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File: 00754c0e6fd36f1⋯.png (96.13 KB, 363x216, 121:72, 9114f4dfb87b02bf0a247d7ae5….png)

9c57e8  No.52989[View All]

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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2 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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9c57e8  No.52995

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9c57e8  No.52996

Tweet Tools

All My Tweets - Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form www.allmytweets.net/

Twitter Video Downloader twittervideodownloader.com/

Deleted Trump Tweets factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

Trump Tweet Archive trumptwitterarchive.com

Other Tools

Advanced Google Search Operators ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Archivers for Firefox, Opera & Webpage >>39619

Baker Tools v0.7.2 https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

Biden's destruction of America - LINKS >>43288

Commercial Aviation Incident List avherald.com

Criminal Cases Database https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

DMCA takedown notice or abuse report reporting@isitwetyet.com.

Federal Judicial Court Dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db bad-boys.us/

Federal Procurement Data System www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Hosts File (DNS), How to Edit >>>/comms/4396

Hussein WH visitor list qest.us/obamavisitors

Legal News www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Links to alt-media resources >>51758 new

Q Boards/Sites >>38758

Qcode Guide to Abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

Reverse image search to sauce https://tineye.com/

Stock Movement Scraper qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Wayback Machine for old archived websites: https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

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(only activated for breads fallen off the catalog)

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GermanArchiveAnon mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Staff Notes

BO changes/board updates >>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766, >>51916 new

Plz avoid passwords in fullchan.net >>44282, >>44284

QRB content policy >>44058

Wearethene.ws formatting >>43537, >>46268, >>46270, >>51899 new

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bakes & E-bake instructions >>>/comms/7549, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY, >>>/comms/9252

Resources from last LIVE Baking Class #39 >>>/comms/40980 (step by step baking instructions)

Baker Tools v0.7.3 https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

How to format multi-page notables https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

Tips on Notables for Bakers >>41931

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://tu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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9c57e8  No.52997

File: dd08b82c08c08f5⋯.png (231.5 KB, 465x262, 465:262, ClipboardImage.png)



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9ba445  No.53002


>soft coup

yeah, soft coup with a hard landing if nothing were to intervene

muh sense is that this will not happen

we'll pull this outta the fire but don know how

i'm ok with dat, seen so many situs like this

impossible odds, then something unexpected

big thing for me is staying positive, focused on goal - ignoring the doubters and my own inclination to seize on certain things and lose focus

nah, not gonna do dat - fuck em, they're all doin down, not gonna take me with em

have to be patient

country needed a reset, people working too much (no time), or caught up in stupid trivialities packaged for us by DS

needed shakeup to bring about wakeup

next is patriots rising - doing things bottom up, community level, county, state

what we do here's a little different

but feelz right, good match for background

info sharing, networking, focus on the news

re: markets and money

yes, gets attention - that's good

espec in contrast w/Trump's rip-roaring economic recovery

real stark, ain't it?

DS ain't foolin around

gonna try to pull everyone into the pit where they're headed

no tx - we not going.

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9ba445  No.53003


looks like a deep dive, kek

tx for da bake

how long u waited before signing in?

collecting info, might ask jim w if this is normal

i waited almost 15 mins, then baked a second bread sign in, dropped much quicker - that's happened twice

wiped the second one out quickly, din cause problems w/wearethene.ws

that app doesn't pick up the bread right away, smart move - allows us to make changes

only works on a board where bakers are also bv's tho

this setup so much better

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9c57e8  No.53004


I think when 45 or whoever gets to the reset I don't think we'll lose, dollar for dollar we'll be guud, imma not worried bout that at all, the shannigans till we get there is another story, had to "reset" insurances on house and car, health care too, they aren't gonna scalp me on thier way to hell

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9ba445  No.53005


>the shannigans till we get there is another story

yeah, i know

do what i can

wanna hand off doc?

u came way early

i'm here

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a00716  No.53006

File: 6b65cb056426f15⋯.png (731.35 KB, 473x596, 473:596, ClipboardImage.png)





Think another issue is how long they wanna play around with the drop(s).

'08 drawn out 7 months and allowed them to walk it down, re-load and you know the rest.

Was in your neck of the woods the very monday they started the green-shoots bullshit

Expensive plane ride home that was.

Gonna be messy one way or another

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9c57e8  No.53007


I didn't time it, but I did refresh catalog x3 then signed in, had all else ready to go, I don't have the patience to wait, I'm used to baking it now and seconds count, I'm geared for that, it's easy here but muh mindset came from being under the gun all the time

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9c57e8  No.53008


go ahead, did a clean one for ya, fresh slate, mark her up

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9ba445  No.53009


my mindset came from it being 5am and wakes unable to bake

been kinda under the weather so by then, was dead tired - and i'm sitting waitin for the bread to drop....and waitin....and waitin

musta tried a new tab like 7x or so - nada

i doubt it's that bad on qr, never heard bakers grousing about it, so might be allocation of resources

strange that this lag only comes as boards get bigger, same thing started habbening on mnr, but dunno too much coz din bake after jan or early feb, had eyez on me too close, hmm? Baking's got enough pressure wo/dat. Better to dig.

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a00716  No.53010

File: eff9d1e89836fe8⋯.png (168.52 KB, 739x464, 739:464, UNKNOWN_USAFSOC_Beech_Supe….PNG)

File: e166cbe3d31913b⋯.png (76.39 KB, 561x393, 187:131, UNKNOWN_USAFSOC_Beech_Supe….PNG)

File: 8fad2127058e58f⋯.png (547.83 KB, 773x359, 773:359, USAFSOC_Beech_Super_King_A….PNG)

UNKNOWN USAFSOC Beech Super King Air 350 being not so unknown again over Al Mayadin, Syria along the Euphrates River-from Al Asad AB Iraq

No military markings as previously mentioned.

The pod at the bottom is for the surv. equipment also has a few extra aerials on top

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9c57e8  No.53011


bailout will cost them big this next round, like rules and regs, enforcment and they will pay for it all, imma sure of it and treasury, not banks will own assets, ins co's in for the surprise of their lives when their sheitz gets put within bounds, mo moar banker privileges, most importantly, peeps won't need them as they will have money worth something and no need to give it up, will be a top kek time

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9ba445  No.53012


new bakerer taking up the reins

relief for long-suffering day baker

on since too early

guess wakes is good for tomorrow, hope Xiden not gonna wipe out all the biznesses smaller than amazon.....

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9c57e8  No.53013


imma check in early for wakes tomorrow too, I really do understand gotz to bounce, now, habbens here often enough

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9ba445  No.53014


i thought wakes said he was good to go

well, i wish him well - you too

go rest

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9c57e8  No.53015


we gonna be diggin his mote ya know, and stockin his ramen noodles too

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9ba445  No.53016


mote-diggin is gonna require moar than ramen noodles

only good for broke college students doin nothing more strenuous than marking up textbooks

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9c57e8  No.53017


he got the middle of night earlies, I do the banker earlies tomorrow instead of the brunch crowd time, not to worry bout too earlies, imma sleepin better again, mostly, for now

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9ba445  No.53018



i'll be good here too tonite

do a little bit here and there, spread it out

you guise are troopers, always enjoy 'coming to work'


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9c57e8  No.53019


me too, can't imagine not really, you gents are tops to socialize with and share ideas and work with

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a00716  No.53020

File: 47b7a4bd79c62a1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 775x764, 775:764, ClipboardImage.png)



wouldn't be anywhere else

going too


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9ba445  No.53021

File: b219e2867b3c3ea⋯.png (353.81 KB, 623x620, 623:620, 2021_05_12_21_07_37.png)


BREAKING: Maricopa County Deleted Entire Databases Prior To Turning Over Equipment To Audit


Maricopa County deleted entire databases prior to turning over election equipment to the AZ Senate for the forensic audit now occurring. The Senate President Karen Fann today sent a letter to the County Election’s Board for an explanation. The letter can be seen on the tab below.

Maricopa County purposefully deleted a directory full of election databases related to the past 2020 election cycle ~10 days before the election equipment was delivered to the @arizonaaudit. This is destruction of evidence and at least, contempt.

Why did security seals arrive cut and why were they placed at the bottom of the boxes?

Why were security ballot bags not used by the County?

Is this the Counties customary practice for storing ballots?

AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich needs to get involved immediately. What is Maricopa County hiding? We need answers! @arizonaaudit

The AZ Senate letter demanded…

We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena.

In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election-related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed.

Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

This sure makes the Maricopa County, AZ Board of Elections look guilty doesn’t it?


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9c57e8  No.53022


g'nite G

soon behind ya

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9ba445  No.53023


g'nite, thanks for all u do


went over to qr to drop the maricopa article

they already had the story but not that version

good questions to dig on, i'll see what they come up with - that's what qr is still good at, digging on something like this, got enough people left for that (and doesn't matter if baking is crap, i'll pick up what i can)

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9c57e8  No.53024


daytime pace over there a bit diff, have to be moar careful of what I pick up but yeah, they do guud coverage, usually and I add when I need to, finish it out

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9ba445  No.53025

File: 6c76905d755500d⋯.png (877.72 KB, 1314x1706, 657:853, 2021_05_12_21_32_52.png)

File: cc50fa21a9f8e1d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1312x1743, 1312:1743, 2021_05_12_21_33_17.png)

File: 9f49c4219c5035d⋯.png (512.92 KB, 1366x1099, 1366:1099, 2021_05_12_21_33_45.png)

File: 1c8e9b25d505f42⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2247x1709, 2247:1709, 2021_05_12_21_36_37.png)

File: aaa9f708e5925b4⋯.png (404.95 KB, 1515x1118, 1515:1118, 2021_05_12_21_45_34.png)



Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [12.05.21 23:42]

JUST IN:Senate President Karen Fann’s letter to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors regarding “3 serious issues.”

Fann asks the Supervisors to appear at the Capitol on Tuesday 5/18 for a live-streamed, public meeting.

Read: Fann’s Letter to the BOS (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20706832-5-12-21-letter-to-maricopa-county-board-1)


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9ba445  No.53026

File: f60cfd57ba505ad⋯.png (663.46 KB, 900x919, 900:919, 2021_05_12_21_52_17.png)



Bombshell Report On Hunter Biden & China Spy Chief

9 minutes

Does Hunter Biden make the FBI watchlist?


from the Daily Mail:

But does he have a 29-year-old Chinese American sec'y who had worked with Patrick Ho - the spy chief of China?

worth a listen....

Bongino is analyzing this article from the Daily Mail:

EXCLUSIVE: 'Your doggy chain necklace is waiting for you.' Flirty messages from Hunter Biden's Chinese-American secretary, 29, who worked for him when he partnered with the 'spy chief of China' are revealed

- DailyMail.com can reveal messages between Hunter Biden and young Chinese-American woman who worked in his business venture with Patrick Ho

- In an audio recording, Hunter described Ho to a friend as the 'spy chief of China'

- The young secretary, JiaQi Bao, worked for Hunter during his partnership with Chinese oil giant CEFC in a multi-million-dollar deal

- Bao, then age 29, scheduled flights, hotels and doctor's appointments for him

- She sent him opposition research to help Joe Biden's 2020 election bid and wrote flirty and personal messages and ended up with his military dog tags

- She also encouraged him to draw from the company's accounts before they was shut down

- Hunter and Joe Biden's brother Jim partnered with CEFC in 2017, in a deal that was meant to generate billions of dollars

- But the joint venture collapsed the following year when CEFC's secretary general Ho was arrested and convicted of bribery in a US federal prosecution

- It's unclear whether Bao was aware of CEFC bosses alleged links with intelligence services at the time and she has not responded to requests for comment


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9ba445  No.53027

File: 628b29eef852ea6⋯.png (309.77 KB, 621x705, 207:235, 2021_05_12_22_52_14.png)


Liz Cheney was a failure as a leader.

She peddled the Russia bounty hoax and fought ending wars.

And now she has martyred herself to CNN and MSNBC.

Let them have her.


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9ba445  No.53028

File: 09c68a138069399⋯.png (43.47 KB, 625x677, 625:677, 2021_05_12_22_54_47.png)


According to this New England Journal of Medicine study

829 completed pregnancies.

700 got vaccine in 3rd trimester

129 got vaccine before 3rd trimester

Out of 829 pregnancies only 129 of patients got the vaccine before the 3rd

Let us compare statistics of 1st and 2nd trimester pregnancies

So 104 spontaneous abortions (loss of pregnancies before 20 weeks) happened in 129 women who got vaccinated before the 3rd trimester

That means 81% of pregnant women who got vaccinated before the 3rd trimester had spontaneous abortions

The national average is 10-26% spontaneous abortions off all pregnancies

I suggest that vaccination with covid-19 vaccines before the 3rd trimester increases the rate of spontaneous abortion by a factor 4-8x



take a look at the stats in the cap.

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9ba445  No.53029

File: 644facb66948a24⋯.png (464.25 KB, 2083x1558, 2083:1558, 2021_05_12_23_21_15.png)

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9ba445  No.53030

File: bc645ee6c0d331a⋯.png (388.89 KB, 640x670, 64:67, 2021_05_13_1_21_00.png)


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9ba445  No.53031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson calls for criminal investigation of Anthony Fauci


on YT for now....


Based on Nicholas Wade article

focus is where the covid19 came from Wuhan Lab, ran on Medium:


Tucker talks about expts being run in Wuhan lab to develop gain of function expts designed to make the corona virus infect human beings

funded by Tony Fauci



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9ba445  No.53032

File: 36d33123cf73ab2⋯.png (46.77 KB, 1554x392, 111:28, 2021_05_13_1_33_40.png)


Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

by Nicholas Wade


The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach three million people. Yet the origin of pandemic remains uncertain: the political agendas of governments and scientists have generated thick clouds of obfuscation, which the mainstream press seems helpless to dispel.

In what follows I will sort through the available scientific facts, which hold many clues as to what happened, and provide readers with the evidence to make their own judgments. I will then try to assess the complex issue of blame, which starts with, but extends far beyond, the government of China.

By the end of this article, you may have learned a lot about the molecular biology of viruses. I will try to keep this process as painless as possible. But the science cannot be avoided because for now, and probably for a long time hence, it offers the only sure thread through the maze....



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9ba445  No.53034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas hit piece retracted

(whole article is GONE after it is challenged by Proj. Veritas lawyers)

pretty funny - The author didn't fare so well.


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9ba445  No.53035

File: ebc774883d04819⋯.png (915.85 KB, 1513x1044, 1513:1044, 2021_05_13_1_50_05.png)


Maricopa County Elections Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines – Including “All Election Information” from Main Database

Last week, the Gateway Pundit reported about the emergency meeting that was called by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, after the County was reportedly unable to provide passwords to the auditors performing an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results. They also did not provide access to the routers which were requested in the audit as well.

This afternoon, it was discovered that “the entire database” for the 2020 General election, showing the “Results Tally and Reporting,” has been deleted!

[letter from AZ senate here - included in first post]

When inspectors received the boxes of ballots where the audit was being performed, the tamper-proof tape was cut on the boxes and the number of ballots inside the boxes was not the same as what was reported by the County reporter, and what was turned over to the Senate don’t line up.

A week before the machines were turned over, records were deleted by an administrator—this has to be treated as an act of intentional cover-up!

The Maricopa Arizona Audit team has also tweeted about the breaking bombshell:

Breaking Update: Maricopa County deleted a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. This is spoliation of evidence!

Why would the database be deleted unless there was something massive they were trying to hide? This article is for everyone who’s been trying to convince Americans that no voter fraud took place in the November election and that it was the safest and most secure election in modern history.

Nothing to see here!


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9ba445  No.53036

File: 7d2a3dd79f76fe7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1673x1519, 239:217, 2021_05_13_1_56_58.png)

File: af3e4ed53c1ae83⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1146x3264, 191:544, 2021_05_13_1_58_41_a.png)

File: f186e8b0007d241⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1146x3071, 1146:3071, 2021_05_13_1_58_41_b.png)


Exhibits attached to Senate letter

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9ba445  No.53037

File: dabc749f4a54f66⋯.png (730.51 KB, 1547x2677, 1547:2677, 2021_05_13_2_06_28.png)

33 Defendants Face Child Pornography and Enticement Charges as a Result of Operation Clean Sweep

cting U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson today announced the results of Operation Clean Sweep, a four-month long operation initiated to protect children from falling victim to predators living within the Northern District of Oklahoma. The operation was carried out in partnership with more than a dozen local, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies.

Operation Clean Sweep netted 33 alleged child predators in 10 of the 11 counties in the Northern District of Oklahoma. Twelve of those defendants have pleaded guilty thus far in federal court. The operation further identified and/or rescued 12 child victims during the investigation.

“Operation Clean Sweep was a joint law enforcement investigation designed to help counteract the spike in internet facilitated child-exploitation crimes, in part fueled by the COVID-19 crisis,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson. “The operation concentrated resources and personnel to identify and help victims of child sex abuse and hold accountable those who exploit them. I appreciate our law enforcement partners who identified these 33 alleged predators of children and brought them forward for federal prosecution.” ...


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9ba445  No.53038

File: bf970702980443f⋯.png (778.75 KB, 900x1388, 225:347, 2021_05_13_2_09_33.png)


-Arizona Audit Twitter (https://twitter.com/arizonaaudit/status/1392656033496006656?s=21)

DotNetMatt offers more insight:

The screenshot shows they used a data recovery software (https://www.r-studio.com/Data_Recovery_Technician.shtml) so it is likely that they were able to restore the files, however we can't know for sure. We can see 2 files have a size of 0 bytes so these are probably lost forever. When you delete a file on a computer, it's not really gone. It's still on the hard drive, but it is not visible to the user and the space used on the disk by this file is marked as free so it can be used to write something else when needed. So if nothing was written over the file then it is recoverable.

There are also possibilities to calculate what are the missing parts of a file, it looks like the software has this capability (file repair).

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9ba445  No.53039

File: 2485ac3a78de754⋯.png (93.53 KB, 638x1205, 638:1205, 2021_05_13_2_13_51.png)



Although the Left’s Lawfare crowd are fighting overtime to hide the truth, it always comes out. The Maricopa County, Arizona audit is definitely heating up—summary below.

Stay focused Patriots—we are just getting started.

AZ election audit uncovers major election fraud in Maricopa County! Democrats knowingly deleted a directory full of election databases ~10 days before turning election equipment over to the AZ Senate audit team. They stole the election!

• 4/12 – County deleted election databases

• 4/21-22 – County election equipment was delivered to the audit

Why did security seals arrive cut and why were they placed at the bottom of the boxes? Why were security ballot bags not used by the County?

What is Maricopa County hiding? AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich needs to get involved immediately.

AZ Senate Election Audit finds that Maricopa County delivered ballot boxes missing a significant number of ballots! We need AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich to get involved now! @arizonaaudit

The @arizonaaudit discovers that there are missing ballots in Maricopa County! The Counties numbers don’t match up!

no chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots that the County provided for the audit!

unsealed ballot bags and cut security seals at the bottom of ballot boxes found.

Now we know why the Democrats have opposed the @arizonaaudit from the beginning.

Siri’s funded AZ Secretary of State @katiehobbs opposed the @arizonaaudit in Maricopa County and could now be held criminally responsible for the newly found fraud! She could be in serious legal trouble.

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9ba445  No.53040

File: d3d9b80ad715eb9⋯.png (250.07 KB, 735x760, 147:152, 2021_05_13_2_16_46.png)





What are the chances another emergency meeting will be held by Maricopa County Supervisors tomorrow?

“UNDELETE” is a very simple task for any IT professional - let alone the country’s top computer forensics analysts.

Who is going to flip first?

At this point in the game, I think it is safe to say this:


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9ba445  No.53041

File: 023bb50f8980cd1⋯.png (225.39 KB, 457x806, 457:806, 2021_05_13_2_21_41.png)

Can u say CREEPY?


McDonald's to use packaging to promote COVID-19 vaccines

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9ba445  No.53042

File: 45ac8c3562893b0⋯.png (62.73 KB, 1570x238, 785:119, 2021_05_13_2_31_35.png)


posted here as well but can't find - report to go with translated letter

Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud

CD Media https://cdm.press/Ff

Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud

The Presidential “election” held in November 2020 was a kaleidoscope of foreign interference. From the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. receiving a $400 million infusion from a subsidiary of a Swiss/CCP slush fund within a month of the election to Dominion’s intellectual property being held by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) as collateral, American citizens face the unique problem of trying to identity which part of their election system is actually controlled by Americans.

Just before January 6th, an Italian lawyer named Alfio D’Urso, in a signed statement, alleged that Arturo D’Elia, an Italian programming prodigy whose work experience includes the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations and NATO, confessed to an election cyber-attack using military encryption. In D’Urso’s video statement, he states that D’Elia’s involvement in the cyber-attack is known by a “security services official.” To date, these allegations have been difficult to corroborate as D’Elia was arrested in December 2020 and is currently behind held in Salerno under house arrest. Equally curious is the time frame of the alleged crime, which is from 2015-2017. Maria Zack, who originally broke the story, stated that the arrest of D’Elia for a crime he apparently committed three years earlier was to keep him from fleeing the country and testifying about the cyber-attack.

With this backdrop, CD Media is releasing a letter obtained from former President Trump’s legal team that, like the many intriguing allegations out of Italy, provides more questions than answers.

The letter to the President is extremely similar in content and structure to D’Urso’s affidavit, but was written weeks earlier and includes more details, such as the names of an Italian General and business magnate.

Carlo Goria, the author, is the nephew of the 46th Prime Minister of Italy, Giovanni Goria. Based on the letterhead and address listed, he is affiliated with the American firm USAerospace Partners and a private security firm, G7 International Srl. A trained Italian linguist noted peculiarities with the letter, such as basic misspellings, that suggest it was hastily written or put through a translation tool. These errors, along with incorrect details (D’Elia was a consultant to Leonardo, not the “IT manager”), have been fodder for the mainstream media “debunking” articles.

Sources in the former legal team stated that Mr. Goria was attempting to reach President Trump directly by sending the letter through Rudy Giuliani. CD Media cannot confirm that its intended recipient actually read the letter. The serious allegations in the letter should be pursued so that they can be proven either true or false—it is curious that no official or entity named by Mr. Goria has sued him. The full English translation can be found below:


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9ba445  No.53043

File: 416f65099c7f46a⋯.png (3.62 MB, 1934x2550, 967:1275, 2021_05_13_2_24_16.png)


Translated letter:

Distinguished Mr. President,

I confirm the direct knowledge that the activities undertaken here in Italy have had a negative impact for the President of the United States regarding the manipulation of the electoral vote of November 3rd and 4th, 2020.

I confirm that Leonardo SpA from its Pesara [Pescara] facility, using advanced military encryption capabilities, changed the US election result from President Trump to Joe Biden. The data switch was conducted by the head of the IT department of Leonardo SpA in coordination with senior US intelligence officers (CIA), three [people] who work at the US Embassy in via Veneto in Rome. Senior official of the United States Embassy held regular meetings with General Claudio Graziano, EU military commander and Ignazio Moncada, president of FATA SpA, a company owned by Leonardo SpA, the largest aerospace and defense company based in Italy with the US counterpart Leonardo DRS.

On December 3rd the head of the IT department was arrested in Naples, where he remains [in jail]. We had direct and continuous contact within the facility with the IT manager who agreed to testify to the US authorities what happened to election data, how they were exchanged at the Pescara / Fucino facilities, loaded with information technology on military satellites and what data is contained in an electronic key to demonstrate the passing of data from President Trump who was clearly the winner to Joe Biden on November 4th 2020.

Our associates in the conservative part of the Italian secret services have been working since the beginning of November 2020 to ensure that the truth is known and the American people can realize the result voted: the reelection of president Trump.

Rome, December 27th, 2020

The Director

Carlo Goria



Viole di Val Frorita Srl

00144 Rome – Italy

Doc ID 582d13b8d7a248d1a86f00c9ec258364 —-


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9ba445  No.53044

baker on duty

will post notes and bake, lots to get out on 'sup in Arizona.


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9ba445  No.53045


>>53010 Eyez in the skies

>>53021 Maricopa County Deleted ENTIRE DATABASE Prior To Turning Over Equipment To Audit

>>53025 Senate President Karen Fann’s letter to the Maricopa Board

>>53036 Exhibits attached to Senate letter

>>53035 Maricopa County Elections Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines – Including “All Election Information” from Main Database

>>53038 DotNetMatt offers some insights on Maricopa database deletion

>>53039 Gen Flynn on Maricopa database deletion

>>53040 CM: They DELETED THE DATABASE! Who's gonna flip first?

>>53026 Bombshell Report On Hunter Biden & China Spy Chief (Bongino)

>>53027 TechnoFog: Liz Cheney, good riddance!

>>53028, >>53029 Zelenko on NEJM study on effect on covid in pregnancy

>>53030 Pro-vax India Public Health Minister dies the day after getting vaxxed

>>53031 Tucker C calls for criminal investigation of Fauci

>>53032 Nicholas Wade: Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

>>53034 Project Veritas response to recent hit piece - entertaining

>>53037 33 Defendants Face Child Pornography and Enticement Charges as a Result of Operation Clean Sweep

>>53041 Anybody up for McFries - with a NEEDLE on side of the box?

>>53042, >>53043 Nephew of Italian PM invovement in election fraud; letter

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9ba445  No.53046


forgot i signed in much earlier, times flies

grouped together all the maricopa stuff

gonna bake very soon

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9ba445  No.53050


well....started to bake a half hour ago.

won't create a thread, either when signed in or not.

sent Jim a report, he got it. We'll see what happens next. Still hoping something will drop.

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9ba445  No.53056

File: 969ced5bae9e59d⋯.png (618.74 KB, 448x661, 448:661, a_plank_path.png)


>>53047 OP

>>53055 dough

what a relief to have a fresh bred

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9ba445  No.53058


"Move along, move along, nothing to see here"

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