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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

eb73fc No.218 [Last50 Posts]

06DEC20 to 07DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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eb73fc No.156147

File: 1643a4b098ec600⋯.jpg (82.8 KB,501x500,501:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919276 (060129ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Admin requires written authorization before Biden Team can talk to anybody at the Pentagon/Intel Agencies

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The Trump administration has refused to allow members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies that are controlled by the Pentagon

this is critical to note as the Pentagon controlled National Security Agency is the largest US intelligence service, and its eavesdropping capabilities have been a critical source of intelligence on threats as varied as weapons proliferation and foreign interference in US elections.


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eb73fc No.156148

File: 8c81ac03ca32ba8⋯.png (634.41 KB,601x660,601:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919291 (060130ZDEC20) Notable: US Naval Forces Europe-Africa / US 6th Fleet

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No matter what the @USNavy

continues to deploy and patrol around the world alongside our many Allies and partners… no matter what!!!

Great words from our @USNavyCNO


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eb73fc No.156149

File: 9570b7e0ec09c0b⋯.png (2.02 MB,1242x902,621:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919309 (060131ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Autonomous zone’ NYC bar is making big bucks on GoFundMe

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‘Autonomous zone’ NYC bar is making big bucks on GoFundMe

Staten Island’s self-proclaimed “Autonomous Zone” bar can’t legally open its doors to customers, but the joint is still managing to clean up.

A nearly week-old online fundraiser for Mac’s Public House had raised $75,000 by Saturday afternoon.

“We’ve all been shuttered and struggling since the first shutdowns,” co-owner Danny Presti says in the fundraiser.

“Mac’s Public House decided to take a stand for what is right, and we now ask for your support. With your help and donations, we will continue the fight to stay open, and anything we receive in excess of what we need will go towards assisting other small businesses fighting fines and getting reopened.”

“This isn’t just for Mac’s, this is for all of us.”

Nearly 2,000 people had made donations via GoFundMe by Saturday.

During sporadic openings this week, including on Friday night, the bar has been serving “free” food and drink while requesting patrons make donations in lieu of payment.


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eb73fc No.156150

File: 64cbdb46d559eaa⋯.png (193.67 KB,867x646,51:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919326 (060132ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon did not deny Biden team access to military intel agencies, officials say

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Pentagon did not deny Biden team access to military intel agencies, officials say

The Defense Department on Saturday pushed back on media reports that it denied members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team access to meetings with DoD intelligence agencies.

Numerous outlets reported on Dec. 4 that the DoD had rejected or not approved requests from Biden’s DoD Agency Review Team, attributing their information to anonymous sources.

Saturday afternoon, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller said the Pentagon was cooperating with the Biden transition team.

“Leadership transitions, be they from one company commander to the next or one presidential administration to another, are an area in which the Department boasts a long record of bipartisan excellence,” Miller said in a statement emailed to reporters. “The DoD and its transition leadership are fully cooperating with the Biden transition team, placing national security and the protection of the American people at the forefront of any and all discussions.”

In a press call with reporters, senior defense officials, speaking anonymously to push back against those anonymous reports, called the allegations false. The defense officials said that the Biden Intelligence Community ART had reached out directly to DoD intelligence agencies for meetings when, according to the terms of the White House’s agreement with the Biden transition team, such requests should go through the DoD transition team, led by Director of Washington Headquarters Services Tom Muir.

Members of the Biden DoD ART are scheduled to meet with members of the DoD intelligence community including the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency on Monday and Tuesday next week, according to officials.

“The accusation by anonymous sources that DoD has not been fulfilling its commitment to professionally assist any of the Agency Review Teams is demonstrably false and patently insulting,” the DoD’s official statement said. “Stories run in the last day fail to reflect the dozens of interviews and meetings that have taken place and the many dozens more that are planned in the coming weeks.”

Senior defense officials also said the procedural issues had been worked out and meetings scheduled prior to the anonymous allegations that they had denied access. Officials from the Biden transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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eb73fc No.156151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919349 (060133ZDEC20) Notable: Trump lashes out at Defense Bill for having ridiculous National Monument desecration clause

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TRUMP: Defense Bill Includes Language Allowing for ‘Renaming and Even Desecration of National Monuments’

Republicans are okay with monuments being destroyed, but we can't do anything about Big Tech's liability protections.

President Trump lashed out against the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) over Twitter Saturday, highlighting language in the bill allowing for the “renaming and even desecration of national monuments.”

“This is not what our country wants,” tweeted the President, who has previously threatened to veto the $740.5 billion spending bill if provisions requiring what has been dubbed “historical vandalism” remain intact.

According to polling data, 56% of Americans stand opposed to the idea.

A provision is in the NDAA for the renaming, or even desecration, of National Monuments in National Parks. This is not what our Country wants!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2020

Under the 4,517-page bill, the Department of Defense would be required to create a commission meant to “remove all names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America.” The commission would have 3 years to complete the renaming and removal process.

President Trump has been outspoken against the removal of America’s monuments, an effort spearheaded by the radical left and adopted by leading Democrats, as well as a number of establishment Republicans. Over the summer, as riotous Black Lives Matter mobs toppled statues of Confederate and Union heroes, America’s founding fathers, and even Jesus Christ, the Republican-controlled Senate voted in favor of NDAA provisions requiring the renaming of 10 military installations bearing the names of Confederate military leaders.

The move prompted President Trump to threaten a veto of the bill’s finalized version – were it still to include the renaming provision – with the White House listing the renaming of military bases among a group of “serious concerns” about the bill in an official statement on the matter.

“Nevertheless, H.R. 6395 includes several provisions that present serious concerns. Among other

major provisions, the Administration strongly objects to section 2829, which would require

renaming of certain military institutions

Additionally, the bill blocks a reduction of U.S. troops stationed in Germany, a staple of President Trump’s America’s First agenda, and a response to the country’s refusal to contribute their fair share to NATO.

President Trump has pushed hard for Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to be removed in the 2021 NDAA. CDA 230 offers liability protections to big tech companies including Facebook and Twitter that prevent them from being liable for the written statements of their users.


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eb73fc No.156152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919391 (060135ZDEC20) Notable: Anti-Voter Fraud Group Finds Link Between Nevada State Website and Intel-Linked Pakistani Company

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Anti-Voter Fraud Group Finds Suspicious Link Between Nevada State Website and Intelligence-Linked Pakistani Company


An anti-voter fraud organization has alerted state and federal government authorities after it found a suspicious link between a Nevada state government website and a Pakistani company that is allegedly linked to Pakistani intelligence services, Breitbart News has learned.

The organization, True the Vote, alerted state and federal authorities after it requested a Nevada voter registration list through the Nevada secretary of state’s website, and received an email back with a downloadable voter file. That email arrived with an employee of Pakistani company Kavtech carbon copied.

True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht wrote Thursday in a letter to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers obtained exclusively by Breitbart News that when the email arrived, “I was shocked to see the inclusion of another email address in the CC line.”

“The address was waqas@kavtech.net. Waqas Butt is the CEO of Kavtech Solutions Ltd.. Kavtech is a Pakistani owned company, located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, with ties to Pakistani intelligence, military, and the interior,” she wrote.

Election researchers aware of the situation said the inclusion of the email could be anything from an accident by a contractor who worked on the Nevada secretary of state’s website, to an indication of an unauthorized intrusion into the backend of the state government website’s system by a company allegedly linked to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Such an intrusion could be problematic if downloading the voter registration list also worked as a phishing attack, where hackers could gain entry into the servers of those requesting the lists, or if hackers had access to state government email communications.

“The fact that this company was cc’ed on an email containing access to the Nevada voter registration database appears to be evidence of a breach within the Nevada Secretary of State’s email system,” Engelbrecht wrote to Demers.

She added:

Obviously, the problems that such a breach may evidence include access to at least the voter registration information of Nevada residents. At worst it could reveal a breach that gives a foreign power access to not only the State of Nevada’s systems, but also to the email systems of anyone whom the State communicates with via email.

Engelbrecht also included in her letter to Demers a copy of the email True the Vote received from the Nevada secretary of state’s office with the link to the downloadable voter registration list with waqas@kavtech.net cc’ed.

The Nevada secretary of state email explicitly states that “the information must only be used for the purposes authorized by local, state and/or federal laws and regulations.”

“By submitting the Request for List of Registered Voters, all users acknowledge that any improper use of the information compiled in the statewide voter registration database may constitute a felony pursuant to NRS 239.330,” it said.

Engelbrecht said in an interview with Breitbart News on Friday about the Pakistani company, “Why would they be getting this information? Why would they show up on a cc line? There’s no good way to look at that that should make anyone feel confident in the security of this process.”

“Further, all we can speak to is our experience. Who knows where else that is showing up and what else they’re tracking? If it’s embedded in a form like that, they could be doing that for any number of things,” she added. “The implication here that a foreign national company with known ties to the intelligence community in Pakistan — there’s no way to overlook that. It’s inexplicable and it should be investigated.”

The security breach flies in the face of election security officials who claim that the elections were the most secure in history.

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too,” a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) executive committee said in a statement on November 12.

“When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections,” it said.

Breitbart News sent requests for comment to the Arizona secretary of state and the Justice Department but has not yet received a response.

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eb73fc No.156153

File: f1f55f0d2b33881⋯.png (1.89 MB,1244x938,622:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919395 (060135ZDEC20) Notable: Scientists link radiation to mysterious Havana Syndrome that hit US diplomats

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Scientists link radiation to mysterious Havana Syndrome that hit US diplomats

A type of radiation that includes microwaves has been linked for the first time scientifically to Havana Syndrome, the mysterious illness that has struck American diplomats in China and Cuba.

Researchers at the National Academies of Science have found that the symptoms described by several dozen government employees — dizziness, unsteadiness, visual impairments, feeling pressure in the head and hearing a loud sound — are consistent with radiofrequency energy, NBC News reported.

In their report, the scientists pointed out that studies more than 50 years ago and Western and Soviet sources more recently “provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism.”

For years, US officials have suspected Russia was behind the attacks, and the report doesn’t rule out that possibility.

“The mere consideration of such a scenario raises grave concerns about a world with disinhibited malevolent actors and new tools for causing harm to others…,” they wrote.

The illness became known as Havana Syndrome after US diplomats stationed in the Cuban capital began experiencing symptoms in 2016. Diplomats in China reported similar symptoms around the same time.


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eb73fc No.156154

File: 2af34dda4ddfe19⋯.png (85.64 KB,774x631,774:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919412 (060136ZDEC20) Notable: San Mateo County breaks with Newsom, won't impose stay-at-home order

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San Mateo County breaks with Newsom, won't impose stay-at-home order

Newsom asked California counties to implement the order if ICU capacity fell below 15%

San Mateo County will not immediately implement Gov. Gavin Newsom's regional new stay-at-home order as coronavirus cases and hospitalizations spike in the state.

Newsom announced new orders Thursday asking Californians in areas where hospital ICU capacity has reached 15% to stay home and close business operations for at least three weeks starting Saturday.

But San Mateo County said on Thursday that instead it will work with the community and businesses to enforce the state's strictest existing restrictions under its "purple tier" category, diverging from other Bay Area counties.

"We know our residents have sacrificed and patience is growing thin, but we need you to know that you have the power to curb the spread and preserve hospital capacity for those who will need care in the coming weeks. We can get through this together if each of us takes action now to social distance, wear face coverings and avoid gatherings,” said County Manager Michael Callagy.

San Mateo noted in a Wednesday blog post that California expects the Bay Area region to fall bellow the 15% ICU threshold by mid-December while other counties could reach that threshold "within days."

San Mateo County Chief of Health Louise Rogers said in a statement that the county acknowledges "the reality of the pandemic fatigue that residents are experiencing and the need to find sources of support through this challenging period."

"Our collective focus must be on finding ways to support each other through this crisis safely while limiting gathering and adhering to face covering," Rogers said.


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eb73fc No.156155

File: 4cbde87aba70a1f⋯.png (847.67 KB,806x562,403:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919466 (060140ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet - HAPPENING NOW GEORGIA!

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eb73fc No.156156

File: 0d8b8a16eac72ea⋯.png (26.04 KB,229x346,229:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919478 (060141ZDEC20) Notable: X22 Report wrote a book on the New World Order

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Listen to the X22 report, it's good. He wrote a book called New World Order…

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eb73fc No.156157

File: 0451dcd3b8c7fb3⋯.png (281.39 KB,681x429,227:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919489 (060141ZDEC20) Notable: Cernovich tweet - hahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck you fox news fox news 39K watching rsbn over 250K+

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hahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck you fox news

live trump rally feeds:

fox news 39K watching

rsbn over 250K+



Over 250,000 live watching this right now


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eb73fc No.156158

File: 12895bb30f4efa1⋯.png (429.04 KB,1480x757,1480:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 94f044d3ecdfcf6⋯.png (1.25 MB,1164x713,1164:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 321aa364b4fb2c9⋯.png (1.81 MB,1442x714,103:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919523 (060144ZDEC20) Notable: Rick Barron, Fulton County Elections Director dig

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Rick Barron, Fulton County Elections Director

In our country, elections are run by election officials like Rick who are our neighbors and friends. Get to know him and why he loves democracy below!

Rick always knew he wanted a job where he could both make a difference and serve the public. Once he was bitten by the election bug, there was no turning back. Now, he serves as Election Director for Fulton County, GA in the Atlanta metro where spends each day making sure voters have a voice.

Making sure that voters can make their voice heard and are empowered to participate in Democracy is what drives Rick every day. Our elections only work because folks like Rick are there everyday making sure that their community is served, and everyone has a chance to cast their vote.

They say that when you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work, and that's exactly the attitude Rick brings to Fulton County.

National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI)


National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI) is dedicated to making sure every American can vote in secure, safe, accessible, and equitable elections by expanding vote-at-home systems in all 50 states. NVAHI works with election officials in optimizing their administration processes and governing laws for both mail ballot and in-person voting methods. NVAHI works to remove legislative and administrative barriers to vote-at-home systems and educate the public on the benefits of voting at home while still preserving the ability to vote in person for those who may want or need it.

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eb73fc No.156159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919541 (060145ZDEC20) Notable: #15214

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>>>/qresearch/11918855 Dough

#15214 FINAL Notables

>>156138 SCOTUS closed to public over 'China Virus' concerns?

>>156139 CM tweet - The importance of #DominionWatch in Cobb, Gwinnett and Cherokee County is underestimated

>>156140 TRUMP names new appointees to Pentagon's Defense Business Board

>>156141 Anon Q post dig/theory

>>156142 Lockport man who shipped drugs disguised as sea cucumbers sentenced to prison

>>156143 Head Of World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund Forced Out Because His Wife Is Chinese

>>156144 Anon opine on CM Project Odin - High IQ

>>156145 PF Report

>>156147 Trump Admin requires written authorization before Biden Team can talk to anybody at the Pentagon/Intel Agencies

>>156148 US Naval Forces Europe-Africa / US 6th Fleet

>>156149 ‘Autonomous zone’ NYC bar is making big bucks on GoFundMe

>>156150 Pentagon did not deny Biden team access to military intel agencies, officials say

>>156151 Trump lashes out at Defense Bill for having ridiculous National Monument desecration clause

>>156152 Anti-Voter Fraud Group Finds Link Between Nevada State Website and Intel-Linked Pakistani Company

>>156153 Scientists link radiation to mysterious Havana Syndrome that hit US diplomats

>>156154 San Mateo County breaks with Newsom, won't impose stay-at-home order

>>156155 Dan Scavino tweet - HAPPENING NOW GEORGIA!

>>156156 X22 Report wrote a book on the New World Order

>>156157 Cernovich tweet - hahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck you fox news fox news 39K watching rsbn over 250K+

>>156158 Rick Barron, Fulton County Elections Director dig


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eb73fc No.156160

File: 200a156204d9ea6⋯.png (87.07 KB,484x461,484:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919682 (060154ZDEC20) Notable: call to dig CodemonkeyZ - Hmmm.. does anybody know what Oglethorpe Bluff is?

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call to dig CodeMonkeyZ





Hmmm.. does anybody know what Oglethorpe Bluff is?

Why would Poll Pads be connected there?


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eb73fc No.156161

File: 6bcfe13c2b602e8⋯.png (468.33 KB,605x573,605:573,Clipboard.png)

File: a7e1cd3d107370a⋯.png (1.11 MB,700x2862,350:1431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919698 (060155ZDEC20) Notable: Jet exec busted in NYC sex trafficking probe was known pedophile, neighbors claim

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Jet exec busted in NYC sex trafficking probe was known pedophile, neighbors claim


Paul Alexander, 57, the CEO of a small, Bronx-based charter jet company, was arrested this week on charges he trafficked girls as young as 12 years old.

The arrest was the result of a joint investigation by the state prosecutor’s office called “Operation Mile High” — a nod to his job as CEO of Central Jet Charter, New York Attorney General Letitia James said Saturday.

Alexander had no remorse for his young victims, and would charge older men to have sex with them, the AG’s office said.


Wow. I would never have pictured this guy as NOT gay

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eb73fc No.156162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919709 (060155ZDEC20) Notable: Who is Lord Mark Malloch-brown

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>>>/qresearch/11919571 (PB)

Thread here..


Who is Lord Mark Malloch-brown.

He is one of the most powerful people in this world.

This guy is a huge piece of the Puzzle.

Lord Mark Malloch-brown is 1 of the Puppet Masters.

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eb73fc No.156163

File: 2fcbd41d9863d62⋯.png (2.05 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919737 (060157ZDEC20) Notable: call to dig CodemonkeyZ - Hmmm.. does anybody know what Oglethorpe Bluff is?

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>Oglethorpe Bluff


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eb73fc No.156164

File: 86ea0952b5d8e75⋯.png (61.96 KB,804x704,201:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919742 (060157ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn - Mr. President, what you brought tonight in Georgia, you need to bring to EVERY swing state

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Mr. President, what you brought tonight in Georgia, you need to bring to EVERY swing state. #WeThePeople all need to hear this same message across our great & beautiful country.



God Bless America

Folded hands

Flag of United States



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eb73fc No.156165

File: 968dd6a2a50641e⋯.jpg (150.49 KB,1079x947,1079:947,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ec622d5cb7dd72⋯.png (804.02 KB,1140x641,1140:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 63375f2f3ac8078⋯.jpg (102.02 KB,1280x1270,128:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919759 (060158ZDEC20) Notable: Fort Bragg soldier Enrique Roman-Martinez, 21, went missing from his campsite on the Outer Banks on May 22

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Yep. I have no idea why this is so under the radar. Should be 24/7 hearings.

6:31 PM · Dec 5, 2020·Twitter for iPhone






Fort Bragg soldier was decapitated on Outer Banks


Fort Bragg soldier Enrique Roman-Martinez, 21, went missing from his campsite on the Outer Banks on May 22. CAPE LOOKOUT NATIONAL SEASHORE PHOTO

Aja Smith




Our own congressional reps won't call for a hearing regarding forthood. This is serious






Replying to





Rest in peace, soldiers!

The Golden Hand




Replying to


Base commander was relieved of duty. He is done





Replying to


Media decides what’s considered worthy of investigation. Enemy of the people.

Mike Flag of United StatesShamrock✌🏻Scorpius




Replying to







Replying to


something is def wrong in fort hood

Nashville Grumpy




Replying to


Life is becoming more and more like the movies man - fucking pissing me off

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eb73fc No.156166

File: 6b6769a326f859e⋯.png (639.15 KB,808x773,808:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919782 (060159ZDEC20) Notable: WHO THE HELL IS "ALLISON MALLOCH-BROWN

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>>156081 pb malloch brown open society dig

WHO THE HELL IS "ALLISON MALLOCH-BROWN" and why did the open society tag her twatter instead of Mark's?

attached is the original twat by the open foundation.

It tagged @MallochBrown which leads to "Allison Malloch-Brown":


Was it an honest mistake or was it a threat of sort?

A quick google search reveals that both her and Brendon Malloch-Brown (brother?) are heading a smart house business in Zimbabwe Africa, a 3rd world shithole country which is the last place in the world where a smart house company is likely to operate successfully.

Here is the profile of Allison Malloch-Brown:


And this is her brother (or husband?) Brendon Malloch-Brown:


here is the website of their company (FB page):


There was also a famous cricket player from Rhodesia (later turned - Zimbabwe) by the name of "Lance Malloch-Brown".

None of these names turn out when you search for Malloch-Brown's children, and he is a single child by himself.

On his wikipedia page it is said that he was born to an exiled South African diplomat.


So it looks like in this twat, Soros was reminding his partner in crime that he knows about his African family branch. Is this Zimbabwe smart house business a shell company?

remember that Mark Malloch-Brown used to be the vice sec of the UN?

Brendan Malloch-Brown's smart house co was taking part in a UN program:


Now the story gets interesting. Mark Malloch-Brown has ties to Africa as well:

He used to be Britain's Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, and later he went to the private sector, as an executive at the communications and business advisory firm, FTI Consulting.

Now comes the fuckery with his buddy Soros again:

Israeli African mining tycoon Benny Steinmatz Steinmetz and his company BSGR accuse their own former communications and business advisory firm, FTI Consulting, of breaching its contract with BSGR by colluding with Soros in the alleged campaign.

According to documents filed with Britain’s High Court and seen by Reuters on Thursday, Steinmetz and BSGR are suing FTI Consulting and FTI executive Mark Malloch-Brown, a former British government minister, for breach of contract and, for the latter, a “collusive and unlawful” relationship with Soros.

They accuse Malloch-Brown, who is close to Soros and was vice chairman of his investment funds, of handing over confidential information on BSGR and of failing to disclose his ties to the financier and alert BSGR to the potential conflict of interest.

“(Malloch-Brown’s) relationship with Mr Soros was so close that (he) was in charge of funding the very NGOs which were building a case against BSGR,” BSGR said in the documents.


What's up with the Malloch-Brown African connection? NEED MORE EYES HERE

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eb73fc No.156167

File: f700753dee99eee⋯.png (1.49 MB,1478x710,739:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 13cfe00dc01492a⋯.png (505.59 KB,804x609,268:203,Clipboard.png)

File: f6cb530ee3bdbb0⋯.png (567.17 KB,732x623,732:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 342e78a415efe10⋯.png (400.34 KB,783x618,261:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919805 (060200ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter Confounded By Fulton County Elections Director

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Twitter Confounded By Fulton County Elections Director (Atlanta) Wearing Portland Timbers Lanyard

NOVEMBER 5, 2020


Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron has been a major focus of the nation this week. As eyes converge on Atlanta votes coming in to see if Georgia flips from red to blue in the U.S. presidential election, Barron has appeared on TV to explain the process to media such as CNN.

And he’s done so with some soccer paraphernalia adorned around his neck.

As many on Twitter have pointed out (and my brother texted me about it Wednesday night), Barron has been wearing a Portland Timbers lanyard in all of his interviews on TV. Fulton County, of course, is Atlanta United territory, so many folks were understandably confused. Some jokingly suggested a conspiracy, but we all know conspiracy theories about voter fraud are never true.

So, what gives? Why is an Atlanta-area election director supporting a Portland soccer team? Again, almost all alleged voter fraud is a conspiracy theory purported by those who want to increase voter suppression, so it’s definitely not that.

And it’s not hard to figure out why the Fulton County Elections Director is pro-Portland.

Chris Barron (@tbc5150 on Twitter) claims to be Richard’s brother, and we have no reason to not believe him considering his past tweets prior to Richard’s sudden fame on TV on Wednesday. Chris said Richard has been an Atlanta United season-ticket holder but is a lifelong Timbers fan.

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eb73fc No.156168

File: 54afc5982e54f16⋯.png (278.25 KB,780x440,39:22,Clipboard.png)

File: f92b59d2e056c62⋯.png (238.04 KB,780x758,390:379,Clipboard.png)

File: da5a4dc1e7465bf⋯.png (126.68 KB,780x444,65:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 276c952f197b12d⋯.png (125.81 KB,780x366,130:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919888 (060204ZDEC20) Notable: Jet exec busted in NYC sex trafficking probe was known pedophile, neighbors claim

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Central Jet Charter Inc.Paul Alexander, the CEO of Central Jet Charter, is accused of sex trafficking children

Smells like an Epstein connection to me

Diggers needed & Eyes on!



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eb73fc No.156169

File: 800b4646724db0c⋯.png (338.33 KB,504x411,168:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 807ecfcfad70af7⋯.png (298.11 KB,555x360,37:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919947 (060207ZDEC20) Notable: GA Trump Supporters give FoxNews 'chilly' reception

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GA: Trump Supporters Rip Into Fox News Reporter Griff Jenkins…”Traitors!”…”We trusted you!”

President Trump is holding a rally tonight in Valdosta, Georgia, where many supporters have gathered. People even camped overnight to be close to the president. Busloads of supporters were seen arriving this morning too.

100 Percent Fed Up – It’s usually CNN that gets yelled at for being fake news, but today was a different story at this Trump rally. Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins was yelled at by Trump supporters. People yelled “traitor” and “we trusted you” at the lone Fox News reporter standing behind a taped barrier.

Americans are FED UP with fake news and biased, lying media. The election exposed Fox News for being anti-Trump, so now they are getting an earful from conservatives. Ratings at Fox News have crashed since the election because Americans want truth in the media.

Fox News is fake news!


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eb73fc No.156170

File: 6ce5be2c4d6c8b3⋯.png (1.58 MB,1881x615,627:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919960 (060208ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS closes due to 'China Virus'

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SCOTUS CLOSED LID CALLED - Saturday, Dec 5, 2020


something big is happening

should we be concerned?










>Out of concern for the health and safety of the public and Supreme Court employees, the Supreme Court Building will be closed to the public until further notice.

Was there a lid just called in preparation for what's about to happen?

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eb73fc No.156171

File: 9124c603602cae3⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1400x787,1400:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919983 (060209ZDEC20) Notable: Judge orders DACA restored

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eb73fc No.156172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920014 (060212ZDEC20) Notable: Dave Janda interviews General Flynn

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The People's General D5 Interview - General Michael Flynn

23,270 views•Dec 5, 2020

In this Operation Freedom Special Segment, Dr. Dave sits down with the legendary General Michael Flynn to talk election fraud, among a number of other very relevant issues. Simply put, this is a must watch Operation Freedom segment.



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eb73fc No.156173

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,270x480,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920031 (060213ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Treason in US Code

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2. >>101441

§2382. Misprision of Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Historical and Revision Notes

Based on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., §3 (Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088).

Mandatory punishment provision was rephrased in the alternative.


1994—Pub. L. 103–322 substituted "fined under this title" for "fined not more than $1,000".



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eb73fc No.156174

File: 4a9802773c2db82⋯.png (572.08 KB,1684x927,1684:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920061 (060215ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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I would say that is a notable formation - also looking at the total number of C130's in that area is an interesting Coinkeydink.

They are heading into Northern Arizona on this path. At 24,000 feet they aren't planning to land real soon.

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eb73fc No.156175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920076 (060216ZDEC20) Notable: call to dig CodemonkeyZ - Hmmm.. does anybody know what Oglethorpe Bluff is?

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Oglethorpe Bluff


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eb73fc No.156176

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6e13d087eca0079⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f88d7ec3789e0a3⋯.jpg (147.36 KB,920x659,920:659,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fed2922d3a55537⋯.jpg (188.14 KB,810x818,405:409,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bdee9768304419c⋯.jpg (99.75 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920087 (060217ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Treason in US Code

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3. >>101441


§2383. Rebellion or Insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Historical and Revision Notes

Based on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., §4 (Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §4, 35 Stat. 1088).

Word "moreover" was deleted as surplusage and minor changes were made in phraseology.


1994—Pub. L. 103–322 substituted "fined under this title" for "fined not more than $10,000".



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eb73fc No.156177

File: 362f0d5d1cbd3ba⋯.jpg (95.07 KB,1291x599,1291:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920092 (060217ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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17 on screen now

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eb73fc No.156178

File: a154706734d1c3e⋯.jpg (205.83 KB,1353x577,1353:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920101 (060218ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Anything to do with these civilian planes?

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eb73fc No.156179

File: e17526590408aab⋯.png (238.78 KB,593x816,593:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920121 (060219ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet - “We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“We will not bend.

We will not break.

We will not yield.

We will never give in.

We will never give up.

We will never back down.

We will NEVER, ever surrender!”



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eb73fc No.156180

File: 87bcd27b278a129⋯.png (211.31 KB,1307x783,1307:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920138 (060220ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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And just like that, they're gone

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eb73fc No.156181

File: b2b997fdfff821c⋯.png (656.78 KB,1910x941,1910:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920144 (060221ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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We start talking about them and poof - they all drop off transponder…..

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eb73fc No.156182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920145 (060221ZDEC20) Notable: Problems at Ft Hood?

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James Champagne




Replying to


Is this information being suppressed? Or covered up? Or just being neglected by the media?

Mrs. Holly JollyChristmas treeSanta ClausWrapped present




Replying to


Suicides, work place accidents, some off base. This makes it sound like there is a serial killer at Hood or http://something.Plus Killeens general vibe is awful. It’s like a small city with big city energy.

President-Elect Hermes Son of Zeus




Replying to


Total Deaths: 28

Homicides: 5

Suicides: 8

Still under investigation: 4

So… 11 not even being discussed?


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eb73fc No.156183

File: 45c6d0c7f3ba0a0⋯.png (28.76 KB,463x354,463:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920153 (060221ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on POTUS Speech tonight

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He said 3:42 am in his speech twice tonight when talking about the water main break that happened at 6:am…


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eb73fc No.156184

File: 791c682b0143838⋯.png (245.01 KB,920x629,920:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920176 (060223ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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eb73fc No.156185

File: ccf12023121698d⋯.jpg (171.18 KB,1359x581,1359:581,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920198 (060224ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Another X out of same area, but much further behind.

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eb73fc No.156186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920276 (060231ZDEC20) Notable: Dough

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eb73fc No.156187

File: 6573b378fe014df⋯.jpeg (280.57 KB,640x407,640:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920424 (060245ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn on Justice with Judge Jeanine

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Q on Fox News now

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eb73fc No.156188

File: c345cfe96919320⋯.png (292.71 KB,648x668,162:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920431 (060246ZDEC20) Notable: CDC propaganda video on China Virus

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Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.

Learn about vaccine progress from the CDC

Anthony Fauci: America’s Trusted Voice on Covid-19

24,575 views•Dec 4, 2020



Bloomberg Markets and Finance

832K subscribers

Dec.04 – Dr. Anthony Fauckie, director at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been the top infectious disease doctor in the U.S. since 1984.

He’s spoken bluntly, or as bluntly as possible, even in the face of President Donald Trump’s criticism.

The Bloombergler 50 is a look at the people in business, entertainment, finance, politics, and science and technology whose accomplishments merit recognition.

The full list of honorees is featured in the Dec. 7, 2020 edition of Bloomberg Businessweek.


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eb73fc No.156189

File: 8ffacd337906f50⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920460 (060248ZDEC20) Notable: Trump used a Q phrase today - "these people are sick". Q has used this phrase 32 TIMES (video)

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Trump used a Q phrase today - "these people are sick". Q has used this phrase 32 TIMES.

Vid attached.

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eb73fc No.156190

File: 906e7b2e1508c60⋯.jpg (71.65 KB,255x480,17:32,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1c7f2fa74839447⋯.jpg (155.08 KB,995x874,995:874,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920461 (060248ZDEC20) Notable: Congressional gerrymandering is a nightmare

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Saw Crenshaw's gerrymandered district and it reminded me of Corrine Brown's and why it's a bad idea either way. Living in her district was a nightmare if you needed anything and sounded 'different'…as in white male.

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eb73fc No.156191

File: 69d410c576b3cb6⋯.jpg (144.97 KB,1164x474,194:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920462 (060248ZDEC20) Notable: Soros appoints Malloch-Brown as president of Open Society Foundation

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Soros appoints Malloch-Brown as president of Open Society Foundation

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eb73fc No.156192

File: 31221e848eeff56⋯.png (352.93 KB,1000x965,200:193,Clipboard.png)

File: b6cd63b6b56395f⋯.png (12.79 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920463 (060248ZDEC20) Notable: Apollo and Spaceforce Command Logos

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Star Trek is based on the logos of NASA during the time it aired.

The logo is really just a cleaning up of the Air Force Space Command anyway.

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eb73fc No.156193

File: 932e592624553a4⋯.jpg (150.95 KB,1436x1203,1436:1203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920469 (060248ZDEC20) Notable: Anon theory on '2 days ahead'

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Patriot Anons

Q team - Theory - Seems like possible COMMS from POTUS 2 days ahead warning

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eb73fc No.156194

File: af062b7f58af8eb⋯.png (297.05 KB,969x542,969:542,Clipboard.png)

File: ac1dee7e0b42c46⋯.png (1.44 MB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920477 (060249ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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09-0017 POTUS and crew USAF VIP C-32A departing Valdosta Regional back to JBA

09-0016 USAF C-32A was on a hold waiting for 17 to depart with POTUS and crew

VV105 US Navy G5 inbound from London, Heathrow

This AC departed JBA on 1130 with a ground stop at Marseille, France then se to Manama, Bahrain arriving on 1201

Departed es for Muscat, Oman and then a departure sw towards Yemen or Somalia (data drops off on that southern leg right after depart)

It's vector puts it in those two places as about 15 hours from dropp off to appearance would give it a few hours in one of those two.

It re-appeared on 1204 heading nw just south of Crete and stopped at London, Heathrow

SAM305 USAF C-40B se from Anchorage-Elmendorf after an overnight-inbound from JBA yesterday

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eb73fc No.156195

File: e47aae3ea52348f⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB,1720x1404,430:351,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920478 (060249ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS at rally re: vaccines: "A lot of people are already vaccinated"

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POTUS at rally re: vaccines: "A lot of people are already vaccinated"

Vaccines are rolling out next week frens!


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eb73fc No.156196

File: 8c7be96d30bfebf⋯.jpg (8.39 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920491 (060250ZDEC20) Notable: Pfizer Vaccine Causes Women to Go Sterile

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Pfizer Vaccine Causes Women to Go Sterile

What in the unleavened fuck!

Anons need get this word around bigly


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eb73fc No.156197

File: e902a472c7d1492⋯.png (82.3 KB,1198x370,599:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920493 (060250ZDEC20) Notable: Fox News defending Georgia Voter Fraud

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Can anons roast this bitch? I lost twatter privileges for calling trannies mentally ill.

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eb73fc No.156198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920510 (060251ZDEC20) Notable: Watch out for shell companies when she starts paying off her campaign expenses

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Watch out for shell companies when she starts paying off her campaign expenses.

Sara Gideon, Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins' 2020 challenger, conceded the race with nearly $15 million in donations in the bank. 

The Democratic Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives lost to Collins by 70,237 votes on Election Day, or 50.99% to 42.41%.

The election a referendum on Collins turned out to be the most expensive political campaign in state history.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Collins raised more than $29 million and spent around the same amount, and Gideon raised close to $75 million and spent nearly $60 million.

Gideon's $14.8 million in cash on hand was disclosed Friday in a Federal Election Commission report. 


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eb73fc No.156199

File: c5d1e3af3045a70⋯.png (557.69 KB,593x575,593:575,Clipboard.png)

File: c5267f52a6cc4f0⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920512 (060252ZDEC20) Notable: Judge Jeanine open (video cap)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11919985 /pb

>>>/qresearch/11920034 /pb

>>>/qresearch/11920050 /pb

>Jeanine Ripping Barr

Jeanine Opening Statement


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eb73fc No.156200

File: f6cb530ee3bdbb0⋯.png (567.17 KB,732x623,732:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a351ef1cb6e177⋯.png (177.96 KB,1359x736,1359:736,Clipboard.png)

File: 67338d24394b636⋯.png (58.16 KB,255x145,51:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d1d09ca5aa5241⋯.png (54.95 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b0c0faa6ec38cb⋯.png (131.97 KB,1321x667,1321:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920553 (060255ZDEC20) Notable: Fulton County, GA ties to China

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Fulton County, GA ties to ChYna

1. Fulton County Election Director, Richard (Rick) Barron wears a Portland Oregon Timbers' Soccer Team lanyard.

2. The Portland Timbers are owned by Merritt Paulson.

3. Merritt Paulson is son of Hank Paulson, Treasury Secr for George Bush

4. Hank Paulson started the Paulson Institute to foster ties to ChYna






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eb73fc No.156201

File: 277d7210136c895⋯.png (764.93 KB,1188x1078,54:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b47652d3f45165⋯.png (1.89 MB,2048x816,128:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920557 (060256ZDEC20) Notable: The answer to the Democrat voter fraud is not to stay at home - that’s what Pelosi and Schumer want you to do

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The answer to the Democrat voter fraud is not to stay at home - that’s what Pelosi and Schumer want you to do. If you want revenge on the Democrats for their efforts to steal the Presidential election, where we are fighting hard, you have to show up and vote in RECORD numbers!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156202

File: 9b362b4bc9c63a5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1831x1474,1831:1474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920560 (060256ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Conga line is still going on. Would be sweet if someone can get a pic.

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eb73fc No.156203

File: ca07b26f846dc13⋯.png (266.7 KB,520x368,65:46,Clipboard.png)

File: b02a1d2dc3c4c01⋯.png (448.75 KB,531x430,531:430,Clipboard.png)

File: d5c23bf3e9c8f4e⋯.png (532.68 KB,874x701,874:701,Clipboard.png)

File: db9e91ca838dd7a⋯.png (21.06 KB,911x171,911:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920563 (060256ZDEC20) Notable: Feds Admit $2.3 Trillion In Improper Payments

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Feds Admit $2.3 Trillion In Improper Payments

Since 2004, twenty large federal agencies have admitted to disbursing an astonishing $2.25 trillion in improper payments. Last year, these improper payments totaled $175 billion – that’s about $15 billion per month, $500 million per day, and $1 million a minute.

But what exactly is an improper payment?

Federal law defines the term as “payments made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason."

When people or companies receive incorrect payments, it erodes trust and hinders the government’s ability to finance everything from defense to health care.

Recently, auditors at OpenTheBooks.com published a 24-page oversight report analyzing why, how, and where federal agencies wasted our tax dollars last year.

Here are the top 10 takeaways regarding improper and mistaken payments by the 20 largest federal agencies in 2019:

1. Total Mistakes: $175 billion in estimated improper payments reported by the 20 largest federal agencies, averaging $14.6 billion per month – Total (FY2004-FY2019): $2.25 trillion.

2. Worst Programs - $121 billion (approximately 69 percent) in improper payments occurred within three program areas – Medicaid, Medicare, and Earned Income Tax Credit.

3. Claw Back – only $21.1 billion of the $175 billion improper payments during 2019 was recaptured — that’s only 14 cents on every dollar misspent. Five-year total: $103.6 billion recaptured/ $747.7 billion improperly spent

4. Biggest Offenders:

5. Dead people: $871.9 million in mistaken payments were made to dead people. Medicaid, social security payments, federal retirement annuity payouts (pensions), and even farm subsidies were sent to dead recipients. Root cause: failure to verify death. Four-year total: $2.8 billion

6. Ancient Americans: Six million Social Security numbers are active for people aged 112+; however, only 40 people in the world are known to be older than 112 years of age.

7. Worst Upward Trend: Medicaid and Medicare improper payments soared from $64 billion (2012) to $88.6 billion (2017), and, in 2019, to $103.6 billion. Five-year total: $456 billion

8. Best Turnaround: In 2018, the Education Department overpaid $6 billion to college students receiving PELL grants and student loans. In 2019, improper payments were reduced to $1.1 billion – an 85-percent reduction.

9. Improper Income Redistribution: $17.4 billion in improper payments by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) within the Earned Income Tax Credit program. 25-percent of all payments were improper. Five-year total: $84.35 billion

10. Purchasing Power: What can $175 billion buy? Last year, the federal government wasted the equivalent of a full year of all federal salaries, perks, and pension benefits for every employee of the federal executive agencies. A stunning example of institutionalized incompetence.


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eb73fc No.156204

File: 1189fba4b6e0595⋯.png (877.31 KB,1916x928,479:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920599 (060259ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156205

File: 726266499d7056d⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920623 (060301ZDEC20) Notable: Columbia Bugle - One Of The Most Powerful Moments In @realDonaldTrump Rally History

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Someone made this clip 17 secs, kek

One Of The Most Powerful Moments In


Rally History



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eb73fc No.156206

File: c7306e3a7c5e49f⋯.png (22.03 KB,456x315,152:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920764 (060313ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine on Q Post 2494

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Post 2494 wasn't talking about the 2016 election.

It was talking about both 2016 AND 2020.

*This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc.*

POTUS already did that, THIS ELECTION 2020 is about *a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.*

Panic in DC.


Now comes the pain.


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eb73fc No.156207

File: ae09f968e149544⋯.png (54.97 KB,636x665,636:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ed206cb6d540c0⋯.png (419.27 KB,587x679,587:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d99bcd9e04f9d8⋯.png (348.36 KB,594x551,594:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920773 (060314ZDEC20) Notable: Ms Parent appears to be complicit in ballot box stuffing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

what is this guy implying?


See new Tweets




Ms Parent appears to be complicit in ballot box stuffing.




Quote Tweet

Elena Parent


· 6h

The "political storm" in #Georgia was created by @realDonaldTrump & his enablers. The results? I've received death threats. But the loser, here, isn't me. It's our democracy. We must continue to raise our voices and fight for what we know is right. #gapol




8:12 PM · Dec 5, 2020

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eb73fc No.156208

File: 3c81d1e4f7f32d4⋯.png (160.77 KB,801x421,801:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 7543d866c1a671b⋯.jpg (55.86 KB,515x274,515:274,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920789 (060315ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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POTUS and crew in 17 haulin' ass a bit over 500kts gs

99-6143 USAFSOC C-32B departing Bragg after a very quick ground stop

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eb73fc No.156209

File: dcfebab74f30e10⋯.jpeg (600.82 KB,730x2060,73:206,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920814 (060318ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on deaths at Fort Hood

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>>156182 LB


=Found this:

Ft. Hood, TX–programming involving military uses of Delta Monarch slaves was done here.=


And the screen capture is from:


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eb73fc No.156210

File: 4e4b3255b4b477b⋯.png (492.07 KB,608x607,608:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920860 (060321ZDEC20) Notable: AWKWARD, Georgia Patriots Shout “Fight For Trump”, GOPe Senate Candidates Exit Quickly

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AWKWARD, Georgia Patriots Shout “Fight For Trump”, GOPe Senate Candidates Exit Quickly

Posted on December 5, 2020 by Sundance

President Trump gave Georgia senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue an opportunity to address the crowd at today’s Valdosta MAGA rally. Senator Kelly Loeffler gave some wet noodle soundbites to a tepid audience response. However, when the ever-entitled Senator David Perdue attempted to address the crowd, well, the patriots were just done listening to the elitist duplicity and started chanting: “Fight For Trump!” WATCH:

The look on the face of the ‘People’s President’ says it all.

President Trump knows.

President Trump appreciates.

President Trump is fully aware he alone is uniquely connected to the heartbeat of American patriots.

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eb73fc No.156211

File: 37579d5956e6e5b⋯.jpg (405.91 KB,1920x880,24:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920876 (060322ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Too funny, I was watching the same thing earlier except I removed the drone … now it looks like a collision course on DC.

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eb73fc No.156212

File: ccef170e3d658c9⋯.png (479.26 KB,629x660,629:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920890 (060323ZDEC20) Notable: The Precarious Duplicity of the Republican Apparatus in Georgia

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The Precarious Duplicity of the Republican Apparatus in Georgia, and Here Comes Trump

Posted on December 5, 2020 by Sundance

To quote from a movie line: “they kill them with their love”… An unfortunate metaphor for how Mitch McConnell and the republican regime, Decepticons, stay in power.

Essentially, Georgia voters are presented with a hostile scenario. A Machiavellian republican apparatus that will not fight against voter fraud on behalf of the voters because GOPe leadership are in alignment with UniParty (Big Club) political interests.

“If you love what remains of your country you will support us”… says the abuser. “If you don’t, you will speed your own destruction”….. “and don’t blame me”, the message continues.

As an outcome Georgia Governor Brian Kemp does nothing but talk about the horrors of the 2020 election fraud, and does nothing. Meanwhile Kemp says everything must be done to protect the two republican Senate candidates.

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eb73fc No.156213

File: ea88e1dd036fc94⋯.png (954.21 KB,806x606,403:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920904 (060324ZDEC20) Notable: Ms Parent appears to be complicit in ballot box stuffing.

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This could explain the PANIC.

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eb73fc No.156214

File: 46df6a2543355eb⋯.jpeg (361.69 KB,828x765,92:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920915 (060324ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino - 17 Second Video - FIGHT FOR TRUMP

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17 Second Video


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eb73fc No.156215

File: fc810fbe2ffdd8a⋯.png (155.44 KB,813x436,813:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11920940 (060326ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 09_0017_USAF_C_32A_on_final_at_MAjors_Airport_Greenville_TX_from_JBA_10am_pst_111320.png

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09-0017 was recently at Majors (L-3) Greenville, TX

In on 1113 and out on 1120

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eb73fc No.156216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921056 (060336ZDEC20) Notable: #15216

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>156186 Dough

#15216 FINAL

>>156187 General Flynn on Justice with Judge Jeanine

>>156188 CDC propaganda video on China Virus

>>156189 Trump used a Q phrase today - "these people are sick". Q has used this phrase 32 TIMES (video)

>>156190 Congressional gerrymandering is a nightmare

>>156191 Soros appoints Malloch-Brown as president of Open Society Foundation

>>156192 Apollo and Spaceforce Command Logos

>>156193 Anon theory on '2 days ahead'

>>156196 Pfizer Vaccine Causes Women to Go Sterile

>>156197 Fox News defending Georgia Voter Fraud

>>156198 Watch out for shell companies when she starts paying off her campaign expenses

>>156199 Judge Jeanine open (video cap)

>>156200 Fulton County, GA ties to China

>>156201 The answer to the Democrat voter fraud is not to stay at home - that’s what Pelosi and Schumer want you to do

>>156202 , >>156204 , >>156208 , >>156211 , >>156194 ,>>156215 PF Report

>>156203 Feds Admit $2.3 Trillion In Improper Payments

>>156205 Columbia Bugle - One Of The Most Powerful Moments In @realDonaldTrump Rally History

>>156195 POTUS at rally re: vaccines: "A lot of people are already vaccinated"

>>156206 Anon opine on Q Post 2494

>>156207 , >>156213 Ms Parent appears to be complicit in ballot box stuffing.

>>156209 Anon dig on deaths at Fort Hood

>>156210 AWKWARD, Georgia Patriots Shout “Fight For Trump”, GOPe Senate Candidates Exit Quickly

>>156212 The Precarious Duplicity of the Republican Apparatus in Georgia

>>156214 Dan Scavino - 17 Second Video - FIGHT FOR TRUMP


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eb73fc No.156217

File: 603e9335dfd98e1⋯.pdf (2.1 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 2ebab4cf77b65a2⋯.png (83.03 KB,1290x920,129:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921236 (060401ZDEC20) Notable: FM 3-50.30 Psychological Operations

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US Army Field Manual for Psychological Operations

In case anyone else wants to read it, thought I'd share what I found.

Stay suspicious and educated, Anons.

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eb73fc No.156218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921295 (060409ZDEC20) Notable: Pasadena Volunteers To Patrol Streets, Help Enforce Mask Mandates

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Pasadena Volunteers To Patrol Streets, Help Enforce Mask Mandates

ASADENA (CBSLA) – The city of Pasadena will have volunteers walking city streets to ensure people are wearing face coverings.

Volunteers will walk major streets around Pasadena to hand out masks to those who don’t have them and make sure those who do are wearing them.

Pasadena city spokesperson Lisa Derderian told CBSLA Thursday the Rose Bowl Loop has been an area of concern. Last weekend, code enforcement officers informed 75 runners on the Rose Bowl loop trail that they need to wear face coverings.

“This is something that we need to take very seriously, our numbers are significantly increasing daily, hospitalization is going up, the data shows that we’re gonna need to shut down more,” Derderian said.

Derderian said about 60 signs reminding people to wear masks were taken down or vandalized this week.

Meanwhile, a limited stay-at-home order took effect Friday for Pasadena. It prohibits all public and private gatherings and events with people from more than one household — except for faith-based services and protests.


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eb73fc No.156219

File: 3101da22f7291a4⋯.png (244.35 KB,595x492,595:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e1237674dbec3⋯.pdf (57.43 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921297 (060409ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell tweet - There must be no doubt the will of the voter rules

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An important message from the very special @abigailcfrye on the many interests & issues in #Georgia now


It's imperative for the future of the Republic & #AmericanExceptionalism

that we get this right NOW

There must be no doubt the will of the voter rules



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eb73fc No.156220

File: 307fe1371691726⋯.png (112 KB,629x700,629:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921301 (060410ZDEC20) Notable: Joint Publication 3-13 Information Operations

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Joint Publication 3-13

Information Operations


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eb73fc No.156221

File: 7268da183b30c98⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921321 (060414ZDEC20) Notable: This scientist’s decades of mRNA research led to both COVID-19 vaccines

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This scientist’s decades of mRNA research led to both COVID-19 vaccines

Half an hour outside Philadelphia, in a modest suburban home, lives a quirky, cheerful 65-year-old scientist who’s a big part of the reason people might be able to throw away their masks next year.

The pioneering Dr. Katalin Kariko — who fled Communist-run Hungary at 30 for the US in 1985 with $1,200 hidden inside her 2-year-old daughter’s teddy bear — isn’t as powerful or rich as Moderna’s Stéphane Bancel or BioNTech’s Ugur Sahin. Nor has she ever been celebrated.

Kariko’s obsessive 40 years of research into synthetic messenger RNA was long thought to be a boring dead-end. She said she was chronically overlooked, scorned, fired, demoted, repeatedly refused government and corporate grants, and threatened with deportation — among other indignities.

Now, while others are earning billions, if you ask her what her cut is, she rolls her eyes with a rueful laugh and says, “maybe $3 million.”

All along, though, Kariko held fast to her belief in mRNA, which has turned out to be key to building the complicated technology behind the new vaccines developed by Moderna and Germany’s BioNTech (which has teamed with Pfizer.)

Scientists say they couldn’t have won the global vaccine race without her.

“Yes, I was humiliated quite a bit but now you can see that I was right all along,” Kariko told The Post while smiling and joking in her living room. “It’s all OK. I just love my work and I continue to believe in all its possibilities. I’m just so happy I lived long enough to see my work bear fruit.”


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eb73fc No.156222

File: 7ae70e0214f76e5⋯.png (177.98 KB,585x893,585:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921327 (060415ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn Twat "Same here. Maybe one day we take that hill together. God bless Flag of United States"

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Same here. Maybe one day we take that hill together. God bless Flag of United States


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eb73fc No.156223

File: 754321abdba2b0e⋯.png (29.67 KB,598x368,13:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921346 (060419ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn Twat "Same here. Maybe one day we take that hill together. God bless Flag of United States"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921362 (060421ZDEC20) Notable: Libya's Colonel Gaddafi At UN Calls Out Big Pharma For Manufacturing Viruses & Vaccine Profiteering

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Libya's Colonel Gaddafi At UN Calls Out Big Pharma For Manufacturing Viruses & Vaccine Profiteering

256 views•Premiered 2 hours ago


The full 90 minute speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBRqq…

27 September 2009 [Speech] Muammar Gaddafi at the 64th UN General Assembly


Today there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold. In The Green Book, I maintain that medicines should not be sold or subject to commercialization. Medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge, and not sell them.

The entire world should strive to protect our people, create and manufacture vaccinations and give them free to children and women, and not profit by them. All those items are on the agenda of the General Assembly, which has only to exercise that duty. The Ottawa Convention on Landmines forbids the production of landmines. That is wrong. Landmines are defensive weapons. If I place them along the border of my country and someone wants to invade me, they may be killed. That is all right, because they are invading me. The Convention should be reconsidered. I am not taking that defensive weapon to another country. The enemy is coming to me. On the Al-Qadhafi website, I call for that treaty to be modified or annulled. This treaty should be modified or annulled. I want to use anti-personnel mines to defend my home against invasion. Eliminate weapons of mass destruction, not landmines, which are defensive weapons. With regard to the Palestinian situation, the twoState solution is impossible; it is not practical. Currently, these two States completely overlap. Partition is doomed to failure.

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eb73fc No.156225

File: 1bb230647d80ac2⋯.png (261.78 KB,454x392,227:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921396 (060428ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS at rally: "Our hearts bleed red, white, and blue."

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==POTUS at rally: "Our hearts bleed red, white, and blue."

RWB = 43?

Might mean something else too.


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eb73fc No.156226

File: ba469c795c8f116⋯.png (183.38 KB,1365x796,1365:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921406 (060429ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Little St. Simon's Island

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Little St. Simons Island

Virtually untouched for centuries, Little St. Simons Island is a barrier island located on the coast of the US state of Georgia, and is one of the least developed of Georgia's Golden Isles. The island covers an area of 10,000 acres (40 km2) and boasts 7 miles (11 km) of beaches. Little St. Simons Island is located slightly east and north of St. Simons Island and Sea Island. It is separated from these islands by the Hampton River and from the marshes of the mainland by Buttermilk Sound. The mouth of the Altamaha River opens directly north of the island. The island's continuous growth can be attributed to sediment deposited by the undammed Altamaha.

Today the island is owned by the relatives of Philip Berolzheimer, a wealthy New Yorker who acquired the island in 1908, and by the former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, and his wife Wendy.

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eb73fc No.156227

File: de13b7a36ef09a7⋯.png (6.83 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 66dfdd60d2c8607⋯.png (568.59 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: dbf1e03c432925f⋯.png (6.76 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921414 (060431ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Levin Dog Comms on Parler - Anon asks for help digging

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Anons, need help digging. Mark Levin just posted a dog/cat rescue request to Parler. Site seems shady, things don’t add up and there are code words galore.


FIrst thoughts were IPOT’s dog comms. Digging deeper it got weirder.

Look at the restaurant owners that founded it in Arlington, VA. Before I even clicked on the link i already knew it would be pizza related. Please help!

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eb73fc No.156228

File: 5b5b56a60155ef0⋯.png (542.9 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 5806657dd81c8b5⋯.png (435.1 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921423 (060432ZDEC20) Notable: Did POTUS say cucumber?

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Did POTUS say cucumber?


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eb73fc No.156229

File: 85a97da910a81c7⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921434 (060433ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino tweet (video cap) What is that weird ball of light?

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This is interdasting.

What is that weird ball of light?

As it takes off and goes behind the trees the light floats next to to it


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eb73fc No.156230

File: 701b782de09f7ef⋯.png (30.88 KB,598x368,13:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921494 (060443ZDEC20) Notable: Fulton County GA accepted 6 Million $ in private grants with imposed election conditions (P Kline tweet)

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eb73fc No.156231

File: 60c49bf4d1d8f14⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921513 (060446ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS saying Qcumber at the Rally (video)

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POTUS saying Qcumber at the Rally

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eb73fc No.156232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921524 (060447ZDEC20) Notable: 2 Soldiers found dead at Ft Bragg (silencing witnesses?)

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Officials have identified Master Sgt. William J. Lavigne II, 37, and Army veteran Timothy Dumas, 44, as the two men found dead at a Fort Bragg training area on Wednesday.

Lavigne was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Army Special Operations Command, according to a media release.

Dumas, of Pinehurst, North Carolina, was a chief warrant officer 3 who served for more than 19 years, said Sgt. 1st Class Anthony Hewitt, an Army spokesman. He had been stationed at Fort Bragg, according to a media release.

“The loss of a Soldier is always tragic,” said Lt. Col. Justin Duvall, Lavinge’s company commander, said in a statement. “Master Sgt. Lavigne dedicated himself to the Army for 19 years and deployed multiple times in the defense of our Nation. Our condolences go out to his family during this difficult time.”

The investigation by Army Criminal Investigation Command is ongoing and no further information will be released at this time, according to the release.

Officials at Bragg did not release the causes of death or any other details about what happened. A statement from the North Carolina post said the bodies of two men were found on Wednesday in a training area and that their deaths are not related to official unit training.

[Inconsistencies in account of paratrooper’s disappearance and homicide trouble his family]

Lavigne enlisted in the Army in 2001. In 2007, he graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course and was subsequently assigned to the 1st Special Forces Group with a follow on assignment to USASOC. He deployed multiple times to Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the Global War on Terrorism while assigned to USASOC.

Lavigne’s awards and decorations include two Bronze Stars, one with “V” device.

…Dumas served in the Army as a property accounting technician from November 1996 to March 2016 according to Hewitt. He deployed to Afghanistan four times, from March 2003 to June 2003, from April 2005 to August 2005, from April 2007 to November 2007 and from May 2008 to February 2009. His awards include the Bronze Star Medal.

In March, 2018, Lavigne shot and killed a Green Beret during an altercation that was ruled justifiable homicide, according to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.

On March 21, 2018, Sgt. 1st Class Mark Leshikar, 33, was killed by Lavigne at a residence in Fayetteville, North Carolina, according to a police report. The case was ruled justifiable homicide, according to the report, which offered scant details other than a handgun was used.

Leshikar served with the 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) as a weapons sergeant, according to his sister, Nicole Rick. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2015 and in 2017, he volunteered to deploy to Tajikistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Rick told Military Times her brother and Lavigne, who she said was a member of Delta force, had been friends since about 2012. The two men had young daughters who were best friends, Rick said.

Rick said Leshikar and Lavigne arrived home from a family vacation for her niece’s birthday and there was some sort of altercation.

“William shot and killed my brother in front of my niece,” she said. “William had called me a month after my brother died to tell me his story, and he said my brother came at him with a screwdriver but there was not one found near my brother’s body or in the house.”

This is a developing story. Stay with Army Times for updates.

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eb73fc No.156233

File: 21690b935c6a503⋯.png (142.22 KB,299x505,299:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921557 (060451ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn calls out RINOS (Republican in Name Only)

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eb73fc No.156234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921564 (060452ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS is only closed to the Public. Still open for business

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>SCOTUS closed (LID). D5.

Only to the public. For Now. The rest is right on. Election hangs in the balance, Supremes close up shop with covid scare, gotta quarantine.

No court remedy available? What's a person gotta do to discharge their constitutional duty to defend the Republic? Limited military involvement. It won't be all out martial law with tanks in the streets (too bad), just enough to get the job done.

Insurrection act would be frosting on the cake.

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eb73fc No.156235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921571 (060453ZDEC20) Notable: Paul Sperry Twat on CEO of Dominion and Canada

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Negative. I know their final destination. It’s a little warmer than Cuba🔥

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eb73fc No.156236

File: 72d5c4db46d3df8⋯.png (23.75 KB,453x262,453:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921572 (060454ZDEC20) Notable: Paul Sperry - Records show CEO of Dominion donated to Liberals in Canada

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eb73fc No.156237

File: 749b2179a24f0bf⋯.png (253.33 KB,763x970,763:970,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921586 (060456ZDEC20) Notable: Truth bombs in William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse'

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pg 57

There are some truth bombs in William Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse

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eb73fc No.156238

File: bade0cb35fb7f0f⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1903x4058,1903:4058,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921592 (060457ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS schedule Dec 7-9

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Cases for Oral Argument Dec 7-9, 2020

Monday, December 7

Hungary v. Simon (18-1447)

Germany v. Philipp (19-351)

Tuesday, December 8

Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid (19-511)

Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer and White Sales, Inc. (19-963)

Wednesday, December 9

Collins v. Mnuchin (19-422)

Mnuchin v. Collins (19-563)


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eb73fc No.156239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921604 (060459ZDEC20) Notable: Anon High IQ opine - I believe that rally was confirmation that he's not going anywhere and the Avalanche is coming

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I believe that rally was confirmation that he's not going anywhere and the Avalanche is coming.

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eb73fc No.156240

File: 25e40d04d56eb07⋯.png (451.71 KB,542x754,271:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 617512f56a60372⋯.png (520.94 KB,529x683,529:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921605 (060459ZDEC20) Notable: Richard Grenell retweeted Arthur Schwartz 'Don't listen to Lin Wood'

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Richard Grenell Retweeted

Arthur Schwartz

President Trump just called the GA runoffs “the most important congressional runoff in the history of our country” & urged Republicans to vote for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

Do NOT listen to this clown.


Lin Wood

With @realDonaldTrump as President, the Vice-President will cast any necessary tie-breaking in U.S. Senate.

We do NOT need to vote for @KLoeffler & @sendavidperdue in rigged runoff to control Senate.

We The People demand only lawful votes be counted. Trump won by a landslide!


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eb73fc No.156241

File: 0c86f0a18f8ed9d⋯.png (233.23 KB,449x534,449:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921611 (060500ZDEC20) Notable: What else was on those servers we seized in Frankfurt?

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What else was on those servers we seized in Frankfurt?


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eb73fc No.156242

File: df307d725395c55⋯.jpg (110.3 KB,720x853,720:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921621 (060502ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden haunting a graveyard, thanking his voters

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Joe Biden haunting a graveyard, thanking his voters. Isn't this Fucker supposed to be wearing a boot?

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eb73fc No.156243

File: 79c0b58fddb5f48⋯.png (14.7 KB,444x303,148:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921633 (060505ZDEC20) Notable: Q 2494 - It's coming

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eb73fc No.156244

File: e9cc255dd035759⋯.png (36.64 KB,598x403,46:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921641 (060506ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet - POTUS and FLOTUS are back at WH

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eb73fc No.156245

File: a87aba9d0bd18da⋯.png (509.23 KB,1100x1219,1100:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921642 (060506ZDEC20) Notable: @JennaEllisEsq "In Arizona, we have over 500k ballots that were cast illegally

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BREAKING: @JennaEllisEsq "In Arizona, we have over 500k ballots that were cast illegally


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eb73fc No.156246

File: d63987f40c0971c⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921673 (060512ZDEC20) Notable: Dan S Twitter Potus+FL returned to WH, Video

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eb73fc No.156247

File: 637ed71b3903ed5⋯.jpg (231.82 KB,1693x522,1693:522,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921680 (060514ZDEC20) Notable: United States avalanche rating codes

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eb73fc No.156248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921721 (060520ZDEC20) Notable: Army Psyops Reading List

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Army Psyops Reading List.txt

Info Dump

> Any Opnions in articles are not to be considered our views. Dissimiate Facts.

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https://www.psywar.org/psywar/reproductions/FM_33_1_1968.pdf - PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS U. S. ARMY DOCTRINE

https://www.goarmy.com/army-cyber.html - ARMY CYBER

https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/special-operations.html - Become a PSYOP

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN6I5yQLGN8 - YouTube Videos from Former Operatives

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCatNYjvtrlV1JNnxwJEhfnQ - Life is a Special Operation - YouTube Channel

http://www.psywarrior.com/ - Welcome to the Home of the Psywarrior - Psychological Operations

https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States) - PSYOP Wiki

https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/Online-Exclusive/2018-OLE/Mar/PSYOP/ - Army University Press & Whats in a Name.pdf

https://www.army.mil/article/199431/100_years_of_subterfuge_the_history_of_army_psychological_operations - 100 years of subterfuge: the history of Army psychological operations


https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-05-30.pdf - (FM 3-05.30 MCRP 3-40.6) Psychological Operations April 2005

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4th_Psychological_Operations_Group - 4th Psychological Operations Group

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Civil_Affairs_and_Psychological_Operations_Command - United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command

https://www.soc.mil/ - US Army Special Operations Command

https://www.goarmysof.com/CivilAffairs/CArecruiting.html - Civil Affairs - Recruiting

https://www.soc.mil/SWCS/psyop/psy_trng.htm - U.S. Army Psychological Operations Regiment

https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States) - Psychology Wiki - Psychological operations (United States)

https://www.usapova.com/ - The Psychological Operations Veterans Association (POVA)

https://infowars.fandom.com/wiki/Psychological_Operations/Warfare_by_Major_Ed_Rouse_(Ret) - Psychological Operations/Warfare by Major Ed Rouse (Ret)

https://media.defense.gov/2017/Apr/07/2001728209/-1/-1/0/B_0018_GOLDSTEIN_FINDLEY_PSYCHLOGICAL_OPERATIONS.PDF - Psychological Operations - Principles and Case Studies

https://www.quantico.marines.mil/Portals/147/Docs/MCIOC/IORecruiting/PsychologicalOperationsGoldstein.pdf - Psychological Operations - Principles and Case Studies


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http://www.iwar.org.uk/psyops/resources/usaf/student/97-0363.pdf - A PROPOSAL - PLANNING FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS

https://careersdocbox.com/US_Military/73495497-Kurdish-soldiers-graduate-from-combat-lifesaver-course-sfc-boe-visits-california-soldiers-page-7-goodwater-in-al-asad-sustainers-stay-connected.html - News Paper

https://www.fayobserver.com/news/20180906/psyop-recruiters-look-locally-to-fill-ranks - Local Paper Recruiting

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https://www.scribd.com/document/90501792/Future-of-MISO - THE FUTURE OF MISO BY COLONEL CURTIS BOYD

https://www.rand.org/topics/psychological-warfare.html - RAND - Psychological Warfare

https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a575201.pdf - ARMY IO is PSYOP Influencing more with less

https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/90-29/Appa.htm - Global Security - PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS

https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/psyop-on-a-complete-change-in-organization-practice-and-doctrine - PSYOP: ON A COMPLETE CHANGE IN ORGANIZATION, PRACTICE, AND DOCTRINE

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1553118X.2019.1630413 - A Lack of Effect Studies and of Effects: The Use of Strategic Communication in the Military Domain

https://www.postandcourier.com/militarydigest/soldiers-will-now-be-trained-in-psychological-warfare-at-fort/article_38da2728-5197-11ea-9824-b753dcad2eec.html - Newspaper - soldiers will now be trained in psychological warfare

https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-07-22/ch5.htm - Global Security - Psychological Operations and Military Police Support

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https://www.jstor.org/stable/26571037 - Leaflets, loudspeakers and radios, Oh My! Robert J. Kodosky Air Power History Vol. 64, No. 3 (FALL 2017), pp. 5-12

https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep19555.19 - Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos: Air Commandos 1964–1975 Joseph D. Celeski Copyright: Jun. 1, 2019 Chapter 12 Psychological Operations—A Force Multiplier

https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/j.ctt3fh1qp - Redefining Information Warfare Boundaries for an Army in a Wireless World

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https://www.jstor.org/stable/24785798 - STRATEGIC COMMAND MAY BE REORGANIZED FOR CYBERWARFARE Sebastian Sprenger Inside Missile Defense Vol. 14, No. 23 (November 5, 2008)

https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep12013 - Key Strategic Issues List, July 2008 Edited by Antulio J. Echevarria Copyright Date: Jul. 1, 2008

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https://www.jstor.org/stable/25614382 - Torture Report: What the Documents Say About America's Post-9/11 Torture Program LARRY SIEMS

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https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/j.ctt5hhtb4 - Paths to Victory: Lessons from Modern Insurgencies

https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep12102 - THE HUMAN TERRAIN SYSTEM:: OPERATIONALLY RELEVANT SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN Christopher J. Sims Copyright Date: Dec. 1, 2015

https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/mg551jfcom - Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI)

https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/j.ctt19w72gs - Operation IRAQI FREEDOM: Decisive War, Elusive Peace

https://www.jstor.org/stable/26297740 - Bibliography on Islamist Narratives and Western Counter-Narratives (Part 2)


https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/mg340osd - Chinese Responses to U.S. Military Transformation and Implications for the Department of Defense

https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3138/j.ctt2ttwcm - Culture of Prejudice: Arguments in Critical Social Science

https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep17687 - Cyber Report 24 September-November 2017

https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep13829 - Black Hats and White Hats: The Effect of Organizational Culture and Institutional Identity on the Twenty-third Air Force

https://www.jstor.org/stable/651001 - Class without Words: Symbolic Communication in the Chartist Movement

https://www.jstor.org/stable/25750685 - Moving Toward Black Hat Research in Information Systems Security: An Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue

https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1cg4n06 - By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action

https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/mg1060mcia.14 - CHAPTER SIX Organizational Problems Affecting Information Operations and Psychological Operations - U.S. Military Information Operations in Afghanistan: Effectiveness of Psychological Operations 2001-2010

https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-major-purveyor-of-fake-news-is-the-cia-corporate-complex/5559619 - Global Research - The Major Purveyor of ‘Fake News’ is the CIA-Corporate Complex

https://qc-cuny.libguides.com/sociology-research/philanthropy - (WHO pays the bills?) Sociology Research Guide: Sociology of Philanthropy Research Guide

https://www.jstor.org/publisher/rand - Publisher Description - RAND Corporation

https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/lrn-rand-center-corporate-ethics-law-and-governance - LRN-RAND Center for Corporate Ethics, Law and Governance

https://www.rand.org/blog/2020/03/coronavirus-outbreak-intensifies-qa-with-rand-experts.html - (Check Dates) - RAND researchers to answer a wide range of questions about the crisis: March 5, 2020

https://www.rand.org/news/press/2007/03/08.html - Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center's Third Policy Forum Identifies Key Components to Improve the Coordination of Medical Care



https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-05-302.pdf - Tactical Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track/?fbclid=IwAR2sqKCIEKDg2GHq_sprjHQLGFZU5vz192tipQP_M4XqVVBa38LPRYUzN5A&pageNum=10&uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A4cb1e943-1594-48d1-999c-684e588e3d6c -


https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46mxjv - (Questionable who published this?) Digital Material: Tracing New Media in Everyday Life and Technology

https://www.jstor.org/stable/26486736 - Becoming the Enemy … and How Not To: Strategic Communications and the Challenges of the War on Terror J.B. Jones and P. Taylor Journal of Information Warfare Vol. 7, No. 3

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eb73fc No.156249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921728 (060521ZDEC20) Notable: Trey Smith on Kim Clement letter

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Today's video.

The most amazing thing happened today anons. I haven't been to YouTube for a long time. Almost never since the purge. But today I was looking for a video I watch some time ago published by Trey Smith which Kim Clement was the subject. Anyway, it was about a letter Clement had written just before he died, and Trey had made a video about it. Well Trey had promised to make another video to update us all, and it just so happens that he published that follow up video today, just a few hours before I looked for it. Remember, Q says there are no coincidences! Trish your brother here, this is some prophetic stuff, and you should not only watch both videos, but also truly embrace the message and prophetic meaning which is presented, and the historical event which we are all playing a role in.

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eb73fc No.156250

File: 9050e8c35efea11⋯.png (272.66 KB,496x427,496:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e1b010c5db4a18⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,786x432,131:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921729 (060521ZDEC20) Notable: Michael Flynn Interview on Jeanine Pirro

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michael Flynn Interview

Jeanine Pirro

@JudgeJeanine Tweet


joins “Justice” for an exclusive interview. He discusses how he has experienced “political persecution of the highest order” and much more.


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eb73fc No.156251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921760 (060526ZDEC20) Notable: The Hill's article quotes Republican senators correctly the "legislature plan" is dead.

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If the Hill's article quotes Republican senators correctly the "legislature plan" is dead. Up to the scotus or military.

Braun and Cornyn need to be added to the Gitmo list i guess. Sad.


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eb73fc No.156252

File: cbf9ad8cfc31540⋯.png (419.75 KB,616x346,308:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921790 (060529ZDEC20) Notable: Doctor has license yanked after speaking about China Virus at 'Stop the Steal rally

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"Doctor Has License Yanked After Saying This About the Coronavirus "



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eb73fc No.156253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921867 (060546ZDEC20) Notable: #15417

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11921418 Dough

#15217 FINAL Notables

>>156218 Pasadena Volunteers To Patrol Streets, Help Enforce Mask Mandates

>>156221 This scientist’s decades of mRNA research led to both COVID-19 vaccines

>>156219 Sidney Powell tweet - There must be no doubt the will of the voter rules

>>156217 FM 3-50.30 Psychological Operations

>>156220 Joint Publication 3-13 Information Operations

>>156227 Mark Levin Dog Comms on Parler - Anon asks for help digging

>>156226 Dig on Little St. Simon's Island

>>156224 Libya's Colonel Gaddafi At UN Calls Out Big Pharma For Manufacturing Viruses & Vaccine Profiteering

>>156222 , >>156223 Flynn Twat "Same here. Maybe one day we take that hill together. God bless Flag of United States"

>>156228 Did POTUS say cucumber?

>>156225 POTUS at rally: "Our hearts bleed red, white, and blue."

>>156229 Scavino tweet (video cap) What is that weird ball of light?

>>156230 Fulton County GA accepted 6 Million $ in private grants with imposed election conditions (P Kline tweet)

>>156231 POTUS saying Qcumber at the Rally (video)

>>156232 2 Soldiers found dead at Ft Bragg (silencing witnesses?)

>>156233 Gen Flynn calls out RINOS (Republican in Name Only)

>>156234 SCOTUS is only closed to the Public. Still open for business

>>156236 Paul Sperry - Records show CEO of Dominion donated to Liberals in Canada

>>156237 Truth bombs in William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse'

>>156238 SCOTUS schedule Dec 7-9

>>156240 Richard Grenell retweeted Arthur Schwartz 'Don't listen to Lin Wood'

>>156241 What else was on those servers we seized in Frankfurt?

>>156242 Joe Biden haunting a graveyard, thanking his voters

>>156239 Anon High IQ opine - I believe that rally was confirmation that he's not going anywhere and the Avalanche is coming

>>156243 Q 2494 - It's coming

>>156244 Dan Scavino tweet - POTUS and FLOTUS are back at WH

>>156245 @JennaEllisEsq "In Arizona, we have over 500k ballots that were cast illegally

>>156247 United States avalanche rating codes

>>156248 Army Psyops Reading List

>>156251 The Hill's article quotes Republican senators correctly the "legislature plan" is dead.

>>156252 Doctor has license yanked after speaking about China Virus at 'Stop the Steal rally


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eb73fc No.156254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11921954 (060601ZDEC20) Notable: REEEE from Evergreen, we know moar and Joe can not concede

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Hold the line Potus. We are with you.

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eb73fc No.156255

File: 94c5ae6a332f1c0⋯.png (422.29 KB,588x493,588:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922075 (060623ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter is censoring Team Trump WTF?

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eb73fc No.156256

File: fc4a57b847c8f73⋯.jpg (152.39 KB,800x632,100:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922084 (060625ZDEC20) Notable: Comms? Whitehouse.gov talking about Barbara Bush?

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December 6, 2020


Beginning when she was Second Lady, and continuing later as First Lady, Barbara Bush had her own tradition of placing the star on top of the National Christmas Tree from a hydraulic lift—often bringing her grandchildren along to lend a hand!

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eb73fc No.156257

File: 4196e652c529c24⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1242x2084,621:1042,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922092 (060626ZDEC20) Notable: Royal Family Dog Comms

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Dog Comms


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eb73fc No.156258

File: ed45fda507a2686⋯.png (4.43 MB,2880x3708,80:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922106 (060627ZDEC20) Notable: Not all anons are authentic

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eb73fc No.156259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922110 (060628ZDEC20) Notable: SAC Command Post - Looking Glass at 11:20 (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAC Command Post

Looking Glass at 11:20.

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eb73fc No.156260

File: 6e1b010c5db4a18⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,786x432,131:72,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9050e8c35efea11⋯.png (272.66 KB,496x427,496:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922129 (060634ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn on Judge Jeanine (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Flynn Interview

Jeanine Pirro

@JudgeJeanine Tweet


joins “Justice” for an exclusive interview. He discusses how he has experienced “political persecution of the highest order” and much more.


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eb73fc No.156261

File: d27d099c60d1462⋯.png (17.78 KB,559x168,559:168,Clipboard.png)

File: 88826ba63ac78c8⋯.png (18.74 KB,557x211,557:211,Clipboard.png)

File: c19359f4b4090b9⋯.png (183.35 KB,899x801,899:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 1431a94594f7073⋯.png (124.33 KB,916x342,458:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922131 (060635ZDEC20) Notable: Pound Tumbles As Chief EU Negotiator Says Brexit Talks Are "Paused" (currency manipulation)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pound Tumbles As Chief EU Negotiator Says Brexit Talks Are "Paused"

Update (1420ET): Yet again, Brexit headlines on Friday have now come full circle as a day that began with surging optimism about the prospect for talks has given way to more FUD. Despite earlier reports that talks were continuing Friday night in London, the EU's Michel Barnier has reportedly 'paused' the negotiations, following what's been said to have been an extremely unproductive week of negotiations.


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eb73fc No.156262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922134 (060635ZDEC20) Notable: "Exceptional" Meteor Blast Triggers Shockwave and Seismic Shaking, 'Minimoon' Hurtles Past Earth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Exceptional" Meteor Blast Triggers Shockwave and Seismic Shaking, 'Minimoon' Hurtles Past Earth

WTF! was this reported on 8kun anytime in the past 4 days?

the weird thing is there is NO MENTION of it on spaceweather site


not on the "all sky fireball network."

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eb73fc No.156263

File: ddb758651fa4204⋯.png (96.58 KB,1323x439,1323:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 2497fd6806f9eaf⋯.png (129.91 KB,1319x579,1319:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 580035fe4ee1335⋯.png (114.74 KB,1327x531,1327:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922136 (060635ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS twatted 48 times last hour!!!!!!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS twatted 48 times last hour!!!!!!!!!

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eb73fc No.156264

File: 6b74436d6f07a5b⋯.png (79.52 KB,1054x845,1054:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 0168abdca2a6be8⋯.png (23.5 KB,1060x342,530:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922140 (060637ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Election ‘Success’… And Hey Presto ‘Russian Interference’ Disappears

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U.S. Election ‘Success’… And Hey Presto ‘Russian Interference’ Disappears

The United States’ election victory of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has yet to be officially confirmed. That requires the 500-plus Electoral College comprising the 50 federal states to cast the final vote when the constitutional body meets on December 14. Biden holds a commanding lead of over 300 delegates in the Electoral College, more than 70 above Donald Trump’s quota and decisively more than the 270 threshold required for election to the White House.

Nonetheless, already one thing is indisputably clear. Biden’s nominal victory from the popular vote tallies is glaring proof that Russia did not interfere in the American presidential ballot. Not in 2020. And not, we may discern, in 2016, nor in any other election. Yet the silence in US media over this obvious conclusion is deafening.

Four years of frenetic and unsubstantiated allegations of “Russian interference” have disappeared overnight, it seems. Poof! Gone! As if by a magic conjuring trick. Now you see it, now you don’t, so to speak.

The New York Times has declared the recent presidential contest a “great election.. a resounding success free of fraud”. The Department of Homeland Security pronounced the election to be the “most secure in American history.” Other US media outlets have jettisoned supposed political neutrality and can barely contain their elation at Biden’s electoral victory.

But hold on a moment. In the months and weeks leading up to the November election, there was a fever pitch in US media among politicians, national security chiefs, pundits and anonymous intelligence sources that Russia was allegedly stepping up “interference efforts” to get Trump re-elected. Those evidence-free claims were predicated on the equally absurd assertion that Trump was a Manchurian candidate for the Kremlin. That “Russiagate” fable was first spun in 2016 and for the past four years elaborated into a tangled web to “explain” how a maverick former reality TV star had been elected to the White House.

Suddenly, however, the Democrats and supportive US media are now asserting that the voting process was impeccable and unblemished by any malfeasance. Of course they would say that in order to bolster legitimacy of Biden’s win against the Republican White House incumbent Donald Trump. But the thundering takeaway which the US political class and media are bizarrely ignoring is that Russia did not interfere not in the 2020 race nor in any other election. Russia has always categorically said it is not meddling in US politics and its electoral process. Turns out that Russia is de facto vindicated in its protestations against American slander.

The “Russiagate” nonsense was hatched by Democrats, their supportive media and intelligence agencies because they could not come to terms with the reality of why Trump beat the then establishment-ordained candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016. Could it have been because Clinton and the Democrat party was repudiated by popular sentiment due to perceived corruption and overseas wars? No, another “explanation” had to be found. And the US political establishment came up with the “Russian interference” narrative.


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eb73fc No.156265

File: 829ac1c79722a5d⋯.png (67.72 KB,666x606,111:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922146 (060638ZDEC20) Notable: More than half of FDNY say they’ll refuse COVID-19 vaccine

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More than half of FDNY say they’ll refuse COVID-19 vaccine

More than half of New York City firefighters say they won’t be vaccinated for COVID-19 when the potentially life-saving shot becomes available to first responders in a matter of weeks, according to a new internal survey.

About 55 percent of 2,053 smoke-eaters polled in the last three days by their union, the Uniformed Firefighters Association, answered “No” when asked, “Will you get the COVID-19 Vaccine from Pfizer when the Department makes it available?” UFA President Andy Ansbro told The Post. The responses account for about 25 percent of the UFA’s 8,200 active members.

The stunning anti-vax response follows an August survey of MTA workers that showed only 30 percent of 645 respondents were definitely willing to be vaccinated. Thirty-eight percent were unsure and 32 percent said they would not take the vaccine, according to the poll of Transport Workers Union members conducted by the NYU School of Global Public Health.

If the survey results become the reality, it would mean thousands of NYC’s first responders and other essential frontline workers would continue to be vulnerable to the virus and remain potential spreaders.

The FDNY announced last week it would not make the vaccine mandatory for its members, a policy expected to be followed by all city agencies and even hospitals.

The data comes as Trump pandemic advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said that most healthy Americans should not expect to be vaccinated before the spring, as the first shots are rolled out to health care workers, the elderly and the medically vulnerable.

“A healthy non-elderly person with no recognizable underlying conditions, will likely start . . . in the end of March, early April. Once you get into April, probably full blast with those individuals,” Fauci said during a CNN town hall Friday — the same day the city reported positive coronavirus test results doubled in the past month.

Among firefighters, positive tests have tripled during that time, according to an FDNY source, who said that as of Friday there were more than 130 positive cases in the department’s ranks. At least six firehouses have three or more cases.

Vaccine acceptance is a matter of trust, it seems.


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eb73fc No.156266

File: b1b257ba875a924⋯.png (165.75 KB,676x896,169:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922155 (060640ZDEC20) Notable: Jet exec busted in NYC sex trafficking probe was known pedophile, neighbors claim

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Jet exec busted in NYC sex trafficking probe was known pedophile, neighbors claim

Neighbors of the convicted sex offender who was arrested in the Bronx Thursday say he was a known pedophile and alleged they regularly saw him bringing young girls back to his apartment.

Paul Alexander, 57, the CEO of a small, Bronx-based charter jet company, was arrested this week on charges he trafficked girls as young as 12 years old.

The arrest was the result of a joint investigation by the state prosecutor’s office called “Operation Mile High” — a nod to his job as CEO of Central Jet Charter, New York Attorney General Letitia James said Saturday.

Alexander had no remorse for his young victims, and would charge older men to have sex with them, the AG’s office said.

He allegedly charged an undercover agent $300 for sex with two young victims, ages 14 and 12, with each girl earning a third of the take, according to a criminal complaint.

The undercover investigator was told to give the kids alcohol before doing the deed, according to the complaint.

Paul Alexander


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eb73fc No.156267

File: 9dca7f283f156a3⋯.jpg (448.01 KB,2116x1906,1058:953,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922201 (060646ZDEC20) Notable: "Learn our comms." So obvious to us Q folk. There were several Q references tonight by President Trump.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Learn our comms."

So obvious to us Q folk. There were several Q references tonight by President Trump.


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eb73fc No.156268

File: d3c54dc3c9bd531⋯.gif (74.04 KB,529x600,529:600,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922222 (060651ZDEC20) Notable: Pickle factory is so salty. (yes, the tears are flowing)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kek, pickle factory must be so salty.

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eb73fc No.156269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922228 (060653ZDEC20) Notable: Soros' Open Society President Gaspard Resigns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soros' Open Society President Gaspard Resigns Amid Reports That He Will Join Biden Team

Patrick Gaspard, former United States ambassador to South Africa, was appointed president of George Soros' Open Society Foundations in January 2018. Gaspard formerly served as the White House director of political affairs for the Obama administration between 2009-2011.

The president of George Soros' Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard, announced that he would step down from his position on Friday, as reports emerged suggesting that he might join Biden's projected administration.

According to Open Society, Gaspard will be replaced by Mark Malloch-Brown, the former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, who currently serves on the Foundations’ Global Board.

“It has been a profound honor to lead this organization,” Gaspard said in his statement. “Fundamental social change doesn’t customarily occur in a revolutionary moment. Instead, what is needed is the partnership of activists, government, and the nonprofit sector, collaborating over time and space in unity and solidarity. This is what I worked to do at Open Society. My commitment now will be to re-enter the world of politics and ideas, where I can continue the struggle against oppression everywhere.”

Soros, a Hungarian-born billionaire and investor, praised Gaspard as "a champion of all rights: whether for workers, for women, or for underserved groups".

“[Gaspard's] dedication to those challenging power is precisely why I invited Patrick to join Open Society", Soros said. "I have great admiration for the way he led the Foundations in a world beset by illiberalism, and I applaud him.”

According to Axios, Gaspard's move to resign fuels speculation over him joining the Biden team, possibly as Labor Secretary.

Gaspard has been serving as the Open Society Foundations president since January 2018, with positions of US ambassador to South Africa and White House Director of Political Affairs also on his record. He worked on government positions under former US President Barack Obama.

If Gaspard joins a Biden administration, as reports suggest, this will fall in line with Biden's move to appoint several Obama-era officials to key positions in the White House.

For the Biden administration to become reality, however, the Democrat must secure the Electoral College vote, and it will only be clear whether he manages to do that after 14 December, when the electors cast their votes.

While Open Society Foundations describes itself as "the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights", some critics accuse Soros of being a "puppet master" behind the destabilization of political regimes and of funding movements like Black Lives Matter and antifa. Many claim that Soros stole a Trump victory from the 2020 presidential election.


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eb73fc No.156270

File: d6cb145252375d9⋯.jpg (161.89 KB,674x785,674:785,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922229 (060654ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Melissa is great!

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eb73fc No.156271

File: 0423da4adcce58b⋯.png (99.54 KB,1676x464,419:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f43dd3758af241⋯.png (402.53 KB,550x1174,275:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922239 (060658ZDEC20) Notable: Kevin Clinesmith / Catherine Herridge Tweet re DURHAM and Clinesmith

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kevin Clinesmith

Catherine Herridge Tweet re DURHAM and Clinesmith…See Project dooms Q Board



NEW #Durham Special Counsel Durham writes "political or personal bias may have motivated or contributed" to actions of former FBI lawyer who altered CIA email to renew 2017 surveillance


Durham seeks jail time for Kevin Clinesmith who altered to falsely state former


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eb73fc No.156272

File: 11b518c50e8f2ed⋯.png (382.85 KB,1197x660,399:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922263 (060707ZDEC20) Notable: Smoking Gun, Part 2: Ratio Transfers Proved; Entire Algorithm Reversed, net 200,353 votes for Biden

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Smoking Gun, Part 2: Ratio Transfers Proved; Entire Algorithm Reversed, net 200,353 votes for Biden


Final hijacked state is 287,424 total votes. 242,434 Biden, 42,109 Trump, Net gain 200,325

Final hijacked state is 14.65% Trump.

All hijacked precincts after release report: 93,327 Trump out of 504,700.

That is 18.49%, if we subtract the hijacked votes from the final aggregate state

we get: 51,218 Trump out of 217,276, which is 23.57% Trump.

That the final hijacked state of all precincts can have their total votes changed to a uniform number, such as 20,000 total votes per precinct, and the percentage remains the same (14.65%), which is proof that a simple linear algebra algorithm was adjusting requisite precinct totals against a flat polarized template.

The precincts seized more than once were most likely to be early in alphanumeric order, proving the software takes the first available precinct from an ordered alphanumeric list by County, Precinct.

1: There are 371 unique precincts were this investigation.

2: There are 182 unique precincts involved in more than one ratio transfer.

3: There are 217 unique ratios were transferred.

4: That…

A: Clayton County has only 2 precincts in multi ratio transfers.

B: That Dekalb has 19 precincts in multi transfers.

C: That Fulton boasts a staggering 157 precincts in multi ratio transfers.

D: That Gwinnett has only 3 precincts in multi ratio transfers.

5: In accordance to the Mothersheet and the original SCYTL and NYT Data, there are 1041 total precincts

6: In accordance to the Mothersheet and the original SCYTL and NYT Data, there are 12681 unique overall ratios.

7: That 1.71% of the unique ratios are confirmed, post analysis and investiation, to be true positives, that no false positives were caught, nor any false negatives ignored.

That of these 1.71% of the ratios, (217/12681), 246 precincts from Fulton are involved (66.30% of all precincts caught), and 71 precincts from DeKalb (19.13% of all precincts caught are involved.

8: That DeKalb has 190 precincts from the original database; that Fulton has 383 precincts on the from the original database. Furthermore that this means 37.3% of DeKalb’s precincts are involved, and likewise that 64.2% of Fulton’s precinctswere involved, and that this “Ratio Transfer” phenomenon does not even occur once in several of the counties in the Mothersheet (Rockdale and Newton), only twice in Henry County, and only 6 times in Cobb, which itself has over 100 precincts (thus less than 6% of its precincts have been flagged. Which is ten times as many less than Fulton’s by proportion)."


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eb73fc No.156273

File: eaaa6f15929ff1e⋯.jpg (136 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff845536d783f29⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,806x606,403:303,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0c73bc4ef4a8ad2⋯.png (1.56 MB,1444x924,361:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922266 (060708ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia - Same two women in the hearing counting votes?

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Same two women in the hearing counting votes?

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eb73fc No.156274

File: 728a0a98eb5ed2d⋯.png (624.62 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922269 (060708ZDEC20) Notable: Colorado man arrested, returns home after violating 14-day quarantine on Maui

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Colorado man arrested, returns home after violating 14-day quarantine on MauiA Colorado man was arrested on Maui today for violating Hawaii’s mandatory 14-day quarantine.

The 23-year-old flew into Maui Friday without a negative COVID-19 test and was required to begin his 14-day quarantine.

He was supposed to quarantine at Kahului Hotel, but when he was contacted today by the quarantine call center, he said he had to check out of the hotel and had nowhere to spend the rest of his quarantine, so he was arrested.

He chose to return to Colorado, and was transported to the airport by police.


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eb73fc No.156275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922273 (060709ZDEC20) Notable: Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

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Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

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eb73fc No.156276

File: 1ab6ad471762c38⋯.mp4 (146.27 KB,316x312,79:78,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922275 (060710ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia - Same two women in the hearing counting votes?

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eb73fc No.156277

File: 50b3addfb70a6d9⋯.png (822.26 KB,822x615,274:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 3192be5de4f411f⋯.png (799.16 KB,822x607,822:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922298 (060716ZDEC20) Notable: Smoking Gun audio of Hunter Biden

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eb73fc No.156278

File: c6919e985fe40a2⋯.png (386.18 KB,527x621,527:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922310 (060719ZDEC20) Notable: Tweet from future jailbird Elena Parent

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The "political storm" in #Georgia was created by


& his enablers. The results? I've received death threats. But the loser, here, isn't me. It's our democracy. We must continue to raise our voices and fight for what we know is right. #gapol




3:50 PM · Dec 5, 2020·TweetDeck

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eb73fc No.156279

File: e9cb15f69576518⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 52fb7512f881370⋯.mp4 (775.49 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922318 (060720ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia - Same two women in the hearing counting votes?

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Moar shenanigans

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eb73fc No.156280

File: d94565d90ff6472⋯.png (433.24 KB,474x622,237:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922328 (060723ZDEC20) Notable: Replying to @elenaparent and @realDonaldTrump - Ooof

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Replying to







8:26 PM · Dec 5, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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eb73fc No.156281

File: 1789ab8e57c74d2⋯.png (49.51 KB,385x651,55:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922343 (060726ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on Huber in Q post 2549

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Posting again for those that missed it + for clarity

D5 - Huber decode = 11.3.


D5 drops 1st - last

Huber drops 1st - last

Take all drops containing D5

Take all drops containing Huber

This gives us 16 drops containing D5 and 70 drops containing Huber.

Arrange the drops in order of 5x5.

So, 5 D5 drops then 5 Huber drops

Go down to next row and repeat.

Example: D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 H H H H H

D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 H H H H H

Continue until all drops are arranged in this manner.


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eb73fc No.156282

File: 8762dfbae8a18aa⋯.png (6.17 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: ad0d791287484e1⋯.png (5.19 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922346 (060726ZDEC20) Notable: Alabama sheriff's office slammed for "thugshot" Christmas tree decorations (kek)

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Alabama sheriff's office slammed for "thugshot" Christmas tree decorationsA photo of a Christmas tree shared by an Alabama Sherriff's office has sparked outrage online for its offensive decorations. The tree appeared to be adorned with what officials called "thugshots" — images of people who have been arrested in the area.

"We have decorated our Tree with THUGSHOTS to show how many Thugs we have taken off the streets of Mobile this year! We could not have done it without our faithful followers!" the post on the Mobile County Sheriff's Office's Facebook page said, according to CBS News affiliate WKRG.

The post also included a "special offer" to all Mobile County "thugs." It appeared to be taunting supposed criminals in the area, offering to provide them with a "concierge corrections officer" to take them to jail and give them a "custom fitting" for a "holiday jumpsuit."

According to The Associated Press, more than 7,900 people commented on the "Thug Thursday" post, which has since been removed. Many commenters apparently called the decorations demeaning and cruel.

The Mobile branch of the NAACP called the post "unacceptable" and said it has reached out to the Sheriff's Office on two occasions, with no response. President Robert Clopton said that "irate" residents have contacted him about the post.

"We live in a very volatile time," said Clopton in a statement, demanding accountability. "I mean, the relationships between law enforcement and the general public has been compromised. Not only that, but we are living during a pandemic right now where everyone needs to be focused on the same goal and that is having as many people helping each other or to help navigate through this atrocity that is going on right now."


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eb73fc No.156283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922353 (060729ZDEC20) Notable: High IQ post - Milcomms here prove QResearch is still VERY relevant

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the fact the same group is still posting here (the obvious MIL group) means this comms channel is still necessary.

If Q posts again, it most likely means there will be a war on US Soil and the energy will have to remain positive. At least that's the conclusion I was able to draw.

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eb73fc No.156284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922363 (060731ZDEC20) Notable: Deputy Asst AG for Nat Sec Adam Hickey Delivers Remarks at the ACI 2nd National Forum on FARA

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speech on Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) yesterday:

Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division Adam Hickey Delivers Remarks at the ACI 2nd National Forum on FARA

Washington, DC ~ Friday, December 4, 2020


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eb73fc No.156285

File: 219a9caa1f22c54⋯.png (429.2 KB,754x467,754:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922403 (060741ZDEC20) Notable: Most used 'solutions' for Cabal to tidy up loose ends

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car crash deaths are a favorite method, when tidying up "loose ends"

small-plane crashes and nail gun suicides run a close second

drug over-dose and accidental drowning run a close third

then there are the "gas explosions" that destroy entire homes….

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eb73fc No.156286

File: 6560227e34c704a⋯.png (2.81 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922408 (060742ZDEC20) Notable: A doctor derided mask wearing. His medical license has been suspended

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A doctor derided mask wearing. His medical license has been suspended.

Deriding mask-wearing, Steven LaTulippe has touted his credentials as a “practicing physician.” Last month, he urged Trump supporters gathered in Salem, Ore., to “take off the mask of shame” — though hardly a covered face was in sight — and said proudly, to claps and cheers, that none of his clinic staff wore the simple accessories shown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“And how many problems did we have in our clinic from that?” he asked. “Zero! Absolutely none.”

LaTulippe’s license to practice medicine has now been suspended.

Explaining the suspension in a written order Friday, the Oregon Medical Board said LaTulippe’s disdain for public health measures went far beyond staff going maskless. The Dallas, Ore.-based doctor not only fails to take basic precautions, the board said, but “actively promotes transmission of the virus within the extended community” by his poor example. The board alleges that LaTulippe regularly misinforms patients — especially elderly ones and children — with warnings that mask-wearing is “very dangerous” and can lead to serious health issues.

LaTulippe’s conduct “is contrary to medical ethics and does or might constitute a danger to the health or safety of the public,” the board’s suspension order states.It accuses him of “gross negligence.”

The Washington Post could not immediately reach LaTulippe for comment Saturday evening.

The state board’s catalogue of concerns begins with LaTulippe’s alleged July advice to a patient. According to the board, LaTulippe told the patient that wearing masks does not prevent the spread of the coronavirus and instructed against isolating because exposure to other people would give the patient immunity to covid-19.

8 facts about the coronavirus to combat common misinformation

The person was “terminated as a patient” a few weeks later, the board says, after questioning LaTulippe’s advice.

LaTulippe also urged people entering his clinic to remove their masks, according to the state board, and directed people to a YouTube video with misinformation. The board dismisses the doctor’s reported claims that masks will harm people by increasing their levels of carbon dioxide: “The amount of carbon dioxide re-breathed within a mask is trivial,” the order for license suspension states.

A board investigator who visited LaTulippe’s clinic Wednesday found not only a lack of masks but also no coronavirus screening measures such as temperature-taking and no hand sanitizer in the waiting area, according to the order. A notice told visitors about carbon dioxide toxicity “warning signs,” it says.

Many scientific studies have found that new infections fell notably after leaders instructed people to consistently wear masks. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testified before the Senate in September that masks are “the most important, powerful public health tool we have” for combating the pandemic.

LaTulippe has defended his positions in public, telling NBC News in a recent interview that he believes there is “bad science” behind mask-wearing recommendations. Speaking at last month’s Salem gathering of Trump supporters — who had rallied around false claims of a stolen election — LaTulippe said he wants to expose “corona mania” and claimed that coronavirus has “been with us forever.”


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eb73fc No.156287

File: 5912f00da56efbc⋯.png (420.28 KB,948x727,948:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922420 (060744ZDEC20) Notable: Fire guts historic church home to New York’s Liberty Bell

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Something burned on the 5th of December


Fire guts historic church home to New York’s Liberty Bell

NEW YORK (AP) — A historic church in lower Manhattan that houses New York’s Liberty Bell and whose congregation dates to the city’s earliest days was gutted by a massive fire early Saturday that sent flames shooting through the roof.

Dec. 6 2020 @ 12:05am

NEW YORK (AP) — A historic church in lower Manhattan that houses New York’s Liberty Bell and whose congregation dates to the city’s earliest days was gutted by a massive fire early Saturday that sent flames shooting through the roof.

The Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village burned before dawn after a fire spread from a five-story vacant building adjacent to the church around 5 a.m. Flames shot from the roof and the church’s stately front window glowed from the conflagration inside.

“We are devastated. We are gutted like our building is gutted; our hearts are crushed like our doors are crushed,” the Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis said. “But we know how to be the church, and we know that God is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

The fire department said in an Instagram post there were four minor injuries to firefighters and that marshals were investigating the blaze.

Built in 1892, the church is home to the oldest congregation of the Collegiate Churches of New York, which date to the Dutch settlement of the island in the 1620s, according to the church’s website.

The Middle Collegiate Church had been in two other locations in Manhattan since 1729.

The bell tower houses New York’s Liberty Bell, which pealed to mark the birth of the nation in 1776 and has since been rung for the inaugurations and deaths of American presidents and events such as remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the church.

Lewis believed the bell survived the fire but was not certain. Church minister Amanda Ashcraft told WABC the Tiffany stained glass windows were gone.

Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the fire was “heartbreaking” and pledged: “We’ll do whatever we can to help Middle Collegiate rebuild.”

The fate of the church building is unclear, Lewis said, but the ministry will continue.

“Our church has been worshipping digitally since March 15,” Lewis said. “And that’s what we’ll be doing tomorrow.”


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eb73fc No.156288

File: 0fd176c7a723ca0⋯.png (545.94 KB,610x857,610:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922436 (060749ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Democrat senatorial candidates campaigned with a man who’s reportedly referred to Jews as “termites.”

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Georgia Runoff Candidates Campaign With Man Who Compared Jews to 'Termites'

Some might call it a bold choice.

On Saturday, Georgia Democrat senatorial candidates Raphael Warnock and Joe Ossoff campaigned with a man who’s reportedly referred to Jews as “termites.”

According to a Mobilize.us event notice, the trio teamed up to “register to vote in [the state’s] critical runoff!”

The drive-in rally was helmed with Hank Johnson, who — per The Washington Free Beacon — “compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites” in 2016.

Hank offered the analogy at an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

He was quoted thusly:

“There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up, and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever-increasing rate, to the point where it has become alarming.”

Johnson went on to liken Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to President Trump:

“The fact is the Israeli government, which is the most right-wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history, the most right wing government, you got a guy like Trump who is now the minister of defense in Israel calling the shots on defense.”

Do you consider The Donald to be uber-right-wing?

Back to Georgia, for any who think it took moxy for Raphael and Joe to hang with Hank, the state’s 4th District definitely disagrees — it elected Mr. Johnson to Congress.

On Twitter, Hank praised Raphael — that’s Revered Warnock — and asserted Republicans are trying to strip away health care:

.@ossoff & @ReverendWarnock in the Senate will fight to protect #healthcare for all American families by safeguarding pre-existing condition protections, no matter how hard some Republicans will work to strip them away. pic.twitter.com/24sLkAv0LN

— Hank Johnson (@ReElectHank) December 5, 2020

As for the termites thing, it’s not the first time the wood-eating insects have been prominently referenced with regard to Israel.

You may remember such a quote from National Representative of the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan:

Stop Lying On Farrakhan!!!! Stop changing his words!!! He clearly stated,”I'm not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite.” #StandWithFarrakhan All praises are due to Allah🙏 pic.twitter.com/VTNUtL6zsR

— Sudan Muhammad (@sudans1love) January 15, 2019


– “I'm not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite.”

– “Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit”

– “Powerful Jews are my enemy”

– “The false Jew will lead you to filth and indecency”

– “You are the synagogue of Satan” pic.twitter.com/1rRR8rnTDK

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) October 27, 2018

Anti-Semitism aside, how will the Peach State’s runoffs go? There’s a lot riding on it, and the Commander-in-Chief wants to see GOP voters turn out in droves — to pull the lever for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

Hence, he’s doing an election drive of his own:

Register to vote before Monday 12/7. Register now on https://t.co/bFJXEeKHLV, then request your absentee ballot before 12/31 – do it TODAY, and return your ballot the same day you get it. If you aren’t planning to vote by mail, vote early in person, or vote on Election Day! pic.twitter.com/mGnORcriXw

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 6, 2020

And that includes a featuring of Warnoff:


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 6, 2020

A lot is at stake…and right now, in addition to a focus on the presidential race, Americans certainly have Georgia on Their Mind.


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eb73fc No.156289

File: 9d45ddd4b972dae⋯.png (879.72 KB,1184x1276,296:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922444 (060751ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet - 'Same here. Maybe one day we take that hill together. God Bless.'

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What did he mean by this bros? Are we crossing the rubicon?



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eb73fc No.156290

File: fcfe21f1b5fc8a3⋯.png (322.45 KB,496x698,248:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922462 (060756ZDEC20) Notable: Trump: 'They're Going to Try to Rig This Election, Too

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Trump: 'They're Going to Try to Rig This Election, Too'=

By Eric Mack | Saturday, 05 December 2020 07:46 PM

President Donald Trump delivered a stirring rebuke of the "rigged election" as he campaigned for Republican senators left to fight for Senate control in the Jan. 5 runoff elections, which he warned Democrats are going to try to "steal," too.

"You must go vote and vote early starting Dec. 14 – you have to do it – they cheated and they rigged this presidential election, but we will still win it," Trump told a large Valdosta, Georgia, rally Saturday night, which aired live on Newsmax TV. "We will still win it.

"And they're going to try to rig this election, too."

Incumbents Sens. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., face challenges from Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in runoff elections that might determine the balance of power in the Senate.

Republicans already hold 50 Senate seats, but if Democrats sweep the two Georgia runoffs and Joe Biden wins the White House, the vice president casts the deciding vote in a 50-50 tie.

"At least you have two beauties, and you know what you also have two beauties running against them, but beauty in a different way," Trump told a raucous crowd of Republican supporters. "They're two beauties, but there's never been a case where a state has this prominence on the Senate races, because they're never together.

"This is something that's very important, and you have to get out you have to vote. You have to make sure you have every vote counted. Everybody vote has to count. You got to make sure they don't throw away any ballots. You got to make sure that when they collect the ballots – they're bragging about how many ballots they have already collected – you've got to make sure your secretary of state does what the hell he's doing.

"And you got to make sure your governor gets a lot tougher than he's been. He's gotta get a lot tougher."

Trump seemed to admit remaining in the White House is an uphill battle, suggesting Vice President Mike Pence would not be the one casting the deciding vote in the next Senate if Democrats win a 50-50 Senate split with a Jan. 5 sweep.

"At stake in this election is control of the U.S. Senate, and that really means control of this country," Trump said. "The voters of Georgia will determine which party runs every committee, writes every piece of legislation, controls every single taxpayer dollar.

"Very simply you will decide whether your children will grow up in a socialist country or whether they will grow up in a free country."

He added later, "if the other side manages to steal both elections, we will have total one party socialist control. And everything you care about will be gone. Your whole philosophy is going to be gone."

The crowd broke out in a "Stop the steal" chant, before Trump added: "But we're working hard to ensure that it doesn't happen, and now they're trying to steal these two important Senate seats from Georgia."


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eb73fc No.156291

File: 606afa069901cb8⋯.png (628.98 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922463 (060756ZDEC20) Notable: Texas A&M System To Lead $100 Million Hypersonic Research Consortium

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Texas A&M System To Lead $100 Million Hypersonic Research Consortium

The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station will lead a five-year contract for Department of Defense research among top U.S. universities. The Department of Defense today named a state agency of The Texas A&M University System to lead a national consortium for modernizing hypersonic flight capabilities. The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) will manage a five-year, $20 million per-year DOD initiative involving many of the nation’s top research universities. The universities will work cooperatively among themselves and with other key research institutions of government, national laboratories, federally-funded research centers and industry. The University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) will work on everything from basic research to real-world capabilities in hypersonic flight systems. The concept is for researchers from all of the institutions to work in close coordination. Together, they will accelerate innovation to address the nation’s hypersonic needs and nurture the next-generation of researchers in aerospace engineering and related fields. “Tell us how we can help protect this nation and we’ll be right there,” said John Sharp, Chancellor of the Texas A&M System. “We have experience managing consortiums and our hypersonic research capabilities are second to none.”

The UCAH will be managed by TEES under the leadership from of one of the nation’s foremost hypersonic researchers, Rodney Bowersox, professor of aerospace engineering at Texas A&M University. Initial operations will begin under the guidance of an impressive board of national experts from Texas A&M, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Minnesota, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Arizona, the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Morgan State University, the California Institute of Technology, Purdue, the University of California-Los Angeles, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. “Texas A&M has become the hypersonics research center of the nation,” said M. Katherine Banks, Texas A&M Vice Chancellor and Dean of Engineering. “Our researchers and partners are unmatched and our new, state-of-the-art facilities will fill critical gaps in U.S. testing capabilities.” The DOD contract comes as Texas A&M System is preparing to build the biggest enclosed hypersonic testing range in the nation as part of the George H. W. Bush Combat Development Complex (BCDC) on the RELLIS campus in Bryan.

The Ballistic Aero-Optics and Materials (BAM) will complement other cutting-edge hypersonic facilities at Texas A&M such as the National Aerothermochemistry and Hypersonics Laboratory (NAL) and the Aerospace Laboratory for Lasers, ElectroMagnetics and Optics (ALLEMO). The UCAH approach will include a major focus on modeling and testing to facilitate earlier and more certain progress on developing hypersonic systems. The UCAH will become a collaborative hypersonic ecosystem to bridge the so-called “valley of death” between promising research possibilities and actual real-world capabilities. TEES has already identified more than 41 institutions from at least 23 states committed to participating in the UCAH. Participation is expected to increase in upcoming months to include additional institutions from across the country and from Australia and the United Kingdom. “This first-of-its kind Consortium will be critical to advancing hypersonics research and innovation, a key priority of the Department of Defense,” said Michael Kratsios, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. “Importantly, through collaborative industry and academic partnerships, it will also accelerate technology transfer and strengthen workforce development to meet the nation’s future warfighting needs.”



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eb73fc No.156292

File: dde21ae997ebec2⋯.png (484.08 KB,606x675,202:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922472 (060800ZDEC20) Notable: Study Concludes Cuban Diplomats Suffered From Effects of 'Microwave Radiation'

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Study Concludes Cuban Diplomats Suffered From Effects of 'Microwave Radiation'

A long-awaited study by the National Academy of Sciences has concluded that the illnesses that struck American diplomats and their families in Cuba and China in 2017 were likely caused by directed microwave energy, although it’s not clear if the source was a weapon or not.

U.S. intelligence agencies had believed since 2018 that Russia was behind the attacks, using some kind of “sonic weapon.” The NAS study included examining 40 of the affected diplomats and came to the conclusion that nothing like this had previously been documented in the medical literature.

NBC News:

“The committee felt that many of the distinctive and acute signs, symptoms and observations reported by (government) employees are consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy,” the report says. “Studies published in the open literature more than a half-century ago and over the subsequent decades by Western and Soviet sources provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism.”

While important questions remain, “the mere consideration of such a scenario raises grave concerns about a world with disinhibited malevolent actors and new tools for causing harm to others, as if the U.S. government does not have its hands full already with naturally occurring threats,” says the report, edited by Dr. David Relman, a professor in medicine, microbiolology and immunology at Stanford, and Julie Pavlin, a physician who leads the National Academies of Sciences global health division in Washington.

It still might be the Russians. Recent reports have documented other cases of CIA agents being targeted and showing similar symptoms after an attack. Tracking devices show some Russian agents who had worked on microwave weapons were present in the vicinity.

Saying that the microwave energy was “directed” raises the question: by whom? And if it’s not a weapon, why was it pointed at the U.S. embassy?

As the state department and CIA are saying, there are still plenty of unanswered — and perhaps unanswerable — questions.

The State Department, responding to the report, said that “each possible cause remains speculative” and added that the investigation, now three years old, is still “ongoing.” Although it praised the National Academies of Sciences for undertaking the effort, the State Department offered a long list of “challenges of their study” and limitations in the data the academies were given access to, suggesting that the report should not be viewed as conclusive.

“While the above limit the scope of the report, they do not lessen its value,” the State Department said in an emailed statement. “We are pleased this report is now out and can add to the data and analyses that may help us come to an eventual conclusion as to what transpired.”

Whoever is doing it — and most of the signs apparently point to Russia — they are very careful not to leave any footprints to follow. The weapon has been used sparingly and in several places — perhaps testing the weapon before deploying it.

Until we figure it out, our diplomats will be in danger.


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eb73fc No.156293

File: 1d4ea4ecc13b2ea⋯.png (297.41 KB,944x1718,472:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922496 (060808ZDEC20) Notable: Japan, France, U.S. plan their first joint military drills in May

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Japan, France, U.S. plan their first joint military drills in May: media

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan, France, and the United States will hold joint military drills on land and sea for the first time in May next year as the Chinese military steps up activity in the region, the Sankei newspaper said on Sunday.

The exercises, conducted on one of Japan’s uninhabited outlying islands, will focus on providing relief efforts during a natural disaster, but parts could also form the basis for a defence against attack, the paper said, without citing sources.

Japan’s defence ministry was not immediately available to respond to Reuters’ request for confirmation.

The joint exercises aim to counter China, which claims Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea, the paper said.

“We want to demonstrate our presence to the region and send a message about Japan-France cooperation,” Admiral Pierre Vandier, chief of staff of the French navy, told Sankei in a separate interview.

“This is a message aimed at China. This is a message about multi-lateral partnerships and the freedom of passage.”

China has said its intentions in the region are peaceful.

But Japan has grown particularly concerned about a rise in Chinese naval activity around the disputed islands in the East China Sea that Tokyo calls the Senkaku, while Beijing refers to them the Diaoyu.

>sauce: https://www.reuters.com/article/japan-france-defence/japan-france-us-plan-their-first-joint-military-drills-in-may-media-idUSL4N2IM02Q

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eb73fc No.156294

File: b02261923fdf34a⋯.jpg (367.85 KB,2304x1536,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3750112e028073b⋯.png (176.74 KB,476x468,119:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922525 (060815ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Defense tweet - 'The sound of freedom F22's at Elmendorf-Richardson' Comms?

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“Enjoying the sound of freedom from the F22s of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, at a refueling stop.” A/SD Chris Miller


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eb73fc No.156295

File: 0c439cf11684841⋯.png (4.15 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922531 (060818ZDEC20) Notable: Hancock, Polis Try to Avoid Testifying in Homeless-Sweeps Lawsuit

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Hancock, Polis Try to Avoid Testifying in Homeless-Sweeps LawsuitSaying that they don't want to take time away from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic,Mayor Michael Hancock, two other top Denver officials and Governor Jared Polis are all trying to avoid testifyingin connection with a federal lawsuit over homeless encampment sweeps in the city.

On December 1, lawyers with the stateAttorney General's Office filed a motion to quash a subpoena asking Polis to testifyat an upcoming evidentiary hearing related to the case. A day later, lawyers from the Denver City Attorney's Office filed a similar motion on behalf of Hancock, Public Safety Executive Director Murphy Robinson and Public Health and Environment Executive Director Bob McDonald.

Andy McNulty, the lawyer from Killmer, Lane & Newman who filed the October 5 lawsuit on behalf of Denver Homeless Out Loud and multiple plaintiffs who were dislocated by sweeps, is pushing back against efforts by Hancock, Robinson, McDonald and Polis to get out of testifying, and has already filed opposing arguments.


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eb73fc No.156296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922567 (060829ZDEC20) Notable: Officials Describe How Arms Sales Benefit the U.S., Partners

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Officials Describe How Arms Sales Benefit the U.S., Partners

DEC. 4, 2020


The 2020 FMS arm sales totaled $50.78 billion, Grant said. Arms sales funded under the Title 22 Foreign Military Financing Program, totaled $3.3 billion.

Sales funded through the Title 10 Foreign Assistance Act, which are building partner capacity programs, such as global train and equip, totaled $2.69 billion, she said.

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eb73fc No.156297

File: b733bce4d997484⋯.png (399.34 KB,494x727,494:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922570 (060831ZDEC20) Notable: Trump supporters protest in Huntington Beach against Newsom‘s stay at home orders

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Scriberr News


HAPPENING NOW: Trump supporters protest in #HuntingtonBeach against Newsom‘a stay at home orders & the projected election results. #stopthesteal #protest #orangecounty


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eb73fc No.156298

File: 60b8c62be6a8a95⋯.png (780.69 KB,827x701,827:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 45bce16baa772fc⋯.png (1.76 MB,828x1031,828:1031,Clipboard.png)

File: 950f554913ab31c⋯.png (778.92 KB,823x1340,823:1340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922583 (060834ZDEC20) Notable: The gift that keeps giving - Elena Parent tweet from June 2020

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eb73fc No.156299

File: f26d4f357f2064d⋯.gif (2.86 MB,524x524,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922596 (060840ZDEC20) Notable: Elena Parent in her native environment (spoiler - highly kekable)

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eb73fc No.156300

File: 583be3afb80e2cc⋯.png (387.81 KB,717x808,717:808,Clipboard.png)

File: baf7696befbf7f6⋯.png (124.31 KB,586x525,586:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 899a9845c012513⋯.png (16.31 KB,595x423,595:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e32e63a6524cc1⋯.png (537.29 KB,1875x773,1875:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922607 (060844ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino - President Trump & First Lady Melania return to the White House at 11:05pmE

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Dan's follow up post to video of Marine One:

President Trump & First Lady Melania return to the White House at 11:05pmE—after a great evening in Georgia! Captured this video of Marine One taking off from the South Lawn, after their return to the White House. Enjoy

Has "E" after 11:05pm and "–" after e.

Q posts from Feb 10, 2018 and Feb 11, 2018

Posts about JFK, Snowden, John Perry Barlow, No Name, Clown Ops, Asia, Goodbye, [5], [e], Guantanamo Bay

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eb73fc No.156301

File: 51898bc53ac8cfa⋯.jpg (186.74 KB,850x1207,50:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf74e6ca9356685⋯.jpg (57.38 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 16d478e6c13041f⋯.png (209.41 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc8d6787265137⋯.jpg (351.83 KB,1700x1272,425:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922609 (060846ZDEC20) Notable: Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun

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Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun

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eb73fc No.156302

File: 3c4594e44c2f7a7⋯.png (733.69 KB,1051x890,1051:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922614 (060847ZDEC20) Notable: SHOTS FIRED: Dueling Pro-Trump Versus Antifa Rallies in Olympia Result in Gunfire

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SHOTS FIRED: Dueling Pro-Trump Versus Antifa Rallies in Olympia Result in Gunfire (VIDEOS)

Multiple fights broke out at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia on Saturday between patriots and black-clad members of Antifa — and the tense dueling protests culminated in gunfire.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, supporters of President Donald Trump were at the Capitol holding a pro-Trump and anto-lockdown rally, while Antifa were holding an event titled “Squash Fascists.”

Videographer Andrew Duncomb, known online as Black Rebel, filmed the incident.

“Patriots are tired of being attacked by antifa and they are starting to fight back,” Duncomb told the Gateway Pundit.


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eb73fc No.156303

File: cbc85ae7219aef8⋯.png (595.79 KB,1130x704,565:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922633 (060854ZDEC20) Notable: This New Technology Will Dangerously Expand Government Spying On Citizens

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This New Technology Will Dangerously Expand Government Spying On Citizens

The US Air Force’s Research Lab (yes, it has its own lab) has recently signed a contract to test new software of a company called SignalFrame, a Washington DC wireless tech company. The company’s new software is able to access smartphones, and from your phone jump off to access any other wireless or bluetooth device in the near vicinity. To quote from the article today in the Wall St. Journal, the smartphone is used “as a window onto usage of hundreds of millions of computers,s routers, fitness trackers, modern automobiles and other networked devices, known collectively as the ‘Internet of Things’.”

Your smartphone in effect becomes a government listening device that detects and accesses all nearby wireless or bluetooth devices, or anything that has a MAC address for that matter. How ‘near’ is nearby is not revealed by the company, or the Air Force, both of which refused to comment on the Wall St. Journal story. But with the expansion of 5G wireless, it should be assumed it’s more than just a couple steps from your smartphone.

One can imagine some scary scenarios with this capability in the hands of government snoops:

Not only would the government know your geographical location via the GPS signal to your cellphone. They’d know what you are doing. And with whom.

A political gathering would allow them to see all the owners of other cellphones in the vicinity of a protest or demonstration. How many are gathering at a particular street or location. The direction they might be heading. Or whether there’s an organization meeting in a hall or room and who (with a cellphone as well) might be attending.

If you’re driving on a winding coastal or mountain road, it would know, and could possibly access, your car’s various electronic systems to turn them off. It might access your car’s circuit board that governs your power steering when you’re driving in an area of winding roads. Or it might be able to just shut down your car’s electrical system and remotely lock all your doors. The police no longer have to engage in highway chases until capture.

The new tech would allow the government to access the data on your fitbit device while you’re jogging. Or worse, maybe even interfere with the signal on your heart pacemaker device.

The technology might be used to access your smartphone, and from there to turn on your home Alexa device to listen in and record conversations without you ever knowing. Or to listen in on your zoom conferencing on your laptop. Or maybe even worse, to shut down or bypass the safety features on your home furnace equipment. Or turn off your home security system.

And with 5G wireless broadband, the tracking might be extended well beyond the range of a bluetooth device. Add 5G broadband wireless to SignalFrame’s technology, and then wed that to the capability of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and you get instant processing of a massive amount of data on any targeted person or gathering!


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eb73fc No.156304

File: 500920bd256d090⋯.png (454.91 KB,603x899,603:899,Clipboard.png)

File: a82e4f13fad90b1⋯.png (965.17 KB,1143x1366,1143:1366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922642 (060900ZDEC20) Notable: Orange County CA Sheriff responds to Newsome

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Orange County CA Sheriff responds to Newsome


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eb73fc No.156305

File: 9406f8def32c605⋯.png (889.05 KB,1000x650,20:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f4aa3ba52f888c⋯.png (681.66 KB,744x962,372:481,Clipboard.png)

File: bb4e5d01a31a737⋯.png (201.44 KB,943x1284,943:1284,Clipboard.png)

File: a82c3d3b802f552⋯.png (1.25 MB,856x1313,856:1313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922667 (060909ZDEC20) Notable: Texas A&M Students for Trump president 'required' to meet with 'conduct' office

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Texas A&M Students for Trump president 'required' to meet with 'conduct' office after placing Trump signs on 'public property'

The Students for Trump president at Texas A&M University received a letter from the school after he placed a Trump sign on public property, informing him that he is "required" to meet with the Student Conduct Office. The letter, a copy of which Campus Reform obtained, states that if he does not attend, he could face student conduct charges and his registration placed on adminstrative hold.

The president of Students for Trump at Texas A&M University received a letter from the Student Conduct Office requesting a meeting after he and other club members placed pro-Trump signs on “public property." If he does not attend the meeting, he could face student conduct charges. Texas A&M junior and Students for Trump president Dion Okeke told Campus Reform about the events that led up to the letter he received from the Student Conduct Office. On the eve of election night, November 2, Okeke and four Students For Trump members spent the evening placing “Trump 2020 Keep America Great” signs around campus until police officers with the University Police Department approached the students telling them “to remove the signs due to ground damage.” After speaking with their supervisor, the university police officers gave the students “full permission to continue placing signs” according to Okeke. “This is when a university police officer took down my number in order to later provide me with all the rules of placing signs on campus. One month later, the Texas A&M administration decided to email me regarding ‘placing signs on public property,’” Okeke said.

Okeke received a letter via email from Student Code of Conduct Office Assistant Coordinator Jessica Welsch after information was “forwarded” to her office about “placing signs on public property on or about November 2, 2020.” information, I would like to meet with you to discuss the circumstances surrounding this incident, your perspective, and how you can be successful as a student at Texas A&M University,” Welsch wrote. Okeke is “required” to reach out to the Student Conduct Office by phone before January 22, 2021 to schedule the meeting, or an “administrative hold [may be] placed on [his] registration.” Attendance at the meeting is not optional for Okeke as Welsch cites the “possibility of Student Conduct Code charges being brought against [him].”


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eb73fc No.156306

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB,753x861,251:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922675 (060913ZDEC20) Notable: Archive Update

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Archive Update

"2nd Advent" Edition

I added #15097 to #15154 and updated the checksums.



15155-15217.html.zip MD5: 8c68f0bfb0248f72a1c14dcbad2ac71c

The archive now contains 15247 breads.


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eb73fc No.156307

File: b1453c844677928⋯.png (787.66 KB,1123x868,1123:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922682 (060916ZDEC20) Notable: Minority Students Crushed By Lockdowns; 600% Increase In Math Failures, 500% English

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For the Children

Minority Students Crushed By Lockdowns; 600% Increase In Math Failures, 500% English

Since the county padlocked public schools earlier this year and shifted to unreliable “distance learning,” there has been a 500%+ increase in the number of black junior high students failing mathematics and a 600%+ increase in Hispanic students failing. The percentage of black elementary school students failing English increased more than 350% and the percentage of Hispanic students failing increased more than 500%. These numbers were revealed during a County Board of Education meeting on December 3; a local activist captured screenshots of the disastrous test results. Some of the data was also reported in yesterday’s Washington Post. Shutting down public schools has done more harm to black students than anything since the end of local school segregation in 1961.

Montgomery’s results are in line with reports elsewhere that show that minority students have suffered far more harm from shutdowns justified to curtail the spread of Covid. This carnage was foreseeable. An analysis by McKinsey & Company consultants last spring estimated that if schools were entirely online until January, on average “white students would lose 6 months of learning, Hispanic students 9 months, black students 10 months and low-income students more than a year during the time school buildings have closed for the pandemic.”

MoCo leaders recite their devotion to “science and data” except when the data might curb their arbitrary power. C.D.C. chief Robert Redfield testified this week, “The data clearly shows us that you can operate these schools in face-to-face learning in a safe and responsible way.” Maryland State Schools Superintendent Karen Salmon urged local schools to bring back students five weeks ago but Salmon can deliver neither vanloads of votes nor armloads of cash to County Council members. The Washington Post, in an article on the success and safety of European school reopenings, noted, “Teachers unions, which have emerged as a powerful force of opposition to school reopenings in the United States, have generally been more acquiescent in Europe, pushing for safety measures rather than closures.”

Many kids may have unnecessarily lost practically a year of their learning lives but MoCo has compensated with a maniacal devotion to mandating masks. On April 9, Montgomery County’s chief health officer Travis Gayles decreed that any store customer who failed to wear a mask would be fined $500. Gayles discouraged local residents from acquiring and wearing the most reliable protection, such as surgical masks or N95 masks, which the county said “should be reserved for health care workers.” Mandating the wearing of unreliable masks makes about as much sense as requiring everyone to wear a dunce cap with the inscription, “Save me, Big Brother!”



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eb73fc No.156308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922686 (060917ZDEC20) Notable: Riverside County Sheriff has a blistering message for Governor Hairdoo

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Riverside County Sheriff has a blistering message for Governor Hairdoo

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eb73fc No.156309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922708 (060927ZDEC20) Notable: Marine one - Ball of Light?

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Earlier in Scavinos video of Marine one leaving the White house, an anon noticed a ball of light floating around and leaving with the helicopter

Well check this out, when Trump and Melania came back to the White House, the light is flying along side, then darts off, it dissapears at 58 seconds

it could be a lens issue, but I believe it was two different cameras Scavino recorded the departure, Right side captured the landing.

WTF is this anons?

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eb73fc No.156310

File: 2484edbc1c8673c⋯.jpg (30.57 KB,598x660,299:330,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3477a94bc8302f8⋯.jpg (25.86 KB,550x718,275:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922711 (060927ZDEC20) Notable: Marine one - Ball of Light?

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eb73fc No.156311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922712 (060928ZDEC20) Notable: Trump legal team joins Matt Braynard lawsuit in Georgia

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Trump legal team joins Matt Braynard lawsuit in Georgia

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eb73fc No.156312

File: 853d76f4a4a693c⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB,384x288,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922716 (060931ZDEC20) Notable: "I'm President and they're not" - President Trump (video)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156313

File: 1bd472c4deca063⋯.jpg (125.52 KB,1125x1220,225:244,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 14b17679528d14d⋯.jpg (157.12 KB,1125x1705,225:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922724 (060933ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion met with John Podesta offering 'Anything' to defeat Trump

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eb73fc No.156314

File: 9fc6b120fc4c25c⋯.mp4 (161.96 KB,486x270,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922726 (060934ZDEC20) Notable: "I'll develop some disease and have to resign" - Biden

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Here ya go

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eb73fc No.156315

File: fa20eaf98565570⋯.jpg (153.05 KB,941x437,941:437,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922729 (060935ZDEC20) Notable: CIA = Pickle Factory

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156316

File: 8249fbf2508f1c3⋯.jpeg (90.27 KB,750x525,10:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 833ca2bdaef0c25⋯.jpeg (98 KB,750x626,375:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922927 (061101ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus Strike Teams

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Covid-19 Strike Teams



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eb73fc No.156317

File: 6f2b496ff335a7e⋯.png (1.73 MB,1643x937,1643:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922988 (061127ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

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Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

The Trump administration has refused to allow members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies that are controlled by the Pentagon, undermining prospects for a smooth transfer of power, current and former U.S. officials said.

The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms.

The Defense Department rejected or did not approve requests from the Biden team this week, the officials said, despite a General Services Administration decision Nov. 23 clearing the way for federal agencies to meet with representatives of the incoming administration.

The delays came even as Biden advisers spent much of this week meeting with officials at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA, intelligence agencies that are independent of the Defense Department.But Pentagon officials said their agency was taking steps required to provide outside officials access.

Biden to nominate Avril Haines as next director of national intelligence; she would be the first woman to hold the position

Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman, said Friday that the Biden team “has not been denied any access.” After being asked by The Washington Post about the apparent standoff, Gough said the requested meetings could take place as early as next week.

By then, Biden advisers will have waited more than a month since the election to have meaningful contact with intelligence agencies that have multibillion-dollar budgets, satellite networks that ring the planet and vast surveillance authorities.The delays have added to the unprecedented tensions surrounding the transition, fueled by a president who refuses to concede that he lost the election and spent much of his tenure accusing the nation’s spy agencies of disloyalty to him.A Biden transition team spokesman declined to comment, as did NSA and DIA officials.

Current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said the delays have impaired the Biden team’s ability to get up to speed on espionage operations against Russia, China, Iran and other U.S. adversaries.

The inability to meet with the NSA was described as particularly worrisome. The agency is the largest U.S. intelligence service, and its eavesdropping capabilities have been a critical source of intelligence on threats as varied as weapons proliferation and foreign interference in U.S. elections.

Officials said that rejections relayed this week to the Biden team cited seemingly petty procedural barriers.

One person said the Pentagon had asked repeatedly for rosters of those who would take part in a visit, lists of topics and estimates of time to be allotted — information that in some cases had been provided at the outset.



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eb73fc No.156318

File: c27c8f95f67e782⋯.png (126.69 KB,720x887,720:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 803d11e02647ad9⋯.png (158.36 KB,720x1176,30:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11922994 (061129ZDEC20) Notable: More Pentagon departures

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Enjoying the show?

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eb73fc No.156319

File: 2d9b0651cdcd323⋯.png (114.96 KB,720x742,360:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923036 (061147ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn - Dems getting a crash course in 'American Patriotism' - kek

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eb73fc No.156320

File: 1e37be7ccd45070⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,199x255,199:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923058 (061155ZDEC20) Notable: Hold the Line

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Hold the line

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eb73fc No.156321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923087 (061204ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion's vote stealing algorithm Video

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Attention Math Fags and Autists

Edward Solomon has published a very long proof of reverse-engineering Dominion's vote stealing algorithm. It's solid evidence, and needs to be understood and explained better, faster, and more clearly. Do what you do, you miracle workers…


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eb73fc No.156322

File: 8f5280a28a77a2a⋯.png (618.37 KB,704x440,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923123 (061216ZDEC20) Notable: China creating 'biologically enhanced soldiers', claims US intelligence chief

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China creating 'biologically enhanced soldiers', claims US intelligence chief

China is conducting "human testing" to create "biologically enhanced soldiers," the head of US intelligence has claimed as he warned that Beijing poses the biggest threat to America's national security.

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, warned that the US must be prepared for an "open-ended" confrontation with China which he likened to the Cold War.

Mr Ratcliffe, who oversees America's intelligence agencies, said he believed China's intention was to "dominate" the planet in every sense: economically, militarily and technologically.

He claimed that US intelligence showed China has "conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities".


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eb73fc No.156323

File: c5a1c8b5f9291af⋯.png (815.09 KB,704x396,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923137 (061221ZDEC20) Notable: Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

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Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

Sat, December 5, 2020, 6:45 AM EST

US marines take part in the US-Kenyan joint military exercises near the Somali border in Lamu, Kenya, 12 February 2002

An unspecified number of US troops will be redeployed to neighbouring countries for cross-border missions

US President Donald Trump has ordered the withdrawal of nearly all US troops from Somalia by 15 January, the Pentagon has said.

The US has about 700 troops in the country helping local forces battle al-Shabab and Islamic State militants.

US officials said some of the troops would move to neighbouring countries, allowing for cross-border operations.


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eb73fc No.156324

File: 833444d4089d896⋯.png (94.69 KB,299x536,299:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923196 (061245ZDEC20) Notable: New Flynn - @Raiklin on the state of play in our election process

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New Flynn….DRAIN THE GWAMP (Ga,Wi,Az,Mi,Pa)


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eb73fc No.156325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923211 (061252ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Suspects CIA In RIGGING Elections - Video (Huckabee show)

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EXCLUSIVE: Sidney Powell Suspects CIA In RIGGING Elections | Huckabee

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eb73fc No.156326

File: 866dcb7a1be0bab⋯.png (238.4 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923257 (061310ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Bring the thunder

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eb73fc No.156327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923259 (061311ZDEC20) Notable: Constitution does not require hasty Electoral College vote, check fraud first

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New claim: Constitution does not require hasty Electoral College vote, check fraud first

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | | December 05, 2020 09:31 AM

States rushing to brush aside President Trump’s legal challenges to begin picking electors by Monday are being advised to slow down in a new advisory that says the only date the Constitution mentions is Jan. 20, Inauguration Day.

Citing language in the famous Bush vs. Gore Supreme Court decision, the advisory said that while federal law sets two days in December for moving forward with the Electoral College voting, the Constitution doesn’t.

“The Supreme Court has ruled that the law does not actually require states to appoint Electors by that date in order for those Electoral Votes to be counted by Congress when determining the winner of the presidential election,” said a new white paper from the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society, which is challenging the votes in several states.

What’s more, the document claims that in the five states it has filed challenges to the election results, enough violations took place to force the legislatures to take over for the electoral system.

“Through rigorous investigations supporting our litigation, we demonstrate that state and local officials brazenly violated election laws in several swing states in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” said Phill Kline, the director of the Amistad Project, in releasing the white paper.

“As a result, it is impossible for those states to determine their presidential Electors in line with the arbitrary deadline set forth via federal statute in 1948, and thus, the only deadline that matters is January 20, 2021,” he said.

The Trump campaign and others, including the Amistad Project, are scrambling to find evidence of voter and voting registration fraud, a process that can take years. In Nevada and Georgia, they believe they’ve produced enough to potentially change the results.

The project’s challenge to the Electoral College vote dates is just one angle of attack by Trump’s allies.

There are also a growing number of House conservatives who are eyeing challenging specific state Electoral College vote counts. That effort is being led by Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, who believes that Joe Biden’s likely election can be reversed in the House.

Amistad, in challenging the key Electoral College dates of Dec. 8 and Dec. 14, said that they are outdated and obsolete.

Democrats have said that the president and his supporters are stalling the inevitable despite earlier calling for all votes to be counted.

Amistad compared the fight to a football game when one side tries to begin another play before a flag can be thrown. “Election officials in urban Democrat strongholds are behaving similar to a football team which gained an advantage from a questionable play and are now running up to the line of scrimmage to begin the next play before America can throw the red flag on the field to demand a closer look,” said the group.

Instead, it is urging states to take their time and that if irregularities are confirmed, they should send the vote to state legislatures, as suggested by the Constitution. Several states where voting has been challenged have majority-Republican state legislatures.

Said the Amistad Project: “Because the laws governing the conduct of elections were flagrantly violated in numerous states during the 2020 presidential election, there can be no determination of presidential Electors pursuant to state law. As such, the Constitution makes clear that the responsibility rests with state legislatures to appoint Electors. This should be done as expeditiously as possible, but the only deadline state lawmakers have an obligation to meet is the one deadline set forth in the Constitution — noon on January 20, 2021.”


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eb73fc No.156328

File: cfe278badf6710f⋯.png (392.81 KB,954x1240,477:620,Clipboard.png)

File: e8944154ad34528⋯.png (207.5 KB,952x1160,119:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923351 (061335ZDEC20) Notable: OGLETHORPE BLUFF INCORPORATED

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eb73fc No.156329

File: 2374eef65e88e54⋯.png (33.26 KB,672x291,224:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bff7d4ba59799a⋯.png (523.1 KB,749x854,107:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923358 (061337ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet - 'May want to share this with your Gov @DougDucey

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eb73fc No.156330

File: b97891da5c5590a⋯.png (53.72 KB,462x597,154:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923374 (061344ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS twatted 48 times last hour!!!!!!!!! (Pickle in speech)

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pbn 15219

>>156263 POTUS twatted 48 times last hour!!!!!!!!!


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eb73fc No.156331

File: 0f87e9c94f2e04b⋯.png (1.65 MB,1206x1594,603:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923405 (061350ZDEC20) Notable: Herschel Walker - 'Is this a Senator counting votes?'

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"Is this a Senator counting votes?

How much more has to be exposed before you guys do the right thing ⁦


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⁩ ⁦




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eb73fc No.156332

File: 18707106fde8ad2⋯.png (1023.6 KB,921x518,921:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dd3a77f6a7ea99⋯.png (14.3 KB,940x139,940:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923438 (061359ZDEC20) Notable: Daylight Fireball over Central New York

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>>156262 (LB)


3 2020

Daylight Fireball over Central New York

Vincent Perlerin - 16 Comments - In: Fireball Logs, Fireball Sightings, Fireball Videos


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eb73fc No.156333

File: eb57f166be0cdcf⋯.png (8.1 MB,1903x11099,173:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: fd49aa8c4d5a55b⋯.png (6.79 MB,1903x10110,1903:10110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923464 (061406ZDEC20) Notable: Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei hands power to son due to health

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Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei hands power to son due to health – report

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may have transferred power to his son amid concerns over his declining health, Iranian journalist Momahad Ahwaze reported Saturday.

Taking to Twitter, Ahwaze wrote in Arabic that sources in Iran were concerned regarding the 81-year-old leader's health, and those close to him are reportedly "very concerned" over his deteriorating condition.

As such, his powers have reportedly been transferred to his 51-year-old son, Sayyid Mojtaba Hosseini Khamenei, who currently oversees several important security and intelligence departments in the country. European sources have pegged Mojtaba as a potential successor to the supreme leader's position for over 10 years, and British news outlet The Guardian even dubbed him "the gatekeeper to Iran's supreme leader" in a 2009 article.


Journalist Claims Iran's Supreme Leader Transfers Power to Son as Health Deteriorates

Iranian journalist Momahad Ahwaze has claimed on Twitter that Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has transferred his powers to his son as concerns about his failing health have mounted and the country faces increased tensions with Israel and U.S.

Writing in Arabic, Ahwaze said Khamenei had handed power over to his son, Mojtaba Khamenei.

"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was scheduled to meet on Friday with the Iranian Leader Khamenei, this meeting between [Khamenei] and President Rouhani was canceled due to the deterioration of Khamenei's health condition," Ahwaze wrote.


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eb73fc No.156334

File: c3b4f97104ef39a⋯.png (758.26 KB,1041x990,347:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923468 (061407ZDEC20) Notable: USPS Truck Driver who drove ballots over State Lines

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MUST SEE: The Unknown Story of the Courageous Truck Driver in Pennsylvania Who Risked His Livelihood and Much More to Testify This Past Week and Save His Country (VIDEO)

On Tuesday news broke that truckloads of ballots were being shipped from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 election. One truck driver who drove one of these truckloads stepped forward to report the shipment. He had much to lose and little go gain in doing so, like so many witnesses we saw the past couple weeks.

This man is a hero. He was introduced by former Kansas Attorney General Phill Klein who shared the following (starting at 41:30 mark):


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eb73fc No.156335

File: 5e5102774510ac8⋯.png (450.27 KB,1097x781,1097:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923480 (061410ZDEC20) Notable: The 'Biggest Ever' Flotilla Of Iranian Tankers Is En Route To Venezuela With Fuel

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The 'Biggest Ever' Flotilla Of Iranian Tankers Is En Route To Venezuela With Fuel

It appears both Iran and Venezuela are ready and willing to test the outgoing Trump administration in a major gambit to skirt sanctions in a crude and fuel export scheme.

The daily American military newspaper Stars & Stripes alongside Bloomberg reports this weekend that Iran "is sending its biggest fleet yet of tankers to Venezuela in defiance of U.S. sanctions to help the isolated nation weather a crippling fuel shortage," based on sources familiar with their movements.

"Some of the flotilla of about 10 Iranian vessels will also help export Venezuelan crude after discharging fuel, the people said, asking not to be named because the transaction is not public," the report continues.This appears to be the first instance Iran has sent such a large fleet, which may potentially include smaller military escorts or patrols, or possibly armed commandos on board. Things could get interesting especially when the flotilla crosses the Caribbean Sea, given the concentrated presence of US Navy warships there.

While Maduro's Venezuela is rich in crude, it's actually for over the past year suffered a nationwide fuel shortage, given state-run processing plans which turn crude into usable gasoline have long fallen derelict and suffered mechanical failures. Caracas has sought outside help, including from the Iranians and Russians, in not only importing the necessary mechanical parts and operational products, but in bringing in teams of technicians that can bring the facilities online.

In the meantime Iran has launched several rounds of fuel deliveries since last summer. At least one major attempt to get Iranian fuel to Venezuela saw four tankers intercepted by the US military in August. The US federal government seized the over 1.1 million barrels of petroleum and later auctioned it off.

The last batch of Iranian petrol to make it through was reportedly in October. Tankers carrying Iranian fuel typically switch off their transponders to avoid attention for their sanctions-busting activities.



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eb73fc No.156336

File: 9e12be045e9841d⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 62b7488dbdbd5e0⋯.png (443.4 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e543a90bb6fd2⋯.png (2.49 KB,163x203,163:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 243b21adb4d37dd⋯.png (292.85 KB,1167x895,1167:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923493 (061413ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Spoopy plane doing loopty-loops near Boulder, CO.

Squawking MLAT, from Slovenia.

Owned by:



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eb73fc No.156337

File: 1919d3bc361441a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c2a6c4cc9f9c30⋯.png (2.3 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923525 (061420ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Flying Antenna Farm JM08 cruising down the St. Lawrence.

Little far north, ain't she?

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eb73fc No.156338

File: ce86f8d93c73b23⋯.jpg (70.79 KB,555x680,111:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923527 (061420ZDEC20) Notable: WTF!!…..2 Georgia State SENATORS counting votes???

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you be the judge

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eb73fc No.156339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923641 (061436ZDEC20) Notable: #15219

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>>>/qresearch/11922836 Dough

#15219 FINAL Notables

>>156316 China Virus Strike Teams

>>156317 Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

>>156318 More Pentagon departures

>>156319 Gen Flynn - Dems getting a crash course in 'American Patriotism' - kek

>>156320 Hold the Line

>>156321 Dominion's vote stealing algorithm Video

>>156322 China creating 'biologically enhanced soldiers', claims US intelligence chief

>>156323 Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

>>156324 New Flynn - @Raiklin on the state of play in our election process

>>156325 Sidney Powell Suspects CIA In RIGGING Elections - Video (Huckabee show)

>>156326 , >>156336 , >>156337 PF Report

>>156327 Constitution does not require hasty Electoral College vote, check fraud first


>>156329 Gen Flynn tweet - 'May want to share this with your Gov @DougDucey

>>156330 POTUS twatted 48 times last hour!!!!!!!!! (Pickle in speech)

>>156331 Herschel Walker - 'Is this a Senator counting votes?'

>>156332 Daylight Fireball over Central New York

>>156333 Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei hands power to son due to health

>>156334 USPS Truck Driver who drove ballots over State Lines

>>156335 The 'Biggest Ever' Flotilla Of Iranian Tankers Is En Route To Venezuela With Fuel

>>156338 WTF!!…..2 Georgia State SENATORS counting votes???


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eb73fc No.156340

File: d015be357db9416⋯.png (34.58 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923735 (061453ZDEC20) Notable: Los Angeles residents protest lockdown at Dept. of Health chief’s home

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Los Angeles residents protest lockdown at Dept. of Health chief’s home


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eb73fc No.156341

File: 03472a5cd9b11d0⋯.png (198.65 KB,979x929,979:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923753 (061457ZDEC20) Notable: 10 days of cancelled cases in Military Tribunals?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11923736 (pb)

Highy interdasting.

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eb73fc No.156342

File: 23c9e2efe548eaa⋯.jpeg (69.86 KB,1242x710,621:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a6d0c6a40fb93c8⋯.png (318.87 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923775 (061500ZDEC20) Notable: A Strange Triangle Flew Out Of The Ocean Near The US Navy (Q Post 442)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

saw this yesterday on fake news b4 work MONUMENTAL

looked thru notes and did not readily see this mentioned

Bill Cooper's words have come to life in front of our eyes, moar to come?

REPORT: A Strange Triangle Flew Out Of The Ocean Near The US Navy, And They Have No Idea What It Is


Bill Cooper told the story of how he was drawn into the spoopy world of cornspiracys after a UFO came out of the ocean while he was on a US Naval submarine

In 1966, after switching from the Air Force to the Navy, Cooper volunteered for submarines. While on watch aboard the USS Tiru Cooper saw his first flying saucer. At first, Cooper was the only one to see the saucer, which was the size of an aircraft carrier, "rise from beneath the ocean" and then "disappear into the clouds." But within minutes, it was back, this time capturing the attention of several others.

Cooper recounts that everyone who had seen the craft was ordered to keep quiet about it; they weren't even allowed to talk among themselves. Cooper says that he signed documents that spelled out what would happen if he ever told anyone what he had seen: he could be fined up to $10,000, imprisoned up to 10 years, or both. Cooper says that not long after this incident, he "devolunteered" from submarines.

In 1968 Cooper was transferred to Naval Security and Intelligence School where he received special training in preparing and conducting Pacific-area intelligence briefings.

But it was only when he was back in Hawaii,with an upgraded security clearance (Top Secret, Q, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information), that he found out what all this UFO activity meant.As a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINPACFLT), it was Cooper's job to brief high-level officers about various documents. The contents of these documents were what led Cooper to an "18-year search" that culminated in writing Behold a Pale Horse.

Bill was always adamant that the last great threat, the final enemy would be from the sky.


The only enemy that could "unite the world" under the umbrella ofworld governmentwould be the final card the DS would play.

monoliths (mystery babylon series first hour)


man I hope he faked his death and is who we know as Q.

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eb73fc No.156343

File: 4df28f0a751f80f⋯.png (798.82 KB,2692x1264,673:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923809 (061504ZDEC20) Notable: Nevada Bus in Arizona with voting machines inside

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

he good general asking us to spread this about…




How about sharing this with your GOV ⁦



⁩ this may be of interest to your case in NV (I believe


is over the target!)

Share this Voter… - Brenda Hardin Bridges |



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eb73fc No.156344

File: 2d8eb14c1ee9078⋯.png (92.71 KB,671x533,671:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923843 (061510ZDEC20) Notable: There is Q and there are anons on QResearch that dig using 'Q Posts'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Except Q had to call your division niggers bluff with post #4881.

!st Amendments rights….buwhahahah

This is 8kun nigger. You got the right to be a fucking idiot yes sir you do!

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eb73fc No.156345

File: 7f6b2a17ee7ffb6⋯.png (938.19 KB,1998x1740,333:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923857 (061511ZDEC20) Notable: There is Q and there are anons on QResearch that dig using 'Q Posts'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Any Goddamn Board flag with "qanon, Q_anon" is a goddamn slide.

Wee see you division ingger!

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eb73fc No.156346

File: 6cff3ed2889c975⋯.png (180.09 KB,1140x681,380:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dd3bdfe1022e48⋯.png (955.69 KB,1141x642,1141:642,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cc3e58805ac23d⋯.png (11.76 KB,1725x195,115:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923871 (061513ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Egyptian Air Force C-130H-30 Spectre EGY1126

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eb73fc No.156347

File: 276b9298b99d007⋯.png (169.99 KB,1008x578,504:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923878 (061514ZDEC20) Notable: In 2003 UCLA told the world masks don't stop contagions...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well I know that even an N95 mask can't filter out a virus.

Oh look, so did UCLA in 2003 with ANTHRAX


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eb73fc No.156348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923883 (061514ZDEC20) Notable: Bill's C19 VACCINE designed to STERILIZE the population?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11899152 (Nordic Bread)

Bill's C19 VACCINE designed to STERILIZE the population?

You guise seen this? (vid related in the liked post in Nordic Bread)

Some doctor "mis-speaks" during an interview talking about the coronavirus vaccine and how it's "unlikely to STERILIZE all of the population, only 60-70%", and that we therefore will have to have a seasonal coronavirus vaccination every year to make sure "to to what we need to get done".

Look at the interviewer in the end when he have realized the doctor said something that shouldn't have been broadcasted.

This falls in line with Bill Gates "misspeaking" several years ago about "doing a good job with vaccines" to reduce the population.

Remember how some people quickly jumped into the narrative "but corona have been very good for muh environment and carbon emissions". It's not far from that to the narrative that "oops, coronavaccine sterilized 80% of the population but that is good for muh environment and no moar overpopulation".

See where I'm going with this?

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eb73fc No.156349

File: c37c75dfb1ed329⋯.png (475.85 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923915 (061518ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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AFAIK Egypt doesn't have Spectres the AC-130 is only operated by USAF.

E-6 BURNS26 with lucky 7s squawk.

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eb73fc No.156350

File: 4f87dfe10732402⋯.png (584.22 KB,598x781,598:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923917 (061518ZDEC20) Notable: Herschel Walker - 'Fox in the Henhouse' GA State Senators counting votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Is this a Senator counting votes?

How much more has to be exposed before you guys do the right thing ⁦










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eb73fc No.156351

File: 1bd472c4deca063⋯.jpg (125.52 KB,1125x1220,225:244,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 14b17679528d14d⋯.jpg (157.12 KB,1125x1705,225:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923985 (061525ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion met with Podesta - offered 'anything they could do' to help defeat Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



can you guys arrest them already?

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eb73fc No.156352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11923997 (061526ZDEC20) Notable: Banner slide by MNR/Comms/Baker's Union to eat bread & discourage anons - ignore them

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -











The Comms/MNR/Bakers Union banner slide. They lie, denigrate and antagonize. Clearly not here as anons or Patriots

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eb73fc No.156353

File: 01a2d793f628f6e⋯.png (316.49 KB,1339x710,1339:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 657b19aa1538a82⋯.png (59.8 KB,1289x507,1289:507,Clipboard.png)

File: d0c81d17b439e7a⋯.jpg (263.25 KB,1357x769,1357:769,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45ac25f75a2ea45⋯.jpg (105.3 KB,985x761,985:761,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d3f87f56bd6ea4⋯.png (119.93 KB,1065x642,355:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924010 (061528ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How many billionaires own islands?

How many billionaires live on islands?


The Golden Isles of Georgia

The Golden Isles of Georgia are a group of four barrier islands and the mainland port city of Brunswick on the 100-mile-long coast of the U.S. state of Georgia on the Atlantic Ocean. They include St. Simons Island, Sea Island, Jekyll Island, Little St. Simons Island, and Historic Brunswick.

St. Simon (Anshutz family out of Denver) and Little St Simon (Hank Paulson and Berolzheimer out of NY) , are privately owned…..part of Jekyll is held by St of Ga in reserve.

All friends of Bush family

Wikileaks shows that they put Kings up at Sea Island for privacy

The anshutz family (Simon Island) and Paulson Family ( Little Simon Island and Portland Timbers) both have an interest in SOCCER. , as well as a soccer complex on Jekyll island

(Putin Soccer ball?)

St Simon of Trent was a 2 year old boy killed in ritual sacrifice by Jews

>>>/qresearch/11922063 pb (St. Simon of Trent)

>>156226 pb (Little St. Simon Island owned by relatives of Philip Berolzheimer and former Treasury Sec. Hank Paulson)

>>156200 pb (Hank Paulson has strong ties to China and his son, Merritt Pauslon, has ties to Fulton County, GA election official, Rick Barron)









https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jekyll_IslandHow many billionaires own islands?


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eb73fc No.156354

File: 9b2864b6742281f⋯.png (333.71 KB,1137x745,1137:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924069 (061535ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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USAF C-146A Wolfhound from Homestead ARB

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eb73fc No.156355

File: d26a4262d3ee886⋯.png (54.42 KB,260x146,130:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924186 (061549ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese professor pleads guilty to lying to FBI in Huawei-related case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chinese professor pleads guilty to lying to FBI in Huawei-related case


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eb73fc No.156356

File: 02b8ab65044cb28⋯.mp4 (344.15 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924204 (061551ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Team has access to 22 Dominion voting machines for audit - results in 48 hours

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156357

File: 738ae0c7928ae5a⋯.png (813.28 KB,587x887,587:887,Clipboard.png)

File: be84098a6f7564d⋯.png (936.62 KB,585x769,585:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 771505248f05366⋯.png (1.27 MB,667x889,667:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924250 (061557ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge - #Keepdigging - #London debriefing Fusion debriefing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#Durham #KeepDigging 400 pages declassified FBI/DOJ/State docs released by



Page 2 "London debriefing” on Fusion GPS thumb drive states how unverified opposition research (Dossier) got into the annex of Jan 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA)


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eb73fc No.156358

File: bab5af11608581a⋯.png (1.19 MB,876x644,219:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924308 (061604ZDEC20) Notable: The monolith slide continues. Kek 'Monolith discovered in Dutch Nature Reserve'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another mysterious monolith has appeared. This time it's in the middle of a Dutch nature reserve.


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eb73fc No.156359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924390 (061615ZDEC20) Notable: #15220

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11923665 Dough

#15220 FINAL Notables

>>156340 Los Angeles residents protest lockdown at Dept. of Health chief’s home

>>156341 10 days of cancelled cases in Military Tribunals?

>>156342 A Strange Triangle Flew Out Of The Ocean Near The US Navy (Q Post 442)

>>156343 Nevada Bus in Arizona with voting machines inside

>>156344 , >>156345 There is Q and there are anons on QResearch that dig using 'Q Posts'

>>156347 In 2003 UCLA told the world masks don't stop contagions…

>>156346 , >>156349 , >>156354 PF Report

>>156348 Bill's C19 VACCINE designed to STERILIZE the population?

>>156350 Herschel Walker - 'Fox in the Henhouse' GA State Senators counting votes

>>156351 Dominion met with Podesta - offered 'anything they could do' to help defeat Trump

>>156353 Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia

>>156352 Banner slide by MNR/Comms/Baker's Union to eat bread & discourage anons - ignore them

>>156355 Chinese professor pleads guilty to lying to FBI in Huawei-related case

>>156356 Trump Team has access to 22 Dominion voting machines for audit - results in 48 hours

>>156357 Catherine Herridge - #Keepdigging - #London debriefing Fusion debriefing

>>156358 The monolith slide continues. Kek 'Monolith discovered in Dutch Nature Reserve'


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eb73fc No.156360

File: 63432eee1b7a26c⋯.jpg (361.09 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94f1ad3fc69a44d⋯.jpg (309.34 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924528 (061631ZDEC20) Notable: The 'counting twins'.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156361

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,257x145,257:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924533 (061631ZDEC20) Notable: If MNR can get a 20 post slide out of this they're happy. Ignore them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156362

File: c0ad9f6788637ec⋯.png (352.83 KB,600x492,50:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924561 (061636ZDEC20) Notable: What is a sheet saying "LaRuby's Unique Treasures" doing in a ballot counting area on Election Day?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is a sheet saying "LaRuby's Unique Treasures" doing in an official absentee ballot counting area on Election Day?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156363

File: 57d6dd6c8765712⋯.jpeg (831.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924562 (061636ZDEC20) Notable: If MNR can get a 20 post slide out of this they're happy. Ignore them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156364

File: 9a4343ec075de21⋯.png (45.58 KB,201x424,201:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 5716f958f5febe1⋯.png (289.86 KB,619x1062,619:1062,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924623 (061644ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar is requesting docs pertaining to Dominion, Smartmatic bids and contracts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar is requesting docs pertaining to Dominion, Smartmatic bids, contracts, and info from AZ SOS per public records laws

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS


I am requesting documents pertaining to Dominion, Smartmatic, all bids, contracts and information related to them from the Arizona Secretary of State per public records laws.

10:24 AM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

214 Retweets 30 Quote Tweets 597 Likes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156365

File: 569473de2992bc5⋯.jpeg (14.61 KB,197x255,197:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 421b18dace531d3⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,753x979,753:979,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924627 (061645ZDEC20) Notable: Pickle and [48]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons - regarding

Pickleand ==[48]

and PDJT twatting 48 times

Have you seen this?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156366

File: 6238e86e1e19714⋯.png (694.28 KB,953x650,953:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924636 (061646ZDEC20) Notable: If MNR can get a 20 post slide out of this they're happy. Ignore them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11924474 lb

>play stupid games

you faggots have a lock on that

and YOU and your merry band of faggots are the "prize".

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eb73fc No.156367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924690 (061652ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Monkey Werx Overwatch 12.5.20

[D]ec 5

12 C130

9 C17


16 C17

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eb73fc No.156368

File: 56f90dcafc19e4e⋯.png (302.77 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f82a8c7e528879⋯.png (198.52 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 081e93392b06a84⋯.png (168.4 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924719 (061656ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on Q Post 'Sky Event'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This anon is onto something!!

There is high possibility that they will try with an alien invasion if they fail the great reset!

Playbook is known!

Monoliths were found in Utah, Romania(eu), California.

Now we have this!

Trump brought out Space Force!

Q multiple times showed a video of rocket launching.

If so many people fell for corona story…they even more people will fall on alien invasion. This could be perfect for them to bring their plan to the end. One world government.

Sky event indeed.

Looks like they are setting the stage to bring the story up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156369

File: 353f4753f487cef⋯.png (183.71 KB,401x431,401:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924721 (061656ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia County can't find Chain of Custody records for absentee ballots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ivan Pentchoukov


Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots

9:30 AM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter Web App

605 Retweets 121 Quote Tweets 1.3K Likes


Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV December 6, 2020 Updated: December 6, 2020

Georgia’s Dekalb County does not know if it is in possession of the ballot transfer forms used to record the chain of custody for absentee ballots dropped into some 300 drop boxes around the state.

Dekalb County responded to an open records request for the transfer forms from The Georgia Star News by writing that “it has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.”

“DeKalb County and [The Georgia Department of Voting, Registration and Election] VRE are currently operating within its COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan. These remote operations and VRE’s current workload greatly impact how soon responsive records can be provided,” the response from the department stated.

“VRE is expected to make this determination within thirty business days.”

The Georgia Star News requested the ballot transfer forms from several counties. Cobb County and Cook County have complied with the request, each providing copies of the forms.

A spokesperson for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told Breitbart News last week that the ballot transfer forms are in the possession of individual counties.

Georgia election rules require ballots from drop boxes to be picked up by teams of at least two people who must complete a transfer form upon doing so.

“The collection team shall complete and sign a ballot transfer form upon removing the ballots from the dropbox, which shall include the date, time, location and number of ballots,” the relevant rule states.

“The ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored. The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.”

Each of the drop boxes should have more than a dozen signed ballot transfer forms, given the frequency of the pickups required by the rules.

The Peach State first used absentee ballot drop boxes for its June 19 primary, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

In 2016 in Dekalb County, Hillary Clinton received 251,370 votes and Donald Trump received 51,468 votes.

In 2020, the unofficial results show former Vice President Joe Biden with 308,102 votes and President Donald Trump with 58,361.

The Trump campaign filed an election contest in Georgia on Dec. 4, alleging that violations of the Constitution and state laws took place in the 2020 election.

The president held a rally in Georgia on Dec. 5, alleging that widespread fraud occurred in the state which could be remedied if the signatures on absentee ballot envelopes were to be verified.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp called on Raffensperger to order a signature audit after the release of video footage that appeared to show poll workers in Fulton County processing ballots in the middle of the night with no observers.

Speaking to Fox News, Kemp said, “I think it should be done. I think especially with what we saw today, it raises more questions. There needs to be transparency on that.”

Juliet Song contributed to this report.


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eb73fc No.156370

File: e87092096a93809⋯.jpg (121.82 KB,979x929,979:929,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924729 (061657ZDEC20) Notable: Military Court clears docket for next 10 days

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nothing to see here. It's just the Military Court clearing off its docket for the next 10 days (ending on the 16th).

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eb73fc No.156371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924749 (061659ZDEC20) Notable: Kyle Rittenhouse defense shaken up as prosecutor raises ethical concerns over attorney’s handling of donations

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Kyle Rittenhouse defense shaken up as prosecutor raises ethical concerns over attorney’s handling of donations

In a motion filed Thursday, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger cited public records and news reports alleging that Pierce has “significant personal financial difficulties” and should not be allowed to represent Rittenhouse because “money that should be held in trust for the defendant may instead be used to repay attorney Pierce’s numerous creditors.”

Did Lin Wood even vet this guy?

Pray for Kyle, anons.

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eb73fc No.156372

File: 953b759e72535bf⋯.png (568.11 KB,594x641,594:641,Clipboard.png)

File: d1b44b4c8722508⋯.png (1.39 MB,622x885,622:885,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f3805b5ed4e10⋯.png (1.18 MB,544x880,34:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 56c2954c6e00d1b⋯.png (2.66 MB,1332x883,1332:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924752 (061700ZDEC20) Notable: Flotus tweet - #BeBest focuses on encouraging children to BE BEST in their individual paths

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#BeBest focuses on encouraging children to BE BEST in their individual paths & the importance of positive social, emotional & physical health. The handmade ornaments on this year’s @WhiteHouse wreath in the Red Room showcase the talent of American craftsmanship.


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eb73fc No.156373

File: 860cca6d8af0a30⋯.png (341.33 KB,656x586,328:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924785 (061704ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweets on equipment to focus on when audit is done on Dominion Voting Equipment

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Tweet from CM indicates that local poll equipment are red herrings

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eb73fc No.156374

File: 752846ad1a3a0cd⋯.png (221.17 KB,1821x899,1821:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924850 (061713ZDEC20) Notable: Military Court clears docket for next 10 days

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>>156341 lb

When you go here:


and hover over this:


link is dead atm…

Intensity intensifies

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eb73fc No.156375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924858 (061714ZDEC20) Notable: Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case

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Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within 'Safe Harbor' Window To Intervene


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eb73fc No.156376

File: fcf8cb427277265⋯.png (381.56 KB,603x640,603:640,Clipboard.png)

File: a5f2ef8bc1f7273⋯.png (480.17 KB,590x698,295:349,Clipboard.png)

File: e184b63600b040d⋯.png (476.26 KB,738x638,369:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924888 (061717ZDEC20) Notable: SCOOP: Georgia Senator Elena Parent said Dominion machines were ‘hackable’

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SCOOP: Georgia Senator Elena Parent said Dominion machines were ‘hackable’ and called the deal to purchase them corrupt.


DECEMBER 6, 2020

Six months ago, Georgia State Senator Elena Parent had this to say about Dominion after listening to the experts about the troubled machines:


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eb73fc No.156377

File: 95a49d24c074b40⋯.jpg (76.42 KB,648x840,27:35,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 025492e93bd60eb⋯.jpg (50.94 KB,511x691,511:691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924897 (061718ZDEC20) Notable: I love "PICLs" Presidential Intelligence Check List = PICL

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I love "PICLs"

Presidential Intelligence Check List = PICL

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eb73fc No.156378

File: c4239eb042898ae⋯.png (2.25 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924921 (061721ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell to file new motion for release on bail

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Ghislaine Maxwell to file new motion for release on bail, according to court filings

CNN)Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend and alleged accomplice who is currently being held in jail, will file a new motion for release on bail, according to court filings.

Maxwell's attorneys told the court that she has "assembled substantial information that was not available to present" when she was denied bail at her initial hearing, as well as a proposed bail package that would be co-signed by family members and friends "who were unable to come forward at that time."

In filings made under seal in November and unsealed Friday, Maxwell's lawyers told a federal judge that her new bail application "will rely on sensitive and private information that, if made public, would be highly damaging to both Ms. Maxwell and third parties," in part because the third parties would be subject to harassment and media scrutiny.

They also told the judge that Maxwell will provide a report prepared by an accounting firm that summarizes her financial condition in the past five years and discloses all of her assets, including assets held in trust and assets held by other family members. Maxwell's opaque finances were one of the reasons she was denied bail. According to a joint filing from Maxwell's lawyers and federal prosecutors, Maxwell will file the new bail application under seal on Dec. 7, with a redacted version to be filed publicly.


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eb73fc No.156379

File: 1220d2b2b63d1bd⋯.png (325.32 KB,910x598,35:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924938 (061723ZDEC20) Notable: Restaurant Owner Exposes LA Mayor in Video All of America Needs to See NOW

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Restaurant Owner Exposes LA Mayor in Video All of America Needs to See NOW


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eb73fc No.156380

File: b432474e1180906⋯.png (1.2 MB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dba991e13efb0a⋯.png (1.18 MB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924939 (061723ZDEC20) Notable: Indonesia minister accused of bribery following raid

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Indonesia minister accused of bribery following raid

Published1 hour ago

Indonesia's social affairs minister has been accused of taking bribes while arranging food aid for people affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Juliari Batubara is accused of taking cash from contractors supplying food aid parcels to people in need.

Anti-corruption agents discovered more than 14.5 billion rupiah ($1m; £760,000) stuffed into suitcases and other containers, and arrested four suspects during a raid on Saturday.

Mr Juliari turned himself in on Sunday.

"The money was stored in seven suitcases, three backpacks, and in envelopes," Firli Bahuri, chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission said in a news conference.

Indonesia falls into first recession in 22 years

Bali closed to foreign tourists until end of 2020

Agents said Mr Juliari was allegedly offered 10,000 rupiah ($0.71; £0.53) in kickbacks per food parcel provided by two of the contractors, according to AFP news agency.

If found guilty, he could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of one billion rupiah.

Mr Firli said two of the suspects arrested were officials and the remaining two were private citizens.

President Joko Widodo said on Sunday that he had repeatedly warned ministers to avoid corruption and that he would not protect those who did.

"That's the people's money… it's aid urgently needed to help during Covid-19 and for the economic recovery," he said.

Indonesia, which relies heavily on tourism, has been hit hard by the pandemic. The government has rolled out aid programmes such as food packages to help those in need.

Authorities in the country have predicted that 3.5m people could lose their jobs due to the coronavirus downturn. Last month, the country fell into its first recession in 22 years.


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eb73fc No.156381

File: dae63d98e81c9f4⋯.png (264.27 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924944 (061723ZDEC20) Notable: NYC Bar Owner Accused of Defying COVID-19 Rules Struck Deputy With Car

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NYC Bar Owner Accused of Defying COVID-19 Rules Struck Deputy With Car: SheriffNEW YORK — The co-owner of a New York City bar that authorities said has been defying coronavirus restrictions was taken into custody early Sunday after running over a deputy with a car, authorities said.

Danny Presti fled from his bar, Mac’s Public House, after deputies observed patrons entering the establishment Saturday night in violation of city and state closure orders, Sheriff Joseph Fucito said.

Deputies attempted to arrest Presti as he left the bar early Sunday, but Presti got into his car, struck a deputy and kept driving for about 100 yards even as the deputy was left hanging onto the hood, Fucito said.

Presti, 34, was eventually stopped and apprehended, the sheriff said. Charges against him were pending.

The injured deputy was taken to a hospital for treatment of injuries. The deputy’s condition wasn’t immediately available.

An email seeking comment was sent to an attorney representing the bar’s owners.

The Staten Island bar was the site of protests last week after the sheriff’s office said plainclothes officers were able to go inside and order food and beverages on Tuesday. Presti was arrested at the time.

The tavern is in an area designated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo as an orange zone because of spiking COVID-19 rates and was not supposed to be serving customers indoors. But the owners had declared the bar an “autonomous zone,” a nod to protesters who claimed control over a Seattle neighborhood in June.


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eb73fc No.156382

File: 37544736a276ced⋯.png (430.63 KB,757x502,757:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924953 (061724ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Will Win in Supreme Court – Gerald Celente

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Trump Will Win in Supreme Court – Gerald Celente


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eb73fc No.156383

File: bdd9f9e9380173a⋯.png (252.73 KB,611x717,611:717,Clipboard.png)

File: ee4dcc5bb43c51a⋯.png (343.8 KB,895x774,895:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11924986 (061726ZDEC20) Notable: CHRIS WALLACE: “He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect.”

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ALEX AZAR: “We welcome Vice President Biden to the club. Since the middle of April, the president’s guidelines have called for-”

CHRIS WALLACE: “He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect.”


Fox News anchor Chris Wallace interrupted Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” after Azar referred to Joe Biden as “the vice president” rather than “president-elect.”

Wallace asked, “If President Trump had worn a mask then and urged everyone to wear a mask then, back in April, the way Joe Biden is right now, wouldn’t we be in much better shape?”

Azar said, “We welcome Vice President Biden to the club. Since the middle of April, the president’s guidelines have called for …”

Wallace interjected, “He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect.”

Azar said, “The president has called masks patriotic acts. Every one of his top advisors says, wear your mask. We talk about the data. At one meter, if two people whether masks, it can reduce viral transmission by 72%, protecting both the source and the recipient. We’ve got the data, masks work. We encourage people, please wear a mask when you can’t engage in social distancing.”

Wallace said, “First of all, if the President-elect Joe Biden, Secretary Azar, and secondly, the fact is the president set on the first day, April 30, that he wasn’t going to wear a mask. He didn’t wear a mask in public for three months until July, and just last night at that rally in Georgia, not only didn’t he wear a mask, but I was watching the rally, thousands of people packed together, none I could see wearing a mask.”


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eb73fc No.156384

File: 31ab5e671b0a2de⋯.png (112.33 KB,401x458,401:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d12dab23de192a⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 01456d460b4e53a⋯.png (171.15 KB,401x440,401:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925014 (061730ZDEC20) Notable: Launch from Kennedy Center

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NASA's Kennedy Space Center


We are now under three minutes away from liftoff! The Falcon 9 rocket has been fueled with RP-1 (rocket-grade kerosene) and liquid oxygen, and Dragon has transitioned to internal power. Rocket

Watch live: http://nasa.gov/live

10:14 AM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter Web App


Video sauce:

Bloomberg Quicktake


Here’s a live look at the launch of the #SpaceX CRS-21 Dragon cargo craft, which is headed to the International Space Station

10:29 AM · Dec 6, 2020·Blackbird Video Platform/Amplify


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eb73fc No.156385

File: f15f4ee7614d8e3⋯.png (20.48 KB,581x301,83:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 66af03366bfe2a6⋯.png (427.01 KB,580x406,10:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925091 (061738ZDEC20) Notable: Jenna Ellis confirms Judge granted Trump Campaign access to 22 Dominion machines in Michigan

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Jenna Ellis Confirms Judge Granted Trump Campaign Access to 22 Dominion Machines in Michigan

On November 5th, two days after the presidential election, an election clerk in Antrim County Michigan discovered that the total votes counted by election software DID NOT MATCH the printed tabulator tapes.

The Michigan software used to count votes put up incorrect totals and took nearly 3,000 votes from President Trump and handed them over to Joe Biden.


Now a judge in Antrim county ordered a forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines in the state of Michigan

On Sunday morning Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis confirmed the Trump campaign has access to 22 Dominion voting machines in Wisconsion.

Jenna Ellis was on FOX and Friends Weekend this morning.

According to Jenna the Trump campaign will have access to the machines for 8 hours and will be able to report on their results in 48 hours.


No FBI DOJ fucking joke

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eb73fc No.156386

File: 4393f9108be57ce⋯.png (783.68 KB,512x661,512:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 35362d224823c15⋯.png (79.01 KB,930x444,155:74,Clipboard.png)

File: a0d308c3ebad138⋯.png (376.06 KB,574x700,41:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925116 (061740ZDEC20) Notable: For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests

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For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests

We have detailed the controversy surrounding America's COVID "casedemic" and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:

1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude:“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus."

2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “

3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.

4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test "positives" are not "cases" since the virus cannot be cultured, it's dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.

5. PCR is not testing for disease, it's testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really "positives" in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick


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eb73fc No.156387

File: 7c7618ea2374f0d⋯.png (600.02 KB,847x680,847:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925132 (061741ZDEC20) Notable: Thousands of files STOLEN from NATO cybersecurity contractor

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Thousands of files STOLEN from NATO cybersecurity contractor, as arrests made in lengthy data theft scheme

Italian police have arrested two suspects on charges of stealing sensitive data from the computers of Italian defense group Leonardo. The company provides cybersecurity services to NATO.

Based in Rome, Leonardo specializes in aerospace and security. It's one of the world's largest contractors and boasts NATO among its customers when it comes to cybersecurity. Yet, its image suffered a heavy blow when it turned out that a former employee and a contractor managed to bypass the company’s cybersecurity defenses and steal sensitive data from right under its nose.

In a lengthy investigation, prosecutors from the Italian city of Naples found out that two hackers managed to get away with stealing the company’s secrets between 2015 and 2017. Both men were detained on Saturday.

One of the suspects allegedly infected the company’s computers with a specially engineered Trojan virus through a USB device. The virus then spread to 94 machines belonging to IT departments of the company’s Aerostructures and Aircraft Divisions, including 33 located at a factory in the town of Pomigliano d'Arco, near Naples.

Over two years, the hackers managed to steal some 10 gigabytes of data equaling some 100,000 files, including management and human resources records, information on procurement and distribution of capital goods as well as documents related to the design of civil and military aircraft. The virus also infected over 50 computers belonging to other companies and individuals that were active in the aerospace industry.


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eb73fc No.156388

File: 694639b4d308453⋯.png (35.02 KB,624x251,624:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925172 (061745ZDEC20) Notable: Mastercard is investigating allegations against Pornhub

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BREAKING: Mastercard is investigating allegations against Pornhub(.)com following a NYT newspaper column which said many videos posted on the adult website depicted child abuse - Reuters

12:37 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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eb73fc No.156389

File: b4490339a26b8c6⋯.png (463.55 KB,660x312,55:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925174 (061745ZDEC20) Notable: Pray for each other

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eb73fc No.156390

File: 7e2a825a4b4aeb1⋯.png (327.78 KB,514x328,257:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925287 (061800ZDEC20) Notable: W.H.O. Chief Tedros Ready to Join ‘Influencers’ Joe Biden, Boris, Obama in Live Coronavirus Vaccination

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W.H.O. Chief Tedros Ready to Join ‘Influencers’ Joe Biden, Boris, Obama in Live Coronavirus Vaccination

The chief of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is willing to publicly receive a coronavirus vaccination, joining former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a display of trust in the process.

Tedros, an Ethiopian public health researcher and the head of W.H.O. since 2017, said during a Friday briefing he is “happy to” publicly show himself receiving the vaccination.

“It’s a good idea, and I support their offer,” Tedros said when asked about former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama committing to getting vaccinated publicly, along with Boris Johnson, adding “They can influence… They are influencers.”

“I would be happy to do the same thing, but at the same time, I need to also make sure that it’s my turn because I don’t want to take anybody’s vaccine.”

A W.H.O. report published Friday highlighted “harnessing social influences”, by profiling people who are “particularly trusted” and willing to take a jab could help promote acceptance and uptake of coronavirus vaccines.

The three former presidents agreed to get vaccinated on camera to build American confidence in the drug.

President-elect Joe Biden said he will join them once infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci determines it’s safe, as Breitbart News reported.

Britain on Wednesday became the first Western country to approve a vaccine, from Pfizer-BioNTech, for general use, with other countries now voing to to follow suit swiftly.

Just 12 months after the pandemic began in China, the UK’s independent medicines regulator gave its green light in double-quick time, as Breitbart London reported.


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eb73fc No.156391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925314 (061802ZDEC20) Notable: 9/14/20 CNN 9AM Call

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#CNNRAW 9-14-20

Project Veritas

Save everything offline.

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eb73fc No.156392

File: 5c27178d1c1c91f⋯.png (733.75 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925316 (061803ZDEC20) Notable: Rig for Red - Special Session called BY Georgia Legislature - Dec 8th

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Eyes on >>


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eb73fc No.156393

File: d2fc9f894a6bb21⋯.png (266.03 KB,631x496,631:496,Clipboard.png)

File: 91f2164612b969b⋯.png (310.06 KB,851x753,851:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 348319337f1dca5⋯.png (57.08 KB,852x714,142:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 818a38b34a8a71e⋯.png (204.43 KB,809x541,809:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925317 (061803ZDEC20) Notable: The Same Organized Fraud That Took Place in Michigan Took Place In Georgia on Election Night

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The Same Organized Fraud That Took Place in Michigan Took Place In Georgia on Election Night – Republicans Were Removed from the Counting Area and then Massive Spike in Biden Only Votes is Recorded

Update: We replaced featured image of reporter with suitcase with the ballot timeline image.

Biden-only votes were produced seemingly everywhere on Election night to steal the election away from President Trump in a coordinated effort.

Georgia and Michigan are only two examples.

This past week we saw first hand how the Democrats inserted tens of thousands of Biden only votes into the voter records in Georgia. They did so after shutting down the counts, removing Republican observers from the premises and then pulling votes out from under the table.

The Georgia spike in Biden ballots took place at 1:36 AM when the secret suitcase ballots were pulled out from their hiding place under the tables.

They then ran the Biden only ballots through the tabulators multiple times. These votes were all for Biden and fraudulently gave Biden the lead in the race.

All these instances of criminal election fraud went for Joe Biden.


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eb73fc No.156394

File: bcb70bbc1bd2f39⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1630x2251,1630:2251,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b12951e197f9d0b⋯.jpeg (809.34 KB,1267x1265,1267:1265,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925321 (061804ZDEC20) Notable: Rig for Red - Special Session called BY Georgia Legislature - Dec 8th

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eb73fc No.156395

File: 2c9f68c79ff98e1⋯.png (75.39 KB,598x487,598:487,Clipboard.png)

File: e24aa0c3c70162d⋯.png (196.97 KB,465x527,15:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e57b229093c778⋯.png (33.16 KB,391x246,391:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925323 (061804ZDEC20) Notable: Exam of Ware County, GA Dominion machine found votes switched from Trump to Biden

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eb73fc No.156396

File: bc21a4a86fa0e9e⋯.png (31.87 KB,908x209,908:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 06dcc8f4e694859⋯.png (63.02 KB,992x694,496:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925324 (061805ZDEC20) Notable: Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case

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Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within 'Safe Harbor' Window To Intervene

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has made a critical decision which may signal that court's willingness to hear a controversial case attempting to flip Pennsylvania's 2020 election results.

Originally, Alito set a Wednesday deadline for the state to respond to GOP Rep. Mike Kelly's lawsuit alleging that a 2019 state election reform, known as Act 77, violates both the state and federal constitutions by creating a so-called "no-excuse mail-in" voting regime.

Many took the Wednesday deadline as political theater, as it would place the case outside the "safe harbor" window which requirest that controversies "concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures" to be determined" at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors," according to Law & Crime.

In other words, the Tuesday deadline may signal that the Supreme Court takes Kelly's case, which was rejected by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court with prejudice last weekend.

According to Kelly's filing, the 'no-excuse mail-in' voting scheme should only apply in a limited number of circumstances, and that people must vote in person unless a narrow list of excuses applies. Thus, Act 77 and related election access laws should be invalidated - along with votes cast under it in the 2020 election.

More via Law & Crime:

In strict theory, the U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to settle Pennsylvania constitutional issues, such as whether the state statute at question (Act 77) violates the state constitution. Generally, such matters are the exclusive realm of a state supreme court. But there are exceptions to that general concept, Kelly argues, including here. Because the state is acting under a “direct grant of authority” from the U.S. Constitution to manage federal elections, the U.S. Supreme Court can become involved, he argues, and can determine whether the Pennsylvania statutory and constitutional regime of laws violates the U.S. Constitution. Kelly invites the U.S. Supreme Court to conclude as such and, perhaps more dubiously, that the state court’s way of rubbishing the election violates his rights to petition the government and to receive due process under the First and Fourteenth Amendments thereto. He frames the issues this way:

1. Do the Elections and Electors Clauses of the United States Constitution permit Pennsylvania to violate its state constitution’s restrictions on its lawmaking power when enacting legislation for the conduct of federal elections?

2. Do the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution permit the dismissal of Petitioners’ claims with prejudice, on the basis of laches, where doing so foreclosed any opportunity for Petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?



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eb73fc No.156397

File: e3bc4af3e987f62⋯.png (117.27 KB,705x763,705:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925328 (061805ZDEC20) Notable: Sharyl Atkisson Vs DOJ / Rod Rosenstein resurfacing

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tcauto add to the speech comma of 3:42. Saw this earlier today and the name caught my attention. Their are many drops on Rosenstein and 342 is one of them. More comms?

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eb73fc No.156398

File: a4fdcb49239f235⋯.png (129.69 KB,680x954,340:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925338 (061806ZDEC20) Notable: Exam of Ware County, GA Dominion machine found votes switched from Trump to Biden

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Anyone able to sauce this yet?


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eb73fc No.156399

File: 368bdc4bed6c865⋯.png (420.23 KB,601x564,601:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925342 (061807ZDEC20) Notable: Pope Francis Adopts Joe Biden’s Slogan ‘Build Back Better’

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Pope Francis Adopts Joe Biden’s Slogan ‘Build Back Better’

ROME — Pope Francis has chosen Joe Biden’s slogan “build back better” to describe his vision for the great reset after the coronavirus pandemic, saying he finds the expression “quite striking.”

“The theme of this year’s celebration is ‘Building Back Better: Toward a Disability-inclusive, Accessible and Sustainable post-COVID-19 World,” the pope wrote in his message this week for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, while adding, “I find the expression ‘building back better’ quite striking.”

As Gian Guido Vecchi noted in an article Friday in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the Vatican chose to translate the Italian title “Riconstruire Meglio” using the exact words that Biden employs.

On his official website, Biden explains the message behind “build back better” by insisting that “this is no time to just build back to the way things were before, with the old economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities still in place. This is the moment to imagine and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation.”

Biden’s version of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” looks remarkably similar to that of Pope Francis.

“We will be able to regenerate society and not return to so-called ‘normality,’ which is an ailing normality, indeed which was ailing before the pandemic: the pandemic highlighted it!,” he said, adding that the old normality “was sick with injustice, inequality and environmental degradation.”

In his recent op-ed for the New York Times, the pope wrote that this “is a moment to dream big, to rethink our priorities — what we value, what we want, what we seek — and to commit to act in our daily life on what we have dreamed of.”

“God asks us to dare to create something new,” he declared. “We cannot return to the false securities of the political and economic systems we had before the crisis. We need economies that give to all access to the fruits of creation, to the basic needs of life: to land, lodging and labor.”

“We need to slow down, take stock and design better ways of living together on this earth,” he proposed.

The WEF at Davos welcomed what it sees as the pontiff’s endorsement of its “Great Reset” program, highlighting the similarities between their visions.

In an article titled “Here’s the pope’s prescription for resetting the global economy in response to COVID-19,” the WEF declared that Francis had “put his stamp on efforts to shape what’s been termed a Great Reset of the global economy in response to the devastation of COVID-19.”

“Pope Francis has issued a scathing indictment of neoliberalism,” the WEF notes, “a philosophy espousing austerity, privatization, deregulation, unbridled markets, and relatively weak labour laws.”

Moreover, the pope “blames the ‘dogma’ of neoliberal economics for making us more vulnerable to COVID-19,” it states, while calling for “greater multilateral cooperation and a focus on human dignity.”

“Neoliberalism’s free-market orthodoxy has been blamed for making health care systems and livelihoods especially vulnerable to the pandemic, and has drawn a clearer line under the need for active government intervention,” the article asserts.



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eb73fc No.156400

File: 717755fc91e4663⋯.png (429.96 KB,617x403,617:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d40625240799ed⋯.png (20.09 KB,572x367,572:367,Clipboard.png)

File: fc7b155237270b4⋯.png (14.56 KB,557x162,557:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925351 (061808ZDEC20) Notable: Barr ‘so deep in the swamp’ he can't ‘see his fellow reptiles

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Barr ‘so deep in the swamp’ he can't ‘see his fellow reptiles’: Fox's Pirro turns on AG for denying voter fraud

Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro, one of President Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters, has turned on Attorney General Bill Barr, calling him a “reptile” for daring to weigh in on election voter fraud.

While Pirro once praised Barr, she is now referring to him as a ‘swamp dweller’ for his comments this week that there has been no substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.

“As a former prosecutor, for over three decades, I and virtually everyone similarly situated know that DOJ guidelines do not allow comment on investigations,” Pirro said Sunday night in a long rant directed at Barr, whose job some have predicted could be on the line since his election comments as they break with the president’s hard-line stance that he won in a landslide.

“We need answers. We need action. We need justice. And you, Mr. Barr, are so deep in the swamp you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles, and you are not the exceptional leader needed at this exceptional time in history,” Pirro added about the attorney general.

The Fox News host’s intense comments surprised many, especially considering her past praise of Barr.

Asked this week if he still has confidence in Barr following his election comments, the president said, “ask me that in a number of weeks from now.”

The president reiterated at a rally in Georgia on Saturday night that he won the election and he will “never, ever surrender” in his effort to overturn the results.

Through multiple lawsuits, Trump has claimed Biden stole victories in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan through illegal ballot dumps. Though many of his legal battles have been lost in court, the president continues to maintain his accusations of voter fraud with the certification of Biden’s win looming, as electors go through their official vote on December 14.


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eb73fc No.156401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925354 (061808ZDEC20) Notable: Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Des Moines, IA 12/6/20

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🔴 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Des Moines, IA 12/6/20

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eb73fc No.156402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925361 (061809ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese retail giant JD.com becomes first big online shop to accept digital yuan in $3mn ‘lottery’ trial

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Chinese retail giant JD.com becomes first big online shop to accept digital yuan in $3mn ‘lottery’ trial

China is set to hold one of the biggest trials of its sovereign digital currency, making it available for payments at one of its biggest e-commerce platforms, JD.com, after yet another massive giveaway.

Some 100,000 lucky residents of Suzhou city in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu are set to receive digital red packets worth 200 yuan (over $30) next Friday. The lottery, which will distribute a total of 20 million yuan ($3 million), will be held on the eve of a year-end shopping festival known as ‘Double 12’, sometimes called Couples’ Day.

To claim their prize, the winners will have to download the official Digital Renminbi App. The app is currently not accessible to the general public and can only be downloaded via a special link.

After receiving the virtual money, shoppers will have around a fortnight to spend it, with some 10,000 shops participating in the trial.

JD.com, with over 440 million active customers and hundreds of thousands of brands, has become the largest company to join the initiative. On Saturday, the company’s fintech arm announced via its official WeChat account that it will accept digital yuan as payment for some products, becoming the first online mall to do so.

The Suzhou lottery is set to become one of the biggest real-world tests for the digital yuan as China moves towards a cashless society. Earlier this year the government in Shenzhen, the country’s leading tech hub, carried out a lottery to distribute a total of 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) worth of the digital currency, making the upcoming trial twice as big.

Shenzhen and Suzhou are among four Chinese cities where the government has been carrying out limited trials of the digital currency. Beijing has also announced that the digital yuan will be tested during the 2022 Winter Olympics Games.

The digital yuan, officially known as the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) and projected to replace paper money, will be linked to the holder's smartphone number, with transactions taking place through an app. Unlike cryptocurrencies, the token will be issued and backed by the country’s central bank.


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eb73fc No.156403

File: 93eb042d90dccb7⋯.png (22.72 KB,816x246,136:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925366 (061810ZDEC20) Notable: GOP senators say Durham's probe must continue 'It's non-negotiable'

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GOP senators say Durham's probe must continue

'It's non-negotiable'

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eb73fc No.156404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925380 (061811ZDEC20) Notable: GOP senators say Durham's probe must continue 'It's non-negotiable'

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Translation: "GOP RINOs say fake investigation must continue in order to quell the public disapproval of their obviously-traitorous job performances"

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eb73fc No.156405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925384 (061812ZDEC20) Notable: The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia

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Aaron J. Carpenter

Flag of United States


The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia.

Dominion machines were seized. Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both.

Stay tuned. This is big.

11:18 AM · Dec 6, 2020 from Ohio, USA·Twitter for iPhone


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eb73fc No.156406

File: a8a2767173ddd4a⋯.png (890.45 KB,725x855,145:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 631a7a02cd82a04⋯.png (95.13 KB,728x766,364:383,Clipboard.png)

File: f23eba0f3043090⋯.png (121.03 KB,731x854,731:854,Clipboard.png)

File: b19ab47a57b9ce2⋯.png (110.79 KB,741x802,741:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 036dbfc9b3d8d21⋯.png (835.58 KB,740x833,740:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925386 (061812ZDEC20) Notable: Ballot Harvesting is The Most Systematically Racist Practice in America

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FARNAN: Ballot Harvesting is The Most Systematically Racist Practice in America, And It Stole This Election

As Trump voters peruse the spider veins of the internet to find information prohibited in the main arteries, each is developing his or her favorite compelling piece of evidence that proves election fraud.

My favorite is the testimony of Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, the former election integrity liaison to Michigan’s Secretary of State. She also happens to be black, which shouldn’t matter, but it does give her an additional element of historical standing to issue a complaint.

This is the short version of what she said:

This fine Michigan GOP lady has been involved with elections 25 yrs, last 8 of which with voting integrity. Gutless Democrat weasel State Sen @JeffMIrwin tries to blame everything on @realDonaldTrump & Michigan GOP.

Will bless your heart to watch the back and forth! 1/4 pic.twitter.com/MlJv8dIpS6

— President-Elect Reed (@Herbert_L_Reed) December 1, 2020

This is her entire statement.

To summarize, in the black neighborhoods of Detroit, there were no checks against illegal ballot harvesting, drop box abuse, signature manufacturing, and stacks of ballots showing up from out of nowhere; and no ability to do a forensic audit or recount after the event.

Dr. Tarver concluded: “The larger the jurisdiction with people of color people who look like me, the more fraud that can be inserted into stealing an election, and that is a problem and we need to stop it.”

She is rightly offended.

Ballot harvesting involves paternalistic white people entering black neighborhoods and compelling political decisions because they think they know better.

It is the most systemically racist thing presently being done in America.

The last time whites were so eager to count disengaged African Americans was at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.


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eb73fc No.156407

File: 349e9bda56040c1⋯.png (47.18 KB,704x319,64:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925389 (061812ZDEC20) Notable: Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm

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Robb Hurst, CPA 🐸


Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm:

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.


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eb73fc No.156408

File: 9377a5876ac47fd⋯.png (27.64 KB,1223x264,1223:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925391 (061813ZDEC20) Notable: Whole families in quarantine in Virginia

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Whole families in quarantine:

Virginia officials wait to see impact of

Thanksgiving on the coronavirus’ spread

Virginian-Pilot [Norfolk, VA], by Elisha Sauers

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eb73fc No.156409

File: 40de4f7eefa218d⋯.png (48.72 KB,613x398,613:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925392 (061813ZDEC20) Notable: The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia

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The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia.

Dominion machines were seized. Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both.

Stay tuned. This is big.


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eb73fc No.156410

File: c1bd1bb3f503a77⋯.png (53.58 KB,627x423,209:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925414 (061814ZDEC20) Notable: Election Fraud, Political Corruption, and its Consequences

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December 6, 2020

Election Fraud, Political Corruption, and its Consequences

By Clarice Feldman

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/12/election_fraud_political_corruption_and_its_consequences.html#ixzz6frww1euk

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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eb73fc No.156411

File: 43149c62ce54c74⋯.png (579.56 KB,829x589,829:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b24344d3ad27da⋯.png (269.81 KB,1440x604,360:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925415 (061814ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion tabulating machine flipped votes from Trump to Biden in Ware County

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An elections expert alleged that the Dominion tabulating machine flipped votes from President Donald Trump to Democratic candidate Joe Biden in Ware County. It was estimated that the percentage of mis-applied votes, if distributed across the rest of the state, would be slightly greater than Biden’s lead over Trump.

Constitution Party of Georgia Elections Director and Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VOTERGA) Co-Founder Garland Favorito was called to testify this information during the State Senate hearing this week.

Favorito obtained an email from Ware County Elections Supervisor Carlos Nelson, confirming that the audit discovered 37 votes that were incorrectly assigned to Biden instead of Trump.

In an interview with The Georgia Star News, Favorito explained that the information didn’t indicate which machine flipped the votes – just that the mistake occurred.

“We did find that they had flipped votes – we didn’t have to obtain the machine to figure that out. The hand count showed that they had flipped votes somewhere in that county,” he said.

Favorito explained that he’d been slated as a top ten witness for Trump’s legal team during Thursday’s State Senate hearing. Just before he was called to the stand, Favorito told The Star that an administrative assistant for the committee informed him that he was bumped to the bottom of the list “at the chairman’s discretion.”

During an interview with The John Fredericks Show, Favorito claimed that he later discovered why he’d been moved down the witness list.

“My testimony would’ve exposed the Secretary of State of Georgia, the Elections Director of Georgia, and the legal counsel of Georgia all for wrongdoing,” Favorito said. “And, being an independent, I expose corruption on both sides of the political spectrum.”

Vote flipping occurred previously in Antrim County, Michigan, with thousands of votes given to Biden instead of Trump. Multiple outlets and officials have cited the incident as “human error.”

Favorito shared that his organization is pushing for the Dominion machines to be preserved – not wiped, as Raffensperger is expected to do ahead of the runoff election. He added that they are pressing the State Senate for another hearing.

– – –

Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to corinnejournalist@gmail.com.



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eb73fc No.156412

File: 9eb09a41090f6b8⋯.png (462.75 KB,690x637,690:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925427 (061815ZDEC20) Notable: The Election Fraud, The Usefulness of COVID, and The Big Picture

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The Election Fraud, The Usefulness of COVID, and The Big Picture

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eb73fc No.156413

File: d58fee6a4c7ffd5⋯.png (512.69 KB,865x688,865:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925453 (061818ZDEC20) Notable: “The FBI Is Nowhere to be Found!” – Rudy Giuliani Reveals UNDENIABLE VOTER FRAUD in 2020 Election

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“The FBI Is Nowhere to be Found!” – Rudy Giuliani Reveals UNDENIABLE VOTER FRAUD in 2020 Election – Now Has 1,000 Signed Witness Affidavits! (VIDEO)

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eb73fc No.156414

File: 4acbe0e4a5e394a⋯.png (42.1 KB,1139x309,1139:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925469 (061819ZDEC20) Notable: Trump legal team celebrates after Michigan judge allows probe of Dominion voting machines

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Trump legal team celebrates after Michigan judge allows probe of Dominion voting machines

Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis said results of the investigation could come in 48 hours

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eb73fc No.156415

File: 02db0fdd9323f57⋯.png (883.89 KB,611x794,611:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 5124355db7d2856⋯.png (801.05 KB,642x880,321:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 188a1ff39bb51f6⋯.png (866.05 KB,608x869,608:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925547 (061825ZDEC20) Notable: Paris, London, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Leipzig, Valencia, Liege, Rome - lockdown riots that MSM won't cover

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‘Paris, London, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Leipzig, Valencia, Liege, Rome. All Have had large Protests/riots in the last week, yet no media outlet wishes to show you”





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eb73fc No.156416

File: 27b1e7e0e757330⋯.png (300.68 KB,539x581,77:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925552 (061825ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Plans SCOTUS Petition After Court Rejects Georgia Appeal

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Lin Wood Plans SCOTUS Petition After Court Rejects Georgia Appeal

Attorney Lin Wood said Sunday he plans to file a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court denied his appeal in a case seeking to block the certification of the 2020 election in Georgia.

“The stakes are high as the case deals with a disputed Presidential election,” Wood said in an email to The Epoch Times.

“I intend to timely file a petition with the United States Supreme Court.”

A panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit on Saturday upheld a Nov. 19 ruling by judge Steven Grimberg, a Trump appointee, who said that Wood lacked legal standing as an individual voter to challenge Georgia’s election procedures.

“We agree with the district court that Wood lacks standing to sue because he fails to allege a particularized injury. And because Georgia has already certified its election results and its slate of presidential electors, Wood’s requests for emergency relief are moot to the extent they concern the 2020 election,” the panel wrote in a 20-page opinion.

“The Constitution makes clear that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, U.S. Const. art. III; we may not entertain post-election contests about garden-variety issues of vote counting and misconduct that may properly be filed in state courts.”

The panel consisted of Trump appointee Barbara Lagoa, Obama appointee Jill Pryor, and George W. Bush appointee William Pryor.

Wood said he was disappointed with the panel’s ruling, “as my case presents an opportunity for the judicial system to make clear that the Georgia general election was unlawful as a result of substantive changes in absentee ballot procedures by the Secretary of State without approval by the Georgia legislature.”

“My vote was diluted by the unlawful voting process and will again be diluted in the runoff election which is being conducted under the same unlawful rules. My case presents serious equal protection issues which need to be addressed by the judicial system,” he added, before saying he would file a petition with the Supreme Court.

A spokesman for Georgia Secretary of State Brian Raffensperger, who was named in the suit, didn’t reply to a request for comment.

Wood, known for representing Richard Jewell in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing case and Kentucky teenager Nicholas Sandmann after news outlets smeared him, filed the suit last month arguing that the change to election rules by state officials violated the U.S. Constitution.

State officials were unauthorized to change the manner of processing absentee ballots in a way that was contrary with the state election code, and hence, the counting of absentee ballots for the general election in the state is therefore “improper and must not be permitted,” Wood alleged, adding:

“To allow otherwise would erode the sacred and basic rights of Georgia citizens under the United States Constitution to participate in and rely upon a free and fair election.”

Grimberg dismissed the suit about a week later, arguing that Wood lacked standing and couldn’t show a likelihood of success on the merits. Wood questioned the ruling, saying the judge “may have overreached to dismiss my claim that [the] election was unlawful” due to the consent agreement between Raffensperger and Democrats that altered election rules.

Wood appealed soon after, leading to the Dec. 5. decision.


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eb73fc No.156417

File: 2b44e1dc9f18dfa⋯.png (423 KB,597x709,597:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925560 (061826ZDEC20) Notable: House Democrats have scheduled 101 days of work for next year—a 25% reduction.

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House Democrats have scheduled 101 days of work for next year—a 25% reduction.

Let me say it again: 101 working days. For the whole year.

Laziest Congress in modern history.

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eb73fc No.156418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925581 (061828ZDEC20) Notable: Italian Police Break Up Migrant Smuggling Ring, Arrest 19

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Italian Police Break Up Migrant Smuggling Ring, Arrest 19

Italian police on Saturday arrested 19 suspects, dismantling what authorities say was a criminal organization that moved migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan to Italy and then into northern Europe.

The investigation, led by prosecutors in Catania, Sicily, unveiled a network that involved hired or stolen sailboats transporting migrants via Turkey and Greece to Italy. Some then traveled north to the French border and were smuggled by vehicle into France, thanks to human smugglers based in border towns, police said in a statement.

The arrested suspects included Iraqi Kurds, Afghans and Italians, police said.

One of the alleged ring’s bases was in Bari, southern Italy, where false documents were issued indicating the migrants had housing, a requirement for residency permits. Other bases were in Milan and Turin in northern Italy as well as in the town of Ventimiglia, near the French border.

Others allegedly involved in the scheme falsified work contracts so the migrants could successfully apply for permission to reside in Italy, authorities said.

The investigation began in 2018, triggered by the arrival of 10 boats near the eastern Sicilian city of Syracuse. The boats had sailed from Turkey and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean, and not from Libya, from where for years the majority of the hundreds of thousands of migrants had set out for Italy in traffickers’ unseaworthy vessels.

The investigation ascertained the activities of a network of Italians and foreigners, most of the latter holding residency permits issued on grounds of international protection, the police said. The ring was “dedicated to facilitating the entrance, stay and transit toward northern Europe of migrants coming from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

One suspect, police said, was about to transport migrants from the railroad station at Ventimiglia into France, one of the preferred destination countries for those being smuggled.

Skippers who were engaged to sail the boats to Sicily were paid about $1,000 (800 euros) per crossing, while migrants each paid about 6,000 euros ($7,200) to be smuggled from Asia, via Turkey and Greece, into Italy, the police said. The smuggling ring cracked by Italian authorities was an “essential link of connection with criminal groups active in Turkey and Greece,” police said.


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eb73fc No.156419

File: c54465fdae85f2b⋯.png (114.99 KB,413x583,413:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925590 (061829ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood retweet on Ware County GA bombshell evidence of Dominion vote fraud

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Lin Wood Retweet


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eb73fc No.156420

File: 936578657566b24⋯.png (315.92 KB,857x532,857:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925597 (061829ZDEC20) Notable: Three Brave Black Female Republicans File Charges Against Corrupt Michigan Secretary of State

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Three Brave Black Female Republicans File Charges Against Corrupt Michigan Secretary of State — Facebook Censors Their Video

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eb73fc No.156421

File: ce925aa98ab495e⋯.png (33.86 KB,475x691,475:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925600 (061830ZDEC20) Notable: At the UN, NATO and EU Members Abstains on Nazism

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At the UN, NATO and EU Members Abstains on Nazism

The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution which, first of all, calls into question Ukraine without naming it, whose neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes.

The United Nations Third Committee - in charge of social, humanitarian and cultural issues - approved on November 18 the Resolution "Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.

The Resolution, recalling that "The victory over Nazism in World War II contributed to the creation of the United Nations in order to save future generations from the scourge of war" raised alarm for the spread of neo-Nazi, racist, and xenophobic movements in many parts of the world.

he Resolution expressed "deep concern for the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and former members of the Waffen-SS" in whatever form. The Resolution, therefore, emphasized that "neo-Nazism is more than just the glorification of a past movement: it is a contemporary phenomenon." Neo-Nazi and other similar movements "fuel contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, antisemitism, Islamophobia, Christianophobia, xenophobia and related intolerance".

The Resolution therefore called on the States of the United Nations to undertake a series of measures to counter this phenomenon.

The Resolution, already adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2019, was approved by the Third Committee with 122 votes in favor, including the votes of Russia and China, two permanent members of the Security Council.

Only two members of the United Nations voted against it: The United States (a permanent member of the Security Council) and Ukraine.

The other 29 country NATO members, including Italy, certainly due to an internal directive, abstained. So did the 27 members of the European Union, 21 of them belonging to NATO. Among the 53 abstentions are also Australia, Japan, and other NATO partners.

The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution that calls into question Ukraine first of all without naming it, Ukraine’s neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes.

There is ample evidence that neo-Nazi teams were trained and employed, under US / NATO direction, in the Maidan square putsch in 2014 and in the attack on Ukrainian Russians to provoke, with the detachment of Crimea and its return to Russia, a new confrontation in Europe similar to that of the Cold War.

The role of the Azov battalion - founded in 2014 by Andriy Biletsky, the "white Führer" who is a supporter of the "racial purity of the Ukrainian nation, which must not mix with inferior races," is emblematic.


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eb73fc No.156422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925625 (061833ZDEC20) Notable: Ware County is the breakthrough needed to go mainstream

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>>156405 , >>156409 The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia

see >>156419

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eb73fc No.156423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925634 (061834ZDEC20) Notable: ZEBRA ZEBRA - FLOTUS brings it

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Interdasting andNOTABLE

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eb73fc No.156424

File: 4799b3545bd198f⋯.png (61.11 KB,763x751,763:751,Clipboard.png)

File: d177ffb050db919⋯.png (136.1 KB,764x878,382:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925638 (061834ZDEC20) Notable: Hackers Strike and Leak Bill Gates, WHO, and Wuhan Lab Emails

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CONFIRMED: Hackers Strike and Leak Bill Gates, WHO, and Wuhan Lab Emails

FRN has confirmed reports that hackers have successfully hacked accounts belonging to Bill Gates, the WHO, and a lab in Wuhan believed to be the location researching coronavirus that received funding from Dr. Fauci.

The event appears to have taken place on or about April 20th.

Netizens have taken to activism and people are logging in via SSH and downloading the contents of these hacks. This means that many people will be combing through the hacked documents with a fine-toothed comb.

Hackers apparently looking for the truth behind the coronavirus outbreak have allegedly hacked the World Health Organization, the Wuhan biolab and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A set of huge databases containing usernames and passwords has been leaked.

What are hackers looking for?

Many are speculating that the Gates Foundation is linked to the research of “gain of function”. This describes a function where scientists add deadly features to a virus. It was outlawed in the US back in 2015 by a moratorium and research was all migrated to Wuhan, where as FRN reported, Dr. Fauci funneled nearly $4 million USD to complete his research.

COVID-19 was ostensibly made in a lab. French Nobel prize winning scientist Luc Montagnier is publicly alleging that this is the case. According to him, there’s no possibility of this virus occurring naturally. It has the “insertion points” of 3 different viruses. That means it is a chimera of 3 separate diseases combined into 1 coronavirus.

In an interview given to French CNews channel and during a podcast by Pourquoi Docteur, professor Montagnier who co-discovered HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) claimed the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the coronavirus and even elements of the “germ of malaria” are highly suspect, according to a report in Asia Times.


FRN will be following this story closely. Assembling various alleged first-hand accounts, FRN can paint the following picture which is subject to change and correction – and please email us if we have something wrong or have missed something big:

Thousands of emails, passwords, & documents have been said to have been leaked online. Screenshots of documents, emails, and their credentials are currently on the open web, even on Twitter.

A Christian hacker group known as Katehon is said to have had hacked Gates Foundation data and relayed this to another hacker group, USA Hackers. USA Hackers used the data to hack WHO, Wuhan Lab and the CDC, and promises more leaks.


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eb73fc No.156425

File: 0384fe2545d7fba⋯.png (3.4 MB,1858x2438,929:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925664 (061836ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on D5 / 11.3 / 11.4

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Can I nom nom something from previous bread to beNOTABLE?

>>>/qresearch/11925081 PB

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eb73fc No.156426

File: a74e89bc32f8a5f⋯.png (464.26 KB,654x860,327:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925680 (061838ZDEC20) Notable: Netanyahu trial may face fresh delay as judges hint indictment must be revised

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Netanyahu trial may face fresh delay as judges hint indictment must be revised

Court seems set to tell prosecutors to detail gifts allegedly given to PM, his specific requests for better news coverage; defense says investigators’ actions ‘extremely improper’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial resumed on Sunday, with his lawyers asking the Jerusalem District Court to dismiss the charges against him due to alleged impropriety by police investigators probing the premier, and the judges indicating they intended to order prosecutors to explain why some parts of the indictment were not sufficiently detailed.

Such a decision would likely require prosecutors to correct the indictment, resulting in another significant delay in the schedule of the trial. The start of the evidentiary stage has already been pushed off by a month.

Netanyahu’s trial on charges of fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes opened in May. Though the prime minister attended the first hearing, he was granted an exemption from appearing at later, largely procedural stages of the trial, including Sunday’s hearing.

Sunday’s hearing began with procedures relating to Case 4000 — the most serious of the three cases against Netanyahu and the only one carrying a bribery charge — in which the premier is accused of approving regulatory moves benefiting Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder of the Bezeq telecommunications group, in return for positive news coverage from the Elovitch-owned Walla news site.

It also discussed Case 1000, in which Netanyahu is accused of accepting some $200,000 in gifts such as cigars and champagne from two billionaires — Hollywood-based Israeli movie mogul Arnon Milchan and Australian magnate James Packer.

Due to coronavirus limitations, only three attorneys per defendant were allowed in the courtroom Sunday. Journalists were kept out of the room but were given access to a media screening in an adjacent courtroom.

An expanded courtroom is reportedly being constructed to accommodate more people for the coming stages of the trial. The trial marks the first time a prime minister has been indicted while in office, and a large audience is expected when the evidentiary stage begins in February.

Netanyahu denies any wrongdoing and has railed against the courts, prosecution, and media for what he terms a “witch hunt.”


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eb73fc No.156427

File: 2c8947dd22588d2⋯.png (49.91 KB,602x356,301:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925697 (061840ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood going at it on David Purdue

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called me months ago & asked me to donate $25K to his campaign, I did so. I believed he supported


& honest election.

Hey, David, don’t ever call me again for money & help until you fight for President Trump & demand


take action.

1:36 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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eb73fc No.156428

File: 8694eec59fa7b15⋯.jpg (303.38 KB,1080x1397,1080:1397,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925698 (061840ZDEC20) Notable: More on Ware County forensic audit that proved fraud against President Trump

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More on Ware County.

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eb73fc No.156429

File: cae39196b3206d6⋯.png (119.73 KB,331x360,331:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925705 (061841ZDEC20) Notable: Who told the States to stop counting on Election Night ALL AT THE SAME TIME?

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#15222: Who Told Those States to Stop Counting on Election Night?

That is a fine question!

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eb73fc No.156430

File: 2da3f03c8b84aab⋯.png (186.52 KB,682x391,682:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925724 (061843ZDEC20) Notable: Anon question - Biden unable to pass clearance check because of son Hunter?

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hint Biden unable to pass clearance check because of son Hunter?

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eb73fc No.156431

File: 2620d7189fe031f⋯.png (472.52 KB,594x869,54:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925733 (061844ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell on 2 legislators counting ballots. Brutal

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We’re the two legislators who pushed back at the hearing in there counting illegal ballots??

Time for a #GBI


criminal investigation









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eb73fc No.156432

File: 1b90ec6a58da889⋯.png (460.15 KB,461x459,461:459,Clipboard.png)

File: a005619c3871933⋯.png (60.84 KB,737x918,737:918,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c3997961980a77⋯.png (8.24 KB,746x126,373:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925740 (061845ZDEC20) Notable: Company that audited Dominion machines in Ga. has for years overseen testing of its voting software

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Company that audited Dominion machines in Ga. has for years overseen testing of its voting software==

Pro V&V has been official "testing lab" of Dominion, according to federal records.

The technology company that last month performed an audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines in Georgia has for several years overseen testing of Dominion's voting software, federal records indicate.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced in mid-November that the results of a forensic analysis of Dominion voting machines in the state — ordered in the wake of controversies involving the nationwide election equipment vendor — revealed "no evidence of the machines being tampered."

To perform the audit, the state contracted Pro V&V, which Raffensperger identified as "a U.S. Election Assistance Commission certified testing laboratory." (The Election Assistance Commission is an independent agency of the U.S. government created under the 2002 Help America Vote Act. Among its functions is the certification of election equipment and accreditation of election system testing labs.)

Pro V&V is "qualified to test voting systems to Federal standards," the secretary of state's press release said.

Yet Raffensperger in that announcement failed to disclose that Pro V&V has a several-years-long relationship with Dominion, one in which the technology laboratory has served as the tester for much of Dominion's software.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission records show that Pro V&V has for multiple years served as the "testing lab" for Dominion's Democracy Suite voting software. Records from 2020, 2019 2018 and 2017 all list Pro V&V as the tester for several successive iterations of Democracy Suite.

Lab director has some prior work history with Dominion

The full extent of that relationship is at present not clear. Dominion had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.

Pro V&V offers relatively little information about itself on its own spartan website. It states that it was founded in 2011 "by individuals possessing a combined testing experience of over 30 years" and that it was accredited by the Election Assistance Commission in February, 2015. It appears to operate out of a single suite in an office building on the outskirts of Huntsville, Ala.


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eb73fc No.156433

File: 7ba973b3a73e402⋯.png (679.7 KB,780x596,195:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925758 (061846ZDEC20) Notable: Judge Orders Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan

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HUGE: Judge Orders Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan

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eb73fc No.156434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925774 (061847ZDEC20) Notable: CNN Cancels Christmas with Dr. Jonathan Reiner who is married to Lynne Cheney, cardiologist of Dick Cheney

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CNN Cancels Christmas with Dr. Jonathan Reiner who is married to Lynne Cheney. Reiner was cardiologist of Dick Cheney

Reiner on Christmas: "We Just Can't Do It This Year"

Dr. Jonathan Reiner: "…wanna be with family, but we just can't do it this year. We're going to cause needless deaths among people that we really care about."

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eb73fc No.156435

File: 1c04defc7f93cc9⋯.png (657.66 KB,765x476,45:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925775 (061848ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter Flags Trump Rally WiFi Password (RiggedElection!) as 'Disputed'

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FACEPALM: Twitter Flags Trump Rally WiFi Password as 'Disputed'

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eb73fc No.156436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925824 (061852ZDEC20) Notable: Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate the Chinese Communist Party a Transnational Criminal Organization

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Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate the Chinese Communist Party a Transnational Criminal Organization

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently met with representatives of groups victimized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who urged the administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization.”

Washington-based advocacy group Committee on Present Danger: China organized the groups to come together under the banner of the “Captive Nations Coalition,” which included representatives from the Tibetan, Uyghur, Inner Mongolian, Hong Kong, and Falun Gong communities, as well as people negatively impacted by Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, a massive foreign investment project that aims to advance the regime’s political and economic interests around the world.

Committee vice-chairman Frank Gaffney said the victim groups hoped to convey to the State Department their experiences of being suppressed by the regime, in the hopes of bringing home the message that “all of us are under threat from the global, totalitarian ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party.”

The meeting marked the first time that state department officials met with these groups together, according to participants. The representatives met with Pompeo; Robert Destro, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; and Miles Yu, Pompeo’s policy advisor, on Dec. 3.

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Gaffney said the representatives urged the administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization” under U.S. law.

Such a designation would help “delegitimize the most odious and most dangerous entity in the world today,” Gaffney told NTD, an affiliate of The Epoch Times.


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eb73fc No.156437

File: 9a926318d663705⋯.png (39.45 KB,638x264,29:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925826 (061852ZDEC20) Notable: NEW DJT - @FoxNews daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out @OANN

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daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out




and others that are picking up the slack. Even a boring football game, kneeling and all, is better!

1:49 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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eb73fc No.156438

File: 2ec075d91826401⋯.png (194.75 KB,619x887,619:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b436fdf36973c⋯.png (562.88 KB,1079x1321,1079:1321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925841 (061854ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan demanding all software & files associated with the election ORDERED DESTROYED within 7 days of canvassing

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"Nothing says free, open, honest, & fair elections like #Michigan demanding all software & files associated with the election ORDERED DESTROYED within 7 days of canvassing! Destroy the audit trail? Why?" https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1335294364843696133

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eb73fc No.156439

File: c61a5f9daeb5907⋯.png (28.64 KB,764x363,764:363,Clipboard.png)

File: e6479006603818b⋯.png (503.62 KB,576x760,72:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a8bebb19fc8878⋯.png (36.05 KB,829x212,829:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925866 (061858ZDEC20) Notable: Elections Expert Garland Favorito Not Allowed to Speak at GA State Hearing

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Elections Expert Garland Favorito Not Allowed to Speak at State Hearing – Has Evidence of Dominion Vote Switching in Georgia

In November a Georgia poll watcher noticed the suspicious shift in votes from President Trump to Joe Biden while monitoring the interim election results on the Georgia secretary of state website.

Voter GA co-founder Garland Favorito swore in an affidavit last month with the secretary of state’s office that, “I concluded from looking at these results that this was an irregularity, since there was no obvious reason for President Trump’s totals to have decreased while former Vice President Biden’s totals increased dramatically.”

Favorito continued to research the Dominion voting machines fluctuations and “glitches” and found more evidence of votes being switched from President Trump to Joe Biden elsewhere in the state.

This past week elections officials in Ware County Georgia confirmed that they found votes switched from President Trump to Joe Biden when they entered equal numbers of ballots for each candidate through the Dominion Voting machines.

And Favorito, an independent, and his group Voter Georgia released a statement on the findings in Ware County.

Favorito was not allowed to testify last week. He believes it is because his testimony would expose the Secretary of State and his twisted sidekick Gabriel Sterling.

The Georgia Star News reported:

In an interview with The Georgia Star News, Favorito explained that the information didn’t indicate which machine flipped the votes – just that the mistake occurred.

“We did find that they had flipped votes – we didn’t have to obtain the machine to figure that out. The hand count showed that they had flipped votes somewhere in that county,” he said.

Favorito explained that he’d been slated as a top ten witness for Trump’s legal team during Thursday’s State Senate hearing. Just before he was called to the stand, Favorito told The Star that an administrative assistant for the committee informed him that he was bumped to the bottom of the list “at the chairman’s discretion.”

During an interview with The John Fredericks Show, Favorito claimed that he later discovered why he’d been moved down the witness list.


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eb73fc No.156440

File: 07976e35768d394⋯.png (299.94 KB,598x492,299:246,Clipboard.png)

File: 69eef9072290723⋯.png (36.33 KB,475x300,19:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925897 (061901ZDEC20) Notable: Nevada Election Officials connected to Pakistani Company with ties to Military and Intel Agencies

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A U.S. voter rights group informed the Department of Justice on Dec. 3 of a link between the Nevada election emails system and a Pakistani company with ties to military and intelligence.

True the Vote requested the Nevada voter file from the secretary of state after the Nov. 3 election. The state responded with a voter file in an email, but the message was copied to waqas@kavtech.net, which is the email for Waqas Butt, CEO of Pakistani-based Kavtech Solutions Ltd.

In a letter (pdf) to Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers, Catherine Engelbrecht, the president of True the Vote, wrote that she was shocked to discover the Pakistani address in the carbon copy field of the email.

“The fact that this company was cc’d on an email containing access to the Nevada voter registration database appears to be evidence of a breach within the Nevada Secretary of State’s email system,” Engelbrecht wrote.

“Obviously, the problems that such a breach may evidence include access to at least the voter registration information of Nevada residents. At worst it could reveal a breach that gives a foreign power access to not only the State of Nevada’s systems, but also to the email systems of anyone whom the State communicates with via email.”

True the Vote received the email in question on Nov. 29.

Kavtech Solutions Ltd. is based in Lahore, Punjab province, in Pakistan, according to the letter.

According to its website, Kavtech specialized in data management, including for government clients. The company has also provided facial recognition software to three airports, data visualization services to a handful of clients, and developed more than 500 games. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The website doesn’t appear to include any references to work with the Pakistani military and intelligence, as alleged in the letter.

The Trump campaign filed an election contest in Nevada on Nov. 17. A judge in the case dismissed the lawsuit and the campaign is planning an appeal to the state’s Supreme Court. The lawsuit alleged that tens of thousands of votes were illegally cast, enough to invalidate the results. In an evidentiary hearing, Trump campaign attorneys said they have a witness who said that vote totals were inexplicably changed on USB drives overnight.


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eb73fc No.156441

File: bb288e823ee3800⋯.png (48.1 KB,625x449,625:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925908 (061903ZDEC20) Notable: Kayleigh tweet - Dems pushed Mail In voting and eliminated all fraud safeguards

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Democrats PUSHED for mass mail-in voting.

Democrats ELIMINATED safeguards like signature match, voter ID & deadlines in many states across the country.

Statistical anomalies occurred nationwide in a never-before-tried system.

And now Democrats say DO NOT ask questions. Wrong!!


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eb73fc No.156442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11925937 (061906ZDEC20) Notable: #15222

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11925226 Dough

#15222 FINAL Notables

>>156390 W.H.O. Chief Tedros Ready to Join ‘Influencers’ Joe Biden, Boris, Obama in Live Coronavirus Vaccination

>>156391 9/14/20 CNN 9AM Call

>>156392 , >>156394 Rig for Red - Special Session called BY Georgia Legislature - Dec 8th

>>156393 The Same Organized Fraud That Took Place in Michigan Took Place In Georgia on Election Night

>>156395 , >>156398 Exam of Ware County, GA Dominion machine found votes switched from Trump to Biden

>>156396 Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case

>>156397 Sharyl Atkisson Vs DOJ / Rod Rosenstein resurfacing

>>156399 Pope Francis Adopts Joe Biden’s Slogan ‘Build Back Better’

>>156400 Barr ‘so deep in the swamp’ he can't ‘see his fellow reptiles

>>156401 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Des Moines, IA 12/6/20

>>156402 Chinese retail giant JD.com becomes first big online shop to accept digital yuan in $3mn ‘lottery’ trial

>>156403 , >>156404 GOP senators say Durham's probe must continue 'It's non-negotiable'

>>156405 , >>156409 The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia

>>156406 Ballot Harvesting is The Most Systematically Racist Practice in America

>>156407 Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm

>>156408 Whole families in quarantine in Virginia

>>156410 Election Fraud, Political Corruption, and its Consequences

>>156411 Dominion tabulating machine flipped votes from Trump to Biden in Ware County

>>156412 The Election Fraud, The Usefulness of COVID, and The Big Picture

>>156413 “The FBI Is Nowhere to be Found!” – Rudy Giuliani Reveals UNDENIABLE VOTER FRAUD in 2020 Election

>>156414 Trump legal team celebrates after Michigan judge allows probe of Dominion voting machines

>>156415 Paris, London, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Leipzig, Valencia, Liege, Rome - lockdown riots that MSM won't cover

>>156416 Lin Wood Plans SCOTUS Petition After Court Rejects Georgia Appeal

>>156417 House Democrats have scheduled 101 days of work for next year—a 25% reduction.

>>156418 Italian Police Break Up Migrant Smuggling Ring, Arrest 19

>>156419 Lin Wood retweet on Ware County GA bombshell evidence of Dominion vote fraud

>>156425 Anon dig on D5 / 11.3 / 11.4

>>156420 Three Brave Black Female Republicans File Charges Against Corrupt Michigan Secretary of State

>>156421 At the UN, NATO and EU Members Abstains on Nazism

>>156422 Ware County is the breakthrough needed to go mainstream

>>156423 ZEBRA ZEBRA - FLOTUS brings it

>>156424 Hackers Strike and Leak Bill Gates, WHO, and Wuhan Lab Emails

>>156426 Netanyahu trial may face fresh delay as judges hint indictment must be revised

>>156427 Lin Wood going at it on David Purdue

>>156428 More on Ware County forensic audit that proved fraud against President Trump

>>156429 Who told the States to stop counting on Election Night ALL AT THE SAME TIME?

>>156430 Anon question - Biden unable to pass clearance check because of son Hunter?

>>156431 Sidney Powell on 2 legislators counting ballots. Brutal

>>156432 Company that audited Dominion machines in Ga. has for years overseen testing of its voting software

>>156433 Judge Orders Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Michigan

>>156434 CNN Cancels Christmas with Dr. Jonathan Reiner who is married to Lynne Cheney, cardiologist of Dick Cheney

>>156435 Twitter Flags Trump Rally WiFi Password (RiggedElection!) as 'Disputed'

>>156436 Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate the Chinese Communist Party a Transnational Criminal Organization

>>156437 NEW DJT - @FoxNews daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out @OANN

>>156438 Michigan demanding all software & files associated with the election ORDERED DESTROYED within 7 days of canvassing

>>156439 Elections Expert Garland Favorito Not Allowed to Speak at GA State Hearing

>>156440 Nevada Election Officials connected to Pakistani Company with ties to Military and Intel Agencies

>>156441 Kayleigh tweet - Dems pushed Mail In voting and eliminated all fraud safeguards


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eb73fc No.156443

File: 62b60e0e62b220f⋯.png (672.95 KB,605x646,605:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926114 (061925ZDEC20) Notable: @RepVernonJones - Thank you @LLinWood for being a great American and freedom fighter

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Thank you @LLinWood for being a great American and freedom fighter. I understand your frustration as well as many other Georgians. A new day is coming!


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eb73fc No.156444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926162 (061932ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on true mission of 'Operation Warp Speed'

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Opperation Warp Speed a "cover" for nationwide troop movements?

You know what a "Castle Movement" is?

A Castle Movement is when the US military shows up all at the same time in 4 or more locations on the outside of a city or town.

People will see groups of military vehicles and troops in parking lots and parks in areas all around the outer edge of a city.

The move is to place troops on all 4 corners around the outer edge of the city…like the towers of a Castle…and then…when the command is given all of the "tower" locations quickly move out in both directions and in doing so completely surround and cut off the city…like the walls of a castle…no one in…no one out.

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eb73fc No.156445

File: f9d48200e3dc2e2⋯.png (1.29 MB,1906x1548,953:774,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f342759b545e0b⋯.png (408.01 KB,1492x1638,746:819,Clipboard.png)

File: fc9563a47937b2d⋯.png (396.23 KB,1366x1600,683:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 364b6c7ab4e0cfd⋯.png (485.95 KB,1478x1666,739:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 5383939fd6d5e81⋯.png (358.67 KB,1514x1536,757:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926199 (061936ZDEC20) Notable: CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of China Virus

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CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of COVID-19

WASHINGTON — As a pioneering psychological profiler for the Central Intelligence Agency and later as a consultant, Dr. Jerrold Post plumbed the lives, leadership styles and, at times, the mental illness of foreign heads around the globe. Over decades, his expertise and instincts were greatly in demand, especially at the White House.

The Harvard-trained psychiatrist advised former President Jimmy Carter about how best to negotiate with Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat before the Camp David Peace Accords. He explained Sadat’s “Nobel Prize Complex” — his desire to be remembered as a great leader — and Begin’s biblical preoccupation and obsession with detail.

Post warned about labeling Saddam Hussein simply as “the mad man of the Middle East,” lest it mislead political leaders into thinking Hussein was unpredictable, when in fact he was not. As an expert in the psychology of terrorism, Post produced psychological profiles of suicide bombers in Israel and opined on the corporate leadership style of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

And yet in late 2019 — a year before his death Nov. 22 of COVID-19 at 86 — Post found himself doing what at one point would have been unthinkable: publishing a book about the alarming psychological makeup of an American president.

In writing “Dangerous Charisma: The Political Psychology of Donald Trump and His Followers,” Post risked violating the American Psychiatric Association’s “Goldwater Rule,” which forbids the diagnosis of public figures without full evaluation and consent.

“He was a Life Fellow of the APA, but he said if they kicked him out, he didn’t care,” said his wife, Carolyn Post. “He felt it was that important and that psychiatrists have a duty to warn.”….



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eb73fc No.156446

File: 353ddd7ad40aff8⋯.jpeg (779.08 KB,1097x1932,1097:1932,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5780ce4384b5772⋯.jpeg (952.39 KB,1125x1886,1125:1886,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6130a1622a40a11⋯.jpeg (1012.18 KB,1125x1912,1125:1912,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 821b6575fd9b39e⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1125x1886,1125:1886,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926213 (061937ZDEC20) Notable: Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm

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Wayne County vote switch thread .. Fractional vote confirmed during forensic audit


Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm:

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.


37 Trump votes used in the equal sample run had been "Switched" from Trump to Biden. In actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as 113% of a vote.


Those conducting the test were so shocked that they ran the same ballots again. The same results appeared.

ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE SOLVED. (It is worth noting that this was one County, and on one Tabulator alone.


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eb73fc No.156447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926266 (061944ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia

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>>156353 Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia


Names to dig

Board of Directors

The Jekyll Island Authority Board of Directors is the policy-making body for Jekyll Island and the Jekyll Island Authority. The nine-member board consists of eight members appointed by the Governor to serve four-year terms, with the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources as ex-officio member. Two appointed board members must reside in one of the six coastal counties in Georgia. The Chairman is also appointed by the Governor to serve a one-year term and retains this position until replaced.

• Joe WilkinsonJoseph B. Wilkinson, Jr. Chairperson St. Simons Island, Ga

• Trip Tollison, Hugh “Trip” Tollison

Savannah, GA

•Mark Williams, Atlanta, Ga

• Bob W. KruegerRobert, Hawkinsville, Ga

• Joy Burch-Meeks

Screven, Ga

• Glen Willard

Richmond Hill, Ga

• Bill GrossWilliam “Bill” H. Gross

Kingsland, Ga

• Buster EvansDr. L.C. “Buster” Evans

Bolingbroke, Ga

• Dale Atkins, Baxley, Ga

Leadership Team

The Jekyll Island Authority (JIA) is committed to implementing policy set by the JIA Board and fulfilling the stewardship mission of the JIA through organizational excellence.

C. Jones Hooks

Executive Director

Alexa Hawkins

Director of Marketing & Communications

Ben Carswell

Director of Conservation

Dion Davis

Jekyll Island Foundation Executive Director

Jenna Johnson

Director of Human Resources

Kate Harris

Director of Strategic Partnerships

Marjorie Johnson

Chief Accounting Officer

Melissa Cruthirds

General Counsel

Michelle Webb

Assistant to the Executive Director

Noel Jensen

Chief Operations Officer

Dr. Terry Norton, DVM, Diplomate ACZM



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eb73fc No.156448

File: 42963f3290126f1⋯.png (1.1 MB,1367x742,1367:742,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c7b2d0a52b79e5⋯.png (27.65 KB,855x252,95:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 24969dd0158bc10⋯.png (20.65 KB,841x164,841:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a37bedfcab7593⋯.png (497.75 KB,520x347,520:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926278 (061945ZDEC20) Notable: Dems deploying DARPA-funded AI-driven information warfare tool to target pro-Trump accounts

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Dems deploying DARPA-funded AI-driven information warfare tool to target pro-Trump accounts



They're using DARPA on us.

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eb73fc No.156449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926305 (061949ZDEC20) Notable: CNN 9am Call 9/14/20

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eb73fc No.156450

File: c748f1a62d90dca⋯.jpg (84.24 KB,720x616,90:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926373 (061956ZDEC20) Notable: DJT - Fake News - Suppression of thought!

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eb73fc No.156451

File: 5564a0b16097445⋯.png (3.05 MB,1294x2000,647:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: b9538c2c6398612⋯.png (341.16 KB,594x563,594:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926410 (062000ZDEC20) Notable: Bars & restaurants are closed in Illinois, but it's ok for politicians to party?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bars & restaurants are closed in Illinois, but it's ok for politicians to party?



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eb73fc No.156452

File: 063cd1593ea10a0⋯.png (43.99 KB,607x410,607:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cb88739a94a3ed⋯.png (25.44 KB,584x267,584:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926413 (062001ZDEC20) Notable: DJT - On banning US from doing business with Dominion - 'Interesting!'

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eb73fc No.156453

File: b6a20c056ae9e3d⋯.jpg (63.19 KB,938x472,469:236,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926435 (062003ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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B-52 60-0022 "Deuces Wild" doing practice runs over Avon Park range in Fl.

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eb73fc No.156454

File: 07b09cd2b1861b6⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,600x303,200:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0c95440b3e808cb⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,606x317,606:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a175d8d1debfb8⋯.jpg (25.13 KB,586x237,586:237,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926441 (062003ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines Georgia will do manual ballot vote in Georgia

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OK, based upon these tweets, I want to make a guess as to what is going to happen in the next few weeks…

PDJT, EO banning all Dominion voting machines

This will force Georgia to manual ballot count with NO machines involved…this will get a TRUE VOTE…and also prove to the WORLD "NOT" TO USE any voting machines




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eb73fc No.156455

File: a2124d1145f0ef6⋯.png (166.63 KB,1013x563,1013:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926442 (062003ZDEC20) Notable: Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA

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eb73fc No.156456

File: e716e486ee1a481⋯.png (36.75 KB,620x361,620:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926456 (062005ZDEC20) Notable: Sec Pompeo tweet - Venezuela's electoral fraud has already been committed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Venezuela's electoral fraud has already been committed. The results announced by the illegitimate Maduro regime will not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. What's happening today is a fraud and a sham, not an election.


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eb73fc No.156457

File: 54a105ddd70ef5e⋯.png (50.62 KB,385x569,385:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a5937634182cd7⋯.png (498.93 KB,596x547,596:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926462 (062006ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood calls out Elena Parent for her opposition to Dominion Voting Machines in June, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OOPS! kek


"ATTENTION @SidneyPowell1 & @LLinWood Looks like back in June you had an ally in radical DEMOCRAT @elenaparent when it comes to pointing out that @BrianKempGA made a bad money deal to jam through Dominion Voting Systems for $107 MILLION What changed her tune lately"https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1335608176922808320

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eb73fc No.156458

File: 806b172a196defb⋯.png (59.6 KB,462x444,77:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 9001c8a4030f36d⋯.png (614.31 KB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 0763237737b18b4⋯.png (2.25 MB,1200x802,600:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926472 (062007ZDEC20) Notable: California Trump Supporters Take Over Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Curfew

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Q 3313


1st & 10 on the 40.

California Trump Supporters Take Over Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Curfew


California is currently under a statewide mandatory 10 p.m. curfew.

Look for CA-1 and for MAIN ST, both of which are 1st routes.

Look for 10 as in 10PM curfew.

Search for on the 40.

Note the use of the ampersand rather than 'and'. Ampersand. SAND. AMPER.


History of the Ampersand


The English alphabet didn't always go from A to Z. If you'd been learning your ABC's in the 19th century it's very likely that your alphabet would have had a 27th member: &.

That very first ampersand was a ligature—that is, a character consisting of two or more letters joined together. Its creator was joining the letters e and t, of the Latin word et, meaning "and."

Starting in the late Middle Ages, single letters that also functioned as words—think I and A—were referred to as letters with the aid of the phrase per se, to clarify that it was the letter being referred to, and not the word. The letter I, for example, would be referred to with the phrase I per se, I, which means in Latin "I by itself (is the word) I." When the 27th quasi-letter & was referred to it was called & per se, and, meaning "& by itself (is the word) and." That read as "and per se and."

"And per se, and" eventually evolved into ampersand, the word we know and love today. & the rest is history.

Huntington Beach Pier


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eb73fc No.156459

File: 3ff9c2c387ba330⋯.png (1.11 MB,1653x1620,551:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926522 (062012ZDEC20) Notable: China is National Security Threat number 1

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let he who hath eyes see…..

real news.


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eb73fc No.156460

File: f0c791c031025cf⋯.png (275.23 KB,595x1269,595:1269,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d8111cc50cddce⋯.png (281.33 KB,747x883,747:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926531 (062013ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion algorithms assigned Trump voter as '4/5 (four/fifths) of a person/vote

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My Affidavit - filed in @LLinWood

& @SidneyPowell1

lawsuit 2 weeks ago - calculated ~22% vote transfer from @realDonaldTrump

to @JoeBiden

. Now, evidence from seized Dominion machines PROVES my analysis correct.

Trump voters “4/5ths” a person!

In America, NO #OnePersonOneVote


The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia.

Dominion machines were seized. Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both.

Stay tuned. This is big.








435/565= 1.23%


Arizona	 	1,672,143	1,661,686

Georgia	 	2,474,507	2,461,837	

Michigan	 	2,804,040	2,649,852

Wisconsin 	1,630,866	1,610,184

Pennsylvania 	3,459,923	3,378,263

TOTAL 12,038,479 11,761,822

12,038,479 * .76 = 9,149,244 Actual Biden Votes

11,761,822 * 1.22 = 14,349,422 Actual Trump Votes


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eb73fc No.156461

File: 2957cbfea1a1cc2⋯.png (35.72 KB,587x248,587:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926606 (062019ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - 'Get better soon Rudy. we will carry on. (lower case w?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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eb73fc No.156462

File: 7ee3c7d14200d76⋯.png (20.81 KB,606x245,606:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926623 (062021ZDEC20) Notable: Sec Pompeo - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5



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eb73fc No.156463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926638 (062022ZDEC20) Notable: Secretary Azar Says COVID Vaccine Approval Could Arrive "Within Days"

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Secretary Azar Says COVID Vaccine Approval Could Arrive "Within Days"

As government officials scramble to keep the optimistic vaccination headlines coming in an attempt to try and get Americans as eager to take the coronavirus vaccine as possible (for what it's worth, some public opinion polls suggest that strategy is working), DHHS Secretary Alex Azar took to ABC's "This Week" on Sunday to advise Americans that the FDA could approve Pfizer's mRNA vaccine in a matter of days.

That is, assuming this week's meeting of the FDA advisory committee, set to begin Monday, doesn't turn up any unanticipated snags. Azar added that whatever happens, the analysis will be conducted according to the FDA's "gold standard" process, possibly a reference to Dr. Fauci's criticism of the Brits for their "rushed" emergency approval.

"If things are on track, the advisory committee goes well, I believe we could see FDA authorization within days," Secretary Alex Azar told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos Sunday. "But it's going to go according to FDA gold-standard processes, George, and I'm going to make sure it does."

Asked if there was any chance the vaccine might not be approved this week, Azar demurred: "I'm going to defer to the FDA career scientists on this."

"I'm going to protect the independence and integrity of that decision making," he added. "I don't know of any reason why the system is in any way off track."

As the timeline continues to creep closer as officials perhaps get a little carried away with their optimism, Azar told ABC that by the beginning of the second quarter, there will be enough vaccine doses available across the US for "any American who wants one".

Azar added that the Trump Administration is "quite concerned" about the pandemic's post-Thanksgiving trajectory, and urged all viewers to be careful to social distance and wear masks when they're indoors. But the administration has "complete visibility into our hospital capacity."

"We're on a forward footing, George," he also told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos. "We have complete visibility into our hospital capacity. We're making sure they've got supplies and staffing regulatory flexibilities that keep the highest acuity patients in the hospital let others be serviced at home."


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eb73fc No.156464

File: 1b010c044bd2544⋯.jpeg (161.45 KB,1017x1179,113:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3aab809411395df⋯.png (449.77 KB,1920x1412,480:353,Clipboard.png)

File: d039ae68a951091⋯.png (1.09 MB,1210x830,121:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f10b3533d7ae5f⋯.png (226.19 KB,1698x1102,849:551,Clipboard.png)

File: ee4cea10fbdd9c5⋯.png (321.95 KB,1752x1306,876:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926655 (062024ZDEC20) Notable: Anon reports video to prove the Frankfurt Server is real we were already informed of it by WIkileaks

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I don't know what was with the board or baking last night but I waited until now to repost this.



And absolutely F/ck George Webb crowdsourcing shilly Hillbilly operation.

I got 2 cents for the CM video that has 60,000 views so we are def not doing this for money.

Use this video to prove the Frankfurt Server is real we were already informed of it by WIkileaks. Germany blew hot air saying they were going to investigate it. The turds and Merkel are obviously corrupt and took zero action.

Here is the clip


Pics related

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eb73fc No.156465

File: 36269d714bbad41⋯.png (302.73 KB,1903x1599,1903:1599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926658 (062024ZDEC20) Notable: FBI, DOJ, State Department records on FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Release Date: Dec 3, 2020

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ALL PDFs Released by Grassley and Johnson 12/03/2020

Johnson, Grassley release FBI, DOJ, State Department records related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

Release Date: Dec 3, 2020


Key documents from each agency can be viewed below:

DOJ documents can be found here:


-Lync and text messages between and among DOJ and FBI employees from 6/27/16 to 1/2/18


Emails about FBI’s receipt of Fusion GPS thumb drive


Miles Taylor April 2017 FBI FD-302


FBI documents can be found here

-Lync and text messages from eight DOJ/FBI employees including Trisha Anderson, James Baker, Carl Ghattas, Stephen Laycock, James Comey, Michael Steinbach, E.W. Priestap, and Andrew McCabe from 7/15/16 to 5/29/18


12/28/16 Email from Benjamin Wittes to James Comey; Email between Comey and Andrew McCabe


-Lync messages of James Baker from 12/29/16 to 8/14/17 and text messages of James Comey from 9/7/16 to 1/11/17


Heavily redacted Peter Strzok Emails from January 2017


Andrew McCabe Lync/text messages from 6/8/15 to 3/14/18


Crossfire Hurricane file update regarding Department of State employees’ knowledge of FBI relationship with Christopher Steele


-Lync/text messages of Peter Strzok from 2/13/16 to 12/6/17


Text messages from DOJ/FBI employees Randall Coleman from 8/3/15 to 12/5/16, Carl Ghattas on 11/30/17, Charles McGonical from 10/29/16 to 5/24/17, and Charles Spencer from 10/24/16 to 11/9/16


Department of State documents can be found here. These include Jonathan Winer, Victoria Nuland, Kathleen Kavalec emails regarding Christopher Steele’s Orbis reports.


The Chairmen’s Crossfire Hurricane timeline can be viewed here.


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eb73fc No.156466

File: d4446e2d30dad0c⋯.png (15.01 KB,575x175,23:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fb553788098e0c⋯.png (23.7 KB,568x272,71:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 991322f0bf37c85⋯.png (450.7 KB,600x491,600:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 68736dcc2aa52cb⋯.png (87.8 KB,823x544,823:544,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a20e0e3168c22c⋯.png (30.84 KB,848x212,4:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926670 (062025ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook Is Interfering In 2020 Election with Millions in Unconstitutional Grants

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Facebook Is Interfering In 2020 Election with Millions in Unconstitutional Grants Before the Election and Censorship of Extensive Fraud Before and After Election

Facebook is interfering in our elections with both grant money used to tamper with the election and censorship to prevent it’s unconstitutional actions to be reported.

Trump team member Phill Klein shared today that private grants were used in Georgia’s Fulton County that were illegal because they went around the state legislature which authorizes election activities in the state:

In addition data experts found a total number of illegal votes near 200,000 which would easily overturn the current lead of 10,000 votes after efforts to steal the election for Joe Biden:

The private grants came from Facebook which gave Fulton County Georgia $6 million if they would place ballot boxes around the county. This was illegal since these activities remain with the state and not with creepy Big Tech oligarchs:

In October it was reported in South Carolina:


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eb73fc No.156467

File: c9fa6cec4ab35aa⋯.png (33.34 KB,665x388,665:388,Clipboard.png)

File: 7949525032cb043⋯.png (34.51 KB,683x425,683:425,Clipboard.png)

File: c941979c813f02d⋯.png (19.93 KB,649x281,649:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926685 (062027ZDEC20) Notable: UK Prepares for Huge Vaccination Rollout Starting on Tuesday

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UK Prepares for Huge Vaccination Rollout Starting on Tuesday

The coronavirus vaccine developed by American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech was being sent to hospitals across the U.K. in super-cold containers on Sunday, two days ahead of the kickoff of Britain’s biggest-ever immunization program, one being closely watched around the world.

Around 800,000 doses of the vaccine are expected to be in place for the start of the rollout on Tuesday, a day that British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has reportedly dubbed as “V-Day,” a nod to triumphs in World War II.

“Despite the huge complexities, hospitals will kickstart the first phase of the largest scale vaccination campaign in our country’s history from Tuesday,” said Professor Stephen Powis, NHS England’s national medical director. “The first tranche of vaccine deliveries will be landing at hospitals by Monday in readiness.”

Last week the U.K. became the first country to authorize the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine for emergency use. In trials, the vaccine was shown to have around 95% efficacy. Vaccinations will be administered starting Tuesday at around 50 hospital hubs in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also begin their vaccination rollouts the same day.

Governments and health agencies around the world will be monitoring the British vaccination program to note its successes and failures and adjust their own plans accordingly. The United States hopes to start vaccinations later this month. British regulatory authorities are also examining data on vaccines made by Moderna and AstraZeneca-Oxford University.

Russia on Saturday began vaccinating thousands of doctors, teachers and others at dozens of centers in Moscow with its Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine, which was approved over the summer after being tested in only a few dozen people.

The excitement in Britain, which has Europe’s highest virus-related death toll at more than 61,000, was palpable.

“This coming week will be an historic moment as we begin vaccination against COVID-19,” said Hancock.


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eb73fc No.156468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926718 (062031ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus: Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tests positive for coronavirus, says president

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COVID-19: Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tests positive for coronavirus, says president

President Trump says his lawyer Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for coronavirus.

Mr Trump tweeted: "@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!"


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eb73fc No.156469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926741 (062034ZDEC20) Notable: #15223

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>>>/qresearch/11925973 Dough

#15223 FINAL Notables

>>156443 @RepVernonJones - Thank you @LLinWood for being a great American and freedom fighter

>>156444 Anon opines on true mission of 'Operation Warp Speed'

>>156445 CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of China Virus

>>156446 Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm

>>156447 Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia

>>156448 Dems deploying DARPA-funded AI-driven information warfare tool to target pro-Trump accounts

>>156449 CNN 9am Call 9/14/20

>>156450 DJT - Fake News - Suppression of thought!

>>156452 DJT - On banning US from doing business with Dominion - 'Interesting!'

>>156451 Bars & restaurants are closed in Illinois, but it's ok for politicians to party?

>>156453 PF Report

>>156454 Anon opines Georgia will do manual ballot vote in Georgia

>>156455 Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA

>>156456 , >>>/qresearch/11926666 Sec Pompeo tweet - Venezuela's electoral fraud has already been committed

>>156457 Lin Wood calls out Elena Parent for her opposition to Dominion Voting Machines in June, 2020

>>156458 California Trump Supporters Take Over Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Curfew

>>156459 China is National Security Threat number 1

>>156460 Dominion algorithms assigned Trump voter as '4/5 (four/fifths) of a person/vote

>>156461 , >>>/qresearch/11926725 DJT tweet - 'Get better soon Rudy. we will carry on. (lower case w?)

>>156462 Sec Pompeo - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

>>156463 Secretary Azar Says COVID Vaccine Approval Could Arrive "Within Days"

>>156464 Anon reports video to prove the Frankfurt Server is real we were already informed of it by WIkileaks

>>156465 FBI, DOJ, State Department records on FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Release Date: Dec 3, 2020

>>156466 Facebook Is Interfering In 2020 Election with Millions in Unconstitutional Grants

>>156467 UK Prepares for Huge Vaccination Rollout Starting on Tuesday

>>156468 China Virus: Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tests positive for coronavirus, says president


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eb73fc No.156470

File: 0727839922974eb⋯.png (119.5 KB,416x452,104:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 635befde4f7dc12⋯.png (2.53 MB,2304x1536,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926846 (062042ZDEC20) Notable: Enjoying the sound of freedom from the F22s of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Department of Defense


“Enjoying the sound of freedom from the F22s of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, at a refueling stop.” A/SD Chris Miller

2:09 AM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter Web App


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eb73fc No.156471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926855 (062044ZDEC20) Notable: PG&E faces millions in fines for ‘egregious and reckless’ logging, roadwork in Santa Cruz Mountains fire area

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PG&E faces millions in fines for ‘egregious and reckless’ logging, roadwork in Santa Cruz Mountains fire area

Utility violated state timber, environmental and coastal laws following CZU Lightning Fire, agencies say

PG&E is facing fines that could total millions of dollars from Cal Fire and the California Coastal Commission — along with possible criminal penalties — for what those agencies say is overzealous logging and grading work the utility has been doing without permits in the Santa Cruz Mountains following the CZU Lighting Fire.


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eb73fc No.156472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926861 (062044ZDEC20) Notable: Maryland Releases MS-13 Gang Member & Sex Offender Despite ICE Detainers

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Maryland Releases MS-13 Gang Member & Sex Offender Despite ICE Detainers

BALTIMORE – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested two criminal aliens after their release by Prince George’s County, Maryland, despite each having immigration detainers. Those arrested include a member of MS-13 and a convicted sex offender.

“These arrests are yet another example of a local jurisdiction choosing to release demonstrated public safety threats to the community, rather than honoring lawful detainers and allowing ICE to take custody of these individuals and keep them off of the street,” said Francisco Madrigal, field office director for ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore field office.

On Nov. 19, ICE officers with the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) Capital Area Task Force arrested Jose Luis Sorto Gomez, 33, a citizen of El Salvador and a known member of MS-13. Sorto has been arrested several times by Prince George’s County between 2016 and 2020, but despite five ICE detainers lodged during that time, was released after each incident.

Sorto was previously identified by ICE in 2015 in McDowell County, North Carolina, where he was in custody pending charges of resisting arrest, assault of a government official and larceny. He was referred for prosecution for illegal reentry and on May 3, 2016, he was convicted and sentenced to 14 months incarceration by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. At the time, Sorto was the subject of active criminal warrants from Prince George’s County for failure to appear and he was transferred to Prince George’s custody following his federal sentence. ICE lodged a detainer with Prince George’s County on July 2, 2016, but Prince George’s County released Sorto into the community. Sorto is in ICE custody pending removal to El Salvador.

On Nov. 20, ICE officers arrested David Alexander Retana-Castellon, 28, a convicted sex offender and citizen of El Salvador, in Hyattsville, Maryland. Retana entered the U.S. in August 2015 near the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, and ICE removed him to El Salvador on September 18, 2015. He illegally reentered the country on an unknown date.

On May 17, 2019, the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County convicted Retana of sex offense in the third degree, sentencing him to eight years in prison in which all but three days were suspended, and placed him on three years of probation. On Oct. 9, 2019, ICE officers from the Baltimore field office arrested Retana and turned him over to the USMS for prosecution for illegal reentry, a felony. The magistrate judge granted Retana a pre-trial release. On Sept. 7, 2020, the Prince George’s County Police Department arrested Retana for failing to register as a sex offender and ICE lodged an immigration detainer with the Prince George’s County Detention Center. Oct. 28, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland convicted Retana of illegal reentry, sentenced him to time served, and returned him to Prince George’s County custody. On Nov. 6, 2020, Prince George’s County did not honor the detainer lodged by ICE and released him to the community. Retana is in ICE custody pending removal to El Salvador.


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eb73fc No.156473

File: 06e19ebfa1868ca⋯.png (11.81 KB,613x129,613:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926870 (062045ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia's Kennesaw State U Warns 'Armed Intruder' on Campus, Urges Students to Shelter

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Georgia's Kennesaw State University Warns 'Armed Intruder' on Campus, Urges Students to Shelter

The suspect was described by the local media as a man with a ponytail and a ball cap, who was last seen near the Machinist Lodge on Marietta campus of Kennesaw State University.

An "armed intruder" was reported on Marietta Campus of Georgia's Kennesaw State University on Sunday, with the university's Emergency Management group urging students to shelter via social media.

"An armed Intruder has been reported at Kennesaw State. Seek shelter in a secure location until further notice. Lock all doors and windows. Turn off lights and silence cell phones, if possible", Emergency Management office said.

According to the statement, the suspect was last seen near the Machinist Lodge on campus at approximately 2:40 p.m. local time.

According to local media reports, the suspect was described as "a man with a ponytail and a ball cap".

Shortly after the announcement, the Emergency Management service noted that the incident was reported on university campus located in Marietta, outlining that there is no need to hide in Kennesaw Campus.


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eb73fc No.156474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926875 (062046ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia's Kennesaw State U Warns 'Armed Intruder' on Campus, Urges Students to Shelter

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How convenient.

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eb73fc No.156475

File: fdd41cc778ecf05⋯.png (28.86 KB,664x461,664:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926877 (062047ZDEC20) Notable: Michael Flynn: 'I must have put the fear of God into Barack Obama'

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Michael Flynn: 'I must have put the fear of God into Barack Obama'

The retired Army lieutenant general bashes Obama while singing the praises of Sidney Powell

Former national security advisor Mike Flynn took aim at former President Barack Obama. In his first television interview since his pardon, Flynn said he "must have put the fear of God into Barack Obama."

President Donald Trump tapped Flynn to become his national security adviser on Nov. 18, 2016. Trump visited Obama on Nov. 10, 2016, where Obama allegedly warned the incoming POTUS about Flynn, according to Obama administration officials. Flynn previously worked under Obama as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012 until 2014.

On Saturday, Flynn theorized as to why Obama would have sounded the alarm about him to the incoming administration.

"I must have put the fear of God into Barack Obama and still do because of this long four-year saga they put me, my family through, President Donald J. Trump, his family, and frankly the entire country," Flynn told Fox News' Jeanine Pirro. "One of these days, I'll lay it out."

Pirro pushed Flynn as to why Obama would issue a forewarning about him to Trump.

"When he chose me to be the national security advisor they knew that their little plan of spying on Donald Trump would fall apart and many other foreign policy blunders they got our country into, whether it was the Iran deal, issues going on in the Asian-pacific theater, trade, all sorts of issues that were in play that the last administration did to frankly run this country right into the ground," Flynn said of his former boss.

"They knew those were the types of things I was aware of. Because let's face it. Barack Obama appointed me twice. I was Senate confirmed twice during the time I was in the military," Flynn retorted. "So, it's amazing that would be what he would focus on during the transition for the United States of America. It's outrageous, actually."

Pirro asked Flynn about his former attorney Sidney Powell, who is currently challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"I call Sidney Powell America's guardian angel of justice," Flynn stated. "Sidney Powell's clients are the people of the United States of America. That's who she is fighting for right now."

"She has her teeth into Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the stuff that she has laid out in her various filings, it is going to play out here," Flynn continued.

"We have to stop all engines right now," Flynn proclaimed. "All these governors and all these quote-unquote leaders of their states, they have to take responsibility and do something to stop what they are doing."


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eb73fc No.156476

File: 3ff9c2c387ba330⋯.png (1.11 MB,1653x1620,551:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926881 (062047ZDEC20) Notable: China Is National Security Threat No. 1

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The Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election says that the Director of National Intelligence (John Ratcliffe), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

Here is an article John Ratcliffe published 3 days ago just to let you know what his opinion is on how China Is National Security Threat No. 1.


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eb73fc No.156477

File: cb25057518ba647⋯.jpg (83.73 KB,965x586,965:586,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926887 (062048ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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B-52 60-0022 "Deuces Wild" headed home to LA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156478

File: 41a0afac1ec49f2⋯.png (93.79 KB,652x798,326:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926890 (062048ZDEC20) Notable: House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘Motor Voter’ Law

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House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘Motor Voter’ Law

For decades defenders of the citizens’ right to sovereign elections have been calling out the Motor Voter Law as a pathway to corrupting the ballot box

Ask any Republican politician or election official what the most potent enemy to a sovereign election is and you will invariably be told the Motor Voter Law. Now a group of US Congressmen are attempting to do something about it.

On Friday, a group of House Republicans introduced legislation to repeal what is commonly referred to as the “Motor Voter Law.” This law requires every state to offer voter registration at Department of Motor Vehicle facilities.

The codified name of the law is the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. It mandates that states offer voters the option to also register to vote when applying for a driver’s license. It also outlines the mandate for some public assistance offices.

Under the Act, every driver’s license application must double as a voter registration application. The one aspect that is not objectionable in the act is that it also updates any prior registration.

The group of House Republicans, led by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), are voicing a commonly held concern about one provision in the law. It requires states to accept a signed affidavit attesting that the voter is a US citizen without requiring tangible proof.

In a statement issued through his office, Biggs’ offered up the example of a situation in which Arizona law requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in that state’s elections. But, because of the Motor Voter Law, federal law mandates they be given the opportunity to vote on a “federal-only” ballot. This opens up federal office elections to vote fraud by non-citizens.

“This lax procedure, to register individuals to vote in states that have strict citizenship requirements for voter registration, is a threat to the integrity of our elections,” Biggs said in the statement.


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eb73fc No.156479

File: 6644ede6fcfd126⋯.png (221.91 KB,416x461,416:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 431ee5a3de0d4c7⋯.png (71.26 KB,416x398,208:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 03f24f1affc191e⋯.png (4.98 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 68645d481886f36⋯.png (3.77 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926909 (062049ZDEC20) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Durham Pg 6 Declassified FBI emails from "London debrief" Steele dossier

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Catherine Herridge


#Durham Pg 6 Declassified FBI emails from "London debrief" Steele dossier used to secure 4 surveillance warrantsfor @carterwpage

“After Comey's letter (Oct 28, 2016) reopening HRC (email) case, Fusion GPS (firm behind Dossier + opposition research) felt the gloves had come off" +


Catherine Herridge


Replying to


"Fusion GPS put pressure on Orbis (Steele firm) to talk to Mother Jones" + "With the breakdown that the (MJ) interview caused with FBI…that's when they decided to go the McCain/Kramer route" *ALSO SEE FBI Matrix receipt Fusion GPS/Glenn Simpson/Dossier



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eb73fc No.156480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926921 (062050ZDEC20) Notable: Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan says there was 'no spying' on Trump's campaign on 'Fox News Sunday'

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Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan says there was 'no spying' on Trump's campaign

8,352 views•Dec 6, 2020

Former CIA director, author of the book ‘Undaunted,’ John Brennan provides insight on ‘Fox News Sunday.’


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eb73fc No.156481

File: e5f44573595b5a2⋯.png (20.46 KB,588x309,196:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926924 (062051ZDEC20) Notable: @LLinWood -Truth. (Crisis incoming - China interfered in our election)

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Lin Wood



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eb73fc No.156482

File: 2a5d3e4daed8de2⋯.jpg (64.88 KB,989x579,989:579,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926925 (062051ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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E-4B Nightwatch - 75-0125 callsign SLICK99 on final to Offutt AFB

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eb73fc No.156483

File: 3d4832ae6566eb6⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,582x270,97:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: afeef07eb582c88⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,582x270,97:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926927 (062051ZDEC20) Notable: Elena Parent in June 2020 on Dominion Voting Systems (video)

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The video mentioned by Sidney Powell about Elena Parent's Comments on GA Secretary of State & Governor and the Dominion Voting System. Earmuffs recommended or at least turn down the volume because her voice is shrill.

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eb73fc No.156484

File: 6a6f5c9e94bbbe2⋯.png (349.6 KB,707x637,101:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926928 (062051ZDEC20) Notable: Military Court clearing off it's docket for the next 10 days

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cant confirm as site is down for me

Military Court clearing off its docket for the next 10 days (ending on the 16th).


10 days darkness?

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eb73fc No.156485

File: 4c2b1bc68ca521c⋯.png (161.9 KB,849x478,849:478,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b2b68a41822f2b⋯.png (142.37 KB,741x578,741:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926931 (062051ZDEC20) Notable: Enjoying the sound of freedom from the F22s of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

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from yesterday

SAM248 USAF C-32A on final at Anchorage

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eb73fc No.156486

File: 881d21e76b9263f⋯.png (431.41 KB,590x581,590:581,Clipboard.png)

File: cc17e0685b118ec⋯.png (1.77 MB,1686x834,281:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926969 (062055ZDEC20) Notable: GA Gov Kemp courts Chinese investment and business

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NEW - #Georgia has a Chinese website featuring Govenor @BrianKempGA who is asking for investments via a video message.



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eb73fc No.156487

File: 9b3a0573dd00707⋯.png (479.85 KB,596x599,596:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11926975 (062056ZDEC20) Notable: GA Gov Kemp courts Chinese investment and business

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eb73fc No.156488

File: a16a51a2f6b49b2⋯.png (387.28 KB,602x291,602:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 3203c1e65277535⋯.png (754.47 KB,1201x625,1201:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927011 (062059ZDEC20) Notable: ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria

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ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria

On December 5, ISIS’ news agency, Amaq, released photos showing the execution of two men in the northeastern region of Syria, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The first man, Musa al-Hashim, was executed by ISIS terrorists with a bullet to the head on December 4. According to Amaq’s claims, al-Hashim was working as a spy for the U.S.-led coalition, the main backer of the SDF.

Local sources denied ISIS’ claims. The sources said al-Hashim, a refugee from al-Hasakah city, was abducted by ISIS terrorists from his home in the town of al-Shheell in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

The second man was executed by ISIS a day later in a similar fashion near the town of al-Secher, which is also located in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Amaq said the man, named Raed Hussein, was a commander of the SDF. The agency shared photos of an assault rifle and documents of the SDF’s security forces, Asyash, which were allegedly found with Hussein.

During 2020, the SDF and the U.S.-led coalition stepped up their operations against ISIS cells in northeastern Syria. The terrorist group, however, is still active in the region.

ISIS has been taking advantage of the growing tensions between the Kurdish-led SDF and Arab population in northwestern Syria to spread its influence in the region. The SDF is yet to address this issue, which seems to be growing.


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eb73fc No.156489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927025 (062101ZDEC20) Notable: Haftar Forces Attack Turkish Proxies In Southern Libya

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Haftar Forces Attack Turkish Proxies In Southern Libya

On December 6, heavy clashes broke out in southwestern Libya, when the Libyan National Army (LNA) launched a surprise attack on a military camp controlled by forces loyal to the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA).

LNA troops attacked the Tendy camp in the morning. The camp is located near the town of Awbari‎, at least 964 km south of the capital Tripoli. Col. Muhammad al-Hasnawi is reportedly leading the attack.

A spokesman for the GNA’s Sirte-al-Jufra operations room, al-Hadi Dara, told Turkish state-run Anadulo Agency that the LNA’s attack was quickly repelled by the camp’s forces. A pro-GNA warlord named Ali Kanah is commanding the camp.

“Haftar’s [Commander-in-Chief of the LNA] militia attempted to storm Tendy camp [formerly known as the commando camp], but the army [GNA] forces foiled the attempt,” the spokesman said.

Dara’s claims were denied by Khaled al-Mahjoub, Director of the LNA’s Moral Guidance Department, who told Sky News Arabiya that the Tendy camp was captured.

According to al-Mahdjoub, the LNA is working to secure the southwestern region to prevent terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, from entering the country. The region is indeed infested with al-Qaeda and ISIS remnants.

The LNA and the GNA agreed on a ceasefire in June. Until now, the two sides have been engaged in more or less constructive peace talks. Today’s attack may hinder these efforts.

The LNA’s surprise attack on Tendy camp may have been provoked by the Turkish military buildup in Libya. In the last few weeks, Turkey stepped up its arms shipments to GNA forces and made preparations to deploy additional Syrian militants in the country.


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eb73fc No.156490

File: 8f427957a7ace29⋯.png (432.83 KB,596x747,596:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927052 (062104ZDEC20) Notable: Maricopa County voter data theft

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eb73fc No.156491

File: c9423370202a956⋯.jpg (179.23 KB,720x839,720:839,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927097 (062110ZDEC20) Notable: Iran says nuclear scientist killed by satellite-controlled machine gun

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Iran says nuclear scientist killed by satellite-controlled machine gun

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eb73fc No.156492

File: 8e77a0b62850ee0⋯.png (1.45 MB,1174x992,587:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927113 (062112ZDEC20) Notable: Iran says nuclear scientist killed by satellite-controlled machine gun

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Satellite controlled machine gun you say?

Does not make too much sense.


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eb73fc No.156493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927138 (062114ZDEC20) Notable: The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers

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Want to strike at the Deep State?

Take this information, and run with it.


The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers that is being trafficked all over the world through the darknet [examine: hadl10G-0(.) free(.)fr]*


In order to fight the dark, you must turn on the light.

Expose their hiding places. Root them out.

Fight the REAL fight.

*link is purposefully broken with parentheses

(Note: broken link is to the ftp server for those anons who want to map it out and monitor traffick through it in order to better understand what is being shown; it is not, in any way shape or form, a link to any illicit material.)

Post Author Profile Pic




2 hours ago



There is nothing to figure out here.

All relevant information is being provided.

Your job is simply to make it known and watch what happens.

There is nothing else you have to do, just be LOUD.

Protect Our Children.

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eb73fc No.156494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927173 (062118ZDEC20) Notable: Latest Dr. Judy Mikovits

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Latest Dr. Ju D Miko vits

She talks about mink cell focus-forming viruses (MCF)


remember all those dead minks in Denmark


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eb73fc No.156495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927176 (062119ZDEC20) Notable: UK gears up for huge vaccination plan watched by the world

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UK gears up for huge vaccination plan watched by the world


around the world?


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eb73fc No.156496

File: 5ca3cbefc167ebf⋯.jpeg (220.64 KB,1241x2136,1241:2136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927201 (062121ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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>>156432 Company that audited Dominion machines in Ga. has for years overseen testing of its voting software

Need more eyes

From Pro V&Vs website, I think they scrubbed a lot

Pro V&V’s test of Dominon Voting System the Most Efficient to-date.

February 10, 2017pvvadmin

Pro V&V has completed the testing of the Democracy Suite 5.0 Voting System. The Election Assistance Commissions today certified the Dominon Voting Democracy Suite 5.0 voting system meets the voting system standards. The determination came after a through review campaign conducted by Pro V&V, the EAC’s newest voting system testing lab. Out of the six full certifications, the Dominon Democracy Suite 5.0 voting system was the most efficient process, completing the full certification in just over 9 months.

Read More

I typed in read more of the statement above, and this message came up see pic. I couldn’t find a company, not could i find corporation in search of sec of state


Pro V&V

6705 Odyssey Drive NW

Suite C

Huntsville, AL 35806

Office: 256-713-1111

Fax: 256-713-1112


Pro V & V, Inc. is an Alabama Domestic Corporation filed on September 20, 2011. The company's filing status is listed as Exists and its File Number is 025-563.

The Registered Agent on file for this company is Cobb, Jack and is located at 10204 Gibraltar Dr, Huntsville, AL 35803.

The company has 3 principals on record. The principals are Jack Cobb from Huntsville AL, Ryan Cobb from Huntsville , and English, W B from Huntsville A

I looked for officers listed on sec of state, no response

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eb73fc No.156497

File: 6d5cd9afebd8c3c⋯.png (197.17 KB,598x545,598:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927202 (062121ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Would American Patriots make certain this Instagram post by Ruby Freeman is shared[...]?

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eb73fc No.156498

File: 434e63ed2fb5eaa⋯.png (414.2 KB,603x616,603:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927213 (062123ZDEC20) Notable: #Mastercard reportedly launches investigation into #Pornhub over 'child abuse' allegations

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#Mastercard reportedly launches investigation into #Pornhub over 'child abuse' allegations


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eb73fc No.156499

File: d7e0d52f196001c⋯.jpg (550.16 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4a39347b417eaaf⋯.jpg (430.58 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927223 (062124ZDEC20) Notable: A patent for an ankle monitor guard

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A patent for an ankle monitor guard


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eb73fc No.156500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927273 (062130ZDEC20) Notable: The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers

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All hands on deck guys. Ezra C (our man at The Pentagon) is asking for our help. Important!

Want to strike at the Deep State?

Take this information, and run with it.

The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers that is being trafficked all over the world through the darknet [examine: hadl10G-0(.) free(.)fr]*


In order to fight the dark, you must turn on the light.

Expose their hiding places. Root them out.

Fight the REAL fight.

*link is purposefully broken with parentheses

(Note: broken link is to the ftp server for those anons who want to map it out and monitor traffick through it in order to better understand what is being shown; it is not, in any way shape or form, a link to any illicit material.)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156501

File: b7d4ead3ab2921d⋯.png (510.1 KB,604x811,604:811,Clipboard.png)

File: c7529c6498b52b8⋯.png (21.36 KB,822x147,274:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927327 (062136ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi Wants Her House Election Losses Overturned by Perkins Coie – Democrats Forgot About the House When They Were Packing their Suitcases

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Pelosi Wants Her House Election Losses Overturned by Perkins Coie – Democrats Forgot About the House When They Were Packing their Suitcases

Voracious and corrupt Nancy Pelosi wants her House losses overturned by the dirty dossier funder and election rule changing Marc Elias.

Democrats were supposed to win 15 seats in the US House this year.

But the pollsters were all wrong (again) and the House Democrats lost at least 15 seats instead.

Evidently Democrats forgot about the House seats when they were packing their suitcases?

Now Nancy Pelosi wants her election losses overturned. Not because of fraudulent ballots, or observers being locked out of the counting rooms for two days, or computer glitches that added Democrat votes to Republican opponents. Pelosi wants them overturned because her feelings are hurt.

These are the same people who want President Trump to concede to the senile man in the basement after vans and suitcases of ballots were driven into ballot counting arenas after election day.

Breitbart.com reported:

Democrats are challenging the results in two close House elections in Iowa and New York — and are represented by Marc Elias, the same attorney who led the party’s nationwide efforts to expand vote-by-mail.

According to multiple reports, the Democrats plan to appeal to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the House Administration Committee to certify at least one of the candidates as the winners — even if the Republican candidate appears to have more votes as counted by state election authorities.

Under the Federal Contested Elections Act, the House can step in and certify a winner in close and contested races. The Democrats last did so in 1985, when the House Administration Committee declared Rep. Frank McCloskey (D-IN) the winner of a close race in which his Republican challenger, Richard McIntyre, was certified as the winner by state election authorities. Democrats used their House majority to seat McCloskey and Republicans walked out of the chamber in protest.


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eb73fc No.156502

File: bf550b9384427f9⋯.png (204.27 KB,1498x1648,749:824,Clipboard.png)

File: 4afcc100d2b2506⋯.png (426.41 KB,2369x1621,2369:1621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927344 (062138ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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Jack Cobb is the Laboratory Director at Pro V&V


W B English is shown as the incorporator for Pro V&V here: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_al/025-563

Could be a fake profile like how Mindgeek (Pornhub) has fake profiles for its execs.

There's another Jack Cobb I see in Alabama who incorporated a church too but we need to see if these are the same individual.


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eb73fc No.156503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927389 (062145ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra Technologies

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Zebra Technologies plays critical role in vaccine distribution, CEO says


Zebra Technologies has played a role in coronavirus testing to fight off the pandemic, and now the barcode company has a new role to play in preventing the deadly virus from spreading further, CEO Anders Gustaffson told CNBC’s Jim Cramer Friday.

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eb73fc No.156504

File: 51e0978ccde3d87⋯.png (442.46 KB,1735x1478,1735:1478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927401 (062146ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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Jack Cobb's real name is Ryan Jackson Cobb.

He formerly worked for Wyle Labs → Aerospace Defense Contracting entity

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eb73fc No.156505

File: 80adfadcea7ff0f⋯.png (138.36 KB,1242x736,27:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d71035e9ff1689⋯.png (139.04 KB,885x531,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927412 (062147ZDEC20) Notable: Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

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Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

December 5, 2020 1:50 PM


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eb73fc No.156506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927431 (062150ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra Technologies

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Michael Sparks, Director of Government Sales at Zebra Technologies, explains how the safety of the US voting process can be improved with specific technology


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eb73fc No.156507

File: 888f085f835a669⋯.png (567.76 KB,766x732,383:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927448 (062151ZDEC20) Notable: Orange County Sheriff Hammers Newsome in EPIC Press Release Regarding Mask Policing

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Orange County Sheriff Hammers Newsome in EPIC Press Release Regarding Mask Policing

Every now and then there’s a Sheriff who really gets it right. We’ve found that Sheriff today.

Please see my statement regarding Southern California being placed under the Governor’s regional stay-at-home order.

Please see my statement regarding Southern California being placed under the Governor’s regional stay-at-home order. pic.twitter.com/lgvvHGnasp

— OC Sheriff Don Barnes (@OCSheriffBarnes) December 5, 2020


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eb73fc No.156508

File: 7b28f886ce39290⋯.png (119.21 KB,572x612,143:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927449 (062151ZDEC20) Notable: The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers

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anons with skillz, go get 'em!

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eb73fc No.156509

File: d568733115bf9da⋯.png (727.57 KB,680x408,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927453 (062151ZDEC20) Notable: Loeffler and Warnock to Meet in Georgia Senate Debate

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Loeffler and Warnock to Meet in Georgia Senate Debate

Candidates for one of two U.S. Senate seats still hanging in the balance will face off in a debate that is drawing strong interest beyond Georgia. That is because the seat—now held by incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler and being challenged by Democrat Raphael Warnock—is one of two that will tip control of the Senate to either Republicans or Democrats. Loeffler and Warnock face off Sunday in a debate sponsored by the Atlanta Press Club. Although Warnock has sought additional debates, none have been scheduled yet, meaning this could be the only head-to-head debate between the two candidates. The other Senate seat still undecided is between Georgia Republican U.S. Sen David Perdue, who has declined to meet Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff in additional debates after the two jousted twice before the general election. Ossoff will get a solo platform Sunday to make his case. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 edge in the Senate. The runoffs will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate, prompting a huge wave of money and organizing effort trying to get Georgians to vote again on or before Jan. 5.

In both races, a runoff is required under Georgia state law because no candidate reached 50 percent in November. Perdue fell just short of defeating Ossoff because a Libertarian candidate won a small slice of the vote, while Warnock led Loeffler in a 20-way field in which no candidate came close to 50 [percent]. Loeffler and Perdue rallied Saturday in Valdosta with President Donald Trump, who came to the state to support the candidates. Last week, the Georgia Legislature saw a surveillance video presented by President Donald Trump’s team that shows containers being wheeled out from underneath a table on Election Night, while the team said that poll observers and other election workers were told to go home for the night. They said that the video, along with statements provided by election officials, show that vote counters stayed behind until around 1:30 a.m. on Nov. 4. Georgia Governor Kemp said state election officials like Raffensberger should explain what happened, describing the footage as “concerning.” Raffensberger later called on the Georgia Bureau of Investigations to assist in probing the allegations. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger continued to defend the integrity of the presidential election Sunday. “These distractions, this disunity, it does make it more difficult,” Raffensperger said. Loeffler and Perdue rallied Friday in Savannah with Vice President Mike Pence. Warnock and Ossoff held a virtual rally Friday with former President Barack Obama.


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eb73fc No.156510

File: ae29c50cf034b1c⋯.png (563.92 KB,2200x1700,22:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927464 (062153ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra Technologies

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eb73fc No.156511

File: cdfa297a68b3faf⋯.png (79.37 KB,907x458,907:458,Clipboard.png)

File: cb33d2659e13ba4⋯.png (30.29 KB,1413x329,1413:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927502 (062157ZDEC20) Notable: Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

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"The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.

Guangdong (alternately romanized as Canton Province or Kwangtung) is a coastal province in South China on the north shore of South China Sea.


09-Oct-2018 4:19:44 PM CDT




Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

=Do you believe in coincidences?==


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eb73fc No.156512

File: 8ddd39e8233fdfc⋯.png (520.49 KB,680x464,85:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927507 (062158ZDEC20) Notable: SGO Chairman Appointed to Lead Open Society Foundations Amid Allegations Against Their Smartmatic Voting System

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SGO Chairman Appointed to Lead Open Society Foundations Amid Allegations Against Their Smartmatic Voting System

George Soros announced that British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown the chairman of SGO Corporation, the holding company that owns Smartmatic, will lead Open Society Foundations. “I applaud Patrick Gaspard’s leadership of the Open Society Foundations in a world beset by illiberalism. Mark Malloch-Brown will be Open Society’s new president. He is deeply familiar with its work and shares my vision of philanthropy,” Soros, the philanthropic organization’s founder and chair, said in a statement Friday on Twitter. Malloch-Brown is the chairman of SGO, an investor group whose leading business owns Smartmatic election systems. Its relationship with Dominion Voting Systems is drawing attention and scrutiny as numerous voter fraud allegations against Dominion Voting Systems grow in the wake of the 2020 U.S. Election. In a statement on Friday, SGO said that Malloch-Brown “has been instrumental in the growth and development” of Smartmatic, among other companies. He is stepping down as chairman of SGO on Dec. 31. “Smartmatic, [sic] the world’s leading elections technology company, whose systems have securely processed more than five billion votes on five continents with zero security breaches,” the statement said.

But after investigation, a former CIA official and his team found that former president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez began to look to voting machines to maintain his leadership role since 2003. Chávez contacted Smartmatic, a voting machine supplier that was first founded by three Venezuelans—Antonio M. Mugica, Roger Piñate, and Alfredo Anzola—in Venezuela in 1997 after he found out another voting machine wouldn’t be manipulated. He eventually won the 2004 recall referendum with the help of Smartmatic counting the votes. On its webpage called “Smartmatic Fact-checked,” the company admitted that it was founded by the 3 people and that they sold their U.S. subsidiary Sequoia Voting Systems in 2007. Three years later, it says Dominion bought Sequoia. The company denied any relationship with Dominion or Soros. Former U.S. attorney Sidney Powell filed lawsuits in Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia, accusing Dominion Voting Systems used in these states of being equipped with the software designed by Smartmatic and manipulating the 2020 presidential election. And the former CIA official believes that Powell’s allegations are true. The Dominion Voting Systems has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

In a statement of the Foundation, Malloch-Brown said he’s “deeply honored and humbled by the trust George has placed” in him, and he’s committed to working with Soros “to make sure we stay faithful to his original vision and values for the Foundations.” Malloch-Brown is a former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, he currently serves on the Foundations’ Global Board. He will take over effective January 1.


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eb73fc No.156513

File: 169fdfc29b87409⋯.png (37.65 KB,537x381,179:127,Clipboard.png)

File: f8e90c6e9a2bf9f⋯.png (286.49 KB,533x560,533:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927571 (062206ZDEC20) Notable: ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

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This is scary as F because it’s true! I believe 100% of what the Dr. is saying. I knew there would be a way to make an entire planet have vaccinations. RNA in vaccinations to control us. Not a conspiracy. I mean it is, just not the freaky kind that you like to make fun of. SCARY


Urgent listen. ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming



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eb73fc No.156514

File: 3675cffc953cd00⋯.png (39.48 KB,669x869,669:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 31e8a45c0863d9f⋯.png (47.44 KB,633x910,633:910,Clipboard.png)

File: 8394234a7c8896f⋯.png (40.3 KB,672x831,224:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927572 (062206ZDEC20) Notable: Argentina: Opposition Builds to Great Reset, Who’s Next?

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Argentina: Opposition Builds to Great Reset, Who’s Next?

Mea Culpa, this is not news. But an historical reminder of what happens when the people get fed up with a corrupt government incapable of serving their interests.

Rememeber this? The president of Argentina has left the building. According to the Daily Mail 20 years ago :

President Fernando De la Rua resigned and fled the government palace in a helicopter, driven from office by a devastating economic crisis and days of rioting that left 22 people dead and homes and supermarkets across Argentina ransacked.

Fast forward to today:

This is the news: Police faced rioters with stones this week.


It's like mufukin million man dodgeball pic.twitter.com/HEcIKzu8BX

— Wes' ghost (@wes92i_1) December 4, 2020

This is what the face of real anger and desperation in the face of a government that is equal parts corrupt and inept looks like.

No one wants to see this kind of abuse of any other human being. It’s anathema to life itself. But everyone makes a choice. The police choose to put on their uniforms and riot shields to enforce immoral orders while the people make the choice to stand up to it.

It is the fundamental problem of rule through force that eventually leads to these regrettable outcomes. No one wants to see policemen, presumably decent men with the right motivations to maintain societal order, stoned in public.

But when people have had their ability to make their grievances heard peacefully taken away from them they will, eventually, make their grievances heard violently.

It’s who we are. It’s human nature.

And the lesson here is for all of these would-be tyrants currently laughing about winning a fraudulent election in the U.S. through changing the rules is that they will face this same moment as these cops did very soon.

Because elections are the opportunity for us to air our grievances with our government peacefully. And what so many in politics fail to understand, but what the people who voted for Donald Trump do, is that these past two elections haven’t been referenda on Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

They have been referenda on the whole political class and culture which has driven people to the edge of insanity, bankruptcy and despair.

So, laugh it up Stacey Abrams, Rahm Emmanuel, Barack Obama, Dan Crenshaw and Mitt Romney. Watch this video carefully. This is your future.

The same goes for Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, George Soros and Benjamin Netanyahu.


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eb73fc No.156515

File: f2405ed2a351619⋯.png (260.67 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927616 (062212ZDEC20) Notable: pf

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Wonder what Israel is doing over here

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eb73fc No.156516

File: 3c267975a56848c⋯.png (29.2 KB,621x385,621:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927617 (062212ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn tweet

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Gen. Flynn dropping an oh shit moment on the twat.


any comments?

Because bad news doesn’t get better with time. The light at end of tunnel is the #TruthTrain heading straight for you.

#FightForTrump & #FightForGeorgia and it’s many Patriots who know @realDonaldTrump

won an election landslide!


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eb73fc No.156517

File: 8491b4d4d548c33⋯.png (609.34 KB,892x850,446:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f3e2332d0e3eac⋯.png (126.66 KB,872x660,218:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 43c90e1c08daa98⋯.png (155.11 KB,890x574,445:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 0084d60ae4b9a1b⋯.png (16.76 KB,818x149,818:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927619 (062212ZDEC20) Notable: China pushes lies to hide origin of COVID pandemic

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'This is pure propaganda': China pushes lies to hide origin of COVID pandemic

The mild-mannered German scientist never anticipated becoming a Chinese propaganda star.

But Alexander Kekulé, director of the Institute for Biosecurity Research in Halle, Germany, has been all over the state-run media in China in recent days. News outlets have taken Kekulé's research out of context to suggest that Italy, not China, is where the coronavirus pandemic began. Photos of him have appeared on Chinese news sites under headlines reading, "China is innocent!"

Kekulé, who has repeatedly said that he believes the virus first emerged in China, was startled.

"This is pure propaganda," he said in an interview.

Facing global anger over their initial mishandling of the outbreak, Chinese authorities are now trying to rewrite the narrative of the pandemic by pushing theories that the virus originated outside China.

In recent days, Chinese officials have said that packaged food from overseas might have initially brought the virus to China. Scientists have released a paper positing that the pandemic could have started in India. The state news media has published false stories misrepresenting foreign experts, including Kekulé and officials at the World Health Organisation, as having said the coronavirus came from elsewhere.

The campaign seems to reflect anxiety within the ruling Communist Party about the continuing damage to China's international reputation brought by the pandemic. Western officials have criticised Beijing for trying to conceal the outbreak when it first erupted.

The party also appears eager to muddy the waters as the WHO begins an investigation into the question of how the virus jumped from animals to humans, a critical inquiry that experts say is the best hope to avoid another pandemic.

China, which has greatly expanded its influence in the WHO in recent years, has tightly controlled the effort by designating Chinese scientists to lead key parts of the investigation.

By spreading theories that foreigners are responsible for the pandemic, the party is deploying a well-worn playbook. The Chinese government is rarely willing to publicly address its own shortcomings, often preferring to redirect attention elsewhere and rally the country against a common enemy.


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eb73fc No.156518

File: 8340e53cf4e09f7⋯.png (167.93 KB,573x550,573:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927620 (062213ZDEC20) Notable: Ware County, GA has exposed the Dominion algorithm

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Ware County, GA has exposed the Dominion algorithm


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eb73fc No.156519

File: 0b01e1bf9f9251a⋯.png (141.21 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927629 (062214ZDEC20) Notable: pf

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eb73fc No.156520

File: ae6a1caeda0e028⋯.png (18.54 KB,599x190,599:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927637 (062216ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani, who tested positive for coronavirus, has been admitted to hospital

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BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani, who tested positive for coronavirus, has been admitted to hospital - ABC



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eb73fc No.156521

File: baa92d3e8a04683⋯.png (367.66 KB,1176x958,588:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 92c091453ed57b6⋯.png (126.67 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 44e8fe5015276d4⋯.png (2.37 MB,1275x851,1275:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927652 (062218ZDEC20) Notable: 471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assisting the NSA

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471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assiting the NSA

Was digging through q posts for the hell of it and came across numbers that I recognized as TOE (Table of organization and equipment), former mil, which I was able to locate in this document.


With a little more looking about found 704th Brigade with the subordinate 741st Military Intelligence Battalion which serves the NSA.


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eb73fc No.156522

File: 263255e15b9d3d0⋯.png (425.34 KB,852x522,142:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927663 (062220ZDEC20) Notable: COVID vaccine news

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Coronavirus Vaccine Will Not Be Mandatory, Joe Biden Says

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eb73fc No.156523

File: fe65ec08826f7ea⋯.png (304.84 KB,509x275,509:275,Clipboard.png)

File: 1962cbfc237ffba⋯.png (109.11 KB,907x595,907:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 6356aaba368268a⋯.png (16.38 KB,918x144,51:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927667 (062221ZDEC20) Notable: COVID vaccine news

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'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For Workers

Public opinion polls from the past couple of weeks appear to show a growing number of Americans are planning to get the coronavirus vaccine, even as Dr. Fauci hinted that the UK's decision to grant emergency approval to Pfizer's mRNA vaccine might have been somewhat "rushed".

A recent Goldman research note intended for its institutional clients showed as much, citing polling numbers from YouGov.

With hospitalizations surging to record levels and California once again heading into lockdown, millions of Americans would probably gladly take the vaccine just to feel a sense that the pandemic is "over", even though the duration of that immunity is still not very well understood, and some "conspiracy-minded" skeptics have raised question about the headline efficacy numbers.

But as the US and UK prepare to start delivering the first jabs in a week, industries are jockeying to try and get their workers designated as "essential" so they can have faster access to the vaccine (for many, profits are ultimately on the line).

Even though many Americans believe it's morally reprehensible to fire someone for refusing to take a vaccine, some companies and industry groups are planning to require workers to be vaccinated as a precondition for returning to work. Maybe they think taking such a public stand might help them secure supplies for their vaccines more quickly.

Whatever the reason, even for white collar workers who have been comfortably ensconced in their homes/apartments for the last nine months, the subtext is pretty clear: no vaccine, no work.

Here's more from the Hill:

Companies will soon face a tough decision about whether to require their employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19 as a condition for returning to work.


Employers believe they are on firm legal ground to mandate vaccinations, but that doesn't mean enforcement won't be without its challenges, particularly given the backlash in some parts of the country to mask mandates and smaller groups opposed to vaccinations of any kind.

However, many corporations might soon find that their workers (not just blue-collar manufacturing workers, but white-collar office drones, too) either don't share their concerns, can't get their hands on a vaccine or are simply skeptical of the long-term side effects and would prefer to simply wait and see.


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eb73fc No.156524

File: bd2235edca6aa40⋯.png (210.35 KB,667x706,667:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927668 (062221ZDEC20) Notable: San Diego teachers forced to attend ‘white privilege’ training, told ‘you are racist’

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San Diego teachers forced to attend ‘white privilege’ training, told ‘you are racist’

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eb73fc No.156525

File: 5c3a3b3ae2e61d8⋯.png (4.23 MB,1840x4046,920:2023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927674 (062222ZDEC20) Notable: Italian police have arrested two suspects on charges of stealing sensitive data from the computers of Italian defense group Leonardo

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Thousands of files STOLEN from NATO cybersecurity contractor, as arrests made in lengthy data theft scheme

5 Dec, 2020 22:36 / Updated 16 hours ago

Italian police have arrested two suspects on charges of stealing sensitive data from the computers of Italian defense group Leonardo. The company provides cybersecurity services to NATO.

Based in Rome, Leonardo specializes in aerospace and security. It's one of the world's largest contractors and boasts NATO among its customers when it comes to cybersecurity. Yet, its image suffered a heavy blow when it turned out that a former employee and a contractor managed to bypass the company’s cybersecurity defenses and steal sensitive data from right under its nose.

In a lengthy investigation, prosecutors from the Italian city of Naples found out that two hackers managed to get away with stealing the company’s secrets between 2015 and 2017. Both men were detained on Saturday.


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eb73fc No.156526

File: 45221414839f298⋯.png (388.84 KB,913x604,913:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927677 (062222ZDEC20) Notable: Argentina: Opposition Builds to Great Reset, Who’s Next?

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Opposition Builds To Great Reset In Argentina, Who's Next?

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eb73fc No.156527

File: 9af128913570185⋯.png (387.07 KB,1308x1071,436:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927701 (062225ZDEC20) Notable: 471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assisting the NSA

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follow up info

Central Security Service

The Central Security Service (CSS) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense, which was established in 1972 to integrate the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Service Cryptologic Components (SCC) of the United States Armed Forces in the field of signals intelligence, cryptology, and information assurance at the tactical level.[1] In 2002, the CSS had approximately25,000uniformed members.[2]

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eb73fc No.156528

File: 52f590deaf797ee⋯.png (133.57 KB,1851x831,617:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927708 (062226ZDEC20) Notable: "The Pennsylvania election ballot tracker service is no longer available for the 2020 election"

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We were told that we could not confirm our vote here in Pennsylvania until the beginning of December.

Well just went online to confirm my vote

and here is what we get instead of proof of our votes being counted in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania election ballot tracker service is no longer available for the 2020 election. It will be available again when the 2021 election cycle begins.


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eb73fc No.156529

File: d787718540845be⋯.png (1.49 MB,629x913,629:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927709 (062226ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

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Zebra_Zebra + redcoat.

Not sure if anons thought about the red coat.

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eb73fc No.156530

File: 32ac084c1f7bc9c⋯.png (282.56 KB,607x670,607:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bc93541b2107d4⋯.mp4 (592.9 KB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927715 (062226ZDEC20) Notable: @SidneyPowell1: "American elections have been just as rigged as elections in third world countries."

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@SidneyPowell1: "American elections have been just as rigged as elections in third world countries."


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eb73fc No.156531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927716 (062226ZDEC20) Notable: COVID vaccine news

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No proof vaccination stops the spread

Coronavirus vaccine: Pharma chief says Pfizer jab may not stop asymptomatic spread


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eb73fc No.156532

File: 040b2f28843d24d⋯.png (549.9 KB,857x597,857:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927723 (062228ZDEC20) Notable: Trump team begins examination of Dominion Voting machines

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Trump team begins examination of Dominion Voting machines

Giuliani calls it 'big win for honest elections'

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eb73fc No.156533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927727 (062228ZDEC20) Notable: "The Pennsylvania election ballot tracker service is no longer available for the 2020 election"

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so pissed I forgot the sauce on that


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eb73fc No.156534

File: a800c90ee5c22db⋯.png (425.78 KB,859x625,859:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927735 (062229ZDEC20) Notable: Leftists Work to Get Seattle Proud Boys ‘Toys for Tots’ Drive Cancelled, Police Now Involved in Stopping Event

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AWFUL: Leftists Work to Get Seattle Proud Boys ‘Toys for Tots’ Drive Cancelled, Police Now Involved in Stopping Event

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eb73fc No.156535

File: c6174993eeeecfa⋯.png (48.38 KB,603x375,201:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927736 (062229ZDEC20) Notable: DJT RTs

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eb73fc No.156536

File: 740deb9d5d14e26⋯.png (36.56 KB,400x680,10:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 10d2bfa21a1383d⋯.png (11.1 KB,400x157,400:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927737 (062229ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

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eb73fc No.156537

File: 026eb359ddb40f1⋯.png (448.75 KB,592x762,296:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927751 (062231ZDEC20) Notable: CM: If you take blood money, you usually end up paying in __.

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Lets do a pop quiz.

If you take blood money, you usually end up paying in __.

Disclose.tv Police cars revolving light


· 1h

NEW - #Georgia has a Chinese website featuring Govenor @BrianKempGA who is asking for investments via a video message.


Show this thread

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eb73fc No.156538

File: 627f7765442e2e1⋯.png (69.41 KB,500x398,250:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927758 (062232ZDEC20) Notable: 471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assisting the NSA

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704th Military Intelligence Brigade

I one was so inclined one could give them a call, do not tell them I gave out the number.

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eb73fc No.156539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927766 (062233ZDEC20) Notable: CM: If you take blood money, you usually end up paying in __.

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>NEW - #Georgia has a Chinese website featuring Govenor @BrianKempGA who is asking for investments via a video message.

former Sec of Treasury for Geroge Bush, Hank Paulson….Paulson institute>>>>>CHINA…..owns private island of .Little St Simon Island…what goes on there?

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eb73fc No.156540

File: 78c58e2df1c69ce⋯.png (104.34 KB,217x321,217:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 17042c38cb78e73⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927784 (062236ZDEC20) Notable: Sucharit Bhakdi dig

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Sucharit Bhakdi was born in Washington, DC, and educated at schools in Switzerland, Egypt, and Thailand. He studied medicine at the University of Bonn in Germany, where he received his MD in 1970. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg from 1972 to 1976, and at The Protein Laboratory in Copenhagen from 1976 to 1977. He joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University in 1977 and was appointed associate professor in 1982. He was named chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz in 1990, where he remained until his retirement in 2012. Dr. Bhakdi has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife, Karina Reiss, live with their three-year-old son, Jonathan Atsadjan, in a small village near the city of Kiel.

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eb73fc No.156541

File: 8bd1d932632ef9d⋯.png (1.04 MB,1158x660,193:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927789 (062237ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

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>>>/qresearch/11927465 lb

totally underrated post/graphic from last bread



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eb73fc No.156542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927797 (062238ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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Newfag here. In reference to the military clearing off its schedule starting on 12/7, I went to search drops with “12/7”. What came up was rather interdasting. Drop 12, 365, and 370.

“Clock started - 10 days.“

Is the show set to start?

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eb73fc No.156543

File: 5b5be6ffe61984e⋯.png (308.42 KB,1380x786,230:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 71fa6d5c6cdb969⋯.png (163.32 KB,1339x782,1339:782,Clipboard.png)

File: bc16bf53012b311⋯.png (214.43 KB,1351x751,1351:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 1afc530873fb1f0⋯.png (152.74 KB,1342x642,671:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 44723f1aed811e8⋯.png (143.41 KB,1392x731,1392:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927812 (062240ZDEC20) Notable: CM: If you take blood money, you usually end up paying in __.

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eb73fc No.156544

File: c65f682b72eae28⋯.png (184.88 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927822 (062241ZDEC20) Notable: Amazon secret data centers

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11 October, 2018

Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one hundred data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located.

Amazon, which is the largest cloud provider, is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon, this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries such as VaData, Inc. In some cases, Amazon uses pseudonyms to obscure its presence. For example, at its IAD77 data center, the document states that “Amazon is known as ‘Vandalay Industries’ on badges and all correspondence with building manager”.

Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community. In 2013, Amazon entered into a $600 million contract with the CIA to build a cloud for use by intelligence agencies working with information classified as Top Secret. Then, in 2017, Amazon announced the AWS Secret Region, which allows storage of data classified up to the Secret level by a broader range of agencies and companies. Amazon also operates a special GovCloud region for US Government agencies hosting unclassified information.

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eb73fc No.156545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927833 (062242ZDEC20) Notable: Is this one of CM's teams? If so they caught the Detroit police taking Dominion machines out!

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Is this one of CM's teams? If so they caught the Detroit police taking Dominion machines out!

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eb73fc No.156546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927859 (062244ZDEC20) Notable: Amazon secret data centers

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Currently, Amazon is one of the leading contenders for an up to $10 billion contract to build a private cloud for the Department of Defense. Amazon is one of the only companies with the certifications required to host classified data in the cloud. The Defense Department is looking for a single provider and other companies, including Oracle and IBM, have complained that the requirements unfairly favor Amazon. Bids on this contract are due tomorrow.

While one of the benefits of the cloud is the potential to increase reliability through geographic distribution of computing resources, cloud infrastructure is remarkably centralised in terms of legal control. Just a few companies and their subsidiaries run the majority of cloud computing infrastructure around the world. Of these, Amazon is the largest by far, with recent market research showing that Amazon accounts for 34% of the cloud infrastructure services market.

Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicised. While Amazon’s cloud is comprised of physical locations, indications of the existence of these places are primarily buried in government records or made visible only when cloud infrastructure fails due to natural disasters or other problems in the physical world.

In the process of dispelling the mystery around the locations of Amazon’s data centers, WikiLeaks also turned this document into a puzzle game, the Quest of Random Clues. The goal of this game was to encourage people to research these data centers in a fun and intriguing way, while highlighting related issues such as contracts with the intelligence community, Amazon’s complex corporate structures, and the physicality of the cloud.

Joseph A. Farrell contributed to this article.






Note: Am a bit of a numbers nerd myself, to break it down, the different states show that the population is larger then the actual population declared by the state to get extra funds from federal reserve stimulus?

The population of the USA may NOT be APPROX 328 MILLION?

Election Fraud Data Update in AZ | Bobby Piton

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eb73fc No.156547

File: 18014df679bb301⋯.png (578.97 KB,672x677,672:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927861 (062244ZDEC20) Notable: George Soros Appoints Chair of Smartmatic Parent Company to Lead Open Society Foundations

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George Soros Appoints Chair of Smartmatic Parent Company to Lead Open Society Foundations

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eb73fc No.156548

File: 70ed1447758f1e2⋯.png (689.08 KB,979x929,979:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 13347944d8faf0d⋯.png (26.36 KB,423x421,423:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927862 (062244ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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found on half-chin


>military courts clears docket

>starting today

>for 10 days

>military court has CANCELLED the next 10 days of trials


> Future proves past

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eb73fc No.156549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927876 (062245ZDEC20) Notable: Sucharit Bhakdi dig

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eb73fc No.156550

File: 4fc4e53a7af852a⋯.png (220.94 KB,980x862,490:431,Clipboard.png)

File: ec704bac180982b⋯.png (64.13 KB,868x430,434:215,Clipboard.png)

File: f4086a01bb6396b⋯.png (76.07 KB,672x458,336:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927903 (062248ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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Clock starts tomorrow?

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eb73fc No.156551

File: 41c68cbd832896d⋯.png (37.01 KB,731x380,731:380,Clipboard.png)

File: a9ba08c2ef6447b⋯.png (3.62 MB,2200x2202,1100:1101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927905 (062248ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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you bet your ass it is!!!!

those dro numbers total 747

today i 12/6


flat earthers take note.

6:15 on the QClock since 12/7/2017 if that was midnight.

6:15 resembles the 5-19 date of the NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! drop, which included "they thought it was coming yesterday. They were wrong." Yesterday, D5, was 6:14, POTUS' birthday (6/14-46)

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eb73fc No.156552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927906 (062248ZDEC20) Notable: Sucharit Bhakdi dig

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eb73fc No.156553

File: 45c1ed848f7457b⋯.png (66.11 KB,884x434,442:217,Clipboard.png)

File: f5cbdf33ea10dcd⋯.png (188.74 KB,890x1286,445:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927912 (062249ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121559 📁

Dec 18 2017 23:58:04 (EST)

Anonymous ID: d3b6f7 No.121553 📁

Dec 18 2017 23:57:15 (EST)

What happened on 12/7?


Clock started - 10 days.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121327 📁

Dec 18 2017 23:27:52 (EST)


/* / /*

Shall we play a game?

Map is critical to understand.

Future unlocks past.


News unlocks map.

Find the markers.

10 & [10].

12/7 – 12/17.

Concourse F.

Terminal 5.

Private_operated plane (OP)?





Learn double meanings.





Q/POTUS-4 [10]


“Special Place”

Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?

Coincidence or message?

“The Great Awakening”

POTUS today.



How about a nice game of chess?




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eb73fc No.156554

File: 64ca48dccaeeede⋯.png (251.91 KB,928x768,29:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927930 (062250ZDEC20) Notable: After Deep State Sabotaged Bernie Sanders, He Now Mocks Those Who Believe It Exists

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After Deep State Sabotaged Bernie Sanders, He Now Mocks Those Who Believe It Exists: Greenwald

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eb73fc No.156555

File: da724698042b9eb⋯.jpeg (490.24 KB,1091x1559,1091:1559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927951 (062253ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge — Spygate emails declassified

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Catherine Herridge — Spygate emails declassified…


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eb73fc No.156556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927954 (062253ZDEC20) Notable: COVID vaccine news

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>'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For Workers

==I’m a neurosciencefag who has worked @ the same University Medical School for 25+ years teaching pre med grad students and conducting research and I have already decided to refuse any vaccine mandates they decide to implement. It’s becoming rather clear to me that the future of the whole higher Ed system rests on this stupid COVID bullshit, but so far, my colleagues all seem to be on the bandwagon.

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eb73fc No.156557

File: c904c6c6b9d31b1⋯.png (144.46 KB,600x568,75:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927969 (062255ZDEC20) Notable: DJT RTs

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President Trump just retweeted IPOT!!!!!


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eb73fc No.156558

File: 58d11332ee6a946⋯.png (15.19 KB,503x293,503:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927972 (062255ZDEC20) Notable: DJT RTs

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POTUS Re-Tweet

"So much truth to this!"

Quote Tweet



“I would warn any state right now that thinks they’re going to certify this election to re-think it VERY SERIOUSLY, because what they’re certifying is their own fraud, and their own complicity in fraud. I might even mount a class action suit later to


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eb73fc No.156559

File: 154d8b40ef1c266⋯.png (58.75 KB,904x649,904:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927985 (062256ZDEC20) Notable: COVID vaccine news

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Snopes seems to think it is criminal to refuse being vaxxed. I think we all see where this is going.


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eb73fc No.156560

File: a537ed4b07f5fe2⋯.png (48.92 KB,589x489,589:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11927992 (062257ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood: They are many devils fiddling around in GA. It will take time to identify all of them.

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They are many devils fiddling around in GA. It will take time to identify all of them. But every lie will be revealed. GA Patriots are going to run them out of GA. Many will go straight to Jail without passing Go & collecting $200.

Stay strong GA. Speak truth. Be fearless.

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eb73fc No.156561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928008 (062258ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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so tomorrow starts the 10 days of darkness after the t-2 days countdown from d5?

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eb73fc No.156562

File: bb206364ae66e54⋯.png (402.84 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928031 (062300ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

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Looks like whoever is brining the thunder got the go signal last night.

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eb73fc No.156563

File: a077217f944a5a0⋯.png (563.25 KB,598x694,299:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928037 (062301ZDEC20) Notable: Hold the line. (@USNavy)

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Hold the line.


sailors assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 25, the #IslandKnights, conduct a casualty evacuation drill with


’s maritime security forces in Task Force 75.

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eb73fc No.156564

File: 8728af457e05da8⋯.jpeg (94.22 KB,709x340,709:340,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928082 (062306ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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Interesting timing. Rudy testing positive for Rona. 10 day quarantine is status quo. Same number of days the military courts are closed. Almonds are tingling Anons.

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eb73fc No.156565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928090 (062307ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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Does this also entail "10 Days of Darkness"?

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eb73fc No.156566

File: 67ed43a7cbe5c49⋯.png (418.15 KB,976x871,976:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928091 (062307ZDEC20) Notable: ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

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OK, so how do we download from Rumble?


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eb73fc No.156567

File: 7367319af2aefc4⋯.png (1.52 MB,1560x1039,1560:1039,Clipboard.png)

File: f76cd736f07b4d6⋯.png (1.14 MB,1274x1819,1274:1819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928092 (062307ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

12/6 doesn't seem to match.

How about 12/7?

misnamed months:





12/7/2017 was midnight on qclock.

midnight riders?

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eb73fc No.156568

File: 795c6b3096ec1db⋯.png (526.55 KB,588x683,588:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 88ea543d7db7560⋯.png (612.65 KB,320x1364,80:341,Clipboard.png)

File: ca10b7cb2d77d30⋯.png (33.68 KB,320x298,160:149,Clipboard.png)

File: d79e91b2a2ed64f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1332x2284,333:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928110 (062309ZDEC20) Notable: DJT RTs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Reflections are important.

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eb73fc No.156569

File: 7f29a27dcb75ba9⋯.png (281.33 KB,508x558,254:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 935310f353025cc⋯.png (291.84 KB,584x693,584:693,Clipboard.png)

File: ed5019774587214⋯.png (496.67 KB,839x305,839:305,Clipboard.png)

File: e966111b6179766⋯.png (254.48 KB,663x217,663:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928126 (062311ZDEC20) Notable: Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is Unhinged #NeverTrumper

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This Explains a Lot: Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is Unhinged #NeverTrumper who Tweeted Out Nasty Attacks on Donald Trump

Gabriel Sterling is a very unhinged and corrupt top elections officials in Georgia.

On Thursday when video was produced showing far left criminals dragging out hidden “suitcases” of ballots to count in the State Farm Center after they removed all GOP observers Sterling tried to claim this was standard operating procedure.

Gabriel Sterling earlier last week lashed out at President Trump and his supporters after a Dominion operative was caught on video downloading files from a USB during ballot counting.

What is he hiding?

And now there is proof that Sterling had it out for Trump.

We know this because he tweeted about it.

In February 2016 Sterling tweeted out that Trump must be stopped!

And in April 2016 Gabriel Sterling admitted he was #NeverTrump

This jerk needs to be called in under oath to testify before he steals this election for Basement Biden.


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eb73fc No.156570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928133 (062312ZDEC20) Notable: ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928143 (062312ZDEC20) Notable: ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

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eb73fc No.156572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928147 (062313ZDEC20) Notable: Brennan: ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brennan: ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump — ‘No Problems’ with Durham Probe Continuing

Former CIA Director John Brennan declared on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that there was no spying on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In a video clip, Trump said, “You can look at Brennan and Comey and Clapper, we caught them spying on our campaign. This was an illegal act like no other illegal act. This was treason. This was at the highest level of treason.”

Anchor Chris Wallace said, “As I said, you both accused each other of treason. What do you think of Attorney General Barr extending the Durham investigation into the Obama administration, the FBI, the intelligence community, extending that investigation well into 2021?”

Brennan said, “Well, I think that is fine. I have no problems with it. I do believe that John Durham is going to carry out his response abilities ably and hopefully not with any type of political influence. I sat down for eight hours with John Durham and his team, answering all his questions. And so looking back at 2016, where there some mistakes made in terms of the FISA applications and those things? Yes, apparently there were, but that doesn’t mean that there was criminal intent. There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s very clear from Robert Mueller’s investigation that there were a lot of activities that I think were very unprincipled, unethical. It will be up to individuals in the future to determine whether or not there was any criminal activity that took place during that time.”


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eb73fc No.156573

File: 8e9df8199591dbd⋯.png (230.16 KB,904x799,904:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 51aa003f10f2c6f⋯.png (214.36 KB,917x801,917:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 94569324292ffe0⋯.png (205.99 KB,654x669,218:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928167 (062314ZDEC20) Notable: Open Letter To Governor Brown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Open Letter To Governor Brown: The Data Confirms "It's Time To Re-Open Oregon's Businesses"

I'm a proud native Oregonian. I've lived in Asia, Europe, and traveled most of the world, but I choose to live in Oregon. It's that good. Oregon is also great because it is a political and social dichotomy. Ultra liberal Portland, Eugene, Bend vs ultra conservative rural Oregon. There is a little something for everybody…and I love every bit of it.

So, as I'm watching the states recent implosion…I'm heartsick. Like everywhere else, Coronavirus has found it's way into Oregon. In March, the state chose to shut down and enter into a prolonged lockdown. I disagreed but couldn't do so with great conviction, because the reliable data to prove the shutdown wasn't warranted just didn't exist.

However, as reliable data has been growing…the state has chosen to keep schools closed, cancelling athletic and social clubs, alongside in person learning. And now the state has entered a second partial lockdown; shutting down restaurants, gyms, bars, and other select business'.

At the most critical business time of the year, the state has taken business owners/employees ability to earn a living with no compensation offered. This has been done to slow the spread of Coronavirus and avoid an overwhelming crush of patients in the states hospitals.

Like the Governor, I too want to keep Oregonians from needlessly dying. But I'm also cognizant that the state government is there to serve the people, not dictate to them. The state is there to educate to the risk factors and respect it's citizens well informed decisions. Unilaterally taking away many Oregonians right to run small and large business', send their children to school, etc. would have to be done based on some very hard and lethal evidence. It is this evidence I want to review.

First, consider the total number of Coronavirus cases, per age group, and the associated deaths (chart below). It should be obvious that the under 50 year old population makes up the vast majority of positive cases (and actual cases are likely 5x to 10x higher due to asymptomatic &/or mild undiagnosed cases) but under 50 year olds make up so few of the Coronavirus deaths.


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eb73fc No.156574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928176 (062315ZDEC20) Notable: DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System

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DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System

A voter rights group was stunned to discover that a Pakistani tech company was privileged to the voter registration information for every voter in the State of Nevada

If worrying about Chinese, Russian, and Iranian interference in the 2020 General Election here in the United States wasn’t enough, now a US voter rights group has discovered that a Pakistani tech company has connections to the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office.

True the Vote, an American voter rights group, reported to the US Department of Justice on December 3, 2020, that a link exists between the State of Nevada’s election email system and a Pakistani company named Kavtech Solutions Ltd.

Kavtech Solutions Ltd is alleged to have ties to Pakistani military and intelligence entities. This could not be confirmed by National File.

In 2011, September 11th plot mastermind Osama bin Laden was found hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, not far from Pakistan’s elite military academy. US intelligence confirmed at the time that the Pakistani government was aware of bin Laden’s location and had known for a period of time.

Anti-Voter Fraud Group Finds Link Between NV and Pakistani Company https://t.co/Tam80hVDYg

— True the Vote (@TrueTheVote) December 6, 2020

Catherine Engelbrecht, the president of True the Vote, said her organization requested the Nevada voter file from the Secretary of State after the November 3, 2020, election. The Secretary of State’s office responded with a voter file in an email, but the message was copied to waqas@kavtech.net, which is the email for Waqas Butt, the CEO of Kavtech Solutions Ltd.

In a letter to Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers, Engelbrecht wrote that she and her colleagues at True the Vote were stunned to discover the the inclusion of Kavtech Solutions Ltd. in the carbon copy field of the email.

“The fact that this company was cc’d on an email containing access to the Nevada voter registration database appears to be evidence of a breach within the Nevada Secretary of State’s email system,” Engelbrecht wrote.

“Obviously, the problems that such a breach may evidence include access to at least the voter registration information of Nevada residents. At worst it could reveal a breach that gives a foreign power access to not only the State of Nevada’s systems, but also to the email systems of anyone whom the State communicates with via email.”

Engelbrecht’s organization received the email in question on November 29, 2020.

Kavtech Solutions Ltd. is based in Lahore, Pakistan.


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eb73fc No.156575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928196 (062317ZDEC20) Notable: Clock started - 10 days

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eb73fc No.156576

File: 4d2e0b2ef706231⋯.png (102.38 KB,630x365,126:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 62f6be7af120175⋯.png (49.23 KB,627x495,19:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928199 (062317ZDEC20) Notable: Wikileaks Email Reveals Dominion’s Ties To John Podesta, Hillary Clinton Campaign

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Wikileaks Email Reveals Dominion’s Ties To John Podesta, Hillary Clinton Campaign

"I hope my small efforts to introduce you to a growing group of professionals like myself will be able to boost your important work for Secretary Clinton's campaign," said Kamran S. Bajwa.

A Dominion Voting advisor sought to “coordinate” efforts to “boost” the “important work” of the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign, according to John Podesta emails found on Wikileaks.

As reported by Global Banking & Finance in 2018, Dominion Voting was acquired by its management team and Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm based in New York advised by Kirkland & Ellis LLP.

The emails show that, Kamran S. Bajwa, a partner of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, met with John Podesta in 2015 to discuss “sharing ideas” and “anything else that can help” the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

“It was a pleasure to meet this past Th in NY. As discussed, I want to do whatever I can by way of sharing ideas, raising funds, recruiting campaign volunteers, and anything else that can help with your campaign,” said Bajwa on December 19, 2015. “I hope my small efforts to introduce you to a growing group of professionals like myself will be able to boost your important work for Secretary Clinton’s campaign.”

Podesta replied on December 19 at 8:42 pm: “Can’t remember whether we discussed Trump’s effect on ISIS/radical recruitment. You following that?”

“John, just a quick note to say I was catching up with my senior partner Bill Singer back in the office and letting him know of my intentions to help your campaign as much as I can. He was very effusive in his praise of you and asked me to send along his regards. I will look forward to being touch after the break,” said Bajwa on December 21, 2015.

“Please send my regards. He’s a great guy,” replied Podesta that night at 9:27 pm.

An email sent by Bajwa on January 2, 2016, indicated her intention to meet with Podesta again to “follow up” on their previous discussions.

“Happy New Year. I wanted to follow up on our brief conversation a few weeks back and see if you would be available to meet this coming Tuesday in NY? I will be in town for work and my schedule is flexible on Tuesday so if you can meet, I can come to you at a convenient time and place anytime prior to 5pm,” said Bajwa.

Podesta forwarded the exchange to Milia Fisher, a Clinton campaign staffer.

“Milia Can you find the time,” said Podesta.

John Podesta was still serving as the Chair of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign at the time of the email exchange.

The news was originally broken by the Gateway Pundit’s Cassandra Fairbanks, in a report released on December 5, 2020.


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eb73fc No.156577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928218 (062320ZDEC20) Notable: Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

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It's called an 'October Coat'.


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eb73fc No.156578

File: 16f538ccab07b68⋯.png (510.7 KB,600x983,600:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928226 (062321ZDEC20) Notable: Hook Up! (@USArmy)

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Hook Up!

Flag of United States

Flag of Italy

A @173rdAbnBde

JumpMaster takes in the scenery before a sustained airborne operation with our Italian paratrooper allies.

#StrongEurope | #Partnerships


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eb73fc No.156579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928235 (062321ZDEC20) Notable: ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

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maybe I had it wrong





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eb73fc No.156580

File: 2a03a484d70000e⋯.png (484.36 KB,680x443,680:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928245 (062322ZDEC20) Notable: Report Finds Microwave Energy Likely Made US Diplomats Ill

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Report Finds Microwave Energy Likely Made US Diplomats Ill

WASHINGTON—A new report by a National Academy of Sciences committee has found that “directed” microwave radiation is the likely cause of illnesses among American diplomats in Cuba and China. The study commissioned by the State Department and released Saturday is the latest attempt to find a cause for the mysterious illnesses that started to emerge in late 2016 among U.S. personnel in Havana. The study found that “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy appears to be the most plausible” explanation for symptoms that included intense head pressure, dizziness, and cognitive difficulties. It found this explanation was more likely than other previously considered causes such as tropical disease or psychological issues. The study did not name a source for the energy and did not say it came as the result of an attack, though it did note that previous research on this type of injury was done in the former Soviet Union. In its report, the 19-member committee noted that it faced significant challenges in trying to get to the bottom of the medical mystery. Among them, not everyone reported the same symptoms and the National Academy of Sciences research did not have access to all the previous studies on the illnesses, some of which are classified. “The committee found these cases quite concerning, in part because of the plausible role of directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy as a mechanism, but also because of the significant suffering and debility that has occurred in some of these individuals,” said committee chairman David Relman, a professor of medicine at Stanford University. “We as a nation need to address these specific cases as well as the possibility of future cases with a concerted, coordinated, and comprehensive approach.”

The health effects were experienced by about two dozen Americans affiliated with the U.S. Embassy in Cuba as well as Canadian diplomats and personnel at the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China, in early 2017. Some of the Americans have been critical of the U.S. government’s response to their health complaints and at least one has filed suit against the State Department. Between late 2016 and May 2018, several U.S. and Canadian diplomats in Havana complained of health problems from an unknown cause. One U.S. government count put the number of American personnel affected at 26. Some reported hearing high-pitched sounds similar to crickets while at home or staying in hotels, leading to an early theory of a sonic attack.


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eb73fc No.156581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928259 (062323ZDEC20) Notable: 471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assisting the NSA

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Anon, you need to be careful about spreading this as gospel. Q posted the MI TOE SRC's which I have noted are legacy and not accurate. More to the point: A TOE is used as a template for all units in the Army. Your image is showing a TEMPLATE for MI Battalions and the Teams found in them. TOEs show all requirements a unit has and is used to build MTOEs from. If Q had posted the MTOE (authorizations) UIC's, you could positively identify which units are actually involved.

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eb73fc No.156582

File: f04eb7a756ab7ea⋯.pdf (1.53 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928281 (062325ZDEC20) Notable: Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Internet - Crimes Against Children Task Force

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Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Internet

Crimes Against Children Task Force

Cooperative Agreements Awarded to the Sedgwick

County Sheriff’s Department,

Wichita, Kansas




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eb73fc No.156583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928296 (062327ZDEC20) Notable: #15225

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Notables are NOT endorsements



>>156513, >>156566, >>156570, >>156579 ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming

>>156520 Rudy Giuliani, who tested positive for coronavirus, has been admitted to hospital

>>156514, >>156526 Argentina: Opposition Builds to Great Reset, Who’s Next?

>>156516 Flynn tweet

>>156517 China pushes lies to hide origin of COVID pandemic

>>156518 Ware County, GA has exposed the Dominion algorithm

>>156521, >>156527, >>156538, >>156581 471st Military Intelligence Battalion is assisting the NSA

>>156523, >>156531, >>156522, >>156556, >>156559 COVID vaccine news

>>156524 San Diego teachers forced to attend ‘white privilege’ training, told ‘you are racist’

>>156525 Italian police have arrested two suspects on charges of stealing sensitive data from the computers of Italian defense group Leonardo

>>156528, >>156533 "The Pennsylvania election ballot tracker service is no longer available for the 2020 election"

>>156530 @SidneyPowell1: "American elections have been just as rigged as elections in third world countries."

>>156532 Trump team begins examination of Dominion Voting machines

>>156534 Leftists Work to Get Seattle Proud Boys ‘Toys for Tots’ Drive Cancelled, Police Now Involved in Stopping Event

>>156535, >>156557, >>156558, >>156568 DJT RTs

>>156529, >>156536, >>156541, >>156562, >>156577 Zebra_Zebra + redcoat, Bring the thunder

>>156537, >>156539, >>156543 CM: If you take blood money, you usually end up paying in __.

>>156544, >>156546 Amazon secret data centers

>>156545 Is this one of CM's teams? If so they caught the Detroit police taking Dominion machines out!

>>156547 George Soros Appoints Chair of Smartmatic Parent Company to Lead Open Society Foundations

>>156548, >>156550, >>156542, >>156553, >>156561, >>156564, >>156565, >>156551, >>156567, >>156575 Clock started - 10 days

>>156540, >>156549, >>156552 Sucharit Bhakdi dig

>>156554 After Deep State Sabotaged Bernie Sanders, He Now Mocks Those Who Believe It Exists

>>156555 Catherine Herridge — Spygate emails declassified

>>156560 Lin Wood: They are many devils fiddling around in GA. It will take time to identify all of them.

>>156569 Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is Unhinged #NeverTrumper

>>156574 DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System

>>156572 Brennan: ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump

>>156576 Wikileaks Email Reveals Dominion’s Ties To John Podesta, Hillary Clinton Campaign

>>156563 Hold the line. (@USNavy)

>>156578 Hook Up! (@USArmy)

>>156573 Open Letter To Governor Brown

>>156580 Report Finds Microwave Energy Likely Made US Diplomats Ill

>>156582 Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Internet - Crimes Against Children Task Force

>>156515, >>156519 pf

re-post missed notables'

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eb73fc No.156584

File: 42d19656f282ff1⋯.png (79.57 KB,598x463,598:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928382 (062336ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweets

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eb73fc No.156585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928405 (062338ZDEC20) Notable: "Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming"

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Department of Defense Flag of United States


Hold the line.


sailors assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 25, the #IslandKnights, conduct a casualty evacuation drill with


’s maritime security forces in Task Force 75.

Hold the line


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eb73fc No.156586

File: 5fd441e0ea75fb0⋯.png (877.29 KB,857x819,857:819,Clipboard.png)

File: cdfbcf9bc838cf9⋯.png (141.9 KB,825x836,75:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928411 (062339ZDEC20) Notable: Ohio Lawmakers Require Free Speech Protection at Colleges, Universities

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Gov. DeWine still needs to sign this before it becomes law.


Ohio Lawmakers Require Free Speech Protection at Colleges, Universities

December 5, 2020 The Center Square

by J.D Davidson

The Ohio House of Representatives made voices on the state’s college campus a little louder this week, if Gov. Mike DeWine approves.

The House passed the “Forming Open and Robust University Minds Act,” which would prevent colleges and universities from limiting political speech on campuses or moving that speech into “free speech zones.”

Fourteen other states have passed similar legislation.

“At a time when division in our nation is at an all-time high, it is essential that our university campuses remain a place where open, honest and tough discussions can still happen,” said Aaron Baer, president of Citizens of Community Values, an Ohio family-values advocacy group. “The Forum Act creates a level playing field on college campuses for ideas, so pro-life, Christian and conservative students are not discriminated against because of their worldview.”

The bill, which passed the House largely along party lines in a 65-27 vote, unanimously passed the Ohio Senate last January. According to Senate sponsors Andrew Brenner, R-Powell, and Rob McColley, R-Napoleon, the bill would prohibit colleges or universities from taking any action or enforcing any policy that limits or restricts the right of a student of that campus community to engage in political speech.

“Students should not be afraid that their speech will be squashed by institutions of higher education by restricting students to ‘free speech zones’ or using chilling tactics on those invited by students to the campus,” Brenner said.

Specifically, the bill would protect peaceful, expressive activities, such as assembly, protests, speeches, petitions and guest speakers. It also bans “free speech zones,” and allows for civil action by individuals or student organizations against violations of the provisions.

House Democrats argued the bill is unnecessary, political and will enable hate speech on campuses.

“The First Amendment already protects freedom of speech on Ohio’s campuses,” State Rep. Catherine Ingram, D-Cincinnati, said. “This bill is purely political and could have a detrimental effect on Ohio’s college campuses. It could make our campuses less safe by blocking a university’s ability to regulate speech and that could potentially incite violence.”

The Senate agreed Thursday to the conference report, and the bill now goes to Gov. DeWine.

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eb73fc No.156587

File: f5c3c90c95907b6⋯.png (215.91 KB,547x466,547:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928412 (062339ZDEC20) Notable: "Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156588

File: 63664beb470b35f⋯.jpeg (321.78 KB,1917x1176,639:392,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: af518bd2a2dd936⋯.jpeg (443.63 KB,1748x1409,1748:1409,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928434 (062342ZDEC20) Notable: Dig this: live cyber drills worldwide

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eb73fc No.156589

File: 86707433c56f130⋯.png (543.52 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 41f719d21b71c2a⋯.png (435.4 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 998bc6a7d4dead0⋯.png (380.76 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: e6a444ae8e6591c⋯.png (465.75 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928448 (062345ZDEC20) Notable: There isn’t another Military case scheduled until Mar 15

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Continuing from (lb).

There isn’t another Military case scheduled until Mar 15. I know nothing about the Military court systems. How many courts are there? How many judges, what kind of cases do they oversee?

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eb73fc No.156590

File: d0422c95776247f⋯.jpg (36.92 KB,493x420,493:420,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928472 (062346ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet

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eb73fc No.156591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928476 (062347ZDEC20) Notable: Jekyll Island is a state sponsored, supported organization or agency

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>>156447 (You) Dig on Golden Isles of Georgia

I meant to post this first, Jekyll Island is a state sponsored, supported organization or agency

State Organizations Jekyll Island Authority

Jekyll Island Authority


The Jekyll Island Authority (JIA) is a self-supporting body, obtaining its operating revenues from leases, park fees, and Island amenities. This income is used to maintain, develop, beautify, and promote the Island as a world-class vacation and meeting destination.

Through an act of the state legislature, the JIA was created to oversee the conservation and development of the Island. The Authority board consists of members appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms. The chairman of the board is also appointed by the governor to serve a one-year term. The Authority employs a full-time executive director who is responsible for the operation and promotion of the Island's amenities, and for providing certain public services to Island residents and businesses. The Authority is organized into three divisions; each directed by an executive reporting to the CEO.



901 Downing Musgrove Parkway

(Jekyll Island Guest Information Center)

Jekyll Island, GA 31527

United States

Calendar icon



10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday - Saturday:

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

All in Eastern Time Zone


Primary: (912) 635-3636



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eb73fc No.156592

File: bdad7ef25dccfc5⋯.png (687.62 KB,1185x1336,1185:1336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928485 (062348ZDEC20) Notable: Jekyll Island is a state sponsored, supported organization or agency

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eb73fc No.156593

File: 9797e84c5221758⋯.jpeg (223.48 KB,640x579,640:579,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928495 (062349ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell: There is no telling how many Congressional & Senate seats, and even Governorships, we've lost because of this [election fraud].

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Are Anons ready?


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eb73fc No.156594

File: 58c8e70fcb9905c⋯.png (809.87 KB,680x437,680:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cda7474d987ea4⋯.png (563.68 KB,1903x1264,1903:1264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928510 (062350ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Team Removes Members of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Business Board

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Trump Team Removes Members of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Business Board

Members of the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Defense Business Board and Defense Policy Board were replaced, according to the Pentagon chief. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller, in a statement, confirmed there was a change to the Defense Policy Board. Miller did not provide the names of the members who were removed—or how many. “I am grateful to the departing board members, many of whom have served for decades. As we adapt the Department for great power competition, I look forward to naming new board members in the coming days,” Miller, who was named to his position about a month ago, said in the statement confirming the changes. On Friday, Miller told news outlets that members of the Defense Business Board were replaced. “I’m proud to welcome each of these new members to the Defense Business Board and I look forward to their contributions to help guide the Department’s business efforts in the coming years,” he said, without elaborating on who was replaced. “These individuals have a proven record of achievement within their respective fields and have demonstrated leadership that will serve our Department, and our nation well.” A Pentagon news release said the removed members “had been serving in expired positions.”

The Defense Business Board provides Pentagon leaders with advice on business management, while the Defense Policy Board is a federal advisory committee. The Defense Policy Board’s website only shows David McCormick, James Talent, and Paulina Dobriansky. According to a report from Fox News last week, longtime Defense Policy Board members such as former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, and about 10 others were removed. “As part of long-considered changes, we can confirm that several members of the Department’s Defense Policy Board have been removed,” a U.S. Defense official told the news outlet in late November. The Epoch Times has not been able to verify the claim and has reached out for comment. The head of the Pentagon’s Defeat ISIS Task Force, Christopher Maier, also resigned. “Today, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller accepted the resignation of Christopher Maier, the Director of the DoD Defeat-ISIS Task Force,” a Pentagon spokesman said in a statement to CNN on Nov. 30. It added that “these changes recognize the success of the military fight to destroy the so-called physical caliphate of ISIS and reflect DoD’s commitment to institutionalize efforts to counter ISIS and integrate efforts with allies and partners within our counterterrorism and regional policy offices.” And a few days after the Nov. 3 election, former Pentagon chief Mark Esper was fired by President Donald Trump, who replaced him with Miller.



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eb73fc No.156595

File: 4028975144a7e9e⋯.png (790.17 KB,1236x890,618:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928530 (062352ZDEC20) Notable: Trump supporter house bombed

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Trump supporter house bombed? WTF?

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eb73fc No.156596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928534 (062352ZDEC20) Notable: Why is Donald Trump fighting to stay in office so furiously after being crucified for four years straight and losing billions in revenue in his investments and companies?

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Why is Donald Trump fighting to stay in office so furiously after being crucified for four years straight and losing billions in revenue in his investments and companies? Do you think he loves being in office? Would you love to go through what he's gone through? Would you fight to continue to have your life destroyed and your name dragged through the mud here and around the world? Would you be working for free under the conditions he's been working under?

Why do you think he would even TRY to take down the deep state C_A and other intelligence agencies working to destroy him, his family, you, your families and this country? Why didn't Trump just "play ball" like the other establishment presidents - all allowing China to absorb $trillions of our fortunes while simultaneously allowing America to fall into destruction?

He's doing this because this was moment planned-for long ago. How do we know?

1. He warned us in 2018 that China would be printing fake ballots to be delivered to a corrupt election system.

2. The movement of Trump loyalist DoD resources into high positions was FORETOLD in 2018.

3. He is moving people into positions as a newly elected president should - not like an out going president would.

4. The DoD is recalling troops en-masse right now.

5. His legal team has amassed a landslide of evidence and put it all together in what should've taken years - within three weeks.

6. The coordination of the release of Hunter Biden laptop evidence.

7. The re-assignment of conservative Justices to all swing states to adjudicate on voter fraud.

8. The PANIC ensuing at hearings of voter fraud.

9. The ODNI revelations about China and their "super soldiers".

10. The ODNI revelations about China bribing Congressmen to compose legislature to benefit them.

11. The State Department has a list of Governors "friendly" with China.

12. Trump's unwavering stance on blaming China for the virus - even when pressed by the media to change his tone.

13. The DoD is refusing to brief Biden's spy intelligence transition team (this is the biggest tell by far. They will NOT provide intelligence to an enemy combatant).

14. The executive orders he signed in 2017 and 2018 are DIRECTLY related to events happening right now.

Trump and his team (larger than we can see) are moving and counter moving. It's confusing because that is by design. It's frustrating because it takes a VERY long time to strategize to take down a global crime syndicate with infinite wealth with the smallest body count possible.

The firing won't start until we can see the whites of their eyes and that's going to be within weeks so get ready.



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eb73fc No.156597

File: 19cb5576c898ee9⋯.jpg (48.95 KB,494x666,247:333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928544 (062353ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet

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it's now just a random meme…

isn't this fun? topkek

here's the updated link:


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eb73fc No.156598

File: 2556f174320ab0d⋯.png (463.97 KB,535x557,535:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928581 (062355ZDEC20) Notable: @FLOTUS tweet

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Lighting the National Christmas Tree is one of America's oldest holiday traditions. @POTUS & I were honored to virtually join

NatlParkService & @NationalParkFdn for their 98th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.




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eb73fc No.156599

File: 0d52947dac69ac2⋯.png (356.38 KB,599x552,599:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928586 (062356ZDEC20) Notable: Trump supporter house bombed

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A Michigan Trump Supporter's House Was Bombed.


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eb73fc No.156600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928593 (062356ZDEC20) Notable: Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote

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Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote

Revolutionary idea

A Republican congressman made a stand against dead people voting in elections and introduced a bill that requires Americans to be alive in order to cast ballots. Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) proposed the You Must Be Alive to Vote Act last week.

"The right to vote is one of the most vital pillars of our democracy, the foundations of which are election integrity and confidence in our democratic processes," Babin said. "The ease with which someone is able to steal the ballot of a deceased person and cast an illegitimate vote should disturb, alarm, and outrage every American citizen, no matter what side of the aisle they sit on. To protect our democratic process and Americans' faith in our elections, we must ensure that deceased individuals are not allowed to remain on state voter rolls."

"My bill will prevent any funds from the U.S. Departments of Transportation or Education, with the exception of those going toward law enforcement agency grants, from going to counties of any state that do not annually check their voter lists against the Social Security Administration's most recent death records in order to purge them of any individuals found to be deceased," Babin declared. "All elected officials, from your local city council member to your U.S. President, have an obligation to obey the law and prevent fraud in our elections, and Congress should not be awarding taxpayer dollars to any counties or states that refuse to do the job they swore to do."

"You would think it would be unnecessary to have a bill like this, I mean it goes without saying you should be alive before you get to vote," Bain said in an OAN interview. "We've uncovered some fraudulent plans to register a bunch of dead people to vote down in South Florida, and it's the easiest thing in the world for these local counties to purge their voter list of deceased individuals. All they have to do is to go to the Social Security system and cross check against their deceased Social Security recipients on their list and then purge them off of the voter list."

"Everyone in this Congress — everyone in this country — should want an assurance that dead people are not voting. And we don't have that assurance right now because so many of these voter lists have just not been updated, whether it's intentional, and whether it's laziness indolence are just, you know, nonchalance," Babin explained. "We need to make sure that these voter lists are accurate and that deceased individuals are not on their voting."

Babin noted, "This is not a Republican bill," and that there should be a "bipartisan effort to make this election process a lot more transparent." The GOP congressman wants to "clean up our election process."

Bain points out, "We have an enormous number of individuals in this country that don't trust the election process. Not good."

The bill, which has eight co-sponsors thus far, arrives on the heels of President Donald Trump challenging the results of the 2020 election, claiming that there was widespread fraud. The Trump legal team has alleged that there has been voter fraud after deceased people have cast ballots.


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eb73fc No.156601

File: f21d63fc53fb625⋯.jpg (38.02 KB,494x509,494:509,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928598 (062356ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet

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eb73fc No.156602

File: 67008d75f77cfc4⋯.png (348.06 KB,488x270,244:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 1319659839911ff⋯.png (311.03 KB,584x728,73:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 553037451e74812⋯.png (20.33 KB,911x172,911:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928619 (062358ZDEC20) Notable: DHS Investigated For Spying On Citizens Using Cell Data From Mobile Advertising

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DHS Investigated For Spying On Citizens Using Cell Data From Mobile Advertising

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is launching an inspector general investigation into whether federal agencies surveilled Americans via their cell phone data without a warrant. While this sounds like nothing new, it involved federal agents buying access to a large commercial database.

According to a letter the DHS sent to Congressional leaders last week and obtained by The Wall Street Journal:

The department’s inspector general told five Democratic senators that his office would initiate an audit "to determine if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its components have developed, updated, and adhered to policies related to cell-phone surveillance devices," according to a letter sent last week to Capitol Hill and shared with The Wall Street Journal.

Putting aside the dubiousness of a major federal agency mounting an "objective" probe of one of its own internal departments over violations of Constitutional rights, the episode shows the US government has done little in the way of reform after the Edward Snowden NSA revelations of 2013. Of course, there were few that believed subsequent empty "promises" of politicians to curtail illegal domestic spying in the first place.

In this newest case the investigation will focus on US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and its alleged use of of commercially-available phone tracking data to snoop on the whereabouts of individuals. Congressional inquiries started when it was first revealed the CBP payed up to $500,000 to private company for access to a commercial database which has "location data mined from applications on millions of Americans' mobile phones."

The company at the center of the probe is a government contractor named Venntel which sources its data from mobile advertising to create "100 percent commercially available data".

Last Wednesday a group of Senators led by Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) issued a statement which said the following:

If federal agencies are tracking American citizens without warrants, the public deserves answers and accountability, I won’t accept anything less than a thorough and swift inspector general investigation that sheds light on CBP’s phone location data surveillance program.

"CBP is not above the law and it should not be able to buy its way around the Fourth Amendment," the senators said in the letter addressed to Inspector General Joseph Cuffari.

Simultaneous to the Congressional probe the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) last week filed a lawsuit demanding the release of "records about their purchases of cell phone location data for immigration enforcement and other purposes."


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eb73fc No.156603

File: e1400897a28c692⋯.png (79.78 KB,704x542,352:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b61f93edb64b67⋯.jpg (62.57 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928620 (062358ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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Cobbs and Coomers

Christian Coomer is a Judge in GA

no idea if related to Eric Coomer of


but he's related to several Cobbs

again not sure if related to Jack Cobb of

Pro V&V

for the diggers


>>156496, >>156502, >>156504 Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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eb73fc No.156604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928654 (070001ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

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Matt Couch




BREAKING: The New York Times is reporting that Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down…

Consider the source but this is interesting…



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eb73fc No.156605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928669 (070002ZDEC20) Notable: There isn’t another Military case scheduled until Mar 15

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Sauce https://www.mc.mil/Cases/CourtCalendar.aspx

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eb73fc No.156606

File: 06556bf9fe988f4⋯.png (46.63 KB,1053x469,1053:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928676 (070003ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

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Barr Is Said to Be Weighing Whether to Leave Before Trump’s Term Ends

WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr is considering stepping down before President Trump’s term ends next month, according to three people familiar with this thinking. One said Mr. Barr could announce his departure before the end of the year.

It was not clear whether the attorney general’s deliberations were influenced by Mr. Trump’s refusal to concede his election loss or his fury over Mr. Barr’s acknowledgment last week that the Justice Department uncovered no widespread voting fraud. In the ensuing days, the president refused to say whether he still had confidence in his attorney general.

One of the people insisted that Mr. Barr had been weighing his departure since before last week and that Mr. Trump had not affected the attorney general’s thinking. Another said Mr. Barr had concluded that he had completed the work that he set out to accomplish at the Justice Department.

But the president’s public complaints about the election, including a baseless allegation earlier last week that federal law enforcement had rigged the election against him, are certain to cast a cloud over any early departure by Mr. Barr. By leaving early, Mr. Barr could avoid a confrontation with the president over his refusal to advance Mr. Trump’s efforts to rewrite the election results…..


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eb73fc No.156607

File: 2afe7caddf20c5d⋯.png (45.2 KB,593x398,593:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928681 (070003ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet

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Gee, what a surprise. Has anyone informed the so-called (says he has no power to do anything!) Governor @BrianKempGA & his puppet Lt. Governor @GeoffDuncanGA, that they could easily solve this mess, & WIN. Signature verification & call a Special Session. So easy!




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eb73fc No.156608

File: 62ca3b3165db4d8⋯.png (576.7 KB,639x457,639:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928690 (070003ZDEC20) Notable: Staten Island ‘Autonomous Zone’ bar owner released after hit with 10 charges

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Staten Island ‘Autonomous Zone’ bar owner released after hit with 10 charges

The co-owner of Staten Island’s rogue “Autonomous Zone” bar was freed from custody Sunday — despite being hit with 10 charges for allegedly driving into a sheriff’s sergeant trying to arrest him for illegally staying open.

Danny Presti, co-owner of Mac’s Public House, was arrested just after midnight Sunday for allegedly driving a new turquoise Jeep into 30-year-old New York City Sheriff sergeant Kenneth Matos — breaking his legs and leaving him clinging to the hood for around 300 feet before being stopped by a sheriff’s car.

The bar owner plowed into the officer “intentionally and with depraved indifference to human life,” his charge sheet shows — leaving the officer in “substantial pain” and in “fear for his physical safety.”

The 43-year-old did so to escape being busted for again serving customers at the Grant City bar in defiance of COVID-19 orders — fleeing after the officers shouted “Presti!” to stop him, the documents say.

Presti — who had been arrested earlier in the week for keeping his bar open — was hit with 10 charges Sunday, including third-degree assault with intent to cause physical injury, menacing, reckless driving, resisting arrest and unlawfully fleeing a police officer.

He was arraigned from inside Staten Island’s 122nd Precinct and released on his own recognizance despite the slew of serious charges.

It was unclear why he was released — as the assault rap is bail-eligible. The Staten Island DA’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

A charging document alleges that the bar owner “drove with Sgt. Matos on the hood of his motor vehicle down South Railroad Avenue, turned left onto Lincoln Avenue, and made another left onto North Railroad before being stopped by a sheriff’s motor vehicle.”

The officer suffered fractured bones, including both tibias, sources told The Post.

Mac’s bar has become a center point for recent protests against government-ordered lockdowns, repeatedly serving customers in rebellion against orders not to do so.

Mac’s remained defiant Sunday — accusing the officers of hiding “like snakes in the grass” to yet again bust its outspoken co-owner.

“We will not back down! You have not scared us!! The world is watching and it’s time for everyone to wake up!” the bar wrote in a since-deleted Facebook update early Sunday.


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eb73fc No.156609

File: 9939cb58b7de9b2⋯.png (764.6 KB,680x477,680:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928692 (070003ZDEC20) Notable: Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate Chinese Communist Party as Transnational Criminal Organization

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Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate Chinese Communist Party as Transnational Criminal Organization

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently met with representatives of groups victimized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who urged the Trump administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization.” Washington-based advocacy group Committee on Present Danger: China organized the gathering, under the banner of the “Captive Nations Coalition,” which included representatives from the Tibetan, Uyghur, Inner Mongolian, Hong Kong, and Falun Gong communities. Also invited were people who have negatively affected by Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, a massive foreign investment project that aims to advance the regime’s political and economic interests around the world. Committee Vice Chairman Frank Gaffney said the victim groups hoped to convey to the State Department their experiences of suppression by the regime, in the hopes of advancing the message that “all of us are under threat from the global, totalitarian ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party.” The meeting marked the first time that State Department officials met with these groups together, according to participants. The representatives met with Pompeo; Robert Destro, the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor; and Miles Yu, Pompeo’s policy adviser, on Dec. 3. The State Department didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Gaffney said the representatives urged the administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization” under U.S. law. Such a designation would help “delegitimize the most odious and most dangerous entity in the world today,” Gaffney told NTD, an affiliate of The Epoch Times. He added that it would also send a strong message to those in China who are “trying to empower, enrich, enable, and embolden this most dangerous entity to become even worse by transferring the wealth of Americans, particularly from our capital markets,” because this designation would mean that they would become accessories to criminal activity. Joyce Ho, president of Project Black Mask, a U.S.-based advocacy group for Hong Kong, said she told Pompeo at the meeting that the United States must continue fighting for the people of Hong Kong. In the past six months, the CCP has drastically escalated its crackdown on freedoms in the city after imposing a draconian national security law. The United States has responded with sanctions on the city’s leader and other officials, along with other measures. “If we don’t have the support of the United States government, it seems that Hong Kong will go down the path of becoming the next Uyghur population or the next Tibet,” Ho told NTD, referring to Uyghur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists who are suppressed in the Xinjiang and Tibet regions. Sean Lin, a representative of the Falun Dafa Association of Washington, said he thanked Pompeo for his strong statements condemning the persecution of its adherents, a campaign that Beijing began in 1999.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline that includes meditative exercises and a set of moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Adherents have been subjected to harassment, detention, and torture in an effort to coerce them into giving up their beliefs. Millions have been detained, according to estimates by the Falun Dafa Information Center. On July 20, the 21st anniversary of the start of the CCP’s elimination campaign against Falun Gong, Pompeo called on the regime to end its persecution—the first time a U.S. secretary of state has issued such a statement. During the recent meeting, Lin also emphasized to Pompeo the crime of forced organ harvesting committed by the CCP on imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. In 2019, an independent people’s tribunal concluded, after a yearlong investigation, that state-sanctioned organ harvesting had occurred for years in China “on a substantial scale,” and continues. The main sources for the organs are Falun Gong adherents, it said. Pompeo said he was well aware of forced organ harvesting and that the department was looking into the issue, according to Lin. “I think in the future, we will hear more about the crime of organ harvesting being exposed,” Lin said.


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eb73fc No.156610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928710 (070005ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon Denies Friction, Delays with Biden Transition Team

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Pentagon Denies Friction, Delays with Biden Transition Team

The Pentagon pushed back Saturday on allegations that the department has been slow in meeting requests from the Biden-Harris transition team and had blocked initial access to intelligence agencies run by the military.

In a background briefing, two senior Defense Department officials denied any attempt to slow-roll the transition and said meetings with President-elect Joe Biden's agency review teams were scheduled with the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency on Monday and Tuesday.

The officials also denied that President Donald Trump's refusal thus far to concede the election was hampering the transition process at DoD.

In a statement Saturday before the background briefing, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller said that DoD's own transition leadership was "fully cooperating with the Biden transition team, placing national security and the protection of the American people at the forefront of any and all discussions."

"Leadership transitions, be they from one company commander to the next or one presidential administration to another, are an area in which the department boasts a long record of bipartisan excellence," said Miller, a retired Army colonel.

Miller was installed Nov. 9 after Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper via Twitter.

The senior DoD officials, who spoke on grounds of anonymity, took issue with news reports citing anonymous sources alleging that recent political appointees to the department, including Chief of Staff Kash Patel, may have been involved in denying on delaying requests from the Biden team.

One of the senior officials said the background briefing was being held "to correct the record on a good deal of misinformation that has been pushed in the last 24 hours on how DoD is handling the transition."

The second senior official said that "reporting about access to DoD intelligence agencies is untrue," adding that "Kash [Patel] has not been selecting individuals to do meetings." The official added that "Kash has not refused a single interview request."

However, the officials suggested that some of the mostly virtual meetings with the Biden team may have been delayed to make sure that the right DoD officials could attend.

The transition process usually begins quickly after each presidential election, but was delayed this year until Nov. 23, when the General Services Administration gave approval to all federal agencies to cooperate with Biden's teams.


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eb73fc No.156611

File: 86a46a4ba6e699c⋯.png (62.64 KB,759x693,23:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 8540d95e9adca26⋯.png (39.75 KB,803x680,803:680,Clipboard.png)

File: a4c69edfa758f02⋯.png (50.29 KB,657x704,657:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928711 (070005ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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Jack Cobb in a US Election Assistance Commission meeting saying in order to attack the election system, you would need

Intricate knowledge and then have Unlimited Access

like say Eric Coomer

almost like he knew

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eb73fc No.156612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928730 (070008ZDEC20) Notable: Dig this: live cyber drills worldwide

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eb73fc No.156613

File: 195e3bc5a25c41d⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928748 (070010ZDEC20) Notable: This young lady understands it (War on Information deduced new WWIII)

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This young lady understands it


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eb73fc No.156614

File: 2d808d89f865fa9⋯.png (30.58 KB,1457x231,1457:231,Clipboard.png)

File: ffa1e6bf6f5b422⋯.png (46.41 KB,1375x508,1375:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 25fe225366671c8⋯.png (219.98 KB,1133x696,1133:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 614e6adade3949c⋯.png (364.08 KB,810x780,27:26,Clipboard.png)

File: f6f59d015db973d⋯.png (134.54 KB,949x753,949:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928756 (070010ZDEC20) Notable: Q drops about Guangdong China - Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

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The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.

Kwangtung, China IS ANOTHER NAME FOR Guangdong,China

Q drops about Guangdong China

Di Fi???? Arranging Ballot Printing?

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eb73fc No.156615

File: 78f84ae348f1edc⋯.png (715.44 KB,409x879,409:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928789 (070013ZDEC20) Notable: Q drops about Guangdong China - Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

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>>156511 pb

The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.

Guangdong (alternately romanized as Canton Province or Kwangtung) is a coastal province in South China on the north shore of South China Sea.

>>>/qresearch/11927519 pb

Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

Do you believe in coincidences?


license plates? difi ordered ballots????


Print 5 Million Ballots in China - Keep Secret!




Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC


(Natural News)

The sordid details of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s unwholesome dealings with communist China continue to emerge, including the shocking revelation that Newsom is quietly funneling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the communist Chinese regime in exchange for political favors.

Because California is certifiably bankrupt and on the verge of total economic collapse, Newsom appears to have forged a backroom deal with the Chicoms that involves him handing over taxpayer dollars in exchange for political bailouts. These include keeping California artificially afloat, as well as Newsom in office, at least until China can get troops on the ground as part of a planned nationwide takeover.

As it turns out, China fully supports, and is possibly even a financial backer of, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the two most well-known domestic terrorist groups making the rounds destroying property, tearing down statues, burning entire city blocks, and shooting innocent people. The destabilization these groups are causing is all part of the Chinese takeover plan, in other words. Natural News has already established that China is providing full-auto weapons upgrade parts to Black Lives Matter through a smuggling operation that was interdicted by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).

How Newsom fits into the picture is that he has turned California into a port of entry for China to smuggle in weapons and other gear for the soon-to-be second civil war that has been planned for America. And the truly sick part is that Newsom is laundering money back and forth with the Chinese under the guise of “coronavirus aid.”


Maybe some of the billion dollars Newsom sent to China for “masks” really was to purchase ballots?

Newsom won’t share details on $1B mask deal with China that he made in April 2020


The paper reports that a Newsom administration official refused to provide state senators with a copy of the contract during a budget oversight hearing in Sacramento last Thursday, despite the state having already paid half the cost.

The state’s chief deputy director of the Office of Emergency Services told senators via videoconference that providing all specifics of the deal would risk disrupting the supply line of masks to the state.

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eb73fc No.156616

File: 5b8f79970581971⋯.png (232.17 KB,975x1454,975:1454,Clipboard.png)

File: ffdf7d47e545228⋯.png (209.82 KB,981x1227,327:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928793 (070014ZDEC20) Notable: Military tribunal cases and the tribunal calendar

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Watch these spaces for future tribunals - military tribunal cases and the tribunal calendar:



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eb73fc No.156617

File: 1bf7c0a061d7826⋯.png (61.44 KB,598x398,299:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928798 (070014ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156618

File: 36801a6dc2099c1⋯.png (388.56 KB,539x629,539:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928815 (070015ZDEC20) Notable: Mark your calendars so you NEVER FORGET! (@USNavy)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


6:13 PM · Dec 6, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156619

File: b8c7cd5f4b52ace⋯.jpg (67.69 KB,1498x390,749:195,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928819 (070016ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Patriot Anons

Q team - Theory - Activate ]SESSIONS[

Barr to step down Hmmmmm

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eb73fc No.156620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928830 (070017ZDEC20) Notable: Gina Cheri Walker info

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Gina Cheri Walker.

School - DOD funded high school in the United Kingdom

Gina was raised in a disciplined environment in military bases worldwide as her father was in the Air Force.

Her first job was of running a library and foreign language lab at a Special Forces base in Massachusetts. There someone suggested her to have a career at the CIA.

She always wanted to go abroad and learn different languages, and it was a good enough reason for her to apply for a job in the CIA.

In 1985, she joined the CIA as a ‘reports officer’ specializing in Russia and has been fluent in Russian since then.

After becoming CIA’s undercover officer, her first field assignment was in Ethiopia from 1987 to 1989.

While she was posted in Azerbaijan, she detained 2 men linked to the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

In 2001, she requested a transfer to the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (CTC), and her first day was September 1 (9/11).

In 2002, she led the secret CIA base in Thailand where “enhanced interrogation techniques” were carried out such as “waterboarding” for the terrorism suspects.

In 2008, she was posted to London where she played a pivotal role in forcing the UK to take a bigger role in the Predator drone programme that was hitting Al Qaeda in Pakistan, of which Britain was a bit reluctant.

In 2013, she became the director of the National Clandestine Service, a small component of the CIA.

She came back to the U.S from London, and in 2014, she was again reposted to London until 2017.

It is believed that she was posted in London to keep her away from the investigations related to the 9/11 in Washington.

On her return to the U.S. in 2017, she played a pivotal role in the suspension of Russian diplomats.

After 33 years of service in the CIA, in May 2018, she became the first-ever female CIA director, in a 54 to 45 vote.

Before becoming the director of the CIA, she was serving as the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Director for Operations in the CIA.

She has spent most of her career in the CIA as an undercover officer.

She is such a huge fan of singer-songwriter Johnny Cash that she always keeps a long poster of him in her CIA office.

She is an avid dog lover.

Some lesser known facts


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eb73fc No.156621

File: 8c781bb65a08b58⋯.png (401.02 KB,1200x598,600:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e3d9c77e408fb1⋯.png (4.58 MB,2778x1284,463:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 18e969d50e85281⋯.png (116.29 KB,831x588,277:196,Clipboard.png)

File: 4be633972b21b5d⋯.png (112.06 KB,784x693,112:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928841 (070018ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

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Pro Vvin the same neighborhood as ==NASA in Huntsville

Dig was from ~Thanksgiving when one of the Turkeys was named Cob

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eb73fc No.156622

File: 7a63fc1be1e0c4e⋯.png (39.93 KB,579x525,193:175,Clipboard.png)

File: cc25905e4b4dc6e⋯.png (274.3 KB,521x428,521:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928885 (070022ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

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change of batter?


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eb73fc No.156623

File: c5251652e0ee45f⋯.png (558.29 KB,1184x590,592:295,Clipboard.png)

File: f3b50c2c15f42de⋯.png (123.35 KB,1148x557,1148:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 72c741286cc5ac7⋯.png (114.48 KB,547x515,547:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 27cf7ae8272b613⋯.png (654.31 KB,1182x599,1182:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 5da93791ca20708⋯.png (1.07 MB,1085x590,217:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928888 (070022ZDEC20) Notable: Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Cobb family tracked back toFinger Lakes region New York

Brother? writes childrens books

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eb73fc No.156624

File: 76e83db86c8638f⋯.png (32.95 KB,619x502,619:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928893 (070022ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweets

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156625

File: be20d87f84264e8⋯.png (420.58 KB,592x638,296:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928934 (070027ZDEC20) Notable: Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation

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Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation – Confiscate 8 Hard Drives, 3 Computers and a Bag of USB sticks via @gatewaypundit


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eb73fc No.156626

File: a22aa9ae2063a86⋯.png (76.32 KB,1275x708,425:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928936 (070027ZDEC20) Notable: Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation

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Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation — Confiscate 8 Hard Drives, 3 Computers and a Bag of USB sticks

Published December 6, 2020 at 6:19pm

On November 5th Arizona federal officials raided a home in the Fountain Hills area in Maricopa County.

The agents confiscated eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks.

The house belongs to 56-year-old Elliot Kerwin.

The agents were for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data.

According to the warrant, investigators were looking for records, information and communications related to the office’s:

Login credentials and accounts.

Voter registration records and information, including protected voters’ information.

The transfer, sharing or dissemination of voter registration records and information, including protected voters’ information.

Unauthorized access to the office’s website and computer systems.

Attempts or threats to damage computer systems.


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eb73fc No.156627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928948 (070030ZDEC20) Notable: Trump supporter house bombed

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A Michigan Trump Supporter’s House Was Bombed; Crickets From The MSM.

Macomb County, MICHIGAN — The homeowner said everything happened early Saturday morning just after midnight. He was upstairs with his girlfriend when they heard a loud boom go off. He rushed downstairs and said he was shocked at what he saw.


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eb73fc No.156628

File: 1115492b467a094⋯.png (2.88 MB,1700x786,850:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 749dbb100cd7012⋯.png (85.67 KB,965x845,193:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 643232d2f41cf18⋯.png (537.99 KB,600x382,300:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11928997 (070034ZDEC20) Notable: Universal Peace Federation (UPF) dig

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Universal Peace Federation (UPF) - A Global Network of Peacebuilders / https://www.upf.org/

Founders: Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, founded the Universal Peace Federation in 2005.

158 Worldwide Chapters: https://www.upf.org/chapters

Primary Associations:

International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP)

International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP)

International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP)

Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD)

International Media Association for Peace (IMAP)

International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP)

International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED)

Our Partners: https://www.upf.org/who-we-are/partners

1. Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations; Spirituality and Justice Initiative: The FBO

Coalition is a broadly-based multi-faith coalition of leading representatives of the world’s

great religious traditions, along with interfaith leaders, academics, and practitioners actively

engaged in various areas of criminal justice and crime prevention.

2. United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC): UPF is an NGO in General Consultative

Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

3. African Union: UPF has a partnership with the African Union in the celebration of Africa Day

in New York City and a Memorandum of Understanding related to a tsetse fly eradication campaign.


4. United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC): UPF has a Memorandum of Understanding with

the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations to reinforce cooperation in continuing to promote

intercultural dialogue, peace and security.


1 of 2

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eb73fc No.156629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929013 (070035ZDEC20) Notable: Universal Peace Federation (UPF) dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. Global Citizen Forum: UPF has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Global Citizen Forum

with a mutual commitment to cooperate to promote peace and human development.

6. Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP): UPF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with

the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GTCP), an NGO that shares many of the same goals and

objectives as UPF, such as peace and tolerance, inclusiveness, and respect for each other's

mandate and enhance complementary.

7. Global Forum on Human Settlements: an NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC,

convenes an annual conference of the Global Forum on Human Settlements Former UN Under-

Secretary-General Amb. Anwarul K. Chowdhury serves as the Chairman. UPF works in collaboration

with GFHS to support and promote the work of the United Nations and the achievement of the

Sustainable Development Goals.

8. International Institute for Tolerance: is a peace organization founded by H.E. Sheikh

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates(UAE). UPF works in

collaboration with the Institute to support and promote initiatives such as the World Tolerance


(22 NOV 2020) Universal Peace Federation:

70 Years After the Korean War World Leaders Call for Peace at Online Rally of Hope

Millions of viewers tuned into hundreds of broadcast stations and gathered online to call for peace among and

between nations at the third Rally of Hope sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Korea on

Sunday, Nov. 22. UPF was founded in 2005 by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and is an NGO in

General Consultative Status with the United Nations.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon addresses live audience and online participants from all around the world at the Rally of Hope


November 2001: Rev. Moon and the United Nations


The Washington Times & Comments by the Reverened Sun Myung Moon


Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Washington Times daily newspaper connection

The Washington Times was founded in 1982 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate

associated with the Unification movement which also owns newspapers in South Korea, Japan, and South America,

as well as the news agency United Press International (UPI).

Bo Hi Pak, the chief aide of Unification movement founder and leader Sun Myung Moon, was the founding president

and the founding chairman of the board. Moon asked Richard L. Rubenstein, a rabbi and college professor who had

written on the Holocaust, to serve on the board of directors. The Washington Times' first editor and publisher

was James R. Whelan.


2 of 2

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eb73fc No.156630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929023 (070036ZDEC20) Notable: Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Investigators seize devices from Fountain Hills residence in voter data theft case


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eb73fc No.156631

File: 616f288bf2d8c5c⋯.png (156.74 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929026 (070036ZDEC20) Notable: pf

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156632

File: 8c6aedfa06b1cae⋯.png (396.13 KB,581x586,581:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929034 (070037ZDEC20) Notable: Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929042 (070038ZDEC20) Notable: Why is Donald Trump fighting to stay in office so furiously after being crucified for four years straight and losing billions in revenue in his investments and companies?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump declared this election to be a national emergency when he signed into law Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election on 12 September 2018,

President Trump was discovered since he came to power to have secretly stockpiled over 31-million guns.

President Trump placed the United States into a state of war beginning on 20 May 2020 that will last until 20 May 2021.

President Trump two month later, on 2 July 2020, updated and changed the “Law of War” making it applicable to American States engaging in civil war.

—and since the 3 November election why—

President Trump placed America’s entire nuclear weapons stockpile under his direct command.

President Trump ousted the Secretary of Defense and replaced him with a loyalist.

President Trump had his new acting Secretary of Defense take immediate command of all US Special Forces.

President Trump began flooding the skies of America with massive never witnessed before US military flights. [Note: transmission delay in linked radar video, just wait.]

President Trump abruptly withdrew from the decades-old Open Skies treaty to prevent foreign nation over flights of America.

President Trump began a massive purge of the Pentagon—and replaced those ousted with his own loyalists.

President Trump ordered the immediate amending of federal execution rules to allow death by hanging, electric chair, gas chamber and FIRING SQUAD.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929061 (070040ZDEC20) Notable: #15226

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Notables are NOT endorsements



>>156587, >>156585 "Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming"

>>156584, >>156624 Lin Wood tweets

>>156607 DJT tweet

>>156586 Ohio Lawmakers Require Free Speech Protection at Colleges, Universities

>>156588, >>156612 Dig this: live cyber drills worldwide

>>156589, >>156605 There isn’t another Military case scheduled until Mar 15

>>156591, >>156592 Jekyll Island is a state sponsored, supported organization or agency

>>156593 Sidney Powell: There is no telling how many Congressional & Senate seats, and even Governorships, we've lost because of this [election fraud].

>>156594 Trump Team Removes Members of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Business Board

>>156595, >>156599, >>156627 Trump supporter house bombed

>>156590, >>156597, >>156601 CM tweet

>>156598 @FLOTUS tweet

>>156600 Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote

>>156602 DHS Investigated For Spying On Citizens Using Cell Data From Mobile Advertising

>>156603, >>156611, >>156621, >>156623 Need more eyes - Pro V&V website

>>156604, >>156606, >>156617, >>156619, >>156622 Attorney General William Barr is considering stepping down (NYT) + Anon theories

>>156608 Staten Island ‘Autonomous Zone’ bar owner released after hit with 10 charges

>>156609 Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate Chinese Communist Party as Transnational Criminal Organization

>>156610 Pentagon Denies Friction, Delays with Biden Transition Team

>>156613 This young lady understands it (War on Information deduced new WWIII)

>>156614, >>156615 Q drops about Guangdong China - Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>156596, >>156633 Why is Donald Trump fighting to stay in office so furiously after being crucified for four years straight and losing billions in revenue in his investments and companies?

>>156616 Military tribunal cases and the tribunal calendar

>>156618 Mark your calendars so you NEVER FORGET! (@USNavy)

>>156620 Gina Cheri Walker info

>>156625, >>156626, >>156630 Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation

>>156628, >>156629 Universal Peace Federation (UPF) dig

>>156632 Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation

>>156631 pf

re-post missed notable

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eb73fc No.156635

File: ca3354178094c78⋯.jpeg (333.94 KB,2027x1792,2027:1792,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929134 (070048ZDEC20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell's sister involved in WEF?

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Why don‘t we have ONE, I mean at least ONE pic of Ghislaine Maxwell since her „arrest“?

Pic and link sort of unrelated.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156636

File: 3cdb6cf1d6d5813⋯.png (65.77 KB,690x879,230:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 2045a16a92884a4⋯.png (37.5 KB,685x382,685:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929143 (070049ZDEC20) Notable: “President Trump Must Take Out ALL Traitors With One Strike”

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“President Trump Must Take Out ALL Traitors With One Strike”


“The POTUS must have military law enforcement

(after invoking the Insurrection Act) apprehend

each and every high-level traitor and coup plotter

with one perfectly timed surgical strike—PERIOD.”

SOTN Exclusive

“The POTUS is facing the “presidential decision of the Millennium”. The fate of the American Republic hangs in the balance. The election thieves will not be thwarted in this naked steal. They don’t care that much more than half of America knows Biden outright stole it. The globalists own and operate all the relevant institutions including the entire US Intel Community. The seditious Mainstream Media is functioning as the CIA’s Mockingbird Media it was set up for. So Trump will have one, AND ONLY ONE, shot at it before January 20th. He needs to cut off the head.

That means all the ringleaders of the Democrat-run coup, the Deep State-coordinated election theft and the Globalist-overseen color revolution must be rounded up and GITMOed. Everyone — the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Harris, Soros, Gates, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Comey, Mueller, Weissmann, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Cuomo, Newsom, de Blasio, Schmidt, Zucker, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Fauci, Birx, Redfield, etc. must all be apprehended post-haste. The arrests must take place well before Inauguration Day. These traitors will NOT let President Trump occupy the White House after that. They will not, under any circumstances, submit to any type of prosecution. And, they’re determined to prosecute Trump for their own crimes against the Republic.

Given this reality, Team Trump is between a rock and a hard place…with NO wiggle room whatsoever. Only a perfectly timed surgical strike will work. There will be no second chance. Trump also needs to signal to the Patriot Movement his urgent requirement for total armed support. Every gun-owning patriot needs to arm up and show up. Ten million locked and loaded Patriots surrounding Washington, D.C. is the only thing the Left understands. Another armed-to-the-hilt 90 million can surround the statehouses. That way the Intel Community will think twice about POTUSnapping or assassinating or incapacitating President Trump. This is very serious stuff. And it requires extremely serious timing! Because if the Right fails to prevent Biden from entering the Oval Office, getting these communist perps out of their positions of power and influence will be very difficult without a full-scale civil war. (See: If the U.S. Supreme Court enables the Democrat’s election theft, Civil War II is inevitable!)

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156637

File: 1d03a372c0bf62b⋯.png (95.58 KB,693x425,693:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929154 (070050ZDEC20) Notable: New Veritas - CNN audio

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Police cars revolving light


Police cars revolving light

Full Audio @CNN

9AM Call 09-15-20 #CNNTapes #CNNRAW #CNNAdventCalendar


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eb73fc No.156638

File: 56267eb0f9a7f02⋯.jpg (67.21 KB,597x616,597:616,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929164 (070050ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion voting machines have been *SEIZED* due to *impossible* vote tabulations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ballot box with ballot

Police cars revolving light


Dominion voting machines have been *SEIZED* due to *impossible* vote tabulations: 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Big news.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929165 (070051ZDEC20) Notable: Anon happening summaries

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And That's A Good Thing!

Part 1/3.

Please read all three parts.

Trump has made numerous mentions of his favorite Presidents like Lincoln, Jackson & JFK. He's spoken about restoring the Constitution. Fact is, our country will remain broken until the supreme law of the land is restored. That is not going to happen in the next 60-90 days.

Trump and the deep state (some acting, some not) are going to take this country to the precipice before 1/21/21 to wake up those among us who are still sleeping because the sheople have to see for themselves to be fully awake. Trump will then pull an Abraham Lincoln and invoke the insurrection act and shut down the US Government. The House and Senate will be recessed and all non-essential govt. will be shut down or reduced. Elections will be shut down. The corrupt judicial system will be shut down or reduced. POTUS will make massive numbers or recess appointments (Patriots one and all.) POTUS will then spend the next few years moving us and the country as close to the Constitution as possible. During this time POTUS can act unilaterally in nearly everything and his actions, changes to laws etc will stand until he revokes the insurrection act and reopens govt..

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929166 (070051ZDEC20) Notable: Anon happening summaries

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Part 2/3.

At that point We The People will decide which laws to keep and which ones we want to get rid of. It will be relatively easy because the people will have seen how well things can function without a massive govt. apparatus infested with criminal grifters. The courts will be gradually restored to our Constitutional standard and shown be working fairly for everyone as intended. Elections will be reinstated without the presence of super PACS and undo influence. Education will be restored to reading, writing, arithmetic, civics and STEM and our children will be well equipped for not only their future but OUR future. Our system of money will be restored to Constitutional standards……a gold standard and all the benefits that will bring. The people will live under these changes for several years during the govt. shutdown and will see how beneficial anf FAIR they are for EVERYONE so the choices on how to proceed once out govt is restored will be right in front of us from EXPERIENCE. I imagine that during this time, POTUS and Patriots will endlessly point out the true vulnerabilities in our system ( career politicians/no term limits etc) so that we can bring about a new Constitutional Convention and shore up the Supreme Law of the Land to help prevent a repeat of the future INFILTRATION of evil in order to further secure our future.

During this multi-year period of govt. shutdown we will learn about crimes against humanity committed by our so called leaders. We will learn of their political, financial and foreign crimes and ultimately their cimes against children and humanity. (You don't that will all be exposed during the next 60-90 days do you?) We will see the arrests and military tribunals of the bad guys, bottom to top like Q said. I don't think the bigger fish will be arrested until probably late 2024, perhaps with Hillary on 11.3 as Q indicated three years ago. I think G. Soros might be the first big arrest in early 2021 because that scumbag has his fingers into everythin Foreign and Domestic [F] & [D]! That will certainly indicate future direction. Americans will see justice meted out slowly and consistently, probably beginning with the State and County level elections officials currently stealing our election and working our way up through the Federal govt. and Wall St. before the big ones like Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit and friends get their turn. The last arrests and milirary tribunals will be for those that will be executed just before our govt. is restored and turned back over to We The People. Then comes Israel's turn.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929174 (070052ZDEC20) Notable: Anon happening summaries

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Part 3/3.

The invaluable digging, research and mememaking will be used during this gov't shutdown period to assist POTUS in educating the American masses about their crimes, criminal networks etc. Recall that Q has told us he will be here to assist. The day before Election Day in 2024, Q will leave us for good. (pic related)

The Mass arrests we are expecting will occur when POTUS invokes the insurrection act and closes govt. and will include the next wave of rioters, the ignorant (unknowing)brainwashed lefties, antifa, blm and genuine foreign enemy combatants that spent the summer of 2020 giving America a preview of what is to come. These mass arrests will be conducted by the US Marines and National Guard…….strike like lightening as Sun Tzu said. Round them all up under the insurrection act…..Federal charges as enemy combatants and let them rot in jail until the justice system is sorted out. That should take the fight out of them. George Soros will go down with them, shocking the world and indicating future direction as Q said.

Trump will then run for election again, possibly unopposed and win. He will be our President for 12 years total. If it's not already revealed by then I imagine this might be when things like cancer and disease cures, MedBeds, anti-gravity, free energy and all other suppressed tech are revealed. Once the gold standard is restored, investment in the USA by every country on Earth will be enormous and I suspect that this will be right up Donald Trumps alley. It will be the most prosperous time in our history extending far into the future. I think Trump will manage this period in such away to not only secure America's prosperity but to guide and assist every country to secure these things for themselves. Once the whole world has Freedom and Liberty at their fingertips or in their hand it will be much more difficult for evil to tempt humanity again and worm their way back in.

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eb73fc No.156642

File: baaa6b272e5941f⋯.png (689.58 KB,530x602,265:301,Clipboard.png)

File: b5e53ddd69ec0f2⋯.png (305.88 KB,498x622,249:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 339b2ff548b6552⋯.png (1.14 MB,815x721,815:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 37d9385cfab3f99⋯.png (57.57 KB,858x457,858:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 517c887df4fdb95⋯.png (20.36 KB,829x187,829:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929175 (070052ZDEC20) Notable: Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist

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Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist But from Whom?

We’ve reported numerous times on events in Georgia on election night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. We’ve now uncovered more on the incident that exemplifies the 2020 election in Georgia.

On election night we were told that voting stopped in Georgia’s State Farm Arena due to a water main break. President Trump was way ahead in the election at that time. But a couple days later we uncovered that the water main break never happened. First an attorney in the Atlanta area asked for information related to the event via an freedom of information request and he shared with us that the only item he received was a couple of text messages related to the event:

After posting this, we found out that the water department in Atlanta never even received a call regarding the water main break:

Tonight we have uncovered another observation of events that night. One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:


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eb73fc No.156643

File: 1513b59aef728f1⋯.jpg (90.09 KB,646x773,646:773,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929209 (070055ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion voting machines have been *SEIZED* due to *impossible* vote tabulations

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eb73fc No.156644

File: a1d41abf5e6ebaf⋯.png (873.07 KB,738x477,82:53,Clipboard.png)

File: b922d7006164f9a⋯.png (130.59 KB,862x755,862:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c695c34bbd2b89⋯.png (54.67 KB,849x374,849:374,Clipboard.png)

File: 9120d80fb4eabbb⋯.png (82.5 KB,856x505,856:505,Clipboard.png)

File: ab04554473091e3⋯.png (88.41 KB,855x545,171:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929220 (070056ZDEC20) Notable: Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers

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Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers [VIDEO]

On Friday, Kristina Karamo, host of the Kristina Karamo Project, Dr. Linda Lee Tarver a 29-year former Secretary of State election integrity liaison, and Angelic Johnson, went to Lansing, Michigan to put Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on notice after it was discovered by Phil Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, that Benson had given the far-left Rock The Vote group full “front door access” to Michigan voter rolls.

100 Percent Fed Up – According to Karamo, the information provided to Rock The Vote, a far-left activist group that identifies as “non-partisan,” included sensitive data like social security numbers, addresses, birth dates, and eye color of Michigan residents. According to Amistad’s Phil Kline, Rock the Vote was also given the ability to add names to the MI voter rolls.

Karamo, who traveled to Lansing with Tarver and Johnson, posted a video of her visit to Secretary of State Benson’s office on our 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page. The Christian Republican activist told us that Dr. Linda Lee Tarver and Angelic Johnson are plaintiffs in a case that Amistad has filed on their behalf against MI Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for providing Rock The Vote with the private information of MI residents.

But that’s not all Michigan’s radical Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has been up to…

On Thanksgiving Day, The Amistad Project sued Sec. of State Benson for sending millions of absentee ballot applications to every household in the state of MI without verifying whether the intended recipients were still residing at the same location, whether they were eligible to vote in 2020 or even whether they were still alive.



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eb73fc No.156645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929231 (070058ZDEC20) Notable: New Veritas - CNN audio

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Project Veritas #CNNRAW 9-15-20

8,014 views•Dec 6, 2020•1hour


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eb73fc No.156646

File: 430861ab0bad3e3⋯.png (116.1 KB,766x823,766:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 21a9bc810053cc6⋯.png (99.27 KB,772x784,193:196,Clipboard.png)

File: b457cb679042366⋯.png (84.18 KB,801x797,801:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929245 (070059ZDEC20) Notable: Chicago Teachers Union Tweets Reopening Schools Would be Racist, Sexist, AND Misogynistic - And Then Deletes It!

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Chicago Teachers Union Tweets Reopening Schools Would be Racist, Sexist, AND Misogynistic - And Then Deletes It! [Updated]

The Chicago Teacher Union unleashed this pearl on an unsuspecting world Sunday.

Since we knew they would delete it, we preserved it in digital amber.


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eb73fc No.156647

File: 801f8faefa29df9⋯.png (208.1 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929276 (070104ZDEC20) Notable: pf

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156648

File: 543c9fa3f3006bb⋯.png (8.07 KB,355x192,355:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929285 (070104ZDEC20) Notable: Anon happening summaries

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156649

File: 4104193156e968a⋯.png (445.36 KB,739x779,739:779,Clipboard.png)

File: b0a32606936c0b5⋯.png (531.97 KB,883x758,883:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 47af99e716162b9⋯.png (392.08 KB,881x558,881:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929310 (070107ZDEC20) Notable: Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers

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The individuals gathered outside my home targeted me as Michigan’s Chief Election officer. But their threats were actually aimed at the 5.5million Michigan citizens who voted in this fall’s election, seeking to overturn their will. They will not succeed in doing so. My statement:


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eb73fc No.156650

File: 1f5a52a70e50d9d⋯.png (201.35 KB,678x442,339:221,Clipboard.png)

File: d0a1937c82d62b9⋯.png (243.63 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 342e1851993191f⋯.jpg (16.73 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929329 (070109ZDEC20) Notable: pf

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RCH1815 USAF C-17 Globey east to New Delhi and circled just se of it over Sikandrabad (cap#2)

last position prior was a pick-up over SA then this trip east.

Long way to go for just that.

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eb73fc No.156651

File: 075f81ea338fc0c⋯.png (828.48 KB,980x881,980:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929330 (070109ZDEC20) Notable: Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist

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EXCLUSIVE: Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist But from Whom?

We’ve reported numerous times on events in Georgia on election night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. We’ve now uncovered more on the incident that exemplifies the 2020 election in Georgia.

On election night we were told that voting stopped in Georgia’s State Farm Arena due to a water main break. President Trump was way ahead in the election at that time. But a couple days later we uncovered that the water main break never happened. First an attorney in the Atlanta area asked for information related to the event via an freedom of information request and he shared with us that the only item he received was a couple of text messages related to the event:

After posting this, we found out that the water department in Atlanta never even received a call regarding the water main break:

Next it was uncovered that a mother and daughter team as well as a couple others, stuck around after sending everyone home and started running ballots through tabulators. Ballots were pulled out from under a table that were previously covered up and processed with no Republican observers.

The mother – daughter team have become infamous in the annals of voter corruption:

Tonight we have uncovered another observation of events that night. One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:

According to the composite, the man in red makes two phone calls on Election Night at 10:58pm which then triggers the removal of the ballot cases from under the table covered in black material. Within a couple minutes four boxes of ballots are wheeled out from under the table.

The unique thing about these ballots is that they had already been pre-processed. They had already been taken out of the envelope, unfolded, inspected and placed in a pile for scanning. During this entire process the man in the red shirt receives numerous calls from someone.

Apelbaum says:

The footage shows multiple evidence that the ‘special’ count session was pre-planned and carefully timed, it’s also clear that in 116 minute period the team sprinted through the ballot scanning process to meet some sort of a deadline.

Apelbaum also estimates between 12 and 24 thousand votes were likely tabulated during this time.


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eb73fc No.156652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929336 (070110ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20 + March list

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🔴 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20


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eb73fc No.156653

File: af875df590fe009⋯.jpg (96.4 KB,680x603,680:603,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929346 (070111ZDEC20) Notable: Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929365 (070112ZDEC20) Notable: Anon happening summaries

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1) September 12th, 2018 Trump signs Executive Order 13848 which declares a national emergency and establishes that the Director of National Intelligence (currently John Ratcliffe) must deliver an assessment of election interference no more than 45 days after an election (December 18th). https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

2) November 3rd, 2020 Election occurs. Election night shenanigans appear fraudulent and raise questions, and it is alleged that vote data from voting machines is transfered to foreign servers in Spain and Germany.

3) November 9th, Department of Defense director Mark Esper is fired and replaced with Trump loyalist Christopher C. Miller (formerly director of National Counterterrorism Center). https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/11/09/trump-fires-secdef-mark-esper-names-christopher-miller-lead-pentagon.html

4) November 10th, Gina Haspel is seen meeting with McConnell, and has not been seen publicly since. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cia-director-gina-haspel-mcconnell-unclear

5) November 10th, Under Secretary of Defense Dr. James Anderson was replaced by Anthony Tata. Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Joseph Kernan was replaced by Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense Jen Stewart was replaced by Kash Patel. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2411893/dod-statement-on-personnel-changes-at-the-pentagon/

6) November 12th, House Representative Louie Gohmert says a German server containing US election data was raided by the US military. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swhlvFBsoDg&ab_channel=GohmertTX01&t=4m32s [Embed]

7) November 13th, Christopher Miller hits and troop withdrawals and writes, "Ending wars requires compromise and partnership. We met the challenge; we gave it our all. Now, it's time to come home." https://media.defense.gov/2020/Nov/14/2002535407/-1/-1/0/INITIAL-MESSAGE-TO-THE-DEPARTMENT.PDF?source=GovDelivery

8) November 18th, Christopher Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick announce that U.S. special forces command will be streamlined and report directly to them. https://www.defense.gov/Explore/News/Article/Article/2419154/special-operations-leader-to-report-directly-to-acting-defense-secretary/

9) November 25th, Trump pardons Michael Flynn. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-trump

10) November 25th, Trump fires Henry Kissinger and 10 others from the Defense Policy Board. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/11/25/pentagon-purges-leading-advisors-from-defense-policy-board/

11) November 28th, Michael Flynn and Thomas McInerney give interviews on WVW-TV alleging massive vote fraud and "confirming" that a server in Germany was raided (and that several soldiers died in the raid). https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/wvw-tv-exclusive-lt-general-michael-flynns-first-interview-president-trumps-pardon

12) December 1st, Michael Flynn tweets out a link calling on Trump to declare martial law and hold a new election. https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1333916403389370369

13) December 4th, Reuters writes, "CIA spokesperson Nicole de Haay told Reuters via email: “Well…this is the most absurd inquiry I’ve ever addressed, but I’m happy to tell you that Director Haspel is alive and well and at the office.”" https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-cia-director-gina-haspel-ar/fact-checkcia-director-gina-haspel-was-not-arrested-injured-or-found-dead-idUSKBN28E215

14) December 4th, Trump orders troop withdrawal from Somalia. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2435972/somalia-force-posture-announcement/

15) December 3rd, video evidence of voter fraud is presented to the Georgia legislature (and immediately dismissed as DEBUNKED). https://www.cbs46.com/video-prompts-more-questions-of-voter-fraud-in-georgia/video_ed7840f7-434f-5f9e-8727-b0e9a9878e36.html

16) December 4th, it is discovered that a vote tabulator in Ware County appears to switch votes from Trump to Biden. https://twitter.com/CongressmanHice/status/1334919630339641345

17) December 6th, Trump legal team gets access to 22 voting machines in Michigan and begins a forensic audit of the machines. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-legal-team-michigan-antrim-county-judge-order-dominion-machines

18) December 6th, Justice Alito moves up SCOTUS hearing of PA vote fraud case so that it falls within the "Safe Harbor" window. https://www.scribd.com/document/487067580/Kelly-v-Commonwealth-SCOTUS-Application#from_embed

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156655

File: 44c4977ace45209⋯.png (391.79 KB,592x767,592:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 49f90bad0d48c6f⋯.mp4 (7.1 MB,576x768,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929406 (070117ZDEC20) Notable: Ruby Freeman Tic Toc

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Ruby Freeman Tic Toc

Stated on the video 10/19/20 it was live on facebook.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156656

File: 9b4dccb1deb9543⋯.png (432.63 KB,740x889,740:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929413 (070118ZDEC20) Notable: Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers

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Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers [VIDEO]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156657

File: 5ceeb4010695815⋯.png (270.83 KB,613x529,613:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929434 (070121ZDEC20) Notable: GA Election supply Web Store on Canadian platform breached in Sep 2020

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156658

File: d060482c617dba5⋯.png (79.7 KB,598x412,299:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929507 (070128ZDEC20) Notable: "HRC tried to cut a deal today" - Q #278 3-year delta

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156659

File: d05ebf8ef7340da⋯.png (621.99 KB,535x617,535:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929634 (070138ZDEC20) Notable: On the sixth day of Christmas my Navy gave to me 6 Hornets flying

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On the sixth day of Christmas my Navy gave to me

Musical note

Multiple musical notes

6 Hornets flying








Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929658 (070140ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20 + March list

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12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Farm Boy Garage





7:00 pm Anoka-Blaine County Airport





12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Wisconsin State Capitol





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am










12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Washington, D.C


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eb73fc No.156661

File: d88370f9f33a46b⋯.png (116.68 KB,357x409,357:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 880fd54341e2d0d⋯.png (234.1 KB,480x548,120:137,Clipboard.png)

File: c06a73db36629b6⋯.png (232.66 KB,483x559,483:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929661 (070141ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweets

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A MUST WATCH! Hope the lawyers are all taking notes. All FACTS, do not flag this Twitter!

7:14 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


While Trump had an army of support, Benny says Biden's "win" had to have been a Christmas Miracle. Christmas tree





Joe Biden's Christmas miracle | Benny Johnson

via The Benny Report on Newsmax TV

This claim about election fraud is disputed

2:35 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter Media Studio

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eb73fc No.156662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929664 (070141ZDEC20) Notable: "ER Physician warns" mp4

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still had tab open and was able to save it




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eb73fc No.156663

File: 02a4163ac73d2a3⋯.png (436.61 KB,685x675,137:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929729 (070147ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweets

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156664

File: b261089369dffc9⋯.png (45.27 KB,685x480,137:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929759 (070150ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet

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Kemp welcomed Chinese "investors" to Georgia.

Rest of the video is the "investors" explaining how Georgia's ports are the most important American ports to China.

"Atlanta's investor market is very great, and is cheaper than the rest of America."

source: https://georgiabusiness.cn


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eb73fc No.156665

File: c3c58a071e9b490⋯.png (195.3 KB,1421x1377,1421:1377,Clipboard.png)

File: 31fcf72b0be7a80⋯.png (460.09 KB,2134x1593,2134:1593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929760 (070150ZDEC20) Notable: Pro V&V dig

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Moar Pro V&V - Ryan J Cobb associated with ProCOG, LLC

Incorporated May 14, 2019

Agent Address

10204 GIBRALTAR DRIVE HUNTSVILLE, AL 35803 (same location as Pro V&V)


BURNEY, L JUSTIN, organizer

COBB, RYAN J, agent

As per State registration site, there is no principal address or principal mailing address



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eb73fc No.156666

File: d8602d9439acada⋯.png (260.61 KB,767x636,767:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 47a4566501006c7⋯.png (182.42 KB,765x641,765:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 257378efe8fed64⋯.jpg (658.24 KB,759x644,33:28,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d70eee069fd498a⋯.jpg (611.8 KB,752x522,376:261,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cfca6b3af6149a2⋯.png (70.03 KB,526x609,526:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929893 (070203ZDEC20) Notable: Dig: Broadcasters Foundation of America

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Broadcasters Foundation of America


Our History

"Over 70 years ago, when a fellow broadcaster fell on hard times and was unable to receive his salary, his broadcasting colleagues came together and chipped in to support him until he was back on his feet. That initial idea became the Broadcast Pioneers, which launched similar programs within cities across the country. Today, we have the Broadcasters Foundation of America, which combined the Pioneers’ efforts and expanded outreach to the whole country."

About Us

"The Broadcasters Foundation of America reaches across the country to provide an anonymous safety net for radio and television broadcasters who find themselves in acute financial need. For over seventy years, the Broadcasters Foundation of America, along with it Board of Directors, many volunteers and countless contributors, have aided over 1,000 broadcasters and their families across the United States."

Our Staff

James B. Thompson - President

Frank Pesce - Vice President, Business Affairs

Peter M. Doyle - Vice President

Emily Barratt - Office & Grant Manager

Renee Cassis - Public Relations Consultant

RC Communications Marketing

Our Officers


Scott Herman - CEO, SHH Media Management

Vice Chairman

Jordan Wertlieb - President, Hearst Television


James B. Thompson

Vice President

Peter M. Doyle

Vice President

Jeff Haley - Vice Chairman, Marketron

Vice President

Steve Lanzano - President, TVB

Vice President

Dennis Lyle - President, Illinois Broadcasters Association

Vice Presiden

Julie Talbott - President, Premiere Networks

Vice President & Treasurer

Leo MacCourtney - President, Katz Television Group

Vice President - Business Affairs

Frank Pesce

Vice President

Charlie Weiss - SVP Business Development, NATPE

Secretary & General Counsel

Richard Bodorff - Wiley Rein, LLP

Chairman Emeritus

Philip J. Lombardo - Citadel Communications Company

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eb73fc No.156667

File: 0a87cb5954b4edb⋯.png (183.27 KB,891x615,297:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929898 (070203ZDEC20) Notable: @DanScavino: Lioness in the Darkness

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eb73fc No.156668

File: 5c804f7ac1da421⋯.jpeg (476.93 KB,1536x1788,128:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929908 (070204ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General Barr Might Step Down Before End of January, Reports Suggest

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Barr Is Said to Be Weighing Whether to Leave Before Trump’s Term Ends


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eb73fc No.156669

File: a91bdc02077ea5e⋯.png (94.85 KB,659x625,659:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 952545348b0b317⋯.png (35.54 KB,685x454,685:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f609fe0a85227c⋯.png (30.1 KB,528x567,176:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 811bc08fec599c8⋯.png (48.86 KB,668x363,668:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929911 (070204ZDEC20) Notable: Dig: Broadcasters Foundation of America

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Broadcasters Foundation of America


Board of Directors

Caroline Beasley - CEO, Beasley Media Group

Philip R. Beuth - Capital Cities, retired

Richard J. Bodorff - Senior Counsel, Wiley Rein LLP

Brian Cobb - President, CobbCorp

Raymond H. Cole - President & COO, Citadel Communications

John David - Senior Advisor, NAB

Peter Dunn - President, CBS TV Stations

Erica Farber - President & CEO, RAB

Joseph Field - Chairman, Entercom

Mark Gray - CEO, Katz Media Group

Steve Jones - President & COO, Skyview Networks

N. Scott Knight - President & CEO, Knight Media Group

Jinny Laderer - Co-Founder & President, vCreative

Brian Lawlor - President, Local Media, E.W. Scripps TV Station Group

David T. Lougee - President & CEO, TEGNA

Dan Mason - President, CBS Radio, retired

William McGorry - Chairman, B&C Hall of Fame

Wendy McMahon - President, ABC Owned TV Stations

Elizabeth Neuhoff - President & CEO, Neuhoff Communications

Deborah Norville - Anchor, Inside Edition

Mike O’Neill - President & CEO, BMI

William O’Shaughnessy - Chairman, WVOX/WVIP-Whitney Global Media

I. Martin Pompadur - Consultant

Deborah Roberts - Correspondent, ABC News

Sen. Gordon H. Smith - President & CEO, NAB

Jeffrey H. Smulyan - Chairman & CEO, Emmis Communications

Perry Sook - Chairman, President & CEO, Nexstar Media Group

Valari Staab - President, NBC Owned TV Stations

Jeff Warshaw - CEO, Connoisseur Media, LLC

Diana Wilkin - Managing Partner, Twelve 24 Media

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eb73fc No.156670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929913 (070204ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General Barr Might Step Down Before End of January, Reports Suggest

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Attorney General Barr Might Step Down Before End of January, Reports Suggest

US Attorney General William Barr could leave his post before January 20, The New York Times reports, citing three anonymous sources.

Barr could announce his departure before the end of the year, one source told the newspaper in a Sunday article.

According to another source, the attorney general, a Trump appointee, had been considering stepping down since before last week.

All three sources told The New York Times that it is possible that Barr could remain in the post past January 20 as he has yet to make a final decision on his departure.

If Barr does step down before the end of January, US Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen would take over his duties.

One source told The New York Times that Trump has had no influence on Barr's mulling of a departure from his post as attorney general.

Trump acknowledged that the General Services Administration had initiated a formal transition of power to the Biden team in November, while continuing to dispute the outcome of the 3 November presidential election, claiming that there was massive fraud on the part of Democrats during the vote.


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eb73fc No.156671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929940 (070207ZDEC20) Notable: There are No Excess Deaths (From All Causes, Including Those "with COVID") in the USA. Data Matches 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

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There are No Excess Deaths (From All Causes, Including Those "with COVID") in the USA. Data Matches 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

In 2015, a total of 2,712,630 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


In 2016, a total of 2,744,248 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


In 2017, a total of 2,813,503 resident deaths were registered in the United States:

This Clinical Potency Curcumin is 14,000x Stronger for Fighting Pain and Inflammation! (VIDEO)


In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


2019, January – December month ending number of deaths, 2,855,000:


2020 number of deaths (all causes) through 11/28/2020, 2,654,825:



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eb73fc No.156672

File: c931e6b7165f1ca⋯.mp4 (313.02 KB,640x314,320:157,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ea0386877023569⋯.png (204.69 KB,1028x712,257:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 10594e9b81030f7⋯.png (79.75 KB,1008x420,12:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929947 (070207ZDEC20) Notable: @DanScavino: Lioness in the Darkness

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0 Delta between Dan and Boss.

9:01 est



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eb73fc No.156673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929948 (070207ZDEC20) Notable: @DanScavino: Lioness in the Darkness

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Look for a very strong woman to emerge from the darkness……

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eb73fc No.156674

File: 43074e445b96dd3⋯.png (438.51 KB,598x605,598:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929973 (070211ZDEC20) Notable: Cops swarmed a busy shopping mall and a man brandished a gun after a brawl broke out over someone not wearing a face mask.

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Cops swarmed a busy shopping mall and a man brandished a gun after a brawl broke out over someone not wearing a face mask.


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eb73fc No.156675

File: 497322c21e13c4f⋯.png (299.9 KB,747x819,83:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929975 (070211ZDEC20) Notable: BUSTED — Biden’s Sneak Off to Thanksgiving Party in Pennsylvania After Pledging to Stay Home, Urging Americans to Stay Locked in Homes on Holidays to ‘Save Lives’

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ICYMI - EXCLUSIVE: BUSTED — Biden’s Sneak Off to Thanksgiving Party in Pennsylvania After Pledging to Stay Home, Urging Americans to Stay Locked in Homes on Holidays to ‘Save Lives’



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eb73fc No.156676

File: 179774597fd7113⋯.png (256.86 KB,879x840,293:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929981 (070212ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Paul: Trump Pardons Flynn…It’s a Good Start!

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Trump Pardons Flynn…It’s a Good Start!

Last week President Trump granted a “full pardon” to Gen. Michael Flynn, his first National Security Advisor. In a White House statement announcing the pardon, the Administration pointed out that the relentless pursuit of Flynn was a partisan effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The pursuit of Flynn was spearheaded by people who refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and worked to undermine the peaceful transfer of power, said the White House. These same people are the ones accusing Trump of undermining the election by challenging what appears to be serious voting irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.

That is called “projection.”

The White House statement also cites partisans in politics, the media, and the Deep State which sought to prevent Trump from being elected, to prevent him from taking office once elected, and to remove him on false pretenses once in office.

In order to push the false narrative that Trump was somehow elected due to the intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the coup-masters had to make it appear that a high-ranking official was involved in monkey business with the Russians. Flynn was the unlucky victim of their smear machine, accused of “Russia collusion” over an innocent telephone call with the then-Russian Ambassador in Washington during the transition to a Trump Administration.

Yet when Joe Biden’s transition people bragged recently that Biden was connecting with foreign officials before inaugurated, the media praised it as a welcome return of the “experts” to foreign policy.

While it is very good news that President Trump is in the mood to pardon those victims of the warmongering Deep State, I very much hope that he is only warming up. It would be a great tragedy if other Deep State victims are left to suffer for their non-crimes.

Tweeting about her legislation that calls for charges against Edward Snowden and Julian Assange to be dropped and the Espionage Act reformed, US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard told President Trump, “since you're giving pardons to people, please consider pardoning those who, at great personal sacrifice, exposed the deception and criminality of those in the deep state.”

My good friend Rep. Thomas Massie, a Ron Paul Institute Board Member, is a co-sponsor of Rep. Gabbard’s legislation, making it a real bipartisan effort to restore the rule of law in the United States and to rein in the Beltway warmongers.

Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are not criminals. They are heroes for telling us the truth about what criminals in government were doing in our name and with our money.

The fact is we were lied into war over and over again. While those wars were profitable for the military-industrial-Congressional-media complex, they snuffed out the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas and robbed our own children and grandchildren of trillions of dollars wasted on neocon lies. And meanwhile, as Ed Snowden showed us, the intelligence community declared us the enemy and set up an elaborate internal spy network that would make the East German Stasi green with envy.

President Trump: you have the incredible opportunity to right the terrible wrongs perpetrated by the Obama/Biden Administration. History will smile kindly upon you if you also grant full pardon to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden – and any other truth-teller who faces persecution for exposing the Deep State warmongers.


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eb73fc No.156677

File: 68cc5ea6e7022a1⋯.png (11.75 KB,476x257,476:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bdae403632c034⋯.png (203.43 KB,981x1227,327:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11929983 (070212ZDEC20) Notable: 12/7 - 10 Days Military Tribunals?

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12/7 - 10 Days Military Tribunals?

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eb73fc No.156678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930011 (070214ZDEC20) Notable: Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20

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🔴 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20

16,502 watching now•Started streaming 68 minutes ago


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eb73fc No.156679

File: dda08da1ed76094⋯.png (622.27 KB,606x583,606:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930026 (070215ZDEC20) Notable: France mandating border checks to prevent skiing abroad during COVID-19

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France mandating border checks to prevent skiing abroad during COVID-19


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eb73fc No.156680

File: f75e4d6e35afdd5⋯.jpeg (951.6 KB,1748x1409,1748:1409,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 12a9052ea044c14⋯.jpeg (560.22 KB,1917x1176,639:392,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0aec57e8eba7dba⋯.jpeg (632.22 KB,1536x1813,1536:1813,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d74e5caecae8af⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,1536x1925,1536:1925,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a6185b99317ecf⋯.jpeg (600.35 KB,1522x1815,1522:1815,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930033 (070216ZDEC20) Notable: Dig: Broadcasters Foundation of America

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Head of the international Telecommunications Union who works for the UN is Chinese. The ITU was just coincidentally running cyber warfare exercises from October 27-November 5th. Do we believe in coincidences???


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eb73fc No.156681

File: f6c19b47177819c⋯.png (236.09 KB,963x669,321:223,Clipboard.png)

File: c971598c8c5ad0b⋯.png (93.62 KB,580x658,290:329,Clipboard.png)

File: b51053dc1954fd7⋯.png (32.78 KB,671x194,671:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 295c724594fd4af⋯.png (33.87 KB,648x217,648:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930038 (070216ZDEC20) Notable: Prior to arriving at the Department of Justice, Deputy AG Rosen served as the Deputy Secretary of Transportation

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Prior to arriving at the Department of Justice, Mr. Rosen served as the Deputy Secretary of Transportation (2017-2019),

Chao married U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell in 1993.

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eb73fc No.156682

File: 0b8179d0381ba4c⋯.jpeg (183.97 KB,1054x806,17:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930043 (070217ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGIA JUST LOST THEIR RECORDS FOR MAIL IN VOTING

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eb73fc No.156683

File: 6be5382ee364b45⋯.png (22.46 KB,598x330,299:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930069 (070219ZDEC20) Notable: NEW @DJT

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Donald J. Trump


True. Great debate for Kelly!

Dr.Darrell Scott


· 1h

My friend Senator Kelly Loeffler is KILLING radical liberal Raphael Warnock!!!

8:01 PM · Dec 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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eb73fc No.156684

File: 60fe34c5c40598b⋯.png (675.04 KB,664x352,83:44,Clipboard.png)

File: b4c6bb136029df8⋯.png (65.2 KB,497x323,497:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930072 (070219ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINOES: Wisconsin Is Next State To Announce Public Hearings Into Election, Following PA, AZ, MI, and GA

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DOMINOES: Wisconsin Is Next State To Announce Public Hearings Into Election, Following PA, AZ, MI, and GA

Now that Wisconsin has certified the 2020 General Election for Joe Biden, Wisconsin decides they should investigate vote fraud and ballot tampering allegations

The act of certifying an election is the act of attesting to the validity and truthfulness of the information reported as the results of the election. Wisconsin’s decision to investigate vote fraud and ballot tampering allegations after having certified the election results is leaving may scratching their heads.

Wisconsin lawmakers announced this week they will hold a public hearing on the plethora of complaints alleging election irregularities including vote fraud, ballot tampering, illegal processing, and inappropriate regimens.

The Wisconsin State Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns & Elections hearing is slated to take place on December 11, 2020. State Rep. Ron Tusler (R), who chairs the committee, said the hearings will take place at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

Tusler said the committee will investigate the “numerous irregularities” with the 2020 general election. “The goal of the ongoing investigation is transparency,” he said. “Wisconsin voters deserve fair and accurately counted elections. I want you to know that their vote counted.”

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R), said the hearing demonstrate that Wisconsin lawmakers are, in fact, proceeding with an investigation into the many charges of vote fraud and ballot tampering given numerous reports that were brought forth.

“We must ensure that every legal vote was counted and begin working to eliminate questionable practices that undermine the integrity of the vote,” he said in a statement.

Vos tweeted that state lawmakers had to wait for the Wisconsin Supreme Court to rule on a lawsuit filed by President Trump’s legal team that challenged the election results. It was unclear why the state sought to certify the election results while multiple pieces of litigation are still pending.

The Trump campaign legal team filed a separate lawsuit last week, charging “unlawful and unconstitutional” actions occurred during several phases of the election and election tabulation process. It asked that the Wisconsin Supreme Court forward the matter to the state legislature.

State election officials – separate from the Wisconsin State Legislature – certified last week that they were officially recognizing Biden as the winner.


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eb73fc No.156685

File: 80bba4ad4427e43⋯.png (370.58 KB,641x446,641:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930081 (070220ZDEC20) Notable: LI day care owner arrested after serious injury to infant

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LI day care owner arrested after serious injury to infant

A Long Island day care owner was arrested Saturday after a 10-month-old boy was seriously injured at her business, police said.

Natalie Rose, 34, proprietor of Kiddie Academy in Bethpage, is accused of falsifying a state incident report after the Sept. 24 incident in which the infant did not receive the proper care, according to police.

The boy’s injury sparked a probe by the state Office of Children and Family Services, which uncovered Rose’s alleged wrongdoing, authorities said.

Police charged Rose with endangering the welfare of a child, falsifying business records and offering a false instrument for filing.

The day care owner must appear in court on Dec. 17.


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eb73fc No.156686

File: a3e58d0b520f590⋯.png (644.12 KB,662x344,331:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930089 (070221ZDEC20) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe

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COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe

Government and Big Pharma are facilitating one more step to making it all but required to be vaccinated for the COVID virus

Even as the debate over the potency of the COVID virus continues to be had, Big Pharma – in collusion with the federal government – is preparing to make it easier for the private sector to force you to be vaccinated for the COVID virus.

Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, told reporters that will every COVID vaccination the recipient will receive a COVID vaccination card.

The rationale is that because the vaccine is a two-step vaccination – that will likely make many recipients feel ill for a few days with each dose, having the dosage and inoculation date in a “COVID ID Card” will be convenient.

The Immunization Action Coalition is a 501c3 non-profit organization and not directly funded or affiliated with any government department or agency.

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Moore told reporters.

The Department of Defense, which will coordinate logistics for the dissemination of the vaccine, released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits on Wednesday.

“Vaccination cards will be used as the ‘simplest’ way to keep track of Covid-19 shots.”

This card will likely be the first form of “proof” for interrogation into your vaccination status.

We all saw this coming. https://t.co/ie8lhXplYT

— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) December 3, 2020

“For most COVID-19 vaccine products, two doses of vaccine, separated by 21 or 28 days, will be needed,” the CDC said in an issued statement. “Because different COVID-19 vaccine products will not be interchangeable, a vaccine recipient’s second dose must be from the same manufacturer as their first dose.”

Eerily, the COVID ID Cards are wallet sized.

The common fears associated with the implementation of COVID vaccinations include mandatory vaccination and the private sector’s ability to exclude individuals who have not been vaccinated.

Ticketmaster has already begun requiring proof of vaccination to attend their concerts and several airlines are on the cusp of requiring proof of vaccination to fly in their aircraft.

Many individuals either cannot or do not need the vaccinations.

Individuals who have pre-existing conditions that contraindicate the use of the vaccine could, in some cases, be putting their health in danger by exposing themselves to the vaccine.

Still others who have had COVID or who have naturally occurring antibodies established by other forms of coronavirus simply so not need the vaccine for their immunity.


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eb73fc No.156687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930104 (070222ZDEC20) Notable: Tested 'Positive' For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question: what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean?

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Tested 'Positive' For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question

The lockdowns are based on surging “cases” which are based on positive PCR test results. However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? As Dr. Tommy Megremis summarized recently:

If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by “cycling.” (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it’s just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to “grow” legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity. What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period. When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active “symptomatic” infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you “cycle” over around 25 times, the false positivity of COVID infection starts getting very high. I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to “diagnose” if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim that that individual was an infected patient? No!

So given all that, PeakProsperity's Chris Martenson explains below, in great details, the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result. “What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?” Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load. Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever. The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high.


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eb73fc No.156688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930113 (070223ZDEC20) Notable: Zappos co-founder Tony Hsieh addicted to K and laughing gas, killing himself in an explosion/fire that he caused himself

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Zappos co-founder Tony Hsieh addicted to K and laughing gas, killing himself in an explosion/fire that he caused himself

moar details on Zappos ex-CEO death

anonymous source on HN:

exzappos 8 days ago | [flagged] | parent | flag | favorite | on: Tony Hsieh has died

He had developed a severe drug addiction to ketamine and nitrous oxide. He completely lost touch with reality. Ended up killing himself in an explosion/fire that he caused himself. The reason he "retired" from Zappos was due to the aforementioned drug addiction and was not voluntary.



confirmed by WSJ:


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eb73fc No.156689

File: 0c71ed2c7cdd43b⋯.png (54.04 KB,885x436,885:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930118 (070224ZDEC20) Notable: @Rudy: I’m getting great care and feeling good.

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Rudy Giuliani

Thank you to all my friends and followers for all the prayers and kind wishes.

I’m getting great care and feeling good.

Recovering quickly and keeping up with everything.


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eb73fc No.156690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930128 (070224ZDEC20) Notable: Medical license of Oregon doctor revoked for questioning COVID-19, face mask efficacy

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Medical license of Oregon doctor revoked for questioning COVID-19, face mask efficacy

'Take off the mask of shame'

An Oregon medical doctor who allegedly dismissed the coronavirus as the "common cold" and blasphemed face masks by questioning their efficacy has now had his medical license revoked.

On Dec. 3, the Oregon Medical Board issued an emergency suspension to revoke Dr. Steven LaTulippe's medical license.

According to NBC News, the Oregon Medical Board took action after LaTulippe appeared at a "Stop the Steal" rally on Nov. 7 in Salem, Oregon, during which he dismissed the seriousness of COVID-19.

"I want you to know that I never shut down during the entire COVID season, from the time it was declared till now," LaTulippe said at the rally. "I hate to tell you this — it might scare you — but I and my staff, none of us once wore a mask in my clinic. And how many problems did we have in our clinic from that? Zero. Absolutely none."

"We have been utterly duped. And I want you to know that this is insanity and the purpose was only to shut down the American people," he continued. "Take off the mask of shame. It is a mask that is just to design to control and to shut you down."

Meanwhile, LaTulippe also stands accused of telling patients that face masks do not prevent COVID-19 transmission.

The Oregon Medical Board order against LaTulippe reads:

[LaTulippe] regularly tells his patients that masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and should not be worn. [LaTulippe] further asserts that, because virus particles are so small, they will pass through the recommended N95 masks and most other face coverings people are choosing to wear. [LaTulippe] directs patients to a YouTube video providing false information about mask wearing.

[LaTulippe] regularly advises, particularly for his elderly and pediatric patients, that it is "very dangerous" to wear masks because masks exacerbate COPD and asthma and cause or contribute to multiple serious health conditions, including but not limited to heart attacks, strokes, collapsed lungs, MRSA, pneumonia, and hypertension. [LaTulippe] asserts masks are likely to harm patients by increasing the body's carbon dioxide content through rebreathing of gas trapped behind a mask.

However, according to NBC News, LaTulippe has required patients with COVID-19 or those exhibiting symptoms of the virus to wear face masks.

"I'm very interested in sound medical practice, and I'm interested in good science," he said. "And when science and medicine become perverted with corrupt politics, then I'm up for a fight, and that's what made me go to that rally and say what I said."

The suspension of LaTulippe's license will remain "in effect until otherwise ordered," according to the Oregon Medical Board.


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eb73fc No.156691

File: 299555cb63142d0⋯.png (468.06 KB,490x802,245:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930133 (070225ZDEC20) Notable: The Black Robe Regiment

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The Black Robe Regiment

The Black Robe Regiment is a resource and networking entity where church leaders and laypeople can network and educate themselves as to our biblical responsibility to stand up for our Lord and Savior and to protect the freedoms and liberties granted to a moral people in the divinely inspired US Constitution. The Regiment had its historical beginnings during the Revolutionary War when Pastors from across the colonies arose and lead their congregations into the battle for freedom. Unlike today, the church during this time served as the center-point for political debate and discussion on the relevant news of the day. Today's church leaders have all but lost that concept of leading their congregations in a Godly manner in all aspects of their worldly existence and are afraid to speak out against the progressive agenda that has dominated our political system for the past century. Through this time the church and God himself has been under assault, marginalized, and diminished by the progressives and secularists. The false wall of separation of church and state has been constructed in such a manner that most are unaware of its limited boundaries. The church and the body of Christ has been attacked on all fronts and challenged by the progressive courts and groups such as the ACLU while we have sat idle in consent.

The time has come that we must now arise and awaken to the danger of this hyper-progressive agenda that so permeates every aspect of our political, legal, and educational systems. It is time now to educate ourselves and push back against the erosion of our freedoms and liberties and restore the constitutional authority back to all aspects of our governance. It will take the leaders of our churches to shepherd their flocks as did their predecessors during our first fight for liberty.

It is in this spirit that we have created this site. It is to serve as a resource and reference for church leaders and laypeople alike. It is to be a portal for Christians to communicate and network in order to restore the body of Christ to its rightful position of tolerant leadership in all aspects of our government.


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eb73fc No.156692

File: ab61beabe693221⋯.png (469.02 KB,733x493,733:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 20f30ff0cbb0f9c⋯.png (518.78 KB,563x625,563:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c33084835f7856⋯.png (82.26 KB,784x557,784:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930146 (070226ZDEC20) Notable: We Do Not Consent.' The Crisis Caused by Politicians' Pandemic Hypocrisy

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'We Do Not Consent.' The Crisis Caused by Politicians' Pandemic Hypocrisy

Angela Marsden is the proud owner of the Pineapple Hill Grill in Los Angeles. Now, with Los Angeles and the rest of California about to go into another lockdown, she’s had enough — enough of lockdowns, enough of the hypocrisy, and enough of the double standards.

New York Post:

“Tell me that this is dangerous,” restaurant owner Angela Marsden says into the camera as she gestures toward her Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill’s empty outdoor dining tables in the moving clip she published Thursday.

“But right next to me, as a slap in my face, that’s safe?” she goes on, gesturing across the street toward a film crew’s outdoor setup of tents and tables.

Her tables have been ordered to shut down under California’s ban on outdoor dining.

The video has gotten 8 million views since it went live on Thursday.

“Everything that I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio,” she complains. Marsden speaks for many small business owners being squeezed by unnecessary lockdowns and restrictions—people resisting public officials trying to control our lives. And especially, the hypocrisy of politicians and so-called political leaders threatening to arrest and prosecute people who violate their rules while blatantly breaking them.

PJ Media has been covering this rash of rule-breaking politicians. Victoria Taft wrote about Angela Marsden and her travails with the double standard. Bryan Preston detailed the infuriating story of Austin’s mayor making a video while on vacation in Mexico asking people to stay home (?) at Thanksgiving. And Stephen Kruiser wants to lock up Governor Newsom for his hypocritical attendance at a dinner party at The French Laundry.

When discovered, the politicians are always apologetic and offer humble pardons while begging forgiveness. Then they go out and slap more restrictions on the little people.

No matter what you think of masks or social distancing, if you’re going to impose restrictions on people’s movements and behaviors, you damn well better make sure that you follow them too. Otherwise, you get what we’re going to have from now until the pandemic has petered out: resistance, revolt, and civil disobedience.

Washington Examiner:

These hypocritical actions do not just diminish officials’ own credibility; they undercut confidence in the entire effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Already, public compliance with health officials’ guidance is waning. Nearly 40% of the people who said they avoided gathering in public spaces or with large groups of people are now doing both of those things more regularly, according to the Wall Street Journal. This pandemic fatigue was to be expected due to the prolonged nature of day-to-day restrictions, but it has been exacerbated by the government officials who choose to live by a different set of rules.


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eb73fc No.156693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930155 (070227ZDEC20) Notable: NEW @DJT

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Senator Kelly Loeffler V radical liberal Raphael Warnock!!

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eb73fc No.156694

File: 93f19913d730920⋯.png (240.92 KB,762x910,381:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930165 (070227ZDEC20) Notable: Mastercard Reconsiders Pornhub Ties Amid Child Abuse, Nonconsensual Violence Video Allegations

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Mastercard Reconsiders Pornhub Ties Amid Child Abuse, Nonconsensual Violence Video Allegations

Adult video website Pornhub.com is facing allegations of having videos depict child abuse and nonconsensual violence. Mastercard Inc., which is tied to Pornhub's privately held parent company MindGeek, said Sunday that it would investigate the allegations.

Pornhub denies it has child abuse videos on its site. “Any assertion that we allow CSAM (child sexual abuse material) is irresponsible and flagrantly untrue,” it said in a statement emailed to Reuters.

The allegations come from New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, whose 3,700-word column on Friday noted that videos on Pornhub contained unconscious women and girls who were being assaulted.

"The issue is not pornography but rape. Let's agree that promoting assaults on children or on anyone without consent is unconscionable," the column reads.

Kristof wrote that Pornhub doesn’t filter its content, which includes material that might contain violence or any form of assault. He also called out banks and credit card companies that work with Pornhub.

"…I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women. If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa," Kristof noted in the column.


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eb73fc No.156695

File: 06308dc227ef8d5⋯.png (727.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fabd846b2d002b⋯.png (1.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930166 (070227ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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C17s and C130s in numbers.

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eb73fc No.156696

File: f04d207e3991b1d⋯.png (16.14 KB,694x466,347:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 32a586b88a30785⋯.png (44.07 KB,722x788,361:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930174 (070228ZDEC20) Notable: CoVid: A Manifesto for Communism, Fascism and Marxism

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CoVid: A Manifesto for Communism, Fascism and Marxism

The Cancel Culture has just elevated itself to extreme radicalism. LA Mayor, Garcetti, has declared that all people should ‘cancel everything’. Existence is cancelled. Life is cancelled. According to Dr. Christina Ghally who has issued the dire warning of doom regarding available hospital beds, claims 12% of cases require hospitalization and beds will be full within days.

LA County claims roughly 403,000 total cases. That would equate to total hospitalizations of 48,000. LA County has 23,000 ‘licensed’ beds including ICU beds. According to their government health report, nonCoVid patients account for 10,000 beds and 1500 ICU beds. Other beds utilized where a patient is coronavirus related (ie, with 2.6 other underlying diseases) is 1257 and 456 respectively. 73% of the patients are Hispanic, and 2% are white.

Leaving 623 and 111 available. So what happened to the Math? 23,000 beds filled 11,500 nonCovid and 1713 with CoVid leaves nearly 9800 empty beds – 42.6% vacancy rate.

Staffed beds. Hospitals across the country have a massive staffing shortage. In addition, like El Paso, LA is taking in patients from Mexico, hence the hugely overstated rate of CoVid presenting patients representing 73% of all CoVid..

This isn’t the first time LA has misreported the hospital crisis. In June the same overwhelmed surge occurred as US citizens and immigrants flooded across the border – most calling 911 at the border entry point. LA County is 45% Hispanic – yet 73% of ‘Covid Related’ patients are Hispanic. The obvious disparity is not racist, or racial, it is Mexican patients taxing US hospitals. It isn’t gatherings. It isn’t shopping. It isn’t spas, or hair salons. It is immigrants.

The propaganda in reporting hysteria is core to the enforcement of Cancel Everything –

Michigan’s governor Whitmer is essentially utilizing martial law to lockdown her state. The orders come from the Health and Humans Services Department whose Director is Robert Gordon, an attorney. His bio affectionately claims that he was Obama’s ‘quarterback’, worked with Bill Clinton to establish AmeriCorps, and clerked for Ruth Ginsberg. One of his special affinities is working with children.

And today Governor Newsom is calling for a lockdown of ONLY small businesses and public schools. That way his children will still be educated and small businesses don’t have the legal power to go to battle.

Who are these people?

The rise of Fascism in Italy brought to power Mussolini who claimed the principles and writings of Georges Sorel were paramount in his forming his own philosophy. Particularly in the concept of ‘political myth’.

The function of political myth can be understood as following two components: (1) myth provides the theoretical argument, which is incorporated into an (2) ideology that supports the myth by providing a practical argument. In this, truth is unimportant.

Mussolini was quoted as stating: “Men do not move mountains; it is only necessary to create the illusion that mountains move.”

The illusions are designed to create an emotional response. In order to effectively rule, one must create panic or fear.


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eb73fc No.156697

File: be5b29913197598⋯.png (93.95 KB,536x809,536:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930182 (070229ZDEC20) Notable: The Black Robe Regiment

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The Black Robed Regiment: Preachers who fought

Dec 20, 2010

By Dan Fisher


On Sunday morning, Jan 21, 1776, pastor John Muhlenberg climbed into his pulpit in Woodstock, VA to preach. In his black clerical robe, the traditional dress of 18th century preachers, Muhlenberg preached from the third chapter of Ecclesiastes. He read how there is a time for all things. There’s a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest. Then his voice began to rise as he said: “There’s a time of war, and a time of peace. There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray. But there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come!”

Then he did something his congregation did not expect. He removed his clerical robe revealing a colonial officer’s uniform beneath. Muhlenberg then stepped down from his pulpit and challenged the men of his congregation to join him in the fight for liberty.

Just a few days before, he had been commissioned by General George Washington to raise a regiment from the Woodstock area. As Muhlenberg walked down the aisle and out the door of his church, a drum began to roll outside. One by one, the men of Muhlenberg’s congregation filed out of the auditorium and volunteered to follow their courageous pastor.

Bidding farewell to their families, some three hundred men rode away from Woodstock, VA with Col. John Muhlenberg in the lead to form the 8th Virginia regiment. Muhlenberg led those men throughout the War of Independence, fighting at the battles of Morristown, Brandywine, and Monmouth Courthouse. By the war’s end, Muhlenberg had been promoted to Major General and had become one of Washington’s most valued commanders. Muhlenberg was front and center at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.

James Caldwell was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Because of his strong stand for liberty and his sermons encouraging the colonists to fight, he had made himself numerous enemies. So he would step into his pulpit each Sunday wearing two pistols, place them on the pulpit, and then proceed to preach powerful sermons about the need for Christians to stand for truth. When the war began, Caldwell became a chaplain in the colonial army. He was so hated by the British they called him the “Rebel Priest.”

When the war finally came to Elizabethtown, during the fighting, the British killed Caldwell’s wife. By the time he had completed her funeral, the fighting had moved to Springfield, New Jersey so Caldwell rode there to join his men. During the fighting, the colonists were running out of wadding for their muskets. Caldwell jumped on his horse and rode to the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield and gathered up two armloads of hymnals written by Isaac Watts, a popular hymn writer of the era. He hurried back to his troops, threw the hymnals at their feet, and commanded them to tear out the pages and use them for wadding. As he did so, he yelled, “Give’m Watts boys, give’m Watts!” This is origin of the famous phrase, “Give’m watt for!”


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eb73fc No.156698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930183 (070229ZDEC20) Notable: The Black Robe Regiment

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On the night of April 18, 1775, as Paul Revere was making his famous ride through the Lexington, Massachusetts countryside yelling, “The British are coming! The British are coming!” he was headed for a particular house; the house of pastor Jonas Clark. Jonas Clark was a pastor in Lexington and on Sunday afternoons after church, he and Deacon John Parker, a captain from the French Indian War, had been organizing the Lexington men into a citizen army to fight the British if they invaded. On the night of April 18, Clark had two special guests staying in his home, Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The British had heard of Adams’ and Hancock’s whereabouts and they were marching toward Lexington to capture them.

As Revere rode up to the front yard of Clark’s home, Clark, Adams, and Hancock ran out to meet him. When they heard that the British were marching toward Lexington, Adams and Hancock asked pastor Clark if the men of Lexington would fight. Clark responded, “I trained them for this very hour; they would fight, and, if need be, die, too, under the shadow of the house of God.”

The next morning, April 19, 1775, Pastor Jonas Clark and Deacon John Parker led the Lexington “Minutemen” out to face the invaders. As the British approached the Minutemen, they cried out “in the name of the King of England throw down your arms.” This response rang out from the colonists, “We recognize no Sovereign but God and no King but Jesus!” Then Captain Parker said to his Minutemen, “Stand your ground, don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” Then the first shot rang out, the shot heard around the world.

These are just three examples of the courage and commitment exhibited by many of the colonial pastors in the days before and during our nation’s War of Independence. These men saw no contradiction between standing for the truths in God’s Word and the principles of liberty. In fact, they viewed the two as inseparable. These “black robed patriot preachers” fanned the flames of liberty as they not only encouraged their congregations to fight but were also willing to actually lead their men onto the battlefield. These preachers fought.

The British viewed these pastors such a force, they called them the “Black Robed Regiment.” King George III blamed the war on the preachers by calling it a “Presbyterian rebellion.” Horace Walpole, the English Prime Minister, said, “There is no use crying about it. Cousin America has eloped with a Presbyterian parson.” Although Presbyterian preachers were certainly involved, preachers from practically every denomination joined in the fight.

Today, many believe that had these pastors not been involved, America may never have been born. Now contrast this with the behavior of most American preachers today. In the face of gross abuses of our liberties by an over-reaching federal government that is moving our nation, with ever increasing speed, down the road to Socialism, most pastors are shamefully, strangely silent. Instead of leading their people to boldly and publically stand for liberty and truth, they seem content to huddle in their churches, behind their pulpits, while the country falls apart.

We desperately need a modern generation of preachers like Muhlenberg, Caldwell, and Clark – preachers who’ll fight. We need a new “black robed regiment” to boldly lead our citizens to defend our biblically based Constitution. Thankfully, the fight right now is not one of bullets and bombs but is one of words and wills. But make no mistake about it; a war is raging for the heart and soul of America.

Jesus said that we must “render to God the things that are God’s and render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” In America, Caesar is “we the people.” America’s government is not in D.C. or in state capitols; it is in our homes and our churches. We are the government. We cannot obey Jesus by staying uninvolved. We must enter the fight for liberty and truth or our freedom to speak and worship as we see fit may soon be lost forever.

Like John Muhlenberg in 1776, I believe “There is a time to preach and a time to pray. But there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come!” God give us patriot preachers to lead the way.


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eb73fc No.156699

File: 85793196201b7ee⋯.png (448.97 KB,605x603,605:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930190 (070230ZDEC20) Notable: The WWII Spy Roots of the Phrase ‘Secret Squirrel'

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The WWII Spy Roots of the Phrase ‘Secret Squirrel' | @theo_dyssean



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eb73fc No.156700

File: 56f9fc69a6eb9c6⋯.png (246.01 KB,606x667,606:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930211 (070233ZDEC20) Notable: China’s new insult to Australia

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China’s new insult to Australia

China has not laid off taking pot shots at Australia. State-owned media has published a new cartoon about our relationship with the US.

Beijing has accused Australia of being a front for the US as tensions continue to flare following an inflammatory tweet.

In a new cartoon published by Chinese state-owned media, a kangaroo’s shadow on a wall is portrayed as being the US eagle.

The Global Times put out the image on Sunday along with an article about Australia’s ties to the US.

#Opinion: The world is increasingly aware that forming aggressive alliances is outdated. Countries who insist on following the US' baton to confront China have to know that it is they who place themselves in an awkward position. https://t.co/8a3Wd4rFDx

— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) December 6, 2020

“It is clear to all that Australia has been the pawn in the US regional strategy in the recent years, especially during the Trump administration,” it states.

“In the US campaign to attack Huawei, Australia fired the first shot and then took credit for the US.

“When it comes to confronting China, Australia cannot claim to be the US’s number two ally.”

Australia last week condemned China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian for posting a doctored image showing an Australian soldier slitting the throat of an Afghan boy.


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eb73fc No.156701

File: b69afc1c281a377⋯.png (437.28 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 158c6d60a9053f7⋯.png (339.3 KB,469x430,469:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930216 (070234ZDEC20) Notable: US Supreme Court to hear case about key medieval art collection acquired by Nazi Germany from Jewish dealers

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US Supreme Court to hear case about key medieval art collection acquired by Nazi Germany from Jewish dealers


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eb73fc No.156702

File: 8d3811dd3a7e550⋯.png (414.05 KB,609x622,609:622,Clipboard.png)

File: bdd5c4f469667a7⋯.png (165.08 KB,808x629,808:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930226 (070236ZDEC20) Notable: REPORT: The @FBI Is Investigating Voter Data Theft In This Key 2020 Election Battleground Of #Maricopa County.

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REPORT: The @FBI Is Investigating Voter Data Theft In This Key 2020 Election Battleground Of #Maricopa County.

On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race. The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data. They left with eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks. The resident of the property, a 56-year-old IT expert named Elliot Kerwin, was served the warrant. He is not yet facing charges and was unreachable for comment at the time of publication. There is no indication that anything other than voters’ information, which can be acquired for a few hundred dollars in Arizona counties, was taken from the affected office.

The warrant, discovered by Forbes this week, reveals investigators have been looking into a computer intrusion at an unnamed “victim office,” which occurred from October 21 to November 4. At the Kerwin residence, they were looking for any evidence within the seized computers that showed they’d been used to access the IT network at the office, as well as “protected voters’ information” and any indication that it had been disseminated to other people.

Of the 15 county recorder’s offices contacted by Forbes about the investigation, only one, Maricopa County, confirmed voter data had been stolen, noting that a federal investigation was under way. The Maricopa County Recorder’s office, which is just 30 minutes’ drive south from Kerwin’s home, did not confirm whether or not the investigation was the same as that referred to in the search warrant.

“Analysis by the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office IT Security indicates an unauthorized individual gathered publicly accessible voter information from our website,” a spokesperson said. They didn’t specify what voter information and declined to comment any further on the nature of the attack. The data trove could be significant; there were more than 2.5 million registered voters in the county for the 2020 election.

“Additional security controls were put in place to mitigate against this activity occurring in the future. The Maricopa County Recorder’s Office has reported this to proper authorities and law enforcement personnel, and there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI at this time. The FBI informed our office today they served a warrant,” the spokesperson added.

The Justice Department in Arizona told Forbes it couldn’t comment. An FBI spokesperson said they could neither confirm nor deny any investigation. The full scope of the investigation and the breach of Maricopa County’s website remains under seal.

The investigation is the only known probe by the FBI into a cyberattack on an electoral body responsible for handling the 2020 election. But there is no evidence to suggest that any theft of voter registration data could’ve had an impact on the election in Arizona. It’s possible to simply buy voter data from Maricopa County, costing as little as $328 for 1 million or more records. The systems used to count votes in Maricopa County were not affected. And despite fears of foreign interference and voter fraud, the DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has stated the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.”

Arizona and Maricopa County are at the center of an attempt by the Republican Party to challenge the results of the presidential election. The county was deemed crucial to the presidential race, dubbed the “Arizona county that could decide the future of Trump.” Maricopa County and the state of Arizona ended up being taken by the Democrats, helping President-elect Joe Biden on his way to the White House. Despite Maricopa County certifying Biden’s 45,000-vote lead in November, it remains a contested region, as Arizona’s Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward filed a lawsuit looking for irregularities among 28,000 ballots that were duplicated as voters’ earlier ballots were damaged or couldn’t be tabulated, as reported by the AP this week. So far, the Trump Administration’s attempts to overturn election counts have not gone in the president’s favor. Most significantly, in November, a lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results was dismissed, while a recount that cost Trump’s legal team $5 million in Wisconsin only extended Biden’s lead.

Who is Elliot Kerwin?

Attempts to contact Kerwin, the Phoenix resident, over mobile, his Signal encrypted messenger account and his Gmail were unsuccessful.

MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/12/04/exclusive-the-fbi-is-investigating-voter-data-theft-in-this-key-2020-election-battleground/

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eb73fc No.156703

File: 254ec9ddea6b949⋯.png (1023.65 KB,1030x752,515:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930235 (070237ZDEC20) Notable: Queen 'to get Covid vaccine in weeks': Monarch, 94, will 'wait in line' for over-80s roll-out with Prince Philip, 99, before revealing she has had the jab to boost take-up

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Queen 'to get Covid vaccine in weeks': Monarch, 94, will 'wait in line' for over-80s roll-out with Prince Philip, 99, before revealing she has had the jab to boost take-up

Both Queen and Prince Philip will not get preferential treatment, sources said

It is understood they will instead 'wait in line' during the first wave of injections

Both expected to accept the offer of the injection on the advice of their doctors

Public health experts believe if couple go public it could combat misinformation

Feared that conspiracy theorists could lead to people refusing the vaccine

The Queen is expected to receive the Covid-19 vaccine within weeks – and then reveal she has been given it to encourage more people to take up the vital jab.

Senior sources say both the 94-year-old Monarch and Prince Philip, 99, will not get preferential treatment, but will instead 'wait in line' during the first wave of injections reserved for the over-80s and care home residents.

Both are expected to accept the offer of the injection on the advice of their doctors.

Public health experts believe that if the couple go public about the jab, it could go a long way to combating misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists which, it's feared, could lead to a substantial proportion of the population refusing the vaccine.


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eb73fc No.156704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930236 (070237ZDEC20) Notable: Authorities reportedly investigate BOMB THREAT on Aeroflot plane from Moscow at JFK airport in New York

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Authorities reportedly investigate BOMB THREAT on Aeroflot plane from Moscow at JFK airport in New York

Local media citing Port Authority Police reported that officers were investigating a potential bomb threat on a plane from the Russian capital to New York.

The Aeroflot plane safely landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport at around 3:45 p.m. local time (8:45 p.m. GMT), according to WPIX.

Fox News, citing Port Authority Police, reported that approximately 250 passengers on board have been evacuated from the aircraft due to an alleged bomb threat.

JFK airport confirmed that emergency personnel has been working on what it described as an 'ongoing incident,' but assured that the facility continues to operate without delays.

The flight in question appears to be Aeroflot SU102, a Boeing 777-300ER which departed from Moscow on Sunday, according to information from Flightradar24.

Police reportedly added that an investigation is ongoing.


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eb73fc No.156705

File: c959fc7636bbb93⋯.png (27.33 KB,725x209,725:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 822d88cd8fe896a⋯.png (1010.97 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930255 (070240ZDEC20) Notable: Zappos co-founder Tony Hsieh addicted to K and laughing gas, killing himself in an explosion/fire that he caused himself

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read the article where Jewel was supposed to play in his Ski village. She stayed for 1 day and wrote him "you cannot hack your body. you need sleep."

Guy was an analytics guy who made billions and lost his marbles chasing waterfalls.


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eb73fc No.156706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930263 (070241ZDEC20) Notable: Shots fired during Trump Antifa battle in Olympia

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Shots fired during Trump Antifa battle in Olympia

Protesters and counter-protesters clashed at a pro-Trump rally that began near the capitol building in Olympia, WA on Dec 5, 2020. The fight, according to police, involved up to 200 people armed with bats, bottles, rocks, chemical sprays and guns. Olympia police arrested a man on Dec 6, 2020, who discharged a gun during the protest.

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eb73fc No.156707

File: 36d5e40bec66664⋯.jpeg (816.04 KB,1125x1436,1125:1436,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03b4d8b1591994e⋯.jpeg (578.07 KB,1125x1452,375:484,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930292 (070244ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Press reports Iran Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dead (unconfirmed)

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Jewish Press reports Iran Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dead (unconfirmed)

Unconfirmed reports from Iran say the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, returned his soul to his maker. According to the same reports, an official announcement will be made only after the transfer of powers to his son, Mojtaba Khamenei, are completed (Health Deteriorating, Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Transfers Power to Son).

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, 81, was the supreme leader of Iran since 1989. He previously served as the president of Iran from 1981 to 1989. Khamenei is the longest serving head of state in the Middle East, as well as the second-longest serving Iranian leader of the last century, after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Reports on Saturday suggested that doctors from the Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran were rushed to the supreme leader’s home, and that some of his powers were being transferred to his son.

Mojtaba Khamenei played a leading role in orchestrating Ahmadinejad’s electoral victory, and that he was a key figure in orchestrating the crackdown against anti-government protesters in June 2009. He is reputed to be in charge of the paramilitary, clandestine Basij. In 2009, Mehdi Karroubi, former chairman of the Iranian parliament and a reformist candidate in the 2009 presidential vote, explicitly accused Mojtaba Khamenei of participating in a conspiracy to rig the election.


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eb73fc No.156708

File: cf176964da4eb7d⋯.png (720.05 KB,779x676,779:676,Clipboard.png)

File: 53a576dbeaaeca3⋯.png (167.71 KB,769x759,769:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930313 (070246ZDEC20) Notable: Investigators Seize Devices From Fountain Hills Residence In Voter Data Theft Case

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Investigators Seize Devices From Fountain Hills Residence In Voter Data Theft Case


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eb73fc No.156709

File: 3f5a4315a1f45ca⋯.png (48.15 KB,755x371,755:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930344 (070250ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Press reports Iran Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dead (unconfirmed)

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Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei hands power to son due to health – report

If true, it is unclear if the role is permanent, as it goes against the Iranian constitution's laws regarding succession.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may have transferred power to his son amid concerns over his declining health, Iranian journalist Momahad Ahwaze reported Saturday.

Taking to Twitter, Ahwaze wrote in Arabic that sources in Iran were concerned regarding the 81-year-old leader's health, and those close to him are reportedly "very concerned" over his deteriorating condition.

As such, his powers have reportedly been transferred to his 51-year-old son, Sayyid Mojtaba Hosseini Khamenei, who currently oversees several important security and intelligence departments in the country. European sources have pegged Mojtaba as a potential successor to the supreme leader's position for over 10 years, and British news outlet The Guardian even dubbed him "the gatekeeper to Iran's supreme leader" in a 2009 article.

2- .

( ) pic.twitter.com/JVDLC4Y3mB

— M.Majed (@MohamadAhwaze) December 5, 2020

Ahwaze noted that it is unclear what has caused such deterioration in the supreme leader's condition overnight, though he did suspect it could be prostate cancer.

Khamenei's deteriorating health has also reportedly seen the supreme leader cancel some important meetings, such as a recently scheduled meeting with President Hassan Rouhani, according to Ahwaze.

Khamenei has been in power since 1989, having taken over following the death of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ruollah Khomenei. However, he has had health issues in the past, and in 2014 had surgery on his prostate. According to French news outlet Le Figaro in 2015, Western sources believed the supreme leader had suffered from prostate cancer.

No official confirmation has been made regarding any potential transfer of power, and media outlets have been unable to confirm it.

The Iranian journalist gained notoriety due to his coverage of the Islamic Republic's COVID-19 outbreak, despite Tehran's attempts at downplaying its severity, Newsweek reported.

If his reports are true, it would mean that Khamenei is stepping down following increased tensions with the US and Israel, as Tehran blames the Jewish state for the assassination of its chief nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, on November 27.

In addition, it is unclear if the succession will be permanent, as it goes against the constitution's rules regarding appointing a new supreme leader.


Nothing from PressTV tho

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eb73fc No.156710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930351 (070251ZDEC20) Notable: Belgian companies circumvent arms embargo to Turkey

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Belgian companies circumvent arms embargo to Turkey

A loophole in export legislation is allowing Flemish companies to export parts for aircraft involved in conflict in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, De Morgen reports.

In October last year, Turkey took sides in the conflict in Syria, backing Islamist jihad forces against the Kurdish minority. Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon reacted by freezing all Flemish government licences for export of military equipment to Turkey. At the time, that concerned four shipments of dual-use equipment – products which normally have civil applications, but which can be used for military ends.

But Flemish companies continue to deliver parts for the A400M, a military aircraft used by Turkey. The A400M is a project involving six NATO member states, among them Belgium and Turkey, and parts are not covered by Jambon’s embargo.

The trade has been important for Flemish companies, who have exported parts for the project worth €86 million since it began in 2013.

Turkey is not the only country using the aircraft, but it is the most concerning. Ankara has used the aircraft, according to the peace institute Vredesactie, to transfer jihadist rebels from Syria to new battlegrounds, including Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. The A400M has also been used to transport arms from Turkey to Libya, in breach of another arms embargo.

In a reply to a parliamentary question from Annick Lambrecht (sp.a), Jambon admitted that exports of parts for the A400M fell outside the scope of his embargo. The parts are not delivered to Turkey but to the manufacturing plant in Spain. And they are not intended for aircraft destined specifically for Turkey.

“I can confirm that there are no exports of A400M-related spare parts to Turkey,” said Jambon, leading Vredesactie to call for a review of Flanders’ policy on arms exports.

“Generic permits are normally only intended for EU member states, but there is an exception for NATO allies, such as Turkey,” Bram Vranken of Vredesactie told De Morgen.

“The Turkish military actions in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh show that this is not a country that can be exported to without any control. It is time to close this loophole in the legislation.”


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eb73fc No.156711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930359 (070252ZDEC20) Notable: Fake Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent Near Tel Aviv And Other Iranian Media Victories

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Fake Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent Near Tel Aviv And Other Iranian Media Victories

On December 4th, a video and photographs were shared on Twitter, allegedly showing and attack in Tel’Aviv in which the Israeli Mossad commander Fahmi Hinawi was killed by unknown individuals.

MASSIVE BREAKING – Reports of the assassination of the Israeli Mossad commander Fahmi Hinawi, southeast of Tel Aviv, Israel by unknown persons pic.twitter.com/yktbXiN0I2

— Ninnyd 🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸 Waiting~4~the Revolution (@ninnyd101) December 4, 2020

Ultimately, Fahmi Hinawi is alive, the story and rumor about the death of the “Mossad agent” as a result of an assassination attempt, as it turned out, was originally spread by a journalist of the Iranian news agency Tasnim, after that the “sensation” was picked up by the Lebanese media.

In fact, the killed was an ordinary worker (not from Mossad) who became the victim of some sort of showdown.

Initially, the reports by Iranian media claimed the deceased is said to be a Mossad officer, shot in Tel Aviv after 15 bullets were fired at a car he was driving when he stopped at a red light.

The attackers reportedly quickly dispersed without a trace.

Several videos circulating in social media show a car stopped in the middle of the road and a heavy law enforcement presence. It is not possible, however, to clearly determine whether the video shows the exact moment of the alleged killing.

This is not confirmed, but reports are circulating of the assassination of the Israeli Mossad commander Fahmi Hinawi near Tel Aviv. pic.twitter.com/Z9olXfZxLM

— Arab News Today (@ArabNewsToday) December 5, 2020

scène, de l'assassinat d'un haut responsable du Mossad israélien, Fahmi Hinavi a Tel Aviv. pic.twitter.com/wrN4QFrNqD

— KLMD045 (@KLMD045) December 4, 2020

Reports on the alleged killing of Hinawi, along with social media user speculation suggesting an Iranian retaliation, come shortly after the leading Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in a Tehran suburb last week, with Iran describing the killing as a “terror attack” and blaming Israel for the scientist’s murder.

An Iranian retaliation for the assassination of Fakhrizadeh is expected, tensions are at a breaking point in the Middle East, as a year from Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani’s assassination by the US is also nearing.

Diplomatic staff is being pulled from Iraq by the US, and there are reports of US President Donald Trump carrying out a “farewell strike” on Iran, and Tehran could potentially pre-empt it, or rather, respond to the killings.

This incident, however, is a killing of an individual of no specific affiliation, and the chance for it to be politically motivated is none.

Recently, Iranian-affiliated Hezbollah aired footage of Israeli bases in Upper Galilee, which were filmed by a drone.

#__ pic.twitter.com/YhWGxO5AIx

— RanosH (@21ranaytm) December 4, 2020

According to al-Manar, the Hezbollah Air Force filmed it on the second day of the IDF’s “Lethal Arrow” large-scale drills, which were held in northern Israel.

This, and other Iranian claims for a day of reckoning for all of the attacks and assassinations by Israel and the US, are examples of the media victories that Iranian media attempts to perpetuate.

It is possible that Tehran even deems it suitable to utilize the almost exact copy of the AGM-41 Hellfire missile it recently unveiled.

Couple photos of Iranian Ghaem 114 air-to-ground guided missile. pic.twitter.com/7fO0mDmfUg

— Yuri Lyamin (@imp_navigator) December 1, 2020


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eb73fc No.156712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930429 (070300ZDEC20) Notable: China’s new insult to Australia

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They mad? Yep. They mad.


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eb73fc No.156713

File: 93f1b6f6dacd038⋯.pdf (68.29 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 232222f975a8e68⋯.png (534.15 KB,748x1117,748:1117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930431 (070300ZDEC20) Notable: Excellent article breaking things down from a former Naval Intelligence Officer's point of view.

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Excellent article breaking things down from a former Naval Intelligence Officer's point of view.

Three acts…entering the third act now.

Article too long to cap as text. (PDF and Archive link below)



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eb73fc No.156714

File: 8a8bc7be14c14eb⋯.png (969.19 KB,816x785,816:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930467 (070304ZDEC20) Notable: Another Monolith found at Isle of Wight

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Another Monolith



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eb73fc No.156715

File: b470b3272cd361d⋯.png (314.14 KB,590x609,590:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930569 (070315ZDEC20) Notable: WATCH: Pollster Who Got Brexit Right Says It’s Impossible Biden Won with Less than 90% of the African American Vote

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The Election Wizard


WATCH: Pollster Who Got Brexit Right Says It’s Impossible Biden Won with Less than 90% of the African American Vote

WATCH: Pollster Who Got Brexit Right Says It’s Impossible Biden Won with Less than 90% of the…

Watch video……


8:42 PM · Dec 6, 2020

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eb73fc No.156716

File: f32994169865daa⋯.png (521.9 KB,1103x733,1103:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930577 (070316ZDEC20) Notable: CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of COVID-19

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eb73fc No.156717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930603 (070317ZDEC20) Notable: #15228

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FINAL Notes #15228

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>156666 , >>156669 , >>156680 Dig: Broadcasters Foundation of America

>>156667 , >>156672 , >>156673 @DanScavino: Lioness in the Darkness

>>156668 , >>156670 Attorney General Barr Might Step Down Before End of January, Reports Suggest

>>156671 There are No Excess Deaths (From All Causes, Including Those "with COVID") in the USA. Data Matches 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

>>156674 Cops swarmed a busy shopping mall and a man brandished a gun after a brawl broke out over someone not wearing a face mask.

>>156675 BUSTED — Biden’s Sneak Off to Thanksgiving Party in Pennsylvania After Pledging to Stay Home, Urging Americans to Stay Locked in Homes on Holidays to ‘Save Lives’

>>156676 Ron Paul: Trump Pardons Flynn…It’s a Good Start!

>>156677 12/7 - 10 Days Military Tribunals?

>>156678 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Blaine, MN 12/6/20

>>156679 France mandating border checks to prevent skiing abroad during COVID-19

>>156681 Prior to arriving at the Department of Justice, Deputy AG Rosen served as the Deputy Secretary of Transportation


>>156683 , >>156693 NEW @DJT

>>156684 DOMINOES: Wisconsin Is Next State To Announce Public Hearings Into Election, Following PA, AZ, MI, and GA

>>156685 LI day care owner arrested after serious injury to infant

>>156686 COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe

>>156687 Tested 'Positive' For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question: what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean?

>>156688 , >>156705 Zappos co-founder Tony Hsieh addicted to K and laughing gas, killing himself in an explosion/fire that he caused himself

>>156689 @Rudy: I’m getting great care and feeling good.

>>156690 Medical license of Oregon doctor revoked for questioning COVID-19, face mask efficacy

>>156691 , >>156697 , >>156698 The Black Robe Regiment

>>156692 We Do Not Consent.' The Crisis Caused by Politicians' Pandemic Hypocrisy

>>156694 Mastercard Reconsiders Pornhub Ties Amid Child Abuse, Nonconsensual Violence Video Allegations

>>156695 Planefag

>>156696 CoVid: A Manifesto for Communism, Fascism and Marxism

>>156699 The WWII Spy Roots of the Phrase ‘Secret Squirrel'

>>156700 , >>156712 China’s new insult to Australia

>>156701 US Supreme Court to hear case about key medieval art collection acquired by Nazi Germany from Jewish dealers

>>156702 REPORT: The @FBI Is Investigating Voter Data Theft In This Key 2020 Election Battleground Of #Maricopa County.

>>156703 Queen 'to get Covid vaccine in weeks': Monarch, 94, will 'wait in line' for over-80s roll-out with Prince Philip, 99, before revealing she has had the jab to boost take-up

>>156704 Authorities reportedly investigate BOMB THREAT on Aeroflot plane from Moscow at JFK airport in New York

>>156706 Shots fired during Trump Antifa battle in Olympia

>>156707 , >>156709 Jewish Press reports Iran Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dead (unconfirmed)

>>156708 Investigators Seize Devices From Fountain Hills Residence In Voter Data Theft Case

>>156710 Belgian companies circumvent arms embargo to Turkey

>>156711 Fake Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent Near Tel Aviv And Other Iranian Media Victories

>>156713 Excellent article breaking things down from a former Naval Intelligence Officer's point of view.

>>156714 Another Monolith found at Isle of Wight

>>156715 WATCH: Pollster Who Got Brexit Right Says It’s Impossible Biden Won with Less than 90% of the African American Vote

>>156716 CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of COVID-19


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eb73fc No.156718

File: 92f4019f699af1d⋯.png (353.14 KB,598x638,299:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930716 (070329ZDEC20) Notable: @CM: Do you think the FBI will act on the bag of USB drives they found?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156719

File: ab274ee04dde88b⋯.png (160.17 KB,478x660,239:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930718 (070329ZDEC20) Notable: @USArmy: Special Operations are just that – special units dedicated to missions outside the normal military operation. But which branch has the most of these #Soldiers?

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Special Operations are just that – special units dedicated to missions outside the normal military operation.

But which branch has the most of these #Soldiers?


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eb73fc No.156720

File: 6248fcd7c82bef6⋯.png (108.44 KB,803x663,803:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930720 (070329ZDEC20) Notable: Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation

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Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation

John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, urged U.S. Attorney John Durham on Sunday to release an interim report on his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, saying that the American public should have record of the investigation in case the Biden administration shuts it down.

“I think the American people should know what’s happening in a two-year investigation into this and I hope that that report will be forthcoming,” Ratcliffe said in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Attorney General William Barr appointed Durham special counsel on Oct. 19 to continue his investigation into whether government officials broke the law during the investigation of the Trump campaign.

Barr’s order says that Durham must produce a final report of his investigation and that he can release interim reports before the probe is over.

Some Democrats have questioned whether Durham is a duly appointed special counsel. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff noted in a Tuesday interview that the regulations for the appointment of special counsels requires that the prosecutor come from outside government.

Schiff suggested that Biden’s pick for attorney general should review Durham’s investigation to consider whether to allow the investigation to remain open.

“I would presume the next attorney general will look to see if there is any merit to the work that John Durham is doing and make a rational decision about whether that should continue at any level,” Schiff said in an interview on MSNBC.

The California Democrat called the Durham investigation “politically motivated” and indicated that he believes it should be shut down.

Barr tapped Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, on May 13, 2019, to conduct a review of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and other U.S. agencies’ Trump-related intelligence-gathering activities.

The inquiry has since morphed into a full criminal investigation. Durham is investigating the findings of a Justice Department inspector general’s report that said the FBI misled a federal court in order to obtain warrants to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Ratcliffe said that Schiff’s remarks show that “an interim report be appropriate.”


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eb73fc No.156721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930745 (070331ZDEC20) Notable: Report: Joe Biden to Tap California AG Xavier Becerra for HHS Secretary

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Report: Joe Biden to Tap California AG Xavier Becerra for HHS Secretary

Former Vice President Joe Biden has chosen California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) as his nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), reported the New York Times on Sunday.

Both Politico and NBC News confirmed the report.

If confirmed, Becerra, 62, would be the first Latino to lead HHS.

Becerra is a staunch champion of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, and has led 20 states in an effort to block Republicans from dismantling it in the case of Texas v. Azar.

The California attorney general is a supporter of Medicare for All. In October 2017, Becerra tweeted that he has been a supporter of Medicare for All throughout all 24 years he served in Congress:

.@DanaPerino asked if I support for #MedicareforAll. Absolutely! I was a supporter of it for all the 24 years that I was in Congress.

— Xavier Becerra (@AGBecerra) October 23, 2017

Becerra, who succeeded Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as California attorney general, is also a proponent of abortion on demand and, like Harris, has received campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood.

Once Harris became a U.S. senator, Becerra continued her prosecution of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) after the video journalists exposed Planned Parenthood officials and their associates in the biomedical procurement industry discussing fetal tissue harvesting and sales. CMP was accused of recording confidential conversations.

In 2017, Becerra, according to the Los Angeles Times, touted his office “will not tolerate the criminal recording of confidential conversations.”

“The right to privacy is a cornerstone of California’s constitution, and a right that is foundational in a free democratic society,” he added.

However, in May, Daleiden filed a federal lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, Harris, Becerra, and others in the abortion industry seeking “justice for a brazen, unprecedented, and ongoing conspiracy to selectively use California’s video recording laws as a political weapon to silence disfavored speech.”

CMP noted Daleiden was the first journalist to be prosecuted under the state’s new law against recording “confidential” conversations, “not because of the method of video recording he utilized in his investigation—which is common in investigative journalism in this state,” but, instead, because his investigation revealed content California officials wished to cover up.

In response to Joe Biden’s reported choice of Becerra for HHS secretary, the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said Biden is selecting an “extremist on abortion”:

Becerra is aggressively pro-abortion and a foe of free speech. As attorney general of California, he continued what his predecessor Kamala Harris started by persecuting citizen journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s role in baby parts trafficking. Not only that, he went all the way to the Supreme Court to try to force California’s pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise and refer for abortion – a policy the Court rejected as unconstitutional. In Congress, he even voted in favor of partial-birth abortion.

“This pick underscores the importance of winning in Georgia to prevent pro-abortion forces from taking control of the U.S. Senate,” Dannenfelser emphasized. “Republican senators must stand firm and stop this unacceptable nomination from going forward.”


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eb73fc No.156722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930758 (070332ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Terminates Chinese Cultural Exchange Programs, Decries "Soft Power Propaganda Tools"

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Trump Terminates Chinese Cultural Exchange Programs, Decries "Soft Power Propaganda Tools"

It's but the latest in what has become near daily punitive actions leveled against China by the Trump administration, which as promised looks to continue right up until Trump leaves office next month.

On Friday the State Department announced it has shut down five cultural exchange programs, the origins of which go back a half-century, calling them "soft power propaganda tools," according to Reuters.

The programs were set up after the establishment of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act in 1961, signed into law by President John F. Kennedy which was aimed at boosting cultural educational ties with foreign countries.

The programs which have been "terminated" according to the announcement on the State Department's website include the Policymakers Educational China Trip Program, the U.S.-China Friendship Program, the U.S.-China Leadership Exchange Program, the U.S.-China Transpacific Exchange Program and the Hong Kong Educational and Cultural Program.

"While other programs funded under the auspices of the [Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act] are mutually beneficial, the five programs in question are fully funded and operated by the PRC government as soft power propaganda tools," the statement said.

"They provide carefully curated access to Chinese Communist Party officials, not to the Chinese people, who do not enjoy freedoms of speech and assembly," it added.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would only maintain those foreign cultural exchange programs that "reciprocal and fair," however while suggesting the Chinese programs are "one-way programs" that are "not mutually beneficial."


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eb73fc No.156723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930769 (070333ZDEC20) Notable: Bankers & Traders Deemed "Essential", Will Receive Priority Access For COVID Vaccines

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Bankers & Traders Deemed "Essential", Will Receive Priority Access For COVID Vaccines

Just like they were deemed 'essential' during the lockdown, 'financial services' employees - a vague, all-encompassing designation that includes everyone from bank tellers to traders and IBD analysts - are expected to be deemed "essential" by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, the agency that will ultimately decide who gets priority access to the COVID vaccines.

Before COVID, the ACIP was a sleepy organization that determined esoteric standards and handled oversight of approving new vaccines. DHS has defined essential workers as 'those who conduct a range of operations and services that are typically essential to continue critical infrastructure operations.' But as for what those professions are, exactly - well, that's entirely up to the ACIP.

The DHS has defined financial services workers as "essential" because they help keep the money flowing, financing trade and investment and everything else. Without them, the Fed might need to resort to direct capital injections.

That includes everyone from bank tellers, to the traders and analysts and even back office workers who keep America's banks running.

Even if progressives like AOC and her fellows in 'the Squad' try to put a stop to this, arguing that bankers and analysts and traders don't deserve priority over more 'oppressed' classes, states and local governments might have final discretion over who actually gets the vaccine, meaning that a major kerfuffle at the federal level might not actually stop Gov. Cuomo from quietly ensuring that his pals on Wall Street get the vaccines they need.

At least then they won't be tempted to resort to the inevitable black market.


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eb73fc No.156724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930788 (070335ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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The Hoft brah does the heavy lifting that others ignore

After posting this, we found out that the water department in Atlanta never even received a call regarding the water main break.

It was a scam.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms


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eb73fc No.156725

File: c037e8a49c13960⋯.png (86.24 KB,783x620,783:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930826 (070338ZDEC20) Notable: (from August) Software Company Skynamo Opens North American Headquarters in Cobb County

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eb73fc No.156726

File: b25cf7c7074a932⋯.png (610.51 KB,616x862,308:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930847 (070340ZDEC20) Notable: Well This Is Fun: Smartmatic CEO Tapped To Head Soros' Open Society Foundation

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Well This Is Fun: Smartmatic CEO Tapped To Head Soros' Open Society Foundation

Dec 06, 2020 5:30 PM ET

While chatter still flies around social media regarding the role of voting machines in any alleged 2020 election fraud — and if there was any connection between Dominion voting machines used in the election and Smartmatic election software (the companies have unequivocally denied those claims) — news broke Friday that Smartmatic CEO Mark Malloch-Brown is being tapped to head George Soros’ Open Society Foundation as current head Patrick Gaspard steps down.

NEW: Chairman of Smartmatic to become president of Soros's Open Society Foundations https://t.co/zZLk9k7reo

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 5, 2020

If nothing else, the timing is interesting to say the least. Malloch-Brown, a former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, had been serving on the Foundations’ Global Board and had been the subject of some wild claims following the 2020 election as his relationship to Soros became news and attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood began to claim connections between Dominion and Smartmatic as part of their investigations into vote fraud.

Seeking to address those claims, Smartmatic revealed a page at their website to answer some of the questions posed about their ownership and connections to the billionaire progressive financier.

George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic.

• It is no secret that our Chairman Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a member of a number of non-profit boards addressing global issues from poverty reduction to conflict resolution, including the Global Board of the Open Society Foundation. This is stated clearly in his official biography. Lord Malloch-Brown is a highly respected global figure whose credentials include former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and former Vice-Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He also served in the British Cabinet, as Minister of State in the Foreign Office.

Smartmatic has been linked to what the U.S. thought were questionable elections in Venezuela and was even, along with a subsidiary company called Sequoia, under federal investigation in 2006, according to The New York Times.

The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chávez.

The inquiry is focusing on the Venezuelan owners of the software company, the Smartmatic Corporation, and is trying to determine whether the government in Caracas has any control or influence over the firm’s operations, government officials and others familiar with the investigation said.

The inquiry on the eve of the midterm elections is being conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius, the same panel of 12 government agencies that reviewed the abortive attempt by a company in Dubai to take over operations at six American ports earlier this year.

The committee’s formal inquiry into Smartmatic and its subsidiary, Sequoia Voting Systems of Oakland, Calif., was first reported Saturday in The Miami Herald.

Malloch-Brown is set to begin his new position with Open Society Foundation on January 1, 2021.


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eb73fc No.156727

File: ada31ee103cb8ab⋯.png (616.89 KB,662x349,662:349,Clipboard.png)

File: b3f21e75379e1b6⋯.png (220.29 KB,497x569,497:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d3a212fc9d0299⋯.png (437.62 KB,659x587,659:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930856 (070341ZDEC20) Notable: ‘THIS IS BIGGER THAN ME’: Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview

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‘THIS IS BIGGER THAN ME’: Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview

Freeman cancelled her media appearance and announced that she's getting a lawyer

Ruby Freeman, exposed as one of the key individuals involved with the late night suitcase vote counting in Georgia, cancelled an interview she scheduled with journalist Carolyn Ryan, and told her that she needed to secure legal counsel.

“I won’t be able to be interviewed,” wrote Freeman. “This is bigger than me.”

“I need an attorney. Thanks,” Freeman added. “Much Luv to you and your team.”

In a video released on Rumble, Ryan explained that she was in contact with Freeman following bombshell reporting from National File and The Gateway Pundit.

“I wanted to ask her: Were in fact those ballots in the suitcases? Were you guys counting those ballots after other poll workers went home? If so, why?”

“Ruby initially said she was getting a lot of negative comments and she agreed to do an interview with me to tell her side of the story,” added Ryan. Freeman also sent Ryan a series of vulgar and threatening text messages allegedly sent from angry individuals.

“About 45 minutes or so after that she reversed her decision, unfortunately, she said that it’s probably best for her not to do an interview at this time,” said Ryan. “She said it’s probably best if she gets a lawyer.”


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eb73fc No.156728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930896 (070344ZDEC20) Notable: Awan Brothers Had ‘Secret Server’ While Becerra Was Caucus Chair

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>Xavier Becerra

An expanding probe into the Awan brothers scandal has revealed that a massive data breach occurred at the U.S. House Democrat Caucus while California’s newly-appointed Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, was the chair.

It now appears that a “secret server” and a massive cyber security breach that resulted in the arrest of Imran Awan —aide to former Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz (D-FL) — and his wife, Hina Alvi, on bank fraud and conspiracy charges. In spite of the existence of what is now a growing scandal, Shultz tried to shield the now-indicted former Congressional aide, refusing to fire him even after it became clear that he allegedly routed data from a number of House Democrats to a secret server.

An investigative reporter at the Daily Caller, Luke Rosiak, revealed that a source only identified as a “senior official” gave details about how the existence of a additional “secret server” was discovered when then Rep. Becerra, who had just been appointed California’s Attorney General, asked to have his server “wiped clean:”

The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said.


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eb73fc No.156729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930916 (070345ZDEC20) Notable: CNN, NYT Arrive At Same China Virus Conclusion as Trump, Bannon… One Year Later

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CNN, NYT Arrive At Same China Virus Conclusion as Trump, Bannon… One Year Later

Mainstream media outlets including CNN and The New York Times appear to have reached the same conclusions about the origins of Covid-19 as President Trump and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon – roughly one year later.

The revelation – that the disease originated in China and that the Chinese Communist Party withheld accurate information – was apparent in CNN’s report “Leaked documents reveal China’s mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19.”

Documents from the Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention “reveal numerous inconsistencies in what authorities believed to be happening and what was revealed to the public,” insisted CNN.

Less than a week later, the Times published a report entitled “China Peddles Falsehoods to Obscure Origin of Covid Pandemic” revealing the Chinese Communist Part’s plot “to push the idea that the virus didn’t come from China” with “misrepresented experts’ remarks” and “dubious theories the veneer of science.”

The outlets, however, have been ridiculed for taking roughly one year to arrive at the conclusion the Chinese Communist Party willfully lied about the pandemic – a now-proven theory long believed by President Trump and Bannon. The outlets relentlessly criticized President Trump for linking China to the virus, branding him a “racist” for doing so, and uncritically published papers tracing Covid-19 to the U.S. and Europe.

In contrast, Bannon launched the War Room: Pandemic show on January 25th and had hammered China’s government for obscuring data and potentially spawning the disease long before. And in late January, President Trump moved to suspend travel from China and has consistently hammered the country as needing to be “held accountable” for Covid-19.


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eb73fc No.156730

File: 06ebe7fdb2a08d1⋯.png (263.43 KB,1266x713,1266:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a7887d78840d27⋯.png (136.3 KB,706x690,353:345,Clipboard.png)

File: 81d342f85e8d245⋯.png (323.71 KB,1277x739,1277:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d69c71b9dc9f10⋯.png (272.68 KB,1267x547,1267:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 58221e48a0ea66b⋯.png (156.63 KB,1257x710,1257:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930919 (070345ZDEC20) Notable: Ryan Jack Cobb used to work for CIBER Inc. and Wyle Laboratories (now owned by Halliburton); his former coworkers, Wendy Owens and Diane Gray joined him at Pro V&V

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Ryan Jack Cobb used to work for CIBER Inc. and Wyle Laboratories (now owned by Halliburton); his former coworkers, Wendy Owens and Diane Gray joined him at Pro V&V

Pro V&V is formerly ProFormance Verification & Validation. Pro V&V is one of the two accredited test labs for voting systems according to the EAC. The other is SLI Compliance in Colorado.

Ryan Jack Cobb used to work at CIBER and Wyle Laboratories - both of which have been marked as "withdrawn or expired accreditation test labs" on the EAC website, along with iBeta Quality Assurance of Colorado and InfoGuard Labs of California.

During Cobb's time at CIBER, CIBER was based at 7900 Westpark Drive, Suite A515, McLean, VA 22102. McLean → DC

Pro V&V is registered at the following addresses:

10204 Gibraltar Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803

700 Boulevard South, Suite 102, Huntsville, AL 35802

On Pro V&V's website, its contact address is:

6705 Odyssey Drive NW, Suite C, Huntsville, AL 35806

Interestingly at the first address at Gibraltar Drive, ProCOG, LLC is also registered there with agent name Ryan J Cobb (i.e. the same person). At the Odyssey Drive address, this used to be the home of Disabled Vets Stil Serving (DVSS). Why is the Odyssey Drive address on none of their business registrations? Very suspect… The DVSS is probably a red herring.

Diane Gray and Wendy Owens are both listed as Directors for Pro V&V for the corporation registration in Virginia and Oregon. Gray and Owens previously worked with Cobb at Wyle Laboratories. It is likely that SLI Compliance, the other voting systems test lab accredited by the EAC, is suspect too.

During my investigation, Melissa Moran's name appeared in the incorporation records in the contact email for the New Hampshire registration.

The following individuals were listed as lawyers who incorporated the business:



Prior diggs also tell us that Pro V&V is linked to NATO.

https://www.eac.gov/testing-and-certification/accredited-test-laboratories / https://archive.vn/pnoPv





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eb73fc No.156731

File: 62b591db167762d⋯.png (315.87 KB,685x618,685:618,Clipboard.png)

File: 798316606bd6587⋯.png (113.14 KB,625x433,625:433,Clipboard.png)

File: a56deb68ac76df0⋯.png (295.92 KB,1201x413,1201:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11930970 (070350ZDEC20) Notable: Dig: Allied Security Operations Group

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Allied Security Operations Group

Michigan Judge Grants Trump Campaign Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Tabulator Systems

Posted on December 6, 2020 by sundance

This is good news. Earlier this morning Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis announce a judge in 13th Circuit Court in Michigan, has allowed a forensic audit of the 22 Dominion ballot counting systems used in Antrim County. [Media Report Here]

The forensic examination took place Sunday with Bailey, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, county administrator Pete Garwood, county attorney Haider Kazim, three county commissioners, a county IT technician and a member of the Sheriff’s department, said county spokesman Jeremy Scott in a release.

Also present, according to Scott, were seven members of the Allied Security Operations Group, a group affiliated with Trump’s litigation team. In the court order, the evidence cited by Bailey comes from a report from the group. (full story)


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eb73fc No.156732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931017 (070355ZDEC20) Notable: John Brennan Lies About the Steele Dossier, Fox News' Chris Wallace Just Nods Along

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John Brennan Lies About the Steele Dossier, Fox News' Chris Wallace Just Nods Along

By Bonchie | Dec 06, 2020 4:00 PM ET

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

I’m assured by some conservatives (most of which also happen to have Fox News gigs) that Chris Wallace is a serious newsman whose more recent bias against Republicans is really just him be a fair arbiter of the facts. Of course, we all know that’s nonsense, and it was never more evidenced than his embarrassing performance during the first presidential debate (see Chris Wallace’s Debate Performance Was Absolutely Disgraceful). That was hardly the only example though, and the level of bias with which Wallace is willing to operate with was on display again today.

During his show this morning, the Fox News Sunday host interviewed John Brennan, a proven liar and major propagator of the Russia hoax. Instead of actually asking hard questions, Wallace sat nearly idle as Brennan repeated provable lies, specifically about the Steele Dossier.

🤦🏼‍♀️ https://t.co/8bt0ZEqDcq

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) December 6, 2020

There are many things not debatable in relation to the Russia investigation. One of those things is that the Steele Dossier was used to help bolster some of the claims made in Brennan’s 2017 intelligence report, a document that laid the groundwork for the targeting of Trump before the dossier became public. We have undeniable proof that it happened, that Brennan was aware of the dossier, and that, in fact, many of the most serious claims about collusion and Putin wanting Trump to win had their roots in the dossier. There was no other “evidence” of anything Brennan and his hand picked stooges said in the ICA about Trump and Russia.

Chris Wallace knows all that, yet when given the opportunity to challenge Brennan, he simply passes. That’s a trend we’ve seen with Wallace while he was interviewing Nancy Pelosi in the past and while he was questioning Joe Biden during the debate. When it comes time for the Fox News anchor to be tough on a Democrat, he takes a pass nearly every single time. And to the extent that he does ask a tough question, he rarely follows up and instead pretends that he doesn’t have a strong enough grasp of the facts to press harder.

It’s a real shame that no one is going to pay a price for all this. John Durham may be a special counsel now, but putting your faith in him is probably a sucker’s bet. Meanwhile, the media are completely complicit, including Fox News, in covering this up and acting as if there’s nothing to see here. Government power was abused at the highest levels and everyone is just expected to shrug and forget it ever happened. That’s noway to run a country, and it will have horrible consequences if people like Brennan are allowed to just walk free.


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eb73fc No.156733

File: de31cd1cd4175b0⋯.png (206.41 KB,850x766,425:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bdd7ec9d83f34b⋯.png (69.76 KB,818x771,818:771,Clipboard.png)

File: ea8ea7db5d25611⋯.png (71.95 KB,845x771,845:771,Clipboard.png)

File: bb1c3d40f9a0baf⋯.png (82.88 KB,854x755,854:755,Clipboard.png)

File: c866d05a5ae0cbb⋯.png (94.09 KB,1027x778,1027:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931026 (070356ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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eb73fc No.156734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931035 (070357ZDEC20) Notable: Project Veritas: #CNNRAW 9-15-20

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#CNNRAW 9-15-20

Project Veritas

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eb73fc No.156735

File: d02adfdfc46a832⋯.jpeg (529.79 KB,640x907,640:907,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ca50a5f58cd9e4⋯.jpeg (581.7 KB,640x1064,80:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931040 (070358ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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Some pretty good digs on gatewaypundit


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eb73fc No.156736

File: 0e65f02377e2fa6⋯.png (230.12 KB,1807x1299,1807:1299,Clipboard.png)

File: b052cf186883477⋯.png (215.7 KB,1502x1406,751:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931063 (070400ZDEC20) Notable: In 2013, voting machine certification labs always took place in Huntsville, Alabama irrespective of where they were their headquarters were

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In 2013, voting machine certification labs always took place in Huntsville, Alabama irrespective of where they were their headquarters were

In 2013, someone did a dig on the voting machine certifiers. They all took place in Huntsville, Alabama even if the HQ was elsewhere.

Would be interesting to see if SLI also points to Huntsville, Alabama.

https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0302/S00111.htm / https://archive.vn/GQu8W


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eb73fc No.156737

File: 2afc37ff4683d7a⋯.png (24.02 KB,596x215,596:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931078 (070402ZDEC20) Notable: New @DJT: Watch @marklevinshow at 11:00 P.M. (now!) and @SteveHiltonx at 12:00 A.M. on the Great Election Fraud of 2020!

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Watch @marklevinshow at 11:00 P.M. (now!) and @SteveHiltonx at 12:00 A.M. on the Great Election Fraud of 2020!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156738

File: 0b4f6bb60fa480f⋯.png (386.89 KB,608x416,19:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de8d1281a154d6⋯.png (591.13 KB,861x831,287:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931085 (070402ZDEC20) Notable: MORE ON RALPH JONES SR.- Was Outed by Loud Mouth Gabriel Sterling – Son, Ralph Jones Jr., Is the OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN for Democrat US Senate Candidate Warnock Linked to Stacey Abrams

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MORE ON RALPH JONES SR.- Was Outed by Loud Mouth Gabriel Sterling – Son, Ralph Jones Jr., Is the OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN for Democrat US Senate Candidate Warnock Linked to Stacey Abrams

The pieces are falling together.

We’ve identified Ralph Jones, Sr. as the supervisor running the late night ballot counts in Atlanta in secret after sending all Republicans home from the arena.

Gabriel Sterling, the loud mouth and no doubt crooked Georgia Elections representative, spoke about ‘Ralph’ in an interview on Newsmax earlier this week. The Ralph that Sterling is referring to is Ralph Jones Sr. who was involved in a scandal with the Atlanta Mayor and who also was supervising the team that stuck around Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on Election night and began counting ballots brought out from under a table.

Sterling knows Ralph by first name. (Is Sterling one of the individuals calling Ralph at midnight on election night?) See video of interview below at the 11:10 mark where he refers to Ralph and again at the 12:00 mark where Sterling says:

And that’s actually Ralph in the red shirt right there and he’s the one who told me to stay back and continue to work.”

Jones’ son, Ralph Mays Jones Jr is connected to the Atlanta mayor involved in a scandal and directly to Stacey Abrams per his Facebook page:

This is also noted on his Facebook page.

What the hell is going on in Georgia?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156739

File: c39dd85463e22d4⋯.png (74.93 KB,870x678,145:113,Clipboard.png)

File: fe7b6ced9e40405⋯.png (81.13 KB,841x788,841:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f8dc4f3b135abb⋯.png (75.46 KB,973x753,973:753,Clipboard.png)

File: f1208ca2f6cafa5⋯.png (75.72 KB,773x756,773:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931123 (070406ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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Social Media Communications Director

Keisha Lance Bottoms for Atlanta Mayor

May 2017 - Dec 20178 months

Greater Atlanta Area

Crafted framework for the campaign's policy responses around LGBT issues.

Drafted copy included in several press releases in addition to most of the campaign's public statements regarding major endorsements during the runoff. Fielded campaign comment inquiries from media outlets.

Initiated targeted advertising across social media platforms FB and Instagram to reach specific audiences and increase impressions/engagement (yielding an increase of 868% in IG followers & 96% increase in FB page likes, in addition to engagement increases of 533% in FB reactions/comments & 1648% in IG photo likes/comments).

Ghost published three articles and over a dozen FB/Twitter posts across major influencer platforms. Tracked voters' public perception of the candidate and created narratives to address them directly/indirectly in response.

Curated photo/video content from the raw media production team; Updated website with whatever information was requested whenever necessary, including the creation (and design) of three new sections.

Executive Director

RJ Mays Consulting Inc.

Jun 2013 - Dec 20174 years 7 months

Greater Atlanta Area

Provided professional advice to both organizations and individuals while sharing my access to industry-specific specialists/consultants and subject matter expertise across a variety of fields including communications and information systems/technology.

Led the development teams that created web and mobile user interfaces and provided IT support for clients including Bethel Atlanta, the ChiroTime Clinics Network, Procurement Resources Inc, Global Financial Group and the City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority by:

Translating business goals, feature concepts and customer need into prioritized product requirements and use cases; developing and evolving clients' consumer-facing, multi-channel roadmaps for desktop, mobile and mobile web applications.

Collaborating with clients' sales, marketing and support teams to launch web presences on time and within budget; troubleshooting IT issues at staff workstations with software/hardware solutions across PC's Macs, phones and laptops.

Completing an average of three UI design, code reviews and programming projects each year; establishing criteria for each milestone within project roadmaps as a means to measure developmental progress.

Leading communication with stakeholders reporting product goals and progress made and collaborating with business, UX and marketing teams to drive brand development and messaging.

Executive Board IS&T Advisor

Global Financial Group Ltd

Aug 2014 - May 201510 months

Auckland, New Zealand

Generating quotes and proposals for new and innovative information systems and technology reform within Global Financial.

Developing presentations advising the board towards approval for future purchases and business partners

Acquiring new technology as needed and creating educational infrastructure through workshops, help desk staff, etc. to empower employees to use them well. (including but not limited to computing hardware, accessories, mobile devices, and software systems)

Fostering business relationships with retailers and acting as a liaison with proxy for the company when needed.

Maintaining all tech hardware and software systems through management of on-site and remote support staff

Show less


iOS Intern


Jun 2013 - Sep 20134 months

Cupertino, California


Florida A&M UniversityFlorida A&M University

Florida A&M University

Computer Engineering

2010 - 2014

Frederick Douglass High School

Frederick Douglass High School

2006 - 2010


Current and Former Capitol Hill StaffersCurrent and Former Capitol Hill Staffers

Current and Former Capitol Hill Staffers

LOBBYISTS: International Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs (USGRI.com)LOBBYISTS: International Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs (USGRI.com)

LOBBYISTS: International Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs (USGRI.com)

Public Relations and Communications ProfessionalsPublic Relations and Communications Professionals

Public Relations and Communications Professionals

LOBBYISTS: U.S. Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs ( USGRI.com )LOBBYISTS: U.S. Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs ( USGRI.com )

LOBBYISTS: U.S. Government Relations, Lobbying and Public Affairs ( USGRI.com )

Politics CareersPolitics Careers

Politics Careers

Northrop Grumman Talent NetworkNorthrop Grumman Talent Network

Northrop Grumman Talent Network

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156740

File: 3fcfbe917c90b18⋯.png (526.01 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931127 (070407ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156741

File: c46b0307fc5fdd1⋯.png (178.86 KB,766x501,766:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 17c4169d429c957⋯.png (509.89 KB,760x325,152:65,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a14fa7cb68f7e⋯.png (145.28 KB,438x278,219:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931132 (070407ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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INDIA1 PM Modi departing Chennai Int'l Airport-Tamil Nadu ne after a ground stop-departed New Delhi earlier today-heading to Calcuta most likely

Primary Trans. for Narendra Modi

The aircraft has been configured to the same security specifications as the Boeing VC-25 that flies the President of the United States.

Self-protection suites include radar warning receivers, missile-approach warning and counter-measure systems.

The aircraft has the capability to shoot chaff and flares to deviate radar-guided and heat-seeking missiles off their track along with other security tools.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156742

File: 7ec7f03c10e7b97⋯.png (937.95 KB,780x446,390:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 065fe2820c430ba⋯.png (127.1 KB,857x968,857:968,Clipboard.png)

File: 3913c31e704d4f7⋯.png (72.75 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab5f2d502aaad5⋯.png (10.57 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931180 (070411ZDEC20) Notable: DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ‘It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Exist’

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DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ‘It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Exist’

DeKalb County responded to an Open Records Request from The Georgia Star News to produce the ballot transfer forms that formed the critical chain of custody link in the absentee ballots deposited in the near 300 drop boxes in the state and transported to county election offices in a letter received on Friday that said the county did not know if such records exist. Earlier this week, the Secretary of States’ office told Breitbart News that it did not know how many of the 1.3 million absentee ballots cast in the 2020 general election were delivered by mail vs. drop box, but the counties should know. The Georgia Star News filed an open records request on Tuesday for all “ballot transfer forms” from the Nov. 3 General Election in DeKalb County. But there is no way to determine the chain of custody. The open records request reply, received from Assistant County Attorney at DeKalb County Dexter Q. Bond, Jr., stated, “it has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.”

The ballot transfer forms that remain unknown in DeKalb are a part of Georgia’s new Election Code implemented this past summer. The DeKalb County response was unusual in several ways. The Georgia Star News has contacted several counties in the state, and DeKalb is the only county so far to respond that it does not know if it has ballot transfer forms. Cook County, for instance, provided copies of all the ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election within 24 hours. Late Friday afternoon Cobb County provided copies of 400 ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election. The Georgia Star News received responses from election officials in both Cobb County and Cook County. In contrast, the DeKalb County response instead came from an Assistant County Attorney. It strains credulity to suggest that the election director of DeKalb County cannot say whether or not the legally required ballot transfer forms exist in 30 seconds, not the 30 days the county says it needs to be able to answer that question.


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eb73fc No.156743

File: eae33b92683e0a1⋯.png (189.64 KB,952x559,952:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931182 (070411ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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>I didn't expand all of his work experience and copy and paste the text…..

see image for what I am talking about….

i got some of the older experience…see


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eb73fc No.156744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931206 (070413ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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Here you go!

Public Information Officer

Company NameCity of Atlanta

Dates EmployedJan 2018 – Dec 2019

Employment Duration2 yrs

LocationGreater Atlanta Area

Public information responsibilities include facilitating communications with constituents and news media on behalf of City agencies; managing media relations, open records requests, and drafting responses for media inquiries.

Responsible for drafting and editing executive communications on behalf of the Mayor's office, including press releases, statements, remarks and op-eds, alongside other newspaper and magazine contributions; Tasked with advancing and staffing public events; managing, and monitoring the Mayor’s website and social media handles; and assisting in crafting messaging for the Mayor’s key agenda items and priorities.

Digital media responsibilities include targeted advertising and managing online platforms including social media, website and video promos.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156745

File: 9d6d560f90163a7⋯.jpg (227.69 KB,1920x910,192:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931216 (070414ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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AZAZ0909 in Thailand

>Adm. John C. Aquilino for reappointment to the rank of admiral, and assignment as commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Aquilino is currently serving as commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


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eb73fc No.156746

File: ccaf74ad6daba66⋯.png (246.2 KB,609x628,609:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 364777c09a37e30⋯.png (359.73 KB,608x681,608:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931236 (070415ZDEC20) Notable: Obama School Basketball Jersey Breaks Sale Record in Auction, Sold for $192,000

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Obama School Basketball Jersey Breaks Sale Record in Auction, Sold for $192,000

The previous record was set by the Los Angeles Lakers's Lebron James and his high school jersey from his years in St. Vincent-St. Mary's basketball team. The James jersey, reportedly featured on a Sports Illustrated cover in 2002, sold at auction for $187,500.

Former US President Barack Obama's high school basketball jersey is considered to be the most expensive sports jersey that belonged to someone who was not in the National Basketball Association to be sold at auction, the USA Today reported Saturday.

The white jersey with Punahou and the number 233 was auctioned in Beverly Hills, California, by Julien's Auctions, which previously auctioned celebrity memorabilia, including Michael Jackson's iconic red jacket from the "Thriller" music video.

SOLD for $192,000 The high school basketball jersey worn by Barack Obama, who later became the 44th president of the United States. A new World Record for a high school jersey sold at auction!

According to the item's page at the auction house website, Obama wore that jersey during the 1978-1979 basketball season, and his team, with him as a member, won that championship.

In his recently published book "The Promised Land," Obama recalls weekend pickup games often organized at an indoor court at Fort McNair Army Base or the FBI headquarters.

"Those pickup games represented continuity for me. A tether to my old self," wrote Obama.

Obama also expressed the joy he felt watching his daughter play basketball.

"The enjoyment that I got playing basketball, was nothing compared to the thrill and stress of rooting for Sasha, fourth-grade rec league team," said Obama, who had a stint coaching and running plays with the team alongside White House Aide and former Duke basketball player Reggie Love.

Obama has expressed his love for basketball many times over the years. Last month, he demonstrated some decent skill shooting three-point balls.


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eb73fc No.156747

File: bbfe0425e0aedd8⋯.png (3.83 MB,1265x2392,55:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931247 (070416ZDEC20) Notable: Trump administration shuts down Chinese cultural exchange programs, calls them 'soft power propaganda tools'

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>Trump Terminates Chinese Cultural Exchange Programs

Almost posted yesterday; but didn't because it was Fox 'news'

Trump administration shuts down Chinese cultural exchange programs, calls them 'soft power propaganda tools'


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eb73fc No.156748

File: 01d8d4e7feca789⋯.png (561.68 KB,618x411,206:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931295 (070422ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Flynn says he ‘put the fear of god’ into Obama

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Mike Flynn says he ‘put the fear of god’ into Obama

Pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn said he must have “put the fear of god” into President Barack Obama because he warned President Trump not to hire him in 2016. Flynn, who was pardoned by Trump last month for lying to the FBI about his contacts with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak after the 2016 election, also said he will one day “lay out” everything he knows about the Russia investigation. “I must have put the fear of god into Barack Obama and probably still do because of this four-year long saga that they put me, my family through, President Donald J. Trump and his family and frankly the entire country,” Flynn told Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro on her show Saturday. The retired Army lieutenant general, in his first interview since being pardoned, suggested Obama advised Trump against hiring him because Flynn would expose his administration’s role in spying on the Trump presidential campaign. “When he chose me to be the national security advisor they knew that their little plan of spying on Donald Trump would fall apart and many other foreign policy blunders they got our country into, whether it was the Iran deal, issues going on in the Asian-pacific theater, trade, all sorts of issues that were in play that the last administration did to frankly run this country right into the ground,” he told Pirro. “They knew those were the types of things I was aware of. Let’s face it. Barack Obama appointed me twice. I was Senate confirmed twice during the time I was in the military,” he continued. “So it’s amazing that would be what he would focus on during the transition for the United States of America. It’s outrageous, actually.”

Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 over management issues. Flynn served as Trump’s national security adviser for 25 days before the president ousted him after reports surfaced that he had lied to FBI agents about his talks with Kislyak. He pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to FBI agents and later tried to withdraw the plea saying he did not intentionally lie. In May, the Justice Department sought to drop Flynn’s case, arguing that because the FBI had no reason to interview him, anything he said to them, including lies, were not material. But a federal appeals court in Washington declined to order the dismissal and the case was pending before US District Judge Emmet Sullivan when Flynn was pardoned.


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eb73fc No.156749

File: b233f82b59c34dc⋯.png (489 KB,711x525,237:175,Clipboard.png)

File: cd3bd424eb8ad28⋯.png (513.88 KB,586x600,293:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931331 (070425ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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Gabriel Sterling, the loud mouth and no doubt crooked Georgia Elections representative, spoke about ‘Ralph’ in an interview on Newsmax earlier this week. The Ralph that Sterling is referring to is Ralph Jones Sr. who was involved in a scandal with the Atlanta Mayor and who also was supervising the team that stuck around Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on Election night and began counting ballots brought out from under a table.

Sterling knows Ralph by first name. (Is Sterling one of the individuals calling Ralph at midnight on election night?) See video of interview below at the 11:10 mark where he refers to Ralph and again at the 12:00 mark where Sterling says:

And that’s actually Ralph in the red shirt right there and he’s the one who told me to stay back and continue to work.”

Sterling knows Ralph by first name. (Is Sterling one of the individuals calling Ralph at midnight on election night?) See video of interview below at the 11:10 mark where he refers to Ralph and again at the 12:00 mark where Sterling says:

And that’s actually Ralph in the red shirt right there and he’s the one who told me to stay back and continue to work.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931335 (070426ZDEC20) Notable: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

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See below. Generally the titles usually tell a lot. A lot of the descriptions these days are just fluff.

Director Of Communications

Company NameSam Park for Georgia House District 101

Dates EmployedMay 2018 – Nov 2018

Employment Duration7 mos

LocationLawrenceville, GA

Planned, organized and directed overall communication strategies and public information activities for the campaign to increase the candidate's reputation and visibility. Oversaw online presence, including website copy and all social media platforms.

Coordinated, oversaw and attended press activities. Secured placement for profiles featuring the candidate in local and national media outlets. Maintained extensive and positive relationships with local media.

Composed published statements on behalf of the candidate and drafted remarks for the candidate's public appearances.

Strategic Engagement Advisor

Company NameDream Defenders

Dates EmployedSep 2018 – Nov 2018

Employment Duration3 mos

LocationMiami/Fort Lauderdale Area

Managed the overall messaging strategy, ensuring concise messaging, brand clarity and continuity across all platforms. Wrote and edited external communications, including talking points, scripts, press releases, and op-eds; Drafted press releases and other media outreach materials; pitched stories and placed op-eds with national media outlets.

Crafted and disseminated content – digital infographics, emails, public statements, etc. for distribution on the Dream Defenders’ channels and assets.

Ideated, coordinated and executed digital campaigns supporting the Democratic Party of Florida and Andrew Gillum's gubernatorial campaign in response to breaking news and political developments; Implemented a rapid crisis-communications strategy to contest a false narrative of Andrew Gillum as an "extremist" due to his support of the Dream Defenders.

Established long-term, mutually beneficial relationships for Dream Defenders with communications personnel amongst political allies and the local, state, and national press. Assisted in developing and executing an aggressive statewide surrogate program.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931366 (070429ZDEC20) Notable: #15229

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FINAL Notes #15229

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>156718 @CM: Do you think the FBI will act on the bag of USB drives they found?

>>156719 @USArmy: Special Operations are just that – special units dedicated to missions outside the normal military operation. But which branch has the most of these #Soldiers?

>>156720 Intel Chief Urges John Durham To Release Interim Report In Order To Protect Investigation

>>156721 Report: Joe Biden to Tap California AG Xavier Becerra for HHS Secretary

>>156722 Trump Terminates Chinese Cultural Exchange Programs, Decries "Soft Power Propaganda Tools"

>>156723 Bankers & Traders Deemed "Essential", Will Receive Priority Access For COVID Vaccines

>>156724 , >>156733 , >>156735 , >>156739 , >>156743 , >>156744 , >>156749 , >>156750Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms

>>156725 (from August) Software Company Skynamo Opens North American Headquarters in Cobb County

>>156726 Well This Is Fun: Smartmatic CEO Tapped To Head Soros' Open Society Foundation

>>156727 ‘THIS IS BIGGER THAN ME’: Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview

>>156728 Awan Brothers Had ‘Secret Server’ While Becerra Was Caucus Chair

>>156729 CNN, NYT Arrive At Same China Virus Conclusion as Trump, Bannon… One Year Later

>>156730 Ryan Jack Cobb used to work for CIBER Inc. and Wyle Laboratories (now owned by Halliburton); his former coworkers, Wendy Owens and Diane Gray joined him at Pro V&V

>>156731 Dig: Allied Security Operations Group

>>156732 John Brennan Lies About the Steele Dossier, Fox News' Chris Wallace Just Nods Along

>>156734 Project Veritas: #CNNRAW 9-15-20

>>156736 In 2013, voting machine certification labs always took place in Huntsville, Alabama irrespective of where they were their headquarters were

>>156737 New @DJT: Watch @marklevinshow at 11:00 P.M. (now!) and @SteveHiltonx at 12:00 A.M. on the Great Election Fraud of 2020!

>>156738 MORE ON RALPH JONES SR.- Was Outed by Loud Mouth Gabriel Sterling – Son, Ralph Jones Jr., Is the OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN for Democrat US Senate Candidate Warnock Linked to Stacey Abrams

>>156740 , >>156741 , >>156745 Planefag

>>156742 DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ‘It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Exist’

>>156746 Obama School Basketball Jersey Breaks Sale Record in Auction, Sold for $192,000

>>156747 Trump administration shuts down Chinese cultural exchange programs, calls them 'soft power propaganda tools'

>>156748 Mike Flynn says he ‘put the fear of god’ into Obama


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156752

File: 7433faad7a78bc0⋯.png (605.47 KB,745x389,745:389,Clipboard.png)

File: c45288ee4caf4f4⋯.png (34.73 KB,642x695,642:695,Clipboard.png)

File: db6a2725b15c967⋯.png (91.63 KB,698x1441,698:1441,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a86cbaff7a9f27⋯.pdf (9.6 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 91bb899937ed630⋯.pdf (319.17 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931435 (070438ZDEC20) Notable: Alito Demands Briefs in Pennsylvania Congressman’s Lawsuit to Flip the Election (UPDATED)

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Alito Demands Briefs in Pennsylvania Congressman’s Lawsuit to Flip the Election (UPDATED)

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has asked Pennsylvania officials to file response briefs in a so-far-failed attempt by GOP Congressman Mike Kelly to flip Pennsylvania’s 2020 election results. Kelly, a loyal and longtime supporter of President Donald Trump, is asking the nation’s highest court to take up the same elections case the Pennsylvania Supreme Court summarily ejected with prejudice last weekend. Kelly’s 50-page application and 213-page appendix was submitted to Alito because he is the justice who oversees incoming matters from the Third Circuit, which includes Pennsylvania. Though Alito originally called for response arguments from the Commonwealth to be filed by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9th, the case docket was changed Sunday morning to move that deadline up to Tuesday, Dec. 8, by 9 a.m. The change is critical. Pennsylvania’s members of the electoral college are due to meet at noon on Dec. 14th in Harrisburg to cast their votes for president. As Law&Crime has previously reported, and as Kelly’s arguments point out, federal election law sets a so-called “safe harbor” deadline which requires controversies “concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures” to be determined “at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors.” Alito’s original Dec. 9th deadline failed to take that window into account. His new deadline does.

The thrust of Kelly’s arguments is that a 2019 state election reform statute known as Act 77 violated both the state constitution and the federal constitution. Act 77, which predates the coronavirus pandemic, was described when signed into law as a “bipartisan compromise.” It created a so-called “no-excuse mail-in” voting regime that Kelly claims violates a provision of the state constitution. Kelly interprets the constitution as allowing only limited circumstances which qualify a voter to cast a ballot by mail. In other words, in Kelly’s view, people must vote in person unless they can take advantage of only a few, narrow excuses contained within the state constitution and, therefore, Act 77 and related election access laws must be struck down as invalid. Because the 2020 election was conducted under Act 77, its results are questionable, he claims. In strict theory, the U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to settle Pennsylvania constitutional issues, such as whether the state statute at question (Act 77) violates the state constitution. Generally, such matters are the exclusive realm of a state supreme court. But there are exceptions to that general concept, Kelly argues, including here. Because the state is acting under a “direct grant of authority” from the U.S. Constitution to manage federal elections, the U.S. Supreme Court can become involved, he argues, and can determine whether the Pennsylvania statutory and constitutional regime of laws violates the U.S. Constitution. Kelly invites the U.S. Supreme Court to conclude as such and, perhaps more dubiously, that the state court’s way of rubbishing the election violates his rights to petition the government and to receive due process under the First and Fourteenth Amendments thereto. He frames the issues this way (see image).




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eb73fc No.156753

File: 52045887f97ee65⋯.png (551.96 KB,597x568,597:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931479 (070444ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona legislature shuts down after Giuliani tests positive for COVID-19

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So now everywhere Rudy has been must shut down?


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eb73fc No.156754

File: 628d8064f7f4e7f⋯.png (507.72 KB,1070x1246,535:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931549 (070452ZDEC20) Notable: Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers [VIDEO]

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At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.


Or maybe even their homes…

Protest Erupts In Front Of Radical MI Sec of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home After Lawmakers Discover All MI County Clerks Were Ordered to Delete All Election Related Data From Computers [VIDEO]


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eb73fc No.156755

File: 922c36755021815⋯.mp4 (10.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d0dd8b7c237dff4⋯.png (432.67 KB,618x819,206:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931584 (070456ZDEC20) Notable: UNHINGED: Teacher from Oregon has a complete mental breakdown over COVID and yells at families that are rallying to ReOpen their businesses.

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UNHINGED: Teacher from Oregon has a complete mental breakdown over COVID and yells at families that are rallying to ReOpen their businesses.

I just noticed this teacher yelled “Kill Yourself” at the protesters. How do parents with school aged children feel about this woman teaching your kids?

She is now the teacher that her students will never forget! They will all be like “remember that one teacher we had who went full Karen and told us all to kill ourselves”….good times!


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eb73fc No.156756

File: 9fef59fa60d4ffc⋯.png (94.99 KB,802x691,802:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931591 (070458ZDEC20) Notable: Soros + Smartmatic + Dominion + Communist China = Foreign Interference With U.S National Election.

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Soros + Smartmatic + Dominion + Communist China = Foreign Interference With U.S National Election.

Don’t forget Covid-19 + Social Unrest & Violence.

United we stand. Divided we fall. They are dividing us.

Connect all dots = Color Revolution.

Be prepared. Pray for our country.


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eb73fc No.156757

File: b460cbabce9c44f⋯.jpeg (313.54 KB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931594 (070458ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon blocked Biden's intelligence transition team from meeting with agencies

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Here’s the link:


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eb73fc No.156758

File: cd2fd872da0946c⋯.png (6.56 MB,3600x8138,1800:4069,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931596 (070459ZDEC20) Notable: The Epoch Times Election Fraud Allegations.

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Election Fraud Allegations. The Epoch Times

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eb73fc No.156759

File: 7f5bd6be96c2a06⋯.png (132.51 KB,791x425,791:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 10d5f2197b2bf9b⋯.png (123.37 KB,473x333,473:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931618 (070502ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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RHINO01 USAF Beech 12-D Huron departing Nairobi, Kenya-Kenyatta Int'l Airport se to Mombasa

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eb73fc No.156760

File: a82e2ba227c1ad9⋯.png (162.03 KB,1806x928,903:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931657 (070506ZDEC20) Notable: Ralph Jones Sr. digs cont.

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>Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms


Ralph Jones Sr. Consultant firm the elections official.

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eb73fc No.156761

File: a7f9201e7a2a3f4⋯.png (3.27 MB,1277x2698,1277:2698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931669 (070507ZDEC20) Notable: Several things are very curious about this story of Mother, 33 yr old Erika Becerra, dies from "COVID" before holding her son on NOV 14, 2020.

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Mother gives birth to healthy baby but dies of COVID-19 before she can hold him


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eb73fc No.156762

File: 6f8117fd38c478a⋯.jpeg (548.28 KB,1280x1920,2:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931725 (070513ZDEC20) Notable: Durham Seeks Jail Time For Ex-FBI Lawyer Who Altered CIA Email About Carter Page

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Mass Arrest

Finally! Durham grows a pair.


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eb73fc No.156763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931839 (070526ZDEC20) Notable: HAPPENING: FORENSIC ANALYSIS TO BE PERFORMED ON 22 DOMINION MACHINES - DEMOCRATS CAUGHT

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This doesnt look good bidenbros….

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eb73fc No.156764

File: e07cd9054b145e2⋯.jpeg (587.57 KB,1931x1199,1931:1199,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931872 (070530ZDEC20) Notable: N.J. home prices are soaring through the pandemic. See how seven areas have fared.

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Might wanna do it quick

Every major economic downturn was preceded by big increases in NJ real estate


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eb73fc No.156765

File: 3bc50112b117cca⋯.png (464.49 KB,710x629,710:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931921 (070539ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Department Effectively Ends Clinton Investigation After Finding Nothing: Report

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POLITICS 01/09/2020 11:26 pm ET Updated Jan 13, 2020

Justice Department Effectively Ends Clinton Investigation After Finding Nothing: Report

A prosecutor was investigating Trump’s claim that the FBI did not properly look into Hillary Clinton’s role in a uranium deal while she was secretary of state.

By Sanjana Karanth

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eb73fc No.156766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931923 (070540ZDEC20) Notable: Elections expert Garland Favorito moved to the bottom of GA witness list – does he knows too much?

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Elections expert Garland Favorito moved to the bottom of GA witness list – does he knows too much?

December 6, 2020

In November a Georgia poll watcher noticed the suspicious shift in votes from President Trump to Joe Biden while monitoring the interim election results on the Georgia secretary of state website.

Voter GA co-founder Garland Favorito swore in an affidavit last month with the secretary of state’s office that, “I concluded from looking at these results that this was an irregularity, since there was no obvious reason for President Trump’s totals to have decreased while former Vice President Biden’s totals increased dramatically.”

Favorito continued to research the Dominion voting machines fluctuations and “glitches” and found more evidence of votes being switched from President Trump to Joe Biden elsewhere in the state….

Favorito was not allowed to testify last week. He believes it is because his testimony would expose the Secretary of State and his twisted sidekick Gabriel Sterling.

The Georgia Star News reported:

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In an interview with The Georgia Star News, Favorito explained that the information didn’t indicate which machine flipped the votes – just that the mistake occurred.

“We did find that they had flipped votes – we didn’t have to obtain the machine to figure that out. The hand count showed that they had flipped votes somewhere in that county,” he said.

Favorito explained that he’d been slated as a top ten witness for Trump’s legal team during Thursday’s State Senate hearing. Just before he was called to the stand, Favorito told The Star that an administrative assistant for the committee informed him that he was bumped to the bottom of the list “at the chairman’s discretion.”

During an interview with The John Fredericks Show, Favorito claimed that he later discovered why he’d been moved down the witness list.

“My testimony would’ve exposed the Secretary of State of Georgia, the Elections Director of Georgia, and the legal counsel of Georgia all for wrongdoing,” Favorito said. “And, being an independent, I expose corruption on both sides of the political spectrum.”


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eb73fc No.156767

File: 4bf3ed6e4e4f85c⋯.png (606.43 KB,868x506,434:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eba9e4822a56c7⋯.png (151.5 KB,950x1471,950:1471,Clipboard.png)

File: dc9a24dbf8739d2⋯.png (62.02 KB,920x510,92:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11931929 (070540ZDEC20) Notable: 'Old friends' in highest levels of U.S. government helped China influence policy, power

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'Old friends' in highest levels of U.S. government helped China influence policy, power (1 of 2)

Academic says Trump trade war cut off spies

China influenced American policies for decades through a covert network of “old friends” — sympathizers and agents — who had penetrated the highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions before the Trump administration, according to an academic linked to the Chinese government. Di Dongsheng, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, also suggested in a Nov. 28 speech that China’s Communist Party helped Hunter Biden, a son of presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden, obtain Chinese business deals. On influencing the United States, Mr. Di said, he could not provide further details about the work of Chinese agents without compromising their identities. However, he said President Trump’s trade war with China upset decades of close ties between Washington and Beijing that the agent network facilitated. Disputes such as the Navy’s EP-3 midair collision with a Chinese jet in the western Pacific in 2001 and the mistaken U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia in 1999 were resolved within months because of the influence operations. “Now, I’m going to drop a bomb: Because we had people up there inside America’s core circle of power, we had our old friends,” said Mr. Di, adding that he needed to speak carefully because “I can’t sell out these people.” A video of the remarks was posted on Mr. Di’s Weibo social media account but was quickly removed. Copies of the video, however, survived and went viral. Mr. Di could not be reached for comment. The university’s Contemporary China Studies Program, where Mr. Di works, had no immediate comment.

The academic’s comments bolster warnings last week by senior Trump administration officials that China now poses the most significant national security threat to the United States. “The intelligence is clear,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a published article. “Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. There are no moral or ethical boundaries to their pursuit of power.” Bill Evanina, director of the DNI Counterintelligence and Security Center, said China has begun targeting officials slated to hold posts in an incoming Biden administration. During online remarks hosted by the Aspen Institute, Mr. Evanina said China is conducting intelligence and malign influence operations “on steroids.” “We’ve also seen an uptick, which was planned and we predicted, that China would now re-vector their influence campaigns to the new administration,” he said. A senior Trump administration official said Mr. Di’s speech was a rare case of a Chinese official revealing very sensitive information. Mr. Di states on his biography page at Renmin University that he is a frequent consultant to Chinese Communist Party and government organs, including the Foreign Ministry and the International Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the Central Organization Department and other ministries and commissions.

In 2013, the State Department sponsored him to give lectures on Sino-U.S. economic relations to senior U.S. officials. Wall Street hedge funds have invited him “to teach company executives the impact of China’s reforms on global financial markets,” according to his biography. In his remarks last month in Shanghai, Mr. Di explained how one of these agents, whom he described in anti-Semitic terms, successfully pressured the owner of the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington in 2015 into permitting a Chinese government official to hold an event unveiling a book by Chinese President Xi Jinping. China’s propaganda department tasked Mr. Di with arranging the book event and hosting and participating in a panel discussion. “Just like today, they said, ‘Hey, Di Dongsheng, you are very good at fooling the foreigners,’ because they had seen how I conned them, which they thought was very effective,” he said. Mr. Di said it was difficult to arrange the event on short notice and bookstore owner Bradley Graham refused to give in to the Chinese demands. “So I asked him, ‘Which author booked the place for that time frame?’ What did I mean by asking him that? Well, there is nothing U.S. dollars can’t buy. If one bundle of cash couldn’t, I’d throw in another. That’s how I work,” he said.


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eb73fc No.156768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932019 (070555ZDEC20) Notable: FBI texts - The release of DNC hacked emails to Wikileaks was "our guys"

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FBI texts - The release of DNC hacked emails to Wikileaks was "our guys"

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eb73fc No.156769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932149 (070619ZDEC20) Notable: anon notes bundle / Notes @200 for Incoming BAKER - That's it for me. Sweet dreams if you can sleep, Anons

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eb73fc No.156770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932174 (070623ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia GOP Sues Jon Ossoff, Dem Super PAC for 'Illegal' Coordination

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Georgia GOP Sues Jon Ossoff, Dem Super PAC for 'Illegal' Coordination

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eb73fc No.156771

File: 0da14b31e4a0270⋯.jpg (368.92 KB,1080x1304,135:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932177 (070624ZDEC20) Notable: CM Tweet Very Interesting Dig Re Brian Kemp Being Bought

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eb73fc No.156772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932193 (070628ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 1

Bough Lin to resign as SPIL chairman


Fidesz's Szajer resigns as MEP


Tokyo Stock Exchange CEO resigns over system failure


EbeneMagazine –JP –TSE President Miyahara resigns due to system failure


A Maine sheriff resigned after sexting his officers. The full story is even darker.


Ohio State Provost Bruce McPheron to step down


Kum & Go CEO Kyle Krause stepping down, paving way for son atop Des Moines-based convenience chain


ioneer thanks Patrick Elliot for contribution to company after he resigns from non-executive director role


McCarty retiring after 30 years with OPS


MPL's chairman resigns days after revealing corruption within company


Nash retiring, proud of efforts as Tupelo Regional Airport director


Comair to start flying again with a change of captain


Several AGP members including secretary Paban Saikia resign


Roger Pepperl retiring after 40 year career


West Virginia Coal Association President Bill Raney Retiring




Michaud Cooley Erickson president, Doug Cooley, retiring after 51-year career


Marcie Sillman, longtime Seattle arts reporter, is retiring after 35 years at KUOW


CMG’s Bill Hendrich Retiring


Alabama Department of Mental Health Commissioner Lynn Beshear retiring; Kim Boswell appointed as successor


New Jersey Environmental Commissioner Retiring In January, Gov. Murphy Announces


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eb73fc No.156773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932194 (070628ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 2

FCC Boss Ajit Pai Will Step Down January 20


Phil Anastasia Retiring After 40 Years Covering Local Sports


Jennings superintendent Art McCoy says he is stepping down


Celebrating a Career: Paul Wagner Retiring after 41 Years with WICU-TV


Guthrie President, CEO Dr. Joseph Scopelliti retiring


UGA Athletic Director Greg McGarity set to retire


Harris County GOP chair who assumed role after facing backlash for racist Facebook post resigns


US Magistrate Judge Andy Austin Is Retiring. Here's What He's Doing Next


Chief of staff in Aurora Aldermen’s Office retiring


Lloyds has named Charlie Nunn, a senior banker at rival HSBC, as its next chief executive


Louis Vuitton online strategy head Ian Rogers resigned


Facing concerns over racism, NYC marathon exec steps down


Ohio Democratic Party chairman David Pepper stepping down at end of year


Mid Island – Pacific Rim MLA Josie Osborne officially resigns as Tofino’s mayor


Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism CEO Herb Malone retiring


STC CEO announces resignation


Jersey's civil aviation director resigns following 'incompetence' report


Jeff Platsky closes a 45-year journalism career with no regrets


Scripps College President Lara Tiedens to resign


Sky TV boss resigns a week after deciding to return to Europe


Delegate Warren Miller announces he will resign from the Maryland General Assembly effective December 31st


Longtime ABH reporter Lee Shearer retiring


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eb73fc No.156774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932195 (070628ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 3

Tanden will resign from Restart and Recover Commission, Murphy says


UniCredit CEO Mustier to Step Down After Clashes With Board (2)


County airport manager resigning


Councillor Sue Price resigns from Moree Plains Shire Council


Evangel University’s longtime director of public relations retiring


Trumann police chief announces resignation


Chief, five other officers resign from Catawba Police Department


Dan Le Batard, ESPN’s irreverent show host, is leaving the network


Lloyds Banking Group: António Horta-Osório To Step Down In April - Quick Facts


Longtime Capital Journal sports writer retires


Marinette Republican John Nygren resigning from State Assembly


Muny president retiring after 50+ years with the outdoor theater


Corps of Engineers contracting chief Easter retiring after 40+ years


NJDEP Commissioner McCabe is retiring in January


Broadcaster G.D. Hieronymus retiring from Keeneland


NIB director resigns from position at nonprofit organization


i-Cable’s China reporters resign in protest after 40 colleagues sacked


St. Joseph County officials formally said goodbye and good luck to their soon-to-be-retired finance director


Caribou mayor resigns over missed meetings


Appleton School Board Vice President Leah Olson resigns as community frustrations over online learning continue


Newly elected North Port commissioner resigns


Leadership shake-ups hit Vornado, Cushman & Wakefield and Howard Hughes


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eb73fc No.156775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932197 (070628ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 4



Augusta Fire Chief Chris James issues resignation


Herbert appoints two judges to replace retiring jurists Morris, Kay in Davis County


Council Chair Chris Smyth suddenly resigns


Event sends farewell to retiring judge




Newly elected North Port Commissioner David Iannotti resigns


Rep. John Nygren to resign from Assembly weeks after winning reelection


James Smith to replace retiring John Sneed as FMS Bank CEO


Longtime Ward 7 alderman resigns


Interserve support services managing director to step down


Mark Nisbet, longtime head of Xcel Energy in North Dakota retiring, Tony Grindberg hired as new Principal Manager


People on the move – new Co-Chairmen for World Shipping Council


Chris Stone Retiring After A Quarter-Century Of Influencing Visitors to Discover Greenville


Newton County election director resigning


Katherine Kertzman retiring as President/CEO of Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority


First Things First CEO Julie Baumgardner To Step Down In January


Rhode Island prison medical director resigns; gyms ordered closed


President Lee Pelton to resign in June, lead Boston Foundation


Zalando co-CEO Ritter to step down to let wife pursue career


RSU 9 Superintendent Tina Meserve resigns


SITE Santa Fe director resigns


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eb73fc No.156776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932199 (070628ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 5

Beloit Janesville Symphony Orchestra executive director resigns


Yi-Lai chairman Wong Gian Kui resigns due to personal commitment


Five governors resign from Bournes Green Junior School after ‘breakdown in trust’


Josefoski announces resignation from Tarentum Council


Head of Health Board northern region resigns


Pa. Planned Parenthood boss resigns over hostile workplace culture claims | Wednesday Morning Coffee


For second time this year, North York council member announces resignation


Perrysburg councilman elected to county recorder position resigns from council


U.S.-funded media outlet ‘Current Time’ fires journalist for appearing on YouTube show to discuss conspiracy theory about Alexey Navalny’s father-in-law


U.S. Channel Chief Willis Leaving Microsoft


St. Joseph’s Care Group CEO retiring


Napolitano Resigns City Council Seat: Will Apply for Recently Opened Asst. Clerk Position


Toys for Tots leader retiring


AMC Networks’ Head of Investor Relations, Seth Zaslow, To Step Down at End of Year


Jim Ayers to Step Back From Executive Chairman Role at FirstBank


Pennsylvania Adjutant General retiring


Arianna Bocco Named IFC Films President


WIAA: Anderson retiring in July 2021


Joseph diGenova resigns from Gridiron Club after saying fired cybersecurity official should be shot


Betando announces resignation from MHUSD


Marathon Oil General Counsel Resigns as Company's Financial Woes Continue


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eb73fc No.156777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932201 (070629ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 6

WCH CEO Tavary resigns; CFO Lundblad named interim


Norway's central bank deputy governor resigns over China ties


Tapia Resigns from Jemez Board, Eyes General Manager Position


Spiro resigns leadership of Cecil Bank; Knott named her successor


Longtime Vanderbilt broadcaster Joe Fisher resigns, enters rehab after 'unacceptable' on-air appearance


Farah resigns as White House communications director in tacit nod to Trump’s loss


Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Announces Director Resignation


West Linn Police Chief Terry Kruger fired with 3 months severance pay in wake of Michael Fesser case


Rockdale BOC Chief of Staff Corey Hambrick to resign Dec. 31


Medinger to resign from La Crosse Common Council this month


CEO of Peach Cobbler Factory resigns after closure of Murfreesboro restaurant


President of National Civil Rights Museum resigns


Chloé confirms creative director Natacha Ramsay-Levi to step down


Waters CFO stepping down


'Part of something bigger:' Departing CEO Jason Rhode reflects on his time at Cirrus Logic and the growth of Austin's tech sector


‘Say Yes To The Dress’ prodco Half Yard’s CEO steps down, Hoogstra upped


Executive director of WAIT House to step down


Stefan Lundborg resigns Kindred post amid ‘insider crime’ investigation


Greater Utica Chamber Executive Director Fraser McGrogan resigns


Research Frontiers CFO resigns


Republican Member of State Elections Board Resigns


McAfee EVP, Chief Product Officer Ash Kulkarni To Resign Post


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932202 (070629ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations In the News

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Resignations in the news 11/30/2020 thru 12/6/2020 - part 7

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast at age of 76


Manhattan DA Cy Vance’s top aide resigns in latest sign he won’t run for re-election in 2021


DelphX Announces Director Resignation


Tim Schneider to Step Down as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party


After 4 Decades, MFD Chief John Fruetel Stepping Down


Hendrix Genetics appoints Jolanda van Haarlem as future CEO


Ivan Glasenberg to leave Glencore within six months


Logan Senator Hardesty resigns from state Senate


British ambassador resigns for 'family reasons'


Rabuka resigns from Parliament


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932205 (070630ZDEC20) Notable: Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

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repost with added details plus an article.


This short video from Thomas Wictor outlines in brief the 3 main points of the article below by J.E. Dyer. Very interesting - and very much in line with what Q has hinted at for 3 years.

Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic - and the best is yet to come

1. The main effort: demonstrate election fraud = DONE

2. The visible supporting effort: lawsuits = DONE

3. The key supporting effort = Intel acquired by NSA to be used when the time is right

''Article intro:

In a military campaign, like the invasions of Saddam’s Iraq in 1991 and 2003, there is designated a main effort, and a set of supporting efforts.

The main effort is the constructive centerline of the strategy, the one on which the momentum may accelerate or slow, but is always propelling the campaign most directly toward the its objective (e.g., to reach Baghdad with massed force and reduce Iraq’s national authorities to disorganized impotence, so that there is no longer any focused national will).

The supporting efforts contribute to the main effort, affording it what it needs in terms of strength, protection, breathing space, acceleration, and preparation for follow-through, including the need to move on to a next phase.

In some cases supporting efforts are maneuver vectors in their own right, such as flanking moves to complicate the enemy’s battle problem geographically. In other cases they may be well-designed logistic activities, political gambits, or campaigns in warfare dimensions like information or strategic interdiction; e.g., eliminating the infrastructure for producing war materiel.

Over the past month, in the aftermath of a 2020 election grossly contaminated by discrepancies bearing all the hallmarks of fraud, we have been watching unfold what I believe are the main effort and one of its major supporting efforts, in President Trump’s campaign to rectify the great wrong done by massive fraud, and avert a fatal coup against constitutional government in America.

What we haven’t seen yet is the supporting effort on which, because the schedule of the U.S. Constitution is inexorable, the operational success of the campaign may hinge….


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eb73fc No.156780

File: 432d1a485b96b35⋯.png (5.65 MB,739x13152,739:13152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932206 (070630ZDEC20) Notable: Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932211 (070631ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell - Trump must be inaugurated January 20, 2021.

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Sidney Powell 



And the same system, methods and means of fraud was just used here in #USA #TrumpWon in a landslide. The reported and fraudulent vote does not reflect the will of the people. Trump must be inaugurated January 20, 2021.





Quote Tweet

Secretary Pompeo


US government account

· 10h

Venezuela's electoral fraud has already been committed. The results announced by the illegitimate Maduro regime will not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. What's happening today is a fraud and a sham, not an election.

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eb73fc No.156782

File: ce9a65e346701fa⋯.png (534.39 KB,673x516,673:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b2512c9dd2c275⋯.png (110.13 KB,1119x1574,1119:1574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932229 (070635ZDEC20) Notable: (pb) , (pb) Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

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Ryan Germany

Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia

Germany Family Investment Partners LLC


Anons DigThinking it will be interesting to see where this leads, is this to move a payment structure around.

Ryan Germany has LLC's This one indicates him as the principal. Also attached are the related LLC's,(could lead to 100s moar seeing evidence of quite a few), with in each one of these related LLCs are moar LLCs, some times with different principals, but connected as you will see when looking through each of these. Minds me moar of a money laundering operation. Also pay attention to the names in related "other LLCs, usually leads to interesting results


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eb73fc No.156783

File: cce766f19ff6901⋯.png (513.09 KB,678x368,339:184,Clipboard.png)

File: f7a8c99521ea572⋯.png (2.08 MB,1753x973,1753:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932234 (070635ZDEC20) Notable: Leaked video shows GA Gov Kemp standing in front of Chinese communist flag asking for foreign business

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"A video has emerged of Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp standing in front of a Chinese Communist Flag, alongside two American flags, talking about Georgia’s business opportunities with clips of Chinese Businessmen speaking in Chinese. There is no other information about the video, at the link, except for a web address that goes to a site www.Georgia business.cn where the video was first posted, and according to the website they promote Chinese businesses in America:"


Website the video was originally found:


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eb73fc No.156784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932238 (070635ZDEC20) Notable: Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

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All PB



worth a ponder

Trump's Campaign to save the Republic





























NOW will you believe?

40,352 views•Dec 6, 2020

Thomas Wictor

51.1K subscribers



This may be the most important speech I've ever made….

5,514,923 views•Dec 2, 2020


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eb73fc No.156785

File: fdf838cbfe90a59⋯.jpg (388.08 KB,800x633,800:633,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932264 (070641ZDEC20) Notable: White House Advent Calendar Remember Pearl Harbor, Infamy

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December 7, 2020

Today, we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor that 79 years ago took more than 2,000 American lives.

Just weeks after Pearl Harbor was attacked, America was still in shock, struggling to find joy in the Christmas season. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, however, lifted spirits during his surprise visit to Washington for the holidays. The Prime Minister stayed for three weeks with President Franklin Roosevelt, talking from early in the morning until late at night.

On Christmas Eve, the President and Prime Minister delivered remarks from the South Portico of the White House for the lighting of the White House Christmas tree.


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eb73fc No.156786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932313 (070652ZDEC20) Notable: Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

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Oh, if there were only some document that could explain to him what was going on.


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eb73fc No.156787

File: 9f17433d9e643b6⋯.jpeg (248.16 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932326 (070656ZDEC20) Notable: Aussie's media is outing Hunter Biden as a Pedophile. (needs more sauce)

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Australia's media outing Hunter Biden as a pedophile raping his own daughters Finnegan and Naomi Biden and other children of both sexes. I think its a small bang

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eb73fc No.156788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932336 (070659ZDEC20) Notable: White House Advent Calendar Remember Pearl Harbor, Infamy

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DECEMBER 7th , 1941

A date that will live in INFAMY , the United States was suddenly and deliberatly attacked by the Empire of Japan …. we had been at peace with that nation "

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eb73fc No.156789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932351 (070702ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell will be in GA court tomorrow 10 am ET presenting arguments. Link to audio stream

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For the #GEORGIA

arguments in the #KrakenTeam case on

#ElectionFraud, you may listen here:












Sidney will be in GA court tomorrow presenting arguments. Link to audio stream:


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eb73fc No.156790

File: 68fe2ff769596fc⋯.png (46.44 KB,602x516,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932361 (070703ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell will be in GA court tomorrow 10 am ET presenting arguments. Link to audio stream

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Forgot cap.

YT streaming link: https://youtu.be/PNAdnT53MZA

Starts at 10am ET.

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eb73fc No.156791

File: 682ecb056cf0fc7⋯.png (1.01 MB,585x765,13:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 4556c62d0a5750d⋯.png (167.17 KB,339x336,113:112,Clipboard.png)

File: a4cfbfc8f042894⋯.png (974.56 KB,1287x703,1287:703,Clipboard.png)

File: c0ef7de02d6a175⋯.png (24.97 KB,605x370,121:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 83a71eed9c709ef⋯.png (32.02 KB,1164x398,582:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932364 (070703ZDEC20) Notable: Cassin Young, captain in the United States Navy received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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Cassin Young (March 6, 1894 – November 13, 1942) was a captain in the United States Navy who received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

After graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy on June 3, 1916, he served on the battleship USS Connecticut (BB-18) into 1919. He attended submarine school in 1919 and then spent several years in submarines. During that period, he served on submarines USS R-22 (SS-99) and USS R-3 (SS-80). In 1921, he and his family returned from Panama and he assisted in outfitting the USS S-51. In January 1922, he served in Naval Communications on the staff of Commander Submarine Divisions, Battle Fleet, and at the Naval Academy.

During 1931 to 1933, Lieutenant Commander Young served on the battleship USS New York (BB-34). He was subsequently awarded command of the destroyer USS Evans (DD-78) and was assigned to the Eleventh Naval District from 1935 to 1937. After promotion to the rank of Commander, he commanded Submarine Division Seven and was stationed at Naval Submarine Base New London, in Groton, Connecticut.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, he was commanding officer of the repair ship USS Vestal (AR-4), which was badly damaged by Japanese bombs and the explosion of the battleship USS Arizona (BB-39).

Commander Young rapidly organized offensive action, personally taking charge of one of Vestal's anti-aircraft guns. When Arizona's forward magazine exploded, the blast blew Young overboard. Although stunned, he was determined to save his ship by getting her away from the blazing Arizona. Swimming through burning oil back to Vestal, which was already damaged and about to be further damaged, Young got her underway and beached her, thus ensuring her later salvage. His heroism was recognized with the Medal of Honor.

Promoted to Captain in February 1942, he took command of the heavy cruiser USS San Francisco (CA-38) on November 9, 1942.[2] On November 13, 1942, during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, he guided his ship in action with a superior Japanese force and was killed by enemy shells while closely engaging the battleship Hiei. Captain Young was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his actions during the campaign and San Francisco received the Presidential Unit Citation.

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eb73fc No.156792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932382 (070707ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

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eb73fc No.156793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932388 (070707ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

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eb73fc No.156794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932393 (070709ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

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Darpa funded Election Guard


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eb73fc No.156795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932424 (070715ZDEC20) Notable: anon notes bundle / first Time taking notes…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11932407 I fixed the link

>>>156769 Notes @200 for Incoming BAKER - That's it for me. Sweet dreams if you can sleep, Anons

>>>156770 Georgia GOP Sues Jon Ossoff, Dem Super PAC for 'Illegal' Coordination

>>>156771 CM Tweet Very Interesting Dig Re Brian Kemp Being Bought

>>>156772, >>156773, >>156774, >>156775, >>156776, >>156777, >>156778 Resignations In the News

>>>156779, >>156780, >>156784, >>156786 Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

>>>156781 Sidney Powell - Trump must be inaugurated January 20, 2021.

>>>156782 Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

>>>156783 Leaked video shows GA Gov Kemp standing in front of Chinese communist flag asking for foreign business

>>>156785 White House Advent Calendar Remember Pearl Harbor, >>156788 Infamy

>>>156787 Aussie's media is outing Hunter Biden as a Pedophile. (needs more sauce)

>>>156789, >>156790 Sidney Powell will be in GA court tomorrow 10 am ET presenting arguments. Link to audio stream

>>>156791 Cassin Young, captain in the United States Navy received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

>>>156792, >>156793, >>156794 Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932436 (070717ZDEC20) Notable: anon notes bundle

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>>156795 first Time taking notes…

>>156769 Notes @200 for Incoming BAKER - That's it for me. Sweet dreams if you can sleep, Anons

>>156770 Georgia GOP Sues Jon Ossoff, Dem Super PAC for 'Illegal' Coordination

>>156771 CM Tweet Very Interesting Dig Re Brian Kemp Being Bought

>>156772, >>156773, >>156774, >>156775, >>156776, >>156777, >>156778 Resignations In the News

>>156779, >>156780, >>156784, >>156786 Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

>>156781 Sidney Powell - Trump must be inaugurated January 20, 2021.

>>156782 Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

>>156783 Leaked video shows GA Gov Kemp standing in front of Chinese communist flag asking for foreign business

>>156785 White House Advent Calendar Remember Pearl Harbor, >>156788 Infamy

>>156787 Aussie's media is outing Hunter Biden as a Pedophile. (needs more sauce)

>>156789, >>156790 Sidney Powell will be in GA court tomorrow 10 am ET presenting arguments. Link to audio stream

>>156791 Cassin Young, captain in the United States Navy received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

>>156792, >>156793, >>156794 Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156797

File: a0153e94829614f⋯.jpg (97.88 KB,767x1024,767:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 897f484c2c0a1e2⋯.jpg (234.34 KB,1125x1941,375:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e634216b0c78d1⋯.jpg (89.09 KB,1039x657,1039:657,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932470 (070726ZDEC20) Notable: Now the official story is that a urinal leaked.

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Folks all that stuff about shoot outs in Germany are designed to distract from these very real “anomalies.”

We all remember that voting stopped in Georgia because A PIPE BURST.

Now the official story is that a urinal leaked.



Georgia Secretary of State / Brad Raffensperger’s office:

- Pipe didn’t burst it was just a urinal.

- Vote monitors weren’t told to leave; they all just left spontaneously.

Mikes- PantherPride




Replying to


If it looks like shit, smells like shit . It’s bull shit…





Replying to


My God how they lie





Replying to


So everyone that has a sworn affidavit saying they asked them to leave are lying? When do they go to federal prison?? (No I don’t think they are lying)





Bet a million that kemp and his cronies made a deal with the left…





Replying to


Pipe burst reported live on the news wtf





Replying to


How can they fool WE THE PEOPLE just like this?!





Replying to


I like how paragraph 7. Saying the staff were packing up thinking they were done for the night, contradicts paragraph 6.

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eb73fc No.156798

File: 75ef24ccb3825e4⋯.png (900.73 KB,1579x1231,1579:1231,Clipboard.png)

File: a8edd547802c01c⋯.pdf (158.84 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 82abb3dc0964856⋯.jpg (98.01 KB,880x950,88:95,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d53d11afd4a21ba⋯.gif (1.34 MB,416x542,208:271,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932520 (070739ZDEC20) Notable: review: The Covidian Cult CJ Hopkins - October 13, 2020

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The Covidian CultCJ Hopkins - October 13, 2020

THIS GUY gets it. Fantastic read on the Technocratic "global totalitarian movement … the first of its kind in human history."

…I’m not going to go on debunking the narrative. The point is, the facts are all available. Not from “conspiracy theorist” websites. From mainstream outlets and medical experts. From the Center for Fucking Disease Control.

Which does not matter in the least, not to the members of the Covidian Cult. Facts do not matter to totalitarians and cult members. What matters is loyalty to the cult or the party.

Which means we have a serious problem, those of us to whom facts still matter, and who have been trying to use them to convince the Covidian cultists that they are wrong about the virus … for going on eight months at this point.

While it is crucial to continue reporting the facts and sharing them with as many people as possible — which is becoming increasingly difficult due to the censorship of alternative and social media — it is important to accept what we are up against. What we are up against is not a misunderstanding or a rational argument over scientific facts. It is a fanatical ideological movement. A global totalitarian movement … the first of its kind in human history.

It isn’t national totalitarianism, because we’re living in a global capitalist empire, which isn’t ruled by nation-states, but rather, by supranational entities and the global capitalist system itself. And thus, the cult/culture paradigm has been inverted. Instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it.

I wish I could be more optimistic, and maybe offer some sort of plan of action, but the only historical parallel I can think of is how Christianity “converted” the pagan world … which doesn’t really bode so well for us. While you’re sitting at home during the “second wave” lockdowns, you might want to brush up on that history.

Attached the article as a PDF and links are below



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eb73fc No.156799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932726 (070838ZDEC20) Notable: Cisco To Buy Software Firm IMImobile In $730 Million Deal

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Cisco To Buy Software Firm IMImobile In $730 Million Deal

December 7, 2020

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Cisco has agreed to buy London-based cloud communications software company IMImobile PLC for 595 pence per share in cash in a deal valued at about $730 million, including debt.

IMImobile provides software and services to businesses to connect with customers through interactive channels including social, messaging and voice.


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eb73fc No.156800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932733 (070841ZDEC20) Notable: Several things are very curious about this story of Mother, 33 yr old Erika Becerra, dies from "COVID" before holding her son on NOV 14, 2020., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: SARS_COV_2_increased_death_in_pregnant_women_immediately_following_delivery.png, SARS_men_vs_women_dying.png

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Several things are very curious about this story of Mother, 33 yr old Erika Becerra, dies from "COVID" before holding her son on NOV 14, 2020.

1. Originally from LA, moved to Detroit. AG of California is Xavier Becerra. Is this a common name?? IDK

2. 33? REALLY? Why are most news stories with victims 33??

3.. This IS a thing apparently, medical literature recently published on NOV 8, 2020, highlight a hormonal protective effect of pregnancy and menstruation. After delivery, the hormone levels drop dramatically and suddenly a previously not very sick pregnant woman ends up in the ICU. Very ODD that she would not be given steroids?? Especially if the diagnosis of "COVID" was known ahead of time and these are safe in the 3rd trimester?!?

https://www.cell.com/trends/endocrinology-metabolism/fulltext/S1043-2760(20)30222-8?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1043276020302228%3Fshowall%3Dtrue (The study)

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201124122919.htm (article ABOUT the study)

The original story https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2020/12/06/mother-gives-birth-to-healthy-baby-but-dies-of-covid-19-before-she-can-hold-him/

BTW, of note, IF someone was going to make a "BIOWEAPON", it would make SENSE to kill more MEN than women, in terms of increasing odds in the event of a "hot" war was to follow.

In mice models using mild SARS infection (SARS-COV) [not COVID which is SARS-COV2], 90% male death, 20% female death. In a severe SARS-COV infection, ALL MALES DIED, and 50% females died.

something to consider

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eb73fc No.156801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932770 (070851ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services

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Biden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Michael D. Shear 4 hrs ago

The New York Times logoBiden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services


WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has selected Xavier Becerra, the Democratic attorney general of California, as his nominee for secretary of health and human services, tapping a former congressman who would be the first Latino to run the department as it battles the surging coronavirus pandemic.

Xavier Becerra wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera: Xavier Becerra served 12 terms in Congress, representing Los Angeles, before becoming the attorney general of California in 2017.© Rich Pedroncelli/Associated Press Xavier Becerra served 12 terms in Congress, representing Los Angeles, before becoming the attorney general of California in 2017.

Mr. Becerra became Mr. Biden’s clear choice only over the past few days, according to people familiar with the transition’s deliberations, and was a surprise. Mr. Becerra has carved out a profile on the issues of criminal justice and immigration, and he was long thought to be a candidate for attorney general.

But as attorney general in California, he has been at the forefront of legal efforts on health care, leading 20 states and the District of Columbia in a campaign to protect the Affordable Care Act from being dismantled by his Republican counterparts. He has also been vocal in the Democratic Party about fighting for women’s health.

If confirmed, Mr. Becerra will immediately face a daunting task in leading the department at a critical moment during a pandemic that has killed more than 281,000 people in the United States — and one that has taken a particularly devastating toll on people of color.

“The A.C.A. has been life-changing and now through this pandemic, we can all see the value in having greater access to quality health care at affordable prices,” Mr. Becerra said in June, when he filed a brief with the Supreme Court in defense of the health care law. “Now is not the time to rip away our best tool to address very real and very deadly health disparities in our communities.”

A spokesman for Mr. Biden’s transition team declined to comment. The president-elect plans to formally announce Mr. Becerra as his choice to lead the health department early this week, along with several other top health care advisers, according to people familiar with the rollout.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, will be selected to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a person familiar with Mr. Biden’s deliberations. Dr. Walensky, whose selection was reported earlier by Politico, will replace Dr. Robert R. Redfield as the leader of the scientific agency at the forefront of the nation’s pandemic response.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama, will reprise that role for Mr. Biden. A telegenic confidant of the president-elect, Mr. Murthy will become one of Mr. Biden’s closest advisers on medical issues and will lead much of the public outreach on the pandemic.

Jeffrey D. Zients, an entrepreneur and management consultant who served as the head of Mr. Obama’s National Economic Council and fixed the bungled rollout of the health law’s online insurance marketplace, will become a coronavirus czar in the White House, leading efforts to coordinate the fight against the coronavirus pandemic among the government’s sprawling agencies.

Some medical experts, who have been pushing the Biden team to name people with medical or public health expertise to serve in health leadership positions, were caught off guard — and unhappily so — by the news of Mr. Becerra’s selection.

In a letter sent last week to Mr. Biden, five leading medical groups — the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Physicians among them — called on the president-elect to appoint “qualified physicians to serve in key positions critical to advancing the health of our nation.”

One person familiar with that effort said people involved were “astounded” by the selection of Mr. Becerra, and suggested that Mr. Biden elevate Dr. Murthy to a cabinet-level position.

But in an interview on Sunday night, Dr. Ada D. Stewart, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, one of the groups that sent the letter, described Mr. Becerra as “a good choice” and “an experienced legislator and executive” — even as she conceded that her group would “prefer, of course, to have a physician in this position.”


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eb73fc No.156802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932836 (070909ZDEC20) Notable: Former cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are trying to steal coronavirus vaccine IP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are trying to steal coronavirus vaccine IP


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156803

File: e477b9bd6e36e6f⋯.png (790.88 KB,1392x1322,696:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 69243116b244361⋯.png (1023.16 KB,2092x1502,1046:751,Clipboard.png)

File: ca9913bd4303d54⋯.png (848.38 KB,1094x1432,547:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11932917 (070939ZDEC20) Notable: Find a connection between Malloch-Brown and either of these two guys.

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Find a connection between Malloch-Brown and either of these two guys.

The ITU which is UN ran Cyber Warfare drills November 3rd through 5th. Same time as our election. They are in almost every country. 930 companies as partners.




The head of it is Chinese and defends Huawei

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eb73fc No.156804

File: baff7b79f610968⋯.pdf (389.65 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 20e47efdb6bddaa⋯.pdf (362.58 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: d7b34e3bd788ff2⋯.pdf (181.49 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: aee71163de70d82⋯.pdf (169.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 8af08ae96dd4b8a⋯.pdf (149.99 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933007 (071001ZDEC20) Notable: STORYNET bundle

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STORyNET Related Documents & Research PDFs - Part 5 Final…==

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156805

File: 820f58c393b3084⋯.png (33.76 KB,594x319,54:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933277 (071111ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Remember those tiny packs of seeds sent from China to random addresses in America earlier this year?

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Remember those tiny packs of seeds sent from China to random addresses in America earlier this year?

The rumor floating around is that China was checking which addresses were still valid for mail-in or absentee voting.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156806

File: faaf6f4ddadbda8⋯.png (29 KB,1266x313,1266:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933303 (071117ZDEC20) Notable: Flashback: CNN Reports Smartmatic VOTE FRAUD in 2006

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Flashback: CNN Reports Smartmatic VOTE FRAUD in 2006

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156807

File: 04df4553888f495⋯.png (36.62 KB,1330x357,190:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933318 (071121ZDEC20) Notable: For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data In COVID Tests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data In COVID Tests

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156808

File: 1d0fc9b4456658a⋯.png (324.58 KB,1792x828,448:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fd7c0ef937558a⋯.png (276.35 KB,1792x828,448:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 51839ff001f9ffd⋯.png (278.04 KB,1792x828,448:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 17b172b86b1369c⋯.png (411.09 KB,1792x828,448:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933343 (071128ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Here's a link directly to the counterinsurgency guide, re: repost from (PB) about insurgency

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(PB) about insurgency. This is loaded with information that is all relevant to the past decades. If you have time, read it. Great find


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eb73fc No.156809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933369 (071135ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell's team is in court today in GA at 10 am, it's supposed to be lived streamed at 10 am

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Notice of Audio Streaming of Court Proceeding: Pearson, et al. v. Kemp, et al.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Notice of Audio Streaming of Court Proceeding

The following proceeding will be audio streamed on YouTube:

Case Name: Pearson, et al. v. Kemp, et al.

Case Number: 1:20-cv-4809

Type of Proceeding: Hearing on Motion

Date and Time of Broadcast: Monday, December 7, 2020 beginning at 10 a.m.



Sidney Powell's team is in court today in GA at 10 am, it's supposed to be lived streamed at 10 am

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156810

File: bc5247ece606494⋯.png (2.95 MB,2082x1244,1041:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 32fcbc24c3778e7⋯.png (2.42 MB,2072x1248,259:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933402 (071143ZDEC20) Notable: PF reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156811

File: 0088ca10517a4fb⋯.png (162.81 KB,1061x556,1061:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 206223cacd8b8c9⋯.png (387.26 KB,1168x815,1168:815,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e6bbb95b8bffa1⋯.pdf (896.15 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933419 (071146ZDEC20) Notable: micro- and nanocontamination in vaccines

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156812

File: 4cdb9d82f20e9ec⋯.png (27.67 KB,600x372,50:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933439 (071153ZDEC20) Notable: Raphael Warnock. Arrested in a child abuse investigation at his church camp.

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Hey Georgia this guy could be your senator. Wake up!

Quote Tweet

Jason Miller


· 11h

Radical, liberal, Raphael Warnock.

Arrested in a child abuse investigation at his church camp.

*Not good*

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933448 (071155ZDEC20) Notable: #15231

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>>>/qresearch/11932878 scraped last bread after 200


>>156796 anon notes bundle

>>156797 Now the official story is that a urinal leaked.

>>156798 review: The Covidian Cult CJ Hopkins - October 13, 2020

>>156799 Cisco To Buy Software Firm IMImobile In $730 Million Deal

>>156761, >>156800 Several things are very curious about this story of Mother, 33 yr old Erika Becerra, dies from "COVID" before holding her son on NOV 14, 2020.

>>156801 Biden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services

>>156803 Find a connection between Malloch-Brown and either of these two guys.

>>156802 Former cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are trying to steal coronavirus vaccine IP

new baker scraping

>>156770 Georgia GOP Sues Jon Ossoff, Dem Super PAC for 'Illegal' Coordination

>>156771 CM Tweet Very Interesting Dig Re Brian Kemp Being Bought

>>156772 , >>156773 , >>156774 , >>156775 , >>156776 , >>156777 , >>156778 Resignations In the News

>>156779 , >>156780 , >>156784 , >>156786 Three main thrusts In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic

>>156781 Sidney Powell - Trump must be inaugurated January 20, 2021.

>>156782 Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

>>156783 Leaked video shows GA Gov Kemp standing in front of Chinese communist flag asking for foreign business

>>156785 White House Advent Calendar Remember Pearl Harbor, >>156788 Infamy

>>156787 Aussie's media is outing Hunter Biden as a Pedophile. (needs more sauce)

>>156789 , >>156790 Sidney Powell will be in GA court tomorrow 10 am ET presenting arguments. Link to audio stream

>>156791 Cassin Young, captain in the United States Navy received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

>>156792 , >>156793 , >>156794 Dominion algorithm reverse engineered

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156814

File: 57dc8eb34663e08⋯.png (1.28 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: e59dc2ce477d2c8⋯.png (5.08 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: f1232903462f497⋯.png (983.58 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 0718c0f45a0dd32⋯.png (1.12 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933748 (071312ZDEC20) Notable: (pb) , (pb) Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

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>>156782 Call for Dig on Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia & Germany Family Investment Partners LLC

Related company, “Flagship group, inc”. Filed for Corp on 1994. C. Ryan Germany, T. Gordon (Gordy) Germany, officers. Robert C Moot Jr, attorney. Still I’m good standing with SOS of GA

Moar coming on Flagship Group real estate developers


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156815

File: 6b1d0bf51588248⋯.png (525.44 KB,868x743,868:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933613 (071245ZDEC20) Notable: MSN drivel: Michael Flynn Goes Full Qanon In His Post-Pardon Media Tour

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michael Flynn Goes Full Qanon In His Post-Pardon Media Tour

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156816

File: 141bc6a3aa2e507⋯.jpeg (415.83 KB,1396x1173,1396:1173,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933621 (071246ZDEC20) Notable: Angela Merkel was a member of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Players.

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Angela Merkel was a member of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Players.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156817

File: 547a9195c8d2a99⋯.png (51.11 KB,598x464,299:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933633 (071249ZDEC20) Notable: FLYNN BTFO SHILLS THEN WE HAVE THEM RIGHT WHERE WE WANT THEM

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Replying to



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156818

File: 7d9631f8892b2fd⋯.png (35.17 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933665 (071257ZDEC20) Notable: Brexit crunch time: stand-off puts EU-UK trade deal on a knife edge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brexit crunch time: stand-off puts EU-UK trade deal on a knife edge


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156819

File: 43bafcea95164ad⋯.jpg (107.54 KB,900x854,450:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933698 (071302ZDEC20) Notable: Nothing to see here. It's just the Military Court clearing off its docket for the next 10 days (ending on the 16th).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nothing to see here. It's just the Military Court clearing off its docket for the next 10 days (ending on the 16th).


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156820

File: cb598760c2b201d⋯.jpg (381.41 KB,1079x736,1079:736,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66bbc0a5675b072⋯.jpg (260.17 KB,1080x612,30:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 811c5fb19e5d12b⋯.jpg (167.18 KB,1080x588,90:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76024e649a823b2⋯.jpg (189.91 KB,1080x589,1080:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933699 (071303ZDEC20) Notable: White privilege training for San Diego teachers

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White privilege training for San Diego teachers

Reported on Newsmax moments ago


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933714 (071306ZDEC20) Notable: Firm Co-Owned By Ilhan Omar’s Husband Got $500,000 Coronavirus Bailout While Her Campaign Gave Them Millions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Firm Co-Owned By Ilhan Omar’s Husband Got $500,000 Coronavirus Bailout While Her Campaign Gave Them Millions


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156822

File: b9607a94463689b⋯.png (901.74 KB,1202x1162,601:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933725 (071308ZDEC20) Notable: 216K+ now….

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216K+ now….

I wonder if this is ALL the networks? The satanist and the pedophiles + china bad actors + pols?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156823

File: 27ef49e6492eb10⋯.png (494.74 KB,1439x671,1439:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933730 (071309ZDEC20) Notable: "Allied Security Operations Group, a group affiliated with Trump’s litigation team"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Allied Security Operations Group, a group affiliated with Trump’s litigation team"


Clowns involved with Trump's team?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156824

File: 17c9c1bb8ce2511⋯.png (289.82 KB,688x625,688:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933735 (071310ZDEC20) Notable: No crowds or survivors will attend 79th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No crowds or survivors will attend 79th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156825

File: 732564761aefcdb⋯.png (552.18 KB,878x645,878:645,Clipboard.png)

File: b46ec20fdf444ed⋯.png (129.07 KB,287x350,41:50,Clipboard.png)

File: aea1f2f80656a7f⋯.png (246.24 KB,547x326,547:326,Clipboard.png)

File: c01a7e83c1311b0⋯.png (294.62 KB,626x447,626:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933739 (071310ZDEC20) Notable: This is the woman in Yellow counting ballots!!!!!!!!! Anyone know her name??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is the woman in Yellow counting ballots!!!!!!!!! Anyone know her name??

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156826

File: 936f7b9ea29a742⋯.png (44.93 KB,619x361,619:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933807 (071322ZDEC20) Notable: FLYNN BTFO SHILLS THEN WE HAVE THEM RIGHT WHERE WE WANT THEM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933826 (071325ZDEC20) Notable: Unconfirmed sources. Let's be better than the press we replace, anons. Two sources, on the record, different origins.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Unconfirmed sources. Let's be better than the press we replace, anons. Two sources, on the record, different origins.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156828

File: 4b29688248d3b46⋯.jpeg (240.08 KB,750x600,5:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b147fc12f9f7a0⋯.jpeg (291.91 KB,1188x918,22:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 76a15b73afd71e6⋯.jpeg (182.54 KB,1312x901,1312:901,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933855 (071329ZDEC20) Notable: Ron’s tweet made me think about this twatterfag’s digs on the agriculture/COVID connection…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ron’s tweet made me think about this twatterfag’s digs on the agriculture/COVID connection…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156829

File: 0c117e69568ba43⋯.png (1.85 MB,1590x1664,795:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b812a2050f9ac9⋯.png (708.63 KB,1104x1336,138:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11933876 (071331ZDEC20) Notable: "I Won't Be Able to Be Interviewed - I Need an Attorney" – Georgia's Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview via @gatewaypundit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I Won't Be Able to Be Interviewed - I Need an Attorney" – Georgia's Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview via



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156830

File: f7a4f8740c445a6⋯.png (35.43 KB,581x258,581:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934003 (071346ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Georgia hearing on whether Powell’s Kraken lawsuit will be able to forensically analyze voting machines in Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee starts in the next few hours.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia hearing on whether Powell’s Kraken lawsuit will be able to forensically analyze voting machines in Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee starts in the next few hours.Big shoutout to the #DominionWatch guys on the ground keeping Georgia honest!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156831

File: 4f8e96ee178c56d⋯.png (194.8 KB,788x396,197:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 649a0c9a0dcf33f⋯.png (5.91 MB,769x7800,769:7800,Clipboard.png)

File: 98444079c69b2b5⋯.png (5.6 MB,778x7418,389:3709,Clipboard.png)

File: 827193ea8a7969c⋯.png (3.08 MB,784x4154,392:2077,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934062 (071355ZDEC20) Notable: Author opines that we are missing the most important part of POTUS take back of the election, military action; anons nom Liberty Unyielding article from 20201204

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156832

File: 2d815aae05728d5⋯.jpg (213.3 KB,721x721,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934115 (071402ZDEC20) Notable: READ THIS unrestricted war in Chyna doctrine PDF

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so far from Chyna we have had chemical (fentanyl/opiate analogs) biological. economic and cyber attacks

this is called unrestricted war

in Chyna doctrine

you may read the colonels' work here:


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eb73fc No.156833

File: e234dd5f0f9ab41⋯.png (110.88 KB,904x1242,452:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aacc3533bb4337⋯.png (266.18 KB,660x962,330:481,Clipboard.png)

File: bfebee1ae9405e8⋯.png (141.45 KB,1290x1146,215:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934118 (071402ZDEC20) Notable: COVID reporting: gaslighting and moving goal posts

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Look at the gaslighting and moving goal posts, anons.

Look up Covid deaths, and the main page that USED to give you charts with deaths, now gives you charts with CASES AND CUMULATIVE CASES.

They have to do CUMULATIVE because the line would go down instead of up.

And they have to do CASES instead of deaths because the line would go down.

Complete bullshit.

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eb73fc No.156834

File: 736c6f3aa2487e6⋯.png (1014.09 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934128 (071403ZDEC20) Notable: Rare Canadian bird sighting & PF reports

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Lockheed HC-130J Combat King II out of Anchorage, over MN southerly destination.

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eb73fc No.156835

File: 3a82588e1a92325⋯.png (270.03 KB,585x605,117:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934136 (071404ZDEC20) Notable: Expert Identifies 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level

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BREAKING: Expert Identifies 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level

@JoeHoft @RealDonaldTrump via @gatewaypundit



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eb73fc No.156836

File: fb6727538d6a9de⋯.png (883.58 KB,832x638,416:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934143 (071405ZDEC20) Notable: Mysterious’ disease alarm: Some 300 hospitalized, 1 dead in India as medics fail to identify cause of patients’ suffering

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‘Mysterious’ disease alarm: Some 300 hospitalized, 1 dead in India as medics fail to identify cause of patients’ suffering

7 Dec, 2020 08:21

At least one person has died and hundreds more have been hospitalized due to an unknown illness that has emerged in Eluru, India. Medical authorities are scrambling to identify what is causing the health problems.

Residents of the city, which is located in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, have been rushed to hospital after suffering from dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and epilepsy-like symptoms. Around 300 people have been treated for the unexplained illness in total, with more than 140 patients being discharged after receiving medical care, according to NDTV, citing health officials.

Most people seem to recover from the bizarre sickness, but one patient, a 45-year-old man, died after being admitted to the hospital with symptoms of nausea and epilepsy.

Authorities are still trying to determine the cause of the unexplained illness. CT scans have not revealed anything unusual in the patients, and cerebral spinal fluid tests also came back normal. The afflicted individuals have all tested negative for Covid-19. Blood, water, and food samples have been collected and sent to a forensics laboratory, local media reported, and health officials are awaiting the results of screenings carried out to detect E. coli bacteria.

A special team of doctors has been dispatched to the city as officials conduct a house-to-house survey in an attempt to identify potential patients, as well as find clues that could reveal the source of the illness.

According to media reports, some of the patients said they had experienced convulsions and lost consciousness after drinking tap water. Water contamination was identified as the culprit behind the string of hospitalizations, but officials have insisted that there is no evidence there is anything wrong with the city’s supply.


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eb73fc No.156837

File: f0666369cb582be⋯.png (1.1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934193 (071412ZDEC20) Notable: Rare Canadian bird sighting & PF reports

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Rare Canadian bird sighting.

Lockheed CP-140M Aurora spotted in the Bay of Bundy. The Lockheed CP-140 Aurora is a maritime patrol aircraft operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. The aircraft is based on the Lockheed P-3 Orion airframe, but mounts the electronics suite of the Lockheed S-3 Viking.

Several options have been suggested for a CP-140M replacement. These include the Boeing P-8 Poseidon and the Raytheon Sentinel, based on the Bombardier Global Express. Plans are to downsize the fleet from 18 to 14 aircraft, with three already being withdrawn and a fourth as a test aircraft to be retired in the near future.

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eb73fc No.156838

File: 61e25353b7324f1⋯.png (37.97 KB,588x298,294:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934194 (071412ZDEC20) Notable: Obama's Organizing for Action paid Perkins Coie LLP $302,000 in "legal services" in 2016 as Perkins Coie paid for the anti-Trump Russia dossier

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BREAKING: IRS tax filings reveal that Obama's Organizing for Action paid Perkins Coie LLP $302,000 in "legal services" in 2016 as Perkins Coie paid for the anti-Trump Russia dossier and spread its debunked allegations to the Hillary Clinton Campaign, DNC, Washington media and FBI


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eb73fc No.156839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934200 (071413ZDEC20) Notable: "trusted lawfag" re: Sidney case in GA today that begins at the top of the hour:

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Not my opinion, but that of a trusted lawfag, re: Sidney case in GA today that begins at the top of the hour:

"I’ve skimmed the briefs. Here’s what they will be arguing. I’ll be driving at 9:00 central and will be unable to comment for a while.

1. Sidney has moved to enjoin/reverse the certification by Rafflesberger. She filed her motion BEFORE the certification occurred. She had originally requested a TRO to prevent certification but Rafflesberger certified while it was pending. So now she’s asking the court to basically strike the certification

2. Sidney has also moved to impound voting machines so they can be forensically examined to determine whether there was Dominion fuckery

3. Kemp and DNC have moved to dismiss these claims. They contend:

A. That the Plaintiffs lack standing to sue (their injury as voters is “generalized” grievance not a particularized harm. Sidney responds that these are electors. (The dudes that would vote in the Electoral College) so they are actually candidates- 6 of the 16 electors are plaintiffs.

B. Laches - DNC says they should have sued before election, and it’s too big of a deal to wait till after. Sidney says no harm to plaintiffs until the theft occurred

C. There is no subject matter jurisdiction in Fed courts bc state law requires an action attacking certification should be in state court. Sidney says that this is GA legislature exercising Art II Federal Power- so subject matter jurisdiction exists in Federal Court.

4. The DNC and Kemp have moved to strike Waldron and the Gang as experts, by saying the Ga/DNC experts know that Sidney’s experts suck. I haven’t read those briefs but from reading Sidney’s opposition she’s basically argued that the Court can figure out which expert is actually giving valid opinions.

5. Sidney argues that the extraordinary relief she’s requesting (decertification of the SoS) bc it was based on that settlement agreement (which is unconstitutional- the legislature has to make the law). Further, Sidney’s contention would have resulted in the violation of the equal protection rights and due process rights of voters. She says that if we examine the machines, we have time to determine before the Electoral College is set to meet (Dec 14).

It sounds like we may hear from witnesses today. I’m assuming the judge will listen to arguments from the attys on the DNC / Kemp Motion to Dismiss (as we all try to digest the fucking irony of the Republican Governor of Georgia taking the same legal position of the DNC and Scumbag defender Elias/Perkins Coie, as Kemp tells Trump voters to get out and vote for his 2 RINOs )

If judge denies these motions or takes them under advisement - we’ll get to hear and see actual evidence. If he grants them in the middle of the hearing, and doesn’t let Sidney put on evidence then Sidney will appeal.

Hopefully- at the very least - Sidney gets to present testimony. If so, I anticipate the hearing lasting all day. And I’m glad. I want to hear an actual computer person defend Dominion fuckery."

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eb73fc No.156840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934261 (071421ZDEC20) Notable: anon opines Sweden's role was to eliminate herd immunity as a reason not to get vaccinated.

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If you have unlimited resources and want to vaccinate everyone you have to eliminate all reasons for not vaccinating. Sweden's role was to eliminate herd immunity as a reason not to get vaccinated.


Sweden has limited to eight per table the number of people sitting together in cafes and restaurants, amid a sharp rise in coronavirus infections.

"We have a very serious situation," Prime Minister Stefan Löfven warned, saying the virus was "going in the wrong direction".

Sweden has reported 31 Covid deaths since Friday, taking the death toll to 5,969 - far higher than its neighbours.

Unlike them, Sweden has never imposed a nationwide lockdown.

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eb73fc No.156841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934358 (071433ZDEC20) Notable: Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule To Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors

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Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule To Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors

Attorney Alan Dershowitz said on Sunday that he believes the Supreme Court may get involved in adjudicating on whether state legislators have the power to pick alternate Electoral College electors who would vote for President Donald Trump if legislatures determine there was voter fraud, even after an initial slate of electors has cast its votes on Dec. 14.


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eb73fc No.156842

File: b9124df51ff081a⋯.png (427.17 KB,869x807,869:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934387 (071438ZDEC20) Notable: Expert Identifies 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level

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BREAKING: Expert Identifies 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level

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eb73fc No.156843

File: 16c8e1a2e4d3bea⋯.png (40.08 KB,598x331,598:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934606 (071508ZDEC20) Notable: Chairman of Smartmatic to become president of Soros's Open Society Foundations

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Tom Fitton:

NEW: Chairman of Smartmatic to become president of Soros's Open Society Foundations

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eb73fc No.156844

File: 6cfdf7abb631782⋯.png (50.83 KB,629x404,629:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934621 (071509ZDEC20) Notable: How Google Falls

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How Google Falls

The Zulus are about to get the rifles.

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eb73fc No.156845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934629 (071510ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Reveals He Was Able To Get “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ment_from.png

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Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Reveals He Was Able To Get “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering”

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eb73fc No.156846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934656 (071512ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic, we haven’t seen the key supporting effort yet

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Shared previously, but might as well put the link here already. Will make you comfy:


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eb73fc No.156847

File: e3ded478129d7c9⋯.png (387.1 KB,583x592,583:592,Clipboard.png)

File: fb3e765350ff00b⋯.png (49.12 KB,919x743,919:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934675 (071513ZDEC20) Notable: DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

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The Election Wizard


DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

Data expert Edward Solomon says he has reversed engineered the Dominion algorithm……


9:04 AM · Dec 7, 2020


Data expert Edward Solomon says he has reversed engineered the Dominion algorithm.

Last month, Solomon posted a video where he claimed to have broken down how voter software was used to switch votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania.

Over the weekend, Solomon produced a new video in which he claims that he has reversed engineered the Dominion algorithm.

Solomon says using the same approach as he used in Pennsylvania, he identified some 200,000 votes that were transferred from Trump to Biden.

Solomon says he has signed “affidavits” and “will appear in court and testify” to his findings.

Are Solomon’s claims credible?

WATCH the video and decide for yourself.


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eb73fc No.156848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934688 (071514ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

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>WATCH the video and decide for yourself.


Smoking Gun, Part 2: Ratio Transfers Proved; Entire Algorithm Reversed, net 200,353 votes for Biden.

28,754 views•Dec 5, 2020

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eb73fc No.156849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934729 (071518ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Pearson v. Kemp - Courtlistener Docket/Date of last known filing Dec. 7th, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Updated filings for this case.

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eb73fc No.156850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934735 (071518ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: com_pend.png, lat_1.png, lat_2.png, lat_3.png

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A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020...


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eb73fc No.156851

File: ada48fbe9ecbb11⋯.pdf (2.43 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934742 (071519ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Here's a link directly to the counterinsurgency guide, re: repost from (PB) about insurgency

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>>156808 repost from (PB) about insurgency. This is loaded with information that is all relevant to the past decades. If you have time, read it. Great find (notables)

unfortunately, that notable link is dead (is there a rat in the kitchen?) here's a link directly to the counterinsurgency guide


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eb73fc No.156852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934773 (071523ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Michigan Sec of State Responds to ‘Threats of Violence, Intimidation and Bullying’ From Armed Election Protesters Outside Her House, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: she_responds.png

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Michigan Sec of State Responds to ‘Threats of Violence, Intimidation and Bullying’ From Armed Election Protesters Outside Her House

The demands made outside my home were unambiguous, loud and threatening. They targeted me in my role as Michigan’s Chief Election Officer. But the threats of those gathered weren’t actually aimed at me ― or any other elected officials in this state. They were aimed at the voters. Through threats of violence, intimidation and bullying, the armed people outside my home and their political allies seek to undermine and silence the will and voices of every voter in this state, no matter who they voted for. Their goal is to overturn and upend the results of an election that are clear an unequivocal, and that 5.5 million Michigan citizens participated in.

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eb73fc No.156853

File: 2c73770d1c41554⋯.png (274.2 KB,761x527,761:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934784 (071524ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / I've been digging on Rusty Bowers and it's looking very shady if you search on duckduckgo instead of googs

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I've been digging on Rusty Bowers and it's looking very shady if you search on duckduckgo instead of googs.

Rusty (Russell} Bowers is a sculpture and painter who also the Republican House speaker for the state of Arizona. The guy who said that the election cannot and will not be overturned. Rusty is a Mormon and he is involved with the same Shedry DAR foundation that I keep seeing pop up when I research AZ politicians.

His wifes maiden name is KING.

There is a company registered at his address called Progrezo Latino

According to the old New Times article Rusty Bowers was in charge of all of the Arizona Spending budget a very powerful position.

Here is the part that makes me want to throw up. Rusty Bowers was commisioned to create sculptures for the fire fighters memorial in Yarnell. This asshole made money of the death of those young men.









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eb73fc No.156854

File: 30212dc4d1bd6df⋯.png (23.74 KB,580x297,580:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934787 (071524ZDEC20) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ Chinese computers. The Venezuelan software. Their candidate “won”.

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Chinese computers.

The Venezuelan software.

Their candidate “won”.

8:52 AM · Dec 7, 2020

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eb73fc No.156855

File: b4772d071ecea1b⋯.png (40.79 KB,587x390,587:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934802 (071525ZDEC20) Notable: MNUCHIN: G7 DISCUSSED CRYPTOCURRENCIES

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muh crypto coming……





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eb73fc No.156856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934808 (071526ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Michigan Sec of State Responds to ‘Threats of Violence, Intimidation and Bullying’ From Armed Election Protesters Outside Her House, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: s_home.png

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'Armed individuals' alleging voter fraud surround Michigan election chief's home

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eb73fc No.156857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934836 (071529ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: mil_ins.png

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Virginia Military Institute removing Confederate statue

The statue had been a subject of controversy for years, but the school had committed to keeping it in place.

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eb73fc No.156858

File: 56fab3dbb233161⋯.jpg (249.31 KB,1080x2119,1080:2119,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934845 (071530ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Pearson v. Kemp - Courtlistener Docket/Date of last known filing Dec. 7th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joshua Barrett Belinfante

(678) 701-9381

Fax: (404) 856-3250

Robbins Ross Alloy Belinfante Littlefield LLC

500 14th St., N.W.

Atlanta, GA 30318


defendants plaintiffs attorneys


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eb73fc No.156859

File: 981e98a9a275ddf⋯.png (80.31 KB,669x411,223:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934849 (071530ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn: "We have them right where we want them."

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Gen Flynn: "We have them right where we want them."


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eb73fc No.156860

File: 4dde80f5d6ef855⋯.png (967.94 KB,1202x898,601:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934881 (071532ZDEC20) Notable: Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

December 7, 2020

The Election Day incident in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena that was first reported as a burst pipe was an overflowing urinal, a state investigator said Sunday.

Officials in Fulton County said late Nov. 3 that a pipe burst in the arena around 6:07 a.m., causing a delay of several hours in counting absentee ballots. They also referred to the incident as “a water leak.”

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office opened an investigation into the incident.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the office, said in a court filing Sunday that the investigation revealed the water leak “was actually a urinal that had overflowed.”

The overflowing “did not affect the counting of votes by Fulton County later that evening,” she wrote.

Jessica Corbitt, a county spokeswoman, said in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times in November that staff members at State Farm Arena notified Fulton County Registration & Elections “of a water leak affecting the room where absentee ballots were being tabulated.”

“The State Farm Arena team acted swiftly to remediate the issue. Within 2 hours, repairs were complete,” she said. “No ballots were damaged, nor was any equipment affected. There was a brief delay in tabulating absentee ballots while the repairs were being conducted. Ballots were not moved outside of the room during this incident (it occurred on the other side of the room from the area where ballots were located.)”

Asked about the results of the investigation on Dec. 7, Corbitt told The Epoch Times via email: “It was the water from the urinal that caused the issue. So our statement stands.”

Asked whether the water leak did, in fact, stem from a burst pipe, she repeated the brief statement.

Dwight Brower, Fulton County’s election chief, told the county’s Board of Commissioners on election night that “there was a pipe that burst in the room where we actually had ballots.”

“Thank goodness that none of those ballots were damaged,” he added.


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eb73fc No.156861

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934915 (071536ZDEC20) Notable: Pray like never before, anons

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Pray like never before, anons. Pray like your life depends on it - BECAUSE IT DOES.

The life of our Republic.

YOUR life and that of your Family.

Anons, we are in the most of epic battle of good vs evil ever in the history of humanity. Evil is openly displayed (communism) and it aggressively trying to take control of our country.

We are in the fight of, and for, our very lives. No drama - it just is what it is. PRAY ANONS. PRAY. It is the most effective weapon we have against the enemy.

If you dont know what or how to pray, pray the "Our Father" prayer which I will post momentarily.


Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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eb73fc No.156862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934936 (071538ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: not_even_cl.png, red_room.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close

A Big Tech-backed 'fact' 'checking' outfit claimed to debunk explosive evidence for Republicans' claims of significant election problems in Georgia. It didn't.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11934998 (071545ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / I've been digging on Rusty Bowers and it's looking very shady if you search on duckduckgo instead of googs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_12_07_What_s_Wrong_With_This_Picture_.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Russell (Rusty) Bowers

While in the House, he cast the sole dissenting vote against a bill that would have required police to notify neighbors and schools when a convicted sex offender moved into the area, and which would have allowed the state to commit such offenders to mental institutions after serving their prison sentences.

Bowers says he based his opposition on the experiences of a friend convicted of child molestation–a friend whom he was convinced was innocent.

"It ruined his life," Bowers remembers. "The guy was going through a messy divorce, the kid was a year and a half old, and his attorney was saying, 'Look, you've gotta take the pleathere's no way you're gonna win.' Think about that. This is his public defenderthe guy who's supposed to be protecting him!

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eb73fc No.156864

File: 0ce8e414149ff24⋯.jpg (483.49 KB,1080x1888,135:236,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935032 (071547ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Fed Judge (GA) Timothy C. Batten, Sr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Timothy C. Batten, Sr.(b. 1960) is an Article III federal judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. He was nominated to the court by President George W. Bush in 2005. Prior to his appointment, Batten was a private practice attorney in Georgia.


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eb73fc No.156865

File: fa664c78e8fe8c1⋯.png (71.22 KB,1012x790,506:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935046 (071548ZDEC20) Notable: US District Court, Northern District of Georgia call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US District Court, Northern District of Georgia

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_District_Court_for_the_Northern_District_of_Georgia#Chief_judges

Workfagging and dont have time to get more.

DIG Anons

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eb73fc No.156866

File: 4574c0b590774bf⋯.png (53.11 KB,602x491,602:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935122 (071555ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet - We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out. We haven’t even reached Day 37 of the Bush-Gore debacle in 2000. Patience & focus pressure on our elected leaders. Again, where are Republican leaders who will #FightLikeAFlynn & #FightForTrump

God Bless & Protect Flag of United States

Quote Tweet

Mark R. Levin


· 1h

1. And so the endless surmising goes on. But why would Alito and/or the Court take up the Pennsylvania matter at all if the intention is simply to quickly deep-six it? I make no predictions, but it is a very solid and substantive case, regardless of what the Court might do.

Show this thread

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eb73fc No.156867

File: 0d4e6576bc532ae⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935148 (071558ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Ruby video: she runs the same stack of ballots THREE times.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Wrong vid >> this is it.

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eb73fc No.156868

File: da76284c62b89e3⋯.png (1.1 MB,2560x3631,2560:3631,Clipboard.png)

File: da76284c62b89e3⋯.png (1.1 MB,2560x3631,2560:3631,Clipboard.png)

File: 91a823e41597011⋯.png (2.8 MB,3840x1948,960:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b93bf0bde44c96⋯.png (3.18 MB,3840x1948,960:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935168 (071600ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Electric Infrastructure "Security" Council

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Electric Infrastructure "Security" Council

EIS Council hosts national and international collaboration on resilience and whole community restoration and response planning, addressing severe, national and global scale hazards to lifeline infrastructures.

Dr. Paul Stockton Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense

Paul Stockton is the managing director of Sonecon LLC, an economic and security advisory firm in Washington, DC. Before joining Sonecon, he served as the assistant secretary of defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs from May 2009 until January 2013. In that position, he was the secretary of defense’s principal civilian advisor on providing defense support to FEMA and DHS during Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, and other disasters. Dr. Stockton also served as DOD’s domestic crisis manager and was responsible for Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection policies and programs. In addition, Dr. Stockton served as the executive director of the Council of Governors.

something very fucky here


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eb73fc No.156869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935175 (071600ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Pearson v. Kemp - Courtlistener Docket/Date of last known filing Dec. 7th, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_12_07_at_7_56_49_AM.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



20,449 watching


Epoch Times

5,479 watching

Honorable Thomas W. Trash, Jr, Chief Judge

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eb73fc No.156870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935228 (071605ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: urin.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

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eb73fc No.156871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935252 (071606ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / It was Judge Batten who was first to freeze voting machines in Georgia, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


sometimes judges asks what seem to be 'dumb' questions which make one think they are on the opposing side, when they are not.

It was Judge Batten who was first to freeze voting machines


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eb73fc No.156872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935260 (071606ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / anon notable bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11934554 Dough

#15234 FINAL Notables

>>156866 Gen Flynn tweet - We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out

>>156865 US District Court, Northern District of Georgia call to dig

>>156864 Dig on Fed Judge (GA) Timothy C. Batten, Sr

>>156861 Pray like never before, anons

>>156860 Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

>>156859 Gen Flynn: "We have them right where we want them."


>>156854 @CodeMonkeyZ Chinese computers. The Venezuelan software. Their candidate “won”.

>>156853 Anon dig on Rusty Bowers

>>156847 DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

>>156844 How Google Falls

>>156843 Chairman of Smartmatic to become president of Soros's Open Society Foundations


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eb73fc No.156873

File: a5c83980c2e3b6e⋯.png (548.16 KB,1329x1800,443:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935264 (071607ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / Trading Volumes Plunge As Interactive Brokers, Robinhood Suffer Major Outages

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trading Volumes Plunge As Interactive Brokers, Robinhood Suffer Major Outages



Another day, another chaotic open to the US cash markets (with Nasdaq soaring against Small Caps slumping)… and another major outage for retail traders.

As the decoupling began..

Interactive Brokers went down:

We are experiencing technical difficulties and we are working to restore services.

— Interactive Brokers (@IBKR) December 7, 2020

And continues to suffer what it calls a "significant failure"…

Source: DownDetector

Interactive Brokers confirms a significant failure in multiple segments of a data storage system, working on recovery and are rerouting to backup centers; expects a "prompt recovery"

And shortly after IBKR's outage, Robinhood went down…

Volumes are noticeably lower today amid the outages, one contact highlights that e-mini S&P futures volumes are lower by around 30%.

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eb73fc No.156874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935318 (071610ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935326 (071613ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP EXEC ORDER - ORDER OF SUCCESSION OF OFFICE OF A.G., If BARR resigns- this E.O. kicks in (if it hasn't been changed)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If BARR resigns- this E.O. kicks in (if it hasn't been changed), text of EO below;




Executive Order 13787 of March 31, 2017

Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq., it is hereby ordered that:

Section 1. Order of Succession. Subject to the provisions of section 2 of this order, the following officers, in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General during any period in which the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, and any officers designated by the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 508 to act as Attorney General, have died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General, until such time as at least one of the officers mentioned above is able to perform the functions and duties of that office:

(a) United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia;

(b) United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina; and

(c) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

Sec. 2. Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed in section 1 of this order in an acting capacity, by virtue of so serving, shall act as Attorney General pursuant to this order.

(b) No individual listed in section 1 shall act as Attorney General unless that individual is otherwise eligible to so serve under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this order, the President retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this order in designating an acting Attorney General.

Sec. 3. Revocation of Executive Order. Executive Order 13775 of February 9, 2017, is revoked.Start Printed Page 16724

Sec. 4. General Provision. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

  THE WHITE HOUSE, March 31, 2017. Filed 4-4-17; 11:15 am]

[FR Doc. 2017-06971

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eb73fc No.156876

File: bda6d3815e93980⋯.png (68.81 KB,598x374,299:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935344 (071615ZDEC20) Notable: @CBS_Herridge: NEW: A DOJ official tells @CBSNews that Attorney General Bill Barr intends to stay as long as President Trump needs him

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156877

File: 174c299737905cd⋯.png (95.09 KB,728x724,182:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935352 (071616ZDEC20) Notable: @GenFlynn: @tracybeanz is a #DigitalSoldier of the highest order. Would someone please debunk this article otherwise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



is a #DigitalSoldier of the highest order. Would someone please debunk this article otherwise


what are you going to do about it?


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eb73fc No.156878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935378 (071618ZDEC20) Notable: State Senator, CA/Assembly member joining forces to pressure Newsom make California 1st state in nation to cover every income-eligible resident regardless immigration status

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SACRAMENTO — California Democratic lawmakers so far have failed to convince Gov. Gavin Newsom that the state can afford to spend an estimated $2.6 billion a year to expand its Medicaid program to all unauthorized immigrants.

Rather than working independently, a fiercely liberal state senator from Los Angeles and a moderate Assembly member from the Central Valley are joining forces to pressure Newsom to make California the first state in the nation to cover every income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status. Unauthorized immigrants up to age 26 can already qualify for Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program for low-income residents.

Emboldened by the win of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden and spurred by the urgency of the coronavirus pandemic, state Sen. María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) and Assembly member Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) plan to introduce a two-bill package on Monday that would cover unauthorized senior immigrants first, and eventually the remainder of California's undocumented immigrant population.

California currently covers about 200,000 unauthorized immigrant children and young adults, according to the state Department of Health Care Services. The state budgeted about $375 million to cover young adults ages 19 through 25 this fiscal year, but does not track spending for undocumented immigrant children, according to the state Department of Finance.

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eb73fc No.156879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935430 (071621ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234 / 'Sorry, I think I had the wrong bread number for the notes posted for LB''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Some missed notes from LB


>>156845 Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Reveals He Was Able To Get “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering”

>>156846 In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic, we haven’t seen the key supporting effort yet

>>156847, >>156848 DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

>>156849, >>156858, >>156869 Pearson v. Kemp - Courtlistener Docket/Date of last known filing Dec. 7th

>>156850 A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020

>>156851 Here's a link directly to the counterinsurgency guide, re: >>156808 repost from (PB) about insurgency

>>156852, >>156856 Michigan Sec of State Responds to ‘Threats of Violence, Intimidation and Bullying’ From Armed Election Protesters Outside Her House

>>156853, >>156863 I've been digging on Rusty Bowers and it's looking very shady if you search on duckduckgo instead of googs

>>156857 Virginia Military Institute removing Confederate statue

>>156860, >>156870 Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

>>156862 No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close

>>156867 Ruby video: she runs the same stack of ballots THREE times.

>>156868 Electric Infrastructure "Security" Council

>>156871 It was Judge Batten who was first to freeze voting machines in Georgia

>>156872 anon notable bun

>>156873 Trading Volumes Plunge As Interactive Brokers, Robinhood Suffer Major Outages


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156880

File: 8e587dde3cda895⋯.png (376.03 KB,535x645,107:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935432 (071621ZDEC20) Notable: @WhiteHouse: On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly honor and uphold the memory of those who lost their lives on December 7…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly honor and uphold the memory of those who lost their lives on December 7, 1941—“a date which will live in infamy”—and we reflect on the courage of all those who served our Nation in the Second World War.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156881

File: a13c326f80a0acb⋯.png (521.01 KB,535x620,107:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935453 (071623ZDEC20) Notable: @WhiteHouse: On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly honor and uphold the memory of those who lost their lives on December 7…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On National #PearlHarborRemembranceDay, we honor & remember the brave service members who gave their lives 79 years ago today. Our Nation will never forget your bravery, sacrifice & service.


11:09 EST

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eb73fc No.156882

File: 7a89d5bc5eb5b5f⋯.png (952.28 KB,816x1044,68:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 00266a5189ee413⋯.png (3.57 MB,1519x1957,1519:1957,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935477 (071625ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Retweeted: Malcolm and @michaeljohns conclude that the widespread allegations of fraud in the 2020 election, which has been largely ignored by media, are indisputable

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sidney Powell Retweeted


Flag of United States


Malcolm and @michaeljohns conclude that the reality of widespread allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election, which has been largely downplayed and ignored by media for weeks, are now indisputable…

Americans must now rise to oppose it:






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eb73fc No.156883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935485 (071625ZDEC20) Notable: This is where Sidney Powell filed the lawsuit Pearson vs Kemp (needs sauce link)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia

ND Georgia ^ | November 26, 2020 | ND Georgia

Posted on 11/25/2020, 9:44:42 PM by kiryandil

United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, As of September 13, 2019:

Age	Title	 Judge	 Duty station	Born	Term of service	Chief Appointed by

69	Chief Judge	Thomas W. Thrash Jr.	Atlanta	 1951	1997–present	2014–present	Clinton

60	District Judge	Timothy C. Batten Sr.	Newnan	 1960	2006–present	—	—	G.W. Bush

70	District Judge	Amy Totenberg	 Atlanta	 1950	2011–present	—	—	Obama

63	District Judge	Steve C. Jones	 Atlanta	 1957	2011–present	—	—	Obama

49	District Judge	Leigh Martin May	Atlanta	 1971	2014–present	—	—	Obama

65	District Judge	Mark Howard Cohen	Atlanta	 1955	2014–present	—	—	Obama

53	District Judge	Eleanor Louise Ross	Atlanta	 1967	2014–present	—	—	Obama

54	District Judge	Michael Lawrence Brown	Atlanta	 1968	2018–present	—	—	Trump

57	District Judge	William McCrary Ray II	Atlanta	 1963	2018–present	—	—	Trump

49	District Judge	J. P. Boulee	 Atlanta	 1971	2019–present	—	—	Trump

46	District Judge	Steven D. Grimberg	Atlanta	 1974	2019–present	—	—	Trump

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Georgia

KEYWORDS: sidneypowell

This is where Sidney Powell filed the lawsuit Pearson vs Kemp.

1 posted on 11/25/2020, 9:44:42 PM by kiryandil

[ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies]

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eb73fc No.156884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935490 (071626ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun from #15234

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




'''Sorry, I think I had the wrong bread number for the notes posted for LB >>156879

Some missed notes from LB


>>156845 Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Reveals He Was Able To Get “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering”

>>156846 In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic, we haven’t seen the key supporting effort yet

>>156847, >>156848 DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

>>156849, >>156858, >>156869 Pearson v. Kemp - Courtlistener Docket/Date of last known filing Dec. 7th

>>156850 A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020

>>156851 Here's a link directly to the counterinsurgency guide, re: >>156808 repost from (PB) about insurgency

>>156852, >>156856 Michigan Sec of State Responds to ‘Threats of Violence, Intimidation and Bullying’ From Armed Election Protesters Outside Her House

>>156853, >>156863 I've been digging on Rusty Bowers and it's looking very shady if you search on duckduckgo instead of googs

>>156857 Virginia Military Institute removing Confederate statue

>>156860, >>156870 Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator

>>156862 No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close

>>156867 Ruby video: she runs the same stack of ballots THREE times.

>>156868 Electric Infrastructure "Security" Council

>>156871 It was Judge Batten who was first to freeze voting machines in Georgia

>>156872 anon notable bun

>>156873 Trading Volumes Plunge As Interactive Brokers, Robinhood Suffer Major Outages



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156885

File: 6864f99c4964533⋯.png (348.75 KB,535x638,535:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935493 (071626ZDEC20) Notable: @WhiteHouse: On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly honor and uphold the memory of those who lost their lives on December 7…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Pence


On Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we honor the memory of the thousands who gave their lives 79 years ago. The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the course of history forever & we will never forget or fail to honor the sacrifice of those lost as they defended our freedom & our Nation.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eb73fc No.156886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935496 (071626ZDEC20) Notable: Huawei CFO back in Canada court in extradition case as U.S. negotiates resolving charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Huawei CFO back in Canada court in extradition case as U.S. negotiates resolving charges

VANCOUVER (Reuters) - Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou will return to a Canadian court on Monday as witness testimony in her U.S. extradition case resumes, amid news last week that her lawyers and U.S. prosecutors held talks to reach a deal that could see her release and to return to China after two years of house arrest.

Meng, 48, was arrested in Canada in December 2018 on a warrant from the United States. She is facing charges of bank fraud for allegedly misleading HSBC Holdings Plc about Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's business dealings in Iran, causing the bank to break U.S. sanctions.

She has said she is innocent and is fighting the extradition from under house arrest in Vancouver.

U.S. prosecutors are discussing a deal with lawyers for Huawei's Meng to resolve criminal charges against her, a person familiar with the matter said on Thursday, signaling a potential end to a case that has strained ties between the United States, China and Canada.

Her lawyers have argued in the British Columbia Supreme Court that Meng's extradition should be thrown out based on alleged abuses of process that took place during her investigation by Canadian border officials and subsequent arrest by police.

They have also claimed the case has been politicized to the point where Meng would not receive a fair trial in the United States, pointing to comments made by President Donald Trump in an interview with Reuters in December 2018 about his willingness to use Meng as a bargaining chip in trade talks with China.

In previous weeks of witnesses' cross examinations, officials from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) testified in the court that the process leading up to Meng's investigation and arrest was rushed but by the book.

Prosecutors are arguing that Meng's extradition is valid and procedures were followed.

Meng's arrest caused a chill in diplomatic relations between Ottawa and Beijing. Shortly after Meng was detained, China arrested two Canadian men - Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor - who now face spying charges.

On Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the release of the two Canadians was his "top priority", while declining to comment on the talks to release Meng.

Meng's case is scheduled to wrap up in April 2021.


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eb73fc No.156887

File: d4bfcf2c642307e⋯.jpg (29.01 KB,480x356,120:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935543 (071629ZDEC20) Notable: Cloward–Piven strategy - STRATEGY FOR FORCING POLITICAL CHANGE THROUGH ORCHESTRATED CRISIS

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Cloward–Piven strategy


First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (both longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America, where Piven today is an honorary chair), the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.

In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when “the rest of society is afraid of them,” Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands.

The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.

The authors noted that the number of Americans subsisting on welfare — about 8 million, at the time — probably represented less than half the number who were technically eligible for full benefits. They proposed a “massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls.” Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be “a profound financial and political crisis” that would unleash “powerful forces … for major economic reform at the national level.”

Their article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Intimidated by threats of black violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for help. Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of “a federal program of income redistribution,” in the form of a guaranteed living income for all — working and non-working people alike. Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it. With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.

This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.


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eb73fc No.156888

File: bd67135dac7004a⋯.png (224.63 KB,590x507,590:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dad61b1ec26f32⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935549 (071630ZDEC20) Notable: MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle reveals on air that she has COVID-19: "I’m sick and scared"

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MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle reveals on air that she has COVID-19: "I’m sick and scared" @SRuhle


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eb73fc No.156889

File: c4a039f3cbe08b8⋯.png (65.62 KB,816x679,816:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935550 (071630ZDEC20) Notable: @GenFlynn: We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out. We haven’t even reached Day 37 of the Bush-Gore debacle in 2000. Patience & focus pressure on our elected leaders

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General Flynn


We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out. We haven’t even reached Day 37 of the Bush-Gore debacle in 2000. Patience & focus pressure on our elected leaders. Again, where are Republican leaders who will #FightLikeAFlynn & #FightForTrump

God Bless & Protect

Flag of United States

Mark R. Levin


1. And so the endless surmising goes on. But why would Alito and/or the Court take up the Pennsylvania matter at all if the intention is simply to quickly deep-six it? I make no predictions, but it is a very solid and substantive case, regardless of what the Court might do.


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eb73fc No.156890

File: dd9fd371f39cc1d⋯.png (175.54 KB,478x621,478:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935551 (071630ZDEC20) Notable: Former Israeli space #security chief Haim Eshed revealed aliens from "Galactic Federation" have been in contact with US/#Israel for years, but humanity isn't ready to know this

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Former Israeli space #security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a "Galactic Federation" have been in contact with the US and #Israel for years, but humanity isn't ready to know this.

Or so he claims.



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eb73fc No.156891

File: 6373c86557c1a93⋯.png (130.02 KB,1366x561,1366:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935599 (071632ZDEC20) Notable: @GenFlynn: We have a constitutional process & it’s playing out. We haven’t even reached Day 37 of the Bush-Gore debacle in 2000. Patience & focus pressure on our elected leaders

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coincidence, anon


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eb73fc No.156892

File: d0a19dfb9aafa0c⋯.png (433.67 KB,590x720,59:72,Clipboard.png)

File: f4caca12422ad69⋯.png (842.38 KB,807x537,269:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935651 (071636ZDEC20) Notable: @CENTCOM: USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) interdicted a shipment of more than 2,000 lbs of suspected #narcotics from a stateless dhow in the #ArabianSea, Dec. 4

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USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) interdicted a shipment of more than 2,000 lbs of suspected #narcotics from a stateless dhow in the #ArabianSea, Dec. 4.



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eb73fc No.156893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935665 (071637ZDEC20) Notable: HCRP (Harris County Republican Party) chairman resigned last week

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Posted this too late last bread, but you need to know the HCRP (Harris County Republican Party) chairman resigned last week:


All the msm stories harp on his “racist” FB post from March - so why did he resign two weeks after the election?


My hunch: he was brought in to preside over the rigged RPT convention (rigging over-ridden by white hats), held “remotely” in Houston in August, and then to hamstring Harris County Republicans through the election (note his problems with “fundraising”).

Hopefully this is a Q-mandated resignation and not simply moving his corrupt ass to another DS-targeted Republican [former] stronghold.

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eb73fc No.156894

File: 48ece0188d6ab51⋯.jpg (135.5 KB,800x1000,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fe026e8ed89a791⋯.png (263.87 KB,456x618,76:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935740 (071641ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP EXEC ORDER - ORDER OF SUCCESSION OF OFFICE OF A.G., If BARR resigns- this E.O. kicks in (if it hasn't been changed)

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>United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia

>Next in line to be Attorney General

What do we know about him?


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eb73fc No.156895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935743 (071641ZDEC20) Notable: Staten Island pub owner holds press conference in front of his bar

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Staten Island pub owner holds press conference in front of his bar


•Streamed live 23 minutes ago


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eb73fc No.156896

File: 31d89f849830cb2⋯.png (52.55 KB,638x485,638:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11935763 (071642ZDEC20) Notable: @RandPaul: I passed a bill in Senate to stop sending stimulus $ to dead people, immediately. I’m told bill is being watered down to stop paying dead people, in THREE years

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https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/1335982483477831682?s=20 WTF?

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eb73fc No.156897

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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