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28b16c  No.11466646[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




Q's Private Board

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

Saturday 10.31.2020

>>11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: >>11381593)

>>11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

Friday 10.30.2020

>>11359925 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>11360009)

>>11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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c7ee42  No.11466690

File: 821d53495b418fe⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1068x561, 356:187, a04b7ab1ce1497e96d15fdc6f9….png)

It's a clear win, our enemy tried so hard but it's a clear win for Trump.


repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay


The push for violence you see on this board is manufactured by the one who floods us with gore.

Do you really trust their content? [Now they're flooding us with 'goregirls', who is this insidious fuck?]

En route to Philadelphia with legal team.

Massive cheating.

@realDonaldTrumpup by 550,000 with 75% counted.

Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!


Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported:

-23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden

-about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden

*With 83% of the expected vote in, Trump’s lead in PA is now just below 6 points.

TRUMP CAMPAIGN: "We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted."


"Wisconsin now has more votes casted than registered voters"



Wisconsin turnout in

1960 - 72.99%

1964 - 68.68%

1968 - 65.98%

1972 - 62.45%

1976 - 66.38%

1980 - 67.35%

1984 - 63.43%

1988 - 61.00%

1992 - 68.99%

1996 - 58.00%

2000 - 67.01%

2004 - 73.24%

2008 - 69.20%

2012 - 70.14%

2016 - 67.34%

2020 is… 89.25%?

(3,288,771 of 3,684,726)

Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

I have authorized lawyers for the Georgia Republican Party to file an emergency petition against the Chatham County Board of Elections to enforce election laws and prevent the unlawful counting of absentee ballots received after the election.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman @DavidShafer has filed an emergency petition to enforce Georgia election law and protect the integrity of the vote count.


We're fighting it lads, every corrupt vote will be exposed

We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,…..

<Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted

…..there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!

So it's /ourGuys/ in the DHS/FBI/NSA+CyberCommand [Because China it's china's operation] VS the lame media personalities

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28b16c  No.11466716

Global Announcements

>>11435007 NEW PDJT - POTUS TWEETS IWO JIMA STATUE (same as our banner!)

>>11426527, >>11426774, Codemonkey bids anons farewell to 8Kun Admin position

>>11422989 Q didn't post in Q_Anon Research - He posted in Q Research >>11422223

>>11422980, >>11423061, >>11423090, >>11423176, >>11423303, >>11423425 BO comments on the state of the board

>>11417033, >>11417382 BO Update on >>11388221, no new BV team "adjustments"

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11466678 Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

>>11466665 We were forced to use a Sharpie in Chicago, Illinois. On top of that, after we voted in person and checked online, it stated my husband's and my voter status was "Inactive".

>>11466647 New Grennell

>>11466582 Current activity, what's up?

>>11466557 The actual math points to a Trump triumph in Arizona, here are the numbers.

>>11466509 "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power" Benito Mussolini

>>11466523 North Carolina Officials Will Not Announce Results Until November 12th

>>11466531 Detroit Padlocking Doors to Keep Public from Observing Ballot Review and Counting


>>11466052 Twitter Bans Account That Shared Video of Man Claiming to Burn Trump Ballots After It Was Shared By Eric Trump

>>11466087 This is now the Alamo. We are fighting a last ditch stand against the very real possibility of vote malfeasance. It will be contested in the Supreme Court and the cards will finally fall where they may.

>>11466030 It's no secret where the PA Secretary of State's allegiance lies. These people aren't neutral and they will stop at nothing to ensure a win for Biden.

>>11466153 3.9M for POTUS out of 20M registered voters in CA?

>>11466164 Michigan, Wisconsin Elections Officials Refuse To Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

>>11466175 President Donald J. Trump has won the State of Pennsylvania and it’s 20 electoral votes

>>11466190 PDJT - Our lawyers have asked for “meaningful access”, but what good does that do? The damage has already been done to the integrity of our system, and to the Presidential Election itself. This is what should be discussed!

>>11466193 Protesters Hit the Streets of NYC Following Election Day

>>11466207 Was it a Trap?

>>11466229 Is this the likely watermark method to determine forged ballots?

>>11466256 “Protesters” in Pittsburgh demanding all votes be counted.

>>11466272 @ChrisRuddyNMXsays "the one thing I got from @realDonaldTrump in my conversation with him today was he is going to fight, he is not going to just give up and wave the white flag."

>>11466306 "We will be going to the US Supreme court…We don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning and add them to the list."

>>11466311 Rigged for yuan

>>11466321 #Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

>>11466328 "Nothing says an open and transparent process like COVERING UP WINDOWS"

>>11466340 UPDATE

>>11466342 REMEMBER THIS

>>11466394 United States Seizes 27 Additional Domain Names Used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Further a Global, Covert Influence Campaign

>>11466409 Rudy Giuliani Launches Trump Campaign Claim of Democrat Voting Fraud in Philadelphia

>>11466467 You are Watching REAL Fascism - "the merger of corporate and state power"

>>11466504, >>11466441 NEW POTUS

>>11466704 #14645

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28b16c  No.11466720


>>11465908 Marc Elias, the Democratic lawyer behind many of the voting changes causing havoc in the 2020 presidential election, is also responsible for hiring Fusion GPS to compile the “Russia dossier”

>>11465874 Department of Defense

>>11465866 In What Can Only Be Described As "Significant" Military Presence, There Are CURRENTLY Over 190 US Military Aircraft Aloft Over The Country.

>>11465852 I just logged in to check my voter history as I am a AZ voter. my vote history says my last vote was 2018!!!!!!!!

>>11465844 It truly appears that the fix is in

>>11465823 If you voted in Nevada please check to see if your vote registered in the system at this link:

>>11465835 Mayor Giuliani in Philly: This form of balloting has always been considered the most prone to fraud

>>11465806 Looks Like The US 2020 Presidential Election is Rigged

>>11465793 Gun Store Sells 80,000 Rounds Of Ammo In 30 Minutes After Opening

>>11465779 $60 MILLION Worth of Meth Discovered In Commercial Rigs

>>11465782 North Carolina won't update its total vote count until Nov. 12. The state is crucial for President Trump's path to victory.

>>11465688 Bannon big data rainman guy is saying:

>>11465546 New Pompeo

>>11465511 Team Trump predicts reelection by Friday

>>11465510 New Herridge

>>11465347 Baldwin: Biden Can Act on ‘Several Issues’ Through Executive Action

>>11465360 Bannon says they might declare JB President some time tonight.

>>11465374 @US_CYBERCOM We have our teams ready

>>11465379 Late Night Deep State Document Release Shows Mueller Investigated and Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks

>>11465380 "They just found 23K votes in Philly and they’re all for Biden. Every single one. Aren’t they at least supposed to lie within the margin of error?"

>>11465399 Demands Arise for PA Attorney General to ‘Step Aside’: He’s Trying to ‘Steal Pennsylvania from Trump’

>>11465431 U.S. Seizes Virtual Currencies Valued at $24 Million Assisting Brazil in Major Internet Fraud Investigation


>>11465479 Trump Campaign Demands Fox, AP Retract Calling Arizona for Biden

>>11465507 US forces participate in UNITAS exercise with Ecuadorian navy, other regional allies

>>11465520 Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything

>>11465547 MORE: Crowd assembled at TCF Center in Detroit, where Michigan absentee votes are being counted, chant "stop the count" as security blocks doors

>>11465553 Possible comms. Ford recall.

>>11465570 AP has pedo Joe winning Michigan w/99% reporting…BUT Michigan.gov still has POTUS UP almosy 250k votes w/77 pit of 83 counties reporting!

>>11465575 It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>11465576 Chaotic scene at Detroit vote tally site as protesters chant ‘Stop the count!’

>>11465611 If your ballot was tossed, we need to determine why.

>>11465637 NY Man Admits To Sexual Exploitation Of 8-Year-Old Twin Sisters

>>11465748 The “decision desk” is declaring Biden the winner of Michigan…all the while the Michigan government is not updating the vote

>>11465706 Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence…

>>11465760, >>11465738 Epic moment from Clark County election presser… Trumpster Rages Against The Biden Machine

>>11465944 #14644

Previously Collected Notables

>>11464410 #14642, >>11465254 #14643

>>11464705 #14639, >>11463022 #14640, >>11463816 #14641

>>11464044 #14636, >>11460636 #14637, >>11465351 #14638

>>11457848 #14633, >>11458404 #14634, >>11464188 #14635

>>11454994 #14630, >>11455766 #14631, >>11464178 #14632

>>11452739 #14627, >>11453502 #14628, >>11454253 #14629

>>11450430 #14624, >>11451221 #14625, >>11451995 #14626

>>11448170 #14621, >>11448939 #14622, >>11449664 #14623

>>11445909 #14618, >>11446671 #14619, >>11447406 #14620

>>11443652 #14615, >>11444438 #14616, >>11445178 #14617

>>11441382 #14612, >>11442132 #14613, >>11442906 #14614

>>11439054 #14609, >>11439854 #14610, >>11440638 #14611

>>11436815 #14606, >>11437583 #14607, >>11438311 #14608

>>11434526 #14603, >>11435273 #14604, >>11436052 #14605

>>11432215 #14600, >>11432992 #14601, >>11433737 #14602

>>11429557 #14597, >>11430674 #14598, >>11431423 #14599

>>11425869 #14593, >>11430531 #14594, >>11428207 #14596

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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28b16c  No.11466723

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 ————————————–——– Australia #10

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11215013 ————————————–——– Germany #69

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>8033191 ————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>11297393 ————————————–——– UK #24

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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28b16c  No.11466729

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

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28b16c  No.11466736



“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”

― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

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c7ee42  No.11466745

File: 5a5e2cffee8edc3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1336x640, 167:80, 6d73dfe10d8f016eec0d2c888a….png)


We're fighting.

Assets even unknown will flood your senses with lies to the contrary.

We won.

We are bringing the Light.

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c7ee42  No.11466765

File: a1da168923643cc⋯.png (124.31 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 3a9bc4577cd0ac43fc4b731347….png)

File: cf00cd530304b15⋯.png (3.8 MB, 2048x1035, 2048:1035, a076f4e38f00611aebf9c4b7ea….png)

File: 36b704a21a5c786⋯.png (124.27 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 83653ed7d5fe72316de2073fe3….png)


=God Bless America=

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00b01d  No.11466775

So what's next y'all

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49af92  No.11466781

File: 2bb7fdf8e517dd0⋯.jpeg (59.61 KB, 543x431, 543:431, EIlLx5RWwAEN_Ik.jpeg)


Thanks baker.

(I really mean it)!

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86c8a4  No.11466784

File: 164ceff49a82385⋯.png (189.6 KB, 535x575, 107:115, vote_fraud_count.png)

File: eb6f1ae697a56b1⋯.png (35.33 KB, 598x495, 598:495, vote_fraud_count_UPDATE.png)




>>11465575 (PB) It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election


Deleted the last tweet about the states with higher voter turnout than registered voters.

The graphic may have left out independent voters.

I'm not here for clicks, so I won't die on that hill.

However, its obvious theres some serious fuckery going on in those states, esp MI.

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2c15df  No.11466793

File: f9be58b71562c29⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, fbBBfBMB24.jpg)


DDOS insane.

Tanks Bakes

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29e7a3  No.11466801

Throat punch your local media

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732eaa  No.11466803

What are the chances that the "secretly marked ballots" story has any credibility?

Even if it does, what are the chances that no crooked election officials found out about it beforehand?

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26c55e  No.11466817

File: 9b66f44c65bed0d⋯.png (122.96 KB, 184x255, 184:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb7a2efdcb5932⋯.png (393.44 KB, 351x412, 351:412, ClipboardImage.png)

Chabad Jewess Cleanse Your Evil Pray!!

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c7ee42  No.11466818


It's a clear win, our enemy tried so hard but it's a clear win for Trump.

FULL STEAM AHEAD - We are exposing their fraud and showing the world how much America is willing to stand up against evil.

repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay


The push for violence you see on this board is manufactured by the one who floods us with gore.

Do you really trust their content? [Now they're flooding us with 'goregirls', who is this insidious fuck?]

En route to Philadelphia with legal team.

Massive cheating.

@realDonaldTrumpup by 550,000 with 75% counted.

Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!


Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported:

-23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden

-about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden

*With 83% of the expected vote in, Trump’s lead in PA is now just below 6 points.

TRUMP CAMPAIGN: "We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted."


"Wisconsin now has more votes casted than registered voters"



Wisconsin turnout in

1960 - 72.99%

1964 - 68.68%

1968 - 65.98%

1972 - 62.45%

1976 - 66.38%

1980 - 67.35%

1984 - 63.43%

1988 - 61.00%

1992 - 68.99%

1996 - 58.00%

2000 - 67.01%

2004 - 73.24%

2008 - 69.20%

2012 - 70.14%

2016 - 67.34%

2020 is… 89.25%?

(3,288,771 of 3,684,726)

Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

I have authorized lawyers for the Georgia Republican Party to file an emergency petition against the Chatham County Board of Elections to enforce election laws and prevent the unlawful counting of absentee ballots received after the election.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman @DavidShafer has filed an emergency petition to enforce Georgia election law and protect the integrity of the vote count.


We're fighting it lads, every corrupt vote will be exposed

We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,…..

<Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted

…..there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!

So it's /ourGuys/ in the DHS/FBI/NSA+CyberCommand [Because China it's china's operation] VS the lame media personalities

ELECTION FRAUD UPDATE: @Project_Veritas to release bombshell whistleblower story in Michigan TONIGHT!

Thousands of tips have flooded into our inbox over the last 24 hours and we have teams in place following up with them accordingly.


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49af92  No.11466819

File: 92271b21d0e2d2f⋯.jpg (265.47 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 92271b21d0e2d2f74f026832d9….jpg)


Fucking with the shills is the task before us.

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28b16c  No.11466829

File: 70b1d789d1a341c⋯.png (119.68 KB, 848x260, 212:65, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Q_Re….png)

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9054f8  No.11466832

File: 217bfa0ee76a53a⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 500x676, 125:169, 060915a9ceea42a8daaee1a3b7….jpg)

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1ab787  No.11466839

File: 69f0c76cc1c9c33⋯.png (89.39 KB, 1151x934, 1151:934, MISOS.png)

Trump Wins Michigan


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c7ee42  No.11466841


>ELECTION FRAUD UPDATE: @Project_Veritas to release bombshell whistleblower story in Michigan TONIGHT!

>Thousands of tips have flooded into our inbox over the last 24 hours and we have teams in place following up with them accordingly.


Many choose the path of least resistance.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

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bec5d0  No.11466844

For 4 years I've listened to "Nothing can stop whats coming " . Looks like failure to secure the election stopped whats coming dead in its tracks . Or is catching them at cheating and exposing it part of the plan ?

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2b95c5  No.11466848

File: 0b7d9e7d924b430⋯.png (96.28 KB, 1745x688, 1745:688, ClipboardImage.png)


Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website.

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b695f4  No.11466850

File: 94163c90a333c5b⋯.png (155.8 KB, 713x730, 713:730, 94163c90a333c5bbc1a9526087….png)

bakered at 650?

Meh. its yo kitchen and it aint on fire so. tanks bakes.

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c7ee42  No.11466857




more goregirls, thanks toilet

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5c2bb3  No.11466858

File: 827ab0363c592fa⋯.jpeg (35.81 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 14060D7B_DFAE_4AB4_8D40_4….jpeg)

File: cfae7d9dd484c19⋯.jpeg (104.03 KB, 695x888, 695:888, 039C13DC_E1C5_413F_81AE_5….jpeg)

When does the comfy end?

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c7ee42  No.11466862


Yours ends near the other end of that rope, toilet

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fd54c0  No.11466864

File: 9c5085eb378ebdc⋯.png (360.99 KB, 502x339, 502:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3652c6d68c976b⋯.png (226.83 KB, 1463x659, 1463:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7aa895311e9795e⋯.png (567.49 KB, 494x377, 38:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Communists Trying to Steal US Election

Trump, via tweet, which was then censored by Twitter.

"We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!"

Mail-in ballot delays are hitting now: WI (no way we're announcing tonight),

MI (Friday), PA (no count anytime soon) and GA (biggest Dem county stopped counting, Trump leading by 300k).

MI, PA, NC, WI, GA – Trump leads in every one of these states. So the Dems have stopped counting votes here. Call these states for trump and he wins.

This is the most important US election in history and the Communist Deep State is trying to steal it.

Literally, our freedom is at stake. Our future, and that of our families, is at stake.

Communists don't play by the rules. They believe the "end justifies the means."

They stoop to censoring, intimidating, or even killing anyone who stands in their way.

They are quite capable of rigging this vote. 75% of my readers agree (see Twitter poll.)

When you count the vote, you could run a mule as your candidate, and be assured of victory. Hunter Biden's laptop has shown that his father is a Chinese agent, but the Communist MSM suppressed this information. The "big guy" is a gangster, a traitor, and an unrepentant pedophile. He is also senile, bordering on demented. But, when you count the vote…

I just can't believe that nearly 70 million Americans voted for a man affiliated with Antifa and BLM who rioted, looted, and turned their downtowns into war zones. A man who was taking kickbacks from the Chinese.


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f6aae0  No.11466865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

protests link

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e14177  No.11466867

File: 719c76ffd1b0117⋯.jpeg (289.3 KB, 640x770, 64:77, FF38CB42_F9B5_4A88_A258_C….jpeg)



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86c8a4  No.11466870

File: cb4ba9737803ded⋯.png (73.19 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe_newfag_5.png)

>>11466770 (PB)

Look, newfag, if you think there's a "perfect system" for notables, you're nuts. Every system is flawed, and has its pros and cons. If a cooms/mossad baker is in the kitchen, they can rewrite notables and the history, destroying digs. Doesn't matter how notables are called out.

See something, say something, newfag. Otherwise stop sliding with your irrelevant bullshit.

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bfbf88  No.11466872

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49af92  No.11466873

File: 11816420fe8ddab⋯.jpg (163.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, spmartini.jpg)


Did you think that they would go down easy?

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28b16c  No.11466874

File: 0891b7f041f6415⋯.png (1.18 MB, 596x755, 596:755, Screenshot_2020_09_16_Q_Re….png)

File: dd2485838b91551⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 2320x3478, 1160:1739, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Q_Re….jpg)

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c7ee42  No.11466875

File: b0098cafba0634b⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_5651584ed5f561b64….gif)

File: 30dfccbf30f7f0b⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 255x255, 1:1, 263894dcfcadd9475445e4d15c….gif)

File: bf38b8f8c3a8007⋯.gif (713.41 KB, 224x256, 7:8, satan_face.gif)

File: aebc752b366bc72⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1450x588, 725:294, 94f01522ab7bdee46b0042c912….png)

Symbolism will be their downfall.

In case you missed it, we found what symbols our enemy uses here.

(They poison/hijack/consume our symbols, yet there are distinct differences. Notice the red eyes on the lion here. Notice the lack of red eyes elsewhere.)

Those that continually create threads with it, know.

Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
)\___ ((_) (_()((_)(_))_|__ ((_) ((_)_ (_)) ((_) )\ _ )\(_))_
((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
| (__| (_) || |\/| || __| \ V / | _ \| /| _| / _ \ | |) |
\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Top Right Corner [Options]

Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex:

Copy and paste all below into the window:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] explicity designed to ban - terminate any TWIT user(s) reposting.

>Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

Do not take the bait.

Use discernment.


There are insidious 'wetware' hackers deploying monstrous programs designed to destroy our souls.

You can hate if you want, regardless, you'll mark Oct 22nd down as the day this board was marked for death.

Eyes on "8bit", coder and infrastructure technician of the censorship program deployed here.

Look, that program was damaged bigly.

You've seen the gif of the lion face exposure, they used this subliminal satan face to "Dominate our will".

I found out, and sent a tactical nuke~

which created the need for thread division drama,

yet pressure to maintain 'manipulatively close friendship zone' raised too high to continue that drama after Q spoke directly about it.

Within the day, 8bit has situated himself as "mentor" of the new BV team.

The censorship program is maintained at all costs~

(Notice the 1 picture (80+) poster? Blur_Img + IDEN, you'll see)

They jump between gore to flowers to pepe to flags to babes back to gore in seconds, do you honestly trust their content?

That night, "those in comms" built a 'shiny new ship' (Another board) they plan to run the narrative 'FastJack is comped'.

See the set up of cover?

They have situated themselves as they have at 4chan, controlled from the top down.

Both "comms crew" and "Anime / OSS / Barkeep" work for the same team.

What lies do they continue to try?

They have their assets (Masks/phersonas) running cover ops to their tactical existence - deployable Fog/Flack Of War.

While pushing "information overwhelming exposures" of "COINTEL tactics" - From my experience those injected on this board don't play intellectual games, they manipulate beliefs / emotions / our unconscious associations.

(You) must understand, that our enemy owns these mentioned pieces.

Their job is to keep us trapped on their stage of drama~

At least now we're on the same page.


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c1715b  No.11466876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b08001  No.11466877

File: ab374d2c5914258⋯.png (482.73 KB, 701x394, 701:394, 6db17eea_0e26_57ff_8b8d_f4….png)

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2c15df  No.11466878


>more goregirls, thanks toilet

Welcome Fungus

You delusional dialtor flavored cock gobbler

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cc2b09  No.11466879

File: b2ae9f647fd71b8⋯.jpeg (167.81 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 1360E5C5_CA32_4BA4_9C4D_6….jpeg)

We need to make this go viral.

On this Friday, November 6th, every patriot that voted for President Trump must go outside at 7:00pm EST, hold up a light or lighter. Signaling that we voted for DJT. Take video of yourself and your neighbors holding up their light and show the world who truly won.

Q, get the President to send this out. Share this everywhere!

We were told they must be shown the truth, it’s time to show them!

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1e183f  No.11466880



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d46803  No.11466881

File: b68c885b745a7dd⋯.png (250.49 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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1bf225  No.11466882

We forgetting the senate and congress?

Did we take any seats?

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2c15df  No.11466883

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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c9e5c1  No.11466884

File: d9bce9a3cda6332⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, d9bce9a3cda63329c0dbec9922….jpg)

>>11466732 (pb)

Not from comms faggot, real anon oldfag, try again

I was one of maybe less than 5 anons who stood on a soapbox and screamed at all you faggots when /cbts/ was comped but you were all too stupid to believe or notice

LONG before Q confirmed

I was banned, ridiculed, etc. but I didn't give a shit, I kept saying what anons needed to hear

>Hey wow look! the banner is being changed every bread, just like I referenced last post

I will do the same now

Any oldfag anon with half a fucking brain can read what I'm saying and know it's 100% true

I don't really give a shit if a combination of shills and useful idiot mid-wits push back

Refute what I'm saying without pivoting to a non sequitur reference of some kind like "muh comms" or "muh OSS" or "muh DOC"

>you can't

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4bc66e  No.11466885

File: b1dccc688f018f0⋯.png (322.31 KB, 534x678, 89:113, USAF_Operators_on_Move_11_….PNG)

File: 7f0029926c78764⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1304x880, 163:110, USAF_Operators_on_Move_11_….PNG)

>>11466321 [lb]

>#Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

U.S. Air Force

Operators on the move

Air Force Special Tactics operators and 8th Special Operations Squadron Airmen participate in a personnel recovery mission during a hurricane response exercise at Eglin Range, Florida.


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8e2ee2  No.11466886

File: ba38e1667426065⋯.png (1.09 MB, 932x868, 233:217, TrustthePlan.png)

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caac82  No.11466887


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f940a1  No.11466888


I hate election fraud

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d1bb3f  No.11466889

>>11466871 lb

No problem there, anonwhodoesntgetit

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2b45d2  No.11466890



>looks at filename

>not a gif


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50cd35  No.11466891

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d8123c  No.11466892

File: 73e733f0405a9c6⋯.png (781.89 KB, 742x475, 742:475, EagleKickAss.png)

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cfe6b1  No.11466893

>>11466787 pb

A side by side of Dem/GOP breakdown by year would be interdasting to compare

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fd54c0  No.11466894

‘Trump Unbound’ Is Netanyahu's Nightmare

The Israeli leader has good reason to fear a second-term Trump - perhaps more than a Biden presidency. Listen to Aluf Benn, Noa Landau and Anshel Pfeffer.

Why could a second-term President Trump, no longer beholden to his evangelical base or to Sheldon Adelson, be a bigger headache for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu than a Biden presidency?

How should American Jews feel about tens of millions of their compatriots voting for a candidate who courts neo-Nazis and dog-whistles at antisemites? And can center-left candidates ever defeat their populist-nationalist rivals?


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6be28e  No.11466895

File: 07c30e804e39cc1⋯.png (556.18 KB, 640x416, 20:13, D88FF502_31C8_4DDE_B81C_DB….png)

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55d160  No.11466896

Hopefully the mil doesn't have capture orders and do like they did ISIS.

No prisoners.

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8e4f53  No.11466897


If it weren’t for Trump voters’ MASSIVE turnout, your cheating would’ve been less noticeable.

But the people came out in such large numbers that it forced you dumb fucks into making absolute fools of yourselves with 101% voter participation and 100% Biden returns



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18abbc  No.11466898


that dude is a shill. Dem operative in place to reinforce Trump supporter stereotypes.

he is worthy of mockery, no?

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c7ee42  No.11466899

File: 9bdc0b2fc2cce7e⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1450x588, 725:294, 8612029db141f89ca49504defa….png)




You feel deflated toilet, whatever went wrong?~

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ae7c17  No.11466900

>>11466882 Fraudulent election. Either going to be run over entirely, with honest voting, or the proven dirty votes will be removed from the fake totals. This should give us WH, Senate, & House.

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2bceae  No.11466901

File: 98dbab6a15922f0⋯.png (358.32 KB, 750x498, 125:83, trump_eagle_hair_dont_trea….png)

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1e183f  No.11466902





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74f645  No.11466903


comfefe here fren.

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90634c  No.11466904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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de4515  No.11466905

File: 2720ec81b770bb9⋯.gif (5.76 MB, 518x502, 259:251, 20201013_141327.gif)

File: 5651584ed5f561b⋯.gif (4.77 MB, 510x510, 1:1, 20201012_190908.gif)

File: aaa897b3e2ef11e⋯.gif (3.28 MB, 472x526, 236:263, 20201030_154426.gif)

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4bee6c  No.11466906


Gained 5 house seats. A wash in the Senate, so far.

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4bc66e  No.11466908

File: bb7ab29582a206a⋯.png (401.87 KB, 527x653, 527:653, Arizona_GOP_tell_Fox_Retra….PNG)

File: c0beb59eae38c76⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1392x784, 87:49, Arizona_GOP_tell_Fox_Retra….PNG)

Arizona Republican Party


We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ

600K votes outstanding

GOP edge in remaining returns

Other outlets haven't made a call

Dial 888-369-4762 (Press 3) and tell them to retract the call! #StopTheSteal #ProtectYourVote


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caac82  No.11466909


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065806  No.11466910

File: 7ac937143831e44⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 622x415, 622:415, zipp.jpg)

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000000  No.11466911

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732eaa  No.11466912

File: 71eaa4004a570b7⋯.png (373.45 KB, 597x597, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Demands Arise for PA Attorney General to ‘Step Aside‘ https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/04/demands-arise-pa-attorney-general-step-aside-hes-trying-steal-pennsylvania-trump/ via @BreitbartNews



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450973  No.11466913

File: c1685f635ef1805⋯.png (397.9 KB, 535x605, 107:121, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Sput….png)



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fbf394  No.11466914

I feel a wave surge coming

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62c1c0  No.11466915


They didn’t even act surprised when he showed up that’s how I knew it was staged

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c7ee42  No.11466916

File: e4313c42c39d125⋯.png (1.66 MB, 942x942, 1:1, 547816c823c0abc196ac4cd37d….png)


Talking about yourself like that is a terrible habit to break~

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c30e11  No.11466917

File: ae68c3511efb5e3⋯.jpg (360.43 KB, 1532x2038, 766:1019, hunter_biden_3_2.jpg)

File: 6ee0db5d631e846⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 2320x3088, 145:193, hunter_biden_3_1.jpg)

File: 90a3001adecf436⋯.jpg (380.6 KB, 2683x1766, 2683:1766, Dubya_owl_1.jpg)

>>11466580 pb

I wonder where Hunter is?


love this banner

thank you baker

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93f1fa  No.11466918

File: fdc861bd16de38d⋯.png (571.99 KB, 1080x1602, 60:89, Screenshot_20201104_154303….png)

Another piece of crap democrat criminal.


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c627e6  No.11466919

File: 351033beb6d0820⋯.gif (680.34 KB, 558x308, 279:154, pepe_night_shift_tnt.gif)

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5c2bb3  No.11466920

File: 117d08dc656528a⋯.jpeg (14.19 KB, 125x125, 1:1, F74C7FA8_7B08_4768_A149_3….jpeg)


We’ll pray for you.

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cfe6b1  No.11466921


"projected" votes?

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1bf225  No.11466922

Fucking sad many patriots died to make Iraqi elections more secure than our own.

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49af92  No.11466923

File: 7bc1a668b777191⋯.png (333.47 KB, 500x387, 500:387, 7bc1a668b7771910f928c334e9….png)


Jury is still out.

(I believe the Senate is safe.

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28b16c  No.11466924

File: 143bc6b182c5c96⋯.png (8.89 MB, 3770x6250, 377:625, cOLOR1.png)



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ed6e2e  No.11466925

File: 36f4bb1f1f9f938⋯.jpeg (18.5 KB, 450x363, 150:121, florida_hanging_chad_reco….jpeg)

Arizona Sharpies are going to be this years Florida chads.

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49bb27  No.11466926


NBC News still claiming Michigan for Biden.

Entire media lying their fucking asses off.

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1ab787  No.11466927


(you) are aFucktard

(you)Are Filtered

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c7ee42  No.11466928

File: 693c4d258248e7d⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_f444de96f51689f6e….gif)

File: 0fe4c48920b4da5⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_aaa897b3e2ef11edb….gif)

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d8123c  No.11466929

File: 4bf53a5d3df06cf⋯.png (637.49 KB, 668x425, 668:425, EagleKickAss.png)


Sorry Bakes, posted wrong iteration.

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1e183f  No.11466930

File: 71874708267eca1⋯.png (1005.53 KB, 750x593, 750:593, ClipboardImage.png)


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07834b  No.11466931

File: 21acd7027cd5d1f⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 955x482, 955:482, omardestroyamerica.jpg)

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732eaa  No.11466932

File: f167523cf696a2c⋯.png (381.7 KB, 603x627, 201:209, ClipboardImage.png)



Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos, Blocked Windows and Observers https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/04/watch-detroit-absentee-ballot-counting-chaos-as-workers-block-windows-bar-observers/ via @BreitbartNews


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da6de7  No.11466934

File: e8a09910b8ef8b2⋯.png (629.72 KB, 966x579, 322:193, e8a09910b8ef8b24098d1ea8f1….png)


Clearly more people supposidly voted

than were registered

<thank you anon who posted this lb

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44d849  No.11466935


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9b5507  No.11466936

File: 4d7504cd926ef79⋯.png (9.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Michiganupdatelies.png)

File: 1476364ee802358⋯.png (136.75 KB, 532x338, 266:169, Michigan_tweet_voterfraud.png)

File: 1d6b2b5ccbed027⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 400x224, 25:14, MagickBallots.mp4)

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8e4f53  No.11466937




Remember, DHS printed the ballots.

They have radioactive isotopes and watermarks and other identifiers. This isn't advertised broadly, but the info was out there.

Ballots printed by other parties or foreign countries won't pass muster when challenged in court.

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09be8f  No.11466938


dude will be ridiculed by the msm, fired from his job, wife divorces him, then commits suicide

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c1715b  No.11466939



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fd54c0  No.11466940

>>11466904 Veritas to drop a big Michigan voter fraud vid in a few hours


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8e4f53  No.11466941


The count is Trump won.

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32409d  No.11466942


have you been baking for 24 hours? can you let someone else bake for once?

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74f645  No.11466943


so much projection but he can't see the end.

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4bc66e  No.11466944

File: cb17a818def55f8⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Finn_re_MI_Absentee_Ballot….mp4)


>Blocked Windows and Observers

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62c1c0  No.11466945



Really anon…

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a3e76c  No.11466946

Britfag here, what’s all this about smart water on the ballots?

If Q had a legit plan this would of been it. In keeping with all the posts as well.

Wonder when the hammer drops?

When every votes counted perhaps, never interrupt an enemy and all that.

Plus I don’t think POTUS would scream fraud if he couldn’t prove it.

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da96e5  No.11466947

File: 53a8197391bcdec⋯.png (297.49 KB, 599x333, 599:333, comfybread.png)


TYB. Great banner!!

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6e3434  No.11466948


The issue is, they are not updating those numbers. Last update was 3:14 PM

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881075  No.11466949

File: 8484b87cfec5e51⋯.jpg (190.45 KB, 998x1280, 499:640, photo_2020_11_05_01_01_04.jpg)

When you can't get 5 people to turn out for a rally but suddenly get more votes than any other president in US history

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54563c  No.11466950

My question is…..is 2020 still secure?

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caac82  No.11466951



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2c494d  No.11466952

File: 412b3af8f033d9e⋯.png (359.33 KB, 590x407, 590:407, red_text_fuck_yea.PNG)

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814bbc  No.11466953

File: 8a554ea8e3dba0a⋯.jpg (86.24 KB, 568x612, 142:153, 20201104_170341.jpg)

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28b16c  No.11466954


>have you been baking for 24 hours? can you let someone else bake for once?


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2b45d2  No.11466955


>vid drop this evening regarding Michigan voter fraud.

cool, cool. Something to look forward to.

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9e64d1  No.11466956

Anons knew it would be a protracted war.

>"archive offline'.

We haven't reached that point where our offline archives would be necessary.

>'It will be unsafe for them to walk down the street.'

They are a little uncomfortable so far.

>4-6% will be lost forever.

We are not near 94% awake yet.

>He will claim Kenyan citizenship.

This is not happening yet.

So we've got quite a bit of war to go through still.

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898ab5  No.11466957

Why the stars on that flag not right?

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cf0c89  No.11466958

File: 927322e85c19572⋯.png (1.38 MB, 612x763, 612:763, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11466293 (pb)

>>11466679 (pb)

>seriously feels like constantly being jerked off with no conclusion

Well we are at the precipice.

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135927  No.11466959

Maybe someone has answered this. What makes a Sharpie unscannable?

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2a1dc1  No.11466960

File: 69566a8ae74d316⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 420x431, 420:431, gifking568652418.gif)

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1bf225  No.11466961


Geez they do not give 2 fucks, how more obvious can it be?

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c7ee42  No.11466962


Nah he's a Patriot, and we have hope for our future

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e7c0c9  No.11466963

>>11466498   (pb)

But since the start of Covid19,

it has been DIFFICULT to obtain

9mm ammunition.

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779dce  No.11466964


Whatever their vid is, you can forget about watching it on Twitter.

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51a333  No.11466965


yeah unfortunately there is still a long way to go

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c30e11  No.11466966

File: e1ccfb2f57bb251⋯.png (132.96 KB, 921x1026, 307:342, marcelias.png)

File: ec0877d30db3489⋯.jpg (484.68 KB, 1828x858, 914:429, marceliasoc.jpg)


yes, hes' a fat ugly pig too

no offense to fat ugly pigs

There so much dirt on him

He paid for the dossier.

Intimidated voters and examined "unmasked" voter rolls in PA - threatening those who did not vote the way they wanted.

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32409d  No.11466967


nice reddit spacing, anime shill

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ff2c8d  No.11466968


Those are all old totals. It's 3.6m in WI now. I'm the first one who made that mistake.

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cfe6b1  No.11466969


did he forget "racist"?

Such a shit actor

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6f8dc7  No.11466970


Depends if they were fucked with or not.

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93f1fa  No.11466971

Hollywood Child Rapist.

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21e56b  No.11466972


Here comes the whining on Twitter to save the Republic

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450973  No.11466973

File: de9dd40903ec693⋯.png (166.49 KB, 535x541, 535:541, Screenshot_2020_11_04_The_….png)

Chief #Palestinian negotiator @ErakatSaeb is reportedly in critical condition.


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afc987  No.11466974

Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." 

This election fraud, is our refreshing of the tree of liberty.  It's forcing people of our country to see the corruption and make a stand. I don't see actual blood…but the awakening of the population must occur.

▶Anonymous (You) 11/04/20 (Wed) 09:30:3284d56a No.11457625>>11457651 >>11457665

File (hide): 3f05e4ebb8dd247⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 612x792, svetlana.jpg) (h) (u)

Hey Anons…I have a possible explanation of what's going on.

1) Remember back in 2018 prior to the midterms, they moved over-site of the elections to DHS.

2) The deep-state pushed hard to win back the House (Stop Nunes investigations among others).

3) There was cheating in Broward county, Maricopa county, Montana and (others)…where they were producing ballots to get the win.


1) DHS saw how the cheating was done (Absentee/Provisional ballots) in 2018.

2) Was monitoring the counties that were prone to cheat throughout the country in this election.

3) They let the Deep-State produce the required ballots last night.

4) Let the MSM/Deep-State run with the story of Biden/Left victory.

5) Let the pot boil (cheating is obvious)…then come in and prove cheating with arrests.

6) More sheep wake to the corruption of the left/Deep-state.

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28b16c  No.11466975


>nice reddit spacing, anime shill


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b50e77  No.11466976

File: ff2b3ba687f47f0⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, RWFe23MQ2izFdzMg.mp4)

Love our patriots, but someone needs to learn them to shout things that can't be misunderstood by MSM and liberals


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4a13d9  No.11466977




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6bd397  No.11466978



>>11466770 (LB)

I get what you're saying.

It's the whole (de)centralization argument nobody has ever solved here or anywhere.

I agree that Baking is ripe for fraud as you imply and needs Anon participation to stay above board.

I also think that Note taking as a Baker job is too much for most Bakers (current one big exception).

Some Anons like to Note Take so I say let that flourish and have Baker consider those at the post 600-650 mark.

Might be an organic already going on start to a solution to some long-running issues.

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93f1fa  No.11466979

File: f4b4f2efec3add8⋯.png (260.43 KB, 539x549, 539:549, Screenshot_20201104_160400….png)

Hollywood Child Rapist…

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49f9c0  No.11466980

This country is fucked up. If I were an enemy nation of ours I’d see this weakness and take full advantage. This election fuckery may be the least of our worries going forward.

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28b16c  No.11466981


>>11466784 UPDATE TO PREVIOUS NOTABLE - It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>11466839 Trump Wins Michigan

>>11466848 Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website.

>>11466864 Communists Trying to Steal US Election

>>11466865 Protests link

>>11466885 Operators on the move

>>11466908 We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ

>>11466912 NEW PDJT

>>11466932 NEW PDJT

>>11466918 Another piece of crap democrat criminal.

>>11466924 ANARCHY 99

>>11466973 Chief #Palestinian negotiator @ErakatSaeb is reportedly in critical condition.

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4bc66e  No.11466982


>have you been baking for 24 hours? can you let someone else bake for once?

There have been several other bakers

You just showing up for the day?

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9dcd12  No.11466983

Zapata county TX hasn't voted Republican for president since 1920. Trump lost it 66-33 in 2016….and tonight with 84% rpt in the county he's winning it 52-47.

11:54 PM · Nov 3, 2020·

Maybe a marker last night, idk

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9b5507  No.11466984

File: 3fdfc7c37164c1f⋯.png (442.38 KB, 540x540, 1:1, WG1A.png)


>Well frens I finally did it. After years of being non religious I just accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

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bc485b  No.11466985



That you?

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ee0bd5  No.11466986

File: b5e50b19db58644⋯.png (864.13 KB, 1196x976, 299:244, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)


REPORT: In What Can Only Be Described As "Significant" Military Presence, There Are CURRENTLY Over 190 US Military Aircraft Aloft Over The Country. There May Be An Even Larger Number Than We Are Detecting As Not All

@DeptofDefense Aircraft Transmit Location ADSB Data.


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0f5489  No.11466987

File: 74faa8a98cf4786⋯.png (382.77 KB, 607x431, 607:431, _cisakrebs.PNG)

Twatter account worth following


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42bf69  No.11466988


Or since being in the national spotlight his line of BBQ sauce reach instant fame and he becomes a household name.

We take care of our own here anon don’t you ever forget that

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cfe6b1  No.11466989

File: 5d2a98f6c12455d⋯.jpg (380.34 KB, 1268x656, 317:164, Vote_Fraud.jpg)

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80e534  No.11466990

11.3 signifies the start.

Its going to take a miracle

Sky is falling


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814bbc  No.11466992


bibi making his move on cabal early.

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9b5507  No.11466993

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8e4f53  No.11466994





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c7ee42  No.11466995


You and your slave mouse?

I pray for you sweetie~

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1e183f  No.11466996


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2b45d2  No.11466997

CNN's making it seem like Biden's got it pretty much wrapped up. I wonder if he'll declare victory tonight. FUCK this movie is fun.

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68a0af  No.11466998


PF addressed this previous bread. Not notable.

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6f8dc7  No.11466999

What's another word for a Sharpie?

A Marker.

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32409d  No.11467000


>You just showing up for the day?

yea, everytime i'm here it's the same baker

>several other bakers

in the same crew/baker's union clearly

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779dce  No.11467001

File: fef73cc9fa40177⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 956x534, 478:267, .jpg)

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1325d8  No.11467002

File: 99a2debe0e811bc⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 634x465, 634:465, 36A491A100000578_0_image_a….jpg)


I've got a great script idea, bubbeh

"Toots: The Musical"

call me

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82f0ad  No.11467003

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB, 456x591, 152:197, trump_and_doggo.png)




this was the only way.

if it looked like Trump STOLE this election by 'landslide' without going back and REALLY CHECKING THE BIG STATES LIKE PA,MI,NV,AZ… they would've rioted and screamed 'voterfraud' for 4 years.

this way, ((they)) think they actually had a fighting chance… and the REALLY SICK PART is, they actually think they are winning right now.

they have the brain of a goldfish, fren… and we just hearded them into a peaceful lul

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3b1f41  No.11467004

File: 4674afc9ca8c2f3⋯.png (32.15 KB, 503x311, 503:311, ClipboardImage.png)


"Soon, we'll have the same fraud pollsters who lied to us come out with numbers suggesting @realDonaldTrump should concede the election. Absolutely, take it to the bank." https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1324124928636059648

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b9cf82  No.11467005

Trump lead down to only 130,000 votes in Pennsylvania as election hopes fade away.

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8e4f53  No.11467006



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5c2bb3  No.11467007

File: c0027b8d1faca7d⋯.jpeg (29.21 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 1293F129_3E03_42F7_B60A_A….jpeg)

File: ff8b8530e791cc3⋯.jpeg (24.56 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 2456C006_D17A_466B_98A8_9….jpeg)

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4e7e8a  No.11467008

File: 9c3d6ff9dea2382⋯.png (189.97 KB, 615x480, 41:32, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b5507  No.11467009

File: 9a5d166ee30cab8⋯.png (356.6 KB, 693x390, 231:130, VICTORYDANCE.png)

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42bf69  No.11467010


That’s not funny that happened to me

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93f1fa  No.11467011


As long as we have the SES America will be more corrupted than Mexico's Zeta Cartel.

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b91448  No.11467012



Both of you stop talking

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1c6457  No.11467013

File: 19ca400382ae812⋯.jpeg (85.31 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, 59FCE7FC_C78B_403E_99EA_8….jpeg)

My dog is smart.

He ain’t worried about the election.

Neither am I.

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adc97d  No.11467014


holy shit

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64700c  No.11467015


Sauce please

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cc2b09  No.11467016

File: abbe662d771d235⋯.jpeg (160.53 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 1E4BD367_449A_412F_89C4_9….jpeg)


Fuck that retard

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c627e6  No.11467017

File: afe32a65e7d2455⋯.png (823.08 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Nov 04, 6:34 pm

Biden team launches transition website

While the Biden campaign has been careful not to officially declare victory, it is projecting confidence and moving ahead with transition plans, launching buildbackbetter.com – the official Biden transition website.

"The American people will determine who will serve as the next President of the United States," the site says. "Votes are still being counted in several states around the country. The crises facing the country are severe from a pandemic to an economic recession, climate change to racial injustice and the transition team will continue preparing at full speed so that the Biden‑Harris Administration can hit the ground running on Day One."


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2b45d2  No.11467018


D5 refers to the 5 democratic governors in the battleground states? just throwing something out there.

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cb7128  No.11467019

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450973  No.11467020

File: f4e79219b3bb4cc⋯.png (370.71 KB, 535x532, 535:532, Screenshot_2020_11_04_The_….png)

Biden takes 2 key states, calls for unity, as Trump again falsely claims wins



… for last

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b26e77  No.11467021


Somebody get their dad off the 8kun, he sounds like a pedophile

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6be28e  No.11467022

If you’re white you’re racist for being proud of that.

If you’re “colored” you should be proud because you’re oppressed.

They convinced Americans that they should allow all people for all reasons except white people.

Point is. Most of the people at election boards are soccer fans.

Let it sink in.

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604848  No.11467023

File: d8dc2a904f34c5b⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 250x333, 250:333, obi_wan_long_long_time.jpg)



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454ade  No.11467024

File: 6fb7970059ca198⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 960x803, 960:803, 6fb7970059ca1987e0f21710c5….jpg)

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a3e76c  No.11467025


Coz Bannon is busy right now

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4e7e8a  No.11467026

File: 360743865b9b0c5⋯.png (492.86 KB, 428x480, 107:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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d46803  No.11467027

File: 176b42765cce247⋯.png (937.13 KB, 1056x1044, 88:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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eda62d  No.11467029

File: 42877c552152048⋯.png (330.06 KB, 988x520, 19:10, Ward_6.PNG)

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23ffce  No.11467030

File: ec17bc280787b65⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 500x200, 5:2, The_Fire_Rises.gif)

File: eeb0cf5235df321⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 261x193, 261:193, doxxxxxund.jpg)


>The Fire Rises

We need to find/archive ALL videos and pictures of people likely involved in the coverup (many still on YT, some shared in the War Room shows currently playing on banned.video). Time to get back to our roots and have a good old fashioned halfchan /pol/ *identify op*. (pic related)

We won't have any luck with pushing the higher ups to crack, but the one advantage we have is that there are likely thousands of lower-level people who can be pressured to come clean. All we need is one to start, and we have many to choose from.

Every crack could be the one that opens it up wide.


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898ab5  No.11467031

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2bd8c9  No.11467033


All disinformation. Trump could have ended this with one tweet. Q team silence speaks volumes.

Wonder how many patriots blow their heads off this weekend?

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49bb27  No.11467034


Rashida Tlaib's district - go figure. how convenient. a total cohencidence

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23ac34  No.11467035


Those that scream the loudest have the most to lose.

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28b16c  No.11467036



>>You just showing up for the day?


>yea, everytime i'm here it's the same baker


>>several other bakers


>in the same crew/baker's union clearly


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20e3cf  No.11467037

File: d1b6553d90b1b46⋯.png (231.33 KB, 579x354, 193:118, biden_laughing.png)

Summary now that Trump's presidency is over:

4 years of Trump

3 years of Q

1 plan trusted

1 Session trusted

1 Wray trusted

1 Kansas trusted

1 Horowitz trusted

1 Huber trusted

0 high ranking deep state arrests

0 Epstein arrests

0 high ranking pedos arrested

0 Burisma arrests

0 Obamagate arrests

500 Hunter dick pics


=deep state clown back in the white house

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9dcd12  No.11467038


Why is the you is not Englishing?

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1dde0e  No.11467039

File: 8a3fb32bd5afa31⋯.png (320.01 KB, 604x553, 604:553, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

International election observers rebuke Trump's "unprecedented attempts to undermine public trust"


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4e7e8a  No.11467040

File: 68cf89bb58ac0f5⋯.png (269.41 KB, 520x384, 65:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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c30e11  No.11467041

File: f9f648b86937134⋯.jpg (222.9 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, hunter_biden_14.jpg)


thousands of tips

how cool

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cfe6b1  No.11467042

File: 4aaa8e1458b0404⋯.jpg (140.69 KB, 897x322, 39:14, Nice.jpg)


trips and dubs

follow the pen

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d386b3  No.11467043

File: e7cdb6d54f22f41⋯.jpeg (17.61 KB, 300x152, 75:38, 21A56838_859A_45E6_860F_9….jpeg)

Need more memes demonstrating how upset we are about being cheated and how unfair the whole process has been! Let them know how much we resent them enslaving us (and our children) in this manner.

Also, someone needs to get permission to hold a peaceful protest. And ask them to promise not to beat us up anymore.

Lastly, someone PLEASE ask Q+ to condemn Proud Boys. And other white supremacy organizations.


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74f645  No.11467044


these red text fuckers are aiming for the digits…


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51a333  No.11467045

File: 2c99f02569ca661⋯.png (250.26 KB, 596x472, 149:118, 1604534106706.png)

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42bf69  No.11467046

File: 4507d74b0b4d09f⋯.jpeg (82.53 KB, 450x818, 225:409, F8A931B0_0220_4B28_9F65_1….jpeg)


>My dog is smart.

>He ain’t worried about the election.

>Neither am I.

But your dog is also faggot so..

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c7ee42  No.11467047

File: 3d253cc8a05371e⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1450x588, 725:294, d8b331218569da604396c1ee60….png)

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4e7e8a  No.11467048

File: d3a8669680db8d9⋯.png (471.85 KB, 575x480, 115:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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2bceae  No.11467049

File: e1fec881422f0da⋯.png (437.43 KB, 544x641, 544:641, catherine_herridge_trinity….png)


Fucking chekt!

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ad72ff  No.11467050

File: 8705210f98feac4⋯.png (813.52 KB, 639x792, 71:88, pedowood.png)


projection level 9000

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8e4f53  No.11467051


Every country has fake news rags, Israel is no different

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4e7e8a  No.11467052

File: 5cd6238744e33a2⋯.png (470.15 KB, 473x480, 473:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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80e534  No.11467053


D-day + 5

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40c66d  No.11467054

No Q today?

> feels bad man

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55d160  No.11467055


That is why Pres. Trump changed the rules for them last week. They are doomed.

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b26e77  No.11467056

File: 60f26778574aaf3⋯.png (748.7 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, _om97n8675vy245c23.png)

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caac82  No.11467058



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4bc66e  No.11467059


>in the same crew/baker's union clearly

Check previous breads

You missed a new baker this morning

But that's not your narrative right?

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c30e11  No.11467060

File: 3ba370018de3410⋯.jpg (104.87 KB, 665x1182, 665:1182, hunter_biden_16.jpg)


"International Election Observers"

read "U.N." NWO

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f902ca  No.11467061

This is the plan. Normal people are seeing the steal. They might be okay with it [dems], but EVERYONE sees it.

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9b5507  No.11467062

File: 9351813dff14378⋯.png (459.02 KB, 693x390, 231:130, SAILORSDELIGHT.png)

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1bf225  No.11467063


You need a Fresh Hunter cock pic to fap too. You sound stupid as fuck.

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30ea51  No.11467065

File: 50941cc2a8bd487⋯.jpg (829.08 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, bbe2d1706e1c0eacf6dd6a39ba….jpg)

I wanted to say to you Q

That you really let alot of good People down.

We did our part and you made us look like fools.

Patriots who are willing to die for this Country and you slap us in the face.

Your silence is your confession.

I really trusted you and Q+

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32409d  No.11467066


why are you screaming? you idiots make this place insufferable. that's why i'm never here. don't beg me to bake again when you find out the current baker's union is just as shitty as the last comms baker's union. hint: it's a manufactured war between the two. fucking idiots.

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0cdcf6  No.11467067

This is our only hope now…


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4e7e8a  No.11467068

File: 07d60660174c98e⋯.png (400.24 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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21e56b  No.11467069

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a535c3  No.11467071

Done in [30] with election dispute puts us at 3 Dec

- 2 days ahead of schedule -


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f82e10  No.11467072


They don't see it, they really think they won

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28b16c  No.11467073


>why are you screaming? you idiots make this place insufferable. that's why i'm never here. don't beg me to bake again when you find out the current baker's union is just as shitty as the last comms baker's union. hint: it's a manufactured war between the two. fucking idiots.


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4e7e8a  No.11467074

File: 6dfa96998688d6c⋯.png (780.63 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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64700c  No.11467075



The shill is strong with this one

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8e4f53  No.11467076



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b26e77  No.11467077


We are in a live exercise right now, fagstack

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2a1dc1  No.11467078

File: 683586e8566c866⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 612x408, 3:2, jnybiuUgdygscuh98v.jpg)

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0e4dfa  No.11467079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11466797 lb

Hi babe. Keep shutting the door on these techno freaks trying to crash the party, but they so desperatley want to come in. They don't belong in our lives, particularly when they want to hang out just to get info and dirt. Uncoolest people in history. Some kind of tweaked out nerd warfare.

I'll get fit for you. Shapin up a little bit and got some colour. See what happens. hehe.

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6be28e  No.11467080


You always say that.

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cfe6b1  No.11467081


here we go

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42bf69  No.11467082

File: a8f2ea30d2ffc01⋯.jpeg (329.92 KB, 664x612, 166:153, 360D307E_C3C3_4429_9F9B_C….jpeg)

File: e06afb5a241e430⋯.jpeg (77.55 KB, 677x446, 677:446, 950ACC02_6B0A_4260_BBD3_7….jpeg)

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32409d  No.11467083


it's 7pm. the only non union baker was a new one in the morning? proving my point, aren't you?

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c30e11  No.11467084

File: 954e04abf5f9b66⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 497x475, 497:475, hunterbecomeshunted.jpg)


ooops caught

Hi Hunter. Is that you?

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604848  No.11467085

File: 78fe5a1a74cc8cc⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 255x254, 255:254, podesta_when_your_mom_asks….jpg)

and today is 11/4, can we expect Podesta's arrest soon? there's only a few hours left until midnight!

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4e7e8a  No.11467086

File: bb947bfa4ba281b⋯.png (179.28 KB, 768x384, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c6457  No.11467088


Well, yes.

He humps anyone.

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9b5507  No.11467089


[F]oreign interference in an American election.

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5d5daf  No.11467091

>>11465748 pb

not altogether sure that's a legit site.

One would think it'd be a dot gov address.

here's the WHOIS


who the hell is Michigan Interactive LLC?

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28b16c  No.11467092


>it's 7pm. the only non union baker was a new one in the morning? proving my point, aren't you?


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52ce4b  No.11467093


Faggot doesnt understand that his cellphone poisons him with more rads than a ballot….

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06a6ff  No.11467094


4d chess ?

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28b16c  No.11467095


>>11466784 UPDATE TO PREVIOUS NOTABLE - It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>11466839 Trump Wins Michigan

>>11466848 Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website.

>>11466864 Communists Trying to Steal US Election

>>11466865 Protests link

>>11466885 Operators on the move

>>11466908 We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ

>>11466912 NEW PDJT

>>11466932 NEW PDJT

>>11466918 Another piece of crap democrat criminal.

>>11466924 ANARCHY 99

>>11466973 Chief #Palestinian negotiator @ErakatSaeb is reportedly in critical condition.

>>11466987 Twatter account worth following

>>11467004 "Soon, we'll have the same fraud pollsters who lied to us come out with numbers suggesting @realDonaldTrump should concede the election. Absolutely, take it to the bank."

>>11467017 Nov 04, 6:34 pm Biden team launches transition website



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6be28e  No.11467097

All Q has to do is post the Comfy Pepe meme and the Anons will nod softly and say, oh yeah.

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a024d7  No.11467098

File: 456508c5c03ed10⋯.jpg (186.27 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 123799072_209332687254547_….jpg)

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4e7e8a  No.11467099

File: 850700d1eeecfc3⋯.png (570.44 KB, 577x320, 577:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8002  No.11467100


Follow the pen?

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578b51  No.11467101

File: 1ec33a7109888ab⋯.png (288.7 KB, 474x398, 237:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c8ae6  No.11467102


Looks to me the plan worked just fine, look how crazy you are!

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4a13d9  No.11467103





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abd0c2  No.11467104


nothing can stop what's coming. question you gotta answer tho, is what actually is coming? plans go to shit all the time. never trust the plan. always have backup options.

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09be8f  No.11467105

I now hate america

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42bf69  No.11467106


He’s the one that gets dates at the family reunions

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ea20a1  No.11467107

File: c48fc62ec668a97⋯.png (375.33 KB, 303x430, 303:430, Screenshot_2020_11_04_316_….png)

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93f1fa  No.11467108





If Trump would have declassified everything like he said he would but didn't Biden would be on jail and not the next president.

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18abbc  No.11467109


digits checked. digits confirm.

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44d849  No.11467110

File: 855986a7267cc16⋯.png (42.39 KB, 662x275, 662:275, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)



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fabe4a  No.11467111


Suicide Weekend

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c30e11  No.11467112

File: ac7d74d8ee6627c⋯.jpg (171.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, alexjonesfraud.jpg)


is that guy on the left in jail now?

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404e53  No.11467113


Here's some of what Q had to say, Brit-Anon:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.453 📁

Nov 11 2018 13:36:43 (EST)


1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?

2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?

3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?

4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?

Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?

Who issues 'blank' ballots?

Who controls 'blank' ballots?

How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?


Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?

Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?

What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?


Enemy @ the Front Door.


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bb95ac  No.11467114

File: 7f96491f2aed08a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 663x925, 663:925, 7f96491f2aed08acb486092f50….png)

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4bc66e  No.11467115


>it's 7pm. the only non union baker was a new one in the morning? proving my point, aren't you?

Go check all the breads and get back to us

There were several different bakers

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42bf69  No.11467117

File: 816087acf37b9be⋯.jpeg (260.49 KB, 640x608, 20:19, 79784E55_542F_4C67_B550_3….jpeg)

File: 27c3ccf013431b1⋯.jpeg (264.06 KB, 640x434, 320:217, 8CDF8BFD_24F0_41D4_8209_5….jpeg)



>I now hate america

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4e7e8a  No.11467119

File: e402976bb17068e⋯.png (514.61 KB, 448x450, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)

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32409d  No.11467120


>16 posts, not even halfway through the bread

>all caps and/or red text

>no rebuttal, just emotion


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06a6ff  No.11467121


Trust the plan

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554a00  No.11467122

File: 7deaf70a4958bb3⋯.jpeg (266.93 KB, 1489x1069, 1489:1069, F03C5F79_FBB0_43A1_9CFD_3….jpeg)

The Q movement was designed as a massive psyop by the deep state, to effectively neuter patriots by giving them false hope and a tantalizing but unrealistic endgame by emphasizing the ultimate destruction and end of the deep state. However, there will be no destruction of the deep state, no indictments of note coming from Durham. Instead, Trump will be swept out of office by massive voter fraud, and the neutered patriots, who sat idly by for years, waiting for the next big arrest that never came, will be overwhelmed by the new dystopian state that they allowed to fester. Simply put, the deep state knew that patriotic Americans would eventually rise up over time, develop command and communication, and actively physically and violently cleanse the country of the evildoers. They developed Q and the Q movement to distract and hold off any real chance of patriotic organization until the election, and by that time it would be too late. It was all a set up to delay and keep the American people from initiating a civil war to take back the country. The only road forward was a massive vote for Trump, an irrefutable landslide that would cancel out any planned fraud by the deep state. It didn’t happen, and only civil war will solve this crisis. Make a choice. Lexington and Concord. For your family, friends, future.

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66648d  No.11467123

To be honest ever since Q came into the picture and all this started I've always kind of wondered how exactly we would possibly be able to go from civil government to military tribunals of traitors and I honestly can't believe it never dawned on me. The only way we could legitimatley try American citizens (and elected officials) as traitors in military tribunals and execute or imprison them would be if the military had temporarily taken control of the government in order to maintain order.

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fd54c0  No.11467124

File: b58e9d83fecfd87⋯.png (390.17 KB, 709x923, 709:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a25602575790fe⋯.png (489.83 KB, 706x915, 706:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49396a92926d741⋯.png (468.02 KB, 705x913, 705:913, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden is suspected of participating in Ye Jianming’s acquisition of Kewen

The latest email leaks shows that James Gilliar, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, sent email to Tony Bobulinski at 3:13 pm on September 17, 2018. who was recently interviewed by Fox News shown the evidence of corruption in the Biden family .The email on March 29, 2017 showed that hunter biden participated in CEFC China’s acquisition of Kewen Group Co., Ltd. As the largest private company in Shanghai, Shanghai Huaxin Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., used high premium stocks and unsecured loans as bait to acquire shares of American Kewen Group Co., Ltd. Huaxin acquired 19.9% ​​of Kewen’s common stock at a price of $18.00 per share, with a premium of 29.5% per share. Kewen made huge profits in this acquisition. At the same time, CEFC China also provided Kewen Group Co., Ltd. six years of unsecured new debt financing of up to 175 million US dollars. As we known, high unsecured loans is CCP’s financial weapon to corruption officer.

With this cost. Kewen fully accepted the proposal of CEFC China. Huaxin appointed three directors to serve on the board of directors of Kewen, occupying 3 of the 11 seats on the board. These three CCP staff will inevitably serve as the CCP in the next move and influence the decision of the board of directors. CEFC China has invested globally for a long time, involving important fields such as energy, finance and international banking, and has been looking for acquisitions related to the U.S. financial services industry. For Kewen, the CCP has valued this point by using scientific research. Wen’s main business, Ye Jianming can smoothly penetrate into American financial related fields, such as investment banking, equity, research and investment management. Penetrating the financial sector of the United States is not only beneficial to the transfer of domestic assets, but also can achieve the purpose of intervention in the US stock market through continuous penetration of US finance.


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82f0ad  No.11467125

File: d080c64462afe8f⋯.png (174.29 KB, 727x153, 727:153, aflb_is_useless_but_i_will….png)


just for you…

[badge of honor]

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7a8002  No.11467126



There is no such entity.

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c30e11  No.11467127

File: 512ddd96b135f0e⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, freatawakeningf.jpg)



It's the Chinese Communists.

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c7ee42  No.11467128

Based off the Deep States current election map, it's clear they designed their fraud to give Biden the "He took it from me" belief, in case they couldn't pull off the steal.

This will harden the completely lost, yet disenfranchises the slightly awake.

See they committed this fraud in broad daylight, and we know what Sunlight does~

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450973  No.11467129

File: a530252a895c56e⋯.png (181.52 KB, 535x539, 535:539, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Haar….png)

A poll of American Jewish voters finds that over three-quarters of them cast their ballot for Democratic nominee Joe Biden



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28b16c  No.11467130



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9c673b  No.11467131

File: 67051d52ed60a07⋯.png (966.78 KB, 1056x1256, 132:157, 4949.png)

We're watching a movie

North Carolina = Where "The Last of the Mohicans" was filmed (video).

Wisconsin = Where the country's largest US flag (pictured) is located

Pennsylvania = Where Lincoln cited the Gettysburg Address (quoted in post).


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64700c  No.11467132

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beb39f  No.11467133


It already did.


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da6de7  No.11467134

File: 64beec37614acb9⋯.png (556.69 KB, 966x579, 322:193, 20201104_171102.png)

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2b7d62  No.11467135

Don't Hannity and Tucker both have shows right now????


We will fucking see won't we…


This is the expose @foxnews movie….

Who knew???


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32409d  No.11467136


>non union baker

<several different bakers

work on your reading comprehension.

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44deea  No.11467137

Breaking: North Carolina Officials Will Not Announce Results Until November 12th — This will Prevent Trump From Reaching 270


For the past 16 hours the state of North Carolina sat on their totals.

They are not updating the vote and not giving the state to Donald Trump.

Now late this afternoon North Carolina announced they will not announce their results until next week.

They will not allow President Trump to get to 270 electoral votes.

NC won’t update their total vote count until November 12th.

This is bullshit.

— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) November 4, 2020

This is the Democrat coup in action.


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2c494d  No.11467138


Notable your own shit too.

Damn you have certainly turned this place into your own personal jerk-off


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26c55e  No.11467139

File: 2ee2769b9403bd8⋯.png (127.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0064863b2be3352⋯.png (119.65 KB, 171x255, 57:85, ClipboardImage.png)


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4e7e8a  No.11467140

File: b870cc5e85607e2⋯.png (338.58 KB, 437x566, 437:566, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e4f53  No.11467141







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d1bb3f  No.11467142

So I've tweeted out with the word China a few times now

Other tweets get seen

Those, no views

More active suppression

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45c73a  No.11467143


Q started posting in 2017 retard

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abd0c2  No.11467144


> If a cooms/mossad baker is in the kitchen, they can rewrite notables and the history,

they can't be destroyed as long as they've been archived. the best a shill baker can do is derail for a thread or two

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c9d7a6  No.11467145

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e7e707  No.11467146

File: 95c6431b6f28713⋯.png (20.11 KB, 597x171, 199:57, phonecall.png)

apparently there's a very damaging and recorded phone call that is about to be released…

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93f1fa  No.11467147


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604848  No.11467148

File: e5dcb8d261f4b48⋯.png (225.54 KB, 761x1049, 761:1049, trump_EO_on_social_media_t….png)

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44e89a  No.11467149



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3b1f41  No.11467150

File: e816a98cd086ee9⋯.png (438.67 KB, 485x511, 485:511, ClipboardImage.png)

"Protesters chant “STOP THE COUNT” in Detroit where Michigan absentee votes are being counted." https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1324119830350372864

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7d0a49  No.11467151


>normal people are seeing the steal

They literally are not. They are in the alternate reality where evil dictator blumpf is refusing to leave.

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caac82  No.11467152



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28b16c  No.11467153



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c9e5c1  No.11467154


If a cooms/mossad baker is in the kitchen, they can rewrite notables and the history, destroying digs.

Not if anons are nominating notables and the baker posts his notable list before the bread ends

<anons nominate notable

<baker adds notable to list

<baker shows notable list to all anons present before moving on

<anyone can go look in bread if baker is accused of editing notables to confirm if they are legit

<can check if notable list matches nominations by CTRL+F "notable"

<history of digs and notables is never lost

who said it was perfect? I'm saying it's how it was always done, and it works a lot better than what we are doing now

I'm only "sliding" in response to being told I was a shill because I only included nominated notables when I baked earlier, instead of just making up my own list

That is because I am an oldfag, and that is how it has always been done

>See something, say something, newfag

It's cute to throw out "newfag" like it earns you some cache but if you argue with me on this point you only expose yourself

Any actual oldfag would validate what I'm saying

Also, you want something to start? If the baker changes the banner every bread, they are a fucking shill

NO ANON would do this. We've made tweaks to it lately but it's the clearest sign of a faggot baker who is trying to fuck with our process and sow doubt.

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edd07a  No.11467155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cbcb23  No.11467156

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8e4f53  No.11467157



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454ade  No.11467158

File: c4dcb21dcaf1f63⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 400x582, 200:291, c4dcb21dcaf1f63751c80ef5b8….jpg)

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1c6457  No.11467159

File: 71a0161c01348e7⋯.jpeg (98.63 KB, 600x432, 25:18, 4544B18F_7AB9_4EDC_8239_B….jpeg)


“Pasta taste like poop.”

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5644fb  No.11467160

The fact of the matter is that Trump’s re-election is tainted.

Now, even if he wipes the floor in recounts or dismissal of illegal ballots, his re-election is tainted. No matter what, he will always be seen as an illegitimate President.

If you are still waiting for Q to do something, don’t.

It’s over. POTUS will not be able to properly lead and execute the powers of the office with a tainted re-election.

Call me what you will.

Reality is reality. Just because you all are unable to see the writing on the wall doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

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49f9c0  No.11467161


Why the different text height? Had to be purposeful.

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28b16c  No.11467162



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90634c  No.11467163


nice copy pasta shill


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1bf225  No.11467164

How do you catch a dangerous animal?

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8e2ee2  No.11467165


>Coz Bannon is busy right now

I called Bannon as being Q two years ago. Everyone laughed.

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c7ee42  No.11467166





Hmm, I see the point you're trying to make but it's a terrible attempt tbh

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85a9fd  No.11467167


interesting anon. good catch.

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e6c6a8  No.11467168

File: 68c079f7561e47b⋯.png (465.16 KB, 960x480, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b50e77  No.11467169

File: 205b469feb40e6d⋯.jpg (311.5 KB, 1228x1268, 307:317, vpte_xxgtg.jpg)


Fuck off with your fake news pushing

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000000  No.11467170


What exactly does "Crave Pray" mean?

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25e9f6  No.11467171


Spoken like a true commie.

If I can find enough men who cherish liberty and freedom more than their current xbox game and porn, I'll meet you on the field of battle. Until then. You win.

Don't hold your breath.

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fe4d6e  No.11467172

File: 20c5e0783ce4666⋯.png (728.8 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, mural1.png)

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28b16c  No.11467173



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64d58b  No.11467174


No surprise, whatever it takes for no eyes or ears.

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2b8e28  No.11467175

Russia, Russia, Russia fatigue

Mueller Special Counsel fatigue

Impeachment fatigue

Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID) hoax fatigue

Zero Arrests fatigue

2020 Presidential Election fatigue

2020 Presidential Election Fraud fatigue

ALL of us could use a little humor:

“Trust Wray”

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000000  No.11467176



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49f9c0  No.11467177


I reluctantly agree.

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2b45d2  No.11467178


as they should. faggot.

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20e3cf  No.11467179


which makes me believe they have absolutely nothing

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0cdcf6  No.11467180


I second this… Several anons committed suicide today. Many have lost their families, their friends, and more, in pursuit of freedom.

My father and I talked about this today. He said, "Well, you guys basically 'joined the military' and there are sacrifices that come with that."

Well… The military gets paid. The military gets TONS of support. The military has hospitals dedicated solely to them. The military gets funding to more effectively do their jobs. And the military NEVER… EVER… EVER… gets left behind on the field of battle by their leaders.

Explain yourself, Q


You work for WE THE PEOPLE. (If you are who you even purport to be). We are not your slaves, or your bitches. And if you thought we were mad before. You have seen nothing. We will rise against ALL of those who have betrayed us.

And the LEAST our president could do is publicly acknowledge us, so anons stop offing themselves, and stop considering taking up arms to fight the fight that YOU should have fought years ago, using the powers of the military.


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caac82  No.11467181



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d1bb3f  No.11467182



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5ed61a  No.11467183

If your state allows it, use the ballot tracking.

My spouse, kid and I dropped our ballots off in person at the city hall and the ballottrax system still claims they haven't been received.

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1bf225  No.11467184


Wow good!

Good for them!

Get loud

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d96d49  No.11467185


>Normal people are seeing the steal.

Normal people think they are looking at the actual results by looking at what the figures reported by the media. They think they can literally look and see that Biden is winning with their own eyes.

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abd0c2  No.11467186


>not a gif

at least it's better than the jew shill posting thumbnails with his drivel

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209bcf  No.11467187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55d160  No.11467188

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732eaa  No.11467189

File: c148a943e9b2ba6⋯.png (65.71 KB, 923x749, 923:749, ClipboardImage.png)



Except that sauce is shit.


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2f6eae  No.11467190


No shit, dude. Q told us that back in 2017. The military would need to be placed in a temporary state of control. And that'll probably happen when Antifa and BLM go apeshit next. They're just waiting on their orders now, but as soon as Biden declares himself the next POTUS and Trump rejects it, it'll be game on.

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cfe6b1  No.11467191

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, Pepe_Elon_Smoke.jpg)


that's autism right thar

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28b16c  No.11467192



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39f5db  No.11467193


kill yourself anti free speech commie

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b08001  No.11467194

File: 44f0976f606f5db⋯.png (26.55 KB, 494x171, 26:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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82f0ad  No.11467195


yes meaning, i can't even productively use you as a punching bag like most the enemy shills here…

you are just an absolute mute waste of space and energy for this board as a whole.

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c7ee42  No.11467196

File: 8d18fb8c643212f⋯.png (124.25 KB, 200x255, 40:51, dc8ada23b30b67b60c03ab6b9b….png)

This was written 2 weeks ago, is it still true?

They use what ground they've taken to disrupt the board when they lose confidence in their ability to censor otherwise.

Baker drama / split thread is fabricated cover for insidious controllers to deploy a new manipulation 'drive' script (marry us to satan/lilith) to keep us censored and driven to eat their bullshit.

For what it's worth to the sincere observer, I feel as distant as you do while they blame their fellow co-workers for the chaos they both create~

That's the truth you'll never hear.

From someone who has had a birds eye view during this time, OSS hero sounds like a cheap rebranding of "Eat Shit Shills" baker who's job was to fuck up the weekend threads, who appears in tactical tandem with loli baker.

Their. Game. Doesn't. Change. As much as they want you to thin~k.

They need:

To control the flow/priority of information (Baker)

To control the drumbeat of the hivemind ("weighted" personalities on the board)

To keep you eating shit (Demoralized - unable to accept new information / generate insights)

They'll create whatever game they need, and shift whatever personalities they need, to keep this up.

Now You Know.

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8e4f53  No.11467198


>Divides by religion


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28b16c  No.11467199



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404e53  No.11467200


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: acb60b No.9707079 📁

Jun 22 2020 11:24:59 (EST)

What happens if China successfully duplicates [clones] select ballots [battleground states]?

What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s)? [secrets] to select [F] adversaries?

Nothing to lose?

Logical thinking.


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e7c0c9  No.11467201

>>11466999   Damn you are good !

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caac82  No.11467202



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b9cf82  No.11467203

Lol wasn’t 11.3 supposed to be Hillary arrested under @the plan@? Instead she’s about to be appointed to Biden’s administration.

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50cd35  No.11467204


It isn't that they are unscannable. They bleed thru and leve marks on the other side which invalidates the ballot.

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28b16c  No.11467205



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ae7c17  No.11467206

>>11467160 Disagree. The only people who will PDJT tainted are the same people who are running the cheat.

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2bd8c9  No.11467207


Fuck you sheep. My family hit this soil with The Mayflower. Shed blood in every war since.

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7a8002  No.11467208


and we are still laughing.

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bb95ac  No.11467209

File: cd880c7951a1246⋯.jpg (134.28 KB, 1196x1800, 299:450, rJ1zQ.jpg)

To much HB.

Not enuf Honey

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d1bb3f  No.11467210



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288623  No.11467211


cool story bro

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814bbc  No.11467212


times and haaretz are both cabal institutions.

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c44e8f  No.11467213

File: 4fb7f5a9a1679bc⋯.png (330.28 KB, 1080x654, 180:109, 4fb7f5a9a1679bcf47287718b1….png)

>>11466435 pb

I seen't it evolve too!

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2b45d2  No.11467214


so what you're saying is, Q team KNEW before the election that these three states would have the most fuckery.

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ad72ff  No.11467215

File: daee51092d3590a⋯.png (713.19 KB, 851x643, 851:643, obamalie.png)


stop yelling

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c7ee42  No.11467216


Oh that's almost a clever twist, for a second I believed you aren't the one flooding us with gore.

Oh you~

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6fd7cf  No.11467217


would be glorious if Calif. is really RED

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1e183f  No.11467218




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da96e5  No.11467220

File: eae7314283ad3c8⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 600x400, 3:2, frenscarbeers.jpg)



>There is no such entity.

Correct. It's nice to see anons getting this. Expect comms to try again to change the banner back to the Q_anon and maga lion. They seem extra pissed about this one.

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7c7589  No.11467221

File: 7fc73c1d39c26e4⋯.jpg (18.82 KB, 255x248, 255:248, d45ecff43f72a799653b96240e….jpg)



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52ce4b  No.11467222


You…. are a soft faggot…

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28b16c  No.11467223


>>11467124 Hunter Biden is suspected of participating in Ye Jianming’s acquisition of Kewen

>>11467110 PS- msm should really retract both California and Michigan.

>>11466784 UPDATE TO PREVIOUS NOTABLE - It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>11466839 Trump Wins Michigan

>>11466848 Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website.

>>11466864 Communists Trying to Steal US Election

>>11466865 Protests link

>>11466885 Operators on the move

>>11466908 We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ

>>11466912 NEW PDJT

>>11466932 NEW PDJT

>>11466918 Another piece of crap democrat criminal.

>>11466924 ANARCHY 99

>>11466973 Chief #Palestinian negotiator @ErakatSaeb is reportedly in critical condition.

>>11466987 Twatter account worth following

>>11467004 "Soon, we'll have the same fraud pollsters who lied to us come out with numbers suggesting @realDonaldTrump should concede the election. Absolutely, take it to the bank."

>>11467017 Nov 04, 6:34 pm Biden team launches transition website




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0cdcf6  No.11467224


Bullshit, many of us care…

Why don't you go burn another flag and sing the song of China, faggot.

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0e19cd  No.11467225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adamcast IRL - Election day Two

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cfe6b1  No.11467226


Let's see what happens

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173f42  No.11467227


it's fucking pathetic

worst showing ever. embarrassingly devoid of planning.

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058f58  No.11467228


Cool story bro.

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32409d  No.11467229


you're the baker? lmfaooo

why don't you add more of your posts to notables

>favorite quotes in the dough post

>personalized bread image

>puts own posts in notables

we're all here for you, baker. this is your bread, your board, please tells us more about you. jam your cock down our throats.

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caac82  No.11467230



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28b16c  No.11467231



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fd54c0  No.11467232

File: 5b6a07f6cea2f30⋯.png (95.43 KB, 882x729, 98:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aa7ae5311ed7fd⋯.png (1.26 MB, 839x592, 839:592, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f322ebd4189069⋯.png (24.31 KB, 889x290, 889:290, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden and FBI director Wray, their secret ties to the CCP

Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, allegedly acted as the “personal attorney” for Ye Jianming, the chairman of a major Chinese energy firm, in a deal to buy a 14% stake in a Russian state oil company facing U.S. sanctions.

The stunning accusation was made by Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of the Biden family, during an interview Tuesday evening with Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

Bobulinski explained that he was the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings – a joint venture between CCP-controlled CEFC and the Biden family. He said he met with Joe Biden in 2017 to discuss the arrangement, contradicting Biden’s denials on the campaign trail.

However, the deal fell through, he explained, partly because CEFC tried to buy a 14% stake in Rosneft, the Russian state oil company. At that time, Russia faced sanctions because of its invasion of Ukraine and seizure of Crimea in 2014. The Financial Times reported that the CEFC deal was to help Rosneft find new markets “as relations deteriorated with the west.” That deal, too, eventually fell through, as CEFC was investigated for corruption by China and other countries.

Bobulinski recalled that in July 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping was in Moscow for meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bobulinski states that he was shocked to learn of CEFC’s interest in Russia, which placed Sinohawk in a precarious position.

In September 2017, once CEFC had announced the deal to buy a stake in Rosneft, and the $10 million that CEFC was supposed to have invested in Sinohawk never materialized, Bobulinski grew more concerned.

In October, he said, “I did reach out to Hunter Biden … asking him, ‘Hey, listen, they haven’t funded the $10 million, have you done something that I’m not aware of? Have you gone around us? Have you started a parallel discussion with Chairman Ye that I should be conscious of?” Bobulinski said that Hunter Biden informed him, via text message, “I’m acting as the personal attorney to Chairman Ye.”


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1c6457  No.11467234

File: 219b76c161a1bf4⋯.jpeg (78.09 KB, 627x528, 19:16, 74B94FD8_9087_43AE_A6E2_0….jpeg)

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0cdcf6  No.11467235


Keep laughing, motherfucker… We will have our justice one way or another.

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2768a6  No.11467236

having to get majority public opinion for initiating any kind of monumental change is such shit when the majority of the public is so fucking stupid.

if we had 200 million americans all demanding justice, all deep state niggers rounded up, all agents in the media rounded up, and refusing to go to work or even contribute in any way until the traitors are arrested, tried, and executed, then it would have been done.

but people go on about their daily lives, toiling away at that good wagey cagey jerb (fun fact, if you work really hard this year, your boss can afford a new lambo and to buy their 16 year old a brand new bentley for their birthday) like it barely even matters.

because that temporary security is soooooo much better than restoring the republic the founders died for. /s

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28b16c  No.11467237



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82f0ad  No.11467238


I've never shared gore here (/Qresearch) a single time in my life.

don't be a liar, peasant.

you'll get called out everytime.

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a577f5  No.11467239

If TRUMP holds N.C. Pennsylvania, Georgia. Nevada's result isn't going to be until Thursday. And that set's up the riots for the weekend. That was the reason to stop counting ballots. China new it was over. Then flipped the switch.

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016c69  No.11467240

Chaos is actually extremely comfy.

We’re battle tested.


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8e4f53  No.11467241



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404e53  No.11467242


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: acb60b No.9707079 📁

Jun 22 2020 11:24:59 (EST)

What happens if China successfully duplicates [clones] select ballots [battleground states]?

What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s)? [secrets] to select [F] adversaries?

Nothing to lose?

Logical thinking.


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4e7e8a  No.11467243

File: e70f58a2d1e5d3b⋯.png (839.36 KB, 959x480, 959:480, a_new_world.png)

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559a3c  No.11467244

Please anons. I'm not the only one who can see the language Biden is using.

He's trying to resonate with the American People. It's not "my administration" it's more "our administration" "We're going to win this." "for our democracy." - That last one being so rich it's thicker than butter.

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a3e76c  No.11467245


When was the first “watch the water” post?

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9dcd12  No.11467246

File: 89ddf92deed97f4⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 694x601, 694:601, 20201103_111957.jpg)


Yeah, we know. You misread that as 'all hands on dick' - thats why you're here, right Rawdawg? You so cool

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d1bb3f  No.11467247



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51a333  No.11467248


yeah the 19th amendment was a mistake

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37b234  No.11467249

File: 54866e4cad85e7c⋯.jpeg (240.4 KB, 828x768, 69:64, D4736168_DAAC_476B_889F_0….jpeg)

Did anyone get photos of the side-by-side on

Joe M’s Twitter account before his account was suspended?

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52ce4b  No.11467250


Yo! , piere delecto in the house….

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4cb8a2  No.11467251

File: b67b2360c6149ef⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 851x271, 851:271, Capture.JPG)

If PA was not allowed to open mail-in ballots prior to election day, how did they know on Nov 2 the breakdown of D vs R already received? Do they have indications on the envelopes or ??

More than 2.4 million Pennsylvania mail-in ballots returned by Monday morning

More than 2.4 million Pennsylvania voters returned mail-in ballots by Monday morning, including ballots from nearly 1.6 million Democrats and more than 550,000 Republicans, Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said.

She spoke on the eve of the first presidential election since Pennsylvania last year enacted a sweeping reform of its election laws, including a vast expansion of mail-in balloting.

Boockvar said the 2.4 million ballots returned to counties accounted for more than 78% of the 3.08 million mail-in applications that were confirmed by the state.

Among those returned by Monday morning were nearly 1.6 million from Democratic voters, 555,805 from Republicans and 262,349 from independents and others.

For comparison, in the 2016 presidential election, there were 266,208 absentee ballots cast, and the number in 2012 was 248,561.

Boockvar, responding to questions about problems with mail-in ballots, said that any frustrated mail-in voter has the option to “go to your polling place on Election Day and vote by provisional ballot.”

“Don’t give up,” she said.

Boockvar cautioned against putting stock in unsubstantiated claims of victory in a race before sufficient votes are counted.

“Even in normal years, and nothing about this year has been normal, you know, it takes time for votes to be counted,” she said. “Elections are never called — they are never finished — on election night, and certainly we’ve never had 2.5 to 3 million mail ballots to count before.”

Factors including the massive number of mail-in ballots have led a handful of counties to say they would not count those ballots until after Tuesday.

Boockvar said representatives of her office and Gov. Tom Wolf have talked to officials in the counties where mail-in counting has become an issue. She reiterated her position that counties should start working on mail-in ballots as soon as possible on Election Day.

Boockvar did not name all counties involved. She identified Cumberland as the largest, but said as a group they had only a tiny fraction of the more than 2.5 million mail-in ballots that are expected.

She said, “Their ballots are not going to change the course of when the ballots are going to be fully counted in Pennsylvania.”


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23ac34  No.11467252

File: 4430af134fa5e2c⋯.jpg (455.18 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Stages_of_Tsunami.jpg)

Red Tsunami: We are at that stage when the water has receded!

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eed3e4  No.11467253

File: 335071a86c0d38a⋯.jpg (100.25 KB, 1080x1383, 360:461, 123199722_4170099059684733….jpg)


gotta call bullshit on that one ..

the libs seem quite happy today with the state of things…

i think they all posted this shitty meme and had a giggle

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25e9f6  No.11467254


Not if the perps are all dead.

Then we get to 'start over'

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dc6474  No.11467255

File: 779e2c74888913d⋯.jpeg (451.77 KB, 640x982, 320:491, B45C325A_045C_4860_975F_1….jpeg)

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0cdcf6  No.11467256


You must be a hardened faggot. I guess that comes with years of taking it up the ass, huh bitch?

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c44e8f  No.11467257


You got some weird fantasies.

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8772e7  No.11467258



22-Jun-2020 11:24:59 AM CDT


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8e4f53  No.11467259


Nah, that's fake news.

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66d764  No.11467260


>"Wisconsin now has more votes casted than registered voters"


snopes says no….snopes says wrong data was used

what say anons about snopes claim?

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cb7128  No.11467261



Bannon's rain man guy says maripock county 390K = 50/50…

Remaining 210K will split 66/33 POTUS = +150K.

he is calling POTUS by 20K in AZ

superclose…but paul ryan called it last night at 10PM. Their twit of a poller saying he could never be wrong…."it is a factor of 4 standard deviation…it cant go for POTUS…."

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221d7c  No.11467262

File: 2d74ef24cccee04⋯.png (215.32 KB, 848x312, 106:39, oss_fag.png)


starts war because of notables

puts his own posts in as notables and globals

>>11466924 ANARCHY 99

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ed7655  No.11467263


yeah, it's a little cringe

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d1bb3f  No.11467264

File: 3aaa841948fbe69⋯.jpeg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3aaa841948fbe699b4a9656a3….jpeg)




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928852  No.11467265


We don't live in a Democracy, we live in a Constitutional Republic

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28b16c  No.11467266

File: a1a34a3ff3f4b77⋯.png (495.8 KB, 1744x1500, 436:375, cc66ce9cebeacf15f790012703….png)


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404e53  No.11467267


Once the treason is revealed the military is in charge.

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8e4f53  No.11467268


Snopes is fake.

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058f58  No.11467269

File: 5116522ef196418⋯.png (163.4 KB, 480x338, 240:169, YetHereYew.png)

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f252ee  No.11467270

>>11465823 (lb) In Nevada, voted yesterday in person at machine. Just checked, not there. Filed Incident report. Thank you for info.

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9e304d  No.11467271


Normies with real lives barely care about any of this ; there are a lot of people who do not consume digital media, do not go online or have cable tv…or a smart phone… ; that might come as a surprise to many

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28b16c  No.11467272



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0863ea  No.11467273

File: c84e2cd60590549⋯.jpeg (186.06 KB, 828x830, 414:415, 0C42BF72_D294_44FD_9A5C_C….jpeg)

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f902ca  No.11467274


Shill team 6 over here. Choke on a dick. This is what people are saying around me and I'm in deep blue state.

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4073fc  No.11467275

File: 3c13425fa0e416d⋯.png (718.37 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, China_link_Weapon2.png)

File: beff0175bd40b7f⋯.mp4 (4.08 MB, 1294x720, 647:360, Casus_belliChinese_Consula….mp4)

File: 1626b6c2963eb9b⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 360x590, 36:59, Michigan_Massive_Ballot_Fr….mp4)

File: fe3d2f35006861c⋯.png (313.74 KB, 755x735, 151:147, Fraude4.png)

File: fe39c3901464162⋯.jpg (540.28 KB, 1125x1660, 225:332, Fraud7.jpg)

This farce as lasted long enough. Listen the Mainstream media will declare Joe Pedo the winner tomorrow. I understand that once they have cross this step it's going to be very difficult to deal with the backlash. Every Globalist leader around the world will go against the Trump Administration and endorse Joe Pedo.

So what is the situation. The CFR control media is in full shill mode. Hiding the Truth as much as possible. (This is world wide BTW) We also know and have irrefutable proof of massive Voter Fraud. We also know that ALL the Police Union endorsed Trump during this election. I'm ready to bet real money that they have set them up.

They caught them! They have them all on tape.

It's time to end this horror show.

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9b5507  No.11467276

File: 1815cee7a499846⋯.png (518.06 KB, 483x483, 1:1, WECANHEARYOUBREATHE.png)

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bc485b  No.11467277


The flag is located in Gastonia, NC, so 2 out of 3 ain't bad?

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32409d  No.11467278

File: 7360f407e783ea6⋯.png (727.15 KB, 1242x1273, 1242:1273, ClipboardImage.png)


this was it

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c7ee42  No.11467279


There's a fine line between being well situated in chaos, and being at home in chaos.

Sharpen the former to lessen the latter~

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9dcd12  No.11467280

File: cb91f44e563056f⋯.jpg (146.7 KB, 1080x721, 1080:721, 20201026_120250.jpg)


Yes, Mr. Wu

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450973  No.11467281

File: 8900a55335bf1e5⋯.jpg (810.71 KB, 1598x837, 1598:837, El_QgCvXUAQP_Q_.jpg)



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18abbc  No.11467282


beautiful Anon..this is why I come here

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307c14  No.11467283

File: 35ad96cf00241dd⋯.mp4 (526.12 KB, 412x568, 103:142, file_store_14.mp4)


>>11466752 (pb)

The Real General Zod (RealJamesWoods):

A lawyer in Michigan taped these people walking into the vote-counting room with "bags". This appeared on Crowder today.


Ok so what's in the Bags? Blank Ballots?

You know these people have phone records of them coordinating this massive Fraud

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52ce4b  No.11467284


#765 and # 847 fren!!!

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c22e3f  No.11467285

File: 26a0dbff341d35c⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 791x1010, 791:1010, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

File: 0bf8f801e7188af⋯.jpg (165.96 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, ArmorOfGod1.jpg)

File: 697eae4b9dc2673⋯.png (352.48 KB, 876x660, 73:55, armorpfGod2.png)

File: af0f9f5a4451383⋯.jpg (98.67 KB, 715x881, 715:881, ArchangelMichael.jpg)

Hold the line!!!!

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fd54c0  No.11467286

File: dba4e9108db26e9⋯.png (229.86 KB, 481x251, 481:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 544fdcd38357d65⋯.png (136.44 KB, 872x876, 218:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63490829e376221⋯.png (284.12 KB, 883x855, 883:855, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be8c9afeee85a01⋯.png (199.47 KB, 867x855, 289:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a76285b1eaadece⋯.png (55.59 KB, 908x625, 908:625, ClipboardImage.png)

Who were two Chinese donators in Francis Peter’s Congress nomination in 2016 ? And what secrets are in the hard drives?

Fransic Peter is a former aide of Vice-President Joe Biden. He was a Democratic candidate seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives to represent South Carolina’s 5th District in 2016.

On a website of campaignmoney.com , strange donations from two Chinese named of Zhang Bo and Shao Jinglan , who they lived Chevy Chase , MD, show on the website. The address is the same as the addresses of two companies called Harves Interactive Media and Harves Century Group. [ 1]





https://harves.com/about/ http://www.harves.com.cn/Index/e_index https://falconscreativegroup.com/



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82ee15  No.11467287

Does anyone think that there is something that we can do, because there's nothing we can do. I am sick and broke and I am not doing this anymore. We've been here 3 years and jack shit has happened. I am so fucking over it! We've been played, again.

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caac82  No.11467288



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b50e77  No.11467289

File: a424170043861b5⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 998x1080, 499:540, a424170043861b5a8d4b0a4593….jpg)


Fukken NOOB, doesn't know to use a question mark when it is a theory

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e20258  No.11467290

File: b416bd0a63ed8c0⋯.jpg (382.61 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, download_20201104_164141.jpg)

fb censoring az vids

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cfe6b1  No.11467291


you may be a homo

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cbcb23  No.11467292




So they supply the bleed through pens

then later find the machine did not read the ballot

they re-do a ballot without me present,

the worker fills in MY choices from the sharpie ballot that "bled through"

the worker fills in the new ballot with a better pen

"using my selections"


the bleed through of sharpies THEY SUPPLY

makes them

per the manual

re-do the vote

manually with "MY" choices

without me present

yea right

per the manual re-do the vote manually with "MY" choices'''

without me present

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23ffce  No.11467293


Snopes is debunked.

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161c00  No.11467294

Military Planning they said.


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dc6474  No.11467295


Ya the dems bought the ballots on alibaba probably kek

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26c55e  No.11467296

File: b6545d94cd83cca⋯.png (72.19 KB, 249x202, 249:202, ClipboardImage.png)


>'drive' script (marry us to satan/lilith)

AFLB the Israeli Jew shill finally admits it.

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8e4f53  No.11467297


You aren't tricking anybody,

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f82e10  No.11467298


What is the sauce for this? Seems like speculation (which I hope is true)

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3e2a23  No.11467299

File: a54fe1ea0f470a2⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 263x222, 263:222, gallery_561_255_982615.gif)

We'll always have boobs

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abd0c2  No.11467300


>What's another word for a Sharpie?

>A Marker.

an otherwise retarded hypothesis that kek confirms

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64700c  No.11467301


Ty shill

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814bbc  No.11467302


same side as ehud barak.

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85a9fd  No.11467303



Visible from a considerable distance, the flagpole is located on Acuity's campus along Interstate 43 between Milwaukee and Green Bay. The flagpole is nearly 100 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty. At 70 by 140 feet, the flag is the world's largest free-flying American flag.


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28b16c  No.11467304



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935cf2  No.11467305

In light of the election turning out pretty much how Q predicted, and with the reality of the situation feeling far worse than the predictive facts, it would be nice to hear a positive declaratory statement from the Q team right now.

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0cdcf6  No.11467306


THIS… THIS should happen.

But we ALL know how America feels about actually enforcing any laws anymore. So, we're not holding our breath. You expect to count on THIS law, while you have ignored enforcing every other law???

Okay… I'll just be over here sharpening my sword for when you let us down again.


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80a968  No.11467307

File: c17d1d0fd0f757f⋯.png (396.97 KB, 1192x626, 596:313, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)

Text exchange between me and a guy I know in the Philly burbs.

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4bc66e  No.11467308

File: d7d4de8f5a0c369⋯.png (33.06 KB, 529x258, 529:258, Joseph_Flynn_re_Hold_the_L….PNG)

Hold the Line

Joseph J Flynn

Heard from one the greatest political campaign strategists around.. who has been pessimistic and critical of Trump Campaign… he says we will flip Arizona and PA does not have nearly as many uncounted ballots as the #FakeNews is claiming …WE GOT THIS!!! #HoldTheLine !!!!


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8e4f53  No.11467309

File: 6cdb0cb9ddbca74⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 255x211, 255:211, Satanic_Subversion.jpg)

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55d160  No.11467310

File: 5439bf793e947aa⋯.png (89.17 KB, 219x255, 73:85, ClipboardImage.png)


That is why Biden declared earlier before the results are in… the minions are on a script to start and they had to have narrative in place before they kicked off.

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4a13d9  No.11467311


The fookin irony … unbelievable ..

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23ac34  No.11467312

File: 4992955367c0af2⋯.png (288.54 KB, 1371x917, 1371:917, Down_Detector.png)

Internet is lagging.


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caac82  No.11467313



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4cb617  No.11467314

To the mattresses. Now we are talking.

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9dcd12  No.11467315


They have that special distinction of being cucked AND fucked

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e137d7  No.11467316


Yep. Federal elections should have a single set of rules. Fuck each State having their own rules and loopholes.

They can do what they want with statewide elections but not Federal.

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450973  No.11467317

File: 31dcee76e181a8c⋯.png (390.67 KB, 535x583, 535:583, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Emba….png)



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09be8f  No.11467318


agreed, time to head for the hills

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5ed61a  No.11467319

File: 5a137126c7dd3a5⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1407x2410, 1407:2410, 4_obama.png)

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2b7d62  No.11467320

File: c1d38247fcbea7b⋯.png (168.36 KB, 1208x1086, 604:543, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)


>The fact of the matter is that Trump’s re-election is tainted.

Agree..lets dance…

So we need to CHALLENGE every single country and do a re-count is what you are sayingcorrect?

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c7ee42  No.11467321

File: 331d9ab1becb106⋯.png (135.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ed5f1a0ac0af41fc97bd990317….png)

File: ae4c64fa3d1b137⋯.png (124.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a05cbadb95156ba1bfc14bade8….png)

File: ba1b1d622a78aed⋯.png (131.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6764655384d1e4bd68b04f3cd4….png)

File: 21ecb1950d6629c⋯.png (106.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cd60b0337be7dba134f4012fa0….png)

File: 07739001571c0d7⋯.png (125.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 089fde744942e252207a377559….png)

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9a6b94  No.11467322


just rotate your IP.

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64d58b  No.11467323

File: 7dbfe3b5d9ba084⋯.png (365.2 KB, 598x559, 46:43, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Depa….png)

Department of Defense

One, two, boom! Marines fire an artillery round from an M777 howitzer during training exercises in Japan

Flag of Japan


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20e3cf  No.11467324



nothing will ever happen

it's ogre

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8e4f53  No.11467325



You idiots have no idea what is happening right now do you?

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caac82  No.11467326



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dbc77c  No.11467327

File: 8fe0a28cb4fb668⋯.png (10.09 KB, 1175x81, 1175:81, ClipboardImage.png)



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3a1937  No.11467328


Well, it's the SoS… the other "counts" are the AP projections. What matters is the SoS. Maybe the SoS doesn't like the thought of Gitmo?

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dc6474  No.11467329


No sauce kys

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da6de7  No.11467330


That's not going to get anyones attentionNow if we start shooting in the air maybe…

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07834b  No.11467331

The scumbag subversive from the group that has been attacking the board as bakers has finally gone into full meltdown. This is the filth that forced the original board image changed. Acts just like antifa garbage screaming in the streets.

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9e304d  No.11467332


are you in one of these states that are in limbo?

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d1bb3f  No.11467333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c9e5c1  No.11467334

File: 59604b6a4ec80e1⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 440x440, 1:1, glowing.jpg)


>redtext CAPS

>28 posts

>keeping very close track of anon bakers post histories across several breads

wow what an organic anon you are

I did have RL shit to do retard, I went to eat dinner with my family

I see you're still spouting bullshit about censoring breads to sow division

Real anons see you glowing from a mile away

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307c14  No.11467335

File: 8a8ea8043896cbd⋯.png (356.73 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Cupace20201023160035.png)

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e137d7  No.11467337


Was it a perfect call? I hope so and is there a transcript. Nancy might want to impeach over it.

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28b16c  No.11467338



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f6aae0  No.11467340

File: 92fd21db7cc9bae⋯.png (533.98 KB, 878x492, 439:246, ECB036CC_AF34_454D_9E88_8E….png)

United States Seizes 27 Additional Domain Names Used By Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps To Further A Global, Covert Influence Campaign

Action Follows Last Month’s Seizure of 92 IRGC Domains


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712834  No.11467341


Not sure he was a shill. People are fed up. If nobody speaks up, [they] will do more of the same. We need to start putting more pressure on these fuckers.

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8e4f53  No.11467342



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9dcd12  No.11467343



entheos has been eerily spot on in the past

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9a6b94  No.11467344


They tried to cheat last time in wayne and got shut down.

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28b16c  No.11467345



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caac82  No.11467346



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52ce4b  No.11467347


And ghey

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80a968  No.11467348

File: ed03a505712fea6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1040x1042, 520:521, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)


Love isn't always on time.

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289020  No.11467349

File: 8ad145513cd40ad⋯.jpg (224.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 8ad145513cd40add5d125a6082….jpg)

Is there anyone here who actually believes Q didn't see this coming?

Q+his team of unknown size and biggest intel collection in the world wouldn't see this coming?


They have this shit wrapped!!!

Don't worry for a single second!

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c30e11  No.11467350

File: 6d708d756a5e409⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 799x568, 799:568, farkreyesyahoowiki.jpg)


I think mine was printed in China

Why would it have only Chinese and English writings all over it?


could China have been funding some revolutionary groups in South American, for the sake of International communism?


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4a13d9  No.11467351


not all way down the bread we dont. 1st 10% please.. keep it tidy

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4e7e8a  No.11467352

File: ceccc3d2c4724af⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 970x481, 970:481, husssein_traitor_knowingly.jpg)

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55d160  No.11467353


I'm guess YT will kill Project Veritas video before it drops tonight.

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450973  No.11467354

File: 4b96cb313a29e93⋯.png (358.22 KB, 478x603, 478:603, Screenshot_2020_11_04_Emba….png)




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0cdcf6  No.11467355


Q literally share clips from "Law Abiding Citizen" and "Last Of The Mohicans"… Stories about civilian PATRIOTS taking justice into their own hands to protect the freedoms of ALL Americans.

Yet most of you pathetic faggots, just sit here like cowards saying, "Trust The Plan"…


Fuck you, cowards.

I'm with the PATRIOTS, ready to defend this nation against ALL enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

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b08001  No.11467356

File: 814b2ab6ea319a0⋯.png (67.04 KB, 958x456, 479:228, ClipboardImage.png)

Get the Facts: Election night results are not official results. These sites may experience outages due to a variety of issues including too many people trying to view the site or cyberattacks. Such disruptions do not impact the integrity of votes or the official certified results. Election results made available on election night are always unofficial. Official results are rigorously canvassed (reviewed), and certified by local and state election officials. Most states have requirements for post-election audits as well.


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f82e10  No.11467357


Please let this be so, we need to hit these fuckers hard

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1c6457  No.11467358

File: 0e05fe9f0b236d6⋯.jpeg (62 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 3DCBBE74_6006_41BF_A959_9….jpeg)

Anons need to let loose the matrix.

Why are ANY of you listening to what MSM says about election results?


Who did Q say is enemy of people?

Who did Trump name as the greatest enemy of the people?

Calm down and watch the movie. It’s getting gud!

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28b16c  No.11467359


>wow what an organic anon you are


>I did have RL shit to do retard, I went to eat dinner with my family


>I see you're still spouting bullshit about censoring breads to sow division


>Real anons see you glowing from a mile away

Yet you have posted in every single bread with your sad sad song since.


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161c00  No.11467360


More and more are realizing this.

The only ones that aren’t thinking it are the ones that’s paid to be here. The ones continuing the pacification and manipulation op.

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fae9d6  No.11467361

File: e47dfc1b95ee7a8⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Us anons stayed up all night, baker worked their asses off trying to keep up and do you think Q would post anything about thanking any of us for a job well done? I thought he would. So disappointed in him, no wonder code monkey left. Thanks to all of the anons and bakers and patriots that was here last night giving their all. I said it last night but it was going so fast. My hat is off too all of you.

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c9e5c1  No.11467362

File: f8213858186ec0f⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 574x511, 82:73, mel_jesus.jpg)



More organic instant replies to my post

Gee I wonder if I'm over the target?

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dbc77c  No.11467364


Q is a pussy. People who follow Q are pussies. The other side knows this. There is nothing that can stop socialism from taking over america. nothing.

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29b076  No.11467365

File: edd8daea999af31⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1953, 125:217, 56109A69_D5AE_4B0B_AC8A_6….jpeg)


look how brightly the shills glow

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20e3cf  No.11467366



nothing will happen

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9dcd12  No.11467367



Very weak attempt. You people are really stupid. Like st subhuman levels of stupid

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28b16c  No.11467368



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065806  No.11467369

File: e002b40d7a376ea⋯.png (249.43 KB, 488x407, 488:407, demoral.png)

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09be8f  No.11467370


ship of fools

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b08001  No.11467371

File: 24d419031d7b150⋯.png (57.86 KB, 881x379, 881:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Committing fraud through photocopied or home-printed ballots would be highly difficult to do successfully. This is because each local election office has security measures in place to detect such malicious activity. While the specific measures vary, in accordance with state and local election laws and practices, such security measures include signature matching, information checks, barcodes, watermarks, and precise paper weights.


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4e7e8a  No.11467372

File: ae69f5566d72605⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 542x477, 542:477, joe_tragedy.jpg)

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483743  No.11467373

File: e14891627881667⋯.png (293.56 KB, 598x734, 299:367, P1.png)

File: f7133efcbb7447c⋯.png (255.3 KB, 598x570, 299:285, P2.png)

File: 060cd8813b85d5d⋯.png (971.33 KB, 1355x587, 1355:587, P3.png)

Attention All Planefags!! Whats all this about??


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9c673b  No.11467374


Good catch. I stand corrected. The flag pictured is in Gastonia NC, which is where POTUS rallied on 10/14.

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68a0af  No.11467375

File: 0dc00384eca0ee2⋯.png (281.44 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0dc00384eca0ee2524284ed7ef….png)



a lot of concernfags and concernshills here. And that's ok.

real anons should remember: The world is watching this board. Stay comfy.

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0863ea  No.11467376

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928852  No.11467377

File: 222ea0812f85667⋯.png (428.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Watch_the_Water.png)

File: c4087b0a0b9cb0c⋯.jpg (23.23 KB, 662x162, 331:81, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….jpg)


Watch the Water was my graphic

I made it 3/6/18

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8772e7  No.11467378


Been here since Nov, early, 2017. Free.

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28b16c  No.11467379


>look how brightly the shills glow


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4cbcdd  No.11467380


Pretty disappointed tbh


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3e2a23  No.11467381

File: 9ef5de6d39f42f3⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 736x488, 92:61, IMG_20190202_072834.jpg)


Found the faggot

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b071c0  No.11467382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They hit us so we hit em back. 100 button men on the street.

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bc485b  No.11467383



Sellin' Hope's Like Sellin' Soap

Son I'll Tell Ya Why

You Can't Make Either One

Without a Little Bit of Lie

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9054f8  No.11467384

File: 9c2236647022bbe⋯.png (365.45 KB, 775x653, 775:653, pepe_blush_pacifier.png)


This should help you calm down, anon.

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404e53  No.11467385


I'm not Q, Anon. I'm just posting what I believe are relevant Q drops.

I don't mind if you vent at me, I just want you to know you aren't accomplishing anything other than venting.

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cb7128  No.11467386

File: 628e084a3dd7893⋯.png (676.48 KB, 749x459, 749:459, ClipboardImage.png)


trips don't lie.


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32409d  No.11467387


i haven't seen any sauce for it - i wouldn't expect them to announce their actions on their website..

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d96d49  No.11467388

What do anons think happens next?

- A long mess of recounts and lawsuits uncover massive voter fraud and the election is eventually called for Trump

- Materials from Bobulinksi and the Hunter laptops make Joe ineligible for the presidency before a true winner is determined

- The fraud was totally anticipated and allowed to happen as a sort of sting operation that will soon be disclosed, followed by Durham, etc.

The one thing I think is a given is that this won't simply drip-drip-drip its way to a Biden victory. *Something* is going to happen. I just hope it doesn't drag out too long.

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712834  No.11467389


Another sodomite with an opinion

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2b45d2  No.11467390

File: 85cbae68254798f⋯.jpeg (6.83 KB, 225x225, 1:1, d.jpeg)



check 'em

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e137d7  No.11467391


Well, what happens?

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465816  No.11467392


This is fake anon!!

Here is the actual info




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2c494d  No.11467393

File: af862789f1960ea⋯.png (293.71 KB, 613x396, 613:396, Amazon_CEo_dump_110420.PNG)

File: db9ec3d0f9bac9a⋯.png (445.03 KB, 549x390, 183:130, bezos_dr_evbil_1_million_s….PNG)

Jeff Bezos sold Amazon, Inc.: $3.02B- Nov 2-3

Amid Election Chaos, Jeff Bezos Sells $3 Billion Worth Of Amazon Shares

Jeff Bezos, billionaire founder of e-commerce and cloud computing colossus Amazon, sold $3 billion worth of Amazon shares on Monday and Election Tuesday, according to new filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. After taxes, Forbes estimates he will take home $2.3 billion. He remains the richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $189.6 billion.

Seven new documents filed with the SEC on Wednesday just as markets were about to close showed Bezos sold exactly 1 million shares of Amazon this week, or 1.8% of his stake. He sold when Amazon stock was trading between $2,950 and $3,075 per share. According to the filings, the sales are part of a predetermined plan to sell Amazon in accordance with insider trading laws.

This is the third time this year that Bezos has sold billions of dollars of Amazon shares. He now owns a 10.6% stake in the company. In August, he sold $3.1 billion worth of Amazon shares. In the first week of February, he sold over $4 billion worth of Amazon shares. In total, the Amazon founder has sold over $10 billion worth of Amazon shares in 2020 alone.

Bezos has made various commitments in the last few years when it comes to charity. He announced a $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund dedicated to fighting climate change in February, though he has not announced any details about the planned giving. He also promised $2 billion in 2018 to fund existing charities helping homeless families, and to start a network of nonprofit, Montessori-inspired preschools for low-income neighborhoods. The first Bezos Academy opened in October in a town south of Seattle, Washington, where Amazon is based.

A representative for Bezos declined to comment on the sales.



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4e7e8a  No.11467394

File: aa63ff71d9d353e⋯.png (991.23 KB, 960x480, 2:1, joe_hunter.png)

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bfbf88  No.11467395

File: e5fcbb4794cb6e8⋯.png (727.83 KB, 753x669, 251:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Pepe Green?

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c9e5c1  No.11467396

File: 8d7b4ab4112af28⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 385x346, 385:346, 8d7b4ab4112af28ee358607792….jpg)


>I'm a shill and I don't like being openly called out so I'm gonna make nonsense insults against this anon to try to slide his valid points