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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

aa66db No.206 [Last50 Posts]

20NOV20 to 22NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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aa66db No.147115

File: 1b45d7a806b63da⋯.png (365.05 KB,744x700,186:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d6395938d1b207⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,496x270,248:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717480 (202301ZNOV20) Notable: WATCH: A caller nearly in tears explains that while the Republican Establishment had stabbed him in the back, Trump has never let him down.

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The Election WizardMan mage


WATCH: A caller nearly in tears explains that while the Republican Establishment had stabbed him in the back, Trump has never let him down. Flag of United States




0:31 / 2:20


John Whitehouse

4:37 PM · Nov 20, 2020

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aa66db No.147116

File: 57b46b2b3712311⋯.png (860.14 KB,1076x6912,269:1728,Clipboard.png)

File: f9a768c926aa87d⋯.png (663.47 KB,1100x6999,1100:6999,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7ab0e6129f8de⋯.png (1.06 MB,1076x11362,538:5681,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e39fb2a9474317⋯.png (231.73 KB,1076x3477,1076:3477,Clipboard.png)

File: 46b527a90954c89⋯.png (577.11 KB,1102x6886,551:3443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717494 (202302ZNOV20) Notable: dig on PREMIER ELECTION SYSTEMS / DIEBOLD / ES&S / DOMINION

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super rough notes-working on refining- have at it, clowns skulls and bones everywhere.


Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc. (DESI),[1] was a subsidiary of Diebold that makes and sells voting machines.

In 2009, it was sold to competitor ES&S. Another subsidiary selling electronic voting systems in Brazil is Diebold-Procomp, with minor market share in that nation. In 2010, Dominion Voting Systems purchased the primary assets of Premier, including all intellectual property, software, firmware and hardware for Premier's current and legacy optical scan, central scan, and touch screen voting systems, and all versions of the GEMS election management system from ES&S.

At the time ES&S spun off the company due to monopoly charges its systems were in use in 1,400 jurisdictions in 33 states and serving nearly 28 million people.[2]


Acquisition by Election Systems & Software

Election Systems & Software (ES&S) acquired Premier Election Solutions on September 3, 2009. ES&S President and CEO Aldo Tesi said combining the two companies will result in better products and services for customers and voters. The sale did not affect the Brazilian division.[5]

Following the acquisition, the Department of Justice and 14 individual states launched investigations into the transaction on antitrust grounds.[6] In March 2010, the Department of Justice filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against ES&S, requiring it to divest voting equipment systems assets it acquired from Premier Election Solutions in order to restore competition.[7] The company then sold the assets to Dominion Voting Systems.


NEW YORK, Nov. 3 /BSNewswire/ – Diebold, ChoicePoint and Sproul - in a new partnership between government and business involving unprecedented interagency cooperation between the RNC/PNAC, the Patent Office, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security - and funded in part by venture capital from Microsoft's capital-markets division - have announced plans to form a joint venture to leverage core software patents and other intellectual property for the purpose of maintaining America's strategic edge at providing "the best democracy money can buy."


HAVA also provides funding for computerized voter rolls, including programs for removal of “ineligible” voters. It is modeled on the vote scrubbing operation carried out by Database Technologies and its parent company, ChoicePoint, in the 2000 election under a multi-million dollar contract signed by then-Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Tens of thousands of mostly African American and Latino voters were improperly removed from the Florida voting rolls, key to George W. Bush’s theft of the election.



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aa66db No.147117

File: f9e4c4ba2ff9eb7⋯.png (11.76 KB,834x176,417:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717503 (202303ZNOV20) Notable: "mayfair mall" in English Gematria equals 666

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mayfair mall in English Gematria equals: 666


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aa66db No.147118

File: 9910422ce456af9⋯.png (494.54 KB,1076x5822,538:2911,Clipboard.png)

File: 70563e91e60e5b2⋯.png (289.04 KB,1076x3110,538:1555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717528 (202305ZNOV20) Notable: dig on PREMIER ELECTION SYSTEMS / DIEBOLD / ES&S / DOMINION

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In September 2008, Reed Elsevier purchased data aggregator ChoicePoint. This acquisition included an insurance business and the C.L.U.E. database, an underwriting database for the U.S. auto insurance market. LexisNexis completed the migration of public records to HPCC Systems the same year.


In 2004, Reed Elsevier purchased Seisint Inc., based in Boca Raton, Florida.[8] Seisint housed and operated the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX).


Missing Children


LexisNexis Risk Solutions developed the ADAM (Automated Delivery of Alerts on Missing children) program in 2000 to help the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) find missing children.[16] ADAM distributes missing child alert posters to law enforcement, hospitals, libraries and businesses within specific geographic search areas. The system was expanded in 2017 to allow individuals to receive an email alert when a child is reported missing near to them.[17]

In 2017, a feature was added to ADAM to allow NCMEC to focus on a highway where a missing child and abductor may be travelling in order to distribute posters to recipients along the relevant corridor. Combining this filter along with the system’s radius search allows for broad, yet targeted, poster coverage. Functionality was added to ADAM to allow members of the public to sign up for missing child email alerts in their area. More than 1.8 million individuals, private enterprises, hospitals, schools, news outlets and law agencies have signed up to receive automated ADAM alerts.


Data giant Acxiom has acquired the Database Marketing Solutions division of ChoicePoint Precision Marketing, a subsidiary of ChoicePoint, for an undisclosed sum.

The acquisition adds seven clients from multiple industries, including banking, insurance and media to Acxiom's client base.

It also includes a team of about 75 associates based in the US, who deal with account management, technical, and analytic functions.

Annual revenues are estimated to be approximately $16m (£8.1m).


When the Democrats gained control of Congress in 2006, both Alltel and Acxiom joined in formation to unfurl their primary team colors.

Within the same week in '07, each was acquired by TPG/Newbridge Capital, co-chaired by US Senator Diane Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum.


Rapp Systems background

DU thread searching for a link between Triad and Datamaxx (cited page from the Rapp Systems website)


dug up the fact that Rapp Systems claimed to have developed software for NASA (also a client of Yang Enterprises) to monitor tiles on the Space Shuttle


choicepoint connection *search archives for choicepoint


ChoicePoint and other private companies increasingly occupy a special place in homeland security and crime-fighting efforts, in part because they can compile information and use it in ways government officials sometimes cannot because of privacy and information laws.

ChoicePoint renewed and expanded a contract with the Justice Department in the fall of 2001. Since then, the company and one of its leading competitors, LexisNexis Group, have also signed contracts with the Central Intelligence Agency to provide public records online, according to newly released documents.


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aa66db No.147119

File: 92bca76192c2eba⋯.png (209.45 KB,601x494,601:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 438e83fe62ee5ae⋯.png (738.42 KB,573x778,573:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 438e83fe62ee5ae⋯.png (738.42 KB,573x778,573:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c9ccaa031f26d3⋯.png (464.32 KB,535x734,535:734,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e0fd303da721d3⋯.png (230.4 KB,859x520,859:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717537 (202306ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic Denies Transfer of Technology to Dominion Voting Systems — Articles Scrubbed from Website

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Smartmatic Denies Transfer of Technology to Dominion Voting Systems — Articles Scrubbed from Website — But Internet Archive Never Lies

Why are Smartmatic and Dominion hiding their direct ties?

Why are they scrubbing the internet of articles linking the two companies?

Smartmatic posted a tweet this week outright denying their transfer of technology to Dominion voting systems.

But there is evidence that this is completely false.

In December 2007 Smartmatic announced the sale of their Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion Voting Systems.

Smartmatic published a press release announcing their sale Sequoia voting systems as shown in screenshot below.


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aa66db No.147120

File: 7a7763bb06d34c9⋯.png (88.21 KB,893x410,893:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717540 (202307ZNOV20) Notable: Firebomb Attack Plotters Sentenced to Combined Over 23 Years in Prison

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Firebomb Attack Plotters Sentenced to Combined Over **23Years in Prison@FBIWFO


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aa66db No.147121

File: 5b4485ad54f2058⋯.png (273.53 KB,917x549,917:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 3682ca248a87b4b⋯.png (91.7 KB,868x879,868:879,Clipboard.png)

File: 110bf7e17c6dc5f⋯.png (90.65 KB,889x775,889:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 059c3fd1e06b712⋯.png (94.47 KB,917x832,917:832,Clipboard.png)

File: fe47b37482aade4⋯.png (74.18 KB,891x714,297:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717575 (202311ZNOV20) Notable: The FISA Act — A Sharp Weapon to Takedown Dominos

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The FISA Act — A Sharp Weapon to Takedown Dominos

Mr. Giuliani was interviewed today by Fox Anchor Maria Bartiromo. He said that Dominion went so far as to send all the ballot data out of the country. This is shocking. It is interference in American elections. It’s a matter of national security. With that alone, this case requires the FISA Act. Dominion used software developed by a company called Smartmatic. The chairman of this company is a close business partner of Soros. This company has very close ties to Venezuela and the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP. The company was founded by the former President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. Two of Chavez’s partners still own the company, and they used the software to commit fraud in the South American elections.

Mr. Giuliani said that in Pennsylvania, for example, they had confirmed 632,000 illegal ballots, which is enough for the President to win by more than 300,000 votes in the state. Also, in Detroit, about 100,000 ballots were brought in at 4:30 a.m. to be counted. Each ballot had only Biden’s name on it and no one else’s, not even the names of other Democrats. This is because Dominion indicated Biden was so far behind that ballot counting had to be stopped. Otherwise, the election would be called for Trump.

Who is behind Dominion, and who finances Dominion and Scytl? Sequoia Capital! That’s Neil Shen, the King of the Internet in China! Mr. Shen controls the software on behalf of the CCP, so the CCP is behind Dominion. That is the core of the problem. That’s why now, instead of going through the regular legal process, Trump’s legal team is using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA act), and going through the FISA Court. So far, every piece of information that Mr. Giuliani mentioned has to do with national security and is directed at the CCP, which manipulated the US election.

The warfare launched by the CCP

This company, called Smartmatic, was founded by the former President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. He used it to commit fraud in the South American elections. This company was banned in the U.S. ten years ago. But now it has come back to the U.S. as a subcontractor, using another company’s name as a cover. There are people in the U.S. government who are in cahoots with the CCP and sell out the national interest. Evidence shows that the state officials who bought Dominion received large amounts of kickbacks, and software security problems have been reported for a long time, but the CIA and FBI have ignored them.

Everyone knows that Maduro’s government in Venezuela is a regime on the verge of collapse. Why does he have the ability to operate in this way? Venezuela has long been under the control of the CCP, which uses various offshore centers, intelligence points, and software centers to gather information.

Where did the information for the ballots in this election come from? The CCP sells the massive personal information of Americans in the underground black market and dark web. In several instances where a large amount of personal information was stolen, it eventually led to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. This is the heart of the crux. The ultimate manipulator is the CCP, the Night King!

This was a terrorist attack. The CCP, the Deep State, and the elite in the United States all knew that they had to use this opportunity to get President Trump out of the White House at all costs. They jointly planned and launched this attack early on.

Although there was no hot war, the election software attack was a comprehensive, organized, multi-dimensional, multi-city warfare. It has affected the constitutional democracy of the United States and the very foundation of this country. Therefore, it’s not an exaggeration to call it a form of international terrorism. It’s worse than hitting a building with a plane.


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aa66db No.147122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717607 (202314ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia governor certifies state’s 16 presidential electors after top elections official verifies results showing Biden won race against Trump, But Says Door Open for Trump Challenges

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Georgia governor certifies state’s 16 presidential electors after top elections official verifies results showing Biden won race against Trump



NOV 20, 2020 AT 5:50 PM

ATLANTA — Georgia’s governor and top elections official on Friday certified results showing Joe Biden won the presidential race over Republican President Donald Trump.

The certification brings the state one step closer to wrapping up an election that has been fraught with unfounded accusations of fraud by Trump and his supporters.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified results reported by the state’s 159 counties following a meticulous hand count of the 5 million ballots cast in the race. The results show Biden with 2.47 million votes, President Donald Trump with 2.46 million votes and Libertarian Jo Jorgensen with 62,138. That leaves Biden leading by a margin of 12,670 votes or 0.25%.

Later Friday, Republican Gov. Brian Kemp certified the state’s slate of 16 presidential electors, his spokesman Cody Hall said.


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aa66db No.147123

File: cf0a8cb15e79c27⋯.png (73.17 KB,901x437,901:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717618 (202315ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump Jr tests positive for COVID-19

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Donald Trump Jr tests positive for COVID-19


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aa66db No.147124

File: 2961872d421fb1d⋯.jpg (389.97 KB,858x782,429:391,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4a5f61c61e29e8⋯.jpg (124.66 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717631 (202316ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Zero self-awareness’: Hillary Clinton walloped by critics after saying ‘one man’s ego’ has imperiled integrity of US ‘democracy’

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‘Zero self-awareness’: Hillary Clinton walloped by critics after saying ‘one man’s ego’ has imperiled integrity of US ‘democracy’

20 Nov, 2020 19:07

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton triggered an avalanche of mockery by declaring Donald Trump’s ego a threat to the legitimacy of US democracy, proving her efforts to delegitimize the 2016 vote haven’t been forgotten.

Clinton took to Twitter to grandstand on Friday, declaring “Protecting one man’s ego is not worth damaging the legitimacy of our democracy.”


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aa66db No.147125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717701 (202321ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia governor certifies state’s 16 presidential electors after top elections official verifies results showing Biden won race against Trump, But Says Door Open for Trump Challenges

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And now, a word from DailyBeast:

GA Gov Certifies Election, But Says Door Open for Trump Challenges

In brief remarks on Friday evening from Atlanta, Gov. Brian Kemp said that under state law he must certify Biden as the winner. But the Trump-backed Republican, who has faced immense pressure from the president and his base to generally do something about his election loss, coated that message in criticism for the election process and insisted the Trump campaign can still fight the result.

The certification of the result allows the Trump campaign to request a formal recount of votes, conducted by machine, and “other legal options” through that process, said Kemp. While Georgia elections officials have defended the integrity of the system in recent weeks, Kemp zeroed in on the fact that the audit found several thousand previously uncounted votes, a discovery that has outraged Trump supporters even though the new votes hardly moved the statewide margin of the race.

Calling it “completely unacceptable,” Kemp said Georgians “deserve better.”

The governor also suggested that electiontaint officials do more to match signatures on absentee ballots with signatures on file—a demand repeated by Trump and his allies—even as Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, has insisted the safeguards in place are stronger than ever.


Something tells me they were told to choose silver or lead.

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aa66db No.147126

File: 9da043041e95e38⋯.png (175.69 KB,731x607,731:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 68916a6b28b1ace⋯.png (135.73 KB,697x416,697:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717731 (202323ZNOV20) Notable: The Iron Brigade & the Black Hat

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warroom mentioned

Black hats

thought of Ron

The Iron Brigade & the Black Hat

April 7, 2014


“There are them damned black hatted fellows again!”

iron-brigade-black-hatThis cry, and others like it, were made by disheartened Confederate troops on the first day of fighting at the battle of Gettysburg. Under the impression that they faced untrained militia, the Rebel troops quickly recognized the distinctive black Model 1858 “Hardee” hat worn by the famed “Iron Brigade of the West” and realized they were in for a fight. Composed entirely of Western troops from Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan, the Iron Brigade had earned its reputation in battles like Second Bull Run and Antietam, and they lived up to it at Gettysburg, suffering incredible casualties while repelling numerous Confederate attacks.

While many photographs, letters, and diaries from Iron Brigade soldiers survive in archives and museums today, only one of the iconic Black Hats that saw battle at Gettysburg remains, and it can be found in the collections of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

Sergeant Philander B. Wright, Color Sergeant, Company C, 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment, wore this hat as he led the charge of the Iron Brigade on the morning of July 1, 1863 outside the town of Gettysburg, PA.

Sgt. Wright, bearing the National Colors, charged forward into Herbst Woods on McPherson Ridge just west of Gettysburg, leading the other men of the 2nd Wisconsin. Two bullets passed through the crown of Philander Wright’s hat, barely missing the top of his head. A few steps further, a third bullet pierced the flagstaff and passed through his side. Despite his wounds, he continued the charge, deeper into the woods. Wright described the scene after the war:

“I looked for the guards – not one was there – all shot. I guess, ‘sure not a man would lag at such a time!’ I know I wondered where one might be. I might have known each had been halted leaving me alone.”

Advancing only a few more steps, Wright finally halted when a bullet slammed into his left thigh and another into his arm, knocking him to the ground. Wright survived Gettysburg, but did not return to his unit. His son Mark Hatfield Wright donated his black hat.

You can see Philander’s Black Hat and other Civil War artifacts for yourself on display at our museum.


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aa66db No.147127

File: fc810fbe2ffdd8a⋯.png (155.44 KB,813x436,813:436,Clipboard.png)

File: bfed75aa6aa6a91⋯.png (272.45 KB,674x295,674:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717732 (202323ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Majors Field (Airport) Greenville, TX ne

This AC has been at this location since 1113 and had a test flight earlier in the day over OK and KS.

The facility at Majors hosts L3 Technologies Mission Integration Division (MID), which performs aircraft modification.

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aa66db No.147128

File: 757798802aa4ca0⋯.png (26.53 KB,882x205,882:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717753 (202324ZNOV20) Notable: NRA Spending Big in Georgia

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NRA Spending Big in Georgia

Gun-rights proponents have started spending big in the Georgia runoff elections that will determine control of the Senate.

The National Rifle Association began pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into reelecting Republicans David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler over the past five days, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures. The money has gone to canvassing, mail ads, and door hangers aimed at supporting the Republicans or opposing Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. It has yet to be matched by any spending from gun-control groups such as Michael Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety.

Despite the early spending lead from gun-rights activists, both sides have described the stakes of the election as monumental. If both Democrats win, the party would effectively control the Senate with soon-to-be vice president Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes on important issues like Joe Biden's sweeping gun-control proposals. Victories from either Perdue or Loeffler would maintain GOP control of the upper chamber and help to block Biden's agenda, which includes a proposed tax on certain rifles and ammunition magazines that would cost upward of $34 billion.

Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the runoffs will determine if Democrats will have a chance to pass gun-control legislation like universal background checks and assault-weapon bans opposed by Perdue and Loeffler but supported by Ossoff and Warnock. The group is ramping up its Gun Vote registration and turnout program in the state.

"The choice in Georgia is the choice of, ‘Do we preserve our American character and our God-given rights or do we allow the steamrolling of radical ideologies to eradicate our rights?'" Oliva told the Washington Free Beacon. "Do the House, the Senate, and the executive all fall under Democratic radical gun-control ideas? Or are we able to have a stop, a blocking measure, with Republicans controlling the Senate and making sure that gun-control ideas die on the vine?"

Gun-control advocates were just as adamant in their support for Ossoff and Warnock.

"If we elect a gun-safety majority to the Senate, the Biden-Harris administration will have everything they need to hit the ground running and make tangible change starting on day one," gun-control group Brady United told its supporters in an email. "We're on the cusp of real, lifesaving change."


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aa66db No.147129

File: 9721bd22d1acf10⋯.png (3.16 MB,1494x1817,1494:1817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717777 (202326ZNOV20) Notable: digits confirm: GOD WINS

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aa66db No.147130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717804 (202328ZNOV20) Notable: Kevin McCarthy letter urges 23 House Dems to bypass Nancy Pelosi and deliver COVID-19 relief for America

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Kevin McCarthy letter urges 23 House Dems to bypass Nancy Pelosi and deliver COVID-19 relief for America

'… it's time for them to live up to their word.'

The Republican minority in the House of Representatives is pushing on moderate Democrats to break with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and pass a coronavirus relief bill that can advance through the Senate.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Friday sent a letter to 23 House Democrats who were previously open to bucking party leadership and moving forward on a coronavirus stimulus without Pelosi's backing, the Daily Caller reported. McCarthy's office delivered the letter after Democrats once again blocked an effort from House Republicans to reconsider their coronavirus relief bill Thursday.

McCarthy urges his Democratic colleagues to file a discharge petition to force a House vote on a bipartisan stimulus bill, as they previously threatened to do in September.

"On September 27, nearly two months ago, you signed a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi stating: 'It is our request that you continue to negotiate towards a bipartisan deal. Otherwise, a discharge petition is the only potential option for COVID-19 related action on the House Floor…' As we know, no bipartisan deal has yet been reached," McCarthy said in his letter.

I just sent this letter to the 23 House Democrats who told Pelosi in September that they would move forward with CO… https://t.co/KgSFSO8rBL

— Kevin McCarthy (@Kevin McCarthy)1605905988.0

In September, 23 House Democrats urged Pelosi and Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) to "continue bipartisan negotiations" in pursuit of "meaningful relief for the American people" from the economic hardship caused by coronavirus pandemic lockdowns. The 23 Democrats said that if Pelosi did not reach an agreement with Republicans, "a discharge petition is the only potential option for COVID-19 related action on the House Floor and we do not believe that is the best path forward."

The House has taken no action on the coronavirus relief since these Democrats put the discharge petition on the table. Now, McCarthy wants them to take action. He criticized Pelosi's failure to negotiate with Republicans.

"Perhaps more discouraging is that even after Speaker Pelosi failed to secure a deal before recessing the House ahead of the election, you did not live up to your word to sign Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) discharge petition. This legislation would free up $137.5 billion of unspent PPP funds. It would allow small businesses to take a second PPP loan and extends the PPP deadline until December 31, 2020," McCarthy's letter continues.

Republican and Democratic congressional leaders met Thursday to discuss new COVID-19 relief measures and new federal spending legislation to keep the government open. Congress must pass appropriations bills before Dec. 11 to avert a government shutdown.

The White House is involved in the negotiations. On Friday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC that GOP leaders will "come up with a plan to sit down with Pelosi and Schumer and try to get a targeted bill done for the people that really need it."


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aa66db No.147131

File: d0eee700870880c⋯.png (138.23 KB,1240x698,620:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717853 (202331ZNOV20) Notable: Live coverage: WI mall shooting. Ilhan Omar involved?

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, I Know you don't believe in God But you are forgiven anyways.

I Know of the phone call you made before this FF happened ..

I See everything.



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aa66db No.147132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717864 (202332ZNOV20) Notable: Live coverage: WI mall shooting. Ilhan Omar involved?

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WI mall shooting.

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aa66db No.147133

File: b67d741839dfb25⋯.png (2.53 MB,1526x1484,109:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717879 (202333ZNOV20) Notable: Live coverage: WI mall shooting. Ilhan Omar involved?

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Looks like a pro.

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aa66db No.147134

File: 0777be1a310b4c0⋯.png (816.39 KB,721x882,103:126,Clipboard.png)

File: 80e3eb92f68ae25⋯.png (132.78 KB,463x418,463:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11717933 (202337ZNOV20) Notable: Live coverage: WI mall shooting. Ilhan Omar involved?

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>Remote Desktop Protocol



is that a badge?

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aa66db No.147135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718040 (202344ZNOV20) Notable: #14957,

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>>147105 Sidney Powell says 'Trump team will prove case within two weeks.'

>>147107 New travel restrictions in place for Pennsylvania ahead of Thanksgiving

>>147106, >>147108, >>147109 Juan O'Savin: The Hammer Falls, Here Comes The Pain!!!

>>147110 Teacher anon from Oregon

>>147111 Can Jenna Ellis from Trump's legal team be trusted? her FB in 2016.

>>147112 #CobbCountyGeorgia CAUGHT RED HANDED Shredding MILLIONS OF Absentee Ballots & Others!!!

>>147113 @WattersWorld TOMORROW: Watters' World has an election fraud investigation that you will not want to miss.

>>147115 WATCH: A caller nearly in tears explains that while the Republican Establishment had stabbed him in the back, Trump has never let him down.


>>147119 Smartmatic Denies Transfer of Technology to Dominion Voting Systems — Articles Scrubbed from Website

>>147120 Firebomb Attack Plotters Sentenced to Combined Over 23 Years in Prison

>>147121 The FISA Act — A Sharp Weapon to Takedown Dominos

>>147122, >>147125 Georgia governor certifies state’s 16 presidential electors after top elections official verifies results showing Biden won race against Trump, But Says Door Open for Trump Challenges

>>147123 Donald Trump Jr tests positive for COVID-19

>>147124 ‘Zero self-awareness’: Hillary Clinton walloped by critics after saying ‘one man’s ego’ has imperiled integrity of US ‘democracy’

>>147126 The Iron Brigade & the Black Hat

>>147127 PF

>>147128 NRA Spending Big in Georgia

>>147129 digits confirm: GOD WINS

>>147130 Kevin McCarthy letter urges 23 House Dems to bypass Nancy Pelosi and deliver COVID-19 relief for America

>>147132, >>147133, >>147134, >>147131, >>>/qresearch/11717974 Live coverage: WI mall shooting. Ilhan Omar involved?

>>147117 "mayfair mall" in English Gematria equals 666


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aa66db No.147136

File: b85a78361b72c02⋯.png (447.82 KB,897x841,897:841,Clipboard.png)

File: e22164a2a1f7fda⋯.png (1.1 MB,874x504,437:252,Clipboard.png)

File: c416e3b093f937d⋯.png (1.87 MB,1135x819,1135:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718129 (202352ZNOV20) Notable: Sydney Powell #DominionVotingSystems is really just a vector

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New Sydney Powell

#DominionVotingSystems is really just a vector. BIG QUESTIONS:

1. Who created the software?

#CIA #Hammer #Scorecard


2.Who provided it to Venezuela?

3. Who authorized its export to other countries? Title 50 LETHAL






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aa66db No.147137

File: c88840b3bfa6a39⋯.jpeg (309.65 KB,640x856,80:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718143 (202355ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS taking on big pharma!

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This is awesome! POTUS taking on big pharma! Great!


Aside from that, I also hope that Kodak loan deal works out so we can make medicines in USA again. I’ve noticed a lot of maga friendly shareholders in that stonk. Seems like democrats are shorting maga stonks into the ground. It’s sad because we just want to bring back ‘made in the USA’ and dems want us to not only fail but profit from our nation’s ruin.

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aa66db No.147138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718144 (202355ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia governor calls for ‘sample audit’ of ballot signatures after secretary of state certifies election for Biden

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Georgia governor calls for ‘sample audit’ of ballot signatures after secretary of state certifies election for Biden

Georgia vote recount found ‘unacceptable’ errors, Governor Brian Kemp said, urging his secretary of state to conduct an audit of at least some mail-in ballots to ensure confidence in the upcoming US Senate runoff elections.

Kemp spoke on Friday evening, after Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Democrat Joe Biden as winner of the state’s 16 electoral votes in the November 3 election, following a recount of the ballots. Both Kemp and Raffensperger are Republicans.

Acknowledging the “record number of absentee ballots” which he said was due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Kemp said the audit revealed “significant errors” in a number of counties across the state, including Floyd, Fayette, Douglas and Walton.

“It’s quite honestly hard to believe that during the audit, thousands of uncounted ballots were found weeks after a razor-thin outcome in a presidential election,” Kemp said.

This is simply unacceptable.

The recount found some 3,300 votes stored on memory cards in three counties that hadn’t been uploaded to election computers, and 2,600 ballots that hadn’t been scanned in Floyd County.

President Donald Trump’s campaign had requested a full audit of mail-in ballots, but Raffensperger declined to do so. Kemp cited concerns he received from Georgians and said he would “encourage” the secretary of state to conduct at least a sample audit, comparing the signatures on ballots with the applications and the database, and noting that in-person voters have to show photo identification while mail-in ballots do not.

Trump led in Georgia on election night, but fell behind Biden after counties in and around Atlanta began counting the mail-in ballots the following day.

“I live by the motto that numbers don’t lie,” Raffensperger told reporters on Friday morning, announcing that Biden won the election. “As secretary of state, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct.”

He reversed his original certification announcement without explanation, however, and finally certified the election later in the day.

Noting that Georgia was due to hold runoff elections for a state position and two US Senate seats – which will decide if Republicans keep or lose their Senate majority – Kemp said that all discrepancies must be explained so the citizens of Georgia can have “complete confidence” in the elections.

“In our runoff elections, we cannot have lost memory cards or stacks of uncounted ballots. We must have full transparency in all monitoring and counting. Every legal vote must be counted and the security of the ballot box must be protected,” said the governor.


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aa66db No.147139

File: 49bcdb88113d93d⋯.png (121.71 KB,696x421,696:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718152 (202356ZNOV20) Notable: Sydney Powell says Dominion Voting is 'disappearing' but look at this list of deliverable Dominion owes Santa Clara County CA!!!

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Holy shit! Sydney Powell says Dominion Voting is 'disappearing' but look at this list of deliverable Dominion owes Santa Clara County CA!!!


Task Name Duration Start Finish

8.3 In-person Voting 1 day 5-Oct-20 5-Oct-20

8.3.1 Pollworker Training 25 days 17-Sep-20 18-Oct-20

8.3.2 Deliver equipment to vote centers 3 days 17-Oct-20 20-Oct-20

8.3.3 In-person voting begins 11 days 22-Oct-20 3-Mar-20

8.4 Ballot Processing 1 day 26-Oct-20 26-Oct-20

8.4.1 Ballot Scanning and tabulation 17 day 20-Oct-20 7-Nov-20

8.4.2 Adjudication 17 day 20-Oct-20 7-Nov-20

8.5 Election Day 1 day 3-Nov-20 3-Nov-20

8.5.1 Election Day Support 3 days 2-Nov-20 4-Nov-20

8.6 Post Election: Canvass 1 day 4-Nov-20 4-Nov-20

8.6.1 Identify batches or precincts to be audited 1 day 5-Nov-20 5-Nov-20

8.6.2 Run reports for manual tally 1 day 9-Nov-20 9-Nov-20

8.6.3 Complete manual tally 9 days 10-Nov-20 20-Nov-20

8.6.4 Compile the Statement of Vote 1 day 23-Nov-20 23-Nov-20

8.6.5 Certify the election 1 day 3-Dec-20 3-Dec-20

8.7 Recount Activities 30 days 4-Dec-20 4-Jan-21

9 Post Election / Post Implementation Debriefing 1 day 5-Jan-21 5-Jan-21

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aa66db No.147140

File: 3c6309066b4dc20⋯.png (387.59 KB,818x347,818:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718159 (202356ZNOV20) Notable: Trudeau rules out a ‘normal Christmas’ as Covid-19 cases spike in Canada & health chiefs sound alarm

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Trudeau rules out a ‘normal Christmas’ as Covid-19 cases spike in Canada & health chiefs sound alarm

Canada’s health system will be “in trouble” if the daily number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise, health chiefs have warned, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged the country to “hang in there” and follow the health measures.

A second wave of the virus has forced 10 Canadian provinces to reimpose restrictions, amid predictions that the number of cases could shoot from the current level of 5,000 a day to 60,000 by the end of the year if people don’t further limit their social contacts.

“We are facing [a] winter that's going to drive people inside more and more, and we're really at risk of seeing caseloads go up, and hospitals get overwhelmed, and more loved ones dying,” Trudeau said, addressing the nation from the steps of his Rideau Cottage residence.

So we need to do everything we can right now to slow the spread of Covid-19, to stop the spike in its tracks.

The PM added that “a normal Christmas is quite frankly right out of the question.”

Canadians could limit coronavirus cases to 20,000 a day if they maintain their current levels of contact, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) reported on Friday. But in order to bring the total daily cases below 10,000, the public would have to limit their social contact to essential activities only, the PHAC added.

Meanwhile Trudeau brushed off claims that Ottawa would use emergency powers to re-introduce its own national-style lockdown, saying he is “not looking to bring in a federal hammer to try and do things.”

The PM was speaking after his Chief Public Health Officer Dr Theresa Tam warned “we are not on a good trajectory” as she discussed the latest Covid modelling.

“I think across the board, across Canada, we have to say the time is now, with urgency, that we limit contacts,” she said.

Canada has registered 11,314 deaths related to the virus and 319,229 cases in total, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


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aa66db No.147141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718166 (202357ZNOV20) Notable: Police in Germany launch homicide probe into doctor who allegedly gave 2 Covid patients lethal injection Michigan Dominion Contract.

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Police in Germany launch homicide probe into doctor who allegedly gave 2 Covid patients lethal injection

German police are investigating a doctor who allegedly killed two critically ill Covid-19 patients, who were being treated in intensive care, with a lethal injection, a spokesperson said on Friday.

The doctor, who has worked at Essen University Hospital as a senior physician since February, was arrested on November 18 on suspicion of intentionally fatally injecting the two men, the public prosecutor’s office in Essen said on Friday.

“There is a suspicion that the doctor deliberately and illegally administered drugs to seriously ill people in their last phase of life, which led to their immediate death,” investigators said in a statement.

The doctor was brought before a judge on November 19, who ordered that he be placed in pre-trial detention.

Police said the medic had explained that he had administered the lethal injection to one of the patients to stop them and their family “suffering” further.


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aa66db No.147142

File: 7e19542a3d5d34b⋯.png (407.83 KB,1656x1146,276:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718176 (202359ZNOV20) Notable: Police in Germany launch homicide probe into doctor who allegedly gave 2 Covid patients lethal injection Michigan Dominion Contract.

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Michigan Dominion Contract.

Just the low sum of $25,000,000 to have your elections stolen from you.


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aa66db No.147143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718191 (210000ZNOV20) Notable: Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Risch, and Fareed

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Heroic Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Risch, and Fareed

Dear AAPS Members and Friends,

Yesterday we alerted you to a very important hearing in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs titled, “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution.” A big “thank you” to Committee Chair Ron Johnson for holding this hearing.

If you missed watching it this morning, the video is archived at:


Crucial testimony was provided by three key witnesses, Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H., Vice Chief of Internal Medicine Baylor University Medical Center; Harvey Risch, M.D., PH.D., Professor of Epidemiology Yale University; and George C. Fareed, M.D. Medical Director and Family Medicine Specialist Pioneers Medical Center.

Copies of their written comments are also available at the above link.

The one witness brought in by the other side to denigrate these courageous physicians had to admit he has treated ZERO COVID-19 patients.

Your help is needed to build on the momentum of this hearing.

Here’s what you can do:

1) PETITION: Sign a new, and urgent, petition to the White House, created by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko:


2) GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY: Please also contact the White House and Members of Congress with a message along the following lines (please modify it as you see fit and see links to contact information below):


Dear Leader:

Here is what is needed immediately to empower physicians, clinics, facilities, and health systems to reduce COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths:

1) The October 9, 2020 NIH guidance against any form of outpatient treatment of COVID-19 should be modified to indicate that the decision to undertake ambulatory treatment should be based on clinical judgment and made between the physician and the patient based on his/her preferences to remain at home. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/

2) The July 1, 2020, FDA guidance against the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should be modified to indicate that the decision to use HCQ in the appropriate off-label treatment of COVID-19 should be based on physician judgment considering the benefits and risks of treatment. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-cautions-against-use-hydroxychloroquine-or-chloroquine-covid-19-outside-hospital-setting-or ———-

Link to contact the White House:https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Links to email addresses of healthcare legislative assistants for each Member of Congress:

House of Representatives: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12fvv-7E7pdMYx-R4oEEwaXy05S223mfDtKmfWo18JCg/edit?usp=sharing

Senate: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HMhH5ec-NKK0UiUR7WoR3TuAS6IYVz9CMTehbEm2mms/edit?usp=sharing

Find the contact for your Representative and Senators and email them a personalized note letting them know you are a physician (and/or patient) in their district/state. Note that the health staffers do change relatively frequently, so if you run into a bad email address, please just let us know and we’ll update our files.

Consider calling your Members of Congress as well:

House phone #s are easily findable at https://www.house.gov/representatives

and for the Senate here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact

Thank you for speaking out!

Update: Here are 30 minutes of highlights from the hearing


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aa66db No.147144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718193 (210000ZNOV20) Notable: Obama thanked Navy SEAL McRaven for overseeing the bin Laden raid by gifting him a tape measure

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Lost of Osamabama talk today.

Where is Osama? Dead? Alive? They lie, so…

Obama thanked Navy SEAL McRaven for overseeing the bin Laden raid by gifting him a tape measure

As president, Barack Obama thanked Adm. William McRaven, the Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid, by giving the military leader a tape measure.

While the unusual gift was reported in 2011 a few days after the May mission, both the former president and the retired admiral recounted the inside joke in their respective memoirs.

The bin Laden raid was executed by members of SEAL Team Six, who after a great deal of planning and preparation, slipped into Pakistan early on May 2 (local time) and eliminated a mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

When the SEALs returned to Jalalabad, Afghanistan, with bin Laden's body after the early-morning raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, McRaven, who was then the head of Joint Special Operations Command, contacted Obama via video teleconference.

"McRaven explained that he was looking at the body as we spoke, and that in his judgement it was definitely bin Laden," Obama wrote in his new book, "A Promised Land." "To further confirm, McRaven had a six-foot-two member of his team lie next to the body to compare his height to bin Laden's purported six-foot-four frame."

"Seriously, Bill?" Obama recalled himself joking to the admiral. "All that planning and you couldn't bring a tape measure?" He wrote that it was the first light-hearted thing he'd said all day.

McRaven wrote in his book "Sea Stories" that when he and some fellow SEALs pulled bin Laden's body out of the bag in Afghanistan after the Operation Neptune Spear raid, he took a look at the remains, noting to himself that the dead man was tall, just as bin Laden was said to be.

He turned to one of the special operators nearby, a tall sniper, and asked, "Son, how tall are you?" He caught the SEAL off guard and had to repeat the question, to which the SEAL replied, "Six foot two."

"Good," McRaven said. "Lie down next to the body."

Apparently confused, the operator asked, "You want me to lie down next to the body?" The admiral repeated it, and the SEAL did as told. It was visibly clear the dead man was roughly 2 inches taller.

Talking to Obama over video afterward, he told the president: "Sir, I can't be 100 percent sure until we do the DNA tests, but it certainly looks like him, and all the physical features match."

He added: "While his face was contorted from the impact of the rounds, I did have a SEAL, who was over six foot two, lie down beside the body, and the remains were at least six foot four."



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aa66db No.147145

File: c83856dfa54ce8f⋯.jpeg (356.47 KB,640x1053,640:1053,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718227 (210003ZNOV20) Notable: Big pharma playing big games and they sent all the manufacturing overseas so China makes all the pharma ingredients now.

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Big pharma playing big games and they sent all the manufacturing overseas so China makes all the pharma ingredients now. USA needs to be making its own medical ingredients this is a national security issue.

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aa66db No.147146

File: 02ef351c93f2c25⋯.png (98.12 KB,818x840,409:420,Clipboard.png)

File: fc3fd0667d91068⋯.png (67.43 KB,813x805,813:805,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ebca777219a51a⋯.png (45.18 KB,851x577,851:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718230 (210004ZNOV20) Notable: As Trump’s term ends, 40 percent of top DoD jobs lack confirmed officials

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As Trump’s term ends, 40 percent of top DoD jobs lack confirmed officials

WASHINGTON — Regular delays in nominations, combined with significant turnover at the highest levels of the Pentagon, means 40 percent of the top jobs at the department that require Senate confirmation are without an approved appointee as the Trump administration winds down.

A tally by Defense News shows 24 of the 60 positions at the Department of Defense are not occupied by confirmed individuals, with experts seeing little chance any current nominees will receive Senate approval before the clock runs out.

Among those offices without a confirmed official are some of the top civilian roles in the department: the Secretary of Defense and the undersecretaries of intelligence, policy, research and engineering and the comptroller.

Almost all of the vacancies are within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), while four spots —Undersecretary of the Navy, Undersecretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration, and General Counsel of the Army — are vacant at the service level.

The high-profile firings of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, USD-Policy James Anderson and USD-Intelligence Joseph Kernan last week contributed to the empty seats in the department. But the vacancies have been an issue all year — twenty seats were open in April — and the administration has been generally slow to fill spots.

According to information compiled by Arnold Punaro, a former Senate Armed Services Committee staff director and retired Marine Corps general officer, the Trump administration has lagged dramatically behind its predecessor in getting defense officials confirmed.

It took the Obama administration an average of around 5 months to nominate and just over 2 months to confirm its Presidential Appointments requiring Senate confirmation, or PAS, officials — an average of a 7 month process, according to Punaro’s data. Top-tier OSD officials, such as an undersecretary for policy, took just under four months to confirm.

But the Trump administration was plagued by a slow process for identifying and nominating individuals for top spots. It took around 7.5 months to nominate and almost 3.5 months to confirm — an average total of 11 months to confirm such individuals. When it comes to those top-tier OSD officials, it took the Trump team six months to nominate and an additional three months to confirm, over twice as long as it took the Obama team for those same roles.

Similar data compiled by the White House Transition Project show that the Trump administration lagged behind every administration back to Ronald Reagan in nominating and confirming appointees.


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aa66db No.147147

File: fbbd8cc8c134cac⋯.png (370.5 KB,856x660,214:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 832656cb57d0283⋯.png (414.4 KB,857x720,857:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718274 (210008ZNOV20) Notable: Jennifer Aniston Did Take a Nxivm Class

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Jennifer Aniston Did Take a Nxivm Class; Karen U. Calls the Nxivm-5 ‘Friends,’ Sara Bronfman’s Role and Other Nxivm Nuggets

Actors Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler attended a Nxivm class at one time. I remember hearing about it several years ago.

The two apparently liked the courses, at least a little, but were unwilling to make the commitment required of those who want to advance up the Stripe Path. They did not take more classes according to a source familiar with their attendance at the class.

In the docuseries Seduced, India Oxenberg said that high-ranking Nxivm members would mention how Aniston, Butler, and Sir Richard Branson took Nxivm classes, even if they didn’t become members. It was a recruitment tool to mention that the rich and famous took the course.

A recent report from New Idea Magazine seems to have enlarged Aniston’s role in Nxivm reporting that she “unwittingly dabbled” in the alleged “sex cult” NXIVM, alongside Gerald Butler and that she was “drawn in” by the organization, and “fought to get out.”

The two actors did not fight to get out. They simply never returned to take any more classes.


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aa66db No.147148

File: 38bd6c4b9434ba8⋯.jpeg (246.74 KB,828x954,46:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c8c616dda5b36ee⋯.jpeg (157.36 KB,733x735,733:735,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718276 (210008ZNOV20) Notable: Kirkland & Ellis withdraw from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State in Trump campaign case.

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Kirkland & Ellis withdraw from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State in Trump campaign case.


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aa66db No.147149

File: 0f2539ea398c529⋯.png (43.69 KB,494x377,38:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718283 (210009ZNOV20) Notable: Retiring Philly COP - "No longer did I want to represent the corruption"

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Retiring Philly COP - "No longer did I want to represent the corruption"

Larry Wood #Trump2020 @Christi53438799

After 25 years, TODAY I officially retired from the PHILADELPHIA POLICE DEPARTMENT. Part of it was I want to enjoy the rest of my life, but a huge factor was the recent election and widespread fraud that took place in my city. No longer did I want to represent the corruption.


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aa66db No.147150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718289 (210009ZNOV20) Notable: LUKASHENKO: US Special Services Centers Discovered in Kiev, Warsaw by Intelligence Agencies

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LUKASHENKO: US Special Services Centers Discovered in Kiev, Warsaw by Intelligence Agencies

MINSK – Russian and Belarusian intelligence services have uncovered US special services centers hostile to Minsk in Kiev and near Warsaw, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in a statement on Friday.

“There is not a single Pole there. All of them [at the centers] are Americans – smart, talented, capable people,” the president said, adding that even though he believes the US is “destabilizing the entire planet”, they won’t be able to hurt Belarus, Sputnik reported.

Mass opposition protests erupted in Belarus, backed by aggressive NATO and the EU, after the presidential elections on August 9, in which Lukashenko won his sixth consecutive term, receiving 80.1 percent of the vote according to official data by the electoral authorities. Three months on, the foreign-backed protests are continuing with more massive demonstrations taking place on Sundays.

Belarusian authorities have repeatedly confirmed that the ongoing protests in the country are being co-ordinated from abroad. Lukashenko accused the West of direct interference in the situation in the country and noted that the unrest is directed by the United States, while Europe follows its lead. Lukashenko named Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Ukraine as nations that co-ordinate protests in Belarus.

In September, Belarusian police arrested six people who formed a terrorist group that was conducting military-tactical training in the forest in the area around the city of Mogilev in eastern Belarus. The leader of this group created the channel “Partizans Mogilev” on social networks. In the meantime, this group grew to 64 members and acquired good conditions for the formation of an infantry company.

During the arrest operation, the Belarussian police found a white-red flag, adopted by the Neo-Nazi NATO-backed opposition in Belarus. A large number of chevrons with Ukrainian symbols, balaclavas, body armor, airsoft and pneumatic weapons, a signal pistol, knives and radio communication devices were found.

All these crawling NATO invasion attempts were being coordinated by the aforementioned special services. Even the foreign-backed ex-Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya admitted in an interview with Fox News that US Assistant Secretary of State Stephen Biegun had vowed “to help Belarus“.

Orchestrated opposition protests began across Belarus after the elections. During the first days, the rallies were dispersed by law enforcement. The protests soon turned violent, with some protesters even trying to throw explosives at the police, due to which the law enforcement had no choice but to use force.


He found the SS

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aa66db No.147151

File: 291b03ce762f39c⋯.png (41.72 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ad8627f0212497⋯.png (114.25 KB,739x1075,739:1075,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718306 (210010ZNOV20) Notable: Executions Scheduled for Inmates Convicted of Brutal Murders Many Years Ago

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Executions Scheduled for Inmates Convicted of Brutal Murders Many Years Ago



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aa66db No.147152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718323 (210012ZNOV20) Notable: Sao Paolo Begins Importing Chinese COVID Vaccine Amid Resistance From Bolsonaro Joe Biden begging for donations

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Sao Paolo Begins Importing Chinese COVID Vaccine Amid Resistance From Bolsonaro

Despite Brazilian authorities recent decision to freeze a local SinoVac trial after a participant died under mysterious circumstances, the governor of Sao Paolo, Brazil's most populous state, has struck a deal with the state-backed Chinese biotech firm to ship 120,000 doses of the still-unproven vaccine.

News of the deliveries arrives after Brazilian health regulator Anvisa has been struggling with criticism that its decision to unpause the Sinovac trial after less than 48 hours may have been politically motivated, as the safety of Chinese vaccines becomes an extremely divisive issue in Brazil.

The state has been among the hardest hit in Brazil, and with COVID-19 cases rising, officials have already started taking shipments of the Chinese vaccine, even though Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has publicly criticized China for unleashing the virus, and warned that the vaccines being produced by state-backed companies shouldn't be trusted.

CoronaVac is one of 4 Chinese vaccines currently in Phase 3 trials in Brazil, and distribution of the vaccines won't begin until the trials are completed. But apparently, the local government feels confident enough in the results that it's already beginning the process of stockpiling vaccines for its 44 million residents.

Governor Joao Doria spoke to reporters at a press conference this week where he greeted the arrival of the first vaccines, and discussed the alarming spike in cases and deaths. Bolsonaro was probably less than pleased after hearing the news: Sinovac’s vaccine, which is being developed locally in Brazil via a partnership with Sao Paulo’s Butantan Institute, has become the focus of an escalating feud between Doria and the Brazilian president, who sees China as an ideological enemy. Bolsonaro has criticized the governor, formerly a political ally, over the "origin" of the Sinovac vaccine.

Of course China has already started administering the Sinovac serum locally to health-care workers and other high-priority patients. The Ministry of Health said last month that 6,000 volunteers in the final stage trial had been inoculated with no reports of adverse effects. To be sure, in China, claims like this should be taken with a dose of skepticism.

But as Doria called on the Brazilian federal government to "make a concerted effort on vaccines", he apparently overlooked the fact that another much more powerful sovereign would supply him with the product - so long as it can secure a market for what's about to become an extremely popular item.

Because in the 21st Century, China provides both the disease and the remedy.


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aa66db No.147153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718333 (210013ZNOV20) Notable: Sao Paolo Begins Importing Chinese COVID Vaccine Amid Resistance From Bolsonaro Joe Biden begging for donations, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 8EB216AE_C304_457E_A41E_710DF9982287.jpeg

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Joe Biden begging for donations


Here's the deal: Because President Trump refuses to concede and is delaying the transition, we have to fund it ourselves and need your help.

If you're able, chip in to help fund the Biden-Harris transition.

Yes, this is real!

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aa66db No.147154

File: 6b300cb3356934c⋯.png (1.17 MB,981x590,981:590,Clipboard.png)

File: 09d4f18730a788e⋯.png (45.25 KB,672x809,672:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b34366d746edb3⋯.png (11 KB,628x205,628:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718359 (210015ZNOV20) Notable: BLM founder calls for Biden to sign radical legislation to 'abandon police, prisons, and punishment paradigms'

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BLM founder calls for Biden to sign radical legislation to 'abandon police, prisons, and punishment paradigms'

Black Lives Matter founder wants Biden to enact radical legislation that leads to 'police and prison abolition'

Patrisse Cullors, one of the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter organization, is calling for Joe Biden to enact far-left legislation that would lead to the abolition of police and prisons, and other radical proposals.

In July, Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts announced the BREATHE Act, a sweeping far-left piece of legislation that aims to bring revolutionary change to the United States. The proposal has not been brought before Congress as of yet.

The drastic legislation calls for the end of life sentences, as well as all mandatory minimum sentencing laws. In a Teen Vogue article, Cullors wrote that the act would "put us on the road to police and prison abolition." The BREATHE Act demands the dismantling of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, and immigration detention centers. The legislation also demands the repeal of federal laws that "criminalize human movement and border entry."

The BREATHE Act calls for "repealing and replacing the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act," which "Biden, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, largely wrote and shepherded through the legislative process."

The BREATHE Act would create a commission to study reparations proposals for African Americans, based on "mass criminalization – including the War on Drugs, the criminalization of prostitution, and police violence; border violence; and the systemic violation of the U.S. Government's treaty obligations to Tribal nations."

"Eliminating surveillance tactics that are disproportionately used to target Black, Brown, and Muslim communities by prohibiting predictive policing, racial recognition technologies, drones, and similar tools," the BREATHE Act states. "Eliminating the use of electronic monitoring, including ankle monitors, smartphone applications, and any other tool used to track location."

The legislation calls for the removal of all police, school resource officers, and armed security from schools, plus the metal detectors and surveillance equipment would be banned.

Public school systems would be required to develop curricula that examines "the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism, genocide against indigenous people, and slavery."


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aa66db No.147155

File: d3e8399acae0da3⋯.png (1015.45 KB,1272x856,159:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718360 (210015ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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aa66db No.147156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718369 (210015ZNOV20) Notable: Actor Scott Baio threatens to move to Utah to unseat Sen. Mitt Romney after his anti-Trump tweet

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Actor Scott Baio threatens to move to Utah to unseat Sen. Mitt Romney after his anti-Trump tweet

"Maybe I'll move there… and unseat you."

Actor Scott Baio threatened to move to Utah in order to run against Republican Sen. Mitt Romney after he tweeted against the litigation the president was supporting to challenge the results of the 2020 election.

Romney tweeted a statement scolding the president after his legal team made accusations of a massive election fraud scheme in a media briefing on Thursday.

"Having failed to make even a plausible case of widespread fraud or conspiracy before any court of law, the President has now resorted to overt pressure on state and local officials to subvert the will of the people and overturn the election," tweeted Romney.

"It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting American President," he added.

Baio, who is a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, took issue with the statement and issued his own missive in response.

"Hey @MittRomney, beautiful golf courses in Utah……maybe I'll move there, play a few rounds and unseat you," tweeted Baio.

Hey @MittRomney, beautiful golf courses in Utah……maybe I'll move there, play a few rounds and unseat you. P.S.… https://t.co/zi9hlKNW8o

— Scott Baio (@Scott Baio)1605888439.0

"P.S. My wife is still waiting for her $2600 refund. Remember your wife canceled that Beverly Hills political luncheon fundraiser? But your campaign kept the money," he added.

Baio received more than 8,000 retweets in support of his sentiment.

The actor made headlines in 2016 when he said that Nancy Mack, the wife of the drummer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers rock band, assaulted him in front of his wife and children over his support of then-candidate Donald Trump.

In 2017 Baio apologized for retweeting a conspiracy theory claiming that the victims of the horrific Newtown massacre were actors participating in a government scheme to justify gun confiscation. He deleted it after the victim excoriated him for the baseless accusation in a Facebook post.


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aa66db No.147157

File: 11ca4c591863627⋯.png (1.14 MB,607x1428,607:1428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718371 (210016ZNOV20) Notable: My mom just found a dumped voting machine in a grassy area right by her bar (in Savannah, Ga)

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Oh my goodness!! My mom just found a dumped voting machine in a grassy area right by her bar (in Savannah, Ga) from Fulton County!!! The feds are on their way! This is about to get crazy!

To clear this up, its in the hands of the GBI now! I tweeted this for a friend of my because she has not got a Twitter account! This has been on our local news wtoc-tv in Savannah, Ga. They are saying it is a 2018 voting machine that was replaced by the newer ones!


It should be investigated

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aa66db No.147158

File: d063fbec4ffaca0⋯.png (32.46 KB,1460x195,292:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718482 (210024ZNOV20) Notable: Rigged!! Cases, Deaths, Vaccines & the Biden Vote

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Rigged!! Cases, Deaths, Vaccines & the Biden Vote

Medical fraud is congruent with the election fraud

"If the globalists can convince healthy people to quarantine because they are somehow spreading infections they do not have, then the globalists can easily manipulate the entire election process using communist-inspired election software."

"As Trump's coronavirus task force member, Dr. Scott Atlas said, the only way this ends, is if people rise up!"

The 2020 Presidential election is just as rigged as Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case counts, the fraudulent death certificates, and Big Pharma's vaccine efficacy studies, and these FRAUDULENT REALITIES are on the verge of merging and becoming a weapon of deprivation and medical tyranny, forced onto the American people and the rest of the world.

A new wave of lockdowns and economic restrictions are being put in place, and more targeted chokepoints are being planned for vaccine distribution, to force populations to submit to Moderna and Pfizer's new mRNA cell-altering experiments. The Biden transition team is cozying up to the vaccine makers to make sure their distribution equally suppresses everyone's lives.


Just as diagnostic criteria have been broadened to tally up more COVID-19 cases, so have ID requirements been cheapened to fraudulently send out more mail-in ballots for Joe Biden. Just as PCR testing kits are made more sensitive to tally up more false-positive COVID-19 cases, so has Dominion election software been used to switch Trump votes to Biden votes.

If the globalists can convince healthy people to quarantine, because they are somehow spreading infections they do not have, then the globalists can easily manipulate the entire election process using communist-inspired election software.

In 2020, FDA-approved COVID-19 testing kits have had major discrepancies, leading to case number anomalies, just like mail-in ballots and election software have shown major discrepancies, leading to statistical anomalies for vote totals and late surge vote percentage gains for Biden. Vaccine efficacy studies are a rigged process, too. These studies do not expose vaccine recipients and placebo recipients equally to the assumed virus to test for true vaccine effectiveness. Much of the information that is being broadcast by the Associated Press & Big Tech is a false reality, used to force submission, not critical thinking & independence.


FDA-approved tests have struggled to differentiate various RNA virus strains, leading to statistics that merely represent the average percentage of respiratory illnesses that occur in the population, regardless. In many cases, the tests are oversensitive and unable to differentiate benign virus debris from live shedding viruses, ultimately delivering false positives in people who aren't even sick, leading to more panic andmedia declared "outbreaks." The case numbers do not represent reputable data. Many state governors believe they can lock people's lives down if the positivity rate of the testing kits reaches a certain threshold (i.e. 7 percent).

What if the psychopaths who own the patent on the virus DNA sequences also own the patent on the testing methodology and can control the sensitivity of its detection?

What if both the virus and the proprietary testing kits are being used as a bio-weapon to cause panic, to sell outbreaks that aren't real, & to ultimately allow a serious viral pathogen to escape detection? What if this is being done to ultimately enslave economic systems to a global reset of communism and to enslave human beings to experimental mRNA technology delivered via Pfizer and Moderna's new vaccines?

The tests have used faulty reagents, leading to false positives, and some tests have been contaminated, leading to actual respiratory infections and spread. There were even fraudulently attributed COVID-19 positives observed in Florida, where test results were tallied for people who were never tested to begin with. This is akin to dead people voting for Joe Biden or people with a change of address voting in their new state as their mail-in ballot was illegally harvested in their home state to rack up more votes for Biden.

The medical fraud is congruent with the election fraud. There are instances of COVID-19 cases being declared just because someone is a family member to someone who tested positive. There are instances of ID fraud being used to funnel fictitious early ballots to Biden supporters. It's all one and the same - fraud and terror.

No one has to be a medical patient, mind held down in fear to Big Pharma's manipulative experiment.


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aa66db No.147159

File: 676da9b59de666f⋯.png (447.11 KB,584x452,146:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718501 (210026ZNOV20) Notable: Jonathan Pollard, Jewish American Spy, Is a Free Man After Parole Ends

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Jonathan Pollard, Jewish American Spy, Is a Free Man After Parole Ends

Convicted for spying for Israel when he served as an intelligence analyst in U.S. Navy’s counterterrorism center, Pollard served 30 years in prison and five on strict parole

NEW YORK – After 30 years in prison and five years on strict parole conditions, former Jewish American spy Jonathan Pollard became a free man on Friday.

This was initially reported by Jacob Kornbluh of the Jewish Insider. According to Pollard's attorney, "The U.S. Parole Commission has issued a certificate terminating parole and lifting all parole restrictions on our pro bono client Jonathan J. Pollard."


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aa66db No.147160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718528 (210028ZNOV20) Notable: Interesting thread on the Serbian devs who developed Dominion and how fast they're deleting their traces

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Interesting thread on the Serbian devs who developed Dominion and how fast they're deleting their traces


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aa66db No.147161

File: 5c84fc3e94ef006⋯.png (602.11 KB,1218x1060,609:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718564 (210031ZNOV20) Notable: Interesting thread on the Serbian devs who developed Dominion and how fast they're deleting their traces

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This thread must beHUGEbecause Twatter put a disclaimer on every single tweet, even innocuous ones like this


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aa66db No.147162

File: aa0d48b57315b77⋯.png (372.41 KB,590x567,590:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718607 (210034ZNOV20) Notable: PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS

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PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS

One week before the 2020 election went to Georgia to do a deep dive of their Dominion Voting Systems.

One of their experts, Harry Hursti from Nordic Innovation Labs, told PBS the Georgia system does not seem to have any safeguards.

Georgia’s vote tabulating system was a complex system of laptops, ipads, magnetic cards, touch screens, printers and scanners.

Investigators found several troubling issues before the election. One expert said it would be easy to dublicate the ballot codes and make up new ballots.

It’s pretty clear this was a stolen state from President Trump.

What an outrage.

Via Kyle Becker.


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aa66db No.147163

File: d1ce716ce42aec4⋯.png (54.77 KB,767x532,767:532,Clipboard.png)

File: 66b3592d0546458⋯.png (179.07 KB,1116x860,279:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 76a960a69965301⋯.png (271.81 KB,1025x992,1025:992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718697 (210042ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Carlson Comet Ping Pong link?

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Is Tucker Carlson a pedo?


Screencap of twat, article and relevant section. Link to relevant article below…


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aa66db No.147164

File: 1c5f0dcb3064bcf⋯.png (60.15 KB,226x111,226:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718743 (210047ZNOV20) Notable: National conservative group Amistad Project to challenge presidential election results in key states

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National conservative group Amistad Project to challenge presidential election results in key states

The Trump campaign will join with Amistad Project on the lawsuits on case-by-case basis

The national conservative legal group Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society on Friday announced that it will file federal and state lawsuits challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona, the group has announced. The Trump campaign is joining with the Amistad Project on the lawsuits on a case-by-case basis, said Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the campaign’s legal efforts, the group also says.


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aa66db No.147165

File: 6eaa64acae8b84b⋯.png (984.07 KB,852x1176,71:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718754 (210048ZNOV20) Notable: In Minnesota, you now face 90 days in jail or a $1000 fine if you socialize (speak or hang out with) someone who does not live in your home.

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This cannot be legal.

In Minnesota, you now face 90 days in jail or a $1000 fine if you socialize (speak or hang out with) someone who does not live in your home.

Whether inside your home or anywhere else, including outdoors.

If you "threaten to do so anyway", you face a $25,000 fine.

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aa66db No.147166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718763 (210049ZNOV20) Notable: #14958

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>>147136 Sydney Powell #DominionVotingSystems is really just a vector

>>147137 POTUS taking on big pharma!

>>147138 Georgia governor calls for ‘sample audit’ of ballot signatures after secretary of state certifies election for Biden

>>147139 Sydney Powell says Dominion Voting is 'disappearing' but look at this list of deliverable Dominion owes Santa Clara County CA!!!

>>147140 Trudeau rules out a ‘normal Christmas’ as Covid-19 cases spike in Canada & health chiefs sound alarm

>>147141 Police in Germany launch homicide probe into doctor who allegedly gave 2 Covid patients lethal injection

>>147142 Michigan Dominion Contract.

>>147143 Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Risch, and Fareed

>>147144 Obama thanked Navy SEAL McRaven for overseeing the bin Laden raid by gifting him a tape measure

>>147145 Big pharma playing big games and they sent all the manufacturing overseas so China makes all the pharma ingredients now.

>>147146 As Trump’s term ends, 40 percent of top DoD jobs lack confirmed officials

>>147147 Jennifer Aniston Did Take a Nxivm Class

>>147148, Kirkland & Ellis withdraw from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State in Trump campaign case.

>>147149 Retiring Philly COP - "No longer did I want to represent the corruption"

>>147150 LUKASHENKO: US Special Services Centers Discovered in Kiev, Warsaw by Intelligence Agencies

>>147151 Executions Scheduled for Inmates Convicted of Brutal Murders Many Years Ago

>>147152 Sao Paolo Begins Importing Chinese COVID Vaccine Amid Resistance From Bolsonaro

>>147153 Joe Biden begging for donations

>>147154 BLM founder calls for Biden to sign radical legislation to 'abandon police, prisons, and punishment paradigms'

>>147155 PF

>>147156 Actor Scott Baio threatens to move to Utah to unseat Sen. Mitt Romney after his anti-Trump tweet

>>147157 My mom just found a dumped voting machine in a grassy area right by her bar (in Savannah, Ga)

>>147158 Rigged!! Cases, Deaths, Vaccines & the Biden Vote

>>147159 Jonathan Pollard, Jewish American Spy, Is a Free Man After Parole Ends

>>147160, >>147161 Interesting thread on the Serbian devs who developed Dominion and how fast they're deleting their traces

>>147162 PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS

>>147163 Tucker Carlson Comet Ping Pong link?

>>147164 National conservative group Amistad Project to challenge presidential election results in key states

>>147165 In Minnesota, you now face 90 days in jail or a $1000 fine if you socialize (speak or hang out with) someone who does not live in your home.

To 616

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aa66db No.147167

File: 93c48aee6afc880⋯.png (38.67 KB,749x499,749:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cbc9b2f1695102⋯.png (825.04 KB,692x388,173:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718863 (210101ZNOV20) Notable: Global tax system ‘programmed to fail,’

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Global tax system ‘programmed to fail,’ says new report on revenue losses

The Tax Justice Network provides country-by-country estimates of losses due to tax abuse and tax evasion by wealthy corporations and individuals.

Countries lose more than $427 billion in revenue each year from tax dodging by companies and wealthy individuals, according to groundbreaking new research by the Tax Justice Network.

The nonprofit published the “State of Tax Justice” report on Friday and estimates that global tax losses could pay for the salaries of almost 34 million nurses around the world. The United States, itself a tax haven that strips money from other countries, lost enough revenue from its own residents and corporations to pay for the salaries of more than 1.1 million nurses paid an average U.S. salary, TJN Found.

“A global tax system that loses over $427 billion a year is not a broken system, it’s a system programmed to fail,” Alex Cobham, chief executive of the Tax Justice Network, said at the report’s release. “Under pressure from corporate giants and tax haven powers like the Netherlands and the UK’s network, our governments have programmed the global tax system to prioritize the desires of the wealthiest corporations and individuals over the needs of everybody else.”

TJN says that its report is the first study to provide country-by-country estimates of losses due to corporate tax abuse and tax evasion. As the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists explains here, traditional definitions hold that tax evasion is illegal (a crime), but tax avoidance uses legal loopholes to reduce or avoid paying taxes.

TJN found that multinational corporations avoid $245 billion while the world’s top 1 percent, who have been growing their wealth during the COVID-19 pandemic, avoid $182 billion.

While rich countries lost the most tax revenue in overall terms, poorer countries lost disproportionately more than wealthier countries, TJN found. Latin America and Africa’s tax losses equal 20.4% and 52.5% of those regions’ public health budgets respectively, according to the report.

Senegal in West Africa, for example, loses $168.2 million in revenue from tax dodging companies and individuals each year, according to the research. The amount is more than 70% of Senegal’s health budget. In 2016, ICIJ revealed as part of its Paradise Papers investigation that Senegal could have lost almost $9 million in taxes on one deal with a Canadian company. TJN’s report also shows Mauritius, the focus of ICIJ’s 2018 Mauritius Leaks investigation, drains other countries of more than $1.3 billion in revenue.


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aa66db No.147168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718881 (210102ZNOV20) Notable: SIDNEY POWELL: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE INSIDER (Cap)

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>We even got information that there's a person in the Department of … that was on the Internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices in government and there was a couple hundred people on the call.

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aa66db No.147169

File: 3daa0d753026e23⋯.png (49.26 KB,968x556,242:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718884 (210103ZNOV20) Notable: Over $427 Billion is Lost To Tax Havens Every Year

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Over $427 Billion is Lost To Tax Havens Every Year

As governments around the globe face budgetary pressures due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the urgency to crack down on tax havens – responsible for an estimated loss of over US$ 427 billion each year – has become even more crucial, experts said in response to new findings.

A new annual report, published on Friday by the Tax Justice Network, reveals how much each country loses each year, totaling $245 billion directly lost through tax abuse by multinational corporations, and a remaining $182 billion from wealthy individuals that hide their money from local authorities through the use of secretive offshore assets.

These losses, it says, are equivalent to the annual salaries of nearly 34 million nurses worldwide, or about one nurse’s salary per second.

“The reason corporations and the mega rich abuse billions in taxes isn’t because they’re innovative. They do it because they know politicians will let them get away with it,” said Rosa Pavanelli, general secretary at Public Services International in response to the findings in the report.

“Now that we’ve seen the brutal results, our leaders must stop the billions flowing out of public services and into offshore accounts, or risk fuelling cynicism and distrust in government,” she added.

The reason frontline health workers are brutally understaffed and lack basic protection equipment, she explained, is because governments have spent decades refusing to meaningfully tackle tax abuse by corporations and the mega rich, instead opting for austerity measures that have imposed budget cuts on essential services.

According to the report, while wealthier countries lose a larger amount due to tax havens, the burden is felt most heavily by developing countries in Latin America and Africa, which lose 20.4 percent and 52.5 percent of their public health budgets respectfully.

At the country level, the report found that recouping annual tax losses would lift over three million South Africans out of poverty, pay back over a quarter of Greece’s chronic debt to its various creditors, or almost entirely mitigate the economic damage caused by Vietnam’s most destructive typhoon in the last twenty years.

The Tax Justice called on the leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries, largely responsible for dictating global tax policy, to discuss formative changes that should be made to tackle this issue at the G20 Global Summit meeting, which will be hosted by the Saudi G20 Presidency over the weekend.

An important first step, it said, would be for the G20 and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to make due on its commitment - which it first agreed to in 2013 – to require public country-by-country reporting, which would force multinationals to publish financial information indicating where they are stashing their profits so that the public can hold them to account, along with the jurisdictions that are accepting these funds.


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aa66db No.147170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718905 (210105ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker live he seems agitated, might be interesting

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Tucker live he seems agitated, might be interesting

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aa66db No.147171

File: 88e334749431de8⋯.png (418.57 KB,604x535,604:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d197d2946fde0f⋯.png (53.42 KB,682x657,682:657,Clipboard.png)

File: ca99fb270af49a7⋯.png (338.1 KB,589x558,19:18,Clipboard.png)

File: f17bd66f8cb6595⋯.png (31.97 KB,689x385,689:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718938 (210110ZNOV20) Notable: Ethiopia Accuses ‘Criminal’ W.H.O. Director Tedros of Backing Violent Rebels

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Ethiopia Accuses ‘Criminal’ W.H.O. Director Tedros of Backing Violent Rebels

Ethiopian Army Chief of Staff Berhanu Jula gave a televised address on Wednesday in which he denounced Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a longtime member of the Ethiopian government but currently head of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), as a “criminal” for supporting the Tigray separatists who are fighting against the government in Addis Ababa.

Berhanu called on Tedros to step down from his position at W.H.O., which did not immediately respond to his allegations.

Ethiopian President Abiy Ahmed launched a military operation against the Tigray region in early November after growing animosity between the powerful Tigrayan minority and the national government came to a head with the Tigray occupation of a federal military base.

The increasingly vicious civil war threatens to expand into a regional conflict, as the Tigrayans accused neighboring Eritrea of supporting Abiy’s campaign against them and launched rockets into Eritrea this week.

The Ethiopian military said on Thursday it is preparing to invade Mekelle, the capital city of the Tigrayan region. The dominant regional political party and militant organization, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), vowed to make the battle for Mekelle a bloodbath as painful for Abiy’s forces as “walking on a burning flame.”

Outside observers believe the campaign could become a quagmire, as TPLF fighters are experienced at guerrilla warfare, they have favorable terrain for conducting such operations, and many members of the Ethiopian armed forces are Tigrayans. The national government issued 76 arrest warrants on Wednesday for army officers accused of having ties to the TPLF.

The conflict has already produced troubling humanitarian crises, including widespread hunger and refugees. Both sides have been accused of human rights violations.


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aa66db No.147172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718960 (210112ZNOV20) Notable: For keks

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aa66db No.147173

File: 2be5c031330f913⋯.png (1.18 MB,945x595,27:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718967 (210113ZNOV20) Notable: OBAMA: 'We can always send the Navy SEALs' to remove Trump from White House

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OBAMA: 'We can always send the Navy SEALs' to remove Trump from White House

Democrats have long claimed that the president will refuse to leave if he loses

Former President Obama says if President Trump refuses to leave the White House, “we can always send the Navy SEALs” to physically remove him. Appearing on the late-night talk show "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Obama – who's busy hawking a new book – was asked by Kimmel whether there are any spots in the White House where “someone could hide." “Well, I think we can always send the Navy SEALS in there to dig him out," Obama said. But the liberal-leaning host also asked Obama if it is "premature" to call Democrat Joe Biden "Mr. President." “Do you feel that when you congratulated Biden and Senator Harris that you were premature in doing that?” Kimmel asked. “No, I thought I was right on time,” Obama said.

The notion that Trump will refuse to leave the White House if he lost the 2020 election was rolled out by liberals early in the campaign. "Well, I think it is a fair point to raise as to whether or not, if he loses, he’s going to go quietly or not. And we have to be ready for that,” the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, who ran against Trump that year, said July 5 on “The Daily Show.” "Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, said July 20. “Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected president of the United States.” Also in July, the issue popped up on Capitol Hill. “Mr. Attorney General,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, New York Democrat, asked William Barr in a House hearing, “what will you do if Donald Trump loses the election on Nov. 3 but refuses to leave office on Jan. 20?” Mr. Barr answered: “If the results are clear, I would leave office.”

The Babylon Bee, a satirical website, recently put out a story with a headline: " 'Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.” “Leftists are warning that President Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election,” the website also wrote. “These same leftists have spent the last four years declaring that Trump is not their president, that Hillary Clinton actually won because she won the popular vote, and that Trump only won because of Russian interference.” In his interview with Kimmel, Obama also praised former President George W. Bush, whom he called a “patriot.” “When I came in, we were in the middle of a big crisis, the financial crisis. George W. Bush, he and I had obviously big policy differences, but he’s a good man, he’s a patriot,” Obama said. “And he ordered everybody on his team to work seamlessly with us on the transition. Could not have been more gracious. Could not have been more helpful. And that actually helped us be able to get a head start on trying to stem what could have been a great depression instead of a great recession.”


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aa66db No.147174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718988 (210116ZNOV20) Notable: “30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump”

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“30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump”


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aa66db No.147175

File: 0676d29ddb11e47⋯.png (324.59 KB,329x399,47:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 83d469c686d7bef⋯.png (52.22 KB,689x586,689:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718993 (210117ZNOV20) Notable: National Library of Australia now have a copy of Australia’s Pedophile Protection Racket and a review from a UK Barrister

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National Library of Australia now have a copy of Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket and a review from a UK Barrister

The National Library of Australia, QLD State Library and QLD Parliamentary Library now have copies of my new book Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket and the book has now gone international as per the book review by UK Barrister Phillip Taylor.

This article is an update of the book’s progression since it was published on the 28th of September 2020. As I wrote in the last update, I sent copies to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and told them the book was a formal complaint regarding government and judicial corruption. (Click here to read more) At this point, I haven’t had a response from them.

Below is the latest book review by Phillip Taylor who is a barrister in the UK. He has done hundreds of book reviews mostly on legal books. (Click here to see on Phillip Taylor’s Flickr page)



An appreciation by Phillip Taylor MBE, Head of Richmond Green Chambers, Reviews Editor, “The Barrister”, and Mediator

Sides are not being taken in the quest by author Shane Dowling who seeks to uncover points of view about what he calls “Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket”. This is a paperback book published by Shane which should be viewed in both its historic and its jurisdictional perspectives by both Australian and Commonwealth lawyers.

For those readers unfamiliar with what Dowling submits, these are his main points from his book:

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on the 3rd September 2019 that 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws do not go to jail so the government is introducing mandatory sentencing laws. By June 2020 when the new laws were passed by the government it had risen to 39%. The minimum inference that can be drawn is that Australian judges and magistrates are running a paedophile protection racket otherwise they would be doing their jobs and jailing the convicted paedophiles.”

This is strong stuff with substantial implications for the law of defamation should the allegations be untrue. It must be for the individual to draw his or her own conclusions on what is a clear political policy.

Dowling offers two disturbing examples:

Judge John North gave a confessed paedophile who abused two young girls a suspended sentence due to the paedophile suffering high cholesterol, sleeping problems, having had no sex education and then protected his identity with a suppression order in November 2017; and

Convicted paedophile Robert Crick who sexually abused his 5-year-old grandson avoided jail in May 2020 after the Court of Appeal in NSW felt sorry for him because of his claimed health issues and they were worried he might catch the Coronavirus in jail.

The book follows campaigning journalist Dowling, who specialises in judicial and government corruption, as he submits names: 15 judges, 2 registrars and 1 magistrate as either known paedophiles or suspected paedophiles in an email sent to all the judges of the Supreme Court of NSW and relevant authorities. In this review I am intending throughout to be extremely careful to avoid any form of defamation, intentional or implied.


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aa66db No.147176

File: 5eda4a3e89c2898⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718994 (210117ZNOV20) Notable: Reminder a helpful fellow, opened a window to help the blast that Q alerted and was averted

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Thx Baker…

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aa66db No.147177

File: 9778c882023c63a⋯.jpg (254.92 KB,1740x1625,348:325,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11718997 (210117ZNOV20) Notable: Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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Patriot Anons

It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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aa66db No.147178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719016 (210119ZNOV20) Notable: AUSTRALIAN 'It would be a brave person to bet against Donald Trump'

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non anon fren from uk/eu sent the following video.

The World is Watching.

'It would be a brave person to bet against Donald Trump': Jones

539,686 views • Nov 18, 2020

Sky News Australia

990K subscribers

It would be a brave person who was prepared to bet, even now, against Donald Trump says Sky News host Alan Jones.

Mr Jones said he suspects the Trump team is in the process of gathering “irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion” in the fallout of the US election.

He said under an Executive Order of 2018, signed by President Trump, the government has the power to arrest and seize the assets of any organisation or individual who attempted to alter the result of the 2020 election.

"This Trump Executive Order about rigging elections, which he signed into existence on September 12, 2018, means clearly that the net can be cast very wide," Mr Jones said.

It comes after US attorney Sidney Powell, who is part of Donald Trump's legal team said, "this is a massive election fraud" and that she was very concerned it involved "Dominion and its Smartmatic software" used to count votes in the US election.

"You have heard Sidney Powell talk about so much voter fraud it was like coming out of a fire hose," Mr Jones said.

“I have been saying for some time, it would be a brave person who was prepared to bet, even now, against Donald Trump.

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aa66db No.147179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719036 (210121ZNOV20) Notable: Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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Clever. + putting together the most important legal case in history in a few weeks. Like building the Empire State building in a month.

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aa66db No.147180

File: dba9046bd24353a⋯.png (126.36 KB,768x828,64:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719044 (210121ZNOV20) Notable: Fifteen Senators (Including Fauxcahontas and Bernie) Want Facebook to Ban ‘Anti-Muslim Hate’

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Fifteen Senators (Including Fauxcahontas and Bernie) Want Facebook to Ban ‘Anti-Muslim Hate’

Democrats who want to browbeat (or worse) Trump supporters in Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and silence all dissent from the hard-Left’s agenda know better than to come before America and say, “We want to destroy the First Amendment and stifle the freedom of expression that is the indispensable foundation of any free society.” Instead, they strike a pose of unassailable piety and tell us how victimized groups need to be protected from “hate,” and that “hate speech” must be eradicated. That approach works like a charm: after all, who wants to speak out in favor of “hate speech”? But George Orwell’s 1984 has become the Democrats’ playbook, and the “hate speech” shell game is a quintessential example of how they manipulate language to hide their authoritarian agenda.

Nevertheless, that agenda was unmistakable Monday, when Middle East Eye reported that “Democratic senators are calling on Facebook to ‘do more’ to mitigate the spread of anti-Muslim bigotry, after the social media giant was criticised for failing to address attacks against the faith group on multiple occasions, including the aftermath of the Christchurch shootings.” Fifteen Senators, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, penned a strongly-worded letter to Facebook top dog Mark Zuckerberg, telling him that Facebook “needed to immediately enforce its community standards to address anti-Muslim hate and ban the use of event pages for the purpose of ‘harassment, organizing, and violence’ against the Muslim community.”

Who could be against such a thing, right? No one is in favor of bigotry, particularly when these “attacks against the faith group” have led to violence, as in the Christchurch shootings. No one is in favor of “harassment, organizing, and violence,” whether against the Muslim community or anyone else. So these fifteen Senators are on the side of the angels, are they not?

The letter graciously acknowledged that “Facebook has announced efforts to address its role in the distribution of anti-Muslim content in some of these areas.” However, not enough has been done: “Nevertheless, it is not clear that the company is meaningfully better positioned to prevent further human rights abuses and violence against Muslim minorities today.”

Farhana Khera of the activist group Muslim Advocates stated that more needed to be done: “Since 2015, Muslim Advocates had warned Facebook that the platform’s event pages were being used by violent militias and white nationalists to organize armed rallies at mosques. We need to know what Facebook plans to do to end the anti-Muslim hate and violence enabled by their platform – and end it now.”


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aa66db No.147181

File: d483039f184a064⋯.gif (10.61 MB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719067 (210123ZNOV20) Notable: Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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Slow Drip > Flood


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aa66db No.147182

File: 0bbdde6a212193c⋯.jpeg (101.53 KB,1029x762,343:254,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d37f18b7ea82992⋯.jpeg (243.11 KB,828x373,828:373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719070 (210123ZNOV20) Notable: Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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aa66db No.147183

File: f6e65e1b1ed1101⋯.png (36.5 KB,598x399,598:399,Clipboard.png)

File: f78a66474744f09⋯.png (31.99 KB,999x262,999:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719071 (210123ZNOV20) Notable: Trump fires head of election cybersecurity who debunked conspiracy theories and now rides bikes weeeeeeeee

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Its weird.

Hes gonna ride bikes.


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aa66db No.147184

File: 5a3835d455c7c53⋯.png (32.71 KB,193x112,193:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719086 (210124ZNOV20) Notable: Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

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Powell says "fire hose" a lot.

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aa66db No.147185

File: aa83b6ca75064c8⋯.png (157.16 KB,675x778,675:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 34cef278e917742⋯.png (85.38 KB,664x790,332:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 448a4136ea1624b⋯.png (86.67 KB,660x840,11:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 15f462945ec8bdc⋯.png (87.44 KB,688x812,172:203,Clipboard.png)

File: fbaa8f516322c3d⋯.png (86.39 KB,708x844,177:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719109 (210126ZNOV20) Notable: Navy Investigation of Pensacola Shooting Points to ‘Toxic’ Command Climate as Factor

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Navy Investigation of Pensacola Shooting Points to ‘Toxic’ Command Climate as Factor

A U.S. Navy investigation has determined that the Saudi pilot who killed three people when he opened fire on Florida's Naval Air Station Pensacola last year was self-radicalized.

However, it also found that Navy leaders could have picked up on a pattern of negative behaviors exacerbated by the "toxic" command climate at the base.

In a 260-page investigation released Friday, investigators concluded that, while 2nd Lt. Mohammed Alshamrani, a 21-year-old Royal Saudi Air Force member, was motivated by anti-American and “jihadist” sentiment, the aviation training climate "likely increased" his chances of successfully carrying out the Dec. 6, 2019 attack that killed three sailors and injured eight others.

The three who died were Ensign Joshua Watson and Naval Aircrewmen (Mechanical) 3rd Class Mohammed Haitham and Cameron S. Walters.

"The self-radicalization of 2nd Lt. Alshamrani was the primary cause of this fatal attack," according to the incident summary of the report, which was signed off by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday in July. "However, his actions and behaviors, along with the organizational environment inherent in the aviation pipeline, likely increased his probability of committing an insider attack. Military leaders, government employees, contracted employees, peers and civilians knew of isolated events and indicators, but all remained unaware of a complete picture of 2nd Lt. Alshamrani's potential threat indicators."

On Friday, the Navy Office of Information, or CHINFO, said that these contributing factors "will be addressed by a special working group, organized by the Navy's Security Coordination Board," but added that the Defense Department and Navy have already taken steps to improve safety, security and vetting processes for all military students.


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aa66db No.147186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719110 (210126ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (two days ago)

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aa66db No.147187

File: f5a4425de84c9bc⋯.png (288.06 KB,593x431,593:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f359dc501e8911⋯.png (68.37 KB,539x250,539:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ce16f358672d47⋯.png (44.84 KB,598x534,299:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719148 (210129ZNOV20) Notable: Used to be the 1st Director CISA gov AKA Tom Rorow

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looks like he changed it back


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aa66db No.147188

File: 54f12fbd5efffc4⋯.png (799.22 KB,982x516,491:258,Clipboard.png)

File: f6e66e7e9c37b3c⋯.png (200.41 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 88c59418493369d⋯.png (261.8 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: aef1a789de6535f⋯.png (566.39 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 728d513b81d2696⋯.png (137.95 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719163 (210130ZNOV20) Notable: In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots

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In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots

Federal Elections Commission Chairman Trey Trainor says new analysis by professor Steven Miller "adds to the conclusions that some level of voter fraud took place in this year's election."

In a sworn declaration, a respected mathematician says his analysis of election data and phone interviews with Pennsylvania voters raises questions about as many as 100,000 absentee ballots requested in the key battleground state where President Trump and Joe Biden are separated by just about 82,000 votes. Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter. "I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801," Miller said in the sworn statement provided to Just the News. According to Pennsylvania state data for early and absentee ballot requests, there are roughly 165,000 ballots requested in the names of registered GOP voters that had not been counted as of Nov. 16.

Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor told Just the News that Miller's analysis provides fresh evidence of potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. "This data, which is provided by an expert witness, who would be qualified in almost any court in the country, adds to the conclusions that some level of voter fraud took place in this year's election," Trainor said. "Therefore, the rush to certify results that are this suspicious from places with known election violations would nullify millions of votes that were legally cast by individual voters." The Pennsylvania Department of State's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Thursday evening. In addition to his two base estimates, Miller also offered two estimates with broader ranges and higher confidence intervals. "Almost surely, the number of ballots requested by someone other than the registered Republican is between 37,001 and 58,914," Miller writes. "Almost surely the number of ballots requested by registered Republicans and returned but not counted is in the range from 38,910 to 56,483."

Matt Braynard, the director of the Voter Integrity Project, which conducted the survey, said Miller's conclusions are "indicative of a kind of problem that we're seeing not just in Pennsylvania but in many of the other states that are determining the outcome of this election." "We're sharing our data for the other states so that Professor Miller can conduct a similar analysis on them," he told Just the News on Thursday. "I look forward to seeing the results." Miller's analysis comes after numerous Pennsylvania voters have described what appear to be widespread irregularities in the voting process there. Voters in that state described to Just the News receiving absentee ballots in spite of having not requested them; when they showed up at their polling place, they were required to vote with provisional ballots. In some cases, mail-in ballots that went unmailed were still listed as "pending" on the state's ballot tracking website as of this week. A record number of Americans voted by mail in the 2020 election, driven by concerns that crowded polling places could become superspreader events for COVID-19. Major get-out-the-vote campaigns sought to familiarize voters with the mail-in process for both the primary and general elections, though numerous issues were reported over the course of the year, including multiple absentee ballots mailed to individual voters, ballots being mailed to dead voters, and votes appearing to go uncounted well after Election Day.


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aa66db No.147189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719164 (210130ZNOV20) Notable: All 17 Challenges to Governor Inslee's Emergency Powers [for Washington State] rejected AUG 2020

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All 17 Challenges to Governor Inslee's Emergency Powers [for Washington State[ rejected


Aug 3 2020

Courts have unanimously upheld Governor’s authority

OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson provided an update today regarding the legal challenges to the governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy orders.

The Attorney General’s Office has successfully defended all 17 legal challenges. State and federal courts across Washington have rejected the plaintiff’s requests for emergency relief in many of the cases, and the plaintiffs in several other cases have given up and abandoned their claims.

While more than 10 motions to temporarily block the orders have been filed in the various cases, not one has been granted. Court rulings have called the arguments by plaintiffs “frivolous,” “unpersuasive,” and “completely devoid of merit.”

“We will continue to defend the Governor’s ability to manage this crisis and keep Washingtonians safe,” Ferguson said.

“The courts have affirmed the Governor’s authority to act during this ongoing emergency as COVID cases continue to rise throughout the state,” Inslee said. “I thank Attorney General Ferguson and his team for all their work on this. Our state could be more effective in fighting the virus if all Washingtonians were pulling together with everyone doing their part.”

Of the 17 cases filed:

Seven are completely finished

Nine are still pending in trial court

One is on appeal

None have resulted in any court limiting the Governor’s orders in any way


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aa66db No.147190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719166 (210130ZNOV20) Notable: Used to be the 1st Director CISA gov AKA Tom Rorow

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Used to be the 1st Director


. AKA Tom Rorow

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aa66db No.147191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719169 (210131ZNOV20) Notable: Berne Sanders and AOC were "Instructed to COMMIT SABOTAGE within the Government" by Dept. of Defense

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Berne Sanders and AOC were "Instructed to COMMIT SABOTAGE within the Government" by Dept. of Defense

It just keeps getting crazier by the day it’s like the election was a honeypot for catching all the commies.

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aa66db No.147192

File: 797ebd5f67cb900⋯.png (619.07 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719178 (210131ZNOV20) Notable: Used to be the 1st Director CISA gov AKA Tom Rorow

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>ride bikes

first thing i thought of was GHWB's doctor. he got gunned down on a bike ride, then his accused killer got "suicided"

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aa66db No.147193

File: 7371d00f5ad11a5⋯.jpg (76.17 KB,750x778,375:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719210 (210134ZNOV20) Notable: Used to be the 1st Director CISA gov AKA Tom Rorow

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This is what it looks like now


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aa66db No.147194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719252 (210137ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Confirms The Pentagon & The CIA Are In Charge Of Foreign Policy

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Trump Confirms The Pentagon & The CIA Are In Charge Of Foreign Policy


President Trump has announced that he is ordering a partial withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq during the waning days of his administration.

Why only partial? And why now in the waning days of his presidency? After all, when Trump campaigned in 2016, his expressed aim was to bring all the troops home from those two countries. He repeatedly vowed to bring an end to America’s “forever wars.”

There is a simple explanation for Trump’s failure, one that unfortunately so many Americans are loathe to consider: It’s not the president who is in charge of foreign policy. Instead it is the Pentagon and the CIA that are in charge.

Trump had four years to bring home those troops. Clearly he wanted to. The reason he didn’t — the reason he still can’t — is because the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA won’t let him.

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aa66db No.147195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719301 (210141ZNOV20) Notable: Accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse released on $2 million bail

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Accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse released on $2 million bailhttps://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/11/20/kyle-rittenhouse-accused-kenosha-shooter-released-2-million-bail/6363593002/

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aa66db No.147196

File: daca4250d4b28b8⋯.png (875.16 KB,1412x935,1412:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719308 (210141ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Marines flying out of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar

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aa66db No.147197

File: df7745d6193087f⋯.png (46.73 KB,411x629,411:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 2788a6b28344713⋯.png (601.68 KB,1318x896,659:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a256d43eee2ebc⋯.png (118.86 KB,1318x896,659:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719328 (210143ZNOV20) Notable: November 15th 1775 The Prelude to the Revolutionary War

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November 15th 1775

The Prelude to the Revolutionary War


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aa66db No.147198

File: e9975a12f07391c⋯.png (962.84 KB,1412x934,706:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719330 (210143ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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another Galaxy in the air

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aa66db No.147199

File: 4643ed97ca0d79a⋯.png (381.96 KB,546x344,273:172,Clipboard.png)

File: deb95bdded0b3b9⋯.png (256.13 KB,547x327,547:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719346 (210144ZNOV20) Notable: Walmart, Inc sold by Walton Family Trust: $67.92m-Nov 20

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Walmart, Inc sold by Walton Family Trust: $67.92m-Nov 20

Just need a little pocket money for Christmas season…

Cap#2 is equity sales in Walmart by the Walmart Family Trust since 2001: $10,247,842,036 in sales vs.$0in buys



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aa66db No.147200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719362 (210145ZNOV20) Notable: The Great Betrayal Brand new documentary about Covid 1984, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, etc etc…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Great Betrayal

Brand new documentary about Covid 1984, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, etc etc…

So well done, not just conspiracy theorists talking about this, but all in the cabals own words so potentially good to red pill open minded normies ( I know an oxy moran) …. but can't explain how well this is made,,, please share!



please spread it far and wide, will probably be memory holed soon….

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aa66db No.147201

File: 79f1a953334433e⋯.jpeg (121.88 KB,749x638,749:638,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719364 (210145ZNOV20) Notable: WATCH THIS CAUSE BAKES SAID SO, silent running

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147202

File: 9c0b166c63d4974⋯.png (829.43 KB,938x603,14:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ade6eb1552a2e0⋯.png (812.04 KB,815x592,815:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719370 (210146ZNOV20) Notable: Anti trump shit like Kathy Griffin, weird psychedelic artist

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saw this while digging decided to post here. psychedelic artist i dug on a month ago changed usernames. after i found his new username i see this. anti trump shit like kathy griffen.


masonic symbolism as well.

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aa66db No.147203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719371 (210146ZNOV20) Notable: Call for DIG The CIA was running a (shell) company called "Crypto AG" out of Switzerland Lawyers in Liechtenstein

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I'm kind of freaked out about this find of 5 minutes ago.

First, listen to the last 30 seconds of this Sidney Powell phone call. She specifically names 4 countries for foreign interference with elections:

1. China

2. Iran

3. Serbia

4. Liechtenstein

The last one was a surprise, so I did a quick dig.

Of all places to have turned up with dirt on Liechtenstein, this Washington Post article from Nov. 11 popped up:


The CIA was running a (shell) company called "Crypto AG" out of Switzerland

Lawyers in Liechtenstein covered all the tracks

" Based in Zug, Switzerland, Crypto was one of the world’s leading suppliers of encryption machines used by foreign governments to keep the communications of their spies, soldiers and diplomats secret. But the company was since the 1970s secretly owned by the CIA and the BND, and had clandestinely collaborated with the National Security Agency, the U.S. code-breaking service, beginning in the 1950s.

The CIA’s ownership of the company was shielded from public view through complex financial transactions orchestrated by a law firm in Liechtenstein. Under NSA and CIA control, Crypto sold rigged systems to more than 100 governments, including Iran, military juntas in Latin America, nuclear rivals India and Pakistan, and even the Vatican.

By exploiting hidden vulnerabilities in the machines’ algorithms, U.S. and German spies read the diplomatic cables and other communications of adversaries as well as some allies. The operation was known internally by code names including “Thesaurus” and “Rubicon.”

A detailed CIA history obtained by The Post depicted the program as a triumph of 20th-century espionage, marveling that “foreign governments were paying good money to the U.S. and [what was then] West Germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by at least two (and possibly as many as five or six) foreign countries.”

That line alluded to the sharing of intelligence gleaned from Crypto devices with allies including the United Kingdom.

[As the U.S. spied on the world, the CIA and NSA bickered]

The CIA history indicates that Swiss authorities were generally aware of, but not directly involved in, the operation. The Swiss report confirms aspects of that classified account but goes further in describing alleged Swiss complicity. Citing Swiss intelligence documents, the report indicates that the Swiss intelligence service was aware by 1993 that Crypto “belonged to foreign intelligence services and exported ‘vulnerable’ devices.”

The report goes on to suggest that the Swiss spy agency, the Strategic Intelligence Service, entered a formal arrangement with the CIA that included access to other countries’ communications."

I'm too stunned by the implications of what the CIA itself called "the intelligence coup of the century" to even react yet. On my second read now.

Code names included "Thesaurus" and "Rubicon".

Who was CIA Director when this thing started? Article specifically mentions the 1970s and 1950s. This stinks like something Allen Dulles would have set up.

List of CIA directors: https://www.britannica.com/topic/list-of-Central-Intelligence-Agency-directors-1787118

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aa66db No.147204

File: b061d14f902b039⋯.png (857.41 KB,1411x934,1411:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719374 (210146ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Navy aircraft Poseidon also in the air

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aa66db No.147205

File: e1b65b1b48ae031⋯.png (480.26 KB,594x470,297:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 38af0596e8e319d⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719394 (210147ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Tweets OAN Video talks about George Soros and OSF (Cap)

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DJT Tweets OAN


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aa66db No.147206

File: 45356d20742f116⋯.png (55.01 KB,837x381,279:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719402 (210148ZNOV20) Notable: CM Im fighting to protect our first amendment rights from subversion by corporations who want to DENY YOUR REPRESENTATION by rendering worthless your vote - your sacred right to free speech.

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Code Monkey

This fight isn’t about who will be president.

Im fighting to protect our first amendment rights from subversion by corporations who want to DENY YOUR REPRESENTATION by rendering worthless your vote - your sacred right to free speech.


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aa66db No.147207

File: 5e5baa9a6b8f1bd⋯.jpg (31.74 KB,561x467,561:467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719405 (210148ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell on Newsmax dropping more dirt on our corrupt voting system. If NSA, DOJ, FBI & CIA knew about it, why didn't they stop it?

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Sidney Powell on Newsmax dropping more dirt on our corrupt voting system.

If NSA, DOJ, FBI & CIA knew about it, why didn't they stop it?


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aa66db No.147208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719498 (210157ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!

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Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!

Sidney Powell joined Howie Carr on Friday for a lengthy interview on the 2020 election and where the Trump defense team stands today.

During the explosive interview Sidney claimed millions of dead people (also known as Democrats) may have voted this year and 7 million votes were likely stolen from President Trump.

If true, that would mean President Trump received over 80 million votes and nearly twenty million more than 2016. President Trump’s total currently stands at 73,750,000 votes.

More from Sidney Powell:

** There are many smoking guns and we are going to need federal protection for many people

** 3 million dead people voted

** A lot of the evidence of fraud is coming out next week. We have more evidence coming in every day. It only gets worse and worse.

** The fraud was very widespread, very deliberate and very well funded.

** Everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it.

** I think the fraud went much further than just President Trump. I think they did it to John James and others.

** We have data out of California in 2016 that Hillary Clinton did it to Bernie Sanders there.

** We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.

** We have a lot of evidence, it’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.

** These are federal court lawsuits. They’re paramount to any future life of our republic.

** We ‘ve got evidence of people being paid. We got check studs from people being paid.


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aa66db No.147209

File: 47191be89036d78⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 947a640128630d0⋯.png (500.69 KB,597x480,199:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719503 (210158ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Tweets OAN Video talks about George Soros and OSF (Cap)

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>>147205 DJT Tweets OAN

DJT Tweets Moar OAN


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aa66db No.147210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719665 (210209ZNOV20) Notable: #14959

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>>147208 Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!

>>147207 Sidney Powell on Newsmax dropping more dirt on our corrupt voting system. If NSA, DOJ, FBI & CIA knew about it, why didn't they stop it?

>>147206 CM Im fighting to protect our first amendment rights from subversion by corporations who want to DENY YOUR REPRESENTATION by rendering worthless your vote - your sacred right to free speech.

>>147205 , >>147209, POTUS Tweets OAN Video talks about George Soros and OSF (Cap)

>>147203 Call for DIG The CIA was running a (shell) company called "Crypto AG" out of Switzerland Lawyers in Liechtenstein

>>147202 Anti trump shit like Kathy Griffin, weird psychedelic artist

>>147201 WATCH THIS CAUSE BAKES SAID SO, silent running

>>147200 The Great Betrayal Brand new documentary about Covid 1984, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, etc etc…

>>147199 Walmart, Inc sold by Walton Family Trust: $67.92m-Nov 20

>>147197 November 15th 1775 The Prelude to the Revolutionary War

>>147198 , >>147196, >>147204, PF

>>147195 Accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse released on $2 million bail

>>147194 Trump Confirms The Pentagon & The CIA Are In Charge Of Foreign Policy

>>147191 Berne Sanders and AOC were "Instructed to COMMIT SABOTAGE within the Government" by Dept. of Defense

>>147189 All 17 Challenges to Governor Inslee's Emergency Powers [for Washington State] rejected AUG 2020

>>147188 In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots

>>147193 , >>147183, >>147187, >>147190, >>147192, Used to be the 1st Director CISA gov AKA Tom Rorow

>>147186 POTUS Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (two days ago)

>>147185 Navy Investigation of Pensacola Shooting Points to ‘Toxic’ Command Climate as Factor

>>147183 Trump fires head of election cybersecurity who debunked conspiracy theories and now rides bikes weeeeeeeee

>>147180 Fifteen Senators (Including Fauxcahontas and Bernie) Want Facebook to Ban ‘Anti-Muslim Hate’

>>147178 AUSTRALIAN 'It would be a brave person to bet against Donald Trump'

>>147177 , >>147184, >>147182, >>147181, >>147179, Patriot Anon Decode, It Starts with a Slow Drip then it becomes a Flood

>>147175 National Library of Australia now have a copy of Australia’s Pedophile Protection Racket and a review from a UK Barrister

>>147174 “30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump”

>>147173 OBAMA: 'We can always send the Navy SEALs' to remove Trump from White House

>>147172 For keks

>>147176 Reminder a helpful fellow, opened a window to help the blast that Q alerted and was averted

>>147171 Ethiopia Accuses ‘Criminal’ W.H.O. Director Tedros of Backing Violent Rebels

>>147170 Tucker live he seems agitated, might be interesting

>>147169 Over $427 Billion is Lost To Tax Havens Every Year


>>147167 Global tax system ‘programmed to fail,’


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aa66db No.147211

File: dda22c2279bf7b1⋯.png (32.46 KB,602x442,301:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719637 (210207ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell You have no idea, but you will find out soon! Obama Brennan Clapper CIA #TrumpWon @LLinWood

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aa66db No.147212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719666 (210209ZNOV20) Notable: Rand Paul: Fauci Will ‘Keep Us Masked Until the End of Time’

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Rand Paul: Fauci Will ‘Keep Us Masked Until the End of Time’

Appearing Thursday on Newsmax, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quipped that Dr. Anthony Fauci, a White House coronavirus task force member, will “keep us masked until the end of time.”

A transcript is as follows:

BOB SELLERS: We’re going into the winter. We’re being warned it’s going to be a bad winter when it comes to COVID. We have the vaccines that are very promising. How do you see the coming months?

SEN. RAND PAUL: The incidence of COVID-positive individuals has gone through the roof… The masks aren’t working, social distancing’s not working. What is my proof? The numbers. The numbers are going through the roof. So all these mask mandates have had no effect on it. The incidence of the virus has gotten worse since we’ve done lockdowns. We should not comfort ourselves with masks. We should push hard to get the vaccine released. I think it’s ready to go for those who are willing to sign an informed consent and voluntarily take it. And I think millions of people would sign up, and we would very quickly get to a large enough number that people would be more satisfied with the safety… I would get it out there, I wouldn’t wait. Fauci’s talking about April. I think that’s a terrible idea. He’s going to keep us masked until the end of time, which does very little of anything to change the course of this.


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aa66db No.147213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719676 (210209ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) announced Friday that he will certify the Peach State’s election results, cementing former Vice President Joe Biden as the winner in the state.

Kemp stated during a press conference that the law requires him to “formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose.” The governor did not explicitly endorse the results.

“State law now requires the governor’s office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose,” he said.

Earlier Friday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Biden’s narrow victory in the state.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by the motto that numbers don’t lie,” Raffensperger said in a press conference. “As secretary of state, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct. The numbers reflect the verdict of the people, not a decision by the secretary of state’s office or of courts or of either campaign.”

Biden is leading President Donald Trump by over 12,000 votes in the state.

As Breitbart News reported, various ballot counting issues plagued Georgia’s election.

On Friday, a DeKalb County elections manager was fired after local officials determined the official “failed to follow our established protocols and blatantly disregarded processes” used to “account for and record all legal and verified ballots.”

“Since the employee’s departure, management’s corrective actions and reviews ultimately yielded 59 additional ballots that were omitted from our court,” DeKalb County officials said.

The Floyd County, Georgia, elections board on Thursday fired its executive director after an audit found ballots left uncounted prior to the county’s initial certification.

FOX 5 reported:

The board met for little more than an hour Thursday afternoon in a special meeting, which resulted in [Floyd Chief of Elections Clerk Robert Brady’s] termination. Officials cited at least two reprimands that Brady received in the past six months as the reason for his firing. […] Election officials discovered around 2,600 votes that were not counted in the county’s total earlier this week during the statewide audit. Election workers ultimately had to recount more than 8,000 ballots to get to the bottom of the problem.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Tuesday an audit of the state’s voting machines found no evidence of tampering.

Raffensperger said in a statement announcing the completion of the audit that there was “no sign of foul play.”

He ordered Pro V&V, a U.S. Election Assistance Commission-certified testing laboratory, to conduct the audit on a random sample of Dominion Voting Systems machines statewide, which used forensic techniques and verification processes to confirm no tampering, cyberattacks, or election hacking.

“Pro V&V found no evidence of the machines being tampered,” the secretary of state’s office said.

“We are glad but not surprised that the audit of the state’s voting machines was an unqualified success,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “Election security has been a top priority since day one of may administration. We have partnered with the Department of Homeland Security, the Georgia Cyber Center, Georgia Tech security experts, and wide range of other election security experts around the state and country so Georgia voters can be confident that their vote is safe and secure.”


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aa66db No.147214

File: 9020a4b7b43f027⋯.jpeg (355.12 KB,640x985,128:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 974a8fd7883b1a9⋯.jpeg (381.92 KB,640x905,128:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719678 (210210ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic: The arrogance..

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-Foreign operated company counting American votes

-Venezuelan company

-Soros connections


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aa66db No.147215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719683 (210210ZNOV20) Notable: Judge Dismisses AZ GOP’s Lawsuit Demanding Hand Recount Based on Precinct

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Judge Dismisses AZ GOP’s Lawsuit Demanding Hand Recount Based on Precinct

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah dismissed a petition from the Republican Party of Arizona on Thursday asking for a hand count audit of the votes in Maricopa County based on precinct rather than by voting centers.

Last week, the Republican Party of Arizona announced a legal challenge, demanding a hand recount of votes by precinct rather than by voting centers, citing the “fundamental difference” between the two.

“[The] most notable being the fact that there were only around 175 voting centers in this election but there were 748 precincts,” the Republican Party of Arizona said in a statement at the time.

Hannah dismissed the petition on Thursday.

“We brought this suit because the statute is clear that to audit, hand audit the electronic count, it is supposed to be done by precincts,” Republican Party of Arizona Chairwoman Kelli Ward said in a Friday update.

“There are 748 precincts while there are only 175 voting centers, so theoretically there would be a larger sample of votes that needed to be hand-counted to adjudicate, or to check on the machine count of these ballots,” she added:

In a formal statement, Ward called for a “full hand count audit” of the state’s election results:

This election has been fraught with tension as voters were forced to adjust to new election procedures put in place because of COVID-19, as well as organized efforts by Democrats across the country which helped lead to a wildly different voting process than in years past. Here in Arizona, we have identified problems in our own process where the will of a Democrat Secretary of State is being substituted for the black letter law passed by the State Legislature.

Our most recent lawsuit sought judicial clarification on the question of whether the Secretary of State’s Elections Procedures Manual would be allowed to supersede state statute. Unfortunately, this ruling instead makes clear to Arizonans that they must ensure that this issue is addressed with new legislation that clearly outlines the parameters in which the Secretary can and cannot impose their own interpretation of our laws in the future.

Arizona voters deserve to have complete trust in their election procedures. They should also have supreme confidence that only legal ballots were counted in the 2020 election. Failure to address their concerns actively harms our state and our nation. Because of this, I stand by my call for a full hand-count audit of our state’s election results.

Our response to today’s order by Judge Hannah rejecting our request for a legal hand-count audit at the precinct level: pic.twitter.com/1cq9phV1Yh

— Arizona Republican Party (@AZGOP) November 19, 2020

Arizona Reps. Andy Biggs (R) and Paul Gosar (R) have also expressed their belief that America “deserves an election audit”:

Me and the great @RepAndyBiggsAZ got something to say about the election. Check out the video. https://t.co/5nRkrlXw9K

— Paul Gosar (@DrPaulGosar) November 17, 2020


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aa66db No.147216

File: 4aba6a69bbd76ed⋯.png (852 KB,930x986,465:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719688 (210211ZNOV20) Notable: The State Department Nuremberg Trials

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Nuremberg Trials

no coincidences


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aa66db No.147217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719702 (210213ZNOV20) Notable: HAPPENING How Dominion Stole PA Edition

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HAPPENING How Dominion Stole PA Edition


In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.

To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct

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aa66db No.147218

File: 348dc4b7fb218e1⋯.png (86.48 KB,693x829,693:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 50e7822d7c2f04c⋯.png (85.81 KB,667x804,667:804,Clipboard.png)

File: d73386e6f0986d1⋯.png (45.51 KB,686x533,686:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719713 (210214ZNOV20) Notable: HIT PIECE More conservatives break with Trump over election claims

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More conservatives break with Trump over election claims

A growing number of conservative Republicans are breaking with President Trump and his legal team over what they view as a dangerous effort to overturn the election results by promoting conspiracy theories.

GOP lawmakers, conservative lawyers and key figures in rightwing media say it is time for his legal team to either back up their claims about fraud or concede defeat to President-elect Joe Biden.

The voices range from Fox News’s Tucker Carlson to Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) to conservative lawyers and thought leaders such as Karl Rove.

For many, the tipping point was Thursday’s press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters led by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, in which they spun an elaborate tale about how a bloc of communist countries had hijacked the nation’s voting machines by installing an algorithm to flip a percentage of Trump votes over to Biden.

The lawyers have not taken that claim to court and have not provided any evidence to support it.

“This is delusional,” said Mark Braden, the former chief counsel at the RNC. “I’m a professional Republican so it’s not easy for me to have to deal with my friends on this. Look — voter fraud occurs. I’ve seen it. It happens. But you have to be realistic about the size and scope of it.”

Republican lawyers interviewed by The Hill said Trump’s early legal challenges on voter fraud were defensible and reasonable, even if they had no chance of changing the outcome of the election. But they’re disturbed by the dark turn things have taken, and worried that Trump’s claims are undermining democracy and misleading millions of his own supporters.

“The Venezuelans didn’t screw around with the voting machines,” Braden said. “That’s 100 percent total nonsense. I don’t know what’s going on here. It’s very dangerous that we’re undermining the system. Democracy isn’t a God-given right. It’s a fragile process. The two most important things are that the person with the most lawful votes wins, and that the people who voted for the losing side also believe their candidate lost. This is undermining that idea and it’s a dangerous thing.”

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who has been largely supportive of the president, fumed at Powell’s unsubstantiated claim that candidates in both parties paid money to the company that makes voting machines to flip ballots.

“That is an offensive comment,” Ernst said. “To insinuate that Republicans and Democratic candidates paid to throw off this election I think is absolutely outrageous, and I do take offense to that.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a staunch Trump ally, said Friday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s past time for lawyers and politicians to be making their claims at press conferences or on cable news.

“This is not the time for politicians or press conferences," Cotton said. “That was during the election. This is a time for evidence in court.”


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aa66db No.147219

File: 658ccc93f9247fa⋯.jpeg (299.27 KB,1242x744,207:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719725 (210214ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion has shut down, lawyered up and MIA. Guilty much ?

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Dominion has shut down, lawyered up and MIA. Guilty much ?


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aa66db No.147220

File: 0c52a81383f5061⋯.jpg (426.51 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719756 (210217ZNOV20) Notable: Transparency is the only way meme

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Transparency is the only way

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aa66db No.147221

File: 27e46e1b7c201bb⋯.png (944.47 KB,966x1813,138:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719760 (210217ZNOV20) Notable: HIT PIECE Mexico agreed with U.S. Attorney General Barr to arrest drug capo in deal for general

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I am not one who believes the flood of LARPs on half chan, but didn't someone post one from someone mentioning a phone call to keep an eye out for?

“The proposals…were from Attorney General Barr,” during a November call, the source said, referring both to the idea to drop charges and the commitment to catch a senior capo.

Asked about whether Barr had proposed to Mexico dropping the charges, rather than the other way round, the Department of Justice spokeswoman said she could not comment on contacts with foreign governments regarding investigative matters."


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aa66db No.147222

File: 843b806c0fb5cd6⋯.jpeg (198.97 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719766 (210218ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic: The arrogance..

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Look what he retweeted day after elections..

The arrogance..

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aa66db No.147223

File: 6b4bdadf0e5c2a5⋯.png (542.06 KB,604x699,604:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719893 (210230ZNOV20) Notable: 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Briefing The Plan. Planning For Victory.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Briefing The Plan. Planning For Victory.

Brigade commander Col. Jared Bordwell briefs Division commander Maj. Gen. Xavier Brunson on plans for the upcoming battle at #JRTC. Such briefings help visualize the battlefield and set conditions for victory.

#ArriveInSilence #TrustInMe


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aa66db No.147224

File: 2734e09e9155e10⋯.jpg (268.11 KB,1200x1556,300:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719903 (210231ZNOV20) Notable: JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963

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JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, where are the number anons on this? If JFK Jr had his way, wouldn't you think this would be the day the whole corrupt effing system would be brought to its knees!?!

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aa66db No.147225

File: b2b59504b8eea83⋯.png (6.25 KB,540x143,540:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719917 (210232ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell You have no idea, but you will find out soon! Obama Brennan Clapper CIA #TrumpWon @LLinWood

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3 stars on handle


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aa66db No.147226

File: 8b2cd78fd7e9ef5⋯.png (95.7 KB,802x598,401:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719923 (210232ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell You have no idea, but you will find out soon! Obama Brennan Clapper CIA #TrumpWon @LLinWood

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with the timestamp

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aa66db No.147227

File: 7af8d879d41fb0f⋯.jpg (124.24 KB,1114x1047,1114:1047,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48fb636d4a491bc⋯.png (927.09 KB,631x768,631:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719931 (210233ZNOV20) Notable: JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963

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aa66db No.147228

File: 1d283273415a15c⋯.jpg (34.14 KB,338x450,169:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719934 (210233ZNOV20) Notable: JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963

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just a perfect day

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aa66db No.147229

File: 2e1596fb6e0cdf9⋯.png (683.37 KB,1283x813,1283:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719952 (210235ZNOV20) Notable: Guy thinks he figured out how Dominion works, shaving votes.. (Cap)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Someone on 4chunk dropped this .

Guy thinks he figured out how Dominion works, shaving votes..

Sorry could not embed.


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aa66db No.147230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719959 (210236ZNOV20) Notable: Maricopa County, AZ Elections Officials Certified Elections Results Moments Ago

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NOW: Maricopa County, AZ Elections Officials Certified Elections Results Moments Ago

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aa66db No.147231

File: 853d763f1431f94⋯.png (226.19 KB,780x475,156:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 381d129b5271e28⋯.png (86 KB,496x200,62:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719960 (210236ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM159 USAF G5 on final approach for JBA-east from ground stop at Peterson AFB

This completes a rt for this AC

Departed JBA west on 1115 to Peterson AFB then 1116 to Vandenburg AFB for an overnight.

On 1117 in departed north for a ground stop at Beale AFB, Yuba City-CA then nw to Ted Stevens Airport, Anchorage-AK for an 1118 arrival.

Yesterday it went from Ted Stevens Airport to se of Fairbanks, AK-Donnely Training Area/Fort Wainwright for a 2.5 hr ground stop then departed to Elmendorf JB Anchorage where it departed earlier today for Peterson

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aa66db No.147232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719964 (210236ZNOV20) Notable: Guy thinks he figured out how Dominion works, shaving votes.. (Cap)

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aa66db No.147233

File: 22fd9825fece0f6⋯.png (26.35 KB,596x324,149:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 75396785e1535c8⋯.png (43.66 KB,597x413,597:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719969 (210236ZNOV20) Notable: CM The walls are closing in. Are you sure you want to certify those votes?

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aa66db No.147234

File: 5c3548c0a906476⋯.jpeg (75.06 KB,492x443,492:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 260a0b7bc092fb8⋯.png (16 KB,977x301,977:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11719988 (210238ZNOV20) Notable: "I will expose my father's killers no matter who they are - even if I have to bring down the Government." – John F. Kennedy Jr.

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"I will expose my father's killers no matter who they are - even if I have to bring down the Government." – John F. Kennedy Jr.

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aa66db No.147235

File: ebeba2258055520⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x1178,600:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720028 (210240ZNOV20) Notable: General FLYNN, Tucker Carlson you are not being genuine in how you represented yourself to Sidney Powell

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aa66db No.147236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720057 (210242ZNOV20) Notable: "P" being "Peabody" bread 14951

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there was a post last night about "P" being "Peabody"

bread 14951


doing a short piece of research

I discovered that Mr Peabody got his first real financing through an englishman… a Mr. Brown who had royal titles and estate

Peabody partnered with JPMorgan after which Morgan inherited the bank

I did not research the bloodlines of Peabody's partner Mr. Brown and

the very special VIP known as "Malloch-Brown"

Molloch ? the owl ?

certainly would be interesting to find out

Peabody was bank of choice for various states in the United States

and there was some scandal when repayment was slow from them

Did Morgan buy those debts?

Was this the beginning of the Fed ?

a family of long time LIBERAL lawmakers ?


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aa66db No.147237

File: eb8c6000838f016⋯.png (256.3 KB,568x798,284:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720062 (210242ZNOV20) Notable: If Kemp certifies that result, he's going to prison.

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aa66db No.147238

File: 9416ebd0d30f92b⋯.jpeg (533.82 KB,1284x1508,321:377,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720090 (210244ZNOV20) Notable: Lin WOOD A few months ago, I pledged to you my life, my fortune & my sacred honor

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A few months ago, I pledged to you my life, my fortune & my sacred honor.

Many of you took that same pledge. We have been fighting back ever since. We are not yet done. The toughest fight may lay ahead of us.

We The People will keep our mutual pledges to freedom & America.

-L Lin Wood


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aa66db No.147239

File: 75bbf5d62d4ebed⋯.png (487.56 KB,600x509,600:509,Clipboard.png)

File: deff547125d21a7⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720117 (210246ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Response on Sidney (Cap)

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Tucker Response on Sidney


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aa66db No.147240

File: bc3a9bc4ba268d8⋯.png (451.24 KB,805x781,805:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720188 (210250ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) announced Friday that he will certify the Peach State’s election results, cementing former Vice President Joe Biden as the winner in the state.

Kemp stated during a press conference that the law requires him to “formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose.” The governor did not explicitly endorse the results.

“State law now requires the governor’s office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose,” he said.

Earlier Friday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Biden’s narrow victory in the state.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by the motto that numbers don’t lie,” Raffensperger said in a press conference. “As secretary of state, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct. The numbers reflect the verdict of the people, not a decision by the secretary of state’s office or of courts or of either campaign.”

Biden is leading President Donald Trump by over 12,000 votes in the state.

As Breitbart News reported, various ballot counting issues plagued Georgia’s election.

On Friday, a DeKalb County elections manager was fired after local officials determined the official “failed to follow our established protocols and blatantly disregarded processes” used to “account for and record all legal and verified ballots.”

“Since the employee’s departure, management’s corrective actions and reviews ultimately yielded 59 additional ballots that were omitted from our court,” DeKalb County officials said.

The Floyd County, Georgia, elections board on Thursday fired its executive director after an audit found ballots left uncounted prior to the county’s initial certification.

FOX 5 reported:

The board met for little more than an hour Thursday afternoon in a special meeting, which resulted in [Floyd Chief of Elections Clerk Robert Brady’s] termination. Officials cited at least two reprimands that Brady received in the past six months as the reason for his firing. […] Election officials discovered around 2,600 votes that were not counted in the county’s total earlier this week during the statewide audit. Election workers ultimately had to recount more than 8,000 ballots to get to the bottom of the problem.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Tuesday an audit of the state’s voting machines found no evidence of tampering.

Raffensperger said in a statement announcing the completion of the audit that there was “no sign of foul play.”

He ordered Pro V&V, a U.S. Election Assistance Commission-certified testing laboratory, to conduct the audit on a random sample of Dominion Voting Systems machines statewide, which used forensic techniques and verification processes to confirm no tampering, cyberattacks, or election hacking.

“Pro V&V found no evidence of the machines being tampered,” the secretary of state’s office said.

“We are glad but not surprised that the audit of the state’s voting machines was an unqualified success,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “Election security has been a top priority since day one of may administration. We have partnered with the Department of Homeland Security, the Georgia Cyber Center, Georgia Tech security experts, and wide range of other election security experts around the state and country so Georgia voters can be confident that their vote is safe and secure.”

The UPI contributed to this report.



How bad is this, anons?

Can we still take to to SCOTUS?


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aa66db No.147241

File: 032652a1e03d5dc⋯.png (171.22 KB,449x358,449:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720220 (210252ZNOV20) Notable: UK raises pressure on China with carrier deployment to Asia

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UK raises pressure on China with carrier deployment to Asia

The U.K. will send an aircraft carrier to Asia in 2021 as diplomatic tensions with China mount over Hong Kong and other hot-button issues, part of new military plans that also include the creation of space and cyber defense forces.

"Next year, HMS Queen Elizabeth will lead a British and allied task group on our most ambitious deployment for two decades, encompassing the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean and East Asia," British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in an online speech to parliament Thursday. Other British officials have raised the possibility of sending a carrier to the Asia-Pacific, though this is the first time Johnson explicitly commented on the idea. The move likely is intended to send a message to China, whose increasing political crackdown on Hong Kong has led to diplomatic tensions with the U.K. Johnson gave no further details on the deployment. But The Times, a British newspaper, reported in July that military chiefs had crafted a plan to base the Queen Elizabeth in the Far East. The carrier could take part in joint exercises with U.S. and Japanese forces as well as freedom of navigation operations designed to challenge maritime claims deemed excessive. In addition to the carrier deployment, Johnson on Thursday announced the creation of a National Cyber Force and a Space Command in response to emerging threats to national security.

The National Cyber Force, which he said was already in operation, drew personnel from the MI6 intelligence service and the Government Communications Headquarters to protect British people and companies from cyberattacks as well as target hostile actors like terrorist cells. Johnson also said the U.K. will launch satellites and its first rocket from Scotland in 2022. Altogether, London plans to spend 16.5 billion pounds ($21.9 billion) more on defense during the next four years than its previous commitment, Johnson said. This brings Britain's total defense budget over the four years to 190 billion pounds, "more than any other European country, and more than any other NATO ally except the United States," he said. Washington has pressured NATO members to boost defense spending under President Donald Trump and is expected to continue doing so after President-elect Joe Biden takes office. British media have largely reported Johnson's plans as a way to reaffirm the U.K.'s commitment to the alliance with the U.S.

Britain also sees increased defense spending as a way to stimulate its coronavirus-hit economy. The U.K. estimates that bolstering its defense industry could create 10,000 new jobs a year.


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aa66db No.147242

File: eefae6c711e1f4f⋯.png (71.82 KB,478x339,478:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720245 (210253ZNOV20) Notable: Joseph J Flynn She is now part of our family you mess with her you mess with us Sidney Powell

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Joseph J Flynn


She is now part of our family you mess with her you mess with us @SidneyPowell1

Guardian Angel of American Justice

#FlynnFighters #FightBackForAmerica #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica

General Flynn


· 18m

.@TuckerCarlson you are not being genuine in how you represented yourself to @SidneyPowell1 Why are you acting like a “Bell Ringer” and not a real journalist as @DineshDSouza highlights in his outstanding video below.

Seek truth not vengeance


8:46 PM · Nov 20, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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aa66db No.147243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720356 (210300ZNOV20) Notable: 14960

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11719635


>>147242 Joseph J Flynn She is now part of our family you mess with her you mess with us Sidney Powell

>>147241 UK raises pressure on China with carrier deployment to Asia

>>147239 Tucker Response on Sidney (Cap)

>>147237 If Kemp certifies that result, he's going to prison.

>>147238 Lin WOOD A few months ago, I pledged to you my life, my fortune & my sacred honor

>>147236 "P" being "Peabody" bread 14951

>>147235, General FLYNN, Tucker Carlson you are not being genuine in how you represented yourself to Sidney Powell

>>147234 "I will expose my father's killers no matter who they are - even if I have to bring down the Government." – John F. Kennedy Jr.

>>147233 CM The walls are closing in. Are you sure you want to certify those votes?

>>147231 PF

>>147230 Maricopa County, AZ Elections Officials Certified Elections Results Moments Ago

>>147229 , >>147232, Guy thinks he figured out how Dominion works, shaving votes.. (Cap)

>>147224 , >>147227, >>147228, JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963

>>147223 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Briefing The Plan. Planning For Victory.

>>147221 HIT PIECE Mexico agreed with U.S. Attorney General Barr to arrest drug capo in deal for general

>>147220 Transparency is the only way meme

>>147219 Dominion has shut down, lawyered up and MIA. Guilty much ?

>>147218 HIT PIECE More conservatives break with Trump over election claims

>>147217 HAPPENING How Dominion Stole PA Edition

>>147216 The State Department Nuremberg Trials

>>147215 Judge Dismisses AZ GOP’s Lawsuit Demanding Hand Recount Based on Precinct

>>147214 , >>147222, Smartmatic: The arrogance..

>>147240 , >>147213, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

>>147212 Rand Paul: Fauci Will ‘Keep Us Masked Until the End of Time’

>>147211 , >>147226, >>147225, Sidney Powell You have no idea, but you will find out soon! Obama Brennan Clapper CIA #TrumpWon @LLinWood


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aa66db No.147244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720448 (210311ZNOV20) Notable: Collection: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files

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Digital Identifier:


Folder Title:

National Security Action Memoranda [NSAM]: NSAM 57, Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations

Date(s) of Materials:

28 June 1961

Folder Description:

This folder contains a copy of National Security Action Memoranda number 57 (NSAM 57) titled, “Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations,” to Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Allen Dulles from McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.


Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files



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aa66db No.147245

File: ae83e1a08a323d9⋯.png (221.98 KB,599x659,599:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720467 (210313ZNOV20) Notable: 36 National Guard troops will be sent to El Paso to help with mortuary operations

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36 National Guard troops will be sent to El Paso to help with mortuary operations. Deaths in El Paso are rising faster than the county's ability to investigate. A second morgue will be opened



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aa66db No.147246

File: caf6968eafe913b⋯.png (139.58 KB,1052x616,263:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720484 (210314ZNOV20) Notable: Ventura County Sheriff joins others in region who will not actively enforce Governor’s Curfew order

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Ventura County Sheriff joins others in region who will not actively enforce Governor’s Curfew order

November 20, 2020

By Debra Tash

On Thursday Governor Newsom announced a curfew be imposed on residents of California. This was done to supposedly to combat the spread of COVID 19, which spreads only in the dark, at least when it comes to Newsom. The curfew, starts on the evening of November 21st and will be in effect until December 21st. It goes from 10PM at night to 5AM in the morning. Forty one of the state’s counties would be affected. However, sheriffs from around the Los Angeles area, including for Ventura, will not actively enforce the order. LA’s sheriff aims for the “voluntary compliance/education” approach.

On November 6th, Newsom was at a party with 11 other attendees, which included his wife, the head of the California Medical Association and a lobbyist. He got caught enjoying his freedom at the tony French Laundry eatery in Napa for a maskless, indoor, birthday party with no social distancing. It’s okay. He said he was sorry. Good boy.

So now what’s good for the goose isn’t apparently good for the gander in the state of California.

Hats off to our sheriffs. They must have better things to do than go after citizens for violating an arbitrary order from Herr Newsom.



We’ve now heard from every Sheriff in our SoCal viewing area. San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura, & Riverside Counties will not actively enforce the curfew order. LA Sheriff will take a voluntary compliance/education first approach, will not make any arrests related to order @FOXLA

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aa66db No.147247

File: 83e06329dab68ed⋯.jpg (33.89 KB,578x319,578:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720486 (210315ZNOV20) Notable: Permanent withdrawal or rotation? Another batch of US military vehicles exit Syria

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Permanent withdrawal or rotation? Another batch of US military vehicles exit Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – For the third time this week, a U.S. military convoy has exited Syrian territory for neighboring Iraq, amid reports of a U.S. reduction in forces around the Arab Republic.

According to a field report on Friday, a U.S. military convoy, consisting of 30 trucks, was seen crossing from Syria’s Al-Hasakah Governorate to neighboring Iraq’s Nineveh Governorate.

The report said the trucks consisted of logistical equipment and U.S. soldiers that were being transferred to Iraq for either troop rotation or permanent withdrawal.

Earlier this week, at least two U.S. military convoys, consisting of dozens of transport vehicles, were seen crossing into Iraq from the Al-Walid Crossing in eastern Al-Hasakah.

As pointed out above, it is not clear whether or not these withdrawals are merely troop rotations or permanent withdrawals; however, a source in the Al-Hasakah Governorate said that they have not seen any new forces inside the northeastern part of the country.


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aa66db No.147248

File: 0f5bd127ded5b1c⋯.jpg (161.79 KB,771x1000,771:1000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 146b51e005e3705⋯.jpg (173.76 KB,771x1000,771:1000,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b511372e25ec68⋯.jpg (232.21 KB,771x1000,771:1000,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720491 (210315ZNOV20) Notable: Collection: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files

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aa66db No.147249

File: f0b097b9a18f3e2⋯.png (374.02 KB,535x548,535:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720494 (210316ZNOV20) Notable: Jupiter, Saturn to appear as 'double planet' next month in ‘exceptionally rare’ event

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Jupiter, Saturn to appear as 'double planet' next month in ‘exceptionally rare’ event



Sky event

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aa66db No.147250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720497 (210316ZNOV20) Notable: First US troops withdraw from Iraq since Trump replaced US Defense Secretary

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First US troops withdraw from Iraq since Trump replaced US Defense Secretary

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 P.M.) – The spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Operations Command, Major General Tahsin Al-Khafaji, announced on Friday, the withdrawal of the first batch of U.S. forces from Iraq, according to the agreement with Washington.

Al-Khafaji said in a statement to Russia’s Sputnik Agency that the American forces in Iraq are not combat units, adding: “We only have those who meet the support for air strikes to target ISIS remnants, and logistical and advisory.”

“Today, the American forces began to withdraw and the number is 500, who were announced in accordance with the agreement between Baghdad and Washington recently,” he said.

The spokesperson for the Iraqi Joint Operations Command noted that the “withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq will take place within a very short period, according to a schedule between Iraq and the United States, and according to specific timings.”

Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein revealed last Wednesday that Baghdad and Washington had reached an agreement to withdraw 500 American soldiers from Iraq, following discussions that took place during a phone call between the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo .


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aa66db No.147251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720500 (210316ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden Says He Doesn't Need Voters To Get Elected

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Joe Biden Says He Doesn't Need Voters To Get Elected

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aa66db No.147252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720551 (210321ZNOV20) Notable: Flynn calling out Tucker

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Flynn calling out Tucker


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aa66db No.147253

File: 86eee60fc1378cb⋯.jpg (3 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720578 (210323ZNOV20) Notable: [AWACS] two of them up over the US right now

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[AWACS] two of them up over the US right now


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aa66db No.147254

File: cd21f72d4fa148c⋯.png (121.01 KB,816x472,102:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720583 (210323ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM042 USAF G5 departed Kahului, Maui wn after a ground stop and back to Hicakam AFB

This AC departed JBA on 1118 and had a ground stop at Travis AFB for about 40 minutes prior to departing for Hickam AFB Oahu on 1119.

Earlier it departed Hickam with a ground stop at Kahului, Maui

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aa66db No.147255

File: 521aad259034292⋯.png (1.06 MB,1855x948,1855:948,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720597 (210324ZNOV20) Notable: December 21st 2020 Sky Event - Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

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December 21st 2020

Sky Event - Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

Dark to Light - Winter Solstice 5.02 AM EST

Full Moon Coming - Next full after 21st- Dec 29th

What do you want for Xmas?




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aa66db No.147256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720608 (210325ZNOV20) Notable: Man in the Long Black Coat, Bob Dylan

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aa66db No.147257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720618 (210327ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump Activates JFK National Security Action Memo 57!

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DARK JOURNALIST: President Trump Activates JFK National Security Action Memo 57!

In this special live broadcast Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt highlights that in order for Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to issue his order that Special Operations now must report directly to him he needed to execute the power held in the JFK National Security Action Memorandum 57 (NSAM 57) designed to bypass the CIA!

Though Daniel hasn't mentioned Q so far, the discussion is highly relevant to the probable Q plan, including the election fraud and around 45min he starts talking about the "very interesting" individual named "Ezra."

Its almost like an independent "normie" confirmation by a CIA researcher about things which anons already know from reading Q's posts.

Highly recommended…

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aa66db No.147258

File: 844eac798495fc0⋯.png (374.93 KB,535x587,535:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720620 (210327ZNOV20) Notable: Jonathan Pollard, an American jailed in 1985 for spying for Israel

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Jonathan Pollard, an American jailed in 1985 for spying for Israel, was released from strict parole conditions, allowing his move to Israel, the US Justice Department said


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aa66db No.147259

File: e6f8dce60365c41⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,801x449,801:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720648 (210329ZNOV20) Notable: ‘What happened to academic freedom?’: Scientist fumes as Facebook flags Covid-19 study questioning mask effectiveness as ‘false'

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‘What happened to academic freedom?’: Scientist fumes as Facebook flags Covid-19 study questioning mask effectiveness as ‘false'

Social media cannot be allowed to suppress scientific discourse, critics said after Facebook ‘fact-checkers’ flagged as ‘false’ an Oxford professor’s report citing the Danish study on effectiveness of facemasks against Covid-19.

“[What] has happened to academic freedom and freedom of speech? There is nothing in this article that is 'false',” Carl Heneghan, the director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, wondered on Friday.

Here's what happened when I posted our latest @spectator article to Facebook - I'm aware this is happening to others - what has happened to academic freedom and freedom of speech? There is nothing in this article that is 'false' pic.twitter.com/8Kdmw38ICC

— Carl Heneghan (@carlheneghan) November 20, 2020

He posted a screenshot of Facebook flagging his article for the Spectator magazine as ‘False information,’ citing “independent fact-checkers.”


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aa66db No.147260

File: 01e439112772d86⋯.jpg (57.98 KB,599x466,599:466,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720672 (210332ZNOV20) Notable: Chicago: 2020 On Track to Surpass 700 Homicides and Become the City’s Deadliest Year

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Chicago: 2020 On Track to Surpass 700 Homicides and Become the City’s Deadliest Year

Data from the medical examiner’s office shows that 2020 might become Chicago’s deadliest year.

The Chicago Sun-Times analyzed the data. Chicago has already seen 694 homicides this year. There were 680 homicides in 2016 during the same time period.

However, the medical examiner’s office has 715 homicides in 2020. The Chicago Sun-Times does not include “police-involved shootings and other self-defense shootings” unlike the medical examiner.

Chicago, which has strict gun laws, also has 53% more shootings in 2020 than in 2019 during this time period.

The city has already hit milestones when it comes to homicides.

May 31 was the deadliest day in Chicago in 60 years. 18 murders occurred in a span of 24 hours.

Record gun violence happened during Father’s Day weekend with 104 shooting victims and 14 fatalities. Five minors died, including a 3-year-old boy.

It had its deadliest September since the early 1990s with 81 homicides, only three fewer than the 84 in September 1993.


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aa66db No.147261

File: 00364ab8979a0e2⋯.jpg (96.76 KB,880x561,80:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720690 (210334ZNOV20) Notable: US Army combines European and African commands

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US Army combines European and African commands

The U.S. Army announced Friday that two of its service commands, U.S. Army Europe and U.S. Army Africa, will be consolidated into one new command called U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF).

The new consolidated command will be led by one four-star commander and will operate from a “rotational forward headquarters in Poznan, Poland,” U.S. Army said in a statement to American Military News.

The purpose of the consolidation is to redirect focus on strategic-level tasks, and streamline the command’s response efforts and other functions, the statement said.

“This consolidation enhances global and regional readiness in support of the National Defense Strategy,” said Ryan D. McCarthy, Secretary of the Army, in the statement. “The new structure will increase command and control effectiveness, flexibility and the capability to conduct large-scale, joint and multi-domain operations.”

In October, it was reported that Lt. Gen. Christopher Cavoli would be leading the newly combined command. Cavoli had led U.S. Army Europe since January 2018.


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aa66db No.147262

File: cfe7384fb6716c2⋯.png (66.16 KB,688x737,688:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 0efe226f29e8456⋯.png (31.38 KB,652x652,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720693 (210335ZNOV20) Notable: Is Dominion behind the c19 case numbers? COVID-19 Total Antibody Serology Testing

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>Is Dominion behind the c19 case numbers?

COVID-19 Total Antibody Serology Testing


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aa66db No.147263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720696 (210335ZNOV20) Notable: Man in the Long Black Coat, Bob Dylan

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Man in the Long Black Coat

Bob Dylan

Crickets are chirpin' the water is high

There's a soft cotton dress on the line hangin' dry

Window wide open African trees

Bent over backwards from a hurricane breeze

Not a word of goodbye not even a note

She gone with the man in the long black coat

Somebody seen him hangin' around

At the old dance hall on the outskirts of town

He looked into her eyes when she stopped him to ask

If he wanted to dance he had a face like a mask

Somebody said from the bible he'd quote

There was dust on the man in the long black coat

Preacher was talking there's a sermon he gave

He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved

You cannot depend on it to be your guide

When it's you who must keep it satisfied

It ain't easy to swallow it sticks in the throat

She gave her heart to the man in the long black coat

There are no mistakes in life some people say

It is true sometimes you can see it that way

But people don't live or die people just float

She went with the man in the long black coat

There's smoke on the water it's been there since June

Tree trunks uprooted beneath the high crescent moon

With a pulse and vibration and a rumbling force

Somebody is out there beating on a dead horse

It ain't easy to swallow it sticks in the throat

To give a heart to the man in the long black coat

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aa66db No.147264

File: 110f99a0ed076c0⋯.jpeg (351.84 KB,1197x1337,171:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720701 (210336ZNOV20) Notable: Dig on COVID map software

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Dig on COVID map software


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aa66db No.147265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720709 (210337ZNOV20) Notable: KRAKEN supercomputer

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aa66db No.147266

File: 7b98adad17b8e7f⋯.jpg (72.83 KB,595x383,595:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720721 (210338ZNOV20) Notable: 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump

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Unity Not Division

WOW! 30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump

Don’t tell FOX News!

Rasmussen Polling found this week that 75% of Republicans believe it is likely the election was stolen from Trump.

And, even 30% of Democrats believe that it was stolen.

Maybe because it WAS stolen?


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aa66db No.147267

File: 8f8acd44610e7e7⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720733 (210339ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Another [AWACS] just popped up over last Vegas makes 3 now

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aa66db No.147268

File: 6454d6a5461512a⋯.jpg (34.58 KB,637x478,637:478,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720745 (210340ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) announced Friday that he will certify the Peach State’s election results, cementing former Vice President Joe Biden as the winner in the state.

Kemp stated during a press conference that the law requires him to “formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose.” The governor did not explicitly endorse the results.

“State law now requires the governor’s office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose,” he said.

Earlier Friday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Biden’s narrow victory in the state.


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aa66db No.147269

File: 04dbe83b4865a07⋯.png (163.56 KB,811x441,811:441,Clipboard.png)

File: a78f1bbdffc02f9⋯.png (259.23 KB,818x447,818:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 82e240d9184ad6c⋯.png (434.89 KB,633x356,633:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720747 (210341ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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NOVA50 USAF E-3B Sentry AWACS returning to Tinker AFB after some trackin' just north of Cincinnati, OH

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aa66db No.147270

File: f18997a92d82e78⋯.png (17.27 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c84ef591408c5⋯.png (119.08 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720754 (210341ZNOV20) Notable: 18 revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

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aa66db No.147271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720784 (210345ZNOV20) Notable: DARK WINTER started? Over 700 people infected with mysterious disease in Senegal

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It looks exactly like smallpox. Look at the pictures! Dark Winter.


Over 700 people infected with mysterious disease in Senegal

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aa66db No.147272

File: eaa2f2b48ee518a⋯.png (18.21 KB,440x440,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720800 (210347ZNOV20) Notable: CIA shell company Crypto AG, If CIA was able to backdoor crypto and crypto is appeared to be made safe, doesn't this go two ways like FISA?

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>>147203 (pb)

Moar on CIA shell company Crypto AG which ran out of Switzerland where law firm Liechtenstein was used

Founded allegedly in 1952, defunct in 2018.

Crypto AG was established in Switzerland by the Russian-born Swede, Boris Hagelin. Current NHL player for the Washington Capitals, Carl Hagelin, is his great-grandson.

During Boris' time in America, Hagelin became close friends[9] with William F. Friedman, who in 1952 became chief cryptologist for the National Security Agency (NSA) and whom Hagelin had known since the 1930s. Friedman was born Wolf Friedman (Yiddish: װאָלףֿ פֿרידמאַן‎, Russian: Вольф Ф. Фридман), in Chişinău, Bessarabia, the son of Frederick Friedman, a Jew from Bucharest who worked as a translator and linguist for the Russian Postal Service, and the daughter of a well-to-do wine merchant. Friedman's family fled Russia in 1892 to escape the virulent anti-Semitism there, ending up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[1] Three years later, his first name was changed to William.

In 1952, Hagelin's lawyer, Stuart Hedden, also became deputy commander in CIA, Inspector General.

During the 1950s, Hagelin and Friedman had frequent mail correspondence, both personal and business alike.

In 2018, Crypto AG was liquidated, and its assets and intellectual property sold to two new companies. CyOne was created for Swiss domestic sales, while Crypto International AG was founded in 2018 by Swedish entrepreneur Andreas Linde, who acquired the brand name, international distribution network, and product rights from the original Crypto AG. → On Crypto International AG's website (cryto.ch), they deny that they are affiliated with the original Crypto AG.

The following CIA directors would have known about this:

Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, U.S. Army (October 7, 1950–February 9, 1953)

Allen W. Dulles (February 26, 1953–November 29, 1961)

John A. McCone (November 29, 1961–April 28, 1965)

Vice Adm. William F. Raborn, Jr., U.S. Navy (April 28, 1965–June 30, 1966)

Richard M. Helms (June 30, 1966–February 2, 1973)

James R. Schlesinger (February 2, 1973–July 2, 1973)

William E. Colby (September 4, 1973–January 30, 1976)

George H.W. Bush (January 30, 1976–January 20, 1977)

Adm. Stansfield Turner, U.S. Navy (March 9, 1977–January 20, 1981)

William J. Casey (January 28, 1981–January 29, 1987)

William H. Webster (May 26, 1987–August 31, 1991)

Robert M. Gates (November 6, 1991–January 20, 1993)

R. James Woolsey (February 5, 1993–January 10, 1995)

John M. Deutch (May 10, 1995–December 15, 1996)

George J. Tenet (July 11, 1997–July 11, 2004)

Porter J. Goss (September 24, 2004–May 26, 2006)

Gen. Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air Force (May 30, 2006–February 13, 2009)

Leon E. Panetta (February 13, 2009–June 30, 2011)

Gen. David Petraeus, U.S. Army (September 6, 2011–November 9, 2012)

John Brennan (March 8, 2013–January 20, 2017)

Mike Pompeo (January 23, 2017–April 26, 2018)

Gina Haspel (May 21, 2018– )

Also from a simple search engine search on "crypto" and "liechtenstein", it seems that crypto is big there and is a "crypto powerhouse".

Lastly, if CIA was able to backdoor crypto and crypto is appeared to be made safe, doesn't this go two ways like FISA?





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aa66db No.147273

File: cb6a57e4ee7f7f3⋯.jpg (74.92 KB,562x647,562:647,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720806 (210347ZNOV20) Notable: KRAKEN supercomputer

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glad im not the only one who caught that

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aa66db No.147274

File: bc81ec15a8f7421⋯.png (53.53 KB,946x210,473:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720819 (210348ZNOV20) Notable: Kevin Klinesmith Pleaded guilty to altering evidence in Russia probe against Donald TRUMP

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Kevin Klinesmith Pleaded guilty to altering evidence in russia probe against trump. earlier today dont know if it got posted


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aa66db No.147275

File: b9b4adb44220b42⋯.png (107.46 KB,747x472,747:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 225579e0ca99fb8⋯.png (237.93 KB,801x331,801:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720841 (210350ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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VV166817 US Navy F-18 Super Hornet north off Baja Norte.

Not a common sight


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aa66db No.147276

File: f601ce3daba0b9e⋯.jpg (4.16 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720845 (210350ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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And a F18 hornet

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aa66db No.147277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720856 (210351ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Bongino Right there in front of your eyes

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Blaaazzzziiiiiing fast!

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aa66db No.147278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720890 (210354ZNOV20) Notable: Meet Lord Mallock Brown. The Right Honourable The Lord Malloch-Brown

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Meet Lord Mallock Brown. The Right Honourable The Lord Malloch-Brown

•	Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the United Nations


•	2nd Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations


•	Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme


•	Member of the House of Lords



Chairman of Smartmatic Voting Systems https://archive.is/VZvjx

Meet your Globalist adversary


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aa66db No.147279

File: d2f1f5577775ca9⋯.jpg (354.08 KB,1068x882,178:147,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720909 (210356ZNOV20) Notable: Collection: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files

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All the evidence we need we already have.

Part of the psy op is to always claim there is a "missing smoking gun"

If they convince you of that it won't matter how much evidence you have.

"Proof" has to be seen / accepted.

It can be right before everyone, but they will convince you it's not there.

Like stage magic.

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aa66db No.147280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720934 (210358ZNOV20) Notable: Anon this bugging me Something Obama said about Trump should have conceded the election on the same night…

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This is too painful to watch and his body language is beyond dishonest..

But something is bugging me

Something he said about Trump should have conceded the election on the same night…

But we all know they stopped counting

We all know there were mail in ballots being delivered… 4am.

In hindsight.. He knew, he would have known.. Because Clinton told Biden not to concede

Everyone knew we won't have a result that night one way or another..

So why did he say that? He should have conceded… Was the interview per recorded… ? Was is not in on the fix? Did Clinton sideline him so she can net a post in the administration?

Everyone had agreed not to rush to call the election the night of.

So why did he say that..

it's bugging me.

Help anyone?

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aa66db No.147281

File: 49851936650e568⋯.jpg (4.11 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720964 (210401ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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That makes 4 [AWACS]

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aa66db No.147282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720968 (210401ZNOV20) Notable: Seven MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Violent Crime and Drug Distribution Conspiracy

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Seven MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Violent Crime and Drug Distribution Conspiracy

Conspired to Commit Acts Involving Murder, Intimidation, and Assault

A federal grand jury in Nashville, Tennessee, returned a 16-count superseding indictment Wednesday, charging seven MS-13 gang members with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana and serious firearm-related offenses, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Don Cochran for the Middle District of Tennessee.

Those charged include Carlos Ochoa-Martinez, 31, aka “El Serio,” Jason Sandoval, 35, aka “Bin Laden,” Jorge Flores, 28, aka “Peluche,” all of Nashville; Jose Pineda-Caceres, 22, aka “Demente,” and Franklin Hernandez, 21, aka “Happy,” both of Honduras; Gerson Serrano-Ramirez, 33, aka “Frijole,” of El Salvador and Juan Melendez,” aka “Shaggy,” of Lebanon, Tennessee.

The indictment alleges that beginning in 2014 and continuing until yesterday, the defendants conspired with each other to obtain bulk quantities of marijuana and cocaine for redistribution in and around middle Tennessee. Once the drugs were received, the defendants would reduce them into smaller quantities and sell them in and around nightclubs in Nashville and from the parking lots and restrooms of these establishments. In order to maximize drug distribution in these nightclubs, the defendants would threaten rival and competing drug dealers who sold and attempted to sell cocaine and marijuana in the nightclubs.


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aa66db No.147283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720980 (210403ZNOV20) Notable: KRAKEN supercomputer

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"watch the water"


"the beast comes out of the sea"

he first beast comes "out of the sea" and is given authority and power by the dragon. This first beast is initially mentioned in Revelation 11:7 as coming out of the abyss. His appearance is described in detail in Revelation 13:1-10, and some of the mystery behind his appearance is revealed in Revelation 17:7-18.

The second beast comes "out of the earth" and directs all peoples of the earth to worship the first beast. The second beast is associated with Revelation 13:11-18 the false prophet.

The two beasts are aligned with the dragon in opposition to God. They persecute the "saints" and those who do "not worship the image of the beast [of the sea]" and influence the kings of the earth to gather for the battle of Armageddon.[1] The two beasts are defeated by Christ and are thrown into the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation 19:18-20.

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aa66db No.147284

File: f53fb24a894450a⋯.png (436.51 KB,610x578,305:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11720992 (210403ZNOV20) Notable: Lab owner gets prison time for faking drug tests that cost parents custody of kids

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Lab owner gets prison time for faking drug tests that cost parents custody of kids



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aa66db No.147285

File: 3964b1db3d9c911⋯.png (3.68 MB,3825x1944,425:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721001 (210404ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Planefags is this normal?

[GNDTEST] near Dallas, TX?

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aa66db No.147286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721018 (210406ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Voting Officials FAIL TO APPEAR for a hearing with PA Legislature, now in hiding

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Dominion Voting Officials FAIL TO APPEAR for a hearing with PA Legislature, now in hiding.

It's all falling apart, Bidenbitches.

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aa66db No.147287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721028 (210407ZNOV20) Notable: Anon this bugging me Something Obama said about Trump should have conceded the election on the same night…

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That's the worst kept secret in the world, Anon

They had to stop the count in those states, as Sydney Powell told us, because Trumps vote count was so massive it was going to overwhelm the algorithm they had already put into the machine the night before. They had to stop the count and print up a bunch of fake ballots, to get Biden over the hump or the vote switching algo was not going to switch enough votes to make it a win. That is what Sidney said got them caught.

In reality, that is how Sidney caught them. The DoD was monitoring in ways that would have even spotted the dominion algo swapping votes, and you could even see that on some CNN updates.

But if you are right and this was prerecorded and they had planned for the count to be done on election night without a big obvious blow up like they had, it would make sense for him to say that. They had to know there is no way a guy like Trump would concede the night of.

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aa66db No.147288

File: dcef0edb995b5e8⋯.png (792.65 KB,1640x1011,1640:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721067 (210411ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Looks to me like like night A2A refueling ops. Possibly training. A2A routes superimposed on map in image.

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aa66db No.147289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721102 (210413ZNOV20) Notable: #14961

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11720449

@ 650

>>147286 Dominion Voting Officials FAIL TO APPEAR for a hearing with PA Legislature, now in hiding

>>147264 Dig on COVID map software

>>147262 Is Dominion behind the c19 case numbers? COVID-19 Total Antibody Serology Testing

>>147284 Lab owner gets prison time for faking drug tests that cost parents custody of kids

>>147282 Seven MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Violent Crime and Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>147280 , >>147287, Anon this bugging me Something Obama said about Trump should have conceded the election on the same night…

>>147278 Meet Lord Mallock Brown. The Right Honourable The Lord Malloch-Brown

>>147277 Dan Bongino Right there in front of your eyes

>>147274 Kevin Klinesmith Pleaded guilty to altering evidence in Russia probe against Donald TRUMP

>>147272 CIA shell company Crypto AG, If CIA was able to backdoor crypto and crypto is appeared to be made safe, doesn't this go two ways like FISA?

>>147271 DARK WINTER started? Over 700 people infected with mysterious disease in Senegal

>>147270 18 revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

>>147268 Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

>>147266 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump

>>147265 , >>147273, >>147283, KRAKEN supercomputer

>>147261 US Army combines European and African commands

>>147260 Chicago: 2020 On Track to Surpass 700 Homicides and Become the City’s Deadliest Year

>>147259 ‘What happened to academic freedom?’: Scientist fumes as Facebook flags Covid-19 study questioning mask effectiveness as ‘false'

>>147258 Jonathan Pollard, an American jailed in 1985 for spying for Israel

>>147257 President Trump Activates JFK National Security Action Memo 57!

>>147263 , >>147256, Man in the Long Black Coat, Bob Dylan

>>147255 December 21st 2020 Sky Event - Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

>>147254 , >>147267, >>147269, >>147275, >>147276, >>147281, >>147285, >>147288,PF

>>147253 [AWACS] two of them up over the US right now

>>147252 Flynn calling out Tucker

>>147251 Joe Biden Says He Doesn't Need Voters To Get Elected

>>147250 First US troops withdraw from Iraq since Trump replaced US Defense Secretary

>>147249 Jupiter, Saturn to appear as 'double planet' next month in ‘exceptionally rare’ event

>>147247 Permanent withdrawal or rotation? Another batch of US military vehicles exit Syria

>>147246 Ventura County Sheriff joins others in region who will not actively enforce Governor’s Curfew order

>>147245 36 National Guard troops will be sent to El Paso to help with mortuary operations

>>147244 , >>147248, >>147279, Collection: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files


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aa66db No.147290

File: c87fd5d747be8db⋯.png (368.22 KB,601x659,601:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721190 (210419ZNOV20) Notable: The NYT has invited 'people of color and gender nonconforming candidates' to apply for a job in a country they think is literally full of Bond villains

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The NYT has invited 'people of color and gender nonconforming candidates' to apply for a job in a country they think is literally full of Bond villains.


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aa66db No.147291

File: 1068f7587069cc1⋯.png (82.04 KB,1233x569,1233:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721196 (210420ZNOV20) Notable: Any Tech anons out there who can disyfer this. Dominionvoting.com

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Any Tech anons out there who can disyfer this.


They have/had a Belgrad site?

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aa66db No.147292

File: 937ed9b2fcf84d6⋯.png (531.93 KB,601x632,601:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721212 (210421ZNOV20) Notable: “People ask me ‘when do we go to an orange zone?’ I have no crystal ball and I’m not in the prophecy business," Gov. Cuomo

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“People ask me ‘when do we go to an orange zone?’ I have no crystal ball and I’m not in the prophecy business," Gov. Cuomo said.


lots of Orange talk from different places

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aa66db No.147293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721238 (210424ZNOV20) Notable: Any Tech anons out there who can disyfer this. Dominionvoting.com

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I found it by plugging in dominion name in this website: >https://dnsdumpster.com/

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aa66db No.147294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721244 (210425ZNOV20) Notable: DRUNKEN neighbor has been up on his roof for the last hour, sitting in his lawn chair and shouting patriotic slogans along with “we have it all you traitorous bastards!” As a patriot, I have no choice except to grab a bottle and climb up there with him. Wish me luck.

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My drunk neighbor has been up on his roof for the last hour, sitting in his lawn chair and shouting patriotic slogans along with “we have it all you traitorous bastards!” As a patriot, I have no choice except to grab a bottle and climb up there with him. Wish me luck.

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aa66db No.147295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721269 (210427ZNOV20) Notable: Juan o Savin Nevada have your party written on the envelopes over 20,000 people who voted but records show they did not vote

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Was listening to the latest Juan osavin.

He said that mail in ballots in Nevada have your party written on the envelopes. There were over 20,000 people who voted but records show they did not vote.

All Republicans, we can assume.

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aa66db No.147296

File: d6219e0e6f80299⋯.png (8.26 KB,238x290,119:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 958e11575612902⋯.png (96.77 KB,480x403,480:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f6da097f164b64⋯.png (115.38 KB,480x404,120:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d12838ee14634c⋯.png (99.84 KB,480x431,480:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721314 (210433ZNOV20) Notable: Giuffre v Maxwell DE 1158

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147297

File: 0a2b929f545703c⋯.png (39.78 KB,597x513,199:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721327 (210434ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell He doesn't need to. He already decided to Release The Kraken He can sit back with popcorn and watch the show Donald Trump Dan Scavino Richard Grenell LLin Wood Gen Flynn Maria Bartiromo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He doesn't need to. He already decided to #ReleaseTheKraken

He can sit back with


and watch the show








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aa66db No.147298

File: 517c7f5a6bbcba0⋯.png (89.15 KB,591x409,591:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721367 (210437ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood, Joe Biden, People are going to prison for trying to ruthlessly overthrow our Constitution & duly elected President

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Lin Wood is on it like white on rice..how biden know the Plandemic was coming?


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aa66db No.147299

File: beac2a987db00af⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,501x793,501:793,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 833bf3b87c94d93⋯.jpg (522.68 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721389 (210439ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood FREE AT LAST!!!

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From L to R:

Attorney John Pierce



Actor Ricky Schroder


Thank you, All Donors.

Thank you, All Patriots.

Thank God Almighty.


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aa66db No.147300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721425 (210443ZNOV20) Notable: “DORMINION” miss spelling???

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I found the contract for Dominion Voting in this MN county:



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aa66db No.147301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721438 (210445ZNOV20) Notable: Feds arrest hundreds, seize drugs in Operation Washout Roswell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is at least the 2nd big bust in NM that coincides directly with Covid death concentrations and concerns. Governor closed all but one grocery store in Roswell this week.

Last week they busted the Navajo Reservation (huge covid deaths) for having a Marijauna Operation 1000+ greenhouses, 250,000 plants)

Feds arrest hundreds, seize drugs in Operation Washout Roswell

ROSWELL, N.M. (KRQE) – Crime in New Mexico continues to be a growing problem. Friday, federal and local law enforcement announced the results of an operation in southeast New Mexico that led to the arrest of 100 suspected criminals. Operation Washout Roswell ran from Nov. 16 to Nov. 19.

According to a news release from the U.S. Marshal Service, Operation Washout is a national initiative focused on the investigation and arrest of violent fugitives with active arrest warrants, by providing an immediate-impact operational model meant to support partner agencies and provide communities with relief from violent crime.

“A lot of that is drug smuggling, a lot of those drugs end up here and end up on the streets in these communities, we have an obligation to help,” said Eric, the Special Agent in charge of the Homeland Security New Mexico and West Texas Division.

The U.S. Marshals Office, DEA, and local law enforcement agencies made 100 arrests in a week. They targeted violent criminals and drug organizations in Roswell.

“October 2019, along with our law enforcement partners we initiated an investigation into a drug trafficking organization operating here in Roswell; They were trafficking very large amounts of methamphetamine,” said Kyle Williamson, Special Agent in charge of the DEA, El Paso Division.

The arrests this week was the culmination of a year-long investigation. Seventeen people were arrested apart of the same drug ring on a 66-count indictment. Authorities confiscated weapons, drugs, and money in the raids. The Fifth Judicial District Attorney said Roman Reyes-Mesa, who is still on the loose and wanted for conspiracy to traffic methamphetamine, is why the operation happened.

The DA’s office, Chaves County, Lea County, and the Roswell Police Chief expressed the importance of having federal agencies involved.

“So what we have to do to make sure that these people don’t continue to act and degrade the community here and our quality of life is we bring in our federal partners,” said Roswell Police Chief Philip Smith.

The special agent in charge of the DEA El Paso Division said operations like this will happen more frequently.

“We will do a few operations a year, we will look at some of the biggest problems or biggest threats in the area and we will go after those but then afterward we’re gone, but not this time,” said DEA Special Agent Kyle Williamson.

In addition, the DEA seized 120 pounds of methamphetamine worth over a million dollars at street value.

“We made over 100 arrests this week also seized 17 firearms and also seized about 6,000 grams of narcotics including heroin, meth, and marijuana,” Sonya K. Chavez, Special Agent in charge for the U.S. Marshals Office, New Mexico Division.

Federal officials said Ramon Reyes-Mesa may have already fled to Mexico. They’re asking anyone who knows where he is, to call the police.


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aa66db No.147302

File: 6c3a13b5dac8b39⋯.jpg (223.63 KB,1046x800,523:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721444 (210445ZNOV20) Notable: NO JOKE: A few hours ago, Biden tweeted asking for more money "to help fund the Biden-Harris transition". Big red flag!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NO JOKE: A few hours ago, Biden tweeted asking for more money "to help fund the Biden-Harris transition". Big red flag!


He says they have to fund it themselves…sounds like they REALLY legitimately won!

To my understanding, funds are allocated for transitioning by the government (if the elector is actually certified the victor, which hasn't happened). Plus, didn't he get over a billion in donations while running? His sparse campaign "events" were hardly pricey enough to drain all that…not to mention the family money & billionaire buddies.

& I gotta recall the Executive order put in place a while back: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

Has this already been put into effect & have the assets been frozen? Is he trying to get enough money to attempt to run and hide?

& also gotta point out how awful it is to be asking for money when the American people are hurting & in need financially themselves, plus he keeps throwing out "promises" of all sorts of financial relief at the same time he's asking…

comments are pretty good…some seem to be waking & questioning…

Those that are mindlessly continuing to comply with something so blatantly wrong…I almost feel bad/sad for them…I'm sure it'll be crap to realize they are being played for "useful idiots", but I'm not sure if they're capable of ever realizing that at all at this point…


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aa66db No.147303

File: 860b14870d25485⋯.png (479.82 KB,599x656,599:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721477 (210448ZNOV20) Notable: After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down

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After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down.


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aa66db No.147304

File: 15b1039723aa3c1⋯.jpg (148.9 KB,771x1000,771:1000,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721524 (210452ZNOV20) Notable: After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down

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Maybe a nod to NASM 57 by Kennedy?

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aa66db No.147305

File: 500c62599548775⋯.png (10.52 KB,115x97,115:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721539 (210453ZNOV20) Notable: After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down

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Ahh hah!

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aa66db No.147306

File: de9cf371416b120⋯.png (153.08 KB,1006x662,503:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721564 (210455ZNOV20) Notable: After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down

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SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses hundreds of thousands of computers connected to the Internet to scan the firmament in search of regularities or small amounts of radiation that indicate the existence of intelligent life. How does it work?

Very simple. From some of the greatest radio-telescopes of the world millions of data are collected that are then sent to users that use this screensaver to process them and search for regular patterns.

Participating in the project is totally free and very straightforward. Install the screensaver and when your computer isn’t busy it will work on the SETI project. The program will show you detailed information of the process with graphics in real time and numerous data from your evolution in the project.

The tiniest possibility exists that your PC is what detects a signal from extraterrestrial life from the great beyond. But it exists! A scientific environment for your PC that surely will arouse the curiosity of those that see your new screensaver.


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aa66db No.147307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721570 (210456ZNOV20) Notable: Texas State Board of Education passes first changes to sex-ed curriculum in 23 years

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No more gender BS in Texas

Texas State Board of Education passes first changes to sex-ed curriculum in 23 years

The board faced criticism from LGBTQ+ advocates when it voted down an amendment that would have added definitions for sexual orientation and gender identity in September.


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aa66db No.147308

File: 1b6095606da2f1c⋯.png (463.67 KB,633x1135,633:1135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721599 (210458ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Circuit Courts have been Reassigned MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh WI - Amy Coney Barrett PA - Samuel A. Alito GA - Clarence Thomas

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BREAKING: Circuit Courts have been Reassigned

Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42. Look who is in charge of MI, WI, PA, and GA:

Flag of United StatesFlexed biceps

MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh

WI - Amy Coney Barrett

PA - Samuel A. Alito

GA - Clarence Thomas


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aa66db No.147309

File: 9339a3b5138fcc0⋯.png (596.38 KB,1698x1520,849:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721607 (210459ZNOV20) Notable: Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

All eyes have been on California district 21 as Republican David Valadao and Democrat TJ Cox battled it out in Fresno County weeks after Election Day.

Recall, as soon as Republican congressional candidate David Valadao pulled ahead of Democrat Cox by over 4,000 votes last Tuesday night, elections officials halted counting ballots due to “Covid-19 exposure.”

Kings County’s Elections Department announced they were suspending canvassing operations until Saturday, November 21st due to a COVID-19 exposure.

It is now being projected that Valadao will win California district 21.

The San Joaquin Valley Sun is projecting that former Rep. David Valadao will defeat Democrat incumbent TJ Cox.

Nov. 20, 2020, 4:21 p.m.: With an update of 11,472 provisional ballots breaking 53.67 percent for Rep. TJ Cox (D–Fresno) and putting an insufficient dent into his deficit, The San Joaquin Valley Sun is projecting that former Rep. David Valadao (R–Hanford) will reclaim his seat in Congress.

Current estimates for remaining uncounted ballots in Kern County – the bluest portion of the south Valley district – sit in the 8,000 ballot range, requiring Cox to win more than 80 percent of remaining ballots.

Also outstanding are 1,529 ballots in the heavily-Republican Kings County, which suspended its ballot processing operations due to a COVID-19 outbreak. That county is set to resume ballot processing on Saturday.


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aa66db No.147310

File: 058382386d6849b⋯.jpg (179.99 KB,635x577,635:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721608 (210459ZNOV20) Notable: SCIENCE suggests that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans

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SCIENCE suggests that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans

What does the SCIENCE say about the origins of SARSCoV2 (COVID-19)? Excerpt from cited paper below: "We explored the possible transmission path by which SARSCoV2 might have crossed to humans by calculating the binding energy of SARSCoV2 spike protein to ACE2 receptors of relevant species. Notably, SARSCoV2 spike protein had the highest overall binding energy for human ACE2, greater than all the other tested species including bat, the postulated source of the virus…

"Overall, the data indicates that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins lie elsewhere."



COVID-19 is a highly adapted human pathogen with little evidence that it arose from bats and most likely originated from "gain of function" research conducted in a Bioweapons laboratory, exactly the kind of research initiated under Obama, signed off by Dr. Fauci's NIH, and funded with US Tax dollars.

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aa66db No.147311

File: cb92d650f73dd32⋯.png (677.83 KB,1600x745,320:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 79202fbe8cccd2d⋯.png (72.23 KB,523x595,523:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721656 (210503ZNOV20) Notable: United Nations flight out of Chicago

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United Nations flight out of Chicago

International Civil Aviation Organization flight out of Chicago heading north towards Canada.


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aa66db No.147312

File: 88aa99bdc6bb0ea⋯.png (98.54 KB,330x185,66:37,Clipboard.png)

File: d290bbbb9e161c9⋯.png (3.3 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: a0f993a80c28ac9⋯.png (402.37 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721691 (210506ZNOV20) Notable: Sid = AG, with Rudy as consigliere

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Sid = AG, with Rudy as consigliere : Flynn = CIA/FBI/NSA after that is fizzled, contracted , merged and melded : and that is, after Grenell comes in first and cleans the shit up on a 1099 gig. : the 2024 Ticket is DeSantis/Noem (pols be pols)


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aa66db No.147313

File: fdd6584938d1212⋯.jpeg (234.06 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: da79f14cfc1c20d⋯.jpeg (425.51 KB,1429x922,1429:922,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721720 (210508ZNOV20) Notable: Comms? Why are all these people changing their profile pics to black and white?

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Why are all these people changing their profile pics to black and white?


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aa66db No.147314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721729 (210509ZNOV20) Notable: Sid = AG, with Rudy as consigliere

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Love it but who is Noem?

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aa66db No.147315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721751 (210510ZNOV20) Notable: Anon sees link between Dominion and defaulted Tsinghua Unigroup

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1) Dominion gets its LCD Panels from China: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4921488/user-clip-dominion-parts-china

2) One of the Chinese companies that just defaulted on its debt makes LCD Panels: https://archive.vn/cluEW#selection-1719.0-1723.317

This is 100% proof but it's certainly possible Chinese company Tsinghua Unigroup made Dominion's hardware.

Tsinghua Unigroup default means bankers won't touch it which usually means some sort of scandal.

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aa66db No.147316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721784 (210513ZNOV20) Notable: "Georgia's Floyd County fires election director after finding uncounted ballots"

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"Georgia's Floyd County fires election director after finding uncounted ballots"


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aa66db No.147317

File: f5ddf331ce6df4b⋯.jpg (13.18 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721790 (210514ZNOV20) Notable: Sid = AG, with Rudy as consigliere

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aa66db No.147318

File: ebbe656c9794b00⋯.png (9.19 KB,1148x76,287:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 852d493a8b746df⋯.png (61.26 KB,1015x342,1015:342,Clipboard.png)

File: 7272d7d70b61a82⋯.png (89.13 KB,675x504,75:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721816 (210516ZNOV20) Notable: Adam Jackson, had been a Republican deputy commissioner of elections for Montgomery County

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This reminded me of the wedding limo crash in NY that killed 20 people a few years ago

Started looking, found this:

One victim, Adam Jackson, had been a Republican deputy commissioner of elections for Montgomery County. His death had distracted his coworkers so much that the absentee ballots they sent out for the November elections accidentally omitted a line for Republican congressional candidate Joe Vitollo. When the mistake was discovered, new ballots were mailed to 89 voters in the town of Amsterdam who had received the incorrect ones.



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aa66db No.147319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721846 (210518ZNOV20) Notable: LLNL welcomes 'Ruby' supercomputer for national nuclear security mission and COVID-19 research

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Since I see chatter about super computers, this seems revelant

LLNL welcomes 'Ruby' supercomputer for national nuclear security mission and COVID-19 research


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s newest supercomputer, Ruby, a 6 petaFLOP Intel Xeon Platinum-based cluster, will be used for unclassified programmatic work in support of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s stockpile stewardship mission, open science and the search for therapeutic drugs and designer antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, thcauses COVID-19.

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aa66db No.147320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721871 (210521ZNOV20) Notable: #14962

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11721152


>>147319 LLNL welcomes 'Ruby' supercomputer for national nuclear security mission and COVID-19 research

>>147318 Adam Jackson, had been a Republican deputy commissioner of elections for Montgomery County

>>147316 "Georgia's Floyd County fires election director after finding uncounted ballots"

>>147313 Comms? Why are all these people changing their profile pics to black and white?

>>147315 Anon sees link between Dominion and defaulted Tsinghua Unigroup

>>147312 , >>147314, >>147317 Sid = AG, with Rudy as consigliere

>>147311 United Nations flight out of Chicago

>>147310 SCIENCE suggests that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans

>>147309 Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

>>147308 BREAKING: Circuit Courts have been Reassigned MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh WI - Amy Coney Barrett PA - Samuel A. Alito GA - Clarence Thomas

>>147307 Texas State Board of Education passes first changes to sex-ed curriculum in 23 years

>>147303 , >>147304, >>147306, >>147305, After 57 years of gazing into the universe and helping astronomers unravel the cosmos' mysteries, the Arecibo Observatory's world-renowned telescope in Puerto Rico will be torn down

>>147302 NO JOKE: A few hours ago, Biden tweeted asking for more money "to help fund the Biden-Harris transition". Big red flag!

>>147301 Feds arrest hundreds, seize drugs in Operation Washout Roswell

>>147300 “DORMINION” miss spelling???

>>147299 Lin Wood FREE AT LAST!!!

>>147298 Lin Wood, Joe Biden, People are going to prison for trying to ruthlessly overthrow our Constitution & duly elected President

>>147297 , Sidney Powell He doesn't need to. He already decided to Release The Kraken He can sit back with popcorn and watch the show Donald Trump Dan Scavino Richard Grenell LLin Wood Gen Flynn Maria Bartiromo

>>147296 Giuffre v Maxwell DE 1158

>>147295 Juan o Savin Nevada have your party written on the envelopes over 20,000 people who voted but records show they did not vote

>>147294 DRUNKEN neighbor has been up on his roof for the last hour, sitting in his lawn chair and shouting patriotic slogans along with “we have it all you traitorous bastards!” As a patriot, I have no choice except to grab a bottle and climb up there with him. Wish me luck.

>>147292 “People ask me ‘when do we go to an orange zone?’ I have no crystal ball and I’m not in the prophecy business," Gov. Cuomo

>>147291 , >>147293, Any Tech anons out there who can disyfer this. Dominionvoting.com

>>147290 The NYT has invited 'people of color and gender nonconforming candidates' to apply for a job in a country they think is literally full of Bond villains


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aa66db No.147321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721953 (210529ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion truly was innocent (they aren’t) they should sue Trump and his team for defamation, so far they have only claimed innocence in their website, and refused to go to a hearing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


She makes a good point. If Dominon truly was innocent (they aren’t) they should sue trump and his team for defamation….but so far they have only claimed innocence in their website, and refused to go to a hearing.

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aa66db No.147322

File: 78aacf95730da33⋯.jpeg (1.88 MB,1536x1836,128:153,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2891b9d02841ad3⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1534x1640,767:820,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11721996 (210533ZNOV20) Notable: Russ Ramsland going in on Dominion with Exhibit Q

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PLEASE don’t miss this sir.


Russ Ramsland going in on Dominion with Exhibit Q

Can we dig it?

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aa66db No.147323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722001 (210534ZNOV20) Notable: GOLD! MI, PA, GA, WI All Assigned Conservative Supreme Court Justices After Circuit Courts Reassigned

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GOLD! MI, PA, GA, WI All Assigned Conservative Supreme Court Justices After Circuit Courts Reassigned

Some great news!

Look who is now in charge of PA, WI, MI, and GA

Circuit Courts have been Reassigned

Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42

MI – Brett M. Kavanaugh

WI – Amy Coney Barrett

PA – Samuel A. Alito

GA – Clarence Thomas

Very interesting https://t.co/nQpthyvYY3

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 20, 2020

These are the justices assigned to each circuit who accept emergency applications from petitioners. This is important when cases are submitted to be heard in SCOTUS.

In other words, if a case from GA, MI, PA, or WI petitions SCOTUS we won’t have Sotomayor summarily rejecting it.

These are the justices assigned to each circuit who accept emergency applications from petitioners. This is important when cases are submitted to be heard in SCOTUS.

In other words, if a case from GA, MI, PA, or WI petitions SCOTUS we won't have Sotomayor summarily rejecting it. pic.twitter.com/yvKKhtkw2c

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 21, 2020


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aa66db No.147324

File: a5d4be7235cb505⋯.png (446.94 KB,598x869,598:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a97b2310871589⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB,240x240,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722004 (210534ZNOV20) Notable: This Hacker Can Breach A U.S. Voting Machine In Minutes (Cap)

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Digital Forests

Watch this. I’m old enough to remember when Democrat’s cared about election integrity.


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aa66db No.147325

File: 70f9c3d7e235928⋯.png (47.11 KB,632x364,158:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ee0c70039e0934⋯.png (27.65 KB,901x316,901:316,Clipboard.png)

File: eb87016e96d77a6⋯.png (26.56 KB,1122x302,561:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722013 (210535ZNOV20) Notable: The democrat who won that race Paul Tonko This is who they cheated for

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>>147318 lb

That limo crash

The democrat who won that race

Paul Tonko

This is who they cheated for

In June 2007, Tonko resigned his Assembly seat to become president and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). He led the organization until he departed to run for Congress in 2008.

Why was it so important to keep him in office?




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aa66db No.147326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722018 (210536ZNOV20) Notable: Martin Armstrong: Elites Ushering in Communism 3.0 Kickstarted By Another World War

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I've known Marty for a number of years and attended many of his World Economic Conferences, worth the listen, he lays out the WEF Great Reset ww attempted Communist takeover quite well.

Martin Armstrong: Elites Ushering in Communism 3.0 Kickstarted By Another World War

November 19, 2020


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aa66db No.147327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722021 (210536ZNOV20) Notable: CIA makes awards for intelligence community's next massive cloud contract

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CIA makes awards for intelligence community's next massive cloud contract


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aa66db No.147328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722025 (210537ZNOV20) Notable: GOP Rep-Elect Jabs Rep Ilhan Omar On Twitter: “Back Down…You Married Your Brother…”

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GOP Rep-Elect Jabs Rep Ilhan Omar On Twitter: “Back Down…You Married Your Brother…”

This will make your day!

Republican Georgia Representative-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene and Democrat Rep.Ilhan Omar got into it on Twitter Friday after Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler tweeted about Omar (see below).

Loeffler had commented to Rep. Omar and Omar tweeted back saying, “This ain’t it, try harder.” Rep. Green jumped in to add her two cents worth with the truth bomb that she married her brother:

Sorry Kelly, if you need help writing real clap back, I am here to help.

This ain’t it, try harder. https://t.co/a4ooVrMMWk

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 20, 2020

“You married your brother!”

Back down @IlhanMN

You married your brother, so you’re disqualified from running your mouth. https://t.co/PUAVt1z5KL

— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 20, 2020


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aa66db No.147329

File: d4561525a903a89⋯.jpg (40.84 KB,641x479,641:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722055 (210540ZNOV20) Notable: BIDEN Crowdsourcing Money for Transition as Standoff with Trump Continues

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Biden Crowdsourcing Money for Transition as Standoff with Trump Continues

Former Vice President Joe Biden is soliciting donations from supporters to cover the expenses of the transition process as Republicans continue to dispute the 2020 White House contest.

Biden, who has been declared president-elect by multiple media outlets, has begun running targeted fundraising ads on social media, soliciting contributions to help pay for the transition.

“Because President Trump refuses to concede and is delaying the transition, we have to fund it ourselves and need your help,” one ad reads. “If you’re able, chip in to help fund the Biden-Harris transition.”

Here's the deal: Because President Trump refuses to concede and is delaying the transition, we have to fund it ourselves and need your help.

If you're able, chip in to help fund the Biden-Harris transition. https://t.co/apJMrdpoSS

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 20, 2020


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aa66db No.147330

File: bdf47f710d79c02⋯.png (423 KB,598x881,598:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722061 (210540ZNOV20) Notable: This Hacker Can Breach A U.S. Voting Machine In Minutes (Cap)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NowThis: “Watch how insanely easy it is to hack U.S. voting machines”

This Hacker Can Breach A U.S. Voting Machine In Minutes

Watch how insanely easy it is to hack U.S. voting machines


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aa66db No.147331

File: c09da5f67dd1237⋯.png (25.08 KB,533x253,533:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722066 (210541ZNOV20) Notable: Woah, Sidney tweets O'muslim and friends are behind the election fraud! BOOM shakalaka!

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Woah, Sidney tweets O'muslim and friends are behind the election fraud! BOOM shakalaka!




"Oh yeah . . . And friends."https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1/status/1330006431383359489

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aa66db No.147332

File: f88eee043133316⋯.png (482.88 KB,1109x693,1109:693,Clipboard.png)

File: bc50328a8a59a67⋯.png (515.01 KB,790x1059,790:1059,Clipboard.png)

File: bcee2f727bd9d55⋯.png (620.72 KB,839x1029,839:1029,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c3651983796342⋯.png (215.11 KB,801x1042,801:1042,Clipboard.png)

File: 948f04ca699d96c⋯.png (234.66 KB,794x1110,397:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722069 (210541ZNOV20) Notable: Trump strips US Fed of emergency credit powers in latest scorched-earth move

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Trump strips US Fed of emergency credit powers in latest scorched-earth move

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Fri, November 20, 2020, 10:22 PM GMT+9·6 min read

The Trump Administration is to shut down the emergency lending powers of the US Federal Reserve, taking extraordinary action to block reserve funds for the incoming Biden Treasury and prevent a Democrat bail-out of state and local governments.


The pre-emptive strike marks a breakdown in the normal co-operation between the US Treasury and the Fed, and comes just as the winter wave of Covid-19 reaches a crescendo. The services sector is already spiralling back into contraction, with a cliff-edge approaching for jobless support.


“We are in a perilous moment for the economy,” said Jason Furman, the former head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors.


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aa66db No.147333

File: e3eb7512f8629d4⋯.jpeg (786.16 KB,1473x1361,1473:1361,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ae3297ee4307628⋯.jpeg (480.4 KB,1375x1589,1375:1589,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722076 (210542ZNOV20) Notable: PA vote may not get certified

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PA eyes on. Needs more sauce


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aa66db No.147334

File: 205fede5ec72ed1⋯.png (617.2 KB,716x432,179:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 7962b6ff19c59ae⋯.png (55.12 KB,726x503,726:503,Clipboard.png)

File: f1cd3e31d551de7⋯.png (96.55 KB,712x862,356:431,Clipboard.png)

File: ce8808e45289341⋯.png (16.12 KB,715x175,143:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722093 (210544ZNOV20) Notable: Josh Frydenberg's modus operandi

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The hidden super hand grenade in income review report

The art of the pickpocket, when they're a good one, is that you never know until much later that you've been robbed.

They could bump up against you on a crowded bus, politely apologise, and disappear into a crowd, laughing as they count your cash. You are none the wiser until you feel for your wallet.

If you've walked the streets of Rome, or many other European cities, you may well have been accosted by the gangs of street urchins whose method of distraction is to accost you in a group, offering to sell you a tatty looking newspaper, while their partners in crime quickly have their hands in your bag and are off with your holiday spending money.

Josh Frydenberg's modus operandi is, of course, much less crass and involves a long and involved intellectual process. But don't be fooled. You are about to have your pocket picked.

The beauty of it is you'll never see his hands move and you may not know for years that you've been fleeced.

He yesterday released a review into Australia's retirement income system. Running to 600 pages, it is detailed and broad-reaching, examining the entire complex web of rules and conventions which determine how much money you end up with when your weekly pay packet finally stops and you enter your golden years.

As the Treasurer said, the review looked at the three pillars of our retirement income system – the age pension, compulsory superannuation and voluntary savings, including home ownership.

It was carried out by three very eminent and independent experts in the field.

They found overall that the system is sound and sustainable and while not making specific recommendations, made a number of observations.

For instance, they observed that the aged pension helps to reduce inequality because those on lower incomes receive a higher rate of the pension.

They also observed that the pension system helps act as a buffer against economic downturns because as retirees exhaust their savings, they always have the pension as a safety net.

As well, the review panel observed that there is room in the system for more efficient use of assets to bolster income in retirement. That is, it should be easier to use some of the equity in your home and turn it into cash. Obviously, that means less of the house to leave to your children but for many people it's an option at least worth considering and, it could be argued, the overall system should reduce the obstacles in the way.

The review also looked at the very serious problems of gender inequality in retirement income, how women invariably end up with much lower incomes in retirement than men because they are more likely to take time out of their careers to focus on family. That includes bringing up children as well as caring for the elderly.

All of these observations are reasonable and legitimate and deserve consideration when governments and others make decisions on the future of the retirement income landscape.

But there is also one little nugget in that report which will have important implications both politically and for your hip pocket.

It's being seized on by thousands of employers around the country and it is the review panel's comments on the superannuation guarantee levy.


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aa66db No.147335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722097 (210544ZNOV20) Notable: js to blur images It can be applied to the catalog images as well:Image Blur CSS

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Catalog Version

It can be applied to the catalog images as well:Image Blur CSS

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:


.post-image {

opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(3px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 233ms;


.post-image:hover {

opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 89ms;


.thread-image {

opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(3px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 233ms;


.thread-image:hover {

opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 89ms;




In Bread Version


hi anons looks like we got us a shill raid going on

>over the target!!!

use this code to blur the images


.post-image {

opacity: .8; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(8.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 233ms;


.post-image:hover {

opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 89ms;



put it in options>theme



Double Check Second..

This code, added to your Options > User JS will give you a button for Blacklisting any images you like permanently.


var imageBlacklist = [] ;

function loadImageBlacklist() { JSON.parse(localStorage.imageBlacklist || "[]").forEach(addToImageBlaclist); }

function saveImageBlacklist() { localStorage.imageBlacklist = JSON.stringify(imageBlacklist); }

function addToImageBlaclist(md5) { if (md5 && -1 === imageBlacklist.indexOf(md5)) imageBlacklist.push(md5); }

function blacklistPostImages(post) { $(post).find('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { var md5 = el.getAttribute('data-md5'); addToImageBlaclist(md5); el.remove(); }); }

function removeBlacklistedImages() { var removed = 0; $('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { if (-1 !== imageBlacklist.indexOf(el.getAttribute('data-md5'))) { el.remove(); removed += 1; } }); return removed; }

function onNopeClicked(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); loadImageBlacklist(); var post = $(event.target).closest('.post'); blacklistPostImages(post); removeBlacklistedImages(); saveImageBlacklist(); }

function addNopeButtons() { $('.post').each(function(i, post) { if ($(post).find('.nope').length === 0) { $(post).prepend(""); } }) }

setInterval(function () { loadImageBlacklist(); removeBlacklistedImages(); addNopeButtons(); }, 500);

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147336

File: c0e379515c06415⋯.jpg (95.33 KB,1440x1437,480:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722105 (210545ZNOV20) Notable: Note the bizarre Biden-Harris "Chip In Now" fundraiser is an ActBlue endeavor.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147337

File: a0c6a41a0e295ba⋯.jpg (202.42 KB,850x1207,50:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4996900acd8a190⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71e89a5b63c3c8b⋯.jpg (82.96 KB,850x358,425:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e4c299e008742da⋯.jpg (383.17 KB,1700x1272,425:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722112 (210545ZNOV20) Notable: INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEALING WITH CHILD PORN ON 8KUN

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(use this one BAKER - accidentally loaded the large pics in the last post)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147338

File: 12501584959260c⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,2375x2073,2375:2073,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e3e5a0b4a1c1782⋯.png (678.99 KB,1102x1366,551:683,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e5e2ae7455a80⋯.png (49.84 KB,758x322,379:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722115 (210545ZNOV20) Notable: Note the bizarre Biden-Harris "Chip In Now" fundraiser is an ActBlue endeavor.

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Note the bizarre Biden-Harris "Chip In Now" fundraiser is an ActBlue endeavor.


This is the equivalent of George Soros taking up the collection at church, ffs.

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aa66db No.147339

File: 963dd8d0669372d⋯.jpg (109.64 KB,851x843,851:843,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722126 (210547ZNOV20) Notable: ANTI-SHILL, ANTI-TOURIST, MORALE BOOST WHITEPILLING THREAD

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Most excellent morale boosting half-chan thread. Aussiefag wraps up a lot that happened over the last days of lost breads


>ID: i/doyHKj breaking it down with lots of supporting post caps from other threads. Good and comfy!

sauce: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/291999780/antishill-antitourist-morale-boost-whitepilling

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aa66db No.147340

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,609x676,609:676,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722130 (210547ZNOV20) Notable: Russ Ramsland going in on Dominion with Exhibit Q

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147341

File: cd950f891999844⋯.png (54.26 KB,686x789,686:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722131 (210547ZNOV20) Notable: Nearly All Lawmakers at House Armed Services Committee Hearing Opposed Afghanistan Troop Drawdown

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Nearly All Lawmakers at House Armed Services Committee Hearing Opposed Afghanistan Troop Drawdown

Nearly all lawmakers present during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Friday expressed opposition to President Trump’s troop drawdown in Afghanistan from 4,500 troops to 2,500 troops by January 15, despite little public appetite for keeping U.S. military involvement going.

Both Republicans and Democrats at the hearing expressed reservations about the decision, which was announced last week at the Pentagon by Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, in accordance with Trump’s goal to end the war in Afghanistan.

Republicans and Democrats on the committee expressed concern about whether 2,500 troops were too few to stave off a takeover of the country by the Taliban, to conduct the U.S. counterterrorism mission there, and to prevent al Qaeda from plotting another 9/11 from within its borders.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) even raised the prospect of reversing Trump’s decision and sending U.S. forces back into Afghanistan:

I worry about the reinstatement of Sharia law and the impacts on women and children and I worry that we have to calibrate what a presence that will be relevant is. Is 2,500 enough, or do we need 4,000? Can we reinstate the other 2,000 after the Biden administration comes into operation if that is where he’s inclined to go?

There was little support for drawing down forces from the hearing’s three witnesses, who all opposed Trump’s decision.

“It is, I am afraid to say, folly to think that a full U.S. troop withdrawal is somehow going to make us safer or uphold our core values,” said Ryan Crocker, a retired career ambassador and nonresident senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “We have to show the strategic patience we need to face down a determined enemy.”

“In my view, we should maintain our current troop level chiefly for its political value as bargaining leverage in the ongoing talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban,” said Stephen Biddle, professor at Columbia University and adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

“I think the U.S goal should be to continue to build political consensus in Afghanistan to support peace talks and at least to prevent the overthrow the Afghan government by the Taliban,” said Seth Jones, an expert with the Center for Strategic & International Studies thinktank.

Only two lawmakers at the hearing expressed opposition to keeping U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

On the Democrat side, it was House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA), who raised questions about the costs and effectiveness of having U.S. troops in the country, although he stopped short of making any definitive statements.

“Outside forces are not going to bring peace to Afghanistan. One way or the other, the people of Afghanistan are going to have to make that choice. And when we look at Afghanistan, I think we need to be very humble about imagining that there is something we can do to make that different,” he said, adding:

If you tell me I got to bet $100 dollars one way or the other, I’m betting rather confidently that the chaos is going to continue. And we are in the middle of that chaos…Lives are being lost, money is still being spent, and people — our troops and others — are still being forced to be sent over there, and I think the American people are saying, ‘For what?’

Only Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) unequivocally said he was opposed to keeping U.S. troops in Afghanistan. He noted that as a Republican member of the committee and supporter of withdrawing U.S. forces from the country, he was “a minority” with a “minority view” on the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

“I’m against it. Based on even the words of our own witnesses today, the corruption in Afghanistan is unsolvable, the war in unwinnable, and the strategy is undecipherable,” he said.


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aa66db No.147342

File: 1565fbe4181c819⋯.png (163.67 KB,642x599,642:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722132 (210547ZNOV20) Notable: Even PBS was looking at Dominion's security problems

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Even PBS was looking at Dominion's security problems.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147343

File: 689b8446ab615b6⋯.jpg (17.99 KB,712x495,712:495,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722133 (210547ZNOV20) Notable: California Churches File Emergency Request With Supreme Court to Stop Gov Newsom’s Lockdown

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California Churches File Emergency Request With Supreme Court to Stop Gov Newsom’s Lockdown

Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry filed an emergency petition today asking the Supreme Court for an injunction pending appeal in their federal lawsuit against California Governor Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional orders.

Last month, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision did not grant an injunction pending appeal. However, the Court of Appeals will hear the merits of the request for an injunction in a future hearing to be set in the new year. Due to the impending criminal threats and fines, these California churches are requesting the Supreme Court to intervene while the case remains pending at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722154 (210549ZNOV20) Notable: Schiff: GOP ‘Relinquished Its Constitutional Duty’ — It’s a Trump Cult

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Schiff: GOP ‘Relinquished Its Constitutional Duty’ — It’s a Trump Cult

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that the Republican Party had “relinquished its constitutional duty and become a cult,” referring to its loyalty to President Donald Trump.

Schiff said, “In terms of the Republicans in Congress, you know, as you pointed out during the trial, Chris, we warned that he tried to cheat in the election and got caught. He tried to get Ukraine to help him cheat, and he would do it again. That’s exactly what he’s doing. The Republicans who, you know, many of whom acknowledge that he had been proven guilty of the charges and then went on to say as what you’ve pointed out that, well, let’s let the voters decide, now that the voters have decided, that’s still not good enough for them. The only remaining ideology, Chris, that we have seen of these Republican enablers is say what the president says, do what the president wants. That is now the Republican Party ideology. It doesn’t go beyond that. What he says rules them. They fear angry tweets; they fear primary challenges; they fear retribution, they fear that voters in Georgia may not turn out if Donald Trump takes the ball and goes home. And so we see once again this utter capitulation to the wishes of Donald Trump, no matter how anti-democratic and unconstitutional they may be.”

On impeachment, Schiff said, “We saw what Donald Trump was made of. We saw the abuses of power. We in the House undertook our constitutional responsibility with great seriousness. Although, you know, we had realistic expectations, we hoped and prayed the Senate might do the same. They didn’t. That’s not necessarily a flaw in the remedy of impeachment. One of the things that we pointed out during the trial is that it doesn’t matter how well the Constitution is written or how profound the oath of impartiality is, if those things are not animated by the spirit with which the Constitution was written if the members don’t give them content through their character, none of it works. And it hasn’t worked because the GOP, one of the major parties, has relinquished its constitutional duty and become a cult of the president.”

He added, “Donald Trump couldn’t be doing any of this. There would be no lack of ascertainment by the GSA administrator if the Republicans weren’t allowing it. They could put an end to it tomorrow. They just don’t have the courage to do it. And it’s a colossal failing. It doesn’t mean that impeachment won’t be an effective remedy in the future if it’s necessary, but it does mean at this moment of peril that one party is not living up to its responsibility.”


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aa66db No.147345

File: bcef9a486dcc0e5⋯.jpg (122.38 KB,623x456,623:456,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da620ba8db0d8a2⋯.jpg (95.48 KB,800x1195,160:239,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722159 (210549ZNOV20) Notable: Programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis

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Documentary: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

IMDB Review (excerpt): Programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis is questioned at a hearing about programs for the new electronic voting machines, "Mr. Curtis, are there programs that can be used to fix elections?" Curtis replies with a definitive, "Yes." And when asked if he thought the Ohio presidential election in 2004 was rigged, he said that it appeared to have been.


WIKI: Clint Curtis

"Clinton Eugene "Clint" Curtis (born 1958) is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil. He worked for Yang Enterprises (YEI) until February 2001. He is notable chiefly for making a series of whistleblower allegations about his former employer and about Republican Congressman Tom Feeney, including an allegation that in 2000, Feeney and Yang Enterprises requested Curtis's assistance in a scheme to steal votes by inserting fraudulent code into touch screen voting systems. In 2020, Curtis is the Democratic nominee running for Congress in Florida's 6th congressional district against incumbent Michael Waltz.


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aa66db No.147346

File: 57f170a2dc7c72b⋯.png (1.11 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a04847ba864fa⋯.png (5.42 KB,178x162,89:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722176 (210551ZNOV20) Notable: Release the Kraken. [K]avanaugh > MI, [R]oberts > VA, [A]lito > PA, [K]avanaugh > MN, [E]lena > AZ, [N]eil > CO

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supreme court is the Kraken!!

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aa66db No.147347

File: e635be68ae675d5⋯.png (80.81 KB,793x635,793:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 9191ec0c308a08c⋯.png (107.36 KB,765x764,765:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de708852355936⋯.png (85 KB,788x610,394:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722185 (210552ZNOV20) Notable: Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years

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Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years

The “deranged” Russian spy in the White House told the Ukraine president to drink Clorox and refuses to leave his “illegal” office until every blue mailbox filled with secret messages to “very fine” white supremacists in Prague is removed by incontinent hookers…

… and other whoppers the media trolled Donald Trump with for the past four-plus years. Speaking of trolls, so-called “fact” checkers are advised that this is satire. That is “protected speech.” Look it up.

The Left and their media wingmen have decided that after four years of believing Russian Facebook ads interfered with the 2016 election, that it’s absolutely a “deranged conspiracy theory” for the president to question the odd results of the 2020 election and the way they were produced. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the media’s candidate, Joe Biden, would be lauded for his patriotism and fortitude between his ever-diminishing bouts of clarity.

When the media turned on the big-talking and sometimes bellicose New Yorker (see Andrew Cuomo) and began reporting that he was a suspected Russian secret agent, Trump flipped it right back, dismissing them as Fake News. They rewarded the big-talking candidate with – what do they like to say now? – oh, yes, giving agency to some of the biggest whoppers ever conceived of by reporters and their buddies over at the Lincoln Project, Hillary Clinton’s rumor-factory, and the DNC.

Let’s take a rambling trip down the memory lane of the Steele Dossier fever dreams, “highly placed sources,” and Rick Wilson’s fantasies, shall we? These are the 10 Biggest Conspiracy Theories leveled against Trump. These are not in any particular order.

1. Trump Is a Russian Spy

Vladimir Putin cultivated, “supported and directed” Donald Trump years before he thought about running for the presidency. CNN kept this fiction going long after the IG’s report proved it’s a whopper.

This was the Russian hoax put forward, as we later found out, by Hillary Clinton using Russians to trump up oppo research and call it a “dossier.” The “Steele Dossier” was a series of memos told by a guy who later admitted it was drunken bar talk and sold to the media as evidence of kompromat to the gullible and unthinking Adam Schiff.

2. Trump ‘Colluded’ With the Russians To Win Trump the White House

Congressman Adam Schiff promised he had “evidence” of Trump’s “collusion” with the Russians to “intervene” in a “very close election” to propel President Trump to the White House. These claims were amplified by media, willing to believe that Trump threw the 2016 election, but unwilling to entertain the allegations of foreign interference in the 2020 election.

3.Trump Was Not Legally Elected and He Never Plans to Leave

Before the president took office, anti- and Never Trumpers declared themselves to be “The Resistance.” House Judiciary Committee member, New York Congressman Jerry Nadler, said that Trump was not a legal president and helped draw up impeachment articles before he was sworn in. Dozens of Democrats in the House boycotted his inauguration. And in 2019 Hillary Clinton proclaimed Trump an “illegitimate president.” So much for that whole peaceful transfer of power thing. The New Yorker fanned the flames of the Resistance by announcing that the president was initiating a coup and wouldn’t leave office for at least three terms.

4. Trump Told Putin to ‘Hack’ Hillary’s Email to Win the Election

Candidate Trump in July of 2016 joked in a news conference, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 [Hillary Clinton] emails that are missing.” It was a rueful joke because the Secretary of State’s 33,000 emails, sought by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, on her personal server had been destroyed by her and her staff. Although Hillary’s email destruction gambit is often conflated with the DNC hack they are not the same thing. The hack of the Democratic National Committee’s emails, which were splayed on the web supposedly by Wikileaks, was allegedly done by Russian “GRU officers” via phishing emails. In fact, a declassified leak of a handwritten memo by then-CIA chief John Brennan revealed that it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that began the Trump-is-a-Russian-spy story to draw attention away from her email scandal. See number one.

5. Donald Trump Paid Hookers to Urinate on a Bed Because … Obama


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aa66db No.147348

File: bef8239631bde17⋯.png (37.82 KB,533x485,533:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722201 (210553ZNOV20) Notable: Emerald Robinson w/Newsmax…WTAF?

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Emerald Robinson w/Newsmax…WTAF?


"What’s Luciferase?

What’s transfection?

What’s hydrogel?

What’s messenger RNA?

What’s a quantum dot tattoo?

You need to understand what they’ve done with these Fauci/Gates vaccines." https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1329891866020618242

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aa66db No.147349

File: 3bccc706506c3a5⋯.png (102.01 KB,369x635,369:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722216 (210554ZNOV20) Notable: Release the Kraken. [K]avanaugh > MI, [R]oberts > VA, [A]lito > PA, [K]avanaugh > MN, [E]lena > AZ, [N]eil > CO

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It's a s t r e t c h

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aa66db No.147350

File: 962ed5c9caf74b7⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,776x387,776:387,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722249 (210556ZNOV20) Notable: Argentina Approves “Confiscatory” Wealth Tax On Millionaires

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Argentina Approves “Confiscatory” Wealth Tax On Millionaires

In an early glimpse of what wealth redistribution will look among developed nations in coming years, on Wednesday the lower house of Argentina’s Congress approved a bill seeking to raise 300 billion pesos ($3.75 billion) through a tax on the ultra rich to finance programs aimed at helping families hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a vote that passed 133 to 115 with two abstentions, people with more than $2.5 million in net worth – over 10,000 individuals – will make an “Extraordinary Solidarity Payment,” paying a one-off 2% flat tax. The tax would increase progressively as equity increases, under the proposal.

“The level of concentration of wealth, in a few hands, is so strong that this contribution falls on less than 0.02 percent of the population,” said government deputy Fernanda Vallejos during debate. “About half of what is collected will be contributed by only 252 people, those who are at the top of the pyramid.”

Government supporters took to the streets on Tuesday to show their support for the bill, with militant Peronist groups leading caravans of vehicles and marches on foot to Congress.


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aa66db No.147351

File: daff52b86b06ce7⋯.png (3.1 MB,2338x1806,167:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722251 (210556ZNOV20) Notable: Emerald Robinson w/Newsmax…WTAF?

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>"What’s Luciferase?




Jul 13

"41/This is the quantum dot tattoo, research for which Bill Gates funded. It's scannable via the artificial enzyme Luciferase, via a bioluminescent "mark." The tattoo-vaccine-chip is to contain not only your medical/COVID vaccine history, but proposed digitized govt currencies."


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aa66db No.147352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722269 (210557ZNOV20) Notable: The democrat who won that race Paul Tonko This is who they cheated for

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Stretch limo carrying a wedding party loses control and crashes into parked car in a parking lot

Store was called Apple Barrel

Kills everyone inside, including driver

Also kills 2 pedestrians

One of the limo occupants is named Adam Jackson

Adam just happened to be the Republican deputy commissioner of the Montgomery County Board of Elections in New York state

The crash happened in the middle of the 2018 election

That election saw absentee ballots sent out without the Republican candidate on them

Adam would've caught this error if he were alive

The incumbent democrat, Paul Tonko, wins the election

Paul Tonko was the president and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

The congressional district includes Albany, the state capital

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aa66db No.147353

File: 6b0b01de3c741bc⋯.png (1.46 MB,886x720,443:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722279 (210558ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY - November 21, 2020

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POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY - November 21, 2020


8:00AM Participates in a Virtual 2020 G20 Summit - White House Situation Room [Closed Press]


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aa66db No.147354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722291 (210558ZNOV20) Notable: Awesome! F-15 Jet Engine at Max Afterburner Power

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Awesome! F-15 Jet Engine at Max Afterburner Power

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aa66db No.147355

File: 097f58d3c6671b9⋯.jpg (92.7 KB,695x450,139:90,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722293 (210559ZNOV20) Notable: His name was Seth Rich…

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His name was Seth Rich…

Seth Rich Questions Election Commission about Ballot Integrity #HisNameWasSethRich #VoterFraud Seth Rich had valid concerns, voters for Bernie Sanders believed that the DNC was engaging in election fraud to nominate Hillary Clinton. 🇺🇸🏛🇺🇸 @SantaSurfing pic.twitter.com/4KTVd8URSL

— 🇺🇸⭐Space Cowboy⭐🇺🇸 (@X14Eagle) March 6, 2020

This flashback is just starting to go around twitter tonight.

Seth Rich questions election commission about ballot integrity in 2015. Rich had valid concerns, voters for Bernie Sanders believed the DNC was engaging in election fraud to nominate Hillary Clinton.


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aa66db No.147356

File: f8393815d7b1b61⋯.png (258.29 KB,696x570,116:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 426c27e151568af⋯.png (102.72 KB,913x575,913:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722301 (210559ZNOV20) Notable: Cancel Thanksgiving, stay home, wear a mask

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Cancel Thanksgiving, stay home, wear a mask — State and city leaders impose targeted coronavirus restrictions to curb Covid without tanking economy


Noah Higgins-Dunn


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aa66db No.147357

File: b1fd07fa7abb782⋯.png (4.6 MB,2048x1072,128:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c61d16f988e47b⋯.png (268.47 KB,494x514,247:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722331 (210602ZNOV20) Notable: Virtual 2020 G20 Summit

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> Virtual 2020 G20 Summit

#G20 Riyadh Summit Leaders Photo

First time virtual picture issued, since the summit is virtual.


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aa66db No.147358

File: 8fa0081cdf53089⋯.png (36.18 KB,799x227,799:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 741a369978f0bfc⋯.png (130.58 KB,825x804,275:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722344 (210604ZNOV20) Notable: Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

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Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA. - By: Edward Solomon

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below):


A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets:


"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.


It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.


Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.


To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).


During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I'm a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election)."


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aa66db No.147359

File: 63926387306dc2b⋯.jpg (46.23 KB,769x427,769:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722353 (210605ZNOV20) Notable: Governments Launch Cyber Warfare Against Citizenry To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy

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Closer Everyday

Governments Launch Cyber Warfare Against Citizenry To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy

Anti-vaxxers are positioned as a threat to national security. Bully tactics further threaten them with economic destruction such as being placed on “no-fly” lists by airlines, other travel restrictions, loss of employment, no school for kids, no access to commercial institutions, etc. This is the face of Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

News organizations and journalists who raise legitimate concerns about Operation Warp Speed will be de-platformed to make way for the “required” saturation of pro-vaccine messaging across the English-speaking media landscape.

In just the past week, the national-security states of the U.S. and UK have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to COVID-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.

A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the U.K.’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored COVID-19 vaccine development and the multinational pharmaceutical corporations involved.


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aa66db No.147360

File: 369c56815f4849f⋯.png (565.63 KB,923x872,923:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722357 (210605ZNOV20) Notable: DUH FUQ? SICK SHIT

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aa66db No.147361

File: ddb4d9e6a66a63d⋯.png (659.75 KB,1318x787,1318:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722360 (210605ZNOV20) Notable: Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

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Sorry baker, screwed up the screen cap.

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aa66db No.147362

File: bc6d717d5a6b5fa⋯.jpg (34.14 KB,817x452,817:452,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722382 (210607ZNOV20) Notable: Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

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Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

Health officials hope the move will push the drug giants to end their lucrative, thinly veiled ‘speaker programs’ for favored doctors. Fat chance – it’s too profitable a business for them, even though the social costs are huge.

For the first time since 2014, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a rare special fraud alert highlighting allegations that major pharmaceutical companies have been throwing billions at doctors as part of questionable ‘speaker programs’.

These programs have been accused of offering thin cover for bribes to favored doctors in return for promoting and prescribing the companies’ drugs and devices. In return, medical professionals were given lucrative speaking fees and expensive trips and dinners for themselves and their partners. The alert states that some high prescribing healthcare professionals were paid over $100,000 in speaking fees. These honoraria were sometimes attached to agreements that the speaker would write a minimum number of prescriptions per year for the companies’ drugs


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aa66db No.147363

File: 9d49163efc0187f⋯.png (12.04 MB,3276x1837,3276:1837,Clipboard.png)

File: 806bc22ff039b5b⋯.png (273.59 KB,497x587,497:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722390 (210608ZNOV20) Notable: Virtual 2020 G20 Summit

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The "official twitter " for this G20 summit.

Just sent the same photo.

G20 Saudi Arabia @g20org

Good morning from Riyadh. Today, world leaders will join forces to realize opportunities of the 21st century for all.



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aa66db No.147364

File: 0d438b16496e3a9⋯.jpg (34.14 KB,508x435,508:435,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722396 (210609ZNOV20) Notable: Release the Kraken. [K]avanaugh > MI, [R]oberts > VA, [A]lito > PA, [K]avanaugh > MN, [E]lena > AZ, [N]eil > CO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Release the Kraken.

[K]avanaugh > MI

[R]oberts > VA

[A]lito > PA

[K]avanaugh > MN

[E]lena > AZ

[N]eil > CO


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aa66db No.147365

File: bd9a50f2604cda7⋯.jpg (37 KB,490x250,49:25,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722430 (210613ZNOV20) Notable: Hussein Obama wants to send in the Navy SEALS to remove Trump

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Hussein Obama wants to send in the Navy SEALS to remove Trump

All of a sudden, the media’s love child is back in public view because he has a book he wants to pimp. He went on racist, blackface wearing Jimmy Kimmel to do what he and his pals in the media do best. He said maybe the Navy Seals will be used to remove Trump from office. That’s how scared they are about the legal challenged by raised by Giuliani, Sidney Powell, etc. Personally, I’d like to see them try. Want to set off a civil war? This would pretty much assure it.

Former President Barack Obama told ABC’s left-wing late night host Jimmy Kimmel that “we can always send the Navy SEALs” to physically remove President Donald Trump from the White House.

Obama made the remark during an appearance Thursday on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote his new memoir A Promised Land. When asked by Kimmel if the White House has any secret spots where “someone could hide” if they don’t want to leave, Obama replied: “Well, I think we can always send the Navy SEALS in there to dig him out.”

Jimmy Kimmel recently called for President Trump to be “arrested” after the commander in chief alleged in a November 5 speech that there was voter fraud in battleground states including Pennsylvania and Georgia.


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aa66db No.147366

File: ea9321990396c2a⋯.mp4 (546.83 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722431 (210613ZNOV20) Notable: "What I'm hearing from my Military friends is not 100s but 1000s of arrests…" (Cap)

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"What I'm hearing from my Military friends is not 100s but 1000s of arrests…"



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aa66db No.147367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722452 (210615ZNOV20) Notable: "What I'm hearing from my Military friends is not 100s but 1000s of arrests…" (Cap)

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aa66db No.147368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722584 (210633ZNOV20) Notable: Anon has a possible theory about how Dominion software added fraudulent ballots w/out raising too much suspicion.

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Anon has a possible theory about how Dominion software added fraudulent ballots w/out raising too much suspicion.

Here's the specific time where he goes over the algorithm: https://youtu.be/KIlI46HdqKg?t=2698

A lot of testing needs to be done on the guy's theory but it explains how Dominion might have hidden the addition of fraudulent votes.

The D/R vote ratio is the key. When they change in sync across precincts it looks hanky. To my programmers eye it looks like about three precinct are being chosen per update to hide something.

Then once hidden precinct is removed from a list of available precincts to use. As in we can flip these precincts because they're in on the fraud?

I'm going to dig on this tomorrow, maybe write a little program to duplicate the results.

In the mean time here's how it might look:

float ratioFavoringBiden = getRatioFromBelgradeOffice(this);

for(int i = 0; i

Precinct p =PrecinctsInOnTheFraud[i]; 

if(p.ballotHasBeenFuckedWith == false) 


p.ratio *= ratioFavoringBiden;   


  p.ballotHasBeenFuckedWith = true;



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aa66db No.147369

File: d80dd2345e808f8⋯.png (546 KB,1012x824,253:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722592 (210634ZNOV20) Notable: Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments?

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>>143541 pb

Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments?

Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments? Like an artist signing his work? Or like a serial killer leaving a memento at the scene of the crime? Asking for a friend…


Criminals love bragging about their cleverness. A helpful impulse for detectives.

reposting because it was missed by baker last bread

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aa66db No.147370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722611 (210636ZNOV20) Notable: #14963, #14964, #14965 1/2

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Q Research General #14964: Kraken Circuit Courts have been Reassigned Kavanaugh Barrett Alito Thomas Edition

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11721931


>>147364 , >>147346, >>147349, Release the Kraken. [K]avanaugh > MI, [R]oberts > VA, [A]lito > PA, [K]avanaugh > MN, [E]lena > AZ, [N]eil > CO

>>147366 , >>147367, "What I'm hearing from my Military friends is not 100s but 1000s of arrests…" (Cap)

>>147351 This is the quantum dot tattoo, research for which Bill Gates funded. It's scannable via the artificial enzyme Luciferase, via a bioluminescent "mark

>>147362 Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs


>>147359 Governments Launch Cyber Warfare Against Citizenry To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy

>>147358 , >>147361, Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

>>147357 , >>147363, Virtual 2020 G20 Summit

>>147356 Cancel Thanksgiving, stay home, wear a mask

>>147355 His name was Seth Rich…

>>147354 Awesome! F-15 Jet Engine at Max Afterburner Power

>>147365 Hussein Obama wants to send in the Navy SEALS to remove Trump

>>147353 POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY - November 21, 2020

>>147350 Argentina Approves “Confiscatory” Wealth Tax On Millionaires

>>147348 , >>147351, Emerald Robinson w/Newsmax…WTAF?

>>147347 Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years

>>147345 Programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis

>>147369 Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments?

>>147368 Anon has a possible theory about how Dominion software added fraudulent ballots w/out raising too much suspicion.

>>147344 Schiff: GOP ‘Relinquished Its Constitutional Duty’ — It’s a Trump Cult

>>147343 California Churches File Emergency Request With Supreme Court to Stop Gov Newsom’s Lockdown

>>147342 Even PBS was looking at Dominion's security problems

>>147341 Nearly All Lawmakers at House Armed Services Committee Hearing Opposed Afghanistan Troop Drawdown


>>147338 , >>147336, Note the bizarre Biden-Harris "Chip In Now" fundraiser is an ActBlue endeavor.

>>147335 js to blur images It can be applied to the catalog images as well:Image Blur CSS

>>147334 Josh Frydenberg's modus operandi

>>147333 PA vote may not get certified

>>147332 Trump strips US Fed of emergency credit powers in latest scorched-earth move

>>147331 Woah, Sidney tweets O'muslim and friends are behind the election fraud! BOOM shakalaka!

>>147329 BIDEN Crowdsourcing Money for Transition as Standoff with Trump Continues

>>147328 GOP Rep-Elect Jabs Rep Ilhan Omar On Twitter: “Back Down…You Married Your Brother…”

>>147327 CIA makes awards for intelligence community's next massive cloud contract

>>147326 Martin Armstrong: Elites Ushering in Communism 3.0 Kickstarted By Another World War

>>147325 , >>147352, The democrat who won that race Paul Tonko This is who they cheated for

>>147330 , >>147324, This Hacker Can Breach A U.S. Voting Machine In Minutes (Cap)

>>147323 GOLD! MI, PA, GA, WI All Assigned Conservative Supreme Court Justices After Circuit Courts Reassigned

>>147322 , >>147340, Russ Ramsland going in on Dominion with Exhibit Q

>>147321 Dominion truly was innocent (they aren’t) they should sue Trump and his team for defamation, so far they have only claimed innocence in their website, and refused to go to a hearing


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aa66db No.147371

File: 537b005ce29a3a6⋯.jpg (120.2 KB,1018x641,1018:641,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722742 (210652ZNOV20) Notable: Circuit Courts Have Been Reassigned – Nov 20th

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Circuit Courts Have Been Reassigned – Nov 20th

Looks like were finally getting some good news and possibly even better for Trump 2020.. Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42.

Look who is in charge of MI, WI, PA, and GA:

MI – Brett M. Kavanaugh

WI – Amy Coney Barrett

PA – Samuel A. Alito

GA – Clarence Thomas

See Map

The full list of Justices below, Right From Supreme Court Website : Link

For the District of Columbia Circuit – John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice

For the First Circuit – Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice

(Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island)

For the Second Circuit – Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice (Connecticut, New York, Vermont)

For the Third Circuit – Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice (Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgin Island)

For the Fourth Circuit – John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice (Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia)

For the Fifth Circuit – Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice (Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas)

For the Sixth Circuit – Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice (Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee)

For the Seventh Circuit – Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)

For the Eighth Circuit – Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice (Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota)

For the Ninth Circuit – Elena Kagan, Associate Justice (Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Washington)

For the Tenth Circuit – Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice (Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming)

For the Eleventh Circuit – Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice (Alabama, Florida, Georgia)

For the Federal Circuit – John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice.



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aa66db No.147372

File: d07325f449650c8⋯.jpg (14.16 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722786 (210659ZNOV20) Notable: NY Gov. Cuomo to receive International Emmy for virus briefings (only this timeline)

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get a load of this shit!

NY Gov. Cuomo to receive International Emmy for virus briefings


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aa66db No.147373

File: fc59330763f622a⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,1498x682,749:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722787 (210700ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Emails Hunter Biden (is this legit?)

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Tucker's Influence Peddling Email to Hunter. Is This Why He Dropped The Ball (And "Lost" The Documents)?

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aa66db No.147374

File: 9ae023467bdc589⋯.png (147.08 KB,770x723,770:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 4506217aa911db9⋯.png (261.44 KB,402x472,201:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722797 (210701ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Carlson VIP at Comet Ping Pong? (dafuq?)

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Who was a VIP at Comet Ping Pong?

Tucker Carlson


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aa66db No.147375

File: 448e64859b3ec3c⋯.png (4.28 MB,2048x1345,2048:1345,Clipboard.png)

File: a46a0aa5c623e56⋯.png (1.08 MB,1057x579,1057:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722803 (210702ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweeting (old?) pics the "The Team" (are these new or old? some new, some old?)

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posted by Dan


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aa66db No.147376

File: ff299a56fc8afd9⋯.png (1.83 MB,1547x828,1547:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722816 (210704ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweeting (old?) pics the "The Team" (are these new or old? some new, some old?)

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aa66db No.147377

File: 88ac1139c10ada4⋯.png (860.42 KB,963x728,963:728,Clipboard.png)

File: eb683513c07e6ae⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,426x500,213:250,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 15e5f7b571eea68⋯.jpg (67.69 KB,512x494,256:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722822 (210705ZNOV20) Notable: I'll take planetary alignments for 500$ Alex.

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>>>/qresearch/11722653 (all pbs)

>How does the entire solar system go red?

I'll take planetary alignments for 500$ Alex.

Trump won 406 electoral votes prior to the data DL that switched the win. That has never, ever happened in the history of the US—ever. He literally won in a landslide. It is entirely possible Trump even won most if not all of California.

I think originally it was Trump 406 v. Biden 123. I died.

Hong Kong already has cakes ready to congratulate us on our excellent choice.


>It's not that it's the "you must show them" so MSM is still going to lie and be anti POTUS so how do you tell the public the truth that Biden stole the election? When does MSM start telling the truth instead of a narrative?

Once the facts are out and POTUS is installed again….it doesn't really matter does it? Anyone can look for themselves as they can right now. Hell I've listened to hours of affidavit in person testimony re vote fraud. I have zero doubts. But the retards that marched in the streets wearing vagina hats and howling at the moon when Trump won 2016 aren't intelligent enough to look for themselves and just like last time they're going to continue howling at the moon. KEK did you think the facts will change anything?

After the inauguration Trump is going to get down to business and start collecting on that EO on election interference. I expect he will do great things for us with all that money (kek like pay off the national debt) and the trouble will fade away because they're not getting any more financial support.

You realize anyone found to interfere in elections in collusion with foreign entities forfeits all their money, right?

Comfort yourself imagining Bill Gates on skidrow.

These people aren't just going to give up. They will fight to their last loosing breath.

Therefore, be prepared for anything, not scared of everything.

I'm comfy af!

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aa66db No.147378

File: 25822cd69db9998⋯.png (7.69 MB,2048x1638,1024:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722824 (210705ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweeting (old?) pics the "The Team" (are these new or old? some new, some old?)

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aa66db No.147379

File: 62ce1c6cf913742⋯.png (303.92 KB,992x500,248:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722871 (210713ZNOV20) Notable: Jonathan Turley Opines (worth reading)

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This article but Jonathan Turley (GWU prof who testified for Trump at impeachment) was earlier referenced in a notable indirectly via a Zerohedge article.

But it strikes me that the issue raised may be an important, if subtle, part of the Trump Team's overall strategy.

Obviously (or presumably - maybe they are insane or totatlly controlled) Dominion WON'T sue for defamation. Presumably any competent lawyer would revue the actual evidence so far presented against them, and realize there is a real case, and warn them against the dangers of perjury. Would a skilled lawyer even take the case?

But of course most who follow the fake news don't realize this, since they are constantly told there is "no evidence". But of course there is… whether it is decisive or not is the legal issue as Rudy and the rest repeatedly stated.

And yet the damage to Dominion is IMMEDIATE and ONGOING. If the claims are BASELESS, to use the common term, you'd think Dominion would already be in court. Perhaps this is an angle that should be explored further for its rhetorical import.

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aa66db No.147380

File: 357ef99acf5fc12⋯.png (446.37 KB,602x541,602:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722880 (210715ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Carlson VIP at Comet Ping Pong? (dafuq?)

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anyone see this?


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aa66db No.147381

File: 7f4c8cded212ec6⋯.png (633.78 KB,697x1251,697:1251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722888 (210717ZNOV20) Notable: Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"

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Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"

Thu, 11/19/2020 - 17:55

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Hodkinson remarked that “social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing,” as he called for society to be re-opened immediately to prevent the debilitating damage being caused by lockdowns.

Hodkinson also slammed mandatory mask mandates as completely pointless.

“Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever,” he said.

“Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signalling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people – I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense – seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face.”

The doctor also slammed the unreliability of PCR tests, noting that “positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection,” and that all testing should stop because the false numbers are “driving public hysteria.”

Hodkinson said that the risk of death in the province of Alberta for people under the age of 65 was “one in three hundred thousand,” and that it was simply “outrageous” to shut down society for what the doctor said “was just another bad flu.”

“I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level, it should all stop tomorrow,” concluded Dr. Hodkinson.



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aa66db No.147382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722944 (210724ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia $107 million contract with Dominion Voting Systems in 2019 months after Texas test and rejection, Bribes kickbacks?

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>"DID YOU KNOW: The same Secretary of State and Governor of Georgia that certified the state's election for Joe Biden today rushed to give a $100 Million contract do Dominion Voting Systems in 2019? Good God…it was right in front of us the whole time!"


>NOTABLE, with sauce, fo sho!


>It'll all come out in the wash.

Georgia $107 million contract with Dominion Voting Systems in 2019 months after Texas test and rejection, Bribes kickbacks?, Eric Coomer Sept 2020 software change https://citizenwells.com/2020/11/16/georgia-107-million-contract-with-dominion-voting-systems-in-2019-months-after-texas-test-and-rejection-bribes-kickbacks-eric-coomer-sept-2020-software-change/

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aa66db No.147383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722951 (210725ZNOV20) Notable: Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Links to Audio:

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hWPjDdXOWkOo/

[FB] https://www.facebook.com/100052104817413/posts/197966368616856/?d=n

[YT] https://youtu.be/uEo3rnU12jw

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aa66db No.147384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722973 (210729ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Emails Hunter Biden (is this legit?)

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aa66db No.147385

File: 82f327789a49a7d⋯.jpg (203.02 KB,720x1098,40:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722987 (210732ZNOV20) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson almost had his career derailed after a woman falsely accused him of raping her in a packed Kentucky pizza restaurant

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EXCLUSIVE: Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson almost had his career derailed after a woman falsely accused him of raping her in a packed Kentucky pizza restaurant

From 2016 , guess Tucker likes to haunt pizza parlors

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aa66db No.147386

File: 8b4a729227c52c3⋯.png (84.69 KB,1023x935,93:85,Clipboard.png)

File: de4a306b8a05745⋯.pdf (331.01 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11722990 (210733ZNOV20) Notable: Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraud

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Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraud



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aa66db No.147387

File: 938b768a9364147⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723018 (210736ZNOV20) Notable: Thank God for vigilant patriots

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From Joe M on Parler

President Elect Joe M · @StormIsUponUs

1 hour ago ·



The largest organized crime network our country has ever seen, commonly called the Democratic Establishment, is still hard at work covering their tracks after their sloppiest operation yet, the Great Election Heist of 2020.Thank God for vigilant patriots. #CobbCountyGeorgia


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aa66db No.147388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723022 (210737ZNOV20) Notable: THREAD RE DOMINION SERBIA CONTINUED

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"I was researching companies to see how many IT people they employ in US vs overseas, and I found a feature which lets me search LinkedIn by region, so I thought I would apply the same to DVS and see if we can contact any developers in Serbia to get them to flip on DVS".

"I found about 10 people working in Serbia for DVS, and I started to look into the developers, I started to notice that the developers were linked to the company, but more than a few did NOT have the DVS experience listed on their profile"

"How does that happen? It happens when you used to have the experience linked but it's since been removed. LinkedIn Caches those employee employer relationships so you stay listed under their company even though you've removed the experience."

"That got me wondering WHY would someone want to remove their relationship with the company… only answer is to cover something up. So I started to research each one.

Here is the screenshot of the DVS Employees on LinkedIn:"


"You can see on this screen shot that I am hovering over Aleksandar Lazarevic and that the link to his profile is showing in the bottom left of the screen. The url being: ( https://linkedin.com/in/aleksandarlazarevic777/ )"

"Note the handle ending in 777, that will come into play later.

In researching this developer I discover this person wrote the book on how to do algorithmic boosting of datasets over time. The Official name for it is SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique),"

"I've attached the paper to this email and it's still currently available online here ( https://www3.nd.edu/~nchawla/papers/ECML03.pdf )"

"I've attached the paper to this email and it's still currently available online here ( https://www3.nd.edu/~nchawla/papers/ECML03.pdf )"

"Unlike standard boosting where all misclassified examples are given equal weights, SMOTEBoost creates synthetic examples from the rare or minority class, thus indirectly changing the updating weights and compensating for skewed distributions"

"SMOTEBoost applied to several highly and moderately imbalanced data sets shows improvement in prediction performance on the minority class and overall improved F-values."

"Layman Description: An adjustment will be made based on the top data point to keep the bottom data point on track to balance, or Tie. Now apply that idea to tabulating votes."

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aa66db No.147389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723054 (210743ZNOV20) Notable: THREAD RE DOMINION SERBIA CONTINUED

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"When someone views your profile on LinkedIn, you are usually sent an email, especially if you haven't logged on in a long time, that someone is viewing your profile, you probably have seen these. 20 minutes after viewing Aleksandars profile, the profile has been wiped clean"

"Not that I don't have access to it, it's permanently deleted.

Proof that it did exist at some point: https://imgur.com/a/1fFe6jc Note the handle ends in 777 just as above, and this page was indexed in DuckDuckGo's search results. Proof this profile did exist."


"Now that I knew I was on to something I started archiving everything, since I still had another browser open I saved his profile picture ( https://imgur.com/a/mSAxhvs ) and then ran it through a reverse image look up to find that this picture doesn't exist on the internet.



"In the paper attached and linked, in the acknowledgment section, it thanks the US Department of Energy as well as other things and a "We also thank Philip Kegelmeyer for his very useful comments". So now it was time to look into who this man is."

"Search for him and his profile says: "Philip Kegelmeyer (E.E. Ph.D, Stanford) is a Senior Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA. His current interests are machine learning and graph algorithms, especially as applied to ugly, obdurate, real-world data…"

"which is, perhaps deliberately, actively resistant to analysis. ( https://imgur.com/M1Rp8KW )

That sure sounds like changing data that can't be detected. At this point I knew I found something big."


"I decided to search again on LinkedIn for Aleksandar, and low and behold there was a profile of the same name, completely different picture, completely different profile but stunningly relevant background and work experience."

"I decided to search again on LinkedIn for Aleksandar, and low and behold there was a profile of the same name, completely different picture, completely different profile but stunningly relevant background and work experience."

aleksandar-lazarevic LINKEDIN

"Notice how there is no mention of Dominion Voting Systems in his work experience. If he was indeed hired for positive reasons, why would he not have this listed on his profile?"

"At this point I am 100% convinced that this is the man behind Scorecard. Looking through his papers and experiences and talks he's a super accomplished Big Data, distributed systems expert, his works is even cited in CISCO patents"

"https://patents.google.com/patent/US9563854B2/en ) If you read this Patent, it's a tough read it's a concept of connected close range machines being taught to correct nodes slowly over time by a trainer node. Perhaps Election Machines???"

"More of his research: https://researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Aleksandar-Lazarevic-13940289 - All read like tech that would use to change data predictably."


"Now I had to go hunting for data that will tie this man, to that profile on LinkedIn that is listed under DVS to prove the connection. I found an old paper he wrote about more high end tech concepts."

"This document is also attached ( KST-1-102.pdf ), and you can also see here ( https://imgur.com/a/elIQ09r )

Notice the email addressed used to contact him, the exact same handle he had listed under DVS, Now it's confirmed this is the same person."


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aa66db No.147390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723094 (210749ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood: I've Seen Sidney Powell's Evidence on Dominion Vote Software

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Lin Wood: I've Seen Sidney Powell's Evidence on Dominion Vote Software


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723099 (210750ZNOV20) Notable: THREAD RE DOMINION SERBIA CONTINUED

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"So why does this man have 2 profiles, why did the profile associated to DVS get deleted once they were alerted to be seeing it, and why doesn't his professional profile have any note of working."

"If I were going to steal elections I would not want people capable of doing so associated with the company who counts votes…"

"By now, I hope you think I'm on to something, and that you will find a way to link this man to democrats or Soros, or flat our ask him about it, the rest I'm about to share is nothing I can confirm, just some really weird coincidence that may be true."

"Doing Deep searches about this man I came across an article written on a blogspot blog from someone named "Lame Cherry", This person continually blogs about what appears to be deep state Intel and CIA level stuff. Again I have no clue who this is, and it reads like crackpot stuff"

First Article: ( https://lamecherry.blogspot.com/2020/11/biden-scorecard-crimes-to-last-vote.html )

""“part of me is most interested in the Serbian Dominion Software along with Scorecard in the codex. This software was really acting like the artificial intelligence was having a software breakdown. It was like an autopilot flying a plane into a stall"""

Second Article: ( https://lamecherry.blogspot.com/2020/11/biden-guccifer-20.html?m=1 )

"""So Guciffer was from the Balkans. Joe Biden was in the Balkans. The Kushners were in the Balkans and the information flow continued to submarine the sickly Hillary Clinton…The mission or missions were successful to bring down Hamrod. That is why when I noted a data miner mentioning Domnion software out of Canada was in Serbia, and looking for programmers, I knew this lot was returning to the scene of the crime.

Dominion is in Canada, is owned by British MI6, tied to George Soros, and was flipping votes by the millions for Joe Biden…""

"Back to Aleksandar's LinkedIn Profile description ( https://imgur.com/a/68xutc7 ) "I have successfully created and led new and innovative ways to sift through billions of data records and discover those hidden insights that would drive change and make significant business impact.""


"Sounds like the exact same person described above, If this "Lame Cherry" is not a crackpot. Aleksandar Lazarevic is Guccifer 2.0 and seems to have the tech chops to be believable."

"If that is true, then what was he doing with that LinkedIn Profile? The first Lame Cherry ties it all together, 4 years ago, he was in Serbia recruiting developers for DVS and Scorecard…"

"and needed a front to contact developers without giving away who he was, but had to be associated with the actual company so he could recruit real people. Once he assembled his team, he forgot to get rid of the fake recruiter account."

"Latest Update: All Serbian Developers have removed their LinkedIn Profiles Vukašin Đorđević Nemanja Jelisijevic - https://imgur.com/a/KF8S3pd Ivan Ćojbašić -"


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aa66db No.147392

File: 15df4d18aa49cd0⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723120 (210754ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices"

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Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices within the government, and there was a couple hundred people on the call.”


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aa66db No.147393

File: 12d7da07902db82⋯.png (596.08 KB,719x701,719:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723183 (210804ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker in a Kaballah bracelet

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Here is something else, Tucker in a Kaballah bracelet

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aa66db No.147394

File: 7511146e1a765bf⋯.jpg (154.25 KB,710x946,355:473,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d36ee96355e137⋯.jpg (170.9 KB,720x1239,240:413,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723207 (210808ZNOV20) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson almost had his career derailed after a woman falsely accused him of raping her in a packed Kentucky pizza restaurant

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Carlson and wife Susan Andrews met while they were still in high school. They both attended the St. George’s School where her father was the headmaster.

There was alot of sexual abuse of students at the school , and him being the headmaster never reported any of it to law enforcement.


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aa66db No.147395

File: afffffd1bb561c1⋯.jpg (96.99 KB,720x1107,80:123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723221 (210811ZNOV20) Notable: Laura Ingraham Dog Comms Re: Hunter Biden Emails?

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Laura Ingraham Dog Comms Re: Hunter Biden Emails?

This was from October 15th, welcoming Zoey the dog from Unconditional Love Pet Rescue to track Hunter Biden's emails. This was shortly before Tucker "lost" the damning evidence and had to track the documents through UPS.


Also found this tweet interesting in response to the "lost" documents:

Former RNC chair Michael Steele tweeted saying: "Oh for f*%! sake, seriously? Would have been a better story if your dog ate the damn papers."

—Michael Steele (@MichaelSteele) October 29, 2020


Were they confirming to "Arkansas" that the dog would be eating their homework, and they would be dropping the ball on this story?

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aa66db No.147396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723233 (210814ZNOV20) Notable: THREAD RE:ZUCKERBURG DONATING TO HELP ELECTION WORKERS

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"Tell me if this isn’t weird. I had heard claims about Mark Zuckerburg donating money in some way for the election. So I did a simple search a found and found an article from CNN…."

"“Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are donating $300 million to voting efforts” Also “assist state and local election officials to ensure elections are secure, voters have confidence in election outcomes, and democracy thrives as civic engagement grows,""


"Another search andfound this: Benson accused of letting 'partisan operatives' influence election “Tech and Civic Life gave money to county and local clerks in the battleground state to print and distribute absentee ballots and mail-in ballots and add drop boxes”"

"This is in Detroit, Michigan btw."

"The article says “The goal was to increase ballots cast "in only certain urban and predominantly Democratic precincts" and "selectively influence the outcome of the 2020 general election,""

"Since July, the center has paid at least $3.5 million to Wayne County and Detroit; $467,625 to Flint; $417,000 to Ann Arbor; $443,000 to Lansing and $8,500 to East Lansing; $433,580 to Muskegon; $402,878 to Saginaw; and $218,869 to Kalamazoo."

"The lawsuit asserts Benson violated the Michigan Constitution and state election law by allowing the interest group with a declared political agenda to selectively and privately fund how election authorities in predominantly Democratic precincts conduct elections"

"In the lawsuit: “These Michigan voters have suffered, or will suffer, an irreparable constitutional injury that is the result of Secretary Benson’s failure to exercise her duty to oversee and regulate the conduct of the 2020 general election.”"


"3.5 million to Wayne County and Detroit. We have Billionaires donating private money in battleground states to print and distribute absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, and new equipment. The same battleground states Trump’s legal team is filing suits."

"The same billionaires that keep censoring republicans for talking about it on these billionaires social media platforms. It’s right in front of your faces."

"We’ve allowed Big Tech to monopolize so much that they are having major interference with our elections now. People need to be be less worried about President Trump and be concerned with the way Big Tech is taking over the world."

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aa66db No.147397

File: 676735f9b6d0ed7⋯.png (223.21 KB,1306x506,653:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ee5cbcca1f970a⋯.png (869.16 KB,1527x636,509:212,Clipboard.png)

File: d29349055374117⋯.png (597.63 KB,1117x754,1117:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723244 (210816ZNOV20) Notable: WARBRD1

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AE5895 B-52H 60-0060

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aa66db No.147398

File: 653f84651154d66⋯.png (111.69 KB,1260x1035,28:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 615b62c6cbbe0a8⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723257 (210818ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices"

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This this and this. The "cover" stories or slides on this started today and managed to get into notables.

THIS IS THE TRUTH, how do I know? (dare I post 4chan LARP here with people who take every word literally?) There was a call, that there was a call just as Sidney describes…was dropped on /pol/ just like the Scytl server snatch was.

>>147392 Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices

Pic related refers to THE CALL:

(please dear readers, if you're not familiar with /pol/ LARPS I beg you to withhold your hysteria)

KEK can you imagine POTUS listening in on this call while in the SCIF? HAHAHAHAHA if he smoked cigars listening to yet another DoD traitor fuck themselves had to be awesome.

Imagine the condition of THAT person right this minute.

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aa66db No.147399

File: e6da8ae397efb69⋯.png (33.32 KB,601x341,601:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723268 (210821ZNOV20) Notable: Mark Dice: Hey @BenShapiro, tell us about that secret dinner you had with Mark Zuckerberg last year.

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"Hey @BenShapiro, tell us about that secret dinner you had with Mark Zuckerberg last year."

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aa66db No.147400

File: 34faebc64283963⋯.jpg (138.32 KB,1072x804,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723269 (210821ZNOV20) Notable: EAS Message: MuhCorona - Emergency Alert - Severe Threat Alert

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Emergency Alert - Severe Threat Alert

Governor Pritzker Illinois Today.

I didn't scroll to the end of his command, but I'm thinking it says …WEAR PANTIES.

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aa66db No.147401

File: 88d972f625508c9⋯.jpg (286.05 KB,1704x354,284:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723277 (210824ZNOV20) Notable: WARBRD1

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Ben Gurion Air Port

Lod / IAF

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aa66db No.147402

File: 821a7dd22109be5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1829x884,1829:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723280 (210824ZNOV20) Notable: PROOF SCYTL LIED TO THE MEDIA

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aa66db No.147403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723292 (210827ZNOV20) Notable: PROOF SCYTL LIED TO THE MEDIA

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saw that on half-chin..


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aa66db No.147404

File: 4571aa2d7dde9ea⋯.png (503.54 KB,600x639,200:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723300 (210828ZNOV20) Notable: Cannibalism, you say?

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Cannibalism, you say?


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aa66db No.147405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723308 (210830ZNOV20) Notable: Map of Dem Corruption in Ukraine

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WOW anyone seen this?

Interactive PDF click on any part and it enlarges

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aa66db No.147406

File: 3bccc706506c3a5⋯.png (102.01 KB,369x635,369:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723367 (210843ZNOV20) Notable: Hows THAT for a Kraken???

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aa66db No.147407

File: a9b8c752a1d5ca1⋯.png (429.6 KB,1680x1050,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 90e2b4dc1c404d5⋯.png (1.02 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 4026b222d637fe8⋯.png (429.82 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 922bbe1a06ed7cb⋯.png (1.24 MB,1242x758,621:379,Clipboard.png)

File: e17e28d58601532⋯.png (1.28 MB,900x1032,75:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723382 (210846ZNOV20) Notable: ISAAC KAPPY's DEAD MANS SWITCH – The LOST Tapes - #32

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This is a prime example of what one courageous man can do to break the locks of darkness.

Shills will cast shade or laugh at Kappy but that's because the darkness hates the light.

Kappy loved not his own life, laying down for the sake of humanity.

References: Conspiracy of Silence film BushWH pedo scandal

Adam Schiffhttps://girlonfireca.com/index.php/2020/08/05/adam-schiff-and-ed-buck-the-sickest-of-sickest-of-fcks-heartsick/




A long-time associate of Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) is one Dr. Bruce Hensel, who, according to prosecutors, has been arrested in Los Angeles for pedophilia charges after he allegedly asked a 9-year-old girl to send him pictures that were sexually suggestive.

What a piece of Schiff.

Schiff and Hensel have been linked closely for years, with the LA Times describing the latter as a “special guest” at Schiff’s 50th birthday party in 2010.

The House Intelligence Committee chairman also hand-picked Hensel to work with him on healthcare town halls in California and has received big bucks donations from the 71-year-old pedo freak throughout his political career.

The LAPD confirmed Dr. Hensel was arrested Wednesday morning in Beverly Hills and was charged with “contact with a minor for sexual purposes.”

An investigation for child sexual exploitation involving a 9-year-old came about when inappropriate messages and pictures were shared between the Hensel and the child.

Police officials said the 71-year-old creep was booked for contact with a minor with the purpose of committing sexual acts.

Mark Thompson NYT BBC protector of serial pedo Jimmy Saville

Johnny Depp

Robert DeNiro connected to pedo sex trafficking ring in 1998 https://www.eonline.com/news/35928/paris-vice-cops-quiz-de-niro


Revelation 12:11 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

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aa66db No.147408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723396 (210848ZNOV20) Notable: #14963, #14964, #14965 1/2

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Dough: >>>/qresearch/11722659

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>147372 NY Gov. Cuomo to receive International Emmy for virus briefings

>>147371 Circuit Courts Have Been Reassigned – Nov 20th

>>147373 , >>147384 Tucker Emails Hunter Biden (is this legit?)

>>147372 NY Gov. Cuomo to receive International Emmy for virus briefings (only this timeline)

>>147374 , >>147380 Tucker Carlson VIP at Comet Ping Pong? (dafuq?)

>>147375 , >>147376 , >>147378 Dan Scavino tweeting (old?) pics the "The Team" (are these new or old? some new, some old?)

>>147379 Jonathan Turley Opines (worth reading)

>>147381 , >>147383 Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"

>>147382 Georgia $107 million contract with Dominion Voting Systems in 2019 months after Texas test and rejection, Bribes kickbacks?

>>147385 , >>147394 EXCLUSIVE: Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson almost had his career derailed after a woman falsely accused him of raping her in a packed Kentucky pizza restaurant

>>147386 Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraud

>>147387 Thank God for vigilant patriots

>>147377 I'll take planetary alignments for 500$ Alex.

>>147390 Lin Wood: I've Seen Sidney Powell's Evidence on Dominion Vote Software

>>147388 , >>147389 , >>147391 THREAD RE DOMINION SERBIA CONTINUED

>>147392 , >>147398 Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices"

>>147393 Tucker in a Kaballah bracelet

>>147395 Laura Ingraham Dog Comms Re: Hunter Biden Emails?


>>147397 , >>147401 WARBRD1

>>147399 Mark Dice: Hey @BenShapiro, tell us about that secret dinner you had with Mark Zuckerberg last year.

>>147400 EAS Message: MuhCorona - Emergency Alert - Severe Threat Alert

>>147402 , >>147403 PROOF SCYTL LIED TO THE MEDIA

>>147404 Cannibalism, you say?

>>147405 Map of Dem Corruption in Ukraine

>>147406 Hows THAT for a Kraken???

>>147407 ISAAC KAPPY's DEAD MANS SWITCH – The LOST Tapes - #32

save 'em for the next one!

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aa66db No.147409

File: 0efc0ce837feec4⋯.png (42.69 KB,514x559,514:559,Clipboard.png)

File: b29b3c20a690661⋯.png (53.34 KB,530x603,530:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 52f4605c6192ef6⋯.png (380.33 KB,557x586,557:586,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bc5e507c50737d⋯.png (2.64 MB,2074x2114,1037:1057,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723518 (210919ZNOV20) Notable: Chad Wolf is a D5?

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>>>/qresearch/11723449 LB

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Forgive me, Anons, if I am a bit late to the party on this.

D5 = Directive 5? Which states that in a national emergency (such as insurrection, say?), the DHS Secretary is responsible for managing the domestic incident. This is from the text of the directive.



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aa66db No.147410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723529 (210921ZNOV20) Notable: The same guy who is the registered controlling agent of Scytl…. look what he did two days ago:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11723489 (LB)

Holy shit, I am finding a literal gold mine in this direction tonight. The same guy who is the registered controlling agent of Scytl…. look what he did two days ago:


So to sum up for those late to the game. In May, Scytl is bought by Sandton only for it to change control agent in October (days before election) to a man from a near non existent company called Service Point Solutions:


Directly after the election fraud and issues surrounding Scytl, the very same controlling agent applied through the MN Secretary of State for their District 8 representative:


If this isn't a quid pro quo potential example I don't know what is. How the hell did this guy get the capital to first buy a company with many millions invested and then control agent only to then be involved in a major metro recommendation for representative. This company is clearly a shell:


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aa66db No.147411

File: cd1c63b967ebfa2⋯.jpeg (167.75 KB,745x1044,745:1044,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7d6c0d9ea35ecff⋯.jpeg (148.29 KB,749x848,749:848,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e6c73062290109⋯.jpeg (88.27 KB,750x408,125:68,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723550 (210924ZNOV20) Notable: Clergy Sex Abuse Fund

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aa66db No.147412

File: 7ea6ed29d5d7b5b⋯.png (445.65 KB,550x328,275:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b34b9ca6d002d5⋯.png (16.88 KB,751x258,751:258,Clipboard.png)

File: ccb2f802c22c152⋯.png (23.76 KB,366x330,61:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723569 (210928ZNOV20) Notable: USNS Mercy- Last port location was in Portland

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USNS Mercy- Last port location was in Portland

With Portland being such a weird place to begin with, it always seemed like all the organized riots outside the courthouse was more about slowing down whatever could be happening inside the courthouse.

These ships still just sitting off both coasts…



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aa66db No.147413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723579 (210930ZNOV20) Notable: Chad Wolf is a D5?

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Trump needs the support of all five.

- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,

- Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin,

- Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller,

- Attorney General William Barr, and

- the soon to come, new Secretary of Homeland Security. Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of New York ruled Saturday that Chad Wolf was not legally serving as the acting secretary of homeland security.

Involves two consecutive 45-day post-election periods. The lead is Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe since May 26, 2020


Judge Rules Acting DHS Secretary Lacked Authority To Suspend DACA Program November 14, 202011:36 PM ET

The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"

BY HEALTHRANGER // 2020-11-13

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


Issued on: September 12, 2018

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aa66db No.147414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723589 (210933ZNOV20) Notable: Chad Wolf is a D5?

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BLUF [Bottom Line Up Front]:

I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.


I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat…



September 12, 2018.

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aa66db No.147415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723591 (210934ZNOV20) Notable: Chad Wolf is a D5?

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Leigh Dundas Explains Trumps 2018 Executive Order as it relates to 2020 Election Fraud

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aa66db No.147416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723594 (210934ZNOV20) Notable: Chad Wolf is a D5?

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First 45 Days =>Assessment Phase PANIC

Second 45 Days =>Deliverables PAIN

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

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aa66db No.147417

File: c3207d2edaf41a5⋯.png (172.72 KB,1260x1035,28:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723602 (210936ZNOV20) Notable: Regarding sidney powell's comment about AOC/Bernie phonecall and a DoD insider

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also, this is coming from 4pol

regarding sidney powell's comment about AOC/Bernie phonecall and a DoD insider

Sidney's newsmax segment where she mentions the phonecall looks to be from 3:45cst 11/20.

in the final hours of 11/19, an anon on 4pol was talking about a phonecall, picrelated

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aa66db No.147418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723622 (210941ZNOV20) Notable: John Brennan, how did you turn your 1,370 shares of TAC stock into $4.85 million without violating conflict-of-interest law?

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John Brennan, how did you turn your 1,370 shares of TAC stock into $4.85 million without violating conflict-of-interest law? Oh, that’s right you did violate conflict-of-interest law…

1. get Tenet to make you Dir TTIC

2. Use TAC & it’s proprietary software as the foundation of TTIC (without TAC the Govt can’t have a terror watchlist-it is the indispensable Govt contractor).

2. Get TTIC unmonitored access to all 26 intelligence databases & comm systems.

3. Get bush43 to upgrade TTIC to NCTC

4. Get bush43 to give NCTC targeting control over NSA collection of communications around the world & in US

5. “Retire” from Govt and become President & CEO of TAC the next day

6. Arrange new owner of TAC & prep for initial public offering as GTEC (get stock in GTEC and hide it company 401k). Your options were for 5400 shares, vesting 25% each year after convert TAC to GTEC. You stayed on for 18-mos after convert so you vested at least 1370 shares.

7. Leave GTEC and become Obama National Security Advisor for counterterrorism and NOBLEY forfeit all outstanding stock options (while hiding vested options in your 401k).

8. You Lie to office of govt ethics and say you will sell your 401k stocks that you valued at $150,000

9. GTEC files with SEC for 60,000 to 1 stock split. SEC says ok, but current & former employee stockholders cannot have that stock split. GTEC agrees to limit all current and former employee stockholders to 200,000 shares. How many shares did Bush43 & Obama get with 60,000 to 1 split?

10. With 200,000 shares in your 401k GTEC goes public and settles at $10.50/share. Your 401k is now $2 million.

11. Using NCTC access to all intelligence information you get your hand picked analysts to front run CT investigations to identify future attacks and direct NSA PRISM & XKeyscore to compartmentalizations key info about terrorists contacts and plans so FBI & CIA can’t stop the ones you want to succeed.

12. Failure to stop a few attacks causes congress to give more money to NCTC and NCTC gives more valuable contracts to TAC that is now GTEC and then changed its name to Sotera. The attacks were Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Anders Breivik in Norway, and the Boston Marathon Bombings.

13. By 2011 when Ares Management took Sotera stock symbol GTEC private your 401k had $4,850,000 in cash in it.

14. When you left your post as Dir CIA you claimed a Sotera 401k with a value of….$150,000. Except it was worth over $4.8 million.

Correct me if I’m wrong but that is 8-years conflict of interest, 8 false official statements and treason for giving aid & comfort to the enemy during a time of war, right?

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aa66db No.147419

File: 95d02d39c812abf⋯.jpg (60.92 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723625 (210942ZNOV20) Notable: Hong Kong Bakery Decorates Cake with ‘Uncle’ Joe Biden Sniffing Anime Girl

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For keks.

Hong Kong Bakery Decorates Cake with ‘Uncle’ Joe Biden Sniffing Anime Girl

Nov 19. Breitbart

The Villa Villa Cafe and Bar in Hong Kong published a photo of a custom cake it baked for a customer this week depicting American presidential candidate Joe Biden sniffing the hair of a distressed cartoon girl drawn in the Japanese anime style.

The Asian outlet Coconuts, which highlighted the bizarre cake order, described the image of Biden as one of “a handsy pedophile.” Though there is no evidence Biden is a pedophile, he has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women and has a reputation for being overly affectionate, even with children.

Coconuts translated the Chinese text on the cake as reading, “Warmly celebrate Uncle Biden for his election as the 46th US president.”

Villa Villa Cafe and Bar advertised the cake as available in multiple flavors and noted on their page that the photos printed on the cake are edible. Among the flavors listed are coffee, triple chocolate, almond walnut, and rose.

The image appears to be a reference to the reputation that Biden has developed of inappropriate or “creepy” behavior towards young women. Since his days as senator, reporters have photographed Biden sniffing the hair or neck of various women and girls, as well as appearing to touch them inappropriately. The Washington Post referred to Biden in 2015 as a “creepy uncle.”

Biden has also fielded several accusations of sexual assault, the most prominent being that of a woman named Tara Reade, who claimed that, while as a staffer for Biden in the 1990s, Biden digitally raped her in a hallway. Reade was the eighth woman to accuse Biden of sexual assault when she shared her version of the story in 2020.

Another woman, Lucy Flores, described being “mortified” during an encounter with Biden while he was vice president.

“I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, ‘I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual f*ck?'” Flores said.

Biden has dismissed accusations of inappropriate touching and sexual assault by insisting that it is his way of making “a human connection” and that it is his “responsibility” as a politician to do so. He has publicly joked about accusations of inappropriately touching children.

Coconuts noted that the Hong Kong protest movement has identified Villa Villa as a “yellow shop,” meaning that its owners support the pro-democracy movement against China. Hong Kong has experienced waves of regular protests attracting millions of people in the past year, opposing increased interference in Hong Kong affairs by China.

Hong Kong is officially part of China but governed under the “One Country, Two Systems” policy, which prevents Beijing from imposing Communist Party laws on the city. In exchange, Hong Kong cannot declare itself sovereign from China. The protests began last year when the Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) attempted to pass a law that would have allowed China to extradite anyone present in Hong Kong if accused of Communist Party crimes.


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aa66db No.147420

File: 957426a5ff2865a⋯.png (65.9 KB,538x653,538:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 4191ae5c18deeb9⋯.png (59.43 KB,437x648,437:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723629 (210942ZNOV20) Notable: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


Issued on: September 12, 2018

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aa66db No.147421

File: 8bc5b414cf1203f⋯.jpg (324.01 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723644 (210946ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: Georgia squarely in our crosshairs

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aa66db No.147422

File: 44eb525c9b4fc26⋯.jpg (354.22 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723662 (210952ZNOV20) Notable: Dems block stimulus bill again

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aa66db No.147423

File: 4d9b4ce5d751c3a⋯.png (28.19 KB,739x208,739:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723666 (210952ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: Evidence of vote-fraud 'conspiracy' to be published

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Sidney Powell: Evidence of vote-fraud 'conspiracy' to be published

Trump lawyer says documents will be posted online as soon as this weekend

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aa66db No.147424

File: e408476a90b5923⋯.png (25.63 KB,847x204,847:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723671 (210954ZNOV20) Notable: Mathematician flags 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots for fraud

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Mathematician flags 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots for fraud

Biden leads by 82,000 votes in official count

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aa66db No.147425

File: baa15ef6d4d18ed⋯.png (153.97 KB,862x559,862:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723689 (210957ZNOV20) Notable: Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

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Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

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aa66db No.147426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723697 (211000ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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One thing is certain: the world will not be the same after November 3, 2020. When we analyse this campaign, the first thing that we must notice is a large amount of resources that was put towards preventing Donald Trump from winning his second term as US President.

Standing against Trump is not just a political party of his opponent in the election, but also a government and state apparatus, multinational companies and all of the mainstream media. When we add to that list a great number of foreign countries that have intervened by giving their support to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, we can see the precise image of a vast machinery facing Donald Trump, a machinery also known by the terms such are “the deep state” or ‘’the globalists’’. Judging by the resources they have invested and their open disregard for US rules and laws, including the acts of violence and terrorism, it is clear that this is much more than the election and that the outcome of it will have an enormous impact not just on the US, but on the entire world.

The greatest illustration of the aforementioned claims is Ukrainegate, the affair that marked this election campaign because of the involvement of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in serious criminal behavior and international corruption. This affair has showed the true face of the all-pervading “deep state” and its tentacles and everything that US President Donald Trump was fighting against, during his first term and during this campaign. It is simply astonishing how the media ignored and have tried to belittle and hide the overwhelming evidence pertaining grave criminal acts Joe Biden, a man who is a public official for almost half of century, was involved in. We also witnessed a censorship on social media of a massive scale. Posts on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were removed, profiles were deleted, Twitter accounts were blocked, even the accounts of US public officials and the links from US state authorities were blocked. The algorithms were changed in order to minimize the reach of posts pertaining political questions, so that fewer people would be able to reach the truthful and important information.

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aa66db No.147427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723705 (211001ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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In the affair known as Ukrainegate, material evidence that unequivocally prove that former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter are involved in criminal behavior and that they have committed serious criminal acts have reached the public. Joe Biden used his position as a Vice president during the Presidency of Barrack Obama to enable his son Hunter to make billions on a gas trading scheme in Ukraine, using the company called Burisma.

The first person who publicly spoke on Ukrainegate was Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. Due to his investigations of this affair, Giuliani was constantly attacked by the mainstream media. The beginning of these attacks came on September 28, 2019 via The Washington Post (which was also the beginning of this affair and the failed impeachment process against Donald Trump), the official newsletter of the deep state. A propaganda piece titled “Why Giuliani is blaming his own problems on George Soros” laid out the whole construction by the globalists in order to cover the unpleasant evidence that expose them. This construction was then repeated in all other mainstream media until this day. Why Giuliani is blaming his own problems on George Soros (https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/09/30/why-giuliani-is-blaming-his-own-problems-george-soros/)

The author of this piece, a Washington Post journalist, tries to defend Biden and Soros, while attacking Giuliani and Trump, but the problem is that the facts speak differently. This article was retweeted by Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, which is logical, considering the fact that it was Soros who ordered this propaganda piece.

“Rudolph W. Giuliani, whom President Trump reportedly used to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals, has evidently decided that two things will save him from scandal. The first is to continue to go on cable news shows. The second is to blame George Soros.

Last week, when Laura Ingraham of Fox News Channel asked Giuliani why he, and not the FBI and the Justice Department, had been sent to investigate alleged corruption, the former New York mayor said that it was because he is Trump’s personal lawyer. This, of course, prompted another question. How does investigating former vice president Joe Biden involve defending Trump? In response, Giuliani claimed that Biden had called for the firing of a prosecutor who was involved in the investigation of “an organization that was collecting false information about Donald Trump, about Paul Manafort, and feeding it to the Democratic National Committee.” If that sounds improbably complex, all you really need to know is the name he shouted out next: “That organization,” he said, “was run by George Soros”.”

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aa66db No.147428

File: 1c2f5c8c9ff3171⋯.png (958.68 KB,1026x788,513:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723710 (211002ZNOV20) Notable: Kenosha murder suspect Kyle Rittenhouse posts $2 million bond, no longer in custody

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Kenosha murder suspect Kyle Rittenhouse posts $2 million bond, no longer in custody

The teen claims he acted in self-defense when he gunned down two people during Jacob Blake protests.

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aa66db No.147429

File: 0053226ad7c98d3⋯.png (161.55 KB,853x403,853:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723711 (211002ZNOV20) Notable: Keystone-SDA’s Comprehensive Coverage of the 2019 Federal Elections in Switzerland

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First Spanm Germany and now Swiss.

The source code of the Scytl software is owned by the Swiss post.

And the 'flaws' were known.


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aa66db No.147430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723714 (211003ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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Although this journalist tries to convince us otherwise, facts and evidence prove that Giuliani was right and that he was speaking the truth. The audio recordings of a conversations between the former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden and former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko corroborate all of Giuliani’s claims and prove the fact that the claims made by The Washington Post were false.

The audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 11, 2016 clearly proves the fact that guarantees of immunity from criminal prosecution were given to former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Biden’s request. This conversation also shows us the massive influence Joe Biden had on Ukraine’s political scene and on the work of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation: https://youtu.be/pARtj8t6wSw

The audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 18, 2016 proves that Biden requested for Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin to be fired. The fact that the Democrats from the Washington administration wanted to replace the Ukrainian prosecutor was also corroborated by the audio recording of a conversation between John Kerry and Petro Poroshenko on December 3, 2015.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation between Biden and Poroshenko:

No longer avail

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation between Kerry and Poroshenko:


The audio recordings of a conversations between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on March 22, 2016 and May 13, 2016 prove that in exchange for firing of aforementioned prosecutor, Biden enabled for Ukraine to receive a loan in the amount of 1 billion US dollars.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation on March 22, 2016: https://youtu.be/Bd7DsqqGCGQ

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation on May 13, 2016: https://youtu.be/HlN6BOL0zZE

The audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on April 14, 2016 illustrates the fact that Biden interfered in the process of choosing the new Prosecutor General of Ukraine, while the audio recording of a conversation on May 27, 2016 proves that he also interfered with new appointments in Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation on April 14, 2016: https://youtu.be/zpMlakWOZUM

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation on May 27, 2016: https://youtu.be/eLecSrxvcPA

The audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on August 19, 2016 proves the fact that Biden was involved in collecting false information about Donald Trump and Paul Manafort in order to compromise Donald Trump’s campaign.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation: https://youtu.be/d6ubflICyhM

The journalist of The Washington Post, the official newsletter of the “deep state”, further emphasizes that it is only logical for the FBI and the Justice Department, not Giuliani, to conduct such investigation and that the fact that there is not any ongoing investigation proves that Biden is not guilty. However, the FBI conducted itself completely opposite. Instead of investigating these criminal acts, the FBI tried to bury and destroy the evidence. The audio recording of a conversation between Biden and Poroshenko on December 19, 2016 proves that the FBI even at that time had information about criminal organization in Ukraine.

The audio recording of aforementioned conversation: https://youtu.be/7ncyi_RIycs

It took until now, in the finish of this election campaign, for the FBI, confronted with all the evidence that have reached the public, to announce that they were allegedly conducting an investigation since 2019, when they came into possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop. This, of course, is a blatant lie, as the aforementioned The Washington Post article has proven.

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aa66db No.147431

File: c99690516261fb6⋯.jpg (75.81 KB,660x440,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723716 (211003ZNOV20) Notable: 30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans

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WOW! 30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump

Don’t tell FOX News!

Rasmussen Polling found this week that 75% of Republicans believe it is likely the election was stolen from Trump.

And, even 30% of Democrats believe that it was stolen.

Maybe because it WAS stolen?


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aa66db No.147432

File: 58eb67513a076da⋯.png (104.17 KB,238x159,238:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 98952beda4a8f6c⋯.png (91.68 KB,248x151,248:151,Clipboard.png)

File: fc372f6e2847ffa⋯.png (453.76 KB,534x355,534:355,Clipboard.png)

File: b652afad281ab9f⋯.png (544.81 KB,459x650,459:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723725 (211005ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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What is strikingly odd is the fact that there are all those evidence of Biden’s criminal acts, and the fact that the FBI knew about them, yet, instead of investigating, they have buried and destroyed the evidence. When the evidence started to reach the public, instead of indicting Biden, a massive persecution against Trump started and culminated in the impeachment process for something that Biden actually did. Is there anything crazier than this, folks? There are audio recordings proving that Biden directly influenced the firing of prosecutor Shokin, and there are no such evidence that Trump ever pressured the Ukrainian President to investigate Biden. Yet, the process was conducted against Trump, not Biden. Trump, of course, came out victorious in the Senate, because there was not a single piece of evidence against him and it is clear that the entire affair was fabricated.

The partner of the Biden family in all of this was the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, KGB associate by his own admission since 1987. Pinchuk is also one of the leading associates of George Soros in the Eastern Europe. He donated 10 million dollars to the Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential campaign. Here we can see a modus operandi of the globalists.

Knowing full well what they are mixed up in, and knowing that they will come under scrutiny for these machinations, they start to falsely attack their opponents for the same things they are guilty of. This is exactly how and why they have repeatedly attacked Trump and Giuliani, without evidence, accusing them of collaborating with Russians, while it is they that directly collaborate with KGB agents, for which there is ample evidence.

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aa66db No.147433

File: 421467ffca6fd48⋯.png (491.65 KB,1254x623,1254:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723729 (211007ZNOV20) Notable: Establishment Media’s Real Concern: How Did Trump Manage to Do So Well?

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Establishment Media’s Real Concern: How Did Trump Manage to Do So Well?

Freedom of the press suppressors don’t like to fooled.

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aa66db No.147434

File: f90bc50aa6bc19a⋯.png (513.4 KB,787x640,787:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723739 (211009ZNOV20) Notable: WaPo Contacted All 53 GOP Senators to Press Them on Trump’s Attempts to Overturn the Election — How Many Refused Comment?

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WaPo Contacted All 53 GOP Senators to Press Them on Trump’s Attempts to Overturn the Election — How Many Refused Comment?

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aa66db No.147435

File: 795b5eb583d643d⋯.png (274.37 KB,643x431,643:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 59769649382eb75⋯.png (272.62 KB,782x455,782:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723740 (211009ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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Pieces of these evidence can be found in the article written by famous Serbian journalist Predrag Popovic.


“US Presidential candidate Joseph Biden plays a significant role in the international corruption scandal. Under his auspices, a tariff gas scheme was conducted which made it possible for various politicians and oligarchs to steal 1.5 billion dollars from Ukraine. Through the banks owned by Viktor Pinchuk, a portion of this sum, 29 million dollars, was transferred in 2016 to the fund of former US Presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton.

Under the patronage of Joe Biden, a scheme was constructed in order to steal from the people of Ukraine. Seven years ago, in cooperation with Ukrainian authorities, “energy dependence” strategy was employed. Instead of a Russian gas, Ukraine decided to purchase so-called European gas in the future at a higher price. The money made on this difference in price was extracted from the country and paid into accounts belonging to American companies and funds that were under the control of Biden and his corrupt associates, who sheltered these schemes.

Stealing of 1.5 billion dollars was done using the largest Ukrainian energy trading company, Naftogaz. This fraud scheme was so simple and effective, it was almost as if it was created by a Serbian. Due to political misunderstandings, which later outgrew into war conflict, Ukraine ceased with a purchasing of Russian gas. According to the official statements of Naftogaz, Ukraine is purchasing European gas, not the Russian one. The trick is that it is the same Russian gas that passes by pipeline through the territory of Ukraine, leaves one kilometer from the country (most often to Slovakia) and returns back as so-called European gas. The difference being that this Russian gas is not bought from Russian companies but from shell companies registered in the EU that are under control by companies with ties to management of Naftogaz.

Ukrainian diplomat Andriy Telizhenko, who used to work for the Embassy in Washington DC, recently claimed that while being a President of the Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko took a bribe in the amount of 200 million US dollars, in order to stop the investigations into disputes business operations of the Kiev-based Burisma Holdings Limited. A managerial position at Burisma was held by Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President and current US Presidential candidate Joe Biden. Poroshenko received the money in order to stop the activities made by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin, who launched an investigation into tax evasion and money laundering of Burisma. When Shokin was replaced, Biden bragged around, saying that he was responsible for the removal of “that son of a bitch”.

On May 19, 2020, Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine launched an investigation against Poroshenko, placing him under suspicion that he “systematically used his official position during the years 2015-2016, acting against the interests of Ukraine, which all led to grave consequences to national interests.” Prosecution is in the possession of audio recording of the conversations between persons ‘’whose voices are similar to the voices of former President Poroshenko, former Vice President of USA Joe Biden and former United States Secretary of State John Kerry”. Analysis of these conversations established the fact that, between December 2015 and November 2016, Poroshenko committed criminal acts prohibited in Article 111 of Criminal Code of Ukraine that pertains to high treason. Poroshenko acted in such way that he inflicted damage to sovereignty of Ukraine and to its economic and intelligence security. He did so by revealing state secrets to representatives of foreign countries.

He is suspected of pressuring (along with Biden and Kerry) the Prosecutor General’s Office with goals of replacing Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin, enforcing the nationalization of PrivatBank and changing Ukrainian government. Poroshenko, Biden and Kerry committed these criminal offences in order to gain financial profit for themselves and other individuals and legal entities. These are the conclusions of analysis of the conversations that Poroshenko had with Biden on February 11, 18 and 19, 2016, on March 22, 2016, on May 13, 2016 and on November 16, 2016, as well as analysis of the conversation Poroshenko had with Kerry on December 3, 2015.

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aa66db No.147436

File: 3239e04123b347b⋯.png (23.75 KB,1338x220,669:110,Clipboard.png)

File: 432baeeaab47194⋯.png (769.96 KB,532x635,532:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723748 (211011ZNOV20) Notable: An attorney leading Trump's attempt to subvert the election results is a longtime QAnon supporter

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An attorney leading Trump's attempt to subvert the election results is a longtime QAnon supporter

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aa66db No.147437

File: 278fc6abf791146⋯.png (904.7 KB,993x841,993:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d59e850d9586cf⋯.png (632.91 KB,680x401,680:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 84934c579008583⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x595,240:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723750 (211011ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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A group of oligarchs and politicians conducted this scheme of corruption, and they stole more than 1.5 billion US dollars from the Ukrainian people. Money was transferred through numerous banks and companies at the accounts belonging to, among others, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. In the process of several judicial proceedings, the fraud was already established and some of the participants were punished. The final resolution of this affair in Ukraine will happen when Poroshenko, his partners from the Ukrainian government and Naftogaz, as well as oligarch Pinchuk are held accountable in criminal court. As far as USA is concern, there are ongoing judicial proceeding in several cases of scandals in which Bill and Hillary Clinton played a major role. Next to other criminal offences, Hillary Clinton is certainly going to be prosecuted for money laundering of dirty money donated to her by Victor Pinchuk.”

The Washington Post article then continues to defend George Soros, claiming that the attacks on Soros are antisemitism while Soros himself is a benign and humane philanthropist hated due to the fact that he is a man fighting against the corruption.

However, is this really the truth? What’s interesting is the mentioning of ANTAC, Soros’s NGO based in Ukraine, as an example of the NGO that allegedly fights against corruption and claiming that due to his work and such organizations Soros became the target of the attacks made by corrupted politicians. The truth is completely different. It is Soros who is the organizer of the grand-scale network of corruption which extracts the money out of the countries. For example, the citizens of the USA have no idea that they are the one whose money was used to finance chaos and riots that have hit the USA these last few months. Soros is the one who has been controlling USAID for decades and the money belonging to American taxpayers was extracted through corrupted politicians that Soros installed all over the world by using fictitious projects. That money then came back to the US through offshore networks and was used for financing of Antifa and BLM. Karen Greenaway, a member of ANTAC’s Supervisory Board, who up until December 2018 worked at the FBI as a Supervisory Special Agent, together with former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch (who, to my regret, has Serbian roots) hampered investigations against representatives of the US Democratic Party, in particular Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden. Karen Greenaway and the FBI had access to all the information of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine and to information on the investigation of criminal proceedings against former president Viktor Yanukovych and circle of his close associates, involved in a corruption transaction using Franklin Templeton Investments, an American investment fund, to acquire Ukraine’s Eurobonds at a total of nearly $ 7 billion. But since financial institutions associated with the US Democratic Party and the Barack Obama administration (John Templeton – sponsor, Tom Donilon – White House employee) took part in this, Ukraine intentionally did not receive legal assistance in the investigation. The result of these political intrigues and Greenaway’s involvement in the cover up of criminal acts was the resignation of Karen Greenaway and the early dismissal of Marie Yovanovitch. Since 2019, Greenaway started working at ANTAC which is funded directly by George Soros.

Due to an enormous amount of information on Ukrainegate, at the end of this article you can download the complete scheme of Ukrainegate with all of its tentacles. This is the first part, and it will soon be followed by a second one. I can only suggest to everyone to download and examine this material – by clicking on every field in the scheme you can open files and evidence.

The list of coloured revolutions orchestrated by George Soros is endless. It all started precisely in my country, the former Yugoslavia, and then it continued all over Europe, Africa, South America, and now this wave have hit the US. In the article I published on January 20, 2017, on President Trump’s Inauguration Day, I asked for Serbia to ban the work of George Soros and to ban operation of all organizations funded by him and connected to him, because they are all a part of a criminal-terrorist network.

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aa66db No.147438

File: 01239e16368cb0f⋯.png (298 KB,1814x1719,1814:1719,Clipboard.png)

File: 695c6d545d5cf8b⋯.png (720.47 KB,1010x518,505:259,Clipboard.png)

File: f7fbdbcc4d15f9f⋯.png (892.97 KB,749x865,749:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723759 (211014ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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Soros is a leading world terrorist and a criminal responsible for destruction and robbery of many countries, with Serbian people as one of his first and greatest victims. This is why Serbia must not be the sanctuary and safe house for Soros’s network any longer, and why it has to do what Russia and Hungary have done before.

One of the initiators of the wave of new colonialism worldwide is the CANVAS (Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) organization which is one of the first on the list of organizations that should be banned. The founders and leaders of this organization are former leaders of the OTPOR organization, Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Djinovic. Having gained fame for the first successful colour revolution which lead to establishment of colonial government in Serbia, they created CANVAS, the organization for execution of coups, and were engaged worldwide by CIA to change regimes that were disapproved by George Soros, the Clintons, and other world speculators and venturers.

CANVAS trained activists from about 50 countries who were the protagonists, among other things, of the so-called colour revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Tunisia, as well as of the unsuccessfully attempted revolutions in Belarus, Russia, China, and Syria. CANVAS harms reputation of the University of Belgrade since the teaching subject Methods and Tactics of Nonviolent Action is misused for training of colour revolutionaries from all over the world at the Faculty of Political Sciences.

CANVAS and Srdja Popovic are involved in organization of protests against Donald Trump, The president-elect of the United States (late 2016-January 2017).

They are also connected to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and they are operationally involved in organising violence, riots and terrorist attacks that are happening across the USA in the last several months. Antifa is run by Hillary Clinton, while George Soros is in charge of Black Lives Matter.

Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi. All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now. The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries. All the evidence corroborating this and precise locations I will publish on another occasion.

The first Presidential term of Donald Trump was marked by his fight against the deep state and all its obstacles. They have tried to start the impeachment process many times and they have finally started it in 2019. As soon as they lost in their attempt to overthrow President Trump in this way, The COVID-19 pandemic was on its way. As early as March I have published the evidence that prove that the virus was artificially created and released from the Soros’s lab located in Wuhan.

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aa66db No.147439

File: 2b783ca79619560⋯.png (74.53 KB,150x300,1:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b783ca79619560⋯.png (74.53 KB,150x300,1:2,Clipboard.png)

File: ec4c89c03a23423⋯.png (92.96 KB,182x300,91:150,Clipboard.png)

File: eabe574f777d152⋯.png (92.05 KB,168x300,14:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f5f6ad7ebc769f⋯.png (110.51 KB,229x300,229:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723768 (211016ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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In the end, the globalists have orchestrated riots and violence as a sort of prelude to the chaos that they are planning to organize after the election, in order to create their own government inside the USA, disregarding the will of the American people. Everything that the US is dealing with now, we the Serbs have been through, twice. We are familiar with Soros’s global criminal network better than anyone else due to the fact that we are victims of it for the last more than 30 years. The American people should look carefully at our experience because they are in great danger. The plan is clear and simple. The deep state will try to steal the election and if that doesn’t work, they will try to overthrow Trump in the streets. If that also doesn’t work out and they can’t install their own government, the next step in the plan will be the dissolution of the United States. Some federal states will declare their independence from the country. It’s going to take a lot of courage, wisdom and trust in Trump and in themselves for the American people to avoid the fate that befell the Serbian people in the 90s.

Serbia is a part of all of this subversive acts against the sovereignty of the US. Serbia and the Balkans in its entirety are a colony of George Soros and the globalists and this is the part of the world where they wield the most power. This here is the safe house for their (anti) USA operations. This is why there are no data coming out concerning the globalist network and crime in Serbia. Because unlike in Ukraine, in here, they’re still in the positions of power through the political players they’ve installed and they are still holding onto that power.

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aa66db No.147440

File: b77a1561854f497⋯.png (46.44 KB,603x482,603:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 54b6dc8118f4de2⋯.png (65.01 KB,900x678,150:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 95bc6dd64ee6661⋯.png (48.76 KB,560x783,560:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 33bd941f1cf1ed8⋯.png (67.24 KB,900x683,900:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 952794b18486c2c⋯.png (66.2 KB,820x758,410:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723772 (211017ZNOV20) Notable: Voting Works digs #Georgia

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>>147004 /pb Notable about Voting Works

>>143865 /pb Voting Works

Voting Works digs

Sidney tweeted an article from thenation.com that covers the Lin Wood lawsuit, as well as Voting Works, the Soros non-profit Georgia legislature put in charge of auditing.

Target acquired anons!






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aa66db No.147441

File: a739ba44126c6d4⋯.png (18.06 KB,1022x201,1022:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723780 (211019ZNOV20) Notable: Senator Chachi? Actor Scott Baio challenges Romney on Twitter

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Senator Chachi? Actor Scott Baio challenges Romney on Twitter

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aa66db No.147442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723781 (211019ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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Before the US elections in 2016, Serbian government led by Aleksandar Vucic (then – the Prime Minister, now – the President of Serbia) has been heavily involved in supporting Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign. Not only has Vucic publicly endorsed Hillary, but also the Government of Republic of Serbia donated 2 million US dollars to her campaign. This is a clear interference of a foreign country in the US election process and a criminal offence that Hillary Clinton must be prosecuted and convicted for. Data on this payment was found in the content of Hillary’s emails and Trump’s associate Roger Stone spoke about this donation which has made him the target of the Clintons. Stone was indicted and convicted (all organised by Hillary Clinton). YouTube channel belonging to Alex Jones, on whose show Stone divulged this information was terminated, all of the shows were deleted, and the FBI covered and destroyed all of the evidence.


However, the Serbian Government and Vucic were not the only financial contributors to Hillary’s campaign. Serbian oligarch Zeljko Mitrovic has made a payment of 5 million euros to a bank account connected to Joe Biden, to be used in Hillary’s campaign. Mitrovic took out a loan in the amount of 27 million euros from the AIK Bank belonging to Miodrag Kostic. However, he was obligated to first transfer the aforementioned sum of 5 million before he could receive the rest of the money (22 million euros). Kostic organised this transaction through the wealthiest of the Ukrainian oligarchs Rinat Akhmetov, since Akhmetov’s daughter is married to Kostic’s son. The intermediary in this arrangement was Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. I have asked several parliamentary questions during the sessions of the National Assembly pertaining this matter, as early as 2017. I have also publicly asked the same question to Zeljko Mitrovic himself at the protests that took place in front of the Government of Republic of Serbia in the same year.

Also, by orders of Soros, Clintons and Biden, Vucic instructed Vojislav Seselj to publicly endorse Trump dressed in a t-shirt with Trump’s name on it during Biden’s visit to Serbia. On Wednesday, August 17, 2016, this was a breaking news in all of the media under globalist control due to the endorsement of, as they have put it, a convicted war criminal to Donald Trump for the President of USA. Every single one of mainstream media outlets reported from the public event that Serbian Radical Party organized in protest of Biden’s visit to Serbia, commenting that this performance only helped Hillary Clinton! The same setup is awaiting Trump after this election, concerning the decoration he received from Hashim Thaci.

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aa66db No.147443

File: f636d9bf758e9eb⋯.png (47.96 KB,598x599,598:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 367068cf232a48c⋯.png (553.34 KB,477x969,159:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 544f3e63a679fd0⋯.png (594.77 KB,1532x814,766:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723790 (211022ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: POTUS can sit back with the POPCORN - the Kraken has got this

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Sidney Powell Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐


He doesn't need to. He already decided to #ReleaseTheKraken

He can sit back with Popcorn

and watch the show







Quote Tweet

Kaitlan Collins


· 14h

President Trump hasn’t answered a question from reporters in 17 days.

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aa66db No.147444

File: 75306228e702dd8⋯.png (521.89 KB,704x781,64:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723796 (211024ZNOV20) Notable: Jenna Ellis Schools the Media

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Jenna Ellis Schools the Media

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aa66db No.147445

File: e5092f5406bdbd5⋯.png (694.65 KB,753x936,251:312,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a4cd108e12d58f⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723799 (211025ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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Rudolph Giuliani was another prominent figure who have suffered political consequences because of Vucic. In 2012, he endorsed Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Progressive Party which cost him a political function. Perhaps he could have politically “survived” if it wasn’t for the fact that in 2016 Vucic praised him and delivered the evidence of a payment that was made to Giuliani to George Soros, a payment that was made from Serbia Progressive Party in order to secure Giuliani’s visit to Serbia and his support to Vucic. And so Giuliani, instead of becoming General Attorney, Secretary of Homeland Security or perhaps Secretary of State, remained without a political function. Vucic delivered evidence of aforementioned payment to the Clintons, and Hillary Clinton forwarded those evidence to the FBI so FBI could investigate Giuliani considering he was one of the more prominent figures in Trump’s 2016 campaign. Because of this investigation “Belgrade Waterfront” was declared a money laundering project and Serbia was put on the blacklist of countries that provides laundering of money acquired by criminal activities and support financing of terrorism (“FATF list of countries with strategic shortcomings in the field of combating money laundering and terrorism financing”). It was then that the Arabs were instructed to cease with the financing of “Belgrade Waterfront” and to return the dirty money that they previously received as a so-called investment.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also fabricated a lie that Melania Trump’s father used to be an associate of UDBA (communist secret service of former Yugoslavia). Serbian ambassador to Ukraine Rade Bulatovic was involved in setting up the impeachment process of President Trump. Bulatovic is a former BIA Director (Serbian CIA).

Over 1.500 individuals, organizations and companies in Serbia are involved in a money laundering network and financing of the organizations belonging to George Soros, including the terrorist activities of Antifa and BLM. The newest proven example of these schemes is an extradition request for 11 persons that were arrested in Serbia in July of 2020. They were arrested directly by the FBI. Working under cover of Serbian authorities, these persons orchestrated an international scheme in which they stole over 400 million US dollars, of which 70 million dollars was stolen from American citizens. This money was then used to finance the activities of Antifa and BLM. They even managed to involve a famous American actor Steven Seagal, also a Serbian citizen. Seagal have managed to make a deal with American prosecutors. The Government of Republic of Serbia is obstructing this extradition request because these 11 person are able to further implicate the bigger fish – people connected to Soros, Biden and to globalist structures.

During the last 20 years, hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayers’s money were extracted and laundered through USAID in Serbia alone. I’ve already mentioned Srdja Popovic and CANVAS as a key figures in organising of riots and in the future, post-election attempt of a violent overthrow of President Trump. A company owned by Joe Biden and his son Beau has made over 3 billion US dollars on a debt collection that former Yugoslavia had to Iraq. Former Serbian President Boris Tadic have sold a debt claim in a sum amounting to 3.5 billion US dollars for only 300 million US dollars to Beau Biden’s company. In return, Tadic was fully politically supported by Biden.

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aa66db No.147446

File: f77685827db456e⋯.png (10.96 KB,719x155,719:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723802 (211026ZNOV20) Notable: Distraught Caller Speaks for Millions of Trump Voters Fed Up with Republicans

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Distraught Caller Speaks for Millions of Trump Voters Fed Up with Republicans

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aa66db No.147447

File: 40ff9b5be4f9cd8⋯.png (778.77 KB,1882x919,1882:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 80768800cfee05a⋯.png (239.5 KB,620x412,155:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f9718a694af785⋯.png (77.3 KB,293x172,293:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 10f94ddcf0f3ad4⋯.png (319.55 KB,979x576,979:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 43829495b0c01d5⋯.png (267.08 KB,979x362,979:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723803 (211026ZNOV20) Notable: Voting machines in Antrim and Wayne counties in Michigan are connected to the Internet on November 3. at 11 pm, and thousands of Trump's votes were transferred from Serbia to Biden.

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glitch aka unexpected moniotor in real time

The external network is connected to the Serbian IP address, the network that provides support is SBB, which is owned by Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, and Soros. Minority partners in SBB are Solak and Djilas. So don't shit, but pack up too.




Voting machines in Antrim and Wayne counties in Michigan are connected to the Internet on November 3. at 11 pm, and thousands of Trump's votes were transferred from Serbia to Biden.


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aa66db No.147448

File: f1ac706c1621793⋯.png (95.74 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723805 (211026ZNOV20) Notable: Soros Biden Network

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American people are now fighting to take their country back from the claws of these criminals and thanks to Donald Trump, they have a good chance of succeeding. That same Swamp occupied and stole from Serbia. Political and oligarch structures in Serbia and Balkans, as well as former and current governments of these countries are all a part of a global structure whose head is in Washington and whose orders they obey. Trump is striking at the very heart of this Swamp which finally gave a chance, not only to America, but to countries as Serbia also, to release themselves from the claws of these criminal organizations. We all hope and we expect that the head of this monster will be cut off on November 3, and then it’s up to us to destroy its tentacles. One thing is for sure: the world will not be the same after November 3, 2020. It is my sincere desire and belief that after this date, the world will once again belong to sovereign countries and people and to the patriots all over the globe. That is why I am fighting.


Here you can download the complete scheme of Ukrainegate. Do it as soon as possible because Google will surely banned it and censor it. Click on the each field and the picture on a scheme to open files and evidence.

Don’t take anyone at their word, trust your eyes and judgment and look at the overwhelming evidence.

Srdjan Nogo

Author is a Serbian politician and a former Member of Parliament.

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aa66db No.147449

File: b57f48919aa4097⋯.png (451.81 KB,864x554,432:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723809 (211027ZNOV20) Notable: Supreme Court Unveils New Circuit Assignments for Justices – Here Is the Breakdown

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Supreme Court Unveils New Circuit Assignments for Justices – Here Is the Breakdown

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aa66db No.147450

File: e9a77e4f779b7b0⋯.png (256.4 KB,640x429,640:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723840 (211037ZNOV20) Notable: Busted: FBI Agents Arrest Second Cincinnati Democrat On Federal Corruption Charges

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Busted: FBI Agents Arrest Second Cincinnati Democrat On Federal Corruption Charges

(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Liberal strongholds across the country seem to be cesspools of corruption and fraud. Despite the fact that Ohio went easily to President Trump, that didn’t stop Democrats in the state’s liberal cities from taking their best shot at stealing the election for Biden.

Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld (pictured above with Joe Biden) became the third member of city council to be arrested. Sittenfeld was arrested Thursday on federal corruption charges FOX19 NOW reports.

A 20-page indictment revealed the charges against Sittenfeld include an alleged scheme to funnel money from developers into a political action committee (PAC) that he actually secretly controlled, according to court records.

What Sittenfeld didn’t know was that the “developers” he was scamming were actually undercover FBI agents. The undercover agents gave him a total of $40,000 in checks to Sittenfeld on three separate occasions.

Sittenfeld is running for Cincinnati Mayor and with a track record like this he might just have a shot in such a progressive city. Democrats have an affinity for corruption and fraud.

Sittenfeld joins the ranks of arrested and disgraced city councilmembers to be arrested this year and the second one to be arrested this month alone.

In court records, federal authorities also revealed that they are investigating corruption and bribery related to votes and “development projects” and said that more prosecution is on the way.

At a news conference last week, US Attorney David DeVillers said that accepting campaign donations in exchange for favors is a violation of federal law. I think we’re all familiar with the concept of “quid pro quo” at this point.

City Councilmember Jeff Pastor was arrested Nov. 4 on felony charges of bribery, extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other crimes, FOX19 reports. The other councilmember arrested this year was Tamaya Dennard who was arrested in February on charges she accepted bribes for her vote.

Dennard resigned in March and then pleaded guilty to wire fraud and is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 24.

Pastor’s council colleagues and others throughout the state have called on him to also resign but so far he has not. Sittenfeld is also being called on to resign.

“Obviously anyone who is facing such serious allegations owes it to the community to resign,” Councilman David Mann told FOX19 NOW Thursday.

On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost requested that the state’s top court begin the process to suspend Pastor.

Pastor, the only Republican of the three, is insisting that he has evidence of entrapment but a group of Republicans including State Rep. Tom Brinkman and four other Cincinnati voters sued in Hamilton County Probate Court to force Pastor to resign.

Councilwoman Betsy Sundermann humorously posted a Twitter poll on Wednesday asking if followers thought any other council members would be indicted. She has since deleted the tweet.

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aa66db No.147451

File: c8f10d2fa8184a3⋯.png (576.04 KB,715x685,143:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723842 (211038ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Team Will Sue Officials ‘To Invalidate’ Election Results

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Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Team Will Sue Officials ‘To Invalidate’ Election Results

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aa66db No.147452

File: 87e4a614832ea60⋯.png (51.89 KB,632x403,632:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723854 (211041ZNOV20) Notable: The Trump Team's Real Strategy

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November 21, 2020

The Trump Team's Real Strategy

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aa66db No.147453

File: 0e403f2811329a3⋯.png (657.83 KB,704x591,704:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723856 (211043ZNOV20) Notable: Colin Kaepernick goes full radical with call to free cop killer

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Colin Kaepernick goes full radical with call to free cop killer

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aa66db No.147454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723862 (211045ZNOV20) Notable: Keystone-SDA’s Comprehensive Coverage of the 2019 Federal Elections in Switzerland

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16.09.2019 | Federal Elections 2019

Keystone-SDA’s Comprehensive Coverage of the 2019 Federal Elections in Switzerland

The news agency is already in the starting gates for a complete and multimedia coverage of one of the most exciting moments in politics: the Swiss Federal Elections.


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aa66db No.147455

File: 1295806819f4232⋯.jpg (250.21 KB,1826x1136,913:568,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723868 (211047ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Carlson was VIP regulars at Commet Ping Pong and Pizza - Washington Post 7/8/2007

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Tucker Carlson was VIP regulars at Commet Ping Pong and Pizza - Washington Post 7/8/2007

Start listening at 20:34


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aa66db No.147456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723869 (211047ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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PART 1 have anticipated in the article I wrote on the eve of the election, Donald Trump will win the US Presidential election convincingly, but the key events will play out after the election because the deep state will try to steal the election and overthrow Trump in the streets (https://srbin.info/svet/exclusive-soros-biden-network-ukrainegate-us-elections-and-the-day-after/).

The aforementioned scenario is happening right now. Election fraud on a massive scale has been tried before the eyes of the entire world public and street riots are yet to fall upon America. In the aforementioned article, I have precisely anticipated the events that will happen in USA:

“Everything that the US is dealing with now, we the Serbs have been through, twice. We are familiar with Soros’s global criminal network better than anyone else due to the fact that we are victims of it for the last more than 30 years. The American people should look carefully at our experience because they are in great danger. The plan is clear and simple.

The deep state will try to steal the election and if that doesn’t work, they will try to overthrow Trump in the streets. If that also doesn’t work out and they can’t install their own government, the next step in the plan will be the dissolution of the United States. Some federal states will declare their independence from the country. It’s going to take a lot of courage, wisdom and trust in Trump and in themselves for the American people to avoid the fate that befell the Serbian people in the 90s.

Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi. All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now.

The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries. All the evidence corroborating this and precise locations I will publish on another occasion.”

Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi. All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now.

The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries. All the evidence corroborating this and precise locations I will publish on another occasion.”

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aa66db No.147457

File: a2e1cad38701be7⋯.png (103.63 KB,551x497,551:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723870 (211047ZNOV20) Notable: Vainglory of the Press

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Vainglory of the Press

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aa66db No.147458

File: cefa5b3dfb2ddf2⋯.png (256.09 KB,914x584,457:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723888 (211051ZNOV20) Notable: America's Elites - Not Trump - Are Responsible For Undermining American Democracy

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America's Elites - Not Trump - Are Responsible For Undermining American Democracy

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aa66db No.147459

File: 7e8c1a531572fd3⋯.png (279.81 KB,782x473,782:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c207c1e0f279c0⋯.png (573.1 KB,960x541,960:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e1578b005a4354⋯.png (1.2 MB,960x722,480:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723893 (211051ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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And what we are witnessing is indeed, a massive election fraud. Donald Trump had a substantial lead in all of the swing states before some of the most unusual events in the history of the elections began to happen. Vote counts were stopped, and after they were resumed a hundreds of thousand new ballots appeared, allegedly arrived by mail, and they were all in favour of candidate Joe Biden. Biden mysteriously took the lead in the number of states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. And soon the media have declared him (so-called media ‘’projection”) the winner of this election.

Donald Trump and his election headquarters immediately began to point to numerous instances of irregularities and inconsistencies and soon enough the evidence of massive election fraud have started to surface.


Officials in Michigan have admitted that 6,000 of votes cast to Trump were counted to Biden due to “software glitch”. This same software was brought into connection with “glitches” that occurred in the state of Georgia.


The company that produced voting machine which switched these votes from Biden to Trump due to “glitch” in Michigan is called Dominion Voting Systems (DVS). This company was established and has its international headquarters in Toronto while its US headquarters are in Denver, Colorado. Its voting machines are currently being used in 33 states in USA and one-third of Americans are casting their votes through the use of DVS voting machines. Since 2019 these machines were instated in Georgia, so now every swing state that determines the outcome of US Presidential election use Dominion machines to record or tally votes. Coincidentally, in this election, many irregularities occurred in all of these states during the vote counting process.

The aforementioned company conducts its internal software development by itself for all its buyers in USA, Canada and in, what is particularly interesting for us, Serbia. It is important to mention that Dominion Voting Systems was even before this election faced with serious accusations of election irregularities. One of the bigger controversies concerning Dominion was related to the theft of census data in India.

The following example is particularly interesting in regards to US Presidential Election 2020. In 2009 Dominion has concluded a contract with Smartmatic concerning the elections in the Philippines in 2010 and early elections in 2013. After these elections numerous lawsuits were launched due to allegations of omissions and fraud. Independent review of source codes that were used in Dominion’s machines discovered many problems and quality and security of its software were disputed. The Chairman of Smartmatic is Mark Malloch Brown, member of the British House of Lords and former Vice-President of the World Bank. He was also United Nations Deputy Secretary-General in 2006 and UK Minister (2007–2009).

However, the most interesting thing about Malloch Brown is the fact that he is one of more important officials of Soros’s network. Cooperation between these two goes way back, even since the war in the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993-1994). Malloch Brown was the Vice-President of the most important Soros’s organizations – the Quantum Fund and the Open Society Foundations and now he is a member of the Global Board. He is also one of the people most responsible for the creating of the infamous International Crisis Group and he is a member of its Executive Committee and Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees.

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aa66db No.147460

File: ab212efdd18d55f⋯.png (294.36 KB,914x557,914:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723899 (211053ZNOV20) Notable: The ACLU And College Professors Are Encouraging Book-Burnings

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The ACLU And College Professors Are Encouraging Book-Burnings

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aa66db No.147461

File: bf4964be9c1cb2e⋯.png (368.19 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: c03c92800986c59⋯.png (374.34 KB,737x1280,737:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 941294bc41260a7⋯.png (361.82 KB,632x851,632:851,Clipboard.png)

File: db1c5dd5d92eb80⋯.png (277.63 KB,759x903,253:301,Clipboard.png)

File: a6e5bd22dc107a5⋯.png (375.2 KB,1175x935,235:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723913 (211057ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Thanks to Soros, Dominion’s voting machines are being used in the elections to the European Parliament since 2014. Dominion’s servers in which all of the data are stored are located in Frankfurt, wherein is also the head office of the European Central Bank. Dominion shares an office floor in Toronto with the Tides Foundation which is connected to George Soros


Next to its associations with George Soros, Dominion Voting Systems has numerous connections to the Democratic Party in the USA. The company hired Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, a lobbying firm. One of the directors of this lobbying firm is Nadeam Elshami, former chief of staff to Democratic Leader and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Elshami is officially registered as a lobbyist for Dominion.

Another well-known Democrat who is connected to this election software is Richard Blum, husband of influential United States Senator Dianne Feinstein who has been a US Senator since 1992. According to the allegations made by lawyer Sidney Powell, Blum is a majority shareholder in a company that produced voting software that were used in the elections. Mainstream media have tried to deny these allegations by claiming that the only company in which Blum has made any investments is Avid which deals with graphic and video software. However, this is not exactly true. Avid did produce software that were used in these elections, including the elections in the state of Michigan. Avid advertises its own election software called LeaderPlus Election Management system and Blum is one of its investors –


It is worth mentioning that Blum has lucrative financial affairs with China as well as ties to Chinese Communist Party which goes a long way to explain some of his wife’s political agenda and her voting policy in the Senate. This influential political couple was also connected to human organ trafficking. The use of the video software in elections can be best observed in reports made by American mainstream media which use this video applications to follow the election process. Take a look at this video and notice how, during the process of entering new results, the number of votes that were cast for Trump is decreasing. Not the percentage, but the number of votes! This video is constantly being censored and removed from YouTube and social networks.


The Clinton Foundation is also connected to Dominion Voting Systems. In 2014 Dominion has made a donation to The Clinton Foundation to be used for the DELIAN Project.

What is interesting about American elections of 2020 is the fact that roughly 20 percent of all of hardware and software components of voting machines, made by every single manufacturer that were used in these elections came from China.

The information that is particularly interesting to us is that the software for these voting machines was written in SERBIA which has been confirmed by the representative of Dominion’s branch in Serbia Bojan Djordjevic.

This Bojan Djordjevic, although not active on Twitter, has a Twitter account and he has been intensively following my tweets concerning US Presidential election 2020.So, immediately after I have published the information that this software was written in representation of Dominion in Serbia and that he is its representative, he got scared so first, he blocked me, then he unblocked me, and then he tried to deny his connection to Dominion software claiming that he left the company two years ago and moved to Munich. This of course is not true. The data we can find at the official site of Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR) confirms that Djordjevic is still the legal representative and a responsible person in Serbian branch of the company Dominion Voting Systems.

Visibly scared Djordjevic then deleted his tweets and locked his twitter account.

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aa66db No.147462

File: 662ff6ca9fe42d9⋯.png (219.45 KB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723923 (211100ZNOV20) Notable: Perkins Coie defending Dominion Voting Systems

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Rising serpent Flag of United States



What law firm is representing Dominion voting systems?

Harold Wren


Perkins Coie.

This law firm just keeps showing up in the darndest places


By now almost everyone knows about the relationship between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, law firm Perkins Coie, atty's Marc Elias and Michael Sussman and their relationship to Fusion GPS and the Russia Collusion hoax. There's another less known relationship- the relationship between all of the above and human/child sex trafficking. Doesn't it seem a little odd that one of the most powerful law firms in Washington and across the world, for that matter, would have over $2 million in assets seized when Backpage.com was busted last fall? In a December 2018 filing in an Arizona court, the defendants were given 30 days to attempt to claim their assets… that was up on January 5. Among the defendants was none other than the law firm that represents the Democratic Party.

So, we have Arizona, who legally kidnaps more children per year than any other state, and a hub for child sex trafficking whose laws protecting children were written by Perkins Coie, who was not only the law firm of HRC/DNC but linked financially to Backpage.com, also in Arizona. There is also evidence that Soros and Backpage funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC through Perkins Coie. This is going to need a lot more investigation, but let me leave you with this… Perkins Coie is not only the law form of Backpage.com, HRC/DNC, but they are the center of human trafficking legal network. Just as they did in Arizona, Perkins Coie, with over 1000 lawyers in numerous countries, it at the forefront of controlling human trafficking legislation world wide.




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aa66db No.147463

File: 2b93b8983456435⋯.png (1.29 MB,2200x1708,550:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723924 (211100ZNOV20) Notable: Keystone-SDA’s Comprehensive Coverage of the 2019 Federal Elections in Switzerland

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Now that's very interesting. Those news agencies are suspect by default. Pic related.

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aa66db No.147464

File: 1977bdc830a18fe⋯.png (26.76 KB,1136x311,1136:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723928 (211101ZNOV20) Notable: Big Tech Censors Conservatives Right After Hearing

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Big Tech Censors Conservatives Right After Hearing

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aa66db No.147465

File: 7e1cdc049f47dff⋯.png (548.25 KB,900x799,900:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 975ac027f9554fc⋯.png (364.42 KB,979x576,979:576,Clipboard.png)

File: bbb83b6b89ee1a4⋯.png (472.01 KB,979x938,979:938,Clipboard.png)

File: d9f3d10a4817fd5⋯.png (402.31 KB,979x904,979:904,Clipboard.png)

File: 974a66a4e42efad⋯.png (191.64 KB,979x533,979:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723929 (211101ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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He will get his opportunity to present his defense in front of American investigative and judicial authorities, provided of course that he’s lucky, considering the fact that he now represents a problematic witness and a weak link to his employers and they will certainly have an interest to eliminate him.

In the eve of the US Presidential election 2016, Vice President and one of the shareholders of Dominion Voting Systems, Goran Obradovic commented on the company for Serbian media, praising the work of Serbian IT experts in the article titled “Smart people from Serbia are Counting Votes for Hillary and Trump”


To our great regret, in the US Presidential election 2020 during their vote counting, Serbian IT experts who are working on behalf of the globalists have indeed disregarded the electoral will of the American people. The aforementioned case is not the only instance of foreign interference in US elections that came from Serbia. This is only logical, considering the fact that Serbia has been a colony of Soros and the globalists for more than 20 years. Our country and whole of the Balkans is their greatest stronghold.

According to the claims of one of the creators of these election software, the owners of voting machines intentionally programmed the voting machines’ operating program to use decimal numbers when tallying votes, and to allow external remote access to the voting machines through a Remote Software Interface.


Since 2005 Dominion Voting Software has a representation in Serbia and it is a part of implementation of globalist agenda. The quality of the software written by “the experts” from Dominion’s Belgrade office is best illustrated by the software “glitch” that was discovered in Antrim County in northern Michigan. The aforementioned county is traditionally Republican. In the last 32 out of 34 elections, Republicans came out victorious while Trump himself won the county in 2016 taking 62 percent of the votes. In this Presidential election, at first, the winner was Biden, but then during first routine control it was discovered that due to a “software glitch” 6.000 votes were misallocated to Biden, instead of Trump. After the correction of this mistake, Trump won the county. Voting equipment produced by Dominion Voting systems is being used in 69 out of 83 counties in Michigan. The fact that this isn’t some kind of mistake is confirmed by the information that the voting machines in another Michigan county, Wayne County, were hooked up on internet in the time of vote counting, on November 3, 2020 at 11 pm, configured to the Serbian IP address, and thousands of votes given by the voters to Trump were from Serbia transferred to Biden.

The example in Michigan shows that a computer algorithm was in place to lover Trump’s votes as a function of percentage of Republicans in a precinct. This is how we came to completely illogical and false data that support to Trump has decreased in Republican dominant precincts.


Right from the beginning, the program has been set up in such a way that every time Trump receives 3 votes, 1 vote is added to Biden. A number of mistakes and malwares were added to the software and additional manipulation were done over the internet, from Serbian IP address.

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aa66db No.147466

File: c72c304bf857d4e⋯.png (33.61 KB,1259x364,1259:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723931 (211102ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results (literally retarded, the SoS certifies, not the Gov)

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results

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aa66db No.147467

File: ead7a461f0248f5⋯.png (87.73 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 866b9f2f1c81af4⋯.png (87.08 KB,200x172,50:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e0d6102916c87d⋯.png (78.84 KB,200x177,200:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a07b3badf9da5a⋯.png (72.96 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 52d1b60b196abca⋯.png (97.94 KB,200x183,200:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723936 (211104ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Dominion software’s external network is configured to the Serbian IP address. The internet network being used by that IP address is SBB. The IP address leads us to a location in Belgrade, Zoran Djindjic Boulevard. In the building located at the aforementioned address we can find multiple companies – Opportunity Bank Serbia, internet provider EUnet, but also the headquarters of the leading Serbian cable and internet provider SBB. SBB is owned by an American fund called KKR and George Soros. The chairman of KKR is David Petraeus, former Head of CIA. Petraeus began working for Soros in 2000, at the time when he was stationed within IFOR forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was also the director of Soros’s organization called MoveOn. He was the director of CIA during Presidential administration of one Barrack Obama, from 2008 to 2010. SBB owns the television channel called N1 which is a branch of CNN for Balkans and the television channel Nova S. SBB also acquired the license for the television channel Newsmax Adria. Even though this channel in the US is inclined towards President Trump, in Serbia it follows the lead of other Soros’s media. Its editor-in-chief is one of the most active Biden’s supporters on Twitter Slobodan Georgiev. Minority partners in SBB are Dragan Solak, who manages the field work of the company and Dragan Djilas, a politician from opposition and former Mayor of Belgrade.

Djilas, Serbian President Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic are directly involved in foreign interference in US elections. All of Serbian governments in the last 20 years are directly subordinated to George Soros. He appoints them and he dissolves them. Djilas’s and Vucic’s partner is Nenad Kovac AKA Nesa Roaming, one of the biggest Serbian oligarchs. He controls the entire IT industry of Serbia and he is directly connected to the Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE and to the South Korean Samsung.

American authorities are conducting several investigations against him, such as the investigation for money laundering through USAID, financing of terrorism in the US, violation of sanctions imposed on Iran and cryptocurrency scams. He will soon be under investigation due to his interference in the election process in the US.

The investigation is yet to show us the full size of the election fraud that was carried out through this software. At the time of this writing (November 11, 2020) it has been established that the number of fraudulent votes amounts to 3,899,947 in 8 states alone. Some of those were transferred from Trump to Biden and some were simply erased.

It is also worth mentioning that the use of Dominion’s voting machines and software was rejected in the state of Texas 3 times, due to the fact that 2 state commissions have concluded that this system poses many and great security risks in relation to both hardware and software.The latest news that appeared during the writing of this article is an announcement made by the member of Trump’s legal team, lawyer Rudy Giuliani who said that Dominion insider is willing to go public and describe the election fraud in detail. He already gave a statement and he is willing to testify.

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aa66db No.147468

File: 32db537c329d1a9⋯.png (36.39 KB,1334x295,1334:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723947 (211106ZNOV20) Notable: Outside groups flood Georgia with advertising buys ahead of runoffs

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Outside groups flood Georgia with advertising buys ahead of runoffs

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aa66db No.147469

File: 592f5c20cf6670c⋯.png (547.74 KB,859x631,859:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723956 (211107ZNOV20) Notable: Hispanic Voters In Florida Who Fled Dictatorships Think The Election Was Stolen From Trump

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REPORT: Hispanic Voters In Florida Who Fled Dictatorships Think The Election Was Stolen From Trump

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aa66db No.147470

File: 0ecca0fa31a9353⋯.png (368.56 KB,858x609,286:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723959 (211109ZNOV20) Notable: Distraught Caller Speaks for Millions of Trump Voters Fed Up with Republicans

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This Will Make You Cry — Rush Limbaugh Caller Breaks Down Over the Stolen Election – Tells Rush How Much He Loves Donald Trump (VIDEO)

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aa66db No.147471

File: 143f71f0b402349⋯.png (59.65 KB,594x792,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723963 (211110ZNOV20) Notable: New Flynn

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General Flynn


I agree


& I would add there are multiple paths to victory (MULTIPLE). Everyone sees what has occurred.

Proverbs 30:5











Quote Tweet

President-ElectShamrock𝕀𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙𝔾𝕒𝕝ShamrockFlag of United States


· 6h

Exactly…the *MOB* has abused him for 4 years…he gets to relax now! twitter.com/sidneypowell1/…

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aa66db No.147472

File: 2583a6fc10416f3⋯.png (2.49 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723967 (211111ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Globalists and Democrats are fully aware that they are caught in these acts of election fraud and that the investigation will soon be opened, so they have already started damage control and distancing themselves from Dominion. They know very well what all this means and what is the penalty in the US for treason and coup d’état attempt. They know that the US Army will be involved in conducting the arrests and that many of them will end up on the electric chair. This is why they have already commissioned articles in which they deny their culpability and also any connection between Soros, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, Senator Feinstein and the aforementioned software company


They are not denying the existence of election fraud or the fact that the software counted the votes falsely, no. They are only denying their connection to Dominion Voting Systems. Someone will have to answer so they are trying to get themselves of the hook and to shift the culpability to the weakest link. The role of the weakest link will obviously be played by Serbia. The software was written in Serbia, software engineers are Serbs, the AP address voting machines were configured to in order to change the election results is located in Serbia. These are all evidence of direct foreign interference in US election and Serbia will not be able to escape the consequences. Our government, our media, our politicians, they are all trying to ignore this problem. This is why not a single one of all the media in Serbia has reported a word about the problems occurred during vote counting and the software from Serbia, which is strikingly odd. Not a single politician except me has mentioned this serious affair our country is implicated in, although there are a great number of posts concerning this on social networks. How is it possible that this is not a topic?

They are inventing all sorts of fake news and false affairs, from the newest example of a case concerning Aca Lukas to the fake interview with the President of Higher Court in Belgrade judge Aleksandar Stepanovic, in order to keep the public occupied and to prevent the role of Serbia in election fraud in America to become the topic. Software from Serbia and the greatest fraud in the history of elections – this is not the topic to our media and to our politicians. It is just that this affair is so big that it would take the hanging of Aleksandar Vucic and Ana Brnabic in prominent Belgrade street of Terazije alongside 20,000 of their accomplices for the attention of public to be finally concentrated on this affair. Digitalization process that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic is pushing for will revert us back to stone age. Digitalization is Soros’s agenda and it is being conducted in his interest. After all, he is the one who has brought Ana Brnabic into her government position. It is because of these people that we will become the target of the USA and to make matters worse, we will come into conflict with the administration friendly to us with which we could have establish common ground and mutual interest and correct injustices that were done against Serbian people in the last 3 decades.

Clearly, everyone inside the government as well as everyone in the so-called opposition and all of the media are working together and are subordinated to the same Center. This is why Vucic can casually say that he will have a good cooperation with Biden, because he knows what he is been doing and that he helped Biden steal the election. He doesn’t even give a second thought to the possibility that the situation could reverse and that Trump could win, which is exactly what will happen. At the same time, main leaders of the opposition, who are also heavily involved in this affair are betraying Vucic to Soros and Biden saying that Vucic was the one who ratted on this operation before the elections. The globalists now have serious doubts that Vucic indeed was the one who betrayed the whole operation. And so they keep messing around with us and they keep dealing with nonsense and they will keep doing so even when American marines start to descend, shoot and make arrests in Serbia in the course of their actions.

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aa66db No.147473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723976 (211112ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The worst part of this all is that Serbia is working against Trump. Trump is fighting against our primordial enemies, against the people who have killed us, banished us from our homes; against the ones who have robbed, destroyed and occupied us. And our government is helping our enemies in their fight against Trump. Trump is on the side of goodness and righteousness, he is fighting against evil. He is fighting for the same values we are fighting for. Over 80 percent of Serbs support Trump. Only the alienated liberals that despise their own people, destroy their country and are directly tied to Soros’s finances are against him. It is indisputable that the government and the political and business elite of Serbia have been interfering in political situation in USA for the last 4 years including this election. They are doing so on behalf of their masters, on behalf of Soros and the other globalists. Serbia is their colony and Serbian people are their victims. The last thing we want is for our people and our country to build a bad reputation and suffer serious consequences. What we want is that the persons responsible for all of this be prosecuted and punished so we could finally break free from the claws of Soros, Clinton, Biden and other worldwide criminals.

We must clearly disclose all evidence concerning criminal ties and subordination of our leading politicians to Soros, Clinton, Biden and other globalist hoodlums so that the world will know that we are occupied and that they are the ones who have been installing our governments. It suffices to give two examples, one example of current and one of former government, that show that Serbian politicians are servants and traitors and that they are a part of criminal activities together with the globalists to whom they are subordinated to.

Early in March 2020 Aleksandar Vucic attended a meeting in Washington with the United States National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien. During this meeting Vucic asked O’Brien to urge Trump’s support for Vucic’s plan to populate Serbia with 1,2 million migrants, predominantly Islamic State fighters. This is the deal that Vucic made with Soros, who is behind the behind the migrant wave and migrant crisis. As a part of this deal Vucic gets 25 thousand dollars for each migrant he receives in Serbia. O’Brien was in shock. Firstly, he couldn’t believe that there is a madman willing to receive the terrorists and destroy his own country. Secondly, he was even more shocked that this madman is asking him for Trump’s support for this kind of plan, knowing full well that Trump is a primordial enemy of George Soros and that he is strongly opposed to migrants and to the Islamic State. Naturally, O’Brien thought that Vucic is setting him up so he asked Vucic did he spoke to anyone about this. Vucic underestimated the person he was speaking to so he lied and told O’Brien that he spoke to Grenell and Kushner. O’Brien immediately called for Grenell and Kushner to come to the White House and sure enough, Vucic was caught lying. Vucic began to squirm and tried to get himself out of this mess by implicating Hashim Thaci in all of this. Since Thaci was in Washington at the same time, he was immediately summoned to the White House and Vucic and Thaci were forced to admit what they were doing with Soros. Grenell can say even more about Vucic. Grenell was appalled when Vucic openly told him to ignore all the statements that he is giving to Serbian media because he has to lie to his own people. As the mediator for Belgrade and Pristina negotiations Grenell was able to see how hard Vucic is trying to give Kosovo its independence, which is why Soros brought him into power in the first place.

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aa66db No.147474

File: f28905b97aba08f⋯.png (228.53 KB,858x521,858:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723978 (211112ZNOV20) Notable: PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS

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PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS (VIDEO)

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aa66db No.147475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723982 (211113ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The second example concerns the former government, the current Serbian opposition. At the end of March Robert O’Brien had a meeting with former Serbian President Boris Tadic. The topic was Iraqi debt, that is the claim that companies from former Yugoslavia had towards Iraq. All the businesses were concluded through Belgrade based company SDPR and Iraq owed this company amount of 3 billion US dollars. Iraq was occupied by US Army. Tadic have sold a debt claim in a sum amounting to 3 billion US dollars for only 280 million US dollars to a company owned by the US Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s son. In return, Tadic was fully politically supported by Biden in his ruling of Serbia. These are the kind of scumbags the globalists are constantly bringing into power in Serbia.

Due to the actions of small group of traitors and corrupt idiots we will suffer serious consequences that will impact every one of us. Digitalization process, a Soros’s project that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic is pushing for will revert us back to stone age.

That is why we have to raise our voices and distance ourselves from these people for they have nothing in common with Serbian people except the fact that they are biological Serbs. On the contrary, they are doing everything in their power to destroy their own people. This is why it is so important that the thousands of people are raising their voices and fighting on social networks. Serbian people were on the right side and came out victorious in both WWI and WWII alongside their allies. In this third one, which is being fought by other means, we are also on the right side and we will win again. We must revolt as soon as possible and tear down this system that has been imposed on us and we must bring down the politicians that are serving the common enemy.


The election fraud is not limited only on stealing votes through the use of the aforementioned software and voting machines. The whole range of resources to conduct this fraud has been used. Of course, this article can only state some parts of the election theft and provide us with few examples that prove the existence of this vast and complicated fraud. Mail voting was a big fraud that was allowed in order to steal millions of votes. The deep state have stolen but they knew they were going to need to steal a large number of votes. In 2016 Presidential election Hillary Clinton stole 11 million votes and that still wasn’t enough for her to win. This year they knew they were going to need to steal 3 times as many. So they have waited to see how many votes will go to Trump so they could know how many more votes they need to manufacture for Biden. After the election was finished in numerous states, including all swing states, vote counting was stopped and then resumed the next day, the occurrence of which was never seen before in the history of US elections, probably worldwide. Polling workers have even taken the voting materials to their homes. In some states, such as Pennsylvania and North Carolina, ballots were received after the Election Day was finished which is contrary to the American law.

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aa66db No.147476

File: 781b46848e33015⋯.png (28.12 KB,861x214,861:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723985 (211114ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!

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Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump! (AUDIO)

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aa66db No.147477

File: 473926902b4d471⋯.png (473.82 KB,1119x1277,1119:1277,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fa69b1cf11e15b⋯.png (102.64 KB,363x423,121:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723989 (211115ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The ways in which this election fraud by mail-in ballots was conducted is best illustrated by following examples from Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump had a substantial lead in all of these 3 states, and then the situation turned around. The morning after the election around 130,000 new ballots were found in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and around 140,000 new ballots in Detroit, Michigan. They all allegedly arrived by mail and by some miracle every single one was in favour of Biden. This, of course is not possible.

Also, two and a half million mail-in ballots which mostly arrived after the Election Day were accepted in Pennsylvania. Proportion of votes in these ballots was 3 to 1 in favor of Biden which enabled Biden to overtake Trump’s lead. Before these mail-in ballots arrived, Trump had a lead of 750,000 votes. Former Democratic Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich during his appearance on Newsmax TV said that the Democrats were stealing votes for years


It is now clear why we were watching those tragi-comic scenes from Detroit and Philadelphia wherein Trump’s poll watchers were prevented from observing the vote count which was in direct violation of the court order. In Detroit windows were even covered at the ballot centre so nobody could see what was happening inside.

It is now crystal clear that the pandemic of coronavirus was manufactured purely because of the US Presidential election. The whole world went through this enforced chaos in order to prevent Trump’s certain victory in this election. Since the deep state wasn’t able to overthrow Trump trough impeachment, they had no choice but to resort to the Covid-19 plan. After the World Economic Forum in Davos they started with spreading the global hysteria and enforcing lockdowns all over the world. This whole propaganda had two goals. To bring the downfall of American economy and employment because Trump has managed to reach historical economy growth and lowest unemployment rate in US history. Due to Covid-19 unemployment have risen from 5 million to 45 million people.


However, Trump again managed to reach historical growth of 33 percent in third quarter and to drastically reduce unemployment. The second reason why aforementioned coronavirus plan was launched was exactly to instate the mail voting which will enable election manipulation on a massive scale. The pieces begin to fall into place and you get the full picture along with all the evidence. The virus was released from Soros’s lab WuXi AppTec located at the address 666 Goaxin Road East Lake High-tech Development Zone Wuhan 430075, China which I was the first to publish back in March.

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aa66db No.147478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11723996 (211116ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Trump knew of the real reasons to Covid-19 pandemic which is why he posted numerous tweets in which he opposed the mail voting and warned the American and world public that election fraud is being set up.

Next to mail voting and election software there are many more election irregularities. Across the web we have seen pictures of poll workers in Pennsylvania counting votes while wearing Biden designed caps, pictures of poll workers casting votes for Biden at the poll station and the images of them tearing and removing ballots that are in favour of Trump. Numerous ballots never arrived to the poll stations. In one instance, US Postal worker was arrested near Canadian border and 800 ballots were found in his trunk. Many insiders have started to come forward. And I should also mention tens of thousands ballots that were thrown out all over USA.

It has been discovered that over 9,000 ballots which contain votes casted by Army personnel stationed in Georgia are missing. Trump’s legal team have collected data and statements of thousands of Americans who voted for him and whose votes were discovered by inspection to be annulled or were missing. A great number of insiders are willing to testify to systemic electoral fraud. Only in Michigan there are already 134 people who have signed the statement and are willing to testify to election machinations in court.

Of course, there are many examples of dead people casting votes. So, according to publicly displayed information in Pennsylvania alone it was determined that 29,500 dead people voted in this election. In the aforementioned Wayne County in Michigan there were 14,000 of them. In Georgia 27,000 people aged 90 years and over, 1,000 people aged 100 years and 528 people aged 105 years and over casted their votes. This, of course is merely a small part of the whole picture.

Ballots were sent to people addressed to their pets because the pets are chipped and they have a social security number, documents were provided to illegal immigrants who have no citizenship and numerous people voted several times. This was especially the case in swing states, for example Arizona and Nevada wherein voters mostly from California were fictitiously registered and casted their votes. Of course, they also voted in their home state. The extent of this kind of misuse is also illustrated by the example of professor Viseslav Simic, a Serbian and US citizen currently residing in Mexico who stated that he was called and asked to provide them his ballot so they could vote for Biden.

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aa66db No.147479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724001 (211118ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The election fraud can also be very well illustrated by taking a closer look at the percentage of voter turnout and the electoral register. So we had record turnout in Wisconsin in this election. Number of eligible voters in the aforementioned state is 3,129,000. However, 3,283,532 voters casted their votes in US Presidential election 2020 in this state! Wisconsin officials have tried to explain this abnormal discrepancy by claiming that on November 1, 2020 they have published a new electoral register which is larger by over half a million and that there are now 3,684,726 eligible voters. Even if this was true, the voter turnout in Wisconsin would be staggering 89 percent. If you compare this to the previous elections, voter turnout in this state ranged from 64 to 70 percent at most. It is no wonder that they resorted to such massive fraud in Wisconsin considering the fact that Trump won this state in 2016 and in 2020 he received over 200,000 more votes than in the previous election. We should mention one more ‘’miracle’’ – 49,000 voters casted their votes for the Republican Congressional Candidate, but not for Trump, 64,000 voted for Biden, but not for Democratic Congressional Candidate while 14,952 voters only voted in Presidential Election, but not in the Congressional elections.

Similar thing is happening in Nevada, a state in which the votes are still being counted and allegedly Biden has the lead even though Trump got more than 105,000 more votes than in the previous election. In the largest county of Nevada, Clark County, which has two-thirds of Nevada’s population voter turnout is, incredibly, 102,7 percent. By the way, for this election, there are 1,601,889 registered voters in Nevada. In 353 counties across the US there were almost 2 million more votes casted than there are registered voters. The deep state has prepared this election fraud in great detail, which is proven also by the fact that 30 million fake IDs were manufactured abroad, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries, which is the information I have written about before the election


Trump convincingly won the other swing states as well, receiving much higher amount of votes than in 2016, but allegedly this wasn’t enough for him to win the election. In total, Trump got over 9 million votes more than in the previous election (not counting the fact that significant number of votes were stolen from him which makes this feat even more impressive) and he became a President who received the most votes in US Presidential election history. In regards to 2016, more Hispanic and Latino Americans voted for him now and he has increased the percentage of votes among Black and African-American voters and among female population. Republicans held their Senate majority and won 16 seats from Democrats in the House of Representatives. It is clear that Joe Biden achieved his so-called result by election fraud and there is already a massive amount of evidence that proves this. Next to the states that are being mentioned so far, there are evidence that Trump won several more states and that the election fraud was in play in those states also, such as Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc. Total number of votes that Trump received is difficult to calculate. That is why Rudy Giuliani tweeted that this number could be 80 or even 90 million votes. Truly remarkable.

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aa66db No.147480

File: 794d7b98c2d03dc⋯.png (16.07 KB,1024x146,512:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724006 (211120ZNOV20) Notable: BuzzFeed to acquire HuffPost from Verizon Media

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BuzzFeed to acquire HuffPost from Verizon Media

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aa66db No.147481

File: f7a9aed567475d8⋯.png (109.94 KB,750x252,125:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724007 (211120ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Next to the historical number of votes he received and historical difference of over 30 million votes to his advantage, there is one more example that greatly illustrates the extent of Trump’s convincing win. Beneficiaries of social care in many cities and counties across America were blackmailed in order to get them to go to the polls and vote for Biden while millions of homeless people were given money and documents to do the same. When we add to that the fact that all of the mainstream media were against him, that he was censored all the time on social networks, the fact that the algorithms were changed on YouTube and Facebook in order to minimize the reach of posts pertaining political questions and that the overwhelming evidence pertaining graved criminal acts committed by Joe Biden were hidden from mass media and prevented from becoming public, Trump’s convincing victory becomes even more impressive.

When all this is read, it becomes clear why the Democrats are fighting to prevent the manual recount, software control and reviews of the electoral registers. Trump’s election headquarters are fighting for constitutionality and legality. They request that every legal vote is counted and that means vote from a living person, not a vote of the deceased one or animal, that the vote is from the US citizen who has legal right to vote, and not from an illegal immigrant, that he voted only once and not multiple times, that he voted in legally prescribed term and not after the elections, that it was him who voted in person and not someone else in his name and that his vote was genuinely counted and not registered to another person or annulled or hidden. It is how it was prescribed by the law and it is completely natural and normal. Everything else is a fraud. If Democrats did not cheat, they have no reason to oppose to these legitimate and legal demands. But their fight not to let these happen clearly proves they have a lot to hide, and it will all be revealed through control. I have no idea if Trump will have enough time to confirm every vote or if he will be satisfied with easy electoral victory, but I hope a thorough investigation will be carried out and everyone responsible will be punished, because that is the only way to put the power back in the hands of people and to renew the institute and the whole purpose of the elections.


It was confirmed that Donald Trump knows very well what he is talking about in his speeches about electoral theft and flaws of the electoral system in the United States by his tweet from 2012 in which he wrote that the electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

Also, the Presidential Executive Order issued on September 12, 2018 concerning the sanctions for foreign interference in the American elections, predicted the ongoing events.

“I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.

Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system.”


Trump has managed to avoid the trap prepared for him in the form of coloured revolution. I have warned about this threat back in 2017, and about the work of CANVAS, the organization in charge of arranging of coloured revolutions, financed by Soros https://www.magacinportal.com/2020/02/srdjan-nogo-serbia-should-ban-operation-of-soros-organizations/

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aa66db No.147482

File: 8072c4a9c8dcc3d⋯.png (2.13 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724014 (211121ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The deep state expected Trump will declare victory in the election night and they were ready to try and overthrow him in the streets. For months the public was being prepared for Trump to be named the dictator and for extremists to try and provoke chaos in order to violently overthrow Trump in the streets. The same scenario, seen so many times in the last 20 years, starting with Serbia, following with Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Venezuela, Belarus, Armenia, was ready for the US. On that same night, members of terrorist organizations Antifa, BLM and other gangs which were promised uninterrupted robberies as a reward, were ready in the streets. In worst case scenario, they were ready to conduct the secession of certain states and to destroy the United States. Trump outwitted them when he stated he is winning the elections by trend of votes, but he didn’t explicitly proclaim victory and invite people to celebrate. They were waiting for that to happen so they could steal the votes and change the end result and ultimately invite people to wreak havoc and riot in the streets.

The media machinery was working on schedule, proclaiming Biden as the victor, and congratulations from around the world started coming in from the globalist slaves, regardless of the fact that media are not the ones to proclaim a victor, the state authorities are. This scenario was seen so many times before. It is enough to mention self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo in 2008, which, even though it was contrary to international law, led to series of recognitions of the false state, including the US which were under control of today’s deep state. Today, Kosovo is a private property of Soros, Clinton, Albright, Clark and other members of the deep state.

The same situation is with, for example, Venezuela and self-proclaimed President Guaido, also trained by the CANVAS, which I was the first to expose in Serbia. Although he is not the President of Venezuela and his coup failed, 9 countries have recognized Guaido as the President of Venezuela. The latest example is Belarus, where Lukashenko won, so another coloured revolution was launched (behind which was CANVAS again) and failed in the streets, but some countries of the EU have recognized Tikhanovskaya as the President, the same countries which congratulated Biden on his victory in the US election. Of course, Tikhanovskaya congratulated Biden. Serbian authorities and mainstream opposition also congratulated Biden. What do you think will happen when Trump is declared a President? Will the politicians who congratulated Biden then congratulate Trump? Of course not, they will still be recognizing Biden. The globalist ship is sinking and, with these congratulations, they are preventing rats from leaving the ship by pushing them under the deck so they can all sink together.

Trump has managed to avoid the trap and to outsmart his opponents. He let them declare victory, he caught them in electoral theft and he is going to defeat them legally in court. During this time, US citizens have an opportunity to observe an obvious fraud, to confirm Trump’s victory and not to let their enemies from the deep state use them against their own country. Trump’s headquarters are stating that over 73 million Americans are furious over the electoral theft, but not a single shop window was broken, no one was attacked, nothing was smashed or set aflame. Trump is demonstrating his tremendous power and support he enjoys on these gatherings of his supporters.

We are eagerly awaiting the epilogue of the elections, first in front of courts in the United States, then the proclamation of Trump’s victory. There will surely be riots, but you can also expect those responsible for treason, meddling in electoral process, coup attempt and aggression on the US to be punished. The penalty for those actions is the strictest – the death penalty. Many people from the US and other foreign countries, including citizens of Serbia, will be held accountable.

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aa66db No.147483

File: d401cdc506f7763⋯.png (1.03 MB,1680x1050,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724016 (211122ZNOV20) Notable: Biden can’t handle a single polite question from a journalist who’s actually doing his job.

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Biden can’t handle a single polite question from a journalist who’s actually doing his job.

Quote Tweet

Bo Erickson CBS


· 14h

Asked Biden if he will encourage teacher unions to cooperate to get kids back in school because the COVID task force said it is safe to be in the classroom. He didn't answer.

“Why are you the only guy that always shouts out questions?” he said.

They look so fucking stupid with those feed bags on their mugs.

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aa66db No.147484

File: 0e84699c93405e3⋯.png (686.47 KB,720x721,720:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724027 (211124ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Trump already did great things just few days after the elections. Nations across the world are supporting him in his battle. The United States of America have been the most hated country in the world for a long time. Dozens of countries were victims of American aggression in the last 25 years and this led to the worldwide hate towards the USA and made the President of the US a personification of evil Only one Presidential term was enough for Trump to completely turn the tables. Trump is the first President after many decades who didn’t start a single war, even though he was pressured during whole of his first term to engage in military interventions in Venezuela, Syria, Iran, North Korea, etc.

He is aware that the US has turned into weapon of private interests, that the centers of power which governed the US have used its military force to attack and enslave other countries, which were then ruthlessly robbed, and that the US itself neither had interest or use of such military actions. Only damage, because they were becoming the most hated country in the world.

The best example for everything said above is the aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and stealing of Kosovo. Being a Serb, I don’t want to be the only one talking about this, so I will paraphrase one of the living witnesses, an American. Colonel Douglas Macgregor was recently appointed by President Trump as a Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense. As an active officer, Macgregor was a member of the team for strategic planning of operations in the NATO command. Back in 1998, when he first heard the attack on former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was being planned, he went to the former President Clinton, and said to his face that this would be a big mistake, that the bombing of Serbs would be wrong and contrary to the American interests and that, ultimately, there were no reasons for that action, because Germans were ready to pay 6 billion deutsche marks for the readmission of Kosovo Albanians from Germany to Serbia. Clinton still went on with his plan to conduct the bombing. Macgregor, being an honorable soldier and American patriot, did his part of the job, but he later openly spoke in public how the US made a huge mistake. It is still not officially confirmed who took those 6 billion marks from Germany, although it is easy to guess if we have in mind who has initiated the bombing of Yugoslavia and the fact that Kosovo was stolen from Serbia and turned into private state of Clinton, Albright, general Clark, Soros and other globalists. They own the whole economy and natural resources in Kosovo and Metohija and have been ruthlessly robbing it. Pristina is adorned with a monument of Bill Clinton and the highway bears the name of Beau Biden, Joe Biden’s son. After all, it is best you hear for yourselves the words of Colonel Macgregor.


The globalists, who have ruled the US as a deep state, have led the country to the verge of existence. Knowing that, they have already put US down the drain and prepared their retreat in China and Europe. China was chosen to become the new state to serve their purposes, because Chinese development and level of protection of human and social rights and freedoms is very rigid. They moved the industry to China and gave the technology owned by the US Army to the Chinese.


The global state model and dictatorship which they plan to implement was already tested in China, where the legislation and social model were more convenient for experiments than the American society. China is full of facial recognition cameras, paper money is being eliminated and almost everyone is paying electronically, 5G network and robots are being installed, totalitarian control is being carried out over citizens and freedoms and rights are on a very low level. The European Union was chosen to become the new political center of the world and that is why the EU is becoming the new US. It is then of no surprise that the voting in European elections is carried out through Dominion’s machines and software.

Donald Trump has recognized the danger and his 2016 victory was the last chance to save the United States. He has shown that he knows what and who he is fighting against and what he must do in his campaign speech in Cleveland in November 2016, during his last rally before the election.https://youtu.be/v_F5jPxr_ro

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aa66db No.147485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724031 (211124ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The change in politics that Donald Trump has achieved, the fight against the deep state which used the US as its own private army, has brought Trump huge popularity across the world. Hundreds of millions of people, oppressed and enslaved by this financial oligarchy which was based in the administration in Washington, have recognized Trump as a man who could defeat that criminal network and bring freedom to the people around the world. Trump said it all in his UN speech.

This has caused a great miracle. People all around the world are supporting Trump. Even after the elections, they have been monitoring the events and providing support to the US President in debunking the obvious electoral fraud on social networks and through comments on internet portals.

Best example for these words is support Trump has in Serbia. Serbs are very well familiar with the evil they are fighting against. We were the first victims of the new world order. Serbia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the time, was under heaviest sanctions in the history, we were targets of NATO aggression and bombing, we were occupied and a part of our territory was taken from us, we were victims of the first coloured revolution and we have been a protectorate run by globalists from our corrupt treacherous government for 20 years. Our economy was destroyed and we were robbed of hundreds of billions of dollars. That is why the US were a personification of evil in the eyes of our people and the American President was the symbol of that evil. There was no difference between Clinton, Bush Junior and Obama, the US politics was always the same. And then a miracle happened. Trump came to the stage and completely wrecked their concept. It was the first time the elections actually mattered.

And now imagine a President of the US enjoying a huge popularity in a country which has a history of foreign relations with the US such as Serbia. The US elections were viral on social networks in Serbia. The most important topic were the elections and Serbs have publicly expressed their support to Trump and appal because of the vote theft and media censorship. Serbs have recognized Trump as a man who wishes to defeat the global order which has been destroying all of us.

The second great thing Trump has managed to achieve is the debunking of a big electoral fraud and vote theft.

The world can see what is happening in the US. Same thing happened in various states controlled by globalists. It happened in Serbia as well. The elections were staged and they were a complete farce. People did not vote. The globalist hydra decides whom to place in position of power and votes are provided by insertion of ballots in the name of people who are not located in Serbia but abroad, where they went in search for a better life. Just like in Serbia, dead people can also vote in the US. Out of supposedly 2 million votes received by the ruling party, a million is stolen. The regular million is provided thanks to heavy media censorship, blackmails and bribery of the employees from the public sector and from companies handling state affairs. The former government did the same. After what happened in the US, no one will be able to hide the truth from the people and millions around the world have now opened their eyes. It is time to destroy the web of lies surrounding these false elections and for the people from the globalist colonies to be set free from their corrupt and treacherous politicians.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724036 (211126ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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Another big lie Trump has debunked concerns media blackout and censorship around the world. Media are services of propaganda and they are created to lie to the people and Trump has explained that in his speech from 2016. The media liars were best exposed during the scene of interruption of the US President’s speech and the whole world has seen it. After that, this web of lies will be destroyed. Social networks, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are a part of the media deception and everything people have been experiencing – deleted posts, censorship, blockings, removed profiles, has also happened to the President of the US and again the whole world has seen it. The big technology and media companies are not the one to decide what is true or not, what is news or not, or to limit our right to an opinion. They will also be held responsible.

And one more important thing Trump has achieved concerns the coronavirus debunk. Right after the US elections, all dangers in connection to the coronavirus were gone. The same media and politicians that, up until the elections, hysterically whined about social distancing, group activities, wore masks in television studios and scared us on daily basis with certain numbers of supposedly infected, hospitalized and deceased people, suddenly forgot everything about that. Gatherings of Biden’s supporters were glorified, masks were no longer worn, there was no need for social distancing and there was no more news about infected, hospitalized and deceased people. The elections were a cure for coronavirus. The same as in Serbia. Only now it happened on a bigger scale. After all that, they can no longer play a mockery on us. Imagine what will happen now that the whole world has realized this. What will, for example, police officers who beat us on protests in Serbia on July 7, 8, 9 and 10, 2020 think? Or all of those who issued fines? What do they think and how do they feel? The time will come when all those people will be held responsible for this false pandemic.

To conclude this text, it is very important to emphasize that one name is being brought up in all these affairs and it rounds out the story proving that all of this is part of the plan. That name is George Soros. Soros has connections to the Dominion, Soros is behind the companies which supported the US election fraud, Soros is the master of all Serbian politicians who are involved in the US electoral fraud and he directly puts them in power. Serbia and the Balkans are a colony of Soros and the rest of the globalists. Soros finances and manages CANVAS, the organization in charge of arranging of coloured revolutions, and the coronavirus was released from Soros’s lab in Wuhan. Soros is behind the Ukrainegate – he is the head of that corruptive network and the same type of network exists in Serbia too. Serbiagate is yet to be opened. Soros organized the whole corruptive network in Serbia wherein huge amounts of money, including hundreds of millions of dollars which came from American taxpayers, were stolen and laundered through USAID and that money was used to finance political activities in the US and activities of the terrorist organizations Antifa and BLM. Soros directly handles BLM, while Hillary Clinton is in charge of handling the terrorist organization Antifa. Soros is behind Clinton and Biden. It is more than obvious that wherever you look, Soros’s name appears and that cannot be a coincidence. It is time for that demon to face justice.


While we await the official confirmation of Trump’s victory and the confirmation of the new term of Donald Trump as the President of the US, we have to mobilize and prepare ourselves to break the chains of globalism. The time of patriots is coming. The time for freedom is coming. To victory!

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aa66db No.147487

File: 0a2bc7ccd4d8d5f⋯.png (489.7 KB,653x558,653:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724052 (211129ZNOV20) Notable: NYPD officer hospitalized after getting beat up by mob in Queens

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NYPD officer hospitalized after getting beat up by mob in Queens

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147488

File: bedd3668c6671a8⋯.png (281.79 KB,360x559,360:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724060 (211132ZNOV20) Notable: The Gentlewoman from QAnon Is Out of Her Everloving Tree

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The Gentlewoman from QAnon Is Out of Her Everloving Tree

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147489

File: ea30b6eedf3853e⋯.png (810.99 KB,1086x618,181:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724067 (211133ZNOV20) Notable: The Time to Deactivate Trump’s Twitter Account Is Now

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The Time to Deactivate Trump’s Twitter Account Is Now

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147490

File: f37e342c75dfaea⋯.png (935.32 KB,1680x1050,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724072 (211134ZNOV20) Notable: Edward Solomon has figured out the voting machine Algorithm in Philly, explained in this video.

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BINGO! Edward Solomon hAas figured out the voting machine Algorithm in Philly, explained in this video. Brilliant work. Dominion uses a set of several different integer ratios, assigns each, such as 1:18 (1 T vote for 18 B), to two, three or four precincts. Then every time the

citywide system has a global update, each of those ratios transfer to a different set of precincts, where the vote counts conform to the assigned ratios until the next global update, when the ratios transfer again to a new set of precincts. Then the votes from the new set

conform to the assigned ratios until the next reset- and so on. Hard to catch but dominion is clearly applying an algorithm to adjust the votes, and is doing it by sliding the ratios from precinct to precinct over time. Here’s the video:


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aa66db No.147491

File: a56ddbc3aba7799⋯.png (20.06 KB,1311x179,1311:179,Clipboard.png)

File: e1002fea6e82f3d⋯.png (131.29 KB,915x434,915:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724103 (211143ZNOV20) Notable: Law firm Kirkland & Ellis has withdrawn representation of the Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar in the Trump campaign case

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Law firm Kirkland & Ellis has withdrawn representation of the Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar in the Trump campaign case. This is after one of the firm’s associates threatened a Trump lawyer.

President Trump’s campaign lawsuit is to stop the state from certifying its results. House Democrat’s lawyer Barry Berke is now taking over. He participated in the impeachment of President Trump.

Does this mean that the lawyers know the Pennsylvania SOS cannot win the case?


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aa66db No.147492

File: bb55f6f57661fcf⋯.png (99.42 KB,692x359,692:359,Clipboard.png)

File: b245d0c199df82e⋯.png (251.29 KB,599x384,599:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724137 (211150ZNOV20) Notable: Give us this day our daily bread.

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Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

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aa66db No.147493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724140 (211151ZNOV20) Notable: Kraken: by the letters

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Release The Kraken

Sidney said the Kraken was already released, well there were a lot of shakeups in the agencies as of late and I saw the list of SCOTUS reassignments which led me on another path. Double meanings and all that, right?


K→Joseph (K)ernan


A→James (A)nderson

K→Christopher (K)rebs

E→Mark (E)sper



K→(K)ash Patel


A→(A)nthony Tata


E→(E)zra Cohen-Watnick


In the Clash of the Titans, the Kraken was Released under Zeus’ authority to destroy the city of Argos, as well as give his son and half-god Perseus a much needed Heroes journey in order to save it. This storyline culminates on the use of Medusa’s(Titan) Gaze to turn the Kraken(A Beast created by Hades to destroy the Titans, which became too powerful and uncontrollable) to stone and shatter the beast into a thousand pieces.

Just Spit-balling here, who knows what any of it means, but was fun to take this little adventure to try and decipher the meaning behind Release the Kraken.

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aa66db No.147494

File: c151a294467f873⋯.png (194.22 KB,1855x874,1855:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d09c3d2d96ba1d⋯.png (210.83 KB,1781x546,137:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724151 (211155ZNOV20) Notable: Bernie and AoC Re: DoD embed instructing on sabotage.

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Re: DoD embed instructing on sabotage. Remember this? HRC private server investigation from FBI FOIA reading room. By far the longest list of 'private email server' user names (all redacted) were DoD employees - >4 pages of names. The Hillary Clinton 16 drop page 64


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aa66db No.147495

File: 207b5616ddc8aa8⋯.png (519.58 KB,711x605,711:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724153 (211156ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Announces New Measures to Lower Price of Prescription Drugs

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Trump Announces New Measures to

Lower Price of Prescription Drugs

Epoch Times, by Mimi Nguyen Ly

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aa66db No.147496

File: aa67ac6ab9745b7⋯.png (236.97 KB,832x839,832:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b94bf4ee208387⋯.png (2.2 MB,1859x1014,11:6,Clipboard.png)

File: 5087d2af9557af0⋯.png (232.12 KB,840x1000,21:25,Clipboard.png)

File: f7fa730ef8ef0b7⋯.png (1.83 MB,1833x947,1833:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724157 (211158ZNOV20) Notable: Voting Works digs #Georgia

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Moar Voting Works

Could use moar digging… There are several videos on their site that provide all the feel-good warm fuzzy the common folk can stand.

From their site:


VotingWorks is a non-partisan non-profit building a secure, affordable, and simple voting system. Our vote-by-mail solution lets you scale vote-by-mail quickly and affordably. Our risk-limiting audit software ensures votes cast on any paper-based system are correctly tabulated. Our voting machine creates paper ballots that voters can directly verify. Our source code is available on GitHub.

Anons, if this isn't a vote-rigging system in plain sight, then I don't know what is. What they do show of their voting machines suggests they are wirelessly connected touch screen stations. They claim it prints paper ballots that can be verified by physical audit, but in doing so they also claim their formula requires far less sample ballots to be audited to confirm the results. I haven't studied it enough to fully understand how it's being done, but it's already shady AF.

Not only do they make the machines and the software, but they also control the auditing. They provide the appearance of randomized auditing of paper ballots, but they control of the scope and selection of ballots that are chosen, that I'm sure isn't corrupted at all. Seems to me a system like this could easily be manipulated to insure the ballots targeted "randomly" will pass the audit, while insuring the ballots that would not pass an audit are blacklisted from the selection pool.

This provides the necessary reinforcement to the "no evidence of voter fraud" narrative from all their trusted non-profit buddies doing fact-checking for fake news and big tech. According to the map on their home page, Voting Works claims to be operating in these states:









New Jersey


New Hampshire

And would you look at that, they even partnered with DHS to pilot their auditing system in 2020 Election in the battleground states! And who is singing their praises in 2019 for their participation in the 2020 election? Why it's none other than fired former CISA Director Chris Krebs of course!


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aa66db No.147497

File: 2e1405d8091d093⋯.png (204.14 KB,540x880,27:44,Clipboard.png)

File: d314515d9d27c29⋯.png (182.31 KB,540x670,54:67,Clipboard.png)

File: f96a4a8615ed271⋯.png (270.24 KB,540x701,540:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ba1bb1346801a6⋯.png (253.85 KB,540x623,540:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 530237d058d732e⋯.jpg (672.48 KB,1310x1920,131:192,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724174 (211202ZNOV20) Notable: possible Gen. Flynn comms here on general research thread.

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I ve found possible Gen. Flynn comms here on general research thread.

The interesting thing about these msgs is that he posted a pic of Aleksandar Lazarevic when he said that he didnt start to fight yet.

We all know Serbia is tightly connected to DVS and that there are many Serbian programers who were working for DVS.

If this turns out to be FLYNN …And I am pretty sure that he is!! Then it means that they(Trump team) have all the info about Serbs they need.

Add to all this Serbian President Vucic and his visit toWhite House back in Sept. He was looking nervous like hell.

This could really mean that they have every possible evidence about voter fraud.

There is a huge drop on Al. Lazarevic already on this board. And we will for sure be digging more.

General… Thank You For Your Servise!!

PART 1/2

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aa66db No.147498

File: a1b9b3d9b5ca27b⋯.jpg (757.62 KB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48f205de8bc6f1c⋯.jpg (652.65 KB,1470x1920,49:64,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f9c4716e846e73⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d956663ed68cf5⋯.jpg (809.91 KB,1237x1920,1237:1920,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724182 (211204ZNOV20) Notable: possible Gen. Flynn comms here on general research thread.

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I ve found possible Gen. Flynn comms here on general research thread.

PART 2/2

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aa66db No.147499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724192 (211206ZNOV20) Notable: #14963, #14964, #14965 1/2

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>>>/qresearch/11723416 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING

#14965 Part 1/2

>>147492 Give us this day our daily bread.

>>147410 The same guy who is the registered controlling agent of Scytl…. look what he did two days ago:

>>147411 Clergy Sex Abuse Fund

>>147412 USNS Mercy- Last port location was in Portland

>>147409 , >>147413 , >>147414 , >>147415 , >>147416 Chad Wolf is a D5?

>>147417 Regarding sidney powell's comment about AOC/Bernie phonecall and a DoD insider

>>147418 John Brennan, how did you turn your 1,370 shares of TAC stock into $4.85 million without violating conflict-of-interest law?

>>147419 Hong Kong Bakery Decorates Cake with ‘Uncle’ Joe Biden Sniffing Anime Girl

>>147420 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>147421 Sidney Powell: Georgia squarely in our crosshairs

>>147422 Dems block stimulus bill again

>>147423 Sidney Powell: Evidence of vote-fraud 'conspiracy' to be published

>>147424 Mathematician flags 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots for fraud

>>147425 Projection: Republican David Valadao Defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox in CA21

>>147426 , >>147427 , >>147430 , >>147432 , >>147435 , >>147437 , >>147438 , >>147439 , >>147442 , >>147445 , >>147448 Soros Biden Network

>>147428 Kenosha murder suspect Kyle Rittenhouse posts $2 million bond, no longer in custody

>>147431 30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump — 75% of Republicans

>>147433 Establishment Media’s Real Concern: How Did Trump Manage to Do So Well?

>>147434 WaPo Contacted All 53 GOP Senators to Press Them on Trump’s Attempts to Overturn the Election — How Many Refused Comment?

>>147436 An attorney leading Trump's attempt to subvert the election results is a longtime QAnon supporter

>>147440 , >>147496 Voting Works digs #Georgia

>>147441 Senator Chachi? Actor Scott Baio challenges Romney on Twitter

>>147443 Sidney Powell: POTUS can sit back with the POPCORN - the Kraken has got this

>>147444 Jenna Ellis Schools the Media

>>147446 , >>147470 Distraught Caller Speaks for Millions of Trump Voters Fed Up with Republicans

>>147447 Voting machines in Antrim and Wayne counties in Michigan are connected to the Internet on November 3. at 11 pm, and thousands of Trump's votes were transferred from Serbia to Biden.

>>147449 Supreme Court Unveils New Circuit Assignments for Justices – Here Is the Breakdown

>>147450 Busted: FBI Agents Arrest Second Cincinnati Democrat On Federal Corruption Charges

>>147451 Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Team Will Sue Officials ‘To Invalidate’ Election Results

>>147452 The Trump Team's Real Strategy

>>147453 Colin Kaepernick goes full radical with call to free cop killer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724195 (211206ZNOV20) Notable: #14965 2/2, #14966, #14967

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#14965 Part 2/2

>>147454 , >>147429 , >>147463 Keystone-SDA’s Comprehensive Coverage of the 2019 Federal Elections in Switzerland

>>147455 Tucker Carlson was VIP regulars at Commet Ping Pong and Pizza - Washington Post 7/8/2007

>>147456 , >>147459 , >>147461 , >>147465 , >>147467 , >>147472 , >>147473 , >>147475 , >>147477 , >>147478 , >>147479 , >>147481 , >>147482 , >>147484 , >>147485 , >>147486 THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

>>147457 Vainglory of the Press

>>147458 America's Elites - Not Trump - Are Responsible For Undermining American Democracy

>>147460 The ACLU And College Professors Are Encouraging Book-Burnings

>>147462 Perkins Coie defending Dominion Voting Systems

>>147464 Big Tech Censors Conservatives Right After Hearing

>>147466 Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says He Will Certify Election Results (literally retarded, the SoS certifies, not the Gov)

>>147468 Outside groups flood Georgia with advertising buys ahead of runoffs

>>147469 Hispanic Voters In Florida Who Fled Dictatorships Think The Election Was Stolen From Trump

>>147471 New Flynn

>>147474 PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election — What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS

>>147476 Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!

>>147480 BuzzFeed to acquire HuffPost from Verizon Media

>>147483 Biden can’t handle a single polite question from a journalist who’s actually doing his job.

>>147487 NYPD officer hospitalized after getting beat up by mob in Queens

>>147488 The Gentlewoman from QAnon Is Out of Her Everloving Tree

>>147489 The Time to Deactivate Trump’s Twitter Account Is Now

>>147490 Edward Solomon has figured out the voting machine Algorithm in Philly, explained in this video.

>>147491 Law firm Kirkland & Ellis has withdrawn representation of the Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar in the Trump campaign case

>>147493 Kraken: by the letters

>>147494 Bernie and AoC Re: DoD embed instructing on sabotage.

>>147495 Trump Announces New Measures to Lower Price of Prescription Drugs

>>147497 , >>147498 possible Gen. Flynn comms here on general research thread.

save the not-a-bru's for next bread fags!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147501

File: b3ca1da8354ba55⋯.png (88.93 KB,593x500,593:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 32de6c7dec55edf⋯.png (138.57 KB,614x703,614:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724336 (211242ZNOV20) Notable: @GenFLynn: I ask those that didn’t hear this clip on the @RealRLimbaugh show to listen to this man’s passionate plea, not of fear but of strength & commitment to his faith, family & our country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>147446 , >>147470 /pb notable - Distraught Caller Speaks for Millions of Trump Voters Fed Up with Republicans


Parler me @GenFlynn

I ask those that didn’t hear this clip on the ⁦@RealRLimbaugh

⁩ show to listen to this man’s passionate plea, not of fear but of strength & commitment to his faith, family & our country




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724372 (211250ZNOV20) Notable: American Thinker - Sidney Powell expands scope of Dominion scam

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>American Thinker - Sidney Powell expands scope of Dominion scam

>get me a link


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147503

File: 1f839bdc607985a⋯.jpg (257.64 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724393 (211254ZNOV20) Notable: path to Sidney Powell talks Details with Larry O'Conner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147504

File: 92b8831bf18a5e8⋯.png (398.74 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 539a565f92b1532⋯.png (239.73 KB,861x540,287:180,Clipboard.png)

File: dbba52b5f150c65⋯.png (107.83 KB,804x589,804:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724415 (211300ZNOV20) Notable: Venezuela Gets Bush Visit, Too (from 2001)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Couple of weeks after Dubya's inauguration

had a vague recollection of George Bush and Hugo Chavez meeting. Was thinking it was W but acktually it was Bush 41.

At the same time this meeting was going on, 43 met with Mexican president Vicente Fox. Almost like they are planning something

Venezuela Gets Bush Visit, Too

By Karen DeYoung

February 16, 2001

As his son sits down today with Mexican President Vicente Fox, former president George Bush will have an opportunity for some Latin American diplomacy of his own, meeting in Caracas with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

The visit with Chavez was arranged by a leading Venezuelan businessman, Gustavo Cisneros, who is hosting Bush on a private fishing vacation in Venezuela's Amazon region. Chavez announced the meeting, to be held this morning at the presidential residence La Casona, on his weekly radio program last weekend.

Officials in the White House, the State Department and former president Bush's office in Houston would not characterize the meeting as official. "It is simply a courtesy call," a Houston spokesman said.

But the visit has undeniable symbolic importance and has given rise to speculation particularly in Venezuela that "Bush 41," as the 41st president is known around the White House, is assuming a new role as diplomatic envoy for "Bush 43."

At a conference last weekend in Cancun with his counterparts fromMexico and Colombia,Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jose Vincente Rangel (who yesterday changed jobs and became defense minister) mentioned the visit approvingly. Chavez noted on the radio that the man with whom he would be "chatting" is "the father of the current president, George W."

The United States and Venezuela have dealt with each other warily in recent years, especially since Chavez, a former paratrooper and admirer ofFidel Castro,took office in December 1998.

In addition to hosting Castro effusively in Caracas late last year, Chavez met with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Chavez also has been a leader in OPEC's drive to raise crude oil prices and resisted Washington's efforts to extend its anti-drug campaign over his borders.

Chavez's rhetorical support forColombia's leftist guerrillas amid allegations of more substantive backing and his opposition to U.S. military aid for Bogota have strained relations between the neighboring Andean countries.

But relations have started to improve on all fronts in recent days. Fox has launched a diplomatic initiative to build a new partnership with the United States, to assist in Colombia's peace negotiations with the guerrillas, to smooth Colombia's relationship with Venezuela and to persuade Chavez to tone down his rhetoric, if not his ideas.

In conversations with Chavez, the Mexicans reminded him that the United States is the largest purchaser of Venezuelan oil, and that the two countries have a long history of close and cordial relations.

George Bush will meet with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

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aa66db No.147505

File: f745bb4852eaacb⋯.png (168.5 KB,598x850,299:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724418 (211301ZNOV20) Notable: Maxwell took photos of topless American and Euro girls

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Techno Fog


Ghislaine Maxwell civil case - Deposition (excerpts) of witness unsealed.

Maxwell took photos of topless American and Euro girls (ages not stated). Photos kept at Epstein's home.

Witness first testified to this in 2009 (hello



Full doc:


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aa66db No.147506

File: d651fccf79f9ad7⋯.jpg (55.55 KB,642x366,107:61,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b2170ef2c5abd3e⋯.jpg (109.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52480dec36c08dc⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,377x225,377:225,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d79ffd3a8179e6a⋯.jpg (21.01 KB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724435 (211304ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines ... reminds me of … strike like the fastest animal…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cheetah , Leopard, wild animal prints HO MY!

reminds me of … strike like the fastest animal…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147507

File: 8cb85a6efb7ac98⋯.mp4 (8.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: caaa80dc8fd6c4d⋯.mp4 (4.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724437 (211304ZNOV20) Notable: important mp4s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724458 (211308ZNOV20) Notable: anon request: situation currently in idaho that needs digs. Brown bus company sold its operations of busses to STA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We have a situation currently in idaho that needs digs. Brown bus company sold its operations of busses to STA



The problem is the new school bus drivers are ALL black and from detroit. I and a co worker both had raised hairs about the matter and wouldnt be surprised if they are shipping insurgents into right wing states, because we all know that in places like idaho, its a very dangerous idea to them to come here for a town burning .


Hell yes they lined the streets up north, they had guns wherever this blm bullshit was happening.

Im at work most times to having time for digs into STA is not huge.

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aa66db No.147509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724475 (211311ZNOV20) Notable: Cook Political Report Calls it: CA-21 Republican David Valadao defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


one more Republican Congressman in California!

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aa66db No.147510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724479 (211312ZNOV20) Notable: Glenn Beck 15 min interview of Sidney Powell from 11.20.20.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Glenn Beck 15 min interview of Sidney Powell from 11.20.20. Very similar in content to her OAN interview.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147511

File: 78a7faec9ba3a29⋯.png (151.11 KB,597x581,597:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 566561e73c5923a⋯.png (1.98 MB,1034x4096,517:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724493 (211315ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT: This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147512

File: 00bc98cc56f13e7⋯.png (186.27 KB,597x570,199:190,Clipboard.png)

File: db2fc61c0bdaa88⋯.png (535.59 KB,828x972,23:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724503 (211316ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT: This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Massive voter fraud will be shown!


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aa66db No.147513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724529 (211320ZNOV20) Notable: Keep an eye on this tomorrow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Keep an eye on this tomorrow.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147514

File: ca76cdb9dce16f1⋯.png (1.32 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724537 (211321ZNOV20) Notable: anon went digging for Monochrome Corp. to see what "consumer products" they sold and discovered they're a gaming company…with just one title — Contagion VR: Outbreak published on 11/12/2020; tie in with monochrome profile pic trend?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So I was looking at the flow chart the NYP had. The Monochrome thing stood out to me because it would've been Biden's holding company (obviously). So I started digging and immediately found this and noted the date was 10/21/2020:


Then I went digging for Monochrome Corp. to see what "consumer products" they sold and discovered they're a gaming company…with just one title — Contaion VR: Outbreak published on 11/12/2020.


Next, I looked up the company website and found Japanese text, rather run-of-the-mill "animation," and an unfinished website in general:http://monochrome-corp.com/Back to Firma Holdings, though. Why would a mining and food products company think they needed an animation company?


Did they develop the game for secret comms using the Big Man's holding company?

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aa66db No.147515

File: 0f13a13ee00851b⋯.jpg (128.5 KB,540x396,15:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48f205de8bc6f1c⋯.jpg (652.65 KB,1470x1920,49:64,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e94f51f8b434677⋯.png (158.4 KB,540x672,45:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 61160b66a04e9ef⋯.jpg (192.66 KB,540x418,270:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d0c1cb15edb9943⋯.png (149.52 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724548 (211323ZNOV20) Notable: anon on PROPLE: Now we have: US Election Fraud>Serbia Election fraud>India(need more digging)>Philippines Election fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We are connecting a global network of the system that criminals created to enslave us!!

With Trump's help and with the help of his team we are dissclosing THEM ALL!!

As we can see one anon opened a HUGE drop that connected DVS to Serbia, its electinos, balkan terrible history from 90's.

That anon also mentioned how the same DVS has its ties with criminal activity in India, and (whats for this post more important is) PHILIPPINES!!

Now do you remember Trump's deleted tweet? PROPLE=PEOPLE

(Mistakes are roadmaps for anons)

As you can see on the picture… one anon already revealed that DVS is connected with election criminality in Philippines, and to add to all of that, we surely need to mention PROPLE INC, and put it in the same box.

Prople inc is company based in Philippines and, as you can see is operating on the market about things like CISA.

Now its sure that Trump's mistake was not just a "mistake". They are leading us to connect the criminal system WW.

Now we have:

US Election Fraud>Serbia Election fraud>India(need more digging)>Philippines Election fraud

To add to all of this, in previous thread, anon revealed Flynns comms here on board and he, indeed, posted a picture of a Serbian programer tied to all these frauds and DVS.

Soo much is open source!!! God bless all the anons!!

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aa66db No.147516

File: 7c0debe890137c2⋯.png (25.69 KB,599x323,599:323,Clipboard.png)

File: a097072d22e512d⋯.png (54.23 KB,605x648,605:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724626 (211335ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney says, correction: DOD insider on phone call, not DOJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#Correction: #DOD



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aa66db No.147517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724700 (211345ZNOV20) Notable: (lb) THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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aa66db No.147518

File: 1cc0aead9baba30⋯.png (505.01 KB,858x634,429:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724722 (211347ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell DROPS A BOMB — Says “Multiple People” Were Watching the Fraud Happen in Real-Time

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WOW! Sidney Powell DROPS A BOMB — Says “Multiple People” Were Watching the Fraud Happen in Real-Time

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aa66db No.147519

File: f6a42be331f08fb⋯.png (62.97 KB,666x438,111:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724744 (211350ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines that “we are in the process of discovering evidence” is a big beautiful act.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q post #2165: FISA GOES BOTH WAYS. Dominion with connections to foreign adversaries has FISA written all over it. Apply the “two-hop” rule, and it becomes clear that this whole operation has been under extensive surveillance for years, including some very big fish. Love me some Sidney & Rudy, but the reality is their “we are in the process of discovering evidence” is a big beautiful act. They aren’t discovering anything in real-time as it comes in because they have had everything from the get-go. I’m lovingly and happily calling bullshit because we are watching a movie with great actors.

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aa66db No.147520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724787 (211357ZNOV20) Notable: anon request: situation currently in idaho that needs digs. Brown bus company sold its operations of busses to STA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm a former STA employee. Haven't worked for them for a long time, but this is my experience with them. YMMV.

They're a private school bus company that specializes in transportation of special education, though they also do general education transport. They underpay people and they also hire and train the lowest of people because that's what costs the least. My location was union, and I don't know if there are any that aren't union. We were run by the Teamsters who were just there to collect money from new hires and not actually help any employees. They were in bed with the manager.

For special ed transportation, the driver is not given training in how to deal with medical problems, and neither is the bus aide. My bus aide didn't even speak English! Generally, the bosses just pray that nothing happens on a bus.

I did have students being abused on my bus, so I submitted reports, as we were considered to be mandated reporters. My boss HATED ME for this. Where I worked, they reported directly to the county education board, rather than the local district. Literally nothing happened after my reports. I don't know if my boss refused to submit them, "lost" them, or if she was in on something with someone at the county. Either way, nothing happened. This student was given to me because of her severe stubbornness, and no other driver wanted her. Since I was lowest on the seniority list, I got to transport her. She actually became a good student on my bus, thanks to God.

Jobs are low paying and are all part time; I don't know of any divisions that had full time employees, except the office staff. The mechanics were overworked as most of our vehicles were old and should've been retired ages before my employment. There was also a lot of employee abuse at my location. I've heard other locations were better, but that's only rumor to me.

If STA didn't hire those Brown Bus drivers and make them the most senior drivers on their list, then this was a political play with someone in the local government signing off on it. I would then assume that this is a way of "dealing" with your local kids. They won't talk to your kids like a normal driver will, but they will berate the fuck out of them.

That's my $0.02. My apologies for no tl;dr.

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aa66db No.147521

File: 31f87b2867180db⋯.png (36.65 KB,598x420,299:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724803 (211359ZNOV20) Notable: SP clarifies: rumor was it was the good guys

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147522

File: 574fa9fe035da14⋯.png (74.74 KB,622x611,622:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724819 (211402ZNOV20) Notable: AZ election official Bo Dul partner at Perkins Coie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AZ election official Bo Dul partner at Perkins Coie

I have been digging some more on Arizona Secretary of State Katie (Kathleen) Hobbs. I don't believe she is at all what she appears to be.

The Arizona State Elections director appointed by Hobbs was a partner at Perkins Coie.

Thirty-five years later, she’s a crucial cog in Arizona’s elections.

On January 7, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs tapped Dul, a former election law attorney at Perkins Coie, to be her elections director.

“It was very hard to think of leaving [Perkins Coie], but I also couldn’t not think about it,” Dul said. “It was like once that genie came out of the bottle, I couldn’t put it back i



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aa66db No.147523

File: 44bfecc85b23aba⋯.png (33.35 KB,837x257,837:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724885 (211411ZNOV20) Notable: DJT: Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147524

File: 1b2f1c875c040df⋯.png (113.8 KB,658x550,329:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724890 (211412ZNOV20) Notable: DOMINION manual: "define the local and/or global locations where you would like to send the results"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Look at this shit


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aa66db No.147525

File: 28af271806d9a7e⋯.png (13.09 KB,478x207,478:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724900 (211413ZNOV20) Notable: DJT: Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!'''

7:58 AM · Nov 21, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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aa66db No.147526

File: 62cf39da5835bd1⋯.png (297.42 KB,564x633,188:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724937 (211419ZNOV20) Notable: @nedryun 73% of Biden vote margin gain in PA came from 7 counties and 1 city that received $18M+ from Zuck & co.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"73% of Joe Biden’s 126,649 vote margin gain in Pennsylvania. . . came from the seven counties & one city in PA that received more than $18 million from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) “safe elections” project."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11724976 (211422ZNOV20) Notable: #14965 2/2, #14966, #14967

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147501 @GenFLynn: I ask those that didn’t hear this clip on the @RealRLimbaugh show to listen to this man’s passionate plea, not of fear but of strength & commitment to his faith, family & our country

>>147502 American Thinker - Sidney Powell expands scope of Dominion scam

>>147503 path to Sidney Powell talks Details with Larry O'Conner

>>147504 Venezuela Gets Bush Visit, Too (from 2001)

>>147505 Maxwell took photos of topless American and Euro girls

>>147506 anon opines … reminds me of … strike like the fastest animal…

>>147507 important mp4s

>>147508, >>147520 anon request: situation currently in idaho that needs digs. Brown bus company sold its operations of busses to STA

>>147509 Cook Political Report Calls it: CA-21 Republican David Valadao defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox

>>147510 Glenn Beck 15 min interview of Sidney Powell from 11.20.20.

>>147511, >>147512 New DJT: This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!

>>147513 Keep an eye on this tomorrow.

>>147514 anon went digging for Monochrome Corp. to see what "consumer products" they sold and discovered they're a gaming company…with just one title — Contagion VR: Outbreak published on 11/12/2020; tie in with monochrome profile pic trend?

>>147515 anon on PROPLE: Now we have: US Election Fraud>Serbia Election fraud>India(need more digging)>Philippines Election fraud

>>147516 Sidney says, correction: DOD insider on phone call, not DOJ

>>147518 Sidney Powell DROPS A BOMB — Says “Multiple People” Were Watching the Fraud Happen in Real-Time

>>147519 anon opines that “we are in the process of discovering evidence” is a big beautiful act.

>>147521 SP clarifies: rumor was it was the good guys

>>147522 AZ election official Bo Dul partner at Perkins Coie

>>147523, >>147525 DJT: Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!

>>147524 DOMINION manual: "define the local and/or global locations where you would like to send the results"

>>147526 @nedryun 73% of Biden vote margin gain in PA came from 7 counties and 1 city that received $18M+ from Zuck & co.


please to bring forward

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aa66db No.147528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725063 (211433ZNOV20) Notable: (lb) THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>147497 /lb

>We all know Serbia is tightly connected to DVS and that there are many Serbian programers who were working for DVS.

"Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on the way to everywhere special."

―Maria Hill[src]

Sokovia (Sokovian Cyrillic: Соковиja; Sokovian Latin: Sokovija) is a landlocked country in Central-Southeastern Europe, bordered by Slovakia and the Czech Republic.


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aa66db No.147529

File: 605ba307f15da58⋯.png (99.12 KB,804x457,804:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 70d5b417c8d6581⋯.jpg (456.6 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725098 (211440ZNOV20) Notable: pf reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM226 USAF G5 and SAM186 USAF C-40B departed JBA ne

Indian AF IFC920 C-17 Globemaster departed Dover AFB also ne

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147530

File: 153b26c1d052718⋯.png (38.78 KB,560x287,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725106 (211440ZNOV20) Notable: Far more attention should be paid to what Mark Zuckerberg did in these elections.

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Far more attention should be paid to what Mark Zuckerberg did in these elections. I bet there is a lot of correlation and overlap between where his Orwellian Center for Technology and Civic Life funded activities and the anomalies in votes for Biden took place.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725119 (211442ZNOV20) Notable: Brennan Center to Georgia State Board of Elections on Proposed Election Rules

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brennan Center to Georgia State Board of Elections on Proposed Election Rules

spoopiness detected?

sauce: https://www.scribd.com/document/447610428/Brennan-Center-Submits-Follow-up-Comment-to-Georgia-State-Board-of-Elections-on-Proposed-Election-Rules

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147532

File: e304387dc57a531⋯.png (96.07 KB,740x412,185:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725154 (211446ZNOV20) Notable: pf reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AE68AE Dornier C-146A departed Bogota, Columbia north

Heading to San Juan, PR

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147533

File: f5c1c3cd5489953⋯.png (494.11 KB,587x626,587:626,Clipboard.png)

File: a3b1d960b7dc55c⋯.jpg (209.78 KB,1728x972,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2139d62f706b563⋯.jpg (344.64 KB,1953x1099,279:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725171 (211448ZNOV20) Notable: @USStratcom: Gen. Timothy Ray talked with students participating in the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies program this week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gen. Timothy Ray talked with students participating in the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies program this week. #SANDS is designed to #develop FGOs into the next generation of #NuclearDeterrence leaders and experts through focused study on #StrategicDeterrence.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147534

File: 7ef904acb2ff2ce⋯.png (150.39 KB,302x522,151:261,Clipboard.png)

File: bf3ec515afbdda1⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e216cc4cd4d662e⋯.png (89.95 KB,453x504,151:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725186 (211450ZNOV20) Notable: Found over 8K ballots that were filled out and returned, same day they were approved/mailed out. Found over 7K that were filled out/returned before they were mailed out. PA has deleted the #Election2020 dataset.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dude exports data from PA.gov website, into excel sheet, cutoff at 1M rows, working with 1/3 data set. Found ballots that were filled out and returned, same day they were approved/mailed out, found over 8K. Found over 7K that were filled out/returned before they were mailed out.



Very clever young man.

3:37 AM · Nov 20, 2020·Twitter for iPhone





Replying to


The creator of this video. https://twitter.com/GregOnTheRight

2:56 PM · Nov 20, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


The Knox Tea Party


Replying to


PA has deleted the #Election2020 dataset.

1:16 PM · Nov 20, 2020·Twitter Web App


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147535

File: a5bb9353c5cecdd⋯.png (992.25 KB,838x886,419:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725297 (211501ZNOV20) Notable: @USStratcom: Gen. Timothy Ray talked with students participating in the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies program this week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gen. Timothy Ray talked with students participating in the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies program this week. #SANDS is designed to #develop FGOs into the next generation of #NuclearDeterrence leaders and experts through focused study on #StrategicDeterrence.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147536

File: f9dbeed76c31bb2⋯.png (331.68 KB,586x540,293:270,Clipboard.png)

File: de3c580345cc950⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725382 (211509ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia @GovKemp urges audit of ballot envelope signatures to look for fraud #JustTheNews @jsolomonReports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sign guys are the best

In new twist, Georgia @GovKemp urges audit of ballot envelop signatures to look for fraud #JustTheNews @jsolomonReports


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147537

File: 0b9b1ec4e32b485⋯.png (111.45 KB,659x696,659:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 869b841a4f55f21⋯.png (200.17 KB,650x814,325:407,Clipboard.png)

File: ab22e529893e75b⋯.png (2.88 MB,2322x4096,1161:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725394 (211510ZNOV20) Notable: I scanned a wildcard "dominionvotingSYSTEMS(.)com" and it led me to a horribly insecure data center in Quanzho, China.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





after seeing the dvs fileshare subdomain for Dominion, I scanned a wildcard "dominionvotingSYSTEMS(.)com" and it led me to a horribly insecure data center in Quanzho, China.

Which tool you used for scanning this?

Spyse for that one also used SecurityTrails

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725429 (211514ZNOV20) Notable: >>1172537 This critical flaw in the system was raised at the time the system was proposed for use in Georgia, but the state still bought it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dominion system. The way it works is you make your selection on a touchscreen and the machine then spits out a paper receipt of sorts with a bar code you scan at the tabulator.But neither the voter nor anyone else can verify that the barcode is accurate. So, not only can you not verify that the machine has properly logged your vote, but the state cannot undertake a meaningful recount

This critical flaw in the system was raised at the time the system was proposed for use in Georgia, but the state still bought it. The fact that you yourself cannot verity your vote and that the barcodes make it impossible to do a real recount or audit, should have disqualified Dominion from consideration. Our current quandary was wholly foreseeable, which leads one to conclude Dominion was deliberately chosen. The “bugs” seem to be a feature. And again, Kemp was in the middle of all of this.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147539

File: 40483ce7f723f90⋯.png (88.43 KB,605x402,605:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725440 (211515ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan AG Nessel and others are suggesting that Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michigan AG Nessel and others are suggesting that Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged. Once again, the media is silent on this abusive use of the criminal code.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147540

File: 7a38a46e3bfc162⋯.png (814.82 KB,846x548,423:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 03858094d977310⋯.png (444.99 KB,838x388,419:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 1257659ef75d495⋯.png (415.94 KB,854x402,427:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f4e086da2e261b⋯.png (720.07 KB,817x531,817:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725485 (211518ZNOV20) Notable: Here are some screenshots from the bar AZ SoS Katie Hobbs follows on instagram. Mind you, she only follows 46 accounts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here are some screenshots from the bar AZ SoS Katie Hobbs follows on instagram. Mind you, she only follows 46 accounts.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147541

File: 8dd0fb7c6e2815d⋯.png (89.71 KB,854x457,854:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 7028c25d87d2e85⋯.png (524.83 KB,877x549,877:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725515 (211521ZNOV20) Notable: pf reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM202 USAF C-40B on the sidewalk from a Ramstein AFB depart-this AC departed JBA yesterday for Ramstein and arrived just after SPAR70 arrived from Stuttgart turn and burn with a prior Dakar, Senegal ground stop and a Bamako, Mali depart

see Cap#2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725516 (211522ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Wins Georgia County Termination of Manager that Blatantly Disregarded the Required Processes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Wins Georgia County Termination of Manager that Blatantly Disregarded the Required Processes

Video is a good watch

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147543

File: 77cf065e7670142⋯.png (144.24 KB,1430x769,1430:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725545 (211525ZNOV20) Notable: Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website (www.sos.state.co.us).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website (www.sos.state.co.us). Direct connection to Sequoia and Smartmatic through Senior Product Manager - Ronald Morales.

More here:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147544

File: a391190af76c6ba⋯.png (422.21 KB,589x525,589:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d49e0054436908⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725719 (211544ZNOV20) Notable: CNN Headquarters in #Atlanta under siege.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HAPPENING NOW - CNN Headquarters in #Atlanta under siege.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725740 (211545ZNOV20) Notable: #14965 2/2, #14966, #14967

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>147530 Far more attention should be paid to what Mark Zuckerberg did in these elections.

>>147531 Brennan Center to Georgia State Board of Elections on Proposed Election Rules

>>147533, >>147535 @USStratcom: Gen. Timothy Ray talked with students participating in the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies program this week.

>>147534 Found over 8K ballots that were filled out and returned, same day they were approved/mailed out. Found over 7K that were filled out/returned before they were mailed out. PA has deleted the #Election2020 dataset.

>>147536 Georgia @GovKemp urges audit of ballot envelope signatures to look for fraud #JustTheNews @jsolomonReports

>>147537 I scanned a wildcard "dominionvotingSYSTEMS(.)com" and it led me to a horribly insecure data center in Quanzho, China.

>>147538, >>>/qresearch/1172537 This critical flaw in the system was raised at the time the system was proposed for use in Georgia, but the state still bought it.

>>147539 Michigan AG Nessel and others are suggesting that Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged.

>>147540 Here are some screenshots from the bar AZ SoS Katie Hobbs follows on instagram. Mind you, she only follows 46 accounts.

>>147542 Trump Wins Georgia County Termination of Manager that Blatantly Disregarded the Required Processes

>>147543 Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website (www.sos.state.co.us).

>>147529, >>147532, >>147541 pf reports

>>147544 CNN Headquarters in #Atlanta under siege.


bring it forward

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147546

File: 99f86f9c2427877⋯.png (88.1 KB,837x628,837:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725832 (211555ZNOV20) Notable: FLOTUS Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On #NationalAdoptionDay, I would like to thank @CCAInstitute for their dedication to ensuring children’s safety & finding them a forever home. Today & everyday, it’s programs like Angels in Adoption that #BeBest is proud to support.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725836 (211556ZNOV20) Notable: FLOTUS Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725855 (211559ZNOV20) Notable: Executive Order on Establishing the Committee for the Assessment of Foreign Participation in the United States Telecommunications Services Sector

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Executive Order on Establishing the Committee for the Assessment of Foreign Participation in the United States Telecommunications Services Sector

License review/investigation of [F] influence + domestic assets

30 days

initiated based on E2020 fraud on 11-4.

30 days = 12-4 Vote to Take Action against MSM [NatSec threats]

action on [D]ec 5


they could not rig election without media

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147549

File: f04303858a2e99b⋯.jpg (151.23 KB,720x653,720:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725870 (211602ZNOV20) Notable: What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

Tech Anons, could use some help on this. This jumped out at me. Could this be significant regarding PAIN incoming?

Automating National Information Assurance Partnership Requirements Testing for Mobile Apps

Ensuring the security of mobile app software for use within the federal government no longer needs to be time consuming or expensive. Under a joint pilot program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) within the National Security Agency (NSA) cybersecurity mission have demonstrated that the process can be automated.

Assessing whether mobile apps are compliant with a NIAP Protection Profile (PP) has traditionally been a long and costly process. By automating that process, S&T and NIAP offer agencies the ability to quickly, affordably, and reliably determine if their apps meet NIAP’s stringent security requirements.

This pilot testing report demonstrates that automated mobile app testing tools and methodologies are reliable and efficient.


About NIAP

The National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) is responsible for U.S. implementation of the Common Criteria, including management of the NIAP Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) validation body. NIAP manages a national program for developing Protection Profiles, evaluation methodologies, and policies that will ensure achievable, repeatable, and testable requirements. In partnership with NIST, NIAP also approves Common Criteria Testing Laboratories to conduct these security evaluations in private sector operations across the U.S.

NIAP takes a collaborative approach to technology-specific protection profile development by supporting the creation of international technical communities of representatives from industry, government, end users, and academia. This results in consistent evaluation methodologies across U.S. testing labs and among labs associated with international Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement schemes.

NIAP also works with NATO and international standards bodies (ISO) to share Common Criteria evaluation experiences and avoid duplication of effort. In the U.S., NIAP engages with other National Security Systems (NSS) users to ensure Protection Profiles, along with their associated DoD Annexes, provide a streamlined certification path for IA and IA enabled COTS products employed with NSS




Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS)

is a United States Government program administered by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) to evaluate security functionality of an information technology with conformance to the Common Criteria international standard. The new standard uses Protection Profiles and the Common Criteria Standards to certify the product. This change happened in 2009. Their stated goal in making the change was to ensure achievable, repeatable and testable evaluations.

The CCEVS program is a partnership between the U.S. Government and industry to assist themselves and the consumers:

To meet the needs of government and industry for cost-effective evaluation of IT products

To encourage the formation of commercial security testing laboratories and the development of a private sector security testing industry

To ensure that security evaluations of IT products are performed to consistent standards

To improve the availability of evaluated IT products.

The scheme is intended to serve many communities of interest with very diverse roles and responsibilities. This community includes IT product developers, product vendors, value-added resellers, systems integrators, IT security researchers, acquisition/procurement authorities, consumers of IT products, auditors, and accreditors (individuals deciding the fitness for operation of those products within their respective organizations). Close cooperation between government and industry is paramount to the success of the scheme and the realization of its objectives.[1]


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725887 (211604ZNOV20) Notable: JFK Docs: National Security Action Memoranda [NSAM]: NSAM 57, Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

National Security Action Memoranda [NSAM]: NSAM 57, Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations

This folder contains a copy of National Security Action Memoranda number 57 (NSAM 57) titled, “Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations,” to Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Allen Dulles from McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.


1963 + 57 = 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147551

File: deb95bdded0b3b9⋯.png (256.13 KB,547x327,547:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725896 (211605ZNOV20) Notable: A $10 Covid-19 Test? Walmart Heirs Back Startup Developing At-Home Tests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A $10 Covid-19 Test? Walmart Heirs Back Startup Developing At-Home Tests

The billionaire Walton household that controls Walmart Inc. WMT -1.24% is amongst a gaggle of buyers backing a startup aiming to design at-home Covid-19 checks to promote for as little as $10 on the retail large’s shops and elsewhere.

NowDiagnostics Inc., primarily based 20 miles south of Walmart’s company headquarters, has filed requests for emergency authorization from the U.S. Meals and Drug Administration for a Covid-19 antibody blood check, in line with the Springdale, Ark., firm.

Additionally it is creating two at-home Covid-19 checks that might use a affected person’s salvia and ship leads to minutes, mentioned Chief Govt Kevin Clark. A type of could be an antigen check that appears for virus proteins to diagnose an lively an infection and the opposite an antibody check, which seems for an immune response that may sign a earlier an infection.

Not one of the checks have been approved by the FDA to be used.

For a number of years Walmart has talked with NowDiagnostics about promoting checks for illnesses just like the flu in its shops, as a part of a push to supply extra fixed-priced health-care providers and merchandise. These discussions expanded throughout the pandemic to incorporate Covid-19 diagnostic and serologic checks in the event that they go regulatory muster, folks accustomed to the discussions mentioned. NowDiagnostics is one in all many biotechnology and diagnostic corporations racing to develop easy-to-use at-home tests for Covid-19. Up to now, these checks have confronted hurdles together with guaranteeing customers know learn how to acquire high-quality samples and course of them in a means that delivers correct outcomes.

Whereas saliva samples are used for diagnostic PCR checks run in labs, and amassing spit is much less invasive than swabbing an individual’s nostril or throat, no saliva-based fast checks have but secured emergency approval. OraSure Technologies Inc., which has tried to create a saliva-based fast antigen check, lately shifted to creating a check that depends on a nasal swab. “As analysis and improvement progressed, we discovered we might obtain better sensitivity, and the very best accuracy, by utilizing samples collected with a easy, quick swab simply within the nostril,” mentioned Dr. Stephen Tang, OraSure’s chief govt.

The FDA this week approved the first at-home Covid-19 test that features a nasal swab folks can administer themselves and obtain leads to minutes. The corporate that makes the checks, Lucira Well being Inc., mentioned it plans to roll them out nationally by spring, probably costing about $50 apiece. Lucira plans to ultimately promote its check on-line and ship it in a single day with a medical skilled’s prescription. NowDiagnostics goals to promote every of its three Covid-19 checks for underneath $10, mentioned Mr. Clark.

Buyers in NowDiagnostics embody members of the Walton household via Arkansas-based enterprise capital agency NewRoad Capital Companions, in line with folks accustomed to the matter. NowDiagnostics buyers additionally embody a number of former Walmart executives, mentioned these folks. A spokeswoman for the Walton household declined to remark. Mr. Clark declined to debate the Waltons, saying the corporate has buyers from throughout the nation. NewRoad declined to touch upon particular person buyers.

For years NowDiagnostic has labored to develop cheap at-home medical checks together with for HIV, being pregnant and meals intolerance, nevertheless it shifted focus to develop Covid-19-related merchandise when the pandemic hit, mentioned Mr. Clark. The corporate’s blood-based being pregnant check for lab use is the one one which has been cleared by the FDA, he mentioned. Walmart isn’t straight concerned with NowDiagnostics and doesn’t have an unique settlement to purchase its merchandise, mentioned Mr. Clark, however the firm has labored intently with present and former Walmart executives. “This idea started out of some dialog with Walmart personnel, means again in 2012,” he mentioned.

A Walmart spokeswoman declined to remark.




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147552

File: 0c6a2a7e4d31d35⋯.png (606.94 KB,837x923,837:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 9977d7fc6bdb5da⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725897 (211606ZNOV20) Notable: @USNavy Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Take a look at the first-in-class #USNavy aircraft carrier @Warship_78

. USS Gerald R. Ford and embarked Carrier Air Wing 8 recently completed integrated carrier strike group operations, under the operational control of Carrier Strike Group 12.

Details: https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/2420822/air-defense-commander-integrates-into-ford-strike-group/


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725913 (211607ZNOV20) Notable: What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP)

A U.S. Government initiative established to promote the use of evaluated information systems products and champion the development and use of national and international standards for information technology security. NIAP was originally established as collaboration between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Security Agency (NSA) in fulfilling their respective responsibilities under P.L. 100-235 (Computer Security Act of 1987). NIST officially withdrew from the partnership in 2007 but NSA continues to manage and operate the program. The key operational component of NIAP is the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) which is the only U.S. Government- sponsored and endorsed program for conducting internationally-recognized security evaluations of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information assurance (IA) and IA-enabled information technology products. NIAP employs the CCEVS to provide government oversight or “validation” to U.S. Common Criteria (CC) evaluations to ensure correct conformance to the International Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation (ISO/IEC 15408).


CNSSI 4009-2015


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725937 (211610ZNOV20) Notable: Meet Pennsylvania’s anger translator, and Donald Trump’s worst nightmare

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Meet Pennsylvania’s anger translator, and Donald Trump’s worst nightmare

When Donald Trump set his sights on overturning the results of the election in Pennsylvania, there were a few things working against him. First, the margin of Joe Biden’s victory put it beyond the need for a recount. Second, Pennsylvania is the birthplace of American democracy, and they take this stuff very seriously. Third, John Fetterman.

Fetterman, the burly lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, has been a constant thorn in the side of the Trump campaign’s efforts to undermine the election in his state. In doing so, he has emerged from the chaos of campaign season with a new legion of fans.

He was a familiar presence on television throughout the state’s arduous and pivotal ballot count, often on hand to swat away Trump campaign attacks against the integrity of the counting process. At 6ft 8in tall, tattoos on his arms, a long goatee and often in short sleeves, he stood out amid the parade of suits. He once said of his appearance: “I do not look like a typical politician. I do not even look like a typical person.”

He doesn’t talk like a typical politician either. His Twitter feed is full of dry humour, memes and barbs. In the weeks since the election, he has continued his crusade against disinformation and played down any talk of a Trump longshot coup. While others have cloaked themselves in sober and diplomatic language, he has been Pennsylvania’s anger translator.

“Everybody, including and especially the president, knows how this movie is gonna end,” he tells The Independent by phone, on a break from his day job presiding over the Pennsylvania state senate.

“They are just these little Twitter storm freakouts. It's just sad and pathetic that the president of the United States has become just some sad internet troll.”

Fetterman has been pretty clear from day one that there is no way Trump can overturn the will of Pennsylvanian voters (“math doesn’t care about your feelings or lies,” is one of his favourite refrains), but he is also stark in his assessment of the president’s norm-shattering behaviour.

“I've said this time and time again, the media needs to turn its back on the president's reckless claims of voter fraud. He is and has been for some time now yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre. This is not free or protected speech. This is dangerous and damaging speech. And it really just comes down to that,” he says.



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aa66db No.147555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11725947 (211611ZNOV20) Notable: CIA Awards Cloud Contract to Multiple Vendors

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CIA Awards Cloud Contract to Multiple Vendors

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) confirmed late Friday that it awarded the Intelligence Community (IC) Commercial Cloud Enterprise (C2E) Cloud Service Provider (CSP) contract to multiple vendors.

A spokesperson said the agency looks forward to “utilizing, alongside our IC colleagues, the expanded cloud capabilities resulting from this diversified partnership.”

The agency did not identify the winning vendors, but Nextgov, which first reported the news, said that the winning vendors include IBM, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, and Oracle. Various news reports in recent months have speculated that the contract is valued in the billions of dollars over its life, but a precise value has not been stated.

John Sherman, currently Principal Deputy CIO at the Defense Department (DoD), talked about the importance of the cloud contract earlier this year when he was Intelligence Community CIO.

“The importance of us in the IC moving to a multi-cloud enterprise cannot be overstated,” Sherman said in February, adding, “I’m very proud of where we’re heading on this.”

Sherman said C2E will provide a multi-cloud, multi-vendor environment, possible infrastructure on and off premises, and cloud services at all three security levels – unclassified, secret, and top secret.


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aa66db No.147556

File: 0f4703bbd8a9c6f⋯.png (198.04 KB,620x631,620:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 62036afb295b7b3⋯.png (186.55 KB,1024x1392,64:87,Clipboard.png)

File: ad098066eae436d⋯.png (918.41 KB,956x1342,478:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b7ddac41517fd6⋯.png (245.09 KB,954x1368,53:76,Clipboard.png)

File: ecda623f7c1092a⋯.png (252.21 KB,942x1384,471:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726062 (211626ZNOV20) Notable: @ByronYork: Most people probably haven't had a chance to read the affidavit, so I'm going to post the whole thing (check replies)

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Byron York


Replying to


Most people probably haven't had a chance to read the affidavit, so I'm going to post the whole thingjust eight pages, including a bunch of unexplained redactions.. You can read for yourself. –The first two pages: 2/6

2:10 PM · Nov 20, 202

Two more: 3/6

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aa66db No.147557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726078 (211627ZNOV20) Notable: What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

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Not sure, not a techie. Trying to put some pieces together…Voting apps, perhaps?

10 Mobile AppSec Predictions for 2020

Every year the NowSecure team makes predictions about developments in mobile application security that we expect to occur in the coming year. The importance of mobile appsec and privacy testing has grown this year and several of our 2019 predictions were right on the mark.

What will 2020 hold? Our leaders and researchers predict we’ll see an intensified focus on privacy, mobile DevSecOps gaining traction and ample activity around wearables and Internet of Things (IoT).

Given Google’s recent $2.1 billion acquisition of Fitbit, there’s no denying the popularity of wearable devices. Declining prices have made the technology more accessible to consumers and you can expect to see an onslaught of Android wearables in the coming years. All told, worldwide spending on wearable technology will reach $52 billion in spending in 2020, according to Gartner.

In the meantime, Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to cross the chasm into mainstream enterprise use. Roughly 25% of businesses use IoT technology today, according to McKinsey & Company, which forecasts surging uptake by 2023.

The downside of growth in connected wearable and IoT devices means they will present a more attractive target for attackers. You can expect breaches and vulnerabilities to get much worse before they get better because of a lack of focus on security and privacy for these mobile apps.

In positive developments, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) takes effect on Jan. 1 and will increasingly shift conversations about mobile app privacy to the forefront. According to the legislation, for-profit businesses that collect data about California residents must protect the personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure or face fines.

Here are some of the mobile application security trends and challenges that NowSecure experts anticipate we’ll see in 2020.

Peering into the Crystal Ball

“With the smartwatch segment showing strong growth throughout 2019 and Apple Watch still leading the industry, I’m expecting to see more iOS apps introduce Watch integrations in 2020. The question is whether security best practices in iOS development will carry over into watchOS apps — I predict that this will not be the case! It will be key for the AppSec community to surface and articulate the risks on smartwatch platforms as this trend continues.” — Dawn Isabel, Research Engineer

“IoT testing (smart home devices, home assistants, webcams, cars etc.) will gain a lot more traction. Automated mobile security companies will have to shift focus to other communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Zigbee and NFC.” — Rono Dasgupta, Research Engineer

“States are increasingly developing or releasing mobile apps for voting in elections. We saw the first allegation of an attempted hack of a mobile voting app in West Virginia. I predict we’ll see more widespread allegations of voter fraud via mobile apps in the coming election, along with more attempts by malicious actors to breach those systems.” — Jordan Thomas, Director of Customer Success

“The United States Census Bureau will use a (hopefully secure) mobile app to conduct the 2020 Census.” — Chris Cimaglia, Manager, Mobile DevSecOps Advocacy Team

“Having secure mobile applications will become a competitive advantage.” — Edward Nagai, Technical Account Manager

“Mobile-centric breaches will lead to four significant privacy fines for violating GDPR and CCPA.” — Brian C. Reed, NowSecure Chief Mobility Officer

“We will see an increased focus on protecting user privacy and ensuring user trust, primarily in financial services, healthcare and retail industries.” — Cory Thomas, Strategic Account Manager

“Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) capabilities initially used for web apps will take hold in mobile app development shops. In addition, the separation between privacy and security will blur even more in 2020, prompting businesses to ask their AST providers for more comprehensive solutions.” — Warren Smith, Vice President of Products

“Another mobile OS will enter the arena next year.” — David Weinstein, Chief Technology Officer

“Deployment of automated mobile appsec testing in the DevOps toolchain will double in 2020.” — Brian C. Reed, NowSecure Chief Mobility Officer


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aa66db No.147558

File: ccee0de48e62fe8⋯.png (69.87 KB,828x475,828:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726101 (211630ZNOV20) Notable: @LLinWood: TRUTH.

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Legal team has evidence of

7 million votes stolen from @realDonaldTrump

10 million illegal votes cast for Biden

Several million votes cast by dead people.

Photos of the checks proving people were paid.

Many witnesses needing Federal Witness Protection.


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aa66db No.147559

File: 7a67c78091e7db6⋯.png (702.48 KB,837x824,837:824,Clipboard.png)

File: 25237e8e82dbaf6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726153 (211636ZNOV20) Notable: @StateDept: Artemis Accords

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The UAE joined the United States and six other countries in signing the Artemis Accords with the goal of extending human activities to the Moon and Mars.



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aa66db No.147560

File: 8354be2a62b27a2⋯.png (18.04 KB,605x331,605:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726185 (211639ZNOV20) Notable: Attorney Sidney Powell dropped a BOMB on Friday night in her interview with Larry O’Connor for the Washington Examiner.

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Attorney Sidney Powell dropped a BOMB on Friday night in her interview with Larry O’Connor for the Washington Examiner.

Sidney said there were “multiple people” who actually saw the fraud take place in real-time.


Sidney Powell on Newsmax stated: “There is an insider in the DOJ that was on a phone call with AOC and Bernie Sanders along with 100 other people teaching them how to commit SABOTAGE in their government positions.”

Sidney Powell@SidneyPowell1

#Correction: #DOD @DeptofDefense


Mil is the only way

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aa66db No.147561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726193 (211640ZNOV20) Notable: What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

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Public Comment on the 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelinesfrom A Center for Correct, Usable, Reliable, Auditable & Transparent Elections (ACCURATE)


In practice, when data is corrupted, it may be impossible to discern whether the error was caused

by a malicious act or malfunction. For example, malicious code inserted into a system could be

capable of stealing an election by displaying a voter’s choice in an apparently “correct” manner,

but recording the vote as other than the voter intended. A system bug could result in the same

error, for example, where a bug caused a vote for one choice to be misinterpreted or misrecorded

as a vote for a different choice. Each form of compromise must be analyzed and reduced so that

security requirements and evaluation can be designed to test resilience against such attacks.

For security threat assessment, the burden of proof should be on the vendors. First,

requirements for all voting systems need to be established. These requirements, most likely

supplied by NIST or another independent entity that can assemble a representative group of

experts, should specify the properties the system must provide, the threats it must tolerate, and

the level of assurance required. Second, the requirements must provide a comprehensive list of

attacks that any security analysis must address. Third, vendors must provide comprehensive

evidence that their system is secure through evaluation performed by Independent Testing

Authorities. Finally, this evidence needs to be made available to independent security experts

and analysts for review.

One example of a scheme where the burden of proof is on the vendor to prove the system

is secure, rather than on the evaluation lab to prove it insecure, is the Common Criteria

Evaluation and Validation Scheme currently being developed by NIST and the National Security

Agency (NSA) under the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP).

40 The Common

Criteria scheme proposes to evaluate the security of a system on several axes representing

performance criteria. However, in contrast to the Common Criteria model, vendors for voting

systems should not be able to choose the evaluation lab, nor should evaluation labs be paid

directly by vendors.

41 The voting standards-setting body, assisted by security experts, could set a

requirement for a minimum rating for each axis (i.e., performance criterion) and vendors would

be required to demonstrate that their system can meet at least that rating. If a vendor can show a

superior rating on any axis for a system, that vendor’s system would be at a competitive advantage. Thus, such a rating system fosters innovation and provides incentives for vendors to

improve various security features, rather than to simply achieve a “pass” rating.

40 See The Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme at http://niap.nist.gov/cc-scheme/aboutus.html. See

also Poorvi L. Vora, Benjamin Adida, Ren Bucholz, David Chaum, David L. Dill, David Jefferson, Douglas W.

Jones, William Lattin, Aviel D. Rubin, Michael I. Shamos, and Moti Yung, Evaluation of Voting Systems, 47(11)

COMM. OF THE ACM 144 (November, 2004). 41 See The Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme, Frequently Asked Questions, at

http://niap.nist.gov/cc-scheme/faqs.html#eval-product-faq (stating that vendors (“sponsors”) specify a security target

and select a CCTL (Common Criteria Testing Laboratory).


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aa66db No.147562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726214 (211642ZNOV20) Notable: Twitter says it will hand control of US president's official account to Joe Biden on January 20 - regardless of whether Donald Trump has left the White House

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Twitter says it will hand control of US president's official account to Joe Biden on January 20 - regardless of whether Donald Trump has left the White House


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aa66db No.147563

File: 34009fe9ff048be⋯.png (691.45 KB,819x722,819:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b9145f738aee05⋯.png (528.16 KB,650x836,325:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726256 (211647ZNOV20) Notable: Trump tries to leverage power of office to subvert Biden win

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Trump tries to leverage power of office to subvert Biden win


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump sought to leverage the power of the Oval Office on Friday in an extraordinary attempt to block President-elect Joe Biden's victory, but his pleas to Michigan lawmakers to overturn the will of their constituents appeared to have left them unswayed.

Trump summoned a delegation of the battleground state’s Republican leadership, including the Senate majority leader and House speaker, in an apparent extension of his efforts to persuade judges and election officials to set aside Biden's 154,000-vote margin of victory and grant Trump the state's electors. It came amid mounting criticism that Trump’s futile efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election could do long-lasting damage to democratic traditions.

>more in link

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aa66db No.147564

File: 661fd875212992f⋯.png (427.24 KB,1239x705,413:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726286 (211650ZNOV20) Notable: Moar Voting Works diggs #Georgia: Connections to leftist Mozilla Foundation, @Jack, Center for Election Security and City of Toronto

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Moar Voting Works diggs #Georgia: Connections to leftist Mozilla Foundation, @Jack, Center for Election Security and City of Toronto

>>143218 (pb)

>>142377 (pb)

>>142367 (pb), >>142369 (pb)

Above are some past diggs I did for VotingWorks (probably did not show up in search results since I put VotingWorks together kek). I'm going to include the version of the name with the space so it is easier for indexing.

According to the list of machines being used for the elections, VotingWorks' machines is at the top half of the list in terms of the number of counties which used these machines. Full list here for context: >>140022 (pb).

Aaron Wilson, Sr. Director of Election Security of the Center for Election Security is former employee of Voting Works and previously worked for Scytl, Clear Ballot, and Lockheed Martin. The Center for Election Security is housed at the Center for Internet Security (CIS). Coincidentally on the EAC website, CIS' resources are sprinkled everywhere. Literally like helping your buddy out, watching each other's back. I have high suspicions that they are close with the EAC.

VotingWorks worked with Microsoft's Election Guard team; Clear Ballot and Smartmartic also worked with the same team from Microsoft.

VotingWorks' founders include Matt Pasternack, Ben Adida; board members include John Lilly and Ryan Merkley (LinkedIn profile links all in pb-linked above):

Matt Pasternack

Former Corps Member, Teach for America

Y Combinator participant

Stanford Law School student

BA History, Yale University

Ben Adida

PhD, Cryptography and Information Security, MIT

Board Member and Former Technical Advisor, Creative Commons

Former Director of Engineering, Square (@Jack)

Former Director of Engineering, Mozilla

Former Lead Architect, Harvard Medical School (Indivo indivohealth.org, Gene Partnership genepartnership.org, SMArt smartplatforms.org)

John Lilly, Board Member

Venture Partner, Greylock Partners (invested in Tumblr, Instagram, Dropbox)

Consulting Assistant Professor & Lecturer, Stanford University

Chair, Code for America

Former CEO, Mozilla

Ryan Merkley, Board Member

Chief of Staff, Wikimedia Foundation

Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Former Chief Strategy Officer & former COO, Mozilla

Former Director of Corporate Communications, 2010 Winter Games for the City of Vancouver

Senior Advisor, Office of the Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto

|→ Led Mayor's budget policy and development and launch of Toronto Open Data

Former Chief of Staff, Office of Councillor Shelley Carrol, City of Toronto

Former Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor Joe Pantalone, City of Toronto

Former Senior Advisor, Office of Councillor Adam Giambrone, City of Toronto

Former Chief Communications Officer, Engineers Without Borders Canada

You might notice a lot of people have Mozilla and Toronto connections. It's not coincidence. Dominion Voting is housed at 215 Spadina, Toronto which used to be the home of the Centre for Social Innovation as noted in Rebel News' last video on Dominion. One of the co-founders of CSI is Tonya Surman of Toronto, who used to be married to Mark Surman of Toronto. Mark Surman is the executive director of the Mozilla Foundation. The Mozilla Foundation partners with the Omidyar Network (involved in funding Arabella Networks - there's past diggs on this), Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, and moar.





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aa66db No.147565

File: 59d9efefb99c047⋯.png (128.16 KB,1003x717,1003:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c4084f2792aacc⋯.png (55.8 KB,773x209,773:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726358 (211658ZNOV20) Notable: On This Day: First ARPANET Link

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On This Day

First ARPANET Link

November 21 1969

The first computers were connected in 1969 and the Network Control Program was implemented in 1970.[7][8] Further software development enabled remote login, file transfer and email.[9] The network expanded rapidly and was declared operational in 1975 when control passed to the Defense Communications Agency.


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aa66db No.147566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726418 (211703ZNOV20) Notable: Masterful take down of pretty boy Gov Newsom.

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Masterful take down of pretty boy Gov Newsom.

"I rise this morning in defense for Governor Gavin Newsom who recently defied his own idiotic COVID edicts as he partied at one of the few restaurants that's not yet been forced out of business."


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aa66db No.147567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726426 (211704ZNOV20) Notable: In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election

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In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election – How Many Other Election Boards Did the Same Thing?

In a video online from March 2020, the Chicago Election Board held a meeting where they approved providing Dominion Voting Systems the right to remotely access their machines during the 2020 election.

Eric Coomer from Dominion was on the call which indicates Dominion was the one running the elections around the US.

On this “Chicago Election Board – Emergency Meeting – 2020-03-19” video with Dominion Voting executives Eric Coomer, Director of Product Strategy and Security, and Nicole Nollette, EVP of Dominion Voting ON THE CALL, the board moves to allow election personnel (including Dominion Voting contractors) to telework and “work from home” due to the COVID emergency.

This allowed Dominion Voting contractor personnel, including election Systems Administrators and technicians from Dominion FULL remote access to Chicago election systems from anywhere. Thus Dominion Voting systems administrators had free and open access (and opportunity) to tamper with our election systems and data for 7 1/2 months prior to the election. They would have had full access to all voter registration information poll books, requests for absentee ballots, voter mailout lists, virtually EVERYTHING related to elections.

How many other election boards around the country granted Dominion Voting similar access? Probably ALL of them in over 30 states and 2000 jurisdictions including EVERY BATTLEGROUND STATE! They had the key to our election in their hands long before the election ever occurred.

And why were two executives from Dominion Voting even invited to an emergency meeting of the Chicago Election Board in March 2020?

This video shows that Dominion was running the show in US elections around the country. Who allows contractors to run elections? This appears to be the standard across the country as well. Dominion are the administrators. The fact they have access to quantity and number of votes before the election is shocking. They knew all they needed to know ahead of time before the election in order to impact the election.

In Investigative techniques [From Wikipedia]

In seeking “indicators of suspicion” in investigations, suspects will need to have had:

Motive to commit the crime (for example, financial gain or to seek revenge)

Means to commit the crime (including tools and physical capabilities)

Opportunity to commit the crime (including being at the crime scene at the time of the offence)

They will also establish the relationships between the victim and any potential offenders.[4]

Dominion Voting had all three: Means, Motive, and Opportunity

Means: Ability to manipulate the software


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aa66db No.147568

File: d112226903ce7dd⋯.png (135.12 KB,1164x528,97:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d9b7c6b0cdedfe⋯.png (150.35 KB,1154x590,577:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726432 (211705ZNOV20) Notable: Tweet: "it seems odd that when "missing" flash drives with 1000s of votes show up after 2 weeks in 3 diff. counties, they're counted and the issue dismissed. It's rational to be skeptical of what's on them"

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1-From a neutral standpoint, it seems odd that when "missing" flash drives with 1000s of votes show up after 2 weeks in 3 diff. counties, they're counted and the issue dismissed. It's rational to be skeptical of what's on them since…

2-…they have no reliable chain of custody, and to wonder how they could have been overlooked, and to be reasonably curious as to how such lax practices may have a broader impact than yet revealed. In a normal news environment, anyway.


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aa66db No.147569

File: 5c712f129ce0ec1⋯.jpg (42.9 KB,517x318,517:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726438 (211705ZNOV20) Notable: who decides which Justice is assigned to which circuit?

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So who decides which Justice is assigned to which circuit?

They do.


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aa66db No.147570

File: a14f80eb1627586⋯.png (991.6 KB,800x461,800:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726446 (211706ZNOV20) Notable: ISIS claims responsibility for Kabul attack after over 20 rockets hit Afghan capital, killing 8

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ISIS claims responsibility for Kabul attack after over 20 rockets hit Afghan capital, killing 8

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) has claimed responsibility for an attack on Afghanistan’s capital that left eight dead and several dozen injured, nearly three weeks after it carried out a rampage at Kabul University.

Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry said that a total of 23 rockets hit targets across Kabul.

At least one rocket landed in an office inside the capital’s diplomatic quarter, but it did not explode, according to reports.

In total, eight people were killed and 31 others were injured.

The Taliban denied any links to the attack. Hours later, Islamic State issued a statement taking responsibility for the barrage.

The attack came just hours before US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was set to meet with Afghan and Taliban negotiators in Qatar, in the hopes of restarting stalled peace talks.

The rocket barrage is just the latest in a series of deadly strikes carried out by Islamic State in the country. At the start of November, IS killed 22 people after gunmen stormed Kabul University.


Israel and DS want their war and heroin op to remain

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aa66db No.147571

File: e60a424a6df829f⋯.png (1.47 MB,1323x2780,1323:2780,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726504 (211713ZNOV20) Notable: FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

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FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court


The Trump campaign is bringing "legitimate accusations" to court through affidavits of credible witnesses and other evidence used in its challenges to electoral outcomes in various states, Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor said.

Trainor said his review of evidence, including numerous affidavits claiming voter fraud and a sworn statement by a prominent mathematician flagging up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots, met the first level of legal scrutiny under what's known as motion to dismiss or "Rule 12(b)(6)" of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which would dismiss less credible claims.

Noting the subsequent legal threshold beyond a "motion to dismiss" is the "summary judgment phase," Trainor said that under this phase, the credibility of witnesses is presumed to be accurate, especially given the caliber of the testimonies Trainor has observed to date.

"When considering a motion for summary judgment, a judge will view all evidence in the light most favorable to the movant's opponent," explains Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute website.

"What I would be concerned with, if I were on the other side of these election contests that are going on around the country, is that if you look at the level of evidence that has been provided by these affidavits — hundreds of affidavits that corroborate events that have happened on the ground — in a summary judgment phase of these cases, you have to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true," Trainor told "Just the News AM" television show Friday morning.

"The court has to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true and see whether or not the other side can make a case against it," added Trainor. "So, the massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place. And the other side really needs to answer these questions."

On Thursday the Trump campaign, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, presented what it called its "opening statement" in a press conference. Members of the campaign's legal team reiterated that it would seek to protect the privacy of many of its sworn witnesses, waiting to sharing their identities with the court, to shield them from potential harassment.

With the Trump campaign's lawsuits in targeted battleground states across the country in various phases of progress through the courts, Trainor said, "At the end of the day, what I would say is that these are legitimate accusations that are going to be tried in court."

"And we need to let this legal process play out," Trainor added, "so that we come to a valid conclusion to this election that everybody believes to be legitimate."

In an interview with John Solomon on a Just the News election special, renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said that Trump campaign legal challenges to 2020 presidential election results could rise to the Supreme Court, provided that plaintiffs demonstrate that sufficient numbers of votes were affected to influence outcomes in particular states.

Dershowitz also said it was an uphill battle for Trump to win the election, saying the constitutional questions raised by the possible lack of certifying election results in certain states have never been asked before in American history.

The national conservative legal group Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society on Friday announced that it will file federal and state lawsuits challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona. The Trump campaign is joining with the Amistad Project on the lawsuits on a case-by-case basis, Giuliani said.

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aa66db No.147572

File: f7eb74bc53a8873⋯.png (56.43 KB,742x432,371:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726545 (211716ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic

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Dominion “got into trouble” with several subsidiaries it used over alleged cases of fraud. One subsidiary is Smartmatic, a company “that has played a significant role in the U.S. market over the last decade,” according to a report published by UK-based AccessWire.

Litigation over Smartmatic “glitches” alleges they impacted the 2010 and 2013 mid-term elections in the Philippines, raising questions of cheating and fraud. An independent review of the source codes used in the machines found multiple problems, which concluded, “The software inventory provided by Smartmatic is inadequate, … which brings into question the software credibility,” ABS-CBN reported.


Crown Agent De La Rue

In June 2010, Dominion acquired Sequoia Voting Systems from Smartmatic after a major election fraud controversy in Venezuela. Following the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems, from the British company De La Rue in 2005. De la Rue was the official Crown Agent of the British Empire who still prints banknotes for the Bank of England. Crown Agents ran the day-today affairs of the Empire.

The explosive witness affidavit of the high-ranking military officer in possession of former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell is part of the evidence her legal team is gathering against foreign interference in 2020 US Elections.

The same company Smartmatic smuggled the biometric identities of Indians to create a parallel database in Taiwan to be used in voting machines.


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aa66db No.147573

File: c6623c6546e5cf7⋯.png (826.49 KB,1182x958,591:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726554 (211716ZNOV20) Notable: J Flynn Tweet: Kek!

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aa66db No.147574

File: 2288edd66e12ac5⋯.png (111.27 KB,834x558,139:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726625 (211723ZNOV20) Notable: FOIA: Another Obama fundraiser turns out to be a bad ambassador

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I was not expecting to find this. Look at these names…Obama sold every position & didn't even care when they fucked said position up. Since her Husband is/was a Netflix Exec.

W: {The Cable - VIP Distribution List} Another Obama fundraiser turns out to be a bad ambassador

"Since resigning, Avant has been active on the campaign trail. According to a Jan. 31 White House pool report, she joined Michelle Obama at a Beverly Hills residence for a fundraiser along with her husband, Netflix Chief Content Officer

Ted Saranados, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steve Bing, Quincy Jones, Harvey Weinstein, and other celebrities."

"A Feb.15 pool report spotted her dining with Obama at a $35,800 per plate dinner that included George Clooney, Jim Belushi,

and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa."


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aa66db No.147575

File: c1f123174655fcf⋯.png (22.32 KB,568x245,568:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 754696132a54592⋯.png (25.49 KB,594x394,297:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 74b7be781f36528⋯.png (26.34 KB,731x427,731:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b650af27ffe8a1⋯.png (19.69 KB,712x240,89:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726635 (211723ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell – President Trump Already Released the Kraken – Claims Obama Was Involved

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Sidney Powell – President Trump Already Released the Kraken – Claims Obama Was Involved

Sidney Powell is on fire!

Of course, we knew it was impossible that terrible and corrupt candidate Joe Biden who literally campaigned from his basement could beat the most popular fighter for the American people in history!

Powell was on Newsmax TV last night with Howie Carr as we reported earlier where she stated that President Trump had at least 7 million more votes in the 2020 election and Biden at least 10 million less:

Then Powell announced that President Trump is relaxed because he already ‘Released the Kraken.’

Here’s more from Sidney on the Howie Carr Show:

We have a lot of extremely solid cases… it’s terrifying… will file simultaneously… federal court lawsuits… roughly 7 million (votes removed from President Trump) … every means and measure of fraud … probably at least 10 million (Biden fraudulent votes)…



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aa66db No.147576

File: 193204d79fd76d9⋯.png (26.64 KB,638x379,638:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726642 (211724ZNOV20) Notable: Hundreds of Police and Confiscated Guns Have ‘Gone Missing’ from Sheriff’s Office

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Hundreds of Police and Confiscated Guns Have ‘Gone Missing’ from Sheriff’s Office

Philadelphia, PA — A statement that is often said in jest but that is 100% accurate goes as follows: police think they can somehow keeps drugs off the streets, yet they can’t even keep them out of their own prisons. This sentiment rings true in multiple aspects of policing in America, not just drugs. As the following case illustrates, police — who claim to keep guns off the streets — can’t even keep track of their own guns, hundreds of times over.

In 2019, the City Controller’s office received a confidential complaint about 15 “long guns” that went missing from the Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office. When investigators looked into the complaint, however, they realized that it was far more than 15 guns.

Over 200 firearms “disappeared” from the inventory and armory of the sheriff’s office between 1977 and 2015, according to a yearlong investigation by the City Controller’s office.

According to NBC 10, current sheriff, Rochelle Bilal, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon that her office has “fully addressed” the problems in the report. The sheriff’s office is headed by an elected official and oversees city court security and prisoner transfers. It also is tasked with civil duties, including some auctions of public property and foreclosed houses.

The City Controller’s office found that both service weapons and confiscated firearms in evidence cases have all simply gone missing.

Service firearms: At least 101 weapons consigned to sheriff’s deputies could not be accounted for in the office’s armory.

Confiscated weapons: 109 guns taken through a state law called the Protection From Abuse Act, or a PFA firearm, disappeared between 1977 and 2015.

The level of incompetence the investigation found was staggering, up to and including guns lying on the floor outside of lock up — some of which were loaded.

“Investigators uncovered numerous deficiencies related to the overall handling and storage of service firearms and PFA weapons by the Sheriff’s Office,” the report said. “Specifically, firearms were piled on the floor and haphazardly stored in various locations. Service firearms and PFA weapons were found comingled and some weapons were stored still loaded.”

The controller’s office said that the investigation took so long because it was hindered — possibly purposefully — by “physical disorganization” of the armory and inventory and “poor record-keeping” by the sheriff’s office.

When they began their investigation, the previous sheriff, Jewell Williams — who lost her bid for re-election last year — was uncooperative in the investigation and actually prevented parts of it from happening. Most of their progress was made this year after Bilal took over.


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aa66db No.147577

File: 9e223a8f00661af⋯.png (706.12 KB,847x862,847:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726651 (211726ZNOV20) Notable: New twist in $50bn Yukos battle as US court sides with Russia over oligarchs & suspends controversial case

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New twist in $50bn Yukos battle as US court sides with Russia over oligarchs & suspends controversial case

A federal court in Washington, DC has accepted a motion from the Russian government to suspend a case brought by the ex-shareholders of the collapsed oil giant Yukos over “the world’s largest” legal settlement.

The case, part of a protracted 15-year legal battle brought by the oligarchs, won’t be reviewed until 2022, or until a parallel judgement is settled at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. Dutch courts previously awarded $50 billion in damages to former investors in the company, believed to be the largest legal bill in history, but Russia is appealing that decision and has even warned it could refuse to pay a settlement.

However, last week, the Dutch Advocate General recommended that the Netherlands’ top court move to enforce the settlement in favor of the ex-shareholders. A decision by judges is expected soon.

The US ruling also refused to consider securing $7,000,000,000 from Russia, as asked by ex-shareholders, to ensure damages are paid should the eventual outcome be decided against them. The 30-page decision concluded that “the Russian Federation is a sovereign country with economic tendrils that cross the globe, not an insecure potential debtor that must be required to post security lest there be no assets to seize at a later date.”


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aa66db No.147578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726680 (211728ZNOV20) Notable: NM Gov. Grisham: ‘You Can’t Enforce’ Thanksgiving Dinner Size Limitations

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NM Gov. Grisham: ‘You Can’t Enforce’ Thanksgiving Dinner Size Limitations

During an interview aired on Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said that “You can’t enforce” the state’s five-person family gathering limitation and no place in the nation can enforce such a rule.

“NewsHour” Senior National Correspondent Amna Nawaz asked, “You’re asking people in New Mexico to limit their gatherings to five. How do you begin to enforce that?”

Grisham responded, “So, you ask one of the most important questions. You can’t enforce that. There is no way, anywhere in the country, we’re going to be able to say, look, you brought another household together. There [were] ten of you having Thanksgiving dinner. But we are hopeful that people will really take heed.”


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aa66db No.147579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726687 (211729ZNOV20) Notable: YouTube Censors Candace Owens for Criticizing Transgender Craze

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YouTube Censors Candace Owens for Criticizing Transgender Craze

Candace Owens blasted Google-owned YouTube yesterday for removing an episode of her show focused on the left’s attempt to distort the meaning of gender.

The episode featured author and commentator Michael J. Knowles, who pointed out that those who deny that men and women are inherently different are at odds with “basic reality.”

PragerU, which hosts the Candace Owens show, confirmed that the video had been deleted by YouTube.

“More censorship: today, YouTube completely removed our episode of the Candace Owens show featuring guest Michael J. Knowles for ‘hate speech’,” said PragerU’s official Twitter account.


MORE CENSORSHIP: Today, @YouTube completely removed our episode of the @RealCandaceO Show featuring guest @michaeljknowles for "hate speech."

BIG TECH IS OUT OF CONTROL. pic.twitter.com/vzoXkPDJ4R

— PragerU (@prageru) November 20, 2020

PragerU said that a second video by Owens, featuring Wall Street Journal writer Abigail Shrier, was also taken down by YouTube. Shrier is the author of Irreversible Damage, a book criticizing the harms caused by the transgender movement.

The book was briefly removed from sale at Target at the behest of left-wing activists, although it was quickly reinstated. Amazon, while it continues to sell the book, blocked the publisher, Regnery, from running a paid ad to promote it.

ANOTHER VIDEO DELETED!!@YouTube has deleted a second Candace Owens Show @RealCandaceO video today – this time with @AbigailShrier.

It’s now “hate speech” to discuss how transgenderism impacts the children who transition. pic.twitter.com/aTRUHkiMjM

— PragerU (@prageru) November 20, 2020

YouTube confirmed that the Knowles episode was removed because it violated the company’s hate speech policy.

Owens scathingly criticized the Silicon Valley tech giant in a comment.

YouTube removed an entire episode of the Candace Owens show because we said that men are not women, and women are not men. I honestly cannot even believe how absolutely batshit woke you have to be to believe basic truth to be “hate speech,” said Owens on Twitter.

“YouTube, you are outrageous.”

YouTube removed an entire episode of the Candace Owens show because we said that men are not women, and women are not men.

I honestly cannot even believe how absolutely batshit woke you have to be to believe basic truth to be “hate speech”. @YouTube, you are outrageous. https://t.co/DUfmrwVaii

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 20, 2020

“YouTube just deleted my 16-month-old interview on the Candace Owens show for “hate speech,” presumably because I mention in our conversation that men are not women,” said Knowles.

“Just imagine what Big Tech is getting ready to do if Joe Biden is named president.”

Candace Owens’ full interview with Knowles can still be watched at PragerU.


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aa66db No.147580

File: b37ca9a3adc6001⋯.png (52.01 KB,681x685,681:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726700 (211730ZNOV20) Notable: Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

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Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.

“George Soros is threatening Hungary and Poland,” Prime Minister Orbán told Kossuth Rádió on Friday, referencing the 90-year-old arch-activist’s public lobbying of the EU deprive the conservative-led central European countries of funding.

“George Soros is one of the most corrupt people in the world; he has plenty of politicians in his pocket who now want to blackmail Hungary and Poland for access to EU funds,” the Hungarian leader continued, accusing the billionaire spreading “absurd, beyond-the-red-line statements” about his country.

Soros had claimed, among other things, that “Orbán has constructed in Hungary an elaborate kleptocratic system to rob the country blind. The amount by which he has enriched his family and friends is difficult to estimate but many of them have become exceedingly wealthy” in a recent article — not without a certain level of irony, considering his own vast fortune and past conviction for insider trading.

Hungary and Poland are clashing with the EU establishment and its globalist allies after their recent decision to veto its proposed seven-year budget, which contained provisions that, in the view of Polish justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro, would have reduced them to “political and institutionalized enslavement“.

'Enslavement': Hungary and Poland Veto Globalist EU Budget https://t.co/guMjYeRGn6

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 17, 2020

At surface level, the provisions in question where uncontroversial, committing EU member-states to upholding European values and the so-called “rule of law”.

The Hungarians and Poles, however, saw in them a mechanism to deprive conservative countries of their share of EU funds if they would not submit to the policy agendas of the EU’s dominant states — principally Germany and France — which have been incensed by the persistent refusal of Hungary and Poland to accept their efforts to impose compulsory migrant redistribution quotas.

The EU also objects to Poland’s efforts to reform its courts. The EU characterises the reforms as an attack on judicial independence, but the Poles insist they are merely an attempt to undo a nepotistic legacy of the former communist regime (and a domestic matter in which foreign officials should not be interfering, in any case).

“In the 1989 Roundtable Talks between Poland’s Communists and the democratic opposition, then-president General Wojciech Jaruzelski – the man who ran Poland’s martial law government for the Soviets – was allowed to nominate an entirely new bench of Communist-era judges to staff the post-communist courts. These judges dominated our judiciary for the next quarter-century. Some remain in place,” Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki explained in 2017.

Poland and Hungary do have some reason to believe the rule of law provisions would have been used as a way of forcing compliance, with European Parliament vice president Katarina Barley, of Germany, having suggested they should be “starved financially” before the vote at which they exercised their veto.

Poland's new Prime Minister explains precisely why it is so important his nation reforms their Communist-era hangover judiciary https://t.co/7WDQz1T7ZK

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 15, 2017


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aa66db No.147581

File: 0d9e021b6209eda⋯.png (45.67 KB,673x647,673:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726721 (211732ZNOV20) Notable: Merkel’s Germany Tells Trump Not to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan

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Merkel’s Germany Tells Trump Not to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan

The German government has come out in opposition to President Donald Trump’s plan to bring American troops home from Afghanistan, arguing that putting an end to America’s longest war would be too “hasty”.

Members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government said that President Trump’s planned reduction of the American military presence in Afghanistan from 4,500 troops to 2,500 troops by January 15th would endanger peace negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said: “It shouldn’t be taken for granted that these two sides, after decades of conflict, are sitting at the negotiating table to begin talking to one another in a constructive way.”

“That’s why we shouldn’t add even more hurdles, which a rash exit from Afghanistan would lead to,” he said.

Germany’s Defence Minister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, argued that there should not be a reduction in NATO forces in the country if a peace agreement is not reached, saying: “As before, that is the basis we’re working off of.”

The German military joined the coalition efforts in Afghanistan following the September 11th terror attacks. At its height, Germany deployed 5,000 soldiers to the South Asian country, but now has approximately 1,250 soldiers deployed.

In 2015, German soldiers were removed from the combat, now serving as support units and helping to train the Afghan army. Since the outset of the war, some 59 German soldiers have lost their lives, compared to over 2,400 U.S. military and Defense Department civilians who have died in Afghanistan, with a further 20,721 wounded.

Conservative German MP Roderich Kiesewetter said that the United States is “morally obligated” to rebuild the Afghani military and civil society, saying in September: “A hasty and rash withdrawal would only lead to the collapse of social structures and the return of organized violence of all kinds.”

The Germans do not appear to be considering filling the gap left by a potential American withdrawal with their own forces, however.

Globalists Salute: Angela Merkel, EU President Hail Future ‘Cooperation’ With Joe Biden https://t.co/xcQOogEcwe

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 9, 2020

The German opposition to a drawdown in Afghanistan comes after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg vowed to keep NATO forces in the country.

“The price for leaving too soon, or in an uncoordinated way, could be very high,” Stoltenberg said on Tuesday, adding: “We now have under 12,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan, and more than half of these are non-U.S. forces.”


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aa66db No.147582

File: 56a11921de2d382⋯.png (28.8 KB,673x381,673:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726733 (211733ZNOV20) Notable: LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’

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LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’

LGBT activist Jayne Ozanne has compared biblical Christians to “rapists” and “Holocaust deniers” for failing to preach the morality of homosexual sex.

In a recent article for Pink News, Ozanne, director of the UK-based Ozanne Foundation and General Synod member, blasted the Church of England for upholding Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality in its recent publication of a set of resources titled Living in Love and Faith.

Supposedly a British evangelical Anglican, Ozanne works with religious organisations around the world in an effort to persuade them to update their moral teachings to accommodate LGBT sexual lifestyles.

Unlike the soldiers who crucified Jesus, church leaders know they are “wounding and hurting” LGBT people by propagating biblical sexual morality, Ozanne writes, and thus Jesus’ prayer — “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” — does not apply to them.

“Personally, I believe that it is completely different,” she states. “Indeed, I think it is immoral, inexcusable, and cowardly.”

The Anglican Church’s invitation to LGBT people to dialogue with Church leaders is also unacceptable, Ozanne insists.

“Would one invite a survivor of the Holocaust to sit down and listen to the rantings of a Holocaust denier?” she asks.

“Would one ask a rape victim to sit down with a rapist and understand why they want to rape people? It is not only ridiculous – it is downright dangerous!”

Archbishop: God Wants Church of 'Glorious and Profligate Diversity' https://t.co/uJOeTkcMnc

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 12, 2020

Ozanne takes particular issue with the idea that Christians with same-sex attraction should be encouraged to live celibate lives rather than engaging in homosexual relations.

“There is now a wide body of evidence that shows just how harmful these teachings are to people, particularly young LGBT+ people growing up in conservative communities of faith,” she states.

Ozanne suggests that Christians who do not celebrate gay sex should be prosecuted for hate speech and notions of religious liberty should not allow churches to teach that sodomy is sinful.


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aa66db No.147583

File: 0a33a84c8a35050⋯.jpeg (116.54 KB,1176x773,1176:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b3c858c6c2d963⋯.jpeg (257.43 KB,750x1294,375:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726734 (211733ZNOV20) Notable: Open Society removed their Global Board Members page. Why?

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Open Society removed their Global Board Members page. Why?


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aa66db No.147584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726743 (211734ZNOV20) Notable: Sweden: Boys Raped, Tortured, Made to Dig Graves by Migration-Background Men Survive Ordeal

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Sweden: Boys Raped, Tortured, Made to Dig Graves by Migration-Background Men Survive Ordeal

Two underage boys who were brutally tortured and raped at a Swedish cemetery have described their horrific ordeal to police as new details of the incident have emerged.

The incident took place earlier this year in August in the city of Solna and saw two migration-background men allegedly torture two underage boys in a local cemetery for hours before the boys were found naked and bloody the following morning.

Earlier this week the two suspects in the case, an 18-year-old Tunisian-Swede and a 21-year-old Kurd with Swedish citizenship, were charged with aggravated robbery, kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated rape, and assault.

The two underage victims in the case also gave testimony to police which has now become public, Nyheter Idag reports.

The Iraqi migrant found guilty of murdering and beheading Swedish teen Wilma Andersson has launched an appeal over his conviction to Sweden’s supreme court. https://t.co/zLhbbAJwz4

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 15, 2020

The boys told the police that the two men had initially approached them to sell drugs but when the boys refused, the pair claimed to be members of the “Death Squad” criminal gang and threatened the pair while taking them to a nearby wooded area.

After being taken to the cemetery, the boys were forced to strip naked at knifepoint with one boy lying on his stomach for hours as both men sat on his back.

One of the victims also stated that the men stood directly on his head saying, “It felt like my head is going to be, like, mashed potatoes.”

Both boys were stabbed in various part of their bodies, tortured with cigarette lighters, and one even had a stick forced into his rectum by one of the migration-background men. Both were also viciously beaten.

One of the victims stated that the Tunisian-background teen was the main driver of the violence and threatened to break the neck of one of the boys and sexually assault him afterwards.

According to British tabloid the Sun, the boys were also forced to lie down in graves they had dug themselves and feared being buried alive.

Afghan Migrant Prosecuted For Raping Underage Swedish Girl https://t.co/u32CA4Mpja

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 15, 2020


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aa66db No.147585

File: 5204da95b983c7d⋯.png (930.93 KB,837x968,837:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726762 (211736ZNOV20) Notable: @USArmy Tweet

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“Would you like FRIES with that?”

Soldiers attend the FRIES/SPIES Master Course at @25thID Lightning Academy and learn valuable skills that help them deploy #Soldiers anywhere in a combat zone, no matter how treacherous the terrain may be.

#ArmyTeam | #StrikeHard


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aa66db No.147586

File: bc79488f74bf4f1⋯.png (69.1 KB,675x751,675:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 6062a868f03228a⋯.png (79.78 KB,577x715,577:715,Clipboard.png)

File: 24b352fb37ec936⋯.png (88.11 KB,582x723,194:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 85ea2a06e7fbd5a⋯.png (93.78 KB,568x717,568:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 0521282f694906f⋯.png (101.32 KB,594x718,297:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726795 (211739ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

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Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

Despite the insistence between Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – two of the tech firms embroiled in election glitch allegations – that the pair are “fierce competitors,” court documents analyzed by The National Pulse actually reveal the pair actually have a “noncompetition” agreement.

According to the summary of law firm Potter Anderson Corroon, in 2009, Dominion was a defendant in a 2009 suit against Smartmatic:

“The license agreement contained a noncompetition provision, which, among other things, prohibited Smartmatic from “develop[ing], market[ing] or sell[ing] any Licensed Product in the United States.”

In other words, it would be illegal for the two firms to compete – a direct contradiction with the claims by the firms as well as by media organizations as allegations of fraud swirl.

As a follow-up lawsuit notes: “the agreement’s noncompetition provision prohibited the plaintiffs from selling the licensed products in the United States.”

This unearthed ruling discredits Dominion’s insistence it is a “fierce competitor to Smartmatic.”

Media outlets have peddled similar narratives, with an Associated Press “fact-check” article sharing Smartmatic’s statement that “the two companies are competitors in the marketplace,” ostensibly without doing any actual fact-checking on the firm’s claim.

The two companies in question – Dominion and Smartmatic – have come under intense scrutiny following the 2020 election.

Democrat-heavy Dominion improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other “glitches” that required extended voting hours and delayed results.

And Smartmatic has ties to the Venezuelan government, having contracted on behalf of dictator Hugo Chavez to provide voting machines in the country’s 2004 election.

Despite these credible claims on the shady nature of Smartmatic and Dominion, bolstered by the companies lying about their competition arrangement, establishment media outlets have fought to smear this criticism as a “baseless conspiracy.”


Smartmatic and Dominion were NOT competitors


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aa66db No.147587

File: 1c884e12bc20b0a⋯.png (242.75 KB,529x808,529:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726812 (211740ZNOV20) Notable: SCOTUS: Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory

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SCOTUS: Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory

The new circuit assignments were confirmed on Friday

SCOTUS has confirmed new circuit assignments that result in conservative justices having jurisdiction over almost all states key to Trump’s victory.

Following the death of SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September, President Trump appointed Amy Coney Barrett to replace her in the courts. With a new justice in SCOTUS, there also needed to be a reshuffle of the control of the circuit courts.

Each SCOTUS justice presides over one or more of America’s 13 court circuits as a circuit justice. As SCOTUSblog explains:

A circuit justice is primarily responsible for emergency requests (for example, an application to block an execution or to allow it to go forward) from the geographic area covered by his or her circuit, as well as more mundane matters, such as requests to extend filing deadlines. However, justices can and often do refer significant emergency requests to the full court – a role that has taken on increased importance in recent years with the sharp uptick in activity on the court’s “shadow docket.”

SCOTUS’s so-called “shadow docket” for the circuits is especially important in the cases relating to the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, where President Trump and his campaign team are contesting many of the early results in certain key states. Justice Alito granted such an emergency stay on the shadow docket relating to the election in Pennsylvania.

VIDEO: Pennsylvania State Rep Slams Dominion for Bailing on Hearings, “Why Are They Hiding from Us?”

With the late Justice Ginsburg having presided over the busy 2nd Circuit, which includes New York, Vermont and Connecticut, Sonia Sotomayor was tapped to replace her, after Justice Breyer had been serving as a stop-gap appointment. As a result, Sotomayor ceded the 6th and 10th Circuit to Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch respectively.

With Kavanaugh now in charge of the 6th Circuit, conservative justices now hold emergency jurisdiction over 4 of the 5 states key to President Trump’s victory. Kavanaugh’s new placement, which gives him jurisdiction over Michigan, is the only partisan switch. Pennsylvania and Georgia remain under the jurisdiction of Justices Alito and Thomas respectively, while Barrett has stepped into replacing Kavanaugh in the 7th Circuit, which includes Wisconsin.


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aa66db No.147588

File: 91f8cbb84d5cc72⋯.png (525.1 KB,630x457,630:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726831 (211742ZNOV20) Notable: China’s ‘bat woman’ says COVID-19 did not originate in Wuhan lab

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China’s ‘bat woman’ says COVID-19 did not originate in Wuhan lab

China’s “bat woman” says that a new batch of tests prove that the coronavirus did not originate at her Wuhan virology lab.

Shi Zhengli, the deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology who is well known for her work on the virus, said that updated tests of blood samples taken eight years ago from a group of miners who became ill after working in bat caves in southwest China show that none of them were infected with COVID-19, according to The South China Morning Post.

Shi’s findings were published this week as an update to a paper she released in February in the scientific journal Nature, the newspaper said.

Shi, known as China’s “bat woman,” has said the genetic characteristics of the viruses she’s worked on didn’t match those of the coronavirus spreading in humans. So far, the virus has infected nearly 58 million people around the world and killed over 1.37 million, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Trust us dumbfucks

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aa66db No.147589

File: 3bdde657f154203⋯.png (117.35 KB,735x873,245:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726849 (211744ZNOV20) Notable: Australian Special Forces Vets Frustrated as Commanders Absolved in Afghan War Crimes Inquiry

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Australian Special Forces Vets Frustrated as Commanders Absolved in Afghan War Crimes Inquiry

Last year, the national broadcaster ABC had their offices raided by police amid an investigation into journalists who reported on leaked documents that allegedly revealed that the Australian military committed war crimes in Afghanistan.

Former and currently serving members from the Australian Special forces soldiers have expressed frustration with the Brereton war crimes report and its failure to sanction high-level commanders.

They also conveyed anger regarding a decision to remove the meritorious conduct citation from the entire special operations task group between 2007 and 2013.

Vietnam veteran and former SAS officer Michael von Berg said on Saturday that the report was highly concerning, but raised questions over the conclusions surrounding command responsibility and the move to strip the unit citation and dissolve the 2 squadron.

Von Berg who was given a military cross for involvement in major contact in Vietnam in 1966 said the patrol troops alone should not bear the brunt of the report's conclusions and commanders inevitably hold some responsibility due to their position.

“There is no way, if you are a good officer, that you don’t know what is going on with your troop or squadron or regiment", the former reconnaissance platoon commander claimed.

He said his personal view is that the war crimes investigation should go "right up to the top, to the prime minister and cabinet".

"We have flogged these poor buggers [SASR soldiers] over multiple tours and many of the tasks they were doing were basic infantry tasks", he added

He continued saying that "cordon and search, disruption and advance to contact, ambushing and observation post work" is intended for the infantry while he SAS "has been set up to operate in small groups and here they are doing basic infantry work and that has been the problem".

"Having said that, rotation pressure is no excuse for the allegations disclosed", he stressed.

Von Berg also said that veterans were livid regarding the dissolution of 2 Squadron SASR and the decision to strip the laudable citation from the special operations force.

“A lot of the old diggers who served in 2 squadron back in Vietnam are at an age like I am, of 77, and they are struggling, and all of sudden to lose the identity of the squadron they proudly served with twice in Vietnam is particularly sad. I understand the reasoning but I think it’s disappointing".


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aa66db No.147590

File: 683ddd1b6192558⋯.png (343.24 KB,547x311,547:311,Clipboard.png)

File: efe48077b482040⋯.png (125.52 KB,463x377,463:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 55df3f59f3f54ea⋯.png (165.75 KB,719x459,719:459,Clipboard.png)

File: b5f495b73220822⋯.png (123.53 KB,572x283,572:283,Clipboard.png)

File: f3028f453ec2522⋯.png (325.9 KB,732x710,366:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726852 (211744ZNOV20) Notable: Insider Trading week of 11/20

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Top Insider Trading-Week ending 112020

Nuveen preferred Equity(JFR and JRO) sold by Knights of Columbus: $8.20B- Oct 28 and Nov 9


Nuveen is an American asset manager and wholly owned subsidiary of financial planning firm TIAA, itself known for its legacy focus on managing money for not-for-profit institutions such as universities and their employees. As a consequence of integration efforts over the last several years, Nuveen (or branded sub-affiliates) now manage the entirety of TIAA's own capital as well as all capital sourced from third parties. It is one of a limited number of non-sovereign money managers globally that have exceeded one trillion dollars in assets under management in recent years, and one of only a few that are not part of a larger organization offering retail or institutional banking at scale. Nuveen was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1898 and originally focused solely on municipal bond underwriting and investments. While its investments today span nearly all major areas of capital markets, it is known for its size and influence in domestic fixed income generally, tax advantaged municipal bonds in particular and private real estate. The firm also runs several sustainable investing strategies that feature prominently in its marketing and media efforts. The firm's three major offices globally are Chicago (headquarters of Nuveen proper), Charlotte (headquarters of parent TIAA) as well as New York (home to many market facing employees). Dozens of smaller offices are maintained around the world to support regionally specific concerns.



LendingTree, Inc. sold by GCI Liberty, Inc: $1.007B-Nov 16

GCI Liberty To Sell Its Stake Of LendingTree

GCI Liberty, Inc. (GLIBA, GLIBP) has agreed to sell its stake of LendingTree, Inc. and agreed to unwind its forward sale contract on LendingTree shares. The gross proceeds of the sale are expected to be $1.007 billion. On August 6, 2020, GCI Liberty and Liberty Broadband entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Liberty Broadband has agreed to acquire GCI Liberty in a stock-for-stock merger. The HSR waiting period expired on October 9, 2020. The FCC released public notice of approval of transfer of control on October 23, 2020, which is expected to become a final order on December 2, 2020. GCI Liberty expects the combination to close no later than the first quarter of 2021.


GCI Liberty

Chairman of the Board of Liberty Media Corporation, Liberty Broadband Corporation, GCI Liberty, Inc. and Liberty Global plc. Dr. John C. Malone is Chairman of the Board of Liberty Media Corporation, Liberty Broadband Corporation, GCI Liberty, Inc. and Liberty Global plc. From 1996 to March 1999, when Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) merged with AT&T Corp., he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TCI. Previous to that, from 1973 to 1996, Dr. Malone served as President and Chief Executive Officer of TCI. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Qurate Retail, Inc., Discovery Communications, Inc., Charter Communications, Inc. and Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. Additionally, Dr. Malone is Chairman Emeritus of the Board for Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.


Greg B. Maffei-Chief Executive Officer, President and a director of GCI Liberty.

Maffei serves as President and CEO of Liberty Media Corporation, which owns media and entertainment businesses, including subsidiaries Formula 1, SiriusXM and the Atlanta Braves, and an interest in Live Nation Entertainment. He is President and CEO of Liberty Broadband Corporation, which consists primarily of a 25% voting stake in Charter Communications, as well as President and CEO of GCI Liberty, whose principal assets consist of its subsidiary GCI and interests in Charter Communications and Liberty Broadband. Maffei also serves as Chairman and CEO of Liberty TripAdvisor, which holds a controlling interest in Tripadvisor. Prior to joining Liberty in 2005, Maffei served as Co-President of Oracle, Chairman and CEO of 360networks, and CFO of Microsoft. He has also served as a Director of Barnes & Noble, Citrix, DIRECTV, Dorling Kindersley, Electronic Arts and Starbucks and was Chairman of Expedia and Starz. Maffei is a member of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College and Council on Foreign Relations.



There was a higher amount (than Nuveen) with a transaction involving Keurig/Dr, Pepper however that was announced several months ago as a divestment and is just another tranche involving that transaction.

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aa66db No.147591

File: 7a4882352e17d6d⋯.jpg (607.94 KB,1917x967,1917:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3da4a998b60a18⋯.jpg (420.38 KB,1917x967,1917:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726857 (211744ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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Navy Gulfstream VV376 headed into Andrews. Marines flight VM767 headed West. ADS-B is very jittery today.

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aa66db No.147592

File: b1f392dfac9079e⋯.png (394.2 KB,1435x732,1435:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726886 (211747ZNOV20) Notable: Prople Inc. lists phone numbers in the US on its website; I wonder if it has US operations

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Prople Inc. lists phone numbers in the US on its website; I wonder if it has US operations

Still need to dig on this but there are some companies named Prople in the US



Company Number: 5417732

Incorporation Date: 18 October 2013 (about 7 years ago)

Company Type: Corporation

Jurisdiction: Delaware (US)


Agent Address: 3500 S DUPONT HWY, DOVER, Kent, DE, 19901

Directors / Officers: INCORPORATING SERVICES, LTD, agent



Company Number: 3450e341-91d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f

Native Company Number: 2701217-2

Status: Inactive

Incorporation Date: 1 February 2008 (almost 13 years ago)

Company Type: Limited Liability Company (Domestic)

Jurisdiction: Minnesota (US)

Registered Address: 1825 Noble Drv N, Golden Valley, MN 55422, USA, United States

Governing Legislation: 322B

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aa66db No.147593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726913 (211749ZNOV20) Notable: Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, July 2020: “I believe that there will be another crisis…it will be more significant (than COVID)… it will be faster”

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Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, July 2020: “I believe that there will be another crisis…it will be more significant (than COVID)… it will be faster”

The World Economic Forum warns of a new crisis of “even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19.” What threat could possibly be more impactful? Christian breaks down the WEF’s “Cyber Polygon” tabletop exercise, its participants, and predictive programming around a looming large scale cyberattack on critical infrastructure that would unleash a Dark Winter and help to usher in the Great Reset. FULL REPORT: www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/11/… Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director: “I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”

I recommend you watch James Corbetts excellent new report on False Flag Bio-terrorism to see why a fabricated false flag “outbreak” is a very real threat, and how the WEF is an organisation well positioned to orchestrate such an “outbreak”, with a little help from their Globalist Kabal buddies:



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aa66db No.147594

File: 8076a06dab44511⋯.jpg (426.69 KB,1915x969,1915:969,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9831c918d0e871a⋯.jpg (410.31 KB,1915x967,1915:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726914 (211749ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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LOBO715 into Quad City. GHOST53 out of Dallas headed West.

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aa66db No.147595

File: 93b0ce7cc1fb286⋯.png (313.24 KB,570x689,570:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726934 (211751ZNOV20) Notable: Italian media forget about guy in the background as they prepare propaganda video to brainwash the masses with

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Italian media forget about guy in the background as they prepare propaganda video to brainwash the masses with

Biohazard environment, but guy just chills there knowing this is just propaganda BS.


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aa66db No.147596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726955 (211753ZNOV20) Notable: Srdja Popovic, the Serbian activist who created the blueprint for Color Revolution through his organization Otpor

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Speaking of SERBIAN software, I’m reminded of research from years ago about Srdja Popovic, the Serbian activist who created the blueprint for Color Revolution through his organization Otpor!. CANVAS is the spinoff of that group who worked for revolution worldwide. Obviously, both organization reek of US Intel involvement.



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aa66db No.147597

File: 822f9eb11b37aa7⋯.png (68.49 KB,867x439,867:439,Clipboard.png)

File: d85595778521362⋯.png (255.89 KB,863x788,863:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726980 (211754ZNOV20) Notable: America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts

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America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts

Another individual on the Internet has put together what he believes is evidence of the Dominion company transferring votes between precincts in Pennsylvania during the 2020 election in an effort to ultimately steal the election for Biden while concealing their diabolical scheme.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the votes for President Trump in three Pennsylvania counties dropped off at the same exact time!

The brilliant minds in America are joining forces. They are the modern day Minutemen and women of America today. Our ancestors fired rifles and birthed a nation. We destroy enemies of the Union both foreign and domestic through data, analysis and programming genius.

Another American patriot by the name of Edward Solomon believes he has uncovered how Joe Biden was able to steal the 2020 election.

In his video entitled: Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA, Solomon explains his thesis and provides numerous examples to support it.

In a prelude to the video Solomon shares:

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November 4th.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below):


A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall data set spanning an entire week.

Original data sets:


“The Dominion System isolated a “Flip Set” from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple “ratio sets” and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular “ratio set” receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.


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aa66db No.147598

File: 87260d95b5fc02c⋯.png (408.81 KB,535x549,535:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726987 (211755ZNOV20) Notable: Elixir of life finally discovered? Israeli scientists find way to literally reverse biological aging

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Elixir of life finally discovered? Israeli scientists find way to literally reverse biological aging


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aa66db No.147599

File: 01f4811e0759c41⋯.png (405.87 KB,586x425,586:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11726991 (211755ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Supporters Gather Outside CNN Headquarters in Atlanta Chanting “CNN Sucks!”

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Trump Supporters Gather Outside CNN Headquarters in Atlanta Chanting “CNN Sucks!”

Trump supporters on Saturday gathered outside of the CNN headquarters in Atlanta chanting “CNN sucks!”

Patriots gathered in Atlanta on Saturday for a “Rescue America Rally” put together by the “Walk Away Campaign.”

CNN fenced off the entranceway after BLM terrorists stormed the headquarters, broke windows and graffitied the building in May of this year.

The Trump supporters peacefully assembled on Saturday but the media will certainly smear them as an unhinged mob.


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aa66db No.147600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727014 (211757ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia was warned by numerous security experts but ignored them all

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Georgia was warned by numerous security experts but ignored them all. I’m positive at this point Kemp and Raffensperger along with Abrams wants the state to go Blue. This was a set up. Kemp and Abrams probably agreed in 2017, that he could win the governorship and Abrams knew she couldn’t, so they made a deal, she’d get her turn later is my theory

Georgia buys new voting machines with paper trails

July 29, 2019

Raffensperger’s selection of a system that combines a touchscreen interface with marked paper ballots follows the recommendation made in January by a 16-member board that reviewed Georgia’s voting systems. Currently, Georgia is one of the only states where all in-person ballots are cast using DREs that do not produce paper records.Wenke Lee, a Georgia Tech professor and the panel’s lone cybersecurity expert, who voted against the recommendation, warned his colleagues at the time that even the newest electronic voting machines are vulnerable to software malfunctions that cause votes to be lost or recorded incorrectly.

The Dominion contract still faces potential legal hurdles. A federal judge is expected to rule soon in a lawsuit brought by election-security advocates who want Georgia to switch to paper ballots marked by pen or pencil. Meanwhile, the Georgia Supreme Court is deliberating a separate case alleging that faulty programming in the 17-year-old DREs led to the disappearance of tens of thousands of votes in last year’s race for lieutenant governor.

“Elections security is my top priority,” Raffensperger said in a press release. “We look forward to working with national and local elections security experts to institute best practices and continue to safeguard all aspects of physical and cyber-security in an ever-changing threat environment.”

The Georgia secretary of state’s office has had a checkered history on cybersecurity. Raffensperger’s predecessor, Brian Kemp, who is now Georgia’s governor, was faulted for rejecting the federal government’s offer to conduct vulnerability assessments of the office’s computer systems as a safeguard against foreign hacking attempts. Kemp’s time as secretary of state was also marked by multiple instances of him mistaking legitimate network activity for a cyberattack.

Raffensperger’s office said in its statement today that it gets network monitoring and cyber-hygiene assessments from DHS and cybersecurity vendors, as have many county election offices.

Still, worries persist about Georgia’s new voting technology. Lee, the Georgia Tech professor, wrote in January that machine-marked ballots are not reliable because of the potential for machine errors and that most individual voters will not take the time to manually verify that the printed ballot matches their choices.

“In short, we cannot use [ballot-marking devices] with paper receipts because the printouts are not guaranteed to be valid and therefore are insufficient for a post-election audit,” he wrote


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aa66db No.147601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727025 (211757ZNOV20) Notable: Hundreds of Thousands of Signatures Added Daily to Health Experts’ Global Anti-Lockdown Proclamation

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Hundreds of Thousands of Signatures Added Daily to Health Experts’ Global Anti-Lockdown Proclamation

Lockdown mandates cause “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies”

A global declaration titled “The Great Barrington Declaration” was made by infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists and is being circulated because of “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies” states their website, gbdeclaration.org. Since its publication roughly six weeks ago, nearly 700,000 signatures “from scientists, academics, doctors and citizens worldwide” have signed the statement, “with more signatories being added each day as a spate of lockdowns continues across Europe and parts of the United States” reports Just the News.

China was the first to implement a lockdown policy of the Hubei province where the disease originated. “Global health officials were initially skeptical of the Chinese lockdown, which went against many major established pandemic guidelines,” writes Just the News. However, when the virus ferociously spread across Europe and to the United States, more lockdowns and closures ensued with the hopes to prevent a “catastrophic death toll.”

However, since its October 4 publication, experts in the field have signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration which proclaims such mandates are creating “irreparable damage.” The “current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health” according to the Declaration. Specifically, “the results…include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.”

“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal” arguing “schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching” and “extracurricular activities such as sports should be resumed” states the document. One signatory, Boris Kotchoubey, a medical psychology professor at the University of Tubingen said he signed the declaration because he shares “the views formulated in it.”

“Anti-Corona measures in all countries that I know (mostly, West Europe) are non-directed, imprecise, and, therefore yield more damage than the disease itself,” said Kotchoubey. “Actually, we know more or less where the infection is spread. (1) big events like high-level sports events, rock concerts, etc; (2) loud parties; (3) activities in closed rooms, particularly with screams or songs (worship); (4) public transportation, particularly in big cities; (5) last but not least invasion of the infection in retirement homes” he added.


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aa66db No.147602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727044 (211759ZNOV20) Notable: More than 500 people were infected with an unknown disease in Senegal.

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More than 500 people were infected with an unknown disease in Senegal.

They are fishermen and have pimples on their faces, headaches, high temperature, dry lips and red eyes.

About 500 fishermen contracted an unknown disease after returning from the sea in Senegal , Ousmane Gueye, the national director of health information and education, told local media on Thursday .

The senior health official assured that the people were admitted and quarantined to receive treatment. “It is a dermatitis associated with an infectious disease. We continue with studies and hope to find out soon what it is,” he explained. In addition, he said that the Senegalese Navy will take samples of the water for analysis.

In a report, the country’s Health Ministry noted that the fishermen had pimple-like lesions on their faces, limbs and genitals. He added that they also experienced headaches and slightly elevated temperatures.

The agency specified that the first case was reported on November 12, when a 20-year-old man showed symptoms that included non-generalized vesicular rash, swelling of the face, dry lips and red eyes.





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aa66db No.147603

File: 73dc44fda2a3596⋯.png (1.1 MB,2560x1330,256:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727061 (211800ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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Something's going down around Corpus Christi, Matamoros and Reynosa.

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aa66db No.147604

File: 5254b3a5496c6a0⋯.png (1.23 MB,1176x1140,98:95,Clipboard.png)

File: a81d7d8295fddcf⋯.png (251.24 KB,890x1242,445:621,Clipboard.png)

File: a3ae4c9d596dd37⋯.png (282.52 KB,886x1256,443:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 87afbcdaf6783ac⋯.png (227.37 KB,890x1254,445:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727075 (211801ZNOV20) Notable: Klaus Schwab facts

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Klaus Schwab



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aa66db No.147605

File: 8ed03d0c65eab83⋯.png (175.1 KB,535x598,535:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727083 (211802ZNOV20) Notable: 'Completely unknown' names of Egyptian star constellations reportedly found in ancient temple

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'Completely unknown' names of Egyptian star constellations reportedly found in ancient temple


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aa66db No.147606

File: acef36bf210130c⋯.png (30.88 KB,407x558,407:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727098 (211802ZNOV20) Notable: Rick Scott becomes the second Republican senator and eighth lawmaker to test positive for coronavirus THIS WEEK

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Rick Scott becomes the second Republican senator and eighth lawmaker to test positive for coronavirus THIS WEEK

Sen. Rick Scott of Florida said Friday he had tested positive for the coronavirus and was isolating at home with 'very mild symptoms.'

He's the second senator, along with Iowa's Chuck Grassley, and at least the eighth member of Congress to announce a positive test this week.

The infection announcements have already impacted the Senate's ability to conduct business this week, as leader seek to clear the decks of legislation and nominations even as President Trump continues his efforts to contest the election results.

Scott, 67, has been quarantining at home all week after coming into contact in Florida on Nov. 13 with someone who subsequently tested positive. His office said he had 'multiple negative rapid tests earlier in the week' but a test he took Tuesday came back positive Friday morning.

He runs the Senate Republican campaign arm.

Scott, a Republican, said he was 'feeling good' despite the mild symptoms and would be working at his home in Naples. The former Florida governor was recently elected as the chairman of Senate Republicans' campaign arm, leading GOP fundraising and recruiting efforts.

'I want to remind everyone to be careful and do the right things to protect yourselves and others,' Scott said in a statement. 'Wear a mask. Social distance. Quarantine if you come in contact with someone positive like I did. As we approach Thanksgiving, we know this holiday will be different this year. But, listen to public health officials and follow their guidance.'

Scott's announcement came three days after Grassley, the longest-serving Republican senator and third in the line of presidential succession, also said he has tested positive. Grassley, 87, was in the Senate on Monday but is now quarantining in his Virginia home.

The increasing number of cases among members of Congress has raised questions about the safety of the Capitol complex as cases have spiked in most every state and lawmakers are flying back and forth weekly. House members could be regularly tested in the Capitol starting this week, but there is still no testing protocol for senators.

The senators' absences this week also threatened the progress of legislation and other work as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to wrap up business in the remaining weeks of President Donald Trump's term. The absence of the two senators on Tuesday helped Democrats block the nomination of Judy Shelton, Trump's controversial pick for the Federal Reserve.


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aa66db No.147607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727104 (211803ZNOV20) Notable: German Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream

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German Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream

Reason for raid rumored to be doctor’s anti-lockdown activity.

Shocking footage out of Germany shows Doctor Andreas Noack being raided by armed police in the middle of a YouTube stream for apparently violating coronavirus laws.

The clip shows Noack in conversation with someone during the live stream before he is distracted by noises outside his door.

Banging is then heard along with screams of “Polizei!” before armed cops are seen entering and ordering Noack to get on the floor, as he is treated like some kind of violent terrorist.

As Noack is handcuffed, a police officer in a mask then appears to try to shut down the live stream but only succeeds in diverting the camera.

Speclation raged on Twitter as to the reason for the raid, with some suggesting Noack had been active in treating injured protesters at anti-lockdown demonstrations.

Others suggested the reason was that Noack had welcomed too many people into his house, violating COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings.

“I think the guy is guilty of expressing his opinions,” said another respondent.

“They’ve turned back the clock to the 1930’s,” remarked another.

“Insanity!” commented another.

Germany has seen numerous massive anti-lockdown protests, including one yesterday in Berlin during which police hit protesters with water cannons.

As we previously highlighted, a pregnant mother in Australia received a home visit and was arrested by police for the crime of helping to organize an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook.

This is happened to doctor Andreas Noack in Germany. After the unconstitutional approval of the infection law, police broke into his house while he was having a live transmission on YouTube. Those who cried against "fascism" have created the most criminal dictatorship in history. pic.twitter.com/fLgl5JTF0i

— Cesare Sacchetti (@CesareSacchetti) November 19, 2020


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aa66db No.147608

File: 68c626b857dacd3⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 371598d72dc1143⋯.png (347.59 KB,588x614,294:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727117 (211804ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Supporters Gather Outside CNN Headquarters in Atlanta Chanting “CNN Sucks!”

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Baker ,

below is video for >>147599


video twitter link


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aa66db No.147609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727145 (211807ZNOV20) Notable: miniBun: Blood Disorders in Royal Families

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Blood Disorders in Royal Families Bun

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aa66db No.147610

File: d61e54bc7540b66⋯.png (487.16 KB,604x396,151:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 435c0c3e4426b4a⋯.png (163.52 KB,1519x745,1519:745,Clipboard.png)

File: eac15c7378be90a⋯.png (156.3 KB,1491x866,1491:866,Clipboard.png)

File: cb57ce00b817b6d⋯.png (166.22 KB,1513x902,1513:902,Clipboard.png)

File: b83d04c3973cfab⋯.png (81.01 KB,1510x376,755:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727153 (211807ZNOV20) Notable: Pompeo in Israel: Three announcements that cement 'apartheid'

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Pompeo in Israel: Three announcements that cement 'apartheid'

In final weeks of Trump presidency, US secretary of state issues decrees that blur line between Israel and Palestinian territories it occupies

November 20, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - "Middle East Eye" -With just two months left before the Biden administration takes office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a slew of announcements on Thursday that blur the line between the state of Israel and the Palestinian territories that it occupies.

After a visit to an illegal West Bank settlement, the top US diplomat issued a directive to identify organisations that boycott companies doing "business in Israel or in any territory controlled by Israel".

He said the State Department would ensure that no government funds went to such groups - a move that would disadvantage NGOs that do not operate in the settlements, in accordance with international law.

In a separate decree, Pompeo said exported products from parts of the occupied West Bank must be labelled as 'Made in Israel'.

The latest effort, critics say, is a push to dissolve the Palestinian quest for statehood and cement the reality of total Israeli rule over the lands and peoples between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River - regardless of Israel's plans to officially annex parts of the West Bank.

Here are three key takeaways from Pompeo's announcements:

Penalising boycott of settlements

The outgoing administration of President Donald Trump has long voiced opposition to the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and tried to conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism.

On Thursday, Pompeo issued an actionable order to that effect - one that will not only punish groups that boycott Israel, but also those that discourage business with settlements.


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aa66db No.147611

File: 148e0091c9fa153⋯.png (154.98 KB,823x435,823:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727156 (211808ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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SAM202 USAF C-40B on descent for JBA from Ramstein AFB depart

BINGE22 US Navy E-6B Mercury that departed NAS Pax River passing by overhead with

CNV4841 US Navy C-40A Clipper behind SAM202 from Shannon, Ireland ground stop-an earlier depart from Manama, Bharain and an additional ground stop at NSA Souda Bay, Crete

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aa66db No.147612

File: eba5334906c0f49⋯.png (151.27 KB,841x559,841:559,Clipboard.png)

File: ee801680e16da81⋯.png (129.09 KB,828x861,276:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e6ec0945e47a75⋯.png (145.31 KB,819x845,63:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727178 (211810ZNOV20) Notable: Did Scientists In Israel Prove That Wearing A Mask Shortens Your Life??

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Did Scientists In Israel Prove That Wearing A Mask Shortens Your Life??

Welcome to the war on breathing and smiling. We can hardly leave our homes any longer while not wearing a mask. The CDC, WHO, & Fauci at one point have said that the masks are useless ( true to their nature, they reverse their statements constantly).

Now here is some solid proof of what damage wearing a mask can cause;

In a recent study from Israel, scientists discovered that giving oxygen to the control group over increased their life span…

How did they determine this? After oxygen treatments were administered, the length of the patients telomeres were measured. A telomere is the region of your chromosomes that protects the chromosome from deterioration (from time and toxins). In humans, average telomere length declines from about 11kilobases at birth to fewer than 4 kilobases in old age.


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aa66db No.147613

File: fba4be0cb99f526⋯.png (667.4 KB,770x426,385:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 38b9224cf7971f7⋯.png (40.62 KB,812x411,812:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727197 (211813ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Has Filled His Foreign Policy Team With Weapons Contractors

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Biden Has Filled His Foreign Policy Team With Weapons Contractors

The overseas wars that the US military has been involved with for nearly two decades have been unpopular with the American public for a very long time. Both Obama and Trump campaigned on promises of ending the wars, or at the very least significantly scaling them back. However, while both administrations oversaw small and ceremonial troop withdrawals, the US military’s involvement overseas did not slow down and didn’t seem to miss a beat from the Bush era.

Joe Biden has made some very similar promises while on the campaign trail in 2019. In one speech, Biden said, “It’s past time to end the Forever Wars, which have cost us untold blood and treasure.”

However, he was vice president in the Obama administration, which oversaw wars in Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, and numerous other countries, and he has also indicated that he has no intention of fully pulling out of Afghanistan.

On November 10th, Biden announced the members of his agency review teams, which he says “are responsible for understanding the operations of each agency, ensuring a smooth transfer of power, and preparing for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris and their cabinet to hit the ground running on Day One.”

A large portion of the officials who were selected for the Department of Defense agency review team, 8 out of 23, have direct ties to the military industrial complex or a part of it themselves. This number could be higher, as the backgrounds of all of the candidates are still being thoroughly researched.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is listed as the “most recent employment” for three selections on Biden’s Department of Defense agency review team: Kathleen Hicks, who is a former defense official under President Barack Obama, as well as Melissa Dalton, and Andrew Hunter.

CSIS is an influential foreign policy think tank that promotes war while receiving funding from companies like General Dynamics Corporation, Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman Corporation, and Lockheed Martin. They also work on behalf of the oil companies.

Furthermore, two other officials, Ely Ratner and Susanna Blume also named for positions on the team, most recently worked with the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) a think tank that takes money from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and the US State Department.

Three others selected for the team are Stacie Pettyjohn, Terri Tanielian, and Christine Wormuth who previously worked with the RAND Corporation, which receives funding from the US Army and the Department of Homeland Security and often promote foreign intervention and hostility towards non-allied countries.

Other members of the team are also heavily involved in Wall Street and the oil industry.


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aa66db No.147614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727240 (211816ZNOV20) Notable: #14968 (posted in #14969), #14969, #14970

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FINAL LB #14968, FINAL #14969 coming soon

Notables are NOT endorsements'


>>147546, >>147547 FLOTUS Tweet

>>147548 Executive Order on Establishing the Committee for the Assessment of Foreign Participation in the United States Telecommunications Services Sector

>>147549, >>147557, >>147561, >>147553 What is NIAP? Think Mirror. National Information Assurance Partnership

>>147550 JFK Docs: National Security Action Memoranda [NSAM]: NSAM 57, Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations

>>147551 A $10 Covid-19 Test? Walmart Heirs Back Startup Developing At-Home Tests

>>147552 @USNavy Tweet

>>147554 Meet Pennsylvania’s anger translator, and Donald Trump’s worst nightmare

>>147555 CIA Awards Cloud Contract to Multiple Vendors

>>147556 @ByronYork: Most people probably haven't had a chance to read the affidavit, so I'm going to post the whole thing (check replies)

>>147558 @LLinWood: TRUTH.

>>147559 @StateDept: Artemis Accords

>>147560 Attorney Sidney Powell dropped a BOMB on Friday night in her interview with Larry O’Connor for the Washington Examiner.

>>147562 Twitter says it will hand control of US president's official account to Joe Biden on January 20 - regardless of whether Donald Trump has left the White House

>>147563 Trump tries to leverage power of office to subvert Biden win

>>147564 Moar Voting Works diggs #Georgia: Connections to leftist Mozilla Foundation, @Jack, Center for Election Security and City of Toronto

>>147565 On This Day: First ARPANET Link

>>147566 Masterful take down of pretty boy Gov Newsom.

>>147567 In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election

>>147568 Tweet: "it seems odd that when "missing" flash drives with 1000s of votes show up after 2 weeks in 3 diff. counties, they're counted and the issue dismissed. It's rational to be skeptical of what's on them"

>>147569 who decides which Justice is assigned to which circuit?

>>147570 ISIS claims responsibility for Kabul attack after over 20 rockets hit Afghan capital, killing 8

>>147571 FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

>>147572 Smartmatic

>>147573 J Flynn Tweet: Kek!


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aa66db No.147615

File: 8b05990673c63d2⋯.png (191.56 KB,673x827,673:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d6478d9eebeea0⋯.png (577.05 KB,666x836,333:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e269f2b0268c4e⋯.png (50.21 KB,688x758,344:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 2129f65baaad081⋯.png (518.15 KB,678x836,339:418,Clipboard.png)

File: f6893d0aca7596b⋯.png (249.16 KB,694x856,347:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727256 (211818ZNOV20) Notable: Netanyahu, Rivlin welcome end of Pollard’s parole, await his arrival in Israel

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Netanyahu, Rivlin welcome end of Pollard’s parole, await his arrival in Israel

Netanyahu thanks Israeli envoy to US Ron Dermer for efforts to lift restrictions on ex-Navy analyst convicted of spying for Israel; office says he was long committed to his release

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday welcomed the termination of Jonathan Pollard’s parole and said he looks forward to welcoming the former US Navy analyst convicted of spying for Israel.

“The prime minister was committed to his release for many years and worked tirelessly for his return,” read a statement from Netanyahu’s office, released nearly 24 hours after the Justice Department’s decision, which was handed down after the Sabbath began in Israel.

President Reuven Rivlin also said Israel was “waiting for him and his family at home” and wished him “a new life in health and peace.”


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aa66db No.147616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727279 (211820ZNOV20) Notable: State Department Designates Boycott Israel Movement As 'Anti-Semitic'

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State Department Designates Boycott Israel Movement As 'Anti-Semitic'


Well, fuck "Israel" and fuck you too, you pompous cocksucking piece of shit!

Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com,

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday during his visit to Israel that the State Department will designate the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as "anti-Semitic." BDS is an international campaign that calls on people to pressure Israel over its human rights violations through various boycotts.

"Today I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic," Pompeo said while meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem this week. "Look, we want to stand with all other nations that recognize the BDS movement for the cancer that it is, and we’re committed to combating it."

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aa66db No.147617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727286 (211821ZNOV20) Notable: #14968 (posted in #14969), #14969, #14970

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FINAL #14969


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147574 FOIA: Another Obama fundraiser turns out to be a bad ambassador

>>147575 Sidney Powell – President Trump Already Released the Kraken – Claims Obama Was Involved

>>147576 Hundreds of Police and Confiscated Guns Have ‘Gone Missing’ from Sheriff’s Office

>>147577 New twist in $50bn Yukos battle as US court sides with Russia over oligarchs & suspends controversial case

>>147578 NM Gov. Grisham: ‘You Can’t Enforce’ Thanksgiving Dinner Size Limitations

>>147579 YouTube Censors Candace Owens for Criticizing Transgender Craze

>>147580 Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

>>147581 Merkel’s Germany Tells Trump Not to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan

>>147582 LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’

>>147583 Open Society removed their Global Board Members page. Why?

>>147584 Sweden: Boys Raped, Tortured, Made to Dig Graves by Migration-Background Men Survive Ordeal

>>147585 @USArmy Tweet

>>147586 Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

>>147587 SCOTUS: Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory

>>147588 China’s ‘bat woman’ says COVID-19 did not originate in Wuhan lab

>>147589 Australian Special Forces Vets Frustrated as Commanders Absolved in Afghan War Crimes Inquiry

>>147590 Insider Trading week of 11/20

>>147591, >>147594, >>147603, >>147611 Planefag

>>147592 Prople Inc. lists phone numbers in the US on its website; I wonder if it has US operations

>>147593 Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, July 2020: “I believe that there will be another crisis…it will be more significant (than COVID)… it will be faster”

>>147595 Italian media forget about guy in the background as they prepare propaganda video to brainwash the masses with

>>147596 Srdja Popovic, the Serbian activist who created the blueprint for Color Revolution through his organization Otpor

>>147597 America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts

>>147598 Elixir of life finally discovered? Israeli scientists find way to literally reverse biological aging

>>147599, >>147608 Trump Supporters Gather Outside CNN Headquarters in Atlanta Chanting “CNN Sucks!”

>>147600 Georgia was warned by numerous security experts but ignored them all

>>147601 Hundreds of Thousands of Signatures Added Daily to Health Experts’ Global Anti-Lockdown Proclamation

>>147602 More than 500 people were infected with an unknown disease in Senegal.

>>147604 Klaus Schwab facts

>>147605 'Completely unknown' names of Egyptian star constellations reportedly found in ancient temple

>>147606 Rick Scott becomes the second Republican senator and eighth lawmaker to test positive for coronavirus THIS WEEK

>>147607 German Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream

>>147609 miniBun: Blood Disorders in Royal Families

>>147610 Pompeo in Israel: Three announcements that cement 'apartheid'

>>147612 Did Scientists In Israel Prove That Wearing A Mask Shortens Your Life??

>>147613 Biden Has Filled His Foreign Policy Team With Weapons Contractors

>>147615 Netanyahu, Rivlin welcome end of Pollard’s parole, await his arrival in Israel

>>147616 State Department Designates Boycott Israel Movement As 'Anti-Semitic'



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aa66db No.147618

File: 720d62535bffe47⋯.png (78.4 KB,577x528,577:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727379 (211831ZNOV20) Notable: Ankara-Based Think Tank Leaked Data On Child Recruitment In Turkish-Backed Syrian Factions

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Ankara-Based Think Tank Leaked Data On Child Recruitment In Turkish-Backed Syrian Factions

The Ankara-based Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, SETA, has leaked data on child recruitment by the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) by mistake.

The SNA was formed in 2017 by several Turkish-backed groups. Today the coalition rules over Turkish-occupied areas in northern and northeastern Syria and maintains a small presence in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib.

On November 18, the think tank, which is close to the ruling Justice and Development Party, shared a study on the SNA by researcher Ömer Özkizilcik.

The study revealed that many of the SNA’s fighters are between 18 and 20 years old. Nevertheless, most of them have been fighting for the Turkish-backed coalition for three years or even more, meaning many were minors when they enlisted.

7.85% of more than 1,400 fighters covered by the study were between 18 and 20 years old. Yet, 6.78% of all fighters have been with the SNA from less than year to three years. The rest, 93,22% have been fighting for the coalition for more than 4 years.

These numbers suggest that some of the current SNA fighters may have joined the coalition when they were 14 years old or even at a younger age.

SETA removed the study from its website when some activists picked up the data as a proof of child recruitment by Turkish proxies in Syria.

Child recruitment is a known practice among Turkish-backed factions in Syria, especially the SNA which usually denies it. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the SNA sent hundreds of children to Libya to fight as mercenaries.

Turkey, which maintains a tight grip over the SNA’s command, is apparently attempting to hide this serious moral issue instead of addressing it.


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aa66db No.147619

File: 5c029490bb49e47⋯.png (134.01 KB,956x787,956:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 462d0a91026f1f7⋯.png (51.92 KB,911x369,911:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727409 (211833ZNOV20) Notable: State Department Says Anti-American Educators Undermine U.S. Efforts to Counter China

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State Department Says Anti-American Educators Undermine U.S. Efforts to Counter China

New document lays out longterm strategy for beating Chinese Communist Party

The United States' ability to counter the rise of China is being undermined by anti-American attitudes in the education system, according to a new State Department report outlining a longterm strategy to compete with China.

The agency said Americans need to be educated about the strategic threat that Beijing poses to U.S. interests and called for government officials and the public to have access to English translations of Chinese Communist Party speeches. Such an effort, according to the State Department, could be undermined by high school and college systems that are hostile to America's founding principles and history.

"America’s grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges and universities have to a dismaying degree abandoned well-rounded presentations of America’s founding ideas and constitutional traditions in favor of propaganda aimed at vilifying the nation," the paper reads. "In the face of these polarizing forces, the United States must reclaim its own legacy of liberty."

Rachelle Peterson, a senior fellow at the National Association of Scholars, called the State Department's assessment of American education "spot on." Young people raised with a "biased, disfigured teaching of our own history" will be "receptive to Chinese propaganda," according to Peterson.

"For years, students have been taught American history as an unbroken chain of violated promises, ignoring the groundbreaking work Americans have done to advance the cause of personal liberty and individual responsibility," Peterson said. "Is it any wonder that students, convinced America is inherently bigoted, find Chinese propaganda persuasive?"

The department said Beijing will present an intractable problem for years to come and will not simply be an issue for the current administration.

"The China challenge, so understood, is likely to dominate American foreign policy across many administrations," the paper reads. "The major components of China’s conduct … reveal a great power that sees the transformation of international order as critical to its plans to dominate world affairs."


The Elements of the China Challenge


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aa66db No.147620

File: 3b841235ba95277⋯.png (434.88 KB,620x731,620:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727411 (211833ZNOV20) Notable: FLYNN TWEET: Thank you young man for your patriotism. You’re a true #DigitalSoldier

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Thank you young man for your patriotism. You’re a true #DigitalSoldier


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aa66db No.147621

File: da55ed972b5ea22⋯.png (51.27 KB,745x801,745:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 063cc76c3e91996⋯.png (55.95 KB,747x872,747:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727423 (211834ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada voting raffle targeting Native Americans opens door to Trump legal challenge

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Nevada voting raffle targeting Native Americans opens door to Trump legal challenge

Group's site offered chance to win hundreds of dollars in gift cards to those who had proof they voted. Trump campaign argues it was an illegal incentive.

A get-out-the-vote effort by a Nevada Native American group included a raffle with cash prizes, opening the door to a legal challenge by the Trump campaign that the incentives ran afoul of federal election law. The group denies that it did anything illegal in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

The Nevada Native Vote Project, a group that seeks to "increase civic participation of the Indigenous populations in Nevada," sponsored a "virtual raffle" during this year's presidential election, according to a post on the group's Facebook page.

The event, sponsored jointly with the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, informed voters that they would be entered in a raffle if they sent in a photograph of themselves with an "I Voted" sticker and/or a "ballot completion form."

Among the prizes in the raffle were four $250 gift cards, four $100 gift cards and eight $25 gift cards, as well as "beadwork, t-shirts & more," the raffle poster advertised.

Subsequent posts from the group showed numerous raffle winners. "Thank you for voting!" some of the posts read.

Trump campaign alleges 'illegal and improper votes'

The voting drive, which appears to have received relatively little attention prior to and during the election, was mentioned in the Trump campaign's recent lawsuit filed in Nevada, one which alleges that "significant problems plagued the Election in the State of Nevada" and that "the purported election results [in that state] lacked integrity and demonstrate that the reported election results are inherently unreliable."

Among the charges in that lawsuit was that the Nevada Native Vote Project violated election law with its voting raffle.

"Offering something of value to a voter in exchange for his/her vote is a violation of Federal and Nevada law," the suit asserts. "All such votes cast in exchange for the above described incentives are, therefore, illegal and improper votes."

The U.S. Code does prohibit incentives to vote, forbidding anyone from making "an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate" and prohibiting voters from accepting such gifts. Violators can face up to two years in prison for such violations.


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aa66db No.147622

File: ecc9a0d08a47274⋯.png (699.75 KB,1204x1196,301:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727427 (211834ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Republicans from Michigan's 14th District have drafted a resolution NOT to certify the votes until a full transparent audit of Wayne County's 2020 general election results can be performed

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BREAKING: Republicans from Michigan's 14th District have drafted a resolution NOT to certify the votes until a full transparent audit of Wayne County's 2020 general election results can be performed


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aa66db No.147623

File: 106e9e63b7730aa⋯.png (206.66 KB,379x311,379:311,Clipboard.png)

File: c2bbb3e58df1f1f⋯.png (135.83 KB,752x846,8:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 848fbc30222d215⋯.png (131.12 KB,750x862,375:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727444 (211837ZNOV20) Notable: George Soros trumped American democracy by rigging election for Biden

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George Soros trumped American democracy by rigging election for Biden

By now, you have probably heard all about the Dominion Voting Systems technology that was used to rig the election for Joe Biden. As it turns out, there is actually a second technology known as Smartmatic, backed by none other than George Soros, that was also used in some states to steal votes from President Trump.

Based out of the United Kingdom, Smartmatic is a Soros-linked foreign entity that currently provides voting technology in 16 American states, including the key battleground states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. It was formed in the year 2000 and was used several years later to rig the 2004 Venezuelan election for Hugo Chavez.

When Smartmatic was first incorporated, a Chavez campaign adviser was placed on the company’s board, obviously for the purpose of scheming out how to use the system to produce a Chavez “win” four years later. Because this endeavor was a huge success, Smartmatic was then brought into the United States to bring about the same fraudulent results for Biden.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown also sits on the board of Smartmatic, which is significant because he sits on the board of Soros’ infamous Open Society Foundation. Malloch-Brown is also a key fixture in the British House of Lords, also known as the upper house of the Parliament of the U.K.

What this means is that the 2020 election, and possibly others, was run by George Soros and the British empire, at least in the states where Biden conveniently eked past Trump in the final hour thanks to hundreds of thousands of mystery votes that appeared out of nowhere.

Malloch-Brown, by the way, is also tied to the United Nations, where he worked as deputy secretary-general as well as chief of staff to Kofi Annan, whom we reported is a major funder of the so-called Global Fund, along with U2’s Bono and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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aa66db No.147624

File: 41020b95e33e0af⋯.png (39.42 KB,585x389,585:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727450 (211837ZNOV20) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson: "Rebel News reports: Dominion Voting's office in Toronto shares a floor with Tides Foundation, a very prominent left-wing group tied to George Soros. Also: China's Jantzi Sustainalytics is in the same building too.What are the odds?"

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"Rebel News reports: Dominion Voting's office in Toronto shares a floor with Tides Foundation, a very prominent left-wing group tied to George Soros. Also: China's Jantzi Sustainalytics is in the same building too.What are the odds?" https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1330166318608347136

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aa66db No.147625

File: 76eb41e4ab56dd5⋯.png (135.04 KB,785x444,785:444,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a660fe6ffb57eb⋯.png (347.88 KB,435x384,145:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727460 (211838ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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SAM091 USAF C-32A departing Abu Dhabi-Al Bateen Airport after a depart from Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Airport earlier today and back to Dubai Airport where it has already been once today

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aa66db No.147626

File: 5c79ec5d7e9172c⋯.png (108.15 KB,776x875,776:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 631a93f31b44b95⋯.png (15.46 KB,793x176,793:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727461 (211839ZNOV20) Notable: UNGA Committee Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution On Palestinian Self-Determination, Israel Is Unhappy

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UNGA Committee Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution On Palestinian Self-Determination, Israel Is Unhappy

On November 19th, the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee voted, and overwhelmingly approved, a draft resolution in favor of Palestinian self-determination.

The vote passed with 163 in favor, 5 against, and 10 abstentions.

As has become customary, this “anti-Israel” notion was voted against by Israel itself, and the US.

“Surprisingly” Canada, “which typically votes alongside Israel in such resolutions, stood with the majority.”

“Canada’s vote today is a reflection of our longstanding commitment to the right of self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians,” Canadian envoy Bob Rae said in an address to the General Assembly, noting the draft’s support for a two-state solution.

In Canadian parliament, Conservative foreign affairs Michael Chong demanded an explanation for Canada’s vote.

“Today, the Liberal government voted against the state of Israel at the UN General Assembly for a second year in a row, contrary to our long-standing Canadian policy of opposing all resolutions that single out Israel, a policy that former prime minister Paul Martin had put in place,” Chong said.

“Even Ambassador Rae said he disagreed with the preamble of the resolution. Why did the government break with long-standing Canadian policy and vote against the State of Israel at the UN General Assembly today?”

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland did not directly address the question in her response.

“Let me just be very clear: Israel is a close and important friend of Canada, and Canada will always stand with Israel,” she said. “Let me also be very clear to Jewish Canadians in my riding and across the country: We stand with them, particularly today when we are seeing an appalling rise in anti-Semitism here and around the world.”

In addition to Israel and the US, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Nauru also voted against the resolution.

Australia, Cameroon, Guatemala, Honduras, Kiribati, Palau, Papa New Guinea, Rwanda, Togo and Tonga all abstained.

It should be reminded that the UNGA’s Third Committee deals with human rights and humanitarian affair.


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aa66db No.147627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727465 (211839ZNOV20) Notable: Maj. Gen. Jack Singlaub to AG Barr: Free Mike Flynn, Drop the Charges

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>>>/qresearch/11726855 (/pb)


Maj. Gen. Jack Singlaub to AG Barr: Free Mike Flynn, Drop the Charges

Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub, U.S. Army (ret.)

America’s Future, Inc

7800 Bonhomme Avenue

Saint Louis, MO 63105

January 23, 2020

Attorney General William Barr

Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Barr,

We write to you today to address what we believe to be a severe miscarriage of justice with regards to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. It has come to our attention that pressure was put on Gen. Flynn to lie by one of Robert Mueller’s attorneys named Brandon Van Grack. This kind of a political conduct should not be levied at an American hero like Lt. General Flynn.

As a decorated military officer with a career spanning from World War II to the Reagan Administration, and in light of my continued efforts to help our President and democracy, I know what courage looks like. I have fought Nazis, Communists, and other enemies of freedom. I have worked against enemy lines and behind them. I’ve seen the atrocities of war and tasted victory.

There may be few people today who have seen what I have seen, but courage doesn’t just belong to my generation. Many brave men and women fight for freedom today. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is one such courageous individual. He served our nation honorably for thirty-three years in the U.S. Army. During his time in Afghanistan and Iraq, he had an important role in developing counterterrorism strategy. As a founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency, I can attest to the difficulty and importance of the work he did. He is clearly a patriot in every sense of the word. That’s why I was so pleased to honor him as the inaugural recipient of an award bearing my name in 2018, the Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub Award For Service To America.

Now Lt. Gen. Flynn faces character assassination, financial ruin, and prison time because of a vendetta-driven narrative launched by Robert Mueller’s phony investigation. I call on you to show courage now by supporting Lt. Gen. Flynn as the American hero he is. As the chairman and president of America’s Future, Inc respectively, we believe our men and women in uniform should be treated with fairness and respect. No one who has served America so faithfully should have the Department of Justice pressuring them to lie. You are a man who holds justice in very high regard, Mr. Barr. Please see that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn receives the justice he deserves.

The underlying narrative of destroying our Nation’s core belief system and social justice with injustice is what these rogue men and women are instigating. We must not allow our way of life to be upended by those who want to rule by ruining the careers of those that stand for righteousness. You can see that the rule of law means something and those that conspire to take down our leaders do not prevail. Rule in favor of the Honorable Lt. General Michael Flynn, dismiss the charges, and show the nation and the world our Department of Justice will not tolerate these insubordinate pressures thrust upon good people.


Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub, U.S. Army (ret.)

Chairman, America’s Future Inc.

All the best.

Ed Martin

President, America’s Future, Inc.

https://www.phyllisschlafly com/liberalism-and-conservatism/big-government/maj-gen-jack-singlaub-to-ag-barr-free-mike-flynn-drop-the-charges/

WOW connections being made

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aa66db No.147628

File: 37e60d4f1ff3f1c⋯.png (46.83 KB,718x725,718:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727468 (211839ZNOV20) Notable: FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

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FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

The "massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place," said FEC Chairman Trey Trainor. "And the other side really needs to answer these questions."

The Trump campaign is bringing "legitimate accusations" to court through affidavits of credible witnesses and other evidence used in its challenges to electoral outcomes in various states, Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor said.

Trainor said his review of evidence, including numerous affidavits claiming voter fraud and a sworn statement by a prominent mathematician flagging up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots, met the first level of legal scrutiny under what's known as motion to dismiss or "Rule 12(b)(6)" of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which would dismiss less credible claims.

Noting the subsequent legal threshold beyond a "motion to dismiss" is the "summary judgment phase," Trainor said that under this phase, the credibility of witnesses is presumed to be accurate, especially given the caliber of the testimonies Trainor has observed to date.

"When considering a motion for summary judgment, a judge will view all evidence in the light most favorable to the movant's opponent," explains Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute website.

"What I would be concerned with, if I were on the other side of these election contests that are going on around the country, is that if you look at the level of evidence that has been provided by these affidavits — hundreds of affidavits that corroborate events that have happened on the ground — in a summary judgment phase of these cases, you have to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true," Trainor told "Just the News AM" television show Friday morning.

"The court has to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true and see whether or not the other side can make a case against it," added Trainor. "So, the massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place. And the other side really needs to answer these questions."

On Thursday the Trump campaign, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, presented what it called its "opening statement" in a press conference. Members of the campaign's legal team reiterated that it would seek to protect the privacy of many of its sworn witnesses, waiting to sharing their identities with the court, to shield them from potential harassment.


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aa66db No.147629

File: a14eb94b29d4aa4⋯.mp4 (9.04 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727474 (211840ZNOV20) Notable: FLYNN TWEET: Thank you young man for your patriotism. You’re a true #DigitalSoldier

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aa66db No.147630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727486 (211841ZNOV20) Notable: ISIS Fired Dozens Of Rockets At Afghanistan’s Kabul, Civilian Casualties Reported

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ISIS Fired Dozens Of Rockets At Afghanistan’s Kabul, Civilian Casualties Reported

On November 21, a barrage of rockets launched by ISIS – Khorasan Province hit various parts of the Afghan capital, Kabul.

The Ministry of Interior Affairs said at least 23 rockets landed in the following areas:

Wazir Akbar Khan and Shahr-e-Naw areas in downtown Kabul;

Chahar Qala, the Traffic Roundabout, the Gul-e-Surkh Roundabout in PD4;

Sedarat Roundabout, the Spinzar Road in the center of Kabul;

The National Archive road in PD2;

Lysee Maryam market and Panjsad Family areas in the north of Kabul;

The compound of Iranian Embassy.

The large-scale rocket attack claimed the lives of eight people and injured at least 31 others. The death toll from the attack will likely rise in the upcoming hours.



According to the Afghan National Police, the rockets were launched from two areas: the market roundabout and Tahye Maskan neighborhood.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement released by its new agency, Amaq. The terrorist group said 28 rockets were launched at Kabul’s Green Zone, where the headquarters of the Afghan National Army and several embassies are located.


Don't fall for this POTUS Cabal wants their war and heroin to flow

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aa66db No.147631

File: bbc415d7f8d59e2⋯.jpg (87.78 KB,800x620,40:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727488 (211842ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Theory: Egyptian Symbolism

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Q said Symbolism will be their downfall.

I believe I found the symbolism

It ties back to Egypt. They are obsessed with Egypt. Gardiner did a symbol list for Egyptian hieroglyphs.

His listing gives the Birds a G designation. Where have we seen G before. The world has gone to the birds.

The Owl is the letter m in Egyptian. G17.

The list is huge but if you scroll down to the O4 symbol you'll see the Symbol on Epstein's Temple. It means Shelter.

Too big for me to Dig on my own, but the Symbolism will be their downfall certainly makes sense.

And as an added Bonus. Frogs are symbolic of the Flood.

Epstein Island was a shelter for the coming Sky Event. The Red Wave>The Red Tsunami..

The concrete filling was to STOP them from using it as a shelter.

Why are they called the Deep State? Because the SOB's went underground last time and 'emerged' to take over. They've done it over and over. Ancient cultures around the world speak of coming from the ground after the flood.

The Red Wave kills them. Demons hate red according to legends worldwide. It's why people decorate in Red. To keep the Demons away.

Nothing can stop what is coming because it is an SKY Event. It's cyclical. It is one of the reasons they can never get a foothold on this planet. God wins.

As an added note, the original pyramids did not have hieroglyphs. Those were added at a later date according to several scientists. There are no glyphs inside the pyramid. Were we pirated by the Phoenicians?

They've been using hieroglyphs because they were the only one with the playbook. It was not a dead language to them because they created it. No one else could read them.

Until we deciphered the Rosetta STONE. It wasn't complete but I think it was enough to give them an insight into what was going on. Is the Rosetta Stone the Keystone?

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aa66db No.147632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727512 (211845ZNOV20) Notable: FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

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FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

The "massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place," said FEC Chairman Trey Trainor. "And the other side really needs to answer these questions."

The Trump campaign is bringing "legitimate accusations" to court through affidavits of credible witnesses and other evidence used in its challenges to electoral outcomes in various states, Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor said.

Trainor said his review of evidence, including numerous affidavits claiming voter fraud and a sworn statement by a prominent mathematician flagging up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots, met the first level of legal scrutiny under what's known as motion to dismiss or "Rule 12(b)(6)" of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which would dismiss less credible claims.

Noting the subsequent legal threshold beyond a "motion to dismiss" is the "summary judgment phase," Trainor said that under this phase, the credibility of witnesses is presumed to be accurate, especially given the caliber of the testimonies Trainor has observed to date.

"When considering a motion for summary judgment, a judge will view all evidence in the light most favorable to the movant's opponent," explains Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute website.

"What I would be concerned with, if I were on the other side of these election contests that are going on around the country, is that if you look at the level of evidence that has been provided by these affidavits — hundreds of affidavits that corroborate events that have happened on the ground — in a summary judgment phase of these cases, you have to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true," Trainor told "Just the News AM" television show Friday morning.

"The court has to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true and see whether or not the other side can make a case against it," added Trainor. "So, the massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place. And the other side really needs to answer these questions."

On Thursday the Trump campaign, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, presented what it called its "opening statement" in a press conference. Members of the campaign's legal team reiterated that it would seek to protect the privacy of many of its sworn witnesses, waiting to sharing their identities with the court, to shield them from potential harassment.

With the Trump campaign's lawsuits in targeted battleground states across the country in various phases of progress through the courts, Trainor said, "At the end of the day, what I would say is that these are legitimate accusations that are going to be tried in court."

"And we need to let this legal process play out," Trainor added, "so that we come to a valid conclusion to this election that everybody believes to be legitimate."

In an interview with John Solomon on a Just the News election special, renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said that Trump campaign legal challenges to 2020 presidential election results could rise to the Supreme Court, provided that plaintiffs demonstrate that sufficient numbers of votes were affected to influence outcomes in particular states.

Dershowitz also said it was an uphill battle for Trump to win the election, saying the constitutional questions raised by the possible lack of certifying election results in certain states have never been asked before in American history.

The national conservative legal group Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society on Friday announced that it will file federal and state lawsuits challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona. The Trump campaign is joining with the Amistad Project on the lawsuits on a case-by-case basis, Giuliani said.

JTN Digs: (sauce)








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aa66db No.147633

File: 546d241c8dfb0c6⋯.png (442.51 KB,499x328,499:328,Clipboard.png)

File: 20ea347e5f92bea⋯.png (129.15 KB,909x607,909:607,Clipboard.png)

File: ddc4b6b6b70a725⋯.png (153.28 KB,920x843,920:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 59007e1c3fa2e11⋯.png (186.66 KB,957x815,957:815,Clipboard.png)

File: f7bfa39909facac⋯.png (218.19 KB,945x843,315:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727536 (211847ZNOV20) Notable: The Tech Monopolies Go Vertical

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The Tech Monopolies Go Vertical

Everyone loves to talk about tech monopolies. Their acquisition spree and obvious market power in a world with no distribution cost is likely better discussed in the DOJ recommendation or at the venerable Ben Thompson’s Stratechery. Instead, I want to talk about some good ole fashioned monopolizing. And that’s vertical integration via going down the technology stack into hardware. I want to discuss why now, why does it matter, and how is each of the large platforms positioned.

Moore’s Void

The phrase “Owe the bank 500 dollars, that is your problem. Owe the bank 500 million – that is the bank’s problem.” is something that comes to mind for some of the tech monopolies right now. There is a shifting relationship between the largest software companies in the world and their suppliers, and as the leading software companies have become ever-larger portions of the compute pie, it’s kind of become the problem of the tech companies, and not the semiconductor companies that service them to push forward the natural limits of hardware. Software ate the world so completely that now the large tech companies have to deal with the actual hardware that underlies their stack. Especially as some companies like Intel have fallen behind.

At this point in time, no other companies have ever had such a concentrated share of absolute compute and sells it as a service. Even IBM in its zenith sold PCs and Mainframes (and they still ran a tightly integrated stack!), not units of compute disaggregated like the infrastructure as a service provider. As Moore’s law has broken down and AI compute demand has skyrocketed, this has kind of become a problem at the companies and they are aware. This great video about opensource EDA and tooling problems (if you’re a nerd you’ll enjoy) started with some interesting caveats.

However, if you look at Google's products, were our demand for compute power continues to grow substantially, frequently at exponential type numbers, and this used to be a free ride with Moore's law. Giving us increasing compute power to keep up with this increasing demand for computation. But that's kind of come to an end now which isn't great, and so we have a lot of projects at Google that are trying to solve this and I'm working on one of them. I don't work on the most successful project we've had here, which is the TPU. This is a ML accelerator that has drastically increased our ability to do ML compute, and this is kind of an interesting thing in its showing that hardware, that is the main specific, can potentially keep up with this growing demand for compute. The problem is it's taking a lot of effort to create these hardware accelerators and while some groups at Google are big enough, like the ML people to have dedicated teams working on dedicated hardware like the TPU um, we are looking at the problem that every team at Google is eventually probably going to have to look at hardware accelerating their workloads, especially if their demand continues to rise.

Btw - this transcript was made with https://hierogly.ph/ made by @_nd_go and me.


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aa66db No.147634

File: 9a6fa9d148406a4⋯.png (86.32 KB,837x739,837:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727543 (211848ZNOV20) Notable: @ODNIgov Remember this poll yesterday? If you guessed 800,000 satellite images – you were right!

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Remember this poll yesterday?

If you guessed 800,000 satellite images – you were right! The collection includes 2.1 million feet of film! #ICinHistory


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aa66db No.147635

File: 15ae6f199dcdf1d⋯.png (201.22 KB,592x670,296:335,Clipboard.png)

File: c7c5ac2225520ce⋯.png (2.64 MB,1383x2719,1383:2719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727547 (211848ZNOV20) Notable: Twitter fag does an interesting dig on D5.

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Twitter fag does an interesting dig on D5.


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aa66db No.147636

File: b68fac343a43499⋯.png (176.62 KB,600x339,200:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ba505893dec4cb⋯.png (301.59 KB,676x440,169:110,Clipboard.png)

File: c44dee0cb5027a9⋯.png (243.55 KB,558x672,93:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727555 (211849ZNOV20) Notable: Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

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Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

This year Tarrant County turned blue for the first time since the 1960s.

Heider Garcia is the Tarrant County Elections Administrator. He was hired in 2018. He previously worked for Smartmatic for 12 years. He received his engineering degree in Venezuela in 2003. In 2010, He testified during a fraud investigation into the Smartmatic software in the Philippines election.

In the video released during hearings in the Philippines in 2010 Heider Garcia of Smartmatic was questioned on what he called “unforeseen” occurrences during the election process.


n October, during early voting, Tarrant County had to rescan thousands of ballots due to some type of barcode discrepancy.

And on November 3rd Tarrant County went blue for the first time since 1964.

Sleepy Joe Biden did SIX PERCENTAGE POINTS better than Hillary Clinton just 4 years ago.

Does ANYONE believe this actually happened?


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aa66db No.147637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727570 (211850ZNOV20) Notable: Stacey Abrams’ Group Dropping $2.7 Million Ahead of Georgia Senate Runoffs

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Stacey Abrams’ Group Dropping $2.7 Million Ahead of Georgia Senate Runoffs

A voting rights group founded by Stacey Abrams (D) is dumping millions of dollars into activist organizations as part of an effort to tip the scales in favor of Democrats in the forthcoming January 5 runoffs.

Fair Fight, the group founded by failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, is reportedly spending $2.7 million to assist over a dozen organizations in their efforts ahead of the highly anticipated Senate runoffs. The races feature Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler and their respective Democrat challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the money is aimed to “strengthen their get-out-the-vote apparatus.” In a Saturday morning update, Abrams asked progressives to join her in supporting the 13 groups, which she says will work “tirelessly on the ground to educate and mobilize voters”:

🚨Fair Fight is boosting 13 Georgia organizations by raising and giving over $2.7 million ahead of the Jan. 5 runoffs.

These groups work tirelessly on the ground to educate and mobilize voters. Join me in supporting them👇🏿#gapol https://t.co/OLnYRd14EY

— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) November 21, 2020

“For years, these organizations have been on the ground in their communities, doing the important work that has made possible that every voice is heard and every eligible is counted,” Fair Fight senior advisor Lauren Groh-Wargo said.

“We must recognize and support their work to ensure that every voter and Georgian is seen and heard,” she added.

The 13 organizations include:

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Black Voters Matter Fund

Coalition for the People’s Agenda

Fair Count

Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO)

Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR)

New Georgia Project

Georgia Stand Up


Georgia NAACP


Southerners on New Ground

Women on the Rise

Republican groups are also upping their game, with two GOP super PACs — Senate Leadership Fund and American Crossroads — dropping a combined $70 million on ads ahead of the runoffs.

Last weekend, Abrams announced that “more than 600,000 Georgians have requested their mail ballots” ahead of the January 5 election:

BREAKING: More than 600,000 Georgians have requested their mail ballots for the January 5 runoff elections.

Help elect @ReverendWarnock and @ossoff to the U.S. Senate by requesting your ballot today ➡️ https://t.co/xCyh7BhY3o. Happy voting and let’s get it done… again. #gapol pic.twitter.com/G65qB8NMpg

— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) November 15, 2020


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aa66db No.147638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727586 (211852ZNOV20) Notable: Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

123,836 views • Aug 14, 2020


Amazing and very revealing interview with RFK Jr. where he basically says that theCIA killed both his Uncle JFK and his Father RFKyet he did not believe that his

father's death was a conspiracy before 1985 when he learned that his father was shot in the back of the head 4 times.

RFK starts right out of the gate revealing this stuff and goes on for 10 minutes until Ron tries to get him to focus on the pressing issue of Vaccines.

Notice the look in his eyes as he reveals these things.

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aa66db No.147639

File: 8106ccb4c76dd21⋯.png (845.89 KB,620x518,310:259,Clipboard.png)

File: bd3eecf0581046a⋯.png (58.02 KB,681x891,227:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fe78626d6981ab⋯.png (49.97 KB,707x858,707:858,Clipboard.png)

File: 8706719571e798b⋯.png (22.98 KB,698x366,349:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727606 (211854ZNOV20) Notable: Celebrities, Elite Media Members Attack Actor Ricky Schroder for Helping Bail Out Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘True Showcase in Racism’

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Celebrities, Elite Media Members Attack Actor Ricky Schroder for Helping Bail Out Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘True Showcase in Racism’

Left-wing figures from celebrities to establishment media members attacked actor Ricky Schroder after it was revealed that he was among the many who helped post the $2 million bail to release Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old accused of fatally shooting two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Kenosha County Sheriff Sgt. David Wright affirmed Rittenhouse’s release in a Friday statement. “Kyle Rittenhouse’s bond was posted this afternoon at about 2 p.m., which was set up through his attorney,” Wright said. “He is no longer in custody at the Kenosha County Jail.”

One of Rittenhouse’s attorneys, Lin Wood, provided the update in a tweet, thanking the Silver Spoons star by name.


From L to R:

Attorney John Pierce @CaliKidJMP


Actor Ricky Schroder @rickyschroder13

Thank you, All Donors.

Thank you, All Patriots.

Thank God Almighty.#FightBack pic.twitter.com/37Ly66itT8

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 21, 2020

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a vocal ally of President Donald Trump, has also been identified as a donor to the cause. Their involvement drew ire from progressive figures, who expressed their shock and criticism on social media.


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aa66db No.147640

File: c782543c21d4a31⋯.png (502.43 KB,637x357,91:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727612 (211854ZNOV20) Notable: Sacramento Sheriff on Not Enforcing COVID Curfew: Making Cops ‘Instruments’ of ‘Oppression’ Damages Community Relations

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Sacramento Sheriff on Not Enforcing COVID Curfew: Making Cops ‘Instruments’ of ‘Oppression’ Damages Community Relations

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones said that he won’t enforce the state’s coronavirus curfew or any current or future coronavirus orders. Jones explained that his department still has “the same types and amounts of calls for service as we always have” to deal with and he doesn’t want his sheriffs “to be instruments of…oppression. I want folks to call us when they need help, knowing that we are going to show up and make their lives better and make the situation better, and this is the opposite of that.”

Jones said, “Well, we won’t be enforcing that, or any of the other orders that are in existence now or might be coming. A couple of reasons for that: Really one is practical. We still have the same types and amounts of calls for service as we always have, from the mundane to the exciting. But there’s also kind of a theoretical aspect of it. I mean, my kids, my family, my extended family are all suffering during this, like everybody’s family. And it really has had an oppressive effect on everybody’s family, and I really don’t want our women and men of the sheriff’s office to be instruments of that oppression. I want folks to call us when they need help, knowing that we are going to show up and make their lives better and make the situation better, and this is the opposite of that.”

He later added, “[I]f we’ve learned nothing else over this last year, folks are crying for police to be more responsive to their community. Enforcing these rules, that are not criminal laws, is really the opposite of that.”


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aa66db No.147641

File: 844a03508ea263f⋯.png (49.27 KB,557x479,557:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727617 (211855ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood calling out Loeffler & David Perdue!

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Lin Wood calling out Loeffler & David Perdue!


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aa66db No.147642

File: 3bf57e0ca8d150b⋯.png (290.18 KB,578x575,578:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727641 (211858ZNOV20) Notable: YouTube deletes LifeSite video, shuts down channel for one week

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YouTube deletes LifeSite video, shuts down channel for one week

The offending video was nothing more than an audio presentation of comments made originally by Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a distinguished medical doctor and medical director of Western Medical Assessments. Hodkinson is the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee and Pathology in Ottawa.

YouTube has removed from LifeSite’s channel a video containing audio of a well-respected doctor discussing the uselessness of masks and widespread public hysteria over the coronavirus, calling it “medical misinformation.”

LifeSiteNews is now unable to upload any new videos for a week.

The offending video was nothing more than an audio presentation of comments made originally by Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a distinguished medical doctor and medical director of Western Medical Assessments. Hodkinson is the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee and Pathology in Ottawa.

Dr. Hodkinson gave the comments at a public city meeting in Canada last week, and slated the state imposed lockdowns, which are supposedly to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


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aa66db No.147643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727663 (211901ZNOV20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell Kept Photo Album of Topless Young European Girls, Witness Says

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Ghislaine Maxwell Kept Photo Album of Topless Young European Girls, Witness Says

Maxwell, the daughter of British billionaire Robert Maxwell, was arrested by the FBI in July and is awaiting trial in New York. She faces six charges, including one for enticing minors as young as 14 to engage in illegal sex acts with her ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in a Manhattan jail in August 2019.

Ghislaine Maxwell spent a lot of time taking photos of topless European girls at pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in Florida, reports The New York Post citing a newly unsealed deposition.

“She was very avid with photographs,” said an unnamed witness in federal court papers that were unsealed Saturday. “She had this high-tech camera. She was constantly taking photographs.”

Most of the photographs were taken poolside and were of “topless” young women, which Maxwell would later put in an album she kept on her desk, according to the witness identified as “Jane Doe 1” in court papers related to a 2016 civil suit against Maxwell who is currently awaiting trial at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

The outlet's reports chime with those in the Daily Beast which says that Juan Alessi, who was Epstein’s house manager at the Palm Beach mansion, testified in a 2016 deposition that Maxwell was a keen photographer and that most of her images were of bare-chested, foreign young women.

“I know that she went out and took pictures in the pool, because later I would see them at the desk or at the house; and nude, 99.9 percent of the time they were topless,” said Alessi, who is referred to as “John” in the document. “They were European girls.”

Alessi's testimony was part of a defamation suit Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an alleged survivor of Epstein’s trafficking scheme, filed against Maxwell in New York in 2015. The case settled two years later, but many of the court filings were kept from the public until the Miami Herald and Giuffre waged a legal battle to unseal them.

Last month, Maxwell’s deposition in the case was made public as she faces charges for recruiting and grooming girls as young as 14 for Epstein.

Under questioning, Alessi said many European girls would lounge shirtless by the pool. He said Maxwell kept her photos of the girls in an album he discovered while cleaning her desk at Epstein’s home.

“I have to put everything in the house back together,” Alessi said. “Sometimes I saw these albums, and there were pictures of girls at the pool.”

The socialite has consistently denied any wrongdoing and says she had distanced herself from the convicted pedophile more than a dozen years ago. If found guilty, Maxwell could face 35 years behind bars.


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aa66db No.147644

File: 975afb7ad8ade3a⋯.png (45.88 KB,523x417,523:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727666 (211901ZNOV20) Notable: Adam Housley Tweet Thread: Powell Claims I have looked into...

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Adam Housley

1/2 One of the claims by Powell I have looked into…the claim a location was raided in Germany with servers. I have 3 sources on this…all as solid as they come. Here is what I have found:

2/2 1.There is/was a clandestine location in Frankfurt run by CIA used to monitor/manipulate elections around globe. 2.That location did have servers & a front company as cover. 3.I cannot confirm the location was tied to U.S. elections. 4. One source says raided, 2 don't know


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aa66db No.147645

File: dc95edeab40eca1⋯.jpg (344.27 KB,2393x1763,2393:1763,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727675 (211903ZNOV20) Notable: (Dutch Source) Dutch elections: unsafe, easily hacked

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Dutch elections: unsafe, easily hacked

Report and article 2019 about easily hacked Dutch elections.

Stuff was talked about in Dutch House/Senate.

Pen test etc was done. Report in second link.

The report says that after recommendations it looks better, BUT they stated that it only works if people stick to the recommendations, (do not loose your keycard, thumb drives?)

AND THEY DID NOT LOOK IF VOTES WERE TALLIED CORRECTLY.. that was not the scope of their report..

sure.. right. It's all in Dutch, but highly interdasting.

Question is: WHERE was Dominion (by any other name) used?

FRANCE comes to mind, where female Trump called Marine Le Pen surprisingly lost by a tiny margin from Deepstate assrag Macaroni.

Come on, Frogs… start digging into the French Dominion!




Report Pentest etc (dutch)


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aa66db No.147646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727678 (211903ZNOV20) Notable: People in two counties in rural Oregon voted to push their lawmakers to consider moving their communities into Idaho, which they say is more representative of their political views.

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LA PINE, Oregon (AP) — People in two counties in rural Oregon voted to push their lawmakers to consider moving their communities into Idaho, which they say is more representative of their political views.

Oregon Public Broadcasting reports the chances of Jefferson and Union counties joining Idaho are slim as it would require votes by both Oregon and Idaho legislatures and the U.S. Congress. But that’s not necessarily the goal, at least not yet.

“I’m not really sure what the chances are, if you’re going to put into odds or bet on it,” said Mike McCarter, a retired plant nursery worker and firearms instructor from La Pine who led the petition drive to get on the ballot. “But if we don’t attempt to do something like that we continue to go down a road of frustration about the state Legislature not paying attention to rural Oregon.”

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aa66db No.147647

File: fbe0ff781cec2b8⋯.png (473.16 KB,620x900,31:45,Clipboard.png)

File: b9ab3487a3a76c1⋯.png (62.78 KB,632x641,632:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727681 (211903ZNOV20) Notable: The Trump Team's Real Strategy

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The Trump Team's Real Strategy

To endure the Democrat-Media Complex’s blackout of any discussion of credible allegations of voter fraud or election rigging is tough enough. But watching the conservative media grapple with the Trump team’s claims of election fraud as presented by Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudi Giuliani is downright dizzying. In stark contrast to the analysis provided daily by Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, is the stultifying commentary by Tucker Carlson and, let’s say, a has-been who never was like Erick Erickson. I’m no Pollyanna and I do not have any insider information about the current state of the election, but I would like to tamp down a bit on the hysteria with my own perspective.

On November 19th, Tucker Carlson went into a Diva-style tirade about Sidney Powell’s failure to produce any evidence substantiating her claims that the election was corrupted by the Dominion voting system and whined about her refusal to go on his show and PRODUCE! THE! EVIDENCE! Trust me when I say conservatives were flipping out when Carlson went down this road. Expect his ratings to dip.

Then, Erick Erickson wrote "Nope" in which he lists Trump’s legal team failures in battleground courts – affiants walking back claims, Trump’s counsel admitting to a lack of substantiating evidence for fraud claims and walking back fraud allegations before the court, asking for recounts but not in counties that used Dominion, and failing to provide evidence in sufficient numbers to make a difference.

Further proof of Erickson’s conclusion that we aren’t dealing in the realm of fact but uncredible conspiracy theory, is Sidney Powell’s failure to provide evidence of her fanciful claims regarding Dominion, Hugo Chavez, Smartmatic, Clinton, and Soros.

At this point, I find this both deeply harmful and bordering on malicious. I would not be surprised if Dominion Voter Systems files a defamation claim against them. My suspicion is that this is payback for the Democrats’ treatment of Trump after 2016 and a whole lot of people want to be lied to and will believe it all despite zero evidence.

So, what’s really going on here? Sidney Powell is a legal force to be reckoned with and a courageous one at that. She is not only a fearless appellate expert but cut her litigation teeth in the late 70s when few women were in the field and those who were had to be light-years smarter than the brightest, most accomplished men. It took courage to throw yourself into a practice dominated by men and still retain your femininity.


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aa66db No.147648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727734 (211908ZNOV20) Notable: (Dutch Source) Dutch elections: unsafe, easily hacked

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additional info (DUtch Election software)

Foundation against hackable elections has been digging into this


To my great surprise I saw that local deep state hacks are working around the clock to get mail-in voting for elections in march 21. Oh well…

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aa66db No.147649

File: 3c7ace46f27990c⋯.jpeg (81.97 KB,750x319,750:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727752 (211910ZNOV20) Notable: February 20, 2020, Chicago “New electronic voting machines were rolled out in Chicago this week — just in time for early voting for next month’s primary elections.”

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February 20, 2020, Chicago

“New electronic voting machines were rolled out in Chicago this week — just in time for early voting for next month’s primary elections.”

“The new electronic machines were used in Cook County suburbs during the 2019 elections in April and the rest of the county outside the city has signed a $31 million contract with Dominion Voting Systems for their new equipment, according to James Scalzitti, a spokesman for the Cook County Clerk’s office.”


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aa66db No.147650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727759 (211911ZNOV20) Notable: (Dutch Source) Dutch elections: unsafe, easily hacked

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Complete report (Dutch, PDF)



Archive offline, Dutch anons!

Come on, French Frogs and German Kraut anons! Find your local Dominion Variaty and NAIL THEM TO THE WALL!

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aa66db No.147651

File: 47da95dbf3646c6⋯.png (883.93 KB,992x564,248:141,Clipboard.png)

File: b672fc909649fb8⋯.png (1 MB,1019x918,1019:918,Clipboard.png)

File: b7eb2dbaedc80a4⋯.png (52.78 KB,985x441,985:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 71269918aa7501f⋯.png (704.21 KB,952x915,952:915,Clipboard.png)

File: ee74801113fad9a⋯.png (147.47 KB,1013x890,1013:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727786 (211914ZNOV20) Notable: What they DON'T tell you about Covid

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What they DON'T tell you about Covid: Fewer beds taken up than last year, deaths a fraction of the grim forecasts, 95% of fatalities had underlying causes… and how the facts can be twisted to strike fear in our hearts

Despite the fearmongering, the number of Covid-19 deaths is significantly lower than the peak back in April

Latest ONS estimate shows that in the week ending November 14, new infections were already levelling off

GCHQ has embedded a team in Downing Street to provide Boris Johnson with real-time updates of Covid-19

Analysts will sift through vast amounts of data to ensure Boris Johnson has the most up-to-date information

With the nation’s health at stake, it was revealed this week that GCHQ has embedded a team in Downing Street to provide Boris Johnson with real-time updates to combat the ‘emerging and changing threat’ posed by Covid-19.

The intelligence analysts will sift through vast amounts of data to ensure the Prime Minister has the most up-to-date information on the spread of the virus.

But what exactly should Mr Johnson be looking for? Here, ROSS CLARK reveals what he should be asking…

How accurate were the Government’s grim predictions?

The short answer is: not very. In a July report commissioned by Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance, scientists estimated that there could be 119,000 deaths if a second spike coincided with a peak of winter flu. Yesterday, that figure stood at 54,286 – less than half that.

In fact, the second peak seems to have passed – over the past week there has been an average of 22,287 new infections a day, down from 24,430 the week before.

In mid-September, Sir Patrick made the terrifying claim that the UK could see 50,000 new coronavirus cases a day by mid-October unless more draconian restrictions were introduced. Yet we have never got near that figure.

What about its prophecies on deaths?

Ditto. Its warnings simply don’t bear any relation to reality.

During the ‘Halloween horror show’ press conference used by Sir Patrick and Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty to scare the Government into implementing a second lockdown, one of their slides suggested that daily Covid-19 deaths could reach 4,000 a day by December.


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aa66db No.147652

File: fb45979a64b33e3⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727801 (211916ZNOV20) Notable: BUFFALO NY: Business Owners Stand Up, Fight back and Kick out Sheriff & Health Dept!

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BUFFALO NY: Business Owners Stand Up, Fight back and Kick out Sheriff & Health Dept !


Any NY'er on the board?

Take a look at this shit

Does the NY Sheriffs K-9 unit dress like this?

What the hell man!


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aa66db No.147653

File: dd42f7eefddc2df⋯.jpg (652.57 KB,1915x961,1915:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 20b40bdaf6d32fa⋯.jpg (664.83 KB,1917x963,213:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2420c87c5e57435⋯.jpg (714.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727807 (211917ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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DDFI5899 out of Asheville with a possible trolling T-38, call sign AUSTIN1.

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aa66db No.147654

File: d890e23d56c4193⋯.png (102.78 KB,707x797,707:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dbbd8c25ec77d0⋯.png (96.31 KB,728x818,364:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 77093e45be6c601⋯.png (34.17 KB,716x252,179:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727808 (211917ZNOV20) Notable: China Tells Australia to Drop 'Cold War Mentality' Before Talks Can Resume

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China Tells Australia to Drop 'Cold War Mentality' Before Talks Can Resume

Relations between China and Australia have soured in recent years, beginning with the blocking of Chinese telecom giant Huawei in 2018. This year, tensions rose further after China slapped tariffs on Australian imports after Canberra called for an investigation into the coronavirus outbreak.

The Australian government has been warned that ministers in Beijing will not be answering phone calls from their Canberra counterparts unless Scott Morrison's government drops its "cold war mentality" and stops seeing China as a strategic threat.

Speaking to the Guardian Australia on Friday, a Chinese embassy official urged Canberra to decide if it considers Beijing to be a “threat” or an “opportunity”, establishing a major precondition for restarting ministerial-level negotiations, which were halted earlier this year.

The embassy chief placed responsibility on the Australian government for repairing diplomatic ties, asking them to reflect on its options “to arrest the decline of the bilateral relationship” and establish a more amicable atmosphere for talks.

“Of course you can say it takes two people to tango but here, you see, the problem is all caused by the Australian side”, said the official, who asked not to be named.

“We think that the cold war mentality should be discarded so that China can be seen as an opportunity and not a threat. Otherwise the whole trajectory will be derailed".

A Pacific Issue?

China remains uninterested in holding ministerial or leader-level discussions unless Australia makes obvious steps to create a friendlier atmosphere for talks.

“The problem is caused by the Australian side,” the Chinese embassy official said on Friday.

“China is trying to send a message that Australia should change the mentality of how you look at China and its development and whether it’s an opportunity or a threat – that is the issue."

Australia’s provocative, confrontational moves, as well as its erroneous words & deeds on issues concerning China’s core interests & major concerns, are the crux of the current difficulties in China-Australia relations. Australia must correct its mistakes by taking real actions. pic.twitter.com/A6ShJaRcyS

— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) November 19, 2020


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aa66db No.147655

File: 055c1c89ec8352f⋯.png (72.5 KB,300x169,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727812 (211917ZNOV20) Notable: THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

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The deep state will try to steal the election and if that doesn’t work, they will try to overthrow Trump in the streets. If that also doesn’t work out and they can’t install their own government, the next step in the plan will be the dissolution of the United States. Some federal states will declare their independence from the country.

It’s going to take a lot of courage, wisdom and trust in Trump and in themselves for the American people to avoid the fate that befell the Serbian people in the 90s.

As I have anticipated in the article I wrote on the eve of the election, Donald Trump will win the US Presidential election convincingly, but the key events will play out after the election because the deep state will try to steal the election and overthrow Trump in the streets (https://srbin.info/svet/exclusive-soros-biden-network-ukrainegate-us-elections-and-the-day-after/).

The aforementioned scenario is happening right now. Election fraud on a massive scale has been tried before the eyes of the entire world public and street riots are yet to fall upon America. In the aforementioned article, I have precisely anticipated the events that will happen in USA:

Srdjan Nogo Author is a Serbian politician and a former Member of Parliament

“Everything that the US is dealing with now, we the Serbs have been through, twice. We are familiar with Soros’s global criminal network better than anyone else due to the fact that we are victims of it for the last more than 30 years. The American people should look carefully at our experience because they are in great danger.

The plan is clear and simple.

Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi. All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now.

The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries.

And what we are witnessing is indeed, a massive election fraud. Donald Trump had a substantial lead in all of the swing states before some of the most unusual events in the history of the elections began to happen. Vote counts were stopped, and after they were resumed a hundreds of thousand new ballots appeared, allegedly arrived by mail, and they were all in favour of candidate Joe Biden. Biden mysteriously took the lead in the number of states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. And soon the media have declared him (so-called media ‘’projection”) the winner of this election.

Donald Trump and his election headquarters immediately began to point to numerous instances of irregularities and inconsistencies and soon enough the evidence of massive election fraud have started to surface.

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aa66db No.147656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727836 (211919ZNOV20) Notable: Alderman: Election Day troubles could be part of 'international conspiracy'

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==Alderman: Election Day troubles could be part of 'international conspiracy'

Friday, April 07, 2006==

By Andy Shaw

April 7, 2006 (WLS) – One of Chicago's most powerful aldermen has a conspiracy theory for the voting problems experienced during the March primary. Alderman Ed Burke wants to know why the Chicago board of elections would pick a Venezuelan company to supply the city's new voting machines, a company Burke believes has the ability to rig an election for political gain.

Both the voting machine company and the board of elections are calling alderman Burke's suggestion of a conspiracy absurd. This happened during a city council hearing Friday on problems during last month's primary.

Alderman Ed Burke, whose wife just got appointed to the Illinois Supreme Court, took back the spotlight Friday at a wild city council hearing where Burke said the vote counting problems on primary election night may be part of an international conspiracy led by the president of Venezuela, who is engaged in a war of words with the Bush administration.

"We've stumbled across what could be the international conspiracy to subvert the electoral process in the United States of America ," said Ald. Ed Burke, finance committee chairman.

Alderman Burke says at least 15 Venezuelans, who may not have been in the country legally, worked side-by-side with Chicago election officials on primary night March 21, which turned out to be a vote-counting nightmare.

Burke says the fiasco may have been politically motivated, because the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, is considered an enemy of the United States and may be connected to a Venezuelan company that owns a US firm that provided Chicago and Cook County with the new voting machines that contributed to the election night problems.

"I don't know how anybody could hire a company that's ownership is hidden, and traces its roots to Venezuela, where they've been involved with the dictator of Venezuela who Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld says is an enemy of the United States," said Burke.

The Venezualans were providing technical assistance, not tabulating votes, and the conspiracy theory is over the top, according to election officials and the company that provided the new equipment.

"The ability of Chavez to be manipulating the vote in Chicago is impossible" said Jack Blaine,Sequoia Voting Systemspresident.

"We have enough redundant security measures in place to protect the accuracy of the vote," said Langdon Neal, Chicago election board.

The suggestion that loose screws on new machines contributed to election night problems is a perfect metaphor to describe a city council hearing featuring more questions than answers.

"I think that you belong to the secret brotherhood of I don't know, and I found your testimony so far to be not credible," said Ald. Leslie Hairston, 5th Ward.

Despite all of the criticism, the president of the voting machine company said a post-election inspection of 1,000 machines uncovered only three mechanical problems, so most of the tabulating delays were human error. But he is promising a new set of more user-friendly machines by November, and city election officials are promising a better job of training election judges and checking out machines in advance.

It is, however, probably too late to change companies, and the machine makers,Sequoia and its Venezuelan parent, Smartmatic, will eventually get paid the last $16 million from its contract with the city and the county.


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aa66db No.147657

File: adbe1c352a4ee55⋯.png (38.63 KB,892x304,223:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727840 (211919ZNOV20) Notable: U.S. criticizes CCP officials for intensifying cyber attacks

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U.S. criticizes CCP officials for intensifying cyber attacks

On Saturday, the US embassy and consulate in China tweeted criticizing Chinese officials for intensifying online attacks, saying that they spread fallacies on the Internet and confuse people, trying to divert attention from the Chinese Communist regime’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic and human rights violations.

The tweet shared an article from ShareAmerica saying that CCP officials used social media that the Chinese people are not allowed to use to attack global critical public opinion on the Internet.

On October 28, the Brookings Institution published an article titled “How China’s ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats use and abuse Twitter”. CCP increased presence on Twitter, spreading absurd conspiracy theories online.

The term “Wolf Warrior” is derived from a film promoting nationalism in the Communist Party of China. It refers to some Chinese diplomats who spread flawed conspiracy theories through social media and other public forums in order to transfer accusations on issues such as the coronavirus epidemic. According to the Brookings Institution, these individuals are also spreading a lot of comments on the Internet that whitewash the regime’s human rights record.

In a signed article published in Foreign Policy magazine on June 29, Fergus Ryan of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute wrote that “these wolf warriors took ’mockery and satires’ method to promote conspiracy theories in an effort to influence global discourse.”

CCP government officials use Twitter to attack the public opinion that criticize the Chinese Communist Party, and at the same time implement an Internet censorship system that suppresses speech and block this platform within China.

The Brookings Institution said that during the CCP virus epidemic, the wolves stepped up their activities to spread false news. As the virus spread in March, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian falsely claimed that the CCP virus originated in the United States.

According to the Brookings Institution, Beijing promotes a variety of conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus, with the aim of causing confusion in all people see or hear about it.

More than a dozen Chinese diplomats and embassies retweeted Zhao Lijian’s tweets. The Brookings Institution said that since then, the cover story published by the Chinese Communist Party’s diplomatic and state-run media about the origin of the virus has been re-posted more than 100 times.



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aa66db No.147658

File: f08625f3f41a1f9⋯.jpeg (404.13 KB,1241x1754,1241:1754,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e25d9a49386b8b8⋯.jpeg (378.72 KB,1241x1868,1241:1868,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4ed547cfda34d9a⋯.jpeg (369.4 KB,1241x1869,1241:1869,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e44f3e542cb9426⋯.jpeg (439.38 KB,1241x2051,1241:2051,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e6432c91ac151c6⋯.jpeg (420.77 KB,1241x1761,1241:1761,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727846 (211920ZNOV20) Notable: DIG: Axis Research

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Well looky here, did a corporation search in GA for

• Dominion Voting Systems, the Registered Agent (company or person that submits corporation paperwork for approval), is Cogency Global, Inc.

• Cogency’s registered agent is Axis Research, Inc. In Roswell GA.,

• Axis Research Inc, the registered agent is David M. Holcomb

• did research for Axis Research online and they are a polling and strategy company for international clients. See below. After reading the info below is:all these registered agents for other companies don’t seem to be related to Dominion, unless they are, I’d be curious to find out how.

Axis Research seems related to a clown party. Fascinating to search records at Sec. of State sites.

About Axis Research

The core of Axis Research is a rigorous, uncompromising methodology that lets the data guide the way to smart, effective strategies – all built on hard science. With quantitative and qualitative solutions, Axis specializes in brand and reputation management, campaign strategies, identifying key audiences, and voter communication and messaging.

We aren’t limited to one methodology, a single research strategy, or the same bag of tricks. With our experience and background, we will custom-build the perfect research plan for your budget and needs.

Our Achievements

3 Presidential Campaigns

Polled over 17 winning Senate campaigns

Polled in 12 different countries

Moderated over 500 focus groups

Stopped 11 harmful tax increases from becoming law

Polled for 5 of the Fortune 25

9 years of daily nationwide public opinion tracking

Modeled the nationwide voter file with 12 different models for targeting voters for turnout and persuasion


Customized research to achieve your goals

Using the precision of science, Axis filters through all the noise and distraction to set a trusted path forward. We make sure you get it right—the first time. You won’t wonder what reactions will be to your message or your campaign – you’ll have hard data telling you exactly how you’ll be received and an approach to maximize impact.


Data Modeling & Tracking

Extrapolate findings to voters nationwide to target the right people with the right message.


Understand public opinion and the drivers behind it.

Focus Groups & In-Depth Interviews

Unlock in-depth insight from target groups of voters, consumers, or opinion elites.

Proven Experience

Whether it’s a ballot initiative, building a reputation campaign, generating support for new policy or new development, or even election to the highest office in the land, we’ve done it and know how to achieve success. Our experience includes taking on tough issues for a variety of top tier clients, including 2 of the Fortune 5 and 3 presidential campaigns.


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aa66db No.147659

File: 53af4e284364c95⋯.jpg (263.21 KB,1919x949,1919:949,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727850 (211920ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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V-22 Osprey call sign RUDY30 out of Coronado

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aa66db No.147660

File: 28ee9c23b40276b⋯.png (550.98 KB,894x894,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 66b494a9ff1c9f6⋯.png (395.36 KB,762x903,254:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 619316bddca471f⋯.png (726.05 KB,731x911,731:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f8c37c383a3683⋯.png (917.64 KB,763x918,763:918,Clipboard.png)

File: cdaf4f3e2d66834⋯.png (446.19 KB,778x875,778:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727881 (211922ZNOV20) Notable: Dr. Yan Posted Her Formal Response on Zenodo to Rebut CNN’s Fake News

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Dr. Yan Posted Her Formal Response on Zenodo to Rebut CNN’s Fake News



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aa66db No.147661

File: f9094b58e3ec590⋯.png (189.79 KB,223x454,223:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727910 (211925ZNOV20) Notable: @LLinWood: more dog comms?

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Lin Wood


Thee, Motley, & Crew are waiting on @SenLoeffler

, @sendavidperdue




& @Georgia_AG

to take action, demand special session of legislature & support @realDonaldTrump


They are growing impatient. Like GA voters, they have teeth.


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aa66db No.147662

File: 077b74ec4780395⋯.png (236.53 KB,812x568,203:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a933c2af719001⋯.png (409.72 KB,845x819,65:63,Clipboard.png)

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File: 887bdfb02b71187⋯.png (400.02 KB,803x465,803:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727913 (211925ZNOV20) Notable: Young Internet Sleuth Reveals Evidence Showing Over 23K PA Ballots Were Filled Out and Returned Before They Were Ever Mailed To Voters (and MORE)

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Young Internet Sleuth Reveals Evidence Showing Over 23K PA Ballots Were Filled Out and Returned Before They Were Ever Mailed To Voters (and MORE)

On November 11, Petr Svab of the Epoch Times wrote about the improbability of more than 10,000 ballots being returned in the state of Pennsylvania on a date that precedes the date they were sent. The article, as one would expect, was completely ignored by the Democratic Party mainstream media.

From 100 Percent Fed Up – Here’s something else that didn’t receive any traction in the media, the investigative work of a young citizen journalist, known as “Greg On The Right,” may have provided the single biggest piece of evidence to date that Pennsylvania’s elections were anything but free and fair.

In a 3-part video series, the young man, known as “Greg on The Right,” first posted his explosive video from the PA.gov website on Tik Tok, where curiously, it was removed. Greg promptly posted his video to Twitter, where he has a little over 5.6K followers.

In his first of a 3-part series of videos, Greg explains that he could only review about one-third of the data set related to the mail-in ballots on the PA.gov website.

From “Greg On The Right:”

The following information’s straight from the PA.gov website and has almost 3.1 million entries. I exported all that information into an Excel sheet, but I was cut off at about 1 million rows, so keep in mind, we’re working with one-third of the whole data set.

So, the first thing I did was to create a column to see if any ballots were mailed out by the government the same day that they were received, filled out, through the mail, by the voter.

It turns out, about 11,000 were filled out by the voter and returned back to the government the same day the government mailed them out to the voter.

I then created a column to see if there and there were any applications that were approved by the government, mailed out by the government, received by the voter, and then filled out by the voter and mailed back to the government on the same day. And there were 8,205 cases of that.

And lastly, I created a column to see if there were any ballots that were received through the mail, filled out before they were even mailed out and received by the government. There were 7,403 cases of that.



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aa66db No.147663

File: 47dd618739db2ad⋯.png (420.66 KB,855x646,45:34,Clipboard.png)

File: d182f3952360468⋯.png (406.73 KB,785x489,785:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 438feef39d14e4f⋯.png (370.83 KB,843x589,843:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a510d0a4b317a9⋯.png (439.81 KB,539x835,539:835,Clipboard.png)

File: fe388323f94aec0⋯.png (459.11 KB,527x605,527:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727942 (211928ZNOV20) Notable: Young Internet Sleuth Reveals Evidence Showing Over 23K PA Ballots Were Filled Out and Returned Before They Were Ever Mailed To Voters (and MORE)

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Pennysylvania Mail-In Ballot Video Part 3.

In this video, Greg gives viewers an up-close and easy to understand example of how in what can only be described as “impossible,” a ballot was mailed out by a voter two days before the PA government ever mailed the ballot out.

On the same day that Greg posted his videos to Twitter, he received a message from the Knox Tea Party informing him that the dataset from the November 2020 election has been removed from the PA government website. According to Greg, who spoke to 100 Percent Fed Up today, the data appears to have been moved, and the state of PA requires anyone who wants to see the data, to pay $20 for the privilege. We cannot confirm if the data on the PA.gov website has been amended since Greg first videotaped his findings or if the dataset he’s provided remains the same.

An article written by Petr Svab of the Epoch Times seems to back up many of the young data sleuth’s allegations, who goes by “Greg On The Right.”

From the Epoch Times– More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database.

Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.

The state’s voter records are being scrutinized as President Donald Trump is challenging the results of the presidential election in Pennsylvania and other states where his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, holds a tight lead. The Trump campaign is alleging that invalid ballots have been counted for Democrats and valid ballots for Republicans were thrown away.


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aa66db No.147664

File: f7536927a282a4b⋯.png (39.38 KB,531x392,531:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11727981 (211932ZNOV20) Notable: Adam Housley Tweet Thread: Powell Claims I have looked into...

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>One of the claims by Powell I have looked into

Adam Housley

HUH? Where in any of this does it say anything of the sort? This is solid/factual info that actually addresses claims made by Sidney Powell. You read waaaaaaay too much into this. Irresponsible would be to NOT report something that is true.

>This is so so fucking dangerous for you to put out there, Adam. PLEASE be more responsible. You are radicalizing your followers to believe Biden is an illegitimate President. Is that what you want to do with your paltoform?

You might as well say Obama was born in Kenya


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aa66db No.147665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728005 (211933ZNOV20) Notable: BIG BUN: LISTS of Vote Fraud/"errors" that have been in the news

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November 18, 2020: Sen. Ted Cruz explains the 'good news' in Trump's election battle



November 18, 2020: Swiss and Aussies find a critical flaw in Scytl software that the US ignores



November 18, 2020: Several Georgia Recount Monitors Describe ‘Odd Batches of Ballots’ That Stood Out – Pristine Sheets with Perfectly Marked Bubbles – 100% For Joe Biden



November 18, 2020: Sidney Powell receives sworn Affidavit From High-Ranking Military Officer Claiming Smartmatic Was Designed to CHANGE VOTES Without Being Detected



November 18, 2020: Michigan's largest county certifies election results after Republicans earlier blocked certification



November 18, 2020: Graham rebuffs 'the Squad' on calls for him to resign over Georgia meddling



November 18, 2020: Dominion Voting Machines ALL INCLUDE “Weighted Race Feature” Whose Only Purpose Is Cheat in Elections — We Contacted Dominion But Did Not Get a Response



November 18, 2020: Lou Dobbs gives his take on the Georgia recount


November 18, 2020: Trump Tweet: Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!



November 18, 2020: LAWSUIT: Nevada Electoral College Members File ‘Election Contest’ Claiming Widespread Election Fraud



November 18, 2020: MICHIGAN: Democrat Appeared To Threaten GOP Official’s Children Until She Certified Election Results



November 18, 2020: Wayne County MI election board Republicans rescind votes to certify, file affidavits that their families were threatened.





November 18, 2020: GOP Lawmakers call for Immediate Congressional Investigation of Corrupted 2020 Election



November 18, 2020: Affidavit of Russell James Ramsland Jr.


November 19, 2020: MS-13 Behind Voter Fraud Case in California



November 19, 2020: Whoa: Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump



November 19, 2020: Gimme a Break: 80 Million Biden Voters Can't Be...Real



November 19, 2020: Team Trump: Evidence Shows 'More Than Double' the Vote Margin in Swing States Is From Illegal Ballots



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aa66db No.147666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728013 (211934ZNOV20) Notable: BIG BUN: LISTS of Vote Fraud/"errors" that have been in the news

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….anyway that gets us caught up to within the last couple days for anyone who needed some links.

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aa66db No.147667

File: 2f4d4ef661e5815⋯.png (114.44 KB,447x505,447:505,Clipboard.png)

File: c6c01ea623fda77⋯.png (160.71 KB,407x527,407:527,Clipboard.png)

File: cc3f3e55aa1afcc⋯.png (213.51 KB,407x506,37:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fe862c7e337840⋯.png (219.8 KB,407x527,407:527,Clipboard.png)

File: f5b52532b92eb7e⋯.png (157.67 KB,407x473,37:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728035 (211937ZNOV20) Notable: H.I.G. McCarthy, & Staple Street letters

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aa66db No.147668

File: e3807bfb7c1bddb⋯.png (68.94 KB,407x382,407:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728048 (211938ZNOV20) Notable: H.I.G. McCarthy, & Staple Street letters

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last page

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aa66db No.147669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728063 (211939ZNOV20) Notable: #14968 (posted in #14969), #14969, #14970

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FINAL #14970


>>147618 Ankara-Based Think Tank Leaked Data On Child Recruitment In Turkish-Backed Syrian Factions

>>147619 State Department Says Anti-American Educators Undermine U.S. Efforts to Counter China

>>147620, >>147629 FLYNN TWEET: Thank you young man for your patriotism. You’re a true #DigitalSoldier

>>147621 Nevada voting raffle targeting Native Americans opens door to Trump legal challenge

>>147622 BREAKING: Republicans from Michigan's 14th District have drafted a resolution NOT to certify the votes until a full transparent audit of Wayne County's 2020 general election results can be performed

>>147623 George Soros trumped American democracy by rigging election for Biden

>>147624 @EmeraldRobinson: "Rebel News reports: Dominion Voting's office in Toronto shares a floor with Tides Foundation, a very prominent left-wing group tied to George Soros. Also: China's Jantzi Sustainalytics is in the same building too.What are the odds?"

>>147625, >>147653, >>147659 Planefag

>>147626 UNGA Committee Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution On Palestinian Self-Determination, Israel Is Unhappy

>>147627 Maj. Gen. Jack Singlaub to AG Barr: Free Mike Flynn, Drop the Charges

>>147628 FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

>>147630 ISIS Fired Dozens Of Rockets At Afghanistan’s Kabul, Civilian Casualties Reported

>>147631 Anon Theory: Egyptian Symbolism

>>147632 FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court

>>147633 The Tech Monopolies Go Vertical

>>147634 @ODNIgov Remember this poll yesterday? If you guessed 800,000 satellite images – you were right!

>>147635 Twitter fag does an interesting dig on D5.

>>147636 Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

>>147637 Stacey Abrams’ Group Dropping $2.7 Million Ahead of Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>147638 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

>>147639 Celebrities, Elite Media Members Attack Actor Ricky Schroder for Helping Bail Out Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘True Showcase in Racism’

>>147640 Sacramento Sheriff on Not Enforcing COVID Curfew: Making Cops ‘Instruments’ of ‘Oppression’ Damages Community Relations

>>147641 Lin Wood calling out Loeffler & David Perdue!

>>147642 YouTube deletes LifeSite video, shuts down channel for one week

>>147643 Ghislaine Maxwell Kept Photo Album of Topless Young European Girls, Witness Says

>>147644, >>147664 Adam Housley Tweet Thread: Powell Claims I have looked into…

>>147645, >>147648, >>147650 (Dutch Source) Dutch elections: unsafe, easily hacked

>>147646 People in two counties in rural Oregon voted to push their lawmakers to consider moving their communities into Idaho, which they say is more representative of their political views.

>>147647 The Trump Team's Real Strategy

>>147649 February 20, 2020, Chicago “New electronic voting machines were rolled out in Chicago this week — just in time for early voting for next month’s primary elections.”

>>147651 What they DON'T tell you about Covid

>>147652 BUFFALO NY: Business Owners Stand Up, Fight back and Kick out Sheriff & Health Dept!

>>147654 China Tells Australia to Drop 'Cold War Mentality' Before Talks Can Resume


>>147656 Alderman: Election Day troubles could be part of 'international conspiracy'

>>147657 U.S. criticizes CCP officials for intensifying cyber attacks

>>147658 DIG: Axis Research

>>147660 Dr. Yan Posted Her Formal Response on Zenodo to Rebut CNN’s Fake News

>>147661 @LLinWood: more dog comms?

>>147662, >>147663 Young Internet Sleuth Reveals Evidence Showing Over 23K PA Ballots Were Filled Out and Returned Before They Were Ever Mailed To Voters (and MORE)

>>147666 BIG BUN: LISTS of Vote Fraud/"errors" that have been in the news

>>147667, >>147668 H.I.G. McCarthy, & Staple Street letters


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aa66db No.147670

File: 61994f01d93f6d1⋯.png (618.23 KB,1625x1699,1625:1699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728139 (211948ZNOV20) Notable: Version 6.0 of GEMS Chart

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Version 6.0 of GEMS Chart

Adds some additional details and corrects one important mistatement: it was Sequoia that was (allegedly) responsible for the 2000 problem with the paper ballots in Florida, not Smartmatic.

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aa66db No.147671

File: a96972fe17470ba⋯.png (419.22 KB,571x416,571:416,Clipboard.png)

File: cf1fadec326e7ab⋯.png (717.05 KB,615x819,205:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 967b22a831dbe12⋯.png (326.95 KB,572x418,26:19,Clipboard.png)

File: fcefb2c9da910ae⋯.png (326.04 KB,583x440,53:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 2eba14438c6d4f5⋯.png (590.84 KB,864x544,27:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728151 (211949ZNOV20) Notable: Police use water cannon against protesters in Paris amid clashes over Global Security Bill

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Police use water cannon against protesters in Paris amid clashes over Global Security Bill

The Eiffel Tower was the scene of the latest unrest in the French capital directed at the law, which makes it illegal for the public and journalists to share images of police officers

The rally, which went on amid a heightened police presence at the Trocadero Square near the Eiffel Tower, was organized by Reporters without Borders, Amnesty International as well as other human rights groups and journalist unions. Opponents of the Global Security Bill insist that it’s a major infringement on the freedom of the press.

Activists carried banners decrying the law, chanted slogans, while also singing La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. Some in the crowd sported yellow vests, a symbol of the larger protest movement against economic injustice across France.

The rally was staged despite a national lockdown and a ban on public gatherings, in an attempt to stem a second wave of the coronavirus. Many demonstrators neglected social distancing rules and the government’s order to wear face masks.

The rally went on peacefully for hours, but tensions began rising after dark when some demonstrators started setting trash bins on fire. The protesters threw bottles and other objects at riot police, an RT France correspondent reported from the scene.

The police initially refrained from action, but then deployed a water cannon and to disperse the crowd.

Smaller protests against the law were also held in Marseille, Lille, Montpellier and other French cities on the day.

The Global Security Bill, which is pushed forward by the government of President Emmanuel Macron, among other things criminalizes the distribution of images of law enforcers by both the public and the media. A violation could carry a one-year prison sentence or a €45,000 fine.

The legislation got the greenlit from the National Assembly on Friday and is expected to be approved by the Senate next week.

In response to the criticism, Prime Minister, Jean Castex, assured that the bill “won’t impede the freedom of information,” but will only focus on images shared with “clear” intent to harm a police officer.


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aa66db No.147672

File: 30b46176c9d6223⋯.png (464.45 KB,559x505,559:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e098d4b2319334⋯.png (386.7 KB,579x419,579:419,Clipboard.png)

File: de7c2669a924188⋯.png (381.07 KB,697x577,697:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab9a108f88b77e⋯.png (29.63 KB,669x512,669:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728177 (211951ZNOV20) Notable: 'Widespread destruction to businesses' in Portland by violent black bloc vandals

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'Widespread destruction to businesses' in Portland by violent black bloc vandals

There was also an armed heist of a UPS truck in Portland

Destructive saboteurs purposely damaged at least two dozen businesses in Portland on Friday night. The Portland Police Bureau declared that the night of civil unrest resulted in "widespread destruction to businesses in Hollywood neighborhood."

The Portland Police Bureau stated that a "group of nearly 50 people gathered" and then "vandalized many businesses including many small businesses in their path." The vandals were "dressed in all black and seen wearing helmets and carrying umbrellas."

Police found that the violent black bloc anarchists "vandalized and destroyed private property in both Downtown and Northeast Portland." The rioting group also vandalized the Mexican Consulate.

This evening, a group gathered outside the Mexican Consulate in Downtown Portland. The group was described as dress… https://t.co/xkED441uQL

— Portland Police (@Portland Police)1605938771.0

In videos of the destruction, you can hear glass being shattered as windows of storefronts are destroyed.

Portland still at it I guess, breaking windows on what I'm sure is corporate buildings only. https://t.co/yMH70FZjMw

— Kitty Shackleford (@Kitty Shackleford)1605937773.0

The anti-cop acronym A.C.A.B., which stands for "All Cops Are Bastards," was spray-painted on numerous stores. Banks and a Whole Foods were targeted

(Content Warning: Explicit language)

Portland building damage from the "Trans Day of Rage" (Whole Foods) (BehindEnemyLinesNews Twitch) https://t.co/RUQYmr9vrZ

— Kitty Shackleford (@Kitty Shackleford)1605939048.0


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aa66db No.147673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728187 (211953ZNOV20) Notable: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy

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Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy

Biden’s likely pick for Secretary of Defense, Michele Flournoy, and his top foreign policy advisor, Tony Blinken, have played central roles in every war waged by Democratic presidents dating back to the Clinton era

Throughout his campaign, Joe Biden railed against Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ foreign policy, claiming it weakened the United States and left the world in disarray. “Donald Trump’s brand of ‘America First has too often led to America alone,” Biden proclaimed.

He pledged to reverse this decline and recover the damage Trump did to America’s reputation. While Donald Trump called to make America Great Again, Biden seeks to Make the American Empire Great Again.

Joe Biden: “Tonight, the whole world is watching America. And I believe at our best, America is a beacon for the globe. We will lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.”

Among the president-elect’s pledges is to end the so-called forever wars – the decades-long imperial projects in Afghanistan and Iraq that began under the Bush administration.

“It’s long past time we end the forever wars which have cost us untold blood and treasure,” Biden has said.

Yet Biden – a fervent supporter of those wars – will delegate that duty to the most neoconservative elements of the Democratic Party and ideologues of permanent war.

Michele Flournoy and Tony Blinken sit atop Biden’s thousands-strong foreign policy brain trust and have played central roles in every U.S. war dating back to the Bill Clinton administration.

During the Trump era, they’ve cashed in through WestExec Advisors – a corporate consulting firm that has become home for Obama administration officials awaiting a return to government.

Flournoy is Biden’s leading pick for Secretary of Defense and Blinken is expected to be the president’s National Security Advisor.

Biden’s foxes guard the henhouse

Since the 1990s, Flournoy and Blinken have steadily risen through the ranks of the military-industrial complex, shuffling back and forth between the Pentagon and hawkish think-tanks funded by the U.S. government, weapons companies, and oil giants.

Under Bill Clinton, Flournoy was the principal author of the 1996 Quadrinellial Defense Review, the document that outlined the U.S. military’s doctrine of permanent war – what it called “full spectrum dominance.”


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aa66db No.147674

File: 7fc84f7c5fcd2eb⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728273 (212004ZNOV20) Notable: Massive Maga scene in Wauwatosa

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Massive Maga scene in Wauwatosa


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aa66db No.147675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728291 (212006ZNOV20) Notable: About That Voting Machine Company Tied To Mitt Romney And Bain Capital…

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Once again, we’re reminded of the dangers of the privatization of our once-public electoral system. The company’s ties to Romney aren’t the only disturbing ones we’ve seen with similar companies over the years. The fact is, that nobody other than the public should have any sort of control of our elections. The proprietary voting systems now in use in all 50 states, whether owned by Romney associates, a George W. Bush associate (as with Diebold in 2004) or even a company tied to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez (as with Sequoia Voting Systems, which blatantly lied about that tie to public officials, and the Canadian firm Dominion which purchased Sequoia and also immediately lied about the fact that Intellectual Property of their voting systems used all across the U.S. is still owned by the Venezuelan firm), continue to be a grave threat to American democracy and confidence in U.S. elections.

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aa66db No.147676

File: 34dffa0acea95f7⋯.png (730.94 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728299 (212007ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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aa66db No.147677

File: 5b68e782661768c⋯.png (393.22 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728309 (212008ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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This one made me laugh because it circled

"Deal Island"

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aa66db No.147678

File: 946c74a1c01108b⋯.png (421.92 KB,607x669,607:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728320 (212010ZNOV20) Notable: Jordan Sekulow to Newsmax TV: Pending Georgia Lawsuit 'Shocking'

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An election challenge lawsuit planned to be filed early this week is new and will be "shocking," according to President Donald Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax TV.

"We have got lawsuits likely to be filed in Georgia on either Monday or Tuesday; I can't get into the details," Sekulow, the son of Trump personal attorney Jay Sekulow, told Saturday's "America Right Now."

"I can't tell you right now, but what's coming in Georgia will be shocking, when we file this in federal court Monday or Tuesday," Jordan Sekulow told host Tom Basile. "It's nothing that we have talked before. It's not what you heard in the press conference [Thursday] either.

"This is something completely separate."

The fact Jordan Sekulow pointed to federal court, it is likely a constitutional legal challenge. He did allude to some challenges to the constitutional issue of "equal protection under the law."

He added, to those saying "put up or shut up, it's coming this week."

"They've got to be outcome determinative, but I will tell you, the Lt. Gov. [Geoff Duncan] in Georgia, the Secretary of State in Georgia [Brad Raffensperger] in Georgia, they're in for quite a shock on Monday and Tuesday about how poorly they run and they ran – there's going to be a proof – of how poorly run they ran the elections in one of their major counties," Sekulow said.

Sekulow did note it was related neither to the challenges on signature verification on mail-in ballots in Georgia, nor a potential upcoming audit of the recently certified election results in Georgia, as teased by GOP Gov. Brian Kemp.

"That recount was not a recount at all," Sekulow said. "All we did is find more votes, which were new votes, not recounted votes."

Sekulow noted his legal team is working on the constitutional case, while the Trump campaign legal team of Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Sidney Powell are focusing on compiling the evidence of voter fraud, including Dominion Voting Systems.

"Look at the in-fighting in Georgia: That's a lawyer's dream, so we've got to be there and we are," Sekulow said.


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aa66db No.147679

File: 8e53b16ba104e97⋯.jpg (41.57 KB,432x260,108:65,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fecde700040f591⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,432x330,72:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728350 (212013ZNOV20) Notable: SYMBOLISM & SMARTMATIC

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THE SMARTMATIC'S DRAGONS' STORY: Acknowledging excellence and profesionalism

"So, we wanted to celebrate the heroes of the hour and we decided that the best way to do it was by creating a symbol: Smartmatic’s Dragon. This dragon needed to have certain physical characteristics and colours that showed its tenacity. It had to be a representation of the technical and operational excellence that engineers and specialists had shown; all our managers, coordinators and analysts who were immersed in great challenges and pressure, but who created the excellence that defines Smartmatic, excellence which seems to have no bounds.

Dragons possess a natural force that cannot be ignored. By definition, they are mythological beings, powerful and transformative, which go beyond human nature. They are avatars.

Dragons are also associated with yoga, since they represent the stream of universal energy that flows through the spine of all humans, called kundalini. Being visited by a dragon in dreams, or being drawn towards a fire-breathing one can signify the beginning of a spiritual and mystical awakening. "

Full article:




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aa66db No.147680

File: 7bbd5cf3c2f9eed⋯.jpg (7.29 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728357 (212014ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728368 (212016ZNOV20) Notable: Version 6.0 of GEMS Chart

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>GEMS chart version 6

This chart is multi-sourced - it was originally created to show the big picture two weeks ago, when there was just a confusing mass election systems (none with easily identified owners).

Started with Beverly's Harris' "fraction magic" video as the basis for the chart:


Chart was gradually expanded as new info/articles turned up.

A lot of the information documented here can be found from this 2012 article by Jennifer Cohn:


Other sources:




Wanted to post this to correct an error, so the most updated version would be 'out there' (and it it 'out there' on Twitter, just saw it: https://twitter.com/BlueSky_Report/status/1329855713468936192 )

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aa66db No.147682

File: 2c540867a86163a⋯.png (312.32 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728394 (212019ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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aa66db No.147683

File: 063a1bf51f1f817⋯.png (1.32 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728408 (212021ZNOV20) Notable: COVID Lockdown Enforcement Patterns

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‘Shocking’ accounts of harassment, violence within RCMP detailed in report




Social gatherings banned, non-critical businesses closed as all of Manitoba moves to red alert level


Toronto, Peel move into COVID-19 lockdown Monday as Ontario tries to stop 'worst-case scenario'


What you need to know as we get closer to a COVID-19 vaccine


Ontario, New Brunswick report record single-day increases in new COVID-19 cases'


Ontario reports 1,588 COVID-19 cases and 21 deaths, breaking previous record


10 more COVID-19 deaths announced in Manitoba Saturday, including man in his 30s


Ottawa police arrest 12 people after breaking up demonstration supporting Black, Indigenous lives


maximum fear followed by "social injustice". where have i seen that before?

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aa66db No.147684

File: 275e1173d1b6800⋯.png (244.24 KB,657x676,657:676,Clipboard.png)

File: 9caf38522e6aea1⋯.png (148.19 KB,593x538,593:538,Clipboard.png)

File: f9aaae71800e71d⋯.png (415.99 KB,1460x669,1460:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728413 (212021ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376

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Who can debunk this one?

Flag of United States GELLER REPORT Flag of United States


Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376: There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently. http://dlvr.it/Rm8kmw


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aa66db No.147685

File: d6a6d442ebdf887⋯.png (403.84 KB,535x511,535:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728415 (212021ZNOV20) Notable: NAN tax filings show Rev. Al Sharpton paid his family over $80K

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NAN tax filings show Rev. Al Sharpton paid his family over $80K


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aa66db No.147686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728430 (212023ZNOV20) Notable: Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept

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Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept

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aa66db No.147687

File: 579cd170e868559⋯.jpeg (272.3 KB,1627x1091,1627:1091,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5b753e848f40877⋯.jpeg (260.54 KB,1664x1185,1664:1185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728451 (212026ZNOV20) Notable: Scavino tweets a lion in a swamp

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Scavino tweets a lion


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aa66db No.147688

File: b8f0a446b0c5ddd⋯.png (398.38 KB,535x515,107:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728452 (212026ZNOV20) Notable: Tip from US helps Russia rescue 7-year-old boy kidnapped by pedophile

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Tip from US helps Russia rescue 7-year-old boy kidnapped by pedophile


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aa66db No.147689

File: 66cd5013f57d1c2⋯.png (614.41 KB,660x346,330:173,Clipboard.png)

File: bd22f937341f78c⋯.png (96.16 KB,598x533,46:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 1be5011b43ccd4c⋯.png (363.05 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728453 (212026ZNOV20) Notable: Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff

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Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff

Outside influence is descending on the State of Georgia as that state prepares for the most importan vote since seceding from the Union.

With the eyes of not only the nation but of the world focused intensely on the State of Georgia and their upcoming run-off election for the state’s two US Senate seats, influencers and activists are flocking to the state…and so is a boat-load of dark money. A far-Left advocacy group funded largely by Progressive billionaires George Soros and Michael Bloomberg has initially injected $300,000 of dark money into the Georgia run-off race in support of Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Georgia was thrown into run-off elections in both races for their US Senate seats. That run-off election will take place on January 5, 2021. The BlackPAC – named with questionably racist overtones, focuses on pushing Black voters to the polls. Last Tuesday, the PAC issued financial reports stating that it spent $300,000 on canvassing for the two Democrat candidates. While it will most certainly not be the last tranche of outside money, this is the first significant expenditure from an outside Progressive group in the all-important runoff elections.

These run-off elections hold great importance to both the Democrat Party in the United States, and Globalists and Progressives around the world for the fact that they will determine which party controls the US Senate next year. Should Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden prevail in his election, a Democrat sweep of the Georgia run-offs would mean one-party rule in Washington. The run-off elections are estimated to see over $200 million in campaign expenditures in less than two-months’ time with tens of millions – if not more – coming from outside the state. The BlackPAC is mostly financed by Progressive billionaires, dark money (sources that by law do not have to be identified), and the Chuck Schumer-tied Senate Majority PAC. It received $1.5 million from the Democracy PAC, a George Soros Super PAC, and $6.32 million from failed Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund, which funneled $55 million in clandestine cash into the 2020 elections, threw in $2.25 million. Meanwhile, the Senate Majority PAC added $1 million. Other liberal, Progressive, and pro-Marxist groups, such as America Votes, Unite the Country, and a variety of usual suspect union PACs, have added millions more. In its latest financial filings, the BlackPAC revealed that the group raised $23.5 million this year as of October, spending $12.5 million as of mid-October.

Marxist-friendly Progressives have also created new groups pad their numbers in Congress. A new PAC backed by Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), called the Save Our Senate PAC is expected to drop millions backing Warnock and Ossoff. Warnock is facing Republican incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), on January 5. Warnock has come under fire for his praise of anti-Semitic pastor Jeremiah Wright and his dedicated ties to his spiritual mentor, Dr. James Hal Cone, who is on record as calling for the “destruction of everything white.” Ossoff, a failed 2017 congressional candidate, is facing incumbent Senator David Perdue (R-GA). Ossoff has never voted in a Georgia runoff election and was ineligible to vote for himself in 2017 he was a carpetbagger to the district he sought to represent. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 advantage in the Senate following the 2020 elections, making the Georgia run-offs a must-win for Republicans.




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aa66db No.147690

File: c7ff459557ad9fd⋯.png (109.03 KB,1142x386,571:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728502 (212031ZNOV20) Notable: FYI, @SidneyPowell1's Wikipedia page has been edited 500 times in the last four days. This pushed any entry before Nov 17 out of the article's history.

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FYI, @SidneyPowell1's Wikipedia page has been edited 500 times in the last four days. This pushed any entry before Nov 17 out of the article's history.


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aa66db No.147691

File: 809b19236e6d9eb⋯.png (313.78 KB,600x641,600:641,Clipboard.png)

File: d81c81b053583b6⋯.png (480.66 KB,696x503,696:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 1632e4d83edb12e⋯.png (103.64 KB,994x605,994:605,Clipboard.png)

File: aca23f48babb028⋯.png (548.7 KB,1099x934,1099:934,Clipboard.png)

File: 656c4011f0700d3⋯.png (288.96 KB,1211x796,1211:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728534 (212034ZNOV20) Notable: Senegal, Dark Winter & mystery disease

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Senegal, Dark Winter & mystery disease

Previous posts discussed concern regards smallpox-like lesions in Senegalese fishermen due Biden’s “Dark Winter” comment. “Dark Winter” = a simulation of a smallpox pandemic.

There is no evidence to support smallpox in these fishermen. The overall symptoms don’t match smallpox and so far are only seen in fishermen returning from the sea. There is no evidence of involvement of an infectious agent or signs of person to person transmission. Rather it appears the preliminary cause is related to some sort of toxic exposure according to the local authorities.

A map of the area includes the Port of Praia on the Island of Santiago which is in southern part of the Cape Verde Islands and seems a busy port. The area where the fishermen were fishing is not mentioned, but the Cape Verde water would seem the most likely. The authorities have halted fishing with a bad on going to sea until more information is available.

On FB a representative of the Senegalese Health Authorities provides additional information, however it is in Portuguese and the translation was not very helpful but did include word like

“suspected toxicology”,

“high probability that it comes from this industrial environment” and

“hope that these results will guide us clearly and not exclude the fact that we have a lot of spills in the euh treatment so to see if there is not an accident somewhere in that area.”

Link for any anon with better translating skills than this anon!


More links:




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aa66db No.147692

File: 3625bdc3e970d74⋯.jpeg (471.69 KB,1590x1258,795:629,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728553 (212036ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT Landslide Tweet

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New DJT Landslide


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aa66db No.147693

File: 64cccbc18441454⋯.jpg (81.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728554 (212036ZNOV20) Notable: Senegal, Dark Winter & mystery disease

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Looks nothing like that mysterious smallpox to me.

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aa66db No.147694

File: e306ac02f25f37a⋯.png (31.89 KB,523x298,523:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728575 (212038ZNOV20) Notable: @LLinWood: If you cannot attack the message, attack messenger. I have received death threats analyzed as likely real. Fine. I have protection of Psalm 91.@nytimes is now doing hit piece based on frivolous lawsuit filed by former office-sharing partners. Fine. I have protection of TRUTH.

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Lin Wood

If you cannot attack the message, attack messenger. I have received death threats analyzed as likely real. Fine. I have protection of Psalm 91.@nytimes is now doing hit piece based on frivolous lawsuit filed by former office-sharing partners. Fine. I have protection of TRUTH.


>This seems familiar. Just sayin'

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aa66db No.147695

File: e67a23080498d6e⋯.png (1.61 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728591 (212040ZNOV20) Notable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims That People Will Stay At Home If They Are Paid

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims That People Will Stay At Home If They Are Paid

“To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home,” Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, according to The Western Journal.

“We need to send every American a check until this crisis is over.”

Osterholm said, “We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments.”


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aa66db No.147696

File: b403471299df926⋯.png (434.9 KB,535x595,107:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728612 (212043ZNOV20) Notable: "The whole world is watching"a voice off-screen told Saudi Arabia's King Salman as he opened the annual G20 summit

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"The whole world is watching"a voice off-screen told Saudi Arabia's King Salman as he opened the annual G20 summit, in what might be 2020's highest-stakes video call



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aa66db No.147697

File: 2d16f56aaf70f0c⋯.png (607.95 KB,660x346,330:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e669d5ea42c89d⋯.png (74.29 KB,598x382,299:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f1be57e28a9a70⋯.png (436.6 KB,598x616,299:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728622 (212044ZNOV20) Notable: World Economic Forum-Endorsed "Great Reset" Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

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World Economic Forum-Endorsed "Great Reset" Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

With the possible election of Joe Biden, Progressives and the Globalists believe it's their time and they are running for the rhetorical goal line

With the results of the 2020 General Election soon to be discovered, the next great threat on the horizon – aside from losing the Republic to Democratic Socialism forever, is “The Great Reset.” It will impact everyone on the planet and be the declaration that Big Brother is here to stay. Global political elitists, like European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and failed Democrat presidential candidate and former Secretary of State John Kerry, are positioning themselves to use Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden as the driver of the World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset” mission. The Great Reset seeks to execute an intrusive and wholesale transformation of the world’s economy and the economic system we have known since the beginning of time. It seeks to radically alter the world’s economy by: abolishing money in deference to digital currency, which the government would be able to adjust and control; eliminating all private property, and greatly reducing the potency of democracy for the sake of a “New World Order.”

In a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum, Kerry said Biden is ready to not only rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement – which would literally eliminate more than a million jobs in the US – but be the driver for the “Great Reset” whereby unelected global bureaucrats would literally take control of the sovereign governments of the world. “The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe…we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.” Kerry reiterated what Biden has already said in so many stump speeches: The first thing he would do as President would be to rejoining the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement. But Kerry said, bluntly, that act was not enough. “I know Joe Biden believes this. It’s not enough just to rejoin [the Paris Climate Agreement] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to do just the minimum of what [the agreement] requires,” Kerry said. “The Biden administration will focus on every sector of the American economy. There will be a 2035 goal to achieve net neutrality with respect to power and production…we’re ready to come back in and help to lead and raise the ambition in Glasgow to accelerate this incredible capacity for a transformation in the private sector.”

A critical part of new Biden-European Commission relationship, according to von der Leyen, includes implementing a new “rulebook for the digital economy and the digital society.” The titular leader of the Globalist movement, which seeks to undermine the sovereignty of all nations, von der Leyen said: “So, covering everything from data to infrastructure, but also talking about security and democracy, technology to fair taxation, all of these are topics on the table with digital change. So, ladies and gentlemen, the need for global cooperation and this acceleration of change will both be drivers of the Great Reset. And I see this as an unprecedented opportunity. “It’s good to have a friend in the White House. We should not forget what kind of strength we can develop…we need a new agenda and of course, we will have to start with the most pressing issue which is COVID-19…the second big topic is climate change, fighting climate change…the third topic is the tech topic.”

The mainstream, in-the-pocket, elitist media will also play a huge role in the Great Reset, von der Leyen suggests. New York Times columnist Ben Smith said the media sees themselves as rule-makers; the anointed class that sets the national agenda. “I think that you’re seeing the mainstream media institutions become a bit more confident in trying to set the national agenda,” Smith said, “trying to establish priorities that they think are the priorities rather than simply reacting to what’s happening…”


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aa66db No.147698

File: 1bc4d06e01ffb49⋯.png (377.63 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f1f88b0850b2f2⋯.png (343.03 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728645 (212046ZNOV20) Notable: Liggett Group, Vector Tobacco, and Xcaliber International File Preliminary Injunction Against the State of Colorado in United States Federal Court

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Liggett Group, Vector Tobacco, and Xcaliber International File Preliminary Injunction Against the State of Colorado in United States Federal Court

Discount cigarette manufacturers Liggett Group LLC, Vector Tobacco Inc. and deep discount cigarette manufacturer Xcaliber International Ltd., together with a Colorado citizen and cigarette smoker, today announced that they have filed a motion for apreliminary injunction against the State of Coloradoin United States Federal Court. The motion seeks to enjoin Colorado from enforcing the recently enacted Colorado minimum cigarette price requirement, which would drastically raise retail cigarette prices for Colorado consumers to premium brand levels.

The motion alleges that the requirement was inserted into a cigarette tax increase bill solely to secure support for the bill from Philip Morris, the largest U.S. seller of premium cigarettes such as Marlboro, which, in the past, had spent millions of dollars successfully opposing previous tax increases. Along with Colorado cigarette retailers,Philip Morris will reap huge benefitsfrom the new legislation because the minimum price requirement will eliminate price competition from companies that sell discount and deep discount cigarettes and destroy their ability to compete in Colorado.

The motion alsoalleges that the minimum price requirement violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. by favoring Colorado retailers’ in-state economic interests over the interests of out-of-state discount manufacturers. Further, in violation of the Colorado Constitution, the minimum price requirementwas not properly disclosed to Colorado voterswho approved the bill on Election Day. Voters believed that the tax increases would benefit education and other public purposes, when in factall of the benefit of the minimum price provision will go to retailers= , Philip Morris and other premium cigarette manufacturers, and none to the State of Colorado.==

The motion can be seen by clicking here.

The plaintiffs are represented by Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP and the Denver firm, Maven Law Group.



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aa66db No.147699

File: 97a114f1db6bf21⋯.png (476.74 KB,535x599,535:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728686 (212052ZNOV20) Notable: #Firefighters work to evacuate trapped citizens in Haifa's Ein Hayam neighborhood, as heavy rains flooded #Israel over the weekend

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#Firefighters work to evacuate trapped citizens in Haifa's Ein Hayam neighborhood, as heavy rains flooded #Israel over the weekend.




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aa66db No.147700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728843 (212114ZNOV20) Notable: #14971, #14972 1/2, #14972 2/2

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147670, >>147681 Version 6.0 of GEMS Chart

>>147671 Police use water cannon against protesters in Paris amid clashes over Global Security Bill

>>147672 'Widespread destruction to businesses' in Portland by violent black bloc vandals

>>147673 Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy

>>147674 Massive Maga scene in Wauwatosa

>>147675 About That Voting Machine Company Tied To Mitt Romney And Bain Capital…

>>147676, >>147677, >>147680, >>147682 Planefag

>>147678 Jordan Sekulow to Newsmax TV: Pending Georgia Lawsuit 'Shocking'


>>147683 COVID Lockdown Enforcement Patterns

>>147684 Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376

>>147685 NAN tax filings show Rev. Al Sharpton paid his family over $80K

>>147686 Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept

>>147688 Tip from US helps Russia rescue 7-year-old boy kidnapped by pedophile

>>147687 Scavino tweets a lion in a swamp

>>147689 Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff

>>147690 FYI, @SidneyPowell1's Wikipedia page has been edited 500 times in the last four days. This pushed any entry before Nov 17 out of the article's history.

>>147691, >>147693 Senegal, Dark Winter & mystery disease

>>147692 New DJT Landslide Tweet

>>147694 @LLinWood: If you cannot attack the message, attack messenger. I have received death threats analyzed as likely real. Fine. I have protection of Psalm 91.@nytimes is now doing hit piece based on frivolous lawsuit filed by former office-sharing partners. Fine. I have protection of TRUTH.

>>147695 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims That People Will Stay At Home If They Are Paid

>>147696 "The whole world is watching"a voice off-screen told Saudi Arabia's King Salman as he opened the annual G20 summit

>>147697 World Economic Forum-Endorsed "Great Reset" Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

>>147698 Liggett Group, Vector Tobacco, and Xcaliber International File Preliminary Injunction Against the State of Colorado in United States Federal Court

>>147699 #Firefighters work to evacuate trapped citizens in Haifa's Ein Hayam neighborhood, as heavy rains flooded #Israel over the weekend


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aa66db No.147701

File: e382de6a44e0971⋯.png (36.07 KB,592x301,592:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728926 (212121ZNOV20) Notable: New @DJT

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“President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.”


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aa66db No.147702

File: 745d0b9b53bdfe5⋯.png (41.51 KB,599x330,599:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728939 (212123ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: Nevada’s own state election site says 1,327,394 BALLOTS WERE CAST in 2020, however 1,405,376 VOTES went to PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.

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aa66db No.147703

File: 6dda0af09daa90f⋯.png (199.63 KB,689x914,689:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ab9d5d1c845cc7⋯.png (378.73 KB,811x451,811:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728940 (212123ZNOV20) Notable: Computer Geek Uncovers Smoking Gun Evidence of Dominion Voter Software Switching Votes From Trump to Biden

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Computer Geek Uncovers Smoking Gun Evidence of Dominion Voter Software Switching Votes From Trump to Biden

Computer Geek Uncovers Smoking Gun Evidence Of Dominion Voter Software Switching Votes From Trump To Biden

Citizen and computer wiz, Edward Solomon, seems to believe he found the smoking gun evidence showing Dominion switching votes from Trump to Biden.

Solomon writes:

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November 4th.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below):


A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall data set spanning an entire week.

Original data sets:


“The Dominion System isolated a “Flip Set” from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple “ratio sets” and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular “ratio set” receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city-wide count.

To hide it’s trail, Dominion reassigns the same “ratio set” to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn’t keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trump an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I’m a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election).”

Video in link


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aa66db No.147704

File: 53ba931d9437cb5⋯.png (403.35 KB,580x545,116:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728943 (212124ZNOV20) Notable: Biden left without press pool. Why?

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Biden left without press pool


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aa66db No.147705

File: 5be2e971c04e532⋯.png (123.49 KB,1001x493,1001:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728947 (212124ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: Nevada’s own state election site says 1,327,394 BALLOTS WERE CAST in 2020, however 1,405,376 VOTES went to PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.

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regarding the notable about Nevada Presidential Votes Cast vs Total Ballots Counted

The page that shows the total ballots cast shows it was last updated 11/10/20

I also cant find that page anymore on the website it is from.

Not saying the discrepancy isnt weird, or that fraud wasnt deployed in NV, just pointing out that the currently updated Voter Turnout page matches the Presidential Votes Cast that is also linked to.

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aa66db No.147706

File: ddac625c9d8fa2c⋯.jpg (520.56 KB,857x934,857:934,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728948 (212124ZNOV20) Notable: Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’

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Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’

21 Nov, 2020 15:36 / Updated 5 hours ago

Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt wants Brits to take a monthly coronavirus test, with a negative result earning them “freedom passes.” His idea angered some commenters, who called it “Orwellian.”

Writing in The Times on Friday, Hunt described an effective vaccine as Britain’s best shot at returning to normal life. However, the Conservative MP said that the country needs a “plan B” in the form of monthly tests for the whole population, with the freedom to live a normal life awarded only to those who show negative results.

Hunt suggested “offering people who comply with testing and isolation requirements a ‘freedom pass’ that removes the requirement to follow lockdown regulations.” Slovakia rolled out a similar system less than a month earlier, with those testing negative earning a certificate exempting them from curfew.


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aa66db No.147707

File: f9a76ed9a1a8e01⋯.png (452.92 KB,800x735,160:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728950 (212125ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Georgia SoS Backtracks on Announcement the State Has Certified Election

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BREAKING: Georgia SoS Backtracks on Announcement the State Has Certified Election

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aa66db No.147708

File: 59e806f067f4cbe⋯.png (1.27 MB,1007x593,1007:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728964 (212126ZNOV20) Notable: Democratic congressman says Trump and allies should be tried for ‘crimes against our nation;' Gaetz hits back: 'Disgusting'

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Democratic congressman says Trump and allies should be tried for ‘crimes against our nation;' Gaetz hits back: 'Disgusting'

The lawmaker said, 'The Republican Party is unfit to govern and doesn't give a damn about you'

Less than two weeks ago, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was smashed with backlash for demanding a list of "Trump sycophants" so that they will be held accountable in the future. Now, another Democratic politician has called for punitive punishment against President Donald Trump and his allies.

Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.), who is a staunch critic of the president, has called for Trump and his "enablers" to "be tried for their crimes against our nation." Earlier this week, Pascrell issued a press release demanding a "widespread investigation" and prosecution of "Trump government crimes."

"Donald Trump and members of his administration have committed innumerable crimes against the United States," Pascrell claimed without providing proof.

Pascrell listed a number of unsubstantiated accusations, by saying, "He has endangered our national security. He ripped families apart. He poisoned the Census. He has personally profited from his office. He has attacked our elections and sought to throttle democracy."

The Democratic congressman baselessly alleged that the president "engaged in treason," a crime punishable by death.

"Therefore, in 2021 the entire Trump administration must be fully investigated by the Department of Justice and any other relevant offices," Pascrell said in the statement that was released on Tuesday. "Donald Trump along with his worst enablers must be tried for their crimes against our nation and Constitution."

Pascrell added, "Importantly, any further abuse of the sacred pardon power to shield criminals would itself be obstruction of justice, and any self-pardons would be illegal."

Pascrell contended that not punishing Trump and his allies only "emboldens criminality by our national leaders and continues America down the path of lawlessness and authoritarianism."

Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) retaliated on Twitter by calling the campaign to prosecute Trump administration members "disgusting."

"This is now the Left's goal - throw President Trump, his administration officials, his family and his supporters in prison," Gaetz wrote on Twitter. "This is where we are now. Disgusting."

This is now the Left’s goal - throw President Trump, his administration officials, his family and his supporters in… https://t.co/E1kDdqlNdq

— Matt Gaetz (@Matt Gaetz)1605710675.0

Pascrell has been harshly critical of Trump challenging the 2020 election results, and said the president is attempting to "steal the election he lost badly."

"Crybaby trump is calling local officials demanding they overturn an election he lost badly and throw out ballots because they voted against him," Pascrell tweeted. "He will leaving office by January 20."

On Saturday, Pascrell claimed that the "Republican Party is unfit to govern and doesn't give a damn about you."


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aa66db No.147709

File: 94f731abbce20be⋯.png (1.31 MB,1293x737,1293:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728975 (212127ZNOV20) Notable: QAnon has become a powerful force in Germany, helping to drive Europe's biggest anti-lockdown movement

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QAnon has become a powerful force in Germany, helping to drive Europe's biggest anti-lockdown movement

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aa66db No.147710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728978 (212127ZNOV20) Notable: Law Firm Withdraws From Representing Boockvar Against Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

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Law Firm Withdraws From Representing Boockvar Against Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

Law firm Kirkland & Ellis has requested withdrawal from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar in a lawsuit brought forward by the Trump campaign, with Kramer Levin attorney Barry Berke stepping in as a substitute.

Kirkland & Ellis attorneys made the request in a notice of substitution of counsel filed on Nov. 20 (pdf), noting that Boockvar would be represented by law firm Kramer Levin, Myers Brier & Kelly, and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, until the end of legal proceedings.

This is not the first time Berke is to confront President Donald Trump’s legal team, with the National Law Journal reporting that Berke served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee as it built its impeachment case against Trump.

The move to switch legal representation comes after Linda Kerns, a lawyer leading the Trump campaign’s efforts to dispute the election results in Pennsylvania, complained to a federal court that she received an abusive voicemail from a Kirkland & Ellis attorney, with Kerns saying the message “by any measure falls afoul of standards of professional conduct.”

In a response, Kirkland lawyer Daniel Donovan said he thought the call was “discourteous and not appropriate” but disagreed with how Kerns had described it.

He said the company associate was “acting unilaterally, in his personal capacity, without the knowledge or authorization of undersigned counsel or the firm.”

Kerns has been placed under official protection after allegedly being subjected to various forms of harassment, with a Nov. 18 filing (pdf) saying she was “the subject of threats of harm, to the point at which the involvement of police and U.S. Marshals has been necessary to provide for her safety.”

She wrote on Nov. 16 that she had “been subjected to continuous harassment in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason—all for representing the President of the United States’ campaign in this litigation.”

Kerns later sought permission to quit working on the case, and Judge Matthew Brann allowed her to be “withdrawn as counsel” for the Trump campaign, according to a court filing.

There have been reports of harassment targeting lawyers representing Trump in election-related legal challenges.

The Trump campaign and Republican allies have filed several lawsuits in Pennsylvania, including challenging a deadline extension that allowed mail-in ballots received up to three days after Election Day to be counted, another alleging poll observers were kept too far away from vote counters and that Democrat-majority counties received preferential treatment, and another challenging Boockvar’s deadline extension for absentee voters to provide missing proof of identification.


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aa66db No.147711

File: fa70975c7be14c4⋯.png (30.68 KB,684x247,36:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11728994 (212128ZNOV20) Notable: Tucker Carlson's viewers call him a 'traitor' for slamming Trump's election fraud lawyer Sidney Powell after he demanded she produce a 'single piece of evidence' that 8M votes were stolen from the president

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Tucker Carlson's viewers call him a 'traitor' for slamming Trump's election fraud lawyer Sidney Powell after he demanded she produce a 'single piece of evidence' that 8M votes were stolen from the president

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aa66db No.147712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729000 (212129ZNOV20) Notable: LIVE: Stop The Steal Rally in Sacramento, California.

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LIVE: Stop The Steal Rally in Sacramento, California.

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aa66db No.147713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729003 (212129ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic Corp. v. SVS Holdings, Inc., et al.

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Smartmatic Corp. v. SVS Holdings, Inc., et al.

Sequoia was using Smartmatic IP when Hart tried to buy Sequoia in 2008. Hart wanted to use Smartmatic IP in their machines as well. Did Sequoia ever stop using their IP?

"The second term for which Sequoia Voting Systems (SVS) seeks guidance is one under which Hart InterCivic (Hart) promises not to compete with Smartmatic in Latin America, the Philippines, and Belgium. In return,Smartmatic promises to grant to Hart a license to use its intellectual property currently found in Sequoia’s machines."


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aa66db No.147714

File: c9bfcd64d085011⋯.png (380.65 KB,668x547,668:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729014 (212130ZNOV20) Notable: Our hypocritical leaders refuse to obey their own COVID-19 rules

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Our hypocritical leaders refuse to obey their own COVID-19 rules

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aa66db No.147715

File: c9a1c4241cb049e⋯.png (378.14 KB,868x596,217:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729020 (212131ZNOV20) Notable: McConaughey Mulls TX Governor Run, Previously Suggested People ‘Take One For The Team,’ Give Up Some Gun Rights

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McConaughey Mulls TX Governor Run, Previously Suggested People ‘Take One For The Team,’ Give Up Some Gun Rights

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aa66db No.147716

File: 2b3e33fd401f0c7⋯.png (371.24 KB,575x796,575:796,Clipboard.png)

File: b58e8c21cf647cd⋯.png (106.4 KB,845x823,845:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729023 (212132ZNOV20) Notable: Sara A Carter: Orwell’s 1984 is prophetic: How the leftists are trying to change and erase President Trump and history

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Orwell’s 1984 is prophetic: How the leftists are trying to change and erase President Trump and history

I’m literally sickened by the actions of some in the main stream media, leftists and their minions in the education system that are seeking to rewrite history and ostracize anyone that supported President Donald Trump. Regardless of where anyone stands politically, everyone should oppose these un-American tactics and disinformation war against the Commander-in- Chief.

The media, however, along with the help of powerful tech giants, are doing everything in their power to control the narrative of the Trump administration and by doing so change the history of our nation.

Sharyl Attkinson’s book Slanted: How the media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism, lays it out perfectly. She, like others who are concerned about censorship and the media’s devolving role in our Republic, compared the situation to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. She describes the protagonist in Orwell’s book, Winston Smith, whose job is to edit history for the Ministry of Truth. Of course, Orwell naturally was describing a society that was rewriting history with lies and a world where Big Brother was watching everyone.

It is essentially happening to our country now, but not by the dystopian government described by Orwell but by a complex network of ideologists that are now in control of some of the most essential industries to America’s freedom.

Look at this headline from Yahoo. It is the first headline from the publication’s Friday story revealing Donald Trump Jr’s diagnosis with COVID-19: Former reality TV show host’s son tests positive for COVID-19, by Patrick Gomez.

What an insult to the American people and to President Trump. Yes, he is still the president of the United States. What was the point of this headline and others like this but to slowly rewrite history and to erase this President and the administration’s achievements.

Benny Johnson is right “the media is already trying to erase the fact that he is President.”


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aa66db No.147717

File: f208d3bdf071628⋯.png (39.71 KB,1294x230,647:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729028 (212132ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

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Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

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aa66db No.147718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729038 (212133ZNOV20) Notable: We are dealing with the cycled threads bug by reverting to sequential threads until it is resolved.

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Bakers just a heads up we are dealing with the cycled threads bug by reverting to sequential threads until it is resolved. this might affect linking in the dough so just keep an eye out for those threads to change. I am trying to get in contact with the new 8kun admin but so far no luck.

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aa66db No.147719

File: 6b68618c051034f⋯.png (406.78 KB,786x496,393:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729041 (212133ZNOV20) Notable: Media and Democrats Decide They Love Forever War Now Because Orange Man Bad

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Media and Democrats Decide They Love Forever War Now Because Orange Man Bad

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aa66db No.147720

File: 62209cd17978fe9⋯.png (693.88 KB,861x670,861:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729052 (212134ZNOV20) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Brilliant! America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts (VIDEO)

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EXCLUSIVE: Brilliant! America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts (VIDEO)

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aa66db No.147721

File: 9254ca233d52dd5⋯.png (227.68 KB,936x720,13:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729067 (212135ZNOV20) Notable: The Dirty Game of Influence Peddling

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The Dirty Game of Influence Peddling

Washington is a fever swamp of dishonor, patronage, and protection, host to an occupying government using the constitutional government as its sock puppet.

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aa66db No.147722

File: 4eba920dc028092⋯.png (1.1 MB,1433x699,1433:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729097 (212138ZNOV20) Notable: From Ruling Class to Oligarchy

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From Ruling Class to Oligarchy

Roughly half the country is living under an alien regime that means to harm us socially, politically, and economically.

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aa66db No.147723

File: 0ab1386c7c7e3fe⋯.png (98.66 KB,818x736,409:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729104 (212138ZNOV20) Notable: Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

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Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

Apple, the $2 trillion tech company, has lobbied Congress to soften the language in a bill aimed at preventing American companies from relying on forced labor in China for its products, according to a report from The Washington Post.

Two congressional staffers told The Post that lobbyists with the firm Fierce Government Relations have sought to water down the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.

The bill, which passed the House by a vote of 403-6 in September, aims to ensure that American apparel and tech companies are not relying on forced labor of Muslim Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang province.

The Chinese government is suspected of holding more than 1 million Uighurs in detention camps in Xinjiang, which is a heavy producer of cotton products and computer parts.

The Post’s congressional sources, who are not named, said several other companies in addition to Apple are trying to soften the language in the bill.

The House staffers did not tell the Post how Apple is seeking to curtail the bill, only that its lobbyists oppose the language of the bill in its current form.

Fierce Government Relations disclosed in congressional filings last month that Apple paid the firm $90,000 in the third quarter of this year to lobby Congress on multiple issues, including the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.

In September, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued “Withhold Release Orders” against four companies and one manufacturing plant in Xinjiang because they were suspected of using forced labor.

CBP alleged that the Chinese government has engaged in “systemic human rights abuses against the Uyghur people and other ethnic and religious minorities” through the use of forced labor camps.


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aa66db No.147724

File: 978a0f5f5eb7699⋯.png (395.66 KB,864x617,864:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729112 (212139ZNOV20) Notable: “What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday (VIDEO)

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“What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday (VIDEO)

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aa66db No.147725

File: 4f3385fdf56c7d3⋯.png (533.14 KB,775x726,775:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729123 (212140ZNOV20) Notable: Cook Political Report Calls it: CA-21 Republican David Valadao defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox

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Cook Political Report Calls it: CA-21 Republican David Valadao defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox

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aa66db No.147726

File: d9bf93f6738b2a7⋯.png (677.45 KB,797x592,797:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729136 (212141ZNOV20) Notable: Police Called To Anti-Cop Activist Actress Alyssa Milano’s House

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Police Called To Anti-Cop Activist Actress Alyssa Milano’s House

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aa66db No.147727

File: 629b0389df81220⋯.png (16.19 KB,1338x177,446:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729151 (212142ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan GOP legislators promise to ‘follow the law' after Trump meeting

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Michigan GOP legislators promise to ‘follow

the law' after Trump meeting

Washington Times, by Dave Boyer

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aa66db No.147728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729153 (212143ZNOV20) Notable: “What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday (VIDEO)

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Georgia Bomb Filing Coming Next Week! Jordan Sekulow Tells Tom Basile About New Developments

1,611 views•Nov 21, 2020

"NEW allegations that no one has heard yet. Not related to Dominion or any other case."



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aa66db No.147729

File: a8cfdd2e8a34b3e⋯.png (60.37 KB,621x471,207:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729165 (212144ZNOV20) Notable: Parallel presidency: So-called 'president-elect' Joe Biden muscles in on President Trump

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Parallel presidency: So-called 'president-elect' Joe Biden muscles in on President Trump

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aa66db No.147730

File: 747800c6211a954⋯.png (13.02 KB,771x161,771:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729176 (212145ZNOV20) Notable: Hey, Remember When Media Outlets Were Concerned About Vote Fraud?

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Hey, Remember When Media Outlets Were Concerned About Vote Fraud?

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aa66db No.147731

File: 608d7e4d6c7728d⋯.png (326.39 KB,797x596,797:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729184 (212145ZNOV20) Notable: Cuomo Suggests Sheriffs Who Don’t Enforce 10-Person Thanksgiving Limit Should Be Decertified

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Cuomo Suggests Sheriffs Who Don’t Enforce 10-Person Thanksgiving Limit Should Be Decertified

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aa66db No.147732

File: 9b67ce0924922b8⋯.png (402.97 KB,535x531,535:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729187 (212146ZNOV20) Notable: 5 fugitives die in car crash while fleeing after mass jailbreak in Lebanon

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5 fugitives die in car crash while fleeing after mass jailbreak in Lebanon


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aa66db No.147733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729199 (212147ZNOV20) Notable: WATCH LIVE: Protest Activity Live Now in Sacramento

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🔴WATCH LIVE: Protest Activity Live Now

Sacramento rn

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aa66db No.147734

File: b54dd7b74307966⋯.png (679.83 KB,714x646,21:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729211 (212148ZNOV20) Notable: Williams College Mathematician Flags up to 100,000 Ballots in Pennsylvania

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Williams College Mathematician Flags up to 100,000 Ballots in Pennsylvania

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aa66db No.147735

File: 31e195f025345e6⋯.png (56.93 KB,628x440,157:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729216 (212149ZNOV20) Notable: Thinking about that flailing Fox News betrayal

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Thinking about that flailing Fox News betrayal

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aa66db No.147736

File: 1b5ecb7f005d36a⋯.png (55.44 KB,629x425,37:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729232 (212150ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell has expanded on the scope of the Dominion scam

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November 21, 2020

Sidney Powell has expanded on the scope of the Dominion scam

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aa66db No.147737

File: 897496a04a1ccd2⋯.png (230.89 KB,603x618,201:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729236 (212150ZNOV20) Notable: On his worst of days @GenFlynn has always been near by @realDonaldTrump

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What's Jack saying here? Is it what I think it is?


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aa66db No.147738

File: 6b5c62d9851b25e⋯.png (919.75 KB,2484x902,1242:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729241 (212150ZNOV20) Notable: Column: Building America's secret surveillance state - James Bamford

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aa66db No.147739

File: 815b2c07cd55cf3⋯.jpeg (337.47 KB,750x748,375:374,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729260 (212152ZNOV20) Notable: Tracy Beanz calls all Digital Soldier Patriots for help.

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Tracy Beanz calls all Digital Soldier Patriors for help.


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aa66db No.147740

File: 9608312312b9428⋯.png (740.12 KB,598x775,598:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 737e20cc0e83799⋯.png (762.55 KB,564x827,564:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 40cf05a460a625e⋯.png (637.03 KB,597x837,199:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729268 (212152ZNOV20) Notable: Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures, The situation is currently ongoing.

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Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures

Guatemalans are currently burning down their Congress after a series of crises hit their boiling point.

The protests were sparked after a budget bill passed on Tuesday, but that was only the final straw that the broke the camel’s back after years of anger towards their government.

Protesters brought over a guillotine before setting Congress ablaze.

Central American journalist Sandra Cuffe explained on Twitter that “Tuesday night, while Iota rains were flooding areas already devastated by Eta, Guatemala’s congress rammed through a budget bill, giving themselves extra millions for meals, cutting $25M for combatting malnutrition (they put it back after an outcry).”

“Today is not really about the budget bill. The budget bill was a match thrown onto a pool of fuel that has been gathering for years. There’s widespread rage directed at the current congress and president but also at political and business elites that transcend administrations,” she explained. “That said, certain aspects of the budget bill did trigger protests: the temporary axing of $25M re malnutrition, reducing the human rights ombudsman’s office budget by $2.5M, cutting the judiciary’s budget almost in half… and the bill’s passage at breakneck speed overnight.”

After some significant damage to the building, police moved in with tear gas to disperse the crowd.

The situation is currently ongoing.


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aa66db No.147741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729277 (212153ZNOV20) Notable: Report: 'Biden's allegiance to Beijing' New Senate report further connects candidate Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's international business dealings, Newsmax TV reports.

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Report: 'Biden's allegiance to Beijing'

New Senate report further connects candidate Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's international business dealings, Newsmax TV reports.

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aa66db No.147742

File: 43f5d97bb755848⋯.png (478.4 KB,999x593,999:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729281 (212153ZNOV20) Notable: Major Corporations Plot Action To Install Biden Into The White House - Report

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Major Corporations Plot Action To Install Biden Into The White House - Report

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aa66db No.147743

File: cef763a6d10a44b⋯.png (704 KB,986x532,493:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729293 (212154ZNOV20) Notable: Senior Taliban Members Meet With US State Secretary in Doha, Spokesman Said

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Senior Taliban Members Meet With US State Secretary in Doha, Spokesman Said

Senior Taliban Members Meet With US State Secretary in Doha, Spokesman Said


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aa66db No.147744

File: ab6d4084e88c6f8⋯.png (338.98 KB,559x650,43:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 00355318a71b790⋯.png (242.23 KB,499x657,499:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 88e8e80d18a93d5⋯.png (245.85 KB,476x647,476:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729295 (212154ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden: Why Are Reporters Asking Me Questions?

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aa66db No.147745

File: 18a22f4a45c746a⋯.png (405.96 KB,850x582,425:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729296 (212154ZNOV20) Notable: Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures, The situation is currently ongoing.

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WATCH: Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures

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aa66db No.147746

File: ca4e14c0521e722⋯.png (419.61 KB,849x518,849:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729322 (212157ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion’s Smartmatic: Chávez-built cornerstone of Trump’s fight in court

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Dominion’s Smartmatic: Chávez-built cornerstone of Trump’s fight in court

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147747

File: 9fced627026692e⋯.png (150.32 KB,1139x603,17:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729326 (212157ZNOV20) Notable: Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links



Statistical analysis of NYT data shows Biden gains lead in increments of 4,300


Nov. 19, 2020 Giuliani-Powell news conference


JustTheNews.com: Math professor flags up to 100,000 ballots


The Epoch Times: Dominion Voting Systems is a no show at Pennsylvania hearing

Newstalk1130: Disability service coordinator blows whistle on vote fraud in group homes


Epoch Times: Wisconsin elections commission agrees to order partial recount


Epoch Times: Arizona governor won't accept election results yet


Read below Affidavit: "500 ballots in a row for Biden in Georgia"


Epoch Times: Georgia monitor catches 9626 vote error

Watch Tweet below: Floyd County, Georgia video doesn’t inspire confidence": Missing batches 1-10


JustTheNews.com: Michigan election board republicans say they were bullied


Gateway Pundit: Detroit voter fraud witness describes election night chaos


Epoch Times: Two charged with voter fraud allegedly submitted 8,000 fraudulent registration applications


Epoch Times: Hundreds of Republican voters say they returned mail-in ballots that data says don't exist


Link to Vendor Guide showing how Dominion voting machine tabulation works


Guide showing how election files are loaded


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147748

File: d954b17e390cf38⋯.png (521.25 KB,654x624,109:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729336 (212158ZNOV20) Notable: MEME!: NY company makes window stickers of Cuomo watching over your Thanksgiving

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NY company makes window stickers of Cuomo watching over your Thanksgiving

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729337 (212158ZNOV20) Notable: Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links



Epoch Times: Third Georgia county finds memory card with uncounted votes two weeks after election


American Thinker: DATA ANALYSIS: Biden's Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin


Link to NYT elections database below:


WATCH: Interview with whistleblower re: alleged election fraud in Detroit


Trump gets twice as many votes as Biden in "found" Georgia votes


Second Georgia county "discovers" hundreds of uncounted votes


JusttheNews.com: Michigan residents swear to what they witnessed


Watch: Undercover Georgia recount video alleging fraud


Million MAGA rally in DC


Anti-lockdown rallies Denmark


More foreign protests


Liverpool protests against lockdowns


Britons objection to mandatory vaccination and here


INTERVIEW WITH Plandemic’s David Martin with RFK Junior


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aa66db No.147750

File: 0d0f6c5241b06a0⋯.png (451.28 KB,680x410,68:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 5def566ac430f8b⋯.png (463 KB,731x923,731:923,Clipboard.png)

File: d10a5419fe76229⋯.png (74.53 KB,726x883,726:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729347 (212159ZNOV20) Notable: Whose New World Order??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whose New World Order??

In his Foreign Policy article of April 2020, Biden states that he will reverse Trump’s embarrassing foreign policy record by standing up to both China, Russia and other totalitarian nations which represent the three-fold plague of “authoritarianism, nationalism and illiberalism” and “once more have America lead the world”.

Biden went further promising to undo the harm Trump has done to NATO by re-enforcing the military body, extending its influence to the Pacific (which sounds a lot like the Esper/Pompeo doctrine for the Pacific), and even demanded that NATO go harder on Russia stating that “the Kremlin fears a strong NATO, the most effective political military alliance in modern history.”

Considering Biden’s nearly 45 year political record supporting every military intervention in American history, opposing de-segregation, eulogizing pro-KKK Senator Strom Thurmond, passing bills that incarcerated petty drug dealers for life on behalf of the cheap labor prison industrial complex and supported the rampant growth of both Wall Street, Big Pharma and the Big Tech run surveillance state, we should think twice before celebrating this man’s possible entry into the halls of the highest office in the USA.

Biden’s call for renewing the NATO alliance in opposition to Russia and China, his support for reversing Trump’s calls for military reduction in the Middle East and his support for extending NATO in the Pacific mixed with his lifelong track record, forces us to ask if Glen Greenwald was right when he quit the Intercept on November 1 saying:

“If Biden wins, that’s going to be the power structure: A democratic party fully united with neocons, Bush/Cheney operatives, CIA/FBI/NSA Wall Street and Silicon Valley: presenting itself as the only protection against fascism. And much of the left will continue marching behind it.”

As it turns out, Greenwald’s warning was absolutely on point, as the entire intelligence apparatus, Big Tech and mainstream media complex which worked desperately to oust President Trump for 4 years and is currently running a vast voting fraud operation as this is written has given its full backing to the narrative of “an inevitable of a Biden presidency”.

In a Nov. 11 article from Antiwar.com entitled Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry, journalist Dave DeCamp demonstrates that of the 23 members of Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team, over one third are directly tied to NATO and the Military Industrial Complex.

As facts continue to emerge of the corrupt deep state structure which totally dominates the geriatric hologram known as Joe Biden, it has become obvious that even the few positive remarks Biden made in support of renewing the START treaty with Russia carry little weight.

Ignoring the very real danger of a new civil war due to the fact that either result will be denied its legitimacy by half of the nation, the question must be asked: If Trump is replaced by a Biden Presidency on January 20th, then what will be the effects both on world stability and US-Russia-China relations?

It is good that Biden supports START’s renewal, but an increasing majority of the nations are opting for a multipolar alliance premised on the defense of national sovereignty, the right to use protectionism, and the construction of large scale megaprojects such as the New Silk Road, Polar Silk Road, advanced space exploration and North South Transportation Corridor.


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aa66db No.147751

File: d292fcfc64c6e70⋯.png (58.94 KB,600x727,600:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 19c7e3cdd1181b6⋯.png (90.22 KB,601x859,601:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729353 (212159ZNOV20) Notable: New @FLYNN

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God Bless You @tracybeanz

Patriots are fed up & I am certain that #DigitalSoldiers will help you accomplish your task














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aa66db No.147752

File: 231471d99f53914⋯.png (1.28 MB,881x953,881:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729354 (212159ZNOV20) Notable: Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.

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Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.

“George Soros is threatening Hungary and Poland,” Prime Minister Orbán told Kossuth Rádió on Friday, referencing the 90-year-old arch-activist’s public lobbying of the EU deprive the conservative-led central European countries of funding.

“George Soros is one of the most corrupt people in the world; he has plenty of politicians in his pocket who now want to blackmail Hungary and Poland for access to EU funds,” the Hungarian leader continued, accusing the billionaire spreading “absurd, beyond-the-red-line statements” about his country.

Soros had claimed, among other things, that “Orbán has constructed in Hungary an elaborate kleptocratic system to rob the country blind. The amount by which he has enriched his family and friends is difficult to estimate but many of them have become exceedingly wealthy” in a recent article — not without a certain level of irony, considering his own vast fortune and past conviction for insider trading.



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aa66db No.147753

File: 08e48ad6fd4897b⋯.png (511.44 KB,641x557,641:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729373 (212201ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan, National Republicans Want State Certification Delayed

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Michigan, National Republicans Want State Certification Delayed

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aa66db No.147754

File: 7a483f28fb0c79a⋯.png (386.85 KB,621x579,207:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729390 (212202ZNOV20) Notable: Newsmax Calls Ga. for Biden After Certification, but Not 2020 Winner

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Newsmax Calls Ga. for Biden After Certification, but Not 2020 Winner

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729409 (212204ZNOV20) Notable: Election officials in Wisconsin’s largest county accused observers for President Donald Trump on Saturday of seeking to obstruct a recount of the presidential results in some instances by objecting to every ballot tabulators pulled to count.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Election officials in Wisconsin’s largest county accused observers for President Donald Trump on Saturday of seeking to obstruct a recount of the presidential results in some instances by objecting to every ballot tabulators pulled to count.

Trump requested the recount in Milwaukee and Dane counties, both heavily liberal, in hopes of undoing Democrat Joe Biden's victory by about 20,600 votes. With no precedent for a recount reversing such a large margin, Trump's strategy is widely seen as aimed at an eventual court challenge, part of a push in key states to undo his election loss.

A steady stream of Republican complaints in Milwaukee was putting the recount far behind schedule, county clerk George Christenson said. He said many Trump observers were breaking rules by constantly interrupting vote counters with questions and comments.

“That’s unacceptable,” he said. He said some of the Trump observers “clearly don't know what they are doing.”

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aa66db No.147756

File: 0d3696576e87c78⋯.png (15.57 KB,905x178,905:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729425 (212206ZNOV20) Notable: Facebook Denies 'Science' - Blocks Danish Study Questioning Efficacy Of Masks

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Facebook Denies 'Science' - Blocks Danish Study Questioning Efficacy Of Masks

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aa66db No.147757

File: 7cf89293eaa884b⋯.png (420.8 KB,2570x1228,1285:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729432 (212206ZNOV20) Notable: 2014: Scytl has all the tools it needs for election fraud

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Uhm this guy went in on SCYTL with some deep research back in 2014


During the eventual interview the SOE spokesperson said that the company only does “custom work for governments” and referred the party to “Scytl” for “specialized election work.”

Obama phones could have possible been used to commit election fraud through SCYTL mobile apps back in the day. WTF the rabbit hole goes forever.

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aa66db No.147758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729454 (212209ZNOV20) Notable: The Biden transition team is weighing attorney general contenders led by Lisa Monaco, who held key national security posts in the Obama administration, and Sally Yates , who gained fame when she was fired by President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the matter

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(Bloomberg) – The Biden transition team is weighing attorney general contenders led by Lisa Monaco, who held key national security posts in the Obama administration, and Sally Yates, who gained fame when she was fired by President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

The choice of either would help President-elect Joe Biden achieve his goal of having women represented at the highest levels of his administration.

Other candidates under consideration include Alabama Senator Doug Jones, who lost his re-election bid this month, and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, one person said.

Monaco and Yates both had extensive careers inside the Justice Department and previously held positions that required Senate confirmation. But her history of tussling with the Trump White House might make Yates’s approval harder if the Senate is still controlled by Republicans.

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aa66db No.147759

File: 31ed9e24bcfbedb⋯.png (387.91 KB,851x522,851:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729455 (212209ZNOV20) Notable: Report: Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

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Report: Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

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aa66db No.147760

File: c9cf4b6167115a8⋯.png (33.42 KB,1213x323,1213:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729498 (212212ZNOV20) Notable: Democrat NM Governor Admits: “You Can’t Enforce” Limited Thanksgiving Gatherings

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Democrat NM Governor Admits: “You Can’t Enforce” Limited Thanksgiving Gatherings

by Jamie White

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aa66db No.147761

File: 0a2bc09cf86a7e6⋯.png (36.96 KB,1357x370,1357:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729509 (212213ZNOV20) Notable: Watch Live: The Great Reset Or The Great Awakening? The Choice Will Determine The Future Of Humanity

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Watch Live: The Great Reset Or The Great Awakening? The Choice Will Determine The Future Of Humanity

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aa66db No.147762

File: 7296ff09db54794⋯.png (32.56 KB,598x273,46:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729513 (212214ZNOV20) Notable: another new @DJT

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Joe Biden was a total disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu, would never have produced a Vaccine in record time (years ahead of schedule), and would do a terrible job of Vaccine delivery - But doesn’t everybody already know that!


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aa66db No.147763

File: 1f7b8294d0a5f0e⋯.png (1.04 MB,967x729,967:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729546 (212217ZNOV20) Notable: 'REIMAGINE JUSTICE' BLM calls on Biden and Dems to back bill that could lead to prisons being ABOLISHED dubbed ‘love letter to black people’

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'REIMAGINE JUSTICE' BLM calls on Biden and Dems to back bill that could lead to prisons being ABOLISHED dubbed ‘love letter to black people’

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147764

File: 7f20309e9f2127d⋯.png (356.39 KB,862x637,862:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729571 (212219ZNOV20) Notable: Shocking! In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election – How Many Other Election Boards Did the Same Thing?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Shocking! In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election – How Many Other Election Boards Did the Same Thing?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147765

File: 4f3ce4625956884⋯.png (75.56 KB,677x846,677:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 97f74caab99fe58⋯.png (84.7 KB,669x916,669:916,Clipboard.png)

File: e80decb2f5ef1ec⋯.png (37.46 KB,694x453,694:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729572 (212219ZNOV20) Notable: Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

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Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism.

The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. But just as importantly, it was stolen because those same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its implementation and ruthless in its execution.

Let’s not forget that liberals have been consumed by a fixation with removing Donald Trump from office for longer than he’s actually been in office. The sordid story of the 2020 election heist begins all the way back in January 2017, when Barack Obama’s former campaign manager and senior advisor, David Plouffe, took a job leading the policy and advocacy efforts of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a “charitable” organization established by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

Earlier this year, just as it was becoming clear that Joe Biden would be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, Plouffe published a book outlining his vision for the Democrats’ roadmap to victory in 2020, which involved a “block by block” effort to turn out voters in key Democratic strongholds in the swing states that would ultimately decide the election, such as Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Minneapolis.

The book was titled, A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump, and it turned out that the citizen Plouffe had in mind was none other than his former boss, Mark Zuckerberg. Although Plouffe no longer officially managed Zuckerberg’s policy and advocacy efforts at that point, the political operative’s influence evidently remained a powerful force.

Thanks to the extensive efforts of investigators and attorneys for the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society, who have been following Zuckerberg’s money for the past 18 months, it is still possible to expose the inner workings of this heist in time to stop it. Perhaps even more importantly, these unsung heroes of American democracy are dedicated to making sure that such a travesty will not become a permanent feature of our elections.


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aa66db No.147766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729597 (212221ZNOV20) Notable: #14971, #14972 1/2, #14972 2/2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FINAL #14972 1/2

Notables are NOT endorsements

#14972 1/2

>>147701 New @DJT

>>147702, >>147705 BREAKING REPORT: Nevada’s own state election site says 1,327,394 BALLOTS WERE CAST in 2020, however 1,405,376 VOTES went to PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.

>>147703 Computer Geek Uncovers Smoking Gun Evidence of Dominion Voter Software Switching Votes From Trump to Biden

>>147704 Biden left without press pool. Why?

>>147706 Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’

>>147707 BREAKING: Georgia SoS Backtracks on Announcement the State Has Certified Election

>>147708 Democratic congressman says Trump and allies should be tried for ‘crimes against our nation;' Gaetz hits back: 'Disgusting'

>>147709 QAnon has become a powerful force in Germany, helping to drive Europe's biggest anti-lockdown movement

>>147710 Law Firm Withdraws From Representing Boockvar Against Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

>>147711 Tucker Carlson's viewers call him a 'traitor' for slamming Trump's election fraud lawyer Sidney Powell after he demanded she produce a 'single piece of evidence' that 8M votes were stolen from the president

>>147712 LIVE: Stop The Steal Rally in Sacramento, California.

>>147713 Smartmatic Corp. v. SVS Holdings, Inc., et al.

>>147714 Our hypocritical leaders refuse to obey their own COVID-19 rules

>>147715 McConaughey Mulls TX Governor Run, Previously Suggested People ‘Take One For The Team,’ Give Up Some Gun Rights

>>147716 Sara A Carter: Orwell’s 1984 is prophetic: How the leftists are trying to change and erase President Trump and history

>>147717 Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

>>147719 Media and Democrats Decide They Love Forever War Now Because Orange Man Bad

>>147720 EXCLUSIVE: Brilliant! America’s Online Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts (VIDEO)

>>147721 The Dirty Game of Influence Peddling

>>147722 From Ruling Class to Oligarchy

>>147723 Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

>>147724, >>147728 “What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday (VIDEO)

>>147725 Cook Political Report Calls it: CA-21 Republican David Valadao defeats Democrat Incumbent TJ Cox

>>147726 Police Called To Anti-Cop Activist Actress Alyssa Milano’s House

>>147727 Michigan GOP legislators promise to ‘follow the law' after Trump meeting

>>147729 Parallel presidency: So-called 'president-elect' Joe Biden muscles in on President Trump

>>147730 Hey, Remember When Media Outlets Were Concerned About Vote Fraud?

>>147731 Cuomo Suggests Sheriffs Who Don’t Enforce 10-Person Thanksgiving Limit Should Be Decertified

>>147732 5 fugitives die in car crash while fleeing after mass jailbreak in Lebanon

>>147733 WATCH LIVE: Protest Activity Live Now in Sacramento

>>147734 Williams College Mathematician Flags up to 100,000 Ballots in Pennsylvania

>>147735 Thinking about that flailing Fox News betrayal

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729605 (212222ZNOV20) Notable: #14971, #14972 1/2, #14972 2/2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FINAL #14972 2/2"

#14972 2/2

>>147736 Sidney Powell has expanded on the scope of the Dominion scam

>>147737 On his worst of days @GenFlynn has always been near by @realDonaldTrump

>>147738 Column: Building America's secret surveillance state - James Bamford

>>147739 Tracy Beanz calls all Digital Soldier Patriots for help.

>>147740, >>147745 Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures, The situation is currently ongoing.

>>147741 Report: 'Biden's allegiance to Beijing' New Senate report further connects candidate Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's international business dealings, Newsmax TV reports.

>>147742 Major Corporations Plot Action To Install Biden Into The White House - Report

>>147743 Senior Taliban Members Meet With US State Secretary in Doha, Spokesman Said

>>147744 Joe Biden: Why Are Reporters Asking Me Questions?

>>147746 Dominion’s Smartmatic: Chávez-built cornerstone of Trump’s fight in court

>>147747, >>147749 Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links

>>147748 MEME!: NY company makes window stickers of Cuomo watching over your Thanksgiving

>>147750 Whose New World Order??

>>147751 New @FLYNN

>>147752 Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.

>>147753 Michigan, National Republicans Want State Certification Delayed

>>147754 Newsmax Calls Ga. for Biden After Certification, but Not 2020 Winner

>>147755 Election officials in Wisconsin’s largest county accused observers for President Donald Trump on Saturday of seeking to obstruct a recount of the presidential results in some instances by objecting to every ballot tabulators pulled to count.

>>147756 Facebook Denies 'Science' - Blocks Danish Study Questioning Efficacy Of Masks

>>147757 2014: Scytl has all the tools it needs for election fraud

>>147758 The Biden transition team is weighing attorney general contenders led by Lisa Monaco, who held key national security posts in the Obama administration, and Sally Yates , who gained fame when she was fired by President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the matter

>>147759 Report: Apple Is Lobbying To Soften Bill That Fights Forced Labor In China

>>147760 Democrat NM Governor Admits: “You Can’t Enforce” Limited Thanksgiving Gatherings

>>147761 Watch Live: The Great Reset Or The Great Awakening? The Choice Will Determine The Future Of Humanity

>>147762 another new @DJT

>>147763 'REIMAGINE JUSTICE' BLM calls on Biden and Dems to back bill that could lead to prisons being ABOLISHED dubbed ‘love letter to black people’

>>147764 Shocking! In March 2020 the Chicago Election Board Approved Providing Remote Access to Dominion for the 2020 Election – How Many Other Election Boards Did the Same Thing?

>>147765 Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147768

File: 1744e2007a25fd5⋯.png (899.73 KB,593x900,593:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729700 (212231ZNOV20) Notable: JJ FLYNN: 24/7 to save the Republic PEPE PIC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New from Joseph J Flynn



24/7 to save the Republic ⁦


⁩ ⁦


⁩ ⁦


⁩ #DigitalSoldiers #FightBack #WeGotThis

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147769

File: c4cedcdc6d4edfc⋯.png (68.25 KB,599x354,599:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729703 (212231ZNOV20) Notable: Sirens Heard in Skies Above Ashkelon After 1 Rocket Launched From Gaza Into Israeli Territory - IDF

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Sirens Heard in Skies Above Ashkelon After 1 Rocket Launched From Gaza Into Israeli Territory - IDF

No casualties or damage was reported following the red alert, with reports saying that at least one rocket landed in an open area, as an explosion was reportedly be heard in the skies above Ashkelon.

The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on Saturday said that a red alert was activated in the city of Ashkelon, noting that details were under investigation. According to an Israeli military allegation, one rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.

According to reports by The Jerusalem Post, witnesses on the scene claimed that explosions could be heard.

Channel 13 reported that a rocket "apparently landed in an open area"

A tweet reads: "Following the report of a warning, one launch was identified from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory".

A tweet reads: "An alert was activated in the city of Ashkelon, the details are under investigation".

A video allegedly showing a rocket in the skies above what was reported to be Ashkelon was shared on social media.

Israel : 1 ou plusieurs projectiles ont été tiré de Gaza vers Ashkelon, le système antimissiles Iron Dome semble avoir été activé & avoir engagé 1 ou plusieurs cibles. L'interception semble avoir échoué au moins pour 1 projectile, un impact ayant été signalé en zone inhabitée. pic.twitter.com/dfqczzigao

— Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) November 21, 2020

​Magen David Adom - an Israeli National Emergency Pre-Hospital Medical and Blood Services Organization - said no casualties were reported.

"Following the red alert that was sounded in the last minutes in the Ashkelon sector, no calls were received for casualties at MDA's 101 hotline", MDA stated.


Israel is about to bomb Gaza as usual


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aa66db No.147770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729710 (212232ZNOV20) Notable: DoubleSpeak Is Here - Delusional MSM Praises GOP Lawmaker "Defending" CA Gov Newsom's "Idiotic Edicts"

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DoubleSpeak Is Here - Delusional MSM Praises GOP Lawmaker "Defending" CA Gov Newsom's "Idiotic Edicts"

In a Wednesday speech from the House floor, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) used what's commonly known as sarcasm to mock California Governor Gavin Newsom's hypocritical and "idiotic" COVID-19 restrictions, after he violated his own advice at an upscale dinner party over the weekend.

Newsom issued a misleading apology for breaking his own mandates during a dinner party at the French Laundry restaurant in Yountville, CA for a high-level lobbyist. In attendance were members of the California Medical Association.

"I rise this morning in defense of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who recently defied his own idiotic COVID edicts as he partied at one of the few restaurants that's not yet been forced out of business," McClintock began, mockingly.

"I defend him because he was doing what we once all did in a free society: make our own decisions over what risks we're willing to run and what cautions we're willing to take according to our own circumstances to protect our own health."

Now, before we get to the MSM's 'presentation' of McClintock's speech, here's more of it followed by a clip for your edification:

"Every time we step outside our homes, the risks that we face multiply. A free society assumes that it's citizens are competent to assess those risks, balance them against the avoidance costs, and to manage their decisions in a generally responsible way. It's called common sense. And it's a necessary prerequisite for self-government and liberty. The choices that octogenarian with emphysema might be very different from those of a healthy governor of California. Only a fool would claim the omnipotence to make an informed judgement for every person in every circumstance in every community.


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aa66db No.147771

File: 9fa0c71b998d1ff⋯.png (54.77 KB,463x901,463:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 586924f03b2fc4d⋯.png (4.98 KB,492x103,492:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729718 (212233ZNOV20) Notable: Ron Paul Institute: Biden’s Deep State

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Biden’s Deep State

Philosopher Hannah Arendt once wrote about the banality of evil, and there’s never been a more banal bunch than the foreign policy and security state crew Barak Obama surrounded himself with for eight years beside the possible exception of Bush's own Neocons.

Now after three years screaming about "Russian collusion" it appears the Evil Empire is about to regain its lost ground, championing new wars and more interventionist expansionism with a much greater role for the US military in the world.

Let's name names.


For the defense chief post, the Washington Post has portrayed the banal face of Michele Flournoy as the pick to 'restore stability' to the Pentagon, an entirely false assertion. Recall that Fluornoy promotes unilateral global US military intervention, and advocated the destruction of Libya in 2011. By the military-industrial revolving door, Flournoy enabled many Corporate weaponry contracts amounting to tens of millions. Likewise Fluornoy is on the Booz-Hamilton board, where the swamp cannot get any deeper. As if this wretched example of an agent-provocateur for war and destruction were not bad enough, Biden is reportedly considering Lockheed-Martin banal kingpin Jeh Johnson for the DoD position, too.

Lockheed director Johnson was employed by Rob Reiner and Atlantic editor arch-Neocon David Frum to run the Committee to Investigate Russia which mysteriously blew up as soon as the Mueller Report was released. Jeh Johnson has continued to warn of “Russian interference” in the US presidential election until now. Biden’s anointing as president-elect has ended that. As Homeland Security head, Johnson authorized cages for holding immigrant children. He also supported the assassination of General Suleimani, and has voiced support for US wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


From Libya to Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and beyond, the banality of evil is perhaps best personified by Susan Rice – apparently Biden’s premiere pick for Secretary. Rice was an abject failure at the United Nations, but all seems forgiven, probably at the behest of Biden’s donors. After her failure at the UN, Obama kicked Rice upstairs to be his National Security Advisor, a position that does not require Senate approval.

An obvious war hawk in the mold of the Democrat’s donor class, a Rice appointment could reinforce the liberal mantra that women can be just as good at interventionism as men, and ensure full re-establishment of the Neoliberal agenda in Washington. John Kerry has been flagged as a potential for State (again) too, but at age 77 and subsequent to the failure of the JCPOA Kerry is an unlikely pick.


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aa66db No.147772

File: f8c4859f064b3ba⋯.png (34 KB,599x274,599:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729750 (212236ZNOV20) Notable: New @DJT

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The Fake News is not talking about the fact that “Covid” is running wild all over the World, not just in the U.S. I was at the Virtual G-20 meeting early this morning and the biggest subject was Covid. We will be healing fast, especially with our vaccines!


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aa66db No.147773

File: 3b806383fd3ab38⋯.png (442.57 KB,626x587,626:587,Clipboard.png)

File: a356b1663171bf3⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729766 (212238ZNOV20) Notable: GEORGIA: Trump supporters are gathering outside the Governor’s Mansion.

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Heather Mullins - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV)


GEORGIA: Trump supporters are gathering outside the Governor’s Mansion.



3:04 PM · Nov 21, 2020

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aa66db No.147774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729816 (212243ZNOV20) Notable: IllInois: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election

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IllInois: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election

With election systems security at the forefront the notion that the third-largest city in the United States has completely unsecired voting is enough to invalidate their results

As the nation is focused on the lack of system security in the 2020 General Election, now comes news that not only did Dominion Voting Systems have access to the entirety of the Chicago voting system and database, they had that access for over half a year. In a March 2020 video of an emergency meeting of the Chicago Election Board (CEB), that body approved a motion to provide Dominion Voting Systems the right and capability to remotely access their machines in an administrative role during the 2020 election. Eric Coomer, the Director of Product Strategy & Security for Dominion Voting Systems, was a full participant on the call suggesting that, from the start, Dominion was the one running the elections in Chicago, the thirds-largest city in the United States and one that glows cobalt blue in its politics. According to the Chicago Tribune, the votes in Chicago went lopsided toward Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden. Biden received 74.34 percent of the vote with 1,714,792 ballots cast in his name, to President Trump’s 24.06 percent with 555,001 ballots cast in his name. The video, titled “Chicago Election Board – Emergency Meeting – 2020-03-19” and available on YouTube, finds Dominion Voting executives Coomer and Nicole Nollette, Executive Vice President of Dominion Voting Systems on the call. In the meeting the CEB approves allowing election personnel, including Dominion Voting System contractors, to telework and “work from home” – or work remotely – due to the COVID emergency.

This move by the CEB allowed Dominion Voting Systems contractor personnel, including election systems administrators and technicians from Dominion, full remote access to Chicago’s election systems, files, and databases from anywhere at any time. Dominion Voting Systems administrators had free, open, and unfettered access to Chicago’s election systems, files, and data for 7-1/2 months prior to the election. They had full access to all voter registration information poll books, requests for absentee ballots, voter mailout lists, and virtually everything related to elections. If Chicago’s election results were invalidated because of vote fraud and ballot manipulation, Biden’s total of 3,450,333 votes in Illinois would be reduced to 1,735,541 while President Trump’s total of 2,434,252 votes in that state would be reduced to 1,879,251. President Trump would win Illinois’ 20 Electoral College votes by 143,710 votes, a comfortable margin.


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aa66db No.147775

File: 68b63c33183fa09⋯.png (231.08 KB,749x829,749:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729842 (212246ZNOV20) Notable: Sequoia Licensed Cell Phone Reporting Hardware From Smartmatic

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Sequoia Licensed Cell Phone Reporting Hardware From Smartmatic

"Smartmatic promises to grant to Hart a license to use its intellectual property currently found in Sequoia’s machines."


What IP was Sequoia using?

"What Blaine did not say is that the Edge2Plus and Hybrid Activator Accumulator Transmitter (“HAAT”) are owned by Smartmatic and licensed by Smartmatic to Sequoia."


What is HAAT?

"Sequoia's Optech Insight has an optional modem for transmitting election results, and can also transmit results via a proprietary Sequoia device called a Hybrid Activator and Accumulator (HAAT).The HAAT accumulates results from machines in a polling place, and transmits them to the jurisidiction's central election office via a wireless cellular network."


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aa66db No.147776

File: bb1fa8f5caae8f6⋯.jpg (382.77 KB,1919x957,1919:957,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729869 (212249ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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VM767 returning from Morristown Regional, Hanover. PAT009 returning from El Paso International. E-4B Nightwatch over Charlotte.

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aa66db No.147777

File: c952a393ee6e054⋯.jpg (546.28 KB,1913x955,1913:955,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729894 (212251ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

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VM767 looks liek ot had an E-6 Mercury TACAMO flying escort. Call sign BINGE22 = 22 November?

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aa66db No.147778

File: 70d80dabece508e⋯.png (404.49 KB,544x421,544:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b1f4c98ccc8c4a⋯.png (301.54 KB,593x412,593:412,Clipboard.png)

File: b7562474741ba47⋯.png (453.88 KB,855x758,855:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dbb4a26c3d51a3⋯.png (24.64 KB,849x194,849:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729952 (212257ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Supporter Plows Vehicle Through Trump Rally in Wauwatosa, Proud Boys Administer Aid to the Injured

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Biden Supporter Plows Vehicle Through Trump Rally in Wauwatosa, Proud Boys Administer Aid to the Injured

A belligerent Democrat plowed through a crowd of Trump supporters rallying in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, on Saturday — injuring at least one person.

Proud Boys administered first aid to the injured until EMTs arrived.

A witness at the scene who first contacted Gateway Pundit about the incident wrote that “I was at the Wauwatosa protest today and a man was purposely hit by a car while standing next to me. Proud Boys promptly administered first aid until an ambulance arrived.” He added that the “Proud Boys did an excellent job of keeping the peace.”

Gateway Pundit reached out to Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio, who confirmed that there was an incident with a driver at the rally.

The President of the Wauwatosa Proud Boys told the Gateway Pundit that “somebody was hit by a car on purpose. He tried to hit more people than just the one he did.”

Another witness said that “he was basically telling us to ‘go f-ck ourselves’ and trashing Trump. We initially saw him on the other side of the street, he was talking to people over there — probably saying the same things. He was impeding traffic over there, so he pulled up, did a U-turn so he was going East on North Avenue, and turned South on to the road where we were.”

“He was in the turn lane saying all the same stuff, and finally a bunch of people came up to his car. He took off into the crowd, he overturned into the crowd, and sped down Mayfair Road.”


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aa66db No.147779

File: 286263e6f24918d⋯.png (377.65 KB,676x626,338:313,Clipboard.png)

File: fd0a05083fe3543⋯.png (121.28 KB,539x635,539:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 524600160fe473c⋯.png (134.44 KB,753x659,753:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11729986 (212301ZNOV20) Notable: DHS tries to self-correct succession order amid challenges to acting secretary's authority

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DHS tries to self-correct succession order amid challenges to acting secretary's authority

Geneva SandsPriscilla Alvarez byline

By Geneva Sands and Priscilla Alvarez, CNN

Updated 7:55 PM ET, Tue November 17, 2020


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aa66db No.147780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730000 (212302ZNOV20) Notable: Smartmatic patent to communicate with an external memory over a network

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Smartmatic patent to communicate with an external memory over a network

Is this the HAAT patent?

"The memory interface(s) may be, for example, structure capable of interfacing with a memory outside of the system, such as, for example, a memory cartridge of a voting machine. The memory interface(s) may each be configured to interface with a different type of voting machine cartridge or may be configured to each interface with more than one type of voting machine cartridge.Furthermore, one or more of the memory interface(s) may be configured as a receiver that communicates with an external memory over a network, such as, for example, a wired network, a wireless network(e.g., a CDMA 1X network), an intranet, an extranet, and/or the Internet.


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aa66db No.147781

File: 7cfac7d06fc10f6⋯.png (864.56 KB,1061x937,1061:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730099 (212312ZNOV20) Notable: “Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)

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“Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)


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aa66db No.147782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730107 (212312ZNOV20) Notable: “Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)

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Full Video

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aa66db No.147783

File: 4f923d02d3836a0⋯.png (15.21 KB,600x157,600:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730127 (212314ZNOV20) Notable: New @DJT: The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!

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The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!


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aa66db No.147784

File: 2622c40130ba2c9⋯.png (151.26 KB,632x691,632:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730168 (212320ZNOV20) Notable: The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

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Replying to


Translation:The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

5:18 PM · Nov 21, 2020


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aa66db No.147785

File: c83b02abedc27f9⋯.png (184 KB,1328x774,664:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 5be7936b202a23a⋯.png (201.17 KB,1301x786,1301:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 6963ffecf93ecf7⋯.png (158.88 KB,1371x773,1371:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730197 (212324ZNOV20) Notable: The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

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>Founder Group


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aa66db No.147786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730221 (212326ZNOV20) Notable: The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

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>Replying to


>Translation:The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

>5:18 PM · Nov 21, 2020


11390555 at 2020-11-01 15:35:37 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14548: ZERO DELTA TREASURE TROVE Edition

All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation


1,000s of pages of evidence connecting the Biden family to Chinese entities. Every single business entity's full registration in China and Delaware. All related press releases. Everything.

Thornton Group LLC

James Bulger, Chairman of Thornton Group

Lin Junliang, Chief Executive Officer

Rosemont Seneca

Chairman Hunter Biden

Rosemont Realty

Bill Richardson

Hunter Biden

Chris Heinz (John Kerry Family)

China Fund Raising in Taiwan

China Investment Co., Ltd.

Gao Xiqing, General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of China Investment Corporation

National Council of Social Security Funds

Ji Guoqiang, Equity Assets Department (Industrial Investment Department) of the National Council of Social Security Fund

China Life Asset Management Co., Ltd

Vice President Cui Yong of China Life Asset Management Co., Ltd.,

Post Savings Bank of China

Peng Zuogang, GeneralManager of Postal Savings Bank of China

Hillhouse Capital

Zhang Lei, Founder of Hillhouse Capital

Founder Group

Wei Xin, Chairman of Founder Group, and

Xia Yangjun, Vice President of Founder Group

#11253343 at 2020-10-24 17:39:48 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14375: Warriors of The Light Stand Unitedd





Here is the LinkedIn Profile of Biden's Partner in Thornton

Michael Lin ??? Co-Founder & CEO, Thornton Group LLC Beijing City, China

Mr. Lin has traveled extensively throughout Asia and America working on international equity capital transactions. He has visited more than 1000 companies and worked with a variety of governmental agencies to float Asian companies on the China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the U.S. stock exchanges and close cross-border M&A transactions. Mr. Lin has successfully built an extensive network and close relationships with both business and political communities in greater China region.

He has worked in Boston, New York, Hong Kong, Beijing and Taipei for the last 25 years. Before co-founding Thornton Group, LLC and Solebury Thornton (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd., Mr. Lin held Asia regional senior management roles at JP Morgan Chase, American Express, ING Baring and Deutsche Bank Securities. He was President of Sino-Trade Securities and CEO of Greater China Investment Banking of Taiwan International Securities before heading the private equity and international finance and investment operations as Vice President at Peking University Founder Group. He has written extensively on greater China's political and economic development in various Chinese columns and has frequently been interviewed and quoted by the local press. He authored ?Investment In China After Its Entry To The WTO?

Mr. Lin is active in the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, a U.S. non-profit, non-partisan, independent NGO for the leaders of the state legislatures- an elite Group of approximately 400 legislative leaders including House Speakers, Senate Presidents, Majority Leaders, Minority Leaders and Pro Tempores. He constantly arranges and sponsors Leaders-Meet-Leaders gatherings for American and Chinese political and business elites to get to know their counterparts to facilitate investment and trade cooperation and enhance cultural exchanges. Mr. Lin has successfully helped lead SLLF's expansion into Asia and he concurrently serves as SLLF's Senior Advisor.

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aa66db No.147787

File: ac19ecc9395a9f8⋯.png (401.98 KB,535x514,535:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730268 (212331ZNOV20) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein case subpoena seeks docs related to billionaire Glenn Dubin's kids

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Jeffrey Epstein case subpoena seeks docs related to billionaire Glenn Dubin's kids



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aa66db No.147788

File: b0f5a56113f142f⋯.png (287.62 KB,885x735,59:49,Clipboard.png)

File: b1a4217f638eeba⋯.png (503.68 KB,856x699,856:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730276 (212333ZNOV20) Notable: The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

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Dominion Voting Systems Was Developed by Peking University’s Founder Group

by Michael Suede • November 20, 2020

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aa66db No.147789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730314 (212337ZNOV20) Notable: Call for Digs: Diebold website

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Call for Digs: Diebold website

I found this archive link on the Diebold website, original no longer active:

Diebold Sells U.S. Elections Systems Business to ES&S


At the bottom are the following three "Related Assets" links, but none of them are coming up on Archive.org or Archive.today. Hoping someone has a secret up their sleeve to get more info.







that third one is especially interesting because Scytl bought SOE software in 2012 as seen here:

January 11, 2012: Scytl enters the US Voting Market with purchase of SEO Software, a Tampa based manufacturer of election management and reporting software known as the Clarity Suite.


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aa66db No.147790

File: ae36e7238d15d57⋯.png (852.01 KB,926x757,926:757,Clipboard.png)

File: e5b621c239c3fca⋯.png (148.43 KB,1032x751,1032:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730316 (212337ZNOV20) Notable: The actual controller of Sequoia Capital is the CCP.

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==Unmask the disguise of Dominion voting system:CCP uses the Peking University Founder Group

to manipulate the U.S. election==

The actual controller of Sequoia Capital is the CCP.



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aa66db No.147791

File: ee408bda1407eb4⋯.jpeg (218.02 KB,750x1121,750:1121,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ecbdca52d05883⋯.jpeg (227.18 KB,750x1103,750:1103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1456bb9c82665e2⋯.jpeg (177.27 KB,750x857,750:857,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a041c4a4fb812c⋯.jpeg (192.52 KB,750x963,250:321,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730341 (212342ZNOV20) Notable: Congressman Kelly, Sean Parnell file lawsuit to get mail-in ballots thrown out of election results

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730359 (212344ZNOV20) Notable: #14973

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FINAL #14973save for next bread anons

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147768 JJ FLYNN: 24/7 to save the Republic PEPE PIC

>>147769 Sirens Heard in Skies Above Ashkelon After 1 Rocket Launched From Gaza Into Israeli Territory - IDF

>>147770 DoubleSpeak Is Here - Delusional MSM Praises GOP Lawmaker "Defending" CA Gov Newsom's "Idiotic Edicts"

>>147771 Ron Paul Institute: Biden’s Deep State

>>147772 New @DJT

>>147773 GEORGIA: Trump supporters are gathering outside the Governor’s Mansion.

>>147774 IllInois: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election

>>147775 Sequoia Licensed Cell Phone Reporting Hardware From Smartmatic

>>147776, >>147777 Planefag

>>147778 Biden Supporter Plows Vehicle Through Trump Rally in Wauwatosa, Proud Boys Administer Aid to the Injured

>>147779 DHS tries to self-correct succession order amid challenges to acting secretary's authority

>>147780 Smartmatic patent to communicate with an external memory over a network

>>147781, >>147782 “Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)

>>147783 New @DJT: The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!

>>147784, >>147785, >>147786, >>147788 The U.S. election voting system (Dominion Voting system) was developed by the Founder Group in Northern China, covering 30 states in the United States.

>>147787 Jeffrey Epstein case subpoena seeks docs related to billionaire Glenn Dubin's kids

>>147789 Call for Digs: Diebold website

>>147790 The actual controller of Sequoia Capital is the CCP.

>>147791 Congressman Kelly, Sean Parnell file lawsuit to get mail-in ballots thrown out of election results


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aa66db No.147793

File: 2f67c7b8c23921e⋯.png (1.24 MB,1965x822,655:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730448 (212354ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Theory: Hillary tweet comms?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147794

File: 0c4b33dc1ce8501⋯.png (53.46 KB,945x2048,945:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cbe144c75d3292⋯.png (441.93 KB,945x2048,945:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: 55b55dee6f31601⋯.png (650.44 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730469 (212355ZNOV20) Notable: Kirkland & Ellis "reportedly" left messages harrasing trump lawyers in PA.

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Kirkland & Ellis "reportedly" left messages harrasing trump lawyers in PA.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147795

File: dc94da9791f0e8d⋯.png (307.76 KB,559x528,559:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730496 (212358ZNOV20) Notable: B-52 bombers deployed to Middle East

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== B-52 bombers deployed to Middle East

Trump admin announced a drawdown of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq Tuesday

The U.S. military deployed B-52 bombers to the Middle East Saturday, just days after the Trump administration announced a partial withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

U.S. Central Command said the U.S. Air Force B-52H “Stratofortress” aircrews conducted the mission on "short notice" to "deter aggression and reassure U.S. partners and allies."

“The ability to quickly move forces into, out of and around the theater to seize, retain and exploit the initiative is key to deterring potential aggression," said Lt. Gen. Greg Guillot, 9th Air Force commander.

"These missions help bomber aircrews gain familiarity with the region’s airspace and command, and control functions and allow them to integrate with the theater’s U.S. and partner air assets, increasing the combined force’s overall readiness.”

President Trump's new acting defense secretary Christopher Miller announced Tuesday a drawdown of troops to 2,500 in Afghanistan and 2,500 in Iraq by Jan. 15 of next year. There are roughly 4,500 troops in Afghanistan and 3,000 in Iraq right now.

"In light of these tremendous sacrifices, and with great humility and gratitude to those who came before us, I am formally announcing that we will implement President Trump's orders to continue our repositioning of forces from those two countries," Miller said Tuesday.

"This is consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives, supported by the American people, and does not equate to a change in policy or objectives."

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Doha, Qatar, Saturday to take part in what could be his last round of negotiations with the Taliban and Afghan government about a peace deal.

Violence in Afghanistan soared this year, as eight people were killed just hours before peace talks were set to begin Saturday when mortars hit a residential area of Kabul.

It is unclear where the B-52H bombers went in the Middle East Saturday, but they left from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota.

Minot Air Force Base is the only base in the United States that houses both intercontinental ballistic missiles in underground silos as well as a fleet of bombers also capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

It marks the first B-52 mission to the Middle East in several months. In January, after the U.S. military’s elite Joint Special Operations Command killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike, six B-52 bombers were dispatched to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.


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aa66db No.147796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730505 (220000ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood wants arrests! Explosive interview with Lin Wood

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Explosive interview with Lin Wood!

40 minutes in it gets real good

Epstein temple has birthing stations

Epstein with Gates wanted to create perfect race, nanotechnology vacc

Gates Vacc is WO2020 060606 [world order 2020 666]

Level of pedo in gov will be revealed

Satanism in gov will be revealed

NOTABLELin Wood wants arrests!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147797

File: cdd1f7dcb8af0c6⋯.png (436.68 KB,496x313,496:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c76482b4d006c2⋯.png (160.63 KB,915x786,305:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d7b176e9bfcb8a⋯.png (172.09 KB,945x809,945:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 0827ca3568867fd⋯.png (179.95 KB,920x831,920:831,Clipboard.png)

File: e2eea8db6aa92ce⋯.png (149.49 KB,937x701,937:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730511 (220001ZNOV20) Notable: Do Not Trust Governments With The Control Of Money

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Do Not Trust Governments With The Control Of Money

If there one thing that is fairly certain in this life – besides the seeming inescapability of death and taxes – is that once someone is appointed to almost any position in the political and bureaucratic structures of a government they soon discover how important and essential is the organization of which they are a part for the well-being of the nation. The country could not exist without it, along with its increasing budget and expanded authority. This applies to the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, no less than other parts of government.

The news media has reported that the apparently unlikely appointment of Dr. Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors probably will be successfully maneuvered through the full Senate confirmation process. Shelton would then sit on the Federal Reserve Board filling the balancing a term that ends in 2024 and then made eligible for a 14-year term. Hers has been one of the more controversial nominations to the Fed in recent years, with critics fervently expressing their negative views of her.

For instance, Tony Fratto, a former Treasury official and deputy press secretary under George W. Bush, was recently quoted as saying that Shelton’s appointment would be “a discredit to the Senate and the Fed. It screams. Nothing at all is serious. Not us. Not you. Not them.”

Mainstream Economists Against Anyone for Gold

Back in August of this year, over one hundred academic and business economists issued an open letter to members of the U.S. Senate calling for rejection of her nomination to the Fed. Among those who signed were some economics Nobel Laureates, including Robert Lucas and Joseph Stiglitz. They insisted on her unfitness for such an appointment. Why? They said: “She has advocated a return to the gold standard; she has questioned the need for federal deposit insurance; she has even questioned the need for a central bank at all.”

They also accused her of hypocrisy, saying that Shelton had changed her stance on Federal Reserve policy and the institution’s relevance based simply on a desire to be appointed to the Fed board, and to serve the wishes of the president who had nominated her. So, she stands damned if she opposes the Fed with her call for a gold-backed currency, and she is damned if she modifies her positions on monetary policy supposedly to be more palatable to the Senators deciding her professional fate. Clearly, her critics would only stop being critical if they were somehow convinced that Judy Shelton truly loved the Fed, hated the gold standard, and supported “activist” monetary policy and interest rate manipulation; and for the full 14 years of her term on the Fed Board.

Political campaigns are full of people who say that they are drawn to higher echelon government employment so they can “give back” to or “serve” the country, and no doubt there are some who are seriously sincere when they say so. But who can deny that what also appeals to such people, and many others who are far more crudely opportunistic, is the attraction of being a “player” and an “insider” in the various halls of political power and decision-making in determining the bigger picture of the “shape-of-things-to-come?”

And it may be that Judy Shelton, based on her own statements of desiring to “serve” the country in this particular capacity, truly wants to, even with all her apparent changing views and emphases. Or maybe it’s all a game to say what she thinks others want and need to hear so that will approve her as a Board member of the Federal Reserve, and then sit at the Big Boy’s – oh, I mean the Big Person’s – table.


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aa66db No.147798

File: 18e68da97ab8757⋯.png (518.36 KB,599x692,599:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730512 (220001ZNOV20) Notable: Tesla factory workers in California will be exempt from new coronavirus restrictions taking effect Saturday in the state because they are considered essential, after CEO Elon Musk feuded with authorities over an earlier shutdown

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Tesla factory workers in California will be exempt from new coronavirus restrictions taking effect Saturday in the state because they are considered essential, after CEO Elon Musk feuded with authorities over an earlier shutdown


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aa66db No.147799

File: 7591e79c56c6abf⋯.png (77.63 KB,255x123,85:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d9d400bddd637a⋯.png (28.23 KB,255x142,255:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 0433b25a6d252a1⋯.png (51.43 KB,255x139,255:139,Clipboard.png)

File: dd114ef5d3803ec⋯.png (637 KB,1311x763,1311:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 300afc50514f385⋯.png (225.77 KB,1318x711,1318:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730526 (220002ZNOV20) Notable: DIG!: Florence Fang, Peking University Education Foundation (USA)

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PEKING University, creator of Voting Software>>>>Florence Fang>>>>GHWB>>>PELOSI>>>>US Congress

Peking University Education Foundation (USA)




The Snake's Fang that kills us

remember the raid on Houston Chinese Counsel…close to GHWB Library and arrest of 2 chines spies in California??

Is it about the Election or the Virus …or both?

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aa66db No.147800

File: f5516d5f1983491⋯.jpeg (492.4 KB,1418x854,709:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730544 (220004ZNOV20) Notable: TORONTO BANS FACE-TO-FACE SEX

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147801

File: 9d5a15fd1e1b28c⋯.png (442.88 KB,639x635,639:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730614 (220012ZNOV20) Notable: DIG!: Florence Fang, Peking University Education Foundation (USA)

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>Florence Fang

Biden Geriatric Centre Globe with meridians


Replying to


Pelosi was also strolling through #SF Chinatown back in late Feb 2020. just when the pandemic was about to hit USA in a major way. She was pictured with Florence Fang, a powerful local Commie activist with ties to Communist China was threatening Taiwanese

Pelosi Lunches in SF Chinatown, Lending Support to Businesses Amid Coronavirus Fears | KQED

As she toured San Francisco Chinatown, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized the Trump administration for proposed budget cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Biden Geriatric Centre Globe with meridians


Replying to


Pelosi was also strolling through #SF Chinatown back in late Feb 2020. just when the pandemic was about to hit USA in a major way.She was pictured with Florence Fang, a powerful local Commie activistwith ties to Communist China was threatening Taiwanese

Pelosi Lunches in SF Chinatown, Lending Support to Businesses Amid Coronavirus Fears | KQED

As she toured San Francisco Chinatown, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized the Trump administration for proposed budget cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


–Why PELOSI really visited China town…to get Marching orders from FANG==

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aa66db No.147802

File: 925a680459668b4⋯.png (190.83 KB,518x301,74:43,Clipboard.png)

File: cacbfaa338e626a⋯.png (72.63 KB,992x831,992:831,Clipboard.png)

File: f3f5a37fea2bc3a⋯.png (343.92 KB,993x773,993:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730627 (220013ZNOV20) Notable: Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?

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Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?

When I wrote back in March that Britain as we knew it was finished, I did so for three main reasons:

Firstly, the mass quarantining of millions of healthy people for (almost) the first time in history, for a virus that is not remotely deadly to them (and yes this was known in March), could not possibly be a medical necessity and must instead be for some other reason. I say "almost", because there was one other short-lived attempt at the mass quarantining of healthy people in Mexico back in 2009, but that experiment ended after less than three weeks, when the Mexican Government came to its senses, realising the immense social and economic harm it would do to their country. We are not nearly so fortunate, and have now been subject to our Psychological, Economic and Social Trial (PEST) for 8 months, including two pointless national Lockdowns; Maskup, which is designed to perpetuate fear, test our compliance, and have us walking around like humiliated prisoners; along with utterly absurd diktats, such as the Rule of Fiddlesticks or whatever it is called. If anyone still seriously thinks this was done for health reasons, there are — I understand — a number of bridges going cheap on Ebay.

Secondly, the suppressions placed upon the people, under the absurd claim that we can control viruses, was bound to be far longer lasting than we were being told, since coronaviruses don't just disappear. And because they don't disappear, the changes to the social, economic and psychological state of people, families, communities and whole nations were bound to be seismic and even epochal in nature. And so it is turning out to be. 2020 is not just another year; it is the start of a new era, and a sinister start no less.

Thirdly, it became quite clear to me a long while ago that Western societies have moved from a state where people could be reasonably confident that what they were being told by Governments and the media had at least some basis in reality, to one where reality itself was being shape-shifted and manipulated to such an extent that it is now largely impossible to be sure of what is and isn't real in the civic sphere any longer. We now live in the World of Unreality, where truth is buried and obscured by a quite obscene mountain of lies and deception.

I am quite sure that with a few exceptions, most people who read what I wrote in March thought I had lost what remaining marbles I may once have possessed. But I am equally sure that many more people now start to see what I was getting at, and are also wondering what happened to their country and whether they'll ever get it back.

A key part of doing so, along with the obvious need for national repentance, is that third point. I often come back to a comment attributed to Karl Rove, George W. Bush's Chief of Staff, since it is perhaps the best explanation of what has been done to us over the last couple of decades, and in 2020 is being dished out in the concentrated version and causing the world to go off in the great nutsy, loony spasm that it has:

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Few would associate Rove with revolutionary fervour, but there is in this statement something remarkably revolutionary.


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aa66db No.147803

File: 66a1796dd4b961b⋯.png (11.57 KB,556x162,278:81,Clipboard.png)

File: a77a85b0cee90c2⋯.png (50.1 KB,561x415,561:415,Clipboard.png)

File: da9257e7c2cda7c⋯.png (27.11 KB,558x224,279:112,Clipboard.png)

File: d4cc4eaf7d6e4bd⋯.png (98.1 KB,562x547,562:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fe4eb5c36b3b60⋯.png (81.71 KB,564x696,47:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730639 (220014ZNOV20) Notable: Anon theory: POTUS pens and Herridge highlighters

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Not sure if anyone has brought this up. Thought I'd throw it out just in case.

I've always been curious about Markers 1-9 and I've begun trying to tie them to Herridge's highlighters and POTUS's pens. Haven't gotten far into that bit yet because I was just given chills by Marker 1.

Here are the drops working backwards through time. Future proves past.

Q_3231 - March 27, 2019 at 19:28:58 EST

Marker [1]



(pic of watch face at 4:49; day set to 19)

Now go back

12 days

4 hours

30 minutes

12 seconds

to this drop:

Q_3092 - March 15, 2019 at 14:58:46 EST


[Marker 1 Complete]


(pic of watch face at 3:42; day set to 2)

Delta between watch faces in pics is1:07(1 minute, 7 seconds)

Now go back

276 days

3 hours

49 minutes

59 seconds

to this drop:

Q_1464 - June 12, 2018 at 11:08:47 EST

No. 100

Dark to Light.



Do you believe in coincidences?


It's that last line that got me. He was asking if we believe in coincidences for a "coincidence" that wasn't due to happen for another 288 days, 8 hours, 20 minutes and 11 seconds.

Now go back

155 days

12 hours

18 minutes

49 seconds

to the VERY FIRST drop about Marker [1]:

Q_505 - January 7, 2018 at 22:49:58 EST

Marker [1] Confirmed.

Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1



Counting backwards as clue to Marker [1] working backwards? There's got to be a deeper meaning to 15, 10, 5, 1.

So, from

Q_505 Marker [1] Confirmed


Q_3231 Marker [1] Set

we have

443 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes and 0 seconds

0 seconds, ffs.

3231 - 505 = 2726

Q_2726 - February 15, 2019 at 05:11:04 EST

Be alert next 10 days

FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).

High possibility of 'multiple day' coverage event forcing pause on news.

See something > Say something


Maybe the 2726 is stretching it too far, but thought I'd include it anyway given how once voter fraud is proven, shit's gonna get real.

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aa66db No.147804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730739 (220024ZNOV20) Notable: Massachusetts State Democratic Lawmaker Arrested On Charges Of Embezzling Campaign Funds

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Massachusetts State Democratic Lawmaker Arrested On Charges Of Embezzling Campaign Funds

October 21, 2020 Martin Walsh

Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service recently arrested a Massachusetts state House lawmaker on more than two dozen corruption charges for embezzling campaign funds and bank and tax fraud.

Massachusetts Democratic State Rep. David Nangle was arrested at his home in Lowell by FBI agents, according to a report from the Department of Justice.

Nangle, who served on the state’s House Ethics Committee, could face up to 30 years in prison amid allegations he illegally and unethically used campaign funds to live a lavish lifestyle.

According to the unsealed 28-count indictment, the Democratic politician purportedly conducted a scheme that began in 2014 that allowed him to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign, a bank and the IRS to make personal purchases and to cover his gambling habit.

“As alleged, Rep. Nangle used the power of his position on Beacon Hill to fund a lifestyle out of his reach, unwittingly financed by those who put him there, while also cheating you, the taxpayers,” Special Agent in Charge Joseph R. Bonavolonta of the FBI Boston Division said in a statement. “Today’s arrest should be a warning to others that corruption in any form, at any level of government, will not be tolerated.”

The 28-page indictment alleges that from 2014 to 2019, the 59-year-old former ethics committee chairman was heavily in debt as a result of “extensive gambling” at several casinos and at Internet gambling sites, and to sustain his habit he used campaign funds, defrauded his bank and failed to report income to the IRS.

He also used the funds to cover golf club dues, rent cars, and buy flowers for his girlfriends, gas, hotels, and restaurants.

Nangle is accused of stealing more than $70,000 from his campaign through the use of a debit card and buying gift cards purportedly for his staff and using them for his own expenses.

Nangle could face decades in prison depending on how many charges he is convicted on, prosecutors said.

“He faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for the wire fraud charge. The bank fraud charge carries a maximum sentence of 30 years and a fine of $1 million. The charge of filing false tax returns could result in a three-year sentence and a $100,000 fine,” The Hill reported.

In total, he faces 28 charges, including 10 counts of wire fraud, four counts of bank fraud, nine counts of making false statements to a bank, and five counts of filing false tax returns.

Nangle apparently had a big gambling problem and racked up serious debt at various casinos throughout New England.

How did he fix this? According to the FBI, he used campaign funds to cover his debs — which is obviously illegal.

What’s even more bizarre is that Nangle sat on the state’s House Committee on Ethics, Rules, and Joint Committee on Rules.

Talk about irony.

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aa66db No.147805

File: 52f371b61b744f7⋯.png (520.37 KB,597x710,597:710,Clipboard.png)

File: e2122fc09dd81a5⋯.mp4 (993.83 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730773 (220027ZNOV20) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ: Looking forward to watching this special investigation!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147806

File: 7c009d1139d434b⋯.png (267.88 KB,606x680,303:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 190d2aba0e51f75⋯.png (392.15 KB,603x856,603:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730779 (220028ZNOV20) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

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Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

US District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Matthew Brann, a Barack Obama appointee on Saturday dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results.

The Trump campaign argued the equal protection clause, however the Obama judge shot back and said, “That some counties may have chosen to implement the guidance (or not), or to implement it differently, does not constitute an equal protection violation.”

The judge accused the Trump campaign of asking the Court to “disenfranchise almost 7 million voters.”

“This court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence. In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter.”

Judge Brann said Trump’s legal team “was not armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.”

President Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania when the crooked Democrat officials suspended vote counting.

Within 48 hours following Election Day, the crooked Secretary of State admitted there were millions of ballots that needed to be counted.

GOP observers were blocked from watching ballot counters in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani alleges 680,000+ ballots were counted for Joe Biden without GOP observers present.

Joe Biden leads in Pennsylvania by approximately 70,000 votes after elections officials continued to count ballots for more than 2 weeks after Election Day.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147807

File: a2d92b0b12c1c7f⋯.jpeg (137.41 KB,1080x1605,72:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 99e60859864cc58⋯.jpeg (313.63 KB,1080x1739,1080:1739,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8a18e986a127d28⋯.jpeg (277 KB,1076x2048,269:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eb7ccaffca71d8d⋯.jpeg (353.49 KB,1080x2017,1080:2017,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730818 (220032ZNOV20) Notable: DIG!: Gracia Hillman

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147808

File: 89afc548f4d4c9b⋯.png (301.3 KB,520x604,130:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730828 (220033ZNOV20) Notable: ROGER STONE: Bill Gates, Microsoft Designed Election Fraud Software Used By Dominion

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ROGER STONE: Bill Gates, Microsoft Designed Election Fraud Software Used By Dominion

"100% of the voting machines and voting systems in this country are using the same software that Dominion has been using to switch votes," said Stone.

Roger Stone, the longtime political veteran who has been identified as one of the progenitors of the Stop the Steal movement for election integrity in the United States, released a video explaining that he has evidence Microsoft, at the direction of Bill Gates, designed the vote counting software used to commit election fraud by Dominion Voting Systems and competing companies.

Stone explained that Microsoft, at Gates’ instruction, “designed a software called Election Guard” that has “been used by Dominion, as well as Election Services, Hurt Intercivic, Clean Ballot, Election Systems and Hardware, BPro, and SmartMatic.”

“In other words, 100% of the voting machines and voting systems in this country are using the same software that Dominion has been using to switch votes,” said Stone.

Dominion Voting Systems has been repeatedly accused of using vote counting software that can switch votes if an administrator desires. Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell made these claims publicly last Thursday.

Since Powell charged Dominion with supplanting the will of the American people and stealing the election, over 100 Dominion Voting Systems employees have purged their LinkedIn accounts, and the company reneged on its promise to meet with Pennsylvania lawmakers on Friday.

“The denial by the mainstream media that there’s any evidence whatsoever is ludicrous. The evidence is overwhelming and compelling. Whether Sidney Powell, a fine attorney who isn’t given to making claims she can’t back up in court, can bring a case without the cooperation of the Central Intelligence Agency and the FBI to come clean remains to be seen.”

Bill Gates has remained at the center of several COVID-19 scandals, as the billionaire likely stands to profit from the mass vaccination campaign soon to be underway in much of the civilized world.

Gates was also recently tied to the infamous “Antifa U-Haul” that was seen delivering shields and other supplies to rioters in Louisville, Kentucky.


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aa66db No.147809

File: 39bc8c8daa8e027⋯.png (850.33 KB,833x580,833:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730843 (220034ZNOV20) Notable: Top Republican lawmakers challenge Trump to present 'genuine evidence' of voter fraud

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Top Republican lawmakers challenge Trump to present 'genuine evidence' of voter fraud

'…they are obligated to present it immediately in court and to the American people'

Top Republican lawmakers are increasing pressure on President Donald Trump's legal team to substantiate their voter fraud allegations.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the number three House Republican and House Republican Conference chairwoman, released a statement Friday calling on Trump's lawyers to present "genuine evidence" to the American people that prove the wide-scale voter fraud they have alleged.

Cheney said in a statement, "America is governed by the rule of law. The president and his lawyers have made claims of criminality and widespread fraud, which they allege could impact election results. If they have genuine evidence of this, they are obligated to present it immediately in court and to the American people."

"If the president cannot prove these claims or demonstrate that they would change the election result, he should fulfill his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by respecting the sanctity of our electoral process," she added.

Pressure from Republicans significantly increased after Thursday's press conference by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell during which the attorneys alleged "massive fraud" happened in the election, but did not offer evidence to back their claims.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a solid ally of Trump's, called Powell's allegations "offensive" and "outrageous."

"To insinuate that Republican and Democratic candidates paid to throw off this election I think is absolutely outrageous, and I do take offense to that," she said on Fox News radio.

Meanwhile, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Fox News that it's time for Trump's legal team to prove what they're claiming.

"We're to the point, though, where this is time not for politicians or for press conferences. That was during the election. This is a time for evidence in court," he said, the Washington Examiner reported.

Other Republican lawmakers, like Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.), have been more explicit, saying the Trump legal team's losses in the courts prove their allegations are false.

"I feel like we're watching one of history's great grifts based on what we saw from Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani yesterday," Riggleman said on Friday, The Hill reported. "I mean, their court case record is worse, I think, than the 1989 Dallas Cowboys."

"There are smart, smart people up there that are not coming out and not identifying this for what it is, and this is simply a conspiratorial grift," Riggleman added. "I believe it's a fundraising venture."


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aa66db No.147810

File: 58a3772c7551c20⋯.png (352.85 KB,857x596,857:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730884 (220037ZNOV20) Notable: JUST IN: Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

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JUST IN: Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

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aa66db No.147811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730914 (220039ZNOV20) Notable: Prince Charles is now selling his 'eco-fascist fantasy of the Great Reset'

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Prince Charles is now selling his 'eco-fascist fantasy of the Great Reset'

Sky News Australia

993K subscribers

Prince Charles is now selling his “eco-fascist fantasy of the Great Reset” to the Germans themselves, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.

A clip was recently released of Prince Charles, speaking in German, about the coronavirus pandemic and climate change issues.

Mr Dean said the “Great Reset” is the “grand plan developed by the World Economic Forum … in cahoots with the United Nations, in league with the International Monetary Fund”.

“And supported by all sorts of prestigious institutions including, apparently, the Crown of England who have yet to disown Prince Charles's ever-increasing and unhinged rantings,” Mr Dean said.

Mr Dean said the Great Reset is promised to begin next year to “transform all Western economies including ours,” by transferring the authoritarian tools currently being used to eradicate the coronavirus.

These include lockdowns, enforced business closures and “even stealing your own property rights, to tackle the imaginary climate crisis,” Mr Dean said.

“You won't own anything, and you'll be happy is one of their utopian communist slogans … Prince Charles' decision to throw his lot in with these crazies and now sell this eco-corporate-fascism in the German tongue is unfortunate timing to say the least”.


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aa66db No.147812

File: 81c649686e1e5b4⋯.png (37.24 KB,596x363,596:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730953 (220043ZNOV20) Notable: New @CM: I talked with @ChanelRion about vulnerabilities in Dominion's system

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aa66db No.147813

File: 2fc2921fe9a00eb⋯.png (1001.45 KB,815x455,163:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 31078e85e589dae⋯.png (360.87 KB,587x455,587:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 112280b02e1092f⋯.png (10.39 KB,556x120,139:30,Clipboard.png)

File: 4895d56c98c989c⋯.png (12.69 KB,543x144,181:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11730990 (220046ZNOV20) Notable: Essential entertainment? California Governor excludes Hollywood from having to follow his strict Covid-19 curfew order - report

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Essential entertainment? California Governor excludes Hollywood from having to follow his strict Covid-19 curfew order - report

Hollywood's film and production crews won't have to be inconvenienced by California's new Covid-19 curfew rule because Governor Gavin Newsom reportedly excluded them from having to follow his latest pandemic lockdown order.

The month-long curfew requirement, which was announced on Thursday and runs from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. each day, excludes television and movie crews, as well as other entertainment industry workers, a representative of Newsom's office told media outlet Deadline. Unlike when the governor imposed a statewide lockdown in March, entertainment industry employees are exempted as "essential" workers.

The curfew, which takes effect on Saturday, applies to the 40 California counties that are categorized in the state's highest tier for infection rates, purple, amid a surge in new Covid-19 cases. The purple tier currently covers 94 percent of the state's population, including all of Southern California.

Newsom imposed the curfew after analyzing studies on the efficacy of such restrictions in France, Germany and Saudi Arabia. He also did it after running afoul of his own social-distancing guidelines by attending a friend's birthday party at a posh Napa Valley restaurant where attendees sat shoulder-to-shoulder and didn't wear masks.

The curfew order requires that even exempted groups work from home when possible, but that's typically not the case with film and production crews.

California's list of "essential critical infrastructure" roles is billed as exempting workers needed to ensure "continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security." Among them, it lists "workers supporting the entertainment industries, studios, and other related establishments, provided they follow covid-19 public health guidance around physical distancing."

Newsom's office gave no explanation for how the making of television shows and movies was deemed to fit the description of critical to economic and national security. Making money is clearly important for Hollywood, but the same could be said for any number of businesses that have been crippled by state Covid-19 orders.

Twitter commenters mocked the decision to exempt entertainment industry workers. One observer said, "I couldn't think of a more non-essential worker," while another quipped, "The court jesters must perform."

Others argued that such an exemption proves that Newsom's Covid-19 restrictions aren't based on protecting people, while some pointed out the unfairness of economic favoritism. "Good to know Newsom gets to cherry pick the haves and have-nots with no reason," one commenter tweeted.


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aa66db No.147814

File: 6f196b06e4eb0be⋯.png (44.19 KB,752x352,47:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731003 (220047ZNOV20) Notable: More New Research Shows Only Those With Symptoms Spread COVID-19. Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.

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More New Research Shows Only Those With Symptoms Spread COVID-19. Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.

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aa66db No.147815

File: d1148d0900600cd⋯.png (412.84 KB,535x513,535:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731014 (220049ZNOV20) Notable: Airbnb exec resigned over concerns company shared too much data with China

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Airbnb exec resigned over concerns company shared too much data with China


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aa66db No.147816

File: 34639bed0ee2ed4⋯.png (23.31 KB,572x295,572:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 34466e2fe0f2a82⋯.png (22.59 KB,604x276,151:69,Clipboard.png)

File: b1c31607aff06d4⋯.png (17.74 KB,553x193,553:193,Clipboard.png)

File: c9994c75d8d423c⋯.png (18.08 KB,562x191,562:191,Clipboard.png)

File: e8c96d1f3689425⋯.png (27.17 KB,586x365,586:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731017 (220049ZNOV20) Notable: Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

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Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

High-profile Democratic representatives came out against the death penalty on Saturday after a man who brutally raped and buried a 16-year-old girl alive was finally executed in Indiana under the Trump administration.

Orlando Hall was executed by the state on Thursday evening for his part in kidnapping, raping, and murdering Lisa Rene in 1994 after he believed her brother had stolen money in a failed marijuana deal.

According to the United States Department of Justice, Hall – after he and his accomplices repeatedly raped her – “placed a sheet over Rene’s head and hit her in the head with a shovel. Rene screamed and tried to run away, but the men tackled her and took turns beating her with the shovel. After soaking her with gasoline, they dragged her into the grave and buried her alive.”

Hall was executed by lethal injection.

Hall was one of five men involved in the crime. One of his accomplices, Bruce Webster, received the same sentence but was ultimately not executed after being classed as “intellectually disabled.” Three others reportedly received lesser sentences in exchange for their cooperation at trial, including Hall’s brother.

Hall was recommended the death penalty after being found guilty in 1995 when former President Bill Clinton occupied the White House.

Prominent Democrats – including half of ‘the Squad’ – reacted to the execution of Hall by protesting the death penalty on Twitter.

“We must abolish the death penalty,” declared Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) in response to the Atlantic writer Clint Smith calling Hall’s execution “utterly cruel and barbaric.”

Pressley’s tweet prompted Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) to add his own post that read, “Abolish the death penalty.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was the next to join in, posting the same: “Abolish the death penalty.”

Georgia State House Rep. Beth Moore criticized the death penalty, branding it “nothing more than government-sanctioned revenge,” and questioning, “We do not rape rapists for the crime of raping, for if we did, which of us would volunteer to inflict that punishment?”



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aa66db No.147817

File: 0961c1a4077d812⋯.png (637.15 KB,856x822,428:411,Clipboard.png)

File: f6a07178b3908a2⋯.png (20.17 KB,841x131,841:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731044 (220051ZNOV20) Notable: Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

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Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

Health officials hope the move will push the drug giants to end their lucrative, thinly veiled ‘speaker programs’ for favored doctors. Fat chance – it’s too profitable a business for them, even though the social costs are huge.

For the first time since 2014, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a rare special fraud alert highlighting allegations that major pharmaceutical companies have been throwing billions at doctors as part of questionable ‘speaker programs’.

These programs have been accused of offering thin cover for bribes to favored doctors in return for promoting and prescribing the companies’ drugs and devices. In return, medical professionals were given lucrative speaking fees and expensive trips and dinners for themselves and their partners. The alert states that some high prescribing healthcare professionals were paid over $100,000 in speaking fees. These honoraria were sometimes attached to agreements that the speaker would write a minimum number of prescriptions per year for the companies’ drugs.

In the last three years, Big Pharma has shelled out nearly $2 billion to medics for these ‘speaker-related services’. While pharmaceutical companies claim that these company-sponsored speaker programs merely educate other healthcare providers about the benefits, risks and proper usage of medicines, the US regulators are skeptical. Already, numerous companies including Novartis and Salix Pharmaceuticals have been investigated and forced to pay out multi-million dollar settlements. This is after their speaker programs were found to be in violation of the anti-kickback statute, designed to prevent pharmaceutical companies offering remuneration in return for doctors drumming up business.

In issuing the alert, the US Department of Health hoped that the suspension of in-person speaker programs due to Covid-19 might be an opportunity for companies to halt the delivery of such programs. However, the US authorities are likely to be disappointed. Such a lucrative practice is unlikely to end after Covid restrictions are lifted. The sheer enormity of the pay-outs pharmaceutical companies have been forced to pay has apparently not halted the practice. Novartis settled with the federal government for using speaker programs as a cover for bribes from 2002 in 2011 and was forced to pay $600 million. Amazingly, they only agreed to look into cutting back on these practices in the future. Clearly, the benefits outweigh the costs.


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aa66db No.147818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731055 (220053ZNOV20) Notable: Microsoft Windows Server Catalog, EMS Application Server Version v4.9 by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

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Microsoft | Windows Server Catalog


Home Software Hardware SVVP

Certified for Windows Server 2008 R2


Version v4.9 byDominion Voting Systems Corporation

Compatible with the following versions of Microsoft Windows

Certified for Windows

Windows Server 2008 R2 x64

Certified for Windows


View submission details for a compatible operating system:

Merchandise pictures and descriptions are provided by the manufacturers of the merchandise. Microsoft makes no representations or warranties regarding the merchandise, manufacturers or compatibility of the merchandise depicted or described. Check system requirements before you purchase any merchandise or download any software described on this site. Use of all software is governed by the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the software.

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aa66db No.147819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731059 (220053ZNOV20) Notable: If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

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>“What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday

If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

If you own a gun, you may someday find yourself using it for self-defense.

If that should happen to you, the USCCA has prepared a video on why it’s important to have a lawyer on call.

In this video, lawyer Lee McMillan shares these points:

– Self-defense incidents don’t always happen during business hours. If one happens at night, you don’t want to wait until the lawyer’s office opens the next day.

Watch the video here:

Here’s a message from Tim Schmidt, president of the USCCA, which provides legal protection for people involved in self-defense incidents:

It’s every responsible gun owners worst nightmare…

You’ve just pulled the trigger in self-defense and called the authorities, but what now?

You might think the worst is over — after all you’re the good guy, right?

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong…

You see, the deck’s already stacked against you as a responsibly armed American…

As a USCCA Member, you have up to $2,250,000 in up-front legal and financial protection behind you should you ever be forced to use your gun in self-defense.

The moment you activate the education, training and protection of a USCCA membership you gain access to:

Up to $2.25 million in Self-Defense SHIELD protection…

Up-Front Funding For Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds: No out-of-pocket expenses…

Protection For Use Of ALL Legal Weapons: Never second-guess defending your family…

No Annual Cap: Your Plan Benefit Limits are fully reinstated for each qualified self-defense incident…

Member-Only Access: Enjoy exclusive discounts and unlimited access to thousands of videos and articles in your training archive…

Protect What You’ve Earned: Join The USCCA Today…

Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt

President | USCCA

P.S. – Check out one of my favorite quotes from a USCCA Member…

“I am a loyal member of USCCA because, God forbid, if a situation were to ever a raise where I needed to protect my family or a fellow American I will be covered, and helped out for doing the right thing.” — U.S. Marine Veteran Josh L., Ohio

The USCCA is MORE than a community of over 400,000 like-minded Americans — it’s the complete peace of mind you’ll get knowing that no matter what, we’ve got your back.


To get peace of mind, USCCA memberships start at just $25 per month.

With your membership, you get:

– 24/7/365 Critical Response Team On Call

– Your Choice of Criminal Defense Attorney

– Up-Front Funding for Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds

– Protection for Use of All Legal Weapons

In addition to legal protection, joining the USCCA provides you:

– A subscription to Concealed Carry Magazine

– CCW Reciprocity Map With Permit Expiration Reminders

– Member-Only USCCA App Features

– Weekly updates on news, changing laws and gear reviews

– 10 Lifesaving Checklists

– And much more…

The USCCA provides three tiers of membership for every comfort level and budget:

– Gold Membership $25/mo

– Platinum Membership $34/mo

– Elite Membership $42/mo

If you’re ready to join a community of pro-2A responsibly-armed Americans, click here.

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It’s every responsible gun owners worst nightmare…

You’ve just pulled the trigger in self-defense and called the authorities, but what now?

You might think the worst is over — after all you’re the good guy, right?

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong…

You see, the deck’s already stacked against you as a responsibly armed American…

As a USCCA Member, you have up to $2,250,000 in up-front legal and financial protection behind you should you ever be forced to use your gun in self-defense.



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aa66db No.147820

File: e957de0c77772ff⋯.png (189.44 KB,599x383,599:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731109 (220057ZNOV20) Notable: Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

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Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administratorhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/texas-county-goes-blue-first-time-since-1964-hiring-former-executive-smartmatic-elections-administrator/

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aa66db No.147821

File: 1d178a73d302d63⋯.png (276.13 KB,687x625,687:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731117 (220058ZNOV20) Notable: Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

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Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

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aa66db No.147822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731136 (220059ZNOV20) Notable: #14974

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FINAL #14974

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147793 Anon Theory: Hillary tweet comms?

>>147794 Kirkland & Ellis "reportedly" left messages harrasing trump lawyers in PA.

>>147795 B-52 bombers deployed to Middle East

>>147796 Lin Wood wants arrests! Explosive interview with Lin Wood

>>147797 Do Not Trust Governments With The Control Of Money

>>147798 Tesla factory workers in California will be exempt from new coronavirus restrictions taking effect Saturday in the state because they are considered essential, after CEO Elon Musk feuded with authorities over an earlier shutdown

>>147799, >>147801 DIG!: Florence Fang, Peking University Education Foundation (USA)


>>147802 Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?

>>147803 Anon theory: POTUS pens and Herridge highlighters

>>147804 Massachusetts State Democratic Lawmaker Arrested On Charges Of Embezzling Campaign Funds

>>147805 @CodeMonkeyZ: Looking forward to watching this special investigation!

>>147806 Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

>>147807 DIG!: Gracia Hillman

>>147808 ROGER STONE: Bill Gates, Microsoft Designed Election Fraud Software Used By Dominion

>>147809 Top Republican lawmakers challenge Trump to present 'genuine evidence' of voter fraud

>>147810 JUST IN: Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

>>147811 Prince Charles is now selling his 'eco-fascist fantasy of the Great Reset'

>>147812 New @CM: I talked with @ChanelRion about vulnerabilities in Dominion's system

>>147813 Essential entertainment? California Governor excludes Hollywood from having to follow his strict Covid-19 curfew order - report

>>147814 More New Research Shows Only Those With Symptoms Spread COVID-19. Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.

>>147815 Airbnb exec resigned over concerns company shared too much data with China

>>147816 Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

>>147817 Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

>>147818 Microsoft Windows Server Catalog, EMS Application Server Version v4.9 by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

>>147819 If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

>>147820 Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

>>147821 Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’


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aa66db No.147823

File: 8cccc6f1f03b00d⋯.png (697.82 KB,669x487,669:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 69dbe930c7fd8d7⋯.png (977.16 KB,696x911,696:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 51c68965e27f53e⋯.png (35.01 KB,667x488,667:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731204 (220105ZNOV20) Notable: Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

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Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon shut down travel from other countries in the United Kingdom on Friday, as much of the country is placed under draconian lockdown measures to supposedly stem the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

From 6 p.m. on Friday, the Scottish government — roughly equivalent to a U.S. state government — banned Scots from travelling to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. People from the rest of the UK are also banned from entering Scotland, with the government imposing £60 fines for those found to have crossed the border illegally.

On Thursday, the Scottish Parliament voted by a margin of 99 to 23 to back the restrictions. Under the lockdown, all non-essential businesses, including pubs, restaurants, shops, cafes, swimming pools, gyms, and tourist locations, will be shuttered until at least December 11th.

Aside from border crossing restrictions, people in the 11 areas where the government has imposed Tier 4 restrictions will also be banned from travelling to other parts of the country. Those who need to travel for work, as well as a few other exemptions, are permitted to travel inside and out of the country.

Announcing the measures, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “These travel restrictions — nobody likes them, I don’t like them — but they are vital in helping us minimise these risks… They are vital in helping us avoid having the whole country in the same level or restrictions.”

“It is these travel restrictions that mean that even although the central belt has to be in Level Four, we can avoid the Highlands or Edinburgh or parts of the country with lower prevalence being in Level Four too,” she said.

WATCH: 104-year-old Woman Locked Down in Care Home for Months Begs to See Family https://t.co/HQZaDxFsnK

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 24, 2020

The leader of the left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) added that she hopes that the country will return to some sort of normality by the spring, with the government expecting to vaccinate some one million people by the end of January.

“We do now see a possible end in sight and I think it’s really important that we don’t forget that,” Sturgeon said.

The restrictions, which were announced just one day before their implementation, drew widespread criticism from across the political spectrum in Scotland.

The leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Richard Leonard, said that the travel ban was a “poorly conceived and ill-considered piece of legislation rather than the evidence-based intervention we need.”

“It risks uneven application and, as a result, uneven treatment across Scotland and the risk is this uncertainty will eat away at the trust of the public,” Leonard warned, adding that “the best-case scenario is that the travel ban will confuse them; the worst-case scenario is that it will criminalise them.”


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aa66db No.147824

File: d99ebedb502e6e8⋯.png (349.85 KB,599x470,599:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 202444cf937f428⋯.png (284.96 KB,635x479,635:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731216 (220106ZNOV20) Notable: Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

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Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”

Sesame Street has sold its soul — your children’s souls too, if you’ll let it — to the Great Reset.

It has teamed up with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to make a series of videos brainwashing educating children about the vital importance of learning to live with the ‘New Normal’: wearing masks, maintaining six feet social distancing, gratefully accepting their vaccine shots, getting used to not playing with friends in person but just meeting them virtually on a screen…

On a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘The Great Reset: Resetting education with Sesame Street’, the blue Sesame Street puppet Grover tells his impressionable young listeners:

“At first it was hard when nobody could go to school and I could not visit my friends like Elmo or, well, even Oscar the Grouch. But then we learned to have video play time. It was a lot of fun and made me feel better.”

Just in case any children fail to understand that the Great Reset is their friend, Grover is on hand to make a hilarious joke about it.

“I know a thing or two about resetting. I reset my alarm clock every morning. Hahahahahaha.”

Then he adds: “Resetting the entire world. That is a very big job.”

At no point, obviously, does either Grover the blue sock puppet, or his handler Sherrie Westin — President of Social Impact and Philanthropy at Sesame Workshop — raise the possibility that the world might not actually need or want a ‘Great Reset’. Its importance is a given.

On a separate video — one of a series — Grover encourages young children to wear masks and maintain six-foot social distancing in public. Again neither Grover nor his sinister controllers at the non-profit Sesame Workshop appear to be aware that these are deeply contentious positions, that many parents may be strongly opposed to their children wearing masks and highly sceptical about the need for them to maintain six-foot social distancing.

“Caring for each other because we are all in this together,” says Grover.

On a separate video, another Sesame Street character, Elmo, is shown going to the doctor to get a vaccine shot.

The World Economic Forum’s Sesame Street website explains that this

“…helps a parent reassure a child why this is so important, and why it’s OK.”

Some of us are old enough to remember an era when this kind of blatant propaganda came only from countries behind the Iron Curtain and when we in the West treated it with the appropriate scorn and horror.

This won’t be the case if the Great Reset gets its way. It will become the New Normal.


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aa66db No.147825

File: ee55125a5a7ea5e⋯.png (19.46 KB,603x178,603:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731248 (220109ZNOV20) Notable: Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

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aa66db No.147826

File: 184300eb72ca9ef⋯.png (79.97 KB,750x453,250:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731259 (220110ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

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Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports for Just the News, 32% of Democrats and a majority of registered voters want a special counsel appointed to investigate allegations of corruption against the Biden family. The poll asked, “If Joe Biden becomes president, should a special counsel be appointed to investigate allegations of corruption involving his family’s dealings with China and Ukraine?”

Yes – 52%

No – 33%

Unsure – 15%

The overall results of the survey of 1,200 registered voters are partially due to corporate media malfeasance in vetting the Democrat nominee during the general election. Some liberal-leaning outlets like The New York Times and Politico had written stories on the Biden family’s shady foreign business deals, even during the 2020 primary. Then they all had Trump-induced dementia regarding their own reporting during the general election. The DNC establishment had decided Biden was the nominee, and President Trump needed to be defeated at all costs.

When the most damning and corroborated evidence was obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the corporate media was joined by Big Tech in suppressing and discrediting the information. Right-leaning media outlets documented how the information breaking in the New York Post was actively suppressed online. Corporate media outlets and their contributors straight from the deep state dismissed the story as “Russian disinformation.”

The results of the actions taken by Big Tech and the corporate media were documented in a poll conducted for the Media Research Center:

A new post-election poll from the Media Research Center, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, shows 36 percent of Biden voters were NOT aware of the evidence linking Joe Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter. Thirteen percent of these voters (or 4.6% of Biden’s total vote) say that had they known these facts, they would not have voted for the former Vice President.

The disputed election results currently show Biden winning the popular vote by approximately 5%. The group of voters who were unaware and would not have voted for Biden had they known of the scandal could have led to an Electoral College win for President Trump. This episode also demonstrates the danger of early voting because some respondents had already voted when the story broke.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen also notes the poll results may be a result of the growing rift within the Democrat Party:

“It’s not at all surprising that Republicans overwhelmingly believe a special counsel should be appointed,” Rasmussen said. “It’s also not surprising that nearly half of Independents agree. What is stunning is that 32% of Democrats support the idea.”

“That may be a reflection of the deep divide within the Democratic party,” he continued. “Among Very Liberal voters, 42% say a special counsel is warranted (only 47% disagree). These voters lacked enthusiasm for Biden throughout the campaign, but considered him the lesser of two evils compared to Trump.”

Some may say that we have a political retribution problem. However, it is worth considering whether we actually have a genuine corruption problem among our political class, an issue they go to great lengths to hide. The most widely known example is President Trump’s impeachment over an inquiry into the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine during a call with President Volodymyr Zelensky. During that time, the DOJ has now confirmed they had an open, active investigation of Hunter Biden for money laundering. Yet the president, the chief law enforcement officer in the country, was tried in the Senate for asking about it.


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aa66db No.147827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731280 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

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aa66db No.147828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731283 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 1.png

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Soros' Open Society Partners

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file



Donor Partners

"Partnerships with other donors contribute significantly to the work of the Open Society Institute and the Soros foundations network. In some instances, these partnerships involve explicit agreements with other donors to share costs. At other times, they take place informally when another donor determines to support a project OSI has initiated or, conversely, when we build upon another donor’s initiative. In some cases, other donors contribute directly to one of the Soros foundations in support of a particular project."

Our donor partners include the following:

International organizations:

World Bank

World Health Organization (WHO)


UNICEF UNESCO/International Institute for Education Planning

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

European Union

Council of Europe

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

European Commission

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Asian Development Bank

National government aid agencies:

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

United States Department of State’sBureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

French Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CNOUS)

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Matra Programme

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs FRESTA Programme

German Foreign Ministry and Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

a number of Austrian government agencies, including the ministries of education and foreign affairs

National governments in several countries co-fund programs sponsored by Soros foundations,especially in education:





United Kingdom

United States

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aa66db No.147829

File: 234a974dbdf4374⋯.png (526.94 KB,768x671,768:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731286 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

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FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

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aa66db No.147830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731293 (220113ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

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Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


American private foundations:

Ford Foundation

United Nations Foundation

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

American Austrian Foundation

Freedom Forum

Pew Charitable Trusts

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Atlantic Philanthropies

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Irene Diamond Fund

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Lilly Endowment

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Nathan Cummings Foundation

Schumann Center for Media and Democracy

Rockefeller Foundation

Surdna Foundation

Tides Foundation

German Marshall Fund

European private foundations:


Robert Bosch Foundation

King Baudouin Foundation

Sigrid Rausing Trust

Oak Foundation

European Cultural Foundation

some of the German political party-affiliated foundations

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aa66db No.147831

File: 98aa4973be5b536⋯.jpg (207.4 KB,1615x854,1615:854,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731296 (220113ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Theory: US Military tweet

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Patriot Anons

US Military tweet - Ready for Launch in 3 2 1

POTUS tweet - The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!

13 min apart

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aa66db No.147832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731300 (220114ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

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Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


European and North American institutions that administer assistance funds obtained from their governments:

Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

Press Now (Netherlands)

Hivos (Netherlands)

International Media Support (Denmark)

British Council

Norwegian People’s Aid

Medienhilfe (Switzerland)

Freedom House (U.S.)


National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.)

Eurasia Foundation (U.S.)

Nazi Persecutee Relief Fund (U.S., France, Britain)

Norwegian and Danish Burma Committees

Olof Palme International Center (Sweden)

Remembrance, Responsibility and Future Foundation (Germany)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Germany)

Rights and Democracy (Canada)

International Republican Institute (U.S.)

Asia Foundation (U.S.).

Institutions of Higher Learning:

Central European University in Budapest, an internationally recognized institution of postgraduate education in social sciences and humanities established and supported by George Soros and OSI

Columbia University in New York City

American University in Bulgaria

Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences

National Institute of Development Administration in Thailand

Economics Education and Research Consortium in Kyiv

City University of New York

universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Essex in the United Kingdom

University of Ottawa in Canada

University of Maastricht in the Netherlands

Open Society Institute - donor and partner of Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe

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aa66db No.147833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731314 (220115ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

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Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


NGO Partners include, but are not limited to the following:

AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund

American Councils for International Education

Arab Fund for Art and Culture

Association for Civil Rights (Argentina)

Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (Colombia)

Baacha Khan Trust

William J.BrennanJr. Center for Justice

The Campaign for Youth Justice

National Juvenile Defender Center

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and its International Budget Project (US)

Center for Community Change

American Institute for Social Justice

Center for Educational Development BILIM–Central Asia

Center for Global Development

Center for Public Interest Research

Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais

Committee to Protect Journalists and Article 19

Council of State Governments (US)

Progressive States Network (US)

Democracy Coalition Project

Drug Policy Alliance (US)

Earth Island Institute

Economic Policy Institute (US)

Equal Justice Society (US)

Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (helping drug addicted)

European Network Against Racism (racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia in all EU member states)

European Roma Rights Center

Roma Education Fund

European Stability Initiative

Global Fund for Women

Global Witness

Helsinki Foundation

Human Rights Watch

Institute for International Education

Institute on Medicine as a Profession (US)


International Bridges to Justice (China, Vietnam, and Cambodia)

International Center for Transitional Justice

International Crisis Group

International Step by Step Association (early childhood education)

International Women’s Health Coalition

Center for Reproductive Rights

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Justice at Stake Campaign

Margaret Mead Film and Video Festival

Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City

Médecins Sans Frontières

AIDS Foundation East-West

Doctors of the World

Partners in Health

Media Development Loan Fund

Southern Africa Media Development Fund

Memorial Human Rights Center

Mental Disability Rights International

Mental Disability Advocacy Center Foundation

National Council for Civil Liberties (Liberty) in the U.K.

National Senior Citizens Law Center (US)

Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration

Network on Police Reform in Nigeria (NOPRIN)

New America Foundation in the United States


Partners Foundation for Local Development in Romania

Peace Institute in Slovenia

Penal Reform International

Policy Association for Open Society (PASOS)

Project Syndicate

Project Vote/Voting for America(US)

Proteus Fund in the United States

Public Interest Law Initiative

Public Interest Projects (U.S.) (affirmative action, human rights, immigrant’s rights, and nonpartisan civic engagement)

Revenue Watch Institute

Refugees International


The Sentencing Project (US)

Southern Center for Human Rights (Southern US)

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama

The Tides Center

TIMAP for Justice


Local chapters of Transparency International

TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation)

Vera Institute of Justice (Russia, South Africa, and the United States)

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aa66db No.147834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731350 (220119ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN

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>>147828, >>147830, >>147832, >>147833 Soros' Open Society Partners

Here you go Baker

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aa66db No.147835

File: 4ddae9b9fc04aa4⋯.png (31.94 KB,603x283,603:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ab86c4dae408b⋯.png (24.49 KB,604x246,302:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731366 (220120ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET: THE WORLD IS WATCHING

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Why is Joe Biden so quickly forming a Cabinet when my investigators have found hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, enough to “flip” at least four States, which in turn is more than enough to win the Election? Hopefully the Courts and/or Legislatures will have….


….the COURAGE to do what has to be done to maintain the integrity of our Elections, and the United States of America itself. THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!


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aa66db No.147836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731367 (220120ZNOV20) Notable: New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA

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New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA





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aa66db No.147837

File: 7e2a926caa63544⋯.png (163.62 KB,599x383,599:383,Clipboard.png)

File: d8ae0a58217a503⋯.png (297.2 KB,721x812,103:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 82269052d730108⋯.png (173.92 KB,544x735,544:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 3519addd4cf3ecd⋯.png (401.82 KB,483x800,483:800,Clipboard.png)

File: ef569857f9be9d4⋯.png (235.87 KB,553x613,553:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731385 (220122ZNOV20) Notable: HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry

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>>147820 (lb) Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry



ARALIN elections

At a fraud inquiry in the Philippines on May 20, 2010, Heider Garcia of Smartmatic was questioned on what he called “unforeseen” occurrences during the election process, with Philippine official Teodoro Locsin Jr. sharply rebuking Garcia.

May 2010

Makati City representative Teodoro Locsin, chairman of the House committee on suffrage and electoral reforms investigating fraud allegations, blew his top and hurled invectives at officials of Smartmatic, the provider of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines used in the elections.

Locsin became angry after a Smartmatic official admitted the glitches in the PCOS machines, particularly in the time and date settings, were just “part of unforeseen circumstances.”

Smartmatic executive Heider Garcia explained the time and date of the machines were set in their default settings, which resulted in the transmission of the voting results on a date earlier than May 10.


(YT video from article)

ANC Live: Locsin curses at Smartmatic official (raw video)

129,913 views • (May 20, 2010)



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aa66db No.147838

File: b30b2932f73a3ff⋯.png (198.6 KB,942x700,471:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731403 (220124ZNOV20) Notable: Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate

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Nov 19, 2020 08:31 PMFINANCE

Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate


Creditors of Peking University Founder Group Corp. (PUFG) have approved a plan to restructure the state-owned industrial and investment conglomerate, making another step forward in efforts to resolve its nearly 150 billion yuan ($22 billion) debt pile.

About four-fifths of the 446 creditors with voting rights who attended an October meeting voted in favor of the plan, according to a PUFG statement (link in Chinese) released Thursday. Under the plan, PUFG will merge with three subsidiaries and one affiliate.

PUFG, which is owned by Peking University, one of China’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions, rocked the market in December 2019 by failing to repay a 2 billion yuan bond. The default underscored the financial squeeze on Chinese businesses amid slowing economic growth, and especially concerns about the weak finances of debt-laden business arms of Chinese universities.

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aa66db No.147839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731407 (220124ZNOV20) Notable: DIG!: Glenn Dubin

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>>147787 (PB) Notable.

The Virgin Islands subpoenaed Glenn Dubin's financial records back in late August.

We did a whole dig on his daughter Celina Dubin in early September - Epstein said he'd marry her when she got older.

>>>/qresearch/10627199 (PB)

Here's some links used in the dig:
























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aa66db No.147840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731424 (220126ZNOV20) Notable: Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

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Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

“As a former commissioner and chairman of the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC), I have seen a great many varieties of election automation. I believe the VSAP is unique among them in that it is a tangible manifestation of the voter’s will. Their voices helped shape this technology and it’s evident in its form and function. I have no doubt that other jurisdictions will study the VSAP project as they look to secure the future of their election processes.”

Paul DeGregorio, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

“My experience leading the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) informs my opinion of voting technology, and I believe VSAP is a model for future automated elections—not just in the United States—but in democracies worldwide. Secure and transparent voting is the only way to ensure the integrity of an election. The VSAP model supports this in a way that encourages voter participation and simplified event management for election officials.”


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aa66db No.147841

File: 2f77b656806931b⋯.png (61.38 KB,535x588,535:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731495 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization

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Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization


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aa66db No.147842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731501 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

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Finally someone that gets it. While everyone is concentrating on the 4 or 5 other terrible governors she is quietly slipping under the wire and installing draconian measures that are killing New Mexico.

A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

If you don’t believe that the United States can become very radical, very quickly under a Biden administration, you haven’t been paying attention to New Mexico.

I know what you’re thinking: When it comes to radical liberal policies, California is the gold standard. Yet, for the past two years, New Mexico has embarked on an unfortunate mission to become just like California, but faster. The disastrous results speak for themselves.

New Mexico’s governor is Michelle Lujan Grisham, a radical liberal and strong supporter of President-elect Joe Biden. When she entered office in January 2019, she was handed a budget surplus of $1.4 billion, attributable in large part to the state’s oil and gas workers. Her response to this windfall was to give away hundreds of millions of dollars to Hollywood, align herself with radical environmentalists to pass her own version of the "Green New Deal," and, of course, give her own administration a raise.

Today, New Mexico suffers the eighth-highest unemployment rate in the nation. Our state also ranks in the top half of the most restrictive COVID-19 lockdowns. For a sense of how desperate New Mexicans are becoming under these restrictions, look no further than a fourth grade student who was forced to sit outside the walls of his locked school just to get access to Wi-Fi in order to participate in class.

What about that massive budget surplus that Lujan Grisham inherited? Gone. Last June, legislators were forced to go into a special session to fix the budget she had signed just a few months earlier. And it gets worse.

Just this week, the governor's administration delivered budget proposals for next year that include cuts to state funds for investigating senior citizen abuse but increases so that state workers can drive more electric vehicles — appeasing radical environmentalists and donors at the expense of vulnerable grandparents’ well-being.

Were she just any employee, Lujan Grisham would likely be fired for poor performance. But she has spent most of 2020 auditioning for a promotion to the anticipated Biden administration — and that’s where New Mexico’s problem becomes your problem.

Lujan Grisham is so closely tied to Biden that she was on the short list to be his running mate prior to the selection of Kamala Harris. Still, her name is being mentioned as a possible Health and Human Services secretary, so she’ll be able to take her job-killing lockdown policies nationwide.

She also shares Biden’s allegiance to the radical green agenda. These policies are destroying her state’s economy, but that hasn’t stopped speculation that she may also be a potential secretary of the interior or secretary of energy. Biden even picked Lujan Grisham as a co-chair of his transition team nearly two months before election day.

Millions of people are justifiably worried about California’s radical policies spreading nationwide, but don’t sleep on New Mexico. In less than two years, we’ve gone from a budget surplus and low unemployment to the disaster you see today.

You’ve been warned.


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aa66db No.147843

File: 90f2c8132c2b0c3⋯.png (165.61 KB,595x541,595:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 53c88fc4f78d044⋯.png (251.41 KB,581x555,581:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fb0a97ebb5663d⋯.png (35.35 KB,465x297,155:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f7c096b24b4fa1⋯.png (77.15 KB,443x610,443:610,Clipboard.png)

File: f8acb04180587bd⋯.png (229.31 KB,625x518,625:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731502 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: Kill_Chain

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Has this been posted yet?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147844

File: 484e89a8ebaeeee⋯.png (336.12 KB,606x758,303:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731615 (220146ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well, there were hundreds of thousands of votes cast where Republican Poll Watchers were not allowed to “watch”, not even allowed in the counting rooms. Likewise with Fake ballots cast and dead people voting!


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aa66db No.147845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731647 (220150ZNOV20) Notable: WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11731425 WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

notable AF hell

I found the sauce:


download as a raw data, copy/paste it into notepad (or notepad++ if you have autism leanings), and select 'language/json.

do a search for 2465541.

So Dominion Voting Systems (or whomever), sends their data to Edison Research, who then encodes their data into javascript…


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aa66db No.147846

File: b858a57ca59441f⋯.png (36.37 KB,605x421,605:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731672 (220153ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET: Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!


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aa66db No.147847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731673 (220153ZNOV20) Notable: Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – The state has temporarily shut down 11 businesses after workers tested positive for coronavirus. Currently, there are 244 establishments on the watchlist.

Rapid Response COVID-19 Watchlist

Businesses are subject to a possible two-week shut down if they have four or more rapid responses. The 11 businesses, four of which are Albertsons, are now shut down. They will be closed until Dec. 2.

According to the current Public Health Order, establishments will have to close for two weeks if they have four or more rapid responses within the last 14 days. The order states that this applies to retail spaces, places of lodging, food and drink establishments, close-contact businesses and other essential businesses.

The closure of 11 businesses comes after the state broke its daily record of new COVID-19 infections Wednesday, Nov. 18. Along with the 2,897 new cases reported on Wednesday, there were 26 additional COVID-19 deaths.

The number of cases in Bernalillo County jumped from 615 Tuesday to 993 Wednesday. Sandoval County also saw a jump from 117 to 179. The current total of positive COVID-19 cases reported to date statewide is 70,451.

Albertsons		Las Cruces

Albertsons Market	Hobbs	

Albertsons Market	Carlsbad

Albertsons Market Roswell	

Ojo Santa Fe Spa Resort	Santa Fe	

Sam’s Club		Roswell	Chaves

Smith’s Food and Drug Center	Santa Fe

Texas Roadhouse		Las Cruces	

Walmart Supercenter	Las Cruces	

Walmart Supercenter	Santa Fe	Santa Fe

Walmart Supercenter	NW	Albuquerque	

She's killing us and no one seems to notice

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aa66db No.147848

File: 73cd23a0f17dc81⋯.png (53.08 KB,791x350,113:50,Clipboard.png)

File: d44a2366723e333⋯.png (528.03 KB,867x552,289:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cb963e84e0bfa9⋯.png (150.96 KB,615x657,205:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e75545f5882f3⋯.png (1.04 MB,998x940,499:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731681 (220154ZNOV20) Notable: Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

Interesting one of their co-tenants in the Pine Lodge building is "Scoros [seriously?], which establishes and operates dedicated offshore IT and Software Development organizations"

"We deliver a turnkey office set-up for your remote team in Portugal, Serbia, Ukraine, Barbados, Russia or Mexico."

Looks like it was founded by a Russian mathematician who hired a couple US mathematicians to help out







(Note: SGO still listed at Pine Lodge as late as Dec 2019)


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aa66db No.147849

File: f4756a3d76123f3⋯.png (102.32 KB,1170x312,15:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 89730c3381c99cb⋯.png (146.86 KB,1524x1110,254:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 906b912b803a9b4⋯.png (1.2 MB,716x1190,358:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a62ef3578f97c9⋯.png (352.33 KB,1748x962,874:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731778 (220202ZNOV20) Notable: Cesar Flores has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Cesar Flores seems to be a big player in Philippines election, he has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

Who is Cesar Flores Zavarce, president of Smartmatic Asia and the face behind the controversial Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines? The 36-year-old Venezuelan sat down over crepes with GMANews.TV and talked about life in the Philippines, but not necessarily all about the May 10 national elections.



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aa66db No.147850

File: 2cd6b42b58ff41b⋯.png (922.86 KB,1915x1015,383:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f5377c1f2f34a⋯.png (242.9 KB,1919x1011,1919:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731804 (220205ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AE67DA various P-8A / P8 — USA


Actually saw 1,000 mph in the live data. But speed had dropped before anon could grab a screencap.

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aa66db No.147851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731806 (220205ZNOV20) Notable: What is ElectionGuard?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is ElectionGuard?

ElectionGuard is a way of checking election results are accurate, and that votes have not been altered, suppressed or tampered with in any way. Individual voters can see that their vote has been accurately recorded, and their choice has been correctly added to the final tally. Anyone who wishes to monitor the election can check all votes have been correctly tallied to produce an accurate and fair result.

ElectionGuard uses something called homomorphic encryption to ensure that nobody can tell how a person voted. In fact, even the voter cannot use the tracking code to prove to anyone else how they voted – they will only be able to prove that their vote wasn’t changed.

Nobody has to just take Microsoft’s word for it – or anyone else’s for that matter. ElectionGuard is a set of open source software components that can be accessed here. Anyone with the programming skills can create their own verification tool. In practice, this means every political party, candidate, news organization or pressure group can run their own checks and make their preferred program publicly available for others.



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aa66db No.147852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731826 (220208ZNOV20) Notable: Sydney Powell - Live

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sydney Powell - Live

Newsmax TV - Youtube


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aa66db No.147853

File: 789ec8553c01da8⋯.png (800.57 KB,835x1742,835:1742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731848 (220209ZNOV20) Notable: @RUDY: Statement for @TeamTrump on Pennsylvania ruling.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Statement for @TeamTrump

on Pennsylvania ruling.


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aa66db No.147854

File: 5f7432c5b185322⋯.png (585.11 KB,601x696,601:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731990 (220224ZNOV20) Notable: @USArmy The 2-11th Field Artillery Regiment FiST conducted fire missions in support of @25thID maneuvers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Strike Hard!

Flexed biceps

The 2-11th Field Artillery Regiment FiST conducted fire missions in support of @25thID

maneuvers leading to the successful seizure of the objective during their rotation at Joint Readiness Training Center.

#TrainedAndReady | #ArmyTeam


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aa66db No.147855

File: 8034811975592f9⋯.png (140.53 KB,314x367,314:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732002 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: “Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)

conspiracy no more


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aa66db No.147856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732003 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell - Live

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sydney Powell - Live

Newsmax TV


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aa66db No.147857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732004 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: (posted in #14975)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FINAL #14975

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147823 Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

>>147824 Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

>>147825, >>147827 Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

>>147826 Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

>>147829 FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

>>147831 Anon Theory: US Military tweet

>>147834 Soros' Open Society Partners BUN


>>147836 New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA

>>147837 HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry

>>147838 Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate

>>147839 DIG!: Glenn Dubin

>>147840 Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

>>147841 Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization

>>147842 A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

>>147843 Kill_Chain


>>147845 WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

>>147846 NEW POTUS TWEET: Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election.

>>147847 Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

>>147848 Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

>>147849 Cesar Flores has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

>>147850 Planefag

>>147851 What is ElectionGuard?

>>147852 Sydney Powell - Live

>>147853 @RUDY: Statement for @TeamTrump on Pennsylvania ruling.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147858

File: c141bfe2794c555⋯.png (74.42 KB,570x359,570:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 5509bf7d45f33c1⋯.png (199.15 KB,461x681,461:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 18ac8f5c1ea2ede⋯.png (879.55 KB,1241x2012,1241:2012,Clipboard.png)

File: 79b1358c1bfdedd⋯.png (564.35 KB,1241x1428,73:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732062 (220228ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Pat Toomey: “Pres. Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senator Toomey stood up and was counted. He is the enemy of we the people.


Dig on his dirty and let's expose this guy

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aa66db No.147859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732094 (220230ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






















Love moments like this

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aa66db No.147860

File: eb0c631c0869848⋯.png (37.58 KB,978x236,489:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732107 (220231ZNOV20) Notable: 40,000 people watching yet 250,000 likes, Youtube is corrupt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


40,000 people watching yet 250,000 likes, Youtube is corrupt

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aa66db No.147861

File: 6089d2055673f35⋯.png (681.03 KB,630x480,21:16,Clipboard.png)

File: b4ebe57dfb031e5⋯.png (71.53 KB,681x852,227:284,Clipboard.png)

File: ec469590e539543⋯.png (55.08 KB,682x822,341:411,Clipboard.png)

File: cfb309394ace527⋯.png (68.26 KB,719x834,719:834,Clipboard.png)

File: 357c6d57b5062eb⋯.png (73.72 KB,747x894,249:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732222 (220239ZNOV20) Notable: Virgil: If You Liked the ‘New World Order,’ You’ll Love ‘The Great Reset’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Virgil: If You Liked the ‘New World Order,’ You’ll Love ‘The Great Reset’

Your Betters Think You Need to be Reset

By now you might have heard of the phrase “The Great Reset.” It refers to the “opportunity”—that’s the eager noun often used by would-be Great Resetters—presented by Covid-19. Yes, some think that we should look past the awful tragedy of the coronavirus and instead see great opportunity. That is, the opportunity for a Great Reset: The wholesale re-engineering of economies and societies, with an eye toward not only combating the virus, but also achieving other goals, notably, fighting climate change.

This phrase, Great Reset, originated with Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). A Breitbart News reader probably knows a lot about the WEF, which convenes every year in Davos, Switzerland; as James Delingpole has written of these confabs, they’re a place where “billionaires go to lecture millionaires on how ordinary people live.” In addition, “Davos Men” and “Davos Women”—plus perhaps, others—gather elsewhere during the year, even as they produce a steady stream of “thought-leader” materials.

Just this past May, Schwab announced a conference with world leaders and luminaries—including Prince Charles, that well-known expert on everything—to discuss his latest brainchild:

The meeting will see various guests from the public and private sector make contributions on how we can achieve a “Great Reset” of our global economic system in the post-COVID era.

And in July, Schwab published a book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, in which he argued:

The scope of change required is immense, ranging from elaborating a new social contract to forging improved international collaboration. Immense but far from insurmountable, as the case for smart investment in the environment shows.

Since then, the phrase has gained steam. On a September 29 video conference with the United Nations, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared that the current crisis provided an “opportunity of a reset.”

Meanwhile, Time magazine published a cover story and special section entitled, yes, of course, “The Great Reset.” The magazine introduced the idea by explaining:

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.

And then the reader was presented with 23 guest essays elaborating on the subject, penned by everyone from Tony Blair, the former British prime minister; to Kristalina Georgieva, the head of the International Monetary Fund; to Prince Harry and Meghan, the self-exiled Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are even more highly regarded than Prince Charles for their planetary problem-solving acumen.

As an aside, we can observe that while Time was once one of the most important publications in America, these days, the title—now a web-only portal—is of interest mostly because it is the platform for the politically active Big Tech mogul, worth $10 billion, Marc Benioff. So if a commoner wants to know what Benioff and his friends are thinking about, Time is a good place to find out.

With so much coordinated hype, it’s little wonder that mentions of the phrase Great Reset, according to Google Trends, have multiplied 100-fold in the past year.



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aa66db No.147862

File: 9e35993a85582f8⋯.png (22.29 KB,581x326,581:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 879560b80a081c6⋯.png (19.36 KB,544x282,272:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 368587fe15433ae⋯.png (78.31 KB,540x1114,270:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d3a8bf6a9873b1⋯.png (20.39 KB,544x310,272:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732274 (220241ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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aa66db No.147863

File: e0f1f9848308980⋯.png (690.87 KB,852x820,213:205,Clipboard.png)

File: aa4f60a4bb9ff91⋯.png (30.17 KB,794x229,794:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 3958451f0c7b520⋯.png (33.37 KB,853x322,853:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bee84826a10b11⋯.png (51.4 KB,836x385,76:35,Clipboard.png)

File: feed8ed23a8c093⋯.png (41.75 KB,855x320,171:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732284 (220242ZNOV20) Notable: Was President Trump’s 2020 Board Member Tony Shaffer Hinting on November 6th That the President Was All Over the Major Fraud Now Being Uncovered in the Voting Machines?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Was President Trump’s 2020 Board Member Tony Shaffer Hinting on November 6th That the President Was All Over the Major Fraud Now Being Uncovered in the Voting Machines?

A couple of days after the 2020 election, President Trump 2020 Advisory Board member Tony Shaffer provided us comfort noting that the President has a great case and will win his case in the courts.

This is what we shared three days after the election.

Tony Shaffer is a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board. He believes the President won the election and has a great case in the courts to prove it.”

Now we have uncovered that in 2019 Shaffer discussed the efforts being taken to prevent interference in US elections especially as related to voting machines:


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aa66db No.147864

File: 3b0f3c82e1ebfb8⋯.jpeg (908.98 KB,1125x1834,1125:1834,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732301 (220243ZNOV20) Notable: CM about to be on OANN 10PM EST

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Get yer popcorn ready.. CM about to be on OANN


Full Segment with Ron Watkins, Large Systems Data Analyst @CodeMonkeyZ:


#OANinvestigates "Dominion-izing the Vote"

Premiering Saturday, Nov 21 - 10pm EST, 7pm PST.


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aa66db No.147865

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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