688062

File: ab9e849e91db7ca⋯.png (48.27 KB, 862x646, 431:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9620dafcf148877⋯.png (134.06 KB, 867x688, 867:688, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF? note the sauce

No, the National Guard didn’t try to thwart a CIA plot to steal the election

The National Guard is pushing back against online conspiracy theories that its cyber operatives surveilled the Central Intelligence Agency as the spy organization attempted to steal the presidential election.

The theory’s adherents claim — with absolutely no evidence — that the National Guard cyber troops' findings will result in the arrest of “these Democrat officials involved in this colossal elecxion [sic] fraud.” Military Times observed the theory circulating in copy-paste form on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, and 4chan.

“That is absolutely ludicrous,” said Lt. Col. Brad Leighton, a spokesperson for the Illinois National Guard, when Military Times asked him about the online postings. Illinois is one of at least 11 states whose National Guard activated troops to assist with cybersecurity for the election.

The theory is being pushed by adherents of QAnon, a cult-like conspiracy theory that believes an anonymous military intelligence official has been leaving clues about how President Donald Trump is working to destroy an international cabal of Satanic pedophiles.

QAnon-connected election conspiracies have received a great deal of airtime and attention in recent weeks. Pete Hegseth of Fox News promoted the baseless Hammer and Scorecard theory — the parent conspiracy of the Guard one debunked here — on “Fox and Friends,” and President Trump tweeted about a debunked off-shoot theory about Dominion voting machines.

“The National Guard…has not surveilled any US intelligence agencies for any missions,” said Master Sgt. Michael Houk, a spokesman for the National Guard Bureau.

“The Pennsylvania National Guard cyber team was under state activation…doing network security and ensuring that public-facing websites were not hacked,” said Lt. Col. Keith Hickox, the Pennsylvania National Guard’s state public affairs officer. “This was the fifth election where they have provided cyber support to the commonwealth.”

Asked if the Pennsylvania troops had participated in any electronic surveillance or collection, Hickox had a simple reply. “No.”

The idea that National Guard troops participated in such operations emerged from the false “hammer & scorecard” theory that holds the CIA was using a secret supercomputer to change election returns in real time.

Tuesday evening, after this story was first published, Trump fired Krebs over the matter.

Earlier in the day, Krebs tweeted out a report citing 59 election security experts saying there is no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome.


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67b3dd  No.11688063

File: d3b76bc43e131a9⋯.png (30.29 KB, 587x227, 587:227, ClipboardImage.png)

LMAO we have conditional certifications happening.

I guess nobody wants to sign their name ot this frahttps://twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1328888873347284992ud

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fd83ef  No.11688064


Fauci seems like a future victim of helicopter crash

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2e6239  No.11688065

File: 69cc6534cd23f10⋯.png (669.3 KB, 599x483, 599:483, 69cc6534cd23f10c87646f3808….png)

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42a61d  No.11688066

File: 1057ea929e2c3b1⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Ant_taking_a_pot.mp4)


Wait up

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aacf47  No.11688067

File: 45212e75b6c91ed⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, scavelecfraud.mp4)



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4dc4d4  No.11688069


So who has Creepy Joe floated for FBI and CIA? Current ones good enough for Creepy?

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b3fc07  No.11688070


how do we know this wasn't planned???

NO coincidences!

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a47f72  No.11688071


Multifaceted sting… many, many, many facets.

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2936b4  No.11688072


Would this help control the line breaks?

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bd7cc3  No.11688073

All in the Ricchetti Family

One former lobbyist works in the White House; the other runs the family business representing companies that received bailout dollars

Obama's transition team director John Podesta's brother Tony is a legend in the industry. Tony laid the roots for the rise of Ricchetti Inc.

Jeff Ricchetti cut his teeth lobbying for Podesta, bringing in top name clients, some of which would not jibe well with the president’s campaign rhetoric:

Health insurer Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which paid him $260,000 in 1999 and 2000.

Eli Lilly ($865,000 since 2000), the drug company that pushed doctors to prescribe an ineffective antipsychotic drug called Zyprexa onto elderly patients.

Dow Chemical ($280,000 between 1999 and 2000), which would later contaminate Saginaw Bay in Michigan, leading to the resignation of an EPA official.

Siemens ($1.325 million since 2001), which pled guilty to bribery charges in 2008.

After Steve Ricchetti left his post as deputy chief of staff for the Clinton administration, the brothers formed Ricchetti, Inc. in 2001 and soon acquired an A-list clientele.


MARCH 16, 2012

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2e1fa4  No.11688074

File: b97e95a623b18cf⋯.jpg (130.63 KB, 452x694, 226:347, revolutionary_soldier_HA_H….jpg)

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6212a6  No.11688075

File: 7c6a1465f1f28fa⋯.png (217.42 KB, 584x782, 292:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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e384d9  No.11688076


They will not do that.

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3fe4ff  No.11688077


find us tp rumpo >>11688045

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d213ad  No.11688078

File: dfa989abcef5812⋯.jpg (181.96 KB, 828x872, 207:218, 1605663679631.jpg)


the blue checks are melting down…

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aa6af0  No.11688079

File: 2db092632b56844⋯.png (59.32 KB, 603x449, 603:449, 1.png)

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bc4d5f  No.11688080

File: 242cac53d80116e⋯.png (468.53 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SEC_Logo.png)

SEC Pushes Urgent Plan That Could Delist Chinese Companies

"The SEC move is unusual because most agencies stop issuing major new policies after a presidential election, especially when a new party is taking power."


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cde2b5  No.11688081


What if you realize this was done by YOUR OWN PEOPLE? By Americans, by the very people who SWORE to protect the integrity of your lives…

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9be4f5  No.11688082

File: ebc626d62189c80⋯.png (62.1 KB, 598x368, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)



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4dc4d4  No.11688083


Make sure QueerBarry gets a final Christian prayer in accordance with his religion.

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dc79f5  No.11688084

What is our 3 year delta post for today? Did we dig it yet?

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b1613b  No.11688085

File: a57a6464a18217c⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 885x516, 295:172, nicolas_maduro_la_puta_mad….jpg)

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2936b4  No.11688086


Redpill me, anon. What do you think?

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3fe4ff  No.11688087


we need tp for our bunghole rumpo

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54ba95  No.11688088

File: f09d6b6bca03a8a⋯.png (706.72 KB, 964x636, 241:159, Screenshot_2020_11_17_2800….png)

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32f191  No.11688089

File: 386a3afbae510bc⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 498x600, 83:100, rp.jpg)

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e106d9  No.11688090


Sauce: https://mobile.twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/1328319662103416832

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3183a1  No.11688091

File: 1f0fbfb5ef1e3f5⋯.mp4 (846.12 KB, 720x376, 90:47, aochitler.mp4)



ANTIFA are that crazy.

It's worse than the twilight zone

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560b51  No.11688092



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4cc1d4  No.11688093


They gonna need some damn good lawyers – and one of those Hussein judges to get out of this shit

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3d7b5e  No.11688094

File: d9838920dfd13a3⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1440x1440, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you for your service, anon

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0e2a5f  No.11688095

File: e916ff0fe036e76⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 566x383, 566:383, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1842….jpg)

File: 43e1ea8867ff5fd⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 980x186, 490:93, Screenshot_2020_11_17_1841….jpg)

what a fuckin clown https://twitter.com/SenRickScott/status/1328837940265562118


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1540ba  No.11688096

File: acfd43e3d9468be⋯.jpeg (207.44 KB, 1068x734, 534:367, 94C60624_44EA_4248_9D2F_A….jpeg)

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42a61d  No.11688097


Senator-Elect John James

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aacf47  No.11688098


Looks like people who are considering the phrase 'don't drop the soap'

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8ecb60  No.11688099

Pelosi says they won the war - I seriously doubt it.

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0be306  No.11688100

>>11687559 neocon extraordinaire

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8f4eab  No.11688101

Looks like if this is going to get done, we'll have to do it ourselves and the hardest way possible.

why not….

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1d7d35  No.11688102


I you think Jocelyn Benson will do Anything

you are Hunter Biden


Smoking Crack

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54db7d  No.11688103

Codemonkey position opening

BREAKING: Christopher C. Krebs, the first and current Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security was just FIRED by President Trump

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3fe4ff  No.11688104


we need tp for our bunghole rumpo >>11688045

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ac726f  No.11688105


How exactly is this supposed to help? What could

you possibly be thinking? GTFO

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4dc4d4  No.11688106


The enemy within.

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170299  No.11688107





>>11687560, >>11687561

Chuck Grassley tests positive for coronavirus


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5cb4b7  No.11688108


They bet on state vote discarded and no-one getting 270, and with 5 defectors the final vote to Biden.

Supreme court may just decide to adjust votes, based on proven fraud tho.

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dc79f5  No.11688109


It's all bullshit, anon. Canvassing board doesn't get to call anything for Biden.

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116c43  No.11688110

File: 9b051b94e7ed78e⋯.png (6.86 KB, 677x450, 677:450, clipboard.png)


>“isn’t a game.”

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e384d9  No.11688111


If I had a muse, I would expect it to take over my art.

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a47f72  No.11688112


Covid 2 is the activation of the virus implanted into anyone getting a covid "test".

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26e88d  No.11688114

File: f35704b0cdd5621⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 542x460, 271:230, FunnyShitRightThere.jpg)


Quints for the win!

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aacf47  No.11688115


Fed Reserve pick - no committee hearing

FCC pick - no committee hearing


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8e18b6  No.11688116

File: 51a39e46cd21f40⋯.webm (234.39 KB, 406x720, 203:360, _27_qresearch_Q_Research_….webm)

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14232b  No.11688117

File: 72cf9d71a71cfd2⋯.png (331.31 KB, 844x448, 211:112, PIL_SUNG_GLOCK_GLOCK_A_10_….PNG)

File: 98fc9a35394f853⋯.png (470.3 KB, 616x387, 616:387, A_10_pilot_PIL_SUNG_25th_A….PNG)

PIL SUNG GLOCK GLOCK A-10 BRRT's out of Osan-PIL SUNG (Certain Victory) is the motto of the 25th Fighter Sq. based at Osan

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47df29  No.11688118


Stfu dickwad, she told people she has insurance and to stop donating and that she didn’t start it.

Fuck right off bitch


You shut your stupid mouth too



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d73b6f  No.11688119

My god republicans are fucking cowards

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1b2e4a  No.11688120



I know what it is, but how/why is it in Trump's tweets.


>Would this help control the line breaks?

I tried replicating via Twitter for iPhone and it tweets out the  

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4dc4d4  No.11688121


Please clap.

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cc4277  No.11688122

File: 31a296e4e2a279b⋯.png (47.7 KB, 607x373, 607:373, ClipboardImage.png)


"Bossert doesn’t know that Krebs hadn’t been showing up to work for months & refused to attend election security meetings because Bossert hasn’t been to work since he got fired a couple years ago." https://twitter.com/ArthurSchwartz/status/1328869947636916231

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ae0e76  No.11688123

File: 40500868527c94f⋯.pdf (4.29 MB, vigano.pdf)

File: 445cbb9a09941c2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1500x926, 750:463, Vigano_1_1500x926.png)

Archbishop Viganò Responds In-Depth to the McCarrick Report


The Pope spins tries to spin this around on Viganò in his huge propaganda piece.

Viganò, the one who outed McCarrick (serial predator and CCP stooge) fights back immediately.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - November 13, 2020


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cd0725  No.11688124

File: af5351a96e29eb1⋯.png (957.13 KB, 704x814, 32:37, Screen_Shot_2020_11_16_at_….png)

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5a710e  No.11688125


He is immigrating to GITMO

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917b21  No.11688127

>>11686054 (pb)

Can we now arrest Resident Biden and call him Inmate Elect Biden?

A little missunderstandig from OAN.

Biden said "I don't want Trump to enact a policy (hastily), before he has understood the details."

Not "because he'll ask for the details"

So nothing beeing covered up directly in the phone call (although what Bidens true motives were, only he knows).

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6aa077  No.11688129



>40 Michigan state legislators send STRONG letter to Secretary of State


> demanding audit and “every legal vote must be counted.”

>8:28 PM · Nov 17, 2020




>I have an idea, we could have the Democrat Sec of State (Mich) do an audit of anything that stinks in the voting in Detroit.

>If she says it all okay, then we trust her.

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dc79f5  No.11688130

Hmm, they all have more money than I do already. I wish them all the best of luck. I will keep them in my prayers.


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b7363a  No.11688131


I saw someone walking alone at night

with a mask on.

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26bbd4  No.11688132

File: d580bd6eb7526b2⋯.png (812.91 KB, 902x658, 451:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0299c  No.11688133

File: a04249080a2be7f⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1423x1390, 1423:1390, WuFlu_LARP_from_inside_chi….png)

File: 4aeb33893adc14d⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, WuFLu_cremation_proof2.jpg)

File: 7a85d9751e60c15⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2100x1511, 2100:1511, WuFlu_LARP_from_inside_chi….png)


What happened was they started a "corona virus general (CVG) and the leaks started pouring in left and right. /pol/ started taking it seriously after what happened to Chen. So obviously we believed the fucking "citizen videos".

Proof after proof flooded in. IF ALL the videos exposing what the CCP was doing to their citizens were lies then the Chinks leaking this shit deserve death. Watch the one I embedded, would you believe?

fuck china

fuck white monkeys making propaganda videos for china

fuck Wumao

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2d7f01  No.11688134



too soon but he'll be up after several moar habbenings still to play out so hang on to it

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f73234  No.11688135


Kek, uber guilty.

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6a4637  No.11688136


If Roths have China, then they have Cuba, because Cuba is now a money-laundering operation for China. But anon doesn't know if Roths have China. Do they?

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fd83ef  No.11688137

File: 48aa670bf8c3669⋯.jpg (162.08 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, clarence_thomas.jpg)

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bd8eeb  No.11688138

File: ea6376ad4dc013d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 720x930, 24:31, Cupace20201103192706.png)

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870580  No.11688139


I think the same. The crackdown is going to have to be widespread and will have to be fast (warp speed). Only way is to have assets in place, under cover!

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c1f9c2  No.11688140


Crenshaw. No thanks.

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ac726f  No.11688141


I ask you, friend, to forgive the crassness and

uncaring of others. May the God Who built the

universe in six days, give you peace, and pro-

vide you all your needs. We see your home

rebuilt, and your family secure once again.

This in the Mighty Name of the Architect of

all Creation, and the Author of Our Salvation,

the name of Jesus. Amen.

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edf57d  No.11688142

File: 4449434f53c13dc⋯.png (32.01 KB, 598x328, 299:164, 6DBB66CC_1481_4DBB_AEDB_6F….png)


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cde2b5  No.11688143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3fe4ff  No.11688144


all this is really about

is the nazi fake jesus

or "jesus butthole"

or teh "butthole of teh jesus"


has teh cohivs

from teh grindr

and got teh banned

but he licked so much grandpa fake nazi anus to get there

we cal that anus fauci now

so right now

teh world is having teh screen door costume memorial

cause teh jews were teh fake too

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d213ad  No.11688145


i believe this

some believe the real spanish flu was spread from the military guys who got vaccinated by our government then shipped around the world..

maybe we deserve the nuke after all

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151337  No.11688146


Top guys looks a little like fake Hunter, but don't think its him

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ae0e76  No.11688147


Thing is, wearing your Cowboy hat backwards is usually considered back luck.

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42a61d  No.11688148

File: 51967793305012f⋯.jpg (168.23 KB, 770x772, 385:386, exchange.jpg)


>SEC Pushes Urgent Plan That Could Delist Chinese Companies

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f13d1c  No.11688149


Every dog has its day. Q called his death to the minute, 30 days out.

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252826  No.11688150

File: 0d99482a09073ec⋯.png (536.08 KB, 578x370, 289:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Q is about to appear and say Release The…

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f2e223  No.11688151


I really don't want it to come to that.

But we have to make sure the bad guys know we will if we have to.

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3f1dc8  No.11688152

In reversal, GOP officials in key Michigan county certify ballot count after striking a compromise with Democrats


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55f43e  No.11688153


Notice How Pfizer had a vaccine at 90%?

Now Moderna has it at 94.5%?

I believe they are comms telling us how close Q is to "something" being 100% complete. The only reason I can think why Trump and friends keep pushing this.

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aacf47  No.11688154


The Dems, Antifa, BLM and their mental outcast criminal early release squad were so smug and celebrating their fake victory. Not anymore… Karma is a bitch assholes. We let you dance in the streets and cold cock people knowing the end was near for you vermin. To quote Scarface 'Well look at you now.'

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c8bde2  No.11688155

File: b4c38593effae0f⋯.png (2.16 MB, 3000x1200, 5:2, kraken_png.png)


Just made this. Use at will anons

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8cd949  No.11688156

File: 38d81b2775f0ac4⋯.png (1.21 MB, 677x1941, 677:1941, ClipboardImage.png)





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dd9956  No.11688157


So the board was asked: "Who is this? Why do we care? Who has been hiding him in plain sight under a different name? Who helped him assume a life style that allowed him to work for pharma companies? What was he really doing? Why was he there? Why does this make you so nervous? "

FWIW I've been searching Google lately looking at what catastrophes might have awaited us if the enormous quantities of fentanyl and related compounds hadn't been interdicted.

Someone might be trying to use me or the board. Make of it what you will.

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3fe4ff  No.11688158


call on god

but row away from the rocks

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133126  No.11688159


>2021 will be the start of the 2nd Civil War, and nobody wants that

speak for yourself…

many are sick and tired of all the bullshit, at the ready, and will fight to the death for Liberty

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9a6cf2  No.11688160


Welcome to 1972

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000000  No.11688161


They're eating themselves

hot potato

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e5808f  No.11688162


>Stfu dickwad, she told people she has insurance and to stop donating and that she didn’t start it.

But what did the Fire Marshal Investigation say?

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0d9ab3  No.11688163

8kun is slowing right down for me.

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42a61d  No.11688164

File: 7d4892f4e2211d2⋯.png (54.34 KB, 800x527, 800:527, Quads.png)

File: 62ea3d4e5dc51da⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, math4of3.png)



>Quints for the win!

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de5367  No.11688165


I like this guy!

Texanons unite!

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b2cf9a  No.11688166

File: 7419f8d02de1ff0⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 720x526, 360:263, 93061286_263878454770460_5….jpg)

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dad9fe  No.11688167

File: 88e98a39db0721a⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepe.jpg)

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ac726f  No.11688168


Your lips to God's Ears, friend.

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da49f6  No.11688169


I would never leave the continental US. This country has everything that any individual county has.

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761f34  No.11688170


Fuckin clowns.

They need a curfew.

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2d5f3c  No.11688171

File: 925432a7b2d35ed⋯.jpeg (480.08 KB, 1125x1047, 375:349, 12289F5D_84A9_4858_A14F_C….jpeg)

President Trump tweet:

Well, it’s really quite simple.

You just can’t have more votes than people!

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d17d64  No.11688172


Did Q not say that there had to be some deception?

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aacf47  No.11688173


The compromise was - Your family won't be earthworm food if you certify the results. This is not a game.

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6a4637  No.11688174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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54ba95  No.11688175

File: c3a0a8b74e864f6⋯.png (1020.61 KB, 964x542, 482:271, Screenshot_2020_11_17_2800….png)

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26aa81  No.11688176

File: 8f9000b4fca6a14⋯.jpg (20.62 KB, 377x308, 377:308, psych.jpg)

for anons


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2d7f01  No.11688177




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ae0e76  No.11688178


My guess is they (Wray/Haspel) are his people already…all working for the same agenda.

If not mistaken, FBI DIrector is a 10 year appointment.

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2a0873  No.11688179

File: e3d524c724718f4⋯.jpg (13.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, s_l400.jpg)

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53cdca  No.11688180

File: e3e11a04e7862b3⋯.png (400.81 KB, 606x341, 606:341, newsmax.png)

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a45054  No.11688181


sooo what's gunna be dun about it eh?

The media doesn't give a shit. My conservative old man is still MSM hooked.

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7a3d4e  No.11688182

File: 8ac97679915d420⋯.png (243.87 KB, 1100x906, 550:453, Screenshot_2020_11_18_at_0….png)


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c1f9c2  No.11688183


Crenshaw has already gotten comfortable at the government slop trough.

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14232b  No.11688184

File: e0bded38b8217e8⋯.png (186.19 KB, 682x475, 682:475, pepe_lagging_bred.png)

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3fe4ff  No.11688185


call on god

but row away from the rocks >>11688141




> -^^^^look^^^^^^ bots already made qanon movie










>>>11627205 (You)


>>>gehyest wedding #ever>the internethoax leaks all the hell on earth faykin gehy of npc macabre circuses




>>>to double pseak in frauds


>>>pony powered future and rent is too damn high


> pig fuckk WTF homo



<^^^^homo trigger









><gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


> back to egypt




>>11645843 <gif was gaytarded



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo




<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor






<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo




<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor











^^^^butt IF ANU$GEHYS?!


digital pony show

and tehy all dead nambla creeps

and teh creepypasta-ing

and it's teh endless teh jew noodles

at teh end of a sidewalk

homo soap box gehyowboy church court

with gi joe kung fu grip tropes





><gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


> back to egypt




>>11645843 <gif was gaytarded



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo




<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor






<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor



<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo




<gehy pig fuckk WTF homo


>> jews back to egypt



>>11646153 <number to trevor



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WITH EVERY STEP

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS THE FURTHEST HE HAS EVER BEEN >>11650865

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WITH EVERY STEP

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS THE FURTHEST HE HAS EVER BEEN



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WITH EVERY STEP


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS THE FURTHEST HE HAS EVER BEEN >>11650865 (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WITH EVERY STEP


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS THE FURTHEST HE HAS EVER BEEN




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bf4599  No.11688186


Mighty bunched up there. unsat

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6cd27f  No.11688187

File: a9c25adf5ec63b9⋯.png (366.18 KB, 1612x1376, 403:344, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Contact info for the Denver Representative of Dominion Voting Systems Inc.

Who is Sally Williams?


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e384d9  No.11688188


No because you're all a bunch of sheep

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fa8586  No.11688189

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>11687490

>>11688117 PLANEFAG PIL SUNG GLOCK GLOCK A-10 BRRT's out of Osan-PIL SUNG (Certain Victory) is the motto of the 25th Fighter Sq. based at Osan

>>11688080 SEC Pushes Urgent Plan That Could Delist Chinese Companies

>>11688062 WTF? note the sauce No, the National Guard didn’t try to thwart a CIA plot to steal the election

>>11688020 New Dan Scavino

>>11688005 Michelle Obama Pops Up Her Head to Weigh in on Presidential Transition — Says “This Isn’t a Game”

>>11688004 40 Michigan state legislators send STRONG letter to Secretary of State demanding audit and “every legal vote must be counted.”

>>11688000 Landfall Games using pedo symbolism, sarcastically admitting to pizza gate affiliation

>>11687949 Mitch McConnell assures there will be ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Biden administration (Bet he gets the virus)

>>11687922 , >>11687943, "DOMINO" posts. WHO WAS NOT WEARING A MASK TODAY?

>>11687882 , >>11687946, NEW POTUS Well, it’s really quite simple. You just can’t have more votes than people!

>>11687845 The Wayne County Board of Canvassers has just unanimously voted to certify the results of the election & called on Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson to conduct an audit of the unexplained precincts in Wayne County that did not match.

>>11687841 Smartmatic's director admitted their voting system was used to create at least 1 million extra votes in a 2017 Venezuelan election

>>11687857 Brian Krebs has written anti-Q articles

>>11687822 , >>11686090 lb, >>11686118 lb , SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices)

>>11687787 The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday

>>11687771 178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida

>>11687766 DENVER, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Pols announced on Tuesday afternoon that 10 to 15 Colorado counties will move to Level Red: Severe Risk on the state's updated COVID-19

>>11687745 , >>11688073, Steve Ricchetti

>>11687733 US Army Always ready!

>>11687707 , >>11687667, >>11687836, NEW POTUS Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

>>11687560 , >>11687561, >>11687597, 11687706 WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor

>>11687804 , >>11687838, POTUS

>>11687700 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11687697 Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>11687677 Pompeo in Turkey

>>11687660 BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

>>11687649 Joseph J Flynn Crack in the Dam is getting bigger . We_Have_Risen Release The Kraken

>>11687639 Floyd County Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!


>>11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression

>>11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>11687605 DELETED? POTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>11687580 , >>11687736, >>11687931, PF

>>11687578 , >>11687619, Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>11687568 , >>11687595, Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus

>>11687555 , >>11687572, New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3


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6995e1  No.11688190

"The Red Shirts and similar groups were especially active in those states with an aa majority. "


Am I missing the easily accessible by state Wiki page of the census going back to the beginning for all states to confirm this?

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26bbd4  No.11688191

File: 3d10e3e146d3d3f⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 720x845, 144:169, 3d10e3e146d3d3f1d4654af2e0….jpg)


They ran a psyops and the sheep fell for it.

There is sooo much evidence it was made in a lab, but it's been drowned out by the commies news.

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fd83ef  No.11688192



What difference does it make when the whole virus was just a psy-op? This is multi-national, billionaire funded, three-letter-agency run, and Roths designed mind fuck.

Blaming muh china is just kind of silly. Its all one dark interconnected mind fuck.

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9ac0ed  No.11688193

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b1613b  No.11688194

File: 0a04832ed2efb54⋯.jpg (58.97 KB, 500x576, 125:144, alan_watts_maga_hat_the_ph….jpg)

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6aa077  No.11688195



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a45054  No.11688196


nice, what's going to be done about it? The media sure aynt reporting it to their hooked masses

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eaf21a  No.11688197


You are not truly anonymous here.

Do not post your intentions here or anywhere else. To do so is to telegraph them to the enemy. You have doomed yourself before you began.

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1903a2  No.11688198

File: ed0c2a4bd4a2756⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 343x343, 1:1, _DNpPNUm_400x400.jpg)


Praying Medic


Oh, look. Face with rolling eyes

Quote Tweet

Adam Schiff


· 2h

Director Krebs worked diligently to safeguard our elections from interference and misinformation.

He protected our democracy. And spoke truth to power.

That’s why Trump retaliated and fired him.

It’s pathetic and predictable from a president who views truth as his enemy.

7:42 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Twitter for Android




Quote Tweets



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e83c96  No.11688199

File: 11d664e06337acb⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1033x1217, 1033:1217, ClipboardImage.png)

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b3fc07  No.11688200


it's a club and the American people aren't in it!!!

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b61eb6  No.11688202


I don't believe the numbers we're given, period.

However, it's odd how all the 'hot spots' keep getting these miraculous rise in cases.

Almost as if someone/something is spiking the kool-aid, so to speak.

Who's got the vial, and how are they using it?

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256621  No.11688203


Keks in Platoon Sgt.

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8cd949  No.11688204

File: 9fd7c64a0f2320e⋯.png (640.55 KB, 792x426, 132:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fe4ff  No.11688205


>all this is really about


>is the nazi fake jesus


>or "jesus butthole"


>or teh "butthole of teh jesus"




>has teh cohivs


>from teh grindr


>and got teh banned


>but he licked so much grandpa fake nazi anus to get there


>we cal that anus fauci now


>so right now


>teh world is having teh screen door costume memorial


>cause teh jews were teh fake too

and tahts teh why mnuchin has teh retarded face as teh kylo ren or teh hans gruber blah blah blah antichirst satan flesh driedel idiot

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bf4599  No.11688206

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ad01ba  No.11688207


The last time democrats threatened tearing this republic apart if they don't get their way was 1860

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3f1dc8  No.11688208


Already debunked, what a failure

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0be306  No.11688209

>>11688078 it says they did vote to certify tho.

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d213ad  No.11688210


we want a revolution..

but the deep fags want a civil war..

big difference

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a45054  No.11688211


control, and the sheep go yassir masta yassir

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4dc4d4  No.11688212


McCarthy will be Speaker when the vote audits and lawsuits are completed.

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18c3cd  No.11688213

File: 84202c54a1c3133⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 499x580, 499:580, new_vegas.jpg)

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2d7f01  No.11688214



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b721dc  No.11688215


Oh yes .. i remember now.. one of the early Q proofs..

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f694a6  No.11688216

Kathy Gray


Really frustrating thing is that the board was muted for about five minutes and came back on and basically said never mind, we changed our minds and certified the results. No explanation.

Quote Tweet

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c1e9ec  No.11688217


not allowed to comment

tfw you betray AMERICA

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57e9b1  No.11688218


sounds fishy to lawfag

doubt they can lawfully issue a conditional certification

would not be binding on SOS either

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d1a0f3  No.11688219

File: 45e76aa186c16e4⋯.jpg (425.41 KB, 1577x907, 1577:907, ERIC_COOMER.jpg)


>Coomer saying on tape that "the elections won't be a problem, I've taken care of that

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151337  No.11688220

File: 00580b5698598e2⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 410x598, 205:299, pepe_based.jpg)


hmm there's a lot more to that story I bet.

Who is Schwartz?

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aacf47  No.11688222

Think of the pressure and threats put on the Wayne County MI Election canvassing board to certify election fraud.

And Mil Intel HAS IT ALL. FISA works both ways.

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26e88d  No.11688224

File: 80d87deb293f8d9⋯.jpg (55.41 KB, 565x458, 565:458, ChappyIronEagle.jpg)


Didn't Q post something about 'Iron Eagle'?

Almonds tingling… Air Force Colonel, you say?

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6217e9  No.11688225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.

“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.

Trump’s speech for the

globalists went a little

differently than Biden’s…

Do you believe that when all the multi-billionaires of the world get together in their little annual meetings at the Bohemian grove, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral group that they sit around and talk about what’s best for all the little sheeple of the world?

Do they talk about rainbows and unicorns and how they can use their fortunes to help mankind and make life better for everyone?

No… they’re a group of white collar international criminals who conspire with each other to make even more money for themselves… they don’t give a damn about you.

These ppl are the modern day “Longshanks” of the world, they steal with both hands and toss the scraps from their feast out to the sheeple to keep us quiet and contained.

These ppl buy politicians like cheap suits, as the cost of doing business in the global market.

JFK was the last honest American President we have had until Trump came along and won the election against all odds.

(Likely because Hillary’s corruption is so overt they couldn’t hide it.)

Clinton, Obama, Bush, Carter, Ford and Nixon (and wanna be Biden too) were / are ALL bought…

(Reagan was a well intentioned celebrity who was shown with a bullet who was really in charge)

Pelosi, Nadler, Waters, McCain, Schiff the list goes on and on and on…

Trump was a real estate developer in New York. You don’t think he knows how the mafia controls the unions. How hard it is to compete against all the organized crime in the world? Trump knows…

Trump is a modern day William Wallace working to expose the corruption and crimes of the lying entrenched and corrupt politicians.

He’s working for free and taking a barrage of relentless attacks from the globalist criminals who don’t want their little racket to end.

He’s said it from the very beginning.

DRAIN the Swamp!

“…I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.”

-Donald Trump


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133126  No.11688226


>big difference


hence "at the ready"…

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e9432e  No.11688228


Ecuador has a large American community. It's cheap to live there, they use the American dollar for currency.

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4dc4d4  No.11688229


There aint gonna be no run-offs for Ds once the vote audit is properly done. McSally and James will also win Senate seats.

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0a03de  No.11688230


Gov. Wolf is a jewfaggot from York, Pa.

He can choke on a bag of dicks.

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116c43  No.11688231


True. Ever go to a archived bread and still get a (You)?

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f2c420  No.11688232

File: 042707c89d7301e⋯.png (457.61 KB, 593x497, 593:497, 042707c89d7301e919471ff656….png)

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aacf47  No.11688233


He had a funny way of taking the Fifth, didn't he?

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b61eb6  No.11688234


You can bypass that either by clicking Learn more or Advanced. I don't remember which.

Also could have to do with your private session.

I've done it before

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ac726f  No.11688236

File: 633b14741156c5d⋯.png (26.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


'Dun' is an interesting misspelling for 'done.'

'Dun' is a real word meaning to bill for activities.

This would be a perfect time to test Trump's

latest EO's. So 'DUN' is what's going to be 'dun'

about it.

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3fe4ff  No.11688238


oh wow


and congruent angels

must be civilized

is that zombie singing?

are they stabbin it in the gut ?

was it bribes lies and tax reasons?


alert teh despotic tranny creepypasta titanic casino call center chat room

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2757ae  No.11688239




King Kill 33:


The Occult War:




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6cd27f  No.11688240

File: 95ec97480ce26e3⋯.png (188.86 KB, 648x356, 162:89, Screen_Shot_2020_08_31_at_….png)

Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO

Dominion Voting Systems

before the Committee on House Administration

“2020 Election Security-Perspectives from Voting System Vendors and Experts”

January 9, 2020


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1903a2  No.11688242

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32f191  No.11688243

File: 8440e1c5bf2e736⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1200x1315, 240:263, Screen_Shot_2019_09_19_at_….png)

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a2e4ac  No.11688244


Mostly jews of course.

Then the Rs got $ or threats and folded

This shot is getting old.

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51c1d0  No.11688245


Also at that time stories of 3 million cell phones cancelled.

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42a61d  No.11688246

File: 9d25097f7b8bfb0⋯.png (262.47 KB, 640x335, 128:67, RaceCardDeclined.png)


>"Suggesting that all of Wayne County can be certified, EXCEPT for Detroit, is horrifying racist and a subversion of our democracy," Tlaib tweeted.

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671948  No.11688247


10 Year Max, not guaranteed

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c1f9c2  No.11688248


Fucked around. Finding out?

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b0299c  No.11688249

File: d5dc892c78b66d4⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 256x256, 1:1, wuflu_equador.webm)

File: bf2fc95ff8f865d⋯.webm (1.31 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Wuflu_severe_shaking_at_d….webm)

File: 49bb3eb35eb7ffe⋯.webm (1.23 MB, 400x294, 200:147, wuflu_china_construction.webm)

File: b476671c65fef45⋯.webm (1.76 MB, 264x288, 11:12, wuflu_bodies_need_source_….webm)

File: 8debc67c4ad808f⋯.webm (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Wuflu_chinese_elderly_wom….webm)


Look, I don't fucking put it past anyone to start shit. But /pol/ isn't fucking stupid. They automatically do not fucking believe anything. When videos started dropping each one was examined for proof of fakery, proof it was related to something else. Over and over shit came up "real".

So where did the hundreds of videos showing overflowing hospitals and people dropping dead, convulsing, new hospital built. Webcams showing dead city on live feed. /pol/ started believing and sharing, spreading the videos.

There is still a CVG thread on most days.

The retards in the chink propaganda video are WELL-KNOWN "White Monkeys" IE will do whatever CCP says.

So you're thinking the glowies took every video and all the data and started dropping it on /pol/? The air data, as an example, came from public sources so…how did they fake the life air quality data that showed something being burned?

People suck this propaganda up like it's life giving….the comments are brain exploding.

I have hundreds of webms made from those videos. So–basically that Chink "we din du nuffin" video means all Chinks were party to this fraud?

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e83c96  No.11688250

File: e703fc0dce86912⋯.png (203.19 KB, 1347x270, 449:90, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fe4ff  No.11688251


blah blah

rumpo has tp for shekels

yada yada yada

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1e7c71  No.11688252


ThanQ for posting that, Anon! Was looking for it before. Should be taped to every single pole in the Communist-controlled cities.

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cde2b5  No.11688253


>What difference does it make

When the people realize those whom they trusted to protect them are actually trying to kill them…shit hits the fan.

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2e1fa4  No.11688254

File: 7a5cc8a2fc784e7⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1840x2402, 920:1201, cia_are_bronies_3.png)


>dog faced brony-soldier

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dd9956  No.11688255


By the way, I'm wary of this. Anyone who wants to sensationalize a story or set up 8kun could do something like this. Anyone wanting free research could do so too.

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41751e  No.11688256

File: 02859ccae53b129⋯.png (744.08 KB, 539x607, 539:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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9917b3  No.11688258

File: 98095b4f846442a⋯.png (71.8 KB, 651x691, 651:691, ClipboardImage.png)

Never seen anyone do the vaccine jerkoff so much as the last couple of weeks

One has to wonder where all the $$$$$ keeps going. From 15 yrs ago.

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b1613b  No.11688259

File: 38ce2961b3de63c⋯.png (183.6 KB, 864x441, 96:49, tom_wolf_obey.png)


One of the Murderous Five

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6995e1  No.11688260


I can dig through the multiple different categories and put it together but then it still does not feel official. How can a census be so complicated. No answer needed.

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ac726f  No.11688261


It's too bad that clever memes like these can't be

clandestinely inserted into the actual broadcast

stream. Giggle, snort, pee a little!

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4dc4d4  No.11688262


More MI fuckery. A complete audit is obviously required in all these D-controlled states.

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a2e4ac  No.11688263


Turning to stone waiting and not winning. ARGH!

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000000  No.11688264


comfy post


>“…I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.”

-Donald Trump

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a928f3  No.11688265

File: 077011d7dedcd40⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClaymoreM18.png)


KBar- .556 x3000 9mm x 1000

I Will Take My Chances

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54752b  No.11688266

Remember, 4 star General Paul Nakasone is the commander of the US Cyber Command and director of the NSA. This is where all the fraud is being monitored - the military is the only way. Chris Krebs was director of CISA - a bunch of swamp rats. I doubt if any of them have a clue what is really going on. I am sure they were cut out of the loop a long time ago.

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32f191  No.11688268

File: d698728f30a7f85⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 430x286, 215:143, d698728f30a7f8574594feb172….jpg)

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cc4277  No.11688269


"I guess someone is sobering up! Netanyahu just said in a radio interview: “Why should I say who won in the US presidential elections? We all know what is about to happen…” https://twitter.com/BeholdIsrael/status/1328707796632793089

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c1e0db  No.11688270


I think this was before the sudden reversal. They'll be gloating in no time.

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713049  No.11688272

File: 77b2fc7dfa5f560⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 331x397, 331:397, Hunter_Biden.jpg)

Did someone say Crack-In?

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81b63e  No.11688273


Almost every military career.

Thugs for the FED and associated banksters across the world as they play both sides against each other.

No central bank?

You don’t want one?

Fuck you then, here ‘s your war.

Don’t want to repay your debts?

Fuck you then, here’s your war.

Ask Saddam, he turned down the cash and look what he got.

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2757ae  No.11688274


Michael A. Hoffman II Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare Page 39


Truth or Consequences

There are occult links between masonic ceremonies held at the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico and the masonic ritual which attended the explosion of the first atomic bomb and the assassination of President Kennedy.

This mapping of the world in terms of a magico-scientific toponony is remindful of the Rosicrucian princes of the Renaissance, with their specially-sited palaces and grounds arranged in an elaborate pattern of images and symbols which functioned as a "memory theater" where, it was claimed, all knowledge, the entire encyclopedia, could be stored and recalled. The gauntlet the cryptocracy threw down at our feet in the specially orchestrated chain of ritual criminal events and locations intimately connected to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, was an "open-air" ceremony in full public view for those who had the eyes and the intuition to see it. Much of the Process was carried on in public. This was the "truth." The supreme high-stakes gamblers of the Hermetic Academy risked "the consequences."

Granted it was a gamble, but to those whose annals contained the records of the powers and perceptions of fully human beings of old compared with the mind-bombed goofs and patsies which make up the overwhelming majority of an increasingly less- than-human modern mankind, perhaps the risk was not so great after all. It's a matter of timing.

The cryptocracy's spectacular 20th century scam could never have been accomplished in antiquity among free people. The truth of the symbolism involved would have been immediately perceived and would have resulted in swift resistance to it by the target population.

The followers of the cult of Human Brain Power whose exoteric sigil is the pentagram, would have been swinging from tall trees in short order, soon to be added to Robert K.G. Temple's inventory of martyrs wiped out by craven prisoners of "shuttered belief-systems."

If traditional man could respond quickly and resolutely to those who would tamper with God's natural order, the contemporary cryptocracy (which is blessed with the ability not to believe their own public relations propaganda), would be fully aware that the real prisoners of "shuttered belief systems" are modern people whose laziness and disconnection from reality would virtually ensure that the "consequences" would not accrue to the debit sheet of the cryptocracy, but rather to the base humanity which failed to detect the cheat. And therein lies the risk and the success (thus far) of the Truth or Consequences mechanism

If the truth of what the cryptocracy has perpetrated is grasped and acted upon, the consequences for the conspirators will be annihilation. But if the people fail to perceive the truth or fail to act on their perception, thus rendering the Process a kind of tacit consent born of apathy, amnesia and abulia, the consequence for the conspirators will be a giant-step in the advancement of their system of control, that is to say, ever tighter bonds of enslavement for humanity.

Why does the cryptocracy bother to gamble so much by going public with what it is doing to us? Because consent fuels their control like no other form of energy.

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f7fd7d  No.11688275

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fa8586  No.11688276

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32f191  No.11688277

File: a948c0236da349f⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, happy_dog.jpg)

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e384d9  No.11688278


Post this on Twitter. Senate said they must post it without prejudice.

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b2cf9a  No.11688279

File: 5dbef26773d65f4⋯.jpg (119.01 KB, 752x960, 47:60, 93496681_221443445952233_8….jpg)

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e83c96  No.11688282



10 Q drops with "IRON EAGLE"

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1903a2  No.11688285

File: cecb55011d2ebb8⋯.jpg (56.49 KB, 700x350, 2:1, download.jpg)

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8e18b6  No.11688287


notable conclusions from someone that ought to be proffered as an expert witness

1. Adjudication results can be lost.

2. Installation is complex & error prone.

3. Configuration errors throughout test voting.

4. Mere printed ballots treated as cast ballots without informing the voter.

5. ICX ballot marker USB port unsecured.

Democracy Suite 5.5-A is fragile and materially error prone failing of its essential purpose.

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f2e223  No.11688288



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cde2b5  No.11688291


and you just put together a smorgasbord of nothing…yipee

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fa8586  No.11688292

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3fe4ff  No.11688293

gosh homo

how slight, spite, an creepypasta

and still insist you are no a devil

and tehn "fake the gay" of hell on earth with a bot

insisting on a spurious seance with false

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560b51  No.11688294

File: 2eb13e72f81f47e⋯.png (214.79 KB, 921x500, 921:500, ClipboardImage.png)


coincidence in designs?

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c81229  No.11688295


Now you hqve to reach deep to find another deepstate actor whose last name atarts with a “K”…

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0be306  No.11688296

>>11688156 Bannon and Raheem Kassam's group.

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fd83ef  No.11688297


I would assume so, but what is China's connection to Cuba?

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