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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _bakermeme.png)

3d4397  No.10462502[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 08.26.2020

>>10426984 ————————————–——– The Great Deceiver(s). INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10426999)

Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )

Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353360)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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3d4397  No.10462521

Global Announcements

>>10430503, >>10432390 NEW: FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’. Source Info: >>10394806, >>10430534

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10462167, >>10462186, >>10462163, >>10462176, >>10462299 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10461998, >>10461931, >>10462117, >>10462294 Planefag reporting

>>10461784, >>10462173, >>10462322 US Mil tweets news

>>10461982, >>10462032 A very, very informative clip with Steve Scalise on Fox and Friends this am.

>>10462027, >>10462058 We About to Go Get that MotherF***er! – It’s Time for Revolution!” – VIDEO – BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump from White House

>>10462041, >>10462083 Tom Fitton: EVERY school in America should be fully open. #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus

>>10461775 Minnesota Democrat Mayors Endorse Donald Trump: Biden Did ‘Nothing’ for Working Class

>>10461769 President Donald Trump is leading former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of the November election in the battleground state of Michigan

>>10461783 World Health Organization (WHO) and analytics company to “social listen” and monitor “millions” of people’s social media accounts to combat “coronavirus misinformation.”

>>10461805 "Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers Consider Whether a Looter "Needed" Stolen Goods Before Charging"

>>10461811 US Marshals find 25 missing kids in NE Ohio, including one in Mansfield

>>10461813 Mosquito release connected to Gates foundation

>>10461821 The hill flip flops in the same day

>>10461825 Poroshenko Ukrainian Money Laundering Scheme Explained

>>10461837 In 3.5 short years, Trump forced a 200 year old institution to expose their TRUE NATURE out loud and in the open.

>>10461839 THE HILL: Mitch McConnell's campaign confirms it hired Nicholas Sandmann as grassroots director

>>10461812 Kenosha Kid 2012

>>10461955 Texas salon owner, jailed for defying coronavirus shutdown, running for state Senate

>>10461963 "'Unite for Freedom' protest in London"

>>10461892 >James Woods r/t winning endorsement for POTUS (Watch to the end)

>>10462039 Interesting take on why many members of Congress have not shown up in DC

>>10461926 /pol/ found the parking lot shooter Alex Blaine

>>10461935 Owner of Brit's Pub says downtown Minneapolis no longer safe for customers

>>10462040 Call to dig on Lang Walker. Why have we never dug on the billionaire who owns an Island in Fiji

>>10462068 Notre Dame Disavows Lou Holtz's RNC Speech Calling Biden 'Catholic in Name Only'

>>10462163 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462063 Peter Navarro accuses Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party of being in cahoots in 2020 election

>>10462096 RFK, Jr's press conference last night in Berlin. All about vaccines, Gates, and masks. Worth a listen.

>>10461985 REVEALED: One of the highest ranking US spies shot himself dead while his new wife tried to get away from him

>>10462109 Lawyer of Accused Kenosha Shooter Breaks Down Kyle Rittenhouse’s Case for Self Defense

>>10462180 Democrats are preparing the territory for a disputed Presidential selection by the House of Representatives.

>>10461868 Police steps aside to give these peaceful demonstration the Voice they deserve

>>10462241 A major police operation in Western Australia has uncovered a suspected sex ring - involving more than 140 underage victims.

>>10462243 @RazzZinger I learned today that if you rape a 15-year-old, violate a restraining order, resist arrest, reach for a weapon and get shot, professional sports will shut down in your honor.

>>10462257 PORTLAND: You do realize protesters are occupying mayor @tedwheeler’s apartment complex

>>10462408 C-SPAN Had So Many Democrats Calling In Support For Trump That They Had To Change Their Protocol

>>10462377 Sex Trafficking Rings Busted + Children Rescued Week Roundup

>>10461869 Paedophiles using cheese and pizza emojis as secret code on social media

>>10461872 Concrete barriers put up around Seattle Police East Precinct after arson, vandalism

>>10462462 Illegal immigrants = Art

>>10462511 #13389

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3d4397  No.10462523


>>10461390, >>10461498, >>10461676 planefaggin

>>10461603 Sandia diggz

>>10461536, >>10461539 Sandia threadrapp

>>10461527 Court invalidates 50,000 absentee ballot applications that were pre-filled by election official.

>>10461518 Mitch McConnell’s campaign hires Covington teen Nick Sandmann

>>10461492 Instagram is now censoring "#Obamagate"!

>>10461488 California Gave $35 Million ‘Voter Outreach’ Contract to ‘Team Biden’ Firm

>>10461398, >>10461407 JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame trashes the Fake Gender Identity movement.

>>10461405 Last night we joined @WomenVote100 and illuminated the @WhiteHouse purple & gold for their #ForwardIntoLight campaign.

>>10461347 Scott Presler, who has become a social media influencer by cleaning up Democrat-controlled and decaying American cities, is joining forces with Black Voices for Trump to help Wisconsin communities recover from the recent Black Lives Matter riots.

>>10461336 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Retweeted >>>> Ben Collins

>>10461333 Potus early am twats w/caps

>>10461279 BLM inc. threatening to “rip the president out of the White House”

>>10461248, >>10461227 Has this guy been ID'd?

>>10461212 Turkey's Erdogan, NATO chief discuss eastern Mediterranean

>>10461164, >>10461374 Tim Tebow embraced by QAnon followers after Instagram post

>>10461101 Michael Moore warns Dems: Trump voters' enthusiasm is 'OFF THE CHARTS!'

>>10461084, >>10461106, >>10461125 Refresher: Obama's shadow gov't is called National Security Action (NSA)

>>10461064 Warroom Class. Sunday Nights >>9967715

>>10461037, >>10461058, >>10461094, >>10461180, >>10461200, >>10461213, >>10461299, >>10461512, >>10461536 Berlin Covid Protests,Live Stream,speech of RFK Jr

>>10461605, >>10461619, >>10461624, >>10461642 Berlin Covid Protests,Live Stream,speech of RFK Jr

>>10461005 Refresher on guillotines and GA law For the keks?


Previously Collected Notables

>>10459328 #13385, >>10460108 #13386, >>10460997 #13387

>>10457000 #13382, >>10457794 #13383, >>10458585 #13384

>>10454722 #13379, >>10455528 #13380, >>10456259 #13381

>>10452409 #13376, >>10453166 #13377, >>10453990 #13378

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3d4397  No.10462525

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Germany #63 >>10275120

UK #20 >>10226357

Australia #9 >>10099681

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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3d4397  No.10462526

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes61 >>10382365 for the Warehouse

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USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* 2020-Aug LOTS OF ELECTION 2020 AND DONALD TRUMP MEMES plus those not categorized elsewhere — https://mega.nz/folder/hZIHgYKC#yBQuOT9WvroWCZ6nvAkJiw

* Obamagate — https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Biden + DNC Agenda Everything Biden that isn’t in Obamagate or Ukraine folders — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

* Kamala Biden’s running mate — https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

* Trump Successes v2 Promote Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

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* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #28 >>>/comms/23071

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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3d4397  No.10462543

New Dough



TY Anons Great honor to serve you

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1b2a95  No.10462548

Thanks Bakes.

Cabal Fear Intensifies —- Lib. rag ' The Atlantic ' with a warning to the CULT of Demon-crats……

" This is how Joe Biden Loses "


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ef4579  No.10462551

Today is the Tomorrow we worried about Yesterday.

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7686f8  No.10462554

File: 226acfa13de6a6e⋯.jpg (94.74 KB, 1051x1123, 1051:1123, Egl1KMaXcAEkOQ0.jpg)


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c4ba3d  No.10462555

Would a kind anon please post the skateboard guy grabbing his chest in Kenosha?



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b0c702  No.10462556

File: f962db1b4ba766d⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 680x800, 17:20, colanderheads.jpg)

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fea8e6  No.10462557

File: 1114364313586ad⋯.png (493.34 KB, 432x768, 9:16, pepe_naughty.png)

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39d193  No.10462558

File: 75980ad5044dbb1⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10462090 LB

And this?

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bea3a6  No.10462559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Saturday In The Park (1973)

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2b3e5a  No.10462560

File: edf98e906d86ea2⋯.jpg (257.61 KB, 1286x857, 1286:857, kyle_rittenhouse_negative_….jpg)

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3d4397  No.10462561


me and you buddy your welcome

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eec454  No.10462562

>>10462550 (lb)

>Top kek.

>>10462540 (lb)

>FFS are you retarded?

Everything has meaning. Everything. Why would this be grounds for ridicule?

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6e1f28  No.10462563

File: 88f13237281f731⋯.png (344.27 KB, 499x499, 1:1, enlightened_pepe.png)


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3d4397  No.10462564


good one thanks

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fd1f00  No.10462565

File: 219b868bc5dfef1⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 600x878, 300:439, 1598693400050.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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8c02ae  No.10462566

File: a9a9b6f484895a2⋯.png (657.14 KB, 718x980, 359:490, GOYA.png)



Live stream for Bill Binney YT. for anyone who wants to watch.


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f43bdc  No.10462567

File: 12ab2ee18b48270⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 434x640, 217:320, inspector.jpg)

>>10462524 lb

>Would storing a modern meter in a Faraday cage/ammo can allow it to survive an EMP?

I would think it would. If I had the $$ this is the one I would get.


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c4844b  No.10462568

File: e44e7aabddde8f8⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2167x1117, 2167:1117, ClipboardImage.png)


Bill doesn't know anything about Q or Cicada

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59b266  No.10462569

File: feba189ebf80b4a⋯.png (138.99 KB, 784x848, 49:53, JohnHereToHelp_election_Ch….png)

File: bda906c32c967fe⋯.png (572.29 KB, 1232x2088, 154:261, JohnHereToHelp_election.png)

File: 3d1fdb1a5595c06⋯.png (196.08 KB, 616x1564, 154:391, JohnHereToHelp_Orders_Give….png)

>>10462399 lb

>Booker: Trump Will ‘Incite’ His Base to Not Accept a Loss in November

>>10462426 lb

>How cute, while Hillary actually tells Biden he SHOULDN'T Concede.

>>10462451 lb

>they are going to lose in a landslide and THEY wont accept the defeat

>>10462469 lb

>can we see them rigging the election now?

Whistle blower info on Dem plans! We can clearly see them setting up the narrative already! + Ds getting help from China!

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f4809f  No.10462570

File: b3fa4d4a52e5744⋯.jpeg (342.1 KB, 915x723, 305:241, b3fa4d4a52e5744368ab304df….jpeg)

File: 9f4fa6da89fc6fb⋯.jpg (202.45 KB, 405x589, 405:589, 9f4fa6da89fc6fb402e828da28….jpg)

File: ee6082ff7e3e43b⋯.png (906.95 KB, 800x558, 400:279, ee6082ff7e3e43b8af6b4786ba….png)

File: c8d3661f71747aa⋯.png (1.07 MB, 762x738, 127:123, c8d3661f71747aa0750ffa1e07….png)


Thank you baker.

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59b266  No.10462571

File: 0a4a977b485c423⋯.png (17.47 KB, 429x334, 429:334, 8_kun_embed.png)



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6989c4  No.10462572

File: a7ba32f1af867ce⋯.png (126.03 KB, 221x347, 221:347, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker

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528936  No.10462573

File: 42fdf248b2d260e⋯.png (339.57 KB, 835x659, 835:659, mua_guns.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Wasn’t the Only One Carrying a Gun in Kenosha – NUMEROUS BLM RIOTERS HAD GUNS THAT NIGHT TOO (Photos)

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f4809f  No.10462574

File: d6a0df223d1b4bc⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 620x800, 31:40, d6a0df223d1b4bc9f75f9b619b….jpg)


Only because you got the trips. Just kidding. I don't have the alpha but here's the best meme of that faggot.

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fea8e6  No.10462575

File: f768b7921e52793⋯.png (172.32 KB, 360x340, 18:17, pepe_lol.png)

>>10462451 (last bread)

>they are going to lose in a landslide and THEY wont accept the defeat

Some of them already said that should that happen, that we'd know it was rigged, and it must be investigated.

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7686f8  No.10462576

File: 3a85c5376f7054d⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, c9rHCmdhtjB8buN6.mp4)


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528936  No.10462577

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB, 634x525, 634:525, have_a_look.PNG)


The situation in Kenosha was very dangerous the night of the Rittenhouse shootings. Many BLM rioters also had guns. No doubt this is the same in other Democrat cities around the US where BLM rioters are looting and destroying these cities. Why do Democrats want this?

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c4844b  No.10462578

File: 10c19651a826d14⋯.png (54.24 KB, 1074x335, 1074:335, ClipboardImage.png)

from Binney AMA:

this question was also asked on the livestream here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi6hRCCCZ7c

Has the NSA et al. security state essentially destroyed the possibility of there being authentic democracy in the US, considering they have both a miniscule and bird's eye view of every citizen and are thus in a position to apply statistical and cognitive science to not only map the voters' minds to a previously inconceivable degree, but also to refashion or remap said minds using all but undetectable measures? Thank you.



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af13fa  No.10462579


Kyle reminds me of the tard in the Shriners commercials in that he's prolly much older than he looks.

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b0c312  No.10462580

File: ab65e7ff9e383b8⋯.jpg (297.22 KB, 1520x1520, 1:1, Terminator_2_Sniper_Fury_S….jpg)

Is it Judgment Day yet?

Spoiler alert: yes. It is.

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9060d2  No.10462581

File: 8a3c90b9294d6d9⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 400x400, 1:1, These_are_good_kekiddy_kek….mp4)



These are good.


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10a749  No.10462582


Imagine seeing that round faced innocent looking kid as the last thing you saw on this earth? KEK

Surprise motha fuckas!

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287696  No.10462583

File: 9cce22cd8148ab0⋯.png (619.38 KB, 786x838, 393:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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bab5ed  No.10462584

antifa.com links directly to JoeBiden.com donation page

antifa.com Updated 41 minutes agorefresh

Domain Information




NameCheap, Inc.

Registered On:


Expires On:


Updated On:




Name Servers:



antifa.com = https://joebiden.com/

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fea8e6  No.10462585


>Why do Democrats want this?

Because theyhateAmerica and want to burn it down, and start a new "socialist utopia".

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3a6b69  No.10462586

Anybody have Inevitable ET's current twitter? Been searching twitter for trying to find active acct.

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ac66ea  No.10462587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks baker!

>>10462459 (PB)

Could be, always told people I'd see them in the sky, a looong time ago. People laughed at me, so I would just keep it to myself. Been plagued by the fact I feel their presence to this day. Sometimes I would holla out, come get me motherfuckers! I'm sick of this shit! Get me the fuck outta this prison hell! Nothing. Just always lurking and me feeling them lurking. Over time, began to think it was gov surveillance, cuz was always digging into conspiracy theories. Somehow I ended up on the chans, having never heard of them, on October 28th 2017. Which is my birthdayay. Same when 8chan went down. Somehow found out about 8kun coming back up something like 2 weeks before. Nobody told me or hinted to the fact. Makes no sense to me. I gave up thinking about aliens pretty much. I figure it is what is is and I don't let it bother me too much. Kinda like a shadow. Still, in the far corner of my mind always. kek


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2b3e5a  No.10462588

File: b0616751f6ab1c1⋯.png (498.63 KB, 499x694, 499:694, trump_terminator_2_judgeme….png)


Gimme a few to get dressed

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f4809f  No.10462589


Great tits. No trigger control. Probably never shot a gun.

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0e30a6  No.10462590

File: 33a86d307534a25⋯.png (709.07 KB, 459x565, 459:565, thank_you_baker_pepe_on_th….PNG)

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fd1f00  No.10462591

File: c59e4357e37ae3a⋯.jpeg (193.66 KB, 1080x1633, 1080:1633, 1598484025.jpeg)

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8c02ae  No.10462592

File: 7dd0bd372e4e1d4⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1585482349315.gif)

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bab5ed  No.10462593


Bill Binney



Stealth Bomber?

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af13fa  No.10462594


What volume setting should I use?

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92a428  No.10462595

File: 5b0b15166c29b90⋯.jpg (102.81 KB, 537x799, 537:799, 0b817361deec99d69eb47dc50a….jpg)

Tolkien's friend Clive Staple Lewis wrote a book that describes our current situation, That Hideous Strength.


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9a160c  No.10462596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7a3a21  No.10462597

File: ff15c8d3ab9caf1⋯.png (717.42 KB, 824x1145, 824:1145, tempsnip.png)


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1b2a95  No.10462598


silent weapons 4 quiet wars

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2b3e5a  No.10462599


How about the Labyrinth Group and the ACIO?

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7cec00  No.10462600

If time travelers are real they are not good

for if a good time traveler, you would unhide the hidden truths so that their could be less suffering.

since the hidden truths are still hidden that is evidence that no time traveler is good, just selfish greedy and believes themselves to be above all others

so much bullshit here

anything but taking action or self responsibility

sad really sad

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c4844b  No.10462601

File: 8ba45db793f07a5⋯.png (68.59 KB, 1074x453, 358:151, ClipboardImage.png)



What can your average citizen do to circumvent the current state of surveillance? Or at the very least make it a bit harder?


I would advocate creating your own encryption system, if you are so inclined and technically capable.

Otherwise, the use of Tor can help, but I believe that the Five Eyes have infiltrated and compromised a good portion of the Tor network.

Otherwise, there's no way you can, as an individual, prevent them from recording what you are doing or saying.

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0f8074  No.10462602

Chadwick Boseman dead age 43 on Jackie Robinson (#42) Day and during period of racial tension…

He played Jackie Robinson in 2013 film 42. Good timing eh.

Simulation getting meta

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808565  No.10462603


Did they come to your window too

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528936  No.10462604

File: 348e4d018330ed7⋯.png (692.65 KB, 690x471, 230:157, pepe_back.PNG)


He reminds me of young men I have worked around my whole life.

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eec454  No.10462605


Then how did Trump win in 2016?

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65d84f  No.10462606

File: be5d642f3083ab7⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 650x384, 325:192, reps_out.jpg)

File: 97a1e92acd5cb7d⋯.png (578.82 KB, 828x496, 207:124, HeH.png)

>>10462269 last bread


>…. trending on twatter.

They will get NO SYMPATHY from any Patriot!

They were offered the chance to walk away in the beginning and opted to hang out and take their chances.

BAD MOVE; acting like a glowing globalist!

Hang 'Em High is how the song goes.

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c4844b  No.10462607


Binney thinks Snowden did a great public service for exposing what the government was doing.

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c4ba3d  No.10462608


Thanks anon. I have this one. Looking for the blank. Having trouble locating.

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78b81c  No.10462609

File: 8686273157c0461⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 600x543, 200:181, what_if_i_5c5f43.jpg)


There are so many stealth bombers closing in on them, they have no idea how many or where they are coming from.

No leaks.

No way out.

Can't wait for it to happen.

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3ec286  No.10462610

File: 2b78fa1588df6d0⋯.pdf (225.42 KB, Silent_Weapons_for_Quiet_W….pdf)

File: af6c0d0e7a6d1ca⋯.pdf (6.2 MB, Report_From_Iron_Mountain.pdf)

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b4c32a  No.10462611

File: 5d5f1ca53499303⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 612x408, 3:2, omararson.jpg)

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10a749  No.10462612


The Green Frog psyop. We rocked it.

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7d8533  No.10462613

File: 81a0adcc20d62fb⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1340x4452, 335:1113, 8292020.png)

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59b266  No.10462614

File: c6295f8f1c396b4⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2336x1528, 292:191, Satanic_NWO_Globalist.png)

File: 3d15e34278eb5cc⋯.png (443.75 KB, 647x482, 647:482, 2_percent_Flynn.png)


>Why do Democrats want this?

You mean other then the fact (D)s have been trying to destroy America for decades, right? They satanic, NWO globalist scum of the earth! Enslaving humanity and regaining POWER is all they care about, period! Flynn warned us!

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1b901e  No.10462615

Dan Scavino has a case of the crazy eyes

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7686f8  No.10462616

File: 5c5b0d80862e8ab⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 666x499, 666:499, Egl3jJgWsAMRuI6.jpg)

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d684f4  No.10462617

>>10461811 (PB)

So … why couldn't the local cops find them? They have access to the same computer systems and, while they cannot charge under federal law, why didn't they charge under state and local law?

Did the state and local cops simply not WANT to recover the kids and arrest the criminals?

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b0c312  No.10462619


I thought it was awesome!

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bab5ed  No.10462620




1 Nov 2017 - 11:54:52 PM

"There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty. "

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1b901e  No.10462621

File: 00ebef50cec78bb⋯.png (163.2 KB, 325x368, 325:368, Screen_Shot_2020_08_29_at_….png)

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10a749  No.10462622


Wouldnt it be funny if Snowden was our guy like Assange? The whole time?

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c4844b  No.10462623

File: 9e81453cd096b38⋯.png (361.21 KB, 2241x1004, 2241:1004, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51ad78d5d0a1c07⋯.png (107.95 KB, 1676x597, 1676:597, ClipboardImage.png)

A pen register, or dialed number recorder (DNR), is an electronic device that records all numbers called from a particular telephone line. The term has come to include any device or program that performs similar functions to an original pen register, including programs monitoring Internet communications.

The United States statutes governing pen registers are codified under 18 U.S.C., Chapter 206.


pen register mentioned in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi6hRCCCZ7c bill binney AMA livestream

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65d84f  No.10462624

File: 006d76d24dd6939⋯.png (370.26 KB, 536x505, 536:505, hairlessOmar.png)

File: d55ce44643aef8f⋯.png (736.47 KB, 500x755, 100:151, omar.png)

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92a428  No.10462625

File: f7dd66072de0718⋯.png (1.27 MB, 639x905, 639:905, f7dd66072de071897f01300cf9….png)



Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

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f4809f  No.10462626

File: 11b2070010ef42c⋯.png (990.14 KB, 938x918, 469:459, 11b2070010ef42c5ae0933bcef….png)

File: 58a852d09a0e3eb⋯.jpg (223.62 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 58a852d09a0e3eb162c47e67c6….jpg)


Genius. Wish I had thought of that one! Nik'd.

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c4ba3d  No.10462627



Liddle Marco being called out.


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3d4397  No.10462628



he was awesome on TV

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b0c312  No.10462629


Dude. I wish I was smart enough to understand that whole graphic, but sadly I'm not. kek.

But I'm doing my best.

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f1be6f  No.10462630

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB, 2045x1184, 2045:1184, Qmilitary.JPG)

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b0f271  No.10462631

>>10461804 LB

I love this.


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a41793  No.10462632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guys, I'm watching this video of Richard Branson talking to Gordon "Butch" Stewart the owner of Sandals Resorts and at 3:45 minute mark Richard starts talking about a product. It sounds like he says "If you have a product like 666 and it works in one country take it to another". Can I please get more eyes on this to see if I am correct? Earlier in the video Stewart talks about how Branson likes to wear dresses.


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ac66ea  No.10462633

File: c2ee5e2a35450fe⋯.png (6.51 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Space_Pepe.png)


Nah, never came close enough to be for sure if it was real or my imagination. kek Trust me I've tried to verify to no avail. Why I just don't worry about it. Cuz if they are real and mean me harm, they suck at it. Actually, I've had so many close calls and last minute saves, it's possible an outerspace force has been helping me all along. I've decided, whether alien, God, or just some weird universal energy, it's on my side. So I don't worry about it, in fact these days, I just try to remember thank it often.

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4e35ce  No.10462634

File: 79aba01843cc939⋯.png (44.61 KB, 700x437, 700:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ead410a790f0b83⋯.png (791.58 KB, 602x633, 602:633, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10461211 (pb)

so was this fake or deleted?

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7686f8  No.10462635

File: a315d2ac2b7bcf3⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 648x960, 27:40, Egl21kIXgAISml6.jpg)

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7d8533  No.10462636


Which part are you having trouble with, I'm happy to explain anything

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ebf8c0  No.10462637


This is why the demoncraps are screaming about Trump not accepting the out come of the upcoming election.

They know come Nov. 4 they may be sitting their asses in jail.

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a41793  No.10462638

File: 1b91132c5db918e⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Richard_Branson_gay_AF.jpg)

File: 8697d26452181b8⋯.jpeg (245.2 KB, 1778x999, 1778:999, richard_branson_wedding_d….jpeg)

File: ee532d7928f6c23⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1200x949, 1200:949, richard_branson_neked_girl.png)

File: 5cda354f2e8f763⋯.jpg (363.4 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, richard_branson_pirate.jpg)

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9a160c  No.10462639


Spoken like a real man.

Kill yourself.

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0d3f38  No.10462640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Uhhhhhhh, guys…

…Bill Binney is live on youtube right now…

How will Reddit ever recover?

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528936  No.10462641

File: a9643c238b91ac0⋯.png (23.7 KB, 665x253, 665:253, halts.PNG)


Appeals court temporarily halts protections for journalists, legal observers in Portland

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c4844b  No.10462642


the only reason Snowden is considered a 'traitor' is because he 'betrayed' the NSA & CIA.

Both of those agencies have broken laws. Pot calling Kettle black.

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972665  No.10462643


Rank and file? Maybe some of them do. However, the remainder are criminals. Pure and simple. And they are protecting their syndicate the only way they know how to at this point. And that means eliminating rule of law unless and until they can achieve total political dominance. Thus the need for Socialism. Which means the one's who believe in that "Utopia" are rubes. They are being flim flammed and their cognitive dissonance is preventing them from seeing, or admitting, the truth about all this.

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5600aa  No.10462644

File: 1bf8784fff81e66⋯.png (12.89 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 553f7ce453455daaa1fc934f03….png)

File: 522c7253ee7ed5e⋯.jpg (19.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

>>10462452 (lb)

most profitable businesses there are



who is 'president business'?

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7cec00  No.10462645


to understand that everything is going to the plan ask yourself why DJT was repeatedly asked by powerful people when he was going to run for President, not mayor of NY or anything to do with NY when that is where he was a known entity, no start with the highest office in the land, asked by the likes of Winfrey, Rivera, Donohue, Wallace….

with the Simpsons escalator scene in 2007

it is all part of the plan

just not the plan you are hoping for

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6989c4  No.10462646

File: 0ba38953986b6ed⋯.png (276.76 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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b23c29  No.10462647

File: d6eb32124b17ec5⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 255x215, 51:43, weedpepe.jpg)

Looking for a high-ranking anon.

How corrupt were adoptions in the 70's especially private adoptions, given that we know that we are seeing a lot of trafficking victims and adoption scandals. one extra detail, the family they were adopted into were occult practitioners.

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16612a  No.10462648

File: 5776d9686c205b7⋯.png (230.41 KB, 927x780, 309:260, 5776d9686c205b748e33e0b463….png)

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8770a5  No.10462649

File: 0cf6abedb54a432⋯.png (500.48 KB, 630x756, 5:6, danger.png)


luv me some BB

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2b3e5a  No.10462650


I like to entertain all possibilities

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eec454  No.10462651


>Get me the fuck outta this prison hell!

You asked to be here just like we all did as we are "Incarnated extraterrestrials", ET souls in human bodies.

None of our souls regretted this chance even though I'd sometimes tell my past self to go fuck itself with a greasy pole for dropping me off here, grandiose cunt with a world saving messiah complex. cunt. he's right though it's fun to build this New World one step at a time.

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913fd6  No.10462652

File: 9db89c6ea92ef78⋯.png (734.92 KB, 888x867, 296:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4b575eead753af⋯.png (235.7 KB, 868x579, 868:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31e60bb059ee55e⋯.png (243.67 KB, 687x718, 687:718, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

Published 1 week ago on August 21, 2020

Alternative News

Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

Published 1 week ago

A Russian astronaut stationed on the ISS claims to have seen 5 'UFOs' in his video footage. The objects lasted in frame for about 52 seconds.

Are we seeing greater news coverage of this type of story in mainstream media due to a greater public acceptance of the topic?

I’m not sure this story would have been so widely covered if it had happened 3 or 4 years ago, but given the rise in public awareness around UFOs, Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner’s footage of what appears to be 5 lights ‘flying’ in unison was met with mainstream media curiosity.

Vagner referred to the lights as: “Space guests, or how I filmed the new time-lapse […] you will see something else, not only the aurora”

He made these statements in a Tweet showcasing footage of a breathtaking time-lapse of aurora australis over the earth taken from the International Space Station (ISS) where he is stationed. Vagner does admit that these are only potentially UFOs as he writes in a follow up Tweet:

“At 9-12 seconds, 5 objects appear flying alongside with the same distance,” Vagner wrote in a follow-up tweet. “What do you think those are? Meteors, satellites or … ?”

More: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/08/21/russian-astronaut-on-the-iss-allegedly-sees-5-ufos-in-new-footage/

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f1be6f  No.10462653

File: 33be9b2c4ddc2c3⋯.png (644.97 KB, 640x588, 160:147, FeinsteinPush.PNG)

File: 218e8d0a85c863f⋯.jpg (414.01 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, FeinsteinWall.JPG)

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0e069d  No.10462654


>aliens are real, man.

Lurk moar. You have a lot to catch up on.

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0f8074  No.10462655


Try CE5 for proof your thoughts are being observed / interacted with. Pretty sure it's not ET but beings outside our dimension/matrix.

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365cfb  No.10462656


You know who he was looking at.

"The Projector" Ya know. . The Thing.

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b0f271  No.10462657

File: 876599c9ca851ec⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 325x369, 325:369, frog_princeHighestRanking.jpg)

File: 147c9bf6f162533⋯.jpg (132.69 KB, 500x691, 500:691, HighestRankingAnonTShirt.jpg)

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16612a  No.10462658

Biden coming out in ten days

ten days darnkess

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1b80cd  No.10462659




>>10462187 lb

the left does hate Trump, but so do significant elements of the CIA, FBI, the military, and the bureaucracy, and former GOP

which tells me that the left and the insiders above think they are using each other to achieve a common goal ... the end of Trump

but the leftists have little but a fantasy of what they could do after that, while the insiders clearly know what they want - to protect their power and the money and perks (get out of jail free cards) that go with it.

either way, if either of the two succeeds, they will have to go on a rampage to achieve either (fantasy social justice green world) or the consolidation of rule (leaving only orgs and people they can trust to protect them intact)

the left is extremely unlikely to win. they don't have the people or the organization to do so, and don't really even know what they are working towards - therefore they are the patsies in this fight

the insiders must know this, and they also know they can get rid of the patsies pretty easily when it is all over

therefore I believe the only really worry (aside from the collateral damage of the lefty children tantrums) is persons inside the state who stand to lose big if Trump gets re-elected

Is a military coup on the table? that is my question.

but what I think we would see first, at election time, is maximum obfuscation of the vote - that is, confuse things so much they can convince people the election is up in the air ... and then start the live fire portion of our drill using their lefty patsies - they will say things are out of control, and "fix" it on our behalf, because Trump is orange, or illegit, or something

how desperate are they, is my other question?

... end Saturday spitballing

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0e30a6  No.10462660

File: a62d68842d30ae1⋯.png (650.55 KB, 536x570, 268:285, branson_ginga_mound.PNG)

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b0c312  No.10462661


i don't understand the plane stuff. How does it fit in?

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65d84f  No.10462662

File: 9867a390319d9ad⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 497x561, 497:561, gbeansm.jpg)

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5cfefd  No.10462663

File: 4b06ac1b60f5f5b⋯.png (304.12 KB, 456x348, 38:29, ThisIsNotReal.png)


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92a428  No.10462664

File: b41650f30a625c8⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 641x479, 641:479, b41650f30a625c877256e2f1bf….jpg)


Shill you must earn the right to be contradicted here. You must make a provocative remark.

Can you not do that shill?

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3ec286  No.10462665



I hate Branson with a passion.

He stutters and says " if you have a product that suc-suc-ceeds in one country"

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365cfb  No.10462666


I think Im gonna go shit my coat pockets real quick h\o one sec.

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1b2a95  No.10462667



>Why do Democrats want this ?

A ) Crowns of Europe never recognized American Independence , signed Secret Treaty of Verona agreeing to cripple and re-take America.

B ) One method of many is to so weaken the American peoples faith in Representative government that the masses demand a ' new system ' , one the cabal NWO will be happy to provide.

C ) Think tank white paper " REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN " explores further methods of control by creating " Global Threats " ( fake ) to maintain ' stability ' , IE cabal stays in power.

Behold A Pale Horse book is free online everywhere, an underground best seller, and one of the most stolen books ever.

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a4eae3  No.10462668

File: c74f6bbffc29218⋯.jpg (85.62 KB, 740x614, 370:307, methode_sundaytimes_prod_w….jpg)

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fd1f00  No.10462669

File: 0f52e0948c0adbe⋯.jpeg (116.88 KB, 1080x741, 360:247, 1589551147.jpeg)

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c4844b  No.10462670


Thank you for the AMA. As a former NSA employee, can Bill comment on Admiral Mike Rogers and his compliance overview that led to the discovery of the FISA abuse scandal that was used to prosecute Mile Flynn. Moreover, can Bill comment on Flynn and Rogers working with Trump to expose govt corruption. This naturally leads to the phenomenon of Qanon, which implies that Rogers and Flynn are part of an op to expose nearly all corruption in the US. What does Bill know about Qanon and does he believe it to be real. Lastly, does Bill have any connection to Cicada3301, Thomas Schoenberger, Ian Murdock, or Mike Lavine?


I'm not involved in QAnon or Cicada3301.

There's a problem here: I hold Mike Rogers accountable for recording, without a warrant, the conversations of innocent Americans. If I was in charge of such a program, I would have come out publicly to say "I'll have no part in this!"

As material came out, such as through Barr and Durham, people like Rogers felt compelled to respond. He is working to save his ass.

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7a3a21  No.10462671


I would love this to be true but then I remember Hollywood made a movie about him making him a super hero, so nah

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59b266  No.10462672

File: a271331440eb917⋯.png (14.58 KB, 403x127, 403:127, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anybody have Inevitable ET's current twitter?

He gone!

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fea8e6  No.10462673

File: b74953dfe13eec2⋯.jpg (138.06 KB, 634x444, 317:222, pelosi_plan.jpg)


← This is their end game. Biden is only a pawn.

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f4809f  No.10462674

File: 8dfef6acbd03ad1⋯.png (694.92 KB, 540x720, 3:4, pantifa_one_hand_clap.png)


Kek. True.

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df9778  No.10462675


That belly button piercing may give her away in the field


Matte black would be best

Keep it tactical

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365cfb  No.10462676

File: 526e93088da427a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 654x613, 654:613, God_Wins.png)

>>10462666 <devil number chekd

Is dimensia truly a disease of the mind? Or merely a self projection to a different place\Time in times of or after Trauma?

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c4844b  No.10462677



Hi Bill. To your knowledge is the NSA multifaceted regarding deep state allied vs patriot minded folk or is it pretty much a monolith towards one side or the other.


The people coming into NSA come from all sorts of different groups and backgrounds, just like the American people overall.

When they come in, they are mostly patriotic and eager to do the right thing.

But the culture of secrecy creates an effect whereby people are "cloned" as they rise in the bureaucracy. They are conditioned to think in a certain way.

For example, Hayden put out a message to the NSA workforce in early 2000, in which he said that when a decision is made, everyone must go with that decision and not question it. Sounds like a 1906 statement from Lenin: when the party decides someone, everyone should line up behind that decision.

In practice, this means that once a decision is made — such as using TrailBlazer rather than ThinThread — there's no opportunity to discover and learn. The Nazis failed in the Kurtz offensive, when they marched against superior Soviet defenses, because the plan is the plan. TrailBlazer is a similar failure.

There must be merit-based decision-making. That's why the top leadership at the agencies should be fired!

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ebf8c0  No.10462678


Not if the 'magic-bullet' finds her first.

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10a749  No.10462679

File: 626126cf8a3a74f⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Look at the guy on the upper right. KEK

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3a6b69  No.10462680


OK, Thanks.

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7cec00  No.10462681


you are stupid because you believe you are stupid and lack the confidence to call bullshit that which is another's confidence grift

quit looking outward and focus inward for that is where the ATOM (ADAM) of life exists on the EVE (between the light and the dark)

you have all you need, just refuse to be told otherwise and have trust in yourself and your power

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1b2a95  No.10462682



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9265f0  No.10462683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA


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3d4397  No.10462684

File: 0322a28ea912b71⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 4cde95db84ac7dc51880252194….jpg)

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59b266  No.10462685


>Behold A Pale Horse book is free online everywhere

Yep, we already have (D)s calling for UN troops to come in to "keep the peace"!

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3ec286  No.10462686


Musk is there on the left.

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1b80cd  No.10462687


well last time it went to the SC

I don't think anyone will just stand still for a Pelosi presidency …

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54ca37  No.10462688

>>10462109 lb

Is this a misprint in article?

Rittenhouse has been charged with first-degree murder for the shooting of three rioters in Kenosha earlier this week,two of whom survived.

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bc6a96  No.10462689


Because they hate you

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f03d5d  No.10462690

File: 646b542bf4e5f42⋯.png (212.18 KB, 385x383, 385:383, Sooo_Done.png)

How many Evangelical Anons on here might wonder about 8 September as the start of the Feast of Trumpets and the offloading of the Church and true?

Saw several sites saying it, and saw an even stranger nonbeliever state that September 7th, the Labor Day Holiday, is really September 8th on another calendar.

Well, I have been getting notions, but is it of the Dreams that Jesus spoke of in Matthew and Joel and repeated in Acts by Peter?

Who knows? But it does make me say "Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

And think about it -

Rapture - I hear POTUS is a baby believer, and Mike Pence surely is. They blow town and most every person we know as saved in DC, makes the perfect starting point for the saucers to land, and the prince to come to show himself.

I go through every day wondering and praying.

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5600aa  No.10462691

File: 1dc7fe159fecff5⋯.png (9.88 KB, 137x255, 137:255, 3aa1a2e9bfd6cde7332ccf8a49….png)


goy can be prepped many ways

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ac66ea  No.10462692

File: 591522c9ecd9486⋯.png (114.34 KB, 382x500, 191:250, Pepe_There_will_be_I_told_….png)


Fo sho, I used to be very troubled by 'the presence'. These days, especially since Q, I'm down right giddy. My people here, have no idea why I'm so happy all the time. Especially knowing all that I know about the corruption, which I've been like a street preacher about forevah, and the current state of things!


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b0c312  No.10462693


I don't think I'm stupid. I just know my limits. I haven't been around here long enough to understand all the CONTEXT of that graphic. The plane stuff makes no sense to me. I just don't get it. I don't know what you guys are seeing (because I m not seeing it).

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30fbd5  No.10462694

File: ebdc6a97a73f876⋯.png (371.3 KB, 477x574, 477:574, 8hhtly.png)


Gas the kikes

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3ec286  No.10462695


looks like BS

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b77408  No.10462696


But the new Congress comes in January 3rd or so .. if it's a Republican House, then she isn't Speaker .. right?

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1b2a95  No.10462697


Kissenger , the cabals evil oracle called for a ' PARALLEL ENTERPRISE '' in April Wall St Journal

( To preserve stability of cabal control of the masses )

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b0f271  No.10462698


>>10462677 Bill Binney's insight on organizational mindset within NSA

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bab5ed  No.10462699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I can't believe only 40 people are watching this amazing AMA with Bill Binney.


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fdc425  No.10462700

msdnc reporting all the successful government and agency raids on pedophiles by promoting and receiving pundit collaberation from katie hill the slut awhore&witch former disgraced representative slave manager and groomer for the demonrats

wittless showing casing same

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528936  No.10462701

File: e9669b6a5f58832⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1720x850, 172:85, chem.PNG)


Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

it’s the only thing truly required to make heroin, and it doesn’t take much of the stuff to do the job. Soldiers found some inside four 18-liter jugs that, when full, could have produced 80 pounds of high-quality “China white,” with a street value in the U.S. of at least $3.6 million.

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e0b85b  No.10462702

File: 37bb2ed910d4e20⋯.png (1.58 MB, 687x917, 687:917, Screenshot_2020_08_29_Cath….png)

File: 3649305242202e7⋯.png (1.53 MB, 687x917, 687:917, Screenshot_2020_08_29_Cath….png)

File: 26efb6428a6b971⋯.png (1.56 MB, 687x917, 687:917, Screenshot_2020_08_29_Cath….png)



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df9778  No.10462703

File: 5532aaa7409860a⋯.png (118.98 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5EBBE6D5_EC7E_49C1_ACAC_FE….png)


>They blow town and most every person we know as saved in DC, makes the perfect starting point for the saucers to land, and the prince to come to show himself.



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972665  No.10462704

File: 34130a6a0504e96⋯.png (700 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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35406c  No.10462705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10a749  No.10462706


I dont understand much. Have not followed his story

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365cfb  No.10462707

File: 70272f12aa3bee6⋯.jpg (10.3 KB, 236x302, 118:151, Wanderer_Of_The_Sea.jpg)


Nice one.

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6e1f28  No.10462708



Lafag can confirm?

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a53ad9  No.10462709

File: 700093474124c89⋯.png (519.61 KB, 492x492, 1:1, Hydedd_Kitty.png)


Dems can't win 2020 election, so they must try to divide the country. Open Civil War is the only gamble left for them at this moment in time. They are going to get crushed!

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7cec00  No.10462710

understand that DB is part of the deception

he has a voice and large audience is MMA trained and ex police and USSS yet he doesn't fight back when attacked and goes on FOX (huge audience) and says he is lucky because he had a bunch of border patrol agents with him.

think for yourself, don't buy the emotional pull to do nothing, if you do nothing you have given permission for what others do to you and therefore condone and accept their power over you

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fea8e6  No.10462711


They plan on muddying the waters so much that the all of the election results are called into question.

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3ec286  No.10462712


pssst- it's c

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7f87bf  No.10462713

File: 479d1399e76dc3b⋯.png (459.39 KB, 598x655, 598:655, ClipboardImage.png)

Makes anon happy. MN coming around!!.

Donald J. Trump


Trump Lands Major Endorsements From Democrat Mayors in Minnesota


Thank you so much. I will never let you down!


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b0f271  No.10462714


A lot of us anons aren't interested in wading into graphic like that. Some prefer more verbal ways of presenting an understanding.

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bab5ed  No.10462715


William Edward Binney[3] is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA)[4] and whistleblower. He retired on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency.

He was a critic of his former employers during the George W. Bush administration, and later criticized the NSA's data-collection policies during the Barack Obama administration. He dissented from the view that Russia interfered with the 2016 US election. More specifically, he was critical of the view that Russia hacked the DNC server.[citation needed] \

Binney grew up in rural Pennsylvania and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University in 1970. He said that he volunteered for the Army during the Vietnam era in order to select work that would interest him rather than be drafted and have no input. He was found to have strong aptitudes for mathematics, analysis, and code breaking,[5] and served from 1965 to 1969 in the Army Security Agency before going to the NSA in 1970.

Binney was a Russia specialist and worked in the operations side of intelligence, starting as an analyst and ending as a Technical Director prior to becoming a geopolitical world Technical Director. In the 1990s, he co-founded a unit on automating signals intelligence with NSA research chief Dr. John Taggart.[6] Binney's NSA career culminated as Technical Leader for intelligence in 2001. He has expertise in intelligence analysis, traffic analysis, systems analysis, knowledge management, and mathematics (including set theory, number theory, and probability).[7][8]

After retiring from the NSA, he founded, together with fellow NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe, Entity Mapping, LLC, a private intelligence agency to market their analysis program to government agencies.[9]


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1b80cd  No.10462716


the real question for me is do they want this?

Do the well meaning people who have voted Dem for the last 30 years recognize their party?

And if they do not, are they going to shrug, say oh well, and vote Dem anyway because that is what they have always done, not to mention that the orange man is bad?

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5492e8  No.10462717


Do you want to change the world?

BECOME A poll worker

Be an Election worker! Election workers are essential to ensuring that elections are a success. With each election, millions of Americans dedicate themselves to sustaining the backbone of democracy - our election process. EAC encourages those interested in becoming election workers at the polls on election day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election official.

Get started and find out if you are eligible. Go to the State Compendium of Election worker Laws and Statutes.

Find out if you must be a registered voter in the state.

Find out if there is an age requirement.

Find out if there is a residency requirement.

Find out if a political party affiliation is required.

Then contact your local election office and sign up to be an Election worker. They'd be happy to add you to the Election Day Team!



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ebf8c0  No.10462718


Not all of them, to be sure.

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b4c32a  No.10462719

File: b34daba71b9ab17⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 612x398, 306:199, pelosinever.jpg)

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1b2a95  No.10462720



anons must not forget the 46 + former CIA clown change agents in or running for congress also.

The other coup ,, Destabilization is CIA's bread & butter skill set , not just overseas regime change anymore

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7f87bf  No.10462721


buuuut, 2 months left, yes.

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a53ad9  No.10462722

File: c399480ba89cec7⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1181x1181, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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733bd8  No.10462723


"Any time he was in pain, he would hit the button, and of course he would take the Starship 'Enterprise' to the Vega system."



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2b3e5a  No.10462724

File: 47cbc67b8307f17⋯.png (1.03 MB, 980x615, 196:123, ClipboardImage.png)


Found it for you

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56b123  No.10462725


I get that point, but if she can keep power with results up in the air, then it's the same as Trump keeping power. She wouldn't make it to January 20th if she tried to pull that.

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a41793  No.10462726


I am not finding any old digs on Gordon Stewart. I wonder why?

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ac66ea  No.10462727

File: 515a453f35b46d0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, I_lurk_and_I_know_things.png)


I don't worry about it anymore. I just do what I been 'sent' here to do. And I do it with full confidence, no regrets, no fear, with the ferver and persistence exhibited by deep state motherfuckers. Cuz my spidey senses have always known it would come this eventually. KEK

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972665  No.10462728

File: e773dfacfecf1ba⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB, 720x480, 3:2, SharkandSwimmers_1_1_.mp4)

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0e30a6  No.10462729

File: 8df60e5ee025853⋯.png (305.06 KB, 925x543, 925:543, 92_9000_USAF_VIP_747_on_fi….PNG)

92-9000 USAF VIP 747 has peeled off to Eglin AFB, FL and sliding in between some heavy showers on it's final approach

>pf messed up and assigned POTUS to this AC earlier…self-derp

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a69374  No.10462730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS sister is certainly a Trump. In case you haven't heard the audio from last week's Maryanne Trump Barry audio, it's some funny shit. She talks about how she threatened to deck POTUS one time, kek.

She doesn't sound like a traitor. She sounds like an old broad who doesn't give a fuck and an older sister who could never stop seeing her little brother as being anything other than snot nosed. Sounds like sibling rivalry and nothing more.


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64dd31  No.10462731

File: 5f8ca5a6f3fad7e⋯.jpg (254.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 5f8ca5a6f3fad7e78ad7c3c1a2….jpg)


I have a similar experience.

I myself can feel the vibes changing. It's glorious to have insight to the current world predicament. Very tumultuous period in human history, almost surreal.

God Wins!

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1b80cd  No.10462732


I gotta say I believe Q to the extent that I think patriots will throw down before it can

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f138f9  No.10462733

File: 8eb54f82d6a358d⋯.png (268.98 KB, 864x441, 96:49, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10462302 pb

Good stuff, Anon. It's powerful. It would be Qool to have all of ((them)) with "obey" and then patriots with "freedom" or something. This nails it.

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f1be6f  No.10462734

File: 9fb8ff17e4e69f4⋯.jpg (544.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PelosiTicToc.JPG)

File: 70c62c209d7c19d⋯.jpg (248.29 KB, 2078x1080, 1039:540, ClintonLost.JPG)

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0f8074  No.10462735

File: f7e4ef146fec6bb⋯.png (4.92 MB, 1200x1662, 200:277, ClipboardImage.png)

hey faggots

this is my dream, i'm the protagonist trapped in this shithole

remember that next time you think you're significant

you're just my npc

thanks for your service

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5de301  No.10462736

File: 1eff8f1d3383855⋯.png (303.68 KB, 775x935, 155:187, PepeNpcSk8OrDie.png)

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20882b  No.10462737

File: 95790a29e8d0ed6⋯.jpg (5.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 458_pieces.jpg)


Civil War is what a lot of us have been waiting for.

My close friends and I are going to have some real fun when the War is declared.

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fea8e6  No.10462738

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)



But still we MUST ALL GET OUT AND VOTE to make it happen!

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eec454  No.10462739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This reminds me of this old video from the Russian MIR space station. Pretty rare stuff and hard to search - and 20 years later the same things keep happening in our orbit.

listen to the commentary, it's pure gold and this guy knows so damn much (not the same astronaut as the one from your article)

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1b2a95  No.10462740


Manchurian Candidate ( original )

Before brainwashing – Rawmond Shaw is an asshole.

After brainwashing – " Raymond Shaw is the kindest , warmest most wonderful human being I have ever met in my life " - Commander Marco

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c4ba3d  No.10462741


ty anon


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7d8533  No.10462742





E-4B is the doomsday plane, also known as the "Flying Fortress" (Sky Fortress Engaged)

Mike Flynn has 2 tweets

1. Pinned from 2016 with B and no e

2. Aug 5 between missing 3 E

So 4 E's and 1 Capital B


Order 66 (E-4B doomsday plane) is from Star Wars (you are watching a movie) it was the order that was given to kill off Jedi whom had been labelled by the empire as traitors (you are watching a movie). In this context when taken into account with all the star wars comms (star wars commander, palpatines revenge chat) The connection is hard to ignore. 08/29/2020 is 66 days from election day Nov 3rd.

So we have a Doomsday (judgement day) E-4B "Flying Fortress" pointed at by Gen Flynn, a Q post talking about SKY Fortress engaged using the Callsign Order66 flying over the general area of both the DNC/Kenosha Riots/POTUS rally.

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ebf8c0  No.10462743


Targets identified.

Just waiting for the go orders.

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6bc93c  No.10462744


Fun? You have no clue was war is.

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f43bdc  No.10462745


Fun? sick fuck

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3d4397  No.10462746



>>10462737 US Army will handle the fighting

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fea8e6  No.10462747


Kek, Nice!

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df9778  No.10462748


If you are looking forward to it

You have never been in combat

War is ugly

War is violence

If you are looking forward to it

You have no idea what it is or how it changes you

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2be5ed  No.10462749

>>10462434 (lb)

>Nope. It's an old wives' tale, traditional garbage in the lie building up Peter to give the Man of Sin legitimacy.

Nope, see below.

>>10462453 (lb)

>Peter said: crucify me upside down. He did not say crucify me on and upside down cross.

This is correct.

The satanists stole the symbology by inverting the cross. To mock both Peter and the Christ, as stated.

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23e2da  No.10462750

File: 3a75ef658da1bbb⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1730x1200, 173:120, 87BD53D4_3B3F_4BA1_9E05_CD….png)

File: 5b7a0a007f3a804⋯.jpeg (552.13 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, 42BCD084_BCB5_4A50_9370_A….jpeg)

File: f2b947a74ae4641⋯.png (109.77 KB, 345x313, 345:313, 7CB29972_C77C_49AF_B7C9_F8….png)

File: c96e83fc87487ed⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 823.91 KB, 908x1366, 454:683, 0AC88E92_6654_430D_9CC5_B….jpeg)

File: 300922d1d26715a⋯.png (159.04 KB, 293x380, 293:380, B4516DDF_0E5D_437F_9F3B_FB….png)

5th Generation LDS fag wants to know when will all the pedos in the LDS church will finally be exposed?

Those you trust the most.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Did you know there is a secret alter in the basement of the Salt Lake City Temple?

Why was Wilford Woodruffs journal blacked out?

Why are they destroying the tunnels under the Temple?

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733bd8  No.10462751



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19be7a  No.10462752

File: 465a926e2ec757f⋯.gif (1009.08 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 465a926e2ec757f39f2d70f416….gif)

>>10461837 In 3.5 short years, Trump forced a 200 year old institution to expose their TRUE NATURE out loud and in the open. (pb notable)

>tfw anon thinks feminism isn't a bad thing

Go the fuck back, newfag.

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17ccab  No.10462753

File: 5d874c75233edfe⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2304x3072, 3:4, CBFB013A_B6A0_4712_B615_C….jpeg)

File: 66fa9aea3676832⋯.jpeg (881.96 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, CD1897E3_73D0_4DCC_9AE7_C….jpeg)

File: 810474cd4821463⋯.jpeg (35.3 KB, 612x407, 612:407, F265E7E6_79C3_4A88_9C3B_7….jpeg)

File: fd73e5dd166bab3⋯.jpeg (186.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 06B8AFB5_25D2_42C6_9788_6….jpeg)

File: 70969eadd24f48d⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, D8FD7A86_7B55_4354_9572_A….jpeg)

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35406c  No.10462754

File: 2fc60a9ca9d221c⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, EdkgkMHXgA046G2.jpg)

Susan R. Bailey

AMA President


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3d4397  No.10462755


>>10462713 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729 Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677, >>10462715 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702 Carter Page tweets

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462641 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462683 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

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26b3c7  No.10462756

File: 5adb29619c01c6d⋯.png (84.34 KB, 1024x604, 256:151, qanon_fbi_terrorist_threat….png)

File: 94615d1eb148237⋯.png (1023.94 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20200829_130200.png)

File: 92984ce0e6e41fb⋯.png (979.44 KB, 1024x1200, 64:75, qanon_fbi_terrorist_threat.png)

Thought it was worth the repost this time with the sauce


EXCLUSIVE: Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

Marisa Sullivan August 26, 2020


Celeb Magazine



EXCLUSIVE: Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

Marisa Sullivan

. August 26, 2020

After Joe Biden’s spokesperson Andrew Bates claimed the FBI identified the QAnon movement as a “domestic terrorism threat,” nearly every news outlet ran wild and scrambled to post headlines such as “Trump praised QAnon, which FBI says is a terror threat,” but unlike the rest of the media, CELEB actually contacted the FBI to see what they had to say about the Biden campaign’s statement.

When specifically asked if QAnon was indeed a terrorist threat, FBI’s National Press Office shared this statement with CELEB:

The FBI does not and cannot designate domestic terrorist groups. The FBI can never initiate an investigation based solely on an individual’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or the exercise of First Amendment rights. When it comes to domestic terrorism, our investigations focus solely on the criminal activity of individuals—regardless of group membership—that appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population or influence the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion. It’s important to note that membership in groups which espouse domestic extremist ideology is not illegal in and of itself—no matter how offensive their views might be to the majority of society. Membership in a group is not a sufficient basis for an investigation.

Bates had said that President Trump “just sought to legitimize a conspiracy theory that the FBI has identified as a domestic terrorism threat” after Trump acknowledged and praised the group during a press conference at the White House last week.

“I’ve heard these are people that love our country,” Trump said. “So I don’t know really anything about it other than they do supposedly like me.” When a reporter brought up how the Q followers believe that he is trying to stop a satanic cult of pedophiles, Trump replied: “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”

Since then, QAnon has dominated the mainstream media headlines.

In an exclusive interview yesterday with one of the movement’s top supporters, Liz Crokin explained that “Q is a military intelligence operation. The goal of Q is to wake the public up to the criminal activity that the cabal is involved in.”

The “conspiracy” is often mocked in the media even though Q posts intel such as alluding to Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest before it happened.

“At the end of the day, for argument’s sake, how is Q a bad thing. Q encourages people to do their own research and think for themselves,” Crokin said. “Q is exposing some of the biggest traffickers on the planet, so even if Q is fake or doesn’t turn out to be Trump or military intelligence, how is it bad? It’s uniting people to stand up and speak out against child predators. That’s not a bad thing!”

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9060d2  No.10462757

File: ea8f77c4b49aeec⋯.png (119.92 KB, 480x274, 240:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Cuz I'm smooth like that!

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2b3e5a  No.10462758


Chekt and thanks.

I have been steadily making them as they prove themselves part of the other side.

Its also a nod to the movie They Live and the "infiltration not invasion" line.

Simple with layers.

I've made about 50+ so far.

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49c6b4  No.10462759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59b266  No.10462760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ask yourself why DJT was repeatedly asked by powerful people when he was going to run for President

1984 interview w/Donald Trump (34 years old), asked about running for POTUS!

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10a749  No.10462761

Binney had his feed dropped. Or I cant get it now.

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f1be6f  No.10462762


You are pushing the Cabal end game.

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7d8533  No.10462763




See if this verbal explanation works for you


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528936  No.10462764

File: 7eb8a5e4be99f20⋯.png (827.23 KB, 1141x515, 1141:515, expected.PNG)


QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

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eec454  No.10462765



Agreed. US Military has actually been exposed to a lot of Light because SOMEONE needed to fight the Cabal industrial complex. I'm glad that, from what we can see, we broke their grip on control. Usually I would never believe they could lose an election…

Please let's help POTUS win in 2020, destroy the satanists and get some real disclosure, real history, real peace and love.

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4e35ce  No.10462766

File: 9fedee2e998d30b⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1506x1087, 1506:1087, ClipboardImage.png)


I agree that he's inserting "666" with the plausible deniability of a stutter, and the fact that it occurs at the 3:59 mark followed by "in ONE country" you've got 359+ONE=360 to confirm that it's no accident. Also 2/to/too 40/fore-tee seconds.

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733bd8  No.10462767

File: b10b61ba5a2f810⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Keque_on_Twitter_NUCLEAR_C….mp4)


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9571f3  No.10462768

File: 8f68e21f61bc278⋯.png (165.54 KB, 426x559, 426:559, CH_082920_1.png)




Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

Catherine Herridge:



Carter Page rt: https://twitter.com/carterwpage/status/1299748282814664704

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a4eae3  No.10462769

File: ba5f619dd77142c⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB, 320x180, 16:9, _2.mp4)


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9060d2  No.10462770

File: 8b32d37339848bf⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1163x694, 1163:694, ClipboardImage.png)

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6553f4  No.10462771

File: f68a1f21c7f356e⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1281x850, 1281:850, ko_guy2a.png)

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49c6b4  No.10462772




The William Binney AMA tour: Leave no questions unanswered

371 watching now

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528936  No.10462773

File: b049d06b65333a0⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1074x834, 179:139, join_thous.PNG)


QAnon supporters join thousands at protest against Germany's coronavirus rules

One protester carried a sign that read "End the plandemic immediately," suggesting that COVID-19 was an artificial event.

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fea8e6  No.10462774

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB, 500x499, 500:499, pepe_smart.png)


Time Travel

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eec454  No.10462775


0/10 warmonger bait

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721871  No.10462776

File: 9fac632cb0ff5e1⋯.png (360.49 KB, 786x521, 786:521, Screenshot_58.png)

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c4ba3d  No.10462777

File: a52d37dd7ee9e78⋯.png (476.59 KB, 490x683, 490:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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5492e8  No.10462778


To all those doubters/shills it's taken 4/10/20 THIRTY SIX years to observe, annotate, record and plan for this.

And you fuckers complain it's only been FOUR YEARS.

Shame on you

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2b3e5a  No.10462779



There might be a higher quality version out there if you do a reverse image search

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a4eae3  No.10462780

File: 1b01300dcb1ccbb⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_Col….mp4)

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b0c312  No.10462781


Thank you - that was perfect.

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385992  No.10462782

File: aec731ee43b03c9⋯.jpeg (196.55 KB, 828x1196, 9:13, 0128EDEF_662C_4A76_AB9C_3….jpeg)

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9a19d6  No.10462783


Use of military could be against a foreign country implicated in helping Dems to fix election.

Use of military as in earthquake in NK that was conveniently sited to take out nuclear weapons and scientists.

It will be Biblical…




Potentially 40 million dead, displaced, famine disease.

Guess they think DJT wouldn't do it.

Wouldn't he?

If that's what it takes to save the world from globalist takeover and agenda depopulation implementation…

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7d8533  No.10462784




E minus 4B

4 missing E's

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f110fb  No.10462785

Mars is the god of war. Don’t speculate.

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6fe5b3  No.10462787

File: 9cda443ed70ac95⋯.jpg (445.09 KB, 800x1108, 200:277, Archangel_Michael_by_Nikol….jpg)

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7d8533  No.10462789


>Thank you - that was perfect.

You're welcome, never be afraid to ask, and ignore the shills that try to discourage you.

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7a3a21  No.10462790

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59b266  No.10462791

File: 19de1b0286a7af6⋯.png (700.42 KB, 885x516, 295:172, 5_15_20.png)


>1984 interview w/Donald Trump (34 years old), asked about running for POTUS!


>Time Travel


>And you fuckers complain it's only been FOUR YEARS.

"One man, one proper president, could turn this country around. I firmly believe that."

Wow, even at 34 years of age POTUS was the shit!


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92a428  No.10462792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT turn a research forum into a chatroom.

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /?ke?fe?b/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = name calling

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT be wounded in ethnicity

Do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency, no will independent of their toilet-tier minion masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slaves of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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0d3f38  No.10462793

File: 6d41b8dcd836b10⋯.png (25.96 KB, 183x152, 183:152, 20200331_191000.png)



Aaaaaaand the stream's gone.

Binney was reaming Reddit's asshole a little too thoroughly and Susan executed order jewtubeOYVEYSHUTITDOWN.exe


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736723  No.10462794


youts on here are funny, check out "ufo video 1952 us capitol building" and watch the group of 10-15 ufos fly past the US Capitol

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b23c29  No.10462795


Because they always knew it would be him, but just a matter when he would be activated to do it. Him running was a sign to them as well.

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20882b  No.10462796

File: e5a6dde38853237⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1839x696, 613:232, Kenosha_BJ.PNG)

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8c02ae  No.10462797

File: 933e30c5de94d2c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1683x1148, 1683:1148, POTUS_on_the_move.png)

POTUS on the move.. I find this video odd. Looks like he is almost running. Also, seems to be hiding his face.


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f1be6f  No.10462798

File: dab096fd61db6cb⋯.png (37.84 KB, 194x259, 194:259, TrumpDrJohn.PNG)

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528936  No.10462799

File: 9fecb852c0838af⋯.png (784.54 KB, 1012x715, 92:65, on_rise.PNG)


Human trafficking is increasing during the pandemic

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c4844b  No.10462800



Trump sent Pompeo to speak to Binney about "RussiaGate/DNC Hack"

Binney has not been asked to testify in the durham cases/indictments. "No one has asked me to testify in anything - mueller, rosenstein, no one from the FBI or the NSA or anyone in congress"

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b6ddbf  No.10462801

File: e9cd06969b41881⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 752x674, 376:337, 1510807775379.jpg)



he was 34 in 1980

math is your friend

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20882b  No.10462802


Nope, you are just a scared little pussy.


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2be5ed  No.10462803

File: 3dab8883d478008⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donald_Trump_Teases_a_Pres….mp4)


he was asked again in '88. So the deep state and the military have both most certainly had their eye on DJT for a lot longer than just 2016.

Have some moar evidence of that.

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3ec286  No.10462804


Agree with that.

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1b2a95  No.10462805



the CFR media spin think tank is busy laying moar anti Q groundwork

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0e30a6  No.10462806

File: 63fb036b249c3b4⋯.png (421.13 KB, 551x318, 551:318, zoominfo_tech_carlyle_grou….PNG)

File: 11c63897caa7c16⋯.png (891.43 KB, 1090x397, 1090:397, Carlyle_group_bush_osman_l….PNG)

File: f3fbfdedec5c81a⋯.png (381.84 KB, 551x329, 551:329, david_rubenstein_left.PNG)

ZoomInfo Technologies sold by Carlyle Group: $252.78m-August 24

ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. (ZoomInfo) is a go-to-market intelligence platform for sales and marketing teams. Its cloud-based platform provides information on the organizations and professionals they target. Its 360-degree view enables sellers and marketers to shorten sales cycles and enhance win rates. By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, the ZoomInfo platform is able to process various raw data events and refine them into actionable insights. To create these insights, its platform continuously collects, curates and verifies the data from proprietary and public sources, including from its contributory network. The Company serves various industry verticals, including software, business services, manufacturing, telecommunications, financial services and insurance, retail, media and Internet, transportation, education, hospitality, healthcare, and real estate.


from August 28th,2020

Carlyle Group taps into Maine solar with 100MW+ purchase

Investment firm The Carlyle Group has acquired a 100MW-strong portfolio of solar assets under development in the state of Maine, the largest portfolio under construction in the state. The Carlyle Group has made the purchase through Acadia Renewable Energy, a newly-established affiliate of the investor’s, and described the acquisition as an “investment in Maine and its communities”. Comprising eight projects with a combined capacity in excess of 100MW, the assets are backed via 20-year power purchase agreements with local utilities Central Maine Power and Versant Power. Construction on the portfolio started in June this year and all eight are expected to be operational by Q3 2021. The projects have been brought forward by Irish developer BNRG and the firm’s local development partner Dirigo Solar. The duo will now partner with Carlyle for the development and construction management of the assets. Carlyle said the deal represents more than US$130 million of capital investment into solar in Maine, and the firm has executed construction and debt financing for the portfolio, tapping up HSBC Bank USA for lead arrangement and administration. Equity capital for the transaction was committed by Carlyle’s own Renewable & Sustainable Energy Fund.


The Carlyle Group is an American multinational private equity, alternative asset management and financial services corporation. It specializes in corporate private equity, real assets, and private credit. In 2015, Carlyle was the world's largest private equity firm by capital raised over the previous five years, according to the PEI 300 index, though by 2020 it had slipped into second place. Founded in 1987 in Washington, D.C., by William E. Conway Jr., Daniel A. D'Aniello, and David Rubenstein, the company today has more than 1,575 employees in 31 offices on six continents. On May 3, 2012, Carlyle completed a $700 million initial public offering and began trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Carlyle's corporate private equity business has been one of the largest investors in leveraged buyout transactions over the decade 2004–2014 (or perhaps 2000–2010),[citation needed] Carlyle has invested in Accolade Wines, Booz Allen Hamilton, PA Consulting, Dex Media, Dunkin' Brands, Supreme, Freescale Semiconductor-hello MH370, Getty Images, HCR ManorCare, Hertz, Kinder Morgan, Nielsen, United Defense, and other companies.



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c4ba3d  No.10462807


no fucking way. what in the ever loving hell

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f43bdc  No.10462808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have always liked this one. Trump describes his own germaphobia and Roseanne tells Trump that maybe he should run for President. This aired on November 19, 1998. Roseanne interviews talk show host Virginia Graham (0:50), future-American-President Donald Trump (11:26) and filmmaker Michael Moore (29:10). The Roseanne Show (1998) with Donald Trump, Michael Moore & Virginia Graham - https://youtu.be/LaILj90OnpU

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6d5b61  No.10462809

File: 7be37ec12dd85c7⋯.jpg (122.99 KB, 935x929, 935:929, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: c42a8aa3ba5b6e0⋯.jpg (165.88 KB, 1080x1713, 360:571, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: 1c5d424a898a35c⋯.jpg (322.53 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: 7329573dc5dc05a⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1935x1847, 1935:1847, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: d3fa3ef802c7ae7⋯.jpg (143.58 KB, 777x1010, 777:1010, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

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9571f3  No.10462810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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626bbd  No.10462811

I don’t know Anons, I have a feeling about today. Uneasy.

Anticipate a full day of drops.

And bad news.

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a931a5  No.10462812

File: 8afcee67f806cfd⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1284x934, 642:467, ClipboardImage.png)

How to Grill and Q_Research at the same time.

So long as the needle does not go past top center.. I am good!

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df9778  No.10462813



Nice shop job

Link the youtube and the time stamp

Solid work though on the shopping

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c4844b  No.10462814

File: 36db0e34ba04999⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2220x1273, 2220:1273, ClipboardImage.png)

No one wanted to hear the truth

that's the problem


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626bbd  No.10462815


This might be the last time you see me for a while

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5492e8  No.10462816



PlanePeeps eyes on

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1b80cd  No.10462817


there's only two possibilities here:

you are 12 years old

you are a psychopath

your fun will last about five minutes. then you will either be dead or wiser than the fool who posted this

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b9222b  No.10462818

File: 98a9e97c3af2b61⋯.jpg (165.79 KB, 900x506, 450:253, DianneGotMilk.jpg)

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5600aa  No.10462819

File: b8e0dae2ecd407d⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 750x430, 75:43, greece_israel.jpg)

physical wealth is not money, wealth is the ownership of resources.


who is the God or Count or owner of this world?

[P]sephisato aka 'The Count aka 'The Beast' [Revelation was written on Patmos in Greek] https://archive.org/details/bookofrevelation00treg

why does every colonized person have an asset tag ID number?

you count what you OWN

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bab5ed  No.10462820


Anon was AD and down range on the day Obama was elected. It was nuts. Major attempts by persons of color to instigate non-POC to violence. Cooler heads prevailed, but lines were drawn. Private meetings later discussed the fear of being directed to use weapons against the American populace as a whole…"what would you do, if directed to do so by Obama?" Universal agreement to never allow that evil outcome. Law of Armed Conflict, Geneva Conventions, etc all guide serious senior military discussions.

Trying to use the US military against the American people would be idiotic…but using them to help the American people is literally what most of them signed up for.

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19be7a  No.10462821


Go back, retard.

We're not supposed to respond to those posts, only report them.

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ca5151  No.10462822

File: 420f40342b37178⋯.png (797.33 KB, 1920x1336, 240:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56db4fc447ae45c⋯.png (478.62 KB, 600x715, 120:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adf48e283418892⋯.png (25.43 KB, 591x178, 591:178, ClipboardImage.png)

Regina Marston. We have nothing on her on the boards. Let's fix that. DIGG with me!

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5492e8  No.10462823


Did anyone catch the insignia on his arm?

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fea8e6  No.10462824

File: 1a0307afa434a86⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 383x500, 383:500, N_Tesla.JPG)

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721871  No.10462825

File: 3bff6a1497ab44a⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



There are no Brussel Sprout memes!

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f1be6f  No.10462826


Chinaman, dasa good engrish!

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0e30a6  No.10462827

File: e766ff281f6c708⋯.png (150.79 KB, 1357x892, 1357:892, pepe_cooks_the_story_up.png)


did you bring enough for everyone?


wut ya cookin anon?

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f43bdc  No.10462828

File: f84e617430b4bc0⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, crazycathy.jpg)

Haven't heard much from this bitch in a while. Kek!

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8c02ae  No.10462829


Cant be sure if it was even him. Decoy?

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3d4397  No.10462830

great work Anons


>>10462713, >>10462760, >>10462797, >>10462803, >>10462808 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729 Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677, >>10462715, >>10462793 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702, >>10462768 Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

>>10462683, >>10462773 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462641 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

>>10462756 Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

>>10462764 QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

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bd3b5a  No.10462831

File: 6fb6080195447e4⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 760x485, 152:97, jlsad7lafhh.jpg)

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1b80cd  No.10462832


the truth interferes with their arrangements

wanna bet Seth Rich wanted the truth to come out? the truth about the DNC was highly inconvenient to many people

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59b266  No.10462833


>he was 34 in 1980

the bitch in the video said, "you're only 34" and he didn't correct her

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0f8074  No.10462834


Does anyone else enjoy social distancing?

It's either normal or I think I got social anxiety because everytime I'm near people I have uncontrollable fight/flight adrenaline panic. Everyday feel like a threatened monkey in the jungle because of other people.

Now, however, life's good. People stay away from me, give me space. Also got a mask on my face so I don't have to be so self conscious about what my facial expression looks like.

I know it's founded on a meme virus, but the changes are actually quite comfy

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df9778  No.10462835


Inclement weather

And he probably has a call or a briefing or some shit to do and wants to get to it

No idea if he was behind schedule

But ya, I would agree he is walking with purpose

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7d8533  No.10462836






I do agree that the graphics with this many connections are somewhat hard to follow, I've tried numbering and color coding them but it seems the only way for other anons to understand my thoughts are to verbalize them. Hard to do in a forum such as this, I even tried making a power point for one but it was shit.

If you don't understand always ask, the creator of graphics like these understand their own work, so I don't know what parts other do not understand because to me it is all clear as day.

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e0b85b  No.10462837

File: 1dc539d04459ce0⋯.png (507.5 KB, 598x827, 598:827, Screenshot_2020_08_29_Adam….png)


Looks like it could be fake or he deleted it the last one on his page is this..


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b23c29  No.10462838


have you seen star wars the phantom menace remember we are watching a movie

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fea8e6  No.10462839

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB, 393x400, 393:400, pepe_oooh.png)


POTUS aboard AF1 when the shit goes down according to Q.

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20882b  No.10462840


Wrong in so many ways. Stop trying to be the smartest Anon in the room. It's not working.

Grow some balls and a back bone, then come talk to me.

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7cec00  No.10462841

you see all of this and think it's for the peoples benefit?

come on man, think

this has been the plan all along

Q's the plan is to help them arrive with little to no harm to the puppet masters and their transition to OWO as prophesized

1000 years of totalitarianism is the plans destination

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d11f92  No.10462842


The absolute state of this pathetic board now, using plebbit as a source.

Qtards just as inept and pointless as their shepard

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bab5ed  No.10462843



Nothing in that video suggests it was actually POTUS.

Misinformation is necessary

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5492e8  No.10462844


Good point. This gets my hackles up!

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6e1f28  No.10462845


-Just in a hurry


-Weather bad, uncomfortable wind/rain


-Not DJT

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3d4397  No.10462846

File: 2d5a38e57e41d2d⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 2d5a38e57e41d2d88819ec309c….jpg)


Am i going to be the lucky baker ..kek !

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2b3e5a  No.10462847

File: a342f633babbe87⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x565, 1024:565, trump_charles_dellschau_ai….png)

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7ccf46  No.10462848


cabbage testicles

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c88a70  No.10462849


Nobody knows. God intervened.

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e76e98  No.10462850

File: d8891ca16710b7a⋯.png (208.75 KB, 517x626, 517:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebf8c0  No.10462851


Look to twatter…"My fellow Americans…"

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5492e8  No.10462852


The shoes looked very UnPotus and the military insignia on his right shoulder

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3d4397  No.10462853

Praying for you Q+ may every guardian Angel of God's kingdom protect you. I send all mine to your side . be safe we love you !!!

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b23c29  No.10462854


are you thinking what i think the rest of us are thinking? That pence might be the one to say those words?

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3ec286  No.10462855

File: b93288da20adcbc⋯.png (267.22 KB, 800x820, 40:41, Back_YOU_have_to_go_BACK_T….png)

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a41793  No.10462856


I bet Kamala Harris knows who Gordon Stewart is. They are both from Jamaica'

While all descriptions are appropriate, none of them quite capture the full measure of Gordon "Butch" Stewart, founder and chairman of Sandals and Beaches Resorts.



How could a simple phrase define a man who today controls what analyst's estimate to be a billion dollar, privately-owned Jamaican-based empire that includes over 18 Caribbean resorts, the Appliance Traders Ltd., and The Jamaica Observer newspaper.

All told, Butch Stewart spearheads two-dozen diverse companies that are collectively Jamaica's largest private sector group, the country's biggest foreign exchange earner, and its largest non-government employer (UniqueVillasOfJamaica.com: 8/24/09).


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6553f4  No.10462857


It's a shopped image.

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0e30a6  No.10462858


82-8000 currently not visible on ADS-B

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6bc93c  No.10462859


Stop trying to be the dumbest Anon in the room, Faggot. Its real fun when you have your best friends brains all over your face.

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5492e8  No.10462860

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ac66ea  No.10462861

File: abf46f26ddafa4b⋯.png (358.98 KB, 382x586, 191:293, KEK.png)



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c88a70  No.10462862


Who ever said Assange was our guy?

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1b2a95  No.10462863

scumbags , no surprise really

COVID - 19 rules do not apply in New York for the MTV awards. ( No Quarrantine for the special propaganda class )

CBS news

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0d3f38  No.10462864

File: b6fcac08cd87852⋯.png (139.99 KB, 290x640, 29:64, b6fcac08cd878526dc7ffff6c4….png)




4chan thread discussing the Bill Binney jewtube livestream plebbit ama:


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20882b  No.10462865


Thank you….. I was starting to worry about the level of anons today.

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c4844b  No.10462866


Binney's AMA exposes far more than just lil ol DNC issues.

If the people knew what our Intel Agencies have done, they'd call for the ban of electricity altogether.

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10a749  No.10462867


Might not be Potus on the plane. With the damn French sending over Military grade antiaircraft rockets. And people shooting at the helicopters in VA.

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e76e98  No.10462868

Prepare To Receive Transmission

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5988bf  No.10462869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live. tune in.

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389d47  No.10462870

File: da4824494f45a4a⋯.png (694.89 KB, 1400x1200, 7:6, NothingHappens.png)

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bab5ed  No.10462871

File: 9791f9059cb2143⋯.png (179.09 KB, 504x297, 56:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6ddbf  No.10462872


im not picking on either of you. simply stating fact

if it was in 1980, 34 would be correct

if it was in 1984 it would not

and if you are going to keep posting it in multiple breads,

you should consider posting as perfect information as you can

because others are going to use it

and meme it

why not make it accurate?

we are not democrats

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2b3e5a  No.10462873

File: 28b951be7412289⋯.png (435.01 KB, 752x751, 752:751, pepe_satellite_ears.png)

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ebf8c0  No.10462874


That has crossed my mind before, but according to the drop, it'll be on POTUS's twatter.

That would mean the VP has access to POTUS's twatter, or more than likely POTUS will post it.

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20882b  No.10462875


You think I don't know this?

Who do you think are the people on this board?

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bc6a96  No.10462876


Fact checker? Who’s checking the facts…snopes. Kek. The guy looks like a faggot and he’s got his rebuttal from his handlers

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af13fa  No.10462877


Kyle's a role player in the movie, too.

Shit doesn't go down the way it did w/o Kyle being groomed.

White Hat most likely but not wrong place at the wrong time Joe Six Pack Jr.

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a931a5  No.10462878

File: 5b95bd1532dded3⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Flavor_Injected_Turkey.mp4)



Teriyaki flavor injected Turkey..

Mashed w/Turkey gravy and not decided on veggie.

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c4ba3d  No.10462879

File: cfb5d8e4ea3c481⋯.png (511.31 KB, 490x818, 245:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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19be7a  No.10462880


>He doesn't know what "Mendax" means.

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1b80cd  No.10462881


agree about the CIA. but the DS problem is that they got regime changed … I'm sure there are plotters but do the rank and file really have the burning hatred for Trump necessary to line up behind a DS coup? they've shot a lot of ammo already … I think this whole shitshow comes done to how desperate the ones who truly have something to hide are …

I guess we'll see … in about two months

My guess is the DS doesn't have the strength to win … but enough to fuck things up badly

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f1be6f  No.10462882


Sonoma Flying Club?

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8c02ae  No.10462883

File: e1702ae85e91dca⋯.png (279.48 KB, 1613x786, 1613:786, golf_shoe.png)


Looks like,

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0f8074  No.10462884


SS tweet about assassinating President?

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6bc93c  No.10462885


Anons on this board are diverse. You are a fucking moran.

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5492e8  No.10462886


>Golf shoes

Didn't have time to change then?

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f4809f  No.10462887

File: daa19129b39b077⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, K7qpZIuVo38nJCzy.mp4)

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0f8074  No.10462888

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b23c29  No.10462889


or it has been transferred. Thinking of Johnson on that plane. I really hate thinking like this.

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10a749  No.10462890


Is he the guy that invented a way to spy without taking all the information on the internet? Figuring out a high tech way of detecting organisations and spying on just certain groups?

But they did not want his approach they wanted to take all the information on the internet and store it all? Is this the guy?

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3d4397  No.10462893

File: 82f1bc5fb3e9a72⋯.jpeg (11.76 KB, 255x181, 255:181, f5d38e102ed3cdd0af6866207….jpeg)

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bd3b5a  No.10462894


You're just munching straw.

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a931a5  No.10462895


The wifi antenna broke off on my camera there so I hard wired it into an extender I had laying around. kek


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1b80cd  No.10462896


thanks I'll have to look at it

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2b3e5a  No.10462897


Close kek

Sonora Aero Club from the book by Charles Dellschau

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0e30a6  No.10462898

File: 9b537eb5dda32fd⋯.png (309.49 KB, 447x222, 149:74, pepe_sonora_aero_club.PNG)


Sonora Aero Club

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f4809f  No.10462899

File: 70c04f7fa5b108f⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 638x360, 319:180, 2KzGTwMkFtZ_VImX.mp4)

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b8cb2b  No.10462900


>Civil War is what a lot of us have been waiting for.

>My close friends and I are going to have some real fun when the War is declared.

It is something we Anons are trying to avoid.

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622a4a  No.10462901

File: 89220f530ac9600⋯.png (373.03 KB, 1024x956, 256:239, YosemiteSam.png)

File: b53e4dfa0d739a5⋯.png (700.27 KB, 736x1030, 368:515, YS1.png)

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972665  No.10462902

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cffcd5  No.10462903


Not sure if you realize this but the E-4B was doing touch-and-go exercises last week in CO Springs.

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59b266  No.10462904


>future-American-President Donald Trump (11:26)

this is a good one!

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9265f0  No.10462905

Look at the bigger picture. These Democrats are beholden to the Globalists, with their money they no longer run in US circles,they run in World circles. Pope, monarchy, elites. They do not want sovereign nations, they want to rule the planet. They want to kill all people but who they need to keep it running. Read Agenda 2030.>>10462585

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b23c29  No.10462906


look up the story line for Queen Amidalla. Specifically look at what happens at the start of attack of the clones.

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bc6a96  No.10462907


I think he’s been on their radar since the 80’s

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24845b  No.10462908


I'm trying my hand at hot sauce for the first time.

1 cup of hot peppers, 1/2 cup vinegar, tablespoon of salt

bring to boil, simmer 5 minutes, now it's chillin down to room temperature, then I blender it.

Sound about right? I'm winging it.

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ebf8c0  No.10462909


Now that thought gave me cold chills.

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6e683d  No.10462910

File: e235b8c15d8a427⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 600x315, 40:21, trump_golf_shoes.jpg)

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0ea7f9  No.10462911


>POTUS going golfing?


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20882b  No.10462912

File: ceca0d74842525e⋯.png (594.57 KB, 561x637, 561:637, Darwin_Approves.PNG)


Oh I get it…… One of those takes one, to know one, situations.

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1b80cd  No.10462913


says you, responding. fuck off

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5492e8  No.10462914


31 seconds

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972665  No.10462915


>come on man

poor choice of words anon

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b23c29  No.10462916


and i am on this padme, amidalla line of thinking.

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6bc93c  No.10462917


I'm not the Faggot that wants war, Faggot.

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bc6a96  No.10462918


I just use Texas Pete. It’s a lot easier and it’s good

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1b80cd  No.10462919


why in the world would I want to talk to an asshole?

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19be7a  No.10462920


Maybe you missed the part where I responded to you, not the obvious bait post.

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fd1f00  No.10462921

File: 062d4d566429335⋯.jpeg (114.71 KB, 1080x741, 360:247, 1587818526.jpeg)

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a931a5  No.10462922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



We are using the Inter webs for what it was meant for..


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2be5ed  No.10462923


why is the body paint not blue?

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0ea7f9  No.10462924


o sheit

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16612a  No.10462925

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ebf8c0  No.10462926


Yes, WE are trying to avoid it, but the DS is not.

Be prepared at all costs to be drug into it.

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1d7ee4  No.10462927

File: 41663f24c37058b⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 541x360, 541:360, HURTS_DONUT.jpg)

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733bd8  No.10462928



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7d8533  No.10462929


What's your point. A week before that it flew cross country, and it's only appeared with callsign order66 twice.

How does that negate anything I said?

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df9778  No.10462930



20882b is the shill posting the shopped image of the gay cocksuckers in the background of the WI shooting vid

Also the anon posting about ready for civil war

Glow nigger confirmed

Your call, but I'd move on

The shill has an agenda and it isn't the truth

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a931a5  No.10462931


It would be nice if we could, eh?

But Noooooo

Fucking Commies wanna start sheet! kek

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170b45  No.10462932


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1b80cd  No.10462933


ok you respond to the responder. I got it.

Now you can fuck off.

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3ec286  No.10462934


I understood the graphic version easily, like the verbal version

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5492e8  No.10462935

Any Military out there who can ID the rank on the as yet unconfirmed POTUS?

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cffcd5  No.10462936


I never said it negated anything.

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af13fa  No.10462937


Not really, Fat.

That's the best thing Joe has done for us in 47 years.

Come on, man.

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c4844b  No.10462938


What started you on this path for answers on Russiagate ?


The public intelligence statements being made starting in summer of 2016 concerned me. The nature of their reporting lacked substance. I wondered "where's the beef?"

Because of the way the conclusions were presented, I felt that something was missing, so I engaged in analysis of the supposed proof of Russiagate.

With my colleagues in the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, and some assistance from friends in the UK, we pulled together the forensics that challenged the supposed Russian hack of the DNC to provide files to WikiLeaks.

I was asked to testify at the German Bundestag, but not the US Congress! Why not? Plausible deniability. They don't want to have my revelations on the record, because how could they then ignore it. Some of them flew to Germany to listen to me speak there, but won't ask me to come 20 miles down the road to DC to share my findings.

double sauces



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6fe5b3  No.10462939

File: 3a45c7c142070d3⋯.png (129.9 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 3a45c7c142070d3dd6954d5f96….png)


Is that the big-ass tactical umbrella from a couple years ago?

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c4ba3d  No.10462940

File: 3f71ab6241c331c⋯.png (479.37 KB, 489x747, 163:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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6bc93c  No.10462941


I know it's a shill. Just hard to not respond when it talks of civil war and fun.

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49ab80  No.10462942


How dare they let POTUS close his own umbrella.

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7d4793  No.10462943

File: d7cf2fb58708c6d⋯.png (535.96 KB, 753x985, 753:985, djtbased.png)

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20882b  No.10462944


Nope you are just the Faggot that hasn't realized there is nothing you can do to stop it.

"Don't take life too seriously….. you'll never make it out alive" - Van Wilder Movie

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4f8f8f  No.10462945


I usually blender first with all ingredients then slow simmer all afternoon then cool and bottle

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2be5ed  No.10462946



isn't the fuselage paint supposed to be blue? It's not blue.

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84521e  No.10462947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An Eloquent Response to Cynics

(Maybe good for copy pasta)

Supreme Court Justice Roberts is/was being blackmailed.

A response to someone who commented on YouTube that everyone including Trump is blackmailed or something to that effect:

Not when you consider that it is under the Trump administration that this is coming to light. Trump may very well be just the face or tip of the spear of the “Boy Scouts” in our government who have been meticulously plotting for years how to rid our nation of this filth and restore the republic while making it appear as some natural chain of events. Think about how masterfully played it would be to have Trump “re-elected” to fill Roberts’s vacated seat and others to then have cases where Roberts acted as swing vote retried. Also, in the meantime, Trump and the Boy Scouts backing him have all the executive powers absconded by the Obama and other administrations, erroneously validated by Roberts, to apply as needed until they are rightfully put back in check. It would be the coup of all coups, a righteous coup, and one which is played out for all the citizenry to be dragged through all the understanding and necessities of the foundations of our republic. Even the most cynical cannot deny the glimmer of that optimism and cannot unsee it the more it plays itself out.


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0f8074  No.10462948

File: 43713d66ad40000⋯.png (18.08 KB, 492x328, 3:2, ew07o_click_it_now_online_….png)



Despite being introduced by enemy, I believe covex is part of the plan

Think about it.

It gives socially anxious high IQ keyboard warriors (some anons) more reign/freedom in physical reality. Also it takes power away from the physically intimidating monkey men and encourages them to develop intellect and speech.

Anonymity is going from virtual to the physical so that people will focus less on appearances and more on content, ideas, depth.

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7d8533  No.10462949


>I never said it negated anything.


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24845b  No.10462950

File: af29f57cffdfe18⋯.png (441 KB, 874x492, 437:246, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d8533  No.10462951


>I understood the graphic version easily, like the verbal version


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0ea7f9  No.10462952


>i wanna shoo hoo hoo hoohoo hooo

>the whole day down

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20882b  No.10462953

File: bfc3c73e6ce99e0⋯.png (1.77 MB, 930x885, 62:59, Nothing_Happening.PNG)

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6e1f28  No.10462954

File: 77a6d39faf25c64⋯.png (11.64 KB, 801x345, 267:115, Insignia_trump_arm.png)

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365cfb  No.10462955

File: ed7d144b0743c63⋯.png (43.87 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1406682809777.png)



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a931a5  No.10462956


Best hot suace it

1 stick butter

1 Bottle Lousianna Hot Souace

4 cloves crushed/minced garlic

Simmer and mix often.

Fry your wings up crisp with Hooter's Breading, drain..

Then run them thru that sauce..

Smell will curl your nose hairs but it is PERFECT tasting.

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b8cb2b  No.10462957


>Yes, WE are trying to avoid it, but the DS is not.

>Be prepared at all costs to be drug into it.

How odd it is that you believe that anyone here needs a town crier, let alone you, to state such an obvious thing. Perhaps next you will divulge the fact water is wet.

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972665  No.10462958

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1f6e54  No.10462959


100% truth

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626bbd  No.10462960

File: a1d79adbf20f239⋯.jpeg (595.46 KB, 1528x1636, 382:409, 0E85626D_4412_49F6_B9C0_C….jpeg)

KEk worthy headline


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f1af90  No.10462961


Next time I’m not volunteering for this shit show life. It reads like an expanded country song.

Mf’ers visited when I was a kid. There were 2 of us. That missing time was a mind F.

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6bc93c  No.10462962


Of course a Faggot like you would quote from pedowood movies. If you want to help our side in the up coming civil war shoot yourself in the face. Twice.

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fea8e6  No.10462963


What is that patch?

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6989c4  No.10462964


>He stutters and says " if you have a product that suc-suc-ceeds in one country"

just like david icke


raining stars are fake

aurora is real

screw nasses lies

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e0b85b  No.10462965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden Lauds Soros’s Pro-Iran Efforts at Event Hosted by ‘Death to America’-Linked Group

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden praised far-left financier George Soros’s Open Society Institute during a speech at the American-Iranian Council which aided President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the National Pulse can reveal. The unearthed comments come from a 2002 speech at the American-Iranian Council, a group which has worked closely with the Iranian regime after being founded by a pro-Iran activist in 1997. The organization has been fiercely in favor of Obama and Biden’s failed Iran nuclear deal.

American-Iranian Council leaders even reportedly helped notorious anti-American figures such as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad meet with U.S. academics, business leaders, and the press. Ahmadinejad has spurred on “Death to America” chants on numerous occasions, raising questions as to why Biden would agree to speak at the group and laud their efforts. Joe Biden, at the time a Delaware Senator and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, “applauded” George Soros’s Open Society Institute, noting the organization was “important” and played a “critical role” in forging U.S.-Iran relations. He even heaped praise on the American-Iranian Council themselves. The former Veep remarked: “We should continue to encourage citizen exchanges. A two-track circuit has developed in recent years and it is important to keep it going. Organizations such as the American-Iranian Council, the Open Society Institute, the Nixon Center, they’ve all played a critical role, and I applaud them all.” He added: “Today, I’d like to share with you my views on the United States policy toward Iran and the kind of relationship I believe the United States and Iran should have. The short answer is a much better relationship than it currently enjoys. I say this for one simple reason: I believe that an improved relationship with Iran is in the naked self-interest of the United States, and I would presume to suggest Iran’s interest as well.”

The Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate has previously said similar things of America’s relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, asserting: “I remain convinced that a successful China can make our country more prosperous, not less,” and concluded, “Some may warn of America’s demise, but I’m not among them. And let me reassure you: based on my time in China, neither are the Chinese.”


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385992  No.10462966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nothing but net.

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7686f8  No.10462967

File: c4c8a0286ee38a9⋯.png (9.24 KB, 260x193, 260:193, 7Cam1Vte.png)

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626bbd  No.10462968


*Post, not headline

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f1be6f  No.10462969



Funny how time warps recall.

About the same time period as the "Nashville Airship", wasn't it? 1897?

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0e30a6  No.10462970


you'll have to share the finished product later

good eats anon

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2930fe  No.10462971










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a931a5  No.10462972


Be sure to cover wings with bits of garlic when you run them thru that sauce.

Dunk in some Chunky Blue Cheese.


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ebf8c0  No.10462973


…and yet there are those here that believe they don't have to lift a finger when or if the mobs come a knocking in their neighborhoods.

So fuck off with your high and mightier attitude.

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af13fa  No.10462974


Come on, dog faced pony soldier.

Joe is great at making catchphrases.

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cc0806  No.10462975

File: cac366ac8f480cb⋯.png (239.89 KB, 1434x1450, 717:725, WHPool.png)



Potus boarded AF1 as print pool was walking toward plane. Photog saw him ascending steps, reports he was carrying red MAGA hat and umbrella. At 11:09 we are rolling for takeoff to Chennault International Airport in Lake Charles, La.


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7ccf46  No.10462976

File: 64f257866c07af0⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 300x168, 25:14, AF1.jpg)

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6e1f28  No.10462977


I have no Idea, was hoping someone else here knew…

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4e35ce  No.10462978

File: 0412400be8462f0⋯.png (660.69 KB, 1205x900, 241:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd3b5a  No.10462979


Nice, you might go for whole roasted carrots and parsnips (olive oil, s&p, garlic cloves, 400 oven, 30 minutes or so). Now that this has become a recipe board, which is better than a muh shill board…

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7686f8  No.10462980

File: a30fdbab22c4429⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 922x695, 922:695, EgmdZ7gWsAAcSmU.jpg)

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20882b  No.10462981


I think we can safely say, I'm not planning on helping whatever side you think you are on.

Plus all this is just talk on the internet. We will see how people really are when it actually happens.

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49ab80  No.10462982

File: ccbd84a23d64ffd⋯.png (167.56 KB, 300x391, 300:391, Screenshot_from_2020_08_22….png)

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5492e8  No.10462983

File: ab2e5b541b7785a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1808x2882, 904:1441, cic.png)

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df9778  No.10462984



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b8cb2b  No.10462985


>…and yet there are those here that believe they don't have to lift a finger when or if the mobs come a knocking in their neighborhoods.

>So fuck off with your high and mightier attitude.

Nobody has expressed that. But let us pretend that anyone has, it would be the choice of the individual to assume such a posture. So what is this white to near clear coating that occurs on the water in the winter? I need obvious answers from the town crier.

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3ec286  No.10462986

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0ea7f9  No.10462987



always 'bad news', the uneasy heals with prayer, and prolly no drops- ongoing ops

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528936  No.10462988

File: 927843d163feab2⋯.png (38.33 KB, 847x342, 847:342, sc_shots.PNG)


Shots fired at Trump supporters, including children, who were just waving flags in South Carolina –…

Supporters of President Donald Trump said that shots were fired at them from a vehicle as they were waving flags during a public political …

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2be5ed  No.10462989

File: 29751611160dfbc⋯.mp4 (7.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Plot_against_Trump.mp4)

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1d3b5c  No.10462990

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626bbd  No.10462991


That’s highest ranking enlisted in the AF

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32be3c  No.10462992


Hey there sexy legs (that's no homo)

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2b3e5a  No.10462993


Somewhere around that time after the Chicago world's Fair of 1893, yeah.

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af13fa  No.10462994


I hope he makes some moar good ones before he gets replaced.

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bd3b5a  No.10462995


You just can't get it out of neutral, can you?

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4f8f8f  No.10462996


That would be the HMFIC

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972665  No.10462997






He handed the umbrella to Air Force. Who then closed it.

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ebf8c0  No.10462998


Jack the Ripper went to that fair! KEK!

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a931a5  No.10462999


>1 Bottle Lousianna Hot Souace

One of those smaller skinny bottles.

w/ 1 stick real butter.

AND as much garlic as you can stand.

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7686f8  No.10463000

File: a139718452ec135⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 926x960, 463:480, EgmZVCGU0AMdi6w.jpg)

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c4844b  No.10463001


Binney states that a way to combat the surveillance state would be to homebrew your own encryption systems.

someone asked why he would give people such bad advice considering there could be weaknesses in the code.

Binney explains that if EVERYONE did their own encryptions, the NSA would not have "the time" to find all the weaknesses in each person's unique encryption systems.

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59b266  No.10463002

File: b5e34848da5b6be⋯.png (1.19 MB, 912x1920, 19:40, Hatch_Act.png)



fuck Schitt!

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126d08  No.10463003

File: af6f2a7d6ef06f5⋯.png (726.8 KB, 1060x1097, 1060:1097, 20200825_202642_kindlephot….png)

Continuing digs on Operation Expose Save The Children

Using #Exposesavethechildren for archive purposes on qresear.ch

OP for reference >>10421474 >>10422349

*summary: Use the enemy's movements against them. They are co opting the message of protecting children by pushing these orgs on normies through memes and social media campaigns such as pic provided using #SaveTheChildren.

Surface glance, most names have red flags that need digging and connecting into a cohesive piece that exposes not only their grasping at controlling the narrative, but more importantly the true nature of these orgs/non profits/foundations etc

*So far (surface glance)

*Darkness to Light* connects to Beau Biden Foundation

*Thorn* (Ashton Pitcher Demi Moore) connects NoName name Institue (focus on data)

*Child Rescue Coalition* connects founder Hank Asher to Ghislaine Maxwell through Robert Maxwell and PROMIS. (Data/access) (Also connect Chiliad and gov contracts for database work-PROMIS) Asher also worked with ICMEC/NCMEC and his software is used in a

lmost all &0 states.

*note Also Plantir connect keeps coming up which then connects back to PROMIS

[…] Palantir has also been used to unravel child abuse and abduction cases. Palantir “gives us the ability to do the kind of link-and-pattern analysis we need to build cases, identify perpetrators, and rescue children,” says Ernie Allen, CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The software recently helped NCMEC analysts link an attempted abduction with previous reports of the suspect to the center’s separate cyber-tip line—and plot that activity on a map. “We did it within 30 seconds,” Allen says. “It is absolutely a godsend for us.”"

"[…] Christopher Soghoian, a graduate fellow at the Center for Applied Cybersecurity in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, worries that Palantir will make these agencies ever hungrier consumers of every piece of personal data. “I don’t think Palantir the firm is evil,” he says. “I think their clients could be using it for evil things.”




"…the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project in 2009, to build an anti-trafficking approach, replicable worldwide. The Polaris Project operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) and runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Polaris is based out of D.C. and is funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services. Together, they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations across the globe to monitor human trafficking, in 2014. They claim it is the most comprehensive database of modern-day slavery organizations ever compiled for the public, and as noted on the map above, there are 199 countries in this database.

• The Polaris Project is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Members are by invite only and donate a minimum of $15,000 annually.

• Catherine A. McLean is the Chairperson for the Board of Directors at Polaris. McLean was the senior advisor to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign in 2008.

• Steve Rosenthal, on the Board of Directors, served as Associate Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Labor during the Clinton administration.

• It’s also important to remember that the Clinton Global Initiative was never formally set up correctly and is not a legal entity.




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f4809f  No.10463004

File: a1433afb8fda4f9⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 1812_2T.jpg)


Texas Pete. Kek. Blair's ultra death or go home.

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cc0806  No.10463005

File: 0cc8437b3caebac⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1820x1170, 14:9, Pepe_Surrounded_.png)



Boomerang, all their weapons turn against them.

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2930fe  No.10463006




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5492e8  No.10463007


I've never seen him wear that before

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bc6a96  No.10463008


Yes checked and confirmed. HMFIC INDEED

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1b80cd  No.10463009


agree. this one is especially lame

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a931a5  No.10463010


FOOD is why the inter webs was invented anyway!

Bought time we went back to our roots. kek

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3d4397  No.10463011


>>10462713, >>10462760, >>10462797, >>10462803, >>10462808, >>10462899, >>10462954, >>10462975, >>10462946,

>>10462978, >>10462983, >>10462991, >>10462997 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729 Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677, >>10462715, >>10462793 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702, >>10462768 Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

>>10462683, >>10462773 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462641 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

>>10462756 Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

>>10462764 QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

>>10462988 Shots fired at Trump supporters, including children, who were just waving flags in South Carolina –…

>>10463003 Continuing digs on Operation Expose Save The Children

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fea8e6  No.10463012

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)



The YouTube videos right after the 2016 election were absolutely glorious!

Can't wait for more this November.

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c9d8e8  No.10463013


i usually go rice/broccoli when talking asian meat, but you got mashed/gravy going like thanksgiving ; is this that fusion cuisine?

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1b80cd  No.10463014


I'm only here for the entertainment

like you

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bc6a96  No.10463015


Just a drop will kill ya. Kek

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1a2b21  No.10463016


> The man shot in the arm is reportedly a man by the name of Gaige Grosskreutz. He is connected to the far left group “People’s Revolution Movement” and he has been arrested previously

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f4809f  No.10463017


Oh look someone woke up the shitty cat with even shittier memes. Fuck off pig.

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2b466f  No.10463018

File: 538af5faea67780⋯.jpg (155.85 KB, 547x550, 547:550, bayyyked.jpg)


moar like stalled a long time ago.

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6e1f28  No.10463019

Correct, you can see DJT walked in through the door on the right before the person with the patch closed the umbrella.

Saw it now.

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287696  No.10463020


>with the Simpsons escalator scene in 2007


Simpsons scene came out AFTER the real event.

note the dates of the two videos



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af13fa  No.10463021


>Q says Patriot of the highest caliber

Listening to Binney in This Current Year is like hearing a Mainframe Architecture lecture.

Just how up to speed is he with Quantum developments?

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b0f271  No.10463022

File: 8044aefad9c9b81⋯.png (111.85 KB, 444x451, 444:451, 2020_08_29_13_30_53edt.png)


You may call this symbol pedo, but to anon with Bible knowledge, it looks like the 10 commandments. Moses brought down the 10 commandments on a stone tablet given by God. (Count - 10 lines on the tablet). The tablet got smashed, and Moses had to go make another one. (Notice - a duplicate of the first tablet). The text is a quote from Jesus talking about keeping the commandments. It's pretty straightforward. And the overlapped tablets resemble a heart, which fits Jesus commandment that we should love one another. By keeping the 10 commandments, and Jesus's summary of them to love God with all our heart, and love our neighbor as ourself. So the graphic connects the Old Testament and the New Testament, and Jesus, and the Ten Commandments.

Not a Mormon, nor a member of any ORGANIZED religion.

Which is not to pass judgment on whether there is pedo activity within any organized religion. There is. But this image is not an effective proof of it.

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c4844b  No.10463023




I'm guessing that you have piles of Non-Disclosure Agreements restricting your every word, So I'm going to be very careful in my phrasing.

There have been rumors/stories/paranoid theories about how the NSA had taps placed on the entire internet, and that the NSA has huge data storage facilities to store their own copy of everything that their taps have intercepted.

I'm guessing that you can neither confirm nor deny that.

There was a huge amount of data that somehow made its way from DNC servers to Wikileaks. I think that part is almost universally agreed upon. What is not agreed upon is who, how, and when.

If that huge amount of data was transferred through the internet, and if the NSA actually has taps on the whole system, then the NSA should have acquired a record of what passed through, and from whom and to whom, if not a full copy of the data itself.

If the NSA does not have a record of this specific large amount of data passing through the internet, that would mean that either the NSA does not have the capacity to detect everything, or that the data did not pass through the internet.

My question is: Is there anything you would like to say, and are allowed to say, on that concept?


I can confirm every bit of it and I know physically where the data collection storages are in every part of the world. I can tell you the building not the floor. If you use Google Maps you can look for every AT&T Building with huge cooling systems on the roofs. (From Jose: Refer to the stream, he breaks down how he knows this and goes into greater detail. Will amend after the stream is over)

I gave the locations to Laura Pointers and she said she wont publish them but referred them to the NYTimes. They refused to publish them because they said "If one of those buildings get attacked we'll be held responsible"

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24845b  No.10463024

File: 8bbbcb6eb798d48⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 400x224, 25:14, simpsonsvirus.mp4)

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1d7ee4  No.10463025

File: e1c6f5dc07049f5⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 385x440, 7:8, STILL_MAD.jpg)

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0e30a6  No.10463026

File: f9c6e16e4f42650⋯.png (236.22 KB, 904x548, 226:137, 02_5001_USAFSOC_C_32B_depa….PNG)

02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B departed Ft. Bragg, NC after a ground stop sw

SHINR50 USAF RC-135V Rivet Joint out of Majors Airport with some north/south runs

SNTRY26 USAF E-3 Sentry AWACS out of Tinker AFB, OKC (and some heavy spoofing as well)

would love to give you an update on 82-8000 however it is still not visible on this end


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2930fe  No.10463027







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126d08  No.10463028



#2533620 at 2018-08-10 05:34:10 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3196: BeginninQ Of The End


Funded by Skoll via the Polaris project mentioned on the hotline's website.



#2534816 at 2018-08-10 06:45:51 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3198 TT= Trump Tower or Tarmac Tapes Edition

Pic related is John and Lisa Pritzker (friends of Husseins on whom we have dug in great detail in the past) with JaMel and Tom Perkins, all donors to Polaris projects.

Sauce: https://archives.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/hearts-beat-again-for-san-francisco-general-hospital/Content?oid=2194940

▶Anonymous 08/09/18 (Thu) 21:40:126cc89d (3) No.2534751>>2534792 >>2534831 >>2534838 >>2535056 >>2535286 >>2535362

National Human Trafficking Hotline leads to →


Polaris Project leads to Katherine Chon


She was awarDed an award by no other than


▶Anonymous 08/09/18 (Thu) 22:07:25bf63a3 (12) No.2535083>>2535107 >>2535362


Ooh cafritz, there's your nxivm connection right there in bold face

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0ef208  No.10463029


Once a glow nigger, always a glow nigger

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fdc425  No.10463030

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a931a5  No.10463031

File: 46ceb898430c174⋯.jpg (128.35 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, smoker_2.jpg)

File: 9fdec7f4402e4b6⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 370x493, 370:493, smoker_1.jpg)


I Just Love Food! kek

Notice the Smoker?

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c4844b  No.10463032


If you have a reddit account please feel free to post that question because it would be highly relevant considering who in big tech is currently mastering quantum computing


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1b80cd  No.10463033

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3d4397  No.10463034


waste of time fighting them there is nothing you can do to stop them and it only makes it worse for you. Best advice .I been the duncecapAnon in the corner don't be like me. there's good guys that are bad guys took me forever to figure it out .Let the clowns clown

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2b466f  No.10463035

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b23c29  No.10463036


nope. I am praying i am wrong.

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972665  No.10463037

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0f8074  No.10463038


Just noticed, today Liam Payne's birthday


idk who that is but PAIN

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0ea7f9  No.10463039


anon was, kinda, in a weird way, wondering why my dumazz noticed the shoesFIRST

>wuz kinda pkntin ate Ewe


>redtext fail was for (((you)))

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7686f8  No.10463040

File: 0840ce0fa211cd2⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 720x672, 15:14, EgmazpcUwAAeM7h.jpg)

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2930fe  No.10463041








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bd3b5a  No.10463042


Yea, that threw me, too, but the roasted root veggies I suggested will go nice with that gravy. I'm fucking starving now.

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6e1f28  No.10463043


Not much that beats a really good ribeye steak.

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a931a5  No.10463044

File: ad50160e5858a0f⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 400x552, 50:69, BUDDER.jpg)

File: a07886f4d2045f3⋯.png (603.13 KB, 547x550, 547:550, ClipboardImage.png)


And good erb..

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1b80cd  No.10463046


well that would be a step up for you

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5de301  No.10463047

File: ca35850a176003c⋯.png (647 KB, 912x880, 57:55, Screenshot_1.png)

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af13fa  No.10463048


>If you have a reddit account

Not since the great Tianeptine board battle in '18.

Will need to be someone else.

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b38f57  No.10463049


Lemme know if you want a break for a bread, can bake one for relief.


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10a749  No.10463050


A really good fried chicken does it for me

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54ca37  No.10463051


Give our regards to, Xi, Soldier, and while you're at it, give a shout out to Jones.

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8c02ae  No.10463052

File: de86ce7246622d2⋯.png (188.65 KB, 899x155, 29:5, Annotation_2020_08_29_1035….png)

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a931a5  No.10463053


Except TWO Ribeye steaks!

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c4844b  No.10463054



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528936  No.10463055

File: 0f514816c7e1bd0⋯.png (663.66 KB, 843x573, 281:191, to_wapo.PNG)


Steele Associate Offered To ‘Feed’ Michael Flynn Story To WaPo Columnist, Ex-Spy Testified

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152c4b  No.10463056


…and the NSA (MI) was degraded by a contractor that is somehow a supposed hero for doing this?

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92a428  No.10463058

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)


yeah that was good idea in guerrilla war against corrupt gov conditions.


we could build a secure network where nobody can spy on anybody.

Insecure networks will not support advanced computation dependant civilization.

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7ccf46  No.10463059


Tuna steaks

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fdc425  No.10463060

faux saux extreme saturday tx dumas moran cuellar makes gillian look like gillium with a stupid response from a stupid kunt demonrat same side postition u get a stupid kunt reponse – yor sitting bitch surprised face act dont play for shit

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5492e8  No.10463061



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9587ad  No.10463062

File: 133eecf2c5bf271⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 504x144, 7:2, hcoa.jpg)

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389d47  No.10463063

File: 01c94f9fae305c9⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 470x500, 47:50, wearehere.jpg)

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3d4397  No.10463064


Im ready fren for sure



>>10462713, >>10462760, >>10462797, >>10462803, >>10462808, >>10462899, >>10462954, >>10462975, >>10462946,

>>10462978, >>10462983, >>10462991, >>10462997 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729, >>10463026 Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677,

>>10462715, >>10462793, >>10463023 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702, >>10462768 Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

>>10462683, >>10462773 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462641 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

>>10462756 Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

>>10462764 QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

>>10462988 Shots fired at Trump supporters, including children, who were just waving flags in South Carolina –…

>>10463003 Continuing digs on Operation Expose Save The Children

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a931a5  No.10463065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b3e5a  No.10463066

File: 4480df037c197d5⋯.png (1.81 MB, 800x1207, 800:1207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c213ecf9534f1c⋯.png (307.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87309f1bdb98a40⋯.png (410.1 KB, 359x512, 359:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23ce66df3067ab5⋯.png (1.64 MB, 700x994, 50:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79305abc7ce93ae⋯.png (47.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


From what I've read, everybody was there!

Sounded like a cool expo and I'm sad I missed it kek

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2930fe  No.10463067



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7d4793  No.10463068

File: 8c802bc8e244921⋯.png (164.35 KB, 373x441, 373:441, stroking.png)

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f4809f  No.10463069


Touche. True.

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3d4397  No.10463070


TYAil stop back in a bit and check on ya'll

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0ea7f9  No.10463071


>bitchkarenanon guzon bout muh cachefraze

>doesn't comment on the fucking shoes


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c4844b  No.10463072


>we could build a secure network where anybody can spy on anybody.


i know the idea is uncomfortable but if you want "transparency", that is how you get it.

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2e8e7f  No.10463073

I miss Ebot. Summoning Ebot.

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fd1f00  No.10463074

File: 8083457debee6f6⋯.jpeg (218.43 KB, 1080x1633, 1080:1633, 1543458982.jpeg)

File: 24a2d2cad3c0581⋯.jpg (246.63 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1597732916906.jpg)

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a931a5  No.10463075

File: 0bcc762bc86f634⋯.png (143.87 KB, 482x500, 241:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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2930fe  No.10463076





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92a428  No.10463077


meant nobody could spy on anybody.

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2be3f6  No.10463078

File: bac94dece68458e⋯.png (776.58 KB, 543x781, 543:781, ClipboardImage.png)

just realized this. They could have gone the opposite way around the obelisk but they didnt

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0f8074  No.10463079

File: 865a607ca64af94⋯.png (36.66 KB, 684x236, 171:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4004fe6cb7ca48⋯.png (81.32 KB, 465x762, 155:254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e471d212487a2a⋯.png (25.28 KB, 460x271, 460:271, ClipboardImage.png)




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1b80cd  No.10463080


stuck in 2018, sad.

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b38f57  No.10463081


do you mean NOW or at the NB post?

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170b45  No.10463082


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19be7a  No.10463083

So, we have newfags talking about smoking meats for 100 posts, newfags taking bait about "muh civil war" and endless shitposts about entirely irrelevant content?…

This is why progress has slowed to a crawl.

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bc6a96  No.10463084


That’s all it ever takes. One summoning and poof there it is. Especially on the day sky net woke up

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528936  No.10463085

File: c958a921989e452⋯.png (368.02 KB, 863x654, 863:654, uae.PNG)


UAE abolishes Israel boycott law

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7686f8  No.10463086

File: 0b23b407640c31d⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 828x449, 828:449, EgmeGv6U8AA55iK.jpg)

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af13fa  No.10463087


There's a fake e or 2 but are worse than an avg fake ferddy tho.

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b38f57  No.10463088



can take it now but lemme know

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0e30a6  No.10463089

File: b8cfa42f4968854⋯.jpg (539.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, air_force_one_parked_refle….jpg)


two 747's left JBA not the C-32A

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a931a5  No.10463090


Fresh caught SALMON you just snagged grilled at camp over the open fire with Lemon and Butter!


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6e1f28  No.10463091

File: 98a246db13d2405⋯.mp4 (700.11 KB, 688x512, 43:32, trump_plane_2020_08.mp4)

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152c4b  No.10463092


I agree that Joe is a larp.

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5492e8  No.10463093


Widdershins - Against the SUN

Against RA

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95514d  No.10463094

File: 0c13f95b305c261⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 550x378, 275:189, mindlink_image.jpg)

File: fd6489eba76893b⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1067829222.jpg)

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2b3e5a  No.10463095



Pretty good, anon

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df9778  No.10463097



Salmon or tuna sashimi and butter is muh jahm

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c9d8e8  No.10463098


was thinking some local bi-color corn on the cob roasted on that flame to get them caramelized

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2930fe  No.10463099




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ac66ea  No.10463100

File: d3e0d74ca052f6e⋯.gif (11.3 MB, 590x720, 59:72, Silent_War_Never_Ends.gif)


Well, my life has been a tragic comedy to put it lightly. I'd do it all over again, just to get these deep state motherfuckers. I mean that with all I am and everything else that is in the universe. It's been an honor to serve, despite the fuckedupness, I ain't never giving up. Bring it bitches! I'm immune to the pain and the struggle! Believe that! KEK

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c4844b  No.10463101


it wouldn't prevent people from "being evil" and "doing crimes" if nobody could spy on anybody.

if everything was open and transparent, that would mean *any*body could spy on ~any~body ( regardless of "security clearance" or job/position/bloodline/any other categorical factor )

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3ec286  No.10463102

File: 984e240aa148b35⋯.png (305.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Carlin_Stupid.png)


Well, we were warned repeatedly that the world was coming here, lol.

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c4ba3d  No.10463103

File: 5590c1facb85874⋯.png (310.34 KB, 688x512, 43:32, ClipboardImage.png)

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10a749  No.10463104


She looks like she makes some damn fucking good chicken.

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5492e8  No.10463105


I do not think that was Potus. He moved differently

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af13fa  No.10463106


Progress looks pretty good to me.

Salt mining's never been better.

Blue city niggas whispering in my ear MAGA but keep it on the downlow.

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721871  No.10463107


September, October is bad…November is supposed to be worse, and in November no one will know where POTUS is.

Some dreaming preacher who predicted the BLM riots dreamed this..I don't remember who. Some anon posted his dream video on the board a month ago or so.

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16612a  No.10463108

File: a76e387d815650f⋯.png (102.77 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 3a45c7c142070d3dd6954d5f96….png)

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1b80cd  No.10463109

I'm here for the Toots memes

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0d3f38  No.10463110

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 20200514_071628.jpg)




Dis a hard hittin livestream.



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32be3c  No.10463111

Things you never do in a storm:

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bc6a96  No.10463112


Bullet proof umbrella?

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54ca37  No.10463113


Tolkien and Lewis were Vatican operatives.

And that is a hideous image, despite the fact God anathematized the use of religious imagery, including of anything in Heaven, which would include Christ Jesus in His resurrected form.

So any such use is not really what it claims to portray, and this one also portrays the wives' tale of the "sacred heart".

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3d4397  No.10463114


Il finish it no problem

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c9d8e8  No.10463115


most based bot out there

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92a428  No.10463116



able danger

field mcconnell shilling his crap

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d0dd9f  No.10463117

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c4844b  No.10463118


Binney: "I would fire them all and keep Trump" ( speaking in regard to republicans)

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16612a  No.10463119

Guy RE-infected


Test gotta be a total joke

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bd3b5a  No.10463120

File: bc65372636d4197⋯.png (125.26 KB, 599x415, 599:415, ClipboardImage.png)

I'd really like to know how someone calling themselves E The Friend can join Twitter in May 2020 and have 56,900 followers in less than 3 months, while only following 24. It's impossible. Explain it to me.

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0f8074  No.10463121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one's for (you)


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c4844b  No.10463122


go swimming

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7686f8  No.10463123

File: 19d4dab2b52ec2b⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 622x627, 622:627, EgmjvHOXkAAGWLl.jpg)

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8ae35a  No.10463124


Fresh salmon or tuna sashimi (raw, thin slices) dipped in soy sauce stirred with wasabi powder.

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528936  No.10463125

File: 8b85ff01685179b⋯.png (195.99 KB, 854x670, 427:335, one_other.PNG)


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Kenosha Shooting Victim ‘Jo Jo Rosenbaum’ Was Involved in At Least One Other Altercation Before Being Shot Dead on Tuesday Night

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2be3f6  No.10463126


it's pronounced EYE GORE

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6fe5b3  No.10463127

File: 24a2b54981e62b9⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, popcornn.jpg)

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7cec00  No.10463128


in my previous lives I was both Cesar and Jack the Ripper

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a3ac30  No.10463129

File: 2bdf93930f3a9c3⋯.png (631.89 KB, 551x587, 551:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f60ed14ec90d492⋯.png (417.88 KB, 559x543, 559:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe5fb585e370e5c⋯.png (102.22 KB, 533x573, 533:573, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dd0a734b3b1770⋯.png (73.23 KB, 750x714, 125:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Bobby Kennedy Jr. Speaks in Germany Today in Massive International Event Dedicated to Protecting Children from Dangerous Vaccines

Bobby Kennedy Jr. joined members of the global community today in Berlin in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers our children face due to the vaccine lobby.

Bobby Kennedy is the son of the former US Attorney General and the nephew of the US President who famously said, “I am a Berliner.” Bobby was in Berlin today to join forces with citizens around the globe who are concerned about our children’s health as a result of damaging vaccines.

The group Children’s Health Defense got together in Berlin with the younger Kennedy in an effort to bring attention to corrupt individuals and institutions in the globalmedical community pushing dangerous medicines on our children.

The Children’s Health Defense website shares various posts similar to the ones we published here at TGP over the past few months.

One post they tweeted discusses Dr. Fauci’s relationship with Bill Gates and how they are pushing for a coronavirus vaccine to be inserted into 7 billion people on the planet. This post also addresses Dr. Fauci’s and the WHO’s efforts to prevent the use of HCQ and efforts to shut down those doctors who want to tell the truth about HCQ’s use:

The Children Health Defense team also warns about governments like in Australia who are pushing for this vaccine even though they have had a very minimal COVID-19 impact on their lives and economy down under:



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fea8e6  No.10463130

File: aee1dff1e4e492f⋯.png (407.95 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepe_wtf.png)


Wrong board. Try here → https://boards.4chan.org/b/

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f110fb  No.10463131

Martin Armstrong:

The Democratic National Convention was moved out of the Fiserv Forum to a smaller venue across downtown Milwaukee and the attendance was around 300 people. There have been allegations that Biden’s speech was prerecorded and masterfully edited. The Democrats insist it was live. There were some journalists who claim to have been present. ABC’s Johnny Verhovek, BuzzFeed’s Ruby Cramer, the Washington Post’s Annie Linskey, the New York Times’ Katie Glueck, the Wall Street Journal’s Ken Thomas, the Daily Beast’s Hanna Trudo, CNN’s Sarah Mucha, the Atlantic’s Edward-Isaac Dovere and CBS’s Bo Erickson. Of course, they did not invite anyone who was not promoting the Democrats against Trump so claiming these journalists are proof is by no means trustworthy.

What is far worse is the sheer hatred that is being unleashed and Pelosi is maintaining this same posture that anyone who voted for Trump is unworthy of their consideration. Biden claims he will bring the country together. They are fanning the very flames that are tearing it apart. But this is what Socrates has been forecasting. The United States is self-destructing and this is typically resolved only in a civil war.

Nancy Pelosi claims that Trump is not worth of debates which she is saying 50% of the country does not have any rights whatsoever. She accuses Trump of having no respect for the Democratic process, yet then refuses to allow debates. This election is anything but normal, and to refuse to have debates only increases the concerns that Biden is not competent to even debate. Hillary is advising Biden if he loses, do not concede, and turn this into sheer chaos.

While Biden claims Trump is not protecting Americans from a virus with a death rate of 0.000535% (175,000 out of 328 million), not a single Democrat has denounced the violence taking place and the sheer hatred pouring out against the opposition. Here mobs are attacking Senator Rand Paul. The LEFT always turns to violence and will NEVER accept any opposition. The RIGHT is you leave me alone and I leave you alone. The LEFT views they are the victim and as such are justified in destroying the rights of their hated opposition. It is a very different thinking process. They demand it is 100% their way and reject the very principles of freedom.

Of if you go far enough to the RIGHT you get the people who see the state as #1 and they stack the courts with pro-Government judges so you end up with 99% conviction rates that even surpassed Adolf Hitler 90% conviction rates against the Jews. However, extreme LEFT or extreme RIGHT they both advocate 100% government supremacy but reach there with different reasoning. The RIGHT culls out people who do not comply whereas the LEFT subjugated everyone.

Video Player



The LEFTIST protestors even built a guillotine outside of Jeff Bezos’s house. The Amazon billionaire was reported to become the first man worth $200 billion. The tech companies who have been supporting the LEFT in this anti-Trump crusade will find out that in a LEFTIST world, their wealth will become a target as is it always does. They will shockingly realize that their money cannot buy their freedom and they will be stripped of their assets as their companies become nationalized. They obviously know nothing about history.

Gun sales are off the charts. A friend’s home in Connecticut in a suburb was violated. Their son was home in the basement. He called his parents because he heard people upstairs. The parents called a neighbor rather than the police who went over with his gun and the two people wearing hoodies ran out the back door of the house. They were not in the city. There are now more guns than people in the United States (nearly 400 million are in circulation for a population of 330 million). In just the first six months of this year with the lockdowns and the violent protests as in Portland, approximately 19 million firearms have been sold so far.

Video Player



There is no question that people’s houses with Trump signs or people wearing his hats are starting to be attacked. This is happening around the country. People are even attacking youth who simply have a Trump hat. A man faces 4 years in prison for attacking a man with a Trump hat. These attacks are taking place around the country.

This is illustrating that there is no going back. Usually, after an election, the loser just moves on. This time, there will be violence for nobody will accept the outcome.

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0ea7f9  No.10463132


>Is that the big-ass tactical umbrella from a couple years ago?

not needed then, needed today.


>checked um muself


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0e30a6  No.10463133



the shuffling feet seem to indicate a younger person.

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af13fa  No.10463134


Patriot of the highest caliber.

Wut Q getting at w/ caliber?

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49ab80  No.10463135

File: 73a6df2395471e0⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 640x499, 640:499, schum.jpg)

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7d8533  No.10463136


“With all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one.”

― William of Ockham

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54ca37  No.10463137


Marco, gives our regards to the Vatican! Then go tell it to jump in the Lake of Fire, when it's time.

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1b80cd  No.10463138

File: 26f0e7a32740c42⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 4f7f5fc0f9d0c6af877e817c91….jpg)


like you, I enjoy the butthurt

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1b2a95  No.10463139


ashura day today , same as LV

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126d08  No.10463140


>>10463028 goes with >>10463003

Thanks Bakers

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b0c702  No.10463141


Probably bought 'em.

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95514d  No.10463142

File: 9c2f2656c3d882c⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1611x481, 1611:481, Screenshot_2020_08_29_shm_….png)

File: 6ac225b1d88d3dc⋯.png (17.11 KB, 790x296, 395:148, Screenshot_2020_08_29_Toms….png)

…Slip in 1 more shitpost, time to lurk.

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ebf8c0  No.10463143

File: d3039665c26ea4c⋯.png (160.84 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Study suggests 2020 polls may be missing 'shy' Trump voters


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2be3f6  No.10463144


because E joined twitter as a LARP before may 2020 and gained a following by saying hes an insider. Then E got banned and started a new account.

if youre really that retarded you should please see your way to facebook or reddit

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a931a5  No.10463145


When I was 13 and just gopt my hunting license.

Dad took me with 14 other of his fire dept. buddies and their sons into the Crannberry, West Virginia.

We had to ride our bikes 10mi back there pulling carts.

Opening morning I got a deer and filled my tag..

I fished for Trout.. BIG ONES, like giant Gold Fish..

They'd swim right by my hook..

I whacked it with my oar, gutted it, wrapped it in foil with butter lemon on the fire..


You could drinkt he water right from the river back then.

never forget those days.

Drew back a New boy they had hanging and it had been raining..

Slipped from my hand and bonked me.

You should have seen all them trying to fix the gash.

If funny now.. hurt like hell then.

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f1af90  No.10463146


If I knew I was doing it to take them down, yes. 50+ years is draining. People tell me I have something special. All I see is experience and I keep getting back up again.

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3ec286  No.10463147


(((you))) can buy followers, or have them allocated to (((you)))

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8ae35a  No.10463148


Is this the guy who got shot in the head?

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af13fa  No.10463149


Binney tight with E tho.

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a3ac30  No.10463150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Corrupt Prosecutors in SDNY Threatening Gag Orders on Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and Even Media Personalities Who Support Them

Former Trump Team Strategist Steve Bannon was indicted by corrupt Southern District of New York attorneys with three others, including Brian Kolfage, a war veteran who lost three limbs in Iraq.

These men were indicted on what appear to be overly aggressive and bogus charges related to their building a wall on the Southern border.

Their SDNY indictment screams of Andrew Weissmann-like corruption and prosecutorial abuse.

As we reported previously, dirty cop Robert Mueller and his deputy in crime Andrew Weissmann indicted a number of innocent individuals and companies of crimes over the years. Mueller is a crook and so is Weissmann who was at Hillary’s inauguration party and was informed of the fake Russia dossier in its very early days before the 2016 election. (Of course, Weissmann never considered this a conflict of interest preventing him from joining the Mueller investigative team.)

Weissmann and Mueller destroyed literally thousands of lives during their careers and are the epitome of Deep State crooks (e.g. Arthur Andersen’s 80,000 employees lost their jobs due to a false crime perpetrated on the organization by Mueller and Andrew Weissmann).

Sidney Powell was on with Mark Levin at FOX News and she described the actions taken by former FBI Head Robert Mueller during the Enron case in the early 2000’s. Powell wrote LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice after seeing a core group of federal prosecutors break all the rules, make up crimes, hide evidence, and send innocent people to prison in the Enron case. When she saw them promoted to the top of Obama’s DOJ and FBI she had had enough.

Powell discusses how Mueller hand picked Weissmann wanting this corrupt attorney on his team in their attempt to remove President Trump from office. Many believe Weissmann ran the coup –

As we reported previously, there are many indications the recent indictment of Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and others smells of Weissmann.

1. The timing is suspect. The announcement came during the DNC and five days before the beginning of the RNC.

2. The announcement involves someone connected to President Trump in an attempt to embarrass and besmirch the President.

3. The crimes are suspect at best, and are amplified by wording and reporting. (Powell has said Weissmann could make a birthday gift to your grandma look like a crime.)

4. There is no indication Bannon did anything wrong.

5. The MSM blasts the bogus indictment across the airwaves when announced.

6. The accusation is the accused spent 1% of donations on their expenses related to the fund raiser for building a wall on the Southern border. The SDNY makes it sound like they embezzled like the Clinton Foundation which never will be investigated by the SDNY.

7. New York is no where near the Southern border per our latest review of Google maps.

8. The next day it is leaked that Bannon met with a Chinese billionaire – which has nothing to do with the indictment and the billionaire is anti-CCP. Bannon speaks strongly against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But it sounds bad so it was leaked.

These disgusting facts align with Weissmann’s prior prosecutorial abuse and manipulation using the MSM.

Now the SDNY is threatening another Weissmann corrupt and unconstitutional trick.

The SDNY is threatening to take away the defendents’ right to free speech.


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5988bf  No.10463151

File: b4717edc66fcce7⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1164x734, 582:367, b4717edc66fcce79df370baa66….png)


Yeah it really is. Always good shit from Attwood, mans on a damn mission.

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bc6a96  No.10463152


Holy fuckin shit. Revealing pedophilia practices on the deep web

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00265d  No.10463153

File: 358d658fb5b99dd⋯.png (355.82 KB, 550x690, 55:69, Biden_dontAlways.png)

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c4ba3d  No.10463154

File: 65f8af0a0ed27b4⋯.png (108.05 KB, 702x431, 702:431, ClipboardImage.png)






I'm going with

Chief Master Sergeant

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bd3b5a  No.10463155

File: 825ed377a103e04⋯.png (587.63 KB, 970x838, 485:419, ClipboardImage.png)


Amazing how easy it is to get free money these days.


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a931a5  No.10463156


>Drew back a New boy

A bow..

Compounds were new back then..

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1d3b5c  No.10463157


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972665  No.10463158

File: 2d2bec277bac583⋯.png (50 KB, 512x288, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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2be5ed  No.10463159

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)



So it looks like baby games are over for real. Prayers up, fags.

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3ec286  No.10463160


yup, concensus

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7c2588  No.10463161


5'3"… Why is it that munchkins always have attitude problems?

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92a428  No.10463162


Binney is high caliber.

Field McConnell is a DS own goal

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00265d  No.10463163



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c9d8e8  No.10463164

File: 1f05240b6adfdc8⋯.png (112.59 KB, 595x254, 595:254, 1f05240b6adfdc8314b2dd1e05….png)

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b38f57  No.10463165


ok, i'll catch ya at nb dough.

By the way, just noticed

there's no LINK for #13388, retrieved it:

>>10461701 #13388

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49c6b4  No.10463166

File: 46bb850de1a0c41⋯.png (55.7 KB, 523x649, 523:649, ClipboardImage.png)


Subject: Travel pool 4 - landed Lake Charles

August 29, 2020 at 1:29:40 PM EDT

Subject: Travel pool 4 - landed Lake Charles

AF1 landed Chennault International Airport in Lake Charles, La., at 12:19 pm Central time.

As we were landing, we could see scenes of debris, blue tarps on houses, foundations where houses might have been, trailer park with jumbled trailers.

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f4809f  No.10463167


In typical nog fashion can't even spell ghetto correctly.

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913fd6  No.10463168


His slogan, Boom!

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a931a5  No.10463169


Love the video!

Black peeps are awesome!

It is niggers I have a problem with..

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5988bf  No.10463170


These guys are doing Gods work.

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fea8e6  No.10463171

File: 4503f898df9a9e8⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 300x290, 30:29, pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)



Nope, more like this.

Pollster: "who will you be voting for in the 2020 presidential election?"

Trump supporter: "Joe Biden"

Pollster: "Thank you"

← Trump supporter

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4a9bde  No.10463172

File: 38029046ad5da06⋯.jpeg (271.84 KB, 828x681, 276:227, FED732A4_B058_4D81_9E13_5….jpeg)


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c4844b  No.10463173


locations of NSA taps (storage) for AT&T and Verizon follow railroad tracks

Mainstream media should be removed from first amendment because they are not telling the public what the government is really doing.

(They don't report so they aren't held accountable)


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2930fe  No.10463174




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3d4397  No.10463176

File: 8ed4fe6401dd787⋯.jpg (53.67 KB, 500x374, 250:187, hCD2B3C05.jpg)

>>10463165 fixed it and thank you see u next bread im starting to misfire

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ebf8c0  No.10463177

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3d4397  No.10463178


>>10462713, >>10462760, >>10462797, >>10462803, >>10462808, >>10462899, >>10462954, >>10462975, >>10462946,

>>10462978, >>10462983, >>10462991, >>10462997, >>10463079, >>10463091, >>10463154 >>10463143 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729, >>10463026, Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677,

>>10462715, >>10462793, >>10463023 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702, >>10462768 Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

>>10462683, >>10462773 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462641, >>10463125 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10463003, >>10463028 Continuing digs on Operation Expose Save The Children

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

>>10462756 Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

>>10462764 QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

>>10462988 Shots fired at Trump supporters, including children, who were just waving flags in South Carolina –…

>>10463129 Bobby Kennedy Jr. Speaks in Germany Today in Massive International Event Dedicated to Protecting Children from Dangerous Vaccines

>>10463150 Corrupt Prosecutors in SDNY Threatening Gag Orders on Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and Even Media Personalities Who Support Them

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bd3b5a  No.10463180

File: b166e2634c26a50⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 600x567, 200:189, klaj0a1.jpg)

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5492e8  No.10463181


>I'm going with

>Chief Master Sergeant

and that is currently held by?

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af13fa  No.10463182


That was the only time Q used caliber.

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972665  No.10463183


Not a slogan anon. A yet to be formed political party is what is envisioned.

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c9d8e8  No.10463184


Jo Jo Rosenbaum? why did black lives matter so much to him?

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fea8e6  No.10463185


I've already done that 2 times.

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7ccf46  No.10463186


Because we don't know that we are munchkins or that we have attitude problems.

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7c2588  No.10463187

File: 0ff62b2a507e46c⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1050x549, 350:183, ClipboardImage.png)


that fucker was staight outta the lollipop gang.

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b38f57  No.10463188


>starting to misfire

i know the feeling….


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c4ba3d  No.10463190





Oh shit. It's dark in the basement too.

10 days DARK>LIGHT

You might be onto something here.

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ac66ea  No.10463191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You see? This is your most powerful weapon against evil!

Persistence and perseverance

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7686f8  No.10463192

File: 753e972c347b1a4⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 1448x823, 1448:823, Egmy6lYVkAAJ6_Z.jpg)

C-SPAN Had SO Many Democrats Calling In SUPPORT FOR TRUMP That They Had To Change Their Protocol

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c4ba3d  No.10463193


pretty sure there can be more than one

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170b45  No.10463194

Reddit is banning tenet 2020



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528936  No.10463195

File: 80a9016fc5e0644⋯.png (729.48 KB, 722x844, 361:422, I_O_17.PNG)

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0ea7f9  No.10463196


i like this post

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eec454  No.10463197


Before the turn of the century the greys had all the power to do whatever the fuck they wanted to us because the Cabalist fucks sold us out in exchange for secret space technology

Not anymore!

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2930fe  No.10463198





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c4844b  No.10463199

File: e16ffd969e37316⋯.png (117.47 KB, 1087x637, 1087:637, ClipboardImage.png)


What is your view of our constitutional right to not be spied upon by the government? As I understand it, laws have been passed that infringe on these rights … but of course if they are unconstitutional they "should" be overturned if challenged. I assume that you are more familiar with this situation than anyone, I would like to hear your assessment of where we are today.

Edited to add: Have we essentially lost this right?


Fundamentally, that is correct. We are now spied upon.

We must challenge the constitutionality of bulk acquisition of the data of US citizens by, primarily, the NSA. The only previous challenge was Amnesty International vs Clapper, about the use of data gathered in violation of the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments to the Constitution.

The Solicitor General lied to the Supreme Court to get the case thrown out. Google "Amnesty International vs Clapper" to see the details.

Information used in court to prosecute people can come from the NSA without the person being aware of this or able to challenge it.

sauces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi6hRCCCZ7c


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6fe5b3  No.10463200

File: c4debd3c1beefc0⋯.png (11.35 KB, 132x74, 66:37, golf.png)

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ce6d70  No.10463201


Aww, poor little jew boy needs so shekels to be burnt over the fire.

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a3ac30  No.10463202

File: 2e86b1086617518⋯.png (206.65 KB, 583x456, 583:456, ClipboardImage.png)


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10a749  No.10463203


It is things like this that make me doubt the virus is even real and I am of the mind that our guys are using this for all kinds of reasons.

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3d4397  No.10463204

>>10463195 wat's that on yer leg? TYsamefrogmemeeverytimethankyoubakersAnon

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16612a  No.10463205

File: 25405090dbb8b51⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 2a5b68df770234dd8d4a4d500f….gif)

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00265d  No.10463206

File: 029a47da9b4f475⋯.png (639.75 KB, 652x920, 163:230, LetsSummonQ.png)

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a931a5  No.10463207


I do Deep Fried in Peanut oil Turkey on TG.

I always make two cause it cost 40 some bucks for oila nd might as well…

It goes fast! Nothing better than Deep Fried Peanut il Flavor Injected Turkey!

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8ae35a  No.10463208


Don't believe that was Kyle. The green shirt guy near Jo Jo was wearing bermuda shorts with a grungy ski cap.

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c4ba3d  No.10463209


missing "g" in campaining

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bd3b5a  No.10463210

File: 4889d74e37194af⋯.png (927.15 KB, 980x574, 70:41, ClipboardImage.png)


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b89052  No.10463211


>If time travelers are real

Big if. Nay. Yuuuuuge if.

My biggest problem with the hypotheticals on time travel are that they don't really make logical sense.

For one, a lot of the ideas are intertwined with the fraudulent concepts of "space-time". Which is been bogus for years.

Next, when you reach the claim about infinite "timelines", kind of seems to defeat the purpose of time travel. Assuming ANY of this is even possible, let alone real.

Ultimately, my biggest problem with time travel is this: WHAT TF IS TAKING SO GODDAM LONG?

Which pretty much proves time travel is not involved in anything we are doing here, because this shit is taking way too long for any time travelers to be a part of.

But for those who believe in the idea, they'll usually cope and say something like, "bad guys have time travel, too".

Which is very similar in saying that that there are both good and bad E.T.s helping us. Or that there are magical spiritual infinitely powerful forces helping us win. But alas, the cabal has their magical spiritual super powerful dark spiritual forces helping them. So, alas we are at an eternal stalemate.

Ultimately, I waste boat-loads of time trying to figure out if there is any credible basis for the time traveler theories, which will likely cause some to grip to the hope that time travel is indeed real, because we don't always like to admit that we wasted boat-loads of time on non-sense. So, in order to cope, one might put even moar faith into the whole time traveller idea, because that's pretty much the only way they'll ever get the time back that was wasted.

Which makes me realize, time travel is appealing to the masses, because it plays off the emotional feelings we as mortals all have. No one like getting old, and time travel is about the only way one can "go back". Whether to fix a mistake we may regret, or out of desire to relive certain precious moments, or a desire to see that which we will no longer be alive for, etc.

No matter how you slice it, appears to be [Fantasy Land] shit

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4c86f5  No.10463212



forcing em to compete

in an arena and

realm of logic and ideas

vapid free zone

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8d882c  No.10463213

ohok: REVEALED: One of the highest ranking US spies shot himself dead while his new wife tried to get away from him - and haul of bondage and S&M gear along with 24 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition were found at his home. Anthony Ming Schinella, 52, died on June 14 at his home in Arlington, Virginia. His death was revealed as a suicide by gunshot in new report this week. He was weeks away from retirement and had just married a new wife. Wife Sara Corcoran, a journalist, said she was trying to flee him in her car. Corcoran revealed she found a vast trove of hidden bondage gear after he died. Schinella was the highest-ranking military affairs analyst in US intelligence. He died days before reports emerged of Russian bounties paid to Taliban. Schinella was considered an expert on the Taliban and its military capabilities


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6989c4  No.10463214

File: af06f440b34ae54⋯.png (263.07 KB, 397x347, 397:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da90897e569ce4a⋯.png (649.87 KB, 641x347, 641:347, ClipboardImage.png)


More Delusional Templar fags.

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10a749  No.10463215


Invite me when this is all over.

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7686f8  No.10463217

File: ae4868d3e9ea750⋯.jpg (411.65 KB, 2617x1308, 2617:1308, bd6419e1a6827b4fc63b765c3d….jpg)

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34e577  No.10463218


seemed like the obelisk was being attacked? idk

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8d882c  No.10463219

File: 152e3e311c29c2b⋯.png (299.82 KB, 598x481, 46:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b32929f96ba25f3⋯.png (443.83 KB, 720x454, 360:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20161be784d144a⋯.png (208.62 KB, 720x455, 144:91, ClipboardImage.png)

it just keeps getting better

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2930fe  No.10463220


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c4844b  No.10463221

File: c432a52df284faf⋯.png (86.09 KB, 1092x491, 1092:491, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you think Hillary or Obama will ever face justice for their crimes ?


Unfortunately, no.

I blame this situation on Gerald Ford, which is why I didn't vote for him. He pardoned Richard Nixon to prevent his prosecution for using the intelligence agencies against the people of the United States. Ford said that in order to reduce the tension in the US surrounding a potential trial of Nixon, he pardoned him.

Ford said that Presidents need to have the opportunity to act freely. If they don't have that latitude to make their own decisions, they can't govern.

Since then, each president has gotten a get-out-of-jail card from the next president, who is hoping in turn to be able to act as they'd like without worrying about prosecution.


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a931a5  No.10463222

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, e9b91cb947c5c00b80c688d0fa….png)

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49c6b4  No.10463223

File: 7cc3f93d4651386⋯.png (67.87 KB, 566x630, 283:315, ClipboardImage.png)





12:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Chennault International Airport

2:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs Lake Charles, LA, en route to Orange, TX

3:00PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Orange County Airport Landing Zone

4:40PM THE PRESIDENT departs Orange, TX, en route to Lake Charles, LA

5:00PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Chennault International Airport Landing Zone

5:10PM THE PRESIDENT departs Lake Charles, LA, en route to Washington, D.C.


8:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews

8:50PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House

9:15PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House; West Executive Avenue


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a931a5  No.10463225


Trip 2's confirm!

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650f9e  No.10463226


Pastor Dana Coverstone shares his prophetic dreams from 6.22.20 about COVID-19, The Election and . .-SAZGxTiX6bY


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f1be6f  No.10463228


Comey, Clapper and Brennan?

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fea8e6  No.10463229

File: a68e15e9c96020a⋯.png (130.49 KB, 500x511, 500:511, keks_in_troll.png)


Top tier trolling.

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3ec286  No.10463230


Gotta agree with you for once on that one, Freddy.

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10a749  No.10463231


One of these corrupt fuckers they put in the military.

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a931a5  No.10463232

File: ae5ae7893a81eb8⋯.png (59.29 KB, 1723x342, 1723:342, ClipboardImage.png)


Oooh Shat…

Then this happens! kek

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f4809f  No.10463233



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54ca37  No.10463234

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2be5ed  No.10463235


If time travel existed, this world would not.

Time travel breaks the rules of causation. And we see where the lack of consequences has gotten us, as a species.

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c4ba3d  No.10463236

File: 9e7435606bfb3ee⋯.png (170.16 KB, 1195x548, 1195:548, ClipboardImage.png)



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df9778  No.10463237


Annnnnnd this is why dipshits

Should watch the video themselves

And require shills to link the vid and timestamp

This twitter fags discernment is nil

Needs to put the keyboard away

And study moar

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385992  No.10463239

File: e8312b4ab5531a2⋯.jpeg (647.25 KB, 1141x828, 1141:828, 742DD285_7CB4_457C_8915_5….jpeg)

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fdcb00  No.10463240



Yep! That's it!

Thanks, Anon!

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bd3b5a  No.10463241


Since you have all the answers:

How many followers did he have prior to being banned and how long was that account active? What was the previous account name?

How did people know his new account name if he was banned? Because another Twitter account told them. Who was that and what kind of credibility does this person have?

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92a428  No.10463242


Sort of unwieldy

caliber = diameter - size of weapon

colloquially caliber is quality

Binny is a devastating weapon. He has a normie friendly manner and an autists command of facts and memory for details. He is also able to seperate what he knows from what he feels and to teach others how important this is.

If you're watching he has done this several times.

BB is the most competent credentialled, genuine domain authority. Very powerful message / weapon. No one else currently of this caliber.

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2e8d5d  No.10463243


Legit best song I’ve heard this year by far so relevant fuck Pelosi

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a3ac30  No.10463244

File: e8597f1903ca3a0⋯.png (97.31 KB, 246x164, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d37ce  No.10463245


He saw Gorefag flit past yesterday with his repeat cut and paste peeled heads….

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913fd6  No.10463246

As lawfags know, the law or legal requirements are vastly different from the reality of what the government actual does and gets away with.

Binney must know how corrupt everything is.

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a931a5  No.10463247




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528936  No.10463248

File: 3a7c578fd83fd99⋯.png (193.42 KB, 365x427, 365:427, I_O_phi.PNG)


17>>> one of these days I will ad some more things on the fringe frog

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c9d8e8  No.10463249


i do the same with the turkey….have the butterball indoor gadget now (but was the hardcore outdoor blow torch back in the day); this gadget is good to just do a basket of fries, etc any day of the week after the turkeys fry….then after the oil gets a bit used up and ready to toss, we do fried ice cream….then after that, everything tastes a hint of cinnamon

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49c6b4  No.10463250

File: 6071065b808fcb3⋯.png (343.94 KB, 881x526, 881:526, ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump arrives in Louisiana to survey hurricane damage

Updated: 12:53 PM CDT Aug 29, 2020

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7ccf46  No.10463251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7686f8  No.10463252

File: ea41aec43e5b1f1⋯.mp4 (7.46 MB, 360x640, 9:16, VDlLNAvNnKaOSlp8.mp4)

California will turn RED in 2020


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4c86f5  No.10463253


only if ur a commie

let a conservative try

plug always pulled


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ebf8c0  No.10463254


There shall be no signs, miracles, or wonders for this adulterous age.

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fdcb00  No.10463255

File: f9af98cde1d4527⋯.png (570.9 KB, 1040x609, 1040:609, ThisIsNotReal2.png)

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af13fa  No.10463256

Post-RNC polls yet to come out from the usual suspect Dim weighted F&G mockingniggers.

Some blue checks buzzing that this means they are bad news for Joe.

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fea8e6  No.10463257

File: 45e8d8b43b78e39⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 695x500, 139:100, haha_kim.jpg)


The replies are priceless!


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f1af90  No.10463258


Thanks for the reminder. Kek

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b4c32a  No.10463259


I have suspected incoming presidents do that, and since Trump would never pardon Hussein, he probably attempted to pardon himself.

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2e8d5d  No.10463260


I usually don’t post this stuff but I’m telling you guys this song is bad ass af and it’s a great redpill you don’t hear too often

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528936  No.10463261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c4844b  No.10463262

File: 204b6c16afb60fa⋯.png (252.28 KB, 1094x1389, 1094:1389, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey Bill, i wanted to thank you first for giving us an ama here, great place to ask 'progressive' questions!!

I've seen some newbies who are criticiing you here (they are NOT regulars!!)

I am wondering, what are your thoughts about the (C-19) shutdown, and the related recent protests?

Did you favor anyone in the recently finished Dem primary?

Against parties that seem to disregard our rights equally, what can the average american do to help try to recover these lost rights?

And a minor question or two-

What did you think of the federal officers deployed to portlan d whom were spotted in 'non govt' vehicles arguably violating citizen's rights up there?

And finally -

Have you seen information pointing to the insecurity of mail in voting throughout your career? //What is the most important threat for us; coming into this current election season??

Thank you for answering, if you can, Bill, i spent a little time trying to come up with some good questions last night after the announcement :).

relevant captain america 😊


Personally, I thought that the COVID19 issue should have been handled by quarantining the infected people and those in their immediate proximity, and you do not quarantine the healthy people of the United States. That's the way we used to handle diseases. I agree with masks and distancing when possible, but they shouldn't have disrupted the whole economy. We should have followed standard protocol rather than creating a new one of shutting down everything.

I'm not a Democrat, so I really didn't favor any of them. It's up to the Democrats to decide who they put forward. I would argue they should put forward people who will push for and insist on conformance to the Constitutional rights of US citizens and everybody else.

On Portland: I'm not sure that's a violation of citizens' rights. Police go around in unmarked cars all the time. I don't know how you can say that's necessarily unconstitutional. I don't know the law here.

The problem with mail-in voting is that it should be applied to absentee voting, not mass-voting. You need a signature to verify that the voter is who they say they are. You have to have some mechanism that you have the correct person voting. I am not aware of mass-voting having that. That's a major weakness.



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34e577  No.10463263


kek… nik'd

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92a428  No.10463265



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945c35  No.10463266


Everyone has to eat right?

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bd3b5a  No.10463267


E "set up" Binney's account, he has posted one Tweet and Binney has all these followers already.

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7d4793  No.10463268

File: 7f6344bcd36a6d7⋯.png (515.96 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, alan_greenspan_1024x576.png)


rosenbaum and Grosskreutz and huber

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3d4397  No.10463269


>>10462713, >>10462760, >>10462797, >>10462803, >>10462808, >>10462899, >>10462954, >>10462975, >>10462946, >>10462978, >>10462983,

>>10462991, >>10462997, >>10463079, >>10463091, >>10463154 >>10463143, >>10463112, >>10463223, >>10463250 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>10462729, >>10463026, >>10463166 Planefag reports

>>10462566, >>10462607, >>10462601, >>10462593, >>10462578, >>10462670, >>10462677,

>>10462715, >>10462793, >>10463023, >>10463173, >>10463221, >>10463262 Bill Binney notes and discussion

>>10462597, >>10462702, >>10462768 Catherine Herridge has been posting and reposting Carter Page crumbs..

>>10462683, >>10462773 Q makes appearance at the protests in Germany. WWG1WGA Worldwide.

>>10462641, >>10463125, >>10463219 BLM Antifa terrorist war reports

>>10463003, >>10463028 Continuing digs on Operation Expose Save The Children

>>10462569 Deep state/cult CHN collaborate to rig the future.

>>10462652 Russian Astronaut On The ISS Allegedly Sees 5 UFOs In New Footage

>>10462701 Heroin’s Hidden Ingredient Is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

>>10462717 Do you want to change the world? BECOME A poll worker

>>10462756 Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’

>>10462764 QAnon supporters are expected to headline multiple campaign rallies for President Trump this weekend

>>10462988 Shots fired at Trump supporters, including children, who were just waving flags in South Carolina –…

>>10463129 Bobby Kennedy Jr. Speaks in Germany Today in Massive International Event Dedicated to Protecting Children from Dangerous Vaccines

>>10463150 Corrupt Prosecutors in SDNY Threatening Gag Orders on Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and Even Media Personalities Who Support Them

>>10463192 C-SPAN Had SO Many Democrats Calling In SUPPORT FOR TRUMP That They Had To Change Their Protocol

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2be5ed  No.10463270


is that a dude giving another dude a bj?

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385992  No.10463272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So fun

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af13fa  No.10463273


I have no reason to doubt this but some of his frens are sketchy just raised eyebrows is all at this point.

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df9778  No.10463274


Prophesying the news

Many like him

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92a428  No.10463275


We should notable the whole transcript

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913fd6  No.10463276

Has anyone asked Binney about NSA's Q group?

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5a4aaf  No.10463278


Twatter unlocked me!


I'm back in business soldiers!

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c4844b  No.10463279


yeah absolutely agree.

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c9d8e8  No.10463280


the odds, off of a random sample? 125,000-1

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1f6e54  No.10463281


oldfags laying low, monitoring, observing & pondering

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c4844b  No.10463282


Binney said he doesn't know anything about QAnon or Cicada

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3f1467  No.10463283


that sir is a rabbi performing an ancient religious ceremony.

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0e069d  No.10463285


Fly East. Fly West. That's as far as time travel goes.

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af13fa  No.10463286


E has a sordid history and so does RDS and Binney seems tight with them that's an eyes on for now notification right there.

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7d4793  No.10463291

File: 522f2abd2f44dcc⋯.jpg (134.55 KB, 772x960, 193:240, Bernard_Kerik_escorting_co….jpg)


and a roseberg shall lead them. kek

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32be3c  No.10463292


How many hours long is your arm?

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49c6b4  No.10463293

File: 37d4ad9e1e9a6ae⋯.png (478.78 KB, 714x540, 119:90, ClipboardImage.png)



Watch live: Trump speaks after surveying Hurricane Laura damage

UPDATED ON: AUGUST 29, 2020 / 1:41 PM / CBS/AP

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54ca37  No.10463294


See below nothing. The attribution of Peter saying "crucify me upside down", with or without a cross.

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152c4b  No.10463295

File: 20c0544fa52c99e⋯.jpeg (13.62 KB, 241x255, 241:255, helpnpc_Pepe.jpeg)


>I blame this situation on Gerald Ford


>Ford said that Presidents need to have the opportunity to act freely. If they don't have that latitude to make their own decisions, they can't govern.

This is mind games.

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bd3b5a  No.10463296


Well, since Q has not given us much to do lately, apparently posting only for the newfags we are told to believe, what do you expect?

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5492e8  No.10463297


I think it was this one>>10462983

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72f5b9  No.10463298

File: c88203df7145856⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_jpg_cf_1.jpg)


…my head just exploded. There's meat in that meal.



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c40cce  No.10463299

File: b0e3b87c8d1dd52⋯.png (899.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45f1d255419a704⋯.png (7.5 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1b00d8ff618796⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1620x1080, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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00aed2  No.10463300


Marco has a CDAN where he is on camera before 2016 debates having a 5 way with a bunch of guys in Norleans mansion. same place Ben Afflack was epsteen naughty.

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af13fa  No.10463301


Make a bun then request nb is the best bet.

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ebf8c0  No.10463302


East gets you a day behind, west gets you a day earlier.

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c4844b  No.10463304

Binney: NSA + unit 8200 (Israel's "NSA") cooperation


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b235c9  No.10463305

File: eec11a21ea1fb56⋯.png (632.36 KB, 1370x845, 274:169, Screenshot_27.png)

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2e8d5d  No.10463306

This right here though



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3d4397  No.10463308

new bread




finish this loaf pls

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2be3f6  No.10463309


yup youre retarded and a newfag. go back to reddit

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54ca37  No.10463310



Forgot to add, that attribution about Peter saying "crucify me upside down" is an old wives' tale, vain tradition.

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850c2e  No.10463311


Let me correct the title, "Allegedly Russian Astronauts are on the ISS"

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c4844b  No.10463312


haven't you learned? anything with words = mind game

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c4ba3d  No.10463313

File: 22557bdc512401c⋯.png (504.14 KB, 490x764, 245:382, ClipboardImage.png)

am I going to hell?

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bd3b5a  No.10463315


Copy that. I don't know anything about either one of them except that I always doubt "insiders" because the real insiders I know would NEVER say they were insiders.

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49c6b4  No.10463316

File: 7020bde9d2d5136⋯.png (80.1 KB, 699x553, 699:553, ClipboardImage.png)


How to watch President Trump's remarks after surveying Hurricane Laura damage

What: President Trump is expected to hold a briefing after touring damage and relief efforts in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and later make remarks after touring damage in Orange, Texas.

Date: Saturday, August 29, 2020

Time: Briefing in Lake Charles – 2:30 p.m. ET (1:30 p.m. CT); Remarks in Orange, Texas – 4:35 p.m. ET (3:35 p.m. CT)

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, and Orange, Texas

Online stream: Live on CBSN – in the player above and on your mobile or streaming device.

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0e069d  No.10463318


Fly East - Travel forward.

Travel West - Travel back.

Occam's razor. No woo-woo stories, just facts.

Truth is easy to see.

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37a4a3  No.10463319

File: 8649b4fa6a93bad⋯.jpeg (88.97 KB, 640x888, 80:111, EB03DE0B_C769_42FA_B849_C….jpeg)


What about their 2021 logo?

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24845b  No.10463320



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2e8d5d  No.10463321



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2be3f6  No.10463322


KEK you speak my language

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ebf8c0  No.10463323


Don't see no cock-sucker in this pic.

That other is faked.

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00aed2  No.10463324



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