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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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dc64cd No.225 [Last50 Posts]

15DEC20 to 16DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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dc64cd No.161404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039088 (151759ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / Yep and it’s not just Pelosi either… While serving as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s net worth went from $24- to over $100 million USD. (Official salary is $220k/year)

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While serving as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s net worth went from $24- to over $100 million USD. (Official salary is $220k/year)


Yep and it’s not just Pelosi either. Almost all major American politicians leave office as multi-millionaires, or shortly after leaving become multi-millionaires.

Hell just look at the list of Presidents, afaik the only people with reasonable explanations are Trump, Hoover and the founders who were all basically landowning aristocrats. But how the hell does Bill Clinton earn 75 million dollars when that’s the highest paying he’s ever had and it “only” pays $400,000 / yr.


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dc64cd No.161405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039090 (151759ZDEC20) Notable: Peter Nygard Files++

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dc64cd No.161406

File: 3d83fb89894300f⋯.png (50 KB,876x318,146:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039093 (151759ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion MachineElection Digs

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Rudy Giuliani


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dc64cd No.161407

File: 375d205a19dd72e⋯.png (51.41 KB,890x381,890:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039123 (151802ZDEC20) Notable: CM: MSM has their marching orders

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In the past hour or so, I have been reached out to by a dozen or so journalists from "different publications" coincidentally asking the same question.

MSM has their marching orders.


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dc64cd No.161408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039124 (151802ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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NO vaccine has been evaluated for the potential to cause:


Mutate DNA

Or Impair Fertility of Both Males and Females

THE SOURCE OF THIS INFORMATION IS THE U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION – FDA) –http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm093833.htm

In addition, vaccine manufacturers are held to a lower standard than other pharmaceutical, and are not required to do double-blind placebo studies or long-term studies past 6 months, nor have they ever compared vaccinated populations with the unvaccinated! Meanwhile, every person who gets a vaccine is being injured by them. See VACCINE SUMMARY –http://www.healthalertphilly.org/Vaccines.htm

NOTE: Beware of “patients inserts” are not the same as “physicians inserts” and may not contain the same information.

SAMPLE VACCINE INSERT SECTION: Section 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility VAXCHORA has not been evaluated for the potential to cause

1. Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 Vaccine, Live, Oral

Section 13, omittted

2. Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed

13. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY The effect of BioThrax on embryo-fetal and pre-weaning development was evaluated in a developmental toxicity study using pregnant rabbits. One group of rabbits was administered BioThrax twice prior to gestation and during the period of organogenesis (gestation day 7). A second group of rabbits was administered BioThrax twice prior to gestation and on gestation day 17. BioThrax was administered at 0.5 ml/rabbit/occasion, by intramuscular injection. No adverse effects on mating, fertility, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, embryo-fetal or preweaning development were observed. There were no vaccine-related fetal malformations or other evidence of teratogenesis noted in this study 	Biothrax

3. BCG Live

BCG VACCINE has not been evaluated for carcinogenic, mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility. 	BCG Vaccine

4. BCG Live

TICE® BCG has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic, mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility. 	TICE BCG

5. Cholera Vaccine Live Oral

VAXCHORA has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity, or to impair fertility. 	Vaxchora

6. Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed

Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed has not been evaluated for carcinogenicity, mutagenic potential, or impairment of fertility. 	No Trade Name

7. Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids & Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed

Tripedia vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility. 	Tripedia

8. Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids & Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed

INFANRIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility. 	Infanrix

9. Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids & Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed

DAPTACEL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility. 	DAPTACEL

10. Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids & Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed, Hepatitis B (recombinant) and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Combined

PEDIARIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility. 	Pediarix

11. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine

KINRIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility. 	KINRIX

12. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine

Quadracel has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility. 	Quadracel

13. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Inactivated Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) Vaccine

Pentacel vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility. 	Pentacel

14. Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Meningococcal Protein Conjugate)

Liquid PedvaxHIB has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility. 	PedvaxHIB

15. Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)

ActHIB vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility. 	ActHIB

16. Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)

HIBERIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility. 	Hiberix



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dc64cd No.161409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039161 (151804ZDEC20) Notable: CDC to suspend data collection for 2020-2021 flu season amid rising COVID-19 deaths, causing all flu deaths to be counted as “covid deaths”

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CDC to suspend data collection for 2020-2021 flu season amid rising COVID-19 deaths, causing all flu deaths to be counted as “covid deaths”

Governments worldwide have had all hands on deck since the pandemic broke out in March. Scientists, health experts and entire agencies are directing their attention to controlling the transmission of the coronavirus.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even announced in October that it will suspend data collection for the 2020-2021 flu season due to the ongoing pandemic.

True enough, the agency’s COVIDView, their weekly surveillance of COVID-19 activity in the U.S., is providing more detailed updates than FluView, their weekly influenza surveillance report, despite it being flu season.

But while basic data collection for the flu season is still ongoing, the CDC’s projected suspension raises several concerns. For instance, health authorities could be counting flu cases, which are expected to be lower this year, as COVID-19 cases. Deaths from the flu could be counted alongside those from COVID-19 as well.

Experts also noted a trend that has persisted since the pandemic began: as COVID-19 cases go up, flu cases go down.

Flu or COVID-19?

Most of the people who die from COVID-19 are those with preexisting health conditions or comorbidities. But people who tested positive for COVID-19 and died later on, whether due to COVID-19 or not, are also counted as official COVID-19 deaths.

One thing that could explain this haphazard counting of COVID-19 deaths is the fact that hospitals in the U.S. get reimbursed for COVID-19-related care, which includes deaths, because of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

But according to David Holcombe, medical director at the Louisiana Department of Health, that money is not for the hospitals’ use. Rather, it protects patients from being left with a large hospital bill. Holcombe also said that the official number of COVID-19 deaths is underestimated, not overestimated.

But other practitioners and health experts dispute this claim. Nick Coatsworth, an infectious disease specialist and one of Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officers, said that determining the cause of death is complex.

“I remember as a junior doctor trying to do death certificates – it’s not always an easy thing.”

State senator and physician investigated for questioning COVID-19 deaths

Some government authorities and health experts have been questioning the legitimacy of the official numbers of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. since President Donald Trump signed the CARES Act into law in March.

But such inquiries have so far been met with criticism and intolerance. In late June, for example, the Board of Medical Practice in Minnesota investigated State Sen. Scott Jensen. Jensen, who is also a family physician, had his medical license placed under review as well. (Related: Minnesota doctor decries censorship, says he is under investigation for COVID-19 opinions.)

Jensen was accused of reckless advice for his “willingness to compare COVID-19 to influenza outbreaks.” The board also claimed that Jensen was spreading misinformation about how COVID-19 death certificates were being categorized. The investigation was dismissed not a month later.





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dc64cd No.161410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039185 (151806ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (CM: Bunch of people reaching out to me that they are getting messages from superiors telling them to be prepared for an imminent emergency announcement. Its probably nothing though, right?

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CM: Bunch of people reaching out to me that they are getting messages from superiors telling them to be prepared for an imminent emergency announcement.

Its probably nothing though, right?


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dc64cd No.161411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039282 (151813ZDEC20) Notable: Rouhani: Iran Will Return to Nuclear Deal Within an Hour of US Doing So

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Rouhani: Iran Will Return to Nuclear Deal Within an Hour of US Doing So

The Iranian president says Iran will accept no preconditions to return to JCPOA

Reiterating his desire to return to the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Tehran could come into compliance with the agreement within an hour of the US doing so.

Rouhani also said that Iran would not accept any preconditions for returning to the deal, known as the JCPOA, including limitations on Iran’s ballistic missile program.

A stricter deal that includes Tehran’s missiles is a demand of Iran hawks in the Trump administration. Rouhani addressed this demand and his hopes for the incoming administration.

“The Americans were trying for months to add the missile issue and this was rejected,” Rouhani said of the 2015 JCPOA negotiations. “Trump was uninformed and did not know about the matter, but Mr. Biden is well aware of the details of the deal.”

Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he plans to work with Iran to return to the JCPOA and work on a follow-on agreement that deals with Iran’s missiles after the fact. “I have not heard Biden say that we have to reach another agreement in order to return to the nuclear deal, that is what Trump says,” Rouhani said.

In the final days of the Trump administration, there are a lot of forces at work hoping to sabotage Biden’s attempts to return to the JCPOA, including Israel, who is the likely perpetrator of the assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Rouhani discussed Fakhrizadeh’s killing on Monday and accused Israel of trying to start a war. “Waging instability and war in the final days of the Trump administration was the main aim of the Zionist regime in the assassination,” he said.


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dc64cd No.161412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039290 (151814ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (CM: Bunch of people reaching out to me that they are getting messages from superiors telling them to be prepared for an imminent emergency announcement. Its probably nothing though, right?

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CM deleted this tweet.


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dc64cd No.161413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039295 (151815ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / Los Angeles’s newly elected, George Soros-funded district attorney is set to enact sentencing requirements that will take the sentence of life without parole off the table for a cop killer

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Los Angeles’s newly elected, George Soros-funded district attorney is set to enact sentencing requirements that will take the sentence of life without parole off the table for a man suspected in the execution-style murder of a police officer.

District Attorney George Gascon will ask a judge to dismiss all enhancements and special circumstances for multiple murders, including the murder of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Gilbert Solano last year, which could prevent the suspected killer from spending life in prison, according to Fox 11 News Los Angeles.

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dc64cd No.161414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039313 (151816ZDEC20) Notable: Nothing is what it seems. + Coordinates

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Who is meeting in secret right now?


:We see you (live).

Who can we TRUST?

What comes next?


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dc64cd No.161415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039448 (151825ZDEC20) Notable: Questions arise over whether Trump should employ 2018 order against foreign election influence

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Questions arise over whether Trump should employ 2018 order against foreign election influence

The 2018 executive order addresses a specter similar to the revelation that Russian hackers penetrated the DHS.

Amid recent reports of foreign breaches into U.S. government computer systems, questions have emerged whether hackers manipulated the results of the 2020 elections — and if so, whether that would trigger a White House executive order on responding to such an incursion.

The 2018 executive order from President Donald Trump addresses the specter similar to Monday's revelation that Russian hackers had penetrated the Department of Homeland Security.

"Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system," Trump wrote in his 2018 order. "In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat."

A Sunday report from a forensic analyst who delved into the Dominion Voting System connected the dots between the 2018 executive order and possible foreign election interference perpetrated via the Dominion machines.

"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," reads the Dec. 13 report from Allied Security Operations Group. The report was compiled in connection with a lawsuit from Antrim County, Michigan resident William Bailey, who charged that there were problems with the county voting machines.

Dominion has disputed the report and insisted there were no problems with its machines. U.S. officials likewise have said there is no evidence of widespread fraud or foreign intrusion in the just-completed election.

The forensic analysis report cited the 2018 executive order, implying that the White House should assess whether to impose its provisions.

The executive order instructs the heads of "appropriate executive departments and agencies," including the Director of National Intelligence, to conduct and complete such an evaluation.

"The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security," the order reads.

The assessment is subject, however, to a timeline that may extend into a new administration under Joe Biden, possibly rendering moot the mandate from Trump.

The first portion of the timeline must commence "not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election," according to the order.

The FBI and the government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned in October that a Russian state-sponsored hacking group had launched a campaign against U.S. targets, including government and aviation networks.

Russia has also meddled in U.S. elections using social media, according to an October report from the RAND corporation.



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dc64cd No.161416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039461 (151826ZDEC20) Notable: Consultancy Linked to Biden Nominees Scrubs Middle East Ops From Site

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Consultancy Linked to Biden Nominees Scrubs Middle East Ops From Site

Biden's NSA, VA picks worked for Macro Advisory Partners

A consulting firm linked to incoming Biden officials removed references to its foreign dealings in the closing weeks of the election.

Both Jake Sullivan, President-elect Joe Biden's incoming national security adviser, and Denis McDonough, Biden's pick to run the Department of Veterans Affairs, have served as partners at Macro Advisory Partners, a consulting firm that says it helps clients manage geopolitical risk.

Until early November, the firm advertised its work helping a financial services company expand into the Middle East, according to archived versions of the website. The firm said it helped its clients manage the "geopolitical and economic volatility" in Middle Eastern markets by drawing on the extensive policy expertise of Macro Advisory Partners employees.

"The intersection of geopolitics, policy and politics is defining the long-term prospects for financial services in the Middle East," the website said in now-deleted comments. "MAP's partner-led team includes professionals with decades of experience analysing Middle Eastern markets, politics and security."

Tom Anderson, a director at the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group, said the move raises questions about the work the Biden duo conducted and whether they stand to profit from the new administration's policy in the region.

"When politicians or officials are caught trying to hide something—there is a reason for their actions. Usually, they see a bigger reward than the risks associated with scrubbing," Anderson said. "Hiding motivations for seeking positions should raise red flags for oversight professionals, and the media to expose potential conflicts of interest."

The American Prospect reported in July that Sullivan's clients included ridesharing giant Uber. He also "used [the] knowledge he acquired from negotiating the Iran deal in the Obama administration to help companies profit from the opening of the Iranian economy," the magazine reported.

As a chief negotiator of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal—at the time, Sullivan was then-Vice President Joe Biden's national security adviser—any of his business dealings with companies looking for guidance in the Middle East would raise questions about whether he has a vested interest in ensuring the Biden administration reenters the deal. McDonough, who served as then-President Barack Obama's chief of staff, was also privy to discussions about the Iran nuclear deal and other Middle Eastern foreign policy issues, raising similar conflict-of-interest concerns. The current employment status of the two Biden picks is unclear. McDonough is still listed as a partner at Macro Advisory Partners, but Sullivan disappeared from the firm's website after July.

Neither Macro Advisory Partners nor the Biden transition team responded to requests for comment.

Robert Spalding, a former staffer for the Trump White House's National Security Council, said former officials cross a line when they work for U.S. adversaries after retiring from office. "I don’t necessarily think they shouldn’t work in this space, but working for the Russians, CCP, Iranians, or any other thuggish regime ought to be a no-no," he told the Washington Free Beacon.

Macro Advisory Partners is the second Biden-linked firm to expunge references to its overseas work as top executives were tapped to senior positions in the incoming Democratic administration.



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dc64cd No.161417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039467 (151826ZDEC20) Notable: Earthquakes in Maine?

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RE: EQ's in Main, the following link is IDing the quakes as inside New Brusnwick, however the locations are clearly Maine. Scroll in on the top map to see the two quakes right beside Moneymaker Lake.


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dc64cd No.161418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039474 (151827ZDEC20) Notable: Rep. Van Drew: 'Absurd' for Dems to say he shouldn't be seated in House for backing election lawsuit

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Rep. Van Drew: 'Absurd' for Dems to say he shouldn't be seated in House for backing election lawsuit

NJ Republican said 'we were worried about election integrity'

Democrats who are calling for the removal of their colleagues for supporting President Trump's election fight are making an "absurd" argument, Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., said Tuesday.

“Well, I guess it is because we support the president and I guess it is because we were worried about election integrity,” the former Democrat told "Fox & Friends."

Van Drew said “regardless of the issue” pertaining to Trump, there needs to be an assurance of the “highest level of integrity in the U.S. election.”

“Quite frankly, we haven’t and we have been retrogressing. Years ago, we were actually doing better with elections than we are now,” Van Drew said.

Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., sent a letter Friday urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to consider blocking more than 100 Republican lawmakers from taking office because of their support for Trump's lawsuit challenging the 2020 election results.

The letter calls out the 126 Republicans who joined the president's lawsuit, which was headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. On Friday, the court rejected that case.

"The courageous Reconstruction Congress implanted into our governing document safeguards to cleanse from our government ranks any traitors and others who would seek to destroy the Union," he said.

The 12-term legislator went on to quote the 14th Amendment, which blocks individuals from serving in office if they engaged in an "insurrection or rebellion."

"I call on you to exercise the power of your offices to evaluate steps you can take to address these constitutional violations this Congress and, if possible, refuse to seat in the 117th Congress any Members-elect seeking to make Donald Trump an unelected dictator," he said.

The 126 members who backed the lawsuit make up roughly two-thirds of Republicans in the House.

Van Drew said the “important issue is that certain states changed their election laws and the way they went about voting in a very serious and significant way, without the legislature meeting and voting on it.”

“That is unconstitutional, it is not legal, I believe in the rule of law, they absolutely should have had a meeting of those folks obviously that are in the legislature and that is what this suit is all about and that is what this concern is about,” Van Drew said, adding he did not agree with the Supreme Court's rejection of the challenge.

"The notion that after the people voted for me that I couldn’t sit in the House of Representatives, that you would literally disenfranchise my voters in my district, is an absurd notion.”


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dc64cd No.161419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039498 (151829ZDEC20) Notable: Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief; doesn’t tell Gantz

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Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief; doesn’t tell Gantz

The nominee, identified only by the Hebrew initial ‘Dalet,’ will take over as spymaster for the PM’s confidant Yossi Cohen if approved

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said he has selected the deputy head of the Mossad to be the next chief of the spy agency.

The official, who was identified only by the Hebrew initial “Dalet,” was described in a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office as having a “stellar record and a lot of experience.”

The statement added that his nomination had been submitted to the Goldberg Commission, which vets candidates for senior posts.

“The Mossad has great and significant challenges in safeguarding the security of the State of Israel. We will wait for the approval of the Goldberg Commission and wish Dalet success in his position,” a separate statement from Defense Minister Benny Gantz said.

Hebrew-language media reported that Netanyahu hadn’t informed Gantz about his choice ahead of time, amid deep distrust between the two leaders. Gantz was said to have called Netanyahu and expressed his fury.

Formally, the prime minister isn’t obligated to inform the defense minister of that decision ahead of time, but that is the accepted practice.

If approved, Dalet will take over for Yossi Cohen, a close confidant of Netanyahu who served as the premier’s national security adviser before he became Mossad chief in January 2016.

His term as Mossad leader was set to end in January, but in July Netanyahu said he would extend it until June 2021.

Cohen has served as Netanyahu’s chief envoy for the government’s most sensitive diplomatic assignments and took a leading role in the recent normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Last month, he was reported to have accompanied Netanyahu on a trip to Saudi Arabia to meet with the kingdom’s powerful Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the first such visit by an Israeli leader.

Cohen has been identified as a prime contender to replace Netanyahu as head of Likud, where he is a popular figure, and some unconfirmed reports have suggested he is Netanyahu’s favorite to succeed him.

The spymaster is famed in the Mossad ranks as an operations man. Under his watch, the Mossad has reportedly grown in personnel and budgets and has focused on espionage operations targeting the Iranian nuclear program.


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dc64cd No.161420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039521 (151830ZDEC20) Notable: Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th – 24th

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Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th – 24th

Increasing calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, coming from attorney Lin Wood, The Epoch Times, Gen. McInerney and many others.

Sidney Powell says clear evidence of foreign interference allows Trump to invoke his 2018 EO and seize all the assets of corporations and individuals who were complicit in the election rigging.

Gen. Flynn calls for Trump to invoke the 2018 Executive Order on foreign interference.

President Trump declares any swing state electoral votes cast today are cast under conditions of vote fraud.

Pennsylvania chooses alternate electors, putting election into contention until at least Jan. 6th.

Sources warn of coming “10-day lockdown” with window of likely action appearing to be Dec. 18th – 24th. The next window is right after Jan. 6th, if all other efforts fail.

CCP infiltration of Big Pharma, Big Tech, the legacy media, election voting machines, lawmakers, regulators, universities and more. We are living under enemy occupation.

Patriots growing restless, about to initiate their own action to defend the republic.

Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy the troops, and arrest the traitors.


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dc64cd No.161421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039539 (151832ZDEC20) Notable: "IT’S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “unrestricted warfare” to defeat the US military and conquer North America"

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IT’S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “unrestricted warfare” to defeat the US military and conquer North America

We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) loyalists includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment at vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline — corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for U.S. civilian and military use.

The Epoch Times, which has strong ties to Chinese dissidents who are able to confirm such information, now reports:

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a global coalition of lawmakers, obtained the database from an unidentified Chinese dissident, then shared the material with four media organizations, according to a Dec. 12 report by British newspaper The Mail on Dec. 13, which obtained the list and reviewed it.

The Mail found that major aerospace companies Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Boeing have employed hundreds of CCP members. Additionally, Pfizer and British drugmaker AstraZeneca employed a total of 123 Party members. British automaker Jaguar Land Rover also employed CCP members.

Members of the CCP, “swear oath to ‘guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life…and never betray the Party’” reports the UK Daily Mail.

CCP loyalists routinely steal corporate secrets and compromise the security and integrity of corporations that might compete against Chinese interests. Also according to the UK Daily Mail, “there were more than 600 party members across 19 branches working at the British banks HSBC and Standard Chartered in 2016.”


Sorry. No data so far.

The CCP created the coronavirus bioweapon, and we believe that the CCP used its spies to infiltrate and compromise vaccine manufacturers in order to turn coronavirus vaccines into “second wave” bioweapons that will injure or kill very large numbers of people who take the vaccines.

This also means that individuals who are pushing vaccine mandates are playing right into the hands of communist China — which has sworn to destroy the United States of America through “unrestricted warfare” — and are themselves engaged in acts of criminal treason against the United States.

How many CCP loyalists work in Big Tech?

So far, only 8,192 names have been publicly released of the nearly 2 million CCP loyalists whose names are on the full list. We have not yet seen how many CCP loyalists are working with the tech giants such as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. However, we already know that Facebook deliberately hired communist Chinese software experts to design its “hate speech engineering” algorithm that censors U.S. citizens who defend the Constitution or President Trump.

In other words, Big Tech deliberately recruits communist Chinese to build more advanced censorship algorithms to censor Americans, and then Big Tech deploys these algorithms to bury all evidence of election theft that was also carried out via China-owned Dominion Voting Systems. What we are describing here is a massive, international criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.

This is why all the CEOs of Big Tech must face arrest, prosecution and public executions if found guilty of treason.



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dc64cd No.161422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039567 (151834ZDEC20) Notable: Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway

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Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway

Millions of people can experience life-threatening effects from the vaccine

From the UK, The Guardian has the story [1]: “People with a history of significant allergic reactions should not receive the Covid vaccine, the medicines regulator has said, after two NHS workers experienced symptoms on Wednesday.”

They just figured this out? Now?

The Guardian is referring to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which has just been approved in the US.

Two people experiencing significant adverse effects may not sound important, particularly since they already a history of allergic reactions, but the following quote in the Guardian article raises major red flags a mile high:

“The MHRA [UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency] advice states: ‘Any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline autoinjector) should not receive the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. Resuscitation facilities should be available at all times for all vaccinations. Vaccination should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available’.”

First of all, a very large number of people have a history of allergic reactions to a vaccine or medicine or food. Automatically, these people should not take the vaccine. But how many people in the general public are aware of this restriction?

Second, with the operation to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people running at top speed, who actually believes that many locations where shots are given will have the necessary resuscitation equipment on hand? Sheer insanity.

Then, on top of all this, we have a bombshell statement from the Denver Post [2]: “Documents published by the two [vaccine] companies [Pfizer and BioNTech] showed that people with a history of severe allergic reactions were excluded from the [clinical vaccine] trials, and doctors were advised to look out for such reactions in trial participants who weren’t previously known to have severe allergies.”

In other words, the clinical trials were already biased, because they excluded people with a history of allergic reactions. Therefore, the performance of the vaccine looked safer. Therefore, no one would find out that allergic reactions to the vaccine are a MAJOR danger.

And NOW, as if it’s nothing more than an afterthought, we get—“Oh, by the way, if people have allergies, they shouldn’t take the vaccine.”

Why don’t regulators simply admit, “This vaccine is as disastrous as possible, but we can’t let that cat out of the bag.”

I have written about the inherent dangers of the new experimental RNA technology deployed with this COVOD vaccine. The world population is a vast group of guinea pigs. Past efforts to introduce RNA tech have failed because serious autoimmune reactions have occurred. [3] The body basically attacks itself.

What rational person would line up to take this shot?

You have to ask yourself why some Pittsburgh and Chicago medical centers aren’t making the new COVID vaccine mandatory for their own healthcare workers. [4] [5]

They’ve issued that announcement on the basis of wait-and-see. They know the vaccine carries major risks, and the clinical trials were far from convincing.

According to WebMD [6], “more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.” 200,000 people come to the ER with food allergies. 4-5% of the population have food allergies. Who can say, with certainty, how many Americans would experience, say, life- threatening anaphylactic shock from the COVID vaccine?

And when it comes to medicines, consider just one type of allergic reaction—to penicillin or antibiotics. Is the outbreak of a rash serious enough to warrant automatic exemption from the COVID vaccine? Should shortness of breath be the standard? No one knows.

Finally, as I’ve reported in these pages several times, the 3 major clinical trials of COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) were designed to prevent nothing more than a “mild case of COVID-19.” That means a cough, or chills and fever. [7]

Serious cases of illness? Hospitalization? Death? These were not on the radar of the clinical trials.

Cough, or chills and fever, cure themselves naturally. No need for a vaccine.



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dc64cd No.161423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039733 (151847ZDEC20) Notable: Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th – 24th

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Epoch Times Urges Trump: Use Insurrection Act, Seize Dominion Voting Machines, Restore Law And Order

"The Insurrection Act enables Trump to use the military to seize the key electoral evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate accounting of the vote"

In an editorial titled “At This Critical Time, President Trump Should Take Action”, the well respected Epoch Times urged President Donald Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to seize and examine evidence of voter fraud in key states and provide a transparent accounting of the 2020 election.

The editorial, published by the entire Epoch Times editorial board, outlines what they view as a fundamental struggle between freedom and communism represented in the 2020 election, quoting President Trump at times to add credence to their statements.

“President Trump has referred to our election system as being under ‘coordinated assault and siege,’ the article explains. The Epoch Times also notes, “On Dec. 5 in Georgia, Trump said of those who want to steal the election, ‘These people want to go further than socialism, they want to go into a communistic form of government, and I have no doubt about it.'”

The Epoch Times also notes that President Trump “has taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, and he has the presidential powers to do so.”

From the Editorial Board

This #Election is the climax of the battle between #Freedom and #Communism.

The #InsurrectionAct will enable Trump to seize the key #Evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate vote count. https://t.co/DGkVLwzRAh

— Epoch Times Opinion (@EpochOpinion) December 14, 2020

They then make their key argument, that “Trump should use those powers as President to safeguard the future of our Republic and arrest those who have conspired to deprive people of their rights through election fraud.”

“The Insurrection Act enables Trump to use the military to seize the key electoral evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate accounting of the vote,” the editorial continued. “Our system is in crisis. Trump should act to restore the rule of law.”

“Through opening the books, honesty can defeat fraud. The wishes of the majority of the people will be realized, and the victory sought by communism defeated.”


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dc64cd No.161424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039748 (151849ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun

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White girls fuck dogs lock it? Because they were a problem before…

Handing them the rope white girl?

>>>/qresearch/12039420 Dough

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#15370 Q Research General #15370: Starting To Look Like An Inauguration Day Upset Edition Edition

>>>/qresearch/12039444 Tribunal Talks

>>>/qresearch/12039522 Anyone else hearing lovely booms today? USMC Tweets: Rocking Everywhere

>>>/qresearch/12039565 UK = Covid

>>>/qresearch/12039573 Prison is "legal torture" Cori Bush

>>>/qresearch/12039577, >>>/qresearch/12039639 Lin Wood Agrees! "I am with you, Ashley" RT+

>>>/qresearch/12039659 Thanks for the topcover

>>>/qresearch/12039721 Important information

#15370 Locked Thread

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dc64cd No.161425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039753 (151849ZDEC20) Notable: Big tech executives donated tens of thousands of dollars to Biden campaign

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Big tech executives donated tens of thousands of dollars to Biden campaign

Executives at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram donated tens of thousands of dollars to President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign, Fox News reports.

Moreover, critics of the tech giants, say their actions during the 2020 general election and actions targeting conservatives on social media raise serious concerns about censorship in America.

Numerous executives donated the maximum amount to the Biden campaign, including Facebook vice president of public policy, Erin Egan, Facebook chief revenue officer David Fischer…

Fox News

The donations are just the tip of the iceberg. Federal Election Commission records reveal that top executives at the big tech companies made several large donations to the Biden campaign, while there was no record of them donating to the Trump campaign.

The legal maximum amount to donate is $2,800. Numerous executives donated the maximum amount to the Biden campaign, including Facebook vice president of public policy, Erin Egan, Facebook chief revenue officer David Fischer, Facebook’s chief financial officer, David Wehner, Facebook vice presidents Gene Alston, Michael Verdu, Shahriar Rabii and T.S. Khurana and Instagram’s chief operating officer, Marne Levine.

A number of of Facebook and Twitter employees also donated the maximum amount.

The social media giants have been under fire recently for accusations of censorship. Earlier this week, Twitter prevented users from sharing tweets by President Donald Trump. Trump has also accused the tech companies of suppressing the circulation of news stories that expose the alleged Hunter Biden scandals.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog group noted that Google and YouTube “under false and non-sensical pretenses, double down on election intervention and political censorship against @RealDonaldTrump to help Joe Biden – the after President Trump officially threatens to veto over section 230 reform.”

GOP members of the House Oversight Committee are demanding a hearing to investigate Twitter and Facebook’s “unjustifiable censorship” of the New York Post’s reporting on Biden’s foreign business dealings.

“Reporting indicates this investigation is related to his overseas business dealings,” the GOP members wrote in a new letter obtained by Fox News. “In light of Hunter Biden’s admission that he is under investigation, especially after Big Tech’s unjustifiable censorship of the New York Post’s report, we are renewing our hearing request.”

Tom Fitton


.@Google/@YouTube, under false and non-sensical pretenses, doubles down on election intervention and political censorship against @RealDonaldTrump to help Joe Biden – the day after President Trump officially threatens veto over Section 230 reform.


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dc64cd No.161426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039761 (151850ZDEC20) Notable: The UN and NATO Exploit the Refugee Crisis to Promote the Rhetoric of Peace and Security

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The UN and NATO Exploit the Refugee Crisis to Promote the Rhetoric of Peace and Security

The UN excels in statistical data, most of it derived from its complicity in allowing human rights violations to thrive. “We are now surpassing another bleak milestone that will continue to grow unless world leaders stop wars,” the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, declared. In the first half of 2020, over 80 million people were forcibly displaced globally as a result of war and conflict.

It is indeed one of the biggest contradictions for the UN to claim world leaders are instigating war, when the same world leaders congregate together at the UN’s headquarters to maintain the discrepancy between human rights and human rights violations, in order to create a false equivalence between peace and security. Peace can have no tangible definition when it is derived from security, which is heavily based upon militarisation, surveillance and aggression.

In addition, the erroneous distinction between the humanitarian consequences and the aggressive actions of governments is contributing to policies in which refugees are only relevant to the politics of exclusion.

Pushback policies, the targeting of refugee trajectories ostensibly to disrupt human trafficking, border closures, refugee camps and state violence have all been used by world leaders in their alleged fight against migration, which is the euphemism used to disguise the political war against refugees, and all in violation of international law.

The UN is complicit in this extension of violence. Rhetoric condemning military solutions to solve the refugee crisis does not address the source – that is, military violence, which is one of the main instigators of forced displacement. The UN Security Council, which is tasked with determining actions that breach peace and security, adopts a militarised approach that triggers and maintains cycles of forced displacement globally. Not to mention the cohesion between the UN and NATO – the UNSC has provided mandates for foreign intervention to NATO, creating the conditions for globalised violence, while international humanitarian law is later invoked in a futile coverup for the committed violations.

Chapter 7 of the UN Charter outlines the UNSC’s role – its hypocrisy perhaps best outlined in Article 43 (1): “All members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.”

NATO describes its alliance with the UN as “pragmatic interaction”. In 2008, both institutions updated their cooperation framework. “Mindful that prevention and resolution of conflicts not only saves lives but represents a more efficient use of resources, the UN and NATO will continue to work together to help national authorities to strengthen their capabilities to address emerging crises.”

Yet NATO and the UN have instigated conflict and foreign intervention, upon the pretext of peace, security and democracy. For organisations that thrive upon militarisation, refugees are merely the extension of war – a humanitarian phenomenon that is exploited to justify political narratives on security at the expense of humanity. There is no recognition of how the countries deciding the fate of forcibly displaced people are acutely involved in their dispersal. The contradiction of expecting world leaders to find solutions for refugees while international institutions perpetuate the violation f forced displacement is not an issue that the UN or NATO would wish to address.

Instead of the UN sustaining refugees, refugees are sustaining UN politics, albeit unwittingly. In 2018, which was also described as a record in terms of forced displacement, Grandi rhetorically asked, “When is the last conflict that you remember was resolved?” A question which would be best directed at the institutions proclaiming the defence of human rights while eradicating their very foundations.


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dc64cd No.161427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039775 (151851ZDEC20) Notable: South Front Reports: Map Update: Israeli Strikes On Syria In 2020

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Map Update: Israeli Strikes On Syria In 2020

The tensions between the US-Israeli bloc and Iranian-led forces in the Greater Middle East are especially clear if one takes into account what has been happening in Syria in 2020.


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dc64cd No.161428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039779 (151852ZDEC20) Notable: Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

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Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

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dc64cd No.161429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039792 (151853ZDEC20) Notable: Sheriff stands up to Bogus COVID orders

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Orange County, California, Sheriff Don Barnes said Tuesday that he will not release 1,800 prisoners into the community despite a court order that says he must do so to prevent COVID-19 infection.

“I think they present a serious threat,” Barnes said on “Fox & Friends.” “The only inmates remaining now are serious offenders and to order the release of 1,800 inmates, 700 of which would be medically vulnerable, I think is absurd.”

Orange County Civil Court Judge Peter Wilson ordered Barnes to release the 1,800 inmates Tuesday, supporting a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union that argued the prison was overcrowded and ideally suited for spreading coronavirus.

“Of the medically vulnerable, 90 of them are in custody for murder or attempted murder, 94 for child molestation. It’s an incredible order he placed on me and I have no intention of doing that — of releasing these individuals back into the community,” Barnes argued.

Some California prisoners have been caught deliberating infecting themselves with coronavirus in the hope of being released early from their incarceration.

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dc64cd No.161430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039796 (151853ZDEC20) Notable: Paris Goes Into Night Time Lockdown as Government Fights Spread of COVID

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Paris Goes Into Night Time Lockdown as Government Fights Spread of COVID

Earlier on Tuesday, theatres and cinemas in Paris were ordered to remain closed for a few more weeks amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Watch a live broadcast from Paris as the city enters its nighttime coronavirus lockdown on Tuesday.

The French authorities recently imposed a curfew in the capital from 8pm-6am to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Families will, however, be allowed to meet on Christmas Eve.

Earlier in the day, some cultural venues, including cinemas and theatres, were ordered to remain closed until at least early January. This enraged entertainment sector employees, many of whom protested in central Paris.


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dc64cd No.161431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039826 (151855ZDEC20) Notable: Inside the Sinaloa Cartel’s Move Toward Europe

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Inside the Sinaloa Cartel’s Move Toward Europe

Police agencies have long known that Mexican drug cartels help supply Europe’s nearly US$10 billion annual cocaine habit, but acknowledge they have little idea about the workings of these highly organized and well-financed operations.

But now, a recent Italian police investigation, code-named Operation Halcon, has provided the most in-depth look yet into how Mexico’s leading drug traffickers, the Sinaloa Cartel, do business in Europe. IrpiMedia, OCCRP’s Italian partner, obtained access to police files and surveillance reports that show the cartel’s methods in unprecedented detail.

About This Report

This article was produced in collaboration with “The Cartel Project,” an investigation coordinated by Paris-based Forbidden Stories. It involves 60 journalists from 25 organizations in 18 countries and involves various aspects of Mexican cartel violence, including the murders of journalists in Veracruz state. Forbidden Stories is a nonprofit group dedicated to continuing the work of journalists silenced by homicide.

Read more


Operation Halcon started in early 2019, at a time when Europe was being flooded with cocaine from Latin America. The Sinaloa Cartel, a global leader in cocaine sales with operations in at least 50 countries, was looking for new routes into Italy as a way to expand its European presence. Mexican cartels already sold synthetic drugs such as methamphetamine on the continent, but Colombian, Albanian, and Italian organized crime have historically dominated Europe’s cocaine trade.

Most drugs arrive in Europe by ship, usually to large ports with good connections to other major cities. Sinaloa wanted to establish another route: Bulk shipment by private planes flying into small airports in Southern Italy, with the drugs then trans-shipped to other parts of the country.

Catania, a mid-size city on Sicily’s eastern coast, was chosen for a test. The area, which was rapidly becoming a tourist destination, offered an international airport and a special draw: an airport official willing to help.

The Informant

The cartel’s plan didn’t stay secret for long. The Organized Crime Investigation Group (GICO), the anti-mafia unit of Italy’s financial police in Catania, learned from an informant in January 2019 that Sinaloa was planning to fly in cocaine from Colombia.

The tip seemed odd. Catania isn’t known as a hub for international drug trafficking, and direct drug flights using private planes are generally unknown in Italy. Catania–Fontanarossa Airport had only limited international service, while the local port sees relatively little commercial traffic.

But the local head of the GICO, Captain Pablo Leccese, took the report seriously. In less than three months, the unit identified the cartel’s players in southern Italy: Guatemalans Daniel “Tito” Esteban Ortega Ubeda and Felix Ruben Villagran Lopez. The airport insider was identified only by his nickname, Don Señor.


Credit: Guardia di Finanza

Felix Ruben Villagran Lopez.

Ortega and Villagran were working with another Guatemalan, Luis Fernando Morales Hernandez, alias “El Suegro,” or “The Father-in-Law,” who would make arrangements for the shipment in Colombia.

The police informant added more names to the file. The cell operating in Catania was under the direction of a shadowy Sinaloa leader known as “El Flaco,” or “Skinny,” whom police identified as second-in-command of the entire cartel after drug lord Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia.

El Flaco was soon to meet Don Señor to work out the logistics for handling the cocaine flight and the distribution of its cargo to buyers from various organized crime groups who would come for it.

The Italian police would be waiting for them.



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dc64cd No.161432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039836 (151856ZDEC20) Notable: WHO Denies Italy COVID Cover-up

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WHO Denies Italy COVID Cover-up

The World Health Organization (WHO) has rejected accusations that it covered up a report critical of Italy’s COVID-19 response, despite warnings from one of the authors that burying it could cause a “scandal of huge proportion” that would damage the agency’s credibility.

The study appeared on the WHO website for just one day in May, and showed that Italy had failed to update its pandemic plan in the years before COVID-19 struck the country, which has suffered one of the highest numbers of deaths in Europe.

Immediately after the study was taken offline, one of its authors, Francesco Zambon, wrote to WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom, requesting a meeting, according to emails obtained by OCCRP.

“I am confident you will give this due consideration acknowledging that a [media] and political scandal of huge proportion – in a delicate moment for WHO with the forthcoming COVID-19 investigation – could happen at any moment,” Zambon wrote.

His warning appears to have been prescient.

National and foreign media have reported on the scandal, with the Italian public broadcaster’s flagship investigative journalism program, Report, focusing on Ranieri Guerra, a senior WHO official. Before joining the WHO, Guerra was director of prevention at the Italian Ministry of Health from 2014 to 2017, and was in charge of updating the pandemic plan.

Prosecutors in the hard-hit region of Lombardy have launched a preliminary investigation into the health ministry’s failure to update its pandemic plan, as required by European Union regulations, and have questioned Guerra.

A WHO spokesperson said the decision to quickly remove the study had nothing to do with protecting former or current officials from the Italian health ministry. The spokesperson said the WHO had not attempted to cover up the study.

"No, we have not! WHO engages in frank and forthright communication with governments on an ongoing basis. The organization undertakes all activities impartially," a spokesperson for the European regional office told OCCRP.

In his email to Adhanom and other top WHO officials, Zambon said the report he co-authored contained “key lessons” from Italy’s flawed response. He said that in removing the report, the WHO could be “preventing lives to be saved.”

The 100-page study entitled "An unprecedented challenge – Italy’s first response to COVID-19" was based on interviews with scientists, politicians and other experts. The researchers set out to understand the first phase of Italy’s response, with the goal of assisting other countries hit by the pandemic.

“Unprepared for such a flood of severely ill patients, the initial reaction of the hospitals was improvised, chaotic and creative,” the study found.

Critically, the researchers noted that Italy’s health ministry had failed to improve its pandemic plan as required. Instead, it was still using a plan issued in 2006.

Guerra wanted the researchers to change that date to 2016, which would give the impression the plan had been updated, according to an email he sent to Zambon, a fellow Italian who works at the WHO office in Venice.

As part of their probe, prosecutors in Lombardy hoped to question Zambon about the matter, and they wrote to the WHO requesting his presence. But the WHO rejected the request.

“WHO staff members and experts are not authorised to represent the Organization and speak on its behalf, including before national courts unless expressly authorized to do so,” the agency wrote to prosecutors in a November letter seen by OCCRP.

Although the WHO prevented Zambon from testifying, the agency allowed Guerra to speak to prosecutors, telling OCCRP that he did so “in his personal capacity.”

However, a document provided to OCCRP of Guerra's travel expenses to Bergamo, where the prosecutors are based, indicates that the WHO considered it a work trip – the agency paid him a per diem, which was listed as "duty travel."


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dc64cd No.161433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039843 (151857ZDEC20) Notable: Where real profits go in the wars

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"The pattern of rightwing not-for-profits promoting public protests while still more radical groups use lockdown resistance as a platform for extreme rightwing causes looks set to continue in events advertised in other states over coming days.

In Idaho on Friday, protesters plan to gather at the capitol building in Boise to protest anti-virus restrictions put in place by the Republican governor, Brad Little.

The protest has been heavily promoted by the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), which counts among its donors “dark money” funds linked to theKoch brotherssuch as Donors Capital Fund, and Castle Rock, a foundation seeded with part of the fortune of Adolph Coors, the rightwing beer magnate."

Charles Koch, George Soros Help Fund Think Tank

Opposed To 'Endless War'

Welcome to 21st-century politics (finally) with creation of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

"The Boston Globe reports the "astonishing turn" that organizations created by libertarian billionaireCharles Kochand progressive billionaire George Soros are helping to fund a new think tank, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. The new group is committed to promoting "ideas that move U.S. foreign policy away from endless war and toward vigorous diplomacy in the pursuit of international peace."

From the Globe's write-up:

"It will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, and bombing. This is a radical notion in Washington, where every major think tank promotes some variant of neocon militarism or liberal interventionism.Soros and Koch are uniting to revive the fading vision of a peaceable United States.The street cred they bring from both ends of the political spectrum—along with the money they are providing—will make this new think tank an off-pitch voice for statesmanship amid a Washington chorus that promotes brinksmanship….

The institute plans to open its doors in September and hold an official inauguration later in the autumn. Its founding donors—Soros's Open Society Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation—have each contributed half a million dollars to fund its takeoff. A handful of individual donors have joined to add another $800,000. By next year the institute hopes to have a $3.5 million budget and a staff of policy experts who will churn out material for use in Congress and in public debates. Hiring is underway. Among [Trita] Parsi's co-founders are several well-known critics of American foreign policy, including Suzanne DiMaggio, who has spent decades promoting negotiated alternatives to conflict with China, Iran, and North Korea; the historian and essayist Stephen Wertheim; and the anti-militarist author and retired Army colonel Andrew Bacevich."





Where real profits go in the wars

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dc64cd No.161434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039862 (151858ZDEC20) Notable: "RichPlanet.net??"

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"Richplanet has received nearly 1,000 emails from concerned citizens about many different aspects of this frustrating and highly concerning situation, which humanity has been plunged into. With help from campaigner and Richplanet stalwart Andrew Johnson, Richard explores areas including germ theory, evidence of pre-planning, evidence of fraudulent statistics, legal challenges, vaccination, propaganda, censorship, Bill Gates, Geopolitics and the new monetary and technocratic systems which are being planned as a result of a blatantly engineered "crisis". Humanity is being dehumanised in a number of ways, the population of the world must protest harder if freedom is to be re-gained."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039883 (151900ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed?

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#15369 FINAL Notables

>>161339, >>161340, >>161358, >>161405 Peter Nygard Files++

>>161341 Rinos Rinoing

>>161342, >>161357 Privacy Data Rules Fines First+Others

>>161343, >>161346, >>161353, >>161361, >>161364, >>161369, >>161379, >>161392, >>161394, >>161396 (FTR Anons.

>>161344 New FULL LENGTH @CNN 9AM Editorial Call From 10-07-20

>>161345, >>161370, >>161385, >>161387, >>161393, >>161406 Dominion MachineElection Digs

>>161347 Another SEC director leaving. Fourth person leaving SEC in weeks.

>>161348 Flynn Tweets Trump ++Morale Go Show Some Love

>>161349, >>161371, >>161387, >>161391, >>161397, >>161400, >>161408 US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

>>161350, >>161375 Link to MI Dominion CEO HearingLive!

>>161351 Facebook Complicit in Surge of Counterfeit Sales Online

>>161352 Massive TikToker loses access to account with 100 million followers: 'TikTok locked everyone out'

>>161354 And Where are the Biohazrd Waste Disposal Centers? NYC mayor: Restaurants need to close, but everyone should ride the subway

>>161355, >>161372, >>161414 Nothing is what it seems. + Coordinates

>>161356, >>161389, >>161401 (WH Presser (Live!

>>161359 Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

>>161360 Cheeky Brits flag BBC & politicians after Metropolitan Police asks public to report ‘extremist views’

>>161362 Biden Transition Leader Partnered With Chinese Military Think Tank, Worked Under Top CCP Defense Officials

>>161363 Chinese Astrologicals Snake Eat Rat?

>>161365, >>161367, >>161368 S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act LawAnon Review+

>>161366, >>161382 “I don’t care about my legacy,” he said. “I’ll be dead.” +digs

>>161373 EU Fishermen Threaten to Blockade Ports If No Deal Ends Their Fishing Claims

>>161374 Pakistani Migrant Accused of Drugging and Raping Minors

>>161376 Oh they'll cooperate with big business! Fauci says Biden and Harris must go to the head of the vaccination line ASAP

>>161377 London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

>>161378 Sweden suffers deadliest November since Spanish flu era as Stockholm ICUs hit 99 percent capacity

>>161380 Yahoo Groups has been shut down

>>161381 Kamala Harris Pushes Gun Control ‘To Keep Our Children Safe’

>>161383 Biden's office warned in 2015 that Ukrainian oligarch who hired son Hunter was deemed corrupt

>>161384 NEW - Google is "worried" about the intentions of the European Commission to regulate digital services.

>>161386 SEN JOHNSON on HANNITY: Joe Biden Lied to the Public About Ties to Communist China

>>161388 “That’s An 8500% Markup”: Doctor Goes Viral On Twitter After Sharing A Thread About How Retail Pharmacies Put A Ridiculous Markup On Medicine

>>161390 Uber is facing $59M fine from California regulators and could be shut down if it does provide information on 6,000 sexual assault and harassment claims filed by drivers and riders

>>161395 This seems to come outta nowhere: Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?

>>161399 Duke delayed family holidays to party with Epstein: These exclusive pictures show Andrew in the Bahamas with his daughters. Now our probe reveals the bombshell 48 hours he was on paedophile's island

>>161404 Yep and it’s not just Pelosi either… While serving as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s net worth went from $24- to over $100 million USD. (Official salary is $220k/year)

>>161398 Worth a dig?

>>161407 CM: MSM has their marching orders

>>161409 CDC to suspend data collection for 2020-2021 flu season amid rising COVID-19 deaths, causing all flu deaths to be counted as “covid deaths”

>>161410, >>161412 (CM: Bunch of people reaching out to me that they are getting messages from superiors telling them to be prepared for an imminent emergency announcement. Its probably nothing though, right?

>>161411 Rouhani: Iran Will Return to Nuclear Deal Within an Hour of US Doing So

>>161413 Los Angeles’s newly elected, George Soros-funded district attorney is set to enact sentencing requirements that will take the sentence of life without parole off the table for a cop killer


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039896 (151900ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden Admits He as a “Bit of a Cold” After Coughing Nonstop During His Speech

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Joe Biden Admits He as a “Bit of a Cold” After Coughing Nonstop During His Speech

78-year-old Joe Biden coughed his way through a press conference where he prematurely declared victory on Monday evening.

Biden was coughing nonstop as he delivered his speech.

Everyone noticed and many people thought he may have Covid.

After coughing and clearing his throat dozens of times, Biden wrapped up his short speech and shuffled away from the lectern.

Joe Biden looked feeble as he stiffly shuffled out of the room with his wife Jill guiding him.

Biden is not well and he admitted to having a ‘bit of a cold’ during a call with one of his only supporters after his speech.

Virtually no one watched Biden’s speech but he supposedly got 80 million votes.

“Thank you, I have a little bit of a cold, I’m sorry, but look, you know, you did it, you did it, not a joke,” Biden said to a caller.

“This campaign for president was more like the first time I ran as a 29-year-old for the Senate. I believed that ordinary folks and extraordinary folks would get together and make this work. You didn’t let us down. You didn’t let the country down. I really mean it, think about it,” Biden said.

Biden shuffled away then snapped back at Fox News reporter Peter Doocey for shouting questions about Hunter Biden.


All Flu cases are Covid this year aren't they?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039943 (151904ZDEC20) Notable: "RichPlanet.net??"

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"Richplanet has received nearly 1,000 emails from concerned citizens about many different aspects of this frustrating and highly concerning situation, which humanity has been plunged into. With help from campaigner and Richplanet stalwart Andrew Johnson, Richard explores areas including germ theory, evidence of pre-planning, evidence of fraudulent statistics, legal challenges, vaccination, propaganda, censorship, Bill Gates, Geopolitics and the new monetary and technocratic systems which are being planned as a result of a blatantly engineered "crisis". Humanity is being dehumanised in a number of ways, the population of the world must protest harder if freedom is to be re-gained."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039948 (151904ZDEC20) Notable: Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

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Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

The Rambo of theDEEPState Department is leaving. James Jeffrey, the outgoing Syria envoy, boasts about his achievements in a recent candid interview with Al-Monitor which with no sense of shame opens up to public gaze the the cynicism, callousness and sheer power-crazedness of US policy on Syria, conducted as though it were a video game or a game of Monopoly.

Jeffrey makes no bones about it. It’s not about ending the Syrian conflict, it’s about prolonging it:

Basically, first and foremost is denial of the [Assad regime] getting military victory….And of course, we’ve ratcheted up the isolation and sanctions pressure on Assad, we’ve held the line on no reconstruction assistance, and the country’s desperate for it. You see what’s happened to the Syrian pound, you see what’s happened to the entire economy. So, it’s been a very effective strategy….

The point is, this [preserving the SDF] is our plan B. We have a plan A. Plan A doesn’t answer ‘how does this all end?’ Plan A’s whole purpose [is] to ensure that the Russians and Assad and the Iranians don’t have a happy answer to how this all ends, and maybe that will someday get them to accept Plan B. Meanwhile, they’re tied up in knots. They don’t see Syria as a victory.

So, we don’t care a jot if Syrian people are suffering greatly, that’s part of the plan. We are happy to prolong the suffering indefinitely as long as the Russians, Iranians and Assad can’t claim victory.

Plan B, by the way, requires implementation on US terms of UN resolution 2254, which would amount effectively to a suicide note for Assad as under those terms it would allow millions of Syrians outside Syria to vote and thus decide the fate of those still inside.

At no point in this lengthy interview does Jeffrey even mention the Syrian people. The only Syrians (condescendingly) mentioned are the Kurdish militia SDF:

The SDF, they’re clean kids. I’ve gotten to know them and their leadership very, very well. They really are phenomenal, by Middle Eastern standards. They’re a highly disciplined Marxist offshoot of the PKK.

So, let’s get this straight: the US is supporting a bunch of Marxists in North East Syria to stop Assad getting the much needed oil for the Syrian people and is indifferent to the fact that Idlib is controlled by a bunch of Islamist fanatics?

Jeffrey in fact does not say a single word about the character of the opposition to acknowledge their Islamist extremism, or about the likely consequences if Plan B were to succeed and deliver the keys of Damascus to Islamist radicals. In this game – and a game is clearly how callous power-crazed Washington policy makers see it – only preventing victory by the other side matters.

Trump emerges as relatively sensible, which is saying a lot.

The president was uncomfortable with our presence in Syria. He was very uncomfortable with what he saw as endless wars. … Trump kept asking, “Why do we have troops there?”

The reason that Trump pulled the troops out was I think because he was just tired of us having come up with all these explanations for why we’re in there.

We at the State Department never provided any troop numbers to the president. That’s not our job. We didn’t try to deceive him. He kept on publicly saying numbers that were way below what the actual numbers were, so in talking to the media and talking to Congress, we had to be very careful and dodge around. But the Syria mission is the gift that keeps on giving. We and the SDF are still the dominant force in [northeast] Syria.

‘Not our job?’ The deviousness of this is breathtaking. The US State Department deliberately withheld crucial information from the President in order to get their way on keeping their counters on the Monopoly board which for them is Syria.

It’s no surprise that someone of Jeffrey’s calibre boasts about helping Israel to pulverise Syria:



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dc64cd No.161439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040073 (151914ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Lobbyists Paid McConnell Thousands Before He Crushed Election Integrity Bills, Ignored Election Contests

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Dominion Lobbyists Paid McConnell Thousands Before He Crushed Election Integrity Bills, Ignored Election Contests

The Senate Majority Leader wouldn't allow a vote on the bills in July last year

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) quashed two election integrity bills in July last year after receiving thousands in donations from Dominion lobbyists.

In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to “bolster election security,” along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them.

“Clearly this request is not a serious effort to make a law. Clearly something so partisan that it only received one single solitary Republican vote in the House is not going to travel through the Senate by unanimous consent,” said McConnell on the Senate floor, as he refused to allow the bills to be put to a vote.

However, within the previous year, multiple lobbyists representing Dominion Voting Systems and Election Systems and Software, who together make up around 80% of all voting machines in the country, donated thouands of dollars to the McConnell campaign.

David Cohen and Brian Wild, both of lobbyist Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, who lobbied for Dominion in 2019, donated $2,000 and $1,000 respectively to the McConnell campaign funds. And around the same time, Emily Kirlin and Jen Olson, who have lobbied for ES&S, also donated $1,000 each.

Interestingly, these donations occurred throughout March of 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic first reached the United States and mail-in voting became an almost certainty for the 2020 election.

FLASHBACK: "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security…"

McConnell killed a voting security act that would have hammered Dominion, after receiving *thousands* from the foreign company's lobbyists.🤔🔻https://t.co/MmedjAojM7 pic.twitter.com/cRoegIhlI7

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 15, 2020

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Recieved Money From Dominion, Squashed 2 Voter Security Bills pic.twitter.com/bntzOB3KFL

— Chief America 1st Trumpster (President Elect) (@ChiefTrumpster) December 15, 2020

McConnell on Tuesday praised the processes and outcome of the presidential election, and appeared to align himself with Vice President Biden. “Americans voted in this year’s general election. Legal and Constitutional processes have continued to play out since then,” McConnell said. “As of this morning, our country has officially a president-elect, and a vice-president elect.”

The Senate Majority Leader didn’t mention any of the currently ongoing lawsuits exposing the lack of integrity in the election, or any of the several slates of alternate electors sent by the contested states. “Our system of government has processes to determine who will be sworn in on January 20, the Electoral College has spoken.” McConnell added. “So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”

Thanks for playing, @DonBlankenship. #WVSen pic.twitter.com/TV1ETgQdmu

— Team Mitch (Text MITCH to 47360) (@Team_Mitch) May 9, 2018

National File reported in November that Roger Stone, longtime Trump ally and close friend, said that “100% of the voting machines and voting systems in this country are using the same software that Dominion has been using to switch votes.” This software, known as “Election Guard,” Stone alleges, was created by Microsoft at the behest of Bill Gates himself.

#RogerStone Reveals the Mass Manipulator of the 2020 Vote: It’s @BillGates pic.twitter.com/NiiT9qpkUt

— Enrique Alejandro (@EnriqueAleTV) November 21, 2020


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dc64cd No.161440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040076 (151914ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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I 'member


Fake Claims About Dominion Voting Systems Do Real Damage

Our machines have no secret ‘vote flipping’ algorithm. We have no ties to dictator Hugo Chávez.

By John Poulos

Nov. 30, 2020 11:56 am ET


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dc64cd No.161441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040114 (151916ZDEC20) Notable: Who's hiding 'Russiagate' informant Stephen Halper, and why?

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Who's hiding 'Russiagate' informant Stephen Halper, and why?

Questions raised over what became of the subpoena and no-show of FBI informant Stefan Halper and his handler, Stephen Somma

As Special Counsel John Durham carries on with the investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation, widening his prosecutorial team, critical questions linger over the role played by FBI informant Stefan Halper and his longtime FBI handler, Stephen Somma.

Halper emerged in the middle of the firestorm in May 2018, when his identity as the secret FBI informant embroiled in Crossfire Hurricane was exposed. It cast a dark shadow on his prestigious career as a foreign policy expert, Cambridge professor, author and analyst with deep ties to intelligence figureheads and sources spawning the globe.

But since then he appears to have been hidden from public view. The whereabouts of Somma, who subsequently was exposed as his handler and shared blame for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) mishaps against Trump campaign aide Carter Page, also have been unclear.

Despite both Halper and Somma being poised as having played a pivotal part in the U.S. counterintelligence operation Crossfire Hurricane – which officially ran from July 31, 2016, to May 17, 2017, to determine "whether individuals associated with Donald Trump's presidential campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election" – neither of them have testified publicly about their roles and what they knew.

"The key is getting Halper (and Somma) to testify publicly, once he speaks, this whole thing unravels," Steven Schrage, a former senior G8 and congressional chief of staff, whose studies Halper directly supervised as the "Russiagate" scandal was playing out, told Fox News. "So, who is protecting him and why?"

Trumpeted efforts to bring Halper into the limelight in recent months also have fallen into the abyss.

An alumnus of three Republican administrations and given further gravitas by his esteemed position as a Cambridge University professor, Halper convened conferences and gatherings rich with high-profile guests including Michael Flynn, who served as Defense Intelligence Agency chief at the time, before his brief stint at Trump's national security adviser ahead of the Russiagate implosion.

In June, Senate Judiciary Committee authorized Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to issue subpoenas related to oversight of the FISA process and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, on which Somma was named.

"I want to know why all these counterintelligence investigations were opened to begin with," Graham said in a statement at the time. "This Committee is not going to sit on the sidelines and simply move on."

Schrage had been working with Durham's investigation since 2019. However, he told Durham in June that he needed to reach out to other investigators due to their lack of action and concern that important evidence would stay hidden from the public past the 2020 election.

Days later, in a letter obtained exclusively by Fox News, dated June 8, 2020, Schrage informed Graham that he had "information that may be indispensable to revealing critical facts on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation."

"Your subpoenas and hearing may be the last chance to expose vital information being kept from you and that risks being buried after the 2020 election," Schrage, a former Senate chief of staff, wrote, adding that he was willing to meet with Graham or with his top staff members on short notice.

After following up for several days, Schrage said he received a response from a staffer who said neither Graham nor his top aides were willing to meet on this evidence. However, a Senate Judiciary staffer told Fox News that the panel did not receive enough information to evaluate what the evidence was and that Schrage did not want to talk to a senior investigator in advance, which they had offered.


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dc64cd No.161442

File: c03320ff09465d3⋯.png (42.5 KB,1125x368,1125:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040138 (151918ZDEC20) Notable: Real anons digging the trafficking front

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Real anons digging the trafficking front

Eyes on


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dc64cd No.161443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040149 (151919ZDEC20) Notable: Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your “Papers” the “New Normal?”

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Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your “Papers” the “New Normal?”

Life cannot return to normal until there is a vaccine for COVID 19.

At least, that is what governments, corporations, and their mainstream propaganda media outlets have been incessantly arguing. Interestingly, the development of that vaccine was “warp speed,” allegedly at the behest of the Trump administration.

“Warp speed” also took place in other countries like the UK, where shots have been administered. This information has caused some to question whether the vaccine was ready long before the announcement was made or, indeed, before the pandemic ever began.

They tried to warn us about mandated vaccines

Years ago, “conspiracy theorists” were ridiculed for warning of a system in which vaccines would be required to access normal aspects of life. Today, however, government officials and MSM are now openly discussing the very same system.

In case you have been living under a rock for the past several weeks, here are several instances where the “public discussion” has centered around the idea of a “vaccine passport” or “immunity passport” or the general blockade and sanctioning of anyone not willing to take the jab.

Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario Dr. David Williams recently stated that individuals who refuse the COVID-19 vaccination might “face some limits.” Some of the “limits” he suggested included not being able to enter a hospital or nursing home without showing proof of having been vaccinated without personal protective equipment.

Welcome to the new normal: Vaccine Passports and Health Passes

For the moment, vaccine passports are mainly intended for international travel. However, their use can be extended to many other areas of life. Vaccine passports in the form of free mobile apps in which a traveler (or event goer, employee, or shopper) uploads their COVID-19 test results or vaccination status.

There are currently two existing vaccine passports options, one being operational in the United States right now.

Common Pass: Created by Commons Project, this health pass has been in international use since October on United and Cathay Pacific flights between New York, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Common Pass operates via Apple’s Health app on iOS and CommonHealth for Android. It connects to 230 US health systems. It functions as a scannable QR code and can store a passenger’s test or vaccine data and travel plans. (It is not yet publicly available for download.)

IATA Travel Pass: Expected to launch in early 2021, IATA Travel Pass, is currently under development by the International Transport Association. According to the IATA website, the digital pass for travelers is: A global and standardized solution to validate and authenticate all country regulations regarding COVID-19 passenger travel requirements.

Vaccination tickets: the future of concert and event-goers

Ticketmaster announced that it is exploring the possibility of requiring proof of vaccination for ticket purchases and entrance to events. An article published on Billboard stated:

Ticketmaster has been working on a framework for post-pandemic fan safety that uses smartphones to verify fans’ vaccination status or whether they’ve tested negative for the coronavirus within a 24 to 72-hour window.

Many details of the plan, still in development, will rely on three separate components: the Ticketmaster digital ticket app, third party health information companies like CLEAR Health Pass or IBM’s Digital Health Pass, and testing and vaccine providers like LabCorp and CVS Minute Clinic.

If the vaccination tickets are approved, how would it work?

The Billboard article gives further details about what people will have to do to attend concerts and other events.

After purchasing tickets, concert fans will have to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or test negative 24-72 hours before the event

Fans must have proof of vaccination or test results delivered to a health pass company, such as CLEAR or IBM

Health pass company verifies the attendee’s COVID-19 status to Ticketmaster (Ticketmaster will not be granted access to fan’s medical records)

Vaccinated fans or those with negative test results would be issued the credentials needed to access the event by Ticketmaster

Fans testing positive or who can not verify their status will not be granted access to any event.



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dc64cd No.161444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040163 (151920ZDEC20) Notable: #15370

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>>>/qresearch/12040089, >>>/qresearch/12040093


Notables are NOT endorsements

#15370 BAKING A LITTLE EARLY! Need a breather.

>>161415 Questions arise over whether Trump should employ 2018 order against foreign election influence

>>161416 Consultancy Linked to Biden Nominees Scrubs Middle East Ops From Site

>>161417 Earthquakes in Maine?

>>161418 Rep. Van Drew: 'Absurd' for Dems to say he shouldn't be seated in House for backing election lawsuit

>>161419 Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief; doesn’t tell Gantz

>>161420, >>161423 Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th – 24th

>>161421 "IT’S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “unrestricted warfare” to defeat the US military and conquer North America"

>>161422 Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway

>>161424 Locked Thread Bun

>>161425 Big tech executives donated tens of thousands of dollars to Biden campaign

>>161426 The UN and NATO Exploit the Refugee Crisis to Promote the Rhetoric of Peace and Security

>>161427 South Front Reports: Map Update: Israeli Strikes On Syria In 2020

>>161428 Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

>>161429 Sheriff stands up to Bogus COVID orders

>>161430 Paris Goes Into Night Time Lockdown as Government Fights Spread of COVID

>>161431 Inside the Sinaloa Cartel’s Move Toward Europe

>>161432 WHO Denies Italy COVID Cover-up

>>161433 Where real profits go in the wars

>>161434, >>161437 "RichPlanet.net??"

>>161435 Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed?

>>161436 Joe Biden Admits He as a “Bit of a Cold” After Coughing Nonstop During His Speech

>>161438 Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

>>161439 Dominion Lobbyists Paid McConnell Thousands Before He Crushed Election Integrity Bills, Ignored Election Contests

>>161440 Remember This?

>>161441 Who's hiding 'Russiagate' informant Stephen Halper, and why?

>>161442 Real anons digging the trafficking front

>>161443 Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your “Papers” the “New Normal?”

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dc64cd No.161445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039420 (151823ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Dough

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dc64cd No.161446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039444 (151824ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Tribunal Talks

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Only saying this once. Barr had to leave his official post. Why? Because he's going to be a witness in the upcoming Tribunals.

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dc64cd No.161447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039522 (151830ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Anyone else hearing lovely booms today? USMC Tweets: Rocking Everywhere'''', MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_1.png

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Rocking Everywhere


Marines fire an M224A1 60mm mortar system during exercise Fuji Viper 21.1 at Combined Arms Training Center, Camp Fuji, Japan. During this evolution, Marines demonstrated their distributed infantry and combined arms skills.


>rocking everywhere


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dc64cd No.161448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039565 (151834ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / UK = Covid

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UK = Covid

The first new variant of Coronavirus was just identified in England. England was also the first country to introduce the vaccine. Get ready for an endless cycle of new strains and fear mongering.

The vaccine is being pushed as a vehicle for relief, when in actuality, as all vaccines do, it will push more mutations of the coronavirus that are more resilient. The end of this BBC article, one of the largest arms of propaganda in the world, even states that themselves


They have known about 6 distinct types for months


And the WHO have had over 84,000 strains on file for months


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dc64cd No.161449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039573 (151834ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Prison is "legal torture" Cori Bush

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Prison is "legal torture" Cori Bush


Incoming House Democrat Cori Bush is calling on president-elect Joe Biden to offer clemency to those on death row end the death penalty.

Ms Bush, representative-elect for Missouri's 1st congressional district, urged Mr Biden to grant clemency to all 52 prisoners currently on death row in the US.

Her comments come as the outgoing Trump administration presses ahead with a spate of federal executions despite a surge of coronavirus cases in prisons.

Writing in a piece published by Time magazine on Monday, Ms Bush asked the incoming president to consider ending the federal government's "legal torture" of inmates when he assumes office.

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dc64cd No.161450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039577 (151835ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Lin Wood Agrees! "I am with you, Ashley" RT+, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_1.png

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Lin Wood

I am with you, Ashley @AshleyWeis4


@DNI_Ratcliffe reports to @realDonaldTrump.

When he does so, President Trump will intervene & act. The President will take all necessary steps to make certain the laws of our country are faithfully executed. Trust Trump.


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dc64cd No.161451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039639 (151840ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Lin Wood Agrees! "I am with you, Ashley" RT+, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_1.png

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Lin Wood

I don’t believe @GOPChairwoman is with you, Ashley @AshleyWeis4. Her disloyalty will be revealed soon. The People of @GOPwho supported @realDonaldTrump are with you. The leadership of GOP is not.

I guarantee you that @GenFlynn



ARE with you.


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dc64cd No.161452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039659 (151841ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Thanks for the topcover

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>oss showed up yesterday with a bake pulling the same shit. they're all the same team, just with new identifiers.

What exactly did I do yesterday?

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dc64cd No.161453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039721 (151846ZDEC20) Notable: Locked Thread Bun / Important information

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They use what ground they've taken to disrupt the board when they lose confidence in their ability to censor otherwise.

Baker drama / split thread is fabricated suppression of our coherency.

For what it's worth to the sincere observer, I feel as distant as you do while they blame their fellow co-workers for the chaos they both create~

That's the truth you'll never hear.

From someone who has had a birds eye view during this time, OSS hero sounds like a cheap rebranding of "Eat Shit Shills" baker who's job was to fuck up the weekend threads, who appears in tactical tandem with loli baker.

Their. Game. Doesn't. Change. As much as they want you to thin~k.

They need:

To control the flow/priority of information (Baker)

To control the drumbeat of the hivemind ("weighted" personalities on the board)

To keep you eating shit (Demoralized - unable to accept new information / generate insights)

They'll create whatever game they need, and shift whatever personalities they need, to keep this up.

Now You Know.

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dc64cd No.161454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040376 (151939ZDEC20) Notable: the ceo of Dominion is testifying before the Michigan Legislature as we speak.

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the ceo of Dominion is testifying before the Michigan Legislature as we speak.

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dc64cd No.161455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040468 (151950ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems CEO Testifies to Michigan Legislature

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Dominion Voting Systems CEO Testifies to Michigan Legislature

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dc64cd No.161456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040503 (151953ZDEC20) Notable: Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

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Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

503 watching now•Started streaming 94 minutes ago

The White House

1.77M subscribers

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dc64cd No.161457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040532 (151956ZDEC20) Notable: Fleeing New Yorkers Resulted in $34B in Lost Income

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Fleeing New Yorkers Resulted in $34B in Lost Income


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dc64cd No.161458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040550 (151958ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats Resigned to Dropping Local Aid in COVID-19 Bill

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Hummmm…wonder why?

Democrats Resigned to Dropping Local Aid in COVID-19 Bill


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dc64cd No.161459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040576 (152001ZDEC20) Notable: Tony Pham Stepping Down as Acting ICE Director

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Tony Pham Stepping Down as Acting ICE Director


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dc64cd No.161460

File: 15da759f4f39659⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,535x411,535:411,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040610 (152003ZDEC20) Notable: DAN SCAVINO TWEETS

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dc64cd No.161461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040635 (152005ZDEC20) Notable: Ratcliffe: Space Force to become 18th member of the U.S. intelligence community

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“We see this as a critical next step in establishing the nation’s newest service,” said Maj. Gen. Leah Lauderback, Space Force director of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Space Force soon will become the 18th member of the U.S. intelligence community, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said Dec. 9.

Intelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force are part of the U.S. intelligence community. The Space Force will be added next, Ratcliffe said during the eighth meeting of the National Space Council at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

A spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence told SpaceNews that Ratcliffe is “working with Space Force leadership to evaluate the potential for the Space Force to become the 18th member of the U.S. intelligence community. We anticipate a decision on this history-making opportunity in the next few months, which would profoundly strengthen the partnership between the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.”


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dc64cd No.161462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040735 (152014ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill

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🔴 LIVE: Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill


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dc64cd No.161463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040769 (152018ZDEC20) Notable: Solarwinds configuration and account info

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Solarwinds configuration and account info

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dc64cd No.161464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040799 (152021ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne: The Story Behind the Clinton Bribe

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>yep I saw that short portion of the interview.


>What a shitshow. Pull the plug on this thing already. It's toast.


"If you missed it, @SharonGBlack wrote a detailed article about @PatrickByrne back in October, and we interviewed him on the podcast in long form twice, where he went into detail about his story." https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1338874475438280704

Patrick Byrne: The Story Behind the Clinton Bribe

Editors note: The following account was taken directly from the blog post written by Patrick Byrne on his website, Deep Capture. Although UncoverDC has summarized the story, we highly recommend reading it in full here along with its substories. Please devote the time to read this, and come to your own conclusions.

On August 22, 2019, (now former) CEO of Overstock, Patrick Byrne, appeared in a series of major media interviews, where he alleged that the FBI engaged him to rekindle a relationship with a Russian woman named Maria Butina – even though Byrne had informed the FBI he was worried at the time that she may be attempting to contact various political figures on behalf of Russia. Maria Butina plead guilty in December of 2018 to one count of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign official. She was arrested six months earlier in July. Butina was released this past October and deported to her home country of Russia.

However, that wasn’t the only thing Byrne said in his appearances.

For approximately 14 months Byrne kept the major details of his interactions with the FBI hidden, but about ten days ago in a long and detailed blog post on his website, he relayed stunning information about his past and his involvement in what has now come to be known as Spygate. UncoverDC will recount the major points here, but recommend reading the post in its entirety.


Patrick Byrne went to Washington, DC to expose Wall Street by stating he believed there was a crack in the national capital market’s settlement system which led to 200 indictments and more than 100 people went to prison. He spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and also the FBI.

During that time he had several meetings with then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. In one such meeting, he walked into a room and there was “a group of Senators waiting for [him], led by Chairman Specter”. Byrne goes on to explain the meeting, “They made a speech. They told me that if one understands the Constitutional structure, one understands that the Senate Judiciary Committee is the bulwark that protects rule of law for the USA. That is because the Senate Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction regarding corruption in the USA (‘anything touched by a civil or criminal penalty’). The Senate Judiciary’s authority to look into corruption trumps the authority of anyone else in government. And given that pretty much any activity one can imagine could be touched by a civil or criminal penalty, in practice this all adds up to the following: in the name of stopping corruption, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee has the authority to look into anything in the United States of America that it desires.”

Byrne continued, “With senators from both parties standing around me nodding, Chairman Specter told me they agreed with me, they thought that I was right about what I had been saying publicly with increasing volume over 2005-2006, that some form of systemic corruption was taking over the United States government. They were not even sure what it was, but that it was like it was a foreign nation subverting our government yet they could not pinpoint it, and they had learned that it could not even be fought from within the government.”

Byrne stated that during this meeting they told him they were giving him a “blanket immunity” by showing him a letter that is being kept in a safe in the DOJ. They held the letter up so he could read it but he was not even allowed to touch it. This letter states, as Byrne recalls, that until his death, “The first paragraph had language about their growing concern that some kind of deep systemic corruption was infiltrating and corrupting the federal institutions of the United States. The second paragraph started with a sentence along the following lines: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary requests that Patrick M. Byrne be afforded extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States of America to pursue his activities investigating and disrupting corruption within the federal government.” Byrne added, “Chairman Specter said, ‘This is not a pardon, you can’t go kill anyone, but for the rest of your life this letter is going to be sitting in a safe at the Department of Justice, and it will make it extremely unlikely any prosecutor is going to touch you in the future’.”




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dc64cd No.161465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040908 (152031ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell’s sister-in-law named to Bank of China board 10 days after Trump election

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Ya well you know the drill by now. 10% for the Big Guy. How much did Mitch get here? Someone knows. And someone knows he's a goner.

Report: McConnell’s sister-in-law named to Bank of China board 10 days after Trump election

By World Tribune on April 24, 2018


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dc64cd No.161466

File: d381903a5d6ef5a⋯.jpg (19.98 KB,430x480,43:48,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040949 (152035ZDEC20) Notable: CM Tweet (12/12/20)

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dc64cd No.161467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040963 (152035ZDEC20) Notable: Vice - Meet the Dangerous QAnon Figure Doing Whatever It Takes to Win Trump's Approval

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Vice - Meet the Dangerous QAnon Figure Doing Whatever It Takes to Win Trump's Approval

On Monday night, President Donald Trump retweeted a message posted by Ron Watkins.

Watkins, who for years has been running the site where QAnon lives, has been indirectly boosted by Trump before, but Monday night’s retweet marks the culmination of a rapid ascent for a man who has become the right wing’s go-to conspiracy theorist in the wake of President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory last month.

As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult, a movement that has destroyed families and led to real-world violence, including murder.

But in the last month, Watkins has sought to step out of the shadow of QAnon and forge his own identity as a star witness willing to say whatever it takes to win the approval of Trumpworld.

On Election Day last month, Q, the anonymous persona behind the QAnon cult, posted a generic update including a quote from Abraham Lincoln and a short message: “Together we win.”

On the same day, Watkins announced that he was stepping down as administrator of 8kun, the fringe message board when Q posts their updates.

When asked why he was stepping down, Watkins at the time told VICE News that he “fell in love with woodworking and plan on focusing all my efforts into mastering it. Also want to finish a book I’m writing about constitutional law.”

And while Watkins has made some references to woodworking in his public tweets since the election, the vast majority of his posts show him positioning himself as something of a conspiracy whisperer to the growing ranks of right-wing figures and groups that have aligned themselves with Trump and his outlandish and baseless claims of election fraud.

Watkins, who now lives in Japan, has tweeted incessantly during the last six weeks, jumping from one conspiracy theory to the next.

His most influential campaign has been his attempts to smear Dominion Voting Systems. Earlier this month, Watkins posted a video of a Dominion employee using one of the company’s voting machines, falsely claiming the employee was manipulating results. As a result, the 20-year-old employee received death threats and someone hung a noose outside his house.

But such incidents didn’t stop Watkins from becoming a star in the alternate universe that sprouted up to support Trump’s wild allegations of widespread vote-rigging.

First, Watkins appeared on the partisan, pro-Trump news channel One American News Network, where he was interviewed several times about his Dominion conspiracy theories. Trump helpfully retweeted one of these segments to his 80 million Twitter followers.

Watkins then appeared in the pages of one of the “Kraken” lawsuits filed by onetime Trump attorney Sidney Powell. He was cited as an expert witness, seemingly based on the fact he had read the Dominion voting machine manual. It might be “within the realm of possibility” for a biased poll worker to fraudulently switch votes, Watkins concluded in his affidavit.

But his Twitter account is where Watkins has really found his stride — and the endorsement of many influential right-wing figures.


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dc64cd No.161468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12040982 (152037ZDEC20) Notable: New Jeffrey Prather YouTube live now.

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New Jeffrey Prather YouTube live now.

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dc64cd No.161469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041043 (152042ZDEC20) Notable: "Not a single “journalist” has asked Joe Biden about why his son failed to disclose $400,000 in income on his taxes or where that income came from.

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MSM may not embarrass Dear Leader Biden

"Not a single “journalist” has asked Joe Biden about why his son failed to disclose $400,000 in income on his taxes or where that income came from.

Remember when the media used to care about tax returns? What changed?"


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dc64cd No.161470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041057 (152043ZDEC20) Notable: #15371

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>>161454 the ceo of Dominion is testifying before the Michigan Legislature as we speak.

>>161455 Dominion Voting Systems CEO Testifies to Michigan Legislature

>>161456 Vice President Pence Leads a Roundtable Discussion on Operation Warp Speed

>>161457 Fleeing New Yorkers Resulted in $34B in Lost Income

>>161458 Democrats Resigned to Dropping Local Aid in COVID-19 Bill

>>161459 Tony Pham Stepping Down as Acting ICE Director


>>161461 Ratcliffe: Space Force to become 18th member of the U.S. intelligence community

>>161462 LIVE: Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill

>>161463 Solarwinds configuration and account info

>>161464 Patrick Byrne: The Story Behind the Clinton Bribe

>>161465 McConnell’s sister-in-law named to Bank of China board 10 days after Trump election

>>161466 CM Tweet (12/12/20)

>>161467 Vice - Meet the Dangerous QAnon Figure Doing Whatever It Takes to Win Trump's Approval

>>161468 New Jeffrey Prather YouTube live now.

>>161469 "Not a single “journalist” has asked Joe Biden about why his son failed to disclose $400,000 in income on his taxes or where that income came from.

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dc64cd No.161471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041093 (152045ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden Warned In 2015 That Son Hunter's New Employer And Burisma Boss Was Corrupt

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Joe Biden Warned In 2015 That Son Hunter's New Employer And Burisma Boss Was Corrupt

In today's episode of 'Things that should have come out during the impeachment,' just-released diplomatic memos reveal that Vice President Joe Biden's office was warned in 2015 that the Ukrainian oligarch who hired his son, Hunter, was deemed corrupt - and that the US Justice Department had gathered evidence to support that conclusion, according to Just The News.

"I assume all have the DoJ background on Zlochevsky," wrote former US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in Kiev in a 2015 letter to Biden's top advisers, referring to Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

"The short unclas version (in non lawyer language) is that US and UK were cooperating on a case to seize his corrupt assets overseas (which had passed through the US)," Pyatt added, noting that the asset forfeiture case against the Ukrainian billionaire "fell apart" when individuals in the Ukrainian prosecutor general's office "acted to thwart the UK case."

Talking points

Pyatt's email also includes responses to several talking points Joe Biden's Washington staff crafted, should he be questioned about Hunter's role on the board of Burisma.

"Have you asked Hunter to step down from the board? Has he discussed that with you?" the talking points anticipated being asked.

"I'm not going to discuss private conversations with my family. Hunter is a private citizen and does independent work," the memo recommended the vice president answer.

If pressed by a question asking whether Joe Biden thought "Zlochevsky is corrupt," the talking points suggested the vice president respond, "I'm not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals." -Just The News



As JTN notes, the New York Times published an article days after Pyatt's email suggesting that Hunter's role at Burisma while it remained under a corruption investigation was potentially undercutting US anti-corruption policy.

"Separately, a Russian-backed media outlet in Ukraine had written an even more scathing expose on what it called the "Ukrainian scam of the Biden family." That article sent State officials scrambling to develop messaging for the U.S. government," according to Just The News.

The memos, released last week by Senate committees investigating Hunter Biden, also reveal that the US Justice Department was involved in the 2014 asset forfeiture brought against Zlochevsky in the UK, right as Hunter Biden was hired to sit on the board of Burisma.

Multiple State officials have attested to the awkward appearance of conflict of interest posed by Hunter's position on the board as the United States led efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine. In a September, 2015 speech, Pyatt railed against Ukrainian prosecutors for thwarting the UK asset forfeiture case against Zlochevsky.

Pyatt was recently deposed by investigators for the Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee about the Ukraine controversy. Though his staff had reported an alleged Burisma bribe and believed the Bidens' conduct in Ukraine created an apparent conflict, Pyatt said he never felt compelled to raise such concerns with the vice president.

"So you never gave thought of raising a concern to the Vice President about this board position his son had?" a Senate investigator asked Pyatt during the deposition back in September.

"No," the ambassador answered. "He's the Vice President of the United States, and it would have been wildly out of place for me to raise something like that, especially insofar as it had zero impact on the work that I was doing." -Just The News

Meanwhile, let's not forget that according to evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop published by the New York Post, Biden didn't just know about his son's business dealings in Ukraine and elsewhere, he participated in them.

And Democrats impeached Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate.


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dc64cd No.161472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041102 (152046ZDEC20) Notable: China accuses Australia of playing the victim and politicising trade, says coal ban is 'responsible act'

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China accuses Australia of playing the victim and politicising trade, says coal ban is 'responsible act'

China has defended its alleged ban on Australian coal as both legal and good for Chinese consumers and companies, accusing Australia of playing the victim as the fraught relationship continues to deteriorate.

Key points:

Wang Wenbin accused Australia of "constantly accusing and attacking China by innuendo"

Prime Minister Scott Morrison earlier said a ban on coal would breach WTO rules

Chinese media appeared to confirm Beijing has blocked Australian coal imports

"The Chinese authorities have recently taken measures against some imported Australian products in accordance with law and regulations," said Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a regular press conference Tuesday in Beijing.

"It is in line with Chinese laws and regulations and international practices, as well as a responsible act for Chinese domestic industries and consumers.

"Actually for some time, I have repeatedly heard some people from the Australian side claim to be the so-called victims, constantly accusing and attacking China by innuendo, which is completely making a countercharge confusing right and wrong. China will never accept this."

The comments come after Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the reported ban as a "lose-lose situation" and said he was seeking clarification from the Chinese Government.

He said China would be in breach of World Trade Organization rules as well as a bilateral free trade agreement if it banned Australian coal.

Mr Morrison was responding to a report in the Chinese state-owned Global Times newspaper that the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission had given power plants approval to import coal without restrictions except for Australian coal.

China's trade war

China and Australian flags superimposed on cracked earth

Barley, wine, timber. These are the industries buckling under tariffs and sanctions amid China's escalating trade war.

Read more

Mr Morrison said he was treating the report as "media speculation" until the Chinese Government clarified their position.

China has consistently said Australia is entirely responsible for disruptions in economic and political ties motivated by what it sees as anti-Chinese bias among Australian politicians, civic leaders and media outlets.

Mr Wang said China would "never accept" accusations of unfair trade practices, and accused Australia of having politicised bilateral exchanges in trade, investment, science and technology, while targeting Chinese companies with increased security checks on investments.

He also said Australia had "taken discriminatory measures against Chinese enterprises and gone further down the wrong path".

China's latest move straight from its punishment playbook

The Morrison Government seems to be betting that all it needs to do is hold its nerve and hold the line when it comes to China's trade threats, writes Stephen Dziedzic.

Read more

"What is really worrying is the ones politicising normal economic and trade activities and setting restrictions for no reason, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in violation of the basic norms of international relations and even provoking differences and confrontation," Mr Wang said.

"We hope that the Australian side will reflect on itself, be consistent with its words and actions and effectively provide good conditions and atmosphere for China-Australia practical cooperation in various fields, rather than the other way around."

Coal and iron ore are Australia's most lucrative exports and China is Australia's biggest trading partner, taking $13.7 billion worth of metallurgical and thermal coal in 2019.

But Australian exports to China appear to have suffered due to deteriorating bilateral relations since Australia called for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic.

Australian products including wine, lobster, beef, barley and timber have also been affected this year.


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dc64cd No.161473

File: a14307c258909e6⋯.png (26.66 KB,602x252,43:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041118 (152047ZDEC20) Notable: FBI abruptly cancelled congressional briefing about Swalwell.

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dc64cd No.161474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041125 (152048ZDEC20) Notable: New Zealand offers to mediate truce between Australia and China

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New Zealand offers to mediate truce between Australia and China

New Zealand is offering to step in to try and resolve the trade feud between Australia and China.

The country's new Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said she is willing to negotiate a truce between Australia and China amid a tense diplomatic relationship.

New Zealand will host next year's Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit and Ms Mahuta said it presented an opportunity to bring both parties to the table.

"Do I believe that there might an opportunity for New Zealand to create a different environment and have a conversation? Yes, I do," Ms Mahuta said in an interview with Reuters.

"And I think hosting APEC might well be the opportunity… but both parties will have to be willing to come together and concede in some areas where they are currently not seeing eye to eye."

In the latest trade dispute, China appears to have formally restricted imports of Australian coal in favour of both local production and imports from other suppliers, in a move that threatens the $14 billion export industry.

China has recently increased tariffs on Australian wine and barley and blocked imports on lamb, beef, lobsters and other goods.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham has not ruled out the Federal Government taking China to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) over the reported threats to coal exports.

China is Australia's largest trading partner, taking up 30 per cent of our exports.


Just like Lebanon when Rothschild sent Macron in after the blast NZ is going in to offer the Rothschild's/Cabal's offer!

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dc64cd No.161475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041138 (152050ZDEC20) Notable: Pro-Trump Australian MP Releases Plea for Julian Assange to Be Pardoned, Says Only Trump Can Protect Free Speech From the Democrats

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Pro-Trump Australian MP Releases Plea for Julian Assange to Be Pardoned, Says Only Trump Can Protect Free Speech From the Democrats

Australian Member of Parliament George Christensen, a fierce and loyal defender of President Donald Trump, has launched a petition for Julian Assange to be pardoned.

Christensen also released a video appeal addressing the president, and urging him to protect freedom of speech from the Democrats seeking to destroy it.

Assange, an Australian citizen, is currently imprisoned in the UK awaiting a court’s decision about extraditing him to the United States to face extreme charges related to his publishing activities.


In an open letter to the president, Christensen wrote that “If you, as Commander in Chief, pardon Julian Assange, you will ensure that the national interest is protected and truth prevails. We can’t let the Deep State win.”

“You have the opportunity to demonstrate, as guardian of the Constitution, that the rule of law is paramount, and shield us from the Democrats’ willingness to violate the First Amendment, at any cost,” Christensen added.


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dc64cd No.161476

File: cccdbc2095578d3⋯.jpg (32.32 KB,535x548,535:548,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041152 (152051ZDEC20) Notable: Peace on Earth and mercy mild: #Syria’s Christians gear up for #Christmas holiday

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Peace on Earth and mercy mild: #Syria’s Christians gear up for #Christmas holiday




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dc64cd No.161477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041155 (152051ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Sheriffs Condemn Democrat Police Reform as ‘Crazy Talk’: ‘The Country Will Be Less Safe’

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Georgia Sheriffs Condemn Democrat Police Reform as ‘Crazy Talk’: ‘The Country Will Be Less Safe’

ATLANTA — County sheriffs in Georgia publicly condemned Democrat plans for police reform Tuesday after President-elect Joe Biden told a group of civil rights leaders to avoid discussing police reform until after Georgia’s January 5 Senate runoff election.

The sheriffs indicated that the “defund the police” movement is central to Democrat plans for police reform. They warned that if Democrat candidates Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock win their runoff races, Republicans will lose their Senate majority and police will thereby lose their last line of defense for funding.

Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway, speaking at a press conference Tuesday at Liberty Plaza, said, “All we’ve heard for months from the Democrat Party is ‘defund the police.’”

“Now I understand Joe Biden’s talking the other way now, not wanting to talk about defunding the police until after this election, but that doesn’t change anything,” Conway continued. “The program by the Democrat Party has been to defund the police, to change the basic concept of police work.”

Biden told a group of civil rights leaders last week that he thought they should not “get too far ahead” of themselves with police reform messaging before the Georgia runoffs, according to audio obtained by the Intercept.

Biden said to the group:

I also don’t think we should get too far ahead of ourselves on dealing with police reform in that, because they’ve already labeled us as being ‘defund the police.’ Anything we put forward in terms of the organizational structure to change policing, which I promise you, will occur. Promise you. Just think to yourself and give me advice whether we should do that before January 5.

Republican organizations working to elect incumbent Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) sounded alarms over Biden’s comments.

“They’re desperate to hide their ‘defund the police’ agenda, but Georgians know the truth that Warnock, Ossoff, and their backers in DC are too radical,” National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Jesse Hunt said in a statement.

“Biden, Ossoff, and Warnock share the same misguided vision for our country, and defunding the police is at the very top of their list,” Georgia GOP spokeswoman Abigail Sigler said in a statement. “Georgians who stand with the rule of law must support Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. The safety of our communities depends on it.”

Some Democrats throughout this year have embraced the idea of defunding the police, while others have avoided it. Earlier this month, for instance, former President Barack Obama distanced himself from the “defund the police” slogan, while “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) pushed back that it is “not a slogan but a policy demand.”

Ossoff’s and Warnock’s campaign policies do not outright call to defund the police; however, Ossoff has said that police funding should be “on the line” and Warnock has said “we need to reimagine policing.” Both candidates have called for “demilitarizing” police departments and increasing officer accountability.

Conway, who has worked in policing for more than 40 years and plans to retire this year, said, “I’ve led a couple of agencies for a long time, and I’ve never had the money that I felt like I needed for training, hiring, and retention of police officers. So talking about defunding police is just insanity.”

Conway continued, “It’s only common sense that you can’t make a better product … by cutting down on labor cost, training, and material. We have to have more money for police if we want better police. It’s crazy talk to say you want to defund police. The country will be less safe.”

Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman and Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds also denounced Democrat police reform plans during the press conference. Their full remarks can be heard here.


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dc64cd No.161478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041186 (152053ZDEC20) Notable: -WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!

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dc64cd No.161479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041229 (152057ZDEC20) Notable: Cryptocurrency Firm Co-Founder Sentenced in Celeb-Touted Scam

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Cryptocurrency Firm Co-Founder Sentenced in Celeb-Touted ScamRobert Farkas, a/k/a “RJ,” was sentenced on December 15 to one year and one day in prison, in connection with his participation in a scheme to induce victims to invest more than $25 million dollars’ worth of digital funds in Centra Tech, Inc. (“Centra Tech”), a Miami-based company he co-founded and that purported to offer cryptocurrency-related financial products.

The scam was promoted by celebrities including boxer Floyd Mayweather and musician DJ Khaled.

Farkas previously pled guilty to conspiring to commit securities fraud and wire fraud in connection with his and his co-conspirators’ use of material misrepresentations and omissions to solicit investors to purchase securities, in the form of digital tokens issued by Centra Tech, through an initial coin offering (“ICO”) beginning in approximately July 2017.

Ilan T. Graff, the Attorney for the United States said: “Farkas and his co-conspirators created fictitious executives and fabricated business relationships with legitimate institutions to dupe investors into handing over millions of dollars for a fraudulent ICO. We will continue to aggressively pursue frauds like this one, whether they involve traditional securities or newer financial instruments and crypto-assets.”

According to statements in the Superseding Information, and other filings and statements at public court proceedings in the case:

In or about July 2017, FARKAS, along with co-defendants Sohrab Sharma and Raymond Trapani, founded a company called Centra Tech that claimed to offer cryptocurrency-related financial products, including a purported debit card, the “Centra Card,” that supposedly allowed users to make purchases using cryptocurrency at establishments accepting Visa or Mastercard payment cards. From approximately July 30, 2017, through October 5, 2017, FARKAS and his co-defendants solicited investors to purchase unregistered securities, in the form of digital tokens issued by Centra Tech (“Centra tokens” or “CTR tokens”), through a so-called “initial coin offering” or “ICO.” As part of this effort, Farkas and his co-defendants represented, in oral and written offering materials that were disseminated via the internet: (a) that Centra Tech had an experienced executive team with impressive credentials, including a purported CEO named “Michael Edwards” with more than 20 years of banking industry experience and a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard University; (b) that Centra Tech had formed partnerships with Bancorp, Visa, and Mastercard to issue Centra Cards licensed by Visa or Mastercard; and (c) that Centra Tech had money transmitter and other licenses in 38 states, among other claims. Based in part on these claims, victims provided millions of dollars’ worth of digital funds in investments for the purchase of Centra Tech tokens. In or about October 2017, at the end of Centra Tech’s ICO, those digital funds raised from victims were worth more than $25 million. At certain times in 2018, as the defendants’ fraud scheme was ongoing, those funds were worth more than $60 million.



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dc64cd No.161480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041242 (152057ZDEC20) Notable: Houston Police Capt. Arrested For Holding Repairman At Gunpoint In Bogus Voter-Fraud Conspiracy

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Houston Police Capt. Arrested For Holding Repairman At Gunpoint In Bogus Voter-Fraud Conspiracy

Former Houston Police Capt. Mark Anthony Aguirre, who went to authorities with pre-election claims that a massive voter fraud scheme was underway in Harris County, was instead arrested himself Tuesday and charged for running a man off the road and pointing at gun at this head in an attempt to prove his claims.

“He crossed the line from dirty politics to commission of a violent crime and we are lucky no one was killed,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said. “His alleged investigation was backward from the start – first alleging a crime had occurred and then trying to prove it happened.”

Aguirre, 63, was arrested by Houston Police Tuesday and charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a second-degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

According to a court document describing probable cause for the charge, Aguirre told police shortly after the Oct. 19 incident, that he was part of a group of private citizens called, “Liberty Center,” who were conducting a civilian investigation into the alleged ballot scheme.

According to Aguirre, he had been conducting surveillance on the victim for four days under a theory the victim was the mastermind of a giant fraud, and there were 750,000 fraudulent ballots in a truck he was driving. Instead, the victim turned out to be an innocent and ordinary air conditioner repairman.

Aguirre ran his SUV into the back of the truck to get the technician to stop and get out, according to the document. When the technician got out of the truck, Aguirre, pointed a handgun at the technician, forced him to the ground and put his knee on the man’s back – an image captured on the body-worn camera of a police officer.

Aguirre directed police to a parking lot nearby where another suspect, who has not been identified, took the truck. There were no ballots in the truck. It was filled with air conditioning parts and tools.

Aguirre never told police that he had been paid a total of $266,400 by the Houston-based Liberty Center for God and Country, with $211,400 of that amount being deposited into his account the day after the incident.

The case was investigated by the Houston Police and is being prosecuted by the Public Corruption Division of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.

Aguirre’s claims of election fraud were found to be baseless after thorough investigation by Houston Police and by the Office Constable Precinct 1 Alan Rosen, as part of the Harris County Election Security Task Force.


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dc64cd No.161481

File: a4b2e8498d3c904⋯.jpg (42.83 KB,535x552,535:552,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041251 (152058ZDEC20) Notable: Cancers, strokes, birth deformities: Iraq reportedly plans to sue US over depleted uranium use

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Cancers, strokes, birth deformities: Iraq reportedly plans to sue US over depleted uranium use


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dc64cd No.161482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041280 (152100ZDEC20) Notable: George Soros and Charles Koch collaborated on a U.S.-bashing think tank?

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George Soros and Charles Koch collaborated on a U.S.-bashing think tank?

George Soros is rightly regarded as one of the most consequential advocates of freedom in Central and Eastern Europe. Years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Hungarian-born financier began investing his fortune in democratic dissidents. Once the Berlin Wall fell, his Open Society Foundations rapidly opened offices across the region, providing crucial support to independent journalists, civil-society activists and liberal-minded politicians.

It is this steadfast support for democracy that makesSoros’s latest gambit so confusing. The liberal philanthropist has joined forces with fellow billionaire Charles Koch in founding a foreign policy think tank, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.Disparaging “the foreign policy community in Washington” for having "succumbed to intellectual lethargy and dysfunction,” the institute will advocate “a new foreign policy centered on diplomatic engagement and military restraint.” On most issues, the liberal Soros and the libertarianKoch exist on opposite ends of the political spectrum.??== That they are collaborating on foreign policy may be a harbinger of a new left-right consensus favoring isolationism.

News of the institute’s creation was broken by Boston Globe columnist Stephen Kinzer, a former New York Times reporter who has become a radical left-wing critic of U.S. foreign policy, publishing highly tendentious books on the 1953 coup in Iran as well as one calling upon the United States to abandon its traditional allies in the Middle East and cozy up to the Khomeinist regime. Lately, Kinzer has been parroting Assadist propaganda on the Syrian White Helmets, a group of courageous relief workers, whom he labels “an arm of the terror movement” and slanders as “heroes to #ISIS but not to any humanitarian.” Kinzer touted theKoch-Soros collaboration as “one of the most remarkable partnerships in modern American political history.”

How the Koch brothers built the most powerful rightwing group you've never heard of

Americans for Prosperity is a little-known, billionaire-funded organization that has pushed US politics to the right. How did it happen?

Where did Walker’s ultra-conservative labor agenda come from? As a candidate, Walker barely mentioned collective bargaining or union busting. And we know this plan did not come from voters. Before the legislation popped up on the agenda, Wisconsinites generally supported collective bargaining. Nationally, only about 40% of American adults favor curbs to public sector bargaining rights, and in Wisconsin, this minority level of support was about the same.

Instead, to understand what happened in Wisconsin – and what is happening in states across the country – we need to look to the underappreciated organization that is at the center of the political network created and directed by the billionaire conservative industrialists, Charles and David Koch.

We are a group of Columbia and Harvard-based researchers who for the past five years have been investigating precisely how theKoch brothers work to influence US politics and the role played by AFP.In recent years, AFP has quietly pushed behind the scenes for many of the most important conservative victories across the nation, including the anti-union bills that passed in former union strongholds such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio.




When the peace wants war, who benefits?

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dc64cd No.161483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041284 (152101ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated

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Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated

In a huge development on Monday morning, Michigan Judge Elsenheiemer gave Attorney Matthew DePerno permission to release the results of his forensic study on the Dominion Voting Machines by IT experts with the provision that he make a few redactions, which DePerno claims were “minor.”

DePerno said the redactions were “not relevant,” and that the key part of the report has been released in his bombshell report.

The report by Allied Security Operations Group was released following the hearing.

From our report by Patty McMurray on Monday — After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co. MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained.

This was a very significant finding. The Dominion machines were set up to dispute 68.05 percent of all ballots. These ballots were then sent off to “another location” where people in other locations could change the votes.

On Tuesday Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos testified before the Michigan State Oversight Committee.

During questioning, Senator Michael MacDonald asked Poulos if it was possible to change a record value either locally or remotely on the Dominion machines.

Poulos said to his knowledge that was not possible and if it were you couldn’t do it undetected. Poulos added, “It would leave a trail. There would be a mismatch from another card. And there are several checks and balances in the machine.”

Poulos told the committee Dominion does not use the SolarWinds Orion package that was the subject of the DHS report from the 13th.

Poulos also said it was not possible for a USB drive to manipulate the data.



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dc64cd No.161484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041317 (152103ZDEC20) Notable: Major news networks go silent on sexual harassment allegations against liberal darling Gov. Andrew Cuomo

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Major news networks go silent on sexual harassment allegations against liberal darling Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Imagine that

The newscasts for CBS, NBC, and ABC were silent Sunday night following news of the sexual harassment allegations against Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Lindsey Boylan, a former Cuomo aide, said that her ex-boss was guilty of sexually harassing her.

Boylan served as deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser in Cuomo's administration from 2015 until October 2018.

Cuomo has since denied all of Boylan's allegations against him.

What are the details?

According to a Tuesday report from the New York Post, those networks by Monday morning hadn't even reported on the allegations.

Newsbusters reported that three major networks' morning shows — NBC's "Today," CBS' "This Morning," and ABC's "Good Morning America" — "all avoided the accusations against the governor, despite a combined six hours of available air time."

Fox News on Monday also reported that "transcripts revealed that CNN and MSNC didn't mention Boylan's claims during the 24-hour period following her shocking tweet."

On Sunday, Boylan — who is running as a Democratic candidate for Manhattan Borough president — tweeted, "Yes, @NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched. I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years."

She added, "Not knowing what to expect what's the most upsetting part aside from knowing that no one would do a damn thing even when they saw it. No one. And I *know* I am not the only woman. I'm angry to be put in this situation at all. That because I am a woman, I can work hard my whole life to better myself and help others and yet still fall victim as countless women over generations have. Mostly silently. I hate that some men, like @NYGovCuomo abuse their power."

What else?

This isn't the first time that Boylan has spoken out about what it was like to work for Cuomo.

Earlier in December, she blasted Cuomo's office as being a "toxic" work environment, and proclaimed that many people were "deathly afraid of him."

"Most toxic team environment? Working for [Cuomo]," Boylan said. "I've had many jobs. Waitressing at Friendly's as a teenager was an infinitely more respectful environment. Even when I had bad customers who tipped poorly. … If people weren't deathly afraid of him, they'd be saying the same thing and you'd already know the stories."

She later added, "Seriously, the messages and texts I receive when I speak the truth about this … it's a whole book of people who have been harmed. I tried to quit three times before it stuck. I've worked hard my whole life. Hustled — fake it till you make it style. That environment is beyond toxic. I'm still unwrapping it years later in therapy!"

The former aide concluded, "Don't be surprised that it's the same small group of white people sitting alongside him at every presser. The same group that he has had by him the whole time, doing his dirty work. If you're not one of those handful, your life working for him is endlessly dispiriting."


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dc64cd No.161485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041322 (152103ZDEC20) Notable: Maricopa County To Conduct Full Forensic Audit On Dominion Voting Machines

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Maricopa County To Conduct Full Forensic Audit On Dominion Voting Machines

Explanation of why certain large counties were chosen to implement the “steal.”''

Arizona’s State Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing yesterday on possible election fraud. The outcome is that the Senate issued a subpoena on all of Dominion Voting System (DVS) machines used in Maricopa County. All machines used in the 3 November 2020 elections will be subjected to a full forensic audit. Votes in Maricopa County appeared to “flip” for Joe Biden after counting was stopped late on 3 November and resumed in the early hours of 4 November – similarly to what occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. Patrick Byrne, former CEO Overstock.com, interviewed by Dave Janda , stated that the Q Snatch malware that resides on Dominion’s voting machines/software provided the ability to flip votes in:

Atlanta, GA

Philadelphia, PA

Milwaukee, WI

Detroit, MI

Maricopa, AZ


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dc64cd No.161486

File: c5a178a8399ee40⋯.jpg (26 KB,535x592,535:592,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041329 (152104ZDEC20) Notable: Military origins of 'alien-like hexagon' shape spotted on #Australia's coast revealed

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Military origins of 'alien-like hexagon' shape spotted on #Australia's coast revealed


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dc64cd No.161487

File: 9c51f4b6a03d404⋯.png (26.65 KB,598x367,598:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041360 (152106ZDEC20) Notable: Joseph R. Biden @JoeBiden has been declared the winner of the US presidential election. Congratulations from Vladimir Putin

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Joseph R. Biden @JoeBiden has been declared the winner of the US presidential election. Congratulations from Vladimir Putin


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dc64cd No.161488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041417 (152111ZDEC20) Notable: 'Dueling' Electors, 'Hanging Chads': a History of Contested U.S. Elections

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Technically Trump is the projected President elect.

The dualing electors sent by republicans in the state senates are as legit as the ones sent by the states House

And including the "dualing" electors Trump has more electors.


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dc64cd No.161489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041424 (152112ZDEC20) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham EXPANDS Team Of Prosecutors

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>Special Counsel John Durham EXPANDS Team Of Prosecutors


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dc64cd No.161490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041436 (152113ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey Tweet, 'Dominion deleted the reference and link to "SolarWinds" from their website, but we have the archive still.'

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Poulos told the committee Dominion does not use the SolarWinds Orion package

Notice the semantics. Poulos is speaking in the PRESENT TENSE.

Whether they're still using it today is not relevant to the fact they DID USE IT.


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dc64cd No.161491

File: cd1aa7c3cda7e7f⋯.png (8.77 KB,87x71,87:71,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d2307a9d1d97a⋯.png (14.94 KB,169x239,169:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041464 (152115ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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AF2 on approach to DC from Bloomington Indiana.

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dc64cd No.161492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041472 (152116ZDEC20) Notable: Canadian government also uses Solarwinds; Solarwinds Managed Service Provider (MSP) office in Ottawa, Canada?

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Canadian government also uses Solarwinds; Solarwinds Managed Service Provider (MSP) office in Ottawa, Canada?

The contracts which still seem to be in effect with valid licences appear to be used at:

- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

- Courts Administrative Service

There are some older, expired contracts which mention Solarwinds:

- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

- Office of the Auditor General of Canada

- Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada

- Fisheries and Oceans Canada

- National Defence


Ironically there is a Solarwinds MSP office in Ottawa too.


Would post screencaps but they're not uploading kek.

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dc64cd No.161493

File: a88482d77d4b47b⋯.jpg (27.45 KB,478x622,239:311,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041476 (152116ZDEC20) Notable: Vladimir Putin sent a message to Biden congratulation him on his 'victory'

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dc64cd No.161494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041490 (152118ZDEC20) Notable: The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic (GUN GRAB)

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The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic (GUN GRAB)

Joe Biden knows that gun violence is a public health epidemic. Almost 40,000 people die as a result of firearm injuries every year in the United States, and many more are wounded. Some of these deaths and injuries are the result of mass shootings that make national headlines. Others are the result of daily acts of gun violence or suicides that may not make national headlines, but are just as devastating to the families and communities left behind.

Joe Biden has taken on the National Rifle Association (NRA) on the national stage and won – twice. In 1993, he shepherded through Congress the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which established the background check system that has since kept more than 3 million firearms out of dangerous hands. In 1994, Biden – along with Senator Dianne Feinstein – secured the passage of 10-year bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. As president, Joe Biden will defeat the NRA again.

Joe Biden also knows how to make progress on reducing gun violence using executive action. After the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, President Obama tasked Vice President Biden with developing both legislative proposals and executive actions to make our communities safer. As a result of this effort, the Obama-Biden Administration took more than two dozen actions, including narrowing the so-called “gun show loophole,” increasing the number of records in the background check system, and expanding funding for mental health services.

It’s within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited. As president, Biden will pursue constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies. Biden will:

Hold gun manufacturers accountable. In 2005, then-Senator Biden voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied Congress to secure its passage. This law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection.

Get weapons of war off our streets. The bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that Biden, along with Senator Feinstein, secured in 1994 reduced the lethality of mass shootings. But, in order to secure the passage of the bans, they had to agree to a 10-year sunset provision and when the time came, the Bush Administration failed to extend them. As president, Biden will:

Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong. Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons.



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dc64cd No.161495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041507 (152119ZDEC20) Notable: Interview with Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne on Bribing Hillary Clinton 3pm EST

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this was live streamed bout 80 minutes ago.

Interview with Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne on Bribing Hillary Clinton 3pm EST12/15/20


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dc64cd No.161496

File: ac4d26c68cb5a5c⋯.png (37.06 KB,478x409,478:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041520 (152120ZDEC20) Notable: Brazil's Bolsonaro congratulates Biden on election victory

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Brazil's Bolsonaro congratulates Biden on election victory


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dc64cd No.161497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041547 (152123ZDEC20) Notable: How Attorney General Bill Barr Built A $40 Million Fortune

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How Attorney General Bill Barr Built A $40 Million Fortune

Jul 19, 2019

William Barr made his name serving as attorney general for two presidents, George H. W. Bush and Donald J. Trump. But he made his fortune out of office, collecting more than $50 million in compensation as an executive and director for some of America’s largest companies.

Today Barr, who did not comment for this story, has an estimated net worth of $40 million, after accounting for taxes, personal spending and modest investment returns. That figure is more precise than what’s on Barr’s public financial disclosure report, a document that deals only in broad ranges and shows assets worth somewhere between $24 million and $74 million.

The money started piling up around 1993, when Bush left the White House and Barr reentered the private sector. The next year, Barr became general counsel at telephone giant GTE Corporation. When GTE merged with Bell Atlantic to form Verizon in 2000, Barr stayed onboard as executive vice president and general counsel. From 2001 to 2007, he raked in an average of $1.7 million in annual salary and bonuses, according to documents filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission. Barr also received valuable stock options, some of which he traded while at the company, collecting an estimated $3 million after taxes from 2003 to 2007.

Barr’s $40 Million Fortune

The attorney general piled up tens of millions in the private sector.

The Verizon job came with other benefits. Barr got a $31,000 flexible spending allowance, $10,000 or so for financial planning, plus use of the company jet for personal purposes. The biggest benefit, however, came upon retirement. Barr stepped down from the company at the end of 2008, receiving a $17.1 million distribution from Verizon’s income deferral plan, according to an SEC filing. On top of that, company documents also detail an additional $10.4 million separation payment for Barr.

At the time, the global economy was in a tailspin. Corporate pay was under close scrutiny, and Barr’s exit package made for an easy target. An independent research firm named the Corporate Library graded Verizon with a “D,” noting “high governance risk” and “very high concern” in executive pay. In a filing, Verizon specifically pointed to Barr’s pay package in connection with the assessment.

Retiring did not mean Barr was done working. The year after he left Verizon, he joined the boards of two publicly traded companies, Dominion Resources and Time Warner. From 2009 to 2018, Dominion paid Barr $1.2 million in cash and granted him another $1.1 million in stock awards, according to SEC filings.


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dc64cd No.161498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041578 (152127ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

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dc64cd No.161499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041596 (152129ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

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Notable Veritas Assange leak tomorrow.

Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

A fascinating look into the relationship between the US Government &



We publish tomorrow, on the heels of Assange’s request of a Pardon from



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dc64cd No.161500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041600 (152129ZDEC20) Notable: Houston Police Capt. Arrested For Holding Repairman At Gunpoint In Bogus Voter-Fraud Conspiracy

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>Kim Ogg

Soros DA:

"Soros-backed DAs across the country have been causing chaos by subverting law and order, allowing rioters to walk free after destroying property or injuring American citizens.

Gonzales, per reporting from the San Antonio Express-News, was backed by the Texas Justice & Safety political committee. According to Transparency USA, Soros has dropped $3.6 million into the PAC dating back to 2017.

In addition to Gonzales in Bexar County, the Soros-affiliated organization spent over half a million backing Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg in 2016. Harris County is at the center of one of the most aggressive pushes to undermine Texas election law during the 2020 election."


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dc64cd No.161501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041611 (152130ZDEC20) Notable: GCHQ spies probe whether Russian hackers stole UK government secrets after months-long cyber attack on US agencies using the same SolarWinds security software

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GCHQ spies probe whether Russian hackers stole UK government secrets after months-long cyber attack on US agencies using the same SolarWinds security software

National Cyber Security Centre assessing impact of US hacking incident on UK

Hackers believed to be Russian targeted hugely popular software SolarWinds

Global firm SolarWinds reportedly used by Ministry of Defence, Cabinet Office, GCHQ and other government branches as well as all five branches of US military

Sophisticated campaign targeted US Treasury and Commerce Departments but impact and reach of the hackers is still being investigated by Homeland Security

British security services are investigating whether Russian hackers stole UK government secrets following extensive cyber attacks on US agencies which used the same security software.

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are investigating what was described as a large-scale penetration of US government agencies.

The attack has been apparently linked to the same months-long cyberespionage campaign that also afflicted the prominent cybersecurity firm FireEye.

SolarWinds software is used by government departments including GCHQ, the Ministry of Defence, the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Justice, according to the Telegraph.

The hacks were revealed less than a week after FireEye disclosed that foreign government hackers had broken into its network and stolen the company's own hacking tools.

Many experts suspect Russia is responsible. FireEye's customers include federal, state and local governments and top global corporations.

Now the UK's National Cyber Security Centre, which forms part of GCHQ, has confirmed it is looking into whether the hackers targeted UK agencies.

A spokesman for the NCSC told MailOnline: 'The NCSC is working closely with FireEye and international partners on this incident.

'Investigations are ongoing, and we are working extensively with partners and stakeholders to assess any UK impact.

'The NCSC recommends that organisations read FireEye's update on their investigation and follow the company's suggested security mitigations.'

SolarWinds is used by hundreds of thousands of organisations globally.

This includes most Fortune 500 companies and multiple US federal agencies who will now be scrambling to patch up their networks, said Mr Alperovitch, the former chief technical officer of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.

FireEye said in a blog post that its investigation into the hack of its own network had identified 'a global campaign' targeting governments and the private sector that, beginning in the spring, slipped malware into a SolarWinds software update.



It was China using Israeli technology but Russia Russia Russia

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dc64cd No.161502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041622 (152131ZDEC20) Notable: JP Morgan taking a page out of Goldman’s book

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JP Morgan taking a page out of Goldman’s book

Well, it looks like JPM is taking a page out of the Goldman Sachs book, and are currently pushing an absolute dog shit structured product. It’s essentially a CDO made up of 3 ARK funds, leveraged 1.5x. It is a note, but yet there is no dividend, or coupon payment. Your only payout is principal plus the risk-adjusted return of the lowest performing ARK fund in the set of the 3. They’re only offering about $500,000 in total, which makes me wonder what’s the point? It’s probably some CPS (Cross Product Sales) asshole trying to get a Christmas bonus.

I always thought JPM was the moral, sophisticated older brother of the big banks. Anyway, the full prospectus is down below.



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dc64cd No.161503

File: 274724899b4ef8f⋯.jpg (35.51 KB,598x596,299:298,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041623 (152131ZDEC20) Notable: Head of the #Israel Security Agency will enter isolation after being exposed to a #coronavirus patient in his office.

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Head of the #Israel Security Agency will enter isolation after being exposed to a #coronavirus patient in his office.


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dc64cd No.161504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041626 (152132ZDEC20) Notable: @USNavy TWEETS, 'Not on our watch!'

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Not on our watch!

#ICYMI: In just one week, #USSGabrielleGiffords and our @USCG

partners seized over 3000 Kg in narcotics worth an estimated 17 million dollars while operating in @NAVSOUS4THFLT.


Dec.2) https://go.usa.gov/xACQj

Dec.5) https://go.usa.gov/xACQW


4:00 PM · Dec 15, 2020

>17 million

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dc64cd No.161505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041637 (152133ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi will require House members to wear masks to be recognized

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Tuesday said masks would be a requirement for members in the chamber as the number of coronavirus cases – and related deaths – rise throughout the U.S.

On the House floor, the speaker said members would not be recognized if they were not properly wearing their face coverings – and recognition would be withdrawn if masks were removed while a lawmaker was speaking, according to the official Twitter account of the chamber.


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dc64cd No.161506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041664 (152134ZDEC20) Notable: Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief

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Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief; doesn’t tell Gantz

The nominee, identified only by the Hebrew initial ‘Dalet,’ will take over as spymaster for the PM’s confidant Yossi Cohen if approved


Gantz selects replacement to chair powerful Knesset defense panel

Defense minister chooses MK Eitan Ginzburg to take over as head of Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee after saying he’ll remove MK Zvi Hauser for defecting to another party


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dc64cd No.161507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041676 (152136ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden Is Packing His Administration With Money Printers

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Joe Biden Is Packing His Administration With Money Printers

Well, I was wrong.

I had previously written that the election was in the courts and that based on legal precedent, the courts would give President Trump a second term.

The Supreme Court put that notion to rest late on Friday night when it rejected to even hear the case brought by Texas and 18 other states.

It’s pretty staggering if you think about it.

There are sworn affidavits from thousands of poll workers swearing to witnessing fraud. There are vote audits that have turned up fraud. There is statistical analysis that shows fraud. There is historical precedent concerning how key counties and states determine election outcomes that show fraud.

And yet the courts have all either refused to accept any of this evidence… OR refused to even listen to the cases. It’s pretty incredible when you consider just how many ridiculous lawsuits and court cases are heard at all levels of the judiciary, even the Supreme Court.

There are still several cases outstanding as well as political avenues through which President Trump could secure a second term, but those are all EXTREME and likely not worth delving into at this point.

At the end of the day, I was wrong.

I am not in the business of pretending to be psychic, nor do I care for those analysts and pundits who make predictions that don’t prove correct and who then pretend they never made said predictions.

I predicted President Trump would win a second term in the courts. I was wrong. The end.

What matters to us as investors now is how a Biden administration will impact the markets. And by the look of things, the markets love the idea that Biden will packing the Fed and the Treasury with money printers.

The US was already on a trajectory towards hot inflation BEFORE Joe Biden won the election and started enlisting money printers like Janet Yellen to run key positions in his cabinet. Now that we DO have a Biden administration and it is packed with money printers, it’s not a question of IF we get HOT inflation, but WHEN.

On that note, the $USD has continued to break down in a big way. As I write this, it’s dropping like a stone, again. We are now coming up on MAJOR support in the large consolidation pattern that the $USD has been following since 2015.



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dc64cd No.161508

File: 89b509050ad93c6⋯.png (8.55 KB,813x116,813:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041680 (152136ZDEC20) Notable: Have Anons seen this sort of message about 'community experience' on the comment sections of news sites?

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Have Anons seen this sort of message about 'community experience' on the comment sections of news sites?

Very much NOT self-aware these people are.


Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.


Found it on a news site reporting on COVID-19 cases which is based on PCR tests which test neither for a virus, nor for infectionk nor for an illness. 'Confirmed' means a second PCR sample was tested. Also when you dig a bit you find that hospitalizations and ICU cases were for the far greater part NOT based on an illness, i.e. COVID-19, but rather on at least one and usually two or more 'co-morbidities' with far greater impact than whatever the PCR result suggests politically.

Clinicians ought not to use PCR as a diagnositic tool. It is a manufacturing process to produce gene sequences for lab research and for forensics. Everything PCR is tainted. EVERYTHING.

New COVID-19 cases in Ontario exceed 2,000 for the first time in the pandemic


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dc64cd No.161509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041702 (152138ZDEC20) Notable: MSNBC’s Dr. Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks

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MSNBC’s Dr. Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks

It was never about a virus.

MSNBC’s Dr. Vin Gupta on Tuesday said that just because you’ve been vaccinated doesn’t mean you’re allowed to travel or walk around without a face mask on.

President Trump launched “Operation Warp Speed” earlier this year in an effort to produce a safe and effective Covid vaccine by the end of 2020.

“We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution,” Trump said last week at the Operation Warp Speed vaccine Summit.

“Before Operation Warp Speed, the typical timeframe for development and approval, as you know, could be infinity. And we were very, very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before. The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months,” he said.

Pfizer began delivering doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to hospitals this week but MSNBC’s Dr. Vin Gupta said despite vaccination, Americans should not be traveling or abandoning their face masks.

“There’s a source of confusion…one of the misperceptions out there is just because you get vaccinated with that second dose does not mean you should be participating in things like traveling in an out-of-control pandemic or that you’re liberated from masks,” Dr. Gupta said. “Everything applies until all of us get the two dose regimen and we don’t think that’s gonna happen until June or July.”

“We don’t know if vaccination prevents serious illness or does it also prevent you from getting infection entirely?”

The “out-of-control pandemic” Gupta is referring to has a 99.9998% survival rate for most people.

Video in link


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dc64cd No.161510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041703 (152138ZDEC20) Notable: colorado live session on election

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colorado live session on election



ISN'T that what Georgia used too?

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dc64cd No.161511

File: b403372b7dfd70a⋯.png (18.02 KB,478x301,478:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041733 (152141ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

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Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

A fascinating look into the relationship between the US Government & @wikileaks


We publish tomorrow, on the heels of Assange’s request of a Pardon from @realDonaldTrump



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dc64cd No.161512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041771 (152146ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

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Is it going to be more from this call?

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dc64cd No.161513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041782 (152147ZDEC20) Notable: colorado live session on election

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dc64cd No.161514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041791 (152148ZDEC20) Notable: Exposed: Chinese Psyops Against America – One Hell Of A Success

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The list goes on. Ex-Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, a former Senator from Maine and a model of “Down East” sensibility, runs a consulting firm pushing business with the PRC. He just hired another ex-Defense Secretary, retired Marine General James Mattis. Say it ain’t so. “About those Chinese concentration camps and PLA threats to kill American servicemen by the thousands, General?


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dc64cd No.161515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041796 (152149ZDEC20) Notable: Epoch Times: Support for Insurrection Act Grows

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Epoch Times: Support for Insurrection Act Grows

The 2020 presidential election is unlike any that came before and requires unprecedented measures to protect it, our republic, and our future.

Both the degree and the scale of voter fraud were unprecedented. In swing states, President Donald Trump had large leads on election night. Then, late that night, counting was stopped and election observers were ushered out. And then, huge, statistically impossible vote dumps occurred, giving Joe Biden the lead.

This pattern, which occurred only in the states where Biden needed to reverse the results in order to win, and which hadn’t occurred in previous elections, points to a coordinated effort to steal the election.

This effort likely involved manipulation of the vote by Dominion Voting Systems. According to a forensic audit of its machines and software in Michigan, ”the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

In addition, a thousand sworn affidavits by election observers and others now attest to various forms of illegal ballot harvesting and election irregularities.

There are reports—not yet confirmed—that foreign influence helped to undermine our election.

Trump has said our election system was the focus of a “coordinated assault and siege.”

As a consequence, our form of government is at risk. If an election can be won through such dishonest means as were used in 2020, then one can expect the next election to be won in the same manner. The American people will effectively lose their right to vote.

If there was a coordinated effort to steal the election, those actions amount to subversion.

In addition, if the United States in effect has one-party rule, then legal changes may fundamentally alter our system.

The Democrats have spoken of ending the Electoral College—assuring that the predominantly Democratic big cities will elect the president—and packing the Supreme Court, to ensure that Democratic-appointed judges have the majority.

But as serious as these threats to our republic are, they don’t get to the heart of what is at stake.

At its root, the current danger is not about whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins. It is not about the Democratic or Republican parties.

The United States is facing an evil force that wants to destroy our country and in fact destroy all good things in humanity.

This election is the climax of the battle between freedom and communism, between good and evil.

With the fall of communist regimes in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, people in the United States and around the world relaxed, thinking the communist threat had ended. But communism has never slept. Globalization strengthened it and weakened the United States.

Good and evil cannot compromise. They are like fire and ice. Giving in to evil only encourages it. A victory for communism in this election would result in a defeat for freedom everywhere. Humanity would be plunged into a long, dark night.

On Dec. 5 in Georgia, Trump said of those who want to steal the election, “These people want to go further than socialism, they want to go into a communistic form of government, and I have no doubt about it.”

How will the United States be defended? Local officials are often those most complicit in the corruption of the election. Judges, because of the doctrine of separation of powers, are often reluctant to tell states how to run their elections. The U.S. Congress has no role unless the Electoral College fails to deliver a winner.

Trump’s destiny is to fill the breach. He has taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, and he has the presidential powers to do so.

Trump should use those powers as president to safeguard the future of our republic and arrest those who have conspired to deprive people of their rights through election fraud. The Insurrection Act enables Trump to use the military to seize the key electoral evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate accounting of the vote.

Our system is in crisis. Trump would act to restore the rule of law.

Through opening the books, honesty can defeat fraud. The wishes of the majority of the people will be realized and communism defeated.


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dc64cd No.161516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041810 (152150ZDEC20) Notable: Andy Ngo TWEETS

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A Portland restaurant owner critical of antifa’s mass vandalism on Sandy Blvd. had his business burned down shortly after making the comments. Now investigators are saying the fire was an arson attack. This is the surveillance video:

>Just an idea, mates.


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dc64cd No.161517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041822 (152151ZDEC20) Notable: #15372

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>>161471 Joe Biden Warned In 2015 That Son Hunter's New Employer And Burisma Boss Was Corrupt

>>161472 China accuses Australia of playing the victim and politicising trade, says coal ban is 'responsible act'

>>161473 FBI abruptly cancelled congressional briefing about Swalwell.

>>161474 New Zealand offers to mediate truce between Australia and China

>>161475 Pro-Trump Australian MP Releases Plea for Julian Assange to Be Pardoned, Says Only Trump Can Protect Free Speech From the Democrats

>>161476 Peace on Earth and mercy mild: #Syria’s Christians gear up for #Christmas holiday

>>161477 Georgia Sheriffs Condemn Democrat Police Reform as ‘Crazy Talk’: ‘The Country Will Be Less Safe’


>>161479 Cryptocurrency Firm Co-Founder Sentenced in Celeb-Touted Scam

>>161480 , >>161500 Houston Police Capt. Arrested For Holding Repairman At Gunpoint In Bogus Voter-Fraud Conspiracy

>>161481 Cancers, strokes, birth deformities: Iraq reportedly plans to sue US over depleted uranium use

>>161482 George Soros and Charles Koch collaborated on a U.S.-bashing think tank?

>>161483 Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated

>>161484 Major news networks go silent on sexual harassment allegations against liberal darling Gov. Andrew Cuomo

>>161485 Maricopa County To Conduct Full Forensic Audit On Dominion Voting Machines

>>161486 Military origins of 'alien-like hexagon' shape spotted on #Australia's coast revealed

>>161487 Joseph R. Biden @JoeBiden has been declared the winner of the US presidential election. Congratulations from Vladimir Putin

>>161488 'Dueling' Electors, 'Hanging Chads': a History of Contested U.S. Elections

>>161489 Special Counsel John Durham EXPANDS Team Of Prosecutors

>>161490 CodeMonkey Tweet, 'Dominion deleted the reference and link to "SolarWinds" from their website, but we have the archive still.'

>>161491 We out here, Planefaggin'

>>161492 Canadian government also uses Solarwinds; Solarwinds Managed Service Provider (MSP) office in Ottawa, Canada?

>>161493 Vladimir Putin sent a message to Biden congratulation him on his 'victory'

>>161494 The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic (GUN GRAB)

>>161495 Interview with Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne on Bribing Hillary Clinton 3pm EST

>>161496 Brazil's Bolsonaro congratulates Biden on election victory

>>161497 How Attorney General Bill Barr Built A $40 Million Fortune

>>161498 , >>161499 , >>161511 , >>161512 Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

>>161501 GCHQ spies probe whether Russian hackers stole UK government secrets after months-long cyber attack on US agencies using the same SolarWinds security software

>>161502 JP Morgan taking a page out of Goldman’s book

>>161503 Head of the #Israel Security Agency will enter isolation after being exposed to a #coronavirus patient in his office.

>>161504 @USNavy TWEETS, 'Not on our watch!'

>>161505 Pelosi will require House members to wear masks to be recognized

>>161506 Netanyahu taps deputy Mossad head as spy agency’s next chief

>>161507 Joe Biden Is Packing His Administration With Money Printers

>>161508 Have Anons seen this sort of message about 'community experience' on the comment sections of news sites?

>>161509 MSNBC’s Dr. Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks

>>161510 , >>161513 colorado live session on election

>>161514 Exposed: Chinese Psyops Against America – One Hell Of A Success

>>161515 Epoch Times: Support for Insurrection Act Grows

>>161516 Andy Ngo TWEETS

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dc64cd No.161518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041853 (152154ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?

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Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?

Joe Biden, the most popular and charismatic Democrat in world history, is holding a parking lot rally for Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Atlanta on Tuesday afternoon.

Here is Pratt Pullman Yards in Atlanta where the rally is being held today.

It looks like a condemned building.


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dc64cd No.161519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041889 (152159ZDEC20) Notable: Mostly Empty Biden rally. (Faceberg Link)

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Mostly Empty Biden rally.

Can't upload pics.

(status: 500

error: Internal Server Error)


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dc64cd No.161520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041892 (152159ZDEC20) Notable: Colorado live session, witness trying to justify why Judicial Watch found more active voters than registered voters or people living in the county.

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Colorado live session

witness trying to justify why Judicial Watch found more active voters than registered voters or people living in the county.

5- 6 counties.

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dc64cd No.161521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041894 (152159ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Serrano Mad At Newsmax

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Dump Newsmax



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dc64cd No.161522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041931 (152204ZDEC20) Notable: HUGE: Veritas To Release Audio Recordings Between The State Department & Julian Assange 12/16/2020

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HUGE: Veritas To Release Audio Recordings Between The State Department & Julian Assange 12/16/2020


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dc64cd No.161523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041966 (152209ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell’s security fears she may suffer same fate as Princess Diana

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Ghislaine Maxwell’s security fears she may suffer same fate as Princess Diana


But D was an accident right


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dc64cd No.161524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041980 (152211ZDEC20) Notable: FDA approved its first GM pig for consumption, potentially safe for red meat allergy sufferers

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Critics say the agency failed to adequately scrutinize whether the pork will cause allergic reactions, or the environmental consequences of a GM pig escape.

Commins, an associate professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, is one of the nation’s foremost researchers specializing in alpha-gal syndrome, the term for an increasingly common allergy to meat and animal products. Named after the specific sugar that triggers allergic reactions, alpha-gal syndrome is widely believed to be caused by tick bites that introduce the offending molecules into the bloodstream, according to the CDC. In turn, consumption of red meat, which also contains alpha-gal, can then trigger subsequent allergic reactions, ranging in severity from hives to difficulty breathing.

But it may be wise to not count our pork chops before they’re plated. FDA’s approval only covers a single hog farm in Iowa with the capacity to produce 1,000 “GalSafe” pigs per year. In addition, it appears that the nutritional element of this approval may be ancillary to the medical possibilities at hand. Revivicor, the company that applied for FDA’s green light, is a developer of pig-based organs for use in human medicine, and yesterday’s approval is the first step in its efforts to develop heart and kidneys that can be transplanted in people.

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dc64cd No.161525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041994 (152212ZDEC20) Notable: Meet the Dangerous QAnon Figure Doing Whatever It Takes to Win Trump's Approval

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As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult, a movement that has destroyed families and led to real-world violence, including murder.


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dc64cd No.161526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042034 (152217ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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Any eyes on a Pave Low looking chopper flying south a few miles west of Richmond, VA?

It appeared to be just a few hundred feet up (shook my entire house) and I swear I saw guys hanging off either side.

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dc64cd No.161527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042038 (152218ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted As ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic

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Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted As ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic


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dc64cd No.161528

File: b263096f4ee5673⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,863x414,863:414,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbf6f7774473690⋯.pdf (13.32 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042080 (152221ZDEC20) Notable: CCP translation dump 8

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ok we are back with images and files !!!

CCP translation dump 8

part 1: 1313635-1410636 (second part in reply)

previous dumps

Dump 1 >>>/qresearch/12023479 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12023495 [pb]

Dump 2 >>160760 [pb] >>160761 [pb]

Dump 3 >>>/qresearch/12025287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12025293 [pb]

Dump 4 >>>/qresearch/12028287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12028295 [pb]

Dump 5 >>161057 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12030436 [pb]

Dump 6 >>161138 [pb] >>161141 [pb]

Dump 7 >>161237 [pb] >>161238 [pb]

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dc64cd No.161529

File: c8499a23f145360⋯.pdf (12.09 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042088 (152221ZDEC20) Notable: CCP translation dump 8

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part 2: 1410637-1517245

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dc64cd No.161530

File: 076e2981cc0b8f5⋯.png (130.02 KB,666x347,666:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042094 (152221ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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dc64cd No.161531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042111 (152223ZDEC20) Notable: The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

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This article is part of ongoing series at The Epoch Times.

The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

November 20, 2020 by Jeff Carlson, CFA

An understaffed tiny federal agency and 2 private testing labs responsible for certification of nation’s voting systems

The fallout of the Nov. 3 elections has put the spotlight on the integrity of electronic voting machines used in the United States. In response, authorities have pointed to certifications of the machines as a safeguard against potential systemic problems with the voting machines and their software.

A deeper look into the certification process used for the machines, however, reveals that the main certification agency in the United States, the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC), maintains an unexpectedly small staff, and one of its chief employees is a former executive of Dominion Voting Systems.

Furthermore it appears the bulk—if not all—of the testing of the election equipment is conducted by only two companies, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.

Electronic voting systems have become increasingly incorporated into the election process, raising concerns over their security, reliability, and accuracy in the process. Lightly-staffed federal agencies who appear to maintain overly close ties to the companies they are supposed to be monitoring raises additional questions about the thoroughness and integrity of the verification process.

Dominion Executive Joins Federal Certification Commission

Kathy Boockvar, just two weeks after she was appointed as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth, concluded in a Jan. 17, 2019 report (pdf) that Dominion’s “Democracy Suite 5.5A” voting machine “can be safely used by voters at elections,” and certified the Dominion voting systems in Pennsylvania.

Representing Dominion in that process was Jessica Bowers, director of certification for Dominion. In addition to Pennsylvania, Bowers appears to have been responsible for the implementation of Dominion Systems into a number of other states, including California, Colorado, Nevada, and Tennessee.

However, after enjoying a 10-year career at Dominion, Bowers would find her way into a new career path at the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

The EAC, which describes itself as “an independent bipartisan commission,” is responsible for adopting voluntary voting system guidelines and provides for the accreditation of manufacturers’ voting systems and voting system testing laboratories.

In May 2019, just as the agency was preparing for the 2020 election, it announced the departure of Ryan Macias, who had served as EAC’s acting director of testing and certification.

Macias’s position was an important one as he was responsible for managing EAC’s program that “works with the country’s top voting equipment vendors to certify and decertify voting system hardware and software, and accredits labs for testing equipment,” according to the website CyberScoop. Additionally, Macias had been overseeing an “important update to voting system security guidelines.”


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dc64cd No.161532

File: 563b00d49e895ec⋯.jpg (39.01 KB,587x614,587:614,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042114 (152223ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino Tweet + Q DROP #3691

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Patriot Anons

Q team - 2020

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dc64cd No.161533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042136 (152225ZDEC20) Notable: The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

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>The Small World of Voting Machine Certification cont

On May 9, 2019, the EAC announced that they had selected Jerome Lovato, who had worked at the EAC since September 2017, to replace Macias. The resignation of Macias and the subsequent appointment of Lovato raised some concerns in Congress, as noted in a letter sent to the EAC by Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.).

“Following the resignation of Ryan Macias, public reporting indicates that the EAC now employs only one full-time staff member dedicated to overseeing the certification process. While we understand that the Commission may be working to hire additional staff, we are concerned by the sudden appointment of Jerome Lovato to be the Director of Testing and Certification especially as reports indicating that Mr. Lovato will be working remotely, more than a thousand miles from EAC headquarters. As states continue to update their election equipment and vendors develop new machines, it is essential that Testing and Certification at the EAC be fully operational,” the senators wrote in their letter.

“Given the length of time the certification process can take, we are concerned that the EAC will not be able to certify the machines that states intend to use as part of their modernization efforts ahead of the 2020 elections.”

The concern over the EAC having only “one full-time staff member dedicated to overseeing the certification process” seems understandable given the potential importance of that duty. The senators asked the EAC what actions they would be taking to shore up personnel in front of the 2020 election.

That question was answered on May 21, 2019 with the announcement that the EAC was adding two individuals to its voting certification program—Jessica Bowers,recently the director of certification for Dominion and a 10-year veteran with the firm, andPaul Aumayr, a former Maryland election official.

An article describing the new hires noted “It was not immediately clear how the EAC might mitigate any potential conflicts of interest that could arise with hiring Bowers, the former director of certification at Dominion Voting Systems, onto the EAC program.”

The EAC website describes Bowers as managing “voting system testing and certification projects as well as assisting the development of new Voluntary Voting System Guidelines” but fails to disclose any direct mention of her role at Dominion Voting Systems.

“Prior to joining the EAC, she was the Director of Certification for a voting system manufacturer and has worked in the election industry in software development and certification since 2008,” the website states.

Under EAC Staff Members, Bowers is listed as Acting CIO/CISO, while Aumayr is listed as Senior Election Technology Specialist. Despite the important role the EAC plays in election integrity, they list only a total of 23 staff members, five executives (of which Lovato is one), and four commissioners. The EAC does have a large Board of Advisors comprised of 37 individuals.

Both Bowers and Aumayr appear to have hit the ground running as a July 9, 2019 update from the EAC Testing and Certification blog lists Aumayr as the Project Manager for Dominion Voting Systems’ “Democracy Suite 5.5B” and Clear Ballot’s “ClearVote 2.0” while Bowers is listed as the Project Manager for Election Systems & Software’s (ES&S) “EVS” and Unisyn Voting Solutions’ “OpenElect 2.1.”

All four of these companies are members of CISA’s Sector Coordinating Council, one of two councils that issued a recent Nov. 12 joint statement on the election, claiming it was the “most secure in American history.”

Only 2 Certified Testers of Election Equipment

==On the EAC website, there are seven Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTL) listed. However, only two of these testing labs, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, are listed on the page as accredited, as the others are listed as having their accreditation expired.

From early 2017 on, these two companies are the only testing labs to have provided voting system certification according to a listing of certifications by the EAC.

For one of the two companies used, Pro V&V, the EAC fails to publicly provide the accreditation certificate on its website, instead linking to a page giving a “page could not be found” warning.

The latest certificate listed for Pro V&V on the company’s profile overview on the EAC website has an issue date of Feb. 24, 2015 and is effective through Feb. 24, 2017. It is unclear if the company’s accreditation is truly expired or if the fault lies with the EAC website.


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dc64cd No.161534

File: f5a9aef37c853ae⋯.png (176.13 KB,612x412,153:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042158 (152226ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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dc64cd No.161535

File: 66e7f7fd160ea62⋯.png (29 KB,826x212,413:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042159 (152227ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?

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Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?

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dc64cd No.161536

File: 32f16164d9ff34a⋯.png (71.95 KB,745x899,745:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042160 (152227ZDEC20) Notable: Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric S. Dreiband on Supreme Court's Order in Favor of Colorado Church that Challenged COVID Restrictions

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Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric S. Dreiband on Supreme Court's Order in Favor of Colorado Church that Challenged COVID Restrictions

Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Intervened Earlier in the Litigation on Behalf of the Church with a Statement of Interest

Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, Eric S. Dreiband, issued the following statement:

“Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in High Plains Harvest Church v. Polis and other recent decisions make abundantly clear that religious liberty is not a second-class right. There is no pandemic exception to the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights. This should be obvious to public officials because the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution make it illegal for any government in this country to make any law that prohibits the free exercise of religion. Colorado’s decision to treat religion and houses of worship less favorably than marijuana dispensaries, laundromats, and other nonreligious activities is illegal and suggests a lack of respect or understanding about our Constitution. When states ease COVID-19 restrictions for other fundamental rights or economic activities, they must extend at least the same treatment to places of worship. The Constitution demands no less.”


The United States filed a Statement of Interest supporting the church in the case, High Plains Harvest Church v. Polis, on May 29, 2020. The federal District Court for Colorado had denied an injunction on Aug. 10, 2020 to the church, High Plains Harvest Church, and the federal Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit had upheld that rsuling. The U.S. Supreme Court decision nullified those decisions and called on the Court of Appeals to reconsider the case in light of the Supreme Court’s decision on November 25 in Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, which held that New York’s restrictions of places of worship to 10 or 25 people depending on the zone violated the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution.

The department’s press release on its previous statement of interest in this case can be found here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-files-statement-interest-support-freedom-religion-colorado-church

The United Sates’ Statement of Interest was part of Attorney General William P. Barr's April 27, 2020 initiative directing Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Eric Dreiband, and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, Matthew Schneider, to review state and local policies to ensure that civil liberties are protected during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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dc64cd No.161537

File: 4189d1f64b7ec21⋯.png (12.48 KB,463x113,463:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042163 (152227ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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pt 1

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dc64cd No.161538

File: 402912104be5922⋯.png (43.62 KB,151x187,151:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042174 (152228ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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pt 2


This might be the guy Richmond VA

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dc64cd No.161539

File: cc92ca839490643⋯.png (193.64 KB,860x260,43:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042177 (152228ZDEC20) Notable: PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger “Will Soon be Going to Jail”

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PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger “Will Soon be Going to Jail”

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dc64cd No.161540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042185 (152228ZDEC20) Notable: The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

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>The Small World of Voting Machine Certification cont

Despite being responsible for the testing and data used in the certification of entire voting systems, including that of Dominion’s recently certified“Democracy Suite (D-Suite) 5.5-C Voting System (Pro V&V Test Report June 16, 2020),while simultaneously providing system testing across the nation, Pro V&V has only a single office listed, located in a business suite, that is supported by a surprisingly crude and sparse website.

The website description of Pro V&V’s facilities omits the “Suite” portion of their address while claiming their “office and laboratory layouts allow ample space for test equipment, software, and hardware used in the testing process.” Their site also claims they have the option of expanding into additional space within the same complex.

Pro V&V, like Dominion Voting and Smartmatic, is a member of CISA’s Sector Coordinating Council, the same council that recently issued the joint statement on the 2020 presidential election. The other primary testing lab, SLI Compliance, is also a member of the same council.

In response to recent allegations of potential problems with the integrity of Dominion’s voting machines used in the Nov. 3 election, Pro V&V has been repeatedly cited as an authority in denying these allegations, including the recount in Georgia.

The Georgia Case

In July 2019, despite existing legal challenges, Georgia purchased a $106 million election system from Dominion Voting Systems. In a lawsuit, which originated in 2017, critics contended that the new system was subject to many of the same security vulnerabilities as the one it was replacing.

The issue most recently came to a head after credible accusations emerged of problems with voting machines.

Sworn affidavits, filed as part of an emergency motion on Nov. 17, detail allegations by poll observers of potential election fraud. Among other things, the poll workers recounted similar instances of pristine ballots that had similar characteristics: “They were all for Biden and had the same perfect black bubble.”

However, on that same day, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger issued a statement announcing the completion of the state’s voting machine audit which claimed “Pro V&V found no evidence of the machines being tampered.”

The statement was widely cited by media organizations and others as evidence that claims of problems with voting machines in Georgia were meritless.

A closer examination of the statement, however, indicates that the only thing Pro V&V did was extract “the software or firmware from the components to check that the only software or firmware on the components was certified for use by the Secretary of State’s office.” The headline of the release appears to have been more important than the scope of the actual functions performed by Pro V&V.

Earlier this year, in an Aug. 24 sworn declaration,Harri Hursti, an acknowledged expert on electronic voting security, provided a first-hand description of problems he observed with Georgia’s new voting systems during the June 9 statewide primary election and the runoff elections on Aug. 11.

Hursti told the court of a series of problems, including the fact that “the scanner and tabulation software settings being employed to determine which votes to count on hand marked paper ballots are likely causing clearly intentioned votes not to be counted.”

Hursti also said that “the voting system is being operated in Fulton County in a manner that escalates the security risk to an extreme level.” And that “voters are not reviewing their BMD [Ballot Marking Devices] printed ballots, which causes BMD generated results to be un-auditable due to the untrustworthy audit trail.”

Separately, during pre-election testing of Dominion’s voting systems in Georgia in late September, election officials discovered a problem with the display for the U.S. Senate race, finding that under certain circumstances, not all of the candidates’ names fit on a single screen.


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dc64cd No.161541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042193 (152229ZDEC20) Notable: The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

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>The Small World of Voting Machine Certification cont

Lawyers for Dominion called the problem a “very minor issue” easily fixed with changes to the software. Lawyers for “voting integrity activists,” already involved in lawsuits over Georgia’s new Dominion System, voiced concerns over “the severity of the problem and the security of a last-minute fix.”

Dominion submitted the software fix to Pro V&V, for evaluation. Notably, Pro V&V had just recently provided certification testing for Dominion’s Democracy Suite 5.5-C on April 20, 2020 and June 16, 2020 leading to the July 9, 2020 EAC Certification but had not caught the software problem at the time.

On Oct. 1, a Zoom court hearing took place and a transcript of that hearing was made. During the call, Dr. Coomer from Dominion came into the Zoom meeting. Although no first name was provided, it appears to refer to Dr. Eric Coomer, director of Product Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems.

Coomer told the Court it was his belief the software change “was de minimis,” but stated that Dominion did not make that determination but instead “submit that change to an accredited laboratory, in this case Pro V&V. They analyze the change. They look at the code. And they determine whether it is de minimis or not.”

Later during the hearing,Coomer was asked if he knew whom at Pro V&V was performing the software testing. Coomer said he did not and noted “I don’t know the makeup of Pro V&V’s employees.”

This statement from Coomer strikes as somewhat odd given that only three employees of Pro V&V have been located in reviewed documents; Jack Cobb, Michael Walker, and Wendy Owens. It was Owens and Walker who performed the Nov. 26, 2019 Testing for the Certification of Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 5.5-A and it was these same two individuals who provided the April 13, 2020 and June 16, 2020 Testing of Dominion’s Democracy Suite 5.5-C. Additionally, Pro V&V and Dominion are both members of the same CISA council.

Indeed, on Oct. 2, 2020, a letter from Wendy Owens of Pro V&V was sent confirming “that this version of the ICX software corrected the issue with displaying of two column contests.” The letter concluded with a recommendation from Pro V&V that the software change to Dominion’s systems be “deemed as de minimis.”

On Oct. 3, a declaration fromDr. J. Alex Halderman was filed that refuted the procedures of Pro V&V’s testing, noting that the “report makes clear that Pro V&V performed only cursory testing of this new software. The company did not attempt to independently verify the cause of the ballot display problem, nor did it adequately verify that the changes are an effective solution. Pro V&V also appears to have made no effort to test whether the changes create new problems that impact the reliability, accuracy, or security of the BMD system.”

On Oct. 11, Judge Amy Totenberg in the case issued a ruling (pdf) noting that “Despite the profound issues raised by the Plaintiffs, the Court cannot jump off the legal edge and potentially trigger major disruption in the legally established state primary process.”

Although Judge Totenberg ruled to allow the Dominion System to be used in the Nov 3, 2020 election, she voiced real concerns, stating the “risks are neither hypothetical nor remote.”

She also noted thatJack Cobb, the director of Pro V&V,“plainly indicated that he actually claims no specialized knowledge or background in cybersecurity engineering and did not himself perform any security risk analysis of the BMD [Ballot Marking Device] system.” Instead, “State Defendantsrelied on Dr. Coomer’stestimony, to address—based on his professional experience—some of the significant cybersecurity issues raised by Plaintiffs.”


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dc64cd No.161542

File: 885597fe0c0e3d4⋯.png (297.7 KB,861x644,123:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042196 (152229ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated (VIDEO)

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Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated (VIDEO)

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dc64cd No.161543

File: 4bc1de34e16c906⋯.png (1.3 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042199 (152230ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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dc64cd No.161544

File: 4fcbe617e5deae4⋯.png (223.57 KB,647x376,647:376,Clipboard.png)

File: b5864d8cfdffe1d⋯.png (459.48 KB,694x371,694:371,Clipboard.png)

File: f94de2d2abde307⋯.png (1.07 MB,701x614,701:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042207 (152230ZDEC20) Notable: Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

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Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – A Brownsville federal grand jury has indicted a Canadian woman for prohibitions with respect to biological weapons and making threats via interstate commerce.

Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier aka Jane Ferrier, 53, is currently in custody in Washington, D.C., on separate, but similar charges. She is expected to make her initial appearance in Brownsville at a future date.

The grand jury returned the indictment yesterday charging Ferrier with eight counts each of prohibitions with respect to biological weapons and making threats via interstate commerce.

Between Sept. 14-21, Ferrier allegedly sent envelopes containing letters and a powdery substance to multiple agencies. These included the White House, President Trump, the El Valle Detention Facility, Hidalgo County Adult Detention Center, Brooks County Detention Center, Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office, Brooks County Sheriff’s Office and Mission Police Department, according to the charges.

The substance sent is alleged to be Ricin.

If convicted, Ferrier faces up to life for the biological weapons charges, while threats via interstate commerce carries a potential five-year sentence. Both convictions also carry a maximum $250,000 possible fine.

The FBI conducted the investigation with the assistance of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s – Office of Professional Responsibility; U.S. Postal Inspection Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; police departments in Raymondville, Pharr and Mission; El Valle Detention Facility;

Fire departments in Harlingen and Brooks County; Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office; Brooks County Detention Center; and Texas Department of State Health Services. Assistant U.S. Attorneys David A. Coronado, David A. Lindenmuth and Alamdar Hamdani are prosecuting the case.


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dc64cd No.161545

File: bccbdfddeca38a4⋯.png (18.73 KB,651x190,651:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042214 (152231ZDEC20) Notable: NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says

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NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says

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dc64cd No.161546

File: 0aa64c69f3d4f08⋯.png (1 MB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042228 (152232ZDEC20) Notable: We out here, Planefaggin'

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AE5D16 comes back as a MH-53E Sea Dragon, Tail No.162504

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dc64cd No.161547

File: 0719a6aefed19ca⋯.png (688.48 KB,733x622,733:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042229 (152232ZDEC20) Notable: The vaccine naysayers got it wrong (Update)

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The vaccine naysayers got it wrong (Update)

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dc64cd No.161548

File: 7128165a7784d12⋯.png (272.44 KB,707x819,101:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042240 (152233ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Defense TWEETS, 'Special delivery!'

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸


Special delivery! The Camp Arifjan, Kuwait 🇰🇼 mailroom is spreading holiday cheer to the service members who continue to support combat, security cooperation and peacekeeping operations in the Middle East during this season. #KnowYourMil

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dc64cd No.161549

File: 39fb270c3c4109c⋯.png (692.14 KB,607x899,607:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ec910d4c2f910⋯.png (18.22 KB,880x262,440:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042243 (152233ZDEC20) Notable: Vote Machine Company Threatens Legal Action Against Conservative Media

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Vote Machine Company Threatens Legal Action Against Conservative Media

Voting Machine company Smartmatic has delivered legal notices to three conservative news networks, demanding retractions of claims that the company was involved in rigging the election in favour of Joe Biden.

According to reports, Smartmatic has issued legal notices to Fox News, OAN and Newsmax, accusing the networks of a “campaign [that] was designed to defame Smartmatic and undermine a legitimately conducted elections.”

The company is said to have accused Fox News of having “embarked on a disinformation campaign against Smartmatic,” by allowing Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to make claims of vote fraud.

“Over the course of the campaign, Fox News published and republished dozens of false and misleading statements regarding Smartmatic,” the notice is said to read.

The legal notice also reportedly claims there is “no evidence or credible source to support” the vote rigging claims, and that anyone “would have easily discovered the falsity of the statements and implications being made about Smartmatic by performing even a modicum of investigation.”

The legal notice is also said to have specifically named Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Jesse Watters, and Maria Bartiromo, and indicates that Smartmatic could pursue legal action against them personally:


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dc64cd No.161550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042257 (152234ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material

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Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material


Updated: December 15, 2020 - 4:39pm

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dc64cd No.161551

File: eee712e589b6b08⋯.png (96.68 KB,612x299,612:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ac2ed15fdc5256⋯.png (454.16 KB,424x428,106:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042284 (152236ZDEC20) Notable: They Stole It Fair And Square

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Posted on December 15, 2020 by Steven Hayward in 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats

They Stole It Fair And Square

why always one way streets around court courthouses…

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dc64cd No.161552

File: 673975624219f0e⋯.jpg (171.45 KB,1003x1018,1003:1018,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042286 (152236ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Michael Flynn TWEETS (link please?)

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dc64cd No.161553

File: 1b5fd9c46eaa578⋯.jpg (120.14 KB,1014x570,169:95,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042329 (152239ZDEC20) Notable: Rumble Archive / Alternative to the Yootube version in case the Toob nukes it.

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Rumble Archive / Alternative to the Yootube version in case the Toob nukes it.


Should we start digging Wikileaks for Killary and Turkey/Erdogan collusion?

Why would Turkey bribe Hilldawg they left that part out.

TURKEY Clinton Foundation connections?


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dc64cd No.161554

File: c62aa0102876b3d⋯.png (31.83 KB,693x309,231:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042335 (152239ZDEC20) Notable: The SolarWinds Orion Data Breach into Federal and Civilian Organizations Highlights a Silent Agenda by Foreign Actors

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The SolarWinds Orion Data Breach into Federal and Civilian Organizations Highlights a Silent Agenda by Foreign Actors

Posted on December 14, 2020 by sundance

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dc64cd No.161555

File: 46d1c8c2c8a7357⋯.png (125.64 KB,1321x644,1321:644,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c4c2895dfdcf5b⋯.png (159.15 KB,436x393,436:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 07e21dc0fe2c02f⋯.png (100.66 KB,437x501,437:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e4f7539126231a⋯.jpg (84.9 KB,690x467,690:467,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9913fa102eb2ec⋯.jpg (128.43 KB,800x565,160:113,Clipboard.jpg)

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dc64cd No.161556

File: 0834b9eee7f907a⋯.png (34.09 KB,599x348,599:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042345 (152240ZDEC20) Notable: Snowden Tweets

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Edward Snowden


When a crooked politician calls me traitor, ask yourself: who did I betray? The courts have ruled repeatedly that the programs I revealed were unlawful, and likely unconstitutional—a violation of your rights.

If this is treason, what they call loyalty is a crime.

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dc64cd No.161557

File: dee91dc9b184515⋯.jpeg (927.39 KB,828x1791,92:199,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042349 (152241ZDEC20) Notable: Richard Donoghue was apart of the NVXIM case in case this hasn’t been shared

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Richard Donoghue was apart of the NVXIM case in case this hasn’t been shared


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dc64cd No.161558

File: d8c06103232ad4a⋯.png (362.57 KB,656x716,164:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042355 (152241ZDEC20) Notable: Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters

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Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters

Data obtained by the Nevada GOP from the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles reveals that thousands of non-citizens were registered to vote and ultimately cast ballots in the 2020 election.

The revelation, adding to a long list of fraudulent election activities in the critical swing state, comes as a result of Nevada’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) automatically registering all voters who apply for driver’s licenses. Since legal and illegal non-citizens can hold driver’s licenses and identification cards, if the DMV fails to “do their due diligence,” non-citizens can easily be registered to vote, as explained by the Nevada GOP.

Under a subpoena, the state’s GOP obtained data that showed green card holders and non citizens who had obtained driver’s licenses. From this official data set, the Nevada GOP “compared this detailed information against the county voter records in Nevada” and “discovered that 6,260 non citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens had voted.”

In a signed statement “under the penalty of perjury,” the group’s data analyst Jesse Kamzol outlined his findings, which he emphasized “merit further investigation.”

Specifically, Kamzol found:

6,360 positive matches were made from within the DMV file to the Voter File

6,136 (96.5%) of those matched voter registration records have voter registration records that are “active”

3,987 (62.7%) of those matched voter registration records voted/cast ballots that appear to have been counted — meaning, they are not shown as being provisional or rejected mail ballots per data collected from the SoS and/or County Elections Divisions

4,546 (71.5%) of those matched voter registration records appear to have attempted to vote, including provisional votes and rejected mail ballots per data collected from the SoS and/or County Elections Divisions


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dc64cd No.161559

File: 97fe26b1bd7c4f5⋯.png (26.51 KB,1361x229,1361:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042367 (152241ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material

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Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material

The system, known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, handles classified information, up to the secret level.

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dc64cd No.161560

File: 58fca55b1144a21⋯.png (226.27 KB,856x712,107:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042403 (152245ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County

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Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County

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dc64cd No.161561

File: 71e8d2c52ebfb92⋯.png (302.37 KB,857x635,857:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042423 (152246ZDEC20) Notable: Report: Big Tech giving Joe Biden cash while hiding Hunter Biden scandals 'The Silicon Valley mafia was always in the tank and everyone knew it'

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Report: Big Tech giving Joe Biden cash while hiding Hunter Biden scandals

'The Silicon Valley mafia was always in the tank and everyone knew it'

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dc64cd No.161562

File: 87d2b7756504506⋯.png (508.74 KB,615x662,615:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042431 (152247ZDEC20) Notable: John Solomon Tweets

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dc64cd No.161563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042441 (152247ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGIA SENATE REPUBLICANS / MICHIGAN STATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE

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Demand that they certify Trump electors and require signature verifications in the run-offs AND seek a forensic audit of dominion machines as well as conduct a signature audit of the 2020 election.

john.albers@senate.ga.gov, john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov, ben.watson@senate.ga.gov, larry.walker@senate.ga.gov, renee.unterman@senate.ga.gov, lindsey.tippins@senate.ga.gov, blake.tillery@senate.ga.gov, bruce.thompson@senate.ga.gov, brian.strickland@senate.ga.gov, emily.doppel@senate.ga.gov, jesse.stone@senate.ga.gov, randy.robertson@senate.ga.gov, chuck.payne@senate.ga.gov, jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov, butch.miller@senate.ga.gov, p.k.martin@senate.ga.gov, william.ligon@senate.ga.gov, kay.kirkpatrick@senate.ga.gov, greg.kirk@senate.ga.gov, john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov, burt.jones@senate.ga.gov, chuck.hufstetler@senate.ga.gov, jack.hill@senate.ga.gov, billy.hickman@senate.ga.gov, billheath@billheath.net, tyler.harper@senate.ga.gov, marty.harbin@senate.ga.gov, steve.gooch@senate.ga.gov, frank.ginn@senate.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, greg.dolezal@senate.ga.gov, bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov, dean.burke@senate.ga.gov, matt.brass@senate.ga.gov, ellis.black@senate.ga.gov, brandon.beach@senate.ga.gov, lee.anderson@senate.ga.gov


Demand that they send a subpoena to dominion machines in Wayne county immediately.

GrahamFiller@house.mi.gov, BeauLaFave@house.mi.gov, DianaFarrington@house.mi.gov, GaryHowell@house.mi.gov, StevenJohnson@house.mi.gov, DaireRendon@house.mi.gov, RyanBerman@house.mi.gov

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dc64cd No.161564

File: 9bf1000e86bddfa⋯.jpg (38.63 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042450 (152248ZDEC20) Notable: Mayor Pete set to become Secretary Buttigieg as Biden reportedly picks him for Department of Transportation

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Mayor Pete set to become Secretary Buttigieg as Biden reportedly picks him for Department of Transportation

15 Dec, 2020 22:02 / Updated 12 minutes ago

President-elect Joe Biden has chosen former Democrat primary rival Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary, US media reported, adding that the former mayor will be the first gay Cabinet member if confirmed by the Senate.

After previously being considered for such posts as US ambassador to the United Nations and commerce secretary, Buttigieg emerged as a top candidate for the transportation secretary in recent days, CNN said. Rhode Island Governor Gina Ralmondo, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti reportedly were among the other candidates considered for the job.

Buttigieg performed surprisingly well in the initial Democrat primaries and became a key ally of Biden after he dropped out of the race just two days before Super Tuesday, helping the former vice president gain the upper hand over US Senator Bernie Sanders. He and another candidate, Senator Amy Klobuchar, endorsed Biden just one day before Super Tuesday.


Chase me, chase me, sniff me if you catch me…..

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dc64cd No.161565

File: 8ab6683d2b481c6⋯.png (87.75 KB,1482x250,741:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f0452c39dd14a1⋯.png (203.21 KB,1406x776,703:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042470 (152250ZDEC20) Notable: John Solomon Tweets

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dc64cd No.161566

File: ab12d0dc0b612c5⋯.png (610.41 KB,859x582,859:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042473 (152250ZDEC20) Notable: CNN’s Jim Acosta Yells At McEnany As She Leaves Press Briefing, Accuses Her Of Spreading Disinformation ‘Every Day’

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CNN’s Jim Acosta Yells At McEnany As She Leaves Press Briefing, Accuses Her Of Spreading Disinformation ‘Every Day’

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dc64cd No.161567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042477 (152250ZDEC20) Notable: Jeb Bush Faces Cries Of Favoritism In Defense Of Outgoing AG Barr

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Jeb Bush Faces Cries Of Favoritism In Defense Of Outgoing AG Barr

Twice serving as attorney general, Barr handed in his resignation on Monday

During his first tenure, Barr encouraged presidential pardons in the Iran-Contra affair

Barr eventually distanced himself from President Trump on election fraud claims

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was accused of playing family favorites with his praise for outgoing Attorney General Bill Barr, who served in the same role during his father's presidency.

Barr issued a two-page resignation letter to President Donald Trump on Monday, announcing he’d wrap up his remaining obligations and leave the administration on Dec. 23.

Jeb Bush, the younger brother of former President George W. Bush and the second son of the late former President George H. W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush, took to Twitter to praise Barr as a misunderstood leader.

Bill Barr is a man of great integrity. Strangely, it is a good sign to be criticized by progressives if you are protecting executive powers and by the President if you aren’t intervening in the election process. I appreciate his misunderstood leadership.

— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) December 14, 2020

His comment triggered an uproar on Twitter, with commentators noting Barr’s reputation for steadfast loyalty to Trump, particularly in the investigation related to Russian election meddling.

Others argued that Bush’s notion of integrity was skewed given Barr’s role in the first Bush administration. Claims that Barr did favors for the Bush family were among the overwhelming cries of hypocrisy online.

Barr served first as U.S. attorney general in the George H. W. Bush administration. During his tenure, Barr’s Justice Department led a program that gathered vast records of calls made from the U.S. to 116 countries in the early 1990s, an investigation by USA Today found last year.

According to a Justice Department inspector general at the time, the department under Barr “failed to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis” of its authority to compile phone records.

Barr, another user observed, has a reputation as a clean-up man for powerful Republican figures, including former President George H.W. Bush. Those claims eventually earned him the nickname of “Cover-up Attorney General Barr” in Salon magazine.

In the Iran-Contra affair, a scandal that saw former President Ronald Reagan sending military equipment to Iran in violation of an arms embargo to finance rebels in Nicaragua, Barr advised the elder President Bush on issuing pardons to save the late president from testifying in the investigations.


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dc64cd No.161568

File: c42bb05db4fe8ad⋯.png (279.91 KB,1021x555,1021:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042478 (152251ZDEC20) Notable: Pedro Sánchez stresses importance of strategic relations between Spain and China

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Pedro Sánchez stresses importance of strategic relations between Spain and China

President of the Government receives Director of Central Foreign Affairs Commission of Chinese Communist Party, Yang Jiechi, at Moncloa Palace

Spaniish ruling government comp'd?

Moncloa Palace, Madrid, Thursday 3 September 2020

"Chinese Communist Party, Yang Jiechi, at Moncloa Palace".


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dc64cd No.161569

File: 33bfc08ffe933bf⋯.png (350.57 KB,628x409,628:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042497 (152252ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats Got Caught Red-Handed Doing What They Accused Republicans Of Doing In Georgia

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Democrats Got Caught Red-Handed Doing What They Accused Republicans Of Doing In Georgia

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dc64cd No.161570

File: 5b6bc7ad6210ab2⋯.png (117.13 KB,1366x342,683:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042502 (152253ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Theory On POTUS TWEET + AG BARR RESIGNATION

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Something just hit me. "Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family…"

The use of 3 dots by POTUS was intentional. It signifies that there is more to the story that isn't being stated. Like there is a blank to fill in about what happens after Christmas.

Here's an anons attempt to fill in the rest.

"Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family…I am allowing this because he played his role well. The holidays are for family, and Bill has earned the privilege to enjoy this one last Christmas as a free man. After that, he will be among the many who will face justice for betraying our country, but by his having cooperated with The Plan, the punishment Bill will receive will be on the lighter end of the allowable spectrum."

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dc64cd No.161571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042503 (152253ZDEC20) Notable: California Covid-19 Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Orders 5,000 Body Bags, Refrigerated Units For Coroners As State Prepares For Surge In Deaths

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California Covid-19 Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Orders 5,000 Body Bags, Refrigerated Units For Coroners As State Prepares For Surge In Deaths

On Tuesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom took a victory lap after the arrival of the first 32,000 doses Covid-19 vaccine. “There is light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. But there was a lot of darkness in the numbers later announced.

At his news conference, the governor ran through the distribution of the initial 327,000 doses from Pfizer, 60% of which could be delivered on Tuesday. Newsom announced an additional 393,000 from Pfizer as early as next week. The total number of doses delivered by the end of the year, could rise to 2.1 million, he said.

The first phase of the vaccine rollout will inoculate 3 million mostly frontline healthcare workers.

The second phase will inoculate 8 million others, which could include teachers, farm workers, grocery story workers. The workers included on that list are still being firmed up by a state working group.

The governor reported 32,326 new cases in the state over the past 24 hours. Even more grimly, California had seen 142 deaths. Newsom said that 163 people had been lost to the virus on average over the past 7 days. The all-time high number of deaths related to the virus was the 225 reported on Friday.

“This is not something to be trifled with,” he said. “Think about what the January number may look like if we continue [like this].”

Newsom then announced that the state had activated mutual aid among the state’s coroners. That means if one area’s coroners are overwhelmed, they can call on those from nearby regions for help.

“We have orders for 63 refrigerated units,” he said. “We just had to order 5,000 additional body bags and distribute them down to San Diego, L.A. County.” Newsom said his intention was not to scare Californians, but the gravity of the announcement was hard to ignore.

Asked whether he was concerned about hospitals being driven past their limits Newsom replied, “That is correct.”

“Even if we start seeing the case numbers go down,” said the Governor, “we have the residual, the impact on the hospitals. That’s what we’re concerned about — that long tail — in terms of our planning.”

The state’s director of Health and Human Services, Dr. Mark Ghaly, indicated that the state’s case counts were “15,000 two weeks ago. They’re now 30,000. That should tell you what our hospitals will be facing in the next 2 weeks.” In other words, a doubling of demand.

Ghaly indicated that it would be “45-60 days before our hospital system really sees the kind of relief and return to normal.” That prediction seemed to be predicted, however, on Californians modifying their behavior.

“We have an opportunity in the next few days to stay at home as much as we can,” said Ghaly, “to wear our masks as much as we can. To make different decisions about travel. Especially as we move into the holiday season.”


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dc64cd No.161572

File: 84ee92f81223f51⋯.png (495.43 KB,775x601,775:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042515 (152253ZDEC20) Notable: Under Threat of Recall, Gov. Gavin Newsom May Get to Name Two U.S. Senators

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Under Threat of Recall, Gov. Gavin Newsom May Get to Name Two U.S. Senators

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dc64cd No.161573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042522 (152254ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGIA SENATE REPUBLICANS / MICHIGAN STATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE

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We the people hereby demand that 1) you certify Trump electors in the 2020 elections to the U.S. Congress; 2) require signature verifications in the run-offs and hold a special session to address the illegal consent decree and 3) seek a forensic audit of dominion machines and 4) conduct a signature audit of the 2020 election. Without these actions, you risk carelessly disregard clear constitutional rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by allowing election fraud to be certified in a federal election. Thank you. 

john.albers@senate.ga.gov, john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov, ben.watson@senate.ga.gov, larry.walker@senate.ga.gov, renee.unterman@senate.ga.gov, lindsey.tippins@senate.ga.gov, blake.tillery@senate.ga.gov, bruce.thompson@senate.ga.gov, brian.strickland@senate.ga.gov, emily.doppel@senate.ga.gov, jesse.stone@senate.ga.gov, randy.robertson@senate.ga.gov, chuck.payne@senate.ga.gov, jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov, butch.miller@senate.ga.gov, p.k.martin@senate.ga.gov, william.ligon@senate.ga.gov, kay.kirkpatrick@senate.ga.gov, greg.kirk@senate.ga.gov, john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov, burt.jones@senate.ga.gov, chuck.hufstetler@senate.ga.gov, jack.hill@senate.ga.gov, billy.hickman@senate.ga.gov, billheath@billheath.net, tyler.harper@senate.ga.gov, marty.harbin@senate.ga.gov, steve.gooch@senate.ga.gov, frank.ginn@senate.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, greg.dolezal@senate.ga.gov, bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov, dean.burke@senate.ga.gov, matt.brass@senate.ga.gov, ellis.black@senate.ga.gov, brandon.beach@senate.ga.gov, lee.anderson@senate.ga.gov


We the people hereby demand that you send a subpoena to dominion machines in Wayne county immediately and 2) support the certification of Trump electors in Michigan and 3) investigate state police for refusing Trump electors access to public property in the State of Michigan under color of state law. Thank you.

GrahamFiller@house.mi.gov, BeauLaFave@house.mi.gov, DianaFarrington@house.mi.gov, GaryHowell@house.mi.gov, StevenJohnson@house.mi.gov, DaireRendon@house.mi.gov, RyanBerman@house.mi.gov

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dc64cd No.161574

File: e1360c2bb33d0d4⋯.png (699.14 KB,826x573,826:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 97bee64fe0d56b9⋯.png (472.99 KB,573x476,573:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042534 (152255ZDEC20) Notable: Illegal Immigrant Convicted Of Murdering A Child Released From California Prison

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Illegal Immigrant Convicted Of Murdering A Child Released From California Prison

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dc64cd No.161575

File: 57af961b55bd7da⋯.png (289.16 KB,398x547,398:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 4485ad8977b222d⋯.jpg (126.58 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042537 (152255ZDEC20) Notable: Mssed PB CIA Tweets Trivia / PB

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#TuesdayTrivia #HolidayEdition

You know how this works. Let us know how many differences you find.



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dc64cd No.161576

File: 35ad46cee0a1667⋯.png (65.9 KB,194x259,194:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042559 (152257ZDEC20) Notable: #15373

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>>161518 , >>161535 Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?

>>161519 Mostly Empty Biden rally. (Faceberg Link)

>>161520 Colorado live session, witness trying to justify why Judicial Watch found more active voters than registered voters or people living in the county.

>>161521 Mark Serrano Mad At Newsmax

>>161522 HUGE: Veritas To Release Audio Recordings Between The State Department & Julian Assange 12/16/2020

>>161523 Ghislaine Maxwell’s security fears she may suffer same fate as Princess Diana

>>161524 FDA approved its first GM pig for consumption, potentially safe for red meat allergy sufferers

>>161525 Meet the Dangerous QAnon Figure Doing Whatever It Takes to Win Trump's Approval

>>161527 Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted As ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic

>>161528 , >>161529 CCP translation dump 8

>>161530 , >>161534 , >>161543 , >>161526 , >>161537 , >>161538 , >>161546 We out here, Planefaggin'

>>161531 , >>161533 , >>161540 , >>161541 The Small World of Voting Machine Certification

>>161532 Dan Scavino Tweet + Q DROP #3691

>>161536 Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric S. Dreiband on Supreme Court's Order in Favor of Colorado Church that Challenged COVID Restrictions

>>161539 PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger “Will Soon be Going to Jail”

>>161542 Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated (VIDEO)

>>161544 Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

>>161545 NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says

>>161547 The vaccine naysayers got it wrong (Update)

>>161548 Department of Defense TWEETS, 'Special delivery!'

>>161549 Vote Machine Company Threatens Legal Action Against Conservative Media

>>161550 Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material

>>161551 They Stole It Fair And Square

>>161552 Gen Michael Flynn TWEETS (link please?)

>>161553 Rumble Archive / Alternative to the Yootube version in case the Toob nukes it.

>>161554 The SolarWinds Orion Data Breach into Federal and Civilian Organizations Highlights a Silent Agenda by Foreign Actors

>>161555 HEK 293T cells & WI-38 & MRC5 Fetal Tissue in Vaccines: Just some research we did last night.

>>161556 Snowden Tweets

>>161557 Richard Donoghue was apart of the NVXIM case in case this hasn’t been shared

>>161558 Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters

>>161559 Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material

>>161560 Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County

>>161561 Report: Big Tech giving Joe Biden cash while hiding Hunter Biden scandals 'The Silicon Valley mafia was always in the tank and everyone knew it'

>>161562 , >>161565 John Solomon Tweets


>>161564 Mayor Pete set to become Secretary Buttigieg as Biden reportedly picks him for Department of Transportation

>>161566 CNN’s Jim Acosta Yells At McEnany As She Leaves Press Briefing, Accuses Her Of Spreading Disinformation ‘Every Day’

>>161567 Jeb Bush Faces Cries Of Favoritism In Defense Of Outgoing AG Barr

>>161568 Pedro Sánchez stresses importance of strategic relations between Spain and China

>>161569 Democrats Got Caught Red-Handed Doing What They Accused Republicans Of Doing In Georgia


>>161571 California Covid-19 Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Orders 5,000 Body Bags, Refrigerated Units For Coroners As State Prepares For Surge In Deaths

>>161572 Under Threat of Recall, Gov. Gavin Newsom May Get to Name Two U.S. Senators

>>161574 Illegal Immigrant Convicted Of Murdering A Child Released From California Prison

>>161575 Fed Boys want you to solve some stupid ass puzzle.

Bitches don't even know about my additional Pylons.

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dc64cd No.161577

File: 5c623a94cf8171a⋯.png (761.27 KB,1340x811,1340:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042641 (152302ZDEC20) Notable: Smartmatic demands retractions from Fox News and two other outlets

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"Smartmatic announced today that it is issuing legal notices and retraction demand letters to Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network for publishing false and defamatory statements," the company said in a Monday press release. "The demand letters identify dozens of factually inaccurate statements made by each of the organizations as part of a 'disinformation campaign' to injure Smartmatic and discredit the 2020 U.S. election."


"Fox News used its anchors and on-air guests, including Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, to spread lies about a company that had absolutely nothing to do with the voting that took place in areas at the heart of the 'conspiracies' discussed following the 2020 U.S. election," the letter said.

"Smartmatic demands a full and complete retraction of all false and defamatory statements and reports published by Fox News,"

No mention of going after Sindey Powell or Rudy.

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dc64cd No.161578

File: 8449d9732215aaf⋯.png (281.2 KB,561x653,561:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042645 (152303ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Defense Tweets, 'Cold Drop'

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Department of Defense


Cold drop.



paratrooper descends over Juliet drop zone during training in Pordenone, Italy Flag of Italy.

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dc64cd No.161579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042664 (152304ZDEC20) Notable: Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictions on Colorado Churches

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictions on Colorado Churches

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court granted a temporary injunction to a Colorado church that was fighting Governor Jared Polis’s restrictions on capacity.

The court pointed to a decision in New York where the Catholic diocese of Brooklyn sued Governor Andrew Cuomo over his pandemic restrictions and won on the grounds that Cuomo’s orders violated the First Amendment.

This would appear to open the door to churches nationwide to decide their own COVID policies.

Washington Examiner:

Justice Elena Kagan dissented, along with Justices Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, pointing to the fact that Colorado had preemptively lifted its church limitations once the High Plains Harvest appealed to the high court.

“The state has explained that it took that action in response to this court’s recent decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo,” Kagan wrote. “Absent our issuing different guidance, there is no reason to think Colorado will reverse course — and so no reason to think Harvest Church will again face capacity limits.”

Given that governors are slapping restrictions as severe as they were in the spring on their citizens, Kagan and the liberals are taking a lot on faith.

The arrival of Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the court has proven to be a godsend to religious liberty.


The cases highlight the impact of Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the bench. Before her arrival, Chief Justice John Roberts had sided with the liberals, including the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, against houses of worship in similar disputes. Since Barrett’s arrival, however, and the establishment of a strong 6-3 conservative majority, the court now has reversed course and has the necessary votes to side with religious groups.

Another important religious liberty case in New Jersey was also decided in favor of houses of worship. The New Jersey suit concerned not only limiting capacity but also the mask mandate that required mask-wearing in church except for receiving communion.

New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal defended the state’s restrictions telling the justices that the state as “accommodated religious conduct — ensuring religious activities receive at least as much protection as secular conduct, if not more.”

New Jersey requires that religious gatherings fill no more than 25% of the room.

The Supreme Court issued the order with no dissent.

What’s truly disturbing is that political authorities thought nothing of violating the religious beliefs and liberty of the people in the name of “public health.” That the Supreme Court was forced into upholding our most fundamental rights against this assault says a lot about the state of freedom in the United States today and why vigilance, especially over the next four years, will be so important.


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dc64cd No.161580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042668 (152305ZDEC20) Notable: PDF Copy of Subpoenas freshly issued in Michigan

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PDF Copy of Subpoenas freshly issued in Michigan





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dc64cd No.161581

File: 31a68333bf6d187⋯.png (388.84 KB,535x548,535:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042673 (152305ZDEC20) Notable: This flag flew over a U.S. base in Baghdad on 13 December 2003, the day coalition forces captured deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Husayn.

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This flag flew over a U.S. base in Baghdad on 13 December 2003, the day coalition forces captured deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Husayn.

#HISTINT #Museum


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dc64cd No.161582

File: 5e17529dc659d67⋯.png (129.14 KB,541x321,541:321,Clipboard.png)

File: af965256e29e619⋯.png (197.04 KB,526x272,263:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 185288dbf262ebe⋯.png (124.59 KB,863x412,863:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042694 (152307ZDEC20) Notable: China Injects Record 950 Billion Yuan In Medium-Term Liquidity After Bond Defaults

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China Injects Record 950 Billion Yuan In Medium-Term Liquidity After Bond Defaults

Those following the PBOC's daily net repo flows have been speculating in recent days if maybe Beijing was, for once, finally serious about draining the excess liquidity sloshing around China's financial system sparking an epic credit impulse. And for good reason: in the month of December, the PBOC made a net injection on just two days while draining hundreds of billions in yuan.

However as with every previous false hope that China was finally getting ready to set its house (of cards) in order, it was not meant to be because overnight China’s central bank made its biggest ever injection of medium-term liquidity (via the Medium-term lending facility) on Tuesday to shore up liquidity, after the recent surge in corporate bond defaults shattered investor confidence and slammed the brakes in new bond issuances.

On Tuesday morning, the People’s Bank of China said it had issued 950 billion yuan ($145 billion) worth of one-year medium-term lending facility (MLF) loans to financial institutions to keep the “banking system liquidity reasonably ample”.

The PBOC also said it injected another 10 billion yuan via seven-day reverse repurchase agreements on Tuesday, keeping the rate unchanged. The fresh fund injection far exceeds two batches of MLF loans worth a total of 600 billion yuan set to expire in December, and represents a sizable net injection of liquidity for the month.

Additionally, the PBOC kept the interest rate unchanged for an eighth straight month at 2.95%, which likely means no change to the PBOC's benchmark loan prime rate (LPR) at its next monthly fixing next Monday. The MLF, among PBOC’s main tools in managing longer-term liquidity in the banking system, serves as a guide for the LPR, which is set monthly using assessments from 18 banks.

The PBOC has made two cuts to the borrowing cost of MLF loans this year totalling 30 basis points; the central bank has shown reluctance to broad rate cuts and is why its preferred method of easing policy is by injecting lilquidity.

The PBOC move is aimed at keeping the bond market stable while keeping long-end market liquidity reasonably abundant, said Yan Se, chief economist at Founder Securities in Beijing. “Further widening of the yield spread between China and the United States will affect foreign exchange and exports,” Yan said. “Therefore, we believe that (the authorities) should be cautious about raising interest rates.”

"We’ve seen so many cancelled issuances, particularly from local government entities and such that clearly need the funds, so I think until that gets back to normal we’ll probably continue to see the PBOC on a slightly more accommodative stance," Thomas Gatley, China corporate analyst at Gavekal in Beijing, told Reuters.

The injection comes on the heels of high-profile defaults by top-rated state-owned enterprises (see "Sudden Default By AAA-Rated Chinese State-Owned Coal Miner Sends Shockwaves Across Markets") last month that sparked heavy selling in the corporate bond market. The defaults prompted investigations into issuers and underwriters and widespread cancellation of bond issuance, weighing on credit growth.

Dollar/yuan swap points fell after the huge cash injection, with the one-year tenor easing to the lowest in more than four months. Key interbank borrowing costs also eased.


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dc64cd No.161583

File: 37a0460015358f1⋯.jpg (223.74 KB,720x1167,240:389,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f831c2bd986bdda⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042720 (152309ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence–hard drives, laptops, emails, etc. from Detroit and suburb. “Election integrity should not be a partisan issue.” -State Senator Ruth Johnson.

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BREAKING: Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence–hard drives, laptops, emails, etc. from Detroit and suburb. “Election integrity should not be a partisan issue.” -State Senator Ruth Johnson.


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dc64cd No.161584

File: bf029157d873eb0⋯.png (28.61 KB,870x361,870:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042748 (152311ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court ruling reverses military statute of limitations on rape cases

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U.S. Supreme Court ruling reverses military statute of limitations on rape cases

The U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously overruled the military’s top appeals court, which had put a five-year statute of limitations on rape cases that occurred between 1986 and 2006.

The ruling, published Dec. 10, does not have a bearing on rape cases outside that window but could open up new prosecutions for past incidents.

The consolidated cases argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in October included the United States v. Briggs, which was combined with two similar rape cases that also fell within the time window.

The main case involves Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Briggs, who was convicted of raping a female junior squadron member in 2005. That was combined with two other cases involving Air Force personnel convicted of rape — Lt. Col. Humphrey Daniels, who was convicted of raping a female civilian he met at the gym in 1998 and Master Sgt. Richard Collins who was convicted of raping a female Air Force member enrolled as a student in a course he was instructing in 2000.

Briggs was not convicted of the rape until 2014, after the victim called him the previous year and he admitted he’d raped her. The call was recorded.

Though there had been a nine-year lag between the offense and prosecution, the conviction and sentencing was not considered to face a time limit because the Uniform Code of Military Justice classified some rapes as crimes that could receive the death penalty. Those crimes do not have a statute of limitations in the UCMJ.

But the Supreme Court had ruled in 1977 that the Eighth Amendment’s proscription against cruel and unusual punishment forbids a death sentence for the rape of an adult woman, establishing a precedent for civilian courts.

In 1998 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, known as the CAAF, ruled that because the rape of an adult should not receive a death penalty, it could not be prosecuted indefinitely. That triggered a new five-year statute of limitation on rape cases that previously had no such limit.

In 2006, Congress amended the UCMJ and abolished the time limit on all rape charges. But in February 2018, CAAF ruled that the amended language created a legal “gray area” that meant cases between 1986 and 2006 would continue to fall within the 5-year statute of limitations time window, but new cases would not be subject to the same limit.


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dc64cd No.161585

File: 435327a49a6e7d7⋯.png (102.84 KB,1228x487,1228:487,Clipboard.png)

File: e948a81432192a7⋯.png (185.16 KB,883x592,883:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042753 (152311ZDEC20) Notable: Missile scare at US Air Force base in Germany after alert triggered false alarm

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"….Those dummy warheads were launched from the Pacific and hit targets in northwestern Russia, the Associated Press reported, citing a statement from Moscow.

“Today, the Ramstein Air Base Command Post was notified via an alert notification system of a real-world missile launch in the European theater,” the base said in a statement posted to Facebook. “The Command Post followed proper procedure and provided timely and accurate notifications to personnel in the Kaiserslautern Military Community.”

A United States Air Force aircraft taxis on the tarmac at Ramstein United States Air Force Airbase in Landstuhl, Germany, in July. (Bloomberg via Getty Images)

A United States Air Force aircraft taxis on the tarmac at Ramstein United States Air Force Airbase in Landstuhl, Germany, in July. (Bloomberg via Getty Images)

But the launch was “then assessed to be part of a training exercise and not a threat to the KMC area,” the base added, noting that “the situation is all clear.”

“We’d like to thank our Command Post members for their quick response to ensure our people stay informed so they can take the proper safety precautions,” its statement concluded.

While there was uncertainty about the nature of the launch, sirens at the base blared the warning “aerial attack, aerial attack, seek cover, seek cover,” Stars and Stripes reports.

A similar false alarm in Hawaii made headlines in 2018 when officials mistakenly issued an alert to the public that a missile was heading toward the islands before correcting the error 38 minutes later.

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dc64cd No.161586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042755 (152311ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrnes backstory on Bulls & Bears 22 Aug 2019

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Patrick Byrnes backstory on Bulls & Bears 22 Aug 2019

Looks a little rattled….


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dc64cd No.161587

File: 42f2a7d1be02ea5⋯.png (2.06 MB,2065x1786,2065:1786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042785 (152313ZDEC20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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specops CASA CN-235 300 and unidentified plane circling north of virginia beach for a very long time today.

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dc64cd No.161588

File: aa96bf1c7d7e9bf⋯.png (157.49 KB,1903x1570,1903:1570,Clipboard.png)

File: 39bc733249470a4⋯.pdf (263.05 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042793 (152314ZDEC20) Notable: Smartmatic demands retractions from right-wing media outlets for pushing election fraud claims

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Smartmatic demands retractions from right-wing media outlets for pushing election fraud claims

Smartmatic, one of the voting machine companies involved in the 2020 election, is demanding a handful of conservative outlets that spread unsubstantiated theories about alleged fraud to retract their claims. The company sent a letter issuing legal notices and retraction demands to Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network for “publishing false and defamatory statements” that they claim “could have easily” been debunked “by investigating their statements before publishing them to millions of viewers and readers.” A statement from Smartmatic about the demands was published on their website on Monday. “They have no evidence to support their attacks on Smartmatic because there is no evidence. This campaign was designed to defame Smartmatic and undermine legitimately conducted elections,” said Antonio Mugica, CEO of Smartmatic. “Our efforts are more than just about Smartmatic or any other company. This campaign is an attack on election systems and election workers in an effort to depress confidence in future elections and potentially counter the will of the voters, not just here, but in democracies around the world.”

The letter to Fox News, which was obtained by the Washington Examiner on Monday, referenced a litany of statements from Trump campaign attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis made on-air, while singling out Fox Business anchors Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs for their comments about Smartmatic. A comment made by Jesse Watters, co-host of The Five, was also referenced. "Smartmatic believes that Fox News did not, and does not, have a good faith basis for any of the statements and implications made in the Reports regarding Smartmatic," the letter stated. "There is no credible source – documented or otherwise – for any of these false and defamatory statements or implications. Nonetheless, Fox News allowed its reporters, anchors, and on-air guests to make these false and defamatory statements time and time again." None of the networks responded to requests for comment from the Washington Examiner.

Smartmatic and Dominion, another company that provided equipment used in the election, have faced unsubstantiated allegations that vote tallies were rigged against President Trump. One of the biggest promoters of the claims was Sidney Powell, who was part of the Trump campaign's legal team until they distanced themselves from her amid these claims. She produced an affidavit from a Venezuelan whistleblower, whom she says was a high-ranking military official once close to Hugo Chavez, who claimed Smartmatic software had the capability to clandestinely change votes. The whistleblower also claimed that Smartmatic software was used in Venezuela to help former socialist President Hugo Chavez win elections in 2006 and 2013. Smartmatic spokeswoman Samira Saba denied Powell's allegations at the time, telling the Washington Examiner, "Smartmatic has registered and counted nearly 5 billion auditable votes without a single spoiled vote or security breach. We designed our technology to enable all election stakeholders audit the entire process. All audits conducted to elections in which our technology was employed proved the integrity of results." She added that elections that used Smartmatic technology "have been validated by world renown institutions such as the Carter Center, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and the European Union." According to Saba, no Smartmatic software was used in any county in the 2020 elections other than Los Angeles County in California. An election security group, which includes the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said last month that there is "no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised," contrary to Trump's claims that the election was "rigged" in favor of President-elect Joe Biden. Additionally, most election officials and the Department of Justice have found no proof to support allegations of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to overturn the election results.



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dc64cd No.161589

File: e36b817eb78aa7b⋯.png (1.6 MB,2572x1474,1286:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042797 (152314ZDEC20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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B52 running back and forth from Albuquerque to Dallas

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dc64cd No.161590

File: 87576ba16232661⋯.jpg (148 KB,718x1107,718:1107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01a8f32c32bdf5a⋯.jpg (170.56 KB,640x380,32:19,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0edc48f49185c9a⋯.jpg (969.08 KB,781x686,781:686,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042799 (152315ZDEC20) Notable: JUST IN: Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

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JUST IN: Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

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dc64cd No.161591

File: b3d135ebb14b716⋯.jpeg (426.23 KB,496x2035,496:2035,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e34b3171113d8c⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,2048x2274,1024:1137,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dff0ebaeb4cee6f⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,2048x2692,512:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e245451223c4be⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,2048x2536,256:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7fddd4c50784751⋯.jpeg (2.47 MB,2048x2427,2048:2427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042826 (152316ZDEC20) Notable: Here's What Really Happened When JFK Jr. Met Princess Diana

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Diana & JFK jr

Jizzy gettin’ “Diana’d”


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dc64cd No.161592

File: 62fdcafe28895b5⋯.jpg (152.87 KB,717x1275,239:425,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b7c04b1c5e151d2⋯.png (277.08 KB,696x344,87:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042837 (152317ZDEC20) Notable: JUST IN: Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

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dc64cd No.161593

File: fc168ea2c98a5a7⋯.png (210.16 KB,484x568,121:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b03ee8bf13e3d4⋯.png (216.97 KB,516x555,172:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 1beee0342bad2b5⋯.png (208.88 KB,571x609,571:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a1d600cd36f520⋯.png (47.41 KB,833x279,833:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 48162342f9ed7c7⋯.png (249.92 KB,491x565,491:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042850 (152319ZDEC20) Notable: American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order — How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump?

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American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order — How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump?

For months The Gateway Pundit has been reporting factually on the evidence and studies that proved Hydroxychloroquine was effecting in the treatment of COVID-19.

Of course, we were hounded by the left and attacked by fake “fact-checkers” labeling our reports as disputed.

Despite its effectiveness the American Medical Association (AMA) back in March, at the height of the pandemic in the US criticized hydroxychloroquine and its use.

Dr. Fauci led the jihad against this effective drug.

Well, now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead “with the virus” or “because of the virus,” and the election season has ended the AMA recently rescinded their prevention of HQ.

Thousands died because of these hateful people.

LenBilen reported:

The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, giving physicians the okay to return to utilizing the medication at their discretion.

Previously, the AMA had issued a statement in March that was highly critical of HCQ in regards to its use as a proposed treatment by some physicians in the early stages of COVID-19. In addition to discouraging doctors from ordering the medication in bulk for “off-label” use – HCQ is typically used to treat diseases such as malaria – they also claimed that there was no proof that it was effective in treating COVID, and that its use could be harmful in some instances.


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dc64cd No.161594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042851 (152319ZDEC20) Notable: John Solomon, HUNTER IS ABOUT TO BE FORMALLY CHARGED

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John Solomon


@11 min (whole thing is good tho)


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dc64cd No.161595

File: afab71366d5546a⋯.png (158.51 KB,640x414,320:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042874 (152321ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell assigned to keep an eye on suicidal inmates

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dc64cd No.161596

File: 7adc4814a4299dd⋯.png (269.87 KB,717x876,239:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042882 (152321ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence from Detroit and nearby suburb

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Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence from Detroit and nearby suburb

“Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, this information needs to be preserved,” State Senator Ruth Johnson said

Concerned about possible election evidence being destroyed, members of a joint session of the Michigan Legislature’s House and Senate oversight committees on Tuesday voted to issue subpoenas to Detroit and the nearby suburb of Livonia demanding they surrender hard drives, emails, absentee voter counting board laptops and other election-related materials.

One Senate Democrat reportedly joined his Republican colleagues in supporting the subpoenas.

A Nov. 28 order memo from the State Bureau of Elections had followed the same protocol as prior elections and ordered the deletion by November 30 of “E-Pollbook laptops and flash drives … unless a petition for recount has been filed and the recount has not been completed, a post-election audit is planned but has not yet been completed, or the deletion of the data has been stayed by an order of the court or the Secretary of State.”

Tracy Wimmer, director of Media Relations for Michigian Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, told Just the News in a statement Thursday that she rejected Republicans’ concerns about the deletion memo.

“The Bureau of Elections memo sent to clerks is the same memo that has been sent to clerks for years, including under the administration of now state senator Ruth Johnson,” Wimmer said. “Republican House and Senate legal counsel were provided this information days ago. The fact that members of their party is choosing to ignore these truths in a press release demonstrates they have no interest in preserving the integrity of our elections or democracy.”

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, the Republican who supported the subpoena effort, told Just the News she had previously signed the same deletion order while she was secretary of state but the unusual nature of the 2020 election meant circumstances had changed.

“Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, this information needs to be preserved while there are ongoing lawsuits, audits, and Oversight committee review of the November election,” Johnson said. “Only after these activities are concluded should this information be deleted for data privacy reasons.”

Read the subpoenas to the two Michigan cities below.


Subpoena to Detroit City Clerk.pdf


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dc64cd No.161597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042899 (152323ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell assigned to keep an eye on suicidal inmates

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Ghislaine Maxwell assigned to keep an eye on suicidal inmates

Jeffrey Epstein cohort Ghislaine Maxwell has been tasked with monitoring other inmates who might be suicidal, her lawyers revealed in newly unsealed court papers.

“She has been made a suicide watch inmate, which is the highest and most trusted responsibility that an inmate can have,” wrote Mark Cohen and Jeffrey Pagliuca in a motion requesting her release to home confinement on a $28.5 million bail package.

Her attorneys have repeatedly complained about the “onerous” jail conditions that Maxwell has endured as a high profile inmate of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn — including excessive surveillance and being awoken every 15 minutes by a flashlight to ensure she’s still breathing.

“It is the height of irony that Ms. Maxwell is being constantly surveilled as if she were a suicide risk when she, herself, is trusted enough (if she were ever released from isolation) to monitor inmates who are truly at risk of suicide,” the lawyers wrote.

Her defense team has accused the lockup of subjecting her to unreasonable restrictions over concerns she’ll meet the same fate as Epstein, who committed suicide while in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The unbearable terms of her confinement, her attorneys argued, favor her bid for release. She’s charged in Manhattan federal court with recruiting girls and women to be sexually abused by her and Epstein. Maxwell has pleaded not guilty.

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dc64cd No.161598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042907 (152323ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Fundraiser Floated as Ambassador Pick Took Millions in PPP Loans While His Law Firm Won Massive Settlements

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Biden Fundraiser Floated as Ambassador Pick Took Millions in PPP Loans While His Law Firm Won Massive Settlements

A prominent trial lawyer being floated as a potential ambassador pick by Joe Biden took millions of dollars in COVID relief, even as his firm was winning hundreds of millions in settlements.

Joseph Rice, cofounder of the South Carolina-based Motley Rice law firm, helped raise large sums for Biden's campaign and could land an ambassadorship spot in his administration, local reports indicate. Motley Rice received $7.03 million from Paycheck Protection Program funds, which were intended to help small businesses pay workers and stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic.

Several companies have faced criticism for taking PPP loans when they did not need them, including from prominent Democrats. Those criticisms don't seem to have swayed the incoming administration, which the State says is considering Rice for an ambassador role.

Rice's firm gained approval for the loans after stacking up massive legal wins. In October 2019, Motley Rice announced a $260 million settlement against opioid manufacturers Teva, Cardinal Health, AmerisourceBergen, and McKesson. In November 2020, it helped win a $26 billion settlement from Johnson & Johnson and other pharmaceutical companies. Law firms often work on a contingency basis and receive portions of the settlements they reach.

"When a highly successful law firm receives millions of dollars in PPP money, it raises questions as to whether those funds actually went to preserve jobs, which is the purpose of the PPP program, or merely padded the shareholder attorneys' profitability," William Jacobson, a professor at Cornell Law School, told the Washington Free Beacon. "This certainly raises serious questions that warrant investigation if a founding member of the law firm is nominated for an ambassadorship."

Other prominent plaintiff lawyers said the pandemic did not have a big impact on the industry and that they did not seek bailouts.

Rice helped gather more than $100,000 for Biden's presidential campaign. Employees at his firm donated solely to Democrats during the 2020 cycle, including nearly $50,000 to Biden. Biden also had a fundraiser at Rice's Mount Pleasant, S.C., home in late February.

The wealth amassed by Rice, who is considered one of the most successful trial lawyers in the country, has allowed him to purchase a 100-foot yacht and build his own golf course. He is also one of the biggest donors to the University of South Carolina.

Neither Rice nor the Biden transition team responded to requests for comment.


Pigs at the trough walked into the sting OP

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dc64cd No.161599

File: 48c113d60282d19⋯.png (1.56 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d41b694a594206⋯.png (364.74 KB,1023x420,341:140,Clipboard.png)

File: f74736e5e8c6286⋯.png (163.79 KB,692x494,346:247,Clipboard.png)

File: afc82ad3b9f0ae7⋯.png (307.64 KB,659x613,659:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042934 (152325ZDEC20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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Callout or trolling Monkey Werx on yootoob.

Pair of EC-45s/UH-72s one with the callsign MKYWRX.

Planes circled a couple of times. First time over the country club in Longwood, second time over Herr's Snack factory Nottingham.

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dc64cd No.161600

File: 70f81e798b0e68c⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB,2048x2692,512:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 002d34a3626732e⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB,2048x2610,1024:1305,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042952 (152327ZDEC20) Notable: Here's What Really Happened When JFK Jr. Met Princess Diana

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Junior is thick. Confirmed. Kek.

Old connection? Junior? Article mentions heart surgeon Khan as well.

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dc64cd No.161601

File: ce4b27d1bf7819d⋯.png (321.62 KB,478x630,239:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b421d92047ae5e⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,1024x710,512:355,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042981 (152328ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!"

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U.S. Army


Trained and Ready!

#Soldiers operating a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter conduct aviation operations around the Middle East in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, Oct. 15, 2020.

#ArmyTeam | #PicOfTheDay

Camera with flash

by CWO2 Matthew Bean



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dc64cd No.161602

File: 5a3ecb1a76ecccb⋯.jpg (8.38 KB,176x287,176:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d5972994f67913⋯.jpeg (206.65 KB,1050x1050,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12042987 (152329ZDEC20) Notable: Peter Nygard arrested, faces extradition to U.S. on sex assault, racketeering charges

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Dec 15, 2020

Peter Nygard arrested, faces extradition to U.S. on sex assault, racketeering charges

Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard is in custody in Winnipeg and is facing a nine-count indictment in the United States on charges of racketeering, sex trafficking and related crimes.

The 79-year-old was taken into custody Monday in Winnipeg by RCMP and city police after the United States asked Canada to issue a warrant under the two countries' extradition treaty.

The charges relate to "a decades-long pattern of criminal conduct involving at least dozens of victims in the United States, the Bahamas, and Canada, among other locations," according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

The FBI, who raided Nygard's offices in New York and Los Angeles in February this year, requested the arrest warrant.


Richard Donoghue has been busy

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dc64cd No.161603


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Most of the diplomatic messages released by Wikileaks have been traced to a US defence department network, known as Siprnet, used for the exchange of classified information, media reports say.

Ironically, Siprnet (Secret Internet Protocol Router Network), which was set up in the 1990s, was expanded as part of moves after 9/11 to allow classified information to be shared more easily and prevent failures of communication between different intelligence agencies.

It is designed for exchange of information up to "secret" level - the level for information that would cause "serious damage" to national security.

It is thought about 2.5 million US military and civilian personnel have access to the network.

However, Siprnet is not recommended for distribution of top-secret information.

Only 6% (more than 15,000) of the documents have been classified as secret. Another 40% were "confidential", while the rest were unclassified.

Easier access

Siprnet was identified as the source of the leaked messages because they had the tag "Sipdis", meaning Siprnet Distribution, as part of address codes that headed them.

Siprnet uses the same technology as the internet, but has dedicated and encrypted lines that are separate from all other communications systems, according to a defence department users' guide.

The system is protected by a series of security measures, the guide adds:

All users must be approved and registered

Passwords are complex, and must be changed every 150 days

Only accessible from specially enabled computers in secure location

Computers must not be left unattended

No linking to civilian internet without prior approval

Media storage devices become classified at secret level once connected to Siprnet-enabled computers

Audit trail of all users, including identity of all persons accessing Siprnet

However, the guide says that technological advances in storage devices have made it easier to remove classified information from secure areas.

Meanwhile the network has become easier to access around the world since 9/11.

The attacks led to the State Department setting up the net centric diplomacy initiative, allowing its own information to be shared on Siprnet.

The vast majority of US embassies are now connected up to Siprnet.

Speaking to BBC News in July, US intelligence analyst Catherine Lotrionte said data-sharing was necessary for effective intelligence work, and the risk that it might make large data breaches easier was simply "the cost of doing business - the downside is that someone may break the rules".


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dc64cd No.161604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043025 (152332ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Navy Tweets, 'Seabees help pave a road..', MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.png

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Sun Brings Light

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dc64cd No.161605

File: b1434974044b415⋯.png (1.16 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043040 (152333ZDEC20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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Earlier there was a MH-53 over Richmond.

H-60 over St Paul.

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dc64cd No.161606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043042 (152333ZDEC20) Notable: Judge orders release of report showing Dominion Voting Systems had 68% error rate in Michigan county

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Judge orders release of report showing Dominion Voting Systems had 68% error rate in Michigan county

The forensics report was compiled in connection with a lawsuit from an Antrim County resident.

Michigan judge on Monday allowed the release of a report that finds intentional, systemic errors in programs designed by Dominion Voting Systems and that the errors are meant to influence election results.

The analysts who created the report, Allied Security Operations Group, published its forensics findings on the Antrim County, Mich., elections.

"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," reads the report. "The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication."

The forensics report was compiled in connection with a lawsuit from Antrim County resident William Bailey, who charged that there were problems with the voting machines. The forensics report, which had been under seal until Monday, validated Bailey's claims.

"The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail," the report reads. "This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified."

The audit found an unusually high error rate in the ballot tabulations.

"The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%)," the report states. "We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."

Michigan Assistant Attorney General Erik Grill reportedly said the document is "inaccurate, incomplete and misleading."


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dc64cd No.161607

File: f7fb50bb35c1f2b⋯.png (48.38 KB,743x916,743:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043043 (152333ZDEC20) Notable: Unreal: AG Barr intervened DIRECTLY to keep Hunter Biden probe secret before the election

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Unreal: AG Barr intervened DIRECTLY to keep Hunter Biden probe secret before the election

The biggest difference between Republican and Democratic administrations is that Republican presidents and their Cabinet members play by the rules, while Democratic regimes play to win.

Understanding and believing that explains the difference between Barack Obama and the people he picked to run his Justice Department and FBI, and those picked by Donald Trump.

Obama’s people followed his lead and allowed their offices and agencies to become politically weaponized, as evidenced by the massive spy operation launched against Trump’s 2016 campaign. Masked as a phony ‘counterintelligence’ probe, it involved every aspect of the deep state’s intelligence and federal law enforcement apparatuses, to include foreign assets (now imagine what all of that cost taxpayers).

By comparison, Trump’s Justice Department, led by Attorney General William Barr, continues to follow established rules and guidelines to a fault — and it may have even cost our country the greatest president of our lifetimes.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Attorney General William Barr, in the weeks before November’s election, instructed prosecutors and senior colleagues to prevent word of investigations into Hunter Biden from becoming public and keep the Justice Department out of campaign politics, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Barr took more steps than previously reported to insulate the investigations, despite calls from President Trump and Republican allies to announce a probe involving President-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Barr and senior DoJ officials even reportedly went so far as to ask prosecutors whether they could trust their staff members to keep quiet about the probe, “warning against issuing subpoenas or taking other steps that might become public,” the paper reported.

Several things are problematic about this.

First and foremost, Hunter Biden is corrupt, period, and so is his father, if previously reports detailing business ties to Russia, Ukraine, and Communist China are accurate. And we know that they must be, because the Justice Department is investigating Hunter Biden which is a pretty good indicator something is amiss.

ut no. Bill wanted to ‘play by the rules.’ And now we’re truly screwed.


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dc64cd No.161608

File: 746ebb8f314242c⋯.png (244.93 KB,413x532,59:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043046 (152334ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Navy Tweets, 'Seabees help pave a road..'

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dc64cd No.161609

File: e96b7e7e616270d⋯.png (482.67 KB,587x905,587:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043059 (152335ZDEC20) Notable: Ontario Health Official Hot Mic : I Just Say Whatever THEY Write Down For Me.

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Ontario Health Official Hot Mic : I Just Say Whatever THEY Write Down For Me.


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dc64cd No.161610

File: b223a8d543a31cf⋯.png (15.11 KB,548x195,548:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 60bbf45667ca19e⋯.png (12.61 KB,604x173,604:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043072 (152336ZDEC20) Notable: CODE MONKEY: Seems President Trump has a royal flush in hand and was just baiting his opponents to go all-in.

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CODE MONKEY: Seems President Trump has a royal flush in hand and was just baiting his opponents to go all-in. Officials that knowingly certified a fraudulent election are about to have a bad time.


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dc64cd No.161611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043103 (152338ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE Prayer for the President with Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/15/20

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8 PM

🔴LIVE Prayer for the President with Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/15/20

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dc64cd No.161612

File: 795a7fb0080cc2a⋯.png (89.9 KB,760x857,760:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d706dfe41c5151⋯.png (74.86 KB,765x781,765:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043107 (152338ZDEC20) Notable: 15 Named In $26 Million International Trade Fraud Scheme

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15 Named In $26 Million International Trade Fraud Scheme


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dc64cd No.161613

File: 19f59513896783a⋯.png (79.87 KB,650x673,650:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043144 (152341ZDEC20) Notable: CHINA MITCH: McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm

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CHINA MITCH: McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm

McConnell's familial link to Chao family's Foremost shipping company, Chinese State Shipbuilding corporation, and Bank of China resurface after Kentucky senator's declaration of victory for Joe Biden

As news breaks Tuesday of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s praise for the United States’ election “process” and declaration of “congratulations” for “President-elect Joe Biden,” the Kentucky senator’s extensive family ties to China have resurfaced as a topic of conversation.

McConnell’s marriage into the Chao family dynasty has coincided with a trajectory of ever-increasing personal profit for McConnell and the Chaos, as well as Chinese state business interests.


McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is the daughter of shipping magnates James and Ruth Chao and the sister of Angela Chao, the latter of whom was appointed to a non-executive position on the Bank of China’s board of directors in 2016.


A massive spike in McConnell’s financial disclosures occurred in 2007 and 2008 following the death of Ruth Chao, with the senator’s federal disclosure jumping from $3 million to $33 million in that two year span according to Forbes.

McConnell’s re-election campaigns have received over $1 million in contributions from Elaine Chao’s family, including James and Angela, according to a 2019 report from the New York Times.


Aside from her position at the Bank of China, Angela Chao also serves as the CEO of Foremost, which is the Chao family’s billion-dollar maritime shipping empire. While Foremost is an ostensibly American company with offices located in New York City, Forbes noted that the company’s fleet of vessels “sail under flags registered in Liberia and Hong Kong, and the company does the vast majority of its business in Asia.”

Foremost’s upward trajectory has remained steady during McConnell’s tenure in the Senate, with the company continuing to prosper even during multiple economic downturns in the industry. Shipping database VesselsValue has estimated the company fleet’s net worth at $1.2 billion, making it the most valuable such fleet of any dry bulk shipping operation headquartered in the United States in 2019.

Perhaps some of Foremost’s good fortune can be attributed to the several hundred million dollars’ worth of loans it is contracted to receive from the Chinese government, or the fact that James and Angela Chao, who describe themselves as Americans, have served on the board of the Chinese government-owned China State Shipbuilding corporation. China State Shipbui

The New York Times noted in its 2019 report that the Bank of China, where Angela Chao serves as a non-executive director, is a top lender to China State Shipbuilding.


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dc64cd No.161614

File: 48ee8e871aabf63⋯.png (944.91 KB,839x498,839:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043153 (152343ZDEC20) Notable: Why the CCP did not sanction Australian iron ore

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Why the CCP did not sanction Australian iron ore

On Dec 14, 2020, Guancha.cn, a CCP-backed news outlet, reacted to Deloitte Australia partner Chris Richardson’s comment on China’s tariffs hikes on Australian iron ore.

Below are some key points of this article.

On Dec 11th, the main contract price of iron ore futures from Dalian Commodity Exchange broke above 1000 rmb mark and once rose to 1042 rmb/ton, a record high in the past 7 years.

Having dealt with trade issues and setbacks against China, Australians are beginning to feel happy when hearing this news. Some Australian economist deemed China’s trade aggression against Australia as “smart politics” but ” dumb economics”.

Chinese analysts have explained that there are several reasons behind the ever-increasing price of iron ore. Demand growth and market speculation fostered the bullish trend, but other than that, foreign monopoly provides momentum for it.

Why hasn’t China sanctioned Australian iron ore?

The article provided this as an explanation: China has always been looking for a substitute for Australian iron ore. Given the relatively small global iron ore market and the rising iron ore price, this is a double-edged sword that China will have to weigh the cost it is willing to pay to achieve its external agendas.

The soft tone of this article implies that China cannot afford to not purchase iron ore from Australia at this point.

Nonetheless, Australia should not be complacent as the CCP never intended to trade fairly with the world or embrace the idea of peaceful coexistence. The world needs to realize that for the CCP, “win-win” and “fair trade” have no meaning – it is always about a win for the CCP at the expense of everybody else.


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dc64cd No.161615

File: 839ae1cefa35366⋯.jpg (119.93 KB,1180x663,1180:663,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043167 (152344ZDEC20) Notable: Prince Andrew link to second ‘predator’ Peter Nygard

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Apologies for the the size of first image. Hate it when sites resize those tiny things making them look normal resolution size. And, I didn't double check.

February 15 2020

Prince Andrew link to second ‘predator’ Peter Nygard

The Duke of York faces renewed scrutiny over his judgment after a fashion tycoon at whose Caribbean mansion he stayed was accused of luring girls as young as 14 to the property, where they were drugged and raped.

The allegations against Peter Nygard are strikingly similar to those against the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of the duke, which led to Prince Andrew stepping back from his royal duties.

Mr Nygard, 77, and his companies have been accused in a civil claim brought by ten women of operating a “sex-trafficking ring” to transport young victims to his mansion in the Bahamas where they endured depraved abuse.


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dc64cd No.161616

File: 91af5026423a865⋯.png (945.61 KB,800x540,40:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 56e82abb32f7ac9⋯.png (482.22 KB,628x521,628:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043179 (152345ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted as ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic’

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Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted as ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic’

The Vatican’s Nativity Scene has been blasted as “hideous” and “demonic.”

The nativity scene is supposed to celebrate and represent the birth of Christ during the Christmas season. This year the Vatican collaborated with FA Grue Art & Design Institute and invited students and faculty to create new scene for this year’s nativity scene.

This year’s #Vatican Nativity scene is something else and features a Sumerian Astronaut.

Photos: @dibanezgut pic.twitter.com/Z7iAayEZQ8

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 13, 2020

The sculptures have received a negative response, with people noting that the baby Jesus, his mother Mary, and her husband Joseph were eccentrically created with modern and futuristic elements in their construct.

The National Catholic Register noted:

Reaction on social media and elsewhere has mostly ranged from “hideous,” “abhorrent” and a “disgrace,” to “demonic,” an “embarrassment” and a “mockery” of Christ’s birth. Tim Stanley, a well-known columnist for the UK’s Daily Telegraph, called it “absolutely terrifying,” while Vatican News’ Facebook page was filled with criticism even before it had been unveiled.

On Twitter, the Pope gave his blessing to the statues of Jesus, and nativity scenes which will be places at homes around the world.

I bless the statuettes of Jesus, which will be placed in the Nativity scene. When you pray at home, before the Nativity scene with your families, allow yourselves to be drawn by the tenderness of Baby Jesus, born poor and frail among us, in order to give us his love.

— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) December 13, 2020

During his latest speech, the Pope also signified to the UN Climate Summit the importance to act against climate change and “change the direction” of the world.


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dc64cd No.161617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043209 (152347ZDEC20) Notable: Pastor Who Fought Sale Of Alcohol On Sundays Charged With Child Porn

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Pastor Who Fought Sale Of Alcohol On Sundays Charged With Child Porn

MILTON, Fla. – Agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested William Dalton Milam, 62, of Milton, on two counts of promoting sexual performance of a child and 25 counts of possession of child pornography. Milam worked as a pastor at a church in Milton and had previously crusaded against alcohol sales on Sundays.

The investigation began with a cybertip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) regarding an Internet user uploading child pornography. FDLE agents traced the IP address used in the uploads to Milam’s home.

Agents served a search warrant Monday morning at Milam’s home and found multiple devices belonging to Milam that contained child pornography. The images depicted children as young as three years old engaged in sex acts.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, Milton Police Department and Homeland Security Investigations assisted on the case.



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dc64cd No.161618

File: 74689e33205dd65⋯.png (152.66 KB,1157x989,1157:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043221 (152347ZDEC20) Notable: In Bill Gates' last Ask Big Questions podcast with Rashida Jones, Rashida mentions that Trump supporters should respect Biden and links it to the pandemic

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In Bill Gates' last Ask Big Questions podcast with Rashida Jones, Rashida mentions that Trump supporters should respect Biden and links it to the pandemic

RASHIDA JONES: Today the big question is: can people really change? Can Trump supporters learn to accept and maybe even respect President Joe Biden? Will this pandemic ever unify us, as opposed to dividing us? Talking about personal change and making change in the world and how those two things are connected. In terms of the work that you do and how you've tried to precipitate change, do you feel like there were things when you were young that were extremely important to you and that you prioritized that have changed?

BILL GATES: Yes, I'd say that I'm more interested in other people. I was quite self-centered when I was young. Am I talented? What can I do with my talent?

Normies say that the pandemic isn't linked to the election. Really now?



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dc64cd No.161619

File: baabf2893d53dfc⋯.pdf (3.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 3d3572db3f08da6⋯.png (9.17 KB,480x94,240:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ce9b8bc6bdba51⋯.png (13.84 KB,538x68,269:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043236 (152348ZDEC20) Notable: AirForce NetCents, 81 Results on Solarwinds word search

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AirForce NetCents


81 Results on Solarwinds word search

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dc64cd No.161620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043245 (152350ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!"

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>>>161601 U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!





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dc64cd No.161621

File: 5ef3f2603879a94⋯.png (39.75 KB,1214x882,607:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043270 (152352ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!"

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>>>>161601 U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!










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dc64cd No.161622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043299 (152355ZDEC20) Notable: CODE MONKEY: Seems President Trump has a royal flush in hand and was just baiting his opponents to go all-in.

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The CEO of Dominion

John Poulos

He was lying today during a hearing, including denying they used solarwinds which they scrubbed from Dominion website yesterday.

Now we know why Dominion deleted “SolarWinds” from their website.

Their CEO wanted to be able to say that Dominion doesn’t use “SolarWinds” in his hearing.

Quote Tweet


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dc64cd No.161623

File: 6a4a4e343460473⋯.png (34.09 KB,645x609,215:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043320 (152357ZDEC20) Notable: CODE MONKEY: Seems President Trump has a royal flush in hand and was just baiting his opponents to go all-in.

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CM archived Dominions site



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dc64cd No.161624

File: 29d95b14aa829c5⋯.jpg (94.51 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043351 (160001ZDEC20) Notable: #15374

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>>161577 Smartmatic demands retractions from Fox News and two other outlets

>>161578 Department of Defense Tweets, 'Cold Drop'

>>161579 Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictions on Colorado Churches

>>161580 PDF Copy of Subpoenas freshly issued in Michigan

>>161581 This flag flew over a U.S. base in Baghdad on 13 December 2003, the day coalition forces captured deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Husayn.

>>161582 China Injects Record 950 Billion Yuan In Medium-Term Liquidity After Bond Defaults

>>161583 BREAKING: Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence–hard drives, laptops, emails, etc. from Detroit and suburb. “Election integrity should not be a partisan issue.” -State Senator Ruth Johnson.

>>161584 U.S. Supreme Court ruling reverses military statute of limitations on rape cases

>>161585 Missile scare at US Air Force base in Germany after alert triggered false alarm

>>161586 Patrick Byrnes backstory on Bulls & Bears 22 Aug 2019

>>161587 , >>161589 , >>161599 , >>161605 We out here Planefaggin'

>>161588 Smartmatic demands retractions from right-wing media outlets for pushing election fraud claims

>>161590 , >>161592 JUST IN: Woman Accused Of Mailing Ricin To Trump, Other Officials Indicted

>>161591 , >>161600 Here's What Really Happened When JFK Jr. Met Princess Diana

>>161593 American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order — How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump?


>>161595 , >>161597 Ghislaine Maxwell assigned to keep an eye on suicidal inmates

>>161596 Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence from Detroit and nearby suburb

>>161598 Biden Fundraiser Floated as Ambassador Pick Took Millions in PPP Loans While His Law Firm Won Massive Settlements

>>161601 , >>161620 , >>161621 U.S. Army Tweets, "Trained and Ready!"

>>161602 Peter Nygard arrested, faces extradition to U.S. on sex assault, racketeering charges


>>161606 Judge orders release of report showing Dominion Voting Systems had 68% error rate in Michigan county

>>161607 Unreal: AG Barr intervened DIRECTLY to keep Hunter Biden probe secret before the election

>>161608 U.S. Navy Tweets, 'Seabees help pave a road..'

>>161609 Ontario Health Official Hot Mic : I Just Say Whatever THEY Write Down For Me.

>>161610 , >>161622 , >>161623 CODE MONKEY: Seems President Trump has a royal flush in hand and was just baiting his opponents to go all-in.

>>161611 LIVE Prayer for the President with Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/15/20

>>161612 15 Named In $26 Million International Trade Fraud Scheme

>>161613 CHINA MITCH: McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm

>>161614 Why the CCP did not sanction Australian iron ore

>>161615 Prince Andrew link to second ‘predator’ Peter Nygard

>>161616 Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted as ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic’

>>161617 Pastor Who Fought Sale Of Alcohol On Sundays Charged With Child Porn

>>161618 In Bill Gates' last Ask Big Questions podcast with Rashida Jones, Rashida mentions that Trump supporters should respect Biden and links it to the pandemic

>>161619 AirForce NetCents, 81 Results on Solarwinds word search

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161625

File: e75ae77ba423582⋯.png (1.12 MB,1054x766,527:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 588481a7e38e683⋯.png (303.79 KB,344x351,344:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043389 (160004ZDEC20) Notable: Forget Trump and move on: Mitch McConnell pleads with his senators not to force ugly vote in Congress on Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, warning them it would split the party - despite president's demands for last-ditch fight to overturn election+ CM Opines

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Forget Trump and move on: Mitch McConnell pleads with his senators not to force ugly vote in Congress on Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, warning them it would split the party - despite president's demands for last-ditch fight to overturn election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urged Republicans not to challenge the electors' votes when Congress moves to certify the election for Joe Biden

He said it was a 'terrible vote' because Republicans would ultimately have to vote it down and it would appear like an 'anti-Trump' move

Alabama Representative Mo Brooks said he will formally challenge the Electoral College votes during congressional election certification on January 6

He insisted Tuesday that if all legal votes were counted and all illegal votes were thrown out, Trump would emerge as the real Electoral College winner

Trump reposted an article Tuesday with Brooks' comments

A senator would need to join Brooks and others in the House to officially launch deliberations on a Electoral College vote challenge

McConnell for the first time on Tuesday called Joe Biden the president-elect following the Electoral College cementing his victory on Monday

'The Electoral College has spoken,' McConnell said on the Senate floor. 'So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.'

Mitch McConnell warned Senate Republicans on a Tuesday call not to join colleagues in the House in challenging the Electoral College votes because the last-ditch effort to overturn the election results would split the party and ultimately fail.

The Senate majority leader pleaded with the caucus, according to Politico, to not object when Congress moves to certify the election for Joe Biden on January 6.

He said it would be a 'terrible vote' for Republicans because they would have to slash the attempt down, which would end up making them look anti-Trump.

The Republican majority leader made the warning in private shortly after using a speech to the Senate to say that Biden was the winner and would be sworn in on January 20. The two men spoke just after it, Biden told reporters.

McConnell's comment to his party comes as Alabama Representative Mo Brooks is plowing forward with his promise to formally challenge the Electoral College outcome in the House.

Georgia Representative-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for subscribing to some QAnon conspiracies, has said she will join Brooks in his effort to overturn the results.

The duo, however, would need at least one senator to jump on board with them to launch deliberations into the Electoral College votes. Brooks has acknowledged that the vote would likely be more of a symbolic protest that an legitimate avenue to overturn the results.


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dc64cd No.161626

File: 87580746607096b⋯.png (620.92 KB,774x702,43:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043409 (160006ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Tweets: "...This is a battle between good & evil. This is a battle against freedom & tyranny..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soon you will realize that this is not a battle against


v. Joey “Bribes” Biden.

This is a battle between good & evil.

This is a battle against freedom & tyranny.

This is a battle between U.S.A. & CCP.

Be on the right side. Choose freedom.


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dc64cd No.161627

File: d2b4e08d1e266ae⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1858x1767,1858:1767,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043410 (160006ZDEC20) Notable: 3 Year Assange Delta Soon. Flynn Came True. Wait Not... It's all a LARP Right?+Moar

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>>>/qresearch/12043250 LB

>>>/qresearch/12043264 LB

Patriot Anons

Q team - US NAVY Dec 25th 2017 JA XMAS Tweet

Sauce - thehill.com/policy/defense/366433-navy-explains-inadvertent-tweet-about-julian-assange

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161628

File: a90c9a77eea4d3d⋯.png (520.13 KB,800x826,400:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043419 (160007ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican Apostasy "Sauced Last Bread"

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>8 Vatican’s Nativity Scene Blasted As ‘Hideous’, Postmodern, ‘Demonic

Qteam makin' those devils show themselves.

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dc64cd No.161629

File: a29f305ee6fe33c⋯.png (49.72 KB,617x412,617:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043426 (160007ZDEC20) Notable: Charlotte Clymer Formerly Charles Responds to recent media reports

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>and suddenly, for no reason at all, they elected hitler

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dc64cd No.161630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043434 (160008ZDEC20) Notable: Interview with Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne on Bribing Hillary Clinton 3pm EST 12/15/20

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This is moar delicious than Thanksgiving Dinner.

This is what anon wants for Christmas - this and its accessories. With batteries.

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dc64cd No.161631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043446 (160008ZDEC20) Notable: A Classic Christmas Lineup

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Merry Christmas!

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dc64cd No.161632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043450 (160009ZDEC20) Notable: Tommorrow's News Today

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Multiple State Election Headquarters raided.

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dc64cd No.161633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043467 (160011ZDEC20) Notable: SenateHouse Emails

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If you can't even copy and paste a single e-mail, what kind of patriot are you?


We the people hereby demand that 1) you certify Trump electors in the 2020 elections to the U.S. Congress; 2) require signature verifications in the run-offs and hold a special session to address the illegal consent decree and 3) seek a forensic audit of dominion machines and 4) conduct a signature audit of the 2020 election. Without these actions, you risk carelessly disregarding clear constitutional rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by allowing election fraud to be certified in a federal election. Thank you. 

john.albers@senate.ga.gov, john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov, ben.watson@senate.ga.gov, larry.walker@senate.ga.gov, renee.unterman@senate.ga.gov, lindsey.tippins@senate.ga.gov, blake.tillery@senate.ga.gov, bruce.thompson@senate.ga.gov, brian.strickland@senate.ga.gov, emily.doppel@senate.ga.gov, jesse.stone@senate.ga.gov, randy.robertson@senate.ga.gov, chuck.payne@senate.ga.gov, jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov, butch.miller@senate.ga.gov, p.k.martin@senate.ga.gov, william.ligon@senate.ga.gov, kay.kirkpatrick@senate.ga.gov, greg.kirk@senate.ga.gov, john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov, burt.jones@senate.ga.gov, chuck.hufstetler@senate.ga.gov, jack.hill@senate.ga.gov, billy.hickman@senate.ga.gov, billheath@billheath.net, tyler.harper@senate.ga.gov, marty.harbin@senate.ga.gov, steve.gooch@senate.ga.gov, frank.ginn@senate.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, greg.dolezal@senate.ga.gov, bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov, dean.burke@senate.ga.gov, matt.brass@senate.ga.gov, ellis.black@senate.ga.gov, brandon.beach@senate.ga.gov, lee.anderson@senate.ga.gov


We the people hereby demand that you issue a subpoena to dominion machines in Wayne county immediately and 2) support the certification of Trump electors in Michigan and 3) investigate state police for refusing Trump electors access to public property in the State of Michigan under color of state law. Thank you.

GrahamFiller@house.mi.gov, BeauLaFave@house.mi.gov, DianaFarrington@house.mi.gov, GaryHowell@house.mi.gov, StevenJohnson@house.mi.gov, DaireRendon@house.mi.gov, RyanBerman@house.mi.gov

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dc64cd No.161634

File: 348c39047fd9b80⋯.jpg (210.11 KB,720x1148,180:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fcae2da22d523af⋯.jpg (89.93 KB,1024x738,512:369,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb59ffe8cc59c41⋯.jpg (74.23 KB,1024x731,1024:731,Clipboard.jpg)

File: adc6b14128d1c0b⋯.jpg (74.03 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d3f9b3ca9badfea⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043469 (160011ZDEC20) Notable: USN Tweets: Photos of the day

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U.S Navy photos of the day

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dc64cd No.161635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043476 (160012ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Senator Grassley is a member of the following Senate committees:

Committee on Finance. At the start of the 116th Congress in January 2019, Senator Grassley resumed chairmanship of the Senate Finance Committee, where he served as either Ranking Member or Chairman of this committee from 2001 through 2010. His priorities for the committee’s agenda include reducing prescription drug prices, expanding access to affordable health care, enacting trade agreements to expand markets for U.S. goods and services and building upon the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Senator Grassley has called this committee the quality of life committee because of the committee’s jurisdiction, which includes all tax matters, health care, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, social services, unemployment compensation, tariffs and international trade. Legislation acted on by the Committee on Finance raises virtually all federal revenue, and expenditures authorized by this committee represent as much as two-thirds of the federal budget.

Committee on the Judiciary. Senator Grassley has served on this committee every year that he’s served in the Senate. He served four years as chairman from 2015-2018 during which time he led passage of historic bipartisan criminal justice reform, known as the First Step Act. As chairman, he also steered through 85 federal judges to lifetime appointments, including two Supreme Court justices. The Committee on the Judiciary is one of the Senate’s original standing committees and has a broad and influential jurisdiction, including crime, antitrust, bankruptcy, intellectual property, the federal courts and judges, civil liberties, constitutional law and amendments and immigration.

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Both on and off the Senate Agriculture Committee, Senator Grassley is an outspoken and effective voice for American agriculture. Senator Grassley farms corn and soybeans 50-50 with his son in Butler County, Iowa, and works to stay in close touch with the realities facing producers of farm commodities, including livestock. The Agriculture Committee is responsible for federal farm program policy, nutrition programs and forestry matters, as well as oversight of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Committee on the Budget. Senator Grassley is a senior member of this committee, which is responsible for drafting an annual budget plan for Congress. The budget resolution prepared by the Budget Committee sets out a broad blueprint for Congress with respect to the total levels of revenues and spending for the federal government as a whole. Other committees in the Senate and House of Representatives prepare the legislation that establishes specific tax and spending policies.

Joint Committee on Taxation. Senator Grassley will serve as Vice Chairman of this committee in 2019 and as Chairman in 2020. The leadership roles alternate between the respective chairs of the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways & Means Committee. Members include five senators who serve on the Finance Committee and five members of the House of Representatives who serve on the Committee on Ways and Means. The Joint Committee reports on the effects of taxes and the administration of taxes.

Senator Grassley is a founding member of the following Senate caucuses:

Senate Caucus on Foster Youth. Senator Grassley is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair with Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

Senate Cystic Fibrosis Caucus. Senator Grassley is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of this caucus with Sen. Edward Markey.

The Whistleblower Protection Caucus. Senator Grassley is the Co-Founder and Chairman of this caucus.

Senator Grassley serves on the following caucuses in the 116th Congress:

Senate Baltic Freedom Caucus. Co-Chair with Sen. Dick Durbin

Caucus on International Narcotics Control

Senate National Guard Caucus

Congressional Trademark Caucus

Mississippi River Caucus

Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus

Congressional Coalition on Adoption

Rural Health Caucus

Diabetes Caucus

Senate Taiwan Caucus

Senate General Aviation Caucus

Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus

Congressional Fire Services Caucus

Congressional French Caucus

Senate India Caucus

Assisting Caregivers Today Caucus

Financial Security and Life Insurance Caucus

RV Caucus

Senate Career and Technical Education Caucus

Congressional TRIO Caucus


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dc64cd No.161636

File: ae0351e2b1f56de⋯.png (41.3 KB,737x297,67:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043493 (160013ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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holy shit, they're pushing this narrative to try to enter war against Russia soon after Biden is inaugurated (i know he wont be but still)

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dc64cd No.161637

File: 75d93e5cbdb9a70⋯.jpg (192.9 KB,477x756,53:84,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043506 (160014ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Correction facilities,County Jails and >Confinement Cites


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dc64cd No.161638

File: e69491d7dd3da7c⋯.png (160.94 KB,535x520,107:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043513 (160015ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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White House national security adviser @robertcobrien on Tuesday cut short a European trip in order to return to Washington to deal with a #Russian #CyberAttack.




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dc64cd No.161639

File: aa2603ff2c02024⋯.png (457.45 KB,1335x736,1335:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043531 (160016ZDEC20) Notable: Heighten Security Protocols Allegedly.

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We're going to war with someone boys.

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dc64cd No.161640

File: 33fcc029e7ec795⋯.png (276.49 KB,590x350,59:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043553 (160017ZDEC20) Notable: Look Here Not There

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shit these arseholes are dicks !!


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dc64cd No.161641

File: 367c1d46973aaae⋯.png (308.56 KB,2376x1297,2376:1297,Clipboard.png)

File: 17961ab7addab04⋯.png (681.79 KB,705x485,141:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 56c7ccd57f83576⋯.png (125.12 KB,854x636,427:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043556 (160018ZDEC20) Notable: Heighten Security Protocols Allegedly.

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>We're going to war with someone boys.



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dc64cd No.161642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043564 (160019ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Nine Counts

Grand Jury was called.


1) The Nygard enterprise was used to hide+facilitate their child sex trafficking ring. "Pamper Parties" were what they called their entrapments.

2 through 9) First hand accounts of child sex trafficking, and infrastructure/means/intention to run a network.

"As a result of committing the sex trafficking offenses, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1591(a), (b)(1), (b)(2), 1594 and 2, alleged in Counts Two through Five of this Indictment, PETER NYGARD, the defendant, shall forfeit to the United States, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1594: (1) any property, real and personal, that was involved in, used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of the offenses, and any property traceable to such property; and (2) any property, real and personal, constituting or derived from, any proceeds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of the offenses, or any property traceable to such property."


Also follows, in short, "If we can't find said property we claim, of equal value, property we can find".


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dc64cd No.161643

File: b263096f4ee5673⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,863x414,863:414,Clipboard.jpg)

File: efba0161249ff4d⋯.pdf (13.52 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043569 (160019ZDEC20) Notable: Dump 9 CCP Files

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CCP translation dump 9

part 1: 1517246-1614262 (second part in reply)

Previous dumps

Dump 1 >>>/qresearch/12023479 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12023495 [pb]

Dump 2 >>160760 [pb] >>160761 [pb]

Dump 3 >>>/qresearch/12025287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12025293 [pb]

Dump 4 >>>/qresearch/12028287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12028295 [pb]

Dump 5 >>161057 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12030436 [pb]

Dump 6 >>161138 [pb] >>161141 [pb]

Dump 7 >>161237 [pb] >>161238 [pb]

Dump 8 >>161528 [pb] >>161529 [pb]

Ok Anons looks like we have reached the home stretch!!!

Only one more dump to go, it will be a tad larger but should still fit the 16Mb limit we have here


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dc64cd No.161644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043584 (160020ZDEC20) Notable: GA RINOS Shitting the votes

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Vote Summary

Question: On the Motion (Motion to Invoke Cloture: Katherine A. Crytzer to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee )

Vote Number: 267

Vote Date: December 15, 2020, 05:39 PM

Required For Majority: 1/2

Vote Result: Motion Agreed to

Nomination Number: PN2247

Nomination Description: Katherine A. Crytzer, of Tennessee, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee

Vote Counts:



Not Voting - 5

Fischer (R-NE)

Harris (D-CA)

Loeffler (R-GA)

Perdue (R-GA)

Rubio (R-FL)


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dc64cd No.161645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043595 (160020ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Wikileaks Smartmatic Cable Proves Connection to Venezuala

Classified By: Robert Downes, Political Counselor,

for Reason 1.4(b).




1. (C) The Venezuelan-owned Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation, complicated by the fact that its machines have overseen several landslide (and contested) victories by President Hugo Chavez and his supporters. The electronic voting company went from a small technology startup to a market player in just a few years, catapulted by its participation in the August 2004 recall referendum. Smartmatic has claimed to be of U.S. origin, but its true owners probably elite Venezuelans of several political strains remain hidden behind a web of holding companies in the Netherlands and Barbados.

The Smartmatic machines used in Venezuela are widely suspected of, though never proven conclusively to be, susceptible to fraud. The company is thought to be backing out of Venezuelan electoral events, focusing now on other parts of world, including the United States via its subsidiary, Sequoia. End Summary.


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dc64cd No.161646

File: 5fc27efea4a3712⋯.jpg (502.3 KB,2880x2880,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043637 (160024ZDEC20) Notable: 3 Year Assange Delta Soon. Flynn Came True. Wait Not... It's all a LARP Right?+Moar

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3-year Delta?



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dc64cd No.161647

File: 9bbf756882d8e30⋯.png (422.22 KB,535x625,107:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043639 (160024ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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Some of America’s most deeply held secrets may have been stolen in a cyber-espionage campaign being blamed on Russian government hackers. It could take months - even years - for digital sleuths to assess the damage.


DECLAS incoming

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dc64cd No.161648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043645 (160024ZDEC20) Notable: Tommorrow's News Today

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Democracy Suite 5.5-A

(ICX), (ICE), (EMS) & (ICC)

Impossible to ignore.

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dc64cd No.161649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043670 (160026ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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Amazing how quickly it was “determined” to be Russians hacking us.

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dc64cd No.161650

File: 9ad5ae02632ebd5⋯.png (176.1 KB,1135x2562,1135:2562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043675 (160026ZDEC20) Notable: NOAA Looking to Recruit New Talent

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NOAA and @CIRESnews are calling on the global community of problem solvers and data scientists to develop better models to forecast changes in Earth’s magnetic field. Learn how to enter the “MagNet” competition today:

@NASASun @DrivenDataorg @Iamherox


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dc64cd No.161651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043678 (160026ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden - PedoFiles

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Video reminder

that McConnell and Chao husband and wife

may be swamp or blackmailed?

His grandaughter openly breast molested

on film by Joe Biden at swearingi ceremony

and ZERO questions by the media about the molestation

as the years roll on and on

ZERO questions about the weird ties and fuckery

fast forward to today

GOP majority leader McConnell saying Biden is president elect.




all pb






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dc64cd No.161652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043704 (160028ZDEC20) Notable: (LIVE: in 14 hoursU.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Election Fraud Hearing

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LIVE: U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Election Fraud Hearing


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dc64cd No.161653


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The SIPRnet shutdown is because of the compromised SolarWinds Orion thing. Which is essentially a network monitoring and management system, by it's very definition deeply engrained into the network infrastructure that it manages and monitors. And this Orion thing was mighty popular with both big gov and transnational corps.

$10 say that the scale of this thing is so BIG, the Orion "hack" was a clown op - Probably the central building block of the infamous HAMR access platform. And someone at the C_A "lost" one of the command & control access keys while the Chinese then "found" exactly that key. Who knows to whom else the Chinese gave access.

Literally everything of value has been compromised, and then shit got out of hand really bad.

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dc64cd No.161654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043719 (160029ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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what if it was accidently leaked?

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dc64cd No.161655

File: c90de5a8b2249a2⋯.jpg (46.11 KB,465x551,465:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043721 (160029ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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isn't it?

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dc64cd No.161656

File: 94f6373c9a73443⋯.png (173.38 KB,722x519,722:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c5a6bd7454ae25⋯.png (543.41 KB,1245x610,249:122,Clipboard.png)

File: a48f43c8de98b68⋯.png (169.95 KB,675x334,675:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043725 (160030ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Bill Gates' Ask Big Questions podcast with Rashida Jones on Climate Change..

Gates' -Doom and Gloom- preview of events to come

- Greenland and Antarctica melts → I wonder if it's the portals there that will be exposed that all these globalists are panicking about with this snow cap melting

- Malnutrition and starvation

- Forest fires and hurricanes

- Extinction of natural ecosystems

Green concrete

Gates mentions that we will be using green concrete. Remember when POTUS mentioned that these people wanted to tear down buildings?

- Gates also mentions that we should bury the cement into the ground and there is already a company called Climeworks doing this.

COVID strategy of flooding the zone will be used pushing the climate change strategy

- Gates: "We want you to hire the best scientists, the best modelers."



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dc64cd No.161657

File: 91f1db3205e3f37⋯.png (22.2 KB,535x273,535:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043733 (160031ZDEC20) Notable: Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

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dc64cd No.161658


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>The SIPRnet shutdown is because of the compromised SolarWinds Orion thing







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dc64cd No.161659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043749 (160032ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Y'all remember these diggz?

Wikileaks Vault 7 Hacking Tools - "Marble" et al

Marble Framework

31 March, 2017

Today, March 31st 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Marble" – 676 source code files for the CIA's secret anti-forensic Marble Framework. Marble is used to hamper forensic investigators and anti-virus companies from attributing viruses, trojans and hacking attacks to the CIA.

Marble does this by hiding ("obfuscating") text fragments used in CIA malware from visual inspection. This is the digital equivallent of a specalized CIA tool to place covers over the english language text on U.S. produced weapons systems before giving them to insurgents secretly backed by the CIA.

Marble forms part of the CIA's anti-forensics approach and the CIA's Core Library of malware code. It is "[D]esigned to allow for flexible and easy-to-use obfuscation" as "string obfuscation algorithms (especially those that are unique) are often used to link malware to a specific developer or development shop."

The Marble source code also includes a deobfuscator to reverse CIA text obfuscation. Combined with the revealed obfuscation techniques, a pattern or signature emerges which can assist forensic investigators attribute previous hacking attacks and viruses to the CIA. Marble was in use at the CIA during 2016. It reached 1.0 in 2015.

The source code shows that Marble has test examples not just in English but also in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi. This would permit a forensic attribution double game, for example by pretending that the spoken language of the malware creator was not American English, but Chinese, but then showing attempts to conceal the use of Chinese, drawing forensic investigators even more strongly to the wrong conclusion, — but there are other possibilities, such as hiding fake error messages.

The Marble Framework is used for obfuscation only and does not contain any vulnerabilties or exploits by itself.


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dc64cd No.161660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043764 (160033ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican Apostasy "Sauced Last Bread"

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sauced past bread

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dc64cd No.161661

File: 5e78996b1005ee6⋯.png (70.71 KB,886x470,443:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043804 (160036ZDEC20) Notable: 3 Year Assange Delta Soon. Flynn Came True. Wait Not... It's all a LARP Right?+Moar

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dc64cd No.161662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043813 (160037ZDEC20) Notable: Look Here Not There

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She was born April 2 too just like our two new Boston Boys.



What I noticed is wiki altered Donoghue wiki page from yesterday. Clowns everywhere.

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dc64cd No.161663

File: 6a186e0dec26ef5⋯.jpg (33.93 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043822 (160037ZDEC20) Notable: Mssed PB CIA Tweets Trivia

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>>161575 PB

Left Pic off. So I am reposting!

CIA Trivia

I found 8:

left to right

1)blue to red on door (red on)

2)lt. blue stick tree, missing (blue gone)

3)Lt blue roof rect on 2nd house larger (Blue larger)

4)Red tree to Blue Tree (Blue on)

5) Blue tree appears on high hill (Blue on)

6)Five rows of windows to 4/ 25 to 20

7)Dark blue chimney missing. (dark off/gone)

8)5 light windows to 4 (light to dark)

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dc64cd No.161664

File: 3a7b92deda09c9f⋯.jpg (123.41 KB,917x715,917:715,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 464b2e82f099c0d⋯.jpg (235.25 KB,904x831,904:831,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043830 (160038ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Letter source


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dc64cd No.161665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043869 (160040ZDEC20) Notable: SenateHouse Emails

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If you can't even copy and paste a single e-mail, what kind of patriot are you?


We the people hereby demand that 1) you certify Trump electors in the 2020 elections to the U.S. Congress; 2) require signature verifications in the run-offs and hold a special session to address the illegal consent decree and 3) seek a forensic audit of dominion machines and 4) conduct a signature audit of the 2020 election. Without these actions, you risk carelessly disregarding clear constitutional rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by allowing election fraud to be certified in a federal election. Thank you. 

Georgia Senate Republicans

john.albers@senate.ga.gov, john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov, ben.watson@senate.ga.gov, larry.walker@senate.ga.gov, renee.unterman@senate.ga.gov, lindsey.tippins@senate.ga.gov, blake.tillery@senate.ga.gov, bruce.thompson@senate.ga.gov, brian.strickland@senate.ga.gov, emily.doppel@senate.ga.gov, jesse.stone@senate.ga.gov, randy.robertson@senate.ga.gov, chuck.payne@senate.ga.gov, jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov, butch.miller@senate.ga.gov, p.k.martin@senate.ga.gov, william.ligon@senate.ga.gov, kay.kirkpatrick@senate.ga.gov, greg.kirk@senate.ga.gov, john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov, burt.jones@senate.ga.gov, chuck.hufstetler@senate.ga.gov, jack.hill@senate.ga.gov, billy.hickman@senate.ga.gov, billheath@billheath.net, tyler.harper@senate.ga.gov, marty.harbin@senate.ga.gov, steve.gooch@senate.ga.gov, frank.ginn@senate.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, greg.dolezal@senate.ga.gov, bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov, dean.burke@senate.ga.gov, matt.brass@senate.ga.gov, ellis.black@senate.ga.gov, brandon.beach@senate.ga.gov, lee.anderson@senate.ga.gov

Georgia House Republicans

david.ralston@house.ga.gov, jan.jones@house.ga.gov, jon.burns@house.ga.gov, Matt.Hatchett@house.ga.gov, micah.gravley@house.ga.gov, bruce.williamson@house.ga.gov, mandi.ballinger@house.ga.gov, matt.barton@house.ga.gov, timothy.barr@house.ga.gov, dave.belton@house.ga.gov, tommy.benton@house.ga.gov, shaw.blackmon@house.ga.gov, josh.bonner@house.ga.gov, james.burchett@house.ga.gov, michael.caldwell@house.ga.gov, joe.campbell@house.ga.gov, wes.cantrell@house.ga.gov, kasey.carpenter@house.ga.gov, john.carson@house.ga.gov, mike.cheokas@house.ga.gov, david.clark@house.ga.gov, heath.clark@house.ga.gov, j.collins@house.ga.gov, kevin.cooke@house.ga.gov, sharon.cooper@house.ga.gov, john.corbett@house.ga.gov, katie.dempsey@house.ga.gov, robert.dickey@house.ga.gov, ginny.ehrhart@house.ga.gov, terry.england@house.ga.gov, chris.erwin@house.ga.gov, barry.fleming@house.ga.gov, houston.gaines@house.ga.gov, matthew.gambill@house.ga.gov, sheri.gilligan@house.ga.gov, gerald.greene@house.ga.gov, joseph.gullett@house.ga.gov, matt.gurtler@house.ga.gov, brett.harrell@house.ga.gov, lee.hawkins@house.ga.gov, dewayne.hill@house.ga.gov, bill.hitchens@house.ga.gov, don.hogan@house.ga.gov, susan.holmes@house.ga.gov, penny.houston@house.ga.gov, jan.jones@house.ga.gov, jeff.jones@house.ga.gov, todd.jones@house.ga.gov, tom.kirby@house.ga.gov, trey.kelley@house.ga.gov, david.knight@house.ga.gov, john.lahood@house.ga.gov, dominic.lariccia@house.ga.gov, jodi.lott@house.ga.gov, eddie.lumsden@house.ga.gov, matt.dubnik@house.ga.gov, emory.dunahoo@house.ga.gov, chuck.efstration@house.ga.gov, matt.dollar@house.ga.gov, chuck.martin@house.ga.gov, karen.mathiak@house.ga.gov, danny.mathis@house.ga.gov, steven.meeks@house.ga.gov, martin.momtahan@house.ga.gov, colton.moore@house.ga.gov, greg.morris@house.ga.gov, marc.morris@house.ga.gov, mark.newton@house.ga.gov, randy.nix@house.ga.gov, butch.parrish@house.ga.gov, don.parsons@house.ga.gov, jesse.petrea@house.ga.gov, clay.pirkle@house.ga.gov, alan.powell@house.ga.gov, jimmy.pruett@house.ga.gov, ken.pullin@house.ga.gov, david.ralston@house.ga.gov, bert.reeves@house.ga.gov, trey.rhodes@house.ga.gov, bonnie.rich@house.ga.gov, jason.ridley@house.ga.gov, terry.rogers@house.ga.gov, dale.rutledge@house.ga.gov, steven.sainz@house.ga.gov, mitchell.scoggins@house.ga.gov, ed.setzler@house.ga.gov, deborah.silcox@house.ga.gov, philip.singleton@house.ga.gov, lynn.smith@house.ga.gov, richard.smith@house.ga.gov, vance.smith@house.ga.gov, ron.stephens@house.ga.gov, jan.tankersley@house.ga.gov, kevin.tanner@house.ga.gov, steve.tarvin@house.ga.gov, darlene.taylor@house.ga.gov, scot.turner@house.ga.gov, dale.washburn@house.ga.gov, sam.watson@house.ga.gov, andrew.welch@house.ga.gov, bill.werkheiser@house.ga.gov, marcus.wiedower@house.ga.gov, noel.williams@house.ga.gov, rick.williams@house.ga.gov, bill.yearta@house.ga.gov

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dc64cd No.161666

File: e0c815349cca9fc⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x432,25:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043886 (160041ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Statistic Impossibilities

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26 precincts in Pennsylvania all reported the same Trump/Biden ratio of 25% at 2:37 AM on November 4th.

The odds of that happening randomly is the total number of precincts(around 1000) raised to the 26th power.

That's a 1 with 78 zeros.

What happened in PA was statistically impossible.


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dc64cd No.161667

File: d4b2b07ba3e1fa8⋯.jpeg (354.26 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b7a12fdb3fb2157⋯.png (205.14 KB,423x423,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fe3ec371fad8d7⋯.png (43.92 KB,657x527,657:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043904 (160042ZDEC20) Notable: Apu Love Memes

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dc64cd No.161668

File: 35d6304d0a2c779⋯.png (163.31 KB,543x275,543:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043906 (160042ZDEC20) Notable: Apu Love Memes

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dc64cd No.161669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043936 (160044ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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DEC 15 2020

Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer,

AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “unrestricted warfare”

to defeat the US military and conquer North America

We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) loyalists includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have

successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment at vaccine giants Pfizer,

AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline — corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for

U.S. civilian and military use.


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dc64cd No.161670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043944 (160045ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Kamala Harris listed as one of “key contacts” for Biden family China

business ventures, meaning both U.S. leaders are compromised by Beijing

Fox News has the exclusive:

A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-

bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden’s current running mate

Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned.


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dc64cd No.161671

File: 3b318803757a607⋯.png (835.98 KB,770x577,770:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043964 (160046ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican Apostasy "Sauced Last Bread"

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Temple of Solomon is important to 'them]. And Ferris wheels. Temples and Ferris wheels. And islands. Don't forget islands. Temples, and Ferris wheels, and islands and small children. For the raping and the eating.

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dc64cd No.161672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043980 (160047ZDEC20) Notable: (LIVE:Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues Youtube Censoring it?

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LIVE: Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues


I was listening earlier but had to take a leave.

so I didn't know it was still going on.

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dc64cd No.161673

File: 5235a2cb5835cb9⋯.jpg (188.36 KB,1197x698,1197:698,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043989 (160047ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Baker plus another source although it id fox.



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dc64cd No.161674

File: 6273d618f8a0914⋯.png (69.88 KB,555x402,185:134,Clipboard.png)

File: ccdd7d84cda2da3⋯.png (513.97 KB,1154x506,577:253,Clipboard.png)

File: e1879b999667f08⋯.png (59.83 KB,842x602,421:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043990 (160047ZDEC20) Notable: Tommorrow's News Today

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well that's one of em

>>>/qresearch/12042655 pb

>[37.53759, -77.43335]

>[44.95436, -93.10460]

>[41.78802, -71.50811]

>MH-6M > *Swift Action*


>Shockingly quiet.


>Who has everything?

>[A]ctive Control.

>POTUS awake.

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dc64cd No.161675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12043998 (160047ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Potus is the official president elect.

State Sentate Dueling electors are as legit as House sent electors.

Including the dueling electors Trump is ahead


Betfair is going to have BIG problem based on this info alone.


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dc64cd No.161676

File: ac08ee1e1c0d281⋯.mp4 (224.51 KB,566x458,283:229,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044009 (160048ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember... 17

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Hospitality Workers Rally in NYC: This Is ‘Choking the Life Out of Everyday People'

Anger comes amid Gov Cuomo's indoor dining ban activists gathered in the city to rally against mandatory shutdowns

Angry workers and business owners in the restaurant industry rallied in New York City protesting Governor Cuomo's restrictions banning indoor dining. Tens of thousands of restaurants and bars across the country closed due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. Cuomo (D) said unstable hospitalization rates in New York were the reason for the shutdown. Outdoor dining will also shut down this week due to a winter snowstorm.

Activists gathered in the city to rally against mandatory shutdowns while demanding additional access to PPP funding as well as the trust of local governments.

“We are not the problem. We deserve to work,” one speaker said.

Cuomo banned all indoor dining in the city last week indefinitely due to a rise in Covid-19 cases.

One Harlem restaurant owner explained she typically employs 35-45 residents depending on the season.

But since March, her team has been reduced by half, and she was forced to close one of her locations. The industry leaders emphasized that they are campaigning for options to operate. Former New York state senator, Eric Adams, said the situation is “choking the life out of everyday people in the city.”

“This city is killing us,” another speaker said. Protesters plan to march to the governor’s office following the speeches.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio voiced support for Cuomo’s decision to ban indoor dining

Cuomo banned all indoor dining in the city last week indefinitely due to a rise in Covid-19 cases.

And the economic costs are becoming glaringly apparent:

Just days later, Cuomo announced he was throwing a celebrity-filled birthday fundraiser with big-name Hollywood stars like Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller. The party, which is virtual, will raise cash for Cuomo's 2022 reelection campaign. According to the official invitation, donations range from $50 to $10,000 for the “host” level.

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dc64cd No.161677

File: d530e008e6cbefd⋯.png (60.72 KB,653x315,653:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044015 (160049ZDEC20) Notable: (LIVE:Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues Youtube Censoring it?

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>LIVE: Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues


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dc64cd No.161678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044050 (160051ZDEC20) Notable: (LIVE:Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues Youtube Censoring it?

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remove the extra bullshit from the end of the link

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dc64cd No.161679

File: 15ec83e211e6ed3⋯.png (108.46 KB,397x551,397:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 79d7844d88b1033⋯.png (782.7 KB,1150x548,575:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044052 (160051ZDEC20) Notable: Tommorrow's News Today

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>44.95436, -93.10460

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dc64cd No.161680

File: dd7e4266dfb5bcd⋯.jpg (477.68 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d7074809fcec2d⋯.jpg (205.05 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044066 (160052ZDEC20) Notable: Forget Trump and move on: Mitch McConnell pleads with his senators not to force ugly vote in Congress on Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, warning them it would split the party - despite president's demands for last-ditch fight to overturn election+ CM Opines

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Mitch McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged hands

By Lia EustachewichOctober 23, 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he has no health issues of concern — despite sporting bruises and bandages on his hands this week.

The 78-year-old Kentucky senator dodged questions about his health from reporters in the Capitol Thursday, CNN reported.

Asked whether he had any health issues, McConnell answered, “of course not,” and then didn’t respond when asked if he was being treated by a doctor.

Later, McConnell — who is up for re-election — said there were “no concerns” when asked by the network about the bruises on his hands and whether he had any other health issues.

His aide also declined to provide details when asked multiple times about the Republican’s health.

McConnell has been busy working all week, including calling for a “show” vote on extended small-business Paycheck Protection Program loans on Tuesday and warring with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Thursday following the vote to advance Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination.

Last year, McConnell, who is married to US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, suffered a fractured shoulder in a fall at his Kentucky home. He underwent triple bypass heart surgery in 2003.

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dc64cd No.161681

File: 269fb6d1946fa03⋯.png (569.58 KB,786x638,393:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044075 (160053ZDEC20) Notable: Forget Trump and move on: Mitch McConnell pleads with his senators not to force ugly vote in Congress on Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, warning them it would split the party - despite president's demands for last-ditch fight to overturn election+ CM Opines

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Does anybody know why McConnell would do something like that?

You need to support your leader when you’re his right hand man.


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dc64cd No.161682

File: 2f5b5aa67dca026⋯.png (596.68 KB,769x645,769:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044079 (160053ZDEC20) Notable: Hannity Reports on WI Supreme Court Ruling Pro ID

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dc64cd No.161683

File: 575b852e835ec32⋯.jpg (88.19 KB,700x718,350:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044091 (160054ZDEC20) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein cohort Ghislaine Maxwell has been tasked with monitoring other inmates who might be suicidal, her lawyers revealed in newly unsealed court papers.

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The Kekiest headline yet.

Jeffrey Epstein cohort Ghislaine Maxwell has been tasked with monitoring other inmates who might be suicidal, her lawyers revealed in newly unsealed court papers.

“She has been made a suicide watch inmate, which is the highest and most trusted responsibility that an inmate can have,” wrote Mark Cohen and Jeffrey Pagliuca in a motion requesting her release to home confinement on a $28.5 million bail package.

Her attorneys have repeatedly complained about the “onerous” jail conditions that Maxwell has endured as a high profile inmate of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn — including excessive surveillance and being awoken every 15 minutes by a flashlight to ensure she’s still breathing.

“It is the height of irony that Ms. Maxwell is being constantly surveilled as if she were a suicide risk when she, herself, is trusted enough (if she were ever released from isolation) to monitor inmates who are truly at risk of suicide,” the lawyers wrote.

Her defense team has accused the lockup of subjecting her to unreasonable restrictions over concerns she’ll meet the same fate as Epstein, who committed suicide while in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The unbearable terms of her confinement, her attorneys argued, favor her bid for release. She’s charged in Manhattan federal court with recruiting girls and women to be sexually abused by her and Epstein. Maxwell has pleaded not guilty.



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dc64cd No.161684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044095 (160055ZDEC20) Notable: #15375,

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>>>/qresearch/12043381 DoughRq

>>>/qresearch/12043408 Confirmed 07 baker

Notables are NOT endorsements

#15375 650Final!

>>161625, >>161680, >>161681 Forget Trump and move on: Mitch McConnell pleads with his senators not to force ugly vote in Congress on Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, warning them it would split the party - despite president's demands for last-ditch fight to overturn election+ CM Opines

>>161626 Lin Wood Tweets: "…This is a battle between good & evil. This is a battle against freedom & tyranny…"

>>161627, >>161646, >>161661 3 Year Assange Delta Soon. Flynn Came True. Wait Not… It's all a LARP Right?+Moar

>>161628, >>161660, >>161671 Vatican Apostasy "Sauced Last Bread"

>>161629 Charlotte Clymer Formerly Charles Responds to recent media reports

>>161630 Interview with Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne on Bribing Hillary Clinton 3pm EST 12/15/20

>>161631 A Classic Christmas Lineup

>>161632, >>161648, >>161674, >>161679 Tommorrow's News Today

>>161633, >>161665 SenateHouse Emails

>>161634 USN Tweets: Photos of the day

>>161635, >>161637, >>161642, >>161645, >>161656, >>161659, >>161664, >>161669, >>161670, >>161673, >>161675, >>161676 Things to remember… 17

>>161636, >>161638, >>161647, >>161649, >>161655, >>161657, >>161654 Blumenthal Concernfagging+Moar

>>161639, >>161641, >>161653 Heighten Security Protocols Allegedly.

>>161640, >>161662 Look Here Not There

>>161643 Dump 9 CCP Files

>>161644 GA RINOS Shitting the votes

>>161650 NOAA Looking to Recruit New Talent

>>161651 Joe Biden - PedoFiles

>>161652 (LIVE: in 14 hoursU.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Election Fraud Hearing


>>161663 Mssed PB CIA Tweets Trivia

>>161666 Moar Statistic Impossibilities

>>161667, >>161668 Apu Love Memes

>>161672, >>161677, >>161678 (LIVE:Colorado Legislative Audit Committee Hearing on Election Issues Youtube Censoring it?

>>161682 Hannity Reports on WI Supreme Court Ruling Pro ID

>>161683 Jeffrey Epstein cohort Ghislaine Maxwell has been tasked with monitoring other inmates who might be suicidal, her lawyers revealed in newly unsealed court papers.


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dc64cd No.161685

File: 22950ccbce29552⋯.jpeg (651.38 KB,828x1324,207:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044149 (160058ZDEC20) Notable: solarwinds123 Really?

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John Podesta probably made everyone’s password for them.

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dc64cd No.161686

File: 49a2b5893e41d64⋯.png (160.71 KB,836x330,38:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044157 (160059ZDEC20) Notable: Green Spam: Fed Joins Global Group For "Greening" Financial System

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Green Spam: Fed Joins Global Group For "Greening" Financial System

As if the Fed didn't have far bigger problems on its plate - like, for example, what it will do when the inflation it has been doing everything in its power to create finally materializes and how it will tighten financial conditions without sparking the biggest tantrum in history and sending risk assets plummeting, on Tuesday morning the following bizarre headline hit terminals around the world:


Immediately there were questions: does this mean the Fed will literally make it rain dollar bills to "green" the financial system, or is this another pathetic, desperate attempt to deflect attention from the Fed's catastrophic actions that have pushed the world to the verge of collapse and only purchasing $1.3 trillion in assets every hour is preventing an all out collapse?

Turns out it was the latter, because it turns out that headlines was refering to a Fed announcement according to which the central bank formally joined the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System, or NGFS as a less idiotically sounding acronym, as a member. Why is the Fed engaging in the disgusting virtue signaling of epic proportions? This is what it said:

By bringing together central banks and supervisory authorities from around the world, NGFS supports the exchange of ideas, research, and best practices on the development of environment and climate risk management for the financial sector. The Board began participating in NGFS discussions and activities more than a year ago.

"As we develop our understanding of how best to assess the impact of climate change on the financial system, we look forward to continuing and deepening our discussions with our NGFS colleagues from around the world," said Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell.

Oh, so now the Fed cares about the environment? That's so touching. But once we pass the virtue signaling stage, maybe Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell can explain why the Fed's explicitly enabled the emission of billions of CO2 gasses in the atmosphere as a result of its policy of keeping zombie companies - such as uber-polluting shale corporations - alive by depressing yields so low that any junk bond issue by an insolvent shale was snapped up in millisecond by yield starved managers of other people's money.

What's that? The Fed won't touch that topic and instead it will point all media inquiries to its noble pursuit of "greening the financial system?" Well, that's a surprise: one almost wonders if the Fed is joining this group, which also includes the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan, just so it has a way to deflect questions that touch on the Fed's true nature of being - along with its Chinese central bank peer - the biggest enabler of massive global pollution.

And not just the Fed: one wonders if the true motive of all those billionaires who take their private jets to Davos year after year (their gargantuan carbon footprint clearly exempt from the rules they impose upon ordinary peasants) and virtue signal for days on end how the world has to fight global warming (without ever pointing the finger at their biggest sponsor, China), is likewise not quite as pure. But that's impossible: it would suggest that the world's "through leaders", top politicians and top 0.001% richest are… hypocrites!?


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dc64cd No.161687

File: 22e8923e7f58f6e⋯.png (167.48 KB,1141x792,1141:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044159 (160059ZDEC20) Notable: Colorado lawmakers clash over election integrity hearing December 16, 2020

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==Colorado lawmakers clash over election integrity hearing

December 16, 2020==

DENVER (AP) – A top legal advisor to President Donald Trump was among those testifying at a Tuesday hearing called by Republican state lawmakers to look into any irregularities concerning Colorado’s mail-in voting system – a system praised by both major parties as among the nation’s safest and responsible for the largest turnouts in the U.S. in 2020.

The reason for and timing of the Legislative Audit Committee hearing, called by Republican committee chair Rep. Lori Saine of Weld County, befuddled many, coming a day after the Electoral College certified Joe Biden’s presidential win. Saine told fellow lawmakers its goal was to put to rest “any doubt” about election irregularities in the state.

“The election belongs to the people of Colorado and that question deserves our utmost focus and attention,” she said.

Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign, implored the panel to investigate Dominion Voting Systems, reiterating debunked claims that the company’s voting machines software altered the result of the presidential election.

Elections officials have repeatedly denounced statements questioning Colorado’s election integrity, and Dominion has refuted claims about any deleted or changed votes.

Secretary of State Jena Griswold noted in written testimony that Dominion software has been widely used in Colorado since 2015 and, in some districts, going back to the 1990s.

“No evidence of wrongdoing has been presented against Dominion concerning its use and performance in this election or any other. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the Dominion Voting software operated in this election anyway other than flawlessly,” Griswold said.

Colorado voting systems are routinely tested through audit procedures, and Dominion Systems have been successfully tested more than 800 times, Griswold added.

Democratic lawmakers grew angry with the lack of Colorado-specific evidence of any wrongdoing or problems presented to the panel Tuesday. One, Sen. Rhonda Fields, said using public funds for the hearing was a waste.

“I just think this is ridiculous,” Fields said.

Ellis tried to link suburban Jefferson County’s adoption of Dominion systems with the county’s shift to Democratic and unaffiliated voters on recent elections – a demographic shift seen throughout Colorado. Democratic Rep. Tracy Kraft-Tharp scoffed at Ellis’ argument.

Pam Anderson, executive director of the Colorado County Clerks Association, told the committee there were no instances of voter fraud found in Colorado after the independent audits and hand-counting processes that occurred following the election.

“By implying that we haven’t done that either ignores or is ignorant of the things that take place under the law that the General Assembly set, that we are sworn to uphold,” Anderson said. “Due diligence was done throughout this process.”

Anderson encouraged the panel to take a tour of ballot processing centers, noting that the county clerks received no responses to invitations extended to lawmakers last year.

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dc64cd No.161688

File: d2bb2b6899d6543⋯.webm (4.19 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044168 (160100ZDEC20) Notable: SIPRnet WHISTLEBLOWER

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dc64cd No.161689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044169 (160100ZDEC20) Notable: USEFUL: Georgia Sec of State Unwittingly Provides Legal Basis For Congress To Nullify State’s Electoral Votes

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USEFUL: Georgia Sec of State Unwittingly Provides Legal Basis For Congress To Nullify State’s Electoral Votes

In his statement, Georgia’s Secretary of State provides the basis for the US Congress to nullify Georgia’s Electoral College slate of Electors

Unwittingly or not, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), cryptically provided justification for the US Congress to nullify Georgia’s slate of Electors to the Electoral college in his announcement of a signature match audit of Cobb County in his state.

Raffensperger announced the audit after claims of voter fraud, just a very few claims of vote fraud his office has taken action on.

The Secretary of State told reporters Monday that he launched the audit in order to restore Georgians’ faith in the election.

Describing himself as a “conservative Constitutional Republican”, a claim many of his Republican colleagues in elected office have disputed given his lack of action to date on protecting the Constitution amid a sea of voter fraud and ballot tampering in his state, Raffensperger said his goal is to “make our elections accurate.”

Raffensperger again refused to acknowledge the existence of the mountain of evidence pointing to vote fraud and ballot tampering in his state.

He went on to say he would be working on a “third party signature match statewide audit study” that would be produced in coordination with an accredited university.

He also indicated that his office is currently working with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, “to conduct a signature match audit in Cobb County following specific reports that the county failed to adequately conduct signature matching. This audit will take around two weeks but will not change the outcome of the November elections.”

Our office will be partnering with @GBI_GA to conduct a signature match audit in Cobb County following specific reports that the county failed to adequately conduct signature matching. This audit will take around two weeks but will not change the outcome of the November elections

— GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) December 14, 2020

A determination that the Cobb County vote was flawed or affected by vote fraud or ballot tampering would suggest other counties suffered the same malfeasance and, thus, open an avenue for the whole of the state’s slate of Electors to be rejected by the joint session of Congress that tallies the Electoral College Certificates of Certification from each state.

The Certificates of Certification of the vote, attested to by the seated slate of Electors from each state, will be received and voted on in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021. It is at this time the Electoral College elects the President and Vice President of the United States.

It is also at this time that challenges to the certificates will be submitted. Should one US Representative and one US Senator object, then a series of debates and procedures would then play out if there is enough approval from members of the joint session. This could potentially lead to a contingent election, and an almost certain second term for President Donald Trump.


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dc64cd No.161690

File: ddc6c65e4a9db96⋯.png (1.32 MB,895x852,895:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044175 (160101ZDEC20) Notable: Comms - Watch out EuropeanAnons! They haven't heard loud yet. "Noisy" frogs to be evicted from 'historic' pond. French judge rules

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They haven't heard loud yet.


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dc64cd No.161691

File: 382e53c1ed59615⋯.png (357.65 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044184 (160101ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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Britain is balls deep in Xhina!

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dc64cd No.161692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044186 (160101ZDEC20) Notable: War Room Update

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ty baker again. nice work keeping our dough intact. below is a task board for anons to review for idle hands. ty again patriot. -o7





>>161098 HAM Radio Channels for sharing

Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities

CM Research SolarWinds

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

Sign/Share Petition for Limited ML re Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Share Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

Share VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house


>>159680 , >>159678 , >>159685 Dig needed on Leslie Rolfe connection to AG Barr?

>>159472 Call to Digg on former Senator Robert Torricelli

>>159612 , >>159613 , >>159614 , >>159615 , >>159619 Dig on Executive Directive 51







>>161442 Real anons digging the trafficking front

>>161462 LIVE: Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill


>>161490 CodeMonkey Tweet, 'Dominion deleted the reference and link to "SolarWinds" from their website, but we have the archive still.'

>>161485 Maricopa County To Conduct Full Forensic Audit On Dominion Voting Machines

>>161398 Google Advanced search you find ALOT of references to solarwinds in our Military Infrastructure

>>161039 'Full Speed Ahead': Durham Expands Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation

>>161064 Digs on Joe Kim, VP of Engineering, SolarWinds

>>159956 General Flynn Says "We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Influence in US Election Right Now" (video)

>>159954 President's veto power explained

>>159880 HUMA Digs

>>159928 MUST SEE: Evidence? Election Night Errors Caught on Video – Retweeted by Sidney Powell

>>159598 Misprision of Treason explained

>>159599 Rebellion or Insurrection explained

>>159600 Seditious Conspiracy explained

>>159602 Advocating Overthrow of Government explained



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dc64cd No.161693

File: f9a452b4b8c7a86⋯.png (57.7 KB,760x577,760:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044197 (160103ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn Agrees

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dc64cd No.161694

File: 9d0ccaf46877fee⋯.png (728.56 KB,733x487,733:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044205 (160103ZDEC20) Notable: Hold The Line Sheriff. California Sheriff Refuses 'Absurd' Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

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California Sheriff Refuses 'Absurd' Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

You’ve got to hand it to the ACLU. Their legendary defense of traitors, terrorists, and others who would try and destroy the United States is consistent and predictable.

Last April, the ACLU sued Orange County to release inmates who might be “medically vulnerable” to getting sick from the coronavirus. What those inmates did to be in jail didn’t matter. Can’t have a child rapist get sick and die from COVID. That would be heartless.

A judge apparently didn’t care either. He ordered the release of all medically vulnerable prisoners no matter what their crimes. He ruled that Don Barnes, the sheriff of Orange County, showed “deliberate indifference to the substantial risk of serious harm from COVID-19 infection to … medically vulnerable people in [his] custody” which “violates their rights.”

Barnes is a practical man and must have done a double-take when the judge gave that order.

Fox News:

“We’ve released 1,400 inmates to date since March for low-level offenders. The only inmates remaining now are serious offenders,” he explained. “Of the medically vulnerable, 90 of them are in custody for murder or attempted murder, 94 for child molestation.”

This may be why Barnes is dismissing the judge’s order and says his office will appeal.

“Everybody in the community is at risk of COVID right now,” Barnes said in response to the judge, adding, “not considering the risk to the public they present by being released back into the community, I think is not only absurd, I think it places the community at significant risk …”

“I have no intention of doing that, of releasing those individuals back into the community. I think they pose a serious threat,” Barnes told “Fox & Friends.”

And it’s not like his jail is a Petri dish for the virus.

“He got a lot of his facts incorrect,” Barnes told co-host Ainsley Earhardt. “We have been testing inmates. We have been so far ahead of the curve when it came to best practices within our jails. We mitigated our COVID crisis from 220 in March to zero as of last Monday.”

That was last Monday. According to ABC7, that number jumped to 416 as of yesterday. Barnes says the number is high because they’re testing everyone in the jails, even asymptomatic inmates.

But the ACLU made it clear in their statement that they just don’t get it.

“Public safety does not just mean crime,” said Jacob Reisberg with the ACLU. “Public safety also means, is there a hospital bed open if you get sick? And if there’s a massive outbreak in the jail, which this de-population order is trying to avoid, there will not be hospital capacity in Orange County for people on the outside who get COVID.”

The “low-level” offenders released earlier have committed crimes at three times the normal rate, according to the DA’s office. What do you think releasing murders and rapists would do to the violent crime rate?

Keep testing the inmates, separate them from the general population when they test positive, and make sure there’s no way in hell they get any kind of release.


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dc64cd No.161695

File: 8cc3b364e75878c⋯.png (504.44 KB,683x557,683:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044215 (160104ZDEC20) Notable: Conflict of Interests? Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'+Results of that

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Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'


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dc64cd No.161696

File: 31a628bc356c52c⋯.jpg (53.32 KB,1080x642,180:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044218 (160104ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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All current weak/working against Rino's will be voted out next primary

DS doesn't own the Republican party. The Party = We The People


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dc64cd No.161697

File: 58843474c320ebd⋯.png (1.58 MB,2494x1486,1247:743,Clipboard.png)

File: fb0fb4c5fd72179⋯.png (1004.13 KB,1916x1438,958:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c4ecddae1e6e1c⋯.png (1.91 MB,1912x1446,956:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044229 (160105ZDEC20) Notable: SCIF Protocol for data security when escorting personnel through facilities

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>Marble Framework




Do ANONS remember when Trump came into office they briefly stayed in Trump Tower while they "RENOVATED" the White House?


LIVING IN A SCIF HMMM no Blackberries or Cell Phones KILLARY

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dc64cd No.161698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044247 (160106ZDEC20) Notable: Phillip Kline Tweets: We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. Details below:

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Phillip Kline @PhillDKline


We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. Details below:

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dc64cd No.161699

File: 1dab8c0909d9b98⋯.png (213.52 KB,645x764,645:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 195d89e99367c5f⋯.png (198.94 KB,591x730,591:730,Clipboard.png)

File: ea6fc9168c04a29⋯.png (912.35 KB,1065x1999,1065:1999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044251 (160106ZDEC20) Notable: Phillip Kline Tweets: We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. Details below:

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The Election Wizard Retweeted

Phillip Kline


We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system.

Details below:

6:16 PM · Dec 15, 2020

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dc64cd No.161700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044278 (160108ZDEC20) Notable: Conflict of Interests? Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'+Results of that

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Found on fakebook, figured I would pass on. A call to action! Anon had to do some minor 'format edits' to paste here.

"Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and his top deputies pressed other Senate Republicans on Tuesday not to join in with any House Republicans who may object to the presidential election results when Congress meets on Jan. 6 to ratify the decision, a source familiar with the remarks said." - NewsMax Dec 15 2021

Well, might I encourage everyone with Republican Senators in their state to call/write them and respectfully ask them to challenge the electoral result on Jan 6, 2021. These Senators must display a lot of courage to go againced the power estblishment and leadership, risking committee assignments, etc. There are tens of millions of patriots in this country rightfully ticked off at the events going on now. It is my hope a few million patriots actually follow through with this campaign. Apathy is a easy trap to fall into, and allows for a convenient excuse not to act. Does this apply to you?

The likes of Mitch Mconnell, among others, are THE poster-children for the need of term limits. It is the time for regular citizens to do their part in perserving this Republic! And yes, it requires YOU to do some work, commit some time, do some research, buy a stamp, make a phone call to YOUR Senators. This effort is not a simple click, copy and paste endeavor. And let your Senator how you feel. Again, I implore you to be respectful.

There are only 3 short weeks to the Janurary 6th congress! Let us stand up now! Make your voices known. Let them know whom they represent. George Washington led his troops across the Deleware River on the night of December 25th 1776. Let us move that date up few days, and 'cross our Deleware' now.

For those reading this, and are concerned about the many court losses we have endured. Do know, almost all these losses were incurred by percieved "process" issues, cowardice displayed by judges, or outright corruption. I do not know of any case yet, where ACTUAL evidence was introduced. If there are any, it is few.

Copy n paste, and/or share! Please!


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dc64cd No.161701

File: 08a08556cccb2bb⋯.png (486.89 KB,755x618,755:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044286 (160108ZDEC20) Notable: A campaign to #RecallGavinNewsom is picking up pace in #California.

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A campaign to #RecallGavinNewsom is picking up pace in #California.

Prominent Republicans have endorsed the campaign, citing concerns about increased #Lockdown measures hurting the livelihoods of Californians.


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dc64cd No.161702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044299 (160109ZDEC20) Notable: SCS Updates

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>China’s first Type 075 ship to be based in Hainan amid South China Sea tension


>Satellite photos appear to show Chinese submarine using underground base


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dc64cd No.161703

File: 9dea2277aa3d3c6⋯.jpg (672.21 KB,1498x1584,749:792,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044301 (160109ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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ChiComs and Cabal infiltrated and compromised all USA computer and chip everything, hence the TECH STOP, SHUTDOWN, and BLACKOUT we've been hearing about for 3+ years.



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dc64cd No.161704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044307 (160109ZDEC20) Notable: "Buh Muh LARP Buh Muh Lies... No.. I wont get away with it this time..." Veritas Again Soon

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James O'Keefe


Veritas has obtained never before heard audio recordings between the State Department & Julian Assange.

A fascinating look into the relationship between the US Government &



We publish tomorrow, on the heels of Assange’s request of a Pardon from




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dc64cd No.161705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044308 (160109ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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Baker, special request that anons dig HAIKOU ISLAND

High Cow.


Be the autists I know you are.

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dc64cd No.161706

File: 727a1f7bbf3365d⋯.png (730.56 KB,760x649,760:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044319 (160110ZDEC20) Notable: "Buh Muh LARP Buh Muh Lies... No.. I wont get away with it this time..." Veritas Again Soon

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Incoming Tomorrow: Recordings of calls between Julian Assange and Hillary's Secretary of State Office.


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dc64cd No.161707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044357 (160112ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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Trust is often misplaced. This is why Disney tries to socialize out discernment.

Isn't it strange that there are direct flights from Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Little Rock Arkansas straight to Haikou Island, China?


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dc64cd No.161708

File: 2e49a69a3fcdd80⋯.jpeg (210.57 KB,828x752,207:188,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044371 (160113ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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dc64cd No.161709

File: 31788b25199b07f⋯.png (2.02 MB,1650x1020,55:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044393 (160114ZDEC20) Notable: Conflict of Interests? Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'+Results of that

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as it should make everyone say what the actual fuck is going on here

so guise

old fags

I got

trips and dubs

same bread

not a brag

just pointing out the TOPIC=

digits do not lie

day that mcconnell calls biden president elect


>>161680 dubs face and hands all fucked up like he was beat the fuck up October 23, 2020 days before Presidential election

>>>/qresearch/12044111 trips with creepy images

>>>/qresearch/12044138 says NO health problems when asked about hands

>Asked whether he had any health issues, McConnell answered, “of course not,” and then didn’t respond when asked if he was being treated by a doctor.

>Later, McConnell — who is up for re-election — said there were “no concerns” when asked by the network about the bruises on his hands and whether he had any other health issues.

and today mcconnell says joe biden is president elect out loud

the mcconnell image with the fucked up right hand is creepy as fuck symbology with the china virus mask

especially adding in the joe biden molesting his grandaughter breasts video from years ago when mcconnell and his ife elaine were at mcconnell swearing in











all pb






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dc64cd No.161710

File: b5c144bbb23b9c2⋯.png (52.69 KB,615x491,615:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044396 (160115ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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Raheem Kassam



Cocaine Bitch was trying to hand Dems the Senate way back when he was spending $9M of Republican donor money against Roy Moore just saying


Group says McConnell ‘wasted millions’ against Moore

October 5, 2017

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A group that backed Republican Roy Moore in Alabama’s contentious U.S. Senate primary said a super PAC aligned with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “wasted millions” trying to defeat Moore.

The Senate Leadership Fund spent $9 million in the race on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange. Ed Rollins, lead strategist for the Great America PAC backing Moore, said the Senate Leadership Fund can “atone for this mistake” by providing Moore with the same level of financial support as he faces Democrat Doug Jones in the general election.

The Great America Alliance is a pro-Trump organization linked to former White House strategist Steve Bannon, who also supported Moore.

A Senate Leadership Fund spokesman declined comment. However, the group has previously pledged to support Moore.


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dc64cd No.161711

File: e4b87b66775ce6c⋯.png (1.65 MB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 818d4e155c96f07⋯.png (1.53 MB,800x873,800:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 38b9c2f8e70ad9d⋯.png (49.08 KB,780x420,13:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044399 (160115ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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On November 19th, centering on the theme of “new pattern, new kinetic energy and new vitality”, the industry elites of about 300 listed companies were gathered. The 2020 High-Quality Development Forum of Listed Companies and was co-sponsored by China Securities Journal and Haikou Municipal People’s Government. The “22nd Listed Company Golden Bull Award” award ceremony was grandly held in Haikou City, Hainan Province.

At the meeting, NHU won the “2019 Social Responsibility Award”, along with well-known listed companies in China such as Hithink Royal Flush, YunnanBaiyao Group, and Midea Group, while NHU’s vice president and secretary of the board Shi Guanqun won the “2019 Golden Bull Secretary of the Board Award”.

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dc64cd No.161712

File: fec4b624987db78⋯.png (708.38 KB,343x350,49:50,Clipboard.png)

File: d73684cb64052de⋯.jpg (25.52 KB,337x450,337:450,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9dfa368433dbfc4⋯.jpeg (17.18 KB,337x450,337:450,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 86e65d3af109c0a⋯.jpeg (6.31 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044416 (160116ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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Photographs Taken During Hawaii Missile Incident

On January 13, 2018, at 8:07am Hawaii time, a message flashed across TV screens and cell phones. This message was declared a false alarm thirty eight minutes later.

The message on cell phones, in all capital letters, was “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate Shelter. This is not a drill.” Thirty eight minutes later (8:47am Hawaii time), another message flashed across phones saying “There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. Repeat. False Alarm.”

Potential UFOs Over Hawaii During Missile Emergency

So, let’s call them UFOs – daytime UFOs. Present at Hawaii, during the missile alert. This will be the first part of our interesting story.

It is interesting that the largest one has a diamond shape. With the color edits, the diamond shaped UFO also appears 3D – it has a form like a ship might have.

The next photograph has slightly different color edits, and slightly enlarged. These color edits and zooming in reveal the diamond shape of the UFO fairly well.

The other thing about the large UFO’s diamond shape, is that this is clearly not a cloud. It has 90 degree angles would not be reflected in a usual photograph of a cloud.

I just wrote the word “angles” as “angels” – I had to go back and correct the spelling. And when I did that, I had the confirmation feeling, that these vessels, or ones like them, may have saved the day.

Were These UFOs Assisting in the Emergency?

Let’s make that part two of our interesting story: That these unusual daytime UFOs, present at an extraordinary time, and at a time where the people of Hawaii, and the world, needed assistance, may have been involved in this emergency situation – if it was a real emergency.

UFOs and Nuclear Technology

UFOs are known to have focused upon nuclear sites and missiles on this planet.

The following quote by Robert Hastings, an authority in this area of research, is from a Collective Evolution article entitled, “Why are UFOs Shutting Down our Nuclear Missiles?”:

“Significantly, the UFO activity occasionally transcends mere surveillance and involves direct and unambiguous interference with our strategic weapons systems. Numerous cases include reports of mysterious malfunctions of large numbers of nuclear missiles just as one or more UFOs hovered nearby.” (Declassified Soviet Ministry of Defense documents confirm that such incidents also occurred in the former USSR.) ~ Robert Hastings

So, let’s make that part three of our interesting story – that UFOs can and do effect nuclear missiles. There is much testimony on this from credible sources, if you wish to research it, and there are links to Robert Hastings’ work in the article from Collective Evolution.

An Interesting Story of Galactic Assistance

Let’s put our interesting story together, now. When we do that, it goes something like this:

An incoming missile was noted and an alert was sent out. Proper steps were taken and best judgements were made.

The galactic presence on Earth – in the form of UFOs – intervened and deactivated, and/or shot down, and/or sent off course, the potential incoming missile(s).

The UFOs then stood ‘guard’ over Hawaii for some period of time, revealing their presence in the sky.

The emergency was declared a ‘false alarm’ – because there were no longer missiles detected by the equipment.

I hope you have enjoyed our interesting story – a potential story of what may have transpired during the Hawaii missile emergency.

Here is my question – how would you feel, if it were true? How would you feel if you felt that we had assistance, from unseen realms?

How does it feel to think, or to know, that there are more technologically advanced beings that have ‘got our back’?

Not to be saviors, no, because it is up to us human beings to solve our own problems, and to create our own innovative solutions.

Maybe, just maybe, we do have angels.


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dc64cd No.161713

File: a5182c084e30f3e⋯.png (98.22 KB,471x526,471:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044428 (160116ZDEC20) Notable: Conflict of Interests? Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'+Results of that

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Looks fotoshopped?

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dc64cd No.161714

File: c93d5454f13ba39⋯.png (459.71 KB,1877x631,1877:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044444 (160117ZDEC20) Notable: A VERY ODD Event occurring…Call for school to be shut down tomorrow due to "snow" (which will not start till ~1200 [pic related].This is a first for me since I moved in to this area since 2012)

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A VERY ODD Event occurring…

Call for school to be shut down tomorrow due to "snow" (which will not start till ~1200 [pic related].This is a first for me since I moved in to this area since 2012)

Does anyone else have an"ODD"closing HABBNIN~ tomorrow?

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dc64cd No.161715

File: 98db1dd71c92164⋯.jpg (537.67 KB,1630x2448,815:1224,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044454 (160118ZDEC20) Notable: StartMap

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Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team - The START & The Key is in place. Ready for POTUS to open the door of all doors (info)

Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.


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dc64cd No.161716

File: eb11902915ccb15⋯.png (277.06 KB,1502x1030,751:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044461 (160118ZDEC20) Notable: Tenants, Landlords Face Imminent Crisis As Pandemic Lifelines Expire

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This is a super fun movie, from someone who's already forced to leave my home. Seriously, loving how well this is going. Sure is important to let patriots in blue states face the consequences of the evil policies of people who've cheated their way in to office for decades. Because we deserve it, right? We deserve what we get. We deserve to be homeless so we can show people how evil everyone is.


Tenants, Landlords Face Imminent Crisis As Pandemic Lifelines Expire

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dc64cd No.161717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044467 (160118ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Tropical Medicine

Date: May 2009

Purpose: to create a next generation malaria vaccine by deleting a gene responsible for parasite development in the liver and adding a new gene which attracts dendritic cells to the infection site.

Amount: $100,000

Term: 18

Topic: Discovery and Translational Sciences

Program: Global Health

Grantee Location: Haikou, Hainan


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dc64cd No.161718

File: f51a509297445f0⋯.png (851.18 KB,729x587,729:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044471 (160119ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Early Merry Christmas Comms

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dc64cd No.161719

File: b36f9b0c03a7e98⋯.png (174.77 KB,1162x442,581:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044482 (160119ZDEC20) Notable: 1 Year Deltas Up

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dc64cd No.161720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044517 (160122ZDEC20) Notable: SIPRnet WHISTLEBLOWER

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White said that JWICS — a top secret, "sensitive, compartmented information" network designed initially to serve the intelligence community — has seen great growth in use since it was created.

Rather than switch back and forth between using JWICS and SIPRNET, another classified military network that handles a lower classification of information, users might instead just use JWICS.


The Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) is "a system of interconnected computer networks used by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of State to transmit classified information (up to and including information classified SECRET) by packet switching over the 'completely secure' environment".

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dc64cd No.161721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044554 (160124ZDEC20) Notable: Has Everyone Signed the Sidney Flynn Petition? Check Globals

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We, the undersigned, believe there is substantial evidence of illegal activity and outright fraud in the 2020 presidential election, potentially affecting more than 1.2 million votes in at least five key swing states that together have more than enough Electoral Votes to change the outcome of the election. The number of illegal ballots counted and legal ballots not counted in each state far exceeds the margin separating the candidates, making it likely that unlawful and fraudulent actions directly affected the winner of the popular vote in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In all of those states, urban counties that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election received millions of dollars in private money from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg through a leftist organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life. This funding, which is directly prohibited by law in several states, paid the salaries of election workers and financed the purchase of equipment. The grants also imposed strict conditions on the conduct of elections in those jurisdictions, usurping the state legislature’s constitutional authority to manage elections. The money also enabled those jurisdictions to engage in unlawful activities, such as pre-election “curing” of flawed mail-in ballots, that gave voters in those jurisdictions a distinct advantage over voters elsewhere in the state. In addition, state and local election officials flagrantly violated and ignored state laws intended to ensure ballot security, especially for absentee and mail-in ballots.

For these reasons, we believe it is necessary – for the sake of preserving public confidence in the fairness of our electoral process – to utilize all the remaining time until Inauguration Day to investigate the wrongdoing described above and determine whether it corrupted the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.


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dc64cd No.161722

File: 013b5d4ed1ca098⋯.png (221.66 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 247652eb2db3183⋯.png (146.15 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: b3b2de87a96ea9a⋯.png (167.64 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fc2003b7f9e304⋯.png (95.05 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d49127fccd8113⋯.png (141.69 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044575 (160125ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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NHU won two awards at the Golden Bull Award for Chinese listed companies 1

NHU won two awards at the Golden Bull Award for Chinese listed companies 3

NHU won two awards at the Golden Bull Award for Chinese listed companies

The “Golden Bull Award for China’s Listed Companies” is one of the Golden Bull series sponsored by China Securities Journal. It was founded in 1999 and is now the 22nd. Relying on the strict implementation of the principles of openness, fairness and justice and respect for the development law of listed companies, the “China Listed Company Golden Bull Award” has attracted the attention of listed companies, research institutions, and domestic and overseas investors, and has become the most credible in China’s capital market. And one of the authoritative awards for influence, enjoys the reputation of “Oscar Award” for listed companies in China.

The annual Golden Bull Award selection aims to establish and improve the scientific evaluation system and communication platform of listed companies in China, and commend listed companies and executives with outstanding performance, outstanding governance, and lofty mission and social responsibility in the previous year.

This time, NHU stood out among many participating listed companies and received the Golden Bull Social Responsibility Award. It is the capital market and investors’ recognition and recognition of NHU’s efforts to practice corporate social responsibility for many years. NHU believes that the perfect combination of social responsibility and enterprise development can be achieved. When the enterprise is deployed, it will take into account the creation of local employment opportunities and take into account taxation.

NHU also believes that being responsible for the society also requires being responsible for the company itself. A stable labor-management relationship can not only maintain social stability, but also help improve the efficiency of the industrial park and obtain better economic returns. The establishment of the Social Responsibility Award indicates that the future competition between enterprises is definitely not only the narrow price competition and quality competition in the past, but more importantly, a comprehensive brand image competition in the minds of consumers. Corporate social responsibility will become an important part of the comprehensive corporate image.

In addition, in the process of corporate development, NHU has always been adhering to the corporate tenet of “creating wealth, achieving employees, and benefiting society”, and has always adhered to “providing returns for shareholders, providing platforms for employees, creating value for customers, and contributing to society “Creating prosperity” is our mission. While achieving the company’s own development, we actively give back to shareholders, treat and protect other stakeholders with integrity. At the same time, it is committed to promoting environmental protection and sustainable development, resource conservation and circular economy construction, continuing to participate in social welfare and charity, and contributing to the sustained growth of the local economy with its own development.

Today is the time of major changes unseen in a century, major economic transformation, and major capital market changes. The mission of Chinese listed companies like NHU will certainly be more contemporary, that is, to open up a new pattern for the Chinese economy, inject new momentum, stimulate new vitality, water the innovation economy with stronger resource allocation efficiency, and embrace the big wave of China’s capital market development with better investment returns.

Media Contact

Company Name: Lingrong Culture

Contact Person: Wang Yurong

Email: Send Email

Phone: 2134007851

Address:3185 Wilshire blvd

City: Los Angeles

State: CA

Country: United States

Website: www.lingrongculture.com

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dc64cd No.161723

File: bfa457735fe8393⋯.png (731.88 KB,594x900,33:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044578 (160125ZDEC20) Notable: Anon suggested Literature

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It's not what if Gates is full of shit, he is full of shit:

we don't have an example of the actual virus, they may have a sample of an imaginary virus and create a vaccine for the imaginary virus (which could very well be a virus, because it's not contagious).

show me where they've isolated the 'muh corona' virus???

a virus is a piece of genetic material not a pathogen, it's a toxin.

sorry but Fauci and his cohorts are witchdoctors!

virus's don't excrete anything, despite what one's perception is.

COV-19 is the disease, there is no corona virus that causes COV-19, it's 2 things:

1) oxygen deprivation

2) inflammatory response

microwave's, millimeter waves a kind of radiation poisoning, creating hypoxia

it also causes a cytokine storm inflammatory response, breaks down the dna.

they're selling you a bill of goods, in other words, they're full of shit!

suggest anon's read this book, before you're fully programmed to believe what these idiots are selling you.

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dc64cd No.161724

File: 4420039e354707e⋯.png (40.03 KB,1225x433,1225:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044588 (160126ZDEC20) Notable: SIPRnet WHISTLEBLOWER

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L Clearance – Allows access to Classified information up to and including SECRET data with the special designation: Formerly Restricted Data (S//FRD) and special L-Cleared "limited" areas.


Q2478 11-Nov-2018

Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



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dc64cd No.161725

File: 8c919073609f8f2⋯.png (807.58 KB,738x709,738:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044596 (160126ZDEC20) Notable: Next- American Flags: Cuomo signs bill banning sale of Confederate flags

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Cuomo signs bill banning sale of Confederate flags


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dc64cd No.161726

File: a4cf26c5a74b9c4⋯.jpg (54.34 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044610 (160127ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Early Merry Christmas Comms

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One if by land

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dc64cd No.161727

File: 4d3a304b907deb4⋯.png (3.88 MB,3654x3858,609:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044620 (160128ZDEC20) Notable: SolaWind+Dominion Graphic

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I created this ROUGH draft outline last night in hopes to connect some data together. I thought I'd share it regardless - add/revamp/edit, whatever you need to do…

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dc64cd No.161728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044623 (160129ZDEC20) Notable: Basham Tweets: "Wonder what all those sealed indictments are?"

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Wonder what all those sealed indictments are?

From the leaked CCP database:

Qualcomm: 133 employees are China Communist Party members.

New York University: 71 employees are CCP.

Pfizer: 69 employees are CCP.

Boeing: 252 employees are CCP.

US consulate in Shanghai : 3 employees are CCP.


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dc64cd No.161729

File: a9c9d79b8a67244⋯.png (489.94 KB,844x795,844:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044627 (160129ZDEC20) Notable: Hold The Line Sheriff. California Sheriff Refuses 'Absurd' Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

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Didn't see this in notables.

Cali sheriff won't release 1800 prisoners despite judges' order.


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dc64cd No.161730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044631 (160129ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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PITTSBURGH, May 31, 2016 – UPMC and First Chengmei Medical Industry Group (FCMG) of Haikou, China, have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of health care services to benefit the people of Hainan Island, the southernmost province in China.

Beginning this summer, UPMC will provide clinical training opportunities for FCMG physicians and nurses, both in Haikou and Pittsburgh, with an initial focus on medical, radiation and surgical oncology. In addition, a team of UPMC experts will visit Haikou to observe clinical practices and offer recommendations on hospital operations, including such areas as information technology, supply chain, patient satisfaction and quality.

FCMG, a subsidiary of First Investment Holding Group, solely owns three hospitals in the greater Haikou region, including the Hainan Cancer Hospital, an Orthopaedics Hospital and the newly built Chengmei International Medical Center. First Investment Holding is one of the oldest and most renowned local enterprises, founded when the Province of Hainan was established in 1988.

“First Chengmei Medical Industry Group conducted an exhaustive search for the best possible partner in creating our international collaboration, and we selected UPMC based upon its extensive international experience and its recognized reputation for clinical excellence,” said Lin Shi Quan, executive director-general of Hainan Cancer Hospital and chief executive officer of FCMG. “Most importantly, UPMC has proven its commitment to the development of health care programs of excellence in China. We expect this initial one-year agreement will grow into a long-term relationship covering a multitude of clinical services.”

Charles Bogosta, president of UPMC International, said, “UPMC is pleased to initiate this important new relationship, our third major agreement in China. Like UPMC, FCMG is committed to achieving international standards of clinical excellence so that patients can get the best possible care close to home.”

In addition to its work with KingMed Diagnostics in Guangzhou for the provision of second-opinion telepathology services, UPMC helped to develop and supports the operation of the Xiangya International Medical Center in Changsha

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dc64cd No.161731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044633 (160129ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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List of Colleges in Hainan (Haikou Island) China


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dc64cd No.161732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044640 (160129ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, on Sunday attended a south China campus event promoting the prevention of AIDS and tuberculosis, alongside Zambia's First Lady Esther Lungu and U.S. billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates.

Before the event, held in Hainan University in Haikou City, Hainan Province, Peng met with Bill Gates and highly praised the health promotion efforts of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China as well as around the globe. She encouraged further cooperation between the foundation and China in this regard.

Peng is an goodwill ambassador of the World Health Organization for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.


March 30, 2015

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dc64cd No.161733

File: 1c2231757aa202a⋯.jpg (138.02 KB,720x981,80:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044655 (160130ZDEC20) Notable: John Soloman Tweets: 'Expedite Swalwell Removal from Intelligence Committee'

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Republican lawmakers urge House Speaker Pelosi to remove Rep. Swalwell from Intelligence Committee | Just The News

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dc64cd No.161734

File: 354a3cd10069961⋯.png (125.9 KB,298x556,149:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044670 (160132ZDEC20) Notable: OTDIH: 1961 KGB Defection To US Leads to Spy Capture

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OTD 1961, KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the US while in Helsinki. He provided @CIA

insights into KGB operations & ID'd Georges Paques, a French national at NATO, as a Soviet spy. Paques was later convicted in France for passing French & NATO secrets to the Soviets.


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dc64cd No.161735

File: 727d1fd1201867a⋯.png (618.36 KB,666x548,333:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 30919dc35d7750f⋯.png (87.92 KB,685x615,137:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044683 (160133ZDEC20) Notable: Memorable Events to recall in time...

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Paedophile Douglas Jackway to be released from Queensland prison

A convicted Queensland child rapist is set to be released from jail, despite being labelled one of “the worst” sex offenders in Australia.

A convicted child rapist and former suspect in the disappearance of 13-year-old schoolboy Daniel Morcombe is set to be released from a Queensland prison.

Douglas Brian Jackway has spent 25 years behind bars for the serious sexual assault of two children, a boy and a girl, in the 1990s.

The 44-year-old was also a suspect in the 2003 murder of Daniel Morcombe but was later determined not to be involved in the boy’s death.

Jackway was sentenced to eight years in jail in 1995 for abducting and raping a boy in Gladstone, Queensland.

He was released from jail in 2003 and in 2005 was sent back to jail for raping a girl aged between nine and 10 in 1991.

In February 2012, he was detained in custody for an indefinite term under sexual offenders legislation, a decision that has since been reaffirmed six times.

Now, the Supreme Court has ruled Jackway is ready to be released due to the help of rehabilitation programs and treatment.

“He has taken significant time, with the assistance of rehabilitation programs and treatment, to reach a point of maturation and develop methods to exercise self-control over his emotions and behaviour for the Court to reach a view that he can be managed on a supervision order,” a judgment summary read.

“His risks of reoffending are considered by psychiatrists to be moderate and below moderate under the conditions of a supervision order.”

Upon his release, Jackway will be required to live in the Wacol precinct, will be subject to a curfew and will be required to wear a GPS tracker.

The supervision order is set for 15 years, with the Supreme Court judgment stating the order will provide “adequate protection” to the community.


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dc64cd No.161736

File: 214337f34248b51⋯.png (160.82 KB,1056x816,22:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044708 (160134ZDEC20) Notable: "let the hacking begin" The beginning of the end of public privacy Hunter Biden Ties?

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>ctrl f "biden"

>30 friggin results


Well, here goes…

Anon noticed an interdasting coincidence:lifelogwas shut down on Hunter Biden's birthday ofFebruary 4when zuckerberg sent the infamous"let the hacking begin"email.


>nb4 "sauce it fag" no fuck off its on wikipedia and anon is phonefaggin rn.

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dc64cd No.161737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044727 (160135ZDEC20) Notable: "RINO MARC MORRIS AUTO-REPLIES TO ALL E-MAILS ABOUT STOLEN GEORGIA ELECTION"

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Thank you for your kind message. I am away on business at the moment but will do my best to respond to non-automated email blast from the citizens of the 26th District. Here are some resources that might help.

If you have actual proof of election fraud that will stand in Supreme Court of The United States, please do one of the following immediately:

Submit the proof immediately to the Attorney General of Georgia

Contact the Governor’s Office or the GBI

Consider hiring an attorney and file a personal suit based on their recommendations.

Special Session: The Speaker of the House does not support a Special Session – so it will not happen in 2020.

Visit for more resources: http://www.house.ga.gov/en-US/default.aspx

To the residents of the 26th District, it has been my honor to represent you.


Please know that he 58,000 residents of the 26th District receive top priority. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Best wishes for a very happy holiday season!


Rep. Marc Morris

GA House District 26th

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dc64cd No.161738

File: a1eab6c24052c61⋯.png (32.26 KB,670x424,335:212,Clipboard.png)

File: ba6e213d505b7ef⋯.png (568.49 KB,620x453,620:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044774 (160138ZDEC20) Notable: Season of Giving? Or Taking? GOP/Democrat COVID-19 Package Bails Out Defense Contractors, Excludes Stimulus Checks for Americans

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GOP/Democrat COVID-19 Package Bails Out Defense Contractors, Excludes Stimulus Checks for Americans

A COVID-19 relief package, reportedly negotiated between a handful of Senate Republicans and Democrats, includes a bailout for Defense Department contractors while excluding a second round of stimulus checks for Americans.

A draft of the relief package, obtained by The Daily Poster, reveals that the spending bill does not include a plan by Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to provide Americans with $1,200 stimulus checks but does provide a bailout for defense contractors.

Slipped into the package, seemingly on the final 525 pages, is an extension of a CARES Act provision that allows federal agencies to pay taxpayer money to defense contractors who are not working during the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

“There are no direct payments for regular working people, people living off tips,” a congressional aide told Matt Taibbi, an independent journalist. “But they made sure there’s a provision in there to help defense contractors who aren’t working right now. They get what they’re looking for.”

The Daily Poster notes:

The draft stimulus legislation obtained by The Daily Poster includes an extension of a program to replace the wages of certain government contractors who miss work due to COVID-19. The program, Section 3610 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, allows federal agencies to reimburse contractors who are unable to work in person due to the pandemic, and whose jobs do not allow telework, for up to 40 hours per week of lost wages. In effect, the program uses government money to reimburse defense contractors for giving paid leave to their employees. [Emphasis added]

The provision was added to the last page of the 525-page bill after defense contractors sent a letter to congressional lawmakers lobbying for the language. The same bill does not authorize direct payments to millions of Americans — nor does it reimburse small businesses for providing paid leave benefits to their workers. [Emphasis added]

The package, at $748 billion, is far below the more than $3.4 trillion package that Democrats insisted on before the November 3 presidential election and is lower than Republicans’ counteroffers, which totaled nearly $2 trillion.

“In other words, Democrats just agreed to take seven times less than the $1.13 trillion they asked for in the HEROES Act…” Taibbi notes.

The Senate Republicans and Democrats involved with the package include:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV)

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH)

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)

Sen. Angus King (I-ME)


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dc64cd No.161739

File: ade156252e3a46e⋯.png (23.5 KB,478x544,239:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044814 (160141ZDEC20) Notable: NSA Tweets: "Actors are forging SAML authentication to access protected data in the cloud..."

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dc64cd No.161740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044821 (160141ZDEC20) Notable: (Dig Haikou Island...China

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Baker, no one has mentioned the nuke plant there yet. Suggest you include it and the sub base under it…


CIA recruitment

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dc64cd No.161741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044836 (160142ZDEC20) Notable: #15376

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'''Notables are NOT endorsements

#15376Final! Baking!

>>161685 solarwinds123 Really?

>>161686 Green Spam: Fed Joins Global Group For "Greening" Financial System

>>161687 Colorado lawmakers clash over election integrity hearing December 16, 2020

>>161688, >>161720, >>161724 SIPRnet WHISTLEBLOWER

>>161689 USEFUL: Georgia Sec of State Unwittingly Provides Legal Basis For Congress To Nullify State’s Electoral Votes

>>161690 Comms - Watch out EuropeanAnons! They haven't heard loud yet. "Noisy" frogs to be evicted from 'historic' pond. French judge rules

>>161691, >>161696, >>161703, >>161710, >>161712, >>161722, >>161735 Memorable Events to recall in time…

>>161692 War Room Update

>>161693 Flynn Agrees

>>161694, >>161729 Hold The Line Sheriff. California Sheriff Refuses 'Absurd' Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

>>161695, >>161700, >>161709, >>161713 Conflict of Interests? Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces'+Results of that

>>161697 SCIF Protocol for data security when escorting personnel through facilities

>>161698, >>161699 Phillip Kline Tweets: We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. Details below:

>>161701 A campaign to #RecallGavinNewsom is picking up pace in #California.

>>161702 SCS Updates

>>161704, >>161706 "Buh Muh LARP Buh Muh Lies… No.. I wont get away with it this time…" Veritas Again Soon

>>161705, >>161707, >>161708, >>161711, >>161717, >>161730, >>161731, >>161732, >>161740 (Dig Haikou Island…China

>>161714 A VERY ODD Event occurring…Call for school to be shut down tomorrow due to "snow" (which will not start till ~1200 [pic related].This is a first for me since I moved in to this area since 2012)

>>161715 StartMap

>>161716 Tenants, Landlords Face Imminent Crisis As Pandemic Lifelines Expire

>>161718, >>161726 FBI Early Merry Christmas Comms

>>161719 1 Year Deltas Up

>>161721 Has Everyone Signed the Sidney Flynn Petition? Check Globals

>>161723 Anon suggested Literature

>>161725 Next- American Flags: Cuomo signs bill banning sale of Confederate flags

>>161727 SolaWind+Dominion Graphic

>>161728 Basham Tweets: "Wonder what all those sealed indictments are?"

>>161733 John Soloman Tweets: 'Expedite Swalwell Removal from Intelligence Committee'

>>161734 OTDIH: 1961 KGB Defection To US Leads to Spy Capture

>>161736 "let the hacking begin" The beginning of the end of public privacy Hunter Biden Ties?


>>161738 Season of Giving? Or Taking? GOP/Democrat COVID-19 Package Bails Out Defense Contractors, Excludes Stimulus Checks for Americans

>>161739 NSA Tweets: "Actors are forging SAML authentication to access protected data in the cloud…"


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dc64cd No.161742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044880 (160146ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

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US Security Adviser O'Brien Cuts Trip Short to Address Hacking Incident

White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien has cut his diplomatic trip in Europe short to return to the United States to address the recent hacking incident that targeted multiple federal agencies, National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot said in a statement.

"Ambassador O'Brien is returning to address the hacking incident," the spokesman said as quoted by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

The report said O'Brien will be in meetings Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning followed by a high-level interagency meeting later this week.

O'Brien was on diplomatic business and was scheduled to return on Saturday. He concluded trips to Israel and France but had scheduled stops later this week in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

On Sunday, US media reported that a hacking group allegedly backed by a foreign government had stolen data from the Treasury Department and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

The Washington Post reported that a hacking group called APT29, also known as "the Dukes" or "Cozy Bear," allegedly linked to the Russian government, was likely behind the hacking but provided no proof for its claims.

The hackers reportedly got access by compromising the Texas-based SolarWinds software. The company provides remote information technology services around the world, including several US government agencies and the military.

The Russian Embassy in the United States said US media reports accusing Russian hackers for the recent cyber-attacks are unfounded.


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dc64cd No.161743

File: 87353a5656ebd6c⋯.png (545.78 KB,820x474,410:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 06cf2d5be062f12⋯.png (30.44 KB,841x822,841:822,Clipboard.png)

File: 06cf2d5be062f12⋯.png (30.44 KB,841x822,841:822,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d3aaf3163d8a5f⋯.png (34.75 KB,831x528,277:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044910 (160148ZDEC20) Notable: China accuses Australia of breaching free-trade pact by blocking $14b of business deals

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China accuses Australia of breaching free-trade pact by blocking $14b of business deals

China's Foreign Ministry has accused Australia of breaching its free-trade agreement with China by blocking up to $14 billion worth of investment.

In the ministry's most specific comments to date on key foreign investment decisions taken by the Morrison government, spokesman Wang Wenbin on Tuesday night said Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's decision to block two deals was a "violation of market economy principles and international trade rules".

Wang identified the decision to block APA Group's $13 billion gas pipeline cash takeover bid from Hong Kong-based CK Infrastructure Holdings in 2018 and a $600 million deal for Lion Dairy & Drinks from China's Mengniu Dairy in 2020 as breaches.

"Recently we've seen many reports in which Australia dresses up as a victim, pointing an accusing finger at China, directly or by insinuation," he said. "In fact, it is the Australian side that has been politicising economic, investment and technological issues, and discriminating against Chinese companies. It has gone so far down the wrong path."

It is the first time China's Foreign Ministry has specifically mentioned the deals.

"The China-Australia FTA makes it clear that the FTA should provide convenience for investors in both countries and continues to screen investments at lower threshold," Wang said.

"So, what's done by the Australian side went against the FTA. Because of these discriminatory actions, Chinese companies' investments in Australia have nosedived since 2017, and the number of last year decreased by 85 per cent compared to the 2016 level."

The Foreign Investment Review Board [FIRB] did not recommend blocking either deal, leaving the Australian government vulnerable to China's claims of political interference.

The board was split on whether the CK takeover of APA would be contrary to the national interest. The deal would have created a mega-energy infrastructure provider through a $20 billion network of power plants and gas. The board was unable to reach a unanimous recommendation.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [ACCC] said it would not oppose the acquisition after the CK consortium entered into a court-enforceable undertaking to divest some of its gas assets in Western Australia.

The $600 million bid for Lion Dairy by Mengniu Dairy was blocked in August by Frydenberg. FIRB and Treasury had recommended the sale go ahead and the ACCC approved the deal. It would have seen Mengniu take over Lion's milk, iced coffee, yoghurt and soy milk portfolio. No agricultural land was part of the sale.

Frydenberg said at the time that the deal was "contrary to the national interest" but has not elaborated how the purchase would have threatened competition or national security.


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dc64cd No.161744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044931 (160150ZDEC20) Notable: US hits alleged Iran-backed Bahrain group with sanctions

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US hits alleged Iran-backed Bahrain group with sanctions

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Tuesday slapped sanctions on an alleged Iranian-backed Shiite group in Bahrain that it accuses of trying to overthrow Bahrain’s government and plotting terrorist attacks on Americans in the country, which is home to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.

The State and Treasury departments announced the sanctions as part of an administration-wide push to ramp up pressure on Iran before President Donald Trump leaves office next month. The sanctions freeze any assets the Saraya al-Mukhtar group has within U.S. jurisdictions and bar Americans from doing any business with it or its members.

“Saraya al-Mukhtar’s self-described goal is to depose the Bahraini government with the intention of paving the way for Iran to exert greater influence in Bahrain,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement. “This action notifies the U.S. public and the international community that Saraya al-Mukhtar poses a significant risk of committing acts of terrorism.”

Bahrain’s Sunni government has long accused Iran of fomenting unrest in the country. While Iran has not directly seized or targeted a tanker in recent months as it did last year, a mine struck an oil tanker off Saudi Arabia and a cargo ship near Yemen came under assault recently.

Suspicion for that immediately fell on Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels for being behind both attacks. The Houthis have not commented on either


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dc64cd No.161745

File: b926281796885b2⋯.png (167.22 KB,1034x864,517:432,Clipboard.png)

File: 66d811f8f88d2a9⋯.png (102.92 KB,1088x581,1088:581,Clipboard.png)

File: abdcd94eea379a4⋯.png (222.94 KB,455x867,455:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044941 (160151ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

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Gmail, Outlook outage?

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dc64cd No.161746

File: 09c8c73de1ed3f8⋯.png (587.15 KB,1913x954,1913:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044947 (160152ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports Helos up

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Lotsa Choppas in the contested and Lib states right now.

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dc64cd No.161747

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044950 (160152ZDEC20) Notable: Stay Prayed Up Anons, Adorn Your Armor Of GOD!

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Imagine a God who created the entire Universe just so you could watch everything else create not abide by the rules of a Church created by man. Your first clue is, he had zero possessions, you second clue is the Gold in the Church.

Matthew 6:21-34

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

22 >The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? {QBIT}

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Matthew 19:21- Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go andsell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

Luke 9:23- And he said to them all, If any man will come after me,let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Luke 12:33-Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.

Luke 14:33- So likewise, ==whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 18:22- Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing:sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

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dc64cd No.161748

File: 57f569f9cb507e0⋯.png (219.75 KB,374x860,187:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044966 (160154ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

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>>>/qresearch/12044685 (lb)

they dont need trafficked kids. They have an orphanage in city. THREE ORPHANAGES in the Hainan province. In fact, most Chinese cities have orphanages.

Haikou Social Welfare Institute

- HAIKOU [provincial capital]

- QIONGSHAN (district in Haikou city)

- SANYA cwi


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dc64cd No.161749

File: ed9ecbed8b48c60⋯.png (28.75 KB,393x468,131:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044967 (160154ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

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Haikou Marriott Hotel

Enoch Touch Spa


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dc64cd No.161750

File: 0c60dc62276621d⋯.png (634.3 KB,732x779,732:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044972 (160155ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REPORT: There Are Now Multiple Credible Sources Telling Me The @solarwinds

#SUNBURST Computer Virus Has Infiltrated @DeptofDefense

Computer Systems INCLUDING SOME CLASSIFIED & KEY SENSITIVE MILITARY NETWORKS! The DOD Has Apparently Started Removing The Infected Systems!


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dc64cd No.161751

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,270x480,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044984 (160156ZDEC20) Notable: Stay Prayed Up Anons, Adorn Your Armor Of GOD!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

God Chooses the Imperfect to Complete Perfect Plans

IF: You Give Up Fundamental Rights

THEN: ALL Others Follow

If all Assembled are of ONE ACCORD, IN COMPLETE UNITY, and KNOWINGLY Congregate, then the Argument of the EVIL ONE is swept away by the STORM.

Mark 4:35-41 New International Version (NIV)


35 That Day when Evening came, HE said to his DISCIPLES, “Let US Go Over to the OTHER SIDE.”

36 Leaving the Crowd Behind, they TOOK Him Along, just as he was, in the boat. THERE WERE ALSO OTHER BOATS WITH HIM.

37 A FURIOUS SQUALL came up, and the Waves broke over the boat, so that IT WAS nearly SWAMPED.

38 Jesus was IN THE STERN, SLEEPING on a CUSHION. The DISCIPLES woke him and said to him, “TEACHER, DON’T YOU CARE IF WE DROWN?”

39 He got up, REBUKED the WIND and said to the WAVES, “QUIET! BE STILL!” Then the WIND DIED down and it was COMPLETELY CALM.

40 He said to his DISCIPLES, “Why are YOU so AFRAID? Do YOU STILL HAVE NO FAITH?”

41 THEY WERE TERRIFIED and asked EACH OTHER, “WHO is this? Even the WIND and the WAVES OBEY HIM!”



When YOU Hear THIS SOUND A-Comin'

Hear The Drummer Drumming


We Don't Move In ANY 'Ticular Direction

And WE Don't Make NO Collections


Do YOU REALLY Think I Care



There's A Million Ways To Laugh

Ev'ry ONE’S A Path

Come On and Join TOGETHER With The BAND



Come On and Join TOGETHER With The BAND



Come On and Join TOGETHER With The BAND


You Can Follow OR Lead THE WAY

Oh Won't YOU Join TOGETHER With The BAND

We Don't Know Where We're Going


Oh Won't YOU Join TOGETHER With The BAND


That Makes The MUSIC Move Along

Oh Won't YOU TOGETHER the With The BAND


It's As Deep as it is Wide

Come On and Join TOGETHER With The BAND


(Ev'rybody Come On) Join TOGETHER



(Ev'rybody Come On) Join TOGETHER


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dc64cd No.161752

File: 421ff3cc42ce6e7⋯.png (363.43 KB,521x665,521:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12044987 (160156ZDEC20) Notable: Stay Prayed Up Anons, Adorn Your Armor Of GOD!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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dc64cd No.161753

File: bd62e5b39bf2c48⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,654x342,109:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045004 (160159ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/12/massive-wikileaks-drop.html (deleted now)

>Link within article - https://file.wikileaks.org/file/



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dc64cd No.161754

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045005 (160159ZDEC20) Notable: Stay Prayed Up Anons, Adorn Your Armor Of GOD!

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>>>/qresearch/10979999TREASON INFERNO







11 Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and [gave him] the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king.

12 Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the LORD:

13 And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise.Then ATHALIAH rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.

14 Then Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds that were set over the host, and said unto them,Have her forth of the ranges:and whoso followeth her, let him be slain with the sword. For the priest said,Slay her not in the house of the LORD.

Ezekiel 25:17 - And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

Romans 12:19 - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Psalms 119:126 - It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.

Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

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dc64cd No.161755

File: 74b0b7b8188edc3⋯.jpg (64.92 KB,1122x544,33:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045028 (160200ZDEC20) Notable: Dark Winter Expose?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am beginning to think

Biden talking DARK WINTER

may very well be him talking about all of the cabal

having a dark winter


All the dark shit will be expsoed during winter months

89 posts with keyword: dark


here are two ot them:

Oct 21 2020


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193181 📁

Oct 21 2020 14:01:21 (EST)


Inappropriate [sick] to you?

Normal to them?

Dark secrets.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193040 📁

Oct 21 2020 13:56:57 (EST)

A deep dark world is being exposed.

The truth won't be for everyone.

Have faith in Humanity.



keyword search : WINTER


Dec 4 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 44a34b No.4158232 📁

Dec 4 2018 23:42:55 (EST)



[Dec 4, 2018]


"NBC News: There appears, although the redacted documents do not make it completely clear, that there is a [[[+++separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's purview+++]]] for which Flynn has been providing significant assistance."

Markers are important.

[Dec 4, 2017] > [Dec 4, 2018]

Think No Name.

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

Who does Mueller 'now' report to?

Does WHITAKER also oversee HUBER + OIG?

What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?

Who has the server(s)?

Who has access to NSA UT Term1-12?

Does FISA grant access to NSA umbrella collection?

You are witnessing something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]

Coincidences > > > reveal w/o violating NAT SEC

Coincidences > > > mathematically impossible to be 'FALSE'

Coincidences > > > bypass 'installed' restrictions to prevent future legal attachments

Comms understood? 5:5?



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dc64cd No.161756

File: 711040fee6cb952⋯.png (286.43 KB,432x327,144:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045032 (160201ZDEC20) Notable: Spy No More

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dc64cd No.161757

File: e344bc0a9cc5ab1⋯.png (698.4 KB,1022x669,1022:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 16d093ddff5bcc4⋯.png (678.94 KB,1019x695,1019:695,Clipboard.png)

File: c34b455551f65a8⋯.png (25.42 KB,562x143,562:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 509a0981f3f603f⋯.png (433.46 KB,683x704,683:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 69f9c1b16ec92a6⋯.png (41.06 KB,642x438,107:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045034 (160201ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

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dc64cd No.161758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045051 (160202ZDEC20) Notable: Eyes That See

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q Research General #15377: Corruption Exposition Time Edition

We can't chart corruption like the DJIA or home sales. But intuition + observation tells the tale. We're at an all time high. Worldwide. Exacerbated by instantaneous global communication. The corruption used to move slow like a Model T. Now it's instantaneous. Welcome to the short season. Happy you were born into it. You know the saying. They save the best for last.

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dc64cd No.161759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045076 (160205ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

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Great movie!




THEY know before us? or coincidence?

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dc64cd No.161760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045078 (160205ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REPORT: There Are Now Multiple Credible Sources Telling Me The @solarwinds #SUNBURST Computer Virus Has Infiltrated @DeptofDefense Computer Systems INCLUDING SOME CLASSIFIED & KEY SENSITIVE MILITARY NETWORKS! The DOD Has Apparently Started Removing The Infected Systems!


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dc64cd No.161761

File: 8356c5a4c044a3d⋯.png (904.33 KB,1219x990,1219:990,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c8203b57228c27⋯.png (393.03 KB,726x856,363:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045086 (160205ZDEC20) Notable: Financial Times Lurks Here

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When Joe Biden is sworn in as president on January 20, he will be forced to tackle an issue that may define his presidency as much as the health and livelihoods of the American people: the fate of his predecessor, Donald Trump

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dc64cd No.161762

File: b16c5551db87fe7⋯.png (233.42 KB,398x584,199:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045087 (160206ZDEC20) Notable: OTDIH: On December 15, 1917, an armistice was signed between Germany and Soviet Russia which essentially removed Russia from the First World War. The peace terms would be settled in March of 1918 with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

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On December 15, 1917, an armistice was signed between Germany and Soviet Russia which essentially removed Russia from the First World War. The peace terms would be settled in March of 1918 with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.


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dc64cd No.161763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045093 (160206ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

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Microsoft and a coalition of tech companies have intervened today to seize and sinkhole a domain that played a central role in the SolarWinds hack, ZDNet has learned from sources familiar with the matter.

The domain in question is avsvmcloud[.]com, which served as command and control (C&C) server for malware delivered to around 18,000 SolarWinds customers via a trojanized update for the company's Orion app.

SolarWinds Orion updates versions 2019.4 through 2020.2.1, released between March 2020 and June 2020, contained a strain of malware named SUNBURST (also known as Solorigate).

Once installed on a computer, the malware would sit dormant for 12 to 14 days and then ping a subdomain of avsvmcloud[.]com.

According to analysis from security firm FireEye, the C&C domain would reply with a DNS response that contained a CNAME field with information on another domain from where the SUNBURST malware would obtain further instructions and additional payloads to execute on an infected company's network.


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dc64cd No.161764

File: d72b281b448c5cc⋯.png (444.56 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045111 (160208ZDEC20) Notable: Palsy? From "The Cure?" No Thanks: FDA staff recommends watching for Bell’s palsy in Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipients

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FDA staff recommends watching for Bell’s palsy in Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipients

-The FDA said that there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy among Moderna’s 30,000 trial participants, including three who got the vaccine.

-However, “currently available information is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with the vaccine,” the FDA wrote in briefing documents.

-The FDA’s guidance for Moderna’s vaccine issued Tuesday was similar to its guidance on Pfizer’s vaccine last week.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration staff recommends monitoring people who get Pfizer or Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine shots for possible cases of Bell’s palsy, saying it’s not necessarily a side effect but worth watching out for after a handful of trial participants got the condition, which causes half of your face to droop. A 54-page staff report released Tuesday said there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy among Moderna’s more than 30,000 clinical trial participants. Three of the participants who got Bell’s palsy also received the vaccine instead of a placebo shot. Pfizer’s trial similarly had four reported cases of Bell’s palsy out of some 43,000 participants. All four Bell’s palsy cases in Pfizer’s trial got the vaccine and not the placebo. The staff, which endorsed the emergency use of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine, said there wasn’t enough data to tie the cases directly to the shots, but it warranted close scrutiny. Two of the cases of Bell’s palsy among Moderna’s vaccine group have since “resolved” while one was still ongoing at the time of the report, the FDA staff said. The vaccinated participants experienced the paralysis between 22 days and 32 days following inoculation, they said.

Bell’s palsy causes a sudden freezing or weakness in a person’s facial muscles that’s temporary for most people, according to the Mayo Clinic. The exact cause isn’t known, but it’s believed to come from either a viral infection or swelling and inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on one side of your face, the Mayo Clinic said. “Currently available information is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with the vaccine,” the FDA staff wrote. The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meets Thursday to review Moderna’s vaccine. It endorsed Pfizer’s vaccine a week ago, before the FDA granted formal authorization Friday to begin distribution. Health-care workers lined up at locations across the U.S. to get some of the first injections of Pfizer’s vaccine Monday. Dr. Paul Offit, a voting member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, agreed that the condition is worth monitoring as the vaccine rolls out. He voted in favor of recommending Pfizer’s vaccine last week. “I’m not dismissing that yet,” he said in an interview with CNBC. When Merck submitted its data from its rotavirus vaccine trial, there were five cases of Kawasaki disease but none in the placebo group. That was “statistically significant” and caused Merck to change its label to note the cases. While there was a small imbalance of cases in the vaccine group compared with the placebo, the FDA said it’s not certain whether the drug contributed to the paralysis “because the number of cases was small and not more frequent than expected in the general population.”

“There were no other notable patterns or numerical imbalances between treatment groups for specific categories of adverse events, including other neurologic, neuro-inflammatory, and thrombotic events, that would suggest a causal relationship to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine,” FDA staff wrote in the documents. The FDA’s guidance for Moderna’s vaccine issued Tuesday was similar to its recommendations for Pfizer’s vaccine last week. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said Pfizer’s vaccine doesn’t appear to cause the condition. Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in an interview with JAMA on Monday that the agency would be able to easily and quickly access data on Bell’s palsy cases once the vaccines are administered. “Our working hypothesis is this just was an imbalance in background rates like we’ve seen in other trials, but we’ll make sure that we’re going to actually query for that just to bring that question to close,” Marks said.


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dc64cd No.161765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045119 (160208ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Looks like Hainan Island is going to be the free market capital of the world soon.


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dc64cd No.161766

File: c775b6eb0689fab⋯.png (370.51 KB,1500x1142,750:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045122 (160208ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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dc64cd No.161767

File: 83f254d9c0fe8bc⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1668x2224,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045130 (160209ZDEC20) Notable: Non-weather event emergency broadcast system test today. Was this nationwide or just an isolated test in Iowa?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Non-weather event emergency broadcast system test today. Was this nationwide or just an isolated test in Iowa?



950 AM TUE DEC 15 2020

































1000 AM TUE DEC 15 2020

















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dc64cd No.161768

File: e606a648596b229⋯.jpg (279.56 KB,901x1072,901:1072,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8fdcd180e5ddeb7⋯.jpg (154.97 KB,928x573,928:573,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5634fa091188f2b⋯.jpg (286.22 KB,914x1055,914:1055,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8cd2e1f0c4b1cf1⋯.png (1.54 MB,497x1079,497:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: 954cabae24e72cd⋯.png (1.96 MB,641x1066,641:1066,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045141 (160210ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>Link within article - https://file.wikileaks.org/file/



Caps from above.

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dc64cd No.161769

File: 07a2600f879317e⋯.png (128.85 KB,1137x685,1137:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3910dd5772714⋯.png (747.42 KB,1175x853,1175:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045142 (160210ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

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>>161731 pb - the Haikou dig



what immediately standsout are the private universities and the "national key university"

sanya university

owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co:

Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd, commonly known as Geely, is a Chinese privately held multinational automotive company headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The group was established in 1986 and entered the automotive industry in 1997 with its Geely Auto brand.[6] It sells passenger vehicles under the Geely Auto, Lotus, Lynk & Co, Proton, and Volvo brands as well as commercial only vehicles under the London EV Company and Yuan Cheng Auto brands. The group sold over 1.5 million cars in 2018.


Founder: Li shufu - a Chinese Billionaire.


Haikou University of Economics

Haikou University of Economics(HUE)is a private university chiefly focusing on undergraduate programs covering fields like economics, management, engineering, literature, arts and education. Founded in 1974 as a college, the school was later transformed into an undergraduate university under the approval of the Ministry of Education in March 2008.

Haikou University of Economics is active in carrying out international educational exchanges and cooperation projects. International cooperation in the fields of teaching and project management provides teachers and students with easy access to various opportunities in foreign universities. Applying to study abroad is easy and convenient due to efficient management.HUE has already established cooperative relationships with universities in Thailand, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, Australia, the US, the UK, and Canada, providing programs such as short-term language training, one-term student exchanges, and so on.

Note this university operates in all FVEY countries and focus on student exchange! THIS IS A CLOWN OP!


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dc64cd No.161770

File: 604d610527d50ad⋯.png (366.4 KB,602x368,301:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045147 (160210ZDEC20) Notable: If you don't know by now... "Behind Bars" Looking out... Comey Tweets on Mental Well Being

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


locked up?

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dc64cd No.161771

File: 9d0aed89ff28b13⋯.png (42.16 KB,631x427,631:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045149 (160210ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS Trolls the Algorithm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump

Because of corruption or because I won despite corruption?


Alexandra Samuels

New: Texas electors vote 34-4 to call on Legislatures in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin — whose election results handed the White House


— to appoint their own electors.


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dc64cd No.161772

File: 8d4210c1eac3f87⋯.jpg (467.87 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045157 (160211ZDEC20) Notable: IF anyone wants to drop them any tips - NSA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IF anyone wants to drop them any tips

National Security Agency / Central Security Service (NSA/CSS)

Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000

Commercial: (301) 688-6311

Main Phone

DSN (312) 644-6311

NSA INFOSEC Center (NISC) (410) 517-3399

NSA Information Assurance Service Center (NIASC) 1-800-688-6115

Central Office of Records: (301) 688-8110

STU-III Program Office: (410) 684-7073

Phone (410) 854-6294

Fax (410) 854-7321 System and Network Attack Center advisory


DSN (312) 244-6294

Phone (443) 479-9560

Acquisition Outreach

Fax (301) 688-5857

Phone (301) 688-6524

Public Affair Office (PAO)

Fax (301) 688-6198

Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Secretariat

Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6716

Phone (888) 678-4772

(410) 854-6805

Fax (410) 854-6814

Email: cnss@radium.ncsc.mil

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dc64cd No.161773

File: 25bba225fafca72⋯.png (31.68 KB,785x235,157:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045163 (160211ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mova shopping mall in Haikou

Wonder what else is underground


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dc64cd No.161774

File: 49960d63252d4ec⋯.png (78.36 KB,580x593,580:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 36beda7e9987831⋯.png (249.56 KB,455x488,455:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045165 (160211ZDEC20) Notable: Haikou Isle digs China cont

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Haikou Depp

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dc64cd No.161775

File: d22d956dd652e60⋯.png (883.2 KB,868x795,868:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045166 (160211ZDEC20) Notable: SeismologyAnon was on point.this morning

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nuff said

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161776

File: 28ed43c1e0be72e⋯.png (1007.14 KB,1198x1078,599:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045197 (160213ZDEC20) Notable: Could this be a cover to remove any trace evidence from election night? They used PornHub in some way in the media rooms for the live vote tallies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Could this be a cover to remove any trace evidence from election night? They used PornHub in some way in the media rooms for the live vote tallies.

Hence why they tried to say PornHub didn't appear on CNN. I forget what the significance was and how using a Porn website helped with the election fraud but could the company be scrubbing evidence?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161777

File: 4cf315dcb311932⋯.png (619.97 KB,594x623,594:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045224 (160214ZDEC20) Notable: Peter Nygard Nabbed Story Unfolding

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161778

File: 9b5a562a3d220b3⋯.png (168.26 KB,1216x1042,608:521,Clipboard.png)

File: ea4fd226dacb195⋯.png (46.2 KB,626x334,313:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045248 (160216ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood recommended and Sidney Powell RT'd to follow @RoscoeBDavis1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lin Wood recommended and Sidney Powell RT'd to follow @RoscoeBDavis1

He's been suspended.


You can still follow him HERE on backup account @BluntForceTrut1 https://twitter.com/BluntForceTrut1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045249 (160216ZDEC20) Notable: InfoDump The following hashes are checked against processes, services, and drivers by SUNBURST. The hash is calculated by performing a FNV-1a 64bit hash of the lowercase string then XOR by 6605813339339102567.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The following hashes are checked against processes, services, and drivers by SUNBURST. The hash is calculated by performing a FNV-1a 64bit hash of the lowercase string then XOR by 6605813339339102567.


accept 2734787258623754862

afwserv 1368907909245890092

apimonitor-x64 2597124982561782591

apimonitor-x86 2600364143812063535

aswengsrv 6195833633417633900

aswidsagent 2934149816356927366

atrsdfw.sys 15194901817027173566

autopsy 4821863173800309721

autoruns 3320026265773918739

autoruns64 12969190449276002545

autorunsc 10657751674541025650

autorunsc64 12094027092655598256

avastavwrapper 2760663353550280147

avastsvc 8146185202538899243

avastui 11818825521849580123

avgidsagent 2797129108883749491

avgsvc 3660705254426876796

avgsvca 3890794756780010537

avgsvcx 3890769468012566366

avgui 12709986806548166638

avgwdsvcx 14095938998438966337

avp 13611051401579634621

avpui 18147627057830191163

bccavsvc 16423314183614230717

binaryninja 11913842725949116895

brcow_x_x_x_x.sys 12679195163651834776

brfilter.sys 1614465773938842903

cavp 17204844226884380288

cb 5984963105389676759

cff explorer 292198192373389586

close 14226582801651130532

crexecprev.sys 18159703063075866524

csagent 11771945869106552231

csfalconcontainer 9061219083560670602

csfalconservice 8698326794961817906

cutter 12790084614253405985

cve.sys 16570804352575357627

cybkerneltracker.sys 17097380490166623672

date 16066522799090129502

de4dot 5219431737322569038

dgdmk.sys 3626142665768487764

diskmon 7810436520414958497

dnsd 13316211011159594063

dnspy 13825071784440082496

dotpeek32 14480775929210717493

dotpeek64 14482658293117931546

dumpcap 8473756179280619170

eamonm 15587050164583443069

eaw.sys 12718416789200275332

eelam 9559632696372799208

egui 607197993339007484

ehdrv 4931721628717906635

ekrn 3200333496547938354

epfw 17939405613729073960

exeinfope 8799118153397725683

expect 8873858923435176895

fakedns 12027963942392743532

fakenet 576626207276463000

fe_avk 9384605490088500348

feelam 15092207615430402812

fekern 6274014997237900919

ffdec 7412338704062093516

fiddler 682250828679635420

fileinsight 13014156621614176974

floss 18150909006539876521

fnrb32 5587557070429522647

fsaua 12445177985737237804

fsaus 12445232961318634374

fsav32 17017923349298346219

fsbts 9333057603143916814

fsdfw 10393903804869831898

fses 3413052607651207697

fsfw 3407972863931386250

fsgk32 10545868833523019926

fsgk32st 521157249538507889

fsma32 15039834196857999838

fsma 3421213182954201407

fsms 3421197789791424393

fsni 3413886037471417852

fsorsp 17978774977754553159

fssm32 14055243717250701608

fsvista 7315838824213522000

fswebuid 14971809093655817917

gdb 10336842116636872171

groundling32.sys 6943102301517884811

groundling64.sys 13544031715334011032

hexisfsmonitor.sys 397780960855462669

hiew32 13260224381505715848

idaq 14256853800858727521

idaq64 8709004393777297355

idr 8129411991672431889

ildasm 15997665423159927228

ilspy 10829648878147112121

jd-gui 9149947745824492274

ksde 17633734304611248415

ksdeui 13581776705111912829

lab.na 3796405623695665524

lab.rio 5942282052525294911

libwamf.sys 17984632978012874803

lordpe 3656637464651387014

lragentmf.sys 2717025511528702475

officemalscanner 3575761800716667678

ollydbg 4501656691368064027

pdfstreamdumper 10296494671777307979

pe-bear 14630721578341374856

peid 9531326785919727076

pestudio 10235971842993272939

peview 2478231962306073784

ppee 14710585101020280896

procdump 2810460305047003196

procdump64 13611814135072561278

processhacker 2032008861530788751

procexp64 27407921587843457

procexp 6491986958834001955

procmon 2128122064571842954

psanhost 2532538262737333146

psepfilter.sys 835151375515278827

psuamain 6088115528707848728

psuaservice 4454255944391929578

py2exedecompiler 8478833628889826985

r2agent 10463926208560207521

rabin2 7080175711202577138

radare2 8697424601205169055

regmon 18294908219222222902

resourcehacker 3588624367609827560

rundotnetdll 13876356431472225791

rvsavd.sys 18392881921099771407

safe-agent.sys 11801746708619571308

sbiesvc 14968320160131875803

scdbg 14868920869169964081

scylla_x64 106672141413120087

scylla_x86 79089792725215063

sense 16335643316870329598

sentinelmonitor.sys 12343334044036541897

shellcode_launcher 5614586596107908838

sysmon 14111374107076822891

sysmon64 3538022140597504361

tanium 7175363135479931834

taniumclient 3178468437029279937

task explorer 7982848972385914508

task explorer-x64 8760312338504300643

tcpdump 17351543633914244545

tcpvcon 7516148236133302073

tcpview 15114163911481793350

vboxservice 15457732070353984570

win32_remote 16292685861617888592

windbg 3045986759481489935

windefend 917638920165491138

windump 17109238199226571972

winhex 5945487981219695001

winobj 8052533790968282297

wireshark 17574002783607647274

x32dbg 3341747963119755850

x64dbg 14193859431895170587

xagt 15695338751700748390

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161780

File: 3cad64030a5787d⋯.png (303.64 KB,496x640,31:40,Clipboard.png)

File: b90443368e4d47b⋯.png (485.1 KB,958x763,958:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045257 (160217ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS 15th Dec: Banksters cause Great Depression, frame Herbert Hoover

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WH Advent COMMS 15th Dec: Banksters cause Great Depression, frame Herbert Hoover

A ragingfireconsumed much of the West Wing during a Christmas Eve party hosted byPresident Herbert Hoover in 1929.As the President left to address the situation, First Lady Lou Hoover stayed behind to entertainthe children, who were never aware of any trouble.The following year, some of the children received toy fire engines as a memento of the eventful party.



+ + +

Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the Presidency an unparalleled reputation forpublic serviceas an engineer, administrator, andhumanitarian.

While his wife worked in the hospitals [Boxer Rebellion, China], Hoover directed the building of barricades, and oncerisked his life rescuing Chinese children.

[After WWI started] In six weeks his committee helped120,000 Americans return to the United States.

He succeeded in cutting consumption of foods needed overseas after US enters WWI andavoided rationing at home, yet kept the Allies fed.

Hoover organized shipments offood for starving millionsin central Europe. Heextended aid to famine-stricken Soviet Russiain 1921. When a critic inquired if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, “Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics,they shall be fed!”

He said in 1928:“We in Americatoday are nearer to thefinal triumph over povertythan ever before in the history of any land.” His election seemed to ensure prosperity.Yet within months the stock market crashed,and the Nation spiraled downward into depression.

In 1931, Hoover presented to Congress a program asking for creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation toaid business,additionalhelp for farmersfacing mortgage foreclosures,banking reform,a loan to states forfeeding the unemployed, expansion of public works,and drastic governmental economy.

At the same time, he reiterated his view that whilepeople must not suffer from hunger and cold, caring for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility.

Hisopponents in Congress,who he felt weresabotaging his programfor their own political gain, unfairly painted him as a callous and cruel President. Hoover became the scapegoat for the Depression and was badly defeated in 1932. In the 1930’s he became a powerful critic of the New Deal,warning against tendencies toward statism.

[COMMS: Banksters crashed the market / economy in 1929, at least in part to undermine the noble aspirations of Prez Hoover to feed the hungry and eliminate poverty. Essentially framed Hoover for Great Depression via puppet politicians and presstitutes. No different today. o7]


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dc64cd No.161781

File: 3927893eea94b3f⋯.png (740.9 KB,1322x983,1322:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045261 (160217ZDEC20) Notable: Is this the future Americans want? I think not. Another scumbag DA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is this the future Americans want? I think not. Another scumbag DA!


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dc64cd No.161782

File: f802a5a4956495c⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,588x720,49:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045262 (160217ZDEC20) Notable: Could this be a cover to remove any trace evidence from election night? They used PornHub in some way in the media rooms for the live vote tallies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pornhub's parent company is Geekmind.

I can do a digg on it and post it in a few days. It's HQ'd in Montreal. Original owners are now in some venture capital stuff.

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dc64cd No.161783

File: 130006bbc37cbac⋯.png (587.97 KB,1903x3948,1903:3948,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bcf200ef9190b3⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,1903x4585,1903:4585,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eccd5d3cd2aa345⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,1903x5083,1903:5083,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 734edd1954053cd⋯.png (40.81 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 8666db9adc32926⋯.pdf (573.32 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045276 (160218ZDEC20) Notable: AMA bought out? American Medical Association Rescinds Previous Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 Patients

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

American Medical Association Rescinds Previous Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 Patients

CHICAGO, IL – The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, giving physicians the okay to return to utilizing the medication at their discretion. Previously, the AMA had issued a statement in March that was highly critical of HCQ in regards to its use as a proposed treatment by some physicians in the early stages of COVID-19. In addition to discouraging doctors from ordering the medication in bulk for “off-label” use – HCQ is typically used to treat diseases such as malaria – they also claimed that there was no proof that it was effective in treating COVID, and that its use could be harmful in some instances.


However, on page 18 of a recent AMA memo, issued on October 30, (resolution 509, page 3) the organization officially reversed their stance on HCQ, stating that its potential for good currently may supersede the threat of any potential harmful side effects. So, there we have it. HCQ could not be approved before the election, because President Trump had recommended it. Meanwhile, with an 8o +% reduced risk of having to be admitted to the hospital if administered with Azithromycin and Zinc as soon as testing positive or symptoms occurred, many (70000+) lives could have been saved.


A look at the “Fauci effect” and other med ed lessons from 2020


'Dr. Simone Gold discusses benefits of Hydroxychloroquine after video promoting drug was censored'


Joint statement on ordering, prescribing or dispensing COVID-19 medications


Read page 18 of a recent AMA memo,


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dc64cd No.161784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045284 (160219ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Everything You Need to Know About Solar Winds Attack

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dc64cd No.161785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045286 (160219ZDEC20) Notable: PB Hand slammed in car door? Yes.

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Mitch McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged hands | New York Post

457,941 views•Oct 23, 2020


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dc64cd No.161786

File: 515960653517c58⋯.png (19.9 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045309 (160221ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This ALL looks like a smokescreen.

You're tellin me Key Sensitive MIL Nets got infiltrated thru SolarWinds = Which IN 2019 was shown, by a techie dude, to have a dirt-simple "Backdoor" using a password of: (solarwinds123)?

Not buying it.

(savebreach.com Dec 14, 2020)

SolarWinds exposed FTP credentials in Public Github Repo: US Government Breach

SolarWinds exposed their FTP server credentials in a public Github repo, which was identified by cybersecurity expert Vinoth Kumar who reported it to SolarWinds in 2019. Did some poor security practices lead to the US Government breach?

Complex Attack or, a Case of Weak Credentials?

Vinoth further mentions in the tweet that the password was ***123. Our guess is that, the password of that FTP server was solarwinds123, leaving the redacted part, which is a very weak credential. solarwinds123 is an example of the weakest credentials one can think of. Credentials of the FTP download server which was exposed on the SolarWinds GitHub repo are as follows – solarwindsnet: solarwinds123


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dc64cd No.161787

File: be93625b202f0b3⋯.png (249.13 KB,1014x571,1014:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045310 (160221ZDEC20) Notable: >>1204532 "Russia Russia" Hack News "Sunburst" Virus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Int'l brands eye for China's online shopping spree amid pandemic

Lyu Qiuping,Wu Shuaishuai,sunwenjiyidu 10/11/2020

Hack may have exposed deep US secrets; damage yet unknown

Trump faces uncertain future & legal threats

© Provided by N.C.N. Limited

Employees work at an express distribution center of the delivery company SF Express in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, Nov. 8, 2020.

HANGZHOU, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) – International brands are turning to the upcoming Chinese online shopping festival on Wednesday as the COVID-19 pandemic has largely affected their offline sales around the world.

According to the e-commerce giant Alibaba, more than 2,600 new international brands, including luxury brands Cartier and Balenciaga, have been attracted to its online shopping platform for "Singles' Day," which is similar to "Black Friday" in Western countries.

Some 1.2 million new collections of overseas brands will hit the Chinese market on Alibaba's platform of Tmall International during the festival this year, the company said.

Japanese kitchenware and beauty-care tool firm KAI Group saw more than 48,000 clients pay online for their star product an eyebrow razor via their online outlet in China so far this month.

The Chinese online market has greatly boosted the development of the company, with its sales revenue surging by three times year on year during the Singles' Day" in 2019, according to Hiroaki Watanabe, general manager of Shanghai KAI Trade Co, Ltd.

The giant screen shows that Tmall, formerly Taobao Mall, reaching a 10 billion yuan (about 1.4 billion U.S. dollars) worth of sales in one minute and 36 seconds on the 2019 Singles' Day at the media center in

Alibaba Group's Xixi Park in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Nov. 11, 2019. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)

Alibaba turned Nov. 11 into a shopping bonanza in 2009. The day is celebrated by many young Chinese people as Singles' Day. The date was chosen because 11-11 resembles four "bare sticks," a Chinese term for the bachelors.

The sales revenue of online platforms of Alibaba totaled 268.4 billion yuan (about 38 billion U.S. dollars) during the festival last year.

JD.com, another major company engaged in e-commerce in China, reported cumulative sales of 204.4 billion yuan between Nov. 1 and 11, 2019.

Liu Peng, a manager in charge of the import and export business from Alibaba, said the "Singles' Day" online shopping festival, together with the China International Import Expo, will further unleash the domestic demand for imported goods and help promote the development of the import sector in China.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161788

File: 80e5da45aa3a7dc⋯.png (583.66 KB,398x627,398:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045316 (160222ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS 15th Dec: Banksters cause Great Depression, frame Herbert Hoover

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[Mrs.] Lou Hooverherself paid the costof reproducing furniture owned by Monroe for a period sitting room in the White House. She also restored Lincoln's study for her husband's use. The Hoovers entertained elegantly,using their own private fundsfor social events while the country suffered worsening economic depression.

In 1933 they retired to Palo Alto, but maintained an apartment in New York. Herbert Hoover only learned the full lavishness of his wife's charities after her death there on January 7, 1944. She had helped the education, he stated, "of a multitude of boys and girls." He said she was ideal for the position she had held:"a symbol of everything wholesome in American life."


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dc64cd No.161789

File: d39ae90f12459cb⋯.png (360.17 KB,602x368,301:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d3e7d5b545d456⋯.png (2.65 MB,1053x1556,1053:1556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045319 (160222ZDEC20) Notable: If you don't know by now... "Behind Bars" Looking out... Comey Tweets on Mental Well Being

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OK, source and full picture provided, we have anons who do not know the rules, Source it important, check the left of the picture, the birds flying which directions, east as you look at the picture, ?



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dc64cd No.161790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045321 (160222ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


but that would be all the time, right?

The mail servers are bouncing

protonmail said they won't re-send because the servers are down globally

"Dear ProtonMail user,

Starting at around 4:30PM New York (10:30PM Zurich), Gmail suffered a global outage.

A catastrophic failure at Gmail is causing emails sent to Gmail to permanently fail and bounce back. The error message from Gmail is the following:

550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.

This is a global issue, and it impacts all email providers trying to send email to Gmail, not just ProtonMail.

Because Gmail is sending a permanent failure, our mail servers will not automatically retry sending these messages (this is standard practice at all email services for handling permanent failures).

We are closely monitoring the situation. At this time, little can be done until Google fixes the problem. We recommend attempting to resend the messages to Gmail users when Google has fixed the problem. You can find the latest status from Google's status page:


Best Regards,

The ProtonMail Team

P.S. You might also consider asking your contacts who are still using Gmail to switch to ProtonMail for more private communications "

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dc64cd No.161791

File: 348186f9fefc0b8⋯.png (814.81 KB,1914x949,1914:949,Clipboard.png)

File: f74fa5de435bcc9⋯.png (320.35 KB,598x323,598:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045326 (160222ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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15 other K35R Boeing KC-135R Stratotankers in the air tonight.

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dc64cd No.161792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045334 (160223ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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Obama Knew !

BREAKING: DNI Declassifies Handwritten Brennan Notes, 2016 CIA Referral On Clinton Campaign’s Collusion Operation


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dc64cd No.161793

File: 5696f74b9d1581d⋯.png (417.31 KB,478x860,239:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045339 (160223ZDEC20) Notable: Godspeed

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045348 (160224ZDEC20) Notable: Could this be a cover to remove any trace evidence from election night? They used PornHub in some way in the media rooms for the live vote tallies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pornhub is forced to remove 80 per cent of its videos amid claims it is 'infested' with child sexual abuse material


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dc64cd No.161795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045349 (160224ZDEC20) Notable: PB Hand slammed in car door? Yes.

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whatever happend to McConnell

it happened the week of 10/15/20- 10/20/20

10/15/20 his hands are normal

anything those dates of note??


Mitch McConnell Finally Responds To His Concerning Hand Photo

316,172 views•Oct 25, 2020


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dc64cd No.161796

File: 72dddb1be840890⋯.png (816.3 KB,736x720,46:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045350 (160224ZDEC20) Notable: Trudeau: No Training - SpyvSpy: Training in Canada~ Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

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Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

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dc64cd No.161797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045358 (160225ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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Haspel Buckling?

DNI DECLASSIFIES CIA DOCS ON RUSSIA GATE - Brennan Notes, Obama Knew, Hillary Clinton Approved Russia Gate, Crossfire Hurricane Team Informed


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dc64cd No.161798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045360 (160226ZDEC20) Notable: The Prince, his date at Jeffrey Epstein's ranch, and what the bodyguard saw: Yes, Duke joined woman at paedophile's 'Zorro' estate. But witnesses say it wasn't his teenage accuser… it was a brain surgeon

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The Prince, his date at Jeffrey Epstein's ranch, and what the bodyguard saw: Yes, Duke joined woman at paedophile's 'Zorro' estate. But witnesses say it wasn't his teenage accuser… it was a brain surgeon


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dc64cd No.161799

File: ed43ea342883ddf⋯.jpg (16.9 KB,246x255,82:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045375 (160227ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS Trolls the Algorithm

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161800

File: c983ea1bdc46c97⋯.png (474.12 KB,785x681,785:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045376 (160227ZDEC20) Notable: Trudeau: No Training - SpyvSpy: Training in Canada~ Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045378 (160227ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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01/21/18 09:05:55 PM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


…this one anon?

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dc64cd No.161802

File: 4f2b67cb02f2f4b⋯.jpeg (347.31 KB,828x1329,276:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045379 (160227ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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Sex work is ok now.


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dc64cd No.161803

File: 8ebcccd2d2cca37⋯.jpg (190.98 KB,720x1090,72:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045402 (160229ZDEC20) Notable: The Supreme Court has rejected a Kansas law requiring proof of US citizenship before registering to vote.

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The Supreme Court has rejected a Kansas law requiring proof of US citizenship before registering to vote.


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dc64cd No.161804

File: 5f464b1849d12a7⋯.jpg (34.64 KB,626x391,626:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045411 (160229ZDEC20) Notable: Trudeau: No Training - SpyvSpy: Training in Canada~ Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

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A troop of Chinese nationals are training to become pilots at a decommissioned Canadian military base near Red Deer, Alberta. After receiving several tips suggesting that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was actively training military personnel at the former CFB Penhold, Rebel News visited the location to investigate.

Rebel News confirmed that there is a vast number of Chinese nationals conducting flight training, and they have been doing so for years. One student said that he had been there for “around 500 days,” and that another group of students headed back to China had been there for “32 months.”

Training foreign nationals from an increasingly belligerent nation like China in the art of flying our aircraft is not as innocuous as it might seem. The knowledge gap between flying a plane full of civilians and flying a plane full of soldiers is not that wide.

Couple this revelation with the recent confidential documents released by Rebel News which show Justin Trudeau inviting the PLA to send its troops for cold weather training at CFB Petawawa in Ontario — it makes you wonder where this Canadian government’s loyalties lie.

The Trudeau government was infuriated when the Canadian Armed Forces cancelled the training, following China’s kidnapping of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

CFB Penhold was known for its contribution to NORAD’s long range radar program, and as a secret location for a Regional Emergency Government Headquarters in a “Diefenbunker,” similar to its more well-known sister facility near Ottawa.

The Chinese students are being housed in the barracks formerly occupied by members of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

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dc64cd No.161805

File: 7c7d38e7c211646⋯.png (1.02 MB,1242x982,621:491,Clipboard.png)

File: c61e2045085ae91⋯.png (227.74 KB,671x334,671:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045430 (160231ZDEC20) Notable: Outages?

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c2a115 No.10802673 📁

Sep 26 2020 18:36:42 (EST)



What did we learn this week?

1. Check Gmail?


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dc64cd No.161806

File: cccdffbbd6a2f51⋯.png (1.66 MB,2490x1144,1245:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045442 (160232ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports Helos up

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dc64cd No.161807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045455 (160233ZDEC20) Notable: Traces of Fraud STILL Exist. Stop Trying. It's Over.

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subdomainfinder.c99.nl is handy:


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dc64cd No.161808

File: 0ef36ed3a4d43e6⋯.png (801.54 KB,1038x829,1038:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045462 (160234ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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DNI declassifies Brennan notes.


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dc64cd No.161809

File: 58c9d002bbc9119⋯.png (552.65 KB,1026x801,114:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045463 (160234ZDEC20) Notable: Someone gunning for your spot there?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045475 (160235ZDEC20) Notable: Wot is dis?

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Now we, the undersigned governors, tribal leaders, mayors, state legislators, and local officials, and colleges and universities, businesses, investors, faith groups, cultural institutions, and health care organizations, are joining together once again to reaffirm our commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change and pledge to partner with the Biden-Harris Administration, which has made ambitious commitments to tackle the climate crisis.

We call on the incoming administration and other federal policymakers to join us in a national response to ensure our safety and prosperity by taking immediate action to:(see site-too long to list)

We urge the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress alike to adopt a similar whole-of-government approach to tackling this crisis, and look forward to working in close partnership and dialogue – public and private collaboration across all levers of power – to achieve our shared vision.

More on site

List of 142 citites, 8 Counties,1033 Businesses,28 Cultural Institutions,

231 Faith Groups,11 Health Care Organizations (representing over 300 hospitals)


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dc64cd No.161811

File: beafd9ecb241972⋯.png (103.12 KB,974x630,487:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045480 (160235ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Johnson could take his last stand Wednesday as Trump’s most stalwart Senate defender

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Ron Johnson could take his last stand Wednesday as Trump’s most stalwart Senate defender

Michael Kranish, Mike DeBonis, Karoun Demirjian 1 hr ago

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dc64cd No.161812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045504 (160237ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This?

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Flash back…

Poll worker sentenced to prison for voter fraud

Jul 17, 2013

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dc64cd No.161813

File: 00831303361ed59⋯.png (108.25 KB,847x983,847:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045527 (160240ZDEC20) Notable: Traces of Fraud STILL Exist. Stop Trying. It's Over.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161814

File: e96a194baa008d6⋯.png (57.67 KB,791x524,791:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 68cc399d8cbcec9⋯.png (25.08 KB,1064x323,56:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045537 (160240ZDEC20) Notable: Traces of Fraud STILL Exist. Stop Trying. It's Over.

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They reworked that site and removed the Serv-U link.


These people really are stupid. First pic related.

Serv-U is a SolarWinds product.

Their site runs on it.

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dc64cd No.161815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045553 (160241ZDEC20) Notable: Dem Controlled Areas Digital Leaflet

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"Intelligence briefing

Back from an hour + , long intel update meeting with ( military ) contacts . Multiple sources.

Also today, had an intel briefing from ( civilian ) contact(s) .

Both sources are saying essentially the exact same thing. As follows is what I CAN give you here.

Coming hours, days, weeks and possibly longer are going to be challenging.

All are asking for calmer heads to prevail .

All are concerned that this will digress into civil conflicts . Leadership and planners are extremely concerned about this as there are forces in wait to take advantage of this situation. Calm heads MUST prevail.

Prepare for possible interruptions ( temporary ) in basic services, power, water, sewer, internet and phone, fuel, etc. logistics companies will have difficulty servicing all areas .

EMS, police, hospitals, and medical services may have delays and or denials of service.

EAS will be active and used to communicate pertinent information. Even if cell service is interrupted, keep your phone near you as to receive pertinent information as EAS is activated.

Please remain calm, please do NOT interfere with military and civilian law enforcement activities.

Please help and care for your families, friends, neighbors and communities who may need assistance, as normal services may not be available for them.

Please stay calm, stay aware and urge calm in others."


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dc64cd No.161816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045556 (160241ZDEC20) Notable: The Supreme Court has rejected a Kansas law requiring proof of US citizenship before registering to vote.

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SCOTUS just didn't overturn a Kansas court saying no citizenship.

My guess is that if the Kansas Court ruled yes to citizenship, then SCOTUS would have dismissed appeals to overturn that ruling.

States have to run their own processes is what SCOTUS is signalling.

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dc64cd No.161817

File: a119c5cb57e2a77⋯.jpg (208.85 KB,987x441,47:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045697 (160255ZDEC20) Notable: Civilian USA Flag Legal Specification

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161818

File: ecd72faf0d35d30⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1125x1415,225:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045700 (160256ZDEC20) Notable: For a baseless conspiracy it sure is in the news a lot...

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161819

File: 316063cda157b1a⋯.png (242.01 KB,478x576,239:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045706 (160256ZDEC20) Notable: HillaryClinton reiterates call to abolish Electoral College, 'select president by popular vote'

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HillaryClinton reiterates call to abolish Electoral College, 'select president by popular vote'


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dc64cd No.161820

File: 9c358f868f5d3ee⋯.png (3.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f7dfd74d74f23e8⋯.png (882.82 KB,1600x1036,400:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045734 (160258ZDEC20) Notable: COGCON Levels

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COG - https://www.fema.gov/txt/about/org/ncp/nspd_51.txt


Reporter(To Kayleigh)

Will you personally take it(vaccine)?

[23:47]Press Secretary:

I absolutely would be be open to taking the vaccine. (Um) As has been reported, and as I shared with some of you yesterday(Um) the White House, it will be a very limited group of people (Um) who have access to it initially, the President's tweet indicated that (Um) the White House should receive it at a later date (Um) again to prioritize the most vulnerable but some career staff, National Security staff, for the purposes of [24:10] Continuity of Government will have access in addition to a very small group of senior administration officials for the purpose of instilling public confidence.



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dc64cd No.161821

File: c35707ca1aa0d4c⋯.png (37.6 KB,499x360,499:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045744 (160258ZDEC20) Notable: Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Zev Zelenko @zev_dr

Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.


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dc64cd No.161822

File: d4cb594f8dfb396⋯.jpeg (299.01 KB,896x416,28:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: df11eed1ef062c7⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,887x1727,887:1727,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 20736b6c3f26c46⋯.jpeg (60.58 KB,874x201,874:201,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0268690e82d1a6e⋯.jpeg (222.68 KB,871x502,871:502,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045767 (160300ZDEC20) Notable: "The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enjoying the Storm?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161823

File: 3c7af0a8d65379c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 08ea717e9ee9efa⋯.png (854.04 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: d524689227f1f8a⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045780 (160301ZDEC20) Notable: "The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161824

File: e96f76bb8a9046c⋯.jpg (661.16 KB,1080x1806,180:301,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a45e5b707e4372c⋯.jpg (292.57 KB,1080x1110,36:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045786 (160302ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports:"I am confident of certain victory"

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American A10 thunderbolt and convoy observed over South Korea.

Convoy went dark when traveling north while A10 squawked 12,000ft static position.

Call sign for all birds: PIL SUNG ..a Korean term, meaning:

"I am confident of certain victory"

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dc64cd No.161825

File: bb8da69d982e74b⋯.jpeg (793.29 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 08d8b92352597e0⋯.jpeg (535.69 KB,828x1674,46:93,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045787 (160302ZDEC20) Notable: Is solarwinds a corporate offshoot of the Clowns? Quacks Like a duck...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is solarwinds a corporate offshoot of the Clowns?

Someone’s retirement plan?

Stellar winds been commercialized and also used to penetrate all?

Seems that way to me.

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dc64cd No.161826

File: 76716cf9dedbb19⋯.jpeg (69.32 KB,888x218,444:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 36f67d89baec0f2⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045796 (160302ZDEC20) Notable: "The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week!

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What is the mirror of Twitter?


Storm is upon us?


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dc64cd No.161827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045831 (160306ZDEC20) Notable: Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Dr. Zev Zelenko

was Rudy W. Giuliani's guest here:

EXCELLENT NEWS: Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Effective on 699 Patients

The Hydroxy treatment appears to be working so far! In an exclusive interview, Dr. Vladmir Zelenko shares with us a preliminary study outlining that out of his 699 patients treated, he has had ZERO deaths, ZERO intubations, and four hospitalizations. Dr. Zelenko breaks it down and gives a lucid explanation of the rationale behind his treatment.

Mar 28, 2020




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dc64cd No.161828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045857 (160308ZDEC20) Notable: Is solarwinds a corporate offshoot of the Clowns? Quacks Like a duck...

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If it walks like a duck…

Approved For Release 2003/03/07 CIA-RDP80R01731 R001600080039-9 haMr …

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dc64cd No.161829

File: 28963bdeee6d573⋯.png (171.38 KB,444x651,148:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 5831b9d4868e96f⋯.png (43.24 KB,1778x350,127:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045876 (160310ZDEC20) Notable: Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



New here.. perhaps you missed anons calling this out for murder to Q on many occasions, In fact there is a drop about this very subject.

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dc64cd No.161830

File: c84bda5dcac97d2⋯.png (1.65 MB,1097x1525,1097:1525,Clipboard.png)

File: 1568a92d40ac4ee⋯.png (774.33 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045887 (160311ZDEC20) Notable: CM Tweets: @realDonaldTrump Do you know if/why Mr. Morgan is dragging his feet?

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Do you know if/why Mr. Morgan is dragging his feet?

Please talk with him and figure out whats going on.

Heard he recently did you a BIG disservice.

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dc64cd No.161831

File: 2b1ea2d41206f29⋯.jpg (318.13 KB,1920x880,24:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045895 (160312ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports:"I am confident of certain victory"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New one on me, weather balloon at 62,500ft?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045919 (160314ZDEC20) Notable: Revelation 3:11 New King James Version 11 [a]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

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Or mirror. Revelation 3:11 New King James Version

11 [a]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

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dc64cd No.161833

File: 06c81cc93494482⋯.png (6.86 MB,1328x13552,83:847,Clipboard.png)

File: deb83fee17c1861⋯.png (205.08 KB,1315x730,263:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045936 (160315ZDEC20) Notable: Civilian USA Flag Legal Specification

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dc64cd No.161834

File: 61fbea0e58a0071⋯.png (282.89 KB,585x510,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12045969 (160317ZDEC20) Notable: Business as usual America ? Or?

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dc64cd No.161835

File: 917805b466f0abf⋯.png (288.08 KB,590x588,295:294,Clipboard.png)

File: 81ae1fda4456df8⋯.mp4 (279.61 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046002 (160320ZDEC20) Notable: ONTARIO, Canada - TOP GOVERNMENT DOCTOR'S CAUGHT ON HOT MIC..THEY JUST READ OUT WHATEVER THEY ARE TOLD TO..

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ONTARIO, Canada -


Dr. Yaffe: "I just say whatever they write down for me."

Dr. Williams: "Yeah, same."

The Fix is in Folks..


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dc64cd No.161836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046020 (160321ZDEC20) Notable: Civilian USA Flag Legal Specification

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gold fringe military flag used on the Q research banner…

if this is a military operation, then the gold fringe may be accurate…

it's a fair point.

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dc64cd No.161837

File: 43414f82bbe9147⋯.png (47.3 KB,679x393,679:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046025 (160322ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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Haikou digs

From Oct 2019


Zhang Qi, 58, who was a top official in the province of Hainan has been sacked.

In addition to the gold, inspectors discovered 268 billion yuan (£30 billion) in suspected bribes on the man's account, according to reports.

He was also thought to have received multiple luxurious villas as perks.

If Mr Zhang's alleged corruption turns out to be true, he would have been richer than Jack Ma, the wealthiest man in China worth $37 billion (£30 billion) according to Forbes.

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dc64cd No.161838

File: 1ca05b312ff75ae⋯.jpg (77.61 KB,750x623,750:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046033 (160322ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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Lin Wood knows what's good

@LLinWood on June 18

"Something is up with Chief Justice John Roberts. It is time to learn whether the Chief Justice is the “John Roberts” whose name appears on flight itineraries on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet. This country is entitled to know the TRUTH the whole TRUTH, & nothing but the TRUTH."



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dc64cd No.161839

File: c96b5a4f8b0b497⋯.png (277.44 KB,684x873,76:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 634717c318850c0⋯.png (174.11 KB,683x862,683:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046035 (160322ZDEC20) Notable: Seth Rich, Strzok, Page Emails

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dc64cd No.161840

File: 24231ed2d09468a⋯.png (255.12 KB,478x525,478:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046056 (160324ZDEC20) Notable: Jeffrey Adam Rosen, #Jewish, is set to complete William Barr’s work as attorney general "until the end of President Donald Trump’s (@realDonaldTrump) term in January."

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Jeffrey Adam Rosen, #Jewish, is set to complete William Barr’s work as attorney general until the end of President Donald Trump’s (@realDonaldTrump) term in January.


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dc64cd No.161841

File: 6e77c0d36ca1e90⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f5d222b2f685ac3⋯.png (1.79 MB,1366x1083,1366:1083,Clipboard.png)

File: 7adc9918ae93c4c⋯.png (203.12 KB,1541x890,1541:890,Clipboard.png)

File: d99fb773cfad16c⋯.png (345.88 KB,1910x1199,1910:1199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046064 (160324ZDEC20) Notable: Sir John (Irving) Bell, former Bilderberg attendee, has a Freudian slip and mentions COVID vaccine has a 60-70% potential to "sterilize" population

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Sir John (Irving) Bell, former Bilderberg attendee, has a Freudian slip and mentions COVID vaccine has a 60-70% potential to "sterilize" population


Chair of Global Health Scientific Advisory Board, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Trustee, Rhodes Trust

Attendee, 2013 Bilderberg Group Conference

Is this why they haven't tested the vaccine for reproduction?

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dc64cd No.161842

File: 3652852dd2e28d4⋯.png (72.66 KB,578x581,578:581,Clipboard.png)

File: a00f70202e8cd00⋯.png (562.97 KB,516x747,172:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046086 (160326ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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worth remembering


US Government Counterinsurgency Guide - January 2009

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dc64cd No.161843

File: 7a99e09439d3513⋯.png (336.14 KB,327x1248,109:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c8b17b699e458b⋯.png (490.95 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: de93dfe7c32a933⋯.png (535.09 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046099 (160327ZDEC20) Notable: Alex Berenson Blackballed from NYT for telling truth?

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Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson (Former NYT reporter and author)

1/ The usual suspects will hate me for saying so, but the truth is the truth.

We have solid @cdcgov mortality data through mid-November and it is clear that we are now massively OVERCOUNTING #Covid deaths and have been for months.

This wasn't true in the spring. It is now…

2/ The simplest and most obvious evidence of this is that overall deaths are far below where the combination of "normal" weekly deaths plus #Covid deaths would put them.

In other words, so-called non-Covid deaths have dropped well below normal. This trend makes no sense…

2a/I want to partially CORRECT this tweet. The second sentence is correct - in recent weeks, including weeks where data should be fully mature, non-Covid deaths appear to have fallen below the expected numbers. Overall deaths remain ABOVE trend, as the chart shows…

2b/That’s my mistake - I should have compared “overall non-Covid mortality” with expected deaths, as I did in tweet 4. It doesn’t affect the accuracy of the thread.

3/ We saw a rise in lockdown deaths (especially overdoses) this spring and summer, and we have no evidence or reason to believe those would have returned to normal (and some evidence of rising suicides). Deaths from delayed medical care may have fallen, but we can't be sure…

4/ Plus the more recent data doesn’t say overall non-Covid mortality has returned to normal - it says it’s way below normal. See how the green bars (non-Covid deaths) were ABOVE the orange line (excess death threshold) in the spring but are now well below it?

5/ An even simpler way to think about it. During the week of April 4, we reported 10,000 #Covid deaths. And 72,200 total deaths.

During the week of November 15, we reported 9,300 Covid deaths, nearly the same as that April week - but 61,500 total deaths, 11,000 fewer overall…

6/ The only reasonable explanation is that massive testing combined with our death coding rules now mean that we are classifying a HUGE number of elderly deaths as #Covid, whether they are with or from.


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dc64cd No.161844

File: 7dc3fd59dd30507⋯.png (401.6 KB,306x505,306:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 37e029c9d02fa1f⋯.png (404.19 KB,306x505,306:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046101 (160327ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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I don't think so.

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dc64cd No.161845

File: ef44598cfa9f073⋯.png (486.7 KB,739x808,739:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046120 (160329ZDEC20) Notable: CM Tweets: @realDonaldTrump Do you know if/why Mr. Morgan is dragging his feet?

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Do you know if/why Mr. Morgan is dragging his feet?

Please talk with him and figure out whats going on.

Heard he recently did you a BIG disservice.


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dc64cd No.161846

File: 099fa132eb341be⋯.jpg (823.05 KB,1329x2904,443:968,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046131 (160330ZDEC20) Notable: Civilian USA Flag Legal Specification

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dc64cd No.161847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046141 (160331ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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Trump: ‘It’s not over’; Sidney Powell: Trump could trigger EO on foreign election interference


•Streamed live on Dec 14, 2020

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dc64cd No.161848

File: dcea61e8f09cc25⋯.png (147.36 KB,564x676,141:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 2332c107bbba2bb⋯.png (152.31 KB,491x765,491:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 294c6099e888c42⋯.png (182.43 KB,581x753,581:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046145 (160332ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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During the Twentieth Century, insurgents were often motivated by Marxism, religion or nationalism (or a combination of these). Insurgencies were often led by

university educated ‘intellectual elites’ whose personal circumstances were sometimes far removed from those of the rank-and-file insurgents that they inspired.

Modern insurgencies are often more complex matrices of irregular actors with

widely differing goals. At least some of the principal actors will be motivated by a

form of ideology (or at least will claim to be), but that ideology will not necessarily

extend across the whole insurgent network. Modern insurgencies are typified by the

points below.

• The charisma of insurgent leaders can sometimes be more imp

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dc64cd No.161849

File: 5c60f21d7c58740⋯.png (4.52 MB,2160x2160,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046158 (160333ZDEC20) Notable: COGCON Levels

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The Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions (COGCON) system establishes executive branch readiness levels based on possible threats to the National Capital Region. The President alone determines and issues the COGCON Level.

National Level Exercise (NLE 20: Binary Blackout) - CANCELED

The National Exercise Program consists of a two-year progressive exercise cycle that culminates in the National Level Exercise held in even-numbered years. Here's a first-hand account of what it's like to be at COGCON 1 in a National Level Exercise.

The remainder of the NLE 2020 including Binary Blackout and Eagle Horizon has been canceled.

The 2020 National Level Exercise (Binary Blackout) would have been cybersecurity-focused and involved widespread cyberattacks leading to major impacts on critical infrastructure. The focus was to be in FEMA Region 1 (CT, ME, M.A., VT, RI, NH) and FEMA Region 9 (CA, NV, AZ). Federal Department and Agencies would also have been involved in the exercise. The full-scale exercise would have been held in May 2020.

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dc64cd No.161850

File: ca3a98fbe9c2ac0⋯.png (346.93 KB,480x482,240:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046164 (160333ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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I never knew Pepe and the Punisher had this much in common. Kek.

The Punisher skull: Unofficial logo of the white American death cult

White Americans appear to have enlisted into a death cult. If one drives around the suburbs or rural outposts removed from a major metropolitan area, it quickly becomes apparent that, in their zest and zeal for violence, countless whites have begun to brandish the Punisher skull, typically with red, white, and blue stripes, on their automobiles and clothing. T-shirts at the gym, the bumpers of minivans, with children riding as passengers, and baseball caps all display the menacing skull, proving that it has become ubiquitous in the United States. Several companies, including Thin Blue Line, have made millions selling apparel with ghoulish image.

The Punisher symbol originates with the Marvel comic book story of Frank Castle. After Castle’s wife and children are murdered by career criminals, he adopts the Punisher moniker in his quest to eradicate crime without interference from the liberal cucks who wrote the Bill of Rights and the prissy naïfs who enforce protections for American citizens, such as the irritating regulation prohibiting police officers from summarily executing criminal suspects without a trial.

Chris Kyle, deceased Navy SEAL sniper and patron saint of the American death cult, wrote about the celebration of the skull in his memoir, “American Sniper”: “We all thought what the Punisher did was cool. He righted wrongs. He killed bad guys. He made wrongdoers fear him. We spray-painted the Punisher skull on our Hummers and body armor, and our helmets and all our guns. And we spray-painted it on every building or wall we could. We wanted people to know, We’re here and we want to f**k with you.”

The beauty of Kyle’s prose could bring a tear to the reader’s eyes. Gerry Conway, the Punisher’s co-creator, is crying tears not of joy, but of anger and disappointment. Responding to the late Kyle’s praise of his character, Conway said, “I don’t think he understood the fundamental truth that the Punisher is not a man to admire or emulate.”


P.S. I found this article while looking for the meaning of '659', the number on the chopper at the Army/Navy game. What does that number signify?

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dc64cd No.161851

File: c4a800f116c4ab3⋯.png (511.12 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046196 (160336ZDEC20) Notable: Jews and Russians?

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My niggas


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dc64cd No.161852

File: 5b69a886e098e9f⋯.png (61.42 KB,775x430,155:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046201 (160336ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Tweets: Re:Trump

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dc64cd No.161853

File: ae3e977e6fcbbd6⋯.png (171.13 KB,502x771,502:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046207 (160337ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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Ironic how Rice signed off on this and the DS is part of this.

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dc64cd No.161854

File: e0625d0f540322c⋯.png (95.24 KB,619x641,619:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046264 (160342ZDEC20) Notable: Basham ON THEIR ASS! "OPINION: While Senator @RonJohnsonWI Is Making Public Noises That He Believes The Election Fraud Caused Biden To Win Over @realDonaldTrump. Behind The Scenes In Congress He & His Staffers Are Stacking The Deck In Their Election Fraud Hearing & Refusing To Hear The Truth!

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"OPINION: While Senator @RonJohnsonWI Is Making Public Noises That He Believes The Election Fraud Caused Biden To Win Over @realDonaldTrump. Behind The Scenes In Congress He & His Staffers Are Stacking The Deck In Their Election Fraud Hearing & Refusing To Hear The Truth!

'''Instead @RonJohnsonWI

's Team Is Restricting Anyone With Real Information On What Happened. They Are Now Refusing To Hear From Expert Data Scientists & Instead Are Giving Dominion & Data Aggregators A Forum To LIE BEFORE TOMORROWS SENTE HEARING!

NOT A Search For Truth!'''

'''Tomorrow's Senate Hearing By @RonJohnsonWI

Will Instead Become A Whitewash That Allows The Fraud To Be Explained Away Without Ever Hearing From Those Who Have HARD EVIDENCE To Share With The Senate! Shame On Those Who Say They Stand With @realDonaldTrump Publicly But"'''


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dc64cd No.161855

File: 3c9842978dfe0de⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046276 (160343ZDEC20) Notable: Remember this?

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Lara Trump calls out CNN's Jake Tapper for finally acknowledging Biden business dealings in China

Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump is calling out CNN anchor Jake Tapper for just recently reporting on the business relationship between China and several members of the Biden family. During a recent TV appearance on Tapper's "State of the Union," Trump, also a daughter-in-law to the president, said that Joe Biden would not have acted as President Trump had, by suspending travel to and from China during the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. At the time of the interview, Trump said Biden would not have shut down travel between the U.S. and China, "especially now when we know it's been very lucrative (for) Joe Biden and his family." Trump was making reference to the dozens of reports of relationships between members of the Biden family – specifically Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden – who have profited from Chinese business dealings. Tapper dismissed Trump's comments, shaking his head and saying, "I don't know what that means. I don't know what that means." But last week after federal investigators announced that Hunter Biden's tax returns are under investigation, purportedly in part over China deals, Tapper tweeted a link to the CNN article covering the investigation with a caption that read, "Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings in China."

Glad you finally figured out “what that means”, @jaketapper https://t.co/miQRkcdIi9 pic.twitter.com/abGAFW7igU— Lara Trump (@LaraLeaTrump) December 11, 2020


Trump seized the opportunity to revisit their TV exchange, tweeting, "Glad you finally figured out 'what that means.'"


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dc64cd No.161856

File: da3c2f3db9ec854⋯.jpeg (16.81 KB,250x212,125:106,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046305 (160345ZDEC20) Notable: The Royal Rife story ... Classic Inventions and discoveries

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The Royal Rife story is a two part story, first he built this microscope, it was because of this microscope that the frequency stuff came along. Rife's microscope was a work of art. And Royal R. Rife (the man) was accomplished in the following fields… inventor, theoretician, draftsman, machinist, fabrication, optometrist, scientist and musician, and he built this microscope himself.

The difference between the Rife microscope and the best microscopes of the day was significant, try 5000 vs 50,000 magnification, but that wasn't it. See, even today an electron microscope will bombard the specimen with electricity (electrocution) and doing so researchers are commonly looking at dead specimens. Rife's microscope not only had 10x the magnification but it did so without killing the specimen. And that's how Rife figured out the frequency for his specimens, be it cancer, TB, strep, whatever it was because he noticed they gave off different colors… the color being the frequency.

Subsequently, he also discovered that once you know the frequency something lives at, you can also find a corresponding frequency that can destroy it, just like a singer shatters a glass with his or her voice.

In the 1930's Rife discovered a frequency that was capable of destroying the cancer cell and he proved his work beyond a shadow of a doubt to organizations like The AMA, The Mayo Clinic, USC and UCLA school's of medicine, The Scripps Research Institute, and on and on and on. But it wasn't until he proofed his work with 16 terminal patients under the supervision of The AMA and Mary Ellen Scripps, he 'cured' all 16 within 20 weeks, and after that he was shamed, ridiculed, ostracized and silenced by the powers that be.

In just 5 minutes I explained how frequencies kill diseases, it's simple, easy, non invasive, natural, and at the end of the day… it's just music. And once again using the principles of physics instead of pharmacology.

For those interested in research papers and a ton of good reading material regarding the saga of Royal R. Rife click here for what I've discovered to be the pre-eminent place for all things Rife. The owners of this website conceived the GB4000 and they have spent countless hours compiling the hard to find stuff on Rife. Some of this stuff is copyrighted so be careful how you share.

Music is now medicine, and it's arguably the very best medicine!

The 'Certified Anecdotal Frequency List' (cafl) from A-Z, this is the master list. It should be noted that Rife only discovered frequencies for about 50 diseases. The rest of this list has been laboriously compiled by others, and it should also be noted that there is no easy way to determine the frequency for something, the people who do this today do it the same way Rife did. They peer through a microscope, turn a knob and when something explodes, they record the frequency that kills it, this is known as the 'Moral Oscillatory Rate' or M.O.R.

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dc64cd No.161857

File: 0a54c08a80a6fc6⋯.png (134.55 KB,1135x662,1135:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046312 (160345ZDEC20) Notable: Corey's Digs: My Personal Experience with Covid-19 and Digging Up The Evidence, for Transparency

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Corey's Digs: My Personal Experience with Covid-19 and Digging Up The Evidence, for Transparency



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dc64cd No.161858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046354 (160348ZDEC20) Notable: #15378

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>161817, >>161833, >>161836, >>161846 Civilian USA Flag Legal Specification

>>161818 For a baseless conspiracy it sure is in the news a lot…

>>161819 HillaryClinton reiterates call to abolish Electoral College, 'select president by popular vote'

>>161820, >>161849 COGCON Levels

>>161821, >>161827, >>161829 Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.

>>161824, >>161831 PF Reports:"I am confident of certain victory"

>>161825, >>161828 Is solarwinds a corporate offshoot of the Clowns? Quacks Like a duck…

>>161822, >>161823, >>161826 "The Storm is upon us…watch it unfold this week!

>>161830, >>161845 CM Tweets: @realDonaldTrump Do you know if/why Mr. Morgan is dragging his feet?

>>161832 Revelation 3:11 New King James Version 11 [a]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

>>161834 Business as usual America ? Or?


>>161837, >>161838, >>161842, >>161844, >>161847, >>161848, >>161850, >>161853, >>161855 Remember this?

>>161839 Seth Rich, Strzok, Page Emails

>>161840 Jeffrey Adam Rosen, #Jewish, is set to complete William Barr’s work as attorney general "until the end of President Donald Trump’s (@realDonaldTrump) term in January."

>>161841 Sir John (Irving) Bell, former Bilderberg attendee, has a Freudian slip and mentions COVID vaccine has a 60-70% potential to "sterilize" population

>>161843 Alex Berenson Blackballed from NYT for telling truth?

>>161851 Jews and Russians?

>>161852 Sidney Powell Tweets: Re:Trump

>>161854 Basham ON THEIR ASS! "OPINION: While Senator @RonJohnsonWI Is Making Public Noises That He Believes The Election Fraud Caused Biden To Win Over @realDonaldTrump. Behind The Scenes In Congress He & His Staffers Are Stacking The Deck In Their Election Fraud Hearing & Refusing To Hear The Truth!

>>161856 The Royal Rife story … Classic Inventions and discoveries

>>161857 Corey's Digs: My Personal Experience with Covid-19 and Digging Up The Evidence, for Transparency


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dc64cd No.161859

File: b10d3d7e780ede1⋯.png (47.54 KB,615x505,123:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046446 (160355ZDEC20) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson From the leaked CCP database - New York University: 71 employees are CCP Boeing: 252 employees are CCP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From the leaked CCP database:

Qualcomm: 133 employees are China Communist Party members.

New York University: 71 employees are CCP.

Pfizer: 69 employees are CCP.

Boeing: 252 employees are CCP.

US consulate in Shanghai : 3 employees are CCP." https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1338930568361291779

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dc64cd No.161860

File: f429c2e1523ddb4⋯.png (82.84 KB,496x741,496:741,Clipboard.png)

File: d6edfab21c339bc⋯.png (389.69 KB,328x820,2:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b367986e197ca0⋯.png (106.48 KB,585x883,585:883,Clipboard.png)

File: df3d83a858137fb⋯.png (153.53 KB,875x871,875:871,Clipboard.png)

File: f82bd9dc605d4a5⋯.png (347.34 KB,481x720,481:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046475 (160359ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia Giuffre says, "#TimesUp Prince Andrew- #OwnIt"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Virginia Giuffre says, "#TimesUp Prince Andrew- #OwnIt"


Duke of York visited Nygard at his private Bahamas resort in 2000- just around the same time he was besties with Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein. I wouldn’t be surprised if they swapped victims.




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dc64cd No.161861

File: fae3a41eb03acc9⋯.jpg (9.57 KB,255x204,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1568a92d40ac4ee⋯.png (774.33 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046482 (160359ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Matthew Earl Morgan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>161830 (lb)

>>161845 (lb)

Matthew Earl Morgan:

Worked on Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar (Vote By Mail Intervention)


Was brought in as consul by Pence through association in Indiana.

He played a promoment role is Pence's "Convervative Ethos" according to Politico in 2017:


Bar Information:


Outside of losing in PA, I couldn't find anything treasonous…

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dc64cd No.161862

File: 8ca28091136b0ce⋯.png (46.12 KB,613x317,613:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046498 (160401ZDEC20) Notable: @JohnBasham - @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell & leadership team urged GOP on a conference call today to abandon @realDonaldTrump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



"REPORT: @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell & his leadership team urged Republicans on a conference call today to abandon @realDonaldTrump & not to participate in any efforts to object to certifying @JoeBiden's "presidential election win" in the Jan 6th joint session of congress."https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1338984795385290753

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dc64cd No.161863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046514 (160403ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on Civil War tactics being used today on DeepState

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Early in the American Civil War (Respect to all who fought!!) US General Winfield Scott proposed to surround the CSA like an anaconda, then squeeze the CSA from all sides at once.

It took four years.

Today, our Military has surrounded our foe like Scott's Anaconda. They will all be squeezed at once.

That's why we did not fight the battle of Clinton or storm the beaches of Obama or assault judicial corruption or arrest corrupt politicians. We did not round them up in 2018 because we used that election to discover their methods. We waited until we could squeeze them all at the same time.

. I respect all-Gordon as well as Chamberlain - and I truly understand what was accomplished that day.

The Anaconda Plan of Scott is playing out before your eyes. We surrounded all the hostile players.

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dc64cd No.161864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046540 (160405ZDEC20) Notable: ELAINE CHAO (wife of Sen Majority Leader McConnell / Sec of Transportation) and her CHINESE CONNECTIONS

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dc64cd No.161865

File: ea6fc9168c04a29⋯.png (912.35 KB,1065x1999,1065:1999,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f9ec631b15dfb7⋯.png (199.51 KB,494x898,247:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 440a00a8bfc750c⋯.png (42.08 KB,497x357,71:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046550 (160406ZDEC20) Notable: Thomas More Society report being release 10AM, will "Expose dark money network"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thomas More Society report being release 10AM, will "Expose dark money network"

Phillip Kline (Fmr Attorney General of Kansas / DA. Director, Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society.)


Our report will expose a well-funded, centrally coordinated dark money network that injected private money into public elections, bypassing state protocols & violating state laws, disrupting the electoral process & contributing to a loss of confidence in the electoral system.

We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system.



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dc64cd No.161866

File: c185a1af3edcd44⋯.png (4.47 MB,1771x1172,1771:1172,Clipboard.png)

File: 16e14bd08b6cc8c⋯.png (2.22 MB,937x1177,937:1177,Clipboard.png)

File: 767f5db9a135825⋯.png (4.89 MB,1770x1175,354:235,Clipboard.png)

File: dcee5bf850712af⋯.png (1.67 MB,1118x663,86:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046561 (160407ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Flotus tweet and ornaments on WH Christmas Tree

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pay close attention to the addendum of the book description at the end and the ornaments. What do you see?



Today, I was grateful to return to @ChildrensNatl to read an inspiring Christmas story & play a game safely with the children. During all of my visits, I have felt the children’s warmth, seen the joy in their eyes & the bright smiles on their faces. #MerryChristmas

Book in Flotus tweet;

Oliver Meets Marley & Joan and Abbey

JUST ARRIVED!!! Oliver the Ornament Meets Marley & Joan and Abbey is the third in our seven-book series. This book tells the story of how Marley & Joan and Abbey entered the family’s collection of ornaments.

This time, it’s little Holly who tells the story of how her Grandparents gave her both of these beautiful ornaments. Grandparents are such an important part of the tradition of Christmas ornaments, so we’re excited to introduce them in this story.

Also in this story, we're introduced to Nora the Menorah. Nora is a gift from the Nelson family for Holly's best friend Ruthie. Holly insists that Ruthie feel welcome in their home, so she asks her parents to purchase a menorah for her little friend. Little did they know, that just like the ornaments, Nora, too will come to life, spreading holiday cheer. Nora will also do what she can to fight off Nellie, who is still determined to ruin Christmas for the entire household.

As our story unfolds, we find that Nellie, the naughty ornament left behind in the attic has not given up on spoiling Christmas for the Nelson family and all the ornaments. She’ll do her best to ruin Christmas, but just as she’s about to succeed, Oliver, with the help of his friends will save the day.

This heartwarming story is sure to delight children of all ages and leave you on the edge of your seat for what’s to come next. We hope the story continues the tradition of bringing families together to tell stories of their own ornaments. Because after all

…Every Ornament Tells a Story

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dc64cd No.161867

File: d645f6f1d608532⋯.png (31.89 KB,613x255,613:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046588 (160410ZDEC20) Notable: @FlashReport "The CEO of Pfizer has it wrong as he declines to take vaccine early because he doesn’t want to cut in line.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"The CEO of Pfizer has it wrong as he declines to take vaccine early because he doesn’t want to cut in line. We want him taking the drugs he makes before us. Like the official taster for the Queen." https://twitter.com/FlashReport/status/1339052816829018114

"doesn’t want to cut in line"

"doesn’t want to cut in line"

"doesn’t want to cut in line"

"doesn’t want to cut in line"

KMAO Yeah, suuuuure, okay dude!

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dc64cd No.161868

File: 6d69002ab9ff0b7⋯.png (109.04 KB,255x210,17:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ed84a072a977c2⋯.png (107.66 KB,255x170,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046589 (160410ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on Civil War tactics being used today on DeepState

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From wikipedia:

"Encirclement is a military term for the situation when a force or target is isolated and surrounded by enemy forces.

This situation is highly dangerous for the encircled force: at the strategic level, because it cannot receive supplies or reinforcements, and on the tactical level, because the units in the force can be subject to an attack from several sides. Lastly, since the force cannot retreat, unless it is relieved or can break out, it must either fight to the death or surrender."

Anons have witnessed this. Do you see the brilliance of this strategy?

The strategy is one of encirclement. Anons know what is being encircled because we've been on qresearch for years. Panicfags should seek information on strategy. We didn't charge at the Clintons. We didn't charge at Obama. We didn't charge at judicial corruption. We didn't charge at corrupt politicians. We did not fall for their attempts to create a negative photo op or repeat their Maidan Massacre. We have not responded to [F] infiltration and overt hostile acts.

We did indeed take losses.

We did what we did to achieve a strategic objective. We encircled them all.

One of these mornings they will wake up and see Henry Knox and the guns of Ticonderoga on the surrounding hills.

Someone in the media called this strategy a 'Python' the other day. That's close. An anaconda is actually a species of boa. You are all witnessing the squeeze, Anons.

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dc64cd No.161869

File: eb00561b8b28140⋯.png (85.22 KB,1024x916,256:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bad2a2e841c675⋯.png (15.97 KB,641x149,641:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b2884083d90fa1⋯.png (4.39 KB,1029x78,343:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046635 (160416ZDEC20) Notable: Sacramento County, CA Election discrepencies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sacramento County, CA Election Results


Looks odd, The number of Ballots do not match the total votes?

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dc64cd No.161870

File: a7f6a17b45a0154⋯.png (1004.96 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046642 (160416ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q4 in Eastern Europe

Wonder who we are watching (from 53,000 ft)?

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dc64cd No.161871

File: 7cadf1d9dd38d80⋯.png (523.87 KB,597x623,597:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046648 (160417ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Tweet - Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years’ https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/15/franklin-graham-i-am-grateful-to-god-for-the-last-four-years/ via @BreitbartNews Thank you Franklin!



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dc64cd No.161872

File: ecdbc8d058b5406⋯.jpeg (99.92 KB,1242x912,207:152,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046665 (160418ZDEC20) Notable: ALWAYS be prepared for outages anons. Q has said it many times

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Was this tweeted/deleted today? Or is this f&g?

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dc64cd No.161873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046673 (160419ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anon's up for something.

give me a destination and a mission.

enough is enough.

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dc64cd No.161874

File: f7dcb3c00900a61⋯.png (492.25 KB,628x736,157:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 5540f312744da97⋯.png (752 KB,697x901,41:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046675 (160419ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Tweet - Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years’ https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/15/franklin-graham-i-am-grateful-to-god-for-the-last-four-years/ via


Thank you Franklin!


Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years’

Evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham said Monday that he is grateful for the last four years, and all that President Donald Trump has done for Americans who stand for life and freedom.

People have asked if I am disappointed about the election. When I think about my answer, I have to say honestly, that I…

Posted by Franklin Graham on Monday, December 14, 2020

“People have asked if I am disappointed about the election,” he posted to Facebook, and reflected he is “grateful to God that for the last four years He gave us a president” who protected religious freedom and the lives of the unborn, as he also appointed Supreme Court justices and judges who will uphold the Constitution, and gave the nation a strong economy.

Graham, the president of international aid charity Samaritan’s Purse, continued that he is “grateful for a president who strengthened and supported our military; grateful for a president who stood against ‘the swamp’ and the corruption in Washington; grateful for a president who supported law and order and defended our police.”

“I’m grateful for a president and a vice president who recognized the importance of prayer and were not ashamed of the name of Jesus Christ,” he added.

“I’m thankful that the president stood against the secularists who wanted to take Christ out of Christmas and that he brought back the greeting “Merry Christmas!” the Christian leader continued.

“So as we come to the end of this election season, I look back with a grateful heart and thank God for all of these things,” he said. “President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions here in the U.S. and around the world.”


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dc64cd No.161875

File: e8d2f6508108eb0⋯.png (714.88 KB,624x743,624:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046688 (160420ZDEC20) Notable: DJT re-tweet - All of the 38 electoral college votes for Texas go to Donald Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Wes Rapaport


All of the 38 electoral college votes for Texas go to Donald Trump. #txlege

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dc64cd No.161876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046695 (160421ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Maps anon. The high ground will always be the high ground. The low ground will always be the low ground. Art of War speaks to deep truth of warfare when you understand its implications. Again, maps. Strategy.

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dc64cd No.161877

File: 355036eaaa0a4f6⋯.jpeg (279.06 KB,1242x740,621:370,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046705 (160422ZDEC20) Notable: CM retweet - He's being contacted by a dozen journalists asking the same question - 4am marching orders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It’s real

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161878

File: 36c9d5a929a7f33⋯.png (681.04 KB,609x605,609:605,Clipboard.png)

File: f65e8eb6ec8aa19⋯.png (79.89 KB,775x430,155:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046706 (160422ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell - Every LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) should be impounding voting machines (as evidence)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12046241 lb

>>161852 lb

>Twitter's little pipsqueak disclaimers at the bottom are reaching the pathetic stage now.

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dc64cd No.161879

File: 51898bc53ac8cfa⋯.jpg (186.74 KB,850x1207,50:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf74e6ca9356685⋯.jpg (57.38 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71e89a5b63c3c8b⋯.jpg (82.96 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9dc8d6787265137⋯.jpg (351.83 KB,1700x1272,425:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046719 (160423ZDEC20) Notable: Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046728 (160423ZDEC20) Notable: Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161881

File: 809fb19fcfa3fd3⋯.png (206.68 KB,1432x942,716:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 809fb19fcfa3fd3⋯.png (206.68 KB,1432x942,716:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046753 (160425ZDEC20) Notable: Reopen Minnesota Coalition URGES businesses to open ALL AT ONCE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046768 (160427ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Real reason for dispute in the South China Sea... nuclear submarine bases

Haikou Island... power plant. Just sayin'

Art of War, anons.

God bless.

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dc64cd No.161883

File: 159abeaad82c4a2⋯.jpg (744.21 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11078e79726f526⋯.jpg (184.27 KB,756x1008,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ea51a0ecd5599f⋯.jpg (112.86 KB,756x1008,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046782 (160428ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion ImageCast machines have a usb port in addition to ethernet port

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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dc64cd No.161884

File: df6daf0731a2940⋯.png (406.33 KB,535x613,535:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046796 (160429ZDEC20) Notable: House members urge Speaker Pelosi to remove Swalwell from Intel Committee due to spy scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House members urge Speaker Pelosi to remove Swalwell from Intel Committee due to spy scandal


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dc64cd No.161885

File: 4f22d83ed2ebd0a⋯.png (48.31 KB,598x609,598:609,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e3358f78deceb⋯.png (379.29 KB,598x666,299:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046798 (160429ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweets about Jefferson signing the Insurrection Act in 1807 to foil a plot by Aaron Burr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046802 (160429ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


you need underground caverns for sub docking.

the plants must sit on a high ground so that underground levels could be built.

The near by water + the island setting could mean that nearby caverns exist that are suitable for sub docks.

The fake nuke plants should be on top of hills near the shore.

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dc64cd No.161887

File: 1bb7dd0d7e62516⋯.png (49.69 KB,849x713,849:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a0322598db1e65⋯.png (22.44 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046809 (160430ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweets about Jefferson signing the Insurrection Act in 1807 to foil a plot by Aaron Burr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161888

File: 492ec6d90d6bbe3⋯.png (16.31 KB,598x241,598:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046811 (160430ZDEC20) Notable: CM retweet - He's being contacted by a dozen journalists asking the same question - 4am marching orders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Got it here anons:


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dc64cd No.161889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046815 (160431ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You're getting it. The base itself can be far back in the hills, but the entrance must be near the water, which is where the plant would be...

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dc64cd No.161890

File: 9141531f60d07fa⋯.png (471.4 KB,598x718,299:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046816 (160431ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - I love singing Marines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161891

File: 51696819027db69⋯.png (27.35 KB,598x394,299:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046830 (160432ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - I love the Bible, especially Psalm 23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046831 (160432ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - I love singing Marines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


marines - posse comitatus exception - insurgency act.

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dc64cd No.161893

File: 22632a76dcc66da⋯.png (27.94 KB,598x448,299:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046839 (160433ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - Every lie will be revealed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046845 (160434ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOTHING TO SEE HERE…keep it moving!

Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Albertahttps://www.rebelnews.com/chinese_pilots_training_at_former_canadian_military_base_in_alberta

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161895

File: ac9d15dcd7f2b64⋯.png (289.44 KB,535x528,535:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046850 (160434ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - I love singing Marines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Courage & Wisdom

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dc64cd No.161896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046858 (160435ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



so if we find such plants on a topological map, these are our underground facilities and sub bases.

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dc64cd No.161897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046881 (160438ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bingo, anon.

God bless!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046886 (160438ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

Keean Bexte


"It keeps getting worse: Rebel News has confirmed that there are a vast number of Chinese nationals conducting flight training at a decomissioned Canadian Air Force Base. Canada is training a generation of pilots for a hostile nation.

This isn't normal."


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dc64cd No.161899

File: cae29867ee8aae4⋯.jpeg (230.18 KB,750x1047,250:349,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046890 (160438ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Fentanyl Ring busted - Oct 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>how do you capture a dangerous animal?


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dc64cd No.161900

File: dde7ad996fab1d6⋯.png (2.47 MB,2000x4500,4:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046901 (160439ZDEC20) Notable: 27 seconds of crucial testimony "removed" from Livestream of Dominion CEO at Michigan Congress

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FUCKERY DETECTED - 27 seconds of crucial testimony "removed" from Livestream of Dominion CEO at Michigan Congress





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dc64cd No.161901

File: 30c5c96d71a128e⋯.png (1.34 MB,1033x688,1033:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046908 (160440ZDEC20) Notable: Mitch McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged hands (Oct 23, 2020)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mitch McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged hands

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dc64cd No.161902

File: ca94ffb1374fbbb⋯.png (571.83 KB,1538x742,769:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 870611d3d8a766d⋯.png (569.4 KB,1533x743,1533:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046914 (160440ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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What's up with this crazy balloon? HBAL483

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dc64cd No.161903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046920 (160441ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -









a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island. look for nuke plants on the map that are on hills next to the shore

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dc64cd No.161904

File: 223c659cb0329c0⋯.png (91.87 KB,598x919,598:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046946 (160443ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo tweet on AG Bill Barr (Served on advisory board for Pompeo during his CIA tour)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161905

File: c64333fc75ee250⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,472x658,236:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046979 (160446ZDEC20) Notable: ALWAYS be prepared for outages anons. Q has said it many times

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patriot Anons

Q team - Interesting

Has any Anons seen this on Parler today

I don't have an acct on Parler just noticed it on someones twitter reply

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dc64cd No.161906

File: 5e0fe9023741cba⋯.png (28.31 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: db34fbe3c6ebc3b⋯.png (67.5 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee87ca93286e33⋯.png (68 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee87ca93286e33⋯.png (68 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f46d6f30df25dd⋯.pdf (830.77 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12046987 (160447ZDEC20) Notable: CIA Library - 'Committee of 300' (Conspirators Hierarchy)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Indeed..not to mention..

Committee of 300


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dc64cd No.161907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047023 (160451ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion ImageCast machines have a usb port in addition to ethernet port

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ethernet port as well….

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dc64cd No.161908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047033 (160452ZDEC20) Notable: NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

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Haikou is just the capital city

Hainan is the island

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dc64cd No.161909

File: e7e60c3ce17be86⋯.png (852.23 KB,1536x738,256:123,Clipboard.png)

File: d18501f533c4230⋯.png (467.13 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047074 (160457ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Northrop Grumman RQ-4B-40 Global Hawk east of Bulgaria.

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dc64cd No.161910

File: b902e0afdf54a51⋯.png (2.56 MB,1240x1102,620:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047077 (160457ZDEC20) Notable: Elaine Chao Caught Pimping Her Family Business with China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OOPS: Elaine Chao Caught Pimping Her Family Business with China

The transportation secretary thought it’d be cool to bring family members to government meetings in which they had a financial interest.

In a normal presidential administration—hell, in a normal professional setting of any kind—it would be considered inappropriate to bring one‘s family members to official work meetings and/or on business trips. But of course, the Trump administration is not normal. Rather, it‘s a family affair, the primary goal of which is to enrich Donald Trump and the people who surround him—who, among others, include his not-very-bright son-in-law. That M.O. starts at the top with the grifter-in-chief, but it also extends to dozens of current and former cabinet members who’ve seen no issue with taking their wives on taxpayer-funded European vacations, using a government plane to get a better shot of the solar eclipse, plunking down $31,000 on dining-room sets, and allegedly planning work travel based on a “desire to visit particular cities or countries.” So it’s not entirely surprising that Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao thought it would be no big deal to bring her relatives—who happen to have major business interests in Beijing—to meetings with government officials during a visit to China in the fall of 2017, but unfortunately for Chao, not everyone in government has adopted Team Trump’s way of thinking.

The New York Times reports that in October 2017, an alarmed official at the American Embassy in Beijing wrote an urgent email seeking advice concerning “a series of unorthodox requests” made by Chao‘s office related to her first visit to China as a Trump cabinet member. According to the Times, Chao—who is married to Senate leader Mitch McConnell—wanted federal officials to “coordinate travel arrangements for at least one family member and include relatives in meetings with government officials.” Such requests would be wildly inappropriate for any secretary’s relatives, but were even more so given the Chao family’s business: her father, James Chao, founded Foremost Group, a shipping, trading, and finance company now run by Elaine’s sister Angela Chao. While the company is based in New York, its fleet is, per the Times, “overwhelmingly focused on China,” with roughly 72% of the raw materials it has shipped since early 2018 going to China, cargo that “helps feed” Beijing’s “industrial machine, which manufactures steel products that are a point of dispute in the deepening trade war between” China and the U.S. The company reportedly constructs almost all its vessels in state-owned shipyards in China, some with loans from the Chinese government.

Though Chao has not worked for the company since the 1970s, it is the (ongoing) source of her wealth and the political wealth of her husband. In 2008 her father gave the couple a gift of as much as $25 million, while 13 members of the Chao family, including Foremost CEO Angela Chao, have given more than $1 million to McConnell’s campaigns and to PACs tied to him. “She had these relatives who were fairly wealthy and connected to the shipping industry,” a State Department official who was involved in deliberations over the visit told the Times. “Their business interests were potentially affected by meetings.” Per the Times, the email from the official at the American Embassy in Beijing wasn’t a case of an overly skittish bureaucrat. “They would not have raised a question like this about a cabinet secretary unless it was something really serious,” said David Rank, a former State Department deputy chief of mission in Beijing, adding that the requests were “alarmingly inappropriate.“ After the matter was raised to officials in the State and Transportation Departments—and after the paper of record started asking questions—the trip was abruptly canceled.


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dc64cd No.161911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047091 (160458ZDEC20) Notable: #15379

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12046389 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12046376 - 15378 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12046378 - 15377 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12046379 - 15376 / earlier

>>>/qresearch/12046383 - Digital Warfare / World Breads

>>>/qresearch/12046385 - Important anon links (resignations, q proofs, archives, etc…)

#15379 FINAL Notables

>>161859 @EmeraldRobinson From the leaked CCP database - New York University: 71 employees are CCP Boeing: 252 employees are CCP

>>161860 Virginia Giuffre says, "#TimesUp Prince Andrew- #OwnIt"

>>161861 Dig on Matthew Earl Morgan

>>161862 @JohnBasham - @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell & leadership team urged GOP on a conference call today to abandon @realDonaldTrump

>>161864 ELAINE CHAO (wife of Sen Majority Leader McConnell / Sec of Transportation) and her CHINESE CONNECTIONS

>>161865 Thomas More Society report being release 10AM, will "Expose dark money network"

>>161863 , >>161868 Anon opines on Civil War tactics being used today on DeepState

>>161866 Dig on Flotus tweet and ornaments on WH Christmas Tree

>>161867 @FlashReport "The CEO of Pfizer has it wrong as he declines to take vaccine early because he doesn’t want to cut in line.

>>161869 Sacramento County, CA Election discrepencies

>>161870 PF Report

>>161871 , >>161874 DJT Tweet - Franklin Graham: ‘I Am Grateful to God’ for ‘the Last Four Years

>>161872 , >>161905 ALWAYS be prepared for outages anons. Q has said it many times

>>161875 DJT re-tweet - All of the 38 electoral college votes for Texas go to Donald Trump

>>161877 , >>161888 CM retweet - He's being contacted by a dozen journalists asking the same question - 4am marching orders

>>161878 Sidney Powell - Every LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) should be impounding voting machines (as evidence)

>>161881 Reopen Minnesota Coalition URGES businesses to open ALL AT ONCE

>>161884 House members urge Speaker Pelosi to remove Swalwell from Intel Committee due to spy scandal

>>161885 , >>161887 Lin Wood tweets about Jefferson signing the Insurrection Act in 1807 to foil a plot by Aaron Burr

>>161891 Lin Wood - I love the Bible, especially Psalm 23

>>161893 Lin Wood - Every lie will be revealed

>>161894 , >>161898 Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

>>161890 , >>161892 , >>161895 Lin Wood - I love singing Marines

>>161899 Chinese Fentanyl Ring busted - Oct 2019

>>161900 27 seconds of crucial testimony "removed" from Livestream of Dominion CEO at Michigan Congress

>>161902 PF Report

>>161903 , >>161908 NOTBALE BUN a call for a dig - nuclear submarine bases on Haikou Island

>>161901 Mitch McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged hands (Oct 23, 2020)

>>161904 Pompeo tweet on AG Bill Barr (Served on advisory board for Pompeo during his CIA tour)

>>161906 CIA Library - 'Committee of 300' (Conspirators Hierarchy)

>>161883 , >>161907 Dominion ImageCast machines have a usb port in addition to ethernet port

>>161909 PF Report

>>161910 Elaine Chao Caught Pimping Her Family Business with China


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dc64cd No.161912

File: 34967f6151c1066⋯.png (25.13 KB,610x240,61:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047145 (160503ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged!


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dc64cd No.161913

File: 2477f29967e7221⋯.png (582.56 KB,533x718,533:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047202 (160510ZDEC20) Notable: A tweet from Dan Scavino - Can we ID the people?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is interdasting… Can we identify all the people in the photo it may help determine when it was taken if they've left the administration since…


A Post From


Shared On Facebook.


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dc64cd No.161914

File: 32eab98fc3758b2⋯.png (269.63 KB,478x630,239:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047213 (160512ZDEC20) Notable: US positioning Naval vessels off the East Coast?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047224 (160513ZDEC20) Notable: Solarwinds in Vault 7 wikileaks drops

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Solarwinds in Vault 7 wikileaks drops


Owner: User #1179928


Solarwinds configuration and account info

Solarwinds server on testrange: monitor.testrange.local (

Solarwinds Account Information

Website: https://customerportal.solarwinds.com

Initial customer ID/Password: SW22080468 / XFE833

Registered customer ID/Password: XXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXX@XXX.XXX / SWiloveIPV4

Support/Maintenance expiration: 14 April 2016 (1 year renewal $3170/yr for NPM and NTA 500 license)

Activation keys:

Orion Network Performance Monitor SL500: AB19-03AD-37BA-4C9B-9E65-A704-473F-7D67

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dc64cd No.161916

File: 00d033922b6ff04⋯.png (128.71 KB,478x468,239:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047269 (160519ZDEC20) Notable: US positioning Naval vessels off the East Coast?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161917

File: e0efdf2faba558d⋯.png (1.66 MB,2047x1174,2047:1174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047292 (160522ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161918

File: ba1708f25d758f9⋯.jpeg (1003.71 KB,1125x2021,1125:2021,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047296 (160522ZDEC20) Notable: Dems waking up to Election Fraud 'This is not about D vs R'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Election Fraud - from the left perspective

It isn’t just conservatives that need to realize it’s not about R vs D.

It’s about USA vs CCP


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dc64cd No.161919

File: 7e189e53f6a62b1⋯.png (3.17 MB,1234x1055,1234:1055,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047308 (160524ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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dc64cd No.161920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047315 (160525ZDEC20) Notable: Koch Brothers' Daddy Loved Hitler So Much He Built A Nazi Oil Refinery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Koch Brothers' Daddy Loved Hitler So Much He Built A Nazi Oil Refinery

The father of the billionairesCharles G. and David H. Kochhelped construct a major oil refinery in Nazi Germany that was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, according to a new history of theKochsand other wealthy families.


One venture was a partnership with theAmerican Nazi sympathizer William Rhodes Davis, who, according to Ms. Mayer, hired Mr. Koch to help build the third-largest oil refinery in the Third Reich, acritical industrial cog in Hitler’s war machine.

In it, he acknowledged thatFred Koch'scompany, Winkler-Koch engineering, helped built an oil refinery in Nazi Germany and that the contract was signed in 1933.

"That signing was nearly six years before Germany invaded Poland, Robertson wrote. "Meanwhile during that same period, many iconicU.S. companies were doing business in Germany, including Coca-Cola, General Motors, Ford and IBM.

The father of these famous rightwing billionaires wasFred Koch, who started his fortune with $500,000 received from Stalin for his assistance constructing 15 oil refineries in the Soviet Union in the 1930s.A couple of years later, his company,Winkler-Koch, helped the Nazis complete their third-largest oil refinery. The facility produced hundreds of thousands of gallons of high-octane fuel for the Luftwaffe, until it was destroyed by Allied bombs in 1944.

Soros and Hitler connection

How didSOROSreplace family ‘y’? Who is family ‘y’? Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families. What happened during WWII? Was Hitler a puppet? Who was his handler? What was the purpose? What was the real purpose of the war? What age was GS? What is theSOROS family history?What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?Who is A. Merkel?What is A. Merkel’s family history?Follow the bloodline.







Follow the Crumbs



Days of NAZIS past.civil enemies in the light, a shared brotherhood in the dark.

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dc64cd No.161921

File: a8b6c379b0cd91f⋯.jpeg (410.9 KB,750x1223,750:1223,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047324 (160526ZDEC20) Notable: James O'keefe posted that project veritas will release an audio Wednesday with Assange in it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James O'keefe posted that project veritas will release an audio Wednesday with Assange in it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161922

File: 8a5c96e4f4d2dff⋯.jpeg (772.44 KB,750x1249,750:1249,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 41e560facf37ba2⋯.png (4.34 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047335 (160527ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Strange paper.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047353 (160529ZDEC20) Notable: Koch Brothers' Daddy Loved Hitler So Much He Built A Nazi Oil Refinery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Check out the Scherff family history

(Bush family)

the rich 4th Reich enablers are all tied together

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161924

File: 8a464dd7cbd505e⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1555,216:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047374 (160530ZDEC20) Notable: Rasmussen - o Repeat: Did FISA warrants issued to surveil for foreign election interference uncover & record 2020 election fraud?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


8:54 PM · Dec 13, 2020·Twitter for iPad

To Repeat: Did FISA warrants issued to surveil for foreign election interference uncover & record 2020 election fraud activities by foreign entities & Americans? Could American elected officials themselves be snared & this is their final pre-certification warning thread?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161925

File: 95e6025f5ab35f5⋯.png (92.4 KB,563x852,563:852,Clipboard.png)

File: 66c87cb065b0366⋯.png (268.08 KB,570x706,285:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047382 (160531ZDEC20) Notable: More on preparations for immediate future

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you Anon, o7

Moar to posts to add including a response from General Flynn



It also appears that as long as a link is provided those of us who do not do sm, could still get in to read.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047388 (160532ZDEC20) Notable: How Russia's October Revolution shaped communism in China (July 2017)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How Russia's October Revolution shaped communism in China


Commies have revolutions in October.

Russia Bolshevic

China communist revolution to overthrow dynasty..in October.

Communist revolution to overthrow USA….October, 2020.

Hunt for Red Octoberwas white hat operation to catch the commies election fraud.

We caught them and stopped them.

Red crossed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047390 (160532ZDEC20) Notable: Newly Appointed AG Jeffrey Rosen was Elaine Chao's Deputy Transportation Secretary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rosen Was Her Deputy…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047463 (160540ZDEC20) Notable: Newly Appointed AG Jeffrey Rosen was Elaine Chao's Deputy Transportation Secretary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


some sauce for that savory morsel

U.S. Senate Confirms Jeffrey A. Rosen as Deputy Secretary of U.S. Department of Transportation

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

WASHINGTON – Today the U.S. Senate confirmed Jeffrey A. Rosen as the 18th Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Mr. Rosen has extensive experience in the transportation sector, serving previously as General Counsel at both the Department of Transportation and the Office of Management and Budget.

“I am delighted to welcome Deputy Secretary Jeff Rosen to the Department. His extensive background in transportation, budget, regulatory reform and management will be invaluable as we implement the President’s agenda,” said Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

Mr. Rosen had been a Senior Partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, with whom he had been associated for nearly 30 years both before and after two distinguished appointments. Mr. Rosen was previously appointed as General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor for the White House Office of Management and Budget (2006 to 2009) and as General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Transportation (2003 to 2006). During the current confirmation process, he received extensive praise for his experience from members of the Senate as well as key industry stakeholders:


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dc64cd No.161929

File: ae47e99380538c3⋯.jpeg (753.56 KB,1391x1109,1391:1109,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047476 (160541ZDEC20) Notable: GOP/Dem China Virus package bails out Defense Contractors, excludes stimulus for Americans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What’s the matter NSA boys…..run low on bribe funds???

No Christmas money for Leroy?…..gonna be looting weekend

Old civil servants are real pieces of shit


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dc64cd No.161930

File: eecff34f888790c⋯.png (4.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047490 (160543ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047491 (160543ZDEC20) Notable: US positioning Naval vessels off the East Coast?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



@tom2badcat - twatter

carrier groups off both us coasts

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047496 (160543ZDEC20) Notable: Rife's research and his microscope were duplicated independently by a physcian named Gaston Naessens.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>161856 pb

>The Royal Rife story

rife's research and his microscope were duplicated independently by a physcian named Gaston Naessens.

"The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immunologically Based Diseases" by Christopher BIrd

the book is full of deep background, going all the way to Pasteur vs Bechamp (think edison vs tesla).

pasteur is NOT who or what history paints. i've pulled most of the original journal papers (in french) and pastuer was a bumbling fool.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047513 (160546ZDEC20) Notable: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047535 (160548ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney Phill Kline and IT Expert J.R. Carlson Presser Wednesday. Exposing Mark Zuckerberg's Dark Money Cash for Chaos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Attorney Phill Kline and IT Expert J.R. Carlson Presser Wednesday

Exposing Mark Zuckerberg's Dark Money Cash for Chaos


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047537 (160549ZDEC20) Notable: 2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?


Vid here about an 1:30 mins. not able to load here but if you have a downloader tool.. it could be saved for later viewing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161936

File: fea5808555e763b⋯.png (997.47 KB,881x534,881:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047538 (160549ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks like a plane fag map

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161937

File: 945fc07248b2399⋯.png (372.75 KB,573x755,573:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047551 (160550ZDEC20) Notable: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


this is massivelynotable

Puerto Rico! Slowly I turn…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161938

File: ccefa1bdc115641⋯.jpg (6.57 KB,474x239,474:239,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047553 (160551ZDEC20) Notable: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Silver Lake is one of the owners mentioned.

Silver Lake has a $1billion stake in Twitter. The Silver Lake CEO sits on Twitter's board of directors.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161939

File: 77cd2c89923254f⋯.jpeg (38.95 KB,164x302,82:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047583 (160554ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Freedom for “paper planes“ Assange.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161940

File: 929b211a2d5c2d3⋯.png (103.45 KB,206x230,103:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047601 (160556ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Assange pardon?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047606 (160557ZDEC20) Notable: CCP Database online in a somewhat easy to view Public setting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CCP Database online in a somewhat easy to view Public setting. Share on SM if possible. Want to get this tool into the right people's hands.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161942

File: 45b64084c1768e2⋯.jpeg (747.83 KB,750x929,750:929,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047625 (160559ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Facebook post + pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Three empties.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161943

File: 05b66b483a583df⋯.png (626.91 KB,1200x916,300:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d3e5148747dfb5⋯.png (223.87 KB,610x542,305:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 97909fc5ce921bc⋯.png (532.23 KB,1504x1494,752:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047659 (160603ZDEC20) Notable: Comms - This video posted earlier to day by Scavino. Is this a National Guard LOGO?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This video posted earlier to day by Scavino.

Is this a National Guard LOGO?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161944

File: 6c4bd18a1d6dac4⋯.jpg (58.68 KB,1077x673,1077:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5bb3f00dc36fac⋯.jpg (405.54 KB,2005x1859,2005:1859,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047661 (160604ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Anons Q team - Both POTUS & NORAD COMMS Enjoy the show grab your popcorn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patriot Anons

Q team - Both POTUS & NORAD COMMS Enjoy the show grab your popcorn

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161945

File: 5a1a55b16d70587⋯.png (377.58 KB,595x603,595:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047690 (160607ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Trump's allies slam Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden.Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Trump's allies slam Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden https://mol.im/a/9057747 via


. Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!

Trump's allies slam Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden

'The Electoral College has spoken,' McConnell said on Tuesday morning, before adding he wanted to 'congratulate the President-elect Joe Biden' and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.


12:40 AM · Dec 16, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161946

File: 264df588f8da643⋯.png (307.71 KB,535x534,535:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047706 (160609ZDEC20) Notable: Hackers say they sold batch of information stolen from Israeli insurance firm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hackers say they sold batch of information stolen from Israeli insurance firm


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161947

File: f447d274f3c3ba8⋯.png (36.37 KB,597x305,597:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047717 (160610ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - “Study: Dominion Machines shifted 2-3% of Trump Votes to Biden. Far more votes than needed to sway election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Study: Dominion Machines shifted 2-3% of Trump Votes to Biden. Far more votes than needed to sway election.” Florida, Ohio, Texas and many other states were won by even greater margins than projected. Did just as well with Swing States, but bad things happened. @OANN


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161948

File: 271783b89774ded⋯.png (2.08 MB,1600x1092,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047740 (160614ZDEC20) Notable: HEADS UP! This is from Gen Flynn echoing the words of COLONEL007 Prepare!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161949

File: a169e175a3625e1⋯.png (570.05 KB,634x734,317:367,Clipboard.png)

File: e3462863462c8e6⋯.png (201.68 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047805 (160624ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell encountering major turbulence for endorsing Biden while President Trump is still contesting fraudulent Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




MAGA turns on Mitch: Trump says 'people are angry' after his allies including Michael Flynn slammed the GOP Senate majority leader for 'caving to the mob and China' by recognizing Biden as president-elect

Trump loyalists were furious after McConnell congratulated Biden on Tuesday

Top allies accused Senate majority leader of selling out the party's leader

MAGA die-hards called McConnell a 'RINO' (Republican in name only) and even a secret Chinese agent

McConnell recognized Biden's win after Electoral College vote on Monday



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161950

File: 9c894a695837af0⋯.jpg (343.67 KB,1563x1848,521:616,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047809 (160625ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Anons POTUS & Q team - Hmmmmm 2-3% sure looks like 23 PAIN COMMS to Anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team - Hmmmmm 2-3% sure looks like 23 PAIN COMMS to Anons

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047841 (160630ZDEC20) Notable: #15380,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12047136 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12047114 - Global Announcements

>>>/qresearch/12047116 - 15379 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12047127 - 15378 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12047129 - 15377 / earlier

>>>/qresearch/12047134 - Digital Warfare / World Breads

>>>/qresearch/12047135 - Important anon links (resignations, q proofs, archives, etc…)

#15380 FINAL


>>161912 DJT tweet - Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged!

>>161913 A tweet from Dan Scavino - Can we ID the people?

>>161914 , >>161916 , >>161931 US positioning Naval vessels off the East Coast?

>>161915 Solarwinds in Vault 7 wikileaks drops

>>161918 Dems waking up to Election Fraud 'This is not about D vs R'

>>161917 , >>161919 , >>161922 , >>161930 , >>161936 , >>161940 , >>161939 , >>161940 , >>161942 Scavino Facebook post + pics

>>161920 , >>161923 Koch Brothers' Daddy Loved Hitler So Much He Built A Nazi Oil Refinery

>>161921 James O'keefe posted that project veritas will release an audio Wednesday with Assange in it

>>161924 Rasmussen - o Repeat: Did FISA warrants issued to surveil for foreign election interference uncover & record 2020 election fraud?

>>161926 How Russia's October Revolution shaped communism in China (July 2017)

>>161925 More on preparations for immediate future

>>161927 , >>161928 Newly Appointed AG Jeffrey Rosen was Elaine Chao's Deputy Transportation Secretary

>>161929 GOP/Dem China Virus package bails out Defense Contractors, excludes stimulus for Americans

>>161932 Rife's research and his microscope were duplicated independently by a physcian named Gaston Naessens.

>>161933 , >>161937 , >>161938 Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process

>>161934 Attorney Phill Kline and IT Expert J.R. Carlson Presser Wednesday. Exposing Mark Zuckerberg's Dark Money Cash for Chaos

>>161935 2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

>>161941 CCP Database online in a somewhat easy to view Public setting

>>161943 Comms - This video posted earlier to day by Scavino. Is this a National Guard LOGO?

>>161944 Patriot Anons Q team - Both POTUS & NORAD COMMS Enjoy the show grab your popcorn

>>161945 DJT tweet - Trump's allies slam Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden.Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight.

>>161946 Hackers say they sold batch of information stolen from Israeli insurance firm

>>161947 DJT tweet - “Study: Dominion Machines shifted 2-3% of Trump Votes to Biden. Far more votes than needed to sway election

>>161948 HEADS UP! This is from Gen Flynn echoing the words of COLONEL007 Prepare!

>>161949 McConnell encountering major turbulence for endorsing Biden while President Trump is still contesting fraudulent Election

>>161950 Patriot Anons POTUS & Q team - Hmmmmm 2-3% sure looks like 23 PAIN COMMS to Anons


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161952

File: 528cf9e6b77295f⋯.jpeg (200.23 KB,1115x1423,1115:1423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ca6ab574d145a7c⋯.jpeg (284.41 KB,1121x1440,1121:1440,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cd3e593ca2fd054⋯.jpeg (197.84 KB,1242x1442,621:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5df519a98e6bf4c⋯.jpeg (118.54 KB,1242x1434,207:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047960 (160648ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Sullivan was the Chief Technology Officer at Uber when they had a HUGE DATA BREECH!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Sullivan was the chief technologybofficer at Uber when they had a HUGE DATA BREECH! It was criminal what was done but Sullivan arranged for the “hackers” (feature not bug) to be paid off

Joe Sullivan ALSO happens to be a former AUSA working with …… ROBERT MUELLER

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161953

File: eca1a71974e1983⋯.png (1016.35 KB,964x1408,241:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047969 (160651ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell call for help. Dig.- Did a 'water pipe' break to stop counting? (This was widely reported in MSM, could be a hook to wake people up anons)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


re-post from last bread

>>>/qresearch/12047899 (PB)

Powell call for help. Dig.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161954

File: 7d0c8edbc8a75c2⋯.jpg (263.76 KB,1310x1203,1310:1203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047975 (160652ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS & Q team - EO AF1 Lincoln = It lines up as a message to Anons. What former President used the military to save the republic?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12047851 - AF1 model plane

>>>/qresearch/12047865 - In POTUS hand at the desk

Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team - EO AF1 Lincoln = It lines up as a message to Anons

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161955

File: 79b2a9aaf4f77ca⋯.png (363.76 KB,564x768,47:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047984 (160653ZDEC20) Notable: Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Senate Hearing on Election ‘Irregularities’ Wednesday, Dec 16, 10am EST

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Senate Hearing on Election ‘Irregularities’

BY EPOCH VIDEO December 15, 2020 Updated: December 15, 2020 biggersmaller Print

The Senate will hold a hearing Wednesday on irregularities that took place during the 2020 presidential election.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said during the hearing announcement that “a large percentage of the American public does not view the 2020 election result as legitimate because of apparent irregularities that have not been fully examined.” The goal of the hearing is to “resolve suspicions,” he added.

The hearing is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. ET. NTD and The Epoch Times will livestream the full hearing.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161956

File: c0c40f24174cdc8⋯.png (632.61 KB,963x673,963:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12047988 (160654ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo lambastes Russia for sowing 'chaos, conflict, and division' in Mediterranean

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pompeo lambastes Russia for sowing 'chaos, conflict, and division' in Mediterranean

Pompeo's comments came in response to accusations from his Russian counterpart that the U.S. plays 'games' in region.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has launched a verbal salvo charging that Russia continues to destabilize the Mediterranean, and that it sows "chaos, conflict, and division" in the region.

Pompeo directed his comments Tuesday at his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who recently accused the U.S. of playing political games in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

"It’s unfortunate and unhelpful that Mr. Lavrov again gets the facts wrong and attempts to rewrite history," Pompeo said in a statement. "The United States is working actively with allies and partners in the Eastern Mediterranean to promote greater stability, security, and prosperity."

The comments come during a time of increased tensions between Washington and Moscow, and in the wake of reports that Russian hackers have breached U.S. government computer systems.

Although he did not directly mention hacking operations, Pompeo charged Russia with spreading disinformation and undermining national sovereignty specifically in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean.

"In Syria, Russia supports the Assad regime whose war against its own people has added to regional instability, led to a protracted humanitarian crisis, and displaced half the population," Pompeo said.

The secretary of state listed a number of Russian actions in Greece, Cyprus, Malta, and elsewhere.

"In Libya, Russia supported an assault on the Libyan capital, Tripoli, killing civilians and undermining the UN’s efforts to bring peace to the country," Pompeo said.

Citing a litany of actions in Libya, Pompeo noted Russia had printed counterfeit Libyan dinars  and has used its proxy mercenary army known as Wagner to fuel conflict. 

"The Libyan government’s release of two Wagner operatives caught undermining Libyan politics is just another example of how Russia uses mercenaries and political shenanigans rather than open democratic means to advance its interests," Pompeo said. 

Lavrov made his remarks about the United States during a virtual meeting Dec. 4 of the Mediterranean Dialogues conference in Rome.


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dc64cd No.161957

File: 7f10bf6716e05fd⋯.png (649.9 KB,1456x921,1456:921,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f767ac7b4d71e9⋯.png (48.93 KB,543x320,543:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048003 (160657ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday evening that the pipe burst at 6:07 a.m. and was repaired within two hours. The burst pipe wasn’t mentioned by county officials during a 10 a.m. press conference.


Officials: We won't have the vote count we expected tonight in Fulton County, home to Atlanta and a tenth of all Georgians. Absentee-by-mail processing at State Farm Arena was delayed 4 hours because a water pipe burst in a room. Officials say no ballots were damaged.


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dc64cd No.161958

File: 4fea5bc74ef41b5⋯.png (1.12 MB,964x1408,241:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048009 (160659ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday evening that the pipe burst at 6:07 a.m. and was repaired within two hours. The burst pipe wasn’t mentioned by county officials during a 10 a.m. press conference.


1) Who did the call to come and fix the leak

2) do we know the name of the company

3) can the call be traced

4) exact time of call

5) name of responder to the call to fix the leak.

6) if the responder turned up what vehicle was he driving.

7) proof needed if there was no call or responder.

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dc64cd No.161959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048013 (160659ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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the only other "trigger" I could see would be Fox Calling AZ for Biden

but I think that happened to early to coincide with the vote cointing stoppage that is being referenced by Powell here

so I lean towards confirming the Pipe Burst = Stop the Count comms

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dc64cd No.161960

File: 4a6553135c1a77d⋯.png (264.06 KB,1362x1186,681:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 26b7228f677cdc4⋯.png (305.06 KB,1340x730,134:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048025 (160702ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Those Numbers don't even begin to add up CM

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dc64cd No.161961

File: 20eeda8e70a282c⋯.png (671.24 KB,1335x905,267:181,Clipboard.png)

File: cc63b9f1cb96da9⋯.png (608.53 KB,973x759,973:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fe3642a8811927⋯.png (165.17 KB,883x505,883:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a92a317414b397⋯.png (150.35 KB,879x503,879:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c1163ebd36f72⋯.png (296.27 KB,1287x749,1287:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048065 (160708ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Training Videos show instructions on how Adjudicators can pre-determine results

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One of my favorites is the video on election day reporting



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dc64cd No.161962

File: 57a348bf465dcc1⋯.png (302.56 KB,1674x1096,837:548,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d99c44a1551904⋯.png (608.32 KB,1726x1294,863:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048082 (160711ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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In Georgia, about 100,000 votes separate candidates.

4 November 2020 No Comments

With attention focused on Georgia and its 16 electoral votes, about 200,000 ballots remain uncounted, the state’s top election official, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said on Wednesday.

Of the remaining ballots, about 70,000 were from Fulton County, home to most of Atlanta, and are believed to favor former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

A mere 100,000 votes currently separate the two candidates in Georgia, with President. Trump currently leading with 50.5 percent of the vote, or 2.38 million votes.



But a water pipe break in a room being used by Fulton County to process those ballots disrupted operations Tuesday morning, delaying the counting of an estimated 50,000 ballots.


Hope this helps CM

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dc64cd No.161963

File: e1d75f98d8e6db1⋯.png (86.59 KB,872x460,218:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048086 (160711ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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>Does anyone remember on election night, another county stopping the count because they ran out of ink?


#11451779 at 2020-11-04 11:14:43 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14626: A Great Fraud On The American People Edition

Green bay just stopped counting absentee due to running out of ink. An election official has gone back to the mayor's office to get more.

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dc64cd No.161964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048090 (160711ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell call for help. Dig.- Did a 'water pipe' break to stop counting? (This was widely reported in MSM, could be a hook to wake people up anons)

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Sidney requesting help from #DigitalSoldiers


Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1

Replying to @HLAurora63

The cue for the counting to stop seems too have been the lie out of #Georgia about the “water pipe break.”

Can our #DigitalSoldiers double check that for me?

Thank you #Patriots









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dc64cd No.161965

File: c0335168c088965⋯.png (677.62 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a321a7872617a⋯.png (2.14 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 82e9520c8e42a52⋯.png (439.7 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d3bf889330132a⋯.png (743.75 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048092 (160712ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Sauce:& pics


There ya go, Sidney

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dc64cd No.161966

File: 5548946e6c4cf8d⋯.png (32.07 KB,756x178,378:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 28672c0159f86e3⋯.png (660.89 KB,1373x815,1373:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048100 (160713ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Fulton County Election Day Update Press Briefing

301 views•Streamed live on Nov 3, 2020


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dc64cd No.161967

File: d409dfa0439461a⋯.png (237.61 KB,476x528,119:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048114 (160715ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron Provides Virtual Election Day Update at 7:30pm 11/3.

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dc64cd No.161968

File: 0843d974638c6e4⋯.mp4 (821.27 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d4372c5fa7eb3e8⋯.png (112.99 KB,1326x258,221:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048119 (160716ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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This is the room included in that TWEET where apparently the Water Main broke.

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dc64cd No.161969

File: 50ff3cdf4300180⋯.png (98.88 KB,361x361,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048121 (160716ZDEC20) Notable: . Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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When do you call a plumber?

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dc64cd No.161970

File: c1649c512853cc3⋯.jpeg (412.93 KB,1804x1938,902:969,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048128 (160717ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Dominion (Biden's Brother in Law)

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Biden's Brother-in-Law — Dominion.

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dc64cd No.161971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048144 (160719ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds / Choicepoint / Acxiom dig

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(posts linked are all PB)

Solarwinds / Thomas Bravo / Entrust / Acxiom

According to Dr. Quigley on Twitter, “the buyout firm, [Thoma Bravo] who now owns SolarWinds was founded by a Puerto Rican billionaire who contributed over $100k to Clinton in 2016. His name is Orlando Bravo.”

And as Dr. Quigley mentions, Bravo purchased a company by the name of Entrust in 2009. Entrust has a location in Ottawa, Canada. But we’re not totally sure of this, it may actually be the other way around, but no doubt the two companies are connected.

Thomas Bravo also purchased DigiCert in 2015. DigiCert and Entrust verify the elections for at least half of the states in the US. Entrust is also closely related to a firm by the name of ‘Live Ramp’ which is located in Shanghai.


Old anon post

#3467413 at 2018-10-14 00:50:26 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #4396: Big Crowds For A Big Night Edition


Hillary's Datapalooza

One of the key beneficiaries of Park's datapalooza has been Acxiom Corporation based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Acxiom's chief signing officers is Jerry C. Jones, a 19-year law partner with Hillary Clinton in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock. See Acxiom insider trading report.

As of Oct. 1, 2018 (just eleven days ago), Acxiom moved to Shanghai, China and changed its name to "Live ramp," but not to worry, Acxiom still holds 100% controlling interest in 27 subsidiaries in the US, Netherlands, China, Australia, Brazil, Germany, UK, France, Poland, New Zealand, Singapore, Cayman Islands and Mauritius. In addition, Acxiom has had 48 contracts with the U.S. government (GSA, State Department, Veterans Affairs).

Acxiom customers include most U.S. social and telecommunications providers including AT&T, Comcast, Cisco, Adobe, Comscore, Dish, Facebook, Foursquare, HP, Gay Network, IBM, Microsoft, Pandora, Pinterest, Spotify, Tivo and Yahoo!

Did Acxiom take America's data with them to China? Evidently YES (although it was probably already there, but us We The People saps did not get the memo).







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dc64cd No.161972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048151 (160720ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds / Choicepoint / Acxiom dig

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Remembered old digs on liveRamp

#9704575 at 2020-06-22 09:04:17 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #12422: AOC For Senate, Someone Turn The Lights On Edition

The story of the Ramp is symbolic of the path we are on in our fight to drain the swamp.

A downward approach for landing.

The path is a slippery slope, POTUS is navigating carefully taking careful cautious steps.

He has no handrail and cannot slip up like the press has been waiting for.

Momentum is building every step and by the last portion of the path, the pace will exponentially increase.

*on another note, the focus on the Ramp also tingled some other almonds. A while ago there was a Q post that was worded oddly and at the time "Ramp" was the word that stuck out.

Think it was this post, only one that kind of fits what I was remembering.

(Q post 1641)

"Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads)."

This was the sentence with the grammar error (missing "up" after ramp) that stuck out.

I recalled this by noticing a super old page i had open regarding digs into a company called Liveramp, who's stock ticker is RAMP.

Not sure if I ended up digging into it, haven't found it if I did, but looking back into it I noticed something interesting that I don't believe I noticed the first time.

Liveramp was acquired by ACXIOM (The data devil)

"On May 14, 2014, Acxiom announced that it had acquired Liveramp, a data onboarding company, for $310 million.[20] Liveramp was founded in 2011 as a spinout of RapLeaf, a marketing data and software company founded in San Francisco, California in 2005 by Auren Hoffman and Manish Shah.[21][22]. Liveramp's services combined customers' CRM and loyalty program data with other available data sources, to better segment and target consumers. Acxiom kept the business operating under the Liveramp name.[23]"


The Hidden Value of Acxiom's Liveramp

Mar 21, 2015

Acxiom recently spent a hefty $310M to buy Liveramp, a company best known for its offline-to-online "data onboarding" service. But the real value of Liveramp is its ubiquitous ID syncing network. Liveramp has positioned itself as the switchboard of digital advertising - the router of marketing data across a hyper-fragmented ad tech ecosystem.

A Brief History of Liveramp

Back in 2010, Facebook got a pretty serious slap on the wrist after inadvertently sharing personally identifiable information with third party data companies. In particular, a company called RapLeaf found a way to scrape referring URLs to match a cookie ID to a specific Facebook profile. Using this match, RapLeaf could target ads based on consumers' Facebook profiles. Marketers loved it. Privacy advocates did not.

On the heels of that snafu, RapLeaf launched a secondary brand, Liveramp, which would eventually become the face of the company. The Liveramp service matched marketers' offline CRM files with online cookie pools, enabling brands like Ford to deliver ads to drivers whose F150 leases were about to end. To make this work, Liveramp built data transfer relationships with every major marketing platform - focusing initially on publishers and DSPs, and eventually expanding to a growing list of players in the data management, content marketing, and attribution spaces.

Liveramp's bet that data onboarding would be a valuable business proved to be correct, but the far bigger source of value would turn out to be a byproduct of the onboarding service - an ID syncing network that positions Liveramp at the center of the highly fragmented ad tech ecosystem.


ACXIOM biggest shareholder is BLACKROCK

Article excerpt

Hillary's Intelligence Mole BUSTED

Acxiom red alert

Hillary Clinton's Acxiom Corporation, allied with encryption key company ENTRUST, INC., has $ 18,252,108 federal information technology contracts with State Department, GSA and Veterans Affairs. Hillary's 19-year Rose Law Firm partner Jerry C. Jones runs both ACXIOM and ENTRUST. Bill's former chief of staff Thomas F. McLarty, III is a director. This gives Hillary almost total control over the dataflow of the Internet in America and abroad.



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dc64cd No.161973

File: b83cfa5602a49be⋯.png (292.47 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048156 (160720ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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>>>/qresearch/12047899 (lb) Call to Dig


Looks like the counting in GA stopped at 22:30

“No one denies that Fulton County election officials falsely announced that ballot counting would stop at 10:30 pm. No one denies that Fulton County’s elected officials illegally resumed ballot counting after our monitors left the center. ”

It comes after Georgia, a major battlefield state where Joe Biden defeated Mr Trump just under 0.3 percentage points, ordered a full recount and review of the vote.


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dc64cd No.161974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048160 (160721ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds / Choicepoint / Acxiom dig

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old digs

Here's another odd connection I just noticed.

Acxiom purchased Choicepoint

Choicepoint wiki directs to



"History Edit

A subsidiary of RELX (formerly Reed Elsevier), LexisNexis Risk Solutions first began as the Risk & Information Analytics Group (RIAG) within LexisNexis, a corporation offering legal database services. In 2000, Reed Elsevier acquired RiskWise and PeopleWise, which together became the basis of RIAG.[6] The creation of RIAG expanded LexisNexis offerings to include public records collections. In 2000, LexisNexis also launched HPCC Systems, its data-intensive computing system platform.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions moved into Collections after Reed Elsevier acquired the public records businesses of Dolan Media Company in 2003.[7] That same year, the LexisNexis Special Services Inc. (LNSSI) was founded to provide government agencies with global sources of data fusion technology and analytics. LNSSI also granted Reed Elsevier the ability to participate in classified U.S. government programs as a foreign-owned entity.

In 2004, Reed Elsevier purchased Seisint Inc., based in Boca Raton, Florida.[8] Seisint housed and operated the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX).

In September 2008, Reed Elsevier purchased data aggregator ChoicePoint. This acquisition included an insurance business and the C.L.U.E. database, an underwriting database for the U.S. auto insurance market. LexisNexis completed the migration of public records to HPCC Systems the same year. "

-note the line "In 2004, Reed Elsevier purchased Seisint Inc., based in Boca Raton, Florida.[8] Seisint housed and operated the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX)."-


(see some past digs I dropped)

>>5973 (pb)

>>5974 (pb)

>>5975 (pb)


NEW YORK, Nov. 3 /BSNewswire/ – Diebold, ChoicePoint and Sproul - in a new partnership between government and business involving unprecedented interagency cooperation between the RNC/PNAC, the Patent Office, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security - and funded in part by venture capital from Microsoft's capital-markets division - have announced plans to form a joint venture to leverage core software patents and other intellectual property for the purpose of maintaining America's strategic edge at providing "the best democracy money can buy."


HAVA also provides funding for computerized voter rolls, including programs for removal of “ineligible” voters. It is modeled on the vote scrubbing operation carried out by Database Technologies and its parent company, ChoicePoint, in the 2000 election under a multi-million dollar contract signed by then-Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Tens of thousands of mostly African American and Latino voters were improperly removed from the Florida voting rolls, key to George W. Bush’s theft of the election.



In September 2008, Reed Elsevier purchased data aggregator ChoicePoint. This acquisition included an insurance business and the C.L.U.E. database, an underwriting database for the U.S. auto insurance market. LexisNexis completed the migration of public records to HPCC Systems the same year.


In 2004, Reed Elsevier purchased Seisint Inc., based in Boca Raton, Florida.[8] Seisint housed and operated the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX).


Missing Children


LexisNexis Risk Solutions developed the ADAM (Automated Delivery of Alerts on Missing children) program in 2000 to help the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) find missing children.[16] ADAM distributes missing child alert posters to law enforcement, hospitals, libraries and businesses within specific geographic search areas. The system was expanded in 2017 to allow individuals to receive an email alert when a child is reported missing near to them.[17]

In 2017, a feature was added to ADAM to allow NCMEC to focus on a highway where a missing child and abductor may be travelling in order to distribute posters to recipients along the relevant corridor. Combining this filter along with the system’s radius search allows for broad, yet targeted, poster coverage. Functionality was added to ADAM to allow members of the public to sign up for missing child email alerts in their area. More than 1.8 million individuals, private enterprises, hospitals, schools, news outlets and law agencies have signed up to receive automated ADAM alerts.

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dc64cd No.161975

File: dc709d7c9d198a6⋯.png (585.79 KB,941x530,941:530,Clipboard.png)

File: a0abb0e0e500a66⋯.png (6.78 KB,928x93,928:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048161 (160722ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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arnon mishkin is the one who made the call at fox for AZ. He also donates to democrats and obama.

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dc64cd No.161976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048165 (160722ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds / Choicepoint / Acxiom dig

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Data giant Acxiom has acquired the Database Marketing Solutions division of ChoicePoint Precision Marketing, a subsidiary of ChoicePoint, for an undisclosed sum.

The acquisition adds seven clients from multiple industries, including banking, insurance and media to Acxiom's client base.

It also includes a team of about 75 associates based in the US, who deal with account management, technical, and analytic functions.

Annual revenues are estimated to be approximately $16m (£8.1m).


When the Democrats gained control of Congress in 2006, both Alltel and Acxiom joined in formation to unfurl their primary team colors.

Within the same week in '07, each was acquired by TPG/Newbridge Capital, co-chaired by US Senator Diane Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum.



Daniel Hopsicker, "Rogue State: The Cover Op That Ate The World", 2005/01/04 - alleges a connection to Adnan Khashoggi:


"Was Adnan Khashoggi a principal in a company which has been counting the votes of American servicemen overseas? Answer: highly likely. Both Election.com, and Triad, the election company cited for causing most of the problems in Ohio, should receive close scrutiny for evidence of Khashoggi involvement. While there has been no suggestion of it anywhere in the media, the name "Triad" was used extensively by Khashoggi at exactly the same time (the early 80's) and in exactly the same place (Palm Beach, Florida) as the "Triad Governmental Systems" involved in Ohio's current election "difficulties." Khashoggi owned a number of companies named "Triad." Khashoggi owned "Triad International Marketing." "Northrop, the Los Angeles-based aircraft and electronics manufacturer, owes Triad International Marketing, S.A., a Liechtenstein corporation controlled by Khashoggi, $31 million in commissions on sales to the Saudi air force," reported the L.A. Times on August 29, 1987. Khashoggi owned "Triad America." "Creditors claim they are owed more than $100 million by Triad America and its subsidiaries… in Salt Lake City. Leonard Gumport, the court-appointed examiner, also is recommending that Triad America seek repayment of the $189.2 million loaned to companies controlled by the Khashoggis," reported the Salt Lake Tribune. From the company's literature: "TRIAD Governmental Systems, Inc., is a nationally recognized corporation that is committed to providing quality, computer based systems for governmental voting units. Incorporated in 1982, TRIAD GSI was founded to provided quality support and services for Rapp Systems' Election products, with election experience that spans a quarter of a century." In 1982, Khashoggi owned Triad Farms in Kentucky. In "The Blue Grass Conspiracy" by Sally Denton, she revealed that the large drug smuggling operation called "The Company," headquarters were near Lexington, Kentucky, at Triad Farms, owned by Khashoggi. That's just about the same time (1983) that TRIAD Governmental Systems was founded…"; interesting that a flight attendant on his private planes was Theresa LePore, who introduced the butterfly ballot of which the Rapps sell replicas

Rapp Systems background

DU thread searching for a link between Triad and Datamaxx (cited page from the Rapp Systems website)


dug up the fact that Rapp Systems claimed to have developed software for NASA (also a client of Yang Enterprises) to monitor tiles on the Space Shuttle


choicepoint connection *search archives for choicepoint


ChoicePoint and other private companies increasingly occupy a special place in homeland security and crime-fighting efforts, in part because they can compile information and use it in ways government officials sometimes cannot because of privacy and information laws.

ChoicePoint renewed and expanded a contract with the Justice Department in the fall of 2001. Since then, the company and one of its leading competitors, LexisNexis Group, have also signed contracts with the Central Intelligence Agency to provide public records online, according to newly released documents.



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dc64cd No.161977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048169 (160723ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



It was 10:37 on the surveillance video when they told everyone to leave.

Arizona got called at 11:20 but I don't know what time zone that aligns with?

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dc64cd No.161978

File: 818a9befa607abc⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048176 (160725ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





| Nov 3, 2020

By Ben Brasch, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A broken water pipe at the ballot processing site at State Farm arena caused a delay in Fulton County’s ability to process thousands of absentee-by-mail votes Tuesday night.

Despite the broken pipe, which did not lead to any ballots being damaged, elections officials said they performed better than the disastrous June 9 primary, which made national headlines as voters waited hours in line to cast their ballots.

Still, the Tuesday’s delayed tallies for the presidential contest and for key congressional races with consequences that could ripple across the nation.

Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday evening that the pipe burst at 6:07 a.m. and was repaired within two hours. The burst pipe wasn’t mentioned by county officials during a 10 a.m. press conference.


Fulton election update: Delivery snafu, shorter lines, few tech problems

Elections officials were still expecting results from the majority of ballots cast to be counted Tuesday night — including the roughly 315,000 early in-person votes, which represent the most popular way of voting this cycle. As of 10:15 p.m., Fulton was displaying the results of more than 170,000 votes. There are 800,000 registered Fulton voters.



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dc64cd No.161979

File: 3d9792cd1519997⋯.png (14.29 KB,660x140,33:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048178 (160725ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


so that is right around the time Az was called then. this arnon guy at fox was positive that the call was right.



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dc64cd No.161980

File: b9cc9c78e579f7f⋯.jpg (268.01 KB,822x1437,274:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048202 (160728ZDEC20) Notable: Anon decode of Q Post 1543 - 'Morning Sun Brings Heat'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You know how news unlocks these things?


Morning sun -→ Solar Winds

Full moon -→ disclosure of breach

Undiscovered stars –→ Orion

Missions fwd -→ Save the republic

It seems totally obvious now.

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dc64cd No.161981

File: c930fcc3320f3b1⋯.png (3.69 MB,2464x1900,616:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048222 (160730ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Pope's connection to Globalism/Cabal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pope Francis >Cardinal Peter Turkson >Council for Inclusive Capitalism >Guardians >Rothschild >CEOs of Mastercard, Visa and Bank of America; the presidents of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation walk into a Bar…

News Round Up

Pope Francis becomes moral guide to inclusive capitalism

By accepting the Church's moral authority, big business is embracing religion to create a trusted economic system

Ben Joseph Updated: December 16, 2020 05:46 AM GMT


Pope Francis’s New World Order

The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.



Pope Joins Rothschilds and Mega-banks for “Inclusive Capitalism”

by Alex Newman December 13, 2020


A Pope in Bed With Monsters

12/14/2020 at 7:36 PM Posted by Kevin Edward White

By Steve Skojek, OnePeterFive, December 10, 2020


What in God’s name? Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism – with the help of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard

Robert Bridge @Robert_Bridge 11 Dec, 2020 16:46 / Updated 4 days ago


Pope joins with global companies to promote capitalism in line with UN’s pro-abortion goals

The new partnership aligns the Vatican with the UN, which supports 'universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services' such as contraception and abortion.

By Michael Haynes Thu Dec 10, 2020 - 7:26 pm EST


Pope Francis Wades into Institutional Investing, Calls for Changes in Capitalism

Posted on 12/10/2020


Pope Francis Partners With Corporate Titans To Make Capitalism More Inclusive And Fair: Is This For Real Or Just Corporate Virtue Signaling?

Jack Kelly Dec 9, 2020,10:59am EST|9,349 views



Posted by Georgina Caldwell | Dec 9, 2020


Business leaders, Vatican launch inclusive capitalism campaign

HAZEL BRADFORD December 08, 2020 01:14 PM


Pope Francis Partners with Global CEOs to Promote ‘Inclusive Capitalism’


The Pope Blesses Business Plans

A new initiative brings the Vatican and C.E.O.s together.

By Andrew Ross Sorkin, Jason Karaian, Michael J. de la Merced, Lauren Hirsch and Ephrat Livni Dec. 8, 2020


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dc64cd No.161982

File: 0242854fbdcfeac⋯.jpg (310.69 KB,1960x1024,245:128,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048228 (160731ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Pretty sure this is ground zero for the Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts pulling a burst pipe right out of his ass.

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dc64cd No.161983

File: 122742cb6f3b6f0⋯.png (141.68 KB,696x800,87:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048237 (160732ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


REALLY 200,000 votes to be counted and Biden 102K behind this is absolute BULL$HIT

Elsewhere, Georgia says there are 200,000 votes to be counted and they're all expected to be counted today. Michigan officials say they're 'on track' for results on Friday but could be sooner.

Biden is behind by 102K votes at the moment but the vast majority are in areas where Biden is getting 60-80% of the vote. Plus there are many mail-in ballots, which also skew Democrats. Biden would need to win about 77% of the remainder to take the state.


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dc64cd No.161984

File: 5ae1da3e061f73c⋯.png (2.76 MB,2452x1732,613:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048244 (160733ZDEC20) Notable: Here is Garland Favorito's media of Fulton Co vote counting CAPPED SLIDE shows when the LEAKY TOILET WAS REPORTED Nov 3 2020 at 6:07 am

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








Here is Garland Favorito's video and detailed slide breakdown of Fulton Co vote counting

>>158484, >>>/qresearch/11975122, >>>/qresearch/11975139, >>>/qresearch/11975149 Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!

>>158484, >>>/qresearch/11975122, >>>/qresearch/11975139, >>>/qresearch/11975149 Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!


Nov 3 2020 at 6:07 am

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dc64cd No.161985

File: b87bbb4eabb781e⋯.png (454.76 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 056012f7f929891⋯.png (540.96 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: ef345b6ca27803e⋯.png (490.91 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048251 (160734ZDEC20) Notable: AZ called for Biden

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That's what i got so far

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dc64cd No.161986

File: b8b5d51717f9eb5⋯.mp4 (15.63 MB,392x288,49:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048295 (160742ZDEC20) Notable: Garland Favorito's ENTIRE STATEMENT (mp4 video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Garland Favorito's ENTIRE STATEMENT - MP4

Goes with the slide show listed here:

>>158484, >>>/qresearch/11975122, >>>/qresearch/11975139, >>>/qresearch/11975149

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dc64cd No.161987

File: 3148e4a124c75eb⋯.png (724.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0484c7288d8b767⋯.png (969.21 KB,982x920,491:460,Clipboard.png)

File: 6421f761d019d5c⋯.png (347 KB,980x960,49:48,Clipboard.png)

File: cf6f60646384736⋯.png (202.93 KB,858x764,429:382,Clipboard.png)

File: a5e93e93f1fe0db⋯.png (663.46 KB,1198x962,599:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048297 (160743ZDEC20) Notable: FILE CIA > DISNEY CONNECTIONS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The CIA Spies Behind Disney World’s Secretive, Fake Cities


How the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida


Revealed: How the CIA helped Disney conquer Florida and

buy super-cheap land that is 'above the law'


Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops


Disney Employee Returning after working for CIA

After #WWII, Broughton returned to @Disney as an assistant to legend Ub Iwerks—co-creator of Mickey Mouse. #OSS75


CIA and Disney' magic kingdom club




Why the CIA got into the Animated film business



This Is How We Know The Shocking Facts About Spy Campaign 'TrapWire' Are True


The time the CIA took a terrorist to Disneyland


Blackwater worked for Disney


Popular Mechanics is a Clown Operation


Washington DC’s role behind the scenes in Hollywood goes deeper than you think


Disney link to FBI and Hoover


The forgotten British rivals to Disney whose cheery shorts

helped win the war

From Animal Farm to iconic adverts, Halas & Batchelor turned out animations on a shoestring

and changed the history of British film


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dc64cd No.161988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048301 (160743ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Regarding the fulton county info , got the post number, Gonna have some food, then see if i can put the time line togather, for anons, we are looking for the time of the call with sources or quotes from official and proof of call and responder, already identified 2 people left behind ruby and her daughter,

some pointers, don't stretch the info to wide, just the timeline of around 2 hours

kaapeesh !!


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dc64cd No.161989

File: 6a45361aa6ad727⋯.jpg (155.82 KB,828x1253,828:1253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048309 (160744ZDEC20) Notable: The Missing Link: SolarWinds ORION Software interfaces with SENTINEL, the FBI system developed and created by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister and her company Chiliad

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Missing Link: SolarWinds ORION Software interfaces with SENTINEL, the FBI system developed and created by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister and her company Chiliad



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dc64cd No.161990

File: 696f073dc065ae0⋯.png (679.82 KB,938x575,938:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 119a22f3e370220⋯.png (157.19 KB,465x600,31:40,Clipboard.png)

File: d560c021d20143d⋯.png (713.7 KB,1833x845,141:65,Clipboard.png)

File: b914609bc89f7b9⋯.png (41.26 KB,598x382,299:191,Clipboard.png)

File: d9cabb8f8ccb75b⋯.jpg (2.92 MB,1903x7727,1903:7727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048313 (160744ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Some ballots will not be counted until Wednesday in Georgia following water main break

Officials said no ballots were damaged as a result of the water main break. FULTON COUNTY, Ga. (WVLT) - Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said. According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m. Officials said no ballots were damaged as a result of the water main break.

The Secretary of State’s Office released the following statement:

"Tonight Fulton County will report results for approximately 86,000 absentee ballots, as well as Election Day and Early Voting results. These represent the vast majority of ballots cast within Fulton County. As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days. Absentee ballot processing requires that each ballots is opened, signatures verified, and ballots scanned. This is a labor intensive process that takes longer to tabulate than other forms of voting. Fulton County did not anticipate having all absentee ballots processed on Election Day. Fulton County is committed to ensuring that every vote is counted and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations."


Text Message:



WHEN GEORGIA HALTED COUNTING: Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS Reported on Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta, “Highly Exaggerated. Slow Leak. We Contained it Quickly.”



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dc64cd No.161991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048319 (160745ZDEC20) Notable: Garland Favorito's ENTIRE STATEMENT (mp4 video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Baker, please add this post:

>>161984, >>161986 Garland Favorito mp4 statement re Fulton Co vote counting - LEAKY TOILET WAS REPORTED Nov 3 2020 at 6:07 am

Changed the description to reflect the addition.

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dc64cd No.161992

File: 90be7c4d554dcaa⋯.png (4.08 MB,1590x1494,265:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048323 (160745ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Toilets don't fix themselves ANON and the poll workers damn sure did not.

There has to be a maintenance person to verify if that was even a real thing.

4D Lawfare

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dc64cd No.161993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048325 (160746ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The tweet about the pipe break from the Arena came at 9:19 pm ET. They stopped counting due to the pipe break at 10:37.

The sauce is in the notables already. I put in pics of the tweet & the link to the article.

You're not crazy, anon. We all watched it live. They are trying to lie now.

Help me dig if there was a receipt for the fix or a phone call or something

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dc64cd No.161994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048331 (160747ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m

goes along with Favorito's testimony that "leaky toilet" discovered at 6:07 am.


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dc64cd No.161995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048335 (160747ZDEC20) Notable: March 2020 Silver Lake makes $1B investment into Twitter; Twitter, Elliott call truce as Dorsey remains CEO / Silver Lake owns SolarWinds

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

March 2020

Silver Lake makes $1B investment into Twitter; Twitter, Elliott call truce as Dorsey remains CEO

Silver Lake owns SolarWinds

Silver Lake makes $1B investment into Twitter; Twitter, Elliott call truce as Dorsey remains CEO

March 10, 2020


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dc64cd No.161996

File: f7dfd74d74f23e8⋯.png (882.82 KB,1600x1036,400:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048343 (160750ZDEC20) Notable: Continuation of Government would sure make a lot of sauce for Barr's non-resignation, "resignation".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Continuation of Government would sure make a lot of sauce for Barr's non-resignation, "resignation".

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dc64cd No.161997

File: e4ffaf848562205⋯.png (1.64 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048355 (160752ZDEC20) Notable: Open records request finds no invoices, work orders reported on election day in Atlanta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




open records request finds no invoices, work

orders reported on election day in Atlanta

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dc64cd No.161998

File: be7cec3e5c839ca⋯.jpg (475.56 KB,2700x1024,675:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.161999

File: 1d51c9e4c6058f4⋯.png (480.94 KB,750x725,30:29,Clipboard.png)

File: c7c47c3df6dbafa⋯.jpg (76.17 KB,634x428,317:214,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb79a1dda13c383⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 80163d0c277fa2f⋯.jpg (81.45 KB,634x478,317:239,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048364 (160752ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden 'is planning his first solo art show' at Manhattan's ritzy Georges Bergès Gallery even as DOJ probes his taxes and foreign dealings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This fucktard gets to have a art show.


Hunter Biden 'is planning his first solo art show' at Manhattan's ritzy Georges Bergès Gallery


Hunter Biden 'is planning his first solo art show' at Manhattan's ritzy Georges Bergès Gallery even as DOJ probes his taxes and foreign dealings

Georges Bergès Gallery plans to host the solo exhibition next year, sources say

Hunter Biden has credited his art with keeping him 'sane' in tough times

His work consists of blown-ink abstractions on Japanese Yupo paper

He has experience as lawyer and investment advisor, but not professional artist

Justice Department is currently probing Hunter's taxes and foreign dealings

President-elect Joe Biden's son Hunter is planning his first solo art exhibit at Manhattan's upscale Georges Bergès Gallery, according to a new report.

Hunter Biden, 50, has no professional background as an artist, instead working most recently as a lawyer and investment advisor on a range of foreign deals that have drawn scrutiny from the Justice Department.

However, he is currently signing a deal to be represented by Georges Bergès Gallery in SoHo, with a solo exhibition planned for next year, sources told PageSix.

In February, Hunter Biden opened up about his passion for art in an interview with the New York Times, saying the creative endeavor was 'literally keeping me sane' following struggles with crack addiction, and in the midst of politically charged scrutiny over his foreign dealings.

The Times described it as 'psychedelic florals and ethereal patterns that look like nature viewed through a microscope, leaning toward the surreal.'

It is unclear what kind of price tag Hunter Biden, a previously 'unknown' artist, might expect to set on works at his gallery debut.

He has been working at a studio in the pool house of a Hollywood Hills mansion he and his wife, a South African filmmaker, lease for $12,000 a month, the Times reported.

It comes as the heat on his foreign deals increases, with President Donald Trump reportedly considering pushing for a special counsel to pursue an investigation after he leaves office in January.

Last week, the Justice Department's years-long investigation scrutinizing some of Hunter Biden's Chinese business dealings and other transactions was publicly confirmed for the first time.


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dc64cd No.162000

File: 19f8f193319b3e9⋯.png (21.7 KB,708x153,236:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048371 (160753ZDEC20) Notable: AZ called for Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


more info from slate of all places. They are saying it was 11.20 so that is 9:20 MT, so how long after the water break is that then?

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dc64cd No.162001

File: 2ec9ddee2d36b6d⋯.png (868.41 KB,2888x1960,361:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048376 (160754ZDEC20) Notable: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


Issued on: September 12, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

The report shall identify any material issues of fact with respect to these matters that the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are unable to evaluate or reach agreement on at the time the report is submitted. The report shall also include updates and recommendations, when appropriate, regarding remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government, other than the sanctions described in sections 2 and 3 of this order.

MORE AT LINK - https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

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dc64cd No.162002

File: 0b3aad4a4707819⋯.png (400.12 KB,550x523,550:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048390 (160756ZDEC20) Notable: AZ called for Biden

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closest i have found with a time stamp on it.

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dc64cd No.162003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048395 (160758ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden 'is planning his first solo art show' at Manhattan's ritzy Georges Bergès Gallery even as DOJ probes his taxes and foreign dealings

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Art is one of the best ways to launder money.

Anything can be art, and it's value is determined by whoever wants to put value on it.

There are artists selling what looks like childish scribbles for tens of millions.

You've seen Ellen Degeneres' art taste.

Kylie Jenner has similar taste.

The richest people in the country buy this ugly bullshit for millions.

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dc64cd No.162004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048397 (160758ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



–The water maine break was announced at 9:19 pm ET. ( really happened at 6something am ET) no invoices or calls to get it fixed

–Arizona got called by fox at 11:20 pm ET

–Counting stopped at the GA Arena at 10:37 pm ET

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dc64cd No.162005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048431 (160804ZDEC20) Notable: AZ called for Biden

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11:20PM EST Fox news called AZ for Biden with 900k votes still out.

This was the trigger to GA's "burst pipe" and other states nonsense excuses for stopping the count.


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dc64cd No.162006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048437 (160805ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

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ok so the water main break was a cover, then they had to create a cover, ie breaking the toilet. Supposition i realize but still. SO "watermain" breaks, the polls have just closed in AZ around that time it was reported. Counting was stopped at the time you said. Then less than an hour later the guy at fox makes the call to say that on the air. It was around that time other places started saying they were going to stop counting also if i recall

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dc64cd No.162007

File: 3ed690cac0688d5⋯.png (575.69 KB,659x866,659:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048446 (160807ZDEC20) Notable: Open records request finds no invoices, work orders reported on election day in Atlanta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta — Here’s What We Found…

By Joe Hoft

Published November 11, 2020 at 9:26am

What really happened in Georgia when the water main reportedly broke causing a delay the election counting in the state?

On election night in Georgia President Trump was running away with the Presidential election, then suddenly it was reported that vote counting had stopped in Fulton County due to a water main break in Atlanta.

According to CBS WVLT8 ballots in Georgia would not be counted due to a water main break:

TRENDING: PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger "Will Soon be Going to Jail"

Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.

According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m.

WVLT8 also released a statement from the Secretary of State related to the incident:

Tnight Fulton County will report results for approximately 86,000 absentee ballots, as well as Election Day and Early Voting results. These represent the vast majority of ballots cast within Fulton County.

(States like Florida count these ballots before the election and provide up to date results which enables them to provide final results on election night. Any state that doesn’t count ballots before the election when received so winners can be announced on election night appears to place ulterior motives ahead of transparency and timeliness.)

One Georgia resident, attorney Paul J. Dzikowski, attempted to obtain more information on the reported water main break in Atlanta. He sent a letter to and requested any information related to the water main break under the Georgia Open Records Act. This is what he wrote in his request:

Please accept this correspondence (and the attached letter) as a request for production and inspection of records under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70, et seq. (the “Act”). Please produce, for inspection and copying, the following records:

• ALL “Public records” related to the burst pipe at State Farm Arena that occurred on or about November 3, 2020, which impacted the counting of ballots by Fulton County authorities, including and not limited to internal and external communications with any person(s), communications with Fulton Co. Board of Registrations and Elections, memoranda, notes, work orders, requisitions, invoices, repair records, and all other public records.

This request is intended to be as comprehensive as possible and should be interpreted as broadly as the law allows, in accordance with the Act, and shall encompass records in paper form and any electronic and digital format. I look forward to your prompt response as soon as the records are available for inspection and copying but in no event more than three (3) business days following your receipt of this request, as required by the Act.

In response the only public records generated as a result of the alleged “burst pipe” that halted the counting of ballots in Atlanta (Fulton Co.) were a few text messages. These messages were with the Sr. Vice President of the Atlanta Hawks, Geoffrey Stiles, who called it a “slow leak” that was “contained quickly,” and he said the entire thing was “highly exaggerated.”

No repair orders or work orders or invoices from a plumber associated with this “burst pipe” were provided. Nothing.

Dzikowski also filed a similar request with the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections which resulted in no records being located per their response.

What really happened on election night in Atlanta and what was the real reason they stopped counting tens of thousands of absentee votes until the next day?


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dc64cd No.162008

File: d3bdface601d21f⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048459 (160809ZDEC20) Notable: AZ called for Biden

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dc64cd No.162009

File: 5c95149c8b1f701⋯.png (782.37 KB,724x2375,724:2375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048502 (160817ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds Was Warned Last Year Its Server Could Be Accessed With Password ‘Solarwinds123’

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SolarWinds Was Warned Last Year Its Server Could Be Accessed With Password ‘Solarwinds123’

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dc64cd No.162010

File: bcd8c493f93215c⋯.jpg (141.15 KB,1009x1623,1009:1623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048537 (160824ZDEC20) Notable: As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult

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dc64cd No.162011

File: ef5662046c20152⋯.jpg (21.24 KB,360x216,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048582 (160832ZDEC20) Notable: 2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

BY THE EPOCH TIMES December 14, 2020 Updated: December 14, 2020


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dc64cd No.162012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048583 (160832ZDEC20) Notable: As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult

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As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult, a movement that has destroyed families and led to real-world violence, including murder.

But in the last month, Watkins has sought to step out of the shadow of QAnon and forge his own identity as a star witness willing to say whatever it takes to win the approval of Trumpworld.

On Election Day last month, Q, the anonymous persona behind the QAnon cult, posted a generic update including a quote from Abraham Lincoln and a short message: “Together we win.”

On the same day, Watkins announced that he was stepping down as administrator of 8kun, the fringe message board when Q posts their updates.

When asked why he was stepping down, Watkins at the time told VICE News that he “fell in love with woodworking and plan on focusing all my efforts into mastering it. Also want to finish a book I’m writing about constitutional law.”

And while Watkins has made some references to woodworking in his public tweets since the election, the vast majority of his posts show him positioning himself as something of a conspiracy whisperer to the growing ranks of right-wing figures and groups that have aligned themselves with Trump and his outlandish and baseless claims of election fraud.

Watkins, who now lives in Japan, has tweeted incessantly during the last six weeks, jumping from one conspiracy theory to the next.

His most influential campaign has been his attempts to smear Dominion Voting Systems. Earlier this month, Watkins posted a video of a Dominion employee using one of the company’s voting machines, falsely claiming the employee was manipulating results. As a result, the 20-year-old employee received death threats and someone hung a noose outside his house.

But such incidents didn’t stop Watkins from becoming a star in the alternate universe that sprouted up to support Trump’s wild allegations of widespread vote-rigging.

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dc64cd No.162013

File: 3d1478daa7b16e7⋯.png (48.44 KB,624x401,624:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048630 (160839ZDEC20) Notable: China Mitch - McConnell has family ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm (Wife Secretary of Transportation?)

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Get the Chaos (double meaning intended) out of America!

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dc64cd No.162014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048649 (160842ZDEC20) Notable: #15381

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12047878 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12047862 Global Announcements

>>>/qresearch/12047863 Bread 15380

>>>/qresearch/12047869 Bread 15379

>>>/qresearch/12047870 Bread 15378 / earlier

>>>/qresearch/12047875 Digital Warfare / World Breads

>>>/qresearch/12047876 Important anon links (resignations, q proofs, archives, etc…)

#15381 FINAL Notables

>>161953 , >>161964 Sidney Powell call for help. Dig.- Did a 'water pipe' break to stop counting? (This was widely reported in MSM, could be a hook to wake people up anons)

>>161954 POTUS & Q team - EO AF1 Lincoln = It lines up as a message to Anons. What former President used the military to save the republic?

>>161955 Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Senate Hearing on Election ‘Irregularities’ Wednesday, Dec 16, 10am EST

>>161956 Pompeo lambastes Russia for sowing 'chaos, conflict, and division' in Mediterranean

>>161957 , >>161958 , >>161959 . >>161960 , >>161962 , >>161969 Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

>>161963 , >>161965 , >>161966 , >>161967 , >>161968 , >>161973 Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

>>161975 , >>161977 , >>161978 , >>161979 , >>161982 , >>161983 Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

>>161988 , >>161994 , >>161993 , >>161992 , >>161990 , >>161998 Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

>>162004 , >>162006 Dig on Fulton County 'water pipe break' that stopped counting

>>162000 , >>161985 , >>162002 , >>162005 , >>162008 AZ called for Biden

>>161984 Here is Garland Favorito's media of Fulton Co vote counting CAPPED SLIDE shows when the LEAKY TOILET WAS REPORTED Nov 3 2020 at 6:07 am

>>161986 , >>161991 Garland Favorito's ENTIRE STATEMENT (mp4 video)

>>161961 Dominion Voting Training Videos show instructions on how Adjudicators can pre-determine results

>>161970 Dig on Dominion (Biden's Brother in Law)

>>161971 , >>161972 , >>161974 , >>161976 SolarWinds / Choicepoint / Acxiom dig

>>161980 Anon decode of Q Post 1543 - 'Morning Sun Brings Heat'

>>161981 Dig on Pope's connection to Globalism/Cabal


>>161952 Joe Sullivan was the Chief Technology Officer at Uber when they had a HUGE DATA BREECH!

>>161995 March 2020 Silver Lake makes $1B investment into Twitter; Twitter, Elliott call truce as Dorsey remains CEO / Silver Lake owns SolarWinds

>>161989 The Missing Link: SolarWinds ORION Software interfaces with SENTINEL, the FBI system developed and created by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister and her company Chiliad

>>161996 Continuation of Government would sure make a lot of sauce for Barr's non-resignation, "resignation".

>>161997 , >>162007 Open records request finds no invoices, work orders reported on election day in Atlanta

>>161999 , >>162003 Hunter Biden 'is planning his first solo art show' at Manhattan's ritzy Georges Bergès Gallery even as DOJ probes his taxes and foreign dealings

>>162001 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>162009 SolarWinds Was Warned Last Year Its Server Could Be Accessed With Password ‘Solarwinds123’

>>162011 2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

>>162012 , >>162010 As the administrator of 8kun — previously known as 8chan — Watkins is seen by many experts as being instrumental in the perpetuation of the QAnon cult

>>162013 China Mitch - McConnell has family ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm (Wife Secretary of Transportation?)


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dc64cd No.162015

File: b616bbe971b567f⋯.png (251.1 KB,754x571,754:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048771 (160908ZDEC20) Notable: Where is Gina Haspel? The questions / rumors continue

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>doesn't make sense

Where's vaGina?

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dc64cd No.162016

File: b766cb45789754c⋯.jpg (162.94 KB,752x570,376:285,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048789 (160913ZDEC20) Notable: Where is Gina Haspel? The questions / rumors continue

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gina Haspel is in GITMO.

JUAN O Savin, Ann and Charlie Ward

50,392 views•Dec 9, 2020


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dc64cd No.162017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048794 (160914ZDEC20) Notable: Where is Gina Haspel? The questions / rumors continue

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why hasn't anyone in the echelons, white hats & black hats or the msm even broached this? It's been known for weeks now.

We need some memes of her in a Wheres Waldo.


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dc64cd No.162018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048804 (160917ZDEC20) Notable: Where is Gina Haspel? The questions / rumors continue

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She was captured in Germany

Taken to GITMO

Sidney Powell went there for 2 hours after her arrival…

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dc64cd No.162019

File: 356c8eed26961d8⋯.png (33.67 KB,596x340,149:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048832 (160920ZDEC20) Notable: After thousands of lives lost, American Medical Association now rescinds hydroxychloroquine prevention order

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George Revere Trade mark sign


After thousands of lives lost, American Medical Association now rescinds hydroxychloroquine prevention order


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dc64cd No.162020

File: 425594e678217c4⋯.jpg (100.58 KB,894x846,149:141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 293e9ef1577b0fd⋯.jpg (65.37 KB,1125x605,225:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048852 (160924ZDEC20) Notable: In one previously unreported issue, multiple criminals have offered to sell access to SolarWinds’ computers through underground forums, according to two researchers who separately had access to those forums.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In one previously unreported issue, multiple criminals have offered to sell access to SolarWinds’ computers through underground forums, according to two researchers who separately had access to those forums.

"One of those offering claimed access over the Exploit forum in 2017 was known as “fxmsp” and is wanted by the FBI “for involvement in several high-profile incidents,” said @markarenaau, chief executive of cybercrime intelligence firm @Intel471Inc."

- Chris Bing - @Reuters cyber reporter. Covers nation state hacking.

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dc64cd No.162021

File: fcead1a7f872aac⋯.png (50.61 KB,662x387,662:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048865 (160926ZDEC20) Notable: MAGA turns on Mitch: Trump says 'people are angry' after allies including Michael Flynn slammed the GOP Senate majority leader for 'caving to the mob and China' by recognizing Biden as president-elect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAGA turns on Mitch: Trump says 'people are angry' after allies including Michael Flynn slammed the GOP Senate majority leader for 'caving to the mob and China' by recognizing Biden as president-elect


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dc64cd No.162022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048871 (160929ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Vinyard

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Dig on Vinyard


"Backpage.com does include listings for the Cape and Islands, where ads read, “Before and After work stress relief” and “New In Town [followed by a group of emoticons] Let Me Please You.” One ad under the “Dating” heading mentions Vineyard house calls."

also mentions Section 230 back in 2017

"The mothers of the girls found on backpage.com go on to seek justice for their children through the court system, attempting to hold the website accountable. A slew of lawyers and top politicians like Republican Sen. John McCain and Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, work to force backpage.com chief executive Carl Ferrer and the two men who founded the company in 2004, Michael Lacey and James Larkin, to take down the ads that could lead to sex trafficking. The owners of the website have won court cases again and again, citing section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that says in part, “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."

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dc64cd No.162023

File: 4fea5bc74ef41b5⋯.png (1.12 MB,964x1408,241:352,Clipboard.png)

File: a02712a6fc6770c⋯.png (313.23 KB,1340x730,134:73,Clipboard.png)

File: bdd49dc7be482ed⋯.png (381.02 KB,870x1884,145:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bba3c86d54eb28⋯.png (1.08 MB,1404x1080,13:10,Clipboard.png)


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composing post….


The cue for the counting to stop seems too have been the lie out of #Georgia about the “water pipe break.”

Can our #DigitalSoldiers double check that for me?

Thank you #Patriots



1) THE OFFICIAL VERSION - Pipe burst at 6.07am Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020 by Chairman Robb Pitts (Atlantic Journal)

https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/fulton-election-results-delayed-after-pipe-bursts-in-room-with-ballots/4T3KPQV7PBEX3JVAIGJBNBSVJY/ ←The Atlantic Journal Articule


2) It was 10:37 on the surveillance video when they told everyone to leave.

3) At 11.41 am on Tues 3rd Trump was leading 2,385,255 to 2,283,418 = 101,837 trump lead (see image ).


4) Looks like the counting in GA stopped at 22:30

No one denies that Fulton County’s elected officials illegally resumed ballot counting after our monitors left the centre. ”


5) Fox news called AZ for Biden at 11:20 pm ET before the spike ?

6) The Votes Spiked for Biden at 1.19am to 1.36am on Wed 4th Nov 2020 (see image )

Biden had a dump of 225,196 votes and trump 99,036 - so if the numbers are added to the above this give Biden a bump of 126,160 above trump votes.

changing the game all together.

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dc64cd No.162024

File: 15af1a19f699ae4⋯.jpg (111.41 KB,733x600,733:600,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12048996 (160953ZDEC20) Notable: Luciferin used in the vaccine and other patents made by Moderna it comes from fire flies and other bugs/fungi.. and its dissolved with 66.6ml of distilled phosphate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luciferin used in the vaccine and other patents made by Moderna it comes from fire flies and other bugs/fungi.. and its dissolved with 66.6ml of distilled phosphate

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20120251618A1/en ( just search 'find' 66.6ml)

"Information for Using Luciferin in Bioluminescent Imaging April 7, 2010"

"D-luciferin or beetle luciferin are used for standard bioluminescent imaging"

"The most common suppliers

of luciferin are Caliper and Promega" (possible dig?)



Would this be the how they know who has the vaccine and who doesnt?? a new ID

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dc64cd No.162025

File: b263096f4ee5673⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,863x414,863:414,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 17f5d079209922e⋯.pdf (11.68 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049007 (160955ZDEC20) Notable: The entire CCP list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ok Anon’s we’ve made it!!!!

The entire CCP list is finally translated!!

This last dump will have 3 parts.

CCP translation dump 10

part 1: 1699514-1794527 (second and third parts in replys)

Previous Dumps

Dump 1 >>>/qresearch/12023479 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12023495 [pb]

Dump 2 >>160760 [pb] >>160761 [pb]

Dump 3 >>>/qresearch/12025287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12025293 [pb]

Dump 4 >>>/qresearch/12028287 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12028295 [pb]

Dump 5 >>161057 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12030436 [pb]

Dump 6 >>161138 [pb] >>161141 [pb]

Dump 7 >>161237 [pb] >>161238 [pb]

Dump 8 >>161528 [pb] >>161529 [pb]

Dump 9 >>161643 [pb] >>>/qresearch/12043575 [pb]

It’s been a Long few days of continuous grinding on this translation and Anon would like to thank all those who

Below will be a link to a mega.nz folder with all the data in multiple formats, segmented into multiple sizes, a fully joined & compressed translated file using LZMA, a compressed source file, and a README.txt file with more info on the archives.

The segment folders’ archives will be compressed and added to the mega folder tomorrow (anon is exhausted) and another post similar to this will be put in the bread for the Dayshift


For anons concerned about data integrity here are MD5 Checksums for all the compressed archives.

translated-ccp-v1.csv.xz MD5: 007a9ba74c9d9626a95d0636bd92ddf7

source-shanghai-ccp-member.csv.xz MD5: c65ec6a783916516280461b019be2356

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dc64cd No.162026

File: 844345ba8e6efac⋯.pdf (10.55 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049010 (160955ZDEC20) Notable: The entire CCP list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


part 2: 1794528-1889559

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162027

File: 735af5b3d0d765f⋯.pdf (8.56 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049012 (160955ZDEC20) Notable: The entire CCP list

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part 3: 1889560-1957239

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dc64cd No.162028

File: 563b00d49e895ec⋯.jpg (39.01 KB,587x614,587:614,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049014 (160956ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Tweet Anon Decode

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Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 06cd81 No.985368 📁

Apr 10 2018 14:16:11 (EST)



Testify then drop.

We have it all.

These people are stupid.


POTUS’ weekly address.



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dc64cd No.162029

File: b28fec9e5beef79⋯.png (187.31 KB,588x463,588:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049053 (161003ZDEC20) Notable: FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

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FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049087 (161009ZDEC20) Notable: CM: ...If the hack is linked to a nation-state, could possibly be seen as an act of war.

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We dont yet know the full extent of the SolarWinds hack, but from the rumblings and rumors it seems the hackers were very ambitious and possibly compromised many US government systems.

If the hack is linked to a nation-state, could possibly be seen as an act of war.

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dc64cd No.162031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049119 (161013ZDEC20) Notable: CM: ...If the hack is linked to a nation-state, could possibly be seen as an act of war.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162032

File: d05530b4ab806c7⋯.png (316.27 KB,620x465,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049157 (161018ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Call to Dig - WHAT WE DON'T KNOW YET

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1) Who called to come and fix the leak, name of person in charge of maintenance for the building?

A) Don't Know, No leak, just a over flowing toilet is the official story.

2) do we know the name of the contractor company for maintenance?

A) Don't know, To be determined - no record

3) Can the call be traced and who called to get the maintenance done?

A) Don't know,No log of call as of yet, still to be determined name of person who called plumber?

4) Exact time of call made?

A) Don't know, record of Call or time it was made?

5) Name of respondent who was called to fix the leak.

A) Don't know, Called or respondents name or I.D to verify visit?

6) If the respondent turned up, what time did turn up to fix the leak, what vehicle was he driving.

A) Don't know, to be determined

7) Proof of company called name and contact details

A) Don't Know, to be determined

8) Invoice of payment for call out or work done?

A) Don't Know, to be determined

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dc64cd No.162033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049161 (161019ZDEC20) Notable: DNI Radcliff at Army-Navy Football game with Trump?

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Trump will be re-elected: Friday is December 18, the 45th day after the election, when the director of national intelligence will declare the election null and void. He just happened to be with Trump at the Army-Navy football game recently (hmm). It will be based on the "executive order" Trump made in 2018, stating that if the director of national intelligence determines there was foreign interference in the election, they can declare the election result nullified. Then governors then vote in January, one vote per state, with more republicans than democrats voting.


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dc64cd No.162034

File: 3074468cab80301⋯.png (27.76 KB,584x297,584:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049277 (161038ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn: Binnall to testify before Senate on Irregularities in 2020 election

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dc64cd No.162035

File: 98aedb93c1ba15e⋯.jpeg (366.93 KB,1331x1324,1331:1324,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049344 (161052ZDEC20) Notable: The Occult Symbolism of the Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene

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The Occult Symbolism of the Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene


The Vatican’s 2020 Nativity scene is a bizarre collection of ugly pieces that include an astronaut and an executioner wearing a horned mask. Furthermore, the entire thing is replete with occult symbolism. Here’s a look at this puzzling display.

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dc64cd No.162036

File: 61862f302baed19⋯.pdf (774.33 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049354 (161054ZDEC20) Notable: Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election: An Exercise in Election Risk Assessment and Management - Edward B. Foley

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This Foley dude called it in 2019

Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election: An Exercise in Election Risk Assessment and Management

Edward B. Foley*

This Article considers the possibility that a major dispute over the outcome of the 2020 presidential election could arise, even without foreign interference or some other extraordinary event, but rather just from the ordinary process of counting ballots. Building upon previous research on the “blue shift” phenomenon, whereby adjustments in vote tallies during the canvassing of returns tends to advantage Democratic candidates, it is easy to imagine a dispute arising if this kind of “blue shift” were consequential in the presidential race. Using examples from both Pennsylvania and Arizona, two states susceptible to significant “blue shifts” in previous elections, the article shows how the dispute could reach Congress, where it potentially might metastasize into a full-fledged constitutional crisis. The most frightening scenario is where the dispute remains unresolved on January 20, 2021, the date for the inauguration of the new presidential term, and the military is uncertain as to who is entitled to receive the nuclear codes as commander-in-chief. In order to avoid this risk, Congress should amend the relevant statute, 3 U.S.C. § 15.

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dc64cd No.162037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12049400 (161103ZDEC20) Notable: #15382

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>>>/qresearch/12048679 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>162015 , >>162016 , >>162017 , >>162018 Where is Gina Haspel? The questions / rumors continue

>>162019 After thousands of lives lost, American Medical Association now rescinds hydroxychloroquine prevention order

>>162020 In one previously unreported issue, multiple criminals have offered to sell access to SolarWinds’ computers through underground forums, according to two researchers who separately had access to those forums.

>>162021 MAGA turns on Mitch: Trump says 'people are angry' after allies including Michael Flynn slammed the GOP Senate majority leader for 'caving to the mob and China' by recognizing Biden as president-elect

>>162022 Dig on Vinyard


>>162024 Luciferin used in the vaccine and other patents made by Moderna it comes from fire flies and other bugs/fungi.. and its dissolved with 66.6ml of distilled phosphate

>>162025 , >>162026 , >>162027 The entire CCP list is finally translated!!

>>162028 Scavino Tweet Anon Decode

>>162029 FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

>>162030 , >>162031 CM: …If the hack is linked to a nation-state, could possibly be seen as an act of war.

>>162032 Sidney Powell Call to Dig - WHAT WE DON'T KNOW YET

>>162033 DNI Radcliff at Army-Navy Football game with Trump?

>>162034 Flynn: Binnall to testify before Senate on Irregularities in 2020 election

>>162035 The Occult Symbolism of the Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene

>>162036 Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election: An Exercise in Election Risk Assessment and Management - Edward B. Foley

save 'em for the next one fags!

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dc64cd No.162038

File: 977fd04ecfb3b05⋯.png (115.42 KB,2042x572,1021:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050318 (161339ZDEC20) Notable: what-happens-when-a-state-cant-decide-on-its-elector

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Interdasting… found this article from OCTOBER basically insinuating that the REPUBLICANS would cheat in the election, and the DEMS would be the ones intimidated into not voting, and would have to contest the electors.


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dc64cd No.162039

File: 0cf808f335c1b2e⋯.jpg (364.73 KB,1430x1410,143:141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c95975fb901df52⋯.jpg (385.6 KB,1434x1564,717:782,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050319 (161339ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Tweet WRONG link to Donna Brazile

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WRONG link to Donna Brazile

Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired @donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials. @FoxNews is dead. Really Sad!


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dc64cd No.162040

File: 85b3a0064ae330d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1065x1999,1065:1999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050320 (161340ZDEC20) Notable: Amistad project to release additional information about those behind election fraud…

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eyes on… Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

share/spread: noon today

Phillip Kline@PhillDKline

We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system.


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dc64cd No.162041

File: b9c653cda440d1d⋯.png (130.95 KB,1190x682,595:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050329 (161341ZDEC20) Notable: CM - We are about to witness Trump end the globalist siege.

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CM tweet

We are about to witness Trump end the globalist siege.

With his back to the wall and years of preparation for this one moment in time, he will go for broke, proverbial bayonet in hand, not unloading until he sees the whites in their eyes.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162042

File: 63ddacb9113c165⋯.mp4 (142.02 KB,416x224,13:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050330 (161341ZDEC20) Notable: The television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video.

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Another notable from late LB

The television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video.


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dc64cd No.162043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050400 (161347ZDEC20) Notable: Anons put pressure on GA lawmakers

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We the people hereby demand the following:

With respect to the 2020 election you 1) hold a special session to certify Trump electors in the 2020 elections; 2) conduct a signature audit of the 2020 election; 3) conduct a forensic audit of dominion machines used in Georgia's 2020 election.

With respect to the 2021 run-off election you 1) require signature verifications in accordance with State statutes that cannot be overruled by governor mandate; 2) nullify the illegal consent decree that violates the separation of powers; 3) prevent the use of dominion machines.

Without these actions, we will not vote for republicans ever again or support your primary opponent. You are carelessly disregarding clearly established constitutional rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by allowing election fraud to be certified in a federal election.

Georgia Senate Republicans

john.albers@senate.ga.gov, john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov, ben.watson@senate.ga.gov, larry.walker@senate.ga.gov, renee.unterman@senate.ga.gov, lindsey.tippins@senate.ga.gov, blake.tillery@senate.ga.gov, bruce.thompson@senate.ga.gov, brian.strickland@senate.ga.gov, emily.doppel@senate.ga.gov, jesse.stone@senate.ga.gov, randy.robertson@senate.ga.gov, chuck.payne@senate.ga.gov, jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov, butch.miller@senate.ga.gov, p.k.martin@senate.ga.gov, william.ligon@senate.ga.gov, kay.kirkpatrick@senate.ga.gov, greg.kirk@senate.ga.gov, john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov, burt.jones@senate.ga.gov, chuck.hufstetler@senate.ga.gov, jack.hill@senate.ga.gov, billy.hickman@senate.ga.gov, billheath@billheath.net, tyler.harper@senate.ga.gov, marty.harbin@senate.ga.gov, steve.gooch@senate.ga.gov, frank.ginn@senate.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, greg.dolezal@senate.ga.gov, bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov, dean.burke@senate.ga.gov, matt.brass@senate.ga.gov, ellis.black@senate.ga.gov, brandon.beach@senate.ga.gov, lee.anderson@senate.ga.gov

Georgia House Republicans

david.ralston@house.ga.gov, jan.jones@house.ga.gov, jon.burns@house.ga.gov, Matt.Hatchett@house.ga.gov, micah.gravley@house.ga.gov, bruce.williamson@house.ga.gov, mandi.ballinger@house.ga.gov, matt.barton@house.ga.gov, timothy.barr@house.ga.gov, dave.belton@house.ga.gov, tommy.benton@house.ga.gov, shaw.blackmon@house.ga.gov, josh.bonner@house.ga.gov, james.burchett@house.ga.gov, michael.caldwell@house.ga.gov, joe.campbell@house.ga.gov, wes.cantrell@house.ga.gov, kasey.carpenter@house.ga.gov, john.carson@house.ga.gov, mike.cheokas@house.ga.gov, david.clark@house.ga.gov, heath.clark@house.ga.gov, j.collins@house.ga.gov, kevin.cooke@house.ga.gov, sharon.cooper@house.ga.gov, john.corbett@house.ga.gov, robert.dickey@house.ga.gov, ginny.ehrhart@house.ga.gov, terry.england@house.ga.gov, chris.erwin@house.ga.gov, barry.fleming@house.ga.gov, houston.gaines@house.ga.gov, matthew.gambill@house.ga.gov, sheri.gilligan@house.ga.gov, gerald.greene@house.ga.gov, joseph.gullett@house.ga.gov, matt.gurtler@house.ga.gov, brett.harrell@house.ga.gov, lee.hawkins@house.ga.gov, dewayne.hill@house.ga.gov, bill.hitchens@house.ga.gov, don.hogan@house.ga.gov, penny.houston@house.ga.gov, jan.jones@house.ga.gov, jeff.jones@house.ga.gov, todd.jones@house.ga.gov, tom.kirby@house.ga.gov, trey.kelley@house.ga.gov, david.knight@house.ga.gov, john.lahood@house.ga.gov, dominic.lariccia@house.ga.gov, eddie.lumsden@house.ga.gov, matt.dubnik@house.ga.gov, emory.dunahoo@house.ga.gov, chuck.efstration@house.ga.gov, matt.dollar@house.ga.gov, chuck.martin@house.ga.gov, danny.mathis@house.ga.gov, steven.meeks@house.ga.gov, martin.momtahan@house.ga.gov, colton.moore@house.ga.gov, greg.morris@house.ga.gov, marc.morris@house.ga.gov, mark.newton@house.ga.gov, randy.nix@house.ga.gov, butch.parrish@house.ga.gov, don.parsons@house.ga.gov, jesse.petrea@house.ga.gov, clay.pirkle@house.ga.gov, alan.powell@house.ga.gov, jimmy.pruett@house.ga.gov, ken.pullin@house.ga.gov, david.ralston@house.ga.gov, bert.reeves@house.ga.gov, trey.rhodes@house.ga.gov, bonnie.rich@house.ga.gov, jason.ridley@house.ga.gov, terry.rogers@house.ga.gov, dale.rutledge@house.ga.gov, steven.sainz@house.ga.gov, mitchell.scoggins@house.ga.gov, ed.setzler@house.ga.gov, deborah.silcox@house.ga.gov, philip.singleton@house.ga.gov, lynn.smith@house.ga.gov, richard.smith@house.ga.gov, vance.smith@house.ga.gov, ron.stephens@house.ga.gov, jan.tankersley@house.ga.gov, kevin.tanner@house.ga.gov, steve.tarvin@house.ga.gov, Shakirah.nash@house.ga.gov, dale.washburn@house.ga.gov, sam.watson@house.ga.gov, andrew.welch@house.ga.gov, bill.werkheiser@house.ga.gov, marcus.wiedower@house.ga.gov, noel.williams@house.ga.gov, rick.williams@house.ga.gov, bill.yearta@house.ga.gov

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dc64cd No.162044

File: 0f23f60f8c65aa9⋯.png (15.84 KB,783x189,29:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050637 (161411ZDEC20) Notable: Another hit piece on "QANON"

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Another hit piece on "QANON"

same garbage as usual, using Q as a strawman and cherry picking twitter posts for shock value.

normie-tier bait but still NOTABLE.

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dc64cd No.162045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050696 (161418ZDEC20) Notable: Baker chimes in Notable Posting

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2018 was the last time we had a decent variety of Bakers.

I suffered a similar fate as you.

I got run out of the kitchen by Anon reeeeeeees because I wouldn't Notable everything under the sun.

MSM copypastas with just a link and headline cap suck - people really should digg into the article and find the main sourcing to it and include it.

Too revolutionary of a concept.

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dc64cd No.162046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051000 (161446ZDEC20) Notable: Can someone explain why Trump promotes Vaccine.. (Explained)

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>Can someone explain why Trump promotes Vaccine..

We can assume that the original vaccines that big pharma created by Pfizer and Moderna were corrupted and I see it is being promoted TO the enemy.

Is this the destruction of big pharma in action?

However, I doubt what will be offered to the general public is that same vaccine.

A placebo?

Or something much more "magical"?

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dc64cd No.162047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051035 (161449ZDEC20) Notable: Decode time guise

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Decode time guise

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews

is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired@donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials.


is dead. Really Sad!

8:21 AM · Dec 16, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets




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dc64cd No.162048

File: 85b3a0064ae330d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1065x1999,1065:1999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050300 (161338ZDEC20) Notable: Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

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eyes on Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

share/spread: noon today

Phillip Kline@PhillDKline

We’re hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162049

File: 0cf808f335c1b2e⋯.jpg (364.73 KB,1430x1410,143:141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c95975fb901df52⋯.jpg (385.6 KB,1434x1564,717:782,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050306 (161339ZDEC20) Notable: NEW DJT

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WRONG link to Donna Brazile

Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired @donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials. @FoxNews is dead. Really Sad!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162050

File: b31f917446687fc⋯.png (29.32 KB,955x244,955:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050353 (161343ZDEC20) Notable: How QAnon's lies are hijacking the national conversation

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How QAnon's lies are hijacking the national conversation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162051

File: fb5527575a48df6⋯.png (35.16 KB,595x318,595:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050367 (161345ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweets

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We are about to witness Trump end the globalist siege.

With his back to the wall and years of preparation for this one moment in time, he will go for broke, proverbial bayonet in hand, not unloading until he sees the whites in their eyes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162052

File: 03dc2f03b267fe4⋯.png (56.56 KB,628x443,628:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050428 (161350ZDEC20) Notable: American Thinker: McConnell warns Rep. senators not to object when electors are certified on January 6th

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Mitch McConnell warns Republican senators not to object when electors are certified on January 6th

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162053

File: 40426ec23974a7e⋯.png (32.04 KB,829x255,829:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050443 (161351ZDEC20) Notable: Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election Tomorrow Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Americans Don’t Believe This Was a Legitimate Election’ – Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election Tomorrow Morning

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dc64cd No.162054

File: 04ba67a57d5493b⋯.png (27.63 KB,856x215,856:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050457 (161353ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains How President Trump Has SEVERAL Paths To Victory

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Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains How President Trump Has SEVERAL Paths To Victory…”Never count Donald Trump out!” [VIDEO]

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dc64cd No.162055

File: 92d839fc0f26dd7⋯.png (13.3 KB,601x175,601:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050477 (161355ZDEC20) Notable: Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

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Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society. Professor

Phillip Kline@PhillDKline 1h

Today, we will reveal our report, painting a clear picture of a cabal of billionaires and activists using their wealth to subvert, control, and fundamentally alter the electoral system itself.

We must act now to prevent such privatized elections in the future.


related to CMZ tweet?





We are about to witness Trump end the globalist siege.

With his back to the wall and years of preparation for this one moment in time, he will go for broke, proverbial bayonet in hand, not unloading until he sees the whites in their eyes.


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dc64cd No.162056

File: be46d962cf8691a⋯.png (25.09 KB,1201x330,1201:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050530 (161402ZDEC20) Notable: Vice: QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

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QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

An analysis of Q’s cryptic posts found there are two distinct authors writing "Q drops," a finding that undermines the entire QAnon belief system.

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dc64cd No.162057

File: 33b2d864de3bf7f⋯.png (331.72 KB,856x590,428:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050606 (161408ZDEC20) Notable: Obama taking out Biden, the "stand-in"?

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Obama to give green light to Dems to take Biden out?

'He ran the Russian coup. He ran everything, and he's now running this'

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dc64cd No.162058

File: f10edc439502b8c⋯.png (22.38 KB,852x213,4:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050619 (161410ZDEC20) Notable: Obama taking out Biden, the "stand-in"?

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Watch Obama talk about using a 'stand-in, a front-man' for a third term

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dc64cd No.162059

File: 52354356818a4ef⋯.png (391.95 KB,858x669,286:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050666 (161414ZDEC20) Notable: OC Sheriff Refuses to Release 1,800 Dangerous Inmates After Judge’s Order

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OC Sheriff Refuses to Release 1,800 Dangerous Inmates – Including Murderers and Child Molesters – After Judge’s Order

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dc64cd No.162060

File: b10e919dc432dd7⋯.png (682.4 KB,667x685,667:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12050777 (161424ZDEC20) Notable: Biden’s DOE Pick Jennifer Granholm Spent Years Pushing Russia Conspiracy Theories

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Biden’s DOE Pick Jennifer Granholm Spent Years Pushing Russia Conspiracy Theories

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dc64cd No.162061

File: f5029c1a1129f34⋯.png (36.64 KB,746x397,746:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051234 (161509ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweets

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Well, I don't know 'bout chu fellas, but it seems like we're living in a state of perpetual headfakes. Don't get me wrong; there's something a-brewing, but this specifically? Seems like a "Here ya go! Look here!" move.


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dc64cd No.162062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051295 (161515ZDEC20) Notable: Anon makes video playlist to wake up normies

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Hey guys, I made a video playlist to help wake some more normal people up. If they can't make it past the first video, they are probably a lost cause. I tried to make is super digestible for normies / liberals / anyone with any hope in them of waking up left. I tried to lay it on light at first. Paul Harvey is great, almost universally liked. I put the AOC video in there to trick normies/liberals while still explaining how corrupt everything is. I then did the Local news station video to show that it's modern and that the media is controlled even at the local level. I then went into the KGB agent video to show a little wider how / why the things in the previous videos are happening. I then decided build upon that with the Trump / nwo quotes to show how Trumps against the NWO and how many people are for this NWO. The next Trump video is to hammer the point home that trumps against these people. The Plan to save the world video is last because it gives that tasty 50,000 ft view of everything before it, and ends with hope. I hope you all enjoy.


Total time [48:27]

If I were the Devil [3:16] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LWPcEo2gV0

AOC on what a criminal president can do [4:53] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJlpS4vhKP0

Local news stations aren't safe [1:38] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI&

Confessions of a KGB agent [13:24] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB8dxgFI0vg&

Trump Inauguration Speech / NWO Quotes [6:14] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_xN0u2d7AI&

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [5:48] - https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

Q - A Plan to save the World [13:15] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5fnf1yGUP8

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dc64cd No.162063

File: 9f34ce233819bbf⋯.jpg (125.95 KB,723x1080,241:360,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051588 (161544ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines that CM is a very observant dude

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CM is a very observant dude.


I personally think CM is taking stabs at what he thinks is going on based on what he sees happening. It should be super obvious, at this point, that CM leaving 8kun on Nov 3rd was planned a while ago. I would say that as of right now, CM is as much a part of the "information warfare" game as ever; perhaps now "officially" (but details would be classified considering the nature of what's going on). He's most likely working directly for you know who. Having said that:

1. Patriots are very much 100% in control

2. There are some loud mouths that are pretending to be on the team.

3. There are some loud mouths that are pretending to NOT be on the team.

4. There are plenty of others adding to the fog of war over various social media and Tibetan basket weaving forums like this one.

If CM was being "coached" a bit, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. That'd also mean that CM's purpose might have some disinfo sprinkled in to it, but I doubt his mission would be to get so much wrong as to hurt his reputation. I do not think leadership would do that to him; unless he volunteered it, anyway. I'll put it to you another way. I've got this other theory about Flynn and how he uses social media to weed out real patriots vs paytriots, and how they set up ways to get to who's feeding who what (think 4am talking points, but over twitterverse and other platforms). I think Flynn even makes it look like he's 100% in alliance with some of those folks while making it very obvious that he doesn't approve/like others.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Think about some of the "big names" Flynn followed that are now vehemently anti-Q. I think the very same thing is happening right now with current popular "supporters" of @POTUS. In a recent speech about the Senate runoff, @POTUS made it a point to inform everyone that boycotting the election was a very dumb idea, and had to go back and say that even some of the people saying this were his "friends".

You probably know who I'm talking about, by now. If you don't, don't worry about it. Just sit back and watch what happens. But I do personally believe CM is a very active actor in this movie now, and he's not meant to get everything right 100% of the time. It's part of the plan.

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dc64cd No.162064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051770 (161602ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Identifies First Jail Targets As Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown

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Trump Identifies First Jail Targets As Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown=


An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events relating to Day 44 of the election war currently raging in America, says first to note was President Donald Trump retweeting a post yesterday from Super Lawyer L. Lin Wood showing Republican Party officials Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger wearing Communist Chinese masks and stating: “They will soon be going to jail”—after which the Pentagon ordered the immediate emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network—events that were preceded by Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel slamming the leftist fake news outlet CNN with a $50-million lawsuit because they “deliberately or recklessly conveyed a false message to sensationalize the news to humiliate him”.

Events that were quickly joined by Republican Party leader US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell congratulating socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden for winning an election mired in fraud and voting irregularities—then saw McConnell warning his US Senate colleagues not to join a long shot bid to challenge the election results when the US Congress certifies electoral votes in January—all of which was expected to occur, as Dominion Voting Machine lobbyists paid McConnell thousands to crush election integrity bills in the run-up to this election—with it equally being important to notice that McConnell is married to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, whose longstanding ties with Communist China and its leaders is well known and documented.

Expected actions by McConnell followed by President Trump posting the message: “Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot)…Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight…People are angry!”—that was quickly joined by Super Lawyer Wood posting a warning message stating: “Mitch McConnell @senatemajldr is NOT a Patriot…Ask his wife…She knows…McConnell just wants power, influence, & money…He is willing to sell America to get what he wants…McConnell is a traitor to American Patriots…His day of judgment is coming”.

All which while being viewed by famed American financial expert Max Keiser caused him to warn that “America is surrendering its empire and handing it over to Communist China”—a grim assessment followed by famed Fox Business financial expert Maria Bartiromo revealing yesterday that a top US intelligence source told her “Trump Did In Fact Win The Election”.

A revelation of President Trump winning this election now under investigation by Acting United States Attorney General Jeff Rosen, who most important to know about, on 26 August 2020, saw the Department of Justice publishing their extensive document entitled “Remarks of Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on Malign Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections Presented at Center for Strategic and International Studies”—and to join him, saw President Trump appointing US Attorney Richard Donoghue to be the second-in-command as the Deputy Attorney General—the most critical significance of which is because Donoghue served in the Judge Advocate General's Corps, United States Army, where he was a Military Magistrate Judge, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, and Contract Litigator, and also served in the 82nd Airborne Division.

Thus meaning that Deputy Attorney General Donoghue has been placed into power at the exact moment President Trump is being urged to invoke the Insurrection Act before socialist Democrat Party forces turn America into a Communist Chinese vassal state—and now sees top Republican Party lawmaker Virginia Senator Amanda Chase having just sent a letter to socialist leader Biden declaring: “You are not my President and never will be…The American people aren’t fools…We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results”—then saw her ominously stating: “Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never…It’s not over yet…So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede…President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn”.

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dc64cd No.162065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051776 (161602ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Identifies First Jail Targets As Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown

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According to this report, important to note about the emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network at the Pentagon yesterday, was its being preceded, on 12th-13th of December, by the Deep State aligned leftist mainstream media attempting to launch a psyop involving a so-called “leaked” Communist Chinese Party database, which miserably failed—and after this psyop failed, then saw the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issuing Emergency Directive 21-01 during the late night hours of 13 December, that said: “CISA has determined that this exploitation of SolarWinds products poses an unacceptable risk to Federal Civilian Executive Branch agencies and requires emergency action”—and specifically references SolarWinds Inc., which is an American company that develops software for businesses to help manage their networks, systems, and information technology infrastructure, is headquartered in Austin-Texas, with sales and product development offices in a number of locations in the United States and several other countries around the world.

Most important to know about SolarWinds, this report details, is that its software links computer servers and devices (like voting machines) together and is used by numerous US and State government agencies and large corporations—so when the emergency directive was issued that SolarWinds software was exploited (hacked), it set off alarms throughout the US government—and predictably thereafter, saw the leftist media claiming, without evidence, that Russia was to blame—with this best being exampled in the leftist Washington Post screed “Enough Is Enough. Here’s What We Should Do To Defend Against The Next Russian Cyberattacks”, that screams: “It seems possible that the latest Russian cyberattacks against the Departments of Homeland Security, Treasury and State; the National Institutes of Health; and possibly dozens of companies and departments will turn out to be one of the most important hacking campaigns in history”.

In response to this baseless attack, this report notes, the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. issued a press release stating: “We paid attention to another unfounded attempts of the U.S. media to blame Russia for hacker attacks on U.S. governmental bodies…We declare responsibly: malicious activities in the information space contradicts the principles of the Russian foreign policy, national interests and our understanding of interstate relations…Russia does not conduct offensive operations in the cyber domain”—a press release based on actual facts about what was occurring at SolarWinds, as best exampled in the posted message: “BREAKING per guest on @seanhannity’s radio show: “The FBI, Texas Rangers & US Marshals are all at the SolarWinds HQ in Austin, TX” looking at their systems. Notes the Executive VP sold 57k shares [$1.2M] on 11/9. The CEO, Kevin Thompson, had sold 700k shares [$15M] 10 days later”.

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dc64cd No.162066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051780 (161602ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Identifies First Jail Targets As Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown

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Though to fully understand why the leftist media is, once gain, crying “Russia! Russia! Russia!”, this report explains, is because they want to keep the American people from discovering the shocking truths being exposed in articles like: “SolarWinds Director Sold $45.7 MILLION in Stock Options Last Week Before CISA Announcement Sunday”, “BREAKING REPORT: SolarWinds - Used by Dominion Voting Systems - HQ Raided in Austin”, “Dominion Voting Machines Are Trying to Hide Their Relationship with Solar Winds – Why’s That?”, and “Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process”—and in discovering these shocking truths would allow these people to understand the meaning of the term “Communism Through The Back Door”—as well as allowing them to understand the just made expert declaration stating:

I am also an IT professional that uses SolarWinds.

We use SolarWinds to manage network equipment, servers, etc. SolarWinds is a very powerful tool.

SolarWinds has a scripting tool capable of automated task scheduling for configuration management.

So say you had 1000 or more voting machines spread across the country. You could build scripts to download data from or upload data to rapidly in seconds.

SolarWinds services and accounts are granted elevated permissions on equipment to perform these tasks.

Hackers could take over a company’s SolarWinds management server to use as a “zombie” and orchestrate attacks on voting machines from all over making it difficult to track.

In the leftist Washington Post screed about SolarWinds blaming Russia, this report concludes, the single true statement it did make was that this “will turn out to be one of the most important hacking campaigns in history”—specifically because whomever did hack into SolarWinds now has the computer evidence showing exactly how this election was stolen from President Trump, and by whom—election fraud evidence whose fear of exposure makes it prime blackmail material—which is why one can surely expect a new round of Russia hysteria exploding in Americas leftist media in the coming days and weeks as this election war nears its final dramatic conclusion.

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dc64cd No.162067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051814 (161606ZDEC20) Notable: Republican State Sen. Amanda Chase believes Trump should declare martial law

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Republican State Sen. Amanda Chase believes Trump should declare martial law: [Biden] You are not my President and never will be


RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Republican State Sen. Amanda Chase, a gubernatorial hopeful and ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, commended the president’s “backbone” for refusing to concede to President-elect Joe Biden and implored him to declare martial law.

Chase repeated unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud on social media the day after the Electoral College affirmed the victory for Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, alleging Virginia Democrats “legalized cheating” after passing measures to make voting easier during the pandemic.

'''“Not my President and never will be. The American people aren’t fools,” Chase wrote about the former vice president in a Facebook post. “We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results.”

Reversing course, Amanda Chase will seek GOP nomination for Virginia governor	'''

The state senator representing Chesterfield then backed a recommendation from Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor who was pardoned by the president, who shared a press release from the We the People Convention in a tweet earlier this month.

“Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It’s not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede,” Chase continued. “President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.”

The Tea Party affiliated group released an ad “demanding that President Trump invoke limited Martial law in order to allow the U.S. Military to oversee a new free and fair federal election if Legislators, Courts and the Congress do not follow the Constitution.” According to a report from Brennan Center for Justice, the president does not have the authority to unilaterally declare martial law.

“Senator Chase’s suggestion that martial law be imposed is absurd and dangerous,” Del. Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights), the former House speaker and the only other Republican officially seeking the nomination for Virginia governor, said in a statement Tuesday. “I taught government for 30 years and have great respect for our constitutional republic. Per that system and the electoral college vote yesterday, Joe Biden will be the next President.”

This story will be updated.

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dc64cd No.162068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12051989 (161620ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas just released the Assange audio

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Veritas just released the Assange audio. They have a short, edited version and the raw audio

Raw audio: https://youtu.be/lfZQcV-frnY

Short vid: https://youtu.be/2N8rUpGJ574

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dc64cd No.162069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052178 (161635ZDEC20) Notable: Holy, Holy, Holy

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Holy, Holy, Holy.

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dc64cd No.162070

File: 348c39047fd9b80⋯.jpg (210.11 KB,720x1148,180:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2880b9b51ba37d3⋯.jpg (75.93 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6a4dde88597d28⋯.jpg (136.16 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052804 (161718ZDEC20) Notable: Q drop 45 is about Donna

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Yesterday the US navy posted their pictures of the day, one photo features a chopper with the #45

Q drop 45 is about Donna

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dc64cd No.162071

File: 9652410178c041d⋯.jpg (623.93 KB,1080x2007,120:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052151 (161633ZDEC20) Notable: @Project_Veritas Obtains Recording Of Call Between @Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange & Lawyer In Hillary Clinton's State Dept.

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dc64cd No.162072

File: 30895837f5441ed⋯.png (328.67 KB,584x410,292:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ba5458d00f60cd⋯.png (52.02 KB,993x661,993:661,Clipboard.png)

File: f2afbfebe50f185⋯.png (62.24 KB,966x709,966:709,Clipboard.png)

File: b74a5cd2d1f48a7⋯.png (21.63 KB,965x309,965:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052158 (161633ZDEC20) Notable: John Chen, Chairman and CEO of BlackBerry, is a member of CFR and the Committee of 100; former employee of Silver Lake

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John Chen, Chairman and CEO of BlackBerry, is a member of CFR and the Committee of 100; former employee of Silver Lake

John Chen was born in Hong Kong.

BlackBerry owns QNX. Blackberry has had strategic relations with Qualcomm. As we know from the leaked CCP database, 133 Qualcomm employees are CCP employees.

The Committee of 100 is a group of Chinese Americans and has had conferences alongside the CCP and was started by Henry Kissinger. Moar on Committee of 100 below:


Current roles

Board member, National Committee on US-China Relations (2012 - Present)

Member, Committee of 100 (1997 - Present) → 23 years

Member, Council on Foreign Relations

Former roles

Senior Advisor, Silver Lake (2012 - 2016)

Board member, The Walt Disney Company (2004 - 2019) → 15 years

Chairman, Committee of 100 (2009 - 2011)

Member, President's Export Council (2005) → Bush administration

Co-Chair, Secure Borders and Open Doors Advisory Committee (2006)


https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/1431481 / https://archive.vn/JnyMT

https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/author/jchenbb / https://archive.vn/ClTji

https://www.committee100.org/press_release/press-release-committee-of-100-names-john-s-chen-as-chairman/ / https://archive.vn/HzcmL

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dc64cd No.162073

File: c1bbe85f3c83b00⋯.png (18.3 KB,444x453,148:151,Clipboard.png)

File: a2b0d67153fb227⋯.png (16.93 KB,444x427,444:427,Clipboard.png)

File: d40b8684d4a3546⋯.png (5.72 KB,444x169,444:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052204 (161636ZDEC20) Notable: Remember the BAKERS

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Ever considered why Q identified roles?

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dc64cd No.162074

File: 09b16e49292dadf⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,720x730,72:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052243 (161638ZDEC20) Notable: How the CCP has infiltrated USA

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dc64cd No.162075

File: c3b20de3099b6fd⋯.png (34.72 KB,603x463,603:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052271 (161639ZDEC20) Notable: Rand Paul says election was stolen

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dc64cd No.162076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052293 (161641ZDEC20) Notable: Great Awakening trends

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"Once upon a time, I would consider that tin foil hat territory…not today"

YES!! This is exactly the hoped for reaction from the normie population. When E.O. 13848 drops, it'll WAKE EVERYONE.


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dc64cd No.162077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052309 (161642ZDEC20) Notable: Planfag primer

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Interdastin info

It's a PlaneFag video with some detailed explanations for us non-planefags along with "Insights"…

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 12.16.20

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dc64cd No.162078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052921 (161727ZDEC20) Notable: O'Keefe released full Assange recording

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O'Keefe released full Assange recording, 74 mins!


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dc64cd No.162079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052933 (161729ZDEC20) Notable: Weird number of Ohio State Masks today?

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Another Ohio State mask

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dc64cd No.162080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052937 (161729ZDEC20) Notable: Candace Owens brands Fauci and Bill Gates ‘evil’, claims big pharma is ‘wrought with corruption’ in Twitter attack

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Candace Owens brands Fauci and Bill Gates ‘evil’, claims big pharma is ‘wrought with corruption’ in Twitter attack

Right-wing firebrand, political commentator and outspoken conservative Candace Owens has once again created a furious squabble online after declaring Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates “evil.”

Never one to shy away from controversy, the author and activist called US coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates “evil” while stating that the pharmaceutical industry is “wrought with corruption,” in a pot-stirring Twitter broadside.

Dr. Fauci is evil.Bill Gates is evil.The pharmaceutical industry is wrought with corruption and pure evil.

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) December 15, 2020

“Dr. Fauci is evil. Bill Gates is evil. The pharmaceutical industry is wrought with corruption and pure evil,” the 31-year-old wrote to her 2.8 million followers. The message clearly struck a chord with many, as it quickly accrued some 23,000 retweets and 116,000 likes.

Owens previously vowed that she will “under no circumstances” take any coronavirus vaccine, “Ever. No matter what,” she wrote back in April.

Unsurprisingly, the comments also unleashed a storm of objections as thousands of commenters registered their disagreement with Owens’ message. The hot take even drew criticism among some of her self-professed supporters.

Some of Owens’ fans claimed that in this instance they were “shocked anyone can ever take her seriously” when she posts these types of comments. Others blasted her for criticizing medical staff and “spreading conspiracy theories” by her opponents.

However, many others expressed support for the controversial views.

Candace, don’t forget to hammer home that Gates & Fauci are trying to use black folks as their test dummies for this vaccine.

— Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) December 15, 2020


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dc64cd No.162081

File: 3e9896efc98d0b9⋯.png (458.36 KB,1535x754,1535:754,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052956 (161731ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Boeing P-8A Poseidon near the Outer Banks checking something out.

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dc64cd No.162082

File: 0cf808f335c1b2e⋯.jpg (364.73 KB,1430x1410,143:141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c95975fb901df52⋯.jpg (385.6 KB,1434x1564,717:782,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: 2880b9b51ba37d3⋯.jpg (75.93 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6a4dde88597d28⋯.jpg (136.16 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052959 (161731ZDEC20) Notable: NEW DJT WRONG link to Donna Brazile

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>>162070 other dead bread

>>162049 other dead bread


WRONG link to Donna Brazile

Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired @donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials. @FoxNews is dead. Really Sad!


Yesterday the US navy posted their pictures of the day, one photo features a chopper with the #45

Q drop 45 is about Donna


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dc64cd No.162083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052966 (161732ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: AMISTAD PROJECT News Conference on Dark Money Influence in 2020 Election

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LIVE: AMISTAD PROJECT News Conference on Dark Money Influence in 2020 Election

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES, December 16, 2020: A national constitutional litigation organization, The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, is hosting a national press conference tomorrow to release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. This injection of hundreds of millions of dollars into the election — $500 million of which came from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg — violated state election laws and resulted in an unequal distribution of funding that deprived voters of both due process and equal protection.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society will release a report exposing a well-funded, centrally coordinated dark money network that injected private money into public elections in 2020, bypassing state protocols and violating state laws, disrupting the electoral process, and contributing to a loss of confidence in the electoral system. The report demonstrates that this funding was not needed, because the federal government had already provided funding through both the Help America Vote Act and the CARES Act, much of which remains unspent. The report also reveals that this dark money network was established to collect, aggregate, and analyze information collected from third parties that have direct access to state voter files for the purpose of influencing U.S. elections and electoral policy.

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dc64cd No.162084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052979 (161733ZDEC20) Notable: Ireland’s health minister confirms plans for Covid vaccine ‘certificates’ & suggests people who refuse jab could face restrictions

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Ireland’s health minister confirms plans for Covid vaccine ‘certificates’ & suggests people who refuse jab could face restrictions

Ireland intends to issue Covid-19 vaccine certificates which could potentially become required ID for certain activities, and the country’s vaccination program could begin by year’s end, health minister Stephen Donnelly has said.

Vaccine certificates are part of the country’s “implementation plan” as it prepares to launch a nationwide inoculation drive, Donnelly told public broadcaster RTE. However, the form that the certificate will take, and how it will ultimately be used, is still under consideration.

Noting that airlines are discussing the adoption of a mandatory Covid-19 ‘passport’ for international travelers, the health minister predicted that the government-issued certificates would “evolve” as more becomes known about the efficacy of coronavirus jabs.

“If it were the case that there was a huge impact on trying to massively reduce transmissibility, then we can think about using vaccine certs in a particular way,” he said.

Donnelly also explained that it was still unclear whether the certificate would be digital or paper-based. He told RTE the document could resemble a card-sized driver’s license, or could be issued as a “digital certificate that you might have to submit to an airline before being able to book a flight.”

He added that if vaccine certificates become required to “gain access to certain things,” then there would likely be “something on a statutory footing with some enforceability behind it" to prevent forgeries, although he said there were currently no plans to sniff out and prosecute fake certificates.

The comments seem to be at odds with remarks made by the head of the Government’s vaccination taskforce, Brian MacCraith, who said during a press briefing on Tuesday that the document would be “a vaccination certificate of proof of vaccination, nothing else.” MacCraith also said there were discussions among EU member states about the introduction of a standardized, “single model” certificate.

Ireland’s vaccination program could begin before the end of the year if the European Medicines Agency clears the Pfizer vaccine by next week.

Donnelly’s remarks echo similar comments made by Ontario’s Health Minister Christine Elliott, who was more explicit about her own government’s intentions regarding vaccine certificates. Last week, Elliot explained that the coronavirus vaccine won’t be mandatory, but said those who refuse it could be deprived of certain freedoms, such as the right to travel.

The UK government, on the other hand, has insisted that it currently has no plans to issue any kind of vaccine ‘passport’, although the NHS will be providing cards listing details about administered Covid-19 jabs and reminders to patients about when they should receive their second dose of the drug.


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dc64cd No.162085

File: 9354ea01760ffd6⋯.png (452.78 KB,737x774,737:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052989 (161734ZDEC20) Notable: New Covid strain has 'striking' amount of mutations: Scientists discover 17 changes on spike protein of evolved virus

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New Covid strain has 'striking' amount of mutations: Scientists discover 17 changes on spike protein of evolved virus


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dc64cd No.162086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052990 (161734ZDEC20) Notable: House Speaker Pelosi enacts face mask mandate on Capitol Hill

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House Speaker Pelosi enacts face mask mandate on Capitol Hill


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dc64cd No.162087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052993 (161734ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE HEARING

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dc64cd No.162088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12052999 (161735ZDEC20) Notable: Bitcoin breaks $20,000

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Bitcoin breaks


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dc64cd No.162089

File: 51898bc53ac8cfa⋯.jpg (186.74 KB,850x1207,50:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053005 (161735ZDEC20) Notable: INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO HANDLE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ON 8KUN, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Step_2_Block_CP_Poster.jpg, Step_3_Clear_your_browser_cache.jpg, INSTRUCTIONS_ON_HOW_TO_HANDLE_CHILD_PORNOGRAPHY_ON_8KUN.jpg

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dc64cd No.162090

File: e89326429858f1e⋯.png (58.5 KB,571x235,571:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053012 (161736ZDEC20) Notable: This Is a RICO Case and It Involves Potentially the Incoming President of the United States

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“This Is a RICO Case and It Involves Potentially the Incoming President of the United States, Assuming He’s Installed” – Tom Fitton on Hunter Biden’s Criminal Case

Tom Fitton was on Newsmax last night and he shared what some of us have been reporting on for months – that Hunter Biden and the Biden Family are corrupt and connected to China. There is no way an individual who is involved in criminal acts with a foreign country should ever get near the White House.

Fitton was on with Newsmax and he shared the following:

This was a corrupt suppression of a news story to help a favored political candidate. And it’s not just a Hunter Biden scandal and a Joe Biden scandal, and I guess a James Biden scandal, Vice President Biden’s brother. It’s an FBI scandal, a Justice Department scandal, because they covered this up prior to the election.

It’s a Congressional scandal. Remember Adam Schiff tried to remove President Trump from office for asking questions about Biden corruption that were well founded. And now the media, we’re supposed to believe the media’s analysis of this scandal. I tell you what, the American people have been ill-served by the media that purports to represent them. You can’t trust the media to tell you the truth about anything.”

The Biden’s were corrupt and sick. We were all over this before the election:

The Biden’s are working with China against the US. They should never be near the White House, especially after stealing the 2020 election while working with anti-American entities to do so.


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dc64cd No.162091

File: 58b6c3e92411a54⋯.png (859.64 KB,1360x892,340:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053033 (161737ZDEC20) Notable: Trump to Mitch McConnell: ‘Too Soon to Give Up’ on Election Fight

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Trump to Mitch McConnell: ‘Too Soon to Give Up’ on Election Fight

December 16, 2020

President Donald Trump on Wednesday told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that it’s too early to stop fighting to overturn the election after the longtime Kentucky senator congratulated Joe Biden following the Electoral College vote.

“Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot),” Trump wrote to McConnell, underscoring the amount of support he has from Americans.

It’s “too soon to give up,” Trump continued. The “Republican Party must finally learn to fight,” he said. “People are angry!”

The remarks were shared alongside a Daily Mail article about Republicans turning on McConnell after he made his remarks about Biden on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, McConnell drew a torrent of critical comments.

“Every ‘Republican’ that isn’t fighting for @realDonaldTrump’s 2020 landslide victory is supporting the Chinese Communist Party takeover of America,” wrote Congress member-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, on Twitter.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn wrote that “millions & millions & millions” of Americans “stand behind” President Trump’s legal challenges.

“We won’t fail or cower like some in the Republican Party have shown,” tweeted Flynn, who was recently pardoned by Trump.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) has said that he would challenge the Electoral College vote during the Joint Session next month. Taylor-Greene, after she is sworn in, has said she would do the same, and meanwhile, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), told reporters that he is considering a similar move. Rep.-elect Barry Moore (R-Ala.) also indicated he would join the others.

“We’re still looking at all the legal stuff that’s happening with the legal cases and we’ll make our decision after we’ve seen all the legal challenges,” Paul told CNN on Dec. 10.

To challenge a state’s Electoral College votes, at least one House member and Senator have to object. Then, a complex series of votes and debates will ensue.


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dc64cd No.162092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053061 (161740ZDEC20) Notable: former fashion executive peter nygard arrested on sex trafficking charges

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One less pedo out there, too bad we can't seem to get the American ones:


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dc64cd No.162093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053063 (161740ZDEC20) Notable: FLASHBACK: Don Blankenship Warned US of McConnell’s Ties to Communist China In 2018 Campaign Ad

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FLASHBACK: Don Blankenship Warned US of McConnell’s Ties to Communist China In 2018 Campaign Ad

"Swamp captain Mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for China people."

In 2018, U.S. Senate candidate Don Blankenship (R-WV) released a campaign advertisement warning the American people of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s ties to communist China.

The anti-establishment candidate was facing a Republican primary in West Virginia, aiming to eventually defeat incumbent Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). Blankenship accused McConnell, who he referred to as “swamp captain,” of running negative advertisements against him throughout his campaign for Senate due to his pro-American, pro-Trump, anti-swamp sentiments that ran contradictory to establishment Republican policies.

“Swamp captain Mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for China people.” said Blankenship.

“While doing so, Mitch has gotten rich. In fact, his China family has given him tens of millions of dollars,” said Blankenship. “The war to drain the swamp and create jobs for West Virginia people has begun. I will beat Joe Manchin and ditch ‘Cocaine Mitch’ for the sake of the kids.”

McConnell has recently been under fire for his ties to communist China. The senator’s family ties to the Bank of China and a top Chinese shipping firm have resurfaced, after he praised the US election process and declared Joe Biden as the “President-elect,” as National File reported.

“McConnell and the Chaos have repeatedly dismissed concerns about conflicts of interest relating to the Senate Majority leader’s family ties to Foremost and Beijing, with Angela Chao insinuating that her ties to McConnell have only come under scrutiny because of anti-Chinese prejudice.

However, critics have noted that the fact McConnell’s public refusal to help President Trump in the latter’s fight to restore election integrity could be influenced by the fact that President Trump’s pro-American, hardline stance towards trade with China may pose a threat to business interests close to McConnell.”

Furthermore, National File reported that McConnell had also taken thousands of dollars from Dominion Voting Systems, prior to his blocking of two bills that aimed to ensure election security in July last year.

In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to “bolster election security,” along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them.

“Clearly this request is not a serious effort to make a law. Clearly something so partisan that it only received one single solitary Republican vote in the House is not going to travel through the Senate by unanimous consent,” said McConnell on the Senate floor, as he refused to allow the bills to be put to a vote.

However, within the previous year, multiple lobbyists representing Dominion Voting Systems and Election Systems and Software, who together make up around 80% of all voting machines in the country, donated thousands of dollars to the McConnell campaign.

David Cohen and Brian Wild, both of lobbyist Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, who lobbied for Dominion in 2019, donated $2,000 and $1,000 respectively to the McConnell campaign funds. And around the same time, Emily Kirlin and Jen Olson, who have lobbied for ES&S, also donated $1,000 each.

In 2018, Blankenship was dead set on convincing the American people that McConnell’s connection to the Chinese communists was to be of great concern. In an interview with Politico, Blankenship suggested that McConnell was not putting American interests first. It is worth noting that Republicans at the time plotted on how to ensure Blankenship’s defeat, amid his promise to oppose McConnell’s efforts to become the Senate GOP Leader.


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dc64cd No.162094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053078 (161741ZDEC20) Notable: REPORT: Zuckerberg Spent Half a Billion Dollars Coercing States To Adopt Pro-Dem Turnout Measures

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REPORT: Zuckerberg Spent Half a Billion Dollars Coercing States To Adopt Pro-Dem Turnout Measures

The Amistad Project, an election watchdog group, highlighted the undue influence of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and several left-wing nonprofits throughout the 2020 election by funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into inflating voter turnout for Democrats, The National Pulse can reveal.

The group details in a brand new report how Zuckerberg leveraged $500 million in funding for a “dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofits funded by 5 foundations” that sought to “fundamentally undermine the electoral system.”

Of his nearly half-billion-dollar sum, $350 million was funneled to the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which “used the money to illegally inflate turnout in key Democratic swing states as part of this effort.”As previously reported on by The National Pulse, the group carried out an “unequal distribution of funding that favored Democratic precincts.”

According to the Amistad project, of “the 17 cities and counties that have received the largest “grants” from CTCL, totaling more than $51,000,000 combined, just under $300,000 was given” to Republican-leaning counties.

In other words, 99.4 percent of Zuckerberg’s grants went to Democrat-heavy districts.

The Amistad Project links CTCL’s efforts to former campaign manager for President Barak Obama and Zuckerberg Chan initiative strategist David Plouffe, who wrote: “A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump.”

On page 81 of his book, Plouffe correctly identifies that the 2020 general election will come down to a “block by block street fight” to turn out the vote in the urban core, a key stronghold of Democrat Party votes. Plouffe specifically highlighted high turnouts in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia as the key to a Democrat victory. Soon after, we witnessed the rumblings of a previously sleepy 501(c)(3) organization entitled the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) whose previous annual revenues never exceeded $1.2 million.

Other dark money organizations identified as helping to “privatize elections” are The Democracy Fund, New Venture Fund, Skoll Foundation, and The Knight Foundation. Their counterparts – CTCL, the Center for Electronic Innovation Research, the Center for Civic Design, the National Vote at Home Institute, the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, and Rock the Vote – played a key role in the distribution of these funds.

Together, these groups coerced state legislatures into adopting universal mail-in balloting, in an effort to amplify Democratic voter turnout.

The Amistad Project alleges, however, that the premise the voter turnout groups operated under was faulty to begin with. Through the Help America Vote Act and the CARES Act, states had sufficient funding to conduct elections.

“The injection of private funding into county and municipal elections circumvented State and Federal appropriations processes, violated protocols in HAVA state implementation plans, and resulted in inaccurate reporting under HAVA 254(a)(5),” the Amistad Project also noted.


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dc64cd No.162095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053105 (161742ZDEC20) Notable: Barack Obama Dubs Republicans the 'Minority Party' in the US, Despite Constitutional Advantages

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The former president told The Daily Show host that the Republican Party does not on the surface appear to be outnumbered in support because of constitutional structures such as the Senate and the Electoral College giving it a disproportionate amount of influence.

“They have certain in-built advantages around power given their population distribution and how our government works,” Obama said.

“But the truth of the matter is that 60 percent of the people are occupying what I would consider a more reality-based universe, and those are the constituents we’re speaking to and that is a more diverse group,” he added.

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dc64cd No.162096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053122 (161744ZDEC20) Notable: Amistad Project Press Conference on Mark Zuckerberg’s Alleged Influence in 2020 Election

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Amistad Project Press Conference on Mark Zuckerberg’s Alleged Influence in 2020 Election

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society is hosting a press conference Wednesday on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s alleged influence in the 2020 election.

According to the event’s press release, the news conference will “release a groundbreaking report exposing a dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system.”

This “injection of hundreds of millions of dollars into the election — $500 million of which came from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg — violated state election laws and resulted in an unequal distribution of funding that deprived voters of both due process and equal protection,” states the release.

Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project, and J.R. Carlson of Stillwater Technical Solutions will present the findings at noon Eastern at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, VA.

The press release states as follows:

WHO: Phill Kline, Director, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society / J.R. Carlson, Stillwater Technical Solutions

WHAT: Press conference to release report on Mark Zuckerberg-funded network that funneled private funds into the public administration of elections in key swing states, causing havoc, confusion, and lawlessness in the 2020 election.

WHERE: The Westin Arlington Gateway, F. Scott Fitzgerald Room B / 801 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA 22203

WHEN: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 / 12:00 noon EST

DETAILS: The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society will release a report exposing a well- funded, centrally coordinated dark money network that injected private money into public elections in 2020, bypassing state protocols and violating state laws, disrupting the electoral process, and contributing to a loss of confidence in the electoral system. The report demonstrates that this funding was not needed, because the federal government had already provided funding through both the Help America Vote Act and the CARES Act, much of which remains unspent. The report also reveals that this dark money network was established to collect, aggregate, and analyze information collected from third parties that have direct access to state voter files for the purpose of influencing U.S. elections and electoral policy.


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dc64cd No.162097

File: fc3a7b50cde3bd6⋯.png (436.75 KB,912x698,456:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053143 (161745ZDEC20) Notable: Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

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Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

'If something were to happen to me,' Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 2019, 'it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.'

Tue Dec 15, 2020

December 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of learntherisk.org, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8.

According to Children’s Health Defense, Vaughan is reported to have died of “gallbladder complications,” although the source of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture).

Soon after learning of her death, a friend of Vaughn’s, Erin Elizabeth, shared screenshots of a Facebook post Vaughan had written in December of 2019, in which she assured readers that she was not suicidal and did not take any drugs that would cause her to die suddenly.

“The post I wish I didn’t have to write…. But given certain tragedies over the last couple of years, I feel it’s absolutely necessary to post these ten facts… please screenshot this for the record,” wrote Vaughan.

“I have a huge mission in this life. Even when they make it very difficult and scary, I would NEVER take my own life. Period,” she continued.

Referring to her son, Vaughan wrote, “Bastien means everything to me and I would NEVER leave him. Period. She added that she hadn’t taken pharmaceuticals for ten years. “In other words, I’m not on anything that could kill me unexpectedly or suddenly,” she wrote.

If something were to happen to me, it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why — given my work and mission in this life,” she continued.

Vaccine safety has come under scrutiny during the coronavirus outbreak, with pro-lifers expressing concern about the connection of vaccines to abortion, among other concerns.

Elizabeth also shared a screenshot of a text she received from Vaughan in which she expressed worry about being poisoned and apparently referenced the death of Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., NMD in January of 2019.

“So odd! I worry sometimes about poisoning. Was Dr. Ben ever married? Lived alone? Sorry for all the questions. I’m just so upset about this, especially since he wasn’t even taking on the vaccine issue but mammograms, which one would think was a ‘safer’ issue.”

continued @



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dc64cd No.162098

File: ec2e4ed16ce0105⋯.jpeg (132.92 KB,750x895,150:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053157 (161747ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona rep can’t show face. Comments are golden

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Arizona rep can’t show face. Comments are golden.

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dc64cd No.162099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053173 (161748ZDEC20) Notable: Iris Biometric Added to Next Generation Identification System (forensic database)

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looking through notables and didn't see this

Dated December 11th, 2020

Iris Biometric Added to Next Generation Identification System

The FBI’s biometrics toolkit is growing.

The division of the Bureau that manages the national database of fingerprints recently implemented the Next Generation Identification (NGI) Iris Service, which gives the FBI and partner agencies the ability to capture, catalog, and make rapid comparisons of iris images with a high rate of accuracy.


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dc64cd No.162100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053208 (161750ZDEC20) Notable: Assign a Commission to Fully Investigate the 2020 election

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Baker, please consider for notable.

Assign a Commission to Fully Investigate the 2020 election


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dc64cd No.162101

File: d2c85ab5ab697ec⋯.png (609.38 KB,697x442,41:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 735ad2e7962721e⋯.png (95.79 KB,1191x653,1191:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053211 (161751ZDEC20) Notable: Government's COVID Hoax hangs by a thread as credibility evaporates

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Government's COVID Hoax hangs by a thread as credibility evaporates

Latest update-in-brief on failing psyop as the war against the People flounders

The British government's offensive against its own people ran into deeper trouble today as its credibility continued to evaporate.

Trust in the government as a source of information is a key and indispensable component of any propaganda war. If the source putting out the propaganda becomes mistrusted, disbelieved or discredited, the propaganda war is lost.

The Johnson regime's problems centre around its continued reliance upon the PCR test to produce stats that purport to show a "spread" of infection.

It was a bitter blow for the government's psychological warfare operation when the PCR test became exposed a fraudulent. The setback arose from revelations of gross inaccuracy, its tendency to produce false positives by the thousand and - this was the utterly damning clincher - the government admitting on one of its own websites that the PCR test actually CANNOT detect a live infectious virus.

This renders all "positives" that relied on the PCR test invalid.

That in turn renders all diagnoses of a COVID19 "case" based on a PCR positive result fraudulent.

It is believed now that the number of "false cases" may number tens of thousands and may include the overwhelming majority of all alleged cases.

One observer has pointed out that, "if on a particular day the government reports, say, 500 new cases based on the results of PCR tests, the actual number of real cases is far less and could, theoretically, even be zero."

This in turn means that the "infections" stat used as the justification for the damaging lockdowns such as the one that London has just been hit with are fabrications.

The PCR test is considered the most inaccurate of all the tests in use yet none of the others are particularly reliable : the PM and ministers have for instance all admitted that the test used at airports is only 7% accurate, which is still superior to the PCR test, although tossing a coin has been described as about seven tines more likely to return a correct diagnosis than the PCR test.

The writer and keen observer of government, Kieron McFadden said that,

"It is entirely possible, considering the results of a test so wildly misleading have been depended on as the primary tactic for convincing the nation that an epidemic is is progress, there may be no epidemic at all. A bug, yes, that causes severe problems for a small number of already frail people - as do many other bugs - but an epidemic? No. What is coming to light is a hoax of almost unimaginable duplicity and inflicted damage."

Yet the government continues to use it and its false results to perpetuate one of the most transparent and destructive frauds in British history.

It is unclear at this time why the government does so and the government does not seem about to own up and come clean any time soon.

One theory is that it is reluctant to change because the PCR test has enabled it to manipulate the stats fir many months - or at least it did until the scam was exposed.

Meanwhile, the criminals operating under the cover of government continue to declare stringent and damaging lockdowns on the basis of the false tests, a further fraud involving massive costs to the nation and its citizens.

Again, the reasons for doing this are unclear except that the continued desperate portrayal of an epidemic is considered vital to enforcing dangerous vaccines on the populace.


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dc64cd No.162102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053224 (161752ZDEC20) Notable: Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

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Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!


Dr Johan Denis from Belgium recommends

‘Robert Kennedy Jr’s


Dr Kevin P. Corbett from the U.K. says

“You can read about the flaws in the PCR test at


See the links in Mary’s latest message


And Celeste Solum, a former FEMA employee, has said

“there’s a lot of confusion. Is it a virus? Isn’t it a virus? There- we’re saturated with these nanoparticles and it is .. I can’t tell you, I’m getting thousands and thousands of peer review articles talking about this technology, and they all confirm one another that this is what is happening. And it is why the people did not respond- that when they got corona virus, they went to the hospital, they were in intensive care, um, and their lungs were filling up, the doctors assumed they had pneumonia. They didn’t have- I believe now, that they did not have pneumonia. What they had was a combination of things.. The nanoparticles swarmed in the lungs, clogging the lungs, causing some hemorrhagic action, um, and they just, you know, it .. When they swarm, they are multiplying in your body. They’re like- really like aphids in a way, and it’s then the person just dies.”


It’s PCR, a “chain reaction” with the nanoparticles and altered DNA multiplying exponentially within the body, not just in a petrie dish, most likely from the PCR test, itself, which these people would have had, to be diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2, cum Covid19. ..Made at Fort Detrick according to the Rockefeller Foundations ‘Lockstep 2010′. Look that up too!!


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dc64cd No.162103

File: fea1e38b9f9e186⋯.png (166.24 KB,601x519,601:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053231 (161752ZDEC20) Notable: KEK television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video

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Well, the television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video.


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dc64cd No.162104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053243 (161753ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Paul: The Feds Are Still Manipulating the Gold Price and It Won’t Stop

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Ron Paul: The Feds Are Still Manipulating the Gold Price and It Won’t Stop

Stansberry Research, Released on 12/15/20

In Part 1 of this exclusive interview with our Daniela Cambone, former congressman Dr. Ron Paul discusses the possibility of a Bretton Woods Reset backed by cryptocurrencies. He also shares insights into a personal conversation he had with former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke on gold. Paul gets candid about why he feels the government will continue to manipulate the gold price and how a return to a gold standard never had a fair chance.


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dc64cd No.162105

File: 4c5d465d5156889⋯.png (5.23 MB,1776x8420,444:2105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053244 (161753ZDEC20) Notable: CALLING SOLARWIND DIG ANONS AND MAP MAKING ANONS

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Please link me your digs and map making anons can you add or remove some stuff from my map and draw lines to trigger more of my autist. gonna be back in a half hour and continue the map builddig

Thanks to those who help. This will help form the whole picture.

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dc64cd No.162106

File: a936b79800270e5⋯.png (450.77 KB,421x472,421:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 38d8c954d9ecdf2⋯.jpg (691.21 KB,721x3142,721:3142,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 558dd1ae08c8e57⋯.png (336.5 KB,714x1410,119:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a519872496b4ae⋯.png (512.38 KB,1903x2353,1903:2353,Clipboard.png)

File: 0677c30b156c4ea⋯.png (1.43 MB,1903x2542,1903:2542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053285 (161756ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Cabinet Picks Welcomed Chinese Communist Conference for Group Boasting ‘Private Briefings’ With U.S. Officials

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Biden Cabinet Picks Welcomed Chinese Communist Conference for Group Boasting ‘Private Briefings’ With U.S. Officials

The Committee of 100 – which hosts conferences alongside the Chinese Communist Party and has been praised by Xi Jinping – boasts of “private briefings” with U.S. government officials and involvement from U.S. politicians including nominated Biden administration cabinet secretaries and advisers.

The group, the brainchild of noted Chinese Communist Party appeaser Henry Kissinger, routinely holds conferences to boost political and economic ties between China and the U.S. The Committee of 100, however, appears to leverage its membership, which consists of prominent Chinese and American nationals, to connect Americans with the Chinese Communist Party. Prominently displayed on the group’s “mission and history” page are pictures of group members posing with current and former leaders of the Chinese Communist Party including Xi Jinping.

The current leader of the Chinese Communist Party praised the group’s efforts in 2015, describing the committee along with other members of the pro-China lobby as “friendly” towards the Chinese Communist Party and deserving of his “heartfelt gratitude”: As a Chinese saying goes, the fire burns high when everyone brings wood to it. It is the loving care and hard work of the national governments, local authorities, friendly organizations and people from all walks of life in both countries that have made China-US relations flourish. In particular, the National Committee on US-China Relations, the US-China Business Council, the US-China Policy Foundation, the US Chamber of Commerce, the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA, the Committee of 100, the Brookings Institution and many other friendly groups and individuals have made untiring efforts over the years to promote friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries and brought the relationship to this far. Let me pay high tribute and express my heartfelt gratitude to all the local governments, social organizations, universities, think tanks and people from all sectors of society who have dedicated themselves to the cause of China-US friendship.

In addition to conferences, often featuring high-level Chinese government officials, the group also conducts “private briefings on Capitol Hill on important U.S.-China topics”: Since April 2015 C100 has organized 6 private educational briefings on Capitol Hill on important U.S.-China topics, engaging nearly 300 congressional participants in the nation’s capital, including current members of Congress, former members of Congress, members of the diplomatic community, and senior congressional staff in both the House and the Senate. […] The long-term goal is to build a consistent and systematic presence on Capitol Hill and enhance C100’s long-term capacity to engage with leading policymakers on issues critical to our dual mission. The Committee of 100 has also seen its members visit China to attend “private meetings with several prominent Chinese leaders” such as Chinese Culture Minister Cai Wu. The group leads “annual delegations from the U.S. to meet with top political and business leaders in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taipei,” and has held meetings with top tier Chinese Communist leadership. The organization’s most recent conference, which featured former Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Zhaoxing Li and Ambassador to the U.S. Wenzhong Zhou, saw speakers argue for closer ties between the two countries. Speakers emphasized how “decoupling is not a sustainable direction” and that the U.S. and China need to “work with each other.” In the same year, responding to an abundance of Department of Justice (DOJ) indictments against Chinese Communist Party-linked researchers swiping intellectual property and failing to disclose their foreign ties, the committee held a summit on “the challenges facing Chinese American Researchers” undermining the DOJ’s findings.




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dc64cd No.162107

File: 84c8a42e708cfd9⋯.png (1.2 MB,1125x654,375:218,Clipboard.png)

File: fcd6819cb05eba9⋯.png (195.2 KB,1407x536,21:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053296 (161756ZDEC20) Notable: So Much Evidence

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So Much Evidence

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dc64cd No.162108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053306 (161757ZDEC20) Notable: Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the people and to utilize military tribunals

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Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the people and to utilize military tribunals

Regrettably, the Courts and the Legislatures of the Several States have reached a level of corruption that is only remediable by the measures prescribed by our Founders in the implementation of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and in all other legal devices available to suppress insurrection.

It is evident to all objective observers that our election system has been irredeemably corrupted and also that the cost in human life will be less if the President and the Congress will take active measures to suppress the coup and insurrection that is presently underway and to apprehend and prosecute all those who have been a party to fraud and censorship that is illegal based upon aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.


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dc64cd No.162109

File: dc0f869304212e1⋯.png (17.13 KB,520x218,260:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053316 (161757ZDEC20) Notable: Q's post about Kyrsten Sinema being 'elected' to the Senate

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Since she just said a few times "When I was elected to the Senate. Here is a reminder of

Q's post about Kyrsten Sinema being 'elected' to the Senate

Nov 12 2018 23:50:47 (EST)


R Gov won by 328,000 votes.

D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.

R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.

D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?

[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?

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dc64cd No.162110

File: 0606edeff0b543a⋯.png (1.79 MB,991x675,991:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053330 (161759ZDEC20) Notable: Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest

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Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest


> An 8-mile-long "canvas" filled with ice age drawings of mastodons, giant sloths and other extinct beasts has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest.

>The gorgeous art, drawn with ochre — a red pigment frequently used as paint in the ancient world — spans nearly 8 miles (13 kilometers) of rock on the hills above three rock shelters in the Colombian Amazon, a new study finds.

>"These really are incredible images, produced by the earliest people to live in western Amazonia," study co-researcher Mark Robinson, an archaeologist at the University of Exeter, who analyzed the rock art alongside Colombian scientists, said in a statement.

Is this proof of end times? Ancient mysteries coming to life along with the obelisks?

> Indigenous people likely started painting these images at the archaeological site of Serranía La Lindosa, on the northern edge of the Colombian Amazon, toward the end of the last ice age, about 12,600 to 11,800 years ago. During that time, "the Amazon was still transforming into the tropical forest we recognize today," Robinson said. Rising temperatures changed the Amazon from a patchwork landscape of savannas, thorny scrub and forest into today's leafy tropical rainforest.

>The thousands of ice age paintings include both handprints, geometric designs and a wide array of animals, from the "small" — such as deer, tapirs, alligators, bats, monkeys, turtles, serpents and porcupines — to the "large," including camelids, horses and three-toed hoofed mammals with trunks. Other figures depict humans, hunting scenes and images of people interacting with plants, trees and savannah creatures. And, although there is also ice age animal rock art in Central Brazil, the new findings are more detailed and shed light on what these now-extinct species looked like, the researchers said.

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dc64cd No.162111

File: 93021e61dcd360c⋯.png (115.7 KB,877x718,877:718,Clipboard.png)

File: 19fe80240cae4e8⋯.png (103.82 KB,866x852,433:426,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f9107e2d279670⋯.png (66.27 KB,857x912,857:912,Clipboard.png)

File: 5179c0d3f3047fd⋯.png (61.36 KB,869x919,869:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053357 (161801ZDEC20) Notable: In Georgia, Unsigned Absentee Ballots, Shown on Video adds to the Stench of Election Corruption

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In Georgia, Unsigned Absentee Ballots, Shown on Video adds to the Stench of Election Corruption

When major metro areas in six swing states announced a “stop count” order a little after 11 PM on Election Night, as President Trump cruised to an electoral landslide, a stench suddenly permeated the air in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Fulton County, Georgia, surrounding Metro Atlanta, joined the vote-stop party with a sketchy excuse for stopping. County election officials blamed a “water leak” in the State Farm Arena, which later proved to be a lie.

After Fulton’s “bad plumbing” ruse, someone told Republican poll workers, “No more counting until the morning.”

Everybody left the Arena.

Well, almost everybody.

Late last week, shocking security video from State Farm Arena showed four Fulton County employees remaining behind. When the dust settled, they removed hidden suitcases filled with ballots from under a long, black table, and resumed counting, as fast as they could go, for two long hours.

The eager-beaver vote-counters probably forgot about security cameras in the ceiling.


To quote the great philosopher Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does.”

The four unobserved ballot-counters included a county elections employee named Ruby Freeman and apparently, Ruby Freeman’s daughter, “Shaye Moss,” who Ruby says is Fulton County’s Supervisor of Registration.

As it turns out, vote-counter Ruby is a publicity ham, helping shed light, perhaps unknowingly, on the dirty Fulton fiasco.

For example, on November 3rd, Ruby posted a photo from the front page of the Metro Section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution dated November 2nd, featuring a photograph of her daughter Shaye, with Ruby adding, “Look at my baby giving the look to those employees. Mommy is so proud of you. Supervisor of Registration.”


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dc64cd No.162112

File: 48b6e9cb3c61c66⋯.png (42.12 KB,673x820,673:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053366 (161802ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia GOP candidate for governor says 'Trump should declare martial law' in election fight

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Virginia GOP candidate for governor says 'Trump should declare martial law' in election fight

Virginia gubernatorial candidate and Republican state Sen. Amanda Chase says President Donald Trump "should declare martial law" as his challenge continues in the wake of the Electoral College officially voting to affirm Joe Biden as president-elect.

What are the details?

In a Facebook post reacting to the news of Biden's electoral victory, Chase wrote, in part:

"Not my President and never will be. The American people aren't fools. We know you cheated to win and we'll never accept these results. Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It's not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede. President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn."

On Dec. 1, former national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn — who was recently pardoned by Trump — tweeted an apparent endorsement of a news release from the We The People Convention, which began:

"Tom Zawistowski, President of the TEA Party affiliated We the People Convention (WTPC) and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, published a full page ad in the Washington Times newspaper demanding that President Trump Invoke limited Martial law in order to allow the U.S. Military to oversee a new free and fair federal election if Legislators, Courts and the Congress do not follow the Constitution."


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dc64cd No.162113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053526 (161815ZDEC20) Notable: #15388

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>>162080 Candace Owens brands Fauci and Bill Gates ‘evil’, claims big pharma is ‘wrought with corruption’ in Twitter attack

>>162078 O'Keefe released full Assange recording

>>162081 PF

>>162082 NEW DJT WRONG link to Donna Brazile

>>162083 LIVE: AMISTAD PROJECT News Conference on Dark Money Influence in 2020 Election

>>162084 Ireland’s health minister confirms plans for Covid vaccine ‘certificates’ & suggests people who refuse jab could face restrictions

>>162085 New Covid strain has 'striking' amount of mutations: Scientists discover 17 changes on spike protein of evolved virus

>>162086 House Speaker Pelosi enacts face mask mandate on Capitol Hill


>>162090 This Is a RICO Case and It Involves Potentially the Incoming President of the United States

>>162088 Bitcoin breaks $20,000

>>162079 Weird number of Ohio State Masks today?

>>162091 Trump to Mitch McConnell: ‘Too Soon to Give Up’ on Election Fight

>>162092 former fashion executive peter nygard arrested on sex trafficking charges

>>162093 FLASHBACK: Don Blankenship Warned US of McConnell’s Ties to Communist China In 2018 Campaign Ad

>>162094 REPORT: Zuckerberg Spent Half a Billion Dollars Coercing States To Adopt Pro-Dem Turnout Measures

>>162095 Barack Obama Dubs Republicans the 'Minority Party' in the US, Despite Constitutional Advantages

>>162096 Amistad Project Press Conference on Mark Zuckerberg’s Alleged Influence in 2020 Election

>>162097 Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

>>162098 Arizona rep can’t show face. Comments are golden

>>162099 Iris Biometric Added to Next Generation Identification System (forensic database)

>>162100 Assign a Commission to Fully Investigate the 2020 election

>>162101 Government's COVID Hoax hangs by a thread as credibility evaporates

>>162102 Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

>>162103 KEK television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video

>>162104 Ron Paul: The Feds Are Still Manipulating the Gold Price and It Won’t Stop


>>162106 Biden Cabinet Picks Welcomed Chinese Communist Conference for Group Boasting ‘Private Briefings’ With U.S. Officials

>>162107 So Much Evidence

>>162108 Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the people and to utilize military tribunals

>>162109 Q's post about Kyrsten Sinema being 'elected' to the Senate

>>162110 Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest

>>162111 In Georgia, Unsigned Absentee Ballots, Shown on Video adds to the Stench of Election Corruption

>>162112 Virginia GOP candidate for governor says 'Trump should declare martial law' in election fight

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dc64cd No.162114

File: c2d865a60d9adfe⋯.png (35.11 KB,504x358,252:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053685 (161827ZDEC20) Notable: One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting.

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Robert Herring @RobHerring (CEO-@OANN)

One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting.

There will be no decision until Jan. 6, 2021.



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dc64cd No.162115

File: fbb88498755a6b4⋯.png (59.39 KB,776x478,388:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053693 (161827ZDEC20) Notable: Biden says 'I'm confident' Hunter did nothing wrong, amid federal probe into 'tax affairs'

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Biden says 'I'm confident' Hunter did nothing wrong, amid federal probe into 'tax affairs'

The response is first time Biden has directly addressed investigation into son's 'tax affairs'

President-elect Biden on Wednesday directly addressed questions about a federal investigation into his son, Hunter Biden, for the first time, saying "I'm confident" that he did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden in a statement released last week by the transition organization for Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris acknowledged that the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware is "investigating my tax affairs." He said that he takes "this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors."

The transition said that Biden is "proud of his son," in a statement released at the same time.

Biden, has been questioned about the investigation into his son in recent days and had either not responded or said "I'm proud of my son."

Wednesday he was questioned again by Fox News' Peter Doocy about if he is confident his son did nothing wrong, to which Biden responded "I'm confident."

Hunter Biden has come under intense scrutiny in the past year over his business dealings. Specifically, the younger Biden was on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while his father as the vice president was overseeing American policy on Ukraine.

That fact became the focus of attacks against the Bidens from Republicans during the impeachment saga, which began when President Trump asked Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelknsky to resurrect an investigation into Burisma and the Bidens, and allegedly withheld aid to the country over the demand.

Hunter Biden's dealings in China, and the potential role his father may have played in them, have also come under scrutiny.

President Trump, in the waning days of his presidency, is considering whether he should request a special counsel to continue the Department of Justice's investigation into the president-elect's son, according to the Associated Press.

That would essentially ensure that any investigation into the younger Biden continues while his father is president. It is unclear at this point whether incoming Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen would appoint such a special counsel if Trump decides to push for one.


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dc64cd No.162116

File: 2abd8871696fad2⋯.png (76.78 KB,812x630,58:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053699 (161827ZDEC20) Notable: There doesn't seem to be any critical thinking anymore and its driving me crazy

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There doesn't seem to be any critical thinking anymore and its driving me crazy

People don't think about stuff they have to be told what to do and think. They just repeat stuff they hear from a mainstream source and have the same opinions on everything. I can literally predict what people are going to say and how they are going to say it so I tend to avoid people now. And if you try to say something else a lot of times they will try to invalidate what you say or call you a conspiracy theorist.. I only talk to a few people now.

People are drowing in information and their inherent processing power is not keeping up. I think it's one of the reasons for drivers in wealth disparity. If you are super intelligent person ( in multiple aspects of intelligence) you can take the information you meed, filter out what you don't, make great decisions and prosper. If you are juat the average person, the demands of just keeping up in a super connected world are taxing and you will tire easily. I think many people are just intellectually exhausted

Unfortunately very few people are aware of the trivium. The elite are taught this important and essential skill but it has been eradicated from the education system and therefore it can not be used as a sort of spam filter or antivirus for the mind.

The trivium uses the sequence grammar, logic, rhetoric also termed as knowledge, understanding, wisdom. Within knowledge or grammar stage one must establish the four W's. What, when, where, who. This information can then be used to establish the logic or understanding stage. Once understanding is achieved wisdom can be created or rhetoric whereby the information can be passed on. This can be used in any and every situation in life.

Look at all TV or mainstream media. Almost all articles gloss over the 4 W's citing things like scientists say, or experts have recently discovered. No information is given. One could argue that the information is deliberately occulted but it is generalised. Information such as this is pure fallacy and should be viewed as junk. Since nobody really understands the trivium and the many forms of logical fallacy, they leave themselves open to mind control. It is that simple.

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dc64cd No.162117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053705 (161828ZDEC20) Notable: ICE removes child molester convicted in Washington state to Mexico

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ICE removes child molester convicted in Washington state to Mexico

TACOMA – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers removed a Mexican national convicted in Washington state of three counts of child molestation, Dec. 8.

Horacio Ornelas-Lomeli, 38, was removed from the U.S. via an ICE Air Operations charter flight and transferred to the custody of Mexican authorities.

“ICE is committed to keeping children in our community safe from dangerous pedophiles like Ornelas-Lomeli,” said ICE’s ERO Seattle Field Office Director Nathalie Asher. “Criminal aliens, particularly those who harm children, should not be released back onto our streets when ICE has the ability to safely detain them throughout their removal proceedings.”

On Aug. 14, 2017, the Tacoma Police Department arrested Horacio Ornelas-Lomeli for child molestation and detained him at the Pierce County Jail. On Aug. 15, 2017, officers from ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) lodged an immigration detainer with the jail. On May 8, 2018, Ornelas-Lomeli was transferred to the Washington Corrections Center and ICE ERO officers again lodged a detainer.

On March 30, 2018, Ornelas-Lomeli was convicted of three counts of child molestation in the second degree, sentenced to 57 months confinement and later remanded to the custody of the Airway Heights Corrections Center to serve his prison term.

On Nov. 9, 2020, Ornelas-Lomeli was released from the Airway Height Corrections Center and transferred to ICE custody.

ICE lodges immigration detainers on individuals like Ornelas-Lomeli who have been arrested on local criminal charges and who are suspected of being removable, so that ICE can take custody of that person when he or she is released from local custody.

“As law enforcement agencies, we owe it to the young victims in these types of cases to do all we can to keep these offenders as far away from them as possible,” continued Asher. “Immigration detainers are simply another tool that helps us do that.”

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is charged with enforcing federal immigration laws enacted by Congress. Officers with ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) are sworn law enforcement officers who carry out the arrest, detention and removal of aliens found to be in the United States unlawfully. ICE allocates the agency’s finite immigration enforcement resources by prioritizing public and national security threats, immigration fugitives and illegal reentrants. However, all of those in violation of immigration laws may be subject to immigration arrest, detention and, if found removable by final order, removal from the United States.

Aliens processed for removal may receive their legal due process from federal immigration judges in the immigration courts, which are administered by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). EOIR is an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice and is separate from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and ICE. Immigration judges in these courts make decisions based on the merits of each individual case. ICE officers carry out the removal decisions made by the federal immigration judges.


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dc64cd No.162118

File: b6771e48af7b665⋯.png (29.61 KB,597x239,597:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053706 (161828ZDEC20) Notable: Senate Hearings going on LIVE @OANN, as to the Fraudulent 2020 Election that just took place

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Senate Hearings going on LIVE @OANN, as to the Fraudulent 2020 Election that just took place. @SenRonJohnson doing an excellent job. Nevada must be flipped based on testimony!


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dc64cd No.162119

File: 10a934a64ef603d⋯.png (29.69 KB,795x417,265:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053723 (161829ZDEC20) Notable: Smoking gun email from Hunter Biden proves that daddy Joe was in on the China deals

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Smoking gun email from Hunter Biden proves that daddy Joe was in on the China deals

Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden (we don’t think he won jack this year in terms of a free and fair election) has been saying for years he ‘doesn’t know anything’ about the international business dealings of his son, Hunter Biden.

When news broke previously that Hunter Biden was being paid the big bucks as a ‘board member’ with Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while daddy Joe was vice president, daddy Joe claimed to know less than nothing about it.

And a year ago, as he began his campaign and news broke that Hunter Biden was a stooge of Communist China, having been enriched by the authoritarian regime’s business billionaires, daddy Joe pleaded ignorance once again.

Well, we know now that, as usual, Daddy Joe Biden was lying, and none other than his son exposed the lie.

In an exclusive, The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross reported last week that Hunter Biden emailed the manager of his office in Washington, D.C., in September 2017 asking her to make more keys for his “office mates” including his father and Gongwen Dong, who he described as the “emissary” for the head of a massive Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC.

Ross writes:

“[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates,” Hunter Biden wrote in the email before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden and Gongwen Dong, who he identified as the “emissary” for the chairman of the now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.


Sorry. No data so far.

Hunter Biden also requested that a sign be made for his office stating “The Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).”

Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with the conglomerate in 2017 were the crux of allegations from his former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in October that Joe Biden was “plainly familiar” with the business dealings of his family in China, which seeks to rival the U.S. in military and economic power in the coming years.

Bobulinski was one of the people who received a highly controversial email in May 2017 that purported to reference Joe Biden as the “big guy” who was set to receive 10 percent of the income from a joint venture deal with Hunter Biden and CEFC.

The revelation in the email about the keys came the same week that Hunter Biden acknowledged that he is under investigation by federal authorities for “tax issues.”

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” he said in a statement. “I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”

But there’s actually a lot more to Hunter Biden’s probe than ‘tax issues.’

For one, the feds have been investigating him and his family, apparently, since 2018 for corruption including money laundering.

A joint report from two Senate panels also said that investigators uncovered damning business connections to China and Russia, as well as other countries, that will definitely put our nation at risk because Joe Biden and his family are compromised.


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dc64cd No.162120

File: 3334d653997653a⋯.png (111.85 KB,951x403,951:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b15f92ec61fcf4⋯.png (50.9 KB,693x275,63:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 7682b30ad16814a⋯.png (84.11 KB,882x838,441:419,Clipboard.png)

File: f582b4cc5c02d8e⋯.png (50.56 KB,592x251,592:251,Clipboard.png)

File: aecc7be823a70b2⋯.png (834.87 KB,882x2408,63:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053733 (161831ZDEC20) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings.

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Train of Thought now leaving the station.

DJT tweeted this, today:

Donald J. Trump


Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired @donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials. @FoxNews is dead. Really Sad!

8:21 AM · Dec 16, 2020

The Donna Brazile account he linked wasn't the blue check one. This one uses a capital "i" instead of a lower case L.


So that "Donna Brazile" account that DJT linked hasn't tweeted since Mar. 15, 2017…

And was tweeted by DJT this morning.

Devil's Advocate asks what happens if you include today?

Obviously we get to 1373 days.

Please tell me how either/both of those drops are not relevant to our current scenario

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dc64cd No.162121

File: 7a43a3621d747d8⋯.png (539.85 KB,729x785,729:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a37eae8b48787f⋯.png (56.73 KB,734x897,734:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053734 (161831ZDEC20) Notable: Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May

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Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May

Donations to Black Lives Matter-related causes over the past 7 months rival Amazon's total profits for all of 2019 – which was a record-breaking year for the online retail giant.

Donations to Black Lives Matter-related causes since May were $10.6bn https://t.co/BRm4Q2jne2

— The Economist (@TheEconomist) December 12, 2020

In other words, BLM has about the equivalent of amazons profit this year (11.5B)

— Hot Topic Richboi (@whiteboycryalot) December 15, 2020

According to the Economist, BLM is planning to start a bank and has already begun giving money to "gay rights groups" (75 percent of black people voted to ban gay marriage in California in 2008 but the figureheads who run the Black Lives Matter organization are two self-described "queer lesbians" who say on their official website their goal is to "foster a queer‐affirming network" with "the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking").

From The Economist, "Six months after mass protests began, what is the future of BLM?":

Start with the great fire-hose of money pointed at BLM groups and sympathisers. The example of Niko Georgiades of Unicorn Riot, a non-profit, left-leaning media firm that posted early footage of protests in Minneapolis, is instructive. Thanks to online donations, within a couple of months his almost-broke outfit went from $8,000 in the bank to nearly $650,000. That's enough to keep operating for another five years, he says joyfully. Ms McKnight saw donations flood in from people in America, Europe, Japan and Brazil. Within a month of the protests, BLM's national network had to scramble to offer a first round of $6.5m in grants—far more than ever before—to city chapters, gay-rights groups and others.

That was just a start. Vastly larger promises and sums followed as employee and corporate donors, as well as rich individuals, joined the gift-giving. Donations to BLM-related causes since May were $10.6bn. Exact sums received will be known when the central body overseeing BLM spending publishes its finances (confusingly it relies on another entity, a "fiscal sponsor", the Tides Foundation, to oversee its books).

Remember, the Tides Foundation which is handling BLM's money had convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg on their board.


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dc64cd No.162122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053738 (161832ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notables for #13585

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Here's notables for #13585.

>>162048 , >>162055 Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

>>162049 NEW DJT

>>162050 How QAnon's lies are hijacking the national conversation

>>162051 , >>162061 CM tweets

>>162052 American Thinker: McConnell warns Rep. senators not to object when electors are certified on January 6th

>>162053 Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election Tomorrow Morning

>>162054 Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains How President Trump Has SEVERAL Paths To Victory

>>162056 Vice: QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

>>162057 , >>162058 Obama taking out Biden, the "stand-in"?

>>162059 OC Sheriff Refuses to Release 1,800 Dangerous Inmates After Judge’s Order

>>162060 Biden’s DOE Pick Jennifer Granholm Spent Years Pushing Russia Conspiracy Theories

>>162062 Anon makes video playlist to wake up normies

>>162063 Anon opines that CM is a very observant dude

>>162064 , >>162065 , >>162066 Trump Identifies First Jail Targets As Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown

>>162067 Republican State Sen. Amanda Chase believes Trump should declare martial law

>>162068 Veritas just released the Assange audio

>>162069 Holy, Holy, Holy

>>162070 Q drop 45 is about Donna

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dc64cd No.162123

File: 7f81f87df70683e⋯.png (20.82 KB,601x217,601:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053757 (161834ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet Former United States Solicitor General Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Election.

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Former United States Solicitor General Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Election.


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dc64cd No.162124

File: 257f074d9e25ee3⋯.png (461.51 KB,698x604,349:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053763 (161834ZDEC20) Notable: Amazon Slams Trump Administration As 'Increasingly Corrupt' In Lawsuit Against Pentagon

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Amazon Slams Trump Administration As 'Increasingly Corrupt' In Lawsuit Against Pentagon

Amazon claims the Pentagon awarded Microsoft the JEDI contract after political interference

The company accused President Trump of steering the award away

The White House would not allow the Defense Department's inspector general to speak to witnesses

Amazon slammed the Trump administration for creating an “increasingly corrupt environment” after the Pentagon awarded a cloud computing contract to Microsoft.

In a court filing on Tuesday, Amazon Web Services (AWS) said political interference influenced the Pentagon’s decision to award its $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract to Microsoft. Upholding that decision, the filing stated, is “the product of an increasingly corrupt environment under the Trump administration.”

The project would involve storing and managing sensitive information, including military and defense data.

“The award to Microsoft must be invalidated because it is the product of systematic bias, bad faith, and undue influence exerted by President Trump to steer the award away from Amazon,” the court filing read, according to Reuters.

In March, the Pentagon said it would reconsider its decision to award the $10 billion contract to Microsoft. However, the Department of Defense stood by its decision after conducting a “comprehensive re-evaluation of proposals.”

Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) also claimed it found no evidence of political interference in the awarding process. However, the Inspector General also said that it couldn’t thoroughly investigate whether Trump had any role in the process.

“We could not review this matter fully because of the assertion of a 'presidential communications privilege,' which resulted in several DoD witnesses being instructed by the DoD Office of General Counsel not to answer our questions about potential communications between White House and DoD officials about JEDI,” the report said.

The White House would reportedly allow witnesses to answer the inspector general’s questions, but the responses would have to be reviewed and approved by the administration.

Microsoft’s win of the JEDI contract was an upset. Many saw AWS as the frontrunner during the bidding process. The company, led by Jeff Bezos, had bid tens of millions of dollars lower than its competitor.

Amazon also alleged that Microsoft did not meet the “Price Scenario 6,” which required the company’s online storage to be “highly accessible.”


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dc64cd No.162125

File: 7fa0bfca5038d0a⋯.png (41.69 KB,632x409,632:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053765 (161834ZDEC20) Notable: MS-ISAC POSTS CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY

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dc64cd No.162126

File: 36a3275f0167e45⋯.png (446.33 KB,759x871,759:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053774 (161835ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals

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Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals

Some COVID-19 vaccine participants suffered from Bell's palsy after receiving a shot

The FDA said there are not enough cases to determine whether the vaccine causes the condition

Symptoms of Bell's palsy typically lasts a few weeks

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday recommended the monitoring of people who receive the coronavirus vaccine after a handful of trial participants developed Bell’s palsy following inoculation.

In a 54-page staff report, the FDA cited four cases of Bell’s palsy among participants of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trial, in which three invididuals were given the vaccine instead of a placebo.

The report also found that Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine trial also had four Bell’s palsy cases. All four received the vaccine.

The FDA staff said two of the Bell’s palsy cases in the Moderna trial had been “resolved” at the time of the report. There were not enough cases to determine whether the coronavirus vaccine caused Bell’s palsy among participants.

“Currently available information is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with the vaccine,” the FDA wrote.

Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, or both sides, causing the face to droop or become stiff. People suffering from the condition have difficulties smiling or closing the eye on the affected side.

Symptoms also include drooling, eating or drinking difficulties, the inability to smile or frown, muscle twitches in the face, headache, and sensitivity to sound.


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dc64cd No.162127

File: 2cbe01370a4b3b1⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB,900x551,900:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 37cc44a01ab2680⋯.jpeg (130.92 KB,621x680,621:680,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80c318c3425bb1f⋯.jpeg (102.89 KB,680x664,85:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053779 (161835ZDEC20) Notable: RONNA MCDANIEL HAS BEEN FIXING THE ELECTION FOR THE C_A AND HER CROOKED FAMILY SINCE 2014

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ArtOfWar Retweeted

Michael Rae Khoury Flag of United StatesMedium starMedium starMedium star






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dc64cd No.162128

File: 4988b61ab86dfd3⋯.png (94.84 KB,755x903,755:903,Clipboard.png)

File: d1324ea749c9dd1⋯.png (98.68 KB,789x808,789:808,Clipboard.png)

File: 880115e3e086269⋯.png (65.58 KB,753x699,251:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053800 (161836ZDEC20) Notable: Kenyan National Indicted for Conspiring to Hijack Aircraft

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Kenyan National Indicted for Conspiring to Hijack Aircraft on Behalf of the Al Qaeda-Affiliated Terrorist Organization Al Shabaab

Cholo Abdi Abdullah Obtained Pilot Training and Researched How to Hijack Aircraft in Order to Conduct a 9/11-Style Attack at the Direction of al Shabaab


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dc64cd No.162129

File: 704b5f8ba36eda0⋯.png (2.72 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053805 (161837ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGE SOROS HUGE STAKE IN PALANTIR BUT NOW WANTS TO SELL?

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Uhm guys Palantir could definitely be involved in Solarwinds/Sunburt. They are a huge customer of all the gov agencies



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dc64cd No.162130

File: 50b4587fac75f11⋯.jpg (172.23 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053810 (161837ZDEC20) Notable: Vice Q hit piece QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

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Vice Q hit piece

QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

An analysis of Q’s cryptic posts found there are two distinct authors writing "Q drops," a finding that undermines the entire QAnon belief system


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dc64cd No.162131

File: 8ef50a7a70658d6⋯.png (884.26 KB,1874x971,1874:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053814 (161837ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Interesting flight path for this Egyptian C-130.

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dc64cd No.162132

File: 834928d8ca33a76⋯.png (303.88 KB,571x433,571:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053848 (161839ZDEC20) Notable: Rand Paul: ‘The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen’

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Rand Paul: ‘The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at Wednesday’s U.S. Senate hearing examining irregularities during 2020 presidential election claimed that “fraud happened” and that the election “in many ways was stolen.”

This Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing comes after the Electoral College on Monday voted, making President-elect Joe Biden‘s victory official, and after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and many other top Senate Republicans congratulated the president-elect following Monday’s vote. President Donald Trump refuses to concede the election and continues to claim that the election was stolen from him.

The hearing’s top witness was Chris Krebs, who served as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and oversaw the United States’ election security for the 2020 presidential election. President Trump controversially fired Krebs because he disagreed with the president on the prevalence of election fraud, even having created a CISA website for the purpose of debunking election disinformation.

“The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen,” the Kentucky Republican claimed. “And the only way it’ll be fixed is by, in the future, reinforcing the laws.”

“But I think [Kreb’s] job was keeping the foreigners out of the election. It was the most secure election based on the security of the internet and technology, but he has never voiced an opinion […] on whether or not dead people voted—I don’t think he examined that,” Paul said toward the end of his speaking time, then questioning if Krebs examined non-citizens’ voting.

Many Republicans, in alleging that widespread election fraud occurred in the 2020 election, have often cited claims that a lot of dead people and non-citizens voted. The over 50 lawsuits challenging the results of the election in certain swing states alleging election fraud have overwhelmingly failed in the courts.

“So to say it was the safest election—sure, I agree with your statement if you’re referring to foreign intervention,” Paul continued. “But if you’re saying it’s the safest election based on no dead people voted, no non-citizens voted, no people broke the absentee [ballot] rules, I think that’s false and I think that’s what’s upset a lot of people on our side is that they’re taking your statement to mean ‘Oh, there were no problems in the elections.'”

“I don’t think you examined any of the problems that we’ve heard here,” he added, “so really you’re just referring to something differently, the way I look at it.”


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dc64cd No.162133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053871 (161841ZDEC20) Notable: Did @POTUS know this about Rosen before he appointed him as interim AG?

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Did @POTUS know this about Rosen before he appointed him as interim AG? Yes

why then would he appoint him?

1. to put Deputy AG Rick Donoghue in his position for a short time to familiarize himself with the current operations of DOJ

2. To expose yet another deep state asset

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_

BREAKING: Interim AG Jeff Rosenthe ex-COO of DOJhas been fingered as the reason Durham probe has been on a slow boil. A Bushie,Rosen supported Rubio's 2016 run over Trump(Rubio was first to hire Simpson/FusionGPS). Rosen felt IG Horowitz adequately exposed the #Spygate abuses

8:09 PM · Dec 15, 2020·T


Replying to @ArtOfWarNewsi.e.

Rosen So that the truth about him could be made known to the public

3.To slide Donohue into the position as AG after he familiarized himself with DOJ operations



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dc64cd No.162134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053908 (161843ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden ‘disinformation’ claim causes meltdown at Senate hearing

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Hunter Biden ‘disinformation’ claim causes meltdown at Senate hearing

WASHINGTON — A Senate hearing on irregularities in the 2020 election on Wednesday got heated when GOP Sen. Ron Johnson berated a fellow member for accusing him of spreading “disinformation.”

Johnson (R-Wis.), the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, exploded at Ranking Member Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) for criticizing his probe into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and accusing him of “laundering” a foreign influence campaign designed to wound Joe Biden.

“I have to talk about Russian disinformation. The people peddling it are not on my side of the aisle,” Johnson said, accusing Peters of leaking “a false intelligence report” to the media that charged he and veteran Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) were “disseminating Russian disinformation.”

“Fifty people associated with the intelligence community, after our Hunter Biden investigation and the revelations of the Hunter Biden computer said, ‘Oh, this is Russian disinformation,'” Johnson went on, referring to the Post’s bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden’s shadowy overseas business dealings.

“Now we find out it’s a real investigation by the Justice Department,” Johnson said, acknowledging the federal tax probe into Biden’s scandal-scarred son.

“I can’t sit by here and listen to this and say that this is not disinformation, this hearing today. This is getting information. We have to take a look at to restore confidence in our election integrity,” he said.

Peters pushed back, telling Johnson: “You say I’m putting out information. I had nothing to do with this report.”

“You lied repeatedly! You lied repeatedly in the press. That I was spreading Russian disinformation,” Johnson shot back.

“I told you to stop lying and you continued to do it,” the Republican lawmaker went on.

“Mr. Chairman, this is not about airing your grievances,” Peters retorted.

“You talked about Russian disinformation,” Johnson griped.

“Mr. Chairman, you can’t make those allegations and drop it there,” Peters said.

The men were arguing about a July letter from Democratic leaders to FBI director Christopher Wray where they claimed members of Congress were being targeted by a foreign influence campaign to change the outcome of the 2020 election.

According to a Politico report, Democrats argued that Johnson’s Hunter Biden investigation had become a vehicle for “laundering” disinformation.

At Wednesday’s hearing, lawyers for President Trump’s re-election campaign said they had found hundreds of thousands of examples of dead people and non-citizens voting and people casting multiple ballots.

Chris Krebs, the fired director of the Trump administration’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, repeated his claim that the 202 election was the most secure in history.

“We should all be taking a victory lap celebrating a job well done,” he said.

Trump fired the top election official on Nov. 17 after he openly dismissed the president’s allegations of fraud in the election.


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dc64cd No.162135

File: 94a7c80c8f2e425⋯.png (31.05 KB,748x443,748:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053924 (161844ZDEC20) Notable: FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Pigs - https://breaking911.com/fda-approves-g

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FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Pigs - https://breaking911.com/fda-approves-g


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dc64cd No.162136

File: 82c6c29ab3c93bc⋯.png (645.38 KB,600x396,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053927 (161844ZDEC20) Notable: Israel Wants To Deploy Joint Missile Systems With ‘Arab Allies’ To Persian Gulf

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Israel Wants To Deploy Joint Missile Systems With ‘Arab Allies’ To Persian Gulf

Israel is now promoting the idea of the cooperation in the field of missile defense with the Gulf monarchies that share its ‘concerns’ about Iran.

“Things can be done, maybe in the future,” But Moshe Patel, who heads the Israeli Missile Defence Organisation that is part of the Defence Ministry, said, when asked whether any of the systems might be offered to Israel’s new partners in the Gulf, or synchronised with comparable systems there.

“From an engineering point of view, of course there is a lot of advantage. That information can be shared, like sensors that can be deployed in both countries because we have the same enemies.”


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dc64cd No.162137

File: 20f0082a84bc9b8⋯.png (146.56 KB,347x246,347:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12053986 (161848ZDEC20) Notable: Mexico Revokes Diplomatic Immunity for Foreign Agents

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Mexico Revokes Diplomatic Immunity for Foreign Agents

Mexico’s parliament has passed a new law imposing restrictions on foreign intelligence activities in a move the United States has warned will make citizens of both countries “less safe.”

The additional provisions under Mexico’s national security laws, passed with a considerable parliamentary majority on Tuesday, have revoked diplomatic immunity for foreign agents operating in the country, as well as requiring them to share present and future intelligence with Mexican officials.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr said in a statement last Friday that the new legislation “would have the effect of making cooperation between our countries more difficult,” only serving to “benefit the violent transnational criminal organizations and other criminals that we are jointly fighting.”

As the foremost entry point for narcotics entering the U.S., Mexico has long proven a key target for U.S. enforcement agencies in their historic war on drugs, with ongoing operations provoking heated debate over questions of national sovereignty.

It was those questions that in October saw Mexico City successfully lobby for the repatriation of General Salvador Cienfuegos, a former defense secretary who’d been detained on narcotics charges in the U.S. for his alleged role as chief of an unholy alliance between Mexico’s armed forces and the infamous H-2 drugs cartel. Facing no such charges in Mexico, he has returned to his home country a free man.

President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador sent proposals for the recent legislation to parliament in early December, after publicly criticising the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s checkered record in Mexico, accusing the agency of coming to the country “as if they owned the place.”

His comments struck an odd tone against previous statements on U.S.-Mexico relations in the arena of law enforcement. As recently as September, he said he was open to extraditing former presidents to the U.S. if it meant they faced prosecution for the endemic culture of graft that has beleaguered successive administrations — despite this falling largely under Mexican jurisdiction, as well as there being no indication that any of Lopez-Obrador’s predecessors are presently facing investigation.

News of the recent legislation also comes during a turbulent time in the U.S. politics, with incumbent Donald Trump mounting repeated, as-yet-unsuccessful challenges against the outcome of the recent presidential election, which in turn have seen Attorney General Barr — who refused to support Trump’s claims of voter fraud — announce on Monday he would be stepping down his post next week.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s victory in the polls has reportedly failed to inspire enthusiasm from Lopez-Obrador, who has historically enjoyed relatively warm relations with President Trump.

Meanwhile, Mexico is set to end the year with one of its highest annual homicide records to date — having broken monthly records in the first half of 2020 — due to rates of violence widely attributed to the militarization under former president Felipe Calderon of its enforcement efforts against the country’s notorious drug cartels.

Recent OCCRP investigations have also revealed how one of the country’s leading narcotics networks, the Sinaloa syndicate, is continuing to expand its presence in Europe, as well as ties between the ultraviolent Los Zetas cartel and Mexico’s former consul in Barcelona.


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dc64cd No.162138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054004 (161849ZDEC20) Notable: Amistad Project Releases Report on Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Dark Money’ in 2020 Elections

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Amistad Project Releases Report on Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Dark Money’ in 2020 Elections

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society released a report Wednesday documenting the effect of donations by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to private-public partnerships that turned out the vote in key Democratic counties in 2020.

The report, titled “The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding in Federal and State Election Processes,” alleges that when Zuckerberg gave money to government institutions to assist with elections during the coronavirus pandemic, the donations were targeted at Democrat-heavy areas in swing states with the specific purpose of tilting the election to Joe Biden.

The report, according to Amistad Project director Phil Kline, documented the use of “more than one half of a billion dollars, more than the federal government expended [$400 million] in the CARES Act, to fund the election during the COVID crisis.

“This, effectively, is a shadow government running our elections,” he added. “A half a billion dollars into the hands of state and local officials who, in turn, allowed those private organizations, and private interests, to have access to sensitive and private information of American citizens that was of value to political parties, and monetized for interests on the left.”

Kline said that Zuckerberg’s money had encouraged states to violate their own laws, and act contrary to federal law, in turning out specific groups of voters and suppressing turnout among other groups of voters, violating the Constitution.

“Zuckerberg paid for the election judges; he purchased the drop boxes — contrary to state law; he ordered the consolidation of the counting facilities; Zuckerberg paid the local officials who boarded up the windows to the counting room; Zuckerberg money purchased the machines, Dominion and otherwise; and Zuckerberg money was contributed to secretaries of state, like Michigan’s Jocelyn Benson, who has fought transparency in this election.”

Breitbart News reported before the election on Zuckerberg’s donations to the non-profit Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), warning that it was targeting Demcorat-heavy jurisdictions and functioning as a public get-out-the-vote operation under the guise of a “safe elections” project.

After the election, Breitbart News confirmed that Biden’s winning margin in Georgia came from counties targeted by CTCL with help from Zuckerberg’s donations.

This story is developing.


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dc64cd No.162139

File: dd94551677a688b⋯.png (483.89 KB,614x411,614:411,Clipboard.png)

File: fd2df265c769ba8⋯.png (49.59 KB,655x903,655:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054027 (161850ZDEC20) Notable: REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

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REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

Based on the completely fictional narrative that the Russians installed Donald Trump in the White House in 2016, the Democratic Party machine, mainstream media and their Big Tech partners in Silicon Valley – colluded to devise a new network of censorship teams whose primary function has been to police the internet and suppress any information which might be damaging to the Democratic establishment or its transnational corporate backers.

In 2020, their strategy seems to have worked, as they managed to bury damning reports about the Biden family corruption which may have deterred millions of voters had the story been reported factually by the DNC-oriented mainstream media.

They call themselves the “Fact-Checkers” and they claim they are neutral and apolitical, only they are not.

However, the real danger is that this aggressive political censorship machine may have already damaged American democracy beyond repair.

Sky News Australia reports….

An outspoken Twitter activist critical of Donald Trump who brags about being on “team” Hillary Clinton is a supposedly independent expert who approves and recommends organisations to become Facebook fact-checkers.

Facebook fact-checkers have extraordinary powers to censor news stories they disagree with, demonetize news organisations and ban news outlets entirely.

The process of becoming a fact-checker is described as “non-partisan” by Facebook but a Sky News Australia investigation has uncovered disturbing evidence of political bias and lack of accountability at the top levels of the certification process.

International Fact-Checking Network certifier and American University School of Communication professor Margot Susca is unashamedly politically biased but she was responsible for issuing 19 recommendations for organisations to become fact-checkers.

This includes the Associated Press, Check Your Fact, Decrypteurs, Lead Stories, Media Wise and The Dispatch.

(….) In 2019, Ms Susca posted a happy snap with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton where she admitted “I’ve been on Team Hillary since 08 tbh” and said she was disappointed her likability did not resonate with the public in 2016.

“My boyfriend was her nuclear policy fellow for a year when she was in the Senate,” she wrote.

“Says she’s the smartest, wittiest, most likeable person. It just never came through I guess. So f—ing sad.”

Watch this detailed report on Facebook’s allegedly ‘non-partisan” International Fact-Checking Network group:



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dc64cd No.162140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054041 (161852ZDEC20) Notable: Dr Kory Exposes Gov-Pharma Complex Suppressing Effective COVID Treatments

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Dr Kory Exposes Gov-Pharma Complex Suppressing Effective COVID Treatments

The following testimony is by Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivering a passionate testimony to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II”, chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson on Dec 8th.

Dr Kory is telling the government that the low cost drug Ivermectin, widely used as an anti-parasite medicine and is known to have strong anti-viral properties. It is both safe and effective – and most importantly it’s inexpensive and not patented – which is exactly why this and other similar drugs are currently being suppressed by Democratic Party lawmakers, US regulators and corrupt pharmaceutical industry gatekeepers like Dr Anthony Fauci at the National Institute for Health (NIH), as well as similarly corrupted officials at the FDA, the CDC and others.

Watch this stunning testimony by Dr Kory’s and key panel discussion afterward:


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dc64cd No.162141

File: f5f14d5d4c6daae⋯.png (1010.14 KB,1175x797,1175:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054047 (161852ZDEC20) Notable: A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 36% of all likely U.S. voters believe court challenges of election results in several states will yield a victory for Mr. Trump

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>What's with all the hit pieces today?

Might have something to do with this:

A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 36% of all likely U.S. voters believe court challenges of election results in several states will yield a victory for Mr. Trump . . . some 56 million people still think Mr. Trump has a chance to stay in the White House.

56 million.



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dc64cd No.162142

File: 318ab77adf6a315⋯.png (40.9 KB,503x413,503:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054057 (161853ZDEC20) Notable: McCarthy: FBI is stonewalling on Swalwell's tie to CHINA briefing

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McCarthy: FBI is stonewalling on Swalwell's tie to CHINA briefing

Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader

I have asked the FBI for a briefing on Rep. Swalwell's ties to a reported-spy from China. Twice it has been scheduled. Twice it has been canceled by the FBI.

Swalwell is a national security liability. This is too important for the FBI to continue to stonewall.


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dc64cd No.162143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054064 (161853ZDEC20) Notable: 'What Kind of Alliance is This?' Erdogan Blasts US Sanctions as Attack on Turkey's Sovereignty

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'What Kind of Alliance is This?' Erdogan Blasts US Sanctions as Attack on Turkey's Sovereignty

On Monday, the US Treasury slapped sanctions on four Turkish officials and the Presidency of Defence Industries, a federal office responsible for managing Turkey's defence industries. The restrictions are related to Ankara's purchase of the S-400, an advanced Russian-made air defence system.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has lashed out at Washington over the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) restrictions slapped on his country, suggesting that no other nation except Turkey, a NATO ally, has been subjected to such restrictions.

"What kind of alliance is this? What is this based on?" Erdogan fumed in a televised address from Ankara on Wednesday, calling the restrictions an "open attack against" Turkey's "sovereignty."

"Refusing our conditions for the purchase of their [Patriot] air defence systems, the United States used the sanctions weapon because we purchased them elsewhere," he added.

Warning that sanctions were 'incompatible' with the US-Turkish status as allies, Erdogan announced that Turkey's defence sector would "work two times harder" amid the restrictions, and stressed that Washington 'will not stop' Turkey's efforts.

Erdogan was incorrect in suggesting that CAATSA had never been deployed against any nation except Turkey. In 2018, the US government used the law to target a Chinese defence procurement office and its director for "engaging in significant transactions" with Russia over its transfer of Su-35 fighter jets and S-400-related equipment to the People's Republic. US officials have also threatened to use CAATSA against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, and against India amid that country's plans to buy S-400s. Washington has not followed through on the latter two threats.

Sanctions Spat

The Turkish president's remarks follow Monday's announcement by the Treasury that four Turkish officials and the Presidency of Defence Industries had been sanctioned, with restrictions including a "prohibition on granting specific US export licenses and authorizations for any goods or technology transferred" to the government agency.

Later, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released a statement saying that Turkey remains "a valued Ally and an important regional security partner," and should "resolve the S-400 problem immediately" if it wants the sanctions lifted.

On Tuesday, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar announced that the sanctions had "shaken all the values" of the Turkish-US alliance, saying the restrictions "will not only damage the spirit of the alliance," but "undermine trust among allies."

Earlier, Ankara dismissed the US justification for the sanctions - that the S-400 poses a threat to US and NATO aircraft and defence system, saying the claim was not based in reality. Turkey, Ankara said, had repeatedly proposed the creation of a technical working group with NATO's participation to look into the matter, but the proposal fell on deaf ears.

Turkey and Russia penned a $2.5 billion contract on the delivery of Russia's S-400 air defence system in late 2017, with Moscow offering Ankara a generous credit agreement for the purchase. The move eventually led the US to boot the country out of the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet programme, setting back production schedules as the US defence giant scrambled to find other suppliers for the roughly 1,000 parts being produced by Turkish defence industries at the time. Turkey has since indicated that it would be turning elsewhere for its fighter jets.


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dc64cd No.162144

File: 0bcd6c9e1477131⋯.png (497.81 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

File: b6095aaf904f113⋯.png (412.66 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e2ea807af6a5b4⋯.png (376.66 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054082 (161854ZDEC20) Notable: Global Notables

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Some weird shit going on around Nova Scotia, seems pretty busy. Two domestic flights dropped off the radar including one from Singapore, both on the Eastern edge.. Sorry, no sauce on the domestics as they dropped off as I was checking on them.

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dc64cd No.162145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054089 (161855ZDEC20) Notable: Bread 15383 Notables

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#15383 >>>/qresearch/12049407

>>>/qresearch/12049512, >>>/qresearch/12049513 #Pipegate Geoffrey Stiles, SVP of Facilities, indicates burst of pipe was "highly exaggerated"

>>>/qresearch/12049521 Pornhub now accepts crypto as only payment option after Visa and MasterCard dumps it

>>>/qresearch/12049506, >>>/qresearch/12050035, >>>/qresearch/12050248, >>>/qresearch/12049896 Scavino tweet - EO 13848 links

>>>/qresearch/12049642 Operation LASER is Canada's COVID distribution op; Edmonton soldiers ready to assist with vaccine distribution

>>>/qresearch/12049646 Sex tapes of Mitch McConnell exist, links to China

>>>/qresearch/12049757 LIVE: Senate holds 1st federal hearing on election 'irregularities' (Dec. 16) | NTD

>>>/qresearch/12049928 New POTUS - So ridiculous and unfair. Will people never make a stand!

>>>/qresearch/12049931, >>>/qresearch/12049948 Stay strong - on shills

>>>/qresearch/12049976 Luciferin is the name of the bioluminescent marker sold by Promega

>>>/qresearch/12050058 Dominion, Ghislaine Maxwell, Soros, Solarwinds, Sentinel, Mark Malloch Brown connections (graphic)

>>>/qresearch/12050093 PF

>>>/qresearch/12050100 Committee Recommends Changing Name Of Abraham Lincoln High School Because He Allegedly Didn’t Prove Black Lives Matter

>>>/qresearch/12050101 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were served two subpoenas on Tuesday afternoon; information to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman due by 5 p.m. on Dec 18

>>>/qresearch/12050122, >>>/qresearch/12050207 CCP puppet heat map - dig request on Confucius Institutes

>>>/qresearch/12050148 Kansas Mayor Resigns Over Mask Mandate Threats

>>>/qresearch/12050164 Vaccine coverage is fake, actors involved?

>>>/qresearch/12050231 FauxNews insinuated that Republicans would cheat in the election in October

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162146

File: e45c774543c023e⋯.png (248.07 KB,554x420,277:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054115 (161857ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Press Pool Member Tests Positive For COVID

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Biden Press Pool Member Tests Positive For COVID

President-elect Joe Biden isn't even in office yet, and one member of his press pool has already been sent into quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19, stoking worries about Biden potentially being infected.

The press pool member wasn't in close contact with Biden, though that person traveled with Biden on Tuesday.

Here's the full statement from the Biden campaign:

"Today, a member of the press pool who traveled with the President-elect yesterday received a positive PCR test for Covid-19. We initiated contact tracing protocols immediately, and this person was not ever in close contact as defined by the CDC with the President¬ elect. He also adhered to masking and social distancing guidelines at all times during the trip.

"Out of an abundance of caution, one member of our traveling communications team who was in close contact with this individual will self¬ quarantine for 7 days and other members of the traveling press pool who were in close contact with this individual are not on pool duty today and will not be until they clear the window for being infectious. No other member of the President-elect's staff has been assessed to be at risk for exposure or transmission of the virus."

So, how much longer until the MSM starts complaining about the Biden campaign's blatant disregard for reporters' safety?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162147

File: 7d8f59215dbedae⋯.png (356.97 KB,1536x717,512:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 15c148f97abf842⋯.png (827.43 KB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054149 (161859ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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CHAOS82 refueling CHAOS81 just east of White Sands Missile Range.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054209 (161904ZDEC20) Notable: #15389

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12053589 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12053536 Global Announcements

>>>/qresearch/12053541 15388 Bread Notables

>>>/qresearch/12053545 15387 / 15386 / 15385 / 15384 / 15383 Bread Notables

>>>/qresearch/12053548 15382 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12053549 15381 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12053553 Previous Notables

>>>/qresearch/12053559 Digital Warfare / Global QResearch Links

>>>/qresearch/12053566 Anon Resources (resignations, archives, etc…)

#15389@500 Notables

>>162114 One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting.

>>162115 Biden says 'I'm confident' Hunter did nothing wrong, amid federal probe into 'tax affairs'

>>162116 There doesn't seem to be any critical thinking anymore and its driving me crazy

>>162117 ICE removes child molester convicted in Washington state to Mexico

>>162118 Senate Hearings going on LIVE @OANN, as to the Fraudulent 2020 Election that just took place

>>162119 Smoking gun email from Hunter Biden proves that daddy Joe was in on the China deals

>>162120 @realDonaldTrump Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings.

>>162121 Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May

>>162122 Anon notables for #13585

>>162123 DJT tweet Former United States Solicitor General Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Election.

>>162124 Amazon Slams Trump Administration As 'Increasingly Corrupt' In Lawsuit Against Pentagon

>>162126 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals


>>162126 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals


>>162128 Kenyan National Indicted for Conspiring to Hijack Aircraft


>>162130 Vice Q hit piece QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

>>162131 PF Report

>>162132 Rand Paul: ‘The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen’

>>162133 Did @POTUS know this about Rosen before he appointed him as interim AG?

>>162134 Hunter Biden ‘disinformation’ claim causes meltdown at Senate hearing

>>162135 FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Pigs - https://breaking911.com/fda-approves-g

>>162136 Israel Wants To Deploy Joint Missile Systems With ‘Arab Allies’ To Persian Gulf

>>162137 Mexico Revokes Diplomatic Immunity for Foreign Agents

>>162138 Amistad Project Releases Report on Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Dark Money’ in 2020 Elections

>>162139 REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

>>162140 Dr Kory Exposes Gov-Pharma Complex Suppressing Effective COVID Treatments

>>162141 A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 36% of all likely U.S. voters believe court challenges of election results in several states will yield a victory for Mr. Trump

>>162142 McCarthy: FBI is stonewalling on Swalwell's tie to CHINA briefing

>>162143 'What Kind of Alliance is This?' Erdogan Blasts US Sanctions as Attack on Turkey's Sovereignty

>>162144 Global Notables

>>162145 Bread 15383 Notables

>>162146 Biden Press Pool Member Tests Positive For COVID

>>162147 PF Report


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162149

File: efe3d49591f0d69⋯.png (770.27 KB,1000x683,1000:683,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e46755c40bb6f⋯.png (835.58 KB,1923x839,1923:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054532 (161924ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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caught a california air guard C30 headed towards mexico. it left CA yesterday and spent the night in charleston NC. it stopped broadcasting adsb right around the boundry of american airspace.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc64cd No.162150

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB,753x861,251:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054573 (161928ZDEC20) Notable: Archive Update "Undiscovered Stars…"

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Archive Update

"Undiscovered Stars…" Edition

I added #15326 to #15388 and updated the checksums.



15326-15388.html.zip MD5: cb97d436779e5e7915871b07760b2d9f

The archive now contains 15417 breads.


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dc64cd No.162151

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054580 (161928ZDEC20) Notable: Ossoff: Republicans Attacks in Georgia Are Racist, Anti-Semitic

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Ossoff: Republicans Attacks in Georgia Are Racist, Anti-Semitic

Jon Ossoff, one of two Democratic candidates in the Georgia runoff Senate races, Wednesday on MSNBC accused Republicans of running racist and anti-Semitic attacks.

Ossoff said, “I think that the GOP attacks are at this point are garden variety fear mongering, race baiting. Look they’ve been lengthening my nose in their ads to remind everybody I’m a Jew. They have been running racist attacks against Reverend Warnock.”

He continued, “What’s emerging in Georgia is the new South. You have the young Jewish son of an immigrant mentored by John Lewis running alongside a black preacher who holds Dr. King’s pulpit at Ebenezer church. We are traveling this state right now. You see a bus behind me talking about health, jobs and justice. So the GOP can run their play book which is fear and division, we’re talking about what we’re going to do for working people at a moment of crisis here in Georgia.”

Anchor Kasie Hunt asked, “It sounds like you’re saying the Republican attacks are functionally racist and potentially anti-Semitic?”

Ossoff said, “Well when they’re lengthening my nose in their ads and when they are calling Reverend Warnock dangerous, I mean look this is the playbook they have been running since the 1970’s. The GOP southern strategy in the South is to divide people along racial and cultural lines.”


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dc64cd No.162152

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054581 (161928ZDEC20) Notable: The Rapist Tweets

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Don Fowler was a good man with a sharp mind and a big heart whose life embodied his commitment to opportunity and inclusion for all Americans.

He was an excellent DNC Chair who helped our candidates win up and down the ballot, even in places that weren’t Democratic strongholds. To the very end, he was cheering them on. I’ll always be grateful for his friendship, wise counsel, and support.


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dc64cd No.162153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12054587 (161928ZDEC20) Notable: Cyberpunk 2077 owners bow before Xi and cancels Devotion!

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CD Projekt Red vows to clean China boots! Cyberpunk 2077 owners bow before Xi and cancels Devotion!

CD Projekt Red DESTROYED! Bent The Knee To Chinese Censorship On Devotion & Cyberpunk 2077 Mess

Devotion is considered one of the finest horror games of the past decade, but it has proved a controversial one. Following its release in the spring of 2019, Devotion was found to contain an unflattering reference to China's president, Xi Jinping. The discovery sparked an outcry among Chinese players, leading to the withdrawal of Chinese distributors, the closure of Red Candle's account on Weibo, one of China's largest social media platforms, and the removal of the game from Steam in China.

Red Candle, which is based in Taiwan, has apologised at length for what it says was a placeholder asset, accidentally transferred to the final release. These comments were not enough to stem the backlash, however, and a week after sale, the developer pulled the game from Steam in all territories to perform unspecified fixes. It never returned.


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dc64cd No.162154

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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