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cf5bb3  No.10401163[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )

Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353360)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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cf5bb3  No.10401165

Global Announcements

>>10394806 BUN on QAnon as a domestic terrorist threat - probably NEVER designated as such by FBI

Notables are NOT endorsements


Baker Change

>>10401120 Ex-Asst FBI Director: 'Fifth Column Marching Strong' Against Trump

>>10401033 boatfag reporting

>>10401012 At Least 14 Killed After Two Blasts Rip Through Philippines

>>10400980 This ny times article is a smoking gun on the genesis of the coronavirus lockdowns. CCP launched a massive social media campaign in ITALY...

>>10400864 Cry'n Chuck Schumer sez "Vote early.". Responding to NY Post asteroid article.

>>10400845, >>10400718 BLM stormed the offices of Clear Channel to demand the billboards be taken down.

>>10400705, >>10400726, >>10400972 Armed Militant Leftists Block Police Vehicle and Threaten Officers With Rifles in Wisconsin

>>10400692 (pdf) China's Impact on The U.S. Education System

>>10400675 Daily Mail Panic

>>10400650 Top Universities Take Millions From China Front Group. Dozens of universities, including Columbia and Stanford

>>10400635 HUD Sec Carson and Rollins: Opportunity zones key to lifting people out of poverty

>>10400535 New WSJ Poll shows Trump’s STRONG with SWING voters, STEADY with Hispanic voters, WINNING on handling economy

>>10400523 3 in 4 Republicans think America is better off now than in 2016: poll

>>10400518 (video) Multiple businesses set a flame by BLM rioters in Wisconsin

>>10400494 Looters Rob Firefighter Battling California Wildfires: ‘It’s Sickening’

>>10400473 Law Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix. Fast & Furious?

>>10400453, >>10400462, >>10400490, >>10400530, >>10400597 planefag reporting

>>10401146 #13310


>>10400293 US Universities' Admins must step up and fight Beijing's digital classroom influence - "Zoom" in play

>>10400244 Despite designation as a "foreign mission", Universities continue relationship with Confucius Institute

>>10400190, >>10400202 Pearson Names Ex-Disney Executive, Andy Bird, as CEO - Call for Digg

>>10400145 Richard Spencer, White Supremacist and Neo Nazi: "I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket."

>>10400133 More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.

>>10400126 Enduring principles of the Magna Carta

>>10399871, >>10400083 Kenosha WI Live stream - car aflame, projectiles launched at SWAT vehicle

>>10400041, >>10400061 Hypocracy on Vid; BLM and Antifa 'mostly peaceful' blazes

Baker Change ^^

>>10399958 Arizona has seen a 20% increase in deaths in the first seven months of this year — and not all of them have been directly linked to the coronavirus


>>10399929 Explosions in the Phillipines

>>10399915 No mask exemptions for kidswith asthma from Children’s Hospital Colorado

>>10399881 Boulder resident hospitalized with West Nile Virus, 2nd Colorado case this year

>>10399815 Coronavirus update: Top US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci praises Australia's COVID-19 response

>>10399797 Kayleigh McEnany speaks of '[puppet] handlers"

>>10399772 Anon grabs some picks of Kenosha rioters

>>10399729 Wisconsin Rioters Light Kenosha County Courthouse on Fire Over Sex Offender Who Was Shot By Police

>>10399699, >>10399726 Omsk doctors say they found no traces of poison in Alexei Navalny’s system

>>10399694 Joe Biden’s acceptance speech exposes his Achilles heel. Will Trump strike it?

>>10399666 Are Gates & Schwab Committing Crimes Against Humanity?

>>10400337 #13309

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cf5bb3  No.10401167


>>10399565 New Ebola Outbreak Reported In Congo, WHO Alarmed

>>10399545 Denver officials denounce “anarchists” who damaged property, set fires during anti-police demonstration

>>10399447 From Tennessee Star: Commentary: The Ruling Class Is Selling Out America

>>10399446, >>10399453, >>10399459, >>10399461 Resignations in the news

>>10399417 Houston police chief recruits officers from defunded police departments

>>10399412 Feared businessman Sir Ron Brierley sells 4.2m apartment fights child porn charges

>>10399341 No Bump Chump: Biden Suffers Same Fate as Loser John Kerry and George McGovern in Post-DNC Polls

>>10399183 Qantas' international boss, with nowhere to fly, departs airline

>>10399097 Pompeo lands in Israel, will visit Sudan and Bahrain too

>>10399053 Russian Oligarch’s Ties To Manafort, Steele Posed Intel Risks, Senate Report Says

>>10399043 NFL coronavirus testing debacle renders 77 false positives

>>10398977 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY August 24, 2020

>>10398974 Conways Announcement: KellyAnne Leaving White House And George Withdrawing From The Lincoln Project

>>10398927 Christchurch Mosque Attacker is Sentenced

>>10399184 WaPo tweet about mail-in ballots were to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864

>>10398909 Dig Request Kenosha Mayor and Center for Tech and Civic Life non-profit

>>10398907 K9 "DOZER" helps subdue man who pulled gun at bar. Man gets shot in Kenosha today

>>10399643 #13308


>>10398737 Last of Hercules recovery vehicles leaving USMC service

>>10398575 China July pork imports hit record 430,000 tonnes

>>10398549 Someone called 911 about a home invasion and 3 cops were abmbushed and shot in Baltimore

>>10398495 Claudia Conway freak out just before President Trump and RNC convention

Baker Change

>>10398369 Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Statement

>>10398274 Richard Grenell on Trump: ‘He Doesn’t Play Identity Politics’

>>10398258, >>10398303, >>10398324, >>10398335, >>10398366 Gas pipleine explosion in Syria

>>10398257 Andy Ngô Outbreak of anti-police violence in Kenosha, Wisc. after a police-involved shooting of a black male. #BlackLivesMatter

>>10398238 James Comey Claims Former Trump Advisor Steve Bannon Is 'in a World of Trouble'

>>10398120 China pledges 100 years of gold backed currency in a deal to reopen trade negotiation (Rick Roll included)

>>10398875 #13307

Previously Collected Notables

>>10396558 #13304, >>10397322 #13305, >>10398056 #13306

>>10394205 #13301, >>10394997 #13302, >>10395786 #13303

>>10391967 #13298, >>10392694 #13299, >>10393469 #13300

>>10389604 #13295, >>10390408 #13296, >>10391198 #13297

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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cf5bb3  No.10401168

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Germany #63 >>10275120

UK #20 >>10226357

Australia #9 >>10099681

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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cf5bb3  No.10401170

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse — tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers & scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Obamagate https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Biden Everything Biden that isn’t in Obamagate or Ukraine folders — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

* Kamala Biden’s running mate — https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

* Trump Successes v2 Promote Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* VoterID / ElectionRigging Vote-by-mail, fraud — https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

* HCQ — https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #28 >>>/comms/23071

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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cf5bb3  No.10401173

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB, 896x717, 896:717, 2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)

File: 352b73fea18c46a⋯.png (420.72 KB, 825x601, 825:601, benjustice.png)




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d05814  No.10401192

File: 0149b3eedff688a⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 900x900, 1:1, D6xmBdoU0AADozR.jpg)

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fb4087  No.10401195




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1cae8e  No.10401204

File: 472f3b329e3e31f⋯.jpg (16.6 KB, 346x183, 346:183, POTUS_ncswc.jpg)

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5aebb5  No.10401208

File: f2580248b9cd5a2⋯.png (609.92 KB, 640x420, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

""Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base""

Associated Press Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (AP) — A solider stationed at an Alabama U.S. Army post was found dead Sunday morning, officials said.

Fort Rucker officials said the soldier was found off the base near the town of Clayhatchee, news outlets reported.

Information on the solider and details surrounding the solider's death weren't immediately released.

Fort Rucker is in southeast Alabama, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Dothan. The base is the primary flight training installation for U.S. Army Aviators and is home to the United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence and the United States Army Aviation Museum.


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5a678a  No.10401209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the question:

What is the "Fifth Column?" what does it mean?

The "Fifth Column" is insurgents inside an enemy country.

They are troops who have situated themselves

inside the organizations of a country

to undermine it from within

in order to destroy it and bring it down

This video will help explain:


The Quigley Formula - G. Edward Griffin lecture, Jan 11, 2012

What is the Quigley Formula?

Carroll Quigley was a Georgetown history professor

who wrote two books:

"Tragedy and Hope" and "The Anglo-American Establishment"

about a secret organization founded by Cecil Rhodes

who owned gold and diamond mines in South Africa.

Rhodesia was named for him.

Bill Clinton thanked Quigley when he was nominated

to be President of the United States from the Democrat Party.

Cecil Rhodes, once one of the wealthiest people on earth,

left seven secret wills when he died.

These wills were designed to establish a secret society.

He believed he could shape a one world government for all.

This all occurred… before World War I.

He believed England was the epitomy of civilization.

He thought the whole world should imitate it.

He shaped his plan around organizations he admired,

such as the Jesuits and the Illuminati of Bavaria.

The design of this plan… was rings within rings within rings.

The outer rings knew little to nothing about the inner rings.

Each ring was a faction among the population.

Rhodes' organization would control all the rings.

The epitomy of the "Quigley Formula" was to create fake elections.

We would only THINK we had a voice in government.

Political parties would only talk different than each other

but somehow the result would always be…

what the real puppet masters had decided it would be

and not what the citizens were demanding they do.

In the lecture, Mr. Griffin names names of these people.

He especially notes the connection of the CFR

(Council on Foreign Relations)

with powerful people in all the important segments of society.

There are over 4000 members in the CFR.

Rhodes' design was for a "New World Order"

which is a "collectivist" order ruled by elites.


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c0a82f  No.10401210

File: 84b1c23df3723dd⋯.jpg (284.56 KB, 2119x1340, 2119:1340, Marxism_KolakowskiImage.JPG)

File: 64a1d79eea274b3⋯.jpg (235.71 KB, 1030x1496, 515:748, Marxism_TuckerImage.JPG)

File: 5cfde49238a1844⋯.jpg (332.56 KB, 1503x1195, 1503:1195, Marxism_ReismanImage.JPG)

File: c77a133086204fa⋯.jpg (148.62 KB, 1502x779, 1502:779, Marxism_ReligiousImage.JPG)

File: e9a2d935b271c3e⋯.jpg (855.61 KB, 3026x1378, 1513:689, Marxism_MisesImage.jpg)

Teach your children the truth about Marxism

Leszsk Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his critique of Marxism "Main Currents of Marxism":


Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that profits, not wages, is the 'primary', 'first', 'original' income in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that Marxism is a secularized religion:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how Marx attacked human reason itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC inherent in Marxism:


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d17866  No.10401211

File: a48675468e04533⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 955x525, 191:105, EgJ7gvmXYAApv9L.jpg)


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e45315  No.10401212


Is it true that to a psychopath (seeing others) yawning is not contagious?

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8d0c6a  No.10401213

File: 3901e6f439606a1⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2488x4411, 2488:4411, yh4y66etxaf51.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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2166d6  No.10401214



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d17866  No.10401215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hollywood Elites Exempt From NYC Quarantine Rules For MTV Award Show

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ac323a  No.10401216

In time for election coverage Shep is back


The network revealed on Monday that The News with Shepherd Smith will air its debut episode on Wednesday, Sept. 30. The show will air during the 7 p.m. hour.

“In my more than 30 years in journalism, there has never been a better or more critical time to launch a non-partisan, fact-based evening newscast,” Smith said in a statement. “From the ongoing pandemic to the election and the economy, the mission of this program is to cover the most important news of the day with depth and clarity. Each night, we will be bold, we will be direct and we will deliver the truth to our viewers.”

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cac353  No.10401217


it isn´t as soon as you are aware of it beeing a thing


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2c899d  No.10401218

File: da2095fe7f6e320⋯.jpg (73.01 KB, 939x960, 313:320, orchestramasks.jpg)

File: 06465eeded0a5c9⋯.jpg (81.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wakingup.jpg)

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99f05c  No.10401219


and that dogs cant look up

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1cae8e  No.10401220



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eb1ee2  No.10401221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dear Lord, it really is true, it's anotherManic Monday!

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99f05c  No.10401222

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2166d6  No.10401223

File: 633462ea1fd4949⋯.png (5.22 MB, 2142x1600, 1071:800, weather_channel.png)

Imagine being this scared.

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dc9536  No.10401224

More Fifth Column. Former "National Security". Who's security?


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cf5bb3  No.10401225


kek. well played.

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1d86bc  No.10401226

File: fb7016e7a0b4498⋯.jpeg (100.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AD3688B1_261B_49E4_9EA6_3….jpeg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401227

File: 1b46a605f6133a3⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, Marv_thumbs_up.jpg)

>>10401049 (lb)

"I like my fags like I like my chans, unfiltered." - Q (probably not)

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f0abed  No.10401228

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, 1510107905656.jpg)

>>10400908 (LB)

good question…read both?

>>10400858 (LB)

Could it be the 5th column in graphic?

Expand-right click-open in new window—ZOOM

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8b7eab  No.10401229

File: 148c6647ca6cc9a⋯.png (137.01 KB, 800x385, 160:77, WhichOne.png)

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6116b5  No.10401230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No niggers, No asians. No fukken jews. heebs.

Just Ango Saxons.

Feels Good Man!

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e45315  No.10401231


Acknowledged for the social aspect.

But under a pathologic aspect?

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99f05c  No.10401232


im more scared than he is, the amount of sheep out there is MASSIVE. its terrifying.

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2166d6  No.10401233

File: fc5dd61a5a577f5⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 498x277, 498:277, tenor.gif)

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ffc9a7  No.10401234

File: e2388aff0d0b12a⋯.png (85.21 KB, 648x724, 162:181, 1_Israel_passes_secret_US_….PNG)

File: d69dcde72f093c4⋯.png (89.67 KB, 755x479, 755:479, 2_Israel_passes_secret_US_….png)

File: eeb4ba5ae3bfebc⋯.jpg (317.7 KB, 1242x1686, 207:281, 3_Israel_passes_secret_US_….jpg)

File: d09eba945e2dea8⋯.jpg (448.98 KB, 1250x954, 625:477, China_Israel.jpg)

File: 652ffdbf0af3ef5⋯.png (508.59 KB, 763x429, 763:429, China_Israel_and_One_Belt_….png)


>What is the "Fifth Column?"


China and Israel/Jewish collective power are really tight:


http://archive.vn/9fWzq – “University of Texas Child Porn Professor is a Chinese Spy under FBI Espionage Investigation”

A quote:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) testified on behalf of Zhao, shocking the community. Support from the NAACP, despite Zhao being caught red-handed by investigators with Possession of Child Pornography, that was described by prosecutors as “some of the most disturbing videos ever witnessed” by the Northampton County Courts.




The NAACP is s Jewish founded and controlled organization


http://archive.vn/TsY2i – “Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China”


http://archive.vn/bbmTS – “One Belt, One Road – Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy”


http://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.


http://archive.vn/4lZat – “Chinese groups debate supporting US gun ban activists, says report.”



http://archive.vn/yyMtg – “A Jew in Mao’s China”

I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.


“Israel accused of selling US secrets to China”



“Jews have been working with chinks for decades, look at Zuckerberg and all the other rich jews already mixing with them. China is the new host body for them to be parasites on.” – Anon

“Rupert Murdoch likewise ” – Anon



http://archive.vn/CFx1Z – “Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu”


https://archive.vn/B1nXc – “China and the Jews”

It is a sad and sobering fact that the Jews are already deeply entrenched in China and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the Ming Emperors several centuries ago:

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone….

…The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from “Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction [blamed on the British]


https://archive.vn/JEq8K – “The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China. Mao ZeDong, Yale & Illuminati Skull & Bones”

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d17866  No.10401235

File: 0ea0e631c010df8⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB, 360x638, 180:319, 1rK6bCqjvDVTNThF.mp4)

Victim of Bill Gates Vaccine


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cf5bb3  No.10401236


saw that yesterday b/c of my geo. what a complete buffoon this cat was. wish the camera man would've punch him in the face.

i digress.

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ffc9a7  No.10401237

File: d2eb7c42d38dc86⋯.png (910.01 KB, 896x650, 448:325, Israel_China_colaboration_….PNG)

File: 62aa5bee7fe7cbe⋯.png (159.85 KB, 758x714, 379:357, Jews_China_Mao_Communism.png)

File: dae6ac403374517⋯.png (866.56 KB, 824x832, 103:104, z_4.png)

File: 284015ef0270eba⋯.png (96.15 KB, 981x437, 981:437, z_5_China_Opium.PNG)

File: 5088b0b7d10e44c⋯.png (264.26 KB, 1208x524, 302:131, z_5_China_Opium_2.PNG)



https://archive.vn/kU7Rs - "Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests."


October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).


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53a220  No.10401238

>>10401184 (lb)


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cac353  No.10401239


the nonexistent one ?

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99f05c  No.10401240

File: 28d8f40879fff25⋯.jpeg (39.67 KB, 376x360, 47:45, 566E22B4_0511_4419_B7B4_D….jpeg)

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d05814  No.10401241


Ok, mabbe the cops got it more crazy than me, not completely convinced but the thought did occur

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8a0adb  No.10401242

>>10401201(pb) Totally understood agree and am subject to the same whims of …. nature?

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c95a96  No.10401243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9d628b  No.10401244


Can be. It's the whole crossing arms and shut off/cold thing…

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c94727  No.10401245






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bd10c3  No.10401246

File: 94049aadf125a97⋯.jpeg (930.53 KB, 1125x1112, 1125:1112, 7806659A_2859_4721_BFE6_7….jpeg)


Here ya go. Unfiltered faggots fer ya.

Gonna be a great day anons!

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7754df  No.10401247

File: 1adc6793943258c⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 706x821, 706:821, Rose_Rocks_.jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401248

File: 807df85243f56f8⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1349x9358, 1349:9358, Screenshot_2020_08_22_Jewi….png)



Jewish Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer Wants To Make Jews ‘A Protected Class’



Laura Loomer, after poking around the alt-Right and failing to find an identity or generate any credibility, is now running for Congress in Florida, as a Republican no less, against another Jew, an incumbent Democrat, in the Jewish stronghold of West Palm Beach:




Laura seeks office as a Republican not just because she supports several of Trump’s policies aimed at combating anti-Semitic narratives, particularly on college campuses, but because she knows the Jewish American community needs her. She understands that it is imperative to “boycott big tech because they are the major problem in the current rise of antisemitism.”“I want Jewish Americans to be a protected class. In the United States hate crime laws… they list ‘Jewish,’ as a race. Elected officials will be held accountable. I will also call out the systemic Jew Hatred that has become a major issue.”



Loomer is running in an area north of Miami that is heavily populated by Jews, so she can make such blatant Jewish supremacist remarks without fear of offending anyone — except perhaps an ‘antisemite’.

Imagine a White candidate saying that he wanted to make Whites a protected class — the Jews would make sure his political career would be over.

Of course, Jews are already a ‘protected class’, but apparently Loomer wants to make it official — spelled out in Federal law to take advantage of the fact that Jews are now recognized as a racial — not just religious — minority.

And by ‘protected class’ she ultimately means that no one will be allowed to criticize Jews or Israel without the risk of being prosecuted for ‘inciting violence’ against Jews.

And by suggesting that “Jewish Democrats” will be responsible for the “next” Holocaust, Loomer has unwittingly gone off script by implying that Jewish behavior does, in fact, cause antisemitism — and ultimately violence against Jews.

Doesn’t Loomer know that it official policy of the ADL that Jews are never responsible for “Jew hate“?

Jews are the world’s ultimate victims, but Loomer is threatening to take that status away from them.

Elderly Jews in Florida probably won’t like that idea very much.


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23402c  No.10401249


it's in your mind.

you responded to its presence.

so.. it exists.

womp womp womp

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8ad14e  No.10401250

File: 4cedcf72c28021a⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1013x740, 1013:740, pepe_covfefe_brand.png)



good morning

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3166e8  No.10401251






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1f1eae  No.10401252

Jim Bakker gets PPP loans during legal fight on fraud claims

When the U.S. government extended pandemic hardship loans to thousands of religious institutions, Jim Bakker and Morningside USA, his ministry in Blue Eye, Missouri, were among the most high-profile recipients.

On April 28, the pastor received approval for an amount between $650,000 and $1.7 million in Paycheck Protection Program funds.

Weeks before, the New York and Missouri attorneys general, as well as the Federal Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission, filed complaints alleging Bakker engaged in deceptive practices by touting purported health benefits of a silver product on The Jim Bakker Show — including a suggestion it could be used to treat or prevent COVID-19 infection, something the FDA says is false. In June, the Arkansas attorney general's office followed with its own lawsuit.

Applicants seeking PPP loans were asked to certify they weren’t engaged in any activity that is illegal under federal, state or local law. The question is whether Bakker’s involvement in ongoing litigation and fraud allegations will rise to the level of a Small Business Administration review.

It’s likely, according to attorney Daniel Grooms, a former federal prosecutor who worked in the Justice Department for 15 years. “There is every reason to think that an entity, led by a person with the profile he has, given his history, and given the ongoing fraud issues surrounding the product he was selling, that those ongoing investigations and the ongoing attention … it would be realistic to think that would lead to further investigation of his PPP loans,” Grooms said.

An SBA spokesperson refused to comment on any specific loan recipient. However, he provided an explanation about how the loan program was administered, saying the agency made no eligibility determinations during the approval process. After the fact, the SBA will review organizations and companies to identify those that may have submitted inaccurate self-certifications. The agency may seek repayment with the potential for civil or criminal penalties if a fraudulent application was submitted.

Bakker’s attorneys argue no laws were violated and provided this statement: “We strongly believe that Morningside’s offering of a legal product, sold by stores across the country, did not violate any laws; a fact underscored by the FDA taking no action against Morningside and issuing its letter closing the warning letter process on July 14th. The allegations made by the Missouri and Arkansas attorneys general concern only this product, and Morningside had suspended its offering of that product prior to the date of its PPP loan application.”

Baker gained notoriety in the late 1980s and 1990s as a result of his trial and financial fraud conviction relating to Heritage USA, his TV studio, Christian-oriented theme park and water park attraction with shopping, hotels and condominiums in Fort Mill, South Carolina. After serving five years in federal prison, he shifted from preaching the prosperity gospel to an apocalyptic end-times message.

“We’ve gone through quite a year,” a tearful Bakker told his TV congregants this month.

On Feb. 12, before any governor had ordered a coronavirus lockdown, Bakker touted the health benefits of Silver Solution on his show. Bakker was joined by guest Sherrill Sellman, who practices naturopathic medicine and is not a licensed physician.

“This influenza that is now circling the globe, you’re saying that Silver Solution would be effective,” he said, holding a bottle throughout the TV segment.

Sellman explained that the silver product, previously promoted on the show and sold through its online store, had not been tested against COVID-19, “but it’s been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it in 12 hours — totally eliminate it. It kills it. Deactivates it,” she said.

What followed was a succession of cease-and-desist orders, warning letters, multiple state complaints and a temporary restraining order to stop promoting or selling the product.

Bakker’s co-counsel is Jay Nixon, a former four-term Missouri attorney general and two-term Democratic governor. Nixon has framed this as a First Amendment and religious freedom fight.

Nixon says the pastor and his family use silver products in gel, lozenge and liquid form. He said Bakker complied immediately with orders to stop offering Silver Solution on his show and website.

“What we’re trying to do is to show that this is a targeting of a pastor for work said in his church as opposed to some sort of massive consumer issue that they’ve been after for a long time, which they have not,” Nixon said.



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cec9e4  No.10401254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ffc9a7  No.10401255

File: 8a7a82c9cf11540⋯.png (224.08 KB, 521x937, 521:937, Pepe_based_department_call….png)


Based and unfilteredpilled.

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cac353  No.10401256


phatological was the question, go read a book

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2166d6  No.10401257


Everyone wanted a zombie apocalypse. Now they walk around with the same mask on and gloves that have touched everything, including their phone.


Literal mind blowing. TWC peddles fear 24/7.

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ffc9a7  No.10401258

File: 83543b925d71586⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1600x4604, 400:1151, 4th_gen_warfare_civil_war_….png)

File: 2f04a4762221e54⋯.png (649.66 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Jews_Media.png)

File: 4b90b6b6725d8b3⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 1189x1180, 1189:1180, Q_Exodus_1_1_3.jpg)

File: 573bb705bdc7eac⋯.png (9.59 KB, 776x155, 776:155, Screenshot_2020_08_21_Q_Re….png)

File: ccf6f046845188b⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Weimar_America.mp4)


Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People:

As the general public makes use of what is left of their free speech (and Trump has promised to the People he would restore their free speech, and he is partially delivering with the allowing of the existance of the 8kun platform), truth being a force of nature, and Israel being a verifiable enemy of the Republic and its People, everyone in the gen pop will turn against Israel sooner rather than later, and because of that the People will start to demand that action is taken to terminate the zionist subversion affecting America and that Israel gets punished for their deeds against America and the American people. If the government, for any reason, is not able to comply with those righteous demands, the People will realize that the government is impotent in the face of the zionist occupation and is incapable of representing them, and they will take up arms against the government to replace it with one that represents them and is thus capable of terminating zionist subversion in the territory and punish Israel (just like the Founding Fathers did with the 13 Colonies government which ruled them without representing them to the benefit of a foreign state).

So one way or the other, Israel is fucked, big time :)

Also related:

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

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927747  No.10401259


No Gods Above. No Gods Below.

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1cf850  No.10401260

So, are we going to hijack "SAY HIS NAME" on twitter or what?



Make it happen. I want Seth Rich happening within the hour.

C'mon, lets also show the payments made to Crowdstrike in relation to him.

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ffc9a7  No.10401261

File: 83644c80e352ed0⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 1301x9000, 1301:9000, 4_Archive_America_Stands_W….jpg)

File: c1eaaa204c9c36e⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1312x4936, 164:617, China_Israel_big_b.png)

File: be2a9b22d889e8c⋯.png (798.11 KB, 1648x1640, 206:205, Flynn_2_per_cent_control_2.png)

File: 1ae467743725ee0⋯.webm (3.9 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Israeli_domination_legisl….webm)

File: d5b0f72874447bf⋯.png (2.97 MB, 904x4632, 113:579, Jewish_collective_power_lo….png)


Pics related are some introductory proofs on why Israel is an enemy of the US and the West.

More information here:

>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



>Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:



>"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"



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2c899d  No.10401262

File: 911de1bdbd5e610⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 309x270, 103:90, Piter.jpg)




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53a220  No.10401263

File: c9afa443591e378⋯.jpg (97.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, unsinkable.jpg)


keep on floating

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8463e8  No.10401264

File: 12f0de500b12361⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 706x387, 706:387, JuanWilliams.jpg)

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d05814  No.10401265


gloves are to protect them, not you

get the facts, mask is to protect the sick, not you

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bb2716  No.10401266

>>10401151 (lb)

>>10401160 (lb)

>>10401177 (lb)

Anons knew

Incoming old digs from the previous fires


Q Research General #4910: [SWAMP] Contains RED & BLUE Edition



You guys are fucking kidding, right? Sure, there are some bad apples out there, but your painting with a really broad brush to get patriots, here, to dislike firefighters? It's not going to work.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.442 ??

Nov 10 2018 12:21:14 (EST)

>Do you believe in coincidences?

Not in politics, no sir.

>How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

>Expand your thinking.

>Amount of fires in CA past 12-months?

A total of 7,579 fires had burned an area of 1,564,609 acres (6,331.75 km2), according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the National Interagency Fire Center, as of November 9.

>Amount of fires in CA past 10-years?

Sources: http://cdfdata.fire.ca.gov/incidents/incidents_statsevents



First, the 5 year avg from 2003-2007 is 5,379

2008 = 4,923

2009 = 3,546

2010 = 2,961

2011 = 3,056

2012 = 4,981

2013 = 8,889

2014 = 7,233

2015 = 8,283

2016 = 6,954

2017 = 9,133

2018 so far = 7,579

Total: 67, 538

>Date FED funding cut off from CA as result of violation(s) of Sanctuary State/City?

March 6th, Sessions opened a lawsuit against CA.

>CA budget cuts past 12-months re: Fire & Prevention?


>Update 2:23 p.m.: The end of the drought will save California some money in its next budget. Governor Jerry Brown's revised proposal out Thursday would cut more than $100 million planned for drought response. Michael Cohen is the state finance director. "The bulk of the $63 million that we still have in our drought package is for CalFire," says Cohen. "There are still lots of dead trees out there that are going to make a likely rough fire season." This budget also includes some money for tree removal. The drought exacerbated a bark beetle infestation that has left around a hundred million trees dead and dying statewide.

>>Reduce/eliminate dry brush clean up?

>>Reduce/eliminate tree-line clean up?

>>Reduce/eliminate fire break installation(s)?

>>Reduce/eliminate chopper fly over(s) to target 'high exposure' areas?

>>Reduce/eliminate population areas exposure & fire break safety management?

>>Reduce/eliminate use of inmates [correction facilities] for Highway clean up and dry brush removal?

>What is the primary purpose of declaring a State of Emergency?


>What determines the size of the FED payment to a State that has declared a State of Emergency?

<There are several groups involved, but from what I understand, you pay for it first, and figure out how to actually pay for it later. Anons help with this one? I know the Pentagon is involved, and sometimes relief comes from the defense budget.

>What is the current debt of CA?

426+ billion:


>The More You Know…


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4fde8b  No.10401267

File: 603b3d7d81ac769⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1140x1054, 570:527, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf5bb3  No.10401268

File: c4fdd8830e8f9f9⋯.png (476.64 KB, 691x689, 691:689, c4fdd8830e8f9f930b0adf649e….png)

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8a0adb  No.10401269

>>10401201 (pb) Totally understood. Agree and am subject to the same whims of …. nature.

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8d0c6a  No.10401270

I wonder if Drovorub is an issue on Aarch64 systems. One would suspect the kernel modules are x86-64, but are they dkms?

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1cae8e  No.10401271

File: 377304e74c9e8f6⋯.png (217.65 KB, 468x468, 1:1, superVrecovery.PNG)

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99f05c  No.10401272


5:5 anon, you and I think the same, art imitates life. (zombies)

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c6f6a2  No.10401273

File: 9092c0780ee177c⋯.png (305.53 KB, 489x274, 489:274, ClipboardImage.png)

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7108dd  No.10401274

File: b329f9072c3332b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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9b32e9  No.10401275


Zombeeees. I had my shotgun all cleaned, oiled and loaded for this lame shit? They should at least run around like in Left4dead.

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23402c  No.10401276


it exists in their mind too, so same answer, pathologically. specifically because once it is thought of by them, it becomes a part of them, pathologically.

So psychopaths would be susceptible to psychological pathogens by default.

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ffc9a7  No.10401277

File: 5790c4e9fcaded9⋯.png (273.9 KB, 1250x1404, 625:702, Apu_big_sword.png)

File: 3d85c4fa9b50355⋯.png (36.21 KB, 1000x253, 1000:253, Christ_brings_the_sword.PNG)


You too fren.

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bb2716  No.10401278

File: 054744461f1f5d0⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 474x608, 237:304, Themis_BlindJustice.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

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4fde8b  No.10401279


Thank you, Swordy. And you as well.

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ac323a  No.10401280

File: d68eb35ff76352d⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 480x270, 16:9, animals.mp4)

Govenor pours gas on fire


In a statement posted to Twitter, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers wrote, "While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country."

Evers continued, "Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity, and accountability for Black lives in our country—lives like those of George Floyd, of Breonna Taylor, Tony Robinson, Dontre Hamilton, Ernest Lacy, and Sylville Smith."

The governor added, "I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long."

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c0a82f  No.10401281

File: 2cfef7c00737ea1⋯.png (199 KB, 500x775, 20:31, Baphomet50.png)


Nice deflection from the Satanists.

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99f05c  No.10401282



yeah, get a brian morans.

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88bb23  No.10401283

File: 2a7467d14d4b016⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 519x500, 519:500, Scart.jpg)

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cac353  No.10401284


now read the op that i responded to

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7754df  No.10401285


the virtual one is reporting to them what they need to think.

your honey paugt runs a different revision number?

the person who is in the trap doesn't know it, they think they are there 'setting it up' but they've been fooled into thinking it won't be known.

It's all fake, all of it. you only get a view that only you see?

how could you ever know.

who are you talking to?

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8d0c6a  No.10401286

>>10401270 (me)

I'm a dumbass.

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c0a82f  No.10401287

File: f53c78208ffb381⋯.jpg (136.39 KB, 799x971, 799:971, Panic11.JPG)

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371f4f  No.10401288

Pence conspired with Paul Ryan to replace Trump at the top of the ticket in a Rule 11 Coup by the RINO Swamp in '16.

How delicious will it be when he is replaced on this ballot.

And all of his treachery comes to light.

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1f1eae  No.10401289


Jerry Falwell Jr. says his wife had an affair with the Florida 'pool boy,' claims they were being blackmailed

Suspended Liberty University leader Jerry Falwell Jr. confirmed to Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard late Sunday that his wife, Becki Falwell, had an affair with a young man they befriended and went into business with in Florida eight years ago. In a long statement, Falwell said he and his wife "forgave each other" — he suggested he had also "important smaller things" to atone for, quoting a Bible verse about visual adultery — and had decided to come forward because his wife's former lover had been extorting them for "huge amounts of monies" to stay quiet. "I'm just tired of it," Falwell told Bedard.

Falwell said the young man — Giancarlo Granda — had created a "'fatal attraction' type situation," referring to a famous 1987 movie in which a jilted extramarital lover boiled a pet rabbit, among other acts of retaliatory intimidation. Granda, 21 at the time of the affair, told the Examiner in an email that "any allegation of extortion" is false, "defamatory, and belied by clear documentary evidence," adding that the attempt by the Falwells "to sandbag me" with this "last-minute story" just "reeks of desperation," and "the WHOLE truth will come out."

The salacious nature of the relationship between the Falwells and Granda emerged when Michael Cohen, the former fixer and lawyer for President Trump, told comedian Tom Arnold in a secretly taped conversation that he had destroyed riqué "personal" photographs involving the "pool boy" on behalf of Falwell weeks before Falwell unexpectedly endorsed Trump for president.

Falwell said Sunday he "was not involved" in his wife's "inappropriate personal relationship" with Granda, and mentioned "fantastic" and "prurient, untrue aspects" of the relationship "based on the individual's misrepresentations."

Liberty University, a conservative evangelical Christian college founded by Jerry Falwell Sr., confirmed Friday that Falwell has been placed on indefinite paid suspension while the university investigates "various rumors and claims" about him and decides if he will be fired. He makes about $1 million a year as president of Liberty University, The News & Advance reports.

Falwell, 58, has been on leave since apologizing for posting (then deleting) a photo of himself with his arm around a woman, both their pants partially unzipped, at a "Trailer Park Boys" costume party on a 164-foot, six-bedroom yacht owned by NASCAR mogul Rick Hendrick. Falwell's family has reportedly been taking family vacations on the yacht since Liberty University signed a multi-million-dollar sponsorship deal with Hendrick Motorsports.


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c94727  No.10401290





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ffc9a7  No.10401291

File: 25c3bef3ef780c1⋯.jpg (3.64 MB, 1384x9954, 692:4977, 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_….jpg)

File: 400b0afce28e277⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 739x1019, 739:1019, 227db84114fdc42f468be57fb8….jpg)

File: 8d3b9b39ab37835⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1350x7352, 675:3676, ARCHIVE_circumcision.jpg)

File: ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Jewish_Supremacist_rabbi.png)

File: 2c50ba8b007beaf⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB, 192x144, 4:3, Rabbi_says_pedophile_rape_….mp4)


Not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

BTW, Judaism is Satanic:

Judaism is based of racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.

Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”


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762e46  No.10401292

File: 6df94b54616eddd⋯.png (165.88 KB, 404x718, 202:359, fentanyl.png)

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ffc9a7  No.10401293

File: ec25b436444fc6e⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, ec25b436444fc6ebc41f5c9903….jpg)

File: f50c52a79791eb2⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jewish_pedophile_ritual_Me….mp4)

File: c0f61c6be006f76⋯.png (14.7 KB, 954x151, 954:151, Judaism_and_freedom_of_rel….PNG)

File: 5dd615eac2af0c5⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1349x5613, 1349:5613, Screenshot_2020_06_29_Anot….jpg)


Here is one of the Jewish rituals who has given several babies herpes, which has gotten some of them killed.

The ritual consists of the rabbi cutting the child's foreskin, making it bleed even more by pinching it with their nails, and then taking the children's penis, inserting it into their mouths and suck on it.

It's calledMetzitzah b'peh

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23402c  No.10401294


Yup. If the psychopath believes seeing someone yawn makes them yawn, they'll do it pathologically.

IF they don't, then they'd probably kill the yawner to prove yawning doesn't effect others. They are psychopaths, remember?

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c6749e  No.10401295

File: 4303222c6614ff3⋯.jpeg (676.59 KB, 750x941, 750:941, 2A9C0B1A_F340_4B92_94C6_6….jpeg)

Missed notable that didn’t make it into last bread.


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8463e8  No.10401296

File: bbcc374dd178adf⋯.jpg (82.1 KB, 768x431, 768:431, this_asshole4.jpg)

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c0a82f  No.10401297

File: e764a1e4c64bb12⋯.png (69.98 KB, 304x279, 304:279, PANIC9.png)





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8b7eab  No.10401298


So, that scenario isn't a pr0n larp afterall?

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64a1b9  No.10401299

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641dfc  No.10401300

File: e8ff17980d8aee1⋯.png (327.68 KB, 800x430, 80:43, you_POTUS.png)

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b94ff4  No.10401301

File: 5fe6c1a3974202e⋯.png (446.45 KB, 600x575, 24:23, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman dead at 64


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c2f7a8  No.10401302

Fox News 40k feet vie… said twice. Interesting .

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57a53f  No.10401303

File: 2de065b5dfc7e47⋯.jpeg (142.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 639ED7AC_8959_416F_AA34_3….jpeg)

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c2f7a8  No.10401304

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99f05c  No.10401305

File: b38b79d7c1ef0ee⋯.jpeg (644.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8DBC2911_C1A5_40ED_AB73_B….jpeg)



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ab2b11  No.10401306

File: 3e646c4b4bb4727⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2470x2374, 1235:1187, J_SJ_2000yroldsatanic04.jpg)

File: 0d1ae67752f0354⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1935x1847, 1935:1847, J_SJ_2000yroldsatanic02.jpg)

File: 5fde277825a52b4⋯.jpg (559.2 KB, 698x954, 349:477, J_SJ_2000yroldsatanic03.jpg)

File: 0431594ab28b485⋯.jpg (156.37 KB, 657x974, 657:974, J_SJ_2000yroldsatanic.jpg)

File: db68411a5c15c3e⋯.jpg (187.72 KB, 471x586, 471:586, J_SJ_2000yroldsatanic05.jpg)

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5aebb5  No.10401307

File: 5397795d32fc24d⋯.png (1013.06 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Zoom Is Down at the Worst Possible Time

The same day that many schools are back in session, Zoom, the teleconferencing software that’s become the go-to for many educators’ remote-teaching needs for the foreseeable future, seems to have crashed for large swaths of the US.

While Zoom’s own Twitter account hasn’t mentioned the widespread outages thus far, Zoomers across the country have posted on their own accounts that they’ve been unable to log onto the service. The outages reports seemingly ticked up earlier today with popular crash-monitoring service DownDetector receiving more than 8,000 outage reports by the time of this writing, beginning a little after 8am Eastern. For the most part, these reports looks to come from major cities, largely clustered on the East Coast—New York, Pittsburgh, and Washington, just to name a few. We attempted to connect to the service ourselves, and were met with a similar error message.

“We have received reports of users being unable to start and join Zoom Meetings and Webinars,” a Zoom spokesperson told Gizmodo. “We are currently investigating and will provide updates as we have them. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.”


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8463e8  No.10401308


Lemme guess… coronavirus death.

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cac353  No.10401309


so you agree it is no distinct feature of apsychopath but rather a generic psychological trigger that can be turned of by knowing about it ?

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c94727  No.10401310





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c0a82f  No.10401311

File: e28609ea9750751⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 480x270, 16:9, DNC_SATANIC.gif)


Not an argument, low IQ muhjoo shill.

BTW, Satanism is not Judaism. That's just you muhjoo'ing.


Satanism is based on bloodline supremacy.

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7108dd  No.10401312

File: e8a185951cfac0d⋯.jpg (467.2 KB, 2415x1605, 161:107, 941fc5282f7ed8e688bec4ce2e….jpg)


TELL the shill that the men who fought on either side at Hastings' plain cared nothing for national but everything for feudal allegiance; that lex terrae means the local custom of ordeal and not the "law of the land"; tell him that judicium parium means the right of a noble to be judged by nobles, and has nothing to do with the jury system; tell him that Magna Carta was certainly drawn up before the meeting at Runnymede; that not until the Lancastrians did English kings speak English; that Oliver Cromwell owed his position to the enormous wealth of the Williamses, of whom had he not been a cadet, he would never have been known; tell him that the whole force of the Parliament resided in the squires and that the Civil Wars turned England into an oligarchy; tell him the exact truth about the infamy of Churchill; tell him what proportion of Englishmen during the American War were taxed without being represented; tell him what proportion of Washington's troops were of English blood; tell him any one illuminating and true thing about the history of his country, and the novelty will so offend him that a direct insult would have pleased him better.


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4fde8b  No.10401313


Sure, if you're wearing real masks fitted correctly, but a cloth diaper on your face protects nobody except their authority over you.

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9b32e9  No.10401314


Now let the kids back in the classroom!

This is your God speaking!

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64a1b9  No.10401315

File: 651a6c224327a1c⋯.png (637.91 KB, 655x846, 655:846, from_scratch_basement_jame….png)


Very nice, ty

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d7b22d  No.10401316

File: 914a456e698f727⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 640x629, 640:629, IMG_6378.JPG)

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deac91  No.10401317

File: 8db7076b0b9c52c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1201x635, 1201:635, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7027d9baf20b4d⋯.png (152.31 KB, 821x666, 821:666, Screen_Shot_2020_08_24_at_….png)

File: 62d645676d1283c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

August 24, 2020 (Mon)


Days Left:129

Day 1 of Week 35

64.48% thru the year

POTUS day 1313

Q-day 1032

[31] on QClock

71 Days to election

91st day of Portland rioting (i think, Hard to Determine)

8-24 (8+24=32, 8+2+4=14)

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c0a82f  No.10401318

File: 4559a0f2dc07dfc⋯.jpg (66.74 KB, 612x380, 153:95, panic5.jpg)





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ac323a  No.10401319


President Trump: Fighting for You!


·Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months

·Create 1 Million New Small Businesses

·Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America

·Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs

·"Made in America" Tax Credits

·Expand Opportunity Zones

·Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence


·Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020

·Return to Normal in 2021

·Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States

·Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics


·Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China

·Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China

·Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States

·No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China

·Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World


·Cut Prescription Drug Prices

·Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System

·Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums

·End Surprise Billing

·Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions

·Protect Social Security and Medicare

·Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services


·Provide School Choice to Every Child in America

·Teach American Exceptionalism


·Pass Congressional Term Limits

·End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses

·Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States

·Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens


·Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers

·Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers

·Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism

·Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice

·End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial


·Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition

·Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members

·Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks

·End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families

·Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers

·Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially


·Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars

· Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System

·Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network

·Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air

Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans


·Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home

·Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share

·Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength

·Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans

·Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System

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4fde8b  No.10401320



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927747  No.10401321

File: 29987b9e4f508a5⋯.jpg (386.27 KB, 710x950, 71:95, dbbdhqb_9b94fcaf_c517_43e3….jpg)

I wonder how far they intended to take masks.

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8463e8  No.10401322

File: 1f749a493486669⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 496x330, 248:165, treason_.jpg)

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9d628b  No.10401323


You could have told me when I was 7. Geez.

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d05814  No.10401324



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bb2716  No.10401325

File: 375af8ee076ab45⋯.jpg (94.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Franklin_Graham_Voodoo_Dou….jpg)


Those you trust…

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e45315  No.10401326

File: 2be1086c7c1104f⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 332x152, 83:38, psychobrain.jpg)


missing brain activity in the frontal lobes (seat of empathy)?

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c94727  No.10401327





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ffc9a7  No.10401328

File: 7fd9c8b34368988⋯.jpg (378.1 KB, 739x1337, 739:1337, 7fd9c8b343689889c4985e6d3d….jpg)

File: c26aca8c187cad0⋯.jpg (591.5 KB, 1662x1350, 277:225, 1550379117501.jpg)

File: d1d39de8c2dbd85⋯.jpg (500 KB, 2072x1976, 259:247, 3_Holocaust_Museum_Berlin_….jpg)

File: 24de7a75bf88adf⋯.jpg (99.97 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, z2.jpg)

File: 462d11c997701d3⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1656x3752, 207:469, Hillary_Jew.png)


Congratulations on trying to defend child abuse and pedophilia just because it is Jews doing it, low IQ yid shill.

And speaking of the DNC, pics related.

Remember: Israel comes last, tick tock :)

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641dfc  No.10401329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump

10 Tampa Bay:




The Sun:


WKYC Channel 3:




Don't know exact start time, but Tamba Bay stream is rolling…

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cf5bb3  No.10401330


noted over 2 months ago anon. really old news.

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1cf850  No.10401331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d17866  No.10401332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh MemeWar


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ffc9a7  No.10401333

File: f06757b2b7a5282⋯.jpg (3.63 MB, 1404x9940, 351:2485, 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_….jpg)

File: 25e8c0cd905c3e8⋯.png (282.13 KB, 1219x900, 1219:900, Jewish_Supremacist_rabbi_b.png)


>Satanism is based on bloodline supremacy.

Same with Judaism.

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8463e8  No.10401334

File: c00ec934ee40261⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 500x547, 500:547, scared1.jpg)

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cac353  No.10401335


no need for emotions, you post bullshit i call you out

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d925e3  No.10401336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4fde8b  No.10401337



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57a53f  No.10401338

File: 3debf4eb1852295⋯.jpeg (155.84 KB, 880x900, 44:45, 18EE0971_8034_453B_808E_5….jpeg)


Been there, done that, gotta t-shirt!

The skinny sweaty man in the kooky green Chrysler!

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b94ff4  No.10401339

File: e247fd9d7b7b519⋯.png (557.93 KB, 604x608, 151:152, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Police rescue 40 stolen border collie and beagle puppies being loaded into the back of a van


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bb2716  No.10401340

File: e83ed45387d822d⋯.png (728.51 KB, 638x632, 319:316, Red_Hot_Chili_Peppers.PNG)


Nothing to see here

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d17866  No.10401341




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c94727  No.10401342




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1f1eae  No.10401343


Fact check: Barack Obama did not spend $65K on prostitutes, code-named 'pizza' and 'hotdogs'

The claim: Barack Obama spent $65,000 on pizza and hot dogs, which are code names for child prostitution

The claim about former President Barack Obama has roots in "pizzagate," a debunked QAnon-esque conspiracy theory spawned during Hillary Clinton's second presidential campaign. It alleges that Clinton ran a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of Comet Ping Pong, a Washington, D.C., restaurant. In late 2016, a gunman fired into the restaurant after becoming convinced the theory was true, USA TODAY reported.

The claim surfaced on Facebook in an Aug. 8 post to user Amiri King's account. The post features a black-and-white image of a man holding a sign that reads, "Obama spent 65K on pizza and hot dogs!?"

The man in the picture is not identified, and he is wearing a mask.


Convenient eh? Everyone now, wears a Mask.

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23402c  No.10401344


All triggers can be turned off by knowing about them.

Some people can slow their own heartbeat to almost nothing.

Psychopaths are very good at turning triggers off, because they do not emote, they mimic.

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ffc9a7  No.10401345

File: 202861e054523dc⋯.jpg (9.08 KB, 255x159, 85:53, Pepe_playing_guitar.jpg)


Very noice!

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cac353  No.10401346


and no, you have to show me jawning is connected to empathy (wich is it not, it´s a visual trigger, not an emotional one)

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d17866  No.10401347

File: 60b5f193ecf6f7f⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 3272x1763, 3272:1763, EgMGYaLWAAA7dPs.jpg)

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64a1b9  No.10401348

File: 8a0002789828ed2⋯.png (81.72 KB, 952x817, 952:817, Cali_fires.png)

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33a8fa  No.10401349

File: 7cf7e3f57e459e0⋯.png (701.32 KB, 798x972, 133:162, 7cf7e3f57e459e06b7004bbe27….png)

File: f3358d8485f8a00⋯.png (307.6 KB, 401x469, 401:469, f3358d8485f8a00a8d6bf811dc….png)


Thank you baker.

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8463e8  No.10401350

File: 63e61b36509f5fa⋯.jpg (45.59 KB, 343x343, 1:1, schiff_.jpg)


"Wow, you make up bigger whoppers than I do…"

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7754df  No.10401351

If you want to Ka-know-sha what is going on in the world you can't trust the main stream.

or the twit feed.

they know the rubes and feed them lies of honey in a paught.

for example headline:

rioters burn down Italian restuarant.

well, it might be a pizza place. They don't tell you that.

It might have been arson by the owners.

they ahve no way of knowing that.

in fact they don't know that the rioters were even the ones who started it, even that is conjecture.

what if they said 'rioters burn down pizza shop'?

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cf5bb3  No.10401353

File: 56a1160881b9b69⋯.png (216.39 KB, 412x410, 206:205, A2D70DCC_ECA4_4812_967E_AB….png)

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c94727  No.10401354



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cac353  No.10401355


i agree, but talking not jawning as an indicator for beeing a psychopath is faulty by design because you get to many false positives

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2ab2bf  No.10401356

File: 924bd1560daea32⋯.mp4 (8.41 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, and_they_all_get_up.mp4)

reminder to our friends in New Zealand

who believe they are watching a murder trial

for Christchurch

>it was all staged

fake and gay. they all got up

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d17866  No.10401357

File: 1d8c45311c3b975⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 735x505, 147:101, EgMHoFyXoAEBP4z.jpg)

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84e84c  No.10401358

File: 2540f90fb0b6ac1⋯.jpg (134.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, UGuqbWaiePESmGMXWJbVTn_120….jpg)

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c0a82f  No.10401359

File: 25d885565d0853c⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1506x1087, 1506:1087, 25d885565d0853cdf6e37e738c….png)


Congratulations on defending "Satanic pedophile cannibals", panicking projecting disinfo shill.

Every time you omit ISOLATING the Satanista, every time you try to DEFEND AND PROTECT Satanic pedophile cannibals using 17 million human shields, you expose yourself to anons worldwide.

Hillary isn't Jewish. Her grandmother remarrying a Jew AFTER Hillary's mother was born does not justify your claim.


Israel is last FOR THE SAME REASON YOU ARE LAST ;) Tick tock.

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b94ff4  No.10401360


I don't know what it was about them in the 90's, but I HATED them. HATED. I still do. They make we want to vomit. A few of the people I hung out with listened to them. I couldn't stand it.

I can't think of any other band out there that gives me such a negative reaction as red hot chili peppers

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bb2716  No.10401361




Use it. Meme it. Watch the money. Never stop fighting!

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c94727  No.10401362



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99f05c  No.10401363


same, nickleback is close

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23402c  No.10401364


Generalizations of all kinds are prone to false positives ;)

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d39bc7  No.10401365

Last night I posted the Chyna Gold rickroll.

Hope anon frens got a kick out of it, and I hope there was a someone on the board from Chinese Intelligence on the board who clicked that shit nigga and said

AWWWWW the licklolled me

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c98db0  No.10401366

File: 6934df6d9a860d5⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 476x393, 476:393, 6934df6d9a860d58434f6bab0f….jpg)


mornin Swordy!

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c0a82f  No.10401367



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8ad14e  No.10401368

File: 396d2176a70ca9a⋯.png (188.96 KB, 929x536, 929:536, 09_0015_USAF_C_32A_departe….PNG)

File: 6aab466b1079016⋯.png (301.83 KB, 542x288, 271:144, USAF_C_32A_99_0003_takeoff.PNG)

09-0015 USAF C-32A departed JBA sw

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 departed Ft. Bragg se after a ground stop-origin of JBA

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c94727  No.10401369




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8463e8  No.10401370

File: a60529ba0f70b7a⋯.jpg (131.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, redcaps3.jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401371

File: 7b87136db8a6e67⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1536x6736, 96:421, Q_pizzagate.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)


Frusciante was (and still is) much better than the guy who died. He has some very noice things with the guy from Mars Volta.


Still not an argument.

Cry more in the face of the verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion I post.

And remember: Israel comes last :)

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bb2716  No.10401372


When these bands go "full mainstream" (join the club) everything changes.

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578745  No.10401373

RNC kicking off. suited man praying on OAN right NOW!

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e45315  No.10401374


The question to begin with was: is yawning contagious to a psychopath.

If yawning somehow transfers "itself" via empathy, a psychopath would not be affected.

Sounds like a falsifiable hypothesis to me.

Anyone with EMPIRIC knowledge about that, not?

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2d1720  No.10401375

File: 6412ac06b220640⋯.mp4 (13.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U7aSkSrNHNTOAzk9_Copy.mp4)


Andy Ngô


This is insane. BLM rioters armed with semi-auto rifles have shut down the street in #Kenosha and ordered a Sheriff’s vehicle to stop. Video by


. #BlackLivesMatter

""Rioter opens fire on Sheriff Vehicle""

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c94727  No.10401376




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d17866  No.10401377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is RSBN

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b94ff4  No.10401378

File: f52b4e494a3bcd8⋯.png (448.3 KB, 608x638, 304:319, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Monday mornings sure do feel an awful lot like this! #MondayVibes



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7754df  No.10401379






this is a scripted banter.

the idea of 'psychopath' is a creation of psychologists of the control culture as an excuse to tag those who are wise to their bogus methods.

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64a1b9  No.10401380

File: 90492d689aa0227⋯.png (248.89 KB, 645x525, 43:35, use_logic_comet_pizza_hard….png)

File: 135a69f73e85521⋯.png (1.26 MB, 800x800, 1:1, glasses_off_glasses_on.png)

File: c2a85df7ff67249⋯.png (347.95 KB, 606x399, 202:133, kamala_venom.png)

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cac353  No.10401381


if you don´t have an empiric starting point why sperk out about it in the first place ?

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1cae8e  No.10401382


I bet it was for the anon that Q was answering in that quote. And if I remember correctly, Trump was President for that entire year. That in itself was glorious.

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c0a82f  No.10401383

File: 1dda1b8d145f743⋯.gif (37.16 KB, 220x147, 220:147, MUPPETPANICGIF.gif)

File: 16b0cd40b467364⋯.png (192.6 KB, 677x729, 677:729, DNCSatanic2.png)


>Same with Judaism


You dumb fuck DIVISION shills have already admitted Judaism is a religion when you thought you attacked Jared Kushner for 'forcing' Ivanka to convert to Judaism.




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23402c  No.10401384


kek. It alll comes down to what the psychopath believes.

IT's a trick question.

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8b7eab  No.10401385


>Moar than 50 people showed up for this show ewwww gross!

IndieFags have always been that way.

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84e84c  No.10401386

File: 335150800b47e28⋯.jpg (195.21 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, 3330E77D00000578_0_image_a….jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401387

File: 62a4174974cbe43⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1349x9999, 1349:9999, BLM_funding.png)

File: 1beae7b4ea2a330⋯.jpg (443.22 KB, 598x1577, 598:1577, BLM_Palestine_Jews_pull_ou….jpg)

File: b964d0ee4b11200⋯.png (461.78 KB, 875x695, 175:139, BLM_Rabbis_Portland_federa….PNG)

File: 43bc757486676da⋯.png (409.35 KB, 1349x2548, 1349:2548, BLM_terrorist_Jew_Screensh….png)

File: f6a78f689946bcd⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1349x5360, 1349:5360, Screenshot_2020_06_08_Chab….jpg)

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deac91  No.10401388

Fox News segment with Brett Bair at WH lawn ~20 mins ago, couldn't help but notice the ongoing, unusually-loud sound of power saws cutting wood during the entirety of the segment. Could be random, could be an anti-timber dog-whistle.

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8463e8  No.10401389

File: 1a627b7a30a0298⋯.jpg (46.95 KB, 750x484, 375:242, soros_chess.jpg)


[They] badly want to spark civil war.

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7108dd  No.10401390

File: 87a77a7590138ad⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1125x1396, 1125:1396, 7f032677022bbcc024eab49426….png)

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c94727  No.10401391




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09d3fd  No.10401392

File: 0ebc011a169cd4c⋯.png (66.48 KB, 198x206, 99:103, Resisting_Arrest.PNG)


This statement should have been prefaced with:

"After ignoring and defying lawful police orders, resisting arrest, walking away at gunpoint when ordered to stop, and reaching into his vehicle for what can be presumed to be a weapon"

>Evers continued, "Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times

in a perfectly justifiable use of deadly force as embodied in the training of law enforcement officers across the world.

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cf5bb3  No.10401393


wow. not even sure how to respond. i prolly thought it was dope back in 81. kek

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fee213  No.10401394


Not only visual but the sound of a yawn, or even talking about yawning /read text about yawning can trigger a yawn.

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d17866  No.10401395

File: db02883ca9ca63e⋯.jpg (90.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EgMB6QIWkAE_wNo.jpg)

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578745  No.10401396

File: b4a4adca5fb98b0⋯.png (616.38 KB, 695x385, 139:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ecaf2412696b6c⋯.gif (917.27 KB, 200x150, 4:3, stop.gif)

>>10400721 LB

>>10400759 LB

>>10400704 LB

>>10400525 LB

>>10400483 LB

>>10400483 LB

proof makeup should be illegal

ty baker

kate is a fug. other image is for the bakes.

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a4ce1c  No.10401397

File: 64cb88ec6af3bc7⋯.png (169.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, photostudio_1598276352773.png)

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927747  No.10401398


>4,567 people vs 35 mil


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8463e8  No.10401399

File: 28a153dec55cb49⋯.jpg (167.94 KB, 888x499, 888:499, tag_team_shilling.jpg)


Tag-team shilling is what that is.

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23402c  No.10401400


yep, it's a slide over a trick question, alright.

Is the convention on yet?

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2ab2bf  No.10401401

File: ce06f45d2c0072b⋯.gif (841.52 KB, 260x199, 260:199, water_canon.gif)


macron uses these effectively

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1cf850  No.10401402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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57a53f  No.10401403

Sleepy says I shouldn’t have said “If you don’t know the well you ain’t Black thing” but Trump is Racist!


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641dfc  No.10401404

File: 3774f5dca08ece2⋯.png (759.46 KB, 912x533, 912:533, ClipboardImage.png)


And the convention kicks off with a prayer and the National Anthem…

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d17866  No.10401405

File: ad031e26d70ac21⋯.jpg (206.83 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, EgMD1AuWkAAjHeZ.jpg)

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1cae8e  No.10401406

File: d4b79e088b74b74⋯.png (116.64 KB, 303x380, 303:380, wompwomp.png)

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ffc9a7  No.10401407

File: 46f4dfc5ff97058⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1349x10471, 1349:10471, Screenshot_2020_02_24_Chie….png)

File: 248f8efd5d629ee⋯.png (283.91 KB, 1264x952, 158:119, Jewish_Supremacist_rabbi_c.png)

File: 07aa0a141628ec7⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Jews_supremacists.mp4)

File: 0adf88d156c5f1e⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jewish_talmud_approves_of_….mp4)


Wrong. It's a fact, and a verifiable one.

Everyone can read about it, and verify it here: >>10401333

Cry harder, and remember: Israel comes last, tick tock :)

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c94727  No.10401408





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53a220  No.10401409

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e45315  No.10401410



The question at hand is:

How to distinguish a psychopath RELIABLY from the rest?

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7754df  No.10401411


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788ab8  No.10401412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's one of the most eye opening interviews that Mr. Griffin did

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cac353  No.10401413



here, i did the work for you


study that comes to conclusion that

"These data suggest that psychopathic traits may be related to the empathic nature of contagious yawning in our species"

wich is to say, WE FOUND NOTHING proveable..


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578745  No.10401414

File: 18fe34ceb593735⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


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03677f  No.10401415

File: 254796ed2543e9c⋯.mp4 (467.51 KB, 496x288, 31:18, videoplayback.mp4)

Jake Fapper:

"Adherents of Q Anon have been responsible for kidnapping, for murder, for attempted assassinations………"

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ef9088  No.10401416

File: bca1e14389227c2⋯.png (488.54 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 91188FAC_48B3_4624_8BE2_5A….png)

moar covid fear porn


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64a1b9  No.10401417

File: d06fc6ef80cfb40⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1200x720, 5:3, Happy_Birday_POTUS_megan.png)


yeesh that 1 creeps me out a lil kek

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ffc9a7  No.10401418

File: 9a58ea12aa0d1f2⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1452x4160, 363:1040, 2_Israel_loxism_big_b.png)

File: fe6fb42285ed3c8⋯.mp4 (12.33 MB, 1280x700, 64:35, _Chabad_developing_larger_….mp4)



And Kushner did force Ivanka to convert via emotional blackmail (either convert or no more relationship). Pic related.

Also, Kushner is part of Chabad, which is a Jewish supremacist subversive organization which needs to, and will be, banned from the West, one way or the other:

Video: "'Chabad developing larger worldwide organization than the CIA' - Senator Joe Lieberman"


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57a53f  No.10401419


Been saying this from the beginning of the bullshit in MN.

Send in the Water Cannons. We, have this tech.

We, know why they’re not using it.

All rioting would stop in an evening!

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8b7eab  No.10401420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this one instead

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c94727  No.10401421



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578745  No.10401422



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64a1b9  No.10401423

File: d286a19aa5adf02⋯.png (181.87 KB, 598x545, 598:545, Print_this_fake_news_re_An….png)

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ffc9a7  No.10401424


That guy who recorded with them while Frusciante was getting treated for his heroin addiction was ok but no match. Frusciante is a literal creative genius.

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cac353  No.10401425


come on, i can piss in your face and that would trigger you to vomit, what are you on about

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1cae8e  No.10401426

File: b449269b479e64f⋯.png (194.97 KB, 306x480, 51:80, bullshit_soup.png)


That's slander, bitch.

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64a1b9  No.10401427

File: f1482052b18e7f5⋯.png (799.5 KB, 1050x800, 21:16, tanks_FLOTUS.png)


nice1, ty

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23402c  No.10401428


organic observation.. there's no real way to programmatically do this.

Because psychopaths know how to cheat better than anyone else, and they WILL find the loopholes in any automation.

That's why anons are here… To literally fight psychopaths.

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d17866  No.10401429

File: d9e96c948aa8170⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 680x442, 20:13, EgMKsjjWoAEtOj3.jpg)

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ac323a  No.10401430


·Pass Congressional Term Limits

·End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses

·Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States

·Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens SOROS

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ef9088  No.10401431

File: c6094c75812986f⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9F10356B_3290_4D1A_9797_28….png)

manned moonbase


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e45315  No.10401432

File: dcf0efe9ad4b583⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 750x744, 125:124, dcf0efe9ad4b583be1e334eecb….jpg)


Will study. Thank you!

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c0a82f  No.10401433

File: 4047086faf9f923⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 828x460, 9:5, TeamJoeBaphomet.jpg)

File: 9debcdd78b2dc1f⋯.jpg (609.09 KB, 1242x1762, 621:881, PelosiDoWhatThouWilt.jpg)

File: 26181f41b536826⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2151x1354, 2151:1354, MSDNC2.png)

File: b7f205f968199c2⋯.jpg (147.59 KB, 976x750, 488:375, TrumpJews2.jpg)





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578745  No.10401434








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ef9088  No.10401435

File: a02ef20d06e93f5⋯.png (3.41 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8B0028E5_4E22_4F85_B327_5C….png)

Rose isnt suicidal


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641dfc  No.10401436

File: 1e9128d16ab0a92⋯.png (988.5 KB, 944x542, 472:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ffa1e  No.10401437


Are Wolves afraid of sheep? Even when sheep are in great numbers?

Me thinks you are still as(l)heep and not a Wolf.

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c94727  No.10401438




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4d25e3  No.10401439

File: c2e972dd48fb6a6⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, whatadumbfuckXBr7RcMPhqJlo….mp4)

File: f18ab53889c84b0⋯.png (432.19 KB, 878x960, 439:480, fakenewsSarahThamerDindu2.png)

File: 18a961778e57913⋯.png (283.33 KB, 635x455, 127:91, fakenewsSarahThamerDindu1.png)

File: 372679dd3c3cdec⋯.png (1.03 MB, 830x2982, 415:1491, Screenshot_2020_08_24_Poli….png)


<mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country."


>This statement should have been prefaced with:

>"After ignoring and defying lawful police orders, resisting arrest, walking away at gunpoint when ordered to stop, and reaching into his vehicle for what can be presumed to be a weapon"

he was just a jogger anon

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5ba3d4  No.10401440


They can say whatever they want.

We are anons.

Who's gonna sue?

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8463e8  No.10401441

File: 1f234bc360e8666⋯.png (22.08 KB, 700x371, 100:53, Sent_shills_tweet.png)


This is a The Hill shill…

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578745  No.10401442

File: 205ba71edade3c2⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


There is no comma, before the words UNDER GOD

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b5058e  No.10401443

File: 4e28f4744c8e7cb⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 450x500, 9:10, allegiance_to_no_crown.jpg)

Convention starting now.


remarks in Carolina?

>>10401145 pb

>>10400934 pb


right the Russians have been fighting the Cabal from way back

they were tricked with Peter the Emperor by the Luciferians of Europe.

They sent back a double when Peter traveled there.

Jsis himself was a King in the region, Way before there was a "Russia"

King of Edessa. on the Black Sea

Born in a cave off Sebastipol

>>10400921 pb

He was a leader in the fight against the luciferians/ Romans

why do you think he's called "PODESTA"?

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c0a82f  No.10401444



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bb17b3  No.10401445


God Bless You swordAnon.

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fee213  No.10401446


Well they usually exhibit self-centered traits and have ulterior motives for everything they do ( they only help you if it means you owe them a favor etc). They use psychological weapons to control people. They have no remorse over hurting people. Due to a lack of a jiminey cricket they can do massively depraved things - and these things are what brings them enjoyment. They’re wired backwards. Depending on their intellect they can be supreme actors in hiding their psychopathy.

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57a53f  No.10401447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RNC Live!

God is in The House!


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893c96  No.10401448

File: 5c9560ccbce60ff⋯.jpg (450.5 KB, 1075x700, 43:28, 5c9560ccbce60ffe1b367f20ff….jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401449

File: 69aef8b52acb710⋯.png (206.02 KB, 772x700, 193:175, Trump_Ford_2.png)

File: 45fbdb5438452de⋯.png (3.27 MB, 920x4552, 115:569, 2_Bibi_assassination_Trump….png)

File: 2f343f5c565da4b⋯.jpg (503.71 KB, 2072x2048, 259:256, 3_Holocaust_Museum_Berlin_….jpg)



Cry more in the face of the verifiable facts, low IQ Israeli shill (such as the fact that Judaism IS Satanic, and openly so).

Remember: Israel comes last :)

https://archive.vn/GoPrP - “One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust”

https://archive.vn/OJtpO - “Poll finds only 41% of Americans view Israeli government favorably”

https://archive.vn/RzXfE - “New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade”


>Republican voter support for Israel decreasing at a faster rate than democratic voter support for Israel

https://archive.vn/n3o9d - “Nobel Prize Winner’s Book On Holocaust Dropped From School Curriculum In Hungary”

https://archive.vn/AYMGq - “Professor Fired For Claiming Zionists Were Behind 9-11 Receives Settlement For Wrongful Dismissal”

https://archive.vn/62zZl - “Truth Is Winning: Over 9 Million Italians Now Convinced The ‘Holocaust’ Never Even Happened”

https://archive.vn/d2Fcu - “Poll: Labour members say anti-Semitism crisis “invented” ”

http://archive.vn/pJSXY - “Belgian Newspaper Accuses Israelis Of Playing The ‘Holocaust Card’ To Silence Its Critics”

https://archive.vn/aJO7a - “Success! New Survey Shows Over 100 Million Europeans Believe A Secret Jewish Cabal Controls The World”

>"Encouragingly, the results were based on relatively affluent and middle class White Europeans, and did not include the much more antisemitic Muslims who live in these ‘no-go zones’ that were not included because even the jewish survey takers were afraid to go into them."

https://archive.vn/iQkXu - "Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter Was One Of The First ‘Holocaust Deniers’"

>"Jan Karski, a Polish resistance fighter revered by Jews as “the first eye witnesses to the Holocaust,” actually failed to convince jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter, of the credibility of this testimony during a secret meeting in Washington in 1942"

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371f4f  No.10401450

In the Queen's City.

Under the sign of the Crown.

And nobody is bothered by this?

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5ba3d4  No.10401451


black handguns matter

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ffc9a7  No.10401452

File: dfc75ecd18a214a⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_have_said_to_people_when….mp4)

File: 09fa4c368e46279⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nancy_Pelosi_at_AIPAC_2019.mp4)

File: 967f5a88a4046d1⋯.png (642.79 KB, 1291x946, 1291:946, Pelosi_Holocaust_Israel.png)



Pic and videos related.

Tick tock :)

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8463e8  No.10401453

File: 3121a4d812360b7⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 366x366, 1:1, Tucker_laughs.jpg)

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d17866  No.10401454

File: 0fdaad689c7bb15⋯.jpg (116.49 KB, 1079x1101, 1079:1101, EgMLl0KWkAIDPVU.jpg)

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b5058e  No.10401455

File: 71d42daef622ad6⋯.jpg (493.45 KB, 2391x3063, 797:1021, AreYouReadyGreatAwakening.jpg)


>why do you think he's called "PODESTA"?

HE == John the Pedo - sadists

likely son of Mengele

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c6f6a2  No.10401456


to the hill reporter:

before screenshotting the post, remember to reopen the browser to hide the (you)

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57a53f  No.10401457


The only time I have ever liked Red Text!


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578745  No.10401458


she goes from air jacking off two guys. to attacking people. to a yoga move. to a twerkfest. to being handcuffed.

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ffc9a7  No.10401459

File: 3950498a12cf9c3⋯.png (593.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1588461998341.png)

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, Israel_pedo_haven.png)

File: d018db4377d0b05⋯.png (346.31 KB, 986x666, 493:333, Jewish_American_pedos_run_….PNG)

File: def8ed4810000b5⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1349x6160, 1349:6160, Screenshot_2020_05_08_Isra….jpg)

File: cda623cc1ca0c0c⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Israel_pedos_gays.png)





Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician


A Jewish pediatrician who was convicted of possessing and distributing some 190,000 child pornography videos and images can serve as a medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department, an Israeli court ruled last week:

"Avraham Barkai will be able to pay visits to schools but not treat children in his new position, which a panel of judges at the Nazareth Regional Labor Court determined that he should be allowed to fill, going against the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission.

Barkai was convicted in 2011 of being part of an international child pornography distribution ring and later sentenced to 18 months behind bars. However, the punishment was reduced on appeal to six months of community service, a nine-month suspended sentence and a NIS 20,000 ($5,690) fine.

For over a year up to his conviction, but after he had already been charged, Barkai continued to practice at a Haifa clinic of the Meuhedet HMO after a Health Ministry disciplinary committee ruled that he could continue to see children as long as a parent or nurse was in the room.

The disciplinary committee went on to rule that despite the charges, Barkai did not pose a danger to children as he had not been accused of physical acts against minors. As a result, it ruled that the pediatrician’s license should only be stripped for two years, and by July 2013 Barkai got his license back….

However, senior officials in the Health Ministry have come to Barkai’s defense. In 2014, the Health Ministry’s senior vice president of Administration and Human Resources, Dov Passat, submitted a letter to the disciplinary committee asserting that there should be nothing preventing Barkai from applying for tenders for positions as a pediatrician. The letter was submitted by Barkai as an official position of the Health Ministry to the Petah Tivka Magistrate’s Court, which ruled in 2018 that he be granted an exemption from the ban on employing convicted sex offenders as he does not pose a risk to the public, even if he works as a pediatrician.

In late 2018, a medical board voted unanimously to award Barkai a position as medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department in the northern district. The Civil Service Commission subsequently interfered and blocked the appointment, stating in a 2019 hearing that “while the job at hand does not require clinical care for children, its core is oversight of student services and some of its assignments take place on school grounds and during the school day… Taking into account the nature of the offenses of which Dr. Barkai was convicted, [granting him this position] can greatly damage the image of the Civil Service Commission and the public’s confidence in its institutions.” "

Simply put, Jews — especially Jews in Israel — do not treat pedophilia as a serious crime the way White Christian societies do. The pedophile is always given the benefit of the doubt with reduced prison sentences and cursory slaps on the wrist.

This leniency toward pedophilia, of course, can be found in the Jewish “holy” book, The Talmud, and child rape has literally become a pandemic among religious Jews, according to a whistleblower rabbi.

And as our White Christian nations become more and more judaized under the oppressive influence of Jews in positions of power, we see an increasing inclination for courts and the media to show sympathy for dangerous pedophiles.

All this media coverage of pedophiles, like homosexuals before them, serves to desensitize us to these abhorrent criminals.

As the article clearly states, just because you collect and distribute massive amounts of child pornography, it’s doesn’t necessarily follow that you’re a “pedophile” or an actual threat to physically abuse real children.

That’s the kind of “logic” you’ll find throughout The Talmud — Martin Luther referred to it as “talmudic hairsplitting”.

Pedophiles need our ‘protection’, not our condemnation, according to ‘experts’ who just so happen to mostly be Jewish.

The endgame is to recast pedophilia as just another sexual orientation or “lifestyle”, and the public school systems have begun to push this “progressive” perspective.

And if you have a problem with your child’s Jewish pediatrician being a convicted sex offender, then you’re probably an ‘antisemite’ who is the real danger to society.


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2d1720  No.10401460


>he was just a jogger anon

I kekk'd

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fee213  No.10401461


…. follow the bread crumbs. 🤦‍♀️

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ffc9a7  No.10401462

File: 6acdf10027e5d89⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 278x269, 278:269, Marv_jogging.jpg)

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7754df  No.10401463




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e45315  No.10401464

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cf5bb3  No.10401465

notables bun @ 260



>>10401368 planefag reporting

>>10401329, >>10401447 (Live) RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump. Convention is underway

>>10401307 Imagine that: Zoom Is Down at the Worst Possible Time

>>10401301 Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman dead at 64

>>10401280 Wisconsin Govenor pours gas on fire. …"shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement"

>>10401208 Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base

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d6db63  No.10401466

File: e561888c196c92d⋯.jpeg (52.28 KB, 624x499, 624:499, 9B4300F6_B3B9_4889_8BDB_5….jpeg)

File: 01f6baae2c50375⋯.jpeg (669.96 KB, 828x1492, 207:373, 3EE4F67F_945A_42CB_9B89_6….jpeg)


The Truth about the 17anon movement

(For red pilling on Facebook)

Over the past 3 years, an anonymous American Patriot who goes by the 17th letter of the alphabet (17anon) has employed the Socratic method in more than 4000 online posts to encourage individuals to “trust and think for themselves” as opposed to passively believing what they are fed by the corporate media. In response, the corporate media, whose job is to control global public opinion on behalf of the ruling oligarchs, has written thousands of hit pieces attacking and mischaracterizing 17anon and those who read his posts as “extremists.” By calling 17anon followers “extremists,” the corporate media is implying that anyone who dares question the motives or truthfulness of their “news” narratives (propaganda) is exhibiting abnormal behavior (“nut”, “lunatic”, “kook”, etc.).

Although 17anon has never called for violence toward anyone nor has asked followers to engage in public “protests”, the corporate media has repeatedly described the 17anon movement as “dangerous” and “violent” and have even gone so far as to falsely claim that the FBI officially considers the movement a “domestic terrorist threat.”

Although real “extremist” groups like Antifa, BLM, & Proud Boyz, in contrast, openly advocate violence against the State (eg Police) as a means of opposing fascism, it is illogical to conclude that all people who oppose fascism are violent.

Nevertheless, violent psychopaths will often identify themselves as a member of an extremist group (whether real or not (17anon)) in order to 1) avoid taking personal responsibility for their violent behavior or 2) to act as pawns for the Deep State in order to justify a fascist response, whether violent (police state crack down) or nonviolent corporate censorship such as social media account deletion or shadow banning.

Another important distinction between the 17anon movement and real extremist groups is that the former places a higher value on anonymity. This is because “we the people” have for far too long relied on false authority figures (eg corporate media) as unquestioned sources of Truth. In order for an individual to “Trust and think for oneself”, s/he must be able to discern what the Truth is without having to rely solely on the identity of those who claim to be providing it. Another reason truth seekers who research and post on the 17anon research board do so anonymously is that they prefer to act selflessly to decimate the Truth to others (Matthews 6:1). Therefore, those who seek to identify themselves personally, especially those who seek followers for monetary gain and/or to gain celebrity status are often shunned by the 17anon movement and are called “paytriots.”

Therefore, anyone who goes out of their way to personally identify themselves as a 17anon spokesperson for the purposes of organizing and encouraging mass protests no matter how noble they may appear to be automatically disqualifies themselves from being legitimately associated with the movement.

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cac353  No.10401467


then do it and spare us your bullshit

lurk moar

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23402c  No.10401469

File: 764523b64ba5b7c⋯.jpg (71.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, tappersoldout.jpg)



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5a678a  No.10401470

File: ccfaee5b2e529ef⋯.png (299.17 KB, 500x330, 50:33, oz_witch_00.png)

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b5058e  No.10401471

File: 5ddf1e49ef89a10⋯.png (221.15 KB, 532x860, 133:215, tapperlies.png)


Isn't his name in the logs to epstein island?

That should be memed?

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c94727  No.10401472




"We anons will sit back and do nothing. We were tricked by someone named 'Q' who told us with all his heart that he was going to save the world with his military buddies from the corrupt cabal. But really all that happened was that:

…epstein killt hisself but didn't

…brennan was gon be arrested but waddnt

…hrc was gon be arrested but waddnt

… horowitz was gon save the world, but dinnt

… huber was gon save the world, but dinnt

… durham was gon save the world but wont cuz buds with brennan

…so you see Mr. Hill - we're not planning anything because we're keyboard warriors and we just wanted to tell the world that Q and his buddies were gon save it…but as you can CLEARLY see, that didn't happen and now niggers, jews and POCs are burning cities, beating cops, beating old people, beating children and beating women freely in our streets while Q and his team do


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d17866  No.10401473

File: eb8e6a5c834bdcd⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 600x447, 200:149, EgL6B_1XsAArSNU.jpg)

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53a220  No.10401474


>why do you think he's called "PODESTA"?

Podesta the Molesta

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2346e0  No.10401475



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641dfc  No.10401477


The Hill shills in da house

Explains a lot of the hate posts this morning.

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84e84c  No.10401478

File: b36df5990aae587⋯.jpeg (89.55 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1576799289.jpeg)

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7bf080  No.10401479

File: b20d4db899866f7⋯.png (960.48 KB, 959x564, 959:564, mornin_swordy.png)


God bless you all as well Swordy

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8b7eab  No.10401481


kek or just have the intern do it

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1d86bc  No.10401482


Too bad. Fuck that cunt

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1cae8e  No.10401483


True. I wouldn't even worry about that if I had spent 3 years colluding with foreign agents to subvert a sitting President.

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371f4f  No.10401484


Not today.

But yes.

Pence is a Swamp Rat.

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ab2b11  No.10401486


Podesta means Bishop in Italian

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d01a91  No.10401487


>Antifa, BLM, & Proud Boyz

I was not aware of Proud Boyz advocating violence against public officials

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ffc9a7  No.10401488

File: 39c0a830bf4fd52⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA_4_….png)

File: 00396e44fc9483e⋯.jpg (662.93 KB, 1258x1588, 629:794, Biden_on_Jews_and_media.jpg)

File: a4d6f060a8897c7⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_thought_saying_such_thin….mp4)

File: 939ea4615d0eae8⋯.png (217.39 KB, 1239x525, 59:25, MSM_Feinstein_Blum.PNG)

File: 4fd541d13cb6cbd⋯.jpg (448.88 KB, 1188x2316, 99:193, Q_MSM_fakenews.jpg)


It's afraid.

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01bed8  No.10401490

File: 673850803f777fc⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 956x618, 478:309, StormbringerS.jpg)

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8b7eab  No.10401491


Awww, that's sweet of you to defend us like that.

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c0a82f  No.10401492

File: 7d72f6bee12e9ea⋯.jpg (139.95 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, HumanTraffickers.jpg)

File: 701f8eb35ba0aba⋯.png (353.45 KB, 515x437, 515:437, GodWins4.png)




Panic more, your 'facts' are LIES ABOUT 17 MILLION PEOPLE.

By your fallacious Marxist collectivist logic, because these are arrested child traffickers, it has become a 'fact' that the races and backgrounds of these criminals is 'the real' enemy, which creates billions of human shields, as opposed to THEY THEMSELVES AS INDIVIDUALS.





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d01a91  No.10401493


Same to you swordy

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bb2716  No.10401494


"join the club" was the operative phrase, there.

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fee213  No.10401495


What the hell are you smoking ? You’re not even a good troll

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ef9088  No.10401496

File: eeec2b62071f99a⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5C5A5D83_8E0D_4305_BC56_AA….png)

Great day to [FLY]

Army Twat


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b5058e  No.10401497

File: d6ae5a29d3e943a⋯.jpg (191.74 KB, 466x616, 233:308, Baker_paraRedpill.jpg)

Goldberg from Alaska is in tears, over God.

Fuck you muh Jews.

Do Muh Jews have devotion to God?

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c94727  No.10401498

File: d417bb4c1090c58⋯.png (325.2 KB, 511x344, 511:344, ClipboardImage.png)


"This is really sad. I mean really. I gave her everything and this is how she treats me. It is what it is"

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fb4e63  No.10401500


They forgot to mention that they also sent other people to post hate and violence planning on the anonymous site

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b5058e  No.10401501

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9b32e9  No.10401502


Q is SHOWING US (i.e., the normies) what the dems want to do the country.

When the normies awake, then the cleanup begins.

Admittedly, the normies might never wake.

Military is the answer.

For what it is worth.

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5cf09e  No.10401503

File: a5d5eb0b2fb9fc8⋯.png (257.92 KB, 545x654, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

WARNING: Beware a “Q” False Flag Attempt Soon….


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2166d6  No.10401504

File: b1829aaa372b132⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, oqHA0jjdqOtsdsEg.mp4)

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1f1eae  No.10401505


Exactly WHY [THEY] send Shills here, to post the Hate, Porn/Naked, Mindfuck posts.

Posers. Inciting crap, for [THEIR] FAKE NEWS articles.

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b344eb  No.10401506


>No One Is Coming.

This is real. The moment you make this revelation, is the moment you begin taking back your own life.

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6b938e  No.10401507

File: 301452e7635fa99⋯.png (667.59 KB, 700x407, 700:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d628b  No.10401508

File: a943dd7ceaf2e3e⋯.jpg (15.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, HRCPresident2016_png.jpg)

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cf5bb3  No.10401509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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502cdc  No.10401510

File: dde25075e1ddfe0⋯.jpg (137.76 KB, 1279x662, 1279:662, PPERU.JPG)

13 moar Covid deaths

saving us from ourselves, no matter the cost

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22734e  No.10401511

File: 7b019d68c4da57b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 3966x5894, 1983:2947, 1509867703998_3.png)

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ab2b11  No.10401512


correction- Mayor

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ffc9a7  No.10401513

File: 2bfeac5958ee964⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1242x1090, 621:545, 0_meme.jpeg)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, 1542692692191.png)

File: 99eebe65481922f⋯.png (683.48 KB, 1224x406, 612:203, ARCHIVE_Jewish_censorship_….PNG)

File: 1435dace2a50525⋯.png (19.71 KB, 691x233, 691:233, Censorship_Florida_Jewish_….PNG)

File: 69d04ff0cebfdf8⋯.png (36.66 KB, 978x284, 489:142, Texas_aid_Israel_pledge.PNG)


Try harder, low IQ Israeli shill.

I never said all Jews are bad, I did said that Judaism is Satanic (because is supports pedophilia, is based on racial supremacism, and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of forced genital mutilation), which is a verifiable fact.

There are some racial Jews who can integrate into the West, if they reject Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, but zionism and Judaism have no place in the West.

Cry more, low IQ faggot yid :)

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;


Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

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fb4e63  No.10401514



Picture Being Painted


1 Nov 2017 - 1:59:01 AM


1 Nov 2017 - 1:48:01 AM



>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

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927747  No.10401515


What are you even going to gain out of shilling for globohomo? First class ticket to recolonization of a Saturn moon?

No one gives a fuck about you except us.

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ffc9a7  No.10401516

File: 7445000c5352718⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1256x7456, 157:932, Archive_White_Slavery_Jews….png)



And speaking of human trafficking, pic related.

Remember: Israel comes last :)

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502cdc  No.10401517


and just doing the math, 107 ppl trampled 13?


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ffc9a7  No.10401518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>muh Jew

That's a term used by JIDF, Israeli shills.

If you aren't familiar with who they are and their agenda, see:

Israel spends millions per year in highly organized efforts to shill and censor the internet.

Learn more here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B5jMXZ4PvY - "Israel's Internet Censorship War If Americans Knew"

[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.

[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.

[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.

[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.

[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”

[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.

[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.

[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.

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b5058e  No.10401519

File: 12f010c56790c59⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 828x564, 69:47, Barr_BuryTraitors.jpg)


And don't forget the FBI when they fucked up and sent a subpoena to jimw that showed at (you) attached to the statements that pointed to the board being connected to the shooting in TX.

BUSTED again.

Where are the consequences FBI?

Also caught that sick twitter dude doug posting creepy jew hater stuff, then claiming the board was jew haters.


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8463e8  No.10401520

File: cea1e822bec8263⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 545x420, 109:84, tucker_nope.jpg)

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5b9e8e  No.10401521

> >>10400041lb, >>10400061 lb Hypocracy on Vid; BLM and Antifa 'mostly peaceful' blazes

"Hynocracy" -- bakir should get a Q-litzer for that headline.

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ef9088  No.10401522

File: 928d4f7a52b6b96⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CC687DAA_5FA4_4A5D_B459_8F….png)

Hurricane Prep


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ac323a  No.10401523



SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Russian government-supported organizations are playing a small but increasing role amplifying conspiracy theories promoted by QAnon, raising concerns of interference in the November U.S. election.

Academics who study QAnon said there were no signs Russia had a hand in the early days of the movement, which launched in 2017 with anonymous web postings amplified by YouTube videos.

But as QAnon gained adherents and took on new topics, with President Donald Trump as the constant hero waging a misunderstood battle, social media accounts controlled by a key Kremlin ally joined in.

In 2019 the Internet Research Agency, a Russian “troll factory” indicted by Robert Mueller in his election interference prosecution, sent a high volume of tweets tagged with #QAnon and the movement slogan #WWG1WGA, short for Where We Go One, We Go All, said Melanie Smith, head of analysis at social media analysis firm Graphika. The company dissects propaganda campaigns and plans to publish an analysis of QAnon this week.

More recently, Russian government-backed media RT.com and Sputnik have stepped up coverage of QAnon, which began with a false proclamation Hillary Clinton would be arrested for an undetermined reason and now includes theories about child trafficking by Hollywood elites, the novel coronavirus and more.

Researchers at Graphika, Stanford University and elsewhere stressed that QAnon for now remains a largely domestic phenomenon. Facebook took down two QAnon networks for coordinated artificial behavior, before its new content restrictions, and neither had Russian connections.

But tracking QAnon has become increasingly tough, Graphika’s Smith said. “It’s very difficult to understand what a QAnon account is, versus a Trump supporter’s account versus an anti-vaxxer,”

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b5058e  No.10401524

File: 269cc8dd1a80b45⋯.jpg (94.82 KB, 511x500, 511:500, Barr_NothingCanStop.jpg)


no it's not


stop with the cut and past.


do your work. you're getting paid, after all!

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c94727  No.10401525


>No one gives a fuck about you except us.

yeah cuz The Hill isn't lurking here


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ffc9a7  No.10401526

File: 739ef9c27a88d55⋯.png (284.85 KB, 524x529, 524:529, 1548289659094.png)

File: 33fb23bc729ed2f⋯.jpg (201.6 KB, 1083x1275, 361:425, 1564937024478.jpg)

File: 5a5a7fb6bdbb793⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1304x6994, 652:3497, Archive_Jews_and_Christian….png)

File: 532d56d4f534aed⋯.jpg (133.27 KB, 750x886, 375:443, Israel_TV_SHUT_IT_DOWN_Chr….jpg)

File: 560c08747a5ad4b⋯.jpg (259.62 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_brags_about_hanging….jpg)



Pics related

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5b9e8e  No.10401527



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8b7eab  No.10401528


ah, the 80's

ngl 120 minutes was must-see tv

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d925e3  No.10401529

File: 3781bc0f9beadf2⋯.png (385.93 KB, 1125x1031, 1125:1031, ClipboardImage.png)

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d17866  No.10401530

File: 4659a34ccad2247⋯.jpg (136.11 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EgCh_vrXYAElPOU.jpg)

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502cdc  No.10401531

File: c6f4e03c30d63b1⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 426x519, 142:173, pocket_revolution.JPG)

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c0a82f  No.10401532

File: a9b0f12eb031331⋯.jpg (211.13 KB, 792x816, 33:34, YouCantStopIt.jpg)







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6db3ad  No.10401533

File: ceea1622a87da1f⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 512x500, 128:125, flake_1_.jpg)

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d925e3  No.10401534


load up the Hurricane Weapon Reserves

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fee213  No.10401535


Too bad we can’t rely on an honest and objective media to present factual observations

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ffc9a7  No.10401536

File: 3604b05f233c417⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 3744x3384, 52:47, ARCHIVE_JIDF_Hasbara_Israe….jpg)

File: c279bb39bd2d458⋯.jpg (78 KB, 900x570, 30:19, Hasbara_JIDF_app.jpg)

File: 2a11f4132c0087d⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1286x2097, 1286:2097, Hasbara_JIDF_girls.png)

File: 269ad678e2c5fe0⋯.png (25.28 KB, 1219x353, 1219:353, Hasbara_orgs.PNG)


Not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Cry more.

PS: Israel comes last :)

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White Jew agenda.





>ACT.IL shill recruitment video


>jew shill operation center









>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content


>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations

>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.


>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign


>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"


>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"


>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video


>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA


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4d25e3  No.10401537

File: d5ac297dc87c4e0⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Fukken_saved_Pepe.jpg)

File: 38ce5afdfdd859e⋯.png (70.26 KB, 324x283, 324:283, pepejustjoggin1.png)

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2d1720  No.10401538


>Nothing to see here

I haven't looked at the cover in decades. In addition to the title:

Their tongues are out

They use the symbolism of the Rose (which seems to allude to children/adrenochrome)


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50af0c  No.10401540


Went to flight school there. Very stressful for many.

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d925e3  No.10401541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53a220  No.10401542

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b5058e  No.10401543

File: cffce4d8a055831⋯.jpg (216.4 KB, 896x878, 448:439, bette_midler_shilling_for_….jpg)


"Academics who study QAnon"


These fucks are getting degrees for dissing us.

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8a4602  No.10401544

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB, 718x637, 718:637, EY_dk6qVcAAVsn9.jpeg)

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9b32e9  No.10401545


It is just the flu. So, yeah, acceptable.

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ffc9a7  No.10401546

File: 9d2dbd4b47040cb⋯.png (44.55 KB, 1109x548, 1109:548, 1530837362987.png)

File: d8cc267a067b9b8⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1157x188, 1157:188, 1530837381652.png)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, 1531712294216.png)

File: 8bcafb8f7a92a38⋯.png (41.93 KB, 627x483, 209:161, 1559062007416.png)

File: ed96497bdf95699⋯.png (36 KB, 680x340, 2:1, 1564568918046.png)

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09d3fd  No.10401547


>he was just a jogger anon

with a lengthy criminal history to include gun crimes, outstanding warrant, pattern of resisting arrest and violent assault both physical and sexual.

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57a53f  No.10401548


We, accept the flu!

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d925e3  No.10401549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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502cdc  No.10401550


what happened?

the seasonal flu, compounded by sensationalism.

is he really suggesting that HRC prevents disease?

or any type of solution or alternate approach?

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641dfc  No.10401551

File: 5c02fbe14a62596⋯.png (923.99 KB, 910x532, 65:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5058e  No.10401552


no, you're "not an argument"

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8ad14e  No.10401553

File: edde5f5f68db4b1⋯.png (577.16 KB, 865x572, 865:572, Israeli_AF_GLORY_Nachshon_….PNG)

File: dad4769ca142e37⋯.png (297.85 KB, 634x283, 634:283, Israeli_AF_G5_Nachshon_Eit….PNG)

Israeli AF GLORY G550AEW Nachson Shavit out of Koln/Bonn Airport on joint-exercise duty

German AF GAF884 Airbus A319 departed Erfurt-Weimar Airport west to Koln/Bonn Airport

from Aug 17

Israeli Air Force Jets Touch Down In Germany For Historic Air Combat Exercise


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5a2634  No.10401554

File: cc47ed60d083929⋯.jpg (282.32 KB, 937x528, 937:528, download_2020_08_24T100717….jpg)


And a Mars mission!

This pleases me, greatly.

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b94ff4  No.10401555

File: 0043c30b06f82cd⋯.png (497.91 KB, 600x604, 150:151, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Outrage as Chinese university student is caught on camera brutally beating his friend's pet dog


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8463e8  No.10401556

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


>with a lengthy criminal history to include gun crimes, outstanding warrant, pattern of resisting arrest and violent assault both physical and sexual.

Nah, that's just the systemic racism coming through from our current criminal justice system.


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1cf850  No.10401557

stolenhistory.org/ was taken down, site owner disappeared from the internet


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8b7eab  No.10401558


kek even in remastered form the acting by the "people on the street" in the beginning is still bad.

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c0a82f  No.10401560

File: 0b68f06d57171cd⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB, 746x414, 373:207, DNC_Isochronic.mp4)

File: d7a816f07965815⋯.png (192.61 KB, 677x729, 677:729, DNCSatanic3.png)

The Satanic DNC utilized 'isochronic sounds' to mindfuck their viewers into psychological compliance.

Listen to this video and turn up the sound.

That sound is meant to trick your brain into subconscious acceptance.

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57a53f  No.10401561


The Chink was hungry!

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ffc9a7  No.10401562

File: 4f73772736af066⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1200x3348, 100:279, Archive_Antifa_Israel_1.png)

File: f05ee6e15602444⋯.png (3.79 MB, 944x5760, 59:360, Archive_Antifa_Israel_2.png)

File: b3264aad530f497⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1504x5942, 752:2971, Archive_Antifa_Israel_3.png)

File: 76d2cb2c9a98db2⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1248x5168, 78:323, Archive_Antifa_Israel_4.png)


Still not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Try harder :)

>race wars

Jewish collective power is the force trying to start that shit, not me, low IQ Israeli shill. See here: >>10401387

Proof that Antifa is connected to Israel - Antifa is not anti-fascist, they are a paramilitary arm of the DNC and Israel and they simply justify their violence and political suppression of people who disagree with them by calling them fascists and nazis:





For those that can't access archive.vn because your ISP is gay/Jewish, see here:










The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews

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b5058e  No.10401563

File: e62272c1a80cff4⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 618x412, 3:2, bette_midler_malicious_con….jpg)


muh jews are so jealous.

because they don't pray.

and because they are atheist

and because they hate jews.


jew haters burning up

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e4e994  No.10401564

Video memes for y’all.

Insurgency Series:

Now Playing - https://streamable.com/rdciva

Just Getting Started - https://streamable.com/lsrm4k

Requiem of Justice - https://streamable.com/trfoa0

Silent No More - https://streamable.com/0ehm9d

Terror In The Streets - https://streamable.com/2ndy0b

We Are Democrats Series:

Safer Schools - https://streamable.com/9s3p4h

What We Do - https://streamable.com/ocamev

Don’t You Dare - https://streamable.com/14lqgt

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b94ff4  No.10401565

File: 38c687508f0e5a5⋯.png (450.71 KB, 597x639, 199:213, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

#DYK Attorney General William Barr recently directed the formation of a task force to combat violent anti-government extremism? @TheJusticeDept

will work in close collaboration with the #FBI to investigate and prosecute extremists of all persuasions.


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7bf080  No.10401566

File: b36812dca794b9d⋯.png (195.68 KB, 410x364, 205:182, tapper_clown.png)



Sold his soul to the new world order Council on Foreign Relations scumbags

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f4cfaa  No.10401567

File: 607e38ecb8bff5f⋯.jpg (101.78 KB, 888x499, 888:499, work.jpg)

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33a8fa  No.10401568


Trips confirm soulless, godless chynese nigger is scared of Pomeranians.

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5643ff  No.10401569

File: 4510f36fb4fea21⋯.jpg (363.92 KB, 933x1536, 311:512, OrderOfLenin.jpg)

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cf5bb3  No.10401570



you don't tenderize your steak before you eat it?

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ffc9a7  No.10401571

File: 44d44f73a56bfab⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 512x280, 64:35, nibba_politiks.gif)

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578745  No.10401572


one letter so different.

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d4e7d1  No.10401573

File: 93f221ae366a1ff⋯.jpeg (9.97 KB, 300x168, 25:14, tomtuttle.jpeg)



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5cf09e  No.10401574

>>10400980 (pb-notes)



This is a Must Read

Will give you a better understanding of China's overwhelming complicity in CV lockdowns worldwide




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8463e8  No.10401575

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB, 500x333, 500:333, pepe_china.png)


Chy-Nah owns him and his buddies.

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c0a82f  No.10401576

File: 5bca15dfff7a5f8⋯.jpeg (124.5 KB, 1023x1005, 341:335, GotYourBack.jpeg)




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deac91  No.10401577

File: 7b3aa8bf1cdb405⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1242x1282, 621:641, ClipboardImage.png)



even if this is/were technically true, take ANY group with "50 million adherents" (whatever the number is) and you'll find people who've done everything ever known to man!

Let's broad brush every group with adherents and see what we come up with.

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64a1b9  No.10401578


This is a Javascript program designed to extract video links from web pages. Over 50 different sites are currently supported. More are being added all the time and updates will be posted here.

It is a very useful tool for archivers and researchers. You can use it to play videos or to simply grab the links for your own purpose.

Also includes Internet Radio and Internet TV (over 250 channels).



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d59087  No.10401579


I used to hang out at the Brass Monkey…fuck, Racine is a shithole

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5a678a  No.10401580

File: d512a97eecd6f35⋯.png (290.73 KB, 568x378, 284:189, its_its_its.png)


never heard THAT ONE before

gotcha some sauce for it?

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5b9e8e  No.10401581


<3 anon (no homo)

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b344eb  No.10401582


This day is coming A LOT sooner than the DS, or even anons, realize.

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15a0b9  No.10401583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HRC: heel the blacks

BHO: heel to police

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d925e3  No.10401584


yup..many like that..i dont know if they are 'aware' it kinda ruins the nostalgia of it…uncanny valley stuff…imo..what do i know about visual experiences

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a8cbe3  No.10401585

File: f342c55692131e5⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b10ef2ac32e5912ec7b3aa4229….jpg)

Qanon/Sex trafficking protests in Albany, NY.


Look at the comments why are redditors such smooth brains. Im sure reddit is helping by banning comments and other fuckery too.

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ffc9a7  No.10401586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

And who would be jealous of a people so stupid and ungrateful that they get expelled from every place that takes them in for behaving like psychopaths, and then repeat it all again despite living in the information era?


Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats.



Part 1:


Part 2:


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578745  No.10401587

File: fa6206146ebaac0⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

you can applaud. it is alright to be excited.

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502cdc  No.10401588



>"Adherents of Q Anon have been responsible for kidnapping, for murder, for attempted assassinations………"

wait until he finds out

what McDonalds patrons have been up to

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1f1eae  No.10401589



Question mark? Q

WTF is up with that?

Still Swamp Creatures in the Eff Bee Eye. Too many to clean. 1000 pieces like the C_A!!

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ffc9a7  No.10401590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him.


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c94727  No.10401591

File: afdebfa9d2da3c3⋯.png (137.82 KB, 308x185, 308:185, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah man…it's happening

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33a8fa  No.10401592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I couldn't help myself…

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5b9e8e  No.10401593


anon <3 America

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0cd804  No.10401594

File: a3ec38c05402f41⋯.jpg (97.98 KB, 806x500, 403:250, 338l0e.jpg)

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927747  No.10401595


Writing a scene where children also have an orgy in an underground sewer to defeat an inter-dimensional demon that poses as a clown is also an acceptable loss.

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ff7f37  No.10401596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The way to get rid of an ear worm is to pass it on. Kek. Can’t shake this one for some reason today.

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53a220  No.10401597


filet o fish baby

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ffc9a7  No.10401598

File: 180d38b236e12e0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1328x2656, 1:2, 1_Archive_Israel_anti_Blac….png)

File: 2e64bfae9bd5571⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1360x4176, 85:261, 2_Israel_loxism_big.png)

File: 6b2cab91e2f1baf⋯.png (1001.72 KB, 1602x1308, 267:218, 1574918634137.png)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png)

File: 6ea1c2010a41112⋯.jpg (192.73 KB, 878x788, 439:394, ARCHIVE_Jew_says_gentilles….jpg)



Speaking of hate, pics related.

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578745  No.10401599


He shuld write a book.

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5643ff  No.10401600


Massive Confucius.

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ef9088  No.10401601


same. i wont complain if we only get one.

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53a220  No.10401602


ahh, just like the good old days

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ffc9a7  No.10401603

File: 41d897498579a98⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 1109x822, 1109:822, 1_Joe_Kennedy.jpg)

File: c952c469359af1f⋯.jpg (126.45 KB, 833x400, 833:400, 2_US_Grant_on_the_JQ.jpg)

File: ccfc16a21b3370d⋯.png (20.35 KB, 1207x227, 1207:227, Archive_Hostily_Jews_Justi….PNG)

File: c370cacc0ba3bdc⋯.png (68.81 KB, 996x726, 166:121, Archive_Hostily_Jews_Justi….PNG)

File: 912dc4e5de0d33f⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 1226x9999, 1226:9999, Archive_Hostily_towards_Je….jpg)




Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not about hating Jews, although the Israeli shills who hate the truth (because they work for a criminal state) try to paint it that way as a smear job to deflect from the message.

Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal tool box.

That's a verifiable fact.

And people are waking up to the fact.

Every one ends up hating the way Jews as a group prey on non-Jews, and how they then play the victim. They don't hate the Jews per-se, they hate how destructive and subversive Jews are as a group, and the damage they do to their Countries and people.

JFK's father knew it.

The 18th POTUS knew it.

Everyone who came into contact with Jews for the past 4000 years knew it.

Pics related.

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84e84c  No.10401604

File: d73d3ab5b919ba8⋯.jpeg (81.71 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, 1597683120.jpeg)

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8463e8  No.10401605

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)


Protests put on by Antifa / Soros posing as anons.

These will increase in number over the coming weeks, and eventually turn violent so the MSM and the Dems can demand that the site be shutdown and anons rounded up and arrested.

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7bf080  No.10401606

File: dd11cba7af05261⋯.png (270.13 KB, 458x346, 229:173, 2020_08_24_10_13_57.png)


>Outrage as Chinese university student is caught on camera brutally beating his friend's pet dog

Fukkers aren't civilized yet and eat anything

Probably tenderizing the poor pooch?

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d6db63  No.10401607


>I was not aware of Proud Boyz advocating violence against public officials

Maybe they don’t, but from my perspective far left and far right extremist groups who always seem to find themselves involved in violence are just two sides of the same coin. As Barr stated these groups are part of a witches brew of groups, who sometimes even dress up and pose as each other’s opposite. The end goal is to start a fire of chaos, hatred, and anarchy that will spread until the existing government is overturned. It doesn’t matter if the gas is thrown from the left or the right, but if it’s thrown from each simultaneously then fire starts and spreads more rapidly. Opposing groups may have different ideas about what a new government will look like after the fire, but destruction by fire (metaphor) is the common goal of these extremists groups.

If you disagree that proud boyz is a far right extremist group then switch it out for boogaloo or remove it all together. I don’t give a shit. The piece was written to educate the public about Qanon, not to instigate division.

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502cdc  No.10401608


can we get him to bike through ISIS territory?

backpack in Morocco?

Darwin in action.

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ffc9a7  No.10401609

File: b2169d31a01a97f⋯.png (292.62 KB, 463x308, 463:308, Nixon_tapes.PNG)

File: 095bb21d7714bc7⋯.png (282.06 KB, 463x321, 463:321, Nixon_tapes_2.PNG)

File: 6ae12a6f8404ab7⋯.jpg (76.43 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Bobby_Fischer_Jews_communi….jpg)

File: eeae6ba3290948a⋯.jpg (517.82 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, Bobby_Fisher_On_Jews_Big.jpg)

File: 93e0cdda643bd80⋯.mp4 (7.89 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Quotes_on_Jews.mp4)


Nixon and Bobby Fischer knew it too.

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57a53f  No.10401610

Mike Pence is in!

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8463e8  No.10401611

File: 42b1ae0d6f32fff⋯.png (408.45 KB, 632x420, 158:105, pepe_hivemind2.png)


That's the first thing that came to mind for me as well.

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b344eb  No.10401612


You watch too much television, and have bought into the narrative that all black people hate white people, and vice-versa.


You are not one of us, anon.

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d17866  No.10401613

File: 07a2f52c709459b⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 490x498, 245:249, EgMRGwSXYAIe8c_.jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401614

File: 271399073a169b6⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 1018x4799, 1018:4799, Patton_Jews.jpg)

File: e421176048d8929⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 956x670, 478:335, Patton_Jews_Sons_Of_Bitche….jpg)

File: c2a5253ad5a5266⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1497x721, 1497:721, Patton_Knew_jews_Were_The_….png)

File: 527c8ec7b0657b9⋯.jpg (285.5 KB, 1392x1781, 1392:1781, Patton_Regret_Letter.jpg)

File: 115884848ae50f8⋯.jpg (238.54 KB, 960x735, 64:49, Patton_Trump_Tweet.jpg)


Patton knew it too.

Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.

Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:



General George S. Patton was murdered:



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fedefe  No.10401615

File: e1571a09796571c⋯.png (600.48 KB, 1438x943, 1438:943, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10400453 last bread

NOAA43 N43RF P-3 Hurricane Hunter "Miss Piggy" headed back to home base after flying through the eye of TS Laura.

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927747  No.10401616



In prison

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5643ff  No.10401617

File: f94152a6c11845a⋯.jpg (317.04 KB, 1438x1274, 719:637, BidenSmell.JPG)

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c94727  No.10401618



>You are not one of us, anon.


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721d34  No.10401619


Miss Piggy loves the FROG

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33a8fa  No.10401620

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 331x741, 331:741, ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)


With some dubs too!

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5ba3d4  No.10401621

File: b93303228c5c6b7⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 217x255, 217:255, pepeunite.jpg)

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bb5b85  No.10401622

Topic: Economy and Workers

Comments: Hey, Stevie (Bullock), how's your chinese bedfellows? Do those dogs have fleas? You bet!

So, about this EB-5 visa program, how much did you make off selling us all out? More than the 14 million you shoveled to your brother's engineering firm? Certainly not as much as Diane Feinstein over all these years.

You're a traitor, Steve. A traitor. And God is watching as you flounder with the party that hates America, the party going up in smoke right before our very eyes. I hope you choke on it.

Would you like to hear from us? No

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b344eb  No.10401623


>Miss Piggy

They sent Rosie ODonnell to scout out the storm?

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ffc9a7  No.10401624

File: 9fa831e9b367a7c⋯.png (459.93 KB, 864x654, 144:109, 2_Archive_Blacks_ADL.png)

File: a701bc926403dd6⋯.png (87.87 KB, 576x377, 576:377, 4_Archive_Jew_only_prison_….png)

File: 8ad8bc1e582a3a4⋯.png (105.22 KB, 1330x521, 1330:521, 5_Archive_Jew_child_tortur….png)

File: afc431d63087068⋯.png (499.16 KB, 719x728, 719:728, Holocaust_realist_school_p….png)

File: 83cb90f2535cca2⋯.png (47.67 KB, 669x318, 223:106, More_Jew_prive.PNG)



Try harder, low IQ Israeli shill.

Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ

Everything you need is here:




THE JEW FEARS THE REDPILLED BLACKS: they deleted the previous pastebin, see here:


Good thing we have this archive:


Also, 4chan mods have deleted the thread and banned OP, see here:


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9d9a80  No.10401625

File: cb1e5e13fc5230b⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2192x1990, 1096:995, AB1C79B2_E7CB_47C5_86AC_4….jpeg)

File: 48199912f8be5ed⋯.jpeg (48.08 KB, 370x370, 1:1, 655F6694_799E_49D4_9A73_4….jpeg)

File: e46f8991fb87440⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, BEC73D60_84D5_405B_8AB5_16….png)

Anons if you have to send in Absentee ballots send them in priority mail with Certified mail tag so they can’t identify democrat or republican barcodes .

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5a678a  No.10401626

File: 813508123d8f404⋯.png (423.19 KB, 666x423, 74:47, hanks_and_2.png)

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75200e  No.10401627

File: 49cca951ff8326e⋯.png (287.06 KB, 1791x1196, 1791:1196, A55DDFE5_06A9_44F5_BD8D_D4….png)

File: 42a9e40540a5259⋯.jpeg (610.18 KB, 1536x1854, 256:309, 149CFC6F_2118_461B_A338_0….jpeg)


Combine it with Whittaker’s Twatter yesterday morning of the sunrise and Jeremiah 29:11 we get Q’s OWL stringer.

looks like a habbenin


OWLS Stringer



13 Jan 2018 - 7:33:44 PM



















Jeremiah 29:11


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ffc9a7  No.10401628

File: 5e161ec1f8b5df4⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1168x1010, 584:505, 1_Archive_CoC.png)

File: 9681e09106384b5⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 828x731, 828:731, 2_Kanye_West_anti_Semitic.jpg)

File: 8076f90e021fecd⋯.jpg (488.43 KB, 1084x1500, 271:375, 3_Marcus_Gavey.jpg)

File: a253241b22eac2b⋯.png (71.27 KB, 773x324, 773:324, Garvey.PNG)

File: 7668f023e565362⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1240x2520, 31:63, NAACP_Jewish_interest_grou….png)


The Black vote is not just about the Black vote, it's also about the White leftist vote that is too brainwashed into haring Whites for them to be able to get redpilled by Whites.

If you redpill Blacks, they will redpill the self-hating brainwashed lefty Whites.

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ffc9a7  No.10401629

File: 7d8d7a852dc0a56⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1349x7262, 1349:7262, Screenshot_2020_05_31_How_….png)

File: de8387969381d84⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1349x4939, 1349:4939, Screenshot_2020_06_01_Jewi….png)

File: 71fd684b500f03f⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1349x9999, 1349:9999, Screenshot_2020_07_18_Hold….png)




How Communist Jews Weaponized Blacks



Jewish Billionaires Sponsor Black Oppression, says Indian-American Lawyer



Hold On, DeSean: Jews Sold Black Slaves in Philadelphia!



Black Frankenstein Turns on its Jewish Creators



The Black/Jewish civil war means the end of Liberalism. The Left simply cannot condemn Blacks as anti-Semitic because it would cut the heart out of their program of identity politics. Similarly, Democratic politicians are completely incapable of stopping the random violence which has become a routine part of American life. This is why they support gun control. This is also why they support hate speech laws. It calms their most vocal critics, while at the same time doing nothing to solve the problem, which is again, Jewish behavior of the sort which Blacks complain about when their rent gets quadrupled by Jewish landlords.


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64a1b9  No.10401630

File: 4f9d86789a06336⋯.png (13.93 KB, 615x355, 123:71, mayb_Q_meant.png)


i can only imagine, must be nice up there, enjoy!

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b344eb  No.10401631


And yet, here you are. Posting (18) times in a single bread.

You're masters must be PANICKING.

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c0a82f  No.10401632

File: 81866837f53967f⋯.png (192.62 KB, 677x729, 677:729, DNCSatanic4.png)

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, REEEEEE.jpeg)



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8a4602  No.10401633

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 13a2d34e45327e1e4aa6e4ecc2….jpg)

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016e4c  No.10401634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert Barnes Predicts Clinesmith Indictment Signifies Durham Prosecution is Over

Slams Durham, claims he was a coverup man for Mueller and Whitey Bulger.

Regardless of what you believe, this is what normies are being told.

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e49436  No.10401635

File: 391e64cbc692c2e⋯.png (403.39 KB, 800x449, 800:449, i_spy_5cc13d.png)

File: 4e28c0faf47efc1⋯.jpg (257.05 KB, 640x400, 8:5, meanwhile_at_the_9948b8141….jpg)

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b5058e  No.10401636


"Rose" is supposedly "sub-rosa"

under the sign of the Rose

which means "silencio" "Omerta"

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ffc9a7  No.10401637

File: 1311d5a504990d0⋯.png (61.63 KB, 1006x606, 503:303, 1595123139780.png)

File: bad08e8a41a322e⋯.jpg (223.19 KB, 1024x840, 128:105, Jews_slave_trade_2.jpg)

File: 5b5cc0493d267de⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, Jews_Slavery_Curacao_Oldes….jpg)

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin_J….jpg)

File: 7776a98753f4d18⋯.jpg (248.27 KB, 1399x1049, 1399:1049, Slavery_in_History_book_je….jpg)


The role of Jews in the holocaust of slavery.

NOTE: when talking about the Jewish role in slavery, make sure you use the term " the holocaust of slavery", it hi-jacks the holocaust trigger word from Jewish collective power (that they so love to use as a weapon against the whole world) and turns it against them. Turn their strength into weakness.

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03677f  No.10401638


"Making black people find/purchase/receive a Voter ID is RAYCISSSSS!!!"

Also, MSM:

"Making black people find/purchase/receive a COVID mask is REQUIRED!!!"

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ffc9a7  No.10401639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video about Jews and slavery, by Dr. Tony Martin, which was viciously smeared and attacked by Jewish collective power for talking about facts he found out on Jewish literature.


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5643ff  No.10401640

File: 8750fcfbb1bc922⋯.png (605.61 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Run.PNG)

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4d25e3  No.10401641

File: 6f2628fddd325ca⋯.png (68.05 KB, 270x250, 27:25, pepejustjoggin3.png)

File: c2e71fd15f07dc6⋯.png (39.86 KB, 221x227, 221:227, Screenshot_from_2020_08_24….png)

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ede684  No.10401642

The movie "The Passion of the Christ" was absolute garbage. It wasn't biblical, it was a twisted interpretation of the word of God. Mel Gibson portrayed babies and children as being filled with the spirit of Satan. There are many other inconsistencies but this one really hits deeply considering what Christ taught about children. I was horrified when this trash was shown in churches. People were too stupid to know it was garbage because nobody reads the bible. This movie made a LOT of money for Hollywood. Where did that money go?

==call to dig= A P Reilly foundation and Mel Gibson's church, Holy Family, located at 30188 Mulholland Highway, Agoura Hills, CA






Rev 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

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b5058e  No.10401643


in the Roman Empire it served as an Inquisitor

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ef9088  No.10401644


I like it! Good work anon.

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627b63  No.10401645

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ffc9a7  No.10401646

File: 9f37cc1b6da3157⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1908x992, 477:248, 1595123281998.png)

File: 8b84b0c3bda4839⋯.png (552.57 KB, 1042x592, 521:296, 1596425798692.png)

File: c9c6ee310a7bbf2⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Black_Man_Exposes_Jewish_M….mp4)

File: fb6ff6813f6a801⋯.png (24.76 KB, 1011x312, 337:104, Rome_Jews_most_of_them_sla….png)

File: 24d1ce2e5054458⋯.png (42.61 KB, 750x351, 250:117, Slavery_links.PNG)


More on Jews and slavery.

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c94727  No.10401647


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502cdc  No.10401648


how many were wearing masks

in the Kenosha vid?

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c14ac1  No.10401649

File: a3f4318b4ea8e1d⋯.jpg (341.87 KB, 732x520, 183:130, Cobra.jpg)

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b7f3fd  No.10401650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TheY fear the fearless most, have no defense. Fear is all theY had.

Not anymore.

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57a53f  No.10401651

Once again the cabal channels



Very low audio!

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8ad14e  No.10401652

File: 3c5dfc346d96ee1⋯.png (262.01 KB, 895x535, 179:107, Belgian_AF_BAF85_Falcon_7X….PNG)

File: 4b89fd8124093f9⋯.png (300.66 KB, 602x303, 602:303, Belgian_AF_Falcon_7x_OO_LU….PNG)

File: 41085ba22f5d292⋯.png (411.12 KB, 733x302, 733:302, Danish_AF_Challenger_C_168.PNG)

Belgian AF BAF85 Dassault Falcon 7X nw from Amman, Jordan

Danish AF DAF8289 Bombardier Challenger 604 se from Rhodes, Greece after a ground stop-departed Aalborg Denmark earlier

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b5058e  No.10401654


didn't see it but the stills I saw were super sado-maschochistic.

Had to be done by luciferians?

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d05814  No.10401655

File: e7bb470c07bf33d⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, e7bb470c07bf33d2270f6cdf69….jpg)


11ish is on

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8463e8  No.10401656

File: 751ae6bb0ac1dbc⋯.jpeg (59.58 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Uranus.jpeg)

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fee213  No.10401657


Mel Gibson also had a breakdown after this movie. It’s on his wiki.

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d17866  No.10401658

File: f7cc2ac4ba65476⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 1057x648, 1057:648, EgH5ylVVAAAcz1X.jpg)

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ffc9a7  No.10401659

File: c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, Israel_Helps_ISIS_With_Cas….png)

File: 4901f5010e85a52⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB, 640x352, 20:11, y2mate_com_trump_talking_a….mp4)

File: 1c28dd74dc3180b⋯.jpg (202.6 KB, 719x654, 719:654, z_Clinton_ISIS_Israel_1_b.jpg)

File: b6c4a11481d234e⋯.jpg (248.7 KB, 736x537, 736:537, z_Clinton_ISIS_Israel_2_b.jpg)

File: 1d7a6d90432ad15⋯.png (83.31 KB, 1036x710, 518:355, z_IDF_armed_ISIS_archive_o….PNG)


Speaking of ISIS:

Israel has created ISIS for their own benefit, with the help of the zionist Obama administration.

Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria


Ex-defense minister says IS ‘apologized’ to Israel for November clash


Top 10 Indications or Proofs ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation


ISIS fighters APOLOGISED after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, former defence minister reveals


Israel ‘giving secret aid to Syrian rebels’, report says


Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria


Related vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7sQgQcvMYg

“Trump talking about "so-called allies"”

[00:00] - Trump: “I will give you an example, some of our so called allies, that we work with and protect and we protect them militarily, they are sending massive amounts of money to ISIS and to Al Qaeda.”

[00:13] – Joe: “So who are you talking about there?”

[00:16] – T: “You know who it is, why do I have to bring it up for you, you know who it is.”

[00:19] – J: “Because you’re running for President. Are you talking about the Saudis?”

[00:21] – T: “Joe, other countries, are giving massive amounts of money, people from other countries are giving massive amounts of money.”

[00:28] – J: “Are you saying the Saudis are doing this?”

[00:29] – T: “Off course they are doing it, everybody knows that.”

[00:33] – J: “Ok, any other countries?”

[00:36] – T: “There are but I am not going to say it, because I have a lot of relationships with people, but there are. And you know that, and everybody knows that and nobody says it, nobody talks about it.”

[00:45] – J: “But you’re not even saying the countries that are doing it right now, why aren’t you willing to name those, you say you have a lot of relationships there.”

[00:51] – T: “Joe, all you have to do is check your records, and our government knows the countries, and one of them happens to be Saudi Arabia, and our govenment knows that, and why aren’t we doing anything about it? Why aren’t we being firm as to why we’re allowing that to happen.”

[01:05] – J: “So why don’t you think we are?”

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33a8fa  No.10401660

File: 6ffcab7668175cc⋯.jpg (93.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_5_.jpg)


Rosie? You sure?

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c14ac1  No.10401661

File: d81522d25c239b8⋯.gif (138.8 KB, 564x559, 564:559, WH_Marine_One.gif)

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c94727  No.10401662




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8ad14e  No.10401663

File: 27e28866ed2a257⋯.png (187.05 KB, 727x582, 727:582, pepe_helo.png)

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b5058e  No.10401665


That's been happening

facebook does it

FB also blocks posts. Directly blocks a post.

getting perfect sound here.



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9fc645  No.10401666

File: 350549ece9d9c61⋯.jpg (205.25 KB, 564x423, 4:3, feet1000.jpg)

What sort of fuckery is this, Anons

people waking up ALIVE in Funeral Homes after being declared DEAD?

Woman found alive at Detroit funeral home after being declared dead

Southfield Fire released a statement, “At 7:34 a.m. on August 23, 2020, Southfield Fire Department paramedics arrived at a home in Southfield on a call for an unresponsive female. When paramedics arrived, they found a 20 year-old who was not breathing. The paramedics performed CPR and other life reviving methods for 30 minutes. Given medical readings and the condition of the patient, it was determined at that time that she did not have signs of life.”

Sources with knowledge of this investigation tell Local 4, Southfield Police allegedly saw her move and breathe and called the fire crews back, but fire crews claim those were the side effects of the medication given to her.

Several sources said the female was picked up and transported to James H. Cole Funeral Home in Detroit on Schaefer Highway between 11:30 a.m. and noon on Sunday. That’s when employees at the funeral home claim that she was still breathing.

They called EMS and emergency crewsfound her very much aliveand drove her to the hospital.


AND - this habbened in April 2020:

A woman appeared to rise from the dead at a Paraguay funeral home earlier this month, hours after having been declared deceased by doctors, local media reports.

Gladys Rodríguez de Duarte was admitted to San Fernando Clinic in Coronel Oviedo on the morning of April 11 ( 2020)


I searched 3 times and about 4 stories came up, these 2 are most recent, though

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9b32e9  No.10401667

More censorship. There was a copy of Shadow Gate on Vimeo and now it is gone.

Tore's entire Periscope channel got killed too. These links are no longer good:



Over the target? Or maybe they just fucking with us?

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ffc9a7  No.10401668

File: 30b977bd9d0c790⋯.mp4 (259.44 KB, 360x640, 9:16, Black_man_Talmud.mp4)

File: b0d8fd79ccc0ac0⋯.png (337.46 KB, 621x693, 69:77, Black_man_Talmud_tweet.PNG)

File: ad173dcb85286fa⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 492x270, 82:45, They_re_all_waking_up_now_.mp4)

File: 4487e356d8c598d⋯.jpg (722.38 KB, 1920x4377, 640:1459, 1595851611221.jpg)

File: a62efb1edf74956⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1920x5729, 1920:5729, 1595851611221_2.jpg)


Still not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Remember: Israel comes last, prepare :)

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eb621e  No.10401669

File: 1147d93e96ad684⋯.png (554.01 KB, 956x718, 478:359, still_winning_bigly.png)

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d17866  No.10401670

File: 855723a11ba7d80⋯.jpg (161.61 KB, 997x517, 997:517, potus_law_xd.jpg)


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5643ff  No.10401671


About damn time they scrapped the pentagrams.

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cf5bb3  No.10401672


dat luuk'n pertty guud. just had some coffee cake to fill the void. c u at the toppo. it will be 11ish. notice anything?

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c14ac1  No.10401673

File: df954933af8c5bc⋯.gif (272.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Don_Pun.gif)

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d01a91  No.10401674


If you think its ok for others to paint us with that same brush, then I guess, to you, its ok to say it. I however think accuracy is way more important, so I will not be using your inaccurate propaganda as any type of example of who we are.

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5cf09e  No.10401675



Load these up, run in background muted

Keep those ratios high!

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8463e8  No.10401676

File: b83fedf128371cf⋯.jpeg (21.89 KB, 585x336, 195:112, pepe_exorcist.jpeg)


Increasing the covid death count by any means possible…

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d925e3  No.10401677

File: ea2bddb37787b2e⋯.png (647.07 KB, 1158x889, 1158:889, DayBrightened.png)

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8ad14e  No.10401678

File: 059d19c1a94bdf1⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1421x801, 1421:801, BAGA_Bake_America_Great_Ag….PNG)


morning B

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c0a82f  No.10401679

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB, 200x232, 25:29, Philip.gif)



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c94727  No.10401680




(201) 438-7675

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778b8c  No.10401681

Has anyone seen the porn of AOC giving head floating around?

Is that really her?

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b5058e  No.10401682

File: ff41055eadf1048⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jokerworld.mp4)


proved by shill

Cant wait til the Muh Jews money runs out.

They never can explain why they are here.

But we know why….

It's violence, like the insurgents.

funded by the same sources.

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b344eb  No.10401683


Please keep doing this.

You're only making it clear to the normies lurking that we must be on to something. Otherwise you wouldn't be doing this.

Streisand Effect like you read about.

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d17866  No.10401684

File: 0bdd8935cee5960⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, EgMG7fgVAAEAYlO.jpg)

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f6371b  No.10401685

File: c39f30277f4380b⋯.png (838.71 KB, 1198x2048, 599:1024, Screenshot_20200824_072224.png)

Zoom outage worldwide




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ffc9a7  No.10401686

File: e8c42e3f278d7ea⋯.png (441.46 KB, 1312x1147, 1312:1147, Black_cube_Harvey_Weinstei….png)

File: 07c113863911cde⋯.jpg (220.44 KB, 1241x717, 1241:717, Harvey_Mossad.jpg)

File: aad1ad22b33d4f7⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 1784x5632, 223:704, Hollywood_pedos.jpg)

File: d70fd1c82e4cd75⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 580x811, 580:811, Jews_HollyWood_3.jpg)

File: e65b714f6d4d9f9⋯.jpg (102.82 KB, 591x502, 591:502, Peres_Hollywood_Jews_Child….jpg)


Still not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

I am sure your low IQ shilling is making people not hate Israel even more right now.

Keep it up :)

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ede684  No.10401687

>>10401642 His father Hutton Gibson is a real piece of work. He received umbilical blood, stem cell treatment.



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eb621e  No.10401688

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)


yup im lurkin' the Fox Business YT…

yall are in there lightin' em up with wwg1wga spam topkek!

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4d25e3  No.10401689

File: 5be9cf4fc1f355f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1500x1018, 750:509, qnn_fakenewstheQtapper.png)

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c94727  No.10401690


>You're only making it clear to the normies lurking


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ffc9a7  No.10401691

File: 356f0d46da813a9⋯.png (332.15 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, 3_Jews_Hate_Truth.png)


>muh Jew

That's a term used by JIDF, Israeli shills.

If you aren't familiar with who they are and their agenda, see:

Israel spends millions per year in highly organized efforts to shill and censor the internet.

Learn more here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B5jMXZ4PvY - "Israel's Internet Censorship War If Americans Knew"

[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.

[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.

[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.

[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.

[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”

[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.

[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.

[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.

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bd10c3  No.10401692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don’t know who needs this- How to break free from demonic forces.

you can skip through the beginning a little until the other guy comes on.

It’s not that long- there is a break in the middle.

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8463e8  No.10401693

File: aee1dff1e4e492f⋯.png (407.95 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepe_wtf.png)



>(201) 438-7675

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5643ff  No.10401694

File: ad2902291013872⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 912x898, 456:449, SchiffClown.JPG)

File: 918105c323de904⋯.jpg (63.23 KB, 640x428, 160:107, SchiffHaiti.JPG)

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ac323a  No.10401695

File: ab08062eb7d5bf3⋯.png (980.96 KB, 891x502, 891:502, PANIC.PNG)



As the Republican National Convention gets underway this week, we look at how the party has openly embraced the far-right conspiracy theory known as QAnon, which claims, among other things, that President Trump is secretly at war with a deep state cabal of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex trafficking operation. Trump has retweeted messages from supporters of the conspiracy theory and recently spoke publicly about it for the first time, describing QAnon believers as “people that love our country.” “At this point, it’s reached full spread, that we really can’t ignore it anymore,” says Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters, who notes 20 “full QAnon adherents” are on the ballot in November.

Expert explains in video

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25f9b4  No.10401696


One of the best memes I've seen!

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ffc9a7  No.10401697

File: 66b191d1a1795ec⋯.jpg (132.19 KB, 1053x901, 1053:901, 66b191d1a1795ec3a452fd59ec….jpg)

File: 1f8d34bacbf0c97⋯.png (561.04 KB, 924x637, 132:91, Hollywood_Israeli_spy.PNG)

File: c105ffdf98d17d3⋯.png (39.27 KB, 675x379, 675:379, Hollywood_Israelis.PNG)

File: e684bcf0b861edb⋯.jpg (436.2 KB, 698x1249, 698:1249, Jews_HollyWood_4.jpg)

File: 7fa9643ada9cb18⋯.jpg (411.24 KB, 816x1123, 816:1123, Jews_HollyWood_5.jpg)

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94310d  No.10401698

ouch, Kellyanne Conway raised a shark

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ffc9a7  No.10401699

File: 034aa0e5ae28ea4⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Marlon_Brando_on_Jews_and_….mp4)

File: 9397b1167a6b051⋯.png (589.07 KB, 1319x719, 1319:719, Screenshot_2020_08_17_pol_….png)

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927747  No.10401700



This is what DS actually believes. Cheers for the optics. Was going to be real hard to get the normies with us previous to it all.

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c2f5e1  No.10401701

File: ad1206bab14d4c7⋯.png (416.25 KB, 486x354, 81:59, durham.png)


Why not Comey, Brennan, Meuller?


R. Barnes rationale (yt on viva frei), summarized:

- No evidence of raids or summons or subpoenas or search warrants, so probably none

- No delayed prosecution for cline (while he cooperates in other cases)

- false email is smoking gun…if they wanted other ppl, they'd have used him…not accepted plea

- Fitton still getting nothing from Barr, if barr was serious, he'd be helping

- sept/oct indictment unlikely during an election year (?)

- if they were going after others, there would likely be:

– a broader charge, more serious

– a statement of being 'pressured' in the plea

– an agreement of required cooperation

– plea is not even to a crime…plea says he thought "email was correct"

- clinesmith will get a slap on the wrist compared to the accused crime

Accepting this plea basically guts every potential case against anyone else.

He also claims: CIA illegally tortured in Guantanamo and destroyed evidence. Durham was brought in and let everyone walk. No prosecutions.

in addition: "political silo" argument by sundance on theconservativetreehouse.com:


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c0a82f  No.10401703

File: 2e5eb858717835f⋯.jpg (5.69 KB, 293x172, 293:172, slide.jpg)



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b344eb  No.10401704


Your masters underestimate them.

That is why you are doomed.

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64a1b9  No.10401705

File: fb6d0524cc6d884⋯.png (720.06 KB, 718x637, 718:637, Coffee_Eagle.png)

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9b32e9  No.10401706



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fedefe  No.10401707

File: 9eb1e60f484a394⋯.gif (2.3 MB, 480x364, 120:91, closingdoor.gif)




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84e84c  No.10401708

File: b727bb710ca6f7a⋯.jpeg (143.53 KB, 1080x864, 5:4, 1588004572.jpeg)

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8b7eab  No.10401709

File: b2cbfe2c1c9733c⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 255x175, 51:35, BadRomney.jpg)

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b94ff4  No.10401710


Let's be honest here…the last 4ish years, she has not raised anything.

She has been working.

either they have nannies who raised the kids, or the kids are latchkey

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64a1b9  No.10401711

hmm fake news extra scared this morn.

what did you Anons do last night? kek

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4d25e3  No.10401712


Tested Positive for Chink flu

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5a678a  No.10401713

File: fde857ce07d2a41⋯.png (259.38 KB, 386x496, 193:248, pepe_clean_air.png)

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8a4602  No.10401714

File: cf2cc7358ff7b2c⋯.jpg (24.07 KB, 474x440, 237:220, cf2cc7358ff7b2cd0126ebd62a….jpg)

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b5058e  No.10401715

File: 78a99058c8c73ed⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 472x755, 472:755, joker.jpg)



why are you here?

get the fuck out

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7ffa1e  No.10401716


He who yells first loses the argument.

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5cf09e  No.10401717


Fox link, run in background - keep the numbers up!


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ffc9a7  No.10401718

File: 939806d4dce6cb0⋯.jpg (285.95 KB, 1320x1740, 22:29, Molyneux_Epstein_Jewish_gi….jpg)

File: 4600bf7eefcf09c⋯.png (49.4 KB, 602x468, 301:234, Bronfman_NXIVM_Maxwell_Eps….png)

File: 3de039b01304e2b⋯.jpg (47.99 KB, 518x506, 259:253, NXIVM_Jews.jpg)

File: b19bbd4d1f2fe69⋯.jpg (84.15 KB, 1347x440, 1347:440, Pizza_gate_NXIVM_Rothschil….jpg)

File: a13c1300c681c91⋯.png (1.76 MB, 900x1582, 450:791, James_Alefantis_Rothschild….png)


Not an argument, low IQ yid shill.

Congrats on running cover for pedos and anti-American spies just because they are Jews working for Israel.

Tick tock, Israel comes last :)

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c94727  No.10401719

File: e10ad0f002142eb⋯.png (92.8 KB, 690x363, 230:121, ClipboardImage.png)



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cf5bb3  No.10401720

notables bun @ 500



>>10401565 FBI w/CAP: Attorney General William Barr recently directed the formation of a task force to combat violent anti-government extremism?…

>>10401522 Marco Incoming: Six huge waterspouts seen over Gulf of Mexico in astounding footage

>>10401496 U.S. Army w/CAP: It's a great day to fly!

>>10401431 Trump pledges ‘permanent manned moon base’ if he wins second term


>>10401368, >>10401553, >>10401615, >>10401652 planefag reporting

>>10401329, >>10401447 (Live) RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump. Convention is underway

>>10401307, >>10401685 Imagine that: Zoom Is Down at the Worst Possible Time. outage worldwide

>>10401301 Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman dead at 64

>>10401280 Wisconsin Govenor pours gas on fire. …"shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement"

>>10401208 Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base

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c0a82f  No.10401721

File: 30b6f99b0f48fcd⋯.png (335.71 KB, 476x395, 476:395, PANIC10.png)

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502cdc  No.10401722

File: 2cdfec4155a5f03⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 620x324, 155:81, starwars2_1721172a.jpg)


>what did you Anons do last night? kek

waiting for the FF

just like today

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deac91  No.10401723

File: 4ea0f1d3e4d9599⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1151x876, 1151:876, ClipboardImage.png)

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d05814  No.10401724

File: 1f4d95182bee28d⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1f4d95182bee28def2dd0d382d….jpg)


mornin gb

noice cake yo

nik'd it


chees with choc, and kek, of course

for the GOLD Kang

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b5058e  No.10401725


somebody got a hold of her child.

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ffc9a7  No.10401726

File: feccb18d06d53ad⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 571x431, 571:431, Jack_Bernstein.jpg)

File: ebff5eda5905032⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 1108x640, 277:160, Jack_Bernstein_book_IRL_pr….JPG)

File: ed7a012d1ffd081⋯.png (870.64 KB, 942x733, 942:733, The_Life_of_an_American_Je….PNG)

File: 8058ad23235c25c⋯.png (26.55 KB, 453x483, 151:161, Deflection_Q.PNG)


Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill.

Cry more, and remember: Israel comes last :)

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ab2b11  No.10401727

File: 162cba68138567c⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 485x755, 97:151, Jesus_Passion_2.jpg)


"The Passion of the Christ"

I thought it was a very good movie.

It made me read the New Testament, and helped me make a better connection to Jesus.

The bridge scene at the beginning was a bit much.

The kids were seen by Judas as demons when he was in torment.

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94310d  No.10401728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64a1b9  No.10401729


how to prevent FF?

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9b32e9  No.10401730


Hooah! Get those kids back in school.

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2bb051  No.10401731


Look at the date.

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d05814  No.10401732


Don't notice a thang

you know I don't like notables, kek

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c14ac1  No.10401733

File: 5ad2e51fddd7676⋯.gif (61.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Def_Con_Red_Bull.gif)

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64a1b9  No.10401734

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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8ad14e  No.10401735

File: 54ddcf4e938dbff⋯.png (285.72 KB, 936x545, 936:545, AF2_USAF_C_32A_departed_JB….PNG)

File: 1085a6ee04b8048⋯.png (331.98 KB, 544x318, 272:159, Pence_point_left_1.PNG)

AF2 USAF VIP C-32A departed JBA sw

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ffc9a7  No.10401736

File: ba27d60865d42c0⋯.png (67.58 KB, 1142x463, 1142:463, Salomon_Morel_Israel_prote….PNG)


Once again:

>Congrats on running cover for pedos and anti-American spies just because they are Jews working for Israel.

>Tick tock, Israel comes last :)

Your low IQ shilling, trying to run cover for Jewish criminals just because they are Jews reminds me of this:

Israel protected a Jewish Polish communist war criminal, just because he was a Jew?


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9881fd  No.10401737

What is the giant 5 star red elephant in the room in 2020?

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bb5b85  No.10401738




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ffc9a7  No.10401739

File: 07bb74e87627117⋯.png (16.21 KB, 608x155, 608:155, Shills_incite_filtering_an….png)

File: 6660527831f86a1⋯.png (25.67 KB, 492x227, 492:227, Jack_Pos_defends_Hillary_a….png)

File: f6f86cc60973a73⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1392x3768, 58:157, Jack_Pos_defends_Hillary_a….png)

File: 950f34f23abceb9⋯.png (51.38 KB, 564x351, 188:117, Jack_Pos_honeymoon_Israel.png)

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b5058e  No.10401740

File: 886d598fbfe7922⋯.jpg (7.13 KB, 200x265, 40:53, joker_3.jpg)


keeps calling me low iq



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641dfc  No.10401741


Half the shills in here are MSM, but I'll go to tard jail…

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64a1b9  No.10401742

File: 272d6b8d223341d⋯.png (162.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, epstein_and_biden_islands.png)



make 1 of biden saying that, kek

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ffcf9d  No.10401743

Son of a bitch, they just killed Kim Jong un..

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82158e  No.10401744

Claudia really needs to get off of social media. These journos will eat her up and wreck her.

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ffc9a7  No.10401745

File: 008c476e246f4b3⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1840x4560, 23:57, Jew_IQ_nepotism.png)


It's what you are, low IQ yid shill.

Cry more :)

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7228ab  No.10401746


Happens quite often. Now dig into organs being removed from people while they are still alive and can feel it. Get you and your family off of "organ donor" registry.

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84c5c5  No.10401747

File: 0b8e2d8eccee490⋯.png (931.11 KB, 624x832, 3:4, dealwithitfags.png)

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b94ff4  No.10401748

File: 7d06f52bab44be6⋯.png (616.36 KB, 605x625, 121:125, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

#tdih 1814, British forces commanded by General Robert Ross overwhelm a mixed force of militiamen and regulars at the Battle of Bladensburg, Maryland. They continue on to Washington, DC, setting many government buildings ablaze.


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123790  No.10401749


And you as well. Amen.

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bb5b85  No.10401750


>Half the shills in here are MSM,

Well, no one's watching their regular bullshit

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ede684  No.10401751

>>10401642 Follow the money.

The Passion of the Christ, which Gibson directed, co-wrote and produced, was a major milestone in faith-based filmmaking, earning more than $611 million worldwide on a $30 million budget.

It's the highest-grossing R-rated film ever in North America with $370.8 million.


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c14ac1  No.10401752

File: 6f782af7969e3e1⋯.gif (420.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Barr_One_.gif)

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82158e  No.10401753

File: f824dfa86385f03⋯.jpeg (394.78 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EgLvRB3XYAEuH2_.jpeg)

File: 57cd0559de2e158⋯.jpeg (353.37 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EgLwgjpX0AAQPfa.jpeg)

File: 15dabf2186eaad4⋯.jpeg (200.77 KB, 675x900, 3:4, EgH6H06XYAQ_YHZ.jpeg)

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8ad14e  No.10401754


you are too kind <3

think it was a pumpkin cheese cake.

spouse made it for Christmas

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217505  No.10401755

Baker NOTABLE (apologies if already noted)


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4d25e3  No.10401756

File: abce60ab169d143⋯.png (239.69 KB, 1224x778, 612:389, rncScreenshot_from_2020_08….png)

5500 people watching a picture of an elephant

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09d3fd  No.10401757

File: ef0e50464dd0d13⋯.png (130.5 KB, 1457x934, 1457:934, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)

File: c8c07915a791658⋯.png (134.61 KB, 1459x932, 1459:932, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)

File: 07d5f41c230e9ba⋯.png (25.71 KB, 720x931, 720:931, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)

File: 1e0b043feba050d⋯.png (502.86 KB, 602x397, 602:397, Alyona_Makarova.PNG)

Is Alyona Makarova Papa D's honeypot "Azra Turk"?





Nice rack anyway.

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ac323a  No.10401758




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ac0e65  No.10401759

26 Republicans Voted With Dems on New $25B USPS Bill

Anthony T by Anthony T 20 hours ago


Here are the names of the 26 Republicans that sided with the Democrats:

Don Bacon Nebraska (NE) – 2nd, Republican

Troy Balderson Ohio (OH) – 12th, Republican

Mike Bost Illinois (IL) – 12th, Republican

Vern Buchanan Florida (FL) – 16th, Republican

Rodney Davis Illinois (IL) – 13th, Republican

Brian K. Fitzpatrick Pennsylvania (PA) – 1st, Republican

Jeff Fortenberry Nebraska (NE) – 1st, Republican

Sam Graves Missouri (MO) – 6th, Republican

Jamie Herrera Beutler Washington (WA) – 3rd, Republican

Will Hurd Texas (TX) – 23rd, Republican

David P. Joyce Ohio (OH) – 14th, Republican

John Katko New York (NY) – 24th, Republican

Peter King New York (NY) – 2nd, Republican

Doug LaMalfa California (CA) – 1st, Republican

Michael McCaul Texas (TX) – 10th, Republican

David McKinley West Virginia (WV) – 1st, Republican

Tom Reed New York (NY) – 23rd, Republican

Christopher Smith New Jersey (NJ) – 4th, Republican

Pete Stauber Minnesota (MN) – 8th, Republican

Elise Stefanik New York (NY) – 21st, Republican

Steve Stivers Ohio (OH) – 15th, Republican

Michael Turner Ohio (OH) – 10th, Republican

Fred Upton Michigan (MI) – 6th, Republican

Jefferson Van Drew New Jersey (NJ) – 2nd, Republican

Ann Wagner Missouri (MO) – 2nd, Republican

Don Young Alaska (AK) – At Large, Republican

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c0a82f  No.10401760

File: 81e6405b09fba78⋯.jpg (377.37 KB, 2261x1281, 323:183, QANONMEDIALIES.JPG)



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8463e8  No.10401761

File: 02c04dd74189a24⋯.png (243.72 KB, 507x530, 507:530, Ford2.png)

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d4e7d1  No.10401762

File: ff5b090101bc54f⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 1122x750, 187:125, AJBACKHOLE.jpg)

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42f20c  No.10401763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Postmaster General testifies before House

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2fee14  No.10401764

File: 8c6ec82cf360949⋯.jpg (304.85 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072523.jpg)

File: 9fc866f9597eb7f⋯.jpg (218.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072531.jpg)

File: 1d9091bb9cc9610⋯.jpg (302.56 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072536.jpg)

File: 6f2adee66bcf51c⋯.jpg (286.76 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072539.jpg)

File: 16c617d11db36b4⋯.jpg (301.23 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072543.jpg)


World Economic Forum

This simple digital solution could streamline global travel and boost trade during COVID - here's how

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e0e931  No.10401765


The stars are back to normal not satanic aligned.

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64a1b9  No.10401766

File: a6b634e5d2e5612⋯.png (373.06 KB, 613x340, 613:340, when_to_turn_off_fox.png)

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ffc9a7  No.10401767

File: 8a6b38ed63174e7⋯.jpg (209.37 KB, 1236x1144, 309:286, Q_Exodus_1_1_b.jpg)

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ac0e65  No.10401768

Dems trying to pull a fast one in postal hearing today

tried to omit a Republican from speaking

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9b32e9  No.10401769


Direct link to video: https://publish.dvlabs.com/democracynow/360/dn2020-0824.mp4

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7ffa1e  No.10401770



The goal isn't to sue, it's to stop the awakening of those who have not yet awakened but were about to. This whole battle is for souls to choose sides.

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2fee14  No.10401771

File: 704f274927eff91⋯.jpg (242.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072547.jpg)

File: 380a0a4b0e85ca9⋯.jpg (219.65 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072551.jpg)

File: df07626f2d8d878⋯.jpg (297.47 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072556.jpg)

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5a2634  No.10401772

File: 7923057e417cbc7⋯.jpeg (217.44 KB, 1038x877, 1038:877, 7923057e417cbc7b44a7d2c74….jpeg)


I was here on August 12…

Funny thing is the board was mostly full of bible quotes, frog pics and anons discussing the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.

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bb5b85  No.10401773


So, this is a list of all the Republicans who took Chinese money along with their fellow Dem traitors.

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64a1b9  No.10401774

File: 830bd73aff88c30⋯.png (403.97 KB, 800x419, 800:419, obama_points_purple_suit_F….png)

File: 182c3a59c4732d9⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1024x685, 1024:685, Flynn_obamaKnew.png)

File: 0b5a8e89b02c58b⋯.png (929.46 KB, 800x634, 400:317, kamala_obama_knew.png)

File: 7705bcfb2be4d01⋯.png (803.74 KB, 800x500, 8:5, obamaKnew_hand.png)

File: 8ec1d2b2eb5df99⋯.png (827.65 KB, 1050x589, 1050:589, biden_knew_china_smollet_h….png)

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502cdc  No.10401775

File: 91b117b41e270e4⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, nikki_electric.jpg)

File: b9367e9233ac641⋯.png (110.29 KB, 500x446, 250:223, oj.png)


it is not the only way, or the easiest way

it is one way

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c0a82f  No.10401776

File: 9210261a7e65703⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 778x641, 778:641, Panic3.jpg)




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c14ac1  No.10401777

File: 0f5202c12d99587⋯.gif (88.04 KB, 600x370, 60:37, Def_Con_Ring.gif)

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4f0aea  No.10401778

File: b7dd36b0a34a877⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 949x960, 949:960, 117592518_301036960986304_….jpg)

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000000  No.10401779


It's okay that Claudia becomes 'collateral damage' in the information wars. Serves to illustrate exactly why the voting age shouldn't be lowered any further. Teeny boppers really have too many hormones & not enough restraint/discernmet/compassion.

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d6f8ea  No.10401780

File: 42c9161b790a822⋯.jpg (92.86 KB, 900x756, 25:21, EfpQPrwWAAEOeTA.jpg)

Do we trust the union employees of the United States Postal Service who admit they are political Democrat/Socialist activists handling our ballots?

(Photo above) Postal Worker Caught on Camera Stealing Trump Campaign Sign. A Townsend, Delaware man fed up with his Trump campaign signs being stolen set up a camera and caught a US Postal worker taking his sign. Now, officials are looking into the incident. (They found more signs in his postal truck.) https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/postal-worker-caught-on-camera-stealing-trump-campaign-sign_philadelphia/120144/

Biden received the endorsement of the United States Postal Service's National Association of Letter Carriers and the American Postal Workers Union's National Executive Board.

During the Democrat primary, the American Postal Workers Union Executive Board Endorses Bernie Sanders for President.

"The American Postal Workers Union threw its support behind Sanders for the second consecutive presidential cycle, endorsing the senator in late 2015 just weeks after he addressed the union’s national convention. The APWU executive board met with top candidates, except those “who oppose the public Postal Service”—a reference to President Trump’s government reorganization plan in which he floated the idea of privatizing the agency."


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824a71  No.10401781


Baker - consider ^^^ if not already noted.


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57a53f  No.10401782

File: c42513f6720629c⋯.png (19.3 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 449B23B6_94DD_4B5A_B5AA_07….png)



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deac91  No.10401783

File: a5eca4d783dd51a⋯.mp4 (203.12 KB, 424x236, 106:59, kimjungun_dead_coma_foxnew….mp4)

More talk of Kim Jung Un "in a coma or dead."

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1f1eae  No.10401784

File: 103b77eb5f37783⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 323x610, 323:610, In_the_Middle.JPG)



No More <……>

>< BOOM?

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7bf080  No.10401785

File: 0ca9df649dd821f⋯.png (79.43 KB, 252x235, 252:235, 2020_08_24_10_21_51.png)


>Protests put on by Antifa / Soros posing as anons.

>These will increase in number over the coming weeks, and eventually turn violent so the MSM and the Dems can demand that the site be shutdown and anons rounded up and arrested.

Deception and infiltration…

the liberals favorite tactics.

The evil ones behind the curtain must be afraid.

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2bb051  No.10401786


No need for tard jail. Stay in the fight.

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c0a82f  No.10401787

File: b40de8b7e37d45e⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Roach14.jpg)


Your script writers need better creativity for your "Qanons are fascists" roleplaying.

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53a220  No.10401788

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7ffa1e  No.10401789


Need the Jogger in animated gif format.

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ac323a  No.10401790


Funny, thats the head of Media Matters freaking out.

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84c5c5  No.10401791

File: 1f204a82ebb3512⋯.jpg (167.14 KB, 502x574, 251:287, mypermit.jpg)

no mask, no vaxx, don't tread on me.

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ffc9a7  No.10401792

File: f2b3cba7f8849b7⋯.png (923.96 KB, 924x732, 77:61, 1_Sheldon_Adelson_Trump_bi….PNG)

File: 295ec6022924c4d⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 1200x780, 20:13, 2_Sheldon_Adelson_says_acc….jpg)

File: 25eb2501852aca1⋯.png (453.89 KB, 928x3099, 928:3099, 3_Sheldon_Adelson_Israel_f….png)

File: cbe971709bedca9⋯.png (114.43 KB, 772x1756, 193:439, 4_Jews_political_donations….png)

File: 0f360f5993bb5dd⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 750x678, 125:113, 5_America_first_not_Israel….jpg)


Chinese and/or Israeli money.


https://archive.vn/EryE9 - “Just for some perspective”

A quote:

The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it’s also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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5643ff  No.10401793

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB, 2048x1081, 2048:1081, Pedowood.jpg)

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2dcd31  No.10401794


>free range

>never confined to a feedlot

>made from people like you

One of these is a lie.

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d05814  No.10401795


looks delish

muh spouse was not a guud cook

you lucky yo

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8b7eab  No.10401796

File: 9c8020628335c23⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 490x332, 245:166, Elise_NewMommy3.JPG)


>Elise Stefanik New York (NY) – 21st, Republican

I can't believe Mommy betrayed us like that.

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ef9088  No.10401797

File: 26a8a7084ef8324⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D036E8E5_3F79_48E8_8B5B_D6….png)

Pence has "no time" for Qanon calls it "conspiracy"


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8ad14e  No.10401798

File: b8d247f5d212f79⋯.gif (483.82 KB, 498x498, 1:1, pepe_running.gif)

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b5058e  No.10401799

File: 81a3af6c27928d0⋯.png (238.26 KB, 420x612, 35:51, perseus.png)


I think it's the belt of ORION?

The hero in the myth beheaded the demon. Somethings called

but otherwise just a demon


Which is the dynamic of the evil

MEDIA force on consciousness?

The networks have a paralyzing force on the public. A weird POWER

the hero can't look directly into the face of the demon, or else becomes paralyzed.

So looks through


and is able to defeat it.

Can't look directly at it

Take it at face value

weird coincidence but the evil eye of the demon head is called al GORE


soory no sorry


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5cf09e  No.10401800

File: c4fbd423e831f0b⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 474x474, 1:1, circle_of_trust.jpg)


Lying faggot.

Go back to your Chicom masterd!

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75200e  No.10401801

File: 2bb7035b5d55772⋯.png (95.61 KB, 836x554, 418:277, AEBCAFB5_7AC3_44A1_8DC0_7F….png)




Q Poem & Occam's Razor



18 Jun 2018 - 9:52:59 AM


18 Jun 2018 - 9:47:16 AM

well it's pretty cryptic so here is a wild guess…


→ ??? the demiurge ??? just kidding, I don't know. Someone involved in space programs and 'majestic 12' type of intel.

Morning sun brings heat.

→ predetermined code / command for initiation of a plan, authenticity check. Likely, multiple governments are responding to this call for initiation, hence dropped here.

Full moon coming.

→ proper revelation of nature of the moon and other bodies in our solar system

Undiscovered stars learned.

→ this refers to gifted anons figuring something out, which was the condition upon which something about our solar system or moon would be revealed to public.

Missions forward.

→ a particular plan for missions is being initiated, proceed (in part a message to anons)



Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.


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d6db63  No.10401802

File: 11da95dcf10e655⋯.jpeg (449.42 KB, 828x895, 828:895, 1CC0429F_727A_42A4_A22F_5….jpeg)


>us=proud boyz?

If you are a member of proud boyz and you feel that I, Bill Barr, or the media has mischaracterized you, then by all means educate the rest of us. This is why this is a free speech forum. To have constructive dialogue to will lead us to truth. So, I’m all ears. The floor is yours my fren 😊

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ffc9a7  No.10401803

File: 4afe4ec5fe953a2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1589x1283, 1589:1283, 1_Jew_coup_against_Trump_a….png)

File: 4e7d38409b44bb6⋯.png (205.94 KB, 535x549, 535:549, 2_Jew_coup_escorted.png)

File: 63ccee127f9c077⋯.png (13.6 KB, 410x328, 5:4, Jew_Coup_list.PNG)

File: 503bb8d000e4612⋯.png (810.35 KB, 946x1312, 473:656, Jew_coup_Vindman_Flynn_Rus….png)

File: fb64a3f2e1273f4⋯.png (800.1 KB, 1704x1640, 213:205, Flynn_2_per_cent_control_3.png)



Still not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Cry more in the face of the verifiable facts about Jewish and israeli crime and subversion.

Tick tock, Israel comes last :)



>Beware of impeachment conspiracies linked to Jews.


>Jewish Democrats: Trump is biggest threat to American Jews.


>Meet Tom Steyer. The man running a campaign to impeach Donald Trump.


>Rep. Steve Cohen seeks to impeach President Trump after Charlottesville


>Billionaire Steyer won’t run for US president, will focus on impeaching Trump


>Leading Jewish Democrat in House backs Trump’s impeachment


>Leading Jewish Democrat Nita Lowey endorses Trump impeachment


>Rep. Luria holds hebrew bible in ad supporting Trump impeachment inquiry.


>Adam Schiff becomes face of Democratic drive to impeach Trump


>Why are so many players in the impeachment trial Jewish?


>The Trump-Ukraine controversy, and the Jews involved, explained


>The Tell: The Jewish players in impeachment


>The Jews Of The Impeachment Showdown: A Visual Guide



>Analysis Trump Impeachment Holds Pitfalls and Perils for American Jews




>‘I am an American,’ medaled Jewish army officer reminds Trump allies in hearing


>Decorated US officer testifying on impeachment is a Jewish refugee from Ukraine


>A Jewish photographer has captured Alexander Vindman and his twin since the 80's


>At impeachment hearing, ousted Ukraine ambassador says she felt ‘big threat’


>Sondland invokes family’s escape from Holocaust in Trump impeachment hearing


>Jewish Groups Blast Fox New by s for Joe diGenova’s Anti-Semitic Soros Conspiracy Theory


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5643ff  No.10401805

File: 471deb36dbc86f8⋯.jpg (261.46 KB, 767x1035, 767:1035, GannettCooper.JPG)

File: 50db11f5c44acd3⋯.jpg (261.83 KB, 1134x1147, 1134:1147, VanderCooper.JPG)

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8463e8  No.10401806

File: f21b6c9d3b01e76⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 667x374, 667:374, obama_phone2.jpg)

File: 9806ef9f05c3b63⋯.png (426.91 KB, 654x667, 654:667, FU.png)

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7754df  No.10401807

this is an interesting entry:

"According to Plato, the Cretans were regularly accused of inventing the myth because they wanted to justify their "unnatural pleasures".[5]"

I won't say which article it came from but question: will it survive the day?

I suspect that many myths have been made up and attributed to the ancients for these very same reasons.

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fedefe  No.10401808

File: 6c07b7e52da1040⋯.png (1 MB, 1287x944, 1287:944, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7fc08b54f03f5⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1120x534, 560:267, ClipboardImage.png)


>>10400453 last bread

NOAA Aircraft Operations Center expanding to support growing fleet

City of Lakeland, Florida, will lease additional office and hangar space to NOAA

April 16, 2020

The NOAA Aircraft Operations Center (AOC) will be expanded under the terms of a new 20-year lease NOAA signed today with the City of Lakeland, Florida.

Located at Lakeland Linder International Airport, AOC serves as the main base for NOAA’s current fleet of nine specialized environmental data-gathering aircraft, including the agency’s three “hurricane hunter” planes. NOAA moved into the Lakeland facility in 2017.

Under the lease terms, the City of Lakeland will expand the existing AOC facility this year from 99,000 to 156,043 square feet, including additional office and hangar space, to accommodate new aircraft NOAA is acquiring to support hurricane, coastal mapping, emergency response and other missions.

“With an expanded facility in Lakeland, our highly-skilled NOAA Aircraft Operations Center team and the aircraft they operate, manage and maintain will be better able to support NOAA and the nation,” said Rear Adm. Michael J. Silah, director of the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps and NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. “This agreement also solidifies our long-term commitment to Lakeland.”

Airport Director Gene Conrad stated, "We are extremely grateful to NOAA leadership for their continued belief in Lakeland Linder International Airport. Our community and airport are proud of the mission that the NOAA AOC team performs on a year round basis, and we look forward to supporting them in that mission for the next 20 years."

NOAA’s aircraft fleet is maintained and operated by a team of approximately 110 civilians and NOAA Corps officers. NOAA aircraft play a vital role in collecting environmental data essential to protecting lives and property, conserving and managing coastal and marine resources, and understanding weather and climate.


Lakeland, Florida, being somewhat well inland from shore and toward the center of the state, makes good sense as a base of operations for the Hurricane Hunters. If they were on the coast it would be much more likely that one of their study subjects could wipe out their home and/or force them to move their fleet of aircraft due to an approaching storm. This right at a time that they need to be up tempo with storm flight study operations.

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ac0e65  No.10401809


>Do we trust the union employees of the United States Postal Service who admit they are political Democrat/Socialist activists handling our ballots?

deep state/ democrat activists everywhere

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8a4602  No.10401810

File: dfdb7d68e85eac2⋯.jpg (283.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, dfdb7d68e85eac284662619cc5….jpg)


I'm not a meme maker anon, sorry. I just gather them & spread them on the winds of freedom.

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4d25e3  No.10401811

File: 071eb16c216e5cd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1037x583, 1037:583, Pepe_bee_hive.png)

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ffc9a7  No.10401812

File: e182f8e33b3c539⋯.jpeg (128.54 KB, 900x960, 15:16, concern.jpeg)

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8ad14e  No.10401813


>you lucky

I am very lucky-not too bad muh self when I do it.

Not often now

be around if you need a break later

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c0a82f  No.10401815

File: a3bf318787cf135⋯.gif (208.4 KB, 356x200, 89:50, PANICGIF3.gif)


"Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument"


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d01a91  No.10401816


>If you are a member of proud boyz and you feel that I, Bill Barr, or the media has mischaracterized

Because that has never happened to anyone else, like sayyyyyyyy….Q!

Nope never happened, they all can be trusted and believed.

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65d0be  No.10401817

Pls find the guy holding the assault weapon inthe DJT jr video.

He’s recognizable enough.

Would be nice to report him on behalf of q research?


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2fee14  No.10401818

File: 8e0aa18fbf4e309⋯.jpg (291.39 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072018.jpg)

File: 38d4ec2834f212d⋯.jpg (343.02 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072022.jpg)

File: 6f9c92952afbf36⋯.jpg (401.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072027.jpg)

File: e444eb0757cb50e⋯.jpg (316.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072107.jpg)

File: c51efa9a9b808ea⋯.jpg (348.77 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200824_072111.jpg)



Elon Musk to unveil Neuralink progress with real-time neuron demonstration this week

ByDacia J. FerrisPosted on August 23, 2020

Elon Musk’s brain-machine interface company, Neuralink, has an event scheduled for later this week to update the public on its progress since last year’s presentation. While the agenda is speculative for the most part, one expectation isa live demonstration of neuron activity.

“Will show neurons firing in real-time on August 28th.The matrix in the matrix,” Musk tweeted at the end of July.

He also revealed a few other clues about the early fall announcement at the beginning of the year. “Wait until you see the next version vs what was presented last year. It’s *awesome*,” he wrote in February. “The profound impact of high bandwidth, high precision neural interfaces is underappreciated. Neuralink may have this in a human as soon as this year. Justneeds to be unequivocally better than Utah Array, which is already in some humans & has severe drawbacks.”

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25f9b4  No.10401820


Me too/ I thought she was one of the good guys.

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7108dd  No.10401821

>>10401799 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hear him, for his words are true, not false.

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7ffa1e  No.10401822


Freemasonry happened to us of which Stephen King is a part of.

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d0e072  No.10401823

File: 7f9c75c874aec15⋯.jpg (61.78 KB, 500x734, 250:367, trump_girl_limo_meme_pedop….jpg)

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0cd804  No.10401824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Two MQ-9 Reaper Drones Collide Over Syria After Days Of Sightings From Those On The Ground Aug 18


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ede684  No.10401825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53a220  No.10401826


17 Q

1-7 A-G

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c94727  No.10401827


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09d3fd  No.10401828


So, does Maxwell's nephew being hired by Hillary's State Department tie in with the thousands of contractors also hired by the State Department at taxpayers expense? Sorry, can't find link to that.


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ffc9a7  No.10401829

File: 09ff8f11f93820f⋯.jpg (124.48 KB, 1023x667, 1023:667, Jewish_Mockingbird_2.jpg)

File: 154719817fdfec2⋯.jpg (123.2 KB, 1023x667, 1023:667, Jewish_Mockingbird.jpg)

File: 6fdb5e49b3eeb2c⋯.jpg (695.67 KB, 1184x2856, 148:357, Q_MSM_fakenews_better.jpg)


Look at all those big nose, small hat nazis.

Read: >>10401488

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b5058e  No.10401830

File: d5180a004c1449b⋯.png (830.58 KB, 1200x664, 150:83, beltoforionperseus.png)

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7754df  No.10401831

the blockering practices of social media were well known in ancient times in a different guise:


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5cf09e  No.10401832


To quote Adam Sandler:

"The girls from Veruca Salt & all 3 Beastie Boys"

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1acf6f  No.10401833

File: 1bed167955cce56⋯.png (59.55 KB, 600x369, 200:123, ClipboardImage.png)

BlondeAmericanChick ╰დ╮╭დ╯


Replying to





Sadly their father already had a domestic violence and sexual assault charge on his record and was driving them around w/an active warrant. Maybe this happened for a reason. Hopefully they can find a safe, stable home to stop the cycle of violence.

11:04 PM · Aug 24, 2020·Twitter Web App


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b94ff4  No.10401834

File: 414dfd1a5b8cfee⋯.png (563.37 KB, 597x582, 199:194, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Miner finds 442-carat diamond that could be worth up to $18 millino


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84c5c5  No.10401835

File: 57f246856cd7493⋯.png (121.29 KB, 673x713, 673:713, gayaf.PNG)

this fucking bullshit.

Brendan Gleeson as Donald Trump.


as James Comey.

In a special two-night event, an all-star cast brings James Comey’s book to life in #TheComeyRule.


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502cdc  No.10401836



i did not know that the vote was a litmus test

can you 2 plz expand on why you think her vote was traitorous?

and which parts of the bill you oppose / support?

or even, what's in it?

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81ca08  No.10401837

File: 8bd5fe08e1dce1a⋯.jpg (183.69 KB, 949x960, 949:960, 117592518_301036960986304_….jpg)

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f098e1  No.10401838

>>10401209 Pilgrims.

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ffef62  No.10401840


they're gonna get dainbramage from doing that.

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8463e8  No.10401841

File: 711d6198628d3c8⋯.jpg (137.65 KB, 486x432, 9:8, bc_focus.jpg)

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c14ac1  No.10401842

File: 013ee9a8228d01a⋯.gif (100.79 KB, 553x383, 553:383, Barr_Judge.gif)

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ffc9a7  No.10401843

File: d8b27f2e62dba77⋯.png (43.1 KB, 1292x290, 646:145, 911_leader.PNG)

File: 87111d3e8f6b048⋯.png (280.08 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, 911_leader_2_with_pic.png)

File: facfb6a444c470b⋯.jpg (478.72 KB, 816x2129, 816:2129, 911_leader_3.jpg)

File: c33d8dbec191d29⋯.png (418.87 KB, 1349x3696, 1349:3696, Screenshot_2020_04_21_HIJA….png)

File: 9117ccdfd612e37⋯.mp4 (8.16 MB, 854x480, 427:240, They_can_dance_if_they_wan….mp4)


Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill.

Here, have more verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

Remember: Israel comes last :)

Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11


Dr. Sabrosky is an American Patriot of Jewish heritage


Dr. Sabrosky himself has one Jewish grandparent, although he does not identify particularly strongly with this Jewish ancestry, stating "an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American", distinguishing himself from "an awful lot of American Jews [who] do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America"



- - - -

Fox/ Cameron Segment on "Dancing Israelis" (December 2001)


- - - -

9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19760


In the days after 9/11, while Ground Zero continued to smoulder, millions heard Dan Rather and various media outlets repeat vague and unconfirmed reports of arrests that took place that day. These rumors held that Middle Eastern men, presumably Arabs, were arrested in explosive-packed vans in various places around the city on September 11th, and that some had even been photographing and celebrating those events. What most do not realize is that those reports were not mere rumors, and we now have thousands of pages of FBI, CIA and DOJ reports documenting those arrests.


- - - -

Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9-11 attacks– and Iraq wars.


- - - -

Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST


This is the best introductory redpill for normies regarding 9/11, it does NOT mention Jews or Israel at all, but shows that the official version given from the administration was a obvious fraud, using undeniable proof and a very clean and perfect optics presentation. Share it with all the normads you can!

- - - -

Missing Links 9/11 FINAL


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8b7eab  No.10401844



WTF no Van Halen Belt memes yet?

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ffc9a7  No.10401846

File: f9503ebb31a613d⋯.png (121.78 KB, 762x370, 381:185, 911_FBI_document_page_37_U….PNG)

File: e68edf583bcc4a1⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, 911_Israel_bombings.jpg)

File: a2480a5829e5ba0⋯.jpg (770.98 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_Lucky_Larry.jpg)

File: a16e0dff7306095⋯.png (621.28 KB, 731x607, 731:607, 1582893216376.png)

File: c21411df675e262⋯.jpg (3.74 MB, 3017x7000, 431:1000, Israel_did_911.jpg)



“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”

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18a272  No.10401847


So what you are saying is a father can not show affection for his daughter.

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ea24a0  No.10401848

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 640e61d70259badb4a7af20246….jpg)

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b5058e  No.10401849


"dramatic recreation"

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b94ff4  No.10401850

What if Covfefe is a key to a cipher

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ffc9a7  No.10401851

File: 129e14b7597b7aa⋯.jpg (25.35 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 911_symbolism_greater_Isra….jpg)

File: ce209c4e0fead49⋯.jpg (209.11 KB, 922x966, 461:483, 911_symbolism_greater_Isra….jpg)

File: e016a283d98a1bd⋯.jpg (144.03 KB, 806x800, 403:400, Bush_airplanes_portrait.jpg)

File: e2f6a0844d79c1c⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 522x739, 522:739, e2f6a0844d79c1c69554cfc69d….jpg)

File: c70a6fd001e7bb4⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Pull_it.mp4)


911 is symbolism for Greater Israel.

Pics related.

The 2 columns between the Star of David represent the 2 rivers in which between the Greater Israel is supposed to go, in the minds of the demented ziocunts.

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c14ac1  No.10401852

File: b70a9383903aebc⋯.gif (427.94 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 2024.gif)

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ffc9a7  No.10401853

File: 89f9314c8713abf⋯.png (10.46 KB, 455x235, 91:47, 1_Symbolism_their_downfall.PNG)

File: 5ca6ea06cee60cd⋯.png (12.12 KB, 1227x108, 409:36, 911_Israel_why.PNG)

File: e8056bca4ddcf09⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 600x651, 200:217, israel_last_q.jpg)

File: 58989d2ae5371cc⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_on_allies.mp4)

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0cef49  No.10401855

Apparently if you call Jim Acosta a cunt on twitter you lose your account. Oh well, he is a cunt.

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4d25e3  No.10401856

File: 3f0bc00df4fce27⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 517x776, 517:776, ExtremelyRareGif.gif)

File: a21ee545f29dafb⋯.png (12.65 KB, 108x142, 54:71, pepejustjogginGun.png)

File: e528e623690d6f0⋯.png (14.68 KB, 194x103, 194:103, pepejustjogginBlakeDo.png)



have an extremely rare pepe anon


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d6db63  No.10401857


>Because that has never happened to anyone else, like sayyyyyyyy….Q!

>Nope never happened, they all can be trusted and believed.

Again, if you are a member of proud boyz tell us what your group represents. Is that so difficult? Maybe, I will join. Waiting…🧐

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b5058e  No.10401858


yeah, but who is israel?

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1f1eae  No.10401859


Everyone in a Position of "Power" is Controlled. Comped. Every. Single. One.

Some have very dirty secrets, some are just greed related. But, they only put those in positions that They can control.

White Hat or Black. All Controlled. Working for a Purpose, reading a script.

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94310d  No.10401860

File: cb4d7d7b1575750⋯.jpg (307.56 KB, 995x629, 995:629, killbill.jpg)

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fedefe  No.10401861

File: a2454322f007efc⋯.png (797.41 KB, 1914x943, 1914:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b20f93a8a0f40ef⋯.png (906.73 KB, 1024x674, 512:337, ClipboardImage.png)



>>10400453 last bread

As NOAA P3 Hurricane Hunter is returning to Lakeland, NOAA N68RF is flying north. PF thinks likely NOAA officials headed for DC to coordinate with agencies as this dual storm situation unfolds.

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c14ac1  No.10401862

File: d9d851975e72cdc⋯.gif (491.71 KB, 1800x1327, 1800:1327, Durham_One.gif)

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7754df  No.10401863


gee I posted about Circe in this very same bread.

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502cdc  No.10401864

File: c96c933b50d92df⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 730x960, 73:96, pilgrim.jpg)

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8b7eab  No.10401865


Nancy's Bill full of compdness

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53a220  No.10401866

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5a2634  No.10401867

File: c77c593a0a59b4c⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 702x669, 234:223, download_2020_08_24T104502….jpg)



Perseus and Orion are NOT the same constellation.

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94310d  No.10401869



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4bdd89  No.10401870

File: b96c5d3a5878d0f⋯.png (185.91 KB, 630x354, 105:59, counterhirvlbakmgd.png)


just guessing but dont think

that fellas' behind ever met

any resistance

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d0e072  No.10401871


Says former clown and HW Bush traitor Bill Barr.

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217505  No.10401872

File: 5805938394a038f⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1452x1352, 363:338, Screen_Shot_2019_03_11_at_….png)

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fb4e63  No.10401873


Sounds like a Swedish guy

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641dfc  No.10401874


Diamonds, another great con….(jewellery, not industrial use)

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53a220  No.10401875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fedefe  No.10401876

File: d3c8603d85a56c3⋯.png (436.22 KB, 1385x914, 1385:914, ClipboardImage.png)


Flight plan filed for Richmond, VA.

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ffc9a7  No.10401877


I have no idea. Hillary is a Jewish roots Israel first stooge, so there is that.

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cf5bb3  No.10401878

notables bun @ 650


>>10401763 (Live) Postmaster General testifies before House

>>10401759 26 Republicans Voted With Dems on New $25B USPS Bill. Here are the names

>>10401755 Denmark Suspends Military Intelligence Agency Boss, No Reason Given


>>10401565 FBI w/CAP: Attorney General William Barr recently directed the formation of a task force to combat violent anti-government extremism?…

>>10401522 Marco Incoming: Six huge waterspouts seen over Gulf of Mexico in astounding footage

>>10401496 U.S. Army w/CAP: It's a great day to fly!

>>10401431 Trump pledges ‘permanent manned moon base’ if he wins second term


>>10401368, >>10401553, >>10401615, >>10401652, >>10401735, >>10401808 planefag reporting

>>10401329, >>10401447 (Live) RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump. Convention is underway

>>10401307, >>10401685 Imagine that: Zoom Is Down at the Worst Possible Time. outage worldwide

>>10401301 Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman dead at 64

>>10401280 Wisconsin Govenor pours gas on fire. …"shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement"

>>10401208 Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base

Baking in a bit

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84c5c5  No.10401880


dude. i like this.

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53a220  No.10401881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0a82f  No.10401882

File: d03162213cde3fd⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Deodorizer.jpg)


"Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill"

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64a1b9  No.10401883

File: 71433e0693e61bb⋯.png (466.8 KB, 622x629, 622:629, how_covid_should_be_report….png)


no problem, o7, thanks for sharing memes; is as important as making them imo for if either does not exist, no memes out

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502cdc  No.10401884


wut, no amendments?

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214890  No.10401885

The House committee, or subcommittee headed by dem rep. Maloney who might have won her primary has in it's early stage. One thing has been revealed: The Republicans are Loaded for Bear. Republicans ain't taking any dem shit today. Post Master DeJoy making his opening statement. He said everything the dems and their partner media has said about him HAS BEEN LIES. Stay tuned.

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94310d  No.10401886


Yep (I'm not fun at parties either)

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c14ac1  No.10401887

File: 30899d762190449⋯.gif (72.38 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Mike_Pomp.gif)

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fb4e63  No.10401888

File: 2a3b154c2b17976⋯.gif (467.84 KB, 650x645, 130:129, 2a3b154c2b17976da8f8bd86e1….gif)

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65d0be  No.10401889

Pls find the guy holding the assault weapon inthe DJT jr video.

He’s recognizable enough.

Would be nice to report him on behalf of q research?



Morning sun is UK newspaper. it has been having a lot of scoops lately, all moar or less Q related, like randy andy (prince andrew) and epstain stuff.

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578745  No.10401891

File: ec97fb183a9521a⋯.png (534.83 KB, 487x487, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea24a0  No.10401892


They could all be true:

Free range: we're free to roam round as we please (or at least we could before Kung Flu)

Never confined to a feed lot: no prisoners, please; free people taste the best

Made from people like you: because you're a free human being

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5cf09e  No.10401893


>discussing the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.

Nice story, bro.

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ffc9a7  No.10401894

File: d73b927e2a69a63⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 586x668, 293:334, Balfour_Declaration_1917.jpg)

File: 16e61e8641a86e3⋯.png (664.74 KB, 1460x949, 20:13, Rothschild_Boulevard.png)

File: d8d2f8a5032cedf⋯.png (239.04 KB, 653x704, 653:704, Rothschild_Creation_Israel.png)

File: 01add1ac34db737⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_1.jpg)

File: 73ab41c97677ace⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 492x934, 246:467, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_2.jpg)


Militarized forced real estate acquisition team of the Jewish European Rothschild banking cartel.

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03677f  No.10401895

File: f11f4b534dea48e⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 534x634, 267:317, gym.JPG)


The owner of Atilis Gym registered his location as a REPUBLICAN policitical HQ and is open for business!!

Checkmate MF!!


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0065ac  No.10401897

File: 9deadce9e4f5f99⋯.png (121.13 KB, 156x331, 156:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e6c76ca8d878dc⋯.png (101.99 KB, 150x279, 50:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32bd5fef303e225⋯.png (110.18 KB, 131x314, 131:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 641e8b53bdee64f⋯.png (104.9 KB, 129x299, 129:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18d2cf8899f4f3b⋯.png (57.38 KB, 121x156, 121:156, ClipboardImage.png)



>Pls find the guy holding the assault weapon

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b5058e  No.10401898

File: 6ebec86bde05161⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 1116x800, 279:200, dustification.jpg)


sorry no

ur full of shit

And you're incorrect about thermite/ thermate too

When will you update your research

you've done the same cut and paste for 3 years.

Why can't you win?

The "evil jews" are just sooooo clever and make it so all the Q researchers think you're full of shit?

No, it's because your argument is bad.

everyone can see it.

arguing from part to whole

"guilt by association"


that's how come we knw you are full of shit.

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ffc9a7  No.10401900

File: 2fe37b52b759e1f⋯.jpeg (319.06 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1_Matrix_Q_crumb_meme.jpeg)

File: d264054dc15ff8e⋯.png (19.23 KB, 462x344, 231:172, 2_Matrix_Q_crumb_original.PNG)

File: fcda6c2279ab985⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1582x6913, 1582:6913, 3_Matrix_movie_metaphor_an….png)

File: 1886845276b9d31⋯.jpeg (217.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 5_Interview_Harold_Wallac….jpeg)

File: 0c07bc1b4436b42⋯.png (282.3 KB, 1226x900, 613:450, 4_Jewish_Rabbi_on_Goyim2.png)


Yep, still not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Remember: Israel comes last, tick tock :)

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9b32e9  No.10401901


Ten thumbs up!

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53a220  No.10401902


don't dox him he's one of us

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d01a91  No.10401903


>Again, if you are a member of proud boyz tell us what your group represents. Is that so difficult? Maybe, I will join. Waiting…🧐

I have never implied that I am a member of that organization or any other. What I am saying is that I do not remember them as having done anything to be lumped in with the likes of BLM. If being accurate and attempting to get an emotional response and a participation award by being inaccurate is your goal, then it has been achieved.

One last thing, the fact that you try and infer a character assassination rather than discuss the merits is evidence you must be from The Hill. How much are they paying you to do this?

Ill wait.

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c8382e  No.10401904


nigger gets ventilated for trying to escape

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c0a82f  No.10401905

File: bcca5eab3ea8bf5⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Roach15.jpg)


"Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill"

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502cdc  No.10401906



we are doxxing citizens

demonstrating their 2nd amendment rights, without any evidence of a crime


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bb5b85  No.10401907


The better question, Stevie, is what happened when you wrote the ending to the Dark Tower series and what so horrified you when you wrote it that you had to stoop to a cheap literary device to end that entire series? What happened, Steve? God show you something you didn't want to see? Or something you didn't want the world to see?

God sees you, Steve. And so do the rest of us.

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7bf080  No.10401908

File: d31d106a045be13⋯.png (105.84 KB, 299x319, 299:319, 2019_09_30_12_02_02.png)


>Pence has "no time" for Qanon calls it "conspiracy"

The main stream media reporters do not investigate anything, they just say what they are told to say by their masters.

The reporters are too stupid to realize that they also are slaves and just as complicit as those who rule over them.

Funny how CNN has plenty of time for conspiracy theories but can't be bothered to investigate all the child/sex trafficking going on all around the world unless it serves the narrative the reporters must regurgitate.

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94310d  No.10401909

File: fd30b691d281172⋯.jpg (278.04 KB, 686x560, 49:40, ventilator2.jpg)

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ffcf9d  No.10401910


I see what you did there…

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7228ab  No.10401911

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ffc9a7  No.10401912

File: c8d4399efae908f⋯.png (172.43 KB, 573x714, 191:238, 1566340210936.png)

File: 8605bbb96aee918⋯.png (226.32 KB, 667x731, 667:731, 1567843764217.png)

File: 78ec39b80e1a182⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2056x3184, 257:398, Big_Mouth_jewish_kids_show….jpg)

File: 10530615f3a98db⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 3022x1390, 1511:695, Big_Mouth_USS_Liberty.jpg)

File: 9b13cc29bc0461b⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charlie_Kirk_Calls_USS_Lib….mp4)


Not an argument, low IQ Israeli shill.

Cry more.

Remember: Israel comes last :)

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53a220  No.10401913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac323a  No.10401914

File: 1370b221df5bdfc⋯.png (846.19 KB, 891x557, 891:557, ohvey.PNG)

Oy vey !!


(JTA) — A sign with the phrase “The Jews Want A Race War” was hung from the heavily trafficked Los Angeles interstate 405 highway overpass on Saturday.

In some photos of it posted on social media, the sign is accompanied by another publicizing a white supremacist website. The site includes a video of supporters standing on the overpass with the signs.

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0065ac  No.10401916



>don't dox him he's one of us

>we are doxxing citizens

BS, that liddle idiot is lucky he didn't get put the fuck down right then and there!

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7754df  No.10401917


you put it into a 'we' tense, but that is one poster, and that post is only of that poster.

there is not a 'we' about stuff like that.

stop smeering the board with your misunderstanding and trying to tag a 'we' on the plop that people deposit here .

each person is a person. The 'we' about their post does not exist.

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ffc9a7  No.10401918

File: 7b67c2ceec1c4df⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1280x1365, 256:273, 7b67c2ceec1c4df6b4a2405891….png)

File: 59ee38be777d8d3⋯.jpg (407.56 KB, 1108x2036, 277:509, 59ee38be777d8d30b33a2bbddd….jpg)

File: af1d837d10317a4⋯.jpg (642.23 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, af1d837d10317a4ddf88658e54….jpg)

File: 47f7d41b46e5600⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 3079x2436, 3079:2436, anti_White_Jew_comedian.jpg)

File: af253ae5df852a1⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 866x542, 433:271, God_Twitter_Jew.jpg)



Speaking of racism, pics related.

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4e8645  No.10401919

File: f60fb28d6c5751a⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1103, 1080:1103, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8382e  No.10401920


Yeajh the darktower ended cheaply and making roland a nigger in the movies did not help at all compared to the book images ROLAND WAS WHITE!

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927747  No.10401921


First day?

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53a220  No.10401922

bought some skittles in black bag in dream last night. pray for me.

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ea24a0  No.10401923


Much kek!

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94310d  No.10401924

File: df16e563c3c7d4d⋯.jpg (965.18 KB, 1672x1073, 1672:1073, billboardwwg.jpg)

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0065ac  No.10401925


It already is-

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ffc9a7  No.10401927

File: f06f9180046bd0c⋯.jpg (231.35 KB, 960x684, 80:57, Israel_aid.jpg)

File: 9ee682652e25d1d⋯.png (104.9 KB, 1227x278, 1227:278, Israel_aid_2_it_gets_worse.PNG)

File: c0e5c2160fee35d⋯.png (357.17 KB, 1184x2013, 1184:2013, Israel_is_rich.png)

File: f14292aad3f2be7⋯.png (31.8 KB, 1209x294, 403:98, Jew_Fatigue.PNG)

File: 59c182a08ad5819⋯.png (3.63 MB, 2505x1692, 835:564, Greece_Israel_5.png)



Still not an argument, meltdown yid shill.

Cry more :)

The United States should end military aid to Israel.

1. Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for it's own military.

2. Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than a decade. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military.

3. Military aid to Israel is a diplomatic liability,

4. Military aid to Israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy Law and Israel's sale of nuclear weapon's technology to the Apartheid South African government disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Symington Amendment.

5. The Israeli lobby is perpetuating US involvement in ME wars and that destabilizes EU Countries, because the zionist-sympathetic EU leadership allows the displaced "refugees" to get inside the EU members territories. This is a grave crime, it's knowingly planned Ethnic Displacement.

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cf5bb3  No.10401928

final final bun for #13311

hold 'em


>>10401895 The owner of Atilis Gym registered his location as a REPUBLICAN policitical HQ and is open for business!!

>>10401763 (Live) Postmaster General testifies before House

>>10401759 26 Republicans Voted With Dems on New $25B USPS Bill. Here are the names

>>10401755 Denmark Suspends Military Intelligence Agency Boss, No Reason Given


>>10401565 FBI w/CAP: Attorney General William Barr recently directed the formation of a task force to combat violent anti-government extremism?…

>>10401522 Marco Incoming: Six huge waterspouts seen over Gulf of Mexico in astounding footage

>>10401496 U.S. Army w/CAP: It's a great day to fly!

>>10401431 Trump pledges ‘permanent manned moon base’ if he wins second term


>>10401368, >>10401553, >>10401615, >>10401652, >>10401735, >>10401808, >>10401876 planefag reporting

>>10401329, >>10401447 (Live) RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump. Convention is underway

>>10401307, >>10401685 Imagine that: Zoom Is Down at the Worst Possible Time. outage worldwide

>>10401301 Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman dead at 64

>>10401280 Wisconsin Govenor pours gas on fire. …"shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement"

>>10401208 Officials: Fort Rucker solider found dead off base

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502cdc  No.10401930



i did not see the part where he fired the weapon,


my apologies, 2nd Amendment aficionado.

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84c5c5  No.10401931

File: 0af4ab3b1baa448⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 503x340, 503:340, old_sub_base_postcard_st_t….jpg)

File: 726f2f926329c18⋯.jpg (615.06 KB, 800x1600, 1:2, water_isle_Hemingway_Artic….jpg)

File: e4fa5cb02d2e2cb⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 650x529, 650:529, water_isle_ernst_hemingway….jpg)

File: f7de0273dfb9628⋯.png (212.94 KB, 779x729, 779:729, here_fishy_fishy.PNG)

File: 9eb4c4edc27a2f0⋯.pdf (1.4 MB, WaterIslandCaseStudy_USVI_….pdf)

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65d0be  No.10401932


Allright, then dont dox him.

Read DJT jr twat.

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c14ac1  No.10401933

File: 4152d8204b9ad59⋯.jpg (732.14 KB, 1611x1074, 3:2, Bourne_To_Fren.jpg)

File: b5bc69f3d8ca25e⋯.jpg (176.71 KB, 778x641, 778:641, D5.jpg)

File: b2a955ada336700⋯.jpg (834.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Bourne.jpg)

File: dc47c7ab2090ce2⋯.jpg (190.08 KB, 648x495, 72:55, Marine_One_Flynn.jpg)

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84e84c  No.10401934

File: b082bce14b0932a⋯.jpg (218.56 KB, 900x636, 75:53, 20200605_203655.jpg)

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5ba804  No.10401935


Charlotte was the daughter of a duke of the Salien family, one of the ten dynastic families of the Holy Roman Empire. That would be one of the ten crowned horns of the seventh head of the Dragon.

Maybe POTUS sending message to the Papacy to butt out.

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c0a82f  No.10401936

File: d59bd87d70d6574⋯.jpg (14.11 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Roach16.jpg)


"Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Still not an argument" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill" "Nice projection, low IQ Israeli shill"

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d05814  No.10401937

File: 7029590276989ea⋯.png (839.18 KB, 736x552, 4:3, 0e9b0d3fcf683a1c76aca3472e….png)


checkin in yo

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ffc9a7  No.10401938

File: f4c24f6cc8068c3⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Israel_aid_meme_2.jpg)

File: 3d4b748d0e65b6d⋯.jpg (98.6 KB, 853x448, 853:448, Israel_aid_meme_3.jpg)

File: c9af6d85c39cd92⋯.jpg (74.63 KB, 577x433, 577:433, Israel_aid_meme_4.jpg)

File: c7dbd3694057627⋯.png (78.23 KB, 478x498, 239:249, Israel_traitor.png)

File: 26dbf9f0946a37a⋯.png (824.18 KB, 836x773, 836:773, More_Aids.png)


Tell Congress: American taxpayer dollars for Americans! Vote NO on $38 Billion to Israel

Over 38 million Americans have lost their jobs; 100,000 small businesses have closed permanently, and 7.5 million more are at risk.

Nevertheless, Congress is poised to pass a new law - one that would obligate American taxpayers to give Israel at least $10 million per day for the next ten years.

The Senate could make its move at any moment; the House has already passed a similar bill.

The U.S. has given more money to Israel than to any other country. On average, Israelis receive 7,000 times more aid than other people around the world. In fact, we the taxpayers have given Israel – with a population under 9 million – more aid than we've given to the one billion people living sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined.

It's time to say, "Enough is enough. American taxpayer dollars for Americans in need!

Congress members need to know thatAmerica First Patriots are watching. American taxpayers don't want to be required to give Israel massive amounts of money when so many Americans are struggling.

To learn more about the bill (S.3176) read here:



To learn more about the costs of Israel to the US read here:



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f098e1  No.10401940

>>10401897 The penalty for treason is to be hanged by the micro benis until it is 4 feet long.

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197b81  No.10401941

Worldwide Outages of Zoom


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b5058e  No.10401942

File: 494f11e2909ac80⋯.jpg (176.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, freespeech.jpg)


"no time" doesn't mean it's wrong

just means he has no time to look into it deeper

in other words it's not important enough for him to verify, or not.

the most important issue?

Is it that we have place to meet and study? and that it's being archived. And that everyone can read it?

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578745  No.10401943

File: aa4a203b6bdb585⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1353x753, 451:251, ClipboardImage.png)


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502cdc  No.10401944


we should try decaf

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d17866  No.10401945

File: 7e61fcf89bc84ad⋯.jpg (156.04 KB, 1078x1200, 539:600, EgMZvkuVoAAiG4k.jpg)

Make it trending


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1d15a4  No.10401946


unions are filled with the stupidest people on the planet.

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ffc9a7  No.10401947

File: e7536013b56ad32⋯.png (532.74 KB, 598x796, 299:398, Flynn_2_per_cent_control.png)

File: 6f545326ebe19c8⋯.png (277.44 KB, 1652x803, 1652:803, Flynn_2_per_cent_control_J….png)

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fedefe  No.10401948

File: 75f7238c0be1d5c⋯.png (20.87 KB, 198x49, 198:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, that's awkward. They should have said made by people like you. It's beef though. kek.

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cf5bb3  No.10401949


copy that. gotta bake now tho.

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bb5b85  No.10401950


Roland was the best character I've ever read. Wish I'd written him.

Stephen King let Roland down. I lost all respect for Stevie then.

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f0abed  No.10401951

File: 554c6256b0ab0e8⋯.png (449.12 KB, 899x473, 899:473, Screen_Shot_2020_06_27_at_….png)

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fedefe  No.10401954

File: ae313dc01b2a678⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 426x612, 71:102, FB_IMG_1565021759500_jpg_0….jpg)

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d01a91  No.10401956


>Roland was the best character I've ever read. Wish I'd written him.

>Stephen King let Roland down. I lost all respect for Stevie then.

Same here.

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5643ff  No.10401957

File: 3536e602d8a6726⋯.jpg (942.7 KB, 1333x807, 1333:807, ShallWePlayGame.JPG)

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8b7eab  No.10401961

File: d2f886c91cab638⋯.png (45.23 KB, 565x380, 113:76, POTUS_PostOffice.png)


Feel free to counter if you have updated info.


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1d15a4  No.10401962


fuck following rules made by demonrats

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d6db63  No.10401963


>being inaccurate


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53a220  No.10401964

File: b78b82feecd1153⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d52fa7cf9611b8⋯.png (4.2 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I hope it was the former (unlimited - delicious ultra rare classic) and not the latter (newer disgusting abomination)

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c14ac1  No.10401965

File: 32e1c20b37932a0⋯.gif (520.69 KB, 1920x798, 320:133, Casino.gif)



line from justice league snyder cut - Ben Affleck-batman "they haven't face US United"

Ironman - Robert D Jr - "go US:

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9b32e9  No.10401966


Does anybody know why it is green instead of red?

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ffc9a7  No.10401967

File: 16d403ef6fad294⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2144x1668, 536:417, 5_meme_1_5.png)

File: 5938d0db2ddbe6d⋯.jpg (96.66 KB, 995x560, 199:112, Boycott_Israel_meme_15.jpg)

File: f6d0dc915ea0e93⋯.png (3.64 MB, 4260x2012, 1065:503, Israel_Islamization_of_the….png)

File: d86cc0f9661fc42⋯.png (3.51 MB, 4888x2152, 611:269, Israel_MSM_zionists_boycot….png)

File: 88c65a8682c51f0⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2904x1612, 726:403, Israel_pedo_have_boycott.png)

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5643ff  No.10401968

File: 2cf80dcaa727bcf⋯.jpg (70.25 KB, 898x628, 449:314, TheShadowKnows.JPG)

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fedefe  No.10401969

File: f2c99cb102175eb⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 615x750, 41:50, 752976792_EarlyGrummanSeat….jpg)

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5a2634  No.10401970


>They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

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bb2716  No.10401971

File: 4693220a01e0a0b⋯.jpg (85.01 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Unite_the_Right_Rally_Alt_….jpg)


>The Alt-Right isn't a subversive psyop

Pic related. And before you deny it outright:

>In June, ahead of the rally, McInnes declared that "we need to distance ourselves from them", but "after backlash to the original disavowal flared-up from Alt-Right circles, the statement was withdrawn and replaced with another distancing the Proud Boys from the event yet also encouraging those who 'feel compelled' to attend".

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c8382e  No.10401972


Roland was great until the movie came out.

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d01a91  No.10401973



Amazing how we are also on that list.

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d6db63  No.10401975

File: 4ec309250b7d225⋯.jpeg (644.23 KB, 828x1252, 207:313, B40B3C4B_ADBF_4D30_ADB1_5….jpeg)


>being inaccurate

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94310d  No.10401976

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, wtqp.jpg)

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7754df  No.10401977



when he did the dog in the hole and they call it during the tv version of The Stand and it was a scene out of a Lassie episode, I think I knew then . . . that he wasn't all that.

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fb4e63  No.10401978



the photo was enough to confirm your statement kek

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b9125c  No.10401979

DeJoy looks like a coward

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53a220  No.10401980


>why it is green instead of red?


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c8382e  No.10401981

Blain the train.

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cf5bb3  No.10401982

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)






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33a8fa  No.10401988

File: dc68cd35bb08d65⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1620, 2:3, absolutelyreeee2.png)

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fb4e63  No.10401989


at this point, the majority are useful idiots that have been manipulated for far too long

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c0a82f  No.10401990

File: 339a8a873696348⋯.png (192.63 KB, 677x729, 677:729, DNCSatanic6.png)


derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi derp derp derp play role of Qanon = Nazi

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