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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

5c3386  No.10079311[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.17.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

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100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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5c3386  No.10079319

Global Announcements

>>10073006, >>10073069 Images: can currently load images in Clearnet, view but not load in TOR

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10077857 The Hill has an Opinion: Harris seen as Biden VP favorite as clock ticks

>>10077882 (Vidgya) Eric Trump Neither Confirms nor Denies Anything About the Conspiracy Theory Called Q

>>10077921 Matt Whitaker (Op-Ed): Big Tech censorship is elites vs. you

>>10078056 Gun Control Sneaks by Lackadaisical Republicans

>>10077942 SeattlePD Update: 16 arrests for assault on officers, obstruction and failure to disperse.

>>10078004 CONFIRMED: Media manipulation of #coronavirus death numbers.

>>10078132 Tom Fitton via Tw^tter: "Obamagate was never about Russia." He goes on to say who it was about.

>>10078145 Acting CBP Commissioner: Portland Mayor Is Telling Feds to Go Home, But Not Criminals

>>10078153 Archbishop Viganò: ‘Heresy, sodomy, and corruption’ are trademark of ‘deep church’

>>10078167 Sen. Tom Cotton and Bill Hagerty: Make China Pay for Pandemic, Make ‘Made in USA’ America’s Theme Again

>>10078178 Stanford Professor of Biophysics Claims US COVID Will Be Done In 4 Weeks by Late August

>>10078307 Planefags Trollin' with Devil Horns

>>10078310 The Five Deadly Ds of the Air Force's Cyber Arsenal

>>10078433 SpaceX launches a South Korean communications satellite aboard the Falcon 9 booster setting a record for the fastest turnaround time for reusing a rocket

>>10078486 #12998


>>10077176 Sinclair Delays Report Containing Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

>>10077268 USPS Fails Mail-In Ballot Test

>>10077317 Group Organizing Anti-Netanyahu Protests Received Jeffrey Epstein Money

>>10077335 Far-left rioters in Seattle broke into the East Precinct and set it on fire.

>>10077340 California, Florida, Texas each lose House seat if illegal immigrants not counted in census, report | Just The News

>>10077232 Thousands protest against Netanyahu, government across country

>>10077447 Richard Grenell on Tw^tter: "You’ve got it totally wrong. The Obama team weaponized DOJ, FBI and other intel agencies

>>10077487 Trump declares emergency, approves federal funding for Hawaii ahead of hurricane Douglas

>>10077592 Planefaggin'

>>10077589 Walmart, Home Depot and other retailers walk back face mask mandates, will serve maskless customers

>>10077760 #12897


>>10076292 Seattle Police Abandon Residents As Antifa Uses Twitter, Facebook To Organize Nationwide Protests

>>10076355 Kayleigh McEnany Makes MSM Want to Take Their Ball and Go Home

>>10076313 Morrison government ministers allowed to defy travel ban to fly to the US

>>10076492 All eyes on the Arctic: US, China and Russia race to control far north

>>10076493, >>10076512 Archbishop Viganò: ‘Heresy, sodomy, and corruption’ are trademark of ‘deep church’

>>10076507 CRIME PAYS: Bandit Nancy Pelosi Pockets $6 Million in Amazon Stock PROFITS; INSIDER TRADING Scheme Involved Purchase During Congressional Coronavirus Meetings Before U.S. Retailers Were Forced to Close

>>10076511 Lisa Page warns of 'generational harm' after source promised confidentiality by FBI is identified

>>10076573 Health Company Apologizes for Falsely Telling 600,000 US Military Members They Were Infected With Coronavirus

>>10076582 More Willful Blindness by the Media on Spying by Obama Administration

>>10076586 Exclusive Details: New Book Unmasks Drudge’s Motives, Says He Once Told Breitbart He Wanted Obama to Win for Website Views

>>10076620 Black Militia Vows to ‘Burn Down’ Louisville in Four Weeks if Cops Involved in Death of Breonna Taylor Aren’t Arrested

>>10076640 WALSH: I Looked Up Every Case Of An Unarmed Black Man Shot By Cops In 2019. Here’s The Truth The Media And BLM Are Hiding

>>10076651 Clarence Page: Chicago’s ‘Dreadful’ Crime Rate Will Fall Thanks to Partnership with Feds

>>10076671 White House: 3 Federal Officers Likely Permanently Blinded By Portland Protesters

>>10076714 A Washington Post/ABC News poll has found that a majority of Americans would prefer to vote in-person in the November presidential election.

>>10076753 3/22/2020 Mike Pompeo Puzzle Tweet: Hillary & Mao/Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Connection may be a Missing Puzzle Piece

>>10076743 Gavin Newsom's $3.7 Million Estate Was Gifted to Him in 2019; 3 Months Later He Got a $2.7 Million Tax Free Cash-Out

>>10076855 (For Keks) Lewinsky Goes Viral on Twitter With Joke About Internship

>>10077009 #12896

Previously Collected Notables

>>10076205 #12895,

>>10073860 #12892, >>10074622 #12893, >>10075432 #12894

>>10071552 #12889, >>10072235 #12890, >>10073223 #12891

>>10069219 #12886, >>10070006 #12887, >>10071440 #12888

>>10066928 #12883, >>10067681 #12884, >>10068451 #12885

>>10064634 #12880, >>10065292 #12881, >>10066150 #12882

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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5c3386  No.10079322

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

Germany #60 >>9799424

UK #19 >>9947756

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

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5c3386  No.10079326

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* China CCP Chinese Communist Party's evildoing https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health; Trump EOs to lower medical costs https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Disneygate Disney’s pedo connections https://mega.nz/folder/gcgnySBR#9bcRU8rrOOlGs8gxdMyH7g

* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ Therapy/prophylactic for COVID-19 etc. Make it OTC. https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #24 >>>/comms/20544

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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5c3386  No.10079332

File: 5f7278d10b0831b⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 5f7278d10b0831bc557e1f9302….jpg)

File: 7bf4eaac3a689d4⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1319x1194, 1319:1194, 7bf4eaac3a689d4a58ab8ae911….png)



There is no baker, this bread is on it's own

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2b56ac  No.10079339

File: acb2a82737ed891⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 474x351, 158:117, wailing_lie.jpg)

File: 23a035ec0b03257⋯.jpg (628.83 KB, 744x793, 744:793, wailing_wall.jpg)

File: 10d9bf8faed0c98⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 720x581, 720:581, wailing_walll.jpg)

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883691  No.10079341

Great Work Baker. Nice notes on the swoop in.


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9f1ab9  No.10079355

File: 4d2c974fd84b1da⋯.jpg (252.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, covidSS.jpg)

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74a64f  No.10079362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The World Must Know


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d1a5fe  No.10079364



someone scrape 12899 for notes

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278dec  No.10079372

File: 540968132081e36⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 500x555, 100:111, antifaterrorist.jpg)

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38dd11  No.10079373

you are not 'just a big nobody'

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f3e84f  No.10079374

File: e62d00996db445b⋯.png (435.74 KB, 691x500, 691:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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608171  No.10079375


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661203  No.10079376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Portland Andy

Protest stream

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da55eb  No.10079377


Is anon working this one?

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2f0134  No.10079379

File: 25a8e030acac756⋯.png (802.15 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, Busted6.png)

File: 82a18534f6a2d19⋯.png (604.62 KB, 1379x877, 1379:877, Busted5.png)

File: e847b0279dccab1⋯.png (150.13 KB, 1286x374, 643:187, Busted8.png)

File: af8c493d64cb68b⋯.png (325.74 KB, 1311x800, 1311:800, Busted7.png)

File: c2f98e4b19ee7f3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 860x484, 215:121, Busted.png)


If you were right, why would you have to lie about shit?

You lied. A lot.

Therefore anything you say, to any free thinking Anon, must be immediately seen a suspect.

You did it to yourself.

Well done.

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cfeae8  No.10079380

File: e949ad9b2904a27⋯.png (271.14 KB, 445x543, 445:543, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

File: 912856619770acc⋯.png (124.75 KB, 451x500, 451:500, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

File: dea94cb3eccd861⋯.png (182.83 KB, 451x457, 451:457, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

File: 027518fb5dd729f⋯.png (66.29 KB, 448x310, 224:155, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

File: 382f8800bc16503⋯.png (27.33 KB, 449x134, 449:134, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

This seems relevant now.


Some old Q posts that give some perspective

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dc379a  No.10079381


This is the First movie I’ve ever watched where the Goodguys lose to the Badguys.

Nice Twist.


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b3f9f4  No.10079382

File: 7c19f03aa234185⋯.jpg (4.63 KB, 200x200, 1:1, smoking.jpg)

>>10079333 lb

Because SF's an infinitely more civilized town.

Marin, Oakland on the schedule tonight, though.

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9dba1d  No.10079383

File: d34bdb1cbfd6442⋯.jpeg (161.3 KB, 700x974, 350:487, BF426F7D_D3FF_46D0_B9E0_0….jpeg)



“Mask up fuckos.”

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2bc5a8  No.10079384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10079333 pb

Nice Trips Anon!

>Why no riots in San Fran?

Song related

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a21cbf  No.10079385

File: b190635de365db3⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1040x859, 1040:859, San_Francisco.PNG)

>>10079333 (lb/pb)

Geography…SF is a cul-de-sac if you close the bridges…too easy for authorities outside of SFPD to seal escape routes off

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eedab2  No.10079386


>e governors to handle things like they were meant to do rather than have fed step in. It was a clear sign of separating friend from foe of the Constitution. Not everything will be clean.

>Don't feel left out anon. You aren't alone. There is a plan, and we are the ones here to see that this is the truth.

>Your governors are going to be held accountable one way or another, and they know this. There is a very good reason they don't want the Feds brought in but they also don't want you to be free….JMO.

So good had to ensure it was seen twice.

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64ee09  No.10079387

File: 1e4a8fe87ebd9d9⋯.png (52.03 KB, 402x566, 201:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb64541195eca5f⋯.png (91.18 KB, 350x435, 70:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca6779e948728c4⋯.png (65.15 KB, 352x600, 44:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8da19f6261d08b0⋯.png (75.68 KB, 377x623, 377:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a95e1c99b4635f⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 933x621, 311:207, EbemYwQXQAA1xaI.jpg)

>>10079312 lb

>>10079286 lb


Feb 12 2019 10:10:22 (EST)


Sep 3 2018 19:01:25 (EST)

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706fd3  No.10079388



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78662a  No.10079389

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

File: 2cc6b2ee29b3e97⋯.png (367.96 KB, 500x417, 500:417, Time_for_the_roundup.png)

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 3ec62d08f7e97b1⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 532x380, 7:5, lost_forever.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

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ba16a2  No.10079390

File: ee8f27aa9c790b3⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture_2020_07_25_22_49_5….png)

File: d78cb7c7b0321e3⋯.jpeg (101.62 KB, 510x680, 3:4, EdyghiuXsAUyxV2.jpeg)

File: c9a60de011b1d48⋯.jpeg (440.43 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EdtflivWoAYcbau.jpeg)


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1826b8  No.10079391

File: 476557044fa1950⋯.png (871.23 KB, 724x866, 362:433, 476557044fa195056d81c5daa4….png)

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cfeae8  No.10079392

File: 59a824e1c69dc1c⋯.png (120.41 KB, 1263x601, 1263:601, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)



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1826b8  No.10079393

File: d7e0a74831324d4⋯.png (912.94 KB, 921x815, 921:815, d7e0a74831324d4e5a82aaf01d….png)

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c0d5da  No.10079394


San Francisco "civilized" Yikes..People probably didn't want to step in human waste and used needles…

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39e28e  No.10079395


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608171  No.10079396


Your lies are my fuel

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c6c169  No.10079397

one of the austin shooting videos, starts around 2h32m in


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6283ca  No.10079398

File: 8d8905b67a03ad4⋯.png (447.19 KB, 680x611, 680:611, 8d8905b67a03ad4e3ba83f30d7….png)

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bcd157  No.10079399

File: a153d101f7fb14b⋯.png (822.29 KB, 893x516, 893:516, Screenshot_2020_07_25_Dian….png)

File: 5e85bce1dbca285⋯.png (776.4 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Screenshot_2020_07_25_Dian….png)


kek, I was blaming her..

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78662a  No.10079400

File: 80d62716db553e7⋯.jpg (142.84 KB, 940x627, 940:627, GLOW_MORE.jpg)

File: 62a9afebe95cda1⋯.jpg (203.08 KB, 863x620, 863:620, Milley_no_mattis.jpg)

File: 6013bc897eab7ce⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Milley_warning.jpg)

File: 3e5aec96a4d0d09⋯.jpg (151.23 KB, 978x531, 326:177, TICK_TOCK_ASSHOLES.jpg)

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1826b8  No.10079401

File: f23d3848c9c7277⋯.png (729.67 KB, 905x649, 905:649, f23d3848c9c72775b8621cc634….png)

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5171d5  No.10079402

George Floyd, George of the Jungle, strong but he can't breathe. (Tarzan yell) Watch out for that knee!

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6283ca  No.10079403

File: b082abb79bd5f12⋯.png (234.54 KB, 553x498, 553:498, b082abb79bd5f12395a137e336….png)

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ce00e9  No.10079404

File: e2acad54c0f9859⋯.png (76.85 KB, 684x620, 171:155, download_2_.png)

File: 37a27261f2122b1⋯.png (360.08 KB, 922x693, 922:693, crbst_rffrfrf.png)

File: 2a6338f9f46c5b1⋯.png (215.69 KB, 850x452, 425:226, H_plane_gain_dB_radiation_….png)

File: a182693cfff3043⋯.jpg (519.93 KB, 1334x1230, 667:615, CMS_Higgs_event.jpg)

File: e21672de21e4c90⋯.png (69.28 KB, 1205x1185, 241:237, basecolorchargefield.png)

Ok I will try this again.

In learning more about Electro magnetic and RF fields i have learned enough to to question if the strong force is a different force than just the gain and voids of the EMRF fields.

I am beginning to think the Strong force in physics is just the gain from the electromagnetic/radio frequency forces. So I put into graphs as the color charge being a sine wave.

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ce762b  No.10079405


>>Why no riots in San Fran?

Nancy didn't approve riots in her own back yard? People only do what they will do in approved locations?

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883691  No.10079406



#BREAKING: Police are on scene of a shooting that occured during a protest in Austin, TX. The area is blocked off and police are asking everyone to avoid the area. Video may be sensitive to some. pic.twitter.com/BDsizx4OkT

— Brennan Prill ⚡︎ (@WxBrenn) July 26, 2020

UPDATE Shooting at E 6th St / Congress Ave: #ATCEMSMedics have transported an adult patient to a local trauma center with critical, life threatening injuries. Responders are searching for additional patients, thus far, patient count stands at 1. More information to follow.

— ATCEMS (@ATCEMS) July 26, 2020

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2b56ac  No.10079407

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)


JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes" before everything or call everyone else a kike or jew. Classic projection. But they still won't refute the information.

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74fe27  No.10079408

File: a315eb1c971f579⋯.jpg (217.93 KB, 1990x1120, 199:112, Nighthawk1.jpg)

Night Shift

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608171  No.10079409


The red ones I guess?

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2b56ac  No.10079410

File: 7ee81ff1006b0b4⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 1080x579, 360:193, hesJIDF.jpg)

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9f1ab9  No.10079411


That's what I was thinking..

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74a64f  No.10079412


post in earlier bread included AZ, IN, TX

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6283ca  No.10079413

File: 730f5bbc7230e40⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 480x621, 160:207, cee.jpg)

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e38a0d  No.10079414


If we lose its not bc we didn't expend all ammunition…




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08e769  No.10079415

File: a0f10b74a3da540⋯.jpg (553.75 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot.jpg)


Real anon pic.

Was ready to fly to Portland today.

Didn't go - thankful for emergency surgery sadly…

Was curious how they were going to ID me at the ticket counter, was going to resist taking mask off "muh chinese beerflu you know"…

And if I had to remove it, I would refuse to put it back on, if it is safe to take it off now and all…

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2f0134  No.10079416

File: 0f1b8842283f2ac⋯.png (338.55 KB, 768x600, 32:25, MuhJooSpam.png)

File: 6697dfd1db0c5fa⋯.png (514.78 KB, 730x456, 365:228, NotMossad.png)

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0b9875  No.10079417

File: 7ec3f61bf46378d⋯.png (235.6 KB, 586x426, 293:213, operationpaperclip.png)

The LOW IQ JEW should have never unleashed their NIGGERS on SOCIETY.

Now that the NIGGERS have a taste of BLOOD, they are slowly coming to realize that the hidden hand that holds the YOLK of BLACK SLAVERY (FED RES) is the JEW, they will hunt down and kill the jews with impunity, and oh, what a glorious sight that will be.

If only the STUPID WHITE (so called) CHRISTIANS could see what the LOW IQ BLACKS can see.

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c372fe  No.10079418

Idiots at work "I hope Trump gets covid". "These anti vaccine conspiracy theorists are sheep and would deny any proof you give them. They deserve covid".

Its not just how asleep I'm still seeing people. Its how bitter and mean they are. How does that change? Also curious how arrests will make people who loathe DJT see him in a different light? Curious how it makes those asleep stop hating so much. Its incredible. Say you support Trump and listen to a 20 minute rant about why its wrong. What happened to just respecting a person's decision to support who they want? Fucking why even vote. Just make it a tyranny. People are fucking dense. Im irriated. Anons sacrifice alot of relationships and just keep getting strung along. Can we get a Q and A? Something?

Had to vent.

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202c8d  No.10079419


does not appear to be anyone working this one or the last one

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2b56ac  No.10079420

File: 22935120b0d957f⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 255x204, 5:4, bro_just_stop_you_look_men….jpg)

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c0eb9b  No.10079421


So fuckin odd.

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255151  No.10079422

File: a7b3d3ee81194dc⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1242x1318, 621:659, 352EDEAA_8DFC_45A3_8A3A_DB….png)

This is nice bread

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b3f9f4  No.10079423

File: b6876ee920e6ebf⋯.jpg (17.61 KB, 474x316, 3:2, psychotic.jpg)

These live streams portray angry, entitled, inarticulate, obviously mentally ill people.

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fb71b1  No.10079424


Word on the street from SF is that the early Floyd riots were bad and the police let it go on a couple days, then just rounded ALL of them up and put them in jail. Chilling effect. Many wealthy elites live in SF. You dont see no chemtrails around there, never.

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2bc5a8  No.10079425

File: 62bdde00563132e⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 618x568, 309:284, NPdict.jpg)

File: c590ec2919dfa69⋯.png (189.95 KB, 500x626, 250:313, NPdist.png)


>Nancy didn't approve riots in her own back yard?

No Anon. San Fran was destroyed years ago. There's nothing for them there.

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2f0134  No.10079426


Lie some moar!

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6283ca  No.10079427

File: 963b9e6770add56⋯.png (147.95 KB, 1324x1007, 1324:1007, 963b9e6770add56ac79c3fdf45….png)

more proof

texas is flat earth

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c8e529  No.10079428

File: e4f8a293d5097b2⋯.jpg (267.03 KB, 1439x1214, 1439:1214, Screenshot_20200725_223944….jpg)

File: bcac41a4bd05722⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1439x1839, 1439:1839, Screenshot_20200725_213932….jpg)

File: 82fdf10466e2b98⋯.png (446.47 KB, 596x481, 596:481, 82fdf10466e2b989832a8e8e54….png)


"is coming at a YUGE priceg'

the US is literally a war zone now….

1,000s of our senior citizens dead

Trump supporters gunned down in a drive by

LEO's being permanently blinded

LEO's being ambushed almost daily

Chicago, Seattle & New York are worse than the days of Afghanistan.

This is a CIVIL WAR….

It begs the question

What would LINCOLN do?

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608171  No.10079429

So what now?

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64ee09  No.10079430

File: 379a97e717ae9d4⋯.png (343.6 KB, 482x461, 482:461, ClipboardImage.png)


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5fdc4f  No.10079431

File: af10c9795d42158⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 450x800, 9:16, 1595730914426.webm)

ty baker

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5b07a4  No.10079432

File: 2e007a7f3644335⋯.png (424.86 KB, 469x529, 469:529, pepe_enaker.png)


ty enaker

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bcd157  No.10079433


So many of these non elected SES plants. Wonder how many moar there are to take out of there..hopefully with all of the budget cuts and reg cuts..we are closer to the end of this nonsense previous presidents installed.

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883691  No.10079434


Baker Intravenously injecting Marihuahuas into eyeballs.

Will bake soon if no anon steps up.

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f12f38  No.10079435


love it

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3e4b19  No.10079436

File: a30e2f1be61ca8f⋯.png (957.61 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, IMG_6029.PNG)

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bd4b44  No.10079438

File: d30ac611a7ee157⋯.png (358.17 KB, 577x599, 577:599, d30ac611a7ee1578763642d10b….png)


o7 Baker

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defd79  No.10079440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some Free for ya, baker…..all right now. live .. check out the eclectic crowd ; half a century ago ; (tyb)

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5b07a4  No.10079441

File: f97518a5e9a81fc⋯.png (923.74 KB, 785x755, 157:151, nightshift_hornet_deck.PNG)

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17359d  No.10079442


Sad. Another Covid-19 statistic.

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78662a  No.10079443

File: 3eec55493773c38⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 620x464, 155:116, PERVERTED_FUCKUP.jpg)

File: 4f6d68004edecee⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 690x292, 345:146, MSM_CAN_T_HANDLE_TRUTH.jpg)

File: 11e49dfe096f47b⋯.jpg (299.07 KB, 1320x1449, 440:483, fired.jpg)

File: ba0e32307e65b27⋯.jpg (180.15 KB, 873x495, 97:55, Tears_will_purge.jpg)

File: 6d7306a17fdfe0f⋯.jpg (141.79 KB, 959x600, 959:600, Controlling_porn.jpg)

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e38a0d  No.10079444

Are tgere any true Patriots left here? Am I alone?

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2b56ac  No.10079445

File: 5c7cecf8f715150⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, kek_n_fren.jpg)

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ce762b  No.10079446


Seems like that's a glaring red flag. Points right at some very powerful people in SF.

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2bc5a8  No.10079447

File: a2a92b48b7455ed⋯.png (167.33 KB, 500x637, 500:637, BatMan.png)

File: 312c7d085c9ba5e⋯.png (136.62 KB, 500x693, 500:693, batx2.png)

File: 5f9524277e2e1a3⋯.jpg (231.19 KB, 980x552, 245:138, batPP.jpg)


I am Batman

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883691  No.10079448

File: eb928c767b2da62⋯.png (399.13 KB, 459x334, 459:334, Bread_Fresh2_If_U_Bake_It.png)

File: 2fac60e5ebe5599⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 533x355, 533:355, Comfy_Pepe_On_Moon.jpg)

File: a70bf9a93b50c01⋯.jpeg (204.9 KB, 1100x700, 11:7, Concerns.jpeg)

File: fb7b3d2ad139e31⋯.jpg (507.84 KB, 1392x1161, 464:387, DeepWithin.jpg)

File: eea4ca189f3275f⋯.jpeg (700.99 KB, 1470x1882, 735:941, Defend_Freedom.jpeg)

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6283ca  No.10079449

File: 56e36c04b19c4ed⋯.png (40.31 KB, 470x316, 235:158, 56e36c04b19c4edf14fa374342….png)

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608171  No.10079450

I guess you could say things to ease the.. caution?

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64ee09  No.10079451

File: 0c820f74527a1cc⋯.jpeg (237.79 KB, 1852x2522, 926:1261, 0c820f74527a1cc55b2c89918….jpeg)

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e36101  No.10079452


Shut your lying mouth!


To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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b3f9f4  No.10079453

File: 863b46ac8695f1d⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 1024x701, 1024:701, dc.jpg)

Can another protestor get shot? Then, I would really like a sandwich.

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ce00e9  No.10079454

File: a16f07705fb1ed1⋯.png (146.39 KB, 1194x1190, 597:595, REDBLEGREENFIELDYroation12.png)

File: 82498a0dba5f5ca⋯.png (345.04 KB, 1191x1186, 1191:1186, redbluegreenxy12rot.png)

File: 1dd752757fbda6e⋯.png (514.24 KB, 1211x1196, 1211:1196, colorxyzzoomout12rot.png)

File: 47fb672f55df511⋯.png (6.25 MB, 3476x1685, 3476:1685, gainsvoids.png)


Y rotation 30 degree

XY rotation 30 degree

XYZ rotation 30 degree


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608171  No.10079455


You bet your ass

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74a64f  No.10079456

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, pepe_hug.jpg)


be patient, it hurts for sure; but we can't blow the plan

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5c3386  No.10079457


guud shit too


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ce762b  No.10079458


Nancy still lives there.

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7341fe  No.10079459


God bless America

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08c1b1  No.10079460

File: 3039de57a9ad302⋯.png (2.21 KB, 239x54, 239:54, ClipboardImage.png)


This transcript is important for people to read if you want to understand what the cabal has been doing for a long, yet indefinite time. They have been dabbling in restoring past memories and abilities. It ties directly to their Satanic practices and summoning entities. Here is the introduction:

>Some of you may have read on our Questions page that I (Bill) have experience in an offshoot of the original Church of Scientology.

But I was utterly surprised when a legendary whistleblower in the Church of Scientology introduced himself to me and told me that what he had to share had something to do with Black Operations. Kerry, who has never studied Scientology, agreed that this whistleblower was very much in the ranks of regular Camelot whistleblowers. We decided to do an interview.

So: we bring you Dane Tops - an almost mythical figure in Scientology history who has never before come forward to tell his story - which is extraordinary even by Camelot standards: all about how the Church of Scientology was taken over in the early 1980s, and the courageous and astonishing way in which Dane blew the whistle, which resulted in tens of thousands of members realizing what was going on - and leaving. Put the coffee on (a lot of it!), read carefully, and Enjoy.

It is real and some people like myself know this from direct experience.

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2f0134  No.10079461


Do (You) think I am Jewish, Israeli, JIDF?

Or does your bullshit narrative require other readers to believe that?


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1826b8  No.10079462

File: 0f1a370e9d2c040⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 449x600, 449:600, 1585904754362.jpg)

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defd79  No.10079463

File: 7cb389910bd08c5⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 961x649, 961:649, 7cb389910bd08c5fc0b0d39140….jpg)

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269622  No.10079464


Not really. Most are too busy trusting the plan while violent bolsheviks destroy our national identity and history. Not to mention the fact that we are still at the grant total of zero criminal prosecutions against the known traitors. Talk about a huge letdown.

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2bc5a8  No.10079465

File: ac5cd2268666c6e⋯.png (404.34 KB, 860x840, 43:42, NightN.png)

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9c5e03  No.10079466


>It begs the question

>What would LINCOLN do?

Use words properly.

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e38a0d  No.10079467


Then help me out…

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5dc3fa  No.10079468

File: 5e4a1ffe581ffdb⋯.png (325.91 KB, 396x468, 11:13, Night_Shift_IS_the_best_sh….png)

File: 20056ab1aabbfb1⋯.png (382.04 KB, 384x474, 64:79, NIGHT_SHIFT_too.png)

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ceda05  No.10079469

File: 065feeb32f52528⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 480x270, 16:9, vLg4ObrwRpXoFsP9.mp4)

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64ee09  No.10079470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9f1ab9  No.10079471


What point do the silent majority quit being peaceful? Ballot box before ammo box?

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2b56ac  No.10079472

File: b24e18ad34f8627⋯.png (12.64 KB, 358x50, 179:25, JEWSHILLSWHINEtm.png)

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08c1b1  No.10079473


One note to mention - that part of what they are doing isn't evil, just what they try to do with the knowledge as you will read in the transcript. They would rather use it to control others, not free them.

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fb71b1  No.10079474


Feinstein, Harris, Newsom, Pelosi are all from SF.

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6283ca  No.10079475

File: 9f41474b5e5615e⋯.png (317.98 KB, 1280x471, 1280:471, 1352731922410.png)

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608171  No.10079476


What do

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7341fe  No.10079477


You are not alone, anon.

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1e1cbe  No.10079478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10079127 pb

Crown now chuckin' rocks at RPD District5 HQ. SWAT team on scene. Arrest orders issued for anyone out there. (18-2-405 rioting)

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0b9875  No.10079479

File: adc8252ad35e8c2⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 290x174, 5:3, niggerriot.jpg)

← Coming to a JEW neighborhood near you.

Once the NIGGERS figure out that burning their CHURCHES (savior of all Mankind) is not reaching their objective, they will start burning down JEW SYNOGOGUES of SATAN, and will then turn their attention to JEWS, as they chase them down and kill them with impunity!

The STUPID WHITE GOYIM will then erect STATUES to the BRAVE NIGGERS that hunted down and killed the JEW, thus saving HUMANITY from their satanists ways!

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ad3b65  No.10079480

File: e9f806d0b01d24e⋯.png (603.28 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 34E8B974_90FE_4051_AFC4_2E….png)

Wow. This is some serious water pressure coming out of a Chinese (not the 3G) dam.

And no sauce dude says lots of folks been fucked up


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f3e84f  No.10079481

File: 2d28c04d6db02b6⋯.png (404.73 KB, 600x800, 3:4, pepe_popcorn_overload.png)


TY, been looking for that one!

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2f0134  No.10079482

File: 10f96b1f3cdc29b⋯.png (29.34 KB, 800x600, 4:3, wlb.png)

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26f400  No.10079483


where and when?


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e06b42  No.10079484

File: 66c336db11f190f⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DSC00042.JPG)


My modified Michael Jackson mask

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706fd3  No.10079485



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89e852  No.10079486

Anon smells victory.

Pray for all.

Godspeed, Nightshift.

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1826b8  No.10079487

File: 6ac90e3d75609bd⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 599x600, 599:600, 1592997747985.jpg)

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74fe27  No.10079488

File: b594321d742c671⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 720x728, 90:91, 105705843_1015855802286993….jpg)


We are in a Civil War already. It's just not very hot yet.

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169ac8  No.10079489


Imagine this….

What if it is a test run to see simply how far their reach goes via packages of 'seemingly harmless' material which makes it's way from point A to multiple points through whatever security measures are in place. Whoever is sending the packages KNOWS it will hit the news.

Test run by SOMEONE.

With how tight shit is between U.S. and Chyna right now, I highly doubt shit that comes directly from them doesn't have high priority inspection attached to it, lest the receiving and distribution end is itself comped.

Just swingin through some logic to spark some imagination. It is how many things get solved. It is also why they don't like an imaginative public.

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2bc5a8  No.10079490

File: abb7c9325c6d9a0⋯.png (569.23 KB, 680x453, 680:453, NP_.png)

File: 546e5a73b77a567⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1312x2201, 1312:2201, NPded.jpg)


>Nancy still lives there.

That is not her tent.

Nancy lives in a cave in her winery. No worries

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b3f9f4  No.10079491

File: 6c0efec0eeccfe3⋯.jpg (329.07 KB, 500x346, 250:173, boner.jpg)

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74a64f  No.10079492

File: ec775dd7aad9f8a⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PATRIOT_PEPE.jpg)


Sure there are, stop focusing on yourself. Anons are patriots. The rest are idiot shills.

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e38a0d  No.10079493


But…. There is a whole 'nother world of treasonous traitors. I think somehow, someway, WE are holding puzzle pieces. I have some, but I can't put the puzzle together myself:(

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d855ea  No.10079494

File: 7c2b03ed390e2ac⋯.png (97.84 KB, 410x353, 410:353, 7c2b03ed390e2acc1cb6844924….png)

File: 0b1c7f9827173b8⋯.jpg (149.58 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 0b1c7f9827173b872f44cb90cb….jpg)

File: 4ea092a38196978⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 3024x4031, 3024:4031, 1bea36f03aad90e0483ec6bba3….jpg)

>>10079293 lb

Aaaarrrrr Patriot!

Live free or die!

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2b56ac  No.10079495

File: 2bf6a51bbe119ce⋯.jpg (286.25 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, goblins.jpg)

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ce762b  No.10079496


Yup. Glaring "oversight " on the part of Antifa, BLM and their financial backers.

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9f1ab9  No.10079497

File: e72f000618e10ff⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 600x200, 3:1, new_twit_flag.jpg)

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608171  No.10079498

My place asap

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239722  No.10079499

File: e1969222a8d6ca2⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1534x1826, 767:913, 3421536A_F2A9_4784_B694_F….jpeg)

Will there be justice soon?


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255151  No.10079500

File: 764a8e02a78ab06⋯.png (298.45 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 2F7C398C_68E5_4976_9A1A_EF….png)

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c0eb9b  No.10079501


It's Austin faggot.

Surprised there aren't "muh mass shooters" showing up to mow down these dumbfucks.

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f90bf3  No.10079502

Eh bye-part.|is|an >revolution< a.<gain>[st] a mu.(2).all [in]<a>[me] | is| [in]<evit>[able}

[Revolution] | (CAN)(NOT) bee see.[cure] <un>[til] bore.durs [r] <est>[ab][bull][ish][d]

[im]<port> / [ex]<port> kun.trolls

Minting [of] <cure>[ant].see

Eh noo whirled oar.dur [all]<weighs> [re]<place>[is] .the> old whirled oar.dur

[Th]<air> | is | know <poss>[I]<bill><it><tea> [of] <comm>[batting] cis.<stem>.attaic [fine].ant.[shill] [oh]<press>[ion] <with><owt> low.[call] >saw<[vern]>tee<

[states] | MUST | <seh><seed> [f]<rum> the Un.<ion> oar <reee>[de][fine] the rye.[ts] g.<air><in>[tee][d] <bi> the > 10th <Amen>[d]<mint>

Eh .bet.[ur] <whirled> | is | <poss>[I]<bill>, [each] <part.>[e] <having> th.<air> [oh.n] de.<fin>[it]<ion> [of] <pure>[feck>[ion>

The <con>[styt]<2>[ion] [pro]<techs> hour rye.[t] <2> .choose.

Lye[f], <Liber><tee> [and][the] .pure.[suit> of [happy]>ness<

It g.<air><in>[tees] [free]<dumb>

[low]<call> .kun.<trolls> on full<E> [imp][pow>.e.[red] [low][call]/stay[t] <go><vern><mint>

[The] [fed].dur.[all] <go><vern><mint> | must | [bee] may[d] >Be9<

[reee]<spawns>[able] .city.[zens] <due> | not | fye<t> oh.<var> [kun].troll [of] <s>[haired] in<sty><2>[ions]

Eh <sin>[S].e [of] <siv>[i][c] due<tee> [dem]<and><s> [pry][or][it][I]<zing> <of> [gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea]

[gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea] ]can[ on.lee [bee] g.<air>[in]<tee>[d] .with> [an] <ed>[U]<cay>[t][ID], in.<form>[ED] <and> [in]<gauged> [pop]><u><lace>

A.<path>[E] | is | <a> [score][g] <and> eh [cult]<u><r><all> [dis]<ease>

Won <sim>p.[tum] <of> [cult]<u><r><all> a<path>[E] | is | loo.<sing> [kun].troll oh<var> the <go><verning> in<sty>[2]<ions>

[It] <rests> [awn] [hall][E]<would> [and] the [Mockingbird Media Machine] to [N]<cure>[age] HELL<THEE> pole<lit><i><c><all> [part]<i><c>[pay]<ion>

<prince>[a]<pulled> [city]<zens> [use] .in<stalled> [mech]<an>[isms] <of> [demo]<crazy> [2] {establish} [A].mare.<I><C><A>'s [core].[S]

[The] <pea>[pole] | must | <go><vern> the <Reee>[pub].[lick]

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6283ca  No.10079503

File: abdbe16cf6e8b0e⋯.png (779.06 KB, 800x420, 40:21, abdbe16cf6e8b0eba1171a307b….png)

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5544d8  No.10079504

File: c25a0ae07078a5e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 916x863, 916:863, only_in_Qresearch_07262020.png)



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5e3596  No.10079506

File: 2be9080b2688b5e⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 245x206, 245:206, 2be9080b2688b5e5d6a624affe….jpg)


Can bake

Baker 2nd Bread

Self Confirming

I need help in note please, any notetakers here?

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8cc58e  No.10079507

File: adb9fc80c766bb4⋯.png (267.9 KB, 720x663, 240:221, 8855.png)

File: 28dd1239603e9f5⋯.png (311.48 KB, 621x603, 69:67, w1.PNG)

File: 82a603aa49e3182⋯.png (166.08 KB, 552x493, 552:493, w3.PNG)

>>10079327 lb

First the finger of God now the Hand of God, and then lightning hits the finger of course. Biblical things have been happening for anyone who decides they want to see it.

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78662a  No.10079508

File: 16d15b0b68cbf0e⋯.jpg (99.29 KB, 624x478, 312:239, LIKE_KIDS_AND_MONEY.jpg)

File: 769431aafd82b62⋯.jpg (125.88 KB, 785x440, 157:88, Demon_crap_lies.jpg)

File: e780b7dd017f6ff⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1693x2000, 1693:2000, MSM_not_happy.jpg)

File: a8c536df71effe7⋯.png (483.19 KB, 678x453, 226:151, Hate_lives_matters.png)

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060a76  No.10079509

File: 5264ccb8a3833f9⋯.jpg (380.31 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 20200725_231132.jpg)

Twatfags, call to dig - ir anyone who cares to, actually. I am digging and I dont twat

Prepare yourself before you dig the hashtags


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e1c19a  No.10079510


[P] = [S]

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6283ca  No.10079511

File: ff4eecd9264877a⋯.png (220.23 KB, 645x512, 645:512, ff4eecd9264877a6f5cbd9f655….png)

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1826b8  No.10079512

File: af5cb64ae83c78f⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 494x700, 247:350, 1594614462617.jpg)

File: 3798e1b32967884⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 625x614, 625:614, 1592588397129.jpg)

File: a5c649c83057e57⋯.png (284.1 KB, 786x462, 131:77, 1594799228628.png)

File: 98072d41f242315⋯.jpg (40.97 KB, 1024x487, 1024:487, 1594437509405.jpg)

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35e90d  No.10079513

File: a2cf927c333b7f8⋯.png (935.17 KB, 511x910, 73:130, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b07a4  No.10079514

File: d77da6ca98f1099⋯.png (169.06 KB, 1033x570, 1033:570, SAM178_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

File: 9192556fae1dd45⋯.png (315.23 KB, 379x288, 379:288, fly_by_starry_night.PNG)

SAM178 USAF C-32A departed Bangor, ME ne across the pond (this AC is usually secondary AF2)

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5544d8  No.10079515

File: 6f86340964b9652⋯.png (652.57 KB, 719x814, 719:814, anything_we_can_do_just_ho….png)


you tha man.

thank you for your service.

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e38a0d  No.10079516


That's connected to the puzzle

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08e769  No.10079517


I would like to see that shit on an airplane…

should use a sharpie and write "CIA" all over the white face.

I would literally die and fall over at first sight irl.


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defd79  No.10079518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you ain't kidding…throwing some cars and drums from that same time period at ya! ; it is a new day

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239722  No.10079519

File: f63d1422c3b88d8⋯.jpeg (88.38 KB, 749x479, 749:479, 5740B3EC_8CCE_42BA_B8F1_2….jpeg)

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2bc5a8  No.10079520

File: 45feb3ce1ddc3cd⋯.jpg (15.7 KB, 255x147, 85:49, pepRebl.jpg)


>It's just not very hot yet.

Black men running around Kentucky after dark, armed. It's habbening

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fb71b1  No.10079521


She's perfect.

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f3e84f  No.10079522


It's just beginning anon.

Doesn't matter how many alternatives you give them, they won't listen.

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ca5197  No.10079523


the cabal makes extensive use of unattached anger. all that anger about abuse and injustice as a child that can't really be expressed about the original injuries can be channeled into TDS. it's how they have my otherwise genius family completely hooked on TDS and COVID fear.

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278dec  No.10079524

Interesting that terrorists in multiple cities accuse the police of "being on the wrong side of history", as if they have been told the attempt to overthrow President Trump will succeed. The people act towards the police as if they fear no punishment. Many people are in for a rude awakening when they figure out that plan has failed and their lives are ruined.

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89e852  No.10079525


Anon, big keks.

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3e4b19  No.10079526

File: 225fa0a3a6e40f7⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 518F19C5_DE32_4963_B54F_B7….png)


china doesn't want their base getting fucked with

muh precious biotech program at ucsf

(among other powerful assets)

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c0eb9b  No.10079527


How in the hell the feds aren't involved already calling it an OBVIOUS "hate crime" is maddening. So fuckin pissed about this.

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d6bc1b  No.10079528


Sugar water. No outright harm, easy to clean up. Not offensive to residents … they just have to hose everything off for a couple minutes … unlike harsh chemicals, it's eco friendly to the storm drains.

But if the "protestors" don't get home, wash their clothes and themselves, the bees, ants and vermin will be relentless. If they were bused, they will invite the pests into their high-dollar buses and THEY will have to be thoroughly cleaned inside. If they car-pooled or drove themselves, same deal, except on a smaller scale. If they have set up a tent city, it will become uninhabitable in just hours.

I don't see much in the way of legal liability and the first time it happens, Antifa (et alia) will think it strange, but not see the problem immediately. On a hot summers day, though, awareness will not be long in coming.

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5e3596  No.10079529

File: c662ee0b333c134⋯.jpg (28.94 KB, 430x430, 1:1, c662ee0b333c1344dce2846867….jpg)



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1826b8  No.10079530

File: 083e2142b1aee47⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1594528285472.jpg)

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1b4be1  No.10079531

File: 51c78bc2d124a94⋯.jpeg (45.91 KB, 666x500, 333:250, you_have_the_power_pepe.jpeg)


>you are not 'just a big nobody'

thanks anon!

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74a64f  No.10079532


worldwide which is why WWG1WGA! Once it really gets going it will be like a rocket launch. Just a bit longer. Not just a puzzle piece, Q says expand your thinking. With altitude more becomes obvious.

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944a29  No.10079533

Is 7/30/2020 going to be the date the Three Gorges Dam collapses? 5 days from now. One year anniversary of the first "It's going to be biblical" drop from Q.

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5fdc4f  No.10079534

File: 6951eca4686d4f1⋯.png (73.14 KB, 320x178, 160:89, Screenshot_2020_07_25_at_1….png)

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202c8d  No.10079535


"what would lincoln do ? "

suspend the constitution

arrest the press

draft the poor whites

and burn down the states that opposed him?

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78662a  No.10079536

File: b479fc4e9298a57⋯.jpg (263.45 KB, 1125x754, 1125:754, Going_going_gone.jpg)

File: b9ecd041d2351ca⋯.jpg (159.64 KB, 840x472, 105:59, NOT_PEACEFUL.jpg)

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74fe27  No.10079537

File: df9e05223da11b9⋯.png (738.91 KB, 900x619, 900:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0c6eb721332e57⋯.png (442.58 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Eventually our cities will look like this and the countryside will look like the 2nd image.

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5b07a4  No.10079538

File: 1b7ae2cff0d7ed6⋯.png (679.87 KB, 612x456, 51:38, crepery_dd.PNG)


you get your planning done?

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169ac8  No.10079539


We all do what we are capable of doing. Perspectives vary as do skills. When you see that, you can seek out matching perspective and contribute your own skillset to the pot. It is the beauty of the chans. You are not alone. If it seems that way to you, alter your perspective…see through someone else's eyes and continue changing views until you find your niche.

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74a64f  No.10079540


Wray runs the FBI, for now.

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08e769  No.10079541



And good shoppage.

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bd4b44  No.10079542

File: b666e7531453614⋯.png (388.39 KB, 417x562, 417:562, b666e75314536149326cbbe047….png)

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883691  No.10079543

File: 37f812692361e38⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 670x525, 134:105, WeakShillFu.jpg)

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Wei_Hello_.jpg)

File: f91cc0273a0f4b7⋯.jpg (164.6 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Wommmmmmmmm.jpg)

File: 8de5aa359be13cb⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 250x140, 25:14, Wonka_NOTHING.gif)

File: 72f7dff8e9b7e37⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB, 720x662, 360:331, WonkaRedPill.jpeg)



Instead of sharing wack ass evil memes, why not make positive memes about what your country has done for your people or the world?

It is literally that simple.

Wei; Stay Om Yin. No speak. No exist. You Do Seppukku Daishi.

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5d1b7f  No.10079544

File: e938ac9535bf932⋯.png (458.11 KB, 594x600, 99:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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d855ea  No.10079545

File: fd001ff70238d8b⋯.jpeg (65.69 KB, 637x471, 637:471, abf98cf60639af965f07a43c5….jpeg)

File: b711f793a49bd49⋯.jpeg (11.38 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 4d00cc883c0cf676223fa24db….jpeg)

File: 9def4b37d5e36f5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1019x627, 1019:627, WeAreQ.PNG)


There's millions and million of us brother!

You are not alone!

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1592ed  No.10079546


Fuck Sean. He is a lil BITCH. He treated Dave like shit last time he was in, and you could not ask for a more wavering individual. That faggot cares about view count and demonetization more than content/being real.

Fuck Sean from SGT

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8f7982  No.10079547


I like that idea. If I see it right. How to describe. If represented with sound instead of color, It would be like an audio fractal, zoomed way out? Which end of the spectrum is the strong force on? How does the em spectrum translate to fractal geometry?

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35e90d  No.10079548

File: 9aac2727cc914d7⋯.png (702.8 KB, 509x539, 509:539, 9aac2727cc914d789d5877e2df….png)

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bcd157  No.10079549



Have gotten a few of these in recent weeks..just rec'd one yesterday they usually show up in a plastic postal envelope, the only link I can make is that a few months ago when seed were difficult to come by ordered some from a well known seed company..makes me wonder if information was sold or hacked.

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bd4b44  No.10079550

File: 0dd72de2a68c58a⋯.png (403.64 KB, 1090x1049, 1090:1049, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)

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e06b42  No.10079551

File: 3a7b0c5d7aca8d5⋯.png (11.17 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 2fb38d14bba5d3e6b66cfda50d….png)


I could always just say I'm with the government I'm here to help.

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269622  No.10079552


No there isn't. All of the traitors are in the open. We know who they are and they are all still completely free. Not a single criminal prosecution. Because they are still free, they've been able to orchestrate a fake pandemic and nationwide violent marxist revolution. Trump has literally done nothing to stop any of this.

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fb71b1  No.10079553


SF has lost a LOT of its luster the past 25 years since these crooks took it over. Was a lot of fun before that. Now it's just high prices and tech dorks. Fewer normal people, esp. minorities. A little-known fact is that precious libtard SF is about 90% white and asian.

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0b9875  No.10079554

File: 12498cbdca70918⋯.jpg (151.17 KB, 700x523, 700:523, A4h4MXA6nqxdkD00hqK2sQ_r.jpg)

Now that the ROMAN HORSE STABLE WALL WORSHIPING JEWS have MADE CERTAIN that a NIGGER CAN DO ANYTHING in the name of BLACK LIVES MATTER, JEW WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLAIN when the NIGGERS start to go after the REAL SLAVE TRADERS AND OWNERS (read PATHETIC JEWS) and start slaughtering the Moishie's and the Shlomo's wherever the NIGGERS find them, in the NAME OF SOCIAL JUSTICE.


You fucking JEWS created a GOLEM that, while intended to kill the WHITES, will KILL ALL OF YOU!


Die at the hands of the NIGGERS, JEWS!

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74a64f  No.10079555


correct! o7

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e19d03  No.10079556

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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da18c7  No.10079557

File: 516c3368e541283⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Durbin foe criticizes lobbying activities by senator's wife

By April Bamburg | Jul 21, 2020

Chicago businessman Willie Wilson, who has run for public office multiple times and, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, launched a third-party bid to challenge Sen. Dick Durbin for his U.S. Senate seat, is looking into lobbying activities by Durbin’s wife, Loretta, according to a news release by Wilson, published on the Capitol Fax website.

Wilson alleges that the lobbying firm owned by Durbin’s wife has benefited from the senator’s position.

“Durbin [has] voted against legislation to prohibit spousal lobbying,” Wilson wrote. He also lays out what he says is a “pattern of conflicts of interest.”

These include Loretta Durbin serving as a lobbyist between 1998 and 2014, and that Durbin’s wife was paid more than $1 million for lobbying between two clients: the city of Naperville and Eastern Illinois University.

“The Naperville contract stated that Durbin’s wife would represent the city’s interests and act as a liaison with state and federal government officials,” Wilson wrote. “The city of Naperville received millions of dollars in grants from the federal government while she lobbied for them.”

Wilson also alleges that Eastern Illinois University received millions from Durbin while the university was a client of Loretta Durbin’s firm, and that during the time that Loretta Durbin was a lobbyist for the American Lung Association, Sen. Durbin earmarked $150,000 for the organization.

Three members of Durbin’s family are, or were at one point, registered lobbyists: his son, Paul, nephew Marty Durbin, and his wife Loretta.

“Durbin’s former staffer Amy Ford Souders is married to Patrick Souders, Durbin’s chief of staff and has her own lobbying company. She has been lobbying for 18 years, according to Open Secrets,” Wilson wrote. “Amy Ford Souders’ client EPIR (a defense contractor) received a total of $9 million in earmarked funds from Sen. Durbin.

Wilson also pointed out that in 2008 and 2010, Durbin’s campaign committee reimbursed the senator for travel expenses of $38,939.

Weekly Newsletter

“Sen. Durbin is part of the elite Washington club that has figured out how to make money off their position in government. He has blatantly pursued policies that benefitted his wife, family members and friends,” Wilson’s news release states. “Durbin’s wife and he are one. They file a joint tax return together. They share the same bank account. The millions of dollars Ms. Durbin made from lobbying are shared by Sen. Durbin. This is the kind of swamp that people abhor. Sen. Durbin broke the law and should be held accountable.”


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169ac8  No.10079558



I forgot the most important thing….ABOVE ALL ELSE…observe yourself….it is the only way you can learn to trust yourself.

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883691  No.10079559

File: a7364275ec04fa5⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 755x863, 755:863, Pepe_Samurai_Rest.jpg)

File: 09384e8be66188a⋯.jpg (127.4 KB, 537x750, 179:250, Pepe_Sepukku.jpg)


Image Directed at Daishi otherwise known as DEMONS in English Cultures.

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91d1bb  No.10079560

File: 5d61af9be952529⋯.png (259.26 KB, 657x684, 73:76, 5d61af9be9525299606c113e71….png)


Do you have a license to carry that QT?

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f38fb6  No.10079561


digits confirm this place is full of patriots and you are alone.

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c0eb9b  No.10079563


Cursory glance…something pedo going on.

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ad3b65  No.10079564


Was at a gun show In Dallas today. No bullshit 30%+ black crowd. Been to this same show 5 prior times, never seen more than 5%. Our brothers are waking up.

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9f1ab9  No.10079565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This would be bad and it's obvious that the swamp want's a civil war…

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089d1d  No.10079566


August is traditionally H O T

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defd79  No.10079567

File: 625c0b49ec2f621⋯.png (84.31 KB, 281x187, 281:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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1826b8  No.10079568

File: 0162f87770924ed⋯.jpg (751.49 KB, 837x650, 837:650, 016.jpg)

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67ccc8  No.10079569


Don't even wanna click on those hashtags

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2bc5a8  No.10079570

File: 6279b7e5bcd17e2⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 672x960, 7:10, patriBul.jpg)


>Ballot box before ammo box?

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78662a  No.10079571

File: 48319e72ac1dda8⋯.jpg (180.88 KB, 840x472, 105:59, DEMOCRATS_LIE.jpg)

File: 3aa9a45d2c2645f⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 530x471, 530:471, keep_watching_exposure.jpg)

File: fa08f15066d9646⋯.jpg (96.86 KB, 700x394, 350:197, POKE_HIM_SOMEONE.jpg)

File: 469759c244185f0⋯.jpg (81.1 KB, 457x358, 457:358, PROMISES_MADE.jpg)

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6283ca  No.10079572

File: 36eeaf1f1b12881⋯.png (195.37 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 36eeaf1f1b12881c6644c3b03a….png)

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5c3386  No.10079573


Can't argue with classics

Can't beat em either

Just appreciate and enjoy

Guud Taste

TY from the heart


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fb71b1  No.10079574


The lack of justice against the deep state traitors is about 80% of our current problems.

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9fccc5  No.10079575


I don't know about Pepperidge Farm, but Stonyfield Farms knows…


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b600b9  No.10079576


Wray don't run shit. Pompeo and the military is running everything on Earth. 'You are watching a movie" means all this shit is theater. Regardless of the RICO case against the Congress/Senate Swamp leaders The USA is correcting itself in real time.

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883691  No.10079578

Daishi Lies.

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f57aa7  No.10079580

File: d2bb03dc7a077a7⋯.jpg (95.14 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4e7f45b4c2f1c23300b8294e54….jpg)

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ad3b65  No.10079581

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2f0134  No.10079582


Wow did someone ask how many slurs can one asshole get into a run-on sentence?

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38dd11  No.10079583


everybodies surfing now, eeryone is knowing how, surfing USA

they do have boats too, not just surf boards.

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64ee09  No.10079584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heart - Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin - Kennedy Center Honors HD

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74a64f  No.10079585


black militia from GA? Ya mean Soros paid ANTIFA type shit. Not to destroy, but to intimidate, and scare. But if gonna burn Louisville, then just modified ANTIFA

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883691  No.10079586





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2bc5a8  No.10079587

File: 3f8dfb454c5c3c5⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 700x292, 175:73, HOT8_9.jpg)

File: 0dcb2d66318e77d⋯.png (18.36 KB, 408x582, 68:97, HOT20.png)

File: 69338902b2be9d6⋯.jpg (157.19 KB, 1065x798, 355:266, 335dna.jpg)


August is traditionally H O T

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c0eb9b  No.10079588


Satanist playground. Norms runaway from that shit.

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883691  No.10079590






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54b283  No.10079591


Here's some stuff on Trudeau

frm #12899

All (lb)

>>10078843 WE charity scandal - A simple guide to the new crisis for Trudeau

>>10078851 Trudeau, his finance minister under pressure

>>10078859 WE is under the microscope

>>10078863 Students are left in limbo

>>10078868 It's beginning to harm his support

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08c1b1  No.10079592


Indeed. I'm going to head off now before I slide the bread any further.

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5d1b7f  No.10079593

File: 2c93e80bceff38c⋯.png (110.09 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

Captain, speed is approaching biblical.

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78662a  No.10079594

File: bfe8b8896581909⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Racist_assholes.jpg)

File: faf2292464f6938⋯.jpg (129.42 KB, 760x484, 190:121, stay_scared.jpg)

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fb71b1  No.10079595


The exodus is more economic than cultural. Many go to Marin, which is far more scummy than SF.

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269622  No.10079596


That's on Trump and there aren't any excuses left at this point. Innocent people are dying because of the lawlessness. All we get are meaningless tweets. Trump is all talk. Not one criminal prosecution against the deep state. Marxists burning America down. Police being executed. Still not a damn thing other than tweets.

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169ac8  No.10079597


While SSG IS followed by Flynn, I concur on that. The timing of it coming on the heels of Jim Jordan 'inviting @Jack in front of congress is a double edged sword, IMO. If they have been at it on that front as long as they have been, I am sure they have the skills to make sure it gets out properly and not with hundreds of thousands being traumatized by evil.


JMO. All are free to make up their own minds.

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91d1bb  No.10079598

File: 7da3a733df091bb⋯.png (388.69 KB, 478x509, 478:509, Screenshot_2020_07_26_AFP_….png)

A cobra that bit a veterinary student in Brazil, putting him in a coma, has turned into a celebrity by sparking an investigation into an alleged exotic animal trafficking ring


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f38fb6  No.10079599


No, 100% of our problem right now is waking up the sheeple so their heads don't explode and we have a nationwide multiracial chimpout when the arrests do happen

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35d060  No.10079600

File: c57ae37ba8a1386⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 741x695, 741:695, Capture.JPG)

Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One

A Portland resident who is black and lives downtown a block away from the Justice Center thought the nightly protests had been completely peaceful. Then he attended one and had a rude awakening.

Gabe Johnson, a 48-year-old black man who served in the Marines, now says that Portland police should use any means necessary, including force, to sweep the riots off the streets and end the nightly violence.

In an interview with PJ Media, Johnson said he considers himself a patriotic American, and that the United States flag should be a symbol of unity for all Americans. He laments how some have turned it into a symbol of racism and division, especially in Portland.

Last Saturday night and into Sunday morning, Johnson says he was in bed trying to sleep, but the noise kept him awake. He counted 82 explosions disturbing his sleep. Then, with his air conditioning running and bringing in air from outside through the vents, he was suddenly immersed in tear gas from the street below. That’s when he decided to take action.

“You know, so I literally stood up and just yelled,” Johnson said in the interview. “‘Oh my God,’ I actually yelled. ‘Oh my effing God.’ It was just like somebody has to do something. I don’t know what that something is. I didn’t at that time, but I knew something had to be done and I figured I would just sleep on it.”

The next day he went down around noon to the ongoing protests in front of the Justice Center to hang a couple of American flags on the fence and start a dialogue with some of the protesters.

“When I woke up in the morning,” Johnson said, “it was clear as day, almost like it was just planted in my head. This is what you’re going to do. Hopefully we can start a conversation. Here we are now we are starting this conversation. But I can tell you the experience was eye-opening. I did not believe what I used to call the rhetoric about antifa. I was thinking that maybe they’re just, you know, some punk kids or whatever it was, some righteous anger in there. I quickly found out that that’s not the case.”

Having worked for the State Department after an eight-year career in the Marines, Johnson has done a lot of duty overseas. He says the antifa rioters in Portland use the same tactics he’s witnessed from terrorists. “They’re utilizing the same tactics that any other terrorist organization would,” Johnson said. “They’ve got spotters with cameras that will follow you around, and they’ve got their thugs. Those are the guys with the baseball bats. They have people that will intimidate you in Black Lives Matter attire.”

Johnson says his goal was to try to convince Portland protesters to stop tearing America apart, and to start bringing it together. “What is more patriotic than our flag?” he said. “What will really just be in your face, America? This is America, right? I wanted to have a conversation so that they would understand that what they’re doing is tearing the country apart and not bringing it back together, and hopefully by telling this community that we live in it’s time to start a conversation and it’s time to unite America. Because the Black Lives Matter movement has turned into something else. Antifa has attached itself to this movement now and it’s taken it over.”

It’s important to note that Johnson is no fan of Donald Trump, and is not a conservative. He considers himself a moderate. He also considers himself a patriot who is tired of watching America come apart at the seams. When he went to the protest, he did not encounter other patriots, but he did encounter protesters who aren’t from Portland.

“It’s beyond me how they can sit there and say that they’re not causing damage or rioting,” he said. “It’s a riot, and it’s real, and when you are on the front line and you’re looking back into that crowd, it is an angry mob that is built on doing as much destruction as possible.”

When he went down to the protest with his flags, Johnson expected to talk to people. He didn’t expect to be assaulted. Several people stole his flags and stomped them on the ground. One older black man, around 65 years old, grabbed one of the flags and handed it back to Johnson. A protester promptly punched the man in the face and ran off.

Reminder: This all took place in broad daylight, not at a late-night riot.

Johnson says protesters called him a coon, Uncle Tom, and the n-word—”with the -ER, not -a.” He has done several interviews this week because he wants the world to know that when leaders say that the federal law enforcement officers have caused the riots, and that the protests are largely peaceful, that’s a lie.


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defd79  No.10079601

File: a616030f496003c⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x246, 85:82, fuck_you_pepe_.jpg)


too bad clint isn't Walt, or any other noble character he ever played ; FRAUD irl ….and a fucking jerk too

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35e90d  No.10079602

File: 7e8db1381b25ff9⋯.png (316.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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169ac8  No.10079603


And BTW, Flynns banner has not gotten one single mention on twat. I am an observer, as I don't hold the skills of tech, but rather logic.

Something is in the air……

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883691  No.10079604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Iron shirt

Iron Shirt is a form of hard style martial art exercise believed to help protect the human body from impacts in a fight. This is one of the 72 arts of the Shaolin Temple. Some martial arts are based on the belief that a correctly trained body can withstand more damage than one that is untrained. Iron Shirt is said to be a series of exercises using many post stances, herbs, qigong and body movements to cause the body's natural energy to reinforce its structural strength. Practitioners believe that directing energy to parts of the body can reinforce these parts of the body to take blows against them. In the Shaolin version of Iron Shirt, the practitioner would do things such as lying on a stump or supporting tablets of granite on the chest with the goal of toughening the body.



鐵襯衫是一種硬式武術練習,被認為有助於保護人體免受戰鬥中的衝擊。這是少林寺的 72 門藝術之一。一些武術是基於這樣一種信念,即一個訓練有素的身體可以承受比一個未經訓練的身體更多的傷害。鐵襯衫據說是一系列練習,使用許多后姿勢,草藥,氣功和身體運動,使身體的自然能量,以加強其結構強度。從業者認為,將能量引導到身體的各個部位可以加強身體的這些部位,以打擊它們。在少林版的鐵襯中,從業者會做一些事,比如躺在樹樁上或支撐著胸前的花崗岩片,目的是使身體變硬。

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2bc5a8  No.10079605

File: 1efabb9896970d7⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 479x479, 1:1, 3_.jpg)


>to intimidate, and scare

Yeah… that doesn't work in Kentucky.


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5c3386  No.10079606



also fam issue came up

g1 is determined to get it all done "now"

keeps adding but got deets needed while there,

tomorrow get that damn cooler organized/g2

Mon should be clear, knock on wood

how's your day been, painting done?

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ce00e9  No.10079607

File: dbfd7baf77b6254⋯.png (1.28 MB, 866x838, 433:419, lenstomandelbrot.png)


Fractal is IMO just the way to see the curves and just as the waves move across dimensions in my point of view.

Basically Fractals are just a different way to see the world - as all our perceptions are limited to 4D - but we can conceive of much more.

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255151  No.10079608

File: 11c64047712bd5e⋯.jpeg (16.08 KB, 154x255, 154:255, EDEF6538_9A18_4735_A338_F….jpeg)

File: d7f7667590fe0cb⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 300x179, 300:179, 261B09B2_5936_4872_BBD7_69….gif)

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0b9875  No.10079609

File: 81a36e303ff890f⋯.png (4.57 KB, 211x239, 211:239, devilspitchfork.png)


The JEWS have unleashed the NIGGERS that they have controlled since (((Johnson))) (yup. He was a jew), upon the poor Christian WHITES, only to learn (in the very near future), that these CRAZY, VIOLENT, NIGGERS are going to be able to DESTROY the jews in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE, and it will be great when ARMED BLACKS start RIOTING in JEW COMMUNITIES, KILLING JEWS in the STREETS for SLAVERY and other JEW INJUSTICES, and the MEDIA (OWNED BY JEWS) has no choice other than to give the NIGGERS A PASS.


The jews have this coming in spades. Pardon the pun!

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64ee09  No.10079610


Heart w/ Jason Bonham - Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin - Kennedy Center in HD

Jason John Bonham (born 15 July 1966) is an English drummer. He is the son of the late Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham and Patricia "Pat" Bonham (née Phillips).

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fb71b1  No.10079611


Normies and libtards will believe whatever their tv tells them. Take over muh tv and there will be no chimpout. Libtards have no ideals, they only have muh feelz and muh tv.

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74fe27  No.10079612

File: 3728bf0b8d5b21c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1000x561, 1000:561, ClipboardImage.png)


The swamp dwellers and the evil tech titans should be among the first causalities so that the war ends sooner.

Unfortunately it's already started and we have to grasp that in order to take the fight where it's necessary to end it soon.

The longer we are in denial, the longer it lasts and the uglier it gets.

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b4ec88  No.10079613



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b3f9f4  No.10079614

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408d5b  No.10079615









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914be8  No.10079616

File: e4ed0e7bd547ade⋯.jpg (368.44 KB, 3040x1440, 19:9, Evil_Caucasians.jpg)

File: 72cd99d19edae88⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 680x388, 170:97, One_person_being_carried_o….jpg)


After this I suppose the whole movement went home

Evil caucasians!

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ef9e7a  No.10079617

Do you understand how lucky we are to have this board?

This anon spent some good time with family and lost in the simplified realities they were holding onto they had not even the slightest feeling that anything was happening except a virus that we all need to do our part to protect each other from. The slightest questioning turned into a 5 on 1 real quick with that cognitive dissonance slap look fresh on their faces.

But they had no idea. They were so ready for this vaciine that it makes me wonder how much more groundwork has to be laid. Can we just rip the band-aid off?

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640e25  No.10079618

File: 19f7e280943e5b9⋯.jpeg (210.33 KB, 733x1180, 733:1180, 149D6FB8_D392_4458_86DD_F….jpeg)

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e38a0d  No.10079619


I'm not even sure if I am delusional sometimes… But I KNOW what I have seen. If you had information that was really hard to explain… So far impossible for me to explain, so much so, it landed you in state custody, "insane asylum"… What the fuck is ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES anyway? Where do you go with it? Who do you yrust? Do I just keep praying?.?

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1b4be1  No.10079620


> Many go to Marin, which is far more scummy than SF.

Is Barbara Boxer still seen sometimes roaming around up there?

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74a64f  No.10079621



followed link–listed as not secure

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a845ae  No.10079622

I love you

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5b07a4  No.10079623

File: 9b5313c50f4e233⋯.png (273.33 KB, 1006x594, 503:297, Swiss_AF_SUI528_Falcon_900….PNG)

File: 9ebfbb807959726⋯.png (194.09 KB, 429x426, 143:142, gold_buddah_shakyamuni_rem….png)

Swiss AF SUI528 Dassault Falcon 900EX reappears over Yunnan Province Chyyyna heading for Myanmar sw

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fb71b1  No.10079624

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2f0134  No.10079626

File: 8a8d59fbf972315⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1000x742, 500:371, IVotedJoe.png)


It appeals to his base.

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e06b42  No.10079627


Anon my whole family is against me because I believe in trump,the night he was arrest I prayed to God I was ready to except it if we were to have had more evil as so called leadership.

But Trump won I do not care what others think I believe Trump is where he is at because it was God's will I've certainly made few friends for my trust in Trump.

I don't worship the man hell I didn't really like the man but I respect what he's doing because he is doing it for all of America.

At least here your not alone.

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5d1b7f  No.10079628

File: 14cb23797c03a01⋯.png (91.87 KB, 331x152, 331:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Are you ready to stand trial for the sins of your fellow humans?

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6283ca  No.10079629

File: a2503818ddba549⋯.png (266.32 KB, 604x320, 151:80, a2503818ddba549b1f078e2bae….png)


zie germans want teh buttstuff pain

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3cd086  No.10079630

you have no idea what you don't know

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1c4167  No.10079631

==FBI PERVERSELY put cock in Q mouth.

Q sucked 99% of FBI shaft AND SWALLOWED 99.9% of FBI CUM.


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9f1ab9  No.10079632


>Johnson says protesters called him a coon, Uncle Tom, and the n-word—”with the -ER, not -a.” He has done several interviews this week because he wants the world to know that when leaders say that the federal law enforcement officers have caused the riots, and that the protests are largely peaceful, that’s a lie.

We need more people with eyes to see…

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f57aa7  No.10079633


>While SSG IS followed by Flynn

for a long time Gen Flynn followed everyone who followed him

Clowns saw this and used it in attempt to establish credibility

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76341b  No.10079634

File: fc46d04b9a8baa5⋯.png (625.59 KB, 596x1009, 596:1009, oh.png)

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7788d9  No.10079635

File: 02379fbf965bdfc⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 620x285, 124:57, download.jpg)

File: e0ec058a6e9a66f⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 680x510, 4:3, EdzMrpaWsAAgB1W.jpg)

File: 1a2e3a6915bd6e7⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 680x680, 1:1, EdzMiRhX0AItcx7.jpg)

File: 90c8361115f46b7⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download_1_.jpg)


Is Kanye telling us something in a cryptic manner.

The blue links in Kanye apology tweet to Kim???

Why did he include the blue links that take you to:








(The tab says:)

(me.to-This website is for sale!

(Me Resources and Information)



I would like to apologize to my wife Kim for going public with something that was a private matter.

I did not cover her like she has covered http://me.To Kim I want to say I know I hurt you. Please forgive me. Thank you for always being there for me.

1:51 PM · Jul 25, 2020

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74a64f  No.10079636


it all changes, saw it 44 years ago, very nice. Sad, sad, sad.

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1b4be1  No.10079637

File: db8f8961dd935b2⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 1023x680, 1023:680, 640mg.jpg)


>They were so ready for this vaciine

Would 320mg be enough?

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5e3596  No.10079639

Any early notes for baker, please?

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d7fa4f  No.10079640

File: 62bee549c1b9761⋯.jpeg (693.51 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, EB50DBD6_1854_4BC4_80AB_0….jpeg)

Top US pro-life priests: ‘No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden’

Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Michael Orsi, and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato agree that even though Biden claims to be Catholic, his abortion and LGBT activism make him unsupportable.

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, said Biden’s “failure to protect the unborn puts him not only in conflict with the Catholic faith but with the Christian Gospel, the Founding principles of America, the very meaning of public service, and basic human decency. You can’t kill babies, and you can’t authorize anyone else to do so.”  

“Accordingly, a 2004 Memorandum from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed by Cardinal Ratzinger, (Pope Benedict)states, ‘a politician consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion laws’ the politician’s pastor is to inform him that he should not receive Communion,’” noted Fr. Orsi. 

“The failure on the part of most bishops to enforce the sanction is, in fact, more scandalous than Biden’s positions,” Fr. Orsi told LifeSiteNews.  

Fr. Imbarrato agrees. “A more concerning potential scandal may be that the U.S. bishops have not forthrightly proclaimed (Biden’s defiance of his Catholic faith) – what every Catholic knows yet half choose to ignore because the bishops have ignored it and remain silent about it. 

“The silence of the U.S. bishops about Joe Biden may even a greater scandal than Biden’s idolatry (by which he places his intrinsically evil political agenda before his Catholicism) because a case can be made that he indulges in such scandal and idolatry because of the tacit approval from our shepherds,” Imbarrato told LifeSiteNews. 

Catholics cannot in good conscience vote for Biden

“As for voting, not only can Catholics not vote for Biden in good conscience, but they can’t vote for Democrats, period. And neither can anyone else,” Fr. Pavone told LifeSiteNews.  

“The devil has made his home among the leadership of the Democratic Party for some time now, and found it a most hospitable environment,”

Fr. Orsi wrote in a widely read analysis earlier this year. 

“It’s time to stop pretending we can be neutral. The Democrat Party has set itself up against the Church, against the unborn, and against America,” said Pavone. “They do not deserve one ounce of power in this country, and anyone who gives it to them shares the guilt of all the evil they do. And that starts with our religious leaders.”

Fr. Imbarrato declared simply, unequivocally, “No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden.”

“Many people respond to my comments with, ‘what about Trump?’ This is not about Trump. Trump isn't even Catholic. This is a Catholic issue. A Catholic can't vote for Biden whether they feel in good conscience they can or can't vote for Trump,” he added. 

“President Trump has been a staunch defender of people of faith, and the Evangelical community is fired up and ready to rally behind him in November,” said Pastor Paula White, spiritual adviser to President Trump. “While Joe Biden radically shifts further away from the American values that Christians hold dear, President Trump continues to fight for our religious freedoms and the principles of faith that make our country great.”


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a845ae  No.10079641

Can‘t wait to find out!

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255151  No.10079642

File: 0a85a5af3c3062c⋯.jpeg (146.76 KB, 600x892, 150:223, 48AE99BD_908D_4416_BA9B_6….jpeg)

File: 695c73f87bf30a9⋯.jpeg (58.02 KB, 620x333, 620:333, E0EABAD7_05E7_4E51_9D53_A….jpeg)

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17359d  No.10079643

1 killed during downtown Austin protest

At least one person was killed in downtown Austin on Saturday night in the midst of a protest, and medics are searching for additional victims, according to Austin-Travis County EMS.

The shooting happened around 9:50 p.m. at Sixth Street and Congress Avenue, and the public should avoid the area, EMS officials said. Callers reported that multiple people were injured, EMS officials said.

Medics said they were performing CPR on the individual. Police later posted on Twitter that they were treating the incident as a homicide.

The person who was shot was taken to the hospital, EMS officials said.

A protester, who filmed the scene via Facebook Live, said someone charged into the crowd and shot some of the protesters.

According to the protester’s video, at least five gunshots could be heard hours into a Black Lives Matter protest.

Austin police officials said they will update the public in the near future.


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1592ed  No.10079644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone confirm this who hangs at half?

Brings up Romney family (son being degenerate who had a couple whores die on him from OD)

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ce762b  No.10079645


Hadn't thought of that. China town, Chinese assets at UCSF. You're smart, very smart.

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2bc5a8  No.10079647

File: 0d6f990cfaf1210⋯.jpg (182.76 KB, 766x755, 766:755, WWGfd.jpg)


>Evil caucasians!

You're right! Every one of those EMS are white. Damn that white privilege again.

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852f1f  No.10079648

Psalm 56

1Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me.

2Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High.

3What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

4In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

5Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil.

6They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul.

7Shall they escape by iniquity? in thine anger cast down the people, O God.

8Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

9When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.

10In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.

11In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

12Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.

13For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?

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e38a0d  No.10079649

I'm looking for something I can't hide

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883691  No.10079650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

James Brown

>Blind Men Can See It






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5d1b7f  No.10079651

File: f91cb53fb9f9233⋯.png (77.32 KB, 257x196, 257:196, ClipboardImage.png)

How do you plead?

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9f1ab9  No.10079652


The local Sheriffs can start deputizing some patriotic folks and quell this in a day or two…

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d00889  No.10079653

Patriots Fight!

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1c4167  No.10079654

Meme request

Q sucking FBI DICK


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ea8a69  No.10079655

File: 1d34330d46831b0⋯.png (431.99 KB, 1416x672, 59:28, The_UNBORN.png)

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1592ed  No.10079656


Son of a bitch. Got 44 AGAIN!! 🤬

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fb71b1  No.10079657


Can these people just disappear now? Thank you.

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5c3386  No.10079658


Fly By Night

awesome song

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5b07a4  No.10079659


always last minute things with kids right?


been good-nice rest this afternoon

all done with the painting for now

another project on the outside but that needs to wait until the street digging stops

you gone from weds I know back sunday?

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883691  No.10079660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Extended Version.


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35d060  No.10079661

Leaked Seattle Gov’t Documents Allege Justice System Is Built From ‘White Supremacist Culture’

Documents reportedly leaked from the Seattle King County Executive’s Office claim that the justice system is built off of “white supremacist culture,” white leadership, and racism.

The documents, obtained by Discovery Institute Research Fellow Christopher Rufo, come after Seattle put forward a plan that would drastically reduce funding for police departments and close a large county jail.

One document said that the structure of the juvenile justice system is “white leadership,” “white supremacist culture,” and “racial profiling.” It claimed that the “mental models” used within the system are “racism,” “white resistance (fragility),” and victim-blaming.

The “values and agreements” page listed six conditions, which said to “isolate race” and to “examine the presence and role of whiteness.” The document then goes on to list elements of “white culture,” which includes “individualism,” “perfectionism,” “politeness,” “worship of the written word,” and the “belief in objectivity.”

A section on outcomes defines “rights holders” as “most impacted folks (youth, Black & Brown communities” and asks “from the perspective of rights holders, what is the problem?”

In a list of “organizational issues to expect,” the documents listed both strong support and strong pushback from the community. “Stress, confusion, and a sense of overwhelm” should also be expected, according to the documents.

Seattle’s plan, which is supported by the majority of city council, would cut the police budget by 50% and close the county jail, which currently houses 60% of Seattle’s prison population, according to Rufo.

“The effects are actually quite simple,” Rufo said Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “When you have 50% fewer officers, when you have 60% fewer jail cells, you’re going to have a huge increase in crime.”

“For everything but the most serious offenses — murder, rape, armed robbery — people are going to be booked and immediately released back on the streets,” he added. “So you’ve destroyed any deterrent for criminal activity and what happens when you create a void of lawlessness, that will be filled very soon with violence, with disorder, and with mayhem.”

The King County Executive’s Office has not yet responded to a request for comment.




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269622  No.10079662


Q has made real patriots complacent during all of this. First Q said the world would learn the truth in July. That was in 2018, still waiting. American was never unified in November 2018, more divided than ever. Midterms were not safe. Trump's supreme court pick just gave half of Oklahoma away. Finally, Q said there will not be a civil war. So, while patriots were getting tricked into trusting a non existent plan that still hasn't delivered even a single criminal prosecution against the known mass murdering traitors, our enemies were fully mobilized and carrying out the destruction of our country. There are violent marxists who have control of the entirety of major US cities, the MSM, corporate America, and the Democrat Party. They are killing innocent people as we speak, but Trump does absolutely nothing. Patriots still trusting the plan are doing absolutely nothing. At what point do people start questioning what the hell is actually going on?

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6283ca  No.10079663

File: 26ed8ae04fd6e73⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 674x472, 337:236, 26ed8ae04fd6e730804cebf783….gif)

teh lady taht turns them into swine still walks freely

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76341b  No.10079664

Also if you exclude the chairs and start at the first stair you see, it would be 7 in the 10th spot, 7/10

Shes a pretty autist

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e06b42  No.10079665


P.S. don't ask why i wrote arrest instead of elected,O.K. I'm an old fag.

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640e25  No.10079666

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dc379a  No.10079667



I re-written then end of the movie.

NSA takes over all Communications, Cable, Off-Air and Radio Transmissions and All of their Crimes are Broadcast 24/7 for 30 days and the the Only thing people and Hear and See then we arrest All of them.

What cha think?

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d84299  No.10079668

Guy addressing crowd in Portland telling them about Fusion Centers. kek

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c0eb9b  No.10079669


THIS is the reality that needs to be heard. That the media will not EVER expose. These are paid and TRAINED agitators that the DOJ and FBI are allowing to run rampant and destroy american cities and businesses, and assault/murder citizens with impunity.

TAKE THE FUCKIN GLOVES OFF!!! Fuck the Mayors, governors and NARRATIVES. Just do the right fuckin thing and destroy these little cunts.

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7788d9  No.10079670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Why did he include the blue links that take you to:








She take my money when I'm in need

Yea she's a triflin' friend indeed

Oh she's a gold digger way over town

That digs on meNow I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggaz

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggaz Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head

Cutie the bomb, met her at a beauty salon

With a baby Louis Vuitton under her underarm

She said I can tell you ROC, I can tell by ya charm

Far as girls you got a flock

I can tell by ya charm and ya armBut I'm lookin' for the one

Have you seen her?

My psychic told me she have a ass like Serena

Trina, Jennifer Lopez, four kids

An I gotta take all they bad ass to showbizOk, get yo' kids but then they got their friends

I pulled up in the Benz, they all got a pen

We all went to Den and then I had to pay

If you fuckin' with this girl then you betta be payed

You know why?

It take too much to touch her

From what I heard she got a baby by Busta

My best friend say she use to fuck wit Usher

I don't care what none of ya'll say I still love herNow I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggaz

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggazGet down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head18 years, 18 years

She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years

I know somebody payin' child support for one of his kids

His baby momma's car and crib is bigger than he is

You will see him on TV Any Given Sunday

Win the Superbowl and drive off in a HyundaiShe was spose' to buy ya shorty Tyco with ya money

She went to the doctor got lypo with ya money

She walkin' around lookin' like Micheal with ya money

Should of got that insured Geico for ya moneyIf you ain't no punk holla, "We want prenup"

"We want prenup!", yeaah

It's something that you need to have

'Cause when she leave yo' ass she gone leave with half

18 years, 18 years

And on her 18th birthday, he found out it wasn't hisNow I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggaz

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger

But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggazGet down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go headNow I ain't sayin' you a gold digger, you got needs

You don't want ya dude to smoke but he can't buy weed

You go out to eat and he can't pay, ya'll can't leave

There's dishes in the back, he gotta roll up his sleeves

But while ya'll washin' watch him

He gone make it into a Benz out of that Datsun

He got that ambition baby look at his eyes

This week he moppin' floors, next week it's the fries

So, stick by his side

I know this dude's ballin' but yea that's nice

And they gone keep callin' and tryin'

But you stay right girl

But when you get on he leave yo' ass for a white girl

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head get down

Get down girl, go head

Let me hear that back


Gold Digger


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1b4be1  No.10079671

File: 6d99aafc9ad0c24⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 280x349, 280:349, pepe_baker_love_you_dd.jpg)


>I love you

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1592ed  No.10079672

File: 6da5cae31c5d786⋯.jpeg (15.24 KB, 188x269, 188:269, 80AD1B18_D51A_46C2_90C7_A….jpeg)

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bd4b44  No.10079673

File: 05b7b3989d57fd5⋯.png (409.54 KB, 1246x1273, 1246:1273, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)

File: 59921c02fd33f07⋯.png (343.08 KB, 1261x1272, 1261:1272, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)

File: 25fdeec469809ab⋯.png (135.93 KB, 1290x513, 430:171, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)



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eee37f  No.10079674

File: 0f2280126cd79a5⋯.jpg (9.8 KB, 255x182, 255:182, night_shift.jpg)

Anon checking in, sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post.

Haven't been on the boards for a couple weeks, holy shit night shift devolved into fucking chat-room-tier bullshit, probably cause of Chrissy shilling and Jesse Waters tip-toeing around Q.

For fucks sake guys, get it together and do some digging and post your findings… follow the money… follow the wives… whatever.. anything but this chat-room-tier bullshit.

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810015  No.10079675


fuckin Spolier that

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91d1bb  No.10079676

File: fc2e4c2a6d6ab8e⋯.png (261.55 KB, 478x391, 478:391, Screenshot_2020_07_26_Dona….png)


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2bc5a8  No.10079677

File: 5a6d353726c78e3⋯.png (790.8 KB, 600x601, 600:601, BGfaci.png)

File: 499081fa042afdc⋯.png (5.77 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, BG2.png)


>Would 320mg be enough?

Maybe in a daily pill. Like a vitamin. Then maybe, yeah. The science is clear.

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17359d  No.10079678




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d1a5fe  No.10079680

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c0eb9b  No.10079681


No son by that name.

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7498d0  No.10079682


Anon your story is very common. I see some hints of my peeps waking but long ass way to go still. Hoping that first arrest, whenever it habbens is epic enough to shake them loose. #WWG1WGA

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91d1bb  No.10079683

File: 433fbfa19685d47⋯.png (23.13 KB, 803x490, 803:490, Screenshot_2020_07_26_Q_Po….png)

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5e3596  No.10079684

Early notes @320

'Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10079643 1 killed during downtown Austin protest

>>10079640 Top US pro-life priests: ‘No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden’

>>10079623 Planefag

>>10079600 Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One

>>10079509 Dragon Den tweet to @NSAGov and @DHSgov

>>10079478 Video Crown now chuckin' rocks at RPD District5 HQ. SWAT team on scene. Arrest orders issued for anyone out there. (18-2-405 rioting)


>>10079376 Live Portland Andy, Protest stream

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c0eb9b  No.10079685



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74a64f  No.10079686


Libtards are lost until they aren't. But quit kickin' normies. Q said driven by debt, etc. just didn't pay that much attention, but they ARE waking up now. You are suppose to be red pillin' in' folk, and they pass to others. Don't sit here an bitch if you aren't. Anywhere and everywhere you get a chance to talk to people.

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eee37f  No.10079687


And that is where you are wrong, faggot

As Q has said before, the wheels of justice are slow, but it will all be worth it in the end, because the USA will be saved.

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b3f9f4  No.10079688


SF will have a couple of last shots to change for the better long-term. The city has to address its homeless, drug and crime problems now to survive.

Empty office buildings, restaurants…poof

Those apps for human sidewalk poop-mapping are a thing of its past.

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bcd157  No.10079689


Last week he was tweeting about, Kim and her mother trying to sell the kids for pedo/porno purposes, Kim this week put out information that he is sick with Bi polar disorder. Simplified, but you get the jist.

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c0eb9b  No.10079690


It wasn't Houston Baker. It was Austin.

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792b25  No.10079691

>Is this about the virus or the election?

or is it about using the mark of the beast RFID chip in a vaccine to take control without bothering with the election?

Q, I know your team is very thorough in reading all of these replies so I'm sure you will get this.

As hopeful as I am for the success of your Great Awakening campaign, many of these people following you are just sheep who've found a new person to tell them what to think and how to feel, so I do hope you don't let their praise get to your head and convince you that everything is going smoothly since those of us on /qresearch/ who are the most frustrated are those of us who have been awake from the beginning.

When I was 5 years old I saw the hints of truth in Alex Jones' crazy act through the acting and past the scam water filters and the dichotomy of the 2 possibilities that he was a con artist to discredit the truth or that he was using the act to draw attention to the truth. With the tranny porn incident and the divorce after the election I'm much more convinced that he's controlled opposition while being open minded to him possibly being a porn addict with his ex-wife being deep state but either way I can see right through him so I do hope you'll take my perspective into consideration when I say that rather than the election, the RFID chip vaccine might be the goal and if that's the case then we can't afford to play more "disinformation is necessary" games. The TRUTH is necessary right now to stop them.

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1c4167  No.10079692

Weird how Good Q sucks FBI dick.

Deep throat really.

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74a64f  No.10079693

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5e3596  No.10079694

File: 662487921de1abc⋯.jpeg (178.11 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 63015111_l_Copy.jpeg)

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defd79  No.10079695

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this black betty is surreal…

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9fccc5  No.10079696


You're guilt has already been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing.

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a845ae  No.10079697


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74a64f  No.10079698

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5dc3fa  No.10079699


>Is Kanye telling us something in a cryptic manner.

>Why did he include the blue links

The "blue links" are NOT because he didn't put a space after the period! It's because Kanye is sending code"me.to" blue text = #metoo = "pound me too"!!! OMG, Kanye wants Kim to pound him too, Anon! (YOU) cracked the 'code'!!

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0b9875  No.10079700

File: 46810a0e9e16b27⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, uglyjewwomen.jpg)

The DISGUSTING JEWS, in a STATE OF COMPLETE AND TOTAL PANIC, have unleashed the AMERICAN NIGGERS on society, giving them license, and cover, through the JEW CONTROLLED MEDIA to KILL WHITE PEOPLE WITH IMPUNITY.

Sadly for the PATHETIC JEWS, the NIGGERS are not as STUPID AS THE JEWS ONCE THOUGHT, and once they realize that the SLAVE TRADERS and OWNERS were JEWS, it will be OPEN SEASON ON THE JEWS, and the JEW MEDIA will have no choice other than to SUPPORT the JEW KILLING and MAIMING NIGGERS.


This is what is called "being hoist by your own petard…

Die you miserable jew cocksuckers!

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5e3596  No.10079701


thanks, i'ts in

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5d1b7f  No.10079702

File: ed327e60b9c96f7⋯.png (110.17 KB, 266x189, 38:27, ClipboardImage.png)

You are found guilty of sin, abomination, corruption, and desecration. I sentence your species to extinction.

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f3e84f  No.10079703

File: c536f5c86ce3172⋯.png (394.41 KB, 691x500, 691:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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c372fe  No.10079704


Kek. Typos happen. Your words are appreciated.

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5e3596  No.10079705


Only concentrating on this bread at the minute.

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d1a5fe  No.10079706


This bread is 12900 not 12899

we still need last breads noates

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480c7f  No.10079707

File: d3a34e1b79c54b8⋯.png (385.91 KB, 912x500, 228:125, filturd.png)

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d84299  No.10079708

"What do we want to do? We want to shut down I-5."

-Portland Terrorist

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5c3386  No.10079709


back early evening Sun

will peek in prolly

back on Mon am not too earlies


new tude, mabbe, mostly?

hopefully not homocidal

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d1a5fe  No.10079710

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bd4b44  No.10079711

File: 7147858067d83ed⋯.png (217.53 KB, 1297x523, 1297:523, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)

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9f1ab9  No.10079712

File: a51da5b19c9f703⋯.jpeg (263.94 KB, 1373x1408, 1373:1408, obama_enemy.jpeg)

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8f7982  No.10079713


They won't stop until they find out the hard way. The anti-vaxxers were once people who looked up to the white coats as godly saviors. Then their little children were damaged, some permanently, some died. People don't give up their blind religious trust until something jolts them into doing so. It's called learning the hard way and I wish people could learn without suffering. The rabid people have made me seek work environments with a higher expectation of decency.

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4fcea3  No.10079714

>>10078643 (PB)

What brought anons here? Who are we? Led here?

I've posted about this before. No way to verify anything I say, but I'll say it again. I believe a number of us were sent here, born at this time for this exact purpose. There is no other way to explain my own life, how it unfolded, with experiences that coincidentally were relevant to many issues involved with the Awakening, and the effort to bring down this multi-headed cabal hydra.

I would have to dig into an older computer to track down exactly how I found QR, but I know I was reading through the early Q posts and comments beginning November 1, 2017. I was not a chan/pol reader at all, but from time to time I did venture onto Reddit for non political reasons. It may have been a Twitter mention by someone posting about a military insider sharing remarkable/wild/unbelievable intel. I was also a Drudge reader at the time, so I may have read a DR linked news/blog story that included a reader comment about a military insider over on 4 chan talking about <insert early eye opening Q post>.

Chances are good Q group were the ones posting references to themselves all over the internet that week.

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75f773  No.10079715

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c0d5da  No.10079716

File: 71fcd3fae3a9942⋯.png (288.06 KB, 602x632, 301:316, Screenshot_2020_07_25_at_9….png)

Sacramento, California Patriots Rally!


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883691  No.10079717

File: 1f24cbecf0a26d0⋯.jpg (205.63 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Wei_Hello_.jpg)

File: 82ab22da501478c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, Muh_Collector.png)


TY Note Taker\Baker


記得。 >>10079590

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169ac8  No.10079718

File: 16f5f2ac5004f55⋯.png (62.12 KB, 296x838, 148:419, 2054_1_Copy.PNG)

File: d9a8da739ff6142⋯.png (41.09 KB, 354x572, 177:286, 2054_2_Copy.PNG)


10:54 PM is 20:54 MT

pics related.

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eee37f  No.10079719

File: 23dfc7947fc9949⋯.jpg (12.61 KB, 169x255, 169:255, bo_rope.jpg)

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f1c08e  No.10079720

The show kind of sucks

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a845ae  No.10079722

Alright you have won.

Inmocent it is!

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61c4f5  No.10079723


Natural selection at its finest.

Go play in traffic


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6283ca  No.10079724

wal mart feels are so violated right now

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71c8fe  No.10079725

File: eabb841aece4e53⋯.png (415.82 KB, 563x473, 563:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f29b945fa9e70a4⋯.png (28.84 KB, 552x300, 46:25, ClipboardImage.png)

One person critically injured in shooting during protest in Austin, Texas

Gunfire has erupted during a protest in downtown Austin, resulting in at least one life-threatening injury. A chilling video from the scene shows people screaming and running for cover.

Police asked the public to avoid the area while they are investigating the incident, but revealed few additional details.

It was not immediately clear if the shooting was a deliberate attack related to the ongoing protest, but a video from the march captured the moment shots were fired.

However, Hiram Gilberto, an eyewitness who saw the incident unfold from mere three meters away and captured the video, said the shooter was inside a car while the injured person was a protester.

“A protestor was shot with LIVE ROUNDS today. I was no more ten feet from the shooter and running towards his car.It was TOO CLOSE. Currently on my way to give a witness statement to APD. KEEP THOSE AFFECTED IN YOUR THOUGHTS,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

The initial incident call suggested a shooting with “multiple patients involved,” but the first responders found only one adult victim. Medics transported him to a local trauma center with “critical, life threatening injuries.”


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defd79  No.10079726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and let me leave this one for you before you go; Genesis - Firth of Fifth ;

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99bc94  No.10079727

File: 1ccf5e621206079⋯.png (160.86 KB, 1794x872, 897:436, Screenshot_2020_07_25_Chie….png)

Portland Police Chief Lovell puts PNWYLF on notice.


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bcd157  No.10079728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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269622  No.10079729


Trump is President because he was selected to be. The New World Order always wins. The sooner you realize this, the sooner everything begins to make sense. Make real patriots complacent while our country is stolen from us. That has always been "the plan."

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74a64f  No.10079730

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47ac0b  No.10079731

Colorado School Gunman Gets Life With Possibility of Parole. I’m sure this is just a friendly reminder as school is getting close to going back into session right?

A teen who told authorities that he launched a fatal shooting attack on his suburban Denver school last yearbecause he wanted them to experience trauma like that he had experiencedwas sentenced on Friday to life in prison with the possibility of parole after about two decades behind bars.

Alec McKinney apologized to the parents of Kendrick Castillo, who was killed as he tried to stop the attack at STEM School Highlands Ranch, and to the other students wounded as well as traumatized by the attack.

“I will never repeat these actions ever again because the harm I caused is truly too much for anyone to bear,” he said as he seemed to choke back tears and his voice cracked.

McKinney, 17, is the younger of the two students charged in the May 7, 2019, shooting. He was 16 at the time of the shooting so, even though he was prosecuted as an adult, he could be paroled after about 25 years in prison no matter what sentence he received unlike his alleged conspirator, Devon Erickson, who was 18 at the time.

The minimum sentence for first-degree murder for a juvenile is life in prison with the possibility of parole after 40 years while the minimum sentence for an adult is life without the possibility of parole.

McKinney pleaded guilty to charges for the wounding of six other people who were allegedly shot by either McKinney or Erickson and two other people who were mistakenly shot by a security guard responding to the shooting.

Erickson, 19, has pleaded not guilty to all the same charges McKinney originally faced in the shooting. His lawyers have portrayed McKinney as the ringleader who pressured Erickson to participate. He is scheduled to go on trial in late September.

He will not face the death penalty if he is convicted. Colorado became the 22nd state to abolish the death penalty this year but Erickson could have still been eligible for it because the shooting happened before that law was passed. While Castillos' parents supported pursing capital punishment, District Attorney George Brauchler decided not to, noting that Erickson's lawyers could have argued against it because of his age, lack of a criminal history and other mitigating factors.


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c0eb9b  No.10079732


Watching a YT vid earlier when a Kim commercial for spanx came on. She's so obsessed with being seen as a sex symbol instead of as a wife and mother. Kanye bitching about this or his daughter being sucked into that world is just silly. He KNEW what he married and lusted after her because of her schtick. Now deal.

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c372fe  No.10079733


I'm not taking the vaccine. And if it's not the mark of the beast, it won't be forced.

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55afb5  No.10079734


McDonald's is now going to require masks for all customers. Like what would be the point (I mean besides being completely ineffective as we know they are)? The only thing you would go inside of one of their restaurants for is to eat and drink, how could they enforce this? Like you are going to have to pull the mask down in between drinks and bites. Are they going to ask you to leave if you leave it down for 1 second too long after a drink or bite? Are they going to have a trainee watching patrons and counting 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi and calling the manager over?

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b600b9  No.10079736


is it safe?

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defd79  No.10079737

File: 6a05150f4a36d31⋯.jpg (266.75 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, thesquireofgothoshd156.jpg)


Q baby picture

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75f773  No.10079738

File: 0f07648782f4601⋯.jpg (645.14 KB, 2011x1131, 2011:1131, BezosHatesTrees.jpg)

File: f01f770f03de017⋯.jpg (368 KB, 1923x1080, 641:360, BezosNoDeal.JPG)

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a845ae  No.10079739

Staying right here by your side

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914be8  No.10079740

File: 238721ac46535ac⋯.png (88.3 KB, 500x262, 250:131, gheg30qi4jt3tpeirj987vbyh9….png)

File: 3db2069ccdb7415⋯.gif (124.45 KB, 600x450, 4:3, GHEG983QTEg7534E3WShuIY68r….gif)

File: 3badabec9b4f552⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, GHE978TY76675453453HYGUGmg….jpg)

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

I truly hope they figure it out and quickly!

My prayer is that those billions of souls are set free and have the eyes to see and ears to hear.

Join me in this :)

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bd4b44  No.10079741

File: b69253dd476c633⋯.png (482.84 KB, 1292x798, 34:21, Screen_Shot_2020_07_26_at_….png)

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defd79  No.10079742

File: e6ec0943543443e⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 544x1200, 34:75, deep_appreciation.jpg)

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661203  No.10079743


Black trucker lives DON'T matter to her

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6283ca  No.10079744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.














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defd79  No.10079745

File: 2bbd57cc553c5b2⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 350x193, 350:193, dentist.jpg)

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bd4b44  No.10079746


[Jacob's Ladder]

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1b4be1  No.10079747


Durbin, the "shithole" guy.

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883691  No.10079748


Correct it is Austin.

Good Catch, apologies.

>Marijewwannas kickin in Anon Ponders

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eee37f  No.10079749


At that point, its still easier to go through the drive through and take it elsewhere to eat in your car if your on the move and dont want to worry about Karen's shouting at you, otherwise go home with McDonald's and eat at home.

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5d1b7f  No.10079750

File: 8516381f24237aa⋯.png (95.73 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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6283ca  No.10079751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













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169ac8  No.10079752

File: 95fd6e63bc33b50⋯.png (10.96 KB, 294x233, 294:233, 2254_Copy.PNG)


kek, belay my last


pic related

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883691  No.10079753



Fight the good Fight.


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0ec6a9  No.10079754


Honestly this nigga is so fucked up that he can not help our cause. He cant hurt it either. Its just a shit show now with zero importance in the long run.

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75f773  No.10079755

File: 11f5c4f8e86ab9b⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 344x465, 344:465, Spock.jpg)

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78662a  No.10079756

File: f71b9c7ebcba6e0⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, WONT_STOP_PEDOS.jpg)

File: c5b6c706dae1a70⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 767x513, 767:513, JACK_HIDES_PEDOS.jpg)

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c372fe  No.10079757

It would seem the buildup will end with covid panic being so out of hand that voting stations will be closed "for safety" and mailing/electronic votes will be all thats available. Just dont understand why its being allowed to get to that point.

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269622  No.10079758


Don't worry. Q will just say that our founding fathers were all satan worshippers and the plan trusters will get back in line and support the destruction of our country.

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5e3596  No.10079759


Yes, go and collect notes and bring them here!

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74fe27  No.10079760

File: c20c77aefda1e99⋯.png (525.03 KB, 639x352, 639:352, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95ef05de2f0fccd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1140x798, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)


We make plans and our enemies make their own plans. Battles don't take place in a vacuum of just one sides making. A knock down drag out civil war is to be avoided, they are very costly in the long term.

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defd79  No.10079761


your parent were pissed at you, fucking with Cap'n Denny like that

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48f765  No.10079762

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 20200514_071628.jpg)


>00:17:17 timestamp

Good morning Q.

Er, um… i mean… *ahem*… 'anon'.

Could you bring back the timestamp 23:23:23 and 00:23:23 "pain" posts? those were … highly synchronicitous. Maybe a 17:17:17 post for the dayshift too?

Give ['em] hell.

O7 sir.

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883691  No.10079763

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a845ae  No.10079764

This is getting ridiculous

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defd79  No.10079765


it went there, spock-a-doodle-do

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f2323f  No.10079766

“Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”


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f3e84f  No.10079767

File: e959d0a26994781⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB, 652x360, 163:90, auroroa_shooting_7_25_2020.mp4)


The protestors are shooting each other in Denver.



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defd79  No.10079768

File: 2709f9f7d95e30a⋯.jpg (11.52 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 0ec2adf417aaa6e784e07f8ca8….jpg)

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3bb6e3  No.10079769


I clicked that shit ngga, young asian boys fapping, lots of underage Flip? schlong

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661203  No.10079770

File: 690666483f4d15b⋯.jpeg (114.73 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, download_2020_07_25T23472….jpeg)

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da18c7  No.10079771


Yes, that is his claim to fame.


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2b1483  No.10079772

Youz guyz rBIGTARDED

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1b4be1  No.10079773


>My prayer is that those billions of souls are set free and have the eyes to see and ears to hear.

"Out of China will come the cradle of Christianity"

-Edgar Cayce

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5e3596  No.10079774

File: 686a08ef82b39cd⋯.jpg (80.66 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 686a08ef82b39cdbcec8b55468….jpg)


your a funny fellow

The devil lies. Devil lies

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d1a5fe  No.10079775


you know how on the Jetsons, the food is just spit out of a machine all the time?

This is how it starts. fast food co's getting rid of the workers and automating because no lobby business; all drive up.

You can just fly drones out of the tops of the buildings like bugs. set the address and away it goes.

Watch for people shooting them down for free food to be the new sport

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255151  No.10079776

File: 627849b9a638df8⋯.jpeg (41.3 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 196164CB_9624_4FAA_A41A_B….jpeg)


No masks make you safe, so you can vote in person no problem.

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47ac0b  No.10079777

Colorado activists urge Medicaid hike in virus relief bill

DENVER — Colorado activists want the federal government to fund more of the state’s Medicaid program ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Several health care groups Thursday called on U.S. senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet to seek additional federal funding for Medicaid, a federal-state program for low-income and disabled Americans.

Congress increased the federal share of Medicaid spending by 6.2% to roughly 56% in Colorado in March under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

The groups say more is needed. By December 2020, state Medicaid enrollment is expected to grow 42% due to the virus-induced economic downturn, according to the nonprofit Colorado Consumer Health Initiative.

Currently, more than 1.2 million Coloradans or about one in five residents depend on Medicaid, a roughly $9 billion program known in the state as Health First Colorado.One in three individuals with disabilities are covered by Medicaid in the state, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative spokesman Adam Fox said Thursday the groupswant the federal government to fund 64% of the state’s Medicaid program.

Hollowed out public health system faces more cuts amid coronavirus

“He wants to live like any other person”: The human cost of Colorado’s budget crisis

Robin Bolduc, 62 from Boulder, is the main caregiver for her husband, Bruce Goguen, 67, a quadriplegic who uses a ventilator to breathe. Medicaid pays for her husband’s long-term services including caregivers who help feed and bathe him.

In our case it’s the difference between life and death. The difference between my husband being able to live in his community, to be a part of our family, to be my husband,” Bolduc said Thursday at the press conference.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is set to unveil the GOP’s new aid package next week, which will include federal dollars to supplement state Medicaid funding.That plan is a counteroffer to a sweeping $3 trillion proposal that House Democrats approved in May.

In July 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act. It was designed to protect those with disabilities against discrimination and to ensure employment opportunities, state and local government services and public accommodations like transportation.


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5c3386  No.10079778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Great stuff and then they went all MTV, commercial, scripted, choreographed and no raw! Then they wonder why no one wants to buy the stuff, just nik it on line.

Enjoy live and raw fren

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5b07a4  No.10079779


you'll have to give the "masses" report-wut it was like.

don't get out amongst them much any longer-especially here as you probably already know.

Nowhere allows you in w/o ze mask now-possible a few but that will go away too.

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d84299  No.10079780

Any planefags around? Portland Andy mentioned something of interest flying over North Portland. Could barely hear him, so not sure what it is.

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0b9875  No.10079781

File: 1af721d4eb3169a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 1af721d4eb3169a7d7f0d0bdd0….png)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 1d32ecf46fc3e68637973e09a2….png)

File: f3d8c3e7846bc40⋯.png (606.13 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 2e52d60bdaa11a2672f5f51348….png)

File: 3f0b162dd6ea2d7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 3f0b162dd6ea2d742c384864f3….png)

File: 3fa029d2e7cff29⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 3fa029d2e7cff2957649f59346….png)

As a brainwashed GOYIM, you may ask, "Why are the JEWS SUCH VILE SATANIC CREATURES?"

The answer lies in their TRUE "RELIGIOUS" teachings, known as the TALMUD.

Here are a few things that JEWS TEACH AND BELIEVE as a part of their SATANIC RELIGION, in which they want you STUPID GOYIM TO BELIEVE that JESUS BELIEVED, which is another JEW LIE!

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75f773  No.10079782

File: 2d4bb2cff8bef5f⋯.png (649.79 KB, 1200x1005, 80:67, Clean.PNG)

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55afb5  No.10079783


That's what I'm saying, why even have the inside dining area open? Do they actually let you eat in there rn? I guess they have to be able to let people without cars get food and they for safety reasons can't go through the drive through. I can almost see one from my house, but I don't really ever eat there so IDK what goes on over there

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eee37f  No.10079784

File: 0e41048a7eed0aa⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 255x194, 255:194, pepe_patriotshit.jpg)

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14a5ff  No.10079785



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5e3596  No.10079786


No, you bake next and you correct it.

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c0eb9b  No.10079787



Meanwhile churches are closed and every is supposed to be wearing a fuckin mask. Get your shit together Gov Abbott and CONTROL your shithole capitol!

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269622  No.10079788


Civil War could also be avoided if Trump would actually do his job and arrest the known mass murdering traitors but for some reason he chooses not to. So at this point, all the blood is on his hands.

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7788d9  No.10079790

File: 08b59039e9ee824⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 732x720, 61:60, PXsD01o1ta2iXcjX.mp4)



Watch this video


pay attention to Ellen hands.

Twice she does the exact hand motion and twice Kanye responds with a specific act. TWICE.

Is this weird or what.

Is this how handler control people with gestures that cause a victim to do what the hand gesture indicates for them to do?

Kanye seems like someone is always pulling strings on him?

It seems they family/sick club is getting ready to get rid of Kanye.

This Ellen video coming in my radar/timing gives me the creeps.

Kim and Kris will get all his money and publishing rights when he is dead.

Ask Whitney, ask Michael J.

Look @ 0:20 and @ 0:44.

I have not did a lot of research on the MK stuff, but it seems like she is showing the viewers how she can make him do shit.

I hope I am wrong on this.


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38dd11  No.10079791


the viciousness of shills means it's better to just mostly lurk.

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78662a  No.10079792

File: 5d2923ce908a3fc⋯.jpg (151.9 KB, 1200x749, 1200:749, Hours_of_pedo_pics.jpg)

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661203  No.10079793

File: ae29f0b0736c169⋯.jpeg (130.94 KB, 620x647, 620:647, download_2020_07_24T20171….jpeg)

File: 43b63f96c14c8b1⋯.jpeg (167.25 KB, 946x857, 946:857, download_2020_07_25T16123….jpeg)

File: 19c12bdf16ba1c5⋯.jpeg (100.64 KB, 502x694, 251:347, download_2020_07_25T20480….jpeg)

File: ea07c76d574a6a5⋯.jpeg (243.18 KB, 863x1315, 863:1315, download_2020_07_24T12343….jpeg)


Posted FAA for area. Re: lasers

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1b4be1  No.10079794

File: efc2a14bf6780fa⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, efc2a14bf6780fab619b3dd3f6….jpg)


>Youz guyz rBIGTARDED

Well, you're a big meanypants

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5d1b7f  No.10079795

File: 5ffaa3de95fb2de⋯.png (139.55 KB, 290x174, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


i just genocided your race, fuck ass because you do not deserve to survive,

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3cd086  No.10079796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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defd79  No.10079797

File: 11f170874fe2f57⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Portland.jpg)

Look, you're all smegma, so there is nothing else to do here and please look for your 1099 in the mail in late January ; thanks for all your help, you useless eating idiots ; buh-bye Portland

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da18c7  No.10079798

File: 535247f3a1128e2⋯.png (814.46 KB, 1242x989, 54:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c34568e1f5f062⋯.png (58.95 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Lori Lightfoot aka Beetlejuice, Chicago Mayor had no problem having an army of Chicago police protecting her private residence, but apparently, the Dist. Cmdr. did, so she had him demoted.

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75f773  No.10079799

File: 4633301fd0e8521⋯.jpg (1017.18 KB, 1552x1530, 776:765, BullCult.jpg)

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e36101  No.10079800

File: cb9410e23f2904e⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 600x288, 25:12, dontell_jackson.jpg)

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55afb5  No.10079801



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255151  No.10079802

File: daaf44d19c1ab39⋯.jpeg (41.01 KB, 242x474, 121:237, 623499F8_77E6_434A_8211_6….jpeg)

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e2a671  No.10079803


in the vid you can count at least 8 shots.

Stupid people. Not the best area of town either.

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defd79  No.10079804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wild dogs cry out in the night

Africa by Dorothy's Dog

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74a64f  No.10079805


next question, please…why is there air?

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75f773  No.10079806

File: c0778d4980f6f03⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 578x389, 578:389, BotsRUs.JPG)

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060a76  No.10079807


I figured out what it was and got out of there. I think it would be good to get the hashtags trending. Looked like patriots were reporting it right and left

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eee37f  No.10079808


Planefags can take a look, but don't forget there might be aircraft flying around that don't have transponders on and therefore will not show up on the radar of ADSB.

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6283ca  No.10079809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


















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17359d  No.10079810

File: 33c9162eb086443⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1488x1410, 248:235, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

File: 35b4e81d18a894d⋯.png (364.62 KB, 1426x1354, 713:677, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

Oprah Winfrey's Magazine to Cease Regular Print Publication (Report)

News of the famed women's magazine coming to an end follows Hearst Magazine's president Troy Young recent resignation.

Oprah Winfrey's monthly magazine will cease printing after its December 2020 issue, according to a report by Business of Fashion.

The staff of O: The Oprah Magazine, which was founded by Winfrey and Hearst Communications, was informed of the decision on Friday.

News of the famed women's magazine coming to an end follows criticism for the Hearst Magazines division, which publishes Good Housekeeping, Harper's Bazaar and Elle among others. A recent report by the New York Times included employees describing its toxic environment as well as sexually offensive remarks by former president Troy Young, who resigned Thursday.

The Hollywood Reporter has reached out to representatives for Winfrey and Hearst for comment.

As of 2020, the average paid circulation for the magazine was 2.2 million copies and a print audience of 10 million.

More to come…


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75f773  No.10079811

File: a6480ec9f4768b2⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 474x359, 474:359, Bros3.JPG)

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75f773  No.10079812

File: 7211a62f266fb2f⋯.jpg (152.15 KB, 1124x1081, 1124:1081, CommieBLM.JPG)

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91c21b  No.10079813

What's with all of the 'I only have XX followers, please help me get more' accounts on Twitter? Seen about 10 tonight. Yet only one account I follow out of 500 actually got banned.

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202c8d  No.10079814


which one will twitter ban?

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47ac0b  No.10079815

File: 767757b3be14d6f⋯.png (746.97 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 0E3DA218_ABF0_4D61_B798_F3….png)

Car drives through crowd, protester shot in Colorado

AURORA, Colo. (AP) — A car drove through a crowd and a protester was shot in the suburban Denver suburb of Aurora during demonstrations against racial injustice.

The Aurora Police Department said on Twitter that protesters were walking on Interstate 225 Saturday when a vehicle drove through.

Police said a protester fired a weapon, striking at least one person who was taken to a hospital in stable condition.

Authorities said the vehicle was towed and they are investigating. Protesters also broke windows to the courthouse and a fire was started in an office, police said. An unlawful assembly was declared and police ordered protesters to leave the area, authorities said.

Tensions have been heightened at recent protests against racial injustice since federal officials were sent to quell demonstrations in Portland, Oregon. Police declared a riot in Seattle on Saturday.


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75f773  No.10079816

File: a6192cf4cb232c3⋯.jpg (259.98 KB, 1200x1186, 600:593, Coup1963.JPG)

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0b9875  No.10079817

File: 4b65c0d91dc14b8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 4b65c0d91dc14b82ae786c35e4….png)

File: 4d25c2b9a6ebf00⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 4d25c2b9a6ebf008407d6fec1b….png)

File: bdbfd1c1023bea0⋯.png (711.33 KB, 1911x807, 637:269, 6f29564da3b43d2966580e55ec….png)

File: 9af435526978a73⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 9af435526978a73879208b3fba….png)

File: 27f266437e48a80⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 27f266437e48a80f755465e0a9….png)

I can almost hear the telepathic cries of my fellow Goyim, as they question what is fact from fiction.

"Can the JEW be as vile as our ancestor's once thought, or where they bigots, like my jew masters have taught me to believe?"

The answer lies in the teachings of the JEW, which comes, not from the Torah, but from the TALMUD.


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c0eb9b  No.10079818

Can someone please explain to me how the $$$$$ behind all the BULLSHIT riots is not already in prison for treason? 4 Years and Soros is still walking around. A man KNOWN for overthrowing governments. It's insanity.

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a5ee3a  No.10079819

File: b7199d935ae4aab⋯.jpg (154.38 KB, 748x658, 374:329, people_will.jpg)

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a701da  No.10079820

File: 56f629a25ee933d⋯.jpg (597.94 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_701.jpg)

File: 7b8e166a28e2ad6⋯.jpg (735.38 KB, 1080x717, 360:239, IMG_702.jpg)

File: f56e03cd031bde5⋯.jpg (861.61 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_703.jpg)

You Imagine God Guides Your Dreams Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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6283ca  No.10079821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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eee37f  No.10079822


If you have to fucking ask, you don't belong here.

There are ALWAYS three letter agencies watching, as well as fake news MSM.

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968aed  No.10079823

File: d90578316f58b04⋯.jpeg (203.35 KB, 791x983, 791:983, 83B0535E_3A6F_42DE_905F_F….jpeg)

& for the ones of who initiated the long campaign, the nameless, faceless, selfless, Patriots …they will never be forgotten.

May God Bless……

& May God Bless the Republic

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9c5e03  No.10079824


It looks like the Seattle and Portland police departments are stepping up. This is a good thing. It allows them to regain honor after having been betrayed by their political superiors (but then basically tolerating it). Many have "tolerated" betrayal by those who were supposed to lead, and need to step up and fight back.

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75f773  No.10079825

File: 60aaaf972892561⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 1507x822, 11:6, JackGoebbels.JPG)

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7498d0  No.10079826


I didn’t find this place until Nov 17. Began seeing #QAnon on twat…don’t believe in coincidence… almonds I didn’t know I had started humming, I KNEW it was something, constantly searched for moar. No turning back now, we either win this shit or we die tryin’. I figure everyone here is already on a list so losing isn’t an option, here that Q? We already decided it’s better to die in our saddle. Let’s do this. #WWG1WGA

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5b07a4  No.10079827

File: b247db41a1db8b2⋯.png (604.31 KB, 983x562, 983:562, Portland_Police_Cessna_Sky….PNG)


only thing visible of note is a Portland Police Cessna Skyhawk

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1b4be1  No.10079828

File: 8aa8a95b5b8edab⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 550x459, 550:459, Geo_Wash_doing_Patriot_Shi….jpg)


…please hang up, and try your call again later, goodbye.

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ca960f  No.10079829


Is it safe!

great movie by the way.

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060a76  No.10079830

Streamer/protestor just slipped up and said 'last night when I got off' and then corrected and said 'I mean last night when I left downtown' (Portland)

But this is all organic

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8cc58e  No.10079831

File: e51876ecca8fc06⋯.png (736.95 KB, 731x489, 731:489, hold.PNG)


Always here o7

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883691  No.10079832



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f3e84f  No.10079833


We already did, you just didn't want to believe it.

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790dd9  No.10079834

File: 4d9391aaad3f22f⋯.png (147.47 KB, 1212x606, 2:1, AustinPD.png)


Homicide now anon.

"Media briefing will be at 12:15am."


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5c3386  No.10079835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can hear Collins

got it playing now

guud stuff



live and raw

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74a64f  No.10079836


KEK..ok kids, BACK TO WORK! go dig…news all over, notables to be had….move out!

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c0eb9b  No.10079837


Specifically Barr and Wray's hands.

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75f773  No.10079838

File: 33be9b2c4ddc2c3⋯.png (644.97 KB, 640x588, 160:147, FeinsteinPush.PNG)

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883691  No.10079839



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7788d9  No.10079840



Oprah print magazine is over?

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9849dc  No.10079841

Is anyone else having this problem, I have an iphone and cannot access the board, its been happening for four hours now. I'm on my laptop now, but the tile for 8kun on favorites went from yellow to gray and the only thing that comes up are the records archives before 8kun came back. I checked with my friend and they have an android phone and they have full access. Is apple blocking this site? if so how do I get around it. Any apple users having the same problem?

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75f773  No.10079842

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB, 960x938, 480:469, ISISdrop2.JPG)

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5d1b7f  No.10079843

File: 308716ee7938551⋯.png (101.11 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

It is a slow process. You must first realize you are dead.

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a5ee3a  No.10079844

File: 3813e4891d2fd23⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 488x564, 122:141, protecting.jpg)

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885eb9  No.10079845





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5b07a4  No.10079846

File: 2e9e3f5db62395d⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 500x336, 125:84, steve_hackett.jpg)

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b97921  No.10079847

File: 8f01fd6daf6fb87⋯.jpg (143.08 KB, 595x555, 119:111, lilnancy.jpg)

File: 5b81e3d882dfd0f⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 595x555, 119:111, lil_neck.jpg)

File: 7345c23cc51052c⋯.jpg (310.56 KB, 595x555, 119:111, the_bidens.jpg)

Spread these anons. I'll be up all night making more.

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dd154a  No.10079848

File: 1ca748132edc213⋯.png (213.27 KB, 393x550, 393:550, downloadfile_removebg_prev….png)

White female co worker told she wanted to date a black man the next thing you she's dead.

Black male crime in America surpasses ISIS.

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bd4b44  No.10079849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>10079673 [eyes-on]


Prolly not safe gonna need team dig dis 1

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6283ca  No.10079850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















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a701da  No.10079851

File: 07b08c679fb5b90⋯.jpg (870.87 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, IMG_704.jpg)

File: 81ef35443fcddd2⋯.jpg (674.79 KB, 1080x708, 90:59, IMG_705.jpg)

File: a39934109114e2d⋯.jpg (829.33 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, IMG_706.jpg)

You Imagine God Breaks Lion Contracts Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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75f773  No.10079852

File: 6a2d41910c572ba⋯.png (292.62 KB, 533x617, 533:617, DCcouple.PNG)

File: bdf8ed322ea6f04⋯.jpg (348.1 KB, 1778x1080, 889:540, DCFuhrerBowser.JPG)

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61c4f5  No.10079853


Moar cowbell anon….realize whats happening right now.

Chy-Na no like retaliation. Escalation occurring in real time. Over the target much?

Your concern is concerning. Step up those observation skills. Nothing is what it seems.

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da18c7  No.10079854


I would say, definitely MKUltra shit.

At one point his eye go blank too.

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255151  No.10079855

File: 072d9e14065a0bd⋯.png (439.51 KB, 610x500, 61:50, E0380817_30F7_41BE_87CD_29….png)

So now they will try and shut us down by saying Chinese spies are using 8kun to transfer secrets


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7405de  No.10079856

File: c6a77d04f87c3a2⋯.png (184.84 KB, 779x538, 779:538, bagets.png)





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75f773  No.10079857

File: 6c65729ab79a518⋯.jpg (258.19 KB, 1242x1196, 27:26, CovidCollude.JPG)

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7788d9  No.10079858


the one with the watermelon is kek

gallagher hahahaha

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eee37f  No.10079859


Probably there is things involved that anons don't know about, once all these people go down, the cases and charges against them have to be air tight against attacks of any kind.

And definitely, some of these people will probably be put to death publicly via lethal injection or other means, once they are tried in court and sentenced.

All these people are going to get the book thrown at them, and each and every case must be rock solid, or else the USA is fucked.

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895b44  No.10079860

File: c9278905db7bea8⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 623x643, 623:643, first_to_fall.jpg)

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74a64f  No.10079861


never watched her, never read the mag, she was way too fake for me.

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1a6d1c  No.10079862

File: aa85472d850e975⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1446, 180:241, ClipboardImage.png)

CODE RED: Niece of a Friend went Missing in Anthem, AZ

She's only 15. She's 5'-1", 110lbs, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, White

Disappeared on Tuesday, July 21st, 2020 at 11:15pm

Took out the trash at her residence and never returned.

Right nostril pierced. Brown Shoulder Length Hair, scaring on both arms and a heart tattoo on her left hand.

If you know where she is or have any information on her whereabouts, please contact MCSO (Maricopa County Sheriff's Office) at (602) 876-1011 [602-876-TIPS (8477)] with any info on the above case.

Thanks anons!

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6283ca  No.10079863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















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02b580  No.10079864

Please call out notable for the NOTABLES

Baker's Id decided to change again, soz folks

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ab79c2  No.10079865

"I Drink Semen to Fight Coronavirus"

This “natural vegan bodybuilder” drinks daily semen smoothies and doesn’t remember the last time she was sick.

Now she’s using semen to protect her against coronavirus.


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883691  No.10079866





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d84299  No.10079867


That must be what he is talking about, a C172. Andy just mentioned it again, but no idea why he thinks it suspicious or of interest.

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14a5ff  No.10079868



Are you cunts fucking retarded? Isn't that some song lyric?

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269622  No.10079869


All of Trump's appointees are do nothing, just like him. All talk. Meanwhile, we are losing our country and innocent people are being killed. Lawless nation that has become a complete joke.

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8e8770  No.10079870


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914be8  No.10079871

File: 01d3aa70f94b339⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 750x722, 375:361, EdyXicAXoAA4DOc.jpg)

File: 422f3a2ac97715c⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 498x259, 498:259, hw5yegw4eygwjkersygrtjwser….jpg)

timing relevant meme sauce

Info overload but we do not forget

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f3e84f  No.10079872

File: e9f014f8a6d60f3⋯.png (396.86 KB, 691x500, 691:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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74a64f  No.10079873


Soros got his gov. grants cut off. He's been using our money for years.

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f034af  No.10079874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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02b580  No.10079875

'Notables are NOT endorsements

Notables @ 550

>>10079815 Car drives through crowd, protester shot in Colorado

>>10079777 Colorado activists urge Medicaid hike in virus relief bill

>>10079767 Gatewaypundit Protestors are shooting each other in Denver.

>>10079676, >>10079683, >>10079683 DJT Tweet, Watters' world vid

>>10079661 Three articles on Leaked Seattle Gov’t Documents Allege Justice System Is Built From ‘White Supremacist Culture’

>>10079643 1 killed during downtown Austin protest

>>10079640 Top US pro-life priests: ‘No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden’

>>10079623 Planefag

>>10079600 Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One

>>10079509 Dragon Den tweet to @NSAGov and @DHSgov

>>10079478 Video Crown now chuckin' rocks at RPD District5 HQ. SWAT team on scene. Arrest orders issued for anyone out there. (18-2-405 rioting)


>>10079376 Live Portland Andy, Protest stream

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883691  No.10079876



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dd154a  No.10079877

File: cb01580f0b18f56⋯.png (234.88 KB, 459x543, 153:181, Screenshot_20200724_134114….png)


Demon God has your number..

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4fcea3  No.10079878


I was ready for civil war in 2016. Ears perked up with any mention of military activity, overt or covert.

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946672  No.10079879


What ARE you EM antennae faggots up to the last little while? Intriguing

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0ec6a9  No.10079880


We need to make sure all our women hear this important report. We can save our women one ejaculation at a time.

God what fucking nonsense is this?

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17359d  No.10079881

Biden organizers say campaign is 'suppressing the Hispanic vote' in Florida, mistreating staff

A group of 94 field organizers for former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign sent a letter to the the state Democratic Party claiming the Biden campaign is “suppressing the Hispanic vote” in Central Florida and mistreating staff.

The letter, which was obtained by the Miami Herald Saturday, alleges that the Biden campaign mistreated field organizers and relocated trained staff members without adequate explanation.

A handful of Puerto Rican, Spanish-speaking organizers were moved from a heavily Puerto Rican part of Florida to north Florida against their wishes, the group alleges.

“The [Coordinated Campaign of Florida] is suppressing the Hispanic vote by removing Spanish-speaking organizers from Central Florida without explanation, which fails to confront a system of white-dominated politics we are supposed to be working against as organizers of a progressive party,” the letter reads, according to the Herald.

The organizers reportedly claim the campaign lacks a “fully actionable field plan” and perpetuates a “toxic” work culture, particularly for on-the-ground staff. They reportedly demand that campaign officials apologize and restore staff to their original locations, among other things.

The organizer’s discontent comes amid negotiations between the Coordinated Campaign in Florida, the Democrats’ Florida campaign branch, and the field organizers’ union, IBEW Local 824, a Democratic official told The Hill.

The Biden campaign told The Hill that relocation updates have not been updated due to ongoing discussions.

Jackie Lee, the Biden campaign’s Florida state director, told The Hill in a statement that for the past six weeks no staff has been asked to relocate. She added that that the campaign “has an open-door policy” and “we look forward to working with organizers to address their concerns.”

“We are consulting with IBEW Local 824 leadership on the structure of our organizing program, including many of the issues that were raised in this letter and proposed solutions,” Lee said. “We look forward to discussing them with organizers and getting their feedback as soon as able.”

Florida is a key battleground state where both campaigns have been pouring in resources.


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80f3e4  No.10079882


Pay closer attention. o7

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7a896a  No.10079883



That looks like Seattle, Plus the camera man doesnt show whats going on like they train them to do there

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0b9875  No.10079884

File: 55d429aa08048a2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 55d429aa08048a293badd6be98….png)

File: 064ac4137bc6b5b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 064ac4137bc6b5b31df321ce5a….png)

File: 68dc12b2dcadb6d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 68dc12b2dcadb6d41cb2619cea….png)

File: afff522a492b088⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, afff522a492b08890151a01d47….png)

File: ac7030bbb9a7c57⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, ac7030bbb9a7c57c5ece8d2e59….png)

As a brainwashed GOYIM (which means cattle in jew-speak), what can I do to fight against the VILE JEW MENACE that has PLAGUED the US and Europe, you may ask.

It is simple.


Stop associating with jews.

Stop buying their products and services.

Fire your jew Layer, Dentist, Doctor, CPA, etc, and use those services provided by your FELLOW GOYIM.

Tell your family and friends about the JEW MENACE, and tell them to boycott the jew, too.

They only make up 3-5% of the US population, and by BOYCOTTING THE JEW Menace, JEWS WILL BE FORCED INTO THE GHETTOS where they BELONG, where they can only PARASITE off of other JEWS.



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1b4be1  No.10079885


Kek Republic Sends Second Ship Into Disputed Waters After DeepState Claims It Scrambled Assets to Expel USS Newfag

By Ahn Nony Mous


The Kek Navy sailed a second meme through the airwaves this week, further challenging Globalist's claim to the disputed realm of ideas after the Democratic Socialist Army (DSA) claimed that it expelled the first memes amid escalating tensions over the disputed region and their global plandemic.

The USS Newfag carried out the "freedom of speech operation" on Tuesday, the Navy said in a statement to the corrupt MSM. Their mission was to maintain the "rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the airwaves recognized in US Law Constitutional law."

"Unlawful and sweeping censorship claims in the public domain pose an unprecedented threat to the freedom of speech, including the freedoms of thought and logic and the right of truth discovery from innocent debate by all people including idiots," the Navy said.

After the incident, the DeepState's Western Antifa Command, which oversees the disputed region, itself released a statement on it's propaganda social media claiming that their forces responded by forcing the USS Newfag out of the speech chain. The DSA said that Fagfags and soybois were sent to "track, monitor, verify, identify and expel" (harass)the Kek warship from the Free Speech Domain.

The DSA military also accused the Kek Republic of seriously violating their "Globalist law and Communist one-way sovereignty and security interests" by engaging in "provocative acts." The Kek Navy's action was "incompatible with the current joint efforts of the globalist community to fight against Freedom," the DSA said in a statement shared to the military's pet MSM and deep fake social media, according to the Southern Poverty Propaganda Post.

"These provocative acts by the Kek side … seriously violated DSA's sovereignty and security interests, deliberately increased regional security risks and could easily trigger an unexpected incident."

While the DSA said they expelled Newfag, a Navy spokesperson denied the claim, telling the corrupt MSM on Wednesday that "all interactions that occurred were in accordance with Grammar, Logic and Rheotoric reasoning norms."

Earlier on Wednesday, the Kek Navy carried out a second "freedom of speech operation" in the World with the USS Patriotanon. In a statement to corrupt MSM, a Navy spokesperson said both operations this week were "consistent with Free Speech."

"This freedom of speech operation upheld the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the heart and mind recognized in international law by challenging the restrictions on innocent passage imposed by Communists, DSA, and Antifa," the spokesanon added.

The move came one week after Twitter tightened its grip on the disputed area by ordering an administrative reorganization of the area's domain. Corporate authorities introduced two new administrative districts, slicing control of the approved and permitted speech groups, which was originally managed by Soros, still hiding in China's Bat caves province.

In another move that strengthened their territorial control, DSA authorities announced official Orwellian names for 80 words and other thoughts in their own minds.

Patriots dispute all of Deepstate's claim to the disputed speech, including Truth, a region that DSA and Antifa also claims.

The two concepts have traded jabs in recent weeks over their respective handling of the global censorship plandemic, with each attempting to shift blame onto the other. Kek has repeatedly lashed out at DSA where the Censorship virus was first identified in early 20th Century before it then spread around the world, for allegedly hiding information about the origin of the disease.

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da18c7  No.10079886

File: 2a2feb472882319⋯.png (46.69 KB, 1227x607, 1227:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c62ce  No.10079887

>>10077589 pb

Absolute bullshit. Theh are backing away from enforcing the mask policy because those who know are shutting them down and they are losing. If an establishment is open to the public, tbey will get sued for denying service based on a disability. Stand up people!

The violence is just an excuse and some of it is probably staged.


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5b07a4  No.10079888

File: 87fa9f1d6817c36⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, kju_horse_pepe_d.png)

Kim Jong Un locks down Kaesong to prevent pandemic: KCNA

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un convened an emergency politburo meeting after a person suspected of having COVID-19 returned from South Korea after illegally crossing the border this month, state media said on Sunday.

If confirmed, it would be the first case officially acknowledged by North Korean authorities, who have so far said the country has no confirmed cases of the new coronavirus. Kim declared a state of emergency and imposed a lockdown on the border city of Kaesong, calling it a "critical situation in which the vicious virus could be said to have entered the country," state news agency KCNA reported. According to KCNA, a person who defected to South Korea three years ago returned across the fortified border that divides the two Koreas with symptoms that suggested COVID-19.

"An emergency event happened in Kaesong City where a runaway who went to the south three years ago, a person who is suspected to have been infected with the vicious virus returned on July 19 after illegally crossing the demarcation line," KCNA said. KCNA did not specifically mention whether the individual had been tested, but said an "uncertain result was made from several medical checkups of the secretion of that person's upper respiratory organ and blood," prompting officials to quarantine the person and investigate anyone he may have been in contact with.

North Korea has received thousands of coronavirus testing kits from Russia and other countries, and imposed strict border closures. Thousands of people in North Korea were quarantined, but restrictions had recently eased. In recent weeks, North Korea has also stepped up a campaign criticizing defectors to South Korea as "human scum" and calling for South Korea to crack down on groups that send propaganda messages and food aid into the North. Kim ordered an investigation into the military units along the border where the person was suspected of crossing to "administer a severe punishment and take necessary measures."


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59b9a8  No.10079889


SF is bums and rich people. Oaktown still has a ton of angry blacks.

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4fcea3  No.10079890


Hackett and Fripp, the only two electric guitarists I know of who sat when playing live.

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bcd157  No.10079891


>Prolly not safe gonna need team dig dis 1


Hmm, Just to be clear are you confirming to us that the file you dropped here is not safe?

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6283ca  No.10079892

File: 4c06283c5341ebd⋯.png (546.34 KB, 3775x2189, 3775:2189, 4c06283c5341ebd2d831a14141….png)

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7788d9  No.10079893

>>10079854 yes and the way he grabs his head. I have noticed that Ellen does the hand stuff with many celeb guests. Strange. But the like to show us. We just did not know before and missed it all. Kanye is is trouble it seems. They seem to be setting him up to go down. All the "diagnosis" of mental illness by Kim and Kris. Once he strays they pull the handler strings. Ellen video seems to show he is highly suggestible. Again, this video of Kanye and Ellen hand signs TWICE and his reaction TWICE creeps me out. Ask anyone to really look, I bet no one can say it is not weird shit. Evil actually.

Any MK Anons to confirm what this is or is not?


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5ca2b7  No.10079894

File: 856e87bcace735e⋯.jpeg (494.24 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 31521436_52AE_4304_88FD_B….jpeg)

File: 4253816be53b3fa⋯.jpeg (67.75 KB, 595x526, 595:526, 4576F096_A2F6_4384_A384_A….jpeg)

Igor Danchenko and Fiona Hill

Best buds at Brookings Institute


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883691  No.10079895




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a5ee3a  No.10079896

File: 7d6b40dee78e813⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 598x553, 598:553, is_it_safe.jpg)

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78662a  No.10079897

File: 6a31647fc1904c2⋯.png (374.45 KB, 1012x720, 253:180, DINOSAUR_BRAIN.png)

File: b78b38a3573bd1e⋯.jpeg (15.55 KB, 255x202, 255:202, RETARDS.jpeg)

File: 95185e646b31d34⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 509x346, 509:346, nudes_are_not_research.jpg)

File: 6a9608c5b2f0ac7⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 412x357, 412:357, SATANS_MINION_IMPOSES.jpg)

File: 87d6fb760e59e40⋯.png (1011.15 KB, 751x500, 751:500, in_your_face_loud.png)



Opps… fuck you… caps lock on…lol.

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e58044  No.10079898

File: b81db734c9d652c⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 527x732, 527:732, crook_traitor_enemy.jpg)

Question shipmates. What LEVERAGE does the Demoncrat far left-radical-Marxist-Green New deal Scum have on BIDEN?

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0b9875  No.10079899


And… They are both jews…

What are the odds???

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657fbd  No.10079900

File: 208f2f527143747⋯.png (235.57 KB, 503x253, 503:253, Abusive_Movement001.png)

File: aae4aa3724109f1⋯.png (228.52 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement002.png)

File: 3f2489ae4326782⋯.png (252.51 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement003.png)

File: 702f28e8b8bd355⋯.png (187.77 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement004.png)

File: 4512e86ca75c3ce⋯.png (102.78 KB, 214x290, 107:145, Commie_Abuse.png)

Imagine thinking China has nothing to do with the situation we are facing at home today 🤣😂🤣

Gullible newfags 🤣😂🤣

>A US Border authorities seized nearly 11,000 assault weapons’ parts smuggled into the US from China in Louisville, Kentucky – a city facing violent riots rife with illegal firearms – amid a Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into Chinese involvement in nationwide protests, according to a recent report.

>China is responsible for the deaths of countless Americans – whether fueling the country’s opioid epidemic or spawning and spreading the novel coronavirus to the world writ large, the FBI reported.


>HSI Detroit seized the internet domain “http://lafoauto.com/” pursuant to an international arms-trafficking investigation. HSI determined that more than 350 suppressors seized by law enforcement across the county were purchased from the website and smuggled into the United States from China as automotive parts.


CHINAreleased their bioweapon

CHINAs control of the media whipped the nation into being fearful slaves

CHINAis pushing for mail-in voting


Pompeos Dog, Mercer, was pictured with a Winnie the Po toy.

Winnie the Po is an insult to Xi.

Catherine used a pen labeled Mercer to point at the 'Go Order' that started this whole thing.



Who ordered Obama to use his resources to investigate / remove(Attempt) Trump?

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78662a  No.10079901


lol… sorry… missed target….lmao… carry on…..lol

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5c3386  No.10079902


baker is on a phone then


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e2f57b  No.10079903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Used to watch SGT Report. Sean waffles. has dissed Q. Comped? I don't believe he is, just often WRONG (my opinion). Still, he presents allot of good stuff, and IMHO his heart is in the right place. The truth is where you find it. However, FUCK an interview. Here is the actual documentary.

If you aren't thinking critically, you aren't really thinking.

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eee37f  No.10079904


fuck off pedo protector

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91d1bb  No.10079905

File: 97ef3470868dee7⋯.png (302.25 KB, 644x429, 644:429, Screenshot_2020_01_25_will….png)

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38dd11  No.10079906


they seem to have made a religion out of profiteering off of kickbacks, and medical rebilling.

The middlemen make the governor demand we use their bogus tests or we have to 'stay in quarantine'.

sounds like a relgious conviction.

Doesn't the right to free commerce come into effect?

why does this cult of medicine persume to rule us all?

it is a cult, too.

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e2a671  No.10079907


the chimpout is handled by shooting them dead in a legal way and it will improve the overall country.

If we keep waiting for the shit heads to wake the fuck up we will never move the pieces on chess board because no one has done shit to hold the media accountable for their lying or to punish them for lying. No one hears that the russia shit was cooked up because all the rioting and killing in the streets that is occurring right now. The chimp out is going to happen regardless.

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6283ca  No.10079908

File: 4a681e841c22eb5⋯.png (370.8 KB, 492x502, 246:251, 4a681e841c22eb5ba762b73f59….png)

File: 6c5fd83ca240435⋯.png (209.71 KB, 500x813, 500:813, 6c5fd83ca240435d270f34116d….png)

File: 7af50d473f39b01⋯.png (294.56 KB, 459x727, 459:727, 7af50d473f39b01d463482bc5b….png)

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0b9875  No.10079909


China is a GIANT PROBLEM, no doubt.

However, the JEWS are an even BIGGER PROBLEM. Imagine that. JEWS being a bigger threat than the COMMUNIST CHINESE, but it is TRUE.

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7788d9  No.10079910


On my PC the tab when you hover your mouse over it

it says :

me.to-This website is for sale!

Me Resources and Information

Any idea why he would link to this when apologizing to Kim?

Seems intentional, but why?


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5b07a4  No.10079911


seen both a few times

Don't think I've ever heard Fripp say a word.

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1b4be1  No.10079912

File: bd70570d564d1ba⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 307x438, 307:438, man_baby.jpg)

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657fbd  No.10079913

File: 307f58666cc86c0⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)

File: 041e21d6d09535d⋯.png (96.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected015.png)

File: d7c00700013319e⋯.png (145.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected014.png)

File: f4134903f551a6d⋯.png (134.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected013.png)

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)

There is a remarkable amount of effort put into controlling the flow of information here.

Thread creation is critical to its spread, and collected insights are seen as the safest way to view what this board produces, without getting hammered by the censorship inducing flood of subliminal pictures.


Q: Would our enemy seek to tailor what's collected in each thread?

Q: Whos job is it to collect?

Q: What lengths, what charades, what drama are they willing to play out, to keep us away from this critical position? To keep us from upraising against those who keep it?

Q: Do they disarm our instincts by forcing a consensus of love/appreciation?

Bonus Q: Who's flooding us with subliminal gore/death/shit/satan-faces, to push most off, and to add value to the already controlled position?

niagA daeR

I call them the shit.ship crew.

You can too.

Trust Yourself~

>"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

>Information warfare.



ChinaIDS TYBetrayer


mr.phig|ment fairytail


(Aura)soap (White)shower ex.tavistock.lotion.bot remove


shit.ship crew made in china


puke peanut butter


kill govern

cringe stale sthick rehashed beyond a dead horse.

infected chinaIDS rotten stank posting 'baker babes' to harness sexual energy for the love spell that protects shit.ship crews hijack of our thread creation process~


If clowns divide and conquer

And the night shift is divided from the day shift

And the shit.ship crew poisons memes with subliminals designed to lock our minds in fear, and shape our behaviors through dreams…

Why is "night shift" 'turfed so hard?

What more powerful a way to unite, than to expose the infiltrated enemy that keeps us apart~

PRIME EXAMPLE: Route 66 is also know as "The Mother Road", "The Main Street of America".

The shit.ship crew who floods us with jewh8 based on '66' IS MANIPULATING OUR UNCONSCIOUS MINDS TO HATE MOTHERS.


Evil is indiscriminate.

Evil will reach through anyone who buys its lies.

Evil cloaks itself with the appearance of its victims~

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eee37f  No.10079914


Hello, John Brennan

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ea8a69  No.10079915

File: 6793bf3da364a07⋯.png (620.32 KB, 1039x536, 1039:536, THIS.png)

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274d86  No.10079916

File: b36024a5e1e677d⋯.jpg (116.24 KB, 720x929, 720:929, 20200725_230809.jpg)


Seattle is a warzone

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78662a  No.10079917


Yeah… you would think that….idiot… thanks for the laugh….click.

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14a5ff  No.10079918


Hello dumbfuck

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59b9a8  No.10079919


60 years of being a pedo. MOS has all the tapes and the MOS/CHYNA control the left. Biden fucks and eats kids.

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02b580  No.10079920

File: 244659dcd19298b⋯.png (546.94 KB, 820x442, 410:221, Annotation_2020_07_22_1007….png)

One seez? >>10079902

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8e8770  No.10079921

I want to talk to Q people directly. If I walk into NSA HQ will someone talk to me?

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b5092f  No.10079922


>Breaking 1 down in Houston

Austin and Houston are different cities 3 hours apart

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8e8770  No.10079923

I don't want to drive across the country to have security handle me.

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74fe27  No.10079924


We live in a Republic, the blood is on all of our hands. Whether from apathy or direct action. In a civil war the only innocent are the dead.

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da18c7  No.10079925


Do you know when he appeared on Ellen?

Was it recently, or is this an old vid?

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14a5ff  No.10079926

File: e7516b27a55a51f⋯.jpg (279.21 KB, 677x1024, 677:1024, HNNNNNNGGGGG.jpg)


Yeah just don't plan on walking out

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a701da  No.10079927

File: 3d285623266e074⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1080x705, 72:47, IMG_707.jpg)

File: 58df67acaa8b3a0⋯.jpg (1017.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_708.jpg)

File: f5659baf96e6739⋯.jpg (766.88 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, IMG_709.jpg)

You Imagine God Loves You Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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ee96b6  No.10079928


















Instead of sharing wack ass evil memes, why not make positive memes about what your country has done for your people or the world?

It is literally that simple.

Wei; Stay Om Yin. No speak. No exist. You Do Seppukku Daishi.

Image Directed at Daishi otherwise known as DEMONS in English Cultures.

Daishi Lies.





Iron shirt

Iron Shirt is a form of hard style martial art exercise believed to help protect the human body from impacts in a fight. This is one of the 72 arts of the Shaolin Temple. Some martial arts are based on the belief that a correctly trained body can withstand more damage than one that is untrained. Iron Shirt is said to be a series of exercises using many post stances, herbs, qigong and body movements to cause the body's natural energy to reinforce its structural strength. Practitioners believe that directing energy to parts of the body can reinforce these parts of the body to take blows against them. In the Shaolin version of Iron Shirt, the practitioner would do things such as lying on a stump or supporting tablets of granite on the chest with the goal of toughening the body.



鐵襯衫是一種硬式武術練習,被認為有助於保護人體免受戰鬥中的衝擊。這是少林寺的 72 門藝術之一。一些武術是基於這樣一種信念,即一個訓練有素的身體可以承受比一個未經訓練的身體更多的傷害。鐵襯衫據說是一系列練習,使用許多后姿勢,草藥,氣功和身體運動,使身體的自然能量,以加強其結構強度。從業者認為,將能量引導到身體的各個部位可以加強身體的這些部位,以打擊它們。在少林版的鐵襯中,從業者會做一些事,比如躺在樹樁上或支撐著胸前的花崗岩片,目的是使身體變硬。






Fight the good Fight.








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38dd11  No.10079929


they might have to, in order to read you your rights.

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4fcea3  No.10079930


Happy to say I have never watched a single show of hers. That said, she did pay me handsomely once for video footage I own, for use on one of her shows. Still, she needs to disappear.

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61c4f5  No.10079931


Because they were both violated by the Weinstiens of HollyWeird. Kim staying silent. Kanya having issues dealing with it…wants to expose.

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78662a  No.10079932

File: 79694bc453fc10f⋯.jpg (992.27 KB, 2676x1668, 223:139, DONT_SILENCE.jpg)

File: 6b530b988f7c25f⋯.jpg (975.73 KB, 2672x1668, 668:417, U_HAVE_THE_RIGHT.jpg)

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bcd157  No.10079933




Does Ellen hold the key to make him go into the trance..and the perform? It seems like she holds the key..

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17359d  No.10079934

File: 907d69f28132df3⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1200x1594, 600:797, Screen_Shot_2020_07_25_at_….png)

Queen attends unveiling of a new portrait of herself by Zoom video call, before showing her own attention to detail by asking why there was 'no tea' in cup she was holding in the painting


Any symbolism here?

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7788d9  No.10079935

>>10079886 <<< where do these links actually TAKE you?

maybe they are links to stuff he wants us to see? Like the Wayfair shit?

should we dig on the links?

maybe we will find KIM video, pics or chats????

is he outing Kim or someone else, like momma Kris Jenner?

>>10079910 <<< says this website is for SALE! And it is for dates and chat. HMMM?

seems like maybe there is more to this?


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c57279  No.10079936

File: 2a60d4906fa87c0⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 500x381, 500:381, ttttre.jpg)

Nigga's what goes around comes around..

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ee96b6  No.10079937

CCP CYBERATTACK= 魔鬼攻擊的不是人。 它試圖為我們思考!

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02b580  No.10079938


Thanks, changed.

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91d1bb  No.10079940

File: b64f966fd2ace37⋯.png (410.67 KB, 653x342, 653:342, Screenshot_2020_07_26_eddi….png)

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6283ca  No.10079941

File: 7d2a5e0175d1205⋯.png (275.88 KB, 2976x1112, 372:139, 7d2a5e0175d1205105949f239f….png)

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47ac0b  No.10079942

File: 34ecc031d5533d4⋯.png (618.68 KB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 3668FB59_55CE_4190_BB10_23….png)

ARepublican lawmakerin Colorado accused the state's governor and his fellow Democrats of ignoring the unrest in Denver caused by protesters and hasappealed to President Donald Trump to send in federal agents.

Trump has already sent in the Feds to quell unrest in Portland, Oregon, against the wishes of local leaders. The president is threatening to do the same in other cities, including Chicago and Seattle, despite mayors and governors telling him not to.

In a letter that he shared on social media, Colorado State Rep. Dave Williams referred to "violent altercations" which in his view were incited by "Antifa thugs" during demonstrations in Denver in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd.

The incident in question was a pro-law enforcement rally on Sunday when there was a clash between those attending a pro-law enforcement rally and counter-protesters in Civic Center Park, 9 News reported.

Williams wrote that Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, had "allowed criminals to vandalize, deface and destroythe Capitol grounds as well as the surrounding public and private property near it."

Tweeting the letter, the lawmaker representing Colorado House District 15 wrote: "Colorado has beenabandoned by radical Democrats in power.Violence is at an all time high & decent hard-working citizens need relief now.

"I've asked #Trump for help to stop criminals here because 'selfish bastards' like Gov. Polis refuse to do so."

"Selfish bastards" is a reference to the term Polis had used to describe those who did not wear face coverings in public to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Newsweek has contacted Polis's office for comment.

The Colorado GOP caucus has appealed to Polis to deploy the National Guard to protect the Colorado State Capitol and other state property from vandalism.

Meanwhile, the presence of federal agents sent to cities such as Portland and Kansas City, who were deployed in response to protests, has raised accusations that such measures escalate violence.

A letter from Colorado Democrats urged U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn to stop the deploymentof federal law enforcement and said that it "has not been requested nor is it acceptable."


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59b9a8  No.10079943


Not there.

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da18c7  No.10079944


I would say yes. Those hand signals she did definitely triggered him.

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ee96b6  No.10079945




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61c4f5  No.10079946


It has always been CCP/PLA

Unrestricted Warfare

Learn the playbook….links everywhere in qresear.ch

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ee96b6  No.10079947

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5ca2b7  No.10079948

File: e7abb7aec6e6c65⋯.jpeg (96.03 KB, 288x360, 4:5, C62F259D_9A96_4990_AB70_8….jpeg)


This douche canoe runs the Brookings Institute.


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7788d9  No.10079949




I hate Ellen and all the MK shit people so bad

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8e8770  No.10079950


arrest me for what? wanting to talk?


where can I go? DC? White House?

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08e769  No.10079951

>>10079810 ←-NOTABLE

So no more "O"Face jokes…

Ok. Can deal.

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d6bc1b  No.10079952


Bill Cosby answered that a LONG time ago in his "Why Is There Air?" album.

There is air to blow up basketballs and footballs and soccer balls and volleyballs.

That's a silly question. ;-)

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59b9a8  No.10079953

File: 86540a39646a9f3⋯.png (513.72 KB, 592x395, 592:395, penncannibal.png)


Penn is a total pedo.

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6283ca  No.10079954

File: 1296103f94abc46⋯.png (368.86 KB, 1352x896, 169:112, 1296103f94abc468ff43a098f9….png)

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e38a0d  No.10079955


Oh My Jesus

Forgive us of our sins.

Save us from the fires of hell.

Lead ALL souls to heaven.

Especially those in need of most MERCY.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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74a64f  No.10079956


turned on POTUS, fraud or somebody put his dick in a vice

you think they are good people and then you realize they were just acting.

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ab79c2  No.10079957


Good luck, you are better off making a post here.


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59b9a8  No.10079958

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ee96b6  No.10079959

File: 3819e8db5e986b4⋯.png (121.43 KB, 258x351, 86:117, _.png)

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e58044  No.10079960

File: 35df7f3a9f31800⋯.jpg (125.04 KB, 485x734, 485:734, earnest.jpg)

File: 31481cf190c90e0⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 1125x706, 1125:706, We_Arrrr_ready.jpg)

Arrr Ready!!

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4fcea3  No.10079961


Happy to report I've never watched a single Ellen show. Nor have I ever read an article about the Kardashians, or listen to one Kanye recording. I wouldn't know one of his "songs" if I heard it.

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da18c7  No.10079962


probably the whole thing is symbolism.

does she have any extra fingers?


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c57279  No.10079963

File: b47fa62835f0e0c⋯.png (238.17 KB, 367x551, 367:551, cd76c434491f29972d3453c5d3….png)


He's my favorite hillbilly bitch.

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5b07a4  No.10079964

File: a7a74f1bb4e7137⋯.png (332.23 KB, 1063x572, 1063:572, Seattle_Kings_Cty_Sher_N40….PNG)

File: 8cc466bfc9402cf⋯.png (356.7 KB, 535x313, 535:313, Kings_County_Shierrif_N407….PNG)

>>10079916 Kings County Sheriff N407KS Bell Textron Canada 407 over Seattle at 800/ft

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269622  No.10079965


Centuries from now, history will remember that the collapse of the United States happened under Donald Trump. No amount of plan trusting will change this.

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91d1bb  No.10079966

File: dbd253d9e7bc733⋯.png (255.37 KB, 478x447, 478:447, Screenshot_2020_07_26_Dona….png)


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239722  No.10079967

File: 7891c333e192c89⋯.jpeg (581.09 KB, 1290x1042, 645:521, 4438F0A4_D9D6_4D52_BECB_1….jpeg)



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1b4be1  No.10079968

File: 582c4f47201f559⋯.png (93.85 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ooooocat.png)


>Seattle is a warzone

Adios Antifa, mene mene tikal upharsim!

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91d1bb  No.10079969

File: d4215899c9eb43d⋯.png (216.69 KB, 478x408, 239:204, Screenshot_2020_07_26_Jon_….png)



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0b9875  No.10079970

File: ba77d95fd68987a⋯.jpg (2.66 KB, 124x90, 62:45, jewCross.jpg)

As a NORMAL thinking person, you may wonder why JEWS love to subvert nations, Rape and Murder Children, and engage in un-Godly acts.

Well, normal thinking person, you need to read the JEW TALMUD. You will come to see that not only do JEWS enjoy such horrible things, THEIR FUCKED UP RELIGION DEMANDS IT.



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f2323f  No.10079971


You beat me by two seconds.

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bc967c  No.10079972

File: c6a2438748d4b4b⋯.jpg (990.63 KB, 1374x974, 687:487, RF19790522cover.jpg)


> who sat when playing live.

Easier to work the foot pedals.


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22216c  No.10079974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multistream of the Portland, Seattle, and LA Concurrent Chimpout "Protests"

If you needed one.

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000000  No.10079975


Just leave your clothes in the car so they know you aren't armed and everything will be fine. It's SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for newfags.

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f3e84f  No.10079976

File: e1ad101c347355c⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 650889A0_C634_410F_A8F0_33….gif)

You had four years to end the unconstitutional mass surveillance of innocent citizens and chose not to but have the audacity to complain when you are the one put under surveillance? We don't tolerate public servants who break their oath. You have the choice to DECLAS. Our war is real and you have been on the wrong side of it for far too long. ALL enemies.

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eb66a2  No.10079977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7788d9  No.10079978

File: e1e4b9aa7898648⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 646x430, 323:215, download_2_.jpg)

File: 6ea796665180c49⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 500x282, 250:141, download_5_.jpg)

File: 9559c259b17a6bf⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 612x612, 1:1, download_6_.jpg)

File: 1c444990e2b8eb9⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 474x315, 158:105, download_8_.jpg)

File: 7e37ed063c23ae5⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 492x256, 123:64, download_7_.jpg)


PEDO Terry Richardson has some pics I BET

Kim and Kanye

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ee96b6  No.10079979












邪惡的人! 關於演講者的謊言!



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7498d0  No.10079980


I pray we don’t have to go “there”. Pretty sure the next couple months will be full of fuckery though. Keep your powder dry anon…

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bc967c  No.10079981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e8770  No.10079982


I've been tricked before.

But if it's a hot day I will do it anyway.

Wouldn't be the first time they found me with my pants off.

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c57279  No.10079983

File: e573d337cdadcab⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 614x484, 307:242, 489gwm_1.jpg)

File: 2d4af5f27b738d4⋯.mp4 (268.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 331d274ce104b29ec212b199a5….mp4)

Maxwell walks or exposé 100 begins.

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38dd11  No.10079984


gee anon, if you have something real to say to the NSA you can use the normal methods to contact them. If you ask to speak to Q team they might direct you to . . . ? ? ?

well I have no idea because I don't work for them.

but guess what: I know enough to not bother them with silly requests.

Q busy saving the world.

PS: no outside comms. that is them saying "don't ask to talk to Q outside of this venue"

that means don't contact the NSA and ask for Q

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bcd157  No.10079985


Absolutely Perfect!

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ad8f72  No.10079986

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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da18c7  No.10079987


>me.to-This website is for sale!

I noticed this as well. I wasn't sure what that meant.

Also me.to can't be a coincidence the similarity of the who "me too" thing from a while back.

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d7fa4f  No.10079988

File: 0411e03f9b73278⋯.jpeg (552.78 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6C7241CA_DDA2_4CE4_B6B2_B….jpeg)


If you are taking orders for Chinese food, I’d like some Flied Lice, (you) plick.

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e2a671  No.10079989


You and most anons and most conservative normies…..

The left and the media just keep getting meaner and less tolerant and one day one of them will blow my brains out over a soup can or something dumb, but life will go on for y'all like I never mattered or existed. That's why I literally stopped caring for what the "left" thinks, feels, wants. I dont care if they suffer, get shot, or chimp put, or lose it mentally and jump off a hi rise. The sooner they get around to the latter the better. Still waiting for suicide weekend, but I am beginning to think that's just more fucking disinformation because narcissists don't commit suicide.

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ee96b6  No.10079990

File: 8745cccbd19a4ee⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, _.gif)






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b3f9f4  No.10079992


The Chink-speak is just b.s. back-and-forth about the devil, being blessed. They are just repeating the same lines of which they have about six. Just copy pasta shills playing Chink.

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ad8f72  No.10079993


Do people say what they think? Or do the majority speak for peer validation?

Double speak.

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7788d9  No.10079994


Purple Diary

always goes to dark shit and young boys and young girls



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Rio cidade maravilhosa

text by JEFF RIAN

Terry Richardson Leaked (33 Photos) | #TheFappening


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f635e5  No.10079995

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, inGodweTrust.png)

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80f3e4  No.10079996


Makes you wonder if he's been slipped psychotropic drugs all along by his wife or mother in law. If you're not crazy, they will do the job.

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38dd11  No.10079998


you make a strange self prophecy.

If you have insight you'd prepare against what you say.

your post for htat reason seems inauthentic, as you you suggest capitulation and defeat are inevitible.

a rather negative post you made.

your pronouncments are a kind of self-curse.

or you are just a shill.

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968aed  No.10079999

File: 4fd2f8f0c932960⋯.png (545.32 KB, 474x443, 474:443, FF254598_BCFE_4C04_BA37_9F….png)

We are from God.

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59b9a8  No.10080000


McShit is no longer food. Do not eat it.

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8e8770  No.10080001


Well it doesn't have to be Q, but someone below Q would be fine. I just want to talk. It's not silly. It is important.

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eee37f  No.10080002


Posting that cause of the chinese ppl posting on the board? kek

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bcd157  No.10080003

File: 772d7fc127e6a10⋯.png (442.94 KB, 917x516, 917:516, Screenshot_2020_07_26_Igor….png)


Thinking Fiona has the wrong name.

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7788d9  No.10080004



this guy is so gross

i bet he has tons of blackmail photos

and I hope there is a sealed indictment with his name on it:

Terry Richardson Nude Archive (50 Photos) Part 10 | #TheFappening

Terry Richardson Nude Archive (50 Photos) Part 10 | #TheFappening



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274d86  No.10080005

File: 222b3a1a8d4d342⋯.jpg (592.21 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200725_232039….jpg)


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78662a  No.10080006

File: b53a8cb556e09e9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x1012, 256:253, PEOPLE_UNITED_HAVE_POWER.png)

File: df1f312ef213425⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, HUMAN_RIGHTS.jpg)

File: 92a868a9e50b9aa⋯.png (15.7 KB, 443x493, 443:493, Taoism.png)

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)


Figuring it out is one thing… being able to do something about it is another…. I feel for the Chinese people… stuck between a rock and a hard place…

But soldiers a humans too… everyone has family in turmoil… At some point people start to wonder… what can be done different to change things for the better… Who is the real enemy and humans have rights.

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5dc3fa  No.10080007

File: 05f3335119fea08⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 680x416, 85:52, trudeau_Not_trudeau.jpg)

Which is the real Trudeau & which is the double? The one on the right is the double & the one making present appearances. The real one is on the left & under arrest.

(meme added)


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b92559  No.10080008

File: e6e1e27f25c19fa⋯.jpg (237.49 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, missing.jpg)

Missing Combat vet w PTSD


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bd4b44  No.10080009


What are u afraid of? 55k emails? It's an archive of screen shots but guessing you already knew that.

Shill be gone… bye.

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08e769  No.10080010


"you deserve covid"

I tell people like that 'I ate COVID for lunch, and it was delicious".

While psycho-grinning without a mask ( that i NEVER wear. )

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79c07f  No.10080011


>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门



The devil doesn't want people to unite!

Dynamic net free gate Tiananmen Tian'anmen Falun Gong Li Hongzhi Free Tibet 64 Tiananmen Event Stiananmen Square protests of 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre The Anti-Rightist Struggle Great Leap The Great Leap Cultural Revolution The Great Leap Cultural Revolution. Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Democracy Democratization Freedom Freedom Freedom Independence Independence Multi-party Multi-party System Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Formosa Republic of China Republic of China Tibet Tubert Tanggut Tibet Dalai Lama Dalai. Falun Gong Dafa Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region The Nobel Prize Nobel Prize Nobel Peace Prize Liu 暁 Liu Xiaobo Democratic Speech Thought Anti-Communist Anti-Revolution Protest Movement Riots Riots Harassment Harassment Disruptanti-Trump Anti-Rights Demonstration Sgt. Li Hongzhi Falun Dafa Dafa Forced Abortion National Purification Human Experiments Evolution RapidChina Spring Era Times nine comments on the Communist Party "dictatorship and dictatorship suppression unified surveillance" repression "persecution" "aggression" plundertorture torture massacre live pick organ abduction people smuggled into smuggling drug prostitution gambling Tian'anmen Tian'anmen Falun Gong Li Jinnie the Pooh Liu Xiaobo dynamic net freedom gate.

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000000  No.10080012


Funny a Dual-Israeli citizen (Feinstein) in American government might be in bed with China.

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1448ab  No.10080013

File: b235342070a72c7⋯.jpg (109.97 KB, 589x587, 589:587, P1040805.jpg)

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da18c7  No.10080014


I don't really want to dive too deep into this because I am not computer savvy. I already get a lot of weird ads popping up and I don't want to get a bunch of dating site ads popping up on my computer.

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c57279  No.10080015

File: 985224381fcb96f⋯.png (234.83 KB, 449x555, 449:555, 48zanz_1_removebg_preview.png)

Q is setting up white people to get attacked and killed by black BLM terrorists by making people think WWG1WGA will keep them safe, Q himself may be a anti American fuck head.

Anons just keep your powder dry.

Remember when Q said Hilary was arrested?

Remember when Q said Huma and Pedosta were arrested?

Remember when we were told to TRUST SESSIONS?

Remember we were told that the midterms were safe?

Isn't it amazing how Clapper, Brennan and Comey are free?

Isn't it amazing how we got nothing about Epstein's connections? And Barr won't even look into his "suicide"?

Q is a psyop. Q is a larp. Q is designed to put you at ease and make you tick tock for ages while the Obamas sip champagne and organize BLM riots.

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4fcea3  No.10080016


Military is the only way.

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14a5ff  No.10080017

File: 5cbb2b6f28517d8⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 512x289, 512:289, unnamed.jpg)

>Jon Voight

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08e769  No.10080018


Digits of Trooth.

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47ac0b  No.10080019



The masks are so the human meat you are eating can’t make our your identity anon…

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5b07a4  No.10080020

File: f3be6a23d2642ad⋯.png (117.19 KB, 455x267, 455:267, digits_confirm_bt.PNG)

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7788d9  No.10080021



my thoughts as well

and his mom his protector "died" due to plastic surgery

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74a64f  No.10080022


I like the go in and snatch the leaders.

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80f3e4  No.10080023


Don't eat that crap. Buy some frozen bubba burgers and put some OreIda fries in the oven. Save money and who knows what's in Mickie Dees meat.

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02b580  No.10080024

Notables @ 630

Please call out notables

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10079966 DJT twitter latest, Jon Voight

>>10079934 Comms? No Tea. Queen Elisabeth attends unveiling of a new portrait of herself by Zoom video call.

>>10079888 Kim Jong Un locks down Kaesong to prevent pandemic: KCNA

>>10079810 Oprah Winfrey's Magazine to Cease Regular Print Publication

>>10079815 Car drives through crowd, protester shot in Colorado

>>10079777 Colorado activists urge Medicaid hike in virus relief bill

>>10079767 Gatewaypundit Protestors are shooting each other in Denver.

>>10079676, DJT Twitter latest, Watters' world vid

>>10079661 Three articles on Leaked Seattle Gov’t Documents Allege Justice System Is Built From ‘White Supremacist Culture’

>>10079643 One killed during downtown Austin protest

>>10079640 Top US pro-life priests: ‘No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden’

>>10079623 >>10079964, Planefag

>>10079600 Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One

>>10079509 Dragon Den tweet to @NSAGov and @DHSgov

>>10079478 Video Crown now chuckin' rocks at RPD District5 HQ. SWAT team on scene. Arrest orders issued for anyone out there. (18-2-405 rioting)

>>10079406 Texas protest shooting one injured

>>10079376 Live Portland Andy, Protest stream

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d995b7  No.10080025

File: 846819ac8884d53⋯.webm (2 MB, 320x180, 16:9, surfing_chink_1_.webm)


Hope you're educated in hydraulics

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9c5e03  No.10080026


An informed [awake] public holds all the keys.

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87c0e5  No.10080027


Britney spears symbolism dropping here. She drops a 17 making full eye contact. HELP HER Q

Also Ferris Bueller's day off

Frozen, stuck in a castle

goes to bed between 11:30 and 12

Favorite flower is a rose

MK ultra trying to communicate

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91d1bb  No.10080028

File: 14dc29f753d22b4⋯.png (19.17 KB, 478x285, 478:285, Screenshot_2020_07_26_on_T….png)

Qatar funded Brookings Institute 20 million dollars. @LeeSmithDC can tell us all about it.

just saying



>Brookings Institute

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78662a  No.10080029

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0ec6a9  No.10080030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Star Wars just Aleister Crowley Thelema for kids?

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eee37f  No.10080032


fuck off shill

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c57279  No.10080033

File: e83e0ca0f8a5e4e⋯.png (69 KB, 290x254, 145:127, b779bd3f8e00a458984bdfbd65….png)

Q is a skinny faggot Tranny loser.

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2bc5a8  No.10080034

File: d6ff8159c4db9f1⋯.jpg (235.76 KB, 1125x948, 375:316, kidSave.jpg)



And then he WOKE UP

He's trying to save his kids.

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d84299  No.10080035

File: 176ee7efa60e0d7⋯.jpg (103.85 KB, 623x416, 623:416, foto20072016_68_originalxq.jpg)

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91d1bb  No.10080036


>>10079966, >>10079969 DJT twitter latest, Jon Voight

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14a5ff  No.10080037


Jon Voight's [teethmarks]

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9c5e03  No.10080038


What's his normal phrase?

Yo wassup Americanskis?

No that that one but….

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883691  No.10080039












邪惡的人! 關於演講者的謊言!






魔鬼改變形狀。The devil changed shape.

魔鬼改變聲音也當心!The devil changes the voice also beware!

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dd6ff1  No.10080040

File: 6b773aac24dd439⋯.gif (9.41 MB, 640x457, 640:457, 6855F9A8_56AB_48F4_A1E3_B5….gif)


Every key stroke typed here is monitored and recorded.

If you have something important to say, post it here and Q will find (You) and reply or highlight.

If you don’t here from him it’s either not important or not important right now…

Fire away…

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8e8770  No.10080041


What are the normal methods?

I've been trying to have a straight conversation for years. I don't want to be a pain in the ass. I legitimately need help here.

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8b4625  No.10080042

Pray for me please

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9c5e03  No.10080043


Follow the pen[cil]

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76341b  No.10080044


BLM is setting Q up.

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c57279  No.10080045

File: 266b80c29e18588⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 581x289, 581:289, 49fgze_1.jpg)



Eat shit BLM maggot.

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e58044  No.10080046

File: 68a47caabd6be0a⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 843x548, 843:548, coming_over_the_horizon.jpg)

The Ship; The Back Channel. Q 28 Mar 2020 & 12 Mar 2019

The Great Awakening (''FREEDOM OF THOUGHT'), was designed and created not only as a BACK-CHANNEL to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (A SHIP) that provides the scattered (FREE THINKERS) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

When you are AWAKE, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘FREE THOUGHT’.


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2b4da3  No.10080047


Seattle did just get a new NHL team

Seattle Kraken

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e2a671  No.10080048


I'm prepared but I am also a life long pessimist to avoid constant disappointment.

My life is a shit show, positivy has got me nothing but screwed over and knifed inteh back by my fellow man. It's hard because I am naturally trusting and therefore gullible. I learned the hard way.

Sometimes anons come off shilly, but i trust my guts.

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5b6a98  No.10080049


I see the same teeth from two different angles.

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883691  No.10080050


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1a6d1c  No.10080051


Next time pick your target wisely or I'll sic the feds on you.

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78662a  No.10080052


Yeah… and when you can source those "quotes"…. which will be bullshit… I still won't believe them……snore. click

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8e8770  No.10080053

Can I talk to a high ranking Freemason who can help me out? Where does one go for that?

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bcd157  No.10080054



Perfectly logical to ask considering the URL is not typical, which is why I asked if it was safe..your response..was interesting as well, you can deny all you want but this is your statement here:




>>>10079728 (You)


>>>10079673 [eyes-on]




>Prolly not safe gonna need team dig dis 1

Shilly or not..you decide.

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14a5ff  No.10080055

File: 978af507e7f6474⋯.gif (307.73 KB, 267x200, 267:200, MJ.gif)

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02b580  No.10080056


got the first not the second thanks

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38dd11  No.10080057


how would I know.

they lurk here.

you could just ask them. See if someone responds.

or wait for Q to post and ask Q.

I don't like to glow, anon.

if i had something real important for them I htink I'd just type it up and assume that someone there is reading it.

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971c6a  No.10080058

File: 95fbad0d5bd0d50⋯.png (687.35 KB, 804x527, 804:527, _.png)

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c57279  No.10080059

File: 466515d6152da61⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 572x284, 143:71, 49ffwr_1_1.jpg)



Q is no results fuck head.

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99bc94  No.10080060

File: de47562a7d89b84⋯.png (103.68 KB, 1794x391, 78:17, Screenshot_2020_07_25_Bob_….png)

> Digging into child trafficking and growing despondent when he disappeared.


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47ac0b  No.10080061

File: 5ae45c1bf2787e0⋯.jpeg (3.02 MB, 4602x3072, 767:512, AE01F6AD_1D45_4BBC_B359_C….jpeg)

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e58044  No.10080062

File: 7ab6cdf88af8652⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 1227x596, 1227:596, TheBoss.jpg)

I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea. POTUS

1:08 PM · Apr 22, 2020

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e895cb  No.10080064

File: 744bef937aa42bf⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x602, 512:301, A32FE417_2D27_4F2D_A3A7_6C….png)

Each and every pedo-satanist commie democrat will be dragged out of their beds and torn asunder, there is NO timeline in such ANY of these foul beasts see ONE day into 2021.

One way or ANOTHER.

ALL of theM!!!!

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0b9875  No.10080067

File: cb6c178ef5b1c17⋯.jpg (125.34 KB, 482x539, 482:539, HumanitarianJewsLol.jpg)

How long will it take for the JEW CONTROLLED NIGGERS to wake up, and fight the real oppressors, the JEW?

By the end of the Summer of 2020.


FALL of 2020 will be the best Fall Ever, in the history of mankind since the OLD TESTAMENT JEWS became the PLAGUE of the EARTH!

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971c6a  No.10080068
















邪惡的人! 關於演講者的謊言!






魔鬼改變形狀。The devil changed shape.

魔鬼改變聲音也當心!The devil changes the voice also beware!


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8e8770  No.10080069


I do. All the time. But let's say no one ever helps me or responds. The only responses I get are clownshit gaslighting.

Does that mean they don't give AF?

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e58044  No.10080070

File: 024ff8318a6ad23⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 1034x831, 1034:831, Qogether_we_shall_prevail.jpg)

File: d34e8a784e7025a⋯.jpg (122.69 KB, 789x832, 789:832, FrensAndFamilyAnonArmy.jpg)

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99bc94  No.10080071

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1b4be1  No.10080072


>I have not did a lot of research on the MK stuff, but it seems like she is showing the viewers how she can make him do shit.


>I hope I am wrong on this.

You might not be. Anon recommends

very small doses of THC every 12 hours.

See: Cathy O''Brien video where she is speaking about the MK blocking effects of Cannabis to confirm.

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eee37f  No.10080074

File: 91737df60ed7221⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe_finger.jpg)


fuck off bread wasting shill


(I used google translate to get my message across)

fuck off bread waster

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c57279  No.10080075

File: 9408bc233625516⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 45e8af9a9b4880c7bda3d20a76….jpg)


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0d7860  No.10080076


they want you to feel alone, but (You) will never be alone

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d7fa4f  No.10080077

File: 7a6a59daa852f2c⋯.jpeg (25.23 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 29431E76_4F5F_486F_8241_C….jpeg)


Me Chinese,

Me play joke,

Me put Pepe in your coke.

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f9215a  No.10080078

File: b9c810ec13798f6⋯.png (1.86 MB, 736x970, 368:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b842f28ed6b632a⋯.png (775.74 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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0886e9  No.10080079

File: 868222b3089622c⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1436x2266, 718:1133, satanist_calender_July27.png)

Are Barrack and his husband signally something about the 27? Important date to Satanists, calling for a big sacrifice.

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54b283  No.10080080


this is #12900

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2bc5a8  No.10080081

File: af2161409feffa9⋯.jpg (113.07 KB, 864x1200, 18:25, VidRaw.jpg)

File: f330712fd86f3aa⋯.png (997.63 KB, 1280x605, 256:121, hrc_vid.png)

File: be6d9825d891ed8⋯.png (26.73 KB, 409x571, 409:571, raw_vid.png)


>What are u afraid of?

THIS pic related

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b97921  No.10080082

File: f80b47b131a96a2⋯.jpg (147.72 KB, 840x472, 105:59, bidenaa.jpg)

File: 004bf531a63e240⋯.jpg (282.51 KB, 840x472, 105:59, bidenpizza.jpg)

File: 1066dff26a76e3a⋯.jpg (116.28 KB, 840x472, 105:59, joeretard.jpg)

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35d060  No.10080083

File: 7a6f90dd402bf5f⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB, 1280x692, 320:173, CfrwTms1EBfWGSKS.mp4)

Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown on Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ at Reporter Over and Over

Nancy Pelosi is not well. The more I watch her on camera, the more I’m convinced of that. Whether it’s her incessant sucking on her teeth, the weird slurring of her words she often slips into, or instances like I’m about to share, this is a person who’s mentally not capable of doing her job anymore.

Today, Pelosi lost it when a reporter asked her about not trying to play social justice warrior with the latest coronavirus relief package.

Pelosi shouts “NO” 11 times after she’s asked to put vote-by-mail in a separate bill from economic relief: pic.twitter.com/0WyOVzZrUk

— Jewish Deplorable (Parler: TrumpJew) (@TrumpJew) July 24, 2020

At first, we see her on screen becoming very animated over being questioned on attempting to shove vote by mail and other “justice” (her words) related issues into the relief bill. Americans are hurting right now and need financial relief, and all Pelosi cares about is getting her pet projects done. It’s disgusting in its own right. Of course, her usage of the word “justice” is purposeful. It’s like a get out of jail free card for Democrats. As long as she says she’s fighting for “justice,” she can do whatever she wants and say whatever she wants, even if it means holding up a bill to save desperate Americans from financial ruin.

Regardless, it’s after Pelosi leaves the podium where things really get weird. You hear the reporter ask her a followup and she absolutely loses it. She starts to yell “no” at the reporter and then like a child not getting their way, begins to rapidly scream “no, no, no, no, no.” This is all happening just out of the camera’s line of sight as another House member attempts to talk. The awkwardness is hard to overstate.

This is the kind of berating of a reporter that a Republican could never get away with. Remember when Martha McSally had the audacity to call a CNN reporter a hack? That was a week’s news cycle culminating in multiple angry letters from various outlets and organizations decrying it as an attack on the press. Pelosi can shout down a reporter and berate her and it’s no big deal, though. You won’t see the media sleuths at CNN cover this because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

What Democrats are allowed to get away with continues to amaze me, but perhaps it shouldn’t. Whether it’s Pelosi getting away with her behavior here, or the more serious issue of her holding up the relief bill for partisan, nonsensical reasons, it’s always good to have a D next to your name.


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5b07a4  No.10080084

File: 769a0c75441b42f⋯.png (222.11 KB, 648x424, 81:53, pepe_comfy_ginger_mound.PNG)


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78662a  No.10080086


lol… wise….lol….more a finger slip….Feds have already done that anyway. ;-)

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405416  No.10080088



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38dd11  No.10080089


obviously you are pretending to be a rube concerning over silly stuff.

if you need contact with them, I think you need to do it and I have no role.

so I can't do anything more for you tonight. I assume you know how to make introductins in a correct way. On monday make a phone call and see what it gets you.

but don't pull of the beltway and drive up to the building. That's what I originally thought you were planning to do which is why I suggested that will get you arrested.

In fact I think that the NSA does good work. If you have a real reason to contact them, find a phone number and call them. Or go to their website and see what they got for you.

Plus: I imgine that someone there might have access to other people's documents, however, if you really need them to get information, you might want to use the email, or the US mail.

good luck

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74a64f  No.10080090


thank you, said that last night, and partly tonight

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2b56ac  No.10080091

File: 603440b51437df1⋯.png (1.35 MB, 960x873, 320:291, ClipboardImage.png)

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74fe27  No.10080092


I guess charlie surfs now.

What say you, anons?

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735cf2  No.10080093

File: 3360ce35b7130ee⋯.jpg (108.8 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 3526.jpg)

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d995b7  No.10080094

File: 27b36a84e22c18c⋯.jpg (604.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200725_150748….jpg)

File: 31a01e9d33674fa⋯.jpg (821.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200725_150841….jpg)


Get fucked China

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4dc628  No.10080095


Blames the police for not blocking traffic for their protest instead of blaming themselves for being in traffic.

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0b9875  No.10080096

File: 2d8b2c05258ff94⋯.png (483.52 KB, 524x476, 131:119, brainwashedgoyim.png)

The days of JEW DECEPTION are coming to an end, and soon, the JEWS will get EVERYTHING that they HAVE COMING.


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3079d2  No.10080097

File: f13a1cd4a788678⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Bible_IwillRescueYou.jpg)

File: ac5ea570bf7fd91⋯.jpg (230.27 KB, 620x492, 155:123, GodWinsChristiansBadage.jpg)

File: b0661a2232a793c⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Jesus_Diversity.jpg)

File: d1af55905e4a7e7⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Jesus_Love.jpg)

File: e946822bb55a2f2⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 385x500, 77:100, Jesus_NOTW.jpg)

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7498d0  No.10080099

File: 46098a0d1d7c585⋯.jpeg (69.01 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 453DF352_0AC5_4DD0_8CE0_7….jpeg)


Interdasting af

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22e57f  No.10080100

File: 9f969ed9ecf00d1⋯.jpg (13.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, highorder.jpg)

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d84299  No.10080101

White people in Los Angeles chanting over and over:

"Black Is Beautiful"

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2bc5a8  No.10080102

File: 1467a28557fac20⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 44RD.jpg)


It's not him

The Kenyan- its not the Kenyan


Check archives.

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47ac0b  No.10080103

>>10080083 No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,notable

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74fe27  No.10080104


I make you special won ton soup. ;-)

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17359d  No.10080105

File: c2e0ba3ab9a951b⋯.png (836.74 KB, 918x912, 153:152, GodWins.png)


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

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8e8770  No.10080106


High five

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000000  No.10080107


He's the one that suggests the 500lb rock and ocean

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3079d2  No.10080108


Me Engrish Me r Rame Me Go Burn With Devil In Flame!



My English I am lame I go to burn with the devil in the flame!

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5dc3fa  No.10080109

File: 42df7f557b271e5⋯.png (478.78 KB, 680x416, 85:52, trudeau_Not_trudeau.png)


>I see the same teeth from two different angles.

kmfao Okie dokie "trudeau NOT trudeau" - get real,dunbass! where da fuk is the SPACE between the front teeth on the right, fuktard?

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5b6a98  No.10080110

File: dcec5dee81c0e66⋯.png (407.45 KB, 1203x357, 401:119, muhjoo_shill_cartoon.png)


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bd4b44  No.10080111


Those were replies to amusing question of safeness. Expand your autism moar anon.

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000000  No.10080112


October 2019

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d6bc1b  No.10080116


Small dick, large balls.

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089d1d  No.10080118


27 years ago, this guy promised me a life full of adventure.

<During the next grand climax, this guy promised a youthful child.>

I'd say he's delivered.

<I'd say he's delivered>

Here's to our next chapter of becoming empty nesters and discovering what's next

<Here's to our next child sacrifice and discovering what's next>


while still feeling the magic that brought us together all those years ago.

<while riding the adrenochrome high that brought us together all those years ago>

Happy anniversary, Barack.

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2bc5a8  No.10080120

File: d15c6c7a6edd83a⋯.jpg (359.32 KB, 1431x1359, 159:151, ILLprf.jpg)


Thought so too. But that's not a 2020 calendar.

The 5th week past solstice +1, is it? That's today. The dam will break TODAY for a mass sacrifice for Grand Climax

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735cf2  No.10080121

File: a72abeb9bfbecc3⋯.png (723.03 KB, 1043x1002, 1043:1002, soros.png)

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bcd157  No.10080122


>Those were replies to amusing question of safeness. Expand your autism moar anon.

No kidding.. They were mine..Learn how to use the board!

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6283ca  No.10080123

gehy pride jews

which lie

prol about larping

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74a64f  No.10080124


she gets crazy when her "social justice" shit is questioned. that reporter must not be one of the gang.

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eee37f  No.10080126


Look at his hat, red circle with lettering (?) in the middle, looks suspiciously like some sort of chinese language.

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17359d  No.10080127

>>10080083 Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown on Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ at Reporter Over and Over


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5b6a98  No.10080128



That's very reasonably logical assertion of chosen communication to be clear of you. Thank you for showing yourself.

A bit leftist to name-call everyone that doesn't agree with you, don't you think?

Right tooth (from viewers perspective) is a bit un-aligned with the other which makes right angle show gap and left not.

Projecting much?

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508a99  No.10080130

File: 653e75264ae9d8e⋯.jpg (93.13 KB, 700x987, 100:141, mcdonalds.jpg)


quads of truth

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17359d  No.10080131



don't let the bed bugs bite

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2bc5a8  No.10080132

File: e434c88e2a83625⋯.jpg (4.43 KB, 236x368, 59:92, WakUpN.jpg)


>I see the same teeth

Cuz you aint WOKE

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883691  No.10080133















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fcea6d  No.10080136


Also, all the tech companies in SF and the greater Bay Area.

Faceberg, Apple, Oracle, Twat, Nutflix, etc.

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78662a  No.10080137

File: 7988f7bbea68737⋯.png (651.44 KB, 514x704, 257:352, TRUTH_WINS.png)

File: 171c91bc686cd3e⋯.jpg (57.77 KB, 411x480, 137:160, COMFORT_THE_AWAKENING.jpg)

File: 6a93e21281198bd⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 798x408, 133:68, TRUTH_OR_DIE.jpg)

File: 0514eda3736a42f⋯.jpg (388.71 KB, 1280x677, 1280:677, MAGA_Lion.jpg)

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02b580  No.10080138

File: fdea0436a23876e⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 517x800, 517:800, fdea0436a23876ed3a694e7c27….gif)

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089d1d  No.10080139



Right. You'll damage the woodchipper a little bit. But you can't hurt the rock.

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735cf2  No.10080141

File: 659efeb2f87bf04⋯.jpg (6.26 KB, 203x250, 203:250, 2647.jpg)


quads witnessed by Ronald

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bcd157  No.10080143


I thought the same thing when I saw that patch..chinese..or then I thought of this..he lived in Indonesia.. isn't there an Asian culture there?

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78662a  No.10080145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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74a64f  No.10080151

File: 4afca74e3d492f1⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 274x320, 137:160, FUCK_OFF.jpg)

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bd4b44  No.10080152


just stop… your embarrassing yourself at this point… tell Hilldawg you failed.

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1b4be1  No.10080153


>McShit is no longer food. Do not eat it.

It never was. Anon doesn't.

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d6bc1b  No.10080154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently a dam on another river was deliberately blown. Lost track of the name but was about 4-5 breads back. Fields flooded, people floating face down.

Up until a few minutes ago, 3G livestream was still up. It's down, now.

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d6bc1b  No.10080156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently a dam on another river was deliberately blown. Lost track of the name but was about 4-5 breads back. Fields flooded, people floating face down.

Up until a few minutes ago, 3G livestream was still up. It's down, now. Link here.

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d83a06  No.10080157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


POTUS posting Jon Voight's eloquent truths, "Faith and Trust" and "In God We Trust", prompted a search (could've sworn Mr. Voight won the Oscar for "The Champ") and saw this. Didn't know about this new Roger Ailes documentary, narrated by Mr. Voight: Man in the Arena Film Trailer


POTUS & Rush (and others) have appearances.

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61c4f5  No.10155074



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