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88cbe5  No.11682794[Last 50 Posts]

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Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

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>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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88cbe5  No.11682799

Global Announcements

>>11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"



Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11682043 After 3 Failures, Pentagon Now Says It Won't Be Able to Produce a 'Clean' Audit Until 2027

>>11682060, >>11682320 Anon Theory: Meaning of [ 93 dk]

>>11682064 Flashback: November 17, 1967 - President Lyndon Johnson tells the American public that victory in the Vietnam War is in sight.

>>11682071 These Are The 16 Organizations That Will Be Receiving The First $800 Million From The Bezos Earth Fund


>>11682076 The CIA’s 70-Year History of Disinformation: How the CIA Funded the Opinion Magazines in Europe

>>11682079 @govkristinoem: "Thank you, AG Barr for meeting with me yesterday to discuss South Dakota priorities and the threats posed by Big Tech.

>>11682081 Director of the Korean company, Daewoo, had committed suicide after being subjected to "pressure and blackmail."

>>11682093 European Vega Rocket Suffers 'Major Failure', $400 Million In Satellites Destroyed

>>11682109 Digital tool developed to promote youth vote in New Zealand

>>11682110 VIDEO: Biden Implies Harris Is Feeding Him Classified Info From Her Seat On Intel Committee

>>11682111 Tallahassee Police Department announces nearly 200 arrests in 'large-scale' child sex trafficking investigation

>>11682121 Nothing to see here: McCann suspect hurt on way to parole hearing in Germany

>>11682130 Pentagon Plan Calls for Pulling All Troops from Somalia

>>11682138 @CodeMonkeyZ "Did you know that Dominion's voting software "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images"? Their words, not mine"

>>11682140 Stanford University is literally outsourcing the writing of its free speech policy to Antifa

>>11682142 The DEA Wants Access To 131 Million Prescription Records

>>11682146 The [John] McCain Institute funded by George Soros and Saudi Arabia, EXPOSED

>>11682150 VIRGINIA: Charges Dropped For Democrat State Senator In Monument Vandal Case After Police Chief Canned Following Arrest

>>11682159 Palantir Rallies After Steve Cohen’s Point72 Snaps Up Shares

>>11682170 University of California agrees to $73MILLION settlement over UCLA Health gynecologist accused of sexually abusing patients for more than three decades

>>11682177 Hillary Clinton Appointed Chancellor of University in Northern Ireland

>>11682184 DIG!: Centra

>>11682210 POTUS/Eric Trump both tweet "signatures"

>>11682251 Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’

>>11682278 Progressive group Justice Democrats criticizes Biden appointments

>>11682279 The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and IMF

>>11682287 Article: 6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election

#14915 1/2 >>11682708

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88cbe5  No.11682802

#14915 2/2

>>11682291 Israel finds explosives planted on Syrian border; Gantz holds Damascus to blame

>>11682296 NATO warns of 'high price' if US troops leave Afghanistan

>>11682317 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>11682328, >>11682368, >>11682490, >>11682568 Planefag

>>11682332 The Alleged Voting Irregularities in Pennsylvania

>>11682356 The FBI Spying Denial That Never Grows Cold

>>11682381 Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Caught Without a Face Mask On…. AGAIN

>>11682387 DIG!: Klaus Schwab

>>11682414 Pair Charged With Voter Fraud Allegedly Submitted THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Applications on Behalf of Homeless People

>>11682444 OECD Working Group on Bribery Issues Report Commending United States for Maintaining Leading Role in the Fight Against Transnational Corruption

>>11682453 Twatter fags, retwat the fuck out of Cruz twatter tests

>>11682473 Powerhouse attorney Lin Wood files suit to declare entire Georgia election in 2020 null and void

>>11682482 Establishment Dems Can’t Say ‘No’ to Billionaires

>>11682495 Smartmatic Director Admitted in 2017 that Their System Was Able to Create “At Least One Million” Phantom Votes in that Year’s Venezuela Election

>>11682510 Ukrainian Parliament To Vote On Allowing SBU To Censor Media, But Stop Investigating Corruption

>>11682522 DON’T MISS THIS… Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>11682546 Ireland, Clinton Foundation Sign $158.2 Million Agreement To Provide AIDS Drugs to Mozambique

>>11682569 Prevezon Holdings: The Black Money Collector

>>11682574 Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

>>11682584 DHS says it temporarily put FEMA chief Peter Gaynor in charge of the department Nov 14 so he could change the order of succession to make Chad Wolf eligible for acting secretary job. Then Wolf re-issued all the orders that were under legal cloud

>>11682632 FEC Chairman: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, ‘I Believe Her’

>>11682651 CLINTON VISIT Former US First Lady Hillary Clinton feels ‘sense of joy’ as she flies into Ireland to be guest of honour at charity dinner

>>11682680 Canadian indigenous group to invest up to C$1 billion in Keystone oil pipeline

>>11682714 Report: Americans Own an Estimated 434 Million Firearms

>>11682720 Twitter election disclaimer has been changed

#14915 2/2 >>11682768

#14914 part 1

>>11681249, >>11681310, >>11681323 Facebook's Fuckerberg said they use a 'Neutral Third Party' to do their fuckt checking

>>11681250 CodeMonkey tweet: Do you know how the SCYTL/Smartmatic/Dominion networks are/were setup for the 2020 elections?

>>11681260 California lawmakers head to Maui with lobbyists despite pandemic, travel warnings

>>11681261, >>11681298, >>11681332 Zuckerberg Brags About Interfering in Election, Cracking Down on Dreaded Q-Anon So They Couldn't Organize Violence/But BLM-Antifa Violence is Approved

>>11681263 NeonRevolt continuing his harassment campaigns: after CM, he's now going after Darren Beattie and Revolver

>>11681266 Operation Stolen Innocence: 170 people charged in Tallahassee child sex trafficking network

>>11681284 Biden, Harris to receive national security briefing, but not from gov't officials

>>11681327, >>11681331 Vatican Releases Long-Awaited ‘McCarrick Report’ Exonerating Pope Francis

>>11681334 Readout from the Trump Administration’s 41st Governors Briefing on COVID-19 Response & Best Practices

>>11681387, >>11681408 Breaking News: U.S. successfully conducts SM-3 Block IIA Intercept Test against an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Target

>>11681411 Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR, Bilderberg Group (June 1, 2019)

>>11681415 Smartmatic Director Admitted in 2017 that Their System Was Able to Create “At Least One Million” Phantom Votes in that Year’s Venezuela Election

>>11681452 Abortion charity Marie Stopes changes its name to distance itself from links to eugenics and Nazis


>>11681473 Schumer to include Upstate New York and Puerto Rico in statehood legislation (11/7/2020)

>>11681477 Digg: Interesting relative of the Vanderbilt's


>>11681502 What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won

>>11681516 Tuesday's Propaganda from the AP: Twitter: 300,000 tweets flagged over election disinformation

>>11681519 Biden Starts Doling Out White House Jobs To Longtime Democratic Operatives, Campaign Staff

>>11681520 WaPo's Editorial Board: It's Time to End Election Protections for Rural America

>>11681528, >>11681874 U.S. Navy tweet: Be sure to visit the @MyNAVYHR Facebook page and get your questions answered at 1300 EST

>>11681953 #14914

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88cbe5  No.11682804

#14914 Part 2

>>11681530 Sidney Powell: "Trump votes were programmed to switch to Biden ahead of time, but Trumps votes were so high, it didn't work right because they didn't set their algorithms high enough"

>>11681539 Columbia Prof Urges Constitutional Amendment 'To Prevent Another Trump'

>>11681554 Newsom considering statewide curfew as he orders emergency business shutdowns

>>11681560 Sen. Blumenthal Urges Mark Zuckerberg to Remove Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Steve Bannon from Facebook

>>11681565 Dominion digg: Michael I. Shamos, professor at carnegie mellon. used as an expert witness in many cases

>>11681584 Dominion digg: TENEO CEO DECLAN KELLY

>>11681601 Violent Black Lives Matter Goon who Brutally Beat Innocent Trump Supporter Unconscious in DC is Child Sex Offender

>>11681613 Irate Dutch farmers clog roads in major tractor protest over government’s climate change policy

>>11681617, >>11681639, >>11681671 Chanel Rion OAN: #DominionVotingSystems "glitched" in favor of Joe Biden (used in 29 states), partnered up w/Clinton Global Initiative, had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative/Clinton Cash Cow TENEO

>>11681626 Michigan court rejects appeal for 'independent audit' of ballots over allegations of voter fraud

>>11681631, >>11681635 CISA EISCC (Dominion, Smartmatic, SCYTL) - Drop 4951

>>11681638 Catherine Herridge tweet: Elections Canvassing Commission met today + certified official results for federal, state, + multicounty offices

>>11681640, >>11681654, >>11681696, >>11681721, >>11681740, >>11681758 Digging on Klaus Schwab: The Maverick Collective, Melinda Gates, Princess and Bronfmans

>>11681656 Georgia state secretary claims Lindsey Graham prodded him to ‘throw out’ mail-in ballots, senator rubbishes ‘ridiculous’ claim

>>11681658 “Multiple studies, …, show that across all primary states Clinton performs best in counties w/voting machines that don't leave paper trail, this difference is statistically significant”

>>11681664 Report: Trump Allies Are Raising Millions To Start A New Conservative News Network

>>11681679 New Mexico one of 4 states in Pfizer pilot vaccine delivery program

>>11681686, >>11681858 Mission Success: In a test today, the Aegis Combat System successfully intercepted a target representing an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time

>>11681699 W.H.O. Calls for the Doctor as Coronavirus Hits Geneva Headquarters

>>11681705, >>11681720 U.S. Air Force: High above #TeamAUAB, the 379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron utilize new counter-drone technologies to deter and defend Al Udeid Air Base

>>11681707, >>11681797, >>11681857, >>11681872 Planefag Reports

>>11681710 The @AP fact check says @realDonaldTrumpis wrong about signature matching in the Georgia consent decree, I decided to check AP's work. AP's fact-check is wrong

>>11681719 British Govt Failed to Deport 45 Convicted Terrorists After Release From Prison: Report

>>11681725 British Govt Refuses to Rule Out Mandatory Vaccines, Orders 5 Million Jabs From Moderna

>>11681726, >>11681787 @RudyGiuliani has been admitted to the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Pro Hac Vice

>>11681762 Horowitz: New data show hospital levels not much worse than flu season

>>11681792 New Stats Analysis Reveals Potential ‘Stuffing The Tail’ Voter Fraud Scheme Similar to 2008 Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown

>>11681798 Full transcripts of recent Sidney Powell interviews about Dominion software voting systems and massive CRIMINAL election fraud nationwide

>>11681813 BANANA REPUBLIC: Philadelphia Reports 8,000 Newly Counted Ballots 2 Weeks After Election Day – 85% For Joe Biden

>>11681833 'Patients go in and only come out in a body bag': El Paso nurse describes 'The Pit' where COVID patients get just three rounds of CPR before being left to die as Texas enlists inmates to move bodies at morgue for $2 an hour

>>11681845 Joe Biden just named Cedric Richmond as a senior White House advisor

>>11681868 Bitcoin breaks $17,000 as 2020 rally powers on

>>11681982 #14914

Previously Collected Notables

>>11681239 #14913

>>11678789 #14910 1/2, >>11679584 #14911, >>11680352 #14912

>>11677261 #14908, >>11678021 #14909, >>11678790 #14910 2/2

>>11674905 #14905, >>11675673 #14906, >>11676433 #14907

>>11672561 #14902, >>11673361 #14903, >>11674123 #14904

>>11670060 #14899, >>11670889 #14900, >>11672483 #14901

>>11667623 #14896, >>11670474 #14897, >>11669376 #14898

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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88cbe5  No.11682805

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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88cbe5  No.11682806

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88cbe5  No.11682810





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5df7a5  No.11682826

File: 58edff5e4cb6881⋯.png (285.06 KB, 537x557, 537:557, Solomon_re_Poll_58_percent….PNG)

File: 4cb88ffea7c939d⋯.png (179.29 KB, 650x987, 650:987, 1_Solomon_re_Poll_58_perce….PNG)

File: 8fed493f6454253⋯.png (38.59 KB, 653x597, 653:597, 2_Solomon_re_Poll_58_perce….PNG)

>The propaganda is working

Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week



In an increase from last week, more than half of likely U.S. voters now think Democrat Joe Biden legitimately won the presidential election, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

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d4c0b1  No.11682839

File: 8f7c22a1f2905bd⋯.jpg (410.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_067.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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2f0a92  No.11682840

Since Cruz is occupying Twatter- let’s get some of those voter fraud stories going quickly with hashtags that would normally be censored.

Lines are week because of Cruz- let’s go

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8e5a40  No.11682842

File: f04ee5300bb2346⋯.png (810.24 KB, 1100x974, 550:487, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)


It’s over! The Raw Server Data shows that Trump won in a landslide on November 3rd with 410 electoral votes.

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1df5cb  No.11682844

Where is the kraken?

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88300c  No.11682845

File: 030e2c53a2a2099⋯.png (48.98 KB, 702x827, 702:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50e242e6264a82c⋯.png (43.88 KB, 690x673, 690:673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a73f03e9be8e016⋯.png (52.72 KB, 708x893, 708:893, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90faff04955897f⋯.png (291.73 KB, 1060x892, 265:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9592b15c2b8b557⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1264x916, 316:229, ClipboardImage.png)

China now brazenly sells fentanyl ingredients straight to Mexican cartels

He is a slight, bespectacled man. Colleagues at the industrial materials company where he works describe him as a humorous but diligent employee, known for driving his white Jeep around town in northwestern China's Ningxia region to meet potential clients.

Unbeknownst to them, he goes by Benjamin Chen online, where he has a whole other business: He is a popular seller of the chemicals used to make the potent synthetic opioid fentanyl. NPR has identified him but is not using his real name because of the illegal activity in which he's involved.

Chen is one of more than 100 vendors who market fentanyl or related chemicals out of facilities across China, and his story illustrates how networks are getting around international efforts to crack down on the supply chain of lethal synthetic opioids. In an interview with NPR, however, Chen categorically denied that he manufactures or sells any illegal substances.

For years, China has been a primary source of fentanyl trafficked into the United States. It is a powerful prescription drug for severe pain that's made and sold illegally. It led to more than 37,000 overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2019, part of a national opioid crisis that has worsened this year during the coronavirus pandemic, according to federal health authorities.

Under international pressure, China's government banned the production and sale of fentanyl and many of its variants in May 2019, resulting in a significant reduction in the country's illicit fentanyl trade.

But more than a year later, Chinese vendors have tapped into online networks to brazenly market fentanyl analogs and the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl, and ship them directly to customers in the U.S. and Europe as well as to Mexican cartels, according to an NPR investigation and research from the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, or C4ADS, a nonprofit data analysis group. (The center receives some of its funds from the U.S. and U.K. governments.)

Some of the substances are outlawed in China and internationally. Others are so new they are not yet banned, are harder to detect and regulate, and they can be used in basic chemical processes to produce illegal drugs.

Chinese vendors are often camouflaged by a complex network of corporate entities registered in far-flung cities along China's interior, where they use sophisticated shipping methods to bypass screening measures and where law enforcement scrutiny is often laxer than in bigger cities such as Beijing or Shanghai. Thousands of doses can be shipped together in small, hidden packages.

"Many Chinese networks involved in the production and advertising of fentanyl quickly adapted to increased legal constraints by modifying their techniques to exploit loopholes in chemical restrictions and disguise their activities," said Michael Lohmuller, a C4ADS analyst and report co-author.

Hard to ban

When China began banning fentanyl-related compounds, it was hailed as a major victory for U.S. narcotics authorities and diplomats, who had lobbied China for years to strictly regulate the substances more broadly as a class. Previously, Chinese narcotics authorities criminalized only specific fentanyl offshoots.


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9c52c1  No.11682846

>>11679761 pb notable

This is related:

Project Camelot was the code name of a counterinsurgency study begun by the United States Army in 1964. The full name of the project was Methods for Predicting and Influencing Social Change and Internal War Potential.[1] The project was executed by the Special Operations Research Office (SORO) at American University, which assembled an eclectic team of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, and other intellectuals to analyze the society and culture of numerous target countries, especially in Latin America.

The goal of the project was to enhance the Army's ability to predict and influence social developments in foreign countries. This motive was described by an internal memo on December 5, 1964: "If the U.S. Army is to perform effectively its part in the U.S. mission of counterinsurgency it must recognize that insurgency represents a breakdown of social order and that the social processes involved must be understood."

Controversy arose around Project Camelot when professors in South America discovered its military funding and criticized its motives as imperialistic. The Department of Defense ostensibly canceled Project Camelot on July 8, 1965, but continued the same research more discreetly.

Military-funded social science Edit

Government-funded social science projects, especially in the field of psychology, increased dramatically during and after World War II. By 1942 the federal government was the leading employer of psychologists, most of whom it coordinated through the Office of Scientific Research and Development.[2] The military employed psychologists to study tactics in psychological warfare and propaganda as well as studying the United States troops themselves.[3] The Office of Strategic Services also cultivated a Psychology Division, directed by Robert Tryon, to study the group behavior of humans for warfare purposes.[4] A memo from William J. Donovan in November 1941 called for collection of information about the personality and social relations of "potential enemies" and for the creation of an intelligence organization "to analyze and interpret such information by applying to it not only the experience of Army and Naval Officers, but also of specialized trained research officials in the relative scientific fields, including technological, economic, financial, and psychological scholars."[5] Research in psychological warfare was widespread, and according to University of Michigan psychologist Dorwin Cartwright, "the last few months of the war saw a social psychologist become chiefly responsible for determining the week-by-week-propaganda policy for the United States government."[6]

In Britain, an interdisciplinary study called Mass-Observation was used by the Ministry of Information to evaluate the effectiveness of war propaganda and other influences on public behavior.[7] Germany maintained a special cadre of military psychologists which assisted the Ministry of Propaganda, the Gestapo, and the Nazi party.[8]

Military social science projects increased after the war, though under a reorganized structure under the Office of Naval Research and often contracted to private institutions.[9] Project TROY at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—a study of "getting the truth behind the Iron Curtain"— exemplified the new model.[10] Project TROY lead to the creation of MIT's Center for International Studies (CENIS), which received funding from the Ford Foundation and the CIA to continue its mostly-classified research on "political warfare."[11] The armed forces and Central Intelligence Agency pursued these projects independently of civilian oversight, despite presidential directives such as Eisenhower's NSC-59 which called for coordination of research under the Department of State.

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0835e5  No.11682847

File: ba472070fda867e⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 768x480, 8:5, Pong.gif)

Booker is afraid. He wants censorship to happen in real time…because he believes in free speech.

What a pompous jack ass

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6f1855  No.11682848

File: d67266052d14519⋯.png (886.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lauren_Witzke.png)

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3df0bb  No.11682850


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fccd22  No.11682851

File: 92ceff7dc7629d2⋯.png (246.18 KB, 638x528, 29:24, glasses.png)

After the Bay of Pigs and various other events that President Kennedy either dealt with or

witnessed, he came up with a solution: On June 4th, 1963, he signed Executive Order 11110,

which is an interesting number because World War I ended in the 11th month, on the 11th

day, and at the 11th hour of the day. That is precisely when those in control stopped the

war. Why? It’s because of the numerology: 111111 is symbolic for them. President Kennedy,

being knowledgeable about their codes and numbers, sent them a little coded message with

11’s. It said, “Hey, we’re going to stop your wars.”



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5e5a0e  No.11682852

File: 37caf06620b5b7c⋯.png (501.93 KB, 603x602, 603:602, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

French 'jetman' known for daredevil jetpack flights over Burj Khalifa and alongside a jumbo jet is killed


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ea95d0  No.11682853

File: a44fb2eec012109⋯.png (737.53 KB, 1135x605, 227:121, Q_34_35.png)






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6d2e5c  No.11682854

File: 7202bc5cde9acf6⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 584x393, 584:393, Ec2mW52X0AMMAQv.jpg)



anons, can anyone confirm or deny if twitter now claiming tweets will be deleted after 24 hours? if so, and it's true, (im not listening to hearing rn) does anyone have a full archive of all of trumps tweets? obviously it's a big ask since he twats a lot everyday (except today hmm) but i'm talking about his @realDonaldTrump twatter account. if anyone does please lmk. tyia anons.

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f32ff2  No.11682855


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3660ab  No.11682856

File: 744022855e1cf40⋯.png (273.47 KB, 380x508, 95:127, 2020.png)

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3f8ac7  No.11682858

>>11682766 lb

these are the sort of traditions that biden and hammertoe are only too willing to let @jack and cuckrobot let loose on destroying

those traditions from the Bible - all those can go

Senate agrees - chuckl chuckle kuckle

And hiding behind children

demonrats only to willing to jump in - graham cracka too

hunter to open a sister foundation to corn p0p's cancer inititiative

go to gofund me know

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55fed2  No.11682859

File: 312329ddc89ba29⋯.png (453.83 KB, 412x550, 206:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 992692654dbf8ea⋯.png (84.42 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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e34d51  No.11682860

Sleepy Joe is the first arrest.

"Clear and Present Danger".

All the evidence will lead to him being the head of the Coup since he's running for President. Through that all things trickle down.

COVID conspirators will be wrapped up in this event, and will show the D party (and others) planned it's release on us prior to the election.

Q Team and MIL Spies swapped out the "seizure drop dead in the street" version with the basic flu one, because there HAD to be an actual "Corona" virus for the evidence reveal.

Pain is Coming.

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65a37e  No.11682861

Jack and Zuck have zero fear in front of Congress. They know nothing will happen to them.

Biden had no fear adding 10 million votes to his vote totals because he knows nothing will ever happen to him.

Bad things are coming, folks. And it's not just censorship. Don't take any free train rides.

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53e598  No.11682862

How hard is it to use the correct image on the bread?

This place has gone to total untrustworthy shit.

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88300c  No.11682863

File: 221a21f6764a1d7⋯.png (261.81 KB, 552x496, 69:62, ClipboardImage.png)

Cybersecurity Expert: Easiest Way to Compromise Elections System Is During the Manufacturing Process — And It’s Not Hard at All

In October 2016 James Scott, a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Critical Infrastruction Technology, joined a panel of experts in a discussion on cybersecurity threats. During the panel James and the other experts highlighted vulnerabilities of the U.S. election system and specified ways adversaries can compromise voting machines and data.

James Scott told the panel the easiest way to compromise the US election system was during the manufacturing process.

Then entire panel was broadcast on CSPAN.

Here is a clip via M3THODS.


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accdd6  No.11682864

File: e4c9a22df5d76a2⋯.png (781.31 KB, 1305x632, 1305:632, ClipboardImage.png)

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205a70  No.11682865

File: 488a676827e44f7⋯.png (226.31 KB, 1000x499, 1000:499, pepe_slam_dunk_3_democrats.png)

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d5debc  No.11682866


You want to encourage gore/cp shill?

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5f400e  No.11682867

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b204e1  No.11682868

File: bddc46f978c817f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, M_857.png)


We have it all.

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6da8d3  No.11682869

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3d95cf  No.11682870

File: 0af23fb6f859d00⋯.png (656.11 KB, 738x605, 738:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0b205f7ca63bf3⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1971x1155, 657:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f755e2a16e52ea6⋯.png (15.8 KB, 550x145, 110:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Nimitz Strike Group Participates in #Malabar with Australia, India, and Japan. Full Story Rightwards arrow https://go.usa.gov/x7mtN

1:15 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Sprinklr Publishing

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00166c  No.11682871

File: ac7f9b07af8dc62⋯.png (4.4 KB, 220x96, 55:24, download_19_.png)

File: ad3fc65aed33f07⋯.jpg (257.61 KB, 1079x1732, 1079:1732, Screenshot_20201117_111958….jpg)

File: 352593c3139f5a0⋯.jpg (246.7 KB, 1080x1734, 180:289, Screenshot_20201117_112017….jpg)

File: 9be875b75908ca9⋯.jpg (252.59 KB, 1079x1731, 1079:1731, Screenshot_20201117_112031….jpg)

File: 2896c743f08b284⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 760x586, 380:293, Prince_Eric_Prince_Philip_….jpg)

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4f24cc  No.11682872

File: d387e28fc042d5b⋯.png (513.06 KB, 645x540, 43:36, ClipboardImage.png)


Grassley in quarantine

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938522  No.11682873

File: 54abc3e481541ef⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2404x2556, 601:639, dk.png)

[C]linesmith before [D]eclan

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53e598  No.11682874

File: 13bdc808efe50a9⋯.png (159.8 KB, 1023x393, 341:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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55fed2  No.11682875

File: 41d8ecdc38d1474⋯.png (90.97 KB, 255x162, 85:54, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87803f1f9ece346⋯.png (149.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Evil Lying Jewess Pray!!

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3d95cf  No.11682876




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3e095d  No.11682877

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d4c0b1  No.11682878

File: a18a5c6a9481063⋯.jpg (571.6 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_026.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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3f8ac7  No.11682879

>>11682850 ==← real cuck news , crotchschkids

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88300c  No.11682880

File: a8ae185fe0716fc⋯.png (95.78 KB, 747x919, 747:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18fb2dd7dd2ca9c⋯.png (95.04 KB, 759x878, 759:878, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc10b4108f4c2a4⋯.png (31.51 KB, 753x426, 251:142, ClipboardImage.png)

Seven Charged in Connection with a COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme Involving more than 80 Fraudulent Loan Applications Worth Approximately $16 Million


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85d0e7  No.11682882

File: c43e7e886057bda⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 952x486, 476:243, gjdedchhre.jpg)

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5c7523  No.11682883

File: 58430c3f59927d5⋯.pdf (7.22 MB, KidbytheSideoftheRoadMagaz….pdf)

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bdbf95  No.11682884


Great that this expertise was embedded into the work of CISA innit?

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8e5a40  No.11682885

File: 888d73165e930bb⋯.png (87.68 KB, 1108x404, 277:101, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)


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9c52c1  No.11682886


Counterinsurgency studies

By the late 1950s, military-funded social science research had expanded from group dynamics and psychological operations to interdisciplinary counterinsurgency studies, seeking to explicate a continuum of social situations from stability to revolution. Counterinsurgency studies built on wartime findings on crowd psychology, morale, and national identity, while incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology, and developmental psychology.[13]

An instigator of this change, and progenitor of Project Camelot, was the Research Group in Psychology and the Social Sciences, or "Smithsonian Group", established by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and hosted by the Smithsonian Institution.[14] The Smithsonian Group comprised intellectuals from the RAND Corporation, the Psychological Corporation, General Electric, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Smithsonian itself, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as top universities including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and Northwestern.[15] The new use for social science in this model was predicting the behavior of potential enemies.[16] Therefore, as Princeton professor Harry Eckstein wrote in a report for the Smithsonian Group:

There is practically no limit to the research that can be, and ought to be, undertaken on the subject of internal war. In a sense, the study of internal war is commensurate with the whole study of society, even peaceable society, for anything that increases our knowledge of social order can potentially increase our understanding of civil disorder.

— Harry Eckstein, "Internal War: The Problem of Anticipation", 1962.[17]

The recommendations of the Smithsonian Group led to a wave of research programs, explicit changes in the funding priorities of the Advanced Research Projects Agency, and a March 26–28, 1962 symposium at the Special Operations Research Office called "The U.S. Army's Limited-War Mission and Social Science Research".[18] This symposium, attended by 300 academics, was the first public effort to recruit social scientists for counterinsurgency research.[19]

Geopolitical context Edit

Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were obvious targets for the new techniques of social and psychological warfare. Tensions were also escalating in Latin America as the United States followed its pro-business agenda known as the Mann Doctrine.[20] The populist president of Brazil, João Goulart, was forced from power in a United States-backed military coup on April 1, 1964, shortly after he promised the masses a program of land reform and industry nationalization. In the Andes Mountains (in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia), multinational companies interested in sugar, mining, and petroleum faced strong resistance from indigenous people whose land they sought to expropriate.[21] This indigenous bloc represented a formidable obstacle to corporate plans for resource extraction and thus was targeted from various directions, including population control programs and USAID assistance for national police and military forces. Military planners wanted an integrated team of social scientists to coordinate these different programs and enhance their effectiveness.

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707400  No.11682887

File: fefe4343371a243⋯.png (582.93 KB, 1856x1050, 928:525, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Josh Hawley calls out Centra as the company that helps Facebook and Twitter track users.

Found this for what it is worth.


Not sure if it is a hit but I think it is.

CEO Harold Rosenbaum

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205a70  No.11682888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One of my YT channels just added this.

Freaky shit!

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3af714  No.11682890



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fa666f  No.11682891


#31e948 is Pepe Green. kek

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5e62a9  No.11682892

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, ArchiveUpdate.jpg)

Archive Update

"o7" Edition

I added #14863 to #14913 and updated the checksums.



14863-14913.html.zip MD5: 12970e358caafd518b1cf9dfc7977905

The archive now contains 14943 breads.


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f740a7  No.11682894

File: 8c6091af448a2dc⋯.png (137.4 KB, 651x841, 651:841, ClipboardImage.png)


It's about the Break?

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3df0bb  No.11682895


anonymous sources says

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85d0e7  No.11682896

Blackburn: Does Facebook censor a users account at the behest of a foreign government?

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c2ded2  No.11682897

Earth Fund


If I was a conspiracy theorists I’d tell the people of Texas the reddest state in the Union to not take the vaccine. But of course I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I just see strange patterns, and didn’t Pfizer just betray POTUS on the vaccine he funded? I hope someone trustworthy from the government checks the vaccines first

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56cdd0  No.11682899

pb id 31e948

eyes on

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428edd  No.11682900

File: 70cb6221195b901⋯.png (426.69 KB, 591x563, 591:563, ClipboardImage.png)


"The same voting machines that got these men elected to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the "most votes" of any candidate in US History" https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1328430904059031553

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88300c  No.11682901

File: e63a3402cdf7e1e⋯.png (709.78 KB, 690x811, 690:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d95333f76989b7⋯.png (10.43 KB, 657x175, 657:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Just Got $15 Billion Dollars Richer; Here’s How

Elon Musk's personal fortune rose another $15 billion this week following the addition of Tesla, Inc. to the S&P 500 index and the use of a SpaceX rocket to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station

His net worth now totals $117.5 billion, $90 billion of which is from Tesla's stock gains this year despite relatively low production

He also sparked yet more backlash Monday after calling COVID-19 tests "extremely bogus" while using the least accurate option, landing him the monicker "space Karen"

It’s been a profitable week for billionaire Elon Musk, who has seen his net worth shoot up $15 billion following a successful SpaceX launch and the addition of Tesla to the S&P 500.

Tesla’s good news came on Monday, when the popular S&P 500 stock index announced it would be adding Tesla to its roster, the BBC reported. Individuals and portfolios that follow the index will now have some of their money in the electric car company when the change takes effect on Dec. 21.

Tesla's acceptance follows a fifth consecutive quarter of profitability after operating at a loss for years, and its stock has consistently risen despite selling only a fraction of the vehicles as its competitors. Tesla hopes to sell around 500,000 cars this year compared to Toyota’s annual sales of 10 million.


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65a37e  No.11682902


If it starts, it will end on 1/21/2021

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9cd0bf  No.11682903

File: 075cb21c90249e3⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 339x230, 339:230, 6DFDCFDD_3B66_44DB_BD63_A3….gif)


Larping like a champ

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06fa10  No.11682904

File: 4d37aa5da16d228⋯.png (25.74 KB, 535x265, 107:53, Screenshot_2020_11_16_Dona….png)


[C]onsent [D]ecree

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052d7c  No.11682906

File: 8534a4e0d8085f4⋯.jpeg (390.46 KB, 1125x624, 375:208, 951C9D4F_B550_4A4E_AA89_3….jpeg)

File: 4b7174e2bb204cc⋯.jpeg (359.5 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, EF0DD67C_F60D_4BE6_A4F9_F….jpeg)

File: ecaec31b7ceaaf4⋯.jpeg (388.74 KB, 1125x614, 1125:614, CEFFAE3F_0E02_4A67_9AB8_B….jpeg)

>>11682810 < TY Baker!

Senator Booker states that POTUS is weaponizing Big Tech Platforms

This is going to be interesting later when there is tons of eggs on Booker’s face.

What a Great Movie!

The sequel is going to be even Better!!

To Zuck and Jack the Twipper: “Are you going to fix your algorithms to censure the President even more?”

Yes…we wanted to place tags High and Visible, more Amplified, and Planned for It and in OTHER countries!

Booker: “Thanks also for stopping the StopTheSteal Account. But you should have done it FASTER!



>Pop corn tastes Great. “Badianton Gobbers” secrets being revealed.

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55fed2  No.11682907

File: 14a67e0600bef13⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c1d0ee2390acbc⋯.png (83.17 KB, 264x191, 264:191, ClipboardImage.png)


MOSSAD Controlled Jewish MSM Actively Subverting America.


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f740a7  No.11682908

File: 1d929a089f0cbf8⋯.png (3.82 KB, 412x40, 103:10, ClipboardImage.png)


Can confirm

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3f8ac7  No.11682909



commie kid

bwahahhaaa – cucksucker

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cf91f1  No.11682910


baker, notable

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9c52c1  No.11682912


The Special Operations Research Office (SORO) was created at American University in 1956 by the Army's Psychological Warfare office. (In fact, it was at first called the Psychological and Guerrilla Warfare Research Office, PSYGRO, but this name was changed three days after American University and the Department of Defense signed a contract to create the agency.)[23] Initially focused on creating handbooks for United States personnel overseas, SORO soon expanded into studies of the social context for counterinsurgency.[24] Its researchers could pore through boxes of classified military and intelligence reports unavailable to most university researchers.[25] By the 1960s, the Army was paying SORO $2 million each year to study topics as the effectiveness of United States propaganda and including research into the social and psychological makeup of peoples around the world.[26]

SORO was directed by Theodore Vallance. Irwin Altman directed the division of psychological warfare research.[27]

SORO was publicly known to conduct research in other countries on the effectiveness of United States ideological warfare. Echoing United States Information Agency director Edward R. Murrow, Vallance testified in 1963: "Mr. Murrow, I am sure, will agree with the general tenor of what I have to say, and you might consider my remarks as an extension of his general assertion in early testimony before this committee, that there is indeed a need for more and more better research to help in the guidance of our various and complex problems which make up the U.S. ideological offensive."[28]

Vallance articulated his concept of counterinsurgency research more thoroughly with a 1964 article in American Psychologist, co-written with SORO colleague Dr. Charles Windle. "Psychological operations," they write, "include, of course, the relatively traditional use of mass media. In the cold war these operations are directed toward friendly and neutral as well as enemy countries. In addition, there is growing recognition of the possibility and desirability of using other means such as military movements, policy statements, economic transactions, and developmental assistance for psychological impact."[29] The article also promoted "civic action" operations: "military programs, usually by indigenous forces and often aided by United States materiel and advice, to promote economic and social development and civilian good will in order to achieve political stability or a more favorable environment for the military forces."

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3af714  No.11682913


Every year with this shit

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f32ff2  No.11682915

File: 4739a5a565133a6⋯.png (440.37 KB, 700x400, 7:4, no_fucks.png)

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6a5552  No.11682917

File: 875cacd551fb107⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1918x936, 959:468, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa4000181fb4c04⋯.png (524.86 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e65d6fe4b731762⋯.png (127.58 KB, 1350x865, 270:173, ClipboardImage.png)

lots of transporting happening

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9d9f42  No.11682918

File: d48780f2dfb99eb⋯.png (18.54 KB, 489x291, 163:97, Capture1.PNG)

File: 3ccc599f11123f2⋯.png (31.8 KB, 497x372, 497:372, Capture.PNG)


Ty Baker



Another one


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84f7a9  No.11682919

File: 1c90234545bbee8⋯.jpeg (112.06 KB, 879x874, 879:874, 8196607F_7CF2_4F79_BF56_6….jpeg)

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accdd6  No.11682920

File: 520d924630533c7⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 410_votes_Louie_Gohmert.mp4)

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88cbe5  No.11682921


thanks anon, any changes to the dough to be made?

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9f2b85  No.11682922

File: ea2d2ef419f948e⋯.jpg (79.16 KB, 641x275, 641:275, kraken_x78789980.jpg)

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dda46a  No.11682923


The elections are fraudulent but the polls are real.

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5142f4  No.11682924

File: e7568f4c6089451⋯.png (23.41 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, _.png)

>>11682810 Thanks baker


>Taking Back Our Country

What percentage of the population is willing to do what it takes to take our country back?

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3af714  No.11682925


You don't want the proof cuck?

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4a641f  No.11682926

File: 0ce12f9b858eccb⋯.png (178.59 KB, 1107x726, 369:242, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59771456af41dd1⋯.png (78.95 KB, 1481x739, 1481:739, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11682184 lb

>>11682671 lb


Centra Technology?


Dr. Harold Rosenbaum - CIA


Did Hawley just connect FACEBOOK to C-A operation?

Does this confirm FACEBOOK = LIFELOG….as Q told us?

do you see that Hawley just did for us?

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6d2e5c  No.11682927



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dd424b  No.11682928


That's cool. I got $5 in my savings account.

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9c52c1  No.11682929


Project CAMELOT is a study whose objective is to determine the feasibility of developing a general social systems model which would make it possible to predict and influence politically significant aspects of social change in the developing nations in the world. Somewhat more specifically, its objectives are:

First, to devise procedures for assessing the potential for internal war within national societies;

Second, to identify with increased degrees of confidence those actions which a government might take to relieve conditions which are assessed as giving rise to a potential for internal war; and

Finally, to assess the feasibility of prescribing the characteristics of a system for obtaining and using the essential information for doing the above two things.

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bdbf95  No.11682930


Looks like a flying kraken

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c2ded2  No.11682931

>>11682093 European Vega Rocket Suffers 'Major Failure', $400 Million In Satellites Destroyed

I just laughed out loud when I read that, what is wrong with me

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0f59aa  No.11682932

File: f028cf113c34c37⋯.jpg (578.29 KB, 1080x1522, 540:761, Screenshot_20201117_112954….jpg)

The new secretary of health will replace John Wiesman at the end of Gov. Inslee’s second term on Jan. 10, 2021.


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43bd26  No.11682933


[C]ensor [D]elay

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88300c  No.11682934

File: 1e6a03454f7a3b0⋯.png (113.68 KB, 721x905, 721:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93fe4614a73a0ec⋯.png (119.5 KB, 712x910, 356:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eba6a71ee23aad9⋯.png (129.66 KB, 721x920, 721:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ec6751678be341⋯.png (117.08 KB, 722x835, 722:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e90da11609383bd⋯.png (113.21 KB, 705x861, 235:287, ClipboardImage.png)

If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

This is an incredibly dangerous moment for the country and may be a pivotal point in the future of America’s democratic republic. Did we just cross the Rubicon?

The polls from the major networks and universities promised a blue wave. President Trump was down by at least 10 points nationally, and by nearly that much or more in the major swing states. The few pollsters, including Trafalgar, who got 2016 and 2018 right and called 2020 a close race, were widely ridiculed.

Nate Silver, a leftwing poll analyst, was chief among the critics. Silver gave former Vice President Joe Biden a nearly 70 percent chance of winning Florida.

Immediately on Election Day, turnout looked good for the GOP. Trump won Florida decisively and by 8:30 p.m. Central Time, and made huge inroads in urban areas. While Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County by 30 points in 2016, the 2020 Trump ticket was down only single digits in the county.

That’s because Trump made significant gains among nonwhite Americans, and according to exit polls had the second-highest nonwhite share of the vote of any Republican since 1976. Cuban Americans are a big reason for Trump decisively winning Florida, but Trump’s gains with minority voters are a nationwide trend. The flipside was lower black and Hispanic turnout for Democrats—except for several major Democratic cities in contested swing states.

In other words, a significant margin of minority voters who didn’t defect to Trump decided not to vote. Indeed, a Bloomberg article days before the election cited anonymous Biden officials who said the campaign was worried about black and Hispanic turnout due to a lack of a ground game in these traditionally Democratic strongholds. But the warnings had gone unheeded.

Instead, the campaign hoped to make up these lost minority votes with gains in the suburbs, particularly among white women. In the end, Trump gained among white women compared to 2016, and only appeared to marginally lose votes from white men—many of which may have been upper-class suburban white men.

Back to Election Night

On election night, Trump’s decisive win in Florida was a bellwether to punters in the betting markets. The Trump campaign also seemed to outperform Election Day voting in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, especially given the turnout seen in Florida. A shy Trump vote did exist, especially in the suburbs among women, and the GOP was morphing into a working-class, increasingly multiracial party. Betting odds swung in Trump’s favor, peaking at around 85 percent.

That’s when things went south for the Trump campaign. In a yet unexplained move, states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin stopped releasing vote counts on election night. Fact-checkers have noted that these states didn’t stop counting—fair enough—but not why they stopped releasing the results of their counting.

Come 4 a.m. the next morning, huge amounts of fresh Biden votes were reported. Trump’s betting odds plummeted, and days later the media declared Biden to be the president-elect.



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6a5552  No.11682935

File: c41d543ea02434f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1907x943, 1907:943, ClipboardImage.png)

# is still climbing

definitely a very active ops day

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f740a7  No.11682936


The habbenings weren't as happening then.

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accdd6  No.11682937

File: 7a92d2773ea6e00⋯.png (170.76 KB, 598x562, 299:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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55fed2  No.11682938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

*JEWs OWN BIG TECH Social Media*


Jewish  Tyranny Ending Your First Amendment Rights:





YOUTUBE    SUSAN WOJCICKI   JEWISH                    

       (Youtube owned by GOOGLE)


(Genetics %, look at Long Nose and Wide Mouth) Reeeee


      (Trump hater, also threatened to fire Jack Dorsey as CEO)





        (born Dharma Jeremy Butterfield, name changed age 12)




                 (Sold to Condé Nast)



             (former DISNEY head of streaming)














*It's Illegal to criticize Israel in North Carolina.

*Florida trying to push through the same Law in Congress making it illlegal to criticize Jews or Israel.

*In Texas, hurricane victims not allowed their Federal Insurance payment unless they signed an agreement not to Boycott Israel products.

JEWISH TYRANNY Control The Narrative

Tentacles Spreading Deeply All Over America. Like Stage 4 Cancer.

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6d2e5c  No.11682939

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f911e0  No.11682940


Fuck that little ratfink! His time is coming, and karma is a huge bitch!

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93f975  No.11682941

File: 9de23725cda64ea⋯.png (165.23 KB, 1527x884, 1527:884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f40f37823212a32⋯.png (73.39 KB, 1429x552, 1429:552, ClipboardImage.png)

Crowdsourcing tool for Voter Fraud evidence on https://hereistheevidence.com/

Submit or browse evidence


Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.

This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

Submitted items may be edited or in some cases deleted by moderators to ensure quality of content.


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bdbf95  No.11682942


>do you see that Hawley just did for us?

And this will change the world how?

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d81799  No.11682943

File: 0f7a1c189e4d4ba⋯.png (676.34 KB, 759x516, 253:172, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Gene….png)

File: aae086f9a335384⋯.png (12.74 KB, 1278x222, 213:37, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: ad0163051a63e63⋯.png (5.28 KB, 507x130, 39:10, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: b3ca13c22276bee⋯.png (4.89 KB, 585x113, 585:113, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Q_Re….png)

For those who may have missed we had a visitor PB

>>11682582 (PB)

>>11682791 (PB)

>>11682823 (PB)


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8ddc50  No.11682944

To me it’s down to

1) vote fuckery/software manipulation

2) signature verification not adequate

3) law changed without legislative support.

Question will judges agree?

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88300c  No.11682945

File: d985bf72c98d858⋯.png (549.28 KB, 1015x457, 1015:457, ClipboardImage.png)

People living in Scotland's toughest tiers could be ARRESTED if they try to leave: Nicola Sturgeon makes it ILLEGAL to travel outside of Level 3 and 4 lockdown areas as she plunges 2.3MILLION people in 11 areas into toughest restrictions from Friday

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today announced 11 council areas are being moved into Level Four

Level Four means a total ban on meeting other households indoors and the closure of all non-essential shops

The 11 areas, which include city of Glasgow, will be moved into Level Four from Friday, lasting for three weeks

Ms Sturgeon also announced guidance banning travel in and out of Level Three and Four areas becoming law

That means it will be illegal from Friday to leave or enter those areas 'except for certain essential purposes'

Nicola Sturgeon today announced parts of Scotland that are home to millions of people will be moved into its toughest coronavirus level at the end of the week as she warned infection rates remain 'stubbornly high'.

The First Minister said 11 council areas, which include the city of Glasgow and have a combined population of approximately 2.3 million people, will be subject to Level Four restrictions from 6pm on Friday.

People living in Level Four areas are banned from meeting with other households indoors while all non-essential shops must close.

In an announcement to the Scottish Parliament Ms Sturgeon told people in those areas is that they 'should not be going out and about' while the measures are place for the three weeks to December 11.

The SNP leader also announced she is making it illegal for people to travel into or out of Level Three and Level Four areas 'except for certain essential purposes'.

There is already guidance in place which urges people not to make such journeys but Ms Sturgeon said the advice will become law from Friday, raising the prospect of rule-breakers facing enforcement action from the police.

The council areas in Scotland moving to Level Four from Friday are the City of Glasgow, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, Stirling and West Lothian.

Ms Sturgeon said there was 'grounds for continued and significant concern' in all of the areas being moved into to Level Four.

As well as the 11 areas being elevated to the top tier, two areas are being moved from Level Three to Level Two while 19 will experience no change.

The tightening of the rules in many areas in Scotland will inevitably lead to increased scrutiny of Boris Johnson's lockdown plans for England.


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6ebcb0  No.11682946

File: 1abc6016612b8c8⋯.jpg (262.5 KB, 1080x1153, 1080:1153, 20201117_112949.jpg)



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dd424b  No.11682947


Broke buds 4 life.

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3660ab  No.11682948

[C]rushing [D]efeat

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482596  No.11682950

File: e9af089115242b6⋯.png (223.18 KB, 756x443, 756:443, 09_0015_USAF_C_32A_split_f….PNG)

09-0015 USAF C-32A split from LOKI82 USAF E-4B Nightwatch over Charleston, W. VA and headed back to JBA

A10FLT BRRRRT out of Martin State Airport and over Fort Indiantown Gap ne of Harrisburg, PA

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f44b55  No.11682951


i dunno man.

makes no sense.

they don't want anyone to die.

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00166c  No.11682952

File: 82040047ae7ea78⋯.jpg (293 KB, 1079x900, 1079:900, Screenshot_20201117_112652….jpg)

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70bc17  No.11682953

File: ab3e1dffed33a88⋯.mp4 (9.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, twitter_20201117_143037.mp4)

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88300c  No.11682954

File: e1e4a8ed61d5309⋯.png (737.66 KB, 704x619, 704:619, ClipboardImage.png)

Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

Berkshire Hathaway acquired stake in AbbVie, Merck, Pfizer

Hathaway added to its holdings in Bank of America, General Motors

Hathaway now owns just 3.7% stake in Apple

Warren Buffett’s multinational conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway shed about $4 billion worth of Apple shares and has bet big on major pharma companies, according to the company's latest filing.

In an update filed with the SEC on Monday, the company revealed that it sold 36 million shares of Apple, bringing its stake down to about 3.7%.

Buffett’s company also made major changes in its portfolio, buying massive amounts of shares in drug companies, including 21.3 million shares in AbbVie (1.2% stake), 22.4 million shares in Merck (0.9% stake), 3.7 million shares in Pfizer (less than 0.1% stake) and a substantial number of shares in Bristol Myers Squibb (1.3%). The Pfizer investment is worth $140 million, while the other three are roughly worth $2 billion each.

Wall Street will look at the new pharma investments by Buffett’s company closely. Pfizer's recent announcement that its vaccine against the coronavirus showed more than 90% efficacy rate in its trials had sent the company’s stocks soaring. Similarly, Merck is in the middle of testing its own vaccine.

It is not clear which of these investment decisions were made by Buffett. He handles the biggest investments by the company, including Coca-Cola, Apple and Bank of America, according to a report.

The company pulled out from major bank stocks, including JPMorgan, where Berkshire reduced its holding by 96%. The company also trimmed its holding in PNC Financial by 64%. It also cut stakes in Wells Fargo from 10% to roughly 3.1%, and in M&T Bank.

The conglomerate added to its stake in Bank of America, General Motors and Kroger. Berkshire’s second-largest investment is in BoA, which is now at $28 billion after this investment.


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ea95d0  No.11682955

File: 5bd60461eb0c77c⋯.png (91.58 KB, 854x653, 854:653, 410.PNG)


4,10, 20

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3f8ac7  No.11682956

this is a shit show from graham and he's ses it from the get go - thars no teeth just barks

these cucks goons gonna go back and start shellacking the web

they are baby killer satan worshiper idiots who act with impuniity

feed censored on oan

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9d9f42  No.11682957


Nimitz? Interesting…

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9fff79  No.11682958

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4a641f  No.11682959


don't cry about it.

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7fdb04  No.11682960


Gracias Baker!

Great job!!

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6a5552  No.11682961

File: b585a1ec043319e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1931x944, 1931:944, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab58ad2645d4888⋯.png (281.95 KB, 780x426, 130:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2ffb9a1a0e234⋯.png (174.79 KB, 1191x906, 397:302, ClipboardImage.png)

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88300c  No.11682962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TIME TO COME HOME: President Trump Bringing Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

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8e5a40  No.11682963


>Executive Order 11110

To abolish the FED.

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a1e6c3  No.11682964

File: 94dbf6a9f91bb39⋯.png (254.62 KB, 323x393, 323:393, ClipboardImage.png)


Swamp gas caused ball lightning to form and emit quantities of soot. Soot is a driving factor of climate change. Pay your carbon tax and move along.

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3e095d  No.11682965



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55fed2  No.11682966

File: f3b7dc6ea7000ee⋯.png (159.23 KB, 178x284, 89:142, ClipboardImage.png)

'''The Future of 🔯JEWISH JOURNALISM🔯

As the Vote Fraud is being taken apart by Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Richard Grenell and team, the vindication of POTUS is slowly forthcoming.

However, from Election Day to today, the blatant Fraudulent Obstruction of a Presidential Election Win broadcast by the Jewish MSM felt like a sucker punch by the Deep State to our collective Patriot gut.

The Jewish MSM's Sedition, Treason and Fake News deprived all Patriots of the Joy and Celebration of a Landslide Win for President Trump, in real time on Election Day. It was rightfully ours.

This Travesty was/is Carried out by the MOSSAD controlled JEW owned and fronted Main Stream Media so-called "Journalists" and their Zionist Jewish bosses.

Once the Election Fraud is sorted out enough that POTUS is unequivocally the re-elected President, it is way past time for the Q Team to DEMOLISH the MSM.

Most of them and their bosses belong in GITMO for Sedition and Treason.

I think that the standard "Jewish Journalist" (and it IS a standard) will be a thing of the past, like some rotten smelly chicken tossed into the Bins of History.

>Can you imagine an HONEST Main Stream Media staffed by America-First non-Jews?

American Majority Goyim Controlling The Narrative Truthfully…..wouldn't that be refreshing?

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6da8d3  No.11682968



wonder if it's him or it relates to developments in his case

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9e1925  No.11682969

File: 911401ab6942f5d⋯.png (413.47 KB, 1073x2485, 1073:2485, 1605466539929.png)

A reminder on George Soros and Antifa.

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d4c0b1  No.11682970

File: c5c512bbe1c6439⋯.jpg (997.36 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_514.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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428edd  No.11682971

File: 7a3f34dbd5c0a5c⋯.png (59.4 KB, 587x487, 587:487, ClipboardImage.png)


"Why is it that after massive vote dumps occurred in Virginia and Pennsylvania (and probably other states) that all votes after that came in at the same proportion of Trump to Biden votes and always more votes to Biden? Hmmm….. This is impossible …. fraud? Hmmmm….." https://twitter.com/joehoft/status/1328689186006765568

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d81799  No.11682972

File: a5c4ebec1bb3b14⋯.png (505.74 KB, 750x392, 375:196, Screenshot_2020_11_17_It_L….png)

File: 4d313e07aa46d01⋯.png (58.66 KB, 705x1133, 705:1133, Screenshot_2020_11_17_It_L….png)

File: 2eebcd60fae683d⋯.png (135.74 KB, 705x1387, 705:1387, Screenshot_2020_11_17_It_L….png)

File: dd9b8ac2380ab9d⋯.png (42.91 KB, 652x844, 163:211, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Elec….png)

It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a statement last week defending the integrity of the 2020 election. The problem, however, is two of the main election software companies that have been called into question – Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – sit on CISA. And that information was never disclosed, the Epoch Times reported.

The two election software companies are members of the GCC's Sector Coordinating Council. According to the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council Charter, the goal of the group is to "advance the physical security, cyber security, and emergency preparedness of the nation’s election infrastructure, in accordance with existing U.S. law" and "serve as the primary liaison between the election subsector and federal, state, and local agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), concerning private election subsector security and emergency preparedness issues." CISA's goal, on the other hand, is to work "collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections—state and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors—to manage risks to the Nation’s election infrastructure. State and local election officials decide what voting software and programs to use and CISA has no control over that. Interestingly enough, I received an email tonight from Dominion about "setting the record straight." They cited the above statement as reason to trust them but failed to disclose their CISA connection.

This isn't the first time Dominion's software has been called into question. Democrats voiced concern over the software last December. The Denver Post warned about their election security earlier this year. The Michigan GOP said a software glitch caused 6,000 votes to flip from Trump to Biden, although the Michigan Secretary of State said that wasn't the case. It's one of the reasons Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said the legal process needs to play out in the courts. One of President Trump's attorneys, Sidney Powell, on Sunday said the team has evidence of election fraud relating to Dominion and Smartmatic's voting software.


Election Infrastructure Security


Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council Charter


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fa666f  No.11682973


Why not?

I like a good LARP.

Why else would I be here?

Didn't Flynn or somebody post a frog on SM yesterday?

#31e948 is Pepe Green, right?

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f32ff2  No.11682974

File: a83e20cb54e1193⋯.png (379.68 KB, 628x344, 157:86, Yeh_fake_right_.png)

File: 3fc46dfe0c96a96⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 480x268, 120:67, SHOW.gif)

File: db2f19b876d5232⋯.jpeg (72.68 KB, 750x889, 750:889, sHITKEKS.jpeg)

File: 258bb688d345ed3⋯.png (612.59 KB, 720x939, 240:313, ConspiracyTruth.png)

File: a0957856545a8fa⋯.jpeg (28.72 KB, 240x160, 3:2, Popcorn_Intensifies.jpeg)



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9c52c1  No.11682975



According to sociologist Irving Louis Horowitz, academics saw Project Camelot as a social science equivalent of the Manhattan Project.[44] " Social science already worked extensively with the military, and thus to insiders Project Camelot was considered unique because of its scale more so than its underlying ideology.[45] Its scale was unprecedented for a social science project,[46] though unspectacular for a military budget item.[44] The Department of Defense's annual spending on psychology research had risen from $17.2 million in 1961 to $31.1 million in 1964. Spending on other social sciences increased from $0.2 million to $5.7 million during the same period.


According to the testimony of SORO director Theodore Vallance, the code name Camelot came from the premise of a peaceful and harmonious society of Arthurian legend, as envisioned by T.H. White.[30] (Some Spanish speakers may have been more likely to associate the name with the word camelo, meaning joke, or camello, meaning camel.)

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9b3d39  No.11682976

File: d8a350747d1afed⋯.jpeg (292.44 KB, 2048x1244, 512:311, 620BC117_0A1A_47D0_8751_6….jpeg)

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f1a909  No.11682977

File: ff18568b6104ab6⋯.jpg (65.68 KB, 500x406, 250:203, 4gkw6t_1_1.jpg)

A report from the NRA-ILA suggests the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is already working with former Vice President Joe Biden to go after AR-15 pistol braces.

On October 7, 2020, Breitbart News reported that the ATF reclassified a small sliver of AR-15 pistols with stabilizer braces as Short Barrel Rifles (SBRs), thereby placing them under the purview of the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The pistol targeted by the ATF was made by Q, LLC, and is called the “Honey Badger.” However, the ATF made clear that two other Q, LLC pistols with stabilizer braces — the Sugar Weasel and the Mini Fix — may fall under NFA purview as well.

Three days later, on October 10, 2020, the Trump administration made clear they were looking into the ATF’s decision to reclassify some AR-15 pistols and place them under the NFA.

But Biden is claiming victory in the November 3 election and acting ATF director Regina Lombardi and associate deputy director Marvin Richardson allegedly used a November 10, 2020, conference call to reveal that Biden’s people had already reached out to them to find out their “top priorities.” The NRA-ILA points to an Ammoland.com report claiming “Lombardi told those on the call that her priorities would be pistol braces and 80% lower receivers.”

The NRA-ILA does not say what type of polices/regulations could be issued regarding stabilizing braces but they do note there are more than 4 million such braces already in private ownership in America.

If pistols outfitted with such braces were fall under NFA purview, it could mean that owners of the firearms would be required to submit photographs and fingerprints, undergo an FBI background check, register the firearm with the ATF, and pay a $200 tax to the federal government. Other fees could be applicable as well.

Joe Biden is not even president elect yet and Trump is allowing this is disgraceful.

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3af714  No.11682978


[C]ameltoe before[D]umpers

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4cffa4  No.11682979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d9f42  No.11682980

File: d7cbb4632336acc⋯.png (22.66 KB, 175x126, 25:18, Capture.PNG)

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88300c  No.11682981


Trump Makes It Official with Troop Reductions in Iraq, Afghanistan

President Donald Trump has officially called for a significant reduction of troops across Afghanistan and Iraq, citing no immediate national security threat to the American people, the acting defense secretary said Tuesday.

"By Jan. 15, 2021, our forces, their size in Afghanistan will be 2,500, and our force size in Iraq will also be 2,500 by that same date," Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller announced from the Pentagon.

"We owe this moment to the many patriots who made the ultimate sacrifices," he said of the 6,900 troops who have died and the 52,000 who've been wounded during the nearly two-decade conflict.


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d57a77  No.11682982


seen that supposedly from the server they gat in germany… but california red?? That throws me off a lil…. wish it was fokin true,…. but cali..red?:)

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d96af1  No.11682983

Their Keystone is election fraud

If Potus/Q did set an Election 2020 Trap (computer voting).

This would impact the world, SP is letting us know it was designed by US Agencies for Venezuela, to spread communism.

By exposing here and now, we save the world in a sense.

Will lead to WW revolution in which Potus can guide and introduce blockchain and secure voting and help nations establish controls to limit power of cabal, this will involve breaking the control of info/propoganda.

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f32ff2  No.11682984

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85d0e7  No.11682985

File: 1000bb8e1c82836⋯.jpg (53.79 KB, 750x489, 250:163, gyhygQQuhu.jpg)


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ea95d0  No.11682986

POTUS hasn't tweeted (yet) today…


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06fa10  No.11682987

File: d9479161e127fe4⋯.png (372.5 KB, 535x614, 535:614, Screenshot_2020_11_17_The_….png)

A baby who was being treated at Barzilai Medical Center after allegedly being physically be abused by his parents died today.


Meanwhile in the promised land..

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bc603a  No.11682988

File: 310ff0623bbae83⋯.png (326.98 KB, 665x1083, 35:57, ClipboardImage.png)


They all sure have a hardon for our HELLth care.



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0f1362  No.11682989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

His meat is smoking

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761df5  No.11682990

File: bf0369a1a367eba⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 489x291, 163:97, 126104815_867422354063246_….jpg)

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85d0e7  No.11682991


Whoops- Blackburn did not say that. kek

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205a70  No.11682992

File: 7ce20b95a272831⋯.png (697.42 KB, 889x500, 889:500, ClipboardImage.png)


Which also resembles a sentinel from the Matrix films

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76a4dc  No.11682993


> Doing what is necessary to take our country back.

Do tell. What is necessary? You a glownigger? If I knew what was necessary, I'd be doing it. But the "thing" that I suspect is necessary is distasteful, so……

I'm going to go ahead and keep practicing useful skills. Glownigger kys.

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ec7cf4  No.11682995

File: a06be51d2b872cf⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 1050x550, 21:11, 12FACEBOOKCHINA1_facebookJ….jpg)

Ni Hao, Zuck buckle up insert thy tampon.

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dc2728  No.11682996

File: 71dc86812c7f7ab⋯.png (186.85 KB, 1120x716, 280:179, cia.png)

>>11682184 (/pb)

Centra Technology & Facebook

CIA is fact checking for Facebook!



Don Pruefer

Analytic Director at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

https://scs.georgetown.edu/programs/43/doctor-of-liberal-studies/success-stories/7037/donald-pruefer (https://archive.vn/U8zfE)

Evan Chiacchiaro

Research Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

https://government.georgetown.edu/democracy-and-governance/democracy-and-governance-alumni/work/ (https://archive.is/DH28d)


https://democracyandsociety.net/2017/07/05/cracks-in-american-democracy/ (https://archive.is/sxu4W)

Jennifer Ryanczak

Financial Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.



Harold Rosenbaum

President, Treasurer & Director at Centra Services Corp.

Don Pruefer

Analytic Director at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Marianne A Brogdale

Director at CENTRA Technology, Inc.


CENTRA Technology, Inc.


Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President


Tenure Unconfirmed



Vice President

Tenure Unconfirmed

View RelationshipsView Profile

View RelationshipsView ProfileX




Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President


Tenure Unconfirmed

CENTRA Technology, Inc.


Vice President

Tenure Unconfirmed

Torrey Froscher

Director at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Tamara Frost

Conference Coordinator at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Tricia Watts-ohara

Conference Coordinator at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Lynne Neville

Principal Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Aly Tirado

Principal Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Priscila Brueggemann

Senior Consultant at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Jacqui Dangelo

Energy Advisor at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Laurie Bertrand

Office Manager at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Tricia OHara

Conference Manager at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Jack Showalter

Senior Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Larry Joustra

Senior Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Griffith Hughes

Senior Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Laura Saporito

Research Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Jennifer Ryanczak

Financial Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

Evan Chiacchiaro

Research Analyst at CENTRA Technology, Inc.

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4a641f  No.11682997


>Josh Hawley calls out Centra as the company that helps Facebook and Twitter track users.

And Centra is a C_A operation….

see >>11682926

C_A not only created FB, but they are currently running it via CENTRA..

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8b3e7f  No.11682998

Progressives and the Left are on "simmer", I am waiting for the "boil over". Now they know how the black have felt. Hey! Is that the "Restorative justice" we heard about ?


Joe Biden is signaling he has no intention of offering cabinet slots to Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Despite spin to the contrary, it's the latest sign that the Biden team is planning to govern from the extreme center — and that we'll have to push him to win any progressive gains.

Needless to say, the emerging character of the Democratic administration that will take office next year continues to give lie to the fable of a transformative, FDR-like agenda primary-fatigued liberals were so reassuringly offered throughout the late spring and summer. At this early stage, Biden could be using his transition to set the stage for a bullish one hundred days beginning in January. Instead, he’s surrounding himself with corporate operatives and freezing the Left out of his cabinet.

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c2ded2  No.11682999

>>11682146 The [John] McCain Institute funded by George Soros and Saudi Arabia, EXPOSED

Didn’t Q say when the Clinton foundation funds dried up they were rerouted to the McCain foundation?

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6d2e5c  No.11683000

File: f71443f0b5a2556⋯.jpg (87.52 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, f71443f0b5a255698b2c2b7a36….jpg)

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f32ff2  No.11683001

File: 15326d036e2dc62⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 500x506, 250:253, Apu_Fort1.mp4)

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6ebcb0  No.11683002

File: 3204aef63ebf5d4⋯.jpg (355.67 KB, 1080x1808, 135:226, 20201117_113630.jpg)



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ea95d0  No.11683003


>but california red?

So you suggest there are NO decent people living their who want change for the better.

REAL change, of course, NOT those fake dem bolshevik kind of change.

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88300c  No.11683004

File: c28c93b9d29f6e6⋯.png (323.54 KB, 560x334, 280:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a641f  No.11683005

C before D

Confirmation of voter fraud before Declas

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55fed2  No.11683006

File: 9fc81bace042301⋯.png (892.73 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

JEWS SUCK At Assaulting Christianity Against Christian Anons

*Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

kek, the 🔯Jennie Taer Christian-hating Chabad AIPAC Jewish shill:  This cunt was Porn Spamming the Lord's Prayer incorrectly for 5 1/2 months with "Our father, WHICH arte in heaven". (since May 2020)

That's what some Jew who Googled The Lord's Prayer would find.

I didn't call her out on it because I didn't want to tip her off.

Any Christians who in childhood recited the Lord's Prayer says "Our father, Who arte in Heaven." Try reciting it in your mind, see?

It was only last month when an actual Christian anon posted The Lord's Prayer correctly with an image of an Angel,… that Jennie Taer saw her mistake and finally realized that Christians say "Our Father, WHO arte in Heaven", not "WHICH" arte in Heaven, and quickly changed her Jewish shill Porn and Altered Lord's Prayer to "Who" arte in Heaven.

Funny how she doesn't make up new lines to add on to her Jewish Prayers.

 *When Jewish shills shit on Christianity, there are certain Awkward things and mistakes that are Telltale clues.

              🔯JEWS SUCK At Shitting On Christianity🔯

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ab5d02  No.11683007

File: 9c8497971c8ab7e⋯.jpg (173.01 KB, 540x810, 2:3, hello_darkness.jpg)

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428edd  No.11683008


"I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America. We appreciate the families and visitors who take time to honor and remember those who are laid to rest at our nation’s most hallowed ground."


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d175fa  No.11683009


what is a savings account

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c49f10  No.11683010

File: 28c6b9c17a3b8fd⋯.png (169.15 KB, 333x338, 333:338, 28c6b9c17a3b8fdba5b6bbe3d1….png)


We're playing Clue?

Mike Pence

in the Library

with a candlestick.

Did I win?

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9cd0bf  No.11683011


He forgot the BREAKING

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b83528  No.11683012

All this evidence and still not one single indictment. Tisk tisk

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ec7cf4  No.11683013

File: 52f877d97e1d070⋯.png (371.34 KB, 728x702, 28:27, This.png)

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eff753  No.11683014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


/ 23:22

Now we know what "the best is yet to come" means

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8e5a40  No.11683015


Needs to leave powerful positions open for all those who helped them cheat.

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00166c  No.11683016

File: 2fe994001430e97⋯.jpg (477.67 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_092546….jpg)

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7fdb04  No.11683017


If true…

THIS is how Q predicted the Senate vote 53-47.

AND POTUS had more than 410 ev's, that's just where the white hats capped it off to show their control "4, 10, 20"

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a538f9  No.11683018


>thanks anon, any changes to the dough to be made?

I am sure they already have and even some you arent aware of.

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55fed2  No.11683019

File: edcac9da2d6ab94⋯.png (123.54 KB, 255x161, 255:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ef1abf4e9a10e1⋯.png (110.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Jews Pray!!

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5e5a0e  No.11683020


I saw that segment. They had no idea what they were talking about. They even didn't know what it was called, then was told but still said the wrong name anyway.

It's not all tweets. It's tweets you choose to do that with. Fleetings

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9d9f42  No.11683021

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00166c  No.11683022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bdbf95  No.11683023


Chavez used this scam throughout his ALBA group to keep his protégés in power (in Central/South America). It only failed for Honduras in 2009, because the institutions of the state took decisive action.

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dda46a  No.11683024


This better prove true. I can't handle any more 'soons'. And if proven true, that is one Hard Hitting Mandate to do the job people voted him to do. Economy back up. Middle finger to NWO. Swamp draining job finished.

I'm not American. I can't vote. But there is a world out there that wants this man to finish the job he started.

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062e57  No.11683025

File: a165a5b250b5b18⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 501x305, 501:305, coincidence.JPG)



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06fa10  No.11683026

File: 852685a88e38c87⋯.png (387.07 KB, 535x645, 107:129, Screenshot_2020_11_17_The_….png)

Are Jews behind every #coronavirus vaccine candidate in development?


[C]ure before [D]isease

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4a641f  No.11683027

Hawley just confirmed Q's drop about FB being a Cia operation.

He is telling us that the Cia is not only still running it via CENTRA, but that they are also controlling Twitter and Google.

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bcffac  No.11683028


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000000  No.11683029


Had a UK division


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c1452b  No.11683030

Another waste of time at the Hearings. They sure tried to push Trump is lying about voter fraud.

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55fed2  No.11683032

File: 2f43e902c129882⋯.png (119.54 KB, 255x176, 255:176, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16a5fbb7cdbe92a⋯.png (154.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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3660ab  No.11683033

File: 4c6fec68f0f4eae⋯.png (315.79 KB, 1078x556, 539:278, by_a_lot_.png)

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88300c  No.11683034

File: f334e9a74ec3df9⋯.png (466.8 KB, 461x461, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Stone- What Do You Do?

You're a patriot, a proud American, and a kind and thoughtful person. You strive to always do the right thing and treat others the way you wish to be treated.

So how do you deal with such outright evil, such blatant criminality as the stolen election we are now witnessing? On a personal level, how do you deal with everyone in your life that supports this criminality?


How do you deal with your friends, family members, and neighbors who voted for Joe Biden who don't give a hoot about the obvious voter fraud currently taking place?

How do you deal with the fools and cowards in your life who didn't even bother to vote or who tell you that there's no difference between Biden and Donald Trump, that it doesn't matter who wins?

I come home tonight and hear televisions blaring from my neighbors. They're watching Joe Biden's "acceptance speech."

To them, it's a proud moment. To them, it's a wondrous thing.

So what do I do?

If you met my neighbors you'd think they were the nicest people in the world. The Hispanic couple next door is as helpful and friendly as anyone you'd ever meet. I would do anything for them and I'm sure they would do anything for me. Yet they're celebrating this stolen election like it's the greatest thing ever.

I'm reminded of Jesus' words on the cross: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

My neighbors obviously have no idea of the fraud that's taking place. They have no knowledge or conception of Communism. They have no idea how bad things are going to get if Biden actually takes control of the White House.

I have friends and family members who believe what they see on the idiot box and never question authority.

Any attempt to educate them falls on deaf ears.

I have no easy answers. I can tell you that I have no patience for the fools and cowards who believe it makes no difference who wins the election and who are too timid to fight. Nor for those who are fully aware of the criminality taking place and support it.


But what about the ignorant masses? What about those who mean no harm, but lack the common sense and critical thinking skills to actually know what's going on? How do I deal with them? How do you deal with them?

Despite the rush by the perpetrators to anoint Creepy Joe the winner, this election is far from over.

We won't know who really won until December at the earliest, and more likely until January. That's plenty of time to decide how you want to deal with the ignorant masses in your life. The one piece of advice I can offer you is to use this time to get right with God. For me, that's traditional Catholicism.

Getting right with God is essential, because no matter who wins, things are going to get far, far worse. If Trump wins, we know his and our enemies will pull out all stops in the coming year. If they are so evil, so twisted in their sinful minds, as to attempt an overthrow of our country's elected President, then there's nothing they will stop at.

If Biden wins, expect the full onslaught of NWO enslavement. In other words, our country is finished. Kaput. Gone forever. Sure, we'll keep fighting, keep doing what we can, but the battle will be a thousand times harder and many will perish, both physically and spiritually. Getting right with God will be your only armor of protection.

As for those ignorant masses, you'll have to choose your own response. I'm praying for guidance on that one.


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482596  No.11683035

File: b3f13ba6270b574⋯.png (151.32 KB, 729x433, 729:433, U2ABC123_and_68_10336_USAF….PNG)

File: 942967bd1862ad4⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, U2_pilots.jpg)

Second U-2S up from Skunkworks and both at 60k/ft

68-10336 and U2ABC123 out earlier

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3cce8a  No.11683036

File: dc634e5ac734a80⋯.jpg (125.22 KB, 956x1020, 239:255, ZomboMeme_14112020154137.jpg)

File: af6cf02da52e400⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 600x350, 12:7, ZomboMeme_07112020225152.jpg)

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53e598  No.11683037


That old man rambles too much about his life. IDGAF.

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00166c  No.11683038

File: e3eb82290804ca0⋯.png (207.17 KB, 1280x904, 160:113, 1280px_Wine_production_OWI….png)



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f32ff2  No.11683039

File: 03d4c5356038a6d⋯.jpeg (487.8 KB, 1200x1063, 1200:1063, QResearch.jpeg)

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6ebcb0  No.11683040

File: 042707c89d7301e⋯.png (457.61 KB, 593x497, 593:497, 042707c89d7301e919471ff656….png)


Are we alien hunting again?

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4a641f  No.11683041


>Trump Makes It Official with Troop Reductions in Iraq, Afghanistan

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34bea2  No.11683042

File: d5f15088aa0a838⋯.png (400.17 KB, 542x605, 542:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dc14084e553dbc⋯.png (389.35 KB, 554x620, 277:310, dmjpack.PNG)


30 seconds apart


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dd424b  No.11683043


Nice trips. Anybody with a clue of what we're looking at here?

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d57a77  No.11683044


i know there are… i saw the parades too there, but it's heavily democrat, would take a massive shift that would mark history, i hope its true though:) Still wana see it to believe it…

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974e99  No.11683045

File: d88457370ebc75f⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 600x382, 300:191, watnn.jpg)

>>11680154 pb

anybody listen in and take notes?


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7e1f97  No.11683047

File: 573e64b3683ca2f⋯.jpeg (127.73 KB, 634x754, 317:377, 46CCB43A_85D8_4E96_A505_1….jpeg)

Even Sophia appreciates a nice pair

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9f2b85  No.11683048

File: 0bd71186fed00b8⋯.jpg (188.18 KB, 1158x1027, 1158:1027, EnDKBhLUUAArJkX.jpg)

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7fdb04  No.11683049

File: a07fc703fe74cd0⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, triggerred.mp4)

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85d0e7  No.11683050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chicago Health Officials Giving Press conference: "Cancel your Thanksgiving plans."

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3660ab  No.11683051


not red enough

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9c52c1  No.11683052



Basically this laid the ground work for how they would continue to shape the outcomes in domestic politics as well. MkUltra, mockingbird are well known here, but I have not seen project Camelot dropped here before. Wondering if this ties into the Kennedy dynasty’s Camelot?

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d175fa  No.11683053


>Did I win?


it's in the Library

with the covid-19 task force tasks flyer

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f1a909  No.11683054

File: 87cbf9866f6a8ce⋯.png (288.08 KB, 1080x1306, 540:653, Screenshot_20201112_065348….png)

File: 7c77481d2677dca⋯.png (860.8 KB, 1080x969, 360:323, Screenshot_20201109_203706….png)




Dick head Joe Biden is only the media's president elect, the federal government does not recognize Joe Biden as president elect.

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d81799  No.11683055

File: 429e6517083c2a0⋯.png (1.42 MB, 980x1522, 490:761, Screenshot_2020_11_17_38_8….png)



Location.. 38.890270, -77.008951

https://www.latlong.net/c/?lat=38.897676&long=-77.036530 Whitehouse.

Message.. Is General Flynn Back?

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62bdd3  No.11683056

File: 8f89681ad0c3ad6⋯.png (475.67 KB, 762x583, 762:583, pompeo.png)

Where is Gina?

Anyone know the last time Gina Haspell was seen?


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3df0bb  No.11683057



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6d2e5c  No.11683058

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88cbe5  No.11683059

notables @ 200, notetakers welcome to step up as im slightly distracted by IRL

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11682826 Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week

>>11682845 China now brazenly sells fentanyl ingredients straight to Mexican cartels

>>11682863 Cybersecurity Expert: Easiest Way to Compromise Elections System Is During the Manufacturing Process — And It’s Not Hard at All

>>11682870 Nimitz Strike Group Participates in #Malabar with Australia, India, and Japan

>>11682872 Grassley in quarantine

>>11682880 Seven Charged in Connection with a COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme Involving more than 80 Fraudulent Loan Applications Worth Approximately $16 Million

>>11682900 @MajorPatriot "The same voting machines that got these men elected to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the "most votes" of any candidate in US History"

>>11682901 Elon Musk Just Got $15 Billion Dollars Richer; Here’s How

>>11682917, >>11682935, >>11682950, >>11682961, >>11683035 Planefag updates

>>11682932 The new secretary of health will replace John Wiesman at the end of Gov. Inslee’s second term on Jan. 10, 2021

>>11682934 If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

>>11682941 Crowdsourcing tool for Voter Fraud evidence on https://hereistheevidence.com/

>>11682945 People living in Scotland's toughest tiers could be ARRESTED if they try to leave

>>11682954 Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

>>11682962, >>11682981 TIME TO COME HOME: President Trump Bringing Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

>>11682972 It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

>>11683008 @SecArmy: I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America.


>Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

>It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

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062e57  No.11683060

File: 47b1a0a21da1978⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 493x209, 493:209, their_own_story.JPG)

give me back my facebook, mark.

people gonna start thinking you workin' for the CCP…

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53e598  No.11683061


>Anybody with a clue of what we're looking at here?

Yes, its called a slide. Meant to detract from actual informative exchange of information. Half-retard anons can be distracted by the shiny lights.

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9cd0bf  No.11683063


Wait after the Horowitz report it’s going down

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6d2e5c  No.11683064


i believe it was walking into or out of bill barrs office but I could be mistaken

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7e1f97  No.11683065


First documented nip slip?

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06fa10  No.11683066

File: be07a37023776d4⋯.png (369.21 KB, 535x579, 535:579, Screenshot_2020_11_17_The_….png)

Nine Israelis rescued from Ethiopian war zone in ‘complex’ operation


Every fuckin´time

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6da8d3  No.11683067


>Message.. Is General Flynn Back?


5:5 confirms?

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2acb17  No.11683068

What if all the cheating related to Biden is a distraction? What if they knew that he was so poisoned that they presented him as a sacrificial lamb? But in reality the cheating was actually to simply to win the house and the senate and try to impeach POTUS again? Or to stress test all the new systems in place for election surveillance? Or something other than what we're being told it is and hanging Biden out to dry is a calculated distraction away from the real objective…

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81d5a8  No.11683069

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5e62a9  No.11683070

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55fed2  No.11683071

File: 393c67bbdf1c4ca⋯.png (94.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)




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88300c  No.11683073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frydenberg to reaffirm trade relations with Beijing

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has claimed the Morrison government is committed to restoring a working relationship with Beijing and is ready to continue a “respectful and beneficial dialogue” amid trade tensions.

The Australian is reporting Mr Frydenberg did warn Australia’s national interests will at no time be compromised, engaging in his first diplomatic intervention which aimed to reassure anxious business owners that trade will continue.

Adoni Media Managing Director Leisa Goddard commented, “I think all of the people across Australian agriculture, certainly in the beef industry, certainly the wine makers, barley, they’ve all been looking to the Australian government for some sort of reassurance and security”.

“It’s good news for them to see the government finally coming out and saying ‘we are wanting to open up dialogue, we are wanting to protect this trade relationship’,” she said.

“I still don’t think that takes away from the point that as a country, we need to look wider and much broader than just China.”


Israel firster Siding Australia with China

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ce22ce  No.11683074


I don't believe this map. If true it would all be red.

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6d2e5c  No.11683075

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dda46a  No.11683076


Cure before Disease.

Kek. One of the best variants I've seen in a while

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334bc4  No.11683077


mcConnel office I think

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dd424b  No.11683078


That's the thing when you look at it, a wave of depression and shame comes over you.

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bcffac  No.11683079















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3df0bb  No.11683080



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3d95cf  No.11683081


I don't think he ever "left"

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cf97bd  No.11683082

File: ddc7b6e254bfdf2⋯.png (420.01 KB, 2596x1524, 649:381, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Centra Job opening involving security clearances


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bdbf95  No.11683083


It was McConnell’s office in the Senate

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56cdd0  No.11683084

File: 36905bc79355250⋯.png (29.97 KB, 737x312, 737:312, ClipboardImage.png)


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85d0e7  No.11683085

Chicago Health Official: "Have a virtual Thanksgiving celebration."

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640449  No.11683086

File: 085ef54830f8823⋯.png (445.11 KB, 1360x902, 680:451, redhead97_Car_Q_Biblical.png)

File: caceee45255d3ac⋯.png (427.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, redhead91_Car_Q_Biblical.png)


ThanQ Baker !

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06fa10  No.11683087

File: dc162b016000684⋯.png (411.54 KB, 535x532, 535:532, Screenshot_2020_11_17_The_….png)

Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’


Define ally..

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c49f10  No.11683088

File: 4a82b5c54b53280⋯.jpeg (75.86 KB, 480x680, 12:17, 4a82b5c54b5328016ae39344a….jpeg)


Confirmed. Pence will be first arrest.

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dd424b  No.11683089

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1f0e9b  No.11683090


American Pravda doing work

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6e21aa  No.11683091

File: da258fe91610ad2⋯.jpg (481.25 KB, 757x1463, 757:1463, zuck_2_.jpg)


Remember these?

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55fed2  No.11683092

File: 7c8bb28b089142d⋯.png (143.46 KB, 260x194, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bc866532c04623⋯.png (12.52 KB, 326x154, 163:77, ClipboardImage.png)


*Sara Carter used to write for Arutz Sheva, also known in English as Israel National News.


Arutz Sheva is an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism. 

It offers online news articles in Hebrew, English, and Russian, as well as live streaming radio, video and free podcasts.  

It also publishes a free weekly newspaper, B'Sheva, with the third-largest weekend circulation in Israel.

Sara Carter has also worked for the Los Angeles News Group, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner.

Sara A. Carter is a contributor on Fox News.

Sauce: https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/sara-carter-reporter

Sauce: https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Arutz_Sheva

          Sara Carter Is A Pro-Israel Zionist

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3660ab  No.11683094

Thank God RBG is dead.

Glory to God

without that

we would be in deep doodoo

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00166c  No.11683095

File: eb38f73034d95c6⋯.png (78.52 KB, 1200x1050, 8:7, 1200px_Virgin_logo_svg.png)

File: c3e5bcf85cb917e⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_0261_1024x.jpg)

File: d46c18009edb91f⋯.jpg (137.89 KB, 600x900, 2:3, MV5BYWUwN2UwYTktMDk4OC00YT….jpg)

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9fe8c6  No.11683096

>>11682210 lbpb

May be relevant may be not.

Signatures is a word to describe how Submarines are differentiated.

Each sub has very slight differences in sound picked up by sonar and identifying those differences is how the Navy tracks different submarines.

Learned that from Hunt for Red October.

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1c198b  No.11683098


Pretty sure no arrests are happening. This is all theatre. America is gone.

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1f0e9b  No.11683099


Gonna need to see some court filings. Twitter rah-rah ain't gonna cut it.

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26fe5c  No.11683100


SNP - Scottish Nazi Party

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6d2e5c  No.11683101


i hear you but you understand anons know he never really left but normies tink he left potus team after all teh shit

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3f8ac7  No.11683102


moar official sources

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3df0bb  No.11683103



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55fed2  No.11683105

File: d9565e626cc9347⋯.png (140.68 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

-*A Zionist Post on Sara Carter's Website by assistant Jennie Taer*

Facebook's COO Responds After Nearly 130 NGOs Put Platform On Notice For Unchecked Jew Hatred

by Jennie Taer Aug.11, 2020

Nearly 130 Nongovernmental organizations signed onto a letter sent Friday to chiding Facebook’s Board of Directors and requesting that the platform adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and include it in its hate speech policy.

The letter comes amid a rise in antisemitism in America and across the globe. It often rears its ugly head on social media, where users have the freedom and audience to spew hatred.

And the COVID-19 pandemic has only made matters worse as antisemites seize a global crisis to promote conspiracies blaming Jews for a virus that emanated from Wuhan, China.

Friday’s letter, signed by prominent advocacy groups like StopAntisemitism.org, Students Supporting Israel, and Foundation for Defense of Democracies, pointed to Facebook’s Director of Content Policy Stakeholder Engagement Peter Stern, who recently “admitted that Facebook does not have a policy aimed at combatting online antisemitism”…. and “that Facebook does not embrace the full adoption of the IHRA working definition because the definition recognizes that modern manifestations of antisemitism relate to Israel.”

Sauce: https://saraacarter.com/facebooks-coo-responds-after-nearly-130-ngos-put-platform-on-notice-for-unchecked-jew-hatred/

     Sara A. Carter and assistant Jennie Taer:Both Israeli-first Zionists

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dd424b  No.11683106


Don't be a simplistic dipshit. what's wrong? Can't multitask? One thing at a time or else it's too much for your mind to handle?

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3660ab  No.11683107

5 10 15



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8b3e7f  No.11683108

Sorcha Faal writing for ABC now ?


As President Donald Trump’s legal efforts challenging the election results continue to hit dead ends, his campaign and legal teams have descended into chaos behind the scenes as many brace for the end of the post-election fight, multiple sources tell ABC News.

Since launching a long-shot effort to overturn the election results through baseless claims of voter fraud, President Trump has suffered a dizzying barrage of court losses and setbacks around the country, leading him to late last week to install Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer, to lead the legal efforts going forward.

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c49f10  No.11683109


chek't and concurr

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f69461  No.11683110


So all the other polls were shit, but this ones legit. Right.

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3290b4  No.11683111

File: 73e2c9e93210d50⋯.png (443.29 KB, 840x880, 21:22, 11_17_14_44_50.png)

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9d9f42  No.11683112


Don't know

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53e598  No.11683113


Its comical to think that people think Biden will ever be arrested. He's literally about to be swore in to the presidency. How much further away from arrested can you be?

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d436eb  No.11683114

August 25, 2019

Trump took a page out of the WWE’s playbook

When you attend one of his rallies, as I did last week in New Hampshire, it is obvious that Donald Trump has modeled his presidential persona on WWE pro wrestling.


WWE Playbook is also mentioned in this SGT report video Robert David Steele on bitchute @24:28

First published at 00:54 UTC on November 17th, 2020



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f1a909  No.11683115

File: d55f19ea8152f6e⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 500x505, 100:101, Flash_Drive.jpg)

Biden says he will not investigate Trump when he leaves office, I guess Biden isn't that stupid.

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6d2e5c  No.11683116


>existing top secret clearance absolutely required


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cf97bd  No.11683117

File: a8e5ba79bf750c9⋯.png (148.66 KB, 1316x820, 329:205, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Suspended account warned about it in September @Ethefriend

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bc603a  No.11683118

File: 19d19c1c5020f63⋯.png (223.46 KB, 236x348, 59:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the Water

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b204e1  No.11683120

File: dbfb9af60a52fbd⋯.png (422.72 KB, 622x500, 311:250, M_453.png)

File: 56f4fe1f3988d9f⋯.png (944.89 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, M_703a.png)

File: e6fecec53500357⋯.png (951.82 KB, 1000x552, 125:69, M_817_45.png)

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98fdda  No.11683121

File: 6cd9fc602e96035⋯.png (253.39 KB, 775x548, 775:548, Water_Sector_Coord_Council….png)

File: fad64faa3d383bb⋯.pdf (2.72 MB, The_Water_Sector_Coordinat….pdf)


'Watch the Water'??? Mention of Water security re: CISA & keeping services up including obtaining chemicals for drinking water in emergency.


Searched & results where I found:


Just saying...don't tell anyone IF you have your own water distiller, esp those affiliated with gov or influencers...

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974e99  No.11683123

File: 9557cc30d6b7db9⋯.jpg (179.45 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, zukandelizabeth.jpg)

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08c196  No.11683124

File: 35761b33f520ef1⋯.png (1.02 MB, 893x663, 893:663, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: e9cd127308fd7f1⋯.png (278.86 KB, 426x575, 426:575, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)


looks like the subway in Denver Airport.

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d09c15  No.11683125


This is what I mean. Results speak volumes as far as real life.

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9d9f42  No.11683126

File: ea6f8a276bb1781⋯.png (465.93 KB, 498x554, 249:277, war_like_posture.PNG)

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3df0bb  No.11683127


wonder if they scissor? want that leak bigly

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3ec732  No.11683129


At least it wouldn't look partisan!

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ce22ce  No.11683130

File: 4c7948c20f2b0fe⋯.png (426.42 KB, 592x513, 592:513, Capture.PNG)

GITMO for this guy or the noose?


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90d26c  No.11683131

File: 7745f449b55ccfe⋯.gif (5 MB, 190x338, 95:169, Watch_Closely.gif)


Pay very close attention to this and see if you can spot it.

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9b3d39  No.11683132

Odd that there haven’t been any Trump Tweets today so far..?

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14faa7  No.11683133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Parisians protest against 'Global Security' bill

Looks a bit fruity

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88300c  No.11683135

After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned

Facebook will ban conservatives if they are "similar looking" to someone else they banned.

National File has exclusively obtained comment from Facebook representatives who say that the platform will now ban conservative groups and pages if they are look similar to other groups and pages that they have banned for violating their Community Standards.

In the days before the election, National File reported that the once-massive Facebook page, God Emperor Trump, was unceremoniously banned from the platform for the 7th time. While communicating with Facebook Politics and Government Outreach Associate Danielle Cyr, at the direction of Facebook Public Policy Director for Global Elections Katie Harbath, National File was informed of this new policy.

When asked if the God Emperor Trump Facebook page actually violated any of the platform’s Community Standards, Cyr acknowledged that the page did not, and provided a link to Facebook’s updated Community Guidelines, which state:

We’ve long prohibited people from creating new Pages that look similar to those we’ve previously removed for violating our Community Standards. In early 2019, we updated our recidivism enforcement to prevent those who have had Pages removed for violating our Community Standards from using duplicate Pages to continue the same activity.

According to our updated recidivism policy, when we remove a Page for violating our policies, we may remove other Pages and Groups even if that specific Page has not met the threshold to be unpublished on its own. This is determined by looking at a broad set of information, including whether the Page has the same people administering it or has a similar name to the one we’re removing.

Cyr then added additional context to the ban, explaining that “Your page was removed according to these policies and will not be reinstated. Additional similar looking pages and groups can also be removed,” emphasis added by National File.

When National File noted that most posts to the page were simply articles or popular pro-Trump memes, and asked whether this means all pro-Trump Facebook pages and their administrators may be banned from the platform due to this policy, we did not receive a response.

Big tech titans of industry are currently testifying before Congress to determine how they may have interfered in the 2020 election, with Zuckerberg claiming the platform’s post-election censorship of Republicans was an effort to curb political violence.


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c49f10  No.11683136

File: 28594d6acbf99c8⋯.jpg (130.85 KB, 375x500, 3:4, austin_22.jpg)


Trips confirm Big Mike uses Swedish Penis Pumps to increase Bath House Barry's pleasure.

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53e598  No.11683137


Sauce it anon.

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85d0e7  No.11683138


In no way is Biden or Harris immune from arrest.

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1c198b  No.11683139


Most likely a position in the Biden admin.

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3cce8a  No.11683140

File: e1c2813c43e6bcc⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 696x674, 348:337, ZomboMeme_10112020210613.jpg)

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55fed2  No.11683141

File: f615f4018b47a7d⋯.png (80.72 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

*Suggestion For Jewish Cabal Media & Jewish Shills:

Don't Do The Unchecked Christian Hate If You Don't Want  

To Cause The "Unchecked Jew Hate"

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f44b55  No.11683142

File: a34122a36950391⋯.png (542.39 KB, 1172x886, 586:443, berg.png)



dumb cunt keeps piling on the debt.

How insane that we have a Jew running our finances.

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d436eb  No.11683143

File: 387af7c11e12d46⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 236x224, 59:56, KEKS_IS_REAL.jpg)


>After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned

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53e598  No.11683144


We'll See.

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3af714  No.11683145


Promotion prolly

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9e51c3  No.11683146

File: 104a1c18fdd3d76⋯.png (184.99 KB, 710x652, 355:326, dominion_logo.png)

File: 87228947bd232b5⋯.png (163.12 KB, 710x652, 355:326, dominion_logo_CORRECTED.png)


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f44b55  No.11683147

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f740a7  No.11683148


See, now that means that the fuggin clowns are all up in ALL your shit no matter what platform you are on. I hadn't considered that FB and Twitter would be working TOGETHER with Goog. I get FB emails somehow and don't even have an account. They suggest my cousins. Now how the fuck do they know that? FB is clearly cooperating with Goog/Twitter to share the info that Hawley was talking about.

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cf97bd  No.11683149

File: f1aa78cf451efe8⋯.png (387.29 KB, 2020x1338, 1010:669, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Centra sponsored sham scientific conferences for the CIA for espionage purposes.


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3df0bb  No.11683151


jajajaja. just like hillary huh?

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ab4b49  No.11683152

I thought of another way we can serve.

Does anyone know of an active open source voting system project, both hardware and software?

Would anons be interested in working on such a project?

The way I see it the areas of expertise needed would be: hardware, software, cryptography, hacking (both hardware and software, for testing/ black hat team.)

Ideally we would also need a source for the more hard to acquire hardware pieces, though much can be done prior just with a pc connection.

Beyond that I have some ideas for a first rough draft spec, nothing formalized just ideas at this point.

If there is an ongoing project we can certainly help it along, if not we could open a thread here initially on QR to start, later as we get bigger get our own digs.


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7e1f97  No.11683153

File: 0c1e3c5e33368bc⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB, 480x555, 32:37, 187DD790_9BF3_411A_A55A_3….jpeg)


Patience miyagi san

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c49f10  No.11683154

File: b7a4e3d41796103⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 402x500, 201:250, disgust.jpg)


swore in…..is that like swole? You're black aren't you? FFS the absolute state of Grammar Kitty when this shit is allowed to fly.

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6d2e5c  No.11683155


Welcome to 40k, Anon.

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ba3a57  No.11683156


Certify it then, faggot.

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00166c  No.11683157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3df0bb  No.11683158

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383a97  No.11683159

File: 366324131216784⋯.png (136.15 KB, 1506x536, 753:268, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: dca15ca9f1df797⋯.png (303.23 KB, 1166x1230, 583:615, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: f4b1e2968bbaa65⋯.png (61.17 KB, 1218x460, 609:230, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

Made22nd July 1997

Coming into force1st September 1997

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of July 1997


The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council

Whereas at London on the 13th February 1984 an Agreement on social security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) and an Administrative Agreement for the implementation of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Administrative Agreement”)(1) were signed on behalf of those Governments and effect was given to the Agreement by the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the Principal Order”)(2):

And Whereas at London on 6th June 1996 a Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America (which Supplementary Agreement is set out in Schedule 1 to this Order and is hereinafter referred to as “the Supplementary Agreement”) amending the Agreement and a Supplementary Administrative Agreement amending the Administrative Agreement (which Supplementary Administrative Agreement is set out in Schedule 2 to this Order and is hereinafter referred to as “the Supplementary Administrative Agreement”)(3) were signed on behalf of those Governments:

And Whereas by Article 3 of the Supplementary Agreement it is provided that the Supplementary Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the month in which each Government has received from the other Government written notification that all statutory and constitutional requirements have been complied with for entry into force of the Supplementary Agreement:

And Whereas by Article 2 of the Supplementary Administrative Agreement it is provided that the Supplementary Administrative Agreement shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the Supplementary Agreement:

And Whereas written notification in accordance with Article 3 of the Supplementary Agreement was received by each Government on 20th June 1997 and accordingly the Supplementary Agreement and the Supplementary Administrative Agreement enter into force on the 1st September 1997:

And Whereas by section 179(1)(a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992(4) it is provided that Her Majesty may by Order in Council make provision for modifying or adapting that Act and the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992(5) in their application to cases affected by agreements with other Governments providing for reciprocity in matters specified in the said section:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, in pursuance of section 179(1)(a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 and of all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—




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00166c  No.11683160

File: 4fa13d71d0445b1⋯.jpg (280.97 KB, 1280x1643, 1280:1643, 22a3f71e7da2bd05700ba4007d….jpg)

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c49f10  No.11683161


Nigga I been telling anons that since March 2018.

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9b3d39  No.11683162

File: 3772b9bb344e315⋯.gif (403.55 KB, 229x200, 229:200, 5BF015F5_F9E7_40BD_B001_F6….gif)

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9e51c3  No.11683163

File: b0b5772b9d8b521⋯.png (277.47 KB, 1440x952, 180:119, parasites.png)


have you ever seen a high-profile pol ever receive justice? the rules for me and thee don't apply to these parasites

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d436eb  No.11683164


The timing of her death or rather the official announcement of her death is rather suspicious

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1f0e9b  No.11683165


Almost time for goreshill to log in anyway.

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6d2e5c  No.11683166

File: 3df22e6828e81aa⋯.jpg (132.15 KB, 2308x1234, 1154:617, EmZFg8gWMAAJpkH.jpg)



pretty sure her vote still counted tho :/

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d81799  No.11683167



Thank You Sir o7!

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d96af1  No.11683168


JB really has to be cooperating, he is a arguably high level DS politician but a low rank in cabal, i cannot see how they would let him run the worse campaign in history.

Me thinks he made a deal, he must have to be so sleepy.

For the E2020 fraud sting, we needed them to cheat BIG, Potus all in Biden all out- lockdowns and raise taxes? come on man!?!

So DS lost control of JB and we mitigated the release of the blackmail they had on him, the supposed HB laptop. Part of the deal to get cooperation.

HRC had to warn JB via twitter to not concede, DS cabal desperate to get Potus out cheated BIG, and Potus plans to expose their keystone, election fraud which they use/d to take over the world literally.

This brings the cabal down WW and they lose their ability to control people and armies, blockchain voting introduced and Potus leads a WW revolt and free elections.

Oh and yes the msm/control of information is removed next, with that CB control removed and they have nothing and no ability to regain power since their modus operandi that they have kept hidden for 1000s of years is revealed and can be countered, Nationalism returns.

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06fa10  No.11683170

File: b12d36e7f672e3d⋯.jpg (207.79 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, you1.jpg)

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81d5a8  No.11683171

File: 207cef8dce3bb34⋯.png (27.96 KB, 598x399, 598:399, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Art_….png)

For a second I thought it was a tweet by the @TheBabylonBee

Chelsea Clinton

There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,” and I just keep thinking, I hope they’re wearing masks and some day get over 2016.

5:03 PM · Nov 15, 2020



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94b3c7  No.11683172

File: 73f84b8f27763a2⋯.png (1.09 MB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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229e90  No.11683173

File: a367cd776f2871e⋯.jpeg (426.59 KB, 1400x1320, 35:33, 2A8A18F8_938F_4CFE_ADC0_9….jpeg)


Fleets. Twitter’s version of Snapchat.

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f418d3  No.11683174


Belief does not make something true.

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53e598  No.11683175

File: 7ada82452a9a6bf⋯.png (2.98 KB, 178x20, 89:10, ClipboardImage.png)


>Grammar Kitty

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248d2f  No.11683176


Now I am 100% convinced that this is a psyop and someone trying to poison the well.

Research the story, it is STILL the same anonymous tweet from a German, written in BROKEN German, no sources or explanations to where it came from.

This is so surreal, that you guys that are supposed to be veteran researchers are able to miss this.

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1c198b  No.11683177

Lets face it anons, Q fucked us. We trusted "the plan" and the plan sucked. They "have it all" but did nothing with it. I remember corrupt people were scared shitless for about 6-7 months after Trump took office. Then, they figured out nothing was going to happen. Then they figured out they could keep operating just like they always had. Then they continued their plan to fuck the entire world…and did it.

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88300c  No.11683178

File: 81117971354683d⋯.png (315.84 KB, 830x413, 830:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Roger Stone: Biden to Pardon Keith Raniere!

Political consultant Roger Stone posted on his Parler social media account on Friday the 13th of November: “Breaking – Joe Biden has promised Democrat operatives a pardon for Nexium [sic] Sex cult Guru Keith Ranieri [sic].

In addition to posting on Parler, Stone was heard discussing the proposed pardon with a well known Republican, his famous wife, and a Democrat operative tied to the Biden transition team.

Through them, Frank Report learned the name of one of the Democratic operatives Stone was apparently referring to and contacted him. The operative denied Biden has plans to pardon Raniere, but admitted this is what he would say even if Biden planned to pardon Raniere.

Several other Democrats close to Biden deny the story and claim it is preposterous.

“This is Roger being Roger. He knows it isn’t true. He is just causing mayhem,” said one Democrat source, close to Obama-Biden, who was already familiar with Stone’s claims.

It might indeed be disinformation. CNN has accused Stone of conducting a massive disinformation campaign in connection with the 2020 election. Stop the Steal’s massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone.

Stone was a consultant for NXIVM in 2007 and brought several consultants into the group, including Steve Pigeon and Frank Parlato, the man widely credited with bringing the cult down.

Stone is well known for having told Raniere: “If you guys don’t want to come out looking like a cult, then start by not acting like one.”

Stone said he quit as Nxivm’s consultant after Raniere and his top lieutenant, Nancy Salzman, repeatedly asked him to donate money to elected officials in return for their quid pro quo commitment to indict Nxivm enemies Joe O’Hara, Toni Natalie and Rick Ross.

After he left, Stone helped in the campaign waged by Parlato to take down the cult.

While there’s no verifiable link between Biden and the American players in NXIVM, the same is NOT true regarding the Mexican wing of the organization. Biden has a long, established relationship with former Mexican President Carlos Salinas and his family. The same is true for the Clintons and many other Democrat power brokers.


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d436eb  No.11683179


I know. Just been finding more and more crumbs supporting that recently.

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205a70  No.11683180


Not that hard to look at it and move on.

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cf97bd  No.11683181

File: 303672585fe5479⋯.png (398.28 KB, 2574x1184, 1287:592, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Alright Centra will now be acquired by PAE and we know how the CIA uses business mergers to hide criminal activity


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d96af1  No.11683182



will add maybe JB is the first arrest and admits everything….Live on TV!

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1f0e9b  No.11683183


The blue ballot isn't part of their logo

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14faa7  No.11683184


Thats ' Based '

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76a4dc  No.11683185


> Facebook and Twitter and Google are working TOGETHER!

No shit. Also consider that Apple is getting about 1/3 of its revenue by selling user data to Google, and the vista of truth becomes broader.

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bc603a  No.11683186

File: f308394f751e12c⋯.png (163.68 KB, 236x307, 236:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: add0d5af2bd2c0b⋯.png (228.59 KB, 236x314, 118:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf4a7be016a98c6⋯.png (200.79 KB, 236x317, 236:317, ClipboardImage.png)

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196775  No.11683187

File: bc95abe99818e94⋯.png (162.44 KB, 673x344, 673:344, 2020_11_17_14_53_20.png)


>Big Mike


Nah, he can't be.

Barry would know though.

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ec52ad  No.11683188

File: 01b955610b7b093⋯.jpeg (163.38 KB, 1524x644, 381:161, D5CE1262_6BD6_4413_8D48_5….jpeg)

Looks like someone got their shit together


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c49f10  No.11683189


Hey, if I'm gonna drop bait I'm gonna make it stinky. How's that taste Charlie Tuna?

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8b3e7f  No.11683190

Just when we start pulling troops ! Crazy Incident Again


According to unconfirmed reports, at least 5 Katyusha rockets landed in the area near the United States embassy located in the so-called "green zone" in the Iraqi capital city, Baghdad.

Several explosions and US embassy sirens were heard in Baghdad's green zone as rockets landed in the area, according to multiple reports on social media.

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1f0e9b  No.11683191


Fuck. This. Guy.

He's clearly all in on the heist.

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022219  No.11683192

File: f820c2a4ca96920⋯.png (69.51 KB, 657x299, 657:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e21aa  No.11683193

File: 95872c1fddbfa47⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 300x300, 1:1, nazikitty.jpg)


I have that one

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5f3fe0  No.11683194

MY FUCKIN GIRL>>11682842

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3f8ac7  No.11683195



but do a flip over the shark

cuck news did it with biden' corpse on thar back

on a side note: Senate voting on another judge ,, former law clerk Benjamin Beaton US Dist Western Kentucky

and the weirdo senator sammich sumting showed up in red hair and a busted up right arm, sen stripperpole has dollars on the floor to pick up

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88300c  No.11683196

File: 303562258cd3b1e⋯.png (608.46 KB, 699x470, 699:470, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3d35166279e0e9⋯.png (87.02 KB, 748x919, 748:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7adf411453a4a63⋯.png (79.78 KB, 757x918, 757:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f5617d613521ab⋯.png (88.77 KB, 744x922, 372:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e089b7b43dec794⋯.png (77.18 KB, 748x908, 187:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of British intelligence has revealed itself continuously.

From the obvious role of Sir Richard Dearlove and his former MI6 underling Christopher Steele who together played a driving role in shaping the dodgy dossier, to their involvement with Oxford Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott in composing, promoting and marketing the fraudulent dossier to targeted members of Congress and media, to British Ambassador Sir Darroch caught “flooding the zone” with British intelligence assets to shape Trump’s perception of the world, to the array of British entrapment operations that targeted Michael Flynn as early as 2014 in London… wherever one looks, the hand of British intelligence seems to be everywhere.

While vast effort is made to downplay the British roots of the deep state by the media which tends to portray this problem from a partisan narrative of “democratic party corruption”, this sleight of hand misses the causal nexus and demands we believe that the tail truly wags the dog.

The uncomfortable truth which many are either too afraid, lazy or corrupt to admit is that since the moment John F Kennedy died on November 22, 1963, both the Democratic and Republican Parties have undergone a slow take-over by this foreign parasite. The thing that has come to be known as the “deep state” was never based on one party or another, and never emanated from anything native to the Constitutional traditions of the US government itself as I outlined in my previous article “Understanding the Trifold Nature of the Deep State”.

While the Republican party of George Bush was in power, this deep state had used its controls of computerized vote counting to rig elections in 2000 and 2004 in its favor as showcased brilliantly in the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy. Later, when it was time for a controlled opposition to take power in 2008, it did the same thing under a different cast of characters.

While one side of the unipolar world government agenda was driven by a view that the USA should forever be the primary global police force governing a zero sum system of perpetual war, with an unelected elite managing the system from above, the other side believed that the USA should surrender its claims to sovereignty to an international global body with unelected technocrats and financiers at the top managing the zero sum system of perpetual war from above.

Notice the common denominator?



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482596  No.11683197

File: 73af162594547db⋯.png (616.97 KB, 715x520, 11:8, michael_is_late.PNG)

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d5f288  No.11683198

File: 2a771e2ab8a9ec3⋯.jpg (37.25 KB, 460x542, 230:271, IT_wisdom.jpg)

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32cd53  No.11683199


1200 AD: "100% of the people on earth believed the earth was flat"

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1c198b  No.11683200


Ah, yes, the hopium. Patience. Just more and more patience. What are you going to be saying when Biden is being sworn in? Let me guess…


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04de5d  No.11683201

File: ad677da12b03808⋯.mp4 (185.34 KB, 272x368, 17:23, e7WBbz0p_9reIE_H.mp4)


Missiles targeting US embassy Baghdad, IRAQ.

US Embassy sirens are sounding.

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5c7523  No.11683202

File: ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg)

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3290b4  No.11683203


So, apparently is was all the news about voter fraud that is driving up the numbers of people that "now believe" Biden won.

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a49587  No.11683204

File: 7893b445c11487f⋯.jpg (543.42 KB, 1915x959, 1915:959, R103O1_17_Nov_20_1955.jpg)

R103O1 (Ops flight) out of Newport News. On a track for St. Louis or Leavenworth.

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ec7cf4  No.11683205

File: 3b87a426488c5bf⋯.jpg (183.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 3b87a426488c5bf7ae5da034dd….jpg)

Senator let me get back to you on that…

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428edd  No.11683206


He should go suck his own dick!

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bdbf95  No.11683207


Also worth noting that ACB’s confirmation was rather uneventful, given the times we’re in and the bleating of the Ds before it happened.

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ce22ce  No.11683208

File: 909ff6b88fb08e5⋯.mp4 (409.04 KB, 768x432, 16:9, alXyNivYEq7Z98h5.mp4)

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c2ded2  No.11683209

File: 1ebc85a2d1891b3⋯.jpeg (469.86 KB, 1241x1797, 1241:1797, 4CE61DF7_802D_4AFC_865D_F….jpeg)

For the keks, journalist ripping at O’s music/songs play list, the comments are even funnier


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f1a909  No.11683210

File: e8c402ecf9e4b44⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 481x210, 481:210, FLOTUS.jpg)

Big Mike does not matter unless you are a Tranny.

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d436eb  No.11683211

File: 97a38404c9ba8a3⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 568x718, 284:359, MilaKunis.jpg)

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ac5989  No.11683212

How to find flights from Washington DC to Guantanamo Bay

- is that you Joe ?


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b204e1  No.11683213

File: 9e9efc6a73f8e92⋯.png (600.33 KB, 750x486, 125:81, M_844.png)

File: 8416ffb4a7a7fab⋯.png (638.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, M_845.png)

File: 012f7ccbe330411⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1000x718, 500:359, M_851.png)


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a839ea  No.11683214


I've been saying this for years. All of you anons "trust" these people who are supposedly fighting for us, but where are the arrests? Nowhere….which means it's all bullshit.

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d2a6e0  No.11683215


This news fell right out of the sky

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3503ed  No.11683216


He is a big rapist. Justice needs to be done.

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2a06f1  No.11683217


Russian news website from Kremlin.

November 17, 2020

CIA Director Suspected Wounded After US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base

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cf97bd  No.11683218

File: 378a00267077ae0⋯.png (221.56 KB, 1426x888, 713:444, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Alright DHS paid Centra technology over 4 million dollars in 2007

Holy Bejeezus


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9fe8c6  No.11683219


Its hard to believe that out of the whole cabal Joe Biden and HW Bush were 2 of the top dogs.

IRL they were/are inneffective weinies.

I guess thats how satan does it, always decieving.

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c49f10  No.11683220


Dig a little into the term "Dusty Finish". It may help fill in a few of your blanks.

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56cdd0  No.11683221



Got sauce?

eyes on.

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89e90c  No.11683222


Naw. 20 Jan will be Trump or "Plan B"…which involves zero patience.

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88300c  No.11683223

File: e24d2705a5e88e3⋯.png (363.44 KB, 725x886, 725:886, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5656950273a39a4⋯.png (84.39 KB, 750x920, 75:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a43e87f63056518⋯.png (41.12 KB, 736x488, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Additionally five options are developed by Sunstein:

“(1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counter speech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counter speech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help”

On August 24, 2020 Sunstein was tapped to chair the World Health Organization’s Technical Advisory Group mandated with modifying global behaviour in compliance with the new norms of the pandemic world order. The WHO chief stated “In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are using a range of tools to influence behavior: Information campaigns are one tool, but so are laws, regulations, guidelines and even fines…That’s why behavioral science is so important.”

Lord Brown in the Obama Era

In 2007, Malloch Brown left the UN to head up Soros’ Quantum Hedge Fund- a lucrative post which he soon left to join the British Foreign Office as Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN from 2007-2009.

After leaving his position in the UK government in 2009, Lord Malloch Brown went on to consult oil companies and steer his International Crisis Group. By this time, the ICG had a near monopoly on drafting anonymously published reports of international crisis hotspots priding itself on maintaining armies of “on the ground” specialists who could profile all disputing parties and release their assessments on the international market. These reports have been used by governments, NGOs, corporations, and international bodies like the UN and have played a major role in shaping global policy and perceptions of the causes and remedies to conflict.

Utilizing his expertise in vote fraud and perception management, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Malloch Brown soon found himself at the helm of SGO Corporation Ltd in 2014 which serves as a holding company whose main asset is Smartmatic voting technologies. Smartmatic sells itself as having “handled more than 3.7 billion votes over the past 14 years in election projects on five continents” and while it denies having activities directly on US soil, a screenshot from the Way Back Machine demonstrates a very different story.

Since 2010 Smartmatic has been found to have been at the heart of election fraud in Mexico, Venezuela, the USA, and the Philippines where the first Presidential election using this system resulted in the victory of Corazon Aquino’s son Benigno Aquino. After mountains of evidence have come to light of Smartmatic’s role in systemic fraud, the IBON Foundation called out Lord Brown as “a foreigner who has made a career out of influencing elections”.

It is an irony of history that not only did Lord Malloch Brown install a second generation cardboard cutout into power in the Philippines, but deployed his voting system to undermine the popular Ferdinand Marco Jr in favor of the Liberal Party’s Leni Robredo during the 2016 elections. Luckily in the same year that Trump was to beat the system via his landslide popular victory in the USA, a similar victory occurred in opposition to all odds when nationalist President Duterte took office and later demanded the Philippines rid itself of Smartmatic tech.


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159c79  No.11683224

File: c13ea69c37ea8b0⋯.jpeg (393.79 KB, 750x733, 750:733, 2964BC8F_F89B_4F54_B021_6….jpeg)

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04de5d  No.11683225

File: d14e640166e9003⋯.mp4 (323.02 KB, 244x300, 61:75, QTJcq7Jm2Z2rcOye.mp4)


CRAM intercepted a rocket attack targeting the US Embassy in Baghdad’s Green Zone — Reports

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d436eb  No.11683226


I'm guessing they were caught off guard and weren't prepared. The did grumble though. Going after her adoption of Haitian kids as virtue signaling and going after her faith.

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00166c  No.11683227

File: d912341e12560b4⋯.gif (18.74 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 05_14a_3_.gif)

File: e9f0d99d4089680⋯.jpg (320.34 KB, 900x900, 1:1, e9f_4_.jpg)

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159c79  No.11683228

File: b8dba14e50f4666⋯.jpeg (367.23 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 669A24EF_899B_491E_B52B_A….jpeg)


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6d2e5c  No.11683229

wat does Roger ball mean?

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06fa10  No.11683230

File: d7285ac829f26e2⋯.png (22.88 KB, 535x272, 535:272, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Noa_….png)

File: 1638f995b24a170⋯.png (128.61 KB, 535x451, 535:451, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Noa_….png)

Israel for last



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95819d  No.11683231

File: c5fbe80589fb41c⋯.png (443.1 KB, 598x610, 299:305, Screenshot_2020_11_17_SPAC….png)

File: 44baa080f5a8c49⋯.png (190.92 KB, 598x699, 598:699, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Fox_….png)

It's for show folks. Mike Pompeo is on a 7 Nation Tour of Europe. To meet with leaders who congratulated Biden. The US boasts about how they successfully shot down a Ballistic missile. Spain happens to have lost a rocket carrying Satellites. I think POTUS sent a message to them because they tried Nuking US or Kansas. No proof just gut instinct. If the servers for hacking our votes were in Europe they most likely fixed ALL of their elections and Brexit. The people over there are protesting Lockdowns like crazy, they see the Cabal. Nothings coincidence, Kansas and 7 nation tour, someone mentioned The White Stripes "Seven Nation Army" song and the lyrics are this totally. I had visions of Kansas in "The Full Armor of God" smashing through Europe like a linebacker, I actually cried tears of joy in The Lord because the syncronicities. If someone could MEME that vision id appreciate it.



I'm gonna fight 'em off

A seven nation army couldn't hold me backThem

They're gonna rip it off US

Taking their time right behind my back

And I'm talkin' to myself at night

Because I can't forget

Back and forth through my mind

Behind a cigarette

And the message comin' from my eyes says, "Leave it alone"

Don't wanna hear about it

Every single one's got a story to tell

Everyone knows about it

From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell Satanic Queen

And if I catch it comin' back my way

I'm gonna serve it to youCommunism

And that ain't what you want to hear

But that's what I'll doDestroy their system and free the people in another revolution

And the feeling coming from my bones says, "Find a home"

I'm going to WichitaSec Pompeo

Far from this opera for evermore

I'm gonna work the straw

Make the sweat drip out of every pore

And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding

Right before the Lord

All the words are gonna bleed from me

And I will think no more

And the stains comin' from my blood tell me, "Go back home"

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9e51c3  No.11683232

File: a036394163324b9⋯.jpg (375.08 KB, 865x576, 865:576, hilldawg_and_big_mike.jpg)

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31671e  No.11683233



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3df0bb  No.11683234


photoshopped. thats fake

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3f8ac7  No.11683235

eyes on the Senate floor anons



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f1a909  No.11683236

File: c918c77ddd75869⋯.png (61.09 KB, 517x503, 517:503, 3d8421e4a6b08082838e44c665….png)

Anons what is your favorite BLM movie?

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974e99  No.11683237

File: e6bb118f12ce5ec⋯.jpg (399.54 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, haspellintocongress.jpg)

Walking into a meeting with mitch mcconnell?


one week ago

she's never with her pic in the news much anyway.


nov 10


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d436eb  No.11683238


>Dusty Finish

The Dusty Finish is the nickname given to a specific ending to a wrestling match in which one wrestler appears to have scored a win only to have the decision reversed, often on some small technicality.

Thanks anon!

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a5c937  No.11683239


Carrier landing lingo

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08c196  No.11683240

File: 16d0b7491ae6f3d⋯.png (131.59 KB, 225x227, 225:227, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: 6884d0598ef2753⋯.png (122.09 KB, 202x262, 101:131, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: 8d22b401cd55b9e⋯.png (197.18 KB, 360x265, 72:53, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

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159c79  No.11683241

File: 331f95a6a27331c⋯.jpeg (105.02 KB, 654x396, 109:66, DE98DC5E_6FB5_4517_A1BA_1….jpeg)

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90d26c  No.11683242


It beats playing Solitaire on the computer.

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56cdd0  No.11683243

File: 13dc53da93ec528⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 812x231, 116:33, roger_ball_definition.jpg)

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159c79  No.11683244


No shit dumbass

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71ab83  No.11683245

New Kevin Corke Tweet

“ Sometimes when people are quiet, it just means they’re working really, really hard.

Remember that…

Hope you all have a great day!☺️



(Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.)

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5c7523  No.11683246


Radio Sawa sounds normal


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9e51c3  No.11683247

File: eb7e0c462ea5775⋯.png (40.06 KB, 734x317, 734:317, tick_tock.png)


that explains why she always pops up on hannity, cia clown wizard.

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169c51  No.11683248

File: 3b7dd147f4e6347⋯.png (86.75 KB, 757x704, 757:704, ClipboardImage.png)


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3af714  No.11683249

File: ea750968ab76b51⋯.png (25.68 KB, 598x313, 598:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Right on Q….As soon as we announce troop withdrawal….Hilarious


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d436eb  No.11683250



Forgot to add not that you mentioned that I do remember that routine now. Haven't watched wrestling in so long.

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88300c  No.11683251

File: d963ada0629f49a⋯.png (2.48 MB, 984x918, 164:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On November 16, an IED attack targeted a vehicle of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the town of Shaafah;

On November 16, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled positions of the SDF west of Tal Abyadh;

On November 16, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Banin;

On November 17, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Fatirah, Kansafra, Safuhen;

On November 16, an explosive device exploded in a car in the village of Al-Hammam.


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19ed04  No.11683253


Sounds like it sucks to be you

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a64a31  No.11683254

File: bd579e93ee4c86e⋯.png (916.67 KB, 814x556, 407:278, ShipToUkraine.png)



Taking Back Our Country….

Taking out the traitor trash.

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974e99  No.11683255

File: f5df2997de14bb4⋯.jpg (510.21 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 1110.jpg)



ny lies story on the 11th

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e188ce  No.11683256

File: 9822507c08f924c⋯.png (23.88 KB, 716x203, 716:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5a33ae8a60b494⋯.png (31.99 KB, 708x306, 118:51, ClipboardImage.png)

Could we get some official DUDES on this?


Alpha OmegaEnergy




I have huge terror intel need get to right hands. Does anyone trust FBI any more? No. DHS tips reporting goes where? FBI. Will be squashed like Hunter’s Laptop, Emails, Wieners, etc. 50 ppl asked for 3 days for numbers & ppl to contact me, no one did. Called DHS just disconnects.


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90d26c  No.11683257



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a49587  No.11683258

File: 592913d4bf069fd⋯.jpg (485.2 KB, 1743x967, 1743:967, Various_17_Nov_20_1959.jpg)

R103O1 is trailing an E-4B Nightwatch, LOKI82. It may just be coincidence, but it could be a high value target on the R103O1 (O not 0) Ops flight.

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1c198b  No.11683260


Oh, there's a plan B? What is it, lock the door and refuse to come out?

They've had 4 years to release information revealing who these people are. At the very least, the public should be talking about the corruption of their govt right now, not wondering who won an election. Trying to win this war all neat and tidy, from within the broken system, is what has lost the war.

They don't have the balls for a "Plan B." They didn't even have the balls for their "Plan A."

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85d0e7  No.11683261


Numerous governors and mayors have been sent to prison over the years. Four Illinois governors alone have served time.


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00166c  No.11683262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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248d2f  No.11683263


I work in the industry and I approve this message.

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2934b4  No.11683264

I suspect a lot more people are acting than we realize. Lots of Dems also in on the sting because they don't want to go to jail or they want to do the right thing.

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159c79  No.11683265

File: 960d3d3fda8711d⋯.jpeg (353.82 KB, 677x840, 677:840, D81F0449_4513_427A_A5C6_3….jpeg)

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d436eb  No.11683266


Correction: (Now) that you mentioned it.

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0f1362  No.11683267

File: 97686c0f59d4f92⋯.jpg (227.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gabenewellflickr.jpg)

Like to become a clown hunter?

Got what it takes to tackle Bozos?


Or Just Curious about the whereabouts of clowns?


might be for (you)

Why create Clown Track?

The application's developer responds:

Clown Track was mainly created because clowns are quite possibly the worst thing walking this Earth, I used to think they were for my amusement and very funny. But that was until I had an encounter with a creepy clown.

About six weeks ago when all this 'clown drama' started to begin I was personally affected by a clown here on OU's campus. I was walking down court street with a friend, and then I saw a large man carrying a bag and in his hand was a clown mask. After we passed him I asked my friend, " Was he holding a clown mask?" and got a "No way" response so I blew off the thought. Later that night when walking home I saw a large man being put into the back of a police car; and it turns out that man was part of a group that dresses up as creepy clowns and chases/attacks people.

…Now with "Clown Track" this situation cannot happen again, and it will only take a few seconds to tell people around you about sightings of clowns. You can now walk home without looking over your shoulder every 30 seconds.

Clown Track Features

This app comes with many different features, including an updated "Clown Radar", "social media updates" , "anonymous chat", and an "Emergency dial".

Clown Radar: Essentially like the app "Waze" where your current location is updated by other app users of different clown sightings within your area. This radar shows the apparent location of a clown marked with a clown hat emoji, while the location of the report is marked by a magnifying glass. Your location is also included to show how close you are to the clowns in your area.

Social Media Updates: This portion of the app is not linked to your personal social media accounts but to the world-wide database from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. It searches every term or #hashtag of words related to "Clown" "Clown sightings" "ICP" and other related words and bases them off of your current location to get the most relevant updates to the user. It also shows the tweets of popular accounts such as "@Clownclann" and "@Clown_Sightings" to help locate clowns on the national level.

Anonymous Chat: The chat is linked to everyone within 10 miles of your location to help precisely locate clowns or the clown's appearance or what they were doing, etc. This is meant to help people much faster than updating the map and to help not overload the radar with possible false accusations.

Emergency Dial: Possibly the most important safety aspect to Clown Track. If the user feels in danger, or threatened by any means this app calls the local police department; does not have to be by a 'Clown attack' but for any safety reason.


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c49f10  No.11683268


Loved them all.

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d6f0b8  No.11683269

another win in PA court


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f44b55  No.11683270


That missile defense system is awesome.

Got more sauce?

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eff753  No.11683271



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3df0bb  No.11683272


just pointing that out since you boomers seem to believe just about anything some rando boomerbook says. remember always having to correct my grandparents in their email chains too. figured i needed to do the same here with the qoomers

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6d2e5c  No.11683273

File: 672cac0eb3300f2⋯.png (58.23 KB, 912x373, 912:373, roger_ball.PNG)



well kek, planefags interdasted?




ty anons

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bdbf95  No.11683274


But not the cause célèbre that replacement of RBG might suggest. Maybe it was just election distractions…

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d688f8  No.11683275

File: 247fabb69abe2fd⋯.png (752.47 KB, 761x742, 761:742, findoutchuck.PNG)

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000000  No.11683276


marbles intact?

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4a641f  No.11683277


sauce the tweet or sauce the claim

claim is sauced in bread…

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5e5a0e  No.11683278

File: 71dad9b565e3822⋯.png (24.64 KB, 603x221, 603:221, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

Critical report from @SecPompeo

’s staff outlining the threat from China and what America must do in order to defeat it.


Eighth, the United States must train a new generation of public servants — in diplomacy,

military affairs, finance, economics, science and technology, and other fields — and publicpolicy

thinkers who not only attain fluency in Chinese and acquire extensive knowledge

of China’s culture and history, but who also attain fluency in the languages, and acquire

extensive knowledge of the cultures and histories, of other strategic competitors, friends,

and potential friends.

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ea95d0  No.11683279


Roger BALL

Think football !!!


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c49f10  No.11683280


yw fren

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000000  No.11683281

i just come here to filter leafy's numerous devices

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06fa10  No.11683282

File: cf7ff788bb8b7d7⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1439x954, 1439:954, cf7ff788bb8b7d7564450fc0d1….png)


based Sorcha

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a49587  No.11683284


(Lud)Mila Kunis is looking like crap there. I always thought that she was a Ludmila and chopped off the first part because Russian.

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15bfe2  No.11683285

File: 1e68479f4607386⋯.jpeg (15.65 KB, 474x316, 3:2, A6C448AF_FECD_43B4_882F_2….jpeg)

If you are scared and think the corony is going to kill you, stay home. Staying locked in your house seems about the same as being dead anyway. Leave the rest of us, who want to go and and live, the fuck alone.

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5142f4  No.11683286


Natural Born Negros

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52fd3d  No.11683287

File: cd66ed900a82000⋯.png (74.89 KB, 778x373, 778:373, Capture.PNG)

File: b80406b35c1d57a⋯.png (157.5 KB, 577x905, 577:905, Capture1.PNG)


2017 guardian post…..


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56cdd0  No.11683289


Anons. Kevin corke is one to keep eyes on. This tweet was to you

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95819d  No.11683290


>>French 'jetman' known for daredevil jetpack flights over Burj Khalifa and alongside a jumbo jet is killed

I feel like this is all connected, im going to continue praying and digging.

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821f7a  No.11683291


You don't even post before the dough yet constantly shit the bread.

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138642  No.11683292


Bullshit, you know it's real. kek

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159c79  No.11683293


Uh, you can go stick your boomer label

on someone else

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90d26c  No.11683295

Democratic anger rises over Trump obstacles to Biden transition

Democrats and public health officials are furious at President Trump for obstructing President-elect Joe Biden’s transition to the White House, warning that the Trump administration is endangering lives and threatening national security by refusing to cooperate with the incoming administration.

The president-elect has warned that “more people may die” because he’s been blocked from coordinating the coronavirus vaccine rollout and other public health measures with Trump’s team, which is moving ahead on its own.



Suque My Dique You Treasonous Assholes.

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1c198b  No.11683296


Let me know how this works out. My understanding of reality seems quite intact. We are enslaved by an evil group of untouchable elites who steal children at will, rig elections, and kill people with impunity to stay in power. I don't see that changing.

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6d181a  No.11683297

Who was the first sauce to confirm RGB was dead?

Obviously she died long before that but who let the cat outta the bag?

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3290b4  No.11683299


Agreed, extradited to Ukraine, convicted and serve 2 years in prison then return to the US for indictments about voter fraud and other malfesions. Not looking good for Uncle Joe.

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f740a7  No.11683300

File: 13c758d3ca26f83⋯.png (29.32 KB, 611x339, 611:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c356ba696783e7⋯.png (230.33 KB, 400x881, 400:881, Q1866.png)

File: 7313332d185468d⋯.png (20.12 KB, 400x177, 400:177, Q4360.png)

File: a2139fda2a6e245⋯.png (14.31 KB, 400x139, 400:139, Q4384.png)

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169c51  No.11683301

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55fed2  No.11683302

File: d8c3a81825dd9da⋯.png (81.12 KB, 178x284, 89:142, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Were The Jews Kicked Out of 132 Host Countries 1,030 Times?

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19ed04  No.11683303


So then why the fuck are you even here? No one asked you to worry about 'you anons'. As far as THIS anon is concerned you can fuck right off

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ae704f  No.11683304

>>11682120 (pb)

They couldn’t come up with an original catchphrase? This is getting embarrassing. Where’s the Beef?

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3ced41  No.11683305

File: 75b1021fa9a37c9⋯.jpg (231.97 KB, 936x999, 104:111, kevin_alarm.jpg)

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46ef30  No.11683306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2 choices.

Revolutions happen in the mind. It has nothing to do with the use of force.

'"We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here."


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d96af1  No.11683307


blockchain ledger based.

good idea, but politicians likely will not use unless companies are making money.

maybe set it up like redhat did w OS stuff, ibm buys it and politicians like it because lobbyists do.

It cant be that hard to design a secure system, easier than designing one that cheats.

Using a banking type system base may work?

Fed may be able to, but a local bank just cannot start adding dollars (votes). Voter rolls are the banks total deposit, votes the withdraw each voter starts with one vote and ends with zero, admin can see the vote used, only voter can see where it went, then a blockchain linking each vote on tally with each account?

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d81799  No.11683308

File: e53481cdba671f1⋯.png (1.07 MB, 840x560, 3:2, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Giul….png)

File: d006f9631eaa721⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 1920x6667, 1920:6667, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Giul….jpg)

Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit heads to court Tuesday

The judge did not grant the campaign's new attorney his requested extension

A hearing on the Trump campaign's federal lawsuit in Pennsylvania, seeking to stop state officials from certifying the results of the vote in the state, is set for Tuesday, after a judge denied a campaign lawyer's request to delay the hearing. Judge Matthew Brann, of the U.S. Middle District, told Trump campaign attorneys that they must "be prepared for argument and questioning" at the Williamsport federal courthouse today. The president's campaign is attempting to make the case that election procedures were not uniform across the state. Kathy Boockvar, the Pennsylvania secretary of state, has requested that the lawsuit be thrown out, calling the issues identified by the campaign "at best, garden-variety irregularities."

The campaign's legal argument centers on the allegation that some Pennsylvania counties allowed voters to amend, or "cure," mall-in ballots that were in some way flawed. Voters in other counties were not given the same opportunity, thereby resulting in a violation of the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection, according to campaign attorneys. The suit also alleges that the advantage went to "Democratic heavy counties," while election workers in Republican districts "followed the law and did not provide a notice and cure process, disenfranchising many."

Attorneys for Boockvar say that the claims Trump's lawyers are presenting do not warrant throwing out election results. They also told the judge that other counties had the option to permit voters to fix issued with their mail-in ballots, but opted not to. "Election practices need not cater to the lowest common denominator, and Plaintiffs’ arguments would improperly penalize those counties that are enfranchising voters by helping them avoid ballot disqualification," wrote the attorneys for the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. Biden currently carries Pennsylvania by a margin of almost 70,000 votes.


Giuliani shows at Trump camp lawsuit hearing in Pennsylvania


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88cbe5  No.11683309

notables @ 450

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11682826 Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week

>>11682845 China now brazenly sells fentanyl ingredients straight to Mexican cartels

>>11682863 Cybersecurity Expert: Easiest Way to Compromise Elections System Is During the Manufacturing Process — And It’s Not Hard at All

>>11682870 Nimitz Strike Group Participates in #Malabar with Australia, India, and Japan

>>11682872 Grassley in quarantine

>>11682880 Seven Charged in Connection with a COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme Involving more than 80 Fraudulent Loan Applications Worth Approximately $16 Million

>>11682900 @MajorPatriot "The same voting machines that got these men elected to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the "most votes" of any candidate in US History"

>>11682901 Elon Musk Just Got $15 Billion Dollars Richer; Here’s How

>>11682917, >>11682935, >>11682950, >>11682961, >>11683035, >>11683204, >>11683258 Planefag updates

>>11682932 The new secretary of health will replace John Wiesman at the end of Gov. Inslee’s second term on Jan. 10, 2021

>>11682934 If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

>>11682941 Crowdsourcing tool for Voter Fraud evidence on https://hereistheevidence.com/

>>11682945 People living in Scotland's toughest tiers could be ARRESTED if they try to leave

>>11682954 Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

>>11682962, >>11682981 TIME TO COME HOME: President Trump Bringing Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

>>11682972 It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

>>11683008 @SecArmy: I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America.

>>11683073 Frydenberg to reaffirm trade relations with Beijing

>>11683075 Mini bun: Did we have a visitor last bread?

>>11683087 Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’

>>11683135 After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned

>>11683149 Centra sponsored sham scientific conferences for the CIA for espionage purposes.

>>11683171 Chelsea Clinton: There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,”

>>11683181, >>11683218 Centra will now be acquired by PAE and we know how the CIA uses business mergers to hide criminal activity

>>11683196, >>11683223 Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

>>11683251 Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2020 (Map Update)

>Centra will now be acquired by PAE and we know how the CIA uses business mergers to hide criminal activity

>Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2020 (Map Update)

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95819d  No.11683311



>>>French 'jetman' known for daredevil jetpack flights over Burj Khalifa and alongside a jumbo jet is killed





I meant.

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bdbf95  No.11683312


GOP is dead. I told them so yesterday.

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f418d3  No.11683313


>shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,” and I just keep thinking, I hope they’re wearing masks and some day get over 2016.

Bill & Hilldabeast will never get over 2016…kek

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3df0bb  No.11683314


truths are tough. just keep on trusting wray and the plan

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88300c  No.11683315

File: 20355ad595fbb24⋯.png (27.66 KB, 517x299, 517:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a8fa6331cc831⋯.png (29.36 KB, 489x329, 489:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c024baa309c9404⋯.png (119.51 KB, 545x457, 545:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fba913803466ce2⋯.png (561.94 KB, 537x793, 537:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a4d768d23d51c3⋯.png (116.34 KB, 546x486, 91:81, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio Gov. DeWine Announces Three-Week COVID Curfew

In an address to the state Tuesday afternoon, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced a three-week curfew effective Thursday that will run from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. in order to slow down transmission of the COVID-19 China coronavirus. Retail business will be ordered closed for those hours and residents should stay home. DeWine said Monday he does not want to order a statewide lockdown.

DeWine said the curfew will have “common sense” exemptions including for people going to work, the hospital, picking up or delivering food. Pharmacies and grocery stores would be exempt. In response to a reporter’s question DeWine said he will not close bars and restaurants for the duration of the curfew to see if that works.

Positive test results and hospitalizations have surged in Ohio in recent weeks. In addition to the curfew, DeWine’s administration has ordered restrictions on banquets and weddings. New daily cases have averaged between 7,000 and 8,000 the past week. Hospitalizations have gone from about 1,000 on October 13 to nearly 4,000 as of Tuesday. Patients in ICU care is at a record of near 900.

DeWine tweeted about the curfew and posted charts on the coronavirus surge in the state.

“We are issuing a curfew in Ohio that will start Thursday. This will run from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for 21 days. We believe this will help reduce #COVID19 spread. I’m also asking each Ohioan every day to do at least one thing that reduces your contact with others. We are #InThisTogetherOhio. Each one of us will make a difference. If we can cut down contacts by 20-25 percent, this will make a difference. Paired with mask-wearing, this will go a long way from stopping our hospitals from being overrun….Exceptions: The curfew does not apply to those who need to be at work, those who have an emergency, or those who need medical care. The curfew is not intended to stop anyone from getting groceries, a carry-out/drive-thru meal, or delivery. A lot of this is common sense.”


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3ddd7e  No.11683316


I'll agree this dude is based he's one that knows things we don't and he's done slight shout out waves to people here and Q he seems quite calm

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010c97  No.11683317


That you, Candace?

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15bfe2  No.11683318

File: e428bea7e76ac18⋯.jpeg (30.33 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 1F9752E0_7323_46A6_AC23_B….jpeg)

Poor genes.

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bc603a  No.11683319

File: a4454da0a6e5cc5⋯.png (260.79 KB, 236x393, 236:393, ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine being so disgustingly vile you have to threaten

innocent people to shut up about you with death.

Sorry, I don't speak evil.

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4a641f  No.11683320

File: 245cee6c83fcfa7⋯.png (117.74 KB, 755x512, 755:512, ClipboardImage.png)

NG Holland


MUST WATCH!! Sen h*wley gets #FBzuck to get amnesia re: Tasks (coordinates FB, Twit and Goog efforts, elect interference) and Centra (invades the privacy of FB uses who have ever touched it)

BREAKING: Josh Hawley Uncovers SECRET Facebook Content Monitoring…

Watch what’s happening right NOW from FOX. We are a non-stop stream of breaking news, live events and stories taking place across the nation. Experience news…


2:02 PM · Nov 17, 2020


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9f2b85  No.11683321

File: 9bd0946ef9e7bed⋯.jpg (144.37 KB, 1200x709, 1200:709, EnDQiZ8VgAATTEN.jpg)

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56cdd0  No.11683322


Honestly (although i'll get shit for it) I believe it was eye.

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76a4dc  No.11683323


> Doesn't see it changing

Use a better optic.

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c2ded2  No.11683324

File: 7cdf9e9112e355b⋯.jpeg (453.06 KB, 1241x1978, 1241:1978, C040BB33_BDE3_4D94_A452_0….jpeg)

File: 2e889d5d18bc50a⋯.jpeg (538.27 KB, 1241x2087, 1241:2087, E3831CEF_C9E8_453F_A8D5_6….jpeg)

File: d6f4d58489dfd91⋯.jpeg (467.54 KB, 1241x1988, 1241:1988, 3365C916_9EBA_4206_9205_8….jpeg)

This thread is hilarious


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08c196  No.11683325

File: 20ab77dc5f07dca⋯.png (49.42 KB, 197x125, 197:125, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

File: 11a89466e2c6f6d⋯.png (28.33 KB, 95x119, 95:119, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

File: 754d22eea9039e7⋯.png (53.73 KB, 236x211, 236:211, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

File: de9b35271194f77⋯.png (95.77 KB, 340x208, 85:52, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

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06a631  No.11683326

File: 6ff250be2d86464⋯.png (257.61 KB, 465x216, 155:72, ClipboardImage.png)


2 different shoes

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3290b4  No.11683327


Fox News? "Accident"

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ea95d0  No.11683328

File: 6976fcb29b8e301⋯.png (122.59 KB, 555x293, 555:293, time_to_feed_dead_cat_boun….png)


Dead cat bounce.

Time to FEED.

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4a641f  No.11683329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>BREAKING: Josh Hawley Uncovers SECRET Facebook Content Monitoring

BREAKING: Josh Hawley Uncovers SECRET Facebook Content Monitoring…

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9e51c3  No.11683330

File: b15ee8b5b41514f⋯.png (276.57 KB, 557x351, 557:351, karl_rove_email_wizard.png)

File: aba2b02f58b9889⋯.png (286.71 KB, 557x351, 557:351, karl_rove_turd_blossom.png)


i'm talking high-profile pols, not humps like Blago. and it isn't just those elected to office that dodge accountability, or have we forgotten Hilldawg's email sensei Karl Rove's antics already? why this particular piece of shit never served a day is all the proof you need that justice is indeed blind, to THEIR crimes!

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00166c  No.11683331

File: 6c29cbb299937d4⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 500x300, 5:3, 72cdbaab3deb17e2cc6007b3d4….gif)

File: 213c4fa9e8b42f6⋯.gif (899.02 KB, 500x229, 500:229, tumblr_67c6c25571f7ae4e9f1….gif)

File: 23e18ef45b89af3⋯.jpg (883.88 KB, 1200x1727, 1200:1727, 1200px_Little_Red_Riding_H….jpg)

File: c0b7d6429218cbf⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 728x507, 56:39, medallion_the_witcher_the_….jpg)

File: c59c05be006d9e6⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, She_wolf_suckles_Romulus_a….jpg)

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482596  No.11683332

File: 98398b545e61675⋯.png (736.97 KB, 530x770, 53:77, pepe_planefag_fishing_on_d….PNG)

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accdd6  No.11683333

File: 32d28533d4bdd63⋯.png (430.66 KB, 1112x2479, 1112:2479, WATCH_CA_410_128_Electoral….png)

File: e4024d51579c9eb⋯.png (335.59 KB, 1075x2166, 1075:2166, ALL_WATCH_CA_qdrops.png)





If you scan the 4 drops with "WATCH CA," any numberfag will see an inordinate number of digits/deltas that conveniently create 410 and 128. My graphic only points out the simplest of versions.

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f1a909  No.11683334

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d4c0b1  No.11683335

File: c5741d8f5a7f996⋯.jpg (679.71 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_522.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still!!!!!!!!

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1c198b  No.11683336


I tried. I believed Q until it became obvious nothing Q said was ever going to happen.

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36b970  No.11683337

File: c1d29a87e4893ce⋯.png (21.75 KB, 804x743, 804:743, 1452740490205.png)


polls were wrong in the election, what make you think their trust worthy now?

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ce22ce  No.11683338


They can no longer conceal their evil. Anyone with eyes that see, can see it just by looking at them.

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5142f4  No.11683339


Don't show up for jury duty…

you'll be in more trouble, and sooner.

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b4054a  No.11683340

File: 374845b870111be⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 736x1306, 368:653, sophia_03.jpg)


takes one to know one.

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04de5d  No.11683341

File: 57a3c826444800f⋯.png (30.01 KB, 320x281, 320:281, EnDPHjtXIAgIiTm.png)

File: ce36fc950667a7a⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 680x389, 680:389, EnDQV1VXIAIC9fF.jpg)



7 minutes ago - 33°17′N 44°23′E

Missiles fall near the US embassy in Baghdad


Rockets fall inside Baghdad's Green Zone, no casualties, police sources say


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3d95cf  No.11683342

File: aee516ad5964540⋯.png (51.99 KB, 753x363, 251:121, ClipboardImage.png)


I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America. We appreciate the families and visitors who take time to honor and remember those who are laid to rest at our nation’s most hallowed ground.

1:13 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Sprinklr

CST timestamp


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1c198b  No.11683343


They don't have to conceal it because they have all the power. They aren't afraid of consequences any more. Why? Because there have been no consequences. NONE!

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f1a909  No.11683344

File: b46fc29e5b9c0b9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1189, 1080:1189, Screenshot_20201114_224219….png)

Negro wigs is a 4 billion dollars a year industry.

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664d1a  No.11683346

File: b0e2129fa09f685⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1880x970, 188:97, Opera_Snapshot_2020_11_17_….png)


Two SPAR callsigns SPAR132 & 185 heading toward DC from St Louis.

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c49f10  No.11683347


And yet here you are

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55fed2  No.11683348


Mila Kunis = JEWISH

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06fa10  No.11683349

File: be25ac4a6dfa9a9⋯.png (370.98 KB, 535x550, 107:110, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Sput….png)

Prosecutors who agreed #Epstein’s pleamistakenly granted immunity to #GhislaineMaxwell, media says


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0ebb68  No.11683350


Who is administering the tests?

Is it real, a scheme to protect Grassley, or a way to stop the voting streak?

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510706  No.11683351


Meme it anon!

Meme it now!

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cf97bd  No.11683352

File: e059e0ef8b05beb⋯.png (443.46 KB, 2404x1502, 1202:751, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Alright 2016 Centra Technology and the Dept. of Defense


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a34528  No.11683353

interesting and test everyone. potus tweets are censored but if you copy and paste the same things sometimes its not censored. i tested with https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328382287331856384 in my own tween and it was not censored?

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a839ea  No.11683354


Waiting on you assholes to say you're ready to get out from behind your keyboards. Some of us have been doing that shit for a while now. When you're done playing around, let us know.

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7fdb04  No.11683355


I take Sorcha with a grain of salt, but I still take Sorcha

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e7e3c4  No.11683356


Sorry, it's just the only place I can yell things like that.

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b45dfc  No.11683357



Sen. Hawley Produces Facebook Whistleblower Evidence That Leaves Zuckerberg SPEECHLESS at Hearing?


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2bb8c0  No.11683358

File: a4e2bed545eb66f⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 639x800, 639:800, memebetter_com_20200330185….jpg)


How can anyone believe Suckerturd is some kind of tech genius??

Such an obvious CIA plant just like Leon Skum, um Elon Musk.

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f418d3  No.11683359

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3af26b  No.11683360

File: ac6d1a4516f4901⋯.jpg (617.02 KB, 1864x1464, 233:183, BidenChina.jpg)


These people are so fake it's amazing.

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db6b08  No.11683361


Everybody wears 2 different shoes, dummy. Both feet won't fit into one shoe.

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b4054a  No.11683362


Next week will be next week.

Try to be nice to the anons, Freddy.

They're going to need all the love they can get.

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76a4dc  No.11683363


> Never going to happen

Yeah, it's easy to become demoralized. But these evil fuckers have been rigging the American political process for a century, and they're thoroughly entrenched. The campaign to remove them will necessarily take time. The biggest obstacle to 'demount'' is people's understanding of reality. Perception rules the world, and passionately-held beliefs don't change overnight.

Patience, Grasshopper….

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d436eb  No.11683365

File: c6baaf4315e19c4⋯.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Cheers.png)


You should feel very vindicated now that an independent research anon has come to the same conclusion.

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d81799  No.11683366

File: 32c9bc8bf75d60e⋯.png (443.16 KB, 598x625, 598:625, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Wiki….png)

File: aae8da09678415e⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1903x9166, 1903:9166, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Pro_….png)



Spot on anon




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10475b  No.11683367

At the 41 sec mark, Biden accidently admits that COVID was an attack.


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1d9178  No.11683368

File: b0c56c4d731dd85⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 641x400, 641:400, b0c56c4d731dd850f0f4853353….jpg)


>BREAKING: Josh Hawley Uncovers SECRET Facebook Content Monitoring…

He is going to write a REALLY nasty letter this time.

That'll show them

Heads up Zuck, harsh language inbound

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cb60c9  No.11683369

File: a6f770209eb5658⋯.pdf (589 KB, 2020_25473.pdf)


8 CFR Parts 106, 241 and 274a

[CIS No. 2653-19; DHS Docket No. USCIS-2019-0024]

RIN 1615-AC40

Employment Authorization for Certain Classes of Aliens with Final Orders of Removal

This document is scheduled to be published in the

Federal Register on 11/19/2020 and available online at

federalregister.gov/d/2020-25473, and on govinfo.gov

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88300c  No.11683370

Bill Gates compares people who refuse to wear masks amid COVID to nudists who won't wear pants in public


Billionaire Microsoft founder and climate activist Bill Gates has compared people opposed to mask-wearing to nudists who refuse to wear pants in public.

As highlighted by Business Insider, Gates addressed the coronavirus pandemic and the wearing of masks as a prophylactic against infection on his brand-new podcast with actress Rashida Jones.

During the exchange, Gates told Jones that he simply doesn't understand why some people are so opposed to masks.

"The idea that somebody's resisting wearing a mask, that is such a weird thing to me," he told Jones during "Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions."

"What are these, like, nudists?" he added. "I mean, you know, we ask you to wear pants, and no American says, or very few Americans say, that that's, like, some terrible thing."

Jones responded, "If you want to get back to normal life any time sooner, wear a mask, or don't wear a mask, and stay home. But, like, to ask for both things feels like you just want things to be better, and they're not, so you kind of just have to deal with what it is."

Gates and Jones also spoke with Dr. Anthony Fauci during the premiere episode and discussed a potential vaccine rollout.

"One of the things we're dealing with is a degree of essentially fatigue that people have about going through this," Fauci said during the interview. "It's amazing. It's almost like a distortion of time, Rashida."

He continued, "I want to tell people, 'Don't give up. This is going to end. Science is going to help us with a vaccine and therapy, and if we pay attention to the public health measures, we can gain control of it. The thing you don't want to happen is that people said, 'I've done this so long. I'm tired of it. The heck with it. I'm just going to go out there and do what I want to do.'"


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000000  No.11683371


>only free speech zone left

just wait until the mass doxing after bidens election

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f32ff2  No.11683372


Fuck I want all this shit to be done. Fuck these people. Fuck them up. Go USA!

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1c37e3  No.11683373


Maybe due to the fact that you don't have 88M followers?

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0f1362  No.11683374

File: 931cdd4ccff7917⋯.jpg (157.76 KB, 1181x1299, 1181:1299, 1585577379535.jpg)

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052d7c  No.11683375





Baker/Notetaker, suggest as Notable in Combo

Shouldn’t the Commander in Chief “twitter”Jack with some shackles for blocking anything?

>A question with an answer we al know.

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3290b4  No.11683376


Because they're always there to help out in the local communities. Barn raisings, making candles, stopping by to see if you need help feeding the cows? Or could it be taking over the local judiciary and letting rapists storm the streets?

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4f24cc  No.11683377


Virgin = Branson

Saturn symbol in the g (upside down)

Look at the name, then look at the color choice

(Branson was tied to Klaus Schwab in earlier thread via the Kauna University of Technology)

Castlevania = Belmont clan

Obama = Belmont St. address

Debate at Belmont University

got nothing on the dick pen

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1c198b  No.11683378


Declassifying some very damning info on them would have gone a very long way. Some high level arrests would have gone further.

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184627  No.11683379


The purpose of letting Biden "win" was to out all these faggots who are traitors to the country and helping out with the scam. Once the fraud is revealed these guys will have nowhere to hide.

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af0c9e  No.11683380


REAL TIME UPDATES ON 2020 FUCK FEST, I mean election

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46ef30  No.11683381

File: cbf29f3b807d463⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 426x612, 71:102, comfyasfuck.jpg)

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f32ff2  No.11683382


No no no no you can keep your imaginary conflicts to yourselves warmongers thankyou no thankyou.

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f32ff2  No.11683383

File: 9acf88b32a6ce60⋯.jpeg (264.81 KB, 935x935, 1:1, 9acf88b32a6ce600b55bdd9d6….jpeg)

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ab5d02  No.11683384


>in my own tween

Autofill? Do you search out "tweens" often?

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441dcf  No.11683385

The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions

Just in case y'all wanted to know why we keep getting corn-holed…


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4a641f  No.11683386


don't cry about it.

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88300c  No.11683387

File: 3f0694b21d19220⋯.png (84.78 KB, 731x608, 731:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bca70178f8a4ec⋯.png (94.06 KB, 718x740, 359:370, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0482b61be8a9c68⋯.png (527.24 KB, 694x917, 694:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bd6626d52838b8⋯.png (310.03 KB, 699x810, 233:270, ClipboardImage.png)

US State Department to Release ‘Kennan-Style’ Blueprint for Containing China

The position paper builds on shifts in US global strategy in recent years toward what the Pentagon has called “great power competition” with Russia and China, which Washington sees as “revisionists” attempting to rewrite the US-led post-Cold War world order.

On Tuesday, Axios published an unclassified document from the US State Department’s Office of Policy Planning that lays out a series of goals the US must achieve if it wants to forestall the rise of China as a global superpower.

The document, titled “The Elements of the China Challenge,” bears a number of similarities to the 1947 “long telegram” written by George F. Kennan, a senior US diplomat to the Soviet Union, about how the US should address the rise of that socialist superpower. Kennan advised a policy of “containment” through regional alliances and steady undermining of the Soviet socialist system that became the basis of the Cold War that followed.

‘Return to the Fundamentals’

Like Kennan, this new document purports to analyze the psychology of the Chinese people and suggests the socialist government of the Communist Party of China (CPC, sometimes rendered CCP) has fundamentally different values from the Chinese people themselves, presenting a hostile threat to both them and the world.

However, the document isn’t quite the racialized “clash of civilizations” argument it could have been: Kiron Skinner, the policy planning office’s former chief who set in motion the effort to produce the present document, said in April 2019 that the US conflict with China was “a fight with a really different civilization.” She added, “It’s the first time that we will have a great power competitor that is not Caucasian.”

According to the paper, the US has to “return to the fundamentals,” casting aside the petty political squabbles and intrigues of recent years in order to present a more coherent and united vision for tackling China.

It lays out 10 ways this can be achieved, which are:

“preserving constitutional government” at home

maintaining the US military as the world’s strongest fighting force

fortifying the “rules-based international order” the US created after World War II

working to “reevaluate its alliance system and the panoply of international organizations in which it participates” to ensure they support this vision

strengthening existing alliance systems and creating new ones

cooperating with China when possible

inculcating in the US populace the reasons why China must be fought

training a new generation of public servants well-versed in Chinese language and culture, but who also support the vision of constraining China

reforming the US education system to support that goal

and championing “the principles of freedom” with rhetoric, sanctions and military force as necessary.


Full DOC


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f32ff2  No.11683388

File: bb7f14cf2ad7dfb⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)

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b4054a  No.11683389


fucking notable

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2934b4  No.11683390

slow news day

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207b00  No.11683391


>got nothing on the dick pen

Penis mightier.

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55fed2  No.11683392

File: a587a07bcfa5a64⋯.png (57.61 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

Learn To Read Q's Invisible Signs and Silent Running

RBG Dead On Jewish New Year: the Start of "10 Days"

*Jan. 19, 2019FOX News showed an "RBG Is Dead" on screen, which it quickly removed. FOX said: oops, Sorry.

*Aug. 10, 2019Jeffrey Epstein was "suicided" on Aug. 10, 2019 which was Tisha B'av, the saddest day for Jews. Because:

On Tisha B'av - Destruction of Solomon's Temple

Also On Tisha B'av - Destruction of the Second Temple

*Epstein's death allows the DOJ to fast-track the prosecution of others, since all evidence is now admissible without any Court challenge.”

*Q Drop: "I'm gonna bring the whole diseased corrupt Temple down on your head."

 *Aug. 19, 2020 FBI "accidently" releases The Protocols of The Elders of Zion*.

FBI says: oops, no actual person did it.

*The Protocols is a blueprint of the Jewish Zionist Plan to take over the World. The ADL and Times of Israel immediately denounces it.

*Sept. 18, 2020RBG Dead Announced On Jewish New Year

Rosh Hashanah starts the most sacred annual period in Judaism - the 10 Days between the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

*Q Drop: Sept. 21 -25 Running RED

Sept. 21-25 is the 5 Business Days Within the 10 Days of the Jewish High Holy Days From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.

*Q posts photo of Supreme Court whose architecture is that of a classic Temple.

*New Supreme Court Justice Nommed onDay 8of the  10 Day Jewish Holiday.

(Saturday Sept. 26, is the day before Yom Kippur.)

*There is a kind of Q Poetic Clock Justice at play here….at what point do these dates become mathematically impossible…


We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.


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af5c3a  No.11683393


How many are hospitalized for something else and test positive vs hospitalize specifically for covid like symptoms?

Did we just slip back 7 months in time?

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9cd0bf  No.11683394


Urgh her Jew is showing. You can almost see the horns

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5e5a0e  No.11683395

File: da570e3f26b4c04⋯.jpg (144.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LizardHatchling.jpg)

File: d7df2543365ba78⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 680x361, 680:361, LizardMolting.jpg)

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c2ded2  No.11683396

File: 47b5c54b1bccdbd⋯.jpeg (373.89 KB, 1146x1581, 382:527, D60E7BBB_E35C_4D48_8713_1….jpeg)


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0f1362  No.11683397


censor not censure.

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88300c  No.11683398


Pretty much

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205a70  No.11683399


>>11683055 Chekt

Very cool!

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a64a31  No.11683400


California was the first place they installed and tested their election software. It has never been as liberal as it's politicians. They took over and stole conservative votes and voices.

Then after it worked in California they rolled it out to the rest of the country.

There is a reason you are seeing massive support for Trump in areas like Beverly Hills. CA never strayed from Reagan Country…they Dems stole it from Californians

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b4054a  No.11683401



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a49845  No.11683402

File: 2eb68e8b5a6ea3f⋯.gif (667.22 KB, 480x287, 480:287, Wrong.gif)


>Sleepy Joe is the first arrest.

Kamala. The election fraud was for her, not Joe.

It's got to send a shockwave)))), remember?

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f32ff2  No.11683403

File: 01436cab0230bd9⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)


Ah, Fixed it.

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00166c  No.11683404

File: 18469a5be898d6b⋯.jpg (712.07 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_121523….jpg)

File: 900e5798b5eb594⋯.jpg (694.18 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_121531….jpg)

File: b5579021141ecfe⋯.jpg (566.92 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_121545….jpg)

File: b86d5a0ddcd3c15⋯.jpg (691.47 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_121616….jpg)

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f740a7  No.11683405



I'm in. Lets pick one and get busy.


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c39615  No.11683406

File: a671eb47676f1d7⋯.png (332.92 KB, 517x371, 517:371, bluevoters.png)

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9cd0bf  No.11683408


Like clockwork. Fuck you Bibi

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000000  No.11683409


technically both.

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f32ff2  No.11683410

File: d5701520dd7e580⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 460x582, 230:291, TwitterIRL.mp4)

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3ced41  No.11683411

File: c1cbf2474b33243⋯.png (219.09 KB, 775x850, 31:34, c65cd0.png)


There were also a few in the one before LB.

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0dd8bb  No.11683413


I was just looking for that report. Tanks anon.

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87d50d  No.11683414

Can't tweet from a scif.

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441dcf  No.11683415

File: e314ad16788cc71⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 341x316, 341:316, wtb.jpg)

Hey Q!?

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b76b0f  No.11683416

Lots of talk

No action

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0f1362  No.11683417

File: 6f37972b755bb29⋯.jpg (30.41 KB, 370x321, 370:321, 6f37972b755bb294cf5f1e0270….jpg)

Henry Kissinger is a barf colored alien. I am Ra.

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482596  No.11683418

File: 39e4ef1da4184e9⋯.jpg (110.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, soros_right.jpg)

Soros Regrets Early Investment in Peter Thiel’s Palantir

Soros Fund Management, which revealed that it owned 18.46 million shares of Palantir Technologies Inc., said it made the investment in the data-mining company in 2012 and wouldn’t do the same again today.

“SFM made this investment at a time when the negative social consequences of big data were less understood,” the firm said in a statement Tuesday. “SFM would not make an investment in Palantir today.” George Soros’s investment firm disclosed the holding in its latest 13F regulatory filing late Friday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The position was worth $175 million at the end of the quarter.

Soros explained in a note posted on the Open Society Foundations website that the money manager who made the investment in 2012 is no longer employed with the investment firm. The position in Palantir was converted into shares when Palantir, co-founded by Peter Thiel, went public in September. Soros has sold all the shares it’s permitted to sell at this time and will keep selling, according to the statement.“SFM does not approve of Palantir’s business practices,” the firm said.

Palantir relies on contracts from government entities, including the U.S. Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency, for much of its revenue. The company has drawn criticism from human rights activists for selling software that facilitates the deportation of immigrants and aggressive policing. Its data-scraping has also raised concerns among privacy advocates. The stock has gained over 150% since it went public.

Soros, 90, has used his vast wealth to become one of the world’s largest funders of groups promoting justice, democracy, human rights and progressive politics through his Open Society Foundations. He’s poured billions into his philanthropic efforts, and most of his firm’s assets now belong to the foundations rather than to the Soros family.


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5e5a0e  No.11683419

File: 9cd48b02cde5b28⋯.png (189.48 KB, 606x798, 101:133, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

This is the national security group that is briefing Biden right now.


Here's a nice list of names to look into

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f32ff2  No.11683420

File: ba30ce3fd9b633c⋯.gif (489.13 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, EC_SpicinessIntensifies.gif)

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428edd  No.11683421


>photoshopped. thats fake

yeah, it's called a meme, dumbass! kmao

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4cffa4  No.11683422


>Nicola Sturgeon today announced parts of Scotland that are home to millions of people will be moved into its toughest coronavirus level at the end of the week as she warned infection rates remain 'stubbornly high'.

Why do the Scottish keep voting for her? or is it Dominion controlled?

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b76b0f  No.11683423


JUST IN: Iraqi security officials say two Katyusha rockets hit inside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone near U.S. Embassy (AP).

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c49f10  No.11683424


Kind words, but it hasn't got much traction with anons. My OP on the theory made notables and got about a bread's worth of discussion, but was quickly overcome by other digs. CEMEX was sexy then.

The way I see it, we're not watching a movie, but a PPV. The card for a PPV has to have months worth of build-up to the Money Match. The babyface usually has to suffer defeats and heel fuckery during the build so that people will want to pay to see him win in the end. Trump is selling like Ricky Morton to the front row and getting the heat on the heels. The comeback is going to be hot.

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b4054a  No.11683425


Yeah, now the RINO senators are going to step up to 'defeat' China.

They're so brave when the Dims are in power and they know that NOTHING will be done.

assholes, all of them.

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95819d  No.11683426


Phallic Ones of Truth

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0dd8bb  No.11683428


Rockets fall inside Baghdad's Green Zone, no casualties, police sources say


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f32ff2  No.11683429


1st coords where at Congress. didnt zoom in to where specifically.

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248d2f  No.11683430


Checked Quad, but you do realize that you are claiming that Q knew about that 410 and that implicates cheating on the other party…

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14faa7  No.11683431


da fook?

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4a641f  No.11683432

File: ec617ccdedef410⋯.png (116.72 KB, 1481x581, 1481:581, ClipboardImage.png)


I think AZ just stopped counting votes again.

Something must be going on down there.

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9f2b85  No.11683433

File: cd54e5f97816c31⋯.png (1.04 MB, 706x500, 353:250, EnDTx3nW8A8ADZ0.png)

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af5c3a  No.11683434


Not that I’m an expert on nudism, but don’t nudists have designated places to pursue their proclivity? And in such places would wearing pants actually be considered antisocial?

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2ec799  No.11683435


a "literally bro" here! nice. Where does your law and order come from?

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c1303f  No.11683436


>So then why the fuck are you even here?

Not a fucking argument faggot

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1f0e9b  No.11683437

File: 444e38126c6fe22⋯.png (88.67 KB, 669x339, 223:113, _6_Justin_Gray_on_Twitter_….png)

Atlanta TV Reporter says GA SoS tells him that Trump cost himself votes

If those people had voted, it just would've meant a bigger Kinko's bill for the Democrats, since they'd have to print up more phony ballots.

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9cd0bf  No.11683438


Yeah your parents will be mad as hell. You’ll finally have to move out

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9b5b52  No.11683439

I will never take a COVID VACCINE!! Over my dead body!!

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00166c  No.11683440

File: 9eb91f99e9ada20⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1424x2144, 89:134, Sighisoara_Strada_Turnului.jpg)


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76a4dc  No.11683441


> Declass

Better to not tip one's hand. A long-game is not won by rushing up the middle. Attrition warfare takes time.

If Trump is for real, then we're saved. If not, we're no more fucked than we were without Trump. So I'm prepared to be stabbed in the back, again, but I'm hoping that it doesn't happen. And if we are betrayed, again, then anybody working for the occupation forces is fucked. The American Empire won't survive, but my kids will. Zum die dicke ende.

The phaggots are completely unglued at this point. If Trump is not for real, then I'm not sure what is. Trust, but verify.

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19ed04  No.11683442


You need to find the place where the other dumb asses like you hang out. This ain't it

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95819d  No.11683443


Note which Senators were in person and their line of Q's VS. Who was Virtual and their lines.

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f32ff2  No.11683444


Are you learning the government has already seized their assets?

Oh that's right this stuff is all fake annd shittt

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b4054a  No.11683445


"15 days to slow the spread" was the last motto.

still hasn't ended

fuck them all

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88300c  No.11683446

File: 7c3adace99971f4⋯.png (911.59 KB, 811x457, 811:457, ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Dorsey says Twitter censored more than 300,000 election-related tweets as ‘misleading’ over two weeks

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says his platform has slapped warning labels on 300,000 election-related tweets, including over 50 from US President Donald Trump, in the course of two weeks.

Dorsey, along with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Sundar Pichai, returned to Congress on Tuesday to face questions about social media’s role in influencing politics, specifically the 2020 presidential election.

Twitter has arguably faced the most criticism, as the platform continues to label tweets from the president alleging voter fraud as “misleading.”

Dorsey revealed some 300,000 election-related tweets were given the “misleading” label between October 27 through November 11, which amounts to approximately 0.2 percent of election-related tweets. More than 50 of those have been from Trump himself.

“In the lead-up to the 2020 elections, we made significant enhancements to our policies to protect the integrity of the election. Most notably, this year, we updated our civic integrity policy to more comprehensively enforce labeling or removing of false and misleading information,” Dorsey claimed.

Republican lawmakers specifically targeted Twitter over its October decision to suppress a New York Post story about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, which contained illicit images, as well as emails that insinuated the former vice president was involved in his son’s foreign business deals – something he has long denied. Dorsey admitted the suppression was “wrong.”

“We made a quick interpretation, using no other evidence, that the materials in the article were obtained through hacking, and according to our policy, we blocked them from being spread,” Dorsey said. “Upon further consideration, we admitted this action was wrong and corrected it within 24 hours.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) slammed both Facebook, which also censored the sharing of the story, and Twitter for acting as the “ultimate editor” when it came to the report.

Big Tech leaders are facing equal scrutiny from Democrat lawmakers, though, in this case, the criticism is that they are not going far enough with their policing of posts.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) slammed Facebook during the hearing for not suspending former Trump advisor Steve Bannon, after viral comments saying he wanted Anthony Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s “heads on pikes.”

“I’m very concerned that, in fact, Facebook seems to have a record of making accommodations and caving to conservative pressure,” Blumenthal said.

Zuckerberg countered that the “content in question” violated Facebook’s policies and was removed, but such a violation does not justify an account being banned.


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0f1362  No.11683447

File: 135ed6101d36ee9⋯.jpg (292.82 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 135ed6101d36ee99d087ce6ab1….jpg)

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5e5a0e  No.11683448



Fuck off LARPing shill.

I guess you are going to make this your slide for the evening?

not notable Baker

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000000  No.11683449


"Sources" is already plural, so there was really no need to change it to a redundancy unless the "official" part was a proven rubbish.

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a839ea  No.11683450


Can't even arrest a crooked FBI employee and you expect them to arrest Biden or Kamala? KEK

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a538f9  No.11683451


>Lots of talk

>No action

So you say.

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4a641f  No.11683452


what is that?

what's going on in the back?

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c1303f  No.11683453


Red blue green

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accdd6  No.11683454



>that implicates cheating on the other party…

or foreknowledge

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f32ff2  No.11683455

File: a11d2b6981139eb⋯.png (637.67 KB, 746x2192, 373:1096, TheGreastAwakeninga11d2b69….png)

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c49f10  No.11683456


Depends on the size of the dick you're swinging I would imagine.

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af5c3a  No.11683457


The jocks seem to think that being Scottish and caring about their nation necessarily entails voting for a party of Marxists led by Jimmy Krankie.

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9cd0bf  No.11683458


Please let it be Hussein

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00166c  No.11683459


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9e51c3  No.11683460

File: 09cc9608abd3dc6⋯.jpg (295.01 KB, 844x1080, 211:270, twas_ever_thus.jpg)


pic related

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f32ff2  No.11683461

File: e74166643becc0e⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 500x585, 100:117, Not_Black.jpg)


It looks somebody owes mah nigga money!

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d81799  No.11683462



>>>11683366 (You)


>No no no no you can keep your imaginary conflicts to yourselves warmongers thankyou no thankyou.

These are part of this drop Q #1595 Read the drop!

They weren't posted for what you are suggesting. Think of the hearing today..Big Tech!

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d436eb  No.11683463

File: 0d8467d655307bc⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 298x169, 298:169, Palantir.jpg)

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ec7cf4  No.11683464

File: a1c569ba8d87ea4⋯.jpg (215.45 KB, 874x857, 874:857, Couple_says_smart_home_sys….jpg)


Violated I tell you VIOLATED!

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bc6c38  No.11683465

File: aed5c02e09c1c92⋯.png (367.72 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20201117_122233.png)



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b76b0f  No.11683466


same old Q

move along

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af5c3a  No.11683467


Highly temperature dependent, then…

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1f0e9b  No.11683469


That's a whole bunch of swamp in one room.

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6d2e5c  No.11683470

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7925eb  No.11683471


I've seen a lot of depressed people at the rallies! thousand and thousand of depressed people!

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000000  No.11683472


my parents died 5 years ago from covid

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3c56ca  No.11683473

Release the Kraken!!!


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9e51c3  No.11683474

File: 8eeba1059cd791d⋯.jpg (160.01 KB, 504x360, 7:5, color_blobbies.jpg)


rbg is dead, long live cmyk

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00166c  No.11683475

File: a04f5b5f33b1126⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 375x559, 375:559, ROU_MS_Sighisoara_CoA1.jpg)


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f930b5  No.11683476


I think having people wear ties to work is the masking of the past.

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9b5b52  No.11683477

Let’s get to the arrests of traitors! Round ‘em up and get the guillotines ready!! Time for some Biblical Justice!

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974e99  No.11683478


on the girl next to her with the mic

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664d1a  No.11683480

File: cc67f1695c3d881⋯.png (616.72 KB, 1880x970, 188:97, Opera_Snapshot_2020_11_17_….png)

Think someone is showing off.

THADSMOM unknown type

White Sands range/Holloman AFB

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6d181a  No.11683481


Kekety kek

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338569  No.11683482

NATO benefiting from heroin trade with US Military protection & logistics… without the lower ranks realizing what they are actually doing & without the American taxpayer having a clue to what is actually going on.

This information (without conjecture) will likely never be de-classified because of the damage it would do to diplomatic efforts around the world.

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d81799  No.11683483



>>>11682943 (You)




>Fuck off LARPing shill.


>I guess you are going to make this your slide for the evening?


>not notable Baker

Hmm… Evening where you are, interesting!

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6d2e5c  No.11683484


ight den, fuQ yes.

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c887c8  No.11683485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88300c  No.11683486

Acting SECDEF assures end of ‘generational’ Mideast wars in announcement of partial drawdown

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller announced on Tuesday that the U.S. will draw down its troop levels to 2,500 in both Iraq and Afghanistan in the new year, confirming rumors that have circulated in the week since President Donald Trump fired former Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

By Jan. 15, Miller said in a briefing during which he took no questions from reporters, Afghanistan will reduce from 4,500 and Iraq from 3,000.

“Today is another critical step in that direction and a result of President Trump’s bold leadership,” Miller said. “With the blessings of Providence in the coming year, we will finish this generational war and bring our men and women home. We will protect our children from the heavy burden and toll of perpetual war. And we will honor the sacrifices made in service to peace and stability in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world and celebrate all those who helped us secure freedom over oppression.”

Miller did not clarify if or when the number would come down to zero, but the rough plan since June has been to have all troops out of Afghanistan by May 2021, as long as conditions are met.

“Meanwhile, let us remind those who questioned our resolve or may seek to interfere with this prudent, well-planned and coordinated transition: the United States armed forces remain committed to protecting the safety and security for the American people and supporting our like minded allies and partners worldwide,” he said.

Speaking to reporters soon after Miller’s briefing, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien confirmed that Trump wishes to have all troops of out Afghanistan by May.

Those conditions are a bit of a moving target. Pentagon officials have been saying for months that they include a reduction of violence against U.S. troops and a demonstration on the part of the Taliban that they are committed to preventing Afghanistan from becoming an al Qaida safe haven again, in turn assuring that no further terrorist attacks against the U.S. will come out of that country.

“First and foremost, is the national security of America threatened by this maneuver, by this decision? And we do we do not feel that it is,” a senior defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, told reporters in a call prior to Miller’s announcement. “And second, can we maintain a force posture in Afghanistan that permits us to carry out our mission with our allies and partners?"


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b76b0f  No.11683487

twitter tweets

facebook posts

Q drops

are not leading to arrests….


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4a641f  No.11683488

File: 27987e60cbd33ce⋯.png (1021.57 KB, 891x752, 891:752, ClipboardImage.png)


Josh Hawley Claims He Has Evidence of Coordinated Censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter

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55fed2  No.11683490


Unless ithe baker is the Jews-first Midnight Rider Baker from yesterday who took over #14901 when the other baker ghosted. Uses lots of black background memes now, used to used a lot of orange and teal blue memes.

She BANNED me for 4 weeks because I posted posts that are unflattering to Jews and to Israel.

This is the same baker who spammed the turning Trump-into-the-Hindu-goddess Kali (multi arms) back in Feb. this year.

Jews-first Midnight Rider bakers allows CP Spam, Gore Spam, AFLB Spam…. but post a lot about Jewish Subversion - that baker will ban you because Jewish baker Power!

I'm back because we have good BVs who value Free Speech.

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0e1f58  No.11683491

File: f4c0a7bd2bdc2aa⋯.jpg (186.96 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, painting1.jpg)

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71ab83  No.11683493


High IQ post, look at the fuckin brain on brad

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c992ce  No.11683494

No.11683096 (LB)

This was my job in The Navy. It’s a fact.

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4a641f  No.11683495


>Josh Hawley Claims He Has Evidence of Coordinated Censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter

C_a runs all of them

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d436eb  No.11683496



What is it with these democrat companies? Dominion, Palantir etc…

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0e1f58  No.11683497

hey e i had eurQ_t for captcha kek

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1c198b  No.11683498


I understand. But if you repeatedly refuse to play even though you have the winning hand, you eventually lose. We are at that point. Time to put up or shut up. Q made a lot of claims and none of it panned out. If they are waiting for the opportune moment, I think they missed it about 2 months ago. A major, major declas right before the election would have made this election heist much more suspicious to the normies.

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cf97bd  No.11683499

File: deb969b35f862d8⋯.png (345.71 KB, 1674x1442, 837:721, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Centra involved as a proxy to get the "hackers" who doxxed the CIA and exposed many intelligence personnels contact information.

They have been involved in the FBI since at least 2008 I found.

Centra Technology is a very murky background deepstate asset of the CIA and FBI.


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974e99  No.11683500

File: 3b3b96f1d96cb05⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 745x960, 149:192, chartofcoersion.jpg)



trying to shame and mock those who oppose his edicts.

Right out of the playbook

Chart of Coercion

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409191  No.11683501



Blockchain voting is already here and live beta tested.

Getting a largely corrupt pol class onboard is a bigger issue.


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aa91f3  No.11683502


Hey asshole-

In case you couldn’t tell, he’s concluded your too much of a shitstain to argue with.

So best to take his advice and fuck right on outta here.

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c49f10  No.11683503


That is a strange callsign.

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9b5b52  No.11683504


Sounds like a black mirror show.

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4f24cc  No.11683505

File: 70934545a78f694⋯.png (15.5 KB, 581x274, 581:274, ClipboardImage.png)


Reminder that Grassley is 3rd in line

Protection is my guess

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18eb7c  No.11683506

File: 533c20adfdd6cfb⋯.jpg (19.82 KB, 474x445, 474:445, canada_flag.jpg)

ANONS I see you are finally tying Trudeau and the Canadian Gov. to the

USA problems …

Please don't stop , keep digging , We Canadians are only 35mm people and spread out over

a great land mass .. We need a Trump and Anons to save us too

USA and Canada are tied at the hip and some who are awake know this

Please dig and help your neighbors

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d436eb  No.11683507


Well show the damn evidence already

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36b012  No.11683508


f you are always shouting nobody will want to listen to you

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24ba06  No.11683509


Welcome to the Ghetto



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f32ff2  No.11683510

File: fbe704f806b3d14⋯.png (1.27 MB, 970x595, 194:119, ScannerDarklyFieldForTheFl….png)

File: f9dc755f54f57e0⋯.jpeg (76.22 KB, 495x499, 495:499, SheepdogFarmer.jpeg)

File: e0d7e82ded5f383⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 643x468, 643:468, SheepDogSar.jpg)

File: 9ea14411642583d⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2112x1191, 704:397, ShowTime.png)


Not actually concerned.

Having Faith. Doing best to disperse undisclosed thoughts.

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14faa7  No.11683512

Has the


been released yet??

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3a933b  No.11683513


wtaf is happening here?

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00d278  No.11683514


I'm so beyond sick of the lies. This is about to go nuclear. A society cannot be lied to like this constantly with the majority AWAKE, without repercussions eventually turning violent.

Tread careful traitors. Your best option is for Trump to Drain The Swamp. Your other option will be the citizens taking care of it ourselves.

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d81799  No.11683515


Anon do you have the bread #?

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1e2b7b  No.11683516


POTUS declassed a lot of documents in 2018 and 2019 and the DOJ did not prosecute anyone




Most likely, that is why President Trump does not view declassification of more material as the Boom that the ignoramuses here seem to think it would be

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52fd3d  No.11683517

File: 98313688bf55f54⋯.png (62.11 KB, 825x829, 825:829, Capture.PNG)




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b76b0f  No.11683518

File: d9b2c0ae155ae1b⋯.png (406.35 KB, 673x576, 673:576, ClipboardImage.png)


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482596  No.11683519

File: 5e44321e79d9871⋯.png (248.43 KB, 496x439, 496:439, plane_fag_tag_ditl.PNG)



>unless you are THADSMOM

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aa9b74  No.11683520


see jagoffs. nothing will happen.

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974e99  No.11683521

File: 4e919b64e1f467c⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 518x763, 74:109, bush911k.jpg)

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0e1f58  No.11683522

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f32ff2  No.11683523

File: 6ee9c8ba157d427⋯.png (335.82 KB, 489x502, 489:502, Shill_Honkey_Kong_Copy_2_.png)

File: 2d3c657383ada55⋯.png (335.89 KB, 489x502, 489:502, Shill_Honkey_Kong_Copy_3_.png)

File: 379a4bf559a08cc⋯.png (335.78 KB, 489x502, 489:502, Shill_Honkey_Kong_Copy_4_.png)

File: fc747027928e654⋯.png (335.79 KB, 489x502, 489:502, Shill_Honkey_Kong_Copy.png)

File: b3838fc2f1715a8⋯.png (354.43 KB, 489x502, 489:502, Shill_Honkey_Kong.png)

So I decided to dust these off real quick. Havent seen light in a bit.

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3f8ac7  No.11683524


DOing everting they can to STOP WHAT IS COMING




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fa666f  No.11683525

POGUE_REMF incoming.

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169c51  No.11683526


Isn't that where kraken program is based out of?

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ae824c  No.11683527

File: e8d92e905566f65⋯.jpeg (286.93 KB, 800x644, 200:161, 7D90EA05_F0B0_4A4A_B44A_E….jpeg)

File: 2742d6e9bfe7230⋯.jpeg (102.99 KB, 828x392, 207:98, 32CCD76F_7876_481C_8693_7….jpeg)

https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/jeff-reynolds/2020/11/17/attorney-lin-wood-takes-a-flamethrower-to-georgia-gov-kemp-n1153433 Attorney Lin Wood Takes a Flamethrower to Georgia Gov. Kemp IT IS THE WAY!!

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25a987  No.11683528

File: ace4407f8023eb3⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 267x200, 267:200, rockeyeroll.gif)


hi newfag. see the Anonymous at the top left of every one of those posts? that means that anybody could have made them from steinbart to creepy john in his moma's basement to agent X at a 3 letter agency you havent even heard of. if you think it was flynn, its only because you want it to be flynn. there is no other reason to believe its him. please lurk moar

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0e1f58  No.11683529


Wyoming, Canada, u1 bho hrc

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f32ff2  No.11683531

File: d088cee1175f47b⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 240x255, 16:17, Relax.jpg)

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510706  No.11683532


You Anons realize, within days, somethings got to give!

Prepare in any way you see fit but, prepare.

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6d2e5c  No.11683533

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b76b0f  No.11683534




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08c196  No.11683535

File: ff6c1dfde555a9e⋯.png (61.52 KB, 616x348, 154:87, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: b7a1b482c5912b9⋯.png (341.77 KB, 579x316, 579:316, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)




in opposition/superposition?

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af5c3a  No.11683536


Josh, it’s the Clowns.

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f32ff2  No.11683537

File: 119a34f32e6a2c2⋯.png (283.03 KB, 688x461, 688:461, Q_News.png)

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c2ded2  No.11683538

File: 20be3ac159abcdd⋯.jpeg (195.91 KB, 1241x868, 1241:868, AC338327_9ABC_42B5_B64B_4….jpeg)

Ned Ryun Retweeted

Ben Domenech


Just a reminder that your opinion about Section 230 is irrelevant because Clarence Thomas already signaled SCOTUS is going to tear it open like warm bread

12:31 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Twitter for Android

I didn’t know this, did you? What does signaled mean


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88cbe5  No.11683539

FINAL notables #14916

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11682826 Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week

>>11682845 China now brazenly sells fentanyl ingredients straight to Mexican cartels

>>11682863 Cybersecurity Expert: Easiest Way to Compromise Elections System Is During the Manufacturing Process — And It’s Not Hard at All

>>11682870 Nimitz Strike Group Participates in #Malabar with Australia, India, and Japan

>>11682872 Grassley in quarantine

>>11682880 Seven Charged in Connection with a COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme Involving more than 80 Fraudulent Loan Applications Worth Approximately $16 Million

>>11682900 @MajorPatriot "The same voting machines that got these men elected to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the "most votes" of any candidate in US History"

>>11682901 Elon Musk Just Got $15 Billion Dollars Richer; Here’s How

>>11682917, >>11682935, >>11682950, >>11682961, >>11683035, >>11683204, >>11683258, >>11683346, >>11683480, >>11683519 Planefag updates

>>11682918, >>11682906 Shouldn’t the Commander in Chief “twitter” Jack with some shackles for blocking anything?

>>11682932 The new secretary of health will replace John Wiesman at the end of Gov. Inslee’s second term on Jan. 10, 2021

>>11682934 If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

>>11682941 Crowdsourcing tool for Voter Fraud evidence on https://hereistheevidence.com/

>>11682945 People living in Scotland's toughest tiers could be ARRESTED if they try to leave

>>11682954 Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

>>11682962, >>11682981 TIME TO COME HOME: President Trump Bringing Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

>>11682972 It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

>>11683008 @SecArmy: I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America.

>>11683073 Frydenberg to reaffirm trade relations with Beijing

>>11683087 Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’

>>11683135 After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned

>>11683149 Centra sponsored sham scientific conferences for the CIA for espionage purposes.

>>11683171 Chelsea Clinton: There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,”

>>11683181, >>11683218 Centra will now be acquired by PAE and we know how the CIA uses business mergers to hide criminal activity

>>11683196, >>11683223 Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

>>11683251 Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2020 (Map Update)

>>11683308 Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit heads to court Tuesday

>>11683315 Ohio Gov. DeWine Announces Three-Week COVID Curfew

>>11683370 Bill Gates compares people who refuse to wear masks amid COVID to nudists who won't wear pants in public

>>11683387 US State Department to Release ‘Kennan-Style’ Blueprint for Containing China

>>11683418 Soros Regrets Early Investment in Peter Thiel’s Palantir

>>11683446 Jack Dorsey says Twitter censored more than 300,000 election-related tweets as ‘misleading’ over two weeks

>>11683486 Acting SECDEF assures end of ‘generational’ Mideast wars in announcement of partial drawdown

>>11683488 Josh Hawley Claims He Has Evidence of Coordinated Censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter


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3a933b  No.11683541

File: 3e5784c90624c36⋯.gif (154.15 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 3e5784c90624c368279ad42331….gif)

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f32ff2  No.11683542

File: 2967e2c8134e83f⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 241x209, 241:209, He_Gets_It.jpg)

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0e1f58  No.11683543


ty for pic

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974e99  No.11683544

File: 2a85e011d9f1cc9⋯.jpg (41.72 KB, 700x418, 350:209, CIA_election_meddling.jpg)


good idea

how long has C-A been meddling in elections


They installed the Shah, then took him down and put in Khomenini

I ve heard all the Mullahs in Iran are Germans in dress up

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00166c  No.11683545

File: 079151cfdaa7af4⋯.jpg (156.82 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, DjD9IBqX0AAP4mT_1_.jpg)

File: 77ba48ea800ca57⋯.jpg (275.99 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201117_120838….jpg)

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00d278  No.11683546


Sometimes when people are quiet, it just means they’re working really, really hard.

Remember that…

Hope you all have a great day!Smiling face


1:28 PM · Nov 17, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


He's a Patriot, so I guess we'll see… obviously referring to POTUS tweets.

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0ae348  No.11683547


A little bit of sanity. Yesterday they cancelled it.

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f6a8b8  No.11683548

File: 2550945289136fc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1080x1066, 540:533, 1605448530.jpg)

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3a933b  No.11683549

File: a8455b35488b2a8⋯.png (645.04 KB, 495x585, 11:13, a8455b35488b2a82a49ccf1c4d….png)

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d436eb  No.11683550


Not a Troll. Just infuriated. I've been listening to these people for years saying they have evidence of this they have evidence of that and you know what? They never show it and it all gets swept under the rug.

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fa666f  No.11683551

We're supposed to be learning their Comms, right?

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3ced41  No.11683552

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9e51c3  No.11683553

File: df48424fd56ef8c⋯.jpg (735.93 KB, 1400x2113, 1400:2113, bolton_the_scif_where_it_h….jpg)

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3a933b  No.11683554

File: b053faea8ea533c⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b053faea8ea533c5b550b01049….jpg)

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510706  No.11683555



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77f1bf  No.11683556

File: bbdebbb2f556249⋯.png (172.26 KB, 2505x898, 2505:898, Capture.PNG)


HAHAHAHAHA, Twitter has removed 'Official sources called this election differently' with 'Multiple sources called this election differently'.

Awwww, what's the matter @jack? You couldn't convince anyone that (fake news) media orgs like the AP, MSNBC and 'other news outlets' are 'official sources'?

Had to retreat with your tail between your legs and use 'multiple sources' instead?

Question for you: You testified today that the reason you're labelling tweets that call out election fraud with a warning is to "broaden the conversation", WHY ARE YOU NOT ADDING ANY WARNINGS TO TWEETS THAT CLAIM THERE WAS NO FRAUD WITH A WARNING AND LINK TO OPPOSITE OPINIONS, YOU KNOW, TO 'BROADEN THE CONVERSATION'?

If you put 'broaden the conversation' warnings on tweets that posit election fraud, but you do not put any 'broaden the conversation' warnings on tweets that posit no election fraud, that is proof that your testimony to Congress was PERJURY.

If the motivation was truly to 'broaden the conversation', then you would have added warnings and links to tweets that posit no election fraud, and also, while we're on it, you would also have added warnings and links to tweets that posit Biden won the election.

After all, 'multiple sources' are positing Trump won the election, and 'multiple sources' are positing there was election fraud.


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13f66d  No.11683557

File: 0791f9471cb4176⋯.png (2.83 MB, 3360x1972, 840:493, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)


holy shit it's viper

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f32ff2  No.11683558

File: 876f148f7c5189e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 720x720, 1:1, WTF_IS_GOIN_ON.png)

File: 73f412f6f9b1a6b⋯.jpg (204.04 KB, 720x576, 5:4, akt.jpg)

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974e99  No.11683559

>>11682826 pb

who believes these fucking polls

If they say it's 58%

what does that translate to?


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9f2b85  No.11683560

File: a2fcd9be3776c1c⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, whyZB7IkAPfQtpEA.mp4)

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13f66d  No.11683561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2934b4  No.11683562

yea lots of people being quiet right now, spooky

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aa9b74  No.11683563


if he's an elected official he has cover from being arrested. FACT. LOOK at the last 4 years of Trumps……Law and Order. one lowly attorney for falsifying documents. Good times!

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f32ff2  No.11683564

File: 2fea7d396bbf900⋯.jpeg (688.67 KB, 1578x2048, 789:1024, Hot_Sheet1.jpeg)

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3a933b  No.11683565

File: 9b987f7c3948988⋯.jpeg (83.08 KB, 736x453, 736:453, 9b987f7c3948988e30ba84227….jpeg)

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af5c3a  No.11683566


Since they did it with Mosaddegh, the Shah’s, predecessor in the ‘50s

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6d181a  No.11683567


Month supply of tendies, check.

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00d278  No.11683568


It's unconstitutional.

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15be8b  No.11683569


This is a Q post that is just broken up into multiple posts

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f32ff2  No.11683570

File: ef8295539fb11d5⋯.jpg (578.13 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Hot_Sheets1.jpg)

it was an estimate it meant 5 to 8 percent


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76a4dc  No.11683571


> Have a winning hand, but keep losing.

Yes, this is a strategy in poker. The Mel Gibson movie, Maverick, demonstrates this quite readily.

Play with your opponents, and observe their playing style. Allow them to win. Allow them to become confident. Then fuck them without lube.

This is the cabal's last chance, and all the chips are on the table. If they win against Trump, then the game is over and reality will ensue.

If Trump does not win, then it means war.

> But muh elections

Democracy is a fraud and a crime. Americans once understood this, and they must be forced to re-learn it.

Perception rules the world.

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f32ff2  No.11683572

File: d95f41b0377e280⋯.jpg (524.51 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Hot_Sheets2.jpg)

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3a933b  No.11683573

File: 9e9c7ad618911a3⋯.jpg (20.87 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 578e162c96ac5a2365bf6c2c27….jpg)

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f32ff2  No.11683574

File: 866c77ec056e4bb⋯.jpeg (187.37 KB, 914x1200, 457:600, Hot_Sheet.jpeg)

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dda46a  No.11683576



Gave warning.

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f32ff2  No.11683577

File: 190f3660c06a91a⋯.jpg (208.49 KB, 1003x580, 1003:580, Hot_Sheets3.jpg)

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9e51c3  No.11683578

File: 3be8eede47fb23c⋯.jpg (242.97 KB, 1276x540, 319:135, white_squall_bell_ringing.jpg)

File: f142df324d874b0⋯.jpg (372.32 KB, 1271x539, 1271:539, white_squall_group_hug.jpg)


remember how the movie ended, with the captain not going down with the ship and a group hug. Q should've picked a better flick.

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2934b4  No.11683579


Hi Sidney

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c2ded2  No.11683580


Trump blocks Biden’s incoming staff in unprecedented ways

That’s our President and don't freakin mess with him. BTW Biden is NOT the president elect assholes

Trump’s stonewalling of the incoming administration is leaving even some in his own party concerned

For the first time in more than half a century, an outgoing administration is stonewalling an incoming one at every level — with no intention of relenting.

President Donald Trump hasn’t called President-elect Joe Biden. The Trump campaign hasn’t reached out to the Biden campaign. The White House and federal agencies haven't briefed the Biden transition team. First lady Melania Trump hasn’t invited Jill Biden to the White House for tea.

There are no briefings being given about coronavirus, troop drawdowns in Afghanistan and Iraq, or aggression by China and Iran. No background checks being done for job applicants. No security clearances being conducted for potential Biden staffers.

The silence could continue into December, when states must certify their results to Congress, according to several Republicans familiar with the expected plans. Until then, they said, Trump and his team will continue to assert the election was fraudulently stolen from them, using unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud to file lawsuits and recounts challenging the results.

It’s a situation without parallel since at least 1963, when a federal law implemented modern presidential transition procedures, mandating the sharing of office space and the spending of money for the process.

The posture threatens to leave Biden’s team unprepared in January when it takes over a millions-strong federal workforce, according to officials who worked for Republican and Democratic presidents and lawmakers of both parties. And, they added, it sends a message to the world that the United States, generally a model across the globe, is vulnerable and unable to administer a seamless transition of power.

POLITICO Dispatch: November 17

Joe Biden won the election more than a week ago. But the But the General Services Administration — the agency that certifies presidential transitions — is still blocking Biden's transition team from accessing government resources.

“The transfer of power, even reluctantly, is important for the world to witness,” said Andy Card, former chief of staff to President George W. Bush, who was involved in three presidential transitions


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1c198b  No.11683581


Of course, the DOJ and FBI are completely useless. I meant release material that is truly damning TO THE PUBLIC. Release it here and let Anons do what they do. This is more about public perception than justice, at this point.

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664d1a  No.11683582

File: 9f6ab7587002daa⋯.png (770.94 KB, 1880x970, 188:97, Opera_Snapshot_2020_11_17_….png)



THADSMOM is dancing with VIPER92.

At one point traveling 920kts.

Probably F-16s

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3a933b  No.11683583

File: f54336d51197c37⋯.png (11 KB, 255x228, 85:76, ob826dcall.png)

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6d2e5c  No.11683584

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, trustintensifies.png)

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ae824c  No.11683585


Popcorn 🍿 check

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f32ff2  No.11683586

File: 546ebde3e810235⋯.png (83.53 KB, 392x441, 8:9, Hot_Sheets5.png)

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25a987  No.11683587

File: 03fd5f8a47a6801⋯.png (486.47 KB, 679x385, 97:55, ClipboardImage.png)


dont worry, there have been a lot of syrupfags in this fight for a while and we grow in numbers by the day. but prepare for it to get worse in canada before it gets better. the swamp is deep here.

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9d9f42  No.11683589

File: a823d06122d7cd7⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 3392x2304, 53:36, A_10.jpg)

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86f974  No.11683590


God bless Juanita, and may we all live to she her get justice!

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f32ff2  No.11683591

File: 7ee41d2713cb196⋯.png (79.59 KB, 487x584, 487:584, Hot_Sheets6.png)

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3a933b  No.11683593

File: 805a2999b8eac3a⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 498x261, 166:87, EmFT2OPU0AEMDBu.jpg)

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d81799  No.11683596


>>>11682943 (You)


>hi newfag. see the Anonymous at the top left of every one of those posts? that means that anybody could have made them from steinbart to creepy john in his moma's basement to agent X at a 3 letter agency you havent even heard of. if you think it was flynn, its only because you want it to be flynn. there is no other reason to believe its him. please lurk moar

Yup…Keep telling yourself that…enjoy the show!

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c49f10  No.11683599


I haven't even cracked open my Y2K stash yet. I'm good.

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428edd  No.11683600

File: b7f7c7b629524fe⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OAN_Louie_Gohmer_Server_se….mp4)



>ty for pic


>ty for pic

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f32ff2  No.11683601

File: f1236b4abaffedf⋯.jpg (732.84 KB, 530x669, 530:669, Hot_Sheets7.jpg)

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f32ff2  No.11683603

File: aa75ddb1143a3f8⋯.png (528.16 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, Hot_Sheets8.png)

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aaddf0  No.11683605

They are gonna lose EVERYTHING… God, I hope this is true.

The real Kraken?


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2934b4  No.11683606


I'm out of popcorn, someone give me a warning when I need to resupply

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f32ff2  No.11683608

File: 6cdb0c1b45e23e3⋯.png (337.43 KB, 1200x1400, 6:7, Hot_Sheets9.png)

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0e1f58  No.11683609


i was using -20%

didn't realize it was actually -50%, if you are correct


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1c37e3  No.11683610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Video of Josh Hawley grilling Zuck

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f32ff2  No.11683611

File: 63042aa7147101a⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 296x342, 148:171, Hot_Sheets10.jpg)

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d81799  No.11683612



Thanks o7!

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f32ff2  No.11683614

File: 8fff4738fe40dfe⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 296x342, 148:171, Hot_Sheets11.jpg)

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974e99  No.11683615

File: d3704abca7f7de0⋯.jpg (62.97 KB, 541x569, 541:569, hubbard.jpg)


What is there to get over?

Trump won

She's a fool

No wonder she can't write a sentence.

Unless tht's deliberate projection / whichcraft.(sp)

"spelling errors"?

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3a933b  No.11683616

File: b719498a5534643⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1015x653, 1015:653, b719498a553464378a0d72aae7….png)

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248d2f  No.11683617


Foreknowledge of what? Of exactly how many states Trump would win? Come on now.

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f32ff2  No.11683618

File: 25bf65f560630d1⋯.png (94.98 KB, 534x592, 267:296, Hot_Sheets12.png)

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d436eb  No.11683619


It should say "Multiple unofficial sources called this election differently "

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0e1f58  No.11683620


yay! ty

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c49f10  No.11683621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4cffa4  No.11683622


>The jocks seem to think that being Scottish and caring about their nation necessarily entails voting for a party of Marxists led by Jimmy Krankie.

To become independent and rejoin the EU! well and truely brian (brain) washed.

WW hope the sheep wake up in time.

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63e009  No.11683623

A US Navy destroyer just shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile target for the first time.


This, just after rockets were reported to hit the US Embassy in Bahgdad

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f32ff2  No.11683624

File: 56e4de617f80a82⋯.jpeg (2.92 MB, 2888x3225, 2888:3225, Hot_Sheets23.jpeg)

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24ba06  No.11683625


That's their plan anon

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46ef30  No.11683626

File: 4233f713d040cf8⋯.png (359.06 KB, 532x535, 532:535, 4233f713d040cf878588790dc2….png)


um.. You've gone and tipped your own hand.

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691ddb  No.11683627


>Vega Rocket failure

>US shoots down ICBM in space

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought these two stories were strangely coincidental.

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f32ff2  No.11683628

File: b26d2dc25c72363⋯.png (946.54 KB, 1126x1284, 563:642, Hot_Sheets17.png)

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974e99  No.11683629


could we have a bigger version so we could see the date on that?

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c39615  No.11683630

File: 54e0afbf8b78b57⋯.png (1.23 MB, 724x627, 724:627, lion3.png)


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b76b0f  No.11683631


NEW: The PA Supreme Court has ruled Philadelphia did not violate state election law when it restricted how close poll observers could stand to the processing of mail-in ballots because of COVID — a loss for Trump's campaign, which had won in a lower court


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f32ff2  No.11683632

File: 7384b61603dc64a⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1640x1828, 410:457, Hot_Sheets19.png)

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ec7cf4  No.11683633

File: 4e69c7baaef2b7a⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 1306x917, 1306:917, Emy0prTWMAcfitb_e160537152….jpg)

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cb60c9  No.11690218

clown baker in current bread, bumping for handoff

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3ddd7e  No.11690267

Anyone still want to say I'm comfy (this is idiocy period)

Trump losing 95 percent of suits corruption has not been dealt with at all

Wray and Hasple both stull running rufshot of trump .. why isn't the military in charge this was an attack on the USA ffs people

Hey what happend on 11.3 Q

WHAT about 11.4

And 11.11

Hey and 11.17

Fuck all happend …

It had to be this way right Q

No civil unrest (massive unrest)

No war (lookin like war to me )

Swift and clean( the messyest thing i have ever witnessed in my life ever….

Ffs people… mitch now saying their will be a clean transition to bidens admin.

Bar said in an interview that its looking like trump just lost and will be transferring power

Come on people

Pence meeting with trans team

What it looks like


WHY cuz then the new commander of the military is biden …

And he will send them for you guessed it uss… that is what I see but you guys see Q just so happend to post the same time as tru.p and omg its so amazing hes amazing omg omg omg

Umm… Gina Hassel could do that… you literally can do that at a low level if you know tech…and for the idiots yelling your a shil no no im not im a fucking labor worker that has had a fucking nuf

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cb60c9  No.11690284


internet queer machine

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ddb935  No.11690435

File: 9ba53eaa5283d22⋯.png (64.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

The Guardicore Centra Security Platform

Reduce your attack surface and prevent lateral movement with fast and simple segmentation that works everywhere

The Guardicore Centra Security Platform is the simplest and most effective way to visualize and secure your data center, cloud, or hybrid cloud infrastructure.


What Guardicore Centra Does

The Guardicore Centra Security Platform makes visualizing and securing on-premises and cloud workloads fast and simple. It creates human-readable views of your complete infrastructure – from the data center to the cloud – with fast and intuitive workflows for segmentation policy creation.


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f32ff2  No.11691517


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f32ff2  No.11691521

File: aa332dd1110c727⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 365x590, 73:118, E_SHUTDOWN.JPG)

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f32ff2  No.11691524

File: ed3dfefa045c9b9⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 485x339, 485:339, brain.jpg)

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