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File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 00.jpg)

41c1b0  No.11596376[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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411777  No.11596391

File: 5123e6b9a8de1dc⋯.png (549.85 KB, 510x510, 1:1, fa770c626a9309ab099e1d0e7a….png)

File: c7e3f61c191722a⋯.png (342.84 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 19cf0e6247b97384d5a87b5863….png)

File: 0af9d67b601b019⋯.png (451.13 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 8d00cecead3c7b456c810a87c8….png)

File: a7996af24b0bbf5⋯.png (405.29 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 9f5684f1dae6bef5a2826c10d0….png)

File: 51a730e7646616f⋯.png (462.12 KB, 510x510, 1:1, e12add01424a9203d07dd76577….png)

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41c1b0  No.11596394

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462, >>11581339, >>11581512 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone. (FBI Link on Twitter doesn’t work. Here is correct link https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/NCMEC_0022-20_CSAM%20Brochure_Digital.pdf


>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11595670 JIDF/MOSSAD

>>11595695 GEOTUS TikTok Video

>>11595726 Re: Marks v Stinson

>>11595733 Unbelievable! Reuters Livestreamed this video of Fake Hillary Speaking at Georgetown U. Webinar

>>11595765 We Honor Our Veterans (bideo)

>>11595768 Did Ukraine & Romania Alter the US Election for Biden?

>>11595787 Letter to send to President Trump to audit the Election

>>11595788 Gov. Cuomo orders restaurants, bars to close at 10 p.m. amid COVID-19 uptick


>>11595790 Sex workers in Oregon can now apply for federal COVID-19 relief cash.

>>11595791 DJT video

>>11595809 Fox News Cuts From Trump Briefing On Voter Fraud, Cavuto Says ‘We Can’t Report That’

>>11595821 "you have full authority" says the interrogator to the postal worker

>>11595849 China, newly elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, just reviewed the U.S. human rights record.

>>11595877 Dog comms

>>11595917 PF

>>11595846 , >>11595920 Turkish scientists in Germany who developed Pfizer vaccine partnered with Gates Foundation

>>11595928 THE GREAT STEALECTION: A Special Report on the Stolen 2020 POTUS Election

>>11595943 Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

>>11595948 DoD to Civilian Staff: Wait a Few More Weeks to Break Out the MAGA Hats, Biden Pins

>>11596005 Military Situation In Syria On November 11, 2020 (Map Update)

>>11596025 Chaos In Armenia Ramping Up As Pashinyan Refuses To Give Up Power, Leads Country Through Facebook

>>11596049 Maps Detailing Russia’s Observation Posts And Peacekeeping Patrols In Nagorno-Karabakh Released

>>11596050 So, was anything of value leaked on 4chan earlier?

>>11596053 , >>11596065 , >>11596073 , >>11596082 , >>11596087 NAP to Combat Human Trafficking pdf

>>11596083 , >>11596170 Obama Met With Big Tech to Censor The Internet

>>11596086 Principal blasted for calling Trump supporters 'awipes' with 'small dks.' His apology apparently falls short as well.

>>11596146 How Collapsing Checks and Balances Destroyed the Election in Pennsylvania

>>11596168 Labor bans all MPs from sexual relationships with their staff

>>11596204 Bahrain's Crown Prince Appointed New Prime Minister, Replacing Late Uncle

>>11596211 Did BLM operate out of China’s Consulate in Houston?

>>11596212 US sanctions 4 more Chinese officials in HK; Nearly 600 large Chinese companies in severe crisis

>>11596226 Squad On The Attack: Tlaib Says She Won’t ‘Be Silent,’ AOC Says It’s Time To ‘Take Our Gloves Off’

>>11596255 Trump Spiritual Adviser Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. Dies

>>11596260 President al-Assad in a speech at opening of Int’l Conference on Return of Refugees: Refugees issue according to Syria a national issue, in addition to being a humanitarian issue

>>11596268 People who test Covid negative should wear paper wristbands

>>11596295 #14805

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41c1b0  No.11596396


>>11594910 The National Museum of the United States Army celebrates over 240 years of Army history and honors our nation’s Soldiers

>>11594913 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs husband Patrick Goodman runs all the kids programs in AZ

>>11594915 Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta

>>11594919 Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

>>11594929 , >>11594933 The Hidden Tyranny

>>11594938 No, dead people didn't vote in Philadelphia, elections boss says

>>11594946 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11594992 President Trump has asked every registered voter in your household to send him a hard copy "snail mail" letter demanding all 50 states be audited.

>>11594987 Trump Job Approval: Approve 53% , Disapprove 46%

>>11594999 Europe To Pay Lower Price For Pfizer COVID Vaccine Than US

>>11595013 Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Of Elections Fraud

>>11595017 Netanyahu speaks to Pfizer CEO, says believes sides will reach deal on vaccine

>>11595027 , >>11595298 Dominion Voting Sys Board Member has DS/Clown CV

>>11595055 Charleston airport officials get ‘all-clear’ after suspicious package prompts evacuation

>>11595062 Leandra English, Who Pretended to Run CFPB, Leads Biden CFPB Transition

>>11595068 A Special Message from Senator Dole for the Tribute to Veterans Virtually

>>11595075 New York Times Columnist Urges Democrats to Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

>>11595076 New York Governor Cuomo "limits indoor gatherings at private residences to 10 people."

>>11595110 Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Of Elections Fraud

>>11595139 Millions Are Still Being Bet on Trump’s 'Shocking' Overturn of Election Results by UK Gamblers

>>11595179 Turkish Miracle Weapons Used By Azerbaijan In Karabakh Appeared To Be Mostly Israeli Ones

>>11595209 The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men

>>11595230 Birth Pangs of the National Psyche

>>11595252 Russian Peacekeepers Get Into Position, As France Offers “Message Of Support To Armenian Friends” (Updated)

>>11595261 , >>11595335 Additional Info regarding the Election Integrity Panel in 2018

>>11595276 New Sidney Powell twat

>>11595329 LIVE: Police chase suspect in Los Angeles area | ABC7

>>11595345 Project Veritas Releases RAW and UNEDITED Audio of 2 Hour Coercive Interrogation of USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins by Federal Agents

>>11595398 Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion

>>11595417 Pfizer's political donations favored Democrats in 2020 cycle, with Biden the highest recipient

>>11595432 FEC chair Trey Trainor believes that there is voter fraud

>>11595439 BREAKING NEWS: @RudyGiuliani has confirmed whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. OMG. They stole election. Switched votes from @realDonaldTrump

>>11595462 PF

>>11595470 ‘BREATHTAKING ABUSE’: Republican Attorneys General file amicus brief urging SCOTUS to rule on Pennsylvania mail-in ballots

>>11595473 QAnon Legal Battle Against YouTube Could Transform Free Speech Online

>>11595494 Deep State Candidate: Did You Know Joe Biden’s Great Grandfather Worked For The East India Company

>>11595562 #14804

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41c1b0  No.11596398


>>11594075 Brennan ‘Concerned’ What Trump Might do in the Next 70 Days, Calls For Trump to be Removed From Office

>>11594088 , >>11594135 , >>11594154 , >>11594332 , >>11594554 , >>11594696 We out here Planefaggin'

>>11594090 Kayleigh McEnany brandishes 200 pages of affidavits alleging voter fraud as she appears on Hannity a day after being cut-off by Fox for unsubstantiated claims - as former RNC chair admits the numbers are too small to make a difference

>>11594091 , >>11594167 Scytl just sold themselves on Oct 22

>>11594095 CodeMonkey Tweets

>>11594099 When asked why he didn't congratulate Biden and Harris, Slovenian PM Janez Janša

>>11594105 Letter from Brendan Hurley stating Dominion was dangerous.

>>11594127 Azerbaijani president nails BBC journalist on ‘media freedom’ by bringing up Assange

>>11594129 Catherine Herridge Tweets

>>11594140 Arizona Secretary of State Rejects ‘Independent Analysis’ of Voting Data, Says It Would Amplify Baseless Theories

>>11594150 DeSantis Pushes To Expand Stand Your Ground Law To Allow Citizens To Defend Against Rioters, Looters: Reports

>>11594153 Symantec Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election

>>11594196 Philippines again suspends plans to order US troops out of the country


>>11594239 Chaos erupts after Dems claim that USPS whistleblower recanted his testimony, whistleblower denies recanting

>>11594300 Netanyahu Recognized Biden as President-Elect. Now He Has a List of Favors He Wants From Trump

>>11594321 Into The Abyss Of Hell With A Biden Presidency

>>11594342 Race To Debase From Central Bankers Gone Wild: Another Central Bank Creating Currency to Buy Bonds

>>11594380 Government has spent £333bn on the coronavirus pandemic - more than TWICE the NHS budget: Costs hit £83bn for furlough plus £40bn for 'moonshot' Covid tests as public debt soars above £2TRILLION

>>11594402 More Trump firings from DoD: Mark Tomb, James Anderson, Joseph Kernan, Jennifer Stewart

>>11594410 Information on US election being censored by ‘powerful interests’ in the media

>>11594424 DeKalb County (GA) Schools launches ‘Black Lives Matter’ week

>>11594434 Edwin Ward is Chairman of Paragon Group

>>11594464 Trump ultra-loyalists are installed in series of top Pentagon jobs after purge in wake of Defense Secretary Mark Esper being fired

>>11594471 , >>11594486 , >>11594604 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11594477 Feds to Biden: You’re Not Getting Transition Funds Because You Haven’t Won Yet

>>11594478 It Was a Mistake to Close Schools, UK Study Concedes

>>11594498 , >>11594597 The Lincoln Project doxxes two Trump lawyers

>>11594511 New James O'keefe Tweet

>>11594556 Election Uncertainty Prompts Surge in Gun Sales

>>11594594 Bizarre Suicide at Sierra Towers as Man Jumps from 27th Floor

>>11594595 What we Can Expect from a Biden-Harris Administration: Abject Looting, Scamdemic Tyranny, Hate Crime Hoaxes and Secret ‘Police’

>>11594615 Showing Efficacy of Mask Mandates—as Biden Pushes Nationwide Requirement

>>11594633 Judge Jeanine Appears to Take Veiled Swipe at Fox, Slams Censorship and Cancel Culture

>>11594707 Arizona Secretary of State Rejects ‘Independent Analysis’ of Voting Data, Says It Would Amplify Baseless Theories

>>11594712 Screenshot of the news in Lancaster PA. If 89,681 mail in ballots were returned how did they count 142.584

>>11594787 #14803

Previously Collected Notables

>>11593405 #14801, >>11595646 #14802,

>>11590761 #14798, >>11591567 #14799, >>11592300 #14800

>>11588441 #14795, >>11589184 #14796, >>11590004 #14797

>>11586074 #14792, >>11586824 #14793, >>11587605 #14794

>>11583772 #14789, >>11584519 #14790, >>11585607 #14791

>>11581499 #14786, >>11582245 #14787, >>11583040 #14788

>>11580821 #14783, >>11580897 #14784, >>11580875 #14785

>>11576706 #14780, >>11577449 #14781, >>11578293 #14782

>>11574371 #14777, >>11575149 #14778, >>11577684 #14779

>>11572818 #14775, >>11573592 #14776 2/2, >>11573591 #14776 1/2

>>11570476 #14772, >>11571233 #14773, >>11572028 #14774

>>11567773 #14769, >>11571124 #14770, >>11570454 #14771

>>11565770 #14766, >>11566542 #14767, >>11567315 #14768

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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41c1b0  No.11596401

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Germany #70

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>8033191 ————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>11297393 ————————————–——– UK #24

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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41c1b0  No.11596405

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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5f16d1  No.11596415

Last bread, they released the voter rolls for Pennsylvania, back in the original video of the guys watching and monitoring the voting machines, they were talking about “ghosts”, they said you could put your address in and see how many people voted from your specific address.

Can Anons dig the Penn voter rolls and determine how many people claimed to live at each address? Can we divide the roll up between us so as to not overlap research and waste time?

Anyone good at organizing?

If poll watchers, counters were filling in addresses, we may find hot spots, ie addresses that were used for hundreds of voters.

Can someone take the reins on this, call to dig!

This would without doubt be concrete evidence of fraud.

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41c1b0  No.11596417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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02b9a2  No.11596425

File: 72707dc77343568⋯.png (845.72 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Splash_17.png)

Please God, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Invite God In


Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the e.vil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)k

DivorceSatans lies .blacklist BlackHats

Imagine the Success🥳 of Our Bright Future.

She curioux=Qbabies.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood.

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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cf4b32  No.11596430


nice ID bread shitting faggot

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d68623  No.11596432

File: 8ea524c29608a13⋯.png (279.46 KB, 456x512, 57:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Australian MSM going full fear porn mode

Coronavirus alert issued for nearly 20,000 Sydney residents


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411777  No.11596433

File: 898fb2ba0c4c3bb⋯.png (593.34 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 325589b0840a538525e1031649….png)

It's a clear win, our enemy tried so hard but it's a clear win for Trump.

Thecontextof the newscycle/enemy is thus: Justify Legitimacy.

Like many moves before this, we gain the tactical insight of how our enemy cheats The worlds eyes are on Americas Election, and you know what Sunlight does~

We must remember, we have been told of what major events will unfold; We may situate ourselves well for their occurrence.

ObamaGate - VoterID - Crimes Against Humanity/Children - China's 80+ Million reserve of Mail In Ballots - China's Weaponized Bioweapon - The chained detonation of exposures waiting in various legal Discoveries…

Be ready. You know what we're being shown by MOCKINGBIRD is a distraction. FULL STEAM AHEAD.

Transparency is the only way forward re: public opinion.

Prosecution is the only way forward re: save & defend the rule of law.

Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life.


This route curiously disarms their planned election day chaos, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Maybe their hyped plan would be hyped and focused for no good reasons and I'm even less sure our enemy is ObamaGate level caught.

How many moves ahead are you behind, sweeties?



“We have statistical evidence that we haven’t even brought out yet. That’s my next venture, to explain these statistical anomalies that show it was physically impossible, mathematically impossible, for the election to come out the way it did. So for all the people who love science, the math is dispositive [An adjective describing something that resolves a legal issue, claim or controversy. Often used to describe facts].

“We have evidence of the same # of votes being injected into WI system and MI system [multiple times]. I think there were 2 specific injections of the exact same numbers in MI … & then in Milwaukee it happened 3 times”.



RNC Chair says 11,000 people have come forward with voter fraud claims



WATCH: @kayleighmcenany runs through the shocking allegations of voter irregularities revealed in 234 pages of signed and sworn affidavits.

"These are real and anyone who cares about transparency and integrity of the system should want this to proceed to the discovery phase."



”BREAKING: Attorney General William "HoneyBadgerDoesNotGiveAFuck" Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified. (Per AP)” - @jennfranconews



#Developing: The #DominionVotingSystems that "g"l"i"t"c"h"e"d" in favor of Joe Biden (and was used in 29 states), partnered up with Clinton Global Initiative and had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative and Clinton Cash Cow TENEO.

Full report on @OANN



repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay


The ground is fertile for VOTER ID

repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay

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5f16d1  No.11596435

Sorry I shit the bread.

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437a6e  No.11596437

File: 7496b0f53d4f0ee⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 1080x1159, 1080:1159, 20201111_160008.jpg)

This is very clearly not Hillary Clinton. It doesn't look like Hillary Clinton. It doesn't sound like Hillary Clinton.



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d4b43c  No.11596441

File: d34e8f0fd26b074⋯.png (705.21 KB, 654x788, 327:394, Q_Research_Banner.png)


Thanks Baker

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86378c  No.11596442

File: 9b5b861c69c901c⋯.jpg (419.92 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, Polish_20201111_124723098.jpg)

File: dd8807a2d5ca0f8⋯.png (200.45 KB, 474x321, 158:107, Polish_20201110_223502932.png)

File: 3d2557766226ca9⋯.jpg (178.87 KB, 590x388, 295:194, Polish_20201110_193618732.jpg)

File: fa55944c663cb79⋯.jpg (625.53 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Polish_20201107_215532766.jpg)

File: 718fda52a0263a2⋯.jpg (163.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Polish_20201110_204835149.jpg)

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cf4b32  No.11596445


how did they even think that would work? Looks nothing like her.

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559a3a  No.11596446

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d4d2c8  No.11596452

File: 616cf94d61e6a43⋯.png (780.41 KB, 1256x398, 628:199, ClipboardImage.png)


>This is very clearly not Hillary Clinton. It doesn't look like Hillary Clinton. It doesn't sound like Hillary Clinton.

keking out loud!

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993540  No.11596453

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 255x144, 85:48, General.jpg)

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f42ac0  No.11596455

File: d165c94083f62d4⋯.jpeg (15.15 KB, 132x255, 44:85, FDEAF5E4_88DA_461E_929D_8….jpeg)

Did we ever find anything out with 4 seasons landscaping? The psyop that it was a mistake seems to be working for normies and I just sound crazy when I try to explain it lol. Thanks bakes

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252a15  No.11596461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d68623  No.11596463

File: ffba8867bd5e0a3⋯.png (743.95 KB, 606x841, 606:841, ClipboardImage.png)

FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

The chairman of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor said on Friday voter fraud is taking place in states still counting ballots.

During a Friday appearance on Newsmax TV’s “National Report,” Trainor said locations not granting observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be involved in voter fraud.

Trainor told Newsmax what is obvious to anyone paying attention, “I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”


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59b369  No.11596464


Who is putting people into place at the DOD RIGHT FUCKING NOW!?




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d2d2c6  No.11596468

File: 786261dbb45006d⋯.mp4 (13.34 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Laura_Ingraham_Joe_Biden_s….mp4)


here's the full vid to the trump tweet

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261937  No.11596471

File: cadc86667366542⋯.jpeg (81.77 KB, 500x408, 125:102, 87BC15F1_212B_44C2_999F_3….jpeg)

“Every Vote That Is Legally Cast, Must Be Counted Fairly“ - Al “muh climate” Gore

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4204c9  No.11596472

File: 097a831227cc679⋯.jpg (94.34 KB, 908x960, 227:240, EmkiGgDWEAAuCme.jpg)

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411777  No.11596474

File: 067eb70b917539b⋯.png (469.81 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 5145e572a196071eb0f6d7d3a6….png)

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Censored? Insightful~

Suppressed? Influential~

Hated? Truthful~

Attacked? Feared~

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d68623  No.11596477

File: be0cdefe329343b⋯.png (33.19 KB, 915x331, 915:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

Tennessee has now joined several other states in requesting the US Supreme Court review the election process in Pennsylvania.

Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery III signed on and joined Oklahoma’s brief in the US Supreme Court, reported WZTV.

President Trump’s legal team is preparing to ask the US Supreme Court to overturn an unconstitutional ruling from Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court that ordered elections officials to count mail-in ballots that arrived 3 days after Election Day.

The Pennsylvania state legislature decided Election Day ends at 8 PM on election night.

Rogue Democrat PA Governor Wolf circumvented the state legislature and took the fight to the state supreme court.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court created law out of thin air and extended the deadline for mail-in ballots to November 6.

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr said the PA legislature is the boss and counting ballots that came in after Election Day could be a federal crime as well as a state crime.


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020

US Supreme Court Justice Alito on Friday night ordered any ballots received after 8 PM on Election Day in Pennsylvania be segregated and secured and counted separately.

Alito order: “… neither the applicant (PA GOP) nor the Secretary has been able to verify that all boards are complying with the Secretary’s guidance, which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on them.”


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f0805d  No.11596478


Wasn't it the crematorium next too it?

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59b369  No.11596482

I see the SSL CERT is down again

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559a3a  No.11596483

File: b323f984d1c11ef⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Yes_My_Meat_Sandwiches.jpg)


Is the the Indian version Hillary?

"Squaw Bleeds from Cunt''

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3f64e5  No.11596484

File: b846e1a6529617c⋯.jpeg (43.11 KB, 640x481, 640:481, Hillary_Cackling.jpeg)



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565ba8  No.11596485

File: 0e736f569014803⋯.jpg (53.76 KB, 642x389, 642:389, 4m0gye_1_.jpg)

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cf4b32  No.11596486


LB faggot

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93e0bb  No.11596487


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Special Message from Senator Dole for the Tribute to Veterans Virtually

Dole = The 'original' KANSAS

The Dole Institute of Politics

Nov 10, 2020

1-minute 55-seconds


doesn't Q say something about Kansas?

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6b05bf  No.11596488

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 3EEC0D4D_8DEF_4EBC_BA2A_F8….png)

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926e1b  No.11596489

File: b03f434b751cd49⋯.png (279.74 KB, 591x610, 591:610, Capture.PNG)

File: 7eb3a35bf2c7097⋯.jpg (469.97 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, flotus1.jpg)

File: 72123cf2df2a51d⋯.jpg (540.17 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, flotus2.jpg)

File: 55fc8bdccf610d6⋯.jpg (876.59 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, flotus3.jpg)

File: 2602d197074c689⋯.jpg (332.46 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, flotus4.jpg)

On #VeteransDay, we paused@ArlingtonNatl to pay tribute to those who have served our country with dignity, courage & strength. We are forever grateful to our service members for the sacrifices they have made, their dedication to duty & their love of our great nation.


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92072d  No.11596490

File: 9b81ef948e91c8a⋯.png (380.87 KB, 1763x938, 1763:938, drudge.PNG)

Sometimes I go to Drudge for a good laugh.



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f42ac0  No.11596491


Yeah but what does it mean? Like I said, I tried explaining it but just sound like a crackpot with no evidence to back my claims that Rudy was there on purpose to send a message.

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fc86d3  No.11596493

File: 7e421544481f1f9⋯.png (109.2 KB, 300x277, 300:277, ClipboardImage.png)

So, what do other anons think about a…


…wherein every Congressperson is paid the average salary of their constituents?

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dcb289  No.11596494


This appearance was for us. Hillary is clearly in custody.

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59b369  No.11596495



Some in congress would get rich in 1 day.

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50d259  No.11596498

File: 1005f0d0df49f22⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 500x601, 500:601, 4m07dd.jpg)

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a73107  No.11596499


something off with the eyelids. Not moving naturally and sometimes appears to have 3rd eyelid on both eyes

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3f64e5  No.11596500

File: e9de5e819e2d8be⋯.jpg (193.55 KB, 662x880, 331:440, Crooked_a128dd_5908913.jpg)


>This is very clearly not Hillary Clinton. It doesn't look like Hillary Clinton. It doesn't sound like Hillary Clinton.

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2bd9ad  No.11596501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents


Richard Alex Hopkins, USPS Postal Worker

"This whole things been putting me in shock

I didn't expect any of this shit, I'm just a dude"

Just finished listening to the whole thing.Wow! The guy is real patriot! Stayed cool under pressure.

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f7788a  No.11596502

File: da126cda4e54b15⋯.png (263.59 KB, 687x443, 687:443, hillhawk.png)


ohh that's kekworthy

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e27027  No.11596503

File: c88fa558dbd6c33⋯.jpg (191.96 KB, 1918x1018, 959:509, Ezra_on_Parler.jpg)

>>11596403 (last bread)

A friend grabbed screenshots before his twitter was axed. Here's his Parler account. I'm not on Parler so somebody who is can look into this.

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ae8e64  No.11596504

File: a93b5b0aa9cd3fd⋯.png (132.56 KB, 500x358, 250:179, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11595981 (pb)

HAS to go through USPS as that is part of the , ya know, the thing ; like at the end of Miracle on 34th Street

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664e9d  No.11596505

File: 435ce5a86489e0b⋯.jpg (684.73 KB, 1084x910, 542:455, Medicine.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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565ba8  No.11596506


This is the real Hillary.

The 2016 Hillary was fake. The meds were wearing off.

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f0805d  No.11596507


Unlicensed crematory that was available to rent

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50d259  No.11596508


this can't be real…

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72f4b1  No.11596509


>keking out loud!

when the botox is gone….

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dc7965  No.11596510



Or hiding in her bunker, trying to find a way to escape

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849930  No.11596511

File: 92e4f91f949a36c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1182x726, 197:121, Unforgiven.png)

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30e15c  No.11596512

File: 19cd51218de841d⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 574x248, 287:124, FAIR_GAME_CLIP_FARM_TACTIC….mp4)

>>11596245 /LB

>>11596128 /LB


RAW VERITAS VIDEO… First Thoughts!


Still watching Raw Interview and this ATTACHED CLIP reminds me of the shit they shovel trying to intimidate "us normies".

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d8ecca  No.11596513

File: 80280c0fc79a54f⋯.jpeg (751.84 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 91620237_C640_48B1_A9D4_F….jpeg)

>>11596428 Lb

It could be anxiety. This might help

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0e677b  No.11596514

Is anyone seeing this lol

Think big money and banks are not a part of this plandemic lol

Story at a glance

A new economic report issued by Deutsche Bank asserts that workers who work remotely are enjoying better economic gains than their commuting counterparts.

Many offices will not be reopening until mid-2021.

The remote working and learning taken as a preventative measure against COVID-19 transmission has rendered millions of Americans housebound. Offices, schools and other public working spaces have been closed for months as the pandemic rages on.

A new report commissioned by financial giant Deutsche Bank proposes that for individuals who continue to work from home rather than in an office, a 5 percent income tax should be levied to support lower income workers who do not have the opportunity to stay home.

As part of its “Rebuild” report, Deutsche Bank calculates that the average worker would not be any worse off by paying this tax because of the costs saved when working remotely, Business Insider reports.


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2e921b  No.11596515

File: 31d378a549e8551⋯.png (345.18 KB, 1000x1256, 125:157, bidendominion.png)

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3cb02e  No.11596516

Who has the most Q's?

working URL with most Q wins highest ranking anon award!

1st entry

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQQS9qqRgQQ

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cf4b32  No.11596517


while many would like to believe that, we need proof.

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560464  No.11596518


>not Hillary Clinton

Maybe she is, minus the 666substance666

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7e9ef5  No.11596519

File: da8372ea75c242f⋯.png (154.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, pepe14.png)

Why the hell is shill spam included in the first notable for last bread?!

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89033f  No.11596520

Question for the math anons.

New Jersey had a record 4.5 million mail in ballots this election 72% of 6 million registered voters. Does that mean that in person/provisional ballot votes would total to about 1.5 million? The article goes on to say:

>Republicans, who account for 22% of the state’s registered voters, delivered 26% of all mailed-in ballots.

>Democrats, 39% of all voters, handed in 42%.

Does this mean that the majority of provisional ballots would swing to Trump since already almost half of Dems already voted?

If you go to the NYT website they are only showing 3.7 million votes 90% counted.

This doesn't seem right to me.


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41c1b0  No.11596521

File: 6ade43be9983134⋯.png (669.42 KB, 1152x646, 576:323, 6ade43be9983134678ed22bb71….png)



>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

Baker Requests Hand Off

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59b369  No.11596522


Adrinalchrome ran out awhile back, eh?

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f04d1a  No.11596523


I could tell that rat bastard was lying and manipulating from the getgo!

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d493b2  No.11596524


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695ecf  No.11596525


Did you also cause TP shortage last March ?

Well, did you ?

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3b448e  No.11596526

File: 912bd86bb152f27⋯.jpeg (512.04 KB, 1522x1960, 761:980, B5713F14_C02A_4E19_9391_9….jpeg)

File: 1613020f0cf73fd⋯.jpeg (448.63 KB, 1852x1188, 463:297, 210404C4_5FDF_43F2_9C96_8….jpeg)

File: fd9e5941c68f866⋯.jpeg (106.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, D10C5CF8_7C44_43B9_9CCC_5….jpeg)

File: ba6d1ae51f533e2⋯.jpeg (248.48 KB, 1758x808, 879:404, 36250E57_AC0C_4E3C_8303_F….jpeg)

File: 8b17aaabb1a3b44⋯.jpeg (604.4 KB, 2293x2293, 1:1, CFE4634B_F51F_473C_B510_A….jpeg)

Just a few pics.

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cc26ef  No.11596527

File: 9e0d32d46aa5cef⋯.jpg (16.82 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 45933e3a08b1dddacfcf052138….jpg)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jPj-8_wOZcA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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565ba8  No.11596528


Trump knows he is going to lose, so he is making sure he gets us out of Afghanistan before he leaves.

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a54c28  No.11596529


Cheers Anons.

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d4b43c  No.11596530

Anybody who puts the Q (Anon) banner up I auto filter any bread and I suspect it's the same with many.

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849930  No.11596532

File: 39c6c544f364c53⋯.png (291.81 KB, 506x287, 506:287, Unforgiven2.png)

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78f689  No.11596533

File: 445647f822a995a⋯.gif (968.15 KB, 260x195, 4:3, Que_Cat.gif)

Has anyone checked to see how all of those initial Feb-June COVID-19 nursing home casualties in NY/MI/WI/CA/PA voted last week?

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ae8e64  No.11596534


"what if I told you I never said 'what if I told you'?"

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71feea  No.11596535

File: 4bd93ce1999fb27⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1604332247397.jpg)

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a70b2e  No.11596536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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604716  No.11596537

>>11596392 (pb)

It's only a mask

Its only an App

Its only a Vaccine

Its only a tattoo that is proof that you were vaccinated

Its only a smartphone passport

Its only mandatory doors for supermarkets, banks, etc that check your smartphone passport and your vaccine status

Its only the health hazards that we put inside FEMA camps

We only eliminate the health hazards because they are a danger to everyone in our democracy


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6e514b  No.11596538

File: aa4ec458f68df85⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 748x492, 187:123, mccabewillpaytheprice.jpg)

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b69b37  No.11596539


the old establishment is bold to flaunt the frauds and lies laughing while the entranced believe them simply because they are presented by one of their "trusted source" institutions. If it's on CNN it must be true, If Georgetown says that's Hillary it must be, etc.

If it doesn't say Heinz, it's not ketchup. Marketing tricks. Name recognition. Third party endorsements. The same as this bullshit campaign to see how many will accept bident as pres because it was pronounced by a so called traditionally trusted institution.

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2d9579  No.11596540


kek, they're running out of body doubles for her

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d522c4  No.11596541

Holding the line, sir!

For God and Country!

Awaiting orders and trusting the plan!


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fca2c7  No.11596542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Self Education and Dissemination of Information

Start here, anons.

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59b369  No.11596544


Just like your stupid ass just got done as well.

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ae4b48  No.11596545

Just want to say thanks to all anons

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d493b2  No.11596546


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984751  No.11596547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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76127e  No.11596548


deep fake..


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9f51f3  No.11596549


go to reuters youtube page and find it. i couldnt


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dc7965  No.11596550


We have a clear view of 17 on white flag

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dde1a6  No.11596551


someone please tell me this is fake and ghey

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5be097  No.11596552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like Reuters did not upload the first 12 minutes or so of the Live webinar at Georgetown. Yeah that person was not Hilary Clinton; however, you'll see.

Love you all, but diligence matters.


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ff855e  No.11596553

File: c30bda85845e414⋯.jpg (121.97 KB, 1079x310, 1079:310, Screenshot_20201111_195853….jpg)

File: 6a8c18559b2abff⋯.jpg (388.81 KB, 1064x955, 1064:955, Screenshot_20201111_210553….jpg)

Gonna stick this in here again as it should be notable.

Trump appoints Col. Douglas MacGregor as senior advisor to Sec. of defense @ the Pentagon.

MacGregor was criticised when appointed Ambassador to Germany for comments that illegal border hoppers coming from Mexico should be executed. A strategic genius.

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b2882d  No.11596554


Comments disabled. Kek no shit!

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632b38  No.11596555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She's Missing the Murderous Eye

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dd88cd  No.11596556


Very interdasting

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457fba  No.11596557


Wow, that's not even close.

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78f689  No.11596558

File: 7cff87169f57104⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 576x433, 576:433, Training_Day_My_Rigger.jpg)

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d493b2  No.11596559


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73c96a  No.11596560

File: 7d67c25e9b2128b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1318x859, 1318:859, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c7b9b  No.11596561

>>11595733 (pb)

Is this the real HRC? Or are they joking?

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d6bdc6  No.11596562

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7c2045  No.11596563

File: c92d3b342333bd5⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FF2C9C41_A7F1_4889_921D_DD….png)

File: 399abc4f488f9f7⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7F504A7F_FFEE_4AE6_8B83_10….png)

File: 51c70d5272ea782⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E64A51BD_8DA7_4F9F_B48B_EB….png)

More headlines on McCarrick report from canon212.com

Archbishop Viganò, Pope Benedict and others blamed for Bergoglio & his gay mafia’s crimes—it’s a big club.

And McCarrick helped set up the secret Vatican deal w China in 2018

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56e9fa  No.11596564

File: 2c2fac9bd9bff96⋯.png (109.97 KB, 579x294, 193:98, hearsay.png)


Trump couldn't contest most either.

Sending a document to court doesn't make the contest valid, just like the Special Council Investigation existing didn't make it a valid contest.

Read the court cases, not the media circus. The media, left wing and right wing, all have a monetary or political incentive to piss you off. Go to the source when you can. Read the accusation and the courts' replies.

You think the Democrats didn't start spreading rumors to their base either? They did the exact same stunt four years ago, except they blamed Russians instead of the ballot counters (who are scrutinized by both parties) and USPS.

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a70b2e  No.11596565

File: 23b5e413a384977⋯.jpg (42.12 KB, 1156x291, 1156:291, hillary_kill_kek_wills_it.jpg)

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92072d  No.11596566


Is that a Reuters verified account? It has a checkmark, but I don't know how YT works in regards to verification.

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f4c8d8  No.11596567



lollimuhjoo subversion

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984751  No.11596568

File: 532cd87eca375f0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1180x903, 1180:903, ClipboardImage.png)



C'mon man

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59b369  No.11596569


Don't tease anons that fucking hard!

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411777  No.11596570

File: d2dde063516c21b⋯.png (137.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 011ae1a1d22c2c9e3295bb2913….png)

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d493b2  No.11596571


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55c2cc  No.11596572

File: 7e04bdc14620549⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 720x722, 360:361, 7e04bdc1462054965f15d3cc92….jpg)

>>11595787 (pb)

Once all the election fraud is proved, is there a way to do a class-action civil suit on behalf of the millions of people who voted for President Trump? Surely all those big donors can cough up another billion that could be used to pay for the recount and fraud investigations.

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dc7965  No.11596573


You mean the psycho look?

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76eee6  No.11596574

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aa9812  No.11596575

File: 95764bce45f3535⋯.png (125.2 KB, 202x222, 101:111, birth_pangs_29837498787987….png)


Am 8:5

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76127e  No.11596576

twitter just stopped then started

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b2882d  No.11596577



It’s Reuters..why would they make such a sloppy mistake? Doesn’t make sense.

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fe5a71  No.11596578


I posted the Reuters link on youtube last bread. Reuters has really shamed themselves on this one. Deservedly so.

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41c1b0  No.11596579

File: 058a0ab82489bbc⋯.png (1004.52 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 058a0ab82489bbcee58ddaba36….png)



>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

Please Anon, Hand Off

This is cruelty, don't make me bakerererer

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97de1e  No.11596580

A lot of disinfo being shill dropped yesterday and today. Only slightly annoying.

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dde1a6  No.11596581


>find it. i couldnt

it's literally right there, blindanon

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9e42af  No.11596582

File: 3f37136641a806b⋯.jpg (103.68 KB, 952x1288, 17:23, 3f37136641a806b244f4dbf49c….jpg)



Holy shit

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a73107  No.11596583



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d058ba  No.11596584

Reddit down

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ff855e  No.11596585


Seems she appeared before on a separate stream


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40c8ae  No.11596586

>>11596331 lb

>>11596367 lb

>>11596410 lb

Aahhh. So Presidents have pardoned people BEFORE they were suspected of, charged with, and convicted for a crime. You need to provide more sauce with that, anon, because that is the relevant situation here. The pardon of Nixon occurred during proceedings - he had ALREADY BEEN CHARGED!

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138f08  No.11596587

Anybody know what state that is in in the Potus last tweet?

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3f64e5  No.11596588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d493b2  No.11596589


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d4b43c  No.11596590

Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election(handwritten letters are the most powerful)

November 11, 2020

President Donald J Trump

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington DC 20500

Dear Mr. President

As you are well aware We, the People of the United States control our Government through the ballot box. Our vote represents our controlling interest in the proper governance of America.

On November 3, 2020 America held an Election that myself and many other Americans are concerned did not accurately reflect our voices at the ballot box, causing our controlling interest in America to be possibly corrupted as the recognized voice of true power of the governed in this Nation. As a shareholder of this nation which derives it's ability to govern from my vote I have the right and the responsibility to call for the audit of all activities surrounding the November 3rd, 2020 election, not only for President, but for all candidates on all ballots that were voted for in all 50 states. To comply with the consent of the governed, the government of the United States must prove that the elections it funds and operates are indeed free and fair so that the American People can have faith that their voice and vote matters.

Thank you for job you are doing for us Mr President and may God bless you and yours and may God continue to Bless America with abundance and peace.


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50d259  No.11596591


kek oh sheit

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341a0f  No.11596592

>>11596052 lb

Agreed, but give'm the sauce. Anchor that shit to their feet.

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fca2c7  No.11596593

National Ass'n of State Elector Directors

>>11591503 p Seems like it would be wise to dig on NASED ( https://www.nased.org/ ).

Friendly reminder.

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c4791d  No.11596594


Alive and fighting for her life.

This is a good tactic to throw people off.

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a7c765  No.11596595


I reported this video

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63e35d  No.11596596

File: c8c710d9bf9ee2b⋯.jpg (110.97 KB, 468x551, 468:551, ZomboMeme_21072020175118.jpg)

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000000  No.11596597

Keep Eyes ON:



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dc7965  No.11596598


If she was, you would have seen Satan running down the street, trying to get away from hell cause she's in it.

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73c96a  No.11596599

File: 29cb6ca1fbfc1f9⋯.png (1.21 MB, 971x821, 971:821, ClipboardImage.png)



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f2326b  No.11596600

File: acdcc747044a89e⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 600x449, 600:449, Bah_.jpg)



Is this a joke or for real?

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f0a4f1  No.11596601


She ate one too many babies.

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f1601b  No.11596602

Law of Armed Conflict in FULL Fucking swing right now

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b69b37  No.11596603


of course covid is part of the globalist takeover, see Davos reset and the changeout of LIBOR software to SOFIA and agenda 21 /2030 and Rockefeller Lockstep doc and American New Century docs. This has all been written for decades.

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849930  No.11596604

File: b4e542dcdbfadd5⋯.png (476.1 KB, 901x509, 901:509, StandingWithFlynn.png)

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d66a34  No.11596605

File: b5b6389a6ede7a4⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 1080x784, 135:98, 20201111_141328.jpg)

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6753c0  No.11596606


Didn't you see in notables all the Gitmo flights last week?

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d68623  No.11596607

File: 68bd90185d5d635⋯.png (452.33 KB, 557x487, 557:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a5e0a34dde87fe⋯.png (451.96 KB, 607x497, 607:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03de18e80d2dc26⋯.png (452 KB, 575x483, 25:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d70ac32dc8856f9⋯.png (127.11 KB, 587x625, 587:625, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e00cd11c2d956b⋯.png (420.39 KB, 588x586, 294:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

Lawyer Douglas Emhoff, the husband of the projected US Vice President Kamala Harris, along with three MSNBC analysts and one contributor are leaving their places of employment for roles in the Joe Biden administration.

Emhoff will officially leave his law firm DLA Piper by January 20, inauguration day. “Mr Emhoff is working with the Biden/Harris transition team to develop the portfolio he will focus on to support the work of the administration,” a Biden campaign spokesperson said.

It is currently unknown which administration role the first ever second gentleman might fill, but online commenters have called the move “problematic,” and hypocritical, since many Democrats previously criticized Donald Trump for allowing family members into his administration.

Three MSNBC employees will be landing some already pre-planned positions. Barbara McQuade is joining Biden’s legal agency review team, Richard Stengel will be heading to the agency for global media and Ezekiel Emanuel has joined Biden’s coronavirus task force.

They were all vocal Biden supporters on social media prior to them leaving the network, frequently criticizing Trump.

Three MSNBC employees will be landing some already pre-planned positions. Barbara McQuade is joining Biden’s legal agency review team, Richard Stengel will be heading to the agency for global media and Ezekiel Emanuel has joined Biden’s coronavirus task force.

They were all vocal Biden supporters on social media prior to them leaving the network, frequently criticizing Trump.

Meanwhile, MSNBC contributor historian Jon Meacham is being simply let go by the network, already being a Biden campaign member, having appeared on air both before and after revealing this fact.


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664e9d  No.11596608

File: 428cb840ef029a0⋯.png (316.36 KB, 567x600, 189:200, Maga_Laughing.png)


What the actual fuck?

>These people are stupid.

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afee32  No.11596609


Day shift is even more retarded than usual this afternoon but shills, per se, are probably less in number than in recent weeks

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22ee2f  No.11596610


same in EU

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3f64e5  No.11596611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sky News Host Adam Boulton Gets Angry With Female Guest Pointing Out Biden Has Not Won Yet

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97de1e  No.11596612


Nobody has provided sauce to this letter op.

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73c96a  No.11596613


this is fucking ridiculous and funny and weird!

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d493b2  No.11596614



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f7788a  No.11596615

File: 6c8ade170255f9e⋯.png (181.66 KB, 733x396, 733:396, youmirror.png)


aaaannnnd the left still can't meme

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db9140  No.11596616

File: 9f594d029ce15e8⋯.jpg (966 KB, 2400x1947, 800:649, ghislaine_maxwell_computin….jpg)

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fca2c7  No.11596617


fuck outtehere with that shit

Anons in the house?

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9f51f3  No.11596618


yep. goodnight! somebody need this shovel?

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cf4b32  No.11596619


take your meds, Austin

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a63a6f  No.11596620


So if the election goes to the courts and gets no resolve it then goes to the US House of Representatives. Think that is bad?

Not so fast…

Though the Democrats hold the majority in terms of numbers in the House, this is meaningless.

Because such an actual election would see each STATE getting ONE VOTE: "the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote".

Democrat majority means nothing.

Because 37 of the 50 states who will cast a vote are run by REPUBLICAN administrations.

BOOM, muthafuckahs!


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7c7b9b  No.11596621


It looks nothing like her. Where is HRC? First part pre recorded?

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a70b2e  No.11596622

File: 86443c8c63106d0⋯.png (67.52 KB, 224x225, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)


you will never be a woman.

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b72a0e  No.11596623

File: c4b24179c532acd⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e448c8bbe8bb63⋯.png (398.28 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)



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d4b43c  No.11596624

File: 2f1c4327d4f45ae⋯.jpeg (104.57 KB, 654x788, 327:394, 2f1c4327d4f45aee13980e5d9….jpeg)


Kek - sauce this…

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ae8e64  No.11596625


been asking that for a week ; i moved from PA early last year and was still on the roll as of June, and had to send a written correspondence to the county election office to get them to remove it, and did follow up to confirm; now, to check to see if i still voted in PA…and if so….(and it is Wolf's home county)…i would not be surprised

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27b1a3  No.11596626


The beginning of the mass mindfucks?


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41c1b0  No.11596627

File: 3b1a2965cb01f9f⋯.png (238.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 3b1a2965cb01f9fd75b739abb4….png)



>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration


I'm trying, but no one is biting.

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411777  No.11596628

File: 867bb9007a38f0c⋯.png (137.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0c7bb776facc220eb4c95d17bb….png)

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dca4a3  No.11596629

>>11596607 Mr. Cameltoe will not be in any administration. These people are nuts.

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56e9fa  No.11596630


Now replace Democrats with Republicans, Hunter with an anonymous person from the shithole that is /pol/, and MSM with Right-biased media.

Do you see any similarity?

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eba521  No.11596631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's not Hlldog. She was the intro. Start this video than scroll to around 10 min.

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d66a34  No.11596633


don stopped all of that.

he is God's Monkeywrench.



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664e9d  No.11596634

File: e47d03cc8f5abcd⋯.png (66.28 KB, 400x452, 100:113, Pepe_with_cross.png)


Ohh yeah. That's the bitch.

ty anon.

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a57f87  No.11596635

File: 139715413991fb4⋯.jpeg (444.55 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 326D1313_26E5_4480_BF7E_E….jpeg)

File: eb70bcdab801117⋯.jpeg (587.74 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, F2902D25_1B89_4027_93B7_6….jpeg)

Who’s the beast of revelations?

Who’s like a lion like a bear and like a leopard.

Rev 13. What did the so callled lord say he was like in Hosea 13? 4 correlations?

Jesus wasn’t playing games when he told the Jews “ye are of your father the devil”

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50d259  No.11596636

File: 5433420ed591c02⋯.jpg (30.62 KB, 490x296, 245:148, 5433420ed591c02cd88ad50f5b….jpg)


fkn svd.

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fd3de7  No.11596637

File: f0f5555ab9cb907⋯.png (160.35 KB, 350x265, 70:53, suicide_1.png)

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604716  No.11596638


can confirm as well for Europe (fuck the EU)

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e158a3  No.11596639


Still trying to get through it….I wanna punch the fuckers conducting the interview.

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92072d  No.11596640

File: e50a9a4695a55a2⋯.png (206.16 KB, 968x733, 968:733, Pepe_Laughing.png)


It would appear so, then. This is the weirdest fucking thing I've seen in all of 2020.

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73c96a  No.11596641


wasn't she in the library before though?

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c4791d  No.11596642


Yea they just used someone that kinda looks like her, I get it.

HRC is still alive and fighting for her life.

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d493b2  No.11596643



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823d1f  No.11596644


Did they just mislabel the video? I just don't understand how they'd expect anyone to think that's HRC. Doesn't even sound like her.

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411777  No.11596645

File: 49a3a39440704b8⋯.png (137.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4da4c70c7bad2c6e3aa01b2ee0….png)

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9e42af  No.11596646

File: 5218647f603a173⋯.png (403.88 KB, 652x580, 163:145, Screenshot_2020_11_11_CGI_….png)

File: dc028d63efb031b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1161x580, 1161:580, Screenshot_2020_11_11_CGI_….png)

Thank you to those who have bravely served, including the late Senator John McCain, who inspired our students at CGI U 2014. #VeteransDay


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411777  No.11596647

File: bb4850651881381⋯.png (137.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fe57aaab00556e8b0a497ca6d8….png)

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c5bc8d  No.11596648

File: afc3c989062f967⋯.png (261.35 KB, 1191x672, 397:224, trumppoint.png)

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000000  No.11596649


Vaccine is made by moslems,

Vaccine of moslems is payed by GATES

Vaccine is from GERMAN TURKS

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4bfdb5  No.11596650


At 18:50 another speaker calls her "Ambassador," so I don't think it's anything more than a mistake in the title.

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b72a0e  No.11596651


Ezra = "help", three Israelites

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76127e  No.11596652

File: 0c87deab6b893ed⋯.png (498.34 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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72f4b1  No.11596653


Oh shit, fuck…

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6b6c87  No.11596654

geez how many sleepy joes are in their rotation?

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d493b2  No.11596655


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78f689  No.11596656

File: f47b6ad2499db9e⋯.png (886.37 KB, 1136x821, 1136:821, _2_LIVE_Hillary_Clinton_sp….png)



This is the official Reuters YT page, FFS.

They're not even trying anymore.

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fe5a71  No.11596657



We *were* diligent. I pointed out that it was Reuters that fucked up.

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dc7965  No.11596658


After HRC fake video now this? Are the events linked?

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d493b2  No.11596659


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f4c8d8  No.11596660


just look it up faggot

you are wrong

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7b4e8b  No.11596661


Yeah, it's just the hostess of the thing.

But, leave it be.

Moar fun to watch all the tardation re: it instead.

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56e9fa  No.11596662


Masks in public aren't a political icon. It's a public health measure.

Just like clothes aren't.

It's still illegal to be naked outside.

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30e15c  No.11596663


>"us normies".


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d493b2  No.11596664


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76eee6  No.11596665

File: e43e2cbcb229e31⋯.png (423.51 KB, 660x373, 660:373, ClipboardImage.png)


Bush 43 looks odd too

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d4b43c  No.11596666


Bake then. Put your effort in instead of running your mouth.

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604716  No.11596667


What's wrong with her …. face?

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b666ba  No.11596668


We gona get flooded now, they lost their playground

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dde1a6  No.11596669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


mystery solved. hillary spoke before this woman and that's why the title

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ff855e  No.11596671


Better things to dig Anons


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695ecf  No.11596672

>>11596500  ==Far too pretty. =

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489230  No.11596673

File: d359fc93b4d5280⋯.jpeg (289.11 KB, 609x797, 609:797, d359fc93b4d528057be3981a4….jpeg)


>ID: 411777

Vewy interdasting

Happy 11/11 to you, anon.

Revelation 11:11

"But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them."

God bless our veterans.


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fca2c7  No.11596675


could be her on a bad day. age effects accelerate.

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73c96a  No.11596676


well then who is this?

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eba521  No.11596677

>>11596517 It isn't hillary. Hillary introduced the meeting and got out of there. This is a different lady.

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c4791d  No.11596678


Georgetown appearance a fake.

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d6bdc6  No.11596679

File: 16552fccd6eb024⋯.jpg (120.13 KB, 720x872, 90:109, 20201111_151627.jpg)


And they turned off comments! Really looked forward to reading those. Only 32 likes.

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d493b2  No.11596680



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b666ba  No.11596681


>What's wrong with her …. face?

Demons trying to exit

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565ba8  No.11596682


I have reported you to the Ministry of Information. You will be put on a list.

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dde1a6  No.11596683


some nobody

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240bbf  No.11596684

File: 2a7e10bbcd0ce16⋯.png (154.57 KB, 761x480, 761:480, SAM122_USAF_G5_on_ground_a….PNG)

SAM122 USAF G5 on ground at Reno/Tahoe Int'l from Lincoln Muni Airport, NE ground stop and Ypsilanti, MI origin

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9e42af  No.11596685

File: 344097750910f9b⋯.png (192.94 KB, 652x427, 652:427, Screenshot_2020_11_11_CGI_….png)


Fire at will!

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6d46ed  No.11596686

>>11595733 Unbelievable! Reuters Livestreamed this video of Fake Hillary Speaking at Georgetown U. Webinar

Are you guys fucking idiots??? This is NOT Clinton, and it's not claimed to be Clinton, ANYWHERE in the clip shown.

Be smarter. Were better than this.

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ccdc6a  No.11596687


You’re a fucking low iq asshole

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d493b2  No.11596688


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76eee6  No.11596689


sadly I agree with you, still getting the filter

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993540  No.11596690


List em

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69c503  No.11596691


The action had to have been committed is the only requirement for a pardon. You can't preemptively pardon but you can pardon any act that has already happened even if Justice has not been involved yet.

There is SCOTUS precedent for this.

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5e9045  No.11596692

File: 7b5734752280bc0⋯.jpg (23.76 KB, 457x242, 457:242, Screenshot_2020_11_04_0731….jpg)

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eba521  No.11596693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11596536 Hillary introduced the meeting. Then this hound you are seeing was brought into the meeting. Don't know who she is.

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dca4a3  No.11596694

>>11596611 What a son of a bitch. Desperate insanity across the board, by the dark side.

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b69b37  No.11596695



It's fucking amazing to see how far he's going and it does appear he's taking on the entire schematic… however, until the corporate network is pried from the controls that choke out the people who don't fold to the mandates and the fed res districts are on board with whatever Trump/Mnuchin et al have planned regarding currency exchange USD to FRN & IMF it remains to be seen how it will work in day to day world.

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4204c9  No.11596696

File: 7aa2cde3a5764be⋯.gif (359.87 KB, 480x640, 3:4, savetweetvid_EmknhGxVMAAoB….gif)

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984751  No.11596697

Hound is accurate.

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fca2c7  No.11596698


fuck anime and anime boot lickers

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d493b2  No.11596699


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c4791d  No.11596700

Why choose the Georgetown speech to be fake?

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f2326b  No.11596701

File: 72bda1f36d1a0fa⋯.png (513.32 KB, 1326x658, 663:329, Reuters.png)


I thought that, too! But it is the official Reuters channel…


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522b4f  No.11596702

File: 76bc3cb6b43d221⋯.jpeg (151.06 KB, 828x850, 414:425, 4AD8CD6E_B079_421D_BEA2_F….jpeg)


WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020


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77ba89  No.11596703


The most annoying part of the video: Comments are turned off. Learn more

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27b1a3  No.11596704


>Masks in public aren't a political icon. It's a public health measure.

Bullshit. Piss off.

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4e1513  No.11596705

File: e3002383c9e5dc0⋯.png (544.45 KB, 640x369, 640:369, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Pres….png)

File: 6738374270d38ff⋯.png (479.12 KB, 542x516, 271:258, Screenshot_2020_11_11_trum….png)

>>11596464 #59b369

>>11596528 #565ba8

>>>11596307 (You)


>Who is putting people into place at the DOD RIGHT FUCKING NOW!?







>>11596426 (PB) You obviously missed this.





>>>>11596307 (You)




>>Who is putting people into place at the DOD RIGHT FUCKING NOW!?














>Just like every other President Before Him… The Commander and Chief..IT IS HIS JOB!

This Clearly Triggers YOU! Did you lose Intell Connections? Are you worried? Clearly you must be otherwise you wouldn't be here!


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c5bc8d  No.11596706

File: 6287cd82a1128cd⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 474x713, 474:713, MassiveQuads.jpg)


dem quads

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eba521  No.11596707

>>11596685 There was no fake HRC.

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82d170  No.11596708

File: 3b82d9a73dadb29⋯.png (13.15 KB, 618x181, 618:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa6952069d415e⋯.png (13.48 KB, 593x153, 593:153, ClipboardImage.png)


That is E's Parler account, and this is the new Twitter account. As for the claims he is Ezra, I wouldn't make that assumption.


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aa6a61  No.11596709

File: eb7b09a62dc5e19⋯.png (246.79 KB, 638x359, 638:359, eb7b09a62dc5e195ee92e1c044….png)

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a57f87  No.11596710

File: ac78aa0ca37cfca⋯.png (704.93 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, B48F4404_5D27_471C_8D6C_93….png)


Reddit’s still up for me

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7b4e8b  No.11596711


>Are you guys fucking idiots???

Please don't ask that question during Day Shift.


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9639ff  No.11596712


This is a slide.

No one would believe that's HRC.

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772eeb  No.11596713

File: 52082de3506ed22⋯.png (5.71 MB, 2000x4386, 1000:2193, McCain_s_Tribunal.png)


choice you get to make

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59276b  No.11596714

>>11594153 (pb)

Call to Digg on Symantec

Is this a case of the fox guarding the henhouse? Is Symantec at the heart of spying on the US and election hacking?


Election Hacking: Voting-Machine Supplier Admits It Used Hackable Software Despite Past Denials

PcAnywhere was the name of the remote-access software made by Symantec, which allowed tech support users to access the equipment remotely from another computer. In 2012, Symantec told all of its customers to disable or to uninstall the software after admitting it had been hacked in 2006, at the same time that ES&S was selling election-management systems with pcAnywhere preinstalled.


Symantec takes on election hacking by fighting copycat websites

The new tool could prevent hacked emails and the spread of misinformation.


Soros Caught Installing Remote-Access Software In U.S. Voting Machines

In 2006, the same period when ES&S says it was still installing pcAnywhere on election systems, hackers stole the source code for the pcAnyhere software, though the public didn’t learn of this until years later in 2012 when a hacker posted some of the source code online, forcing Symantec, the distributor of pcAnywhere, to admit that it had been stolen years earlier. Source code is invaluable to hackers because it allows them to examine the code to find security flaws they can exploit. When Symantec admitted to the theft in 2012, it took the unprecedented step of warning users to disable or uninstall the software until it could make sure that any security flaws in the software had been patched.

Around this same time, security researchers discovered a critical vulnerability in pcAnywhere that would allow an attacker to seize control of a system that had the software installed on it, without needing to authenticate themselves to the system with a password. And other researchers with the security firm Rapid7 scanned the internet for any computers that were online and had pcAnywhere installed on them and found nearly 150,000 were configured in a way that would allow direct access to them.






Symantec To Sell Stake In Huawei Symantec Joint Venture To Huawei

Symantec, which in 2008 invested a total of $150 million for a 49-percent stake in Huawei Symantec, is selling that stake for $530 million in a deal expected to close in early 2012, subject to regulatory approval.


Cybersecurity Expert: Proof Russia Behind DNC, Podesta Hacks

One of the computer experts who decoded and analyzed Stuxnet was Eric Chien, a cybersecurity specialist at Symantec whose job, he says, consists of anything from “protected your 16-digit credit card number to protecting things like U.S. critical infrastructure.” His job, more specifically, is to examine all the latest cyberattacks in order to understand how the attackers work, how their programs work, and how to build protections against them.

The Daily Beast spoke to Chien about state-sponsored cyberwarfare, the hacks on the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, and why we shouldn’t be too worried about hacking on Election Day.


Political Connections:

Symantec CEO,John Thompson, Obama pick for Commerce Secretary…is now Chairman of Microsoft


Soros Fund Management Llc reports 78.15% increase in ownership of NLOK / NortonLifeLock Inc. (Symantec)


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d493b2  No.11596715


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2d9579  No.11596716


Technically, they played a video of her.

She wasn't even doing that live.


Miranda Beer or whatever.

They straight up introduce her, so this whole slide is a might pointless.

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437a6e  No.11596717


Ok that lady is some ambassador. Thanks anon.

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11b783  No.11596719


>savior of mankind

bombing brown children isn't really saving anyone

i suppose that's what 'fantasy land' means. blind patriotism , narcisism

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30e15c  No.11596720

File: bcd5f7ca3b82c83⋯.jpg (103.84 KB, 920x436, 230:109, 11_11_2020_161819.jpg)

File: 1ba28454cb0102c⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 941x444, 941:444, 11_11_2020_161755.jpg)

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41c1b0  No.11596721

File: 1e03c62d73370ba⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1e03c62d73370ba9d01af69024….png)



>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>11596684 PF

>>11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

This Baker Is Requesting Hand Off

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d4b43c  No.11596722


Glad it wasn't trips… kek.

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e5e6ba  No.11596723


This not Hillary. She spoke earlier in the video.

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78f689  No.11596724



But that's a different video than the Reuters one

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5e9045  No.11596725

File: d20570d7bcda092⋯.png (8.21 KB, 422x226, 211:113, 127cd473f34edb4b3107629dcd….png)

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76127e  No.11596726

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d493b2  No.11596727


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6753c0  No.11596728


Why are some of them keep parroting the anti-Iran propaganda?


That's why.

But we need them just for now.

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240bbf  No.11596729

File: 1489aeb343413b7⋯.jpg (114.16 KB, 745x500, 149:100, OMG_group_pic.jpg)

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5cc7a3  No.11596730

File: b50d65340093c7c⋯.png (406.01 KB, 533x543, 533:543, Bongino_re_I_Own_Parler_11….PNG)

File: f6f50a5a77e8e76⋯.png (418.02 KB, 846x995, 846:995, Archive_Bongino_re_I_Own_P….PNG)

File: 574c1ec54de8d30⋯.png (534.87 KB, 529x546, 529:546, re_Fox_claims_Parler_owned….PNG)

File: 5f2c0d1e685f08f⋯.png (516.11 KB, 841x878, 841:878, Archive_re_Fox_claims_Parl….PNG)

File: 07226e426992eda⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1197x894, 399:298, re_Fox_claims_Parler_owned….PNG)

Dan Bongino

Folks, this is the kind of stuff we’ve been dealing with all week. This isn’t real. I OWN PARLER.



People are leaving Facebook in droves and heading to @parler_app..Now fox News drops this bs



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3fdde0  No.11596731

Already posted?

3,889,947 Votes for #Trump Stolen in Forensic Data Analysis! Would Swing up to 8 States NOW!

#Pennsylvania 1,383,014

#Virginia 813,349

#NewYork 659,461

#New Jersey 160,504

#WestVirginia 78,300

#Georgia 68,388

#Michigan 62,308

#Arizona 8,984


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11b783  No.11596732


Persuasive rebuttal.

Argue with facts, not feelingz.

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97de1e  No.11596733

File: ac75394a338504f⋯.png (7.6 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 007pepe.png)


Seriously… I never saw any sauce on the request for the letter op to the Pres. I am just looking for it so I can get the word out more fully to my lists to get more people on this.

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9e42af  No.11596734

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2dc648  No.11596736


Full time 'fight or flight' or intense episodes of it are PTSD, Anon. Pay for treatment and they will teach you about grounding, and as this Anon helpfully pointed out, it works. What I learned is that sometimes your mind drives your body, and sometimes your body drives your mind. The physiological fight or flight response can cause you to feel extreme anxiety. This is quite useful if you just realized a tiger is stalking you. The problem is physical or emotional trauma can make you feel this way all the time. Use the grounding-type exercises to assess your senses and physical sensations. Your body can tell your mind there is no imminent danger.

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dc7965  No.11596737


And how does this connect to her tweet from earlier today where she sent the message: watch your step to JR?

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c7d05d  No.11596738

File: 723ab2c2d91f33e⋯.png (203.6 KB, 449x453, 449:453, Screenshot_from_2020_11_11….png)

It's one thing to be a Lost Fake Jewish Boy but another to be a Lost Jewish Boy that'a a Beta Cuck Male Over-lorded by a Demonic Jezebel Woman that's a Flamin' Liberal Femi-Nazi. The Murdock Boys are now "Poster Children" in this department.

This is how sick in the head Fox News Fox Business NewsCorp really has gotten. Those Jezebel WOMEN the Murdock Boys MARRIED are fully DEMONIC. WHAT A BUNCH OF BETA CUCK MALES THOSE BOYS, NOT MEN HAVE BECOME.


Amber Rose (@Trump_Girl_NY)

People are leaving Facebook in droves and heading to @parler_app.. Now fox News drops this bs


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5e9045  No.11596740

File: 852d958e6df1e3d⋯.jpg (140.74 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2odhs5.jpg)

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d34b86  No.11596741

File: 534cb734c654b1a⋯.png (99.13 KB, 253x135, 253:135, ClipboardImage.png)

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76f83f  No.11596742

>>11596226 lb notes


She has staff famefag for her in here

They are just props for the Dems, comped early with either campaign finance or immigration 'irregularites'

Held by the really short ones since their first days for their crimes

Have a hard time believing that organic memeanons and actual anons promote them

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6753c0  No.11596743


Starts with a G and ends with itmo.

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9a0b74  No.11596744

File: 2fb792db6f695f3⋯.jpeg (91.08 KB, 930x706, 465:353, 571BA7C4_9CB6_4D01_BEF1_0….jpeg)

File: bfe7901e3c5d8d4⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 142x240, 71:120, 465ABBF6_729F_4D7D_B088_4….jpeg)

Now I ask you, What Royal Valet of good repute would lay out a pair of light-coloured trousers for a ginger-haired Royal a DAY before the First Day of Spring? He would not.

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4ea29f  No.11596745

I’m gonna say that it’s likely not happening today guys.

I would imagine he’ll wait until he flips a few more states in recounts and gets re-elected before he does it. Probably won’t even have to go to the courts.

Maybe this weekend. Who knows.

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ad73e1  No.11596746

File: 12afcfb62621812⋯.png (310.06 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 89317F8B_3F30_440E_A30F_36….png)

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810a07  No.11596747


DS DESPERATE to change the narrative.

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40c8ae  No.11596748


I DID look it up. As you can clearly see by my spelling out the exact situation that occurred. On the other hand, YOU, my faggot friend, have not provided any sauce at all.

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926e1b  No.11596749



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a63a6f  No.11596750

File: ff87f7eca346ddb⋯.png (121.61 KB, 1286x942, 643:471, Nov_11_pretend.png)

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9ee432  No.11596751

File: 80a09c2a84553cd⋯.jpg (67.69 KB, 680x489, 680:489, lin_wood.jpg)


Lin Wood


Time now to rest, comfortable in my belief that

@realDonaldTrump won a historic landslide victory across nation on November 3. Be patient.

Biden will never be President of our nation. To the contrary, Biden, along with many others, will be an inmate. Be patient.

Trust Trump.=

1:35 AM · Nov 11, 2020

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eba521  No.11596752

>>11596724 That's a different topic but a good one. Why would rooters leave hillary out of video but use her name like that? Are they trying to troll us?

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d4d2c8  No.11596753

File: 9ec50c8ebb33544⋯.png (24.35 KB, 565x273, 565:273, ClipboardImage.png)



"Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier/status/1326570630234447872

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c5bc8d  No.11596755

File: a68111936bb686f⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 640x266, 320:133, who.gif)

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3fdde0  No.11596756


#TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That:


& Votes "LOST" That Disappeared!



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d98bd5  No.11596757



I was thinking…the median income of ALL citizens of the U.S.

Or better yet, NO INCOME…but they get an EBT card, and a 3br apt in a govt housing project in DC.

It IS a service position after all.

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d493b2  No.11596758



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954dd6  No.11596759


"who are scrutinized by both parties"

massive kek

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993540  No.11596760


1% of total population.

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fe5a71  No.11596761

File: ce10faa29271cc6⋯.jpg (6.03 KB, 220x220, 1:1, uh_no.jpg)

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fd3de7  No.11596762

File: 61caa5d32835075⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 512x512, 1:1, suicide_hot_line.jpg)

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7b4e8b  No.11596763


> this whole slide is a might pointless.

Not at all - best keks in ages.

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252a15  No.11596764


Thumbs down dat shit.

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5e9045  No.11596766

File: f8851f946a44cb2⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 630x355, 126:71, Wrap_up_smear.webm)

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3908a0  No.11596767


Austin, don't make us call your mom to take away your computer privileges

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565ba8  No.11596768

File: 5e17092eac441b5⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 640x484, 160:121, med_1520973607_image_1_.jpg)

Outrage. This is supposed to be Biden live press conference.

This doesn't even look like him.


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41c1b0  No.11596769



>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>11596684 PF

>>11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>11596714 Call to Digg on Symantec

>>11596730 Dan Bongino Tweets

>>11596753 @RyanAFournier "Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."

Baker Requesting HAND OFF

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611b73  No.11596770



This is why the economy is getting worse. Have some respect for other humans.

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aa6a61  No.11596771



How did we skip from "14801: Why do we have black box elections? Edition"

to "14803: Ebaked Again, Again" ?

Where's 14802 ?

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6b6c87  No.11596772

File: 782bfaa26ef6b87⋯.png (73.81 KB, 598x681, 598:681, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Alte….png)

Pence on vaca

as per a lib twitter


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b4edd8  No.11596773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baker is making NOTABLE ancient cut and paste Jew Hate Spam

Could be true

who knows? I read enough stale spam in my day to avoid their info Since I've read it over and over and over and over

Why do you think they haven't been able, at least in their own minds, to convince the Board to give up to their insistence, and go ahead and hate Jews, like they probably don't even do

Being PAID, as they are.

Sick of these fucking phoney shill BAKERs



They upped their game.

How do thy explain EZRA?


They don't . They don't need to.

They don't need to be consistent. It's all about power and getting them money for attempting to brainwash us with their fucked up drivel

I called out Pedo Girl last bread and now it's pretending to be another Baker.

Sad, they will lose in the end.

I'm a soft heart and want everyone to win, But they make their own choices. Money and hurting POTUS is more important in their hateful devious minds.

"Going Down the China Road" for the dictatorship.of NWO

Sorry they are hateful losers.

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af4abc  No.11596774

My Lovely Alexandra.

You forgit me, and my lovely family.

Not nice, but we are here for you.


you just stvpid

that;s not or fault.

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3f64e5  No.11596775

File: e455e558fdea0a5⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 1247x697, 1247:697, Screen_Shot_11_11_20_at_09….JPG)

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801796  No.11596776

File: af11bb62fb59b4f⋯.jpeg (26.79 KB, 474x298, 237:149, 2B9053E8_57D1_461D_8988_4….jpeg)

Just a quick FYI, CFO of mid Ohio hospital says bed occupancy has been way down for the last 6 months. No sign of increase or decrease. People must be doing very well!

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f0a4f1  No.11596777


That's a bold statement. What does he know?

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dc7965  No.11596778


How i wish.

But now my thoughts are going towards that tweet from her account earlier today about the "watch your step JR" message in it. I wonder if all is connected.

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21f5a7  No.11596779

File: e765245dcb4d9c3⋯.png (268.12 KB, 2456x2020, 614:505, 1604883236.png)

File: c5c6e40b16531b4⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 640x322, 320:161, 1604880686.jpg)

File: 46f5584d260d55f⋯.png (301.03 KB, 861x804, 287:268, another_gl.PNG)

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41c1b0  No.11596780


Through the power of Science Fiction.

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d4b43c  No.11596782

How the constitution works regarding Health Care:

1. Federal Government - no constitutional role

2. State Governments - Health Insurance State Regulation boards

3. Healthcare industry regulated State by State

4. Nobody dies in the street because of Charity and State provisions.

Federal over reaching MUST BE STOPPED. The Federal Government has no role in Health Care.

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76127e  No.11596783

twitter stopped

reedit stopped

any others?

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50d259  No.11596784


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b4edd8  No.11596785

File: 475134ded6a2e59⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 250x210, 25:21, akhenatan3.jpg)

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a41f25  No.11596786


It works fine in Fagxico

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13cd53  No.11596787

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam; (English: Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name give glory)

Dominion - Domini/on - No Domine

Could certainly mean no god or no lord if symbolism is truly in play and that important to them. Just throwing it out there - take it as you will

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50d259  No.11596788


twatter working fine for me. just checked.

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6673ef  No.11596789


Oh No! .004% will die!!

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7b4e8b  No.11596790


I didn't know Dan Bonerino owned Parler.


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5c94af  No.11596791

File: 6a2ed18cb8a89a1⋯.png (364.42 KB, 663x683, 663:683, sfdlkgsdf.png)

Narrative Alert

CNN Warns America: Trump Refusing to Concede Will Lead to the Next 9/11


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cb31c2  No.11596792

File: ed25f7faf222389⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1123x2827, 1123:2827, ClipboardImage.png)

QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

Jason Gelinas lived a normal suburban life with a plum Wall Street gig.

He also ran the conspiracy theory’s biggest news hub.

By and October 7, 2020, 4:00 AM EDT



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f4c8d8  No.11596793


lawfag here i dont post as lawfag any more

but i can assure you this has been dug and posted many times


no crime needs to be charged or even alleged for pardon

pardons can be declined

that is all

do more research and less shitposting

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d6bdc6  No.11596794

File: 6bc7cf5ec462b70⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 684x440, 171:110, 20201111_152315.jpg)

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045cd2  No.11596795


There's the dastardly white bookcase again . . . .

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76127e  No.11596796



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af4abc  No.11596797


you want to play stvpid, I will help you.

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565ba8  No.11596798

File: ff364ae2ed62629⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 500x756, 125:189, 4m0lcq_1_.jpg)

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3fdde0  No.11596800


Lost vote count is huge.


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984751  No.11596801


Why reveal what technology used to track votes if not necessary? Use the courts and the obvious fraud until you can't.

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1c33ed  No.11596802


Notice how all of the Bookshelves look the same

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a57f87  No.11596803

File: 243f6a7c0cfdb83⋯.png (2.54 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 1675AA7F_8E0B_4EFF_808E_5F….png)

File: bf891cb6ef33368⋯.png (941.81 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 99362A97_4A9E_4B90_9FCB_C5….png)


They both work for me

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c8cd54  No.11596804

Just a reminder: Hannity, Carlson, Bongino, Trump, Nunes, Powell, Fitton et. al. Have been saying all this shit for YEARS!!! And nothing has fucking been done about it.

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89033f  No.11596805


I posted about NJ earlier in the bread. Their numbers make NO sense and they haven't started counting the provisional ballots yet. How can less than half of Republicans vote by mail and still call the race for all the Dems? The provisional ballots haven't even been counted yet!

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849930  No.11596806


good to be where heros are the good guys

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fe5a71  No.11596807


You don't seem to get it. We all know that it's not her. We know it's not her voice. REUTERS posted it with the Hillary clip deleted, making it look as though this woman is Hilldawg.

Yes, we are smart. We get it.

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b4edd8  No.11596808

File: 46151e441fc680b⋯.png (454.63 KB, 473x467, 473:467, barry.png)


shills to immediately discredit

Their side must be very sad now

Such fuck-ups

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92072d  No.11596809


She has become my new favorite future meme.

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664e9d  No.11596810

File: 4f23565c4154818⋯.jpg (516.97 KB, 919x698, 919:698, Meme_paint.jpg)


Oh dear!

That's going to be a problem for the democrats.

Heavens to Betsy.


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77ba89  No.11596811

File: 0b5ebdd44b37010⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 652x484, 163:121, ah_the_old_hide_the_stuff_….jpg)


Yep the old wrap up smear trick and…

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db9140  No.11596812

File: e7e251cd46a68dc⋯.png (277.48 KB, 644x433, 644:433, whats_in_the_box.png)


that's early days for the temple. from the wiki:


>In 1997, the island had a main house, three guest cottages, a caretaker's cottage, a private desalination system, a helipad and a dock. In addition, there is also a blue-striped boxlike building that initially was topped by a golden dome. The purpose of this construction is unclear, as it deviates in substantial ways from the plans for the music pavilion that had been submitted for approval in 2010 by Epstein's architects.

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3908a0  No.11596813


They thought it was coming yesterday

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5be097  No.11596814


Dubs! Excellent question!

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76127e  No.11596815

So the plan could not be put into place 100% until the 2020 election as potus now has control of the voting system and can bring the who fucking thing down?


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7b824b  No.11596817


Another Hillary Video from yahoo. Totally different.


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dde1a6  No.11596818

File: 2a861760d8f90a1⋯.png (128.19 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Melanne Verveer

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40c8ae  No.11596819


Still looking for you to provide sauce on this, as that is not what I read. But my question then would be - it would be a part of the Presidential record, and would not (and COULD not) be a "secret", correct?

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810a07  No.11596820

Mother thought anon was crazy discussing mail in ballot fraud. Told her, as I read somewhere, to go to bank, withdraw $1000 an mail it to herself if she really felt mail in ballots were safe. She did. She got the envelope back in the mail today. Money was gone, but she felt satisfied with the note that said, "Thanks lady for the nails and extensions."

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72f4b1  No.11596821


Planning an LBJ style "takeover"?

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045cd2  No.11596822


Sounds like a threat to me . . . .

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b29cab  No.11596823

File: d26515dc8be9af7⋯.jpg (244.03 KB, 1080x1575, 24:35, 20201111_134308.jpg)





Somebody else says we all dying in the streets pretty soon

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9e42af  No.11596824

File: 4151464cdbb52ac⋯.png (116.66 KB, 398x587, 398:587, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Vale….png)


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9ee432  No.11596825


>"Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all a


>Biden will never be President of our nation. To the contrary, Biden, along with many others, will be an inmate. Be patient.

seems like many people know what's coming down

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f4c8d8  No.11596826


potus is closing the drawstrings on the trap

mebbe pence is caught

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565ba8  No.11596827



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dcb289  No.11596828

File: 01f075ef0f66a76⋯.png (335.89 KB, 860x775, 172:155, Capture.PNG)


Pretty sure we are looking at this woman.


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cf4b32  No.11596829


you don't belong here

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f4c8d8  No.11596830


so take the offered handoff faggot

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fd3de7  No.11596831

File: 60885e000e19d5d⋯.png (65.23 KB, 524x300, 131:75, hrc_akancided.png)

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93e0bb  No.11596832


You must be Joe Peod Biden

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5e9045  No.11596833

File: 57b418799c0d1f6⋯.mp4 (14.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3PQpV_Qazwj6kHo5.mp4)


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d4d2c8  No.11596834

File: eca24d76dc457e7⋯.png (27.08 KB, 593x217, 593:217, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."




>That's going to be a problem for the democrats.


"BREAKING: @RudyGiuliani has confirmed whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward."https://twitter.com/RealMattCouch/status/1326566570932514825

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7f26b6  No.11596835


I find it interesting that the twitter thought police have NOT marked this tweet as being disputed or mis-information.

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565ba8  No.11596836


Fake Twitter?? Two 'LL's

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a28cab  No.11596837


Twat up, Red down

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97de1e  No.11596838


Oh stop it, that woman was just doing lead in.

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d4b43c  No.11596839

The Federal Government is LIMITED in Scope and Size by DESIGN.

The Federal Government has VERY basic purposes:

1. Funded by trade tariffs (no income tax)

2. Regulates interstate commerce

3. Makes treaties for International trade

4. Regulates and oversees interstate activities

5. Settles interstate disputes

6. Runs the court system

That's it. Everything else is a BLATANT POWER GRAB. The States must be free to exercise their constitutionally mandated powers and are being usurped by the Federal Government.

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993540  No.11596840


Pence is away from any attempt to use the 25th amendment

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2da980  No.11596841


Better protect those witnesses very very well!

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aa6a61  No.11596842

File: ad1d502f75f7ab6⋯.jpg (119.71 KB, 1000x972, 250:243, mwXKAo8.jpg)


>Science Fiction

Makes sense.

Thank you!

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a57f87  No.11596843

File: 9823bb37e405010⋯.jpeg (78.85 KB, 652x353, 652:353, D1AC1CA5_6C8B_4CED_AE67_7….jpeg)

Star of David = star of remphan

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611b73  No.11596844


Yes. Go look at pictures.

Twelve years ago I volunteered as a Republican scrutinizer in Georgia and I'm still involved in training. The election management do background checks on the counters, it's serious business.

I will guarantee you most of the 'fraud' this election is just miscounts and typos. If it was on purpose, it wouldn't be ridiculous bullshit like 138,000 to one candidate in a tiny county. That one was a clerical error (adding a 0 to the end by accident) which was reversed quickly afterwards.

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fca2c7  No.11596845


we don't even want to see your tits

maybe lurk and learn.

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4204c9  No.11596846

File: 74100b3b43dae76⋯.jpg (213.13 KB, 2048x1072, 128:67, EmkmvF7VMAAehbD.jpg)

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91efce  No.11596847


Can we get a photoshop of dongoino saying he’s actually dan soros?

Seems super sensitive.

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dde1a6  No.11596848


yeah, the prior speaker addressed the woman as Melanne Verveer.

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92072d  No.11596849


It seems [they] are not out of ammo.

See something, say something.

Stay safe, patriots.

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a70b2e  No.11596850

File: 8ff53652ae8c7b7⋯.png (918.19 KB, 1057x719, 1057:719, ClipboardImage.png)

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30cf27  No.11596851

File: 0b4b520578effd3⋯.png (16.03 KB, 860x86, 10:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I haven't seen a NOTABLE about Trump pulling ahead in NC

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6673ef  No.11596852


Masks are a bromide: maybe a courtesy on their best day.

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41c1b0  No.11596853

File: 5cc21ce3219d391⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 5cc21ce3219d391352701cfbca….png)




>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>11596684 PF

>>11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>11596714 Call to Digg on Symantec

>>11596730 Dan Bongino Tweets

>>11596753 @RyanAFournier "Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."

>>11596792 QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

Where's Hillary?

Baker Is Requesting HAND OFF

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d6bdc6  No.11596854


Well, it was fun while it lasted

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76eee6  No.11596855


twatter fine

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426fc2  No.11596856

File: c074bc85c697d04⋯.png (3.94 MB, 980x1604, 245:401, TrumpSaintPepe.png)

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c5bc8d  No.11596857


I don't know what I want more for Christmas.

Covid LARP over or Cabal in Gitmo…

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fe5a71  No.11596858


Voter fraud far more extensive than what's listed on that page. Far more.

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93e0bb  No.11596859


Is your IQ 17?

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3fd13f  No.11596860



did anyone ever address her as Clinton or SOS???

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fd3de7  No.11596861

File: 0ccfc3e1976e060⋯.jpg (167.53 KB, 888x500, 222:125, fkd2.jpg)

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b8c9e2  No.11596862

File: ec42a50d5d3feb6⋯.png (896.29 KB, 600x770, 60:77, HRC_Kill_Code.png)

>>11596028 pb

9:45 11/11/2020 CST

Threat on AF1

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40c8ae  No.11596863


No sauce, then. Oldfag, here, but can't be on here 24/7, real life, you know…

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000000  No.11596864


Makes it admissible in court, fren.

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f1601b  No.11596865

If POTUS and Rudy and team could prove and win in court that the past 7 elections were all fraudulent what the hell would happen then?

Any lawfags out there?

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b241b7  No.11596866

File: 6f59c28ebffc8d0⋯.png (426.46 KB, 636x938, 318:469, 2020_11_11_16_28_32.png)


>How the constitution works regarding Health Care:

>1. Federal Government - no constitutional role

>2. State Governments - Health Insurance State Regulation boards

>3. Healthcare industry regulated State by State

>4. Nobody dies in the street because of Charity and State provisions.

>Federal over reaching MUST BE STOPPED. The Federal Government has no role in Health Care.

Yeah, we need to put all our healthcare trust in governors like Cuomo.

The elderly are expendable for dollars.

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30cf27  No.11596867


Fucking MSM fearmongering

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dc7965  No.11596868


HRC seems to have "vanished" and corona spreads. what a coincidence

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5cc7a3  No.11596869

File: 958014938f1cd75⋯.png (31.51 KB, 536x260, 134:65, Bongino_I_own_Parler_Not_S….PNG)

File: 2fe4b3d6504d566⋯.png (216.78 KB, 842x1026, 421:513, Archive_Bongino_I_own_Parl….PNG)


>I didn't know Dan Bonerino owned Parler.


Dan Bongino


Parler has NOT been sold. I assure you, as an owner of the company, that if we sold it, I would know! Parler has exploded. We’re adding thousands of users per minute & were working out the glitches as a result. But don’t buy internet BS rumors from hoaxsters. I own Parler.



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b69b37  No.11596870


There's a few flying monkeys out to get E with their conspiracy theories re "QAnon" pushing to go to 'mainstream journalists' to launch.


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e1489f  No.11596871


Fast movers eastbound north of Jax; crossed the coast in full afterburner…see anything?

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77ba89  No.11596872


So you're telling me even with all these lockdowns and masks and social distancing, the virus is still spreading. Well why even bother with all that at this point.

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fca2c7  No.11596873


>yeah, the prior speaker addressed the woman as Melanne Verveer.

kek wow no wonder "we are the news now" and "we are saving the world" and all that.

double kek

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9e42af  No.11596874

File: d0216c333d03237⋯.png (231.97 KB, 411x247, 411:247, Screenshot_2020_11_11_hill….png)

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d4b43c  No.11596875

The current design of the Senate is WHO TO KEEP OUT.

>Doug Collins, Roy Moore, Kelly Ward, John James

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76127e  No.11596876

File: a6bfc5db7422b7f⋯.png (19.58 KB, 601x272, 601:272, ClipboardImage.png)



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565ba8  No.11596877


False Flag coming before recounts?

Very dangerous time for Trump

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a57f87  No.11596878

File: 08607bc5567a39f⋯.png (616.72 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, EF7CE7FF_220F_4C97_9001_5B….png)


Nope but they finally gave him Alaska 😂 Alaskans need to learn how to count faster

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2b39b4  No.11596880

File: eaaa292c987abdf⋯.png (416.77 KB, 716x375, 716:375, ClipboardImage.png)


Stress got to Kamala as well.

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664e9d  No.11596881

File: 895f9fe236444b8⋯.jpg (211.63 KB, 503x624, 503:624, Anon_4.jpg)


>QAnon High Priest

How'd he get that job?

I been here for 3 years.

No fucking promotion, its meme this, dig that, shitpost here, kek there.

And this nigger, who I never even heard of, gets the job of 'High Priest'

Well la de fucking da.

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39f04c  No.11596882

File: 53288f97abb800a⋯.jpg (156.01 KB, 992x691, 992:691, mrtfag.jpg)


Proper Fucked

I chortle most heartily at their ill fortune

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fe5a71  No.11596883


We can deal with the Covid scam, but not the cabal lies, corruption, arkancides, pedo shit, trafficking.

I'll take door #2, please.

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9ee432  No.11596884

File: f95249b6ff997ac⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 757x719, 757:719, lin_wood_account.jpg)



i think it is him.

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7b7456  No.11596885

File: fe88634963c418a⋯.png (305.2 KB, 651x741, 217:247, Miilions_Votes_Switched_lo….png)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost – Using Dominion and Other Systems

https ://twitter.com/RonColeman/status/1326598350041440256

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b29cab  No.11596886


Theyre both pretty fucking annoying

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f4c8d8  No.11596887


done this dig several times with results posted


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76eee6  No.11596888

they're gonna keep counting til both POTUS and Bidan are over 100 million votes kek

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d4b43c  No.11596889


How to censor people from Twitter without lifting a finger? Convince them to move to Parler.

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d058ba  No.11596890


I didn’t suspect the actual storm today.

Already got hoodwinked with 4/10/20

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fe5a71  No.11596891


You, my friend, need to wake up.

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688506  No.11596892


you're a newfag. you have no right to tell people to lurk.

if you were an oldfag, you would know more about anonymous /pol/ users and how much they should be trusted.

post the contents of drop #1 here.

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70b97f  No.11596893

File: 7ef2a6998dfb727⋯.png (795.38 KB, 1127x845, 1127:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9633c9c350ff7b0⋯.png (585.91 KB, 846x701, 846:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac966e922908a5d⋯.png (981.85 KB, 916x898, 458:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b1ffddc29edc9b⋯.png (973.43 KB, 1271x768, 1271:768, ClipboardImage.png)

QAnon Leader Hasn't Posted Since Election Day.

I smell Winning!

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d4d2c8  No.11596894



>"BREAKING: @RudyGiuliani has confirmed whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward."


BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani CONFIRMS “Dominion” Whistleblowers Coming Forward

Well Well Well… The plot to steal the 2020 elections just got real, didn’t it America.

Rudy says that Dominion Whistleblowers are now coming forward, Dominion is the voting software that the Trump administration says was manipulated during the 2020 elections.

Rudy Giuliani joined Steve Bannon on Wednesday they have witnesses from Dominion who stepped forward to testify.

Rudy Giuliani: Coleman has the community people and he’s got the Dominion people. And they were the ones who were the actual, not poll watchers, the actual observers who were excluded, who were lied to, two of whom stayed behind after all the Republicans had left out and they’re the ones who got the evidence of the 100,000 votes coming in. And they have some photographs also.


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528a63  No.11596895


up in uk but laggy

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91efce  No.11596896


Board of elections anon here (GA)

No background checks at least in the counties I’ve been in

Also 12 years ago - whole lot of stuff has changed

Spalding county keeps coming up

Marcia Ridley - dig on campaign contributions to Stacey Abrams and vice versa

Dumpster ballots video also from Spalding

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240bbf  No.11596897


negative ghostrider

It's actually pretty damn quiet upstairs today

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3908a0  No.11596898

File: 9ca84adaa5ae5a3⋯.png (112.29 KB, 120x445, 24:89, ClipboardImage.png)


No Tutankhamun

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ac049d  No.11596899


Q has already told us what happened to Hillary.

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dc7965  No.11596900


Once cabal is in GITMO then Covid magically goes away

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7e9ef5  No.11596901

File: 09fdbeacb4ab392⋯.png (497.15 KB, 1508x875, 1508:875, 09fdbeacb4ab392b29676eb73b….png)

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77ba89  No.11596902


There's no way in hell that's a female

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fca2c7  No.11596903


go clean yer room child

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b29cab  No.11596904



weird, right? Guess all of us Trump voters were asymptomatic super spreaders

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565ba8  No.11596905




After reviewing the Dominion Voting System user manual, it seems the local IT guy who services the machines is theoretically the ultimate political gatekeeper.

He has absolute power to decide elections.

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41c1b0  No.11596906

File: 8962492a3787dbd⋯.png (966.45 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 8962492a3787dbd18821e1c3ba….png)




>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>11596684 PF

>>11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>11596714 Call to Digg on Symantec

>>11596730 Dan Bongino Tweets

>>11596753 @RyanAFournier "Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."

>>11596792 QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

>>11596885 Analysis of Election Night Data from All States

>>11596894 BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani CONFIRMS “Dominion” Whistleblowers Coming Forward

Baker Is Requesting HAND OFF

Please Anon, it's cruel

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e81ed1  No.11596907

File: 91b266b98108c67⋯.jpeg (326.51 KB, 640x1029, 640:1029, C567A542_4E89_4130_94F0_0….jpeg)

File: 0a66135794498a4⋯.jpeg (38.59 KB, 512x386, 256:193, 4B29BD70_BCBC_4179_AF00_D….jpeg)



Do you think moar house seats will be picked up when recount is done?

Would be sweet if we actually won the house too

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4e1513  No.11596908

File: 30d13d4f53d4465⋯.png (911.07 KB, 730x486, 365:243, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Blac….png)

File: a44058ee9f08307⋯.png (239.45 KB, 598x772, 299:386, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Blac….png)

File: 9de00106ee90567⋯.png (454.19 KB, 917x917, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Blac….png)

Black Lives Matter demands meeting with Biden: “We want something for our vote”

In a letter written "on behalf of the Black Lives Matter Global Network," BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors told Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris, "We want something for our vote." "Without the resounding support of Black people," Cullors began, "we would be saddled with a very different electoral outcome. In short, Black people won this election. Alongside Black-led organizations around the nation, Black Lives Matter invested heavily in this election. 'Vote and Organize' became our motto, and our electoral justice efforts reached more than 60 million voters. We want something for our vote," she said. Noting that both Biden and Harris committed on the campaign trail to "addressing systemic racism," the letter requests a meeting with Biden and Harris both, ostensibly to "discuss the expectations" BLM has for their administration. "We look forward to meeting with you at your convenience to begin the immediate work of Black liberation," the letter concluded. Cullors also requested to play an active part in the Biden transition team. There has been no official response to the letter from the Biden team.



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984751  No.11596909


Not in Orange County CA.

"The county's positivity rate, which is reported each Tuesday, actually declined from 3.6% to 3.3% this week, and the daily case rate per 100,000 population decreased from 6 to 5.6."


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0f3f48  No.11596910

File: 66360a78069f857⋯.png (46 KB, 656x415, 656:415, ClipboardImage.png)


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f0a4f1  No.11596911


Wtf cave did that come out of? Throw it back in and seal it up.

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000000  No.11596912


Definitely him.

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40c8ae  No.11596913


Pence was at the Veteran's Day ceremony with POTUS.


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01e6ab  No.11596914

looking at PA data.


has 23 registered voters in the house.

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3fdde0  No.11596915


Almost 4 million votes stolen by switched or lost. Doesn't even include fake ballots, dead people, voters 2x voting, illegal voters, disqualified ballots, manual fake entries.


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9639ff  No.11596916

File: 773f2322dd3636a⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1352x912, 169:114, Pickup.png)

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f4c8d8  No.11596917


ghost away

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d058ba  No.11596918

Voat down as well.

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045cd2  No.11596919


Yep, that's with an "S". Plural.

Go get'em Rudy.

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425e7e  No.11596920

Have any more states flipped in the last 24 hours? I'm trying to catch up.

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565ba8  No.11596921



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89033f  No.11596922


>watch your step

Hmm interesting

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7af606  No.11596923






>5 responses

>0 counter-arguments


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76eee6  No.11596924

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d7f2a8  No.11596925


Good fuck reddit.

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72f4b1  No.11596926



Big Bird arrived there yesterday.

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9ee432  No.11596927


go check out his twiitter…..


Lin Wood





The evidence is irrefutable. Soon people will be going to prison. Lots of people.

Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

The devil may be in the details, but the angels are in the data. That's what we're learning very quickly


Lin Wood




The inspiration to #FightBack comes from words & acts of The People.

The People who play by the rules, work hard, love their families, friends & communities. It is We The People who make America Great.

And We The People will keep it great. And keep it free.

Lin Wood




Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, NY Times, Washington Post, Atlantic, Mother Jones, etc. are co-conspirators.

They have all been caught.

Quote Tweet

Dinesh D'Souza


· 5h

Watch carefully! This is the heart of the matter. This is the kind of evidence that needs to be presented to the Supreme Court @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @DonaldJTrumpJr @LaraLeaTrump twitter.com/thesharpedge1/…


“Yes, they would and did.”

- We The People. 2020

This is not about politics. This is about crimes. Serious crimes. Over course of years.

LOCK THEM UP. Biden, Obama, & Hillary & Bill Clinton, et al.

There will be no more corruption in The White House.

They have been caught.

Quote Tweet



· 2h

The same people that weaponized the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, MSM, FISA Court, Impeachment Process, Social Media wouldn’t cheat at elections would they?

Show this thread

1:49 PM · Nov 11, 2020

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86abde  No.11596928


Report it on youtube as fraud.

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e1489f  No.11596929


Probably don't ADS-B on intercepts. Not unusual for one or two, but it was like 4 or so…all guzzling JP4 and screaming.

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3b448e  No.11596930

File: 2ac13d1e4536140⋯.jpeg (637.8 KB, 3748x3748, 1:1, 4543EEB9_AC47_48E7_BCBA_C….jpeg)

File: 27c1d6ca4cb623c⋯.jpeg (736.52 KB, 3510x3510, 1:1, 21181CFA_BC83_4219_ABAA_5….jpeg)

File: c3eec3b3e438888⋯.jpeg (860.48 KB, 3727x3727, 1:1, 2FD8B9D8_4C2E_49A6_A331_E….jpeg)

File: aebc19964f2ece4⋯.jpeg (780.27 KB, 3722x3722, 1:1, 0A1CC0D2_E31D_4F7C_A3A7_B….jpeg)

File: 98e94086aade1f9⋯.jpeg (733.31 KB, 3740x3740, 1:1, B3D574E4_4A57_4DDD_978E_2….jpeg)

Just a few Tony Podesta birthday pics

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76127e  No.11596932

Chuck Callesto


REPORT: Wisconsin Clerks UNLAWFULLY ALTERED Thousands of Absentee Ballots… - NewsTalk 1130 -

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2da980  No.11596933

Where is Mr. Magoo?

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d4b43c  No.11596934

Anons, the digital battlefield is on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK.

Parler is a REAR AREA. Don't be fooled.

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d493b2  No.11596935


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41c1b0  No.11596936

File: 141e832ec9b128b⋯.png (142.1 KB, 833x458, 833:458, 141e832ec9b128bf4373ef8067….png)




>>11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet

>>11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

>>11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>11596684 PF

>>11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>11596714 Call to Digg on Symantec

>>11596730 Dan Bongino Tweets

>>11596753 @RyanAFournier "Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."

>>11596792 QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

>>11596885 Analysis of Election Night Data from All States

>>11596894 BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani CONFIRMS “Dominion” Whistleblowers Coming Forward

>>11596908 Black Lives Matter demands meeting with Biden: “We want something for our vote”

Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting


Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting


Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting

Baker is Ghosting


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7b4e8b  No.11596937


>as an owner of the company

an an an an an owner

Dan prolly only has like 1% but is acting like he runs the damn thing.

I like Dan because of shit like this.

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d058ba  No.11596938


Not good. They come here.

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fd3de7  No.11596939

File: 67271060489b12e⋯.png (87.37 KB, 500x505, 100:101, pepe_troll.png)

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93e0bb  No.11596940


Dig HRC schedule for this week

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84d02c  No.11596941

#Foxit is real

Faux news is dead , had to hire a PR team to handle ratings crash

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dc7965  No.11596942


Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me be the one who will switch on HRC electric chair while she is sitting on it?

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984751  No.11596943


Nah….we want it up so people can see how they lie.

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b29cab  No.11596944


NOOOOOOOOO! Chart says COVID is rising! You follow CHART! You no use eyes

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993540  No.11596945


>7af606 (1)


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b4edd8  No.11596946

File: 144f9a3e447c183⋯.jpg (156.17 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, chinalunch.jpg)


What's your point?


Go Away.

Stop spitting out your stupid cartoons/

Ur worse than gore spam

Since you have to spit in our face that you have control

At least gore and the others don't prance around, smirky Cutsey, as BAKER


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a5e1d2  No.11596947



Anon dig on Symantec, digital sedition.

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5976cb  No.11596948


It takes five days just to get your ballot from your house in nowhere to a precinct where they can count it, so no big surprise. kek

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7af606  No.11596949


Post proof or shut the fuck up

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b241b7  No.11596950

File: f03b128a0117490⋯.png (148.37 KB, 380x209, 20:11, killary_suicide_incoming.png)



>"Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward.

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810a07  No.11596951


Bitch, or Butch, is a cunt.

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ed9faa  No.11596952

For 3 years I told people that the criminals would be arrested

No Arrests

All this year I told people Trump would win the election

No clear election.

Now I'm telling people that Biden will not be sworn as president.

Will I be wrong again?

Wil I be telling people in January to not worry, Kamala will not be president?

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fca2c7  No.11596954

File: 44d205758f71e84⋯.png (196.02 KB, 631x444, 631:444, after_school.png)

Consistently and unambiguously the most useless /QResearch/ crowd.

Day in, day out, for years.


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936840  No.11596955



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dd88cd  No.11596956


That pic of the Q folks on the hill would make a great meme

"Searching for Glitched Trump Votes"

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f779bd  No.11596958


commit sudoku doublenigger

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d493b2  No.11596959


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cf4b32  No.11596960


fuck off. using shame and guilt to promote a phony pandemic and get everyone to wear muzzles. Up yours, cunt

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d34b86  No.11596961

File: 3bf20070a0d8b7c⋯.png (19.4 KB, 408x463, 408:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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5720c8  No.11596962

File: ffeeae2c67954cc⋯.png (419.92 KB, 667x677, 667:677, 11_10_17_16_11.png)

Does anyone have an idea of about how many voters would commonly only vote for President and leave the rest blank? I would imagine that it probably does happen, but overall would be a rare situation.

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9e42af  No.11596963

File: 9d320e9c05ab6ec⋯.png (128.53 KB, 598x416, 23:16, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Bide….png)


>digital sedition


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fe5a71  No.11596964




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7ad355  No.11596965

File: 533e1659ba42078⋯.jpeg (246.6 KB, 640x646, 320:323, 4EA26AC8_8ED7_4FA5_969A_C….jpeg)



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aa6a61  No.11596966

File: 3abe90579d7537c⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 3abe90579d7537c8976b1f3193….jpg)

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d058ba  No.11596967


You’re right on everything you said.

We are there now.

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2da980  No.11596968


we should all be offered jobs as executioners, I would do it too

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f779bd  No.11596969


not an argument

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0e677b  No.11596970

Seen how it's made…. Many times over

The solution is so fucking simple

Stop acting like war mongering idiots towards each other world could change in a matter of months

Really surprised at the things I've seen

You would think people getting plugged into something they would stay humbled at the opportunity of those stages

Instead time and time again they turn into little dictating Nazis don't they ?

Lie enslave take take take

I hope one day these supposed awakened communities wake up n see no matter what side they represent they way it's done is all the devil's work

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565ba8  No.11596971




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b3cb62  No.11596972


Be careful. A lot of Anons don’t like answering questions like this.

You may be called a shill.

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f0a4f1  No.11596973

File: d7399833ae17b72⋯.png (441.05 KB, 825x555, 55:37, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1535….png)

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d493b2  No.11596974


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045cd2  No.11596975


I've been saying that for ages now - must be in some kind of "controlled" environment.

Maybe let out occasionally with tracker/monitor.

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e5c0f3  No.11596976


Back off on POTUS and FLOTUS, freak!

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b8c9e2  No.11596977


eye fucking roll

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993540  No.11596978



Is wrestling fixed?

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76eee6  No.11596979

File: a6b55268580470f⋯.png (90.95 KB, 931x500, 931:500, ClipboardImage.png)


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6673ef  No.11596980


>commit sudoku


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752d80  No.11596981

That’s how psychological warfare works >>11596952

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984751  No.11596982


Instant blue check, would you look at that.

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a7c765  No.11596983


Let's do our thing, anons. Meme warfare…BOMBS AWAY!!!

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d4b43c  No.11596984


Baker ghosted. You could take the bake and fix it.

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849930  No.11596985

File: 867800277d7f289⋯.png (468.13 KB, 901x503, 901:503, CuomoKillForVotes.png)

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77ba89  No.11596986


White hats installed in strategic locations. Panic!

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565ba8  No.11596987




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f7bb65  No.11596988


exactly correct

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76eee6  No.11596989

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0a054b  No.11596990



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e19fe6  No.11596991



please deliver on drop #1

im sick of fucking waiting

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92072d  No.11596992


They realized they were focusing too much on muh president-elect, and Orange Man Bad won't concede; they had to remind us to be deathly afraid of a virus with a 99.98% survival rate.

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240bbf  No.11596993

File: 4444e85f6c3f1c9⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1149x735, 383:245, planefag_miramar_dd.PNG)


see similar on this coast

one two at a time-usually F-18's and the occasional F-35.

Any moar than 2 and it gets muh attention fairly quick.

Never on scope though.

Got a good view (with binocs) of the backdoor but not front.

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528a63  No.11596994



Yeah put your money where your mouth is larp ass and list 'em or STFU.

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40c8ae  No.11596995


Ok, so bottom line - no sauce. That's fine.

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91efce  No.11596996


Dominion workers were onsite in GA


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66db62  No.11596997


Esper move was 6 days after the election



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7b7456  No.11596998


not enough enemy of the state

people need to be arrested

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fe5a71  No.11596999


Ah, the old AnimeShillKPgoreFagBaker tactic. KP or gore incoming then since they ghosted.

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dd88cd  No.11597000


CISA took over our job. Didn't you get the memo?

Big news conference an hour ago. Spilled the beans on Everything. The war is over fren. We won.

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7b4e8b  No.11597001


I hope they send some crisis mgmt niggers here could be big keks.

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84d02c  No.11597002


Trump wins Alaska and North Carolina

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5f24d7  No.11597003


Because it's a horrible baker, but there are no more bakers anymore. Learn to bake and be the hero we all need, anon!

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93e0bb  No.11597004

DJT and Pompeo follow 50 people on twitter. Why is this? Anyone think there is something to it?

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664e9d  No.11597005

File: e2b7916b0bd9151⋯.jpg (201.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Ghosted.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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b8b296  No.11597006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2bb480  No.11597007



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801796  No.11597008

File: d5d7272c78c8dc9⋯.jpeg (43.28 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 7D787A49_6176_489F_9AB1_E….jpeg)



Two steps forward, three steps back FAG.

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97662e  No.11597009


but why is that 'feature' in there in the first place? Use logic.

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5de844  No.11597010


this is a bait.

Killary spoke earlier in the vid.


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6673ef  No.11597011

File: b0dedd34d75c9c9⋯.png (201.15 KB, 322x223, 322:223, ClipboardImage.png)



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7b7456  No.11597012


Murdoch a foreign agent of CCP china ?

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b241b7  No.11597013

File: fc6c561181685b7⋯.png (140.01 KB, 336x316, 84:79, 2020_06_21_22_58_36.png)


Hazards of getting redpilled too early in the movie.

Once you wake, you can't go back.

Good luck fren.

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514b0f  No.11597014

File: 03e2bb3715c06b5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 940x627, 940:627, 8456h7g346543435.png)

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993540  No.11597015


>but there are no more bakers anymore.

Not true, there are. They just have integrity and wont push forward dough that looks like that, or change past dough to suit a need.

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b1c7a6  No.11597016


They need to fire 80% of their people.

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4d0ff3  No.11597017



Prove me wrong without name calling.

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f0a4f1  No.11597018



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21f5a7  No.11597019


Honor the past

Preserve the future

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ed9faa  No.11597020


Supposed to work that way against the enemy, not your supporters.

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77ba89  No.11597021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Orange Man Bad won't concede

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton recommends Biden not concede under any circumstances and to install crooked poll workers

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9ee432  No.11597022


>DS DESPERATE to change the narrative.

i noticed it on CNN today, too.

They are back in campaign mode because they know Biden really lost and they are trying to influence courts and judges

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3908a0  No.11597023


HE did this while having thousands of beds on a naval hospital ship and a renovated Javits center field hospital

No indemnity for knowingly murdering seniors

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7b4e8b  No.11597024


FWIW I voted yes on seeing your tits.

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0020d4  No.11597025


You're rationalizing yourself into chains.

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2ec963  No.11597026



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8cab65  No.11597027


Insulting people is not an argument.

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2da980  No.11597028

I think Tucker Carlson is playing the devil's advocate to Fox right now, he is too smart to be fooled by the "no evidence of fraud" nonsense. When it does come out in court he will be in a position to help deal the final death blow to the network by quitting in protest.

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0f3f48  No.11597029


Foreign agent to his faggot ass wife

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d4b43c  No.11597030

General Flynn please address the Parler issue. My concern is that our digital Soldiers are falling back to the rear areas of Parler and Gab and retreating from Twitter / Facebook / Instagram where the digital information war is being won and lost. Directions please.

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d6bdc6  No.11597031


Chubasi waka

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fe5a71  No.11597032


Watch for incoming CP and / or gore. AnimeFag bakers do this. Ghost, just leave without handing over or no notice then start posting their shit.

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cb30b2  No.11597033


I'm up for it.. we could maybe organize a nice meal and beers afterwards too.. make a day of it.

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a54c28  No.11597034


wait for 55

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b8b296  No.11597036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dc7965  No.11597037


Since we are frens in here, I say let's share. You pick a Clinton and I will pick one. I will do just fine with Billy Willy.

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93e0bb  No.11597038


Just checked the names they are not the same people

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ac049d  No.11597039


Yes, many times.

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5976cb  No.11597040

File: 6f40b219d1843c9⋯.png (483.07 KB, 900x680, 45:34, NCC1701This.png)

I would 100% pull the lever, wield the axe, push the button, and squeeze the trigger for any/all.

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b4edd8  No.11597041

File: 186d2d4536297f5⋯.jpg (262.27 KB, 800x450, 16:9, coividthanksbiden.jpg)

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5de844  No.11597042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e3edc  No.11597043


was bait

chumming the waters for idiots

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7cd6cf  No.11597044

File: 8e3f8d5637bc44a⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 473x355, 473:355, b4f870b1743ad2fcbd20db0760….jpg)


Now thats the nicest shit Ive seen

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db9140  No.11597045

File: a8d9367763e4e98⋯.jpg (300.58 KB, 755x688, 755:688, my_pillow_waifu.jpg)


if Mike stopped advertising on Fox…that revenue loss alone could, well who could quantify it. anyone else getting tired?

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c4791d  No.11597046


switched or lost

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531bb2  No.11597047


Yeah, no kidding. Record number of new cases in the midst of fraud and fuckery? Come on dude! Lurk moar.

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b1c7a6  No.11597048


I want to run GITMO tours. Like a zoo.

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5be097  No.11597049

File: c8e8f4233227a8c⋯.png (209.01 KB, 1974x254, 987:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Copy and paste text… It's clearly Q+

Isn't Q&A, Q & A more common? One hell of a typo.

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fe5a71  No.11597050



Either a traitor or ignorant as hell.

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91b64a  No.11597051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The world cannot be trusted


Maybe in some far off distant future, a Utopia such as that which exists inside of the Liberal mind may be possible. That is a long time off in our evolution.

At this point and time within our limited earthly bound scope of our GRAND Cosmic School, we must circle the wagons and be vigilant to maintain all that is just and right in a single country at a time.

There are far too many Bad Guys within only this ROUND BALL our ours to advance to even another continent, let alone move to Alien 101. kek

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d68623  No.11597052

File: 4bb5c95052edd02⋯.png (427.68 KB, 588x603, 196:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 023779b61ac312b⋯.png (411.98 KB, 559x473, 13:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40430c4636c38a9⋯.png (17.83 KB, 544x256, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

FOX News Hires Crisis Management Team to Handle PR Over Ratings Crisis

FOX News hates their viewers.

They want a new audience.

The Fox News Channel crashed in ratings on Saturday, coming in a distant third place to leader CNN and second place MSNBC. In the week before Tuesday’s election Fox News averaged more than double the viewership of CNN and MSNBC.

The FOX News Channel hit rock bottom when they defended and ignored the massive fraud in this year’s 2020 election.

Two days ago Bret Baier deleted the tweet that exposed the exploding on-going backlash against Fox.

Many of their hosts were openly hostile to their conservative audience.

And several FOX News hosts absolutely HATE President Trump and his supporters.

The exodus from FOX News is so immense that the station reportedly hired a PR firm to save what is left of the floundering channel.


Dear Fox News: Tell the TRUTH or GTFO the PEOPLE have SPOKEN

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70b97f  No.11597053


Is that her husband?

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9e42af  No.11597054

File: f23271fbd5c3ad9⋯.jpeg (489.74 KB, 950x945, 190:189, f23271fbd5c3ad9fbfce470cf….jpeg)


Let the Holy Meme War Begin!

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76127e  No.11597055

File: 387e6153cf51d18⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1297x757, 1297:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc9fe370dffe396⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1312x755, 1312:755, ClipboardImage.png)

if it starts on 11/11

it would be fitting for those who gave everything for freedom!

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91efce  No.11597056

GA Recount Volunteer Signup

From Trump Team


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fd3de7  No.11597057

File: bf381a88a4e8673⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 477x768, 159:256, pepe_gold_star.jpg)

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7e8e32  No.11597058


You are too dumb for life

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2d9579  No.11597059



the ultimate waifu has made an appearance…

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3fdde0  No.11597060

What a mess. We'll never know the true numbers.

Donald J. Trump


You are looking at BALLOTS! Is this what our Country has come to?


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8e2628  No.11597061


He''s just black pilled

4 years of Trump accomplishing absolutely nothing has been hard for all of us to swallow

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b692d6  No.11597062

File: 274dfcba1c0eaca⋯.png (338.74 KB, 518x683, 518:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Reporter immediatley asks what will happen if the hand count doesn't match the scan count?

Odd question if there is nothing wrong. Why would a reporter assume that would happen or that is would be so significant it required a plan how to address?


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fc0e59  No.11597063


probably a spike of it in '08 for Obama among black s who only showed up for one reason/one man.

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6b6c87  No.11597064


somebody tell big mike the burbs are 30% blac

and it's got nothing to do with race

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74a88c  No.11597065

File: d4349bc92d53e9c⋯.jpeg (271.13 KB, 640x448, 10:7, CDEC0ECE_C19B_4A05_A934_0….jpeg)

File: 943bfe525e3a5b7⋯.jpeg (268.08 KB, 640x613, 640:613, 942E9745_1512_4665_9D88_F….jpeg)

File: 32d47519abf2c63⋯.jpeg (127.14 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2D7CA0FF_E85C_4C7A_BF7C_3….jpeg)

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9ee432  No.11597066


>GA Recount Volunteer Signup


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a8c2f8  No.11597067

Not hilldawg >>11597042

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7b7456  No.11597068

File: e5548e7b3c051d2⋯.png (27.21 KB, 590x400, 59:40, sarah_.png)

In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for President:

• Trump: 818

• Biden: 95,801

Ballots where the voter voted for President and at least one other race:

• Trump: 2,456,915

• Biden: 2,376,081In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for President:

• Trump: 818

• Biden: 95,801

Ballots where the voter voted for President and at least one other race:

• Trump: 2,456,915

• Biden: 2,376,081

https: //twitter.com/hucklebee_sarah/status/1326531043168542721

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7b4e8b  No.11597069


>At least gore and the others don't prance around, smirky Cutsey, as BAKER

Gore Fag is fast would make a good Baker.

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d4b43c  No.11597070


That's how it seems to work. But it has nothing to do with anime. It has to do with nobody will pick up the bake.

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a018a9  No.11597071


These will not be battlefields soon - they will be myspace wastelands. Research next year PUTS

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981a94  No.11597072


Same! People think iam nuts lol

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5f24d7  No.11597073


when an anon comes to bake, OSS appear and starts to yell

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b8c9e2  No.11597074


ohhhh BabyQ needs a fresh nappy

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5d31bb  No.11597075


Who the hell green lit that person to pose as hillary? She doesn't even sound like her.

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fd3de7  No.11597076

File: 604488fd8ca9d3f⋯.jpg (243.4 KB, 725x486, 725:486, dem_ballots.jpg)

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5be097  No.11597077


It's symbolic of shutting us up… EAT DICK BOOTLICKER!

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b241b7  No.11597078

File: 8b668e5e6c0b559⋯.png (172.31 KB, 420x364, 15:13, pepesmoking.png)


>Dear Fox News: Tell the TRUTH or GTFO the PEOPLE have SPOKEN

>Tell the TRUTH

Like that is going to happen soon.

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604716  No.11597079

File: 2fdb4117bb78303⋯.mp4 (12.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mossad_Operatives_1.mp4)


>No Arrests

I remember quite a few.

We were also already told when very high profile arrests will happen. Read the drops.

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fca2c7  No.11597080


Now do Google

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91efce  No.11597081

File: 517e191000dfe46⋯.jpeg (156.66 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, 819CB856_824B_40F5_A27C_4….jpeg)

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e1489f  No.11597082


Zack same. Scramble is usually a deuce sortie. Only twice in the past few years do I recall a four pack leaving on full a/b, damn the noise and altitude…this was the second. Last was in '18 I think. We'll never know..

They were clearly interested in speed vs altitude bc they could've been in 5 digits with that much fuel, but the were staying low and accelerating. Time critical low altitude target.

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426fc2  No.11597083

File: 0e164da408d035e⋯.png (175.63 KB, 356x315, 356:315, MaskKill.png)


How are those coffin and urn stocks doing?

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744ad0  No.11597084


I would, but they're recognizable. Small chance but not risking it. Thanks.


Still not an argument.


Protecting your fellow countrymen from easily preventable illness is patriotic, moral and good for the economy.

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77ba89  No.11597085


Exactly. There wasn't just the Ship but the entire Jacob Javits convention center was turned into a hospital. There was no excuse for what he did.

Javits Center field hospital set to close after treating just 1,000 coronavirus patients - but FEMA will keep a stockpile of supplies and equipment at the site to prepare for a second wave

Many convention centers that were converted so they could treat patients have been virtually unused as the virus has started to slow


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9e42af  No.11597087

File: 9fa7a1b4bc9fee7⋯.png (243.7 KB, 328x328, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Let_….png)

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ed9faa  No.11597088


Fox hires crisis management team.

Did they hire AOC's husband company?

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000000  No.11597089


Yes, his Twitter makes for some compelling reading. And he's an attorney.

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293dc2  No.11597090


Really dude? Google docs?

There is no other link?


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b07f0b  No.11597091

File: f424790cb67a484⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, video_1605111091.mp4)


I put this video up a few breads ago, Frens kekked a couple times, its a mash up of Pompeo and the news caster losing his shit. if you didnt see it , here it is

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76eee6  No.11597092


yeah, the spacing is absolutely Q+

my retarded ass couldn't even work paint right kek

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05e675  No.11597093

File: cc66686843566a4⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 1316x1047, 1316:1047, Welsh_Flag_Q.JPG)

The Welsh Q Flag - Wales is with you Q

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d4d2c8  No.11597094

File: ab1a8f2bb199200⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 768x432, 16:9, Dominion_Whistleblower.mp4)


>BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani CONFIRMS “Dominion” Whistleblowers Coming Forward




>but why is that 'feature' in there in the first place? Use logic.

WRONG, Dominion with their "glitches" WAS changing votes from POTUS to pedo Joe~!

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dd88cd  No.11597095


Muh we were honest on election night you over-sensitive MAGA assholes!

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3908a0  No.11597096


Simple throw out Paul Ryan and restore reporters with conservative views. This was a conservative biased channel, You go left/libtard, bye bye viewers. You don't need a crisis team to figure that out.

Good Lord these people are stupid

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fd3de7  No.11597097

File: 21eaa3a53b89545⋯.jpg (145.83 KB, 500x495, 100:99, fishy_election.jpg)

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2d9579  No.11597098


top kek.

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97de1e  No.11597099

Shills getting deep in here… something must be coming.

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043de7  No.11597100


OSS? Office of Strategic Services? Operational Support Squadron?

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c96924  No.11597101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Muh symbolism.

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c3686c  No.11597102

File: a7d50f2729a2490⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 474x318, 79:53, Gallows.jpg)

Can we Just Move on to Public Hangings?

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3fdde0  No.11597103

And dismantle ABC and WAPO too I hope.

Donald J. Trump


The Fake Pollsters at @ABC @washingtonpost

produced a possibly illegal suppression Poll just before the Election showing me down 17 points in Wisconsin when, in fact, on Election Day, the race was even - & we are now preparing to win the state. Many such “deplorable” instances!


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dc7965  No.11597104


Noice fren

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92072d  No.11597105

File: 4caf59ead63f676⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 527x481, 527:481, Trump_point.jpg)



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b81dfc  No.11597106

File: 7cf8b5f27525f2c⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 634x634, 1:1, fat_1.jpg)


You're so heading for hell

Say Hi to MaStain and RBG for us

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cb30b2  No.11597107

File: 99034a347a7130e⋯.jpg (239.52 KB, 1329x831, 443:277, TraitorsTogether.jpg)


I'll happily end the cunt on the left and dump his body in a ditch somewhere. It's what he, and every other member of Sinn Fake, deserves.

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b4edd8  No.11597108

File: 0c844088748b3aa⋯.jpg (119.9 KB, 840x630, 4:3, bushpardonsweinberger.jpg)


no, anon is correct.

Bush H.W. pardoned Weinberger before there was a conviction

Iran Contra

And H.W. was implicated.

So he pardoned himself on the way out of office

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69c503  No.11597109


First, it's common sense in the way the Founders wanted to have checks and balances. The Judiicial branch can prosecute and render judgment or harm. The Executive can bypass the Judicial with Pardon power. And the Legislative branch bypasses the Judicial via Impeachment. Each branch of government has a relief mechanism

Second, I had to look up the case, damn you for that. It's Garland 1867. There's been some twiddling back and forth since then. But as a constitutional matter I suspect a conservative SCOTUS would say that the Pardon power is pretty absolute.

The issue also came up when Trump trolled liberals by saying he could pardon himself. The president is immune from anything that goes through the Judicial branch, with some exceptions. An Impeachment originates from the Legislative where it is explicitly stated and understood that the president cannot pardon himself from Impeachment.

Regarding secret pardons, I don't care. If it's already a part of the judicial record then the pardon could not be secret. But if there is no judicial record I suspect a pardon could become a matter of national security and not be known by the public.

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f2326b  No.11597110

File: 92eae9e24f94980⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 594x380, 297:190, FOX.jpg)

File: 5bb4735f5f33c67⋯.jpg (728.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, they_live_Enemies.jpg)

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b912af  No.11597111


>Now I'm telling people that Biden will not be sworn as president.

>Will I be wrong again?

kek… I know right?

Maybe I'm crazy but somehow I just know we're gonna WIN BIGLY!

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21f5a7  No.11597112

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d4b43c  No.11597113



Soon is not today.

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744ad0  No.11597114



Insults are still not an argument.


Calling people Jewish is still not an argument, /pol/ack. Masks were used extensively due to chemical warfare.

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993540  No.11597115


>when an anon comes to bake,

No, I can bake and he wouldnt care. He cares when people fuck with the dough, change notables, put in notables. Those types of actions. I do none of those things and hold those values as well.

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5720c8  No.11597116


It's all partnerships. They provide the software with the knowledge and understanding that it can be rigged to produce certain results. All in collaboration.

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5e9045  No.11597117

File: 5936ad874d31edb⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 458x316, 229:158, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1345….jpg)

File: a7f90466147e87a⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 457x288, 457:288, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1345….jpg)

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dca4a3  No.11597118

>>11596753 The hard core loons will resist any and all evidence, even a mountain of it dumped on their heads. They have to be shown.

For example, spoke to 2 of them today. One did not mention politics, but sounded nervous. He did not want to go there, and neither did I. The other one could not resist trying to goad me, in the full belief that "his" side had won. I deflected.

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2dc648  No.11597119


They want you to scream 'deepfake!'. If they can draw you out with this and get you to bring attention to 'imitation' videos then they have better cover when (if) real videos are released.

This is a Clinton/Blumenthal technique to pre-empt something they don't want in the headlines.

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d9232c  No.11597120

File: ea9eb6b98e3251e⋯.jpeg (224.35 KB, 640x483, 640:483, 1C6E1EA9_2C91_43CB_B59F_B….jpeg)

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40c8ae  No.11597121


Some of us are still fighting this war, anon.

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3908a0  No.11597122


Now Now, you guys are next to last on the clean-up detail.

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fd3de7  No.11597123

File: e29f541d0ec5125⋯.png (225.17 KB, 500x443, 500:443, _5_.png)


Oh shit!

Over-inflated another one.

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c89a57  No.11597124

File: abfba888a3067e4⋯.gif (6.7 MB, 800x488, 100:61, 1000Pieces.gif)

I don't care if there are 1,000 government officials calling on the President to concede.

Our President, Donald J. Trump, will scatter them into [1,000 pieces.]


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293dc2  No.11597125


So what's her families connection to the voting machines? Soros is connected, her family are elbows deep inside every single persons PC. I'm sure they had a part of this fuckery

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c96924  No.11597126


The Dragon of Cadwallader.

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a7c765  No.11597127


I've reported the account as pretending to be Trump. I encourage anons to report this shit out of it, in addition to meme warfare.

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1c158a  No.11597128

File: 9b6e0b0c204c13a⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 775x540, 155:108, Capture.JPG)

omg not tits!!!

climate change is back big time, how they gonna have their school shootings with schools closed?

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015d66  No.11597129


such obvious fraud, but not legally challengeable…is this, then, for public awareness?

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84d02c  No.11597130


AHhhhhh , Comrade it gets better . . .

In Pennsylvania ballots were returned, BEFORE they were sent out.

sauce : Conservative Treehouse

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dc7965  No.11597131


no, no, no, no.

Hanging won't do, it's too easy of a death. I want something painful, I want them to feel the pain (((they))) inflicted on those children for so long. Potus did suggest the electric chair before in his old rallies, so I'm for that.

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2a188b  No.11597132

File: 86cb192c6c90e66⋯.jpeg (88.56 KB, 720x934, 360:467, 5AF282FF_1695_4420_93AB_8….jpeg)

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2fa07d  No.11597133

File: 33d9c408cf0ad74⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1336x854, 668:427, ClipboardImage.png)


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fca2c7  No.11597134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rocket Scientist says NY Post pulled a piece on his work about Google's ability to shift millions of votes.

NYPost stood up to Twitter a few weeks ago. Why did it cave to Google?

NY Post, he states, gets 32% of its traffic from Google searches, whereas it gets only 5% from Twitter.

See it at 29:10.

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5de844  No.11597135


watch 5:00 mark

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97de1e  No.11597136


That is funny shit.

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d4b43c  No.11597137


We, the People paid for Twitter and Facebook with our taxes (through Darpa). We shouldn't be letting these dirtbags walk away with our sunk investments.

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5f24d7  No.11597138


could be. I guess we see things differently

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9ee432  No.11597139


it is obvious that the postal worker is of higher intelligence that the interrogators

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2ec963  No.11597140

File: d254913188880eb⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1247x1241, 1247:1241, FakeNews.PNG)

Babylon Bee nails it again


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ac51a1  No.11597141

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92072d  No.11597142


All they have to do is wear one mask normally, and another mask on top of that one but backwards. Then it would be just like No-Mask Me wearing a mask without having to.

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d9232c  No.11597143

File: 57ceb0567c0b2a4⋯.jpeg (37.63 KB, 323x409, 323:409, E27703DF_3978_411A_9647_A….jpeg)

File: 3176cad5f69f81e⋯.jpeg (349.56 KB, 630x1137, 210:379, 60AF6F36_31CA_4E90_B497_4….jpeg)

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82d170  No.11597144




To everyone that believes that E is a larp and hates the fact that his given any consideration here, I get it. E has not provided anything near the kind of proofs that Q has provided.

However.. there are a few things that keep me interested…

1. He knew and posted about Herman Cain's death at least 3 days before it was announced publicly. I saw that myself. He later said a family member shared that information with him beforehand.

2. He announced Bill Binney was joining Twitter severeal days before he did, and E was among the first couple handles that Binney followed.

3. He has regular interaction with CM and Jim, who seem to hold at least some level of respect for him. Jim was following him on at least one of his previous accounts.

4. He is taken down by Twitter regularly (at least a half dozen times, and for no apparent violations), and he is hated by anti-Q, Antifa/BLM accounts

5. He announced his promotion prior to Esper resignation and before news was announced that ECW was placed in the new DoD position.

For those reasons alone, I maintain a level of interest in E. I don't treat his posts as gospel, but I don't immediately dismiss him as a LARP either.

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db9140  No.11597145

File: 912d453537df73d⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, raffensberger.jpg)

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9ee432  No.11597146


this nails it!

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f7788a  No.11597147

File: 6618b3a5f1259a4⋯.png (305.83 KB, 777x442, 777:442, cnnbs.png)


buh buh it can't be true cuz CNN didn't tell me

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8ec5e0  No.11597148


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cb30b2  No.11597149


Oh I know anon, and quite honestly, pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

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d66a34  No.11597150

File: 62a157138ccfe0f⋯.png (816.15 KB, 1318x859, 1318:859, 20201111_144708.png)

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9d3d23  No.11597151


Fuck you shill naker. Muhjoo shit in notables… anime pics. NYS

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744ad0  No.11597152


Didn't invest due to ethical reasons.

But since you asked, they appear to be going strong.



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6673ef  No.11597153


MSM plants fake homicide posts

MSM reports on homicidal posts on the 'kun

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240bbf  No.11597154


week before last saw 4X's (at least two sets) from west to east so something was off-shore.

No hurry though-pretty benign

it's pretty cool having an air-show every day.

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c8873e  No.11597155



Comments are turned: off.

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77ba89  No.11597156

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e5c0f3  No.11597157


You may be right about the source of the star,

anon. The question we must ask is, do all or

most of Jewish people understand the history

of that star (like the pentagrams on our Amer-

ican flag), or do they just worship the God of

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, using the Star of

David without considering, or perhaps, caring

for its history.

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293dc2  No.11597158


It is NOT Notable without a REAL fucking link to a REAL Trump campaign website.

As of now it's just some faggot posting a link probably trying to get Trump voters from GA personal info


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597a5e  No.11597159

File: 836fb8a6e64b75f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1528x894, 764:447, Screenshot_2020_11_11_at_2….png)

File: 629e8b03c10cd21⋯.png (735.64 KB, 1522x1052, 761:526, Screenshot_2020_11_11_at_2….png)

File: 278bcfe203140a5⋯.png (135.45 KB, 1530x1060, 153:106, Screenshot_2020_11_11_at_2….png)

File: 3f2e5ea63261115⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2536x1484, 634:371, Screenshot_2020_11_11_at_2….png)

Okay so a breakdown of the video live-streamed from Yahoo News on Youtube.

Screen Shot 1: Finishes with an introduction speech H.E Lana Nusseibeh (UAE Amb and Permanent Representative to the UN.)

Screen Shot 2: Flashes all of the speakers on the Webinar.

Screen Shot 3: Immediately goes to an Allie Smith who is in the call with these people. Who is recording the conversation.

Screen Shot 4: Begins with Hillary Clinton speaking. However, It's being controlled by Allie Smith. It's a video being played live to the conference call. Recorded on 2020-11-10

It's a pre recording of Hillary, meaning she isn't live. It was recorded yesterday. So while the second guest looks like an awful body double. She was never on the conference live, it was Allie Smith.

Who is Allie Smith to Hillary Clinton?

Where is Hillary Clinton? I'll leave out the Why because I think we all know the answer to that.

Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAAeMOMJcSM

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3908a0  No.11597160


Without the sponges

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cf4b32  No.11597161









you're still a cunt, you don't belong here pushing masks. you wanna wear one? go right ahead. fuck you cuz I'm not. filtered bitch

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ed9faa  No.11597162


I read each one the day they came out.

I forgot 90% already. Should I read them again?

All 4,949 of them? Every day?

I'd rather shit post. It releases stress.

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7e8e32  No.11597163


Fuck off stupid troll

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9e42af  No.11597164

File: 51a4428a6972296⋯.png (30.9 KB, 718x244, 359:122, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Kama….png)



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d66a34  No.11597165


neom is the model.


watch #MbS

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5de844  No.11597166


two accounts that maintain distance from Q but are legit are



They are patriots that can stand on their own merit

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ae8e64  No.11597167

the media needs to be shut down to make traction ; normies believe that the guy recanted his story and soros bought parler

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dc7965  No.11597168



Been waiting for too da**ed long. my palms are itching to get a hold of a cabal neck.

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a9e542  No.11597169


Luke is riffing off Amos 5:25. Heady stuff.

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02b9a2  No.11597170

File: d87de314a9fd419⋯.jpg (375.49 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, IMG_169.jpg)

Please God, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Invite God In


Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the e.vil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)k

DivorceSatans lies .blacklist BlackHats

Imagine the Success🥳 of Our Bright Future.

She curioux=Qbabies.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood.

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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664e9d  No.11597171

File: cce9de15f6099a2⋯.jpg (228.74 KB, 634x634, 1:1, Pepe.jpg)

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b4edd8  No.11597172



yes, they pardon before any conviction.

"Presidents have pardoned people BEFORE they were suspected of, charged with, and convicted for a crime. "

You're mixing up a lot of situations here?

The three conditions mentioned aren't the same.

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10a419  No.11597173

File: 1319165cdfa7713⋯.png (59.17 KB, 656x726, 328:363, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you remember those posts of that crazy anon about the apostrophe(') and the 'glitch' huh huh huh hahaha

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f0a4f1  No.11597174

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 0de17cc2d5c976f99429346835….jpg)

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a018a9  No.11597175



True, and when POTUS moves to Parlor, the entire world will move. The government now communicates on Twatter, he can move the entire gov officially to Parlor.

Maybe the only reason he hasn't, is because Parlor is not ready for such an influx yet. 5 million since the election. POTUS would move a billion

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fe5a71  No.11597176


Educate yourself, asshole. The numbers are being stolen from flu and URI. And false positives, people reporting that they stood in lines for tests, gave their info, but left due to waits for the test itself being too long, then received 'test results' saying they tested positive…etc., etc. etc.


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76127e  No.11597177


Bird Sing?

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91efce  No.11597178


Sauced as best as I can

Not supposed to share

You think the campaign is going to put a giant fucking


Website up?

Or that they are going to background check everyone like another anon claimed

Take it or leave it

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e19d84  No.11597179

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can’t get a security clearance. Laptop. China. Ukraine.

That’s a pickle.

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5ede2a  No.11597180


Pence cancelled his vaca…

He was in DC today with POTUS at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

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cb30b2  No.11597181


ever seen the disclaimer einsteinanon?

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565ba8  No.11597182

File: 112355f519906d2⋯.png (146.68 KB, 782x468, 391:234, flee.png)


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a7c765  No.11597183


The fuck he will

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c96924  No.11597184


Think I must have missed a bit of the movie. wtf

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a8c2f8  No.11597185

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07bb78  No.11597186

File: a97dcfc8db13482⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 868728B2_1EC2_43CB_8A47_FC….png)


God she is there and looking her demonic self. @4.40

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2bb480  No.11597187


ok shill. too bad we are not buying your spin.

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426fc2  No.11597188

File: e89621e58cc9142⋯.png (1.7 MB, 804x1148, 201:287, PepeSainted.png)

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97662e  No.11597189

File: 852855f80cc7a36⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, finger_point.jpg)

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fca2c7  No.11597190

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e1489f  No.11597191


I can see Mayport NAS from my kitchen window. ikr

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f9ed3f  No.11597192

File: 11baeb312d3ea76⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 11baeb312d3ea764e98a9397cd….jpg)


How I see it atm….

Phase (6) of the DS is coming due.

Phase 1) Impeachment

Phase 2) Covid

Phase 3) Steal Election

Phase 4) Gov. Republicans [sleepers] Desert Trump Base [MIA]

Phase 5) Project JB as PE [Lawful winner]

Phase 6) CDC National Covid "Severe Lock-down initiated. Cannot count ballots "Safely" [counting stops]

Phase 7) Walk out the Clock

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fd3de7  No.11597193

File: d456581b52ea1b3⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 500x1063, 500:1063, 187_digits.jpg)

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54f6e6  No.11597194



How is asking for a counter-argument in a "research" community, trolling?

It's like you don't care about the truth unless you want it to be true.

(14 replies, all insults, no counter-arguments)

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b29cab  No.11597195


They cant stop things at this point

Too late

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3076d7  No.11597196


New ones? Other than the chick that was suppose to be on hannity?

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39f04c  No.11597197

File: 77fffc36f52e0b2⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 597x522, 199:174, BALDspiders.jpg)


And to think there are people who buy this shit

That's what bothers me

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76127e  No.11597198

File: 4e2a79eafe60dcc⋯.png (383.87 KB, 590x481, 590:481, ClipboardImage.png)


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e19d84  No.11597199


Tits or back to Reddit

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a63a6f  No.11597200


Q told us EVERYTHING these past three years. We just did not know that it all referred to NOW!!!

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2d9579  No.11597201


might have been an option a few decades ago, but there's nowhere to hide anymore.

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8ec5e0  No.11597202

File: 2cc3619924bf0d1⋯.jpeg (162.28 KB, 734x720, 367:360, Untitled.jpeg)

Can be used to I.D. inks used on ballot paper


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604716  No.11597203

File: f6c81486be30dbc⋯.mp4 (15.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mossad_Operatives_2.mp4)

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4476a0  No.11597204

File: de876ad904cfe61⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 251x242, 251:242, laff_Pepe5.jpg)


>I've reported the account as pretending to be Trump.

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5de844  No.11597205


Yes, she does. So I'm suspecting it's a deep fake, but still. Not as egregious as the provided example. Either Reuters is trying to cover up for Yahoo, or they're just dumb.

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d66a34  No.11597206

File: c99fead374f6812⋯.png (49.15 KB, 718x244, 359:122, 20201111_145023.png)

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9639ff  No.11597207

File: e52b69b4f80f584⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 500x625, 4:5, pathetic.jpg)



Let them expend their fire.

The Bloomberg article contains deliberate damning information that is actually posted by (((them)).

Other than that, Jason comes off as a Patriot.

I'm sure an updated qmap.pub is standing by.

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168891  No.11597208

So imagine the white hats get the encryption keys/updates for the voting machine software and make sure the code does a little better than it's supposed to so the scam is very obvious. Undeniable to the public.


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21f5a7  No.11597209

File: a9c9a6ae89b7dec⋯.png (574.32 KB, 627x480, 209:160, 1604759727.png)

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3f64e5  No.11597210


187 Swing Vote

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7521ec  No.11597211


Is the Xbox supposed to be "the matrix" that we all play/live in after we upload our concious to the AI?

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2dc648  No.11597212


Pepe just can't stop pumping, anons.

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293dc2  No.11597213



Fuck off ets LARP.

You are going into overdrive today posting your gay shit in here.

lol. I hope they find you & publicly stone you td

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cb30b2  No.11597214



December 5th?

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d68623  No.11597215

MD School District to Spend Over $450,000 on ‘Anti-Racist Audit’

Maryland's Montgomery County plans to spend more than $450,000 on an "anti-racist audit" intended to create "equitable outcomes for every student's academic and social-emotional well-being."

According to a Tuesday memo from the county's superintendent of schools, Montgomery County Public Schools will award a one-year "anti-racist" consulting contract to the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium for $454,680. The consulting firm will investigate the district's culture, hiring practices, and pre-K-12 curriculum, which Montgomery County says should be tailored so that it "strengthens students' sense of racial, ethnic, and tribal identities, helps students understand and resist systems of oppression, and empowers students to see themselves as change agents."

The Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium's website states that it promotes "equity in education to achieve social justice" and touts a handful of left-leaning education partnerships. Among those partners is the Southern Poverty Law Center's "Teaching Tolerance" arm, which pushes for students to learn about slavery beginning in kindergarten.

The school district awarded the lucrative contract despite anticipating a budget cut of up to $155 million. According to Bethesda Magazine, the district's enrollment is down more than 2,000 students from the 2019 school year, which will decrease the required government funding to schools.

The one-year audit will be the largest such initiative reported to date. In nearby Loudoun County, Va., the district spent $422,500 over two years on equity training inspired by critical race theory, which claims racism is intrinsic to nearly every aspect of American life.

On Sept. 21, Montgomery County Public Schools issued a "request for proposal" document to hire a consultant "with deep knowledge and expertise in … racial equity." A district spokeswoman declined to tell the Washington Free Beacon how many consulting firms submitted a proposal.

Despite mounting budget cuts and an already-existing "Equity Initiatives Unit," district spokeswoman Gboyinde Onijala said the anti-racist audit is considered "critical work."

"Whether we are providing instruction virtually or in person, we remain committed to ensuring that our students' academic success is not predictable by race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, language proficiency, or disability," Onijala told the Free Beacon. "We will continue to strive in these efforts until all gaps have been eliminated for all groups."


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db9140  No.11597216

File: 2243c65eba6726f⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 302x252, 151:126, show_me_the_money.gif)


run a lottery

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09dd67  No.11597217


POTUS and VPOTUS don't have clearances. The nature of the position allows them access to all information requested. Same goes for members of Congress and the Supreme Court.

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b8c9e2  No.11597218

File: 1e39c95091c9b36⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Eagle_Shit.jpg)



If 'he' were legit he'd be posting here and not famefagging on twatter

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849930  No.11597219

File: 64386d61d83a1d3⋯.png (934.84 KB, 1299x720, 433:240, Picture1.png)


spelling corrected

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e1489f  No.11597220


China might take him. Nobody else.

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2bb480  No.11597221


you need reading glasses. That was not an insult faggot.

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801796  No.11597222

File: 5950c92d4e06bef⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB, 474x316, 3:2, F94FFA45_771D_40B0_ADBF_7….jpeg)

We all know why these two are dead or in jail. Get ready for the political, entertainment and news casting versions to join their ranks. Slow and steady.

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926e1b  No.11597223

File: 95fd1848858fd42⋯.png (6.5 KB, 642x118, 321:59, Capture.PNG)

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12352b  No.11597224

NYSE and NASDAQ seriously entertaining idea of moving to Texas ?!

Good damned luck saucing this via Google. Duck Duck Go wins again.


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