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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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c41d82 No.215 [View All]

02DEC20 to 03DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 773 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c41d82 No.154575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880419 (030201ZDEC20) Notable: US Offers $5 Million For Info On China's 'Flagrant' N.Korea Sanctions Violations

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US Offers $5 Million For Info On China's 'Flagrant' N.Korea Sanctions Violations

The Trump administration has with only weeks to go till Biden's inauguration in January launched a new sanctions enforcement related initiative regarding North Korea that allows individuals or officials to report violations for a monetary reward.

The State Department published its new website DPRKrewards.com on Tuesday which offers up to $5 million for specific information leading to the "disruption" of "persons engaged in certain activities that support North Korea."

With such a large sum it appears they are certainly hoping to attract potential internal regime whistleblowers or even intentioned defectors. But the whole project is squarely aimed at Beijing as part of Trump's pressure campaign.

Upon unveiling the violations reporting website, the State Department blasted China for multiple major sanctions violations regarding the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK. It was pointed out that China continues to host at least 20,000 North Korean workers in contravention of UN resolutions.

"Lifting sanctions and pumping more revenue into the DPRK while its missile and nuclear production facilities continue to hum is something we will never do," a State Dept. official for North Korea said.

Rewards Up To $5 Million!

North Korea engages in illegal cyber hacks against the U.S. as well as evasion of sanctions to fund its illegal nuclear weapons program.

Submit info on these illicit activities and you may be eligible for a reward. Visit https://t.co/iBs0DwXTpi pic.twitter.com/bsOOtosSCl

— Rewards for Justice (@RFJ_USA) December 1, 2020

The statement described specifically:

"The examples of this chronic failure are numerous, growing and worrying."

He said that US vessels provided information to Beijing 46 times since 2019 about North Korean fuel-smuggling in Chinese waters, and in the past year observed 555 cases of North Korean shipments of coal of other sanctioned exports to China.

"On none of these occasions did the Chinese authorities act to stop these illicit imports. Not once," the US official added.

The new website identifies potential violations as including "…money laundering, exportation of luxury goods to North Korea, specified cyber-activity and actions that support WMD proliferation.

This lashing out at China for its enabling and 'looking the other way' on North Korea comes as the Trump White House has promised to keep up the pressure on Beijing down to the last days before the presidential transition.


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c41d82 No.154576

File: 084a08ac45771d2⋯.png (674.94 KB,638x481,638:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880439 (030202ZDEC20) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany: ‘The President Is Serious’ About Vetoing Defense Bill over Section 230

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Kayleigh McEnany: ‘The President Is Serious’ About Vetoing Defense Bill over Section 230

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany confirmed Wednesday that President Donald Trump was serious about vetoing the defense funding bill if it did not terminate Section 230 of the Community Decency Act.

“Yes, the president is serious about it,” McEnany replied when asked by a reporter if Trump would actually refuse to fund the military over the issue.

Democrats protested Trump’s demand on Wednesday saying military funding should not come under threat as a result of the president’s desire to punish platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

“There are real grave concerns here and the president stands by that,” McEnany said.

She said that Section 230 acted as a “shield” for big tech companies that had stepped beyond the initial category of the “public square” definition after they decided to fact check, remove, and censor individuals and even ban people from their platforms.

“If you are a publisher, there are certain responsibilities with that,” she said. “You shouldn’t be immune from liability.”

Trump signaled his veto threat on Twitter on Wednesday morning.

“Our Country can never be safe and secure if we allow it to stand,” Trump wrote, describing the Section 230 provision as a “serious threat to our national security and election integrity.”

McEnany noted that the president had already signed $2.9 trillion in funding for the military during his administration, and would continue to back the troops.

“But he is going to put the pressure on Congress to step up on this,” she added.


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c41d82 No.154577

File: 35804e5cbf9d2d8⋯.jpg (28.93 KB,437x425,437:425,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880443 (030203ZDEC20) Notable: The 2020 Kekworthy Award

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c41d82 No.154578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880445 (030203ZDEC20) Notable: FOX news Brett Baier on election night

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FOX news Brett Baier on election night

"We call the VA for Joe Biden , even though President Trump as more votes then Biden. This is because FOX analytics determined the Biden will be the winner even thought Trump's more Votes then Biden "

Bretts own words. With POTUS up 4% and more votes and FOX gave the twitter blue chec kmark to biden.

powell woods +++ CODE monkey

why is Fox Aanlytics called the VA early like AZ ?

Go look at the videoyourself. Bretts own words FOX analytics called the race even though President Trump has more votes. Brett even questioned himself on live national TV.

Q Q+ did you see this on election night. The people demand to know why Fox analytics called the VA race early. Where arethey gettingtheir numbers Germany or dominion.

What is fox analytics ? Why did brett say race called even though Trump has more votes then biden his own words

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c41d82 No.154579

File: a8d16b2fa22505c⋯.png (66.22 KB,677x880,677:880,Clipboard.png)

File: d4b6780dc3a91b8⋯.png (26.25 KB,682x336,341:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880462 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State’s Office: ‘We Don’t Know How Many Absentee Ballots Arrived by Mail Versus Drop Box’

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Georgia Secretary of State’s Office: ‘We Don’t Know How Many Absentee Ballots Arrived by Mail Versus Drop Box’

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has no idea how many of the 1.3 million absentee ballots counted in the state in the November 3 general election were delivered by mail and how many were collected and delivered from the 300 absentee ballot drop boxes he and the Georgia State Election Board approved for use in the election.

“We don’t know how many absentee ballots arrived by mail versus drop box. The counties can tell you,” a spokesperson for Raffensperger told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Breitbart News has contacted election officials in several of Georgia’s 159 counties and asked if they have retained the ballot transfer forms required for use in the transport of absentee ballots deposited in absentee ballot drop boxes by voters and then transported to local election offices by county employed election workers, as specified in Election Code rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14, promulgated by the State Board of Election on July 1, 2020.

The rule requires that every absentee ballot drop box collection team “shall complete and sign a ballot transfer form upon removing the ballots from the drop box, which shall include the date, time, location and number of ballots.”

It further provided that “the ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored. The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.”

To date, election officials from two counties have responded to the Breitbart News request for ballot transfer forms.

An election official from Chatham County, which used ten absentee ballot drop boxes during the November 3 general election, confirmed that the county used ballot transfer forms for absentee ballots dropped off by voters at ballot drop boxes and delivered to election officials by collection teams. Those forms have been packed up and are now stored with the county’s Administrative Services and will be made available to Breitbart News upon the submission of an Open Records request. It is unclear how long that process will take.

An election official from Bartow County, which used five absentee ballot drop boxes during the November 3 general election, has confirmed that the county has maintained these ballot transfer forms and will make them available to Breitbart News, pending approval from county legal officials.

As Breitbart News reported on Tuesday:

Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said that a number of election security concerns were not addressed in Georgia’s election code rule regarding the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Georgia and elsewhere.

“Who were the vendors that collected the ballots from the drop boxes? Where are the logs of their receipt by the vendor at the drop box and subsequent delivery to the election board? How do we know that these ballots were not tampered with, or that a number of them were not discarded along the way from the drop box to the election board?” Kline said to Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.


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c41d82 No.154580

File: f61a97ba740815b⋯.png (13.6 KB,598x160,299:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880474 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: WTF? - Strength is in the waters

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Strength is in the waters


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c41d82 No.154581

File: f91532c2caaf080⋯.png (793.51 KB,1439x984,1439:984,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880477 (030204ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) flew right past home base at Barksdale AFB. kek

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>>>/qresearch/11879679 last bread

>looks to be

>PF says looks to be because PF got faked out earlier today when a Buff flew right on by the home base. kek

B-52 61-0035 (Witch's Brew) flew right past home base at Barksdale AFB. kek

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c41d82 No.154582

File: ff03a16a43457c4⋯.png (678.36 KB,780x1561,780:1561,Clipboard.png)

File: 26034a6c05a854c⋯.png (439.42 KB,835x1810,167:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 694f1406fd80475⋯.png (547.15 KB,835x1128,835:1128,Clipboard.png)

File: 200194c999ae5ff⋯.png (4.74 MB,852x7478,426:3739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880496 (030205ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 2nd Cynthia Johnson twitter account

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Second Cynthia Johnson twitter account (1/2)



Complete cabal pawn

Ties to:

- Ilhan Omar (about a rant on Palestine)

- China (meet with Chinese Consul General Zhao Jian)

- Truth and Reconciliation Commission (dox Trump supporters)

- ReclaimMSU (not sure if important, but connections)

Ihlan Omar (in reply to a rant about Palestine by Omar):



>Today, I believe we are squandering a real opportunity to support peace in Israel/Palestine.

>Here is why I can't support the final version of H.Res 326, a resolution about U.S. support for a two-state solution that I fear will make it impossible to ever bring about that peace.

>First some background: before Trump, the two-state solution was the policy of the United States for decades. It is the only way to end the occupation and for both Israelis and Palestinians to have their own sanctuaries and self-determination.

>I cosponsored the original resolution for that reason.

>While far from perfect, affirming the importance of a two-state solution is especially important because of increasingly radical moves by the Trump and Netanyahu admins to to make peace impossible, such as:

>- Annexation of Palestinian land in the West Bank

>- Israeli settlement growth on Palestinian land

>- Demolitions of Palestinian housing in East Jerusalem

>- Deportation of human rights activists

>After I and many progressives cosponsored, the resolution was altered to remove the word “occupation.”

It also removed a reference to the “broadly held consensus” on the two state solution.

>Here is what they took out.





Michigan's ties to China remain strong despite trade war https://www.freep.com/story/money/business/columnists/carol-cain/2019/09/21/michigan-china-ties-trade-war/2385600001/ … via @freep

link in tweet: https://eu.freep.com/story/money/business/columnists/carol-cain/2019/09/21/michigan-china-ties-trade-war/2385600001/



Michigan's ties to China remain strong despite trade war

Once again, table tennis helped illustrate the important role Detroit has played in Chinese-American relations.

State Rep. Cynthia Johnson and Chinese Consul General Zhao Jian had a friendly game earlier this month at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center during an event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the U.S. and China.

It was 47 years ago when a series of table tennis exhibitions were held in Detroit, Ann Arbor and other cities. Known as “ping-pong diplomacy” it showcased world-class table tennis players from the United States and the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese government had invited the American team to visit. It marked the first time Americans were formally invited to the country since it adopted communism in 1949.

President Richard Nixon then visited Beijing in 1972. Two months later, the Chinese team landed in Detroit and played friendly matches in the Motor City and other cities.Ultimately, diplomatic relations were established on Jan. 1, 1979.

The Detroit China Day event was held Sept. 13 to celebrate that anniversary. It was hosted by the City of Detroit along with the North American Chinese Coalition as leaders from Detroit, Lansing, Chicago and a delegation from Chongqing were on hand.

“In these 40 years we have achieved greatly in economic trade cooperation. Detroit and Michigan played very important roles in the years leading up to the normalization of our bilateral relations,” Consul General Zhao, who was named to that post earlier this year. Zhao, based in Chicago, oversees several Midwest states including Michigan.


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c41d82 No.154583

File: fa14f98da3958c4⋯.jpg (97.47 KB,1173x490,1173:490,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880514 (030206ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - Something I've been noticing a lot over the last 5 or 6 days all over CONUS is a lot of "touch and go" landing practice

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21:03pm EST

Something I've been noticing a lot over the last 5 or 6 days all over CONUS is a lot of "touch and go" landing practice. Not sure if significant or not.

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c41d82 No.154584

File: 89a6c9a46ba8388⋯.png (523.16 KB,581x703,581:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 20766f03ce89ade⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880517 (030207ZDEC20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Groups of migrants and asylum seekers march at the border fence in #Nogales (Cheering for Biden)

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HAPPENING NOW: Groups of migrants and asylum seekers march at the border fence in #Nogales to urge the incoming Biden administration to resume asylum processing at the US-Mexico border.

Their chant says “President-elect Biden, save asylum. Senator Harris, save asylum.”

1:34 PM · Dec 2, 2020

A representative for @RepKirkpatrick

is in attendance at the rally. She’s one of two Dems representing the #Arizona border in Congress.

Kirkpatrick said she’s committed to taking those policy recommendations to DC and to fight for the rights of asylum seekers at the border.

#Arizona @SenatorSinema

also throws her support behind policy recommendations to resume asylum processing, commits herself to delivering letter to the Biden transition team in message:

“Strong border security and a fair immigration and asylum system are not mutually exclusive.”


Migrants and aid groups drafted a letter urging the Biden admin, among other things, to eliminate the Migrant Protection Protocols, guarantee the right to claim asylum for vulnerable groups, and guarantee legal services for asylum seekers.

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c41d82 No.154585

File: 598edf9e4d1571c⋯.png (977.76 KB,733x493,733:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f521c1763bff72⋯.png (590.47 KB,553x716,553:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880523 (030207ZDEC20) Notable: Comptroller of Erie County, N.Y., Blocks Health Department from Collecting COVID Fines

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Comptroller of Erie County, N.Y., Blocks Health Department from Collecting COVID Fines

Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr., the comptroller for Erie County, New York, has taken a stand for liberty and small businesses098and has used his legal authority to prevent the Erie County Health Department from collecting, cashing, or depositing fines issued for violating COVID-19 restrictions.

Fines for COVID-19 violations in Erie County will now be sent directly to the comptroller’s office instead of the Health Department.

“I am exerting the accounting authority given to my Office by the Erie County Charter. Changing accounting policies fall under my authority as Erie County Comptroller. This change in policy does not require approval by the County Executive or Legislature,” Mychajliw said in a statement. “It is granted to the Office of Erie County Comptroller regardless of who is elected to the position. I am Erie County’s Chief Fiscal and Accounting Officer, not the Health Department.”

“[Erie County Department of Health Commissioner] Dr. Gale Burstein, under my authority under the Erie County Charter, is ordered to have all entities facing COVID related fines to have those financial penalties sent directly to the Office of Erie County Comptroller. The Health Department is no longer allowed to collect, cash or deposit COVID related fines,” Mychajliw continued. “If she does not comply, I will freeze and close the Health Department’s banking accounts immediately.”

To help struggling businesses, Mychajliw has established a new flexible payment plan, using the following tiers:

$1,000 or less: 20-year payment plan

$1,001 to $5,000: 30-year payment plan

$5,001 to $10,000: 40-year payment plan

$10,001 to $15,000: 50-year payment plan

$15,001 and above: 100-year payment plan

“I changed policies to help businesses crippled by the closure of the economy. I am happy to help again. We must do everything we can to save businesses,” Mychajliw said.

Robby Dinero, the owner of Athletes Unleashed in Orchard Park, which is in Erie County, was fined $15,000 after forcing health department officials out of his business in a video that went viral.

Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz disputed Mychajliw’s claim that he has the authority to change the way the county collects COVID fines. “The Erie County Charter does not give the Comptroller the powers he is claiming to have,” Poloncarz claimed in a statement. “While the Charter does provide the Comptroller ‘have custody of all accounts,’ the role of Comptroller is a non-policy making position that is strictly ministerial in nature.”

Mychajliw’s actions are clearly ministerial in nature, as he has not altered any policy regarding the issuing of fines or challenged the legality of those fines.


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c41d82 No.154586

File: 3876f2de1ca0e21⋯.png (94.67 KB,835x576,835:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ffe7ff09056bbb⋯.png (447.43 KB,835x1435,167:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 00656dd2fb92b25⋯.png (2.78 MB,835x3855,167:771,Clipboard.png)

File: b084f2075b10361⋯.png (117.03 KB,835x513,835:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880559 (030209ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 2nd Cynthia Johnson twitter account

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Second Cynthia Johnson twitter account (2/2)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission:



>When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.

And I’ll help.

in reply to: https://twitter.com/micalizio333/status/1330186345650806785





Such an honor! Thank you for the recognition. I appreciate you all for STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!

link in tweet: https://msuhonor.weebly.com/privilege.html



An open letter to the Michigan State University Board of Trustees

Trustees Byrum, Ferguson, Foster, Kelly, Knake, Mosallam, Scott, and Tebay,

​As fellow members of the Spartan family – alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends – we write to you with deep concern for transparency and accountability at Michigan State University. You must fulfill your promise to fully cooperate with the Michigan Attorney General and disclose all information about Larry Nassar to their office.

​After the Board of Trustees requested an investigation from the Michigan Attorney General and pledged to “fully cooperate,” you instead leaned on an expansive interpretation of attorney-client privilege to withhold information. William Forsyth, appointed by former Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette, and current Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel are united in bipartisan agreement that this “frustrates the search for truth.”

On Jun 21, 2019, you announced yet another investigation, although you offered few details. On the same day, the Attorney General said that “Michigan State University lacks the credibility necessary to conduct a legitimate investigation. … There is only one way for MSU to regain the public’s trust and that is to waive its privilege and disclose all information in its possession about Larry Nassar to the Department of Attorney General.”

On Sep 6, 2019, following a record-setting $4.5 million fine from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the resignation of Provost Youatt, you announced that the investigation was halted and that you would instead rely on the OCR findings. Having uncovered significant wrongdoing in the limited scope of the OCR investigation, you decided to look no further.

We, the undersigned, agree with the Attorney General: you must waive privilege.




Beats by Dr. Dre Presents "You Love Me" https://youtu.be/h0rfCYy9jbI via @YouTube

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c41d82 No.154587

File: 6c5429586c49f26⋯.png (493.71 KB,977x797,977:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880566 (030210ZDEC20) Notable: Biden lovefest with Wray

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Biden plans to keep Wray as FBI director: report


Great fucking choice, Trump

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c41d82 No.154588

File: d542e54ad8fb49a⋯.png (492.31 KB,606x580,303:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880585 (030211ZDEC20) Notable: San Francisco bans tobacco smoking inside apartments, approves weed

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San Francisco bans tobacco smoking inside apartments, approves weed


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c41d82 No.154589

File: 084026890714467⋯.png (1.03 MB,917x516,917:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880615 (030213ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Senate Committees to Hold Election Hearings

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Georgia Senate Committees to Hold Election Hearings

Two committees in the Georgia State Senate, the Senate Government Oversight Committee and the Georgia Senate Committee on Judiciary, announced they will hold back-to-back hearings on elections processes on Thursday. This is the fourth state to hold livestreaming election-related hearings. The Senate says the purpose is “to evaluate the election process to ensure the integrity of Georgia’s voting process.” Georgia is in the midst of conducting a machine recount of votes for the 2020 presidential election. The deadline is midnight Wednesday. One Peach State county in particular was running behind.

Brad Raffensperger, the Republican secretary of state in Georgia, mentioned staffing shortages on the county’s recount on Tuesday. He said Fulton County had “cut corners” during the state’s second recount. Previously, the state completed a hand audit of results, ordered by Raffensperger. Raffensperger said a Fulton County employee “made several compounding errors.” He said “the biggest one” was backing up the election project “on the server itself instead of on an external backup.” He appeared to be referring to the Dominion Voting Systems server that crashed over the weekend, leading to a new Dominion server being flown in.


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c41d82 No.154590

File: cf0d047b50e1771⋯.png (12.77 KB,263x67,263:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880653 (030215ZDEC20) Notable: CALLING ALL ANONS to the Twitter-Trenches! #FightBack GET IN HERE!

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CALLING ALL ANONS to the Twitter-Trenches!



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c41d82 No.154591

File: 91f0b04cb0c68ac⋯.png (790.75 KB,1442x978,721:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880658 (030215ZDEC20) Notable: PlaneFag - That's four B-52s up now. AE589C decodes

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That's four B-52s up now. AE589C decodes as follows:

AE589C 61-0005 B-52H / B52 USAF | 5BW [KMIB] USA


Nose art: "Arc Light"

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c41d82 No.154592

File: 3d472a409c98d1a⋯.jpg (67.33 KB,592x377,592:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880706 (030218ZDEC20) Notable: Stand strong Lin Wood - Smart Democrats #WalkAway

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154593

File: f4c99156397a5a8⋯.png (571.9 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880778 (030221ZDEC20) Notable: Love the Pig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Love the Pig !

America Winning !

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c41d82 No.154594

File: b44a7de83ca6e15⋯.jpg (332.41 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880780 (030222ZDEC20) Notable: The 2020 Kekworthy Award

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154595

File: 1716fc7f000be8b⋯.png (770.99 KB,767x431,767:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880790 (030223ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia GOP to Present Case for Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia GOP to Present Case for Fraud

In Georgia, U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten Sr. issued three emergency orders on the same case. Plaintiffs, represented by attorney Sidney Powell, eventually convinced the judge—who reversed his decision twice along the way—to stop officials in three counties from wiping or resetting the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the election. In addition, there are two more significant lawsuits by Lin Wood against Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. That case alleges that the election rules were changed unconstitutionally, so the state should not certify the results until that’s resolved.

A third, also against Raffensburger, says there’s enough allegations of voting irregularity that the court should nullify the state’s election results. There will also be a Senate hearing this week, and there’s a call for a Special Session of the legislature to deal with these pressing issues. To make sense of it all, we’re joined by Brad Carver, GOP chairman of Georgia’s 11th Congressional District; and Garland Favorito, co-founder of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia.


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c41d82 No.154596

File: bc0089de60975ef⋯.png (20.14 KB,591x204,197:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880801 (030223ZDEC20) Notable: The only way is the Military - Biggest advanced drop on Pol

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c41d82 No.154597

File: 56e9d4f262e38f4⋯.png (936.03 KB,654x856,327:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880803 (030224ZDEC20) Notable: The tell - Putting full weight on a broken foot of a 78 year old man - Biden is a bad actor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can't even be fucked to fake it for the cameras. This what giving up looks like. Nice ankle monitor, bro.

"78 year old man putting his full weight on a “broken” foot."


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c41d82 No.154598

File: 8fb1a92b38f9d72⋯.png (132.28 KB,816x421,816:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 75011c5de6dc5b3⋯.jpg (102.22 KB,516x590,258:295,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880821 (030225ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - SAM302 USAF C-40B departed Atsugi NAF sw and crossing over Palowan just se of Spratly Islands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM302 USAF C-40B departed Atsugi NAF sw and crossing over Palowan just se of Spratly Islands

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c41d82 No.154599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880837 (030226ZDEC20) Notable: Hey Rep. Camilleri, could you prove that your 323 vote margin win was not based on election fraud?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey Rep. Camilleri, could you prove that your 323 vote margin win was not based on election fraud?

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c41d82 No.154600

File: 44387dabaf46024⋯.gif (1.67 MB,384x480,4:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880839 (030226ZDEC20) Notable: ASYMMETRIC WARFARE - Start tagging everything with #stopteamQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sound like a PLAN???


Start tagging everything with #stopteamQ

These people are Dumb.

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c41d82 No.154601

File: afe33a8b16fc821⋯.jpg (79.86 KB,608x318,304:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880898 (030229ZDEC20) Notable: Anon report on the safety of B52 Aircraft - safest for HIGH VALUE assets?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B-52 Theory

Been thinking a bit about all these B-52's moving around. What if, what IF….. they were potentially transporting people who need high levels of protection?

Yeah some internal mods would need to be made to accommodate them, either removal of some equipment or adding areas of pressurization.

It would have to be THE safest way to travel for very high-value assets.

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c41d82 No.154602

File: 51f3b1f5f3c6fc4⋯.png (145.89 KB,925x527,925:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11880937 (030232ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Update

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Just for future reference on any unidentified military air traffic. If the hex code begins with AE58 then you can pretty safely assume it is a Buff.

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c41d82 No.154603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881138 (030245ZDEC20) Notable: SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction!

34,042 views•Dec 2, 2020


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c41d82 No.154604

File: 8af444b56c632bb⋯.png (423.97 KB,772x823,772:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881165 (030247ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

"If we don't root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that's taken place in our 2020 election, we don't have a county anymore," Trump said.

President Trump, in a speech posted online Wednesday, alleged that the 2020 election was tainted by fraud.

"If we don't root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that's taken place in our 2020 election, we don't have a county anymore," he said.

The president said that swing state election results included large numbers of ballots cast illegally.

"Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone, and if that's the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned and overturned immediately," he said.

"We have in all swing states major infractions or outright fraud which is far more in numbers or votes than we need to overturn the results of a state," he remarked during the speech.

"As president I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States," President Trump declared. "That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege."


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c41d82 No.154605

File: 3db212bcf03ac12⋯.png (402.21 KB,763x795,763:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881186 (030249ZDEC20) Notable: Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

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Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

Testimony provides "powerful eyewitness accounts of potential ballot fraud on a massive scale," said Amistad Project Director Phill Kline.

Sworn testimony of several whistleblowers on Tuesday alleged what one election integrity activist is calling "potential ballot fraud on a massive scale," with multiple eyewitnesses testifying to alleged suspicious behavior in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In a press conference in Arlington, Va., the Amistad Project — a civil liberties initiative of the Thomas More Society — presented the testimony of three individuals who claim to have witnessed apparent voting malfeasance during the 2020 election.

One, Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.

The subcontractor also reportedly experienced "odd behaviors" from USPS personnel, behaviors which postal experts have said in sworn statements "grossly deviate[d] from normal procedure and behavior," according to a press release from the Amistad Project.

Another whistleblower, Nathan Pease of Madison, Wisc. — himself also a subcontractor for USPS — alleged that he was told the postal service was planning to backdate tens of thousands of ballots in the days after the Nov. 3 election in order to circumvent the ballot submission deadline.

A third witness, Gregory Stenstrom — who testified at a Pennsylvania legislature hearing in Gettysburg last week — claimed to have witnessed a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting jump drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, Pa. Election officials also reportedly commingled various jump drives from aggregation machines, potentially frustrating the ability of auditors to properly certify the election results.

In its press release, Amistad Project Director Phill Kline said the testimonies are "compelling" and that they provide "powerful eyewitness accounts of potential ballot fraud on a massive scale."

"This evidence joins with unlawful conduct by state and local election officials, including accepting millions of dollars of private funds, to undermine the integrity of this election," Kline said. In the press release, the Amistad Project says it has collected sworn expert testimony alleging that "over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania."


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c41d82 No.154606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881223 (030251ZDEC20) Notable: ALL OF TODAY'S IMPORTANT VIDEOS LINKED !!

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I have spent the whole day watching all the coverage of the Trump team and the election fraud, UK anon here, hope the USA are as involved in your own elections.



embedded trump address

https://youtu.be/Dkxpb4ithPA Trump Address to the public from white hous

https://youtu.be/aa9JEu2hEcg ←war room pandemic

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c41d82 No.154607

File: 14fd5076817e728⋯.png (40.4 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881320 (030257ZDEC20) Notable: Gwinnet County Official admits to voter fraud - CodemonkeyZ tweet

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it's not address the community, i.e. Detroit. A bit of a race related insinuation

Like the white guy running it is a bad person

He did a good job

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c41d82 No.154608

File: ef4e959fd43ea66⋯.png (19.14 KB,444x411,148:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881333 (030258ZDEC20) Notable: DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

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DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

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c41d82 No.154609

File: db9326e0dae832d⋯.png (689.14 KB,991x744,991:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881440 (030304ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government THOSE ARE PROSECUTABLE by the way

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Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government


That's they key line

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c41d82 No.154610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881451 (030305ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy: The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election

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The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election center in Detroit is a DISGRACE.

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c41d82 No.154611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881452 (030305ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption,

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Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption, but conspiracy. Now speaking the Constitution


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c41d82 No.154612

File: cd2e7836597da8e⋯.png (208.6 KB,509x598,509:598,Clipboard.png)

File: a95e639c45adfae⋯.png (401.94 KB,583x447,583:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 20c6c7d7f55e054⋯.png (401.4 KB,814x521,814:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881526 (030309ZDEC20) Notable: WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night – Tonight a Michigan Poll Worker Reports on Ballots Received in Sequential Order

What’s going on?

Last night we heard from a witness who drove a suspicions truck-load of ballots out of New York to Pennsylvania:

Later last night President Trump’s attorney Phil Kline stated there were at least two truck loads of ballots delivered from New York to Pennsylvania:

Now tonight, a witness in front of Michigan’s legislature claimed that she saw votes being counted in Detroit that had sequential ballot numbers, similar signatures, addresses all in one location with no date on the absentee envelopes:

How many hundreds of thousands of votes were manufactured in the 2020 election all for Joe Biden? Were the ballots that were counted in sequential order manufactured ballots or did a miracle happen with ballots returned in sequential order in a statistically impossible scenario?


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c41d82 No.154613

File: 9e50f5d95dc9d1a⋯.png (2.52 MB,3664x1848,458:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 466186c00260a4a⋯.png (2.64 MB,2311x1597,2311:1597,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a5905f4ff5af60⋯.png (2.4 MB,2692x1678,1346:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 761a70132c1d433⋯.png (2.33 MB,2413x1549,2413:1549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881537 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Plane Fag Report - LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again.

As does Phoenix.

Also tacoma has Apaches.

I'm guessing its another training day for a fuck ton of new chopper pilots. I betcha our guys will use the increased activity to their advantage.

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c41d82 No.154614

File: 8780ff2233b899e⋯.png (65.38 KB,541x668,541:668,Clipboard.png)

File: a03f8c37f60f838⋯.png (40.71 KB,633x409,633:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881541 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election

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Why are we re-hashing Q? Most of us didn’t follow it and we’ve already been told not to bother commenting on it.

“Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election”

Just another reminder that Q/Qanon was 3+ years of preposterous bull droppings. Despite the “Q” claims that “we have it all” and “enjoy the show” etc. in the end NOTHING was done to protect the Trump presidency, electoral integrity, and Trump’s re-election.

The Q/Qanon stuff is just a sideshow but it consumed tons of time and energy from conservatives who should have had much better things to do.

I remember well how “Q” boasted that “Trump surrounds himself with Generals” because that was supposed to indicate that the Trump admin. was some kind of elaborate 12-D military intel operation to save America. Well of course, as we know, Mattis-Kelly-McMaster were all great anti-Trump disasters…. while General Mike Flynn despite his good intentions was back-stabbed right out of the administration and into a 4-year legal catastrophe that had to be ended by a pardon.

So much for the efficacy of “Q” and “Trump’s Generals” and every other piece of b.s. spread by the moronic “Qanon” crowd for the past 3+ years. Anyone who still takes “Q” seriously is an utter moron. Well that was evident 3+ years ago….

“Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election”

“…Trump lamented that findings from Durham’s investigation into potential FBI malfeasance in its probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 political cycle didn’t surface before the most recent election last month, effectively altering the course of the race.”

“”We caught them all,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Room. “We’re still waiting for a report from a man named Durham who I’ve never spoken to and never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didn’t want to go after these people . . . before the election, so who knows if he’ll ever even do a report.””

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c41d82 No.154615

File: 2e47ca2c162b8ca⋯.jpg (366.56 KB,1332x1151,1332:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 421024e8c51561e⋯.jpg (2.59 MB,1600x5790,160:579,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98bef8f080a2ba0⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,1380x5808,115:484,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3e7f3aea0a26b12⋯.jpg (4.05 MB,1365x7517,1365:7517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881544 (030310ZDEC20) Notable: Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile

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Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile


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c41d82 No.154616

File: a4e67e996574562⋯.jpg (181.28 KB,1163x807,1163:807,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881580 (030312ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines - Doug Band right behind Kim il sung. How many people on Earth have been to North Korea and

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Doug Band

right behind Kim il sung

how many people on earth have been to

North Korea


epstein Island

not many

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c41d82 No.154617

File: 3f74d514522274b⋯.png (557.14 KB,598x609,598:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881613 (030313ZDEC20) Notable: ‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154618

File: 7d6371f898977f2⋯.png (792.54 KB,1442x978,721:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b2f3b28d3690cd⋯.png (796.98 KB,1730x980,173:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881617 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c41d82 No.154619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881625 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Carlyle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No.11880474 >> PB

Strength is in the waters


I don't know what the above post is about, exactly. But it seems you find Carlyle Group in just about everything. It gives a warm and fuzzy feeling to have them eyeing water infrastructure- and maybe "decarbonized" energy. Some people maybe make a lot of money that way? Not to mention, perhaps, water control?


Global investment firm The Carlyle Group and large-scale infrastructure firm VICO Infrastructure Company (VICO) have formed a partnership through which the firms will invest in water infrastructure projects across the United States. The partnership develops, acquires and optimizes water, desalination, wastewater treatment and water reuse facilities across the country, meeting a growing need to address water scarcity due to population growth and aging infrastructure. Carlyle intends to fund any investments developed through this partnership from its Carlyle Global Infrastructure Opportunity Fund.


AlphaStruxure is a joint venture of Schneider Electric and The Carlyle Group created to build digitized, decentralized and decarbonized energy systems. AlphaStruxure designs, builds, owns and operates microgrids – local energy networks that deliver sustainability, reliability, resilience and long-term savings for clients. Through an Energy as a Service (EaaS) model, AlphaStruxure empowers clients to transform their energy infrastructure with no upfront cost. VICO and AlphaStruxure collaborate on solving complex energy challenges within the water infrastructure sector.

Schneider Electric



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c41d82 No.154620

File: d67140f8ca32e8e⋯.jpg (138.84 KB,1080x830,108:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881628 (030314ZDEC20) Notable: 92 H60's up Busy evening - MonkeyWerx US tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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c41d82 No.154621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881752 (030321ZDEC20) Notable: #15166

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11881066 Dough

#15166 FINAL Notables

>>154603 SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO #328: Stef Williams EPIC tweet spree retraction

>>154604 President Trump: 'This may be the most important speech I've ever made'

>>154605 Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation

>>154607 Gwinnet County Official admits to voter fraud - CodemonkeyZ tweet

>>154608 DJT's most important speech appears to echo this drop

>>154609 Rudy Certification of fraudulent elections to the US Government THOSE ARE PROSECUTABLE by the way

>>154610 Rudy: The right to freely elect our government. They're taking that away from us, too….That election center in Detroit is a DISGRACE.

>>154611 Rudy is not just killing it, he has laid a brilliant legal arguement to many frauds beyond corruption, but conspiracy. Now speaking the Constitution 1776


>>154612 WHAT’S GOING ON? Truck Loads of Ballots Coming Out of New York Reported Last Night

>>154613 Plane Fag Report - LA has a buncha choppers today and rudy32 is flying again

>>154614 Trump Blasts Durham for Not Finishing Probe Before Election

>>154615 Confessions of a Clintonworld Exile

>>154616 Anon opines - Doug Band right behind Kim il sung. How many people on Earth have been to North Korea and Epstein Island? Not many.

>>154618 Two of four B-52's have had no ADS-B Exchange contact in the last hour

>>154617 ‘They were whipped, beaten’: US Supreme Court weighs child slavery Case against #Nestle, #Cargill

>>154619 Dig on Carlyle

>>154620 92 H60's up Busy evening - MonkeyWerx US tweet


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c41d82 No.154622

File: 8e74d0c1657c679⋯.jpg (162.41 KB,720x1196,180:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881897 (030330ZDEC20) Notable: New Lin Wood, Choose wisely

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New Lin Wood, Choose wisely

Oh no!!! I thought Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, & Herman Cain were Republicans!

Did they all lie to me or is @BreitbartNews lying to you?

You choose. Choose wisely.

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c41d82 No.154623

File: d84ccbe9d8f0304⋯.png (146.92 KB,320x426,160:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 07f5a0fb8e62f6f⋯.png (243.62 KB,582x347,582:347,Clipboard.png)

File: a2d37f7b4b2e626⋯.png (115.75 KB,314x738,157:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11881904 (030331ZDEC20) Notable: New POTUS tweet - Incoming MOAB?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Incoming MOAB?

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c41d82 No.154624

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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