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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

c41d82 No.215 [Last50 Posts]

02DEC20 to 03DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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c41d82 No.153874

File: b59d4e710431562⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,257x145,257:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863203 (020032ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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c41d82 No.153875

File: 5df3b4baef8d419⋯.jpg (4.32 MB,4957x7015,4957:7015,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7fffc01fb84a516⋯.jpg (5.19 MB,4957x7015,4957:7015,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a514a3b6bbe49e⋯.jpg (1.88 MB,4957x7015,4957:7015,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863216 (020032ZDEC20) Notable: Thank YOU Andrew…. At least Gab has the balls…

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Thank YOU Andrew….

At least Gab has the balls…

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c41d82 No.153876

File: 10e9ef7f4d87451⋯.png (170.65 KB,594x766,297:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863218 (020032ZDEC20) Notable: .John Danforth mixed up in Pennsylvania election……..

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repost late last bread….John Danforth mixed up in Pennsylvania election……..

Pennyslvania??? running danforth on Twitter….found this

The Court notes that proposed amici curiae

Christine Todd Whitman, John Danforth,

Lowell Weicker, Constance Morella, Christopher Shays, Carter Phillips, Stuart Gerson, Donald Ayer, John Bellinger III, Edward J. Larson, Michael Stokes Paulsen, ……. , and Richard Bernstein


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c41d82 No.153877

File: 3f47203eaf83eb4⋯.png (363.43 KB,748x728,187:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863228 (020033ZDEC20) Notable: CNN's Zucker equates @realDonaldTrump not conceding and letting the transition go through to what happened when America was attacked on 9/11/2001

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CNN's Zucker equates


not conceding and letting the transition go through to what happened when America was attacked on 9/11/2001

”I would encourage folks to think about that 9-11 commission report and the lack of transition”



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c41d82 No.153878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863253 (020034ZDEC20) Notable: JAMES O'KEEFE LIVE STREAMS CNN PRESIDENT JEFF ZUCKER'S 9AM CALL

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c41d82 No.153879

File: d7d0949dd753804⋯.png (617.89 KB,662x358,331:179,Clipboard.png)

File: feb6bcb2135eb04⋯.png (338.47 KB,528x442,264:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 7962287590d031e⋯.png (82.97 KB,653x688,653:688,Clipboard.png)

File: 3932c918ed51a2a⋯.png (601.71 KB,516x736,129:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 325e5a216b593da⋯.png (477.88 KB,649x849,649:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863255 (020034ZDEC20) Notable: ‘COLD CALCULATED FRAUD’: Detroit Poll Watcher Alleges Electioneering, Phony Biden Ballots, Discarded Trump Ballots

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‘COLD CALCULATED FRAUD’: Detroit Poll Watcher Alleges Electioneering, Phony Biden Ballots, Discarded Trump Ballots

"I plead the blood of Jesus over this fraud, and that everybody that was part of it and know about it will be convicted in their soul and their spirit!"

At the Michigan hearing on election integrity, Detroit poll watcher Articia Bomer claimed to witness multiple examples of “irregularities and violations of Michigan election law” at the polls on election night in a fiery testimony.

“I hope my statement is taken seriously. I am sharing this information under the penalty of perjury that if I testify, I could be locked up if I’m telling a lie, which I am not.” said Bomer, at the beginning of her testimony.

Bomber dove right in, listing off various examples of irregularities that she allegedly witnessed on election night:

“On November 3rd, 2020, between 9:30 and 10 PM, I reported to TCF Center. I was assigned to two seperate tables, Absentee Voting County Board 123 and 120. I immediately noticed things were not normal. Election workers were allowed to wear Biden T-shirts, blue face masks, the ones I recognized on Gretchen Whitmer’s face in some of her interviews on Charlie Langton’s show.”

Along with Biden facemasks, Bomber said that she saw poll workers wearing “Black Lives Matter facemasks, which is a political movement.” Bomer firmly declared: “I am not passing judgement on this because I am a proud black woman from the City of Detroit.”

Bomer notes later that she was “strictly told not to wear anything partisan” and that supervisors seemed to be “implementing a double standard.”


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c41d82 No.153880

File: d26f0d24f4577b2⋯.png (56.67 KB,1223x461,1223:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863268 (020035ZDEC20) Notable: And now you know why Comms in America is trying so hard to tag the board

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Heads up, anons. Major hit piece incoming from Business Insider.

A Discussion With Business Insider About QAnon

Today Business Insider reached out to me and several others about QAnon.They are working on a major hit piece attacking everyone and anyone connected to the communityof millions of great patriots who are seeking the truth outside of legacy media narratives.

I am publishing my response in full below for you to read. Enjoy!


sauce: https://news.gab.com/2020/11/30/a-discussion-with-business-insider-about-qanon/

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c41d82 No.153881

File: 3968ab02b33c813⋯.jpeg (161.87 KB,750x417,250:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863309 (020037ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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c41d82 No.153882

File: 497c8abe004f956⋯.png (645.8 KB,1669x668,1669:668,Clipboard.png)

File: f4db2738f627b88⋯.png (106.29 KB,1067x264,97:24,Clipboard.png)

File: e18af29b23264ec⋯.png (215.48 KB,1394x398,697:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863328 (020039ZDEC20) Notable: (PB) /mnr/ board members behind the 3-week q_anon banner subversion

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c41d82 No.153883

File: 4ececf1168d2933⋯.png (138.84 KB,1611x406,1611:406,Clipboard.png)

File: bb43532a23ee31c⋯.png (185.45 KB,1283x406,1283:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 296cda053678e95⋯.png (223.23 KB,1815x396,55:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863341 (020039ZDEC20) Notable: (PB) /mnr/ board members behind the 3-week q_anon banner subversion

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c41d82 No.153884

File: 78a7de7e6d9e70f⋯.png (171.12 KB,657x662,657:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863347 (020040ZDEC20) Notable: (PB) /mnr/ board members behind the 3-week q_anon banner subversion

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c41d82 No.153885

File: 3db5d7f28332266⋯.png (139.12 KB,598x463,598:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863381 (020042ZDEC20) Notable: Barr on Board of Dominion Energy?

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Interesting that Barr was on Dominion Energy's board of directors for 10 years before Trump nominated him to AG and made over $250,000 with them.



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c41d82 No.153886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863414 (020045ZDEC20) Notable: CNN’s Zucker ‘Encouraged’ Invoking 9/11 Terror to Urge Trump to Allow a Biden Transition

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CNN’s Zucker ‘Encouraged’ Invoking 9/11 Terror to Urge Trump to Allow a Biden Transition

Project Veritas has released the first of its recordings from inside CNN’s editorial calls, beginning with what appears to be network President alongside reporters discussing how another 9/11 attack could happen if Trump didn’t pre-emptively concede to Joe Biden.

The call begins with reporter Jamie Gangel, who describes what left-wing politicians are demanding she report about the matter of Trump leaving office. She appears to be all too happy to take her line from Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans.

But the most shocking part of the call sees field producer Stephanie Becker demanding the network discuss how another 9/11 terror attack could occur if Trump doesn’t aid the Biden transition.

Becker claims: “On the issue of why it’s important to get the transition going right, the 9/11 [Commission] Report talks about one of the problems was that the trouble that was brewing that lost during the transition.

“So if you want a good concrete example of what happens when you don’t have a good transition, well, look at the Twin Towers.”

Presidential transitions are actually a relatively recent thing in American political history. Transitions of the type the country has witnessed in recent years are a product of the last decade, with more basic versions occurring only as far back as the 1960s.

The company’s President, Jeff Zucker, says back to Becker on the call: “I would encourage folks to think about that 9/11 Commission Report and the lack of a transition.”


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c41d82 No.153887

File: 2bd7fe400ede45e⋯.png (515.84 KB,1057x642,1057:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863419 (020045ZDEC20) Notable: John Danforth (Commission on Presidential Elections) discusses the impact of polling before the election

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John C Danforth -


Starting ~1 hour 6 minute mark

Danforth discusses the impact of polling before the election. He seems to believe that polling has a huge impact on elections. Give an example of polling showing a landslide (a la HRC in 2016)

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c41d82 No.153888

File: 18e0d4cc30dd049⋯.png (709.77 KB,1223x789,1223:789,Clipboard.png)

File: c2575220d51a4a6⋯.png (245.5 KB,1109x564,1109:564,Clipboard.png)

File: 95458173aad1293⋯.png (21.42 KB,657x527,657:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863435 (020046ZDEC20) Notable: Melissa Carrone testimony today (Michigan Election Fraud Hearing)

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>>153836 Melissa Carone Election Whistleblower and her Laywer (video)

Melissa Carrone testimony today

Interdasting bits

Melissa was working with the part co-owner of Dominon Nick Ikonomakis

and 2 other permanent Dominion employees

Dominion Samuel was missing for about 3 hours

When he returned M had this conversation

>M: where were you?

>M: Where's this warehouse? is it an Amazon Warehouse what kind of warehouse is it?

>M: so it's in Chicago? because they're from Colorado

"There was something very secretive that he was doing"

there was also a big data loss right before they sent Samuel to the warehouse

it was on 11/3 around 2 or 3 pm when he left

also worked with another subcontractor

the other IT subcontractor had no background in it

and lived in Tennessee

Miles Smiley from Texas.

90 yo man

M was trained to work with the Tablutors''' AND

was supposed to work at''' the Dept of Elections

initially scheduled to work there

state senator asks:

> M:That's the main question

>"because I was trained on the tabulators and adjudication process

> and how many people came before me saying they saw people

in and out of the Dept of Elections with ballots"

I was not supposed to talk about this today but going to anyway

There were 3 permanent Dominion employees

Let me just say this

1 of the permanent employees went by the name of Danielle

herreal name was CHINA


which she told me later

shes the one that said Nick was the part owner

she was acting very bizarre the whole night

would start crying

said she couldn't handle being there

saw the van come in at 430am and CHINA left 1 hour before that

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c41d82 No.153889

File: a6fed3fb6940b2c⋯.png (385.7 KB,935x588,935:588,Clipboard.png)

File: c36ca8262e6867a⋯.png (37.69 KB,650x103,650:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 79dc4b39e14966b⋯.png (51.23 KB,956x341,956:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863448 (020047ZDEC20) Notable: (PB) /mnr/ board members behind the 3-week q_anon banner subversion

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>>>/qresearch/11863367 Indeed




Rooting each other on to keep going.

Sow discord here.

Been watching for a while, figured would cap some of their shit, just so we have it "on record".

I say if it doesn't stop TONIGHT.

We bomb their shit incessantly until it DOES.


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c41d82 No.153890

File: 4e3a0bfdc8c86c3⋯.png (513.17 KB,1236x867,412:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863471 (020049ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Software receives 400 Million$ from Swiss Bank Account funded by China

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An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.

Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.

“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.

Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank Account Funded by Communist Chinese Gov & Companies Before Election

“UBS Securities is a Swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.


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c41d82 No.153891

File: ae682d10507915b⋯.png (1.07 MB,827x472,827:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863558 (020054ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon official overseeing counter-ISIS effort forced out

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Pentagon official overseeing counter-ISIS effort forced out

WASHINGTON — The civilian official overseeing the Pentagon’s campaign to defeat the Islamic State group in the Middle East was forced to resign in the latest jolt to Pentagon leadership in the waning weeks of the Trump administration.

The Pentagon said in a written statement that the acting defense secretary, Christopher Miller, on Monday accepted the resignation of Christopher Maier, who had provided policy oversight of the military’s counter-ISIS effort since March 2017.

A defense official familiar with the matter said Maier was told Monday that since President Donald Trump had long ago declared the ISIS militant group defeated, his office was being disbanded and he was abruptly “terminated.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an internal personnel matter.

Maier, a career counterterrorism official, was director of the Defeat-ISIS Task Force, whose responsibilities are to be absorbed by counterterrorism staffs headed by appointees who President Donald Trump placed in senior Pentagon positions in a shakeup that included his firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Nov. 9.

Maier’s departure was first reported by CNN. The New York Times was first to report that Maier had been forced out.

In its statement, the Pentagon gave no reason for Maier’s departure but said the decision to disband the task force he led was a recognition of the “success of the military fight to destroy” the Islamic State’s grip on territory in Iraq and Syria. Critics say that while the militant group has lost its physical empire, it remains a threat and has been biding its time in search of ways to regroup and re-emerge.

“The Department of Defense will continue to engage with our partners and allies to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS and encourage the repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters for prosecution,” the Pentagon said.

Nearly 900 U.S. troops are still in Syria to work with local groups aiming to prevent an ISIS resurgence. The U.S. also has about 3,000 troops in neighboring Iraq working with local security forces toward the same goal.

The counter-ISIS campaign began during the Obama administration and in some respects was accelerated by Trump.


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c41d82 No.153892

File: 976fcfc7b4f50e2⋯.jpeg (301.16 KB,1710x839,1710:839,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863581 (020056ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge tweets on DOJ investigations

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c41d82 No.153893

File: f56848362fce0aa⋯.png (245.85 KB,841x877,841:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863595 (020057ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Bill Barr

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Bill Barr's real name is William Pelham Barr(born May 23, 1950) is an American attorney serving as the 85th United States Attorney General since 2019, previously holding the office from 1991 to 1993.

From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency during his schooling years. He then served as a law clerk to judge Malcolm Richard Wilkey. In the 1980s, Barr worked for the law firm Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, sandwiching a year's work in the White House of the Ronald Reagan administration dealing with legal policies. Before becoming Attorney General in 1991, Barr held numerous other posts within the Department of Justice, including leading the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and serving as Deputy Attorney General. From 1994 to 2008, Barr did corporate legal work for GTE and its successor company Verizon Communications, which made him a multimillionaire. From 2009 to 2018, Barr served on the board of directors for Time Warner.

Barr is a longtime proponent of the unitary executive theory of nearly unfettered presidential authority over the executive branch of the U.S. government.[1][2][3] In 1989, Barr, as the head of the OLC, justified the U.S. invasion of Panama to arrest Manuel Noriega. As deputy attorney general, Barr authorized an FBI operation in 1991 which freed hostages at the Talladega federal prison. An influential advocate for tougher criminal justice policies, Barr as attorney general in 1992 authored the report The Case for More Incarceration, where he argued for an increase in the United States incarceration rate.[4] Under Barr's advice, President George H. W. Bush in 1992 pardoned six officials involved in the Iran–Contra affair.

Barr became attorney general for the second time in 2019. During his ongoing term, he has received criticism from some for his handling of several challenges, including his mischaracterized summary and selective redaction of the Mueller report, interventions in the guilty convictions and sentences of former advisors to President Trump, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn,[5][6] and allegations of political interference in the removal of Geoffrey Berman from his Southern District of New York attorney position in a matter pertaining to the indictment of Turkish bank Halkbank, a bank with close personal ties to Recep Tayyip Erdogan.[7][8]


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c41d82 No.153894

File: 55393b23bd96c4f⋯.jpg (51.7 KB,800x654,400:327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863611 (020058ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on John Danforth

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John Danforth and Clarence Thomas link.

This may be why Nadler twatted what he did. He knows Thomas will hear the case against Biden in the SC.

Danforth also escorted Thomas through his confirmation process in the Senate.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reunited Friday with his mentor and the man who stood beside him through a difficult confirmation hearing, telling former Missouri Sen. John Danforth he owes him his career.

Thomas spoke at a Law Day event sponsored by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. During the speech he turned to Danforth, 80, and told him, “You are the reason why I’m here.”

The 68-year-old justice has spent 26 years on the Supreme Court, the second-longest tenure of any current member, and is the court’s only African-American member.

But his legal roots are in Missouri. In 1974, Danforth, then the state’s attorney general, offered Thomas his first job out of law school, as an assistant attorney general position.

Thomas recalled Danforth’s pitch.

“Clarence, I can promise you more work for less pay than anyone in the country,” Thomas recalled. “What a marketing scam!”

Thomas worked with Danforth until the Republican was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1976. Thomas then worked for Monsanto Co. in St. Louis before re-joining Danforth in Washington in 1979.

President George H.W. Bush nominated Thomas to the Supreme Court in 1991. His confirmation was nearly derailed by Anita Hill’s claims that Thomas sexually harassed her.

Throughout the hearings,Danforth, an ordained Episcopal priest, was Thomas’ most vocal supporter. In introducing Thomas at the Law Day event he recalled the confirmation process as a “dreadful ordeal.”


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c41d82 No.153895

File: b28cf64ffe98e46⋯.png (53.53 KB,643x861,643:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 147627a2d5a1145⋯.png (11.38 KB,630x169,630:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863620 (020059ZDEC20) Notable: Saudi Arabia blasts Iran for accusation it played part in killing of nuke chief

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Saudi Arabia blasts Iran for accusation it played part in killing of nuke chief

After Iranian foreign minister alleges ‘conspiracy’ between Riyadh and Jerusalem, Saudi minister says Tehran is ‘desperate to blame the kingdom for anything negative’

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A senior Saudi minister on Tuesday lashed out at Iran’s foreign minister for implying Riyadh played a role in the assassination of leading nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Fakhrizadeh, considered the architect of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, was killed on Friday after his car was targeted in a bomb and gun attack on a road outside the capital Tehran, heightening tensions between Iran and its foes.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday said on Instagram that a covert meeting in Saudi Arabia between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contributed to the assassination, alleging it was a “conspiracy.”

“Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif is desperate to blame the kingdom for anything negative that happens in Iran,” Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, wrote on Twitter. “Will he blame us for the next earthquake or flood?”

“It is not the policy of Saudi Arabia to engage in assassinations,” he added.


KEK Israel trying to get Saudi Arabia to fight Iran for them!

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c41d82 No.153896

File: adbc22a97367609⋯.png (519.54 KB,1207x814,1207:814,Clipboard.png)

File: cfea90a8f0537f3⋯.jpg (829.03 KB,1237x3931,1237:3931,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7202a72ce1a7f17⋯.jpg (421.67 KB,1076x1360,269:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863668 (020103ZDEC20) Notable: Pedophilia in the Elite/FakeNews (NBC)

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c41d82 No.153897

File: bfc4b2e7c9bd7d1⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863698 (020105ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas 2nd release of CNN teleconference with Executives

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2nd Veritas

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c41d82 No.153898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863716 (020107ZDEC20) Notable: #15143

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>>>/qresearch/11863105 Dough

PSA - Because of the Comms In America attacks on the board we have to shut the notables at 550 to mitigate.

#15143 FINAL Notables

>>153870 Joe Biden: U.S. Constitution ‘Clearly Requires’ Illegal Aliens Be Included in Congressional Apportionment

>>153871 , >>153874 Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

>>153881 Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

>>153872 Facebook Says It Will Provide The "Authoritative Information" On COVID Vaccines

>>153875 Thank YOU Andrew…. At least Gab has the balls…

>>153876 .John Danforth mixed up in Pennsylvania election……..

>>153877 CNN's Zucker equates @realDonaldTrump not conceding and letting the transition go through to what happened when America was attacked on 9/11/2001


>>153879 ‘COLD CALCULATED FRAUD’: Detroit Poll Watcher Alleges Electioneering, Phony Biden Ballots, Discarded Trump Ballots

>>153880 And now you know why Comms in America is trying so hard to tag the board

>>153885 Barr on Board of Dominion Energy?

>>153886 CNN’s Zucker ‘Encouraged’ Invoking 9/11 Terror to Urge Trump to Allow a Biden Transition

>>153887 John Danforth (Commission on Presidential Elections) discusses the impact of polling before the election

>>153888 Melissa Carrone testimony today (Michigan Election Fraud Hearing)

>>153890 Dominion Voting Software receives 400 Million$ from Swiss Bank Account funded by China

>>153889 Comms In America off board plotting to fuck up QResearch

>>153891 Pentagon official overseeing counter-ISIS effort forced out

>>153892 Catherine Herridge tweets on DOJ investigations

>>153893 Dig on Bill Barr

>>153894 Dig on John Danforth

>>153895 Saudi Arabia blasts Iran for accusation it played part in killing of nuke chief

>>153896 Pedophilia in the Elite/FakeNews (NBC)

>>153897 Veritas 2nd release of CNN teleconference with Executives


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c41d82 No.153899

File: 5d67e83750eafcc⋯.png (46.17 KB,610x372,305:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f50699042aa20⋯.png (517.64 KB,652x373,652:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863928 (020123ZDEC20) Notable: PA Legislature takes Electoral Votes from Secretary of State

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Less than a week after the bombshell Gettysburg, Pennsylvania hearing into election integrity, Republican legislators in Pennsylvania have introduced a joint resolution that declares the election’s results in dispute, and demands that Congress only accepts Electoral College votes from Pennsylvania after they have been approved by the legislature.

After Trump senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani outlined how the Pennsylvania state legislature can reclaim their ability to assign Electoral College votes from the Secretary of State, Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano quickly formed a Republican coalition and introduced a resolution to this effect. The resolution was introduced on November 30.

The resolution identifies a series of critical issues with the 2020 election, including unequal protection under the law, as some large Democratic counties allowed voters to “cure” or fix their ballots, while smaller Republican counties did not, “improprieties associated with mail-in balloting” that still have not been answered, and the “partisan majority” of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court allowing votes to be received past 8 p.m. on November 3.

In a statement provided to The Epoch Times, the Pennsylvania General Assembly said that “A number of compromises of Pennsylvania’s election laws took place during the 2020 General Election,” and that “The documented irregularities and improprieties associated with mail-in balloting, pre-canvassing, and canvassing have undermined our elector process and, as a result, we cannot accept certification of the results in statewide races.”

As Ellis suggested, the resolution quotes Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which states: ”Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.”


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c41d82 No.153900

File: e582cf6820ce08c⋯.png (647.2 KB,1920x949,1920:949,Clipboard.png)

File: ae412c22addb65b⋯.png (509.02 KB,747x424,747:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863934 (020123ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Boeing B-52H Stratofortress out and about.

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c41d82 No.153901

File: 6c1a24d4dc013b4⋯.png (4.17 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863935 (020123ZDEC20) Notable: More reporting on death of Gina Haspel (where there's smoke...)

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Ben Fulford December 1, 2020

We are also hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that CIA Director Gina Haspell is…“on ice, literally after being caught in the recent firefight in Germany over the election servers with the Special Ops going up against Agency hired guns.

The entire agency is being vetted globally top to bottom.  A massive change is occurring.  There are many disappearances taking place.

”We can confirm from our own direct sources that many disappearances are taking place in Japan.  Last we the White Dragon Society issued an ultimatum to the Pentagon to do something in this country and that has started.

The trigger was a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club by Ryuichi Morishita, a Japanese slave government operative.  At this conference, attended by your correspondent, Morishita said the Japanese government had bought 120 million vaccines each from Pfizer and AstraZeneca as well as another 50 million from Moderna.  He said they would be administered to the Japanese people and the Japanese government, not the pharmaceutical companies, would pay compensation for negative side effects.  Morishita also admitted he has never seen the “Covid” virus under a microscope or a genuine Covid patient.

Also last week Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko said, “We have a target of 1,000 positive COVID test results.”  She corrected herself but this is an obvious Freudian slip.  She was trying to tell the world that she was ordered to concoct at least that many fake positives per day for the capital.  


Now, cabal agents in Japan such as David Atkinson (of Goldman Sachs), Heizo Takenaka, and many others are being rounded up.  This has resulted in this writer getting many personal death threats and having the cord to his Christmas lights decorations cut as a warning. 

Our answer will be to continue to decapitate the Cabal network in Japan The people being removed in Japan all report to either the Rockefeller or Rothschild crime families.

If you look at who so-called President-elect Joe Biden selected for his cabinet, you can see they are almost all members of the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations.  

https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/joe-biden-return-cfrTrump is now taking them all out of action.

Sauce: benjaminfulford.net

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c41d82 No.153902

File: c5e04c9177f712b⋯.png (270.05 KB,496x518,248:259,Clipboard.png)

File: cffd73fd05ff68b⋯.png (397.77 KB,552x589,552:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863947 (020124ZDEC20) Notable: CNN caught trying to cover up Voter Fraud

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Project Veritas: CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel Details How Channel Should Cover Up Trump’s Contested Election Claims (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

James O’Keefe on Tuesday morning dialed in to CNN’s conference call with senior leadership and told president Jeff Zucker that he has been recording insider calls for two months.

A very nervous Zucker skirted around the question and hung up on James O’Keefe.

CNN got triggered and called the cops on James O’Keefe. Recall that hypocritical CNN published the Melania Trump audio, which was secretly recorded.

O’Keefe laughed at CNN and released the first recording Tuesday night.

The first tape released Tuesday is Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel detailing how CNN should cover up Trump’s contested election claims.

“We have to be, you know, news organizations have to be very careful and very responsible about not giving President Trump too much of a platform on his not conceding because they feel the transition can go forward,” Gangel said.

We knew this was a media-backed coup on election night when Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden when people were still standing in line to vote.

The media believes they have the power to call elections and now they are admitting that they are not covering Trump’s litigation in order to usher in Joe Biden.

James O’Keefe said there is much more to come. This is just the beginning.


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c41d82 No.153903

File: b59d4e710431562⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,257x145,257:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863959 (020125ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153904

File: 26f2d5d907240e0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1727x884,1727:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863967 (020125ZDEC20) Notable: Two V-22 Ospreys, each has the same call sign. ANON.

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Two V-22 Ospreys, each has the same call sign. ANON.

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c41d82 No.153905

File: 342c08715102d08⋯.jpeg (446.12 KB,1316x750,658:375,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863983 (020127ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Hold the line anons.

Muh notables

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c41d82 No.153906

File: 399363b0f716fa8⋯.png (34.65 KB,289x441,289:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11863986 (020127ZDEC20) Notable: #CNNTapes trending on Twitter - You know what to do anons

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Look what's trending folks!

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c41d82 No.153907

File: 227245286803700⋯.png (379.7 KB,1155x1321,1155:1321,Clipboard.png)

File: 34de6732c12baa1⋯.png (131.14 KB,1122x635,1122:635,Clipboard.png)

File: acf94ab33983ba7⋯.png (576.45 KB,1722x1557,574:519,Clipboard.png)

File: ca22902bd223786⋯.png (2.17 MB,2772x4796,63:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864006 (020129ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet - Does the Chinese Government own Dominion Voting Systems?

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>>153890 pb - Dominion Voting Software receives 400 Million$ from Swiss Bank Account funded by China

not sure InfoWars has this right….see what you think, anons.

Does the Chinese government own Dominion?


>>>/qresearch/11540532 :

Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street. Staple Street is controlled by Cerberus Capital. Cerberus is owned by billionaire Steve Feinberg. Trump appointed Feinberg the Chairman of the Presidents Intelligence Advisory Board, which advises POTUS on all matters counterintelligence. Is this whole election a setup? Feinberg teeing up the Dems using the system they used in 2018, but that he now owns?


- Lin Wood: Did the CCP purchase Dominion on Oct 8 for $400mil?


Lin Wood Retweeted yamato @meshiya12

5h - Replying to @LLinWood

Dominion connection map


Lin Wood:

Swiss bank UBS owns 25% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese investment bank. The rest is owned by the Chinese gov't. CAP.


[looks like USB actually owns 51% since 12-01-2018; see below]

Lin Wood:

Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 & many others, including myself, have seen overwhelming evidence of the systemic fraud in the voting machine software.

Dominion is controlled by Communist China.

This make NO sense to Patriots. What is going on in D.C.? Same problem as exists in GA?


"Communist China Purchased Dominion Voting for $400M. Efforts underway to verify" (see description)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTatOQTJCw8 (vid clip)

Vid exploring the idea that CCP bought Dominion for $400m.

= = = = = = = =

DIG on Staple Street offering to UBS Securities LLC:

a. There's UBS Securities LLC is described as the banking division of UBS AG, which is Switzerland's largest bank: "UBS Securities LLC operates as the investment banking division of UBS."


Sylvia Brasil Coutinho: CEO

Two of their board members are Chinese:

Luo Qiang/Zhang Tsinghua U (Engr BS); Stanford (MS Engr)


Ye Xiang (Visiongain Capital LTD): Pepl Bank PhD, Zhejiang U., finanial services


b. Until 12-1-2018, UBS AG owned 25% of UBS Securities LLC; after that, it owned 51% (while Chinese gov owns 49%).


c. An MBA friend pointed out that having a 51% share of a Chinese company actually gives China MORE leverage not less.

Swiss bank has more to lose.

d. The agreement for Staple Street to issue stock to UBS Securities LLC in the amt of $50mil is not a done deal - not yet. Looks like it's still in the works.

= = = = = =

Looks like the plan is to do a deal with the Chinese company UBS Securities LLC whereby they acquire $400mil in securities in Staple Street - which owns Dominion


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c41d82 No.153908

File: eba5889f078e3d6⋯.png (64.41 KB,902x476,451:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864008 (020129ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr appointed John Durham as special counsel to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe

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BREAKING: Attorney General William Barr appointed John Durham as special counsel to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. The appointment gives Durham extra protection to complete his work without being easily fired.


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c41d82 No.153909

File: 6467ecfbb211485⋯.png (275.36 KB,652x595,652:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864013 (020129ZDEC20) Notable: DJTJr trolling CNN

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Hahahahah. CNN =

Clown face

Clown face

Clown face


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c41d82 No.153910

File: bbc97b9a28ded6c⋯.png (514.93 KB,620x859,620:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864148 (020139ZDEC20) Notable: Senior Cuomo Advisor Melts Down Over NY Post Report on Gov's Hypocrisy, It Wasn't a Good Look

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Senior Cuomo Advisor Melts Down Over NY Post Report on Gov's Hypocrisy, It Wasn't a Good Look


That the New York Post doesn’t play by conventional media rules when it comes to their political reporting is a wonderful thing, especially considering both the city and the state are run by hardcore Democrats who are used to being coddled and worshipped by other mainstream media outlets.

The reporters and outlets who don’t give them the kid-glove treatment or who otherwise dare to ask the occasional tough question routinely face hostility from these same Democrats, as we saw a couple of weeks ago when Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) erupted at two different ones for having the audacity to ask him to clear up the confusion over school closures. At one point during the presser, it got so bad that it looked like Cuomo was going to jump over the table and take a swing at one of them.

Fast forward to Monday, and instead of Cuomo having a meltdown over reporting he didn’t like it was one of his senior advisors, because apparently hostility towards reporters who go against the “Gov’s all that and a bag of chips” grain is a prerequisite for anyone working for, with, or on behalf of His Royal Highness.

It all started after New York Post journalist Bernadette Hogan filed a report on how the Governor and several of his top aides held yet another COVID presser indoors without wearing masks:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday crowed to reporters that his push for mask-wearing helped curb New York’s COVID-19 cases — while his tone-deaf panel of aides sat in the closed room without ever putting theirs on.

“What worked in the spring, and the reason you’re wearing a mask today, is because we told the truth, and New Yorkers responded,’’ the governor said at the more-than-hourlong Manhattan press conference.

Cuomo wasn’t wearing a mask at the time, nor were his five top aides on the dais, including state Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras.

After the report went live, Hogan posted the link to it on her Twitter feed:

Gov. Cuomo, top aides brief reporters indoors without face coverings https://t.co/QkL5Tz51gj via @nypmetro

— Bernadette Hogan (@bern_hogan) November 30, 2020

New York Post columnist Karl Markowicz also noticed the big discrepancy, and posted a picture for those who weren’t watching the press conference:

Cuomo says you can tell people the importance of mask-wearing and hope they understand. Cuomo is not wearing a mask right now and neither are the other 5 people at the table with him. Cuomo rarely wears a mask. How is this not a story? pic.twitter.com/aHvmzfYSbM

— Karol Markowicz (@karol) November 30, 2020

All of this greatly displeased Rich Azzopardi, a senior advisor to Cuomo, who attacked the Post in a way that would have had Brian Stelter erupting in an “ATTACK ON THE FREE PRESS!!!” rant had it been a Trump official sniping at journalist:

The room is socially distanced, capacity reduced by 65% with a MERV-14 filter. Masks are worn at all times when not seated. Add this to the pile of cheap& intellectually dishonest @nypost hit jobs. If you don’t think we take this seriously, you’ve been asleep since March. https://t.co/5U6CYl7AS8

— Rich Azzopardi (@RichAzzopardi) November 30, 2020

Azzopardi’s smart-a**ery did not go over well with people who lost loved ones thanks to Cuomo’s failed leadership, and others who are sick of King Cuomo’s double standards:

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c41d82 No.153911

File: d6784b33fa98c69⋯.png (299.09 KB,492x682,246:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864160 (020140ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats Double Down on Dirty Georgia Tricks Designed to Split Trump Supporters from GOP

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Democrats Double Down on Dirty Georgia Tricks Designed to Split Trump Supporters from GOP Senate Candidates

ATLANTA — Democrats seeking to create divides among supporters of President Donald Trump and the Georgia Republican Senate candidates doubled down on their messaging on Tuesday.

Really American, a left-wing super PAC that spent close to half a million dollars campaigning against Trump and in support of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, reiterated Tuesday that as Trump and his legal team pursue voter fraud allegations in a handful of states, including Georgia — where certified results showed Trump trailed Biden by a narrow 0.26 percent margin — Republican incumbent Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler have somehow failed the president.

Really American is in the process of crowdfunding for and installing billboards across Georgia to deliver this message ahead of the Senate runoff election taking place January 5.

A flurry of media outlets are reaching out to get a comment on the billboards being erected across Georgia. Really Americans founder @JustinAHorwitz has released the following statement regarding the billboards, as a response to any and all press inquiries.https://t.co/8dBiByGGoo

— ReallyAmerican.com 🇺🇸 (@ReallyAmerican1) December 1, 2020

The organization said in a statement Tuesday that “in a rare twist of fate” Trump supporters and supporters of Loeffler’s and Perdue’s Democrat opponents, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, “have a shared interest in seeing the two Republicans who failed to deliver a victory for Trump (Loeffler & Perdue), lose.”

As Breitbart News reported, both Loeffler and Perdue have continuously backed the president as he seeks a second recount in Georgia and continues his legal pursuit over election integrity concerns.

However, Really American is persisting with unsubstantiated claims that Loeffler and Perdue stand against Trump.

“If Trump supporters deliver Perdue and Loeffler a victory, they should be acutely aware that they will be delivering Trump and MAGA a serious political defeat,” the organization stated. “The only people trying to conceal this are Loeffler, Perdue, and Mitch McConnell, who want to destroy President Trump but keep his supporters.”

The Georgia GOP responded to the new claims in a statement to Breitbart News on Tuesday, describing Really American’s tactics as disappointing and deceitful.

“It’s disappointing to see an extreme left-wing super PAC come into Georgia with the sole intention of deceiving voters,” Georgia GOP spokeswoman Abigail Sigler said, “but no amount of billboards will divide Georgia Republicans who know that Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue continue to stand with President Donald Trump.”

Sigler pointed to Trump’s plans to campaign for the two candidates in Georgia on Saturday, and also noted that Vice President Mike Pence, who has already held two rallies in the Peach Tree State, has scheduled a rally in Savannah for Friday and Donald Trump Jr. just dropped a six-figure radio ad on the race in support of the Republican senators.


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c41d82 No.153912

File: 1ea9ee2a5bd6efc⋯.jpg (575.72 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864168 (020141ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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This is from April 2018.

This is such a dumb argument…

I still say all that Q was saying was that there are no "Qanons" and that this was directed at the paytriots calling all of us "Qanons".

It appears the issue is that people that have been here the whole time view one thing and perceive most of what goes on here objectively. It seems issues emerge once the "telephone game" is initiated and new people start making assumptions and then preaching them as truth.

The reality of the situation is that calling anyone on chan boards somethinganon is totally common. Yes, we called Q "Qanon" quite a bit in the beginning. We have patches, memes, websites, websites, blogs, youtube videos and all sorts of shit that random ass people have created that could be attributed to the movement with "Qanon" somewhere in the name.

One of the biggest and most useful websites we've had, which as been around virtually the entire time, is qanon.pub, a very helpful website.

This is a moronic argument and this months long slide seems to have been perpetrated by people that both don't want us to realize the true aim of the drop and who want to send the board in to further disarray (or at least take advantage of any disarray).

The arguments about what words we use, as if we were language police (which is comically absurd, given the nature of this platform), what images we display and who we call what are not done by anons. These are things we've long purged from our general discourse, as these types of distractions have long been cast off as useless, tedious and annoying.

Entertain the brainlets and normalfags at your own peril.

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c41d82 No.153913

File: eb8f5b158be0168⋯.png (37.44 KB,602x302,301:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864202 (020143ZDEC20) Notable: Sperry tweet - Barr broke the law with Special Counsel appointment

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He has a point…


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c41d82 No.153914

File: c8bff2de286e853⋯.png (333.41 KB,826x777,118:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864219 (020144ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr has appointed John Durham special counsel to probe origins of Russia collusion investigation

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==AG Barr has appointed John Durham special counsel to probe origins of Russia collusion investigation

Attorney General William Barr has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to continue investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe, according to multiple news outlets.==

Barr appointed Durham as special counsel on Oct. 19 – two weeks prior to Election Day – but notified Congress in a letter dated Tuesday, according to Fox News.

Barr explained in a letter to the House and Senate Judiciary committees that in May 2019 he directed Durham, a U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to investigate some "intelligence and law-enforcement activities related to the 2016 presidential election."

Barr said he had expected Durham to complete his work by the summer 2020. However, the pandemic and additional information he uncovered prevented him from meeting that deadline.

The attorney general, in the letter, also said that prior to the presidential election he decided to appoint Durham as a special counsel "to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election."


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c41d82 No.153915

File: 3968ab02b33c813⋯.jpeg (161.87 KB,750x417,250:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864224 (020145ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Go suck a dick commie. You don’t own this place

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c41d82 No.153916

File: 423d0405b43d4fa⋯.png (40.86 KB,563x313,563:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 94418e1f6ff19c3⋯.png (483.27 KB,583x361,583:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864298 (020150ZDEC20) Notable: @MajorPatriot "Data specialists in Europe generated a heat map depicting all the votes that were cast by absentee or mail-in ballot for PA

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Check THIS out~!


"Data specialists in Europe generated a heat map depicting all the votes that were cast by absentee or mail-in ballot for PennsylvaniaThey're developing one for every GPS coordinate & every address matched to every single mail-ballot nation-wide #WarRoomPandemic"


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c41d82 No.153917

File: 5ebb45ec1a033f8⋯.png (1.36 MB,1446x979,1446:979,Clipboard.png)

File: 53ff041f2515014⋯.png (290.72 KB,1024x567,1024:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864390 (020156ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Kek! Call sign DECEE23 (pain). A very old KC-135 tanker. Built in 1957. Reg.:57-1487.

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c41d82 No.153918

File: 785cceea720b5d8⋯.png (395.9 KB,1297x2925,1297:2925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864414 (020158ZDEC20) Notable: Digital Evidence Training

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c41d82 No.153919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864707 (020216ZDEC20) Notable: Whistleblowers Dispute Over 1 Million Ballots, Cite Dominion Tampering, Shipping Filled Ballots Across State Lines

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Whistleblowers Dispute Over 1 Million Ballots, Cite Dominion Tampering, Shipping Filled Ballots Across State Lines

The Amistad Project has gathered whistleblowers and sworn declarations revealing over one million potentially fraudulent swing-state ballots, including completed ballots getting shipped across state lines, postal service workers being told to prioritize Biden mail, and officials tampering with Dominion systems to prevent an audit.

In total, over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

“The declarations state that unlawful actions by state and local election officials in swing states, and possibly U.S. Postal Service officials,” the Amistad Project noted.

The evidence details “the failure of election officials in blue jurisdictions to maintain ballot chain of custody,” and include “photographs of individuals improperly accessing voting machines and a detailed eyewitness account of the breaking of sealed boxes of ballot jump drives and commingling of those jump drives with others.”

In addition to voting machine tampering, the Amistad Project’s findings reveal efforts by Postal Service officials in at least three of six swing states. “Details include potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania,” the group notes.

The Amistad Project feels that one whistleblower, a USPS truck driver Jess Morgan, had “fraudulent ballots were mistakenly placed” in his Pennsylvania-bound truck:

“On October 21, he arrived at Bethpage where he saw 24 gaylords (large cardboard containers used by USPS) and was told they contained mail-in ballots. He saw 24 gaylords containing bulk mail bins filled with identically-sized ballot envelopes stacked crosswise, which likely contained 144,000-288,000 ballots or more. He could see contained handwritten return addresses and one was even marked Certified Mail, prompting the expediter to remark that the person must have really wanted the ballot to get to its destination. Both of these observations revealed the ballots had already been completed and were being returned to be counted.

Mr. Morgan got to Harrisburg at 9:15 a.m., ballots in tow, but was forced to sit in the USPS yard until 3:00 p.m. When he went inside to speak with someone because his hours were about to expire, a self- identified “transportation supervisor” made himself known and instructed Jesse to drive the whole load to Lancaster without unloading the portion intended for Harrisburg. The “transportation supervisor” would not provide him with a written slip, saying he would need to unload in Harrisburg in order to receive a slip.

Morgan drove to Lancaster under orders from the Harrisburg postal supervisor, unhooked the trailer in the normal place, parked his tractor in the normal place, and went home. The next day, his trailer, the only trailer he ever used on his Bethpage route, was gone.”


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c41d82 No.153920

File: 301fac30d6f3f4c⋯.png (32.16 KB,598x194,299:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864712 (020216ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge - Voter Fraud investigation from DOJ continues as per DOJ

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>>>/qresearch/11864696 LB



#Election2020results From a DOJ spokesperson: “Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election. That is not what the Associated Press reported nor

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c41d82 No.153921

File: 00b07254c9f94d2⋯.png (345.06 KB,776x877,776:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864751 (020219ZDEC20) Notable: AG Barr Appoints John Durham as Special Counsel in Russia Probe Investigation

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AG Barr Appoints John Durham as Special Counsel in Russia Probe Investigation

Finally, some very good news in the Durham investigation. Prosecutor John Durham is now Special Counsel John Durham.

Attorney General William Barr told The Associated Press on Tuesday he had appointed John Durham, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, who has been investigating the origins of the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation, as a special counsel. Barr made the appointment in October, but chose to wait until after the election to make the announcement.

Barr indicated that the Durham investigation “has been narrowing to focus more on the conduct of FBI agents who worked on the Russia investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane.”

Barr told the AP, “I decided the best thing to do would be to appoint them under the same regulation that covered Bob Mueller, to provide Durham and his team some assurance that they’d be able to complete their work regardless of the outcome of the election.”

The AP report says the new designation provides Durham with “extra protection” and “gives him the authority of a special counsel to complete the work without being easily fired.”

“Under federal regulations, a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons such as misconduct, dereliction of duty or conflict of interest. An attorney general must document such reasons in writing.”

The AP obtained a copy of Barr’s October 19 order, which states that Durham is “authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee or any person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence or law enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, anyone associated with the campaigns or the Trump administration.”

A senior Justice Department official told the AP:

Although the order details that it is “including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III,” the Durham probe has not expanded. The official said that line specifically relates to FBI personnel who worked on the Russia investigation before the May 2017 appointment of Mueller, a critical area of scrutiny for both Durham and for the Justice Department inspector general, which identified a series of errors and omissions in surveillance applications targeting a former Trump campaign associate.

Barr appointed Durham in May 2019 to lead an administrative review into the origins of the FBI’s investigation into candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

In September 2019, there were reports that Barr and Durham had traveled to Rome and London twice to meet with Italian intelligence officials. The following month, The New York Times reported that Durham’s probe had shifted into a criminal inquiry and that he had expanded his investigation.

Shortly after that, there were rumors that the Durham team had requested all of CIA Director John Brennan’s communications from his time at the agency.

During a Fox News interview in December, Barr estimated that Durham’s investigation would be completed in the summer of this year.

The anticipated report never materialized.

Two weeks ago, there were rumors that Durham was dropping his investigation. Within a day, however, those rumors were squashed by reports that he was moving “full-steam ahead.”

News that Durham has been upgraded to a special counsel is very welcome indeed. The Russian collusion investigation cast a shadow over Trump’s presidency for over two years. There are still many on the left who can’t quite let go of it. It will be very satisfying to see the perpetrators held accountable for what was the second most egregious hoax in political history.


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c41d82 No.153922

File: 95abdfc72c5a956⋯.png (1.62 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864777 (020220ZDEC20) Notable: /Anonsknow

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c41d82 No.153923

File: 2d7dfa3217eae69⋯.png (393.47 KB,548x502,274:251,Clipboard.png)

File: f5487532531ea1a⋯.png (402.42 KB,578x613,578:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a7b87cb5cbcb95⋯.png (21.69 KB,574x291,574:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864781 (020220ZDEC20) Notable: Watch: Obama Casually Admits His Drone Strikes Killed "Inordinate Amount" Of Innocent Civilians

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Watch: Obama Casually Admits His Drone Strikes Killed "Inordinate Amount" Of Innocent Civilians

Barack Obama is on his book tour for A Promised Land now four years after leaving office. During his latest interview days ago on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert he was asked about his vastly expanded drone strikes (setting a record far and above that of the prior Bush administration) as a preferred method of taking out America's 'enemies'. But it's very well-documented that drone strikes actually killed just as many or more civilians than terrorists in the process.

The former Democratic president still can't shake his legacy as the "drone president" given he still holds the record for number of ordered kill missions. Now it appears he's simply embracing the label. This latest interview may have sealed this legacy - indeed it could be his own Madeleine Albright "we think the price is worth it" moment.

In the interview Obama admits that saying "collateral damage" is basically the nicer sanitized way of saying "it killed people who were innocent and not just targets".

So he basically casually acknowledged on national TV that he killed a lot of innocent people. And then this incredibly awkward line:

"The problem with the drone program was not that it caused an inordinate amount of civilian casualties, although even 1 civilian casualty is tragic. But the drones probably had less collateral damage."

As journalist Eoin Higgins noted there was "Zero pushback from Colbert here as Obama defends his drone war in pretty revolting terms."

And Glenn Greenwald, who spent years covering Obama's drone killings when he was at The Guardian had this to say…

Here's the section his book, where the former president actually attempts to present himself as the well-intentioned 'savior' of those victims he ordered killed:

In places like Yemen and Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, the lives of millions of young men like those three dead Somalis (some of them boys, really, since the oldest pirate was believed to be nineteen) had been warped and stunted by desperation, ignorance, dreams of religious glory, the violence of their surroundings, or the schemes of older men. I wanted somehow to save them—send them to school, give them a trade, drain them of the hate that had been filling their heads. And yet the world they were a part of, and the machinery I commanded, more often had me killing them instead.

Further into the interview he said that killing by "machinery" was becoming "too easy". He says he had to impose what he called internal controls to remind the military and drone operators "this is isn't target practice".

Meanwhile, NatSec insider architects of Obama's drone policies and secretive 'kill list' are baaaaaack…In the end Obama's book and interview remarks on drone strikes are full of cringeworthy levels of self-justification and rationalization for killing what many human rights studies have estimated to be multiple hundreds.



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c41d82 No.153924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864793 (020221ZDEC20) Notable: Anon theory hits the bullseye - Fake News to cover up the Vote Fraud

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Anons pondering the idea of false flag.

Two today that might have been missed.

Nyt reporting Rudy tried to buy a pardon


Bill Barr said no evidence of fraud

These stories invented to distract from massive fraud evidence and Durham appointment to SC.

Please consider for notable.

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c41d82 No.153925

File: cadd3fe16755a05⋯.png (568.15 KB,713x840,713:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864798 (020221ZDEC20) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany TORCHES Nancy Pelosi

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Kayleigh McEnany TORCHES Nancy Pelosi


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c41d82 No.153926

File: cf6ccc4bc923ff4⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864843 (020224ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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c41d82 No.153927

File: 500454c3260095b⋯.png (29.7 KB,598x374,299:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864867 (020226ZDEC20) Notable: Codemonkeyz - Twitter did a great job censoring the Dominion Watch hashtag

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c41d82 No.153928

File: 57008645b152f73⋯.jpg (1015.16 KB,1795x735,359:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea159ecdc418993⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1856x902,928:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864878 (020227ZDEC20) Notable: Infiltration not invasion by Comms In America

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By now it ought to be obvious to all

infiltration and subversion

Thanks to anon (LB) for posting these grabs. They illustrate perfectly what shill bakers are doing:

- infiltrate a position of control, then deny it to others

- destroy the symbols that unify the group

- subvert the language / meaning of words

- misrepresent proper authority (Q)

- sew discord wherever possible

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c41d82 No.153929

File: 97d6226cc2003b7⋯.jpg (867.9 KB,4096x2304,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864899 (020228ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Go Army?



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c41d82 No.153930

File: 6530458d27d7487⋯.png (697.44 KB,788x728,197:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cb8154726093bf⋯.png (393.04 KB,688x513,688:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864900 (020228ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Contractor Drops a BOMBSHELL

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Dominion Contractor Drops a BOMBSHELL

There's too many truth bombs in here to count



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c41d82 No.153931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864920 (020229ZDEC20) Notable: The 25th Infantry Division is in Hawaii. Who else is from Hawaii?

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the media doesn't put a space or anything between Q and ANON.

Q never said "there no Q_ANON"

He said, "There is no Qanon"

Q_ANON means Q & ANONS.

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c41d82 No.153932

File: 6d3e590a86b2531⋯.png (376.67 KB,983x497,983:497,Clipboard.png)

File: ae797761190dabe⋯.png (14.76 KB,347x85,347:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864929 (020230ZDEC20) Notable: Project Veritas #CNNTapes Trending on Twatter

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Project Veritas #CNNTapes Trending on Twatter


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c41d82 No.153933

File: d0ca9b217e66591⋯.png (75.2 KB,465x479,465:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864933 (020231ZDEC20) Notable: Nadler is freaking out about Special Counsel appointments

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SOMEONE IS SHITTING HIS PANTS… AGAIN! What an idiot, "John Danforth?!


"AG Barr's appointment ofJohn Danforthas special counsel—which violates DOJ's own regulations—erodes the little credibility Trump's DOJ has left.Let's be clear about what this is: Barr has again used the powers of his office to settle scores for Trump." https://twitter.com/RepJerryNadler/status/1333913208978104324

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c41d82 No.153934

File: 9389e217617ded3⋯.png (144.54 KB,895x646,895:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864947 (020232ZDEC20) Notable: Nadler is freaking out about Special Counsel appointments

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Comms or confusion?


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c41d82 No.153935

File: 7c27c130c1f6b5d⋯.png (396.27 KB,622x580,311:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864954 (020232ZDEC20) Notable: CNN Leaked Ed Call: Tucker Carlson is ‘White Supremacy Hour’

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Raheem Kassam


CNN Leaked Ed Call: Tucker Carlson is ‘White Supremacy Hour’ https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/cnn-tucker-carlson/

via @RaheemKassam

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c41d82 No.153936

File: 85c26baae51d20d⋯.png (304.38 KB,1427x640,1427:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864958 (020233ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports TON of UH60's up

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Seems to me we have an abnormally large FUCK-TON of UH-60 action.

Coincidinkally right on the money of the Unsealed Indictment Heat Map.

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c41d82 No.153937

File: 4a9badaa5778ce6⋯.jpg (193.43 KB,1125x753,375:251,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864965 (020233ZDEC20) Notable: Does POTUS look rattled?

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while Trump golfs

We The Inevitable


From Karli


This was POTUS yesterday

Quote Tweet


Dan ScavinoFlag of United StatesEagle


· Nov 29

Marine One over @Gr8FallsPark…

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c41d82 No.153938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11864982 (020234ZDEC20) Notable: The 25th Infantry Division is in Hawaii. Who else is from Hawaii?

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The 25th Infantry Division is a United States Army division based at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. The division, which was activated on 1 October 1941 in Hawaii, conducts military operations primarily in the Asia-Pacific region.

Who is from Hawaii ??

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c41d82 No.153939

File: 6ae6726f4c67c26⋯.png (47.21 KB,652x378,326:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865002 (020235ZDEC20) Notable: Panic in DC? U.S. Swiss Dual National Extradited To United States In Connection With Investment and Bank Fraud Schemes

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Panic in DC?

U.S. Swiss Dual National Extradited To United States In Connection With Investment and Bank Fraud Schemes


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c41d82 No.153940

File: 923709bbe48b0bd⋯.png (99.13 KB,945x345,63:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865019 (020236ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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>QResearch confirmed.


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c41d82 No.153941

File: 8f19d5629b706fb⋯.png (89.04 KB,694x915,694:915,Clipboard.png)

File: b84e9a61b624518⋯.png (33.17 KB,687x509,687:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865034 (020237ZDEC20) Notable: Panic in DC? U.S. Swiss Dual National Extradited To United States In Connection With Investment and Bank Fraud Schemes

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c41d82 No.153942

File: 4dd9cd00160eccf⋯.jpeg (134.1 KB,450x293,450:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 342c08715102d08⋯.jpeg (446.12 KB,1316x750,658:375,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865061 (020240ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Finally it’s getting some traction.

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c41d82 No.153943

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865082 (020241ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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I am with you anon

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c41d82 No.153944

File: ebe4f17c7692815⋯.png (45.37 KB,907x568,907:568,Clipboard.png)

File: fd0cefffc6792f1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e1915a6c4b4e35⋯.png (261.4 KB,1846x773,1846:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865128 (020245ZDEC20) Notable: Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

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Earliest thread archived here with an image is Q Research General #394: Troll Level 1000 Edition Feb 9th 2018, 10:13:18 PM , but it's url is wrong.



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c41d82 No.153945

File: d048e1c865e0f1e⋯.png (73.42 KB,742x630,53:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865139 (020246ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet on Section 230 being a threat to our National Security

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c41d82 No.153946

File: ab5014f2412ee9d⋯.jpg (217.9 KB,1284x672,107:56,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865162 (020248ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet on Section 230 being a threat to our National Security

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Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech” (the only companies in America that have it - corporate welfare!), is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity. Our Country can never be safe & secure if we allow it to stand…..

…..Therefore, if the very dangerous & unfair Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to unequivocally VETO the Bill when sent to the very beautiful Resolute desk. Take back America NOW. Thank you!


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c41d82 No.153947

File: 8db4a138c0c3539⋯.png (22.71 KB,1094x514,547:257,Clipboard.png)

File: afbb05407caa94d⋯.png (51.43 KB,870x888,145:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 730150408a238f6⋯.png (52.04 KB,900x828,25:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 44300333d0f7887⋯.png (55.87 KB,874x918,437:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 11d425221258733⋯.png (23.19 KB,891x466,891:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865201 (020250ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia

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Look at this shit!

Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia. Dominion is lying. This is a massive fraud that has infected the voting system across this country. Evidence continues to pour in on behalf of all the Plaintiffs. Legal votes cast nationwide created a historic landslide for Donald Trump.

Dominion contends that it is impossible for any tampering of the votes on its machines to have occurred. Our evidence proves otherwise. Prior analysis of server logs on Dominion’s machines in Georgia primary elections has shown remote access into those servers in the middle of the night when no election workers were around, possibly by Dominion employees overseas or on behalf of adverse nation-states such as Iran and China. Witnesses have observed what appeared to be Dominion technical support staff connecting remotely to election servers during tabulation of the primary and runoff elections in Georgia to resolve “technical problems” with uploading memory cards. That action violated Georgia and federal law that required certification of the machines and no manipulations.

Dominion also contends that any such tampering would have been revealed by the hand count audit conducted in Georgia. This is not true. The ballots marked by the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) do not record the vote in a software-independent way. Instead, Dominion’s software is responsible for taking the voter’s machine input and printing it on the paper ballot in a QR code that contains the vote that is read by the scanner, but cannot be read by humans, and a text summary that can be read by humans.

Robust and repeatedly confirmed behavioral research shows that only around 6.5% of voters actually bother to scrutinize the human readable text summary. Thus, more than 93% of these allegedly “voter verifiable ballots” are not in fact “voter-verified” at all. See Exhibit 7 to

the Georgia complaint, Appel, DeMillo & Stark, Ballot Marking Devices (“BMDs) Cannot Assure the Will of the Voters (February 14 2020), p. 11. The authors of this study are highly distinguished professors of computer


science, including Richard A. DeMillo of Georgia Tech. Simply put, the BMD ballots are not “voter-verified” because 93.5% of the time voters do not actually “verify” them.

Further, it has been repeatedly established that Dominion’s BMDs are vulnerable to hacking. Substantial evidence of this vulnerability was discussed in Judge Amy Totenberg’s October 11, 2020 Order in the USDC N.D. Ga. case of Curling, et al. v. Kemp, et. al, Case No. 1:17-cv-02989 Doc. No. 964. See, p. 22-23 (“This array of experts and subject matter specialists provided a huge volume of significant evidence regarding the security risks and deficits in the system as implemented in both witness declarations and live testimony at the preliminary injunction hearing.”); p. 25 (“In particular, Dr. Halderman’s testing indicated the practical feasibility of a cyber-attack that could cause votes to be swapped or deleted and the compromise of the system through different cyber-attack strategies, including through access to and alteration or manipulation of the QR barcode.”) The full order refutes many of Dominion’s erroneous claims and talking points. As Judge Totenberg held,

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c41d82 No.153948

File: e5e8fd55027441e⋯.png (244.27 KB,1920x880,24:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865204 (020250ZDEC20) Notable: Earthquakes in Nevada

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Not sure if anybody noticed this already but looks like NV has been getting a cluster of Earthquakes today.


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c41d82 No.153949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865233 (020252ZDEC20) Notable: #15145

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11864605 Dough

#15145 FINAL Notables

>>153919 Whistleblowers Dispute Over 1 Million Ballots, Cite Dominion Tampering, Shipping Filled Ballots Across State Lines

>>153920 Catherine Herridge - Voter Fraud investigation from DOJ continues as per DOJ

>>153921 AG Barr Appoints John Durham as Special Counsel in Russia Probe Investigation

>>153922 /Anonsknow

>>153923 Watch: Obama Casually Admits His Drone Strikes Killed "Inordinate Amount" Of Innocent Civilians

>>153924 Anon theory hits the bullseye - Fake News to cover up the Vote Fraud

>>153925 Kayleigh McEnany TORCHES Nancy Pelosi

>>153926 , >>153929 Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

>>153940 , >>153942 Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

>>153943 , >>153944 Disclaimer: Banner is not used by QResearch or anons and has nothing to do with Q or research done on this board

>>153931 , >>153938 The 25th Infantry Division is in Hawaii. Who else is from Hawaii?

>>153939 , >>153941 Panic in DC? U.S. Swiss Dual National Extradited To United States In Connection With Investment and Bank Fraud Schemes

>>153927 Codemonkeyz - Twitter did a great job censoring the Dominion Watch hashtag

>>153928 Infiltration not invasion by Comms In America

>>153930 Dominion Contractor Drops a BOMBSHELL

>>153932 Project Veritas #CNNTapes Trending on Twatter

>>153933 , >>153934 Nadler is freaking out about Special Counsel appointments

>>153935 CNN Leaked Ed Call: Tucker Carlson is ‘White Supremacy Hour’

>>153936 PF Reports TON of UH60's up

>>153937 Does POTUS look rattled?

>>153945 , >>153946 President Trump tweet on Section 230 being a threat to our National Security

>>153947 Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia

>>153948 Earthquakes in Nevada


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c41d82 No.153950

File: a8ec651bed2a85b⋯.png (29.67 KB,512x563,512:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865336 (020259ZDEC20) Notable: #FightLikeFlynn

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Good General Advice

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c41d82 No.153951

File: 02730d7037ceaf1⋯.png (145.18 KB,1237x845,1237:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865445 (020307ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Flynn Jr. retweeted this military analyst habbening at 6:29pm.

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Mike Flynn Jr. retweeted this military analyst habbening at 6:29pm.


Baker, pb >>>/qresearch/11864238 missed, notabled here >>>/qresearch/11864632

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c41d82 No.153952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865461 (020309ZDEC20) Notable: Anon calls for dig on UBS Securities

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>UBS Securities is a Swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank

It owns 51% unless i'm mistaken.

Please ck this out anons -


Am I the only one thinking it's 51%?

Maybe I'm wrong.

please dig and prove me wrong

One think to consider:

51% actually gives the commies MORE leverage over this Swiss bank (there's more to lose).

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c41d82 No.153953

File: c40329f793808fc⋯.png (316.77 KB,430x869,430:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865476 (020310ZDEC20) Notable: CHRISTMAS NYC: De Blasio Limits Tree Viewings to 5 Minutes, Visitors Must Be Isolated in ‘Pods’

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CHRISTMAS NYC: De Blasio Limits Tree Viewings to 5 Minutes, Visitors Must Be Isolated in ‘Pods’

posted by Hannity Staff - 2 hours ago

Authorities and real estate developers in New York City unveiled their official guidelines for viewing the Rockefeller Christmas Tree this year; limiting guests to just five minutes at the legendary tourist attraction while being separated in isolation “pods.”

“Those who hope to get a glimpse of the tree this year will be required to do so while spaced 6 feet apart and stationed at designated viewing pods. Each pod will hold a maximum of four people,” reports The Hill.

Rockefeller Center Christmas tree viewing limited to 5 minutes https://t.co/ijtMR4ydR3 pic.twitter.com/s4VeTcAyEg

— The Hill (@thehill) December 1, 2020

“That’s the best way to see it, to feel that moment,” de Blasio said.


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c41d82 No.153954

File: ed9d24c5888225c⋯.png (422.77 KB,756x685,756:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865481 (020310ZDEC20) Notable: Rockefeller Center Christmas tree viewing limited to 5 minutes

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Rockefeller Center Christmas tree viewing limited to 5 minutes

This years viewing of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree will be limited to just five minutes.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and the real estate company that owns Rockefeller Center, Tishman Speyer, on Monday released new coronavirus-friendly guidelines for visitors, which included the limit on viewing time, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Those who hope to get a glimpse of the tree this year will be required to do so while spaced 6 feet apart and stationed at designated viewing pods. Each pod will hold a maximum of four people.

While the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony usually draws a large crowd, residents are being asked this year to view it on NBC on Wednesday, the Journal noted.

Anonymous shell companies fund crime and terror; it's time to crack…

White House moves forward with holiday parties during pandemic

“That’s the best way to see it, to feel that moment,” de Blasio said

Visitors will be able to view the tree in person starting Thursday. The tree will be lighted from 6 a.m. to midnight daily through the beginning of January.

The tree, which some Twitter users have compared to the small, unattractive tree in "A Charlie Brown Christmas," has already generated headlines this year after an owl was discovered living in it last month. The bird was later rescued from the tree and released back into the wild.


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c41d82 No.153955

File: 41f00151f7c9a10⋯.png (24.99 KB,958x341,958:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865485 (020310ZDEC20) Notable: "The Kingdom of God is within you"

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"The Kingdom of God is within you"



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c41d82 No.153956

File: 38873ae4f6e73ca⋯.jpeg (680.65 KB,1125x2206,1125:2206,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 83c5a15edbc04fa⋯.jpeg (728.15 KB,1125x2036,1125:2036,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42d1be967562908⋯.jpeg (687.7 KB,1125x1389,375:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6d373195facaa92⋯.jpeg (592.24 KB,715x1371,715:1371,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865488 (020311ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines The courts will need a solution. It will be impossible to pick out the fake votes- a new election to be had.

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Martial Law incoming!

The courts will need a solution. It will be impossible to pick out the fake votes- a new election to be had.

Look at this Flynn Tweet and compare to this article from 2018 and Q post.





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c41d82 No.153957

File: 718f953c99c0b79⋯.png (41.61 KB,463x417,463:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865489 (020311ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS tweet - Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech”... is a National Security Threat

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Donald J. Trump


Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech” (the only companies in America that have it - corporate welfare!), is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity. Our Country can never be safe & secure if we allow it to stand…..

9:45 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Donald J. Trump


Replying to


…..Therefore, if the very dangerous & unfair Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to unequivocally VETO the Bill when sent to the very beautiful Resolute desk. Take back America NOW. Thank you!

9:45 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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c41d82 No.153958

File: abc977733adc7c6⋯.png (2.6 MB,4096x2304,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a8be494289575f4⋯.png (25.5 KB,598x343,598:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865493 (020311ZDEC20) Notable: Julians Rum tweet - Cue called the fake Biden vote count a month before Election Day

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c41d82 No.153959

File: b71fb3ba105f6cb⋯.png (838.04 KB,1019x761,1019:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865501 (020312ZDEC20) Notable: LA County Supervisor Caught Eating at Restaurant Just HOURS After Banning Dining in Los Angeles

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BUSTED! LA County Supervisor Caught Eating at Restaurant Just HOURS After Banning Dining in Los Angeles

posted by Hannity Staff - 2 hours ago

The Los Angeles County Supervisor was caught eating in a restaurant this week just hours after banning other city residents from dining at establishments both indoors and outdoors.

“Just hours after L.A. County Supervisor @SheilaKuehl voted to ban all outdoor dining last Tuesday, which she described as “a most dangerous situation”, we’ve learned that she dined outdoors at Il Forno Trattoria in Santa Monica,” writes one reporter from Fox Los Angeles.

EXCLUSIVE: Just hours after L.A. County Supervisor @SheilaKuehl voted to ban all outdoor dining last Tuesday, which she described as “a most dangerous situation”, we’ve learned that she dined outdoors at Il Forno Trattoria in Santa Monica. https://t.co/8IOtAcpV50 @FOXLA

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) December 1, 2020

“You can watch my 7pm live report on this in the link above. Tonight at 10pm I’ll have a full story about this, including reaction from local restaurant owners, and fellow L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn, who did not support the decision to ban outdoor dining,” adds Bill Melugin.


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c41d82 No.153960

File: 6661089ad68de64⋯.jpg (78 KB,480x358,240:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865569 (020317ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks for all the great memes Mr Pig - #FightLikeFlynn

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c41d82 No.153961

File: c0dd3caa29151cd⋯.png (22.27 KB,598x349,598:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 46a89c56a2d6399⋯.png (110.09 KB,1366x635,1366:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865583 (020317ZDEC20) Notable: PA Vote Fraud is at the Supreme Court

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153962

File: 3ace63fd12d1e09⋯.png (118.5 KB,1366x635,1366:635,Clipboard.png)

File: ea320a98070dde5⋯.png (136.78 KB,1366x635,1366:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865610 (020319ZDEC20) Notable: PA Vote Fraud is at the Supreme Court

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153963

File: 2dcd44edc16e274⋯.png (13.16 KB,340x76,85:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865633 (020321ZDEC20) Notable: #CNNTapes trending on Twitter

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Look at that..it even says news now at 186K

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c41d82 No.153964

File: 34970428a395944⋯.jpg (84.53 KB,646x464,323:232,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865638 (020322ZDEC20) Notable: Mr Pig new Christmas memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865699 (020327ZDEC20) Notable: NRSC Raises ‘Unprecedented’ $75 Million for Pivotal Georgia Senate Elections

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NRSC Raises ‘Unprecedented’ $75 Million for Pivotal Georgia Senate Elections

ATLANTA — National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman Todd Young (R-IN) announced on Tuesday that the organization raised an “unprecedented” $75 million in fundraising ahead of the pivotal Georgia Senate runoffs.

Young announced the NRSC’s significant fundraising haul during the Senate GOP’s weekly luncheon, which was conducted via conference call.

The NRSC chairman noted that much of the fundraising haul, which was raised from October 15 to November 23, will be focused on reelecting Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA).

Perdue and Loeffler hope to stave off challenges from Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in January.

Young said during the call, “We are working hand in glove with the Perdue and Loeffler teams to make sure we are successful, and if we win these races, we save the country.”

Reelecting Perdue and Loeffler would ensure that that the Senate majority does not fall into Democrat hands. If both Georgia conservatives were to lose in January, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the likely vice president, would become the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

This has raised the stakes for the Georgia Senate elections.

Subsequently, Republicans, Democrats, and outside PACs have already spent roughly $300 million in ads.


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c41d82 No.153966

File: 2fb670cff3d623c⋯.jpg (158.15 KB,1052x825,1052:825,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd89c7e941d9c98⋯.jpg (150.89 KB,1308x734,654:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865702 (020327ZDEC20) Notable: PA Vote Fraud is at the Supreme Court

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Sean Parnell's case filed with SCOTUS.

Raises 2 constitutional issues.

First election fraud case to reach the highest court.

Sorry about the URL - that's just what it is.

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c41d82 No.153967

File: 4b5807a856bca5e⋯.png (263.45 KB,1370x855,274:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865711 (020327ZDEC20) Notable: And "we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal service" might be part of the legal challenges.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And "we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal service" might be part of the legal challenges.


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c41d82 No.153968

File: 619fdbf0937065f⋯.png (633.65 KB,647x446,647:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 624452958760932⋯.png (18.88 KB,664x209,664:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865752 (020330ZDEC20) Notable: Six Republicans to Explore ‘Immigration Reform’ with Amnesty Advocates

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Six Republicans to Explore ‘Immigration Reform’ with Amnesty Advocates

Six Senate and House Republicans are expected this week to engage with elected Democrats and amnesty advocates, from corporate donors to the open borders lobby, on “building bipartisanship on immigration reform.”

On Thursday, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), and John Cornyn (R-TX) and Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Will Hurd (R-TX) are to participate in a discussion with Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), and Chris Coons (D-DE) about striking a deal on amnesty for illegal aliens in some form.

The event is being hosted by the pro-amnesty, pro-mass immigration American Business Immigration Coalition which is made up of a series of business donors such as the United States Chamber of Commerce and the open borders lobby like the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.

A full list of special interests participating in the event include:

Jon Baselice, US Chamber of Commerce Immigration Director, Al Cardenas, Shareholder – Squire Patton Boggs, Steve Choi, NYIC Senior Advisor, Alan Cramb, Illinois Institute of Technology President, Lester Crown, Henry Crown & Company Co-Chairman, Bob Dickinson, Carnival Cruise CEO Retired, Craig Duchossois, The Duchossois Group Chairman, Martin Eakes, Self Help Federal Credit Union CEO, Mike Fernandez, MBF Healthcare Partners Chairman, Don Graham, TheDream.us Chairman, Luis Gutierrez, former U.S. Representative, Dr. Carrie Besnette Hauser, Colorado Mountain College President and CEO, Marielena Hincapie, NILC Executive Director, Mellody Hobson, Ariel Investments President and Co-CEO, Josh Hoyt, Democracy Partners, Woody Hunt, Hunt Companies Senior Chairman, Mike Kaplan, Aspen Snowmass CEO, Giev Kashkooli, United Farm Workers Political Director, Bill Kunkler, CC Industries Executive VP, Bill Lucia, HMS CEO, Stan Marek, MAREK Brothers & Systems CEO, Greisa Martinez, United We Dream, Executive Director, Eva Millona, MIRA CEO, Marc Morial, The National Urban League President, Anna Morzy, Greenberg Traurig Shareholder, Ana Navarro, American Political Strategist, Penny Pritzker, former United States Secretary of Commerce, Raul Raymundo, TRP CEO, Maria Rodriguez, Florida Immigrant Coalition Executive Director, John Rowe, Exelon Chairman Emeritus, Zaher Sahloul, MedGlobal CEO, Angelica Salas, CHIRLA Executive Director, Sam Scott, Ingredion Incorporated CEO Retired, Carole Segal, Crate and Barrel Co-Founder, Gustavo Torres, CASA Executive Director, Chris Wallace, North Texan Commission President and CEO, Bob Worsley, SkyMall Founder and Arizona Republican State Senator Retired, Justin Yancey, Texas Business Leadership Council President.

A number of the Republican participants won reelection by close margins just a month ago. Specifically, Tillis won reelection in North Carolina by fewer than 96,000 votes. Likewise, Collins won reelection in Maine by fewer than 70,300 votes.

Currently, House Democrats are drafting an amnesty plan that will provide at least one subgroup of illegal aliens the ability to permanently remain in the U.S. and eventually apply for American citizenship. Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has vowed to send an amnesty plan to the Senate in his first 100 days in office.


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c41d82 No.153969

File: 4ca19585827d08b⋯.png (896.18 KB,1228x1148,307:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865814 (020336ZDEC20) Notable: New President Trump tweet - RIGGED ELECTION - Show envelopes and signatures

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c41d82 No.153970

File: 52f5ae7150f7d85⋯.png (1.45 MB,1229x1608,1229:1608,Clipboard.png)

File: 75ce0d52ab50b08⋯.png (1.68 MB,1572x1152,131:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865840 (020338ZDEC20) Notable: New President Trump tweet - RIGGED ELECTION - Show envelopes and signatures

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c41d82 No.153971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865861 (020340ZDEC20) Notable: DID IRAN & ISRAEL CO-OPERATE ON IRANIAN SCIENTIST ASSASSINATION? (Or did he defect?)

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Why would they do that? Because President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif are rats, doing the bidding of the Rothschild Chatham House boys and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Rouhani spent 6 years in Scotland getting his PHD in Sharia Law (of all things), hanging with Jack Straw and Lord Levy, one rung down from Rothschild.

Zarif was 20 years in America and very close to Globalist John Kerry. They say half of the Iranian parliament (the pyramid with 33 windows) has a US Green Card.

General Soulimani hated Rouhani and Zarif and wanted nothing to do with the Godless Communist Party of China. He was an impediment to The Belt & Road development. He was got rid of. As Rouhani and Zarif cannot stop the nuclear program for fear of internal reprisals from the true believers, they got Israel to do it for them.

Israel is all over Iran and does as it pleases - because most of the Iranian leadership are Swiss Bank holding rats.


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c41d82 No.153972

File: 9e8121527871db9⋯.png (14.72 KB,594x150,99:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865889 (020342ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet - Pardon investigation is Fake News!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pardon investigation is Fake News!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865907 (020343ZDEC20) Notable: Astute Anon opines that the shills are way too attached to getting clean shots on Q w/banner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153974

File: 1e5f153b26a2ab5⋯.png (827.39 KB,760x725,152:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865915 (020344ZDEC20) Notable: Hard Drive Shredding Truck arrives at Gwinnett County GA Elections Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865916 (020344ZDEC20) Notable: Populist Press Blindsided By Enemy Attack And WON

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


These the chinkfags that own Dominion Voting?

As soon as Populist Press posted their story on this, they got taken down by

a Chink DDos attack

Mentioned on Warroom tonight

Populist Press Blindsided By Enemy Attack And WON

December 1, 2020 9:35 PM

Notice from our editors on a cyber attack that took our site offline today.

Dear patriotic, truth-seeking, Populist Press readers,

As our readers know, Populist Press is not at the will of social media censorship. We’re a grassroots site that’s exploded in recent weeks due to our authentically brave reporting that big tech and mainstream media news outlets refuse to report. In fact, these oligarchs go out of their way to contort the truth while propping up Joe Biden as president.

The first amendment has never been under the kind of attack that it is right now, nor has our freedom. We’re in a virtual “Alamo” right now. It’s time to stand and fight for our right to be heard and maintain our rights and republic.

We prevailed in that feat today when a sudden cyber attack compromised our site, taking it offline for about two hours. Our incredibly skilled and dedicated staff immediately fought back, restoring truth and information to the public that citizens deserve. We don’t live in communist China and need to fight for our freedoms and our country from succumbing to the same kind of communist control.

We’re in informational warfare right now.

Fight with us by bookmarking www.Populist.Press today and never miss a beat.

You can be assured that when an attack hits, we hit back harder. That’s how we win as a nation — the land of the free and home of the brave (not afraid).

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c41d82 No.153976

File: 1e53fd73aec8f55⋯.jpg (92.56 KB,744x407,744:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865969 (020348ZDEC20) Notable: Mr Pig new Christmas memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153977

File: ac7acb0cf92b8df⋯.png (134.21 KB,1706x602,853:301,Clipboard.png)

File: f48c3ceb1cb44ea⋯.png (938.14 KB,1998x1740,333:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865974 (020349ZDEC20) Notable: Anon documentation of there only being QResearch and anons researching Q Posts

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153978

File: 3394b48f8398697⋯.png (103.19 KB,973x550,973:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865981 (020349ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to CCP Before Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>please dig



>they got taken down by

>a Chink DDos attack


Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to CCP Before Election


December 1, 2020 12:35 PM

An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.

Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.

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c41d82 No.153979

File: 4312228d48e72ea⋯.png (1.91 MB,1618x1570,809:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865993 (020350ZDEC20) Notable: 97 Percent of Conservative Christians Voted for President Trump: Post-Election Survey

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

97 Percent of Conservative Christians Voted for President Trump: Post-Election Survey

According to a new survey by veteran researcher Dr. George Barna and The Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, President Trump received a record number of votes from conservative Christians in the 2020 election.

The survey, which was conducted after election day, looked at a group of conservative Christians known as SAGE Cons (Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians).

A near universal amount of SAGE Cons turned out in the 2020 election with 99 percent (representing 23 million voters) casting their ballot.

Meanwhile, 97 percent cast their ballot for Trump, giving the president a net margin of more than 21 million votes. SAGE Cons, who represent 9 percent of the adult population, constituted slightly more than 14 percent of the voting population due to the high level of turnout.

While the election results continue to be disputed by President Trump, the research found that he would have lost by a landslide if he did not receive an overwhelming number of votes from conservative Christians.

SAGE Cons have likewise expressed concern over voter integrity, with 79 percent of them believing that there was “numerous instances of abuse” in the election. On the other hand, merely 1 percent believe votes were accurately counted and that the voting process was legally carried out.

The CRC study identifies SAGE Cons as those who vote in accordance to the Bible and out of their devotion to Jesus Christ. While they acknowledge that Trump is not a pastor, they believe that his policies are more in accordance with biblical principles than those of Joe Biden.

When asked what stances pushed them to vote for Trump, 60 percent of SAGE Cones said it was because of his anti-abortion policies while 23 percent said it was in light of his court appointments.


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c41d82 No.153980

File: bc5e98f1edfae9e⋯.jpg (159.2 KB,531x661,531:661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11865998 (020350ZDEC20) Notable: Mr Pig new Christmas memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866055 (020354ZDEC20) Notable: #15146

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11865306 Dough

#15146 FINAL Notables

>>153950 #FightLikeFlynn

>>153951 Mike Flynn Jr. retweeted this military analyst habbening at 6:29pm.

>>153952 Anon calls for dig on UBS Securities

>>153953 CHRISTMAS NYC: De Blasio Limits Tree Viewings to 5 Minutes, Visitors Must Be Isolated in ‘Pods’

>>153954 Rockefeller Center Christmas tree viewing limited to 5 minutes

>>153955 "The Kingdom of God is within you"

>>153956 Anon opines The courts will need a solution. It will be impossible to pick out the fake votes- a new election to be had.

>>153957 POTUS tweet - Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech”… is a National Security Threat

>>153958 Julians Rum tweet - Cue called the fake Biden vote count a month before Election Day

>>153959 LA County Supervisor Caught Eating at Restaurant Just HOURS After Banning Dining in Los Angeles

>>153960 Thanks for all the great memes Mr Pig - #FightLikeFlynn

>>153961 , >>153962 , >>153966 PA Vote Fraud is at the Supreme Court

>>153963 #CNNTapes trending on Twitter

>>153964 , >>153976 , >>153980 Mr Pig new Christmas memes

>>153965 NRSC Raises ‘Unprecedented’ $75 Million for Pivotal Georgia Senate Elections

>>153967 And "we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal service" might be part of the legal challenges.

>>153968 Six Republicans to Explore ‘Immigration Reform’ with Amnesty Advocates

>>153969 , >>153970 New President Trump tweet - RIGGED ELECTION - Show envelopes and signatures


>>153972 President Trump tweet - Pardon investigation is Fake News!

>>153973 Astute Anon opines that the shills are way too attached to getting clean shots on Q w/banner

>>153974 Hard Drive Shredding Truck arrives at Gwinnett County GA Elections Office

>>153975 Populist Press Blindsided By Enemy Attack And WON

>>153977 Anon documentation of there only being QResearch and anons researching Q Posts

>>153979 97 Percent of Conservative Christians Voted for President Trump: Post-Election Survey

>>153978 Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to CCP Before Election


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c41d82 No.153982

File: 5683337d0507d14⋯.jpeg (317.32 KB,483x878,483:878,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 731e740460c5a6b⋯.jpeg (164.19 KB,557x358,557:358,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866191 (020405ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet - Rigged Election! What are Secretary of State and Governor Kemp afraid of?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And the concernfag award goes to….


The manlet with eyeglasses!


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c41d82 No.153983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866199 (020405ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines that Patriots must be vigilant!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, Patriots, I rise before you today with words of caution, words of warning. The twin flames of truth and justice were allowed to burn low by those who preceded us until they had become little more than embers. Now we have taken up the task of rekindling them. Once again a small flame begins to come forth, which even now could be snuffed out by a mere puff of wind from the wrong quarter. However, we must be ever mindful that while fire provides light in the dark and warmth in the cold, it can also if left unchecked destroy.

Let me be clear. To those to whom power was given who abused that power for whatever purpose, let them be tried in open court. Let all the evidence against them be heard in public without redaction. Let them be judged accordingly. However, we must also respect those who defend them in these proceedings for we owe them a debt of gratitude. Just as on these boards we claim that notables are not endorsement, so a vigorous defense of the most odious, even once convicted, is not an endorsement. Nay, it is an absolute necessity if the principle of innocent until proven guilty is to be accorded anything more than mere lip service, for an accusation is not guilt, and even the innocent can be convicted.

Similarly those to whom power and position have been granted who refused to employ that power so as to not impede the subversion of the structures they swore to defend, or who threatened the use of that power in furtherance of that subversion. Let their acts too be known publicly that they may be driven from office and stripped of power at the earliest possible opportunity.

Those without special position or title who acted to further the subversion whether by arson, theft, assault, or any other criminal act, let them also be tried and feel the full weight of justice upon their shoulders.

But for those whose only offense was to espouse opinions of which we disapprove, if we hold dear the principles of liberty and free speech then these individuals we must let pass unscathed. We must do this even though their opinions exude the most odious reek and their words drip with the most corrosive of vitriol.

And so we return to where we started, with words of warning and caution. But these are not my words. History is replete with the cautionary stories of patriots who lit the fires of revolution only to find when those flames had gone out that they had burnt away the very foundations of all the patriots had sought to defend, and the patriots had become the very tyrants they sought to depose. For these patriots had fallen prey to the most insidious of their foes, the belief that the ends justified the means. This is the belief of those we oppose. Let us not fall prey to it ourselves. Let us heed the warnings of patriots past. Let use learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. Let us be ever vigilant against our worst impulses.

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c41d82 No.153984

File: 579753ec1ba1155⋯.png (25.81 KB,635x378,635:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866206 (020406ZDEC20) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Pardon investigation is Fake News!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Pardon investigation is Fake News!

2:40 PM · Dec 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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c41d82 No.153985

File: 620ea6549d2478a⋯.jpeg (106.08 KB,624x780,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866221 (020408ZDEC20) Notable: “Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020.”


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c41d82 No.153986

File: d2f5c872a55d9c1⋯.png (156.43 KB,1238x560,619:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866236 (020409ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump retweet of C Herridge - 'The Fake News refuses to report this.'

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c41d82 No.153987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866237 (020409ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County GA by DOJ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County… (DOJ Jet Flew Into Fulton Yesterday)


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c41d82 No.153988

File: b4e3068f5deb7ba⋯.png (12.03 KB,115x84,115:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866238 (020409ZDEC20) Notable: #CNNTapes at 199K trending up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

199K …….its getting exciting around here

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c41d82 No.153989

File: 9bd2373ab2b6c57⋯.png (31.11 KB,598x126,299:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866267 (020412ZDEC20) Notable: O'keefe says Veritas will drop more tapes tomorrow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

O'keefe says Veritas will drop more tapes tomorrow

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c41d82 No.153990

File: 339964e02eff803⋯.jpeg (412.49 KB,828x1230,138:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f883697e52b423⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,822x983,822:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c0375853ec221a4⋯.jpeg (381.48 KB,828x1175,828:1175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866274 (020413ZDEC20) Notable: Dig reveals Chamber of Commerce address? (Gwinnet County fraud)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11866165 (lb)

On the twitter video of the patriot following the person in the 4Runner loaded with servers that went into a gated site when the video ended needs something digging.. I narrowed down the location? But what is it???

858 Tom Smith Rd SW

Lilburn, GA 30047

United States


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c41d82 No.153991

File: 15f5c9e70aa22d7⋯.png (382.39 KB,839x437,839:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 4034746978e8de4⋯.png (220.07 KB,575x260,115:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866348 (020418ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



JENA622 DOJ had a rt from Manassas, W.VA Regional Airport to Grensboro-Piedmont Triad Airport earlier today-this is the return leg

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c41d82 No.153992

File: 5a91b41d084d1b4⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8c5d07783f0c582⋯.png (8.6 KB,496x169,496:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866376 (020420ZDEC20) Notable: Ric Grenell tweet - 'Please Watch' (video cap)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153993

File: f01f6aae6662b22⋯.png (454 KB,599x518,599:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866408 (020423ZDEC20) Notable: Ariane 5 rocket launches UAE's FalconEye 2 Earth-observation satellite into orbit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ariane 5 rocket launches UAE's FalconEye 2 Earth-observation satellite into orbit


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c41d82 No.153994

File: f22a95b15610513⋯.png (130.3 KB,568x602,284:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 54d9bcd8cb24634⋯.png (194.17 KB,580x611,580:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a16a8baf9e3184⋯.png (169.81 KB,514x625,514:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866428 (020424ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump / Bill Barr and their fight with Deep State article

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153995

File: 329d784ca3b2204⋯.png (379.46 KB,810x722,405:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866434 (020425ZDEC20) Notable: Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

Sworn testimony of several whistleblowers on Tuesday alleged what one election integrity activist is calling "potential ballot fraud on a massive scale," with multiple eyewitnesses testifying to alleged suspicious behavior in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In a press conference in Arlington, Va., the Amistad Project — a civil liberties initiative of the Thomas More Society — presented the testimony of three individuals who claim to have witnessed apparent voting malfeasance during the 2020 election.

One, Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.

The subcontractor also reportedly experienced "odd behaviors" from USPS personnel, behaviors which postal experts have said in sworn statements "grossly deviate[d] from normal procedure and behavior," according to a press release from the Amistad Project.

Another whistleblower, Nathan Pease of Madison, Wisc. — himself also a subcontractor for USPS — alleged that he was told the postal service was planning to backdate tens of thousands of ballots in the days after the Nov. 3 election in order to circumvent the ballot submission deadline.

A third witness, Gregory Stenstrom — who testified at a Pennsylvania legislature hearing in Gettysburg last week — claimed to have witnessed a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting jump drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, Pa. Election officials also reportedly commingled various jump drives from aggregation machines, potentially frustrating the ability of auditors to properly certify the election results.

In its press release, Amistad Project Director Phill Kline said the testimonies are "compelling" and that they provide "powerful eyewitness accounts of potential ballot fraud on a massive scale."

"This evidence joins with unlawful conduct by state and local election officials, including accepting millions of dollars of private funds, to undermine the integrity of this election," Kline said. In the press release, the Amistad Project says it has collected sworn expert testimony alleging that "over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania."


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c41d82 No.153996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866452 (020427ZDEC20) Notable: Simon Parkes says: The five SpecOps soldiers killed in Frankfurt were shot by Ms Haspel's security team, and she was wounded. (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Simon Parkes says:

- The five SpecOps soldiers killed in Frankfurt were shot by Ms Haspel's security team, and she was wounded.

- She was treated and taken on a rendition flight and quickly turned, telling everything she knows, and was returned to the U.S.

- She Is no longer CIA director.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153997

File: 44e8f4c3ffe12ba⋯.png (123.04 KB,589x595,589:595,Clipboard.png)

File: bcbb589e1b3b4e1⋯.png (74.34 KB,588x598,294:299,Clipboard.png)

File: fc5f9ff3082e282⋯.png (68.7 KB,553x602,79:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866456 (020427ZDEC20) Notable: Barr role in Iran/Contra

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

By Larry Chin

Global Research, January 19, 2019

Will anyone in Washington, or in the CIA asset-filled mainstream media, dare bring up Iran-Contra?

Will anyone dare detail Barr’s corruption, and his longstanding ties to the Bush/Clinton network?

What about the fact that Barr is best friends with Robert Mueller?

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c41d82 No.153998

File: 1dec025491f8303⋯.png (184.26 KB,1214x830,607:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866461 (020427ZDEC20) Notable: Barr protecting Clinton - Tom Fitton tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.153999

File: 7747581e791857d⋯.png (233.63 KB,1366x2321,1366:2321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866471 (020428ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on Carlyle Group connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Riot Suppression Weapons/Gear Manufacturers



Oil and Gas Pipeline Companies

Global Banks

Global Oil Refineries/Distributors

Alaska Owned Public Funds corporations ($700M+)

Fortune 500 Companies benefiting financially from lockdowns





Staple Street Equity was founded by former members of the George Soros-funded Carlyle Group. Executive Director of Carlyle Group, William Kennard, is director of Staple Street Capital.



Private equity dominated the 2020 election process








The “Vulture”, Dominion Voting Systems, AT&T, CNN, and Twitter




>https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mi/801058701 -


Voting System Hardware, Firmware, Software and Service





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c41d82 No.154000

File: c17fb50202a3d92⋯.png (430.51 KB,1903x2606,1903:2606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866488 (020430ZDEC20) Notable: Dig reveals Chamber of Commerce address? (Gwinnet County fraud)

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>858 Tom Smith Rd SW


>Lilburn, GA 30047


>United States

Chamber of Commerce at that address.


Also see:


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c41d82 No.154001

File: ec153fa4588f9c6⋯.png (629.49 KB,976x1477,976:1477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866496 (020430ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell r/tweeted a neon revolt article

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And this happened: Sidney Powell retweeted a NR video

Right on queue…

Yesterday, anons could not understand why Ron would go through neonrevolt to post his videos.

Anons tried to tell Ron it was a publicity stunt.

What do you know? It was:


>@SidneyPowell retweeted @codemonkey & @NeonRevolt


>You're big time now Neon …. and I would now keep your head on a swivel.

>this is getting good, nice work!

proof: https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/105305825447097274

what the hell Ron?

can someone warn him about neonrevolt before this goes too far?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154002

File: 5fb7ec437682016⋯.png (119.12 KB,439x875,439:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866508 (020431ZDEC20) Notable: DJT retweet The #Wisconsin Supreme Court has ordered @GovEvers to respond to President @realDonaldTrump re:lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Andrew Havranek


The #Wisconsin Supreme Court has ordered @GovEvers to respond to President @realDonaldTrump / @TeamTrump's lawsuit filed this morning, claiming abuse of absentee voting and illegal activity that affected roughly 220,000 ballots. https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2020/12/01/trump-files-lawsuit-after-wisconsin-recount-confirms-biden-win


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c41d82 No.154003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866544 (020434ZDEC20) Notable: Gina Haspel death rumor is getting louder and louder

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>>153901 (past bread)

>Ben Fulford December 1, 2020

>We are also hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that CIA Director Gina Haspell is…“on ice, literally after being caught in the recent firefight in Germany over the election servers with the Special Ops going up against Agency hired guns.

theon icepart of this rang a little bell with me.

look at this headline


they done told us, Gina was fired (upon). she is 'iced-out

CNN: CIA Director Haspel ‘Iced Out’ of Intel Meeting With Trump Amid Speculation She Could Be Fired

By Rudy TakalaNov 13th, 2020, 4:24 pm


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c41d82 No.154004

File: 5dbd0bf4d315a14⋯.png (1.04 MB,1272x886,636:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866564 (020436ZDEC20) Notable: New DJT with video cap

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866573 (020437ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Carlos Zapata Stands For Freedom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11866447 Patriot Carlos Piccata Stands For Freedom

That Youtube url wouldn't archive, but this one would: trmtpXGn2OE

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c41d82 No.154006

File: a7be5d68d9b8f8c⋯.jpg (291.15 KB,1377x1080,51:40,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866599 (020439ZDEC20) Notable: BUSTED! LA County Supervisor Caught Eating at Restaurant Just HOURS After Banning Dining in Los Angeles

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>>153959 (pb)

BUSTED! LA County Supervisor Caught Eating at Restaurant Just HOURS After Banning Dining in Los Angeles

Los Angeles County, CA anons who are not amused by the new stay at home order, here is some information that should be useful. This took a surprising amount of time to collect because they don't want to hear from you. Make sure they do hear from you and be sure to mention TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law in any correspondence you may have with your supervisor. Remember, it includes the punishment schedule… Have a read, you may find it interesting. https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law

LA county supervisors can override the county medical director and board of health. Be sure to spread this info across social media platforms far and wide because they deserve to be reminded who is actually in control. Fifth district Kathryn Barger is LA county board chair.

LA County board of supervisors: http://bos.lacounty.gov/

Board Executive Office, Room 383, Hall of Administration, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone (213) 974-1411 http://bos.lacounty.gov/About-Us/Board-of-Supervisors

Find your district: https://lavote.net/apps/precinctsmaps

First District Hilda L. Solis

E-mail: firstdistrict@bos.lacounty.gov

Media Inquiries: rsantana@bos.lacounty.gov

Phone: (213) 974-4111





Hall of Administration Office

856 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration

500 West Temple Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone: (213) 974-4111

Fax: (213) 613-1739

East Los Angeles Field Office

4801 East Third Street

Los Angeles, CA 90022

Phone: (323) 881-4601

Fax: (323) 887-7286

San Gabriel Valley Field Office

1441 Santa Anita Avenue

South El Monte, CA 91733

Phone: (626) 350-4500

Fax: (626) 433-4945

Southeast Los Angeles Field Office

2677 Zoe Avenue

Huntington Park, CA 90255

Phone: (323) 826-6370

East San Gabriel Valley Field Office

2245 N. Garey Avenue

Pomona, CA 91767

Phone: (909) 593-3661

Fax: (909) 593-9038

This dude needs a new webmaster. Some Anon should apply.

Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas

Email: markridley-thomas@bos.lacounty.gov

Phone: (213) 974-2222








Second District - Exposition District Office

700 W Exposition Park Dr

Los Angeles, CA 90037

Phone: (213) 741-9292

FAX: (213) 743-5665

Florence - Firestone Field Office

7807 Compton Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90001

Phone: (213) 974-1645

FAX: (323) 277-9824

Inglewood Field Office

1 Regent St.

Inglewood, CA 90301

Phone: (213) 974-1425

FAX (310) 674-6134

Willowbrook Field Office

12915 S. Jarvis Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90061

Phone: (310) 217-7339

FAX (310) 808-1184

Main Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

500 W. Temple St.

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone: (213) 974-2222


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c41d82 No.154007

File: 99f9d35fba04b7a⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,720x734,360:367,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866614 (020440ZDEC20) Notable: New DJT with video cap

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c41d82 No.154008

File: 5f50dc590e85fbe⋯.png (466.29 KB,599x716,599:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866621 (020440ZDEC20) Notable: >11866716 , , POTUS on Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States

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Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States in 2020 Election

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV December 1, 2020 Updated: December 1, 2020 Print

The Nevada Native Vote Project posted photos on Facebook on Election Day of smiling voters holding $25 gift cards after handing over their ballots.

The posts have since been deleted but not before they were archived. The removal may have had something to do with the U.S. criminal code, two distinct sections of which impose fines and prison sentences for “whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote.”

Offering gift cards for ballots wasn’t the only way the Nevada Native Vote Project enticed people to vote. In a video that could be seen on Facebook on Nov. 24, Bethany Sam, the public relations officer for the Reno–Sparks Indian Colony, urged people to come out and vote by offering “some extra swag that we can give out.”

“We have twenty-five $25 gift cards to raffle off so that’s a lot of money in cash here,” Sam said, adding that voters need only send a photo of themselves at the polling place to enter. “We have also four $100 gift cards to give away, so again you want to make sure to get out here and vote. And then, we have four $250 gift cards to raffle. And our grand prize is going to be a $500 Visa gift card to the person or native voters who came out early this week for early voting.”

Sam stood beside two older people who were holding free T-shirts they received for coming out to vote. She added that more shirts were still available, in addition to keychains, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and stickers.

People were offered a chance to win cash and expensive prizes on or before Election Day in places other than Nevada. The Epoch Times has reviewed photos and videos that document the same scheme in eight other states, including the perennial battlegrounds of Arizona, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

“Vote buying is a federal crime. Whether FBI agents and the DOJ Election Crimes office is willing to involve itself is a separate matter altogether,” Logan Churchwell, communications director with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Another scrubbed video shows Sam promoting a swag giveaway in front of a Biden-Harris bus sometime before the end of Nevada’s early voting period on Oct. 30.

“If you can, get down here and get yourself some swag, see the Biden-Harris campaign bus and then you can go in person or drop your ballot off at our Reno polling location here,” Sam said.

“We have a lot of our community members here waiting to get their swag,” she added, speaking through a Biden-Harris mask. “Get down here and get your swag and vote.”

Endorsing Biden-Harris Ticket

Sam noted that the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket. She then turned the camera to Arlan Melendez, chairman of the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, which describes itself as a “sovereign Indian nation” with a Tribal Council that “carries the same unique powers and duties as any city council, county commission, or legislative government across the United States.”

“I think the Biden-Harris campaign is supporting tribal sovereignty,” Melendez said before urging people to come out to vote.

There are an estimated 60,000 registered Native American voters in Nevada. In a video filmed on Election Day, Sam encouraged them to vote because Nevada is a swing state.

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c41d82 No.154009

File: 0e6018633e80e45⋯.png (44.47 KB,598x525,598:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866632 (020441ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood goes nuclear on Georgia criminal Kemp

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866633 (020441ZDEC20) Notable: >11866716 , , POTUS on Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States

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“I also want you to know that we do have a raffle going on whether you’re early voting or you vote today during the Election Day,” Sam said, instructing people to enter the drawing by sending her a screenshot of their cast ballot from a ballot-tracking website or a photo of themselves with an “I Voted” sticker.

The prizes included cash gift cards valued at $250, $100, and $25, as well as T-shirts and beaded items, Sam said. At the end of the video, Sam told viewers to visit the tribe’s voting recommendations page, which advised people to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden.

The voting recommendations page features a photo of a poster for the Native Vote nonprofit—a national get-out-the-vote initiative. Native Vote describes itself as nonpartisan, as is required by the IRS for organizations seeking tax-exempt status.

Sam listed Native Vote as the first of several organizations that supported the cash raffles and swag giveaway. The other organizations she identified were the Native Organizers Alliance, the Native American Rights Fund, Four Directions, and Washoe County. The donation pages for Four Directions and the Native Organizers Alliance are hosted by Act Blue, a fundraising behemoth for Democrats and left-wing causes. The organizations didn’t immediately respond to emailed requests by The Epoch Time for comment.

In a video filmed later on Election Day in Hungry Valley, Sam was seen standing roughly 50 feet from the entrance to the local polling place while holding a stack of gift cards and promoting the raffle.

In another video, Sam said the colony received the T-shirts from the Nevada Native Vote project. “Everyone who submits in for the raffle can get one of these T-shirts,” she said.

“Our goal was to inspire Washoe County native voters to vote and all native voters to vote wherever they reside to achieve the highest native voter turnout in Nevada history along with the highest voter turnout in U.S. history,” Sam said.

In a video announcing the winners of the raffle, Sam said the prizes came from the Native Vote project.

“This is exciting guys. We’ll give out over $2,000 in gift cards, so this is pretty cool,” Sam said, while pulling paper slips with names of the winners from a pot and clipping names to the gift cards.

“Congratulations to all the winners,” Sam said after drawing the name for the winner of the $500 gift card. “Thank you for using your voice, which was your vote. Obviously, it had a tremendous impact on the way Nevada ended up as far as the electoral votes and helped get Biden into office. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Sam and her boss, Melendez, didn’t immediately respond to emailed questions from The Epoch Times. The office of the Nevada secretary of state, which is charged with supervising state and local elections, also didn’t immediately respond to emailed questions.

Sam wasn’t the only person to run the money-for-votes raffles for Native Vote. In a video posted on Facebook, LaCarrie McCloud displayed swag to get people to come out and vote.

“We’re just here to give you some goodies and some incentives for you to vote today,” McCloud said, showing a T-shirt, a bag of coffee, masks, hot dogs, chips, and soda “for those who vote and want to come down and grab a dog.”

In another deleted video, McCloud drew the names of five winners of a $50 raffle “that the Nevada Native Vote Project did today for all those voters who walked in and voted today.” Her daughter, who drew the slips from a plastic tub, won one of the gift cards.

McCloud didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment sent to her Facebook account.

The Nevada Native Vote Project promoted Sam’s raffle on its Facebook page. The post states that the raffle was sponsored by the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony and Nevada Native Vote Project. The message instructs people to email a photo of themselves with the “I Voted” sticker or a screenshot of their ballot completion from the Nevada Ballottrax website.

Teresa Melendez, who is listed as the native vote coordinator for the Nevada Native Vote Project, didn’t immediately respond to emailed questions.

Posts on the Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook page show that similar raffles were conducted in 15 Nevada native communities, with 116 voters receiving $6,650 in cash prizes. The raffle rules state that contestants “must show proof of voting to qualify.” The project’s social media posts consistently promoted free food, coffee, cookies, T-shirts, and other benefits to early voters. The total amount includes $25 gas cards, which were offered to voters without the need to enter into a raffle on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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c41d82 No.154011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866645 (020442ZDEC20) Notable: >11866716 , , POTUS on Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States

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In the Walker River community, the raffle prizes included an HP laptop and a Bose speaker, as seen in a Facebook post by Elveda Martinez. Martinez promoted a number of money-for-votes and expensive item raffles. A photo she posted on Election Day shows a voter holding an unopened Apple iPad.

“Thanks for voting. If we all vote, we can make a difference and be heard. Here’s some of our tribal voters with their incentives, thanks to NCAI,” Martinez wrote.

Martinez didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment sent to her Facebook account.

NCAI stands for the National Congress of American Indians. NCAI counts Native Vote as one of its initiatives. According to its website, NCAI is funded in part by taxpayer dollars from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Small Business Administration. The NCAI’s list of supporters also includes the Open Society Foundations, which is headed by George Soros, a billionaire donor to progressive and liberal political causes.

NCAI didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request by The Epoch Times for comment, nor did Matt Johnson, who is listed as the NCAI contact for Native Vote.

A review of social media posts shows similar cash-raffle-for-vote activity in at least seven other states.

The Department of Justice and the Election Assistance Commission didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment, while the Federal Elections Commission declined to comment.

A group in Wisconsin called Menikanaehkem promoted a Smart TV raffle for voters who sent in a photo of their “I Voted” sticker or their voting number. The group announced four winners on Election Day and was still promoting more prizes. The group didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request by The Epoch Times for comment.

The Forest County Potawatomi Community, also in Wisconsin, promoted a $50 gas card raffle that people could enter by sending in a photo of their “I Voted” sticker. The Facebook post includes the same Native Vote T-shirt as offered in the Nevada raffle. The group didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment sent to its Facebook page.

“Election bribery is illegal in Wisconsin,” Reid Magney, the public information officer with the Wisconsin Elections Commission, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times. “Anyone with evidence of an election crime should make a complaint to law enforcement so it can be investigated and prosecuted.”

“State law requires the Wisconsin Elections Commission to receive a verified complaint in order to order an investigation or make a referral to law enforcement. I’m not aware of any verified complaints,” Magney added.


The Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians in Michigan offered $20 gas cards to anyone who sent pictures of themselves voting. The group also didn’t immediately respond to a request sent to its Facebook page.

“At this time, no evidence of widespread illegal voting activity has been reported in Michigan. The Michigan Department of State has zero tolerance for illegal activity and urges anyone with evidence to report it to law enforcement or the Michigan Bureau of Elections,” Jake Rollow, the director of communications for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, said in an email to The Epoch Times.


Corazon Arizona promoted a cash raffle for people who sent in a picture of themselves with their ballot.

“People! This is all you have to do to enter the raffle! Post a ballot selfie … to win money! Don’t forget to use your voice and vote before November 3, 7pm!” Stephanie Salgado wrote on Facebook, instructing her audience to tag Corazon Arizona.

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c41d82 No.154012

File: ee6ad39f174b913⋯.png (41.73 KB,598x585,46:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866646 (020442ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet - Truth needs to shine on GA State Capital - It's a den of corruption.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866651 (020442ZDEC20) Notable: >11866716 , , POTUS on Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States

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The office of the Arizona secretary of state didn’t immediately return an emailed request by The Epoch Times for comment. Corazon Arizona, which promoted the raffle on its Facebook page on Oct. 29, also didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


A video from Washington shows a “Native vote team” in front of a Biden sign promoting a voter raffle for a $200 gift card and other prizes. A Facebook post from the same group said the raffle included two dozen $25 gas cards. At the prize drawing for the raffle, one of the participants said “you won $25 worth of gas how cool, just for voting.”

Lummi Native Vote 2020, the group which promoted the raffle, posted a photo of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on its webpage on Nov. 7. “We did it,” the post read. The group didn’t immediately respond to a request sent to its Facebook page.

The office of the Washington secretary of state didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.


The Nez Perce tribe in Idaho raffled off gift cards worth $50 to $500, a Smart TV, and an Apple iPad for people who cast an absentee ballot, voted, or registered to vote. The tribe didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment; the Idaho Elections Division also didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


The American Indians in Texas group on Facebook raffled off gift cards worth up to $250 and a 58-inch television.

“Congratulations and thank you to everyone for making your vote count,” the post announcing the winners said. The organization didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. The office of the Texas secretary of state also didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


Councilwoman Shayla Davis of Garfield Heights, Ohio, posted on Facebook offering $25 gas gift cards, T-shirts, and masks for people who came out to vote. Davis didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request by The Epoch Times for comment. The office of the Ohio secretary of state also didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154014

File: 384f7df177c64a1⋯.png (46.04 KB,598x540,299:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866657 (020443ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet - How much money did @GabrielSterling make on the Dominion deal?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154015

File: 082a3b46bd6f0ea⋯.png (402.1 KB,603x450,67:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866709 (020446ZDEC20) Notable: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots

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Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots — Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN

The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee on Tuesday held a hearing in Lansing on election fraud and irregularities.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan on election night when all of a sudden they stopped counting votes.

At around 4:30 AM AFTER Election Day, a massive ballot dump of more than 130,000 votes appeared for Joe Biden in Michigan.

One GOP elections observer on Tuesday said all of the military ballots she saw looked like “Xerox copies” of each other – none were registered Michigan voters and 100% went for Joe Biden.

The witness, Patty, described her experience at the TCF Center on Wednesday morning.

“Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot – they were all for Biden across the board, there wasn’t a single Trump vote and none of the voters were registered, “witness Patty said. “They had to manually enter the names, addresses, enter birthdate of 1/1/2020 which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters of which I saw several that day, throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or in the supplemental updated poll book.”

The original military votes were discarded and Democrats printed up new military ballots for Joe Biden — 100% for Joe Biden!

So what happened to these original ballots?

This was not an isolated incident.

Last Monday Attorney Lin Wood asked all military members from Georgia who filed an absentee ballot this year to contact his office.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154016

File: c63757c1bdc3713⋯.png (694.28 KB,617x850,617:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866716 (020446ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS on Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866787 (020452ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN / (video)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866847 (020456ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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at 2:30

Huge vulnerability in the election. That vulnerability is this. Right here

>holds up the USB

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c41d82 No.154019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866853 (020457ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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ballots that come out of the machine are digital pdf files.

They are unsecured.

There is no chain of custody.

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c41d82 No.154020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866879 (020500ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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"This USB had Wayne County Ballots.

If I can have them in my bedroom, anyone can have them."

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c41d82 No.154021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866935 (020505ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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"There's plenty of avenues to get these ballots in digital form and print them off. (Sigh). If there was an election fraud, I'm not saying there was, that's probably where it would've been done. Because of our irresponsible mail-in voting system where we just mass mail them out, there's plenty of cover for 100K coming in at midnight. There is no chain of custody."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866986 (020509ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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Because of the mail-in system, you will never be guaranteed to know, for sure, the legitimate president, or any of the down ballot vote for that matter. This is a clusterfuck. This was a cluster. And people are being disenfranchised.

And what I'm here to tell you is that it's totally possible to print 100K ballots. I had this (holds up USB) weeks before the election. Plenty of time. If you're a nefarious actor, print 100K ballots and put them in boxes just in case, if you had the files I had personally, you can do that.

Are there avenues for the election fraud? Absolutely.

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c41d82 No.154023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866897 (020501ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154024

File: c1e2d1d121b40b7⋯.png (334.34 KB,1366x2321,1366:2321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11866978 (020508ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINION WAS OWNED BY WALMART, MICROSOFT, UAE, SA, KUSHNER, WELLS FARGO, AND MOAR

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Riot Suppression Weapons/Gear Manufacturers




Oil and Gas Pipeline Companies

Global Banks

Global Oil Refineries/Distributors

Alaska Owned Public Funds corporations ($700M+)

Fortune 500 Companies benefiting financially from lockdowns


The Carlyle Group bought out Staple Street Capital, which went on to own Dominion Voting's IP before allegedly selling it to China on October 8th.




Staple Street Equity was founded by former members of the George Soros-funded Carlyle Group. Executive Director of Carlyle Group, William Kennard, is director of Staple Street Capital.



Private equity dominated the 2020 election process



Election Officials Industry Vendors - Hedge Funds Prosper Off Election Insecurities






The “Vulture”, Dominion Voting Systems, AT&T, CNN, and Twitter





>https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mi/801058701 -
















Hootan Yaghoobzadeh






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867004 (020511ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINION WAS OWNED BY WALMART, MICROSOFT, UAE, SA, KUSHNER, WELLS FARGO, AND MOAR

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Riot Suppression Weapons/Gear Manufacturers



Oil and Gas Pipeline Companies

Global Banks

Global Oil Refineries/Distributors

Alaska Owned Public Funds corporations ($700M+)

Fortune 500 Companies benefiting financially from lockdowns





Staple Street Equity was founded by former members of the George Soros-funded Carlyle Group. Executive Director of Carlyle Group, William Kennard, is director of Staple Street Capital.



Private equity dominated the 2020 election process








The “Vulture”, Dominion Voting Systems, AT&T, CNN, and Twitter




>https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mi/801058701 -




>https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mi/801058701 -
















Hootan Yaghoobzadeh






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c41d82 No.154026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867005 (020511ZDEC20) Notable: Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

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Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

Kevin Daley - DECEMBER 1, 2020 5:15 PM

Neal Katyal, the progressive lawyer who led the legal fight against the president's travel ban and urged the public to take an unforgiving stance toward those involved with child separation at the U.S. border, appeared in the Supreme Court on Tuesday to defend two corporations accused of abetting child slavery.

In legal papers filed to the Supreme Court, the plaintiffs say Nestlé USA and Cargill knew their West African suppliers used child slaves but bought cocoa from them anyway. Katyal, arguing on behalf of the food giants, said the case should be tossed because U.S. courts have no authority to hear the dispute.

The six unnamed plaintiffs were once child slaves on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast, having been kidnapped and trafficked from Mali. The plaintiffs say they were held under armed guard in deplorable conditions, beaten, and tortured if they tried to escape.

"From the United States, [Nestlé] had complete control over the farms' labor practices, knew that the farmers they were assisting were using and continued to use forced child labor, and purposefully relied on the enslavement of children to increase profits by ensuring the flow of cheap cocoa," the plaintiffs' filings read.

They also claim that Nestlé cultivated close ties with plantation owners to maintain influence in the region. To do so, they allegedly financed the purchase of farming supplies, made advance payments, and provided plantation owners with personal spending money to secure their loyalty as exclusive suppliers.

The case asks whether the plaintiffs can sue Nestlé and Cargill in an American court under an obscure federal law from 1789 called the Alien Tort Statute. Katyal said U.S. corporations can't be sued under that law. Many on the Court wondered if that went too far.

"Many of your arguments lead to results that are pretty hard to take," Justice Samuel Alito told Katyal. "Suppose a U.S. corporation makes a big show of supporting every cause de jure but then surreptitiously hires agents in Africa to kidnap children and keep them in bondage on a plantation…. You would say that the victims … should be thrown out of court in the United States, where this corporation is headquartered and does business?"

A second issue is whether the child slavery allegations have a strong enough connection to the United States to move forward in court. Again, Katyal argued no.

"The claim plaintiffs bring alleges something horrific, that locators in Mali sold them as children to an Ivorian farm where overseers forced them to work," Katyal told the justices. "[But] the defendants are not the locators, not the overseers, and not the farm."

The Alien Tort Statute mostly sat dormant until the 1980s, when it became a vehicle for getting human-rights cases into American courts from across the globe. The Supreme Court has gradually closed the door on those cases. In 2013 the Court said the law usually doesn't cover wrongdoing outside the United States, and in 2018 it said the Alien Tort Statute doesn't cover foreign companies.

Among other high-profile impact cases, Katyal led challenges to the Bush administration's military tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees and obtained an appointment to the prosecution team in the George Floyd case. Beyond the staid world of appellate advocacy, he contributes regularly to MSNBC, appeared on stage at a Vanity Fair summit with John Legend, and played himself on House of Cards.


Lin-Manuel Miranda



Apr 25, 2018

I was


’s +1. Honored to be in the room where it happened today.

Proud of our friend



Quote Tweet

Lydia Wheeler


· Apr 25, 2018

Spotted at #SCOTUS this morning for arguments in the case against President Trump's travel ban: @Lin_Manuel, @senorrinhatch, @maziehirono and the late Justice Thurgood Marshall's widow Cecilia, who happened to be sitting next to WH Counsel Don McGahn.

thread: https://twitter.com/WheelerLydia/status/989214587131228161


In Tuesday's brief, Katyal claimed his clients deplore child labor.

"Nestlé USA has tremendous sympathy for plaintiffs' suffering and unequivocally condemns child slavery. In all its forms. Everywhere," the filing reads.

Katyal did not reply to a request for comment.

The case is No. 19-416 Nestlé USA v. John Doe.

This entry was posted in The Courts and tagged Feature, Guantanamo, Neal Katyal, Slavery, Supreme Court, Travel Ban. Bookmark the permalink.


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c41d82 No.154027

File: c2cdba2d92f8412⋯.png (151.73 KB,1216x947,1216:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867008 (020511ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Gwinnett county official confirms using external laptop (possibly with excel) to filter data from the Dominion election management system!

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Hey @SidneyPowell1, @LLinWood, we got your smoking gun here.

Gwinnett county official confirms using external laptop (possibly with excel) to filter data from the Dominion election management system!

Thanks @MimiNguyenLy from @EpochTimes!!


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c41d82 No.154028

File: 9a1fdd8ce18b5ce⋯.jpg (43.51 KB,736x534,368:267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867011 (020512ZDEC20) Notable: Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

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Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

Kevin Daley - DECEMBER 1, 2020 5:15 PM


Neal Katyal, the progressive lawyer who led the legal fight against the president's travel ban and urged the public to take an unforgiving stance toward those involved with child separation at the U.S. border, appeared in the Supreme Court on Tuesday to defend two corporations accused of abetting child slavery.

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c41d82 No.154029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867013 (020512ZDEC20) Notable: CodeMonkey video BUN

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baker, can I get my summariesnotabaru'd?






>>154017 (video)

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c41d82 No.154030

File: 848309f2acd8b05⋯.png (511.88 KB,841x624,841:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867025 (020513ZDEC20) Notable: Stunning video just posted by POTUS from Team Trump Telling it like it is!

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Stunning video just posted by POTUS from Team Trump

Telling it like it is!


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c41d82 No.154031

File: 5894988621f75c5⋯.png (325.02 KB,568x782,284:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867034 (020514ZDEC20) Notable: New Lin Wood - Calling out Bill Gates

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154032

File: 731dff3c6863ccf⋯.png (48.04 KB,734x424,367:212,Clipboard.png)

File: c4385b43b1964ae⋯.png (58.05 KB,714x505,714:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fe0ae86b608cc9⋯.png (72.68 KB,714x554,357:277,Clipboard.png)

File: e6436c958e26076⋯.png (42.48 KB,718x349,718:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867035 (020514ZDEC20) Notable: For keks - Rambo was on "Baker Team"

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Joseph Danforth, '0-1' (vice team leader), was a criminal before the war. During his first tour in Vietnam, he enjoyed the military life and decided to join the special forces. He was a very thoughtful man with little conscence problems.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867036 (020514ZDEC20) Notable: Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

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CARGILL you say


Cerno Retweeted

Lee Fang


Former Obama admin lawyer Neal Katyal in the Supreme Court today arguing corporations like Nestle and Cargill can’t be sued for allegedly using child slave labor


Quote Tweet

Oren Nimni


· 13h

Kagan is a very good questioner.

Asks Katyal:

Q: Could you sue a slave holder under ATS?

A: yes

Q: Could you sue 10 slave holders?

A: Yes

Q: So why does it matter if those ten form a corp.

A: Umm… norms don't allow corporate liability…

Q: What sense does that make?

Show this thread

Oren Nimni




Replying to


Even Barrett asks

Q: So could you sue on torture?

A: Yes

Q: But not if it was a corporation?

A: Yes

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c41d82 No.154034

File: cdcd6839c00fca9⋯.png (150.64 KB,1089x827,1089:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867037 (020515ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINION WAS OWNED BY WALMART, MICROSOFT, UAE, SA, KUSHNER, WELLS FARGO, AND MOAR

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real and factual fren

>follow the money

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c41d82 No.154035

File: f0aaa58a37d7de5⋯.png (42.66 KB,598x495,598:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867041 (020515ZDEC20) Notable: New Lin Wood

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867078 (020519ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINION WAS OWNED BY WALMART, MICROSOFT, UAE, SA, KUSHNER, WELLS FARGO, AND MOAR

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Hootan Yaghoobzadeh

this guys wife, Amy Metzger, works for pro democrat donating firm Labaton Sucharow


Edward Labaton

Lawrence Sucharow


donations include ActBlue, Hillary, Biden, Obama

notabled earlier today

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c41d82 No.154037

File: 6906f7e3c23fdb5⋯.jpg (136.99 KB,1286x516,643:258,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867079 (020519ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS pinned his Sec 230 tweet from earlier.

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POTUS pinned his Sec 230 tweet from earlier. @Jack is on a sinking ship.


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c41d82 No.154038

File: ac551ca2d3755e6⋯.png (162.32 KB,526x408,263:204,Clipboard.png)

File: 1706a22ca6f1199⋯.png (513.92 KB,607x863,607:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 58837dfdd986140⋯.png (379.36 KB,606x859,606:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867085 (020520ZDEC20) Notable: Upstate NY mayor charged with crack possession after police pursuit

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Upstate NY mayor charged with crack possession after police pursuit

The mayor of a small upstate New York village was arrested Tuesday for allegedly possessing crack cocaine, cops said.

Massena Mayor Tim Currier was busted after a brief police pursuit through the village near the Canadian border at about 12:25 p.m., according to authorities.

Currier, 55, was targeted as part of an undercover investigation of drug sales and possession, the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office said.

As Currier was fleeing police, he is accused of chucking one gram of crack out a passenger window.

He was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, tampering with physical evidence and failure to comply with a police officer.

The mayor was arraigned remotely on Tuesday and ordered by Morristown Town Justice James Phillips to reappear at a later date.

Currier has been Massena’s mayor since 2014. Before that, he was chief of the Massena Police Department.


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c41d82 No.154039

File: 4da5ef2bd9e4640⋯.png (17.41 KB,236x353,236:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867087 (020520ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Imagecast Ice Machine with Security Expert Andrew Appel This is a GEM

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Dominion Imagecast Ice Machine with Security Expert Andrew Appel This is a GEM


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c41d82 No.154040

File: 2664f81c283ef19⋯.png (1.21 MB,1245x2214,415:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867090 (020520ZDEC20) Notable: GA SOS & GOV Kemp knew about ES&S, DOMINION & Smartmatic's Voter Registration Manipulation Issues & moved forward with over $250M in Contracts including Trade Secrets

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The GA SOS & GOV Kemp not only knew about ES&S, DOMINION & Smartmatic's Voter Registration Manipulation Issues & moved forward with over $250M in Contracts that include Trade Secrets*.


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c41d82 No.154041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867104 (020521ZDEC20) Notable: AUDIO: CNN President Demanded Network Editorialize Trump as Crazy, Erratic, Using Steroids

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AUDIO: CNN President Demanded Network Editorialize Trump as Crazy, Erratic, Using Steroids

"We need to not normalise that"

In leaked audio, CNN President Jeff Zucker can be heard instructing the network to editoralise President Trump as crazy, erratic, and using steroids.

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas gained access to the morning call conducted by CNN journalists for seemingly months before the presidential election in November, and have been able to leak audio from those calls with top CNN staff members.

In the morning call dated 9th October, CNN President Jeff Zucker can be heard telling staff that they must not “normalize” the crazy and “erratic” behavior of President Trump, who Zucker alleges may be suffering with symptoms related to steroids:

I just want to re-emphasize that, you know, I think we cannot normalize what has happened here in the last week with Trump and his behavior… This is a President who knows he’s losing, who knows he’s in trouble, is sick (with coronavirus), maybe is on, the after effects of steroids or not, I don’t know. But he is acting erratically and desperately, and we need to not normalize that… This is what we’ve come to expect for the last three and a half, four years, but it clearly is exacerbated by the time that we’re in and the issues that he’s dealing with. And I think we cannot just let it be normalized. He is all over the place and acting erratically, and I think we need to lean into that.

Zucker was also caught instructing his staff members to hype up every single scandal that President Trump faced in the run up to the election. “Each of these so called scandals for Trump. Each of these things, we should just once again be careful to say that this is the one that is going to undo him with his voters,” Zucker said.

“I don’t know why we would expect any of these politicians to have a conscience and/or expect the politics wouldn’t be completely hypocritical,” Zucker said in the call on the morning of 21st September. “And for us to expect anything else would be naive.” The context of this call is unclear, but with the timing, it may relate to the replacement of the late Justice Ginsburg on the Supreme Court by congressional Republicans.

Zucker can be further heard on various calls saying that they should not report news that favored President Trump such as Attorney General Bill Barr’s unmasking probe, as they are just “unsubstantiated smears,” and they need to go “well after” Senator Lindsey Graham for defending President Trump after the election.

BREAKING: @CNN President BLASTS Trump & Republicans on 9am Call with Senior Leadership

'He(@realDonaldTrump) is acting erratically…I think we need to lean into that…'

“If we’ve made any mistake, its been our banners have been too polite…”#CNNTapes pic.twitter.com/zMIRxq9qC6

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) December 2, 2020

In the first tape, Project Veritas revealed that CNN had been given their marching orders by the Democrat Party to cover up President Trump’s legal challenges on the legitimacy of the election. As National File reported:

In the Project Veritas audio, CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel says, “I have been hearing the same thing both from Republicans who have not come out to congratulate Biden, but also to those who have and Democrats who have and the Democrats, and that is that we have to be, you know, news organizations have to be very careful and very responsible about not giving Trump too much of a platform on his not conceding because they feel the transition can go forward.”

“And you know, other than the national security briefings, which are critical to start now, they just don’t want us to exaggerate that Trump isn’t leaving office,” Gangel says in regards to the Democrat Party…

CNN Field Producer Stephanie Becker goes to recommend that the network craft a narrative that a Trump refusal to transition would be akin to letting the 9/11 terror attacks happen: “So, if you want a good, concrete example of what happens when you don’t have a good transition, well, look at the twin towers.”


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c41d82 No.154042

File: 79d4efbb7d995ab⋯.png (30.68 KB,470x355,94:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867110 (020522ZDEC20) Notable: Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

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Matt Stoller




First pro-slavery case argued by a person of color. Historic!

Quote Tweet

Mark Joseph Stern


· 13h

This morning at the Supreme Court, @neal_katyal defended two U.S. corporations accused of aiding and abetting child slavery overseas. The question is whether alleged victims can sue these corporations for overseas crimes in U.S. courts. I’ll post a few notable exchanges.

Show this thread

Cerno Retweeted

Matt Stoller


Replying to


Here's something from the


brief. Jaw dropping. I mean, this was the Solicitor General under Obama.

Matt Stoller




Replying to


Of course Katyal's history is utterly wrong. Here's a group of Nuremberg scholars pointing out that corporations were very much held liable, dissolved, and/or broken up after WWII under international law.



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c41d82 No.154043

File: 20d57d87fe56753⋯.png (28.38 KB,598x419,598:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867111 (020522ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Give this a watch

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154044

File: 14fd5076817e728⋯.png (40.4 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867120 (020523ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Tweet being censored

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867129 (020523ZDEC20) Notable: Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Of course Katyal's history is utterly wrong. Here's a group of Nuremberg scholars pointing out that corporations were very much held liable, dissolved, and/or broken up after WWII under international law.



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c41d82 No.154046

File: 8dd10196d066ab1⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,668x680,167:170,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867154 (020525ZDEC20) Notable: Newsmax gained 1.2 million followers in past 30 days

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Newsmax gained 1.2 million followers in past 30 days

8:07 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets



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c41d82 No.154047

File: c5db88a49847dd7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1020x2048,255:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867180 (020528ZDEC20) Notable: 80 Million Q proof

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80 Million Q proof

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c41d82 No.154048

File: 7b48477fb74713c⋯.png (350.35 KB,478x630,239:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867196 (020529ZDEC20) Notable: The discovery of an ancient altar dedicated to the #Greek god Pan in a Byzantine-era church in northern #Israel raises questions on its origins, and on ties between Christians and Pagans in the region.

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The discovery of an ancient altar dedicated to the #Greek god Pan in a Byzantine-era church in northern #Israel raises questions on its origins, and on ties between Christians and Pagans in the region.


[P]an is coming

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c41d82 No.154049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867336 (020541ZDEC20) Notable: 3 wins in the house today!

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3 wins in the house today! John Katko, NY-24 wins reelection, Mike Garcia, CA-25, wins reelection, Nicole Malliotakis flips NY-11! We lead in all 4 races yet to be called! If PA mail ins are ruled unconstitutional, we might take the house!


I am calculating right now, but if PA mail in ballots are unconsititutional, it might end up 217(dems) -218 (reps)

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c41d82 No.154050

File: b743c952a2a05e4⋯.png (105.14 KB,598x536,299:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867337 (020542ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Are they disobeying a court order? -GA Voting Machines

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c41d82 No.154051

File: 6032579511e074a⋯.png (438.81 KB,598x708,299:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867441 (020553ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Source of USB video confirms excel used + connected to internet

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c41d82 No.154052

File: 499cf1d18243990⋯.png (636.46 KB,568x1148,142:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867509 (020559ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - Keep America Free Rally/ Press Conference Wed 12/02 2:05pm (local time) Alpharetta, GA

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c41d82 No.154053

File: c6bebdf95f39f8b⋯.png (826.61 KB,660x667,660:667,Clipboard.png)

File: e5f32eb904f06d3⋯.png (280.02 KB,724x1507,724:1507,Clipboard.png)

File: e647741bbfa5526⋯.pdf (375.92 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867567 (020606ZDEC20) Notable: Lawsuit by Trump allies challenging Pennsylvania election results reaches Supreme Court

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Lawsuit by Trump allies challenging Pennsylvania election results reaches Supreme Court

A long-shot effort to overturn the presidential election results in Pennsylvania made its way to the Supreme Court Tuesday. Conservative Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., and others contend state officials had no right under the Pennsylvania Constitution to expand mail-in voting in 2019, and the state Supreme Court was wrong to uphold that statute. The group called it "an unconstitutional, no-excuse absentee voting scheme." "Pennsylvania’s General Assembly exceeded its powers by unconstitutionally allowing no-excuse absentee voting, including for federal offices, in the election," the challengers argued in court papers. As a result, the election was "conducted illegally." The group seeks an emergency injunction from the nation's highest court to block the completion of any remaining steps in the state's certification of Pennsylvania's 2020 election results, which took place last week. The petition was submitted to Associate Justice Samuel Alito.

There are several reasons why the high court is unlikely to look kindly on the petition. The justices are disinclined to overrule state, rather than federal, courts. They are even more unlikely to disenfranchise millions of law-abiding voters. The challengers could have filed suit when the state law passed but waited a year, until their preferred presidential candidate was defeated, to take action. President Donald Trump’s campaign has pursued a separate battle in Pennsylvania federal courts to block or rescind the certification of the state’s election results and undo the outcome. However, two lower federal courts ruled issued scathing ruling that said the campaign lacked legal standing to pursue the case, as well as specific allegations and evidence. The state court case was filed Nov. 21, more than two weeks after Election Day and about a year after the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved what's known as Act 77, a major overhaul of the state's election code. The change included the first authorization of wide-scale mail-in voting in the state's history. This year's presidential race marked the first time the changes were in effect for a Pennsylvania general election.

The original petition, filed with the state's Commonwealth Court, argued that the mail-in voting provision violated the state's constitution. "Under the Act, and the mail-in ballot scheme it implements, any and all qualified electors are eligible to vote by mail, and no justification needs to be provided," the petition argued. It characterized the change as "another illegal attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting prescribed in the Pennsylvania Constitution, without first following the necessary procedure to amend the Constitution to allow for the expansion." The group asked the court to declare the change in violation of the state constitution and issue an injunction to bar certification of Pennsylvania's 2020 election results, or to require any already-approved certification to be rescinded.


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c41d82 No.154054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867590 (020609ZDEC20) Notable: THE KRACKEN AFFIDAVIT - 17 pages

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17 pages


I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experiencegathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a whitehat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies Ihave employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics andOSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodesand other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities

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c41d82 No.154055

File: 70a89b81383693b⋯.png (456.57 KB,911x688,911:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867596 (020610ZDEC20) Notable: GoFundMe for Jesse The WhistleBlower Truck Driver

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GoFundMe for Jesse The WhistleBlower Truck Driver

This man risked all to tell the truth about fraudulent ballots transported across state lines. Let’s raise $1 for each ballot that went missing along with his trailor, estimated to be over 200,000. He can buy a complete tractor/trailor and become his own boss.


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c41d82 No.154056

File: 266becba58fed57⋯.png (90.74 KB,1204x480,301:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867676 (020621ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Rumors of rumors

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c41d82 No.154057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867687 (020623ZDEC20) Notable: #15148

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>>154023 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650


>>153883, >>153884, >>153889, >>153882 (PB) /mnr/ board members behind the 3-week q_anon banner subversion


>>154026 , >>154028 , >>154033 , >>154042 , >>154045 Child slavery is defended in court by a high level Democrat.

>>154027 CM: Gwinnett county official confirms using external laptop (possibly with excel) to filter data from the Dominion election management system!

>>154029 CodeMonkey video BUN

>>154030 Stunning video just posted by POTUS from Team Trump Telling it like it is!

>>154035 New Lin Wood

>>154031 New Lin Wood - Calling out Bill Gates

>>154032 For keks - Rambo was on "Baker Team"

>>154037 POTUS pinned his Sec 230 tweet from earlier.

>>154038 Upstate NY mayor charged with crack possession after police pursuit

>>154039 Dominion Imagecast Ice Machine with Security Expert Andrew Appel This is a GEM

>>154040 GA SOS & GOV Kemp knew about ES&S, DOMINION & Smartmatic's Voter Registration Manipulation Issues & moved forward with over $250M in Contracts including Trade Secrets

>>154041 AUDIO: CNN President Demanded Network Editorialize Trump as Crazy, Erratic, Using Steroids

>>154043 CM: Give this a watch

>>154044 CM: Tweet being censored

>>154046 Newsmax gained 1.2 million followers in past 30 days

>>154048 The discovery of an ancient altar dedicated to the #Greek god Pan in a Byzantine-era church in northern #Israel raises questions on its origins, and on ties between Christians and Pagans in the region.

>>154049 3 wins in the house today!

>>154050 CM: Are they disobeying a court order? -GA Voting Machines

>>154051 CM: Source of USB video confirms excel used + connected to internet

>>154047 80 Million Q proof

>>154052 Lin Wood - Keep America Free Rally/ Press Conference Wed 12/02 2:05pm (local time) Alpharetta, GA

>>154053 Lawsuit by Trump allies challenging Pennsylvania election results reaches Supreme Court

>>154054 THE KRACKEN AFFIDAVIT - 17 pages

>>154055 GoFundMe for Jesse The WhistleBlower Truck Driver

>>154056 CM: Rumors of rumors


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c41d82 No.154058

File: 3384c6ce866f9ec⋯.jpg (12.29 KB,250x232,125:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867843 (020645ZDEC20) Notable: Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission - Text of PROPOSED Order Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election.

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The Court has reviewed the terms and conditions of this Emergent Injunctive Relief Order, and for good cause shown IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT

4.Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election



8. It is hereby declared and ordered that mail-in and absentee ballot fraud must be remedied

with a Full Manual Recount or statistically valid sampling that properly verifies a ballot application

for each absentee ballot, that verifies the signatures on absentee ballot envelopes, and that invalidates

the certified results in the Presidential and District 3 Congressional races if the recount or sampling

analysis shows a sufficient number of ineligible absentee ballots were counted;

9. It is hereby declared that absentee ballot fraud occurred in violation of Constitutional rights,

Election laws and under Wisconsin state law; and

10. It is hereby declared and ordered that Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Elections

Commission are enjoined from transmitting the currently certified results to the Electoral College

based on the overwhelming evidence of election tampering;

It is so Ordered, this ___ day of December, 2020.


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c41d82 No.154059

File: 6adb5ec507c73ce⋯.jpg (57.5 KB,900x400,9:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867846 (020645ZDEC20) Notable: Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.

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Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.


Dem salty tears about to flow.

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c41d82 No.154060

File: 43d4457f9c4e58b⋯.png (435.08 KB,1920x2026,960:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 99c77bc89c62abd⋯.pdf (102.87 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867872 (020649ZDEC20) Notable: Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission - Text of PROPOSED Order Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election.

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PDF of court order…


what the fuck does this mean???

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c41d82 No.154061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867888 (020651ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20 (12 Hr countdown)

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🔴 LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20

12 hour countdown dont miss it

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c41d82 No.154062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867897 (020653ZDEC20) Notable: Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission - Text of PROPOSED Order Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election.

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"Text of Proposed Order — Document #6, Attachment #1"

With emphasis on *proposed*.

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c41d82 No.154063

File: ea0019a08777e2c⋯.png (45.47 KB,862x753,862:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 80c486fdee0e1ba⋯.png (57.3 KB,883x1000,883:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: fcab922d5bf3af3⋯.png (98.75 KB,1139x1001,1139:1001,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11867990 (020711ZDEC20) Notable: Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission - Text of PROPOSED Order Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election.

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>what the fuck does this mean???

The order is not signed!

It is an motion and proposed order written by the Plaintiff



MOTION to Amend/Correct Docket # 2: PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR DECLARATORY, EMERGENCY, AND PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF by All Plaintiff(Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dean, Michael)

>pic 1

It is not unusual to write an order for the Judge to sign pending review

If Plaintiff prevails on the merits the Judge will sign the order

>pic 2

The motion appears to have been filed late this evening


>pic 3

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c41d82 No.154064

File: 7b142bc40a7566a⋯.png (16.76 KB,601x205,601:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868009 (020714ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS: Pardon Investigation is FAKE NEWS

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Get real or get out

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c41d82 No.154065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868045 (020718ZDEC20) Notable: Software update in the electronic signal box: No suburban trains in Frankfurt's city tunnel from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon (Nov 7th)

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Regarding Frankfurt on the 7th of November


This was announced on the 3rd of November.

Software update in the electronic signal box: No suburban trains in Frankfurt's city tunnel from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon

The Frankfurt City-Tunnel between the main station and Offenbach-Kaiserlei cannot be used by suburban trains from Saturday, November 7, 7 p.m., to Sunday, November 8, 2:30 p.m. The reason for this is a necessary software change in the electronic interlocking (ESTW). The break in traffic will also be used to carry out conversion work on the control and safety technology in the tunnel.

During this time, the S-Bahn trains bypass the City Tunnel or are not operated between Frankfurt Central Station and Frankfurt South or Offenbach. A rail replacement service with buses is available for passengers. In addition, VGF is increasing its metro service and is running additional cars on the U1, U2 and U4 lines. The Frankfurt transport company traffiQ also accepts DB tickets during the closure period.

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c41d82 No.154066

File: e945cf7f14c9efa⋯.jpg (2.77 MB,3450x6150,23:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868078 (020725ZDEC20) Notable: SIGN THE PETITION TO DEMAND TRUMP INVOKE LIMITED MARTIAL LAW

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c41d82 No.154067

File: 17e9866931baebf⋯.jpeg (99.78 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868099 (020729ZDEC20) Notable: Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?…(Durham)

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Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?…

With the recently made public appointment of John Durham as a special counsel, does that appointment mean President Trump is unable to declassify documents in the same way the Robert Mueller special counsel blocked declassification? The likely answer is yes.

However, with that in mind here is a reminder of one process that could possibly be attempted. This approach would have to take place very quickly.

REPOST by Request: Understanding the ordinary process of declassifying documents is a request and authorization to the executive officers and stakeholders of classified information; and understanding the current authorization is not ordinary because the intelligence community stakeholders are adverse to the interests of the office of the president; here is a process to cut through the chaff and countermeasures.

The background here is that any unilateral declassification request, demand or authorization by President Trump puts him opposition to a variety of corrupt interests.

As a direct result the executive office of the president will be facing legal action, likely from unified democrats and republicans in the legislative branch. With that accepted, here is the most strategic approach.



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c41d82 No.154068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868122 (020732ZDEC20) Notable: Gabriele Sterling (under Georgia SoS) quotes on vote machines, scanning, printing extra ballots

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Gabriele Sterling in charge of voting in Georgia

IN his own words

00.47.10 SCANNERS " Better than guidance, we have a rule that we just passed…we moved the, and part of this gets into the deep understanding of how scanners interpret information, what we did, and don’t quote me in a court of law on this, I’m giving you a general amount, I always get it off by 1% and people yell at me on twitter, so if you were, the old one was 0 to 14% is not a mark, so from 0 to 13% it’s not a mark, 14 to 35 is ambiguous and anything above 35 is a mark it’s an intended human…they did that."

00.47.30 SCANNERS "So what we did is, we now lowered it to where 10%, 0 to 10% is going to be not a mark, 10% to 20% is the ambiguous zone and 20% and up is an obvious mark, because we looked through it, anything above 20% was obvious, and what you gotta understand is, there are other states that have lower zones for this, like Colorado but they use a red dropout which means the oval itself is red, which is not read by the computer so our oval by itself is 5 to 8%, so if you lower it too much , you are going to get a lot of over votes and unintended consequences with people slightly hitting it with the pen and a stray mark will slow the system down."

00.47.50 SCANNERS "…So we’ve set it from 10 to 20 and basically when you bring it to the adjudication module if the ob, if the voters intention is obvious, then the adjudication team, Susannah is it a Republican, a Democrat and third person usually an election worker. They’ll decide or vote this is what the person…Frankly I’ve never seen an adjudication that wasn’t 3 nothing, it’s almost always obvious what the voter was intending to do…"

00.48.00 SCANNER SENSITIVITY "…So we lowered the sensitivity somewhat, but if you lower it too much you stop the whole system and if you raise it too much you’re missing votes. So we’re trying to find a sweet spot and understand a place like Colorado, Oregon, those guys spent 8 years kind of refining and doing this We launched this whole absentee ballot program about 6 weeks. So we are learning from this, we set that after a lot of testing, so 10 to 20 % is the new thing and any time there is an adjudicatable vote on there, the entire ballot is shown, you can change stuff throughout the ballot if they can see oh this person, this didn’t make the line but it’s obvious what that person mean…"

00.51.00 EXTRA BALLOTS "And one of the things that we did when we purchased the entire system for the state was that every county will be given a mobile ballot printer and with that they can…the whole point of that is you’ll have the 10% in that location. Let’s say worst things happen, everything goes to crap, power goes out, it floods the room, you can go to the county office, and the bigger counties have multiples of these obviously and they can print more and there’s going to be a rover plan to make sure those are put in,.."

00.52.15 ABOUT HAVING EXTRA BALLOTS "…on the 10% rule by itself. And the other thing they have to worry about is not just 10% for a polling location, you need to have 10% per precinct. Like in Fulton County, there’s four or five precincts there, so they have to have 10% of each type, that’s really thousands of ballots. And the rules around handling those to make sure you give people the right ones…."

00.57.14 "…on the old system it scanned and tabulated as a single action so we could never do that under our law. Under the new system you can scan without tabulating it’s kind of like the early voting, you’re scanning all the time, you’re not closing out the polls and tabulating. So that’s, we have given them that option…"

01.11.30 "…I couldn’t give a rats ass who wins an election all I want is that everyone who wants to vote, can be registered to vote and vote in the way they so choose…" INTERESTING HE NEVER MENTIONS WHETHER PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE AN ENTITLEMENT or BE LEGALLY ABLE TO VOTE

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c41d82 No.154069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868141 (020735ZDEC20) Notable: Digging on the WA Sec of State they use a company called clear ballot group I have the application letter here

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Hey Anons I was digging on the wa sec of state they use a company called clear ballot group I have the application letter here https://www.sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/research/application_clearvote_1_4_vbm2.pdf

a guy named Edwin Smith 720-849-1775 is the contact thing is this company does not exsit at the adress ot anywhere really but ed smith with the same phone number runs a cyber corona virus web site called ncta

https://www.ntca.org/member-services/coronavirus-resource-center/solution-providers/ppe-providers this might be a good dig in to Washington state

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c41d82 No.154070

File: f36721b7db191d4⋯.jpeg (271.98 KB,1142x1107,1142:1107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868175 (020740ZDEC20) Notable: Ted Cruz Releases Statement on Pennsylvania Election Challenge

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Ted Cruz Releases Statement on Pennsylvania Election Challenge

Ted Cruz spoke out today about the Pennsylvania election case currently being pushed by the Trump campaign. That case was dismissed by the liberal Pennsylvania Supreme Court and an appeal is now needed. While Cruz has previously been bearish on Trump’s legal challenges, now he’s urging the Supreme Court to grant the emergency appeal.

The Daily Wire provides a bit more context.

On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) publicly called on the Supreme Court to hear an emergency appeal challenging the election results in Pennsylvania, arguing that the Democrat-led Pennsylvania legislature’s vote last year to allow universal mail-in voting flew in the face of the Pennsylvania Constitution’s express prohibition of such a move.

Cruz wrote, “Today, an emergency appeal was filed in the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the election results in Pennsylvania. This appeal raises serious legal issues, and I believe the Court should hear the case on an expedited basis.”

“The Pennsylvania Constitution requires in-person voting, except in narrow and defined circumstances,” Cruz explained. “Late last year, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law that purported to allow universal mail-in voting, notwithstanding the Pennsylvania Constitution’s express prohibition.”

“This appeal argues that Pennsylvania cannot change the rules in the middle of the game,” he continued. “If Pennsylvania wants to change how voting occurs, the state must follow the law to do so.”



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c41d82 No.154071

File: 900179475b6202f⋯.jpg (321.99 KB,1103x1428,1103:1428,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868223 (020745ZDEC20) Notable: Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.

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Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.

Attorney General Bill Barr is displeased with the misinformation going around claiming he’s finished his review and found no massive fraud in the 2020 presidential election.


The problem is he gave the media the ammunition. He did say, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

A spokesperson for the DOJ has come out to dispel what she describes as misinformation being reported by the media on AG Barr’s comments from earlier today:


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c41d82 No.154072

File: 48269fd6934d21b⋯.png (75.44 KB,603x410,603:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868266 (020750ZDEC20) Notable: New Rudy

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just a typical 2:28am tweet from Rudy


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c41d82 No.154073

File: 78c22b01c400448⋯.jpeg (115.29 KB,1094x427,1094:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f4845c3aaa67b5⋯.jpeg (61.47 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868274 (020751ZDEC20) Notable: Statement of Trump Legal Team on Bill Barr's Comments on Voter Fraud

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White House Slams AG Barr's Claims Of No Election Fraud: "There's Been No Semblance Of A DoJ Investigation"

Update (1500ET): That did not take long. The President's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has issued a statement:

Statement of Trump Legal Team on Bill Barr's Comments on Voter Fraud

"With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn't been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, which they have not examined. We have many witnesses swearing under oath they saw crimes being committed in connection with voter fraud. As far as we know, not a single one has been interviewed by the DOJ. The Justice Department also hasn't audited any voting machines or used their subpoena powers to determine the truth.

"Nonetheless, we will continue our pursuit of the truth through the judicial system and state legislatures, and continue toward the Constitution's mandate and ensuring that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not. Again, with the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud."



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c41d82 No.154074

File: daa29f8d0b260be⋯.jpg (499.94 KB,1080x1733,1080:1733,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868280 (020752ZDEC20) Notable: The UK approved Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, the first Western nation to give it the green light

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The UK approved Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, the first Western nation to give it the green light

Looks like Pfizer wanted UK to have the honor, downplaying US role


Love this excerpt

Above all, we don't know how well Pfizer's vaccine will work in real life. However, tracking its use in millions of people is the only way to figure this out. And there's added benefit that this knowledge could be applied to other harmful diseases.

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c41d82 No.154075

File: 4032d7ac264f7ff⋯.png (311.55 KB,2074x1009,2074:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868302 (020755ZDEC20) Notable: China Bought Dominion In October

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Before you throw me in tard jail, know that I searched "China Dominion" at qresear.ch and got no hits.

China Bought Dominion In October

China Bought Dominion In October — It’s not a theory when you have the documentation. Just saying that for my conspiracy theory fans.

Staple Street Capital III, L.P. sold $400 million in securities to UBS Securities Co., Ltd. as reveled 12:15 today, Dec. 1, by attorney Lin Wood in a cryptic tweet to a link to the sale’s SEC Form D.

The SEC Form D was filed Oct. 8.

Form D is the required notice for companies that have sold securities without registration under the Securities Act of 1933 under certain conditions.

The filing must be within 15 days of the sale.

Staple Street Capital is the New York-based, private equity firm that acquired Dominion Voting Systems in July 2018.

Dominion voting machines were used in 28 states, Nov. 3.

Many think they could be programmed to flip votes from one candidate to another or delete votes for an undesired candidate.

UBS Securities Co., Ltd. is a Chinese investment bank controlled by the Chinese government.

That’s right, it looks like the Chinese ran our election, at least in a lot of places. Do not concede Mr. President.


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c41d82 No.154076

File: 864cce52a9ee639⋯.jpg (286.49 KB,1080x1024,135:128,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868354 (020801ZDEC20) Notable: To boost voter-fraud claims, Trump advocate Sidney Powell turns to unusual source: The longtime operator of QAnon’s Internet home (first Qanon attack on Ron?)

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To boost voter-fraud claims, Trump advocate Sidney Powell turns to unusual source: The longtime operator of QAnon’s Internet home

Dec. 1, 2020 at 5:44 p.m. EST

In her legal quest to reverse the reality of last month’s election, President Trump’s recently disavowed attorney Sidney Powell has gained a strange new ally: the longtime administrator of the message board 8kun, the QAnon conspiracy theory’s Internet home.

Support our journalism. Subscribe today.

Powell on Tuesday filed an affidavit from Ron Watkins, the son of 8kun’s owner Jim Watkins, in a Georgia lawsuit alleging that Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the election had been corrupted as part of a sprawling voter-fraud conspiracy.

Powell has claimed that a diabolical scheme backed by global communists had invisibly shifted votes with help from a mysterious computer algorithm pioneered by the long-dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez — a wild story debunked by fact-checkers as a “fantasy parade” and devoid of proof.


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c41d82 No.154077

File: 4456c5457d018ba⋯.png (605.9 KB,667x738,667:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868364 (020803ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump says he will veto the annual national defense funding bill unless Section 230 is terminated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump says he will veto the annual national defense funding bill unless Section 230 is terminated, according to The AP, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post

President Donald Trump has threatened to veto the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unless the bill includes the repeal of Section 230. S230 is a provision of a 1996 federal law that helps shield a broad range of digital platforms and services from lawsuits over user-created posts on their sites. The NDAA bill has passed congress 59 years in a row. The current proposal includes a 3% pay raise for US troops and authorizes $740 billion in national security programs in the 2021 fiscal year, The Washington Post reports.


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c41d82 No.154078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868481 (020823ZDEC20) Notable: #15149

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>>>/qresearch/11867715 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>154058 , >>154062 , >>154060 , >>154063 Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission - Text of PROPOSED Order Governor Evers is required to transmit certified election results that state that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election.

>>154059 Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.

>>154061 LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20 (12 Hr countdown)

>>154064 POTUS: Pardon Investigation is FAKE NEWS

>>154065 Software update in the electronic signal box: No suburban trains in Frankfurt's city tunnel from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon (Nov 7th)


>>154067 Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?…(Durham)

>>154068 Gabriele Sterling (under Georgia SoS) quotes on vote machines, scanning, printing extra ballots

>>154070 Ted Cruz Releases Statement on Pennsylvania Election Challenge

>>154069 Digging on the WA Sec of State they use a company called clear ballot group I have the application letter here

>>154071 Media Misrepresented BARR’s Statements On Election Fraud Investigations. DOJ Makes Statement.

>>154072 New Rudy

>>154073 Statement of Trump Legal Team on Bill Barr's Comments on Voter Fraud

>>154074 The UK approved Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, the first Western nation to give it the green light

>>154075 China Bought Dominion In October

>>154076 To boost voter-fraud claims, Trump advocate Sidney Powell turns to unusual source: The longtime operator of QAnon’s Internet home (first Qanon attack on Ron?)

>>154077 President Trump says he will veto the annual national defense funding bill unless Section 230 is terminated

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD faggots!

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c41d82 No.154079

File: be48be51321279b⋯.gif (72.44 KB,500x226,250:113,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868564 (020837ZDEC20) Notable: Did seth Rich Leak Dominion Election Fraud info to WikiLeaks?

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What are the odds???


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c41d82 No.154080

File: df4ab474fa94412⋯.png (51.35 KB,597x566,597:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868619 (020849ZDEC20) Notable: CM: The Dominion Representative is using the "Results Export" function

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Dominion Representative is using the "Results Export" function as described by the Dominion Election Management System user guide in "CHAPTER 13: RESULTS EXPORT"

He then takes the export data to an internet-connected laptop with remote viewing enabled.




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c41d82 No.154081

File: 24c29b58f19e8b9⋯.jpg (197.98 KB,1000x827,1000:827,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868630 (020852ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINION VOTING - Democracy Suite – System High-level Block Diagram

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Democracy Suite – System High-level Block Diagram

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c41d82 No.154082

File: 3ee1214fb34e2b1⋯.png (53.63 KB,596x350,298:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868653 (020858ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Can someone explain to me why...

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868669 (020901ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State Approved Absentee Ballot Boxes but Security Concerns Remain over Transport of Votes

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Would be a shame if these were lost due to blackpowder or some kind of thermo device thus ensuring more in person votes. No sense falling for the same trick twice.

Georgia Secretary of State Approved Absentee Ballot Boxes but Security Concerns Remain over Transport of Votes


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c41d82 No.154084

File: d6338c188b87223⋯.png (127.99 KB,1787x823,1787:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868681 (020904ZDEC20) Notable: Edwin Smith works for Smartmatic not NTCA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Edwin Smith works for Smartmatic not NTCA

>>154069 LB

Ed Smith works for Smartmatic not the NTCA "The Rural Broadband Association"

NTCA PPE Partners link


NTCA home link


Ed Smith Smartmatic profile


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c41d82 No.154085

File: 99208fdcc06e4ec⋯.png (65.05 KB,632x578,316:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868727 (020912ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Gwinnett County Official admits to taking data from the Election Management System, plugging it into a laptop, then filtering it with excel. (BOOM)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9mins ago




Gwinnett County Official admits to taking data from the Election Management System, plugging it into a laptop, then filtering it with excel. This circumvents the rules that external software isnt allowed on election machines!!





Can someone explain why Gwinnett County is filtering election results from the airgapped Election Management System by transferring results with USB & utilizing an external laptop setup running an online version of Excel and an internet connection with remote viewing enabled?


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c41d82 No.154086

File: d97db6e718038d0⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x933,250:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868738 (020914ZDEC20) Notable: Pentagon shake-up continues as another top official departs

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Pentagon shake-up continues as another top official departs

The top official leading the Pentagon's Defeat-ISIS Task Force resigned Monday, becoming the latest senior official to be fired or asked to resign in recent days, part of a White House-directed post-election purge that saw some of the senior-most Defense Department civilians ousted in a matter of days.

"Today, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller accepted the resignation of Christopher Maier, the Director of the DoD Defeat-ISIS Task Force," a Pentagon spokesman said in a statement.



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c41d82 No.154087

File: 7e44e020d3e23af⋯.png (53.11 KB,1067x428,1067:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b0396b1d893599⋯.png (82.05 KB,654x755,654:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868741 (020915ZDEC20) Notable: CM: The Dominion Representative is using the "Results Export" function

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Dominion Representative is using the "Results Export" function as described by the Dominion Election Management System user guide in "CHAPTER 13: RESULTS EXPORT"

He then takes the export data to an internet-connected laptop with remote viewing enabled.


Quote Tweet



· Dec 1

Watch a Dominion Representative at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plug it into a laptop, manipulate the data, then palm the USB.


Show this thread

This claim about election fraud is disputed



Replying to


Backup of that pdf is here:


They’re trying to change history—don’t let them. In the chaotic atmosphere of 2020, the Wayback Machine is a crucial resource in the fight against disinformation, and now more than ever we need your help. Right now we’re preserving history as it unfolds, keeping track of who’s saying what and when—all without charging for access, selling user data, or running ads. Instead, we rely on the generosity of individuals to help us keep the record straight.

Right now, the Internet Archive (which runs this project) has a 2-to-1 Matching Gift Campaign, tripling the impact of every donation. If you find our public record useful, please chip in.

—Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive

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c41d82 No.154088

File: 5bd01d4e3aaa997⋯.png (108.49 KB,962x905,962:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868750 (020918ZDEC20) Notable: Democracy Suite EMS Results Tally & Reporting User Guide

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Got it to work on the third try?

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c41d82 No.154089

File: 6ffc6249ad6a890⋯.png (5.95 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868751 (020919ZDEC20) Notable: Japan approves free COVID-19 vaccines for nation

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Japan approves free COVID-19 vaccines for nation

Dec 2, 2020

A bill to provide coronavirus vaccinations free of charge with the central government covering the cost was passed in the Diet, offering a key plan to stem the virus as Japan struggles with its worst-yet wave of infections.

Wednesday’s passage in the Upper House following approval in the more powerful Lower House will bring the law into effect. It also makes local governments responsible for administering the immunizations, according to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

The law includes a provision obliging citizens in principle to make efforts to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. But the provision will not go into effect unless the effectiveness and safety of vaccines are fully confirmed.

The move comes as a new wave of virus infections has prompted the worst-hit areas of the country to call on bars and restaurants to close early, and has forced Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to partially suspend the Go To Travel campaign, which is intended to shore up suffering regional economies. While the death toll in Japan is by far the lowest in any Group of Seven advanced nation, the country suffered its worst economic downturn on record in the April-June quarter.

Suga has vowed to secure enough doses of vaccine for the “people of the country” by the first half of next year and it remains unclear to what extent foreign residents will be eligible for free vaccinations. Not all Japanese nationals may be enthusiastic about immunization. An Ipsos survey conducted in October showed that 69% of Japanese respondents were willing to get a vaccine if available, compared with the global average of 73%.

Wednesday’s bill also permits the government to compensate private companies for any losses caused by health problems stemming from the vaccinations.

Aiming to secure COVID-19 vaccines for all citizens by the end of June 2021, Japan has contracted with Moderna Inc. to provide vaccines, and has basic agreements with AstraZeneca PLC and Pfizer Inc., according to the health ministry.

Japan has seen a total death toll of just over 2,000 people from the virus since the beginning of the pandemic, compared with approximately 1,500 deaths per day in the United States.

Also on Wednesday, the Diet enacted a quarantine law amendment, keeping in force for up to an additional 12 months from February 2021 a policy of using hospitalizations to isolate people who have entered Japan that are infected with the coronavirus.


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c41d82 No.154090

File: 5e23a5d06b654c8⋯.png (457.81 KB,858x810,143:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868808 (020932ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Elections Officials Reportedly Filmed Deleting Evidence

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154091

File: 316c43cef6cdc7a⋯.png (783.06 KB,1022x753,1022:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868828 (020935ZDEC20) Notable: QAnon beliefs, promise of child custody help hang over deadly shooting

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QAnon beliefs, promise of child custody help hang over deadly shooting

Witnesses told authorities that the woman accused of killing Chris Hallett shot him because she said he was conspiring with the government to keep her children from her.

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c41d82 No.154092

File: 42f8c425cff4c20⋯.png (669.05 KB,773x704,773:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868839 (020937ZDEC20) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWER: I Drove 'Thousands of Ballots' From New York to Pennsylvania

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WHISTLEBLOWER: I Drove 'Thousands of Ballots' From New York to Pennsylvania

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c41d82 No.154093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868854 (020940ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion software training video.

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Dominion software training video.


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c41d82 No.154094

File: aa42f2dbed3c073⋯.png (420.21 KB,1028x737,1028:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868863 (020941ZDEC20) Notable: IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’

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c41d82 No.154095

File: 69a588b97bc7971⋯.png (634.08 KB,717x703,717:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868878 (020944ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Ballots Defaulted and Switched to Biden Votes on Dominion System: Maricopa GOP Chairwoman

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Trump Ballots Defaulted and Switched to Biden Votes on Dominion System: Maricopa GOP Chairwoman

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154096

File: 6ede28046acb280⋯.png (151.72 KB,1349x602,1349:602,Clipboard.png)

File: ee48477d04cd118⋯.png (23.24 KB,500x301,500:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 82ac29690dd112d⋯.png (24.06 KB,500x296,125:74,Clipboard.png)

File: c79ce7f1d964cfb⋯.png (324.11 KB,500x606,250:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868903 (020949ZDEC20) Notable: Newt Gingrich stands by Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154097

File: 550f51b0867ff9b⋯.png (411.12 KB,841x585,841:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868909 (020951ZDEC20) Notable: WATCH: CNN’s Zucker Busted By Project Veritas Saying President Trump Not Conceding is Like 9/11

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WATCH: CNN’s Zucker Busted By Project Veritas Saying President Trump Not Conceding is Like 9/11

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154098

File: e7863179276d036⋯.png (490.47 KB,862x606,431:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868918 (020952ZDEC20) Notable: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots — Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PURE EVIL: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots — Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154099

File: 467ead7fb4a7ada⋯.png (33.88 KB,757x305,757:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 32f7d42fd5bceb0⋯.png (194.81 KB,500x317,500:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868946 (020959ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Acolytes Are Abuzz Over 'First All-Woman WH Comms Team,' They Forgot to Check in With Who's There Now

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Biden Acolytes Are Abuzz Over 'First All-Woman WH Comms Team,' They Forgot to Check in With Who's There Now

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154100

File: 4684427d7e2b514⋯.png (19.75 KB,850x202,425:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868959 (021002ZDEC20) Notable: Republican Nicole Malliotakis finally declared winner in NYC swing district

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Republican Nicole Malliotakis finally declared winner in NYC swing district

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154101

File: ccdceb67162b1cc⋯.png (27.98 KB,849x210,283:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868965 (021004ZDEC20) Notable: Trump lawsuit presents video evidence of Dems' cash-for-votes scheme

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Trump lawsuit presents video evidence of Dems' cash-for-votes scheme

Native American vote made difference in some battleground states

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c41d82 No.154102

File: f40402ee30efcf4⋯.pdf (329.7 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868971 (021005ZDEC20) Notable: Placer County, CA Dominion Voting Systems Purchase Order

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

March 26, 2019


Clerk-Recorder Office

County of Placer (CA)

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Ryan Ronco, County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters

BY: Stephen Aye, Assistant Recorder-Registar of Voters

SUBJECT: Contract with Dominion Voting Systems to Purchase New Vote Counting Equipment and Software


1. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Placer County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar to enter into a contract with Dominion Voting Systems in the amount of $3,222,977.98 to purchase vote counting equipment and software, support and training in order to meet the State of California's new certification requirements.

2. Approve a budget revision in the amount of $3,570,000 for the purchase of the Dominion Democracy Suite and estimated tax and shipping costs, funded by General Fund reserves.

3. Add applicable equipment from the Dominion Democracy Suite contract (Attachment B) to the County Master Fixed Asset list…(see .pdf)


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c41d82 No.154103

File: 1612590ac0a38c6⋯.png (552.41 KB,858x647,858:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868973 (021005ZDEC20) Notable: Group recently led by Rafael Warnock under investigation - Suspected of sending ballots requests to residents of New York

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Report: Group recently led by Rafael Warnock under investigation

Suspected of sending ballots requests to residents of New York

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c41d82 No.154104

File: edf8f2f1e774c40⋯.png (16.04 KB,1340x180,67:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868978 (021007ZDEC20) Notable: Witnesses tell Michigan Senate panel of widespread voter fraud in Detroit

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Witnesses tell Michigan Senate panel

of widespread voter fraud in Detroit

Washington Times, by Dave Boyer

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c41d82 No.154105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868991 (021008ZDEC20) Notable: Project_Veritas LIVE STREAMS President Jeff Zucker’s 9am Editorial Phone Call With CNN Senior Leadership

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Project_Veritas LIVE STREAMS President Jeff Zucker’s 9am Editorial Phone Call With CNN Senior Leadership

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c41d82 No.154106

File: 9339bdd432ecc91⋯.png (1.06 MB,773x855,773:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11868996 (021009ZDEC20) Notable: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots — Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN

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Witnesses Give Damning Testimony at Michigan Hearing About Funny Business with Military Ballots, All for Biden

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c41d82 No.154107

File: ee6bbcc7a58233b⋯.png (427.82 KB,862x687,862:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869001 (021011ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: Project Veritas: CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel Details How Channel Should Cover Up Trump’s Contested Election Claims (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

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BREAKING: Project Veritas: CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel Details How Channel Should Cover Up Trump’s Contested Election Claims (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

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c41d82 No.154108

File: 4b7309b450e09ec⋯.png (763.25 KB,748x851,748:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869010 (021012ZDEC20) Notable: Schumer in Private Calls: Dems Chances to Regain Senate Control Doomed by RBG's Death & Cal Cunningham's 'Zipper' Problem

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Schumer in Private Calls: Dems Chances to Regain Senate Control Doomed by RBG's Death & Cal Cunningham's 'Zipper' Problem

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c41d82 No.154109

File: 83945cc93b74c91⋯.png (726.31 KB,942x779,942:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869025 (021015ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Witness: Polling Place 'Erupted With Thunderous Applause' When GOP Poll Watchers Were Kicked Out

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Michigan Witness: Polling Place 'Erupted With Thunderous Applause' When GOP Poll Watchers Were Kicked Out

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c41d82 No.154110

File: 3e475d8804a43d1⋯.png (71.5 KB,600x481,600:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869090 (021034ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Whistleblower "This flash drive here had all the ballots for Wayne county on it, and I'm here in my bedroom right now."

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See new Tweets




"This flash drive here had all the ballots for Wayne county on it, and I'm here in my bedroom right now. This is all the ballots for Wayne county…"

-Dominion Whistleblower





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c41d82 No.154111

File: 0859b9ce4327d44⋯.png (1008.63 KB,1349x4259,1349:4259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869098 (021035ZDEC20) Notable: BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies

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BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies (1/3)

The BIS strategy around digital currencies

Learn what the ennemy has in store for us re. digital currencies.

src: https://www.bis.org/speeches/sp201113.htm

(translated from French)

November 13th, 2020

After China, Europe and the United States are now interested in digital currencies. Why now?

We are experiencing an important change in payments. On paper there is nothing extraordinary because throughout history, central banks have always accompanied the evolution of technology and society. But here the change is rapid, especially because it's been thirty years since the world of payments has changed very little. Things had changed for "wholesale" customers, on the side of the central banks and commercial banks, but had hardly changed on the side of the customers.

In France, for example, until a few years ago, the available payment instruments were still cash, checks and credit cards, as in the 1990s. And this is true all over the world. In this area, the banking world was innovative thirty years ago, but has now fallen asleep on its laurels. Technology has changed all that.

Shake up what exactly?

Innovation first came from the consumer side. They are the ones who set the tempo. It all started with Paypal in the early 2000s. Then there was Apple Pay, Google Pay and the smartphone payment revolution- But these innovations don't fundamentally change the payment circuits because they only concern the customer interface. When you pay with PayPal or Apple you still give your payment card number. And so the money is routed from one bank account to another, just like before.

The real trigger was the announcement of Facebook's Libra project, which has completely changed the nature of innovation, because the project is no longer focused solely on the customer interface. It's a global, closed and self-sufficient project, since it has both a means of payment, a storage mechanism with a wallet, and a global network that allows transfers from one place to another without going through the central banks' settlement systems. The project has benefits for users, but the emergence of closed payment circuits dominated by technology giants poses risks for both competition and data protection. And if you add to that the disaffection with banknotes in many countries and the explosion of online transactions, especially with Covid, you can see the magnitude of the change. You can see the numbers, it's impressive. Central banks need to rethink their software and review their role in this new environment.

Precisely, how do they see their role?

The situation is simple: if the ECB, the Fed and the other central banks want to continue to fulfill their role vis-à-vis society, which is to ensure financial stability and to ensure that monetary policy can spread throughout the economy, they must adapt their methods of intervention to the new digital order. As Tancrède Falconeri says in the novel Le Guépard, "for everything to remain as it was before, everything must change". The question is how to continue to ensure the smooth operation of payment systems in an environment where they have radically changed.

The response of seven central banks, including the ECB and the U.S. Federal Reserve, in a recent report published by the BIS, is that the time has come to move forward, together, but each at its own pace. We need to move forward on digital currencies, which are part of the solution. We need to define common principles and study technological solutions together. But everyone will implement them at their own pace and according to their own specificities. The answers cannot be uniform. Each country has its own financial system. In some countries, commercial banks are very present, in others less so. Elsewhere, many people do not even have a bank account. Preferences in terms of means of payment are different from one country to another, as well as in terms of the anonymity of transactions. Money is a matter of sovereignty and all these issues can only be decided after a very broad consultation of society.

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c41d82 No.154112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869103 (021036ZDEC20) Notable: BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies

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BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies (2/3)

Which central banks are the most advanced on the subject of digital currencies?

Some countries have a head start, it's true: China, Sweden or small countries like the Bahamas are among them. These countries have already started testing their digital currencies and the results are interesting.

Is the euro zone lagging behind?

In the euro zone, unlike Sweden or China, the demand for banknotes is still strong. Their role is declining as a means of payment, but they remain a means of saving. People continue to store banknotes under their mattresses. No one wants to force consumers to choose their means of payment. Diversity is a good thing and it encourages innovation. The goal is good to offer choice, which means allowing consumers to continue to pay with money issued by the central bank. Because if central banks don't do anything, we're heading for a world where the only way to pay for your coffee around the corner will be by credit card or mobile payment. And this is money that comes from your bank account, so it's money issued by a commercial bank and not by the central bank.

Digital central bank money is simply the digital equivalent of coins and banknotes - the safest currency available, issued by a public institution. In the future, you will be able to pay for your coffee in a variety of ways: of course with bills and coins, which will remain available for as long as you need them, but also with bank cards, digital currency issued by the central bank, payment systems such as Apple Pay, PayPal or - when a suitable regulatory framework has been decided upon - with Libra. If you want to pay in Bitcoin, why not, if you and the merchant understand and assume the risks associated with this active crypto.

If central banks and tech giants are making digital payments, aren't banks like BNP Paribas in danger of being gradually squeezed out?

Of course not, banks will stay in the game if they seize these opportunities to offer new services to their customers.

But the stakes are different depending on the type of payment. In France, to take the example of the coffee you pay for at the counter, between your bank account and the coffee shop, the circuit is relatively short and inexpensive. There is a cap on credit card fees, and the ECB now even offers real-time transfers that cost banks only 0.2 euro cents per payment - it's up to them to pass on this very low cost to their customers.

On the other hand, money transfers between countries are still very inefficient. Hence the G20's plan to make international payments simpler and cheaper. It's very simple: if you work in France and make a transfer to your family in Africa, this transfer will go through a whole chain of intermediaries. You need a correspondent bank, you need to make a foreign exchange transaction? Shortening these financial circuits is a real challenge for development and financial inclusion, and I am delighted that the international community is finally tackling it seriously.

This is one of the arguments of the Libra. No one is seriously considering that the Libra should replace the euro in everyday transactions in the euro zone. On the other hand, in all international payments, especially transfers between developed and developing countries, digital currencies can provide solutions, whether they are private - in which case they will have to be adequately regulated - or issued by central banks.

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c41d82 No.154113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869106 (021036ZDEC20) Notable: BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies

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BIS head of innovations [BIS=Central bank of central banks] on digital curencies (3/3)

Libra will precisely be on a blockchain. Is this indispensable?

The debate is open. But the blockchain is not mandatory. China's digital currency does not use one. Using existing real-time payment infrastructures is one of the options considered in the recent ECB report on digital currency. One can also imagine hybrid solutions where the relationship between the central bank and commercial banks would use a blockchain but the digital currency would be distributed to individuals through more traditional channels. Anything is possible. We don't have any preconceived ideas, but the blockchain is of course one of the options.

What role does the BIS Innovation Cluster play in this sector?

The BIS Innovation Cluster is a laboratory: our role is to experiment. For example, together with the Swiss National Bank we have started to experiment with an interbank digital currency for stock exchange and institutional transactions. The first results will be published in December. This is just the beginning. More globally, what we are trying to do is to make sure that everyone works together, to animate international cooperation.

The strength of the BIS is to have 62 member central banks representing the whole world, from Europe to China and from the United States to Vietnam. It must be kept in mind that discussions on digital currencies are complicated because they touch on sovereignty and security. There is a lot at stake, so it's an every man for himself risk. The BIS is a neutral place where everyone can discuss what is best for the smooth functioning of the global economy.

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c41d82 No.154114

File: d5079eb60f32e68⋯.png (39.98 KB,999x309,333:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869136 (021046ZDEC20) Notable: Kentucky AG, Christian school file emergency request with Supreme Court to keep schools open

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Kentucky AG, Christian school file emergency request with Supreme Court to keep schools open

Gov ordered schools must shut down in-person learning through 2020

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c41d82 No.154115

File: eb634bd8a024580⋯.png (29.08 KB,1159x245,1159:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869140 (021048ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus lockdowns by state: what you need to know

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Coronavirus lockdowns by state: what you need to know

Public officials fear large gatherings may exacerbate the pandemic

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c41d82 No.154116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869141 (021049ZDEC20) Notable: CNN: A foreign company based in Venezuela should not be running American Elections

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CNN: A foreign company based in Venezuela should not be running American Elections


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c41d82 No.154117

File: f2de1408f9eb4fd⋯.png (467.36 KB,857x663,857:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869151 (021052ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Attorneys and Secretary of State Defend Dominion Voting Systems Instead of Voters In Their State

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Georgia Attorneys and Secretary of State Defend Dominion Voting Systems Instead of Voters In Their State

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c41d82 No.154118

File: 95ad4bffd297248⋯.png (604.67 KB,607x807,607:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869169 (021059ZDEC20) Notable: US Army: The calm before the storm

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U.S. Army


The calm before the storm High voltage sign

A team of Rangers silently hold their position before executing a platoon raid.

Photo by 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment


9:05 PM · Dec 1, 2019·AgoraPulse Manager

One Year Delta

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c41d82 No.154119

File: 01f20b2bec93bb2⋯.png (595 KB,598x789,598:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869170 (021101ZDEC20) Notable: US Army: A sentinel from the @USArmyOldGuard conducts the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

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U.S. Army


Best of the Best Flag of United States

A sentinel from the


conducts the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at


, Va., Oct. 1, 2020.

#ServeWithHonor | #PicOfTheDay

Camera with flash by Elizabeth Fraser

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c41d82 No.154120

File: c898440b3569502⋯.png (655.24 KB,771x817,771:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869229 (021122ZDEC20) Notable: George W. Bush Shares Old Fishing Photo with His Dad 2 Years After H. W. Died: 'Save a Striper for Me'

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George W. Bush Shares Old Fishing Photo with His Dad 2 Years After H. W. Died: 'Save a Striper for Me'

The photo, taken in 1991, includes a handwritten message from the elder Bush

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c41d82 No.154121

File: d4d708acd66daa8⋯.png (466.5 KB,608x512,19:16,Clipboard.png)

File: eb0b1e43a9caaf3⋯.png (59.06 KB,414x413,414:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 3233e177b12fa89⋯.png (10.73 KB,416x308,104:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 985f637dacd5eea⋯.png (13.5 KB,417x352,417:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869319 (021147ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Hard at work!

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U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

Hard at work!

A U.S. Navy sailor directs a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft.


12/13/2017 23:38:59

Hard day at work today Q? Welcome back.

Was there a lot of information in the questioning of Rod Rosenstein today?

I see much of the questioning is related to your drops. "Future proves past"


End is near.


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c41d82 No.154122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869329 (021149ZDEC20) Notable: 2 year delta of 305th MP Co. to Gitmo

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2 year delta

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c41d82 No.154123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869342 (021152ZDEC20) Notable: If you really want to know, the DOJ has been investigating the DNC and all 50 States for Elections and Voter Fraud ever since 2018.

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Let me set something very straight. The "REPORT" that AG Barr stated,"There's no evidence of wide-spread fraud in the elections" IS A LIE.


AG Barr did not state anything of this nature. I have a US Border Patrol-Narcotics/HSI Source who has confirmed and verified that AG Barr did not say those words. >(*EXHIBIT A:)


AG Barr really cannot be on the Front Page of every investigation PLUS, this is not his "Personal Jurisdiction" by LAW to be. The Campaign of President Trump is and no one else. Former Mayor and US Prosecutor , Rudolph "Rudy" Giuliani is the LEAD not AG Barr.


If you really want to know, the DOJ has been investigating the DNC and all 50 States for Elections and Voter Fraud ever since 2018. Also, All State Legislators and Governors have also been under investigation long before that. In February of this year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told all 50 Governor's to their faces in their "Governor's Association Meeting that the State Department has "ALL THE EVIDENCE" of unconstitutional-unlawful-illegal Foreign Influence and Bribery by Foreign Nations and NGOs - Non-governmental Organizations (ie George Soros's Open Society), and Foreign Entanglements by State Officials. >(*EXHIBIT B:)

Listen very carefully to what Sec. Pompeo says. Listen very attentively to him.


*EXHIBIT A: https://youtu.be/Ikx9ZAZlGmk

*EXHIBIT B: https://youtu.be/g1BbswU3i10


Wonder why people are panicking? Wonder why The Deep State has "tried" to steal this election, emphasis on "tried"? This is not over by a long shot. People across our nation will be going to Federal Prison and some will face the ultimate, Military Tribunals in GITMO for Treason, Sedition, Insurrection, Subversion, and other High Crimes.

Joe Biden will never see the toilet in The White House. President Donald John Trump will be sworn back in as the 45th. President of these United States of America.

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c41d82 No.154124

File: d16876998ae600b⋯.jpeg (61.78 KB,736x347,736:347,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fe914df953e78cb⋯.jpeg (146.72 KB,741x774,247:258,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8fc5590a9823df4⋯.jpeg (164.58 KB,750x743,750:743,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7305e68b3f5098c⋯.jpeg (250.08 KB,750x1248,125:208,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 704078aea3a4106⋯.jpeg (67.35 KB,748x320,187:80,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869397 (021205ZDEC20) Notable: Article(s) from November 2017 lines up with Q post 2. Mentions Soros funds. Also PA Governor Wolf, Pelosi, & Harris connection to Soros meeting.

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Article from November 2017 lines up with Q post 2. Mentions Soros funds. Also PA Governor Wolf, Pelosi, & Harris connection to Soros meeting.


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c41d82 No.154125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869423 (021213ZDEC20) Notable: Moderna CEO : Coronavirus vaccine could be distributed After 24 hours of approval, Maria reacts.

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Moderna CEO : Coronavirus vaccine could be distributed After 24 hours of approval

Maria was sort of blown away by some of the revelations .


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c41d82 No.154126

File: cc0d5cf310db36e⋯.png (49.93 KB,180x101,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869425 (021214ZDEC20) Notable: Washington State county approves $12B budget for restitution program

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Washington State county approves $12B budget for restitution program


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c41d82 No.154127

File: d9eae9a762a67d1⋯.jpg (470.65 KB,853x883,853:883,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ba525067fd60e9⋯.jpg (156.08 KB,829x265,829:265,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869438 (021217ZDEC20) Notable: It’s not censorship, it’s ‘positive change’: Red Cross chief says social media should promote ‘the right information’ on vaccines

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It’s not censorship, it’s ‘positive change’: Red Cross chief says social media should promote ‘the right information’ on vaccines

2 Dec, 2020 04:29

With the Red Cross warning governments to clamp down on a “second pandemic” of misinformation, the organization’s health and care chief told RT that he’s not demanding censorship, but pushing for “positive change.”

The first batches of Covid-19 vaccines are on the cusp of availability, but International Federation of Red Cross President Francesco Rocca said that a “second pandemic” of “fake news” about vaccines might turn the public off getting the jab.

“We believe that the massive coordinated effort that will be needed to roll out the Covid vaccine in an equitable manner, needs to be paralleled by equally massive efforts to proactively build and protect trust,” he told the UN Correspondents Association on Monday.

Whether stemming from concerns about their long-term side effects, skepticism over their rapid development process, or online conspiracy theories, coronavirus vaccines have not inspired widespread confidence. In a quarter of countries his organization surveyed, vaccine acceptance was around 50 percent. Nearly half of US adults say they’ll definitely or probably not take a vaccine, while more than a third of people in the UK will refuse the shot.

Emanuele Capobianco, head of health and care at the IFRC lamed the public’s lukewarm enthusiasm on “fake news” from the “anti-vaxx movement.”

Speaking to RT on Tuesday, Capobianco said that governments and scientists need to work on “correcting misinformation” and convincing the public that vaccines are “effective and safe.”

Capobianco denied that he was suggesting that people be forced to take a vaccine, nor was he asking for a ban on vaccine-skeptic content online. Instead, he said that governments and social media companies should focus on “sharing the right information as widely as possible.” He singled out tech companies as having the potential to be “agents of positive change.”

READ MORE: YouTube suspends & demonetizes Trump-friendly OAN network on vague basis of ‘misleading Covid cure claims’

Yet these companies have explicitly banned vaccine-skeptic content. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have all partnered up with governments to fight “the wave of false claims” surrounding the virus, with Facebook and YouTube both removing “misinformation” on the disease and vaccines.

Of course, any effort to limit the spread of vaccine “misinformation” runs the risk of backfiring spectacularly. YouTube and Facebook learned this first-hand back in May when they pulled conspiracy documentary ‘Plandemic’ from their platforms. The ban only increased interest in the film, and a book by its subject shot straight into third place on the New York Times’ bestsellers list.



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c41d82 No.154128

File: 56cd5ab6fe474f7⋯.png (2.58 MB,1918x921,1918:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869439 (021217ZDEC20) Notable: PF: A lot of executive jet activity in and out of Ramstein.

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No clue.

Just quiet out there.

A lot of executive jet activity in and out of Ramstein. (Fairly close to Luxemboutrg) two Lears coming in from Hamburg…

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c41d82 No.154129

File: df531d952398859⋯.jpeg (77.39 KB,750x465,50:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fcaad68bb230d51⋯.jpeg (221.76 KB,750x1044,125:174,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869443 (021220ZDEC20) Notable: Article(s) from November 2017 lines up with Q post 2. Mentions Soros funds. Also PA Governor Wolf, Pelosi, & Harris connection to Soros meeting.

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Another article about the same conference.


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c41d82 No.154130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869452 (021225ZDEC20) Notable: anon asks: any good lawsuits trying to pry open the rot in federal/state/local Heath Departments across the US?

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Any of you anon[s] that might have a good line on any good lawsuits trying to pry open the rot in federal/state/local Heath Departments across the US? THEY, have the deepest access into everyday people’s lives, and the greatest effect (deleterious) upon we the people. Their mentality is ever clearer to this anon (ruining people’s health, with a Here-for-your-Health Badge)… and i want to find any RW people trying to turn Their rocks.

Google, like every other internet search engine, can’t be trusted to even enter the search question. Any help would be welcome and appreciated.

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c41d82 No.154131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869458 (021229ZDEC20) Notable: On December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will align into a beautiful bright star. This will be the first time they align like this since the Middle Ages.

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Planets Will Align Causing Rare 'Christmas Star' to Appear in the Sky This December

On December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will align into a beautiful bright star. This will be the first time they align like this since the Middle Ages.

According to Forbes, the two planets will look like a "double planet" and provide an extraordinary amount of light. The last time these two planets aligned like this was on March 4, 1226, according to astronomer Patrick Hartigan at Rice University.


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c41d82 No.154132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869460 (021230ZDEC20) Notable: in closing argument for julian assange's extradition, prosecutors cast wikileaks as criminal enterprise

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A United States counterintelligence strategy document signed by President Donald Trump warned the “number of actors targeting the United States is growing.”

Lumped in with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and terrorist groups were “ideologically motivated entities, such as hacktivists, leaktivists, and public disclosure organizations” that U.S. intelligence agents view as “significant threats.”

In the closing argument for the extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Crown Prosecution Authority lawyers cast WikiLeaks as an ideologically motivated entity that was in the “business of encouraging individuals to hack into computers.”


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c41d82 No.154133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869475 (021234ZDEC20) Notable: old but may come into play: Rudolf Elmer was arrested in 2011 for giving Assange discs with offshore account details

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old but may come into play


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c41d82 No.154134

File: ef75c644fe28f3b⋯.jpeg (132.24 KB,658x793,658:793,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fb7809aa475fcab⋯.jpeg (166.19 KB,750x644,375:322,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869477 (021236ZDEC20) Notable: Ducey Soros connection

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Ducey Soros connection


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c41d82 No.154135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869480 (021238ZDEC20) Notable: anon asks: any good lawsuits trying to pry open the rot in federal/state/local Heath Departments across the US?

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>Heath Departments

good post and worth a discussion and awareness…

I have alot of personal experience with the health department in our State from a policy and regulatory standpoint…talk to them weekly in fact.

There is NO QUESTION that State Health Dept are ripe for corruption. Coreys Digs made her chops uncovering MASSIVE fraud associated with mental health in AR…

Would guess these are coming attractions…consider Health dept a great place to…

-id MK candidates

-id folks who are easy to compromise

-id families with kids who are vulnerable

-id families where kids can be bought or taken

Health is also where PHARMA ties in to most States…

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c41d82 No.154136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869487 (021241ZDEC20) Notable: The Culture of Life-We Must End The Barbaric Practice Of Murdering Children In The Womb

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The Culture of Life-We Must End The Barbaric Practice Of Murdering Children In The Womb

In a big victory for life, President Trump just announced he will sign an Executive order protecting babies who manage to survive abortions and ordering doctors to provide them with life-saving medical care.


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled that Planned Parenthood can be defunded by the states.


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c41d82 No.154137

File: 2539fe621599af3⋯.png (206.56 KB,769x851,769:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869504 (021247ZDEC20) Notable: (from 2012) The vaccine can pre-sensitize the immune system and cause a catastrophic immune response upon actual exposure. (Cytokine storm)

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The vaccine can pre-sensitize the immune system and cause a catastrophic immune response upon actual exposure. (Cytokine storm)

Found on plos.org


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c41d82 No.154138

File: d63521879c9c67c⋯.png (269.49 KB,1104x577,1104:577,Clipboard.png)

File: ef6be235cad36b4⋯.png (238.06 KB,1110x530,111:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b3f8ad8e23a6a6⋯.png (165.74 KB,1071x610,1071:610,Clipboard.png)

File: c2b57ea82361b70⋯.png (161.34 KB,1089x559,1089:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869506 (021247ZDEC20) Notable: Amber Mcreynolds > National Vote at Home Institute > League of Women Voters and Common Cause > Soros

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>Amber Mcreynolds

Runs institiute that partners with Soros ops of course

Amber Mcreynolds > National Vote at Home Institute > Leauge of Women Voters and Common Cause > Soros


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c41d82 No.154139

File: 0a67c0cdcb58dcf⋯.png (106.32 KB,1206x512,603:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869522 (021252ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump says that if Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, he will be forced to veto the bill.

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"JUST IN: President Trump says that if Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, he will be forced to veto the bill."


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c41d82 No.154140

File: 4be492515b56a12⋯.png (254.1 KB,1099x558,1099:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 32fc420925dc694⋯.png (352.57 KB,835x564,835:564,Clipboard.png)

File: 5db51473cad1613⋯.png (370.65 KB,857x568,857:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 429e8ddb64ac344⋯.png (276.52 KB,749x562,749:562,Clipboard.png)

File: 01221b11c851d02⋯.png (95.32 KB,560x317,560:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869531 (021255ZDEC20) Notable: On the board of the National Vote at Home Institute, Body of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's daughter recovered April 7, 2020

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nothing to see here

On the board of the National Vote at Home Institute

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson


Kathleen Kennedy Townsend,

Board Member

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is Director, Retirement Security at the Economic Policy Institute. She founded the Center for Retirement Security at Georgetown University where she is a Research Professor. She was Chair of the Task Force that created the Secure Choice legislation in Maryland and now serves on the Board of “ Maryland Saves”, implementing that legislation. She has served with distinction in both the private and public arenas. She was Maryland’s first woman Lt. Governor and served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the United States. Prior to serving at the Department of Justice, Ms. Townsend led the fight to make Maryland the first—and only—state to make service a high school graduation requirement.

Body of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's daughter recovered

Maryland authorities say they have recovered the body of the daughter of former Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend after she and her son went missing after a canoeing accident

By BRIAN WITTE Associated Press

April 7, 2020, 1:06 AM

• 3 min read


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c41d82 No.154141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869566 (021303ZDEC20) Notable: Audio clip from JFK.

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Audio clip from JFK.

Listen to it as he he describes the CIA back in the early 60's. Think of who now controls the dems, RINOS included.

These are the people we warned about(including the bankers) The people JFK tried to protect us from and died trying.

The same people Trump is fighting today.


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c41d82 No.154142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869577 (021305ZDEC20) Notable: GenFLynn: The brave & undaunted Dr. Linda Lee Tarver Testifies to What is Really Happening in Michigan & all across America

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'The brave & undaunted Dr. Linda Lee Tarver Testifies to What is Really Happening in Michigan & all across America

Flag of United States

#DigitalSoldiers make this go viral

Folded hands

Flag of United States'


2 min ago

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c41d82 No.154143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869581 (021306ZDEC20) Notable: If Biden is a national security risk he won't be allowed to assume office.

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If Biden is a national security risk he won't be allowed to assume office. If the military determines Biden and foreign actors conspired to steal an election, and exhibits proof, then POTUS remains in office. POTUS took an oath to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

In this scenario, the normal election procedure and transition has no meaning. Whatever is playing out in the civilian court is meaningless, other than to introduce normies to the information that will be part of the proof the military lays out.

Any governors or state officials certifying results are committing treason. They've been warned, but apparently have no other option than to double down on the hope that deep state somehow bails them out.

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c41d82 No.154144

File: b3b534bdb4b5e31⋯.png (16.89 KB,598x167,598:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869583 (021307ZDEC20) Notable: the video CM said to save

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here it is

the video CM said to save

took all night and numerous failed attempts at uploading but I finally got it

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c41d82 No.154145

File: b7fea8c0458a41d⋯.png (237.1 KB,671x500,671:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869584 (021307ZDEC20) Notable: McReynolds election chicanery and treason.

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>https:// amp.starcourier.com/amp/42893897

Getting out the vote

Dave Clarke The Star Courier | Star Courier | 12:00 am CDT October 28, 2020

"When she was here she basically took over my home office and was on calls, Zooms, or radio and TV from dawn to dusk," said her dad, Dana McReynolds. "The East coast people would be contacting her early and the West coast late. I don’t know how she does it. She’s pretty much in constant demand," said McReynolds.

In October alone she has been the subject of stories on voting on ABC News and, this week, in TIME magazine.

While in Kewanee she testified remotely on Aug. 4 before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Election Security, making it probably the first time anyone from Kewanee has testified live before Congress. Before testifying for the House Administration Committee hearing on voting safety on Aug. 28, McReynolds prefaced her opening statement with a congratulatory shout out to her father ,who had just been sworn in as Henry County Resident Judge in the 14th Judicial Circuit of Illinois.

All hearings were broadcast live on C-SPAN.

A 15-year veteran of working with elections, McReynolds started receiving a deluge of calls from officials, election experts and industry leaders around the country on March 7, her 41st birthday, wondering how they would administer presidential primaries and the general election under pandemic protocols.

By mid-March, McReynolds’ National Vote at Home Institute, had published the first-ever national mail voting proposal,which laid out, in detail, different paths that state election administrators could take to ensure that every voter could cast a ballot safely. On March 16, they sent it to election officials in all 50 states.

In sifting through the plethora of online stories about McReynolds, she says her goal is not to impose a one-size-fits-all model on every state, but to help reduce barriers and give voters the most options in this election cycle and beyond.

"When it comes to election policy and election administration, we must put voters first. We must focus on who votes, not who wins," McReynolds said. "Our entire election system and voting process was designed to leave people out — going back to the struggle for women’s suffrage or voting rights broadly. It was not designed for voters and thus, to change it is difficult."

>Calls started coming in March 7

>Week later she had a proposal

almost like it was planned

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c41d82 No.154146

File: 8790559f7fddfae⋯.png (151.87 KB,1086x565,1086:565,Clipboard.png)

File: 8620b97ba6a97e7⋯.png (219.11 KB,407x413,407:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869626 (021314ZDEC20) Notable: McReynolds: While in London, I worked as a research associate for the solicitor general under (Prime Minister) Tony Blair

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Worked for the solicitor general under (Prime Minister) Tony Blair

in Parliament

bitch has connections

Q: How did you get interested in the election/voting process?

A: I studied political science at University of Illinois, studied abroad and worked in parliament, completed my Masters of Science at the London School of Economics. While in London, I worked as a research associate for the solicitor general under (Prime Minister) Tony Blairand that job gave me a deep understanding of the policy side of things. I then worked for New Voters Project (A non-partisan effort to boost civic engagement on college campuses) in Iowa during the 2004 presidential election where I saw first hand the impact of confusing and outdated laws. Then I applied for an operations job at Denver Elections and started in 2005 and ran elections for 13 years and reformed the office, the organization, and then in 2013 was part of leading the largest election modernization in Colorado's history and also in the country at the time. That reform put Colorado at the top of the list in turnout and today it is one of the best states to vote in. During my tenure at Denver Elections, we also created various award-winning technical platforms including the first ever ballot tracking system called ballot trace. We won a slew of national and international awards for our work.

Q: In one article you mentioned the influence of your grandmothers — Lucille McReynolds and Eleanor McCracken — in your life as strong women. Your mother, Carol, also falls into that category. How have these women shaped you and helped you pursue and achieve your goals?

A: I admire my mom and my grandmothers greatly. They taught me about service, love, courage, kindness, passion, and community. I also had an incredible great aunt Elsa who was brilliant and loved politics. All were poll workers as often as they could serve. I remember by Grandma Eleanor walking (she didn’t drive) down to work at her polling place and we would go check on her. She usually had everyone laughing about something. She called me double ugly. And my Grandma Ada Lucille was this energetic fun-loving Force and everyone knew her and her kindness radiated wherever she went. None of these women ever gave up on any challenge. It was as if no challenge was too great. That’s why I admire all of them."

In a July 2019 interview posted on VoyageDenver, on online magazine which features inspiring stories about people in the Denver area, McReynolds credited her parents for pointing her in the right direction. "The love, encouragement, fun, commitment, and energy that my parents created in our home growing up was endearing. My parents demonstrated what it meant to be passionate about what you do and how to try and make the world a better place. My dad was a lawyer, public defender and now a judge and in public service. My mom was a teacher and loved children and improving all kids lives through education. I do not know two people who have worked harder in their lives — not just for work, but to support their families, to support their communities, to raise children, and take care of each other."

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c41d82 No.154147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869631 (021316ZDEC20) Notable: Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane?

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'''Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane?

Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane?

Americans have had it up to their ears with corrupt Deep State players in Washington DC.

Today we found out that AG Bill Barr stated, while apparently blindfolded in Biden’s basement, that he sees no fraud in the 2020 election that would overturn the election. He either is totally blind, totally incompetent or totally corrupt. Although we weren’t convinced until today, we now are leaning towards the latter. This comes at a pivotal time as more and more corruption in the election is being uncovered.


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c41d82 No.154148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869659 (021321ZDEC20) Notable: Committees Wednesday, December 2, 2020

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Committees Wednesday, December 2, 2020


House Judiciary


9:00 AM (EST) | Details

Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcommittee

Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Marshals Service


Senate Armed Services


9:15 AM (EST) | Details

Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee

Hearings to examine Navy and Marine Corps readiness.


Senate Environment and Public Works


9:45 AM (EST) | Details

Business meeting to consider S.4897, to reestablish United States global leadership in nuclear energy, revitalize domestic nuclear energy supply chain infrastructure, support the licensing of…



House Financial Services


10:00 AM (EST) | Details

Oversight of the Treasury Department’s and Federal Reserve’s Pandemic Response



House Veterans' Affairs


10:00 AM (EST) | Details

Business Meeting: To Approve the Committee Report: Hijacking our Heroes


Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation


10:00 AM (EST) | Details

Business meeting to consider the nominations of Gregory Autry, of California, to be Chief Financial Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Daniel Huff, of Massachusetts, to be an…

PN2098, PN2150, PN2239


House Veterans' Affairs


10:05 AM (EST) | Details

A Time for Change: Assessing the Need to Modernize Veteran Eligibility for Care


Senate Foreign Relations


11:00 AM (EST) | Details

Hearings to examine the nominations of C. Kevin Blackstone, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Cynthia Kierscht, of Minnesota, to be Ambassador to the Islamic…

PN1938, PN2024, PN2025, PN2030, PN2101


House Rules


1:00 PM (EST) | Details

H.R. 3884—Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019 [MORE Act of 2020]


House Foreign Affairs


2:00 PM (EST) | Details

Middle East, North Africa and International Terrorism Subcommittee

Advancing the Rights of Women and Girls in the Middle East: An Analysis of Current Trends and U.S. Policy


Senate Intelligence (Select)


2:00 PM (EST) | Details

To receive a closed briefing on certain intelligence matters.


Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


2:30 PM (EST) | Details

Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management Subcommittee

Hearings to examine state and local cybersecurity, focusing on defending our communities from cyber threats amid COVID-19.


Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry


2:30 PM (EST) | Details

Hearings to examine agricultural research and securing the United States food supply.


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c41d82 No.154149

File: df4b3d4a8bb7478⋯.png (34.24 KB,816x367,816:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869675 (021324ZDEC20) Notable: @dbongino: It’s Wednesday, December 2nd 2020, and TWITTER IS A HOT GARBAGE COMPANY THAT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST CONSERVATIVES.

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Dan Bongino



6:03 AM · Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154150

File: ff7a8ef5f8572e4⋯.png (67.42 KB,816x871,816:871,Clipboard.png)

File: fe13cb0638605f2⋯.png (834.19 KB,816x1029,272:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e7a215dbcd4766⋯.png (733.75 KB,1102x1821,1102:1821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869708 (021330ZDEC20) Notable: @DineshDSouza: Santa Rosa Conservatives: @Facebook ruled this post of mine "missing context" despite pic of @jrpsaki pink hammer/sickle hat 100% real.

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Dinesh D'Souza


Would you look at this…

The "independent fact checkers" working with @Facebook

have ruled this post of mine "missing context" despite the photo of @jrpsaki

wearing a pink hammer & sickle hat being 100% real.

This is now a strike on my page.

Who fact-checks the fact checkers?

Quote Tweet

USA TODAY Politics


· 16h

Fact check:

The claim: A photo shows Jen Psaki, Joe Biden's pick for press secretary, wearing a hammer and sickle hat while posing with officials from Russia.

Our ruling: Missing context



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c41d82 No.154151

File: 536ec39db1d7a0b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1020x984,85:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869715 (021333ZDEC20) Notable: @DineshDSouza: Santa Rosa Conservatives: @Facebook ruled this post of mine "missing context" despite pic of @jrpsaki pink hammer/sickle hat 100% real.

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Santa Rosa Conservatives




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c41d82 No.154152

File: e64cd39b3a864f9⋯.jpg (24.9 KB,500x317,500:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869732 (021336ZDEC20) Notable: Janet Reed of Indiana arrested for delivering 400 ballots w/Democratic candidate pre-marked.

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Janet Reed of Indiana arrested for delivering 400 ballots w/Democratic candidate pre-marked. Interesting to note that u will not see her on any MSM FakeNews report


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c41d82 No.154153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869758 (021341ZDEC20) Notable: Sentence issued Tuesday to former Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen is first of three he’ll face for arranging adoptions illegally.

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Ex-Arizona Politician Gets 6 Years In Adoption Scheme

A former Arizona politician who admitted running an illegal adoption scheme in three states involving women from the Marshall Islands was sentenced in Arkansas to six years in federal prison.

The sentence issued Tuesday to former Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen is the first of three punishments he’ll face for arranging adoptions prohibited by an international compact. Authorities say Petersen illegally paid women from the Pacific Ocean nation to come to the United States and give up their babies in at least 70 adoptions cases in Arizona, Utah and Arkansas.


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c41d82 No.154154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869765 (021343ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 18337DC4_0129_4BF3_A776_90A941B7AD24.jpeg

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>>153991 PF JENA622 DOJ had a rt from Manassas, W.VA Regional Airport to Grensboro-Piedmont Triad Airport earlier today-this is the return leg.

See this also, Toronto isn’t that where Dominon offices are? Barr’s plan?

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c41d82 No.154155

File: 51b4ae1ddd8489c⋯.mp4 (801.42 KB,642x360,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869789 (021347ZDEC20) Notable: Potus +++ comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potus +++ comms


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869791 (021347ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Pepe1stRecon.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Planefag here.

So, when I was chasing DOJ JENAs a year and a half ago, I was chasing them TOO EARLY IN THE FUCKING GAME.

Eyes to the skies, anons!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154157

File: 72c3380d6baf9aa⋯.png (423.07 KB,599x707,599:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869800 (021348ZDEC20) Notable: #K2 WATCH: @CBS_Herridge recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#K2 WATCH: Hundreds of service members came forward after a


investigation revealed new evidence of toxic material at a remote base used after 9/11.


recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869828 (021352ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Back then, Q hinted at planefag to watch DOJ flights.

At the time, I was tracking SAM and SPAR flights in and out of Little Rock, then the two Big planes flew into Little Rock. Caused lots of chatter, but I did my diligence and started chasing US Marshals/DOJ/FBI planes...most of the time I was watching prisoner transports. Currently, I do believe Barr is hot on a trail.He's a "I gotta see it for myself" type of guy. He's busy, and I do think it is plausible. He just gave Durham declass power, subpoena power...

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c41d82 No.154159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869859 (021356ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ

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Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County… (DOJ Jet Flew Into Fulton Yesterday)


Related to my post

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c41d82 No.154160

File: 312cba90f1d7ca1⋯.png (3.43 KB,515x46,515:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869899 (021401ZDEC20) Notable: *God Tier Meme Attached please wield this power with a degree of caution. to be used on all the democrats and msm twitter accounts, for all their news stories.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons i have created the most dankest meme to be used on all the democrats and msm twitter accounts, for all their news stories.

please wield this power with a degree of caution

*God Tier Meme Attached

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c41d82 No.154161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869948 (021409ZDEC20) Notable: PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154162

File: 63118f40cec69ba⋯.png (562.4 KB,588x805,84:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c6616e3c36b760⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869953 (021410ZDEC20) Notable: US ARMY: “I think it's going to save #Soldiers lives…I think it's going to make them more lethal on a battlefield."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“I think it's going to save #Soldiers lives…I think it's going to make them more lethal on a battlefield."

The effort to find the best tech has brought together both traditional & nontraditional contractors throughout industry.

#Adapt2Win #ArmyTeam


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c41d82 No.154163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869974 (021413ZDEC20) Notable: good satire or weak treason, discernment test

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Hi friends. I'm your friend Tom, the BO from MR. You like having friends don't you? You can never have enough friends. Come join all your other friends over at our place. You don't want to be the last one stuck here do you? That would be shameful. You wouldn't want everyone laughing at you would you? So, what are you still doing here? Get your butts on over to MR and be with all your friends.

I love you - see you there.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154164

File: 6dbc22c390279c7⋯.jpeg (569.49 KB,1241x2024,1241:2024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11869992 (021416ZDEC20) Notable: CM: Is UPS allowed to transport ballots? Are ballots allowed to be transported over state lines? (from last night)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

.@IvanPentchoukov found proof of a UPS truck transporting absentee ballots between Florida and Georgia.

Is UPS allowed to transport ballots? Are ballots allowed to be transported over state lines?

Watch video


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c41d82 No.154165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870023 (021419ZDEC20) Notable: good satire or weak treason, discernment test

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Glad you asked, friend!

It's where Q will drop if enough of you friends ditch this place and join us here:


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c41d82 No.154166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870048 (021422ZDEC20) Notable: #15151

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>154121 U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Hard at work!

>>154122 2 year delta of 305th MP Co. to Gitmo

>>154123 If you really want to know, the DOJ has been investigating the DNC and all 50 States for Elections and Voter Fraud ever since 2018.

>>154125 Moderna CEO : Coronavirus vaccine could be distributed After 24 hours of approval, Maria reacts.

>>154126 Washington State county approves $12B budget for restitution program

>>154127 It’s not censorship, it’s ‘positive change’: Red Cross chief says social media should promote ‘the right information’ on vaccines

>>154128 PF: A lot of executive jet activity in and out of Ramstein.

>>154124, >>154129 Article(s) from November 2017 lines up with Q post 2. Mentions Soros funds. Also PA Governor Wolf, Pelosi, & Harris connection to Soros meeting.

>>154130, >>154135 anon asks: any good lawsuits trying to pry open the rot in federal/state/local Heath Departments across the US? Health is also where PHARMA ties in to most States…

>>154131 On December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will align into a beautiful bright star. This will be the first time they align like this since the Middle Ages.

>>154132 in closing argument for julian assange's extradition, prosecutors cast wikileaks as criminal enterprise

>>154133 old but may come into play: Rudolf Elmer was arrested in 2011 for giving Assange discs with offshore account details

>>154134 Ducey Soros connection

>>154136 The Culture of Life-We Must End The Barbaric Practice Of Murdering Children In The Womb

>>154137 (from 2012) The vaccine can pre-sensitize the immune system and cause a catastrophic immune response upon actual exposure. (Cytokine storm)

>>154138 Amber Mcreynolds > National Vote at Home Institute > League of Women Voters and Common Cause > Soros

>>154139 President Trump says that if Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, he will be forced to veto the bill.

>>154140 On the board of the National Vote at Home Institute, Body of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's daughter recovered April 7, 2020

>>154141 Audio clip from JFK.

>>154142 GenFLynn: The brave & undaunted Dr. Linda Lee Tarver Testifies to What is Really Happening in Michigan & all across America

>>154143 If Biden is a national security risk he won't be allowed to assume office. If the military determines Biden and foreign actors conspired to steal an election, and exhibits proof, then POTUS remains in office. POTUS took an oath to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

>>154144 the video CM said to save

>>154145 McReynolds election chicanery and treason.

>>154146 McReynolds: While in London, I worked as a research associate for the solicitor general under (Prime Minister) Tony Blair

>>154147 Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane?

>>154148 Committees Wednesday, December 2, 2020


>>154150 Who fact-checks the fact checkers?

>>154151, >>154150 @DineshDSouza: Santa Rosa Conservatives: The "independent fact checkers" working with @Facebook have ruled this post of mine "missing context" despite the photo of @jrpsaki wearing a pink hammer & sickle hat being 100% real.

>>154152 Janet Reed of Indiana arrested for delivering 400 ballots w/Democratic candidate pre-marked.

>>154153 The sentence issued Tuesday to former Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen is the first of three punishments he’ll face for arranging adoptions prohibited by an international compact.

>>154155 Potus +++ comms

>>154157 #K2 WATCH: @CBS_Herridge recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years

>>154158, >>154156, >>154154, >>154159, >>154161 PF opines: Barr is hot on a trail; >>153991 (pb) PF JENA622 DOJ

>>154160 *God Tier Meme Attached please wield this power with a degree of caution. to be used on all the democrats and msm twitter accounts, for all their news stories.

>>154162 US ARMY: “I think it's going to save #Soldiers lives…I think it's going to make them more lethal on a battlefield."

>>154164 CM: Is UPS allowed to transport ballots? Are ballots allowed to be transported over state lines? (from last night)

>>154165, >>154163 good satire or weak treason, discernment test


if it fits

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c41d82 No.154167

File: ec16b6482f844b6⋯.png (2.27 MB,1328x984,166:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870159 (021433ZDEC20) Notable: Upstate NY congressional race in doubt after 55 uncounted ballots found

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Upstate NY congressional race in doubt after 55 uncounted ballots found

A newly discovered batch of 55 uncounted ballots in a rural upstate New York county has the potential to alter the outcome of a yet-to-be-called congressional race.

The ballots from Chenango County were cast during the state’s early voting period within the 22nd Congressional District — home to the ultra-tight race between Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi and his Republican opponent, Claudia Tenney.

As of Monday — which was supposed to have been the final day for election officials to report vote totals in the district — Tenney led the freshman Democrat by a razor-thin 12-vote margin.

Chenango County Attorney Alan Gordon informed Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte of the findings on Tuesday.

“Those ballots were apparently mislaid and never counted,” Gordon wrote.

“I have advised our Board of Elections to not open any of those ballots and to secure them in their offices,” he said.

Of the 55 ballots, 11 appear to be from unregistered voters.

The remaining 44 could reverse Tenney’s lead, but DelConte must still rule on over 2,000 other disputed absentee and affidavit ballots in the race.

The Brindisi-Tenney contest has been a seesawing affair, with the Republican jumping to a nearly 29,000-vote lead on election night — only to see that lead disappear as mail-in ballots were counted.

Then last week, Brindisi appeared to grab a double-digit lead, but his small advantage was wiped out over the weekend after two counties said they had made tabulation errors.


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c41d82 No.154168

File: 88c33771edf45bd⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870166 (021434ZDEC20) Notable: Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice in the election

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Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice in the election


Also check the stockmarket numbers after a few secs in the vid.

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c41d82 No.154169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870179 (021437ZDEC20) Notable: Robert Mueller does rare interview in 'Oath' podcast

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Robert Mueller does rare interview in 'Oath' podcast

Chuck Rosenberg makes no secret of his admiration for Robert Mueller.

Keep that in mind, along with the format of Rosenberg's podcast “The Oath,” now that NBC announced that the former special counsel who looked into Russian interference in the 2016 election has given an extensive interview that debuts Wednesday.

Mueller, the ex-FBI director, rarely speaks publicly and has been virtually silent about his special counsel experience since testifying before Congress in July 2019.

In two separate podcast episodes, each nearly an hour, Mueller doesn't talk about his work as special counsel. He isn't even asked.

“There are some questions that you simply don't have to ask,” said Rosenberg, who worked for Mueller as an FBI counsel. “I knew he wouldn't talk about it and I had really no intention of asking about it.”

He took Mueller at his word that he wouldn't talk about his work as counsel after his testimony. Mueller made an exception in September, pushing back after one of his former prosecutors suggested in a book that the counsel's team wasn't aggressive enough.

Rosenberg's stance is consistent with the format of “The Oath,” in which present and former government officials who have taken an oath to protect the Constitution are interviewed about their lives and careers, while steering clear of current events and political controversies.

Rosenberg, also a former federal prosecutor, has taken the oath nine times. He's been an analyst and podcast host for NBC News since quitting as acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2017, after President Donald Trump suggested to law enforcement officers that they “don't be too nice” to suspects in custody.

Even in an era of suspicion about the “deep state,” or perhaps because of it, there has clearly been a public taste for “The Oath.” The Mueller interview leads its fourth season.

The show has been in the Top 200 of the Apple Podcasts charts for more than a year, said Andy Bowers, co-founder of the podcast hosting company Megaphone.

Rosenberg's extensive experience helps with access, so his guest list is consistently interesting, said Benjamin Wittes, editor in chief of the Lawfare blog. He's also unapologetically earnest, as are many of his guests, at a time of cynicism.

“That's the winning formula on ‘The Oath,’ a serious person talking to serious people about public service at a time when people really want to remember what public service is supposed to be," Wittes said.

The Mueller interview is a bookend to Rosenberg's two-parter with Mueller's successor as FBI director, James Comey, in the podcast's first season.

The voluble Comey is a contrast to Mueller, who's quite comfortable with short answers. “I did OK,” Mueller said when Rosenberg was trying to draw him out about commendations he received during training with the Marines.

Did you like law school? “Not particularly,” Mueller said.

“Jim is a natural storyteller, so in some ways it is easier (to interview him),” Rosenberg said. “Bob also has a lot of stories to tell, you just have to let him tell them in his own way. I found that compelling — two very different styles, as our listeners will notice, but I think two men of substance.”

Although there was talk after his congressional testimony that Mueller, now 76, had lost some sharpness with age, Rosenberg said “he seemed fine to me.”


This story has been corrected to note that the podcast is debuting on Wednesday.

Full post


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c41d82 No.154170

File: 84c01a81f332c3a⋯.png (967.26 KB,816x918,8:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3591e308f782f8d⋯.png (1.44 MB,2543x1351,2543:1351,Clipboard.png)

File: eafa45c2ec0d9b3⋯.png (61.47 KB,1995x819,95:39,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c3932a48036f69⋯.png (32.66 KB,1995x609,95:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870183 (021437ZDEC20) Notable: The 2020 White House Advent Calendar is LIVE

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Could there be clues??


The White House


US government account

The 2020 White House Advent Calendar is LIVE!

Christmas tree

Visit http://wh.gov/adventcalendar each day for a new fact about Christmas celebrations past and present!


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c41d82 No.154171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870212 (021440ZDEC20) Notable: Is UPS allowed to transport ballots?

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>>154164 (You) CM: Is UPS allowed to transport ballots? Are ballots allowed to be transported over state lines? (from last night)

She also told the panel, called the FBI on Nov 5th with everything she saw in Wayne county, she talked to a woman there for about 45 minutes, we got cut off, but she had all my info and contact and I never got a call back from the FBI

One of the members asked her, “where’s the DOJ in all of this?”, she said, “that will all be coming out next week, it ALL will be coming out”

If 85% of DOJ donated to Biden, there’s a reason why Barr got wrong info, and said what he said. A friend pointed out yesterday which was important : The DOJ nor the FBI are to disclose any info on an ongoing investigation, they always say they can neither confirm or deny an investigation

More video clips at this link


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c41d82 No.154172

File: eceedf612df3360⋯.jpg (71.9 KB,720x967,720:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78c7f99195f75ba⋯.jpg (276.62 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 313e189476a9215⋯.jpg (297.56 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dae0650c802e4e2⋯.jpg (321.04 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 93a789751c9a2ca⋯.jpg (190.49 KB,720x1050,24:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870220 (021441ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion certification in PA had strict requirements. PA had requirements for counties using Dominion

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Anons Dominion certification in PA had strict requirements. PA had requirements for counties using Dominion too, including access to source code

Think some of these requirements were met?

Kathy Boockvar signed Jan. 17 2019

Sauce: https://www.dos.pa.gov/VotingElections/Documents/Voting%20Systems/Dominion%20Democracy%20Suite%205.5-A/Dominion%20Democracy%20Suite%20Final%20Report%20scanned%20with%20signature%20020119.pdf

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870231 (021441ZDEC20) Notable: New Veritas Video

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Having some Veritas can be refreshing.


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c41d82 No.154174

File: 227f976c76de968⋯.jpg (10.65 KB,255x169,255:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b432d9925803724⋯.jpg (12.59 KB,199x255,199:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6a485909f07352⋯.png (793.85 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

File: 125221b03dfce40⋯.jpg (188.96 KB,1606x1197,1606:1197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a77e67eb8f8c4b⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x975,256:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870234 (021442ZDEC20) Notable: IWO Memes for QResearch

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154175

File: d96d2b101b69c0f⋯.png (661.4 KB,1149x784,1149:784,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f58bf078666705⋯.png (111.12 KB,1539x895,1539:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870268 (021445ZDEC20) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

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Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

December 02, 2020 | Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 243 pages of records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Obama administration’s scanning the election systems of Georgia, Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia in 2016. This activity prompted a letter from then-Georgia Secretary of State (now Governor) Brian Kemp to then-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson accusing DHS of, “an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall.”

The records were produced in response to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which asked for all records related to reported cyberattacks against the Georgia secretary of state’s information network involving DHS, including investigative reports, memoranda, correspondence and communications between October 1, 2016, and February 14, 2017.

The minutes of a DHS “Enterprise Security Operations Center” (ESOC) meeting indicate that on November 15, 2016, at 8:43 a.m. a “scanning event” occurred. The “‘scanning’ event was the result of a FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center] user’s Microsoft Office Discovery Protocol sending a packet with the OPTIONS flag to the Secretary of State of Georgia site.”

The minutes notes that the Enterprise Security Operations Center “has received requests from NCCIC [DHS’s The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center] and MS-ISAC [Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center] to investigate other states that have seen ‘suspicious’ activity.”

The minutes note that Kemp accused DHS of conducting illicit scans on at least February 2, February 28 and May 23, 2016, as well.

DHS notes in the minutes that they were working with Microsoft to determine what happened: “Microsoft and the ESOC with the assistance of FLETC, were able to confirm that the user non-maliciously copied and pasted elements of the website to an excel document, which triggered the HTTP ‘OPTIONS’ request.”

A “Microsoft E-Mail Statement (Unofficial Statement to ESOC)” was included with the minutes. The email stated, “After looking at the data I do not see requests that look malicious in nature or appear to be attempting to exploit a vulnerability.”

A chart of “Current Open Vulnerabilities” for the period November 30, 2016, through December 12, 2016, noted that DHS had identified a total of 1,227 cyber vulnerabilities within DHS components, including five “High” severity ones at FEMA.






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c41d82 No.154176

File: 83f40454b300de6⋯.jpeg (328.42 KB,1157x1453,1157:1453,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9d2a690919514c1⋯.jpeg (306.54 KB,1241x1424,1241:1424,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870277 (021446ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan IT whistleblower said for the entire 27 hours she was there, she never saw one, NOT ONE vote counted for Trump

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>>154171. Correct post number

Oops linked to wrong post, I posted this late last thread


Michigan IT whistleblower said for the entire 27 hours she was there, she never saw one, NOT ONE vote counted for Trump, only Biden

And the Board of Elections is in on it with at 90%+ poll workers were in on it!

Watch the video, more videos at the link below


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c41d82 No.154177

File: 8bb49b9fa5ba474⋯.png (47.5 KB,593x393,593:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870354 (021454ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet - Section 230... is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity

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Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech” (the only companies in America that have it - corporate welfare!), is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity. Our Country can never be safe & secure if we allow it to stand…..

9:45 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

…..Therefore, if the very dangerous & unfair Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to unequivocally VETO the Bill when sent to the very beautiful Resolute desk. Take back America NOW. Thank you!

9:45 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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c41d82 No.154178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870362 (021455ZDEC20) Notable: Bannon’s War Room Pandemic - LIVE Wednesday 10 AM EST

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Bannon’s War Room Pandemic - LIVE Wednesday 10 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154179

File: 73484390f7648d4⋯.png (120.17 KB,1035x552,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870372 (021455ZDEC20) Notable: Anon finds pedo/satanic symbols in Gwinnet County GA splash screen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Damn anons. WTF is happening in Gwinnett County, Georgia? Look at the symbols. We have a 666 logo very similar to Google and we also have a triangle pedo logo.


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c41d82 No.154180

File: c1f3781f2c09945⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

File: af0deb4efa702ab⋯.png (313.87 KB,591x760,591:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870426 (021501ZDEC20) Notable: New Dan Scavino tweet - Hey Bulldog! (corn chex?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Dan

WW antlers?


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c41d82 No.154181

File: 89eae81bed6166e⋯.png (435.07 KB,589x719,589:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870456 (021503ZDEC20) Notable: New Dan Scavino tweet - Hey Bulldog! (corn chex?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Dan Scavino Tweet

Dog comms?

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c41d82 No.154182

File: 7a70befaf15098c⋯.jpg (108.46 KB,843x275,843:275,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8617261c3e9602d⋯.jpg (405.42 KB,849x942,283:314,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870465 (021504ZDEC20) Notable: Criminal organizations set to target Covid-19 vaccines, Interpol warns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Criminal organizations set to target Covid-19 vaccines, Interpol warns

2 Dec, 2020 11:38

Interpol has warned that criminals are planning to “infiltrate or disrupt supply chains” and target members of the public with fake vaccine scams as the world looks to immunize against Covid.

On Wednesday, Interpol issued a global alert to its 194 member countries outlining potential criminal activity related to upcoming, large-scale Covid vaccination programs.

The international policing body highlighted a number of threats posed by criminal activity, including the advertisement, sale and use of fake vaccines.

“Criminal networks will also be targeting unsuspecting members of the public via fake websites and false cures, which could pose a significant risk to their health, even their lives,” said Interpol Secretary General Jurgen Stock.

Interpol also warned governments, pharmaceutical firms and logistics organizations to be aware of attempts by criminals to infiltrate Covid vaccine supply chains.


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c41d82 No.154183

File: fb1e696e5c7502f⋯.png (66.83 KB,747x604,747:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870510 (021507ZDEC20) Notable: UK approves Pfizer China Virus vaccine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>Guinea Pigs

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c41d82 No.154184

File: 15e061202adf959⋯.png (250.6 KB,511x545,511:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870553 (021510ZDEC20) Notable: New Dan Scavino tweet - Hey Bulldog! (corn chex?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ok. Dog comms. Popcorn. Ugly Christmas (sweater)

Feels good, man.

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c41d82 No.154185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870574 (021512ZDEC20) Notable: Updated number of judges confirmed courtesy of @realDonaldTrump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Updated number of judges confirmed courtesy of @realDonaldTrump and @SenateGOP:

3 Supreme Court Justices.

53 Circuit Court Judges.

172 District/Trade Court Judges.

228 Total Article III Judges!'


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c41d82 No.154186

File: ad6800c9d0e0b8c⋯.png (52.87 KB,297x405,11:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870609 (021514ZDEC20) Notable: https://www.c-span.org/ schedule

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870613 (021515ZDEC20) Notable: DIG MEME PRAY Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Many people assume that technology is in some way artificial. It is as natural as a bird’s nest, and every individual and each species and nation has a unique developmental course. As with a seed, the full life of individuals, species and nations is inherent, contained in their beginnings.

A billion networked autonomous biological computational devices form an evolutionary inflection point: when the quality and speed of the connection between the nodes is optimized, it is no longer a network – it is an ‘’’evolved, parallel computational organism’’’ of unimaginable power.

If the data circulating among autonomous biological processors, chiefly news and entertainment, is error corrected at successive stages, as is done with other biological networks like our blood stream, and in silicon-based networks and computation; the performance of networked individuals and of the civilization in which they participate must be enhanced by orders of magnitude.

Human beings have two identities, the smaller, individual identity is personal, comprised of our life history, our thoughts and our sensory perceptual experience. The second, much greater identity, is collective. We all participate in this greater common identity because we participate in civilization. No single individual can create anything of value. Every work of imagination, every invention, scientific discovery or artistic innovation draws on the work of other human beings.

The words, numbers and images we share they are common property; they make of us what we are.

Everyone contributes to civilization and all are free to withdraw from the transgenerational repository of mankind’s accumulated knowledge. Or that’s the idea. The achievement of each benefits all without any Marxist management at all.


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c41d82 No.154188

File: 8a49c683aca3aae⋯.png (243.07 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870634 (021516ZDEC20) Notable: Twas' the night before declass - anon classic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘‘Twas the night before declas

And all through the Chan

All the Shills had been fagging

To Mistrust the plan

The kekistan flag hung

Over my monitor with care

In the hopes that a Qpost

Soon would appear

The Anons were comfy

And feasting on crumbs

While E-bot was posting

Pics of boobies and bums

With Ma in her blanket

And I in MAGA cap

Were suffering from withdrawal

After 10 days of dark

When all in the bread there arose

Such a clatter

I moved one of my right fingers

To see what was the matter

I Closed 40 windows

of research and Porn

cranked up magic sword

And joined the storm

Concernfags, Kike’s,

spammers and shills

I filtered them all

And took another red pill

When what to my bloodshot eyes

should appear

But another Q post saying

indictments are near!

Then the bread came alive

and turned to shit quick

With poorly made memes

That all said “Muh Dick”

Then with precision deltas

The Q posts they came

The clock had aligned

And they began to name names

On Hussein On LL

On JC On NoName

On Podesta On Huma

We’ll see you in Gitmo! Anons say Oo’rah!

Then Q made the call

And the dark turned to light

So the anons assembled

For the Patriots Fight!

With Memes at the ready

And the Notables Baked

The booms began booming

And we sealed their fate!

To Potus and Q

Thanks for all that you do

Anons are united

And we will see this through

So the movie plays on

As the house of cards fall

True Patriots know


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c41d82 No.154189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870680 (021520ZDEC20) Notable: Live: Powell and Mnuchin testify before House Committee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live: Powell and Mnuchin testify before House Committee


holy shit get in here

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c41d82 No.154190

File: 9a9b174a5f2bbf6⋯.png (1.87 MB,2417x1641,2417:1641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870751 (021526ZDEC20) Notable: November 2020 in review Calendar

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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c41d82 No.154191

File: cc3f145a76ca528⋯.png (102.09 KB,1026x526,513:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870753 (021526ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet - Big voter fraud hearings today in the Great State of Michigan. Watch today!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Big voter fraud hearings today in the Great State of Michigan. This election is a far bigger scandal (FRAUD!) than anyone would have thought - not even close. Watch today!

10:19 AM · Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154192

File: cda562ee9a2b3af⋯.jpg (626.22 KB,1800x1355,360:271,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870784 (021529ZDEC20) Notable: New Ben Garrison - Barr 'I don't see any fraud'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

kek new garrison


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c41d82 No.154193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870798 (021531ZDEC20) Notable: #15152

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11870133 Dough

#15152 FINAL Notables

>>154167 Upstate NY congressional race in doubt after 55 uncounted ballots found

>>154168 Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice in the election

>>154169 Robert Mueller does rare interview in 'Oath' podcast

>>154170 The 2020 White House Advent Calendar is LIVE

>>154174 IWO Memes for QResearch

>>154171 Is UPS allowed to transport ballots?

>>154172 Dominion certification in PA had strict requirements. PA had requirements for counties using Dominion

>>154173 New Veritas Video

>>154175 Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

>>154176 Michigan IT whistleblower said for the entire 27 hours she was there, she never saw one, NOT ONE vote counted for Trump

>>154177 President Trump tweet - Section 230… is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity

>>154178 Bannon’s War Room Pandemic - LIVE Wednesday 10 AM EST

>>154179 Anon finds pedo/satanic symbols in Gwinnet County GA splash screen

>>154180 , >>154181 , >>154184 New Dan Scavino tweet - Hey Bulldog! (corn chex?)

>>154182 Criminal organizations set to target Covid-19 vaccines, Interpol warns

>>154183 UK approves Pfizer China Virus vaccine

>>154185 Updated number of judges confirmed courtesy of @realDonaldTrump

>>154186 https://www.c-span.org/ schedule

>>154187 DIG MEME PRAY Video

>>154189 Live: Powell and Mnuchin testify before House Committee

>>154188 Twas' the night before declass - anon classic

>>154190 November 2020 in review Calendar

>>154191 President Trump tweet - Big voter fraud hearings today in the Great State of Michigan. Watch today!

>>154192 New Ben Garrison - Barr 'I don't see any fraud'


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c41d82 No.154194

File: e51bc096c86b87e⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,2048x1148,512:287,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870910 (021546ZDEC20) Notable: Video Cap from POTUS - choicely ends with the marquee reading: "A storm warning is in effect…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The vid on POTUS twat choicely ends with the marquee reading: "A storm warning is in effect…"

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c41d82 No.154195

File: 7950c3420d373d1⋯.png (1.3 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 613ee4682314205⋯.png (1.23 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: a3992b40edfd2f5⋯.png (1.43 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: fc19f1687d42cb8⋯.png (1.92 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eb586996cda935⋯.png (3.39 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870921 (021548ZDEC20) Notable: Were you aware that KNOWink, LLC a foreign corporation in MO, was only incorporated in July 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Were you aware that KNOWink, LLC a foreign corporation in MO, was only incorporated in July 2019? See Secretary of State docs, oh and new registered agent goes back to Roswell GA

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c41d82 No.154196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870930 (021549ZDEC20) Notable: The Gym, Newry.. N. Ireland - Defying lockdown orders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Gym, Newry.. N. Ireland

Defying lockdown orders.


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c41d82 No.154197

File: 9f26b300441c8aa⋯.jpg (198.76 KB,720x1192,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870938 (021550ZDEC20) Notable: STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA –LIVE STREAM RSBN VIDEO HERE @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 @RSBNetwork via @gatewaypundit

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c41d82 No.154198

File: 7dc98aef59f8ed0⋯.jpg (300.42 KB,1076x1761,1076:1761,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f97fe5d63518507⋯.jpg (408.39 KB,1080x1440,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870940 (021550ZDEC20) Notable: Anon digs on new Scavino tweet / Q Post connection

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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c41d82 No.154199

File: 7f6b2a17ee7ffb6⋯.png (938.19 KB,1998x1740,333:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870954 (021552ZDEC20) Notable: There is only Q and QResearch that anons use to research on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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c41d82 No.154200

File: 40c5fc7f4076ac3⋯.jpg (135.04 KB,599x398,599:398,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870956 (021552ZDEC20) Notable: Shout out to Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach - We see you! o7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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c41d82 No.154201

File: 7ef8cf22b1856f1⋯.jpeg (104.03 KB,826x1139,826:1139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870969 (021554ZDEC20) Notable: UK - Bibles and Newspapers would be BANNED under the new Hate Speech Law

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Coming soon to the US


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c41d82 No.154202

File: 518089def93c9c8⋯.png (287.74 KB,349x786,349:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 54c5211c10d7c28⋯.png (104.11 KB,1026x526,513:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11870981 (021555ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS tweet - Big voter fraud hearings in Michigan - Watch today!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>watch today

1 year delta

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c41d82 No.154203

File: 3b12b23b4269d6b⋯.png (391.74 KB,298x601,298:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871001 (021558ZDEC20) Notable: The iconic Gold Star Families tree is one of the first trees to greet @WhiteHouse visitors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The iconic Gold Star Families tree is one of the first trees to greet @WhiteHouse

visitors. Located in the East Landing, this tree serves as a humble reminder of the great sacrifices that have been made so we may all continue to enjoy our freedoms. #WHChristmas


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c41d82 No.154204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871002 (021558ZDEC20) Notable: WestExec Advisors tied to China / Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden's election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants. An archived version of the WestExec site states that "U.S. research universities" were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to "remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs." The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

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c41d82 No.154205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871018 (021600ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


fucking always now with the self appointed niggeriah globals used as a war tactic to gas your opponent

i dont side with the OGs and their old school banner but i don't appreciate your use of the global notables to stick it to them

that was a major play of yours divisionfagging with long term bakers

made me lose all respect for your side and this current board state

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c41d82 No.154206

File: 9b8a2f79933b1cc⋯.png (1.85 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871025 (021601ZDEC20) Notable: Ballots from Mexico, uh oh, Mexican President won’t congratulate Biden yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ballots from Mexico, uh oh, Mexican President won’t congratulate Biden yet


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c41d82 No.154207

File: 7d3c15bc4931d6b⋯.jpeg (334.8 KB,1088x725,1088:725,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5bcbcc09b01cdab⋯.jpeg (127.86 KB,824x615,824:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8ce57860a99796b⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,1200x793,1200:793,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871041 (021603ZDEC20) Notable: Gwinnett County right above Atlanta. 40% of the total number of absentee ballots in Georgia came from here alone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>154179 (pb)

Gwinnett County right above Atlanta.

40% of the total number of absentee ballots in Georgia came from here alone.

High Covid numbers as well.

Very early dig rn.

I have a feeling they are focusing on georgia first for more of a specific reason than election fraud.

How many at youth kids are in Georgia especially around Atlanta?

The deep state stronghold of the south?..?

Where would it be?

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c41d82 No.154208

File: 65fc2c0043c6b62⋯.png (39.79 KB,725x492,725:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 50c1c67d37b4828⋯.png (14.03 KB,231x37,231:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871055 (021605ZDEC20) Notable: Micro$oft's new Edge browser blocks Kraken-wood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Micro$oft's new Edge browser blocks Kraken-wood

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c41d82 No.154209

File: 34be501aa3504dc⋯.png (229.51 KB,576x414,32:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 162103a4e53cfcb⋯.png (23.04 KB,577x477,577:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 909fece27dbd419⋯.jpg (54.25 KB,576x432,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 81de964f898871b⋯.png (1011.39 KB,900x451,900:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871108 (021610ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig - America's Darkest Secret: The Exchange Stabilization Fund

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


America's Darkest Secret: The Exchange Stabilization Fund

Who would like to know where $21 trillion of US taxpayer dollars disappeared to between 1995 - 2015? Earmarked for the DOD and HUD this money disappeared down a black hole of criminal corruption that has funded some of the most profound criminal activity in the last 100 years, if not all of history. Most everyone in the truth movement knows that the Kennedy assassination was an inside job- but where did the funding for such a massive undertaking come from? The answer to this riddle and much more lies within one of America's best kept secrets… the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

The ESF has been behind every major US fraud/scandal since 1934, according to researcher Eric de Charbonnel of MarketSkeptic.com (see link). These include the London Gold Pool (that eventually led Nixon to taking us off the gold standard), the Kennedy assassinations (both), Iran/Contra, CIA drug trafficking (and likely human trafficking), HIV/AIDS and more.

The ESF was established as a part of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 as a part of the Treasury Department. Conducted through the NY Federal Reserve Bank, its stated purpose is to stabilize the dollar and keep it that way. In 1934, $2 billion was transferred to the Treasury with absolutely no Congressional oversight effectively establishing a slush fund. Since then it has controlled both domestic and international finance.

We all like to blame the Fed for the fiat currency crisis as well as any other fiscal and monetary problems, but as we shall see it is in fact the Treasury through the ESF that controls the economy… the Gold Reserve Act in effect denuded the Fed of most of its power. Since its inception the ESF has consistently debased the value of the US dollar that it was created to protect.

Since WWII the ESF has been a "secret weapon" for funding black ops of every sort. During the war, OSS (the precursor to the CIA) used it for covert financial operations to "keep Nazis out of Mexico and Central America." They are able to accomplish this because the Secretary of the Treasury is under no obligation to obey the laws of the US thus the ESF has been funding black ops around the world for over 80 years.

It was the ESF that was behind the Bretton Woods agreement establishing the IMF and World Bank. Under Harry White, a Treasury Dept. employee and member of the OSS Committee the ESF began using taxpayer dollars to interfere in foreign elections and later laundering money from CIA drug ops, all through the NY Fed. White also became the first president of the IMF.



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c41d82 No.154210

File: b9e418f5f6bf005⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,3000x2434,1500:1217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871122 (021611ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on monoliths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Monolith first appearing in Utah desert and then in Romania caught my attention. Then I saw President Trump retweeting a tweet which just happened to have a picture of Monolith included. Figured this can't be a conincidence anymore so started researching what type of meaning Monolith might possible have. Well it turns out one definition of it strikes very close to us "an organized whole that acts as a single unified powerful or influential force" So it's a message to DS that patriots worldwide(the reason why other one was found outside the U.S) are standing firmly behind President Trump in his fight againts DS WWG1WGA!




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c41d82 No.154211

File: 057cb5a6ff6c416⋯.jpg (96.93 KB,733x835,733:835,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871152 (021614ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on monoliths

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Significance of each location?

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c41d82 No.154212

File: b23eb4f016d079b⋯.png (11.47 KB,481x186,481:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 3597cb834a92f68⋯.png (157.57 KB,477x515,477:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871156 (021614ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig - America's Darkest Secret: The Exchange Stabilization Fund

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Is this enough crumbs for you, I wonder?

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c41d82 No.154213

File: 9e94d34f8e2d92c⋯.png (2.28 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 6372ebe8eff8739⋯.png (1.43 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871171 (021615ZDEC20) Notable: UPS Ballot transport dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>154171 Is UPS allowed to transport ballots?

More on UPS


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c41d82 No.154214

File: 8dac76c9b240b58⋯.png (60.25 KB,816x848,51:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871172 (021616ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn Tweet - Thank you for your support and generosity. You’ve been a champion BardsFM you #FightLikeAFlynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Did we catch this yet?

General Flynn


Thank you for your support and generosity. You’ve been a champion of our Family & yes @BardsFM you #FightLikeAFlynn

God Bless America

Flag of United States








Quote Tweet

Red Sky Rising


· 2h

In case you missed it.

@BardsFM interview with @GenFlynn



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c41d82 No.154215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871186 (021617ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn interview with Bards FM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154216

File: 4798b0b97f0c393⋯.png (1.3 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871193 (021617ZDEC20) Notable: Election USBs uploaded to Google Drive

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Google Drive, of course


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c41d82 No.154217

File: f8fcd63b851aebc⋯.png (246.3 KB,816x852,68:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871202 (021618ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn interview with Bards FM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Red Sky Rising


In case you missed it.


interview with @GenFlynn


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c41d82 No.154218

File: 90c742152aedc1c⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 673e0a96cabc51e⋯.png (408.2 KB,598x689,46:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871214 (021619ZDEC20) Notable: New President Trump tweet on Michigan Election Fraud

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she comes across very well, and sadly, that's what America has become… more about presentation than facts.


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c41d82 No.154219

File: 840884fa27bc181⋯.png (75.24 KB,816x892,204:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d91dfdc83bcb45⋯.png (550.84 KB,816x1028,204:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ea38e09d151364⋯.png (210.77 KB,3814x1948,1907:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871247 (021623ZDEC20) Notable: @GenFlynn @RoscoeBDavis1 is a true American Patriot. He doesn’t need to hear it from me, but he is.

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General Flynn


.@RoscoeBDavis1 is a true American Patriot. He doesn’t need to hear it from me, but he is. Thanks for being a warrior & always telling the God’s honest truth!

#DigitalSoldiers well worth the read!


· 3h

As I said back in March, this has been here longer than is being reported

A new study & blood tests indicate Covid-19 infections were in the US in Dec 2019, a sign of coronavirus spreading globally weeks before China reported its first cases


"“The findings of this report suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infections may have been present in the U.S. in December 2019, earlier than previously recognized,” the paper said."

anons knew



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c41d82 No.154220

File: 7e0fff3c762b1ec⋯.png (39.24 KB,652x415,652:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871309 (021628ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Jr tweet - Tucker, you should ask them about running secretly recorded audio of the First Lady

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker, you should ask them about running secretly recorded audio of the First Lady since they seem to have had no problem doing that for weeks. I wonder what changed?


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c41d82 No.154221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871312 (021629ZDEC20) Notable: Well said Anon - #FightLikeFlynn

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Nice bread title, Baker.

Conquering addictions can be difficult. Today is a day I conquered one myself. I hope all anons find the strength and courage to break free from addictions of all sorts, and learn to "Fight Like Flynn". We all have our struggles, and none of us are perfect.

Never give up.

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c41d82 No.154222

File: 1edd9b905a5d393⋯.png (529.25 KB,720x1150,72:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 0296fcfe960b481⋯.png (67.92 KB,660x988,165:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871319 (021629ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on new Scavino tweet

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Post time 9:55

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c41d82 No.154223

File: c319a05d356c229⋯.png (153.21 KB,621x677,621:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871344 (021632ZDEC20) Notable: Remain BRAVE anons

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c41d82 No.154224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871351 (021632ZDEC20) Notable: Two officials in Georgia have provided statements regarding a viral video

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Two officials in Georgia have provided statements regarding a viral video that shows a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems in the state handling a USB drive while moving between computers.

The two-minute video of the incident, shared on Dec. 1, showed the election contractor moving a USB drive from a computer to a laptop. He then stands at the laptop for a while before leaving the area with the USB stick. During the incident, another man in a red hoodie sits nearby.

The video was first uploaded to YouTube and shared via Twitter by software and cyber security analyst Ronald Watkins, whose announcement suggests that the video was taken late Monday or late Sunday. The incident occurred at Gwinnett County Election Central, he noted.

County spokesperson Joe Sorenson told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement, “To clarify, the USB drive was not inserted into a scanner, the scanners are connected to server through cables.”

“This would be a Dominion tech producing a data report on the server and saving the report to a Dominion USB thumb drive and then using a laptop to filter requested information,” Sorenson added. “The Dominion servers are not equipped with Excel and counties are not authorized to install any hardware or software on these systems.”

Georgia’s voting implementation systems manager, Gabriel Sterling, issued statements at a press conference on Dec. 1 where he spoke about a contractor whom he described as a “tech in Gwinnett County” who was “transferring a report on batches from an EMS [Election Management Server] to a county computer so he could read it.”

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c41d82 No.154225

File: 1b01f422213b22a⋯.png (544.88 KB,816x1059,272:353,Clipboard.png)

File: bd8e35ae89504c5⋯.png (530.8 KB,1290x1279,1290:1279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871395 (021636ZDEC20) Notable: "I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania - So I Decided to Speak Up" USPS Contract Truck Driver

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General Flynn


"I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania - So I Decided to Speak Up" USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA!

This man is a Patriot

Flag of United States


6:27 AM · Dec 2, 2020


“I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser (VIDEO)


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c41d82 No.154226

File: a81c513d27ab9a8⋯.jpeg (650.5 KB,1800x1368,25:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871439 (021641ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Revere and Sidney - Justice is coming + Anon astute opine

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>as long as these assholes continue to solemnly perpetuate the delusion, I can't see any way we are not fucked and flushed down down a technocratic memory hole.

I understand your rage anon, but I am comfy AF because I know we have already won.

As someone who woke up a few months after 911 when most Americans were holding small American flags made in China, while our liberties were being systematically destroyed in the “War against Terror that would never end,” I too felt such hopelessness and rage.

But it was far worse for me then than now because I was largely all alone, being able to see so clearly while everyone around me were sleep walking in my nightmare.

While we have many dark and stormy days ahead even after Trump is inaugurated in January, I would have never imagined 18 years later on the eve of the NWO Great Reset that so many millions of Normies world wide would be this awake. I have been truly amazed by the number of friends and family who have contacted me in recent days sharing alternative news sites and concerns about what’s happening to America.

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c41d82 No.154227

File: b6e92307de49d63⋯.png (1.35 MB,1113x685,1113:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871481 (021644ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

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>This banner is not used or endorsed by QResearch or anons. It has nothing to do with Q, anons or research done on this board.

Are you retarded?

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c41d82 No.154228

File: 98d9bd8b9e4bdc6⋯.png (420.05 KB,1305x2759,1305:2759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871495 (021646ZDEC20) Notable: Apple pays $288,000 to white-hat hackers who had run of company’s network

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so I searched on 288,000.


==Apple pays $288,000 to white-hat hackers who had run of company’s network

Hacker team led by 20-year-old finds 55 vulnerabilities, 11 of them critical.==

Dan Goodin - 10/8/2020, 7:47 PM

Inside a black-and-white Apple logo, a computer screen silhouettes someone typing

For months, Apple’s corporate network was at risk of hacks that could have stolen sensitive data from potentially millions of its customers and executed malicious code on their phones and computers, a security researcher said on Thursday.

Sam Curry, a 20-year-old researcher who specializes in website security, said that, in total, he and his team found 55 vulnerabilities. He rated 11 of them critical because they allowed him to take control of core Apple infrastructure and from there steal private emails, iCloud data, and other private information.


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c41d82 No.154229

File: d95b1ac1c12455f⋯.png (1.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: aa22813f2382959⋯.png (723.01 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871520 (021648ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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SAM294 doing a loop from STL to KC and back.

ZAPER31 electronic combat C130 Compass Call out of Davis-Monthan at the range @ Ft Bliss-McGregor.

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c41d82 No.154230

File: 9b3eb4ea59973d8⋯.png (452.88 KB,1026x672,171:112,Clipboard.png)

File: b8779afa74f96ee⋯.png (1.53 MB,3814x1948,1907:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871535 (021649ZDEC20) Notable: Apple pays $288,000 to white-hat hackers who had run of company’s network

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


and this

US Gains 288,000 Jobs, Most in 2 Years



The Bidens paid $288,000 in federal income taxes for 2019.

As the revelation of President Trump’s years of tax avoidance shook up the campaign, Joe Biden released his 2019 return, showing he paid $288,000 in federal income taxes.


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c41d82 No.154231

File: 6611f2b4902573f⋯.jpg (458.3 KB,1080x1576,135:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c8942f152ebc420⋯.jpg (225.06 KB,783x1022,783:1022,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871687 (021702ZDEC20) Notable: Congressional record - US Senate - Interesting names popping up

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Congressional record - senate

Interesting read.


Joe Biden

Hunter Biden


Petro Poroshenko

Viktor Yanukvich

Viktor Shakin

And others

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c41d82 No.154232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871701 (021704ZDEC20) Notable: Where is Gina Haspel?

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Where is Gina Haspel? Wounded at Frankfurt? Her bodyguards were the ones killing American soldiers?

Retweeted by Steve Pieczenik:


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c41d82 No.154233

File: 7f6b2a17ee7ffb6⋯.png (938.19 KB,1998x1740,333:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871717 (021705ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q

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Why do you intend to cause conflict?

There is no such thing as 'QAnon'

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c41d82 No.154234

File: 1a94b622aaa5b0a⋯.png (505.83 KB,856x481,856:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871728 (021706ZDEC20) Notable: RSBN: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Morehead City, NC 12/2/20

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RSBN: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Morehead City, NC 12/2/20

7,057 watching now•Started streaming 14 minutes ago - 2.7K LIKES.


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c41d82 No.154235

File: 4bb0d825829aba2⋯.jpg (887.8 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871747 (021707ZDEC20) Notable: Ex Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne interview on FoxNews in 2019 - very telling

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>>>/qresearch/11871680 (lb)


This? A fox interview from 2019


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c41d82 No.154236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871748 (021707ZDEC20) Notable: Corrupt FBI Director Chris Wray and Now Fired CISA Director Chris Krebs Produced Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corrupt FBI Director Chris Wray and Now Fired CISA Director Chris Krebs Produced Video Before Election Declaring 2020 Election Secure

FBI Director Chris Wray and now fired CISA Chris Krebs claimed before the 2020 election that everything was secure and nothing to worry about.

They even went so far as to put a video together to make their claims:

Shortly after the 2020 election, which will go down as the most corrupt and fraudulent election in world history, Krebs and a group of Deep State colleagues claimed that the election was secure (nothing to see here). This prompted President Trump to terminate Krebs’ position with the government. FOX News reported:

President Trump fired top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs on Tuesday, days after the agency Krebs led issued a statement that categorically rejected the Trump campaign’s allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 election.

Krebs served as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security tasked with protecting the 2020 election from hackers. Trump’s tweet on Krebs’ firing appeared to reference a recent joint statement from CISA and other committees that declared the Nov. 3 election was the “most secure in American history.”

The President announced Krebs’ firing in a pair of tweets which Krebs responded to:

Krebs next went on 60 Minutes and shared that the 2020 election was secure claiming he was a victim

Of course the 2020 election was the most corrupt election in world history. Banana republics have nothing on the Democrats. They contaminated the election with bogus ballots, manipulated results from easily corrupted voting machines and numerous cases of voter fraud.

If we had a fair and free Justice Department, individuals like Wray and Krebs would be investigated for colluding to validate a corrupt and dishonest election – the worst in US and world history.


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c41d82 No.154237

File: 49db648a0b0c081⋯.png (56.9 KB,709x330,709:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871811 (021712ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump tweet - Will be going to Georgia for a big Trump Rally in support of our two great Republican Senators, David and Kelly

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Will be going to Georgia for a big Trump Rally in support of our two great Republican Senators, David and Kelly. They are fantastic people who love their Country and love their State. We must work hard and be sure they win. #USA


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c41d82 No.154238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871815 (021712ZDEC20) Notable: #CNNTapes: James O'Keefe interview with Sean Hannity

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#CNNTapes: James O'Keefe interview with Sean Hannity

34,626 views•Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154239

File: 378161c23ad365e⋯.png (229.57 KB,577x772,577:772,Clipboard.png)

File: c76145a3b59c21c⋯.png (54.34 KB,853x390,853:390,Clipboard.png)

File: 41900f8aa0dca82⋯.png (35.97 KB,855x331,855:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 0570deefa27b8ad⋯.png (337.01 KB,573x843,191:281,Clipboard.png)

File: d00f2112b3ac729⋯.png (56.02 KB,862x674,431:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871820 (021712ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Election Operative Gabriel Sterling EXPLODES ON TRUMP VOTERS

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Georgia Election Operative Gabriel Sterling EXPLODES ON TRUMP VOTERS After Dominion Employee Is Caught on Video Downloading Files on Laptops

In November Gateway Pundit reported on an almost $11 million grant award to the Georgia Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensperger and his accomplice Gabe Sterling.

Attorney Lin Wood wondered who this Sterling guy was and why did he use a gmail address for state business?

Lin Wood zeroed in on an anomaly related to the Secretary of State’s Office and the almost $11 million transaction with the state of Georgia. Wood’s bombshell tweet referred to an April 15, 2020 letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from Secretary of State Raffensperger, who is also Georgia’s Chief Election Official.

Georgia was poised to receive a $10,875,912 grant from the EAC for Covid-19-related election expenses. (The EAC, a federal entity which, by the way, certifies U.S. election machines, hardware and software, has some clear and shocking conflicts-of-interest of its own going on with its Advisory Board.) Raffensperger assured the EAC that the funds would be used to “prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for the 2020 Federal election cycle.”

The contact person at the end of the letter is Gabriel Sterling, who was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger, the brand new SoS, shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018. Raffensperger’s predecessor was Brian Kemp, who had just been elected Georgia’s governor. Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple, recent media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”

On his Twitter account, Sterling confirms that he is the “Voting System Implementation Manager”.

In the April 15 letter, Sterling lists a private gmail account address as his email account. The letter states: “If you have any questions about this request please contact our Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, at sterlinginnovative@gmail.com.” Why wouldn’t Raffensperger refer the EAC to his COO, the employee in charge of budgetary issues for the SoS’s office? Why, instead, send them to Sterling as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Well, it turns out Sterling ALSO has own LLC called Sterling Innovative Solutions, with the “Registered Agent” listed is Robert Gabriel Sterling. https://www.bizapedia.com/ga/sterling-innovative-solutions-llc.html.

Lin Wood was right on the money: the use of a gmail account indicates that Gabriel Sterling CANNOT be a state employee, at least for purposes of this April 15 letter sealing the deal on $10.8+ million in Covid-19 money for the Secretary of State’s office. Or can he? Furthermore, Georgia already has an “Elections Director,” Chris Harvey, it says so right on the Secretary of State’s letterhead. Why wasn’t Harvey listed as the contact person in the letter to the EAC? Why does Georgia ALSO need a “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Are taxpayers paying for two state agency people to do the job of one? The public needs immediate clarification upon these issues, given that Sterling continues to assure the public and the media – on behalf of the state of Georgia and its Chief Election Officer, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his messed up, questionable, and clearly fraudulent election AND recount – that, Everything’s fine, move along, nothing to see here people.

Here’s Gabriel Sterling’s unhinged rant. https://youtu.be/nH9FnY0qvNI


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c41d82 No.154240

File: a7eded472e76ac7⋯.png (9.36 KB,358x99,358:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b9b546eefa7254⋯.png (124.57 KB,852x821,852:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871858 (021715ZDEC20) Notable: You’ll Never Guess Who Ran the Investigation Into Whether ‘Slick Willie

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You’ll Never Guess Who Ran the Investigation Into Whether ‘Slick Willie’ (Bill Clinton) Got Paid for Pardoning Marc Rich

You won’t be surprised to learn who investigated Bill Clinton for the corrupt act of getting paid for pardons – hint – he got off.

President Trump shared this morning that the story in Big Media about there being a pardon investigation into President Trump is fake news. President Trump is not Slick Willie.

President Trump is not being investigated but former President Bill Clinton was investigated by the FBI for receiving money for pardons.

The FBI released a number of documents related to the William J. Clinton Foundation. The bulk of these records come from a 2001 FBI investigation into the pardon of Marc Rich, aka Marcell David Reich, by President Clinton in 2001. The FBI’s investigation was closed in 2005. (Of course most of the material is heavily redacted due to personal privacy protections and grand jury secrecy rules says the FBI.)

Reuters reported on Mr. Rich upon his death:

To his critics, he was a white-collar criminal, a serial sanctions breaker, whom they accused of building a fortune trading with revolutionary Iran, Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, apartheid-era South Africa, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Augusto Pinochet’s Chile.

In interviews with journalist Daniel Ammann for his biography, “The King of Oil”, the normally obsessively secretive Rich admitted to bribing officials in countries such as Nigeria and to assisting the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad.

Explaining Rich’s route to riches in an interview with Reuters in 2010, Ammann said: “He was faster and more aggressive than his competitors. He was able to recognize trends and seize opportunities before other traders. And he went where others feared to tread – geographically and morally.”

A U.S. government web site once described Rich more simply, as “a white male, 177 centimeters in height … wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. Marshall Service.” In 1983, he was on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list indicted for tax evasion, fraud and racketeering. At the time, it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history.

Rich, who valued trust, loyalty, secrecy and persistence, always insisted he did nothing illegal and among those who lobbied Clinton on his behalf for his pardon were Israeli political heavyweights Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres.

On learning of the indictment plans, Rich fled to Switzerland to escape the charges, which included exploiting the U.S. embargo against Iran, while it was holding U.S. hostages, to make huge profits on illicit Iranian oil sales.

Reuters continues:

He [Rich] remained under threat of a life sentence in a U.S. jail until Clinton pardoned him during the last chaotic hours of his presidency, a move that provoked moral outrage and bewilderment amongst some politicians.

Rich’s ex-wife, Denise, had donated funds for Clinton’s presidential library. The former president later said the donation was not a factor in his decision and he had acted partly in response to a request from Israel. But he regretted granting the pardon, calling it “terrible politics.”

“It wasn’t worth the damage to my reputation,” he told Newsweek magazine in 2002.

There was also scrutiny over the role of Eric Holder, now the attorney general and then a deputy attorney general who recommended the pardon.


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c41d82 No.154241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871871 (021717ZDEC20) Notable: Covid-19 was present in America BEFORE being officially confirmed in China

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Covid-19 was present in America BEFORE being officially confirmed in China, study by US health protection agency says

Coronavirus had been infecting people in the US even before China reported its first cases on December 31, 2019, research by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Red Cross has revealed.

American medics officially registered their first Covid-19 patient on January 19, 2020, but the findings in a paper published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases suggest the virus may have been circulating in the US prior to that.

The researchers studied almost 7,400 blood donations made in nine US states between December 13, 2019 and January 17, 2020. Evidence of Covid-19 bodies antibodies, the presence of which suggest a person had contact with the virus, were present in 106 of those samples, according to the study.

This means coronavirus could have been in the US a month before it saw its first confirmed case, and weeks before the Chinese authorities announced the infection in the city of Wuhan.

The analysis of hospital data from across the US in late 2019 also showed a spike in flu patients, many of whom had “heavy coughing” and other severe respiratory symptoms.

European researchers have also speculated that coronavirus had been present in their countries before China officially announced the outbreak of the new strain. A French survey has discovered there were Covid-19 antibodies in blood samples taken in early December 2019. A similar study carried out by their Italian peers revealed that samples in Italy were already showing antibodies in September.

Spanish virologists, meanwhile, found traces of coronavirus in sewage water samples collected in March 2019 – a full nine month before the events in Wuhan.

The precise origins of coronavirus are currently unknown, but the US has been making active attempts to blame it on China since the start of the pandemic. President Donald Trump has often referred to the disease – which has so far infected more than 13.8 million people, and killed more than 271,000 in America – as the “Chinese virus,” provoking vehement protest from Beijing.


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c41d82 No.154242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871877 (021717ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

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omg shut the fuck up

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c41d82 No.154243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871889 (021719ZDEC20) Notable: Putin Orders Mass Covid Vaccinations To Begin Next Week In Russia

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Putin Orders Mass Covid Vaccinations To Begin Next Week In Russia

Just hours after the UK approved the rushed Pfizer vaccine for use in the UK as soon as next week (it remains unclear just who will volunteer first), President Vladimir Putin ordered the start of mass-scale vaccination against coronavirus in Russia by the end of next week with medics and teachers first to get the shot.

In a teleconference on Wednesday, Putin said that Russia’s pharma industry is ready for a large-scale vaccination as the amount of doses of the pioneering anti-Covid "Sputnik V" vaccine already produced will reach two million in the coming days.

The vaccination against Covid-19 will be voluntary, and Russian citizens will be getting the shots free of charge.

"I’d ask you to organize the work in a way that would allow the start of large-scale vaccination by the end of next week," the president told Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

The deputy PM said that she would report back when the government is ready to fulfil that task, but the ever laconic Putin responded by saying that he didn’t want a report, but an actual start of the vaccination.


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c41d82 No.154244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871892 (021719ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

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c41d82 No.154245

File: 8091c90ac7cb985⋯.mp4 (686.03 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871903 (021720ZDEC20) Notable: We are going to present evidence of real voter fraud... in Nevada alone

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“We are going to present evidence of real voter fraud—thousands and thousands of instances of voter fraud in Nevada alone,” Binnall told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo Wednesday morning.

“We have instances, for instance, of 40,000-plus people who have voted twice in the election,” he added. “We have data showing that people who were on the record as having voted by mail, didn’t even receive ballots and didn’t even receive votes.”

Members of Trump’s legal team and representatives of Joe Biden’s six Nevada Electoral College delegates reportedly inspected a vote-counting location in Carson City on Tuesday in connection with Trump’s lawsuit.

Carson City District Court Judge James T. Russell on Monday granted a motion from Trump’s campaign to inspect the equipment on Monday, in accordance with Nevada state law.

Russell will hold a hearing on the Trump Campaign’s lawsuit on Thursday afternoon.

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c41d82 No.154246

File: b7deccbd05014e7⋯.png (673.65 KB,704x512,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: aafef5420f930bd⋯.png (113.37 KB,728x750,364:375,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1c3d325337e5d⋯.png (312.4 KB,646x738,323:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871908 (021721ZDEC20) Notable: CNN Anchors And Biden Advisers Attended A Major Chinese Communist Conference With Xi Jinping

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CNN Anchors And Biden Advisers Attended A Major Chinese Communist Conference With Xi Jinping

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria and an adviser to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign attended the recent Understanding China Conference, which counted Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping and high-level apparatchiks in attendance.

The conference, themed “Huge Shake-up, Big Test, Great Cooperation: China’s New Journey toward Modernization and Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind,” argued for increased cooperation between the Chinese Communist Party and the broader world.

Featuring nearly 20 Chinese speakers – all boasting high-level involvement with the Chinese Communist Party – the conference depends on Western figures to grant legitimacy to the event.

Zakaria, who hosts CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes for The Washington Post, along with Lawrence Summers were keen on assisting the Chinese Communist Party in their quest.

Summers, a former Obama-era National Economic Council Director, has also been identified as “advising Joe Biden’s presidential campaign,” according to Reuters.

Among the Chinese government officials in attendance were Zheng Bijian, who directed a state-run think tank’s Research Institute for Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and Ye Xiaowen, who served as Vice President of the Central Institute of Socialism and directed the United Front Work Department which has been identified by the U.S. government as “neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” through “influence operations targeting foreign actors and states.”


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c41d82 No.154247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871922 (021722ZDEC20) Notable: New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results

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New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results

As high-profile Georgia Republicans move to issue certificates of certification in the 2020 General Election, a new lawsuit threatens to throw a wrench into their pursuits

A new lawsuit filed in the State of Georgia seeks to decertify the 2020 General Election results in that state based on emerging evidence that vote tabulations included ballots cast by ineligible voters and that absentee ballot signatures were not legally verified.

The lawsuit was filed Monday in Fulton County by Paul Andrew Boland, a registered elector, and requests that a decertification of the state’s election results be implemented until such time as an investigation is completed into the claims.

The complaint names Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other election and state officials as defendants.

The lawsuit claims that 20,312 ballots were cast by people no longer considered legal residents of Georgia. It also charges that “suspiciously low ballot rejection rates” suggests that mandated signature-verification procedures “were not enforced with their usual rigor” resulting in dilution of Boland’s vote.

Boland’s suit surmises that these issues cast “doubt on the integrity of the Election” and that they provide grounds to contest the Georgia election results.

In support of the claim that over 20,000 ballots were cast by out-of-state residents

Officials in the peach state certified the election for Biden after a hand recount earlier this month. The Trump campaign is pushing to have the certification reversed.https://t.co/LADcbBdOjy

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) December 1, 2020

The complaint cites expert analysis performed by Matt Braynard, an data analyst and former data chief and strategist for the Trump’s campaign.

Braynard and his team examined residency information on official State of Georgia voter rolls and found that thousands of voters registered postal and commercial addresses made to appear like residential addresses. This is a clear violation of Georgia law.

“This number of invalid votes far exceeds the certified margin of victory of 12,760 in the presidential results,” the complaint says.

Boland’s claim of lax a signature verification process is founded on abnormally low absentee ballot rejection rates achieved during the November 3 election.

An affidavit filed by Benjamin Overholt, a University of Northern Colorado expert in applied statistics and research methods determined a 0.15 percent rejection rate in the 2020 General Election, compared to a 0.28 percent rejection rate in 2016, a 0.20 percent rejection rate in 2018, and 0.28 percent rejection rate in the 2020 primary.

“There are other anomalies in the reported data that should be analyzed, and many raise significant questions about the conduct and results of the 2020 General Election,” Overholt wrote in his sworn statement.

Overholt made clear that the recent deficient “hand count” audit of Georgia’s election results ordered by Raffensperger would not have the capability to resolve these issues.

The complaint says that while the audit and recount were carried out, “no signature matching was required during that process.” The document reads, “without a meaningful verification of signatures, the election results cannot be certified.”

The suit further alleges that Raffensperger – ahead of the election – took illegal and unconstitutional steps to weaken established safeguards against the casting of fraudulent ballots. Those measures included weakening the signature verification requirements.



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c41d82 No.154248

File: d3febfed200e26f⋯.png (818.87 KB,659x881,659:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871935 (021723ZDEC20) Notable: UK mom reportedly had sex with boy, 14, after luring him, a pal to her home

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UK mom reportedly had sex with boy, 14, after luring him, a pal to her home

A British mom had sex with a 14-year-old boy after luring him and a pal to her home after watching them play soccer, a court was told this week.

Mother of three Teah Vincent, 32, has admitted having sex with the youngster at her home in Gloucestershire — but claimed he told her he was 16, the legal age of consent in the UK, according to the Sun.

However, Gloucester Crown Court was told that the boy had told her he was just 14 and still at school soon after she invited him and a friend inside for a drink of water after watching them play soccer nearby.

She ignored it and started talking about sex and her body — a come-on which the friend’s older pal thought was “lost” on him, the report said.

When the boy agreed to go upstairs with Vincent, he expected to watch TV or play video games — but the mom stripped and initiated sex, the court was told about the October 2018 incident.

The victim described Vincent “bouncing up and down on him” for around five minutes, DailyMail.com said.

“The boy had a strong feeling that the situation was not right,” prosecutor Christopher Smyth told the court of the boy, who has not been identified because of his age.

The prosecutor told the jury there was no dispute that sexual intercourse had taken place, but it was the age of the youth that was being questioned in the ongoing trial, the Sun said.


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c41d82 No.154249

File: f09b54cf4f3cacf⋯.png (190.7 KB,478x570,239:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871942 (021724ZDEC20) Notable: NCSC - OTD 1989, US Navy OS3 Charles Schoof & John Haeger were arrested by @RealNCIS

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OTD 1989, US Navy OS3 Charles Schoof & John Haeger were arrested by @RealNCIS

for conspiring to sell classified info to the Soviets. Stationed aboard the USS Fairfax County, they stole classified US & NATO materials to sell the Soviets. They were sentenced to a combined 44 years



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c41d82 No.154250

File: 70d173a4e028cd5⋯.png (1017.02 KB,834x452,417:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871949 (021724ZDEC20) Notable: Afghan govt & Taliban reach preliminary deal paving way for peace talks

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Afghan govt & Taliban reach preliminary deal paving way for peace talks

The Afghan government and representatives of the Taliban have jointly announced reaching a preliminary deal to push on with peace talks, which could precede discussions on a political roadmap for both parties.

The first written agreement between the two sides marks a breakthrough after 19 years of war. "The procedure, including its preamble of the negotiation, has been finalized and from now on, the negotiation will begin on the agenda," said Nader Nadery, a member of the Afghan government's team for the talks.

Muhammad Naeem, a representative of the Taliban political office in Doha, Qatar, posted the same statement on his Twitter account, while the spokesman for the militant group, Zabihullah Mujahid, retweeted it.

Kabul and the Taliban have held discussions encouraged by the United States for months in Doha, but in Afghanistan, Taliban fighters continue attacking government forces.

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad welcomed the move announced on Wednesday as a "significant milestone," and explained that the document agreed in Doha codifies "rules and procedures for their negotiations on a political roadmap and a comprehensive ceasefire."

The breakthrough means that "the negotiating parties can agree on tough issues," Khalilzad tweeted, adding that "rapid progress on a political roadmap" is now needed.

During the preliminary stages of negotiations, the Taliban refused to agree to a ceasefire, and the group dismissed the document's preamble last month because it mentioned the Afghan government, which the militants see as puppets of Washington.

However, the insurgents concluded a peace deal with the US on February 29, and it set in motion a withdrawal of all US and NATO troops from Afghanistan by May 2021.

The Taliban, which was ousted from power in Afghanistan by US-led forces in 2001, also said in early November that it expects projected US president-elect Joe Biden to stick to this peace agreement aimed at ending the war.


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c41d82 No.154251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871965 (021725ZDEC20) Notable: Project Veritas Infiltrates CNN 'Rundown' Calls; Execs Trash Trump, Call Tucker Carlson 'White Supremacy Hour'

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Project Veritas Infiltrates CNN 'Rundown' Calls; Execs Trash Trump, Call Tucker Carlson 'White Supremacy Hour'

Highlights via Project Veritas (emphasis ours):

CNN President Jeff Zucker: “This is a president who knows he's losing, who knows he's in trouble, is sick, maybe is on the aftereffects of steroids or not. I don't know. But he is acting erratically and desperately, and we need to not normalize that.”

Zucker: “You know, this is what we've come to expect for the last three and a half years, four years, but it clearly is exacerbated by the time that we're in and the issues that he's [Trump] dealing with. I think that we cannot just let it be normalized. He is all over the place and acting erratically, and I think we need to lean into that.”

Zucker: “Frankly, if we've made any mistake, it's been that our banners have been too polite, and we need to go well after Lindsey Graham.”

Zucker: “There's a ton going on. Let’s stay strong. Let's stay newsy. Let’s stay urgent. Let’s be smart. There is a lot of news out there, and Lindsey Graham really deserves it.”

David Vigilante, CNN General Counsel: “Yeah, I was just going to say, if you're going to talk about the story, I think it's unavoidable that you have to talk about the naked racism of Tucker Carlson. Because that's really what drove this anti-diversity push, you know, Trump watches Tucker Carlson's show and then reacts. And just as sort of the white supremacy hour they have on Fox News every night, I think it's the — You can't disconnect the two.”

Stephanie Becker, CNN field producer: “On the issue of why it's important to get the transition going right, the 9-11 report talks about one of the problems was that the trouble that was brewing that lost during the transition. So, if you want a good, concrete example of what happens when you don't have a good transition, well, look at the Twin Towers.”


BREAKING: @CNN President BLASTS Trump & Republicans on 9am Call with Senior Leadership

'He(@realDonaldTrump) is acting erratically…I think we need to lean into that…'

“If we’ve made any mistake, its been our banners have been too polite…”#CNNTapes pic.twitter.com/zMIRxq9qC6

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) December 2, 2020


CORRECTION: @CNNPR has just informed @Project_Veritas that the executive on this tape is in fact their GENERAL COUNSEL David Vigilante, not @marcusmabry.

As if that somehow makes it better for them…

We apologize for the misidentification.

More tapes dropping soon#CNNTapes https://t.co/19QweyWI4G

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) December 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154252

File: e3d75b1f1532207⋯.png (185.66 KB,598x604,299:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871967 (021725ZDEC20) Notable: NCSC - China's government "has made the collection of domestic and foreign healthcare data a national priority through illicit means

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China's government "has made the collection ofdomestic and foreignhealthcare data a national priority and has sought access to U.S. healthcare data through both licit and illicit means" - @USCC_GOV annual report issued today, with a key biotech section.




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c41d82 No.154253

File: cf6de9d89860734⋯.png (241.47 KB,398x546,199:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11871995 (021728ZDEC20) Notable: NCSC - OTD 1938, three Nazi spies identified by cooperator Guenther Rumrich were convicted of espionage

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OTD 1938, three Nazi spies identified by cooperator Guenther Rumrich were convicted of espionage. Arrested in NY in Feb. 1938, Rumrich confessed to acting on behalf of Nazi agents, but agreed to identify other Nazi spies in America. He received a reduced sentence for his help.



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c41d82 No.154254

File: 14bc4556106e4ec⋯.png (385.03 KB,651x325,651:325,Clipboard.png)

File: a5ca0f891f83c06⋯.png (340.16 KB,564x698,282:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 25d65d874e606d4⋯.png (13.88 KB,654x221,654:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872003 (021728ZDEC20) Notable: ‘What Are You Afraid of Jack?’—Pink Floyd Legend Blasts Twitter CEO Over Censorship

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‘What Are You Afraid of Jack?’—Pink Floyd Legend Blasts Twitter CEO Over Censorship

While 2020 has been a stressful year for many, one could argue it has been especially so for Jack Dorsey.

The Twitter founder and CEO was dragged before Congress to testify not once but twice in the last month over its intolerant content moderation policies.

“Who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report?” Senator Ted Cruz asked Dorsey after Twitter blocked a controversial New York Post story on Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, and suspended the Post’s account.

Dorsey eventually reinstated the Post’s account and apologized, saying the decision was “wrong.” But his itch to suppress speech remains strong—and others are growing frustrated.

Earlier this month rock legend Roger Waters, the longtime lead singer of Pink Floyd and a founding member of the band, blasted Dorsey after it was announced the US chapter of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality had its account suspended.

“Twitter has banned the International Youth and Students for Social Equality [IYSSE],” Waters tweeted with a picture of himself with tape over his mouth. “It is critical that people are informed of this effort to censor them. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID of @JACK ?”

According to the IYSSE, the youth and student movement of the Socialist Equality Party, Twitter claimed the suspension was due to the fact that the group was managing multiple accounts. But the organization claimed the suspension was part of a larger crackdown on left-wing and socialist publications.

“Twitter is engaging in political censorship to silence a leading voice of socialist politics among young people and students around the world,” the group said.

The IYSSE is hardly an organization whose principles I (or many readers would) agree with. It’s an international Trotskyist organization whose mission is to teach young people about the glories of Marxism. (One might say it’s the exact opposite of FEE, whose mission is to teach the importance of markets and liberty.)

It’s an inconvenient truth, of course, that Marxists have a horrible track record on free speech.

The Bolsheviks, for example, were vocal champions of freedom, but one of their very first acts after seizing control in 1917 was to pass the Decree on Press which banned publication of “bourgeois” articles.


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c41d82 No.154255

File: 0a79db82d8deeb4⋯.jpeg (591.42 KB,1536x1288,192:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872004 (021728ZDEC20) Notable: TWITTER CENSORING KRACKEN-WOOD.COM

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c41d82 No.154256

File: 4fd6d300add6a82⋯.png (1.53 MB,1044x583,1044:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872014 (021729ZDEC20) Notable: Louisville declares racism a 'public health crisis'; Democratic mayor vows to 'reimagine public safety'

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Louisville declares racism a 'public health crisis'; Democratic mayor vows to 'reimagine public safety'

'…life experiences tell us our systems are more than broken. They must be dismantled and Mayor Greg Fischer, a Democrat, signed an executive order Tuesday — which was headlined "Advancing Racial Equity for Black Louisville" — making the declaration official. The development comes after racial unrest struck the Kentucky city this summer following the death of Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by Louisville police officers in March as they executed a no-knock warrant at her home.

"This order lays out in stark terms the societal, economic, physical and mental health impacts of racism on not just Black Louisville, but all the people of our city," Fischer said, The Hill reported.

"Of course, we can't change America by ourselves, but we can show America how a city can change itself," he added. "We can channel the energy from the pain we've experienced and take ourselves from tragedy to transformation."

The plan states:

In light of the tragic death of Breonna Taylor and recognizing the imperative need to address the impacts of racism and dismantle systemic racism, Mayor Greg Fischer is issuing an executive order declaring racism as a public health crisis to acknowledge and address the societal, physical and mental health impacts on Black residents and all Louisvillians. In addition, the Mayor is pursuing a robust state legislative agenda that includes changes to promote transparency and accountability in police-involved disciplinary matters, equity initiatives, bail reform and voting rights.

Specifically, Fischer's plan outlines seven goals. The Democratic mayor wants to "reimagine public safety," "build black wealth," and "address the health impacts of racism," among other policy initiatives.

"For too many Louisvillians racism is a fact of daily life, a fact that was created and documented in our country's laws and institutional policies like segregation, redlining and urban renewal," Fischer said, WLKY-TV reported.

He also said, "[R]eal life experiences tell us our systems are more than broken. They must be dismantled and replaced."

Anything else?

Dozens of cities, counties, and even whole states have declared racism a public health issue, according to the American Public Health Association.

Democratic lawmakers — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Reps. Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and Barbara Lee (Calif.) — even introduced legislation earlier this year that would declare racism a nationwide health crisis.

"It is time we start treating structural racism like we would treat any other public health problem or disease: investing in research into its symptoms and causes and finding ways to mitigate its effects," Sen. Warren said of the legislation.

Pressley added, "For far too long, our federal government has failed to recognize and address the structural racism that has devastated Black and brown communities and denied access to quality health care."


Louisville, Kentucky, has officially declared racism a "public health crisis."

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c41d82 No.154257

File: 90c4e235db081e3⋯.png (307.93 KB,866x542,433:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 24c9cf6236a8ba3⋯.png (198.88 KB,855x515,171:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872023 (021730ZDEC20) Notable: UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19

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UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19

Britain has become the first nation in the world to approve the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the coronavirus for widespread use. The drug is expected to be rolled out as early as next week.

“The Government has today accepted the recommendation from the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine for use,” a statement by the UK authorities read.

With Britain so far registering more than 1.6 million coronavirus cases and over 59,000 deaths, MHRA has moved at record speed to grant emergency authorisation to the vaccine in just a week’s time. The agency only received the final data from Pfizer-BioNTech on November 23.

The vaccine, which, according to the developers, offers 95 percent protection from the virus, but has to be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, will also see a swift introduction in the UK.


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c41d82 No.154258

File: 5b16cb17bfeb96d⋯.png (607.84 KB,720x426,120:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872049 (021732ZDEC20) Notable: Wales to issue Covid-19 ‘immunisation card’ to those who receive Pfizer jab

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Wales to issue Covid-19 ‘immunisation card’ to those who receive Pfizer jab, triggering fears of ‘vaccine ID’ regime

Wales has announced that people who receive the newly-approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be given a card that provides details about the jab, sparking rumors and theories that the government was creating a new form of ID.

Read more

Senior UK minister denies plans to introduce Covid-19 vaccine passport Senior UK minister denies plans to introduce Covid-19 vaccine passport

The UK became the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine, in this instance developed by US-based Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech, and hopes to begin administering the drug by next week. In a statement outlining how the jab would be distributed in Wales, Welsh Minister for Health and Social Services Vaughan Gething announced the creation of “a credit card-sized NHS Wales immunisation card” that will be issued to those who’ve been inoculated against the virus.

The card will contain “the vaccine name, date of immunisation and batch number of each of the doses given handwritten on them. These will act as a reminder for a second dose and for the type of vaccine, and it will also give information about how to report side effects,” the statement read.

Although the government plan makes no mention of the card serving as official identification or proof of vaccination, news outlets employed some creative framing while reporting on the story.

“People in Wales will be issued ID cards to prove they have had the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine,” LBC News tweeted. It appears the outlet later deleted the message.

The internet was quickly swarmed with comments warning of bio-dystopia. Many argued that the “card” was proof that the “conspiracy theorists” were right, apparently in reference to fears that government measures aimed at containing Covid-19 have led to dangerous overreach.

Several comments warned that history would not look kindly upon the new immunisation cards.

“Giving people a marker, to indicate ‘desirability’ never went bad, did it?” sarcastically quipped one observer.

Still, there were plenty of others who accused LBC of sloppy reporting. Big Brother Watch, a UK organisation that defends civil liberties and privacy rights, noted that there was no indication that the handwritten card would serve as an official document.

“This appears to be a misleading & irresponsible headline about an immunisation reminder card,” the group wrote, adding that it would take action if the Welsh government ever decided to issue such an ID.

This appears to be a misleading & irresponsible headline about an immunisation reminder card. Statements so far do not indicate this is anything like an ID card + will not be requested by any authorities. If this changes, we'd of course take action.https://t.co/SmokVTEm07pic.twitter.com/a7zrRkSQ0d

— Big Brother Watch (@BigBrotherWatch) December 2, 2020

Fears that a vaccine ID card could become a reality in the future are not without merit. On Monday, the UK’s newly appointed vaccine minister, Nadhim Zahawi, suggested that people will have to show they’ve received the Covid vaccine if they wish to return to normal life.

A day later, however, Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove denied that there were plans to create a Covid-19 vaccine passport system which could allow bars, cinemas, restaurants and sports venues to refuse entry to people who haven’t been inoculated.


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c41d82 No.154259

File: 815c608056c3a0e⋯.png (735 KB,1440x984,60:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a51e316190ec94⋯.png (606.01 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872058 (021733ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Call sign ATTACK. Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II 79-0150. Up from Davis Monthan AFB.


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c41d82 No.154260

File: 74d01b7a7a0c971⋯.png (580.63 KB,851x624,851:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872082 (021735ZDEC20) Notable: France refuses to intercept UK-bound migrant boats

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France refuses to intercept UK-bound migrant boats, despite London's £192mn for Paris to tackle illegal migration

The immigration minister has said French authorities are still refusing to intercept illegal migrant boats heading to the UK despite the government giving France £192 million to tackle illegal crossings since 2014.

Chris Philp, the immigration minister, told MPs that the increase in migrants crossing the English Channel is "alarming."

Philp was speaking at a Home Affairs Committee meeting concerning channel crossings, migration and asylum-seeking routes through the EU.

A primary area of questioning from participating MPs was around the UK's relationship with France in combatting illegal migrant channel crossings.

Philp claimed that, despite considerable financial contributions, the French are still not actively helping London by stopping migrant traffic in their waters.

The French operational posture on the water is that they don't forcibly intercept migrant boats… They will rescue them if they start sinking and if migrants request assistance. But they do not currently forcibly intercept migrant boats while in French waters.

Philp revealed that the UK government had given France £192 million to tackle illegal immigration, including a further £28 million at the weekend.

The minister added that the French authorities had stepped up land activity "enormously in the last few months," incepting 90 percent of crossings before the migrants got their dinghies into the water.


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c41d82 No.154261

File: 671cb9f976078bf⋯.png (661.56 KB,1441x979,131:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 63268d2b50e5b3f⋯.png (2.92 MB,1920x1277,1920:1277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872086 (021735ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Call sign CHILL32. B-52H Stratofortress 60-0026. Nose art Dakota Avenger.

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c41d82 No.154262

File: af4b6292fa6bdfb⋯.png (76.38 KB,808x917,808:917,Clipboard.png)

File: b137fb4681c965a⋯.png (152.07 KB,876x679,876:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a3935be59cf1f6⋯.png (154.95 KB,837x569,837:569,Clipboard.png)

File: d58ad845abf4f3e⋯.png (145.02 KB,816x731,48:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 67ff929416104ba⋯.png (152.47 KB,853x851,853:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872116 (021738ZDEC20) Notable: Statistician Reveals How Pennsylvania Democrats Used Fake Voter Registration “Birthdays” to Commit Voter Fraud

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Statistician Reveals How Pennsylvania Democrats Used Fake Voter Registration “Birthdays” to Commit Voter Fraud

Identifying Voter Fraud through Suspicious Birthday Distributions in Pennsylvania Voter Registration Data, and the Effect on the 2020 Pennsylvania Presidential Election

Short Summary:

We construct a new metric of potential voter fraud using suspicious distributions of birthdays in Pennsylvania voter registration data. The basic idea is that people picking fake birthdays will make predictable non-random choices, like picking round numbers for days of the month, and not knowing what true birth month distributions look like.

Under this metric, a number of counties in Pennsylvania have extremely unlikely distributions of voter birthdays. Seven counties representing almost 1.4 million votes total (Northumberland, Delaware, Montgomery, Lawrence, Dauphin, LeHigh, and Luzerne) have suspicious birthdays above the 99.5th percentile of plausible distributions, even when using conservative assumptions about what these distributions should look like.

These suspicious birthdays also matter significantly for election outcomes. While there are suspicious counties that vote Republican overall, in general more suspicious birthdays in a county are strongly associated with a larger Biden vote share, and a higher Biden vote share relative to all Democrat presidential candidates since 2000. More suspicious birthdays are also associated with a higher vote share for Jorgensen relative to Trump (consistent with a fraud scheme aiming to get Biden high but not “too high”, while simultaneously giving as few votes to Trump as possible).

Finally, we quantify the magnitude of how this potential fraud may have impacted the election. Even a small reduction in the amount of suspicious birthdays (to the 98th percentile of the conservative distribution) would be predicted to have resulted in Trump winning the state by 71,500 votes. This suggests that whatever is driving the anomalous patterns in birthdays is sufficiently important to affect the statewide election result.

Executive Summary:

We use a largely ignored data source to identify suspicious voter registrations by county, a data source that is independent of the actual vote outcomes. In other words, we will construct metrics that identify counties that show indications of potential voter fraud regardless of who a county is voting for. Then, once this is done, we will show how these measures correlate with vote outcomes.

Our key insight is that someone making up fake birthdays for voter registrations is unlikely to be able to do so in a truly random manner. Instead, we identify several likely hallmarks of fake birthdays:

-They are likely to excessively cluster on round number days of the month (1, 10, 15, 20, 30, 31), since people generally overweight round numbers.

-They are likely to excessively cluster on January and December for the same reason.



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c41d82 No.154263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872135 (021739ZDEC20) Notable: Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing (Livecast)

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Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing

21 minutes

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c41d82 No.154264

File: 8b7d00306dd3d16⋯.png (409.9 KB,535x586,535:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872157 (021741ZDEC20) Notable: @CBS_Herridge recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years

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Catherine Herridge


#K2 WATCH: Hundreds of service members came forward after a @CBSNews investigation revealed new evidence of toxic material at a remote base used after 9/11.

@CBS_Herridge recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years


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c41d82 No.154265

File: 4673b545cfccc45⋯.png (676.08 KB,773x496,773:496,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bf66e04860f15d⋯.png (211.8 KB,595x602,85:86,Clipboard.png)

File: cfd03ca72d93330⋯.png (39.22 KB,623x555,623:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 4faddb30b9f9bd7⋯.png (27.58 KB,578x223,578:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872179 (021743ZDEC20) Notable: Edwin Barkley Smith Central Character in Election Fraud

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>>154069PB Notable

Edwin Barkley Smith Central Character in Election Fraud

OP Anon's dig is very incomplete, and misleading in this respect when he said:

>ed smith with the same phone number runs a cyber corona virus web site called ncta


If OP Anon had bothered to scroll down on the ntca web page, he would have seen that Ed Smith is the contact person of Smartmatic which uses and recommends NTCA PPE products. Other than a recommendation for their products, Smartmatic has nothing to do

with NTCA.

Okay, with that out of the way, the phone number 720-849-1775 is a Mead, Colorado number, with Edwin Barkley Smith the user. He lives with his wife Diane Wooley Smith at an address there, and his CV is as follows (see the image).

Edwin Smith was an software engineer for Rockwell before he was hired by Sequoia Voting Systems Dec. 4, 2010, then served in subsequent positions in other companies of that same group, Dominion, Clear Ballot, and Smartmatic. Presumably, which hat he wears just depends on which subsidiary was contracted to what State or County. These companies are all the same, just the names have changed; perhaps they even submitted competitive bids to States/Counties to give a luster of legitimacy to the selection process.

His duties as Quality Control and Certification mean he ensures that the clients get the best product for their needs, which in this case, mean they get the election results they want.

The address given as Clear Ballot Group, 7 Water St, Boston, MA is a mail drop; the address is a business called Global Pack Ship, and 7 Water St, Suite 7 is the drop, not a physical address for Clear Ballot Group.

The Clear Ballot Group says that their DUNS number is 833087401, but Dun and Bradstreet never heard of the company, at least by that name. Anons are invited to dig into this, I can't find anything else beyond that number, whether it's fake, or under another name.

In sum,Edwin Barkley Smithis a VIP in this election fuckery, has IT skills needed to perform fuckery, and likely liable for fraud perpetrated on the SoS of Washington, misrepresenting what company is contracting to the State of Washington, as Clear Ballot

Group is a shell company fronting, via a mail drop in Boston, for Smartmatic/Dominion/Sequoia.

No doubt the SoS of Washington, Kim Dobbs Wyman knows all this, but maybe gets a kickback for employing Clear Ballot Group.

Interestingly, Kim's previous job before SoS was Manager of the Thurston County, Washington Voter Registration Office, kinda like the DS in Washington State picked her to run for SoS because of her past associations and skills. She knows how to game the system.

I recommend Anons dig into the ClearBallot.com website, it's hilarious with it's bragging about how transparent and effective it is at producing good election results. CEO Bob Hoyt, BTW - dig into him.

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c41d82 No.154266

File: 9f1dae0f2e2e941⋯.png (396.55 KB,714x705,238:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872213 (021746ZDEC20) Notable: Owner of NYC ‘autonomous zone’ bar taken away in handcuffs for defying COVID lockdown restrictions

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Owner of NYC ‘autonomous zone’ bar taken away in handcuffs for defying COVID lockdown restrictions

The New York City Sheriff's Department raided a Staten Island bar Tuesday night, shutting down the business and arresting one of its owners after the bar continued regular operation despite coronavirus lockdown measures.

Mac's Public House — which last week took a defiant stand and declared itself an "autonomous zone" from Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's lockdown restrictions — had refused to abide by the state and city mandates that banned indoor dining in certain COVID-19 hot spots.

The bar is located inside an "orange zone," which, under the health guidelines, means that it is limited to offering outdoor dining and takeout and delivery services only.

According to Staten Island Advance, sheriff's department officers and officers from various other agencies descended on the tavern Tuesday night to shut it down for continually flouting the health guidelines. When Danny Presti, who co-owns the establishment with Keith McAlarney, wouldn't cooperate, he was taken away in handcuffs.


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c41d82 No.154267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872226 (021747ZDEC20) Notable: Schumer: ‘I Agree’ with Biden Planning to Give Trans Students Access to Sports, Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

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Schumer: ‘I Agree’ with Biden Planning to Give Trans Students Access to Sports, Bathrooms, Locker Rooms Based on Identity

During a press conference on Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said he agrees with Joe Biden’s plan to grant transgender children access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms according to their gender identity.

Schumer was asked, “Joe Biden said that on his first day of office, he will give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity in all federally-funded schools. Do you think he has the ability to do this, and do you agree with this decision?”

Schumer responded, “I agree with the decision, and I know he’ll check things out thoroughly, legally.”


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c41d82 No.154268

File: 04d615db974a4ae⋯.png (70.36 KB,767x899,767:899,Clipboard.png)

File: a09cce5d670b52d⋯.png (68.72 KB,787x850,787:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872245 (021749ZDEC20) Notable: Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden

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Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden

A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

The 28-page document, crafted by the Secular Democrats of America PAC, is being presented to the incoming administration by Democratic Representatives Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman — both co-chairs of the Congressional Freethought Caucus.

The SDA’s agenda offers a wide range of policy recommendations to push back against the so-called “Christian nationalist movement,” which the the group describes as an “extraordinarily well-funded and well-organized” phenomenon whose “extreme and sectarian agenda (was) on constant display under the Trump-Pence administration.”

The group offered several recommendations to help “reframe” concepts of patriotism in ways that are more inclusive. Among them were encouraging politicians to avoid terms like “God and country”; promoting non-theistic and humanistic chaplains in the military; including nonreligious representatives at interfaith gatherings; and suggesting the use of the country’s onetime unofficial motto “E Pluribus Unum” — Latin for “out of many, one” — instead of the motto adopted in 1956, “In God We Trust,” which the the group argues excludes nontheists and polytheists.

These rhetorical shifts, they argue, could stymie the influence of Christian nationalists.

“They characterize the United States’ founding as a ‘Christian nation’ based in biblical principles, rather than as a secularist nation based in revolutionary democratic ideas,” the document reads.

The SDA hopes to represent secular Democrats and mobilize nonreligious voters, a complex but growing group. According to a FiveThirtyEight analysis of data from the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, 9% of Democratic primary voters said they were atheists, 8% said they were agnostics and 18% identified as “nothing in particular” — though roughly half of those in the last group said they still attend worship occasionally.

“Tens of millions of secular Americans stood with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Election Day because they want a government that reflects their values,” Sarah Levin, program director for the Secular Democrats of America, said in a statement. “President Trump placed religious privilege above both individual freedom and our democratic way of life.”

Among the SDA’s suggestions is withholding federal funds from any faith-based organization that “discriminates against its employees or program beneficiaries on the basis of religion.”


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c41d82 No.154269

File: 166163f4ae30601⋯.png (98.21 KB,715x857,715:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872253 (021750ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Kraken-wood DNS info

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c41d82 No.154270

File: e482ba072d46fec⋯.png (1.15 MB,1442x981,1442:981,Clipboard.png)

File: 4639f9f6bbf37c2⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x702,512:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f660a3463eee92⋯.png (1.18 MB,1440x981,160:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 74026fa2fe04a5b⋯.png (239.37 KB,1300x723,1300:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a5b58829100a66⋯.png (633.82 KB,1600x1167,1600:1167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872256 (021750ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Interesting aircraft and flight path.

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c41d82 No.154271

File: 03b32f8ca485a16⋯.png (314.35 KB,449x500,449:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872265 (021751ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Rebellion Defense

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Any thoughts on this contract between Rebellion Defense and AF?

Contract was "solicited" 8/24/2019


"COVID-19 DIB Automation for Air Force Intelligence: Delivering User-Centered Artificial Intelligence for Air Force Special Operations Command"



If the date of solicitation is pre Covid, that raises some questions

if the description was added after the solicitation date, why include Covid 19 in description?

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c41d82 No.154272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872279 (021752ZDEC20) Notable: Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

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Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

The vaccine contains a spike protein (see image) called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition


On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

StarGate TV Series Warned Us In 2001 About the

Vaccination Disaster Facing Us Today

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.

The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.

The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.

CALL FOR HELP: Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon ask as many EU citizens as possible to co-sign their petition by sending the e-mail prepared here to the EMA.


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c41d82 No.154273

File: 03addcd5fbbbcdb⋯.png (31.5 KB,654x339,218:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872293 (021753ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on Dominion Vote Server crashing during recount in GA

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Who are they fooling lmao

Dominion server "just happens to" crash when 3rd recount in Fulton county GA is nearly complete. Was the recount much more accurate this time so they had to shut it down to prevent Trump from winning? Talk about desperation.


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c41d82 No.154274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872332 (021756ZDEC20) Notable: #15154

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>>>/qresearch/11871613 Dough

#15154 FINAL Notables

>>154231 Congressional record - US Senate - Interesting names popping up

>>154232 Where is Gina Haspel?

>>154233 No more free shots on Q

>>154234 RSBN: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Morehead City, NC 12/2/20

>>154235 Ex Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne interview on FoxNews in 2019 - very telling

>>154236 Corrupt FBI Director Chris Wray and Now Fired CISA Director Chris Krebs Produced Video

>>154237 President Trump tweet - Will be going to Georgia for a big Trump Rally in support of our two great Republican Senators, David and Kelly

>>154238 #CNNTapes: James O'Keefe interview with Sean Hannity

>>154239 Georgia Election Operative Gabriel Sterling EXPLODES ON TRUMP VOTERS

>>154240 You’ll Never Guess Who Ran the Investigation Into Whether ‘Slick Willie

>>154242 , >>154244 No more free shots on Q. No means no.

>>154241 Covid-19 was present in America BEFORE being officially confirmed in China

>>154243 Putin Orders Mass Covid Vaccinations To Begin Next Week In Russia

>>154245 We are going to present evidence of real voter fraud… in Nevada alone

>>154246 CNN Anchors And Biden Advisers Attended A Major Chinese Communist Conference With Xi Jinping

>>154247 New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results

>>154248 UK mom reportedly had sex with boy, 14, after luring him, a pal to her home

>>154249 NCSC - OTD 1989, US Navy OS3 Charles Schoof & John Haeger were arrested by @RealNCIS

>>154250 Afghan govt & Taliban reach preliminary deal paving way for peace talks

>>154251 Project Veritas Infiltrates CNN 'Rundown' Calls; Execs Trash Trump, Call Tucker Carlson 'White Supremacy Hour'

>>154252 NCSC - China's government "has made the collection of domestic and foreign healthcare data a national priority through illicit means

>>154253 NCSC - OTD 1938, three Nazi spies identified by cooperator Guenther Rumrich were convicted of espionage

>>154254 ‘What Are You Afraid of Jack?’—Pink Floyd Legend Blasts Twitter CEO Over Censorship


>>154256 Louisville declares racism a 'public health crisis'; Democratic mayor vows to 'reimagine public safety'

>>154257 UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19

>>154258 Wales to issue Covid-19 ‘immunisation card’ to those who receive Pfizer jab

>>154259 , >>154261 , >>154270 PF Reports

>>154260 France refuses to intercept UK-bound migrant boats

>>154262 Statistician Reveals How Pennsylvania Democrats Used Fake Voter Registration “Birthdays” to Commit Voter Fraud

>>154263 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing (Livecast)

>>154264 @CBS_Herridge recently spoke to one K2 veteran, who says his illnesses baffled doctors for years

>>154265 Edwin Barkley Smith Central Character in Election Fraud

>>154266 Owner of NYC ‘autonomous zone’ bar taken away in handcuffs for defying COVID lockdown restrictions

>>154267 Schumer: ‘I Agree’ with Biden Planning to Give Trans Students Access to Sports, Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

>>154268 Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden

>>154269 Dig on Kraken-wood DNS info

>>154271 Dig on Rebellion Defense

>>154272 Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

>>154273 Anon opines on Dominion Vote Server crashing during recount in GA


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c41d82 No.154275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872440 (021805ZDEC20) Notable: Live Press Secretary Briefing - Get in there!

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cant say thanks enough baker

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c41d82 No.154276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872473 (021808ZDEC20) Notable: Beijing Offers Dialogue With NATO After Alliance Identifies China as Threat

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Beijing Offers Dialogue With NATO After Alliance Identifies China as Threat

New report calls for NATO to form stronger partnerships in Asia

On Tuesday, China said it hopes to engage in dialogue with NATO after news of a new report from the alliance that identifies China as an emerging threat. Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, said Beijing does not practice coercion and intimidation as the NATO report suggests.

The report titled “NATO 2030” identifies Russia as NATO’s top threat but calls for the alliance to increase its focus on China. “China has an increasingly global strategic agenda, supported by its economic and military heft,” the report reads.

The report says China “has proven its willingness to use force against its neighbors, as well as economic coercion and intimidatory diplomacy well beyond the Indo-Pacific region.”

One of the recommendations of the report is that NATO should build stronger relationships with countries in Asia, like Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. The report calls for internal NATO discussions about forming a partnership with India, saying the South Asian country “shares

fundamental interests and values with the alliance.”

The US, Australia, Japan, and India make up the informal alliance known as the Quad. The NATO report says the alliance could form stronger ties with the Quad to coordinate on China’s rise.

Some US officials have suggested that the Quad could be the foundation for a NATO-style military alliance in Asia to counter Beijing. The four Quad countries recently held military drills together for the first time in over a decade, a clear message to China.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg discussed the rise of China at a news conference on Monday. “China is investing massively in new weapons. It is coming closer to us, from the Arctic to Africa. China does not share our values … and tries to intimidate other countries,” he said.


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c41d82 No.154277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872486 (021809ZDEC20) Notable: Nashville Police Criminally Charge Three Women For Hosting Football House Party in Violation of Covid Order

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Nashville Police Criminally Charge Three Women For Hosting Football House Party in Violation of Covid Order

Nashville police criminally charged three women for hosting a football house party.

Roommates Madilyn Dennington, Bailey Mills and Olivia Noe, all 23 years old, were issued misdemeanor citations for hosting a Halloween football watch party at their home.

According to the affidavit, more than 100 people were at the party.

Police arrived to the Nashville home and told the women that gatherings of more than 25 people were prohibited unless approved by the city.

The women listened to the police and told everyone to leave the party but they still got arrested and charged.

The Tennessean reported:

Nashville police are criminally charging three women including a registered nurse for violating Metro Health orders after hosting a large house party on Halloween.

Roommates Madilyn Dennington, Bailey Mills and Olivia Noe, all 23, were issued misdemeanor citations in connection with an Oct. 31 football watch party at their East Nashville home on the 1200 block of Boscobel Street south of Fatherland Street.

Police spokesman Don Aaron said the women were served with court summonses on Monday and are slated to appear on the charges Dec. 16.

According to an arrest affidavit, officers responded about 6:30 p.m. to a complaint about a loud party at the home, heard music blaring and saw several people in the yard. In all, police said they found more than 100 people inside and outside the home.

When officers spoke to Dennington, Mills and Noe outside, they told police they had organized a watch party at their home for a football game, the affidavit states. The officers told the women that at that time, no more than 25 people were permitted to gather in Davidson County unless the gathering was approved by the city.


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c41d82 No.154278

File: 0d6f1cc1de44f25⋯.png (304.25 KB,443x660,443:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872492 (021810ZDEC20) Notable: impact zone_#CNNTapes

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impact zone_#CNNTapes

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c41d82 No.154279

File: c19bbd735dc0516⋯.jpg (484.32 KB,1917x965,1917:965,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 547164b16051d91⋯.jpg (426.36 KB,1917x967,1917:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872568 (021815ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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SAM187 way out there towards Venezuela.Lots of SIGINT up again.

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c41d82 No.154280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872574 (021816ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines to filter banner slide - Good idea - Baker is remediating

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Yeah the QAnon banner slide is the first thing I have filtered in a while

Filter both sides, and breads are comfy again

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c41d82 No.154281

File: ad52cfb050fb120⋯.png (90.22 KB,669x677,669:677,Clipboard.png)

File: ce881e44ba76a76⋯.png (29.86 KB,665x280,19:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872575 (021816ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats eye December 11 exit for House due to COVID-19

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Democrats eye December 11 exit for House due to COVID-19

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Wednesday that he's aiming for the chamber to finish its work for the year by next Friday to give lawmakers enough time to quarantine and avoid potentially infecting their families with COVID-19, which he hopes will provide an incentive for bipartisan dealmaking.

Congress needs to pass a spending bill by next Friday to avoid a government shutdown when current funding expires. Lawmakers are also trying to strike an elusive agreement on another round of coronavirus economic relief and provide funding for vaccine distribution as well as pass an annual bill to renew defense programs.

"I want to send members home, if possible, no later than the 11th. The reason for that is that if need be, they'll get the time to quarantine before Christmas and to reintegrate with their families if they need to quarantine for any reason," Hoyer told reporters.

Hoyer suggested that the ideal timeframe to reach a coronavirus relief deal would be to reach an agreement by the end of this weekend and vote by the end of next week, adding that he's "hopeful" a deal can be reached within the next few days.

"I know that sounds very optimistic," Hoyer acknowledged. "But in light of the COVID crisis that confronts us, I'm hopeful that members will come to grips with decision making, that that will be a compelling reason for them to do so and reach compromise so that we can get members back home, as I've said, at least 15 days before the Christmas holidays so that they can do so as safely as possible."

Like the rest of the nation, Congress has been experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases among lawmakers in recent weeks.

A total of 11 members of the House and Senate tested positive for the virus in the two weeks before Thanksgiving. And since Monday, two more House members — GOP Reps. Austin Scott (Ga.) and Ted Budd (N.C.) — also announced that they tested positive.

Five House members who tested positive shortly before Thanksgiving were in Washington and cast floor votes before learning they had contracted the virus, underscoring the risks of having hundreds of lawmakers travel from all over the country and gather together in the Capitol. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) — who said that he never showed symptoms — also voted on the Senate floor a day before starting to quarantine.


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c41d82 No.154282

File: 5eaae9ac69bc044⋯.jpeg (311.73 KB,750x745,150:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1f10a9377d031ac⋯.gif (2.65 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872586 (021817ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

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Muh disclaimer

How’s that working out for you?

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c41d82 No.154283

File: c24bd80aa5cdd8b⋯.png (658.45 KB,675x808,675:808,Clipboard.png)

File: 81ac831fff25418⋯.png (481.12 KB,684x860,171:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 951ad80b6e2e49c⋯.png (24.69 KB,661x375,661:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872611 (021819ZDEC20) Notable: Gantz claims Netanyahu duped the Israeli public. That’s not what happened at all

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Gantz claims Netanyahu duped the Israeli public. That’s not what happened at all

Now backing new elections, the Blue and White leader asserts ‘It’s not me Netanyahu duped; he duped all the citizens of Israel.’ His formulation is doubly inaccurate

Announcing Tuesday night that his Blue and White party would vote for a preliminary motion to dissolve the Knesset — a threat he implemented on Wednesday afternoon — Benny Gantz issued a stinging indictment of the man with whom he chose to partner in government a mere 200 or so days ago.

In their brief coalition life together, charged Gantz, Netanyahu had proven himself “a serial breaker of promises.” He had lied about truly seeking national unity. He had lied when promising “no tricks or shticks” in a coalition deal that was supposed to see Gantz take over as prime minister next November. He had claimed personal credit for every success in Israel’s mixed battle against the pandemic, marginalizing the roles of everybody else in government, the civil service and the national health care apparatus. He had left Israel without a budget for all of 2020, and was holding up the 2021 budget, too — radically exacerbating the devastation caused by COVID-19 on Israel’s legions of broken-hearted businesspeople, its hundreds of thousands of newly jobless.

Netanyahu likes to compare Israel to the world’s leading nations, Gantz noted bitterly, but where else in the world would a prime minister be so irresponsible as to leave his country without a budget in the midst of a pandemic? The prime minister’s refusal to pass the budget, he charged, was a veritable “economic terrorist act.”

The trouble with Gantz’s assault on the integrity and motives of his rival-partner-rival was that he delivered it as though it were revelatory. Yet his assertions that “Netanyahu reneges and the public pays,” that our prime minister is a deeply cynical political manipulator, and that for the last two to three years he has been making decisions with at least one eye on his corruption trial, are the very reasons Gantz cited upon entering politics two years ago. They are the very reasons why Gantz assembled a political alliance and campaigned in the last three elections on a platform with one core promise: that he would not sit in government with Netanyahu, a man he deemed dangerous to Israel.

And yet, eight months ago, Gantz announced that he was opening negotiations on a deal that would keep Netanyahu in power. And barely six months ago, he joined a Netanyahu-led coalition — delivering to the prime minister the votes he had won on that core pledge to do nothing of the kind.


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c41d82 No.154284

File: 65d7e7389d6df98⋯.png (82.78 KB,957x491,957:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872639 (021822ZDEC20) Notable: Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

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Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

Dem cabinet nom for State Department cofounded consulting firm WestExec

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden's election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants. An archived version of the WestExec site states that "U.S. research universities" were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to "remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs." The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense. His nominee to be the intelligence chief, Avril Haines, and incoming press secretary Jen Psaki have also done work for the firm.

Founded in 2017, WestExec boasted of deploying its deep government connections on behalf of its clients, pledging to bring "the situation room to the board room," and promised first-hand knowledge and government access to clients. The firm has dabbled in an array of consulting work, some of which involves U.S. adversaries such as China and Russia.

A spokeswoman for WestExec told the Washington Free Beacon that the firm "previously offered a service targeted to U.S. research universities to help them avoid inadvertently becoming involved with the Chinese government." She said the company no longer offers the service but declined to elaborate on why that decision was made.

The firm still says on its website that it helps clients navigate "China-related risks in an era of strategic competition" and at one point strongly suggested its principals would lean on their government contacts, helping American universities seeking Chinese money "navigate these issues with the Department of Defense."


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c41d82 No.154285

File: 1ed4a96f50f10a1⋯.png (433.86 KB,642x335,642:335,Clipboard.png)

File: bd033a0945b5737⋯.png (53.76 KB,821x830,821:830,Clipboard.png)

File: acd18c988013a2f⋯.png (56.47 KB,820x745,164:149,Clipboard.png)

File: ad97713daceb2d1⋯.png (69.1 KB,844x788,211:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872664 (021824ZDEC20) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

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Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

Docs Suggest Activity Logs of Incidents Overwritten

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 243 pages of records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Obama administration’s scanning the election systems of Georgia, Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia in 2016. This activity prompted a letter from then-Georgia Secretary of State (now Governor) Brian Kemp to then-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson accusing DHS of, “an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall.”

The records were produced in response to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which asked for all records related to reported cyberattacks against the Georgia secretary of state’s information network involving DHS, including investigative reports, memoranda, correspondence and communications between October 1, 2016, and February 14, 2017.

The minutes of a DHS “Enterprise Security Operations Center” (ESOC) meeting indicate that on November 15, 2016, at 8:43 a.m. a “scanning event” occurred. The “‘scanning’ event was the result of a FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center] user’s Microsoft Office Discovery Protocol sending a packet with the OPTIONS flag to the Secretary of State of Georgia site.”

The minutes notes that the Enterprise Security Operations Center “has received requests from NCCIC [DHS’s The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center] and MS-ISAC [Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center] to investigate other states that have seen ‘suspicious’ activity.”

The minutes note that Kemp accused DHS of conducting illicit scans on at least February 2, February 28 and May 23, 2016, as well.

DHS notes in the minutes that they were working with Microsoft to determine what happened: “Microsoft and the ESOC with the assistance of FLETC, were able to confirm that the user non-maliciously copied and pasted elements of the website to an excel document, which triggered the HTTP ‘OPTIONS’ request.”

A “Microsoft E-Mail Statement (Unofficial Statement to ESOC)” was included with the minutes. The email stated, “After looking at the data I do not see requests that look malicious in nature or appear to be attempting to exploit a vulnerability.”

A chart of “Current Open Vulnerabilities” for the period November 30, 2016, through December 12, 2016, noted that DHS had identified a total of 1,227 cyber vulnerabilities within DHS components, including five “High” severity ones at FEMA.

In a “Shift Pass Down Report – Sunday Night Shift – December 18, 2016” describing one of the State of Georgia incidents, DHS identifies that it originated, “from a FLETC-based Physical Security Contract Manager.”

DHS identifies activity originating from them in Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia.


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c41d82 No.154286

File: 36d2e59dc1f8150⋯.png (355.71 KB,538x546,269:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 074e98f5fc8c941⋯.jpg (204.68 KB,1133x1440,1133:1440,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11332ea2562c3cc⋯.png (67.2 KB,710x524,355:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872685 (021825ZDEC20) Notable: Good Riddance and just the start - Later Lamar

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Rinosore Be Gone


Sen. Lamar Alexander bids farewell to the U.S. Senate

His message to his colleagues was to surrender, to put the country before partisanship for the greater good of the United States.


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c41d82 No.154287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872686 (021825ZDEC20) Notable: Interpol warns that COVID-19 vaccines could be targeted by criminals

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Interpol warns that COVID-19 vaccines could be targeted by criminals

"As governments are preparing to roll out vaccines, criminal organizations are planning to infiltrate or disrupt supply chains," said Interpol's secretary-general.

The Interpol global police coordination agency warned on Wednesday that organized criminal networks could be targeting COVID-19 vaccines, and could attempt to sell fake shots.

Interpol, whose headquarters are in the French city of Lyon, said it had issued a global alert to law enforcement across its 194 member countries, warning them to prepare for organized crime networks targeting COVID-19 vaccines, both physically and online, including examples of crimes where individuals have been advertising, selling and administering fake vaccines.

"As governments are preparing to roll out vaccines, criminal organizations are planning to infiltrate or disrupt supply chains," said Interpol secretary-general Juergen Stock.

"Criminal networks will also be targeting unsuspecting members of the public via fake websites and false cures, which could pose a significant risk to their health, even their lives," he said.

In its statement, Interpol also stressed the need for coordination between law enforcement and health regulatory bodies, saying that it will play a vital role to ensure the safety of individuals and the well-being of communities.

“It is essential that law enforcement is as prepared as possible for what will be an onslaught of all types of criminal activity linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, which is why Interpol has issued this global warning,” Stock concluded.

In addition to the dangers of ordering potentially life-threatening products, an analysis by Interpol Cybercrime Unit revealed that of 3,000 websites associated with online pharmacies suspected of selling illicit medicines and medical devices, around 1,700 contained cyber threats, especially phishing and spamming malware.


Cabal telegraphing it's defense for future Vaccine deaths

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c41d82 No.154288

File: 005c2b4ff11091d⋯.png (1.3 MB,862x596,431:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872694 (021826ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Education Lead: Chinese Communist Party Has Done ‘Magical Work’

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Biden Education Lead: Chinese Communist Party Has Done ‘Magical Work’

Joe Biden's education transition team lead has a long history of praising China's school system—a system the Chinese Communist Party designed to indoctrinate students.

Linda Darling-Hammond, a Stanford University professor and the president of the California State Board of Education, has praised the Chinese Communist Party's education system for its "magical work" in establishing a strong teacher-government presence in student life. In her 2017 book Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World, she explained the centrality of the teacher to Chinese students' lives.

"Teachers in China are revered as elders, role models, and those whom parents entrust to shape the future of their children," Darling-Hammond wrote. "In the Tao traditions of ritual, the phrase ‘heaven-earth-sovereign-parent-teacher' is repeated and becomes ingrained in how people see themselves holistically governed and supported."

The Stanford educator failed to mention that any other teacher-student "relationship" could result in imprisonment. The Chinese government continually cracks down on "Western values" in the classroom by sending state-sponsored inspectors to monitor teachers—particularly in higher education—for "improper" remarks. Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has said that China's schools and teachers must "serve the Communist Party in its management of the country."

Not serving it can carry steep consequences. In July, for example, Chinese professor Xu Zhangrun was placed under house arrest after he criticized Xi's handling of the coronavirus crisis. He was subsequently fired from his teaching position at Tsinghua University—one of China's most elite institutions—after he spoke out against Xi's removal of presidential term limits.

In her book, Darling-Hammond also praised China for dramatically increasing spending on education. But that money has been unevenly distributed, resulting in persistent inequalities. Sixty percent of rural students drop out by the time they reach high school, and of the remaining 40 percent, only a small fraction take college entrance exams.

Similar disparities apply to teachers—yet in a 2011 Washington Post article, Darling-Hammond lauded China for boosting spending on teachers' professional development. She also took a "detailed statement" from the Chinese minister of education at face value, in which he claimed that China had allocated "billions of yuen" to improving teachers' "working … and living conditions."

Such omissions appear in Darling-Hammond's Twitter feed as well. In 2018, she tweeted that the United States had 71 times as many school shootings as China, but declined to note that Chinese crime statistics are notoriously inaccurate. She also ignored the numerous stabbings that plague Chinese schools. In October 2018, a woman stabbed 14 children in a kindergarten class. In April 2018, nine students were murdered at a middle school.

Darling-Hammond has spent nearly her entire life entrenched in Ivy League institutions, beginning at Yale University in 1969. In 2008, she served as the lead for Barack Obama's education transition team. Darling-Hammond had been under consideration to be Biden's secretary of education but claimed she was "not interested" in the position, citing her desire to continue working with California governor Gavin Newsom.

The Biden team did not respond to requests for comment.


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c41d82 No.154289

File: be14dc4aafdf9db⋯.png (58.43 KB,894x352,447:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872703 (021827ZDEC20) Notable: Prominent Diversity Consulting Firm Funded Entirely by Taxpayer Dollars

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Prominent Diversity Consulting Firm Funded Entirely by Taxpayer Dollars

Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium conducts 'anti-racist' trainings across 15 states and U.S. territories

A prominent equity consulting firm that conducts "anti-racist" trainings is funded entirely by taxpayer dollars, tax filings reveal.

The Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) is a self-proclaimed "social justice" nonprofit that conducts "anti-racist audits" for corporations and schools, often in partnership with far-left groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. The consortium was recently awarded a lucrative contract by Maryland's largest school district and works with educators across 15 states.

MAEC's influence comes at the taxpayer's expense. According to its most recent tax filings, the group hauled in $2 million solely from government grants between mid-2018 and mid-2019. It has not reported a single private donation in four years. MAEC's reach is made possible thanks to a partnership with the Department of Education.

Equity firms have profited greatly from the burgeoning anti-racist movement in academia. The MAEC was awarded a $454,680 contract with the Montgomery County Public School district to conduct an "anti-racist audit" of the school's policies; in nearby Loudoun County, a similar consulting firm raked in $422,500 in two years. Prominent diversity consultants, such as White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo, make nearly $13,000 for a speaking gig on college campuses.

The MAEC also touts a handful of left-leaning education partners, including the Southern Poverty Law Center's "Teaching Tolerance" arm, which pushes for students to learn about slavery beginning in kindergarten. The consortium is considered the main equity firm in the Mid-Atlantic region.

City Journal‘s Christopher Rufo told the Washington Free Beacon that taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill for "divisive pseudosciences."

"This has become activists' primary strategy: securing taxpayer funds to push the deeply ideological agenda of critical race theory," Rufo said. "This kind of program plays on a double-standard. It would be unimaginable for a taxpayer-funded organization to teach a pro-life or pro-gun message in public school, but it has become commonplace to have taxpayer-funded organizations teaching extreme left-wing doctrine in public schools."

The MAEC has raked in a steady stream of government grants over the years. Of the $19 million the group has raised since 2001, $17 million is from taxpayer-backed cash, according to a review of its financial filings. Its most recent tax forms show that from mid-2018 to mid-2019, the group spent $1.6 million on "equity projects" to examine and address systematic policies and practices, nearly $233,000 on "family engagement" projects to build partnerships among schools and parents, and nearly $74,000 on youth projects. Susan Shaffer, the group's president, has received more than $200,000 in compensation, and Maria Del Rosario Basterra, its vice president, has collected more than $140,000 from the nonprofit.


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c41d82 No.154290

File: a32fdb65e024f21⋯.png (336.17 KB,1108x627,1108:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872750 (021830ZDEC20) Notable: More on the Gina Haspel situation - 'Gina has been iced out'

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Gina has been 'Iced-out"

Gina could be 'fired'


Gina is 'on ice'. she could have been shot while under fire .

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c41d82 No.154291

File: d13f60019e9370a⋯.png (970.35 KB,852x1204,213:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872756 (021830ZDEC20) Notable: 'Stop the Fraud' protest in Georgia today

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Any Georgia anons going???? Starts in 30



Update 6:50 pm




We need 1000 people, Danny and the Trump Bus, flags and all!

Sidney (Powell) and Lin Wood and ten lawyers making huge news

Any and all Patriots show up by 2:00!! Spread the WORD!!


11915 Wills Rd. / Alpharetta Ga. 30009 /

2:00 pm

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c41d82 No.154292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872761 (021831ZDEC20) Notable: UN Secretary General on‘The State of the Planet’

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UN Secretary General on ‘The State of the Planet’




2 December 2020

President Bollinger,

Dear friends,

I thank Columbia University for hosting this gathering — and I welcome those joining online around the world.

We meet in this unusual way as we enter the last month of this most unusual year.

We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.

To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken.

Dear friends,

Humanity is waging war on nature.

This is suicidal.

Nature always strikes back — and it is already doing so with growing force and fury.

Biodiversity is collapsing. One million species are at risk of extinction.

Ecosystems are disappearing before our eyes.

Deserts are spreading.

Wetlands are being lost.

Every year, we lose 10 million hectares of forests.

Oceans are overfished — and choking with plastic waste. The carbon dioxide they absorb is acidifying the seas.

Coral reefs are bleached and dying.

Air and water pollution are killing 9 million people annually – more than six times the current toll of the pandemic.

And with people and livestock encroaching further into animal habitats and disrupting wild spaces, we could see more viruses and other disease-causing agents jump from animals to humans.

Let’s not forget that 75 per cent of new and emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic.

Today, two new authoritative reports from the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme spell out how close we are to climate catastrophe.

2020 is on track to be one of the three warmest years on record globally – even with the cooling effect of this year’s La Nina.

The past decade was the hottest in human history.

Ocean heat is at record levels.

This year, more than 80 per cent of the world’s oceans experienced a marine heatwave.

In the Arctic, 2020 has seen exceptional warmth, with temperatures more than 3 degrees Celsius above average – and more than 5 degrees in northern Siberia.

Arctic sea ice in October was the lowest on record – and now re-freezing has been the slowest on record.

Greenland ice has continued its long-term decline, losing an average of 278 gigatons a year.

Permafrost is melting and releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Apocalyptic fires and floods, cyclones and hurricanes are increasingly the new normal.

The North Atlantic hurricane season has seen 30 storms, more than double the long-term average and breaking the record for a full season.

Central America is still reeling from two back-to-back hurricanes, part of the most intense period for such storms in recent years.

Last year such disasters cost the world $150 billion.

COVID-19 lockdowns have temporarily reduced emissions and pollution.

But carbon dioxide levels are still at record highs – and rising.

In 2019, carbon dioxide levels reached 148 per cent of pre-industrial levels.

In 2020, the upward trend has continued despite the pandemic.

Methane soared even higher – to 260 per cent.

Nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas that also harms the ozone layer, has escalated by 123 per cent.

Meanwhile, climate policies have yet to rise to the challenge.


Use link for rest of transcript

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c41d82 No.154293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872787 (021833ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no.

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c41d82 No.154294

File: 4caf1e9127ca5e8⋯.png (770.13 KB,774x806,387:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872793 (021833ZDEC20) Notable: Iran Approved Bill To Intensify Nuclear Activities, Identified Those Behind Fakhrizadeh’s Assassination

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Iran Approved Bill To Intensify Nuclear Activities, Identified Those Behind Fakhrizadeh’s Assassination

A bill obliging the government to increase the level of uranium enrichment has been approved in Iran.

On December 1, the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) approved the draft “Strategic measure to lift sanctions”, by which it obliged the authorities to abandon the IAEA Additional Protocol on verification of nuclear activities. They will be obliged to do it, if within two months from the entry into force of the bill, the parties of the Nuclear Deal do not fulfill their commitments and above all do not “eliminate the barriers to the export of oil and oil products”.

Initially, the authorities were given a month, but later the term was extended.

On December 2, the bill was approved by the Guardian Council that is composed of 12 members – 6 faqihs (experts in Islamic Law) and 6 jurists specialized in different law areas. The Council has the authority to examine the compatibility of the legislation passed by Majlis with the criteria of the Constitution. Now the law is entering into power and must be handed over to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for implementation.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is opposite to a bill approved by parliament, saying it would be harmful to diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal and easing U.S. sanctions.

“The government does not agree with the bill passed by the Parliament yesterday, and considers it to be detrimental to diplomatic efforts,” Rouhani said in a weekly cabinet session on December 2.

Rouhani expressed his belief that the situation will be different next year, once this war and maximum pressure is over.

The law obliges the authorities to produce at least 120 kg of uranium enriched to 20% per year. Iran will have to put into operation one thousand additional centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordo nuclear facilities within a year. The bill also supposes the reconstruction of the Arak nuclear reactor.


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c41d82 No.154295

File: 7f766dfad869c81⋯.jpeg (141.11 KB,640x582,320:291,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872800 (021834ZDEC20) Notable: Vote to decriminalize marijuana in House is soon

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Vote to decriminalize marijuana in congress is soon. Maybe by end of this week. Also, Mexico is expected to legalize maybe as early as next week. I think it’s time for the USA to decriminalize marijuana.

They say the bill is expected to pass the house but the senate may not pass it because of McConnell. Republicans should make a deal with Democrats on this and stimulus. That way everyone is happy. Marijuana is going to be decriminalized one day anyways so why all the bs from McConnell about it now?


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c41d82 No.154296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872801 (021834ZDEC20) Notable: RFK JR: THE BIG QUESTION ABOUT C0VID VACCINES THAT NO ONE IN MEDIA IS ASKING (Video)

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: the big question about Covid Vaccines that no one in media is asking.. do these vaccines actually prevent spread of the virus? If not, will all those who receive them become Covid versions of “Typhoid Mary”?


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c41d82 No.154297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872816 (021835ZDEC20) Notable: Hundreds Of Syrian Mercenaries Have Returned From Karabakh: Monitoring Group

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Hundreds Of Syrian Mercenaries Have Returned From Karabakh: Monitoring Group

Hundreds of Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries have returned from the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh where they fought for Azerbaijan, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on December 2.

According to the London-based monitoring group, Turkish efforts to settle the mercenaries in the region failed. Baku refused to allow Syrians to stay.

Last month, several sources revealed a Turkish plan to settle Syrian mercenaries along with their families in Nagorno-Karabakh. Ankara reportedly set up offices in the occupied Syrian region of Afrin to facilitate the plan

“over 900 fighters of Turkish-backed Syrian factions have returned to Syria in batches, with latest batch arriving in Syria last Thursday,” the SOHR said in its report. “More batches are expected to return in the next hours or days.”

The mercenaries who returned to Syria have reportedly received a part of their payment only, with the rest set to be paid within a few days.

Around 2,580 Syrian mercenaries, all recruited by Turkey, supported Azerbaijan’s offensive on Nagorno-Karabakh. At least 293 were killed by Armenian forces.

Azerbaijan, which used Syrian mercenaries as cannon fodder on Nagorno-Karabakh’s frontlines, is not apparently interested in their services anymore. Many of these mercenaries are known to be radicals, which explains Baku’s rejection of Ankara’s settlement plan.


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c41d82 No.154298

File: cb667d4d0eab225⋯.png (2.1 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872820 (021836ZDEC20) Notable: Denver Airport Mural - Burkas in America

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Denver Airport Mural

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c41d82 No.154299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872823 (021836ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20 (Livecast)

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🔴 LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20

16,504 waiting

•Scheduled for Dec 2, 2020

24 minutes


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c41d82 No.154300

File: 2cd68a34e1d4b08⋯.png (72.48 KB,1061x773,1061:773,Clipboard.png)

File: 824af1da1f4259d⋯.png (95.39 KB,1054x879,1054:879,Clipboard.png)

File: d08ad72a29b64de⋯.png (94.19 KB,1065x870,71:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cfc20f064bd5a7⋯.png (87.05 KB,1064x870,532:435,Clipboard.png)

File: c56624119ee729a⋯.png (84.63 KB,1064x790,532:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872850 (021838ZDEC20) Notable: The Cheering Section for World War III

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The Cheering Section for World War III

America repeatedly elects and re-elects champions of “regime change” in nations abroad (George W. Bush in 2000, Barack Obama in 2008, Donald Trump in 2016, and Joe Biden in 2020), such as in Iraq in 2003, and in Afghanistan in 2001, and in Libya in 2011, and in Syria in 2011-2020, and in Yemen in 2015-2020, and in Ukraine in 2010-2014; and, in all instances, has destroyed those nations while claiming to be supporting ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’ and to be ‘opposing corruption’ in all of those nations that it was actually destroying.

Joe Biden, like all 21st Century U.S. Presidents except Donald Trump, wants regime change in Russia, and that would require WWIII.Only people who are either very stupid or very evil want that. Which is Joe Biden? Which was Barack Obama? Which was Hillary Clinton (whom Trump had beaten)? Which was Bush? All of them were supported by the post-World-War-II, permanent-Cold-War, endless-war, Washington Establishment, and by the controlling owners of America’s international corporations such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil. And, therefore, all of them were elected to lead America’s Government. It’s a bipartisan Establishment, which includes every American billionaire (none mobilizes against imperialism, or “neoconservatism”), and which chooses the Presidential and almost all Congressional nominees of both of America’s two political Parties. So, Americans always ‘elect’ such leaders, in this permanent-warfare ‘democracy’. But its’ going to war against Russia — a real war against Russia — would be different, because that would be a nuclear war, all-out, instantaneous, and all of the weapons on both sides would be launched within less than an hour. There would be no looking back and correcting strategic errors, no recalibrations, no second-guesses. It would be historically unique, and all of the guesses would be made within that few-minutes-long period, and would be final.

A part of this Establishment is the magazine Foreign Policy, which is owned by the pro-imperialist (or “neoconservative”) Donald Graham, who virtually never has opposed any American aggression and has conspicuously supported them all. He used to own the Washington Post, which he sold in 2013 to the like-minded Jeff Bezos. America’s billionaires own or control all its major news-media and almost all of its online media that have a significantly large audience. (After all: billionaires can buy anything, and once they buy it, they control it.) This is how Americans always come to ‘elect’ such people to lead the country and to choose judges such as on the U.S. Supreme Court, who will see the world in essentially the same way that they do. Regardless of whether the liberal or the conservative version of that way, it’s the Establishment way. As the Nobel Peace Prize winner American President Barack Obama phrased that way, numerous times, while he was America’s President, “The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation”, meaning that every other country — including Russia — is “dispensable.” In fact, during his second term (after the first term, while he hid this), he constantly identified Russia as being America’s main enemy, but was a skillful enough politician to make fun of, and casually to ridicule, his 2012 ‘election’ opponent, Mitt Romney’s having said that “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.” Obama was implying that he didn’t agree with that statement. It’s because of lies like this (to the effect that Obama opposed American imperialism), that Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. Secretly, even at the very start of his first term, his Administration were preparing to restart the Cold War in a very serious way, by preparing to take over Russia’s next-door neighbor Ukraine and Russia’s Arab ally Syria. But no matter how many times the American public have been lied-to, they never get the hint; and, so, even at the end of Obama’s Presidency, he wasn’t considered a war-monger by most Americans: he had a 59% job-approval rating at the end of his Presidency. (And, of course, some of the other 41% disapproved of his Presidency for reasons that were lies from agents of the Republican Party’s billionaires; so, only far fewer than 41% had any idea, at all, that he, like his immediate predecessor, had been perhaps America’s most harmful and worst, of all Presidents.) Both of America’s political Parties represent only the billionaires who fund them, never the U.S. public. It’s a phony ‘democracy’, but few Americans even know this. The problem isn’t lack of democracy abroad: it is lack of democracy in U.S. federal ‘elections’. This Government is, in fact, a dictatorship, but it uses propaganda to fool the public to think otherwise. The problem is here at home. The following is an example:



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c41d82 No.154301

File: fb4575d5644d4d9⋯.png (469.22 KB,658x838,329:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872851 (021838ZDEC20) Notable: UN Secretary General on‘The State of the Planet’

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UN Secretary General on‘The State of the Planet’

Delingpole: The Green Agenda IS the Great Reset


24 Nov 2020

The green agenda IS theGreat Reset.

One of the few political leaders who gets this is President Donald Trump.

On Sunday he warned in a video statement from the White House to the Group of 20 summit hosted by Saudi Arabia that the Paris Climate Agreement was ‘not designed to save the environment. It was designed to kill the economy.’

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c41d82 No.154302

File: 492012d377b9cba⋯.png (319.67 KB,478x595,478:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872862 (021839ZDEC20) Notable: Had #COVID19 been infecting people in United States even before China reported 1st cases?

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Had #COVID19 been infecting people in United States even before China reported 1st cases? A research by United States @CDCgov & @RedCross: in ~7,4k blood donations made in 9 US states b/w 13.12.19 & 17.01.20 the

Microbe antibodies were present in 106 samples. Smth for @WHO to look into.


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c41d82 No.154303

File: 97d009c867ef2f1⋯.png (3.77 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872870 (021839ZDEC20) Notable: Storm Watch anons - Buckle up. It'll get worse before it gets better but.. THE BEST IS YET TO COME

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c41d82 No.154304

File: 5f8aff3eeea4b1a⋯.png (777.09 KB,759x510,253:170,Clipboard.png)

File: 63545195431ccfd⋯.png (743.35 KB,696x764,174:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f5e806d367d136⋯.png (83.3 KB,764x506,382:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872882 (021841ZDEC20) Notable: Missing Context Alert: Biden Appointee Wears Commie Hat, Claims the Russians Made Her Do It

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Missing Context Alert: Biden Appointee Wears Commie Hat, Claims the Russians Made Her Do It or Something

Jen Psaki leads a charmed life. She went from communications at the Obama campaign, to communications in the Obama government where she wielded tweets like Ahsoka Tano wields actual weapons, to CNN, and is now headed back to government to work for Joe Biden should he prevail in the currently disputed election. Say what you want about the Democrats, and there’s plenty to say, they and the mainstream media do reward their loyalists. That probably buys them a whole lot more loyalists. It’s quite the symbiotic relationship the Democrats, Big Media, and Big Tech have going.

Psaki tweets a lot, and she tweeted this Tuesday.

For anyone who hasn't been the target of Russian propaganda (cc: @McFaul @HillaryClinton) the purpose is to discredit powerful messengers and to spread misinformation to confuse the public. Anyone who repeats it is (unwitting or not) simply a puppet of the propaganda machine.

— Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) December 1, 2020

Puppet alert!

The pink hat Psaki is wearing features a prominent red symbol of communism, the hammer and sickle. USA Today fact-checked the fracas after the photo resurfaced, helpfully telling the world that the hat was gifted to Psaki by a Russian propaganda official. Because that’s just what fact-checkers do. They help the world by framing it along with the strong suggestion we should not think for ourselves.

Russia responded w/ #Ushanka Hat gifted to @statedeptspox to stay warm&fancy during #US #winterstorm up to @Sochi2014 pic.twitter.com/yPmWTxydyE

— MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) January 13, 2014

That doesn’t mean she had to wear the hat and grin in photos with the thing atop her head, because such a gift just might be a set-up by a foreign competitor to see what American leftists are willing or are dumb enough to do, or for some other reason, but ok, whatever, USA Today.

Is the hat made of real fur? That might get Psaki in trouble with the left, who largely aren’t bothered by the communism.

USAT accused those who spread the image around and got a good laugh out of it or found it disturbing (or both!) of “missing context,” and the paper does have a point. There is a great deal of context missing here.

For one thing, the Russians just might have been playing Psaki and her pal John Kerry for fools, which brings to mind the old saying involving candy and a baby. The Russians would soon thereafter annex the Ukrainian territory Crimea, over which a major war was fought back in the 19th century (“Charge of the Light Brigade” and all that), and Psaki’s State Department responded with…hashtags. Seriously. As if a salvo of tweets would stop an army or shame the likes of Putin. “Promise of hashtag” became one of the most laughable foreign policy moments during eight long years of them. Spoiler: Jen’s hashtags didn’t stop a thing.

“Promise of hashtag.” https://t.co/EHKorJLAff

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 29, 2020

So that’s some context. Thanks, USA Today, for the reminder.

If the Russians were playing the Dem duo for fools and/or laughs, it worked. Six years later, Psaki’s headed back to government after a stint in the stenographer media despite a record of embarrassing failure, and we’re talking about her wearing a hat with a communist symbol that ought to be despised, not propped atop any American official’s head ever.

Again, just because someone gives you something, it doesn’t mean you have to wear it. Otherwise we’d all be walking around wearing those ugly socks we’re bound to get for Christmas again. Well, if we were allowed to go anywhere. Thanks, communist China!


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c41d82 No.154305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872883 (021841ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee December 2, 6:00 PM EST

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🔴 LIVE: Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee

731 waiting

•Scheduled for Dec 2, 2020


Live in 4 hours

December 2, 6:00 PM

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c41d82 No.154306

File: b42d79db5ca7a82⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872896 (021842ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona GOP Chairwoman announces the findings from investigation of 100 duplicate ballots (Video Cap)

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Arizona GOP Chairwoman announces the findings from investigation of 100 duplicate ballots, in which TWO votes were discovered to have been altered.

1 Trump vote switched to Biden and 1 Trump vote not counted. That is 3% fraudulent swing on the 100 ballot sample that was examined.


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c41d82 No.154307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872902 (021842ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Team: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada, to File Lawsuit

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Trump Team: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada, to File Lawsuit

A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign said the team is preparing to file a lawsuit soon alleging that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada, which, if true, could potentially erase Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead.

Trump attorney Jesse R. Binnall, speaking to Fox Business Wednesday, said that they found evidence of “real voter fraud” including “thousands of thousands of instances” in Nevada that will be submitted to a court in the Silver State.

There are “instances of 40,000-plus people who have voted twice in the election,” Tindall remarked.

He did not provide a source, such as an affidavit or a whistleblower, for his claim but later said lawyers will present evidence to the court. It’s not clear where the bulk of the alleged fraudulent ballots were cast in the state.

Tindall, who helped defend retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, also said that some people who said they were recorded as having voted via mail never received ballots and told Trump’s team that they didn’t vote.

Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office has not yet responded to a request for comment. Cegavske has released few public statements since the Nov. 3 election.

Several weeks ago, in response to allegations of fraud, Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria’s office told The Associated Press that Trump’s campaign’s “complaints … misstate and misrepresent evidence” and claimed they “parrot erroneous allegations made by partisans without first-hand knowledge of the facts.”

Earlier this week, Nevada Republicans dropped a lawsuit that claimed that people who no longer live in the state illegally cast ballots. It was later revealed that the addresses and zip codes in the lawsuit belonged to a number of military families and students who are legally able to vote in Nevada.

But in another instance, a data scientist, Dorothy Morgan, said there was an inexplicable jump in voter registrations with unusual addresses and incomplete information.


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c41d82 No.154308

File: 5c77c7407cf2fd2⋯.png (2.42 MB,988x918,494:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872917 (021844ZDEC20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On December 2, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 31 times: 20 – in Idlib province, 2 – in Aleppo province, 5 – in Latakia province, 4 – in Hama province;

On December 1, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Khatib Zadeh denied reported about the assassination of an IRGC commander in an airstrike in al-Bukamal;

On December 1, during the meeting of the Syrian constitutional committee in Geneva (4th round), the sides reached an understanding on the humanitarian file and the issue of sanctions imposed on Syria;

On December 2, clashes between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Turkish-backed forces were reported in the Tal Tamar area;

On December 1, clashes between SDF and Turkish-backed forces were reported north of Arimah;

On December 1, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions in the Ain Isaa area;

On December 2, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in al-Barah and Baylun.


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c41d82 No.154309

File: 83d3e76aec5fc7e⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,477x452,477:452,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872923 (021844ZDEC20) Notable: #Truth

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c41d82 No.154310

File: 688f7b2cece4d68⋯.png (254.08 KB,645x458,645:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a2111a68102b8a⋯.png (142.39 KB,661x550,661:550,Clipboard.png)

File: db0e1f7dbb51e95⋯.png (30.07 KB,645x234,215:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872950 (021847ZDEC20) Notable: Ex-Bill Clinton aide Doug Band dishes on family ties to Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell

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Ex-Bill Clinton aide Doug Band dishes on family ties to Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell

Former President Bill Clinton’s one-time top advisor dished on the family’s ties to pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell in a series of new interviews on his time with the political dynasty.

Doug Band — who rose from Bubba’s body man during his second term in office to the most trusted adviser of his post-presidential life — told Vanity Fair that he tried for years to keep Epstein at a distance, but that Clinton just couldn’t stay away.

Though ignorant at the time of Epstein’s sex crimes, Band said he knew the financier was bad news ever since Clinton’s now-infamous 2002 trip aboard Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express.”

Photos were unearthed earlier this year of the trip, including a shot of Clinton receiving a neck massage from Chauntae Davies, who later accused Epstein of rape.

Band also recalled for the Vanity Fair piece that Epstein made outlandish boasts during the humanitarian trip, including that he invented the concept of the derivatives trading market.

Band said he encouraged Clinton to sever ties with Epstein after the trip, but that in January 2003, the former president visited Epstein’s private Caribbean retreat, Little St. James — also known as “Pedophile Island.”

In an unusual move given their close working relationship at the time, Band said he declined to join Clinton on the trip, which, according to Epstein’s flight logs, was one of dozens he made to the island over the years.

The Clinton camp has insisted previously that the former president has never set foot on the island, a denial repeated in the Vanity Fair piece.

Epstein — who hanged himself in his Lower Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial — also donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation philanthropic group in 2006.

The family also maintained close ties to Maxwell — currently awaiting her own trial on charges she groomed underage girls she and Epstein would go on to abuse — through the years, Band said.


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c41d82 No.154311

File: 464b0bd2049f248⋯.png (433.58 KB,809x683,809:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872956 (021848ZDEC20) Notable: #Truth

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c41d82 No.154312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872968 (021849ZDEC20) Notable: DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells

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DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells

Two Georgia State Senate committees will hold hearings into claims of voting and tabulation irregularities from whistleblowers across the state

With a bevy of claims alleging vote fraud, ballot tampering, and non-adherence to legislated election processes, two critical State Senate committee in Georgia are set to hear testimony and examine evidence of malfeasance from whistleblowers and complainants from across the state.

Georgia’s Senate Government Oversight Committee and the Senate Committee on Judiciary issued statements saying they will hold back-to-back hearings on elections processes on December 3, 2020. The statement said the hearings would be livestreamed at 10am and 1pm, respectively.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona held similar forums making Georgia the fourth state to hold hearings on election fraud and ballot tampering complaints during the 2020 General Election.

Democrats tacitly refused to commit to taking part in either of the Georgia Senate hearings.

According to the announcement of the hearings, the legislators explained that the purpose of both hearings is “to take testimony of elections improprieties and to evaluate the election process to ensure the integrity of Georgia’s voting process.”

2 committees in the #Georgia state Senate announced they will hold back-to-back #Hearings on #Elections processes on Dec. 3.

Georgia will be the 4th state to hold election-related hearings on the heels of #Pennsylvania, #Arizona and #Michigan. https://t.co/XulhyxufH8

— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) December 2, 2020

The hearings were announced as Georgia continues to conduct a machine recount of the November 3, presidential election.

Embattled Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), in a rare admission that the Georgia election process was flawed, said Tuesday that Georgia “cut corners” during the second recount of the November 3, election.

“Us and our office, and I think the rest of the state, is getting a little tired of always having to wait on Fulton County and always having to put up with their dysfunction,” Raffensperger said at a press conference. “They can still make it by our midnight Wednesday deadline, but they seem to want to make it a dramatic finish.”

Fulton County is home to Atlanta and is one of the few blue counties in the traditionally red state of Georgia.

Robb Pitts, of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, rebuked Raffensperger’s claim saying Fulton County election officials hadn’t engaged in any election-related “hanky panky.”

Pitts did not address the multiple claims of vote fraud, ballot tampering, or inappropriate access to Dominion Voting Systems machines that have been documented and caught on video. Neither did he address complaints by poll watchers that alleged they were denied access to vote tabulations.

Attorney Sidney Powell filed a lawsuit in Georgia last week claiming a wide-ranging fraud scheme that included the manipulation of voting software to fraudulently alter vote tallies.


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c41d82 No.154313

File: 2d705f59cbedadf⋯.png (141.17 KB,716x884,179:221,Clipboard.png)

File: b1a513fb5b776fe⋯.png (51.99 KB,715x397,715:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11872983 (021851ZDEC20) Notable: Media Elites, Not Trump Supporters, Are Disconnected From Reality

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Media Elites, Not Trump Supporters, Are Disconnected From Reality

It’s not Trump supporters who are living in a fantasyland, but members of the corporate media who sense their power and influence waning.

With the end of Donald Trump’s presidency fast approaching, we’ve seen a surge of columns and posts asserting that Republicans and Trump supporters have lost touch with reality. After four years of marinating in “falsehoods” and “disinformation”—a term that really just means “information I don’t like”—Trump’s backers are all turned around, we’re told. They believe much that isn’t so.

David Brooks of The New York Times explains that these poor saps, most of whom, he says, are uneducated, uncredentialed people who don’t live in prosperous cities, have retreated to conspiracy theories to explain their misfortune and unhappiness. “People in this precarious state are going to demand stories that will both explain their distrust back to them and also enclose them within a safe community of believers,” he writes. Trump, QAnon, and Alex Jones “rose up to give them those stories and provide that community.”

Over at The New Yorker, editor David Remnick ponders the grave costs of Trump’s “assault on the press and the truth,” asking how many COVID-19 victims “died because they chose to believe the President’s dismissive accounts of the disease rather than what public-health officials were telling the press? Half of Republican voters believe Trump’s charge that the 2020 election was ‘rigged.’ What will be the lasting effects on American democracy of that disinformation campaign?”

These are just representative samples, but across the mainstream commentariat the gist is all the same: if you support Trump, you’re likely a poor person who believes conspiracy theories and is dangerously disconnected from reality, partly because you resent successful people like Messrs. Brooks and Remnick. You live in a fantasyland because it assuages your feelings of inferiority, which are mostly justified. You’re paranoid because you’re powerless, and the alternate reality you’ve constructed for yourself gives you a sense of power and agency in a confusing, unsettled world.

But here’s the thing. Everything these media elites say about Trump supporters can more properly be said about media elites themselves. Who really has been living in a fantasyland these last four years? Is it the ordinary Americans—including a lot of educated, white-collar professionals—who voted for a president they felt would shake up the sclerotic status quo in Washington, or a press corps that perpetuated an actual conspiracy about Trump-Russia collusion for years?


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c41d82 No.154314

File: d4d6ca86651f570⋯.png (122.02 KB,535x596,535:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873013 (021854ZDEC20) Notable: The INS Magen, Israel's first Sa'ar 6 warship and the newest addition to the Navy, arrived in Haifa today

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The INS Magen, Israel's first Sa'ar 6 warship and the newest addition to the Navy, arrived in Haifa today.

"This is a holiday for the State of Israel, the IDF and the Navy," IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi said.


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c41d82 No.154315

File: d41c25439fe93db⋯.png (383.66 KB,502x323,502:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873017 (021854ZDEC20) Notable: Wray Stays: Biden Plans To Keep FBI Director Installed Under Trump (telling)

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Wray Stays: Biden Plans To Keep FBI Director Installed Under Trump

Joe Biden plans to keep FBI Director Christopher Wray in his post if President Trump hasn't fired him before he leaves office (should his challenges to the election fail), according to the New York Times, citing an anonymous senior Biden official 'not authorized to speak publicly.'

Wray notably sat on evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop indicating that Joe Biden was indeed involved in Hunter's Ukraine dealings - while Democrats impeached Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate Biden corruption. The Wray FBI also withheld exonerating evidence in the case of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, which was only pried loose by attorney Sidney Powell.

And while Wray, a Republican, was technically installed by President Trump after he fired former Director James Comey (an Obama appointee), the decision to leave Wray in charge of the FBI "would be a return to the norms around FBI directors, who are confirmed by the Senate and are supposed to have 10-year terms," according to the Times.

Wray, a Vanderbilt grad who went to Yale Law who formerly served under Comey at the DOJ, oversaw the Enron case. In 2005, he went into private practice, only to return to government service after President Trump nominated him to replace Comey.

Trump soured on Wray almost immediately - criticizing him for not moving fast enough to rid the FBI of corrupt officials installed by Comey. In October, Axios reported that Trump planned to fire Wray, along with CIA Director Gina Haspel 'immediately' if he were to be reelected.


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c41d82 No.154316

File: b23c8e9c1bce711⋯.png (215.77 KB,764x1936,191:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873038 (021856ZDEC20) Notable: 288,000?

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c41d82 No.154317

File: f6293ed4cde044a⋯.png (273.03 KB,1350x590,135:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873045 (021856ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on Q Posts - 'Uh, guys… It is all about the break…'

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Uh, guys… It is all about the break…


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c41d82 No.154318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873047 (021857ZDEC20) Notable: Powell/Wood conference stream has gone live.

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Powell/Wood conference stream has gone live.


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c41d82 No.154319

File: 878afc21b24df8e⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,400x304,25:19,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873066 (021859ZDEC20) Notable: Faith Family Freedom Community Charity

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Hello 8KUN

We need to preserve the goodness of our America! We need to continue to pray that truth, integrity, respect, morals and family values, mercy and grace will prevail throughout the United States of America. That we would continue to be the land of the free and home of the brave. We need to keep The American Dream alive and well.. We need a revival!

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c41d82 No.154320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873068 (021859ZDEC20) Notable: Rally Bread!

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Rally Bread!

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c41d82 No.154321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873073 (021859ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on JFK burial

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>>>/qresearch/11873021 related to >>>/qresearch/11872233 PB

Quotes from article onJFK secret burial at sea

"Forty-two holes were drilled into the casket, it was weighted down with three 80-pound sandbags and fitted with two parachutes to insure it wouldn't break apart upon impact with the water.

A memo written by an aide to then-Defense Secretary Robert McNamara records how the casket was moved from the Archives to a C-130 transport plane at Andrews Air Force Base on Feb. 18, 1966.

The crew then flew to a point off the Delaware coast and at precisely 10 a.m. the weighted casket was pushed overboard. It sunk "sharply, clearly and immediately…." the memo says.

source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jfks-coffin-dumped-at-sea/

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c41d82 No.154322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873081 (021901ZDEC20) Notable: 288,000?

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you missed the important one –


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c41d82 No.154323

File: 1be3820d3a9f9b2⋯.png (2.92 MB,3814x1948,1907:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873104 (021903ZDEC20) Notable: 288,000?

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c41d82 No.154324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873111 (021903ZDEC20) Notable: RSBN LIVE STREAM of Sidney Powell & Lin Wood updating GA election issues GOES DOWN

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or internet accident

RSBN LIVE STREAM of Sidney Powell & Lin Wood updating GA election issues GOES DOWN


Anyone have a stream that is up?

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c41d82 No.154325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873130 (021905ZDEC20) Notable: #15155

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>>>/qresearch/11872392 Dough

#15155 FINAL Notables

>>154275 Live Press Secretary Briefing - Get in there!

>>154276 Beijing Offers Dialogue With NATO After Alliance Identifies China as Threat

>>154277 Nashville Police Criminally Charge Three Women For Hosting Football House Party in Violation of Covid Order

>>154278 impact zone_#CNNTapes

>>154279 PF Report

>>154281 Democrats eye December 11 exit for House due to COVID-19

>>154280 Anon opines to filter banner slide - Good idea - Baker is remediating

>>154282 , >>154293 No more free shots on Q. No means no.

>>154283 Gantz claims Netanyahu duped the Israeli public. That’s not what happened at all

>>154284 Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

>>154285 Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016

>>154286 Good Riddance and just the start - Later Lamar

>>154287 Interpol warns that COVID-19 vaccines could be targeted by criminals

>>154288 Biden Education Lead: Chinese Communist Party Has Done ‘Magical Work’

>>154289 Prominent Diversity Consulting Firm Funded Entirely by Taxpayer Dollars

>>154290 More on the Gina Haspel situation - 'Gina has been iced out'

>>154291 'Stop the Fraud' protest in Georgia today

>>154294 Iran Approved Bill To Intensify Nuclear Activities, Identified Those Behind Fakhrizadeh’s Assassination

>>154295 Vote to decriminalize marijuana in House is soon


>>154297 Hundreds Of Syrian Mercenaries Have Returned From Karabakh: Monitoring Group

>>154298 Denver Airport Mural - Burkas in America

>>154299 LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20 (Livecast)

>>154300 The Cheering Section for World War III

>>154292 , >>154301 UN Secretary General on‘The State of the Planet’

>>154302 Had #COVID19 been infecting people in United States even before China reported 1st cases?

>>154303 Storm Watch anons - Buckle up. It'll get worse before it gets better but.. THE BEST IS YET TO COME

>>154304 Missing Context Alert: Biden Appointee Wears Commie Hat, Claims the Russians Made Her Do It

>>154305 LIVE: Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee December 2, 6:00 PM EST

>>154306 Arizona GOP Chairwoman announces the findings from investigation of 100 duplicate ballots (Video Cap)

>>154307 Trump Team: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada, to File Lawsuit

>>154308 Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2020 (Map Update)

>>154310 Ex-Bill Clinton aide Doug Band dishes on family ties to Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell

>>154309 , >>154311 #Truth

>>154312 DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells

>>154313 Media Elites, Not Trump Supporters, Are Disconnected From Reality

>>154314 The INS Magen, Israel's first Sa'ar 6 warship and the newest addition to the Navy, arrived in Haifa today

>>154315 Wray Stays: Biden Plans To Keep FBI Director Installed Under Trump (telling)

>>154317 Anon dig on Q Posts - 'Uh, guys… It is all about the break…'

>>154318 Powell/Wood conference stream has gone live.

>>154319 Faith Family Freedom Community Charity

>>154320 Rally Bread!

>>154321 Anon dig on JFK burial

>>154316 , >>154322 , >>154323 288,000?

>>154324 RSBN LIVE STREAM of Sidney Powell & Lin Wood updating GA election issues GOES DOWN


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c41d82 No.154326

File: 6453fcc4728e10a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1028x585,1028:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873296 (021917ZDEC20) Notable: Hong Kong pro-democracy activists jailed for organizing protests last year. They vow the fight will continue.

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Hong Kong pro-democracy activists jailed for organizing protests last year. They vow the fight will continue.

'It's not the end of the fight'

Three pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong have been sentenced to serve jail time for their involvement in demonstrations against the Chinese Communist Party's increasing attempts to assume total control over the once-autonomous territory last year.

Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, and Ivan Lam were found guilty of organizing and taking part in the mass protests near police headquarters last June, the BBC reported Wednesday. The protests kicked off a movement for freedom in Hong Kong that garnered international attention and has continued for more than a year.

Wong received a sentence of 13.5 months in jail, while Chow and Lam were sentenced to 10 and 7 months, respectively. The activists had been held in police custody prior to the sentencing, with Wong under solitary confinement, the British outlet noted.

Magistrate Wong Sze-lai argued that "immediate imprisonment [was] the only appropriate option" for the defendants after they "called on protesters to besiege the headquarters and chanted slogans that undermine the police force."

According to reports, Chow burst into tears after the verdict was read, while Wong shouted "the days ahead will be tough but we will hang in there" as he was led away by authorities.

In further remarks posted on Twitter by his lawyers, Wong said, "It's not the end of the fight … we're now joining the battle in prison along with many brave protestors, less visible yet essential in the fight for democracy and freedom for HK."

#JoshuaWong 13.5m in jail - via lawyers, “it’s not the end of the fight. Ahead of us is another challenging battleg… https://t.co/iW320jxeeE

— Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷 (@Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷)1606897435.0

What else?

The pro-democracy movement in the former British colony suffered a major blow in May when Beijing announced it would bypass the Hong Kong legislature and impose a sweeping new national security law that effectively made protesting against authorities illegal.

Under the new law, the activists could have been sentenced to life in prison for their actions. However, since their offenses took place before the law's enactment, they were spared such a fate.

At the time, prominent pro-democracy legislator Dennis Kwok warned the enactment of the new law marked the end of the "one country, two systems" principle that had governed Hong Kong's relationship with China since Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the communist country in 1997.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo agreed with the assessment, officially declaring that Hong Kong was no longer autonomous.

"Beijing's disastrous decision [to impose the law] is only the latest in a series of actions that fundamentally undermine Hong Kong's autonomy and freedoms and China's own promises to the Hong Kong people under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a U.N.-filed international treaty," Pompeo said in a statement.

[This] decision gives me no pleasure," he added before noting that it is the State Department's responsibility under the Hong Kong Policy Act to assess the territory's autonomy.


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c41d82 No.154327

File: 752784d71b371a3⋯.png (509.83 KB,703x442,703:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 8134cbbdf07a137⋯.png (63.22 KB,763x871,763:871,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a9ae38bd00e12⋯.png (75.09 KB,777x904,777:904,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d6d57df299bbe9⋯.png (46.27 KB,759x587,759:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873326 (021919ZDEC20) Notable: It’s Time for Trump to Unleash Unholy Hell Against America’s Evil Cabal of Consulting Companies

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It’s Time for Trump to Unleash Unholy Hell Against America’s Evil Cabal of Consulting Companies

The United States is suffering through many crises right now, but Americans still had things to be thankful for over the Thanksgiving holiday. For starters, Purdue Pharmaceutical has finally been destroyed. The OxyContin producer has pleaded guilty to a series of crimes, and it will be dissolved after as much money as possible has been extracted from it to settle lawsuits.

Of course, not nearly enough justice has been done. Purdue’s former owners, the Sackler family, will remain enormously wealthy even after all settlements are paid out. The Sacklers, and most others associated with the company, are unlikely to ever spend a day in prison, even though they truthfully deserve to be numbered among the most abominable criminals in American history.

Still, at least some measure of justice has been done. The same cannot be said for one of Purdue’s co-conspirators — the consulting giant McKinsey & Company. If President Trump wishes to strike another blow for ordinary Americans against the elites who have brought the country to the brink of ruin, he should act immediately to destroy McKinsey for good.

Documents unearthed through a series of lawsuits have made it plain that McKinsey was a full-blown co-conspirator in Purdue’s effort to sell billions of dollars in addictive, deadly painkillers while escaping any consequences.

By 2017 the destructive impact of opioid painkillers was obvious to the entire country. In 2007, 18,515 Americans died from overdosing on an opioid drug. In 2017, 47,600 died that way. While heroin and fentanyl caused most of those deaths, thousands of those junkies got their start abusing Purdue’s infamous painkiller, which was promoted to the public with lies that it was less addictive than other opioids. By 2017, the only public debate should have been what punishment was fitting for Purdue executives. But at McKinsey, consultants were looking for ways to sell more pills.

According to records revealed last week, in 2017 McKinsey pitched Purdue on an idea to boost drug sales by paying out rebates to retailers whenever their customers died of drug overdoses.

McKinsey also, among several options, proposed that Purdue pay rebates for opioid overdoses or opioid use disorder cased by its product…not to the victims, but to the Pharmacy Benefits Managers like CVS and Anthem. See this slide (this is all from a court filing last week) pic.twitter.com/Kcd9dcp1Y6

— Mike Forsythe 傅才德 (@PekingMike) November 27, 2020

For every OxyContin-related “event,” McKinsey proposed paying health providers a rebate of up to $14,810. The rebates would serve many purposes, not all of them stated explicitly. Besides shielding those providers from possible lawsuit damages, the rebates would also compensate them for the losses from killing off their own customers.


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c41d82 No.154328

File: ce180211e35b1be⋯.png (4.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873328 (021919ZDEC20) Notable: Stop the Steal rally in Georgia

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c41d82 No.154329

File: 4d3d472dedaf9e6⋯.png (804.72 KB,930x976,465:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873331 (021919ZDEC20) Notable: Ever wanted to visit a war torn country and did not want to leave the USA?

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Ever wanted to visit a war torn country and did not want to leave the USA?

Great news for you - all you have to do is visit Minneapolis MN and you can experience all that Somalia/Sudan etc have to offer first hand.

Poverty, violence and murder. All at your very doorstep.


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c41d82 No.154330

File: 48416fe616f8906⋯.png (776.11 KB,864x487,864:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873340 (021919ZDEC20) Notable: Stop the Steal rally in Georgia

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c41d82 No.154331

File: 50369bdde0ee725⋯.png (420.64 KB,724x463,724:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 50e3c7be937a8b6⋯.png (47.46 KB,716x681,716:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873359 (021920ZDEC20) Notable: Italian mafia probe shows banks exposure to massive alleged laundering scheme

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Italian mafia probe shows banks exposure to massive alleged laundering scheme

The investigation may provide a rare look into how illicit money moves across borders through flawed banking systems.

Italian authorities investigated a businessman suspected of laundering billions of dollars for mafia associates using banks in a dozen countries around the world, according to the anti-mafia unit of Reggio Calabria, in Southern Italy.

Roberto Recordare, an IT entrepreneur from the town of Palmi, is alleged to be the brains behind the business dealings of several mafia groups, using fake identities and “special” bank accounts in countries at higher risk of money laundering.

Recordare’s alleged activities are documented in 2018 police records uncovered last week by Corriere della Calabria, a local paper, among files related to a previous investigation targeting a clan of the ‘Ndrangheta organized crime syndicate.

On one occasion, the police report says, the businessman told unnamed foreign clients that he “managed 500 billions in funds” and he had 36 billion euros “cash” ready to be transferred.

The report, which includes screenshots from Recordare’s personal computer, photos as well as transcripts from wiretaps, doesn’t mention the purpose of the potential cash transfer.

Recordare, who has not been arrested nor charged, told the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that he learned about the allegations from media reports.

In an emailed response to ICIJ, Recordare called the whole matter a “farce.”

The entrepreneur, known previously for sponsoring his local volleyball team, added that “it would be necessary to understand who gave me these billions, how they were initially injected into the banking system, and which are these accounts, as well as why [the police] don’t seize them if they have identified them.”

The officials declined to comment and it isn’t clear if there is an ongoing investigation.

Leaked documents included in the Paradise Papers trove and public documents show Recordare has two companies in Malta, Golem Malta Ltd. and Recordare Holding Ltd., both registered in 2014. He also owns companies in Italy and the U.K., according to media reports.

The investigators believe he laundered funds that “presumably” derived from illicit activities such as arms and drug trafficking, extortion and usury, the report says.


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c41d82 No.154332

File: 86b57d3abc4280e⋯.png (2.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873366 (021921ZDEC20) Notable: Stop the Steal rally in Georgia

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c41d82 No.154333

File: 991a684f7c3598f⋯.png (109.26 KB,430x263,430:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 6954b2f58168702⋯.png (13.58 KB,447x158,447:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873371 (021921ZDEC20) Notable: Stop the Steal rally in Georgia

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c41d82 No.154334

File: 06b74c133640602⋯.png (75.03 KB,624x873,208:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 035418a299a6181⋯.png (71.82 KB,625x858,625:858,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de6cfb40e3436f⋯.png (14.71 KB,619x155,619:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873394 (021922ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue

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Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue

The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.

As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.

Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)

Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:

For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.

Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.

Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.


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c41d82 No.154335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873402 (021922ZDEC20) Notable: Live feeds - Stop the Steal Rally - Georgia

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c41d82 No.154336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873407 (021923ZDEC20) Notable: 18 Members Of The “Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation” Gang Charged With Racketeering

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18 Members Of The “Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation” Gang Charged With Racketeering, Murder, Narcotics, Firearms, And Fraud Offenses

On September 21, 2020, BRANDON SOTO, to further the Gorilla Stone enterprise, participated in and facilitated the murder of a minor victim, and aided and abetted the same, in Poughkeepsie, New York.

On July 20, 2020, STEPHEN HUGH shot at rival gang members in New Rochelle. HUGH shot at rival gang members to maintain and increase his position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York.

On June 12, 2020, NAYA AUSTIN, DEZON WASHINGTON, and JORDAN INGRAM committed a gunpoint robbery of a rival drug dealer in Peekskill, New York. AUSTIN, WASHINGTON, and INGRAM committed the robbery in order to maintain or increase their position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York.

On August 28, 2018, BRINAE THORNTON shot at a rival gang member in Brooklyn, New York, and aided and abetted the same. THORNTON shot at the rival gang member to maintain and increase her position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York.

On January 12, 2018, ROBERT WOODS maimed and assaulted an individual with a dangerous weapon, and aided and abetted the same, by slashing the individual in the face. WOODS slashed the individual in part to maintain and increase his position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York.

In August 2020, NAYA AUSTIN and SHANAY OUTLAW, without lawful authority, knowingly used the identification of others to file fraudulent applications for COVID-19-related unemployment benefits, and aided and abetted the same.

* * *

Seventeen of the 18 defendants are in custody.

> https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/18-members-untouchable-gorilla-stone-nation-gang-charged-racketeering-murder-narcotics

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c41d82 No.154337

File: 383805231212e59⋯.png (170.88 KB,347x238,347:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873420 (021923ZDEC20) Notable: Protests Quashed in Belarus as Reporters Face Serious Charges

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Protests Quashed in Belarus as Reporters Face Serious Charges

Belarus continues to crack down on public dissent following the controversial presidential election this summer, with authorities now starting to bring serious criminal charges against the hundreds of journalists arrested since demonstrations began.

Police detained at least 300 people on Sunday during protests in Minsk, which had been staged as a series of small, dispersed rallies to limit demonstrators’ exposure to typically violent response by security forces, according to Deutsche Welle.

Those involved in the movement are calling for the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko, who beat opposition leader Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya in an internationally-decried August 9 election dogged by widespread allegations of vote-buying.

Several countries including neighbouring Ukraine, as well as North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, have joined with the European Union in imposing sanctions on Lukashenko’s regime.

Meanwhile, authorities maintain their assault on the country’s press, which has seen many reporters violently attacked and detained in the months since the election.

Security forces have arrested more than 360 journalists, with 20 already behind bars and three now facing serious criminal charges for their coverage of the demonstrations, according to a statement from the Belarussian Association of Journalists.

Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Barysevich have been sent to pre-trial detention centres.

Andreyeva, a reporter with Belsat TV who was arrested on November 15th, reportedly faces criminal proceedings for allegedly orchestrating a riot. The charges carry a possible sentence of up to fifteen years in prison, according to the Belarussian criminal code.

OCCRP was further informed by a source with knowledge of the matter that Andreyeva’s husband has also been arrested by the authorities.

Chultsova faces similar proceedings, while Barysevich was indicted for “disclosing medical secrets, resulting in grave consequences” after reporting that protester Raman Bandarenka had been beaten to death, contrary to official statements.

A further six journalists are reportedly subject to criminal investigation, but have not yet been charged.


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c41d82 No.154338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873426 (021924ZDEC20) Notable: Live feeds - Stop the Steal Rally - Georgia

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Alternate livestream NTD


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c41d82 No.154339

File: b6abd6ba70f2dc2⋯.png (90.24 KB,936x444,78:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873446 (021925ZDEC20) Notable: Ric Grenell tweet - When will slippery Schiff be held accountable for his lies?

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When will slippery Schiff be held accountable for his lies?


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c41d82 No.154340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873489 (021927ZDEC20) Notable: Live feeds - Stop the Steal Rally - Georgia

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Clearer stream:


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c41d82 No.154341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873497 (021927ZDEC20) Notable: Rally Bread Is the best Bread

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Rally Bread

Is the best Bread

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c41d82 No.154342

File: f8d9a2e44a32dbc⋯.png (901.19 KB,824x489,824:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873549 (021930ZDEC20) Notable: Fake NATO says 'intimidating' Russia BIGGEST threat to bloc till at least 2030 – plans to send warships to Black Sea

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NATO says 'intimidating' Russia BIGGEST threat to bloc till at least 2030 – plans to send warships to Black Sea

A bombshell report by NATO has accused Russia of threatening Western interests from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic, as the bloc's secretary general calls for members to escalate their presence on the country's borders.

The analysis, published on Wednesday, argued that Moscow engages in "assertive policies and aggressive action," which has "negatively impacted the security of the Euro-Atlantic area." "In the long term until 2030, Russia is likely to remain the main military threat to the North Atlantic Alliance," the authors of the report say.

It added that Moscow frequently orders "intimidatory military operations in the immediate vicinity of NATO." The comments come just two days after the head of the organization, Jens Stoltenberg, told a press conference that members need to further strengthen their presence on Russia's borders on the Crimean peninsula and the Black Sea, and spoke of a need to increase their naval presence in the region.

As part of rising tensions, last week the US conducted a series of rocket-launch tests during NATO exercises in Romania, firing long-range missiles with the capability to hit Russian territory into the Black Sea. Responding to the drill, the deputy head of the Public Chamber of Crimea, Alexander Formanchuk, told reporters that Russian armed forces had deployed advanced hardware on the peninsula, which would neutralize any "surprise missile attack."

The politician argued that the exercises fit within a wider pattern of escalation, saying that "provocations against Crimea have become more frequent. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a further exacerbation of international relations and the international situation. And the topic of Crimea is a convenient reason for escalating such provocations."

Read more

Open Skies no more: US breaks with its NATO allies to pull out of Cold War-era deal that aided global security, blaming Russia Open Skies no more: US breaks with its NATO allies to pull out of Cold War-era deal that aided global security, blaming Russia

Earlier this month, the Russian Navy threatened to ram an American warship, the USS 'John S. McCain', which it says was intercepted two kilometers inside Russian waters in the Sea of Japan, off the coast of the Far East capital of Vladivostock.

In his address to leaders on Tuesday, Stoltenberg added that "we see Russia violating and undermining treaties." Moscow has, however, expressed similar concerns after the US unilaterally scrapped a number of international agreements, including the Cold War-era Open Skies pact that allowed for transparency over the movements of troops and military hardware on the continent.

Last year, President Donald Trump's White House also tore up the Reagan-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty that had banned a number of highly destructive weapons with ranges of between 500km and 5,500km. At the time, Washington also accused Russia of breaking the conditions of the pact, while Moscow strongly denied the allegations.


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c41d82 No.154343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873576 (021931ZDEC20) Notable: French former interior minister accused of concealing evidence in death of 80yo killed by riot police

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French former interior minister accused of concealing evidence in death of 80yo killed by riot police tear gas grenade in her home

The daughter of an 80-year-old woman killed when a tear gas grenade was fired into her apartment by French riot police two years ago has filed a legal complaint against former Interior Minister Christophe Castaner over the death.

In 2018, Zineb Redouane was closing the shutters of her flat in Marseille when she was struck by the canister, fired during a Yellow Vest demonstration. Experts estimated it had been travelling at more than 97km/h when it hit her chest and face, and she died in hospital shortly thereafter. A report earlier this year into the incident cleared the police of any wrongdoing.

However, a recent investigation conducted by the French non-governmental organization Disclose, using reconstructions by a research group at the University of London, contradicted that report and alleged that the officer who had fired the canister was targeting residential homes.

As a result of the NGO’s findings, Redouane’s daughter, Milfed, has now lodged a legal complaint against Castaner, who was the interior minister at the time of her mother’s death.

Her daughter’s lawyer, Yassine Bouzrou, has repeatedly accused the former minister and others of obstructing justice, and now, in the formal complaint, is accusing him of concealing and interfering with evidence.

Castaner, who currently leads the ruling La République En Marche! party, has repeatedly claimed Redouane’s death was not linked with the tear gas grenade. In 2019, pronouncing claims that police killed her as false, he told France’s Inter radio station, “We must stop this talk of police violence”.

The complaint will now be heard before the Cour de Justice de la République – a special court that was set up to try cases of ministerial misconduct.


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c41d82 No.154344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873577 (021931ZDEC20) Notable: 209K on RSBN now watching #StopTheSteal in Georgia

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209K on RSBN now!

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c41d82 No.154345

File: b2f1e8c46d2ffc6⋯.png (43.33 KB,624x197,624:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 90af126e9868f64⋯.png (125.7 KB,832x807,832:807,Clipboard.png)

File: beafa7623731387⋯.png (26.22 KB,818x147,818:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 56489e3325805c8⋯.png (71.5 KB,771x611,771:611,Clipboard.png)

File: ef5f2101b16ca85⋯.png (64.61 KB,888x463,888:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873595 (021932ZDEC20) Notable: A bit of voting machine history. These links show Soros and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown linked to Dominion

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A bit of voting machine history. These links show Soros and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown linked to Dominion.

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c41d82 No.154346

File: a2fecbe00e2b388⋯.png (804.28 KB,958x996,479:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873600 (021933ZDEC20) Notable: Beverly Hills City Council voted to oppose Public Health order to ban outdoor dining

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Can't have the elites not being able to eat out.


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c41d82 No.154347

File: da0bff01e72f5ea⋯.png (1.03 MB,835x489,835:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873605 (021933ZDEC20) Notable: Orban lashes out at Hungarian MEP’s ‘gay gang bang’ in Brussels

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Orban lashes out at Hungarian MEP’s ‘gay gang bang’ in Brussels, calling it ‘indefensible’ & ‘incompatible with values’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has described the conduct of MEP Jozsef Szajer – caught in an apparent gay orgy in Brussels – as “incompatible with our values,” after Szajer resigned from Orban’s conservative Fidesz party.

Szajer resigned from his post on Sunday, two days after police in Brussels raided a male-only orgy for breaking lockdown rules and found the MEP shimmying down a drainpipe away from the 25-man party. He issued an apology on Tuesday, calling his “misstep”“strictly personal.”

Szajer then quit Fidesz altogether, party leader Viktor Orban told the Hungarian Magyar Nemzet newspaper on Wednesday.

“The actions of our fellow deputy, Jozsef Szajer, are incompatible with the values of our political family,” Orban told the paper. “We will not forget nor repudiate his thirty years of work, but his deed is unacceptable and indefensible.”

Fidesz is a right-wing party, and prides itself on its commitment to Christian and family values. Homosexuality is not outlawed in Hungary, but same-sex marriage is forbidden. Szajer himself helped draft Hungary’s new constitution in 2011, which explicitly defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. An amendment introduced last month ensured that only straight couples could adopt children.

According to a 2019 survey, less than half of Hungary’s population think that homosexuality “should be accepted by society.” Similar attitudes exist to immigration, and Orban has counted on the votes of these social conservatives to stay in power since 2010, and earlier, between 1998 and 2002.

As such, the “gang bang” scandal was held up in western media as an example of the alleged hypocrisy of Hungary’s right wing. Within Hungary, Fidesz has attempted to downplay the story. The party released a statement calling his resignation as MEP “the only right decision,” while Justice Minister Judit Varga told reporters that after the resignation, “all the rest is his personal matter.”


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c41d82 No.154348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873608 (021933ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

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let it go

low iQanon

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c41d82 No.154349

File: 7c591654072f6c0⋯.png (6.16 KB,247x84,247:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873611 (021933ZDEC20) Notable: Almost 134,000 on NTD - Stop the Steal rally Georgia

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>209K on RSBN now!

Almost 134,000 on NTD

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c41d82 No.154350

File: 184bf298a91b50c⋯.png (1.17 KB,85x68,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873619 (021934ZDEC20) Notable: Soros connected Company provides voting machines in 16 States

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>>154345 Forgot the sauce:





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c41d82 No.154351

File: 46420b76aa72f79⋯.png (312.28 KB,715x301,715:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 783a1b32e388a7f⋯.png (187.15 KB,1463x899,1463:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 66128a58a16315b⋯.png (41.05 KB,1447x294,1447:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873742 (021940ZDEC20) Notable: Aussie Cop Challenges Police Repression

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Aussie Cop Challenges Police Repression

Kevin Dawson: "If there is truly no conspiracy here, why aren't we having the conversation? Why are we being silenced? Why are we being ostracised for having a differing view? Aren't these issues the very cornerstone of our democracy?"

To: Michael Fuller Police Commissioner of New South Wales

RE: Open Letter Concerning the use of Police in the discriminatory targeting of certain groups during the current "Pandemic"

As a Senior Member of the New South Wales Police Force Public Order & Riot Squad (PORS), I have been involved in many large-scale events and protests since 2009. Until 2016, PORS Commander Chief Superintendent Steve Cullen ran the unit in a manner that approached each mission, with consistency and without prejudice.

Since his departure, the unit appears to have been overrun by bureaucrats and we find ourselves in a situation where a once cohesive unit, has been replaced with uncertainty, division, and conflicts, driven by increased red-tape and competitiveness, causing the demise of good judgement in policing.

This situation has intensified during the declared National State of Emergency, as Police are asked to enforce arbitrary rules against the population, without any verifiable and objective scientific basis, in the name of public health and safety, often infringing upon basic human rights in the process.

Excessive force is being deployed with increasing regularity, causing harm when it is apparently meant for good and the public is losing respect, trust and faith in us. I was shocked when I learned that New South Wales is NOT operating under a declared a State of Emergency. Yet the police are being compelled to enforce directions on the basis they do when it is clearly without these additional powers.

This is contemptible and I have serious concerns over the legality of the infringement notices we are being asked to enforce and issue.

The response to COVID-19 and our directions are often confusing, so I make the point that if the enforcers are unclear, how can we expect the public to be. This has come from what appears to be a rushed response that is perplexing, and its aftereffects are harmful on many levels.

I have read and researched the contents of the open letter sent by officer Alexander Cooney, dated October 26, 2020 [1] and I agree with its contents and echo its sentiments wholeheartedly and strongly support the motion to investigate these assertions and start questioning what is demanded of us, instead of yielding to demands, because they are clearly infringing upon human rights and coming from a place of bias and from those who are not representative or accountable to the people.

For example, we were instructed to assist with the BLM and Armenian protests, yet more recently we have been told to "make an example" of people protesting anything deemed to be anti-government, with a "get them quick" attitude. Use of terms like "anti-everything hippies" to describe these protestors, is indicative of the ever-increasing prejudice coming from above.


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c41d82 No.154352

File: 33c0c804e33bdc1⋯.png (612.17 KB,682x882,341:441,Clipboard.png)

File: f6bff879aab7c8a⋯.png (401.92 KB,695x868,695:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 358ce50ccae56c7⋯.png (60.86 KB,714x415,714:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873794 (021943ZDEC20) Notable: Belt and Road Initiative: Deal Australia's Daniel Andrews can’t back out of

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Belt and Road Initiative: Deal Daniel Andrews can’t back out of

Daniel Andrews is facing an increasingly awkward situation this week over a major deal he signed, but batted away the pressure with one word.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is facing an increasingly awkward situation as Australia-China relations plunged to a new low this week.

In his press conference yesterday, he slammed the graphic fake image of an Australian soldier slitting a child’s throat that caused so much outrage this week.

He said that image was “just beyond the pale”.

“It’s wrong. I condemn it,” he said. “I would hope the rhetoric, the commentary, social media posts, comes to an end.”

But as the relationship sours between Canberra and Beijing, he is being forced to re-examine a controversial deal he made with China back in 2018.

The Belt and Road agreement has been heavily criticised by Mr Andrews’ detractors and it has fuelled conspiracy theories as an intense spotlight fell on his government during the coronavirus second wave.

He copped heat over the deal throughout his state’s lockdown, and yesterday he was asked again by reporters whether he would be turning his back on it — given what has happened between Australia and China this week.


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c41d82 No.154353

File: f1b1fc932d01dba⋯.png (2.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873829 (021944ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - "WE'RE CIRCLING THE WALLS OF JERICHO" THIS GUY IS FUCKING A-MAZING

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c41d82 No.154354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11873843 (021945ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood just said re:Haspel - "Get out of our country, you don't spy on Americans! You will never do that again in America!"

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Lin Wood just said the Director of the CIA

"Get out of our country, you don't spy on Americans! You will never do that again in America!"

Haspel foreign agent?

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c41d82 No.154355

File: 0bd2b27a1992fa3⋯.png (427.45 KB,684x316,171:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 886e87c4d8a8660⋯.png (220.77 KB,605x723,605:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d4bc882bcc186e⋯.png (583.25 KB,945x861,45:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874027 (021954ZDEC20) Notable: County Attorney Finds 55 Uncounted Ballots In New York Congressional Race Separated By 12 Votes

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County Attorney Finds 55 Uncounted Ballots In New York Congressional Race Separated By 12 Votes

Chenango County Attorney Alan Gordon announced in a letter Tuesday that the county’s elections board discovered 55 uncounted early voting ballots for New York’s 22nd Congressional District race, where only 12 votes separate the two candidates.

The early voting ballots were not previously canvassed and board of elections commissioners determined that 44 of the ballots were countable while 11 were submitted by unregistered voters, Gordon said in the letter addressed to state Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte.

DelConte ordered the eight counties within the congressional district to submit an updated count to the court Monday. The final tally indicated that Republican congressional candidate Claudia Tenney — who served as the district’s congresswoman between 2017 and 2019 — earned 155,492 votes and incumbent Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi earned 155,480 votes, WBNG reported.

Chenango County Elections Commissioner Carol Franklin told local news that all of the newly discovered ballots were affidavit ballots submitted during the state’s early voting period and had no explanation for why they were not counted.

The remaining 44 ballots could potentially wipe out Tenney’s razor-thin lead but DelConte is expected to rule on more than 2,000 additional disputed absentee and affidavit ballots for the congressional race, according to the Associated Press. Tenney initially held a 29,000 vote lead over Brindisi on Election Day but mail-in ballots gradually dissipated her advantage.

Gordon advised the elections board not to open the 44 countable ballots and keep them secured in their offices. “I am looking for direction from the Court on how to proceed with the canvassing of these additional votes,” he wrote in the letter.

The Chenango County elections board was affected by a ransomware attack prior to the election and was unable to send results for judicial review, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch. DelConte issued an amended Wednesday deadline for motions in the case and an amended Thursday deadline for opposition papers and cross-motions.

Oral arguments on the motions are scheduled to take place Dec. 7 in the state Supreme Court as counties move to certify their results, WBNG reported. Herkimer, Madison and Oswego Counties had minor revisions to their vote counts and there could still be an eventual recount for the congressional district.


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c41d82 No.154356

File: f6697979cb3c518⋯.png (865.64 KB,691x813,691:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874055 (021955ZDEC20) Notable: “This is 1776 in America Again!”

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“This is 1776 in America Again!” — AMAZING! CROWD ROARS as Lin Wood Announces General Michael Flynn at MASSIVE RALLY in Alpharetta, Georgia

Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood joined a rally of patriots on Wednesday at 2:05 PM at Wills Park in Alpharetta, Georgia.

There is a massive crowd at the rally today!



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c41d82 No.154357

File: 238872d657ca6db⋯.png (145.6 KB,736x525,736:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874072 (021956ZDEC20) Notable: Over a third of voters say they disapprove of how Biden is handling his role post-election

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Over a third of voters say they disapprove of how Biden is handling his role post-election

Biden has been busy assembling his potential cabinet.

Over a third of U.S. voters disapprove of the way Joe Biden has handled his public role in the weeks following the Nov. 3 election, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Among voters polled, 36% said they do not approve of Biden's actions over the course of November and into early December. The Democratic politician, who multiple media outlets have claimed won the 2020 election, has been busy naming potential Cabinet members and proposing administration appointees.

A slim majority, 53%, said they approve of Biden's performance.

Biden since Election Day has posted razor-thin leads in critical battleground states, with many states having already certified his various victories. U.S. electors are scheduled to finalize their votes on Monday, Dec. 14.

To see this poll's cross-demographic tabulations, click here.

To see this poll's methodology and sample demographics, click here.


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c41d82 No.154358

File: 35aaf0a94631cb0⋯.png (127.54 KB,779x843,779:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 181d0f3bbdfb271⋯.png (128.01 KB,775x844,775:844,Clipboard.png)

File: 1794965b83db51d⋯.png (94.59 KB,785x602,785:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874134 (022000ZDEC20) Notable: The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election

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The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election

Eric Holder was a big loser on election night. He was the guy raising tens of millions of dollars to make America safe for Democratic redistricting. A red wave turned Holder’s dreams into dust in state legislative races. State legislatures are where the redistricting action is, and the GOP flipped three chambers red, gaining 192 state house seats and 40 state senate seats nationwide.

Republicans now control both House and Senate chambers in 31 states. The country is a huge swath of red legislative control with Democrats largely confined to the cultural monoliths on the Pacific coast and urban Northeast.

The red wave extended to the United States House of Representatives, where for now, Republicans have gained nine seats.

But this wasn’t supposed to happen. The president isn’t supposed to lose when all the Republicans are winning.

Something’s fishy.

Indeed, something profoundly fishy happened in the 2020 election, but it wasn’t the Kraken or Venezuelan communists running remote software when they can’t even make the red lights work in their own country. Those shiny objects will play out with time and examination of evidence.

What happened in 2020 is something more fundamental and profound. What happened in 2020 is cultural and systemic, and sadly, generally legal. Until Republicans, and more importantly Trump supporters, understand what happened to them this year, it will happen again.

Two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.

Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.

If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.

The Center for Technology and Civic Life and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote-machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of merlot and all the legalized pot they could smoke.

The Capital Research Center has this deep dive into what the Center for Technology and Civil Life did in just Georgia. It starts with this:

This year, left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $350 million to an allegedly “nonpartisan” nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn re-granted the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to “help” them conduct the 2020 election.

“Help.” That’s a good one.


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c41d82 No.154359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874136 (022000ZDEC20) Notable: Welcome to the Second American Revolution Motherfuckers

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Welcome to the Second American Revolution Motherfuckers.

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c41d82 No.154360

File: 214aaa8d39c6ccc⋯.png (2.07 MB,1440x912,30:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874141 (022000ZDEC20) Notable: IT'S 1776

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IT'S 1776

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c41d82 No.154361

File: a2e42a40aa2768b⋯.png (1.67 MB,1122x635,1122:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874191 (022003ZDEC20) Notable: IT'S 1776

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c41d82 No.154362

File: 5b17f126e02c59a⋯.jpg (343.05 KB,709x1457,709:1457,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874194 (022003ZDEC20) Notable: God Bless Vernon Jones!

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God Bless Vernon Jones!

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c41d82 No.154363

File: b99a35d2877972e⋯.png (51.98 KB,783x674,783:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874203 (022003ZDEC20) Notable: Zuckerberg Says Facebook Ready to Work With Biden to “Push” COVID-19 Vaccine

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Zuckerberg Says Facebook Ready to Work With Biden to “Push” COVID-19 Vaccine

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg publicly said the platform is trying to work with Joe Biden on a joint Facebook-Biden administration push for Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

During a livestream interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Facebook founder mentioned a “push around authoritative information on vaccines,” though he did not elaborate on what that would entail.

“You and the rest of the government have an important job ahead,” Zuckerberg told Fauci during the interview.

“I know our team at Facebook has already reached out to the incoming administration to help with the COVID response in any way that we can,” continued Zuckerberg. “I’m sure there will be a few important things that we can do together.”

“We’re already planning a push around authoritative information on vaccines,” he added before the discussion turned to other topics.

As the Financial Times has recently reported, Facebook plans a strong push to encourage its users to get the COVID-19 vaccine and to share content related to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Back in October, Facebook announced that it would ban ads on its platform that discourage vaccinations and run an information campaign encouraging users to get flu shots.

The news of Facebook’s prospective partnership with the Biden team comes as Britain on Wednesday became the first country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine for general use, announcing a rollout of Pfizer-BioNTech’s product next week.

Health secretary Matt Hancock said that, beginning with care home residents and health and care staff, Britain’s state-run National Health Service will start with 800,000 doses “early next week.” That will be increased to “millions” of inoculations by the end of the year.

“Help is on its way,” he told BBC radio.

In the U.K., an army “information warfare” united has been tasked with combating supposed “anti-vaccine disinformation”

Breitbart News notes:

The Defence Cultural Specialist Unit (DCSU) of the army’s 77th Brigade was founded in 2010 as a part of the UK’s efforts to combat radical Islamic propaganda during the war in Afghanistan. The unit specialises in “building an understanding of the physical, virtual and cognitive behaviours of audiences, actors and adversaries.”

Leaked documents that were reported on by The Times reveal that the secretive unit, which previously targetted al-Qaeda and the Taliban, has been tasking soldiers with monitoring the internet for coronavirus ‘propaganda’ as well as the effects it is supposedly having on the minds of the British public.…

A spokesman from the Cabinet Office said: “As we edge closer to a vaccine we continue to work closely with social media companies and other organisations to anticipate and mitigate any emerging anti-vax narratives and promote authoritative sources of information.”


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c41d82 No.154364

File: 5b3f5464a7e907f⋯.png (286.24 KB,634x818,317:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 0731d8aabe6be15⋯.png (130.22 KB,552x364,138:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874245 (022006ZDEC20) Notable: TED CRUZ: ‘Supreme Court Should Hear Emergency Appeal on Pennsylvania Election Challenge’

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TED CRUZ: ‘Supreme Court Should Hear Emergency Appeal on Pennsylvania Election Challenge’

Senator Ted Cruz weighed-in Wednesday on the current state of the 2020 general election; saying the US Supreme Court should “hear the emergency appeal on the Pennsylvania election challenge.”

“#SCOTUS should hear the emergency appeal on the Pennsylvania election challenge,” posted Cruz on Twitter.

#SCOTUS should hear the emergency appeal on the Pennsylvania election challenge. pic.twitter.com/mzwr4eaHR8

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 1, 2020

“Today, an emergency appeal was filed in the US Supreme Court challenging the election results in Pennsylvania. This appeal raises serious legal issues, and I believe the Court should hear the case on an expedited basis,” wrote Cruz in a press release.


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c41d82 No.154365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874263 (022006ZDEC20) Notable: General Flynn's Digital Soldiers

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General Flynn's Digital Soldiers

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c41d82 No.154366

File: cff72fa7971c2b1⋯.png (370.57 KB,1034x458,517:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874309 (022008ZDEC20) Notable: about the break / two days ahead of schedule

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about the break / two days ahead of schedule

re notable: >>154317 (pb) Anon dig on Q Posts - 'Uh, guys… It is all about the break…'

would fit with two days ahead of schedule, date stamp of 9 Dec 2017 v. 11 Dec 2020. Also, 9 = 3x3, seems to jive w/ 2017 > 3 yr delta > 2020.

might also construe date of 9=3x3 as 33 comms v. time stamp's 13 hour, but this is tenuous

[C] before [D] → Christmas / Christmas BREAK before DECLAS?

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c41d82 No.154367

File: 058757d264122fb⋯.png (231.99 KB,501x267,167:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874315 (022009ZDEC20) Notable: Globalist Gary Cohn Stiffs Goldman For $10MM Over 1MDB Clawbacks

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Gary Cohn Stiffs Goldman For $10MM Over 1MDB Clawbacks

In the aftermath of the Vampire Squid's recent settlements with the DoJ and Malaysian government over Goldman's role in raising funds for 1MDB, a sovereign wealth fund designed to finance public works projects that instead became a slush fund for former PM Najib Razak, his wife and a circle of associates that included fugitive Jho Low, Goldman Sachs is trying to touch up its image for ruthlessly pursuing profitable details despite 'red flags' raised by compliance.

And part of that effort has focused on clawing back bonuses paid out to some of the bank's top executives at the time - including current CEO David Solomon, who was jointly responsible for overseeing the 1MDB deals (lead by example, right?) - and former CEO and Chairman Lloyd Blankfein, who abruptly resigned in 2018 as the DoJ was ramping up its investigation into Goldman and 1MDB.

Goldman declared earlier this year that it was intent on clawing back $67MM in compensation from five of the bank's former executives. More recently, the bank revealed that it had already pocketed the money from all but one of the executives - Gary Cohn, the former Goldman president who used an infamous loophole long utilized by his predecessors (including former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson).

Back in 2017, as Cohn was leaving the bank to join the Trump Administration, Goldman "accelerated" the payout of over $100MM in stock and cash awards, which Cohn was able to cash out, tax-free. Counting an equity stake and shares in certain investment vehicles, Cohn's golden parachute totaled nearly $300MM.

When he joined President Donald Trump’s White House in 2017 as director of the National Economic Council, the 60-year-old was able to immediately collect about $65 million in cash and stock tied to future Goldman performance, another $220 million of Goldman equity and stakes in company-run investment funds.

Now, per Bloomberg reports, Cohn is refusing to pony up more than $10MM that Goldman is desperately trying to claw back.

GOLDMAN SACHS: We are clawing back $67 million in executive pay and are sorry for our role in 1MDB.

GARY COHN: I'm not convinced I need to part with my $10 million.

what a scoop from @sridinats https://t.co/5wqD8VV6Rv

— Brian Chappatta (@BChappatta) December 2, 2020

For all its financial might, Goldman might have little recourse if Cohn offers up a discounted sum, or simply refuses to pay, which could "sully" Goldman's effort to atone for what the board has described as an "institutional problem".

Cohn declined to comment on whether he intends to repay, telling Bloomberg only that he is “having very constructive conversations with Goldman Sachs on that.” Reps for Goldman declined to comment.

Ironically, Cohn argued earlier this week that Bitcoin suffered from an "integrity" problem and complained that the lack of transparency and an "audit trail" make crypto an undesirable asset class. He predicted that the latest crypto rally likely wouldn't hold up.

It's really too bad that Cohn feels that way, since we've heard crypto is an increasingly convenient option for stashing wealth in a difficult-to-reach place.


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c41d82 No.154368

File: 122b0ce749f1d47⋯.png (2.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874324 (022009ZDEC20) Notable: KEEP YOUR GUARD UP, DEFEND YOURSELF

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c41d82 No.154369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874334 (022010ZDEC20) Notable: Seethe more - /Anonsknow - We're watching you plan the attacks in real time

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You're more insane than I thought.

We're fighting the DS, not fellow anons ffs.

Whatever you do to pitch anons against anons is going to fail.

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c41d82 No.154370

File: b03d68fee981ac1⋯.png (46.6 KB,340x270,34:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874340 (022010ZDEC20) Notable: Fuck YEAH

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c41d82 No.154371

File: cf5c1fb87deb649⋯.png (32.57 KB,598x398,299:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874352 (022011ZDEC20) Notable: RSBN having tech problems

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Sorry for the technical difficulties but we are under a big aluminum roof here which is blocking our signal (we don’t have sat trucks) for our cell bonding unit and we are working like crazy just to keep some kind of feed up!

At least you got to see it!

#Kraken #FightBack




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c41d82 No.154372

File: aeb9e3320b4fe8f⋯.png (45.29 KB,463x398,463:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874384 (022012ZDEC20) Notable: 1776 - Q Post

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c41d82 No.154373

File: 3c6f43846f31677⋯.jpg (76.73 KB,710x664,355:332,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874515 (022020ZDEC20) Notable: Our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor!

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Our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor!

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c41d82 No.154374

File: 9f7cd16b407b165⋯.png (698.83 KB,716x398,358:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874518 (022020ZDEC20) Notable: Al Sharpton just sent one threat to Trump and his supporters that will shock you

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Al Sharpton just sent one threat to Trump and his supporters that will shock you

There is perhaps nobody who has profited more off of inflaming racial tensions than Al Sharpton.

Unsurprisingly, he is continuing that following the election.

And Al Sharpton just sent one threat to Trump and his supporters that will shock you.

The results of the 2020 election are up in the air.

While the Fake News Media is sure that Joe Biden is the winner, most Americans aren’t as confident.

That’s why the Trump campaign is challenging improprieties across the country in battleground states that are likely to have been hit with fraud.

But at the same time, he is realizing that Joe Biden might get away with what many believe to be the biggest crime in American history, which is why he is now making major moves before he may have to leave office.

So far, he has pardoned Gen. Michael Flynn, and others are likely to come.

This is what Al Sharpton talked about on his MSNBC show, PoliticsNation.

He talked about the conspiracy theory that Trump would try to pardon himself, along with the possibility that he pardons some of his former advisors and associates unfairly targeted by Deep State forces.

After suggesting Trump might try to pardon himself, he sent what appears to be a threat, stating that Trump “and his cronies will be held accountable for their many crimes,” pointing to the fact that Trump cannot pardon state-level crimes.

“I have some advice for the president and his lackeys: don’t count your turkeys before they hatch,” Sharpton said. “Just like the turkey pardon by the president this week, which will suffer a shortened lifespan due to pre-pardoned activities, the villains in the Trump administration cannot be granted a total reprieve with the presidential pardon because the President of the United States can only pardon federal crimes. He has absolutely no power over state charges, and nearly everyone in the Trump orbit is facing state-level liability.”

Sharpton goes on to state that Trump “and his adult children are facing multiple tax fraud cases.”

He also points to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, stating he is “under investigation for falsifying real estate documents,” along with former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, stating he could “see a revival of state charges.”

This is clearly meant to send a message to anybody who wants to challenge the Deep State and the radical Left.

The message being sent is that if you challenge us, we will come for you.

And it is ironic coming from Sharpton, who himself has a history of tax evasion.


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c41d82 No.154375

File: 4e78f2c2e2acbc4⋯.png (341.96 KB,857x482,857:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d5922c6ae2c0de⋯.png (337.5 KB,856x478,428:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874555 (022021ZDEC20) Notable: Trips prove - Georgia Sidney Powell: "They know they're caught". / Lin Wood: "Fire Gina Haspel today. Fire Christopher Wray yesterday".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia Sidney Powell: "They know they're caught".

Lin Wood: "Fire Gina Haspel today. Fire Christopher Wray yesterday".


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c41d82 No.154376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874629 (022024ZDEC20) Notable: #15157

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11874014 Dough

#15157 FINAL Notables

>>154355 County Attorney Finds 55 Uncounted Ballots In New York Congressional Race Separated By 12 Votes

>>154356 “This is 1776 in America Again!”

>>154357 Over a third of voters say they disapprove of how Biden is handling his role post-election

>>154358 The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election

>>154359 Welcome to the Second American Revolution Motherfuckers

>>154360 IT'S 1776

>>154361 IT'S 1776

>>154362 God Bless Vernon Jones!

>>154363 Zuckerberg Says Facebook Ready to Work With Biden to “Push” COVID-19 Vaccine

>>154365 General Flynn's Digital Soldiers

>>154364 TED CRUZ: ‘Supreme Court Should Hear Emergency Appeal on Pennsylvania Election Challenge’

>>154367 Globalist Gary Cohn Stiffs Goldman For $10MM Over 1MDB Clawbacks

>>154366 about the break / two days ahead of schedule


>>154370 Fuck YEAH

>>154371 RSBN having tech problems

>>154372 1776 - Q Post

>>154373 Our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor!

>>154374 Al Sharpton just sent one threat to Trump and his supporters that will shock you

>>154375 Trips prove - Georgia Sidney Powell: "They know they're caught". / Lin Wood: "Fire Gina Haspel today. Fire Christopher Wray yesterday".


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c41d82 No.154377

File: 5b76e8a8a5af6f4⋯.jpg (60.17 KB,488x620,122:155,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874764 (022031ZDEC20) Notable: latest from #CNNTapes

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latest from #CNNTapes


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c41d82 No.154378

File: 5bd60461eb0c77c⋯.png (91.58 KB,854x653,854:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874821 (022036ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood just said that he's seen the real data. 80million votes and 410 electoral votes.

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Lin Wood just said that he's seen the real data.

80million votes and 410 electoral votes.


He just verified this map.

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c41d82 No.154379

File: f1fd4fc523c6748⋯.png (462.34 KB,860x738,430:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874824 (022036ZDEC20) Notable: MASSIVE CROWD! — STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE

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MASSIVE CROWD! — STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA –LIVE STREAM RSBN VIDEO HERE

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c41d82 No.154380

File: 754bf4a447b80e4⋯.png (103.07 KB,876x314,438:157,Clipboard.png)

File: d96bbc9b07d4e05⋯.png (844.26 KB,880x916,220:229,Clipboard.png)

File: a74b8fee3852085⋯.png (106.59 KB,900x880,45:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874829 (022036ZDEC20) Notable: The True Intention behind the “Exposure of real Wuhan Covid-19 death data by CNN“

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The True Intention behind the “Exposure of real Wuhan Covid-19 death data by CNN“

CNN reported, according to leaked documents, China misled the early stages of Covid-19, and offered fraud data to the world. To many people, it looks like CNN is telling the truth this time, turning itself from fake news to a truthful medium. And even Donald Trump Jr. happily retweeted this news, maybe also thought that “Thank GOD! CNN has changed”.

After going through the whole report, we could get a summary as follows:

The Chinese Communist Party mistakenly handled the pandemic, had an intentional cover-up on the data.

It is very common for human beings to make mistakes when dealing with a novel virus especially at the early stage, which is mostly caused by lagging technology and other factors such as bureaucracy, so no one can guarantee 100% transparency.

Even with 100% transparency, the Trump administration was still responsible for not preventing the pandemic in time due to their underestimating the seriousness of the event.

A team of experts from the US, the European Union, and the World Health Organization needs to conduct a full investigation into the origins of the virus.

All these points are just scratched on the surface of hindsight. The Whistleblower Movement and the War Room already talked about this almost one year ago. Where was CNN? And what did CNN report back then? Compared with CNN’s plausible report, Whistleblower Movement and the War Room had dug out much more astonishing information months before.

Yes, it is common for human beings to make inadvertent mistakes, but it is not common to lead the mistakes to devastate the whole world.

It was NOT about the problem of making mistakes or a simple data cover-up, it was about that the Chinese Communist Party made this virus in its military labs and intentionally released it to the whole world. (Go find the videos or articles on GTV or GNews.)

The report still wants to blame President Trump for the pandemic to cover all the vitriolic behavior of the CCP and the Deep State. People should never forget the fact that it was Xi who told President Trump that the virus would disappear after April, and it was the great and brilliant Dr. Fauci who said this was nothing serious at the beginning of the pandemic.

The WHO already sent a team to China for the investigation but without any useful results. It seemed all those experts were just enjoying a pleasant tour in China. So, what would CCN expect from another investigation like this?

LUDE Media has a profound analysis of this report.





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c41d82 No.154381

File: 89213863aefb31b⋯.png (7.68 MB,3840x1948,960:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874834 (022036ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Boeing P-8A Poseidon

over DC / VA

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c41d82 No.154382

File: b7b3bbaca4029cf⋯.png (459.45 KB,865x605,173:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874844 (022037ZDEC20) Notable: PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Jeff Zucker, Other Execs Spike Coverage of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

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PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Jeff Zucker, Other Execs Spike Coverage of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

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c41d82 No.154383

File: cbd34433b552f20⋯.png (548.49 KB,777x618,259:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874857 (022038ZDEC20) Notable: NYC Restaurant Owner Who Declared His Business an 'Autonomous Zone' Arrested

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NYC Restaurant Owner Who Declared His Business an 'Autonomous Zone' Arrested

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c41d82 No.154384

File: 137c868a77edb20⋯.png (470.29 KB,860x724,215:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874875 (022039ZDEC20) Notable: This is 1776 in America Again!” — AMAZING! CROWD ROARS as Lin Wood Recognizes General Michael Flynn

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“This is 1776 in America Again!” — AMAZING! CROWD ROARS as Lin Wood Recognizes General Michael Flynn at MASSIVE RALLY in Alpharetta, Georgia

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c41d82 No.154385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874879 (022039ZDEC20) Notable: #CNNTapes: CNN Execs SPIKE COVERAGE Of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell

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#CNNTapes: CNN Execs SPIKE COVERAGE Of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell


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c41d82 No.154386

File: 1e37be7ccd45070⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,199x255,199:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11874999 (022047ZDEC20) Notable: Hold the line

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Hold the line

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c41d82 No.154387

File: b29550aeb335ca3⋯.png (600.16 KB,556x475,556:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875026 (022048ZDEC20) Notable: San Francisco's Dem mayor says more severe COVID-19 restrictions are on the way after being caught dining at fancy restaurant

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San Francisco's Dem mayor says more severe COVID-19 restrictions are on the way after being caught dining at fancy restaurant

'Our dangerous winter has arrived'

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that more strict coronavirus-related restrictions are on the way.

Breed's announcement came on the same day that the San Francisco Chronicle revealed that Breed attended a birthday party for a close friend at French Laundry, the upscale Napa Valley restaurant, last month. It's the same restaurant where Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) was caught dining at last month, during which he neither wore a face mask nor adhered to social distancing guidelines.

Newsom has been ferociously criticized for the dining out activity, which came as thousands of small businesses and restaurants shutter amid increasing COVID-related restrictions. Many of those businesses will never reopen.

In fact, Breed dined at the restaurant just one day after Newsom, and several days before she admonished her residents for acting unwisely during the pandemic.

"I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that everyone act responsibly to reduce the spread of the virus," Breed said Nov. 10. "Every San Franciscan needs to do their part so that we can start moving in the right direction again."

What is Breed saying now?

"We've been worried for months but now it's real," Breed said Tuesday, KGO-TV reported. "Our dangerous winter has arrived."

More severe restrictions for Bay Area residents come as COVID-19 cases surge worldwide. In fact, San Francisco's COVID-19 infection rate has quadrupled compared to October and hospitalizations have doubled, according to KNTN-TV.

More from KGO:

Breed said the city was looking to nearby Santa Clara County as an example for what further restrictions might be needed. Santa Clara recently announced a mandatory 14-day quarantine for those traveling into the area from 150 miles or farther. Santa Clara has also moved to limit social gatherings and further reduce capacity at businesses. Closing outdoor dining entirely, as was done recently in Los Angeles County, is also on the table, she said.

Unfortunately for San Francisco residents, Breed said city officials are even contemplating another mandatory lockdown if COVID-cases continue to surge, comparing possible action to that of Los Angeles County.

"Unfortunately we can't rule it out," Breed said. "As soon as we think it is absolutely necessary based on what we're seeing with this spike, based on what we're seeing with hospitalizations and the direction that our city is headed in, it could be a possibility."

Beginning Monday, Los Angeles County implemented another stay-at-home order, prohibiting all public and private gatherings between people of different households. Indoor dining had already been suspended in the county. Religious gatherings and protests are excluded from the county's restrictions, which last through Dec. 20.


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c41d82 No.154388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875040 (022048ZDEC20) Notable: Beverly Hills City Council Unanimous Vote to Reject Outdoor Dining Ban Adds to List of Lockdown Foes

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Beverly Hills City Council Unanimous Vote to Reject Outdoor Dining Ban Adds to List of Lockdown Foes

In the latest rejection of government shutdowns of businesses to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Beverly Hills City Council on Tuesday voted to oppose a Los Angeles County Department of Public Health order to ban outdoor dining.

The Los Angeles NBC affiliate reported on the unanimous vote:

The resolution demanded a motion be placed on the Dec. 8 agenda of the LA County Board of Supervisors to repeal the current health order, according to a statement released by the city of Beverly Hills.

In addition, the resolution demanded that the county’s public health order be based on data related to “a particular industry, sector, or area and not be applied unilaterally to every jurisdiction in LA County.” Further, the resolution called on the city attorney to explore legal action against the county, according to the statement.

The LA County order banning all indoor and outdoor dining is set to be in place until at least Dec. 20. Pasadena, which has its own health department, has opted to keep outdoor dining open. Meanwhile, Long Beach, another city in the county with its own health department, followed LA County’s ban on outdoor dining last Wednesday and announced an increase in restrictions on all public and private gatherings on Tuesday.

KABC is Los Angeles reported the list of cities breaking away from the orders is growing.

Los Angeles County will restrict outdoor indoor and outdoor dining beginning Wednesday at 10 p.m. https://t.co/LbYENvvJlx

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 23, 2020

“Now, you shut it down again. Tell me how many businesses can survive?” West Covina Mayor Tony Wu said in the KABC report:

Meanwhile, the city of Whittier is also exploring alternatives.

“The county, with this ban has come in and done a one-size-fits-all, rather than a scalpel to take care of the situation,” said Whittier Mayor Joe Vinatieri.

The city will consider measures like establishing its own health department or a regional health department with neighboring cities. Wu said West Covina would consider contracting the Pasadena Public Health Department.

The Southern California cities of Lancaster and Hawaiian Gardens are also looking into starting its own health department, the KABC report said.

“The L.A. County Department of Public Health has stressed the importance of limiting situations where people are not wearing face coverings and told Eyewitness News, ‘Cities can only establish their own health departments with state approval and demonstrated capacity to perform essential public health functions. Given the alarming surge in cases and hospitalizations across every part of the county, we would urge city managers and elected officials to support the necessary public health measures as this is our best effort to stop the search. At this point, working together is the most sensible path forward.’”


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c41d82 No.154389

File: ce90668e3e733ca⋯.png (455.78 KB,478x605,478:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875056 (022049ZDEC20) Notable: White House tweet - Americans visit the White House from every corner of the country to admire the Christmas decorations

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Americans visit the White House from every corner of the country to admire the Christmas decorations—and to help set up the displays before the season kicks off!

How many hours does it take our amazing volunteers to get it all ready?


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c41d82 No.154390

File: 5c085e75ce3a494⋯.png (489.68 KB,776x431,776:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875074 (022050ZDEC20) Notable: No, U.S. Soldiers Were Not Killed in a Mission to Seize Servers in Germany (a lot of people are disputing this)

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No, U.S. Soldiers Were Not Killed in a Mission to Seize Servers in Germany

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c41d82 No.154391

File: d8d3d7f4514cd0d⋯.png (9.63 KB,678x98,339:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875089 (022051ZDEC20) Notable: Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?

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Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?…

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c41d82 No.154392

File: 784b3d50b5acb25⋯.png (619.37 KB,631x445,631:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875093 (022052ZDEC20) Notable: Government Threatens Pastor for Not Wearing Mask in Empty Church

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Government Threatens Pastor for Not Wearing Mask in Empty Church

In an obvious act of religious persecution, a Methodist church in Maryland “has been issued a citation resulting from one employee of the church answering the door to the church during office hours, momentarily without a mask,” reports LifeNews.com.

Get this… There was no one in the church. No one. One person, one employee was working alone when he heard someone unexpected at the door, someone trying to get in. This someone trying to get in happened to be a tyrant from the Health Department springing a surprise visit, who then cited the church because the church employee answered the door without a mask. The tyrant from the Department of Health then went on to threaten to close the church as an “unsafe facility.”

The citation is no small deal. You can go to prison for year and /or face a fine of up to $5,000.

“I was in my office alone, without a mask on, and heard someone at the locked door of the church. I was not expecting anyone, so I went to see who was trying to get in the church,” Rev. Dennis Jackman M.D. told LifeNews. “Immediately after answering the door, I went to my desk and put on my mask, but the health official seemed intent on finding something worthy of a citation’”

A recent update to the W.H.O. guidelines for dealing with the coronavirus includes a recommendation to use fabric face masks only when “physical distancing of at least 1 meter is not possible,” and for only high-risk groups to use medical-grade masks. https://t.co/ygoE9CQaoh

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 7, 2020

And none of this is legal in the Constitutional sense. The Republican governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, didn’t go to the state legislature to put these rules in place. He used a virus with a 99.6 percent survival rate as an excuse to issue unconstitutional executive orders, and now the tyranny of the unelected bureaucracy is applauding the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter gathering in massive crowds while they pull sneak attacks on some pastor working alone in his church.

And as we saw last week, we are only one vote — one stinkin’ vote away from traditional Christians and Jews being demoted to second-class citizenship in these left-wing states.

Just last week, had Amy Coney Barrett not been promoted to the Supreme Court, that very same Supreme Court would have okayed fascist Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) persecuting the faithful with his bigoted and anti-science restrictions on gatherings in places of worship.

If you do not obey and support mask mandates, you are unpatriotic. #BidenLogic pic.twitter.com/3bQvRxIQW7

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 18, 2020

We’re talking about a 99.6 percent survival rate. That’s what’s being used to rob hundreds of millions of citizens of their basic human rights and oppress traditional Christians and Jews.

Liquor stores are open. Schools are not.

Abortion clinics are open. Churches are not.

Show me the science in that.


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c41d82 No.154393

File: b4a7a4fef66beff⋯.png (24.77 KB,849x201,283:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875113 (022053ZDEC20) Notable: Overheard at an Arizona Restaurant — Americans are Seething Over Stolen Election No Matter How Hard the Fake News Tries to Hide It

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Overheard at an Arizona Restaurant — Americans are Seething Over Stolen Election No Matter How Hard the Fake News Tries to Hide It

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c41d82 No.154394

File: c46218d0e682aa4⋯.png (12.34 KB,390x144,65:24,Clipboard.png)

File: e99bde684cb3253⋯.png (240.87 KB,408x640,51:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875114 (022053ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on Q post

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Biblical marker?


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c41d82 No.154395

File: 2a655365a7f93bc⋯.png (45.52 KB,592x338,296:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875122 (022053ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering

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U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering


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c41d82 No.154396

File: 0cbb5cee6431dd6⋯.png (17.59 KB,651x197,651:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875130 (022054ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona Lawmakers Call for Resolution to Hold Back Electoral College Votes

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Arizona Lawmakers Call for Resolution to Hold Back Electoral College Votes

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c41d82 No.154397

File: a1e7e020643161c⋯.png (349.62 KB,599x588,599:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875145 (022055ZDEC20) Notable: James Woods in car accident?

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c41d82 No.154398

File: 0dde188343a5959⋯.png (496.91 KB,1396x788,349:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875168 (022056ZDEC20) Notable: Anon goes POTUS level trolling

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Sorry. You've been redacted.

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c41d82 No.154399

File: 43411ae1a3037a2⋯.png (826.36 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875178 (022056ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

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Your baking and shilling days are numbered.

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c41d82 No.154400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875192 (022057ZDEC20) Notable: @Cernovich This Georgia event - described as an uprising against the GOP - is seeing Trump rally numbers at times

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This Georgia event - which can only be described as an uprising against the GOP - is seeing Trump rally numbers at times.

Completely unbelievable that GOP Senate leadership didn’t see this coming and isn’t even down there.

1:24 PM · Dec 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets




LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20

324,674 views•Streamed live 2 hours ago


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c41d82 No.154401

File: 177243857962658⋯.png (86.82 KB,639x480,213:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875196 (022057ZDEC20) Notable: @pepesgrandma Lin Wood and Sidney Powell kraken accounts suspended. Proof the Dems can’t win on merit fair and square

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bad Kitty 真相


Lin Wood and Sidney Powell kraken accounts suspended.

Further proof the Democrats can’t win on merit and fair and square.

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c41d82 No.154402

File: 2819c6ccc3f8cf2⋯.png (290.27 KB,602x401,602:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875203 (022058ZDEC20) Notable: New POTUS (Video Cap)

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c41d82 No.154403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875205 (022058ZDEC20) Notable: Notice how after Lin Wood went live Anime and Trannies started spamming board

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Notice how after Lin Wood went live Anime and Trannies started spamming board. ORGANIC

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c41d82 No.154404

File: f68fee22e82e61c⋯.png (59.04 KB,619x451,619:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875214 (022058ZDEC20) Notable: CNN daily nightmare is unfolding courtesy of James O'Keefe and Project Veritas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CNN daily nightmare is unfolding courtesy of James O'Keefe and Project Veritas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154405

File: 68922c193683057⋯.png (56.64 KB,622x446,311:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875225 (022059ZDEC20) Notable: Evidence supports Sidney Powell's claim about global election fraud

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https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/12/evidence_supports_sidney_powells_claim_about_global_election_fraud html

Evidence supports Sidney Powell's claim about global election fraud

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c41d82 No.154406

File: 0a8c8ce5f1f1a9e⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875238 (022100ZDEC20) Notable: New POTUS (Video Cap)

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c41d82 No.154407

File: 81832458541608d⋯.png (556.16 KB,704x646,352:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875240 (022100ZDEC20) Notable: DOJ Not Done Investigating Election Fraud, Spokesperson Says

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DOJ Not Done Investigating Election Fraud, Spokesperson Says

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154408

File: be061fb4b6ecfc6⋯.png (525.41 KB,909x547,909:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875269 (022103ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani to testify in Michigan hearing on 2020 election

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Rudy Giuliani to testify in Michigan hearing on 2020 election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154409

File: d92fc9110396af3⋯.png (28.39 KB,488x351,488:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 21008132bfa6613⋯.png (106.41 KB,558x500,279:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 246e423b3e0e828⋯.png (320.04 KB,1063x354,1063:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875273 (022103ZDEC20) Notable: Be Sure And have FAITH ANONS Because We Are In the STORM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Be Sure And have FAITH ANONS

Because We Are In the STORM

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c41d82 No.154410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875274 (022103ZDEC20) Notable: Band Of Anons fight fight fight

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Band Of Anons

fight fight fight

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c41d82 No.154411

File: 40d2a5c845cee8d⋯.png (673.6 KB,849x571,849:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875280 (022104ZDEC20) Notable: Michael Flynn Promotes Petition Calling On Trump To Suspend The Constitution And Declare Martial Law

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michael Flynn Promotes Petition Calling On Trump To Suspend The Constitution And Declare Martial Law

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c41d82 No.154412

File: 15091e9c6bf1913⋯.png (415.58 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875282 (022104ZDEC20) Notable: Anon reports - When Lin Wood was speaking the feed went out when he was answering the 1st question asked

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Lin Wood was speaking the feed went out when he was answering the 1st question asked

"Think for yourselves. Dont accept what you read in the newspapers and see on TV. They are liars. Go look up a color revolution. Cause that is what's going on in America right now. China's making it's move, cause they need our land to grow their food, they can't take four….."



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c41d82 No.154413

File: 8f777b0093046db⋯.png (122.09 KB,359x266,359:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875290 (022104ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia, Lin Wood: I'VE LOOKED AT THE REAL NUMBERS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thanks, Anon.




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c41d82 No.154414

File: f37ce861620f0c3⋯.png (118.6 KB,1188x1590,198:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875310 (022106ZDEC20) Notable: HEADS UP 29 PAGES(574 results) OF NEW FOIA DOCUMENTS ON STATE.GOV

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**I JUST started looking, so I don't know what is in it yet

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c41d82 No.154415

File: 7f6b2a17ee7ffb6⋯.png (938.19 KB,1998x1740,333:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875326 (022107ZDEC20) Notable: There is Q and there are anons who research on QResearch Anon is NOT Q

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c41d82 No.154416

File: 1189a6cb3fabaf3⋯.png (463.86 KB,859x687,859:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875363 (022110ZDEC20) Notable: Democrat New York mayor and ex-police chief arrested with cocaine after pursuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Democrat New York mayor and ex-police chief arrested with cocaine after pursuit

Allegedly toss crack out car window during chase

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c41d82 No.154417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875390 (022112ZDEC20) Notable: #15158

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dough >>>/qresearch/11874728

#15158 FINAL Notables

>>154377 latest from #CNNTapes

>>154378 Lin Wood just said that he's seen the real data. 80million votes and 410 electoral votes.


>>154380 The True Intention behind the “Exposure of real Wuhan Covid-19 death data by CNN“

>>154384 This is 1776 in America Again!” — AMAZING! CROWD ROARS as Lin Wood Recognizes General Michael Flynn

>>154383 NYC Restaurant Owner Who Declared His Business an 'Autonomous Zone' Arrested

>>154382 PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Jeff Zucker, Other Execs Spike Coverage of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell (VIDEO) #CNNTapes

>>154381 PF Report

>>154385 #CNNTapes: CNN Execs SPIKE COVERAGE Of New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell

>>154387 San Francisco's Dem mayor says more severe COVID-19 restrictions are on the way after being caught dining at fancy restaurant

>>154386 Hold the line

>>154388 Beverly Hills City Council Unanimous Vote to Reject Outdoor Dining Ban Adds to List of Lockdown Foes

>>154389 White House tweet - Americans visit the White House from every corner of the country to admire the Christmas decorations

>>154390 No, U.S. Soldiers Were Not Killed in a Mission to Seize Servers in Germany (a lot of people are disputing this)

>>154391 Does Special Counsel Appointment Block President Trump’s Ability to Declassify Documents?

>>154392 Government Threatens Pastor for Not Wearing Mask in Empty Church

>>154393 Overheard at an Arizona Restaurant — Americans are Seething Over Stolen Election No Matter How Hard the Fake News Tries to Hide It

>>154394 Anon dig on Q post

>>154395 U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering

>>154396 Arizona Lawmakers Call for Resolution to Hold Back Electoral College Votes

>>154397 James Woods in car accident?

>>154398 Anon goes POTUS level trolling

>>154399 No more free shots on Q. No means no

>>154400 @Cernovich This Georgia event - described as an uprising against the GOP - is seeing Trump rally numbers at times

>>154401 @pepesgrandma Lin Wood and Sidney Powell kraken accounts suspended. Proof the Dems can’t win on merit fair and square

>>154402 , >>154406 New POTUS (Video Cap)

>>154403 Notice how after Lin Wood went live Anime and Trannies started spamming board

>>154404 CNN daily nightmare is unfolding courtesy of James O'Keefe and Project Veritas

>>154407 DOJ Not Done Investigating Election Fraud, Spokesperson Says

>>154405 Evidence supports Sidney Powell's claim about global election fraud

>>154408 Rudy Giuliani to testify in Michigan hearing on 2020 election

>>154409 Be Sure And have FAITH ANONS Because We Are In the STORM

>>154410 Band Of Anons fight fight fight

>>154411 Michael Flynn Promotes Petition Calling On Trump To Suspend The Constitution And Declare Martial Law

>>154412 Anon reports - When Lin Wood was speaking the feed went out when he was answering the 1st question asked

>>154413 Georgia, Lin Wood: I'VE LOOKED AT THE REAL NUMBERS


>>154415 There is Q and there are anons who research on QResearch Anon is NOT Q

>>154416 Democrat New York mayor and ex-police chief arrested with cocaine after pursuit


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c41d82 No.154418

File: 2b8064b3817e167⋯.jpeg (371.21 KB,828x908,207:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875579 (022125ZDEC20) Notable: First story about Haspel in weeks and it’s…… This?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First story about Haspel in weeks and it’s……



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c41d82 No.154419

File: 0dabd9f1e461aa8⋯.jpeg (370.44 KB,1365x802,1365:802,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875695 (022135ZDEC20) Notable: Some of these spies worked for Biden campaign

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Posted late LB

Some of these spies worked for Biden campaign


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c41d82 No.154420

File: b22f83124391553⋯.png (57.24 KB,1019x552,1019:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875721 (022137ZDEC20) Notable: Devan Archer is Hunters pal. This is from 2016

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devan Archer is Hunters pal.

this is from 2016


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c41d82 No.154421

File: 73d010008db184a⋯.png (223.03 KB,466x349,466:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875722 (022137ZDEC20) Notable: Fishing is Fun (MNR)

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Fishing is Fun

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c41d82 No.154422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875755 (022139ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: President Donald Trump URGENT Address to the Nation on the 2020 Presidential Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔴 LIVE: President Donald Trump URGENT Address to the Nation on the 2020 Presidential Election

2,682 watching now • Started streaming 5 minutes ago

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c41d82 No.154423

File: cd7a5a6a47bf121⋯.png (21.62 KB,276x85,276:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875762 (022139ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee

3,600 waiting


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c41d82 No.154424

File: 826d3bd660b3bc2⋯.png (329.46 KB,592x609,592:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875778 (022140ZDEC20) Notable: REAKING: Blue Alert issued for Jerry Lamont Harris Jr. of Durham, N.C., who is suspected of firing multiple shots into a sheriff deputy’s vehicle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Blue Alert issued for Jerry Lamont Harris Jr. of Durham, N.C., who is suspected of firing multiple shots into a sheriff deputy’s vehicle


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c41d82 No.154425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875820 (022142ZDEC20) Notable: Beautifully incriminating chart at the 7 minute mark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beautifully incriminating chart at the 7 minute mark.

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c41d82 No.154426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875822 (022142ZDEC20) Notable: CNN Senior Vice President Cynthia Hudson TERRIFIED That Cubans Support Trump; "Attracted to bullies"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN Senior Vice President Cynthia Hudson TERRIFIED That Cubans Support Trump; "Attracted to bullies"

9,723 views•Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154427

File: cae07704179c1f4⋯.png (551.6 KB,856x1062,428:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875868 (022145ZDEC20) Notable: It almost seems like they're doing this on purpose at this point (Austin Mayor scolds citizens tells them to stay home from Vacation Villa)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It almost seems like they're doing this on purpose at this point.

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c41d82 No.154428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875885 (022146ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


you blatant fucking shill

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c41d82 No.154429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875888 (022146ZDEC20) Notable: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

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(Headline) Head of Pfizer Research:

Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

Health & Money News

December 2, 2020

The vaccine contains a spike protein (see image) called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.

The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.

The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.


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c41d82 No.154430

File: 44ad9fa55079605⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,255x211,255:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875892 (022146ZDEC20) Notable: High IQ post - /AnonsKnow about the MNR (Comms) attacks

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Dear Anons, any Anon who calls another Anon a 'wannabe anon' hates you and wants to divide you. They have nothing to do with Q, Anons, or research done on this board.

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c41d82 No.154431

File: 05e5d4f4625ed34⋯.png (1.77 MB,1470x810,49:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d4719cf389de6a⋯.png (835.65 KB,979x626,979:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11875982 (022151ZDEC20) Notable: If you look right here it says STILL YOUR PRESIDENT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you look right here it says


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c41d82 No.154432

File: a8ec9216ea8f327⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876003 (022152ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: @CNN Execs Jeff Zucker, David Chalian, and David Vigilante SPIKE COVERAGE Of @NYPost Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: @CNN Execs Jeff Zucker, David Chalian, and David Vigilante SPIKE COVERAGE Of @NYPost

Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell

“OBVIOUSLY we’re not going with the New York Post story on Hunter Biden right now.”

“Perhaps there was a meeting with someone from Burisma…"



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c41d82 No.154433

File: 825d17b1c14b5c3⋯.png (521.79 KB,970x1072,485:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876043 (022155ZDEC20) Notable: And here's Ilhan Omar going against St. Barak. Kek They always eat their own.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And here's Ilhan Omar going against St. Barak.


They always eat their own.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154434

File: 9e6217f34efb190⋯.png (1.17 MB,1162x780,581:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876066 (022156ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS speech on voter fraud - Truth!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS speech on voter fraud - Truth!

46 mins


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c41d82 No.154435

File: 3de5608223675fa⋯.png (35.83 KB,598x362,299:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876101 (022158ZDEC20) Notable: Why are so many elected officials (both sides) from WDC & select States resistant to an honest review of what appears to be wide scale election fraud?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Flynn

Why are so many elected officials (both sides) from WDC & select States resistant to an honest review of what appears to be wide scale election fraud? #WeThePeople ask only for a fair & transparent process. For OUR country, get it together.




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c41d82 No.154436

File: 3f4aa918652573e⋯.png (37.16 KB,578x608,289:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876136 (022159ZDEC20) Notable: The massive steal was on 11/3 and early morning 11/4, not at 4:30 p.m

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was lucky enough to find these reports on Dekalb County, GA's website before they took them down, which was after 11/23/20. I've compared only the largest spikes of votes for Biden. This info is from 7 out of the 20 reports. After the last report on 11/4 at 12:12 p.m. most reports were 500-2,000 votes, last report was 11/9/20.

The massive steal was on 11/3 and early morning 11/4, not at 4:30 p.m. The steal seemed occured when the phone burst pipe happened, actually first report was only 20 min. after the sent everyone home (see below). The highest spikes were at 10:50 pm 69,616 and then again at 1:10 a.m. 134,849

"Later in the night, Regina Waller, the Fulton County public affairs manager for elections, told ABC News that the ==election department sent the State Farm Arena absentee ballot counters home at 10:30 p.m. despite earlier intentions to complete processing Tuesday night. Some additional numbers could still come out Tuesday night, but as of now the staff will be back at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday"


Candidate	11/3/2020	11/3/2020	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	5,746	14,792	9,046

Joseph R. Biden 	11,984	81,600	69,616


Candidate	11/3/20	11/3/20	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	14,792	21,034	6,242

Joseph R. Biden 	81,600	102,612	21,012


Candidate	11/3/20	11/4/2020	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	21,034	24,642	3,608

Joseph R. Biden 	102,612	130,740	28,128


Candidate	11/4/2020	11/4/2020	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	24,642	51,066	26,424

Joseph R. Biden 	130,740	265,589	134,849


Candidate	11/4/2020	11/4/2020	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	51,066	51,111	45

Joseph R. Biden 	265,589	265,822	233


Candidate	11/4/2020	11/4/2020	TOTAL


Donald J. Trump 	51,111	53,810	2,699

Joseph R. Biden 	265,822	284,416	18,594

I tried to get the same reports from all other counties, but Dekalb seemed to be the only one that posted them, I found out later that the SOS told counties to take them down and the state is not even posting any interim reports. I sent the data the first day I found them, which I think was Nov 22. 2020 to Dr. Shiva & Sidney.

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c41d82 No.154437

File: 7d1e13aba426422⋯.png (90.84 KB,598x585,46:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876210 (022204ZDEC20) Notable: Former French president Valery Giscard d'Estaing has died. State Funeral just saying…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former French president Valery Giscard d'Estaing has died


State Funeral

just saying…

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c41d82 No.154438

File: c06a0a4dd25db77⋯.png (354.93 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876229 (022205ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Technology in Voting Machines seen as emerging threat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Im sure this has been shared, but it’s the first I’ve seen it.


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c41d82 No.154439

File: 2977e68e86fad4e⋯.jpg (316.73 KB,2047x2048,2047:2048,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876419 (022216ZDEC20) Notable: Brian Kemp Governer of Georgia claimed Election hacking in 2018

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Brian Kemp Governer of Georgia claimed Election hacking in 2018


SOMEONE GET THIS TO RON or Sidney Powell and Lin Wood

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c41d82 No.154440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876504 (022222ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS election FRAUD speech this afternoon - YUGE!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS election FRAUD speech this afternoon - YUGE!!


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c41d82 No.154441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876529 (022224ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shilling and Bakery Fuckery Maximized while POTUS is making "the most important speech [he] will ever make."

Reconcile, anons.


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c41d82 No.154442

File: 8382c8cad8e5c32⋯.png (879.26 KB,1143x742,1143:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876535 (022225ZDEC20) Notable: BardsFM interview with LTG Flynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154443

File: 0ae810a1290a085⋯.png (43.75 KB,599x355,599:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876537 (022225ZDEC20) Notable: In “Staggering” Conspiracy, Former Police Chief, Prosecutor, and Police Officers Sentenced for Framing an Innocent Man with a Crime

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In “Staggering” Conspiracy, Former Police Chief, Prosecutor, and Police Officers Sentenced for Framing an Innocent Man with a Crime



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c41d82 No.154444

File: 5033d1bede89706⋯.jpg (112.6 KB,524x556,131:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876545 (022226ZDEC20) Notable: Your welcome Mr Pig. o7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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c41d82 No.154445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876551 (022226ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JONDOODLE shows his true colors.

"but bakers being comp'd is a conspiracy theory"

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c41d82 No.154446

File: 8dd4f85a4ed1c94⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,704x270,352:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876555 (022226ZDEC20) Notable: @Cernovich Lin Wood has off the charts stage presence. Haven’t seen anyone like this in years.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This thread of comments is fire:




Lin Wood has off the charts stage presence. Haven’t seen anyone like this in years. Gerry Spence vibes.

2:32 PM · Dec 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



Quote Tweet



· 52m

Replying to @Cernovich





A lot of people might not have liked Lin Wood’s speech today but it was one of the most effective examples of persuasive I’ve ever seen. Off the charts charisma.



Replying to


The best part: https://twitter.com/JesseJHerman/status/1334248825578459138


Media Kane


· 2h

.@LLinWood just called for Brian Kemp to go to jail & dared him to sue for defamation.


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c41d82 No.154447

File: 8978576c1fff7f2⋯.png (1.96 MB,2048x1362,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876565 (022227ZDEC20) Notable: DJT (YOUR PRESIDENT) - WE ALREADY HAVE THE PROOF, WE ALREADY HAVE THE EVIDENCE… IT IS VERY CLEAR.

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c41d82 No.154448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876629 (022231ZDEC20) Notable: in case you missed it - entire rally today Georgia (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



in case you missed it

entire rally today Georgia:


The Babette McConnell




Replying to




It’s easy to see why he wins in court. I’m sure juries love him.

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c41d82 No.154449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876630 (022231ZDEC20) Notable: Anons, today is a great day, can you feel it can you feel the power of God in our world?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, today is a great day, can you feel it can you feel the power of God in our world? Donald J Trump's 45 minute speech layed out his whole case, the man has got balls of steel and the angels are watching over him.

Lin Wood was amazing today and Sidney Powell is truly one of the most amazing women I have ever seen.

This movement is starting to crack the ground of the evil ones….their ways are of the old way and there is now a new way and a new world that will be shining for us all…..

Nothing could bring me down this blessed day…..Thank you God Lord Jesus for this beautiful time in history and to be alive during it…….

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c41d82 No.154450

File: dadf587ffce8977⋯.png (712.31 KB,780x1357,780:1357,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c097a0064cf422⋯.png (844.67 KB,780x1773,260:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 39f3092c6652331⋯.png (991.02 KB,780x1870,78:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 50eae6b2a4ba0b9⋯.png (428.09 KB,780x1693,780:1693,Clipboard.png)

File: 94f9073e3d43286⋯.png (911.26 KB,780x1435,156:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876635 (022231ZDEC20) Notable: Even the comments under Trump speech video are RIGGED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Even the comments under Trump speech video are RIGGED

Here are screenshots of the top comments below the speech video.


There's no way not good comments made it to the top in terms of likes and retweets.

Twitter is clearly intentionally selecting the bad ones (most of them are probably made by shill bots anyway).



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c41d82 No.154451

File: 305582c3fab32b7⋯.png (108 KB,1216x1390,608:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 305582c3fab32b7⋯.png (108 KB,1216x1390,608:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876638 (022231ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell suspended from Twitter during #StopTheSteal rally in Georgia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

just happened

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c41d82 No.154452

File: 3415e52d83a380e⋯.jpg (360.45 KB,799x433,799:433,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876646 (022231ZDEC20) Notable: It is my honor and privilege to fight for anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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c41d82 No.154453

File: 5adeff8698a83b5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1408x900,352:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876683 (022233ZDEC20) Notable: FOX News Trump election fraud speech is nowhere to be found

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FOX News

Trump election fraud speech is nowhere to be found

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c41d82 No.154454

File: 31c0bad348484ab⋯.png (40.13 KB,892x752,223:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876693 (022234ZDEC20) Notable: sidney's account is now restricted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


same for me

sidney's account is now restricted

(not suspended)


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c41d82 No.154455

File: 03b32f8ca485a16⋯.png (314.35 KB,449x500,449:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876706 (022234ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Rebellion Defense

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Repost with added


Any thoughts on this contract between rebellion defense and AF?

Contract was "solicited" 8/24/2019


"COVID-19 DIB Automation for Air Force Intelligence: Delivering User-Centered Artificial Intelligence for Air Force Special Operations Command"



If the date of solicitation is pre Covid, that raises some questions

if the description was added after the solicitation date, why include Covid 19 in description?


New notes


If the early list of advisers is any indication, the administration of President-elect Joe Biden will be heavily influenced by technology experts who spent time in government as part of an Obama-era program that remained through the Trump administration: the U.S. Digital Service.

Victor Garcia of Rebellion Defense worked with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services while on the USDS team. He will be advising on the DOD review team.

Lisa Wiswell Coe will also be on the DOD team. She served with the Defense Digital Service and helped establish the Hack the Pentagon program. Coe is employed with OtherSide Consulting.


DEFENSE INNOVATION UNIT (needs digs, seems nefarious in creation.)

Eric Schmidt, the former chief executive officer of Google, will head a new Pentagon advisory board aimed at bringing Silicon Valley innovation and best practices to the U.S. military, defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON, March 4, 2016 -

Five tech organizations pitched their technologies to Defense Secretary Ash Carter this week during a technology showcase hosted by DoD's six-month-old forward operating unit, the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental in Silicon Valley.

So far, the unit has identified 22 pilot projects with tech companies and start-ups that have never before worked with the Pentagon. Five projects are being executed, and 17 others are in various acquisition phases, diux officials said in a statement.

Carter visited diux as part of a trip to Silicon Valley – his third as defense secretary – and to Seattle to discuss technology and cybersecurity initiatives with officials at some of the region's top tech companies.

The technologies range from cyber and intelligence analysis to drones and new ways to bring DoD and Silicon Valley together, diux Director George Duchak said.

Technology Outpost

In San Francisco this week, Carter spoke with Ted Schlein, a general partner at Menlo Park venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which focuses on early stage tech companies in enterprise software and infrastructure markets.

https:// www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/686507/carter-reviews-new-technologies-from-dods-silicon-valley-unit/

William McRaven, former head of U.S. Special Operations Command, left the defense innovation Board (DIB) on Aug. 20, Lt. Col. Michelle Baldanza, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said.



Mr. Schmidt soon got caught up in another issue between Google and the military. Google had signed a contract in 2017 to help the Pentagon build systems to automatically analyze drone footage to identify particular objects like buildings, vehicles and people.

Mr. Schmidt was a proponent of the effort, called project maven. He said he encouraged the Pentagon to pursue it and testified in Congress about the project's merits, but was not involved in the agency's selection of Google.

But the effort blew up in 2018 when Google employees protested and said they did not want their work to lead to lethal strikes. More than 3,000 workers signed a letter to Mr. Pichai, saying the contract would undermine the public's trust in the company.

A month after leaving Google, Mr. Schmidt invested in Rebellion Defense, a software start-up founded by former Defense Department employees that analyzes video gathered via drone. His venture firm later put more money into the company, and Mr. Schmidt joined its board.


Schmidt and Medin were also able to retain their positions on the defense Advisory Board, despite their own company's refusal to work with the U.S. military in Project Maven, a program to develop AI for use in military drones.'

*So they contract with the Pentagon for drone video analysis, goog employees "cry foul", and he ends up funding a private company that does just that after leaving Google…nothing wrong there kek

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c41d82 No.154456

File: c8e0ef22fc9f95f⋯.png (151.01 KB,185x273,185:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876733 (022236ZDEC20) Notable: The Lord's Prayer - GOD WINS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;

thy kingdom come;

thy will be done;

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.


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c41d82 No.154457

File: 717d01644612718⋯.png (281.72 KB,2560x1600,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876828 (022240ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on new State Dept FOIA release

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So going through the Sate Department FOIA drop….

Seems the SD found Orbis and Christopher Steele's intel on Ukraine back in 2014.

Check out the names on the email chain…. Jonathan Winer, Victoria Nuland and Paula Jones.

Pic Related

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c41d82 No.154458

File: 597691b6848d41a⋯.png (517.62 KB,601x610,601:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876878 (022242ZDEC20) Notable: 'Covid-19 got me': Heartbreaking suicide note financial adviser, 55, left his family before drowning himself

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Covid-19 got me': Heartbreaking suicide note financial adviser, 55, left his family before drowning himself


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c41d82 No.154459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876887 (022243ZDEC20) Notable: Anon report of current slides

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Current slides

- old banner support homos

- feigned Gretchen whitmer lust

Kinda funny!

Shills are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas while Anons keep on steaming along full speed. Brrrrrrrt!

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c41d82 No.154460

File: ea734c2918f503e⋯.jpeg (66.03 KB,598x376,299:188,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876910 (022244ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag report - 60 UH60 Blackhawks airborne today across the US. Roughly 5X normal amount.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

60 UH60 Blackhawks airborne today across the US. Roughly 5X normal amount.

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c41d82 No.154461

File: e7cfd018a20136b⋯.jpeg (78.97 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876942 (022247ZDEC20) Notable: I shall never love a USA President more than Mr. Donald Trump. I owe him a debt of gratitude like no other

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I shall never love a USA President more than Mr. Donald Trump. I owe him a debt of gratitude like no other.

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c41d82 No.154462

File: 1141be6e0fc2467⋯.png (412.42 KB,598x687,598:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11876947 (022247ZDEC20) Notable: Great job @MimiNguyenLy for getting that official statement on the record from Gwinnett County about how they mishandle USB devices in their election tabulation room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Great job @MimiNguyenLy for getting that official statement on the record from Gwinnett County about how they mishandle USB devices in their election tabulation room.


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c41d82 No.154463

File: f22bcb381537b42⋯.jpg (188.14 KB,1079x1215,1079:1215,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877024 (022251ZDEC20) Notable: In Japan, more people died by suicide last month than from COVID in all of 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Have you not been paying attention to suicide rates lately?


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c41d82 No.154464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877041 (022252ZDEC20) Notable: Candace Owens is Suing the 'Fact Checkers' (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Candace Owens is Suing the 'Fact Checkers'


(Paul Joseph Watson channel)

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c41d82 No.154465

File: 49933b54891615b⋯.png (385.96 KB,657x864,73:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877082 (022255ZDEC20) Notable: Looks like somebody just cracked the December watch comms. Good job pat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Looks like somebody just cracked the December watch comms. Good job patriot!


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c41d82 No.154466

File: a6e0bf314dc92f3⋯.jpg (77.89 KB,990x449,990:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877099 (022256ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag report - 5:55pm EST 2 B-52's up out of Barksdale

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5:55pm EST

2 B-52's up out of Barksdale

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c41d82 No.154467

File: 04f66df7d0fd344⋯.jpg (87.99 KB,564x720,47:60,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877106 (022256ZDEC20) Notable: Put on the Armor of God - All assets deployed - The Storm is just about here

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877108 (022257ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


But I just showed that it does, which makes you a known liar.

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c41d82 No.154469

File: 3099331cf7958ff⋯.png (365.31 KB,567x402,189:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877139 (022259ZDEC20) Notable: State-owned Chinese newspaper publishes jeering cartoon mocking Australia's human rights record (Fake fight for distraction)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

State-owned Chinese newspaper publishes jeering cartoon mocking Australia's human rights record

State-run Chinese newspaper The Global Times has published a second cartoon attacking the reputation of Australian soldiers and Australia's record on human rights.

The latest cartoon, which will again ratchet up tensions between the two countries, shows an Australian soldier holding up a sign reading "human rights" for a camera.

Not seen on the camera lens is what the Australian Defence Force member is standing on, a covered-up body with blood seeping out.

The brutal cartoon from artist Liu Rui is making reference to the findings of the Brereton report, which alleged Australian special forces soldiers committed 39 murders in Afghanistan.

The latest move from the newspaper comes after a message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison to Chinese Australians was reportedly deleted by technology giant WeChat.

In the message posted on Tuesday night, Mr Morrison expressed his objections to a doctored image of an Australian solider slitting a child's throat, which was posted on Twitter on Monday.

The Prime Minister said in the WeChat message that Australia was handling the allegations outlined in the Brereton Inquiry in an "honest and transparent way".

The ABC reports the WeChat message is no longer available.

In what has been an extraordinary week of aggression between Australia and its most valuable trading partner China, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warned Australians would pay a price if not relationship could not be salvaged.

"Certainly, that is a very challenging relationship right now," Mr Frydenberg said.

"We want to get that relationship back to where it was and we're willing to engage in a respectful bilateral dialogue.

"But obviously that is difficult at this time."


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c41d82 No.154470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877182 (022302ZDEC20) Notable: #15160

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11876389 Dough

#15160 FINAL Notables

>>154439 Brian Kemp Governer of Georgia claimed Election hacking in 2018

>>154440 POTUS election FRAUD speech this afternoon - YUGE!!

>>154441 , >>154445 , >>154468 No more free shots on Q. No means no

>>154442 BardsFM interview with LTG Flynn

>>154443 In “Staggering” Conspiracy, Former Police Chief, Prosecutor, and Police Officers Sentenced for Framing an Innocent Man with a Crime

>>154444 Your welcome Mr Pig. o7


>>154446 @Cernovich Lin Wood has off the charts stage presence. Haven’t seen anyone like this in years.

>>154448 in case you missed it - entire rally today Georgia (video)

>>154449 Anons, today is a great day, can you feel it can you feel the power of God in our world?

>>154450 Even the comments under Trump speech video are RIGGED

>>154451 Sidney Powell suspended from Twitter during #StopTheSteal rally in Georgia

>>154452 It is my honor and privilege to fight for anons

>>154453 FOX News Trump election fraud speech is nowhere to be found

>>154454 sidney's account is now restricted

>>154455 Dig on Rebellion Defense

>>154456 The Lord's Prayer - GOD WINS

>>154457 Dig on new State Dept FOIA release

>>154458 'Covid-19 got me': Heartbreaking suicide note financial adviser, 55, left his family before drowning himself

>>154459 Anon report of current slides

>>154460 PlaneFag report - 60 UH60 Blackhawks airborne today across the US. Roughly 5X normal amount.

>>154461 I shall never love a USA President more than Mr. Donald Trump. I owe him a debt of gratitude like no other

>>154462 Great job @MimiNguyenLy for getting that official statement on the record from Gwinnett County about how they mishandle USB devices in their election tabulation room

>>154463 In Japan, more people died by suicide last month than from COVID in all of 2020

>>154464 Candace Owens is Suing the 'Fact Checkers' (video)

>>154465 Looks like somebody just cracked the December watch comms. Good job pat

>>154466 PlaneFag report - 5:55pm EST 2 B-52's up out of Barksdale

>>154467 Put on the Armor of God - All assets deployed - The Storm is just about here

>>154469 State-owned Chinese newspaper publishes jeering cartoon mocking Australia's human rights record (Fake fight for distraction)


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c41d82 No.154471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877270 (022307ZDEC20) Notable: SPIKE IN WISCONSIN CAME IN AT 3:42 Post 3092 has picture of WATCH with time 3:42 https://qanon.pub/#3092

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>154422 (/pb)

POTUS said in "Most important speech of my life" that the:


Post 3092 has picture of WATCH with time 3:42


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c41d82 No.154472

File: 3656632414467da⋯.png (95.16 KB,747x905,747:905,Clipboard.png)

File: aeaf6f9d004ea74⋯.png (100.79 KB,772x919,772:919,Clipboard.png)

File: b607b0ea7497a1f⋯.png (69.55 KB,754x691,754:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877332 (022311ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering

Department of Justice and Partner Agencies Stop the Flow of Fraud Proceeds


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c41d82 No.154473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877356 (022314ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Hearing on Voter Fraud live

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154474

File: e80e014362885e1⋯.png (751.46 KB,714x853,714:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7dcd6f580aa85⋯.png (69.57 KB,763x502,763:502,Clipboard.png)

File: bc9d743d6c7c892⋯.png (102.59 KB,732x800,183:200,Clipboard.png)

File: adcfbf4d0514bb0⋯.png (123.99 KB,735x839,735:839,Clipboard.png)

File: e884cbb2e0e86df⋯.png (20.95 KB,690x176,345:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877358 (022314ZDEC20) Notable: CORTES: These Republicans Are Rushing to Enable Soros-Backed Open Borders Policies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CORTES: These Republicans Are Rushing to Enable Soros-Backed Open Borders Policies – And They’ll Pay a Political Price.

“We owe them.”

Former Vice-President Joe Biden proffered that assessment about illegal migrants at the presidential debate in Nashville on October 22nd. In reality, our country owes precisely nothing to people who trespassed their way into America, especially considering all of them jeopardize the economic security, and some of them imperil the physical safety of American citizens.

The only debt owed by elected leaders is to the citizens of this great republic: the people who consent to being governed.

Amazingly – and perhaps predictably – a group of Republicans have already emerged, ready to assist the left’s agenda to effectively vaporize U.S. borders should Biden ascend to the presidency.

These squishes completely ignore the clear lessons of the November 3rd plebiscite, seeking instead a retreat to globalist migration policies in cahoots with corporatist titans in league with Chuck Schumer. They all want to clear a path for legalizing tens of millions of illegal migrants already here. Plus they want to entice untold masses of more such lawbreakers.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Susan Collins, and Thom Tillis will attend a Thursday “summit” meeting hosted by the “American Business Immigration Coalition,” a pro-amnesty group consisting of big business donors, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.

On the Democratic side, participants include Senators Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin. The business sponsor list includes big business titans with a heavy Chicago bent and a plethora of inherited-wealth grandees with names like Pritzker, Crown, and Duchossois.

As if this consortium were not already bad enough, CNN’s Ana Navarro is also included.

Ana’s apparent expertise on the subject includes her heartless circus antics of filing her nails on-air during Chris Cuomo’s show as I discussed the cold-blooded murder of an American policeman and legal immigrant to America – Corporal Ronil Singh –who was gunned down by an illegal migrant in a so-called “sanctuary” jurisdiction of California.


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c41d82 No.154475

File: ed0369588d18eea⋯.png (350.89 KB,743x579,743:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 353b4d41859c6b3⋯.png (249.59 KB,722x449,722:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 67756a0bc09f07f⋯.png (240.27 KB,720x561,240:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e9e9cb58037067⋯.png (234.13 KB,732x624,61:52,Clipboard.png)

File: e0fef153ac938e4⋯.png (94.22 KB,720x787,720:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877372 (022315ZDEC20) Notable: YES, THEY CAN VACCINATE US THROUGH NASAL TEST SWABS AND TARGET THE BRAIN

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c41d82 No.154476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877373 (022315ZDEC20) Notable: Mysterious ‘explosion’ from meteor rattles upstate New York

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mysterious ‘explosion’ from meteor rattles upstate New York

A mysterious “explosion” rocked large swaths of Upstate New York on Wednesday, shaking homes, rattling windows — and confusing a lot of people.

Residents across Central New York called 911 beginning at around noon to report hearing — and feeling — the large boom.

“Just felt an explosion that rattled our entire house in Syracuse. I hope everyone is safe,” former congressional candidate Roger Misso wrote on Twitter.

Another person asked: “Anyone else in Syracuse just hear a big boom and feel their house shake…”

“Welp. Who had aliens taking over in December? #syracuse #boom,” one user quipped.

Tremors were felt from Onondaga County all the way to Oswego County 40 miles away and beyond in Madison and Oneida counties, Syracuse.com reported.

Turns out, the rumble was likely caused by a meteor ripping through the Earth’s atmosphere, Robert Lunsford of the American Meteor Society told the outlet.

Witnesses in the Empire State — and in Maryland and even Canada — reported seeing a fireball shoot across the sky, Lunsford said.

Video taken by a camera atop Toronto’s CN Tower showed a bright flash over Niagara, science writer Scott Sutherland shared on Twitter.

Indeed, many on social media said they’d suspected the massive shake was caused by a sonic boom.

“It was so loud and shook my whole house, after checking for a tree on my roof, my next thought was #meteorite,” one person wrote.

Lunsford said it’s uncommon to be able to spot meteors in daylight, adding that most of the space rocks burn up while they’re higher up in the atmosphere.

It was unclear whether Wednesday’s suspected space rock made impact.

“This must be a big one,” Lunsford said.


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c41d82 No.154477

File: cf5339138ff78a6⋯.png (565.43 KB,1441x979,131:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877383 (022316ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report - B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) now over international waters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/11877250 last bread

B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) now over international waters.

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c41d82 No.154478

File: 8a5b48097aaffa4⋯.mp4 (11.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877401 (022318ZDEC20) Notable: Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life' (1/17)

His full speech on election fraud.

For backup purposes, the full video split in 8kun-sized parts.

source: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/376615900112093/

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c41d82 No.154479

File: 6405a2d77194598⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,971x457,971:457,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877459 (022322ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report - 18:20 PM EST 3rd B-52 up with fighter escort out of Minot call signs- CAKE11 & CAKE 13

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18:20 PM EST

3rd B-52 up with fighter escort out of Minot

call signs- CAKE11 & CAKE 13

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c41d82 No.154480

File: 7437c6225e2b9c5⋯.jpeg (35.2 KB,319x455,319:455,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877461 (022322ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Great job! The Ministerium is proud of you.

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c41d82 No.154481

File: 56a7aa1051ed226⋯.png (109.91 KB,595x634,595:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 69d442970b8f851⋯.png (165.09 KB,1049x585,1049:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877464 (022323ZDEC20) Notable: CM The Dominion Digital Adjudication batch screen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Dominion Digital Adjudication batch screen. When batches are ready for review, they show up in the top-right section. The technician should then review the ballots in the top-right screen and finally submit them by dragging to the bottom-right section.



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c41d82 No.154482

File: 5111134f59ea509⋯.png (596.22 KB,682x761,682:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 34bb95cb5d1e1a7⋯.png (23.23 KB,582x284,291:142,Clipboard.png)

File: febf1e2bbf0a103⋯.png (422.05 KB,654x589,654:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 3970fc3ea82bed5⋯.png (13.3 KB,666x175,666:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877473 (022323ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Oppose Trump, Push Georgians Not to Vote in Senate Runoff unless they come out for POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Oppose Trump, Push Georgians Not to Vote in Senate Runoff

ATLANTA — Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood held a press conference in Georgia on Wednesday, where Powell told the crowd not to vote in the upcoming Senate runoff election, a message that directly contrasts with President Donald Trump’s call for Georgians to turn out to vote for Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

Powell, who is not affiliated with Trump’s legal team, told a crowd of supporters, “I think I would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure, and I mean that regardless of party.”

Powell’s remarks stand in opposition to Trump, who has encouraged Georgians to vote for Loeffler and Perdue on January 5, the day of the runoff election, and has scheduled a rally for Saturday in the Peach State to campaign for the Republican incumbents.

“They are fantastic people who love their Country and love their State. We must work hard and be sure they win,” Trump said Wednesday.

Lin Wood declared during the press conference that Loeffler and Perdue should “earn” their votes. “They’ve got to earn it. They’ve got to demand publicly, repeatedly, consistently, ‘Brian Kemp call a special session of the Georgia legislature.’”

Powell and Wood have claimed mass voter fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election, specifically with Dominion Voting Systems election technology, which is used in many voting locations nationwide. Powell filed a lawsuit in Georgia last week alleging that Dominion is corrupt.

When a clip of Wood’s Wednesday comments surfaced on Twitter, CNN anchor Jake Tapper retweeted the message, and “Lin Wood” quickly became a trending topic on the platform, with about 141,000 tweets at press time.


Seems to me they have absolute proof

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c41d82 No.154483

File: fff8b4b3b952e1c⋯.png (102.38 KB,648x852,54:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877486 (022324ZDEC20) Notable: The Marine Corps' First Carrier-Capable F-35 Squadron Is Ready for Combat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Marine Corps' First Carrier-Capable F-35 Squadron Is Ready for Combat

The Marine Corps' first F-35C carrier-variant Joint Strike Fighter squadron has officially been declared ready for combat.

Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, said its F-35Cs have achieved initial operational capability, or IOC, authorizing the aircraft for worldwide carrier deployment operations, according to a service release.

"The F-35 is an expeditionary platform that extends the reach of our Marines and machines, and increases our ability to support joint and allied partners at a moment's notice," Maj. Gen. Christopher Mahoney, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing commanding general, said in a statement.

"By effectively employing the F-35, [Marine Air-Ground Task Force] commanders have the potential to dominate our adversaries in a joint battlespace, in the air and out at sea."

Officials said a number of standards had to be met before an aircraft reached IOC, including a minimum number of Marines trained to fly and support the stealth fighter.

The squadron's first F-35C arrived in January; officials in March said at the time that VMFA-314, known as the "Black Knights," had achieved its "safe for flight" milestone, bringing the unit one step closer to deployment. Officials did not respond to questions about how many F-35Cs the squadron has now.

The Marine Corps has been first to reach a number of F-35 milestones. Its F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing variant was first to achieve IOC in 2015, ahead of Navy and Air Force counterparts.

In 2018, the F-35B made its combat debut, conducting its first strike in Afghanistan. The F-35B first deployed aboard the USS Wasp with the Pacific-based 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit in March 2018, marking the first maritime operational deployment for the aircraft.

The Air Force's F-35A achieved IOC in 2016. The Navy's Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 "Argonauts" out of Naval Air Station Lemoore, California, reached IOC last year following carrier qualifications aboard the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson. VFA-147 the service's first operational F-35C squadron is scheduled to conduct its first deployment aboard the Vinson in 2021.


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c41d82 No.154484

File: 5df72b4ea7a162a⋯.png (264.22 KB,450x254,225:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877526 (022327ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

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Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

June 1, 2020

Historians have confirmed that Karl Marx was not only related to the Rothschilds, but was also employed as their agent in order to subvert democracy and corrupt the Socialist movement.

Karl Marx was born in a London squalor, and came from a long line of Rabbis.

Henrymakow.com reports: He used to visit the Red Lion Pub at Great Windmill Street, Soho where he and Friedrich Engels were asked to write what became the Communist Manifesto.

His best known work is the book Das Kapital, which fails to mention that money is printed out of thin air and by his cousins, the Rothschilds.


Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Kingdom of Prussia on 5 May 1818, an Ashkenazi Jew, to Hirschel Mordechai and Henriette Pressburg.

Marx’s birth name name is Chaim Hirschel Mordechai.

Marx descended from Talmudic rabbis; his paternal ancestors had provided rabbis to Trier since 1723, a post last held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War of the Sixth Coalition, [Marx’s father] Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason in 1813, joining their Loge L’Ètoile anséatique (The Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück.

After the war, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism as a means to better infiltrate Prussian society.

He pretended to be an “assimilated” bourgeois Enlightenment liberal, interested in “free thought” and was wealthy, owning some Moselle vineyards.

One of Marx’s grandparents was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. Her cousin had married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and bore Lionel Nathan Rothschild, “Baron” and Member of Parliament for the City of London.

Karl Marx was brought up by his family to hate Jesus Christ…

The Rothschilds (Marx’s third cousin by blood) and other finance syndicates were very prominent in promoting “Jewish emancipation”  and Masonic, liberal and Protestant ideas which took hold of society at the start of the 19th century….

The idea of Marx as a Rothschild shill…was raised as a concern by his contemporary rival in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin in 1869, who was not even aware of the fact that Marx and Rothschild were cousins.

Bakunin wrote presciently:“This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank?

The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found. “

—Mikhail Bakunin, Profession de foi d’un démocrate socialiste russe précédé d’une étude sur les juifs allemands, 1869.


Perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx’s ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia [the last bastion of Christian civilization…]… He and Engels regarded Russians and Slavs in general as subhuman (völkerabfall) barbarians. Had he lived to see his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev butcher them by the millions, he would no doubt have cackled in orgasmic joy at the horrors visited upon them; men, women and children.

Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try and incite a war against Russia.

 This Russophobia was also behind the strange alliance with Tory, David Urquhart, when he moved to London and Marx thus has the blood of the people who died in the Crimean War on his hands.

Henry Hyndman, who spent many hours in Marx’s company in his Record of an Adventurous Life attributed this anti-Russian obsession to Marx’s ethnocentrism. The Soviets tried to cover up this fact about Marx…

Sauce: https://theirishsentinel.com/2020/06/01/historians-confirm-karl-marx-was-employed-by-the-rothschilds/

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c41d82 No.154485

File: bfdb2ba2949ef90⋯.png (22.6 KB,599x271,599:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877604 (022333ZDEC20) Notable: New President Trump Tweet - HAPPENING NOW! #OANN

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c41d82 No.154486

File: 7e1e47271ee168e⋯.png (492.12 KB,746x652,373:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877647 (022336ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: Zucker Labels @realDonaldTrump A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Zucker Labels


A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud

"Trump continuing to undermine election integrity with baseless claims of fraud…That leads to the question of whether or not Trump himself, is a national security threat"



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c41d82 No.154487

File: 271f59368f3896a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1028x788,257:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877656 (022337ZDEC20) Notable: Great IWO Jima banner anon - o7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154488

File: 432d09a37ea8cc0⋯.png (24.57 KB,680x552,85:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877664 (022338ZDEC20) Notable: Three Nominations Sent to the Senate Issued on: December 2, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Three Nominations Sent to the Senate

Issued on: December 2, 2020


Melanie J. Bevan, of Florida, to be United States Marshal for the Middle District of Florida for the term of four years, vice William Benedict Berger, Sr., term expired.

Gino D. Campana, of Colorado, to be Chairperson of the Public Buildings Reform Board for a term of six years. (New Position)

William S. Jasien, of Virginia, to be a Director of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation for a term expiring December 31, 2023, vice Anthony Frank D’Agostino, term expired.


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c41d82 No.154489

File: 77db55f8ecf9808⋯.jpg (86.63 KB,1148x438,574:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2b2018f2ef602bd⋯.jpg (427 KB,3093x1861,3093:1861,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877669 (022338ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report - 18:35pm EST 10 KC-135's in the air over CONUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18:35pm EST

10 KC-135's in the air over CONUS

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c41d82 No.154490

File: 1a5f3f439855a7a⋯.png (175.56 KB,606x578,303:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877709 (022341ZDEC20) Notable: New filing in King et al v. Whitmer (Michigan Kraken case)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New filing in King et al v. Whitmer (Michigan Kraken case): Order on Motion to Expedite


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c41d82 No.154491

File: 3bdcfb8bbdf3085⋯.png (337.88 KB,595x566,595:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877715 (022341ZDEC20) Notable: AI Just Solved A 50-Year-Old Mystery That Could "Dramatically" Change How We Fight Cancer

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AI Just Solved A 50-Year-Old Mystery That Could "Dramatically" Change How We Fight Cancer


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c41d82 No.154492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877727 (022342ZDEC20) Notable: Stop the Steal short clip on youtube

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>>154379 (PB)

>Stop the Steal: PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell in Alpharetta, GA

Short clip on YT


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c41d82 No.154493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877737 (022343ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats Still Haven’t Explained How HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Votes Were Dumped in Middle of Night for Joe Biden

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THE BIG QUESTION: Democrats Still Haven’t Explained How HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Votes Were Dumped in Middle of Night for Joe Biden

On election night numerous states stopped counting. These weren’t just any states, they were the swing states. All these states were won by President Trump but then the Democrats stopped the elections and dropped hundreds of thousands of votes in these states to steal the election for senile Joe Biden.

We all saw this happen and we reported on it. The bizarre thing about these elections is that the results appeared random until a certain point in time when the dumps of ballots for Biden appeared in the middle of the night. At this point in almost all cases, 90% of the vote was recorded, then after this point nearly all votes recorded in the Presidential election were in the same proportion of Biden to Trump with Biden always receiving the larger amount.

We showed this over and over again… in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, the same pattern.

Our first example was in the state of Virginia:

Here’s what we reported about Virginia’s results:

The first 125 entries reported in the NYT data feed were basically reasonable. The results varied in percentage of votes between Presidential candidates and appeared to be random with most votes going to President Trump. Up through this time (11:03 Eastern), President Trump was leading 52% to Biden’s 46%. At this time 3.3 million of the eventual 4.4 million votes had already been cast or about 75% of the vote was in. This is when things went off the rails.

Eight entries totaling nearly (800,000) votes were removed from the database during this time. This makes no sense. Each vote should be added to the vote totals not taken away.


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c41d82 No.154494

File: fd107b8361cec89⋯.png (1.99 MB,1200x754,600:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 739af56e7ee1731⋯.png (1001.5 KB,656x960,41:60,Clipboard.png)

File: 14c10fbb3c7f81f⋯.png (348.34 KB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b1aacb4efce232⋯.png (750.8 KB,683x664,683:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877754 (022344ZDEC20) Notable: Get your Night Shift memes

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Evenin' Night Shifters !

Semper Fi

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c41d82 No.154495

File: 0b290b7c5c56d32⋯.png (169.38 KB,595x299,595:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877767 (022344ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Tweet - In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse.

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In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!


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c41d82 No.154496

File: 906e5056c391c54⋯.jpeg (67.41 KB,828x485,828:485,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68cc7d9c3fe6f97⋯.jpeg (155.59 KB,828x828,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877771 (022344ZDEC20) Notable: Get your Night Shift memes

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c41d82 No.154497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877824 (022347ZDEC20) Notable: Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life' (ALL/17)

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Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life' (ALL/17)

>>154478, >>>/qresearch/11877416, >>>/qresearch/11877450, >>>/qresearch/11877468, >>>/qresearch/11877498, >>>/qresearch/11877523, >>>/qresearch/11877531, >>>/qresearch/11877546, >>>/qresearch/11877556, >>>/qresearch/11877568, >>>/qresearch/11877589, >>>/qresearch/11877608, >>>/qresearch/11877652, >>>/qresearch/11877673, >>>/qresearch/11877695, >>>/qresearch/11877711, >>>/qresearch/11877722

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c41d82 No.154498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877865 (022349ZDEC20) Notable: No more free shots on Q. No means no

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>This banner is not used or endorsed by QResearch or anons. It has nothing to do with Q, anons or research done on this board.

Except when it is. Such a shame you must lie to maintain your perceived power and bake at 550 to maintain control. Your stupid banner is up for as long as we allow it, not a day further. You wont know when, just one day, like you it will be.

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c41d82 No.154499

File: 907c3b9d028f84d⋯.png (284.8 KB,535x586,535:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877881 (022351ZDEC20) Notable: Former astronaut and Democrat Mark Kelly has been sworn in as the new U.S. senator from Arizona.

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Former astronaut and Democrat Mark Kelly has been sworn in as the new U.S. senator from Arizona.

Republicans' Senate majority is now 52-48.


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c41d82 No.154500

File: 42617504c49e6fa⋯.jpg (230.6 KB,1942x1828,971:914,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877908 (022352ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Anons After checking notables A Storm Warning is 100% confirmed with image graphic

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>>154194 From Notables : Video Cap from POTUS - choicely ends with the marquee reading: "A storm warning is in effect…" Awesome find Anon

Patriot Anons

After checking notables

A Storm Warning is 100% confirmed with image graphic

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c41d82 No.154501

File: 0d90a890b3d6ff3⋯.png (355.89 KB,557x593,557:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877944 (022354ZDEC20) Notable: "Consulting Firm Founded By Biden’s Secretary Of State Pick Just Scrubbed Its Website Of All Business Ties To Communist China"

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"Consulting Firm Founded By Biden’s Secretary Of State Pick Just Scrubbed Its Website Of All Business Ties To Communist China"https://twitter.com/FDRLST/status/1334251417226399756

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c41d82 No.154502

File: 441c6eebb24e715⋯.png (669.62 KB,764x508,191:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 704717aa8c6265f⋯.png (520.26 KB,676x463,676:463,Clipboard.png)

File: c70cc21a7ba0578⋯.png (668.9 KB,1320x880,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877948 (022354ZDEC20) Notable: Get your Night Shift memes

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Hasta la vista baby!

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c41d82 No.154503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11877981 (022357ZDEC20) Notable: #15161

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>>>/qresearch/11877240 Dough

#15161 FINAL Notables

>>154471 SPIKE IN WISCONSIN CAME IN AT 3:42 Post 3092 has picture of WATCH with time 3:42 https://qanon.pub/#3092

>>154472 U.S. Law Enforcement Takes Action Against Approximately 2,300 Money Mules In Global Crackdown On Money Laundering

>>154473 Michigan Hearing on Voter Fraud live

>>154474 CORTES: These Republicans Are Rushing to Enable Soros-Backed Open Borders Policies


>>154476 Mysterious ‘explosion’ from meteor rattles upstate New York

>>154477 PlaneFag Report - B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) now over international waters

>>154478 Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life

>>154479 PlaneFag Report - 18:20 PM EST 3rd B-52 up with fighter escort out of Minot call signs- CAKE11 & CAKE 13

>>154480 , >>154498 No more free shots on Q. No means no

>>154481 CM The Dominion Digital Adjudication batch screen.

>>154482 Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Oppose Trump, Push Georgians Not to Vote in Senate Runoff unless they come out for POTUS

>>154483 The Marine Corps' First Carrier-Capable F-35 Squadron Is Ready for Combat

>>154484 Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

>>154485 New President Trump Tweet - HAPPENING NOW! #OANN

>>154486 BREAKING: Zucker Labels @realDonaldTrump A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud

>>154487 Great IWO Jima banner anon - o7

>>154488 Three Nominations Sent to the Senate Issued on: December 2, 2020

>>154489 PlaneFag Report - 18:35pm EST 10 KC-135's in the air over CONUS

>>154490 New filing in King et al v. Whitmer (Michigan Kraken case)

>>154491 AI Just Solved A 50-Year-Old Mystery That Could "Dramatically" Change How We Fight Cancer

>>154492 Stop the Steal short clip on youtube

>>154493 Democrats Still Haven’t Explained How HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Votes Were Dumped in Middle of Night for Joe Biden

>>154494 , >>154496 , >>154502 Get your Night Shift memes

>>154495 President Trump Tweet - In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse.

>>154497 Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life' (ALL/17)

>>154499 Former astronaut and Democrat Mark Kelly has been sworn in as the new U.S. senator from Arizona.

>>154500 Patriot Anons After checking notables A Storm Warning is 100% confirmed with image graphic

>>154501 "Consulting Firm Founded By Biden’s Secretary Of State Pick Just Scrubbed Its Website Of All Business Ties To Communist China"


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c41d82 No.154504

File: 25adfd2b070f9af⋯.png (305.76 KB,499x273,499:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878113 (030005ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese 'Influence Operation' Targeting Members Of Team Biden

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Chinese 'Influence Operation' Targeting Members Of Team Biden

Offering the latest hint that Joe Biden's newly adopted 'tough on China' stance might be hollow posturing, Bloomberg just published comments from a top US intelligence official unveiling the existence of an 'influence operation' targeting top members of team Biden.

The comments come just days after Biden and his team announced their nominees for top foreign policy positions, along with key appointments like Janet Yellen to Treasury and other economic-policy posts. They have been sourced to Bill Evanina, the director of an obscure but critical intelligence agency known as the US NCSC. The comment was reportedly made during remarks at the Aspen Cyber Summit, which has reliably generated newsmaking comments and headlines in recent years.

That Evanina's comments are even being picked up by the wires is almost surprising, considering that Bloomberg has a reputation for being soft on China for fear of compromising its terminal business.

But at second glance, it's obvious why: Evanina also insisted that the 2020 election was flawlessly done.

A former Bloomberg editor attested a few years back that they were stopped from publishing stories about the accumulated, hidden wealth of President Xi and his family members. When Beijing launched its purge of Western reporters earlier this year, Bloomberg wasn't hit nearly as hard as the NYT, WSJ and other American news organizations.

Continuing on the China theme, Evanina added that the world's second-largest economy is now "the existential threat we face" in the US.

Indeed, as President Xi's actions to punish foreign governments, as well as critics and dissidents both abroad and within its boarders, intensify, it's more important than ever that an American president can stand up to the Politburo, and hold his ground.

Will Biden manage that? It remains to be seen. But some of these reporters about his son's business activities (and purported influence-peddling) in China doesn't exactly bode well.


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c41d82 No.154505

File: 5f956031ec501c2⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878144 (030007ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Vote Fraud Live

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Hammer Time

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c41d82 No.154506

File: 6d576ab200f8c79⋯.png (417.54 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 604e9edbe172ac2⋯.png (225.33 KB,917x721,131:103,Clipboard.png)

File: d812ab5afc8cb18⋯.png (18.76 KB,942x174,157:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878146 (030007ZDEC20) Notable: House Passes Bill Forcing Chinese Companies To Agree To Audit Oversight Or Delist From US

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House Passes Bill Forcing Chinese Companies To Agree To Audit Oversight Or Delist From US

Not long after a top US intelligence official unveiled the existence of a Chinese intelligence operation, the House passed a bill that, should it become law, would force Chinese companies listed in the US to either adhere to strict American accounting standards, or delist and go elsewhere.

We've reported on the push to pass the bill several times. Trump made the issue a high priority this fall as election day neared. The bill targets a loophole that allows Chinese companies to essentially write their own rules when it comes to auditing, something that has led to literally dozens of corporate frauds that have cost American and international investors billions of dollars.

The collapse of Luckin Coffee and the CCP's bailout of Evergrande helped to underscore the fact that Chinese companies essentially play by their own rules, and if foreign investors get screwed, so be it.

But the Trump team made it a centerpiece of its late game push against China, and now the legislation has finally passed the Democrat-controlled House. It's in Trump's hands now, as GOP Sen John Kennedy, one of its authors, pointed out in a tweet. Though we suppose it's possible the US could strike some kind of deal with Beijing in the mean time.

Communist China is right now using U.S. stock exchanges to exploit American workers and families—people who put their retirement and college savings in public companies.

Today, the House joined the Senate in rejecting that toxic status quo UNANIMOUSLY. https://t.co/Zv6ukt8wP2

— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) December 2, 2020

The news has hit the offshore yuan; it has perhaps also stoked fears that the US might somehow miss out in the economic resurgence reportedly taking place in Asia, which has done a much better job of stamping out the virus than the rest of the world.

The surfeit of fraud-ridden Chinese firms created an atmosphere where short sellers like Citron Research and Muddy Waters Research minted reputations (and billions of dollars for themselves and their backers) as they rooted out evidence of fraud like a kind of hedfe fund blood sport.

These firms have collectively worked, along with others, to help expose innumerable frauds and misstatements from companies based in China. A movie, "The China Hustle", was even made about this very topic.


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c41d82 No.154507

File: 0dc8bf19f8d5791⋯.png (350.23 KB,535x546,535:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878177 (030009ZDEC20) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump will award the Medal of Freedom to @CoachLouHoltz88 tomorrow!

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President @realDonaldTrump will award the Medal of Freedom to @CoachLouHoltz88 tomorrow!


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c41d82 No.154508

File: 6998889cd95c952⋯.png (183.74 KB,704x346,352:173,Clipboard.png)

File: da9558efb9819c4⋯.png (59.35 KB,768x904,96:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 746ef639df4982e⋯.png (31.5 KB,749x681,749:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878240 (030012ZDEC20) Notable: According to This Government, All Americans Are Terrorists, and Will be Treated as Such!

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According to This Government, All Americans Are Terrorists, and Will be Treated as Such!

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr. – “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 16 Apr. 1963

We are all terrorists now. This is the new paradigm that has consumed this country. This is why a fake ‘virus pandemic’ has been successful in capturing the bodies and minds of the public, and why this blatant conspiracy based only on the total control of this entire population continues to be advanced with little resistance. The ‘new normal’ is not as it is described, and is not just the temporary disallowance of freedom; it is so much more. The idea that is being used as the major control measure of this takeover coup is fear; not fear from monsters from afar, but fear of each other. Every citizen is now considered a threat to every other citizen. Every citizen is considered a threat to the country, and therefore a threat to national security. What a brilliant scheme this is, but it is brilliant only in its deceit and indisputable malevolence. We are experiencing pure evil, an evil that is being used to pit all against all, turning a country once united into a country filled with hate and distrust.

The pre-planned 9/11 attacks were used in order to instill an illegitimate and ghastly fear of terrorists, and once this was accomplished, unholy wars against innocent countries were unleashed. This heinous act was not only used to vastly restrict the rights of Americans, especially considering mass surveillance, but it was a setup for the current virus conspiracy. Nothing that happens in government is natural, accidental, or organic, it is always by design. This should be evident to all, but is evident to only the very few with the desire and capability to think critically, and to question everything. Unfortunately, that leaves out most in this country today. Because of this, we now all face a life of tyranny and slavery brought about by needless fear, passivity, cowardice, and ignorance. The state is winning, and doing so without revolt.

There is no need to create a false enemy any longer, as now we have all been conditioned to consider our family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen as mortal enemies due to fear of a common cold. I have said on more than one occasion that the controlling top tier and their enforcers in government must be sitting in back rooms laughing out loud at the general population’s gullibility, and what idiotic orders they are willing to religiously follow. We have been told to not gather together, to not have parties, to not listen to live music, to not go to weddings and funerals, to not go to church, to not participate in art and theatre, to not enjoy any restaurant experience, to not travel, or get within six feet of any other human. In other words, we have been ordered to abandon all aspects of love and life. Recently, many have been ordered to not celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, treasures of this society, and been given ludicrous orders of behavior that defy logic and sanity. We have been told to not work, to give up our livelihoods, to imprison ourselves in our own homes, and to avoid all contact with older loved ones locked away in what are now state-controlled nursing home prisons. We have been told to wear deadly and worthless masks that hide all human expression while stealing life-giving oxygen, which causes much more sickness and death. The lockdowns and long-planned response to this manufactured false pandemic threat will kill millions upon millions of people, while the claimed killer virus is in reality non-existent, but then that is all part of the plot.


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c41d82 No.154509

File: 7e647659b1b1c14⋯.png (382.61 KB,597x487,597:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878315 (030016ZDEC20) Notable: ECW RT

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c41d82 No.154510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878319 (030016ZDEC20) Notable: This may be the most important speech I've ever made…. DJT video

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This may be the most important speech I've ever made….

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c41d82 No.154511

File: 1f50da9ade51eae⋯.png (42.9 KB,680x582,340:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878340 (030017ZDEC20) Notable: BLM Revolt: Local Chapters Want Answers on Finances, Transparency from National Leaders

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BLM Revolt: Local Chapters Want Answers on Finances, Transparency from National Leaders

Leaders of several local Black Lives Matter chapters around the U.S. said in an undated online statement that they want transparency about finances and other operations of the national group, Black Lives Matter Global Network.

The statement begins with questions about changes in the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, including the appointment of Patrisse Cullors as its executive director, the formation of the Black Lives Matter Political Action Committee, and another group, BLM Grassroots.

The local chapters signing the statement include Washington, DC, Chicago, Vancouver, Washington, and Philadelphia:

We, the undersigned chapters, believe that all of these events occurred without democracy, and assert that it was without the knowledge of the majority of Black Lives Matters chapters across the country and world.

We became chapters of Black Lives Matter as radical Black organizers embracing a collective vision for Black people engaging in the protracted struggle for our lives against police terrorism. With a willingness to do hard work that would put us at risk, we expected that the central organizational entity, most recently referred to as the Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) Foundation, would support us chapters in our efforts to build communally. Since the establishment of BLMGN, our chapters have consistently raised concerns about financial transparency, decision making, and accountability. Despite years of effort, no acceptable internal process of accountability has ever been produced by BLMGN and these recent events have undermined the efforts of chapters seeking to democratize its processes and resources.

The statement said changes need to be made “in the spirit of transparency, accountability, and responsibility to our community, we believe public accountability has become necessary.”

The group then lists its grievances:

Patrisse Cullors, as the sole board member of BLMGN, became Executive Director against the will of most chapters and without their knowledge.

The newly announced formation, BLM Grassroots, does not have the support of and was created without consultation with the vast majority of chapters.

The formation of BLM Grassroots effectively separated the majority of chapters from BLMGN without their consent and interrupted the active process of accountability that was being established by those chapters

In our experience, chapter organizers have been consistently prevented from establishing financial transparency, collective decision making, or collaboration on political analysis and vision within BLMGN

For years there has been inquiry regarding the financial operations of BLMGN and no acceptable process of either public or internal transparency about the unknown millions of dollars donated to BLMGN, which has certainly increased during this time of pandemic and rebellion.

To the best of our knowledge, most chapters have received little to no financial support from BLMGN since the launch in 2013. It was only in the last few months that selected chapters appear to have been invited to apply for a $500,000 grant created with resources generated because of the organizing labor of chapters. This is not the equity and financial accountability we deserve.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported on some infighting in June:


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c41d82 No.154512

File: 015d9e0b40c1f45⋯.png (375.34 KB,597x670,597:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878370 (030018ZDEC20) Notable: ECW RT

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Moar ECW


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c41d82 No.154513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878406 (030020ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Software was Accessible to Far Left Indivisible Organizers on Election Night

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Dominion Software was Accessible to Far Left Indivisible Organizers on Election Night — An Obama-Linked Group That ENDORSED JOE BIDEN

On November 25th a 21-year-old electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence signed a declaration of evidence for Attorney Sidney Powell in her investigation of the massive fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The declaration from an active-duty military analyst was made public this week. The young analyst says that within five days of the election he/she was able to connect dominonvotingsystems.com, which is Dominion’s proprietary URL, to Belgrade, Iran, China — and Indivisible.org.

The US has a copy of the traffic and the packets of information that were sent to Germany on Election night!

On Monday the first expert at the Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was US cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron.

Col Waldron claimed that not only did the military’s ‘white hat hackers’ see the data flowing overseas to Germany on election night, they also have a copy of the traffic and and packets of data that were sent:

“Unapologetic and Unafraid”

I watched today’s hearing. Powerful! AZ needs to stop and take major corrective action as do many other states. Thank you @NatyLiy for bringing this to our attention. #DigitalSoldiers https://t.co/KSiJDFWmR4

— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) November 30, 2020

As Col Waldron testified foreign actors could manipulate the records.

It should be noted that Indivisible.org is not some local church group. ScorecardIndivisible.org is a radical far left group linked to Barack Obama.

The organization is a radical Trump-hating group that protests and smears President Trump.

And Indivisible.org even put up a video endorsing Joe Biden this year.

Why did this group have access to elections data on Election night?


Here is the testimony from an over 21-year-old intelligence analyst at the 305th Military Intelligence unit.



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c41d82 No.154514

File: bfb770a2cea5a20⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,200x300,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfb770a2cea5a20⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,200x300,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfb770a2cea5a20⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,200x300,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878421 (030021ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Jen Jordan (Democratic Party) is a member of the Georgia State Senate, representing District 6

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straight on face photo


Jen Jordan (Democratic Party) is a member of the Georgia State Senate, representing District 6. She assumed office on December 15, 2017. Her current term ends on January 10, 2021.

Jordan (Democratic Party) ran for re-election to the Georgia State Senate to represent District 6. She won in the general election on November 3, 2020.

Jordan, along with her Georgia State Senate colleagues, entered self-quarantine after State Sen. Brandon Beach tested positive for coronavirus.[1] Click here for more information on political figures impacted by coronavirus.


Jen Jordan was born in Eastman, GA. She earned a J.D. from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2001 and a bachelor's degree in political science and government from Georgia Southern University in 1997. Jordan's career experience includes working as a partner at Shamp Jordan Woodward and principal at The Jordan Firm, LLC. She serves on the Board of Governors for the State Bar of Georgia and recognition as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in the State from the Georgia Super Lawyer's Magazine in 2016. She was elected to the state senate in 2017. [2]

Jordan, along with her Georgia State Senate colleagues, entered self-quarantine after State Sen.Brandon Beach tested positive for coronavirus.[3] . Click here for more information on political figures impacted by coronavirus.

Committee assignments


Jordan was assigned to the following committees:

Appropriations Committee, Georgia State Senate

Banking and Financial Institutions Committee, Georgia State Senate

Government Oversight Committee, Georgia State Senate

Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee, Georgia State Senate

Interstate Cooperation Committee, Georgia State Senate

Science and Technology Committee, Georgia State Senate



See also: Georgia State Senate elections, 2020

General election

General election for Georgia State Senate District 6

Incumbent Jen Jordan defeated Harrison Lance in the general election for Georgia State Senate District 6 on November 3, 2020.

Candidate	%	Votes


Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/Screenshot_20190121-141346_Chrome.jpg

Jen Jordan (D)	 61.5 	62,148

Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/hlance.jpeg

Harrison Lance (R)	 38.5 	38,891

Ballotpedia Logo

Incumbents are bolded and underlined. The results have been certified. Source

Total votes: 101,039

Democratic election

Democratic primary for Georgia State Senate District 6

Incumbent Jen Jordan advanced from the Democratic primary for Georgia State Senate District 6 on June 9, 2020.

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c41d82 No.154515

File: 443f771706b581f⋯.png (320.93 KB,554x393,554:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878437 (030021ZDEC20) Notable: Austin mayor tells constituents to stay home — from Mexico vacation

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Austin mayor tells constituents to stay home — from Mexico vacation

Austin’s Democratic mayor has joined the growing list of hypocritical elected officials refusing to follow their own COVID-19 guidance — urging his constituents to “stay home” while on vacation in the Mexican resort town of Cabo San Lucas.

In a Nov. 9 Facebook video message, Austin Mayor Steve Adler told residents in the Lone Star State not to travel amid surging coronavirus infections.

“Our numbers are increasing and everybody has to be aware of that and we need to, you know, stay home if you can,” he said.

“Do everything you can to try to keep the numbers down. This is not the time to relax,” he went on.

But Adler failed to mention that he was dishing out the advice from a vacation in Cabo San Lucas which he travelled to on a private jet, according to a report by ABC affiliate KVUE.

Adler confirmed to the publication that he was vacationing with eight people in Mexico after hosting his daughter’s wedding in Austin several days earlier and tried to defend the move, saying all of the guests had taken rapid COVID-19 tests.

KVUE reported that Adler’s daughter’s wedding, which was attended by 20 guests, also flouted coronavirus restrictions set by Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott, which stipulated gatherings of more than 10 people be avoided.

In a statement, Adler apologized for setting a “bad example.”

“I regret this travel. I wouldn’t travel now, didn’t over Thanksgiving and won’t over Christmas,” he said.

California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom was also forced to apologize after photos emerged of him enjoying a mask-less dinner with friends at posh Napa Valley restaurant French Laundry.

see also

San Francisco Mayor London Breed dined at French Laundry day after Gov. Newsom

The dinner for 12 flouted his own coronavirus safety protocols where Newsom lectured Californians to don face masks and not to gather in larger numbers to contain the spread of COVID-19.

On Tuesday, it was revealed that San Francisco Mayor London Breed also dined at French Laundry just three days before banning indoor dining in her own city.

A mask-free House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D. Calif) was also filmed having her hair done in August in spite of local coronavirus rules barring indoor personal-care services.

In a briefing on Wednesday afternoon, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany railed against officials for not following their own advice as many Americans were told to stay home over the Thanksgiving holiday.

“Quite clearly, these Democrats do not follow their own edicts. They act in a way that their own citizens are barred from acting,” McEnany said.

“These images behind me makes clear Democrats’ mindset: ‘Rules for the, but not for me,'” she continued, showing images of Newsom at dinner and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot at a crowded rally celebrating Joe Biden’s election victory.


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c41d82 No.154516

File: b128d3665b760ef⋯.png (408.5 KB,626x465,626:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878465 (030023ZDEC20) Notable: Pol detained trying to give legal help to defiant NYC pub in COVID-19 hotspot

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Pol detained trying to give legal help to defiant NYC pub in COVID-19 hotspot

Staten Island state Sen. Andrew Lanza was manhandled by sheriffs on Wednesday when he tried to offer pro bono legal help to a defiant bar that’s refusing to obey COVID-19 restrictions.

Lanza was surrounded and even physically restrained by deputies from the city sheriff’s office when he tried to force his way into Mac’s Public House — an owner of which was arrested Tuesday for repeatedly violating state coronavirus restrictions and obstructing authorities who tried to stop him.

Lanza told The Post he showed up to offer bar co-owner Daniel Presti his legal services — and even had to scratch out a legal agreement on a piece of cardboard when sheriffs said only a lawyer on retainer could enter.

“I got a piece of cardboard,” Lanza said. “I wrote out an agreement and basically said, ‘I offer you free legal advice if you want.’ I signed it. [Presti] came out and signed it.”

“The sheriff said ‘That’s good’, but then the lieutenant showed up. She said I needed an order from the court. That’s not true,” he continued.

“I couldn’t believe she was asking as if she was going to arrest me,” he added. “You’d think they had Charles Manson holed up in there, honestly.”

The Staten Island watering hole declared itself an “autonomous zone” free from state coronavirus restrictions that took effect last week as cases rose in the area, including a ban on indoor dining and a 10 p.m. curfew amid a resurgence of the virus.

Mac’s has been slapped with thousands of dollars in fines and the state Liquor Authority yanked the bar’s license — but remained defiant.

see also

NYC bar in COVID-19 hotspot refuses to shut down after state yanks liquor license

Presti, who was released Wednesday, has gained supporters in the community, among them Lanza, who represents Staten Island in Albany.

“The virus is real and we need to protect each other,” he said. “But what people are protesting are the arbitrary and capricious edicts that are coming down from the state.”

“I’m speaking to why people are at their wit’s end,” Lanza said. “I’m speaking to the frustration that they routinely have when they’re closed and across the street is open because there’s no way that science says that we need to close that restaurant but we can open this one across the street.”


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c41d82 No.154517

File: 8ecce5e003addbd⋯.png (37.27 KB,652x364,163:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878467 (030023ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - It Turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse

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In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!


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c41d82 No.154518

File: 8a5b48097aaffa4⋯.mp4 (11.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878564 (030027ZDEC20) Notable: Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life'

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Full POTUS speech: 'Most Important Speech Of His Life'

#StopTheSteal #VoterFraud #POTUS #WWG1WGA #Q

Some Gab Fag uploaded 17


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c41d82 No.154519

File: 6d88761d79fb4c8⋯.mp4 (520.14 KB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878604 (030029ZDEC20) Notable: It won't be safe for them to walk down the street. Cuomo is not safe.

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It won't be safe for them to walk down the street. Cuomo is not safe..


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c41d82 No.154520

File: ef0e300a38484ab⋯.jpg (337.85 KB,1058x615,1058:615,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878875 (030042ZDEC20) Notable: For her behavior and attempt to dox. This is probably too nice…

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For her behavior and attempt to dox. This is probably too nice…

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c41d82 No.154521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878881 (030043ZDEC20) Notable: Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes

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Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column

More corruption in Georgia ballots is uncovered. The reversal of these illegal votes could put the state in the Trump column.

A group in Georgia has identified more than 40,000 votes cast in the 2020 election that were illegal:

One of many volunteer groups, a Georgia-based voter data analytics firm says it has found that about 40,000 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 3 general election. Mark Davis, President of Data Productions, Inc. and considered an expert in five court cases concerning election disputes found 40,239 people who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election and voted in their old county, which is illegal according to Georgia law. Those 40,239 people who voted failed to register their new address in time to vote in their new county, and according to the law they cannot vote in either county until they do.

40,239 illegal votes are more than triple the size of the current margins in the Presidential race as Joe Biden is listed as being approximately 12,000 votes ahead of President Donald Trump.

The same group also found over 10,000 individuals who voted in the 2020 election who no longer live in the state, which is also illegal:

The analysis also found that 267,255 people notified the USPS that they moved outside the state of Georgia, which means they are no longer eligible to vote in the state, yet, 14,980 of those people allegedly voted in the 2020 election in Georgia, 100 percent of them illegally.

President Trump was leading in Georgia by more than 100,000 votes on election night. Then counting stopped as water main break was reported in Atlanta. To this day there is no evidence that the water main brake occurred. Next tens of thousands of ballots were counted that appeared after the election. These votes were nearly all for Joe Biden and the result was Joe Biden stealing the state.

Currently Biden leads President Trump by around 10,000 votes in Georgia. The above votes could very easily turn over Georgia for President Trump. For some reason, the politicians in Georgia are not willing to address these many corrupt issues in the election. This is an infringement on all Americans’ rights.


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c41d82 No.154522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878891 (030043ZDEC20) Notable: Planned Parenthood Affiliate Executive Resigns After Employees Allege Racist Workplace Behavior

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Planned Parenthood Affiliate Executive Resigns After Employees Allege Racist Workplace Behavior

A regional director with Planned Parenthood has officially resigned from her position, but employees say there is still work to be done to undo reported racial misconduct.

Workers at Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates (PPPA), a nonpartisan political arm of Planned Parenthood, penned an open letter regarding executive director Emily Callen, who, they say, "has been fiscally irresponsible, used racist, transphobic, classist language, and language which perpetuates stigma against abortion."

The memo highlighted that Cullen caused "harm" during her nine-month tenure as executive director by refusing "to hold contractors accountable for repeatedly misgendering trans and non-binary staff and using racist terms like “illegals” to refer to undocumented immigrants."

She also allegedly "belittled and dismissed the only woman of color on senior staff for bringing up issues of racism in the organization."

Signed by the entire PPPA staff, 15 bullet points relating to Cullen's misconduct were listed in the letter.

“During Emily Callen’s tenure at PPPA she has continuously deprioritized abortion access and addressing anti-blackness," PPPA regional field director Cortney B. said in a quoted statement. "In that time she has also harmed BIPOC [for Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color] and trans staff with her unwillingness to be held accountable and listen to staff concerns about the pervasive culture of white supremacy at PPPA."

Cullen responded to the remarks before ultimately resigning.

"I’ve read the open letter published by Save PPPA, and take the claims in that letter very seriously," she wrote. "All of you are the core of what we do. Your leadership must hold itself to high standards, and listen when you speak up about any failures to uphold our mission and values."

⬇️ here’s what we all know Emily Callen actually meant ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/olB7ShPmuK

— Save PPPA (@SavePPPA) December 1, 2020

Dayle Steinberg, board chair for the PPPA, announced that the organization's board of directors and senior leadership would examine the issues raised in the open letter.

According to Steinberg, the PPPA will look to review its hiring practices and "invest resources in long-term anti-racist training for the board of directors, executive director and the senior leadership team."

An audit of "all external and internal communications materials" will take place alongside the establishment of "an internal committee for review."

This comes just months after the National Organization for Women (NOW) president, Toni Van Pelt, announced that she would step down from her position on August 28.

“I have been ignoring my doctor’s advice and my health for too long, so I have made the very hard decision to retire and step down as President of NOW,” she wrote in an email to NOW members obtained by The Daily Beast.

While Van Pelt claimed it was her health that made her step down, the seemingly abrupt move came after the outlet published an investigation that revealed some 15 former NOW employees and interns had accused her of racism.

Van Pelt was also reported for saying that she only chose former vice president Gilda Yazzie, who is Native American, as her running mate because she needed a non-white running mate to win.


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c41d82 No.154523

File: 5491dc35e8e9904⋯.png (586.2 KB,960x537,320:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878906 (030044ZDEC20) Notable: Looking good anons - o7

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cant say thanks enough baker!

lookin' good boys!


>>>/qresearch/11878793 (lb)


that means Rudy is FORCING each state to SIT THROUGH THESE TESTIMONIES…

which then forces the [[STATE]] to choose a side with the truth, or politics.

this is going to FORCE a lot of these people out of their political position, as now their job, position (And even freedom) is on the line.


though WE have heard this…

these cheatin' lyin' manipulative [[DS]] goons haven't yet.

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c41d82 No.154524

File: b6a604fd944be6d⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878943 (030046ZDEC20) Notable: Dance Joe Dance

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Wins the bread! Top kek!

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c41d82 No.154525

File: b3b534bdb4b5e31⋯.png (16.89 KB,598x167,598:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878953 (030046ZDEC20) Notable: Took longer than expected but here is the video CM said to save https://ufile.io/reraywqs

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Took longer than expected but here is the video CM said to save


file name is nothingtoseehere.zip

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c41d82 No.154526

File: 64a44a4bec7922f⋯.png (68.9 KB,785x400,157:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878954 (030046ZDEC20) Notable: All these elected officials from cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, LA, SF, and other crime-filled cities… gang-run. Funded by Deep State.

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All these elected officials from cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, LA, SF, and other crime-filled cities… gang-run. Funded by Deep State.

It all makes sense now.


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c41d82 No.154527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878982 (030048ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Time live. Michigan Election Fraud Hearing

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Rudy Time live.


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c41d82 No.154528

File: 8da675d5c550228⋯.png (752.51 KB,750x510,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 6354f5327bcb6b3⋯.png (84.64 KB,801x485,801:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11878990 (030049ZDEC20) Notable: Well Done, Everyone: Left-Wing PAC Crowdfunds Georgia Billboards to Divide Republicans

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Well Done, Everyone: Left-Wing PAC Crowdfunds Georgia Billboards to Divide Republicans

Can everyone in Georgia please take a deep breath? We have a Senate runoff to win, and you are giving out-of-state ne’er-do-well’s a fundraising and interference opportunity.

First, Andrew Yang noted his joy at the intraparty war going on in the state over election irregularities.

Now, Really American, a progressive PAC, is the latest entrant into the fray. They are framing these billboards as something that’s being done by angry Trump supporters. They are not:

Georgia trumpers are FURIOUS.

Georgia trumpers want to boycott the election.


So we're crowdfunding 20 more of these billboards in trump counties in GA to remind them. You can help make it happen with a RT and a small donation. https://t.co/CvLrS2dVax

— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) December 1, 2020

As a Georgia resident, I don’t know what a Georgia “Trumper” is. The president had 93% Republican support, up from his 2016 share. Most of the people I know who voted for him in the state did it for economic reasons. As Gallup noted, 56% of registered voters said they were better off than they were four years ago, even post-pandemic. It may shock Brooklyn Dad, but most Americans vote in their own economic interests. He and his wife view the government a little differently:

My Wife just now, "Jill Biden is going to give America a Mommy again. It's what we need."


— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) August 19, 2020

It’s stunning that adults think this way. However, it may explain why New Yorkers live under the dystopian rule of Comrade di Blasio and the second-dumbest Cuomo, Governor Andrew. Government is your daddy.

Assuming most voters in Georgia vote in their own interest, let’s make a quick comparison. New York is run by progressive leaders like the ones Brooklyn Dad wants to be elected to the Senate. Georgia is under Republican control. Voters should evaluate the results of these policy differences and vote accordingly.

In Georgia, our post-pandemic unemployment rate is 4.9% as of the end of October. There are no budget cuts expected, we maintained a AAA credit rating, and our Rainy-Day Fund is intact. Except for those destroyed by rioters this summer, thanks to inaction from progressive Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, our small businesses largely survived. Governor Brian Kemp stopped the damage, sending out the National Guard when an eight-year-old girl was killed.

Georgia residents are free to associate, make good personal decisions about addressing the health crisis, and our pandemic stats are far better than New York’s. Children are back in school, playing sports, and receiving the education and socialization they need to stay on track.

In New York, residents are fleeing, especially from New York City. In the city, unemployment is currently 13.6%. The state will likely lose representation in Congress after the census. New data shows that almost one-third of small businesses in New York and New Jersey closed for good during the pandemic. Residents can’t go to church. Schools have closed, reopened, and then closed again. But riots and mass protests went on unabated. Murders and violent crime are skyrocketing in the city at startling rates.


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c41d82 No.154529

File: ad68413317a119c⋯.jpeg (399.58 KB,960x1025,192:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879008 (030050ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS is watching the board as we speak

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Ok Q, ive doubted the shit outta you lately, as im guessing many have. But im a purple heart vetfag that WANTS to believe (what else do we have?)

So humor me (lots of anons).

Can we get Q+ to drop a misspelled QANN tweet? Delete whenever. Anons need this.

Humble request from a patriot.

Anons, instead of a “fuck u shill” pile on, how about some support? We could all use a morale boost..


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c41d82 No.154530

File: 00b25899e2f711d⋯.png (389.18 KB,696x540,58:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879025 (030050ZDEC20) Notable: Q Fucking Research

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c41d82 No.154531

File: b4b683d65b6878c⋯.jpg (95.42 KB,1031x573,1031:573,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879028 (030050ZDEC20) Notable: MAGA Rally in Georgia

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c41d82 No.154532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879041 (030051ZDEC20) Notable: GOP: ‘Media, Democrats Want Us Just to Shut Up and Move On’

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GOP: ‘Media, Democrats Want Us Just to Shut Up and Move On’

Right across the US mainstream corporate media, liberal and leftwing political enclaves, there is a chorus of condemnations against anyone who dares to raise any concerns or evidence regarding voter/election fraud in 2020. Curiously, this is the same conclave which advanced the idea that Russia had installed Donald Trump in the White House and depriving Hillary Clinton of her rightful place on the throne of Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Next Revolution host Steve Hilton reacts to Democrats’ calls to deny any GOP calls for accountability and Constitutional due process of law, and for Republicans to give their unqualified acceptance of Biden’s presidency – despite their own party’s four-year fight to nullify the 2016 election results. Watch:


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c41d82 No.154533

File: f079385df24e0a8⋯.mp4 (321.04 KB,396x224,99:56,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879067 (030052ZDEC20) Notable: CA Johnoson Twitter (video cap)

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c41d82 No.154534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879081 (030053ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Tony Blinken

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Donald Blinken- father of Tony Blinken

He co-founded the investment banking/venture capital firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Co. in 1966



Warburg Pincus incubated Crowdstrike and helped form the company’s initial business plan as its seed investor. The firm provided strategic and tactical advice and committed to an “line of equity” for future financings. As Crowdstrike scaled, Warburg Pincus helped build out the company’s core team by assisting with the hiring of key executives across functional areas and the onboarding of independent board members. Warburg Pincus was Crowdstrike’s largest shareholder from inception through its IPO on the Nasdaq in June 2019, supporting growth from $0 to $686m of annual recurring revenue by the time the firm exited its investment in 2020.


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c41d82 No.154535

File: b49ce7809ee743b⋯.png (24.89 KB,604x257,604:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879085 (030053ZDEC20) Notable: More than 40 US states are investigating Facebook for possible antitrust violations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#BREAKING: More than 40 US states are investigating Facebook for possible antitrust violations and plans to file a lawsuit against the social media giant next week - Reuters


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c41d82 No.154536

File: 4865f6dce6bda37⋯.png (274.09 KB,960x646,480:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879089 (030054ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Report RUDY 32

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154537

File: a49fa008294fa04⋯.png (2.44 MB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879095 (030054ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag Report 92 H60s up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

92 H60s up


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154538

File: a44f269d703cbc4⋯.png (63.4 KB,707x501,707:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879119 (030055ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Army Times

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Sightline Media Group

Army Times is published by Sightline Media Group which was formerly called the Gannett Government Media Corporation, and was once a part of Gannett Company (NYSE:GCI) and TEGNA.

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c41d82 No.154539

File: c1d020639f3932e⋯.png (153.83 KB,1091x574,1091:574,Clipboard.png)

File: 5eaf6f8df43763e⋯.png (63.72 KB,407x588,407:588,Clipboard.png)

File: 19c050df066203c⋯.png (194.97 KB,833x665,119:95,Clipboard.png)

File: a2dbaaa20902057⋯.png (142.24 KB,905x649,905:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879190 (030059ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Sightline Media Group

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154540

File: 54348936fc18008⋯.png (163.94 KB,580x594,290:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 10b71c814539e2f⋯.jpg (145.83 KB,828x1442,414:721,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce7c4a82a83f92d⋯.jpg (194.36 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879237 (030101ZDEC20) Notable: @dougducey just got served with a lawsuit for certifying the fraudulent election by @SidneyPowell1 and other members of the @AZGOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



@dougducey just got served with a lawsuit for certifying the fraudulent election by @SidneyPowell1 and other members of the


Lawsuit demands a decertification.


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c41d82 No.154541

File: 8d9088b893aaaa9⋯.jpg (324.13 KB,1079x894,1079:894,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879260 (030102ZDEC20) Notable: They stole it!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They stole it!

On September 9th, 55 days before the election, this Alberto dude tweeted to Trump that he had proof Dominion (a name nobody had cared about until after November 3rd) was going to steal the election. Now all his tweets are deleted.

Hopefully he can be tracked down.

Proof: https://archive.is/2Iym0

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c41d82 No.154542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879335 (030106ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Rep. Camilleri

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Camilleri.

2016 election and first State House term

He then decided to run for the 23rd District of the Michigan House of Representatives seat being vacated by Republican State Representative Pat Somerville in the 2016 United States Election. Camilleri defeated three other Democratic candidates in the August 2016 primary.[9]

In the 2016 general election, Camilleri faced Republican Bob Howey.[8] Earning the endorsement of – among others – the Detroit Free Press Editorial Board,[10] Camilleri defeated Howey by 323 votes.[5][11][6] In defeating Howey, Camilleri became the only Democrat in the state of Michigan to take a seat held by a Republican during that election cycle.[4]



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c41d82 No.154543

File: 70844cfd5b1b856⋯.png (313.54 KB,1440x979,1440:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879356 (030107ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - Witch's Brew is back on the scope

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Witch's Brew is back on the scope.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154544

File: 135aa3b1b09bd49⋯.png (782.14 KB,1440x981,160:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879369 (030108ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - Witch's Brew is back on the scope

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154545

File: f7d37856f3562d3⋯.png (90.02 KB,201x251,201:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879400 (030109ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Rep. Camilleri

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Camilleri

>In the 2016 general election, Camilleri faced Republican Bob Howey. Earning the endorsement of – among others – the Detroit Free Press.Camilleri defeated Howey by 323 votes.

Oh, another super close election?

Is this arrogant sack of shit trying to cover his ass about how he got 'elected'?


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c41d82 No.154546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879476 (030114ZDEC20) Notable: #15163

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11878777 Dough

#15163 FINAL Notables

>>154520 For her behavior and attempt to dox. This is probably too nice…

>>154521 Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes

>>154522 Planned Parenthood Affiliate Executive Resigns After Employees Allege Racist Workplace Behavior

>>154523 Looking good anons - o7

>>154524 Dance Joe Dance

>>154525 Took longer than expected but here is the video CM said to save https://ufile.io/reraywqs

>>154526 All these elected officials from cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, LA, SF, and other crime-filled cities… gang-run. Funded by Deep State.

>>154527 Rudy Time live. Michigan Election Fraud Hearing

>>154528 Well Done, Everyone: Left-Wing PAC Crowdfunds Georgia Billboards to Divide Republicans

>>154529 POTUS is watching the board as we speak

>>154530 Q Fucking Research

>>154531 MAGA Rally in Georgia

>>154532 GOP: ‘Media, Democrats Want Us Just to Shut Up and Move On’

>>154533 CA Johnoson Twitter (video cap)

>>154534 Dig on Tony Blinken

>>154535 More than 40 US states are investigating Facebook for possible antitrust violations

>>154536 Planefag Report RUDY 32

>>154537 Planefag Report 92 H60s up

>>154538 Dig on Army Times

>>154539 Dig on Sightline Media Group

>>154540 @dougducey just got served with a lawsuit for certifying the fraudulent election by @SidneyPowell1 and other members of the @AZGOP

>>154541 They stole it!

>>154542 , >>154545 Dig on Rep. Camilleri

>>154543 , >>154544 Plane Fag Report - Witch's Brew is back on the scope


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c41d82 No.154547

File: c65948d6cdbff8d⋯.jpeg (367.44 KB,640x983,640:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879590 (030120ZDEC20) Notable: Breitbart reports Lin Wood is a Democrat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Not trying to divisionfag but what the heck is habbening here..

Curious what anons think of this. Is Lin some kind of Judas Goat?


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c41d82 No.154548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879629 (030122ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Vote Fraud Hearing live

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c41d82 No.154549

File: 455d5d87a8d4cc9⋯.png (875.25 KB,1443x984,481:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879642 (030123ZDEC20) Notable: Witch's Brew looks to be headed home to Barksdale AFB.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Witch's Brew looks to be headed home to Barksdale AFB.

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c41d82 No.154550

File: 97df354f5643b01⋯.png (130.21 KB,898x993,898:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879645 (030123ZDEC20) Notable: Senator Mike Lee’s visa giveaway just passed the Senate with unanimous consent

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#BREAKING: Senator Mike Lee’s visa giveaway just passed the Senate with unanimous consent. #AmericaLast

S.386/H.R.1044 “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019” is a betrayal of American tech workers and represents a love note to Big Tech.

It’s up to @realDonaldTrump

to stand strong and VETO this trash bill. #MAGA #AmericaFirst

For all their righteous anger at Big Tech for censoring their voters and boosting their political opponents, Senate Republicans were nowhere to be found when Mike Lee knelt before Google and the rest. This was a great, wasted opportunity for Republicans to put #AmericaFirst.

Do you hear the people sing?

Singing a song of angry men?

It is a music of a people who will NOT BE SLAVES AGAIN!

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c41d82 No.154551

File: fb69af9fe6ddb18⋯.png (69.58 KB,775x830,155:166,Clipboard.png)

File: efefa326b2f8158⋯.png (25.2 KB,789x304,789:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879665 (030124ZDEC20) Notable: Congress advances defense bill, bucking Trump’s veto threats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congress advances defense bill, bucking Trump’s veto threats

WASHINGTON ― Congress is moving ahead with its annual defense policy bill without repealing a prized legal shield for social media companies, testing President Donald Trump’s threat to veto the bill.

The compromise version of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act does not include legislative language addressing the protections, enshrined in Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, three congressional aides confirmed Wednesday.

“We worked hard to craft a bipartisan defense bill that actually focuses on national defense. It would be irresponsible of President Trump to hold the well-being of our troops hostage because he doesn’t like what’s trending on Twitter.” Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to Defense News.

Section 230′s protections have served as a bedrock for unfettered speech on the internet, but Trump and other politicians, including Democrats (though for different reasons than Republicans) argue that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have abused that protection and should lose their immunity from lawsuits.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe. R-Okla., reportedly said that while he agrees with Trump on Section 230, the provision “has nothing to do with the military.”

“You can’t do it in this bill. That’s not a part of the bill,” Inhofe told Politico, adding that he has conveyed that belief to Trump.

The bill finalized Wednesday contains language requiring several bases named after Confederate leaders be renamed, something Trump previously threatened to veto, according to an aide to Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who crafted the Senate version of the renaming provision.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., plan to bring the defense authorization bill for a vote in both chambers, Bloomberg Government reported. The Senate on Wednesday morning agreed to proceed to conference on the defense bill by unanimous consent.


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c41d82 No.154552

File: bb5f3e45880c7ec⋯.jpg (50.05 KB,548x525,548:525,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879673 (030125ZDEC20) Notable: This drop number 3092 equals 3.11 mirror of 11.3 and the time is 3:45

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




this drop number 3092 equals 3.11 mirror of 11.3 and the time is 3:45

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c41d82 No.154553

File: ad287bdedcf470f⋯.png (404.87 KB,590x611,590:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879682 (030126ZDEC20) Notable: US Naval Institute - Happy National Mutt Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Happy National Mutt Day. These sailors of the USS LCI(L)-5 are placing a tiny but remarkably well-made life preserver on their mascot puppy just prior to the invasion of Normandy in 1944. #NationalMuttDay


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c41d82 No.154554

File: ac1dee7e0b42c46⋯.png (1.44 MB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879698 (030127ZDEC20) Notable: Planefags - getting reports of “tons of airplanes circling the Denver airport and I’m not sure if they are all airplanes” See anything?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Planefags - getting reports of “tons of airplanes circling the Denver airport and I’m not sure if they are all airplanes”

See anything?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154555

File: 73f64ca7d29a5c1⋯.png (75.58 KB,674x792,337:396,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b65007351d22de⋯.png (70.94 KB,677x854,677:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bab73c16ce639b⋯.png (11.84 KB,671x141,671:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879701 (030127ZDEC20) Notable: Breitbart reports Lin Wood is a Democrat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Records: Lin Wood Has for Decades Voted for, Donated to Democrats Including Barack Obama and David Perdue’s 2014 Opponent

Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood is getting lots of attention for urging supporters of President Donald Trump to break with the president and not vote for GOP Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in the upcoming January 5 runoff elections.

Wood’s public comments run counter to President Trump’s own public statements and wishes, as the president has repeatedly urged his supporters to support Loeffler and Perdue and is heading to Valdosta, Georgia, on Saturday to rally with the GOP senators. Wood’s comments are also in line with what top national Democrats are pushing for, as Breitbart News has reported a national anti-Trump Democrat Super PAC called “Really American PAC” is running billboards carrying a message nearly identical to what Wood is saying.

While Wood made his comments purportedly as a self-described supporter of Trump, while donning a red “Make America Great Again” ball cap, the real story here is that Wood is by no means a Republican and there is no record in Georgia of him ever voting for President Trump—in 2016 or in 2020—in the Republican primaries. While Wood did vote in the 2020 and 2016 general elections in Georgia—there are no records in Georgia of him pulling a GOP primary ballot in 2016 or 2020, the two years President Trump was on the ticket. Ironically, in both the 2020 and 2016 general elections, state records show that Wood voted absentee—by mail—in Georgia, the same system he is now railing against.

In addition to Trump himself, Vice President Mike Pence is making a second trip to Georgia later this week to campaign for Loeffler and Perdue and the president’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. has been vocal in his support for them as well.

That’s what is so interesting about these people claiming to support the president’s interests telling Georgians not to back the president’s candidates for Senate in the runoffs. But maybe it is not so complicated when looking at the voting history and political donation history of the chief instigator of this narrative, Wood. Wood has long supported Democrats in the state of Georgia, and now he has a cause under which he can try to elect those he has long supported but been unsuccessful in electing–by misleading supporters of the president into not voting for candidates the president is explicitly telling Georgians to vote for. What’s particularly significant about this play this go-around, however, is that the majority in the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance. Republicans currently have at least 50 seats in the Senate going into next year and Democrats currently have at least 48 seats.


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c41d82 No.154556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879716 (030128ZDEC20) Notable: US Blocks China Cotton at Border Claiming Use of Convict Labor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Blocks China Cotton at Border Claiming Use of Convict Labor

The US government issued an order to block cotton imports from a Xinjiang governmental organization in China, claiming that they were produced through the use of convict labor, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in a press release.

"The US Department of Homeland Security announced today that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel at all US ports of entry will detain shipments containing cotton and cotton products originating from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC)," the release said on Wednesday.

The Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Trade directed the issuance of a Withhold Release Order (WRO) against cotton products made by the XPCC based on information that reasonably indicates the use of forced labor, including convict labor, the release said.

"The WRO applies to all cotton and cotton products produced by the XPCC and its subordinate and affiliated entities as well as any products that are made in whole or in part with or derived from that cotton, such as apparel, garments, and textiles," the release added.

The WRO on XPCC cotton products is the sixth enforcement action that the CBP has announced in the past three months against goods made by what the US agency suggest is forced labor in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to the release.

Washington consistently claims that the government of Chinese President Xi Jinping regularly uses forced labor of Uyghur ethnos in Xinjiang, accusing Beijing of keeping Muslim Uyghurs in detention camps.

The Chinese government denied the allegations, offering that the camps were built to provide vocational and Chinese language training for Uyghurs and any other minority.


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c41d82 No.154557

File: a21dd71ba216547⋯.png (929.07 KB,1442x982,721:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879739 (030129ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report None of these are squawking military transponder codes. All appear to be civilian.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


None of these are squawking military transponder codes. All appear to be civilian.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154558

File: b49ce7809ee743b⋯.png (24.89 KB,604x257,604:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879781 (030131ZDEC20) Notable: House of Representatives passes bill that could close US stock and money markets to Chinese firms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House of Representatives passes bill that could close US stock and money markets to Chinese firms


Wait…It's the House, so something is off. whats the catch

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c41d82 No.154559

File: 9fd64f9f75db18b⋯.png (34.7 KB,598x362,299:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879784 (030131ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS tweet - In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!


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c41d82 No.154560

File: dde4c0a888bc9d3⋯.png (825.7 KB,1034x568,517:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879793 (030131ZDEC20) Notable: WWH Advent calendar comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11879547 TY bakes

WH Advent calendar comms

anons, suggest we dig the crap out of these images as they are released



December 1, 2020

"This year, the White House Christmas decorations honor the theme “America the Beautiful,” paying tribute to the majesty of our great country! The official White House Christmas tree is decorated by students from across the nation, with ornaments that artistically depict the people, places, and things that capture the spirit of their home states. In theRed Room,handmade ornaments honor the everyday heroes who keep our communities safe—first responders, frontline medical workers, and others. More than3,200 strands of lightsand over17,000 bowswere tied as part of this year’s display!"

[1,000 pts of light ref? 32 —> 23 mirror/pain?]

[17 —> Q, bows —> 8Kun infinity symbol]


December 2, 2020

"Each year, volunteers from across America come to the White House to help put up Christmas decorations. In 2017(20_Q),for example, over 150 volunteers from 29 states put in more than1,600hours decorating the White House!"

notice1,600v.3,200on 1 Dec

powers of 2 countdown for digital warriors??: speculative, i.e.,

1 Dec 2020 - 2**5 = 32

2 Dec 2020 - 2**4 = 16

3 Dec 2020 - 2**3 = 8 (prediction?)

4 Dec 2020 - 2**2 = 4 (prediction?)

5 Dec 2020 - 2**1 = 2 (prediction?)

6 Dec 2020 - 2**0 = 1 (prediction?)


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c41d82 No.154561

File: 637abec3fef4858⋯.png (520.58 KB,518x502,259:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879842 (030134ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Karen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154562

File: 9c4c838c289a50b⋯.png (156.97 KB,332x404,83:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879852 (030134ZDEC20) Notable: Undiscovered Stars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154563

File: 826d8c5312c3828⋯.png (834.02 KB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879858 (030135ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report - From Ring Surveillance- many helicopters buzzing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From Ring Surveillance- many helicopters buzzing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154564

File: 8a774b16d14d689⋯.jpg (71.22 KB,562x534,281:267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879866 (030135ZDEC20) Notable: Based Mr Pig

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154565

File: 3a4a2e1494944c3⋯.jpeg (249.42 KB,1226x1318,613:659,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11879941 (030137ZDEC20) Notable: Rep Johnson (Michigan) has lists on her Twitter account threatening Trump Supporters

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The bitch Rep running her mouth now was threatening Trump supporters with their stupid fucking lists on twitter


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c41d82 No.154566

File: 25c1b5adcc0c578⋯.jpg (65.43 KB,519x446,519:446,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880029 (030141ZDEC20) Notable: Based Mr Pig

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154567

File: 1f92f7ce4b72ceb⋯.jpg (88.14 KB,1167x489,389:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880038 (030141ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag Report 20:37pm EST KC-135 SPUR72 in pattern to rendezvous with B-52 CAKE11 & Fighter escort CAKE13 off east coast.

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20:37pm EST

KC-135 SPUR72 in pattern to rendezvous with B-52 CAKE11 & Fighter escort CAKE13 off east coast.

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c41d82 No.154568

File: 48d0e2652aff2bf⋯.mp4 (14.53 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880206 (030150ZDEC20) Notable: PROOF OF ELECTION FRAUD IS COMING LIKE A TIDAL WAVE (video)

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c41d82 No.154569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880232 (030151ZDEC20) Notable: #15164

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>>>/qresearch/11879547 Dough

#15164 FINAL Notables

>>154547 , >>154555 Breitbart reports Lin Wood is a Democrat

>>154548 Michigan Vote Fraud Hearing live

>>154549 PlaneFag Report

>>154549 Witch's Brew looks to be headed home to Barksdale AFB.

>>154550 Senator Mike Lee’s visa giveaway just passed the Senate with unanimous consent

>>154551 Congress advances defense bill, bucking Trump’s veto threats

>>154552 This drop number 3092 equals 3.11 mirror of 11.3 and the time is 3:45

>>154553 US Naval Institute - Happy National Mutt Day

>>154554 Planefags - getting reports of “tons of airplanes circling the Denver airport and I’m not sure if they are all airplanes” See anything?

>>154556 US Blocks China Cotton at Border Claiming Use of Convict Labor

>>154557 PlaneFag Report None of these are squawking military transponder codes. All appear to be civilian.

>>154558 House of Representatives passes bill that could close US stock and money markets to Chinese firms

>>154559 POTUS tweet - In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse

>>154560 WWH Advent calendar comms

>>154561 Michigan Karen

>>154562 Undiscovered Stars

>>154563 PlaneFag Report - From Ring Surveillance- many helicopters buzzing

>>154564 , >>154566 Based Mr Pig

>>154565 Rep Johnson (Michigan) has lists on her Twitter account threatening Trump Supporters

>>154567 PlaneFag Report 20:37pm EST KC-135 SPUR72 in pattern to rendezvous with B-52 CAKE11 & Fighter escort CAKE13 off east coast.



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c41d82 No.154570

File: 05ac74cf7f17d81⋯.png (237.65 KB,523x636,523:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 1813d3b0581ccb8⋯.png (459.58 KB,584x985,584:985,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dd72a991100523⋯.png (115.34 KB,582x1018,291:509,Clipboard.png)

File: b8936871f3db901⋯.png (99.28 KB,589x1010,589:1010,Clipboard.png)

File: c5ccc5dc369f0d3⋯.png (317.5 KB,531x596,531:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880376 (030158ZDEC20) Notable: Arthur Schwartz - Lin Wood Has for Decades Voted for, Donated to Democrats

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Arthur Schwartz


Records: Lin Wood Has for Decades Voted for, Donated to Democrats Including Barack Obama and David Perdue’s 2014 Opponent



Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood is getting lots of attention for urging supporters of President Donald Trump to break with the president and not vote for GOP Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in the upcoming January 5 runoff elections.

While Wood made his comments purportedly as a self-described supporter of Trump, while donning a red “Make America Great Again” ball cap, the real story here is that Wood is by no means a Republican and there is no record in Georgia of him ever voting for President Trump—in 2016 or in 2020—in the Republican primaries. While Wood did vote in the 2020 and 2016 general elections in Georgia—there are no records in Georgia of him pulling a GOP primary ballot in 2016 or 2020, the two years President Trump was on the ticket. Ironically, in both the 2020 and 2016 general elections, state records show that Wood voted absentee—by mail—in Georgia, the same system he is now railing against.

In addition to Trump himself, Vice President Mike Pence is making a second trip to Georgia later this week to campaign for Loeffler and Perdue and the president’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. has been vocal in his support for them as well.

That’s what is so interesting about these people claiming to support the president’s interests telling Georgians not to back the president’s candidates for Senate in the runoffs. But maybe it is not so complicated when looking at the voting history and political donation history of the chief instigator of this narrative, Wood. Wood has long supported Democrats in the state of Georgia, and now he has a cause under which he can try to elect those he has long supported but been unsuccessful in electing–by misleading supporters of the president into not voting for candidates the president is explicitly telling Georgians to vote for. What’s particularly significant about this play this go-around, however, is that the majority in the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance. Republicans currently have at least 50 seats in the Senate going into next year and Democrats currently have at least 48 seats

>was interesting to see Fake MAGA Ali by his side today, just sayin


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c41d82 No.154571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880384 (030159ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines - Raise your hand if you were registered as a Dem or Ind left-leaning prior to 2016/2018/2020

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Regarding Lin Wood being a Dem

Raise your hand if you were registered as a Dem or Ind left-leaning prior to 2016/2018/2020

All that it means is we’ve done well with the Red Pill flak cannons

Keep it up.

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c41d82 No.154572

File: 643217768521c4d⋯.jpg (241.98 KB,1858x1579,1858:1579,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880389 (030159ZDEC20) Notable: Anon theory - The only way is the military

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Patriot Anons

Q team - Theory - The only way is the military

SCOTUS 2020 Election fraud hearing

Gen Flynn has said that POTUS should use Martial Law

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c41d82 No.154573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880403 (030201ZDEC20) Notable: “I Can’t Get a Job Any More Because Democrats Like to Ruin Your Life!”

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“I Can’t Get a Job Any More Because Democrats Like to Ruin Your Life!” – GOP Witness GOES OFF at Michigan Hearing

Over 153,000 Americans are watching the Michigan House Elections Fraud Hearings tonight on RSBNetwork.


One witness, and a Dominion-trained IT contractor, named Melissa Carone went off on the Democrats who only appeared to be harassing witnesses.

The Democrat lawmakers were not there to learn or listen. They were there to attack and smear.

On Wednesday night Melissa Carone went off on Democrat lawmakers.

She said, “I signed an affidavit under penalty of prison… Did you?”

Then Melissa was asked why more witnesses have not stepped forward. That’s when she went off, “I’ll tell you why. My life has been destroyed. My life has been completely destroyed because of this!… I can’t even get a job anymore because Democrats like to ruin your life.”


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c41d82 No.154574

File: be4e9dfd772e665⋯.png (2.48 MB,1118x1458,559:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880414 (030201ZDEC20) Notable: FLOTUS, volume 30 December 2020 - That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom...

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FLOTUS, volume 30

December 2020


that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863

Together we win.


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c41d82 No.154575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880419 (030201ZDEC20) Notable: US Offers $5 Million For Info On China's 'Flagrant' N.Korea Sanctions Violations

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US Offers $5 Million For Info On China's 'Flagrant' N.Korea Sanctions Violations

The Trump administration has with only weeks to go till Biden's inauguration in January launched a new sanctions enforcement related initiative regarding North Korea that allows individuals or officials to report violations for a monetary reward.

The State Department published its new website DPRKrewards.com on Tuesday which offers up to $5 million for specific information leading to the "disruption" of "persons engaged in certain activities that support North Korea."

With such a large sum it appears they are certainly hoping to attract potential internal regime whistleblowers or even intentioned defectors. But the whole project is squarely aimed at Beijing as part of Trump's pressure campaign.

Upon unveiling the violations reporting website, the State Department blasted China for multiple major sanctions violations regarding the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK. It was pointed out that China continues to host at least 20,000 North Korean workers in contravention of UN resolutions.

"Lifting sanctions and pumping more revenue into the DPRK while its missile and nuclear production facilities continue to hum is something we will never do," a State Dept. official for North Korea said.

Rewards Up To $5 Million!

North Korea engages in illegal cyber hacks against the U.S. as well as evasion of sanctions to fund its illegal nuclear weapons program.

Submit info on these illicit activities and you may be eligible for a reward. Visit https://t.co/iBs0DwXTpi pic.twitter.com/bsOOtosSCl

— Rewards for Justice (@RFJ_USA) December 1, 2020

The statement described specifically:

"The examples of this chronic failure are numerous, growing and worrying."

He said that US vessels provided information to Beijing 46 times since 2019 about North Korean fuel-smuggling in Chinese waters, and in the past year observed 555 cases of North Korean shipments of coal of other sanctioned exports to China.

"On none of these occasions did the Chinese authorities act to stop these illicit imports. Not once," the US official added.

The new website identifies potential violations as including "…money laundering, exportation of luxury goods to North Korea, specified cyber-activity and actions that support WMD proliferation.

This lashing out at China for its enabling and 'looking the other way' on North Korea comes as the Trump White House has promised to keep up the pressure on Beijing down to the last days before the presidential transition.


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c41d82 No.154576

File: 084a08ac45771d2⋯.png (674.94 KB,638x481,638:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880439 (030202ZDEC20) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany: ‘The President Is Serious’ About Vetoing Defense Bill over Section 230

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Kayleigh McEnany: ‘The President Is Serious’ About Vetoing Defense Bill over Section 230

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany confirmed Wednesday that President Donald Trump was serious about vetoing the defense funding bill if it did not terminate Section 230 of the Community Decency Act.

“Yes, the president is serious about it,” McEnany replied when asked by a reporter if Trump would actually refuse to fund the military over the issue.

Democrats protested Trump’s demand on Wednesday saying military funding should not come under threat as a result of the president’s desire to punish platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

“There are real grave concerns here and the president stands by that,” McEnany said.

She said that Section 230 acted as a “shield” for big tech companies that had stepped beyond the initial category of the “public square” definition after they decided to fact check, remove, and censor individuals and even ban people from their platforms.

“If you are a publisher, there are certain responsibilities with that,” she said. “You shouldn’t be immune from liability.”

Trump signaled his veto threat on Twitter on Wednesday morning.

“Our Country can never be safe and secure if we allow it to stand,” Trump wrote, describing the Section 230 provision as a “serious threat to our national security and election integrity.”

McEnany noted that the president had already signed $2.9 trillion in funding for the military during his administration, and would continue to back the troops.

“But he is going to put the pressure on Congress to step up on this,” she added.


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c41d82 No.154577

File: 35804e5cbf9d2d8⋯.jpg (28.93 KB,437x425,437:425,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880443 (030203ZDEC20) Notable: The 2020 Kekworthy Award

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c41d82 No.154578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880445 (030203ZDEC20) Notable: FOX news Brett Baier on election night

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FOX news Brett Baier on election night

"We call the VA for Joe Biden , even though President Trump as more votes then Biden. This is because FOX analytics determined the Biden will be the winner even thought Trump's more Votes then Biden "

Bretts own words. With POTUS up 4% and more votes and FOX gave the twitter blue chec kmark to biden.

powell woods +++ CODE monkey

why is Fox Aanlytics called the VA early like AZ ?

Go look at the videoyourself. Bretts own words FOX analytics called the race even though President Trump has more votes. Brett even questioned himself on live national TV.

Q Q+ did you see this on election night. The people demand to know why Fox analytics called the VA race early. Where arethey gettingtheir numbers Germany or dominion.

What is fox analytics ? Why did brett say race called even though Trump has more votes then biden his own words

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c41d82 No.154579

File: a8d16b2fa22505c⋯.png (66.22 KB,677x880,677:880,Clipboard.png)

File: d4b6780dc3a91b8⋯.png (26.25 KB,682x336,341:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880462 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State’s Office: ‘We Don’t Know How Many Absentee Ballots Arrived by Mail Versus Drop Box’

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Georgia Secretary of State’s Office: ‘We Don’t Know How Many Absentee Ballots Arrived by Mail Versus Drop Box’

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has no idea how many of the 1.3 million absentee ballots counted in the state in the November 3 general election were delivered by mail and how many were collected and delivered from the 300 absentee ballot drop boxes he and the Georgia State Election Board approved for use in the election.

“We don’t know how many absentee ballots arrived by mail versus drop box. The counties can tell you,” a spokesperson for Raffensperger told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Breitbart News has contacted election officials in several of Georgia’s 159 counties and asked if they have retained the ballot transfer forms required for use in the transport of absentee ballots deposited in absentee ballot drop boxes by voters and then transported to local election offices by county employed election workers, as specified in Election Code rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14, promulgated by the State Board of Election on July 1, 2020.

The rule requires that every absentee ballot drop box collection team “shall complete and sign a ballot transfer form upon removing the ballots from the drop box, which shall include the date, time, location and number of ballots.”

It further provided that “the ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored. The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.”

To date, election officials from two counties have responded to the Breitbart News request for ballot transfer forms.

An election official from Chatham County, which used ten absentee ballot drop boxes during the November 3 general election, confirmed that the county used ballot transfer forms for absentee ballots dropped off by voters at ballot drop boxes and delivered to election officials by collection teams. Those forms have been packed up and are now stored with the county’s Administrative Services and will be made available to Breitbart News upon the submission of an Open Records request. It is unclear how long that process will take.

An election official from Bartow County, which used five absentee ballot drop boxes during the November 3 general election, has confirmed that the county has maintained these ballot transfer forms and will make them available to Breitbart News, pending approval from county legal officials.

As Breitbart News reported on Tuesday:

Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said that a number of election security concerns were not addressed in Georgia’s election code rule regarding the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Georgia and elsewhere.

“Who were the vendors that collected the ballots from the drop boxes? Where are the logs of their receipt by the vendor at the drop box and subsequent delivery to the election board? How do we know that these ballots were not tampered with, or that a number of them were not discarded along the way from the drop box to the election board?” Kline said to Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.


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c41d82 No.154580

File: f61a97ba740815b⋯.png (13.6 KB,598x160,299:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880474 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: WTF? - Strength is in the waters

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Strength is in the waters


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c41d82 No.154581

File: f91532c2caaf080⋯.png (793.51 KB,1439x984,1439:984,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880477 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) flew right past home base at Barksdale AFB. kek

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>>>/qresearch/11879679 last bread

>looks to be

>PF says looks to be because PF got faked out earlier today when a Buff flew right on by the home base. kek

B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) flew right past home base at Barksdale AFB. kek

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c41d82 No.154582

File: ff03a16a43457c4⋯.png (678.36 KB,780x1561,780:1561,Clipboard.png)

File: 26034a6c05a854c⋯.png (439.42 KB,835x1810,167:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 694f1406fd80475⋯.png (547.15 KB,835x1128,835:1128,Clipboard.png)

File: 200194c999ae5ff⋯.png (4.74 MB,852x7478,426:3739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880496 (030205ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 2nd Cynthia Johnson twitter account

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Second Cynthia Johnson twitter account (1/2)



Complete cabal pawn

Ties to:

- Ilhan Omar (about a rant on Palestine)

- China (meet with Chinese Consul General Zhao Jian)

- Truth and Reconciliation Commission (dox Trump supporters)

- ReclaimMSU (not sure if important, but connections)

Ihlan Omar (in reply to a rant about Palestine by Omar):



>Today, I believe we are squandering a real opportunity to support peace in Israel/Palestine.

>Here is why I can't support the final version of H.Res 326, a resolution about U.S. support for a two-state solution that I fear will make it impossible to ever bring about that peace.

>First some background: before Trump, the two-state solution was the policy of the United States for decades. It is the only way to end the occupation and for both Israelis and Palestinians to have their own sanctuaries and self-determination.

>I cosponsored the original resolution for that reason.

>While far from perfect, affirming the importance of a two-state solution is especially important because of increasingly radical moves by the Trump and Netanyahu admins to to make peace impossible, such as:

>- Annexation of Palestinian land in the West Bank

>- Israeli settlement growth on Palestinian land

>- Demolitions of Palestinian housing in East Jerusalem

>- Deportation of human rights activists

>After I and many progressives cosponsored, the resolution was altered to remove the word “occupation.”

It also removed a reference to the “broadly held consensus” on the two state solution.

>Here is what they took out.





Michigan's ties to China remain strong despite trade war https://www.freep.com/story/money/business/columnists/carol-cain/2019/09/21/michigan-china-ties-trade-war/2385600001/ … via @freep

link in tweet: https://eu.freep.com/story/money/business/columnists/carol-cain/2019/09/21/michigan-china-ties-trade-war/2385600001/



Michigan's ties to China remain strong despite trade war

Once again, table tennis helped illustrate the important role Detroit has played in Chinese-American relations.

State Rep. Cynthia Johnson and Chinese Consul General Zhao Jian had a friendly game earlier this month at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center during an event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the U.S. and China.

It was 47 years ago when a series of table tennis exhibitions were held in Detroit, Ann Arbor and other cities. Known as “ping-pong diplomacy” it showcased world-class table tennis players from the United States and the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese government had invited the American team to visit. It marked the first time Americans were formally invited to the country since it adopted communism in 1949.

President Richard Nixon then visited Beijing in 1972. Two months later, the Chinese team landed in Detroit and played friendly matches in the Motor City and other cities.Ultimately, diplomatic relations were established on Jan. 1, 1979.

The Detroit China Day event was held Sept. 13 to celebrate that anniversary. It was hosted by the City of Detroit along with the North American Chinese Coalition as leaders from Detroit, Lansing, Chicago and a delegation from Chongqing were on hand.

“In these 40 years we have achieved greatly in economic trade cooperation. Detroit and Michigan played very important roles in the years leading up to the normalization of our bilateral relations,” Consul General Zhao, who was named to that post earlier this year. Zhao, based in Chicago, oversees several Midwest states including Michigan.


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c41d82 No.154583

File: fa14f98da3958c4⋯.jpg (97.47 KB,1173x490,1173:490,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880514 (030206ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - Something I've been noticing a lot over the last 5 or 6 days all over CONUS is a lot of "touch and go" landing practice

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21:03pm EST

Something I've been noticing a lot over the last 5 or 6 days all over CONUS is a lot of "touch and go" landing practice. Not sure if significant or not.

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c41d82 No.154584

File: 89a6c9a46ba8388⋯.png (523.16 KB,581x703,581:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 20766f03ce89ade⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880517 (030207ZDEC20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Groups of migrants and asylum seekers march at the border fence in #Nogales (Cheering for Biden)

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HAPPENING NOW: Groups of migrants and asylum seekers march at the border fence in #Nogales to urge the incoming Biden administration to resume asylum processing at the US-Mexico border.

Their chant says “President-elect Biden, save asylum. Senator Harris, save asylum.”

1:34 PM · Dec 2, 2020

A representative for @RepKirkpatrick

is in attendance at the rally. She’s one of two Dems representing the #Arizona border in Congress.

Kirkpatrick said she’s committed to taking those policy recommendations to DC and to fight for the rights of asylum seekers at the border.

#Arizona @SenatorSinema

also throws her support behind policy recommendations to resume asylum processing, commits herself to delivering letter to the Biden transition team in message:

“Strong border security and a fair immigration and asylum system are not mutually exclusive.”


Migrants and aid groups drafted a letter urging the Biden admin, among other things, to eliminate the Migrant Protection Protocols, guarantee the right to claim asylum for vulnerable groups, and guarantee legal services for asylum seekers.

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c41d82 No.154585

File: 598edf9e4d1571c⋯.png (977.76 KB,733x493,733:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f521c1763bff72⋯.png (590.47 KB,553x716,553:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880523 (030207ZDEC20) Notable: Comptroller of Erie County, N.Y., Blocks Health Department from Collecting COVID Fines

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Comptroller of Erie County, N.Y., Blocks Health Department from Collecting COVID Fines

Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr., the comptroller for Erie County, New York, has taken a stand for liberty and small businesses098and has used his legal authority to prevent the Erie County Health Department from collecting, cashing, or depositing fines issued for violating COVID-19 restrictions.

Fines for COVID-19 violations in Erie County will now be sent directly to the comptroller’s office instead of the Health Department.

“I am exerting the accounting authority given to my Office by the Erie County Charter. Changing accounting policies fall under my authority as Erie County Comptroller. This change in policy does not require approval by the County Executive or Legislature,” Mychajliw said in a statement. “It is granted to the Office of Erie County Comptroller regardless of who is elected to the position. I am Erie County’s Chief Fiscal and Accounting Officer, not the Health Department.”

“[Erie County Department of Health Commissioner] Dr. Gale Burstein, under my authority under the Erie County Charter, is ordered to have all entities facing COVID related fines to have those financial penalties sent directly to the Office of Erie County Comptroller. The Health Department is no longer allowed to collect, cash or deposit COVID related fines,” Mychajliw continued. “If she does not comply, I will freeze and close the Health Department’s banking accounts immediately.”

To help struggling businesses, Mychajliw has established a new flexible payment plan, using the following tiers:

$1,000 or less: 20-year payment plan

$1,001 to $5,000: 30-year payment plan

$5,001 to $10,000: 40-year payment plan

$10,001 to $15,000: 50-year payment plan

$15,001 and above: 100-year payment plan

“I changed policies to help businesses crippled by the closure of the economy. I am happy to help again. We must do everything we can to save businesses,” Mychajliw said.

Robby Dinero, the owner of Athletes Unleashed in Orchard Park, which is in Erie County, was fined $15,000 after forcing health department officials out of his business in a video that went viral.

Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz disputed Mychajliw’s claim that he has the authority to change the way the county collects COVID fines. “The Erie County Charter does not give the Comptroller the powers he is claiming to have,” Poloncarz claimed in a statement. “While the Charter does provide the Comptroller ‘have custody of all accounts,’ the role of Comptroller is a non-policy making position that is strictly ministerial in nature.”

Mychajliw’s actions are clearly ministerial in nature, as he has not altered any policy regarding the issuing of fines or challenged the legality of those fines.


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c41d82 No.154586

File: 3876f2de1ca0e21⋯.png (94.67 KB,835x576,835:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ffe7ff09056bbb⋯.png (447.43 KB,835x1435,167:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 00656dd2fb92b25⋯.png (2.78 MB,835x3855,167:771,Clipboard.png)

File: b084f2075b10361⋯.png (117.03 KB,835x513,835:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880559 (030209ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 2nd Cynthia Johnson twitter account

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Second Cynthia Johnson twitter account (2/2)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission:



>When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.

And I’ll help.

in reply to: https://twitter.com/micalizio333/status/1330186345650806785





Such an honor! Thank you for the recognition. I appreciate you all for STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!

link in tweet: https://msuhonor.weebly.com/privilege.html



An open letter to the Michigan State University Board of Trustees

Trustees Byrum, Ferguson, Foster, Kelly, Knake, Mosallam, Scott, and Tebay,

​As fellow members of the Spartan family – alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends – we write to you with deep concern for transparency and accountability at Michigan State University. You must fulfill your promise to fully cooperate with the Michigan Attorney General and disclose all information about Larry Nassar to their office.

​After the Board of Trustees requested an investigation from the Michigan Attorney General and pledged to “fully cooperate,” you instead leaned on an expansive interpretation of attorney-client privilege to withhold information. William Forsyth, appointed by former Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette, and current Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel are united in bipartisan agreement that this “frustrates the search for truth.”

On Jun 21, 2019, you announced yet another investigation, although you offered few details. On the same day, the Attorney General said that “Michigan State University lacks the credibility necessary to conduct a legitimate investigation. … There is only one way for MSU to regain the public’s trust and that is to waive its privilege and disclose all information in its possession about Larry Nassar to the Department of Attorney General.”

On Sep 6, 2019, following a record-setting $4.5 million fine from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the resignation of Provost Youatt, you announced that the investigation was halted and that you would instead rely on the OCR findings. Having uncovered significant wrongdoing in the limited scope of the OCR investigation, you decided to look no further.

We, the undersigned, agree with the Attorney General: you must waive privilege.




Beats by Dr. Dre Presents "You Love Me" https://youtu.be/h0rfCYy9jbI via @YouTube

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c41d82 No.154587

File: 6c5429586c49f26⋯.png (493.71 KB,977x797,977:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880566 (030210ZDEC20) Notable: Biden lovefest with Wray

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Biden plans to keep Wray as FBI director: report


Great fucking choice, Trump

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c41d82 No.154588

File: d542e54ad8fb49a⋯.png (492.31 KB,606x580,303:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880585 (030211ZDEC20) Notable: San Francisco bans tobacco smoking inside apartments, approves weed

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San Francisco bans tobacco smoking inside apartments, approves weed


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c41d82 No.154589

File: 084026890714467⋯.png (1.03 MB,917x516,917:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880615 (030213ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Senate Committees to Hold Election Hearings

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Georgia Senate Committees to Hold Election Hearings

Two committees in the Georgia State Senate, the Senate Government Oversight Committee and the Georgia Senate Committee on Judiciary, announced they will hold back-to-back hearings on elections processes on Thursday. This is the fourth state to hold livestreaming election-related hearings. The Senate says the purpose is “to evaluate the election process to ensure the integrity of Georgia’s voting process.” Georgia is in the midst of conducting a machine recount of votes for the 2020 presidential election. The deadline is midnight Wednesday. One Peach State county in particular was running behind.

Brad Raffensperger, the Republican secretary of state in Georgia, mentioned staffing shortages on the county’s recount on Tuesday. He said Fulton County had “cut corners” during the state’s second recount. Previously, the state completed a hand audit of results, ordered by Raffensperger. Raffensperger said a Fulton County employee “made several compounding errors.” He said “the biggest one” was backing up the election project “on the server itself instead of on an external backup.” He appeared to be referring to the Dominion Voting Systems server that crashed over the weekend, leading to a new Dominion server being flown in.


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c41d82 No.154590

File: cf0d047b50e1771⋯.png (12.77 KB,263x67,263:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880653 (030215ZDEC20) Notable: CALLING ALL ANONS to the Twitter-Trenches! #FightBack GET IN HERE!

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CALLING ALL ANONS to the Twitter-Trenches!



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c41d82 No.154591

File: 91f0b04cb0c68ac⋯.png (790.75 KB,1442x978,721:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880658 (030215ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag - That's four B-52s up now. AE589C decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That's four B-52s up now. AE589C decodes as follows:

AE589C 61-0005 B-52H / B52 USAF | 5BW [KMIB] USA


Nose art: "Arc Light"

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c41d82 No.154592

File: 3d472a409c98d1a⋯.jpg (67.33 KB,592x377,592:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880706 (030218ZDEC20) Notable: Stand strong Lin Wood - Smart Democrats #WalkAway

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c41d82 No.154593

File: f4c99156397a5a8⋯.png (571.9 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880778 (030221ZDEC20) Notable: Love the Pig

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Love the Pig !

America Winning !

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c41d82 No.154594

File: b44a7de83ca6e15⋯.jpg (332.41 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880780 (030222ZDEC20) Notable: The 2020 Kekworthy Award

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c41d82 No.154595

File: 1716fc7f000be8b⋯.png (770.99 KB,767x431,767:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880790 (030223ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia GOP to Present Case for Fraud

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Georgia GOP to Present Case for Fraud

In Georgia, U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten Sr. issued three emergency orders on the same case. Plaintiffs, represented by attorney Sidney Powell, eventually convinced the judge—who reversed his decision twice along the way—to stop officials in three counties from wiping or resetting the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the election. In addition, there are two more significant lawsuits by Lin Wood against Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. That case alleges that the election rules were changed unconstitutionally, so the state should not certify the results until that’s resolved.

A third, also against Raffensburger, says there’s enough allegations of voting irregularity that the court should nullify the state’s election results. There will also be a Senate hearing this week, and there’s a call for a Special Session of the legislature to deal with these pressing issues. To make sense of it all, we’re joined by Brad Carver, GOP chairman of Georgia’s 11th Congressional District; and Garland Favorito, co-founder of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia.


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c41d82 No.154596

File: bc0089de60975ef⋯.png (20.14 KB,591x204,197:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880801 (030223ZDEC20) Notable: The only way is the Military - Biggest advanced drop on Pol

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c41d82 No.154597

File: 56e9d4f262e38f4⋯.png (936.03 KB,654x856,327:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880803 (030224ZDEC20) Notable: The tell - Putting full weight on a broken foot of a 78 year old man - Biden is a bad actor

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Can't even be fucked to fake it for the cameras. This what giving up looks like. Nice ankle monitor, bro.

"78 year old man putting his full weight on a “broken” foot."


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c41d82 No.154598

File: 8fb1a92b38f9d72⋯.png (132.28 KB,816x421,816:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 75011c5de6dc5b3⋯.jpg (102.22 KB,516x590,258:295,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880821 (030225ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - SAM302 USAF C-40B departed Atsugi NAF sw and crossing over Palowan just se of Spratly Islands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM302 USAF C-40B departed Atsugi NAF sw and crossing over Palowan just se of Spratly Islands

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c41d82 No.154599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880837 (030226ZDEC20) Notable: Hey Rep. Camilleri, could you prove that your 323 vote margin win was not based on election fraud?

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Hey Rep. Camilleri, could you prove that your 323 vote margin win was not based on election fraud?

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c41d82 No.154600

File: 44387dabaf46024⋯.gif (1.67 MB,384x480,4:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880839 (030226ZDEC20) Notable: ASYMMETRIC WARFARE - Start tagging everything with #stopteamQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sound like a PLAN???


Start tagging everything with #stopteamQ

These people are Dumb.

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c41d82 No.154601

File: afe33a8b16fc821⋯.jpg (79.86 KB,608x318,304:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880898 (030229ZDEC20) Notable: Anon report on the safety of B52 Aircraft - safest for HIGH VALUE assets?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B-52 Theory

Been thinking a bit about all these B-52's moving around. What if, what IF….. they were potentially transporting people who need high levels of protection?

Yeah some internal mods would need to be made to accommodate them, either removal of some equipment or adding areas of pressurization.

It would have to be THE safest way to travel for very high-value assets.

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c41d82 No.154602

File: 51f3b1f5f3c6fc4⋯.png (145.89 KB,925x527,925:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880937 (030232ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Update

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Just for future reference on any unidentified military air traffic. If the hex code begins with AE58 then you can pretty safely assume it is a Buff.

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c41d82 No.154603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881138 (030245ZDEC20) Notable: SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction

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SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction!

34,042 views•Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154604

File: 8af444b56c632bb⋯.png (423.97 KB,772x823,772:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881165 (030247ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

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President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

"If we don't root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that's taken place in our 2020 election, we don't have a county anymore," Trump said.

President Trump, in a speech posted online Wednesday, alleged that the 2020 election was tainted by fraud.

"If we don't root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that's taken place in our 2020 election, we don't have a county anymore," he said.

The president said that swing state election results included large numbers of ballots cast illegally.

"Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone, and if that's the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned and overturned immediately," he said.

"We have in all swing states major infractions or outright fraud which is far more in numbers or votes than we need to overturn the results of a state," he remarked during the speech.

"As president I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States," President Trump declared. "That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege."


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c41d82 No.154605

File: 3db212bcf03ac12⋯.png (402.21 KB,763x795,763:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881186 (030249ZDEC20) Notable: Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

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Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

Testimony provides "powerful eyewitness accounts of potential ballot fraud on a massive scale," said Amistad Project Director Phill Kline.

Sworn testimony of several whistleblowers on Tuesday alleged what one election integrity activist is calling "potential ballot fraud on a massive scale," with multiple eyewitnesses testifying to alleged suspicious behavior in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In a press conference in Arlington, Va., the Amistad Project — a civil liberties initiative of the Thomas More Society — presented the testimony of three individuals who claim to have witnessed apparent voting malfeasance during the 2020 election.

One, Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.

The subcontractor also reportedly experienced "odd behaviors" from USPS personnel, behaviors which postal experts have said in sworn statements "grossly deviate[d] from normal procedure and behavior," according to a press release from the Amistad Project.

Another whistleblower, Nathan Pease of Madison, Wisc. — himself also a subcontractor for USPS — alleged that he was told the postal service was planning to backdate tens of thousands of ballots in the days after the Nov. 3 election in order to circumvent the ballot submission deadline.

A third witness, Gregory Stenstrom — who testified at a Pennsylvania legislature hearing in Gettysburg last week — claimed to have witnessed a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting jump drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, Pa. Election officials also reportedly commingled various jump drives from aggregation machines, potentially frustrating the ability of auditors to properly certify the election results.

In its press release, Amistad Project Director Phill Kline said the testimonies are "compelling" and that they provide "powerful eyewitness accounts of potential ballot fraud on a massive scale."

"This evidence joins with unlawful conduct by state and local election officials, including accepting millions of dollars of private funds, to undermine the integrity of this election," Kline said. In the press release, the Amistad Project says it has collected sworn expert testimony alleging that "over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania."


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c41d82 No.154606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881223 (030251ZDEC20) Notable: ALL OF TODAY'S IMPORTANT VIDEOS LINKED !!

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I have spent the whole day watching all the coverage of the Trump team and the election fraud, UK anon here, hope the USA are as involved in your own elections.



embedded trump address

https://youtu.be/Dkxpb4ithPA Trump Address to the public from white hous

https://youtu.be/aa9JEu2hEcg ←war room pandemic

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c41d82 No.154607

File: 14fd5076817e728⋯.png (40.4 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881320 (030257ZDEC20) Notable: Gwinnet County Official admits to voter fraud - CodemonkeyZ tweet

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it's not address the community, i.e. Detroit. A bit of a race related insinuation

Like the white guy running it is a bad person

He did a good job

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c41d82 No.154608

File: ef4e959fd43ea66⋯.png (19.14 KB,444x411,148:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881333 (030258ZDEC20) Notable: DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

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DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

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c41d82 No.154609

File: db9326e0dae832d⋯.png (689.14 KB,991x744,991:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881440 (030304ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government THOSE ARE PROSECUTABLE by the way

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Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government


That's they key line

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c41d82 No.154610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881451 (030305ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy: The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election

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The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election center in Detroit is a DISGRACE.

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c41d82 No.154611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881452 (030305ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption,

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Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption, but conspiracy. Now speaking the Constitution


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c41d82 No.154612

File: cd2e7836597da8e⋯.png (208.6 KB,509x598,509:598,Clipboard.png)

File: a95e639c45adfae⋯.png (401.94 KB,583x447,583:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 20c6c7d7f55e054⋯.png (401.4 KB,814x521,814:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881526 (030309ZDEC20) Notable: WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night – Tonight a Michigan Poll Worker Reports on Ballots Received in Sequential Order

What’s going on?

Last night we heard from a witness who drove a suspicions truck-load of ballots out of New York to Pennsylvania:

Later last night President Trump’s attorney Phil Kline stated there were at least two truck loads of ballots delivered from New York to Pennsylvania:

Now tonight, a witness in front of Michigan’s legislature claimed that she saw votes being counted in Detroit that had sequential ballot numbers, similar signatures, addresses all in one location with no date on the absentee envelopes:

How many hundreds of thousands of votes were manufactured in the 2020 election all for Joe Biden? Were the ballots that were counted in sequential order manufactured ballots or did a miracle happen with ballots returned in sequential order in a statistically impossible scenario?


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c41d82 No.154613

File: 9e50f5d95dc9d1a⋯.png (2.52 MB,3664x1848,458:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 466186c00260a4a⋯.png (2.64 MB,2311x1597,2311:1597,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a5905f4ff5af60⋯.png (2.4 MB,2692x1678,1346:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 761a70132c1d433⋯.png (2.33 MB,2413x1549,2413:1549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881537 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again.

As does Phoenix.

Also tacoma has Apaches.

I'm guessing its another training day for a fuck ton of new chopper pilots. I betcha our guys will use the increased activity to their advantage.

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c41d82 No.154614

File: 8780ff2233b899e⋯.png (65.38 KB,541x668,541:668,Clipboard.png)

File: a03f8c37f60f838⋯.png (40.71 KB,633x409,633:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881541 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election

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Why are we re-hashing Q? Most of us didn’t follow it and we’ve already been told not to bother commenting on it.

“Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election”

Just another reminder that Q/Qanon was 3+ years of preposterous bull droppings. Despite the “Q” claims that “we have it all” and “enjoy the show” etc. in the end NOTHING was done to protect the Trump presidency, electoral integrity, and Trump’s re-election.

The Q/Qanon stuff is just a sideshow but it consumed tons of time and energy from conservatives who should have had much better things to do.

I remember well how “Q” boasted that “Trump surrounds himself with Generals” because that was supposed to indicate that the Trump admin. was some kind of elaborate 12-D military intel operation to save America. Well of course, as we know, Mattis-Kelly-McMaster were all great anti-Trump disasters…. while General Mike Flynn despite his good intentions was back-stabbed right out of the administration and into a 4-year legal catastrophe that had to be ended by a pardon.

So much for the efficacy of “Q” and “Trump’s Generals” and every other piece of b.s. spread by the moronic “Qanon” crowd for the past 3+ years. Anyone who still takes “Q” seriously is an utter moron. Well that was evident 3+ years ago….

“Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election”

“…Trump lamented that findings from Durham’s investigation into potential FBI malfeasance in its probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 political cycle didn’t surface before the most recent election last month, effectively altering the course of the race.”

“”We caught them all,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Room. “We’re still waiting for a report from a man named Durham who I’ve never spoken to and never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didn’t want to go after these people . . . before the election, so who knows if he’ll ever even do a report.””

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c41d82 No.154615

File: 2e47ca2c162b8ca⋯.jpg (366.56 KB,1332x1151,1332:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 421024e8c51561e⋯.jpg (2.59 MB,1600x5790,160:579,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98bef8f080a2ba0⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,1380x5808,115:484,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3e7f3aea0a26b12⋯.jpg (4.05 MB,1365x7517,1365:7517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881544 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile

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Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile


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c41d82 No.154616

File: a4e67e996574562⋯.jpg (181.28 KB,1163x807,1163:807,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881580 (030312ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines - Doug Band right behind Kim il sung. How many people on Earth have been to North Korea and

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Doug Band

right behind Kim il sung

how many people on earth have been to

North Korea


epstein Island

not many

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c41d82 No.154617

File: 3f74d514522274b⋯.png (557.14 KB,598x609,598:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881613 (030313ZDEC20) Notable: ‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill


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c41d82 No.154618

File: 7d6371f898977f2⋯.png (792.54 KB,1442x978,721:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b2f3b28d3690cd⋯.png (796.98 KB,1730x980,173:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881617 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour

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Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour.

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c41d82 No.154619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881625 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Carlyle

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No.11880474 >> PB

Strength is in the waters


I don't know what the above post is about, exactly. But it seems you find Carlyle Group in just about everything. It gives a warm and fuzzy feeling to have them eyeing water infrastructure- and maybe "decarbonized" energy. Some people maybe make a lot of money that way? Not to mention, perhaps, water control?


Global investment firm The Carlyle Group and large-scale infrastructure firm VICO Infrastructure Company (VICO) have formed a partnership through which the firms will invest in water infrastructure projects across the United States. The partnership develops, acquires and optimizes water, desalination, wastewater treatment and water reuse facilities across the country, meeting a growing need to address water scarcity due to population growth and aging infrastructure. Carlyle intends to fund any investments developed through this partnership from its Carlyle Global Infrastructure Opportunity Fund.


AlphaStruxure is a joint venture of Schneider Electric and The Carlyle Group created to build digitized, decentralized and decarbonized energy systems. AlphaStruxure designs, builds, owns and operates microgrids – local energy networks that deliver sustainability, reliability, resilience and long-term savings for clients. Through an Energy as a Service (EaaS) model, AlphaStruxure empowers clients to transform their energy infrastructure with no upfront cost. VICO and AlphaStruxure collaborate on solving complex energy challenges within the water infrastructure sector.

Schneider Electric



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c41d82 No.154620

File: d67140f8ca32e8e⋯.jpg (138.84 KB,1080x830,108:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881628 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: 92 H60's up Busy evening - MonkeyWerx US tweet

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c41d82 No.154621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881752 (030321ZDEC20) Notable: #15166

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11881066 Dough

#15166 FINAL Notables

>>154603 SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction

>>154604 President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

>>154605 Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

>>154607 Gwinnet County Official admits to voter fraud - CodemonkeyZ tweet

>>154608 DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

>>154609 Rudy Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government THOSE ARE PROSECUTABLE by the way

>>154610 Rudy: The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election center in Detroit is a DISGRACE.

>>154611 Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption, but conspiracy. Now speaking the Constitution 1776


>>154612 WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night

>>154613 Plane Fag Report - LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again

>>154614 Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election

>>154615 Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile

>>154616 Anon opines - Doug Band right behind Kim il sung. How many people on Earth have been to North Korea and Epstein Island? Not many.

>>154618 Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour

>>154617 ‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill

>>154619 Dig on Carlyle

>>154620 92 H60's up Busy evening - MonkeyWerx US tweet


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c41d82 No.154622

File: 8e74d0c1657c679⋯.jpg (162.41 KB,720x1196,180:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881897 (030330ZDEC20) Notable: New Lin Wood, Choose wisely

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New Lin Wood, Choose wisely

Oh no!!! I thought Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, & Herman Cain were Republicans!

Did they all lie to me or is @BreitbartNews lying to you?

You choose. Choose wisely.

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c41d82 No.154623

File: d84ccbe9d8f0304⋯.png (146.92 KB,320x426,160:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 07f5a0fb8e62f6f⋯.png (243.62 KB,582x347,582:347,Clipboard.png)

File: a2d37f7b4b2e626⋯.png (115.75 KB,314x738,157:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881904 (030331ZDEC20) Notable: New POTUS tweet - Incoming MOAB?

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Incoming MOAB?

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c41d82 No.154624

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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