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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

58d43b No.221 [Last50 Posts]

10DEC20 to 12DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

58d43b No.158400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973865 (102131ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Records Still Not Available for 500,000 Georgia Absentee Ballots


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58d43b No.158401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973892 (102134ZDEC20) Notable: Biden's Sister Digz

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>>>/qresearch/11973100 PB

Valerie Biden Owens (Joe's Twisted Sister)

Joe's handler is his right hand and Hunters aunt.

She has been described as Joe's closest confidant. Since everyone related to biden has been tied to some sort of impropriety she must be as well.

At the very least she know where all the bodies are buried.

She need a thorough dig

>>158393 PB


You’ve heard about Biden’s deadbeat dad son and his corrupt brother. But even BIden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens is as corrupt as the Clinton Crime Family. The Biden Crime family, which seems larger than the Clinton Crime Family had Valerie Biden Owens send millions in campaign funds from Joe Biden’s 2008 campaign for president to her own consulting firm “allegedly.” No wonder the Democrats and media is so desperate to make sure Joe Biden doesn’t testify. There isn’t one shred of integrity in the Biden Crime Family.


>>>/qresearch/11972294 PB ref Q post >>>/qresearch/11953143 PB

video (deeper meaning) Call to dig?


We know the song name

We're Not Gonna Take It

Who sings the song?

Twisted Sister (Think Mirror?)

Was this a clue?

Biden's Sister

Valerie Biden

Meet the Joe Biden Whisperer, His Sister Valerie Owens

As one longtime Biden family friend says, Valerie Biden Owens holds a unique position as a campaign adviser: “She can tell him the stuff that nobody wants to hear. Because you can’t fire your sister.”

Over the past five decades and 10 election campaigns—some victorious, some not—there has been one constant presence by President-elect Joe Biden’s side: his sister, Valerie.

Valerie Biden (now Valerie Biden Owens) was his campaign manager in 1972, when, at the age of 29, Biden first challenged Delaware’s two-term incumbent senator, Caleb Boggs, and eked out a win that made him the fifth-youngest U.S. senator in history. She was there, serving as the senator’s campaign manager, when he won his next six reelection bids. She was there during his two failed runs at the presidency, in 1988 and 2008.

And she was there this year, working as a senior campaign adviser, when her brother finally achieved his longtime, elusive goal of winning the presidency.

“She has been my best friend my entire life,” Biden wrote of Owens in his memoir Promises to Keep.

“Val is kind of the connective tissue throughout the course of the campaigns from ’72 to today,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, told BuzzFeed News, referring to Biden’s sister as the former vice president’s “emotional guardrails.”

Full story


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58d43b No.158402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973896 (102135ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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AG Paxton: Texas Lawsuit Not Hoping to Put 'Genie Back in the Bottle'


Texas isn't expecting the four states it's suing over the November election to "put the genie back in the bottle," but it hopes the Supreme Court will agree that their legislatures should pick electors who will, in turn, choose the next president, state Attorney General Ken Paxton said Thursday.

"In my state, we were able to protect the system as legislature set it up," Paxton told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on "Mornings With Maria." "We didn't let the genie out of the bottle. We can verify results did it the way legislature intended."

But in the states Texas has sued — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia — that hasn't happened, said Paxton.

"There is no way to go back and look at 2.5 million ballots in Pennsylvania to know whether there was fraud, so that remedy is virtually impossible, if not impossible," said Paxton. "We are asking the court put [the election] back in the hands of the state legislature to pick their own electors, as it's been done for years by certain state legislatures."

Paxton will be at the White House for a lunch with President Donald Trump, along with a dozen other GOP state attorneys general, reports The Houston Chronicle. Ten of them have backed the Texas election challenge. The White House says the meeting was scheduled weeks ago and that it is closed to the press.

Paxton told Bartiromo Thursday morning that the genesis for his lawsuits came because it "seemed wrong to us" that voters in Texas were "disenfranchised" in the national election because the other states "didn't follow state law."

"A lot of those states eliminated signature verification, which is the only check you have on the credibility of those ballots," said Paxton.

The attorneys general of 17 states where Trump won filed an amicus brief on Wednesday to join in Texas' efforts, including Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia. Arizona GOP Attorney General Mark Brnovich has filed a separate brief to support the case.

Paxton said it's a good question whether or not the Supreme Court will take up the case after so many other states have joined in. But if it won't hear the case, there is no place else the states can go for recourse.

The case is important not only because of Trump and Joe Biden, said Paxton, but because of future elections in the United States.

"I want to make sure the right person is elected based on what voters did in the country," he said. "Otherwise, we can't trust elections going forward. That is a real problem for democracy."

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58d43b No.158403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973898 (102135ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Supreme Court Receives GA, WI, MI and PA Responses That Don't Mention Trump Constitutional Concerns

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58d43b No.158404

File: f1ebcf7f734c0cc⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973941 (102143ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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Trudeau speech from 2 years ago, praising Communist dictatorship as the best model.


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58d43b No.158405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973957 (102144ZDEC20) Notable: "Whiners and complainers have no place here. You should be thanking Jim for making this place available to you."

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We are engaged in Information Warfare. We are winning. The bad guys have been trying to stop anons for years by attacking the venue we use to communicate. At one point the gentleman who owns this site and allows you to use it for free was reduced to loading his personal vehicle with servers while seeking a location restore the site.

Whiners and complainers have no place here. Anons have endured in spite of the difficulties.

You should be thanking Jim for making this place available to you. You should also understand what is done here.

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58d43b No.158406

File: 3510c0ab9df20dd⋯.png (171.49 KB,461x567,461:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973971 (102146ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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"remember this the next time they say they’re not the enemy of the people." https://twitter.com/loganclarkhall/status/1337079835634634754

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58d43b No.158407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973973 (102146ZDEC20) Notable: "World War III “has started in silence with the release of the pandemic”, and says “not everyone can be saved” [begin at 14:00 mark in linked video or in first video below"

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World War III “has started in silence with the release of the pandemic”, and says “not everyone can be saved” [begin at 14:00 mark in linked video or in first video below

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58d43b No.158408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974005 (102150ZDEC20) Notable: COVID News

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Shit, they are even outright calling us 'cattle' now.

FDA: COVID Vaccine Vital for Reaching Herd Immunity


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58d43b No.158409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974015 (102152ZDEC20) Notable: Russell?

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: Supreme-Court: Special-Duty.

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58d43b No.158410

File: 44619ec8b66dde2⋯.png (210.74 KB,938x440,469:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 98b59f118ce3902⋯.png (378.31 KB,412x358,206:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974028 (102153ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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VV100 US Navy G5 se from NAS Whidbey Island after an overnight

This AC departed NAS North Island nw for a ground stop at Bremerton Nat. Airport-just west of Seattle-then north to Whidbey yesterday.

Depart from JBA on 1208 and ground stop at Vandenberg AFB, CA prior to North Island arrival

Boeing BOE111 777 Cert.flight out of Boeing Field, Seattle nw

from Dec 8th

Boeing 777X On Track For Certification Tests


COBRA42 USAF Cobra Ball trackin' north/south over North Dakota and currently making the change to south over Spirit Lake Reservation.

Out of Offutt AFB Omaha

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58d43b No.158411

File: 7b65c42d04450bc⋯.png (50.44 KB,587x413,587:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974035 (102154ZDEC20) Notable: Biden's Sister Digz

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“WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED”??? “WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED”??? The documents were willfully suppressed by corrupt media and their fellow Democrat/establishment allies in Big Tech." https://twitter.com/MZHemingway/status/1337046662871707653

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58d43b No.158412

File: 3e00169af9cf2e8⋯.png (319.5 KB,611x507,47:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974083 (102158ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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"The Democrat-media complex is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communists."https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1337039839036907522

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58d43b No.158413

File: cdecf6a909b7e7b⋯.png (373.89 KB,535x591,535:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974109 (102202ZDEC20) Notable: US spy plane seen in Chinese airspace amid tensions between Washington and Beijing

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US spy plane seen in Chinese airspace amid tensions between Washington and Beijing


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58d43b No.158414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974117 (102203ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Amicus brief of City of Detroit submitted.


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58d43b No.158415

File: ae1d122350dec4d⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974122 (102204ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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This sounds like a a confession. And demanding for pay to play after the play has been done.


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58d43b No.158416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974128 (102204ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Tried to post before.. testing today

This link to a short video was posted on Twitter of election supervisor "Misty" showing how adjudication works on Dominion machines.

I'm not saying she was committing fraud, but just how easy it would be to do so.

In part two,

There is supposed to be one each, a Dem, Rep, and Independent onlookers during adjudication.

They were told to stand behind glass about 8 ft away. Not one of them could see what she was doing.

Part 1


Part 2


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58d43b No.158417

File: 4b40e652b3c3c57⋯.png (31.88 KB,567x287,81:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974131 (102205ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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"NEW - Facebook's "fact-checker" Leadstories, who decided that the leaked CCTV video from #Georgia does not show election fraud, is partly funded by ByteDance LLC, the Chinese company that operates TikTok." https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1337101740240416768

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58d43b No.158418

File: c60a810327dcfce⋯.png (663.65 KB,820x805,164:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974156 (102207ZDEC20) Notable: Pray for our country. This is a battle between good & evil.

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Pray for our country. This is a battle between good & evil.



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58d43b No.158419

File: c6b7bbbb852b2a4⋯.png (70.68 KB,630x340,63:34,Clipboard.png)

File: dfca8c0b248035c⋯.png (329.33 KB,616x1128,77:141,Clipboard.png)

File: f3645bc59e298cd⋯.png (334.97 KB,724x1024,181:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974174 (102209ZDEC20) Notable: Parental Notifications?

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58d43b No.158420

File: c66ecfb7c96b063⋯.jpg (275.22 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974179 (102210ZDEC20) Notable: COVID News

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Gov Wolf issues new COVID restrictions on Pennsylvanians


Pennsylvania is temporarily halting school sports and other extracurricular activities, ordering gyms, theaters and casinos to close and banning indoor dining at restaurants as state officials respond to the worsening pandemic with new restrictions.

A day after announcing his own COVID-19 diagnosis, Gov. Tom Wolf announced the widely expected clampdown Thursday in what he said was an effort to slow the accelerating spread of the coronavirus and prevent hospitals from becoming overrun.

Wolf moved to tighten restrictions after weeks of exploding case numbers and sharply rising hospitalizations and deaths

“We all hoped it would not come to this,” he said at a virtual news conference, but “we need to slow the spread to save lives.”

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58d43b No.158421

File: 7b3a2717386d4b3⋯.jpg (41.45 KB,760x960,19:24,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5e21716bf616a07⋯.jpg (78.37 KB,763x953,763:953,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974201 (102212ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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24 PA Senators are part of the amicus in support of the Texas case going before the US Supreme Court.


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58d43b No.158422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974203 (102212ZDEC20) Notable: Kind Anon Volunteer 07 Thank you anon.

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'I fixed the spacing for the dough






Updated your dough, removed extra spacings, all text is the same



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58d43b No.158423

File: e84eff057f56ce9⋯.png (478.72 KB,783x785,783:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974223 (102215ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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Revlon lenders thought Perelman was behind Citigroup's $900M mistake

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58d43b No.158424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974263 (102219ZDEC20) Notable: COVID News

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58d43b No.158425

File: f8479767eb0efb4⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x645,200:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974266 (102220ZDEC20) Notable: Pray now that when the light shines in the coming days, it reveals the truth along with a new era of American patriotism.

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>Pray now that when the light shines in the coming days, it reveals the truth along with a new era of American patriotism.

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58d43b No.158426

File: df98d5bd24db68d⋯.jpg (337.04 KB,2007x1340,2007:1340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974271 (102221ZDEC20) Notable: COVID News

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Notable about false positive Wu Flu is BULL SHIT!

Notable and comments

>>158258 >>>/qresearch/11971588

Pointing to Cambridge investigation, stating that 9000 student tested false positive is total BULL SHIT!

Fuck you asshole shill that posted this.

Fuck you ignorant shill baker that added this.

Fuck you stupid click bait fake anons that didnt call out this CRAP.

CHECK the SOURCES goddammit.

This isnt fucking CNN.

Here's the link to the article.


and a fucking screenshot proving that the "notable"was bull shit.

Get your act together, anons.

fuck you gerbil cunt. this was your doing again.

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58d43b No.158427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974282 (102222ZDEC20) Notable: #15284, #15285. #15286, #15287

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Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>158337, >>>/qresearch/11973304, >>>/qresearch/11973404, >>>/qresearch/11973468, >>>/qresearch/11973622, >>>/qresearch/11973693 PF

>>>/qresearch/11973815 Chinese-Owned WeBull Is Siphoning Off Brokerage Clients From Robinhood

>>>/qresearch/11973810 McConnell Signals No GOP Support for Emerging COVID-19 Deal

>>>/qresearch/11973792 So, I guess this group was fake and not gay?


>>158391 Veritas Incoming!

>>158390 Sullivan BTFO! Flynn's case finally ends — but not before Judge Sullivan flogs a corpse


>>158387 Trump Administration Moves to Curb Facebook's Domination

>>158386 President Trump Files Motion to Join Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

>>158383, >>158389, >>158392 Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

>>158382 YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

>>158381, >>158385 ? Nellie Ohr?

>>158379 LIVE: Georgia State House Election Hearing (Dec. 10) | NTD

>>158377 Defense live in Trump V Wisconsin election commission

>>158369 Federal Agents Seize Shipment Of 100,000 Counterfeit N95 Masks Intended For Hospital Workers -

>>158367, >>158373 Desantis Police Raid on “whistleblower”

>>158366 RT Booms

>>158365 Dr Pierre Kory testifies to Senate committee re covid & Ivermectin

>>158364, >>158370, >>158374, >>158376, >>158380, >>158394, >>158395, >>158396, >>158397 Moar Judicial News

>>158363 Lin Wood Does China

>>158361 Anon Connections Graphic

>>158360 Apu Opines

>>158359 Ric Grenell Drops BOMBSHELL on Chinese Spy Scandal: "Tip of the Iceberg"

>>158357 Texas cancels A-F accountability grades for schools, keeps STAAR for students

>>158356, >>158358 Australian vaccine cancelled after ‘false positive’ HIV tests

>>158354, >>158371, >>158378 PM Trudeau refuses to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party….+

>>158353 40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

>>158352 Confirmation Mike Pompeo was in Georgia. BOOMS-taking care of Dems/CCP business

>>158350, >>158355, >>158368, >>158375, >>158398 Things to remember

>>158347, >>158348, >>158372, >>158384 First COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Distributed Next Week + COVID Cures Suppressed + Other COVID News

>>158346 The #Pentagon is closely watching "troubling indicators of potential attack preparations" on the part of #Iran

>>158343 Lawndale warehouse blaze extinguished

>>158342 POSTPONED — Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing in Milwaukee

>>158341 Thanks again anon but I gotta bounce someone take over please. PReferably OSS or other frenlys.

>>158339, >>158345Ga sec of state just called 10 min notice press

>>158338 Motion of District of Columbia on behalf of 22 States and Territories for leave to file amicus brief submitted

>>158336 Motion of State of Ohio for leave to file amicus brief submitted.

>>158335 MI is all in

>>158334, >>158362 Sister cities digs

>>158333, >>158351 Response of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to motion submitted.+

>>158332, >>158349 VP Pence Speaks @ Defend Majority Rally Georgia Live on C-SPAN

>>158331, >>158344 An assistant FBI director retired after he was accused of drunkenly groping a female subordinate in a stairwell

>>158330 Federal Jury Convicts Illinois Man for Bombing the Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center

>>158329 Thousands of Ballots in Georgia Were Likely ‘Cured’ Illegally, Ralph Jones Sr. Probably Knows Who Was Involved

>>158327, >>158328 22 States File In AON

>>158326 Corona therapy: Bayer provides chloroquine tablets

>>158325 Investigations on Investigations…

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58d43b No.158428

File: 8cc2aaece6234f1⋯.jpg (191.26 KB,1400x700,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fb8977001c14f0e⋯.png (51.2 KB,998x522,499:261,Clipboard.png)

File: ea7d194e64a5b9e⋯.png (128.48 KB,1020x571,1020:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f817a52639bc5b⋯.png (73.52 KB,963x658,963:658,Clipboard.png)

File: e22a72be9e380d7⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,179x255,179:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974287 (102222ZDEC20) Notable: COVID News

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Gates Foundation and PRIONS per Lancet and

Disease X

Pathogen X



"Disease X: accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic

Shmona Simpson, PhD

Michael C Kaufmann, PhD

Vitaly Glozman, MBA

Ajoy Chakrabarti, PhD

Published:March 17, 2020



WHOhas listed several priority diseases with epidemic potential for which there are no, or insufficient, medical countermeasures. In response, theBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(with support fromPricewaterhouseCoopers) coordinated subject matter experts to create a preparedness plan for Disease X.Disease X is caused by Pathogen X, an infectious agent that is not currently known to cause human disease, but an aetiologic agent of a future outbreak with epidemic or pandemic potential. We have identified crucial areas for acceleration in medical countermeasure product development and international coordination. We have also reviewed novel platforms and process improvements related to manufacturing, which could revolutionise the response to the next pandemic. Finally, we created several coordination and engagement guides. These guides range from the rational design of an intervention target product profile, to the key facets of vaccine and therapeutic development, to accelerated manufacturing and regulatory mechanisms. In this Personal View, we provide a high-level summary of the outcomes of the medical countermeasure development workstream, intended for a broad audience including academia, medical countermeasure developers, and multilateral coordinating bodies. We hope that they might find this piece useful in prioritising strategic investments and efforts to accelerate medical countermeasure development. We observed that in-depth analyses of clinical trial design, chemistry, manufacturing and control activities, and accelerated regulatory pathways are necessary for shortening the timelines for the product development of medical countermeasures. We intend to cover these topics in future publications.

The epidemiology of Pathogen X

Pathogen X could be any pathogen including but not limited to viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, orprions. Of the 400 emerging infectious disease events recorded since 1940, bacteria (including rickettsia) account for 54%, whereas viral orprion pathogens(25%), protozoa (11%), fungi (6%), and helminths (3%) are less common.2 Although viral pathogens represent a small proportion of the pathogens that account for emerging infectious disease events, the most devastating recent emergence events—namely, HIV, influenza H1N1 and H5H1, severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus, Lassa virus, Ebola virus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus—have involved RNA viruses.3, 4 They can replicate in numerous host species, and their error-prone reverse transcriptase enables high mutability resulting in the evasion of host responses. Further, 94% of zoonotic viruses affecting humans areRNA viruses

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58d43b No.158429

File: 46d128048fafea4⋯.png (87.1 KB,757x874,757:874,Clipboard.png)

File: de8f3f7d1252b8f⋯.png (87.73 KB,759x909,253:303,Clipboard.png)

File: eb44305875a895d⋯.png (71.91 KB,772x910,386:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974322 (102227ZDEC20) Notable: 40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

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40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

147-Count Indictment Includes Inmates Orchestrating Murder, Kidnapping, Drugs and Firearms Distribution from Prison


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58d43b No.158430

File: f1c5f094b39b01c⋯.png (575.9 KB,719x777,719:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974335 (102228ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Thousands of Ballots in Georgia Were Likely ‘Cured’ Illegally, Ralph Jones Sr. Probably Knows Who Was Involved

Thousands of ballots that were ‘cured’ in Georgia, likely they were ‘cured’ illegally.

We reported back on November 9th that numerous Democrat-led ‘non-profits’ were connected to likely illegal absentee ballot harvesting in Georgia after the 2020 election.

In our article we reported that a totally under-the-radar and likely illegal Democratic absentee ballot-harvesting type of an operation was quietly executed in Georgia after Election Day, which may have secretly added just enough Democratic votes to tip the scales in this swing state against Republican President Donald Trump and for Joe Biden.

The Democrats brought in outsiders to Georgia who were all connected to creepy John Podesta, Hillary’s former Campaign Manager, and Hillary Clinton.

This morning we reported on Georgia election official Ralph Jones, Sr. discussed his efforts in curing ballots after the election. (Mr. Jones was also present along with a couple colleagues on Election night at the State Farm Arena who were caught on film ramming thousands of ballots through tabulators after sending Republican observers home..



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58d43b No.158431

File: cb227717be6bd21⋯.png (163.96 KB,862x561,862:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974350 (102231ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Election Official Gabriel Sterling Admitted Hiring Counters from the far-left ACLU – Did He Also Allow ACLU Registrars to Fix Voter Registration Records on Election Day?

Georgia Election Official Gabe Sterling admitted earlier this year that he was targeting hiring the ACLU to help count votes in the 2020 Presidential election. The ACLU did more than that – is this connected to Gabe Sterling?

On November 26 we uncovered a video of Gabe Sterling discussing the 2020 election earlier in the year. He took credit for the ballot drop boxes and for recommending the hiring of individuals from the ACLU to help with the vote counting in Georgia during the election:

Today we uncovered the fact that Ralph Jones, Sr. was involved in curing ballots in Georgia after the election:

What we have uncovered is that Ralph may have been working with outsiders, to ‘cure’ ballots after election day. And we have found out that the ACLU may be the group he was working with.

In a video released from the Georgia House investigations Georgia Poll Manager Susan Voyles says that a batch of 60 ballots came in from one Quality Living Center during the election. Could they have been from a BMD (Ballot Marking Device – Dominion ImageCast X) at that location? See below at the 2:06:13 mark.

Then at 2:08 mark in the video, she says a Dominion technician logged in from Denver to her poll pad and corrected the designated precinct for her poll pad! NO AIR GAP! This is frightening from a control standpoint.

At 2:10 in the video, the attention turns to the actual Ballot Marking Device, and shockingly, they are ALSO connected to the Internet!

At 2:11, Ms Voyles states that she or other poll workers are not allowed to have their personal cell phones or other devices, but the ACLU had a representative there, who had been assigned a role as “Deputy Registrar” accessing COUNTY ELECTION SYSTEMS in real-time ON THE INTERNET on election day to “fix” voter registration records!


Was Ralph Jones, Sr working with ACLU related members hired by Gabe Sterling to adjudicate and cure ballots after election day? This whole thing is a mess!


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58d43b No.158432

File: 5199930290031ed⋯.jpeg (47.33 KB,750x317,750:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974399 (102238ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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Old article from October. This needs to be in the news more if it is true.


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58d43b No.158433

File: 1d41c4d603440de⋯.png (950.53 KB,1920x997,1920:997,Clipboard.png)

File: aac38be2d65e2d9⋯.png (707.33 KB,1426x981,1426:981,Clipboard.png)

File: 85615451e625722⋯.png (853.84 KB,1437x984,479:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974423 (102241ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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PF- What's going on in Montana?

First, at 7:23 PM UTC

Call sign: POSIDN1

Reg: 169562Type: P-8A Poseidon

Arrives at Glacier Park International Airport after making a stop in the Reno area (origin: Seattle area.)

Then at 8:55 PM UTC:

Call sign: R60108

Reg: 96-00108

Type: Cessna UC-35A Citation

Lands at the same airport (but with origin of Los Angeles.)

((Update) Cessna has left Glacier Park- now headed south. )

Anon's speculation: Did something/someone get picked up by POSIDN1 in Reno, transported to Montana, and is now with R60108?

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58d43b No.158434

File: 6ed7101b49838d0⋯.png (1.07 MB,1138x2048,569:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974462 (102247ZDEC20) Notable: Things To Remember…

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58d43b No.158435

File: 864fe2a94d9a348⋯.jpeg (148.03 KB,593x1102,593:1102,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974495 (102254ZDEC20) Notable: Parental Notifications?

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Google literally telling small children that their parents are monitoring their internet activity



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58d43b No.158436

File: 2b6001dd39ee09f⋯.png (879.6 KB,1436x989,1436:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974516 (102256ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Update: R60108 now headed south.

Anon postulates: Did POSIDN1 pick up something/someone from Reno, drop off in Montana, then was retrieved by R60108?

Don't understand why a Poseidon- which is for sub recon/maritime recon would be making a route like this.

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58d43b No.158437

File: 49568ab40d6df71⋯.png (219.54 KB,854x426,427:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974560 (102304ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B departed Cheyenne Regional Airport after a ground stop-inbound from Eglin AFB-Heading to Bragg red dot

SAM262 USAF G5 departed Cannon AFB, NM after a ground stop and had a re-route just west of it's arrival at JBA. Nothing unusual visible at time

This AC was SAM500 yesterday and part of the NASA meeting at Cape with VP Pence

IRON99 US Navy E-6B just landed at NAS Pax River from Tinker AFB, OKC

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58d43b No.158438

File: 2adad22761908d0⋯.png (359.03 KB,594x607,594:607,Clipboard.png)

File: c66be4d81087900⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974592 (102308ZDEC20) Notable: Sydney Powell on Dobbs about FBI and others

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58d43b No.158439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974628 (102312ZDEC20) Notable: Election Corruption Litigation News

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Dominion election supervisor exposes cheating machines & election fraud

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58d43b No.158440

File: 5e27b82d7be8553⋯.png (147.64 KB,724x457,724:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974634 (102313ZDEC20) Notable: Corruption abounds

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only source found for that claim… https://truepundit.com/exclusive-fbi-criminal-probe-tracks-500000-counterfeit-biden-ballots-in-four-key-battleground-states/

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58d43b No.158441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974654 (102315ZDEC20) Notable: "Inclusive Capitalism" Digs

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58d43b No.158442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974680 (102319ZDEC20) Notable: "Inclusive Capitalism" Digs

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We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Inclusive Capitalism movement.


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58d43b No.158443

File: 5124d4c0b5fc2f5⋯.png (488.69 KB,1920x949,1920:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 37d91fa23528f22⋯.png (528.21 KB,733x489,733:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974692 (102320ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Return flight to GTMO!

GTM0845 leaves Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport

BE20 Beech UC-12M Huron

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58d43b No.158444

File: 35311797e4cfaa7⋯.png (420.88 KB,1522x1826,761:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f2ffc3a3c4c2b0⋯.jpg (3.01 MB,2474x4000,1237:2000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d2b1442ea6502b2⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,2474x4000,1237:2000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 045465eeff0984f⋯.png (3.4 MB,9552x7780,2388:1945,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974701 (102321ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Dig Compilation?

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Contains a good source list for getting started on your own DIY project

>QRD — Dominion stakeholder traced back to corrupt Ukraine cashmitzvah party

>New developments stateside

>diggers welcome





THE ORIGINAL MONSTER for anoninitiates.

Made as RETARD PROOF as humanly possible.

Open in a new tab, it'll help

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58d43b No.158445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974704 (102322ZDEC20) Notable: LFD

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58d43b No.158446

File: 624d2d9dad8e036⋯.png (159.16 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974718 (102322ZDEC20) Notable: LFD

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Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Founder and Chief Executive

Lady de Rothschild is the Founder and CEO of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, a charity devoted to advancing economic and social inclusion. She also has been the Chief Executive of E.L. Rothschild LLC, a private investment company, since June 2002.

E.L. Rothschild invests in media, asset management, luxury consumer goods and real estate worldwide. Holdings include The Economist Group (UK), Bronfman/E L Rothschild (US), R Chocolate London, real estate and financial instruments. Lady de Rothschild is currently a member of the Board of Directors of The Estee Lauder Companies (and Chair of the Nominating and Board Affairs Committee), serving since December 2000, and was a Board member of The Economist Newspaper Limited (member of the Audit Committee) from October 2002-2017. She is a member of the Board of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (and the Executive Committee), the McCain Institute for International Leadership and the ERANDA Rothschild Foundation (de Rothschild family foundation).

In addition to being a keynote speaker at various public events (CNBC, Bloomberg), Lady de Rothschild has been a featured speaker for the United Nations, the World Bank, Conference of Montreal, the OECD, the British Academy, The Economist’s World In series, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, Tsinghua and Peking University, and the Royal Society of the United Services. Her opinion pieces have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Guardian and The Daily Beast. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In October 2007, Lady de Rothschild was awarded the Commendatore Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana. She graduated Magna cum Laude and Beta Kappa from Pomona College in Claremont, CA (1976) and from Columbia University School of Law, NYC (1980) with a Juris Doctor with honors.

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58d43b No.158447

File: 049814b2a3ad7d5⋯.jpg (96.19 KB,630x536,315:268,Clipboard.jpg)

File: beeb5bfecff32b2⋯.jpeg (84.79 KB,900x743,900:743,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: af440928053f149⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB,640x554,320:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b05da34260bafa6⋯.jpeg (150.17 KB,900x669,300:223,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974721 (102323ZDEC20) Notable: Shanahan Cartoonist Arrested on Pedo Charges

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anti Trumper by the way…

knowing what we know now.

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58d43b No.158448

File: 98418e4cc3e970c⋯.png (480.14 KB,1614x2390,807:1195,Clipboard.png)

File: f4e8c5f0112e368⋯.png (1015.22 KB,1830x2670,61:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c37279a3459dce⋯.png (2.46 MB,3520x6112,110:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 17f974f731d8c49⋯.png (766.75 KB,2316x2680,579:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974738 (102324ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Dig Compilation?

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Pic #1: Followup on the CANADA UKRAINE FOUNDATION (Bob's deal)

Pic #2: Follow up on Ian Macvicar issue


Pic #4: Additional correlates on Roman's LinkedIn

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58d43b No.158449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974742 (102325ZDEC20) Notable: #15282 in '86

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whichever you go with baker.

>>>/qresearch/11974330 #15285

and ehre's 82

>>>/qresearch/11970597 Q Research General #15282: Times are Grave, Challenges are Urgent, Stakes are High Edition


>>>/qresearch/11970698 Rush Limbaugh: Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession'

>>>/qresearch/11970709, >>>/qresearch/11970721, >>>/qresearch/11970737, >>>/qresearch/11970766 Frankfurt server just came up in Rudy meeting with GA House Committee via Zoom

>>>/qresearch/11970757, >>>/qresearch/11970868, >>>/qresearch/11970871, >>>/qresearch/11970942 PF


>>>/qresearch/11970810, >>>/qresearch/11970870, >>>/qresearch/11970969, >>>/qresearch/11970973, >>>/qresearch/11971059, >>>/qresearch/11971089, >>>/qresearch/11971117, >>>/qresearch/11971179, >>>/qresearch/11971349, >>>/qresearch/11971407, >>>/qresearch/11971465 Things To Remember

>>>/qresearch/11970813, >>>/qresearch/11970972, >>>/qresearch/11971049, >>>/qresearch/11971071, >>>/qresearch/11971087 Watch Live — Georgia House holds election fraud hearing… Giuliani testifying right now + KRAKEN!

>>>/qresearch/11970820 WATCH LIVE: McCarthy and House Republicans hold briefing on Paycheck Protection Program extension

>>>/qresearch/11970830 Alleged Facebook Fuckery with term Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11970837 "Dark Winter"

>>>/qresearch/11970841, >>>/qresearch/11970917 Sorry Grandpa! Trying to find sauce for this whopper… Doctor on CNN: "Don't be 'alarmed' if elderly die after receiving COVID vaccine" + Moar COVID

>>>/qresearch/11970855 Clinton associate wrote anti-Trump dossier in 2016 claiming he had Russian FSB source

>>>/qresearch/11970873 Georgia Election Official Ralph Jones, Sr. Announced Votes Could Be ‘Cured’ at a Different Location – Were These Ballots Sent Electronically?

>>158242, >>>/qresearch/11971070 Trump announces Israel and Morocco to normalize Relations

>>>/qresearch/11970895 The Media Are Suddenly Interested in Hunter Biden, but the Shot and Chasers Will Blow Your Mind

>>>/qresearch/11970912 The Government Has an 'Internet Kill Switch.' A Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Wants to Change That

>>>/qresearch/11970924, >>158243, >>>/qresearch/11971075 Pelosi claims 'McCarthy is focused on Swalwell to deflect attention from QAnon in his delegation'

>>>/qresearch/11970991 Circling Vultures: The far left is at war with Biden and it's getting out into the open

>>>/qresearch/11971006 Chinese Money Launderer Called James Biden After FBI Arrest, Was Trying To Reach Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11971020 Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger Is Opening an Investigation Into Small County That Uncovered Major Issues with Dominion Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11971028 And here is Dr. Mullis on The Sinister Dr. Fauci

>>158244 China slaps sanctions on US officials and cancels visa exemptions for diplomats in 'equal counterattack' over HK

>>>/qresearch/11971054, >>>/qresearch/11971204 Police charge 32 men from West Yorkshire with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls as young as 13

>>>/qresearch/11971092 EU to force Big Tech to police internet or face large fines – report

>>>/qresearch/11971116 AirAsia CEO: Asian Nations "Won't Let Anyone In Without A Vaccination"

>>158245 Pentagon plans to cut support on CIA's counterterrorism missions

>>>/qresearch/11971127 Black Lives Matter power grab sets off internal revolt

>>>/qresearch/11971128 321 FIRE USN Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11971146ECB Christine Lagarde Explain How More Of The Same Policy Will Work This Time

>>>/qresearch/11971167 FBI rocked by allegations of sexual harassment involving top officials

>>>/qresearch/11971200 Ron shares concerns about Imposter Parler Comped?

>>>/qresearch/11971203 VIDEO: Kemp Tells Chinese Investors ‘We Are Constantly Helping To Develop New Opportunities For Chinese Companies‘

>>>/qresearch/11971220 Schumer urges Senate GOP to cancel 'ridiculous' election hearing

>>>/qresearch/11971222 Texas SCOTUS Decert Challenge

>>>/qresearch/11971227 YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

>>>/qresearch/11971243 Hate speech against transgenders — even when spoken in private — outlawed in Norway, punishable by year in jail

>>>/qresearch/11971265 Ric Grenell calls out CNN’s Jake Tapper for belatedly covering Hunter Biden story

>>>/qresearch/11971267 Pompeo: ‘So Many of Our Colleges Are Bought by Beijing’

>>158246, >>158247, >>158246 (some notes from yesterday's downtime)

>>>/qresearch/11971312 Sydney Powell Tweets!~ Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState was scheduled to appear & testify tomorrow before GA House Committee about 11/3 election fraud. He just backed out & cannot be subpoenaed unless special session is called. @BrianKempGA refuses to do so. How convenient. DEMAND ANSWERS Patriots.

>>>/qresearch/11971355 Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11971414 Pence announces first two Space Force bases in US -The bases were previously Air Force bases, both located in Florida

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58d43b No.158450

File: 50489b07c70de84⋯.png (23.88 KB,296x192,37:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974620 (102311ZDEC20) Notable: CM: "Parler is Comped"

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LMAO I like how Ron changed his twatter bio ever so slightly, something about parler never set right with me.

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58d43b No.158451

File: 85d55e99ccc9d4f⋯.png (464.77 KB,562x526,281:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974683 (102319ZDEC20) Notable: St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Was Dismissed from McCloskey Case

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St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Was Dismissed from McCloskey Case After She Was Caught Fundraising off the Incident

Mark and Patricia McCloskey filed a motion in late July to disqualify St. Louis Circuit Attorney and her office from pursuing their case.

Gardner, the controversial and corrupt St. Louis circuit attorney, was sending out campaign literature lying about and attacking the McCloskeys.

Gardner is likely the most corrupt practicing circuit attorney in St. Louis history.

Gardner pressed charges against Mark and Patricia last week after they pulled guns on a BLM mob that broke through their neighborhood fence and threatened to kill them.

At least one protester was armed at the McCloskey altercation.

On Thursday local KMOV reported that Gardner has since been taken off the case.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has been dismissed as the prosecutor in the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, according to court records.

The McCloskeys had previously filed a motion to remove Gardner and her office from the case, citing fundraising emails Gardner sent during her re-election campaign that mentioned the McCloskeys.

In those emails, Gardner mentioned the criticisms of her office made by President Donald Trump and Governor Mike Parson, saying they were “fighting for the two who pointed guns at citizens during the Black Lives Matter protests.”


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58d43b No.158452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974685 (102319ZDEC20) Notable: Pray for Peace

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158453

File: e7ea9d925b3881f⋯.png (46.93 KB,676x815,676:815,Clipboard.png)

File: 602c912b7a8f265⋯.png (47.55 KB,640x715,128:143,Clipboard.png)

File: b55f4fb71508851⋯.png (318.51 KB,592x881,592:881,Clipboard.png)

File: b29fbab7c62dddd⋯.png (208.89 KB,615x816,205:272,Clipboard.png)

File: a2b865f876f3882⋯.png (66.57 KB,701x914,701:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974715 (102322ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Media Outlets that Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Scandal Being Russian Disinformation++

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4 Media Outlets that Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Scandal Being Russian Disinformation

The fake news media’s decision to finally cover the Hunter Biden laptop scandal now that all 50 states have certified the election results is just another troll — you do know that, don’t you? It’s just the corporate media trolling us once again, trying to get a rise out of us once again, because that’s all they have left.

The media don’t do journalism anymore. The media don’t report anymore. No one trusts them anymore. So they troll.

Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out how, after the now-verified October bombshell hit about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Deep State and the corporate media teamed up (once again) to mislead the country. And as though both parties were feeling nostalgic for the old days of the Russia Collusion Hoax, they went right back to the Russia Well.

Here’s how it went down… The news of Hunter Biden’s laptop broke wide open just before the 2020 election. The corporate media were desperate to throw a fire blanket over what they knew was a legitimate scandal.

“How do we do that?” they asked. “How do we kill a legitimate story?”

“Oh, I know… Let’s get our Deep State pals to tell us the lies we want to hear, just like they did for the four years of the Russia Collusion Hoax!”

Only this time, they will tell us the Hunter Biden laptop is a fake created by Russia, and that will allow us to not report what we know is the truth!

That’s exactly what the media and Deep State did.

Fifty — FIFTY LOL! — Deep Staters warned that the Hunter laptop story sounded like Russia disinformation. They had no evidence. None at all. Because there was no evidence. They said it because the corporate media and Silicon Valley needed them to say it to justify ignoring a legitimate and consequential story. The letter, released Monday, states:

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158454

File: 91cb1307d5c58fd⋯.jpg (74.18 KB,1275x1651,1275:1651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2af8478ef5f9b46⋯.jpg (347.34 KB,1275x1651,1275:1651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 89c7f66fa4e86d9⋯.jpg (351.15 KB,1275x1651,1275:1651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 16ab883a8c3823f⋯.jpg (273.08 KB,1275x1651,1275:1651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: daff59678027680⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,1880x7483,1880:7483,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974716 (102322ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Media Outlets that Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Scandal Being Russian Disinformation++

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158455

File: 35311797e4cfaa7⋯.png (420.88 KB,1522x1826,761:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f2ffc3a3c4c2b0⋯.jpg (3.01 MB,2474x4000,1237:2000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d2b1442ea6502b2⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,2474x4000,1237:2000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 045465eeff0984f⋯.png (3.4 MB,9552x7780,2388:1945,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974764 (102328ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

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Contains a good source list for getting started on your own DIY project

>QRD — Dominion stakeholder traced back to corrupt Ukraine cashmitzvah party

>New developments stateside

>diggers welcome





THE ORIGINAL MONSTER for anoninitiates.

Made as RETARD PROOF as humanly possible.

Open in a new tab, it'll help

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58d43b No.158456

File: 98418e4cc3e970c⋯.png (480.14 KB,1614x2390,807:1195,Clipboard.png)

File: f4e8c5f0112e368⋯.png (1015.22 KB,1830x2670,61:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c37279a3459dce⋯.png (2.46 MB,3520x6112,110:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 17f974f731d8c49⋯.png (766.75 KB,2316x2680,579:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974768 (102328ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

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Pic #1: Followup on the CANADA UKRAINE FOUNDATION (Bob's deal)

Pic #2: Follow up on Ian Macvicar issue


Pic #4: Additional correlates on Roman's LinkedIn

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974769 (102329ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

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Not spicy enough I guess.

1. There is a business filing in Quebec (that's in Canada)

2. On that business filing are three stakeholders (people who own the company)

3. The first two are the guys who actually started Dominion.

4. The third is some faggot. Don't know who it is, but there's an address.

5. That address is very special, because not that many people have used it.

6. That address is connected to oil/natural gas extraction in Ukraine.

7. It is also connected to the government of Ukraine.

8. It is also connected to some of the biggest financial fraud in history.

9. The people who have, you might say, "hovered" around this address and the businesses that come out of it are the sort of people who would benefit from overturning an election in Ukraine.

10. Since Dominion was incorporated in Quebec, these same 5 or 6 people keep ending up with only one or two degrees of separation from Dominion related things.







- KROES - https://beta.canadasbusinessregistries.ca/search/results?search=%7Bkroes%20energy%7D&status=All

- VECTA ENERGY CORP - https://beta.canadasbusinessregistries.ca/search/results?search=%7Bvecta%20energy%7D&status=All

- ZHODA 2001 - https://beta.canadasbusinessregistries.ca/search/results?search=%7Bzhoda%202001%7D&status=All

- SHELTON CANADA CORP - https://beta.canadasbusinessregistries.ca/search/results?search=%7Bshelton%20canada%7D&status=All

- https://albertacorporations.com/shelton-canada-corp

- PETROSIBIR CANADA INC. - https://beta.canadasbusinessregistries.ca/search/results?search=%7Bpetrosibir%7D&status=All

- CANADA UKRAINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/cc/CorporationsCanada/fdrlCrpDtls.html?corpId=2849925&V_TOKEN=1607131606850&crpNm=canada%20ukraine&crpNmbr=&bsNmbr=

ZHODA 2001 CORPORATION Named Alberta Corporation - https://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/gazette/1999/text/0731_i.cfm



- Contact - HEAD OFFICE 9/06/2008 - https://web.archive.org/web/20080906112431/http://www.cufoundation.ca/contact

- Contact - HEAD OFFICE 3/17/2015 - https://web.archive.org/web/20150317234956/http://www.cufoundation.ca/contact

- Contact - HEAD OFFICE 10/29/2018 (NOTHING FOUND) - https://web.archive.org/web/20181029123407/https://www.cufoundation.ca/contact

- Contact - HEAD OFFICE TODAY - https://www.cufoundation.ca/contact-us/

- FEDERALCORPORATION.CA - https://federalcorporation.ca/corporation/3177955

- 1995: THE YEAR IN REVIEW: CANADA'S UKRANIANS: CONFRONTING CHALLENGES - http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/1995/539517.shtml

- UKRANIAN CANADIAN CONGRESS HISTORY - https://www.ucc.ca/about-ucc/leadership/history/

- C.U.F. ABOUT US - https://www.cufoundation.ca/about-us/

- UKRANIAN WEEKLY (1/17/2010) - http://docshare02.docshare.tips/files/12451/124511237.pdf


cucc.ca (6/30/2005) - https://web.archive.org/web/20050630005056/http://cucc.ca:80/

Contact - (10/06/2006) - https://web.archive.org/web/20061006234154/http://cucc.ca:80/cucc-contacts.shtml

CONTACT - (2/08/2007) (NOTHING FOUND) - https://web.archive.org/web/20070208045837/http://cucc.ca:80/cucc-contacts.shtml

KROES 2007

- UKRAINE: https://web.archive.org/web/20070222123852/http://kroesenergy.com/Ukraine.htm

- PEOPLE: https://web.archive.org/web/20070223105356/http://kroesenergy.com/People.htm

- CONTACT: https://web.archive.org/web/20070222175653/http://kroesenergy.com/ContactUs.htm

- ADDITIONAL PROOF OF ADDRESS: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/18431769/oil-gas-companies

ZENON POTICZNY EXPOCONGRESS BIO - https://businessforsmartcities.com/en/speakers/zenon-potochnij/

ZHODA INVESTMENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - http://zhodainvestments.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2010_%C3%85rsred_webb.pdf

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158458

File: 3a041700372e3d0⋯.png (104.95 KB,669x814,669:814,Clipboard.png)

File: 76de08d8dbef2ec⋯.png (100.26 KB,670x824,335:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974774 (102329ZDEC20) Notable: Wilkie Disparaged Congressional Aide Who Alleged Sexual Assault at VA Facility, IG Probe Confirms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wilkie Disparaged Congressional Aide Who Alleged Sexual Assault at VA Facility, IG Probe Confirms

Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie disparaged a veteran who claimed she was sexually assaulted at a VA hospital and sought to undermine her credibility, a new investigation from the department's inspector general has found. The report did not, however, substantiate reports that Wilkie actively investigated the former service member or ordered others to look into her background.

The VA IG has since February been investigating allegations that Wilkie took steps to discredit Andrea Goldstein, a Navy Reserve intelligence officer and adviser to the House Veterans Affairs Committee, after she said she was groped at the VA Medical Center in Washington, D.C. in September.

In a report released Thursday, Inspector General Michael Missal said his office could not substantiate the charge that Wilkie actively sought proof that Goldstein had filed "at least six equal employment opportunity-type complaints" while she was on active duty.

But the VA IG did find that VA officials began to take actions within hours of Goldstein's report that appeared to seek reasons to undermine her credibility. According to the investigation, the same day as the complaint, they began discussing whether Goldstein had complained about verbal abuse from a VA provider. And, the probe found, they ran a background check on Goldstein and circulated the findings before a background check was conducted on the accused, and later launched a media campaign to question Goldstein's credibility, targeting nine national press outlets.

"The evidence is replete with examples of VA senior leaders undertaking defensive actions and engaging in confrontational messaging while failing to recognize the need to take corrective action to address known problems," the report stated. " …The tone set by Secretary Wilkie was at minimum unprofessional and at worst provided the basis for senior officials to put out information to national reporters to question the credibility and background of the veteran who filed the sexual assault complaint."

According to the report, senior VA officials refused to engage with the IG's office for follow-on interviews as part of the investigation and failed to take corrective measures to respond to the complaint.

They also encouraged members of the media to focus on Goldstein – to dig into her background for any history of filing sexual harassment complaints.

According to the report, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Curt Cashour contacted a journalist suggesting the reporter look into the veteran's past – a request he said he made on his own initiative, but in light of comments from Wilkie.

"The response of Secretary Wilkie and senior VA officials to the veteran's complaint of sexual assault was troubling," Missal said in a statement Thursday. "Scrutinizing the veteran's background is contrary to VA's stated goal to serve veterans with respect. Every VA employee should commit to making VA facilities safe and welcoming places where such complaints are met with the highest standards of professionalism and responsiveness."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974778 (102330ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


KROES 2004

- CONTACT: https://web.archive.org/web/20040902005137/http://www.kroesenergy.com/ContactUs.htm


- (7/24/2010) CONTACT: https://web.archive.org/web/20100624022001/http://www.vectaenergy.ca/index-4.html


- COOPERATION WITH NADRA - https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/622482-nadra-ukrajini-i-shvedska-shelton-petroleum-pidpisali-memorandum-pro-spivpratsyu.html

- KASHTAN (CHESTNUT) PETROLEUM PROJECT - https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/563481-kashtan-petroleum-pochala-burinnya-novoji-sverdlovini-na-lelyakivskomu-rodovischi.html


- ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Notices/200708/n20070813.txt


- REGISTRY - https://qspace.library.queensu.ca/bitstream/handle/1974/8590/diplomatic-consular-2006-06-Eng.pdf?sequence=11&isAllowed=y

- 2006 UKRANIAN FORUM DISCUSSION - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=https://forum.kamorka.com/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D6126%26start%3D30&prev=search&pto=aue

*PLEASE NOTE the Address listed in this post is the same as the head office listed for KROES ENERGY LTD. at kroesenergy.com/ContactUs from (9/02/2004 to at least 12/06/2004) - https://web.archive.org/web/20041206180322/http://www.kroesenergy.com:80/ContactUs.htm


EDITORIAL DISCUSSING MARKETS IN UKRAINE ca. 1996, INTERVIEW WITH ED SOUTHERN OF UK-RAN, DISCUSSION OF PRIVATBANK AND CORRUPTION, INTRO TO BODHAN ONYSCHUK - Investment forum explores Ukrainian market, by Khristina Lew - http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/1997/069703.shtml

JZ KASHTAN PETROLEUM STARTED BY OREST SENKIW IN 1994 - https://www.linkedin.com/in/orest-senkiw-73382142/


- BETTER - Oct 19, 1995 - https://sec.report/Document/0000899243-95-000726/

- Oct 19, 1995 - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/310316/0000899243-95-000921.txt

- February 29, 1996 - https://sec.report/Document/0000899243-96-000302/

- March 31, 1998? - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/310316/0000899243-98-001163.txt

- 1997 10-K - http://getfilings.com/o0000899243-98-000508.html

- May 19, 1999 - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/310316/0000950150-99-000709.txt

- 1999 - http://getfilings.com/o0000310316-00-000003.html

- July 25, 2005 - https://www.lawinsider.com/contracts/6YYgf4ilpy41pt5smqoD5y/canargo-energy-corp/0/2005-07-27

-SEC INFO - CANARGO ENERGY CORP - https://www.secinfo.com/dsVS9.64w.6.htm


- PWC to E&Y - http://www.ukrweekly.com/uwwp/canadian-ukrainian-goes-from-big-four-firm-to-lviv-hotelier/

- AT ERNST & YOUNG - https://www.usubc.org/news/ukraine_business122308.php

OREST SENKIW - LINKEDIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/orest-senkiw-73382142/

BODHAN ONYSCHUK BIO (5/07/2005) - https://web.archive.org/web/20050507225236/http://cucc.ca/boardOfDirectors_bio9.shtml

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974781 (102330ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




UKRAINE S OIL AND GAS SECTOR AN EMERGING OPPORTUNITY. Dr Jim Bown* Energy Industry Consultant General Director The Deane Group (Ukraine) Kyiv, Ukraine - https://docplayer.net/21424743-Ukraine-s-oil-and-gas-sector-an-emerging-opportunity-dr-jim-bown-energy-industry-consultant-general-director-the-deane-group-ukraine-kyiv-ukraine.html

- 2000 Calgary Phonebook featuring ZHODA CORP and DARRELL ZAKRESKI - https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mhdgsphonebooks/Calgary+City+2000+Oct+X+to+Z.pdf

- ZHODA INVESTMENTS ARCHIVED HISTORY FEATURING CRIMEAN GAS PROPERTIES AND ZHODA 2001 ACQUISITION (ENGLISH) - https://web.archive.org/web/20190413151519/http://zhodainvestments.com/about-us/about-zhoda/history


- AUGUST 28, 2003 PRESS RELEASE PROVING THAT ZHODA 2001 WAS PARTNERED WITH UBR DRILLING, URKNAFTA ON THE KASHTAN PROJECT AT LELYAKI - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/8133/kroes_spuds_exploratory_well_at_lelyaki_field_in_ukraine/


- OVERVIEW - http://zhodainvestments.com/operations/overview/operations-in-ukraine/

- LELYAKI - http://zhodainvestments.com/operations/overview/operations-in-ukraine/lelyaki-oil-field/

- ARKHANGELSKOYE - http://zhodainvestments.com/operations/overview/operations-in-ukraine/arkhangelskoye-field-in-the-black-sea/

- BIRYUCHA - http://zhodainvestments.com/operations/overview/operations-in-ukraine/biryucha-fields-in-the-azov/

1998 SEC DOCUMENT DETAILING LITIGATION BETWEEN ZHODA CORP AND CANARGO ENERGY, SHOWING THAT ZHODA CORP WAS MANAGING LELYAKI PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 20, 1998 - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/310316/0000950150-99-000154.txt *NOTE: if you print to PDF, it should be on page 44/275



- (6/11/2002) - https://neftegaz.ru/en/news/companies/431982-kroes-sees-handsome-returns-on-kashtan-investment/

- (8/28/2003) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/8133/kroes_spuds_exploratory_well_at_lelyaki_field_in_ukraine/

- (8/11/2004) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/15494/kroes_energy_completes_well_187b_in_ukraine/

- (3/10/2005) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/20975/kroes_energy_successfully_tests_wel_305_in_ukraine/

- (2/11/2008) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/56541/kroes_enters_merger_agreement_with_vecta/

- (11/21/2008) - (KROES TRIES TO GET CONTROLLING SHARE OF KASHTAN FROM UKRNAFTA) https://www.hartenergy.com/news/kroes-energy-inc-calgary-toronto-venture-krs-plans-acquire-55-interest-kashtan-petroleum-ltd

- (3/11/2008) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/58162/Kroes_Energy_Resumes_Trading/

- PRIVATE PLACEMENT (1/08/2003) - ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Notices/200301/n20030108.txt

SHORT FORM OFFERING (6/07/2006) - I don't know where I found this, but the original file is named [ n20060804.txt ] and the relevent section reads as follows:


BULLETIN TYPE: Short Form Offering Document-Distribution

BULLETIN DATE: August 4, 2006

TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

The Company's Short Form Offering Document dated May 31, 2006 was filed with

and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange on June 7, 2006. The Exchange has now

been advised that the Offering closed on June 27, 2006.

Agent: Octagon Capital Corporation"

*I'll try to find it. In the mean time, I'll make the whole file available if someone wants it.

- PROPERTY ASSET OR SHARE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT (8/13/2007) - ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Notices/200708/n20070813.txt

- KROES ENERGY IS NOW VECTA ENERGY - http://www.oilsheetlinks.com/oil4.htm


- (2/14/2005) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/20258/shelton_canada_wins_exploration_license_in_azov_sea/

- (5/12/2006) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/32126/shelton_canada_spuds_west_birjuchja_1_well/

- (6/09/2006) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/32990/shelton_canada_drilling_ahead_on_west_birjuchja_well/

- (12/12/2007) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/53946/shelton_canada_develops_oil_and_gas_assets_in_ukraine/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974783 (102330ZDEC20) Notable: VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Orders Statewide Curfew, Bans Gatherings of More Than 10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Orders Statewide Curfew, Bans Gatherings of More Than 10

More COVID restrictions are coming to Virginia

Virginia Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam ordered a statewide curfew Thursday, doubling down on his New York-style shutdown while also acting to further limit private gatherings just ahead of Christmas.

At a Thursday afternoon press conference, the Governor announced that effective December 14th, Virginians will not be permitted to leave their homes between the hours of 12 midnight and 5 AM. Mask mandates have been further expanded and now apply to all settings when a prescribed 6 feet of “social distancing” is not possible.

Additionally – and just in time for Christmas – the Governor’s orders will further limit the size of private gatherings in Virginians’ own homes, reducing the permitted number of guests from 25 to 10.

According to Northam, state agencies have been told to ramp up their enforcement of his executive orders. Those found in violation may be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor and face up to a year in jail.

As I previously reported for National File, just ahead of Thanksgiving, the Warren County, Virginia Sheriff’s Office issued a warning to residents hosting gatherings in their homes.

“Per Executive Order #67, enforcement is the responsibility of the Virginia Department of Health. This shall include public and private in-person gatherings of more than 25 individuals being prohibited. A gathering is ‘defined as but not limited to parties, celebrations, or other social events, whether they occur indoors or outdoors.’ Violations of section B paragraphs 1,2, and 3 of this Order shall be Class 1 misdemeanors…”

Opposite Warren County, a group of Lynchburg area counties have considered “no shut down resolutions,” with Campbell County declaring itself a “First Amendment Sanctuary.”

Under the Campbell County resolution, the Sheriff’s Office is not to enforce sections of Northam’s restrictions that violate citizens’ First Amendment rights, such as the right to free assembly, heavily curtailed by Northam’s orders again on Thursday.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974790 (102331ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Digs Graphics?

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- (7/9/2004) TRANCHE OFFERING - http://www.bankrupt.com/TCR_Public/040709.mbx

- (2/14/2005) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/20258/shelton_canada_wins_exploration_license_in_azov_sea/

- (11/17/2006) - https://www.rigzone.com/News/Print/38288/Shelton_Canada_to_Complete_Private_Placement

- (2/08/2007) - https://www.rigzone.com/News/Print/41046/Shelton_Canada_Continues_to_Build_Ukraine_Portfolio

- (4/03/2007) - https://www.rigzone.com/News/Print/43453/Shelton_Canada_to_Acquire_Zhoda

- (7/20/2007) - https://www.rigzone.com/News/Print/47971/Shelton_Canada_Receives_Approval_for_Private_Placement

- (8/02/2007) - https://www.rigzone.com/News/Print/48527/Shelton_Canada_Completes_Zhoda_Acquisition

- (2/26/2008) - https://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/57396/shelton_canada_begins_drilling_at_lelyaki_field_in_ukraine/

- (11/19/2008) - https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2008-11-19/shelton-announces-completion-of-private-placement

ARCHIVED PRESS RELEASES FROM PETROSIBIR AB FEATURING SHELTON CANADA CORP/PETROSIBIR MERGER (2009) - https://web.archive.org/web/20091109162803/http://www.petrosibir.com/index.php?page=press&hl=eng

NAFTOGAZ PRESS RELEASES ON UKRNAFTA (list) - NAFTOGAZ OWNS UKRNAFTA - https://www.naftogaz.com/www/3/nakweben.nsf/search?SearchView&SearchOrder=4&SearchFuzzy=1&Query=ukrnafta&Start=1&Count=100&

SOME BACKGROUND ON NAFTOGAZ (TAKE WITH SALT) - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fzn.ua%2Fukr%2Feconomic-security%2Fnaftogaz_ukrayini_korotka_istoriya_v_podiyah_ta_osobah.html

- NAFTOGAZ STRUCTURE 50%+1 STAKE IN UKRNAFTA - https://www.naftogaz.com/www/3/nakweben.nsf/0/64788F66B66346ACC2257FCD004C6CA4?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,ukrnafta

- ANDRIY KOBOLYEV CEO NAFTOGAZ, STARTED AT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPER - https://www.naftogaz.com/www/3/nakweben.nsf/0/3D79AD387F5C8355C2257F3A0056A63A?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,pricewaterhousecoopers

- NAFTOGAZ FILES SUIT AGAINST PRIVATBANK IN 2007 - https://www.naftogaz.com/www/3/nakweben.nsf/0/959BF1365CA31307C22581A10060802E?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,privatbank


- PwC STATEMENT ON CORRUPTION - https://www.pwc.com/ua/en/press-room/2018/pwc-ukraine-statement.html

- PRIVATBANK PRESS RELEASE ON LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PwC 3/30/2018 - https://en.privatbank.ua/news/2018/4/2/704

- INTELLINEWS 5/30/2019 - https://www.intellinews.com/ukraine-court-cancels-central-bank-s-move-to-exclude-pwc-from-register-of-auditors-162086/

KROLL ON AUDITING PRIVATBANK JANUARY 2018 - https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/banking-investigation-ukraine-privatbank

- FROM REUTERS - https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-privatbank/update-2-ukraine-central-bank-says-privatbank-was-used-for-shady-deals-money-laundering-idUSL8N1PB35E

- FROM INTELLINEWS - https://www.intellinews.com/index.php/interview-privatbank-under-attack-but-on-the-mend-185460/?source=ukraine

AND FROM THE US DEPARTMENT OF STATE - START READING ON PAGE 18 - https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Report%20documents.pdf

WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE ON ANDRIY KOBOLYEV - https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/11/06/head-ukraines-gas-company-has-been-shot-pilloried-tv-attacked-by-giuliani-associates-its-all-days-work/

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58d43b No.158463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974803 (102332ZDEC20) Notable: LR and Inclusive Capitalism

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Lady de Rothschild is the Founder and CEO of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism

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58d43b No.158464

File: d63cb7097147034⋯.png (91.49 KB,669x792,223:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 16b7cc739d6cf6d⋯.png (30.68 KB,690x288,115:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974816 (102334ZDEC20) Notable: Military Rape Cases Have No Statute of Limitations, Supreme Court Decides

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Military Rape Cases Have No Statute of Limitations, Supreme Court Decides

In an 8-0 opinion issued Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that military personnel accused of a rape between 1986 and 2006 a period previously subject to a five-year statute of limitations can be charged for the crime.

At issue in U.S. v. Briggs is a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, or CAAF, to overturn three rape convictions that occurred within that 20-year period.

Prior to 1996, the UCMJ held that rape was a crime punishable by death and therefore had no time limit for prosecuting the crime. A 1998 CAAF ruling established the five-year time limit, which remained in place until Congress moved to abolish it in 2006.

In the new opinion, authored by Justice Samuel Alito, the justices said the Uniform Code of Military Justice favored the government's interpretation that military rape cases are "punishable by death" and therefore, carry no statute of limitations regardless of when the crime occurred.

The justices also agreed with government's argument that rape is a particularly damaging crime in the military context because it disrupts good order and discipline.

"Among other things, the government argues that a rape committed by a service member may cause special damage by critically undermining unit cohesion and discipline and that, in some circumstances, the crime may have serious international implications. That also appears to have been the view of Congress and the executive," Alito wrote.

Attorneys for Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Briggs, convicted in 2014 of raping another service member in 2005, had argued that the statute of limitations did not exist when Briggs committed the crime. That defense was based on a 1977 Supreme Court ruling that eliminated the death penalty for rape cases in the U.S.; CAAF's 1998 decision and a February 2018 case; U.S. v. Mangahas, in which the military appeals court ruled that the death penalty for rape cases was a violation of the UCMJ's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

Briggs’s conviction, as well as others, came after the law was changed to get rid of the five-year prosecution time limit.

But in Mangahas, decided in February 2018, the military appeals court affirmed the statute of limitations for cases that occurred in the 20-year legal gray area.


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58d43b No.158465

File: 626c6c6461a644c⋯.jpeg (144.28 KB,1173x523,1173:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974829 (102334ZDEC20) Notable: Gab is the REAL DEAL - Parler? Hmmm

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The TRUTH. Right here in this tweet!


Gab is the real deal when it comes to social media.

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58d43b No.158466

File: 6f2d9b1f27b5535⋯.png (54.15 KB,747x901,747:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 23a2f79f177f76a⋯.png (33.96 KB,745x641,745:641,Clipboard.png)

File: e77943a1104ad5d⋯.png (548.42 KB,697x483,697:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974838 (102336ZDEC20) Notable: Cryptocurrency Founder Arrested, Charged In Multimillion-Dollar Exit Scam

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Cryptocurrency Founder Arrested, Charged In Multimillion-Dollar Exit Scam

Amir Bruno Elmaani, a/k/a “Bruno Block,” the founder of the cryptocurrency “Oyster Pearl,” has been charged with tax evasion. As alleged, Elmaani made millions of dollars from the sale of a new cryptocurrency but evaded reporting that income to the IRS, including by filing a false tax return, operating his business and owning assets through pseudonyms and shell companies, obtaining income through nominees, and dealing in gold and cash. Elmaani was arrested Wednesday morning in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

In a separate civil action, the Securities and Exchange Commission is filing civil charges against Elmaani today.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As alleged, Amir Bruno Elmaani purported to establish a high-tech method of financing a high-tech business, but the underlying scheme was old-fashioned fraud and tax evasion. Elmaani allegedly generated millions by soliciting investor money through his own cryptocurrency, adding to the purportedly fixed number of tokens and converting them to other cryptocurrencies, and failing to report or pay tax on any of the proceeds. Thanks to the FBI and IRS-CI, Elmaani is now in custody and facing federal prosecution.”

FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said: “Taking advantage of the ever-so-popular cryptocurrency market, Elmaani allegedly capitalized on the investments of those who purchased virtual currency through Oyster Pearl, which he founded. As it turns out, Elmaani was funneling the proceeds of his alleged cryptocurrency scheme through a shell company that hid the true nature of his financial interests, ultimately never paying taxes on his earnings. With minimal reported income in 2018, he still managed to spend over $10 million for the purchase of yachts, but after today’s arrest, he won’t be sailing anywhere anytime soon.”

IRS Special Agent-in-Charge Kelly R. Jackson said: “Ensuring the integrity of our tax system is a priority of IRS-CI. Evading taxes only aims to deteriorate the confidence in this system and those who fail to pay their fair share will be investigated. Using cryptocurrency as a means to defraud and evade taxes will not stop our agents from doing what we do best – following the money.”

As alleged in the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:


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58d43b No.158467

File: 229aef290d70a12⋯.png (91.87 KB,748x892,187:223,Clipboard.png)

File: c655da99791fc58⋯.png (17.16 KB,756x310,378:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974851 (102337ZDEC20) Notable: Pain Clinic Medical Providers Sentenced for Their Roles in Operating Pill Mills in Tennessee

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Pain Clinic Medical Providers Sentenced for Their Roles in Operating Pill Mills in Tennessee


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58d43b No.158468

File: 380bcb4075c43d9⋯.png (86.97 KB,746x881,746:881,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b8345bf95b88e⋯.png (87.78 KB,759x914,759:914,Clipboard.png)

File: de137fcd366079c⋯.png (71.55 KB,756x907,756:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974863 (102339ZDEC20) Notable: 40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

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40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

147-Count Indictment Includes Inmates Orchestrating Murder, Kidnapping, Drugs and Firearms Distribution from Prison


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58d43b No.158469

File: 70072caec039b66⋯.png (87.9 KB,741x905,741:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974877 (102340ZDEC20) Notable: State Department Employee and Spouse Plead Guilty to Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods from U.S. Embassy

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State Department Employee and Spouse Plead Guilty to Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods from U.S. Embassy


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58d43b No.158470

File: f0e59cc1eaa8cb2⋯.png (90.5 KB,744x875,744:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 12b5bfe0e638301⋯.png (54.65 KB,741x594,247:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974890 (102341ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Department Announces Additional Distribution of more than $488 Million to Victims of Madoff Ponzi Scheme

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Justice Department Announces Additional Distribution of more than $488 Million to Victims of Madoff Ponzi Scheme


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58d43b No.158471

File: 18c427327c4c01f⋯.png (257.8 KB,474x452,237:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974899 (102342ZDEC20) Notable: Federal Register?

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The Final Rule addresses public comment received following publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and codifies amendments to multiple provisions of the Departments’ regulations. The rule takes effect 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which is scheduled to occur on Friday, Dec. 11, 2020.

The Final Rule makes the following changes to the Departments’ regulations:

Amend the regulations governing credible fear determinations so that individuals found to have such a fear will have their claims for asylum, withholding of removal, or protection under the CAT adjudicated by an immigration judge in streamlined proceedings, rather than in immigration court proceedings conducted under section 240 of the INA;

Permit immigration judges to pretermit asylum applications without a hearing if the application does not demonstrate prima facie eligibility for relief;

Clarify when an application is “frivolous”;

Clarify standards for the adjudication of asylum and withholding claims including amendments to the definitions of the terms “particular social group,” “political opinion,” “persecution,” and “firm resettlement”;

Outline factors, including an exemption for children under 18 for the factor regarding unlawful entry or attempted unlawful entry, for adjudicators to consider when making discretionary determinations;

Clarify the standard for determining the acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity under the CAT regulations;

Raise the burden of proof for the threshold screening of withholding and CAT protection claims from “significant possibility” to a “reasonable possibility” standard;

Apply bars to asylum and withholding when making credible fear determinations; and

Clarify the requirement to protect certain information contained in asylum applications, applications for withholding of removal under the INA, applications for protection under the regulations implementing the CAT, and applications for refugee admissions.

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58d43b No.158472

File: 214ed56bf60ab40⋯.png (345.37 KB,640x353,640:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974915 (102344ZDEC20) Notable: Urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Avoid the China Virus vaccine at all costs

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FDA panel recommends Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for final agency approval

Vaccination shots could start before the end of the year.

An FDA advisory panel on Thursday approved the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, which is expected to lead to final, emergency-use approval within days.

The advisory group voted 7-4 vote, with one abstention, that the shot appears safe and effective against the coronavirus in people 16 and older, according to the Associated. Press. Final approval would likely lead to Americans receiving the vaccination shots before year's end.

The Trump administration says it has 40 million doses of the vaccine ready for distribution.

On Tuesday, Great Britain began giving the shots to residents. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is a two-shot process. On Wednesday, Canada approved the vaccine.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Monday the vaccine distribution process will begin "within days” of the FDA’s final, emergency approval.


Urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Avoid the Corona vaccine at all costs


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58d43b No.158473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974957 (102348ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Media Outlets that Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Scandal Being Russian Disinformation++

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The criminal investigation into Hunter Biden is even worse than you think

Joe Biden and his campaign tried to put the best spin on the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.

But Joe Biden got some bad news.

And that’s because the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden is even worse than you think.

Hunter Biden tried to minimize the two year-long federal investigation into his shady business matters by claiming they were just looking into his “tax affairs.”

But the investigation is far more extensive.

The FBI is digging through Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China on allegations of tax evasion and money laundering.

Hunter Biden claimed this investigation was being conducted by the United States Attorney in Delaware.

But POLITICO reported that the securities fraud unit in the South District of New York was also investigating Hunter Biden.

In addition, the FBI probe also extended to Joe Biden’s brother James and his involvement with a hospital company that was raided by the FBI for alleged financial crimes.

POLITICO reports:

FBI agents, meanwhile, have been asking about James Biden’s dealings with the hospital company Americore Health, an operator of rural hospitals, as part of an investigation based out of the Western District of Pennsylvania, according to the person with direct knowledge of that investigation.

In late January, FBI agents raided an Americore hospital in Ellwood City, Pa., and carted off boxes. The raid, which has been previously reported, followed crippling dysfunction at the hospital.

Americore, which is in bankruptcy, has faced allegations of mismanagement unrelated to James Biden, and it is not clear whether his activities are a focus of the investigation.

The evidence that the Biden family is corrupt and that multiple family members made millions trading off Joe Biden’s name and office were out there the entire time as Renewed Right reported during the Democrat primaries early in 2020.

The Fake News Media deliberately ignored these stories out of fear of hurting Biden’s campaign.

And now that Joe Biden may become President on January 20, the American people are learning that Biden and the rest of his family are compromised and corrupt.


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58d43b No.158474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974961 (102348ZDEC20) Notable: BO and anons that are fixing the board, thank you!!

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BO and anons that are fixing the board, thank you!! There’s nothing like being able to come here and be an anon, even if it takes some checking around. God bless the BO and all anons

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58d43b No.158475

File: ca09f35bcb5006b⋯.png (215.88 KB,357x386,357:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974971 (102349ZDEC20) Notable: Kek

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58d43b No.158476

File: ade388df2074470⋯.png (500.3 KB,891x950,891:950,Clipboard.png)

File: c13a7828454d5c4⋯.png (68.53 KB,596x811,596:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11974988 (102351ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo alleges UW didn’t help student detained in China to preserve ‘multi-million dollar deal’.

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Pompeo alleges UW didn’t help student detained in China to preserve ‘multi-million dollar deal’.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo levied criticism against the University of Washington on Wednesday, accusing the university of failing to render aid to one of its students, Vera Zhou, after she was detained by the Chinese government in 2017.

Zhou — who became a permanent U.S. resident in 2010 — was a junior at the UW when she was taken by Chinese authorities in October 2017 while visiting her father in Xinjiang. She was arrested for using an illegal VPN to log into an online portal for the UW to turn in her homework.

Shortly after being interrogated, Zhou was sent to a reeducation camp, where she was held in a cell with 11 other women, and forced to watch and study pro-Chinese government propaganda. Zhou’s mother called on the UW to step in and help bring her back to the United States, but was rebuffed, with the university claiming there was little it could do without the State Department’s aid, given that Zhou wasn’t a U.S. citizen.

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58d43b No.158477

File: d1ec6075cc94536⋯.png (258.45 KB,700x777,100:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 366c7598b154bd3⋯.png (359.82 KB,770x805,22:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d154fa49473320⋯.png (340.65 KB,694x771,694:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c871f7051aa439⋯.png (45.4 KB,842x605,842:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975023 (102355ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are finally back up and running after outage left thousands of users unable to use the sites

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Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are finally back up and running after outage left thousands of users unable to use the sites for FOUR HOURS

Facebook, Messenger and Instagram stopped working for thousands of users

DownDetector logged thousands of complaints from just after 9:30am UK time

Thousands of people across the UK have been left unable to send messages

Facebook said in the afternoon it was back up and running with no issues

Problems persisted globally for around four hours, according to DownDetector Facebook, Messenger and Instagram all stopped working for thousands of users today, and were not functioning properly for around four hours.

The Facebook-owned social media apps went down at around 09.30 GMT, according to the website Downdetector, which monitors online outages.

Users were unable to send messages and were flashed an error message which said the app was 'waiting for network'. More than half (52 per cent) of reported issues with Messenger pertained to sending and receiving messages whereas the main Facebook site's biggest reported problem was total blackout, accounting for 41 per cent of problems.

Facebook confirmed the issue is now resolved but it remains unknown what caused the issue and how long it will last. Not all users were affected.

'Earlier today, some people have experienced trouble sending or receiving messages on Messenger, Instagram or Workplace Chat,' a Facebook spokesperson told MailOnline.

'The issue has since been resolved and we apologise for any inconvenience.'

Facebook's private messaging app, Messenger, faced the most significant issues, with the majority of reports coming from the UK and Europe.

Instagram and Facebook experiencing complaints in the hundreds, but Messenger suffered thousands, according to DownDetector.

Frustrated users took to Twitter, the last remaining vestige of mainstream social media not yet owned by Mark Zuckerberg, to share their anger.

One user wrote: 'Either Facebook messenger is down on my phone or my wifi is extremely poor this morn. Let me text my friends back!'

Others quipped that due to the wide-reach of Facebook-owned apps they were left cut off and also had nothing to entertain themselves with.

WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook, was not affected.

One Twitter user called 'I'mChicken' said: 'I'm here in twitter because facebook and messenger is own #fcebookmessengerdown'

Another user called Mike Covell, a historian, said: '#FacebookDown If you need me send a carrier pigeon.'

Sophie Hughes used Twitter to joke that with the apps offline, she may be forced to call people. 'How will i cope?' she adds.


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58d43b No.158478

File: fcb644ff5adf170⋯.png (90.31 KB,1764x544,441:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975028 (102355ZDEC20) Notable: Australia halts local China Virus vaccine development due to HIV false positives

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>Me thinks something BIG is going to happen before it can be distributed.

Something like this???


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58d43b No.158479

File: a07ccdd35ea0ef2⋯.png (74.59 KB,626x696,313:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975036 (102357ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - John F. Kennedy write the book Profiles in Courage. @realDonaldTrump is a profile in courage.

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Lin Wood


John F. Kennedy write the book Profiles in Courage.


is a profile in courage.

The CIA is corrupt. And evil.

We should all spend more time studying history. Many lessons to be learned.


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58d43b No.158480

File: 661d3c8574eb7fc⋯.png (535.59 KB,674x911,674:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 272fffdedb1ccff⋯.png (81.57 KB,746x520,373:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975055 (102359ZDEC20) Notable: BLM Founder Verified 2015 Venezuela Election On Behalf Of Smartmatic-Linked Org

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BLM Founder Verified 2015 Venezuela Election On Behalf Of Smartmatic-Linked Org

Black Lives Matter founder Opal Tometi was selected as an observer for Venezuela’s Smartmatic-conducted 2015 election on behalf of an organization that played a critical role in the country’s adoption of Smartmatic systems, The National Pulse can reveal.

Tometi observed on behalf of the Consejo Nacional Electoral (National Electoral Council), helping oversee the country’s parliamentary elections in 2015.

Doing my duty as a global citizen and serving as an election observer for the national Venezuelan elections. pic.twitter.com/VbryU74jUM

— Opal Tometi 🇳🇬🇺🇸 (@opalayo) December 3, 2015

The Venezuela election was one of many conducted with Smartmatic machines, as the country has depended on the voting company for over a decade despite errors and tampered results.

In the Tometi-observed election, Smartmatic boasted involvement with virtually every aspect of the election, noting “our end-to-end solution automated every step of the process, from voter authentication, vote casting and results publication.”

“Before, during and after the election, technicians from the electoral authority and political parties conducted thorough audits and tests to validate the proper operation of the system,” the company’s 2015 election summary reported.

Great day observing 6 polling sites in Venezuela. calm & seamless process. it was beautiful 2 see everyday ppl engaged throughout the day.

— Opal Tometi 🇳🇬🇺🇸 (@opalayo) December 6, 2015

Tweets from Tometi appear to corroborate her involvement in the vote authentication process, noting how she “observed polling sites” and “witnessed [the] citizen verification process.”

Of the 13 audits conducted by Smartmatic, at least one involved the CNE, the “citizen verification, phase II,” where “technicians from the NEC and the political parties verified that the choices registered in the printed voting vouchers matched the statements of the vote and the data held in the National Tallying Centre.”

Looking fwd to witnessing citizen verification process of #Venezuela vote. pic.twitter.com/kJOLfOwEJY

— Opal Tometi 🇳🇬🇺🇸 (@opalayo) December 6, 2015

Smartmatic used quotes from CNE’s chief rector to hype the company in its promotional material:


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58d43b No.158481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975071 (110001ZDEC20) Notable: Wuhan releases tourism ad: What pandemic?

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Wuhan releases tourism ad: What pandemic?

Dec 10, 2020


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58d43b No.158482

File: 8eda1bdc91475ac⋯.png (345.78 KB,959x759,959:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cc49d4e6e8b92a⋯.png (39.44 KB,888x560,111:70,Clipboard.png)

File: f369a17659c623a⋯.png (182.33 KB,901x612,53:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975091 (110004ZDEC20) Notable: Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes loses court appeal

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Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes loses court appeal

A military appellate court has upheld the conviction of a former U.S. Navy chief who pleaded guilty last year to sex crimes that occurred while he was stationed in Bahrain.

The case of former Chief Logistics Specialist Calvin Halfacre was one of a rash of sex and trafficking cases involving Thai women and sailors stationed on the Middle Eastern island in 2017.

That year, three women working as prostitutes accused Halfacre of brutally raping them in his off-base apartment.

Navy prosecutors lost track of the women and none were available to testify against the chief at his trial in 2019.

The married father ended up signing a deal early last year that saw him plead guilty to paying the women for sex in exchange for the government withdrawing the sexual assault charges.

Navy judge Capt. Arthur Gaston sentenced him to 30 months in the brig, a bad-conduct discharge and reduction in rank to E-1.

An appeal filed in the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals by Halfacre’s attorney later argued that the judge improperly considered evidence at sentencing involving the sexual assault allegations, which went beyond the prostitution charges to which Halfacre pleaded guilty.

But in a decision by the three-judge panel released on Nov. 30, the appeals court ruled that Gaston did not err when he considered rape evidence, including a victim impact statement by one of Halfacre’s accusers.

Gaston currently is assigned to the appeals court, but he works on a different panel than the one that weighed Halfacre’s appeal.


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58d43b No.158483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975105 (110005ZDEC20) Notable: #15286 Notables in #15287

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>>158400, >>158402, >>158403, >>158414, >>158416, >>158417, >>158421, >>158430, >>158431, >>158439 Election Corruption Litigation News

>>158401, >>158411 Biden's Sister Digz

>>158404, >>158406, >>158412, >>158415, >>158423, >>158432, >>158434 Things To Remember…

>>158405 "Whiners and complainers have no place here. You should be thanking Jim for making this place available to you."

>>158407 "World War III “has started in silence with the release of the pandemic”, and says “not everyone can be saved” [begin at 14:00 mark in linked video or in first video below"

>>158408, >>158420, >>158424, >>158426, >>158428 COVID News

>>158409 Russell?

>>158410, >>158433, >>158436, >>158437, >>158443 PF

>>158413 US spy plane seen in Chinese airspace amid tensions between Washington and Beijing

>>158418 Pray for our country. This is a battle between good & evil.

>>158419, >>158435 Parental Notifications?

>>158422 Kind Anon Volunteer 07 Thank you anon.

>>158425 Pray now that when the light shines in the coming days, it reveals the truth along with a new era of American patriotism.

>>158427 #15285 in '86

>>158429 40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

>>158438 Sydney Powell on Dobbs about FBI and others

>>158440 Corruption abounds

>>158441, >>158442 "Inclusive Capitalism" Digs

>>158444, >>158448 Dominion Voting Dig Compilation?

>>158445, >>158446 LFD

>>158447 Shanahan Cartoonist Arrested on Pedo Charges

>>158449 #15282 in '86

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158484

File: b8b5d51717f9eb5⋯.mp4 (15.63 MB,392x288,49:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975112 (110005ZDEC20) Notable: Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!

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Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!

Testified in GA hearing today on election fraud along with David Cross

Was bumped off the witness list last week - these were the last 2 witnesses today.


Statement of Garland Favorito

IT professional, VoterGA, active in Constitutional Party

* Past elections - similar problems w/Dominion/Diebold

* His roles in election

* Noticed abnormal 20,000 vote spike - nobody is investigating

* Sequence of Events: Fulton Co ballot counting at State Farm Arena late at night

* Debunking the Debunkers: What happened is not normal

* Conclusions: Election was Stolen, Donald Trump won the election!

SEE mp4 plus slides for greater clarity.

Statement of David Cross

He was a witness during the election.

* Halting of ballot counting

* Votes catapulted in GA in the middle of the night - 1:34 am.

* How this corresponded with similar spiking in other states (similar timing).

* States using Dominion had similar anomalies.

* Ballot transport bag insecurities/chain of custody failures

* Was ejected when he investigated.

* Conclusion: Fulton Co votes should not be counted.

SEE mp4 starting around 8:25.


>>156766, >>>/midnightriders/19444 Elections expert garland favorito moved to the bottom of GA witness list - does he knows too much?




Favorito & Cross mp4/slides


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58d43b No.158485

File: 55de823ec00f079⋯.png (129.66 KB,400x512,25:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975127 (110007ZDEC20) Notable: Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia

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Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia

The list of states joining Texas continues to increase.

The state of Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Monday night with the US Supreme Court challenging their unlawful election procedures.

Texas argued these four states violated the US Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions. But these states did not make the changes through the state legislatures as spelled out in the US Constitution.

We reported earlier today that President Trump joined Texas in suing the four states being sued by Texas.

Last night we reported 18 states have to date joined Texas in their case against the four states:

Now this afternoon, the Pennsylvania House joined the case:



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58d43b No.158486

File: 09761b2e4d0eee8⋯.png (21.92 KB,558x244,279:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975146 (110008ZDEC20) Notable: 106 House Republicans Sign Brief Backing Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin

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106 House Republicans Sign Brief Backing Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin

The state of Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Monday night with the US Supreme Court challenging their unlawful election procedures.

Texas argued these four states violated the US Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions. But these states did not make the changes through the state legislatures as spelled out in the US Constitution.

President Trump Wednesday evening filed a motion to intervene to join Texas’ lawsuit because he is “the real party in interest.”

18 different states are supporting Texas’s case and now the president has the backing of more than 100 House Republicans.

106 House Republicans signed an amicus brief backing Texas’ Supreme Court lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.

“This brief presents [our] concern as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections,” states the brief signed by 106 GOP lawmakers.

The effort to file a brief in support of President Trump was spearheaded by Rep. Mike Johnson (LA).

Members of the Freedom Caucus such as Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and others also singed the brief.


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58d43b No.158487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975238 (110017ZDEC20) Notable: Crenshaw Accuses Pelosi of Facts

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#pelosi​ #secondstimuluscheckupdate​

Dan Crenshaw accuses Nancy Pelosi of hindering the approval of new bill |Second stimulus check

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58d43b No.158488

File: 98383db9d6ecafb⋯.png (873.48 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975239 (110017ZDEC20) Notable: Tom Wold Comped by China?

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Tom Wolf is comped by CHYNA, without a doubt. Q - REMOVE the ENEMY

Check it out:


Consul General Huang Ping Visited Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania (2019/08/15)

"Huang Ping fully approved and appreciated the Chinese in Harrisburg for their contribution to China-US friendship and the spread of Chinese culture. He said that the Consulate General will continue to uphold the concept of “exercising governance for the people”, and serve the oversea Chinese practically. He hoped the Chinese people here could keep devoting to friendship, mutual trust, and pragmatic cooperation between China and the US."

Additionally, check this one:


The commission is headed by Stephanie Sun … pic related, bio pasted below from link above

Stephanie Sun was appointed the executive director of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (GACAPAA) in June 2020. She first served as a commissioner on GACAPAA beginning in April 2018.

Prior to joining the Office of Governor Tom Wolf, Sun served as the associate director of Partnerships, Philly Counts, for the City of Philadelphia, responsible for developing engagement strategies with diverse communities to promote participation in the 2020 U.S. Census. In 2020, she was also assigned to work on COVID-19 and the election.

Sun worked for government diplomatic agencies in both China and South Korea, and for 3 Fortune 120 international corporations in 3 countries, China, South Korea, and the U.S. She also has experience in corporate philanthropy as a grant analyst working on both international and domestic grants and has also written grant applications. She previously worked as the marketing manager for the Greater China Region for SK Group, a Global Fortune 100 company, with a staff of 400 salespeople reporting to her through their sales managers.

Sun serves as an active board member of multiple non-profit organizations, including the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians, Working Families Partnership (AFL-CIO), Keystone Progress Education Fund (KPEF), Asian Mosaic Fund Giving Circle (AMF), United Chinese Americans (UCA), and Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra (LSO). In addition, she serves on several advisory boards, including the College of Public Health, Temple University.

Sun is a journalist, and served as the senior director of the main local Chinese language newspaper based in Philadelphia, informing and being a voice for the immigrant community, and serving as an advocate for grassroots and marginalized people.

In 2016, Sun collaborated with Philadelphia City Council to organize the first-ever City Council public hearing concerning the Asian Pacific American (APA) community in the history of Philadelphia. And she has been constantly advocating for the rights of crime victims in the APA community and facilitating their interaction with law enforcement.

As the first in her family to go to college, Sun felt privileged to become a tenured college senior lecturer in Asia, and she believes education can help people achieve a better life. Sun is a proud immigrant, and passionate about utilizing her experience of living, working and studying in three different countries, communicating in four different languages, and bringing different ways of thinking to better serve the diverse APA communities throughout Pennsylvania.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158489

File: e01ecac38d4804e⋯.png (683.14 KB,768x400,48:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975240 (110017ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Media Outlets that Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Scandal Being Russian Disinformation++

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58d43b No.158490

File: 70c8adf8aa96837⋯.png (5.28 MB,1349x6471,1349:6471,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d3b5905c70608⋯.png (1.77 MB,1349x4864,71:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975247 (110018ZDEC20) Notable: COVID Fake News PANIC

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975259 (110021ZDEC20) Notable: Tom Wold Comped by China?

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Tom Wolf is comped by CHYNA, without a doubt. Q - REMOVE the ENEMY

Check it out:


Consul General Huang Ping Visited Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania (2019/08/15)

"Huang Ping fully approved and appreciated the Chinese in Harrisburg for their contribution to China-US friendship and the spread of Chinese culture. He said that the Consulate General will continue to uphold the concept of “exercising governance for the people”, and serve the oversea Chinese practically. He hoped the Chinese people here could keep devoting to friendship, mutual trust, and pragmatic cooperation between China and the US."

Additionally, check this one:


The commission is headed by Stephanie Sun …bio pasted below from link above

Stephanie Sun was appointed the executive director of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (GACAPAA) in June 2020. She first served as a commissioner on GACAPAA beginning in April 2018.

Prior to joining the Office of Governor Tom Wolf, Sun served as the associate director of Partnerships, Philly Counts, for the City of Philadelphia, responsible for developing engagement strategies with diverse communities to promote participation in the 2020 U.S. Census. In 2020, she was also assigned to work on COVID-19 and the election.

Sun worked for government diplomatic agencies in both China and South Korea, and for 3 Fortune 120 international corporations in 3 countries, China, South Korea, and the U.S. She also has experience in corporate philanthropy as a grant analyst working on both international and domestic grants and has also written grant applications. She previously worked as the marketing manager for the Greater China Region for SK Group, a Global Fortune 100 company, with a staff of 400 salespeople reporting to her through their sales managers.

Sun serves as an active board member of multiple non-profit organizations, including the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians, Working Families Partnership (AFL-CIO), Keystone Progress Education Fund (KPEF), Asian Mosaic Fund Giving Circle (AMF), United Chinese Americans (UCA), and Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra (LSO). In addition, she serves on several advisory boards, including the College of Public Health, Temple University.

Sun is a journalist, and served as the senior director of the main local Chinese language newspaper based in Philadelphia, informing and being a voice for the immigrant community, and serving as an advocate for grassroots and marginalized people.

In 2016, Sun collaborated with Philadelphia City Council to organize the first-ever City Council public hearing concerning the Asian Pacific American (APA) community in the history of Philadelphia. And she has been constantly advocating for the rights of crime victims in the APA community and facilitating their interaction with law enforcement.

As the first in her family to go to college, Sun felt privileged to become a tenured college senior lecturer in Asia, and she believes education can help people achieve a better life. Sun is a proud immigrant, and passionate about utilizing her experience of living, working and studying in three different countries, communicating in four different languages, and bringing different ways of thinking to better serve the diverse APA communities throughout Pennsylvania.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158492

File: 6281fd64136abff⋯.png (320.67 KB,607x459,607:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 94cd5f792d25884⋯.png (22.17 KB,462x162,77:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975288 (110024ZDEC20) Notable: Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives a China Virus Update

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Governor JB Pritzker @GovPritzker

Governor Pritzker Gives a COVID-19 Update

Something not adding up in Illinois.


Illinois Population 12.74 million (2018)



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58d43b No.158493

File: f5ddf946d48a215⋯.png (461.75 KB,592x562,296:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975345 (110035ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweets article on 'Fox News Media Suicide'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975381 (110041ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats Say Why They’ve Joined Republicans to Protest Lockdowns

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Democrats Say Why They’ve Joined Republicans to Protest Lockdowns

In November, about 30 states reported sharp increases in COVID-19 cases, including Illinois, where Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a new set of restrictions. Museums and indoor dining were among the closures.

Svenningsen, a chemical engineer, said he decided to look into the data himself.

He found the fatality rate lower than he thought. It is currently about 0.6 percent in the United States, according to Reuters. Svenningsen noted that among deaths reported as COVID-19-related, many occur along with preexisting conditions. He also saw that many of those deaths are among the elderly and people with comorbidity.

Instead of a statewide lockdown, he said, it would be better to isolate vulnerable people and allow the rest more freedom.

“I began to realize, oh my gosh, we are going about this all wrong. Hysteria has completely taken over,” Svenningsen said.

“If people are scared, they’re more likely to turn on the news, and then that rewards the news for scaring them. … Once we get scared, we can overreact if we don’t understand what all this data is really showing.”

His roommate, a massage therapist, went without any income for months and fell behind on her medical bills and loan payments. “How is she ever going to get out of this?” he said.

He also noted other harmful impacts of lockdowns, such as mental stress and drug overdose.

“These are going to have huge repercussions in the future for a lot of people,” he said.

Svenningsen shared his new understanding with many of his left-leaning friends, but it was hard. “I have lost what feels like a lot of friends over it,” he said. “I’m in a weird boat where I feel like the left has left me.”

Glen, another liberal Chicagoan, who declined to disclose his last name, also lost friends over his opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns. Among them were three very close friends, he said.

In his social circle, Glen said he’s the only one with a science degree. He’s a nurse at a local hospital.

“[My friends] would dig up news articles about how lockdowns are good. In most cases, these were opinion pieces by journalists who had no education in science,” Glen told The Epoch Times while attending the anti-lockdown rally on Dec. 5. He was wearing a mask that covered all but his eyes, which he said was to protect his identity for fear of losing his job.

“When I countered with actual science journals, statistics, and data, I would just be told that I’m a QAnon conspiracy theorist

This is crazy, the CIA has weaponized any disagreement of policy and science. Now one canny state science and be believed


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58d43b No.158495

File: ce27ce6e085902a⋯.png (181.34 KB,501x415,501:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975400 (110044ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on Idaho Gov Kim Reynolds, worth 300 Million $

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Why does Idaho Governor Kim Reynolds have a 300 million dollar net worth with just a 130k salary?

Has Idaho Governor Kim Reynolds ever taken CCP money?

Why hasnt Idaho joined the Texas lawsuit?

(tweet link not working)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158496

File: d429dabb3c1757f⋯.png (234.88 KB,496x576,31:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975422 (110047ZDEC20) Notable: C. Company "Ghost Riders" 3-227th AHB tweet?

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C. Company "Ghost Riders" 3-227th AHB,

@1stCavACB await the sunset to take off and conduct Company Air Assault and Company level collective gunnery Dec. 10 @forthood.(Photo by CW2 Humberto Espinoza, pilot in command, C. Co. 3-227th) @FORSCOM@16thSMA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158497

File: e87777b10afca1e⋯.jpg (32.36 KB,760x505,152:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49f158fcab1d727⋯.png (262.19 KB,514x437,514:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975497 (110102ZDEC20) Notable: XVIII Airborne Corps tweet - We light up the sky every night

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We light up the sky every night.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158498

File: 72c74d9164bade1⋯.jpg (92.03 KB,720x581,720:581,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975533 (110109ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Tremendous support from all over the Country.

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Tremendous support from all over the Country. All we ask is COURAGE & WISDOM from those that will be making one of the most important decisions in our Country’s history. God bless you!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158499

File: a8cd4bc921ccb92⋯.png (154.87 KB,826x422,413:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cf561a42aeacb9⋯.png (226.38 KB,550x270,55:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975538 (110111ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B departed Bragg after quick ground stop and back to Eglin AFB-this completes it's rt.

Cheyenne Regional Airport, WY ground stop prior to Bragg

SAM283 USAF G5 departed Austin Bergstrom Int'l ne after a ground stop-inbound from Lackland

This AC was also part of the NASA mtg at the Cape yesterday

PAT219 US Army C-560 descending for Dobbins ARB, GA after a Cannon AFB, NM depart earlier.

Completes it's r/t and had a stop at MacDill AFB earlier today

This AC was present at same time as SAM262 (at Cannon AFB) that has already arrived at JBA and part of the NASA meetings.

SAM283 was also part of the meetings at the Cape yesterday

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975548 (110113ZDEC20) Notable: Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!

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tx baker. This post actually has four pages:

>>158484, >>>/qresearch/11975122, >>>/qresearch/11975139, >>>/qresearch/11975149 Garland Favorito in GA Hearing: There is compelling evidence of fraud in Fulton County, Trump Won!

hang in there baker

It's a roller coaster but shit happens.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158501

File: e4d4ec2ea031057⋯.jpeg (443.96 KB,1125x969,375:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5d673a9c4149c6d⋯.jpeg (378.92 KB,2000x1125,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975578 (110118ZDEC20) Notable: New Scavino on Parler

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New Scavino


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158502

File: 22fee0947c62c7f⋯.png (60.5 KB,598x344,299:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a9b6b2930cd491⋯.png (81.12 KB,657x388,657:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975641 (110129ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on new DJT tweet

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Something to dig or just a coincidence?



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58d43b No.158503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975839 (110151ZDEC20)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158504

File: 264bc65a4ce7af7⋯.png (463.87 KB,602x553,86:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975861 (110154ZDEC20) Notable: 'Friday' Star Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Dead at 62

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Friday' Star Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Dead at 62


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158505

File: b8cd52c410d3493⋯.png (13.75 KB,613x191,613:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975948 (110205ZDEC20) Notable: US Supreme Court rules 6-3 to allow the execution of Brandon Bernard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: US Supreme Court rules 6-3 to allow the execution of Brandon Bernard



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158506

File: e3e65527670f339⋯.png (206.13 KB,1075x442,1075:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975988 (110209ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Crash dig

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Michigan Crash - fyi. Many threads on pol the past few days. Weird beyond. China invasion? Connecting to many deep rabbit holes.

Here's current thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/295933639#p295933639

Several other QRDs on this thread too.

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58d43b No.158507

File: 5b68d1d31e722f9⋯.jpg (3.86 MB,2280x6656,285:832,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b461d40eaa6cc4⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2278x2605,2278:2605,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11975995 (110209ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Q Post dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.120050 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:22:07 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?



Expand your thinking.

Planned [3].(2018 WAS glorious)

Moves and countermoves.(Bye Bye CIA)

Strategy warfare.

This week will be revealing.

SNOW WHITE [1, 2, and 5] offline.

7th Floor is no more.

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean BIG things aren't happening.

Night_Riders_FLY.(NROL-44 Launch)

2018 will be GLORIOUS.


Planned [3]

NROL-44 (Night Riders) FLY (Satelitte Launch) 12/10

Pentagon Announce Defund CIA 12/10

GA Run-Off 01/05

Pentagon Defund CIA 01/05

XMAS 01/07

Epiphany 01/19

Inauguration 01/20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158508

File: d161795053a6d4e⋯.png (8.25 MB,2876x1992,719:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976025 (110211ZDEC20) Notable: notable graphic connecting Ivanka Trump tweets, morning sun brings heat Q-drop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morning Sun brings HEAT

Christmas Day

Thanks Q

(I mean Ivanka)

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58d43b No.158509

File: dd8b918653876cd⋯.jpg (27 KB,512x384,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976040 (110212ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine on Bongino / Parler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>158450 (lb)

>CM: "Parler is Comped"

Makes me wonder about Don Bonbingo. Since he's trying so hard to sell us on Parler. Can't fuckin' trust anyone these days. Not even you. Or you. OR YOU!

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58d43b No.158510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976070 (110215ZDEC20) Notable: DEFUND THE CIA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158511

File: 7c6cc1e07fd4846⋯.jpeg (212.55 KB,750x416,375:208,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976195 (110223ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell is inside the Smartmatic fence... (from @LouDobbs show)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Earlier on Lou Dobbs


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58d43b No.158512

File: eb031af92b5e124⋯.png (107.38 KB,518x440,259:220,Clipboard.png)

File: f05fbfe81c86625⋯.png (383.04 KB,729x986,729:986,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976202 (110224ZDEC20) Notable: notable graphic connecting Ivanka Trump tweets, morning sun brings heat Q-drop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


notable graphic

connecting Ivanka Trump tweets, morning sun brings heat Q-drop.

12-25 Christmas

12 (read as two 1's) - 11-25, JFK Jr. Birthday [30] days later?

"FLYNN" double meaning? JFK Jr's plane did "FLY 2iN"

Morning sun/mourning son Q1543 (15 is three 5's, 35, JFK and 43=2Q)…JFK 2 2Q?

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58d43b No.158513

File: 78e5063593d4555⋯.png (14.45 KB,447x258,149:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976207 (110224ZDEC20) Notable: NEW DJT er, Chief Troller

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NEW DJT er, Chief Troller

Donald J. Trump


Why didn’t the Fake News Media, the FBI and the DOJ report the Biden matter BEFORE the Election. Oh well, it’s OK, we won the Election anyway - 75,000,000 VOTES!!!

8:21 PM · Dec 10, 2020·Twitter fo


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58d43b No.158514

File: b55d706129a9ae3⋯.png (45.87 KB,588x577,588:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976231 (110226ZDEC20) Notable: Project Veritas: GA Senate Candidate Ossoff worker reveals Democrats are hiding plans to pack Supreme Court

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Project Veritas: GA Senate Candidate Ossoff Deputy Political Director Reveals Democrats Are Hiding Plans to Pack Supreme Court with Liberal Justices

Project Veritas on Thursday released undercover video of Georgia Senate candidate Jon Ossoff’s deputy political director revealing the Democrats are hiding their plans to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices.

The corrupt officials in Georgia are trying to steal the 2020 election through voter fraud and they’re also trying to steal the twin senate runoff on January 5th.

GOP incumbent Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are fighting to keep their seats against Marxist Warnock and far left Jon Ossoff.

Georgia elections officials a few weeks ago voted to extend the use of ballot drop boxes for the January 5 twin Senate runoff where the Republican majority in the Senate is on the line.

The use of ballot drop boxes, which opens the door for illegal ballot harvesting, was set to expire in December, but the 5-member Georgia State Election Board voted to extend the use of drop boxes.

Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger approved the extension of mail-in voting and drop boxes for the runoff, assuring a Democrat steal.

If the Democrats gain the majority in the Senate and steal the White House, they will certainly overthrow the Supreme Court with Marxists.

Project Veritas caught Ossoff’s deputy political director on undercover video admitting the Democrats are hiding their plans to pack the Supreme Court.


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58d43b No.158515

File: 1b5ecbc6b04b160⋯.png (234.26 KB,475x273,475:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976241 (110227ZDEC20) Notable: WA Gov Inslee extends COVID-19 restrictions until Jan. 4

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Inslee extends COVID-19 restrictions until Jan. 4

Gov. Jay Inslee today extended the emergency orders affecting the state of Washington, meant to address the COVID-19 crisis.

That means a continued ban on indoor dining, wedding and funeral receptions, and any large indoor gatherings that involve more than one household, until at least Jan. 4.

Those orders were scheduled to expire next week.

In addition, the governor says while Congress hasn’t extended financial relief for businesses and those left jobless by the pandemic, the state of Washington plans to step up:

“Because COVID strikes both at our health and our economic well-being, we also are announcing an additional $50 million in additional grants for businesses, specifically those who have been hit hardest by these restrictions,” Inslee said. “As well as economic safeguards for workers who might be losing their employment and income as a result of the pandemic.”

Inslee expanded the order in part because hospital intensive care units across the state are filling up too fast.

Eighty percent of beds are full statewide on average and 1,000 people are currently in intensive care.

If the U.S. Congress is unable to approve another COVID-19 relief bill that would extend added unemployment benefits, Inslee said Washington state is prepared to fill that gap.”…


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58d43b No.158516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976246 (110228ZDEC20) Notable: NROL-44 launch video

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58d43b No.158517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976273 (110230ZDEC20)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>158503 Dough


>>158504 'Friday' Star Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Dead at 62

>>158505 US Supreme Court rules 6-3 to allow the execution of Brandon Bernard

>>158506 Michigan Crash dig

>>158507 Anon Q Post dig

>>158509 Anon opine on Bongino / Parler


>>158511 Sidney Powell is inside the Smartmatic fence… (from @LouDobbs show)

>>158512 notable graphic connecting Ivanka Trump tweets, morning sun brings heat Q-drop.

>>158513 NEW DJT er, Chief Troller

>>158514 Project Veritas: GA Senate Candidate Ossoff worker reveals Democrats are hiding plans to pack Supreme Court

>>158515 WA Gov Inslee extends COVID-19 restrictions until Jan. 4

>>158516 NROL-44 launch video


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58d43b No.158518

File: 43b21b39ce1d237⋯.png (167.33 KB,766x628,383:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 54366bbf79d9733⋯.png (165.92 KB,500x627,500:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ea63aa12c06d32⋯.png (183.15 KB,492x624,41:52,Clipboard.png)

File: ce863b4ba8e96ae⋯.png (196.34 KB,495x626,495:626,Clipboard.png)

File: a4a553ce041457a⋯.png (150.04 KB,484x623,484:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976290 (110231ZDEC20) Notable: These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies

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Jun 1, 2016,02:26pm EDT

These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies


Michael Bloomberg - Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Media

"Michael Bloomberg, the richest billionaire in the media business, returned to his eponymous media company in September 2014, eight months after stepping down as mayor of New York City. One notable sign of his influence on the publication: Michael Bloomberg doesn’t appear on Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index. FORBES pegs his net worth at $45.7 billion. Bloomberg cofounded his financial data company in 1981 with Charles Zegar and Thomas Secunda, both of whom are now billionaires as well thanks to their minority equity stakes in Bloomberg LP. The company expanded into business news coverage and has more than 2,000 reporters around the world. In 2009, Bloomberg LP bought Business Week magazine from McGraw Hill for a reported $5 million plus assumption of debt."



Rupert Murdoch - News Corp

"Rupert Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox , the parent of powerhouse cable TV channel Fox News, may well be the world’s most powerful media tycoon. He is executive co-chairman of 21st Century Fox with his son Lachlan and is also chairman of News Corp, which owns The Wall Street Journal and other publications. Altogether, his family controls 120 newspapers across five countries. Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal also owns 1% of News Corp, after cutting down his holdings from 6% in early 2015."


Donald and Samuel “Si” Newhouse - Advance Publications

"Donald Newhouse and his brother Samuel “Si” Newhouse inherited Advance Publications, a privately-held media company that controls a plethora of newspapers, magazine, cable TV and entertainment assets, from their father. Advance owns newspapers in 25 cities and towns across America and is the country’s largest privately-held newspaper chain. Conde Nast, a unit of Advance Publications, publishes magazines including Wired, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and Vogue. Si stepped down as chairman of Conde Nast in 2015."


Cox Family – Atlanta Journal-Constitution

"Cox Enterprises , owned by the billionaire Cox family, counts The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and a number of other daily papers among its many media investments. James Cox, the company founder and grandfather of current chairman Jim Kennedy, bought his first newspaper, the Dayton Ohio Evening News, in 1898. At its peak, Cox Enterprises had 17 dailies, eight TV stations and nine radio stations. The company sold many of these newspapers during the Recession starting in 2008 but still owns the Journal-Constitution and a number of other smaller publications."


Jeff Bezos - WaPo

"Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post for $250 million in 2013. Since beginning his run for president, Trump has accused Bezos of using the Post to get tax breaks for Amazon and sending reporters after Trump. Bezos denied the allegations at a tech conference at the Washington Post in May. The Post’s reporters also defended themselves, saying that the paper has covered Amazon’s tax problems and that the Post’s editorial board’s stance on taxing online retailers hasn’t changed since Bezos bought the paper."


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58d43b No.158519

File: 02c95bc85a60c74⋯.png (1.09 MB,823x1781,823:1781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976296 (110232ZDEC20) Notable: Pretty spineless statement from IDAHO's AG Wasden Issues Statement on Texas Election Case

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pretty spineless statement from IDAHO's AG

Wasden Issues Statement on Texas Election Case

December 10, 2020

(Boise) – The following is a statement from Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden on Texas’ recent action before the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I’ve spent substantial time reviewing Texas’s Bill of Complaint so I could fully understand and consider the legal arguments being made. After doing so, I am declining to join this effort.

“As I have done since the day I took my oath of office – in which I pledged to uphold and protect both the Idaho and U.S. constitutions – I strive to protect the State of Idaho’s legal interests. As is sometimes the case, the legally correct decision may not be the politically convenient decision. But my responsibility is to the State of Idaho and the rule of law.

“This decision is necessary to protect Idaho’s sovereignty. As Attorney General, I have significant concerns about supporting a legal argument that could result in other states litigating against legal decisions made by Idaho’s legislature and governor. Idaho is a sovereign state and should be free to govern itself without interference from any other state. Likewise, Idaho should respect the sovereignty of its sister states.”



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58d43b No.158520

File: 2fead8ac2a03ef8⋯.png (192.15 KB,485x621,485:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a6ddfe71d2d160⋯.png (219.21 KB,484x622,242:311,Clipboard.png)

File: e755259056e5ee5⋯.png (163.39 KB,489x622,489:622,Clipboard.png)

File: c38f6403cbc6eb3⋯.png (232.65 KB,489x623,489:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b699e50233e632⋯.png (143.72 KB,764x619,764:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976305 (110233ZDEC20) Notable: These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies

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Jun 1, 2016,02:26pm EDT

These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies


John Henry - Boston Globe

"Billionaire Red Sox owner John Henry purchased the Boston Globe in October 2013 for $70 million. Henry agreed to purchase the Globe just days after Bezos acquired the Washington Post. The Globe was previously owned by the New York Times for twenty years. At the time of his purchase, Henry said he didn’t plan to influence the paper’s sports coverage."


Sheldon Adelson - The Las Vegas Review-Journal

"In December 2014, Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson secretly bought the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The newspaper’s own reporting outed the billionaire buyer, who reportedly arranged the $140 million deal through his son-in-law. Since then, there have been reports of Adelson influencing coverage of himself at a newspaper that in the past was often critical of the billionaire."


Joe Mansueto - Inc. and Fast Company magazines

"Morningstar CEO Joe Mansueto made his $2.3 billion fortune at the investment and research firm he founded in 1984. One month after taking Morningstar public in 2005, Mansueto bought Inc. and Fast Company magazine from G&J USA. In astatement at the time, he wrote, 'I wasn’t looking to buy a magazine. Or two, for that matter….I bought them because I’m passionate about their missions. Their past, present, and future contributions.' "


Mortimer Zuckerman – US News & World Report, New York Daily News

"Real estate billionaire Mortimer Zuckerman is the owner of both US News & World Report and the New York Daily News. Zuckerman serves as chairman and editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report, which he bought in 1984. In the years since, US News & World Report has made a name for itself with its lucrative rankings, including Best Colleges, Best Graduate School and Best Hospitals lists. Zuckerman bought the Daily News out of bankruptcy in 1993 and unsuccessfully tried to sell the tabloid newspaper for six months in 2015."


Stanley Hubbard – Hubbard Broadcasting

"Media mogul Stanley Hubbard is CEO of Hubbard Broadcasting, which has 13 TV stations, including a number of ABC and NBC news affiliates in the Midwest, and 48 radio stations. In August, Hubbard bought a stake in PodcastOne, a one-stop shop app for podcasts, through Hubbard Broadcasting. Media runs in Hubbard’s family; his father started Minnesota’s first commercial TV station in 1923."


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58d43b No.158521

File: ca10a17d511eb1f⋯.png (60.87 KB,490x620,49:62,Clipboard.png)

File: f9d92519878a3f9⋯.png (200.58 KB,496x623,496:623,Clipboard.png)

File: bd61bbf14f21aab⋯.png (173.06 KB,491x618,491:618,Clipboard.png)

File: e359983cfa8a987⋯.png (161.6 KB,492x619,492:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ec302da40dc4fd⋯.png (190.9 KB,492x619,492:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976318 (110235ZDEC20) Notable: These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies

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Jun 1, 2016,02:26pm EDT

These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies


Barbey family - Village Voice

"In October 2015, investor Peter Barbey bought the Village Voice, a New York City alternative weekly, through his investment company Black Walnut Holdings LLC for an undisclosed price. Barbey is a member of the billionaire Barbey family, which made its fortune in textiles and manufacturing. In 1989, John Barbey started the Reading Globe and Mitten Manufacturing Company in Pennsylvania. His son J.E. Barbey took the company, which was then known as Vanity Fair Silk Mills, public in 1951 and the family still owns nearly 20% of the company. The family has also owned a local Pennsylvania paper, The Reading Eagle, for generations."


Patrick Soon-Shiong – Tribune Publishing Co.

"On May 23, Tribune Publishing Co. announced that L.A. doctor and pharmaceutical billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong’s Nant Capital was investing $70.5 million into the media company, making Soon-Shiong the second-largest shareholder. He is now the vice chairman of the media company, which owns papers like The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune. In an interview with CNBC, Soon-Shiong described his investment as an 'opportunity to actually transform this newspaper world into this next generation.' "


Carlos Slim Helu – The New York Times

"The New York Times published an article last Friday criticizing the power that billionaires wield over media companies. One ultra-wealthy media investor not mentioned in the story: Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu, who owns the largest individual stake in the Times. Slim more than doubled his stake in The New York Times in June 2015 to approximately 17% of the media company."


Viktor Vekselberg – Gawker

"Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg’s investment arm, Columbus Nova Technology Partners, bought a minority stake in Gawker in January 2016 for an undisclosed amount. The online media company took outside funding for the first time in anticipation of legal fees incurred by a lawsuit brought by wrestler Hulk Hogan, according to a leaked memo from Gawker founder Nick Denton. Hogan sued Gawker after it published a sex tape. In March a jury awarded Hogan $140 million in damages. Gawker aims to appeal the ruling."


Warren Buffett

Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 13: Warren Buffett speaks onstage during Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Fortune/Time Inc)


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58d43b No.158522

File: d82ad4189d534d6⋯.png (173.23 KB,732x652,183:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ee9e93ea30df02⋯.png (263.73 KB,494x463,494:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 62246f6b345921b⋯.png (225.92 KB,495x476,495:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976336 (110236ZDEC20) Notable: These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies

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Jun 1, 2016,02:26pm EDT

These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies


Patrick Soon-Shiong's wife and Mark Zuckerberg's wife are sisters.

Patrick Soon-Shiong and Michele B. Chan - Smithsonian

Is this pair where medicine meets hollywood meets MSM meets apartheid South Africa meets ethnic Chinese or what? They are ofChinesedecent by way of South Africa.


Michelle Chan and Priscilla Chan are sisters

"Dennis Chan and Yvonne Chan have three children; all are daughters, Priscilla, Elaine and Michelle. Elaine Chan is the second eldest child in the family. Priscilla in an interview said she used to boss her middle sister all the time."


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58d43b No.158523

File: 973762625e6076b⋯.png (427.53 KB,556x483,556:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f2a8f7a3242e8d⋯.png (540.5 KB,827x757,827:757,Clipboard.png)

File: f4375be0adc6cc6⋯.png (450.26 KB,593x544,593:544,Clipboard.png)

File: ef3da1917e6ae13⋯.png (32.69 KB,827x260,827:260,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bad4d8640c909e⋯.png (452.03 KB,832x607,832:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976351 (110237ZDEC20) Notable: Ben & Jerry's seeks to ‘dismantle systems of oppression’ with… Colin Kaepernick-themed vegan dessert

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‘Social justice ICE CREAM’? Ben & Jerry's seeks to ‘dismantle systems of oppression’ with… Colin Kaepernick-themed vegan dessert

Ben & Jerry's is diving deeper into woke capitalism by teaming with Colin Kaepernick, the ex-NFL quarterback who became a leftist hero by kneeling during the national anthem, to market a new dessert that promotes racial activism.

The company's new “Change the Whirled” frozen dessert, a vegan ice cream substitute made with caramel and cookies, will arrive on store shelves in 2021, Ben & Jerry's said on Thursday. It's touted as “the flavor that's supporting the fight to dismantle systems of oppression and empower black and brown people.”

The packaging for “Change the Whirled” features an illustration of Kaepernick, a Black Power fist and the slogan, “I know my rights.” Kaepernick said the venture will “serve up joy on the journey to justice,” and his share of profits will be given to his Know Your Rights Camp legal defense initiative.

As for Ben & Jerry's share, that will go to Ben & Jerry's, which was taken over by multinational consumer goods giant Unilever in 2000. The Vermont ice cream maker has long promoted its activism – on issues ranging from LGBTQ rights to GMO labeling to climate change – wrapping its brand identity in feel-good vibes. The company joined in a boycott last June of Facebook and Instagram advertising to pressure the social media companies to increase censorship of “hate” speech.



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58d43b No.158524

File: 39673e8746221ff⋯.png (980.93 KB,824x498,412:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976377 (110239ZDEC20) Notable: World’s richest banker Joseph Safra dies at 82 in Brazil

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World’s richest banker Joseph Safra dies at 82 in Brazil

Joseph Safra, the world’s richest banker and Brazil’s richest man, has died aged 82. Safra, descended from a banking family that made a fortune financing camel caravans, was worth a whopping $23 billion.

Safra passed away on Thursday of natural causes, according to a statement by Banco Safra, the financial institution that he built with his brother Moise, who died in 2014. Safra also owned the Safra National Bank of New York and the J. Safra Sarasin bank in Switzerland, both of which catered to the ultra-rich.

His web of holdings also included a 50 percent share in banana grower Chiquita, and London’s iconic ‘Gherkin’ skyscraper.

Forbes Magazine’s 2020 billionaires estimated Safra’s net worth at $23.5 billion, making him the world’s 39th richest person, and Brazil’s richest. He was described by Forbes as the world’s richest banker, a title that now passes to Jorge Paulo Leeman, a Brazilian banking and beverage industry tycoon worth $19.9 billion.

Born in Lebanon to Jewish parents, Safra emigrated to Brazil with his father, Jacob, in 1962. His family first became wealthy long beforehand, however, by financing camel caravans in Syria during the days of the Ottoman Empire.

Safra is survived by his wife Vicky, four children and 14 grandchildren. His older brother, Edmond, was killed in an arson attack at his Monte Carlo apartment in 1999. Edmond’s nurse was later found guilty of setting the fire and jailed.


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58d43b No.158525

File: 89be8c69fa1fe2f⋯.png (243.16 KB,1192x728,149:91,Clipboard.png)

File: d0b67c6d1d1e09a⋯.png (162.86 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976382 (110239ZDEC20) Notable: Sara Carter - Roger Stone says that Andrew Weissmann tipped CNN on raid of Stone

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Well Duh!


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58d43b No.158526

File: cb094e8abced31a⋯.png (601.51 KB,609x719,609:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976422 (110242ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet - 'Why hasn't Idaho joined the Texas Election Fraud lawsuit? (see picture)

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>pretty spineless statement from IDAHO's AG

He's flush withCCPmoney, no doubt! Just like the Governor!

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58d43b No.158527

File: b58dd833139e36a⋯.png (436.97 KB,657x343,657:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 097858de03ab5df⋯.png (60.74 KB,831x783,277:261,Clipboard.png)

File: e15c9330aaafb1c⋯.png (15.4 KB,836x199,836:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976427 (110242ZDEC20) Notable: Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Which Show Impeachment Star Witness Yovanovitch Warning about Burisma Corruption

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Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Which Show Impeachment Star Witness Yovanovitch Warning about Burisma Corruption

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 210 pages of records from the State Department which show that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch had specifically warned in 2017 about corruption allegations against Burisma Holdings. During her November 2019 testimony in the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, Yovanovitch told lawmakers that she knew little about Burisma.

The records were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a FOIA lawsuit filed in January 2020 seeking records of communications from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv mentioning Burisma (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:20-cv-00229)).

On October 4, 2017, Michael Polt, a former ambassador to Estonia and Serbia and who until October 2020 was Senior Director at the McCain Institute, emailed Yovanovitch regarding the McCain Institute’s plan to conduct leadership development training for Ukrainian prosecutors that would be funded by Burisma. The idea was suggested to Polt by Sally Painter, Burisma’s lobbyist at Blue Star Strategies, and a Burisma executive. In the email, Polt notes that he was introduced to Painter by U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker. Volker was also a Trump impeachment witness.

Polt emails Yovanovitch on October 4, 2017:

Dear Masha: Greetings from the home front and all the best for your complex assignment in Kiev! I wonder if I could pick your brain on a leadership development we have been asked to run for Ukrainian public prosecutors here at the McCain Institute. Kurt cannot get involved with this, due to his other role as Special Envoy. Sally Painter of Blue Star Strategies, whom Kurt introduced to me and then stepped aside, together with Vadym Poharskyi of the Burisma Group have asked us whether we could provide a two-week Leadership Development and Professional Capacity Building program for Ukrainian public prosecutors proposed to us by the Ukrainian Chief Prosecutor. Burisma would fun this. We are prepared to do this, as we have done for similar groups from the DRC [Democratic Republic of the Congo] and from Pakistan. I would greatly appreciate your view if you know Burisma and/or Vadym or others.

Yovanovitch, in her response, warned Polt about Burisma, writing:

Mike: Sorry not to have responded more quickly. I will get back to you with a fuller response, but I would urge caution in dealing with the Burisma Group. It is widely believed that the owner was the beneficiary of the corrupt justice system here and I think –to the extent that anyone is aware that Burisma is funding the training –there would be raised eyebrows in Kyiv over the irony of Burisma training prosecutors and to what end.

I’d also note that the PGO [Prosecutor General’s Office] is one of the entities here that remains resolutely unreformed. After a year and a half of trying, we pulled out and reprogrammed our resources into other areas in the justice sector that were ready for change. Wish I had better news and will get back to you with more details.

In a November 7, 2017, email to Yovanovitch, Polt indicates that he is taking her “sage advice” and “not moving forward” with Burisma’s funding of the training.

During her November 15, 2019, testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in the impeachment proceedings, Yovanovitch said she didn’t have much knowledge about Burisma, and noted that she only learned of its connection to the Biden family through “press reports” she read while preparing for her Senate confirmation hearing.


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58d43b No.158528

File: 83f208b48fd80d4⋯.png (179.65 KB,596x397,596:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 77a61951aa554eb⋯.png (17.54 KB,556x189,556:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976474 (110245ZDEC20) Notable: Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

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Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia – Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides

The Texas case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia has exploded. Now nearly the entire country is picking sides.

The whole country knows now that the state of Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Monday night in the US Supreme Court challenging their unlawful election procedures.

Texas argued these four states violated the US Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions. But these states did not make the changes through the state legislatures as spelled out in the US Constitution.

We reported earlier today that President Trump joined Texas in suing the four states being sued by Texas.

Now blue states and a couple territories have gotten involved and have joined Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin. They are fine with massive corruption as long as they gain power:

Even the Democrat Attorney General from North Carolina, where Trump won the election, has joined with fellow Democrat Attorneys General.

In addition to the above, Ohio joined Texas today and Wyoming decided to stay out of it. Iowa, Kentucky, Alaska and Idaho have decided to stay out of the case as well. Nearly the entire country is in the game now. (see above for map).

The number of states and entities joining Texas in their suit against the big four states involved in stealing the 2020 election continues to grow. This case isn’t bogus or seditious, this case is valid and that is why states are picking sides.

(A final note – the people of many states must be sick with the actions of their current Democrat officials aligning with the corruption of the left. Never in US history have we seen such an all out effort to steal an election away from the Presidential winner. The steal cannot stand.)


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58d43b No.158529

File: 22ffa97bf70b26d⋯.png (121.7 KB,1174x512,587:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 22ffa97bf70b26d⋯.png (121.7 KB,1174x512,587:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976475 (110245ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS trolling the media like a champ. They fall for it every single time.

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POTUS trolling the media like a champ. They fall for it every single time.


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58d43b No.158530

File: 8e6699b3afe1564⋯.png (20.64 KB,598x278,299:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976476 (110245ZDEC20) Notable: ECW (Ezra Cohn-Watnick) NRO retweet - 'We have liftoff for #NROL44'

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ECW Re-Twat https://twitter.com/NatReconOfc/status/1337202876469407745

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58d43b No.158531

File: 4700645987bee2e⋯.png (435.55 KB,1917x870,639:290,Clipboard.png)

File: c376914ff8c0dd5⋯.png (256.57 KB,734x380,367:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976509 (110248ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on NRO launches

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58d43b No.158532

File: fe4e920a9a5cf4f⋯.png (363.01 KB,591x594,197:198,Clipboard.png)

File: f1bab1ca1a6c61f⋯.png (504.64 KB,911x705,911:705,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e7814d9206712⋯.png (557.63 KB,595x452,595:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976513 (110248ZDEC20) Notable: CM(Ron) tweet - Chinese Minister Xu Xueyuan attended Kentucky governor Andy Beshear’s inauguration in 2019

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Chinese Minister Xu Xueyuan attended Kentucky governor Andy Beshear’s inauguration in 2019.

Has Andy Beshear taken CCP money?

We now know Eric Swalwell may have been compromised by CCP sexpionage..

Why hasn’t Kentucky joined the Texas election lawsuit?


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58d43b No.158533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976524 (110249ZDEC20) Notable: From anon - Kek. This is fun. Even my dad is talking about “this code monkey guy”

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Kek. This is fun. Even my dad is talking about “this code monkey guy”.

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58d43b No.158534

File: 26f07fc95c1bfed⋯.jpg (148.25 KB,720x1195,144:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ba54eaed84ee457⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,556x360,139:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976534 (110250ZDEC20) Notable: Doctor on FoxNews - This vaxxine is downright dangerous & will send you to your doom!!

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Holy crap!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥!!!

This is on Fox News!!

Doctor: This vaxxine is downright dangerous & will send you to your doom!!


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58d43b No.158535

File: 675acb80e06b146⋯.png (144.76 KB,770x855,154:171,Clipboard.png)

File: eb4b6aecd315cbd⋯.png (28.54 KB,761x163,761:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976544 (110251ZDEC20) Notable: Ex-Gay Pastor Appeals After Court Rules Section 230 Allows Big Tech to Discriminate Against Him

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Ex-Gay Pastor Appeals After Court Rules Section 230 Allows Big Tech to Discriminate Against Him

On Thursday, a pastor who previously lived a homosexual lifestyle made his appeal in a unique case regarding discrimination and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), which protects Big Tech companies from liability for the content third-parties post on their platforms. The pastor is suing Vimeo for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and religion after the platform banned him from publishing videos telling the stories of people who identify as ex-gay.

“This is a case of grave importance because it is about whether big tech platforms can unlawfully discriminate against persons based on religion or sexual orientation,” attorney Nada Higuera argued on Thursday in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

Southern California Christian Pastor Jim Domen sued Vimeo, claiming the platform discriminated against him on the basis of his Christian religion and his sexual orientation as a former homosexual. The lower court granted Vimeo’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit, claiming Section 230 allowed the company to discriminate against the pastor. This logic echoes a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling along similar lines.

“This case is significant because the lower court and the Ninth Circuit have interpreted the federal Communications Decency Act to give immunity to Big Tech whenever such a company commits unconscionable acts of discrimination in their online filtering decisions against protected classes of individuals – for example, classifications based on race, religion, color creed or sexual orientation,” attorney Robert Tyler, Partner at Tyler & Bursch, LLP and President of Advocates for Faith & Freedom, said in a statement.

According to Higuera, the lower court’s interpretation of Section 230 allows “a company like Vimeo, YouTube or even Amazon [to] decide that it will not allow someone to hold an account with their site just because they are of a particular race or religion. This invidious discrimination is normally unlawful for businesses operating in any states; but according to this federal district court, the CDA exempts Big Tech from states’ nondiscrimination laws when filtering content or deciding who is allowed to access the service they offer. This should concern everyone from left to right.”

Section 230 May Be a Lifeline for This Conservative Crowdfunding Platform Shut Down by the Government

Pastor Domen identifies as a former homosexual who is now married to a woman and has three children. The pastor operated the religious non-profit Church United, posting videos on Vimeo via Church United’s account. Vimeo terminated that account in December 2018, claiming that Church United’s videos “harass, incite hatred, or include discriminatory or defamatory speech.”

Vimeo claimed that some of Church United’s 89 videos constituted harassment because Pastor Domen and other ex-gays spoke about the help they received through counseling and talk therapy, the kind of therapy wrongly demonized as “conversion therapy.” The videos in question involved people telling their personal stories about how therapy helped them put their homosexual lifestyles behind them.

The lawsuit claims Vimeo removed Church United’s account because the Big Tech company disapproves of Pastor Domen’s sexual orientation and religion.


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58d43b No.158536

File: a40b24dffcb036c⋯.jpg (61.42 KB,862x647,862:647,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976547 (110252ZDEC20) Notable: Based - DJT and Dan are around here ALL THE TIME on Night Shift

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9PM EST to around 2AM EST…

when DJT is loungin' around in PJ's phonefaggin' from the King's Bedroom catchin' up on the daily news…

when Dan is lurkin' /Qresearch cuz there's nothin' else to do before falling asleep…

when /ourguyz/ have clocked out and back in the barracks, able to shitpost with /Qresearch before they gotta be up at sunrise for PT.

When the REAL hard working, full time job patriots are kicked back with a beer hangin' with other like minded patriots before they gotta be back at work in the mornin'…

yup, dats NIGHT SHIFT.

doggo's fnkkn FAVORITE.

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58d43b No.158537

File: 304fdce15605ae5⋯.png (28.55 KB,580x313,580:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976554 (110252ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Q post dig

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>>>/qresearch/11975917 LB

>twisted sister formed 1972


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58d43b No.158538

File: f7d3bbecf77b89b⋯.png (974.03 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976557 (110252ZDEC20) Notable: Astronomers discover ‘celestial highway’ that could rapidly speed up travel through our Solar System

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Astronomers discover ‘celestial highway’ that could rapidly speed up travel through our Solar System

Astronomers have discovered a “celestial highway” to travel through the Solar System much faster than was previously possible. The development raises the prospect of rapidly sending crafts across vast swathes of space.

The extraordinary superhighway network was discovered by an international team of researchers from Serbia and the United States. The routes can transport comets and asteroids nearly the distance from Jupiter to Neptune in under a decade and a staggering 100 astronomical units in less than a century.

To break that down, one single astronomical unit is roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun and is equal to about 150 million kilometers. The distance between Jupiter and Neptune is nearly 25 astronomical units.

The scientists say the network could be used to send spacecraft to the far reaches of our planetary system relatively fast, and to monitor and understand near-Earth objects that might collide with our planet.

The team observed the dynamical structure of the routes, which form a connected series of arches inside what’s known as space manifolds that extend from the asteroid belt to Uranus and beyond.

This newly discovered phenomenon acts over several decades, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands or millions of years that are typical of Solar System dynamics.

The experts say that the most conspicuous arch structures are linked to Jupiter and the strong gravitational forces it exerts.

“It should come at no surprise that Jupiter can induce large-scale transport on decadal time scales, as space missions have been specifically designed for Jupiter-assisted transport, with the flybys of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 being cardinal examples,” the astronomers write in their paper.

That gravity assists can be enabled by manifolds is also well known to astrodynamicists.

“Yet, their widespread influence on natural celestial bodies has been largely undervalued and unexplored,” they added.

The “celestial autobahn” structures were discovered by gathering numerical data about millions of orbits in our Solar System and crunching the numbers on how these orbits fit within already-known space manifolds.

The team say their results need to be studied further, both to determine how the routes could be used by spacecraft and how the manifolds behave in the vicinity of our planet.

The research was published in the journal Science Advances with the eye-catching headline ‘The arches of chaos in the Solar System.’


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58d43b No.158539

File: 2c2daeda5c78e9f⋯.png (16.34 KB,564x172,141:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 17be79e0d48a2d1⋯.png (102.96 KB,558x407,558:407,Clipboard.png)

File: dd3e625c7019495⋯.png (396.22 KB,599x713,599:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976575 (110254ZDEC20) Notable: So, Hunter Biden's Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?

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So, Hunter Biden's Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?

Hey, did you ever find out about a particular thing that was absolutely, undisputedly, 100% true? Like, no doubt at all? You had ironclad proof and everything? And after you found out about it, did you then run into somebody else who simply refused to believe it, no matter the evidence? Sure, we all know somebody like that. In 2020, it’s practically a hobby. But that’s not a good thing when the person who refuses to acknowledge facts and evidence is supposed to be a journalist.

For instance, take Hunter Biden’s laptop. Please! Take it, because CNN and the NYT and the rest of those frauds didn’t want to hear about it before the election. They refused to cover the story, and when they finally had to, they dismissed it.

The New York Post broke the story on Oct. 14, and our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters panicked. They knew the story was trouble for Joe Biden, so they straight-up lied about it.

Flashback: Before the 2nd presidential debate, NBC’s@HallieJackson tried to prep viewers that Trump might bring up Hunter’s laptop, which she claimed “has the hallmarks of a foreign interference campaign” pic.twitter.com/fy4q0KVUvf

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 10, 2020

According to them, the information was both “hacked” and also, somehow, “Russian disinformation.” When in truth, it was neither. Hunter Biden, an admitted drug abuser, abandoned one of his laptops at a repair shop less than five miles from his father’s home. The laptop is real. The information on it is real. The trouble Hunter finds himself in is real.

The NY Post‘s story was censored on Twitter, and the outlet’s Twitter account was suspended. A lot of other Twitter users (including yours truly) were suspended for talking about the story. And now the Delaware computer repairman who stepped forward with hard evidence of Hunter Biden’s misdeeds has been driven into hiding.

Can you guess what happened next?

Daily Beast:

The Seeds of Hunter Biden’s Current Legal Woes Were Found on His Laptop

The Justice Department’s announcement on Wednesday that it was investigating Hunter Biden, for what he deemed to be “tax affairs,” took root several years ago with a much broader inquiry that included possible money laundering…

Hunter Biden’s business dealings were always a ripe target for President Donald Trump and his allies. But they became the primary focus of their attacks after the president’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, claimed in the election’s closing weeks to have obtained a copy of the younger Biden’s laptop from a computer repairman in Delaware named John Paul MacIsaac.

Oh. So we were right all along. How about that?

Sorry to quote myself, but I really nailed this one on Oct. 22:

This isn’t about an election, or at least it isn’t for me. It isn’t about who you think should be president for the next four years (or as long as Joe holds up). It’s about national media outlets blatantly refusing to tell you the truth because they think they know who should be president. They don’t think you can make that decision for yourself.

Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.

After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.

Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.

I don’t believe the Democrats stole the election. But via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.

If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.


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58d43b No.158540

File: d834b6f8d8dcf7e⋯.png (263.5 KB,598x704,299:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976641 (110258ZDEC20) Notable: @ICEgov tweet on human trafficking

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58d43b No.158541

File: c3794303b81f98d⋯.png (128.89 KB,1003x842,1003:842,Clipboard.png)

File: 367421c5da47b1f⋯.png (75.56 KB,1074x713,1074:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976703 (110303ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP v. BIDEN: The United States Supreme Court Must Uphold the Rule of Law

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TRUMP v. BIDEN: The United States Supreme Court Must Uphold the Rule of Law

An Open Letter to the United States Supreme Court

Supreme Court of the United States

1 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20543

Honorable Justices of the United States Supreme Court:

We write this letter to all nine SCOTUS justices with great urgency and in the interest of preserving the American Republic.

As each of you knows by now, the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen by the Democrat Party headed by Joe Biden.

The volume of hard evidence of this election theft is unparalleled in U.S. history as well as overwhelming in its scope and magnitude.

In point of fact, the definitive and proven pattern of voter fraud, election rigging and electoral theft conclusively demonstrates a highly premeditated criminal conspiracy at work.

Because of the extraordinary depth and breadth of this Democrat-run criminal enterprise, it has become evident that the on-the-ground perpetrators worked within a highly organized international crime syndicate. And, that stealing this election from Donald Trump for Joe Biden was undertaken with purposeful design and great determination.

Given the resulting grave state of affairs in these United States of America, and especially in light of the highly consequential outcome of such a nationwide crime spree committed against the American people, the SCOTUS is compelled to exercise “Original Jurisdiction” over this federal case.

The stark reality of the outright subversion of the 2020 election by the Democrat Party is such that, if the SCOTUS does not agree to hear the case of election fraud as defined by “Original Jurisdiction”, the nation will undoubtedly be plunged into an unprecedented constitutional crisis of truly epic proportions.

Therefore, the purpose of this urgent open letter is to compel the SCOTUS to hear this case with all deliberate speed. Obviously, there are those lawsuits in the key battleground states that will wend their way onto the SCOTUS docket. However, we are not writing about those obviously meritorious lawsuits.

We are much more concerned with the settled law, by the U.S. Supreme Court, which clearly states that “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

In view of the pervasive and profound criminal fraud conducted in the process of perpetrating this felony election theft, it’s apparent the there was an inordinate degree of mens rea on the part of all the co-conspirators involved—from the very top decision-makers of the RICO-level crime syndicate to those fraudsters who pre-filled out the bogus ballots by the thousands with Biden’s name selected.

The sheer size and complexity of the Democrat’s criminal operation demonstrated a highly premeditated scheme to steal this election by way of wanton fraud and statewide corruption. When all the different types of fraudulent conduct are considered in the aggregate, this conspiratorial plot was, at once, reckless to the extreme, transparently brazen, and surely a sign of utmost desperation on the part of the Biden-Harris ticket.

It could even be postulated that Trump was really robbed of his decisive mandate conferred by what would have been his overwhelming landslide victory, rather than of the election win itself.

Therefore, there can be one, and only one, basis for any ruling in regard to Trump v. Biden (which is also We the People v. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris & Democrat Party) and that is: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”. As follows:


One of Millions of Aggrieved American Voters

Action Plan for Patriots

Please, everyone, email this open letter directly to the U.S. Supreme Court using their contact link posted below. Also, email it to your elected representatives and government at every level—thank you!



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58d43b No.158542

File: 3652fa706f77e94⋯.png (432.43 KB,686x743,686:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976724 (110305ZDEC20) Notable: Pennsylvania's House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia

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The Election Wizard Retweeted

Jim Hoft


BREAKING: Pennsylvania's House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia




BREAKING: Pennsylvania's House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania,…

The list of states joining Texas continues to increase. The state of Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Monday night with the US Supreme Court challenging their unlawful…


6:15 PM · Dec 10, 2020·

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58d43b No.158543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976733 (110306ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden raked in $6M in months from Chinese business dealings

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Hunter Biden raked in $6M in months from Chinese business dealings – doesn’t include 2.8 carat-diamond he got as a gift


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58d43b No.158544

File: fb8977001c14f0e⋯.png (51.2 KB,998x522,499:261,Clipboard.png)

File: ea7d194e64a5b9e⋯.png (128.48 KB,1020x571,1020:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f817a52639bc5b⋯.png (73.52 KB,963x658,963:658,Clipboard.png)

File: e22a72be9e380d7⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,179x255,179:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976739 (110306ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on vaccinations

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(Vaccinations and COLONIZATION go together, as one is a tool of the other)

Gates Foundation and PRIONS per Lancet and

Disease X

Pathogen X



"Disease X: accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic

Shmona Simpson, PhD

Michael C Kaufmann, PhD

Vitaly Glozman, MBA

Ajoy Chakrabarti, PhD

Published:March 17, 2020



WHOhas listed several priority diseases with epidemic potential for which there are no, or insufficient, medical countermeasures. In response, theBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(with support fromPricewaterhouseCoopers) coordinated subject matter experts to create a preparedness plan for Disease X.Disease X is caused by Pathogen X, an infectious agent that is not currently known to cause human disease, but an aetiologic agent of a future outbreak with epidemic or pandemic potential. We have identified crucial areas for acceleration in medical countermeasure product development and international coordination. We have also reviewed novel platforms and process improvements related to manufacturing, which could revolutionise the response to the next pandemic. Finally, we created several coordination and engagement guides. These guides range from the rational design of an intervention target product profile, to the key facets of vaccine and therapeutic development, to accelerated manufacturing and regulatory mechanisms. In this Personal View, we provide a high-level summary of the outcomes of the medical countermeasure development workstream, intended for a broad audience including academia, medical countermeasure developers, and multilateral coordinating bodies. We hope that they might find this piece useful in prioritising strategic investments and efforts to accelerate medical countermeasure development. We observed that in-depth analyses of clinical trial design, chemistry, manufacturing and control activities, and accelerated regulatory pathways are necessary for shortening the timelines for the product development of medical countermeasures. We intend to cover these topics in future publications.

The epidemiology of Pathogen X

Pathogen X could be any pathogen including but not limited to viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, orprions. Of the 400 emerging infectious disease events recorded since 1940, bacteria (including rickettsia) account for 54%, whereas viral orprion pathogens(25%), protozoa (11%), fungi (6%), and helminths (3%) are less common.2 Although viral pathogens represent a small proportion of the pathogens that account for emerging infectious disease events, the most devastating recent emergence events—namely, HIV, influenza H1N1 and H5H1, severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus, Lassa virus, Ebola virus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus—have involved RNA viruses.3, 4 They can replicate in numerous host species, and their error-prone reverse transcriptase enables high mutability resulting in the evasion of host responses. Further, 94% of zoonotic viruses affecting humans areRNA viruses

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58d43b No.158545

File: b17dd886e296c45⋯.jpeg (436 KB,1519x1716,1519:1716,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976760 (110308ZDEC20) Notable: Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

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58d43b No.158546

File: b8303280dfa1c8b⋯.png (43.33 KB,596x464,149:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 6db28d057063600⋯.jpg (314.21 KB,600x881,600:881,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976783 (110311ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on China Virus treatments

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The HCQ with zinc or the Ivermectin with zinc and D3 x 2000iu everyday is the way to go alright.


So we now has the [cheapest] coronavirus answer after 10 or 11 months.

Get treatment at onset when you feel you have a "normal flu" or even a "bad flu".

Do not wait for breathing probs as a symptom.



Early 2020 I looked up the drama as much as a street pleb could (no medical training worth a crap).


Seems the ICU everywhere was filling up with peeps who are aged or had pre-existing immuno threats etc and the way the china flu kills is that your blood vessels get weak and the blood thickens up. So lungs and cardio probs.

In the lungs it was a immuno over-response (Cytokine Storm) caused by the body fighting the animal virus.

At first this anon did not get the 2020 Flu Shot because viral interference was thought more likely if you have the flu-shot.

Venn diagram:

Circle A – Aged and peeps in care

Circle B – Peeps who get annual flu-shot by default

Circle C – Young peeps

Overlap of circles? There's the problem.

Did the DoD investigate this — because bio-warfare hazard?

Answer - YES





Important! Their study was that the Flushot is great for most human flu virus. But not for coronavirus (animal virus's). Cytokine worries.

That was then.

Now at the end of 2020 other studies show the flu-shot worry is not. a. worry.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7250546/ [click the expand button]


Influenza vaccination data and viral respiratory laboratory results were obtained for the 2017–2018 influenza season. While the study found no association with influenza vaccination and overall risk of becoming infected with other respiratory viruses (slight decrease in odds was observed), when examining the association with influenza vaccination and the risk of becoming infected with specific viruses at the individual level, there were two viruses that showed significantly increased odds (endemic coronavirus and human metapneumovirus).

Coronavirus results in this study represented the four endemic, regularly circulating strains of coronavirus (229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1) during the 2017–2018 influenza season, not novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The four circulating strains of coronavirus have existed in the general population for years, first identified in the mid-1960s. At the time of the study, and even at the time of initial electronic publication, COVID-19 was not yet in existence.

Established levels of immunity in the general population for the four circulating strains of coronavirus at the time of the study when compared to lack of immunity for the novel COVID-19 strain make any sort of correlation between vaccination and COVID-19 invalid.

Therefore, the results of this study cannot and should not be interpreted to represent any sort of relationship or association of influenza vaccination receipt and COVID-19 illness. Results from this study DO NOT support the anti-vaccination viewpoint of avoiding seasonal influenza vaccination, and in fact should be interpreted in the opposite manner, since significant protection against influenza was associated with vaccination receipt, and a slight decrease in the odds of infection from other respiratory viruses was also noted.

Results from this study should not be applied to or interpreted with COVID-19 in any way.


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58d43b No.158547

File: 884d30cdf0dd24d⋯.png (25.99 KB,680x530,68:53,Clipboard.png)

File: e39aef1c62e6a9c⋯.png (592.35 KB,627x710,627:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976815 (110314ZDEC20) Notable: Crews investigating house explosion in Gates, NY

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58d43b No.158548

File: 40d794baa1bf8bf⋯.jpeg (333.59 KB,1406x1323,1406:1323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976820 (110315ZDEC20) Notable: AOC partied with alleged Chinese Spy

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58d43b No.158549

File: 992044f5cd23a23⋯.jpg (75.07 KB,501x677,501:677,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976839 (110317ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on 'Courage and Wisdom'

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Patriot Anons

Q team - Theory - Courage and Wisdom

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58d43b No.158550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11976891 (110323ZDEC20) Notable: #15288

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>>158503 Dough

#15288 FINAL Notables

>>158504 'Friday' Star Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Dead at 62

>>158505 US Supreme Court rules 6-3 to allow the execution of Brandon Bernard

>>158506 Michigan Crash dig

>>158507 Anon Q Post dig

>>158509 Anon opine on Bongino / Parler


>>158511 Sidney Powell is inside the Smartmatic fence… (from @LouDobbs show)

>>158512 notable graphic connecting Ivanka Trump tweets, morning sun brings heat Q-drop.

>>158513 NEW DJT er, Chief Troller

>>158514 Project Veritas: GA Senate Candidate Ossoff worker reveals Democrats are hiding plans to pack Supreme Court

>>158515 WA Gov Inslee extends COVID-19 restrictions until Jan. 4

>>158516 NROL-44 launch video

>>158518 , >>158520 , >>158521 , >>158522 These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies

>>158519 Pretty spineless statement from IDAHO's AG Wasden Issues Statement on Texas Election Case

>>158523 Ben & Jerry's seeks to ‘dismantle systems of oppression’ with… Colin Kaepernick-themed vegan dessert

>>158524 World’s richest banker Joseph Safra dies at 82 in Brazil

>>158525 Sara Carter - Roger Stone says that Andrew Weissmann tipped CNN on raid of Stone

>>158526 CM tweet - 'Why hasn't Idaho joined the Texas Election Fraud lawsuit? (see picture)

>>158527 Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Which Show Impeachment Star Witness Yovanovitch Warning about Burisma Corruption

>>158528, >>158545 Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

>>158529 POTUS trolling the media like a champ. They fall for it every single time.

>>158530 ECW (Ezra Cohn-Watnick) NRO retweet - 'We have liftoff for #NROL44'

>>158531 Anon dig on NRO launches

>>158532 CM(Ron) tweet - Chinese Minister Xu Xueyuan attended Kentucky governor Andy Beshear’s inauguration in 2019

>>158534 Doctor on FoxNews - This vaxxine is downright dangerous & will send you to your doom!!

>>158535 Ex-Gay Pastor Appeals After Court Rules Section 230 Allows Big Tech to Discriminate Against Him

>>158536 Based - DJT and Dan are around here ALL THE TIME on Night Shift

>>158537 Anon Q post dig

>>158538 Astronomers discover ‘celestial highway’ that could rapidly speed up travel through our Solar System

>>158539 So, Hunter Biden's Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?

>>158533 From anon - Kek. This is fun. Even my dad is talking about “this code monkey guy”

>>158540 @ICEgov tweet on human trafficking

>>158541 TRUMP v. BIDEN: The United States Supreme Court Must Uphold the Rule of Law

>>158542 Pennsylvania's House of Representatives Joins Texas in Suit Against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia

>>158543 Hunter Biden raked in $6M in months from Chinese business dealings

>>158544 Anon dig on vaccinations

>>158546 Anon dig on China Virus treatments

>>158547 Crews investigating house explosion in Gates, NY

>>158548 AOC partied with alleged Chinese Spy

>>158549 Anon dig on 'Courage and Wisdom'


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58d43b No.158551

File: f1a16a16e5719f7⋯.png (30.89 KB,600x378,100:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977027 (110336ZDEC20) Notable: CM (Ron) tweet - Trump still has two major paths to victory (SCOTUS / Military)

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CM on fire today.


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58d43b No.158552

File: 699b57b83e25fc3⋯.png (50.6 KB,608x516,152:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977044 (110338ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet - The first major step of the 2018 EO begins on the 16th

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58d43b No.158553

File: 373ccf03e1c1765⋯.png (472.12 KB,598x676,23:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977060 (110340ZDEC20) Notable: China retaliates after U.S. sanctions, restricts diplomatic travel to Hong Kong

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China retaliates after U.S. sanctions, restricts diplomatic travel to Hong Kong

The U.S. imposed a fresh round of sanctions on Monday

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58d43b No.158554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977069 (110342ZDEC20) Notable: Delaware Gov. John Carney enacted a curfew for bars and restaurants eff. Dec 10

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December 10, 2020

Gov. John Carney enacted a curfew for bars and restaurants and further limited capacity at retail establishments in an emergency order announced Dec. 10.

“These additional restrictions are intended to protect Delaware’s hospital capacity and protect lives this winter,” Carney said in a press release. “Healthcare workers are on the job around the clock, caring for the sick. We all need to follow their lead and do our part to protect others. Don’t gather with anyone outside of your household. Any interaction is riskier when community spread is at current levels. Wear a mask whenever you’re around someone outside your household - even if they’re family or friends. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. COVID-19 can cause serious illness and worse, especially for our most vulnerable friends, family members, and neighbors. Please take this seriously.”

The restrictions include:

Businesses above 100,000 square feet are limited to 20 percent of stated fire capacity.

All other businesses, including most retail stores and all restaurants, are limited to 30 percent of stated fire capacity.

Retail below 5,000 square feet, all houses of worship, and funeral services are limited to 40 percent of stated fire capacity.

A 10 p.m. curfew will be imposed at Delaware restaurants and bars.

Exercise classes at gyms are limited to 10 people and exercise machines must be spaced 10 feet apart

Indoor gatherings at businesses or indoor spaces open to the public must be limited to the lesser of 30 percent of the venue’s stated fire capacity, or 10 people.

Employees are excluded from business capacity restriction calculations.

All new restrictions will take effect at 8 a.m., Monday, Dec. 14. Carney’s fourth revision also formally authorizes his previously announced stay-at-home advisory and universal mask mandate.

Carney and the Delaware Division of Public Health also announced a zero-tolerance enforcement policy for businesses during the stay-at-home advisory. A first violation of COVID-19 restrictions will result in an immediate civil fine. A second violation will result in closure, until the establishment submits a reopening plan approved by DPH.

Restaurants will remain at 30 percent capacity, but must have signage prominently displayed on the table stating that parties must be from the same household. Restaurants also must share messaging on masking compliance. Carney’s fourth revision caps mall food courts at 20 percent of stated fire capacity, or 100 people, whichever is smaller.


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58d43b No.158555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977078 (110342ZDEC20) Notable: Glenn Greenwald on Hunter Biden story being buried by the media

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Thats why they hire these professional liars


Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald talked to FOX News host Tucker Carlson about the Hunter Biden story being buried by the media and how the media became "disinformation agents" for U.S. intelligence agencies that believed Donald Trump was a threat.

"I still think we need to recognize what a historic crime and disgrace this is, not only in journalism, but as soon as these documents became known, the operatives in the intelligence community, the CIA, John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, all of the standard professional liars, issued a letter claiming this material was the hallmark of Russian disinformation, even though they had no basis for thinking that, and that gave the media permission to lie to the public continuously, and Silicon Valley to censor these materials," Greenwald said Thursday.

So not only did the public not become aware of them, they were lied to, not only by claiming that Russia was involved, even though there was zero evidence they were and no one thinks that, but also by calling it disinformation, the implication was these documents were forgeries, when now we know the criminal investigation that has been ongoing, it is about the very transactions these documents covered," he continued.

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58d43b No.158556

File: 8b56bea550a5f75⋯.png (182.8 KB,499x330,499:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977080 (110342ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr Concealed Hunter Biden Probes From Public During Election

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AG Barr Concealed Hunter Biden Probes From Public During Election

Attorney General William Barr knew about several investigations into Hunter Biden since at least this spring - and "worked to avoid their public disclosure during the heated election campaign," according to the Wall Street Journal.

According to 'a person familiar with the matter,' Barr "staved off pressure from Republicans in Congress for information into the investigations," while President Trump and his allies pressured Barr into pursuing Joe and Hunter Biden.

This week, Hunter Biden revealed the existence of one of the investigations after federal investigators served him with a subpoena seeking detailed financial information in connection with a criminal tax investigation by the Delaware US attorney's office.

The next day, CNN and Politico confirmed that the probe was wider than that, and covered potential money laundering and bribery in probes that date back to 2018, according to 'people familiar with the matter.'

According to the report, none of the investigations implicate Joe Biden.


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58d43b No.158557

File: 723d3e2cbcd7721⋯.png (691.93 KB,633x449,633:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977105 (110345ZDEC20) Notable: Europe Bears Her Teeth: Threat to Cut Britain off Unless London Agrees to Terms

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Europe Bears Her Teeth: Threat to Cut Britain off Unless London Agrees to Terms

The European Commission followed up an unproductive “11th-hour” dinner meeting between their president and Britain’s Boris Johnson with threats to refuse British air, road, and rail traffic unless the country agrees to submit to EU ‘contingency’ rules.

British air lines would be prevented from landing in European airports, British road hauled fright would be prevented from crossing borders, and the Eurotunnel railway that links Great Britain and France would be closed by the European Union if the UK government fails to meet Europe’s demands by January 1st 2021.

While the document presenting the no-deal scenario — characterised as a list of threats even by pro-Remain outlets in Britain — promises a way out of these penalties, it is at a cost to Britain. In order to get a six-month reprieve from Europe’s wrath, Britain has to agree to 12 months of surrendering its fishing waters and, much worse, agree to accept the EU’s competition and ‘level playing field’ demand.

This, in particular, will stick in the craw of the UK government. The fact Europe wants to impose ‘level playing field’ requirements where the UK is prevented from innovating to improve its own competitiveness when trying to re-establish itself as an independent state is one of the major sticking points that has prevented a Brexit deal from being agreed at all.

The new document has been seen as an attempt to ratchet up the pressure on Boris Johnson, by making leaving the European Union without a deal on their terms not simple a neutral act of default, but one that Brussels would actively punish by imposing sanctions on Britain.

Boris Johnson replied in kind Thursday evening, by throwing more doubt on hopes among the Westminster and Brussels political elites for the deal they so badly want, and by telling British businesses to get ready for a no-deal Brexit. Noting that Britain’s negotiators would continue to so “everything we possibly can”, nevertheless he said: “I have to tell you in all candour that the treaty is not there yet and that is the strong view of our Cabinet as well.”

Mr Johnson said there is a “strong possibility” of no deal, as of Thursday.

Reactions to the European Union’s deal-cum-threat on Thursday were, from some quarters, quite negative. The Daily Telegraph cited the remarks of the chief executive of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations, who called the idea that Britain would still not have control over its fishing waters after leaving the European Union “completely unrealistic” and quite “uncomfortable”.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage, meanwhile, called the fishing proposition a “huge insult”. He told Sky News: “The European Union, from the start, has never really wanted to talk about a free trader agreement.

“Even this week, Ursula von der Leyen was saying ‘I look forward to meeting Boris Johnson to discuss our Partnership Agreement’. They don’t want a simple free trade agreement, and I’m afraid what Boris signed up to wasn’t a simple free trade agreement.

“If Boris Johnson wanted a Canada-style relationship, he should never have signed what he called his ‘oven-ready’ deal.”

Ultimately, Mr Farage said, “we should have left four years ago”.


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58d43b No.158558

File: a31935d176bc8ab⋯.png (337.22 KB,563x755,563:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977113 (110346ZDEC20) Notable: Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

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BREAKING: Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia - Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides

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58d43b No.158559

File: 398689982d581ea⋯.mp4 (9.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977118 (110347ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks BO/BV - Anons are united again

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Thanks BO!/BV

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58d43b No.158560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977127 (110347ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on NROL-44

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yeah, the NROL-44 with DELTA IV (4) is fucking yuge

this anon can see something is there but can't decipher.

there are three 4s

we all know what Delta means

that's all i got

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58d43b No.158561

File: edc797d53e260ff⋯.png (436.64 KB,509x340,509:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977130 (110348ZDEC20) Notable: Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit (But Were Afraid To Ask)

Authored by Robert Madsen via AmericanThinker.com,

Texas claims that the violations of election law in these states created an environment where ballot fraud was enabled and likely to occur. The lawsuit lists the violations of law in each of the defendant states and provides evidence of fraud (the number of ballots handled unconstitutionally) in each of the states sufficient to change the outcome of the ballot counts.

Pennsylvania Facts:

Vote Tally: 3,445,548 for Biden and 3,363,951 for Trump – margin 81,597.

Requests for mail-in ballots 70% Democrats and 25% Republicans.

Mail-in ballots increased from 266,208 in 2016 to over 3,000,000 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

PA supreme court changed existing deadline for receiving mail-in ballots from 8:00 PM on the day of election to 3 days after the election and adopted a presumption that non-postmarked ballots be considered as valid.

Election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties did not follow state law permitting poll-watchers to be present for the opening, counting, and recording of mail-in ballots.

The Secretary of State directed election officials to remove ballots before 7:00 AM on the day of election in order to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. This was done only in Democrat majority counties.

Election officials did not segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on election day breaking the promise made to the U.S. Supreme Court thus making it impossible to identify or remove those ballots.

Evidence of Fraud:

Ballots with no mailed date: 9,005 (no evidence they were sent to a voter)

Ballots returned on or before the mailed date: 58,221

Ballots returned one day after the mailed date: 51,200 (Perhaps not impossible, but highly unlikely for the average voter to receive a ballot, fill it out, place it in the mail and have it returned the next day.)

On Nov 2, the day before the election, PA reports that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. On Nov 4 that number had increased to 3.1 million — an increase of 400,000 mail-in ballots at election time with literally no reasonable chance of them being used by legitimate voters.

Georgia Facts:

Vote Tally: 2,472,098 for Biden and 2,458,121 for Trump – margin 12,670.

Mail-in ballots: 65.32% for Biden and 34.68% for Trump.

Mail-in ballots increased from 213,033 in 2016 to 1,305,659 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

The Secretary of State authorized opening and processing mail-in ballots up to three weeks before election day when the law prohibits that until after the polls open on election day.

The Secretary of State materially weakened the security requirements for ballot rejection based on signature verification or other missing information.

Evidence of Fraud:

Mail-in ballot rejection rate for missing or inaccurate information or for non-matching signatures decreased from 6.42% in 2016 to .36% in 2020. Rejecting 2020 ballots at the same rate as 2016 would have resulted in a net gain of 25,587 votes for Trump – twice the number needed to overcome Biden’s count. With a six-fold increase in the number of mail-in ballots, reason would indicate that the rejection rate would increase, or at least stay the same, with so many first-time mail-in ballots.


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58d43b No.158562

File: 775799e5ebbb250⋯.png (83.14 KB,661x902,661:902,Clipboard.png)

File: a80cdf41682d950⋯.png (74.5 KB,666x907,666:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977132 (110348ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?

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Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?

China also seems to have a military agenda in the Caribbean region… Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe already is on record expressing China's willingness to deepen military cooperation with Caribbean countries.

Of more concern to US security interests is the ongoing seaport expansion project in the already commercially important port at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as the port at Freeport, Bahamas, China's possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast.

China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements…. The US can ill afford any Chinese drive to place under threat any Western Hemisphere country, much less the United States.

China's Communist Party (CCP) seems to be implementing a multidimensional strategy in the Caribbean, reaping economic, political and potentially military gains a few miles offshore the United States. China's ultimate objective of its Caribbean strategy may well be to confront the US, not only with its presence near the mainland US, but also with a situation analogous to America's military presence in the region of the South China Sea. There, China created new islands in the sea, pledged not to militarize them, then went and militarized them.

It is important to remember that China also promised Hong Kong autonomy until 2047, then, in 2020, jumped the gun by 27 years. "Hong Kong will be another communist-run city under China's strict control," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared in July. China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements.

The CCP leadership has also been launching a diplomatic effort in the Caribbean with the goal of delegitimizing the state of Taiwan, while encouraging regional countries to open relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Chinese shipments of military and police equipment to several Caribbean states could be developing into beachheads for future People's Liberation Army (PLA) "advisory groups" in the Western Hemisphere. China's construction projects already include the modernization of airports and seaports, which could increase Chinese geopolitical and military influence in the region. Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe already is on record expressing China's willingness to deepen military cooperation with Caribbean countries.


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58d43b No.158563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977157 (110350ZDEC20) Notable: Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit (But Were Afraid To Ask) cont

Michigan Facts:

Vote Tally: 2,796,702 for Biden and 2,650,695 for Trump – margin 146,007.

In 2016 587,618 voters requested mail-in ballots. In 2020 3.2 million votes were cast by mail-in ballot.

Democrats voted by mail at a rate approximately two times that of Republican voters.

Violations of Election Law:

The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

The Secretary of State also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification.

Local election officials in Wayne County — containing 322,925 more ballots for Biden than for Trump — opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present.

Local election officials in Wayne County also ignored the strict election law requirements of placing a written statement or stamp on each ballot envelope indicating that the voter signature was in fact checked and verified with the signature on file with the state.

Evidence of Fraud:

174,384 mail-in ballots in Wayne County had no valid registration number, indicating they likely resulted from election workers running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times.

71% of Wayne County Absent Voter Counting Boards were unbalanced, where the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast.

Wisconsin Facts:

Vote Tally: 1,630,716 for Biden and 1,610,151 for Trump – margin 20,565.

Mail-in ballots increased from 146,932 in 2016 to 1,275,019 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) positioned hundreds of unmanned illegal drop boxes to collect absentee ballots. (The use of any drop box, manned or unmanned, is directly prohibited by Wisconsin statute. Any alternate mail-in ballot site “shall be staffed by the municipal clerk or the executive director of the board of election commissioners…” “Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election.”)

The WEC encouraged voters to unlawfully declare themselves “indefinitely confined” in order to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo ID requirements. Nearly 216,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined in the 2020 election, nearly four times as many as in 2016.

Strict laws requiring mail-in voters to certify by signature including the signature of an adult witness were ignored or circumvented by election officials.

Evidence of Fraud:

One hundred thousand ballots were supposedly missing and directed to be “found” after election day.


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58d43b No.158564

File: 257d0de370fc5d6⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,2278x2605,2278:2605,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977165 (110351ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on NROL-44

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>there are three 4s

Thanks anon, missed that myself.

NROL -44

Q post 522 timestamp - 22:33:44

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58d43b No.158565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977176 (110352ZDEC20) Notable: Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit (But Were Afraid To Ask) cont


Significant violations of election law that were put into place to protect against election fraud is sufficient to invalidate the results of the elections, apart from whatever evidence is able to be gathered in a short time to show actual numbers of fraudulent ballots. Reason would indicate that there is a high number of fraudulent ballots that are impossible to identify, which is why the election laws pertaining to mail-in ballots were established to begin with.

There is no remedy to correct the Nov 3rd election because ballots that did not adhere to election law cannot be identified as separate from those that did. An accurate count of legal ballots that were cast cannot be made. Therefore, as directed in the Constitution, it falls to the legislature of each state to choose electors as has been done in the past. Failing that, each state may determine not to submit any presidential electors.

The Texas lawsuit claims the odds of Biden overcoming Trump’s lead and winning any of the states after the point indicated was one in a quadrillion. And therefore, the odds of winning all four was one in a quadrillion to the fourth power. The lawsuit did not provide information on how that number was determined. This may seem an exaggerated to some. It is enough to state that the odds of winning any one of the states was highly unlikely and the odds of winning all four were extremely unlikely. For example, if the odds of winning any one of the states was numerically much less extreme but still highly unlikely, say something like one in twenty, then the odds of doing that in all four states would be 1 in 160,000. Twenty beans in a jar: 19 white and 1 black. Reach in without looking and be lucky enough to pull out the one black bean. Chances of doing that again is 1 in 400. Clearly indicative of cheating if someone claims to have done that four times in a row. As I said the statistical analysis behind the claim of odds of 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000 are not given so I cannot speak to that. But even if the odds were orders of magnitude better than that, they were still astronomically small. At any rate, the merits of the lawsuit do not depend on any certain level of odds of Biden overcoming a lead that had been established by 3:00 A.M. the day after election.

— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/everything-you-wanted-know-about-texas-election-lawsuit-were-afraid-ask

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58d43b No.158566

File: 90fd0173185d89b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1266x710,633:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977196 (110353ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon to cut military support for CIA counter-terrorism

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Pentagon to cut military support for CIA counter-terrorism

ABCNews story quotes retired military - all paid contributors

What a coincidence they're all against Trump policy

- Mick Mulroy, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense, retired CIA paramilitary officer and ABC News contributor

- Eric Oehlerich, a former Navy SEAL and ABC News contributor

- Darrell Blocker, a former deputy director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center and an ABC News contributor


Photo: Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller

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58d43b No.158567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977264 (110400ZDEC20) Notable: PA Gov orders new 3 week shutdown

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3 freaking weeks


In a sweeping attempt to try to curb the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Tom Wolf on Thursday ordered a three-week closure of a wide range of businesses where people gather — indoor dining, bars, theaters, casinos and fitness centers.

“The situation we’re in is dire,” said Mr. Wolf, who tested positive for the disease Tuesday. “It’s not the government putting businesses at risk, it’s the virus. We’re not targeting anybody, the virus is.”

The shutdown starts at 12:01 a.m. Saturday and continues through 8 a.m. Jan. 4 and reflects similar curbs that were enacted Wednesday in Virginia and in Prince George’s County, Md., about 220 miles south of Pittsburgh, where indoor dining was banned and other business restrictions were implemented.

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58d43b No.158568

File: d53c25b39ccd5d2⋯.jpeg (251.45 KB,1605x632,1605:632,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977361 (110409ZDEC20) Notable: @RudyGiuliani - My treatment by the nurses and staff at Georgetown Med Star Hospital was miraculous.

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Rudy W. Giuliani


My treatment by the nurses and staff at Georgetown Med Star Hospital was miraculous.

I walked in with serious symptoms. I walked out better than ever.

Drs. Beckett, Kumar and Layman led an all-star team.

The advice of the WH Dr. Sean Conley and Dr. Zev Zelenko was so valuable


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58d43b No.158569

File: a8d5a61367f5311⋯.png (96.94 KB,668x723,668:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 9189e19d105447d⋯.png (101.07 KB,665x772,665:772,Clipboard.png)

File: a1bcd1328c94480⋯.png (85.16 KB,671x739,671:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977398 (110413ZDEC20) Notable: Elise Stefanik getting hammered by crazy libs

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Elise getting hammered by crazy libs

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58d43b No.158570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977412 (110414ZDEC20) Notable: Happening in Houston per POTUS

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Habbening in Houston per POTUS

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58d43b No.158571

File: 7bf26cbb988f32a⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977413 (110414ZDEC20) Notable: Trump just won! TIME just hit Joe with the curse!

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welp it's official!!!

Trump just won! TIME just hit Joe with the curse!


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58d43b No.158572

File: fd020ef64be819f⋯.png (152.99 KB,576x573,192:191,Clipboard.png)

File: c74f15e96ed6c92⋯.png (353.57 KB,663x841,663:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b57d668a6427a6⋯.png (370.28 KB,849x761,849:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977485 (110420ZDEC20) Notable: Gov. Ralph Northam Tightens China Virus restrictions

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Gov. Ralph Northam Tightens Coronavirus Restrictions: You Don’t Have to Sit In Church for God to Hear Your Prayers

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced new coronavirus restrictions Thursday and urged people of faith to stay out of their churches during the Christmas season.

“This year, we need to think about what is truly the most important thing. Is it the worship or the building?” Northam said at a press conference. “For me, God is wherever you are. You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers.”

He urged faith leaders to “lead the way” and “set an example” for their communities.

“Worship with a mask on is still worship, worship outside or worship online is still worship,” Northam said.

Northam conceded that he could not legally limit in-person worship ceremonies, noting that the recent Supreme Court decision against the state of New York prevented him from doing that.

But he blamed churches for contributing to the spread of the virus, noting that some houses of worship were not social distancing or wearing masks.

“I have heard reports. They don’t use distancing inside the church. They are not wearing masks. Quite frankly we know that a lot of the spread is coming from this,” he said.

Northam also instituted a curfew from 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m., arguing that it was better not to be out of the home late at night.

“I will also say something that my parents taught me when I was younger, and that is nothing good happens after midnight,” Northam said.

Northam also ordered all bars and restaurants to stop selling alcohol at 10:00 p.m.

Social gatherings must be limited to 10 people, he added, down from the previous 25.

He also mandated that everyone wear masks indoors, even if a group remained socially distant.


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58d43b No.158573

File: 1dd3572a369a087⋯.png (168.25 KB,787x424,787:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 0727839922974eb⋯.png (119.5 KB,416x452,104:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c2b1bc68ca521c⋯.png (161.9 KB,849x478,849:478,Clipboard.png)

File: ac1dee7e0b42c46⋯.png (1.44 MB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977499 (110421ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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SAM248 USAF C-32A ne from Hawaii-Hickam AFB after an overnight

Mr. Cohen-Watnick returning from below itinerary.

This AC departed JBA on 1205 with a ground stop at Elmendorf JB Anchorage, AK

Ezra Cohen-Watnick twat cap 2

SAM248 on descent for Elmendorf on 1205

Then continued on to Atsugi NAF on 1206 as MC8248 for a ground stop.

On to Jakarta, Indonesia-Bandar Udara Int'l Airport

Departed on 1208 still as MC8248 ne for ground stop at Manila, P.I. then depart east to Hawaii-Hickam AFB for an overnight.

Depart earlier today

RUDY32 US Navy Osprey went out east of El Centro for a few pirouettes and now returning back to NAS North Island

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58d43b No.158574

File: 88e81d6df47c103⋯.png (448.49 KB,542x298,271:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977552 (110426ZDEC20) Notable: Citi’s US$900M payment looked deliberate, witnesses say

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Citi’s US$900M payment looked deliberate, witnesses say

A witness for Revlon Inc. creditors that received part of a US$900 million payment Citigroup Inc. sent in error took a grilling on Thursday in a trial over the bank’s effort to get the money back. Jeff Frusciante, a bank debt manager for Brigade Capital Management, had testified that he couldn’t understand how Citigroup could have sent the sum by accident. During a contentious cross-examination, he defended his claim that he thought the August transfer was an early full paydown of the loans plus interest. “Do you still believe that Citibank intended to make a full paydown on Aug. 11?” John Baughman, a lawyer for the bank, asked him. “I still haven’t got a good answer as to how this happened,” Frusciante said, in part. “Can you think of any reason why Citibank would send out approximately US$900 million on Aug. 11 and the next day send out notices saying, ‘We made a mistake, please give it back?’” Baughman pressed. “Why would they do that?” “I have no idea,” Frusciante said. “I don’t work for Citi.”

Citigroup, which has recovered about US$390 million of the transfer, has sued Brigade and nine other asset managers for the Revlon creditors that have held on to US$508 million of the payment. The bank, which made the transfer out of its own pocket, was acting as administrative agent on the Revlon loan. The defendants say they should be allowed to keep the money, since they were already owed it. Because the sum matched the debt due them, they argue, they had no cause to believe it was a mistake. The defense launched the first full day of its case after Citigroup finished presenting its witnesses late Wednesday, the first day of the trial. The bank argues that the payment was bristling with signs it was a mistake. The trial shines a light on an embarrassing bungle that Citigroup has already had to explain to federal regulators. The case, over one of the biggest banking errors in recent memory, is being closely followed on Wall Street, especially in the syndicated loan industry.

Citigroup says it accidentally wired the huge sum while trying to make a periodic interest payment, including to some creditors that had been locked in a battle with Revlon over the debt restructuring. The creditors say the transfers were the exact amount owed their clients under the 2016 loan to Revlon and that nothing about the payment led them to think otherwise. Among the 10 firms the bank sued are Brigade, Symphony Asset Management and HPS Investment Partners.

moar here


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58d43b No.158575

File: 76d4e891903af23⋯.png (240.83 KB,478x462,239:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977579 (110429ZDEC20) Notable: Houses exploding everywhere...

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58d43b No.158576

File: 26da2bdf92025a1⋯.png (1.14 MB,1206x942,201:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977641 (110435ZDEC20) Notable: Houses exploding everywhere...

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Didn't we just have a similar situation in Nebraska yesterday?


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58d43b No.158577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977672 (110437ZDEC20) Notable: #15289

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>>>/qresearch/11976943 Dough

#15289 FINAL Notables

>>158551 CM (Ron) tweet - Trump still has two major paths to victory (SCOTUS / Military)

>>158552 CM tweet - The first major step of the 2018 EO begins on the 16th

>>158553 China retaliates after U.S. sanctions, restricts diplomatic travel to Hong Kong

>>158554 Delaware Gov. John Carney enacted a curfew for bars and restaurants eff. Dec 10

>>158555 Glenn Greenwald on Hunter Biden story being buried by the media

>>158556 AG Barr Concealed Hunter Biden Probes From Public During Election

>>158557 Europe Bears Her Teeth: Threat to Cut Britain off Unless London Agrees to Terms

>>158558 Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

>>158559 Thanks BO/BV - Anons are united again

>>158561 , >>158563 , >>158565 Everything You Wanted To Know About Texas’ Election Lawsuit

>>158562 Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?

>>158560 , >>158564 Dig on NROL-44

>>158566 Pentagon to cut military support for CIA counter-terrorism

>>158567 PA Gov orders new 3 week shutdown

>>158568 @RudyGiuliani - My treatment by the nurses and staff at Georgetown Med Star Hospital was miraculous.

>>158569 Elise Stefanik getting hammered by crazy libs

>>158570 Happening in Houston per POTUS

>>158571 Trump just won! TIME just hit Joe with the curse!

>>158572 Gov. Ralph Northam Tightens China Virus restrictions

>>158573 PF Reports

>>158574 Citi’s US$900M payment looked deliberate, witnesses say

>>158576 , >>158575 Houses exploding everywhere…


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58d43b No.158578

File: 5a1814db2650c93⋯.jpeg (792.63 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a6cdafc1c87ca0⋯.jpeg (614.57 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977801 (110447ZDEC20) Notable: Ted Cruz calls on DOJ & FBI to provide evidence to confirm whether McCabe or Comey lied under oath

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Ted Cruz calls on DOJ & FBI to provide evidence to confirm whether McCabe or Comey lied under oath


Either McCabe or Comey is lying under oath – which is a federal crime.

The American people deserve the truth.

That’s why I’m calling on the DOJ & FBI to provide any evidence about who authorized and approved of the FBI’s leak to the @WSJ about the Clinton investigation.

3:04 PM · Dec 10, 2020


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58d43b No.158579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977814 (110448ZDEC20) Notable: The Star Spangled Banner has extra verses not often sung, but must be heard

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The Star Spangled Banner has extra verses not often sung, but must be heard

It's time we bring back the WHOLE thing. With my whole heart, I pray we all know this.

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58d43b No.158580

File: 7ac452625ec8a3f⋯.png (543.09 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977834 (110450ZDEC20) Notable: New Yorker cartoonist arrested on child porn charges: cops

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New Yorker cartoonist arrested on child porn charges: cops


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58d43b No.158581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977837 (110451ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun

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almost can hear Kim Kardashian saying this about HERSELF


>His main message that he learned in his life was to not hang out with the wrong crowd


Kim's main message that she learned in his life was to not hang out with the wrong crowd

like her besties Spirit Cookers Riccardo Tisci and Marina Abromovich

So tight with them prior to Trump

and do not forget that KIm got "robbed" and duct taped at the exact time before the 2016 election that big news was going to be possibly leaked about HRC emails, THEN all the news shifted to KIM K robbed at gunpoint in Paris.


Kind of like how OJ took ove the news ( Kardashian dad robertw as his attorney)

and how Paris Hilton being arrested took over the news ( Kim best friends with Paris at one point)

Kanye loses mind ( Kim husband takes over the news)

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58d43b No.158582

File: 280e9b41151a843⋯.png (36.85 KB,1245x625,249:125,Clipboard.png)

File: e7607609db91a92⋯.png (161.84 KB,2203x1445,2203:1445,Clipboard.png)

File: 57fc734a270c81b⋯.png (785.79 KB,2690x1656,1345:828,Clipboard.png)

File: 716815c7c638fbc⋯.png (623.4 KB,2665x1610,533:322,Clipboard.png)

File: aa301650b5e0b13⋯.png (365.5 KB,2357x1022,2357:1022,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977847 (110452ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Malloch-Brown is linked to the Lord of Otterus bloodline

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Mark Malloch-Brown is linked to the Lord of Otterus bloodline that some members of the Royal family and Bush also have

Wouldn't it make sense that (((they))) are protecting their relatives?

Full list of descendants/relations of the Lord of Otterus here:



Family tree data from


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58d43b No.158583

File: 3f6468d41cc7447⋯.png (337.59 KB,602x430,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977854 (110453ZDEC20) Notable: Search and Rescue for man overboard?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977855 (110453ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun

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the movie is about to get good?????

re: the STARS???



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58d43b No.158585

File: 9c5ad18ea191cd2⋯.webm (1.3 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977859 (110453ZDEC20) Notable: Vote Fraud video

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Here is Ruby counting the same stack three times.

You may want to DL this because the JEWS are JEWTUBE are DELETING EVERYTHING that goes against their JEW NARRATIVE.

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58d43b No.158586

File: 6cea1f7201cf684⋯.pdf (263.46 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977867 (110454ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Malloch-Brown is linked to the Lord of Otterus bloodline

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MEROVINGIAN (Royal Families)

Royal Bloodlines

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58d43b No.158587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977871 (110454ZDEC20) Notable: New Yorker cartoonist arrested on child porn charges: cops

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A cartoonist famous for his work in The New Yorker was arrested Wednesday on child pornography charges, state police said.

Rhinebeck resident Danny Shanahan, 64, was charged with possession of a sexual performance by a child, cops said in a statement.

The kiddie porn was allegedly found on his computer after Village of Rhinebeck police obtained a warrant to search it, the Daily Voice reported.

Police didn’t say what prompted the investigation or provide any details about the case.

Shanahan — whose work most recently appeared in the magazine in February — was released and issued a ticket to appear in the Village of Rhinebeck Court on Jan. 20.

Earlier this year, the famed illustrator’s son, Render Stetson-Shanahan, was sentenced to between five and 15 years in prison in the brutal 2016 stabbing death of his Queens roommate Carolyn Bush.

Shanahan couldn’t be reached by phone or email Wednesday night and didn’t immediately return a Facebook message seeking comment.


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58d43b No.158588

File: 9113f7b23c8f212⋯.png (570.7 KB,817x821,817:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977896 (110457ZDEC20) Notable: Ric Grenell drops major hint…

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58d43b No.158589

File: eb66500e9643776⋯.jpg (104.41 KB,1024x585,1024:585,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977916 (110500ZDEC20) Notable: The Star Spangled Banner has extra verses not often sung, but must be heard

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Story of the Star Bangled Banner most people have no clue about


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58d43b No.158590

File: 754531fdd1e888c⋯.png (328.52 KB,1232x1148,44:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a1a319e3bdfbe8⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977929 (110501ZDEC20) Notable: New Dan Scavino tweet (with video cap)

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58d43b No.158591

File: 61f5f490e3dcdee⋯.png (500.59 KB,1270x944,635:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977931 (110501ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. POSITIONS NAVY OFF EAST & WEST COASTS

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Unusual and Ominous Display of Force Protects Homeland

Repost from PB


According the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers, plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast.


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58d43b No.158592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977932 (110501ZDEC20) Notable: HCQ is one of the safest and most effective drugs in the health system

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>>>/qresearch/11977749 slow oldfag trying to help lb/bp, Anons. o7

"Chloroquine is a medication primarily used to prevent and treat malaria in areas where malaria remains sensitive to its effects…"

The World Health Organization has listed hydroxychloroquine as one of its "Essential Medicines," that is, one of the safest and most effective drugs in a health system. In 2016 it was the 135th most prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 4 million prescriptions.Oct 25, 2019

Thanks Xi - whatever virus comes out of China can be cured with Chloroquine. Awesome. Good start on cooperating! Thumbs up!

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 83ca4f No.977691 📁

Apr 9 2018 22:59:12 (EST)

Thank you Xi.

Good start.

China/CQ cancel.


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58d43b No.158593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977939 (110502ZDEC20) Notable: Ric Grenell drops major hint…

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'Richard Grenell drops major hint'


Excellent discussion with Richard Grenell an hour ago on Newsmax

‘Hunter Biden story is just the beginning, more is coming out’ ‘The Biden story is the tip of the iceberg…’

Ric Grenell BOMBSHELL JUST NOW: 🚨🚨The Biden story is the tip of the iceberg. Without giving away too much intelligence, I can tell you a lot of other people in Government are under China’s influence— Mayors, Governors. It will all be coming out. We’ve had briefings on this. pic.twitter.com/fU3FjYYV7Q

— Annie La Kraken 🦅🇺🇸🧡 (@arelab13) December 10, 2020

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58d43b No.158594

File: f4a7d051ef1eae2⋯.png (490.21 KB,1142x716,571:358,Clipboard.png)

File: da758919216a114⋯.png (300.4 KB,757x621,757:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977949 (110503ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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IRON99 has the watch while America tucks in for the nite.

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58d43b No.158595

File: 87aa49e4d2ede33⋯.png (172.4 KB,667x818,667:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977950 (110503ZDEC20) Notable: Mastercard/Visa dump Pornhub after rape expose

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Hope y'all have bitcoin..


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58d43b No.158596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977956 (110503ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: download_3_.jpg

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it is going to biblical

and shocking

as millions will be so stunned

IF Kim and family

is involved in heinous shit

research again Riccardo Tisci and all the sick evil stars

they are all there




Kendall Jenner

Kris Jenner

Marina Abromovich

Naomi Campbell

Lady Gaga

California is still under lockdowns

Kardashian show cancelled

all the Kardashians brick and mortar stores both located on coasts shutdown (DASH and Smooch)


'nice Y on belly of pregnant dress

Watch out Kanye! Kim Kardashian cozies up to West's best friend Riccardo Tisci for Sorbet Magazine






then this bread




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58d43b No.158597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977963 (110503ZDEC20) Notable: Rural Communities in California Defy Newsom’s Coronavirus Lockdown Orders as Backlash Grows

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Rural Communities in California Defy Newsom’s Coronavirus Lockdown Orders as Backlash Grows

The pushback against Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s strict coronavirus lockdown is growing, including in rural communities where businesses and their customers are openly defying the orders.

That includes at Steve’s Sportsmans Cafe in Mariposa County, located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Owner Steve Knauf is still serving up chicken fried steak and beef ribs to hungry crowds and said he is no longer listening to state and other officials.

“My customers don’t want me to shut down, and I’m not going to,” said Robbie Nelson, owner of the Airport Inn Bar and Grill where people gathered for the comfort food.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the growing defiance:

Knauf’s sentiment has been a common one, particularly in the rural reaches that make up much of the 12-county San Joaquin Valley region that the state told Monday to halt all but essential services because of the pandemic. The order, following months of shifting and often unpopular restrictions, appears to be only fanning frustration, if not outright defiance.

Public health officials say the backlash, which is also growing in parts of Southern California and the Bay Area, will make it harder to stop the spread of the coronavirus as the number of statewide cases soars to new peaks.

Until recently, Nelson and her husband, who started their business 12 years ago, had been playing by the state’s rules. They limited dining to the outdoors and took the temperatures of their patrons before seating them. However, after months of regulation, which had Mariposa County progressing toward less onerous restrictions but then backtracking, the back-and-forth stopped making sense to Nelson. With this week’s directive, she said she could no longer neglect her plummeting finances.

“I decided this is enough, I’m not going to take it,” Nelson said. “People are dining in full capacity now, and everybody loves it.”

The Chronicle reported that Mariposa County health officer Eric Sergienko is not happy about the revolt.

“Sergienko is encouraging people to follow the state’s guidelines, even sending county workers to a grocery store this week to hand out face masks,” the Chronicle account said.

“People here tend not to want to wear masks, and there’s not a lot of enforcement,” Sergienko said. “We do our best to educate people, but there’s only so much we can do.”

The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office also has said it doesn’t have the “capacity” to deal with people violating coronavirus orders, and at least one local official is joining the crowd.

Mariposa County Supervisor Marshall Long stopped by the Airport Inn Bar and Grill earlier this week. While he wants people to remain healthy, he said that the restrictions are overbearing.

“We have to live our lives,” Long said. “People are at the end of their ropes.”

“Under Newsom’s latest plan, California is split into five geographic areas, with each assigned restrictions based on the number of available ICU beds at local hospitals,” the Chronicle reported. “Like the San Joaquin Valley, Southern California is in virtual lockdown, and several Bay Area counties have voluntarily embraced the same level of restrictions. The greater Sacramento area, which includes Lake Tahoe, is expected to be put on lockdown Thursday night.”

Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California at San Francisco, is critical of the state’s lockdown.

“It’s not (just) about civil liberties anymore,” Gandhi said. “It’s about poverty and the privilege that’s involved in the phrase ‘stay at home.’ How can I stay at home if my day-to-day putting food on the table depends on my being at work?”

Newsom’s restrictions are expected to stay in place for at least three weeks.


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58d43b No.158598

File: 0247d375c67ccea⋯.png (703.96 KB,1119x843,373:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977977 (110505ZDEC20) Notable: What's disappointing about that?

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Now that is a shame…


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58d43b No.158599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977981 (110505ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: AP20344796124965.jpg

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U.S. carries out rare execution during presidential transition, putting to death a Texas man convicted in slayings as a teen


by: Associated Press

Posted: Dec 10, 2020 / 07:34 PM PST / Updated: Dec 10, 2020 / 07:45 PM PST

This August 2016 photo provided by the Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Washington shows Brandon Bernard. (Stacey Brownstein/Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Washington via Associated Press)

Brandon Bernard is seen on August 2016. (Stacey Brownstein/Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Washington via AP)

The Trump administration on Thursday carried out its ninth federal execution of the year and the first during a presidential lame-duck period in 130 years, putting to death a Texas street-gang member for his role in the slayings of a religious couple from Iowa more than two decades ago.

Four more federal executions, including one Friday, are planned in the weeks before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The case of Brandon Bernard, who received a lethal injection of phenobarbital inside a death chamber at a U.S. prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, was a rare execution of a person who was in his teens when his crime was committed.

Several high-profile figures, including reality TV star Kim Kardashian West, had appealed to President Donald Trump to commute Bernard’s sentence to life in prison.

With witnesses looking on from behind a glass barrier, the 40-year-old Bernard was pronounced dead at 9:27 p.m. Eastern time.

Bernard directed his last words to the family of the couple he killed, speaking with striking calm for someone who knew he was about to die. “I’m sorry,” he said, lifting his head and looking at the witness-room windows. “That’s the only words that I can say that completely capture how I feel now and how I felt that day.”

As he spoke before he died, Bernard showed no outward signs of fear, distress or apprehension, speaking lucidly and naturally as witnesses looked on behind a glass barrier. Speaking for more than three minutes, Bernard said he had been waiting for this chance to say he was sorry — not only to the victims’ family, but also for the pain he caused his own family. Earlier, he said about his role in the killing, “I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t.”

Bernard was 18 when he and four other teenagers abducted and robbed Todd and Stacie Bagley on their way from a Sunday service in Killeen, Texas. Federal executions were resumed by Trump in July after a 17-year hiatus despite coronavirus outbreak in U.S. prisons.

Todd Bagley’s mother, Georgia, spoke to reporters within 30 minutes of the execution, saying she wanted to thank Trump, Attorney General William Barr and others at the Justice Department for bringing the family some closure. She became emotional when she spoke about the apologies from Bernard before he died and from an accomplice, Christopher Vialva, who was executed in September. “The apology and remorse … helped very much heal my heart,” she said, beginning to cry and then recomposing herself. “I can very much say: I forgive them.”

Alfred Bourgeois, a 56-year-old Louisiana truck driver, is set to die Friday for killing his 2-year-old daughter by repeatedly slamming her head into a truck’s windows and dashboard. Bourgeois’ lawyers alleged he was intellectually disabled and therefore ineligible for the death penalty, but several courts said evidence didn’t support that claim.


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58d43b No.158600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977994 (110507ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun

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Bill Barr DOJ that brang back executions

continued: https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/u-s-carries-out-rare-execution-during-presidential-transition-putting-to-death-a-texas-man-convicted-in-slayings-as-a-teen/

U.S. set to execute 1st of 5 inmates before Biden inauguration, a Texas man convicted in slayings as a teen

Before Bernard’s execution, Kardashian West tweeted that she’d spoken to him earlier: “Hardest call I’ve ever had. Brandon, selfless as always, was focused on his family and making sure they are ok. He told me not to cry because our fight isn’t over.”

Just before the execution was scheduled, Bernard’s lawyers filed papers with the Supreme Court seeking to halt the execution, but the high court denied the request, clearing the way for the execution to proceed.

Bernard had been crocheting in prison and even launched a death-row crocheting group in which inmates have shared patterns for making sweaters, blankets and hats, said Ashley Kincaid Eve, an anti-death penalty activist.

Federal executions during a presidential transfer of power also are rare, especially during a transition from a death-penalty proponent to a president-elect like Biden opposed to capital punishment. The last time executions occurred in a lame-duck period was during the presidency of Grover Cleveland in the 1890s.

Defense attorneys have argued in court and in a petition for clemency from Trump that Bernard was a low-ranking, subservient member of the group. They say both Bagleys were likely dead before Bernard doused their car with lighter fluid and set it on fire, a claim that conflicts with government testimony at trial. Bernard, they say, had repeatedly expressed remorse.

The case prompted calls for Trump to intervene, including from one prosecutor at his 2000 trial who now says racial bias may have influenced the nearly all-white jury’s imposition of a death sentence against Bernard, who is Black. Several jurors have also since said publicly that they regret not opting for life in prison instead.

The Justice Department refused to delay Thursday’s execution of Bernard, another inmate Friday and three more in January, even after eight officials who participated in an execution last month tested positive for the coronavirus. The eight federal executions in 2020 already is more than in the previous 56 years combined.

One of Bernard’s co-defendants, Vialva, was executed in September. Prosecutors said Vialva, the oldest of the teens at 19, was the ringleader who shot the Bagleys, as they lay in the trunk before Bernard set the car on fire.

The teenagers approached the Bagleys in the afternoon on June 21, 1999, and asked them for a lift after they stopped at a convenience store — planning all along to rob the couple. After the Bagleys agreed, Vialva pulled a gun and forced them into the trunk.

The Bagleys, both of whom were in their 20s, spoke through an opening in the back seat and urged their kidnappers to accept Jesus as they drove around for hours trying to use the Bagleys’ ATM cards. After the teens pulled to the side of the road, Vialva walked to the back and shot the Bagleys in the head.

The central question in the decision to sentence Bernard to death was whether Vialva’s gunshots or the fire set by Bernard killed the Bagleys.

Trial evidence showed Todd Bagley likely died instantly. But a government expert said Stacie Bagley had soot in her airway, indicating smoke inhalation and not the gunshot killed her. Defense attorneys have said that assertion wasn’t proven. They’ve also said Bernard believed both Bagleys were dead and that he feared the consequences of refusing the order of the higher ranking Vialva to burn the car to destroy evidence.

The first series of federal executions over the summer were of white men, which critics said seemed calculated to make them less controversial amid summer protests over racial discrimination. Four of the five inmates set to die before Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration are Black men. The fifth is a white woman who would be the first female inmate executed by the federal government in nearly six decades.

Brandon Bernard is seen on August 2016. (Stacey Brownstein/Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Washington via AP)

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58d43b No.158601

File: f0dcc21dbc0313b⋯.png (171.7 KB,963x1192,963:1192,Clipboard.png)

File: 95bea186ccf93f0⋯.png (432.21 KB,1204x1635,1204:1635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11977995 (110507ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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>IRON99 has the watch while America tucks in for the nite.

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58d43b No.158602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978018 (110509ZDEC20) Notable: Death Penalty Report Bun

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Bill Barr brings back federal death penalty after 16 years, orders five executions

Only three federal prisoners have been executed in the last 30 years. Barr wants five killed within six months


JULY 25, 2019 10:30PM (UTC)

The federal government will reinstate the death penalty for the first time in nearly two decades, Attorney General Bill Barr announced Thursday.

Barr announced that he has directed the Bureau of Prisons to schedule the execution of five inmates over the next six months. Though the Justice Department has sought the death penalty in several high-profile cases, the federal government has not executed anyone in 16 years and has only put three people to death since 1988.

“Under administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals,” Barr said in a statement. “The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”

The move comes after Trump last year called to “bring back the death penalty.”

Though the death penalty has remained legal nationally and in 29 states, the number of executions have fallen from nearly 100 in 1999 to less than two dozen per year, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

Support for capital punishment has fallen from a high of 80 percent in 1994 to 56 percent in 2018, according to Gallup. Just 31 percent of Democrats and 47 percent of independents said they believe the death penalty is applied fairly, compared to 73 percent of Republicans.

Nearly a decade ago, drugmakers in both the U.S. and major European nations stopped selling drugs used in executions to the federal government, forcing the government to rely on alternative means that can result in botched executions. Barr said in a news release on Thursday that he had issued a protocol that replaces the current three-drug cocktail used to sedate inmates in federal executions with the drug pentobarbital, a commonly used sedative.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that the lethal injection was constitutional despite advocates’ concerns that inmates risked suffering excruciating pain as a result of the unreliable sedatives that were used.

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Stephen Breyer, joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, argued that the court should examine “whether the death penalty violates the Constitution.”

Breyer wrote that “it is highly likely that the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment,” which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.

Breyer noted that there was evidence that innocent people had been executed and that many others were exonerated while awaiting their fate on death row. He also argued that convicts were sentenced to death arbitrarily and that many death sentences were the result of racial discrimination and political considerations. He added that no other major Western nation still had the death penalty.

Justice Antonin Scalia called Breyer’s opinion “gobbledygook” and wrote that “the suggestion that the incremental deterrent effect of capital punishment does not seem ‘significant’ reflects, it seems to me, a let-them-eat-cake obliviousness to the needs of others.”

There is no real evidence that the death penalty poses any real deterrent to crime, however, especially given that many states have seen violent crime rates fall after banning the death penalty.

A 2000 state-by-state analysis by the New York Times found that the homicide rate in states with the death penalty were 48 percent to 101 percent higher than in states without the death penalty. A 2012 study published by the American Economic Review found no deterrent effect in states that used the death penalty. A 2008 survey of leading criminologists found that only 5 percent believed the death penalty was an effective deterrent, compared to 88 percent who believe the opposite to be the case.

Worse yet, another study published by the National Academy of Sciences in 2014 found that more than 4 percent of people sentenced to death were innocent.


Igor Derysh is a staff writer at Salon. His work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald and Baltimore Sun.

Tips/Email: iderysh@salon.com Twitter: @IgorDerysh







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58d43b No.158603

File: 2e339cefffcab78⋯.png (367.71 KB,900x1600,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: fc0c9aac2589a08⋯.jpeg (208.49 KB,1242x883,1242:883,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978024 (110510ZDEC20) Notable: Tomball Explosion Investigation

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No gas issues found and no threat to other

homes after deadly Tomball explosion

KTRKBy Charly Edsitty

TOMBALL, Texas (KTRK) – Police say a home explosion that killed a man and rocked a Tomball neighborhood overnight may have been intentionally set, and investigators are looking into whether suicide was involved.

The Tomball Fire Department responded to reports of a fire around 11 p.m. Wednesday on Vernon near Arnold.

It was initially believed the incident was a gas explosion, but Tomball police later said Thursday morning that public works utility crews conducted an inspection and determined there are no issues with the natural gas system. There is no danger to the public.

Video from the scene showed just how powerful the explosion was, completely blowing the roof and walls off of the home, leaving it unrecognizable.

Neighbors say they felt the explosion as far as two miles away.

"Like, literally, our feet shook from underneath us," recalled Michele Bancroft, who lives two miles away. "We're like, 'What is going on?'"

"At first it sounded like a bunch of stuff on the ground floor was just shaking, but it was the whole building I was in," Cody Smith, who lives one mile away from the explosion, said. "Then I went around and talked to everyone and they said the same thing, so I got curious and came outside."

At approx 11:15pm members of the TFD and TPD responded to a reported explosion in the 200 block of Vernon St. Upon arrival, first responders found a home fully engulfed in flames.

At this time the fire has been extinguished and there is no immediate danger to the public.

— City of Tomball (@CityofTomball) December 10, 2020

Firefighters say they actually heard and felt the explosion at the station.

Firefighters were able to get the fire out quickly.

WATCH: ABC13's original report from the scene on Thursday morning

Authorities say there was one person inside the home who died due to the explosion. Police say his body was discovered in the rubble.

The explosion happened in the middle of a neighborhood, yet incredibly, no other homes were damaged.

"It's extremely puzzling, quite frankly, with a detonation of that size. We did not have collateral damage in any other parts," Tomball Fire Chief Randy Parr said. "We're trying to ascertain really how the explosion occurred, and the way that the walls came out and the way the roof came up. So we think a lot of the energy was generated upwards."

The man has not been identified.

The investigation is ongoing.


>>158547 PB

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58d43b No.158604

File: c4d77e8c3190ddc⋯.png (536.33 KB,715x940,143:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978187 (110530ZDEC20) Notable: Clockfag stops by?

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58d43b No.158605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978233 (110537ZDEC20) Notable: "The Star-Spangled Banner" By Francis Scott Key - History

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>>>/qresearch/11977648 lb

Complete version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" showing spelling and punctuation from Francis Scott Key's manuscript in the Maryland Historical Society collection.O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream, 'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a Country should leave us no more? Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation! Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto - "In God is our trust," And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Looks like there are actually 4 verses


Song makes me tear up these days

Never used to.

Greatest country on Earth

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58d43b No.158606

File: 66e4063b6b64bd5⋯.jpeg (19.33 KB,254x252,127:126,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978246 (110539ZDEC20) Notable: Biblical. It Is.

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Tanks bakes

Notable missed last bread

>>>/qresearch/11977777 lb It's Biblical - GOD WINS

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58d43b No.158607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978255 (110540ZDEC20) Notable: "The Star-Spangled Banner" By Francis Scott Key - History

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Complete version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" showing spelling and punctuation from Francis Scott Key's manuscript in the Maryland Historical Society collection.

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight

O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,

'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion

A home and a Country should leave us no more?

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation!

Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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58d43b No.158608

File: 92879a1e6ce3fb7⋯.png (91.22 KB,593x333,593:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 94d495555401afe⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x444,320:111,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978287 (110543ZDEC20) Notable: Dan The LaserEyes Man Scavino 17's

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Anons, this flyby repeats… 17 times

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58d43b No.158609

File: ea0058182b38e99⋯.png (296.52 KB,856x444,214:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 966b292b16893fe⋯.jpg (206.13 KB,434x655,434:655,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978306 (110546ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Some Globey's inbound to Ramstein AFB

RCH820 from McConnell AFB-Wichita

RCH155 fromFt. Cambell-KY/TN

RCH108 from JBA

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58d43b No.158610

File: 67880564e063965⋯.jpg (140.32 KB,1040x843,1040:843,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978351 (110551ZDEC20) Notable: "That's what they're made for..." Magnificent Makin Island ARG Operating in the South China Sea While Beijing Claims U.S. ‘Muscle Flexing’

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Foreign & Domestic.

Magnificent Makin Island ARG Operating in the South China Sea While Beijing Claims U.S. ‘Muscle Flexing’

Chinese reports accuse the U.S. of “muscle-flexing” after an American amphibious ready group quietly deployed to the South China Sea earlier this week.

USS Makin Island (LHD-8) and USS Somerset (LPD-25) entered the South China Sea on Sunday, according to Chinese state press reports, a Beijing-backed think tank that monitors U.S. military movements in the South China Sea, and publicly available satellite imagery.

The move, not announced by the U.S. Navy, was decried in the Chines press as “a bluff and muscle-flexing action that pundits believe would damage regional stability,” according to a Monday report in the state-controlled Global Times.

In response to the American ARG operating in the region, a trio of Chinese warships conducted an “unscripted” live-fire drill in the South China Sea, Chinese language state media reported on Monday, according to Newsweek.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy corvettes were operating off the southern coast of China and conducted the drills the day after the amphibious warships transited into the South China Sea past the Philipines.

U.S. Navy officials told USNI News the Chinese corvettes were hundreds of miles away from the two American ships and that the Chinese operations were likely not in reaction to the U.S. ships. An official also said the two amphibious warships had not encountered any unsafe or unprofessional behavior from Chinese ships in the South China Sea.

The ARG entered the region at the same time as Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller was on a regional tour that includes Indonesia, the Philippines and Hawaii, according to press reports.

Makin Island, Somerset and USS San Diego (LPD-22) departed the West Coast in October to complete final certification exercises ahead of a deployment with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit embarked.

While the Makin Island ARG and 15th MEU completed their certifications in mid-November and have since continued west towards the South China Sea, the Navy has yet to officially confirm that the units are deployed for national tasking.

“The Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) are currently underway in U.S. 7th Fleet. U.S. forces routinely operate in the region to include the South China Sea as we have for more than a century as a commitment to regional stability and a free and open Indo-Pacific,” U.S. Pacific Fleet spokesman Cmdr. Myers Vasquez said in a statement to USNI News. “All of our operations are designed to be conducted in accordance with international law and demonstrate that the United States WILL fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows…"


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58d43b No.158611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978368 (110552ZDEC20) Notable: (LIVE) BLM Gaslighting Police and Attempting to Instigate Riots in the Wauwatosa Wisconsin Community.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Black lives matter in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, protesting a police-involved shooting that happened earlier tonight. The streamer is a total radical, who claims to be a local schoolteacher.


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58d43b No.158612

File: 48ff4e4dbf5977f⋯.png (1.19 MB,850x860,85:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978384 (110553ZDEC20) Notable: "That's what they're made for..." Magnificent Makin Island ARG Operating in the South China Sea While Beijing Claims U.S. ‘Muscle Flexing’

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9 dash

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58d43b No.158613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978397 (110555ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan F-16 Crash Backup Datas

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COPY for archives of /pol/ thread on Michigan F-16 crash











Anon witnesses crash, thinks it's UFO. Reports weird metal smell/taste in air, could indicate radioactivity locally

>2+ Hours later news breaks: F16 crashed on training mission.

>Tons of air traffic, including a CIA Gulfstream out of Montana hauling ass to Langley

>Major Airspace restriction put in place

>Military tell police and civies to stay 4,000+ft back

>Live military ordinance confirmed on board despite no wingman or weapons safety officer (AF Anons)

>Was listening to local comms until call comes over, "What has been said on this line", followed by, "(N)ow FM Hertz." Then Radio silence.

>No reports of the pilot being found, NG took command, shuts area down completely

>Thermal imaging scouring the vicinity

>Large refueling KC-135s flown in multiple times

>Rumors of chink drones that were using spike drives

>Crash site near NOTAM facility that's been discussed in previous thread.


>live feed


>Audio from last night


>Declared no fly zone


>Radio in the area, using 500 watt radios

>The helos comms on station 123.025

>Audio Clip Cache


>Previous Threads


Prev Thread: >>>/qresearch/295959381 →

>NASA Spook Plane from Langley, plane flew suspiciously low over Michigan https://flightaware.com/photos/view/12102700-9f3d64217388304302386f3df37dce3a193b1c62/aircrafttype/GLF3

>More NASA Spook plane from Langley NASA LANGLEY plane flying in Michigan



>National Guard is handling search and rescue

>possible live ordinance mentioned and local authorities instructed to stay away from the site as well as any found debris

>Unidentified Helo's on site before local authorities or Coast Guard with no callsigns and not on radar

>Took the Airforce Personnel 3 hours to get onsite

>Authorities trying to route comms through Cell but reception is too low, they requested a cell booster

>Military Helo flying into crash site then going dark https://flightaware.com/live/flight/C6048

>Lt. Colonel Dunlap and “special agent” on scene before local authorities, local authorities mention they do not

>80 year old man being ambo’d out of the area due to elevated levels of unspecified poisoning








LT COL Dunlap/lop Running the show 11 man team




Morse from last night Audio clip 11 at 2:59 12/8


>Morse was Morse was FCC Callsign KQE697

>Second Morse Code https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/23343

>Station ID Morse Code according to Anons https://vocaroo.com/1iaJwMkroexX

>Thread with most Morse code info >>>/qresearch/295618024 →

>Pilot site found no pilot found audio


>Helo leaving crash area https://flightaware.com/live/flight/C6048

>DNR conservation officers told to stay away from the area around 11:30PM EST 12/9

>Local authorities not cleared for 500FT https://vocaroo.com/1oTr7VCvrZnH

>As of 12PM EST Colonel still onsite two helo’s above the crash site 12/9

>Local law enforcement noted over radio at 12PM EST that teams close to the crash site have radios off 12/9

>EOD Team on the line @ 12:10 PM EST 12/9

>Confirmed Airforce Presence and contact @ 12:05PM EST 12/9

LT COL Dunlap/lop Running the show 11 man team 12/9


>Special Op’s Officer Classifications theorizing what special officer is on Lt. Dunlaps Team


>For radio anons in the area, they are using 500 watt radios, the helos are communication on station 123.025

>Military Boeing RC-135 flying recon over the state seen at 12:22 PM EST Callsign HOOVR56 12/9


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58d43b No.158614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978410 (110557ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan F-16 Crash Backup Datas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


cont/ COPY for archives of /pol/ thread on Michigan F-16 crash


>Helicopter recon mentions “initial crater” when referring to impact site @ 12:50PM EST

>Unkown ATV in the area heard on scanner @ 12:57PM police searching

>ATV located @ 12:57PM

>Appears to be a huge crater mentioned by some boomer cop @ 1:02 on the broadcast, sounds like he was walking at the impact site potentially. He asks where they are looking for aircraft parts and is ignored 12/9


>coordinates mentioned at 1:12PM EST on broadcast 12/9


>”I need some help”? over the radio @ 1:10PM EST 12/9

>Stratotanker Callsign Jeep still circling the area

>Coordinates listed again @1:16PM EST 12/9

46.095000, -86.629667

>Pale women found and mentioned @ 1:18 PM EST may be no relation 12/9

>transponder mentioned @ 1:20PM EST, no wreckage at the crash site mentioned

>Missing person in F150 located @ 1:25PM EST 12/9

>White sheet metal spotted by deputies @ 1:25PM EST 12/9

>Deputies searching west of the impact site trying to figure out where debris will be @ 1:26PM EST 12/9

>Strato Tanker callsign JEEP circling for over an hour

>Coordinates listed again @1:16PM EST 12/9

46.095000, -86.629667

>Pale women found and mentioned @ 1:18 PM EST may be no relation 12/0

>transponder mentioned @ 1:20PM EST, no wreckage at the crash site mentioned 12/9

>Missing person in F150 located @ 1:25PM EST 12/9

>White sheet metal spotted by deputies @ 1:25PM EST 12/9

>Deputies searching west of the impact site trying to figure out where debris will be @ 1:26PM EST 12/9

>Strato Tanker callsign JEEP circling for over an hour

>No Debris in 300 ft. all directions of crash site @ 2:15PM EST 12/9

>Local police returning to vehicles @ 2:16PM EST 12/9

>Anon finds who Lt. Col. Dunlap is Lt. Col. Michael J. Dunlap, 115th FW CE commander



>Video information requested @ 2:46PM EST

>They have video of the crash site and the surrounding area mentioned @ 2:46PM EST requested by the Airforce

>crater confirmed as original crash site 2:46PM EST on broadcast

>Video information requested @ 2:46PM EST

>They have video of the crash site and the surrounding area mentioned @ 2:46PM EST requested by the Airforce

>crater confirmed as original crash site 2:46PM EST on broadcast

>Explosive threat still confirmed on stream at 2:59PM EST

>Army mentioned as now on site and that they “should be done soon” @ 3:00PM EST

>Black Ford F150 with “CAP subject” entering perimeter and locals told to let it through

>Blue light mentioned, anons postulate this means an anti terrorist force was contacted

>Scooter anon appears around 3:20PM EST




Check "U" to filter military







NEXRAD weather radar system:




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58d43b No.158615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978421 (110558ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan F-16 Crash Backup Datas

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cont/ COPY for archives of /pol/ thread on Michigan F-16 crash


















It's the video playback of the two F16's broadcasting as unmarked PC12's maneuvering ~20k feet under a Hong Kong marked airliner right before the rear PC12 drops off the radar.


PC-12 dropping off radar


9:00PM EST 12/10 Glowies begin replacing local law enforcement on assignment in the area on the scanner





Audio: https://voca.ro/14anexfnHTHH

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58d43b No.158616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978518 (110607ZDEC20) Notable: New Study Reveals The Most Heavily Surveilled Cities on Earth

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New Study Reveals The Most Heavily Surveilled Cities on Earth



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58d43b No.158617

File: 27e2c35cdf57672⋯.png (700.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978562 (110612ZDEC20) Notable: Codemonkey has decided to hijack the pussy parade + Related

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58d43b No.158618

File: 835bcf2fa183e36⋯.jpg (89.95 KB,699x932,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e553488d666ec99⋯.jpg (105.16 KB,595x793,595:793,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978578 (110614ZDEC20) Notable: Federal Executions And Related Bun+

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So much of the stage is being set for big shit to be shown to the public

All PB



>I hope anons see what is being set before us regarding death penalty and celebs and traitors

>whetting of appetites for death penalty, getting the topic front and center, on minds and public discussions


>>158602 Bill Barr brings back federal death penalty after 16 years, orders five executions














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58d43b No.158619

File: 8721313ff4e575b⋯.png (219.83 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bb9769dc91e094⋯.png (616.9 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978623 (110625ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158620

File: 94d495555401afe⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x444,320:111,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978632 (110625ZDEC20) Notable: Codemonkey has decided to hijack the pussy parade + Related

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Dan, save some pussy for the rest of us man.

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58d43b No.158621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978637 (110627ZDEC20) Notable: ?

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It's like - it's like a plan is coming together?

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58d43b No.158622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978643 (110627ZDEC20) Notable: A Call to Quantum Realization

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love you anons , but the message MUST reach all peoples. ( if anons were a Bond movie – Q -research is not enough )

I wanna tell you about ANON radio and the big beat

it comes out of the Virginia swamps

cool and slow

with a cypher narrow and hard to master

some autists call it heavenly in its brilliance

others call it mean and rueful of the western dream

I Tell You This , no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.

out here we is fractal


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58d43b No.158623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978654 (110629ZDEC20) Notable: Do Unicorns Exist? Narwhal-unicorn-puppy

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>>>/qresearch/11977831 pb

>>>/qresearch/11978272 pb

I posted in 2019 this story about a puppy named "Narwal":

"MeetNarwhal, the rescue puppy with a tail growing out of his forehead"




Posted this story by CNN (and other news outlets) bc shortly thereafter a terrorist was stopped in London

by a Polish chef and a convicted murderer who attacked the terrorist with a


This is a totally weird story and totally coincidentally there is a Narwhal tusk on the wall, which

isn't fastened to the wall, so that anybody can grab and take it…


To me this is proof that dog comms are important.


Q asked us:


post #3036

Date: 3/12/2019


CNN: Narwhalrescuepuppy (andunicornpuppy)

Date: 11/13/2019

London Bridge stabbing: people rescued by chef with Narwhal tusk

Date: 11/29/2019

Q #3036: "Dounicornsexist?"

Date: 3/12/19

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58d43b No.158624

File: eb3c82417247de1⋯.png (3.64 MB,720x4999,720:4999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978655 (110629ZDEC20) Notable: Bakers, BO/BV, thank you for keeping the ship upright in the midst of all the turbulence.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bakers, BO/BV, thank you for keeping the ship upright in the midst of all the turbulence.

Blessings To All That Quest For Truth



p.s. for anyone who hasnt seen this yet, picrelated is fucking hilarious. someone should break it into smaller pieces, take it to the twittersphere, and fucking get trump to take a look at it.

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58d43b No.158625

File: a1f56eb643314a0⋯.png (661.86 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: f1e891cb04f5ef0⋯.png (583.38 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 85c1b40c164d2ac⋯.png (589.33 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978684 (110634ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Ummmm now there's two

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58d43b No.158626

File: 479939fc3ece1fa⋯.png (236.14 KB,727x687,727:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978704 (110638ZDEC20) Notable: "Nazis They're Nazis"

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58d43b No.158627

File: 084ad19872309a1⋯.png (1.34 MB,919x905,919:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978707 (110639ZDEC20) Notable: Alaska Joins Texas Lawsuit

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Alaska JoinsTexas lawsuit


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58d43b No.158628

File: 94e390bbfffc110⋯.png (187.94 KB,675x829,675:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978725 (110641ZDEC20) Notable: Belarusian President Heightens Security after Releasing Damning Statements about IMF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that

World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “COVID Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”

• force them to wear face masks

• impose very strict curfews

• impose a police state

• crash the economy


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58d43b No.158629

File: 06d7075d91eb7fe⋯.png (367.89 KB,1068x898,534:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978732 (110642ZDEC20) Notable: Alaska Joins Texas Lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


based alaska

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58d43b No.158630

File: 9e46668c948876c⋯.png (414.33 KB,766x680,383:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978754 (110648ZDEC20) Notable: How odd. Isn't it procedure for the WH to be immaculate?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The fucking nerve of these sick people.

They are the ones that are filthy and gross.

Total projection.

Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves http://hill.cm/ZIhBeay


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58d43b No.158631

File: 9eac25ad684643b⋯.png (403.68 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978767 (110652ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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B-52H Stratofortress up also just south of Memphis

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58d43b No.158632

File: 959743608fd90f6⋯.png (3.76 MB,1468x1833,1468:1833,Clipboard.png)

File: 008ed75e5f816fa⋯.png (823.77 KB,635x497,635:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 419d922cb7110f6⋯.png (73.17 KB,240x175,48:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978816 (110658ZDEC20) Notable: Things to Remember...

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>>158524 pb

>World’s richest banker Joseph Safra dies at 82 in Brazil

This reminded anon of the weird (probable operation) that killed bankerEdmond Safrain a fire in Monaco in 1999. The true story of that one never saw the light of day but the home was a fortress and impenetrable. They laid the blame on a minor nobody.

Edmond Safra dies in fire

	December 3, 1999: 2:57 p.m. ET

Billionaire Banker killed on verge of selling his Republic National Bank to HSBC


graphic				graphic


NEW YORK (CNNfn) - Billionaire banker Edmond Safra was killed early Friday when fire engulfed his Monte Carlo home, following an attack by two hooded men, according to Monaco�s official press office.

The death abruptly ended a half-century career in which the 67-year-old Safra, the scion of a Jewish-Lebanese banking dynasty dating back to the Ottoman empire, parlayed his financial skills into a global network with banks around the world.

The two attackers remained at large into the evening local time Friday, with authorities searching for them in the tiny principality as well as the neighboring region in France.

In process of selling his banks

At the time of his death, Safra, who was suffering from Parkinson�s disease, was selling his controlling stakes in both Safra Republic and Republic New York Corp. (RNB) banks he founded and often referred to as his "children" to Britain's HSBC Holdings for $3 billion. Last month, Safra agreed to take a $450 million price cut in HSBC's offer, salvaging the deal after months of delay.

Republic New York is the fifth-largest bank in the New York in terms of deposits, with $12.4 billion, or a 4.3 percent share, in the metropolitan region.

On Thursday, the U.S. Federal Reserve said its board of governors plans to review the transaction at a closed-door meeting Monday. Republic shareholders approved the deal on Nov. 30, but Federal regulatory clearance is required before the deal can be completed.

Bank sales still on track for now

Officials with Republic New York said Friday that Safra's death would not affect the deals, saying he had prepared for this possibility due to his failing health.

"He was not 100 percent well, so everything has been codified," said Melissa Krantz. "That's what lawyers are for. Everything that was agreed-upon is still valid; Safra had his house in order.� She said the deal is expected to close by the end of the year.

But some others sounded a more cautious note.

"There's no precedent for this kind of thing because no other banking deals of this size had one dominant shareholder like this," said the head of bank credit research at an international financial institution, requesting anonymity.

Safra owned 31 million Republic New York shares, valued at an estimated $2.2 billion, which represented about a 30 percent stake in the bank, as well as a 21 percent holding in Safra Republic worth roughly $1 billion.

"Everyone was appalled to learn of the news and extends the deepest sympathy to Mrs. Safra," HSBC said in a statement.

John Bond, HSBC Holdings� chairman, said his company would uphold both "the tradition and integrity of Edmond's life."

Wife and her granddaughter survive


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58d43b No.158633

File: 28a421402e563c2⋯.png (680.25 KB,434x539,62:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978828 (110700ZDEC20) Notable: Things to Remember...

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>Safra con't/

Safra, one of the richest men in the world according to Forbes magazine, dies without any children of his own. The child who was in the apartment at the time of the attack was his wife�s granddaughter. Both his wife and the child were not injured after barricading themselves in a bathroom, but the child�s nanny died in the same room as Safra. Authorities said both suffocated on smoke from the fire.

The blaze gutted the top floor of his turn-of-the-century "Belle Epoque" apartment. The crime shocked the wealthy community, which is known for its low crime and widespread video surveillance to protect its rich and famous residents.

Officials said the fire erupted at the exterior of the building around 5:30 a.m. local time and quickly spread to the interior. The fire was brought under control by 8 a.m., police said.

Sources in London told CNN that Safra had received death threats in the past. Officials said a bodyguard who tried to fend off the assailants was suffering from light abdominal injuries. His life is not believed to be in danger.

A trader from the age of 16

Safra was a prominent figure in international finance beginning at age 16, when his family sent him to set up a private trading company.

From there, he built on a tradition begun by his ancestors, who served as gold traders and financiers between the Ottoman hubs of Aleppo, Constantinople and Alexandria.

The Safra family relocated to Beirut when the Ottoman empire collapsed after World War I. In 1953, after anti-Jewish riots in Beirut followed the birth of Israel, the family packed its bags again, heading to Brazil – where Safra remained until 1962, the year he sold his Brazilian interests to his Brazilian brothers, Joseph and Moise, to start his own private bank. He subsequently moved to Geneva to start a private bank.

Safra's vast multinational business network encompassed Republic National Bank of New York a unit of Republic New York Corp., established in 1966 the Luxembourg-based Safra Republic Holdings and the New York-based First International Bank.

Unlike his private bank operations catering to the rich, Republic New York built its business at the retail level. With 74 branches, it is fourth in its network of branches in the metropolitan New York region, third in the city itself. It was one of the first banks to give home appliances to clients bringing in new deposits of $10,000 or more, and it is one of the few major banks in the city not to charge non-customers for using its automatic teller machines.

But Safra's ascent to the financial heights was anything but smooth.

After selling his private European bank, Trade Development Bank, to financial-services giant American Express in 1983, a bitter dispute ensued. Safra successfully defended himself against allegations that a new bank he set up in Geneva was serving as a conduit for laundered drug money. American Express was forced to apologize to Safra in 1989 for starting a smear campaign against him and it paid $8 million to charities of his choosing.

Safra's later decision to accept a $450 million price cut from HSBC for Republic, made last month, came after a major client of Republic was charged with fraud.

He also took big losses after Russia defaulted on its overseas debt during last year's financial meltdown, forcing Republic to overhaul its operations and lay off workers.

Safra was also known for his philanthropic work with community centers, universities and Yeshivas throughout the world, as well as for his advocacy on behalf of the environment.

Republic New York�s shares opened Friday at 70-7/8, down 9/16 from Thursday�s close. It was at 70-5/8, down 13/16 in mid-afternoon trading.

Shares of HSBC closed at 845 pence, up 24, in trading in London Friday. Back to top

–from staff and wire reports

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58d43b No.158634

File: 0c758d13c2cc8d7⋯.png (573.36 KB,1035x755,207:151,Clipboard.png)

File: c8d75fae6ef86e1⋯.png (156.11 KB,1052x743,1052:743,Clipboard.png)

File: f9e268746553df5⋯.png (127.72 KB,970x673,970:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff9bcbbe757b9a⋯.png (140.01 KB,1042x722,521:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b7bf79c007c3ee⋯.png (212.8 KB,1226x730,613:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978896 (110716ZDEC20) Notable: Things to Remember...

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I posted about this in the early afternoon, but not picked up. This SAFRA death is TIED to ALL of the crap. His Brother, Edmond, who died in the "fire attack" in Monaco in 1999 was ALL about the Clinton Admin, IMF and other DS trying to bribe YELTSIN with $7BN to appoint (((their))) pupper Berezovsky. Yeltsin instead DOUBLE CROSSED them and appointed PUTIN. This started the whole Putin is the DEVIL shit. Later Safra was killed (fire—not the NURSE- he was later release on appeal) their guy Berezovsky "kills" himself. The $7BN was never "found" cuz NY banks laundered for Hermitage Capital who took over Hermitage after Safra was killed???? WILLIAM BROWDER.

Remember the hearings where Browder was acting like RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, Trump bad….blah blah blah.

Magnitsky was killed in prison (hint: not by Putin's people), cuz Magnitsky was gonna talk…..Browder, Clintons, IMF they ALL WALK. Was the brother paid off? In on it? Who knows, but dead men certainly won't talk.

Martin Armstrong has written extensively about this since DJT came down the escalator and esp after BROWDER came on the scene. (((They))) had tried to drag Armstrong into all of the scheme in order to "capitalize" on the newly "freed" Russia after the fall of the USSR.



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58d43b No.158635

File: bebafb06b1456b0⋯.png (868.33 KB,1122x760,561:380,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f202c749902ff9⋯.png (112.37 KB,1169x723,1169:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 38456a6c07c16d2⋯.png (206.96 KB,1173x646,69:38,Clipboard.png)

File: 50007d282d43f54⋯.png (135.27 KB,1180x760,59:38,Clipboard.png)

File: b1a08f9fa637afc⋯.png (549.05 KB,1240x760,31:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978902 (110717ZDEC20) Notable: Things to Remember...

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58d43b No.158636

File: 23a77af50f32a5f⋯.png (223.88 KB,1036x589,1036:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 39f7ed13f8c4eb3⋯.png (867.02 KB,1079x739,1079:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fd813815315710⋯.png (142.36 KB,1008x735,48:35,Clipboard.png)

File: a4d56a8e3f9027b⋯.png (135.28 KB,1115x721,1115:721,Clipboard.png)

File: aa7f8f43c3df9fd⋯.png (133.62 KB,1072x757,1072:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978910 (110719ZDEC20) Notable: Things to Remember...

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This blog post Martin goes into more background on Safra, HIS MURDER, and Magnitsky

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58d43b No.158637

File: c6a8518ca2e6fc1⋯.png (76.24 KB,840x655,168:131,Clipboard.png)

File: b7116939bd1db73⋯.png (983.68 KB,942x672,157:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978926 (110722ZDEC20) Notable: Fake News Fantasy {Delusion} Continues

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58d43b No.158638

File: b0c94dd1c336d9b⋯.png (587.95 KB,640x1548,160:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 366b04a4c08ae03⋯.png (77.85 KB,638x1408,29:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978970 (110731ZDEC20) Notable: Feinstein and Security Compromisations

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>>>>/qresearch/11978631 (You)


>Elected officials don't get security clearances. They just get access.




Intel Gatekeeper: the case file on Senator Dianne Feinstein


Anon your search term is too broad.. of course not all members of congress will have a security clearance. Elected officials do get security clearances based on the committees they serve.

House of Reps

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff May Be No More

Rep. Matt Gaetez (R-FL) on Wednesday filed a resolution to remove House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) from the Committee and revoke his security clearance. Today I filed the “PENCIL Act,” expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that “Congressman Adam Schiff should be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and his security clearance immediately revoked.”


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58d43b No.158639

File: 53e6b5faa35dcbd⋯.png (1.74 MB,3130x2079,3130:2079,Clipboard.png)

File: 34a5449ac36cfb3⋯.jpg (303.39 KB,1433x766,1433:766,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11978996 (110736ZDEC20) Notable: Sealed Indictments 210K+ NATIONWIDE!

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Here is the new map, i made it last week.

And here is the graphic the Map numbers are based off of.

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58d43b No.158640

File: 07d51d4eb8918e0⋯.png (229.74 KB,542x608,271:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979012 (110739ZDEC20) Notable: Fighting Tigers of U.S. 5th Fleet: "Standing by ready to fly."

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U.S. 5th Fleet


Standing by ready to fly.


P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol & reconnaissance aircraft attached to the “Fighting Tigers” of Patrol Squadron (VP) 8 currently deployed with CTF-57 to help ensure maritime stability & security in the Central Region.



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58d43b No.158641

File: 8da9395482047e1⋯.png (410.37 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979094 (110756ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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These guys in the RC-135U combat sent on a suicide mission? Their getting pretty close to Russia

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58d43b No.158642

File: 51a22bfe253d5d5⋯.jpg (6.52 MB,4632x3112,579:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979106 (110757ZDEC20) Notable: Background on United States Space Force Super Weapon, X37B Space Fighter

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Background on United States Space Force Super Weapon, X37B Space Fighter

Say hello to my little friend.

Here are some articles to reacquaint yourself with one of the incredible weapons we have in our inventory, the X37B unmanned space plane. Welcome to President Reagan's Star Wars Defense Dream Come True!

Also, no one said a frog could not pilot it!





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58d43b No.158643

File: 79337c9549c5fad⋯.jpg (22.58 KB,500x260,25:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979140 (110805ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ fundraising event draws different reactions

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‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ fundraising event draws different reactions

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – A local art group is trying to raise money for pandemic relief, but how they’re doing it is amusing some and outraging others. You might remember a Jeffrey Epstein statue that was placed outside of Albuquerque’s City Hall months ago. It stirred up a lot of controversy. The local art group, Antlion Entertainment Art Collective, told KRQE News 13 it was a satirical political statement. And now, they’re back at it again.

“There was actually a typo, a clerical error and I just kind of rolled with it because everyone needs the money, money is tight right now,” said the artist behind the fundraiser. He wants to be identified as Satan.

The artist said their event ‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ will take place on the University of New Mexico’s Johnson Field December 19 to raise money for the aid organization, Direct Relief, who provides global

humanitarian medical help. “They’re hosting an event where I will be behind a barrier with only my knee exposed and so children can sit on my lap and get what they want for Christmas because Santa is hiding out like a coward and I’m willing to step up to the plate,” said the artist, Satan.

On the event’s description posted on social media, it says: “How many people have been saved by prayer? Zero. How many have been saved by wearing a mask? 130,000”. It also says: “Don’t send thoughts and pray. Donate $6.66 today.” The photoshopped picture of Satan with children has gotten hundreds of comments.

“I thought it was funny,” said local Thomas. “It was an interesting photo,” said local Christian. “Honestly, it was also a pretty funny photo.”

“I like it, its definitely a way of going about it,” said local Chris.

Some people KRQE News 13 spoke with said they didn’t mind it since it was for a good cause, but others are calling it “disturbing” and saying it’s not funny. One woman said, “they need to get themselves to church.” But the artist said people should find humor in this. “If I can roll with it, certainly they can roll with it and it’s going to a good cause,” said the artist.

UNM said they have not authorized this event to occur on Johnson Field. The university adds that mass gatherings are not currently allowable because of the public health order.


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58d43b No.158644

File: 8673b17fa9f8841⋯.png (302.43 KB,683x565,683:565,Clipboard.png)

File: 583401a8aef6b35⋯.png (55.46 KB,625x565,125:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979153 (110808ZDEC20) Notable: "This is the be-all, end-all case..." Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow

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“I think for the Newsmax audience, they need to understand this is the be-all, end-all case to really determine the outcome of this election,” Sekulow said. “This is the major challenge, the one we were waiting for.


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58d43b No.158645

File: 52aa0fc8bfb3fa6⋯.png (11.55 KB,468x205,468:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979163 (110810ZDEC20) Notable: "This is the be-all, end-all case..." Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit filed with the U.S. Supreme Court is the “be-all, end-all case” for President Donald Trump’s ongoing and long-running election challenge, Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow said Tuesday on Newsmax TV.

“The Supreme Court is not just considering what Texas has filed [Tuesday], they are now going the next step, which is to say, ‘We want a response from the states named,'” Sekulow told Tuesday’s “Stinchfield,” referring to four battleground states Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

“This is the case we’ve been talking about to reach SCOTUS. This is the outcome-determinative case, 62 electoral college votes, enough to change the outcome of the election.”

The Supreme Court, in a case of “original jurisdiction,” Sekulow said, will weigh the lawsuit’s proposed remedy of the four state legislatures seating new electors, because the “electors clause” was violated, along with “due process” and “equal protection.”

“These are all constitutional challenges that Texas is bringing,” Sekulow added in his interview with host Grant Stinchfield.

“It’s specifically going at the heart of constitutional challenges.”

The four states above have until Thursday at 3 p.m. ET to “actively respond” to election fraud allegations in AG Paxton’s bill of complaint. Sekulow noted all the other cases brought before – regardless of their lack of success in courts – are included and germane to Paxton’s case, labeled Texas vs. Pennsylvania at the Supreme Court.

“I think for the Newsmax audience, they need to understand this is the be-all, end-all case to really determine the outcome of this election,” Sekulow said. “This is the major challenge, the one we were waiting for.

“That’s different than most court cases at the Supreme Court, because this is a case of original jurisdiction . . . because it is state versus state.”

Stinchfield noted Louisiana is signing on to Texas’ complaint, and Sekulow added more states likely will, too.

In papers filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, Paxton claimed the states unlawfully enacted last-minute changes, which skewed the results of the general election.

The papers also allege the majority of the rushed decisions, made by local officials, were not approved by the state legislatures, thereby circumventing the Constitution.

“The battleground states flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots while ignoring statutory requirements as to how they were received, evaluated, and counted,” read a statement posted on the Texas attorney general’s website.

Dec 9 2017 13:45:57 (EST)

Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


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58d43b No.158646

File: a227ba7808e2404⋯.jpeg (480.31 KB,1242x1072,621:536,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979165 (110810ZDEC20) Notable: Spy games; War gamesTraining, pre-planned and coordinated with Trudeau's Troops

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158647

File: 5b3079c8ebbdcee⋯.png (516.58 KB,559x787,559:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 92c2d19733a9458⋯.png (561.9 KB,1264x626,632:313,Clipboard.png)

File: a3c721d0d45c980⋯.png (85.16 KB,826x450,413:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 79bfd3cca1280bb⋯.png (258.81 KB,733x528,733:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979180 (110813ZDEC20) Notable: Spy games; War gamesTraining, pre-planned and coordinated with Trudeau's Troops

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If there are Chinese Troops,

I bet there should be also Chinese Subs and secret drone bases.

Chinese might take advantage of the cave networks to storm the Home Land.

DemocRat cities seems to be strategically positioned for this.





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58d43b No.158648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979185 (110815ZDEC20) Notable: Ode to the Hour: Isaiah 29:15 - Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

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Isaiah 29:15

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

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58d43b No.158649

File: f55783a5cb100c0⋯.png (593.09 KB,646x960,323:480,Clipboard.png)

File: a52ad10cb34693a⋯.png (671.98 KB,656x960,41:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979199 (110819ZDEC20) Notable: Enough with the meme ammo Schumer it's too easy

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58d43b No.158650

File: 0a2938c13fb6fd8⋯.png (355.89 KB,595x485,119:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979217 (110821ZDEC20) Notable: Supreme Court denies pro-Trump bid to nullify election results in Pennsylvania

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Supreme Court denies pro-Trump bid to nullify election results in Pennsylvania



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58d43b No.158651

File: 34406bf3b654efe⋯.png (13.85 KB,557x109,557:109,Clipboard.png)

File: d03106d027ee470⋯.png (25.76 KB,340x460,17:23,Clipboard.png)

File: cee55cbd382f882⋯.png (146.36 KB,870x646,435:323,Clipboard.png)

File: cff6ae3127a081f⋯.png (181.41 KB,1164x778,582:389,Clipboard.png)

File: b0e40a2b034f72d⋯.png (240.55 KB,1129x829,1129:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979223 (110823ZDEC20) Notable: Enough with the meme ammo Schumer it's too easy

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Schumer's son-in-law works for Sidewalk Labs, which is owned by Doctoroff, who is a CIA Asset and deeply involved with China

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58d43b No.158652

File: dbabd7e914dfde7⋯.png (419.17 KB,947x640,947:640,Clipboard.png)

File: cef2eabb8702c51⋯.png (570.62 KB,1050x682,525:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 51c41706b28e25a⋯.png (640.35 KB,929x843,929:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979251 (110828ZDEC20) Notable: Spy games; War gamesTraining, pre-planned and coordinated with Trudeau's Troops

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The military, law enforcement and search-and-rescue teams have different missions but face a common problem: operating underground. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, is about to kick off a competition aimed at furthering robotics technology to help them do their jobs.

The subterranean operating environment is multifaceted. For example, militant groups like the Islamic State and Hamas have built extensive networks of underground passageways to move fighters and protect themselves from aerial attack. Drug cartels are using tunnels to smuggle contraband into the United States from Mexico. A former Thai navy SEAL died last year while trying to deliver oxygen tanks to kids trapped inside a cave.

Meanwhile, top defense officials believe the U.S. military will have to do battle in megacities and other urban areas that have complex underground facilities such as subway systems.

“Subterrain is just going to be something that we have to contend” with, said Army Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley Jr., director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. “That will be part of the war­fighting in the future.”




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58d43b No.158653

File: e02ef09251df8e5⋯.png (381.01 KB,1019x503,1019:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979301 (110841ZDEC20) Notable: Enough with the meme ammo Schumer it's too easy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Schumer, instead of fighting China, decides…instead…to fight an online live action role playing game.


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58d43b No.158654

File: e7030690b2522f5⋯.jpg (185.19 KB,728x703,728:703,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979316 (110845ZDEC20) Notable: Vaccine Corruption and yet... still endorsement?

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The stupid, it burns.

Phil Anon here, and this is how fucked up things are here. Local health officials absolutely still panicked about every fucking case of Covid, and how to enforce their rules, etc, etc. And despite everyone knowing "it" came from China, they want to trust China with a fucking experimental vaccine.

Sinovac. You have got to be fucking kidding me. The sooner this fraud is exposed, the better I'll sleep at night.

PS, in Manila they want to give police 1-meter bamboo sticks to enforce social distancing with, or beat people with as necessary. Not fucking kidding.

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58d43b No.158655

File: f1020e19aac40d7⋯.png (2.77 MB,1078x1721,1078:1721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979330 (110847ZDEC20) Notable: #15291

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>158616 New Study Reveals The Most Heavily Surveilled Cities on Earth

>>158617, >>158620 Codemonkey has decided to hijack the pussy parade + Related

>>158618 Federal Executions And Related Bun+

>>158619, >>158625, >>158631, >>158641 PF Reports

>>158621 ** ?

>>158622 A Call to Quantum Realization

>>158623 Do Unicorns Exist? Narwhal-unicorn-puppy

>>158624 Bakers, BO/BV, thank you for keeping the ship upright in the midst of all the turbulence.

>>158626 "Nazis They're Nazis"

>>158627, >>158629 Alaska Joins Texas Lawsuit

>>158628 Belarusian President Heightens Security after Releasing Damning Statements about IMF

>>158630 How odd. Isn't it procedure for the WH to be immaculate?

>>158632, >>158633, >>158634, >>158635, >>158636 Things to Remember…

>>158637 Fake News Fantasy {Delusion} Continues

>>158638 Feinstein and Security Compromisations

>>158639 Sealed Indictments 210K+ NATIONWIDE!

>>158640 Fighting Tigers of U.S. 5th Fleet: "Standing by ready to fly."

>>158642 Background on United States Space Force Super Weapon, X37B Space Fighter

>>158643 ‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ fundraising event draws different reactions

>>158644, >>158645 "This is the be-all, end-all case…" Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow

>>158646, >>158647, >>158652 Spy games; War gamesTraining, pre-planned and coordinated with Trudeau's Troops

>>158648 Ode to the Hour: Isaiah 29:15 - Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

>>158649, >>158651, >>158653 Enough with the meme ammo Schumer it's too easy

>>158650 Supreme Court denies pro-Trump bid to nullify election results in Pennsylvania

>>158654 Vaccine Corruption and yet… still endorsement?


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58d43b No.158656

File: 547962683db8413⋯.png (1.57 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 40977563f0c0abf⋯.png (641.45 KB,1411x2048,1411:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ba018a7464fd1c⋯.png (325.08 KB,300x420,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979386 (110859ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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Published in the Fort Campbell Courier Dec. 12, 1985

>Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East.

The Soldiers, representing many division and post military units, died when the chartered Arrow Air DC-8 plane they were aboard crashed on takeoff at about 6:45 a.m., Newfoundland time, this morning.

– 248 Fort Campbell Soldiers killed in plane crash

by Sp4 James Hull, Public Affairs specialist Dec 10, 2015

Published in the Fort Campbell Courier Dec. 12, 1985

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as eagles;

they shall run, and not be weary;

and they shall walk, and not faint.

- Isaiah 40:31

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.”

- Matthew 5.9

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58d43b No.158657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979389 (110900ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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Thought provoking 20/20 episode which chronicles the investigation of the Arrow Air crash on December 16, 1985 which killed all 256 persons on board, 248 of which were US soldiers.

Icing of the plane was listed as the the official cause of the crash, but some members of the Canadian investigative team issued their own minority report, accusing officials of withholding critical evidence and covering up evidence of an on-board explosion - with possible ties to Iran-Contra.

Les Filotas, an aeronautical engineer who served on the investigative board, called the icing theory "bizarre", "convoluted", and "outlandish". He had since authored a book titled "Improbable Cause".


News & Politics.


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58d43b No.158658

File: 248db9c9532756c⋯.mp4 (11.18 MB,640x276,160:69,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979395 (110901ZDEC20) Notable: Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

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I want to explain something to all Anons here. If you google Microscopic Quantum Tunneling you will understand the technology in the movie TRON from 1982 is indeed very real. TRON is an allegory of the Digital information war that has been going on between the CIA and the NSA from the early 70's up to present day.

Steven Lisberger got help writing the story for TRON from one of the original architects of the NSA infrastructure at it's creation. Being that he was Japanese and his home country being supportive of the NSA in computers and things having to do with Robotics and Machine Language which is called TRON look it up, as well as Supercomputing it all begins to make sense. TRON was prophesying the future that we are currently in. The MCP AI Master Control Processor (Google is the CIA through ABC company) Google is imbedded in most automated military infrastructure in all the ANZUS alliance. However Google is also playing all sides that benefit them and sucking up all the control just like the MCP in TRON.

Well this is the fight we are in ANONS and now you understand why I always say FLYNNL1VE5

We are all FLYNN now and General Flynn is the Peoples General.

Fighting for the Users is a fight for all of Humanity and Freedom.


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58d43b No.158659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979406 (110904ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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Canada's Worst Disaster | Crashing Seconds After Takeoff | Arrow Air Flight 1285


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58d43b No.158660

File: 50c1667b583f885⋯.mp4 (11.14 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979413 (110905ZDEC20) Notable: Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

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Tell me this is not all the Anons here every day all day

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58d43b No.158661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979425 (110908ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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Anyone else notice

Arrow Air flight 1285,

12 Dec 1985

Thirty years ago [1985], Arrow Air Fight 1285 crashed in Gander, Newfoundland, killing the crew and 248 U.S. troops on board. Investigators blamed icing. But many experts think otherwise.


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58d43b No.158662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979427 (110909ZDEC20) Notable: Things Worth Remembering

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Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election: An Exercise in Election Risk Assessment and Management


Written in 2019 and it is pretty accurate so far.

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58d43b No.158663

File: eb3ebc7ac2ca780⋯.png (959.3 KB,1021x608,1021:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979449 (110914ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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Available at Google Books

Free E-book

Fatal Plane Crash in Gander, Newfoundland, December 12, 1985: Hearings …

By United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime

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58d43b No.158664

File: fd41e50ea6437ae⋯.png (491.2 KB,1218x840,29:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c3a1ca74acf6c0⋯.png (325.61 KB,2420x1288,605:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c30a9d95169064⋯.png (494.58 KB,2412x944,603:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979455 (110916ZDEC20) Notable: Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

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You can see the TRON project was killed by Microsoft lobbying against it.

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58d43b No.158665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979459 (110917ZDEC20) Notable: Modified DNA or RNA in Vaccine? Concern Possibility of ALTERING GENOME OF HUMAN GENETIC STRUCTURE!

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Interesting indeed..

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58d43b No.158666

File: 78a72be8f9d17fb⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,1080x864,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a97d4d2e38e9ce0⋯.png (221.57 KB,1200x718,600:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979466 (110919ZDEC20) Notable: Things Worth Remembering

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Any thoughts on two very recent space launches?

China launches yet another high-resolution Earth observation satellite, drops rocket debris

By Andrew Jones 2 days ago

While apparently routine, the mission had some new aspects to it. The Long March 3B rocket usually sends satellites towards geostationary orbits, which have an altitude of 22,236 miles (35,786 kilometers).

Sunday’s launch, however, saw the Long March 3B send a satellite into a much lower orbit — sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), around 310 miles (500 km) up, for the first time.



Delta IV Heavy Launches Long-Delayed NROL-44 Mission

By Ben Evans, on December 10th, 2020

It was the 12th launch of a Heavy since December 2004, marking the beginning of the end for an impressive rocket which has now lifted eight classified NRO payloads, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, the final Defense Support Program (DSP) early-warning satellite and the inaugural voyage of the Orion deep-space exploration vehicle. But tonight’s mission with NROL-44, despite all the media attention it has received for the wrong reasons since August, is completely shrouded in mystery.

Judging from the Heavy’s lifting credentials—about 63,470 pounds (28,790 kg) to low-Earth orbit and up to 31,350 pounds (14,220 kg) to geostationary altitude—it would appear that NROL-44 is a heavyweight payload with a particularly high-energy-orbit requirement. It has been suggested that it may be an Advanced Orion/Mentor signals-intelligence satellite, perhaps weighing as much as 11,500 pounds (5,200 kg) and bound for a geostationary “slot” some 22,600 miles (35,900 km) above the Home Planet.


This is a space force launch BTW:


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58d43b No.158667

File: b4da9fad3ff9eb8⋯.png (2.19 MB,1921x6372,1921:6372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979500 (110927ZDEC20) Notable: Things Worth Remembering

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Found an Alice in Wonderland, 14th amendment and Michigan today Could be a clue.

I was listening to "The Jeffersonian Understanding of the Constitution by Don Livingston" @ 34:35 he said "Alice in Wonderland reading of the 14th Amendment".

When searching on 14th amendment and Alice in wonderland this comes up first:

"George F. Will: A ‘Wonderland’ moment for the court"

The marble friezes above the Supreme Court chamber depict 18 great lawgivers, including Moses, Solomon, King John and William Blackstone. Come today, as the bemused or so one hopes justices listen to oral arguments in a case from Michigan, they might wonder why Lewis Carroll is not included. He would have relished the Alice-in-Wonderland argument the justices will hear, which is as follows.

Although the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment says “No state shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” the following provision of Michigan’s Constitution violates the Equal Protection guarantee: No public university, college or school district may “discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”

Yes, in today’s Through-the-Looking-Glass moment, the court will be urged to declare that Michigan’s ban on unequal treatment violates the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection clause. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit divided 8-7, with five dissents has said just that, citing what is called the “political-restructuring doctrine.”

The argument is that when, in 2006, Michigan voters put in the state’s Constitution the ban against racial preferences in higher education, this complicated the task of those Michiganders who want to institute racial preferences. Instead of just lobbying the admissions officials of the state’s educational institutions, they must first mount a statewide campaign to amend Michigan’s Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, has hitherto applied the political-restructuring doctrine only against laws that change a political process in ways that diminish protection against unequal treatment, not to prevent laws granting preferential treatment.

Could there be a “political-restructuring” objection to the First Amendment? Because it proscribes “establishment of religion,” people who favor an established church cannot simply lobby Congress to create this, they first must undertake the burdensome task of amending the Constitution. So, is the First Amendment a constitutionally dubious restructuring of the nation’s political process?

The article is referring to "Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action"


Does an amendment to a state's constitution to prohibit race-and sex-based discrimination and preferential treatment in public university admission decisions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?




The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is not violated by an amendment to a state's constitution that prohibits sex- and race-based preferential treatment in university admissions.

George Will's article can be found at the Wash Post or beacon journal for free:



Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action



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58d43b No.158668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979506 (110929ZDEC20) Notable: Things Worth Remembering

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Forgot to include the video link if interested:

"The Jeffersonian Understanding of the Constitution by Don Livingston" @ 34:35 he said "Alice in Wonderland reading of the 14th Amendment".

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58d43b No.158669

File: f35db0056855ad4⋯.jpg (41.73 KB,630x472,315:236,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979512 (110931ZDEC20) Notable: Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

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Alice in WonderlandAnon here ya go

Why does Q talk about Time Travel and Alice in Wonderland?

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58d43b No.158670

File: e44ef7a24ea7238⋯.png (31.58 KB,640x269,640:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979513 (110931ZDEC20) Notable: Haze Fan of Bloomberg news detained in Beijing on suspicion of endangering national security

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58d43b No.158671

File: 75961ac0439c772⋯.png (249.5 KB,597x590,597:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979518 (110932ZDEC20) Notable: FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

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FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died



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58d43b No.158672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979543 (110939ZDEC20) Notable: Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

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here in 5 parts:






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58d43b No.158673

File: 2b3e42fbadc92e6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1774x1158,887:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979567 (110944ZDEC20) Notable: AlienAnon Research

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Here you go space technology AlienAnons


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58d43b No.158674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979578 (110948ZDEC20) Notable: The Caning of Charles Sumner - Future proves past - Don't be surprised if Chuck Schumer gets severely beat by a cane on his head by some fake Qanon follower soon.

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The Caning of Charles Sumner

Future proves past

Don't be surprised if Chuck Schumer gets severely beat by a cane on his head by some fake Qanon follower soon.


"Two days later, on the afternoon of May 22, Brooks entered the Senate chamber with Keitt and another ally, Congressman Henry A. Edmundson. They waited for the galleries to clear, being particularly concerned that there be no ladies present to witness what Brooks intended to do.[11] He confronted Sumner as he sat writing at his desk in the almost empty Senate chamber. "Mr. Sumner, I have read your speech twice over carefully. It is a libel on South Carolina, and Mr. Butler, who is a relative of mine," Brooks calmly announced in a low voice. As Sumner began to stand up, Brooks beat Sumner severely on the head before he could reach his feet, using a thick gutta-percha cane with a gold head. The force of the blows so shocked Sumner that he lost his sight immediately. "I no longer saw my assailant, nor any other person or object in the room. What I did afterwards was done almost unconsciously, acting under the instincts of self-defense," he recalled later.[12]"

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58d43b No.158675

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.gif (279.28 KB,640x639,640:639,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979581 (110949ZDEC20) Notable: AlienAnon Research

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Stop it…

“We can’t do it now…”

“The Apollo landings were more than 45 years ago, yet it remains completely unprecedented as a technical achievement.

Nobody has come anywhere near to replicating what was achieved. Not even the Russians, who were years ahead of the US in the space race, ever came close.

Apollo sent 12 men 240,000 miles to the Moon and back, yet after the last mission in 1972, no other human being has ever travelled more than 400 miles above the surface of the Earth.

Despite being orders of magnitude more complex and dangerous than anything else ever attempted before or since, and despite sending men 600 times further than would ever be achieved again, Apollo’s safety record is miraculous.”


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58d43b No.158676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979586 (110950ZDEC20) Notable: AlienAnon Research

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I remember that this was discuss over here a number of months back. Came across this short info vid.

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58d43b No.158677

File: d8bffd23e145491⋯.png (347.87 KB,708x468,59:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979593 (110951ZDEC20) Notable: AlienAnon Research

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DECEMBER 10, 2020

Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready

According to retired Israeli officer and current professor Haim Eshed, the answer is yes, but this has been kept a secret because "humanity isn't ready."

The 87-year-old former head of the Defense Ministry's Space Division gave further descriptions about exactly what sort of agreements have been made between the aliens and the US, which ostensibly have been made because they wish to research and understand "the fabric of the universe." This cooperation includes a secret underground base on Mars, where there are American and alien representatives.

If true, this would coincide with US President Donald Trump's creation of the Space Force as the fifth branch of the US armed forces, though it is unclear how long this sort of relationship, if any, has been going on between the US and its reported extraterrestrial allies.

But Eshed insists that Trump is aware of them, and that he was "on the verge" of disclosing their existence. However, the Galactic Federation reportedly stopped him from doing so, saying they wished to prevent mass hysteria since they felt humanity needed to "evolve and reach a stage where we will… understand what space and spaceships are," Yediot Aharonot reported.


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58d43b No.158678

File: 5d61eb7fa1194fa⋯.png (165.66 KB,940x949,940:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979596 (110952ZDEC20) Notable: DNI report due by next Friday. One week away.

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DNI report due by next Friday. One week away.


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58d43b No.158679

File: 7cd17217b10c0e5⋯.png (301.1 KB,489x550,489:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979607 (110954ZDEC20) Notable: DOS Tweets: "The tide is turning against Huawei and other surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party. Many countries and companies are choosing to allow only trusted vendors in their 5G networks. We call on our freedom-loving partners to join the Clean Network." +

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The tide is turning against Huawei and other surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party. Many countries and companies are choosing to allow only trusted vendors in their 5G networks. We call on our freedom-loving partners to join the Clean Network.


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58d43b No.158680

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58d43b No.158681

File: 27ae281f9a3f9de⋯.png (357.32 KB,597x499,597:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979622 (110958ZDEC20) Notable: USAF Tweets: "#ReadyAF"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158682

File: b2b2405b49db000⋯.png (51.36 KB,973x351,973:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979623 (110958ZDEC20) Notable: DOS Tweets: "The tide is turning against Huawei and other surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party. Many countries and companies are choosing to allow only trusted vendors in their 5G networks. We call on our freedom-loving partners to join the Clean Network." +

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>surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party

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58d43b No.158683

File: 5e808423f4400c8⋯.jpeg (90.28 KB,813x804,271:268,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979638 (111004ZDEC20) Notable: Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.

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Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158684

File: 5320dc10d43719c⋯.png (664.78 KB,719x1969,719:1969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979648 (111006ZDEC20) Notable: (Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing

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Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing

Where to Watch on Dec. 11 at 11 a.m. ET

NTD America: Verizon Fios® TV, Channel 158

NTD website:


The Epoch Times website:


NTD YouTube channel:


The Epoch Times YouTube channel:


The Epoch Times Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/epochtimes

NTD Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NTDTelevision

NTD Twitter: https://twitter.com/news_ntd


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158685

File: 139a5451ba1afe2⋯.jpg (5.67 KB,230x219,230:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979659 (111008ZDEC20) Notable: Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.

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>>158683 Alright fellas. Time to put bitches in their place and I aint talking about ladies…

They are on some shit.

Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.

White man enemy number one… but the there ware the white women…

note the color of the "Qanon supportersSlash ISIS Recruits?{(Yo What the fuck?)}They about to seal the deal for themselves faster than any male ever could have.

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58d43b No.158686

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58d43b No.158687

File: e83729a9a7ff35b⋯.jpg (430.33 KB,849x875,849:875,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979683 (111013ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named TIME's 'Person of the Year' as a predictable finger in Trump’s eye

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Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named TIME's 'Person of the Year' as a predictable finger in Trump’s eye

11 Dec, 2020 03:58 / Updated 3 hours ago

Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23

Time magazine has named presumed president-elect Joe Biden and his vice president Kamala Harris as “person of the year,” an uninspiring choice celebrated more as a dig at President Donald Trump than real appreciation for the pair.

The selection seemed calculated more to twist the knife in President Trump than anything else – avowedly anti-Trump musician Bruce Springsteen was selected to deliver the news, and the addition of the “Guardians of the Year” category allowed Time to essentially hand out prizes to all of the short-listers except the president.

Corona czar Anthony Fauci, the “movement for racial justice,” and frontline health workers all got the ‘guardian’ nod – leaving Trump the odd one out.


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58d43b No.158688

File: 1779b5f486bdc4a⋯.png (532.08 KB,617x608,617:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979698 (111016ZDEC20) Notable: AlienAnon Research

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158689

File: b154a36e667d61f⋯.png (17.51 KB,460x317,460:317,Clipboard.png)

File: acb8c760ad62ac2⋯.png (87.9 KB,682x663,682:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 38d9ca4dfaa7a99⋯.png (80.01 KB,694x654,347:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979753 (111031ZDEC20) Notable: Close will be arraigned on December 14, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark W. Pedersen.

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Close will be arraigned on December 14, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark W. Pedersen.

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58d43b No.158690

File: 82470275bca06a0⋯.png (358.64 KB,960x628,240:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979757 (111033ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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UK plane

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58d43b No.158691

File: 815f556b7c88e6a⋯.png (951.04 KB,945x592,945:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979778 (111037ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158692

File: b6d890fd84b8230⋯.jpg (164.46 KB,576x287,576:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979797 (111043ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158693

File: 57307ae5627af2f⋯.png (511.22 KB,762x790,381:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a85de77feaedef⋯.png (1.69 MB,1411x937,1411:937,Clipboard.png)

File: f094c2e2a6f0704⋯.png (357.59 KB,1411x937,1411:937,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e34bead842e2e2⋯.png (577.28 KB,1411x937,1411:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979816 (111047ZDEC20) Notable: 5:5 DOD

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>Air Force In-flight Refueling Specialists are commonly called


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58d43b No.158694

File: df972f093a3e6e7⋯.png (331.05 KB,741x750,247:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 18b4586b399c441⋯.png (261.95 KB,628x607,628:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 77921df31e2c42b⋯.png (634.37 KB,737x813,737:813,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f1b31c7abdca0e⋯.png (780.83 KB,767x720,767:720,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158695

File: e157dbe73a6fc4f⋯.jpg (18.31 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979931 (111111ZDEC20) Notable: Keks

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979976 (111118ZDEC20) Notable: Keks

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58d43b No.158697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11979996 (111123ZDEC20) Notable: Epoch Times: Declassified with Gina Shakespeare

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Declassified with Gina Shakespeare

174K subscribers

Behind a significant portion of voting machines used in the United States lies a complex web of questionable foreign ties, a hidden ownership structure, and transparency concerns with the software itself, as well as a connection between three key voting systems companies: Smartmatic, Sequoia Voting Systems, and Dominion Voting Systems.

Information from lawsuits, public records, and witness interviews helps to untangle this web.

The Epoch Times spoke with an intelligence source knowledgeable on Venezuela and its criminal activities, a former CIA official who is an expert in Latin American politics and counterterrorism, and a former director of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council who was fired for exposing election fraud in the country. Two of the sources requested anonymity so they could speak freely on the matter.



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58d43b No.158698

File: 9b1671f59b21ea4⋯.png (712.24 KB,1000x812,250:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980088 (111145ZDEC20) Notable: #15292

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>158656, >>158657, >>158659, >>158661, >>158663, >>158672 Some 248 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell Soldiers were killed in an early morning plane crash at Gander (Newfoundland) International Airport today, returning from six months of peacekeeping duty on the Sinai Peninsula in the Middle East. . .

>>158658, >>158660, >>158664, >>158669 Quantum Tunneling Cyber-Technological Warfare Hypothesis+Throwback Clip

>>158662, >>158666, >>158667, >>158668, >>158694 Things Worth Remembering

>>158665 Modified DNA or RNA in Vaccine? Concern Possibility of ALTERING GENOME OF HUMAN GENETIC STRUCTURE!

>>158670 Haze Fan of Bloomberg news detained in Beijing on suspicion of endangering national security

>>158671 FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died

>>158673, >>158675, >>158676, >>158677, >>158680, >>158688 AlienAnon Research

>>158674 The Caning of Charles Sumner - Future proves past - Don't be surprised if Chuck Schumer gets severely beat by a cane on his head by some fake Qanon follower soon.

>>158678 DNI report due by next Friday. One week away.

>>158679, >>158682 DOS Tweets: "The tide is turning against Huawei and other surveillance tools of the Chinese Communist Party. Many countries and companies are choosing to allow only trusted vendors in their 5G networks. We call on our freedom-loving partners to join the Clean Network." +

>>158681 USAF Tweets: "#ReadyAF"

>>158683, >>158685 Female extremists in QAnon and ISIS are on the rise. We need a new strategy to combat them.

>>158684 (Programming Alert: Live Coverage of Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing

>>158686 CP roundup for 12/10/2020

>>158687 Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named TIME's 'Person of the Year' as a predictable finger in Trump’s eye

>>158689 Close will be arraigned on December 14, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark W. Pedersen.

>>158690, >>158691, >>158692 PF Reports

>>158693 5:5 DOD

>>158695, >>158696 Keks

>>158697 Epoch Times: Declassified with Gina Shakespeare


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58d43b No.158699

File: 7f6bd66562b1f65⋯.png (33.92 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980153 (111158ZDEC20) Notable: Investors swap China holdings from Wall Street to Hong Kong as delisting threat brews.

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Investors swap China holdings from Wall Street to Hong Kong as delisting threat brews


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58d43b No.158700

File: b806a1ec6cf94cc⋯.png (1.98 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980161 (111159ZDEC20) Notable: OHIO'S ATTORNEY GENERAL, DAVE YOST, URGES QUICK DECISION.

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Yost urges quick decision to avoid taint on future elections.

In a filing Thursday afternoon, the attorney general  honed in on the portion of the U.S. Constitution containing the obscure Electors Clause. It says that state legislatures—not the executive or judicial branches—set the rules for selecting electors for the Electoral College

The Republican urged the high court to decide, as quickly as possible, “whether state courts and state executive actors violate the Electors Clause when they change the rules by which presidential elections are run … because this court has never decided whether the Electors Clause permits such alterations to the method for choosing presidential electors, Americans are left to wonder whether the process by which they voted for president was consistent with our country’s founding charter.”

Yost was skeptical of the legal remedy being sought by Texas and GOP attorneys general in 17 other states, seeking a court ruling that legislatures in the four key states appoint new electors for the Electoral College.


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58d43b No.158701

File: 97b333fcc7087de⋯.png (31.97 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980167 (111201ZDEC20) Notable: Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline

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Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline


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58d43b No.158702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980196 (111209ZDEC20) Notable: Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'

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I know some people that's going to love this! KEK

Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'


A Texas state representative plans to file legislation he hopes leads to secession from the United States.

Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, said he will take action to secure a referendum on giving Texans the right to choose between remaining a state or becoming an independent nation.

Biedermann wrote in a statement posted on Facebook this week:

"The federal government is out of control and does not represent the values of Texans. That is why I am committing to file legislation this session that will allow a referendum to give Texans a vote for the State of Texas to reassert its status as an independent nation."

Biedermann said his bill will focus on Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution, which reads:

"All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient. #Texit"

The hashtag Texit is a play off the Brexit movement to get Britain to secede from the European Union.

Texas, which became a state in 1845, actually seceded in 1861 when it joined the Confederate States of America. It was fully readmitted into the Union following the Civil War in 1870.

There have been groups, such as the Texas Nationalists Movement, that have supported secession. Hundreds of secession motions previously have been presented to the Texas Legislature, which will reconvene Jan. 12.

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58d43b No.158703

File: b64e5113b5caeeb⋯.png (33.74 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980265 (111235ZDEC20) Notable: Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

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Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta


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58d43b No.158704

File: 37099b7bbf5c2ea⋯.jpg (215.52 KB,1001x573,1001:573,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980269 (111236ZDEC20) Notable: Missing n in dam on DJT tweets

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Missing n in damn

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58d43b No.158705

File: 32587bd22247b91⋯.png (28.63 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980283 (111240ZDEC20) Notable: No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief

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No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief


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58d43b No.158706

File: 540d7e9f377fe76⋯.jpeg (73.37 KB,1204x433,1204:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980296 (111243ZDEC20) Notable: DJT: I just want to stop the world from killing itself!

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Suicide Weekend


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58d43b No.158707

File: 4e091ed2943b089⋯.png (311.66 KB,828x1464,69:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c21039baf165ae⋯.jpg (404.25 KB,1287x729,143:81,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b25d9c6eb83685e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1135x1357,1135:1357,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980330 (111249ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on MSM effect on the masses

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MSMs all platform 24/7 hate DJT campaign has half the country so conditioned that they have physical symptoms at the mention of the president's name.

Physical symptoms:

raise blood pressure

speeds and shallow respiration

visible tremor 'shaking"

increased pulse rate

sweating or chills

This is because they know, despite no evidence, that DJT is an embezzler, a pedophile, a traitor, a Russian spy, a con artist, a bully, a liar, a racist, a homophobe and a sadistic abuser of women

An MSM audience hears this hundreds of times a day. Everyday.

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58d43b No.158708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980344 (111251ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia.

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Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia

Video 1

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58d43b No.158709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980350 (111252ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia

Video 2

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58d43b No.158710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980360 (111254ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas

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Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas, according to a report in the UK broadsheet Daily Telegraph as detailed by the Daily Mail.


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58d43b No.158711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980374 (111256ZDEC20) Notable: US Pentagon signals it will stop supporting CIA’s counter-terrorism mission.

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US Pentagon signals it will stop supporting CIA’s counter-terrorism mission

THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of Defense has reportedly notified the Central Intelligence Agency that it plans to terminate most of the military support it provides for the spy agency’s counterterrorism operations. Some of these changes may occur as early as January, according to reports published on Thursday in several US news outlets.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the CIA incorporated an increasingly expansive counter-terrorist mission into its list of activities. But it has relied on Pentagon resources to support many of these activities, for things like transportation, physical security, logistics, and even execution. The Pentagon’s role in these activities tends to be crucial, given that they usually take place in active combat zones or other dangerous locations around the world. They therefore require heavy military protection.


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58d43b No.158712

File: 227c3c1ae77ca07⋯.png (42.86 KB,752x278,376:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980413 (111304ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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Ukraine impeachment hoax twat now

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58d43b No.158713

File: c9a13c38c2388f6⋯.png (5.06 MB,2048x1297,2048:1297,Clipboard.png)

File: 9882bbba5fe3e6a⋯.png (429.99 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ddc685590182cca⋯.png (2.25 MB,1465x1324,1465:1324,Clipboard.png)

File: 54e27050b79e52c⋯.png (1.63 MB,1024x1419,1024:1419,Clipboard.png)

File: fdd3f1b8a2a2201⋯.png (5.08 MB,2048x1128,256:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980422 (111305ZDEC20) Notable: Jeep comms?

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Did a dig on Jeep since seeing they used the Monoliths in an ad that went viral on Facebook. Comms???

Strange correlations between Jeep and:

1. Biden’s election night drive-in celebration. (Pics related)

2. Monoliths & Jeep ads (pics related)

3. Jeep sold to a Fiat & now made in Italy (Trump warned us in 2012-2013 Tweets about Jeep, Italy, China) Does China have control in Italy?

4. Jeep vehicle named Renegade ( Hussein SS name)

5.Dropout Jeep iPhone Trojan app and Edward Snowden(WikiLeaks article related)

Dropout Jeep

This article talks about application DROPOUT JEEP that is said NSA uses as trojan in iPhones installing remotely, without user interaction and 100% of success

http://encrypted-mobile.blogspot.hu/2014/01/snowden-killed-all-iphone-encryptions.html?m=1Enjoy reading


Snowden killed all iPhone encryptions

If you use encryption software on your iPhone and you paid for it, than you paid for illusion not for security. Thanks to Snowden and security researcher Jacob Appelbaum now the entire World knows the magic word DROPOUTJEEP and the meaning of it.

DROPOUTJEEP is a spyware program developed by NSA that runs on iPhone, and provides access to almost everything. It can intercept SMS messages, can read the contact lists, locate the iPhone based on cell tower data, and the best part is, it can turn on the camera and the microphone, and can listen to any conversation. It can even be deployed remotely.

According to leaked documents NSA claims 100% success rate on iOS devices. It is impossible to reach 100%, unless you have access to a backdoor. Of course Apple denies that it helped NSA to build iPhone's backdoor, but it does not change anything. It does not change the 100% success rate.

How DROPOUTJEEP impact encryption softwares on iPhone?

Now come the bad news. It is well known for the industry experts that purely software-based mobile encryption solutions can not secure any communication. Now things are going bad to worse. No encryption solution can protect your communication on iPhone. Not even hardware based solutions.

Since DROPOUTJEEP can manage the microphone of the iPhone, it listens to the conversation BEFORE any encryption takes place. Your software or hardware solution can even use military-grade 4096 bit encryption keys, it provides zero security if you use it on iPhone. If you use Gold Lock, Silent Circle, Zfone, Crypttalk, Cellcrypt, Kryptos, Secustar or any other encryption software on iPhone and you still need secure mobile communication, consider just deleting your app.

Time to reconsider what you think about encryption software and iPhone security.



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58d43b No.158714

File: ed6a80396aa7db8⋯.png (110.32 KB,673x572,673:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980457 (111312ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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search Q posts for dam

first one is Liddle AdamSchiff

and Hunter Biden related

in between the damn and impeachment hoax twats

a Biden twat

Dec 11th 2020 - 7:22:34 AM EST




The Swine Flu (H1N1), and the attempt for a vaccine by the Obama Administration, with JoeBidenin charge, was a complete and total disaster. Now they want to come in and take over one of the “greatest and fastest medical miracles in modern day history.” I don’t think so!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980461 (111314ZDEC20) Notable: David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint. Comms?

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David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint

Links to page elsewhere on the [BBC]'s website refer to this as:

Is There a Starman Waiting in the Sky?


The Royal Mint has - quite literally - launched a commemorative coin celebrating the career of David Bowie.

The Mint, based in Llantrisant, sent the coin to an altitude of 35,656m (116,982ft) as it revealed the third edition of its Music Legends series.

The Starman, Life on Mars? and Space Oddity singer follows Queen and Elton John in being honoured with a coin.

One of the most influential musicians of his era, Bowie died of cancer in 2016 aged 69.

This seems weird.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158716

File: 3b669275409f369⋯.png (21.6 KB,114x95,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980466 (111314ZDEC20) Notable: St. Louis Prosecutor Removed From Mark McCloskey Case.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

St. Louis Prosecutor Removed From Mark McCloskey Case


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158717

File: 10d51dd263f8021⋯.png (89.16 KB,486x539,486:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980495 (111320ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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They already threating Republicans.

'This is not a game'.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158718

File: 48e5a0b5051c585⋯.png (127.22 KB,373x523,373:523,Clipboard.png)

File: faefae40775462c⋯.png (68.67 KB,399x523,399:523,Clipboard.png)

File: a9d9e3e09c83e2b⋯.png (47.62 KB,379x426,379:426,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d73637a5aab43⋯.png (90.48 KB,1009x581,1009:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980529 (111326ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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year deltas

3 year

Schiff - Follow the wives

2 year


1 year

>Deleted twats


Adam Schiff

FBI incompetent reckless and dumb

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58d43b No.158719

File: 69626d915aa3fd9⋯.png (22.3 KB,576x198,32:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980570 (111332ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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I think I might be on to something

55 days

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58d43b No.158720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980598 (111337ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi: Republicans Focused on Eric Swalwell Scandal to Distract from QAnon.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Focused on Eric Swalwell Scandal to Distract from QAnon


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Republicans are focusing on the Rep. Eric Swalwell scandal because they are trying to distract from QAnon.

Pelosi said that it is “unfortunate” that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is calling for Swalwell’s resignation and making it an issue.

“He’s trying to deflect attention from the fact that he has Qanon in his delegation over there, and that I think is a danger in terms of our debate here,” Pelosi said, alluding to Republican Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia

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58d43b No.158721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980605 (111338ZDEC20) Notable: Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

O’FALLON, Mo. — A judge on Thursday disqualified the St. Louis prosecutor and her office from the case involving Mark McCloskey, who along with his wife pointed guns at racial injustice protesters marching on the private street near their home in June.

Circuit Judge Thomas Clark II dismissed Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, citing two campaign fundraising emails around the time she filed felony gun charges against the couple in July.


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58d43b No.158722

File: 11839246bb719a0⋯.png (43.93 KB,761x285,761:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a5e3acd7fd4fd2⋯.png (93.93 KB,398x558,199:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980639 (111343ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet and Q decode analysis

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Sensing a Q drop today

perfectproof perhaps?

Donald J. Trump


Now it turns out that my phone call to the President of Ukraine, which many, including me, have called “perfect”, was even better than that. I predicted Biden corruption, said to call the A.G., who perhaps knew of the corruption during the impeachment hoax?

7:52 AM · Dec 11, 2020

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58d43b No.158723

File: 8e9e30b3e2dd59d⋯.png (41.62 KB,589x468,589:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980661 (111346ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for 12/11/2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today’s Programming Schedule (All Times EST):

10AM - Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing

11AM- Wisconsin Election Fraud Public Hearing

11AM- AZ Senate Judiciary Cmte. Election Fraud Hearing

12PM- #MarchForTrump Bus Tour PA State Capitol

8PM- Folded hands for @realDonaldTrump


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58d43b No.158724

File: 9e46668c948876c⋯.png (414.33 KB,766x680,383:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980676 (111349ZDEC20) Notable: Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves

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Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves http://hill.cm/ZIhBeay


This is a message to POTUS and Q. When (if) Trump moves out, they will be removing all bugs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158725

File: 76b68f5b4889398⋯.png (313.71 KB,615x598,615:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980687 (111351ZDEC20) Notable: Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NEW: Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.


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58d43b No.158726

File: 904a39bea216b05⋯.jpeg (406.01 KB,1241x1991,1241:1991,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980739 (111401ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Tweet. Look at the wording, we have it all now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cool, look at the wording, we have it all now


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58d43b No.158727

File: a610a28581c7e17⋯.png (298.32 KB,478x557,478:557,Clipboard.png)

File: fab3fc1bc4cc775⋯.png (5.74 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 3322c615cafe519⋯.png (5.84 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980768 (111407ZDEC20) Notable: Comey and Wray lied in their testimony.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Letter @tedcruz to AG Barr + Director Wray about former Director Comey + former Deputy McCabe’s testimony about their knowledge + approval of 2016 Clinton media leak, “One of them is lying under oath-a federal crime. 18 U.S.C 1621. The American people deserve to know who."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158728

File: ec26a15c4586e1b⋯.png (1.76 MB,1984x1952,62:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980774 (111409ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Updates

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Carrier supplies inbound.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980786 (111410ZDEC20) Notable: (Vid) Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?”

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Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?” Freakin truth bombs she exposes everyone

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58d43b No.158730

File: 145200b185f6676⋯.png (1.01 MB,1911x922,1911:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980804 (111413ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Updates

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TOPCT55 Recon heading west….other than that west coast / mid west are strangely quiet this a.m.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158731

File: eea48de527e905c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1914x934,957:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980841 (111419ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Updates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TOPCT52 just popped up tailing TOPCT55

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58d43b No.158732

File: 502c8bedcd7d719⋯.png (934.95 KB,1909x939,1909:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980849 (111420ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Updates

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better image

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158733

File: 7df4ddd1fdfdd13⋯.jpg (286.59 KB,1427x1097,1427:1097,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49970a2d30d5f34⋯.mp4 (463.08 KB,778x270,389:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980876 (111425ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino posts a vid with 17 jets over the target

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

kek, Dan posts a vid with 17 jets over the target.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980950 (111435ZDEC20) Notable: STANDARD DIGITAL SOLDIER PROCEDURES

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Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: https://www.thetrumparchive.com/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

MORE TOOLS & SERVICES https://qanonbin.com/paste/9EonBMGNi

Other Services

>>>/warroom/925	 ————————————–——– More Twitter Tools and Services

>>>/warroom/5684 ————————————–——– Lessons in Digital Warfare #1

>>>/warroom/5700 ————————————–——– Evidence of Voter Electoral Fraud

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58d43b No.158735

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB,1222x730,611:365,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980954 (111437ZDEC20) Notable: baker changed

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158736

File: 9156e0a0e80ebb4⋯.png (32.2 KB,748x392,187:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980955 (111438ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Tweet: Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices.

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Donald J. Trump


Now it turns out that the Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices. This would be terrible, and must be stopped. Even Justice RBG was strongly opposed!

8:15 AM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158737

File: 786436f478a6092⋯.jpg (181.37 KB,709x1260,709:1260,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d531b3113c10198⋯.jpg (64.95 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980956 (111438ZDEC20) Notable: Taking the Keys Away Chuck Schumer Confronts Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Taking the Keys AwayChuck Schumer Confronts Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline.

“It was like Groundhog Day, but with the pain fresh each time,” Schumer told New Yorker writer Jane Mayer about his conversations with Feinstein, age 87. “Anyone who has tried to take the car keys away from an elderly relative knows how hard it can be.”

Schumer added in Feinstein’s case, “It wasn’t just about a car. It was about the U.S. Senate.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158738

File: b4d7f59d8b06d42⋯.png (618.6 KB,680x872,85:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11980995 (111443ZDEC20) Notable: Pennsylvania to U.S. Supreme Court: Texas Guilty of ‘Seditious’ Behavior.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pennsylvania to U.S. Supreme Court: Texas Guilty of ‘Seditious’ Behavior

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania accused the State of Texas of sedition in its filing Thursday at the U.S. Supreme Court, responding to a Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate the presidential vote of four other states on constitutional grounds.

Pennsylvania said that Texas was guilty of “seditious abuse of the judicial process.” Sedition is commonly understood as rebellion, and is defined more precisely in federal criminal law as an attempt to overthrow the United States government.

As Breitbart News was the first to report, Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on Monday night, alleging that they went outside their state legislatures to change their voting procedures, in violation of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, Texas argued that these states had applied their own laws unevenly, and allowed irregularities to occur. It is seeking to have the vote results in these states set aside, and the choice of electors to be decided by the state legislatures.

Pennsylvania and the other defendant states filed their responses on Thursday, together with a variety of other parties. The Pennsylvania response was written by Attorney General Josh Shapiro, known for his highly partisan approach. He wrote:

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts throughout the country have been flooded with frivolous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the election. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate elections in four states for yielding results with which

it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an afront [sic] to principles of constitutional democracy.

Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.

Shapiro drew calls for his resignation after stating, before Election Day, that Trump did not have the votes to win the state.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981065 (111451ZDEC20) Notable: 17 times the jet flies by in the video.

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17 times the jet flies by in the video.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158740

File: 615a71f93bfc744⋯.jpeg (262.42 KB,1138x2048,569:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981079 (111453ZDEC20) Notable: get familiar with four names

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Sidney says on Dobbs,people need to get familiar with four namessee the document anons

Lou Dobbs


The 2020 Election is a cyber Pearl Harbor:

The leftwing establishment have aligned their forces to overthrow the United States government #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs


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58d43b No.158741

File: 7dd894d5cd8bc39⋯.png (440.32 KB,601x684,601:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981115 (111456ZDEC20) Notable: Ted Cruz AG Barr + Director Wray about former Director Comey + former Deputy McCabe’s testimony.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158742

File: 51ccdc7093e1c4e⋯.jpeg (275.74 KB,1241x982,1241:982,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981120 (111457ZDEC20) Notable: Unbelievable marching orders from big tech money, on the election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is unbelievable taking marching orders from big tech money, on the election. Wow these assholes will have all their assets seized, good job egomaniacs.


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58d43b No.158743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981144 (111459ZDEC20) Notable: Defense Department seeking open source intelligence software.

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The Defense Department is seeking open-source intelligence software that can draw on information from social media to create graphics and conduct analysis in real-time, according to a solicitation released by the agency. The agency states that the software would access at least 50 million websites and be able to disseminate data from various web-based sources, including social media. The Defense Department is preferably seeking a tool that can also create maps using open-source location data collected from apps and social media sites.

This endeavor relies heavily on open-source intelligence (OSINT) and is focused largely on Twitter. The solicitation was released on Thursday and names only one specific social media platform, Twitter. The solicitation requests that applicants fulfill five requirement program elements and 12 characteristics, be able to handle data in 150 languages, and provide the entire Twitter historical archive as well as be able to alert the government through its platform and access at least 50 million websites.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981193 (111504ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi won't say how many other house intel dems had sexual relationships with spies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


When asked whether Congress would begin implementing rigorous background checks for interns, such as those placed in Democrat offices by Fang, the speaker said she doesn’t believe they are necessary.

“I think we should make sure that everybody knows what they are being subjected to, but I don’t know that it means that we have to do background checks for every intern who comes into the Capitol,” she said.

Swalwell previously refused to answer The Federalist’s questions about the extent of his relationship with Fang, ignoring allegations from sources directly familiar with the counterintelligence investigation of Fang who told The Federalist that she and Swalwell may have had a sexual relationship.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158745

File: eb91bc2426395fa⋯.png (40.88 KB,444x284,111:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 66b481bc6206059⋯.png (56.77 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981251 (111509ZDEC20) Notable: Potus tweet mistake the omits to Q318 The vs. To everything has meaning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Eyes on anons.

Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>Now it turns out that the Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices. This would be terrible, and must be stopped. Even Justice RBG was strongly opposed!

want "the" pack the court should be

want "to" pack the court



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58d43b No.158746

File: 15aed305f65b6e7⋯.png (980.95 KB,1364x902,62:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981294 (111513ZDEC20) Notable: Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

interdasting read.

Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump

December 11, 2020

Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by President Donald Trump’s opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.

“A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change,” the officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times. “What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that’s using a color revolution to affect regime change.”

The 2019 Transition Integrity Project, according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this year’s presidential election were “transparently orchestrated” by “Marxist elements within the Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments.”

“It may not have fallen out just as they wanted, because anytime you carry out an operation like this, the enemy will get a vote. But the plan was we will not concede the election. The goal here was never the presidency,” the officer said. “The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking the efficacy of the Constitution.”

To achieve their goal, the anti-Trump opposition focused their main effort on affecting the election, the officer said.


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58d43b No.158747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981324 (111515ZDEC20) Notable: Outrageous video. Mafia Mob flipped for Trump, evidence before Supreme Court.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Outrageous video. Mafia Mob flipped for Trump, evidence before Supreme Court.

Listen to the first few minutes of this video!


Gianni Russo on Killing an Escobar Hitman

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58d43b No.158748

File: 21ff24fbb91afae⋯.png (27.08 KB,536x160,67:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981327 (111515ZDEC20) Notable: Looks like sauron has/had a dev related subdomain called SCYTL.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eyes 👀 on



Looks like Scytl has/had a dev related subdomain called SAURON








10:05 PM · Dec 10, 2020·Twitter Web App


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58d43b No.158749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981377 (111519ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing in Milwaukee, WI 12/10/20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing in Milwaukee, WI 12/10/20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981437 (111525ZDEC20) Notable: Reply of State of Texas submitted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reply of State of Texas submitted.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981500 (111531ZDEC20) Notable: Motion of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, and The Presidential Coalition, LLC for leave to file amicus brief submitted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Motion of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, and The Presidential Coalition, LLC for leave to file amicus brief submitted.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981502 (111531ZDEC20) Notable: Code access "SCYTL Repository" OPTICS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Evoting Code Mini-Bun

Code access "SCYTL Repository"

Check it out, geniuses.




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58d43b No.158753

File: a53b1ec16e2bfe7⋯.png (32.49 KB,603x278,603:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981629 (111542ZDEC20) Notable: DJT RT https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1337404126263734272

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58d43b No.158754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981662 (111546ZDEC20) Notable: #15293

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Baker, notables from #15293

>>158701 Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline

>>158702 Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'

>>158703 Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

>>158704 Missing n in dam on DJT tweets

>>158712 , >>158714 , >>158718 , >>158717 , >>158719 , >>158722 Tweet and Q decode analysis

>>158705 No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief

>>158706 DJT: I just want to stop the world from killing itself!

>>158707  Anon opines on MSM effect on the masses

>>158710 Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas

>>158713 Jeep comms?

>>158715 David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint. Comms?

>>158721 Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

>>158723 POTUS Schedule for 12/11/2020

>>158724 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves

>>158725  Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.

>>158729 (Vid) Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?”

>>158727 Comey and Wray lied in their testimony.

>>158728 , >>158730 , >>158731 , >>158732 Planefag Updates

>>158733 Dan Scavino posts a vid with 17 jets over the target

check em

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981760 (111555ZDEC20) Notable: #15923

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>>158699 Investors swap China holdings from Wall Street to Hong Kong as delisting threat brews.


>>158701 Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline.

>>158703 Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta.

>>158706 DJT Tweet: "I just want to stop the world from killing itself!"

>>158708 >>158709 Dominion Voting Machine Flaws – 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia.

>>158711 US Pentagon signals it will stop supporting CIA’s counter-terrorism mission.

>>158713 Dig on Jeep.

>>158716 St. Louis Prosecutor Removed From Mark McCloskey Case.

>>158720 Pelosi: Republicans Focused on Eric Swalwell Scandal to Distract from QAnon.

>>158724 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves.

>>158726 Sidney Powell Tweet. Look at the wording, we have it all now.

>>158727 @CBS_Herridge Tweet. Letter from Cruz to Barr & Wray about Comey & McCabe.

>>158729 Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night. 4 individuals worth digging.

>>158701 Report: Sen. Feinstein was asked to step down as a ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee due to cognitive decline

>>158702 Texas Lawmaker Seeks Vote on Secession From US: 'Texit'

>>158703 Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

>>158704 Missing n in dam on DJT tweets

>>158712 , >>158714 , >>158718 , >>158717 , >>158719 , >>158722 Tweet and Q decode analysis

>>158705 No-trade deal Brexit now more likely than a deal – EU chief

>>158706 DJT: I just want to stop the world from killing itself!

>>158707 Anon opines on MSM effect on the masses

>>158710 Ghislaine Maxwell’s husband and siblings are preparing to offer $30 million in security to free the “millionaire madam” from jail before Christmas

>>158713 Jeep comms?

>>158715 David Bowie coin launched towards space by Royal Mint. Comms?

>>158721 Judge dismisses prosecutor from McCloskeys case

>>158723 POTUS Schedule for 12/11/2020

>>158724 Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves

>>158725 Biden says GOP used defund the police to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats in leaked recording.

>>158729 (Vid) Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs last night, “you say these 4 individuals rigged the election, how did they do it?”

>>158727 Comey and Wray lied in their testimony.

>>158728 , >>158730 , >>158731 , >>158732 Planefag Updates

>>158733 Dan Scavino posts a vid with 17 jets over the target

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58d43b No.158756

File: 7fa7f6796b2ff67⋯.png (106.93 KB,559x785,559:785,Clipboard.png)

File: e22f62a53cccda6⋯.png (141.27 KB,543x746,543:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 438c82119664907⋯.png (202.15 KB,562x733,562:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 723d3bbb4158749⋯.png (178.65 KB,489x726,163:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 24e7f8705d5a3a7⋯.png (106.31 KB,528x742,264:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981769 (111556ZDEC20) Notable: Texas will Prevail

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Texas will Prevail

Texas asks to have a longer word count for filing and calls out defendants as not supporting with facts and suspect in their actions.

Defendant States do not seriously address grave issues that Texas raises, choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions in which Texas could not participate and to mischaracterize both the relief that Texas seeks and the justification for that relief. An injunction should issue because Defendant States have not—and cannot—defend their actions. First, as a legal matter, neither Texas nor its citizens have an action in any other court for the relief 2 that Texas seeks here. Moreover, no other court could provide relief as a practical matter. The suggestion that Texas—or anyone else—has an adequate remedy is specious.

Second, Texas does not ask this Court to reelect President Trump, and Texas does not seek to disenfranchise the majority of Defendant States’ voters. To both points, Texas asks this Court to recognize the obvious fact that Defendant States’ maladministration of the 2020 election makes it impossible to know which candidate garnered the majority of lawful votes. The Court’s role is to strike unconstitutional action and remand to the actors that the Constitution and Congress vest with authority for the next step. U.S. CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 2; 3 U.S.C. § 2.

Third, Defendant States’ invocation of laches and standing evinces a cavalier unseriousness about the most cherished right in a democracy—the right to vote. Asserting that Texas does not raise serious issues is telling.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158757

File: cd6592ed46290b0⋯.png (44.15 KB,444x284,111:71,Clipboard.png)

File: e63aea148172aa6⋯.png (60.42 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

File: f29148d48249b5e⋯.png (75.86 KB,598x374,299:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 61e53750c0e4dfb⋯.png (21.25 KB,444x144,37:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981787 (111559ZDEC20) Notable: Look at this last tweet from POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Repost with bonus material.

Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>Now it turns out that the Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices. This would be terrible, and must be stopped. Even Justice RBG was strongly opposed!

want "the" pack the court should be

want "to" pack the court


And then we have the earlier comms "dam" vs. "damn"



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58d43b No.158758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981902 (111608ZDEC20) Notable: The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.

It's unclear whether the indictment involves one person or multiple individuals.

"U.S. Attorney Keefe will be joined by representatives from the law enforcement agencies who conducted the investigation leading to this indictment," the office said in a Thursday news release.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Justin Keen serves as lead prosecutor in the case. Keen's focus is "fraud and other white-collar crimes," according to his LinkedIn page. He also created and leads the Tallahassee-area Economic Crimes Initiative."

Keefe will make the announcement virtually. A media availability is set for 10:30 a.m.


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58d43b No.158759

File: 303f2ab25d7df84⋯.png (101.25 KB,614x737,614:737,Clipboard.png)

File: d90f666289ec631⋯.png (135.43 KB,793x832,61:64,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d6a06c072d2e47⋯.png (128.83 KB,784x834,392:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981940 (111611ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: TEXAS FILES ITS RESPONSE TO PA, GA, MI, WI IN SCOTUS MOTION

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58d43b No.158760

File: 917f2c94d3ca3af⋯.png (44.79 KB,416x282,208:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981944 (111612ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.


case would fundamentally change Facebooks section 230 protections.

9:19 AM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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58d43b No.158761

File: 0ce980f4ce96662⋯.png (225.88 KB,535x526,535:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11981979 (111615ZDEC20) Notable: DJT

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58d43b No.158762

File: 97ac18a2ed62ecd⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,2048x2166,1024:1083,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982121 (111629ZDEC20) Notable: PF 4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

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58d43b No.158763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982160 (111632ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

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Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

Online child sexual exploitation is a global crime that demands a continued global response. And yet an expansion of the “ePrivacy Directive” slated to take effect in the European Union this month may prohibit tech companies from using some of the most powerful tools available to detect child sexual abuse material and grooming by predators, making it easier for children to be exploited without detection. We commend Senators Cotton, Loeffler, and Boozman for introducing a resolution that encourages the EU to preserve companies’ ability to detect and prevent child exploitation, consistent with the Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.


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58d43b No.158764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982233 (111638ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive (TOPKEK)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fucking KEK…

Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive…


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58d43b No.158765

File: 41cd0c8bce28afa⋯.png (377.17 KB,621x1245,207:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982242 (111639ZDEC20) Notable: The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"REPORT: The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support." https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1337247360750149635

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58d43b No.158766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982250 (111639ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158767

File: 9eb6223e21286fe⋯.png (1.27 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 84e7b5f3b63570c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: bc410c4dbe354a8⋯.jpeg (566.1 KB,1241x2087,1241:2087,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ab2175d06adbe8e⋯.jpeg (582.06 KB,1241x2060,1241:2060,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 890fee718b2d3f3⋯.jpeg (577.8 KB,1241x2092,1241:2092,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982264 (111641ZDEC20) Notable: Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc, he says all states opposing basically went to the media and in their briefs to SC admitted fraud, they’re screwed


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58d43b No.158768

File: e7317322fa703fe⋯.png (137.12 KB,478x637,478:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982307 (111645ZDEC20) Notable: https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1337427630874914816

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158769

File: 7e8b130002c91d2⋯.png (230.43 KB,657x597,219:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982312 (111645ZDEC20) Notable: Home made weather modification machine,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a strange story. Home made weather modification machine, sure.


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58d43b No.158770

File: 3abcc44cbbd5fef⋯.png (567.17 KB,760x635,152:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982317 (111646ZDEC20) Notable: #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@USNavy JUST IN: #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.


USS Theodore Roosevelt Man Overboard

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) is conducting search and rescue efforts in support of a possible Sailor overboard off the coast of Southern California, Dec. 10.


USS Theodore Roosevelt Man Overboard

11 Dec 2020

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) is conducting search and rescue efforts in support of a possible Sailor overboard off the coast of Southern California, Dec. 10. The ship initiated search and rescue procedures after a lookout spotted what appeared to be a person in the water. Three search and rescue helicopters and a Rigid Hull Inatable Boat were launched in response, and one Sailor was unaccounted for during a commandwide muster.

The U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy aircraft, USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), USS Russell (DDG 59), and USS Howard (DDG 83), and USS Charleston (LCS 18) are participating in the search and rescue efforts.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158771

File: 6a2b5c2ab08e80a⋯.png (107.44 KB,763x440,763:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982353 (111650ZDEC20) Notable: PF Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158772

File: 2f499521bc65ebe⋯.jpeg (492.77 KB,1242x2038,621:1019,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982410 (111657ZDEC20) Notable: Countries around the world supporting POTUS and Flynn, love this

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Countries around the world supporting POTUS and Flynn, love this


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982441 (111700ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

MILWAUKEE – Wisconsin State Reserve Judge Stephen A. Simanek issued a ruling from the bench, affirming the certification of the presidential results from two Wisconsin counties.


16 mins ago

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58d43b No.158774

File: 4dbacb0e34b382d⋯.png (767.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982480 (111705ZDEC20) Notable: PF Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


After more "prior" flight searching, seems this HEX is used on all types of A/C, possibly testing for new or equipment upgrades (if the bird has been grounded).

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58d43b No.158775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982483 (111705ZDEC20) Notable: Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158776

File: 792c5899de1d557⋯.png (246.55 KB,1044x364,261:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982517 (111708ZDEC20) Notable: New California is a new state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



New California is a new state in development exercising its constitutional Right to form from the State of California as codified under Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution and in the United States Declaration of Independence.



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58d43b No.158777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982570 (111713ZDEC20) Notable: #15295

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







>>158756 Texas will Prevail

>>158757 Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>>158758 The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida could not provide information about the nature of the charges because the indictment is under seal.


>>158760 Facebook declined to file a response in SCOTUS CASE Fyk Vs. facebook. The deadline was yesterday.

>>158761 DJT

>>158762 PF 4 T-38 playing over San Antonio

>>158763 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

>>158764 Twitter labeled Trumps RT of the 2006 CNN expose on Smartmatic as potentially sensitive (TOPKEK)

>>158765 The Idaho Lt Governor @JaniceMcGeachin & State Legislators From Idaho Have Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Just Hours After The Idaho Attorney General Refused To Offer Support.

>>158766 LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues

>>158767 Great thread by Roscoe on TX etc

>>158768 https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1337427630874914816

>>158769 Home made weather modification machine,

>>158770 #USSTheodoreRoosevelt Man Overboard.

>>158771, >>158774 PF Unidentified AC out of Pt. Mugu

>>158772 Countries around the world supporting POTUS and Flynn, love this

>>158773 BREAKING: Wisconsin Judge Upholds State’s Presidential Recount

>>158775 Amicus brief of New California State and New Nevada State submitted.

>>158776 New California is a new state

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58d43b No.158778

File: 28bbcb31f6b4c46⋯.png (215.05 KB,1297x874,1297:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982165 (111733ZDEC20)

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Barr and his Announcement

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58d43b No.158779

File: f200c47263c6068⋯.png (240.22 KB,1073x898,1073:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982673 (111725ZDEC20) Notable: Weather Channel calling Midwest snow #WinterStormFlynn

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Did anyone see the Weather Channel is calling the Midwest snow coming #WinterStormFlynn?

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58d43b No.158780

File: f97c61dcdf700ff⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,750x422,375:211,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982679 (111726ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo speaks about ChInA

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Pompeo speaks about ChInA…some governors get very, very nervous.

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58d43b No.158781

File: 89d80f443e1f6e8⋯.jpg (551.99 KB,858x908,429:454,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982694 (111727ZDEC20) Notable: Pope plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism with help of Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard

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What in God’s name? Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism – with the help of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard

Robert Bridge

Robert Bridge

Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream. @Robert_Bridge

11 Dec, 2020 16:46

The Vatican has said it will partner with Fortune 500 companies to address various economic grievances, including inequality and environmental degradation. But is it really incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome to virtue-signal?

Anyone who may have entertained hopes that planet Earth might escape the insanity of 2020 without any more mind-blowing stories may wish to fasten their seatbelts for a hard landing.

At a time when a global pandemic has swept away millions of jobs, and transformed a handful of global capitalists from ‘merely wealthy’ to fantastically wealthy overnight, Pope Francis has decided to take sides in this epic battle. Any hunches what side that might be? Hint: much like the Vatican, it is immensely wealthy, influential, and acts like a government unto itself.

Yes, you guessed it. Instead of the poor and destitute – you know, ‘the meek who shall one day inherit the earth ‘rigmarole – taking their rightful place alongside the Pope to fight the ravages of globalization on steroids, the Vatican has announced it will form a “historic partnership” with big business, known as the Council for Inclusive Capitalism. You can’t make this stuff up. And make no mistake: this is no mere talk shop, but rather a vast undertaking that involves“more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in more than 163 countries.”

“Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to the degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society,”said Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners. “This council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to ‘the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor’ and answer society’s demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.”

In other words, in an apparent act of divine intervention, the Rothschild family (whose wealth is estimated at $20 billion, although nobody really knows for sure), together with other famous brand names of globalization, such as the Rockefellers and Mastercard, will now take up the standard for the world’s downtrodden. Who will be the first one to hold their breath?

I tried to contain my skepticism, I really did, until I read a bit deeper into this contract between the Catholic Church and corporate power. Any guesses as to who will ensure the corporate chieftains live up to their end of the bargain?

Known as the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism – I kid you not – these 27 devout and morally outstanding individuals all hail from the golden one percent. Let’s call them the Pope’s 27 billionaire disciples. Really outstanding people, such as President of the Rockefeller Foundation Rajiv Shah, CEO of Mastercard Ajay Banga, and CEO of Salesforce Marc Benioff, will now behave like Good Samaritans, carrying out the will of the Holy See around a ravaged, lockdown-wearied planet. And here is the catch: there is not a single cardinal or even a deacon on the list of Guardians. So, who will guard over the guardians? Yes, the corporate elite themselves! They must have read Donald Trump’s ‘The Art of the Deal’.

My skepticism really shot into overdrive when it became clear what acts of charity the council would promote: “The Guardians will hold themselves accountable, committing to a list of intended actions involving environmental, social and governance matters,” Forbes reported. “The Guardians … have said they plan to hire and promote more women, increase diversity hires, commit to clean energy by purchasing 100% renewable electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions…” Yada, yada, yada.

Forgive me, Father, but that sounds an awful lot like the controversial progressive platform being touted by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that has divided the United States down the middle. So, the council has already alienated at least one half of the US population, who fear a Biden presidency will herald in an age of socialism in America. Meanwhile, it is hardly reassuring that these profit-driven individuals will be allowed to “hold themselves accountable” to take on unspecified “social and governance matters” and “other initiatives,” whatever those happen to be.


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58d43b No.158782

File: 7446fb055b7285e⋯.png (225.64 KB,598x435,598:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982697 (111728ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Marines - Bring Me The Horizon

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58d43b No.158783

File: 751072b34ed345c⋯.png (31.6 KB,600x336,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982705 (111729ZDEC20) Notable: Is the Dam about to break?

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This jumped out at me after I just read Trumps tweet with the word "dam" in it(Instead of damn)

Due to the planned increase in height of Prado Dam, to provide additional flood risk reduction to the surrounding communities, all properties located between elevation 556-feet and 566-feet would be within the expanded flood pool of the Basin, subject to inundation.


Is the Dam about to break?

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58d43b No.158784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982711 (111729ZDEC20) Notable: Schumer removes Feinstein from Senate Judiciary Committee?

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein Reportedly in Serious Cognitive Decline, Schumer Removes Her from Committee

Sen. Chuck Schumer removed her from the Senate Judiciary Committee, because she was too senile


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58d43b No.158785

File: 58190c3061bb7a7⋯.png (237.77 KB,801x901,801:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982724 (111731ZDEC20) Notable: Weather Channel calling Midwest snow #WinterStormFlynn

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Its real

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58d43b No.158786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982726 (111731ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Shifting Pentagon’s and CIA’s Towards China and Russia

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President Trump Shifting the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s Assets Away From International Counterterrorism and Towards China and Russia

The Pentagon announced that it plans to withdraw its military support by January for the CIA’s international counterterrorism missions.

The Daily Mail reported yesterday:

The Pentagon is planning to cut most of its military support to the Central Intelligence Agency’s counterterrorism operations by January 5, according to reports.

Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller revealed the surprising decision in a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel, ABC News reports.

The Pentagon decided to withdraw the support as it reviews whether the military personnel assigned to CIA counterterrorism operations during conflicts in the Middle East, could be moved to missions in Russia and China, according to Defense One.

Defense One reported:

Few details on the scope of the review process, including how broad it is, were available on Wednesday. Two sources familiar with the matter said that Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has sent a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel saying that a longstanding arrangement offering DOD support to the agency is in jeopardy.

The review is the pet project of Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick, one of several top-level political appointees assigned to acting roles in the Pentagon in the wake of Trump’s Election Day loss. Several of those officials, including Cohen-Watnick, are seen as Trump loyalists.

Some may speculate that this move proposed by January may have something to do with the President’s recent actions in replacing the Secretary of Defense as much as the implications to the CIA. CIA Director Haspel has gone stealth since the 2020 election.

The Pentagon’s actions may also be related to the President’s Executive Order regarding foreign intervention in our elections that we wrote about recently. A report on this matter is due in a week from the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe:

The President has reasons for focusing military and CIA assets less on the Middle East and more on China and Russia. Perhaps next week’s report from Ratcliffe will address this.


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58d43b No.158787

File: 3e30f85703e26d5⋯.png (936.95 KB,1360x896,85:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b91430ce59a953⋯.png (1.14 MB,1208x1180,302:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982730 (111732ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Has Files From Seth Rich’s Laptop Computer

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FBI Has Files From Seth Rich’s Laptop Computer

December 11, 2020

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has files from the laptop computer belonging to Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) employee who was killed in 2016, according to a new email.

The bureau also has tens of thousands of documents mentioning Rich.

The FBI “has completed the initial search identifying approximately 50 cross-reference serials, with attachments totaling over 20,000 pages, in which Seth Rich is mentioned,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea Parker wrote in the message to attorney Ty Clevenger, who is representing a plaintiff in Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, a case dealing with a Freedom of Information Act request to the bureau.

“FBI has also located leads that indicate additional potential records that require further searching,” Parker added.

The Epoch Times confirmed the email is legitimate.

Parker, who is representing the FBI in the case, didn’t respond to an email or return a voicemail.

The bureau also confirmed it has files from Rich’s laptop and suggested it still has the computer in its possession.

The bureau is “currently working on getting the files from Seth Rich’s personal laptop into a format to be reviewed,” Parker said in the email. She also said the FBI plans on undertaking some level of review of the computer.

The disclosure came as part of a case brought in federal court by Texas resident Brian Huddleston, who filed a Freedom of Information Act request in April asking the FBI to produce all data, documents, records, or communications that reference Seth Rich or his brother, Aaron Rich.

The FBI told the plaintiff in June that it would take 8 to 10 months to provide a final response to the request, prompting the filing of the case in the U.S District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

Rich was working for the Democratic National Committee when he was shot and killed in Washington on July 10, 2016. The murder remains unsolved.

The new email bolsters a key charge in Huddleston’s filing: that David Hardy, the FBI’s records chief, was wrong when he said in two affidavits that the FBI searched for records pertaining to Rich but could not find any.

The first sign that the testimony was erroneous came earlier this year when the nonprofit watchdog Judicial Watch received emails exchanged between FBI agent Peter Strzok and Department of Justice lawyer Lisa Page. The production included several emails mentioning Rich.

Another sign came in March, when former Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Sines was deposed in a separate case, Ed Butowsky v. David Folkenflik et. al.

Sines testified that the FBI conducted an investigation into possible hacking attempts on Seth Rich’s electronic accounts following his murder. She said FBI agents examined Rich’s laptop as part of the probe and that a search should uncover emails between her and FBI personnel. She also said she met with a prosecutor and an FBI agent assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team.

The FBI declined to comment, citing a policy of not commenting on pending litigation.

The judge overseeing the Huddleston case in October ordered the defense to produce documents and an index….


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58d43b No.158788

File: ffc29789630e506⋯.png (261.24 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: d25373ba7f21372⋯.png (267.58 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982738 (111732ZDEC20) Notable: Is the Dam about to break?

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58d43b No.158789

File: b65f89d9244fa6e⋯.png (160.75 KB,675x491,675:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982741 (111733ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet: Seventeen (17) flyovers

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Dan Scavinous tweet


Seventeen (17) flyovers

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58d43b No.158790

File: e2f4492502f6527⋯.png (427.46 KB,598x475,598:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982745 (111733ZDEC20) Notable: Is the Dam about to break?

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This is their next reply:

Inundation of the basin area requires land acquisition and utility — facility replacements in the absence of a structural feature to prevent inundation of the area.


They tagged City of Corona lol

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58d43b No.158791

File: c2a2be038e76582⋯.png (148.17 KB,478x606,239:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982751 (111734ZDEC20) Notable: Big Mike Twatter Comms?

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I’ve long admired the art of @josefannialbers, and I knew I wanted to include some of their pieces when we redesigned the Old Family Dining Room. I just loved seeing their work on display every day at the White House, and I know so many others did, too.


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58d43b No.158792

File: 1fdbb5ecf020844⋯.png (131.94 KB,847x700,121:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982764 (111735ZDEC20) Notable: SIDNEY POWELL: Dominion, Smartmatic and China Involved in a ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’

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SIDNEY POWELL: Dominion, Smartmatic and China Involved in a ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ in the 2020 US Election

Sidney Powell was on with Lou Dobbs last night. She discussed the many crimes she and her team have uncovered in the coup attempt to steal the election away from President Trump.

In this segment with Lou, Powell focused on the extraordinary cyber crimes, or as Powell called it, the ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’.

Powell shared:

They designed and developed the Smartmatic and Dominion programs and machines that included a controller module that allows people to log in and manipulate the vote even as it’s happening. We’re finding more and more evidence of this. We now have reams and reams of actual documents from Smartmatic and Dominion including evidence that they planned and executed all of this.

We know that $400 million of money came into Smartmatic from China only a few weeks before the election, that there are George Soros connections to the entire endeavor. Lord Mallach Brown was part of it along with the other people from Dominion. Eric Coomer, the person who also holds patents on some of the software… We have evidence on how they flipped the votes, how it was designed to flip the votes, and that all of it has been happening just as we have been saying it has been.

Cyber Pearl Harbor: @SidneyPowell1 reveals groundbreaking new evidence indicating our Presidential election came under massive cyber-attack orchestrated with the help of Dominion, Smartmatic, and foreign adversaries. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs pic.twitter.com/YXMpg1M3fT

— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) December 10, 2020

Powell is right. There are so many issues with the Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software that they never should have been brought into the USA. One item Powell may be referring to in her interview is the remote device developed and used in the Dominion machines that allows remote access and is developed by a company owned by the Chinese. This device was bought and paid for by the US taxpayer:


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58d43b No.158793

File: ac69c855fe543ea⋯.png (517.15 KB,946x912,473:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982784 (111736ZDEC20) Notable: NJ Lawmaker Wants Mandatory COVID Shot For All Kids Without Exemption

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NJ Lawmaker Wants Mandatory COVID Shot For All Kids Without Exemption

A State Senator in New Jersey wants the coronavirus vaccine made mandatory for all school age children, despite them being the least at risk group.

Middlesex Democrat Senator Joseph Vitale also wants to eliminate exemptions that have been used in the past to prevent their children from receiving shots.

“When it is that a vaccine is appropriate for children, I believe it ought to be included in that list of vaccines that are required for children,” Vitale told reporters.

“I’d like to incorporate it into the other vaccination bill that would require children to get vaccinated as a condition to entering school,” he added.

Vitale also says there is a separate effort underway to make the vaccine mandatory for University students in the state.

“It’s not complicated to decide whether or not to include a COVID vaccine as a condition of school,” he said, adding “The decision is going to be whether or not the vaccine is available, and if the science supports its efficacy.”

New Jersey currently mandates that children must have several vaccines in order to attend school, including MMR, polio, and chickenpox. However, thousands of children have been exempted from the shots, with parents citing religious beliefs.

There was an attempt last year by lawmakers to eliminate such exemptions and mandate the vaccinations across the board, but it failed when angry parents stormed the statehouse:

A further 30 states, including New Jersey, currently allow religious exemptions, with 17 more states still allowing exemptions for religious and personal or philosophical beliefs.


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58d43b No.158794

File: 23bba2dab7e0385⋯.png (140.97 KB,875x802,875:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982797 (111738ZDEC20) Notable: Disney Soars To Record Highs As Wall Street Wowed By Price Hike

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Disney Soars To Record Highs As Wall Street Wowed By Price Hike, Subscriber Growth Forecasts

€On an otherwise abysmal day for the Dow, Disney shares are the lone standout as the "streaming service with a theme park/content studio attached" is showing Wall Street that its decision to go toe-to-toe with Netflix is panning out even more quickly than the company had initially warned.

Despite initial warnings that - thanks to the resource-intensive process of launching its "Disney+" streaming service - it would take as long as 5 years before the business becomes profitable, the world's largest entertainment company saw its shares hit an all-time high on Friday as Disney's big bet on streaming was officially declared a "winner".

To be sure, the business remains a cash inferno. Like Netflix, Disney - which held its investor day on Friday - is committing to burn absurd amounts of cash on a slate of programming that has awed both viewers and Wall Street analysts alike. According to Bloomberg, Disney announced an ambitious development slate with a budget of between $14BN and $16BN to finance dozens of new shows and movies over the next four years.

The company's internal projections, which have apparently been taken at face value by Wall Street, project that "Disney+" could draw as many as 350MM subscribers by 2024, thanks to popular programming from Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar.

Additionally, Disney is moving forward with a price-hike telegraphed earlier this year. In the US, the service will rise by $1/month to $8/month, while a 29% price hike in Europe will bring the cost to $11 (€9).

Disney's shares rallied more than 11% on Friday, adding more than 125 points to the Dow.


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58d43b No.158795

File: 0e7b73245b912db⋯.png (406.5 KB,398x627,398:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982807 (111739ZDEC20) Notable: HRC Twat

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You And Me Both wraps up its first season this week.

Working on the podcast meant talking with fascinating people I admire about everything from grief and politics to cooking and books.

It's been a highlight of this year for me, and I hope you've enjoyed listening.


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58d43b No.158796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982810 (111739ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr could have known of ‘Biden corruption’ before election

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Trump furiously tweets that AG Barr could have known of ‘Biden corruption’ before election following explosive report

President Donald Trump has targeted Attorney General Bill Barr, “fake news media,” the FBI, and the Department of Justice over a report that a probe into Hunter Biden was deliberately kept from the public eye before the election.

“Now it turns out that my phone call to the president of Ukraine, which many, including me, have called ‘perfect,’ was even better than that,” Trump tweeted on Friday morning, one of a number of posts about everything from the Covid-19 vaccine to overturning the presidential election results.

Trump was referring to his July 2019 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which was said by Democrats to be a law-breaking affair, with the Republican accused of trying to pressure a foreign nation into investigating and providing dirt on a political rival, Joe Biden. Trump denied any wrongdoing, but the accusation ultimately led to his impeachment in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.

The president now says the “perfect” call included him telling Zelensky to contact Barr, whom Trump accuses of “perhaps” knowing about “the corruption during the impeachment hoax.”

Now it turns out that my phone call to the President of Ukraine, which many, including me, have called “perfect”, was even better than that. I predicted Biden corruption, said to call the A.G., who perhaps knew of the corruption during the impeachment hoax?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 11, 2020

Trump’s accusation follows the revelation that Hunter Biden is being investigated in multiple federal probes for possible tax and money laundering crimes, as well as a report from The Wall Street Journal claiming Barr knew of investigations into Hunter before the election and worked to keep them from the public, as well as congressional Republicans.

The report has earned Barr a significant amount of criticism from Republicans, as he was pressured during the election to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate accusations surrounding Hunter’s foreign business dealings allegedly involving his father Joe. Those allegations stemmed from a controversial October New York Post report citing content from a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter. The newly announced probes, however, are not believed to have anything to do with Joe Biden.

Trump also targeted the media, FBI, and the Department of Justice in a Thursday night tweet about the “Biden matter.”

“Why didn’t the Fake News Media, the FBI and the DOJ report the Biden matter BEFORE the Election,” he tweeted.

Why didn’t the Fake News Media, the FBI and the DOJ report the Biden matter BEFORE the Election. Oh well, it’s OK, we won the Election anyway - 75,000,000 VOTES!!!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 11, 2020

While Barr was once viewed by many to be one of Trump’s closest allies, the relationship appears to have soured since the attorney general disagreed with the president on the presidential election, announcing earlier this month that he has seen no evidence of voter fraud widespread enough to flip the results of the election.


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58d43b No.158797

File: f2b6d385501f62a⋯.jpg (419.85 KB,1079x1072,1079:1072,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982841 (111742ZDEC20) Notable: New Judicial Watch: #DemandVoterId

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58d43b No.158798

File: 8c2827bef492623⋯.png (1.65 MB,1698x700,849:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c1f65cfeafcf9⋯.png (85.64 KB,733x621,733:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982858 (111745ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr could have known of ‘Biden corruption’ before election

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Bill Barr’s DOJ Aided Biden Campaign by Hiding Hunter Investigation

The Attorney General of the United States appears to have taken the active step to assist the Joe Biden presidential campaign by hiding details of an investigation into his family from the American public.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday night:

Attorney General William Barr has known about a disparate set of investigations involving Hunter Biden’s business and financial dealings since at least this spring, a person familiar with the matter said, and worked to avoid their public disclosure during the heated election campaign.

Republicans and President Trump have pressed Mr. Barr for months to pursue Mr. Biden, especially as his father, Joe Biden, gained momentum in his ultimately successful bid for president. Mr. Barr has staved off pressure from Republicans in Congress for information into the investigations, the person said, without elaborating on his actions.

National Pulse editor Raheem Kassam reported on November 5th that Barr refused to discuss the matter when approached by public figures:

.@Harlan bumped into him lounging at the Trump Hotel last week and asked him what action he was taking over the hard drive from hell.

Barr just pretended not to see or hear him. Which was weird coz they were one on one. https://t.co/1DRqU4pv2j

— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) November 5, 2020

The WSJ report continues:

One investigation became public this week after federal investigators served a subpoena on Hunter Biden. The subpoena sought detailed financial information in connection with a criminal tax investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware, according to people familiar with the matter.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan had also been looking at Hunter Biden’s business and financial dealings, as part of a broader criminal investigation that two people familiar with the matter described as an international financial investigation that had been going on for at least a year. Hunter Biden is implicated in that investigation but was never a specific target for criminal prosecution, the people said. They declined to provide details on the substance of the probe.

The federal scrutiny dates back to 2018, the people familiar with the matter said.


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58d43b No.158799

File: dac5e02f5f69918⋯.jpeg (436.33 KB,1241x1795,1241:1795,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982863 (111746ZDEC20) Notable: Grennel shouting from the rooftops on Twitter

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Grennel is shouting this from the rooftops, just like Pompeo, just like POTUS

Think about this, Pelosi and superiors knew in 2015 that Swalwell was comped…I can’t wait until Schitt is exposed for this and worst crimes.

My interpretation, “they will not be able to walk down the street” time. It’s freaking go time


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58d43b No.158800

File: 65ac5de552527be⋯.jpg (74.48 KB,668x631,668:631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982864 (111746ZDEC20) Notable: Spoopy Covid Comms. .

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Spoopy Covid Comms. .

Houston doctor succumbs to Covid after months of saving patients

HOUSTON — Paige King knew something was wrong the moment she pulled up to her house on the evening of Oct. 26.

Her partner, Dr. Carlos Araujo-Preza, was sitting on the hood of his car in their driveway. He was wearing scrubs and a respirator — the one he'd worn in the intensive care unit each day while treating coronavirus patients — and he had a duffel bag packed at his feet.

King got out of her car and asked what he was doing.

"I have Covid," he said.

For a moment, King hoped he was messing with her. In their seven years together, she'd gotten used to his playful sense of humor. But this wasn't a joke.

Araujo-Preza told King he would quarantine at his lake house to protect her and his 78-year-old mother, who lived with them. But he told King not to worry.

As a critical care pulmonologist, he'd spent months treating hundreds of critically ill Covid-19 patients at HCA Houston Healthcare in Tomball. The sickest of the sick. The vast majority of those in need of hospital care were elderly or suffered from underlying health problems.

Araujo-Preza was 51 and fit, not at high risk of serious coronavirus complications, he assured her. King, a nurse practitioner at his practice, knew he was right.

She remembers teasing him as he loaded his bag into the trunk. Araujo-Preza loved "Star Wars" and sometimes jokingly referred to himself as a Jedi.

"I was like, 'If I don't get Covid after sleeping in bed with you, then I'm the real Jedi Master,'" King said.

They both laughed and said "I love you" before hugging briefly. Then he drove away.

"Neither of us was afraid," King said. "We both thought he'd be fine."

But as the disease ran its course, fear would come. Then desperation. And finally, unspeakable sadness.

A little more than a month after their playful exchange in the driveway, King would find herself rifling through the closet of her partner — the "love of my life," she called him — looking for his favorite suit.

Araujo-Preza was a handsome man, and King wanted him to look his best at his funeral.


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58d43b No.158801

File: 639f90c3b62dfcd⋯.png (657.02 KB,1195x862,1195:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982872 (111747ZDEC20) Notable: Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit

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Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit

Taking aim at their own state, Republicans in Pennsylvania’s House are officially siding with the disenfranchised voters of their state to say free and fair elections matter

In a move that found many slack-jawed from coast to coast, the Pennsylvania House Speaker and Majority Leader filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court in support of the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton that calls foul on elections in four battleground states in the 2020 General Election.

An amici curiae brief (or friend of the court brief) filed by Republican Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, also a Republican, asks the US Supreme Court to “carefully consider the procedural issues and questions raised by the Plaintiff concerning the administration of the 2020 General Election in Pennsylvania.”

The Texas lawsuit charges that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin illegally introduced changes to election laws that bypassed the required legislative process, thus deeming them unconstitutional.

Paxton’s lawsuit also contends that in doing so, those states treated voters within their respective states unequally and created considerable voting irregularities by rescinding certain ballot-integrity measures.

The Texas Attorney General filed the state’s motion on Monday night. The lawsuit is asking the High Court to declare the four states carried out their respective elections in violation of the US Constitution.

“The unimpeachability of our elections requires clear procedures of administration so that everyone gets a fair shake,” Culter and Benninghoff wrote in the brief. “Unfortunately, outside actors have so markedly twisted and gerrymandered the Commonwealth’s Election Code to the point that amici find it unrecognizable from the laws that they enacted.”

The leaders of Pennsylvania's General Assembly have filed a brief supporting Texas' effort to have the Supreme Court throw out the results of the presidential election in their state. pic.twitter.com/GI0AAe1uiQ

— Brad Heath (@bradheath) December 10, 2020

They added that the State of Texas “raised important questions about how this procedural malfeasance affected the 2020 General Election.”

In further support of the Texas suit, Cutler and Benninghoff also stipulated that “under the pretextual guise of COVID-19, special interests began attempting to use Pennsylvania courts” to carry out “election procedures of their own choosing,” citing mail-in ballot extensions implemented by Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar.


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58d43b No.158802

File: fcf247e68f7f9a9⋯.png (132.05 KB,298x568,149:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982883 (111748ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo speaks about ChInA

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We have a surprise visit from@SecPompeo⁩ who was wearing an American flag mask and declined to take questions. He entered the Brady Room with his son n other family to take pictures. The big news of the day, he announced, was that his son just got engaged. ⁦


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58d43b No.158803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982890 (111749ZDEC20) Notable: Ellen dog comms

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Ellen dog comms. She looks like shes about to end it.


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58d43b No.158804

File: 83970f5a40c8f18⋯.png (42.12 KB,674x631,674:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 06f330f9c44d648⋯.png (23.59 KB,662x291,662:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c9b5082a7c428d⋯.png (31.31 KB,673x506,673:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 620a87086eb06d6⋯.png (27.15 KB,672x425,672:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a222de194d344a⋯.png (13.21 KB,654x191,654:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982893 (111749ZDEC20) Notable: World’s Largest Vaccine Maker Suing Man for Saying COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Him

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World’s Largest Vaccine Maker Suing Man for Saying COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Him

It should have already been considered a crime against humanity decades ago that law makers were lobbied (bribed) into passing legislation in which vaccine manufacturers cannot be held legally liable for any damage their products may cause. It was an act which established official protocols, such as the secret vaccine injury court to largely sweep under the rug any instances of such side effects.

But now a new lawsuit filed by the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute of India, in association with multinational pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, seeks to take this a step further — by attempting to set the precedent that vaccine manufacturers can actually sue those that may have been harmed by their faulty products.

The litigation filed in an Indian court is a countersuit to a lawsuit that has been filed against SII by one of the volunteers who participated in a trial study for the developmental Covisheild. A vaccination for SARS-CoV-2.

After participating in the trial study, the yet to be named volunteer flagged severe neurological and psychological symptoms 10 days after the first injection. Symptoms which were then diagnosed as acute neurological encephalopathy, resulting in memory loss, lapses in cognitive functions such as reasoning, and changes in personality. A legal notice had been sent to ICMR, DCGI, AstraZeneca and Oxford University to stop testing, manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. The plaintiff filed a suit after the notice failed to receive response.

SII then filed a countersuit, worth $13.5 million, for defamation after alleging that the volunteers illness had nothing to do with the vaccine trial. This is a statement which was also backed up by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) and DCGI (Drugs Controllor General of India). However, these assertions have been challenged by independent researcher Dr. Anant Bhan, the former President of the International Association of Bioethics and current professor at India’s Yenepoya Medical University. Dr. Bhan notes that both of these institutions are government entities directly affiliated with SII, and stresses that transparency should be the top priority given that the parties vested financial interests.

Speaking to Indian national news outlet Firstpost, he claims that the countersuit is totally “uncalled for”, and called for transparency, stating —

“It’s an unusual response, because the reasons for volunteers to participate are altruistic. If there is a concern that a volunteer has, it’s good to engage with them and understand what those concerns are, and to make efforts to try and address them. It’s in the interest of the sponsor, and is also a signal to other participants already in the trial, and potential participants.”

“(It) could spook a few people, if and when a vaccine becomes available. When you do get into these situations, it’s better to be open and transparent,”

“It’s quite possible that everything they’re saying is true. But that doesn’t change the fact that there’s a conflict of interest,” said Bhan. “The regulator is being paid taxpayer money to be able to provide adequate oversight in these circumstances. The expectation is for the regulator to come forward and speak on the issue.”

It has also been alleged, both by the plaintiff’s attorneys, and spokesman for the AIDAN (All India Drug Action Network), that the countersuit amounts to “an attempt of intimidation.”

In a statement released by the former participants legal team, they say —


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58d43b No.158805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982894 (111750ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr could have known of ‘Biden corruption’ before election

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I have been saying this all year and was called a shill. To all Barr nuthuggers: HE IS DEEPSTATE PERIOD.


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58d43b No.158806

File: 00b79032b571a61⋯.jpeg (210.34 KB,1241x1028,1241:1028,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982911 (111751ZDEC20) Notable: Italy tosses out ban on "certain drug", you know which one

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58d43b No.158807

File: f5016846b1ef0a4⋯.png (297.96 KB,478x588,239:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982913 (111751ZDEC20) Notable: DoD IG is now hiring!

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58d43b No.158808

File: e086944a61224cd⋯.png (691.66 KB,624x420,52:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982915 (111751ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr could have known of ‘Biden corruption’ before election

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AG William Barr reportedly hid two federal probes into Hunter Biden for months

Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months — and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.

The nation’s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.

One of the investigations was made public this week, when the 50-year-old son of President-elect Joe Biden disclosed on Wednesday that he was being probed for possible tax fraud.

Hunter Biden is also implicated in a broader international financial investigation by federal prosecutors in Manhattan, two people familiar with the case told the Journal. That probe has been going on for at least a year. Hunter Biden, however, was never a specific target for criminal prosecution, according to the Journal.

Barr is said to have been aware of the federal scrutiny — which dates back to 2018 — into Hunter Biden since before the spring. But how and when he first learned of the probes isn’t clear.

Investigators worked to make sure news of the investigations didn’t become public before the presidential election, as per Justice Department guidelines that prohibit activity that could influence a political race.

President Trump and his Republican allies have repeatedly urged the AG to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Bidens.

On Thursday night, Trump railed against the timing, tweeting, “Why didn’t the Fake News Media, the FBI and the DOJ report the Biden matter BEFORE the Election.”


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58d43b No.158809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982922 (111752ZDEC20) Notable: Ex-Bin Laden henchman freed from NJ prison

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Ex-Bin Laden henchman freed from NJ prison after judge deems him too fat for jail

A former Osama bin Laden henchman convicted in two deadly 1998 bombings is free and living in the UK this week after being released early — thanks to a Manhattan federal judge who agreed the terrorist was way too obese to survive the coronavirus behind bars.

Adel Abdel Bary, 60, had spent 21 years in a New Jersey prison for his role in the 1998 al Qaeda bombings of two US embassies in Africa that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.

“Defendant’s obesity and somewhat advanced age make COVID-19 significantly more risky to him than to the average person,” US District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan wrote in granting the release.

Bary had been set to be freed on Oct. 28, but his attorneys asked that he be let out sooner, citing their ­client’s age, girth and asthma.

“Mr. Bary’s continued incarceration now significantly increases his risk of infection, which could wreak disastrous health outcomes,” his lawyer wrote in court documents.

While prosecutors didn’t agree that Bary’s age made him more at risk to catch COVID-19, they did concede his body mass index of 36 did.

“The defendant’s obesity is an extraordinary and compelling reason that could justify a reduction of his sentence in light of the current pandemic,” they wrote.

The 230-pound terrorist was freed from prison Oct. 9 and from an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility on Wednesday, when he was handed over to UK officials.

Bary — whose son, British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, is an Islamist militant — was reunited with his wife, Ragaa, who lives in a $1 million-plus apartment in London, Britain’s Sun newspaper reported.

His return to the UK couldn’t be blocked because he was granted asylum there in 1997 — before being arrested in 1999 and extradited to the US to stand trial in 2012.

He had been sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2015 but received credit for the years he spent behind bars in Britain while fighting extradition.

Officials couldn’t send him back to his native Egypt after his release because he could be at risk of death or torture, the Sun reported.

“His return remains a huge headache for the [UK] home secretary” — equivalent to the US secretary of state. “She is intent on ridding the country of threats, but here’s a notorious terrorist dumped right on her doorstep,” a source told the Sun.

Bary’s immigration lawyer told the New York Times last month, “After all this time, all Mr. Bary wants is to enjoy a quiet life with his family.”

Edith Bartley, whose younger brother was among the victims, ripped the release.

“Just serving a sentence doesn’t mean that a person has been rehabilitated, doesn’t mean that their core thinking has changed,” she told the Times. “This is a person who can still do harm in the world.”


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58d43b No.158810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982929 (111752ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Wisconsin Election Fraud Public Hearing 12/11/20

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LIVE: Wisconsin Election Fraud Public Hearing 12/11/20

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58d43b No.158811

File: aa9776e60c30f7d⋯.jpg (86.17 KB,1030x332,515:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982934 (111752ZDEC20) Notable: for keks: China has almost 20 percent more men than women under the age of 20

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for keks…

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - China has almost 20 percent more men than women among young people under the age of 20, the latest data by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Friday showed.

According to the NBS’ latest data on China’s population structure, the country's boys-to-girls gender ratio reached 119.1 percent among those aged between 10-14 and 118.39 percent among those aged between 15-19 by the end of 2019.

The gender imbalance among the age group of 20-24 stood at 114.61 by the end of 2019, the latest data showed.

The growing gender imbalance has made it more and more difficult for young Chinese men to marry as they face steep competition for the limited number of available women. Chinese men from the southwestern Yunnan and Guangxi provinces reportedly began to pay for foreign brides from neighboring countries, including Vietnam and Pakistan in recent years.


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58d43b No.158812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982955 (111755ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Companies Made €1.5 Billion from Italy During Pandemic

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Chinese Companies Made €1.5 Billion from Italy During Pandemic

The left-wing Italian government has spent €1.57 billion on supplies from Chinese companies during the Wuhan virus pandemic.

From January 31st to November 17th, the leftist coalition spent €4.73 billion, much of which went on medical supplies and other items, with 36.25 per cent of the cash going to foreign companies.

Of the 1.71 billion euros spent abroad, 1.57 billion, or 91.7 per cent, went to Chinese-owned firms. South Korean companies were the second-largest foreign beneficiary of the pandemic in Italy, earning €29 million, newspaper Il Giornale reports.

UK Paid £320 Million to CCP Linked Firms During China Virus Outbreak https://t.co/Nr4KFADn6Q

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 21, 2020

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the national conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, criticised the fact a third of the cash spent during the crisis ended up with Chinese companies.

Meloni labelled the figures “disturbing” and claimed they revealed an “absolute dependence” of the government led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime in Beijing.

“The misfortune within the misfortune is that while having to face a health, social, and economic emergency, the government was totally subservient to foreign interests,” she said.

“This is the worst political class in the Italian republic’s history: incapable, visionless, enslaved to foreign interests, and animated only by the desire to have a career and secure their seats,” she added.

Italy and many other European countries looked to Chinese suppliers for medical goods in the early days of the pandemic but found large amounts of the personal protection equipment (PPE) they purchased to be defective.

Netherlands Recalls 600,000 Defective Masks Sent from China https://t.co/fLO6W0ZNV2

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 30, 2020

A report from The Spectator‘s U.S. edition in April claimed that China had forced Italy to buy coronavirus supplies that Italy itself had donated to the country just weeks before.

In October, the British government was revealed to have spent upwards of £320 million to companies linked to the Beijing regime, which was largely spent on PPE and ventilators.


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58d43b No.158813

File: 74dacbb6760dc6d⋯.png (68.95 KB,645x906,215:302,Clipboard.png)

File: c127e1389773710⋯.png (41.79 KB,668x583,668:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11982974 (111756ZDEC20) Notable: UK: Child Sexual Exploitation Probe Charges 32

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UK: Child Sexual Exploitation Probe Charges 32 Mostly ‘Asian’ Men with Rape, Trafficking, and Drugs Crimes

Thirty-two men of mostly “Asian” heritage are appearing in court for a range of historic rape, trafficking, drugs, and other alleged offences following a child sexual exploitation probe.

“Thirty-two men… largely from the Kirklees area, have been charged with a variety of offences as part of Operation Tourway, an investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation in parts of West Yorkshire,” the regional police force reported in an official news bulletin.

“The allegations against the defendants are from 1999 to 2012 and involve offences committed against eight female victims, who were aged between 13 and 16 years old at the time of the alleged offences,” the force added, noting that some of the victims “were also subjected to offences when they were young adults.”

The alleged abuse is said to have taken place in areas including Bradford, Kirklees, and Wakefield.

West Yorkshire Police listed the men and the charges they are facing in full as follows:

Asif Ali (50) of Batley charged with rape offences (x12), inciting sexual activity with a child (x2), supply class B drugs (X1), trafficking (X1), aiding and abetting rape (x1) assisting in the commission of an indictable offence (x1) making an indecent photo of a child (x2), possession of extreme pornographic images (x1). He has been bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 11/12/20.

Amer Ali Hussain (42) of Batley charged with rape (x2) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 11/12/20.

Sarfraz Miraf – (45) of Dewsbury charged with rape offences (x1). He has been bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3 p.m. on 11/12/20

Nazam Hussain – (43) of Dewsbury, charged with rape offences (x4) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3 p.m. on 11/12/20 and 3 p.m. on 14/12/20.

Mohammed Nazam Nasser (35) of Batley, charged with rape offences (x3). Bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3 p.m. on 11/12/20.

Moshin Nadat (35) from Batley, served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x2) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 11/12/20.

Michael Birkenshaw (34) from Wakefield served with a postal requisition for rape (x1) and he is due to appear at court at 12 p.m. on 11/12/20.

Zafar Qayum (41) from Dewsbury charged with rape offences ( x17), gross indecency ( x4), indecent assault ( x9) assault ( X1) sexual activity with a child (x1) sexual assault (x1) theft (x1) and aiding and abetting rape (x2). He was bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 14/12/20

Jabbar Qayum (39) from Dewsbury, charged with rape offences (x6) and aiding and abetting rape (x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 14/12/20

Ansar Mahmood Qayum (43) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x13), attempted indecent assault (x2), aiding and abetting rape (x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2 p.m. on 14/12/20.

Mohammed Tauseef Hanif (36) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences ( x4) Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3 p.m. on 14/12/20


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58d43b No.158814

File: d6fc078fa4fd508⋯.png (730.41 KB,629x480,629:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983005 (111759ZDEC20) Notable: 50 Pounds of Meth Seized in Passenger Vehicles

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50 Pounds of Meth Seized in Passenger Vehicles at Texas Border Crossing

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Eagle Pass, Texas, seized more than $1 million worth of methamphetamine found in two passenger vehicles attempting to cross the border into Texas from Mexico.

CBP Office of Field Operations officers assigned to the Camino Real International Bridge on December 5 observed a 2015 Nissan Juke approaching from Mexico for entry into the United States, according to information obtained from CBP officials. The officers referred the driver, a 48-year-old U.S. citizen, to a secondary inspection station.

During the secondary inspection, officers utilized a K-9 and a non-intrusive imaging system to investigate the vehicle. The inspection by the K-9 and imaging system led to the discovery of seven packages of drugs, officials reported.

Officers conducted a physical search of the vehicle and removed the 35.05 pounds of crystal methamphetamine.

Later that day, officers assigned to the same bridge observed a 2010 GMC Terrain approaching for inspection for entry into the U.S., officials reported. The officers referred the driver, a 23-year-old U.S. citizen, to the secondary inspection station. A search of the vehicle with the non-intrusive imaging system revealed 12 packages of drugs hidden in the vehicle.

Officers conducted a physical search of the GMC Terrain and removed the 12 packages of crystal methamphetamine. Officials reported this shipment weighed nearly 16 pounds.

Officials estimated the combined value of the seized methamphetamine to be approximately $1,014,998.

The officers arrested both U.S. citizen drivers and seized the drugs and the vehicles. All were turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations special agents for further investigation.

“Narcotics interceptions like these are a prime example of CBP’s law enforcement mission and our effort to keep our streets safe from unlawful activity,” said Port Director Paul Del Rincon, Eagle Pass Port of Entry.


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58d43b No.158815

File: 6526ddfc1d369d0⋯.png (28.91 KB,433x408,433:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983008 (111759ZDEC20) Notable: Past December Q Posts

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58d43b No.158816

File: bf2fa18e7933c52⋯.png (32.22 KB,650x335,130:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bcb72782022fdd⋯.png (11.22 KB,655x136,655:136,Clipboard.png)

File: cd914cf3aa36cd9⋯.png (15.14 KB,654x162,109:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983029 (111801ZDEC20) Notable: Past December Q Posts

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58d43b No.158817

File: 2c7053e039f8ea4⋯.png (109.54 KB,756x469,108:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 977bc4db0cebc24⋯.png (164.9 KB,753x907,753:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983031 (111801ZDEC20) Notable: 4 major browsers are getting hit in widespread malware attacks

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4 major browsers are getting hit in widespread malware attacks

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Yandex are all affected in widespread ad-injection campaign.

An ongoing malware campaign is blasting the Internet with malware that neuters the security of Web browsers, adds malicious browser extensions, and makes other changes to users’ computers, Microsoft said on Thursday.

Adrozek, as the software maker has dubbed the malware family, relies on a sprawling distribution network comprising 159 unique domains with each one hosting an average of 17,300 unique URLs. The URLs, in turn, host an average of 15,300 unique malware samples. The campaign began no later than May and hit a peak in August, when the malware was observed on 30,000 devices per day.

Not your father’s affiliate scam

The attack works against the Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Yandex browsers, and it remains ongoing. The end goal for now is to inject ads into search results so the attackers can collect fees from affiliates. While these types of campaigns are common and represent less of a threat than many types of malware, Adrozek stands out because of malicious modifications it makes to security settings and other malicious actions it performs.

“Cybercriminals abusing affiliate programs is not new—browser modifiers are some of the oldest types of threats,” researchers from the Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team wrote in a blog post. “However, the fact that this campaign utilizes a piece of malware that affects multiple browsers is an indication of how this threat type continues to be increasingly sophisticated. In addition, the malware maintains persistence and exfiltrates website credentials, exposing affected devices to additional risks.”

The post said that Adrozek is installed “through drive-by download.” Installer file names use the format of setup__.exe. Attackers drop a file in the Windows temporary folder, and this file in turn drops the main payload in the program files directory. This payload uses a file name that makes the malware appear to be legitimate audio-related software, with names such as Audiolava.exe, QuickAudio.exe, and converter.exe. The malware is installed the way legitimate software is and can be accessed through Settings>Apps & Features and is registered as a Windows service with the same file name.

The graphic below shows the Adrozek attack chain:


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58d43b No.158818

File: 3821f066d015903⋯.png (337.44 KB,702x653,702:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983036 (111802ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Has Files From Seth Rich’s Laptop Computer

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FBI has files from Seth Rich's laptop.


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58d43b No.158819

File: 115d4094c8c57bf⋯.png (166.38 KB,296x191,296:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ba6e9813322ee4⋯.png (270.85 KB,652x836,163:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fef1910b59bf10⋯.png (30.01 KB,623x249,623:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983063 (111804ZDEC20) Notable: repeat: Brandy Vaughn of 'Learn The Risk' Found Dead

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Brandy Vaughn of 'Learn The Risk' Found Dead

ocial media that Brandy Vaughn, founder of Learn The Risk, a vaccine awareness non-profit organization, was found unresponsive by her 9-year-old son. Her community was shocked. She was a 47-year-old single mom, apparently healthy, and had been very clear that she no reason to commit suicide.

As a former executive of Merck who spoke out against vaccines, she was harassed and threatened. She knew she was at risk. A year ago, she made a video recording of how her home had been repeatedly broken into, items moved, and she suspected that her home had been bugged. Incidents occurred to demonstrate that someone had been listening to her conversations or watching her by camera.

All of this is extremely sad and frightening for our community. Those who benefited from her friendship, fundraisers for their vaccine-damaged child, insightful information, saw her numerous billboards about vaccine risks, or community organizing are particularly stricken with grief. They will mourn the loss of her life for years to come.

But those who did not know her also grieve because Brandy was a mom who stood up for the safety of other children. She was one of us. One of the best of us. The loss of her life is a loss for all of us. Her courage and generosity were the strongest bonds of camaraderie there are for women. We raise our children in a community, and when our closest community does not believe us, shuns us, and even mocks us, we turn to social media to find support and create a new community.


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58d43b No.158820

File: d2453ec27d13da1⋯.png (885.9 KB,701x467,701:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 11229fa692eadb6⋯.png (53.7 KB,739x705,739:705,Clipboard.png)

File: c22e8a2f2b7db13⋯.png (63.21 KB,780x802,390:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fd80981e05dd45⋯.png (29.9 KB,754x443,754:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983099 (111808ZDEC20) Notable: Israeli Surveillance Companies Siphoning Location Data From Smartphone Apps

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Israeli Surveillance Companies Are Siphoning Masses Of Location Data From Smartphone Apps

This year has seen a rush amongst government snoops for a new and sometimes contentious data set: location data grabbed by smartphone popular apps. Customs and Border, the FBI, the U.S. military and other federal agencies have been keen buyers, though it’s caused a furor amongst privacy and human rights watchdogs. The outcry this week led Apple and Google to kick apps containing location-grabbing code from Reston, Virginia-based provider X-Mode out of their respective app stores.

But Israeli surveillance vendors are also getting in on the act, Forbes has learned. One of the players, a highly secretive startup called Bsightful, is part-owned and backed by one of the biggest surveillance vendors in the world, the Nasdaq-listed, $4 billion market cap company Verint, three industry sources told Forbes. The other is an established player in the Israeli surveillance industry, Rayzone, whose Echo product promises “mass collection of all internet users in a country.” The GPS location data is accurate, as close as within one meter of the target, but will be a little behind in real time, due to the nature of the surveillance.

How do they do it?

To provide this service, the surveillance dealers are targeting the mobile advertising ecosystem. According to three sources speaking on the condition of anonymity, the highly secretive Bsightful is one of a handful involved in the business. Two said that Bsightful is hoovering up app location data by running what’s known as a Demand Side Platform (DSP). In the automated world of mobile advertising, apps looking for advertisers will go to a DSP to show off what kind of advertising space they can offer: what devices they’re installed on and where they’re based. Advertisers and their agencies will then choose where to place ads.

If a surveillance company runs a DSP, they don’t even need to provide the ads. They can simply collect the location and other phone data the app developers are willfully providing, the data passing through what’s commonly called the “bidstream.” But they do have to send back ads “from time to time” to keep the DSP active, according to one industry source. They also need to get as many app developers as possible to include the code pointing to their DSP, so they have maximum possible coverage. Setting up a “white label DSP” lets surveillance companies hoover up data that was solely meant to help marketing campaigns and advertisers.

The information is then packaged up into a software tool for government customers, allowing them to search whole areas or for individuals. For instance, if they have a phone number of a target, that should be enough to get their last known location, as long as they have the relevant app on their device.

Venntel, one of the U.S. government’s suppliers for mobile location data, has used the bidstream to acquire information, according to a disclosure by Customs and Border Protection to Senator Wyden’s office, according to Vice. CBP didn’t disclose just how Venntel had access to the bidstream. It also declined to say how it was using the data.


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58d43b No.158821

File: 66c3ee10e3a9ee5⋯.png (348.95 KB,452x701,452:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 39646d94e416556⋯.png (225.54 KB,347x841,347:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983113 (111810ZDEC20) Notable: mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains Luciferin dissolved with 66.6 ml of phosphate

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mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution.




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58d43b No.158822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983126 (111811ZDEC20) Notable: Military Working Dog Rudo's retirement

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Enjoy retirement!

Military Working Dog Rudo and his handler, SSgt Lacey Bockman, 88th Security Forces Squadron, participate in Rudo's retirement ceremony at @WPAFB, Ohio. Rudo’s retirement plans are to move in with Bockman and her two other dogs.


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58d43b No.158823

File: 9546cb09cbb61dd⋯.png (93.9 KB,831x675,277:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983129 (111811ZDEC20) Notable: DA Drops Charges On Portland Autonomous Zone Occupiers

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DA Drops Charges On Portland Autonomous Zone Occupiers, Including Felon with Body Armor, After Police Find Multiple Guns

Predictably, Multnomah County district attorney Mike Schmidt has dropped charges against all of the protesters who were arrested on Tuesday as part of the autonomous zone blockade and ensuing melee with police. The occupied zone is now being referred to RHAZ; Red House Autonomous Zone.

A press release from Portland Police on Tuesday read, in part:

Today, as Portland Police remained on the perimeter of properties in the 4400 Block of North Mississippi Avenue waiting for private contractors to fence the property, people began to gather nearby. People attempted to get inside the perimeter at various locations, despite the presence of uniformed police personnel, police vehicles and police tape. Officers also reminded people not to enter the perimeter. Officers made some arrests and reported using pepper spray in at least one instance.

As police stood on the perimeter, some were subjected to thrown objects such as rocks and paint-filled balloons.

At about 9:42 a.m., contractors finished their work and Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office personnel removed the perimeter. Portland Police gave loudspeaker announcements reminding those present not to interfere with fencing and to stay off the private property. Police completely left the area right before 10 a.m. and almost immediately, people removed a portion of the fence and entered the private property.

Portland Police returned and attempted to disperse people from the property, however, people began throwing objects at police vehicles and officers, broke police vehicle windows and flattened tires on two police vehicles. Officers disengaged and people entered the private property again. A crowd of people eventually used fencing and other materials to block North Mississippi Avenue and began stockpiling rocks.

Portland Police have remained out of the area and are monitoring the situation for the time being. We will provide updates when available.



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58d43b No.158824

File: dad190b67f3a23e⋯.png (294.4 KB,398x614,199:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983133 (111811ZDEC20) Notable: Military Working Dog Rudo's retirement

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58d43b No.158825

File: ecefe0b31f7253f⋯.png (587.55 KB,600x405,40:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 9221fb82dbde626⋯.png (73.66 KB,646x829,646:829,Clipboard.png)

File: c3b2448cecbe6d8⋯.png (169.92 KB,663x864,221:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 9de73282efb7d0c⋯.png (79.07 KB,660x916,165:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 39940464d097935⋯.png (56.24 KB,636x896,159:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983155 (111813ZDEC20) Notable: Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?

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Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?


Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960.

John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations.

And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt.

As Lance deHaven-Smith has remarked in Conspiracy Theory in America:

“It is seldom considered that the Kennedy assassinations might have been serial murders. In fact, in speaking about the murders, Americans rarely use the plural, ‘Kennedy assassinations’. […] Clearly, this quirk in the Kennedy assassination(s) lexicon reflects an unconscious effort by journalists, politicians, and millions of ordinary Americans to avoid thinking about the two assassinations together, despite the fact that the victims are connected in countless ways.”[1]

John and Robert were bound by an unshakable loyalty. Kennedy biographers have stressed the absolute dedication of Robert to his elder brother. Robert had successfully managed John’s campaign for the Senate in 1952, then his presidential campaign in 1960. John made him not only his Attorney General, but also his most trusted adviser, even on matters of Foreign or Military affairs. What John appreciated most in Robert was his sense of justice and the rectitude of his moral judgment. It is Robert, for example, who encouraged John to fully endorse the cause of the Blacks’ civil rights movement[2].

Given this exceptional bond between the Kennedy brothers, what is the probability that the two Kennedy assassinations were unrelated? Rather, we should start with the assumption that they are related. Basic common sense suggests that the Kennedy brothers have been killed by the same force, and for the same motives. It is, at least, a logical working hypothesis that Robert was eliminated from the presidential race because he had to be prevented from reaching a position where he could reopen the case of his brother’s death. Both his loyalty to his brother’s memory, and his obsession with justice, made it predictable that, if he reached the White House, he would do just that. But was there, in 1968, any clear indication that he would?



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58d43b No.158826

File: df3297eb7074e83⋯.png (97.65 KB,858x829,858:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 2762a1aabf5cd8c⋯.png (291.55 KB,858x787,858:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983177 (111816ZDEC20) Notable: Gateway Pundit opions on Election Audit

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An Audit of DIGITALLY ADJUDICATED BALLOTS Would Easily Place Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Probably Michigan in the Trump Column

There may be enough ballots adjudicated illegally in this year’s election to move Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan to the Trump column. Enough states for Trump to win the election.

The process for curing and adjudicating ballots during an election takes some time. Individuals mailing in ballots with issues must be contacted and certain steps must take place. We noted this previously where our focus was on Georgia.

The deadline for receipt of absentee ballots in Georgia, per Georgia election law, is “no later than close of the polls on Election Day … Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted,” this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division’s Absentee Voting A Guide for Registered Voters. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court ruling, which stayed a lower court ruling from August 31, stemming from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the New Georgia Project (NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP’s lawsuit prevailed in extending the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal, brought by the state of Georgia, Georgia election law held firm, with the higher court decisively re-establishing the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close of the polls.

Ignoring Georgia law, “start[ing] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ing] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST,” according to their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives – “Ballot Rescue Teams” – to do phone banking and also to travel Georgia’s counties, knocking on people’s front doors – only Democrats’ front doors, that is – and cheerfully offering to help “cure” or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly, had problems and were, allegedly, not being counted by county registrars.

In a video we inserted in a later post we wrote:

In the video in the post above, Mr. Jones ADMITTED that they were doing ballot curing!

We believe Georgia election law only allows ballot curing if the voter gets a call or contact from a GA election official. The law doesn’t allow a Hillary Clinton operative to replace the election official’s position. We don’t believe Georgia election law allows ELECTRONIC curing of the ballot either, which is what the Democrat Ballot Curing Program did: they stated that the voter could email or text their ballot changes.

Thousands of ballots in Georgia were likely adjudicated electronically without underlying support to properly cure the ballot:


Per the Populist Press – in an interview with Greg Kelly on Newsmax, Arizona Republican Chair Kelli Ward made the following statements about adjudicated ballots in that state:

There are over 1.9 million early ballots, absentee ballots. 28,000 of them are duplicated. Over 200,000 of them were digitally adjudicated. We haven’t been able to look at one ballot, not one that was digitally adjudicated.”


The Democrats do not want Americans to uncover their illegal ballots. Looking into the adjudicated ballots will uncover massive fraud.


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58d43b No.158827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983203 (111819ZDEC20) Notable: Ontario Government going to issue 'Immunity Passports'

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Ontario Government going to issue 'Immunity Passports' so people can prove they have received it

While others who choose not to take it could face restrictions

On Thursday, Brenda McPhail, Director of Privacy, Technology & Surveillance at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association joined Kitchener Today with Brian Bourke on 570 NEWS.

During their conversation, they discussed the recent remarks from Ontario's Health Minister Christine Elliot.

During a press conference, Minister Elliot said Ontario will issue government documentation or 'Immunity Passports' so that people can prove they have received the vaccine.

Minister Elliot also mentioned that the vaccine will not be mandatory, however, people who decide not to take it could face certain restrictions, such as, eventually not being able to access communal spaces.

In Canada, there are no mandatory vaccine laws, and McPhail said, it is unlikely that there ever will be for constitutional reasons. "To speculate on allowing private sector businesses to decide whether a medical choice that people make excludes them from entering a business or receiving a protect or services is a radical thing to be talking about in Canada."

McPhail also mentioned that when these types of restrictions come into play, some people will not be able to take it due to private medical reasons.

"We already know with the trial in the United Kingdom that people with serious allergic conditions may not be able to take the vaccine, and it may be more dangerous than getting COVID-19, and there's going to be other cases where you have disabilities or other underlying medical conditions simply won't be able to get the vaccination."

McPhail added 'Immunity Passports' are something the Ford government and residents have to think through very carefully because bad policy can and is created when people are afraid of what's to come.


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58d43b No.158828

File: 8737112eaf15698⋯.png (55.35 KB,716x742,358:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 6092bd2f02e941d⋯.png (15.67 KB,701x231,701:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983207 (111820ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese and European Media Carry Out Multilateral Cooperation

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Chinese and European Media Carry Out Multilateral Cooperation to Achieve Win-Win Results

BEIJING, Dec. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/. A statement on strengthening media cooperation issued by China Media Group (CMG) and its European media partners, calling on the Chinese and European media to fulfill their responsibilities as public information disseminators and jointly help the international community to gather a strong force to overcome the pandemic.

The statement was made during the "2020 European Media Partners Cooperation Online Forum" on December 10, hosted by CMG with the theme of "Mutual Trust Dialogue for Win-Win Cooperation".

Twenty-eight delegates from 25 organizations in 16 European countries and China had in-depth discussions on how to strengthen coordination, deepen ties, unite to fight the pandemic, and bring greater confidence to the world through in-depth exchanges.

CMG's President and Editor-in-Chief, Shen Haixiong put forward three proposals on the current media situation. He said, "First, we should deepen cooperation in reporting COVID-19 responses; Second, we should promote the exchange of personnel between the media organizations; Third, we should strengthen the construction of our cooperation mechanism."

In his speech, he pointed out, China and Europe share a broad consensus and common interests in supporting and practicing multilateralism, strengthening the global response to COVID-19, and jointly promoting global economic recovery and addressing the issue of climate change. We share far more consensus than divergences. Chinese and European media partners will also move towards a new stage of closer, deeper, and more pragmatic dialogue, exchange and cooperation.

Michael Friedenberg, the President of Reuters, said, "We must recognize the power of partnerships in this new media ecosystem. This can take the form of collaborative journalism, industry coalitions, new commercial business opportunities, content-sharing or shared platforms."

He also mentioned CMG and CCTV+ are important partners and our partnership continues to be a priority.


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58d43b No.158829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983220 (111821ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE WATCH: Astronaut Spacewalk Earth Views

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WATCH: Astronaut Spacewalk Earth Views

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58d43b No.158830

File: ca938b477637ab9⋯.png (256.28 KB,582x554,291:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983222 (111822ZDEC20) Notable: Wisconsin Hearing: Nursing Home Election Fraud and Fuckery

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Wisconsin Hearing: Nursing Home Resident Said She Wanted to Vote For Trump – But Nursing Staff Member Said, “No, He’s a Bad Man. We’re Voting For Biden”

The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and the Senate Committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues on Friday held a joint public hearing to review the 2020 election.

President Trump was crushing Joe Biden in Wisconsin on election night when all of a sudden corrupt officials in Milwaukee stopped counting ballots.

A huge ballot dump in Wisconsin 100% for Joe Biden appeared at 4:30 in the morning AFTER election day.

Where did all of these ballots for Joe Biden come from?

During Friday’s hearing it was revealed that a nursing home resident in Wisconsin said she wanted to vote for President Trump, but a nursing staffer bullied her into voting for Joe Biden.

The nursing home staff member said “No no. He’s a bad man. We’re voting for Biden,” and instructed the resident to do so against her wishes.

Another 95-year-old woman who died in October 2020 of dementia after having a stroke also voted for Joe Biden.

In fact, the deceased woman’s daughter gave a sworn statement to police after finding out her mother had voted in the 2020 election.

It is believed Joe Biden received hundreds of thousands, if not millions of votes from dead voters.


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58d43b No.158831

File: 131f1584cd7c0c9⋯.png (1.26 MB,1077x1522,1077:1522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983231 (111822ZDEC20) Notable: Krebs hiding the truth

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Krebs hiding the truth

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58d43b No.158832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983245 (111824ZDEC20) Notable: Krebs hiding the truth

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Chris Krebs: I have confidence in the security of this election because I know the work that we've done for four years in support of our state and local partners. I know the work that the intelligence community has done, the Department of Defense has done, that the FBI has done, that my team has done. I know that these systems are more secure. I know based on what we have seen that any attacks on the election were not successful.

Two years ago, President Trump put Christopher Krebs in charge of the new Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Krebs, a lifelong Republican, was confirmed unanimously by the Senate.

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58d43b No.158833

File: 302a8f1489ec1b3⋯.png (637.86 KB,755x829,755:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983263 (111826ZDEC20) Notable: Korean Director Kim Ki-duck dies of COVID

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Dead Duck


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58d43b No.158834

File: 20f446f1cd086c6⋯.png (416.28 KB,597x589,597:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983289 (111828ZDEC20) Notable: Elon twat comms from Dec 9th?

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58d43b No.158835

File: 8f1dd1f98458298⋯.png (347.79 KB,577x672,577:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983314 (111831ZDEC20) Notable: Resuscitation teams put in place at UK vaccine centres after people suffer allergic reactions

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Emergency resuscitation teams put in place at UK vaccine centres after people suffer allergic reactions to the COVID vaccine.


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58d43b No.158836

File: ae3a14af59f06fd⋯.png (88.14 KB,701x883,701:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 333784fe7043fce⋯.png (39.8 KB,701x439,701:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983492 (111846ZDEC20) Notable: DOJ resignation Asst AG Beth Williams from Office of Legal Policy resigns

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DOJ resignation…


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58d43b No.158837

File: ed10d63f4aea8e1⋯.png (43.2 KB,720x697,720:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983496 (111847ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Flynn fires back at FBI, DOJ: ‘I've seen corruption up close and personal’

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Mike Flynn fires back at FBI, DOJ: ‘I've seen corruption up close and personal’

Former general suggests trial judge refused to follow law.

Newly pardoned, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn says his four-year legal odyssey in the Russia case exposed the widespread corruption of intelligence, law enforcement and judicial institutions where politics was allowed to overrule the law.

“I've seen corruption up close and personal,” the retired three-star general told Just the News in a wide-ranging interview Thursday with the John Solomon Reports podcast. “And I see it as it's playing out in our current election. I mean, real corruption is really now publicly known. And we should still find it unacceptable.

“This corruption in our institutions — justice, intelligence community, senior law enforcement — it didn't happen overnight. This had to happen over, you know, probably decades, certainly a decade of a shift in the culture of acceptable bad behavior.”

Asked whether he was frustrated that Attorney General William Barr and special prosecutor John Durham had not done more to bring accountability to the misconduct identified in his case, Flynn urged patience.

“I actually think that, you know, the attorney general we just need to give him some space, because there's some elements inside that block and tackle the truth, even from the attorney general,” Flynn said. “But I would say there are moments in time and now is one of them.”

Flynn was pardoned by President Trump the day before Thanksgiving, ending a four-year legal odyssey that began when the FBI opened a criminal case against him in summer 2016 on the now-debunked suspicions he was helping Trump collude with Russia.

He said he was deeply grateful for Trump’s clemency but had hoped all along it would be unnecessary if the judge in his case, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, had simply dismissed the charge of lying to the FBI as the Justice Department had asked.

“The judge, in my case should have, you know, made the right decision, followed the law,” Flynn said.

The former three-star general said when Trump called to inform him of the pardon, it was like old times when they worked together on the 2016 campaign.

“The conversation that I had with the President was a terrific one,” he said. “And it was like, you know, like the phrase old home week? I mean, it was like, we never left each other.”


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58d43b No.158838

File: 51ada14a7c51f28⋯.png (589.93 KB,743x418,743:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983513 (111848ZDEC20) Notable: Rep. Biggs to AG Barr: How do you know there was no voter fraud if you didn’t investigate it?

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Rep. Biggs to AG Barr: How do you know there was no voter fraud if you didn’t investigate it?

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Andy Biggs, R-AZ, slammed Attorney General William Barr on Monday’s episode of “The Sara Carter Show” for suggesting there was no widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election while showing no evidence of an investigation into claims of such fraud.

Barr told the Associated Press earlier this month that the Justice Department was conducting an investigation, but claimed that “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

The Freedom Caucus last week wrote a letter to Barr asking him for evidence of his investigation, but Biggs says that evidence hasn’t yet been provided.

“If you didn’t investigate, then you wouldn’t know if there’s fraud or not,” Biggs told Carter of Barr. “But I’m disgusted. He’s named Durham, to be special counsel, ostensibly, so he can keep investigating in a Biden era.”

In his home state of Arizona, Biggs says the proper way to restore election integrity is to conduct an audit of the 2020 election. That will need to be directed by either Governor Doug Ducey, who will need the support of the state legislature, or the board of supervisors, Biggs noted.

“All’s the governor has to do is either bring legislature in and they can vote to have an audit, or the board of supervisors can order an audit, or the governor could issue an executive order and what would an audit do a forensic audit? He would either say that what the governor has been saying is right, that we had a wonderful election, there was no fraud, every legal ballot was counted and no illegal ballots were counted,” Biggs explaned.

“That’s what it would show he’d be a hero for that. Or he would say look, you know, we did find some a systemic problem. We did find enough balance to bring this into question and, and then you could pursue the remedy. He’d be a hero for that. You can’t lose. So why won’t he do it?”

Biggs also emphasized that despite hundreds of affidavits, many state leaders have gone on the “defensive” to prevent any such investigations.


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58d43b No.158839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983517 (111848ZDEC20) Notable: CONGRESS has issued an official statement THAT NO PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY ELECTED !

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Is this confimed?

CONGRESS has issued an official statement THAT NO PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY ELECTED !

Which means JOE BIDEN is falsely claiming to be the President Elect. The MEDIA is falsely confirming a president-elect.


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58d43b No.158840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983525 (111849ZDEC20) Notable: The British Hand Behind America’s Color Revolution: Soros and Lord Malloch Brown

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The British Hand Behind America’s Color Revolution: Soros and Lord Malloch Brown

Canadian Patriot editor Matthew Ehret discusses the ongoing US Color Revolution with a focus on George Soros, Dominion voting systems, Smartmatic and Soros’ globalist bosom buddy Lord Mark Malloch Brown who has just become President of Soros’ Open Society Institutes on December 4th.


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58d43b No.158841

File: a71424624da9235⋯.png (204.97 KB,349x263,349:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983538 (111850ZDEC20) Notable: Mastercard Faces US$18B Collective Lawsuit in the U.K.

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Mastercard Faces US$18B Collective Lawsuit in the U.K.

The United Kingdom’s most senior court has greenlit a $14 billion (US$18.5 billion) group legal action against credit provider Mastercard for allegedly overcharging more than 46 million people over a 15-year period.

The collective proceedings marked the first case of this kind to reach the U.K. Supreme Court, with judges noting in their statement on Friday it had raised “important questions about the legal requirements for certification of a claim.”

‘Class action’ lawsuits, popular in the United States, in which a group seeks damages through a single representative, are subject to stringent tests in the United Kingdom. Claimants must first file for what’s known as a ‘collective proceedings order’ (CPO), which requires a court to approve both the class representative and the inclusion of the various claims under a single action.

Walter Merricks, the U.K. former financial ombudsman, first sought a CPO against Mastercard after a European Commission decision in December 2007 ruled that the credit provider had breached competition law “by fixing a default ‘interchange fee’ as part of their payment card schemes,” according to the court’s statement.

Merricks argued that the fees, used by Mastercard to pay companies for accepting cardholder transactions, resulted in U.K. customers paying higher rates on exchanges with Mastercard-accepting businesses.

The former ombudsman claimed then that “consumers paid higher prices for goods and services than they would otherwise have done,” as a basis for seeking “an award of damages for the whole class — an aggregate award — rather than damages for the claim of each class member.”

Merricks later sought appeal after a lower court ruled that the case did not meet the requirements for a CPO because the various claims weren’t suitable for an aggregate payout.

Mastercard condemned the Supreme Court decision, arguing that people in the U.K. “pa[id] the same price for their shopping however they chose to pay.”

“In our system, costs are shared by the business accepting a payment, banks and Mastercard, as all of us benefit from a purchase, so it’s right that all of us contribute to the cost of the payment system,” Mastercard Executive Vice Chair, Ann Cairns, commented.

She blamed “US-based lawyers and litigation funders primarily focused on making money for themselves” for pushing the case before the U.K. judiciary, “wasting both the court’s time and taxpayers’ money.”

“Collective or ‘Class’ actions are new for the U.K., but in the U.S., class action lawyers have attempted to bring almost identical claims against us, and all of those cases were thrown out by the courts, often long before any trial,” Cairns claimed, stressing that Mastercard would continue to oppose the action.


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58d43b No.158842

File: ba4c9bd78b81451⋯.png (226.11 KB,876x782,438:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 8438b875eb22d1b⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983541 (111850ZDEC20) Notable: Leaked Biden audio - admits 'Trump smoked them in election'

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See new Tweets


PresidentElectChump4Trump #MAGA #KAGA









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58d43b No.158843

File: ab7d17fdcfeda96⋯.png (546.37 KB,776x849,776:849,Clipboard.png)

File: aaa328c40a21acd⋯.png (66.72 KB,747x895,747:895,Clipboard.png)

File: b900e323e1cb0ea⋯.png (69.63 KB,787x866,787:866,Clipboard.png)

File: a959c216415bac6⋯.png (65.61 KB,769x845,769:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983558 (111852ZDEC20) Notable: NATO and the EU are sending a “message” to Russia. Again.

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NATO and the EU are sending a “message” to Russia. Again.

I lived most of my life in Europe and even though by the time I moved to the USA (2002) Europe was already in a very bad shape, what I see happening there now never ceases to amaze me. In fact, it makes me wonder if the Europeans or, more accurately, the European leaders have gone completely insane. Either that, or maybe they have some kind of death wish?

The first thing which absolutely amazes me is the fact that the EU leaders are acting as if this was still the 1980s when Europe still mattered and when the European continent was relatively prosperous. And even when EU leaders acknowledge the problems facing Europe today (crime, immigration, lockdowns, civil unrest, tensions with Russia, self-defeating sanctions under US pressure, etc.), they systematically deal with them (so to speak) by minimizing their actual and potential impact and consequences. And if nothing else matters, they use the riot police forces to “solve” the issue.

Then there is NATO which now seems to believe that mantric incantations and some really dumb military “for show” activities along the borders of Russia will terrify the Kremlin and turn Russians into Poles. Apparently, the entire analytical apparatus of NATO has never opened a history book. Either that, or they have decided to ignore the lessons of history, because “this time around” the Russians will definitely surrender.

To be fair, all the military operations along the Russian border bother the Russians only because they show that the “collective West” still hates and fears Russia. But in purely military terms, they are a joke.

Not so long ago the endless western provocations eventually got a reaction out of Russia: the Russians re-created of the First Guards Tank Army (FGTA). For most people, the concept of “Tank Army” means little. A “Guards Tank Army” even less. So rather than use any Russian sources (Putin’s never sleeping “hackers” and “agents”), let’s take a source which nobody can suspect of being pro-Russian: Wikipedia. Please check this Wikipedia entry for the history of the First Guard Tank Army”. At the bottom of the article, there is a partial list of units and subunits composing this Army. Check it out:

Army Headquarters (Odintsovo, Moscow Oblast)

60th Command Brigade (Selyatino village near Odintsovo, Moscow Oblast)

2nd Guards Motor Rifle ‘Tamanskaya’ Division (Kalininets, Moscow Oblast)

4th Guards Tank ‘Kantemirovskaya’ Division (Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Oblast)

6th Separate Tank ‘Częstochowa’ Brigade (Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)

27th Separate Guards Motor Rifle ‘Sevastopol’ Brigade (Mosrentgen, Moscow City)

112th Guards Missile ‘Novorossiysk’ Brigade (Shuya, Ivanovo Oblast) (9K720 Iskander)

288th Artillery ‘Warsaw’ Brigade (Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)

49th Missile Air Defence Brigade (Krasnyi Bor, Smolensk Oblast) (Buk-M2)

96th Separate ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance) Brigade (Sormovo, Nizhny Novgorod City)

unknown Combat Engineer Regiment (in formation until the end of 2018) (unknown location in Moscow Oblast)

20th Separate NBC Defence Regiment (Tsentralny, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)

69th Separate Logistics Brigade (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)

No need to go into all the details, but let’s just say two things about this Tank Army: first, it has a lot more capabilities than “just” tanks and, second, this was the Army which really broke the back of the Nazi forces in WWII: it destroyed or captured 5,500 tanks, 491 self-propelled guns, 1,161 aircraft, 1,251 armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 4,794 guns of various calibers, 1,545 mortars, 5,797 machine guns, 31064 vehicles and other military equipment. The 1st guards tank army fought its way from Kursk to Berlin, which stretched for three thousand kilometers (source).


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58d43b No.158844

File: 2822f02b27f0c6c⋯.png (189.1 KB,343x325,343:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983571 (111853ZDEC20) Notable: U.K. Labor Party: £470M Worth of China Virus Contracts Linked to Tax Havens

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U.K. Labor Party: £470M Worth of COVID-19 Contracts Linked to Tax Havens

The U.K. Labor party called for “urgent clarity” over the £470 million (US$624.35 million) it found to have been doled out by the government for ten COVID-19 contracts to companies that are either listed, or have a parent company, in a tax haven, it said in a Thursday press release.

Its recent analysis found that these contracts for personal protective equipment (PPE) were from companies listed in countries such as Malta, Mauritius, Luxembourg, and Dubai – known for their secretive or low-tax financial services industries.

“Taxpayers deserve to know their money is being handled with great care – and that any risks of its misuse through tax havens is carefully handled by this government,” Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Rachel Reeves, said.

The U.K. government’s public procurement process, she added, “lacks important transparency, we are seeing no real moves to increase clarity or trust.”

Labor’s dissatisfaction over the government’s opaque COVID-related spending has been previously vocalized alongside members of parliament from the Green and Liberal Democratic parties.

In October, several MP’s launched judicial review proceedings against the government with The Good Law Project, demanding that it publish details on a roughly £3 billion ($3.92 billion) black-hole of COVID-19 contracts, whose recipients had yet to be revealed despite being legally required to do so within a 30-day period.

The contracts that have been under public scrutiny have also drawn criticism. The Labor party, in its press release, asserts that the Tory-led government has fast tracked hundreds of contracts, and that over £1.5 billion ($2 billion) has gone to friends and donors of the party.

When pressed about this issue in an interview with Andrew Marr on the BBC, Rishi Sunak, U.K.’s Chancellor of the Exchequer – the government’s top finance official – declined to acknowledge that the government had misused public funds.

“When you’re in the midst of a crisis and you’re trying to ensure that you have enough PPE… it was right to try to do everything we can, and I’m not going to apologize for us acting in that way,” he said.

Facing allegations that some of his own wealth may also be stashed in offshore tax havens, Sunak, a former investment banker at Goldman Sachs, has been pressured to reveal where his funds are located in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest while in office.


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58d43b No.158845

File: 91d6546c2abc158⋯.png (95.49 KB,669x798,223:266,Clipboard.png)

File: 2203701ead53de4⋯.png (64.28 KB,685x607,685:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983592 (111855ZDEC20) Notable: Senate passes defense bill, setting up Trump veto fight

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Senate passes defense bill, setting up Trump veto fight

The Senate passed a mammoth defense policy bill on Friday, setting up a veto showdown with President Trump.

Senators overwhelmingly supported the $740 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in an 84-13 vote, approving it with more than the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a potential veto from President Trump, who opposes the legislation on two points.

The bill already passed the House this week in a 355-78 vote, meaning it now goes to Trump, where he’ll have to decide if he is going to follow through with his veto threat despite bipartisan opposition.

Top Republicans touted the bill ahead of Friday, underscoring the division between the president and congressional Republican leaders.

“It does not contain every policy that either side would like to pass, but a huge number of crucial policies are included and a lot of bad ideas were kept out. So I would encourage all our colleagues to vote to advance this must-pass bill,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

Trump has homed in on two issues. One is his months-long fight over a plan, included in the final version of the bill, that would require Confederate bases and military installations to be renamed within three years. Though senators had hoped that he had backed down from that fight, Trump shouted out the provision in a tweet this week.

More recently he’s hammered the bill over not including a repeal of Section 230, which provides a legal shield to tech companies and has emerged as a prime punching bag for the president and his allies. The bill also rebuffs Trump’s efforts to draw down troops in Germany and Afghanistan.

Though the bill passed both chambers this week with enough votes to override a veto, there could be a shuffling on an override vote with some GOP lawmakers flipping to stick with Trump and some Democrats who opposed the bill supporting an override.

Republicans say there have been efforts to talk Trump down from his veto threat, which could imperil a bill that typically passes with overwhelming bipartisan support and has been signed into law for 59 years in a row.

“My hope is that if the number is big enough that the president reconsiders his threat to veto it. It's clear what the final outcome will be,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas).

But Trump has shown no signs of backing down from trying to sink the bill, and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who spoke with the president this week, said he expects him to veto it.


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58d43b No.158846

File: 23ebbef0c352429⋯.png (275.38 KB,478x564,239:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983602 (111857ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Navy ships to secure UK fishing waters if no-deal #Brexit takes place

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4 Navy ships to secure UK fishing waters if no-deal #Brexit takes place


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58d43b No.158847

File: 52f416ae39f328e⋯.png (20.66 KB,719x269,719:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983608 (111857ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Act Used By The FBI To Collect Internet Browsing Data

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Patriot Act Used By The FBI To Collect Internet Browsing Data, Contradicting Claims Made To Oversight

The NSA shut down its bulk phone records collection authorized under Section 215 after it became apparent it wasn't worth the effort. Reforms put in place by the USA Freedom Act prevented the agency from collecting it all and sorting it out later. Instead, it had to approach telcos with actual targeted requests and only haul away responsive records. The NSA somehow still managed to overcollect records, putting it in violation of the law. The NSA hinted the program had outlived its usefulness anyway, suggesting it had far better collections available under other authorities that it would rather not subject to greater scrutiny.

But this didn't end the government's bulk records collections. It just ended the phone metadata program. The NSA still collects other records in bulk, including banking records and, oddly, books checked out by library patrons. The broad authority of Section 215 could be read to allow the government collect other records, like email metadata and internet activity. Reasoning that people voluntarily create records of their internet use by using third-party services to surf the web, the government hinted it could sweep these up just as easily as it had swept up call records.

The government's attempt to collect internet history under this authority ran into some friction earlier this year when the Senate voted to block this collection. Senator Ron Wyden directly asked the director of national intelligence (DNI) to inform the Senate whether or not agencies under its purview had gathered internet use records under this authority. He received this answer.

In a Nov. 6 letter to Mr. Wyden, John Ratcliffe, the intelligence director, wrote that Section 215 was not used to gather internet search terms, and that none of the 61 orders issued last year under that law by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court involved collection of “web browsing” records.

Wyden took this response to mean that implementing a ban on collection of internet history records could be put into place without negatively affecting any intelligence gathering activities. But when the New York Times pressed DNI John Ratcliffe on specifics, a new party inserted itself into the conversation: the DOJ. According to its response, the FBI had already done the thing the DNI had just told Sen. Wyden it hadn't.

In fact, “one of those 61 orders resulted in the production of information that could be characterized as information regarding browsing,” Mr. Ratcliffe wrote in the second letter. Specifically, one order had approved collection of logs revealing which computers “in a specified foreign country” had visited “a single, identified U.S. web page.”

So, the FBI was collecting internet browsing records, albeit with an order that only targeted foreign users visiting one US web page. Still, this wasn't what the DNI originally said to Sen. Wyden. This set Wyden off. Again. The supposedly honest answer he received in response to his questions wasn't actually all that honest. As he pointed out in his statement, the belated admission raised questions about domestic surveillance and potential abuse of Section 215 authority to collect something the DNI said no one was collecting. And, if nothing changed, there was no guarantee the Intelligence Community wouldn't talk itself into believing a collection of internet browsing data would be cool and legal.

“More generally,” Mr. Wyden continued, “the D.N.I. has provided no guarantee that the government wouldn’t use the Patriot Act to intentionally collect Americans’ web browsing information in the future, which is why Congress must pass the warrant requirement that has already received support from a bipartisan majority in the Senate.”


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58d43b No.158848

File: 2b83003ce44bf03⋯.png (41.23 KB,689x287,689:287,Clipboard.png)

File: cb91e6923ccd7c4⋯.png (63.06 KB,881x386,881:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983613 (111858ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Matt Gorham Assistant Director, Cyber Division

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Matt Gorham

Assistant Director, Cyber Division

Matt Gorham was named assistant director of the Cyber Division in August 2018. Mr. Gorham had previously served as special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Division at the Washington Field Office.

Mr. Gorham joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned to the Pittsburgh Field Office, where he worked a variety of violations with an emphasis on violent crime and drug investigations, before focusing on counterterrorism matters.

Throughout his career, Mr. Gorham has served in leadership positions both internationally and domestically, to include in the International Operations Division directing all FBI operations and deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Gorham has also held leadership positions in the Criminal Investigative Division and in the Pittsburgh and Richmond field offices. He has served as deputy assistant director of the Critical Incident Response Group and as the director of the National Cyber Joint Investigative Task Force (NCIJTF). The NCIJTF is a multi-agency cyber center within the FBI Cyber Division that coordinates, integrates, and shares cyber threat information to support investigations and intelligence analysis for policymakers, the intelligence community, law enforcement, military, and trusted partners in the fight against cyber threats.

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58d43b No.158849

File: 7395d7f368a9bd9⋯.png (132.39 KB,548x788,137:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 133b85bcdf62b64⋯.png (127.95 KB,572x681,572:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 79aed0e99254138⋯.png (100.2 KB,525x617,525:617,Clipboard.png)

File: cbb9c4bf42c226b⋯.png (102.94 KB,539x516,539:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983622 (111859ZDEC20) Notable: 126 Members of Congress file in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion (Texas vote fraud case)

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126 Members of Congress file in Support of

Plaintiff’s Motion

Fortunately, the Framers of our Constitution

provided for this moment. It is now the duty of this

Honorable Court to objectively review the facts

presented by the Plaintiff in this historic case,

render judgment upon the unconstitutional actions

in the Defendant states, and restore the confidence

of all Americans that the rule of law will be upheld

today and our elections in the future will be secured.


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58d43b No.158850

File: 595848969ef149f⋯.png (59.38 KB,820x651,820:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983640 (111900ZDEC20) Notable: Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger

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Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger, warns former Pfizer vice president

Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president and scientific director for Pfizer, has come forward with evidence that widespread SCIENCE FRAUD was used in the 2020 race for a coronavirus vaccine.

In pursuit of speedy regulatory approval, Pfizer abandoned all scientific integrity. The study design for new mRNA injections is based on fraudulent diagnostic protocols that manipulate data endpoints and conceal the short and long-term adverse events inflicted by their vaccines.

Dr. Yeadon is joined by German lung specialist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. The two brave doctors have filed an urgent application with the European Medicine Agency, calling out the BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine study because it’s based on FRAUD.

mRNA vaccine studies are based on fraud, conceal serious vaccine injuries

The doctors concur that Pfizer’s vaccine studies should be halted until a credible study design can be presented, one that doesn’t falsify data endpoints and one that addresses a host of serious safety concerns. The doctors warn that Pfizer is conflating non-specific symptoms of illness with COVID-19 diagnoses for the control arm while using inaccurate, high cycle PCR tests for a diagnosis. The doctors warn that the vaccine’s efficacy is being contorted because the study design fails to properly diagnose cases of COVID-19 and fails to confirm infection using the Sanger sequencing method. They conclude that risk of disease and potential vaccine benefit cannot be measured or determined with accuracy. They demand a halt to all human experimentation with these mRNA injections.

Wodarg and Yeadon also warn that the vaccine’s efficacy toward spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 is a real measurement of immune reaction, but this effect will also cause autoimmune issues as well. Among these autoimmune issues is the destruction of the female reproductive system. The vaccines will produce temporary antibodies to coronavirus by attacking the spike’s syncytin-homologous proteins. Not coincidentally, the syncytin-1 is also essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals and humans. Therefore, the vaccines could cause infertility, miscarriage and birth defects, and Pfizer is not disclosing this information to patients.

The use of polyethylene glycol will also cause autoimmune reactions, a problem already being observed in U.K. patients. A 2016 study in Analytical Chemistry found anti-PEG antibodies in 72 percent of human samples, and 8 percent of those samples contained high levels, which led to increased adverse events and waning vaccine efficacy.


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58d43b No.158851

File: 28ab77be16eb6b4⋯.png (36.04 KB,722x506,361:253,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983671 (111904ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube's New Rules Now Ban The Majority Of Americans From Expressing Their Political Views

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YouTube's New Rules Now Ban The Majority Of Americans From Expressing Their Political Views

YouTube under CEO Susan Wojcicki announced Wednesday they're going to ban all content "alleging widespread fraud or errors" changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

From YouTube:

Since September, we've terminated over 8000 channels and thousands of harmful and misleading elections-related videos for violating our existing policies. Over 77% of those removed videos were taken down before they had 100 views.

We also work to make sure that the line between what is removed and what is allowed is drawn in the right place. Our policies prohibit misleading viewers about where and how to vote. We also disallow content alleging widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of a historical U.S. Presidential election. However in some cases, that has meant allowing controversial views on the outcome or process of counting votes of a current election as election officials have worked to finalize counts.

Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections. For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come. As always, news coverage and commentary on these issues can remain on our site if there's sufficient education, documentary, scientific or artistic context.

Many people, including myself, wondered whether Big Tech was going to back off after Joe Biden was installed or ramp up their censorship to Bolshevik levels. That's question has now been answered.

We also showed information panels linking both to Google’s election results feature, which sources election results from The Associated Press, and to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) "Rumor Control" page for debunking election integrity misinformation, alongside these and over 200,000 other election-related videos. Collectively, these information panels have been shown over 4.5 billion times. Starting today, we will update this information panel, linking to the "2020 Electoral College Results" page from the Office of the Federal Register, noting that as of December 8, states have certified Presidential election results, with Joe Biden as the President-elect. It will also continue to include a link to CISA, explaining that states certify results after ensuring ballots are properly counted and correcting irregularities and errors.


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58d43b No.158852

File: 880d0c89ad7dda5⋯.png (77.17 KB,639x650,639:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983695 (111907ZDEC20) Notable: Battleground States Weakly Deny Texas Lawsuit’s Allegations

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Battleground States Weakly Deny Texas Lawsuit’s Allegations, Texas Says They Ignore ‘Grave’ Election Concerns

Attorney Generals from Defendant States in Texas’s lawsuit before the Supreme Court attempted to deflect to politics in their Thursday response causing Texas to hit back

The lawsuit that the State of Texas has brought against four Defendant States – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia – brings forth transgression by each state against the US Constitution. The Defendant States responded by playing vitriolic partisan politics.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court on behalf of the people of the State of Texas charging that each of the Defendant States illegally and unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures.

Each of the Defendant States “violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution,” the lawsuit alleges.

In responses to the lawsuit – responses that were due by 3 p.m. ET Thursday, each of the four states rejected the allegations yet failed to address any of the legal or constitutional questions put forth in the lawsuit.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote that the request “to exercise its original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an [affront] to principles of constitutional democracy.”

Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul wrote, “Texas is unable to allege that Wisconsin itself did anything to directly injure Texas’s sovereign interests.”

Texas Attorney General Paxton and other state attorneys issued a reply, stating the Defendant States “do not seriously address grace issues that Texas raises, choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions in which Texas could not participate and to mischaracterize both the relief that Texas seeks and the justification for that relief.”

“An injunction should be issued because the Defendant States have not – and cannot – defend their actions,” they added.

My office filed additional briefing in support of Texas’s lawsuit to protect the integrity of our elections ⬇️

1) https://t.co/3gqRg6358e

2) https://t.co/dskf50Hfmw pic.twitter.com/kNZpYYbaIQ

— Texas Attorney General (@TXAG) December 11, 2020

The Texas lawsuit does not seek to overturn the election results in any of the Defendant States. Instead, it asks the Supreme Court to remand the power of seating each of the Defendant States’ electors to its original source per the US Constitution: The State legislatures.


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58d43b No.158853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983707 (111907ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

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EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers


YouTube – the Google-owned video platform making headlines for vowing to censor all content flagging “election fraud or errors” – employs software engineers with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can reveal.

A host of software engineers for the platform have formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party-run institutions, raising the question as to why a revolving door exists between YouTube and the China-based universities.

A software engineer for the video platform since May of 2019,Tai Jinjiang, previously worked as a project manager for Guanghzou Shian Technology.

Jinjiang detailed his work for the China-based firm as playing a “major role in successful PLA certification of ShiAn terminal by Ministry of Public Security, State Secrecy Bureau, and IT Evaluation Center.”

In other words, Jinjiang led software efforts on behalf of the PLA – appearing to reference China’s People’s Liberation Army – and a host of Chinese government-led intelligence bodies. What’s more, he notes he “garnered numerous staff awards for excellent performance.”

Jinjiang’s job description.

Additionally, Xiao Chen – who lists himself as a software engineer at YouTube since November of 2020 – previously served as a Research Assistant at Sun Yat-Sen University.

The university – which recently dispatched a researcher to the U.S. who pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over ties to China – has also seen its Supercomputing Center on the U.S. government’s entity list since 2015 – a “list of people and companies the U.S. government deems a national security risk.”

Chen’s employment history.

Another software engineer, Xifei Huang, has worked at YouTube since February 2014 despite previously working as a Developer for Beijing-based Peking University.

Huang’s employment history.

Peking University – which has also seen its researchers sentenced by the FBI for stealing intellectual property and failing to disclose Chinese Communist Party ties – is funded and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

The university also counts former and current party apparatchiks among its leadership, including its leader: a former head of the country’s spy agency’s Beijing branch.

Fan Yang, another YouTube software engineer since April 2017, interned for China Telecom, labeled by the U.S. Department of Defense as collaborating with the Chinese military for over two decades.

Yang later served as a research assistant at Fudan University, which recently cut “freedom of thought” from its charter under Chinese Communist Party demands. During Yang’s Fudan stint, five Chinese military-linked hackers based out of Fudan University were indicted for stealing U.S. secrets.

Yang’s employment history.

The unearthed ties cast YouTube’s decision to ban all content disputing a victory for Joe Biden – the Chinese Communist Party’s preferred candidate – in an interesting light. It similarly calls into question reports of YouTube automatically deleting Chinese-language phrases critical of the Chinese Communist Party, which the platformer attributed to “an error in our enforcement systems.”

The revelations also add to a growing list of American tech corporates hiring Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals including Facebook and Twitter. Twitter appointed Dr. Fei-Fei Li as an advisor despite her attendance at several Chinese Communist Party-backed conferences and cooperation with a “leading artificial intelligence research body at Tsinghua University, a prestigious Chinese academic institution that also conducts AI research for the Chinese military.”

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58d43b No.158854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983711 (111908ZDEC20) Notable: Dr. Kary Mullins, invented the PCR test, talks about the farce of HIV causing AIDS (video)

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Dr. Kary Mullins, invented the PCR test, talks about the farce of HIV causing AIDS and gets into how Fauci knows nothing and is s big liar

I can’t wait until the election and won and we get back to Fauci and Birx!

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58d43b No.158855

File: 823b902ee1261da⋯.png (39.47 KB,551x314,551:314,Clipboard.png)

File: c03612d263ab82e⋯.png (39.63 KB,666x480,111:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983714 (111908ZDEC20) Notable: Federal Judge Could Allow 200K Georgia Voters Purged in 2019 Be Restored for Runoff

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Federal Judge Could Allow 200K Georgia Voters Purged in 2019 Be Restored for Runoff

Federal Judge Steve C. Jones, a Barack Obama appointee, is set to decide whether some 200,000 people purged from the Georgia voter rolls in 2019 can be put back on, allowing them to cast a ballot in the January 5 runoff election for two Senate seats.

The Law 360 website reported on the consequential case:

U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones said at the end of a three-hour hearing Thursday that he’ll decide “pretty quickly” whether to grant a request by four multi-state voter and civil rights organizations to re-register the purged voters. Voter registration for Georgia’s senatorial runoffs, which will decide the balance of power between Democrats and Republicans in the upper chamber, closed Monday.

Counsel for the plaintiff organizations said the state did not follow federal law when it determined in 2019 that 313,243 voters should be removed because they had died or moved out of the jurisdiction in which they were registered to vote. The organizations said their experts found through several system checks that 199,908 of those purged were likely still eligible to vote.

“If one person, if two people don’t have the ability to vote because they were wrongly purged, that’s one or two too many,” said Tricia P. Hoffler of The CK Hoffler Firm, an attorney for the organizations. “People died so we could vote.”

The left-wing groups seeking judicial intervention in the runoff include the Transformative Justice Coalition, Rainbow Push Coalition, Black Voters Matter Fund, and Southwest Voter Registration Education Project.

The groups sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on December 2, claiming violations of the National Voter Registration Act and the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of voting rights.

Raffensperger denied claims the leftist groups made and asked the court to dismiss the case because plaintiffs have no standing and that “to re-register purged voters from an out-of-date list would lead to duplications and associated problems in the January runoffs.”

“The groups said Georgia failed to use a U.S. Postal Service licensee, of which there are 18 nationwide, to check the National Change of Address Registry in order to determine who should be dropped from registered voter rolls,” 360 reported. “This violation of the Voter Registration Act led to the state’s second violation for failing to maintain accurate and current voter lists, the plaintiffs alleged.”

The organizations — all of which want far-left Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to beat Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler — also said the Georgia law that says registered voters have to vote to be kept on the voting rolls is unconstitutional.

Jeanne E. Mirer of Mirer Mazzocchi & Julien PLLC, an attorney for the organizations, said their complaint was largely based on a report published on September 1 by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia and written by California-based reporter Greg Palast.


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58d43b No.158856

File: 6b88d2d41147c89⋯.png (54.73 KB,698x608,349:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983717 (111909ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

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Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution


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58d43b No.158857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983720 (111909ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton supporter

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Sky News Australia

Dec 10, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton supporter

Clinton segment starts at 5:50 if you want to skip the history rehashing.

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58d43b No.158858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983730 (111910ZDEC20) Notable: Israel Struck 500 Targets On ‘Six Fronts’ This Year: IDF Chief Of Staff

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Israel Struck 500 Targets On ‘Six Fronts’ This Year: IDF Chief Of Staff

Iran’s entrenchment in Syria is slowing down as a result of ongoing Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said on December 11.

These operations are a part of Israel’s “War-Between-Wars” campaign, which started in the mid-2000s and ramped up following the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011. The campaign is meant to prevent Iran and its allies from developing capabilities that will enable them to violate Israel’s balance of deterrence.

“The Iranian entrenchment in Syria is in a clear slowdown as a result of IDF activity, but we still have a long way to go to complete our goals in this arena,” Kochavi said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli general went on to reveal that the IDF struck more than 500 targets in different areas over the last year. Tel Aviv claimed responsibility for several strikes on Syria.

“We operate in six areas intensively. There are arenas with activities on a daily basis and there are those with weekly or monthly activities,” said Kochavi.

An increase in the intensity of Israeli strikes on Syria was noticed in 2020. While Kochavi claims that Iranian forces are being pushed back, the situation in the war-torn country has not changed much from the previous years.

The IDF chief also revealed that Israel “carried out many offensive operations” in the cyber sphere, without providing further details on the matter.

“The Middle East is the most divided and violent region in the world,” Kochavi said, “Most of the countries surrounding Israel have areas without governance, and that challenges us to operate with ‘classic’ measures.”

Kochavi’s remarks indicate that Israel is still convinced that its military campaign will eventually force Iran out of Syria. Nevertheless, Tel Aviv’s military pressure appears to be brining Damascus and Tehran closer and closer.


Illegally bombing it's neighbors and bragging about it

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58d43b No.158859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983737 (111911ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Reportedly to Subpoena Docs of Texas AG Who Filed Lawsuit to Void Election Results in 4 States

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FBI Reportedly to Subpoena Docs of Texas AG Who Filed Lawsuit to Void Election Results in 4 States

The subpoena is reportedly not related to the lawsuit, which has been supported by the attorney generals of 17 other states and over a hundred federal lawmakers who believe that several US states illegally changed their electoral laws just months ahead of the election.

The FBI has subpoenaed documents from the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton as a part of a probe into allegations of abuse of office, local media outlet KVUE reported.

The media outlet did not elaborate on what information precisely had been requested by the bureau, but noted that it was related to an investigation that began following a joint complaint by several former employees of Paxton's office. They reportedly raised concerns over the Texas AG's alleged relations with local Austin investor Nate Paul, whom he allegedly helped hire a lawyer to look into alleged misconduct by the FBI during a raid on one of Paul's offices.

In addition, another outlet, the Austin American-Statesman, reported that Paxton had an alleged affair with a woman who was then employed by Nate Paul at one point under recommendation from the AG.

The FBI has not commented on the reports, while Paxton has denied any misconduct on his part, while dismissing the accounts of the former office employees.

"Their allegations are overblown, based upon assumptions, and to a large degree misrepresent the facts", the Texas AG said.

Texas AG's Crusade Against Battleground States Gains More Supporters

Paxton found himself in the limelight in December 2020 after he filed a lawsuit with the US Supreme Court against four battleground states – Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin – demanding to void their presidential election results. The Texas AG argues that the four states illegally altered their election laws in the months ahead of the election under the pretext of responding to the threat of the pandemic and claims that these states witnessed numerous irregularities and reports of voter fraud.

The attorney generals of 17 other Republican states and over a hundred federal GOP lawmakers soon threw their support behind the US Supreme Court suit that seeks to overturn the results of the election, in which Biden is currently the projected winner. Republican House Representatives Tom Emmer and Pete Stauber are two of the most recent lawmakers to join the lawsuit. Stauber's name was left out of the last list of signatories due to a clerk's mistake, which the lawmaker said would soon be corrected.

The lawsuit initiated by Paxton is the latest measure in an array of moves by the Republicans to tip the scales in their favour, as many of them refuse to recognise Biden's victory. President Donald Trump has also refused to concede despite giving a green light to the transition process. POTUS claims the election was "stolen" from him and has promised to fight for victory in court. His legal team, however, has so far failed to overturn the results in any states.


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58d43b No.158860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983747 (111912ZDEC20) Notable: Turkish Proxies Use U.S. Missiles Against U.S. Proxies In Syria

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Turkish Proxies Use U.S. Missiles Against U.S. Proxies In Syria

Turkish-backed militants continue to use U.S.-made TOW anti-tank missiles (ATGMs) against the U.S.-allied Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria.

On December 10, the Hawar News Agency shared a video showing the remains of a TOW ATGM. They were found near the town of Ain Issa in the northern countryside of Raqqa.

The missile was launched by militants of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) at a post of the SDF near the M4 highway, to the north of Ain Issa. The incident took place during the last round of escalation around Ain Issa, which resulted in an agreement to expand Syrian military presence in the town.

Turkish-backed militants have been using TOW ATGMs against the SDF for a while. This type of the ATGM was intensively used by the SNA during Operation Peace Spring in northeastern Syria last year.

Hundreds of TOW ATGMs were supplied by the U.S. as a part of the covert operation, condemned “Timber Sycamore,” to train and equip anti-government groups in Syria. Loads of these advanced missiles ended up in the hands of Turkish-backed groups.

While these missiles were intended to be used against Syrian government forces, many of them found their way to the hands of terrorist groups, including ISIS. The rest are now apparently being used against the U.S. main ally in Syria, the SDF.


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58d43b No.158861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983761 (111914ZDEC20) Notable: Bill Barr’s Remarkable History Of Scandalous Cover-Up

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Bill Barr’s Remarkable History Of Scandalous Cover-Up


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58d43b No.158862

File: 9662ea30a6b7676⋯.png (307.95 KB,571x416,571:416,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983781 (111917ZDEC20) Notable: Portland Police ‘Aware of Weapons Stockpile’ in Expanding Autonomous Zone

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Portland Police ‘Aware of Weapons Stockpile’ in Expanding Autonomous Zone

Portland Police Bureau Chief Chuck Lovell said his department is aware of a “stockpile of weapons” and “the presence of firearms” in a growing autonomous zone. A group of anti-eviction protesters set up the zone to stop the lawful eviction of the occupants of what has become known as “the Red House on Mississippi.”

“Those present at the barricade should leave it behind, put down your weapons, and allow the neighborhood to return to peace and order,” Chief Lovell said in a video posted on Twitter. “We are aware of the stockpile of weapons and the presence of firearms.”

The chief said they are also aware of the threats to the community, to police, and to media. “We’ve seen the attacks,” Lovell continued.

Portland police came under a brutal attack on Tuesday as they attempted to help the local sheriff’s office enforce an eviction at the “Red House,” Breitbart News reported.

Portland officers arrived at the “Red House” on Tuesday morning and were greeted by a crowd of at least 100 protesters, OPB.com reported. The protesters quickly became violent and began smashing the windows of police vehicles and slashing tires. The protesters then erected an “anti-eviction barrier.”

Now in its fourth day, the autonomous zone barricade continues to grow, according to independent journalist Andy Ngo. A photo posted on Twitter shows the size of the occupied zone which grew to three blocks in diameter. The Oregonian reports that protesters erected corrugated metal sheets and stacked wooden boards. They also deployed nail-studded spike strips and accumulated a stockpile of glass bottles and rocks to use as weapons.


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58d43b No.158863

File: c63c502f6d8bba4⋯.png (92.87 KB,628x880,157:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983800 (111918ZDEC20) Notable: The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand

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The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand

This is just an observation (because I'm not looking forward to gulag life), but I think the only thing keeping Trump voters from burning the whole corrupt system down right now is that nobody knows whom or what to attack. That should be a pretty sobering consideration for an establishment class that thinks it just stole the 2020 presidential election fair and square. If there were a ship out in the harbor loaded up with all the Democrats' fraudulent ballots from the election, there's no doubt in my mind that a hundred million Americans would dress up as members of the Washington Football Club and sink that ship to the bottom of the sea. If the politicians and journalists who call the District of Corruption home were wearing bright red coats, I suspect they'd find themselves tossed to the curb head-first by every small business–owner going belly-up right now due to political whims disguised as public health orders. If there were a field of battle to defend or clearly demarcated enemy zones on the map, I'm guessing the powder keg ignited from mail-in ballot fraud this election cycle would have already gone boom!

The truth is that Americans are mad, and they should be. They have put up with four years of fake Russian collusion hoaxes and fake impeachments and fake judges using their powers to hamstring lawful executive orders from President Trump. They have watched the CIA abuse its powers to spy on a Republican political campaign and the FBI abuse its powers to punish political allies of the president, and the only person facing any semblance of justice in the whole mess is some no-name young lawyer from deep in the bowels of the Deep State's operations against Trump who lacked the judgment to understand that his own side would use him as a scapegoat. Police officers have been totally thrown under the bus so that lawless Democrat mayors and district attorneys could send armies of Antifa thugs into the streets this election year as a show of strength. Old and young veterans have been watching elected officials tear up the Constitution they took oaths to defend, and if fighting broke out tomorrow, I think 90% of those former soldiers would be at the front lines the day after next.

We have a tinderbox right now, and about the only miracle saving the Establishment Club in D.C. from the impending inferno is that the Americans most fired up to tear the whole thing down are the same Americans who have spent their lives respecting the rule of law and American institutions. Drink that irony in! The men and women in D.C. who see themselves as part of the "permanent government" have abused their powers to take down a sitting president, Establishment Club Republicans have looked the other way as Democrats used the cover of a pandemic to justify the dumping of unaccounted mail-in ballots across battleground states to overturn an otherwise likely Trump victory, and the only thing keeping Trump voters from destroying the whole corrupt system is their own self-restraint. As soon as enough of them decide that a two-tiered justice system that protects leftist agitators while persecuting the MAGA crowd is unacceptable or that a rigged election system that magically lifts establishment candidates to victory is illegitimate, then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.


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58d43b No.158864

File: b10d8af2b45ab9b⋯.png (56.28 KB,531x567,59:63,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983823 (111920ZDEC20) Notable: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


Issued on: September 12, 2018



By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

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58d43b No.158865

File: b0809352cfa91ac⋯.png (333.98 KB,855x813,285:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983835 (111921ZDEC20) Notable: Texas Tells SCOTUS That Defendant States Didn’t Address 'Grave' Election Issues

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Texas Tells SCOTUS That Defendant States Didn’t Address 'Grave' Election Issues

The state of Texas argued in a filing to the Supreme Court on Friday that the four states it is suing didn’t address “grave issues,” instead “choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions.”

Texas sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the nation’s top court this week, alleging that the states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures.

The states “violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution,” the lawsuit alleges.

Officials from the defendant states filed briefs Thursday urging the Supreme Court to reject the suit.

The request “to exercise its original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an [affront] to principles of constitutional democracy,” Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote.

“Texas is unable to allege that Wisconsin itself did anything to directly injure Texas’s sovereign interests,” Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul added.

In the new reply, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and other state attorneys said the defendant states “do not seriously address grace issues that Texas raises, choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions in which Texas could not participate and to mischaracterize both the relief that Texas seeks and the justification for that relief.”

“An injunction should issue because Defendant States have not—and cannot—defend their actions,” they added.

Texas is not asking the Supreme Court to reelect President Donald Trump, according to the filing, nor does it seek to disenfranchise lawful voters.


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58d43b No.158866

File: aac10feef944123⋯.png (325.35 KB,371x291,371:291,Clipboard.png)

File: bff770bed220849⋯.png (78.81 KB,849x364,849:364,Clipboard.png)

File: c564f4a2ae8978e⋯.png (583.87 KB,828x839,828:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dec3a53318594e⋯.png (42.91 KB,837x243,31:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983857 (111924ZDEC20) Notable: Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism – with the help of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Mastercard

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What in God’s name? Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism – with the help of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard

The Vatican has said it will partner with Fortune 500 companies to address various economic grievances, including inequality and environmental degradation. But is it really incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome to virtue-signal?

Anyone entertaining hopes that planet Earth might escape the insanity of 2020 without any more mind-blowing stories may wish to fasten their seatbelts for a hard landing.

At a time when a global pandemic has swept away millions of jobs, and transformed a handful of global capitalists from ‘merely wealthy’ to fantastically wealthy overnight, Pope Francis has decided to take sides in this epic battle. Any hunches what side that might be? Hint: much like the Vatican, it is immensely wealthy, influential, and acts like a government unto itself.

Yes, you guessed it. Instead of the poor and destitute – you know, ‘the meek who shall inherit the earth' rigmarole – taking their rightful place alongside the Pope to fight against globalization on steroids, the Vatican has announced it will form a “historic partnership” with big business, known as the Council for Inclusive Capitalism. You can’t make this stuff up. And make no mistake: this is no mere talk shop, but rather a vast undertaking that involves“more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in more than 163 countries.”

“Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to the degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society,” said Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners. “This council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to ‘the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor’ and answer society’s demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.”

In other words, in an apparent act of divine intervention, the Rothschild family (whose wealth is estimated at $20 billion, although nobody really knows for sure), together with other famous brand names of globalization, such as the Rockefellers and Mastercard, will now take up the standard for the world’s downtrodden. Who will be the first one to hold their breath?

I tried to contain my skepticism, I really did, until I read a bit deeper into this contract between the Catholic Church and corporate power. Any guesses as to who will ensure the corporate chieftains live up to their end of the bargain?


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58d43b No.158867

File: 2fe22a14c82a1ce⋯.png (590.18 KB,820x741,820:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983923 (111931ZDEC20) Notable: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

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Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

New reports highlight the relationship between Georgia’s governor and consuls from China. They show that Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) may have closer ties to China than just asking for their business.

According to recent reports, Kemp met with China’s consul general from the Houston consulate in Atlanta on July 12, 2019. The Houston consulate was shut down by the U.S. government for being used as a location for spies.

“We’ve terminated special treatment agreements with Hong Kong in response to CCP’s actions to deny freedom to the people of Hong Kong,” Secy. of State Mike Pompeo said when he appeared before the Senate in July. “And we closed our consulate in Houston because it was a den of spies.”

On July 29 of the same year, Kemp handed Dominion a ten-year contract worth over $100 million.

$400 Million SEC Filing Links Dominion, UBS, and China https://t.co/pPjBEP2WG7 via @news_ntd

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 6, 2020

Dominion has been accused multiple times of changing votes for President Trump to votes for Joe Biden. The company also has various ties to China.

In June of this year, the New York Times reported there is evidence that heavy lobbying and sales tactics were used leading up to their implementation.

On Tuesday, outlets highlighted resurfaced pictures of Kemp meeting with several Chinese diplomats who are suspected of committing espionage and attempting to steal COVID-19 research.

On July 12, 2019, GA Gov Kemp met Houston Consul General Li Qiangmin at rumored Chinese spy hub consulate in Houston.

On July 29, 2019, GA signs contract for Dominion Voting Machines statewide.


Sources:https://t.co/67RgR8Jtwrhttps://t.co/va3yeHDsNt pic.twitter.com/9FDz4dfvpW

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 8, 2020

Separate reports also called attention to massive Chinese investment in Georgia, which may violate CFIUS rules. Kemp is known to have welcomed questionable Chinese money in his state.


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58d43b No.158868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983940 (111932ZDEC20) Notable: New York lawmaker proposes making China Virus vaccine MANDATORY for all state residents

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New York lawmaker proposes making COVID-19 vaccine MANDATORY for all state residents if initial round of shots fails to establish sufficient herd immunity

The bill was proposed by Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal of New York's 67th District and has been referred to a committee for further examination

Rosenthal's mandate would make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for all eligible residents if initial doses fail to establish sufficient immunity

The bill adds that anyone who is exempted by a licensed medical professional will not be required to receive the vaccine

Rosenthal called the bill a 'protective health measure' and said not everyone would have to get the vaccine, so long as a certain number of people do

New York Assemblyman David DiPietro called her proposal 'very dangerous'

Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes said she doesn't support it

Gov. Cuomo said last week that New York state could receive its first shipment of COVID-19 vaccine as early as December 15


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58d43b No.158869

File: b4e2a5122159165⋯.png (380.54 KB,535x569,535:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 6063312c6b91a41⋯.png (346.72 KB,478x589,478:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983944 (111933ZDEC20) Notable: Dozens of suspected victims of HumanTrafficking were rescued and more than 200 people arrested in a global crackdown

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Dozens of suspected victims of HumanTrafficking were rescued and more than 200 people arrested in a global crackdown on smuggling and trafficking networks, @INTERPOL_HQ said on Friday.



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58d43b No.158870

File: b1d10b41890aea8⋯.png (65.21 KB,783x813,261:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983948 (111933ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia House speaker moves against election official

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Georgia House speaker moves against election official

Amid continuing Republican attacks on the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidential victory in Georgia, the state House speaker is proposing to take the selection of the state’s chief election official from the voters and put it in the hands of legislators.

Republican House Speaker David Ralston said Thursday that he will seek a state constitutional amendment to change how Georgia’s secretary of state is chosen.

With two-thirds approval needed by both the House and Senate, such a move is unlikely, particularly with Democrats signaling immediate opposition. If it were to pass, a majority of voters would decide the question in the next even-numbered year.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is being savaged by members of his own party, including broadsides from President Donald Trump and calls for his resignation by U.S. Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. The senators are locked in contests with Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock for control of the U.S. Senate in a Jan. 5 runoff election.

“In a clear power grab, Ralston and the Trump campaign want to give the General Assembly the power to select winners of elections and violate the will of the people,” Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs said.

Ralston said he was reacting to what he felt was Raffensperger’s unresponsiveness, saying the secretary has “chosen to be on his own” and that being accountable to lawmakers would “bring a closer focus.”

“The people feel like they’re being excluded by that office and they are focusing their frustrations on the members of the General Assembly,” the Blue Ridge Republican said in a news conference. “I’m getting emails, messages and phone calls not only from people in my House district but from people all over the state of Georgia.”

The attack by the most powerful leader in the General Assembly is yet another sign that Raffensperger is likely to find his office and power under siege in the legislative session that begins in January. Raffensperger was already on the outs with the speaker over his decision to send absentee ballot applications to every active Georgia voter before the June primary election.

On Thursday he also cited discontent with Raffensperger’s decision to settle a lawsuit over how the state verifies signatures on absentee ballots without consulting the General Assembly, as well as a refusal by Raffensperger and his subordinates to appear at a House hearing Thursday that rehashed baseless assertions of widespread voter fraud in Georgia’s presidential election.

In the morning, Trump’s legal team, led by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, largely repeated allegations and conspiracies raised last Thursday during a similar hearing before a state Senate committee. In the afternoon, a number of Republican poll watchers and election monitors complained of procedural irregularities in some county election offices. A number of those county-level issues are already under investigation by Raffensperger’s office.


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58d43b No.158871

File: e7504bd40515c46⋯.png (791.62 KB,1330x770,19:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11983975 (111936ZDEC20) Notable: Republicans call for resignation of Wisconsin election chair

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>Chairperson of Election Commission makes final decision.


Republicans call for resignation of Wisconsin election chair

Republicans are calling on the Democratic chairwoman of the Wisconsin Elections Commission to resign

By SCOTT BAUER Associated Press

December 1, 2020,

MADISON, Wis. – Republicans on Tuesday called for the Democratic chairwoman of the Wisconsin Elections Commission to resign, expressing anger that she finalized the state's presidential election results showing Democrat Joe Biden defeating President Donald Trump.

Republican commissioner Dean Knudson, a former state lawmaker,called chair Ann Jacobs' actions finalizing the election on Monday a “little dog and pony show” that violated the law.

Ann Jacobs


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58d43b No.158872

File: 9a17ee94e8a8695⋯.png (363.86 KB,500x313,500:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984003 (111938ZDEC20) Notable: Russian Ambassador to Israel Criticizes Israeli Aggression in Iran and Syria

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Russian Ambassador to Israel Criticizes Israeli Aggression in Iran and Syria

The Jerusalem Post

The ambassador claimed there's no proof Hezbollah created tunnels to attack Israel.

Israel destabilizes the Middle East more than Iran, Russian Ambassador Anatoly Viktorov told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

“The problem in the region is not Iranian activities,” Viktorov said at the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv. “It’s a lack of understanding between countries and noncompliance with UN resolutions in the Israel-Arab and Israel-Palestinian conflict.”

Though Viktorov would only call Joe Biden “the possibly elected president” of the US, pointing out that he was only “appointed by the press” and not officially declared the victor, he said Russia “took note of some statements” that Biden seeks to rejoin the JCPOA.

Sauce: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/russian-envoy-israel-not-iran-is-the-problem-in-the-middle-east-651489

On Wednesday, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador, Anatoly Viktorov, against the backdrop of statements made to the Jerusalem Post, in which he criticized Israel’s role in the region. "The problem in the region is not Iranian activities," Viktorov told The Jerusalem Post the day prior, strongly suggesting it's Israeli aggression that's the main problem.

The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it "expressed, through the official for policy and strategy, Alon Bar, its strong rejection of the statements published during a frank interview, and that they are not consistent with the reality of the situation in the Middle East, which was presented to the ambassador more than once and discussed during political dialogues and through diplomatic channels between the two countries."

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58d43b No.158873

File: 403e1321c545c65⋯.png (279.77 KB,558x429,186:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984012 (111939ZDEC20) Notable: Gov. Cuomo Closes Indoor Dining in New York City Indefinitely Due to ‘Rising China Virus Cases’

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Gov. Cuomo Closes Indoor Dining in New York City Indefinitely Due to ‘Rising Covid-19 Cases’

Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday announced all indoor dining in New York City will be banned indefinitely due to a rise in Covid-19 cases.

Cuomo’s new restrictions go into effect on Monday.

Only outdoor dining (in freezing temps) and takeout orders will be allowed as we enter what was supposed to be a busy holiday season for restaurants.

“In New York City, you put the CDC caution on indoor dining together with the rate of transmission and the density and the crowding, that is a bad situation,” Cuomo said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he supported Cuomo’s decision to ban indoor dining.

Cuomo added, “It’s in everyone’s interest to get the virus under control, don’t overwhelm the hospitals, don’t overwhelm the positivity rate.”

“If we don’t slow the spread and we overwhelm the hospital system — we get to a red zone… then every restaurant goes to zero indoor, outdoor zero. That’s the worst case scenario.”


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58d43b No.158874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984033 (111941ZDEC20) Notable: NEW CALIFORNIA STATE & NEW NEVADA STATE FILE AMICUS BRIEF

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"…New California State and New Nevada State are directly impacted by the arbitrary and capricious changes in election laws and procedures occur with unfortunate regularity in the current States of

California and Nevada.

"Part of the reason for the formation of New California State and New Nevada Sate is to stop the lawless actions of Governors Newsome (California) and Sisolak (Nevada)…"

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58d43b No.158875

File: f3d05b0e4eefd07⋯.jpg (534.81 KB,1156x1156,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984042 (111942ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Maggie Nixon

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Maggie Nixon is that little girl in the photo.

Wendy was a "pet name", or the name of an alter (alternate personality) of that little girl. She was groomed and used as a sex slave. Her mind was broken, psychologically, in to malleable fractions that act, think and remember separately from the other parts that form the whole.

When Q talks about people needing to visit the hospital upon realizing the full truth, this is probably part of where they're going: having this presented to you may elicit certain memories to return.

The memory repression methods have their limits. They aren't permanent.

At least, this seemed to be a popular running theory back when we were talking about it a bit in the beginning.

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58d43b No.158876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984045 (111942ZDEC20) Notable: Senate Passes One-Week Stopgap To Avert Shutdown

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Senate Passes One-Week Stopgap To Avert Shutdown

Congress has passed a stopgap government funding measure via voice vote, which will fund operations for another week as Congress works to reach spending and COVID-19 relief deals. The measure will head next to President Trump's desk, which he will need to sign into law before Saturday to avoid a government shutdown.

The bill will extend funding through Dec. 18 as lawmakers hash out what's shaping up to be a $1.4 trillion package to keep the government running through the end of Sept. 2021 - though they've failed to agree exactly how the funds will be used, according to CNBC.

Despite the most frantic efforts in months to craft a coronavirus rescue package, Congress has several major disputes to resolve to reach a deal. Millions of Americans await help as an uncontrolled outbreak ravages communities across the country and leads to food insecurity unseen in years.

If lawmakers cannot pass relief legislation in the coming days, about 12 million people will lose unemployment benefits on the day after Christmas. An eviction moratorium and family leave provisions put in place earlier this year will also expire at the end of December. -CNBC

At present the largest stumbling blocks remain over Democratic demands regarding state and local municipalities receiving pandemic relief, vs. liability protections which would shield employers from COVID-19 related lawsuits.

Democrats, meanwhile, have criticized the White House's most recent $916 billion aid offer endorsed by GOP leadership, which doesn't include additional federal unemployment insurance funding, yet does include a $600 direct payment - half of what Democrats are seeking. Instead, the left has placed their support behind a $908 billion package crafted by a bipartisan group which would include a $300 weekly federal jobless benefit but not direct payments.

According to Axios, drama ensued after Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) objected to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's initial attempt to pass the resolution via unanimous consent.

Sanders said he would withdraw his objection this week, but would not do so when funding expires before Christmas.

Hawley did the same, pleading: "If the Senate of the United States can find hundreds of billions of dollars to give to big government and big business, surely it can find some relief for working families and working individuals."

The big picture: Despite the momentum in stimulus talks, McConnell (R-Ky.) has refused to budge on his red line of including liability protections for businesses in the next relief bill. -Axios

According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, lawmakers "cannot go home" until a deal is reached - implying that Congress may remain in session until Dec. 26, when various emergency aid programs will otherwise expire.


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58d43b No.158877

File: 5df4874221898ac⋯.png (215.38 KB,770x556,385:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984062 (111944ZDEC20) Notable: FDA lists 22 potential adverse effects of new COVID-19 vaccine and it’s not looking good

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FDA lists 22 potential adverse effects of new COVID-19 vaccine and it’s not looking good

See all 22 adverse effects listed on FDA's COVID-19 Vaccine Saftey Surveillance bulletin – it may SHOCK you!

The 22 potential adverse effects listed on the official Food and Drug Administration website are:





















MultisystemInflammatorySyndrome in Children



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58d43b No.158878

File: 653982d968cb70f⋯.png (50.21 KB,341x435,341:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984129 (111950ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - When @GBI_GA investigate @BrianKempGA, they may want to start with this document.

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Lin Wood

Op Research in to Gov. Kemp - business holdings, campaign contributions, financial info







investigate GA Governor


, they may want to start with information contained in this document.

Every lie will be revealed.

PDF too large, working on compression


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58d43b No.158879

File: c5d7b44da5952eb⋯.png (187.29 KB,709x631,709:631,Clipboard.png)

File: faa126a0649b83a⋯.png (521.46 KB,693x673,693:673,Clipboard.png)

File: b2ad22908f848a6⋯.png (341.73 KB,966x618,161:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984145 (111952ZDEC20) Notable: Convicted Backpage co-founder Michael Lacey founded La Frontiera (human trafficking) in Arizona

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> la Frontera




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58d43b No.158880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984172 (111954ZDEC20) Notable: #15297

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>>>/qresearch/11983490 Dough

#15297 FINAL Notables

>>158836 DOJ resignation Asst AG Beth Williams from Office of Legal Policy resigns

>>158837 Mike Flynn fires back at FBI, DOJ: ‘I've seen corruption up close and personal’

>>158838 Rep. Biggs to AG Barr: How do you know there was no voter fraud if you didn’t investigate it?

>>158839 CONGRESS has issued an official statement THAT NO PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY ELECTED !

>>158840 The British Hand Behind America’s Color Revolution: Soros and Lord Malloch Brown

>>158841 Mastercard Faces US$18B Collective Lawsuit in the U.K.

>>158843 NATO and the EU are sending a “message” to Russia. Again.

>>158844 U.K. Labor Party: £470M Worth of China Virus Contracts Linked to Tax Havens

>>158842 Leaked Biden audio - admits 'Trump smoked them in election'

>>158845 Senate passes defense bill, setting up Trump veto fight

>>158846 4 Navy ships to secure UK fishing waters if no-deal #Brexit takes place

>>158847 Patriot Act Used By The FBI To Collect Internet Browsing Data

>>158848 Dig on Matt Gorham Assistant Director, Cyber Division

>>158849 126 Members of Congress file in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion (Texas vote fraud case)

>>158850 Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger

>>158851 YouTube's New Rules Now Ban The Majority Of Americans From Expressing Their Political Views

>>158852 Battleground States Weakly Deny Texas Lawsuit’s Allegations

>>158853 YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

>>158854 Dr. Kary Mullins, invented the PCR test, talks about the farce of HIV causing AIDS (video)

>>158855 Federal Judge Could Allow 200K Georgia Voters Purged in 2019 Be Restored for Runoff

>>158856 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Senate Resolution

>>158857 Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton supporter

>>158858 Israel Struck 500 Targets On ‘Six Fronts’ This Year: IDF Chief Of Staff

>>158859 FBI Reportedly to Subpoena Docs of Texas AG Who Filed Lawsuit to Void Election Results in 4 States

>>158860 Turkish Proxies Use U.S. Missiles Against U.S. Proxies In Syria

>>158861 Bill Barr’s Remarkable History Of Scandalous Cover-Up

>>158862 Portland Police ‘Aware of Weapons Stockpile’ in Expanding Autonomous Zone

>>158863 The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand

>>158865 Texas Tells SCOTUS That Defendant States Didn’t Address 'Grave' Election Issues

>>158864 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>158866 Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism – with the help of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Mastercard

>>158867 Ga. Gov. Kemp awarded Dominion Voting Contract after meeting with Chinese consulate official in Atlanta

>>158868 New York lawmaker proposes making China Virus vaccine MANDATORY for all state residents

>>158869 Dozens of suspected victims of HumanTrafficking were rescued and more than 200 people arrested in a global crackdown

>>158870 Georgia House speaker moves against election official

>>158871 Republicans call for resignation of Wisconsin election chair

>>158872 Russian Ambassador to Israel Criticizes Israeli Aggression in Iran and Syria

>>158873 Gov. Cuomo Closes Indoor Dining in New York City Indefinitely Due to ‘Rising China Virus Cases’


>>158875 Dig on Maggie Nixon

>>158876 Senate Passes One-Week Stopgap To Avert Shutdown

>>158877 FDA lists 22 potential adverse effects of new COVID-19 vaccine and it’s not looking good

>>158878 Lin Wood - When @GBI_GA investigate @BrianKempGA, they may want to start with this document.

>>158879 Convicted Backpage co-founder Michael Lacey founded La Frontiera (human trafficking) in Arizona


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58d43b No.158881

File: 2298ef9c227a52d⋯.png (56.21 KB,202x104,101:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984274 (112004ZDEC20) Notable: Six Dead from Pfizer Trials: Shares Down, Pfizer CEO Makes a Killing

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Six Dead from Pfizer Trials: Shares Down, Pfizer CEO Makes a Killing

There is a good old Russian word “yerunda” which I’ve started using instead of “nonsense” and “bullshit” to describe the scaremongering COVID-19 narrative blasted at us from morning to night, not because it says anything different but because it gives me an extra synonym in my arsenal in fighting the nonsensical war waged upon us by super-rich controllers of world economic systems.

Keep watching the BBC, and other mainstream channels alone, and you will never know what’s going on in the world. Remember when the buzz-phrase “herd immunity” was all the rage? Remember when it was Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock’s early remedy for COVID-19? Now we’ve all got herd immunity you don’t hear the phrase any more.

Instead, those stupid enough to be tested, may very well test positive because of exposure (herd immunity) and add to the “alarming” figures as presented by the UK government to get people locked down, and vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech witches’ brew concoction which has already killed six people in US trials. Two died from the vaccine, four from the placebo. This prompts the question: what is in the placebo? Pfizer BioNTech have not even revealed what is in the vaccine.

Yesterday BioNTech shares were down more than 4% at the close. Pfizer shares were down by nearly 2%. Less than a month ago the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, dumped 60% of his shares in Pfizer at its highest trading point, denying insider trading while praising the vaccine. Do you think he knows what’s coming?

As well as herd immunity another item we hear little of these days is COVID-19 deaths. That is because nobody is dying from the virus. Now, because of herd immunity, people who die, only need to have been tested positive for the virus, to be recorded as COVID-19 deaths, whatever they actually died from, regardless of what caused their admission to hospital. I covered that topic here.

So there you have it in a nutshell. There is no pandemic. The spin-doctor, Matt Hancock, is more like a witch-doctor. He will spin a story one way, as with herd immunity, then another way, to lock you down eternally, to get you all vaccinated with an experimental vaccine for a virus that long since left the building. No wonder I call this yerunda out for what it is.


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58d43b No.158882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984281 (112005ZDEC20) Notable: Seattle Goes from Defunding the Police to Canceling Most Crimes Entirely

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INSANE: Seattle Goes from Defunding the Police to Canceling Most Crimes Entirely

Forget defunding police and emptying prisons. When it comes to woke justice, a proposal before the Seattle city council will blow those out of the water. It would simply legalize most crimes.

In late October we began hearing about a propose ordinance which would simply legalize the criminal behavior that constitutes 72% of all crime and covers the reason why 90% of the inmates are in jails.

In short, the woke cancel-culture crowd would cancel most crime.

Currently 90% of prisoners in Seattle’s jails are in for such crimes as “misdemeanor assault, theft, harassment, trespass, stalking, car prowl, and 100 other Seattle criminal laws.”

The proposed law change, which just received another hearing on Tuesday, would give “blanket immunity” to people committing crimes because they’re high on drugs, are poor, or have some real or imagined mental illness. No doctor’s note is necessary. If a man knocks over a Safeway grocery store, for example, the perp could just say he’s poor and get a pass.

Attorney Scott Lindsay, who first sounded the alarm, is the “former public safety advisor and special assistant for police reform to the City of Seattle and former senior counsel to House Oversight Committee Democrats.” He wrote at Change WA that this proposal is serious business.

You may be thinking, this sounds like hyperbole. Sadly, it is not. The legislation, analyzed in detail below, provides an absolute defense – meaning the defendant cannot be convicted and the case must be dismissed – to all non-DUI/domestic violence (DV) misdemeanor crimes in any of three circumstances:

Substance use disorder – if the defendant can show “symptoms of” a substance use disorder (e.g., drug or alcohol addiction) (note: the defendant need only show symptoms, not a medical diagnosis);

Mental disorder – if the defendant can show “symptoms of” a mental disorder, defined broadly as “any organic, mental, or emotional impairment which has substantial adverse effects on a person’s cognitive or volitional functions” (e.g., depression, anxiety, etc.); or

Poverty – if the defendant can show they committed the offense to meet “an immediate basic need related to an adequate standard of living for the actor and/or other family” (e.g., stole merchandise in order to sell for cash the defendant claims would be used to meet a basic need).

The Manhattan Institute’s City Journal labels these criminals the new “untouchables.”

In effect, the legislation would create a new class of “untouchables,” protected from consequences by the city’s powerbrokers.

[…] This is the latest and most brazen effort in the city’s campaign to establish what might be called a “reverse hierarchy of oppression.” The underlying theory is that society has condemned the lower class to a life of poverty and stigma, which leads to addiction, madness, and indigence. The poor, in the logic of Seattle’s progressive elites, are thus forced to commit crimes—including violent crimes—to secure their very existence. Therefore, as society is the perpetrator of this inequality, the crimes of the poor must be forgiven. The crimes are transformed into an expression of social justice.

In other words, the rich are the reason people are poor and therefore must pay for the transgressions of those who understandably must commit crimes to get by. Rich people deserve to be crime victims, right?

Such a radical change upends the rule of law and objective truth and condemns the city to more of the disastrous activity we saw in the recent KOMO News documentary “Seattle is Dying.”

City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, chairperson of the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee, attempted to hide the measure by dealing with it as a budget amendment issue in another committee. When her subterfuge was outed, thanks to Lindsay sounding the alarm, she was shamed into bringing the proposal before her own committee. It got its first airing there on Tuesday.

After defunding the Seattle Police Department, The Post Millennial reports that crime has spiked by 250%.

Seattle’s trying what California has disastrously done. The state legislature and voters cut loose prisoners and decriminalized many felonies. The result was a flood of new homeless and more crime. To victims the crime rate is worse than ever, but to the state it’s lower because those crimes don’t count anymore. If this passes, Seattle swells will claim a lower crime rate too and take a victory lap. Count on it.

That which is rewarded is repeated. Seattle council members should know that by not prosecuting most crimes they’ll get more. It’s axiomatic. It will be open season on Seattleites. God help them if this passes.


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58d43b No.158883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984291 (112006ZDEC20) Notable: Computer repairman at center of 'Biden laptop' scandal breaks silence

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Computer repairman at center of 'Biden laptop' scandal breaks silence after reportedly receiving death threats: I'm no 'Russian agent'

Story gets stranger and stranger

John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repairman at the center of a reported Biden family scandal, is speaking out against any assertions that he is a Russian agent or hacker.

Mac Isaac made the remarks in a new video shared to YouTube on Saturday.

What's a brief history here?

Mac Isaac previously stated that he was in receipt of a laptop computer and hard drive containing highly sensitive information regarding former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and purported business dealings with Ukraine.

In November, Mac Isaac's lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, said that Mac Isaac closed his Wilmington, Delaware, computer repair shop after receiving death threats. A neighbor also told the outlet that Mac Isaac left town.

Hunter has not spoken about the laptop, and the former vice president said that the allegations were nothing more than a "desperate campaign to smear me and my family." He did not confirm whether the laptop belonged to his son.

What are the details of the new video?

As highlighted by the New York Post, Mac Isaac spoke out in the video insisting that he is not a double agent.

"For two generations, the Mac Isaac family has fought for the entirety of the Cold War against communism in the '70s," he said. "That's why it's completely absurd that why anyone would ever consider me to be a Russian agent or influenced by Russians. I am proud of my family, I'm proud of my country. I am proud to be an American."

Elsewhere in the three-minute video, titled "The Truth," Mac Isaac added, "For the record, I am not nor have I ever been a hacker. Those guys make so much more money than I do. I was hired — never paid — to perform a data transfer from a MacBook Pro to an external hard drive. The signed paperwork clearly states the process and sets the expectations. There's no magic or Hollywood. The process is no different than dragging or dropping from a USB drive. The only difference is I had to perform some surgery on the Mac to get it to boot."

Mac Isaac also said that he is absolutely not a hacker, which he said would be a "death sentence" in his industry.

"To imply that I'm a hacker or that information is hacked has an irreversible impact on my business and my character," he added.


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58d43b No.158884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984297 (112007ZDEC20) Notable: Why did Trump tweet this? What Biden Administration?

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Why did Trump tweet this? What Biden Administration?


Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 11, 2020

What "Biden Administration" is he talking about?''

MSM is jumping for joy:

Trump Acknowledges ‘Biden Administration’ for First Time During Deranged Tweetstorm


Trump acknowledges there will be a 'Biden administration,' effectively admitting he lost while still calling for the election to be overturned


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58d43b No.158885

File: bacd0cb97f0e350⋯.png (98.73 KB,582x481,582:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984300 (112007ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube censors account for posting video of a Democrat's threat of violence

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YouTube Censors a Guy for Posting Video of a Democrat's Threat of Violence

Michigan Democrat state Rep. Cynthia Johnson posted a cryptic video to her social media this week. In that video, she warned “Trumpers” to “be careful” and “walk lightly.” Johnson adds, “We ain’t playing with you. Enough of your shenanigans.” She also called on unnamed “soldiers” to take unspecified, but violent-sounding, actions against the “Trumpers.”

Her violent, eliminationist rhetoric got her stripped of her committee assignments in the Michigan legislature. She has since back-tracked, like so many politicians who do bad things and then express regret for getting caught.

Tom Elliott, owner of Grabien Media, posted Johnson’s threat on his YouTube channel. YouTube blocked the video and hit Elliott with this bizarre reason.

We can only assume that the “violent criminal organization” to which YouTube refers is the Democratic Party, of which state Rep. Johnson is a member. That’s the only organization that’s relevant to Elliott’s post.

The Democrats do have a violent and sordid past. After the Civil War, Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan which terrorized blacks and Union sympathizers in the South. It violently drove some Republicans, and particularly black Republicans, from office.

Republican President Ulysses S. Grant prosecuted the KKK and subsequent presidents drove it nearly to extinction — until President Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat, screened a pro-KKK movie, Birth of a Nation, in the White House and lavished praise on it in 1915. Wilson enacted racist segregationist policies, throwing out decades of progress for black Americans, and the Klan was reborn. That all happened thanks to the same Democratic Party to which state Rep. Cynthia Johnson belongs.

Perhaps YouTube’s censors are aware of this sordid history.

Or perhaps YouTube is aware that Democrat mayors and city councils allowed violent antifa/BLM riots for months in the cities they control across 2020.

But if YouTube is now censoring such content, it should take a look at every other Democrat candidate, officeholder, party, and other related channel that’s out there. Elliott does own a company, Grabien, but he isn’t an organization. He’s a guy. I know him from our days as executive producers of Laura Ingraham’s radio show, so I know he’s not violent at all. So he can’t be YouTube’s target here.


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58d43b No.158886

File: e1a87e314c45b3a⋯.jpg (129.99 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2ee835b65e2d37c⋯.jpg (173.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 849870db0580d86⋯.jpg (183.43 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 435f746d9c180d8⋯.jpg (197.82 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6145a7a473d466d⋯.jpg (188.26 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984325 (112011ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on DiseaseX caused by Pathogen X

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>>158544 (pb -notable)

>WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Price WaterhouseCoopers, etc plan forDiseaseX caused by Pathogen Xincluded PRIONS, published by LANCET


Exclusive: Fmr hospital administrator reveals possible COVID19 connection to weaponized prions

"Think about those poor people with 'rigor like' movements at the end and the fact they're showing ebola like bloodbath at the end"

By Shepard Ambellas - February 14, 2020

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58d43b No.158887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984335 (112012ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on 'Gameplan'

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The Great Awakening=revelation about voter fraud

COVID-19=cover story for suicide weekend

Military is the only way=unbiased intelligence given to POTUS

Trust Wray, Dr. Faucci (face mask), Christopher Krebs, e.g.=POTUS putting traitors in public eye for scrutiny

Mayor's/Governor's COVID shut downs=foreclosed homes and commercial businesses to be bought by the wealthy for pennies on the dollar

Manadatory vaccination (enforced by employers)=force tactic used to roll out compliance for future pandemic/health crisis without need for laws or legislation

Build Back Better=close every opportunity for patriots to reclaim freedom

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming=declassification of evil actors within or influencing the U.S.A.'s operation of government

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58d43b No.158888

File: 8a4d8fa98075c1f⋯.png (417.05 KB,598x572,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984354 (112015ZDEC20) Notable: Zodiac Killer's 1969 cipher 'puzzle' finally solved

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Zodiac Killer's 1969 cipher 'puzzle' finally solved


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58d43b No.158889

File: f6942caeab9b581⋯.png (95.7 KB,1147x692,1147:692,Clipboard.png)

File: c416ef8afd4b421⋯.png (94.36 KB,844x714,422:357,Clipboard.png)

File: afae7a5318fa72b⋯.png (86.55 KB,719x709,719:709,Clipboard.png)

File: ac2e6141bf9db9d⋯.png (73.34 KB,695x691,695:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984356 (112015ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on human trafficking site 'Backpage'

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Do you believe, the convicted BACKPAGE OWNERS ARE BACK!!!??


They sold Backpage in 2015. Front Page Confidential is their most recent journalistic endeavor, one that demonstrates yet again their commitment to a free press and coverage of First Amendment issues.

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58d43b No.158890

File: 7826f0bc14af2f2⋯.jpeg (279.81 KB,1472x957,1472:957,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984363 (112015ZDEC20) Notable: New monolith

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New monolith


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58d43b No.158891

File: 28b4b975033884f⋯.png (92.45 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984449 (112024ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

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Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

June 1, 2020

Historians have confirmed that Karl Marx was not only related to the Rothschilds, but was also employed as their agent in order to subvert democracy and corrupt the Socialist movement.

Karl Marx was born in a London squalor, and came from a long line of Rabbis.

Henrymakow.com reports: He used to visit the Red Lion Pub at Great Windmill Street, Soho where he and Friedrich Engels were asked to write what became the Communist Manifesto.

His best known work is the book Das Kapital, which fails to mention that money is printed out of thin air and by his cousins, the Rothschilds.


Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Kingdom of Prussia on 5 May 1818, an Ashkenazi Jew, to Hirschel Mordechai and Henriette Pressburg.

Marx’s birth name name is Chaim Hirschel Mordechai.

Marx descended from Talmudic rabbis; his paternal ancestors had provided rabbis to Trier since 1723, a post last held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War of the Sixth Coalition, [Marx’s father] Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason in 1813, joining their Loge L’Ètoile anséatique (The Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück.

After the war, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism as a means to better infiltrate Prussian society.

He pretended to be an “assimilated” bourgeois Enlightenment liberal, interested in “free thought” and was wealthy, owning some Moselle vineyards.

One of Marx’s grandparents was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. Her cousin had married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and bore Lionel Nathan Rothschild, “Baron” and Member of Parliament for the City of London.

Karl Marx was brought up by his family to hate Jesus Christ…

The Rothschilds (Marx’s third cousin by blood) and other finance syndicates were very prominent in promoting “Jewish emancipation” and Masonic, liberal and Protestant ideas which took hold of society at the start of the 19th century….

The idea of Marx as a Rothschild shill…was raised as a concern by his contemporary rival in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin in 1869, who was not even aware of the fact that Marx and Rothschild were cousins.

Bakunin wrote presciently:“This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank?

The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found. “

—Mikhail Bakunin, Profession de foi d’un démocrate socialiste russe précédé d’une étude sur les juifs allemands, 1869.


Perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx’s ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia [the last bastion of Christian civilization…]… He and Engels regarded Russians and Slavs in general as subhuman (völkerabfall) barbarians. Had he lived to see his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin,✡ Leon Trotsky,✡ Grigory Zinoviev✡ butcher them by the millions, he would no doubt have cackled in orgasmic joy at the horrors visited upon them; men, women and children.

Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try and incite a war against Russia.

This Russophobia was also behind the strange alliance with Tory, David Urquhart, when he moved to London and Marx thus has the blood of the people who died in the Crimean War on his hands.

Henry Hyndman, who spent many hours in Marx’s company in his Record of an Adventurous Life attributed this anti-Russian obsession to Marx’s ethnocentrism. The Soviets tried to cover up this fact about Marx…

Sauce: https://theirishsentinel.com/2020/06/01/historians-confirm-karl-marx-was-employed-by-the-rothschilds/

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58d43b No.158892

File: c112e80e91a2b70⋯.jpg (247.77 KB,720x1156,180:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984495 (112028ZDEC20) Notable: Portland Red House 'loaded with weapons and molotov cocktails' re: Andy Ngo

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“A resident outside the zone, who wanted to remain anonymous and has lived in the area for 48 years, said that activists had been stockpiling weapons and molotov cocktails in the Red House for weeks.”

How do you see this situation playing out? Waco type siege?

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58d43b No.158893

File: 7d3a48b943f298a⋯.png (7.83 MB,4272x2434,2136:1217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984500 (112029ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

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Here are Jewish scholars totally demolishing Marxism:

Leszek Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his CRITIQUE OF MARXISM AS TYRANNICAL in "Main Currents of Marxism":


Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that PROFITS, NOT WAGES IS THE 'ORIGINAL' MONETARY INCOME in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that MARXISM IS A SECULARISED RELIGION:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how MARX ATTACKED HUMAN REASON itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC INHERENT IN MARXISM:



Anon's 2 most important things to know about Marxism

Religious: Marxism is derived from a dialectic in Creatology that imputes to "The One"/"God"/"Geist"/etc an inner DIVISION, an inner 'schism', an inner 'uneasiness', an inner 'conflict', that 'needed' the creation of the empirical universe to make itself whole through the historical process, whereby the path to "wholeness"/"completeness"/"fulfillment"/etc is through a history of good vs. evil until at last there occurs an 'inevitable' cataclysmic apocalypse of maximum depravity, pain, and destruction, after which the 'historical process' will have finally 'worked itself out', and humanity will have finally 'reabsorbed' back with "The One"/"God"/"Geist", and Humanity will itself become permanently fractured and cleaved into two 'species', a demonic global 'elite' controlling the lives of the remainder of the world species.

[This is contrasted with orthodox Judaism/Christianity/Islam that holds the event of Creation was an event of God's Love and Benevolence for his creations (humanity). Imagine the differences that can occur in social relations between a world where people believed HUMANITY is DIVIDED, and a world where people believed HUMANITY is UNITED! THIS is the battle being waged in the plan of 'The Great Reset']

Economic: Marxism is derived from a false description of the origination of money incomes in human civilization. Marx, following Adam Smith, believed that in the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, that the very first monetary incomes earned were wages, and that later on with the introduction of people acting in the capacity of "capitalists", there was a reduction in wages and introduction of profits. This is the conceptual framework of Marx's exploitation theory which is what EVERY Marxist institution depends on and takes for granted as true. The reality is that PROFITS were the first monetary income. In the "early and rude state of society" people made products directly from the material world around them, and sold them as commodities. The monetary incomes earned on the sale of commodities is product sales revenues, not wages. Since there were originally no money costs of production, all of the sales revenues were profit. Then, once people became wealthy enough and saved money for investment, instead of using it to consume right away, money began being used to pay people not for their commodities, which requires land and means of production of their own, but for only their labor. This was the onset of wages. Wages represented a monetary cost to DEDUCT from product sales revenues, which used to be all profit, but was now less than 100% by whatever extent wages were paid.

[Imagine if the world knew the reality that the rise of capitalism was in fact the end of the all profit era and beginning of the wage earning class era, that the rise in capitalism brought about a FALL in profit incomes, not the other way around as per Marx!]

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58d43b No.158894

File: f89b942869621b7⋯.png (279.55 KB,826x886,413:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bdc8b96e0f8ec9⋯.png (201.85 KB,872x746,436:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 908ec97613b8d48⋯.png (139.78 KB,900x877,900:877,Clipboard.png)

File: d3e7e59e07ad06d⋯.png (160.22 KB,858x510,143:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984502 (112029ZDEC20) Notable: Central Banks Are Buying $1.3 Billion In Assets Every Hour, Creating A "Frankenbull" Market

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BofA: Central Banks Are Buying $1.3 Billion In Assets Every Hour, Creating A "Frankenbull" Market

One week after BofA CIO Michael Hartnett issued a "code red" for stocks after publishing a report in which he showed that while current market euphoria has surpassed dot com levels, what was going now is absolutely staggering and it's only getting crazier with each passing day and new all time high, he has tripled down on his calls for a near-term correction (recall his first reco to "sell the vaccine" hit about a month ago), he is out with a new report warning that the current "froth, greed, vaccine, inflation, renminbi the new Deutschmark" all portend a "toxic brew for uber-Goldilocks 2021 consensus", and is why he has called the current market with what may be the best sellside definition we have heard to date: the Frankenbull.


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58d43b No.158895

File: a93dc85de4656bd⋯.png (32.77 KB,598x274,299:137,Clipboard.png)

File: abf47cd166ef085⋯.png (27.63 KB,595x243,595:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984511 (112030ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweets on SCOTUS packing and Election Fraud cases

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If the two Senators from Georgia should lose, which would be a horrible thing for our Country, I am the only thing that stands between “Packing the Court” (last number heard, 25), and preserving it. I will not, under any circumstances, Pack the Court!


If the Supreme Court shows great Wisdom and Courage, the American People will win perhaps the most important case in history, and our Electoral Process will be respected again!


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58d43b No.158896

File: 1bd31e77bc84d6e⋯.png (52.86 KB,484x549,484:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984512 (112030ZDEC20) Notable: Docked at SC L. Lin Wood, Jr., Petitioner v. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State, et al.

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Docked at SC

L. Lin Wood, Jr., Petitioner


Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State, et al.


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58d43b No.158897

File: 2535a0f50812da7⋯.png (134.46 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984513 (112030ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


China's President Xi Jinping celebrated the 200 year birth of Karl Marx.

Mao Ze Tung's famous "Little Red Book" that was required reading for every Chinese person was Karl Marx Communism translated into Chinese.

Karl Marx related to the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds financed and advised the Chinese Communist Takeover which destroyed the 5,000 year-old traditional Chinese culture, and turned China into a shit hole of Oppression, Poverty and Draconian Dictatorship and Brutality for 70 years.

China currently owes a $11.56 TRILLION Debt. Guess who they owe money to?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158898

File: 27871e474822954⋯.png (267.64 KB,535x699,535:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984535 (112032ZDEC20) Notable: Alaska joins Amicus Brief with MO, et al in support of Texas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alaska joins Amicus Brief with MO, et al in support of Texas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158899

File: a2b9edf380f7d5b⋯.png (652.82 KB,2012x1418,1006:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984537 (112032ZDEC20) Notable: Anon asks - is https://www.resignation.info up? Maybe a dig there?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is that site down?

Anybody know the status?

Or is it just me unable to access?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158900

File: 74832d067702fec⋯.png (100.27 KB,803x1272,803:1272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984539 (112032ZDEC20) Notable: Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams Announces Departure from the Office of Legal Policy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Friday, December 11, 2020

Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams Announces Departure from the Office of Legal Policy

Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy (OLP) announced her departure from the department, effective today.



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58d43b No.158901

File: 4a8fc7eb3966d43⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984551 (112033ZDEC20) Notable: "Michigan voter fraud witness video - Anyone know anything about this? (Video cap)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Michigan voter fraud witness assassination attempt!!! Video deleted luckily I recorded it "



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58d43b No.158902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984565 (112034ZDEC20) Notable: Nunes calls Swalwell a “Pee Tape Truther”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nunes calls Swalwell a “Pee Tape Truther”. I can’t find the video, but he uses air quotes

Kekking so hard

Devin Nunes: ‘Pee Tape Truther’ Eric Swalwell Was ‘The Pot Calling The Kettle Black’ Over Relationship With Alleged Chinese Spy

David Krayden Ottawa Bureau Chief December 10, 2020 9:22 AM ET

Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes says “pee tape truther” Rep. Eric Swalwell demonstrated hypocrisy in accusing President Donald Trump of cavorting with Russian prostitutes while the Democratic California congressman was involved with a suspected Chinese spy.

Nunes was referring to Swalwell’s longstanding defense of the largely discredited Steele dossier to undermine Trump — as well as Swalwell’s relationship with Christine Fang, a suspected Chinese spy known for using sexual wiles to extract information from U.S. politicians.

“Swalwell … ran around, let’s not forget, for four years accusing everyone of being Russian agents, let’s not forget, he was what I call a pee tape truther,” Nunes told Fox Business Network’s “The Evening Edit.”

“He was promoting the dossier — the Steele dossier — that involved supposedly Donald Trump and prostitutes and all this stuff while the whole time he knew that he had some of his own issues. I think we have a situation of the pot calling the kettle black.”

“So look, I think everybody needs to know what did he know, when did he know it? What has been done since?” Nunes asked



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58d43b No.158903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984575 (112035ZDEC20) Notable: Human trafficking ring busted in Prescott Valley, AZ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Like I been telling you guys, Hunter Biden's car was found abandoned in Prescott the day after the Arizona Inn was raided for child sex trafficking. Hunter Biden and Backpage are related.


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58d43b No.158904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984592 (112036ZDEC20) Notable: Attack on QResearch from 'inside the fence'? Anon dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11967493 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/11967355 (pb)


Catalog of /qrbunker/


QR Bunker General #16: Backup Bunker Open for Business Edition


I am posting through "Block bypass"

Do I have to login or signup?


/qanonresearch/ - Research Operation's War Room


Mission Statement:

We are hacktivist who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and meme warefare. We do battle in the digital realm of social networks. We neither need, nor condone the use of physical force. All illegal content reported. Not Liable.

Research Operation's War Room

/qanonresearch/ -


Catalog of /qanonresearch/


On 12/10/20 The Board was taken over forcing all to use Torr to post anything at all..in the meantime the hacktivist(war room) set up a bunker at qbunker for MNR to go to using a Block By Pass program so they could post normally on this board. Intentions seem to be to shut down Qresearch on 8kun and bring all over to End Chan. Thinking he could get this done through the use of MNR, by making sure that Qresearch was in constant flux/chaos, but Anons wouldn't budge. He has driven away the good bakers brought in his own crew to make sure they have constant control prove is in all of the pre-baked breads. to authenticate his mission today he went so far as to spam his own board on MNR with gay porn. The links follow:

>>>/qresearch/21713 QR Midnight Riders #95: [DS] Backed Into The Corner Edition














12/11/20 (Fri) 13:48:51 https://8kun.top/midnightriders/res/21643.html#q21877 Last post

QR Midnight Riders #100: Potus ]NOW[ Binary Edition

https://8kun.top/midnightriders/res/21854.html#q21883 12/11/20 (Fri) 14:29:33 timestamp last post new bread

Q left us 2 drops regarding Brute Force..

Anonymous ID: 3f8788 No.476806 #823

Feb 23 2018 19:22:52 (EST)


Check code line 1183.

Embed added 7:03pm EST.

Embed string active in SATRREC.

Warning alerts 5-12.

Brute force will be necessary.

T-2 warning.


Aug 2 2018 02:24:15 (EST) #1796

Welcome to the mainstream.

We knew this day would come.

(glimpse)(what to expect)

>POTUS’ twitter comments

Liberal Democrats

Fake News WW

Fake MAGA supporters

Bandwagon shills

Paid shills (Media Matters)

Intel infiltration (neg dissemination).

MSM infiltration (neg dissemination).

Twitter bot attack (twitter controls dir/fake accts)

(FB/Twitter/etc create massive amounts of fake user accts for SP (fake user growth %)/bot use etc).

All activated past 24hrs.

Full attack mode (brute force).

False ‘violent’ narrative push.

Ask yourself, why?

Enjoy the show!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158905

File: fb81135e4c9e7ca⋯.png (491.88 KB,621x733,621:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984615 (112039ZDEC20) Notable: Jay Seculow - SCOTUS has all the briefs. It's up to them now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>"Alaska has officially joined the amicus curiae states in the Texas SCOTUS election suit!"


"Now that both sides have filed briefs in the monumental election case emanating from Texas, the next move is in the hands of the Supreme Court.This case does not decide the President, but is outcome determinative."https://twitter.com/JaySekulow/status/1337484246395592705

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158906

File: e2ddbc761e80327⋯.png (17.84 KB,599x216,599:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984617 (112040ZDEC20) Notable: Christmas Eve is a Federal Holiday in 2020 according to an EO signed by President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158907

File: bd4b96513523a14⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2278x2605,2278:2605,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984628 (112041ZDEC20) Notable: QPost anon dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Are we getting a countdown? 26, 25…

Yes, we are 25 days from the Runoff in GA and 27 days from XMAS.

Christmas = 12/25

Xmas = 01/07

What do you want for XMAS?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158908

File: 9fa9a2961e4ef86⋯.jpeg (515.44 KB,1241x2115,1241:2115,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984640 (112042ZDEC20) Notable: Well we all know the judges to investigate in Delaware now (Hunter Biden dig)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well we all know the judges to investigate in Delaware now


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158909

File: 2a9d0ea4cdc843a⋯.png (105.97 KB,1367x611,1367:611,Clipboard.png)

File: ae3e769105e1cf0⋯.png (153.97 KB,801x584,801:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984648 (112042ZDEC20) Notable: How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Set a TRAP.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Set a TRAP.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158910

File: 11fc2707a55244c⋯.png (23.25 KB,418x351,418:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d4b0569bcca88b⋯.png (38.3 KB,546x266,39:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984654 (112043ZDEC20) Notable: What did Barr know and when did he know it?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60382 📁

Dec 9 201713:45:57 (EST)

Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60244 📁

Dec 9 201713:28:04 (EST)



Even Justice RBG

said to call the A.G.,



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158911

File: 802fe74ffb7ea3f⋯.jpeg (481.17 KB,1241x1797,1241:1797,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984675 (112046ZDEC20) Notable: Maryland attempted a funds transfer in the middle of the night to Asia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wow Maryland another (attempted) transfer of money to Asia, SK, all these governors are raiding the till


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58d43b No.158912

File: bf36535109b47c2⋯.png (168.28 KB,597x392,597:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984763 (112056ZDEC20) Notable: Joseph Flynn tweet - Be there - National Mall 11am - Dec 12th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Attention Call to Action Not a Drill


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58d43b No.158913

File: 419053b51a533d0⋯.jpg (96.74 KB,945x650,189:130,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984778 (112058ZDEC20) Notable: For the kek

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


True story

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158914

File: ebfe008ca6ae905⋯.png (382.35 KB,638x693,58:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984805 (112101ZDEC20) Notable: White House orders FDA chief to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Friday or submit his resignation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Election Wizard Retweeted

Philip Rucker


Breaking —> White House orders FDA chief to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Friday or submit his resignation, ⁦


⁩ and ⁦


⁩ report

White House threatens FDA chief Hahn if Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine isn’t authorized Friday

The message from a top Trump aide prompted the agency to accelerate its announcement, which had been planned for early Saturday.


1:10 PM · Dec 11, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158915

File: 20957084529fb17⋯.png (149.94 KB,658x831,658:831,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d972810532c7df⋯.png (116.41 KB,643x739,643:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984809 (112102ZDEC20) Notable: Democratic Caucus of the Senate of Pennsylvania has filed in support of defendants in SC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democratic Caucus of the Senate of Pennsylvania has filed in support of defendants in SC

Disappointingly, certain Pennsylvania Senate

Republicans, through its filing to this Court, have decided not to take a position on

this action by the State of Texas but rather to once again raise state claims that are

before this Court and that have been previously litigated and decided in state court.

This case is not appropriate for this Court’s original jurisdiction.

It is rare that this Court exercises original jurisdiction

Texas lacks standing.

Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution limits the jurisdiction of federal courts

to “cases” or “controversies.”

. This matter is moot.

Texas’s claims are moot. Texas filed this action on December 7, 2020, over a

month after the general election, two weeks following Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s

certification of the election results and one day prior to the “safe harbor” deadline

under 3 U.S.C. § 5.

Texas is not entitled to the extraordinary preliminary injunction it


Texas asks this Court to issue an injunction, or, alternatively, a stay, that

would bar Pennsylvania, as well as three other states, from certifying its election

results and from participating in the Electoral College. Motion at 1-2.

Texas’s attempt to disenfranchise voters across the United States is a

harmful affront to the public interest of Pennsylvania and the nation.


For the reasons set forth above, the Court should deny the motion for leave to

file a bill of complaint and the motion for preliminary injunction and temporary

restraining order or, altern

atively, for stay and administrative stay.


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58d43b No.158916

File: 90f3f3537ab04db⋯.png (57.21 KB,620x575,124:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984840 (112104ZDEC20) Notable: @LLinWood I filed this lawsuit on my own since time was of the essence. GA election was unlawful

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lin Wood


I filed this lawsuit on my own since time was of the essence. GA election was unlawful. It diluted our in-person votes & violated equal protection.

I do not know if my case will be successful. But the cherished right to vote belongs to each individual member of We The People.

Quote Tweet

Lin Wood


· 42m

Finally docketed in US Supreme Court!


2:34 PM · Dec 11, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158917

File: d21f96a8348cb93⋯.png (153.96 KB,617x585,617:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984878 (112108ZDEC20) Notable: @MikayesFiona Great news! Lin Wood's GA suit has been docketed!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Great news! Lin Wood's GA suit has been docketed!"https://twitter.com/MikayesFiona/status/1337499309051424770

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984882 (112108ZDEC20) Notable: Shia LaBeouf accused of sexual battery, 'relentless abuse' in disturbing lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FKA twigs accuses Shia LaBeouf of sexual battery, 'relentless abuse' in disturbing lawsuit

FKA twigs is accusing Shia LaBeouf of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress in a troubling lawsuit filed Friday. She also claims LaBeouf knowingly gave her a sexually transmitted disease.

The 32-year-old musician, born Tahliah Debrett Barnett, recounted the “relentless abuse” she allegedly suffered during their relationship in an interview with the New York Times.

“What I went through with Shia was the worst thing I’ve ever been through in the whole of my life,” she said. “I don’t think people would ever think that it would happen to me. But I think that’s the thing. It can happen to anybody.”

Barnett met LaBeouf, 34, in 2018 when she was cast in his mostly autobiographical film Honey Boy. They dated for nearly a year. When the honeymoon phase wore off, she claims she was subjected to physical, emotional and mental abuse on multiple occasions. One incident from Feb. 2019 is detailed in the lawsuit, obtained by the Times.

According to the article, Barnett and LaBeouf were in the desert where he “raged at her throughout the trip,” waking her up once “in the middle of the night, choking her.” On the way back to Los Angeles, he began driving recklessly, “removing his seatbelt and threatening to crash unless she professed her love for him.”

“After she begged to be let out of the car, she said he pulled over at a gas station and she took her bags from the trunk. But Mr. LaBeouf followed, and assaulted her, throwing her against the car while screaming in her face, according to the suit. He then forced her back in the car,” the article states.

After the incident, Barnett was discouraged to leave as it happened in public and she said no one stepped in to help her. An attempt she made to tell a colleague was dismissed.

“I just thought to myself, no one is ever going to believe me,” she told the Times. “I’m unconventional. And I’m a person of color who is a female.”

A second former girlfriend of LaBeouf’s also accused him of abusive behavior in the lawsuit. Karolyn Pho, who dated the actor for two years, claims he once drunkenly pinned her to a bed and head-butted her, causing her to bleed. “So much goes into breaking down a man or woman to make them OK with a certain kind of treatment,” the stylist told the Times.

A representative for LaBeouf did not immediately respond to Yahoo Entertainment’s request for comment. However, the actor issued a statement via email to the Times.

“I’m not in any position to tell anyone how my behavior made them feel,” he wrote. “I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression, only rationalizations. I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I hurt. There is nothing else I can really say.”



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58d43b No.158919

File: 486b2ac024039b3⋯.png (81.08 KB,544x379,544:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984904 (112110ZDEC20) Notable: Christmas Eve is a Federal Holiday in 2020 according to an EO signed by President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158920

File: d5d68a93c0d3c11⋯.png (266.85 KB,794x732,397:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984952 (112115ZDEC20) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!

From 2004. Chinee vote fuckery in South FL elections.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158921

File: 5a45d5b78f00c97⋯.png (622.84 KB,787x826,787:826,Clipboard.png)

File: 36d8cf04c0517dd⋯.png (764.37 KB,761x825,761:825,Clipboard.png)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11984973 (112117ZDEC20) Notable: #15298

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11984229 Dough

#15298 FINAL Notables

>>158881 Six Dead from Pfizer Trials: Shares Down, Pfizer CEO Makes a Killing

>>158882 Seattle Goes from Defunding the Police to Canceling Most Crimes Entirely

>>158883 Computer repairman at center of 'Biden laptop' scandal breaks silence

>>158884 Why did Trump tweet this? What Biden Administration?

>>158885 YouTube censors account for posting video of a Democrat's threat of violence

>>158886 Dig on DiseaseX caused by Pathogen X

>>158887 Anon opines on 'Gameplan'

>>158888 Zodiac Killer's 1969 cipher 'puzzle' finally solved

>>158889 Dig on human trafficking site 'Backpage'

>>158890 New monolith

>>158891 , >>158893 , >>158897 Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

>>158892 Seattle autonomous zone 'loaded with weapons and molotov cocktails' re: Andy Ngo

>>158894 Central Banks Are Buying $1.3 Billion In Assets Every Hour, Creating A "Frankenbull" Market

>>158895 DJT tweets on SCOTUS packing and Election Fraud cases

>>158896 Docked at SC L. Lin Wood, Jr., Petitioner v. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State, et al.

>>158898 Alaska joins Amicus Brief with MO, et al in support of Texas

>>158900 Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams Announces Departure from the Office of Legal Policy

>>158901 "Michigan voter fraud witness video - Anyone know anything about this? (Video cap)

>>158902 Nunes calls Swalwell a “Pee Tape Truther”

>>158904 Attack on QResearch from 'inside the fence'? Anon dig

>>158905 Jay Seculow - SCOTUS has all the briefs. It's up to them now.

>>158907 QPost anon dig

>>158899 Anon asks - is https://www.resignation.info up? Maybe a dig there?

>>158909 How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Set a TRAP.

>>158908 Well we all know the judges to investigate in Delaware now (Hunter Biden dig)

>>158910 What did Barr know and when did he know it?

>>158906 , >>158919 Christmas Eve is a Federal Holiday in 2020 according to an EO signed by President Trump

>>158911 Maryland attempted a funds transfer in the middle of the night to Asia

>>158912 Joseph Flynn tweet - Be there - National Mall 11am - Dec 12th

>>158913 For the kek

>>158914 White House orders FDA chief to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Friday or submit his resignation

>>158915 Democratic Caucus of the Senate of Pennsylvania has filed in support of defendants in SC

>>158916 @LLinWood I filed this lawsuit on my own since time was of the essence. GA election was unlawful

>>158903 Human trafficking ring busted in Prescott Valley, AZ

>>158917 @MikayesFiona Great news! Lin Wood's GA suit has been docketed!

>>158918 Shia LaBeouf accused of sexual battery, 'relentless abuse' in disturbing lawsuit

>>158920 WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!


>>>/qresearch/11984961 #15298

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158923

File: e291afa8464d3e0⋯.jpeg (82.87 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985047 (112126ZDEC20) Notable: Call to all Digital Soldiers - National Mall - Dec 12th at 11AM EST - #STOPTHESTEAL

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58d43b No.158924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985088 (112130ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 'Event 201' (video)

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A disturbing rabbit hole, with lots of tunnels and great digs… not to mention a good dose of piss-you-offium.

Anon found this source on here a couple days ago and thought super important. The original video was to big to embed, so I had to learn to edit (make a clip) quickly so I could embed here, and pass on… Rumble cannot be embeded anyway.

Basic video summary: Entire documentary

Introduces "Event 201" (A simulation of a 'pandemic', hosted by the World Economic Form and the Gates Foundation- October 2019)

Interviews again Judy A Mikovits, PHD molecular biologist/whistleblower, introduces David E. Martin, National Intel Analyist, founder of IQ100 (NYSE), and other notable individuals.

Introduces the relatively recent patents on various 'biologics/viruses', etc. Giving a indroduction of 'patent law' pertaining to biologics.

Introduces the founding of "Fact Checking" companies and their control. IE SNOPES, etc. And their involvement in supressing facts, as well as coordination with other outfits.

Introduces how the CDC coordinated/supressed/facilitated various virus research(es)

Introduces Bill Gates's beginnings to where he is now with the 'foundation'

Introduces the Byah-Dole Act (video clip higlights)

And more… Worth the 1:15:00+ hr watch!

Q and Q+ were right. These people are sick!

Some sauce…

https://rumble.com/vbq6vv (Burner acct to watch/share a link to the entire 1+hr documentary)

https://plandemicseries.com/ (Main site to watch documentary, download to share, and downloadable 'clips')

Note: This may be a double post, catalog is silly, seems to be some competing breads, do not know…

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58d43b No.158925

File: 3ac6870eb348dad⋯.jpg (142.04 KB,828x1030,414:515,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985107 (112133ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell just filed a petition for writ of certiorari in their case

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Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell just filed a petition for writ of certiorari in their case.

Asking for SC to examine the merits of the lower PA SC case.



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58d43b No.158926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985125 (112134ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell just filed a petition for writ of certiorari in their case

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apologies, intended to link Case docket instead of pdf


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58d43b No.158927

File: 89bee9842fb063c⋯.jpeg (386.96 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985164 (112138ZDEC20) Notable: Dec 23rd… Trump made the 24th a Federal holiday. Same day the Death EO is active.

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Dec 23rd… Trump made the 24th a Federal holiday. Same day the Death EO is active.

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58d43b No.158928

File: 3d83e955a0c8000⋯.jpg (30.83 KB,372x499,372:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985168 (112138ZDEC20) Notable: George Washington faced with British biowarfare?

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Just discovered an interesting parallel in history between DJT and George Washington.

- Washington was fighting the British and smallpox simultaneously

- Previously had small pox himself

- Tried quarantine at first, which worked but only for a short period

- Rumors the British were engaging in biowarfare, deliberately sending sick people to infect the revolutionaries

- Washington also knew that his American-born soldiers were far more susceptible to the disease than the European enemy. That’s because smallpox was endemic in England.

- Armed only with a primitive understanding of contagion and immunity, Washington had to decide between several anti-smallpox schemes, each with its own significant risks.

- The best inoculation technique at Washington’s disposal during the Revolutionary War was a nasty and sometimes fatal method called “variolation.”

- Variolization still had a case fatality rate of 5 to 10 percent. And even if all went well, inoculated patients still needed a month to recover.

"Washington eventually made the bold decision to inoculate all American troops who had never been sickened with smallpox at a time when inoculation was a crude and often deadly process. His gamble paid off. The measure staved off smallpox long enough to win a years-long fight with the British. In the process, Washington pulled off the first massive, state-funded immunization campaign in American history."

From the article https://www.history.com/news/smallpox-george-washington-revolutionary-war

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58d43b No.158929

File: a6c6ed24e10990d⋯.png (126.1 KB,1169x658,167:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985213 (112142ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine - What is hiding in the new defense bill that Trump wanted to distract from?

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I don’t think the Defense spending Bill that Trump threatened to veto has anything to do with section 230. There was nothing to be gained by that veto threat and a loss of political capital and prestige.

No, it is far more likely there is something ‘big’ hidden in there that Trump did t want the swamp rats from looking too deeply at.

What is hiding in the new defense bill that Trump wanted to distract from?

Seems like something we could be looking in to…

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58d43b No.158930

File: a4709891456f276⋯.png (379.1 KB,618x610,309:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985232 (112144ZDEC20) Notable: California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for China Virus

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California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for COVID-19


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58d43b No.158931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985262 (112146ZDEC20) Notable: Dec 23rd… Trump made the 24th a Federal holiday. Same day the Death EO is active.

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58d43b No.158932

File: f81ad81d50d54f1⋯.png (725.1 KB,803x761,803:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985287 (112149ZDEC20) Notable: How the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Links to World War I

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How the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Links to World War I

April 13, 2020 By Will Sowards

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58d43b No.158933

File: 3223b761fe5eeb7⋯.png (293.22 KB,638x643,638:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985306 (112151ZDEC20) Notable: @RSBNetwork I’d say this pretty much sums it up here in #WisconsinHearing

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The Election Wizard Retweeted

RSBN Flag of United States


I’d say this pretty much sums it up here in #WisconsinHearing #Election2020



2:54 PM · Dec 11, 2020

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58d43b No.158934

File: 3185d26163d8ab0⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,878x504,439:252,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985320 (112152ZDEC20) Notable: @RSBNetwork I’d say this pretty much sums it up here in #WisconsinHearing

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58d43b No.158935

File: ecaa873fddcbc7a⋯.png (592.58 KB,904x830,452:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985345 (112155ZDEC20) Notable: House Dem calling on House Leaders 'not to seat anyone disputing the 2020 Election'

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NEW - Chairman of @OversightDems Bill Pascrell calling on House leaders "to refuse to seat any Members trying to overturn the election and make Donald Trump an unelected dictator."


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58d43b No.158936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985365 (112156ZDEC20) Notable: Baby Giraffe Named Margaret After First Covid Vaccine Recipient

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Baby Giraffe Named Margaret After First Covid Vaccine Recipient

Totally normal story and definitely not comms…

Friendly reminder that Rothschild's Giraffes are a thing, and this story even specifies that the newborn is 6 feet tall.


Any doubts I ever had that there isn't something EXTREMELY odd going on just beneath the surface of all of this evaporated long ago.

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58d43b No.158937

File: 0d70ba2d0683a2f⋯.png (119.04 KB,927x793,927:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985377 (112158ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi Panic - House Speaker Press release

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Goes with this delicious bit of Panic by Nancy


Dear Democratic Colleague,

At a time when the pandemic is ravaging our country, we must all come together to crush this virus. Up until now, the President has refused to lead our country in that way and now more than 15 million Americans have been infected and nearly 300,000 killed – more Americans than died in combat in World War II. It is imperative that our nation comes together to protect the lives and livelihoods of the American people. Instead, Republicans are engaged in election subversion that imperils our democracy.

This week, 126 House Republicans, nearly two-thirds of the GOP Conference, signed onto an extreme partisan lawsuit demanding that the will of voters in four states – Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – be overturned and that the Electoral College votes be awarded to Donald Trump.

This lawsuit is an act of flailing GOP desperation, which violates the principles enshrined in our American Democracy. As the Pennsylvania Attorney General stated in a brief filed against this lawsuit, "The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated."

As Members of Congress, we take a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution. Republicans are subverting the Constitution by their reckless and fruitless assault on our democracy which threatens to seriously erode public trust in our most sacred democratic institutions, and to set back our progress on the urgent challenges ahead.

Thank you for your patriotism.



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58d43b No.158938

File: 589db59274ae8f0⋯.png (395.24 KB,535x564,535:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985400 (112201ZDEC20) Notable: Vladimir Putin met with Constitutional Court Chairman Valery Zorkin on the eve of Constitution Day

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Vladimir Putin met with Constitutional Court Chairman Valery Zorkin on the eve of Constitution Day


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58d43b No.158939

File: 94be0d0daceea2f⋯.png (115.68 KB,1180x642,590:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985401 (112201ZDEC20) Notable: The DOJ is in reality the Department of covering up Democrat Crimes (Emerald Robinson tweet)

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The DOJ is in reality the Department of covering up Democrat Crimes.


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58d43b No.158940

File: 9e5ba9661d8aab2⋯.png (34.32 KB,1128x162,188:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985415 (112203ZDEC20) Notable: Anon reports on United States Postal Service delivery issues

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Something is going on with USPS. I have packages coming in all the time from UPS and Fedex with no issue. Then in the past 2 weeks, nothing from USPS is arriving. Every single package is stuck at one facility with a message, "Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility".

I don't know if this is election-related or if this is another example of inflicting pain on the public. Either way, the postal service is being the Grinch during the Christmas season

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58d43b No.158941

File: 851ec390a229901⋯.png (550.33 KB,1452x732,121:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 82ac93598330dca⋯.png (387.41 KB,1436x720,359:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 25b9923f5b4c0c0⋯.png (312.37 KB,1479x785,1479:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985417 (112203ZDEC20) Notable: Fidel Castro Was a CIA Agent?

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Fidel Castro Was a CIA Agent


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58d43b No.158942

File: c6fedccf59b8e8f⋯.jpeg (2.48 MB,2732x1507,2732:1507,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985425 (112204ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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P8 left Lexington Park. Proceeds to circled over Denver City,TX for a spell, and is now headed to Roswell, NM

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58d43b No.158943

File: 619cd842332b609⋯.png (926.67 KB,713x771,713:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985427 (112205ZDEC20) Notable: Car plows into Manhattan #BlackLivesMatter protest, striking at least six people

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HAPPENING NOW - Car plows into Manhattan #BlackLivesMatter protest, striking at least six people.


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58d43b No.158944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985467 (112208ZDEC20) Notable: Baby Giraffe Named Margaret After First Covid Vaccine Recipient

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Further information, Baker:

Margaret is a female first name, derived via French (Marguerite), Latin (Margarita), and Greek Margarites from the Old Persian word for pearl *margārīta- (compare Modern Persian morvārīd "pearl").

The Persian is cognate with the Sanskrit मञ्जरी mañjarī meaning "pearl" or "cluster of blossoms"


So that's a Persian connection (Ahura Mazda, anyone?), plus a link to flowers, which we know are one of [their] big symbols (anyone who doubts this should watch the UK Parliament's YT channel for a while and look at the women's dresses).

Not sure about the pearl connection, but I wouldn't be surprised if that has some meaning to [them], too..

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58d43b No.158945

File: f1466caae523f8a⋯.png (414.08 KB,563x448,563:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 1558123bbbc1120⋯.png (352.87 KB,584x574,292:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985494 (112210ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden caught off guard when asked about Federal investigation into Hunter’s dealings with China

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“Did Hunter Biden Commit a Crime?” – Joe Biden Caught Off Guard When Reporter Asks About Federal Investigation Into Hunter’s Dealings with China

Joe Biden on Friday arrived at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware to announce his key administration officials.

Several states are being contested after the sham election and the electoral college hasn’t voted yet but senile Joe Biden is still pretending he won the 2020 election.

Joe Biden ignored shouted questions from the pool about his son Hunter’s investigation as he entered The Queen theatre in Wilmington ahead of staff introductions.

Joe Biden’s announcement today was a total dud. No one watched the online streaming of his major announcements.

After the theatrical ceremony was over, Joe Biden began to walk away from the lectern when a reporter shouted a question about Hunter.

The mainstream media has decided to report on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings with China and other countries now that Election Day is behind us.

The media claimed the Hunter Biden story was merely “Russian disinformation” but now that the election is over, they’ve been given the green light by their masters to report on the story.

On Friday, a reporter shouted to Joe Biden, “Did Hunter Biden commit a crime? Have you spoken to your son?”

Joe Biden froze then blurted out, “I’m proud of my son” as he bolted.


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58d43b No.158946

File: f97287887225c08⋯.png (673.63 KB,710x742,355:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 75b3221ad307885⋯.png (1.34 MB,1035x817,1035:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985512 (112212ZDEC20) Notable: Prince Andrew's sex slave alibi falls apart

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WORLD EXCLUSIVE - Prince Andrew's sex slave alibi falls apart: Explosive dossier blows a hole in 'Pizza Express' excuse

Explosive dossier blows a hole in 'Pizza Express' excuse, and shows he had a manicure booked on day Virginia Roberts claims she slept with him… but investigation questions her story too

Prince Andrew's Pizza Express 'alibi' is in tatters following a bombshell Daily Mail investigation.

In the first instalment of an exclusive four-part series we can reveal astonishing details about the day he is alleged to have slept with his teenage sex accuser Virginia Roberts.

She says she was trafficked to London by the prince's paedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein when she was just 17. Our investigation into the events of March 10, 2001, can disclose that:

Princess Beatrice has 'absolutely no recollection' of the Pizza Express birthday party her father has claimed to have attended;

The family who hosted the party confirmed Beatrice came but cannot recall what happened and whether the prince was there;

According to a family diary, the Duke of York had booked a home manicure on the afternoon he says he dropped Beatrice, then aged 12, at the party in Woking, Surrey;

Sources said the prince had a 'very vague' recollection of waiting under a bridge near Pizza Express to collect his daughter;

A royal protection officer said to have been on duty that weekend, and who could possibly support his alibi, has died;

Housekeepers on duty at the prince's home – Sunninghill Park, Ascot – 'can't remember' his movements on the weekend in question;

Concerns also emerged over the accuracy of Miss Roberts' claim that she went clubbing in London with Andrew that evening and over her description of a bath tub in which she says they had sex;

An exclusive through-the-keyhole view shows the bathroom in Ghislaine Maxwell's mews house in Belgravia;

The Duchess of York was in the United States promoting chinaware to pay off her huge personal debts when Andrew is alleged to have bedded Miss Roberts.



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58d43b No.158947

File: ec39448340f03f6⋯.png (816.15 KB,1068x1026,178:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985521 (112214ZDEC20) Notable: Cheer’ Star Jerry Harris NEW Indictments Child P-rn & Sex Crimes Against 3 NEW Victims

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Cheer’ Star Jerry Harris NEW Indictments

Child P-rn & Sex Crimes Against 3 NEW Victims

4 total victims, 7 counts, alleges conduct in Illinois, Florida and Texas.


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58d43b No.158948

File: d899f5246e1c9a7⋯.png (256.46 KB,538x546,269:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985530 (112214ZDEC20) Notable: More Dominion Vote Systems foreign connections? Serbia?

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The external network is connected to the Serbian IP address, the network that provides support is SBB, which is owned by Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, and Soros. Minority partners in SBB are Solak and Djilas. So don't shit, but pack up too.

https://twitter.com/acastef53/The external network is connected to the Serbian IP address, the network that provides support is SBB, which is owned by Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, and Soros. Minority partners in SBB are Solak and Djilas. So don't shit, but pack up too.



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58d43b No.158949

File: c90771494df76ed⋯.png (25.01 KB,656x320,41:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985532 (112214ZDEC20) Notable: Mitt Romney Trashed Senate’s Hunter Biden Investigation as ‘Political Exercise’

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Mitt Romney Trashed Senate’s Hunter Biden Investigation as ‘Political Exercise’

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) slammed the Senate’s investigation of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings as a “political exercise” in September, saying it was “not the legitimate role of government.” Those criticisms now look shortsighted, as Hunter Biden has admitted that he is under federal investigation.

As Dan Bongino’s website recalled on Friday, Romney was criticizing an effort led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) of the Senate Committee on Finance, to investigate Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company.

Hunter Biden took a lavishly-compensated board seat on Burisma in 2014, leading — briefly — to questions from reporters about whether there was a conflict of interests for his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, who was leading U.S. foreign policy on Ukraine. The Obama administration ducked those questions.

Later, in 2018, Joe Biden admitted that he had threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to Ukraine in March 2016 — while eastern Ukraine was besieged by Russian-backed forces — unless Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired.

In July 2019, President Donald Trump asked newly-elected Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy to look into Burisma and the Bidens’ role. Democrats alleged that Trump had asked for foreign interference in a U.S. election and impeached him.

During the impeachment inquiry, however, Democrats’ own witnesses testified that they were aware of a conflict of interest involving Hunter Biden and Burisma. State Department official George Kent said that he raised the issue with Biden’s office and received no response. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testified that she had been briefed about Burisma — and no other company — by Obama administration sfatt in preparation for her Senate confirmation hearings.

Romney had criticized Johnson and Grassley’s investigation as “political” from the outset. But their report on Hunter Biden and Burisma, released in September, revealed: “In October 2015, senior State Department official Amos Hochstein raised concerns with Vice President Biden, as well as with Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board enabled Russian disinformation efforts and risked undermining U.S. policy in Ukraine.” The report also found that Joe Biden had allowed members of his family to enrich themselves abroad while he was serving as Vice President.


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58d43b No.158950

File: 12303e8cdad6d19⋯.png (321.16 KB,617x555,617:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985538 (112215ZDEC20) Notable: Q Research making people nervous?

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58d43b No.158951

File: 9a3f4e4fa79a06d⋯.png (688.71 KB,714x643,714:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985540 (112215ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani BEATS CCP-Virus!

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Rudy Giuliani BEATS CCP-Virus!

WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/I1AWReNXims


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58d43b No.158952

File: d0620c0967bd366⋯.png (771.33 KB,767x659,767:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985544 (112215ZDEC20) Notable: You Have to See This NBC Hunter Biden Subheadline to Believe It. It's Real and It's Really That Awful.

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You Have to See This NBC Hunter Biden Subheadline to Believe It. It's Real and It's Really That Awful.

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58d43b No.158953

File: f45d52fb0fd1b85⋯.png (461.87 KB,599x821,599:821,Clipboard.png)

File: fd7dc13912da047⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985546 (112216ZDEC20) Notable: Car plows into Manhattan #BlackLivesMatter protest, striking at least six people

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MORE - Possible suspect arrested after the incident in Manhattan.


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58d43b No.158954

File: 7b404f664028ce3⋯.png (22 KB,842x173,842:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985555 (112216ZDEC20) Notable: Alaska is 19th State to Join Amicus Curiae States in Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit

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Alaska is 19th State to Join Amicus Curiae States in Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit – Having Found Their Balls

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58d43b No.158955

File: edc8d0823fa6a64⋯.png (43.31 KB,748x580,187:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985573 (112219ZDEC20) Notable: @realchrisrufo I am ready to wage war against wokeness in America's K-12 schools.

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Really like dis guy.

Christopher F. Rufo


I am ready to wage war against wokeness in America's K-12 schools.

Next week, I will begin releasing whistleblower documents from dozens of public schools, in which administrators teach critical race theory, implement segregation, and advocate for "abolishing" the United States.

3:14 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for Android


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58d43b No.158956

File: edaecb9b07a39ac⋯.png (283.02 KB,519x503,519:503,Clipboard.png)

File: af14580b8920787⋯.png (317.65 KB,527x426,527:426,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f70cb47d458c89⋯.png (278.59 KB,555x371,555:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985578 (112219ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Announces Case Now Submitted to SCOTUS

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MORE FOR SCOTUS: Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Announces Case Now Submitted to SCOTUS

"We found evidence," said Ward.

Arizona GOP Chair Dr Kelli Ward has announced they are taking their election integrity case to SCOTUS, and are hoping for an expedited hearing.

Dr Ward and the Arizona GOP discovered last week alleged evidence of voter fraud when they were allowed to examine a number of duplicated and adjudicated ballots. Arizona GOP lawyer Jack Wilenchik wrote in a court filing that one original ballot contained “was clearly a vote for Trump,” but the “duplicate ballot switched the vote to Biden,” while a second Trump vote was completely discarded, due to the duplicate ballot also including a “blank” vote for a write-in presidential candidate.

After further vote analysis, Ward announced on Friday that the Arizona GOP was taking their case to SCOTUS, noting that they would be only the third case this election to be accepted by the Supreme Court if they were. Ward argued that the case was necessary because they had not received “due process” during their investigation:

It’s unconstitutional for us not to have due process, which is time to be able to make a case, do discovery, and hold an entire hearing. The judge set unrealistic deadlines. He believed he had to have his case out of his hands by December 8th. Well, that only gave us three days to examine up to three million ballots, which we all know is impossible. And in Arizona, it’s interesting because for over 100 years, we’ve had to file an election contest the day after the election is certified. So that gives us only eight days to do the entire job that we need to do, and everyone knows that that’s not enough time to do the job in a case that is as important as choosing our next president. So this is going to go to the Supreme Court.

READ MORE: Arizona Senate GOP Cancels Election Integrity Hearing, Gives No Future Date or Explanation

Ward said that the Democrats, left, and the media, are fighting her and the Arizona GOP all the way on this:

The media loves to say, ‘Show us the evidence.’ We found evidence, but then, we didn’t have enough time to do more discovery because they’ve kept that evidence locked up. It’s smoke and mirrors and the people of Arizona see right through it. So do the people of America as a whole. Those Democrats don’t care about accountability, they don’t care about transparency, and they certainly don’t care about the integrity of this election.

National File reported Friday that 20 states now support or have signed onto the lawsuit submitted by Texas to SCOTUS, including Arizona, against the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, for Constituional violations, including illegally altering legislated election laws and treating voters unequally, which allowed numerous voting irregularities to take place as a result.


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58d43b No.158957

File: 632e52ad7fd5a16⋯.png (1006.33 KB,1149x659,1149:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985601 (112221ZDEC20) Notable: Will Anyone Face Any Consequences For Gaslighting Americans On The Hunter Biden Story?

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Will Anyone Face Any Consequences For Gaslighting Americans On The Hunter Biden Story?

Will anyone in media, Big Tech, or the expert class be held accountable for claiming the Biden family investigations were a fantasy Russian disinformation plot?

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58d43b No.158958

File: 683758d7a46bee2⋯.png (432.13 KB,720x653,720:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985613 (112222ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Has Files From Laptop of Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich

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FBI Has Files From Laptop of Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich

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58d43b No.158959

File: 50d19ba4b4c5265⋯.png (84.86 KB,751x830,751:830,Clipboard.png)

File: 8db30c96f8e6585⋯.png (59.45 KB,742x714,53:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985626 (112223ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Disability-Based Discrimination

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Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Disability-Based Discrimination by Architect and Owners of 15 Complexes in Four States


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58d43b No.158960

File: 3de06a70b48835e⋯.png (401.09 KB,675x513,25:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985630 (112223ZDEC20) Notable: Carnegie Mellon Students Target Ric Grenell with Death Threat

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Carnegie Mellon Students Target Ric Grenell with Death Threat

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58d43b No.158961

File: 2e545078e0470fe⋯.png (132.22 KB,1074x622,537:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985631 (112223ZDEC20) Notable: The FBI is a cesspool of corruption. Today they subpoenaed the AG of Texas

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Just in case you needed a reminder that the FBI is a cesspool of corruption, today they subpoenaed the AG of Texas

Yes, the same AG that filed the historic SCOTUS lawsuit to protect our elections just days ago

They aren’t even pretending to hide their bias anymore


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58d43b No.158962

File: 51bfaff95ec79a9⋯.jpg (252.53 KB,823x905,823:905,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985638 (112224ZDEC20) Notable: MSM hit piece on Women researching Q Posts

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MSM hitpiece on Qanon ladies yesterday

And now this.

Are there coincidicnks?


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58d43b No.158963

File: b80474494adae5b⋯.png (727.98 KB,682x665,682:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985639 (112224ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona GOP Takes Election Case to Supreme Court: ‘We Found Evidence’

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Arizona GOP Takes Election Case to Supreme Court: ‘We Found Evidence’

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58d43b No.158964

File: a49a545c0f3b447⋯.png (2.38 MB,1241x1662,1241:1662,Clipboard.png)

File: a49a545c0f3b447⋯.png (2.38 MB,1241x1662,1241:1662,Clipboard.png)

File: a49a545c0f3b447⋯.png (2.38 MB,1241x1662,1241:1662,Clipboard.png)

File: a49a545c0f3b447⋯.png (2.38 MB,1241x1662,1241:1662,Clipboard.png)

File: a49a545c0f3b447⋯.png (2.38 MB,1241x1662,1241:1662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985654 (112225ZDEC20) Notable: Time Person of the Year - China, Biden and Harris

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How much did it cost Biden's handlers?


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58d43b No.158965

File: 537b459af6ce612⋯.png (15.96 KB,764x117,764:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d193b8669c6f68⋯.png (605.94 KB,584x385,584:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985667 (112226ZDEC20) Notable: ‘March for Trump’ to take place in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, OAN will provide LIVE coverage

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‘March for Trump’ to take place in Washington, D.C. this weekend, OAN will provide LIVE coverage

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58d43b No.158966

File: 2c3c58a22268082⋯.png (110.73 KB,598x478,299:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985674 (112227ZDEC20) Notable: ICC prosecutor wants full probe into 2014 Ukraine unrest, according to a statement

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BREAKING ICC prosecutor wants full probe into 2014 Ukraine unrest, according to a statement


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58d43b No.158967

File: ea7e39ab2af0176⋯.png (814.83 KB,761x718,761:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985694 (112229ZDEC20) Notable: There's Been a Huge Development in the McCloskey Case

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There's Been a Huge Development in the McCloskey Case

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58d43b No.158968

File: bb13b854375b0e7⋯.png (1017.09 KB,1138x479,1138:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985726 (112231ZDEC20) Notable: FLASHBACK: Obama attained power by questioning ballots and signatures

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FLASHBACK: Obama attained power by questioning ballots and signatures

Former President Barack Obama won his first election by throwing all of his opponents off the ballot based on technicalities. In his first race for office—seeking an Illinois state Senate seat in 1996—Obama used the election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

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58d43b No.158969

File: 1be84c4ae4412b2⋯.png (635.33 KB,779x738,19:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985742 (112233ZDEC20) Notable: CNN's Resident Potato Is Really, Really Upset the Hunter Biden News Is Being Covered

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CNN's Resident Potato Is Really, Really Upset the Hunter Biden News Is Being Covered

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58d43b No.158970

File: 5155584c3988e34⋯.png (229.33 KB,500x260,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985854 (112244ZDEC20) Notable: Canada - The Ford government is considering adopting an “immunity passport”.

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The Ford government is considering adopting an “immunity passport” to show who has taken a COVID-19 vaccine and will be eligible for certain activities once vaccination becomes widespread. The shocking comments were made by Health Minister Christine Elliott on Tuesday.

Elliott was being asked about vaccine distribution including convincing more people to take the shot once it is available.


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58d43b No.158971

File: 66e6d989dae3d11⋯.png (537.55 KB,750x739,750:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985856 (112244ZDEC20) Notable: Inside the house where Virginia Roberts and Prince Andrew had 'sex in the bath'

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Inside the house where Virginia Roberts and Prince Andrew had 'sex in the bath'

so is the tub REALLY too small for two people to fit like Ghislaine Maxwell claims?

Virginia Roberts recalled how she 'led (the Duke)' into bathroom of Ghislaine Maxwell's London mews house

After Miss Roberts claimed to have had sex with Prince Andrew in the bath Maxwell said: 'The tub is too small'

It is the bathroom and, in particular, the bath and its dimensions, that has been the focus of legal interest

Four doors opened onto the first-floor landing of Ghislaine Maxwell's London pied-a-terre. Viewed from the top of the stairs to the ground floor, the door on the right led into a master bedroom.

That is where Epstein and Maxwell slept together that Saturday night, a source claims. The door on the left (against which the Duke and Miss Roberts are seen in the photograph) led to the study-cum-second bedroom. That was Miss Roberts's room.

Directly opposite the top of the stairs were two further doors; an airing cupboard and the entrance to the bathroom. The latter was 'where I led (the Duke)', Miss Roberts recalled in the manuscript of her memoir. 'It was a beige marble tiled floor with porcelain Victorian-style bathtub in the middle of the room and nowhere near the size of Jeffrey's residences.'

She wrote: 'I turned on the taps for the tub and the heat from the water began to steam up the small room . . . Trying to do the best of my youthfulness to try and act seductive, I gradually began to strip off my clothing, piece by piece . . . He loved every second of it as I went over to where he was waiting and watching, then began to undress him . . . We kissed and touched each other before submersing into the hot water, where we both continued to re-enact foreplay. He was adorning (sic) my young body, particularly my feet . . . It wasn't hard to get him wound up to the point where he just wanted to have the rest of me.'

The explosive conclusion to this encounter took place in her 'bedchamber', she said. But it is the bathroom and, in particular, the bath and its dimensions, that has been the focus of legal interest.

Under oath during Miss Roberts' defamation action against her, Maxwell said: 'The tub is too small for any type of activity whatsoever.'



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58d43b No.158972

File: 98c765f214f7fa2⋯.jpg (13.48 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c49f93bebf6fee9⋯.png (344.58 KB,1333x589,43:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985878 (112246ZDEC20) Notable: Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

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Some of us have our catalogue stuck on board #15289 - Is there something we can do to fix our catalogue ?

cheers and thanks for what you all do

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58d43b No.158973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985891 (112247ZDEC20) Notable: Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

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Try this, add a ? at the end of link


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58d43b No.158974

File: f5ee68e67ed9162⋯.jpeg (187.39 KB,461x508,461:508,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b136d922607610⋯.jpeg (160.18 KB,640x530,64:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985894 (112247ZDEC20) Notable: Congress would rather have 12 million Americans homeless and out in the cold for Christmas then pass stimulus.

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Congress would rather have 12 million Americans homeless and out in the cold for Christmas then pass stimulus.

Congress recently just passed a bill to give away your jobs via H1-B visa program by increasing the caps on how many a company can hire. They scurried and passed that bill in a blink of an eye. Big tech gets more slave IT workers while Americans have high unemployment rate. Unanimous vote by GOP. They don’t give a fuck about you.

Most people in congress are millionaires and just got re-elected so they don’t give a fuck about us.


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58d43b No.158975

File: 900340c4857cc5b⋯.jpg (55.63 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985899 (112248ZDEC20) Notable: #STOPTHESTEAL - National Mall - Saturday December 12th 11AM EST

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MAGA Patriots are definitely going to stop the steal you can bank on that.

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58d43b No.158976

File: 4136e857c42dd7c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1364x908,341:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985902 (112248ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China

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Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China

December 11, 2020

As the presidential election results in Georgia face challenges from voter fraud claims, the state has also come under the spotlight for its business ties with China.

Most recently, Georgia Democrat Richard Ossoff, a media executive who is running for U.S. senator, received complaints (pdf) from the Georgia GOP for allegedly hiding his connections to a Hong Kong media firm linked to the Chinese government.

China has been Georgia’s largest trading partner for the past five years, making up 15 percent to one-fifth of the state’s total international trade volume between 2015 to 2019, according to Georgia’s commerce data (pdf).

Records from both the state’s official website and Chinese media reports reveal close ties that extend beyond trade and span across party affiliation. Aside from investments from nearly 50 Chinese businesses into the state, the two have developed sister city agreements and academic partnership programs that have come under growing scrutiny under the Donald Trump administration.

Attracting Chinese Investment

Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD), the state’s marketing agency, uses a website with a Chinese domain to promote business opportunities in China, Mexico, and Peru. By contrast, sites for other countries use a U.S. domain (georgia.org). The domain name, www.georgiabusiness.cn, is registered under a Chinese computer software developer called Beijing Demeng Sunny Technology Development, according to records compiled by U.S. web hosting company GoDaddy.

“For a webpage to be visible in the Chinese market, it must be hosted in China,” said Marie Hodge Gordon, director of communications at GDEcD when reached by The Epoch Times about the Chinese domain name. She did not explain whether the state has any business partnership with the Chinese firm.

Gordon said it was a “technical oversight” for the Peru and Mexico sites to be registered under the Chinese domain name. As of Dec. 9 morning, the department has changed the domain names for the two sites to the U.S. domain….


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58d43b No.158977

File: 4a90a681968d632⋯.png (814.72 KB,815x794,815:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985917 (112250ZDEC20) Notable: Federal judge orders hearing over Georgia Senate runoff

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BREAKING: Federal judge orders hearing over Georgia Senate runoff | The Election Wizard

ATLANTA — An Atlanta federal judge set a hearing on whether to reimpose signature matching for mail-in ballots in Georgia’s January 5th runoff election.

The hearing has been set for December 21st.

The case was brought by the RNC and NRSC, and Georgia Senators Perdue & Loeffler.



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58d43b No.158978

File: b2b13d718fa52e4⋯.png (462.19 KB,600x606,100:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985929 (112251ZDEC20) Notable: The Mayor Of A Town In Ohio Hooked Up With A Chinese Spy In The Back Of A Car

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The Mayor Of A Town In Ohio Hooked Up With A Chinese Spy In The Back Of A Car

Alleged Chinese operative Christine Fang sought to gain close access to high ranking California politicians at the direction of China’s internal spy agency, the Ministry of State Security, between 2011 and 2015, U.S. intelligence officials told Axios.

Fang not only raised money for California Rep. Eric Swalwell and planted an intern in his office, she also was caught on FBI electronic surveillance having a sexual encounter with an unnamed Ohio mayor in his car, the publication reported.

The FBI captured Fang’s sexual encounter with the Ohio mayor because the two hooked up in a car under electronic FBI surveillance, a U.S. official told Axios. The same official told the publication that when the mayor asked Fang why she liked him, she said that she wanted to improve her English.

Axios could not identify or speak to this Ohio mayor or another person with whom Fang reportedly had a romantic relationship: an older mayor “from an obscure city” in the Midwest who referred to Fang as his “girlfriend” in 2014, Cupertino Mayor Gilbert Wong told Axios.

Fang unexpectedly left the U.S. in 2015, Axios reported.


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58d43b No.158979

File: 45baa511fb32ff5⋯.png (28.67 KB,595x297,595:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985941 (112252ZDEC20) Notable: @LlinWood Pray for our country. Pray for our President. Pray for ALL

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Pray for our country. Pray for our President. Pray for ALL.

Quote Tweet

Cari Kelemen


· 8h

C h i n e s e troops on the Canadian border, US ships positioned on both coasts, White House accounts tweeting examples of US military might… lots going on we don't even know about. God bless our President. WISDOM & COURAGE! Flag of United States

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58d43b No.158980

File: 7e577086fa59415⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,570x319,570:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985956 (112254ZDEC20) Notable: Haters gonna hate Mr Pig o7 & Merry Christmas

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58d43b No.158981

File: b40684336840d5e⋯.png (406.67 KB,596x582,298:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11985969 (112255ZDEC20) Notable: Dept of State - @realDonaldTrump: Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco, have agreed to full diplomatic relations

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President @realDonaldTrump: Our two great friends, Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco, have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!


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58d43b No.158982

File: 44bebe8eb6f01f8⋯.png (601.32 KB,723x789,241:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986055 (112302ZDEC20) Notable: Dept of Defense tweet - Missiles away

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Missiles away.

@USNavy destroyer #USSChafee, part of the @SurfaceWarriors

, launches a Block V Tomahawk missile during an exercise in the Pacific. This is the first operational test of the Block V Tomahawk.


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58d43b No.158983

File: dcb740be645fe11⋯.jpg (109.38 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986104 (112307ZDEC20) Notable: For the Kek

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158984

File: 5b8851ae7ba02be⋯.png (397.32 KB,598x453,598:453,Clipboard.png)

File: d1538fa6510ed92⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986105 (112307ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet (with video cap)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158985

File: 6b1df24d7d6014b⋯.png (114.47 KB,201x251,201:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986110 (112307ZDEC20) Notable: Ex-TSA chief lauds Israel ties, says more to come

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


==Peter Neffenger was

featured in the Times of Israel==

Ex-TSA chief lauds Israel ties, says more to come

By Judah Ari Gross – The Times of Israel

The former head of the US Transportation Security Administration said that he expected American-Israeli defense cooperation to expand in coming years, as the two countries collaborate on military projects and band together against an increasingly unpredictable Middle East.

Peter Neffenger, a retired vice commandant of the US Coast Guard and head of the TSA during Barack Obama’s last 18 months as president, visited Israel this month as part of a delegation of 10 former high-ranking US military officials with a group known as the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA).

The development and testing of advanced military equipment, like the F-35 stealth fighter jet, would also keep the two countries close, he added.

During the 10-day paid trip, he and the other retired generals met with the head of the Mossad, IDF generals, the deputy head of the Shin Bet security service and other Israeli officials in order to learn about the threats facing the Jewish state and what Israel is doing to tackle them.

The retired vice admiral and the other three- and four-star American generals met with the head of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi, the head of the IDF’s 210th Division in the Northern Command Brig. Gen. Yaniv Asor, the head of the Israeli Navy Maj. Gen. Eli Sharvit, and the head of the Israeli Air Force Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel.

According to Neffenger, by visiting Israel’s borders and meeting directly with Israeli security officials, the group was able to see the country’s “strategic challenges” up close and also “immediately see how [policies] have to be applied every single day at the tactical level.”

They visited a Hamas terror tunnel that the IDF uncovered inside Israeli territory and toured the Syrian border to understand how the IDF is dealing with (and allegedly involved in) the civil war just a few kilometers away, Neffenger said.

“You face threats from Hezbollah, Hamas, the growing Iranian influence in the region,” he said. “Of course, having the war right next door to you in Syria — not even thinking about the refugee problem and human suffering coming out of that — [represents] a very real strategic challenge to you.”

As a former commander in the US Coast Guard, Neffenger said he also took a particular interest in Israel’s naval concerns. Unlike the “expeditionary” US Navy, Israel’s seamen historically stayed close to home, worrying mostly about the country’s beaches and ports.

However, the discovery of natural gas reserves off Israel’s coast changed that dynamic, giving the Israeli Navy a new strategic interest to defend.

“We could hear in the [navy chief’s] presentation how that changed perhaps the entire policy underpinning of the service,” Neffenger said. “How do you incorporate this new strategic interest into what used to be just daily operational challenges? Clearly this is something that your military is thinking about.”

The trip was organized by JINSA with the assistance of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. It took nearly six months to lock down the itinerary as so many high-ranking Israeli officials were involved, according to a military official.

This was the retired vice admiral’s fourth trip to Israel, but for most of the participants, this was their first time in the Jewish state.

For Israel, these annual JINSA visits are seen as an opportunity to both teach retired US generals about Israel’s security situation and forge connections between Israeli and American defense officials, which can have considerable influence on US policies.

Neffenger was already more acquainted with Israeli security challenges and techniques than most of the other US officials on the trip, having consulted with Israeli officials on the issue of airport security in his capacity as head of the TSA.

Israel is considered a world leader in airport security, developing many of the techniques and technologies that are now in use at terminals around the world.

“Israel was one of the first countries I visited when I became TSA administrator,” Neffenger said. “We’ve learned a lot from you about behavioral detection and modeling, about explosive detection and the types of training you need to give to your screening workforce.”

However, the former TSA administrator noted that Israel has a different culture and set of laws that allow its airport authority to adopt measures that the US cannot, Neffenger said.

He added that Israel has another advantage when it comes to airport security. “You have one major airport that you have to protect. The US has about 450.”

Sauce: https://jinsa.org/archive_post/jinsa-generals-and-admirals-program-featured-in-the-times-of-israel/

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58d43b No.158986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986129 (112309ZDEC20) Notable: Dept of Defense tweet - Missiles away

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>>158982, >>>/qresearch/11986088 Missiles away | Six o'clock can be dangerous

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58d43b No.158987

File: b2da96505a05e61⋯.png (214.39 KB,342x678,57:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986133 (112309ZDEC20) Notable: Cyber Actors Target K-12 Distance Learning Education to Cause Disruptions and Steal Data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cyber Actors Target K-12 Distance Learning

Education to Cause Disruptions and Steal Data

Report published yesterday, tweet today


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58d43b No.158988

File: 2d8524f70d33c1e⋯.png (37.79 KB,886x269,886:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986171 (112312ZDEC20) Notable: New: Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear Trump lawsuit tomorrow at noon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New: Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear Trump lawsuit tomorrow at noon


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58d43b No.158989

File: 4b4509fa596a556⋯.jpg (97.36 KB,589x623,589:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986195 (112314ZDEC20) Notable: Haters gonna hate Mr Pig o7 & Merry Christmas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.158990

File: 21d21b0b7416e7b⋯.jpg (928.62 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986198 (112315ZDEC20) Notable: Are things about to get interesting?…. the great conjunction and now a new planet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are things about to get interesting?…. the great conjunction and now a new planet?


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58d43b No.158991

File: 4c3280dd8029c8b⋯.png (233.75 KB,859x590,859:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986233 (112317ZDEC20) Notable: Senate GOP has 'incredible tool' to probe Hunter Biden scandal. Cabinet nominees will face 'some very awkward questioning'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Senate GOP has 'incredible tool' to probe Hunter Biden scandal

Cabinet nominees will face 'some very awkward questioning'

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58d43b No.158992

File: 529027b64b25629⋯.png (435.52 KB,771x644,771:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986252 (112318ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube Censors a Guy for Posting Video of a Democrat's Threat of Violence

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YouTube Censors a Guy for Posting Video of a Democrat's Threat of Violence

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58d43b No.158993

File: f81ad81d50d54f1⋯.png (725.1 KB,803x761,803:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986290 (112321ZDEC20) Notable: 1918 swine influenza and Frederick Gates (!!) at The Rockefeller (!!) Institute

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pb >>158932

1918 swine influenza and Frederick Gates (!!) at The Rockefeller (!!) Institute


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58d43b No.158994

File: f4c14056219289c⋯.png (385.03 KB,860x636,215:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986299 (112321ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Announces Georgia Case “Finally Docketed” at US Supreme Court

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Lin Wood Announces Georgia Case “Finally Docketed” at US Supreme Court

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58d43b No.158995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986305 (112322ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines 'Love you anons'

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Since bakers want to make anons opinions notable nowadays… Here's one for ya…. Why does the media always complain about the far right?….. Why never the far left??…. Wake up America!! …

Love you Anons

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58d43b No.158996

File: 6997459ca955e76⋯.png (479.25 KB,854x633,854:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986310 (112322ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan AG Hides Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Antrim County

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Michigan AG Hides Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Antrim County Where 6,000 Votes Were Flipped From Trump to Biden

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58d43b No.158997

File: 6f9e8c01f991ffa⋯.png (416.14 KB,860x692,215:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986335 (112324ZDEC20) Notable: Wisconsin State GOP Leadership Agreed to Unconstitutional ‘Ballot Drop Boxes

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: What’s Going On In Wisconsin? Hillary Attorney Elias Provides Evidence that State GOP Leadership Agreed to Unconstitutional ‘Ballot Drop Boxes’

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58d43b No.158998

File: 36101d14ee50bdc⋯.png (272.46 KB,785x556,785:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986352 (112325ZDEC20) Notable: Why is Hollywood ‘Essential’ and Church Not? Thank Showbiz Lobbyists

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Why is Hollywood ‘Essential’ and Church Not? Thank Showbiz Lobbyists

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58d43b No.158999

File: 1d22132e764d6ac⋯.png (1.32 MB,1040x652,260:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986362 (112326ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP MARCH December 12 Washington, D.C. Freedom Plaza

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12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Washington, D.C


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58d43b No.159000

File: 5facbbb9e08d50c⋯.png (780.06 KB,622x702,311:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986388 (112327ZDEC20) Notable: New Hampshire Governor Blasts Defiant Maskless Republicans

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New Hampshire Governor Blasts Defiant Maskless Republicans

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.159001

File: 2c5880e038b2f89⋯.png (20.41 KB,636x219,212:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986392 (112328ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood retweets 'Chinese Troops on Canadian / US Border' tweet

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But why would Lin Wood retweet this?


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58d43b No.159002

File: b4cb5e1b617fbdc⋯.png (600.1 KB,1376x781,1376:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986434 (112330ZDEC20) Notable: Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear @TeamTrump election integrity case in arguments at noon local time Saturday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear @TeamTrump election integrity case in arguments at noon local time Saturday.




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58d43b No.159003

File: 5f6a3aa65378e8e⋯.png (911.81 KB,922x700,461:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986445 (112331ZDEC20) Notable: Dem Dark Money Network Rakes in $715 Million to Bankroll Liberal Causes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dem Dark Money Network Rakes in $715 Million to Bankroll Liberal Causes

Arabella Advisors-managed funds stealthily support progressive initiatives

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58d43b No.159004

File: 90bf5368fd259cb⋯.png (26.92 KB,1204x225,1204:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986482 (112333ZDEC20) Notable: Sen. Ron Johnson called 'delusional scum' for considering challenge to election

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Sen. Ron Johnson called 'delusional scum' for considering challenge to election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58d43b No.159005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986514 (112335ZDEC20) Notable: #15300

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11985827 Dough

#15300 FINAL Notables

>>158970 Canada - The Ford government is considering adopting an “immunity passport”.

>>158971 Inside the house where Virginia Roberts and Prince Andrew had 'sex in the bath'

>>158972 , >>158973 Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

>>158974 Congress would rather have 12 million Americans homeless and out in the cold for Christmas then pass stimulus.

>>158975 #STOPTHESTEAL - National Mall - Saturday December 12th 11AM EST

>>158976 Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China

>>158977 Federal judge orders hearing over Georgia Senate runoff

>>158978 The Mayor Of A Town In Ohio Hooked Up With A Chinese Spy In The Back Of A Car

>>158979 @LlinWood Pray for our country. Pray for our President. Pray for ALL

>>158980 , >>158989 Haters gonna hate Mr Pig o7 & Merry Christmas

>>158981 Dept of State - @realDonaldTrump: Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco, have agreed to full diplomatic relations

>>158982 , >>158986 Dept of Defense tweet - Missiles away

>>158983 For the Kek

>>158984 DJT tweet (with video cap)

>>158985 Ex-TSA chief lauds Israel ties, says more to come

>>158987 Cyber Actors Target K-12 Distance Learning Education to Cause Disruptions and Steal Data

>>158988 New: Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear Trump lawsuit tomorrow at noon

>>158990 Are things about to get interesting?…. the great conjunction and now a new planet?

>>158991 Senate GOP has 'incredible tool' to probe Hunter Biden scandal. Cabinet nominees will face 'some very awkward questioning'

>>158992 YouTube Censors a Guy for Posting Video of a Democrat's Threat of Violence

>>158993 1918 swine influenza and Frederick Gates (!!) at The Rockefeller (!!) Institute

>>158994 Lin Wood Announces Georgia Case “Finally Docketed” at US Supreme Court

>>158995 Anon opines 'Love you anons'

>>158996 Michigan AG Hides Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Antrim County

>>158997 Wisconsin State GOP Leadership Agreed to Unconstitutional ‘Ballot Drop Boxes

>>158998 Why is Hollywood ‘Essential’ and Church Not? Thank Showbiz Lobbyists

>>158999 TRUMP MARCH December 12 Washington, D.C. Freedom Plaza

>>159000 New Hampshire Governor Blasts Defiant Maskless Republicans

>>159001 Lin Wood retweets 'Chinese Troops on Canadian / US Border' tweet

>>159002 Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear @TeamTrump election integrity case in arguments at noon local time Saturday

>>159003 Dem Dark Money Network Rakes in $715 Million to Bankroll Liberal Causes

>>159004 Sen. Ron Johnson called 'delusional scum' for considering challenge to election


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58d43b No.159006

File: 62f77f034d568a0⋯.png (83.38 KB,711x683,711:683,Clipboard.png)

File: adb3712193cada4⋯.png (35.71 KB,832x839,832:839,Clipboard.png)

File: d462c6535033b84⋯.png (28.97 KB,454x362,227:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986616 (112341ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court has denied Texas' last-ditch effort to overturn the election results

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URGENT - U.S. Supreme Court has denied Texas' last-ditch effort to overturn the election results in four battleground states that voted for Joe Biden.

Source included



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58d43b No.159007

File: 880f7e131e0f2da⋯.png (373.62 KB,599x468,599:468,Clipboard.png)

File: e3127114612c792⋯.mp4 (477.92 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986641 (112344ZDEC20) Notable: DJT - A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place

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58d43b No.159008

File: b6e00815d3b780b⋯.png (173.93 KB,589x563,589:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986652 (112345ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court has denied Texas' last-ditch effort to overturn the election results

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Supreme Court Throws Out Texas Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin


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58d43b No.159009

File: 7e08d5207a658ef⋯.png (480.36 KB,535x847,535:847,Clipboard.png)

File: dfd372730159f8b⋯.png (23.64 KB,442x323,26:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986658 (112345ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge - #SCOTUS denies TX case for lacking of standing

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NEW #SCOTUS denies TX case for lacking of standing


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58d43b No.159010

File: a79595d41e6e001⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1125x1905,75:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986665 (112345ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge - #SCOTUS denies TX case for lacking of standing

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Dec 11 (article III) - 11.3 military is the only way ?

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58d43b No.159011

File: 0ce35ca67949256⋯.png (347.94 KB,550x330,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986678 (112346ZDEC20) Notable: Celebrated Abolitionist Johns Hopkins Exposed As "Slave Owner"

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Celebrated Abolitionist Johns Hopkins Exposed As "Slave Owner"

Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University, the leading provider of COVID-19 data, announced Wednesday that its founder owned slaves, contrary to the long-time narrative that Hopkins was a wealthy philanthropist and abolitionist.

Researchers Martha S. Jones and Allison Seyler uncovered the new information in government census records as they were on a quest to explore the university's history. For more than a century, the long-held narrative of Hopkins, an abolitionist, whose father freed the family's slaves in 1807, has recently come into question.

University President Ronald J. Daniels and other school officials published an open letter Wednesday saying the findings "complicate the understanding we have long had of Johns Hopkins as our founder."

"We now have government census records that state Mr. Hopkins was the owner of one enslaved person listed in his household in 1840 and four enslaved people listed in 1850," the letter said. "By the 1860 census, there are no enslaved persons listed in the household."

"It calls to mind not only the darkest chapters in the history of our country and our city but also the complex history of our institutions since then, and the legacies of racism and inequity we are working together to confront," the letter continued.

Hopkins died in 1873 at age 78. As an entrepreneur and investor, he accumulated a massive amount of wealth that was used to establish a hospital, orphanage, and the university.

Officials said the researchers would continue to dig deeper to get a better picture of the founder's past.

As more and more schools begin to confront their connection with slavery, such as Princeton and Georgetown, in the last couple of years, they also may consider how to make amends in a world overrun by social justice warriors.

It's only a matter of time before social justice warriors target a monument to Johns Hopkins at the university.



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58d43b No.159012

File: d2023f49bbe4935⋯.png (818.82 KB,646x480,323:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986709 (112348ZDEC20) Notable: Hollywood Studios Including Netflix Used Lobbyists to Win California Lockdown Exemptions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Report: Hollywood Studios Including Netflix Used Lobbyists to Win California Lockdown Exemptions

As small businesses around California struggle to stay afloat amid the latest round of stay-at-home orders, Hollywood studios are able to keep the cameras rolling thanks to the work of highly paid lobbyists whom the studios reportedly hired to sway state politicians, including Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).

The Intercept reported that major studios including Disney, Netflix, and Paramount hired pricey lobbying firms to bend Gov. Newsom’s ear, successfully persuading him to declare the entertainment industry as “essential” and thus exempt from the state’s lockdown orders.

Paramount has reportedly spent at least $85,000 this year on the “essential business” rules developed by state agencies in California, while Warner Bros. spent $22,500 this year on a lobbying firm that contacted the governor’s office for “COVID/OUTREACH, TV/FILM PRODUCTION,” according to a company disclosure.

The Motion Picture Assn., which itself is Hollywood’s main lobbying arm, spent $45,000 on lobbyists to shape the “COVID-19 Reopening of film/tv sector.”

The Intercept noted that Netflix hired a lobbying firm called Axiom Advisors, founded by Jason Kinney. Last month, Kinney was reportedly among the partygoers at the French Laundry restaurant where Gov. Newsom was photographed mingling indoors without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.

Kinney is a “lobbyist for a number of interests seeking to shape the rules governing life under the pandemic, including what kind of economic activities are deemed essential in order to stay in business,” The Intercept stated.

Netflix has increased its spending on lobbyists this year, reportedly shelling out an average of $70,725 a quarter to firms including Axiom, up from $24,437 a quarter last year.

During the pandemic, many Hollywood celebrities have urged people to avoid leaving their homes as much as possible. Stars including Taylor Swift, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ariana Grande, and Lady Gaga have urged their fans to limit their outside activity.

Hollywood’s exemption has enraged some small businesses, including restaurants and bars, which are facing dire economic prospects as people are being told they can’t leave their homes except for essential activities.

Last week, a saloon owner in Sherman Oaks recorded a video that went viral, in which she excoriated Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti (D) and Gov. Newsom after a TV shoot to set up an outdoor eating area just feet from her establishment.

Celebrity chef Andrew Gruel, founder and executive chef of Slapfish Restaurant, has said he will refuse to comply with state orders to shut down outdoor dining, calling Gov. Newsom an “asshole.”


This movie is good, love the way they expose the next part of the scam

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58d43b No.159013

File: 85d1494bc960024⋯.jpg (396.4 KB,852x935,852:935,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986792 (112353ZDEC20) Notable: Britain’s new plan to scrap gas boilers to hit zero emissions target will plunge MILLIONS into fuel poverty

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Britain’s new plan to scrap gas boilers to hit zero emissions target will plunge MILLIONS into fuel poverty

9 Dec, 2020 17:51


UK climate change hardliners obsessed with eliminating carbon emissions want gas boilers replaced by 2033. But how will millions of Brits on the poverty line be able to pay for expensive new heat pumps costing upwards of £12k?

The climate change lobby will be toasting today’s launch of a whopping 1,000-page report detailing the UK’s pathway to hitting its 2050 net-zero emissions target, but the release does give rise to one unanswered question: who is actually footing the bill to turn Britain into a green utopia?

Because while the Climate Change Committee’s extensive graphs and tables show an impressive shift from fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives, all this comes at a price beyond the reach of many.

Launching his green industrial revolution last month, Prime Minister Boris Johnson conjured up a new world of wind and nuclear energy where everyone cooks their breakfast on a hydrogen-fuelled hob and we all ride our bikes to work.

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58d43b No.159014

File: 02f15b96ee26a6d⋯.png (26.01 KB,619x264,619:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986822 (112355ZDEC20) Notable: Only Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito dissented. None of Trump's picks backed him.

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Only Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito dissented.

None of Trump's picks backed him.

6:53 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter Web App


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58d43b No.159015

File: 6c42718f9e21678⋯.png (751.58 KB,1000x1080,25:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11986992 (120005ZDEC20) Notable: 11.3 Marker?

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see pic related

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58d43b No.159016

File: dd458c010fee211⋯.png (699.36 KB,645x861,215:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987017 (120006ZDEC20) Notable: Article III of the Constitution

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You want to explain this?

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58d43b No.159017

File: 61c8667db64ad7d⋯.png (539.15 KB,641x771,641:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987019 (120006ZDEC20) Notable: Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline Has Her Staff, Chuck Schumer in 'Pain'

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Isn't she dead yet?

Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline Has Her Staff, Chuck Schumer in 'Pain'


Senator Dianne Feinstein’s mental decline has become so serious that her own staff compares her situation with “taking away car keys from an elderly relative.”

Jane Meyer reported for the New Yorker on Thursday that the long-serving California Democrat has had “several serious and painful talks” with Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) about stepping aside from her position as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Worse, Schumer had to advise Feinstein twice to step aside, according to Meyer’s “well-informed sources,” because she had no recollection of their first talk. The source told the New Yorker that the conversations were “like Groundhog Day, but with the pain fresh each time.”

Meyer wrote:

Overtures were also made to enlist the help of Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum. Feinstein, meanwhile, was surprised and upset by Schumer’s message. He had wanted her to step aside on her own terms, with her dignity intact, but “she wasn’t really all that aware of the extent to which she’d been compromised.”

“Compromised” is all-too apt a word for Feinstein, after it was revealed in 2018 that her Senate staff was “infiltrated by a Chinese spy who worked as her driver and attended official functions on her behalf for 20 years.”

Graham Piro wrote yesterday for the Free Beacon that Feinstein “has issues with short-term memory, frequently forgetting briefings she receives from staff and becoming upset when she gets confused by briefings.”

The same source told Meyer that “anyone who has tried to take the car keys away from an elderly relative knows how hard it can be, he said, adding that, in this case, ‘It wasn’t just about a car. It was about the U.S. Senate’.”


Feinstein isn’t like my great-grandmother was in her decline, insisting on driving her ’79 Lincoln Continental Mark V long past the time she should have given up the keys. Feinstein has been driving one of the most powerful and important institutions in the country. As recently as October’s Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings, Feinstein faced “backlash” from left-wing groups over her handling of what they said was “a sham” process.

Nevertheless, a former Senate aid complained that Feinstein’s “staff is in such a bad position,” because “they have to defend her and make her seem normal.”

During Feinstein’s mental decline, the job of her staff isn’t to “defend her and make her seem normal,” but to get her to recognize the inevitable and do the right thing: Step aside and find whatever enjoyment she can in her dotage.

Feinstein, 87, last faced California voters just two years ago and will be 91 when her current term expires in four years.


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58d43b No.159018

File: f6293ed4cde044a⋯.png (273.03 KB,1350x590,135:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987070 (120009ZDEC20) Notable: 11.3 Marker?

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This fits.

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58d43b No.159019

File: c53749d9a103ef3⋯.jpg (287.82 KB,785x589,785:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987074 (120009ZDEC20) Notable: Article III of the Constitution

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58d43b No.159020

File: 8772fca6ed66816⋯.png (460.96 KB,1915x602,1915:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987105 (120010ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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CTM1011 French Buggin' out of So Cal

Lotsa Action @Nelis looking pretty restless

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58d43b No.159021

File: ebbe6707ebf9647⋯.jpeg (306.8 KB,828x808,207:202,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987114 (120010ZDEC20) Notable: They know it’s still not over.

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They know it’s still not over.


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58d43b No.159022

File: b189d4ebfdca32f⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,614x406,307:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987122 (120011ZDEC20) Notable: Eyes on 11.3

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58d43b No.159023

File: 5b2e0002246467c⋯.png (1.41 MB,1350x1244,675:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c91d522c1e4d29⋯.png (135.55 KB,1342x674,671:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987137 (120012ZDEC20) Notable: Mitt Romney Trashed Senate’s Hunter Biden Investigation as ‘Political Exercise’

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>>158949 (pb)

Mitt Romney Trashed Senate’s Hunter Biden Investigation as ‘Political Exercise’

Shocking, I tell you. Just SHOCKING!



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58d43b No.159024

File: a8dc56bb2285c6a⋯.png (115.55 KB,692x1081,692:1081,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ebe9f1e628b914⋯.png (46.76 KB,703x532,37:28,Clipboard.png)

File: ad7fbabd7435de7⋯.png (51.59 KB,719x482,719:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987208 (120016ZDEC20) Notable: The only way is the military. God save us all (How do you catch a dangerous animal? You trap it)

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The only way is the military.

God save us all.

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58d43b No.159025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987268 (120019ZDEC20) Notable: #15301

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>>>/qresearch/11986581 Dough

#15301 FINAL Notables

>>159006 , >>159008 U.S. Supreme Court has denied Texas' last-ditch effort to overturn the election results

>>159007 DJT - A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place

>>159009 , >>159010 Catherine Herridge - #SCOTUS denies TX case for lacking of standing

>>159011 Celebrated Abolitionist Johns Hopkins Exposed As "Slave Owner"

>>159012 Hollywood Studios Including Netflix Used Lobbyists to Win California Lockdown Exemptions

>>159013 Britain’s new plan to scrap gas boilers to hit zero emissions target will plunge MILLIONS into fuel poverty

>>159014 Only Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito dissented. None of Trump's picks backed him.

>>159015 , >>159018 11.3 Marker?

>>159017 Dianne Feinstein's Mental Decline Has Her Staff, Chuck Schumer in 'Pain'

>>159016 , >>159019 Article III of the Constitution

>>159020 PF Report

>>159021 They know it’s still not over.

>>159022 Eyes on 11.3

>>159023 Mitt Romney Trashed Senate’s Hunter Biden Investigation as ‘Political Exercise’

>>159024 The only way is the military. God save us all (How do you catch a dangerous animal? You trap it)


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58d43b No.159026

File: ce626d369dc857c⋯.png (996.04 KB,975x648,325:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987354 (120025ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas bid to challenge election

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Buckle up Anons- looks like Military will be the only way to save our Republic.

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas bid to challenge election

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday denied Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's lawsuit challenging the election results in four battleground states.

The high court said Texas hasn't demonstrated a sufficient interest in how another state handles its elections for the lawsuit to move forward.

The decision deals a major blow to Republican efforts to overturn the election results, which gave President-elect Joe Biden the win.

Paxton on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to stop Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from voting in the Electoral College. He said the states broke the law by implementing pandemic-related changes to election policies.

He said those changes allowed for voter fraud to occur – a conclusion experts and election officials have denied.

President Donald Trump joined Texas' bid to overturn the election after dozens of other efforts failed in the courts systems. Attorneys general from more than a dozen states and some 125 Republican members of Congress also joined the case or filed amicus briefs.

Trump didn't immediately responded to the Supreme Court decision, but he posted several allegations of election fraud on Twitter throughout the day.

Earlier Friday, courts in Michigan and Wisconsin dealt more blows to the Trump campaign's efforts to challenge the election.

The Michigan Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by the Trump campaign on its allegations that poll challengers were denied access at the TCF Center in Detroit.

A lower court judge ruled against the Trump campaign because the lawsuit named Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson as the defendant, but the responsibility of allowing access to poll challenges lies with local clerks.

In Wisconsin, a judge rejected Trump's attempt to challenge the way absentee ballots were handled in Dane and Milwaukee counties.


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58d43b No.159027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987413 (120029ZDEC20) Notable: Biden says ‘I’m proud of my son’ to reporter who asked if Hunter committed a crime

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Biden says ‘I’m proud of my son’ to reporter who asked if Hunter committed a crime

President-elect Joe Biden, when asked on Friday by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy if his son Hunter committed a crime, Biden said that he’s proud of his son.

On Wednesday, Hunter Biden revealed to the public in a bombshell statement that he is under federal investigation regarding his taxes.

On top of that, the past few months have also seen Hunter at the center of increasing controversy, when The New York Post published the details of emails it had obtained from his laptop in an exposé, purporting to show that he leveraged his father’s position as the Obama administration’s public face of its policy toward Ukraine in his business dealings.

In the 15-second clip, President-elect Biden is standing up from behind a table to leave Friday’s transition team press briefing announcing staff, when Doocy—lobs the heavy question from off camera.

“Did Hunter Biden commit a crime?” Doocy shouted at President-elect Biden. “Have you spoken to your son, Mr. President-elect?”

“I’m proud of my son,” Biden replied softly, with the video clip ending after that.

Fox News's Peter Doocy shouted Hunter questions to Biden as he left today's staffing announcements and he got Biden to respond.

Doocy: "Did Hunter Biden commit a crime? Have you spoken to your son, Mr. President-Elect?"

Biden: "I'm proud of my son." pic.twitter.com/czijmq9hoG

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) December 11, 2020

This isn’t the first time that the president-elect has expressed his pride in his son since Wednesday’s statement from the younger Biden.

The Biden-Harris transition team on Wednesday said of the federal investigation that the president-elect is “deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”

Hunter, like his father, has experienced difficult challenges in his life, all while in the public eye. Notably, Hunter’s biological mother and younger sister were killed in a tragic car crash in December 1972, when his father was just elected to the U.S. Senate for the first time. Hunter and his older brother Beau, who died from brain cancer in 2015, were in the car and seriously injured.

Later in his life, Hunter would also struggle immensely in his battle with drug addiction, which President-elect Biden has spoken publicly about.

“My son, like a lot of people, like a lot of people you know at home, had a drug problem,” Biden said during the September 29 debate with Trump, after the president went after Hunter for his 2014 discharge from the U.S. Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine.

“He’s overtaken it, he’s fixed it, he’s worked on it, and I’m proud of him,” Biden added.


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58d43b No.159028

File: 572aa8bfa612cc7⋯.png (95.6 KB,330x605,6:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 19d100df3a29f88⋯.jpg (241.46 KB,1753x997,1753:997,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987418 (120029ZDEC20) Notable: The Texas SCOTUS ruling is only one path to victory

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The Texas SCOTUS ruling is only one path to victory. There are other SCOTUS cases in the works or at the court that still have yet to be decided.

Here are still the other paths to victory. All of which #WeThePeople can influence over the next 26 days. You must educate ALL!


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58d43b No.159029

File: a3612d834845bae⋯.png (23.97 KB,530x308,265:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987420 (120029ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Flynn Jr. - Nobody is shocked

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Pew fucking pew


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58d43b No.159030

File: d4e40d47a40a5ee⋯.png (149.69 KB,886x269,886:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 00d7f991f45b2cc⋯.png (17.37 KB,621x235,621:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987433 (120030ZDEC20) Notable: There are still three cases on the docket

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There are still three cases on the docket :

Cruz - PA

Wood - GA

…and WI (not sure who is presenting)

These are the fraud cases all to be heard by the supreme court. WI is tomorrow at noon



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58d43b No.159031

File: ab8c9a3c9370e0f⋯.png (1.16 MB,1000x1800,5:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987434 (120030ZDEC20) Notable: ANONS IF YOU AREN'T COMFY YET JUST READ THIS

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58d43b No.159032

File: e0ef258c3ce22c5⋯.png (271.94 KB,803x778,803:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 84acf0f3a7d5fc7⋯.png (39.92 KB,452x573,452:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987478 (120032ZDEC20) Notable: US Air Force - Taking off into the weekend like...

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Taking off into the weekend like….


7 14 est

417 mirror

mentions 12/19

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58d43b No.159033

File: 1e37be7ccd45070⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,199x255,199:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987501 (120034ZDEC20) Notable: Hold the line Anons

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Hold the line Anons

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58d43b No.159034

File: 6075ff58693f347⋯.png (25.85 KB,468x391,468:391,Clipboard.png)

File: bd0d282fbac679e⋯.jpg (24.02 KB,420x423,140:141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987565 (120037ZDEC20) Notable: What do you WANT for XMAS?

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What do you WANT for XMAS?

not Christmas, but Xmas


X in Xmas

X pm Gift Box

X on Haspel and Wray


Dec 05, 2018 5:47:00 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8ef2d1 No. 4171504


What do you WANT for XMAS?


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58d43b No.159035

File: 6f42ef5a73096fc⋯.png (655.15 KB,714x840,17:20,Clipboard.png)

File: d7da615374300de⋯.png (81.5 KB,844x661,844:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 312d90de744bab0⋯.png (395.25 KB,1820x729,1820:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987647 (120041ZDEC20) Notable: FDA approves Pfizer vaccine see (LB) (Trust the Plan)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Perna: " We are ready for simultaneous distribution of tens of thousands of doses of safe and effective vaccines to 50 states, eight territories and six major metropolitan cities—collectively known as the 64 jurisdictions—and five federal agencies."



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58d43b No.159036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987684 (120043ZDEC20) Notable: Shelter-in-place issued for La Porte due to facility fire

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Shelter-in-place issued for La Porte due to facility fire

A PORTE, Texas — A shelter-in-place has been issued for residents in La Porte.

The order was issued because of a fire at a facility on Port Road. The city is gathering information and we will add to our story as we learn more.

For the shelter-in-place, residents near the area are advised to stay indoors or go into the nearest building, close all doors and windows and turn off air conditioning and heating systems.


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58d43b No.159037

File: fe7a2eb60bb7a7f⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1246x1613,1246:1613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987687 (120044ZDEC20) Notable: This has always been a military operation

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This has always been a military operation:

>Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>September 12, 2018

The courts were never an option.

> Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

This is a war for the survival of America. The courts were never an option. War it shall be.

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58d43b No.159038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987696 (120044ZDEC20) Notable: (RSBN) LIVE Prayer for the President with Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/11/20

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(RSBN)🔴LIVE Prayer for the President with Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/11/20


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58d43b No.159039

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987718 (120045ZDEC20) Notable: 5D Chess at SCOTUS? (look at the vote split)

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The problem with this is 11.3 is election date.

How would Q know the case would be decided on the 11th, not the 10th?

The SC is part of the plan? As in the SC is deliberately making things look bad?

Otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

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58d43b No.159040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987745 (120046ZDEC20) Notable: Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act

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Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act

This bill requires certain issuers of securities to establish that they are not owned or controlled by a foreign government. Specifically, an issuer must make this certification if the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is unable to audit specified reports because the issuer has retained a foreign public accounting firm not subject to inspection by the board. Furthermore, if the board is unable to inspect the issuer's public accounting firm for three consecutive years, the issuer's securities are banned from trade on a national exchange or through other methods.

Foreign issuers of securities that use such a firm to prepare an audit report must disclose for each non-inspection year

the percentage of shares owned by governmental entities where the issuer is incorporated,

whether these governmental entities have a controlling financial interest,

information related to any board members who are officials of the Chinese Communist Party, and

whether the articles of incorporation of the issuer contain any charter of the Chinese Communist Party.


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58d43b No.159041

File: a6e1ddae7d0c817⋯.png (14.76 KB,532x157,532:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987767 (120048ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy G / Jenna Ellis on Newsmax at 8pm EST

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58d43b No.159042

File: 633841c4e930564⋯.jpeg (42.59 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987793 (120049ZDEC20) Notable: You were chosen for this moment

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58d43b No.159043

File: 5fe6f5127c660f1⋯.png (445.29 KB,563x753,563:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987796 (120049ZDEC20) Notable: Ohio State Employs 100 Workers in Diversity Office Costing the University $10 Million Per Year

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Ohio State Employs 100 Workers in Diversity Office Costing the University $10 Million Per Year

One of my favorite political economists is Ludwig von Mises, who gave us the “Seven Rules of Bureaucracy,” the most important being Rule #1: “Maintain the problem at all costs! The problem is the basis of power, perks, privileges, and security.”

Indeed, maintaining the problem is one thing. What happens when you create a problem that didn’t exist? The same rule applies but in spades.

The Ohio State University is a proud institution of higher education with great traditions, a fine football team, and a great marching band. But the school has a huge problem with “diversity.” Or maybe not. Maybe they only think they have a huge problem with diversity. Regardless, their diversity office might be the best-staffed department on campus with 100 employees pulling down $10 million a year in salary and benefits.

The “problem” of diversity is being fiercely maintained, for sure.

College Fix:

In interviews with The College Fix, a couple of current Ohio State students said that they don’t have much interaction with the diversity and inclusion office other than emails they get from the department about events and other announcements.

Another thing the students noted is that the office sends out campuswide emails to respond to incidents of bias and that they are unsure of how effective the division is at creating unity.

From Perry’s perspective, he argues the office represents administrative bloat and refers to the employees as “diversicrats.” He said these costs continue to increase and build upon themselves.

Do you want bureaucracy? How about 16 employees of the 100 making in excess of $100,000 a year?

Some of these job titles have to be someone’s idea of a joke. The Institutional Equity Office has both a “Compliance Officer” and a “Program Director,” as well as an “Executive Director.” There are four — count em’, four — “Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion” positions. They are all paid different amounts — all over $90,000 a year.

Ohio State has to be the most diverse, the most inclusive institution in the world.

Perry, citing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, points out that college tuition, fees and textbook costs have increased more than any other good or service analyzed besides hospital costs between January 1998 and June 2020, inflating about 180 percent compared to the overall standard inflation rate of 58.8 percent between those dates.

He adds that the high spending on diversity measures has contributed heavily to these cost spikes, boiling over to a greater barrier to entry into college and higher student loans.

For comparison, Ohio State’s tuition for the 1998-99 academic year came in at under $4,000.

Yes, but think how unwoke Ohio State was in 1998. There weren’t any “safe spaces” to keep students of color being exposed to white people. There were plenty of triggers back then too. The American flag wasn’t banned and I bet they had Bible studies on campus. Politically incorrect comedians appeared on campus, conservative groups meeting right out in the open — it was a mess.

Thank God Ohio State administrators woke up and got woke. With 100 diversity office employees including “academic encouragers,” parents can sleep soundly at night knowing their kid is in the best of hands.


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58d43b No.159044

File: f1273cdd48d8d33⋯.png (147.49 KB,597x492,199:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987810 (120050ZDEC20) Notable: TEXAS CALLING FOR A REVOLUTION!

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Get ready faggots, the fire rises!

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58d43b No.159045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987843 (120052ZDEC20) Notable: "Alice in Wonderland" drops - at least 37 Alice MARKERs

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"Alice in Wonderland" drops - at least 37 Alice MARKERs – (give me a chance, I could be wrong but do you think we may be looking at abolishing the Constitution and the Supreme Court? "Kanye said it first")

Alice in Wonderland…

Alice and Wonderland…

Through the looking glass…

feel free to skip down…

I am not a lawfag, I am the anon who thinks along with Kanye that we are going to abolish a few amendments. I am looking at the 14th and 15th and Kanye in his tweet talked about abolishing the 13th. From what i have learned so far "WE" would all be better off if at least the amendments if not the Constitution were nullified or abolished and we revert back to The Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of the Confederate States.

Figure it out now or later. Pretty much since the beginning the majority of our country has been ruled by the (((puppets))) like Abraham Lincoln (ham), Alexander Hamilton, (ham) , Hiram Ulysses Grant (aka U.S. Grant), Salmon P. Chase (Chase Manhattan), Edwin McMasters Stanton etc. etc. The patriots like Thomas Jefferson James Madison and James Monroe, Jefferson Davis etc etc gave it their best try but lost the war.

Yes "We the People" "The Good Guys" lost the American Civil War in 1865 and (((they))) took full control. moving on….


I simply don't have time to read all the supreme court cases and news articles referring to "Alice in Wonderland" judicial interpretation and match it with the Alice markers. How I got here:

1.) Listening to "The Jeffersonian Understanding of the Constitution by Don Livingston" and at 34:35 minutes in "Alice in Wonderland Reading of the 14th Amendment"

2.) Searched on Alice in Wonderland and the 14th Amendment and at first I thought it was about the 2013 Michigan "states right" case via George Will. (attached) "George F. Will: A ‘Wonderland’ moment for the court" Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.

3.) But today I found an article "A Maverick American-ALICE IN THE JUDICIAL WONDERLAND" by Maury Maverick and at the end he said "the whole court flew up in a gust of wind and was scattered about likes dry leaves" which made me think we are moving toward abolishing the Constitution and the SCOTUS.

(we are Alice here)

"Such is our judicial wonderland. But like Alice's Wonderland, sometimes it loses the appearance of reality. You remember the scene when Alice awoke from her dream.

She was sitting in the court room at the trial of the Knave of Hearts, and the Queen screamed at her, "Off with her head!" once too often.

"Who cares for you?" said Alice (she had grown to her full size by this time). "You're nothing but a pack of cards!" And so they were—and the whole court flew up in a gust of wind and was scattered about like dry leaves." http://maverickamerican.blogspot.com/2007/03/xxxviii-alice-in-judicial-wonderland.html

4. How would this be done? I don't know but by searching on "Alice in wonderland" or just Alice Wonderland and Supreme Court / Constitution it brings up tons of news articles by authors who are referring to decisions based on Alice in Wonderland reading of the Constitution.

Can we put it all together?




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58d43b No.159046

File: a454fc92e3162ef⋯.png (106.53 KB,795x875,159:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987867 (120054ZDEC20) Notable: Emergency Petition, 248 pages

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Emergency Petition, 248 pages.

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58d43b No.159047

File: e3ad4b6e8b37434⋯.png (106.07 KB,822x699,274:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987929 (120058ZDEC20) Notable: Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?

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>MI investigation into Clinton Foundation???

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147175452📁

Oct 29 2017 22:20:11 (EST)


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

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58d43b No.159048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11987973 (120100ZDEC20) Notable: 10 U.S. Code 253 - Interference with State and Federal law

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10 U.S. Code § 253 - Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1)so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2)opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Biggest drop on Pol.

OK, it's been years. Do you understand why this was the biggest drop?

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58d43b No.159049

File: 7bed118688c508b⋯.png (743.79 KB,738x712,369:356,Clipboard.png)

File: c608df4c6434574⋯.png (209.4 KB,402x397,402:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988011 (120102ZDEC20) Notable: Zodiac Killer cypher, Hitler, Moscow, Saturn - Interesting comms?

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California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for COVID-19


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58d43b No.159050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988017 (120103ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE NOW: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

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LIVE NOW: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

32,313 watching now


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58d43b No.159051

File: b46dcb745009e14⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,611x691,611:691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988178 (120111ZDEC20) Notable: Do I look rattled?

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58d43b No.159052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988222 (120113ZDEC20) Notable: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

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LIVE NOW: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

37,003 watching now


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58d43b No.159053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988233 (120114ZDEC20) Notable: What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

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What is a POTUS to do, Q?


What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

The Marines are the only branch of service that falls directly under executive command

10 U.S. Code § 8063 - United States Marine Corps: composition; functions

In addition, the Marine Corps shall provide detachments and organizations for service on armed vessels of the Navy, shall provide security detachments for the protection of naval property at naval stations and bases, and shall perform such other duties as the President may direct. However, these additional duties may not detract from or interfere with the operations for which the Marine Corps is primarily organized.

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

The National Security Act of 1947, amended in 1952, specifies the duties of the USMC to include: 	"perform such other duties as the president may direct."

Anons knew this years ago. We can help. Just be kind.

'But what about possie … whatever?'

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58d43b No.159054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988236 (120114ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden

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Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden — IT WAS NOT HUMAN ERROR!

On Monday we reported on the investigation by Attorney Matthew Deperno into the Antrim County Michigan Dominion Voting Machines. DePerno was able to quickly assemble a team of seven highly trained forensic IT experts to conduct the forensic examination.

On Sunday morning, the seven-people IT forensic team arrived; Mr. Bailey and his attorney Matt DePerno were given access to the county building and started gathering the forensic evidence.

After 8 hours, the collection was complete. With 16 CF cards (similar to SIM cards), 16 thumb drives, and forensic images of the Dominion voting machines in hand, the IT team was escorted to the local Antrim County Airport by two Antrim County Sheriff vehicles, where they boarded their jet plane with evidence in hand.

Mr. DePerno expected to have the results of the study sometime Tuesday. He didn’t receive the result until later this week.

Tonight Atty. DePerno went on Greg Kelly on Newsmax. The information he shared was explosive.

Matthew DePerno: Well the Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said it happened by human error. We discovered that’s not true, that’s a lie. It didn’t happen by human error. It happened by a computer program called Dominion Voting System. And through our lawsuit we were able to get access to the Dominion Voting System program and my team went on last Sunday and we took forensic images on that computer system, 16 CF data cards, 16 thumb drives, and we got the forensic image of the actual tabulation machine in the Antrim County clerk office.


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58d43b No.159055

File: fe7a2eb60bb7a7f⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1246x1613,1246:1613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988265 (120116ZDEC20) Notable: The report must be submitted by December 18th

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The report must be submitted by December 18th

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58d43b No.159056

File: 9f33cde078817e4⋯.png (78.33 KB,444x733,444:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988317 (120118ZDEC20) Notable: Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture

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Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147581302📁

Nov 1 2017 23:54:52 (EST)

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

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58d43b No.159057

File: e97f6b7dfcd3079⋯.png (224.8 KB,630x452,315:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 504483537055f7b⋯.png (199.19 KB,650x474,325:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988422 (120123ZDEC20) Notable: Mexican Border State Police Clash with Local Cops in Shootout

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Mexican Border State Police Clash with Local Cops in Shootout

Nuevo Leon state police officers responding to an apparent kidnapping engaged in a fierce shootout with local cops in the process of extorting a human smuggling operation. The entire municipal police force in question is now under investigation for possible organized crime links.

The incident took place Thursday evening when a top state official was at his ranch near Presa de La Boca with his security detail, comprised of state police in armored vehicles. According to law enforcement sources, a man ran toward the officers for help. He claimed he managed to escape a kidnapping nearby but his friends were still in trouble.

The victim described a white van as the suspect vehicle. The security detail alerted other state officers and responded to the scene, quickly spotting a white van. As state officers came close, they began taking gunfire. The victims were a group of migrants being moved to the Texas border when they were stopped at gunpoint by rogue cops.

Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart Texas that the gunfire came from a large detail of Juarez municipal police who supposedly mistook the state officers in unmarked armored vehicles for cartel gunmen. The state officers fought off the attack, sending some local cops running into a brushy area while several managed to escape in one of their police vehicles.

Authorities initiated a manhunt and arrested a female Juarez police officer identified as 29-year-old Blanca Zuniga Villarreal. At the time, the woman was wearing her police uniform.

Hours later, authorities arrested a second officer identified as Eric Daniel Abadilla. Nuevo Leon officials are now carrying out a full investigation into the Juarez Police Department.


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58d43b No.159058

File: 19cc6cb31082fa0⋯.png (23.13 KB,739x335,739:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988458 (120125ZDEC20) Notable: The DOJ has not been investigating anything big because they can't

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The DOJ has not been investigating anything big because they can't.

They can't investigate anything that deals with TOP SECRETS/TOP MILITARY SECRETS.

THEY JUST CAN'T because they don't have the Q CLEARANCE.


Military Intelligance has been investigating all of this time…

and it the arrests will be swift.

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454631📁

Nov 1 2017 01:44:10 (EST)

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow.The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

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58d43b No.159059

File: 18511e0b4edb46b⋯.png (349.27 KB,600x366,100:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988506 (120127ZDEC20) Notable: What Is the Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich?

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Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich


Updated Mar 8, 2020

What Is the Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich?

The double Irish with a Dutch sandwich is a tax avoidance technique employed by certain large corporations, involving the use of a combination of Irish and Dutch subsidiary companies to shift profits to low or no-tax jurisdictions. The technique has made it possible for certain corporations to reduce their overall corporate tax rates dramatically.


The double Irish with a Dutch sandwich is a tax avoidance technique employed by certain large corporations.

The scheme involves sending profits first through one Irish company, then to a Dutch company and finally to a second Irish company headquartered in a tax haven.

The legislation passed in Ireland in 2015 ends the use of the tax scheme for new tax plans. Companies with established structures were able to benefit from the old system until 2020.



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58d43b No.159060

File: d5c92a60c03506c⋯.png (288.16 KB,506x500,253:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988550 (120129ZDEC20) Notable: California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for China Virus

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California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for COVID-19


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58d43b No.159061

File: 94c0795a84a3fe5⋯.png (574.95 KB,1265x757,1265:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 588d288c7f6bb07⋯.png (227.49 KB,1229x701,1229:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988553 (120130ZDEC20) Notable: The DOJ has not been investigating anything big because they can't

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>Military Intelligence has been investigating all of this time…


Within the Department of the Navy, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service is the civilian federal law enforcement agency uniquely responsible for investigating felony crime, preventing terrorism and protecting secrets for the Navy and Marine Corps.

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58d43b No.159062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988640 (120134ZDEC20) Notable: It’s going to be biblical

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Who is ready for this next part of the movie?

I certainly am!

It’s going to be biblical

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58d43b No.159063

File: c8530f07c0c117c⋯.png (21.79 KB,602x306,301:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988737 (120139ZDEC20) Notable: CM (Ron) - Unfortunately we seem to be teetering ever precariously towards path #2.

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Unfortunately we seem to be teetering ever precariously towards path #2.


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58d43b No.159064

File: dd9e4e089b188f5⋯.png (21.49 KB,598x207,26:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988779 (120142ZDEC20) Notable: At the White House Christmas Party, guests were informed about 10 minutes ago that the president won't be joining them to make remarks

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At the White House Christmas Party, guests were informed about 10 minutes ago that the president won't be joining them to make remarks.


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58d43b No.159065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988807 (120143ZDEC20) Notable: #15303

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>>>/qresearch/11988107 Dough

#15303 FINAL Notables

>>159051 Do I look rattled?

>>159052 Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

>>159053 What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

>>159054 Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden

>>159055 The report must be submitted by December 18th

>>159056 Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture

>>159057 Mexican Border State Police Clash with Local Cops in Shootout

>>159058 , >>159061 The DOJ has not been investigating anything big because they can't

>>159059 What Is the Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich?

>>159060 California Rep. Devin Nunes says he's tested positive for China Virus

>>159062 It’s going to be biblical

>>159063 CM (Ron) - Unfortunately we seem to be teetering ever precariously towards path #2.

>>159064 At the White House Christmas Party, guests were informed about 10 minutes ago that the president won't be joining them to make remarks


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58d43b No.159066

File: 1d4d019f3ea0e13⋯.png (529.7 KB,1268x662,634:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988986 (120152ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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58d43b No.159067

File: a61dff38b4b5521⋯.png (409.7 KB,602x668,301:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988987 (120152ZDEC20) Notable: @NBCNews indicates President-elect Biden’s son was told he did not disclose $400,000 in income from Burisma

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An email obtained by @NBCNews

indicates President-elect Biden’s son was told he did not disclose $400,000 in income from the Burisma gas company on his 2014 tax returns.


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58d43b No.159068

File: de461c924b5d59d⋯.png (453.74 KB,639x372,213:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11988988 (120152ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden

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HUGE! Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden — IT WAS NOT HUMAN ERROR!


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58d43b No.159069

File: c76579e40622ace⋯.jpeg (212.97 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989034 (120155ZDEC20) Notable: Dems trying to punish House Members that support Vote Fraud legal challenges

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After Kevin McCarthy Joined 125 House Republicans In Supporting Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit, Dems Want To Use Civil War Law About Traitors To Ban Them From Being Seated In Congress


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58d43b No.159070

File: 1f1d423ea9df3af⋯.png (1.11 MB,764x906,382:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 444d540dd399160⋯.png (154.69 KB,666x382,333:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989091 (120159ZDEC20) Notable: Suicide Bomber Targets Russian FSB Office, At Least Six Injured

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Suicide Bomber Targets Russian FSB Office, At Least Six Injured

On December 11th, an explosion occurred near the building of the regional department of the Russian security service – FSB in Karachay-Cherkessia

It was reportedly caused by a suicide bomber.

Initial reports said that only two people were injured.

After that, the number was updated to six people injured, with varying degrees of severity.

An Interfax source said that according to preliminary data, an unknown man committed the explosion, and he died in it.

Allegedly, the explosion was staged by a suicide bomber who drove up to the scene in a car. After leaving the car, an unknown person burst into the courtyard and rushed to the service personnel who were on the territory, after which an explosion thundered.

Various versions of what happened are being considered. According to the source, the unknown who blew himself up at the entrance to the FSB department could belong to one of the extremist groups.

“According to preliminary data, the man shared the views of extremist groups and gangs underground,” said the agency’s source.

He added that before the explosion, the attacker approached a group of security officials at the entrance to the FSB building and blew himself up shouting “Allah Akbar”.

On December 5th, the FSB opened a criminal case after an, initially unknown individual, set fire to a police department in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

A citizen born in 1989 was detained on suspicion of committing a crime. It was reported that he came at night to the police department in the village of Shalinskoye, Mansky District, and threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of the building, but there was no fire. The suspect was detained. Nobody was injured as a result of the attack.

The FSB is quite active in impeding any attempts of recruitment for the ranks of terrorists groups, as well as is frequently arresting those attempting to gather funds and bankroll terrorist organizations. It should be reminded that incident such as this one are quite rare in Russia, and the CSTO, as a whole, mostly due to these efforts.


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58d43b No.159071

File: 2de108e1ca01295⋯.png (349.1 KB,692x626,346:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989151 (120202ZDEC20) Notable: You misspelled 'anons'

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Here comes the banner Jews Mr. Pig group.

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58d43b No.159072

File: 45950cb0a923f86⋯.jpeg (263.03 KB,1126x1455,1126:1455,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989168 (120203ZDEC20) Notable: Warrior Prayer

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58d43b No.159073

File: 515b61170d13299⋯.png (298.36 KB,398x548,199:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989188 (120204ZDEC20) Notable: New US Army tweet - This year has brought unprecedented stress and separation from loved ones

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58d43b No.159074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989231 (120206ZDEC20) Notable: You misspelled 'anons'

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You misspelled 'anons'.


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58d43b No.159075

File: 63d17cb6f225a36⋯.png (389.32 KB,535x584,535:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989251 (120208ZDEC20) Notable: On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Navy gave to me 11 Marines landing

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On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Navy gave to me 11 Marines landing


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58d43b No.159076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989349 (120213ZDEC20) Notable: All the Q Posts with the word 'pray' in them

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especially now that SCOTUS has rejected the TEXAS case







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58d43b No.159077

File: 019226ee32f4192⋯.png (47.79 KB,739x481,739:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989365 (120213ZDEC20) Notable: Just breathe

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58d43b No.159078

File: 82a82319149a954⋯.png (245.71 KB,804x649,804:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989463 (120219ZDEC20) Notable: F.D.A. Clears Pfizer Vaccine, and Millions of Doses Will Be Shipped Right Away

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F.D.A. Clears Pfizer Vaccine, and Millions of Doses Will Be Shipped Right Away


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58d43b No.159079

File: 995fd8f5d44c49b⋯.png (765.14 KB,1242x878,621:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989496 (120220ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Guiliani says there's still a path to victory

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Rudy says still a path to victory.

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58d43b No.159080

File: f330fc6e6352065⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,225x255,15:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989566 (120224ZDEC20) Notable: Do they seem rattled?

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PB and notable

POTUS and Melania right now

>>159051 Do I look rattled?

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58d43b No.159081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989596 (120226ZDEC20) Notable: #15304

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11988880 Dough

#15304 FINAL Notables

>>159066 PF Report

>>159067 @NBCNews indicates President-elect Biden’s son was told he did not disclose $400,000 in income from Burisma

>>159068 Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden

>>159069 Dems trying to punish House Members that support Vote Fraud legal challenges

>>159070 Suicide Bomber Targets Russian FSB Office, At Least Six Injured

>>159072 Warrior Prayer

>>159073 New US Army tweet - This year has brought unprecedented stress and separation from loved ones

>>159071 , >>159074 You misspelled 'anons'

>>159075 On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Navy gave to me 11 Marines landing

>>159076 All the Q Posts with the word 'pray' in them

>>159077 Just breathe

>>159078 F.D.A. Clears Pfizer Vaccine, and Millions of Doses Will Be Shipped Right Away

>>159079 Rudy Guiliani says there's still a path to victory

>>159080 Do they seem rattled?


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58d43b No.159082

File: 821e74ecc9b5393⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989752 (120235ZDEC20) Notable: FDA approves Pfizer vaccine see (LB) (Trust the Plan)

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58d43b No.159083

File: f6821b61e0348df⋯.png (1.4 MB,964x960,241:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989802 (120238ZDEC20) Notable: Former Democrat Iowa State Senator Rita Hart has defended her plan to appeal the results of Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race

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Former Democrat Iowa State Senator Rita Hart has defended her plan to appeal the results of Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race, which she lost by very few votes to Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

“When we know there were a lot of votes that were not examined it’s just so crucial that we get this right and we make sure every person’s vote was counted,” Hart said.

According to Hart, she is challenging the results in the U.S. House of Representatives instead of Iowa courts because “there was only one way that we could get the result that we need, and that is to take this to the Committee on House Administration.”

Once filed, Hart’s challenge will be reviewed by the House administrative committee in Washington, DC.

Miller-Meeks took to social media to share the clip of Hart’s message on election challenges, saying the “only way she can win” is if Democrats, which have the majority in the House, overturn the election.

“My opponent said it herself: She knows the only way she can win is if the Democrat controlled U.S. House overturns the election result,” Miller-Meeks wrote in a tweet.

“That is why she is ignoring the will of Iowa voters and asking Nancy Pelosi to elect her,” Miller-Meeks added.

Calvin Moore, the communications director for American Action Network, a nonprofit, conservative issue advocacy group based in Washington, DC, described Hart’s actions as a “shameful power grab.”

“At least Rita Hart is finally coming clean with the truth: there is ‘only one way’ she can win and that’s if Nancy Pelosi overrides voters to give her the seat,” Moore said. “This is a shameful power grab at its worst and lawmakers ought to reject her ploy outright.”

With more than 400,000 votes cast and an official recount certified by state officials, it was confirmed that Hart was defeated by Miller-Meeks by six votes.


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58d43b No.159084

File: 8665010915459eb⋯.png (18.42 KB,552x217,552:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c4653337de5a38⋯.png (190.3 KB,838x702,419:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 110203e63e3054f⋯.png (72.17 KB,854x476,61:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 4880e48d9e6e5de⋯.png (43.78 KB,860x386,430:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 3453f39bcb85c43⋯.png (74.15 KB,872x751,872:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989828 (120239ZDEC20) Notable: The Fight for Our Freedom Continues Despite SCOTUS Ruling on Texas

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The Fight for Our Freedom Continues Despite SCOTUS Ruling on Texas

In a shock to all who value justice, the Supreme Court turned down the Texas 2020 election case:

SCOTUS claims Texas did not demonstrate a judicially recognizable interest in the manner!

So individuals can take over the election process in certain predetermined states, enough to steal the Presidency or the House and that’s ok? There’s no impact on the rest of the country? A man who’s made billions on other countries at the expense of American citizens can steal an election using every possible opportunity to manufacture votes and steal votes from his opponent and it has no impact on average hard working tax paying American?

No one in their right mind believes Biden won this election and most Americans believe he stole it!

Tonight they’re drinking champagne in China.

(But the ruling by the court was based on the jurisdiction and not the merits so there may be some hope.)


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58d43b No.159085

File: ffd2ea16e364602⋯.png (1.15 MB,750x655,150:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989874 (120242ZDEC20) Notable: Jacksonville Navy officer’s wife gets time-served sentence in Chinese smuggling case

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Cleaning house

Jacksonville Navy officer’s wife gets time-served sentence in Chinese smuggling case


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58d43b No.159086

File: a303d564f6d436f⋯.png (52.77 KB,598x223,598:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989941 (120246ZDEC20) Notable: Stadium destruction?

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I like stray meteors.

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58d43b No.159087

File: 257a345ebeddc5f⋯.png (226.28 KB,1250x1236,625:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11989955 (120247ZDEC20) Notable: Was Trump’s tweet this morning a signal to anons?

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Forgot to remove the transparent background :S

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58d43b No.159088

File: 3eab7ce63430ece⋯.jpeg (235.81 KB,1098x1593,122:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990024 (120251ZDEC20) Notable: Texas GOP Chair, Allen West response to SCOTUS decision

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Allen West response to SCOTUS decision.

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58d43b No.159089

File: cd79269d86d3a66⋯.png (38.17 KB,748x498,374:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990043 (120252ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese on Canadian/US border?

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Anon missed this today. What.

>C h i n e s e troops on the Canadian border

Lin Wood


Pray for our country. Pray for our President. Pray for ALL.

Cari Kelemen


· 12h

C h i n e s e troops on the Canadian border, US ships positioned on both coasts, White House accounts tweeting examples of US military might… lots going on we don't even know about. God bless our President. WISDOM & COURAGE!

4:51 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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58d43b No.159090

File: 22fd4165644df5e⋯.png (742.08 KB,629x798,629:798,Clipboard.png)

File: 443de201aff85ee⋯.png (90.95 KB,629x789,629:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990070 (120254ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS gives Federal workers Christmas Eve off

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Could "it" happen on Christmas Eve?

President Trump Gives Federal Workers Off Christmas Eve

last paragraph:

The executive order does allow the heads of executive departments and agencies to require certain employees to work Christmas Eve for reasons of national security, defense or other public need.


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58d43b No.159091

File: 28e2eee54166aac⋯.png (156.88 KB,908x893,908:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990157 (120259ZDEC20) Notable: Dem Dark Money Network Rakes in $715 Million to Bankroll Liberal Causes

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Dem Dark Money Network Rakes in $715 Million to Bankroll Liberal Causes

Arabella Advisors-managed funds stealthily support progressive initiatives

Anonymous donors pumped an eye-popping $715 million into a massive dark money network used to bankroll liberal efforts across the country, new tax forms reveal.

The cash went to funds managed by Arabella Advisors, a D.C.-based consulting firm, in 2019. Once donors send the cash to the funds, it is then transferred to dozens of left-wing initiatives that fall under their auspices, as well as to outside groups.

The Arabella network consists of four funds: the Sixteen Thirty Fund, New Venture Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund. Each Arabella-managed fund provides its tax and legal status to the groups that sit beneath them. Under this setup, known as fiscal sponsorship, the sponsored groups are not standalone nonprofits and do not have to file tax forms to the IRS, effectively obscuring information such as financials, board members, and other important details.

The four funds combined to raise an astounding $714.7 million for left-wing initiatives in 2019, the tax forms show. The New Venture Fund is the group's largest entity and raked in $450 million in anonymous cash—including a single donation of $83 million—to pass off to groups. The Sixteen Thirty Fund received $137.2 million, including one donation of $33 million. The Hopewell Fund pulled in $84.2 million, with a single $36 million donation. The Windward Fund took in $43.3 million. Its largest donation was $8.5 million.

The funds disbursed a total of $648 million last year. Nearly $400 million went to outside groups that include America Votes, Center for American Progress, Center for Popular Democracy, Latino Victory Project, and Color of Change.

The dark money network houses some of the nation's most prominent liberal groups. The Sixteen Thirty Fund, for example, houses Demand Justice, a group led by former Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon to push back against Republican judicial nominations. While Demand Justice does not have to file tax documents to the IRS due to its affiliation with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the Washington Free Beacon found it received $2.6 million from billionaire George Soros around the time of its inception in 2018.


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58d43b No.159092

File: 68f645448534741⋯.png (335.02 KB,1111x865,1111:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c05a74268b9b77⋯.png (205.17 KB,725x835,145:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 26d8ee0bc84cef4⋯.png (166.6 KB,721x719,721:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990158 (120259ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages When They Violate Your Individual Rights

Opinion Closely Follows Institute for Justice Amicus Brief

Arlington, Va.—In a unanimous opinion issued today by the U.S. Supreme Court, and authored by Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, the Court ruled in Tanzin v. Tanvir that individuals may seek damages as a remedy when federal officers violate their rights. The opinion closely tracks an amicus brief submitted by the Institute for Justice.

The case involved FBI agents who retaliated against Muslim-Americans and green-card holders who followed the dictates of their faith and refused to cooperate with the FBI by spying on their own communities. As a result of their refusal to cooperate, these individuals were placed on the No Fly List, which caused significant hardship, such as the inability to travel to visit family or for work. Luckily, Congress provided a statutory authorization to sue for violations of religious rights, allowing a plaintiff to receive “appropriate relief against the government.”

Not surprisingly, in the lawsuit against the FBI agents, the government argued that the words “appropriate relief” do not include damages. According to the government, damages might be an appropriate remedy against private actors, but damages should not be allowed if the person who violated your rights happens to work for the government.

The Institute for Justice filed an amicus brief arguing against this radical notion. IJ’s brief outlined how suits for damages against government officials are the historical cornerstone of government accountability, how damages are often the only way to vindicate constitutional rights, and how none of the government’s policy justifications against damages have a basis in reality. IJ further explained that matters of policy should be left to Congress, not courts.

In a unanimous opinion, the Supreme Court agreed.

According to the Court, “in the context of suits against Government officials, damages have long been awarded as appropriate relief.” And that has been true not only for state and local officials, but also federal officials, like those employed by the FBI. Moreover, the Court highlighted that damages are important because they are often the only remedy available. For example, for one of the plaintiffs, Muhammad Tanvir, who lost his job because of his placement on the No Fly List, it is damages or nothing. Finally, in response to the government’s argument that policy favors denying a damages remedy against government officials, Justice Thomas, just like Justice Story two centuries before him, emphasized that it is the job of Congress to engage in policy making: “[T]here are no constitutional reasons why we must do so in its stead.”

“The Court today has provided its full-throated endorsement of damages as a necessary and historic mechanism for constitutional accountability,” said Scott Bullock, IJ’s president and general counsel. “In doing so, the Court also reiterated its support for the foundational principles of this country, such as that damages can be awarded to check the government’s power and that it is Congress’ job to engage in policy making. The Court’s job is to interpret the law, not to do policy.”

IJ’s support for the individuals who sued the government in this case is part of its Project on Immunity and Accountability, which is devoted to the simple idea that government officials are not above the law; if citizens must follow the law, then the government must follow the Constitution. IJ’s recent U.S. Supreme Court case Brownback v. King is also a part of this Project. It similarly asks the Court to stay true to this nation’s original promise by allowing James King—an innocent college student who was brutally beaten by police—his day in court, to hold accountable the government workers who violated his constitutional rights and to seek damages for the harm they caused him.


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58d43b No.159093

File: 7050e8b6d16491e⋯.png (397.07 KB,612x580,153:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990197 (120302ZDEC20) Notable: Did he say … FISA vaccine Why yes he did…

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Did he say …

FISA vaccine

Why yes he did…


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58d43b No.159094

File: f5b49f5792b1315⋯.jpg (146.52 KB,720x1243,720:1243,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990348 (120311ZDEC20) Notable: New Sidney Powell - 'Very important to watch and understand'

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Very important to watch! And understand







New Sidney Powell

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58d43b No.159095

File: e744ccac68402ba⋯.jpeg (145.79 KB,750x1251,250:417,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990396 (120314ZDEC20) Notable: FDA grants historic authorization to a China Virus vaccine, setting stage for rollout

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FDA grants historic authorization to a Covid-19 vaccine, setting stage for rollout

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday issued an emergency authorization for a Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, a seminal moment in the effort to curb a pandemic that has so far infected an estimated 16 million people and killed nearly 300,000 in the United States.

The decision means vaccinations will begin in a matter of days in individuals 16 years of age or older, though the FDA said the vaccine should not be given to individuals with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component. Such reactions were reported once vaccinations began outside of clinical trials in other countries. Initial supplies of the two-dose vaccine are expected to be used primarily in two groups most at risk of getting infected or developing severe disease: health care providers and residents and staff of long-term care facilities.


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58d43b No.159096

File: 9a0a303e357797f⋯.png (23.27 KB,497x406,71:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990430 (120317ZDEC20) Notable: DOD tweet - 'Massive Operation Warp Speed planning'

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Department of Defense Link

“The massive logistical planning our military has contributed to Operation Warp Speed gives me even more pride in the talent and dedication of our service members.

They have been crucial in bringing a safe and effective vaccine to the American people and in restoring the health of our country.” - A/SD Chris Miller


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58d43b No.159097

File: 42d5859d844a112⋯.png (39.63 KB,345x399,115:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990487 (120321ZDEC20) Notable: We made emergency filings in #SupremeCourt tonight for #Georgia & #Michigan. Will be filing #Arizona #Wisconsin shortly

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Pay attention! We made emergency filings in #SupremeCourt tonight for #Georgia & #Michigan. Will be filing #Arizona #Wisconsin shortly. These cases raise constitutional issues and prove massive #fraud.

Our plaintiffs have #standing

#WeThePeople will not allow #rigged elections

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58d43b No.159098

File: ea22938b7116832⋯.jpeg (437.34 KB,828x1151,828:1151,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990512 (120324ZDEC20) Notable: DOD - Massive planning for Operation Warp Speed

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58d43b No.159099

File: 73e7f45f00e6340⋯.png (411.64 KB,535x621,535:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990530 (120326ZDEC20) Notable: National Guard - Everybody understands the importance of the mission

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58d43b No.159100

File: 7532e990183a720⋯.png (533.2 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990568 (120329ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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58d43b No.159101

File: 68f645448534741⋯.png (335.02 KB,1111x865,1111:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c05a74268b9b77⋯.png (205.17 KB,725x835,145:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 26d8ee0bc84cef4⋯.png (166.6 KB,721x719,721:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990582 (120330ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages

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YUGE supreme court precedent.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages When They Violate Your Individual Rights

Does this give POTUS standing to sue TF out of election riggers?


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58d43b No.159102

File: 50b06e5cad2c33f⋯.png (356.28 KB,622x660,311:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990689 (120339ZDEC20) Notable: The Case for Trump to Invoke Insurrection Act to Restore Election Integrity

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The Case for Trump to Invoke Insurrection Act to Restore Election Integrity

The Insurrection Act of 1807



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58d43b No.159103

File: 16d28944f4e6379⋯.png (303.62 KB,587x553,587:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990747 (120344ZDEC20) Notable: No of times FISA - 3 / Pfizer - 1 / Gold Standard - 1

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58d43b No.159104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990808 (120349ZDEC20) Notable: During the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, Congress enacted the Insurrection Act of 1807

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During the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, the 10th Congress enacted the Insurrection Act of 1807.

Jefferson signed the measure into law to foil the plot of Revolutionary War hero Aaron Burr—following the destruction of his political career after he shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel—to raise an army toward establishing his own dynasty in what was then the Louisiana Territory.

The Insurrection Act empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. Section 252 of the Act states:

“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

Generally, the U.S. military remains free of civil conflicts on U.S. soil, as no one wants U.S. armed forces using physical force against U.S. civilians. Indeed, when President Donald Trump threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act and send the National Guard in response to the George Floyd riots, including, for example, to address Seattle’s failure to restore law and order over the so-called “autonomous zone,” then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper openly stated his disagreement with the president.

Ultimately, the president didn’t then invoke the Insurrection Act. But considering the possibility of the Act’s invocation now, to address “unlawful obstructions” to an attempt to verify ballots, and an “insurrection” surrounding the 2020 election generally, two powerful distinctions must at the outset be noted: (1) Esper is no longer defense secretary, as Trump has replaced him with Christopher Miller, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, and (2) troops could be deployed to take control over ballots and voting machines in swing states, rather than suppressing and dispersing rioting civilians.

The president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act isn’t a declaration of martial law. The Constitution isn’t suspended. The writ of habeas corpus isn’t suspended. The president would be using troops to enforce the law, not override it.

To understand the case for Trump’s potential invocation of the Insurrection Act, we must consider more broadly the 2020 election and surrounding historical circumstances.

In law, fraud is often proved by what are known as “badges of fraud”—telltale signs that a fraud has taken place—short of positive proof of the actual fraud, because fraudsters have a tendency to cover their tracks.

Case in point: Harry Markopolos. At least seven years before the lid was blown off the $65 billion Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff, Harry Markopolos, a money fund manager, blew the whistle on Madoff’s decades-long Ponzi scheme. Markopolos’s “proof” was a single compelling badge of fraud: In his words, Madoff’s “impossibly smooth” returns over decades.

Markopolos, who made investments for a living, knew no one could have such a consistent record, with no downturns, no volatility, and for so many years on end. Markopolos published a book titled “No One Would Listen,” remarking, after Madoff’s enormous scheme was exposed, “the math was so compelling.”

Consider now—away from the mountains of direct evidence of voter fraud—the “math” involved in the 2020 election:

Shortly after midnight (Eastern time), Trump was leading in all six of the swing states still at issue: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, and had racked up, apart from those six states, 232 electoral votes to Biden’s 227.


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58d43b No.159105

File: 8a124a0ab8faef3⋯.png (223.16 KB,322x784,23:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ab3da49e21d1a7⋯.png (632.38 KB,1208x720,151:90,Clipboard.png)

File: 3023411f6bad625⋯.png (489.63 KB,809x720,809:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990818 (120350ZDEC20) Notable: Affidavit from Rebekah Jones's Cyberstalking Case

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Affidavit from Rebekah Jones's Cyberstalking Case

Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson

All those news organizations going to the mat for @georebekah might want to read the affidavit filed in her cyberstalking case first. Switch the genders and see if it’s so cute. A hero for our times.

She seems nice. And stable.

Good times: “The two had sex in a classroom on 2017 when Jones was a married professor (at FSU), the man told police.”



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58d43b No.159106

File: ac28dcc4e7d1d80⋯.png (240.13 KB,597x430,597:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990841 (120352ZDEC20) Notable: RUDY GIULIANI: ‘We’re Not Finished, Believe Me’

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RUDY GIULIANI: ‘We’re Not Finished, Believe Me’

"If we allow them to roll over this election fraud, it's just going to get worse and worse," said Giuliani.

Attorney Rudy Giuliani said the Supreme Court made a “terrible, terrible mistake” by refusing to hear the Texas election fraud lawsuit tonight on Newsmax, adding that evidence of widespread voter fraud “will remain an open sore in our history” if left unaddressed.

Giuliani noted that the Supreme Court decision “wasn’t rejected the on merits, the case was rejected on standing.”

“So, the answer to that is to bring the case now in the District Court, by the President, by some of the electors, alleging the same facts, where there would be standing, and therefore, get a hearing.”

Because the worst part of this is, basically, the courts are saying they want to stay out of this and they don’t want to give us a hearing. They don’t want the American people to hear these facts, and I think that’s a terrible, terrible mistake,” said Giuliani.

'WE'RE NOT FINISHED…BELIEVE ME': America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani reacts to the Supreme Court throwing out the lawsuit Texas presented. https://t.co/VlT7z8v2lm pic.twitter.com/FRvRTH8NeP

— Newsmax (@newsmax) December 12, 2020

Following the Supreme Court decision, Giuliani made it clear that he believes that President Donald Trump still has legal paths to victory.

“Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward announced on Friday that they have just submitted their case to the Supreme Court regarding alleged election fraud in their own state. Crucially, this would not run into the same issue as the Texas lawsuit, which was only initially struck down based on a technicality. The decision did not rule on any of the actual facts at hand, and further lawsuits based within one state would still apply.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday took up a case from President Trump’s legal team, which seeks to have hundreds of thousands of ballots in Dane and Milwaukee Counties thrown out. “During the recount in Dane and Milwaukee counties, we know with absolute certainty illegal ballots have unduly influenced the state’s election result,” said Jim Troupis, counsel to the Trump campaign.

State legislatures can also still take control of their Electoral College votes if they so choose, as the Constitutional power to do so still remains with them.”

“We’re not finished, believe me,” said Giuliani.

The Trump Legal Team plans to continue their legal efforts to fight for election integrity in the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, by using arguments based on a dissent from the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the 2000 Bush v. Gore case, in which she said the date of ‘ultimate significance’ is on January 6, when the legislature counts and officially certifies electoral votes.


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58d43b No.159107

File: 06ff1a9d98882e9⋯.png (251.76 KB,592x537,592:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990853 (120353ZDEC20) Notable: Meddling in the 2020 election?

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58d43b No.159108

File: eedba7ad7bbe8ec⋯.png (96.93 KB,912x626,456:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990859 (120354ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissenting statement, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas

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Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissenting statement, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.

"In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction," Alito wrote. "…I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue."


The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday evening rejected the state of Texas' challenge to the 2020 election results in four battleground states, extinguishing one of the last remaining hopes for President Trump's campaign to reverse Joe Biden's lead in those states.

"The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution," the justices ruled. "Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot."


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58d43b No.159109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990863 (120354ZDEC20) Notable: The Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

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The Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

John Paul Mac Isaac is not backing down. He came out today with a new video explaining in detail why he is 100% certain that it was Hunter Biden and his laptop that showed up in John’s computer repair shop in April of 2019.

John’s testimony and, more importantly, the actual evidence that the computer belonged to Hunter–i.e., the driver’s license, the signature on the work order, the email used as point of contact and the phone number–take on new importance in light of the revelation that Hunter is a target of investigations by the FBI, the IRS and that US Attorney’s in the Southern District of New York and Delaware are pursuing the matter.

You do not have to be Perry Mason or Matlock to realize that the evidence on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop shows clear criminal activity (e.g., wanton use of illegal narcotics, prostitution and inappropriate sexual activity with a minor) as well as troubling communications and interactions with the Chinese and Russians. These are not inconsequential, minor, unimportant activities.

When you add in the documentary evidence and testimony of former Hunter business associate, Tony Bobulinski, there is no doubt that Joe Biden, a thief who wants to be President, also is implicated.


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58d43b No.159110

File: 1289369809f6dcc⋯.png (25.03 KB,612x180,17:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990872 (120355ZDEC20) Notable: George Papa - Now is the time to release the declassified Russiagate files for the American people!

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Now is the time to release the declassified Russiagate files for the American people to finally get the truth!

10:53 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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58d43b No.159111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990921 (120400ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines Article III card is yet to be played in SCOTUS

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I agree totally, fren. SCOTUS denied case because of a lack of Standing under Article III, yet Texas, et al, appeal was under Article II.

SCOTUS has laid down the first step on the map. By Article III it shall be.

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58d43b No.159112

File: 438941c047197f8⋯.png (227.83 KB,535x589,535:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11990939 (120401ZDEC20) Notable: I see 11.3 everywhere today

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I see 11.3 everywhere today


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58d43b No.159113

File: 8583722168fc296⋯.png (99.8 KB,1210x384,605:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991001 (120409ZDEC20) Notable: Trump’s Legal Team Considering Alternate Options After Supreme Court Rejects Texas Election Suit

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sure looks like justices just shit on the Constitution.

Trump’s Legal Team Considering Alternate Options After Supreme Court Rejects Texas Election Suit

December 11, 2020

Attorneys on President Donald Trump’s legal team, Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, shared on Friday that the team is considering filing separate lawsuits to district courts in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of a lawsuit from Texas to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The two attorneys also called for courage from the courts to allow hearings on the lawsuits.

Justices on the nation’s highest court late Friday denied the Lone Star state’s request to sue Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. They opined that Texas lacked legal standing—or capability—to sue under the Constitution because it has not shown a valid interest to intervene in how other states handle their elections.

In an interview with Newsmax, Giuliani called the court’s decision a “terrible terrible mistake.”

“Basically the courts are saying they want to stay out of this, they don’t want to give us a hearing, they don’t want the American people to hear the facts,” the former New York City mayor said. “These facts will remain an open sore in our history unless they get resolved. They need to be heard they need to be aired and somebody needs to make a decision on whether they’re true or false. And some courts are going to have to have the courage to make that decision.”

“The case wasn’t rejected on the merits the case was rejected on standing,” Giuliani said. “The answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president by some of electors alleging the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.”

“There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court, in which the president would have standing,” he continued. “Some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated.”


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58d43b No.159114

File: 73c52f9991ac347⋯.png (142.24 KB,490x365,98:73,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7b76e39393ce1⋯.jpg (112.81 KB,2048x1097,2048:1097,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991100 (120419ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet (w/ video cap)

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Dan Scavino Tweet


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58d43b No.159115

File: ad3e245c0c5f0d3⋯.webm (14.93 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

File: e3d805a97598d29⋯.jpg (95.85 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 24083d583fb907d⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991112 (120420ZDEC20) Notable: Zodiac killer code cracked by Australian mathematician Samuel Blake

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Zodiac killer code cracked by Australian mathematician Samuel Blake more than 50 years after first murder

Melbourne mathematician Samuel Blake and two fellow cryptologists have been officially recognised by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation for solving a 50-year-old cryptic message written by an as yet unnamed serial killer, known only as the Zodiac.

Dr Blake worked on decoding the message known as the "340 cipher" with two other cryptologists and a University of Melbourne supercomputer called Spartan to eventually reveal its content.

The cipher bears a distinctive circle with a cross through the middle and was sent to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper on November 8, 1969 by a man who called himself "Zodiac".

The correspondent killer sent letters to newspapers over several years up until 1974, including proof he was responsible for the deaths of at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The official cracking of the 340-character cipher provides insight into the killer's thoughts and actions but does not reveal a name as promised in separate letters sent to newspapers.

Dr Blake told the ABC he had been working on finding a solution to the 340 cipher, considered one of the holy grails of cryptography, since contacting Zodiac cryptologist David Oranchak early in 2020.

Mr Oranchak hosts a website dedicated to cracking the Zodiac ciphers and has posted several YouTube videos detailing the work he has done over 15 years trying to solve them.

In a statement released on social media Dr Blake paid tribute to US-based Mr Oranchak and software programmer Jarl van Eycke, based in Brussels.

"During the year we tested, by trial and error, around 650,000 different reading directions through the cipher. This search turned up — more or less — nothing," he said.

"However, one of these searches uncovered a surprising combination of words: GAS CHAMBER. That such a macabre phase should pop up in a sea of noise warranted further attention.

"From this fragment, David, Jarl van Eycke and I reworked the key and corrected an error Zodiac made in his diagonal enumeration of the second vertical segment of the cipher.

"Jarl's fantastic program, azdecrypt, was essential in this process."

Dr Blake is a visiting fellow at the University of Melbourne and described how the university's supercomputer, Spartan, solved the cipher after processing 650,000 other possible solutions.

Eventually a solution that drew out a message that included the phrase "GAS CHAMBER" was revealed.

Mr Oranchak sent the proposed solution to the Cryptanalysis and Racketeering Records Unit of the FBI and within a day they officially approved the solution.

In a statement released on Friday, US time, the FBI confirmed that the cipher attributed to the Zodiac Killer was recently solved by "private citizens."

"After 50 years of active research, this cipher has finally been solved. We now understand why it resisted attacks for so long," Dr Blake wrote on social media.

"The reading direction through the cipher was so obscure, that the only way it could be found was with a massive search through many candidates using sophisticated software which can efficiently solve homophonic substitution ciphers.

"Not only were we lucky enough to find the needle in the haystack, but we were lucky enough to pick the right haystack in order to start searching for the needle."

Dr Blake and his colleagues have dedicated their work to the murder victims and their families.

The Melbourne mathematician now hopes the solution he and his colleagues have revealed will help crack the two remaining unsolved short ciphers: one with 13 symbols and the other with 32.

In correspondence, the killer hinted that these ciphers contain his name.

"I find the Zodiac case intriguing, but I'm far from a Zodiac killer expert," Dr Blake said.

"Perhaps my lack of knowledge of the case helped as it wasn't a distraction.

"It would be fantastic if this helps the investigation in some way, now it's over to the experts in interpreting the meaning of his message."


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58d43b No.159116

File: fe72d94fba8bbc6⋯.png (460.93 KB,514x692,257:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991123 (120422ZDEC20) Notable: UK requires resuscitation facilities at China Virus vaccine centers after allergic reactions

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Or an extremely high dose vaccine and they'll start developing symptoms.

A lot of people needed medical assistance after receiving their first dose of vaccines.

Why not make that a movie and let the normies see what vaccines do?


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58d43b No.159117

File: 76d3866f4a6cfdd⋯.png (144.42 KB,794x926,397:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 7821a83f4106d12⋯.png (814.27 KB,796x1320,199:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991267 (120436ZDEC20) Notable: General FLYNN retweet patriot Kevin McCullough on Dominion voting machine corruption

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Watch the Video



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58d43b No.159118

File: d9b2fcda5415bdc⋯.png (226.94 KB,628x472,157:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991281 (120439ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino American Patriot Bird of Prey!

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American Patriot Bird of Prey!

Birds of prey, also known as raptors, include species of bird that primarily hunt and feed on vertebrates that are large relative to the hunter. Additionally, they have keen eyesight for detecting food at a distance or during flight, strong feet equipped with talons for grasping or killing prey, and powerful, curved beaks for tearing flesh.[1][2][3] The term raptor is derived from the Latin word rapio, meaning to seize or take by force.[4] In addition to hunting live prey, many birds, such as fish eagles, vultures and condors, eat carrion.[1]

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58d43b No.159119

File: e047d5d3b8efccc⋯.png (33.56 KB,415x391,415:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991293 (120440ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino American Patriot Bird of Prey!

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58d43b No.159120

File: 7990df11af456c5⋯.png (44.04 KB,621x312,207:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dde13f286fdd15⋯.png (25.31 KB,615x210,41:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991300 (120443ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS “Don’t the voters have to know what the Federal prosecutor’s know

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“Don’t the voters have to know what the Federal prosecutor’s know. The establishment failed us. The media, congressional leaders, the Democrat Party? No wonder 74 (a pres. record) million Americans voted for Donald Trump, & they still don’t believe the outcome of this election…

….The American people deserve answers, better late than never.”


11:37 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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58d43b No.159121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991313 (120445ZDEC20) Notable: § 502. Enlistment oath: who may administer

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§ 502. Enlistment oath: who may administer

(a) Enlistment Oath.— Each person enlisting in an armed force shall take the following oath:

I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (So help me God)."

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58d43b No.159122

File: 4101a0b4ba2fb8d⋯.png (182.07 KB,516x797,516:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991321 (120446ZDEC20) Notable: Texas: No Standing Goldman Sachs: Standing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Texas: No Standing

Goldman Sachs: Standing




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58d43b No.159123

File: ce9c52d324f846c⋯.png (376.4 KB,607x662,607:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991332 (120447ZDEC20) Notable: China said Friday the U.S. practices on human rights have demonstrated to the whole world what "textbook" human rights hypocrisy looks like

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China said Friday the U.S. practices on human rights have demonstrated to the whole world what "textbook" human rights hypocrisy looks like.


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58d43b No.159124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991351 (120449ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino American Patriot Bird of Prey!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Just because the 'public' is unaware of something, does not mean 'nothing' is happening. MUELLER hearing a tactic meant to delay (H) report? (H) report release necessary prior to [C]omey release? (H) + [C] = D D = the start of the mass awakening (WH, ABCs, State, Foreign, ……) Post D comes many I's. When BLACKMAIL no longer holds due to LOSS OF SENIOR LEVEL KEY GOV POSITIONS AND 11th HOUR TESTIMONY…………those previously protected become Prey. HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED. GOD WINS. Q

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58d43b No.159125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991353 (120450ZDEC20) Notable: Good explanation of what is happening "We Are At War" - Leigh Dundas On Cyberwarfare and the Presidential Election (16 mins)

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58d43b No.159126

File: 4b2fa3bc5419e34⋯.png (73.27 KB,570x554,285:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991356 (120450ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS rejected the TX case "motion for leave to file a bill of complaint". If they file their cases as "motion to file the bill of complaint", then their cases will be heard.

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58d43b No.159127

File: c06535039c97907⋯.png (106.2 KB,1366x728,683:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991357 (120450ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino American Patriot Bird of Prey!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11991173 LB

>>>/qresearch/11991106 LB

>>159114 LB


16 stars visible = 14 whole and 2 partial ……16 miliatry locations for the vaxx tommorow???

Initial vaccination sites in the continental United States (CONUS) are:

-Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, TX

-Willford Hall, Joint Base San Antonio, TX

-Madigan Army Medical Center, Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA

-Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, NC

-Navy Branch Health Clinic, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL

-Base Alameda Health Services (clinic), U.S. Coast Guard Base, Alameda, CA

-Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA

Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, CA (distribution from San Diego)

-Naval Hospital Pensacola, Pensacola, FL

Armed Forces Retirement Home, Gulfport MS (Keesler AFB will administer) (distribution from Pensacola)

-Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD

Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, DC (distribution from Walter Reed)

-Portsmouth Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA

U.S. Coast Guard Base Clinic, Portsmouth, VA (distribution from Portsmouth Naval Medical Center)

-Indiana National Guard, Franklin, IN

-New York National Guard Medical Command, Watervliet, NY

Initial vaccination sites outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) are:

-Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI

-Allgood Army Community Hospital, Camp Humphreys, Korea

-Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany

-Kadena Medical Facility, Kadena AB, Japan


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58d43b No.159128

File: d08137a64c729ca⋯.png (228.91 KB,492x848,123:212,Clipboard.png)

File: b222d51881c96cd⋯.png (41.31 KB,683x844,683:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991378 (120453ZDEC20) Notable: Statements from HHS, DOD, and FDA

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Statements from HHS, DOD, and FDA



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58d43b No.159129

File: c3eaff288c6f324⋯.jpg (149.32 KB,1599x907,1599:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991390 (120455ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Anons Q team - Q74 - POTUS Ready

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patriot Anons

Q team - Q74 - POTUS Ready

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58d43b No.159130

File: 3e826565ee04c30⋯.png (1.79 MB,2048x1097,2048:1097,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991392 (120455ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino American Patriot Bird of Prey!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan ScavinoFlag of United StatesEagle


Flag of United StatesEagle

11:18 PM · Dec 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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58d43b No.159131

File: c895b2a99831852⋯.jpg (22.27 KB,469x205,469:205,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991413 (120457ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS “Don’t the voters have to know what the Federal prosecutor’s know

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58d43b No.159132

File: 34e31386c8d3ed9⋯.jpg (324.27 KB,825x778,825:778,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0cb9428ae11fe0e⋯.jpg (174.17 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991442 (120501ZDEC20) Notable: FBI San Francisco Tweet Zodiac cipher

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>>159115 (pb)

>Melbourne mathematician Samuel Blake and two fellow cryptologists have been officially recognised by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation for solving a 50-year-old cryptic message written by an as yet unnamed serial killer, known only as the Zodiac.

FBI SanFrancisco Tweet

#Breaking - Our statement regarding the #Zodiac cipher:

The FBI is aware that a cipher attributed to the Zodiac Killer was recently solved by private citizens. The Zodiac Killer case remains an ongoing investigation for the FBI San Francisco division and our local law enforcement partners. The Zodiac Killer terrorized multiple communities across Northern California and even though decades have gone by, we continue to seek justice for the victims of these brutal crimes. Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, and out of respect for the victims and their families, we will not be providing further comment at this time.


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58d43b No.159133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991457 (120502ZDEC20) Notable: Here are the judges districts and states LIST

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Here are the judges districts and states

For the District of Columbia Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice

For the First Circuit - Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice

(Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island)

For the Second Circuit - Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice

(Connecticut, New York, Vermont)

For the Third Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice

(Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgin Island)

For the Fourth Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice

(Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia)

For the Fifth Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice

(Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas)

For the Sixth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice

(Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee)

For the Seventh Circuit - Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice

(Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)

For the Eighth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice

(Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota)

For the Ninth Circuit - Elena Kagan, Associate Justice

(Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Washington)

For the Tenth Circuit - Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice

(Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming)

For the Eleventh Circuit - Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice

(Alabama, Florida, Georgia)

For the Federal Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice.

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58d43b No.159134

File: ed1f9eba1c356f0⋯.png (42.14 KB,605x512,605:512,Clipboard.png)

File: d17ab4469428f99⋯.png (65.61 KB,1072x546,536:273,Clipboard.png)

File: f296ebee8a34f05⋯.png (77.26 KB,710x521,710:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 4faa9b9e9a9b360⋯.png (23.66 KB,501x345,167:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b0d9bce3b3ffe8⋯.png (241.14 KB,1142x510,571:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991516 (120508ZDEC20) Notable: Ampersand World SA Partners with Deloitte, Thomson Reuters Child philanthropy?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The ampersand in quotes

Look at this company

Ampersand World SA

"We are a leading Swiss firm specialized in recruitment and career development for core positions in Banking fields & Financial Markets, Commodity Trading, Shipping, and International Trade Industries, from operational to executive positions. We help our clients to recruit the best talents either in Switzerland, Africa or Middle East."

Partners with Deloitte, Thomson Reuters

Child philanthropy


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58d43b No.159135

File: 8b5d50d75e614bd⋯.png (548.08 KB,759x576,253:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991606 (120519ZDEC20) Notable: Even Youtube's close captioning doesn't lie. "…the fda has authorized the fisa vaccine…"

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Even Youtube's close captioning doesn't lie.

"…the fda has authorized the fisa vaccine…"

Good catch, youtube!


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58d43b No.159136

File: 1cf4d680d89b220⋯.jpg (96.56 KB,650x1000,13:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fff6f0f998b471d⋯.jpg (232.96 KB,1899x816,633:272,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f884ac43d86e5c8⋯.jpg (117.16 KB,724x770,362:385,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a13801eb83b154b⋯.jpg (128.8 KB,934x618,467:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991623 (120521ZDEC20) Notable: FBI San Francisco Tweet Zodiac cipher

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Zodiac serial killer code solved more than 50 years on by team including Aussie mathematician

An Australian mathematician working with a team of three has helped crack the coded message sent more than 50 years ago by the infamous San Francisco Zodiac Killer.

The serial killer has never been caught over five murders in the Northern California area in the late 1960s and early 1970s but became known by his pseudonym in taunting letters sent to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper.

Some of the notes came in the form of a code, including the complex 340 cipher that has remained unsolved until now.

Melbourne mathematician Samuel Blake worked in a team with codebreakers David Oranchak and Jarl Van Eycke to crack the enigmatic code.

“We tried several hundreds of thousands of indirect ways of solving the cipher and just by chance we happened to stumble upon a fragment of how it could be solved,” Dr Blake told ABC News on Saturday.

“Using that fragment we reverse engineered the entire solution and got the entire message out from the Zodiac.”

The decrypted message reads as follows:


Dr Blake, a visiting fellow at the University of Melbourne, said the message does not reveal the killer’s identity but could help authorities track down who he is.

The university’s supercomputer, Spartan, helped solve the message after processing more than 600,000 possible solutions.

Dr Blake revealed the cipher had multiple symbols and was written in a different way to normal codes, which made it more difficult to crack.

“The reading direction we are normally used to is left to right and top to bottom on a page,” he said.

“Whereas what the Zodiac did in this cipher was write it diagonally.

“He went one row down, two columns across, wandering down, two columns across.

“To write it out and try to stumble across that correct enumeration was one of the main difficulties here.”

No-one has been charged over the Zodiac case but speculation has been rife for years as to the killer’s true identity.

In a statement, the San Francisco division of the FBI said the Zodiac Killer case remains an ongoing investigation and declined to comment further out of respect for the victims and their families.

“The Zodiac Killer terrorised multiple communities across Northern California and even though decades have gone by, we continue to seek justice for the victims of these brutal crimes,” a spokesman said.


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58d43b No.159137

File: 990e542cd533ee6⋯.png (55.06 KB,600x580,30:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991646 (120525ZDEC20) Notable: DJT A Rigged Election, fight on!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


So, you’re the President of the United States, and you just went through an election where you got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far - and purportedly lost. You can’t get “standing” before the Supreme Court, so you “intervene” with wonderful states…..

….that, after careful study and consideration, think you got “screwed”, something which will hurt them also. Many others likewise join the suit but, within a flash, it is thrown out and gone, without even looking at the many reasons it was brought. A Rigged Election, fight on!


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58d43b No.159138

File: 6f5d15a5c05c57d⋯.png (21.29 KB,1186x111,1186:111,Clipboard.png)

File: b31aea04f2d321b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1498x805,214:115,Clipboard.png)

File: e6e1bc3bb92d0a2⋯.png (622.08 KB,1842x1120,921:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991649 (120525ZDEC20) Notable: PF interdasting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11988483 (all PBs from breads ago)

What happens here? pic related…odd why is one section blocked with white scribble? And WTF the snake?

52°43’51″ N, 0°03’39″ W

Grundy is a sorta famous name and KEK on the Jekil Bank Rd.



Yeah around the time of the Michigan shoot down of the Chink / Canadian drone Cobra Ball hot footed off toward Asia. They go after subs.

Pic related.


"hidden holocaust"

Stupid fucks. At least post the fucking TRUTH…..a Christian is going to avoid the fuck out of posting the TRUTH about the Jewish Bolshevik mass murder of 160 MILLION Tartar Russian Christians….because their "chosen" were the murderers.


>For anyone having trouble with catalogs and breads not updating correctly:


>Put a ? after .html

Thanks bro that worked to find recent bread in catalog…I think.

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58d43b No.159139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991650 (120525ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden — IT WAS NOT HUMAN ERROR!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


not q but read the notables

HUGE! Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan County CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden — IT WAS NOT HUMAN ERROR!


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58d43b No.159140

File: 19b4e78b5e4319b⋯.jpg (140.99 KB,945x748,945:748,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991663 (120527ZDEC20) Notable: Secretary of the Navy Visits Awesome Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Squadron 1

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watching the waters Aye..

Secretary of the Navy Visits Awesome Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Squadron 1

Secretary of the Navy Kenneth J. Braithwaite visited Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Squadron (UUVRON) 1, Dec. 9.

Braithwaite’s visit to UUVRON-1 was the first of several Navy units he visited as part of a larger trip focused on community engagement with Sailors, Marines and Department of the Navy civilians in the Pacific Northwest region.

“The effort the UUVRON-1 team has poured into research and development of their unmanned undersea vehicles has set a strong foundation for a more agile and flexible force across the Navy’s undersea platforms,” said Braithwaite. “Continuing to evolve our Navy’s unmanned systems capabilities is essential to upholding our competitive advantage at sea now and into the future.”

In preparation for the visit, UUVRON-1 team members set up multiple displays to present recent tactical developments, launch and recovery systems, and various unmanned undersea vehicle components and capabilities.

During the visit, Braithwaite met with Sailors and UUVRON-1 leadership, and received briefs on the unit’s mission capabilities to include the Navy’s unmanned undersea systems, and recent developments.

“The team was super excited to be able to host the secretary here in the Pacific Northwest, and show him all the unmanned undersea vehicle developments across the family of systems,” said Robert Patchin, commanding officer, UUVRON-1.

UUVRON-1 was established in 2017 as the Navy’s first unmanned undersea squadron and reports to Submarine Development Squadron 5, a command responsible for multiple submarine warfare mission areas, including submarine rescue operations, and developing and testing new submarine warfare capabilities. Arrr!

For more news from Commander, Submarine Group 9, visit https://www.csp.navy.mil/csg9


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58d43b No.159141

File: 74dbce088c5d9a1⋯.png (382.23 KB,504x308,18:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a207f106c77766⋯.png (370.2 KB,807x367,807:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991667 (120528ZDEC20) Notable: Former Special Forces Officer Warns Of 'Color Revolution Tactics' Used Against Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Special Forces Officer Warns Of 'Color Revolution Tactics' Used Against Trump

Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by President Donald Trump’s opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.

“A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change,” the officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times.

“What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that’s using a color revolution to affect regime change.”

The 2019 Transition Integrity Project, according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this year’s presidential election were “transparently orchestrated” by “Marxist elements within the Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments.”

“It may not have fallen out just as they wanted, because anytime you carry out an operation like this, the enemy will get a vote. But the plan was we will not concede the election. The goal here was never the presidency,” the officer said.

“The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking the efficacy of the Constitution.”

To achieve their goal, the anti-Trump opposition focused their main effort on affecting the election, the officer said.

Some of the most notable color revolutions took place amid turmoil sparked by disputed elections. In 2004, mass protests in Ukraine following allegations of a fraudulent presidential election, which initially showed pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych as the winner, led to a new vote won by Viktor Yushchenko, the candidate backed by the European Union and the United States.

The officer said the tactics used by the anti-Trump opposition can be found in the Special Forces’ guide for overthrowing a government.

“What you’re getting from me, this is supported in all older unconventional warfare doctrines,” the officer said.

“You could go to our manuals and pull from them the information I’m telling you. This isn’t from someone who’s a rabid Trump supporter. This is what’s happening.”

The officer then talked about how President Barack Obama used his eight years in office to “seed his political allies all through the institutions,” created an “underground” or “shadow government” supported by legacy media and rioters.

“With the president being unable to get his own people into the administration, we effectively had a third administration of Obama,” the officer said.

“So we come to what we have today: The underground are the elements within the government. We saw how they opposed the president, how they tried the impeachment.”


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58d43b No.159142

File: de308d0859804e1⋯.png (238.34 KB,607x603,607:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991670 (120528ZDEC20) Notable: FBI San Francisco Tweet Zodiac cipher

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@KMOV 2h

After 51 years, the Zodiac Killer's cipher has been solved by amateur codebreakers


More than 50 years after the so-called Zodiac Killer first began terrorizing the streets of Northern California, a code-breaking team is believed to have finally cracked one of the killer's mysterious coded messages sent to the San Francisco Chronicle in 1969.

Dubbed the "340 cipher," the message was unraveled by a trio of code breakers – David Oranchak, a software developer in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke, a Belgian computer programmer, and Sam Blake, an Australian mathematician.

Decoding the cipher revealed the following message. It was sent in all capital letters without punctuation and included the misspelling of paradise:

"I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me

That wasn't me on the TV show which brings up a point about me

I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice all the sooner

Because I now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death

I am not afraid because I know that my new life will be an easy one in paradice death."

The TV show the message refers to is "The Jim Dunbar Show," a Bay Area television talk show. The cipher was sent two weeks after a person claiming to be the Zodiac Killer called into the show.

"It was incredible. It was a big shock, I never really thought we'd find anything because I had grown so used to failure," Oranchak, who's been working on solving the killer's messages since 2006, told CNN.

"When I first started, I used to get excited when I would see some words come through they were like false positives, phantoms. I had grown used to that. It was a long shot we didn't even really know if there was a message," he said. …




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58d43b No.159143

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,255x166,255:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991702 (120532ZDEC20) Notable: Even Youtube's close captioning doesn't lie. "…the fda has authorized the fisa vaccine…"

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The first vaccine will be administered in 24 hours.

The governors decide where the vaccines go in their state.

The vaccine will vanquish the virus.

We have the will and the courage to pursue ambitious goals.

Suicide Weekend

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58d43b No.159144

File: 906212a3709835f⋯.png (92.35 KB,905x681,905:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991704 (120533ZDEC20) Notable: THE BIDEN FAMILY AFFAIRS

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Leaked Text Messages Show Sickening Facts About The Biden Family, and Friends Are Involved

Friday December 11, 2020 8:03 PM

Leaked text and voice messages from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” revealed complicated relationship between Hallie Biden, who is the wife of Hunter Biden’s elder brother Beau Biden, with members of the Biden family.

Beau Biden died in May 2015 from brain cancer . In an interview , Hunter Biden said he and Hallie Biden “bonded over Beau’s death”. Hunter and Hallie had reportedly dated from 2016 to 2019.

It seems a rather unusual relationship. However leaked messages in 2017 showed it was more unusual than Hunter dating his brother’s widow. The relationship was challenged by Hallie’s alleged affair with a family friend, and five months they mended,Joe Biden sent voice messages to his daughter-in-law that was suggestive of his untoward feelings.

Hallie’s alleged affair with a friend of the Bidens

On April 28th 2017, Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden had a feud over Hunter’s suspicion that Hallie had been dating another man, ‘David’. In their exchanged text messages, Hallie proclaimed that she had never been “physically” with a man called David, and that she “deeply want and love” Hunter Biden. In his text, Hunter Biden said he did not believe in what Hallie said, and implied that ‘David’ that Hallie allegedly had an affair with is a friend of the Bidens, who “had a reason to be at the house and out with you (Hallie).”

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58d43b No.159145

File: f94a35e4a465835⋯.png (293.78 KB,629x822,629:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991724 (120535ZDEC20) Notable: Even Youtube's close captioning doesn't lie. "…the fda has authorized the fisa vaccine…"

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[Pg 294]

[Meeting between Comey and Coleman on October 4]

>Coleman told us that he could not recall this briefing with Comey.

>Coleman’s notes from October 4 contained the following entry:

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]

(2) [Unrelated]

(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit

-9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop

-Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

-Hillary Clinton & Foundation

-Crime Against Children+++

>We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the +++Criminal Investigative Division+++.

>Comey told us that he did not recall the briefing by Coleman reflected in his calendar.

>We asked Comey if this briefing could have been the time in early October that he recalled being told about the connection between Midyear and the Weiner investigation. Comey stated:

"It’s possible, possible this is what is knocking around in the back of my head, but I really, see I know the frailty of memory from having done a lot of this work, at least in my memory it’s much more of an informal than a meeting about it, but it’s possible."

>We showed Coleman’s notes from October 4 to Comey. Comey did not recall being briefed on the information contained in the notes.










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58d43b No.159146

File: edf53377ced2060⋯.png (23.45 KB,493x291,493:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991760 (120539ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS FDA APPROVES PFIZER VACCINE FOR EMERGENCY USE!!!

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58d43b No.159147

File: 3fd27df2147dc13⋯.png (70.06 KB,812x665,116:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 92ceff7dc7629d2⋯.png (246.18 KB,638x528,29:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991808 (120544ZDEC20) Notable: Even Youtube's close captioning doesn't lie. "…the fda has authorized the fisa vaccine…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sooo…. in the POTUS vaccine video people said he was saying FISA instead of Pfizer..

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58d43b No.159148

File: 7e3f107a841d71b⋯.png (24.25 KB,598x213,598:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991834 (120547ZDEC20) Notable: DJT “We’ve not gotten any court to judge this (the vote) on its merit

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“We’ve not gotten any court to judge this (the vote) on its merit.” @DanPatrick of Texas. It is a legal disgrace, an embarrassment to the USA!!!


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58d43b No.159149

File: 633f141d655a47e⋯.png (244.68 KB,456x942,76:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c1220955923ba3⋯.png (13.83 KB,551x99,551:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11991878 (120552ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS TIME STAMP DECODE

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Thank you.

we anons certainly make a good team!

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58d43b No.159150

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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