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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e031b9 No.199 [Last50 Posts]

12NOV20 to 13NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

e031b9 No.141858

File: c05614e70b8a72c⋯.png (317.1 KB,598x964,299:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11608769 (121505ZNOV20) Notable: CM ASKING FOR HELP Spread the word anons!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11608861 (121513ZNOV20) Notable: #14821

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>141824 Here is a video of someone using only a ball point pen and getting into ADMIN mode of a Dominion voting machine in less than 2 minutes.

>>141825 Many States Have Their Votes Counted in Spain

>>141826 in case anyone else here thinks its worth digging: Driver Arrested After Marathon SUV Pursuit With Children in Car

>>141828 dominion response to allegations was late last bread & feels important

>>141829 @CodeMonkeyZ: Pennsylvania Department of State requested a function from Dominion Voting Software to allow local "Operators" with access to "totally blank ballots" to examine, RE-MARK IF NEEDED

>>141830 Philadelphia has destroyed all ballot envelopes.This will make identifying naked ballots and ballots arriving post election impossible. It will also make finding fraud in an audit very hard.

>>141832 Federal agent Russell Strasser who coerced and bullied the USPS whistleblower SHUT DOWN his Twitter account

>>141833 anon(s) opine(s) bigly


>>141837 @molmccann: do not assume Repub leaders will uncover the fraud in time without your voice

>>141839 How weird are things getting? Scott Adams just retweeted Code Monkey.

>>141840 THIS is what the left-wing pundit class is so alarmed about over AG Barr's announcement.

>>141841, >>141855 PF Reports

>>141842 Blackhawk crash on Tiran Island, 5 American troops killed.

>>141846 Dominion Voting Systems is Crown Agent?

>>141848 What is going on in Maricopa County Arizona? They have a rule You don't need to prove your are a US citizen to vote for President in General elections

>>141849 Halfchan post Election night - activating HAMMER on voting systems

>>141847 The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship. (renoted because)

>>141851 NEW DJT Now 73,000,000 Votes!

>>141852 New DJT: If we can audit the total votes cast, we will easily win Arizona also!

>>141853 States v Federal in regard to elections.

>>141854 White House Petition to Audit the 2020 General Election in All 50 States (renoted because)

>>141856, >>141858 CM ASKING FOR HELP Spread the word anons!


someone global report that stuff

bread split alert

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e031b9 No.141860


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the dough


baker requests handoff


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e031b9 No.141861

File: 22203b9d61f2b32⋯.jpg (110.24 KB,500x701,500:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11608997 (121526ZNOV20) Notable: Rudy live with Bannon on Warroom RN.

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Rudy live with Bannon on Warroom RN.


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e031b9 No.141862

File: c4e1ee8ba8df4a5⋯.png (525.27 KB,806x904,403:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d00903daf9194e⋯.png (589.14 KB,1070x870,107:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 132eae55bddc0dc⋯.png (492.29 KB,1024x706,512:353,Clipboard.png)


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Faker Bakers are all the fucking same

Gotta go? time to do the show?

tick tock
















3 year Delta's and recently breaking news that exposes John Paul who promoted McCarrick 4 times is not notable.

Oddly enough the Vatican news also proves thatCarlo Maria Viganois a liar and by extension his little buddy Dr. Taylor Marshall who helped him push the lies about Francis being responsible for McCarrick when in fact it was Francis, who I am no fan of at all, was the only one who actually did anything about McCarrick.






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e031b9 No.141863

File: 478116d8989c215⋯.png (519.88 KB,2142x1954,1071:977,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eadddfb1beffe9⋯.png (317.11 KB,2946x1272,491:212,Clipboard.png)

File: e950996a275d011⋯.png (534.02 KB,2964x1942,1482:971,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bcba2527f6e3a0⋯.png (377.94 KB,1914x1572,319:262,Clipboard.png)

File: f3330a307c0d50d⋯.png (257.29 KB,1854x1436,927:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609138 (121540ZNOV20) Notable: Lots of money involved in stealing an election. Lots of moving parts. And this is just one county.

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>>>/qresearch/11608915 (pb)

>did you know Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. was sold 2 days before the election

no, can you sauce the deal please?

I did find this contract between Santa Clara County, CA and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. from 8/31/2019.


Very interesting. The deal to "manage" errrr steal an election.

needs a close look, here's some highlights from my quick review.

Lots of money involved in stealing an election. Lots of moving parts. And this is just one county.

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e031b9 No.141864

File: 5a424afc6703abe⋯.png (939.33 KB,1000x752,125:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609179 (121545ZNOV20) Notable: HUGE: One of Many IT Heroes Uncovers Damning Evidence Regarding Potential for Fraud Within Dominion Voting Machines

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HUGE: One of Many IT Heroes Uncovers Damning Evidence Regarding Potential for Fraud Within Dominion Voting Machines


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e031b9 No.141865

File: a01dacd85323ee9⋯.png (341.8 KB,1065x548,1065:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609185 (121545ZNOV20) Notable: THE DATA: A post on TheDonald.win by user TrumanBlack has sparked a little attention, though not nearly enough.

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The devil may be in the details, but the angels are in the data. That’s what we’re learning very quickly as we examine the work of a dedicated Trump-supporter who appears to have uncovered all of the proof necessary to dispel this myth that Joe Biden won the presidential election.

A post on TheDonald.win by user TrumanBlack has sparked a little attention, though not nearly enough. It needs a lot more because within the data sorted and examined is the smoking gun the Trump campaign can use to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was hacked. Massive amounts of votes were changed from President Trump to Biden. Other votes were removed altogether without reason. This “cyber coup” is much bigger than most of us realized. While we’ve been focused, and rightly so, on analog voter fraud, there is technological fraud on a gargantuan scale that happened. More importantly, it has been proven.

We are going through the data now, but everything we’ve combed through so far seems to check out. For example, in Georgia there appears to have been 17,407 votes switched. Biden is currently leading in Georgia by 14,148 votes. Pennsylvania is even worse with over one million votes either switched or “lost.”

Combine this data with what we’re learning about other forms of voter fraud and it’s easy to see how a man who couldn’t fill a small auditorium with supporters was supposedly able to generate more votes than any American candidate in history. The truth is this: He didn’t. Millions of votes were manufactured on his behalf. He (or someone on his behalf) used “The Hammer” and “Scorecard” to steal this election.


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e031b9 No.141866

File: 0353d56c32c0279⋯.png (156.15 KB,768x285,256:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609215 (121548ZNOV20) Notable: interesting case from the blackbox site

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interesting case from the blackbox site

Pressley v. Casar

Laura Pressley (petitioner) v. Gregorio (Greg) Casar (Respondent), Texas Supreme Court case No. 17-0052, addresses the following three issues:

1. Can a ballot be counted if the ballot itself violates Texas Constitutional and statutory law?

2. Can the secretary of state waive mandatory laws enacted by the legislature that have criminal penalties for the violation thereof?

3. Should a candidate be sanctioned (punished with fines) for asking the courts, for the first time, to clarify the issues above?



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e031b9 No.141867

File: f34395691f904da⋯.png (775.75 KB,1890x1026,35:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609226 (121549ZNOV20) Notable: Virginia was the first, and therefore the oldest, of the overseas dominions of the kings and queens of England.

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Old Dominion is one of the best-known nicknames for Virginia, along with Mother of Presidents and Mother of States. The nickname probably derives from the fact that Virginia was the first, and therefore the oldest, of the overseas dominions of the kings and queens of England.


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e031b9 No.141868

File: 0222adc2761e016⋯.png (48.36 KB,601x394,601:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609227 (121549ZNOV20) Notable: This election wasn’t just rigged - there was a sophisticated 3 pronged scheme to fund the illegal operation, and back it up with #DominionSoftware to insure a #Biden victory. The evidence is overwhelming and coming in by the minute. @RudyGiuliani

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This election wasn’t just rigged - there was a sophisticated 3 pronged scheme to fund the illegal operation, and back it up with #DominionSoftware to insure a #Biden victory. The evidence is overwhelming and coming in by the minute.




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e031b9 No.141869

File: 5607c8175277137⋯.png (89.86 KB,777x316,777:316,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d46c7b413d6b58⋯.png (60.14 KB,804x403,804:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609255 (121553ZNOV20) Notable: MOAR DOMINION DIGGS

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Anon's post from a previous bread on a palm beach county city council race back in 2012 that was randomly audited and found that the winner was in fact the loser.

Digging into that crumb I found another more indepth article on that specific race and then shit got real…..Palm Beach County has been using DOMINION since2007

All elections from these systems and ones like it should be null n void.


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e031b9 No.141870

File: b6718f9178106af⋯.png (37.17 KB,594x338,297:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609273 (121555ZNOV20) Notable: What if election fraud was as easy as dragging votes from one folder to another?

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What if election fraud was as easy as dragging votes from one folder to another?

Who are the county representatives (between 2 and 6 people per county) that had official training for the ICC device in their county?

Do you trust those two to six people with your election results?


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e031b9 No.141871

File: a2e13516a75484f⋯.jpg (14.47 KB,560x304,35:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609347 (121602ZNOV20) Notable: "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems

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That's the possibility presented by "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems, an Israeli company. On Friday it will debut a desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones.

The technology uses a 3-D sensing module and locates and tracks the ear position sending audio via ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets by the user's ears. Sound can be heard in stereo or a spatial 3-D mode that creates 360 degree sound around the listener, the company said.

"You don't need to tell the device where you are. It's not streaming to one exact place," Wallwater said.

"It follows you wherever you go. So it's personally for you - follows you, plays what you want inside your head."

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e031b9 No.141872

File: dc9252ce7bb3964⋯.png (182.63 KB,515x512,515:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609396 (121606ZNOV20) Notable: Biden affirms security treaty applies to Senkaku Islands in Suga call; anon opines He's going all out, Logan Act is going to bite him in the ass hard.

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Biden affirms security treaty applies to Senkaku Islands in Suga call

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden sought to shore up ties with key Asian allies on Thursday morning, by making his first calls with the leaders of Japan, South Korea and Australia.

In Biden's 15-minute conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, the two leaders agreed to cooperate on fighting the coronavirus and climate change. Suga said the Japan-U.S. alliance, while needing strengthening, is the cornerstone of his country's diplomacy and security, stressing that it is essential for the peace and prosperity of an increasingly unstable region.

Biden confirmed that Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty will be applied to the defense of Okinawa Prefecture and the Senkaku Islands. Article 5 stipulates that the U.S. is obliged to defend Japan should its territories come under attack. Former President Barack Obama was the first U.S. leader to declare that the pact applies to the Senkakus.

Chinese vessels have been sighted near the islands, claimed by Beijing and known as Diaoyu in China, on more than 280 days this year – moves that have ratcheted up pressure on Japan and drawn protests from Tokyo.

When asked about the call, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told reporters Thursday that the islands are "China's inherent territory" and that the U.S.-Japan security treaty is "a product of the Cold War and should not harm the interests of third parties, let alone endanger regional peace and stability." Suga said he looked forward to "meeting [Biden] as soon as possible," in reference to a planned February 2021 visit to the U.S. after the presidential inauguration ceremony. The Japanese prime minister called for cooperation toward realizing a "free and open Indo-Pacific" led by Japan and the U.S. He also requested cooperation on the issue of North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens. After the call, Suga told reporters "it was very important to work with Biden to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance."

This is a departure from President Donald Trump, who was seeking a review of the alliance during the presidential campaign four years ago, before reaffirming that the treaty covers the Senkakus to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at their first summit in February 2017. Also separating the pair from Trump are their commitments to tackling climate change. Suga has set a goal of reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, and Biden has pledged to return the U.S. to the Paris Agreement.

On the COVID-19 response, Biden has called on a team of experts to develop an action plan to be implemented at the same time as the inauguration of his administration, while Suga plans to align with the U.S. in the development and securement of vaccines. The two sides committed to keep on coordinating views on China's advances in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, as well as North Korea's nuclear and missile development. Japan will pay close attention to how Biden approaches China in the face of the ongoing Washington-Beijing tensions.

Meanwhile, South Korean President Moon Jae-in also had a call with Biden on Thursday morning, in which the pair agreed on the need for a strong alliance and keeping peace on the Korean Peninsula. "I just spoke to @JoeBiden and congratulated him on his election. We reaffirmed our firm commitment to a robust ROK-US alliance and peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula. Going forward, I will work closely with him to meet global challenges including COVID-19 and climate change," Moon said on Twitter. But with Biden calling North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a "thug," analysts say Moon may face difficulties pushing for engagement with Pyongyang. Some see the North resuming military provocations to raise its negotiation power with the incoming Biden administration.

"The U.S. and its allies need to coordinate responses to North Korea's upgraded long-range and submarine-based missiles because Pyongyang's next move may be to conduct a provocative test as a 'welcome gift' to Biden before demanding financial benefits to reduce military tensions," said Leif-Eric Easley, an associate professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. "A Biden administration is more likely to pursue working-level talks with Pyongyang rather than summits and big deals."

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison also spoke with Biden. "There are no greater friends and no greater allies than Australia and the U.S.," Morrison tweeted after the call. "I look forward to strengthening even further our deep and enduring alliance, and to working with him closely as we face the world's many challenges together."


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e031b9 No.141873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609405 (121607ZNOV20) Notable: Biden affirms security treaty applies to Senkaku Islands in Suga call; anon opines He's going all out, Logan Act is going to bite him in the ass hard.

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He's going all out, Logan Act is going to bite him in the ass hard.

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e031b9 No.141874

File: f11fac942cad1f8⋯.png (39.74 KB,597x298,597:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609433 (121611ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT Fox forgot golden goose

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.@FoxNews daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose. The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!


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e031b9 No.141875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609447 (121613ZNOV20) Notable: Ambiguous (sharpie) ballots are not counted, but are saved to a folder.

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Is the Ron guy now the legendary Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.



Replying to


Look in the "C:path oprojectNotCastImages" folder on all the ICC hardware for ambiguous ballots. Arizona had a lot of issues with sharpie markers. The ICC hardware might have marked such ballots as ambiguous.

Ambiguous ballots are not counted, but are saved to a folder.


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e031b9 No.141876

File: 1f58d364099a672⋯.png (155.12 KB,1404x831,468:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 0559af6fe62983a⋯.png (67.93 KB,878x620,439:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609554 (121621ZNOV20) Notable: Crown Agents dig cont'd

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>>141846 (pb)

>INVESTIGATION: Did Crown Agent Dominion Voting Systems Rigged The US Elections 2020

Crown Agents

Crown Agents Ltd is an international development company with head office in the United Kingdom. Its main focus is to help governments around the world to increase prosperity, reduce poverty and improve health by providing consultancy, supply chain, financial services and training.[1]

In April 2016 its financial services arm (Crown Agents Bank and Crown Agents Investment Management) was sold to Helios Investment Partners, leaving Crown Agents Ltd to focus on offering expertise in the areas of "health, economic development, governance and state building, supply chain services and humanitarian response".[2]

Incorporated as a private limited company Crown Agents Ltd has only one shareholder – the Crown Agents Foundation, a not-for-profit company.[3] Crown Agents Ltd's registered office is in Southwark, London.[4]



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e031b9 No.141877

File: 267a33e412e2260⋯.jpg (100.13 KB,809x426,809:426,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609586 (121624ZNOV20) Notable: Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7

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Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7 – officials

At least seven people were killed after a helicopter belonging to an international peacekeeping force crashed in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Thursday, Israeli and Egyptian officials have confirmed.

Five Americans were among those killed in the crash, AP reported, citing an Israeli official. The victims also included French and Czech members of the peacekeeping forces, according to the official, who added that Israel initially sent a helicopter to rescue any wounded.

However, that mission was called off after the deaths were confirmed.

The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) office in Israel confirmed there had been a helicopter accident, Reuters reported.

Speaking about the crash, an Egyptian official said the aircraft involved was a UH-60 Black Hawk on a reconnaissance mission, and the accident happened near the island of Tiran. The apparent cause of the crash was a technical failure, the official added.


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e031b9 No.141878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609651 (121629ZNOV20) Notable: #14822

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>141861 Rudy live with Bannon on Warroom RN.


>>141863 Lots of money involved in stealing an election. Lots of moving parts. And this is just one county.

>>141864 HUGE: One of Many IT Heroes Uncovers Damning Evidence Regarding Potential for Fraud Within Dominion Voting Machines

>>141865 THE DATA: A post on TheDonald.win by user TrumanBlack has sparked a little attention, though not nearly enough.

>>141866 interesting case from the blackbox site

>>141867 Virginia was the first, and therefore the oldest, of the overseas dominions of the kings and queens of England.

>>141868 This election wasn’t just rigged - there was a sophisticated 3 pronged scheme to fund the illegal operation, and back it up with #DominionSoftware to insure a #Biden victory. The evidence is overwhelming and coming in by the minute. @RudyGiuliani


>>141870 What if election fraud was as easy as dragging votes from one folder to another?

>>141871 "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems

>>141874 New DJT Fox forgot golden goose

>>141875 Ambiguous (sharpie) ballots are not counted, but are saved to a folder.

>>141876 Crown Agents dig cont'd

>>141872, >>141873 Biden affirms security treaty applies to Senkaku Islands in Suga call; anon opines He's going all out, Logan Act is going to bite him in the ass hard.

>>141877 Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7


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e031b9 No.141879

File: 7efac3940bbfd5d⋯.png (42.29 KB,590x335,118:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609743 (121635ZNOV20) Notable: new DJT @ChanelRion @OANN DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.

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e031b9 No.141880

File: 718e25d42dc0aa3⋯.jpeg (513.27 KB,1241x1983,1241:1983,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 00b08b2787d8f4f⋯.jpeg (440.09 KB,1241x1898,17:26,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609787 (121640ZNOV20) Notable: Maria B, says she’s only posting scoops on Parler now

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I didn’t know Bongino owns Parler. Maria B, says she’s only posting scoops on Parler now

We are taking back our Free Speech!



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e031b9 No.141881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609795 (121641ZNOV20) Notable: Trump doesn't have to overturn anything. THERE ARE NO FINAL RESULTS YET.

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The media keeps saying that Trump needs to 'overturn' the results in several states to win.

I don't get it.

Trump doesn't have to overturn anything.

We need to stop buying their narrative that Trump needs to 'OVERTURN RESULTS


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609813 (121643ZNOV20) Notable: PA: Please forward this link to any member of the military so they can confirm whether or not their vote counted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Please forward this link to any member of the military so they can confirm whether or not their vote counted.

Please forward this link to any member of the military so they can confirm whether or not their vote counted.


If it didn't, have them email voterintegrity@braynard.com and we'll reach out to have them sign a statement.

It is particularly disheartening that today, on Veterans Day, our team is talking to members of our military whose ballots were mailed back but not marked as received or counted by their home states.


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e031b9 No.141883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609843 (121646ZNOV20) Notable: Many of the Dominion voting systems come preconfigured on Dell hardware. They all have a simple system password reset jumper.

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can someone pass this along to /CM/

Dominion Password Jumper

Many of the Dominion voting systems come preconfigured on Dell hardware.

They all have a simple system password reset jumper.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141884

File: c59e097da84f650⋯.png (524.85 KB,596x1076,149:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cf755c130faeb9⋯.png (1.58 MB,1245x917,1245:917,Clipboard.png)

File: 446482ab91d88b0⋯.png (314.6 KB,1434x917,1434:917,Clipboard.png)

File: f8f9f9776236116⋯.png (199.91 KB,598x616,299:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609891 (121650ZNOV20) Notable: They also have the ability to “override” and process a blank ballot…

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Werise Twitter


They also have the ability to “override” and process a blank ballot…

Tweeted @ CodemonkeyZ


Pennsylvania Department of State requested a function from Dominion Voting Software to allow local "Operators" with access to "totally blank ballots" to examine, RE-MARK IF NEEDED and allowed, and then re-scan into the tabulator.



Werise Retweeted



E S & S



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e031b9 No.141885

File: 62643e2279df9ae⋯.jpeg (341.39 KB,1329x1294,1329:1294,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609897 (121650ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141886

File: 79e72ca791b2a6e⋯.png (30.67 KB,932x365,932:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609928 (121652ZNOV20) Notable: Dems and Globalists Used Ukraine 2004 Election Playbook

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Dems and Globalists Used Ukraine 2004 Election Playbook

Does all of this sound very familiar?

Ambassador John Tefft, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs

Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee

Washington, DC

December 7, 2004

- The following are examples of the most egregious, widely observed and reported examples of election-day fraud on November 21:

- Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots: According to the respected NGO "Committee of Voters of Ukraine" (CVU), massive electoral fraud was committed through the illegal use of absentee voter certificates. For example, people were caught in Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy oblasts with their pockets stuffed with blank absentee ballots that they were using to vote at multiple polling stations.

- Opposition Observers Ejected: Observers from Our Ukraine and other opposition groups were expelled from most polling stations in eastern Ukraine on Election Day. For example, in Territorial Election Commission (TEC) district number 42 in Donetsk oblast, Our Ukraine observers were kicked out of all but a few polling stations.

- North Korean-Style Turnout in the East: Turnout in the pro-Yanukovych eastern oblasts was unnaturally high. In several electoral districts, turnout for the run-off round increased by 30 to 40 percent over the first round. In Luhansk oblast, the reported turnout rate hit nearly 96 percent – a number that, to quote the OSCE, even Stalinist North Korea would envy. A similar turnout rate was reported in Donetsk oblast, where 98 percent of the votes went to hometown candidate Prime Minister Yanukovych.

- Mobile Ballot Box Fraud: In the second round of the election, the number of voters who supposedly cast ballots at home using mobile ballot boxes was double that of the first round. Much of this voting occurred without observers being present and was massively fraudulent. In Mykolayiv oblast, for example, nearly 35 percent of the oblast's voters purportedly cast their ballots "at home."

- Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych: There were credible reports showing that that Yanukovych supporters gained illegal access to the Central Election Commission's computer system and illegally altered vote tabulation data being transmitted by TECs to the CEC.

- Reports of Opposition Fraud: Yanykovych’s supporters allege that Yushchenko’s supporters stuffed ballot boxes in western Ukraine. But the reports and evidence of pro-Yanukovych fraud greatly outweighed those indicated for Yushchenko.


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e031b9 No.141887

File: 6f919cdcd3f8fe4⋯.png (533.09 KB,820x870,82:87,Clipboard.png)

File: a46d1f758df9b98⋯.png (45.65 KB,664x310,332:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609982 (121657ZNOV20) Notable: NYT's Maggie Haberman has deal for Trump book

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NYT's Maggie Haberman has deal for Trump book


NEW YORK (AP) — One of the top chroniclers of the Trump administration, New York Times White House reporter Maggie Haberman, has a book deal.

Penguin Press announced Thursday that the Pulitzer Prize winner's book, currently untitled, would come out in 2022.

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e031b9 No.141888

File: 4de81fd17f48240⋯.png (296.43 KB,1903x2987,1903:2987,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11609992 (121657ZNOV20) Notable: They are going to have a lot of explaining to do

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Lets Frame this! Kek, They are going to have a lot of explaining to do…In Court!


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e031b9 No.141889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610147 (121707ZNOV20) Notable: According to attorney Van Jones, Trump has the Constitutional Right to Refuse To Concede

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According to attorney Van Jones,

Trump has the Constitutional Right to Refuse To Concede

Van explains what he learned when he researched Constitutional law to find out;

What if a US presidential candidate refuses to concede after an election? Van Jones


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e031b9 No.141890

File: af5ae8b53bda7c9⋯.jpg (76.08 KB,521x582,521:582,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9ea3e5166d87c9a⋯.png (42.39 KB,565x680,113:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 453aaa855ff657a⋯.png (26.99 KB,568x680,71:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610157 (121708ZNOV20) Notable: Texas election fraud research document drop. (August 2020 document).

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Texas election fraud research document drop. (August 2020 document). Go to the twitter timeline for more sauce


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e031b9 No.141891

File: 9d16b1acc796182⋯.png (525.97 KB,601x601,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6606919408fe1a0⋯.mp4 (5.54 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610181 (121710ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion whistleblower Mellissa Carone showed up on Lou Dobbs

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Dominion whistleblower Mellissa Carone showed up on Lou Dobbs


Her twitter: https://twitter.com/CaroneMellissa

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e031b9 No.141892

File: 071f2cc860f3232⋯.png (46.12 KB,595x557,595:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610298 (121718ZNOV20) Notable: Moar Veritas USPS coming today

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Moar Veritas USPS coming today


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141893

File: 0bb7086b8966d08⋯.png (24.13 KB,451x411,451:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610365 (121722ZNOV20) Notable: Moar Veritas USPS coming today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James O'Keefe


Another USPS whistleblower is coming forward and we’re releasing his video clips at 4pm EST today.

It will take more than what you’ve written below to stop me,


You’d have to put me before a firing squad.

Even then, you’d fail.


11:17 AM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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e031b9 No.141894

File: 805fbb00d7cedb6⋯.png (233.37 KB,530x582,265:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 029f524503c48e5⋯.png (844.91 KB,1422x704,711:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610406 (121724ZNOV20) Notable: USMC Purple Rain

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Purple Rain

Lance Cpl. Peter Lee posts security during Mountain Warfare Exercise at @combatcenterpao.

Marines with @2ndMLG are training as a logistics combat element to provide tactical, medium and heavy-lift motor transportation capabilities.


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e031b9 No.141895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610425 (121725ZNOV20) Notable: #14823

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Notables are NOT endorsements



>>141880 Maria B, says she’s only posting scoops on Parler now

>>141881 Trump doesn't have to overturn anything. THERE ARE NO FINAL RESULTS YET.

>>141882 PA: Please forward this link to any member of the military so they can confirm whether or not their vote counted.

>>141883 Many of the Dominion voting systems come preconfigured on Dell hardware. They all have a simple system password reset jumper.

>>141884 They also have the ability to “override” and process a blank ballot…

>>141885 Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election"

>>141886 Dems and Globalists Used Ukraine 2004 Election Playbook

>>141887 NYT's Maggie Haberman has deal for Trump book

>>141888 They are going to have a lot of explaining to do

>>141889 According to attorney Van Jones, Trump has the Constitutional Right to Refuse To Concede

>>141890 Texas election fraud research document drop. (August 2020 document).

>>141892, >>141893 Moar Veritas USPS coming today

>>141891 Dominion whistleblower Mellissa Carone showed up on Lou Dobbs

>>141894 USMC Purple Rain


bring it forward

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e031b9 No.141896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610530 (121733ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_33_00.png, Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_31_18.png

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So, this one might be interesting.

JUMBO33. C-5M Galaxy.

Just left Fort Drum.

Do you guys know who is stationed at Fort Drum?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141897

File: ffc7880315ce98b⋯.png (38.9 KB,675x732,225:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e04a1e35acc922⋯.png (62.92 KB,699x905,699:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a010f45af7d626⋯.png (51.56 KB,666x659,666:659,Clipboard.png)

File: fc87554701ceb15⋯.png (13.77 KB,654x156,109:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610536 (121734ZNOV20) Notable: Dept Lied to Keep 738,000 Records Secret on Network of Pedophile Cops in Explorer Program

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Dept Lied to Keep 738,000 Records Secret on Network of Pedophile Cops in Explorer Program

Inside information into the years-long child sex abuse saga involving Louisville Metropolitan Police Department (LMPD) officers was not at all easy to obtain and now we know why. The department hid 738,000 records documenting the sexual abuse of Explorer Scouts by officers — and then, according to records requested by the Courier Journal, lied to keep the files from the public.

According to the Journal, last year, the newspaper requested all records regarding the sexual abuse of minors by LMPD officers involved in the Explorer program, a program for children who are interested in becoming cops. However, police claimed that they couldn’t turn over the records, telling the Journal that they had already been turned over to the FBI.

“LMPD does not have possession or control of the records,” LMPD records custodian Alicia Smiley wrote in a Sept. 3, 2019, letter to Assistant Attorney General Marcus Jones. “When the investigation was taken by the FBI, all copies of the investigative materials … were physically removed from the premises, digital devices and servers of LMPD.”

But that was a lie, the LMPD had hundreds of thousands of records on child sexual abuse by officers in the Explorer program.

According to the Journal, the department still had at least 738,000 records, which the city allowed to be deleted.

The records detail the actions taken — or rather not taken — when the department learned about the sexual abuse of children in the program.

“I have practiced open records law since the law was enacted 45 years ago, and I have never seen anything so brazen,” said Jon Fleischaker, an attorney for The Courier Journal. “I think it an outrage.”

Another lawyer for The Courier Journal, Michael Abate, said the city’s conduct was especially egregious given the case involves the sexual abuse of children by police officers and the department’s failure to prevent it.

Metro Council President David James said Wednesday, according to the Journal, that “it’s very disturbing to me that either the county attorney’s office or the police department was so dead-set on making sure those records never reached the public.”

Councilman Anthony Piagentini, R-19th, said, “There aren’t the appropriate words to describe how indefensible this is. The administration oversaw the sexual exploitation of minors and then deleted evidence.”

Jean Porter, a spokesman for Mayor Greg Fischer, said his “focus is getting to the truth in this horrific case.”

“Issues of ownership for records in an investigation led by a federal task force are not as clear as your newspaper would suggest,” she said in a statement. “The mayor is awaiting the independent review being conducted for the Jefferson County Attorney’s office before deciding next steps, and he remains committed to releasing all documents that the law allows.”

The lawsuits against the other officers as well as the criminal investigations are all still pending.


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e031b9 No.141898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610541 (121735ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7 – officials

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Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7 – officials

At least seven people were killed after a helicopter belonging to an international peacekeeping force crashed in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Thursday, Israeli and Egyptian officials have confirmed.

Five Americans were among those killed in the crash, AP reported, citing an Israeli official. The victims also included French and Czech members of the peacekeeping forces, according to the official, who added that Israel initially sent a helicopter to rescue any wounded.

However, that mission was called off after the deaths were confirmed.

The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) office in Israel confirmed there had been a helicopter accident, Reuters reported.

Speaking about the crash, an Egyptian official said the aircraft involved was a UH-60 Black Hawk on a reconnaissance mission, and the accident happened near the island of Tiran. The apparent cause of the crash was a technical failure, the official added.

The international force has 1,154 military personnel from 13 states, with Americans making up the largest contingent, with 452 people.

The MFO covers an area of more than 10,000 square kilometers (3,860 square miles) in the Sinai, where its peacekeepers monitor adherence to the 1979 peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.


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e031b9 No.141899

File: d4b6fd5045baa1a⋯.png (87.83 KB,753x865,753:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 99580a133c202d5⋯.png (73.39 KB,736x785,736:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610549 (121736ZNOV20) Notable: University Researcher Pleads Guilty to Lying on Grant Applications to Develop Scientific Expertise for China

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University Researcher Pleads Guilty to Lying on Grant Applications to Develop Scientific Expertise for China


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610554 (121736ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / FEC CHAIR: Illegitimate election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FEC CHAIR: Illegitimate election


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e031b9 No.141901

File: cb989364df24467⋯.jpg (324.11 KB,1077x1316,1077:1316,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bea4cc2253483e⋯.jpg (238.47 KB,1059x1058,1059:1058,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2fe3ea1e753b680⋯.jpg (436.38 KB,1080x1862,540:931,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610560 (121737ZNOV20) Notable: This executive order is made even stronger now with the Supreme Court in our favor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, this EO is about to come into play very soon. Eyes on and follow the pen. This executive order is made even stronger now with the Supreme Court in our favor.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610563 (121737ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020


Miles Guo : The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020

Miles Guo : The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020



喜马拉雅-华盛顿DC站 41 mins ago

Author: Gwiki、BoundlessSky星空无垠、推推党宣传部长(tuituidang)、TheConfused、Shron G

Key Points:

1,BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward


3, Lude: Personnel from fraudulent software company blowing the whistle!

4,Guo Wengui: “The software for the U.S. president election was supplied by the CCP, and the CCP controlled agents in the U.S. assisted voting, changed and altered votes and committed massive vote fraud.

11.11. ZeroHedge Beijing Fears Esper’s Exit Raises Risk Of Military Action & ‘Accidents’

In the wake of Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s firing early this week The South China Morning Post reports that leaders in Beijing are worried the sudden transition in the key Pentagon post dramatically raises the risk of accidental conflict, or at least signals a tougher stance out of an unpredictable US administration in its las 70 days in the White House.

11.11. National Pulse Dominion Voting Systems Retains Obama ‘Vote Protection Director’ As Lobbyist

11.11. Gateway Pundit HAVE FAITH – Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring Voter Data – Already Nearly 300,000 Vote Discrepancies Were Identified in Pennsylvania Alone

11.11 Twitter Censors Twelve Trump Posts In One Day

Twitter censored an unprecedented number of President Trump’s posts Tuesday, labelling no less than TWELVE tweets with warnings that Trump’s claims cannot be verified.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610565 (121737ZNOV20) Notable: Anons please help get this to CodeMonkey and can helper anon post graphic? Initial findings need more digging.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons please help get this to CodeMonkey and can helper anon post graphic? Initial findings need more digging.


Search sample ballot for Massachusetts - enter repubiican


STEPHANIEK. FATTMAN ^^…^^Repubiican Maple Ln., Sutton Candidate for Re-election

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e031b9 No.141904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610581 (121739ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / WHO complains about ‘onslaught of cyberattacks’ as Taiwan accuses it of online censorship, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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WHO complains about ‘onslaught of cyberattacks’ as Taiwan accuses it of online censorship

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it resorted to banning the words ‘Taiwan’ and ‘China’ on its social media pages after getting “spammed” with politically-charged comments.

The UN health agency was targeted by “an onslaught of cyberattacks by online activists on a number of controversial issues, using keywords such as ‘Taiwan’ and ‘China,’” the organization said in a statement.

It added that the WHO's social media team switched on “content filters” because the influx of politically-charged comments was getting in the way of people who came to its social platforms to talk about health issues.

WHO defended the filters as “a practical measure that does not reflect a value judgment or any policy” of the organization. The aim was to help people to “avoid being spammed through cyberattacks, including from bots,” it said, adding that the ban on words ‘Taiwan’ and ‘China’ has since been lifted.

For years, Taiwan has been blocked from formally joining the WHO because China considers it a part of its territory. On Monday, the island nation was not allowed to participate in a meeting of the WHO's main decision-making body.

According to Taiwanese media, local politician Chen Po-wei noticed on Thursday that the word ‘Taiwan’ was blocked in the comments section below the Facebook streaming video of the WHO event.

Taiwanese social media users also discovered that phrases like ‘China virus’, ‘Wuhan virus’ and ‘Taiwan can help’ – the slogan used by the government in a bid to join the WHO amid the Covid-19 pandemic – were also getting blocked.

They then went on to try different spelling methods to circumvent the contents filters and started leaving angry comments bashing the WHO.

The Taiwanese envoy to the US, Hsiao Bi-khim, denounced the ban on certain words as “censorship.”

Troubling that the WHO is taking on the CCP’s habit of censorship. pic.twitter.com/7NiZH3GdhO

— Bi-khim Hsiao 蕭美琴 (@bikhim) November 12, 2020

“We'd like to express our displeasure and dissatisfaction at the WHO's attempt to erase Taiwan!” the nation's foreign ministry wrote on Facebook.

Ministry spokesperson Joanne Ou rejected the claim that cyberattacks were involved. “They are just people leaving messages to support Taiwan, including our allies,” she told Reuters.


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e031b9 No.141905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610597 (121740ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141906

File: 7c6f8ddef7e322d⋯.png (629.05 KB,1889x728,1889:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610630 (121742ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / PF

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Current activity

Looks like a busy day

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610632 (121742ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Obama blasts Trump in new book: He took advantage of Americans ‘spooked by a black man in the White House’, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Obama blasts Trump in new book: He took advantage of Americans ‘spooked by a black man in the White House’

In his upcoming book ‘The Promised Land’, former President Barack Obama accuses Donald Trump of providing an “elixir” to Americans’ “racial anxiety” and ultimately changing the Republican Party.

According to excerpts obtained and published by CNN from the book, which will be published on November 17, Obama directly ties Trump’s victory to racism, something he says had been “lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party” for some time.

“It was as if my very presence in the White House had triggered a deep-seated panic, a sense that the natural order had been disrupted,” he wrote of his own presidency.

Trump, he asserts, fed into this supposed panic when he began questioning whether the president had been born in the US.

“For millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House, he promised an elixir for their racial anxiety,” writes Obama.

The former president claims the Republican Party became extreme when Sarah Palin was nominated as vice president for the 2008 presidential race.

“Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party – xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks – were finding their way to center stage,” Obama theorizes.

He praises the late John McCain though, a senator Trump traded barbs with while he was alive. In hindsight, Obama wonders would McCain still have picked Palin as his running mate, a move that resulted in “shifting his party's center and the country's politics overall in a direction he abhorred.”

“I'd like to think that given the chance to do it over again, he might have chosen differently,” he writes. “I believe he really did put his country first.”


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e031b9 No.141908

File: c9439daeed58bb5⋯.png (378.39 KB,598x673,598:673,Clipboard.png)

File: a6484042ed5e7c7⋯.mp4 (7.16 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610651 (121743ZNOV20) Notable: Richard Grenell pummels NBC hack

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Richard Grenell pummels NBC hack

No one ran from you. We said clearly, we would not take any more questions and would update you as necessary. The event ended.

And then you created a faux drama by following after a press conference. Because you are a partisan.

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e031b9 No.141909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610654 (121744ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Facebook-owned apps, including WhatsApp and Instagram used in over half of online grooming cases in England and Wales, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Facebook-owned apps, including WhatsApp and Instagram used in over half of online grooming cases in England and Wales

New research from a children’s charity has warned that grooming crimes increased by 10 percent to 1,220 during the three months of lockdown, with more than half taking place on apps owned by the tech giant Facebook.

A study released on Thursday by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) highlights that online cases of sexual communication with a child increased by 10 percent between March and June, the first three months of the Covid-19 induced lockdown.

The figures, provided by 38 police forces in England and Wales, show that apps owned by the social media giant Facebook, notably WhatsApp and Instagram, were responsible for 51% of online grooming cases where a site was mentioned.

Instagram saw the largest rise in use by online child grooming offenders. The study found that the app was used in 37 percent of grooming cases where the platform was recorded, a 40 percent increase from previous years.

Disappearing picture messaging app, Snapchat, was used in 20 percent of cases.

The report highlights that online offences have increased annually, with total of 12,925 cases being recorded by police over the last three years.

NSPCC chief executive, Peter Wanless says the pandemic has created the “perfect storm” for increased online grooming crimes and warned that the worrying figures could get worse.

“Families have long paid the price for big tech’s failure to protect children from abuse, but the Prime Minister has the chance to turn the tide and put responsibility on firms to clean up the mess they created,” Wanless said.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection, supported the call, adding “in an increasingly digitally connected world, perpetrators of child abuse are conducting more and more of their activities online. Offenders use the internet to access and share child abuse images, and to make contact with and groom children directly.”


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e031b9 No.141910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610670 (121745ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_44_34.png

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To the anon who posted that strange radar image from Louisiana, if that was recent, there is now a B-52 circling in the area.

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e031b9 No.141911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610676 (121745ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / UK prime minister slams anti-vax ‘nonsense’, tells Brits to get the Covid-19 jab when it’s their turn, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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UK prime minister slams anti-vax ‘nonsense’, tells Brits to get the Covid-19 jab when it’s their turn

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hit out at anti-vaxxers and claimed that he has no hesitation about getting the Covid vaccine himself, adding that everyone should receive the jab once it’s available to them.

Speaking to the media on Thursday, Johnson encouraged all Britons to get immunized against coronavirus, and took the opportunity to freshly lambast the anti-vax movement, which has been increasingly vocal in the UK.

“Anti-vax is total nonsense; you should definitely get a vaccine,” he said.

BoJo hosts Bill Gates & pharma bigwigs to plot Covid-19 vaccine deployment as UK military preps for ‘biggest effort since WWII’ READ MORE: BoJo hosts Bill Gates & pharma bigwigs to plot Covid-19 vaccine deployment as UK military preps for ‘biggest effort since WWII’

The prime minister added that he had no “inhibitions” about getting the jab himself, and strongly encouraged people in the UK to do the same as soon as they are eligible. Johnson also explained that a committee would decide who would be eligible for the vaccine first.

Earlier in the year, Johnson described those who opposed vaccinations as “nuts.”

Tory MP and leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, echoed the PM’s sentiments on Thursday, labelling anti-vaxxers as “nutters” as he claimed the government’s high spending on Covid communications was imperative to “reassure people” about the safety of vaccines.

As with elsewhere in the world, the UK has seen a number of anti-vaccination theories and protests. In October, around 2,000 people gathered in Westminster to spread their potentially dangerous anti-vaccine message. Crowds chanted “We don’t need no vaccination” to the tune of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall.

A poll published by Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper this week found that 74 percent of respondents would be happy to take the vaccine, while 7 percent claimed they would not receive it under any circumstances.

The pro- and anti-vaccine debate has escalated in the UK this week, following Pfizer’s announcement on Monday that their formula has been shown to be 90 percent effective against Covid.


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e031b9 No.141912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610717 (121748ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Arizona Secretary of State in Charge of Certifying Election Results Called Trump Supporters “Neo-Nazis”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Arizona Secretary of State in Charge of Certifying Election Results Called Trump Supporters “Neo-Nazis”

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs previously called Trump supporters “Neo-Nazis.”

Hobbs is in charge of certifying Arizona’s election results.

“President Trump has made it abundantly clear he’s more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being POTUS for all Americans,” Hobbs said in a 2017 tweet.

Screenshot in case of deletion:

Recall, Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while people were still standing in line to vote.

The race in Arizona is very tight and will likely go to a recount.

President Trump’s campaign filed a lawsuit in Arizona this week demanding a hand count of ballots it says were incorrectly counted.


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e031b9 No.141913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610723 (121749ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / The Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln on November 19, 1863, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 4949.png

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The Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln on November 19, 1863


Text of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address:

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

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e031b9 No.141914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610732 (121749ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Saudi Embassy in The Netherlands ‘Sprayed WIth Gunfire’, One Held by Police, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Saudi Embassy in The Netherlands ‘Sprayed WIth Gunfire’, One Held by Police

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) – The Saudi Arabian embassy in The Hague was sprayed with gunfire early Thursday, leaving bullet holes across the facade and in several windows. Police said nobody was injured and a man was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the shooting.

Spokesman Steven van Santen said police were alerted around 6 a.m. to shots being fired at the building on a stately avenue opposite a canal in the Dutch city.

Officers found several bullet casings outside the building and launched an investigation including an appeal for witnesses.

Later Thursday, police said they had arrested a 40-year-old man from the nearby town of Zoetermeer on suspicion of involvement in the shooting. The identity of the suspect, who was being held for questioning, was not released in line with Dutch privacy rules.

The official Saudi Press Agency said that the embassy had witnessed “a cowardly shooting incident.”

As soon as authorities learned of the incident from embassy officials, they cordoned off the area, closed the road leading to the embassy, bolstered security measures and “took criminal evidence,” the statement added.

The embassy condemned the attack and praised Dutch authorities for their prompt response, saying it “looks forward to investigating the circumstances, knowing the results and bringing those behind the incident to justice.” Saudi Arabia also urged its citizens in the Netherlands to exercise caution.

The Dutch foreign ministry said in a statement that it was taking the shooting “extremely seriously” and was in close contact with Saudi authorities.

The shooting came a day after an explosion at a Saudi cemetery where American and European officials were commemorating the end of World War I wounded three people. There was no indication that the shooting in The Hague was linked to the blast.

Reports: Non-Muslim Cemetery in Saudi Arabia Attacked During Armistice Day Ceremony https://t.co/SBtsZepXB9

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 11, 2020


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e031b9 No.141915

File: 2721a959108e153⋯.png (47.71 KB,680x542,340:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610735 (121750ZNOV20) Notable: ICE's Twitter account has been suspended/nuked

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ICE's Twitter account has been suspended/nuked


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e031b9 No.141916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610736 (121750ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / QAnon’s Home 8kun Is Imploding—and Q Has Gone Silent GHOST TOWNMSM BS, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 54FDBA53_D353_4751_BF11_251AED43F556.jpeg

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https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanons-home-8kun-is-implodingand-q-has-gone-silent?ref=home QAnon’s Home 8kun Is Imploding—and Q Has Gone Silent


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e031b9 No.141917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610792 (121753ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / TEEN VOGUE: ‘White Women Have to Answer For Backing the Republican Nominee Yet Again, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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TEEN VOGUE: ‘White Women Have to Answer For Backing the Republican Nominee Yet Again’

Teen Vogue claims that white women have to answer for their increased support for President Trump from 2016 to 2020.

Teen Vogue claims that white women have to answer for their increased support for President Donald Trump from 2016 to 2020.

Teen Vogue questions, “If internalized sexism was to blame for white women’s choice in 2016, how to explain 2020?” Teen Vogue describes the choice between President Trump and Joe Biden as the choice between “two demographically identical old white men,” and notes that more white women still made the choice to for President Trump in 2020 than in 2016.

“If internalized sexism was to blame for white women’s choice in 2016, how to explain 2020, an election in which voters had the choice between two demographically identical old white men,” asks Teen vogue. “As a voting bloc, white women seemingly doubled down in their support of Trump, opting to align themselves against science, reproductive rights, diplomacy, and economic solvency in support of the spoils they (we?) reap as secondary benefactors of white privilege.”


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e031b9 No.141918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610805 (121754ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Biden spoke with the Pope, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Biden_pope.png

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Biden spoke with the Pope


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e031b9 No.141919

File: ae4d11c70db38cb⋯.jpg (91.1 KB,660x644,165:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610807 (121754ZNOV20) Notable: The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.

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The Election WizardMan mage


BREAKING: The Maricopa County GOP chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.

Maricopa County Republican chairman Rae Chornenky steps down

The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.


11:02 AM · Nov 12, 2020


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e031b9 No.141920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610808 (121754ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Two wealthy Israeli businessmen suspected of tax evasion in hundreds of millions, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_11_12_TOI_ALERTS_on_Twitter_1_.png

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Two wealthy Israeli businessmen suspected of tax evasion in hundreds of millions


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e031b9 No.141921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610866 (121758ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Michelle Malkin Piece on Scytl, Soros and the Potential of Fuckery in a Presidential Election

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Michelle Malkin Piece on Scytl, Soros and the Potential of Fuckery in a Presidential Election

With six months until Election Day, conspiracy theories are percolating on the Internet like bubbling mud pots at Yellowstone: Left-wing billionaire George Soros is going to rig the election for Barack Obama. Foreigners will oversee the nation's entire vote-counting system. The fix is in, and all is lost.

Before conservatives go all Michael Moore-moonbatty, let's calm down and separate voter fraud facts from fiction. There's no time to waste worrying about manufactured scares. And there are plenty of legitimate threats to electoral integrity without having to inflate or concoct them.

FACT: Scytl is a Spain-based business that specializes in "electoral security technology" and electronic voting applications. Its cryptographic research initially was funded by the Spanish government's Ministry of Science and Technology and later was spun off as a private-sector e-voting venture.

FACT: In January 2012, Scytl acquired U.S.-based SOE Software. SOE writes "election management" programs that assist officials with everything from "Internet voting to election night reporting and online poll worker training."

FICTION: According to alarmists, Scytl's acquisition of SOE amounts to a complete takeover of America's election system. No, not really. While SOE boasts of a presence "with 900 jurisdictions as customers in 26 states," there is no single contract that the federal government has entered into, or could, with Scytl to count the 2012 presidential election votes. Much of the work Scytl/SOE analysts do is number-crunching and graphics software work after local and state officials have done the vote-counting.

Scytl does have a contract with the feds to use its technology to help overseas and military voters participate in elections. In 2009, the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act mandated that U.S. jurisdictions allow uniformed and overseas citizens to receive and track their ballots electronically. Scytl's online ballot program was used in 14 states during the 2010 midterms.



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e031b9 No.141922

File: ca7afd36beeb24c⋯.jpeg (234 KB,1204x1190,86:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610884 (121759ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages

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Genuinely thought this was satire, then slowly dawned on me that this is real. From the founder of the World Economic Forum himself:

"The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages.

Citizens that have up-to-date vaccination documents will receive regular packages of plant-based protein products Cricket"


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e031b9 No.141923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610896 (121800ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Over 30,000 deaths including thousands in nursing homes?' Fox meteorologist whose in-laws died of COVID blasts Cuomo, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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'Over 30,000 deaths including thousands in nursing homes?' Fox meteorologist whose in-laws died of COVID blasts Cuomo over his 'Leadership Lessons from the Pandemic' book as NY faces second lockdown

A Fox News meteorologist whose in-laws died of COVID-19 has joined critics blasting New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for his book, while an ex-Brooklyn politician has published a spoof by 'King Covidius Cuomo'.

Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean, whose mother-in-law and father-in-law both died from the virus in New York nursing homes, hit out at Cuomo as the governor announced new restrictions on bars, restaurants and gyms across New York and infections continue to rise.

'What about your book tour about great leadership, flattening the curve and all that awesome success after over 30,000 deaths including thousands in nursing homes?!???!' she tweeted.

Meanwhile, former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind - another vocal Cuomo critic - announced his own book launch Wednesday of 'Lessons in Leadership: King Covidius Cuomo' which mocks the governor as a 'tyrant king' who is 'personally responsible for the highest COVID death rate in America'.

Cuomo is facing a backlash after he imposed a new round of lockdown measures on New York Wednesday as the statewide positivity rate increased to 2.9 percent - its highest in months.

Many took aim at the fact he published his best-selling book, 'American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic' just last month, in which he lauded his own handling of the crisis.

Dean joined in the outrage on social media in a series of tweets and retweets aimed at the governor.

'Because science says the virus comes out after 10pm apparently,' the meteorologist wrote about today's decision to shutter bars, restaurants and gyms from 10 p.m.

'Gov. Andrew Cuomo's New COVID-19 Restrictions on Private Home Gatherings Violate Personal Liberty,' she added, sharing a link to a Reason.com article.

Dean first hit out at Cuomo last month when he released his book, saying it made her grief over her in-laws' deaths worse.

'I don't know any governor in the middle of a pandemic that should release a book, especially this one,' Dean told Fox & Friends in October.

'I have to tell you it just makes our grief worse to see him promoting a book like this and dodging the questions when he's being asked.'

On Wednesday, Dean also shared a link to Hikind's new spoof book that mocks Cuomo's handling of the pandemic, writing that she will 'buy 10 copies'.

Hikind's book cover shows a cartoon of Cuomo holding a crown on his head and sitting on a throne.


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e031b9 No.141924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610899 (121800ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_56_50.png

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UK Royal Air Force flying over Maine. This particular plane belongs to only two groups out of RAF Brize, one of which is a strategic transport squadron. 400-M Atlas.

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e031b9 No.141925

File: 46d934c52a633ae⋯.png (669.27 KB,732x411,244:137,Clipboard.png)

File: bb67e4ac0604dbd⋯.png (61.34 KB,824x922,412:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 55163fcdb1c1e03⋯.png (69.91 KB,816x934,408:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 287f0b449123b39⋯.png (480.09 KB,1903x6315,1903:6315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610905 (121801ZNOV20) Notable: Who Killed Philip Haney? Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?

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Who Killed Philip Haney?

Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?

In Amador County, California, on February 21, Philip Haney, author of See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, was found dead from a single gunshot wound. News reports suggested suicide but the local sheriff found “this is not the case.” The death of Haney, 66, was a homicide, the unlawful killing of one person by another. The Amador County sheriff had no suspects but did find some clues. Deputies recovered “numerous thumb drives and a laptop” from the crime scene, and “those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI.” The sheriff “hopes to complete our review of the reports and compare the FBI’s analysis with what we have already collected and analyzed within a few weeks after receipt.” That was on July 22, and a week after the November 3 election, nearly eight months after the homicide, the FBI “analysis” has not come to light. The lapse could be partly explained by early reporting on the homicide.

“Haney’s controversial accusations that the Obama administration could have prevented terrorist attacks were polarizing among Americans,” Laura Hoy of CNN reported on February 23. As Hoy explained, “Haney’s death is likely to become political ammo for Republicans heading into the 2020 presidential elections.” Haney’s “death” did not become an election issue because key information failed to emerge from the FBI, which is becoming more like the Soviet KGB. Soviet bosses showed the KGB a man and they found the crime. The FBI deployed the same method with General Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith altered a document saying that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was not a source for the CIA, even though he was. In similar style, former FBI director James Comey, FBI counterintelligence boss Peter Strzok, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were all participants in illegal covert operations against candidate and President Trump. The KGB also conducted “wet” operations, code for assassination and murder. Those who doubt the FBI could do likewise might consider the case of Randy Weaver, smeared as a “white separatist” and entrapped on bogus charges.

After a gun battle that claimed the life of Weaver’s son and a U.S. Marshal, the FBI deployed massive military force against a single family. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Randy’s wife Vicki through the head as she held her infant daughter. Snipers are trained carefully to “acquire” their targets, so the claim that the killing was accidental is hard to accept. Horiuchi faced charges and enjoyed the services of a government lawyer. Even so, William Barr, now U.S. attorney general, organized former attorneys general to support the FBI sniper, and assisted in legal arguments in favor of the FBI. Appeal court judge Alex Kozinski, by contrast, said the FBI had established “a 007 standard for the use of deadly force.” In other words, a license to kill. Haney’s friends and relatives have a right to wonder if the FBI had some role beyond the withholding of evidence until after the November election. No official probe has been announced, but the FBI provides ample grounds for suspicion.



DHS Whistleblower Dead Ahead of Plan to Expose National Security Corruption


FBI Agent Can’t Be Charged in Ruby Ridge Case


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e031b9 No.141926

File: fef9e5f90af24e9⋯.png (77.87 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: a428d66a7fcf049⋯.png (88.8 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: e0eb31e1827b60c⋯.png (90.54 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ac45be5381e785⋯.png (73.13 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 046dcc6069f5a3b⋯.png (71.78 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610926 (121802ZNOV20) Notable: Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

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This was grabbed from r/greatawakening on Reddit:

Here's what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together

It smells like conspiracy and treason. Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important……

From 2001 to 2005 there was an …

… ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impanelled.

Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.

Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

Look who took over this investigation in 2005: None other than James Comey; Coincidence? Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner. Isn’t that interesting?

But this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?


(see links or attached PNGs)



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e031b9 No.141927

File: dd884ab10e4c2a2⋯.png (735.11 KB,1218x795,406:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610948 (121804ZNOV20) Notable: Biden performed equally well in both heavy R and heavy D precincts, while all other votes were correlated with % party registrations.

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Nothing to see here.

Biden performed equally well in both heavy R and heavy D precincts, while all other votes were correlated with % party registrations.

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e031b9 No.141928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610956 (121804ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Illinois tells residents to only leave home for 'essential trips' and to work remotely for the next three weeks, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Illinois tells residents to only leave home for 'essential trips' and to work remotely for the next three weeks as states begin to ramp up COVID restrictions AGAIN

Illinois health officials are telling locals to work from home for the next three weeks and to avoid going out except for 'essential trips' as the state reels from another record rise in daily COVID-19 cases.

On Wednesday the state announced 12,657 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus, setting a record for the highest single-day report of new cases for the second day in a row.

The state now has 523,840 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 10,434 deaths and 364 probable deaths. There were 145 new deaths reported Wednesday, the most in a single day since late May.

Hospitalizations also broke a record with 5,042 patients hospitalized on Wednesday - the most since the beginning of the pandemic. Of those patients, 951 are currently in intensive care units, and 404 are on ventilators.

The state now has a case positivity rate of 12.4 percent from November 3-10.

The Illinois Health Department issued new recommendations urging residents to stay home and only leave for essential trips ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

'For the next three weeks, work with your employer to plan to work from home unless it is necessary for you to be in the workplace. We ask employers to make accommodation for this. Our goal is to reduce transmission as we head into the holidays so businesses and schools can remain open,' the recommendation states.

'Essential activites' that people can leave their homes for include work, grocery shopping and limited travel and gatherings.

'In our current situation, with a rising prevalence of the virus, attending even small gatherings that mix households, or traveling to areas that are experiencing high rates of positivity, is not advised and is potentially dangerous,' officials said.


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e031b9 No.141929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610973 (121806ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / State Department blocking messages from foreign leaders to Biden: report, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11_12T18_05_42_801Z.png

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State Department blocking messages from foreign leaders to Biden: report


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e031b9 No.141930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610977 (121806ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters

We reported a couple of days ago that by using the audit statistical technique known as ‘Benford Analysis’ the precincts in Milwaukee are where the focus of any fraud audit in Wisconsin should take place.

In Wisconsin on the night of the election, President Trump was winning early into the morning. However, when Americans woke up on the following day Joe Biden had somehow taken the lead in Wisconsin after a vote dump of 100,000 votes appeared overnight.

Everyone in the US knew Wisconsin had been stolen and the votes for Biden all appeared at once in the middle of the night. The concerns with the unreasonable increase in ballots in Wisconsin led one expert to share with us his analysis on Wisconsin voter data as it currently stands. Our expert who remains anonymous shared with us his analysis using the audit statistical technique known as Benford Analysis. This technique identifies outliers in data sets. Our expert shared:

I saw that some people had the idea of analyzing vote totals in context of Benford’s Law, so I ran a first-digit analysis on precinct-level vote numbers coming out of Wisconsin, using data from the 15 largest counties (skipping 2 which had unworkable data).

Of the 4 counties, 802 aggregated precincts comprising the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, we get a significant deviation from the expected using Biden’s vote totals, and a p-value of 0.00002 (0.002% probability of a result at least as extreme as this one). Clearly, it does not follow the expected pattern. Trump’s vote totals are much more consistent, with P = 0.87. [The Biden data makes no sense in Milwaukee.]


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e031b9 No.141931

File: 0637201ba86748c⋯.jpg (103.34 KB,1090x673,1090:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610994 (121807ZNOV20) Notable: Maricopa County, the largest voting contigency in AZ for Biden…..did not use certified voting machines

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> Maricopa County GOP Chairman Rae Chornenky and her first Vice Chair Linda Brickman to step down, for failing to show up to certify the Dominion Voting Machines.


ha ha ha ha

Maricopa County, the largest voting contigency in AZ for Biden…..did not use certified voting machines

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e031b9 No.141932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11610996 (121807ZNOV20) Notable: Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States

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Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 StatesExtra credit - cc to State Gov, State House, US Senator and Congressman

November xx, 2020

President Donald J Trump

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington DC 20500

Mr. President

As you are well aware We, the People of the United States control our Government through the ballot box. Our vote represents our controlling interest in the proper governance of America.

On November 3, 2020 America held an Election that myself and many other Americans are concerned did not accurately reflect our voices at the ballot box, causing our controlling interest in America to be possibly corrupted. This is an unacceptable situation if true. As a shareholder of this nation which derives it's ability to govern from my vote I have the right and the responsibility to call for the audit of all activities surrounding the November 3rd, 2020 election, not only for President, but for all candidates on all ballots that were voted for in all 50 states. To gain the approval and consent of the governed, the government of the United States must demonstrate that the elections it funds and operates are indeed free and fair so that the American People can have faith that their voice and vote matters.

Thank you for the great job you are doing for us Mr. President. May God bless you and yours and may God continue to Bless America with abundance and peace.


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e031b9 No.141933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611006 (121808ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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WATCH: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel says that she has 500 sworn affidavits that allege 11,000 incidents of voter fraud.

McDaniel discussed some of the incidents during an appearance on Hannity on Tuesday evening.


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e031b9 No.141934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611025 (121809ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Cop who probed Netanyahu to step down after being skipped on for promotion, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_11_12_TOI_ALERTS_on_Twitter_2_.png

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Cop who probed Netanyahu to step down after being skipped on for promotion


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e031b9 No.141935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611033 (121810ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / There is no such person as “President Elect Biden”., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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There is no such person as “President Elect Biden”.

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e031b9 No.141936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611060 (121812ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Oregon Elections Director Fired After Penning Scathing Letter Ripping Leadership, State Computer Infrastructure, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Oregon Elections Director Fired After Penning Scathing Letter Ripping Leadership, State Computer Infrastructure

Adding fuel to the fire of the widespread voting and ballot controversy across the nation, Oregon’s director of elections was abruptly fired after he drafted a memo criticizing leadership from the Secretary Of State and archaic computer systems that Oregon runs on.

Oregon Public Broadcasting reports:

Steve Trout says he was fired Thursday. Days earlier, he sharply criticized the secretary of state’s office for a “lack of vision and leadership.”

Oregon’s state elections director is out of the job, less than a week after a record-breaking general election that has yet to be certified.

Steve Trout, who was tapped for a second stint managing Oregon elections in 2017, served his last day on Friday, according to the secretary of state’s office. Trout’s former deputy, Michelle Teed, is serving as acting elections director, according to Andrea Chiapella, chief of staff for Secretary of State Bev Clarno.

“Steve gave us notice that he would be leaving the agency and in order to ensure a smooth transition, his last day was Friday,” Chiapella said Saturday evening. “We appreciate all of his great work as elections director and we are lucky to have had such a knowledgeable advocate for the democratic process on our team.”

Trout said Monday he was actually fired via text message last Thursday, after raising serious concerns about the office and informing Clarno he was seeking other work. He said he had committed to staying on with the secretary of state’s office until December 15, in order to complete duties associated with the election.

“I would not abandon my staff or the counties before the election is over, especially since I was the only one at the SOS office with a security clearance that could be notified of any election attacks during this certification process,” Trout wrote in an email. “There is no resignation letter because I didn’t resign. I was laid off via text message late Thursday.”

A memo Trout sent last week to secretary of state candidates provides more context to his dismissal. In the damning letter to Secretary of State-elect Shemia Fagan and her opponent, state Sen. Kim Thatcher, Trout laid out a litany of challenges faced by the elections division.

He said that the secretary of state’s office, which has been run by four people since 2015, suffered from “a lack of strategic vision and plans for the agency, and staff are not focused due to that lack of vision and leadership.” Part of that, Trout wrote in the letter sent on the eve of the election, was due to former Secretary of State Dennis Richardson dying of cancer in 2019, which, he noted, “was no one’s fault.”

While Trout touted strong partnerships with federal agencies in addressing threats and disinformation in Oregon elections, he said the elections division has been denied resources. He laid out 12 specific upgrades he’d requested for state election systems that had not been funded — projects such as a replacement for the state’s ORESTAR website, security upgrades and fixing dozens of bugs within elections systems.


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e031b9 No.141937

File: 36c0363c762ddf3⋯.png (323.95 KB,541x621,541:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611077 (121813ZNOV20) Notable: Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

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Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt appeared on Fox News with host Shannon Bream where he discussed how signatures on literally hundreds of thousands of votes were not properly verified.

“It’s important to understand first and foremost, how insecure this system is. We have over 600,000 mail-in ballots that have been counted—those are votes that are official in our system. We also know that we have unclean rolls—ballots that have been mailed to dead people, to people who have moved out of state, and people that got a dozen ballots in their homes, etc.”

“We’ve spoken to AI and Computer Vision experts on this, and they have told us that the registrar reduced the signature verification standard to 40%, ” Laxalt explained. Bream broke it down for her viewers, explaining that people who control the machines that read the signatures and that people who control those machines turned down the settings to more readily accept signatures on ballots. She asked Laxalt, “Is that your allegation? He explained that it’s not an allegation, but a fact, telling Bream that it isn’t an allegation but that it’s been admitted in open court.

Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

November 12, 2020 0 Comments


100 Percent Fed Up reports – Former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt appeared on Fox News with host Shannon Bream where he discussed how signatures on literally hundreds of thousands of votes were not properly verified.

“It’s important to understand first and foremost, how insecure this system is. We have over 600,000 mail-in ballots that have been counted—those are votes that are official in our system. We also know that we have unclean rolls—ballots that have been mailed to dead people, to people who have moved out of state, and people that got a dozen ballots in their homes, etc.”

“We’ve spoken to AI and Computer Vision experts on this, and they have told us that the registrar reduced the signature verification standard to 40%, ” Laxalt explained. Bream broke it down for her viewers, explaining that people who control the machines that read the signatures and that people who control those machines turned down the settings to more readily accept signatures on ballots. She asked Laxalt, “Is that your allegation? He explained that it’s not an allegation, but a fact, telling Bream that it isn’t an allegation but that it’s been admitted in open court.


At the bottom of the tweet, there’s a notice from the Twitter mind-control/censorship team that reads: This claim about election fraud is disputed.

Apparently, no one on the Twitter censorship team spent any time working in Democrat stronghold cities like Philadelphia or Detroit. I can personally assure you that voter fraud and intimidation by paid poll workers and Democrat operatives at polling places and absentee counting rooms is real.

Instead of focusing on pushing for a full investigation into the paid poll workers, Democrat Party agitators, and anyone who was part of a voter fraud scheme to steal votes from a candidate, Twitter simply flags a post that doesn’t align with the narrative of the Democratic Party mainstream media or the Democratic Party leadership, as a “disputed” claim.


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e031b9 No.141938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611096 (121815ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Republican Senator James Lankford says he will intervene if Joe Biden is not given access to intelligence briefings by Friday, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Republican Senator James Lankford says he will intervene if Joe Biden is not given access to intelligence briefings by Friday – although he won't admit Democrat has won

Senator James Lankford is preparing to step in if Joe Biden is not given access to daily intelligence briefings by the end of the week, he told radio station KRMG on Wednesday, claiming there's no harm in him participating even if it turns out he didn't win the election.

'There is no loss from him getting the briefings and to be able to do that,' Lankford, who sits on the Senate Oversight Committee, told the radio station.

The Republican from Oklahoma added that if no headway is made with Biden receiving access to the daily presidential intelligence briefings, then he would intervene and say, 'This needs to occur so that regardless of the outcome of the election, whichever way that it goes, people can be ready for that actual task.'

'There's nothing wrong with Vice President Biden getting the briefings to be able to prepare himself and so that he can be ready – the President's already getting those,' Lankford said, adding that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, already a senator from California, has the appropriate clearances to begin receiving briefings because she serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Lankford, however, has still not admitted that Biden won the presidency and has cast doubt on the legitimacy of his victory.

President Donald Trump's administration has not yet allowed the president-elect access to the daily briefings as they continue to draw into question the integrity of the election and have questioned whether Democrats cheated or 'stole' the presidency for Biden.

Administrator of the General Services Administration, Emily Murphy, has not yet ascertained the election, which typically happens following the election and allows the president-elect to receive the same briefings as the president.

It remains unclear if she needs to ascertain the election before Biden can legally receive the briefings.

Biden has said the briefings 'would be useful, but it's not necessary.'

Lankford said rather than knowing who the winner is quickly, it's more important that voters, especially Republicans, who supported their candidate get answers to questions they might have about the results and how they were reached.

'It is important for the 71-million plus people that voted for President Trump that at the end of it, they know all of their questions were answered,' Lankford said. 'And that there is a president that was actually duly elected.'

Most major media outlets, including the Associated Press, called the election for the former vice president over the weekend – shortly thereafter, Biden declared victory. The call came after a few key states, including Pennsylvania, projected their Electoral College votes would go to the Democratic ticket.

Republicans have cast doubt on the results, insisting there was funny business with the massive influx of mail-in ballots this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump and his aides, allies and most staunch supporters claim Democrats cheated by way of counting fraudulent mail-in ballots.

'Joe Biden can continue to be able to function and say, 'I'm the president-elect,' and great if you want to say that, go do it, and to be able to do your preparation wor,' Lankford said in his radio interview Wednesday. 'The President can say, 'Not so fast. I've got questions to answer.' Great, go ask them.'

Lankford suggested if Trump is blocked from following through with its legal proceedings in several battleground states, it might stoke conspiracies among his supporters and further divide the country.

Many judges have already dismissed lawsuits the Trump campaign has filed in an attempt to raise questions of voting irregularities, fraud and suppression.

Elections experts make clear Biden's margin of victory is too wide for court cases to reverse, but if a few key states were to overturn their Electoral College votes for the president, it's still possible, but extremely unlikely, that he could take back the election.


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e031b9 No.141939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611144 (121818ZNOV20) Notable: Not everyone on the Electoral College is eligible to be there

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Not everyone on the Electoral College is eligible to be there

Section 3 of the 14th amendment:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Now have a look at who's on the college for 2020

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e031b9 No.141940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611154 (121819ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_18_17_52.png, RC_12X_landing_f_1140x605.jpg

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This GUARD12 (Guardrail, spy plane) has been circling DC for a while, finally changed pattern.

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e031b9 No.141941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611180 (121821ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Fox News Admits Wrong Call on Democrat House Seat Projections

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look at this bs guise, we're sorry, but we were right, I guess the PR firm told them to say this

Fox News Admits Wrong Call on Democrat House Seat Projections

By Tom Ozimek

November 12, 2020 Updated: November 12, 2020


Fox News’ Bret Baier on Wednesday acknowledged that the network’s Decision Desk incorrectly projected that Democrats would gain five seats in the House,but noted that the overall projection of Democrats holding their majority was sound. kek, really unsound I'd say.

“Democrats have clinched a majority in the House by reaching 218 seats,” Baier said.

“There are still a handful of races undecided. On election night, the Fox News Decision Desk correctly predicted soon after 9 Eastern that Democrats would retain control of the House. But they also estimated Democrats would add about five seats to their majority,” Baier said, adding: “That did not occur. Republicans have gained six seats with multiple races yet to be decided.”

“The Story” host Martha MacCallum read a similar statement on her show.

A Fox spokeswoman, asked for comment, pointed The Epoch Times to the segments and said the network wouldn’t comment further on the issue.

President Donald Trump retweeted a post by American Greatness political contributor Debra Heine, who wrote, “Fox News finally acknowledged eight days after the election that the Fox News Decision Desk incorrectly projected that Democrats would gain five seats in the House.”

Fox has faced criticism for its election coverage, including the incorrect House call and for being one of the first outlets to project that former Vice President Joe Biden had won in Arizona, where Trump trails the challenger by 11,635 votes with around 25,000 ballots still outstanding. The Trump campaign has also filed a lawsuit in Arizona, demanding a hand count of ballots it claims were incorrectly tabulated.

The Associated Press followed Fox, declaring the Arizona race for Biden several hours later, while CNN and NBC still have still not called the race in the state.

The Arizona Republican Party last week called on Fox News and Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh called on Fox News and AP to rescind their Arizona call for Biden. “Fox & AP made a hasty call in AZ, a state the President will still win,” Murtaugh wrote on Nov. 5.

Poll aggregator Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight also said AP and Fox News made their calls too early. “I don’t know, I guess I’d say that Biden will win Arizona if you forced me to pick, but I sure as heck don’t think the state should have been called by anyone, and I think the calls that were previously made should be retracted now,” Silver wrote last week.

Fox News fell to No. 3 in ratings on Nov. 7, and ended in second overall for the week of the election, according to Nielsen. Fox has led the ratings race for years and maintains an edge in year-to-date ratings.


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e031b9 No.141942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611183 (121821ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824 / Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_11_12_Democrats_Say_AT_amp_T_Comcast_and_Disney_Decide_Presidential_Elections_Frontpagemag.png, Screenshot_2020_11_12_Democrats_Say_AT_amp_T_Comcast_and_Disney_Decide_Presidential_Elections_Frontpagemag_1_.png, Screenshot_2020_11_12_Democrats_Say_AT_amp_T_Comcast_and_Disney_Decide_Presidential_Elections_Frontpagemag_2_.png, Screenshot_2020_11_12_Democrats_Say_AT_amp_T_Comcast_and_Disney_Decide_Presidential_Elections_Frontpagemag_3_.png

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Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections

President Trump took on the companies behind CNN, NBC’s Biden election calls.

The first to call the presidential election for Joe Biden was AT&T. AT&T, through its subsidiary CNN, one of the largest conglomerates in the world with a market cap of over $200 billion, billions of which come from lucrative federal contracts, was the first to claim that Biden was the winner. Beyond government contracts, AT&T has a major stake in the 5G wars and has spent a lot of money investing in the Biden campaign. AT&T employees were the tenth largest source of contributions to the Biden campaign. Biden had attended fundraisers at the homes of two AT&T lobbyists, but the ties run deeper. Steve Ricchetti, Biden's former chief of staff, and longtime confidant, chaired Biden's campaign. AT&T has been the only corporate client of the Ricchetti Consulting Group for nine years. Ricchetti has deep relationships with both AT&T and Biden. And if Biden were to take over the White House, AT&T would have its man on the inside to protect its economic interests. That’s crucial for AT&T considering how hard the Trump administration fought against the illegal merger of AT&T and Time Warner which ended up hurting consumers. AT&T’s future expansion plans require a compliant and friendly administration. And that’s just what Biden would mean.

When Democrats claim that CNN’s call of the presidential election is somehow binding, what they’re really saying is that AT&T should have the right to pick presidents favorable to it. That’s not democracy. It’s oligarchy. CNN’s bias is not accidental. It’s about the money. CNN, as an economic entity, was a key issue in the merger with the Justice Department urging AT&T to sell components of the merged company, including CNN, as a precondition for the merger. AT&T and its CNN subsidiary had economic reasons, not just political ones, to want Biden and Ricchetti in the White House. After AT&T called for the election for Biden, Comcast claimed less than a minute later that Biden was the winner through its properties, NBC and MSNBC. Comcast, like AT&T, has deep ties to Joe Biden and a deeper animus to President Trump. Biden launched his campaign at a fundraiser at the Philly home of David Cohen. Cohen is a Senior Executive Vice President at Comcast, and a senior counsellor to Comcast's CEO. Cohen, a powerful Philly Democrat official, named as one of the most powerful figures in the state, went on to reshape Comcast's lobbying operation. Comcast, under Cohen, spends $14 million a year lobbying in D.C. The Washington Post called him, "Comcast's secret weapon". NBC was not a sideline to Comcast’s opposition to President Trump. Like CNN and AT&T, it was crucial to it. Comcast had swallowed NBC Universal and then went on to blatantly violate antitrust laws and its conditions for the merger.

President Trump had warned that Comcast "routinely violates antitrust laws". Comcast’s own expansion plans, after it lost Time Warner to AT&T, require Trump out of office. Its attempt to take over FOX’s entertainment properties (not including FOX News) fell through, and to keep growing it will need to keep acquiring content creators and cable providers. A merger with Verizon, the path to an even bigger nationwide monopoly, would be blocked unless Biden wins. Brian L. Roberts, the CEO of Comcast and the son of the company's founder, was Obama's golfing buddy. Comcast execs and employees have been Biden's seventh largest career contributors and 94% of donations from Comcast executives have gone to Biden. Comcast employees were the seventeenth largest source of donations to Biden. This year, Roberts announced that Comcast was plowing $100 million into various Democrat-allied organizations including Al Sharpton’s racist National Action Network, the NAACP, and the Community Justice Action Fund, a Tides Foundation project. CJAF is funded by corporations while closely intertwined with Democrat organizations and political agendas. This isn’t just ideological spending. Comcast’s investments in Sharpton and other political organizations enlisted political support for grabbing NBC. When Roberts, Cohen, and Comcast invest in Democrats and left-wing organizations, they’re buying support for Comcast’s growth. Despite all its social justice spending, the Trump administration caught Comcast discriminating against its employees in Philly, resulting in a settlement.


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e031b9 No.141943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611200 (121822ZNOV20) Notable: #14824,

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>>>/qresearch/11611106 fuck your self nomination every time, just how it is. that your post had merit is no excuse so save the platitudes.

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>141897 Dept Lied to Keep 738,000 Records Secret on Network of Pedophile Cops in Explorer Program

>>141899 University Researcher Pleads Guilty to Lying on Grant Applications to Develop Scientific Expertise for China

>>141901 This executive order is made even stronger now with the Supreme Court in our favor.

>>141903 Anons please help get this to CodeMonkey and can helper anon post graphic? Initial findings need more digging.

>>141905 Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

>>141908 Richard Grenell pummels NBC hack

>>141915 ICE's Twitter account has been suspended/nuked

>>141919 The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.

>>141925 Who Killed Philip Haney? Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?

>>141926 Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

>>141927 Biden performed equally well in both heavy R and heavy D precincts, while all other votes were correlated with % party registrations.

>>141931 Maricopa County, the largest voting contigency in AZ for Biden…..did not use certified voting machines

>>141937 Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

>>141939 Not everyone on the Electoral College is eligible to be there


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e031b9 No.141944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611309 (121831ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824

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the dough



die kuchen mein liebchen

baker is ghost now

you have a bread if you can keep it

die kuchen mein liebchen

baker is ghost now

you have a bread if you can keep it

die kuchen mein liebchen

baker is ghost now

you have a bread if you can keep it

die kuchen mein liebchen

baker is ghost now

you have a bread if you can keep it

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e031b9 No.141945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611321 (121832ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14824

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>>141896, >>141906, >>141910, >>141924, >>141940 PF

>>141898 Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7 – officials

>>141900 FEC CHAIR: Illegitimate election

>>141902 The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020

>>141904 WHO complains about ‘onslaught of cyberattacks’ as Taiwan accuses it of online censorship

>>141907 Obama blasts Trump in new book: He took advantage of Americans ‘spooked by a black man in the White House’

>>141909 Facebook-owned apps, including WhatsApp and Instagram used in over half of online grooming cases in England and Wales

>>141911 UK prime minister slams anti-vax ‘nonsense’, tells Brits to get the Covid-19 jab when it’s their turn

>>141912 Arizona Secretary of State in Charge of Certifying Election Results Called Trump Supporters “Neo-Nazis”

>>141913 The Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln on November 19, 1863

>>141914 Saudi Embassy in The Netherlands ‘Sprayed WIth Gunfire’, One Held by Police

>>141916 QAnon’s Home 8kun Is Imploding—and Q Has Gone Silent GHOST TOWNMSM BS

>>141917 TEEN VOGUE: ‘White Women Have to Answer For Backing the Republican Nominee Yet Again

>>141918 Biden spoke with the Pope

>>141920 Two wealthy Israeli businessmen suspected of tax evasion in hundreds of millions

>>141921 Michelle Malkin Piece on Scytl, Soros and the Potential of Fuckery in a Presidential Election

>>141922 The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages

>>141923 Over 30,000 deaths including thousands in nursing homes?' Fox meteorologist whose in-laws died of COVID blasts Cuomo

>>141928 Illinois tells residents to only leave home for 'essential trips' and to work remotely for the next three weeks

>>141929 State Department blocking messages from foreign leaders to Biden: report

>>141930 Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters

>>141933 RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud

>>141934 Cop who probed Netanyahu to step down after being skipped on for promotion

>>141935 There is no such person as “President Elect Biden”.

>>141936 Oregon Elections Director Fired After Penning Scathing Letter Ripping Leadership, State Computer Infrastructure

>>141938 Republican Senator James Lankford says he will intervene if Joe Biden is not given access to intelligence briefings by Friday

>>141941 Fox News Admits Wrong Call on Democrat House Seat Projections

>>141942 Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections



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e031b9 No.141946

File: 51bae0516f573c5⋯.png (917.52 KB,805x764,805:764,Clipboard.png)

File: ae0d18267c39f9a⋯.png (796.44 KB,1160x500,58:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 5308b661763854a⋯.png (305.81 KB,483x516,161:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611328 (121833ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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I'm pretty intrigued by this one.

PAT78 out of Andrews AFB. Same guys responsible for flying POTUS, etc. Plane is exact one pictured. Went STRAIGHT to Silicon Valley.

JUMBO33 who stopped at Fort Drum, seems to be landing back at Dover.

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e031b9 No.141947

File: 0954f0c968d60b7⋯.png (471.59 KB,600x590,60:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611351 (121834ZNOV20) Notable: Inside Prince Harry's close friendship with Joe Biden's wife Jill

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Inside Prince Harry's close friendship with Joe Biden's wife Jill


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e031b9 No.141948

File: f5e12f4b10fc9e6⋯.png (19.03 KB,556x205,556:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cd045a9b4cb8a9⋯.png (12.97 KB,570x148,285:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611356 (121835ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Advisor Corey Lewandowski Tests Positive For COVID-19

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Trump Advisor Corey Lewandowski Tests Positive For COVID-19

Corey Lewandowski, a top Trump advisor known for being the first campaign manager to work with the president, has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to media reports citing insiders within the administration.

Lewandowski reportedly tested positive Wednesday; he has been in Philadelphia all week as the Trump campaign has continued to bring lawsuits related to the election results.

Lewandowski is the latest in a string of top TrumpWorld figures to test positive over the past week. Others have included Mark Meadows, and a group of other White House staffers. Lewandowski attended the White House election night party, but for what it's worth, Lewandowski believes he contracted the virus in Philadelphia, and even the NYT's Maggie Haberman suggested that he likely didn't contract the virus at the White House.


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e031b9 No.141949

File: 0eac16a41f00a86⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,785x549,785:549,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611361 (121835ZNOV20) Notable: Internet-Connected Election Systems Found in 10 U.S. States

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Internet-Connected Election Systems Found in 10 U.S. States

August 22, 2019

There has been much talk in the media about interference in United States presidential elections, but most of it has centered around the use of media and disinformation to influence votes. There is a widespread assumption that the voting machines themselves are safe from hacking; though many are electronic, these election systems are not supposed to be connected to the internet.

A new report from Vice’s Motherboard indicates that these systems are not nearly as secure as anyone thought they were, including election officials. Researchers told Motherboard that a particular type of election system that is only supposed to connect to the internet for several minutes to transfer votes has been found to sometimes stay connected for months, and in some cases these machines were constantly connected and were exposed for at least a year.

Which election systems are vulnerable?

The election systems found to be vulnerable are made by a specific manufacturer: Election Systems & Software (ESS). ESS is the largest voting systems company in the country, with at least 260,000 machines in place in 21 states including in some swing states. Security researchers found backend systems that were connected to the internet when they were not supposed to be, distributed across a number of states including the key “battleground” centers of Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Researchers found 35 systems in 10 states have been confirmed at this point to have been connected to the internet when they were not supposed to be. 19 were still online when the Vice article went to press.

This isn’t the first time ESS has made the news for a voting system vulnerability. In early 2018, it was discovered that the company had installed remote access software on election management systems for troubleshooting purposes yet had denied to the media they had ever done so.

How vulnerable are these election systems?

As with most electronic election systems, votes are stored on a local memory card that is meant to be removed by poll workers after the polls close and brought to the county election office for counting. Some counties opt to transmit these votes electronically to get their results in faster, however.

To transmit the votes, these systems are supposed to only briefly connect to the internet two times – once before the polls open to verify that the connection is working, and then again after the polls close to transmit the votes. In both cases, these election systems should be connected to the internet for no more than a few minutes to perform these functions.

Some of the 35 systems identified by the researchers had been connected to the internet for months, and others appeared to simply be online all the time. These systems are protected by a firewall, but that firewall is only meant to be guarding transmission for a few minutes at a time. With enough time to work on it, hackers could very well breach the firewall and alter election results.

The fact that the backend systems remain connected to the internet is critical. This allows hackers full access to the tabulation of votes from the memory cards installed in the machines and the reporting of the final results. With a lower level of access, hackers might only be able to change the unofficial count to sow unrest in the population. With full access to the backend system, hackers could change the official count or distribute malware to voting systems.

The potential for this sort of vulnerability has been known for some time, but ESS has assured election officials that their backend systems are “air gapped” from the internet. The findings of the security researchers contradict that statement. The system appears to rely entirely on the firewall to keep hackers out of the backend while online. If the firewall is breached, the hackers have access.

ESS insists that its election systems are not vulnerable, responding to Motherboard with a public statement. There are currently no reports or evidence of hacking of any of these election systems, but the fact that the vulnerability exists in the top voting machine company is worrying enough.

Who discovered the vulnerability?

The internet-connected systems were discovered by security researcher Kevin Skoglund, an independent web developer and election integrity advocate, along with a group of election security professionals.


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e031b9 No.141950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611423 (121840ZNOV20) Notable: Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

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Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

Investigation found one third of the team worked for organizations that receive funding from weapons makers

On Tuesday, Joe Biden released a list of transition teams for the various departments in his future White House. The Pentagon transition team for Biden consists of 23 people, many of whom hail from hawkish think tanks.

The team is led by Kathleen Hicks, who worked in the Pentagon under the Obama administration. Hicks most recent employer is the Cen­ter for Strate­gic and Inter­na­tion­al Stud­ies (CSIS), a think tank that receives contributions from arms makers like Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon, to name a few.

CSIS also receives contributions from governments. The think tank’s top government donors are the US, the UAE, Taiwan, and Japan. Two other CSIS employees are on the transition team; Andrew Hunter and Melissa Dalton, who both worked in the Pentagon under the Obama administration.

CSIS employees author policy papers and Op-Eds that generally call for more US involvement around the world. In August, Hicks co-authored an Op-Ed in The Hill titled, “Pentagon Action to Withdraw from Germany Benefits Our Adversaries,” a piece that slammed Trump’s plan to draw down troops from Germany, which Biden could to call off.

Two members of the transition team come from the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), Susanna Blume, a former Pentagon employee, and Ely Ratner, who served as deputy national security advisor to then-vice president Joe Biden from 2015 to 2017.

CNAS is another think tank that enjoys hefty donations from weapons makers, major corporations, and governments. From 2019 to 2020, CNAS received at least $500,000 from the US State Department and at least $500,000 from Northrop Grumman. Other donors include Google, Facebook, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin.

Three more team members list their latest employer as the RAND Corporation, Stacie Pettyjohn, a wargaming expert, Christine Wormuth, who held a few roles in the Obama administration, and Terri Tanielian, a behavioral scientist.

RAND is another hawkish think tank that receives the bulk of its funding from the US government, including the US Army, Air Force, and Department of Homeland Security. RAND is also funded by the UAE, Qatar, and NATO.

A report from In These Times found at least eight out of the 23 team members come from organizations that receive funding from US weapons makers (not including RAND). Besides the CSIS and CNAS employees listed above, In These Times includes Sharon Burke, who works for New America, Shawn Skel­ly, from CACI International, and Vic­tor Gar­cia, from Rebellion Defense.


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e031b9 No.141951

File: 650db344fed70b5⋯.jpg (104.41 KB,1203x316,1203:316,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611425 (121841ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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GTMO845 is a regular Army flight. United 2578 might be a possible flight. Arrivals table attached.

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e031b9 No.141952

File: ae942490834100b⋯.png (632.76 KB,658x516,329:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 613c0882946416a⋯.png (103.5 KB,666x761,666:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611439 (121842ZNOV20) Notable: Biden’s Military Brain Trust Includes Former Navy, Marine Corps Top Leaders

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Biden’s Military Brain Trust Includes Former Navy, Marine Corps Top Leaders

A former sergeant major of the Marine Corps and the Navy's first-ever female four-star admiral are two of the military veterans on President-elect Joe Biden's government transition teams.

Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris announced this week who will serve on the teams that will help them take over from the Trump administration in January. That's despite President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the election, and his administration blocking the Biden teams' access to governmental departments.

The transition teams for the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are packed with veterans and policy experts who have previously worked in government, think tanks, tech companies and academia.

Several members selected for the teams referred questions about their work back to Biden's staff, which told Military.com on Wednesday they are proud that so many involved in the transition are military veterans.

"[The agency review team] members were chosen because they are well-respected in their fields and, in many cases, for their extensive experience in the federal agencies they will now help review for the incoming Biden-Harris administration," Biden's team said in a statement. "… It is important for this work to begin to make sure that the Biden-Harris administration is ready to govern on Day One."

Kathleen Hicks, who served as principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy at the Pentagon during the Obama administration, will lead Biden's DoD transition team. Hicks, who's the director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies' international security program, also served as deputy undersecretary of defense for strategy, plans and forces.

Meg Kabat, the former director of the VA's Caregiver Support Program and a licensed social worker, will head up the Biden transition team at the VA. Kabat, currently a senior director at the Atlas Research consulting firm, is one of 14 members on that team.

Joining Hicks on the Defense Department team is retired Adm. Michelle Howard, who was the first-ever African American woman to command a Navy ship. Howard, also the Navy's first female four-star admiral, planned the famous mission to rescue Capt. Richard Phillips from Somali pirates in 2009.

Retired Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps John Estrada, who also served as U.S. ambassador to his home country of Trinidad and Tobago under President Barack Obama, is on the DoD transition team.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Karen Gibson, who served with the director of National Intelligence while in uniform, is on the team too. Gibson served in several key senior intelligence leadership positions for operations in the Middle East and Africa.


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e031b9 No.141953

File: 6883f4d7a23a9f0⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,480x292,120:73,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 315289ee17e09f0⋯.jpg (14.54 KB,462x156,77:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611443 (121842ZNOV20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years!

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"It's going to be BIBLICAL!



Big things happening rn

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e031b9 No.141954

File: 683a70531417e1e⋯.png (78.38 KB,590x433,590:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611481 (121845ZNOV20) Notable: Sorry @nytimes, almost all GA, MI Counties used ‘glitchy’ Dominion software.

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Sorry @nytimes, almost all GA, MI Counties used ‘glitchy’ Dominion software.

A thread.==

sauce: https://twitter.com/iHeartPOTUS/status/1326946478288474122

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e031b9 No.141955

File: 9956ff9fb130a29⋯.jpg (37.39 KB,668x209,668:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611483 (121845ZNOV20) Notable: Exclusive: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials August 8, 2019

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Exclusive: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials

August 8, 2019

For years, U.S. election officials and voting machine vendors have insisted that critical election systems are never connected to the internet and therefore can’t be hacked.

But a group of election security experts have found what they believe to be nearly three dozen backend election systems in 10 states connected to the internet over the last year, including some in critical swing states. These include systems in nine Wisconsin counties, in four Michigan counties, and in seven Florida counties—all states that are perennial battlegrounds in presidential elections.

Some of the systems have been online for a year and possibly longer. Some of them disappeared from the internet after the researchers notified an information-sharing group for election officials last year. But at least 19 of the systems, including one in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, were still connected to the internet this week, the researchers told Motherboard.

The researchers and Motherboard have been able to verify that at least some of the systems in Wisconsin, Rhode Island, and Florida are in fact election systems. The rest are still unconfirmed, but the fact that some of them appeared to quickly drop offline after the researchers reported them suggests their findings are on the mark.

“We … discovered that at least some jurisdictions were not aware that their systems were online,” said Kevin Skoglund, an independent security consultant who conducted the research with nine others, all of them long-time security professionals and academics with expertise in election security. Skoglund is also part of an advisory group, not associated with the research, that is working with the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop new cybersecurity standards for voting machines. “In some cases, [the vendor was] in charge [of installing the systems] and there was no oversight. Election officials were publicly saying that their systems were never connected to the internet because they didn't know differently."

The systems the researchers found are made by Election Systems & Software, the top voting machine company in the country. They are used to receive encrypted vote totals transmitted via modem from ES&S voting machines on election night, in order to get rapid results that media use to call races, even though the results aren’t final.

Generally, votes are stored on memory cards inside the voting machines at polling places. After an election, poll workers remove these and drive them to county election offices. But some counties want to get their results faster, so they use wireless modems, either embedded in the voting machines or externally connected to them, to transmit the votes electronically. The system that receives these votes, called an SFTP server, is connected to the internet behind a Cisco firewall.

For security reasons, the SFTP server and firewall are only supposed to be connected to the internet for a couple of minutes before an election to test the transmission, and then for long enough after an election to transmit the votes. But the researchers found some of the systems connected to the internet for months at a time, and year-round for others, making them vulnerable to hackers.

Hacking the firewall and SFTP server would allow an attacker to potentially intercept the results as they’re transmitted and send fake results to the FTP server, depending on how securely the ES&S system authenticates the data. Although the election results that are transmitted via modem are unofficial—official votes are taken directly from the voting machine memory cards when they arrive at county offices—a significant discrepancy between the unofficial tallies and the official ones would create mistrust in the election results and confusion about which ones were accurate.

But Motherboard has learned that connected to the firewalls are even more critical backend systems—the election-reporting module that tabulates the unofficial votes as well as the official ones, and the election-management system that is used in some counties to program voting machines before elections. The researchers said that gaining access through the firewall to these systems could potentially allow a hacker to alter official election results or subvert the election-management system to distribute malware to voting machines through the USB flash drives that pass between this system and the voting machines.


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e031b9 No.141956

File: e2a7afa5e4747d5⋯.png (85.24 KB,670x812,335:406,Clipboard.png)

File: d905a8a5c271991⋯.png (72.97 KB,686x795,686:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611495 (121845ZNOV20) Notable: Schumer, Pelosi want $3.4T as 'starting point' in new COVID-19 relief talks

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Schumer, Pelosi want $3.4T as 'starting point' in new COVID-19 relief talks

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday morning said the $3.4 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act passed by House Democrats in May should be the “starting point” for negotiations with Senate Republicans and the White House on a new round of coronavirus relief legislation.

The Democratic leaders appeared to step back from their pre-election offer to White House negotiators to slim down the total size of the package to $2.2 trillion.

Even though Democrats lost seats in the House and face long odds of retaking the Senate majority, Schumer and Pelosi said President-elect Joe Biden’s victory is what counts.

“The HEROES Act should be the starting point, not an emaciated bill that prioritizes protections for corporations and considers the needs of American families as an afterthought,” Schumer told reporters at a joint press conference with Pelosi.

“The HEROES Act, passed in the House, does meet this moment. It doesn’t pick and choose who we’re going to help during the greatest health and economic crisis in decades,” he argued.

Asked if Democratic leaders had changed their position at all on the next coronavirus relief package, Pelosi said passing the HEROES Act has always been their goal.

“It has been our position all along to crush the virus, honor our heroes, put money in the pockets of the American people,” she said.

Pelosi said Democrats received a mandate for their go-big approach on Election Day.

“What Joe Biden got in this election was a mandate, a mandate to address the challenges that our country faces as well as to have a positive initiative on how to grow the economy in a fair way and in order to do that we must address the pandemic,” she said.

The House passed the $3.4 trillion relief package in May and then passed a smaller $2.2 trillion relief package in October.


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e031b9 No.141957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611522 (121847ZNOV20) Notable: Russia will not lecture US on its electoral system, says Lavrov

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Russia will not lecture US on its electoral system, says Lavrov

The top diplomat recalled that former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had acknowledged the existence of certain flaws in the US electoral system and remarked that the Americans were aware of that

MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. Russia is not going to lecture the United States regarding the operation of its electoral system, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Russian and foreign media outlets in an interview on crucial issues on the international agenda.

Read also

US policy on Russia unlikely to change under Biden, Lavrov says

"As far as our approach is concerned, we have said more than once that we respect the right of the American people to decide its own future. Though possibly, their electoral system is the most archaic of all that there exist in countries of at least some importance around the world," he said.

Lavrov recalled that he raised that issue in conversations with his US counterparts, including former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who acknowledged the existence of certain flaws in the US electoral system and remarked that the Americans were aware of that and would address the issue themselves.

"It is my strong wish to see the Americans at least feel no worries about our own problems that they point to here and take it easy when it comes to problems of the same sort in other countries. Each country has its own traditions. If the Americans are prepared to stick to a tradition that considerably distorts the expression of people’s will, it is their right. If they are happy about everything, and all is correct (though far from everything turns out to be correct), how can we advise them on something? May they sort things out themselves," Lavrov said.


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e031b9 No.141958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611526 (121847ZNOV20) Notable: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – wide ranging news conference with Russian and foreign journalists on international politics

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – wide ranging news conference with Russian and foreign journalists on international politics


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e031b9 No.141959

File: 457d61426f065e9⋯.png (1.51 MB,1239x1252,1239:1252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611541 (121848ZNOV20) Notable: Edward Snowden July 27, 2019: Watch the voting machine used in US swing states get hacked to rig an election.

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Edward Snowden July 27, 2019:

==Watch the voting machine used in US swing states get hacked to rig an election.

@Jhalderm, @UMich, and @nytimes demonstrate why every voting district needs an auditable paper ballot. Voting machines are *known* to be insecure.==




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e031b9 No.141960

File: d38594d867ec6f2⋯.png (489.43 KB,662x867,662:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e50c6ab5639635⋯.png (388.54 KB,688x765,688:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a5f274830ba14e⋯.png (40.57 KB,678x586,339:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611553 (121849ZNOV20) Notable: Netanyahu says Israel to start getting Pfizer coronavirus vaccines in January

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Netanyahu says Israel to start getting Pfizer coronavirus vaccines in January

PM says all legal impediments to deal removed, he’s also working on securing immunizations from other sources; outgoing virus czar predicts vaccines won’t arrive before March

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised on Thursday that Israel will begin to receive Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine as early as January, saying that the government and the pharmaceutical giant had reached an agreement to remove all remaining impediments to signing a deal.

“Together with the legal advisers on both sides, we have removed the last obstacle before signing a contract with Pfizer for the supply of vaccines to Israel,” Netanyahu said in statement broadcast live following a meeting of the co-called coronavirus cabinet.

“We will get these vaccines like the leading countries in the world. It will start in January, it will grow from month to month. And we are working, and I am working, to bring vaccines from other sources as well. The more, the better,” he added.

Netanyahu’s comments, however, followed those of outgoing coronavirus czar Roni Gamzu, who said he believes vaccines will start arriving in Israel in April, or March at the earliest. Gamzu ends his term on Thursday and is to be replaced by Nachman Ash, a former IDF chief medical officer.

Earlier Thursday, Netanyahu said he had spoken with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla overnight and that Israel was set to sign an agreement with the pharmaceutical giant within days. The call followed a conversation on Wednesday evening between the prime minister and Bourla that Netanyahu described as “very substantive and very practical.”

Israel’s Channel 12 said in an unsourced report that in the initial call, Netanyahu secured a verbal commitment from Bourla to supply Israel with three million vaccinations (six million shots) at an initial investment of NIS 100 million ($29.6 million).


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e031b9 No.141961

File: 00b8329f6aa3bcd⋯.png (22.17 KB,595x209,595:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611610 (121854ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Disgusting Failure’: US Senator Slams DOJ Investigation Into Epstein’s Sweetheart Deal

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NBC NEWS: Justice Department investigation ends with no action against prosecutors who oversaw Jeffrey Epstein deal


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e031b9 No.141962

File: 4d1e70e377a4f4f⋯.png (140.39 KB,953x486,953:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611632 (121855ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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ADS-B has 5 up

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e031b9 No.141963

File: 8e8da0b35512a28⋯.png (61.73 KB,755x847,755:847,Clipboard.png)

File: b07929f890e76dd⋯.png (57.56 KB,762x866,381:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 128bafc65603635⋯.png (14.43 KB,730x229,730:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611638 (121856ZNOV20) Notable: Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

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Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

Early witnesses who signed affidavits range from a longtime city worker to a former assistant attorney general.

The media mantra that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election for the first time faces a real challenge. Several Michigan residents — ranging from a city worker to a former state assistant attorney general — swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.

And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.

Rudy Giuliani: 'I have never seen an election case with half this evidence of fraud'

Take, for instance, longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, who provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.

"On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020," she testified. "I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots."



Jacob's claim is stunning. Not only does she risk perjury if she lied, she could lose her livelihood as a city worker.

Just the News reviewed more than a dozen affidavits filed in various election challenge lawsuits in Michigan. All witnesses, like Jacob, signed the affidavits and had them notarized, making them subject to Michigan's perjury law.

Jacob described how she was assigned to work the city's election back in September and for weeks witnessed systemic election fraud and tampering with voters at multiple locations.

"I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers," her affidavit stated. "I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.

"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote."

Officials for the city election clerk's office did not immediately return a call seeking comment.


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e031b9 No.141964

File: 7625dba8d6220a3⋯.jpg (708.36 KB,750x598,375:299,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 82b4c6368187d4b⋯.jpg (1015.54 KB,518x550,259:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611652 (121857ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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National Association of State Election Directors

National Association of Secretaries of State

Administrative Codes and Registers

Anon's dig on NASED led to other interesting associations. The National Association of Secretaries of State is important because Secretaries of State administer elections in their respective states. Its necessary to check each state for election law. Administrative Codes and Registers is part of the NASS (sauce in 6/6 below).

"Prior to 1989, there was no professional association for election directors. Many attended National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) meetings with Secretaries of State to learn about developments in election administration. In addition, throughout the 1980s, Election Directors participated in developing the original Voting System Standards under the direction of the National Clearinghouse on Election Administration at the Federal Election Commission (FEC)."


From frequently asked questions:

+ "Are Election Directors the same as Secretaries of State?

No. Election Directors are civil servants and 38 report to the Secretary of State in their state. In those 38 states, the Secretary of State is the Chief Election Official in that state."

+ "What issues do Election Directors handle day-to-day?

Election Directors work on every issue related to elections: cybersecurity, voting machines, candidate filing, voting technology, voter registration, voter ID, and more."

NASS lists 10 committees as follows:


Executive Board

Elections Committee

Business Services Committee

Cybersecurity Committee

Securities Committee

State Heritage Committee

International Relations Committee

Awards Committee

Corporate Affiliate Advisory Committee

Nominations & Credentials Committee

PB Related Posts about NASED.

v v v

>>141404, >>141409, >>141412, >>141414 National Association of State Election Directors.

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e031b9 No.141965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611655 (121857ZNOV20) Notable: Andrew McCabe's Corruption on Trump Targeting is Biden's Corruption! Where is John Durham?

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Andrew McCabe's Corruption on Trump Targeting is Biden's Corruption! Where is John Durham?

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox & Friends First” on @Fox News to discuss former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s involvement in the illicit targeting of Donald Trump & more!


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e031b9 No.141966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611672 (121858ZNOV20) Notable: Grassley Questions DOJ on Biden Family Compliance with FARA

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Grassley Questions DOJ on Biden Family Compliance with FARA

On Monday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Andy Barr, to evaluate whether Hunter and James Biden should have registered as foreign agents for their business arrangements with the Chinese government-back energy company CEFC.

In the letter to Barr, Grassley is asking for details on what steps, if any, the Justice Department has taken to verify whether the Bidens complied with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

“FARA is an important statute that was designed not to prohibit activity but rather to require individuals to register with the DOJ if they are acting as an agent of a foreign government or enterprise to influence U.S. policy or public opinion. This helps ensure transparency and accountability in the public policy arena,” Grassley wrote.

Grassley noted that Ye Jianming, founder of CEFC, and Hunter Biden “formed a lucrative financial relationship that resulted in Hunter Biden receiving millions of dollars” while Ye and CEFC gained access to lucrative U.S. opportunities.

“The actions by Hunter Biden and James Biden on behalf of CEFC, Ye Jianming, and other officers connected to CEFC, potentially make them agents of the Chinese government,” Grassley wrote.

This is not Grassley’s first time raising concerns over the Justice Department’s FARA enforcement. In fact,

“Proper enforcement of, and compliance with, FARA remains a top priority of mine as foreign governments and enterprises continue to use agents within the United States as conduits to lobby for policy changes and engage in public relations activity for the benefit of foreign principals.”


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e031b9 No.141967

File: 4e9d4a9167238c8⋯.png (289.7 KB,614x720,307:360,Clipboard.png)

File: dae22e439c6ccab⋯.png (177.95 KB,416x623,416:623,Clipboard.png)

File: d6a83f8682d0c6f⋯.png (95.9 KB,452x725,452:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 57536ed0b01fb34⋯.png (167.58 KB,521x735,521:735,Clipboard.png)

File: e9a74127c101856⋯.png (151.54 KB,645x708,215:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611675 (121858ZNOV20) Notable: A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

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Pt 2

A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market



"One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current Coronavirus crisis.

In August 2001, biopharmaceutical company BioPort faced imminent disaster. A series of company scandals, controversial federal bail-outs and severe, adverse health reactions among U.S. troops were causing both Congress and the Pentagon to reconsider its multi-million dollar contract to provide the military with an anthrax vaccine.

Formed for the sole purpose of acquiring a publicly-owned company in Michigan that held the exclusive license to manufacture the only FDA-approved anthrax vaccine in the United States, BioPort sought to quickly expand the size and scope of its contracts with the U.S. military. This strategy was made possible thanks to the former head of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Adm. William Crowe, who would prove highly instrumental in the rise of BioPort’s vaccine monopoly and its subsequent, aggressive hiring of former government officials as lobbyists.

Yet, soon after scoring these multi-million dollar contracts and securing a monopoly on anthrax vaccines, BioPort would claim that they were flailing financially and would subsequently be bailed out to the tune of $24 million at the Pentagon’s request, which cited “national security concerns” as justification.

However, Pentagon auditors had found that much of the money awarded to BioPort was unaccounted for and the money they were able to trace had failed to go towards renovating their vaccine production facility, which had lost its license until numerous sanitary problems (sanitary and otherwise) were fixed. Meanwhile, scores of soldiers who had suffered ill health effects from BioPort’s anthrax vaccine, some disabled for life, began speaking out, bringing BioPort’s most critical product and chief source of income under unwanted scrutiny.

While BioPort seemingly faced imminent ruin from these and other scandals in August 2001, the 2001 anthrax attacks that followed a month later came at just the right time for the company, as demand for their anthrax vaccine soon skyrocketed, resulting in new lucrative government contracts. Their license was also quickly renewed thanks to intervention from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) despite many of the problems with its production facility persisting.

Though they were conveniently rescued by the unfortunate events of 2001, BioPort would soon lobby for larger contracts than ever before, calling for a massive increase in government purchases of their controversial anthrax vaccine. Riding the fear caused by the 2001 anthrax attacks, they pushed for the government to stockpile anthrax vaccines, not just for the military, but for civilians, postal workers, police and many more who could potentially be put in harm’s way were the anthrax attacks to repeat themselves."

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e031b9 No.141968

File: ccb469e78f7ec3c⋯.png (369.59 KB,810x647,810:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ddd7929f087ead⋯.png (67.07 KB,802x604,401:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 727c99e52157600⋯.png (32.12 KB,259x646,259:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 107b7b3a0efc7b1⋯.png (30.88 KB,248x567,248:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 5884533e1a51069⋯.png (45.36 KB,554x628,277:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611694 (121859ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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The National Association of Secretaries of State "…serves as a medium for the exchange of information between states and fosters cooperation in the development of public policy. The association has key initiatives in the areas of elections and voting, state business services, and state heritage/archives. View the NASS Constitution and Bylaws."


"The Elections Committee is dedicated to educating and informing NASS members about policies and practices related to election administration at both the state and federal level. This includes tracking proposed federal legislation and election reform proposals and following the activities of relevant federal agencies and congressional committees. The Committee also provides a forum for members to discuss strategies for facilitating voter participation and share innovative practices on voter education and outreach."


Committee Members


Hon. Jocelyn Benson, MI


Hon. Frank LaRose, OH


Hon. John Merrill, AL

Hon. Kevin Meyer, AK

Hon. Katie Hobbs, AZ

Hon. John Thurston, AR

Hon. Alex Padilla, CA

Hon. Jena Griswold, CO

Hon. Denise Merrill, CT

Hon. Laurel M. Lee, FL

Hon. Brad Raffensperger, GA

Hon. Lawerence Denney, ID

Hon. Connie Lawson, IN

Hon. Paul Pate, IA

Hon. Scott Schwab, KS

Hon. Michael Adams, KY

Hon. R. Kyle Ardoin, LA

Hon. Matt Dunlap, ME

Hon. John Wobensmith, MD

Hon. William Galvin, MA

Hon. Steve Simon, MN

Hon. Michael Watson, MS

Hon. Jay Ashcroft, MO

Hon. Corey Stapleton, MT

Hon. Robert Evnen, NE

Hon. Barbara Cegavske, NV

Hon. Bill Gardner, NH

Hon. Tahesha Way, NJ

Hon. Al Jaeger, ND

Hon. Maggie Toulouse Oliver, NM

Hon. Bev Clarno, OR

Hon. Kathy Boockvar, PA

Hon. Nellie Gorbea, RI

Hon. Steve Barnett, SD

Hon. Tre Hargett, TN

Hon. Ruth Hughs, TX

Hon. Spencer Cox, UT

Hon. Jim Condos, VT

Hon. Kim Wyman, WA

Hon. Mac Warner, WV

Hon. Edward Buchanan, WY

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e031b9 No.141969

File: 07e95b03f40af41⋯.png (107.98 KB,794x474,397:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611710 (121900ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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e031b9 No.141970

File: 1fb6f196c2a5600⋯.png (92.23 KB,490x725,98:145,Clipboard.png)

File: f3c46fab7bd76a5⋯.png (170.31 KB,482x697,482:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a6c3be4773242⋯.png (101.83 KB,499x723,499:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 68618ab5539d28f⋯.png (141.88 KB,468x621,52:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 52718cf24152347⋯.png (99.77 KB,509x722,509:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611720 (121901ZNOV20) Notable: A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

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"One of their biggest proponents of expanding BioPort’s contracts was working for HHS at the time — Jerome Hauer, a man who not only had foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks, but had also participated in the Dark Winter simulation that would also predict those same attacks just months prior. Hauer would, months later, be appointed to a newly created position at HHS, one which oversaw the new biodefense stockpile from which BioPort would be a major beneficiary.

BioPort would be then renamed and repackaged as Emergent Biosolutions in 2004. It would then hire even more well-connected lobbyists and add several big names from government and the private sector to its board. One of these “big names” was none other than Jerome Hauer, who was added to Emergent’s board soon after leaving HHS. Hauer still remains a company director and sits on three of its corporate governance committees.

Not only did Emergent Biosolutions profit from national anthrax fears, they would also cash in on subsequent pandemic panics and later receive substantial backing from the Bill Gates-backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). They would then turn their attention to the still-raging opioid addiction and overdose crisis by buying rights to the only drug approved for treating opioid overdoses at the scene while also suing any and all generic producers of this crucial, life-saving treatment.

Given its history, it should come as little surprise that Emergent Biosolutions is now set to profit from the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. They are particularly well-suited to make record profits off of Covid-19, as they are backing not one, but two, vaccine candidates as well as an experimental blood plasma treatment already approved for trials in New York state, thanks in part to Jerome Hauer’s old boss, New York governor Andrew Cuomo. As noted in a previous article for The Last American Vagabond, the other main companies developing Covid-19 vaccines in the U.S. are strategic partners of the controversial Pentagon research agency DARPA, which has become increasingly aligned with HHS in recent years thanks to another Dark Winter participant, Robert Kadlec."

In this second installment of the series “Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus and the Rise of the Biotech-Industrial Complex,” Emergent Biosolution’s rise to prominence, made possible through acts of blatant corruption and the public-private revolving door, will be explored. The clear nexus between Big Pharma, Government and University-affiliated “Biosecurity Centers” offers a startling look into the Biotech-Industrial Complex that has long dominated U.S. biodefense policy and is now guiding much of the U.S. government’s response to the Coronavirus crisis."

2 of 3

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e031b9 No.141971

File: 74611a2a762705d⋯.png (51.11 KB,758x597,758:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 6df4c108e8a09ca⋯.png (403.46 KB,612x348,51:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611723 (121901ZNOV20) Notable: From Hiding, Pashinyan Issues More Excuses Through Facebook, Doesn’t Mention Resignation

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From Hiding, Pashinyan Issues More Excuses Through Facebook, Doesn’t Mention Resignation

On November 12th, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian met and discussed the current situation in the country.

Prior to that, Artsakh Justice Minister Siran Avetisyan presented a letter of resignation to the President of Artsakh Araik Harutyunyan explaining the decision as coming down to differing political views.

Around midday on November 12th, Prime Minister, again through Facebook, issued an address to the Armenian people.

The statement, in its entirety can be read below:

“Having signed this sad document, I knew that I was under threat not only politically, but also physically, but it was more important for me to save the lives of 25 thousand of our soldiers.

Why didn’t you resign in order not to sign this document? This would be desertion and an attempt to leave a difficult situation to another leader.

This document does not imply a meaningful solution to the Karabakh conflict. This document is about ending the war in Karabakh. The Karabakh conflict was not resolved then, and it is not resolved now.

I and the President of Karabakh did not provide full information about the deplorable situation, so as not to cause panic.

We have done everything to preserve every inch of Karabakh.

We fought against three armies. But, unfortunately, we were not able to fully support our army.

Yes, the signed document is very bad for Armenia, but we should not make it worse.

The document provides for the unblocking of all regional roads and provides for a railway between Iran and Armenia.

Russian peacekeepers will ensure the security of the residents of Karabakh throughout the territory. They will ensure the stability of the road connection between Stepanakert and Yerevan. Our task is to ensure stability in the country.

We will not allow representatives of the former government to create chaos in the country. We have a future. We must draw conclusions and understand the mistakes.

The problem is that the most important function of the commander is to solve the problem for the soldier. But when a soldier cannot influence further events in any way, it is no longer the soldier who must die, but the Motherland must make sacrifices for the sake of the soldier’s life.

That’s why I signed this infamous contract. I chose the lives of 25,000 soldiers over my career and my life.

Why didn’t I consult with the people before signing the document? For a very simple reason. In the course of communicating with the people, I had to publicly and honestly present an objective situation, and this meant providing detailed information to the enemy as well, informing a detailed plan for the encirclement of our soldiers in the amount of 25 thousand people in a matter of hours.

They talk about the surrender of Meghri. This is absolutely ridiculous. We are just talking about opening regional transport links. In this case, the roads from Azerbaijan to Nakhichevan are opened, but at the same time the road from Yerevan to Syunik region via Nakhichevan is also unblocked.”

What becomes apparent is this: Pashinyan refuses to resign and clings to power, he says he “ended his career” but he plans on continuing to lead the country.


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e031b9 No.141972

File: bc67dc22f1201e2⋯.png (74.27 KB,797x557,797:557,Clipboard.png)

File: af7b437774f806a⋯.png (33.32 KB,268x651,268:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 93eafa1dd49ed31⋯.png (33.99 KB,222x644,111:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 9405d4a53536c38⋯.png (30.16 KB,254x625,254:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611726 (121901ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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NASS - Cybersecurity Committee


About the Committee

"The NASS Cybersecurity Committee is dedicated to facilitating information sharing by NASS members about policies and practices regarding cybersecurity at the state, local and federal level. The Committee provides a forum for members to share practices and learn about new developments in state and federal legislation, academic research, advocacy community and congressional committee activity, new and existing private sector tools, and resources provided by federal agencies. The committee will focus on cybersecurity as it relates to all facets of member offices to include business services, election administration, records management and archiving."

Committee Members


Hon. Paul Pate, IA


Hon. Maggie Toulouse Oliver, NM


Hon. John Merrill, AL

Hon. Kevin Meyer, AK

Hon. Katie Hobbs, AZ

Hon. John Thurston, AR

Hon. Alex Padilla, CA

Hon. Jena Griswold, CO

Hon. Denise Merrill, CT

Hon. Jeffrey Bullock, DE

Hon. Kimberly Bassett, DC

Hon. Laurel M. Lee, FL

Hon. Brad Raffensperger, GA

Hon. Lawerence Denney, ID

Hon. Jesse White, IL

Hon. Connie Lawson, IN

Hon. Scott Schwab, KS

Hon. Michael Adams, KY

Hon. R. Kyle Ardoin, LA

Hon. Matt Dunlap, ME

Hon. John Wobensmith, MD

Hon. William Galvin, MA

Hon. Jocelyn Benson, MI

Hon. Steve Simon, MN

Hon. Michael Watson, MS

Hon. Jay Ashcroft, MO

Hon. Corey Stapleton, MT

Hon. Robert Evnen, NE

Hon. Barbara Cegavske, NV

Hon. Bill Gardner, NH

Hon. Tahesha Way, NJ

Hon. Elaine Marshall, NC

Hon. Al Jaeger, ND

Hon. Frank LaRose, OH

Hon. Brian Bingman, OK

Hon. Bev Clarno, OR

Hon. Kathy Boockvar, PA

Hon. Raúl Márquez Hernández, PR

Hon. Nellie Gorbea, RI

Hon. Mark Hammond, SC

Hon. Steve Barnett, SD

Hon. Tre Hargett, TN

Hon. Ruth Hughs, TX

Hon. Spencer Cox, UT

Hon. Jim Condos, VT

Hon. Kim Wyman, WA

Hon. Mac Warner, WV

Hon. Edward Buchanan, WY

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e031b9 No.141973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611740 (121902ZNOV20) Notable: Ukraine President Hospitalized After Testing Positive For Coronavirus, Official Says

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Ukraine President Hospitalized After Testing Positive For Coronavirus, Official Says

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was hospitalized after testing positive this week for COVID-19, a presidential official said Thursday, Reuters reported.

Zelensky can’t have visitors, but is working in Feofaniya Clinic located in Kyiv, Politico reported, citing Ukrainian Pravda. Zelensky announced in a tweet on Monday that he tested positive for the coronavirus.

“He first went home, but decided to move to Feofania (hospital). To accurately isolate and not expose anyone,” a presidential spokeswoman told Reuters.

SAUCE: https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/12/coronavirus-volodymyr-zelensky-ukraine/

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e031b9 No.141974

File: 08670b178a8af38⋯.png (169.32 KB,494x729,494:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e8093c2f9b25c5⋯.png (100.37 KB,472x713,472:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 830c664246519c7⋯.png (56.6 KB,482x432,241:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611741 (121902ZNOV20) Notable: A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

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3 of 3

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e031b9 No.141975

File: 3a766591bd625c0⋯.jpeg (289.66 KB,1242x339,414:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611755 (121904ZNOV20) Notable: Alaska anon reports CV-19 emergency alert broadcast to cell phones by Gov. Dunleavy

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Did anyone else get one of these alerts on their phone? I’m in Alaska, and about shit myself when it sounded off. I thought it was POTUS for a second. But just my bullshit fear-mongering governor fuckery-ing while afoot.

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e031b9 No.141976

File: 81653427fbf116a⋯.png (358.22 KB,803x652,803:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 164f41b256ebfc9⋯.png (74.74 KB,804x621,268:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 060b37bc5b2f59e⋯.png (51.23 KB,537x618,179:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d38374ae03dd1c⋯.png (53.65 KB,545x628,545:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f3c7e826e847c4⋯.png (61.5 KB,804x642,134:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611756 (121904ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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NASS has a lot of corporate affiliates, which means that these affiliates pay NASS a lot of money. Remember, NASS is a "club" for secretaries of state.

NASS Corporate Affiliates


Benefits of Corporate Affiliate Program

Application to Become a Corporate Affiliate

Corporate Affiliate White Papers

NOTE: NASS does not endorse, authorize or approve products or services offered by corporate affiliates.

International Apostille is NOT a current NASS Corporate Affiliate.

Facebook - Eva Guidarini, Government & Politics Outreach - Platinum Level

Ingalls Information Security LLC - Lincoln Holton, Chief of Operations - Platinum Level

Bandura Cyber - Sydney Beckman, Sr. Marketing Operations Manager - Gold Level

Civix - Dale Hulsing, Senior Account Executive - Gold Level

CT Corporation - Garth Jacobson, Senior Government Relations Attorney - Gold Level

Dun & Bradstreet - Ibrahim Sejfovic , US Public Records Specialist - Gold Level

Election Systems & Software - Kathy Rogers, Sr. Vice Pres. of Govt. Relations - Gold Level

NIC - Ron Thornburgh, Senior Vice President - Gold Level

Smartmatic - Denis Bechac, Business Development Director - Gold Level

Voatz - Nimit Sawhney, Co-Founder & CEO - Gold Level

Alabama.gov - Marla Vickers, General Manager - Silver Level

Amazon Web Services - Michael Jackson, Leader, Public Health & US Elections - Silver Level

Ancestry - Brian Peterson, Sr. Acquisition/Relationship Manager - Silver Level

Atlassian - Jared Crommert, Sr. Marketing Coordinator - Silver Level

BPro Inc. - George Munro - Silver Level

Capitol Services, Inc. - John Robinson, President - Silver Level

Center for Internet Security - Aaron Wilson, Sr. Director of Election Security - Silver Level

Clear Ballot - Jordan Esten, Chief Executive Officer - Silver Level

COGENCY GLOBAL INC. - Bruce Jacobi, CEO - Silver Level

Comcast - Lyndsay Moyer, Government Affairs - Silver Level

CSC - Paul Hodnefield, Associate General Counsel - Silver Level

CyberDefenses - Keri LeBlanc, Marketing Director - Silver Level

CyberScout - Eric Hodge, Director of Solutions - Silver Level

Democracy Live - Bryan Finney, President - Silver Level

Dominion Voting Systems - Kay Stimson, Vice President, Government Affairs - Silver Level

ERS/ISC - Bryan Burnett, Strategic Advisor - Silver Level

Global Mobile - Lee Durham, CEO - Silver Level

Hart InterCivic - Peter Lichtenheld, Vice President of Operations - Silver Level

InCorp Services, Inc. - Isabel Burgos, Director of National Processing - Silver Level

Iron Mountain Government Solutions - Sherina Man, Director of Marketing, Public Sector - Silver Level

KNOWiNK - Londa Young, Sales Support - Silver Level

LegalZoom.com, Inc. - Nicole Miller, General Counsel - Silver Level

Microsoft Corporation - Kim Nelson, Exec. Director, State & Local Govt. Solutions - Silver Level

Northwest Registered Agent, LLC - Tom Glover, President - Silver Level

Notarize, Inc. - Nicole Booth, EVP, Public Affairs - Silver Level

OPEX Corporation - Colleen Ciak, VP of Marketing - Silver Level

Publicis Sapient - Victor Thomas, Engagement Manager - Silver Level

Runbeck Election Services, Inc. - James Suver, Vice Pres. Business Development - Silver Level

Stonewall Solutions - Kayla Mendes, Director of Operations - Silver Level

Tecuity Inc. - Nick Eskelson, Business Development - Silver Level

Thomson Reuters - Tom Leighton, Vice Pres. of Govt. Relations - Silver Level

Unisyn Voting Solutions, Inc. - Barry Herron, Director of Sales - Silver Level

Verizon - Amy Lee, Communications Lead, SLED Marketing - Silver Level

VOTEC - John Medcalf, CEO - Silver Level

Yubico, Inc. - Akiko Honda, Director, Global Events - Silver Level

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141977

File: 781253447407c62⋯.png (75.8 KB,740x876,185:219,Clipboard.png)

File: bcde8b5ae2aa96e⋯.png (23.94 KB,757x290,757:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611762 (121904ZNOV20) Notable: ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

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ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

WASHINGTON—U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) – in collaboration with the Brazil Ministry of Justice and the Public Security (MJSP) Secretariat for Integrated Operation (SEOPI) Cyber Laboratory – arrested 113 alleged child predators across the U.S. and in South America, Nov. 2 to 6, during phase seven of Operation Protected Childhood (OPC VII).

OPC VII simultaneously targeted the distributors and producers of child sexual abuse material throughout the Americas. The operation was conducted across multiple ICE HSI domestic field offices and executed in coordination with the agency's Cyber Crimes Center (C3) and with law enforcement counterparts in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Panama.

"This collaborative effort by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations and its foreign law enforcement partners has put dangerous criminals behind bars and, most importantly, has led to the rescue of innocent children," said ICE Attaché for Brazil and Bolivia, Robert Fuentes Jr. "Thank you to our Brazilian partners for their unwavering efforts over the last five years to combat child exploitation through Operation Protected Childhood. And to our partners who have most recently joined our operation, we look forward to the continued fight and relentless effort to put a stop to this horrific crime."

OPC was initiated in March 2015 by HSI Brazil in partnership with Brazil's MJSP Cyber Lab to increase the effectiveness of online child exploitation investigations. These efforts are a product of HSI's continued investment in building partner capacity in Brazil. Since 2015, HSI and its partners have launched multiple phases of OPC and have recently expanded the operation to a larger multinational enforcement action.

During OPC VII, HSI offices in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, California, Colorado and Florida executed a combined 13 child exploitation-related search warrants and made nine arrests for child exploitation offenses. These executions were simultaneous with the enforcement actions made by Brazilian authorities and international law enforcement partners in Argentina, Paraguay, and Panama with the support of our HSI presence overseas.

A sample of HSI domestic enforcement actions as part of OPC VII include:

HSI Raleigh, North Carolina, Nov. 6: HSI and the Cary Police Department executed a federal arrest warrant on a suspect for the production, transportation, and possession of child pornography. HSI Raleigh received a lead from C3 regarding a suspect posting child pornography in Kik chat rooms. Forensics located hundreds of images of child pornography, to include several naked images of his children. A warrant was subsequently issued for the subject's arrest.

HSI Panama City, Florida, Nov. 5: HSI and the Lynn Haven Police Department executed a residential search warrant for possession and distribution of child pornography. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children provided information indicating that the target of investigation had used the Facebook Messenger app to distribute files of child pornography. One individual was arrested on scene for child exploitative material. Two additional individuals were arrested during the search warrant for narcotics possession.


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e031b9 No.141978

File: ecd7ec2712ae41d⋯.jpg (129.46 KB,1182x735,394:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611775 (121905ZNOV20) Notable: Look at What's Heading to Washington DC to Rally for Trump –– HOLY COW!

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Look at What's Heading to Washington DC to Rally for Trump –– HOLY COW! (video)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141979

File: 18cfd0674ea1f50⋯.png (259.21 KB,677x470,677:470,Clipboard.png)

File: e4f17122f3bc813⋯.png (35.36 KB,475x400,19:16,Clipboard.png)

File: e6f0824f67ea16e⋯.png (35.75 KB,450x381,150:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 5840739786068a3⋯.png (32.8 KB,496x367,496:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fb990f36a0da5f⋯.png (31.26 KB,479x326,479:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611788 (121906ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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The money involved in NASS Corporate Affiliates Program makes Anon wonder who the secretaries of state think they work for. How is this not Pay to Play?

"The NASS Corporate Affiliate Program is an excellent way to share ideas and build relationships with key state decision makers while supporting the civic mission of the association.

Corporate Affiliate Levels:

Platinum Level…………….$20,000

Gold Level…………………..$10,000

Silver Level…………………$5,000

Corporate affiliates are invoiced in November for the coming year: January 1 - December 31. Payments are prorated for companies that join during the year.

Program Levels


Platinum level benefits:

Three free registrations to each NASS conference

Free exhibit space at the NASS summer conference

Conference signs and relevant material will recognize the company as a Platinum Level Corporate Affiliate

Complimentary space at the corporate demo/expo at the NASS winter conference

Invitations to Secretaries/Corporate Affiliates Only events at NASS conferences

Listing in the Corporate Affiliate Roster on the NASS website, along with contact information and links to the company website

GOLD LEVEL: $10,000

Gold level benefits:

Two free registrations to each NASS conference

Free exhibit space at the NASS summer conference

Conference signs and relevant material will recognize the company as a Gold Level Corporate Affiliate

Complimentary space at the corporate demo/expo at the NASS winter conference

Invitations to Secretaries/Corporate Affiliate Only events at NASS conferences

Listing in the Corporate Affiliate Roster on the NASS website, along with contact information and links to the company website


Silver level benefits:

One free registration to each NASS conference

Member-discounted rates for exhibit space at the NASS summer conference

Complimentary space at the corporate demo/expo at the NASS winter conference

Conference signs and relevant materials will recognize the company as a Silver Level Corporate Affiliate

Invitations to Secretaries/Corporate Affiliate Only events at NASS conferences

Listing in the Corporate Affiliate Roster on the NASS website, along with contact information and links to the company website"

About the NASS Corporate Affiliate Program


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e031b9 No.141980

File: 394ed4732b59f55⋯.png (113.45 KB,759x873,253:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 33db59d84181843⋯.png (95.63 KB,724x770,362:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 7782ed7676a99f8⋯.png (113.68 KB,721x854,103:122,Clipboard.png)

File: b9319cc9317fa3e⋯.png (37.35 KB,720x307,720:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611800 (121907ZNOV20) Notable: Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

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Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

Eyewitnesses testify they saw approximately 40,000 irregular ballots arrive in vehicles with out-of-state plates during an early-morning poll worker shift change Nov. 4. That's not even the half of it.

A lawsuit filed Nov. 8 in Michigan alleges that Detroit, Mich. elections officials oversaw and openly encouraged election fraud totaling many “tens of thousands” of fraudulent ballots, plus other illegal election-tampering.

The complaint filed by an in-state conservative nonprofit legal group alleges numerous instances of illegal and suspicious activity in the Democrat stronghold encompassing Detroit, Wayne County. President Trump’s legal team has filed a separate lawsuit alleging additional voting crimes and irregularities in the county.

The current results of the presidential race in Michigan suggest an approximately 146,000-vote gap between President Trump and Joe Biden, and an 84,000-vote gap between U.S. Senate candidates Gary Peters (D) and John James (R). The Associated Press and the state’s Democrat officials say Biden has won the state’s electoral votes and that Trump’s claims of fraud are insulting and inaccurate.

Wayne County is estimated to have been the site of some 850,000 votes this year. If this lawsuit is accurate, however, a massive portion of these votes is fraudulent.

The Great Lakes Justice Center complaint provides “eyewitness accounts and direct evidence” that “approximately 40,000” unsecured, irregular ballots arrived in vehicles with out-of-state license plates at Detroit’s only vote-counting location, TCF Center, in the wee hours of the Nov. 4 morning during a shift change in election workers. Eyewitnesses signed affidavits saying that every one of this group of 40,000 ballots they saw “was counted orally and attributed only to Democratic candidates,” specifically Joe Biden.

Other eyewitnesses signed affidavits under penalty of perjury stating they saw multiple other piles of ballots, together additionally numbering in the tens of thousands, that were counted despite violating election law, sometimes at the direction of local election officials. This allegedly happened both before the election, during early voting, and during the election and subsequent vote count.

“After poll challengers started discovering the fraud taking place at the TCF Center, Defendant election officials and workers locked credentialed challengers out of the counting room so they could not observe the process, during which time tens of thousands of ballots were processed,” the complaint says. It also alleges:

“Defendant election officials and workers allowed ballots to be duplicated by hand without allowing poll challengers to check if the duplication was accurate. In fact, election officials and workers repeatedly obstructed poll challengers from observing. Defendants permitted thousands of ballots to be filled out by hand and duplicated on site without oversight from poll challengers.”


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e031b9 No.141981

File: 8f78db3b6ae497c⋯.png (350.83 KB,776x778,388:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 263f7879a2afce2⋯.png (165.77 KB,792x718,396:359,Clipboard.png)

File: c0d33b3c0f864e5⋯.png (18.65 KB,778x250,389:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611820 (121909ZNOV20) Notable: Yes, Biden and Harris Are Self-Declared Zionists, But a Glimmer of Hope Remains

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Yes, Biden and Harris Are Self-Declared Zionists, But a Glimmer of Hope Remains

As the U.S. and the world wait with anticipation for the Biden administration to take office, people with progressive agendas are feeling optimistic. Teams working on immigration, health care, and the environment, to name just a few, are already at work preparing to move the United States in a new direction.

The one progressive issue where there is little optimism though is Palestine. This is mostly because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are both self-declared Zionists and because there is a history of total U.S. support for Israel. But even though most American politicians are Zionists, Trump moving out of the White House presents a sense of a new beginning and should be used as an opportunity to change the paradigm on Palestine.

It can easily be demonstrated that Israel is a dangerous, even reckless state and that continued support for it only promises instability. Israel is an apartheid state that is already on the verge of collapse. With over two million men women and children locked up in the uninhabitable Gaza Strip, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab living without access to water or electricity, crime on the rise, and political instability growing, Israel is likely to become even more dangerous than it is today.

Furthermore, the Netanyahu government is tightly connected to Trump. In fact, one could argue that Trump’s entire foreign policy regarding the Middle East and Iran were dictated by Netanyahu.

Reversing the Zionist agenda

Israel will, of course, vehemently oppose any reversal of the actions taken by the Trump-Kushner-Freedman trio. One may safely assume that Zionist organizations and agents in the U.S. are already hard at work with the Biden people to assure that no such reversal takes place.

Still, Joe Biden will have to show that he stands by some, if not all, of the foreign policy agreements that were reached during the Obama years and later abandoned by Donald Trump. He will likely have to do this even if it means Israel will be displeased. First and foremost would be a return to the Iran nuclear deal, also known as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The agreement with Iran was central to the Obama legacy, and Trump dropping out of the agreement pleased Israel to no end. A return to the agreement will cause friction between Biden and Israel but since the entire spectrum of Israeli politicians – the one exception being the Joint Arab List – made no secret of their support for Trump, one would hope that some political payback is forthcoming.

Biden’s foreign policy team will also have to deal with the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel and the consequent moving of the U.S. embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, as well as the U.S. recognition of Israel’s annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights. Both were gifts to the Netanyahu government, both were diplomatic blunders that aided Netanyahu, and both will be difficult to reverse.


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e031b9 No.141982

File: 39bf4ef5dd75bc1⋯.png (569.34 KB,851x584,851:584,Clipboard.png)

File: c65b06cb038b091⋯.png (58.35 KB,844x464,211:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611822 (121909ZNOV20) Notable: NASED, NASS and ACR

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Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) is "A Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State".


This is where voters need to realize that local elections have consequences too. These people are involved in every aspect of your life and they know it. States differ in how these people get into the positions they hold but if these people are not elected by the people, they are appointed by the people we elect.

Get a load of this statement and this is an exact quote from ACR.

"What are Administrative Rules

A rule is a product of rulemaking by a state agency.

Virtually everything in your daily life is affected in some way by rules published by members of ACR from the quality of air you breathe to the licensing of your dentist. You may not know who we are, but you certainly feel the impact of our labors on a daily basis."

As a section of NASS, the people who wrote that receive money from Facebook, Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Democracy Live, Microsoft Corporation, Verizon and others (see 4/4 above).


ACR - Corporate Sponsors

Posted on January 29, 2010 by ACR Webmaster

CORPORATE SPONSORS: ACR welcomes corporate sponsorships for meetings and conferences.

The following have generously supported our organization at previous conference and meetings:

Bloomberg BNA (formerly known as The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.)

DataStream Content Solutions


Thomson Reuters (formerly known as West Group)

Wolters Kluwer


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e031b9 No.141983

File: 38593b4d7cac8ae⋯.png (271 KB,556x527,556:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bf0fb29e4f55ab⋯.png (864.67 KB,1150x524,575:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611844 (121910ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Not only are there multiple E-6's airborne right now but also E-3's as well.

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e031b9 No.141984

File: 925ee3615cfd82f⋯.png (66.69 KB,751x871,751:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 01d49d5d3ab1fed⋯.png (79.97 KB,727x796,727:796,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b680ddccd5556⋯.png (58.57 KB,760x695,152:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 721c41eec9e0634⋯.png (860.29 KB,775x752,775:752,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fbf022c51d5f17⋯.png (69.87 KB,761x852,761:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611859 (121911ZNOV20) Notable: US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

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US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives.

In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.

A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved.

Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed.

Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end.

Pfizer’s history of being fined billions for illegal marketing and for bribing government officials to help them cover up an illegal drug trial that killed eleven children (among other crimes) has gone unmentioned by most mass media outlets, which instead have celebrated the apparently imminent approval of the company’s Covid-19 vaccine without questioning the company’s history or that the mRNA technology used in the vaccine has sped through normal safety trial protocols and has never been approved for human use. Also unmentioned is that the head of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Patrizia Cavazzoni, is the former Pfizer vice president for product safety who covered up the connection of one of its products to birth defects.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.141985

File: 248ce1bc14f9ebe⋯.png (1.78 MB,1542x884,771:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611966 (121919ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Disgusting Failure’: US Senator Slams DOJ Investigation Into Epstein’s Sweetheart Deal

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They mean Alex Acosta.

Here is tastier sauce:


‘Disgusting Failure’: US Senator Slams DOJ Investigation Into Epstein’s Sweetheart Deal

Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse slammed the Department of Justice’s investigation into convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s sweetheart plea deal, calling it a “disgusting failure.”

“Letting a well-connected billionaire get away with child rape and international sex trafficking isn’t ‘poor judgment’ — it is a disgusting failure,” Sasse said Thursday. “Americans ought to be enraged. Jeffrey Epstein should be rotting behind bars today, but the Justice Department failed Epstein’s victims at every turn.”

“The DOJ’s crooked deal with Epstein effectively shut down investigations into his child sex trafficking ring and protected his co-conspirators in other states,” Sasse continued. “Justice has not been served. The full report needs to be released to the public. OPR might have finished its report, but we have an obligation to make sure this never happens again.”

Despite evidence of Epstein’s underage sex trafficking, the Justice Department determined that former U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta merely showed “poor judgement” by allowing Epstein to only spend one year in prison, according to a press release from Sasse’s office. The DOJ did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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e031b9 No.141986

File: 27e9bca43b396dc⋯.png (350.74 KB,778x603,778:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f23bf68c471d01⋯.png (23.79 KB,504x532,18:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11611989 (121920ZNOV20) Notable: Katie Hobbs is married to Pat Goodman

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Katie Hobbs is married to Pat Goodman

Check out what he does



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e031b9 No.141987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612115 (121937ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14825

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e031b9 No.141988

File: 4ff5eeca0fe227e⋯.png (44.71 KB,1370x334,685:167,Clipboard.png)

File: ae686acd7715393⋯.png (62.75 KB,475x441,475:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612128 (121938ZNOV20) Notable: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), a pivotal moderate Republican vote, says she will vote to confirm Judy Shelton, President Trump’s controversial nominee to the Federal Reserve.

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Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), a pivotal moderate Republican vote, says she will vote to confirm Judy Shelton, President Trump’s controversial nominee to the Federal Reserve.

“I’ve had an opportunity to talk to Judy Shelton and I’m going to be supporting her,” Murkowski told reporters Thursday afternoon.

Murkowski’s support signals that Shelton will have enough votes to secure confirmation when GOP leaders bring her to the Senate floor, which could be as soon as next week.

GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Mitt Romney (Utah) have announced their opposition to Shelton.

Shelton’s nomination has run a tortuous path through the upper chamber as GOP lawmakers have raised concern over her past support for returning to the gold standard and using monetary policy and inflation to make American exports more competitive.

Her past GOP critics, including Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.), the incoming chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, softened their stances and announced their support after Shelton backed away from her earlier statements on the gold standard and publicly agreed that the Fed’s policymaking power is limited.

Romney, however, told The Hill on Thursday afternoon he remains opposed to Shelton joining the Fed.


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e031b9 No.141989

File: 001d7c09718c9b2⋯.png (168.38 KB,542x700,271:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cec01faddcd462⋯.png (601.7 KB,1199x882,1199:882,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612139 (121938ZNOV20) Notable: Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law.

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BREAKING: Pennsylvania.

Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law. Critically, the state has a Republican state legislature.

#SCOTUS may ultimately decide the case now.


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e031b9 No.141990

File: 4e529e9441d615a⋯.png (58.39 KB,746x606,373:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612145 (121939ZNOV20) Notable: HRC Back to #MuhPandemic

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HRC Back to #MuhPandemic, since she knows what's coming


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e031b9 No.141991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612167 (121940ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14825

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>>141945 Anon bun #14824

>>141946, >>141951, >>141962, >>141969, >>141983 PF

>>141947 Inside Prince Harry's close friendship with Joe Biden's wife Jill

>>141948 Trump Advisor Corey Lewandowski Tests Positive For COVID-19

>>141949 Internet-Connected Election Systems Found in 10 U.S. States

>>141950 Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

>>141952 Biden’s Military Brain Trust Includes Former Navy, Marine Corps Top Leaders

>>141953 Rudy Giuliani I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years!

>>141954 Sorry @nytimes, almost all GA, MI Counties used ‘glitchy’ Dominion software.

>>141955 Exclusive: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials August 8, 2019

>>141956 Schumer, Pelosi want $3.4T as 'starting point' in new COVID-19 relief talks

>>141957 Russia will not lecture US on its electoral system, says Lavrov

>>141958 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – wide ranging news conference with Russian and foreign journalists on international politics

>>141959 Edward Snowden July 27, 2019: Watch the voting machine used in US swing states get hacked to rig an election.

>>141960 Netanyahu says Israel to start getting Pfizer coronavirus vaccines in January

>>141961, >>141985 ‘Disgusting Failure’: US Senator Slams DOJ Investigation Into Epstein’s Sweetheart Deal

>>141963 Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

>>141964, >>141968, >>141972, >>141976, >>141979, >>141982 NASED, NASS and ACR

>>141965 Andrew McCabe's Corruption on Trump Targeting is Biden's Corruption! Where is John Durham?

>>141966 Grassley Questions DOJ on Biden Family Compliance with FARA

>>141967, >>141970, >>141974 A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

>>141971 From Hiding, Pashinyan Issues More Excuses Through Facebook, Doesn’t Mention Resignation

>>141973 Ukraine President Hospitalized After Testing Positive For Coronavirus, Official Says

>>141977 ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

>>141978 Look at What's Heading to Washington DC to Rally for Trump –– HOLY COW!

>>141980 Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

>>141981 Yes, Biden and Harris Are Self-Declared Zionists, But a Glimmer of Hope Remains

>>141984 US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

>>141986 Katie Hobbs is married to Pat Goodman

>>141975 Alaska anon reports CV-19 emergency alert broadcast to cell phones by Gov. Dunleavy

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e031b9 No.141992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612178 (121941ZNOV20) Notable: Senior U.S. cybersecurity official asked to resign amid Trump transition tumult

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BREAKING…..Senior U.S. cybersecurity official asked to resign amid Trump transition tumult

By Christopher Bing




WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. cybersecurity official is leaving government after being asked to resign, an official familiar with the matter said Thursday, part of a wider thinning of President Donald Trump’s administration following Joe Biden’s election win.

Bryan Ware, the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), confirmed to Reuters that he had handed in his resignation on Thursday.

He didn’t provide details, but a U.S. official familiar with the matter said the White House asked for Ware’s resignation earlier this week.

CISA and the White House did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

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e031b9 No.141993

File: 239324f080ae7f8⋯.png (357.72 KB,594x680,297:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612187 (121941ZNOV20) Notable: Milley quoted

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Milley needs to GTFO


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e031b9 No.141994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612189 (121941ZNOV20) Notable: New DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to 11 Year Olds Without Parental Consent

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New DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to 11 Year Olds Without Parental Consent

A bill traveling through the District of Columbia’s legislature would give children as young as 11 years old the ability to make decisions on being vaccinated, while removing the need for parental consent entirely.

Bill 23-171 allows children as young as 11 years old to consent to taking any vaccine recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the group which assists the Centers for Disease Control in developing childhood immunization schedules.

It would also let the school, health care provider, and the parent’s private insurance conceal the child’s vaccination from parents or guardians who would have no knowledge of the procedure unless the child told them.

According to the bill, “a minor shall be deemed meeting the informed consent standard if the minor is able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks ordinarily inherent in the medical care.” In other words, young children can simply be persuaded by a vaccine administrator’s advice and receive an inoculation.

To aide in the process, the D.C. Department of Health will provide “age-appropriate” vaccine information sheets to minors to support providers in the informed consent process.

D.C. council member Mary Cheh, the bill’s primary sponsor, said in an Oct. 7 meeting that taking away the “barriers” of parental consent in childhood vaccinations was an important measure considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“Given our ongoing pandemic and the incredible work being done to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s more important than ever I think that we reduce any and all barriers to these treatments,” Cheh said. “And this legislation aims to do just that by increasing access to vaccines for minors who choose to get vaccinated but have not been able to do so.”

The lone voice of dissent on the council, Trayon White, urged members against taking such a step.

“Medical practitioners, schools, and others should not be permitted to coerce or press minors into procedures that are capable of causing injury or death, behind their parents back,” he said.

The legality of such a measure is up in the air, according to Dawn Richardson, director of advocacy of the National Vaccine Information Center, who told the Epoch Times that the “negligent, predatorial, and criminal” bill may contravene Supreme Court precedent that puts a parent or guardian at the center of the decision-making process for their child.

Richardson says it’s wrong to allow an 11-year-old child to “take a biological pharmaceutical product, that is something that could cause injury and death, and has federal protection to protect the provider and the manufacturer from any liability.”

Currently, the bill is it set for a final vote on November 17th that will decide if it makes its way to the mayor’s desk for a signature.

The measure to cut off parental consent for child vaccinations is a par for the course move for the progressive D.C. where minors over the age of 12 can already consent without a parent to contraceptive services, prenatal care, and abortions.


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e031b9 No.141995

File: 45ee52896956e33⋯.png (71.17 KB,673x726,673:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612194 (121942ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Denies Any Wrongdoing re: Election Fraud

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Dominion Denies Any Wrongdoing re: Election Fraud


Dominion categorically denies any claims about any vote switching or alleged software issues with our voting systems. Please visit our Setting the Record Straight page for more information:https://t.co/DP6zry4LPq?amp=1


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e031b9 No.141996

File: e0043bd94136516⋯.png (43.13 KB,551x359,551:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612203 (121942ZNOV20) Notable: McConnell filed cloture on debate for Judy Shelton go on FED Board

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McConnell filed cloture on debate for Judy Shelton go on FED Board

Vote Coming SOON!


>Gold shall destroy FED.

Senate Cloakroom @SenateCloakroom

Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #760 Judy Shelton to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2010.

2:29 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter Web App


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e031b9 No.141997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612244 (121945ZNOV20) Notable: Facebook Extends Political Ad Ban

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Facebook Extends Political Ad Ban

Social media giant Facebook is extending its temporary ban on political ads across the platform.

ABC News reports that Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is extending its ban on new political ads on the platform. In a post to the company’s blog, Facebook stated:

The temporary pause for ads about politics and social issues in the U.S. continues to be in place as part of our ongoing efforts to protect the election.

Advertisers can expect this to last another month, though there may be an opportunity to resume these ads sooner.

Facebook did not initially explain how long it would be pausing political ads in the United States, stating only that it would start after polls closed on November 3rd as part of its efforts to “reduce opportunities for confusion or abuse.”

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has expressed anger over Facebook’s continued political ads ban with DSCC Executive Director Scott Fairchild telling ABC News: “Organic disinformation is the actual problem on these platforms, and continuing to ban ads is now actively harmful to organizations working to inform Georgia’s diverse voters about the January runoffs. These ad bans are voter suppression plain and simple, they directly benefit Republican senators, and at a minimum there should be an exemption for ads in Georgia over the next two months.”

In October, Breitbart News reported that Joe Biden’s digital director, Rob Flaherty, took to Twitter to criticize the social media giant, stating that its advertising systems broke “within seconds of launching the silly, performative pre-election hoop-jumping exercise.”

A Biden spokesperson told Reuters that an undisclosed number of the Democratic candidate’s campaign ads were affected. In an effort to crack down on “misinformation,” Facebook announced that it would be imposing a moratorium on new political ads in the week before November 3.

classic @Facebook here: they stopped new political ads from being published at 12:01AM this morning (a deadline they set months ago) & now tons of previously approved ads have been deactivated across the platform & the issue still hasn't been resolved & now the rules are changing pic.twitter.com/JY0EIEb9pR

— lynne (@lynnejansons) October 27, 2020

At the time, the chief marketing officer of the Republican digital firm Campaign Solutions, Eric Frenchman, stated that several campaigns he was working with were affected by the pauses. Mark Jablonowski, the managing partner at DSPolitical, a digital firm working with Democratic causes, stated: “Votes are being cast every day, so anytime that you’re not able to communicate with voters in this crucial window is time lost.”

Since then, the glitch was fixed but appears to show that many advertisers have been angered by Facebook’s mishandling of advertising pauses. The continuation of political ad bans is likely to only anger advertisers and political campaigns further. Breitbart News will continue to follow this story closely.


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e031b9 No.141998

File: 92eb0de3c979a72⋯.png (208.38 KB,925x482,925:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c5c977cb304e74⋯.png (230.74 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612253 (121946ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM122 USAF G5 departed Reno-Tahoe Int'l Airport after an overnight-inbound from a Lincoln Muni Airport, NE ground stop and Ypsilanti, MI departure yesterday.

Not hanging around either..well over 500/kts gs

PAT78 US Army G5 departing San Jose Int'l after a ground stop-origin of JBA earlier

It is now heading west

PAT= Priority Air Transport

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e031b9 No.141999

File: ee6a5fec3bb0719⋯.png (273.32 KB,492x564,41:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612258 (121946ZNOV20) Notable: Crooked Hillary Tweet

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Remember you something Anons?

Crooked Hillary Tweet


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e031b9 No.142000

File: 897c1e1e0dda30c⋯.png (241.31 KB,622x479,622:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e11cf31115c864⋯.png (212.06 KB,554x665,554:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612272 (121947ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Judge Orders Segregated Ballots Should be Tossed

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Pennsylvania Judge Orders Segregated Ballots Should be Tossed — Crooked PA Secretary of State “Lacked Statutory Authority” to Override Election Law

The Trump Campaign scored another win against the lawless Left on Thursday.

A Pennsylvania judge ruled that crooked Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar lacked the statutory authority to to override election law.

FOX News reported:

A Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of the Trump campaign Thursday, ordering that the state may not count ballots where the voters needed to provide proof of identification and failed to do so by Nov. 9.

State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification. After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day.

“[T]he Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Boards of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline … for certain electors to verify proof of identification,” Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt said in a court order.




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e031b9 No.142001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612296 (121949ZNOV20) Notable: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: America Will Hear from Trump “at Just the Right Moment”

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White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: America Will Hear from Trump “at Just the Right Moment”

Via Newsmax

Trump has paused post-election public appearances for now and is letting his legal team do the talking, but Kayleigh McEnany says his moment will come.

Via Newsmax:

President Donald Trump has paused post-election public appearances for now, but Americans will hear from him “at the right moment,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, speaking in her role as an adviser to his reelection campaign, said Thursday.

“[He is] letting this litigation play out, letting his lawyers take the lead on this, while he stays hard at work for the American people on COVID and other matters,” McEnany said on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” “But you will be hearing from the president. You hear from him on Twitter. You’ll be hearing from him at the right moment.”

Trump has not appeared or spoken in public — except for his Veterans Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday — since last Thursday, when he attacked the nation’s electoral system and made claims of widespread voter fraud. Two days later, most in the national media projected Joe Biden as the president-elect, with the president’s campaign reacting through a series of lawsuits in several states.

He has kept up his social media presence, though, tweeting continued accusations about fraud and posting updates on his campaign’s efforts.


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e031b9 No.142002

File: 01bef4220b24307⋯.png (315.77 KB,506x318,253:159,Clipboard.png)

File: c54414f496fd81b⋯.png (214.48 KB,901x840,901:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612331 (121951ZNOV20) Notable: Kodak Executives Received Millions In Stock For Options They Never Owned

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Kodak Executives Received Millions In Stock For Options They Never Owned

Today in "new and creative ways to potentially increase your executive compensation" news…

Kodak took a $5.1 million expense in the third quarter related to handing five of its former executives stock for options they never owned to begin with.

The issue has "raised questions about the company's controls," Financials Times said this week, putting it lightly. The company has blamed internal “deficiencies” that allowed five former officers to exercise 300,000 options that had previously been forfeited.

The company also warned that additional errors of a similar nature that have yet to be uncovered could result in additional "inappropriate expenses". Kodak also said it is planning to try and claw back $3.9 million from the executives for the fair value of the shares, though it also said it wasn't sure it would succeed in doing so.

The company's CFO, David Bullwinkle, said on Tuesday the company's “controls were inadequate with regard to the timely input and verification of master data updates for equity grants and therefore, resulted in errors or misstatements in employee equity account balances”.

The plans of Kodak working with the government were later put on hold after the deal was questioned by a number of congressional Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren.

Akin Gump, who was retained by the company to review the company's loan application with the the government, said though it found concerns about the company's governance, it didn't notice the company's issuance of its non-existent options.

Meanwhile, the news comes as Kodak's business continues to falter. The company's net losses rose from $5 million to $445 million during the third quarter, while revenue fell by $63 million to $252 million. The company's CEO said on its recent conference call he still had “tremendous confidence that we are on the right track to restoring Kodak to its rightful place as an iconic global brand”.



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e031b9 No.142003

File: ac7fcac67f6e0f0⋯.png (438.93 KB,503x314,503:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612349 (121952ZNOV20) Notable: DoJ Says Former Labor Secretary Acosta "Exercised Poor Judgment" In First Epstein Case

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DoJ Says Former Labor Secretary Acosta "Exercised Poor Judgment" In First Epstein Case

The DoJ's investigation into the prosecutors who oversaw deceased pedophile/financier Jeffrey Epstein's sweetheart deal - the same deal that led to Epstein's initial conviction and imprisonment in Florida more than 10 years ago - has determined that while the men exercised "poor judgment", they didn't break the law.

The findings, released by Sen. Ben Sasse on Thursday, follow an inquiry by the DoJ's office of professional responsibility. The group of prosecutors includes former Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who has previously suggested that at the time that Epstein had been 'protected' because he was a special asset. Acosta was pushed out of his cabinet-level role last year.

"Letting a well-connected billionaire get away with child rape and international sex trafficking isn’t ‘poor judgment’ – it is a disgusting failure,” Sasse said. “Americans ought to be enraged.”

The prosecutors, who reported to Acosta (at the time he was the US attorney overseeing that territory) explored reports that Epstein had abused dozens of young girls in his Palm Beach mansion in the early 2000s. Epstein copped a plea to lower-level state charges involving the abuse of a single victim.

The DoJ reportedly briefed several of Epstein's victims on the findings on Friday in Miami.

While this inquiry into the prosecutors is over, two other federal investigations involving Epstein and potential enablers are ongoing.


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e031b9 No.142004

File: 33b7861c2d7e127⋯.png (52.22 KB,606x300,101:50,Clipboard.png)

File: e36e6d3390817f8⋯.png (21.21 KB,616x221,616:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 156de34ea89253f⋯.png (20.71 KB,625x213,625:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 924e3e18103bad6⋯.png (16.31 KB,625x184,625:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612356 (121953ZNOV20) Notable: Moar from AZ Sec of State Hobbs

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Moar from AZ Sec of State Hobbs. One the same as previous digg.

Sauce: https://apps.azsos.gov/election/Financial_Disclosure/Documents/Hobbs%202014.pdf

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e031b9 No.142005

File: 3dc07903d482fc8⋯.png (573.67 KB,450x693,50:77,Clipboard.png)

File: f10219d3f5af429⋯.png (339.27 KB,1451x874,1451:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 637f61b2b636ae1⋯.png (488.94 KB,1462x888,731:444,Clipboard.png)

File: 10043fc18daab23⋯.png (556.15 KB,1454x731,1454:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612399 (121956ZNOV20) Notable: Vaccines - The Oldest Scam In 1988, Eustace Mullins blew the whistle on the vaccine scam.

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Vaccines - The Oldest Scam

In 1988, Eustace Mullins blew the whistle on the vaccine scam.

Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Extremely Positive Phase 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data; Production of 1.3 Billion Doses in 2021 Planned

Pfizer CEO sold $5.6 million in stock on the day of Vaccine Announcement

Not only do drugmakers make huge profits

from vaccines,

but they continue to profit

from the illnesses they cause.

If vaccines weren't harmful to health,

why would pharmaceutical companies be

exempt from liability?

This goose has been laying a golden egg

for more than a century, at an indescribable toll in human suffering.

Now they want to make vaccinations - not one but regular shots –

a condition for participation in society and freedom.

"The practice of medicine may not be the world's oldest profession, but it is often seen to be operating on much the same principles."

Eustace Mullins

Excerpts from Murder by Injection (1988)

Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American – our nation's physicians.

I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians.

From its earliest inception [in 1847], the American Medical Association has had one principal objective, attaining and defending a total monopoly of the practice of medicine in the United States. From its outset, the AMA made allopathy the basis of its practice. Allopathy was a type of medicine whose practitioners had received training in a recognized academic school of medicine, and who relied heavily on surgical procedures and the use of medications.


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e031b9 No.142006

File: 73faa4767d92dfb⋯.png (20.28 KB,592x228,148:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612497 (122001ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump bars Americans from investing in firms that help China’s military

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WSJ: President Trump bars Americans from investing in firms that help China’s military


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e031b9 No.142007

File: d9e3827eba4d214⋯.png (82.72 KB,434x214,217:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a7bef30249fefb⋯.png (623.52 KB,919x516,919:516,Clipboard.png)

File: b6aa7c058a160d6⋯.png (1.34 MB,1903x4604,1903:4604,Clipboard.png)

File: 85ddfea52f53657⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1903x4301,173:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612500 (122002ZNOV20) Notable: Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts PAPERS PLEASE

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Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts

The company will also accept a recently negative COVID test.

Ticketmaster will soon require customers to provide either a negative COVID-19 test result or proof that they have obtained a COVID-19 vaccination prior to attending a concert or event through the platform, according to industry reports. The company, founded in 1976 and a pioneer in digital ticket sales, will reportedly utilize third-party reporting software to confirm a customer's vaccinated status before they will be permitted to purchase tickets through the service. Users will also be able to present a negative COVID-19 test, via a digital "health pass," in order to gain access to concerts. Public health officials say a COVID-19 vaccine is likely to start distribution early next year.


Ticketmaster's Parent Company: Live Nation Entertainment Inc.

Michael Rapino is a Canadian-American business executive and the Chief Executive Officer and President of Live Nation Entertainment, Inc, which was formed in 2010 following the merger of Live Nation and Ticketmaster.

In the late 1990s, Rapino co-founded “Core Audience Entertainment”, a concert promoting company, and later held several roles at Clear Channel Entertainment. He was named CEO of Live Nation in 2005.


Also: Michael Rapino is a producer and executive, known for A Star Is Born (2018), Believer (2018) and Hydration (2020).


DOJ Approves Modified Ticketmaster, Live Nation Merger 2010

The United States Department of Justice, after a year’s worth of investigation, approved the proposed merger between Live Nation and Ticketmaster on Monday — with strings attached. First, Ticketmaster will have to license a copy of its ticketing software to two companies — Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and either Comcast-Spectacor or another “suitable” company — […]


Eric Holder's Department of Justice

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e031b9 No.142008

File: dfe43a239eae738⋯.png (202.18 KB,850x549,850:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 04b7e57286422be⋯.png (199.69 KB,873x781,873:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612503 (122002ZNOV20) Notable: Suicide rate among veterans up again slightly, despite focus on prevention efforts

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Suicide rate among veterans up again slightly, despite focus on prevention efforts

The rate of suicide among veterans ticked upwards in recent years despite increased public attention and funding on the problem, according to a new report released by Department of Veterans Affairs officials on Thursday.

However, the latest data still lags two years behind present conditions and does not include any figures from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which mental health experts have warned may be causing even larger increases in the rates of mental distress and self harm among veterans.

The suicide report — which is typically released in early October, but was delayed more than a month this year — shows the rate of suicide among veterans at 17.6 a day in 2018. That’s a slight increase from 2017, when the number was 17.5.

Numerous public figures and public awareness campaigns in recent years have quoted the figure of “20 a day” in reference to veterans suicide, but VA officials last year clarified that estimate also includes active-duty troops, guardsmen and reservists.

From 2005 to 2018, the overall suicide rate has remained largely unchanged, between 17 and 18 veterans a day. That’s in spite of numerous public awareness campaigns, VA outreach programs and new department training mandates enacted over the last two presidential administrations.

After making adjustments for sex and age, veterans suicide was roughly 27.5 per 100,000 individuals in 2018, up from 25.8 per 100,000 in 2016. By comparison, among all U.S. adults, the suicide rate per 100,000 was 18.3.

In raw numbers, the newly released figures mean that the number of veterans who died by suicide in 2018 was 6,435, up less than half a percent as the total veterans population fell by about 1.5 percent. By comparison, as of Thursday morning, there have been 7,032 troop deaths in conflict zones since 9/11 according to Defense Department statistics,

Veterans suicides made up about 14 percent of total suicides in America in 2018. VA officials have emphasized in recent years that mental health challenges and suicidal thoughts are not a problem specific to the veterans community.

“Findings documented in this report highlight the continuing and increasing problem of suicide among U.S. adults and among veterans, and the need for ongoing efforts to improve methods of suicide risk mitigation,” the report stated.

In a statement, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said that despite the lack of overall progress in suicide prevention among veterans, the report does show some areas of improvement.

“The data shows the rate of suicide among veterans who recently used VA health services has decreased, an encouraging sign as the department continues its work and shares what we learn with those who care for and about veterans,” he said.


The full report is available on the department’s web site.


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e031b9 No.142009

File: 81b82f956854b1f⋯.png (677.03 KB,628x352,157:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 82056fa4e566dc5⋯.png (125.3 KB,705x914,705:914,Clipboard.png)

File: d521420ebdd7d6d⋯.png (141.73 KB,678x912,113:152,Clipboard.png)

File: d59c5e0d099e72b⋯.png (107.54 KB,677x693,677:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612532 (122004ZNOV20) Notable: New Hampshire Releases Bombshell Report Questioning Safety of 5G

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New Hampshire Releases Bombshell Report Questioning Safety of 5G

A new report from the state of New Hampshire has concluded that the safety of 5G technology is a concern for the health of the people, the animals, and the environment.

On November 1, a 111-page report describing the health concerns associated with 5G technology was released by the New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology. The report was released to New Hampshire Governor Christopher T. Sununu, Speaker of the House Stephen J. Shurtleff, and President of the Senate Donna Soucy.

The recommendations include:

– state agencies include information on their websites regarding the dangers of radiofrequency (RF) microwave radiation from all sources;

– calling on state agencies to add warnings concerning newborns, young children and pregnant women;

– ensuring any new wireless antennae installation located on private property to be placed away from residences, businesses, and schools;

– encourage the deployment of fiber optic cables and wired connections;

– recommend that state agencies work with scientific experts to develop RF radiation safety limits to protect trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators

5G — or 5th generation cellular technology — is the name for the latest telecom technology upgrade. The new technology is expected to herald the beginning of Smart Cities, where driverless cars, pollution sensors, cell phones, traffic lights, and thousands of other devices interact in what is known as “The Internet of Things.” However, there have been a number of health and privacy concerns raised by opponents of the rapidly advancing 5G expansion.

These concerns led the New Hampshire house to pass HB 522 in 2019, a bill which created the commission, tasking it to “study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology.” The Commission was made up of several legislators who are also medical doctors and engineers, a scientist with expertise in electromagnetic radiation, a New Hampshire Town Councilperson and representatives from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, Department of Health & Human Services and the Department of Business and Economic Affairs.

The Commission also featured members of the wireless industry, including the CTIA, the largest wireless industry lobby which has been instrumental in promoting 5G. The members of the industry signed onto the “minority report” that stated “the scientific consensus” is that wireless technology is safe. However, the “majority report” documents substantial scientific evidence finding harmful health and environmental impacts.


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e031b9 No.142010

File: a61af271fc84c0c⋯.png (444.44 KB,614x522,307:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612594 (122008ZNOV20) Notable: Democratic Rep. Max Rose concedes New York House race

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Democratic Rep. Max Rose concedes New York House race


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e031b9 No.142011

File: 091a74e88fe57cb⋯.png (92.24 KB,1083x472,1083:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612600 (122009ZNOV20) Notable: 153 MM Registered Voters in U.S. as of Nov 2018

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153 MM Registered Voters in U.S. as of Nov 2018

TRUMP - 72,915,179

BIDEN - 78,269,256


TOTAL - 151,184,435 voted out of 153MM

98% turnout?



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e031b9 No.142012

File: c55e9ed3725f9ac⋯.png (454.86 KB,947x784,947:784,Clipboard.png)

File: 09937c2a76b0452⋯.png (415.51 KB,936x809,936:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 32f8f7b221a712e⋯.png (428.96 KB,992x869,992:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 7401c6f26e0c4b3⋯.png (477.3 KB,1043x536,1043:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612626 (122010ZNOV20) Notable: From a global fentanyl ring to a grieving family in Garland, a reporter’s FinCEN Files diary

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From a global fentanyl ring to a grieving family in Garland, a reporter’s FinCEN Files diary

By investigating four names behind a mysterious $400,000 transaction, an ICIJ reporter chased dirty money flows and uncovered victims of a failed anti-money laundering system.

“Hello Will, this is Brandon Hubbard, you sent me a letter.”

The last thing I expected when reporting on the FinCEN Files investigation was a nighttime reply from a convicted drug dealer.

“Texting because this jail provides iPods to do so but if you want to set up a phone call that is fine,” Hubbard wrote me at 9:10 p.m. on July 28 from his cell in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

I had contacted Hubbard a week earlier. He was easy to find; he’s locked up for life for his role in a scheme that imported fentanyl into the U.S. He’s also a convicted money launderer.

“I’m reporting on fentanyl and how people in the USA buy it and pay for it,” I told Hubbard in my letter. “I’d really like to talk to you about what you know about how fentanyl is ordered and paid for … No worries if you don’t feel like you know much about this – anything you can tell me would be really interesting.”

I knew it was a long shot, but Hubbard had already spoken to Keegan Hamilton, a VICE journalist who aired an excellent podcast on deadly opioids. Keegan had focused on fentanyl’s route from China to the United States, where it kills tens of thousands of Americans each year.

I was interested in something else. As a reporter with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, my bread and butter is complex financial documents, bank transfers, and secretive shell companies. I was in Jerry McGuire mode: “Show me the money.”

Hubbard told me all about how he paid for fentanyl from China and through a jailed middleman in Canada and his vast cryptocurrency operation.

“That’s the first thing they asked me when they came in the door, ‘Where’s the money?’” Hubbard told me in our first interview about his recollection of the night he was arrested by the FBI.

Texting and speaking to Hubbard in two interviews was one of the most unexpected episodes in my reporting on the FinCEN Files, a global exposé of how the world’s largest banks, politicians and shadowy characters move money around the world with few constraints. BuzzFeed News obtained thousands of secretive bank documents from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the financial crimes watchdog agency known as FinCEN inside the U.S. Department of Treasury. BuzzFeed News shared the documents with ICIJ and we gathered a world-class team of more than 400 journalists. For over 16 months, reporters traced how dirty money flows freely through major banks, swamping a broken enforcement system. They are the kind of documents that no journalist is ever supposed to see.

But the FinCEN Files investigation was about so much more than leaked files.


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e031b9 No.142013

File: ed8f1f2ed2206c0⋯.png (491.86 KB,535x515,107:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612630 (122011ZNOV20) Notable: Arizona woman who went viral for smashing Target mask display blames QAnon TOP KEK

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Arizona woman who went viral for smashing Target mask display blames QAnon



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e031b9 No.142014

File: 5f515ba25772c53⋯.png (55.54 KB,750x662,375:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612649 (122012ZNOV20) Notable: What if I told you Dominion Voting Machines is Canadian company that got its parts from China & its software from Serbia?

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Why does she never post evidence?



What if I told you Dominion Voting Machines is Canadian company that got its parts from China & its software from Serbia?

While owned by private equity firm whose board includes Obama's ambassador to the EU?

And that it gave money to Clinton Foundation?

Would you believe it?

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e031b9 No.142015

File: 128e7eef9b421b1⋯.png (239.5 KB,453x288,151:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612651 (122012ZNOV20) Notable: Chinese President Xi Jinping decided to halt Ant's IPO

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Chinese President Xi Jinping decided to halt Ant's IPO

China’s President Xi Jinping personally decided to pull the plug on Ant Group’s $37-billion initial public offering, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing Chinese officials with the knowledge of the matter. The decision to stop what would have been the world’s largest ever IPO, came days after the fintech giant’s billionaire founder Jack Ma launched a public attack on the country’s financial watchdogs and banks.

President Xi ordered Chinese regulators to investigate and effectively shut down Ant's stock market flotation, the report said here. Ant Group did not immediately respond to Reuters request for comment. The Information Office of the State Council, China’s cabinet, could not be reached immediately for comment. Ma had told a summit in Shanghai on Oct. 24 that the regulatory system was stifling innovation and must be reformed to fuel growth. Earlier this month, Reuters reported the speech set off a chain of events that torpedoed the listing of Ant. Soon after Ma’s scathing speech, state regulators started compiling reports including one on how Ant had used digital financial products like Huabei, a virtual credit card service, to encourage poor and young people to build up debt.

The general office of the State Council compiled a report on public sentiment about Ma’s speech and submitted it to senior leaders including President Xi, Reuters had reported.


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e031b9 No.142016

File: 1d5a897d21efec6⋯.jpg (452.13 KB,599x764,599:764,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f31409858bed77d⋯.jpg (575.61 KB,718x772,359:386,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612662 (122013ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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PLANE FAGS! WTF is going on here?!?!?!?!

North Phoenix

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e031b9 No.142017

File: 49d68d523497e96⋯.png (65.8 KB,677x620,677:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612670 (122013ZNOV20) Notable: New DoD Adviser Has Made Controversial Proposal: Get Rid of the Marine Corps

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New DoD Adviser Has Made Controversial Proposal: Get Rid of the Marine Corps

Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor, newly-appointed as a senior adviser at the Pentagon, has a track record of making controversial statements. But his most provocative of all might be a proposal to do away with the U.S. Marine Corps.

In a 2012 opinion piece for Time Magazine, Macgregor, a decorated veteran of the Gulf War, argued that the Corps was living on its past glories and was unsuited for combat on today's battlefield, with the possible exception for pushover enemies.

He went further, too, suggesting the acronym "USMC" should really stand for "Under-utilized Superfluous Military Capability."

"Most of today's Marine force consists of airmobile light infantry," Macgregor wrote. "This Marine force is designed for use in the developing world against incapable opponents from Haiti to Fiji, but not much else."

He took exception to previous remarks from then-Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos on the future of the Corps as "America's shock force" of agile and adaptable units vital to the nation's defense against evolving threats.

Macgregor summed up Amos' assessment this way: "Rah, rah, the Marine Corps is awesome, and all we have to do is make sure they have the equipment & training & facilities they need so they can always be awesome Marines, rah, rah!"

"Wrong," said Macgregor. "The Marines as currently organized and equipped are about as relevant as the Army's horse cavalry in the 1930s."

Macgregor, who has a reputation as an iconoclastic thinker on military strategy and tactics, was brought on as a senior adviser at the Pentagon by new Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, who was named to the post by President Donald Trump after he fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper via a Twitter post.

The Pentagon announced Wednesday that Macgregor "will be serving as a Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense. Mr. MacGregor's decades of military experience will be used to assist in the continued implementation of the president's national security priorities."

Macgregor, a frequent guest on Fox News, has argued for the imposition of martial law at the U.S.-Mexico border with orders for troops to "shoot people" if necessary to stop illegal immigration.

He has also criticized European countries for being too welcoming to "Muslim invaders."


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e031b9 No.142018

File: 94fce10d5d318b4⋯.png (380.39 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612788 (122022ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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e031b9 No.142019

File: 6d9530bbf42294f⋯.png (386.58 KB,535x514,535:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612795 (122023ZNOV20) Notable: Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight: cops

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Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight: cops



stay alert




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e031b9 No.142020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612894 (122032ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14826

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Whatever they tell (YOU) your soul is unbreakable....


#Notes needed from LB

TY anons.

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e031b9 No.142021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612900 (122034ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun #14826

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>>141988 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), a pivotal moderate Republican vote, says she will vote to confirm Judy Shelton, President Trump’s controversial nominee to the Federal Reserve.

>>141989 Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law.

>>141990 HRC Back to #MuhPandemic

>>141991 Anon bun #14825

>>141992 Senior U.S. cybersecurity official asked to resign amid Trump transition tumult

>>141993 Milley quoted

>>141994 New DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to 11 Year Olds Without Parental Consent

>>141995 Dominion Denies Any Wrongdoing re: Election Fraud

>>141996 McConnell filed cloture on debate for Judy Shelton go on FED Board

>>141997 Facebook Extends Political Ad Ban

>>141998, >>142016, >>142018 PF

>>141999 Crooked Hillary Tweet

>>142000 Pennsylvania Judge Orders Segregated Ballots Should be Tossed

>>142001 White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: America Will Hear from Trump “at Just the Right Moment”

>>142002 Kodak Executives Received Millions In Stock For Options They Never Owned

>>142003 DoJ Says Former Labor Secretary Acosta "Exercised Poor Judgment" In First Epstein Case

>>142004 Moar from AZ Sec of State Hobbs

>>142005 Vaccines - The Oldest Scam In 1988, Eustace Mullins blew the whistle on the vaccine scam.

>>142006 President Trump bars Americans from investing in firms that help China’s military

>>142007 Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts PAPERS PLEASE

>>142008 Suicide rate among veterans up again slightly, despite focus on prevention efforts

>>142009 New Hampshire Releases Bombshell Report Questioning Safety of 5G

>>142010 Democratic Rep. Max Rose concedes New York House race

>>142011 153 MM Registered Voters in U.S. as of Nov 2018

>>142012 From a global fentanyl ring to a grieving family in Garland, a reporter’s FinCEN Files diary

>>142013 Arizona woman who went viral for smashing Target mask display blames QAnon TOP KEK

>>142014 What if I told you Dominion Voting Machines is Canadian company that got its parts from China & its software from Serbia?

>>142015 Chinese President Xi Jinping decided to halt Ant's IPO

>>142017 New DoD Adviser Has Made Controversial Proposal: Get Rid of the Marine Corps

>>142019 Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight: cops

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e031b9 No.142022

File: 907951ad7bd85be⋯.png (701.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612916 (122035ZNOV20) Notable: Cyber Security Guy FIRED.

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Buh bye!! Cyber Security Guy FIRED.


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e031b9 No.142023

File: 21560f48468a46f⋯.png (416.1 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

File: f6b7b598f43c586⋯.png (459.96 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612918 (122035ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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e031b9 No.142024

File: c711a1d62175927⋯.pdf (9.94 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: e57138e03c3e0c5⋯.pdf (3.31 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 383b875cd70b63a⋯.jpg (120.44 KB,1080x1340,54:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47ad83c8334ab6e⋯.jpg (136.85 KB,1000x1304,125:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612921 (122036ZNOV20) Notable: C_A Improved Sabotage devices / Anarchist Cookbook

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e031b9 No.142025

File: 4f8053f6c4efa72⋯.png (352.13 KB,502x502,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: fcae6649e99b8f5⋯.png (369.84 KB,528x589,528:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 54c0dae2fabc122⋯.png (59.89 KB,580x708,145:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 461e4b6e999ddf5⋯.png (11.29 KB,554x164,277:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612943 (122037ZNOV20) Notable: Another Hunter Headache: The 'Secret' That Biden's Team Does Not Want Anyone To Know

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Another Hunter Headache: The 'Secret' That Biden's Team Does Not Want Anyone To Know

On Saturday, Joe Biden invited six of his grandchildren on stage when he announced to the world that he had won the 2020 presidential election.

But the seventh was missing from the smiling ranks of America’s next First Family: Navy Joan Roberts - the two-year-old daughter Hunter fathered with stripper Lunden Roberts then shamefully denied was his.

The child’s name, gender and location has remained a secret until now but DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal she is happily growing up surrounded by a large, loving family and blissfully unaware of her proximity to the caustic world of US politics.

Scandal-plagued Hunter, 50, settled the paternity case with Roberts for an undisclosed figure in March when a DNA test proved he was the toddler’s ‘biological and legal father’.

The recovering drug addict has never met the child, never seen her photo and ‘could not identify the child out of a photo lineup’, according to court

filings by Roberts.

Joe Biden’s family members will be entitled to a Secret Service detail now that he has been appointed the most powerful man on earth but Lancaster said he was not authorized to discuss his clients’ security arrangements.

In August, Roberts’ sister Randi Jo posted a rare photo of Navy Joan on Facebook, her face turned away from the camera to protect her anonymity.

‘We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon,’ she said, hinting at her niece’s extraordinary lineage. ‘Aunt Raemi loves you more than you’ll ever know…and your mama too.’

A private investigator who claims to have knowledge of the Hunter-Roberts settlement said it contained no promises about extra security, nor any promises of further engagement between Navy Joan and the Biden family.

‘The child is going to get nothing more, Joe does not recognize her as his blood. Neither does Hunter, despite the DNA result,’ said Dominic Casey. He also says he initiated the settlements talks, which ended with Roberts receiving $2.5m.

‘There has been zero contact with the child. It’s been that way since the beginning and that hasn’t changed at all. It’s despicable,’ Casey alleged.


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e031b9 No.142026

File: b6c9032a5378e5f⋯.jpeg (899.11 KB,1242x1378,621:689,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612951 (122038ZNOV20) Notable: Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

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e031b9 No.142027

File: d6f7de1b2c6914b⋯.png (415.72 KB,334x507,334:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612957 (122038ZNOV20) Notable: N.J. man, 72, arrested in park where he tried to lure child for sex, cops say

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N.J. man, 72, arrested in park where he tried to lure child for sex, cops say

Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella announced the arrest of Angel A. Bernard, 72; married & retired of 49 Spring Garden Lane, Garfield, New Jersey on charges of Attempted Aggravated Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, Luring, and Attempted Endangering The Welfare Of A Child.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2020, the Garfield Police Department contacted the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office regarding an allegation that a juvenile victim, under the age of 13, was communicating with Bernard via smartphone text messaging and phone conversation, and those discussions included sexual dialogue. An investigation by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit and the Cyber Crimes Unit revealed that during such conversations, Bernard attempted to make arrangements to meet the juvenile on several occasions in/around Garfield, New Jersey to engage in sexual activity.

On Monday, November 9, 2020, Bernard was arrested without incident after arriving at a local park in Garfield where he was attempting to meet with the juvenile to engage in sexual activity.


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e031b9 No.142028

File: c72ad77e85564da⋯.png (82.84 KB,749x884,749:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612973 (122039ZNOV20) Notable: Statement on DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility Report on Jeffrey Epstein 2006-2008 Investigation

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Statement on DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility Report on Jeffrey Epstein 2006-2008 Investigation


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e031b9 No.142029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612995 (122041ZNOV20) Notable: KREMLIN: ‘Turkish Troops Being Deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh is a Lie’

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KREMLIN: ‘Turkish Troops Being Deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh is a Lie’

MOSCOW – Turkey’s statement on creating a monitoring center in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) runs counter to Kremlin’s stance, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

“This is not how we understand it,” Peskov stated, commenting on a statement of the Turkish president’s office on plans to set up the Artsakh ceasefire monitoring center on the territory held by Azerbaijan, TASS reported.

The Kremlin spokesman noted that the center should be located on Azerbaijan’s indigenous land.

The Azerbaijani president’s press service announced on Tuesday that the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey, Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had discussed the situation over the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) conflict and the creation of “the Turkish-Russian peacekeeping center” in the region.

On the same day, Peskov told reporters that the creation of the aforementioned center in order to monitor the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) ceasefire in Azerbaijan was not mentioned in the joint statement by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia and was “subject to a separate agreement”.

In response to a question which territory was mentioned in relation to the possible creation of a monitoring center, he emphasized that “it’s not Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)”. According to him, the presence of Turkish peacekeepers in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) was not agreed on.


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e031b9 No.142030

File: 5fd847f2ee87351⋯.png (111.37 KB,397x609,397:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11612998 (122041ZNOV20) Notable: Please don't let this happen. CBS_Herridge

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Please don't let this happen.


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e031b9 No.142031

File: e31c058fc7ca12d⋯.png (1.55 MB,3810x1867,3810:1867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613009 (122042ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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e031b9 No.142032

File: 3d627526bcb6c6f⋯.png (2.5 MB,988x917,988:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613011 (122042ZNOV20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On November 12, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On November 12, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of th erecent developments in Syria:

On November 12, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) forces carried out a security operation in the village of Karak;

On November 11, SAA reinforced it posts inside the city of Daraa;

On November 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SAA positions in the village of Hantutin;

On November 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Minnagh area;

On November 11, an IED explosion hit a Turkish military convoy near Kabtan al-Jabal.


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e031b9 No.142033

File: 674399154f80727⋯.png (312.68 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 589ca8dc2ab2e78⋯.png (561.53 KB,694x817,694:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 29ad146f5524e51⋯.png (105.96 KB,675x608,675:608,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ae59e3aba9cbd7⋯.png (57.35 KB,697x794,697:794,Clipboard.png)

File: f861539f0f42140⋯.png (20.25 KB,698x296,349:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613059 (122045ZNOV20) Notable: Ten SAS soldiers under investigation by war crimes investigators over 12 Afghan deaths

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Ten SAS soldiers under investigation by war crimes investigators over 12 Afghan deaths

Federal police, Commonwealth prosecutors and a special counsel appointed by Prime Minister Scott Morrison will investigate the summary execution of at least 12 Afghan non-combatants or prisoners in what is shaping to be among the most complex law enforcement inquiries in Australian history.

Allegations about the conduct of an estimated 10 Australian Special Air Services Regiment (SAS) veterans who served in Afghanistan, including five still-serving members, have been or will soon be referred to authorities, according to Defence sources and special forces insiders.

But it is unclear how many commandos – another arm of Australia's special forces – will be referred to police as a result of the recently completed four-year investigation by the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald have previously reported that a former commando confessed to executing a prisoner in southern Afghanistan in 2012.

The investigation, conducted by senior judge Paul Brereton, canvassed alleged war crimes committed by special forces troops between 2005 and 2016. A public summary, which names no individual soldiers, is set to be released by Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell next week.

Special forces sources who are not authorised to speak publicly have confirmed that the inquiry heard a number of confessions from soldiers. This poses a potentially significant but not insurmountable challenge for investigators seeking to turn Justice Brereton's findings into evidence that can be admitted to court in a criminal prosecution. Confessions obtained during compulsory questioning, and evidence derived from these confessions, cannot be used to prosecute the confessor in Australian law, but witness testimony can be used in future trials.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday that the government would appoint a special investigator to work with police and prosecutors overseeing the cases to be referred by Justice Brereton. The appointment acknowledges the limitations of evidence collected by the Inspector-General.


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e031b9 No.142034

File: ce58c2de6eba4d5⋯.png (342.26 KB,598x391,26:17,Clipboard.png)

File: cd239443a34f859⋯.png (194.48 KB,575x467,575:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613078 (122047ZNOV20) Notable: “Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans” – Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members

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“Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans” – Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members, Issues Stay-at-Home Advisory

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday issued a stay-at-home advisory effective Monday at 6:00 AM in response to “rising Covid-19 cases.”

Once again, far left tyrant Lori Lightfoot is using Covid to abuse Chicagoans with authoritarian lockdown orders.

Meanwhile, murders in Chicago have skyrocketed this year under Lightfoot’s ‘leadership.’

Lori Lightfoot told Chicagoans not to gather with family members.

This is pure Marxism.

– Stay home unless for essential reasons

– Stop having guests over—including family members you do not live with

– Avoid non-essential travel

– Cancel traditional Thanksgiving plans

— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) November 12, 2020

In April, Lori Lightfoot got a haircut after she locked down the The Windy City and lectured people about getting their hair done/

But Lightfoot is a typical far left elitist.


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e031b9 No.142035

File: 36b6a122175415b⋯.png (92.75 KB,799x417,799:417,Clipboard.png)

File: c1d449e351ebf77⋯.png (24.54 KB,608x260,152:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613105 (122049ZNOV20) Notable: 96% Of Dominion Voting Systems Political Donations Went To Democrats

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96% Of Dominion Voting Systems Political Donations Went To Democrats

The company in question, Dominion Voting Systems, improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other “glitches” that required extended voting hours and delayed results.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, however, reveal the company is overwhelmingly staffed by Democratic donors – perhaps contributing to the explanation as to how the machines malfunctioned exclusively to Biden’s benefit.

From 2014 to 2020, nine individuals who list “Dominion Voting” or “Dominion Voting Systems” as their employer contributed money to national political campaigns, including the 2020 presidential election. Totaling 96 donations, the sum between employees amounts to $1,241.15.

Employees positions span the entirety of the voting system’s process from set-up to tabulation, including software developers, network engineers, software production specialists, and implementation managers.

Of the 96 donations, 92 in total – or 95.8 percent – went to Democratic candidate, predominantly via ActBlue. This means that of the $1,241.15, a total of $1,154.90 went to boost Democrats.

One donation, for example, from a Dominion software developer went to MoveOn.org – a leftist political action committee the describes itself as a “pillar” and “at the forefront” of the anti-Trump “resistance” movement.

In contrast, just four donations – equivalent to $86.25 – over the six-year period went to Republican candidates, specifically President Trump.

Dominion has also employed a host of Democratic party-linked lobbyists to assist on issues including “monitor[ing] federal legislation” and “issues related to election security.” For example, a former Chief of Staff for Nancy Pelosi and a director of vote protection for Obama’s 2012 campaign are currently retained by the voting company.

President Trump also raised red flags about the company’s potential to have swayed the 2020 election on Twitter:


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e031b9 No.142036

File: 7ea1126fc17e2bc⋯.png (52.37 KB,551x413,551:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613157 (122052ZNOV20) Notable: Biden to receive intel briefings??!!

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CCP to receive intel briefings

Through South Dakota Senator Thune and Texas 'Senator" Cornyn


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e031b9 No.142037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613173 (122053ZNOV20) Notable: FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings

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FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings

Sen. Graham (R-SC) won re-election on the back of President Trump.

A mere nine days after winning re-election to the U.S. Senate on the back of President Donald J. Trump, one Republican Senator says former Vice President Joe Biden should be receiving intelligence briefings right away.

“Yeah, I think he should,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN Thursday.

Graham, known as “Flimsy Lindsey” for his constant flip-flopping, has sometimes been an ally to Trump, and is perhaps best known for defending Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Justice Brett Kavanaugh when Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee attempted to derail his confirmation process in 2018.

But Graham appears to be siding with Biden as the dust from the 2020 election continues to settle.

The media have declared Biden the winner of the 2020 election, referring to him as “President-Elect.” Election results have not been certified by a majority of the states, and Trump is fighting for his political life, filing lawsuits in many swing states over alleged voter fraud.

President Trump won a lawsuit in Pennsylvania Thursday barring the state from counting ballots wherein proof of identification was not received by Nov. 9.

Graham is the second Republican U.S. Senator to become bearish on Trump’s re-election.

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) demanded Wednesday that Biden be allowed to receive intelligence briefings.

“There’s nothing wrong with Vice President Biden getting the briefings to be able to prepare himself,” Lankford said in an interview with a local radio station, threatening to “step in” if Biden is not being briefed by Friday.


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e031b9 No.142038

File: 46b9a256b0ecf64⋯.jpg (150.91 KB,1045x895,209:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613187 (122054ZNOV20) Notable: Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

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Plane crash at Whiteman. Digging turns up that as a best guess it's it's N47CC, from Flightaware. Very short flight with no arrival. Listed as owned by Gregory J Holt.of Michie, Tennessee.

It's a Hooper Charles D Sportstar, only one on the register.

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e031b9 No.142039

File: 0f3a97183feb56e⋯.png (336.43 KB,574x795,574:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a501e5d5ac31fd⋯.png (152.16 KB,600x809,600:809,Clipboard.png)

File: a9cf02c1617bdab⋯.png (472.56 KB,600x511,600:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f3252a3ea8fbd9⋯.png (334.56 KB,587x699,587:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 567581b0c433404⋯.png (69.4 KB,761x512,761:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613212 (122055ZNOV20) Notable: Eventbrite Tries to 'Cancel' DC Pro-Trump Rally Due to 'Harmful Misinformation.' Organizers Ordered to Room 101

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Eventbrite Tries to 'Cancel' DC Pro-Trump Rally Due to 'Harmful Misinformation.' Organizers Ordered to Room 101

The tech firm Eventbrite, which had been used to organize rallies supporting President Donald Trump, has canceled the events on its website because they violate its “Terms of Service.” The company said the rallies convey “harmful misinformation.”

All organizers have been ordered to report to1984’s Room 101 to get their minds straight. That actually isn’t true, but it’s starting to feel true. It’s a rueful acknowledgment of the totalitarian bent of the Leftist tech giants who have taken it upon themselves to determine what information shall be disseminated.

Three large rallies and events are expected in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. There’s the Million MAGA March, along with Stop the Steal and the March for Trump event organized by Women for Trump. At least two used Eventbrite’s platform to invite people and those two were canceled by the online platform. Attempts to view the events are met with a gee-whiz-we’ve-got-nothing-to-show-you-announcement.

The leader of Women for Trump, Amy Kremer, says in a series of tweets that her March for Trump rally is still on and claims that Facebook, Mailchimp, and Eventbrite all tried to shut her down.

@Eventbrite just shut down our event & emailed everyone that it was canceled. THE MARCH IS NOT CANCELED. First it @Facebook. Then it was @Mailchimp. Now #Eventbrite

We will #MarchForTrump in Washington, DC this weekend, Saturday, Nov 14th 12PM, Freedom Plaza

Tell everyone you know and let’s fill the streets. We cannot let them shut us down. It is time that WE THE PEOPLE rise up and have our voices heard.

Eventbrite sent the group a letter saying the event promoted “harmful misinformation.”

We encourage our organizers to express their views and gather for a chosen purpose as long as it’s done in a way that doesn’t violate our Terms of Service. We do not permit events, content, or creators that share potentially harmful misinformation. In this instance, we have determined that your event violates our Community Guidelines and is therefore not permitted on the Eventbrite platform. As a result, your event listing has been removed and any paid orders have been refunded.

The letter also said that if they did anything like this again, they may get tossed off the platform forever.

While you may continue to use Eventbrite for other events, please note that repeated or severe violations of our Guidelines may result in your account being terminated.

Violaters veel zee punished.


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e031b9 No.142040

File: 0e3e48a20b88a22⋯.png (331.32 KB,563x517,563:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 421da7bfc606887⋯.png (437.38 KB,925x829,925:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613245 (122057ZNOV20) Notable: New Pentagon Top Adviser Wants US Troops Out Of Syria "Immediately"

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New Pentagon Top Adviser Wants US Troops Out Of Syria "Immediately"

With Esper out the door, Trump's newly in office acting Secretary of Defense is already making waves given who he's just brought on board.

The new acting Pentagon chief, Christopher Miller, has just brought on as his senior adviser Ret. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor. Crucially Macgregor is on record as wanting American troops out of Syria immediately (gasp, the horror!), and further wants a rapid draw down in Afghanistan as well as in places like the Korean Peninsula.

"President Trump's newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios," Jonathan Swan writes.

It appears Trump has finally and much belatedly put someone at the helm whose own views reflect those of the 2016 Trump campaign trail. He had been the first Republican nominee in history to lambast Bush's Iraq War as a huge "disaster" while running on a 'bring the troops home' non-interventionist message.

Of course critics then and now have mischaracterized the president as "isolationist" - which has long become a negative slur in establishment foreign policy circles.

Currently it's believed there's anywhere from 800 to possibly up to 2,000 US personnel in northeast Syria, where according to past Trump statements they are there to "secure the oil" and ensure the permanent defeat of ISIS. Increasingly they've been bumping up against both Russian and Syrian Army patrols in a mission that doesn't seem to have a defined end goal or exit strategy.

"The president is taking back control of DoD. It’s a rebirth of foreign policy. This is Trump foreign policy," the official said.

Lee Fang at The Intercept underscored that "The personnel changes, the official claimed, would help clear the way for a more loyal Pentagon apparatus to carry out Trump’s goals, including the last-minute withdrawal of troops from foreign conflicts."


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e031b9 No.142041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613280 (122100ZNOV20) Notable: Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

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Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

A small plane crashed Thursday morning in a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley community of Pacoima. Details regarding injuries is unknown.


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e031b9 No.142042

File: 21049d2ace80a16⋯.png (135.3 KB,782x482,391:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e402c4a3bc4049⋯.png (920.6 KB,789x800,789:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613449 (122112ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM122 USAF G5 east from Reno-Tahoe Int'l depart and maxxxxed out at 594/kts gs

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e031b9 No.142043

File: b595ebc7c70242d⋯.png (116.65 KB,619x879,619:879,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b0bdffdbd0c0d4⋯.png (75.19 KB,620x470,62:47,Clipboard.png)

File: bb1ae8b3eaed4b6⋯.png (510.1 KB,625x636,625:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 91c806b8dc079c8⋯.png (61.41 KB,611x433,611:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613507 (122117ZNOV20) Notable: Looks like Jeffrey Toobin did worse than bat off on Zoom.

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Looks like Jeffrey Toobin did worse than try to wank on Zoom.


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e031b9 No.142044

File: b96f1cb53199792⋯.png (34.52 KB,588x288,49:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613515 (122118ZNOV20) Notable: @ICEgov is back "GLITCH"

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@ICEgov is back


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e031b9 No.142045

File: fa34bb9245a8511⋯.png (347.94 KB,670x731,670:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613545 (122120ZNOV20) Notable: Fox News Parts Ways with John Solomon

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Fox News Parts Ways with John Solomon



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e031b9 No.142046

File: 04056e134713d06⋯.png (402.76 KB,994x648,497:324,Clipboard.png)

File: 4211985d0e2b9d4⋯.png (406.33 KB,969x649,969:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 33cbcb7cafdb767⋯.png (403.64 KB,968x644,242:161,Clipboard.png)

File: d0692bfb780bd5e⋯.png (373.81 KB,932x618,466:309,Clipboard.png)

File: fc0163e0d4d33e5⋯.png (359.03 KB,929x615,929:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613551 (122120ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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e031b9 No.142047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613567 (122122ZNOV20) Notable: Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet

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Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet

Two individuals claim to have submitted FOI requests to several governments for records of SARS-COV-2 isolation. They were told that there are no records of this virus being isolated.

There may not be any covid-19 in these countries at all anymore.

See link: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/australian-dept-of-health-has-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/

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e031b9 No.142048

File: f4705fca3c7fd6f⋯.png (699.1 KB,1259x1640,1259:1640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613706 (122135ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING Pennsylvania: Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted, same legal principle applies to Georgia election.

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BREAKING: Pennsylvania.

Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law. Critically, the state has a Republican state legislature.

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e031b9 No.142049

File: ee9a2ff5d293823⋯.png (50.01 KB,489x517,489:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613717 (122136ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING Pennsylvania: Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted, same legal principle applies to Georgia election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11613401 lb

>"BREAKING: #Pennsylvania JUDGE ORDERS BALLOTS Received Late, That Were Ordered Segregated By Previous Order, CAN NOT BE COUNTED As They Did Not Arrive By The Date SET BY THE LEGISLATURE IN LAW."


"Same legal principle applies to GA election. Every lie will be revealed. “Americans” who participated in fraudulent scheme to overthrow our duly elected President are TRAITORS.China orchestrated it.American is a nation under a just God. Be prepared to #FightBack."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613719 (122137ZNOV20) Notable: Project Veritas: New USPS Whistleblower in Philadelphia suburb Elkins Park details orders to stop delivering pro-Trump mail.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TY Baker

In case this was missed in lb

New USPS Whistleblower in Philly suburb Elkins Park Details Orders To Stop Delivering Pro-Trump Mail

This is why I stated to anons that want to mail Trump thank you letters are you kidding me it'll never get there.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142051

File: 863e2bc582c7b15⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,650x817,650:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613720 (122137ZNOV20) Notable: (You) Bryan Ware, a top official at CISA, will step down at the end of the week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is using CISA.gov to pacify the awaking masses.

"Bryan Ware, a top official at the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will step down at the end of the week."


Krebs may get bounced.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142052

File: a995f0912d1e4c0⋯.png (195.4 KB,669x505,669:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613727 (122137ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING Pennsylvania: Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted, same legal principle applies to Georgia election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law. Critically, the state has a Republican state legislature.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142053

File: 015e5b418a8671a⋯.png (121.67 KB,394x617,394:617,Clipboard.png)

File: ffc414ed7ac6596⋯.jpg (156.86 KB,902x1170,451:585,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613735 (122138ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

INBOX: Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142054

File: 61bac265ffece91⋯.png (18.13 KB,447x319,447:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613739 (122139ZNOV20) Notable: @SidneyPowell1: "It's a bigger mess than you can imagine! @realDonaldTrump."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sidney Powell


It's a bigger mess than you can imagine!


Roscoe B Davis


· 7h

As of this morning AZ is down to 11,663 vote difference and they are still counting evidently. A lot legal paperwork flying around. Fairly certain this triggers a recount automatically so it’s still a mess.

Show this thread

3:30 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for Android


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e031b9 No.142055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613744 (122139ZNOV20) Notable: #14827, #14828,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>142021 Anon bun #14826

>>142022 Cyber Security Guy FIRED.

>>142023, >>142031, >>142042, >>142046 PF

>>142024 C_A Improved Sabotage devices / Anarchist Cookbook

>>142025 Another Hunter Headache: The 'Secret' That Biden's Team Does Not Want Anyone To Know

>>142026, >>142038, >>142041 Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

>>142027 N.J. man, 72, arrested in park where he tried to lure child for sex, cops say

>>142028 Statement on DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility Report on Jeffrey Epstein 2006-2008 Investigation

>>142029 KREMLIN: ‘Turkish Troops Being Deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh is a Lie’

>>142030 Please don't let this happen. CBS_Herridge

>>142032 Military Situation In Syria On November 12, 2020 (Map Update)

>>142033 Ten SAS soldiers under investigation by war crimes investigators over 12 Afghan deaths

>>142034 “Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans” – Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members

>>142035 96% Of Dominion Voting Systems Political Donations Went To Democrats

>>142036 Biden to receive intel briefings??!!

>>142037 FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings

>>142039 Eventbrite Tries to 'Cancel' DC Pro-Trump Rally Due to 'Harmful Misinformation.' Organizers Ordered to Room 101

>>142040 New Pentagon Top Adviser Wants US Troops Out Of Syria "Immediately"

>>142043 Looks like Jeffrey Toobin did worse than bat off on Zoom.

>>142044 @ICEgov is back "GLITCH"

>>142045 Fox News Parts Ways with John Solomon

>>142047 Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142056

File: 2a8975ed9b314b1⋯.png (377.25 KB,1458x874,729:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613764 (122141ZNOV20) Notable: (You) Bryan Ware, a top official at CISA, will step down at the end of the week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>141992 (PB) Senior U.S.cybersecurity official asked to resignamid Trump transition tumult

Bryan Ware, the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’sCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), confirmed to Reuters that he had handed in his resignation on Thursday.

He didn’t provide details, but a U.S. official familiar with the matter said the White House asked for Ware’s resignation earlier this week.

CISAand the White House did not immediately return an email seeking comment.



Council (of)












My next piece is called…?

The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference betweenNCSWICand organizations such as,SAFECOM , First Responder Network Authority(FirstNet)Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).

-we had DoDanon here last night saying they were on a telecon where FirstNet was brought up in context of a 10 day blackout of the "normal" internet

FirstNet being the network communication backbone that would be used by emergency personel in the event of a "normal net" blackout

for what its worth

sauce for DoD anon post:

link is waaaaaaay (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

sauce for NCSWIC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142057

File: 4e94f9e7f7ea4b7⋯.png (370.65 KB,535x600,107:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613773 (122142ZNOV20) Notable: Philanthropist George Soros funds reportedly sway district attorney races to reshape law enforcement.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Philanthropist George Soros funds reportedly sway district attorney races to reshape law enforcement


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142058

File: 0138e0203aca824⋯.png (465.06 KB,900x1166,450:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613790 (122142ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142059

File: 6a8603d0a355de9⋯.png (387.97 KB,537x769,537:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613821 (122145ZNOV20) Notable: @LLinWood: "GA Governor @BrianKempGAmust be investigated for his ties to Communist China. lnvestigate Kemp’s dealings in purchasing Covid treatment supplies from China & his relationship to use of Dominion in GA."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"GA is important to control of White House & Senate.GA Governor @BrianKempGAmust be investigated for his ties to Communist China. lnvestigate Kemp’s dealings in purchasing Covid treatment supplies from China & his relationship to use of Dominion in GA." https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1326896994649038850

Georgia Awards $107M Voting Machine Contract to Dominion

The Colorado-based company will supply the state with 30,000 touchscreen voting machines capable of printing paper ballots. The controversial technology is expected to bring court challenges.

Georgia officials awarded a contract for 30,000 new voting machines to Dominion Voting on Monday, scrapping the state’s 17-year-old electronic voting equipment and replacing it with touchscreens that print out paper ballots.

The $107 million contract will switch Georgia from its longtime elections company, Election Systems & Software, following complaints about malfunctioning machines and unverifiable results during the November midterm election.

The announcement is a defining moment for Georgia’s elections, reintroducing paper ballots to Election Day voting for the first time since the state converted to electronic ballots in 2002 following the controversial presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

Dominion, a Denver-based company, won the contract in large part because it offered Georgia the lowest-cost system among three companies that submitted bids, according to evaluation score sheets. Though ES&S scored higher on the government’s criteria for a replacement voting system, Dominion came out on top when the price of its system was taken into account.

continued… https://web.archive.org/web/20201004102856/https://www.govtech.com/security/Georgia-Awards-107M-Voting-Machine-Contract-to-Dominion.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142060

File: 4604c08e2cabe35⋯.png (201.52 KB,599x250,599:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 36581c4b2bb5d2f⋯.png (261.05 KB,585x579,195:193,Clipboard.png)

File: e6dea6eca7bcecf⋯.jpg (980.51 KB,3795x1987,3795:1987,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613825 (122145ZNOV20) Notable: DIGG: Oakland County, CA.

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Oakland County, Michigan

One of the most contested counties in the election

Background for those that don't know

Oakland County was where the Oakland County Child Murders took place

Connects to the North Fox Island pedo ring

Christopher Busch was the main suspect

Son of General Motors executive Harold Lee Busch

>Incidentally, General Motors is who bought Hughes Aviation

>This rabbit hole goes DEEP, see last pic related

Then there's the accusations made by Sarah Ashcraft

Sarah's father was Treasurer of the Oakland County Democratic Party

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e031b9 No.142061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613831 (122145ZNOV20) Notable: Bernie Sanders Blasts ‘Corporate Democrats’ for Rejecting Far-Left Policies: ‘They Are Dead Wrong’.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bernie Sanders Blasts ‘Corporate Democrats’ for Rejecting Far-Left Policies: ‘They Are Dead Wrong’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) blasted “corporate Democrats” for rejecting far-left policies in the wake of their losses in the U.S. House of Representatives, reflecting the bitter divide between Democrats as moderate members blame far-left proposals for their party’s defeats.

In an op-ed published Wednesday, Sanders praised the work of the “progressive community” for bringing Joe Biden (D) over the finish line, but admitted that the “blue wave” did not materialize, calling the results in both the House and Senate races “disappointing.” In the days following, there have been reports of Democrat infighting between moderates and the radical left.

“We have to commit to not saying the words ‘defund the police’ ever again,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) told her colleagues.

“We need to not ever use the words socialist or socialism ever again. It does matter, and we have lost good members because of that,” she continued. She added that Democrats will get “fucking torn apart” if they continue down that road.

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) also expressed concern over the radical rhetoric, telling colleagues they are “not going to win” if they “run on Medicare for All, defund the police, socialized medicine.”

Sanders disagrees.

“Now, with the blame game erupting, corporate Democrats are attacking so-called far-left policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal for election defeats in the House and the Senate. They are dead wrong,” Sanders wrote, adding that the 112 cosponsors of Medicare for All won their races. Another 98 co-sponsors of the Green New Deal were “on the ballot” in November, all of whom — minus one — won their elections, Sanders added.

The Vermont senator appealed to Fox News polls, which have come under intense scrutiny over the course of the election, which found that a majority favor changing to a “government-run health care plan” and support “increasing government spending on green and renewable energy.”


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e031b9 No.142062

File: 24131dc2cdbc0d5⋯.png (441.28 KB,598x969,598:969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613833 (122145ZNOV20) Notable: @SidneyPowell1 retweets CM.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A NOD to CM from Sidney Powell


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e031b9 No.142063

File: a1dcf7f00c4d4d0⋯.jpg (210.78 KB,883x559,883:559,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613835 (122145ZNOV20) Notable: Hillary tweet comms.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142064

File: 456b9610d20b5d1⋯.png (1.82 MB,1275x809,1275:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 1454bdecd3abe2a⋯.jpg (319.08 KB,2016x1512,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e959e9ffaa92d45⋯.jpg (419.74 KB,866x792,433:396,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613843 (122146ZNOV20) Notable: Hillary tweet comms.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary tweet comms


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e031b9 No.142065

File: 6475249945b1aae⋯.png (113.88 KB,642x561,214:187,Clipboard.png)

File: e19983ceb20badb⋯.png (131.82 KB,443x575,443:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613846 (122146ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ty Baker


You get it and remind me be advertise

This one much better


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e031b9 No.142066

File: cadab3a291d922c⋯.png (31.84 KB,591x271,591:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613863 (122147ZNOV20) Notable: @ICEgov back online after a "technical glitch".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142067

File: dd86dc91e02fc8b⋯.png (19.68 KB,447x325,447:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cc9eef02225c7e⋯.png (18.11 KB,447x303,149:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 335218a34d80970⋯.png (15.84 KB,447x258,149:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613878 (122149ZNOV20) Notable: @BernardKerik tweets.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bernard B. Kerik


Replying to


So let me get this straight, we have Republican senators that want @JoeBiden

to access the same intelligence networks that spied on President @realDonaldTrump

for three years on behalf of the @BarackObama

/#Biden administration? @SenRonJohnson



3:22 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Bernard B. Kerik


The fact that US senators like @JohnCornyn



and more are calling @JoeBiden

to receive the daily presidential intelligence brief, is proof positive that they either have no f**king clue what happened in this election or don’t give a damn


3:17 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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e031b9 No.142068

File: fc4da1714e42f9b⋯.png (554.97 KB,535x553,535:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613916 (122152ZNOV20) Notable: Temple where Jesus reportedly healed bleeding woman found in Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's a miracle! Temple where Jesus reportedly healed bleeding woman found in Israel



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142069

File: 1ff72b2e40e1dcf⋯.png (213.55 KB,550x570,55:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f0da8dab87f113⋯.png (149.24 KB,1020x1340,51:67,Clipboard.png)

File: ce864cabf6393a9⋯.png (63.65 KB,1000x1710,100:171,Clipboard.png)

File: bae8748ef89be11⋯.png (65.9 KB,1010x1690,101:169,Clipboard.png)

File: db533c1bf6f8256⋯.png (206.66 KB,1036x1702,14:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11613972 (122156ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Oltmann dropping Moabs on Dominion Exec Eric Coomer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Oltmann dropping Moabs on Dominion Exec Eric Coomer

why they scrubbing

Coomer Pro ANTIFA

Anti Trump

Joe Oltmann




This is a FB post from Dr. Eric Coomer. This is the Antifa "manifesto" letter to Trump. This is the man that is responsible for the strategy and Security of Dominion Voting Systems. I will post all of the posts here over the next couple of days. Share and follow


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e031b9 No.142070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614014 (122202ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer Bun., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Dominion_are_scrubbing_the_internet.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy

https://leadcandy.io/s/company/Dominion-Voting-Systems Dr. Eric Coomer and Dominion are scrubbing the internet... The problem is we already have a file with ALL OF IT. Share and follow as I drop more. #reckoning


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142071

File: e7f9c252882fb95⋯.png (79.46 KB,837x484,837:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614050 (122206ZNOV20) Notable: @TheJusticeDept: "Attorney General William P. Barr Honors Department of Justice Employees and Others for the 68th Annual Attorney General’s Awards."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Attorney General William P. Barr Honors Department of Justice Employees and Others for the 68th Annual Attorney General’s Awards



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614161 (122222ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – A second sworn affidavit from a whistleblower who was an election worker in Clark County, Nevada, claims mail-in ballots were improperly filled out in a Biden-Harris van outside a polling place.

A redacted copy of the affidavit signed on Nov. 8 and obtained by the Washington Examiner puts weight behind some of the claims first detailed by American Conservative Union President Matt Schlapp, who is helping lead the charge for the president’s legal efforts in Nevada. In a Sunday press conference, Schlapp said that an election worker saw a van “marked Biden-Harris” with open ballots inside.

The whistleblower, who worked as a poll worker from Oct. 17-30, complained about a Biden-Harris bus or van that was often stationed outside the polling place that would often have “speakers, dancers, music and other festivities going on” and whose organizers had to be told “several times a day” to “stay 100 feet from the polling location.” He also said that voters without proper identification were permitted to cast provisional ballots.

The biggest shock claim, though, dealt with improperly filled out ballots in the van belonging to supporters of presumptive President-elect Joe Biden, whom he saw while on a lunch break walk on Oct. 28 or 29.

“I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van,” the affidavit said. “The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These people were not poll workers." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/nevada-whistleblower-describes-biden-van-vote-factory-in-signed-affidavit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614206 (122225ZNOV20) Notable: OANN's Dan Ball interview with Editor-in-Chief For justthenews.com, John Solomon.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OANN's Dan Ball Interview W/ Editor In Chief For Justthenews.com, John Solomon youtu.be/cPs-MeI3H6E

Figured Solomon joined the LONG line of faux-banned Truth tellers when this interview aired. Does Hannity have anyone left? He used to get the scoops via informative guests before Facial Expression Theater got "the push".

Dan Ball is on at 8 p.m. (ET). Has been covering everything from Biden corruption & laptop and everything else, right up to all the voting corruption, which faux can't talk about.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142074

File: 4e9093758831219⋯.png (148.2 KB,541x577,541:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614226 (122225ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan Attorney General Threatens Criminal Prosecution Over Posting Of Video Alleging Voter Fraud.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big League Censorship? Michigan Attorney General Threatens Criminal Prosecution Over Posting Of Video Alleging Voter Fraud

I have been commenting on the ongoing challenges to the presidential election. While I have not seen evidence of systemic voter fraud, there are hundreds of affidavits alleging localized fraud, including cases of deceased persons voting. The challenges should be heard and the evidence should be examined. However, the most worrisome response came out of Michigan this week where Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office of Public Information threatened a website, Big League Politics, with criminal prosecution if it did not take down a video of alleged voting fraud. The video may indeed be misleading or false. However, the threat of criminal prosecution by the Michigan Attorney General’s office is a chilling escalation of the crackdown on free speech in this country and the calls for censorship on the Internet.

We have been discussing the calls for top Democrats for increased private censorship on social media and the Internet. President-elect Joe Biden has himself called for such censorship, including blocking President Donald Trump’s criticism of mail-in voting. Recently, Bill Russo, a deputy communications director on Biden’s campaign press team, tweeted that Facebook “is shredding the fabric of our democracy” by allowing such views to be shared freely.

The calls mirror the trend in Europe where countries like France, Germany, and England have criminalized speech with ever expanding examples of prohibited expressions and views.

The Cease and Desist letter instructs the site to remove all posts, links, and anything similar immediately which correspond with #LeakDetroit.” Assistant Attorney General Danielle Hagaman-Clark states that “failure to comply will result in criminal prosecution.” There is no citation for the penal code provision that makes such an allegation or posting a crime, a standard element in such notice letters.

The letter refers to false information about how poll workers counted challenged votes prior to 2020 and whether challenged ballots could be taken out of the official count. Again, the claims could well be misleading or false, but I fail to see the ability of Nessel to criminalize such assertions. Political campaigns are often replete with exaggerated claims on both sides.



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e031b9 No.142075

File: b79d040ec6cc98a⋯.png (759.61 KB,654x584,327:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 59061e5d0d52194⋯.png (576.77 KB,654x576,109:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614265 (122227ZNOV20) Notable: Global Child Sex Abuse Ring Uncovered: Ring was centered in Australia, with links to the US and other countries.

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Global Child Sex Abuse Ring Uncovered

Ring was centered in Australia, with links to the US and other countries

A tip from US authorities has exposed a major child sex abuse ring in Australia with links to the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe, and New Zealand, police said on Wednesday. A childcare worker and a children’s soccer coach were among 16 men arrested in the Australian states of New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia in recent months on 828 charges of sexually abusing children, producing and distributing child abuse material, and bestiality, Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Justine Gough said. Investigators identified 46 victims in Australia aged 16 months to 15 years, the AP reports. “No child should be subjected to abuse and violence from the people they trust, whether that is a family member, a childcare worker, or a soccer coach,” Gough said. “Sadly and heartbreakingly, this has been the case for the victims” abused in Australia.

Police referred 18 “matters” to the United States, where three men have been arrested for multiple offenses related to child abuse material, Gough said. Another 128 matters were referred to authorities in Canada, Asia, Europe, and New Zealand for investigation. Police have not elaborated on those allegations. The US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, a government-funded nonprofit, provided Australian police with their initial tip in February that a man in New South Wales was uploading child abuse material, Gough said. Police arrested a 30-year-old man in Wyong, a town north of Sydney, and a search of his computer revealed social media forums he was part of. The ring used “the regular internet” as well as the dark web to share material, Gough said. “It’s a very, very large investigation that we’ve uncovered,” Gough said.


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e031b9 No.142076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614299 (122229ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer Bun., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_25_43.png, Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_21_46.png, Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_20_38.png, Screenshot_from_2020_11_12_17_19_54.png

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Lead Candy in Gulag Cache


jewtube video of Coomer admitting

they don't update software to protect against voter fraud.


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e031b9 No.142077

File: 90db431e66bdf88⋯.png (27.85 KB,509x269,509:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614306 (122230ZNOV20) Notable: @katiehobbs (AZ Sec of State): "@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he's more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans. Aug 15, 2017."

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WTF could possibly go wrong? smdh


"This is Arizona's secretary of state. The one in charge of certifying the election. You read that right." https://twitter.com/RonColeman/status/1326910324155551752


"@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he's more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans. Aug 15, 2017" https://twitter.com/katiehobbs/status/897591847014473729

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e031b9 No.142078

File: dc99ca080037251⋯.png (497.38 KB,535x513,535:513,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d9530bbf42294f⋯.png (386.58 KB,535x514,535:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614321 (122231ZNOV20) Notable: NY Post: Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight (near anniversary of American Airlines Flight 587 crash).

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What are the odds?


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e031b9 No.142079

File: 975d6b8a1f1efe8⋯.png (554.77 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614346 (122233ZNOV20) Notable: Chicago Mayor asks residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay indoors as Covid cases rise.

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Chicago Mayor asks residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay indoors as Covid cases rise

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot asked all residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay at home unless they need to go to work or school or to tend to essential needs like the doctor’s office or grocery store.

“This is serious life and death,” Lightfoot said during a press conference discussing the state-at-home advisory, adding that the city is “doing what is necessary” to slow the spread of the virus.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday asked all residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay at home unless they need to go to work or school or to tend to essential needs like the doctor’s office or grocery store. Chicago said it was issuing the 30-day stay-at-home advisory, asking people to refrain from traveling, having guests in their home or leaving for non-essential business “in response to the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the city.” “This is serious life and death,” Lightfoot said during a press conference discussing the state-at-home advisory, adding that the city is “doing what is necessary” to slow the spread of the virus. “We are sounding the alarm that we are at this inflection point where we have to do more than we’ve already done.”

The announcement comes as the virus continues to rapidly spread across the state. Illinois hit a record high in average daily news cases Wednesday, with cases now up more than 60% compared to a week ago, according to CNBC analysis of data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The state reported more than 12,700 new cases on Thursday, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Lightfoot said Chicago is averaging around 1,900 new cases a day. In a tweet, Lightfoot said if the city continues on its path officials estimate it will lose “1,000 more Chicagoans to this virus by the end of the year.” “This is not the flu or the cold,” Lightfoot said at the conference. She added the city is seeing an uptick in people going to work even though they feel sick. “We are a long way from where we need to be. We have to commit, recommit, to the fundamentals that got us past the first surge,” she said, adding people need to wear masks, wash their hands and maintain their distance from others. Last last month, Illinois Gov. Jay Pritzker announced Chicago bars and restaurants would no longer be allowed to serve customers indoors in an effort to control the coronavirus’ spread in the region. Gatherings would be also be limited to 25 people or 25% of overall room capacity.


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e031b9 No.142080

File: 62a419a397b4a6a⋯.png (359.21 KB,988x429,76:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614349 (122233ZNOV20) Notable: DIGG: National Association of State Election Directors (N.A.S.E.D.).

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I think I found something that no one else has mentioned…

The Dr. Shiva guy mentioned the National Association of State Election Directors (N.A.S.E.D.) so I went and looked at their board of directors…the thing that really stood out to me is that unlike the other committees where there would be people from both dem states and repub states…EVERY SINGLE PERSON is from a dem state…on arguably the most important committee…

Call to dig?


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e031b9 No.142081

File: e292eda626872ce⋯.jpg (245.8 KB,1254x1248,209:208,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614425 (122238ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer Bun.

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>tiny bun

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e031b9 No.142082

File: 9ca40b19139fbcf⋯.png (610.7 KB,1798x744,29:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614439 (122239ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag: lots of MIL activity today.

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Current Mil activity

They're busy today

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e031b9 No.142083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614508 (122244ZNOV20) Notable: Delta Air Lines has banned nearly 550 people from its flights for refusing to wear face masks on board, Chief Executive Ed Bastian said Thursday.

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So Delta is banning people for not obeying the Nazi mask mandates

Delta Air Lines has banned nearly 550 people from its flights for refusing to wear face masks on board, Chief Executive Ed Bastian said Thursday.

The number of passengers placed on a “no-fly” list under Delta’s strict mask mandate has more than doubled since early September, when the Atlanta-based carrier had reportedly blacklisted 270 travelers.


So why are airlines now returning to ground zero in this scamdemic….

American Airlines Group Inc. is set to resume service to China on Wednesday, bringing to 10 the number of weekly flights by U.S. carriers as they rebuild operations suspended early this year because of the coronavirus.

American will fly twice weekly between Dallas-Fort Worth International and Shanghai Pudong International airports, with a stop in Seoul, a spokeswoman for the carrier said. The airline will fly to Beijing’s new Daxing International Airport, rather than the previous destination of Beijing Capital, when that route resumes on March 27.


Do you trust any of these corporate airlines….

I don't especially with them bitting so hard on this rape away your rights scam

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e031b9 No.142084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614515 (122245ZNOV20) Notable: #14827, #14828,

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FINAL note taker notables

>>142048, >>142049, >>142052 BREAKING Pennsylvania: Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted, same legal principle applies to Georgia election.

>>142050 Project Veritas: New USPS Whistleblower in Philadelphia suburb Elkins Park details orders to stop delivering pro-Trump mail.

>>142051, >>142056 Bryan Ware, a top official at CISA, will step down at the end of the week.

>>142053, >>142058, >>142065 Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.

>>142054 @SidneyPowell1: "It's a bigger mess than you can imagine! @realDonaldTrump."

>>142057 Philanthropist George Soros funds reportedly sway district attorney races to reshape law enforcement.

>>142059 @LLinWood: "GA Governor @BrianKempGAmust be investigated for his ties to Communist China. lnvestigate Kemp’s dealings in purchasing Covid treatment supplies from China & his relationship to use of Dominion in GA."

>>142060 DIGG: Oakland County, CA.

>>142061 Bernie Sanders Blasts ‘Corporate Democrats’ for Rejecting Far-Left Policies: ‘They Are Dead Wrong’.

>>142062 @SidneyPowell1 retweets CM.

>>142063, >>142064 Hillary tweet comms.

>>142066 @ICEgov back online after a "technical glitch".

>>142067 @BernardKerik tweets.

>>142068 Temple where Jesus reportedly healed bleeding woman found in Israel.

>>142069 Joe Oltmann dropping Moabs on Dominion Exec Eric Coomer.

>>142071 @TheJusticeDept: "Attorney General William P. Barr Honors Department of Justice Employees and Others for the 68th Annual Attorney General’s Awards."

>>142072 Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit.

>>142073 OANN's Dan Ball interview with Editor-in-Chief For justthenews.com, John Solomon.

>>142074 Michigan Attorney General Threatens Criminal Prosecution Over Posting Of Video Alleging Voter Fraud.

>>142075 Global Child Sex Abuse Ring Uncovered: Ring was centered in Australia, with links to the US and other countries.

>>142077 @katiehobbs (AZ Sec of State): "@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he's more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans. Aug 15, 2017."

>>142078 NY Post: Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight (near anniversary of American Airlines Flight 587 crash).

>>142079 Chicago Mayor asks residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay indoors as Covid cases rise.

>>142080 DIGG: National Association of State Election Directors (N.A.S.E.D.).

>>142081 Eric Coomer Bun.

>>142082 Planefag: lots of MIL activity today.

>>142083 Delta Air Lines has banned nearly 550 people from its flights for refusing to wear face masks on board, Chief Executive Ed Bastian said Thursday.

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e031b9 No.142085

File: 5f5a98dab5d38e2⋯.png (134.68 KB,612x649,612:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 96aa2e7f22b6c7c⋯.png (374.66 KB,585x406,585:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614586 (122255ZNOV20) Notable: Disgraced Fox News Retracts False House Race Projection — 8 Days Later!

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Disgraced Fox News Retracts False House Race Projection — 8 Days Later!

Obviously, the biggest Election Day loser will either be President Trump or Joe Biden, depending on who ultimately wins the presidential election, and the second biggest loser will be congressional Democrats, who lost seats in the House and failed to retake the Senate majority, but another major loser –without any question — is disgraced Fox News.

The bottom is falling out of Fox’s reputation, and there are reports that the once-respected outlet is suffering in the ratings. None of this should surprise anyone, especially with the countless botched calls and outright lies still being uncovered during the dumpster fire that was Fox’s Election Night coverage.


The Fox News Decision Desk can project Democrats will retain control of the House of Representatives and expand their majority by at least five seats. That’s a major boost for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has pledged to roll back much of President Trump’s first term agenda if he loses reelection. … There have been projections that Democrats could pick up as many as fifteen seats.

Of course, nothing of the kind happened. The House counts are a little different everywhere, but it looks like Democrats may have somewhere between 6 and 10 House seats, and could lose as many as 15.

By the way, did you notice how I couched and caveated the above sentence? Did you notice how I informed you that the “counts are a little different everywhere” and used words like “looks” and phrases like “as many”?

You want to know why I did that? Because I’m not an asshole like the people at Fox News. I’m not here to mislead you, to pose as some kind of authority when we still don’t know. You see, my integrity means something to me. And I have respect for the Breitbart News audience, which means I don’t lie to you; I don’t tell you things that are untrue.

I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m not Fox News.


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e031b9 No.142086

File: 85476b897d959a9⋯.jpg (278.13 KB,718x772,359:386,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8c2da8a21c6b5f⋯.png (124.23 KB,255x186,85:62,Clipboard.png)

File: b2faec47b12fb68⋯.png (923.92 KB,1033x572,1033:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614608 (122256ZNOV20) Notable: Our lovely and talented Maria B says it's hot in the kitchen

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Our lovely and talented Maria B says it's hot in the kitchen

Tanks Bakes


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e031b9 No.142087

File: 6972c32ce534186⋯.png (73.86 KB,920x344,115:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614615 (122256ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

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Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

Earlier today Trump campaign attorney L. Lin Wood posted several tweets on the “Dominion” voter fraud scandal.

We reported on this earlier.

Later today lawyer Lucian Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr., joined Howie Carr to discuss his voter fraud work for the Trump campaign in Georgia.

Wood reassurred Howie that Joe Biden will never be President and that he and many others, including the Military-Industrial Complex and the Media, may go to jail for decades of plotting against the Country.

This was a shocking interview by Lin Wood.

We had no idea the evil were up against!

Attorney Lin Wood: Time and effort I’ve been putting into this but really it reflects almost round the clock efforts by members of the legal profession and ordinary people. People of this country that are all determined and not only uncovered the truth but exposed the truth. And when all is known I’m 100% confident that Donald Trump will be President of the United States for four more years. And I’m just this confident that Joe Biden and the people like him that been trying to steal this election and committed crimes for years they will all go to jail.

Howie Carr: What leads you to be so optimistic? There’s time but we are coming up on dates of voter certification.

Lin Wood: I believe in We the Peopl. This was a well planned, almost for two decades attack to overthrow our government. Was it well done in the sense to hide the fraud? Sure. But it was too massive!

Go to the 22 minute mark.


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e031b9 No.142088

File: 94331b6bccb7fc8⋯.png (53.16 KB,373x331,373:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cc8683b2e90ed4⋯.png (238.99 KB,567x656,567:656,Clipboard.png)

File: e471af58e54e519⋯.png (221.54 KB,715x689,55:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614642 (122258ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan GOP State Senators Request Full Audit of 2020 Election Before Results Are Certified

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Michigan GOP State Senators Request Full Audit of 2020 Election Before Results Are Certified

Michigan GOP state senators requested a full audit of the 2020 election, citing “serious allegations” which cannot be ignored.

Michigan lawmakers said “Antrim County’s “glitch” caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for some candidates to be wrongly counted for their opposing candidates.”

“Antrim is just one of the 47 counties in Michigan that used the software system at issue, Dominion Voting Systems, to process their ballots.”

The lawmakers also said there are allegations that election officials critically mishandled numerous ballots including:

Counted ineligible ballots

Counted the same batches of ballots multiple times

Instructed poll workers to backdate absentee ballots

Counted late ballots after illicitly pre-dating them

Used false information to process ballots, such as using false or incorrect birthdays

Duplicated ballots illegally

Counted ballots even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls

Ordered election workers to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots

Barred poll challengers from observing the transposition and certification of absentee ballots that need to be transposed, including military ballots

Coached voters to vote for a particular candidate and party

The Michigan state lawmakers said that each of the allegations are backed up by sworn affidavits of over 100 Michigan citizens.


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e031b9 No.142089

File: 4e3e86c71b404fb⋯.png (336 KB,1174x725,1174:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a45e774fb231e9⋯.png (38.86 KB,465x602,465:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614651 (122259ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Lots of H60's


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e031b9 No.142090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614677 (122301ZNOV20) Notable: Cheating celebrity pastor Carl Lentz sold $1.5M home days before scandal broke

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Cheating celebrity pastor Carl Lentz sold $1.5M home days before scandal broke

Landlord help him.

Disgraced celebrity pastor Carl Lentz found a new landlord and savior mere days before news broke that he and his wife of 17 years had been fired from megachurch Hillsong, after he cheated on her.

The 41-year-old father of three and former friend to Justin Bieber brokered some serious bread over his family’s Montclair, New Jersey home, selling it for $1.5 million on Oct. 23, a Halstead sales associate confirmed to The Post. The “contemporary chic,” mid-century modern stand-alone features four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a fireplace and a two-car garage. Property records verify that Carl and Laura were the owners of the home.

The sale closed just 11 days before Hillsong’s founding pastor, Brian Houston, announced to the church’s global congregation that the star-loving churchman had been let go as a result of “moral failures” and “breaches of trust.” The following day, Lentz posted on his Instagram, offering further specification: He’d cheated on his wife.

The affair was not a one-off, either, but a fiery, five-month long pandemic affair, his paramour — a Palestinian fashion designer — subsequently told The Post.

Lentz appears to have bought the 11,800-square-foot property in 2017 — the last time it was sold — at which point he paid $1.2 million for the single-family residence, meaning he made an over $300,000 profit with last month’s sale. Reps for Lentz and Hillsong Church have not responded to The Post’s requests for comment.

On Thursday, Houston took to Twitter to announce that Hillsong is launching a formal investigation into its NYC branch, where Lentz worked.


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e031b9 No.142091

File: dc7e8fa72cafb98⋯.png (71.08 KB,813x686,813:686,Clipboard.png)

File: c42664807dbe905⋯.png (622.86 KB,1467x887,1467:887,Clipboard.png)

File: c4154dffd4bd16a⋯.png (54.1 KB,896x938,64:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614689 (122301ZNOV20) Notable: Can confirm Eric Coomer was scrubbed from Dominion Voting Systems Employee list

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Can confirm Eric Coomer was scrubbed from Dominion Voting Systems Employee list.


archive link


Current website


not my find, just passing it along

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e031b9 No.142092

File: 23549b8dcd8b010⋯.png (84.28 KB,748x916,187:229,Clipboard.png)

File: c6af4af0f22d2ae⋯.png (39.21 KB,761x449,761:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614715 (122302ZNOV20) Notable: Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners

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Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners


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e031b9 No.142093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614726 (122303ZNOV20) Notable: NY Man Accused Of Cutting Utility Lines For 4th Time, Police Say

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NY Man Accused Of Cutting Utility Lines For 4th Time, Police Say

Vienna, N.Y. — On Tuesday New York State Police in Lee arrested Larry C. Deeley, age 60, from Blossvale, NY for Criminal Tampering 1st degree, a class “D” felony.

Deeley was charged after he was observed striking a utility pole with an ax on Oswego Road in the town of Vienna causing damage. The investigation revealed that Deeley had used an ax to cut the transformer’s ground wires that balanced electrical power to the structures on Oswego Road. This caused surges of power into the structures causing potential grave danger to the residents.

This is the fourth reported incident since July 2020 in which Deeley was suspected of cutting various utility lines that included National Grid, Spectrum, and Verizon.

Deeley was taken into custody without incident and processed at SP Lee. He was transported to Oneida County Jail to await Centralized Arraignment.


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e031b9 No.142094

File: d6cd6ba03429733⋯.png (89.79 KB,755x872,755:872,Clipboard.png)

File: e9b616e75a1b4ad⋯.png (101.97 KB,752x919,752:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614754 (122304ZNOV20) Notable: Indivior Solutions Sentenced To Pay $289 Million In Criminal Penalties For Unlawful Marketing Of Opioid Drug

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Indivior Solutions Sentenced To Pay $289 Million In Criminal Penalties For Unlawful Marketing Of Opioid Drug

Action Follows Sentencing of Former CEO and Resolutions with Former Corporate Parents


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e031b9 No.142095

File: c562b6fd3cec294⋯.jpg (2.05 MB,3546x2773,3546:2773,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614757 (122305ZNOV20) Notable: Q-TV

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QTV Guide 11.14

Popcorn Edition

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e031b9 No.142096

File: 106e2f13cb359d1⋯.png (57.51 KB,757x494,757:494,Clipboard.png)

File: bb36a6a94f169b4⋯.png (608.3 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e100fdd3692563⋯.png (647.73 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614774 (122306ZNOV20) Notable: Coomer in Zoom meeting with Georgia election officials when meeting is hijacked with 9/11 images and some porn.

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Coomer in Zoom meeting with Georgia election officials when meeting is hijacked with 9/11 images and some porn.

Wonder if it was Hunter?


Georgia Zoom Trial Interrupted With 9/11 Images, Porn

By Rosie Manins

Law360 (September 11, 2020, 11:26 AM EDT) – A Georgia federal court Zoom hearing on the state's use of electronic voting machines was interrupted mid-testimony Friday morning when images of the Sept. 11 attacks, pornography and a hand-drawn swastika took over screens.

The disturbing images appeared around 10:45 a.m. and were accompanied by jarring audio and wording that "Osama" was sharing their screen with the almost 100 people on the call, and at one point a man and woman could briefly be seen performing a sex act. Confused parties could be seen watching pictures of airplanes striking New York's World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, exactly 19 years ago.

Court staff shut the Zoom hearing down after several minutes of their inability to control proceedings and the hearing resumed just before midday.

It was the second day of an evidentiary hearing as a handful of Georgia voters and election advocates try to force the state to use hand-marked paper ballots that they say are more reliable and secure than Georgia's electronic voting machines.

David D. Cross of Morrison & Foerster LLP, lead counsel for the plaintiffs, said nothing like the Zoom interruptions had ever happened before in his experience. He said it's hard to know if it will have any impact on the case.

"We would need to have hundreds of thousands of ballot pieces of paper printed, transported, secured and organized and train the poll workers to give them out," Harvey said. "It would be a major undertaking."

Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems Inc., which makes the election system that Georgia uses,'said settings of the ballot marking and printing machines can be tweaked to minimize errors in classifying voters' marks. He defended the (((rigorous testing))) Georgia's system went through before being implemented. And he cautioned that many voters end up filling out hand-marked ballots incorrectly.

But California software engineer and election machine security expert Ben Adida said a nationwide trend toward the use of paper ballots is a positive one, as it supports clear voter intent. Adida, who is helping Georgia prepare its "risk limiting audit" of the Nov. 3 election results, said that type of audit is the second best thing a state can do for election security, after using paper ballots, hand-marked or otherwise.

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e031b9 No.142097

File: de3a6d4c76be87c⋯.png (539.99 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614807 (122307ZNOV20) Notable: Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy

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Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy

On Monday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) put the final nail in the coffin of far-left hopes that Democrats could pack the Supreme Court and abolish the Senate filibuster in 2021. Manchin doubled down on his pledge, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was none too pleased. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) voiced skepticism, however.

“I commit to tonight and I commit to all of your viewers and everyone else that’s watching, I want to allay those fears, I want to rest those fears for you right now because when they talk about, whether it be packing the courts or ending the filibuster, I will not vote to do that,” Manchin told Fox News’ Special Report.

Even if Democrats somehow win both of Georgia’s Senate runoffs on January 5, giving Democrats 50 Senate seats plus a tiebreaker with Kamala Harris as vice president (the more likely outcome although the presidential results are contested), Manchin pledged to oppose the more radical policies.

The senator doubled down on this claim in an interview with The Washington Examiner‘s Salena Zito on Wednesday.

“Under no circumstances would I support packing the Court or ending the filibuster if there is a 50-50 tie,” Manchin told Zito.

The senator also voiced his opposition to far-left proposals like defunding the police and “Medicare for All.”

“Defund, my butt!” Manchin declared. “What we should be doing is funding more money to the police, educating, and protecting them better. Here’s where they take a team education, so they know where the social changes are happening in the neighborhoods. That’s what we should be doing with police.”

Manchin crossed the line into profanity when discussing Medicare for All, the socialized medicine plan of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

“Hell, we’re not able to take care of the Medicare for some that have earned it. I said, Chr**t, you want Medicare for all, you’d better take care of the some you already owe it to,” the senator said. “Next of all, let’s work and clean up the Affordable Care Act. Let’s get some Republicans to help us truly get a good healthcare bill. Some people want to know what we stand for, these are the things we’ve always stood for.”

Manchin shared the Examiner article explaining his position. “Defund the police? Defund, my butt. I’m a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans’ jobs & healthcare,” he tweeted.

“We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police,” he added.

AOC did not take kindly to Manchin’s remarks. She responded with a picture of herself glaring at Manchin as he clapped for President Donald Trump during the State of the Union address.

Manchin’s remarks should encourage Americans who are rightly terrified by the Left’s radical proposals to remake the constitutional system. Yet Ted Cruz cried foul on the West Virginia senator’s promises.

“This is all theatre,” Cruz tweeted. “If Dems win GA, Chuck Schumer will be terrified of being primaried from the Left, which means [AOC] will effectively be Senate Majority Leader.”

“And Joe Manchin will dutifully obey (like he did on ACB & impeachment). They’re trying to hide this from GA voters,” the Texas senator warned.

Indeed, while Manchin originally called for censure, rather than impeachment and removal, for President Donald Trump, the senator went on to vote to remove Trump from office. Manchin claimed he only voted against Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation due to Republicans’ timing on the confirmation, not due to any disqualification on Barrett’s part.

Even if Joe Manchin keeps his word on opposing the far-Left’s fever dreams, Republicans cannot afford for Democrats to pick up Georgia’s two Senate seats. Should President Donald Trump’s legal challenges ultimately fall short and Joe Biden become president, the Republican Senate will form an extremely important check on his radicalism.

Manchin’s promises are heartening, but there is a chance that — as Cruz suggested — Manchin is merely playing the long game, aiming to convince moderates in Georgia to reconcile themselves to Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.


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e031b9 No.142098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614840 (122310ZNOV20) Notable: Sweden is about to impose a partial lockdown on bars and restaurants — its first such move since the pandemic began

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Sweden is about to impose a partial lockdown on bars and restaurants — its first such move since the pandemic began

How Swedes act now will decide whether the nation "will be able to celebrate Christmas as normal"

Since the pandemic began, Sweden has been hailed by anti-lockdown advocates as an example to follow: no national lockdowns, no mask mandates. Life has seemed fairly normal there, as the nation appeared to be faring better than other nations.

Sweden was having such success avoiding being like other Western nations that had imposed lockdowns and mandates on their citizens that even NBC News was forced to admit last month that the Scandinavian nation sure seemed to be outperforming expectations.

Noting that Sweden "looks like the world we lost," the outlet even suggested that the country could be a "pandemic roadmap" for the U.S.

But with the current spike in cases worldwide, even Sweden is making some relatively drastic changes.

For the first time since the start of the global pandemic, the Swedish government is set to impose a partial lockdown on some businesses.

According to Fortune, the government announced Wednesday that, starting Nov. 20, the state would prohibit bars and restaurants nationwide from selling alcohol after 10 p.m. and that all businesses licensed to serve alcohol must close by 10:30 p.m.

The country had seen several localities heavily recommending Swedes to avoid contact with people from outside their homes and to limit their movements. Those local recommendation apparently had little impact on the spread of the virus, so with cases in the nation on the rise, the government elected to impose its first-ever nationwide mandated lockdown of any kind.

The nation saw a record high number of new cases (15,779) on Tuesday, according to Johns Hopkins University's Coronavirus Resource Center. Sweden is about to set a new weekly record as well. Its previous weekly high of new cases was 22,106, set Nov. 1-7. As of Wednesday, the number of weekly cases from Nov. 8-11 is 28,977.

"We are facing a situation that could turn black as night," Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said, according to Fortune. "We risk ending up in the situation we had last spring."

He added that he is willing and ready to add on stricter prohibitions on pubic gatherings if the new measures do not succeed in tamping down the virus' rate of growth.

How the Swedish people act now will decide whether the nation "will be able to celebrate Christmas as normal," the prime minister said.


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e031b9 No.142099

File: b6a4868ee4c68a4⋯.jpg (44.43 KB,480x353,480:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d21892a0f56e39c⋯.jpg (154.84 KB,480x960,1:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614855 (122310ZNOV20) Notable: [C]ovid before [D]ominion

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[C]ovid before [D]ominion

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e031b9 No.142100

File: f06936e6fdfa876⋯.jpeg (214.99 KB,1759x685,1759:685,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614857 (122310ZNOV20) Notable: Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees Biden will be next president

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Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees Biden will be next president


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e031b9 No.142101

File: 4648355ac9d838f⋯.jpg (59.83 KB,521x523,521:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614881 (122312ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer

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Eric Coomer

Director Product Strategy & Security, Dominion Voting Systems

Eric entered the elections industry in 2005 as Chief Software Architect at Sequoia Voting Systems. He joined Dominion in 2010 as Vice President of U.S. Engineering, overseeing development and later named Director of Product Strategy and Security to drive the creation of next generation products, while focused on the changing landscape of cybersecurity threats and responses. Eric graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.


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e031b9 No.142102

File: d9cf1493d51555e⋯.png (324.26 KB,400x906,200:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614941 (122316ZNOV20) Notable: A NOD to CM from RON COLEMAN

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e031b9 No.142103

File: 6e0e97f34c6ff21⋯.png (466.5 KB,851x593,851:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614961 (122317ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

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HUGE! Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail” (VIDEO)

HUGE! Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail” (VIDEO)

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e031b9 No.142104

File: a73298b9a695b3c⋯.png (96.49 KB,536x543,536:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614966 (122318ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood: MSM are Co-Conspirators. Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

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Lin Wood says Enemedia are CO-CONSPIRATORS!!


Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, NY Times, Washington Post, Atlantic, Mother Jones, etc. are co-conspirators.

They have all been caught.


Watch carefully! This is the heart of the matter. This is the kind of evidence that needs to be presented to the Supreme Court @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @DonaldJTrumpJr @LaraLeaTrump

1:02 PM · Nov 11, 2020·


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e031b9 No.142105

File: 4b778cd3b61631b⋯.png (498.74 KB,775x598,775:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614980 (122318ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

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BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

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e031b9 No.142106

File: 4bdc8fa9b48b424⋯.png (186.62 KB,357x328,357:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614990 (122319ZNOV20) Notable: EU Officials Consider Granting Police Access to Encrypted Messages

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EU Officials Consider Granting Police Access to Encrypted Messages

The European Union is considering a proposal that calls for communication companies such as Signal and WhatsApp to grant law enforcement and judiciary access to encrypted messages, according to a leaked document from the Council of the European Union.

The proposal titled “Draft Council Resolution on Encryption” was drafted days after the November 2 terrorist attack in Vienna and has already drawn criticism from digital rights campaigners.

The document argues that while encryption “is a necessary means of protecting fundamental rights and the digital security of governments, industry and society,” the EU must enable law enforcement and judicial authorities to do their jobs which is often complicated by strong encryption.

While criminals have access to readily available, off-the-shelf encryption solutions designed for legitimate purposes, law enforcement can’t access electronic evidence to effectively fight terrorism, organised crime, child sexual abuse and a variety of cyber-enabled crimes.

Encryption often prevents authorities from collecting electronic evidence despite the fact that the access to such data would be lawful, the paper says. It suggests that the union should join forces with the tech industry to establish back doors into encrypted services, while also establishing legal frameworks to ensure that those would be available to authorities across the EU.

The idea raised red flags across the continent. While encryption has been a tool for criminal and extremist enterprises, it’s also an essential tool for investigative journalists, human rights activists, politicians and anyone whose work requires a certain level of confidentiality.

“Round and round we go,” tweeted Sarah Jamie Lewis, Executive Director at Open Privacy, a Canadian non-profit group that researches privacy and anonymity. She was referring to the ongoing global fight for preserving privacy.

Lewis retweeted her message from a year ago that read: “Privacy is a human right. Encryption is a human right. No qualifiers. No ifs or buts; No reservations or restrictions.”

“The surveillance culture we have created is immoral,” she went on. “No amount of good done with surveillance makes up for the evil that surveillance itself causes.”

According to the draft, delegates can submit “substantive comments accompanied by concrete wording suggestions” by November 12, as the Presidency of the Council of Ministers plans to present the proposal to the European Union’s Committee on Internal Security on November 19.


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e031b9 No.142107

File: d9a7a1776e457c8⋯.png (840.38 KB,1436x538,718:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11614997 (122319ZNOV20) Notable: New Quantum education systems?

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Charlie Ward called www.quantum.gov


New Quantum education systems?


Watch from 52min


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e031b9 No.142108

File: 1ba76552dcc4037⋯.png (15.31 KB,773x153,773:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615003 (122320ZNOV20) Notable: Gayle King, Who Vacationed With Barack Obama, to Interview Barack Obama

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COLLUSION: Gayle King, Who Vacationed With Barack Obama, to Interview Barack Obama

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e031b9 No.142109

File: 9f869f762265293⋯.png (1.07 MB,1286x6062,643:3031,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615008 (122320ZNOV20) Notable: Patents by Inventor Eric Coomer

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Patents by Inventor Eric Coomer


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e031b9 No.142110

File: d0cec4b2f866d83⋯.png (465.02 KB,856x797,856:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615020 (122321ZNOV20) Notable: House GOP leader defends newly elected members who have supported QAnon

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House GOP leader defends newly elected members who have supported QAnon

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e031b9 No.142111

File: 12c1f676c5f408f⋯.png (876.43 KB,814x1020,407:510,Clipboard.png)

File: 73b439a15eacd7f⋯.png (6.25 MB,2155x1225,431:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 70ec2ac02a57051⋯.png (3.65 MB,2037x1227,679:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aeeeff7eabc07a⋯.png (3.56 MB,2034x1230,339:205,Clipboard.png)

File: a6483e1a0d0adb0⋯.png (18.6 KB,557x177,557:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615021 (122321ZNOV20) Notable: forces conduct crisis response exercise in #NorthAfrica

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#SkySoldiers &


forces conduct crisis response exercise in #NorthAfrica


"We are stronger as a joint team & this structure enables swift & agile response to crises on the continent,"



Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling


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e031b9 No.142112

File: 6e9164675b1bb0c⋯.png (91.03 KB,907x546,907:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615025 (122321ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer

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e031b9 No.142113

File: dcc9daccf7eeb94⋯.png (293.55 KB,355x630,71:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615034 (122322ZNOV20) Notable: 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

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109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

Republicans complained for months about the potential for mail-in and absentee ballot fraud, but were told that it was safe, secure, and that important safeguards were in place to protect the vote. Now it emerges that at least 109 Michigan ballots were sent to a Michigan insane asylum, the Center for Forensic Psychology, though only 1 apparently voted as of November 2nd.

This is important because it shows that there were few safeguards in place, and virtually no checking done by the Secretary of State and Clerks to ensure that the voting list was accurate and that the election had votes from valid voters who were not judged mentally insane. It also demonstrates that there were no safeguards in place to prevent large numbers of live ballots from being sent to the same location or address.

The facility, a 272 bed facility in Saline Michigan, 10 miles south of Ann Arbor, was the address with the single-most absentee ballots sent to it. Its website says that it handles individuals in the juvenile criminal justice system, but the list of 109 who received ballots, ranged in age from 20 to 81.

The one woman whose vote was received, Latina M. Hutton, 57, was indicted in 2019 for allegedly shooting and killing her husband in Oakland County and is currently held without bond at the facility.

Witnesses who observed voter fraud have approached the Gateway Pundit about absentee ballots being collected and voted on the day of the election in drop-boxes distributed around the city, knowing that the data of who voted would not be released until after the “safe harbor” window to challenge election results. This means that the information necessary to determine whether there was or was not widespread voter fraud will not be made available in this instance until it is too late to make a difference.

As of November 2, 2020 the State of Michigan had mailed out and received 3.2 million absentee ballots out of 3.4 million sent out, with Democrat Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson bragging that 97% of absentees were returned.

Staff at the Center for Forensic Psychology directed all calls to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’s Communications office. Calls to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, MDHHS, were not returned.


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e031b9 No.142114

File: a5593ce3f0ae634⋯.png (341.06 KB,861x631,861:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615042 (122322ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

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BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

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e031b9 No.142115

File: 0066041e71318c3⋯.png (88.21 KB,509x570,509:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615057 (122323ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

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BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania


A judge in Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of the Trump campaign after concluding that ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day that were segregated should not be counted.

The judge also determined that Kathy Boockvar, the Pennsylvania secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law days before the election.

“[The] Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Board of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline in Section 1308(h) of the Pennsylvania Election Code […] for certain electors to verify proof of identification, based on Secretary Boockvar’s interpretation and application of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision in Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar,” Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt’s ruling reads. “Accordingly, the Court hereby ORDERS that Respondents County Boards of Elections are enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated.”

Last week, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate those ballots that came in after 8 p.m. on Election Day.

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e031b9 No.142116

File: 1d8a2b22866f522⋯.png (45.54 KB,1295x230,259:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615069 (122324ZNOV20) Notable: Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

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Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

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e031b9 No.142117

File: 489c10218272c95⋯.png (695.75 KB,731x590,731:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615100 (122325ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

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Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

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e031b9 No.142118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615115 (122326ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

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Project Veritas ..New USPS Whistleblower in Philly suburb Elkins Park Details Orders To Stop Delivering Pro-Trump Mail

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e031b9 No.142119

File: ba84be9e518bfeb⋯.png (543.97 KB,674x593,674:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615134 (122327ZNOV20) Notable: Leftists Back Down on Created Plans to List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs

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Leftists Back Down on Plans to Create List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs

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e031b9 No.142120

File: 0a878192e6c89b3⋯.png (423.74 KB,783x652,783:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615144 (122328ZNOV20) Notable: This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office

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This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office

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e031b9 No.142121

File: 7199e31d3ba076b⋯.jpg (65.03 KB,1285x322,1285:322,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615146 (122328ZNOV20) Notable: RENEGADE Obama says democracy doesn't work

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“I don’t know. What I can say for certain is that I’m not yet ready to abandon the possibility of America—not just for the sake of future generations of Americans but for all of humankind,” Obama said. “I’m convinced that the pandemic we’re currently living through is both a manifestation of and a mere interruption in the relentless march toward an interconnected world, one in which peoples and cultures can’t help but collide.”

Obama expressed optimism regarding the country’s future following his longtime ally, President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Trump in the 2020 election and said the world is watching America “to see if our experiment in democracy can work.”



BLACK POTUS says democracy doesn't work

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e031b9 No.142122

File: 2914f3431870460⋯.png (837.67 KB,1141x754,1141:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615154 (122329ZNOV20) Notable: Cambridge Analytica chart

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142123

File: 4c9d1d0d1b5908f⋯.png (640.93 KB,704x679,704:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615158 (122329ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Court Rules, Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day

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Pennsylvania Court Rules Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day

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e031b9 No.142124

File: f5fc41f3ed6e600⋯.png (56.96 KB,624x441,208:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615172 (122330ZNOV20) Notable: Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

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Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

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e031b9 No.142125

File: 6454de181997767⋯.png (122.05 KB,810x743,810:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615175 (122331ZNOV20) Notable: CONFIRMED HAPPENING Dr. Eric COOMER, Dominion strategist, is an open Antifa supporter and Trump hater

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Dr. Eric COOMER, Dominion strategist, is an open Antifa supporter and Trump hater.

>Dr Coomer







>Dr. Coomer’s testimony on all three points is either irrelevant or demonstrably wrong



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e031b9 No.142126

File: 047c38ec2d0af86⋯.png (459.15 KB,682x537,682:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615186 (122331ZNOV20) Notable: ‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

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‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

Rank-and-file lawmakers are anxious, but major leadership changes are unlikely.

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e031b9 No.142127

File: 2a0b4079c28a9e9⋯.png (141.81 KB,685x340,137:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615200 (122332ZNOV20) Notable: THE UNTOLD STORY The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

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The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

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e031b9 No.142128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615210 (122333ZNOV20) Notable: Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy…, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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<Too bad we dont have the dominion source code to review. These types of things should be open source so everybody can poke through it.

<Why do we have black box elections?

Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy...


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e031b9 No.142129

File: f5fcebe00b93f15⋯.png (32.94 KB,492x419,492:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615218 (122334ZNOV20) Notable: Why Did Joe Biden Lose Ground With Latinos in South Texas?

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Why Did Joe Biden Lose Ground With Latinos in South Texas?

Democrats have taken voters in the region for granted. This year, many were receptive to Donald Trump’s messaging on jobs, opportunity, and law enforcement.

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e031b9 No.142130

File: fb6004edafac163⋯.png (71.49 KB,682x536,341:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615219 (122334ZNOV20) Notable: Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy…

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didnt wanna waste my post



Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS:

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history&hellip;There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

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e031b9 No.142131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615232 (122335ZNOV20) Notable: The Current Status of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case

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Reading Epic Threads


Why Is the Supreme Court Involved in Pennsylvania?

By John M. Reeves -November 10, 2020


The Current Status of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case

By John M. Reeves -November 12, 2020





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e031b9 No.142132

File: 416ed52fdca6c68⋯.png (50.3 KB,1196x322,26:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615243 (122336ZNOV20) Notable: Mika Brzezinski Wants 'Law Enforcement' to Go After Trump to Prevent Leaking National Secrets

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Mika Brzezinski Wants 'Law Enforcement' to Go After Trump to Prevent Leaking National Secrets

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615251 (122336ZNOV20) Notable: These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+

Why did the Podesta Group close?

Public charges?


Why close?

When did Huber start?


JP/ Huma NOV.


Do they know?

Why did the Podesta group close?

Why no leaks?

Who else knows?

HRC deal request?



Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.


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e031b9 No.142134

File: f7044f669f226ff⋯.png (957.76 KB,990x701,990:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615264 (122337ZNOV20) Notable: Time to cut the cord on media’s Trump bashing

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Time to cut the cord on media’s Trump bashing

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e031b9 No.142135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615322 (122341ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

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One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

holy fuck, its habbening

get ready for your Christmas Present, anons



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e031b9 No.142136

File: 203f607e4306307⋯.png (337.12 KB,599x710,599:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e0b7f3db21b43e⋯.png (357.55 KB,594x744,99:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 85ffd7086cce59a⋯.png (602.86 KB,924x656,231:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615326 (122341ZNOV20) Notable: ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED MSM LOOSING TOUCH WITH REALITY

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e031b9 No.142137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615437 (122349ZNOV20) Notable: #14829

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?


@ 650


>>142135 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142134 Time to cut the cord on media’s Trump bashing

>>142133 These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle

>>142132 Mika Brzezinski Wants 'Law Enforcement' to Go After Trump to Prevent Leaking National Secrets

>>142131 The Current Status of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case

>>142129 Why Did Joe Biden Lose Ground With Latinos in South Texas?

>>142130 Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS>>142128 Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy…

>>142127 THE UNTOLD STORY The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

>>142126 ‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

>>142125 CONFIRMED HAPPENING Dr. Eric COOMER, Dominion strategist, is an open Antifa supporter and Trump hater

>>142124 Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

>>142123 Pennsylvania Court Rules, Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day

>>142122 Cambridge Analytica chart

>>142121 RENEGADE Obama says democracy doesn't work

>>142120 This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office

>>142119 Leftists Back Down on Created Plans to List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs

Baker change

>>142085 Disgraced Fox News Retracts False House Race Projection — 8 Days Later!

>>142086 Our lovely and talented Maria B says it's hot in the kitchen

>>142087, >>142103 Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

>>142088 Michigan GOP State Senators Request Full Audit of 2020 Election Before Results Are Certified

>>142090 Cheating celebrity pastor Carl Lentz sold $1.5M home days before scandal broke

>>142091 Can confirm Eric Coomer was scrubbed from Dominion Voting Systems Employee list

>>142092 Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners

>>142093 NY Man Accused Of Cutting Utility Lines For 4th Time, Police Say

>>142094 Indivior Solutions Sentenced To Pay $289 Million In Criminal Penalties For Unlawful Marketing Of Opioid Drug

>>142095 Q-TV

>>142096 Coomer in Zoom meeting with Georgia election officials when meeting is hijacked with 9/11 images and some porn.

>>142097 Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy

>>142098 Sweden is about to impose a partial lockdown on bars and restaurants — its first such move since the pandemic began

>>142099 [C]ovid before [D]ominion

>>142100 Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees Biden will be next president

>>142101, >>142112 Eric Coomer

>>142102 A NOD to CM from RON COLEMAN

>>142104 Lin Wood: MSM are Co-Conspirators. Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

>>142105, >>142115 BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

>>142107 New Quantum education systems?

>>142108 Gayle King, Who Vacationed With Barack Obama, to Interview Barack Obama

>>142106 EU Officials Consider Granting Police Access to Encrypted Messages

>>142109 Patents by Inventor Eric Coomer

>>142110 House GOP leader defends newly elected members who have supported QAnon

>>142111 forces conduct crisis response exercise in #NorthAfrica

>>142113 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

>>142114, >>142118 BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

>>142116 Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

>>142117 Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

>>142089 PF


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e031b9 No.142138

File: 19cfaa06a196449⋯.png (120.49 KB,555x169,555:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615537 (122357ZNOV20) Notable: Massive national security issues. Massive. I'm told Dirty Venezuelan & Cuba money behind dominion

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@Mariabartiromotv - Mariabartiromotv - Massive national security is&hellip;

Massive national security issues. Massive. I'm told Dirty Venezuelan & Cuba money behinddominion. The software also has components from china. This is about to explode.

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e031b9 No.142139

File: 8107013d231753c⋯.jpg (134.76 KB,900x639,100:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615547 (122358ZNOV20) Notable: #BREAKING: DHS' Cyber Security Agency Releases Statement on Presidential Election:

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You've got to be kidding me. This is the DS at its finest.

#BREAKING: DHS' Cyber Security Agency Releases Statement on Presidential Election:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. &ndash; There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”


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e031b9 No.142140

File: 8cb270c1f4efd9a⋯.png (26.27 KB,598x268,299:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615550 (122358ZNOV20) Notable: "Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.

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"Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.



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e031b9 No.142141

File: 0b68de446be8ff2⋯.png (24.53 KB,626x258,313:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615553 (122358ZNOV20) Notable: DR NO Fauci clashes with Biden Covid chief & says US does NOT need total lockdown despite daily infections hitting record 152k

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DR NO Fauci clashes with Biden Covid chief & says US does NOT need total lockdown despite daily infections hitting record 152k

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e031b9 No.142142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615565 (122359ZNOV20) Notable: Fire Breaks Out Near Jizan Oil Facility After Coalition Destroys 2 Motorboats Laden With Explosives

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Fire Breaks Out Near Jizan Oil Facility After Coalition Destroys 2 Motorboats Laden With Explosives

According to the authorities, who believe the boats belonged to Houthi militants, no one has suffered injuries as a result of the incident.

A fire broke out near a floating platform belonging to Saudi Arabia's oil facility in Jizan, after coalition forces destroyed two motorboats armed with explosives, Saudi Gazette reported citing a source in the Ministry of Energy.

The ministry has also condemned the incident as well as other Houthi attacks on vital facilities.

"The blaze is being extinguished near the floating platform of the oil facility in Jizan after the destruction of two remotely controlled motorboats laden with explosives, sent by the Houthis. No people have been killed or injured", a spokesperson for the ministry told Al Ekhbariya broadcaster.

The attack came just hours after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the Kingdom will attack those threatening Saudi Arabia's security with an "iron fist".

Eary on Thursday, the Saudi-led coalition destroyed intercepted and destroyed a bomb-laden unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) launched by the Yemeni Houthi movement, the coalition's spokesman, Turki al-Maliki, said. He did not report any casualties or material damage.

On Wednesday, a grenade attack was carried out in the western Saudi city of Jeddah, in which four people were injured. The attack occurred just when the diplomatic representatives of France, Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States gathered at the Jeddah Cemetery to commemorate the end of World War I.


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e031b9 No.142143

File: 192ace389ba0700⋯.png (1.95 MB,1360x777,1360:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615576 (122359ZNOV20) Notable: OAN is Killing it Right now

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OAN is Killing it Right now

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e031b9 No.142144

File: 1cf71cb03092f8c⋯.png (2.4 MB,1392x845,1392:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615596 (130001ZNOV20) Notable: Facebook ad ban scrambles Georgia Senate campaigns

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Facebook ad ban scrambles Georgia Senate campaigns

Some Democrats are calling for a return to door-knocking for the Senate runoffs, with the biggest online ad platforms not available.

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e031b9 No.142145

File: 097cfb71b1925e1⋯.png (567.6 KB,780x732,65:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615599 (130001ZNOV20) Notable: Vatican calling: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

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Vatican calling: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election


NOVEMBER 12, 2020 04:34 PM

It’s not exactly divine intervention, but even the pope considers the U.S. presidential race over.

President-elect Joe Biden, a lifelong Roman Catholic, spoke to Pope Francis on Thursday, despite President Donald Trump refusing to concede. Trump claims — without evidence — that the election was stolen from him through massive but unspecified acts of fraud.

Biden’s transition team said in a statement that the president-elect thanked Francis for “extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation.” He also saluted the pontiff’s “leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world.”

Biden said he hopes to work with Francis on issues such as climate change, poverty and immigration.

News of the call came even as some Catholic bishops in the U.S. decline to acknowledge Biden’s victory and argue that the faithful should not back him because of his support for abortion rights.

On Tuesday, for example, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, tweeted that Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris support “the slaughter of innocents” at any point during pregnancy.

Biden has said he accepts church doctrine about abortion on a personal level, but does not want to impose that belief on everyone.

Biden has had several phone calls this week with foreign leaders, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. They have congratulated him on winning and consider the election settled.

Having the pope on board, too, likely has special significance for Biden.

He is just the second Catholic to be elected president in U.S. history, and the first since John F. Kennedy. Biden speaks frequently and openly about the importance of faith in his life and attends Mass near his home in Wilmington, Delaware, nearly every week.

No matter their faith, American politicians are often eager to meet with the pope when traveling near Rome, though Francis declined to meet with Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, in September, citing rules against such sit-downs during election periods. Francis last visited the U.S. in 2015.

Known for advocating for openness on issues like gay rights, the environment and religious tolerance, Francis has been embraced by some liberals as furthering their causes.

In its statement, the Biden transition team said the president-elect told the pontiff he would like to work together to further “a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all humankind on issues such as caring for the marginalized and the poor, addressing the crisis of climate change, and welcoming and integrating immigrants.”

The Vatican issued no statement confirming the call.

The U.S. ambassador to the Holy See is Callista Gingrich, whose husband, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, has been among the vocal supporters of Trump as he refuses acknowledge Biden’s victory.

In the election, 50% of Catholic voters backed Trump and 49% favored Biden, according to VoteCast, a survey of more than 110,000 voters nationwide conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago.


The Cult that Rules the World is Proud of their Boy Biden and I see a Bad Moon Rising.

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e031b9 No.142146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615600 (130001ZNOV20) Notable: $10 a day? Bank proposes taxing people who work from home to help the economy

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Deutsche Bank needs your money

$10 a day? Bank proposes taxing people who work from home to help the economy

LONDON (AP) — White collar staff reaping the financial benefits of working from home should be taxed to help other workers who aren’t getting the same advantages, experts at Deutsche Bank said in a new report.

In its report on how to rebuild the economy after COVID-19, the bank proposed a 5% daily tax on each employee that continues to work from home, which could raise tens of billions of dollars for governments. The money could be used to help lower-income workers who have taken on greater risk because their jobs can’t be done remotely, it said.

The tax would amount to just over $10 a day, assuming the average salary of an American working from home is $55,000. That’s roughly the amount the worker might spend on commuting, lunch and laundry, which would leave them no worse off than going into the office, the report said. It could raise up to $48 billion in the U.S. Deutsche Bank carried out similar calculations for Germany and the U.K.

But the proposals faced heavy skepticism.

Andrew Hunter, co-founder of job search engine Adzuna.co.uk said the idea was misguided and predicted it would be incredibly unpopular.

“It punishes progressive companies and those with kids or caring responsibilities, who were responsible during the pandemic, who are already taking on more costs and helping the environment by staying at home,” said Hunter. “Let’s be honest, there are many better ways to raise taxes!”


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e031b9 No.142147

File: 3ebc55c1ba605aa⋯.png (43.05 KB,907x361,907:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615627 (130003ZNOV20) Notable: Holy Smokes! We got something coming out tonight that will CRUSH liberal hearts everywhere. VERY BIG!

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Holy Smokes! We got something coming out tonight that will CRUSH liberal hearts everywhere. VERY BIG!


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e031b9 No.142148

File: facf503c7af3124⋯.png (524.79 KB,618x731,618:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615631 (130003ZNOV20) Notable: Justice Department Faults Ex-US Attorney Acosta's 'Poor Judgment' in Epstein Deal

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Justice Department Faults Ex-US Attorney Acosta's 'Poor Judgment' in Epstein Deal

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142149

File: 8e656ee977832be⋯.png (111.28 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615633 (130003ZNOV20) Notable: New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

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New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

LONDON (AP) — Imagine a world where you move around in your own personal sound bubble. You listen to your favorite tunes, play loud computer games, watch a movie or get navigation directions in your car — all without disturbing those around you.

That’s the possibility presented by “sound beaming,” a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems, an Israeli company. On Friday it will debut a desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones.

The company provided The Associated Press with an exclusive demo of the desktop prototype of its SoundBeamer 1.0 before its launch Friday. . .



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e031b9 No.142150

File: f3a3b9ff6150c78⋯.png (26.46 KB,627x221,627:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615646 (130004ZNOV20) Notable: Democrats Have History of Voter Fraud

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Democrats Have History of Voter Fraud

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e031b9 No.142151

File: ae40125d6bbdef8⋯.png (945.88 KB,732x502,366:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615670 (130006ZNOV20) Notable: Appeals Court Clears Harvard of Admissions Bias

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Appeals Court Clears Harvard of Admissions Bias

A federal appeals court has upheld a decision that cleared Harvard University of bias in admitting students of Asian descent. The suit had been brought by Students for Fair Admissions on behalf of several Asian students who alleged the university refused them admission because of a racial bias.

The court found that Harvard’s admissions guidelines adhered to federal standards. That doesn’t mean that Harvard doesn’t discriminate and favor some races over others. All it means is that the university has met a legal test that it doesn’t give disproportionate weight to race as a factor in admissions.

“The issue before us is whether Harvard’s limited use of race in its admissions process in order to achieve diversity in the period in question is consistent with the requirements of Supreme Court precedent. There was no error,” the judges wrote.

The group’s 2014 lawsuit alleges that Harvard’s admissions officers use a subjective “personal rating” to discriminate against Asian Americans who apply to the school. Using six years of admissions data, the group found that Asian American applicants had the best academic records but received the lowest scores on the personal rating.

U.S. colleges, including Harvard, have gotten very good at disguising their bias.

Harvard denies any discrimination and says it considers applicants’ race only in the narrow way approved by the U.S. Supreme Court. In close calls between students, some underrepresented students may get a “tip” in their favor, school officials say, but students’ race is never counted against them.

After a three-week trial that cast new light on Harvard’s secretive selection process, a federal judge ruled that other factors could explain why Asian Americans are admitted at lower rates than other students. In her 2019 ruling, District Judge Allison D. Burroughs said Harvard’s admissions process is “not perfect” but concluded that there was “no evidence of any racial animus whatsoever.”

The suit wasn’t about “racial animus.” It was about bias, which can be something institutional or personal. Harvard and other American schools have institutionalized racial bias, favoring some minorities over others in order to smooth out their racial balance. It’s insidious and un-American.

A Democratic administration won’t support these lawsuits as the Trump Justice Department did. Trump’s DOJ also sued Yale over its bias and allege the school not only discriminates against Asians but whites as well.

Defenders of the policy say that tests and grades used in admittance are biased against black and Hispanic students which is why Harvard has to compensate for the “racism” inherent in the admissions process. Of course, that doesn’t explain why Asian students do so well, or how a racial balance is achieved without resorting to a biased admissions process.

The Supreme Court ruled that schools can use race as one factor in admissions. Most schools honor that limitation in the breach and find ways to get around it. It’s time they were called to account for it.


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e031b9 No.142152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615708 (130008ZNOV20) Notable: #14829

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back at it with new ID

grabbing the dough

post away

OP's connection not trusthworthy, keeps dropping out




>>142135 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142134 Time to cut the cord on media’s Trump bashing

>>142133 These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle

>>142132 Mika Brzezinski Wants 'Law Enforcement' to Go After Trump to Prevent Leaking National Secrets

>>142131 The Current Status of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case

>>142129 Why Did Joe Biden Lose Ground With Latinos in South Texas?

>>142130 Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS>>142128 Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy…

>>142127 THE UNTOLD STORY The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

>>142126 ‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

>>142125 CONFIRMED HAPPENING Dr. Eric COOMER, Dominion strategist, is an open Antifa supporter and Trump hater

>>142124 Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

>>142123 Pennsylvania Court Rules, Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day

>>142122 Cambridge Analytica chart

>>142121 RENEGADE Obama says democracy doesn't work

>>142120 This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office

>>142119 Leftists Back Down on Created Plans to List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs

Baker change

>>142085 Disgraced Fox News Retracts False House Race Projection — 8 Days Later!

>>142086 Our lovely and talented Maria B says it's hot in the kitchen

>>142087, >>142103 Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

>>142088 Michigan GOP State Senators Request Full Audit of 2020 Election Before Results Are Certified

>>142090 Cheating celebrity pastor Carl Lentz sold $1.5M home days before scandal broke

>>142091 Can confirm Eric Coomer was scrubbed from Dominion Voting Systems Employee list

>>142092 Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners

>>142093 NY Man Accused Of Cutting Utility Lines For 4th Time, Police Say

>>142094 Indivior Solutions Sentenced To Pay $289 Million In Criminal Penalties For Unlawful Marketing Of Opioid Drug

>>142095 Q-TV

>>142096 Coomer in Zoom meeting with Georgia election officials when meeting is hijacked with 9/11 images and some porn.

>>142097 Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy

>>142098 Sweden is about to impose a partial lockdown on bars and restaurants — its first such move since the pandemic began

>>142099 [C]ovid before [D]ominion

>>142100 Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees Biden will be next president

>>142101, >>142112 Eric Coomer

>>142102 A NOD to CM from RON COLEMAN

>>142104 Lin Wood: MSM are Co-Conspirators. Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

>>142105, >>142115 BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

>>142107 New Quantum education systems?

>>142108 Gayle King, Who Vacationed With Barack Obama, to Interview Barack Obama

>>142106 EU Officials Consider Granting Police Access to Encrypted Messages

>>142109 Patents by Inventor Eric Coomer

>>142110 House GOP leader defends newly elected members who have supported QAnon

>>142111 forces conduct crisis response exercise in #NorthAfrica

>>142113 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

>>142114, >>142118 BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

>>142116 Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

>>142117 Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

>>142089 PF


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e031b9 No.142153

File: 2a8975ed9b314b1⋯.png (377.25 KB,1458x874,729:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615751 (130010ZNOV20) Notable: Connection between Trump firing two cyber security officials and release of this 'security' report letter

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>You've got to be kidding me. This is the DS at its finest.

>>141992 (PB) Senior U.S.cybersecurity official asked to resignamid Trump transition tumult

Bryan Ware, the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’sCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), confirmed to Reuters that he had handed in his resignation on Thursday.

He didn’t provide details, but a U.S. official familiar with the matter said the White House asked for Ware’s resignation earlier this week.

CISAand the White House did not immediately return an email seeking comment.



Council (of)












My next piece is called&hellip;?

The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference betweenNCSWICand organizations such as,SAFECOM , First Responder Network Authority(FirstNet)Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).

-we had DoDanon here last night saying they were on a telecon where FirstNet was brought up in context of a 10 day blackout of the "normal" internet

FirstNet being the network communication backbone that would be used by emergency personel in the event of a "normal net" blackout

for what its worth

sauce for DoD anon post:

link is waaaaaaay (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

sauce for NCSWIC


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e031b9 No.142154

File: 05dd177f8b0bf6b⋯.jpg (85.71 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615788 (130012ZNOV20) Notable: Nancy Pelosi accuses Republicans of 'refusing to accept her version of her reality' of election result – video

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Thu 12 Nov 2020

Nancy Pelosi accuses Republicans of 'refusing to accept reality' of election result – video

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, held a press conference on Capitol Hill, calling on Republican lawmakers to accept the results of the presidential election.

Pelosi emphasised the need to pass another coronavirus relief bill, saying: 'Stop the circus and get to work on what really matters to the American people'


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e031b9 No.142155

File: 2b39d2722b3d8f1⋯.png (414.17 KB,639x357,213:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615830 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: AOC: I’ll Be Working ‘Very Hard’ on Georgia Runoffs So Dems ‘Don’t Have to Negotiate’ with GOP

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AOC: I’ll Be Working ‘Very Hard’ on Georgia Runoffs So Dems ‘Don’t Have to Negotiate’ with GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said recently on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she will be working hard to make sure Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock beat incumbent Senator. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in upcoming Senate runoff elections.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Biden is planning a wave of executive orders to roll back some of Trump’s policies once he takes office, on everything from climate to the so-called Muslim ban. As of now, however, it looks as though Republicans, at least until January, will hold control of the Senate. That’s going to complicate your desire and the desire of other progressives for bold, sweeping, progressive legislation. I mean, theoretically, you can pass anything you want in the House, but it doesn’t matter if it goes to die in the Senate. How are you going to negotiate that? Are you going to work with more moderate Senate Republicans to try to pass something in the House that can get through the Senate?”

Ocasio-Cortez said, “Well, I’m going to be spending my next couple of months doing everything that I can to extend help and offer support to the work of fantastic leaders that we just heard from like Stacey Abrams to make sure that we don’t have a Republican Senate majority, that we win these races in Georgia, that we secure a Democratic Senate majority, so that we don’t have to negotiate in that way. ”

She added, “So these Senate run-off races, they’re on January 5, I believe. That is right around the time that we will be preparing to swear in now president-elect Joe Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris. And I think it’s really important that we all work very hard to give them a Democratic Senate as well.”


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e031b9 No.142156

File: 5c91402356dcac6⋯.jpeg (618.41 KB,1800x1360,45:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615832 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: New Ben Garrison

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New Ben Garrison


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e031b9 No.142157

File: b44d1a34897dc93⋯.png (195.42 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b941653ba203db⋯.png (195.12 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 797287c74cbf5a6⋯.png (194.73 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615841 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: Boatfag WARNS the maritime sites are being messed with again or somebody is making some huge changes on that side of the World

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Watchin is easy, understanding is it. I see the Paracels, I see the Spratleys and I suddenly have two new "ports" one called "Neptune" with flag of Norway and "Rubicon Intrepid" with flag of Singapore. Then there's an "unspecified vessel" that seems to be named "AAA" so either the maritime sites are being messed with again or somebody is making some huge changes on that side of the World

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e031b9 No.142158

File: b2067df7c38c59a⋯.png (18.13 KB,856x157,856:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615844 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

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109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615850 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: Chuck Schumer: ‘The Election Is Not in Doubt’ (TRUMP WON)

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Chuck Schumer: ‘The Election Is Not in Doubt’

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) dismissed concerns of millions of Americans who are worried about the integrity of the election, asserting at a press conference with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday that the election is “not in doubt.”

“The election is not in doubt,” Schumer declared at the joint presser with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), dismissing election concerns as “nothing more than a temper tantrum by Republicans.”

Recent surveys suggest otherwise. A survey on Tuesday from Just the News Daily and independent pollster Scott Rasmussen found that less than half of Americans, or 49 percent, believe Biden won the election, while 34 percent expressed the belief that Trump won, and 16 percent remained unsure.

It is “nothing more than a pathetic political performance for an audience of one: President Donald John Trump,” Schumer assessed, contending that Joe Biden’s (D) Electoral College victory has been “secured by several states, where tens of thousands of votes separate the candidates.”

The final results were not certified at the time Schumer made his remarks.

“Joe Biden leads Wisconsin by 20,000; Pennsylvania … 50,000; Michigan … 146,000. That’s the facts. Biden’s won. Nothing Republicans or Trump can do will change that,” he said, effectively dismissing the Trump campaign’s legal challenges focusing on election integrity and referring to them as “frivolous.”

Trump’s “frivolous lawsuits have less than a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding,” he quipped, accusing the GOP of “deliberately and recklessly sowing doubt about our democratic process.”

“The biggest change since Election Day is that Donald Trump, who is not for helping us in COVID and who is against the HEROES bill, has lost,” Schumer told reporters as his mask hung below his nose. “That was an overwhelming referendum by the American people.”

Pelosi added that Biden received a “mandate” to “address the challenges that our country faces as well as to have a positive initiative on how to grow the economy in a fair way.”

Their assertions notwithstanding, the election is not yet final, and many doubt their claims of a “mandate,” as Democrats lost seats in the House, despite Pelosi’s predictions that their majority would grow by “double digits.”


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e031b9 No.142160

File: 8eb46a422e01164⋯.png (204.24 KB,944x637,944:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615851 (130015ZNOV20) Notable: HAMMER SCORECARD -Joe Biden COMMS

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-pic related


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e031b9 No.142161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615893 (130018ZNOV20) Notable: HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS…..start diggingz

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HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS&hellip;..start diggingz

members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

(CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky

Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland

National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver

National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino

Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford

and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC)

Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions)

Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic)

Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software)

Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center)

Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works)

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e031b9 No.142162

File: 4fc1dcc8bf31703⋯.png (159.97 KB,733x457,733:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cfcf58aaaffbc0⋯.png (307.33 KB,547x248,547:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615913 (130019ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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99-6143 USAFSOC C-32B departed Bragg sw

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e031b9 No.142163

File: 3e206cad080ee13⋯.png (732.01 KB,945x785,189:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615917 (130019ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan voters file federal lawsuit seeking to toss 1.2M ballots

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More lawsuits


Article in tweet: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/michigan-voters-file-federal-lawsuit-seeking-to-toss-1-2m-ballots

Michigan voters file federal lawsuit seeking to toss 1.2M ballots

by Zachary Halaschak, Breaking News Reporter |

| November 12, 2020 01:53 PM

MINNEAPOLIS — The stack of Michigan lawsuits filed in the aftermath of the election is continuing to pile up, with a new one in federal court seeking to toss out some 1.2 million votes in Michigan.

The lawsuit was filed by four voters on Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The litigation seeks to overturn ballots in Washtenaw, Ingham, and Wayne counties. Wayne County has already been the target of a federal lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign one week after the election.

Those three counties combined represent about 1.2 million votes of the state’s approximately 5.5 million votes cast in this year’s election. The plaintiffs are Lena Bally and Gavriel Grossbard, both of Oakland County, Carol Hatch of Eaton County, and Steven Butler of Jackson County.

The suit contends that “sufficient evidence exists to place in doubt presidential-election results” in the counties listed, specifically “issues with transparency, fraudulent changing of dates, a software glitch, clerical errors, illegal votes, and many other issues and irregularities.”

The document cites dozens of news articles and reports of Republican accusations of fraud in the Michigan election.

The legal relief being sought by the plaintiffs is for the judge to “declare that the inclusion of illegal votes in identified counties violates Voters’ right to vote under the First and Fourteenth Amendment by vote-dilution disenfranchisement” and to invalidate them.

If the long shot lawsuit were successful, it would overturn enough votes to flip the election in President Trump’s favor.

At least two lawsuits alleging electoral wrongdoing were quickly shot down in state court. Prior to the federal lawsuit, a Trump campaign lawsuit in state court was ruled against the day after it was filed. Another lawsuit from a nonprofit group alleging fraud in Wayne County was also ruled against.

President-elect Joe Biden leads Trump in Michigan by nearly 150,000 votes.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has denied that any fraud occurred in her state and has hailed the election as running appropriately and without issue.

“In Michigan, I am proud to confirm that all valid ballots, and only valid ballots, have been counted, securely and accurately, and that our election results reflect the will of the people,” she said soon after the initial results were tabulated.

It is unclear when action will be taken in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan for either the Trump campaign’s federal lawsuit or the lawsuit filed by the four voters seeking to overturn ballots in the three counties.

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e031b9 No.142164

File: a95530a86f4912d⋯.png (8.97 KB,255x140,51:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615935 (130020ZNOV20) Notable: HAMMER SCORECARD -Joe Biden COMMS

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USSS has given Biden a full counter assault team and a full HAMMER

United States Secret Service gives Biden the HAMMER!

Never Forget Those In The Background

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e031b9 No.142165

File: 802e46ef5a878e5⋯.png (43.48 KB,1405x307,1405:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615945 (130021ZNOV20) Notable: Tammy Bruce credits Trump 'outreach' for record number of GOP women joining Congress

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Tammy Bruce credits Trump 'outreach' for record number of GOP women joining Congress

Fox Nation host claims more people are 'comfortable identifying as conservative &hellip; and running as Republicans'

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e031b9 No.142166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615952 (130022ZNOV20) Notable: HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS…..start diggingz

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> Bob Kolasky


Bob Kolasky

Bob Kolasky was selected to lead the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) National Risk Management Center (NRMC) in 2018, at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As one of CISA’s Assistant Directors, he oversees the Center’s efforts to facilitate a strategic, cross-sector risk management approach to cyber and physical threats to critical infrastructure. The Center provides a central venue for government and industry to combine their knowledge and capabilities in a uniquely collaborative and forward-looking environment. Center activities support both operational and strategic unified risk management efforts.

As head of the National Risk Management Center, Kolasky has the responsibility to develop integrated analytic capability to analyze risk to critical infrastructure and work across the national community to reduce risk. As part of that, he co-chairs the Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force and leads CISA’s efforts to support development of a secure 5G network.He also serves on the Executive Committee for the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council.

Kolasky’s current position is the culmination of years of risk and resilience experience. He most recently served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection (IP), wherehe led the coordinated national effort to partner with industry to reduce the risk posed by acts of terrorism and other cyber or physical threats to the nation’s critical infrastructure, including election infrastructure.

Kolasky has served in a number of other senior leadership roles for DHS, including acting Deputy Under Secretary for NPPD before it became CISA and the Director of the DHS Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure Integrated Task Forceto implement Presidential Policy Directive 21 on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience,as well asExecutive Order 13636 on Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity.

He is also the former Assistant Director for the Office of Risk Management Analysis at DHS where he was responsible for developing DHS’s formative policies and processes for risk management, including the DHS Risk Management Fundamentals and Risk Lexicon. Prior to joining DHS, he was a journalist and an entrepreneur.He helped start two of the first public policy web sites andserved as the Managing Editor for IntellectualCapital.com.


Kolasky joined the Federal government in 2008after six years as a management consultant. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1994 and from the Harvard Kennedy School in 2002.

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e031b9 No.142167

File: 83b3ec0b5980fc1⋯.jpg (88.04 KB,856x767,856:767,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615995 (130025ZNOV20) Notable: HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS…..start diggingz

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> Bob Kolasky


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Bob Kolasky

Bob Kolasky

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What I'm beginning to see and hear is the rumblings of a push for more regulation and regulatory…

What I'm beginning to see and hear is the rumblings of a push for more regulation and regulatory oversight. What I'm not seeing in the push for this…

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A pleasure joining my friends & fellow #resilience evangelists Alice Hill and Stephen Flynn for a…

A pleasure joining my friends & fellow #resilience evangelists Alice Hill and Stephen Flynn for a congressional webinar "Wildfires, Disaster…

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e031b9 No.142168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11615999 (130025ZNOV20) Notable: General Milley gone rouge?

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For fuck sake now General Milley gone rouge

Wonder why it’s not habbening?

Because Trump is surrounded


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e031b9 No.142169

File: dbef04f249f961a⋯.png (356.13 KB,774x874,387:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a3c622934c0165⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1944x1172,486:293,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616000 (130025ZNOV20) Notable: Vatican calling: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

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The Great White Whale!

Thar she blows, me Hearties!

Vatican calling: Pope Francis congratulates Joe Biden on presidential election

Published: Nov. 12, 2020 at 3:53 p.m. ET By Associated Press

Biden is just the second Catholic to be elected president in U.S. history, and the first since John F. Kennedy

It’s not exactly divine intervention, but even the pope considers the U.S. presidential race over.

President-elect Joe Biden, a lifelong Roman Catholic, spoke to Pope Francis on Thursday, despite President Donald Trump refusing to concede. Trump claims — without evidence — that the election was stolen from him through massive but unspecified acts of fraud.

Biden’s transition team said in a statement that the president-elect thanked Francis for “extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation.” He also saluted the pontiff’s “leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world.”

Biden said he hopes to work with Francis on issues such as climate change, poverty and immigration.

News of the call came even as some Catholic bishops in the U.S. decline to acknowledge Biden’s victory and argue that the faithful should not back him because of his support for abortion rights.

On Tuesday, for example, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, tweeted that Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris support “the slaughter of innocents” at any point during pregnancy.

Biden has said he accepts church doctrine about abortion on a personal level, but does not want to impose that belief on everyone.

Biden has had several phone calls this week with foreign leaders, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. They have congratulated him on winning and consider the election settled.



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e031b9 No.142170

File: 51c737b186f5f0b⋯.png (338.29 KB,885x516,295:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e22ee5036b9ffd⋯.png (740.54 KB,900x639,100:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616076 (130029ZNOV20) Notable: Christopher Krebs - CISA cybersecurity chief

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(Christopher Krebs) - CISA cybersecurity chief

(Washington Times - Nov 12, 2020)

Top DHS cyber official expects White House to fire him as CISA head: Reports

Christopher Krebs, a top U.S. cybersecurity official who has been debunking election misinformation, expects to be fired by the White House, a report said Thursday, raising concerns on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Krebs, the director of the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, told associates he expects to be fired, Reuters reported, citing three sources familiar with the matter.

The sources, who were not identified, said White House officials have asked – and CISA has refused – to remove content from its website debunking misinformation about the election, Reuters first reported.


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e031b9 No.142171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616199 (130037ZNOV20) Notable: #14830

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>>142170 Christopher Krebs - CISA cybersecurity chief

>>142153 Connection between Trump firing two cyber security officials and release of this 'security' report letter

>>142168 General Milley gone rouge?

>>142145 , >>142169, Vatican calling: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

>>142151 Appeals Court Clears Harvard of Admissions Bias

>>142165 Tammy Bruce credits Trump 'outreach' for record number of GOP women joining Congress

>>142163 Michigan voters file federal lawsuit seeking to toss 1.2M ballots

>>142162 PF

>>142161 , >>142166, >>142167, HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS…..start diggingz

>>142160 , >>142164, HAMMER SCORECARD -Joe Biden COMMS

>>142159 Chuck Schumer: ‘The Election Is Not in Doubt’ (TRUMP WON)

>>142158 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

>>142157 Boatfag WARNS the maritime sites are being messed with again or somebody is making some huge changes on that side of the World

>>142156 New Ben Garrison

>>142155 AOC: I’ll Be Working ‘Very Hard’ on Georgia Runoffs So Dems ‘Don’t Have to Negotiate’ with GOP

>>142154 Nancy Pelosi accuses Republicans of 'refusing to accept her version of her reality' of election result – video

Notable notes

>>142138 Massive national security issues. Massive. I'm told Dirty Venezuelan & Cuba money behind dominion

>>142139 #BREAKING: DHS' Cyber Security Agency Releases Statement on Presidential Election:

>>142140 "Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.

>>142141 DR NO Fauci clashes with Biden Covid chief & says US does NOT need total lockdown despite daily infections hitting record 152k

>>142142 Fire Breaks Out Near Jizan Oil Facility After Coalition Destroys 2 Motorboats Laden With Explosives

>>142143 OAN is Killing it Right now

>>142144 Facebook ad ban scrambles Georgia Senate campaigns

>>142146 $10 a day? Bank proposes taxing people who work from home to help the economy

>>142147 Holy Smokes! We got something coming out tonight that will CRUSH liberal hearts everywhere. VERY BIG!

>>142148 Justice Department Faults Ex-US Attorney Acosta's 'Poor Judgment' in Epstein Deal

>>142149 New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

>>142150 Democrats Have History of Voter Fraud


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e031b9 No.142172

File: d7abf9f1a6b4e01⋯.png (356.08 KB,575x686,575:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f10c990f9c0987⋯.jpg (6.74 KB,250x146,125:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616302 (130044ZNOV20) Notable: DOMINION LINKED TO ARIZONA

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Holy shit we exposed them and Trump knows. Things are going welI.



For those of you who dont know the Arizona presidential election basically hinges on one single country in the state, Maricopa County which has voted republican along with the wrest of the state every cycle for the last 60 years

Last year?

It got Dominion voting Systems


Now it is is going blue for the first time in over half a century

This comes after two other instances where in the same equipment had "glitches" originally giving Joe Biden thousands of votes he hadn't earned.



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e031b9 No.142173

File: 0596c55c2512779⋯.png (295.54 KB,606x431,606:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616321 (130045ZNOV20) Notable: Federal Election Commission Chair Calls Election ‘Illegitimate’ Due To Voter Fraud

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Federal Election Commission Chair Calls Election ‘Illegitimate’ Due To Voter Fraud

"The law is not being followed, making this an illegitimate election."

Trey Trainor, the Chairman of the Federal Election, stated during an appearance on Newsmax this Thursday that he “does believe there’s voter fraud taking place,” and confirmed that the refusal to allow poll watchers to observe the ballot counting process – among numerous other irregularities – does indeed constitute an “illegitimate election.”

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places,” Trainor said. “Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”

“When you have claims of 10,000 people who don’t live in the state of Nevada having voted in Nevada, when you have the video showing where people are either duplicating a spoiled ballot right there, or they’re in the process of just marking a ballot that came in blank for a voter, that’s a process that needs to be observed by election observers,” Trainor said.

The FEC Chairman added that poll observers are legally allowed to be present during the counting of ballots, and if they are refused entry to a place where the vote is being tabulated then “the law is not being followed, making this an illegitimate election.”

Trainor went on to forecast that some of the Trump campaign’s legal challenges to the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election will likely end up in the Supreme Court.

National File reported this week that U.S. House Rep. Lance Gooden has filed a lawsuit related to refusals to allow GOP poll watchers to observe ballot counting in Texas:

On Monday, U.S. Rep. Lance Gooden announced a lawsuit filed against the Dallas County Elections Office, alleging that the office refused to comply with local law and allow Republican Party poll watchers to observe the vote counting process.

“Repeat violations of ballot counting procedures,” which include preventing Republicans from being present during the mail-in ballot tallying process, led to a lawsuit against the Dallas County Elections Office.

“Voters deserve to see how their ballots are counted,” Gooden said in a statement provided to the press. “Democrat-run governments on every level will do anything to tip the scales in their favor. We’re not going to let them get away with it.”

In Detroit, poll observers boarded up windows and screamed at poll observers to leave while the latter chanted “Let us in” while locked outside of the vote counting area.


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e031b9 No.142174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616326 (130046ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

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One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

anon thinks they will be running this segment EVERY HOUR today

holy fuck, its habbening

get ready for your Christmas Present, anons


spread this link EVERYWHERE ANONS!

Midnight Riders -The RED COATS have been REVEALED

tell the people!







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e031b9 No.142175

File: b28d28f4409ee78⋯.jpeg (134.42 KB,1195x934,1195:934,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616327 (130046ZNOV20) Notable: Disney reports quarterly loss of $710 million

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Disney reports quarterly loss of $710 million.


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e031b9 No.142176

File: ff12067947321bc⋯.jpeg (223.27 KB,1414x733,1414:733,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616338 (130047ZNOV20) Notable: Life after Q anon (Yahoo news)

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Life after Q anon (Yahoo news)


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e031b9 No.142177

File: 3b1a19bb10f111d⋯.mp4 (14.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616343 (130047ZNOV20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani on Election Fraud vid

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Election Fraud: @RudyGiuliani

says he has uncovered enough unlawful ballots in Pennsylvania and Michigan to turn the election in favor of @realDonaldTrump

. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs


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e031b9 No.142178

File: 682c775a61e8188⋯.png (261.57 KB,617x640,617:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616350 (130048ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

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e031b9 No.142179

File: 83487b811daa920⋯.jpg (652.56 KB,1061x1836,1061:1836,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616389 (130050ZNOV20) Notable: Indiana joining in lawsuit over absentee ballots

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Indiana joining in.


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e031b9 No.142180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616448 (130054ZNOV20) Notable: SPECIAL THANKS to The New York Times for Accidentally Providing the Data that Will Bring Down Biden and CRACK THE BIGGEST VOTE FRAUD IN HISTORY

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Thank you, New York Times for your best piece of real news in years!

On Tuesday we published our report on the widespread election night theft of votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

We obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only.

We were led to a site on the Internet thedonald.win where someone who had seen our posts decided to run analysis himself.

The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

The author also claims that the data is from Edison Research and it is the same data that is used for election coverage by at least ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News.

It is also used for the website of the NYT, and probably others as well.

Based on this initial analysis from The New York Times over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

In addition to this hundreds of thousands of Trump were also deleted.

We now know there was tremendous fraud in the 2020 election.

Joe Biden had zero support, and yet his vote count surpassed the greatest campaign in US history led by President Donald Trump.

We are supposed to believe Joe Biden defeated President Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures? This is highly improbable.

And thanks to The New York Times — we now have information that will take down Democrats and Joe Biden!

Thank you, New York Times!


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e031b9 No.142181

File: d42e76f14fefa7a⋯.jpeg (179.87 KB,828x347,828:347,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616449 (130054ZNOV20) Notable: CM tweet to Rudy offering to brief him on the DOMINION Voting System (yesterday)

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Get em CM

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e031b9 No.142182

File: 17e020a3eddc712⋯.png (120.38 KB,754x457,754:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616465 (130056ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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DRACO02 USAF E-8C Joint Stars appears in the northern Gulf heading back to Robins AFB, GA

COMAL67 US Navy E-6B Mercury went down to Space Coast for a "lookey" and on way back to NAS Pax River-Space X launches the Dragon on Sat

SpaceX is about to launch its longest and most ambitious NASA mission to date. Here's what to expect from liftoff to landing.


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e031b9 No.142183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616475 (130056ZNOV20) Notable: Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

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Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

Take 6 min. to listen to Congressman Louie Gohmert. This video begins with a clip of him on FAUX News  from earlier today before showing his segment on NewsMax. FAUX tried to smugly cut him off when speaking of sworn statements re: election fraud. 

He goes on to discuss fraud and media censorship.  Then hones in on Scytl, which no one in the media seems to be talking about.  Scytl, based in Barcelona (he says used to be HQ, but I checked and it still is), has a proprietary Election Voting System which manages elections throughout the world and was used to report real-time results to the US media and is involved in the fraud.  Louie states he spoke to the President about Scytl and the next day he read or got a report of a tweet from Germany, in German, that the US Army had gone in and seized the Scytl server (?assumedly from their German offices?).  Said Scytl is going through bankruptcy, currently.

He went on to state that there are people in the US govt, the State Dept., FBI and Intel Community who are trying to take down the President.  Also said that he and Sidney Powell both sent messages to POTUS yesterday that Christopher Wray 'needs to go.'


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e031b9 No.142184

File: d5478b76755180d⋯.png (798.03 KB,474x647,474:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616488 (130057ZNOV20) Notable: Blue Dog COMMS?

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Not sure if this has been posted yet but here is the definition of "Blue Dog"

The pic is of the dog from that hrc tweet.

Blue Dog

noun [ C ] POLITICS specialized (also blue dog)

UK/ˈblu ˌdɒɡ/ US/ˈblu ˌdɑːɡ/

in the US, a politician or voter who supports the Democratic party but is on the conservative side of the party:

She is a conservative Blue Dog Democrat who cannot be counted on to vote the party line.

He was an Iraq war veteran and a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of self-identified Democratic moderates and conservatives.

These tax measures caused problems with the blue dogs on Capitol Hill.


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e031b9 No.142185

File: 51d369d7f2a5ab1⋯.png (51.85 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616491 (130058ZNOV20) Notable: Boatfag

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RUBICON INTREPID is listed as an offshore supply vessel AND an Offshore Terminal. No idea what she is a terminal for, rather far out from what it looks. Weird shit out there on the waves.

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e031b9 No.142186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616493 (130058ZNOV20) Notable: HAMMER AND SCORECARD HUGE!!!!

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bug habbenings today, senpai

do you have a favorite HAMMER ready for our bid days ahead?

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e031b9 No.142187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616509 (130059ZNOV20) Notable: Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days

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Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days—Dr Robert Epstein

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times

255K subscribers

3,099 views•Premiered 57 minutes ago

If you have any tips / evidence of election fraud or irregularities, please email atl@epochtimes.nyc

During his 2020 election monitoring project, Dr. Robert Epstein found stark data showing Google election bias, he says, and he’s only just started to pore through all the data that was collected.

In this episode, Dr. Epstein, a Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, explains what he’s found so far, and why he believes the public has the ability to stop big tech election bias, even without legislative action.

This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.



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e031b9 No.142188

File: 2296538d07fea73⋯.png (1.38 MB,1160x1356,290:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616513 (130059ZNOV20) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany

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“You’ll be hearing from him at the right moment.”

WH press secretary


said the US will hear from President Trump sometime in the future “at the right moment” after he paused appearances and news conferences.


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e031b9 No.142189

File: 211d5f9bff02763⋯.png (449.47 KB,644x753,644:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616565 (130103ZNOV20) Notable: Life after Q anon (Yahoo news)

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We are the news..


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e031b9 No.142190

File: 0852c334b92c487⋯.png (194.47 KB,787x835,787:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616570 (130103ZNOV20) Notable: Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record

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Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record

Four years after signing the now-infamous “Never Trump” letter condemning then-presidential candidate Donald Trump as a danger to America, retiring diplomat Jim Jeffrey is recommending that the incoming Biden administration stick with Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East.

But even as he praises the president’s support of what he describes as a successful “realpolitik” approach to the region, he acknowledges that his team routinely misled senior leaders about troop levels in Syria.

“We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” Jeffrey said in an interview. The actual number of troops in northeast Syria is “a lot more than” the two hundred troops Trump agreed to leave there in 2019.

Trump’s abruptly-announced withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria remains perhaps the single-most controversial foreign policy move during his first years in office, and for Jeffrey, “the most controversial thing in my fifty years in government.” The order, first handed down in December 2018, led to the resignation of former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. It catapulted Jeffrey, then Trump’s special envoy for Syria, into the role of special envoy in the counter-ISIS fight when it sparked the protest resignation of his predecessor, Brett McGurk.



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e031b9 No.142191

File: 10331f8a4f3ddad⋯.png (101.48 KB,1200x490,120:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616571 (130103ZNOV20) Notable: CM Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow (yesterday)

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Anybody heard anything about this today?



Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow.

12:20 AM · Nov 12, 2020


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e031b9 No.142192

File: fdb26634cce72c0⋯.png (659.12 KB,602x584,301:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616576 (130104ZNOV20) Notable: Bill Maher, Anthony Scaramucci stand to cash in big on Mets sale

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Bill Maher, Anthony Scaramucci stand to cash in big on Mets sale


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e031b9 No.142193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616584 (130104ZNOV20) Notable: BIG: Maricopa County Republican chairman Rae Chornenky steps down

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BIG: Maricopa County Republican chairman Rae Chornenky steps down

PHOENIX ARIZONA — The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October. Maricopa is the ONLY county in AZ to use Dominion voting machines.

Rae Chornenky resigned Tuesday night, one week after Election Day, according to multiple sources in the Republican Party.

Chornenky's decision came just hours after a state legislator posted to Twitter saying Chornenky did not attend Maricopa County's Logic and Accuracy Test on October 6.

The Logic and Accuracy Test is a public event to demonstrate how voting machines worked and to verified they properly counted the ballots. Members of the Secretary of State's Office as wells as representatives of political parties are invited to attend.


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e031b9 No.142194

File: b3b6131f5fd0e79⋯.png (234.57 KB,535x542,535:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616600 (130106ZNOV20) Notable: Honorary starters, then rain, as 1st fall Masters begins

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The Masters Honorary Starters



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e031b9 No.142195

File: e75d5f7ca0d1058⋯.png (655.59 KB,678x483,226:161,Clipboard.png)

File: c88492a61fba57b⋯.png (28.39 KB,598x236,299:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 5252f3d58aa4051⋯.png (39.54 KB,598x373,598:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 38fcbf3decd3b26⋯.png (659.31 KB,1903x3592,1903:3592,Clipboard.png)

File: ff226806cf8681b⋯.png (30.4 KB,673x317,673:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616609 (130106ZNOV20) Notable: Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia

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Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia

Democrats are openly urging people to commit a form of voter fraud by temporarily “moving” to Georgia to vote for the two Democrat challengers in the state’s upcoming Senate runoff races. On Jan. 5, eligible voters will cast their votes for either incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue or his challenger Democrat Jon Ossoff and GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler or the other Democratic candidate, Raphael Warnock. Less than a week after the 2020 election and the announcement of the runoff, New York Times Columnist Tom Friedman encouraged leftists to take interest in the race by relocating to the state and voting for the two Democrat candidates. “I hope everybody moves to Georgia in the next month or two and registers to vote and votes for these two Democratic senators,” Friedman told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on-air Monday night.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang made a similar call to action just days before, saying that “the best thing” to do to help his former political rival would be a Democrat-controlled Senate. Yang encouraged his followers to help accomplish that by going to Georgia and voting for the Democrat candidates. “There should be a coordination of resources. Everyone who campaigned for Joe should get ready to head to Georgia. I’ll go,” he said. “It’s the only way to sideline Mitch and give Joe a unified government. There isn’t much time. The earliest date for absentee ballots to be mailed for the runoff is Nov. 18. The registration deadline is Dec. 7. The in-person early voting begins Dec. 14.” Shortly after his first battle cry, Yang announced that he and his wife Evelyn would be moving to the Peach State, asking for assistance from permanent Georgian residents to house volunteers. “Great news #yanggang – Evelyn and I are moving to Georgia to help @ossoff and @ReverendWarnock win!” he posted. “This is our only chance to clear Mitch out of the way and help Joe and Kamala get things done in the next 4 years. More details to come but let’s go!!!”

While the idea of moving to an entirely new state in the name of the “blue wave” might seem clever, experts have warned that it could be considered a form of voter fraud. Georgia law declares that anyone who is a “legal resident of the county” and fulfills all other requirements such as being a citizen and being old enough to vote is eligible to register to vote. To register, potential voters are required to provide either a Georgia driver’s license or a Social Security number and fill out a form online or in-person to send to the secretary of state by Dec. 7. It is, however, the Wall Street Journal noted, a felony to vote in Georgia if you are not a legal resident or only plan to be in the state temporarily for an election. “These are sensitive issues, and election officials are going to pay attention to what is happening,” Enrijeta Shino, a University of North Florida political science professor, told the WSJ. “People should be very careful about doing that.”

In Georgia, electors have an opportunity to challenge a potential voter’s eligibility for registration due to questions about their residency but must provide specific proof to back up the accusations. The process can also be long and drawn out, with hearings and subpoenas. Besides the legal issues, there is also the problem that people moving to a state merely to affect national elections show no commitment to the state and its people, which is the whole point of having two U.S. senators from each state in the first place. The senators are to represent their state’s interests, not the interests of out of staters who moved in to influence national politics. Moving to a state to influence national politics is a manipulation of the electoral process. Democrats, however, appear not to be worried about the ramifications of such potentially fraudulent votes on a local or state level. As Yang noted in his Twitter manifesto, the goal of electing both of the Democrat candidates to the Senate would ensure that leftists can accomplish their political agenda unchecked by Republicans, with potential vice president Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker.





Open plotting and scheming for the runoffs in January..Panic!

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e031b9 No.142196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616617 (130107ZNOV20) Notable: U.S. Department of State The Reagan Legacy and Promise of America (0:55)

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U.S. Department of State

The Reagan Legacy and Promise of America

Nov 12, 2020

Secretary Pompeo: America will overcome any challenge, from Communist China to the terrorist regime in Tehran. That’s what free people do. We come together, we solve problems, and we execute our foreign policy, confident that we are that shining city on a hill.



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e031b9 No.142197

File: f879299102f832e⋯.jpg (272.67 KB,1172x830,586:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616618 (130107ZNOV20) Notable: Boatfag

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PhilAnon here

That spot looks to be off the shelf, and not an island or seamount. Oil platform?

Duterte has been very weak in the last 2 years regarding China, so if they were that close to Coron it would not be a surprise.

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e031b9 No.142198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616659 (130110ZNOV20) Notable: LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/12/20

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🔴LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/12/20

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e031b9 No.142199

File: 3e23fed9b8b40fb⋯.png (137.94 KB,680x553,680:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616700 (130112ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Officials Rush to Fix Error in Voting Computers

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Dominion experience a "glitch" in September just before early voting was going to start.

Required the software to be "replaced"

Issue wouldn't show 2nd column of Senate Candidates

Voting machines run on Android

who the hell is this?

Pro V&V,

Pro V&V,

Georgia Officials Rush to Fix Error in Voting Computers

Georgia election officials told a federal judge that they’ll quickly correct a problem with touchscreen voting computers that left off the names of some of the 21 candidates in a special election for the U.S. Senate.

by Mark Niesse, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution / September 29, 2020

(TNS) — Georgia election officials told a federal judge Monday that they’ll quickly correct a problem with touchscreen voting computers that left off the names of some of the 21 candidates in a special election for the U.S. Senate.

But attorneys suing the state government said they’re alarmed by technical difficulties so close to the time in-person early voting begins on Oct. 12. They want the government to replace the touchscreens with paper ballots filled out by hand.

Software on the state’s 30,000-plus touchscreens will be replaced to prevent an issue where the second column of U.S. Senate candidates sometimes didn’t appear. Those candidates included Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrats Matt Lieberman, Ed Tarver and Raphael Warnock. Another Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, wasn’t affected because his name appeared in the first column.

“The plaintiffs are flagging this as some apocalyptic scenario on social media, and it’s not. This is a very minor issue,” said Bryan Tyson, an attorney for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The issue, discovered last week during pre-election equipment testing in Douglas and Richmond counties, occurred when the second column of candidates didn’t appear because of a technical problem with how touchscreens communicated with their underlying Android operating system, said Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems. He said the problem only happened rarely, when users made selections in a specific pattern.

David Cross, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said making a critical software change shows that the state’s voting technology is vulnerable to problems.

“This is far bigger than we originally thought,” Cross told U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg. “It’s hard to imagine a more concerning scenario.”

He said the software upgrade is being made without adequate security testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. But Coomer said the change is minor and doesn’t require recertification.

Election officials halted testing in the 77 counties where it had begun after they learned about the problem, said Gabriel Sterling, statewide voting system implementation manager.

New software will be distributed to county election offices on USB drives,and then they’ll be responsible for installing it on touchscreens as part of the testing process. A company reviewing the new software, Pro V&V, could give its approval by Tuesday, Sterling said.

The problem with the U.S. Senate race didn’t affect absentee ballots, which are already being returned to election officials.

©2020 The Atlanta Journal-Constitutio

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e031b9 No.142200

File: 725020e497253c4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1502x745,1502:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616705 (130112ZNOV20) Notable: Honorary starters, then rain, as 1st fall Masters begins

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Honorary starters, then rain, as 1st fall Masters begins

AUGUSTA, Ga. — (AP) — Umbrellas replaced azaleas and the whirring of a drone filled in for the chirping of springtime birds on Thursday when the first fall Masters teed off at Augusta National.

Darkness and drizzle greeted Hall of Famers Gary Player and Jack Nicklaus for the honorary opening tee shots in the early dawn hours of the tournament, which was postponed from April because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I was pleased it was dark, because you didn’t see where my ball went,” Nicklaus told reporters afterward.

The ceremony is usually a fan favorite at Augusta, with crowds waiting for the gates to open and then rushing to find a spot along the first tee box and fairway. No fans are allowed at this year’s event except for the players’ significant others and coaches, along with Augusta National members.

That meant only a few hundred people huddled under green and white umbrellas — wearing masks but largely ignoring the 6-foot social distancing requirements — were there to see the men who have combined to play in the Masters 97 times. Nicklaus won six times, Player three.

Normally a rite of spring, the Masters has a different look and feel this year, given the move to November. The course’s iconic azaleas have withered, and without large galleries the tournament has replaced the usual rope boundaries with green lines painted on the grass.

The shorter daytime — the sun will set more than 2½ hours earlier than in April — forced organizers to adjust the tee times, and that left Nicklaus and Player in a foggy gloam. A drone TV camera, allowed for the first time this year, also seemed out of place at the usually staid golf club.

The COVID-19 protocols prevented Nicklaus from bringing one of his grandchildren to caddie for him, like he usually does. So he turned instead to his wife, Barbara, who donned the traditional one-piece, white coveralls.

“I don’t think I can afford to get home after her fee,” Nicklaus joked.

The rain intensified shortly after the ceremony and play was suspended because of lightning in the area after only three groups had teed off. Because of the early sunset, players started on both the front and back nines.

Sandy Lyle, the 1988 champion, was among the early starters at No. 10. After teeing off, he peered into the fog clinging to the fairways, turned to the sparse crowd and said, “Where did it go?”




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e031b9 No.142201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616742 (130114ZNOV20) Notable: FEMALE filling out ballot after ballot by hand, stamping them, putting them in a pile then getting another Rise / repeat

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Not sure if you guys have seen this video. It's very very clear the girl is filling out ballot after ballot by hand, stamping them, putting them in a pile then getting another. Rise/repeat. It's sign in only so I put it on NSFWyoutube but will try to embed it by removing NSFW. I cant find any more info right now. Assuming cloak and dagger posting for safety and that it's already been sent to Trump.

If you C&P this link you don't have to sign in. Just in case embed doesn't work&hellip;.embed won't work. sorry. but worth the C&P&hellip;..



Re-General Miley&hellip;..he's bent af. I thought you guys knew that from his mea culpa video post march to the church.

Timber folks, they're falling 1 by 1.

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e031b9 No.142202

File: 15b813e2d17804a⋯.jpeg (520.47 KB,1080x1523,1080:1523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616750 (130115ZNOV20) Notable: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

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Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election


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e031b9 No.142203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616801 (130118ZNOV20) Notable: Valerie Boyd (CISA) was exec secretary of Obama's NSC between 2009-2016

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Valerie Boyd (CISA) was exec secretary of Obama's NSC between 2009-2016.

Before CISA, Bryan Ware was CEO and Chief Tech Officer for Haystax Technology.

Haystax supplied technology called 'Carbon' to Obama's 'National Insider Threat Taskforce' &ndash; run by Clapper as ODNI.

Carbon allowed Obama to target opponents and whistleblowers.


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e031b9 No.142204

File: 0467a18c648bb70⋯.png (135.57 KB,703x578,703:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616820 (130119ZNOV20) Notable: Conservative social media darling Parler discovers that free speech is messy

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Anyone know if creepy parler ever changed its TOS so users aren't shafted for "any legal costs that Parler incurs because of their posts."

Pretty sure that sticking their users for Parler's problems isn't "messy" &hellip;. that's closer to extortion. Also, why was Bongino ok with that oppressive TOS inclusion?


Conservative social media darling Parler discovers that free speech is messy

By Danielle Abril

July 1, 2020 1:00 PM MDT

"Although growing quickly, Parler isn't much of a business. It survives mostly from the undisclosed amount of money it raised from private investors including conservative commentator Dan Bongino. Recently, the company started testing ads on its service, but it doesn’t make much cash from them.

"In the meantime, Matze said he plans to tweak some of his site's rules that some critics have said are anti-free speech. For example, he promised to adjust language in the site's terms of service that put users on the hook for any legal costs that Parler incurs because of their posts."


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e031b9 No.142205

File: f0f39c2b2cf3a34⋯.png (29.26 KB,647x889,647:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616824 (130120ZNOV20) Notable: qalerts offline?

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e031b9 No.142206

File: dbbce038f053f2f⋯.jpg (533.26 KB,1796x2436,449:609,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99cda18d8cfa12d⋯.png (110.4 KB,898x1244,449:622,Clipboard.png)

File: ad356358dc72fc5⋯.png (106.61 KB,898x1184,449:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616828 (130120ZNOV20) Notable: Beto O'Rourke blames 'powerful memes' and Democratic incompetence for 'incredible performance' of Trump among Mexican-Americans

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Beto O'Rourke blames 'powerful memes' and Democratic incompetence for 'incredible performance' of Trump among Mexican-Americans

Former Texas legislator and failed U.S. Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke blamed "powerful memes" and the incompetence of the national Democratic party when assessing the "incredible performance" of Republicans in his state.

"The asymmetrical advantage that Trump and the GOP had this cycle in Texas is far more powerful than many of us understood. And I think it begins to explain Republicans' incredible performance on Tuesday night," wrote O'Rourke.

He went on to say that the Democratic ticket increased turnout, but did not make "a meaningful investment" in the state and blamed the national party for "ignoring" the border state.

O'Rourke said that the GOP had an "effective disinformation campaign via text and social media," and this along with Democratic incompetence helped "to explain Trump's phenomenal performance in Texas border counties, counties that happen to be 85% to 95% Mexican-American."

Powerful memes

O'Rourke cited failures of Democrats on social media as well.

"We have to be far more effective on digital and social media. The anecdotal takeaway from those I've listened to, especially in border communities, is that Trump/GOP had a ferocious game (lies and powerful memes, effective targeting of new and young voters) and we had none," he wrote.

O'Rourke also said that Republicans had a "far more compelling economic message," but claimed it was "not an honest one or better in terms of policy, but simpler, more emotional and more compelling."

"None of this is easy," he concluded. "But it's doable if we decided that we're willing to put in the work, if we're willing to believe in ourselves and act our faith."

O'Rourke said in a video released about the election that he was disappointed by the performance of Democrats in Texas.



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e031b9 No.142207

File: b9e4e34216d3743⋯.png (570.18 KB,654x436,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616830 (130120ZNOV20) Notable: Justice Dept. Calls Epstein's 2008 Deal 'Poor Judgment'

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Justice Dept. Calls Epstein's 2008 Deal 'Poor Judgment'

But it finds no misconduct on the part of former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, then a prosecutor

A Justice Department report has found that former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta exercised “poor judgment” in handling an investigation into wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein when he was a top federal prosecutor in Florida, per the AP. The report is a culmination of an investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility over Acosta’s handling of a secret plea deal with Epstein, who had been accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls. Under the 2008 non-prosecution agreement—also known as an NPA—Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges in Florida of soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution. That allowed him to avert a possible life sentence and instead serve 13 months in a work-release program. He also was required to make payments to victims and register as a sex offender.

The investigation centered on two aspects of the Epstein case—whether prosecutors erred or committed misconduct by resolving the allegations through a non-prosecution agreement, and also whether they mishandled interactions with victims in the case. The report concludes that none of the attorneys committed misconduct in their interactions with the victims because there was no “clear and unambiguous duty” to consult with victims before entering into the non-prosecution agreement. Epstein was later charged by federal prosecutors in Manhattan for nearly identical allegations in 2019, but he took his own life while in federal custody as he awaited trial. The Justice Department’s internal probe concluded that Acosta’s “decision to resolve the federal investigation through the NPA constitutes poor judgment.”


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e031b9 No.142208

File: 7c2b7d2f541d0ac⋯.png (588.01 KB,1847x829,1847:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616836 (130121ZNOV20) Notable: 22 Blackhawks up right now! Most this planefag has ever seen at once

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22 Blackhawks up right now!

Most this planefag has ever seen at once.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142209

File: f7b63b5e8c27a2a⋯.png (39.2 KB,527x405,527:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616838 (130121ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown

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Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown.

Who is he? He's the best friend of George Soros.

No, I'm not kidding.



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e031b9 No.142210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11616977 (130131ZNOV20) Notable: #14831

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>>142209 Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown

>>142208 22 Blackhawks up right now! Most this planefag has ever seen at once

>>142207 Justice Dept. Calls Epstein's 2008 Deal 'Poor Judgment'

>>142206 Beto O'Rourke blames 'powerful memes' and Democratic incompetence for 'incredible performance' of Trump among Mexican-Americans

>>142205 qalerts offline?

>>142204 Conservative social media darling Parler discovers that free speech is messy

>>142203 Valerie Boyd (CISA) was exec secretary of Obama's NSC between 2009-2016

>>142202 Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

>>142201 FEMALE filling out ballot after ballot by hand, stamping them, putting them in a pile then getting another Rise / repeat

>>142200 , >>142194, Honorary starters, then rain, as 1st fall Masters begins

>>142199 Georgia Officials Rush to Fix Error in Voting Computers

>>142198 LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/12/20

>>142196 U.S. Department of State The Reagan Legacy and Promise of America (0:55)

>>142195 Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia

>>142193 BIG: Maricopa County Republican chairman Rae Chornenky steps down

>>142192 Bill Maher, Anthony Scaramucci stand to cash in big on Mets sale

>>142191 CM Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow (yesterday)

>>142190 Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record

>>142188 Kayleigh McEnany

>>142187 Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days


>>142185 , >>142197, Boatfag

>>142184 Blue Dog COMMS?

>>142183 Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

>>142182 PF

>>142181 CM tweet to Rudy offering to brief him on the DOMINION Voting System (yesterday)

>>142180 SPECIAL THANKS to The New York Times for Accidentally Providing the Data that Will Bring Down Biden and CRACK THE BIGGEST VOTE FRAUD IN HISTORY

>>142179 Indiana joining in lawsuit over absentee ballots

>>142177 Rudy Giuliani on Election Fraud vid

>>142176 , >>142189, Life after Q anon (Yahoo news)

>>142175 Disney reports quarterly loss of $710 million

>>142174 , >>142178 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142173 Federal Election Commission Chair Calls Election ‘Illegitimate’ Due To Voter Fraud



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142211

File: 5119d70092aefa1⋯.png (106.26 KB,1076x571,1076:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617067 (130136ZNOV20) Notable: CM - CodeMonkey strikes again!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Late entry in last bread. Reposting here.

CM - CodeMonkey strikes again!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617073 (130136ZNOV20) Notable: LUDE Media Live now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LUDE Media Live now.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142213

File: d1d95dba6bddb85⋯.jpeg (326.45 KB,1241x1650,1241:1650,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617075 (130136ZNOV20) Notable: Bartoromo post from Parler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here’s the sauce on the Bartoromo post from Parler https://parler.com/post/622fa2bae44e4cf49e9c495cc021cb95

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e031b9 No.142214

File: e0e1b65e5f7a634⋯.png (35.2 KB,748x409,748:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617078 (130137ZNOV20) Notable: Joseph J Flynn He brought down the mob in NYC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joseph J Flynn


He brought down the mob in NYC what makes you think he can’t bring these knuckleheads down?



· 41m

Rudy Giuliani Says 650,000 Votes Were Illegally Counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/rudy-giuliani-says-650000-votes-illegally-counted-philadelphia-pittsburgh/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

via @gatewaypundit

7:12 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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e031b9 No.142215

File: 1a8e206ca3e42a9⋯.png (359.04 KB,602x579,602:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617089 (130137ZNOV20) Notable: Fire crews respond to Beverly Hills home of Denzel Washington

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Shit wrong pic my bad


Fire crews respond to Beverly Hills home of Denzel Washington

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142216

File: 9a375d8dc52632e⋯.png (481.92 KB,978x654,163:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 31be6d8d998ca3e⋯.png (178.38 KB,531x373,531:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617093 (130138ZNOV20) Notable: PF Topcat7 big loop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



big loop

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e031b9 No.142217

File: a7ea4665cfbd2d4⋯.png (466.15 KB,1919x969,101:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617103 (130138ZNOV20) Notable: PF Maybe nothing, but: 4 BHs in holding pattern over Ft Carson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maybe nothing, but: 4 BHs in holding pattern over Ft. Carson after scouting Pueblo Chemical depot

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142218

File: b146173234f9372⋯.jpg (41.17 KB,540x446,270:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617115 (130139ZNOV20) Notable: Tomorrow is Friday the 13th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tomorrow is

Friday the 13th

A very bad day for the deep state

At high noon in michigan a verdict will come out.

The audit and hand recount will occur.

Every single state after this will go through an audit.

Archive it all for the histo reeeeeee books.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142219

File: bfa230e51f1ea7b⋯.png (385.74 KB,984x602,492:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617119 (130139ZNOV20) Notable: PF Topcat7 big loop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


was there

then gone!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617134 (130141ZNOV20) Notable: Bartoromo post from Parler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Posted this before - it was ignored.

Found on WL under “Smartmatic” search:

&ndash;Smartmatic originates from Venezuela, clearly shady as hell.


&ndash;Using statistical analyses, the report alleges that some 2.5 million votes were manipulated during the referendum to reverse what should have been an opposition victory. The report documents irregular patterns in data transmission in voting machines where Chavez won, implying that the National Electoral Council (CNE) remotely changed the votes recorded on the machines.


&ndash;Satellite connected

4. (C) Although the machines are supposed to be off-line, thus preventing the CNE from tracking voters, Marquez said that the machines could possibly be accessed remotely. He noted that the government has been installing satellites dishes possibly with help from former CNE President Jorge Rodriguez in various neighborhoods as part of its program to make the internet more accessible (FYI - part of the CARES Act includes “emergency” funding to do exactly this). Many of the new satellite dishes, however, are near voting centers and Marquez opined that they could be used to connect and collect voting data from the machines. He thought Rodriguez might be setting up a situation room to coordinate such a collection effort and track voting results.


&ndash;Audit of Smartmatic Voting Machines DENIED

The Smartmatic computers used since 2004 are more than suspect. The least the NEC could do in order to build confidence in the system is to allow for the auditing the opposition requests. The NEC has systematically denied full audits.


&ndash;Voter fraud – same anomalies we’re seeing


&ndash;General proof we are turning into Venezuela


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e031b9 No.142221

File: 62d983ea7f6ff02⋯.png (303.93 KB,712x385,712:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617146 (130141ZNOV20) Notable: CM' Going to tell Chanel Rion all about it today in a video interview. 6:18 PM · Nov 12, 2020 pt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Medium star

Medium star

Medium star




There is a possible election machine scenario that I just discovered which is absolutely mindbogglingly nefarious. Its the biggest and easiest potential method for operators of Dominion software to throw a vote.

Going to tell @ChanelRion all about it today in a video interview.

6:18 PM · Nov 12, 2020 pt

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e031b9 No.142222

File: 0bb6660a37d5149⋯.jpg (52.11 KB,899x306,899:306,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617172 (130143ZNOV20) Notable: Maria Baritromo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maria Baritromo

Massive national security issues. Massive.

I'm told dirty Venezuelan and Cuba money behind Dominion.

The software also has components from China.

This is about to explode


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e031b9 No.142223

File: 48b2d4a0b0ba695⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,255x234,85:78,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617176 (130143ZNOV20) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>142199 PB

>>>/qresearch/11616898 PB

>>142210 pb

late but here ya go


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e031b9 No.142224

File: 5c69e4444b903f7⋯.jpeg (321.51 KB,1125x908,1125:908,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617190 (130144ZNOV20) Notable: Booms enroute Kayleigh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Booms enroute

NEW affidavits filed in Pennsylvania, including texts & emails show that voters in Democrat-leaning counties were notified to fix their mail-in ballots whereas Republican-leaning ones were not‼️

I will provide the newest affidavits and updates to Sean Hannity at 9 pm ET!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142225

File: 6dd657ee468faf2⋯.png (398.63 KB,901x583,17:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617208 (130145ZNOV20) Notable: PF Skull Punisher? 71 17 Q

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now thats interesting

Skull Punisher?

71 17 Q


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e031b9 No.142226

File: 1358ff7a20442e2⋯.png (1.07 MB,1911x947,1911:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617210 (130145ZNOV20) Notable: PF THIS IS A LOT OF HELOS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Don't think I have seen this many rotary wings up at one time ever - and no ' I do not have Persist' on&hellip;.

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e031b9 No.142227

File: 54b65acccaaefa9⋯.png (415.26 KB,904x597,904:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617221 (130146ZNOV20) Notable: PF ASTL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142228

File: 7c4b70454d8d2eb⋯.png (409.42 KB,746x484,373:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617223 (130146ZNOV20) Notable: Booms enroute Kayleigh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


God Bless Kayleigh

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e031b9 No.142229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617231 (130146ZNOV20) Notable: 20,000 Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots have "Impossible" Return Dates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20,000 Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots have "Impossible" Return Dates

12,277 views•Nov 12, 2020

Ben Swann

Reports of Election Fraud across Pennsylvania are staggering, from allegations of people as old as 200 years old voting, to more than 100,000 ballots have return dates that raise questions and 20,000 that have return dates that are impossible.


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e031b9 No.142230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617237 (130147ZNOV20) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TY anon! Added.



This file will be continuously updated.

170. Georgia Officials Rush to Fix Error in Voting Computers - https://www.govtech.com/elections/Georgia-Officials-Rush-to-Fix-Error-in-Voting-Computers.html

169. One America News Network full report on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD - https://youtu.be/KeD69SD-tus

168. Indiana AG Curtis Hill joins Pennsylvania lawsuit over absentee ballots - https://www.wrtv.com/news/election-2020/indiana-elections/indiana-ag-curtis-hill-joins-pennsylvania-lawsuit-over-absentee-ballots

167. Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days - https://youtu.be/zKy9HLeh-hU

166. Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia - https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/11/democrats-openly-urge-people-to-commit-voter-fraud-by-temporarily-moving-to-georgia/

165. IT expert finds multitude of ‘flaws’ in Dominion Voting Systems solutions allowing easy manipulation of vote tallies - https://noqreport.com/2020/11/12/it-expert-finds-multitude-of-flaws-in-dominion-voting-systems-solutions-allowing-easy-manipulation-of-vote-tallies/

164. Voter Fraud Issue Report Form - https://defendyourballot.formstack.com/forms/voter_fraud

163. Dominion Voting Systems has ties to globalist World Economic Forum, Soros - https://www.worldviewweekend.com/news/article/dominion-voting-systems-firm-center-election-fraud-claims-has-ties-globalist-world

162. Dominion Denies Any Wrongdoing re: Election Fraud - https://twitter.com/dominionvoting/status/1326948618419523584

161. Evidence of Mass Corruption - https://gellerreport.com/2020/11/mass-compilation-of-voter-fraud html/

160. Dominion Voter Fraud in the Millions – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/trump-drops-bomb-exactly-gateway-pundit-reporting-dominion-caught-voter-fraud-millions/

159. Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/happening-trump-campaign-attorney-points-dominion-fraud-communist-china-materially-interfered-election-truth/

158. Texas Governor offers $1M reward for evidence/prosecution of election fraud - https://www.theblaze.com/news/texas-lt-gov-patrick-reward-voter-fraud

157. Top election official Trey Trainor: in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate” - https://thegoptimes.com/chair-of-the-federal-election-commission-drops-bombshell-announcement/

156. Texas election fraud research document - https://twitter.com/pepesgrandma/status/1325203412716154882

155. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud – http://www.madnesshub.com/2020/11/watch-rnc-chair-ronna-mcdaniel-says-she.html

154. Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden - https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/12/lawsuit-claims-40000-plus-fraudulent-ballots-pumped-through-detroit-for-joe-biden/

153. Blagojevich: Are the Dems stealing votes in Pennsylvania? Is the Pope Catholic? It’s a time-honored tradition in Democratically controlled cities like Chicago, my home town, and Philadelphia, to do precisely what they are doing now - https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/us-election-2020-viral-twitter-theories-flourish-as-trump-campaign-claims-statistical-evidence-of-fraud/news-story/f9ef8c197e73a740b9e0e281fab409e2

152. 20,000 Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots have "Impossible" Return Dates - https://youtu.be/FQK_3nkwQg8 - https://youtu.be/E3OjYbBm2Mo

151. Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit - https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/thuammultiple-michigan-residents-swear-under-oath-they-witnessed

150. Internet-Connected Election Systems Found in 10 U.S. States - https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/internet-connected-election-systems-found-in-10-u-s-states/

149. Dominion Voting Systems denies financial relationship with Dianne Feinstein's husband - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/dominion-voting-systems-denies-financial-relationship-with-dianne-feinsteins-husband - https://factcheck.thedispatch.com/p/fact-check-explaining-the-false-allegations

148. Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack - https://noqreport.com/2020/11/11/data-deep-dive-on-dominion-voting-systems-offers-incontrovertible-proof-of-election-hack/

147. Connecticut GOP Lawmaker Discovered Winner After Race Called for Democrat - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/11/connecticut-gop-lawmaker-discovered-winner-after-race-called-for-democrat/

146. Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections Votes to Count Undated Ballots – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/insane-pennsylvanias-allegheny-county-board-elections-votes-count-undated-ballots/

145. MIT PhD Analysis Reveals 138,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden in Michigan - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/mit-phd-analysis-reveals-138000-votes-switched-trump-biden-michigan-must-see-video/

144. Dominion Voting Systems are hackable, their own manual explains how - https://twitter.com/JPMediaBoss/status/1326360346617995265

143. Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date - https://www.theepochtimes.com/pennsylvania-100000-ballots-with-implausible-return-dates_3572942.html

142. MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk

141. Over 10,000 dead people voted in Michigan - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/10000-dead-people-returned-mail-in-ballots-in-michigan-analysis-shows_3573209.html

140. ‘BREATHTAKING ABUSE’: Republican Attorneys General file amicus brief urging SCOTUS to rule on Pennsylvania mail-in ballots - https://twitter.com/greggjarrett/status/1326250909282742276?s=21

139. Stunning Sworn Affidavit From Former MI Asst. AG: Election Worker Assigned New Names To Voters When It Appeared Absentee Ballot Was From Person Who Already Voted - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/stunning-sworn-affidavit-former-mi-asst-ag-election-worker-assigned-new-names-voters-appeared-absentee-ballot-person-already-voted/

138. Ten State Attorneys General Join Suit Against Pennsylvania Where Individuals Were Allowed to Vote Three Days After the Election - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/ten-state-attorney-generals-join-suit-pennsylvania-individuals-allowed-vote-three-days-election/

137. Mathematical evidence the election was stolen - https://www.wnd.com/2020/11/mathematical-evidence-election-stolen/

136. Ex-Michigan Deputy Attorney General Alleges Detroit Counters Assigned Fraudulent Ballots to Non-Voters - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/09/ex-michigan-deputy-attorney-general-alleges-detroit-counters-assigned-fraudulent-ballots-to-non-voters/

135. Full Maidengate vote fraud thread…get it before Twitter crushes it - https://twitter.com/BrianTh37895972/status/1326155244707917826

134. "Amazing: Delaware County, PA mail-in ballot count increased by 14,000 over several days with no explanation according to new federal lawsuit…."https://twitter.com/TomFitton/status/1325962689483517952

133. More “Glitches” in PA: Votes for Trump Drop Simultaneously in 3 Counties As If Coordinated - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/glitches-pennsylvania-votes-trump-drop-three-different-counties-time-period-almost-coordinated/

132. Dominion Voting Systems - forensics and suspicions of nefarious web presence - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1325129915709104129.html

131. @mschlapp says 9,000 non-Nevadans casts ballots in the Battle Born State - https://twitter.com/Wizard_Predicts/status/1325581637317496832

130. Former Nevada Attorney General @AdamLaxalt: Some 200,000 ballots in Clark County not verified by human - https://twitter.com/Wizard_Predicts/status/1325584074837274625

129. Richard Baris: 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in MI - https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1325580085215236097

128. Whistleblower saw suspicious activity (Biden/Harris Van full of ballots) at Nevada voting center - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PxpZPmklIk

127. BREAKING: City government whistleblower in contact with FBI alleging backdating ballots in Michigan – https://youtu.be/5JUZAwPHxwc

126. Trump team says over 600,000 mail-in ballots were cast in Nevada and GOP observers have yet to lay eyes on a single voter roll signature or envelope signature for those ballots - https://twitter.com/Wizard_Predicts/status/1325579296354803712

125. Sidney Powell: People with links to powerful Democrats using Dominion voting machines to 'steal' votes – https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/sidney-powell-people-with-links-to-powerful-democrats-using-dominion-voting-machines-to-steal-votes

124. Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: “I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers” - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/self-described-dem-party-worker-detroit-resident-brags-facebook-work-wayne-co-mi-threw-every-trump-ballot-saw-tens-thousands-co-worke/

123. 2019 study: 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties had voter registration rates exceeding 100% of eligible citizen voting-age population - https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/co-voter-rolls/

122. First-Hand Account Of Election Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want Us To See What Was Happening’ - https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/06/election-fraud-in-detroit-they-did-not-want-us-to-see-what-was-happening/

121. Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots - https://nationalfile.com/report-wisconsin-election-clerks-tampered-with-thousands-of-ballots/

120. Philly poll watcher not allowed to view ballots (vid) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxusmWuGmZk

119. Trump campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/rudy-giuliani-trump-campaign-has-enough-evidence-to-change-pennsylvania-election-results

118. Carrollton, TX mayor candidate arrested and charged with voter fraud - https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/08/voting-fraud-arrest-carrollton/

117. Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue’ with Ballot Reporting - https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/08/investigators-dispatched-after-fulton-county-discovers-issue-ballot-reporting/

116. Biden's lead in Georgia could be significantly affected due to a reporting error in Fulton County. - https://rfangle.com/politics/reporting-issue-in-georgia-could-significantly-affect-biden-lead/

115. Dominion Voting Software, suspicions of fraud - https://twitter.com/We_Have_Risen/status/1325129915709104129

114. Dominion leak backup link - https://archive.is/MhzP6

113. Removed

112. Dominion additional info - https://twitter.com/Johnheretohelp/status/1325108830737412096

111. 3 out-of-state vehicles delivered ballots to Detroit vote-count sites during middle of night - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/felt-like-drug-deal-asian-american-ballot-observer-detroit-describes-mysterious-van dropping-off-61-boxes-ballots-4-video/

110. Another election computer glitch in Michigan reversed as Republican declared belated winner - https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1325243227419635712

109. Federal Investigators arrive in Michigan After Voter Fraud Allegation Video Goes Viral - https://twitter.com/RealMattCouch/status/1324937031001235456

108. 170-year-olds voting in Allegheny County, PA - https://twitter.com/raheemkassam/status/1324812015735549953?s=21

107. Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Video of Philly ‘Volunteers’ Busted Handling Absentee Ballots in Counting Center Basement - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/watch-trumps-director-election-day-operations-tweets-video-philly-volunteers-busted-handling-absentee-ballots-counting-center-basement/

106. More 90-year-olds registered to vote in one year, during a pandemic, than at any point in Pennsylvania history - https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1324783040787144705

105. Navy ballots found in a dumpster - https://twitter.com/ogpoorrichard/status/1324849676907171841?s=20 more garbage ballots

104. Watchdog Finds 21,000 Dead Registrants on PA Voter Rolls in Final Weeks of Election - https://freebeacon.com/2020-election/watchdog-finds-21000-dead-registrants-on-pa-voter-rolls-in-final-weeks-of-election/

103. Georgia: Trump ballots in dumpster - https://rumble.com/vayhgw-voter-fraud-in-georgia-trump-ballots-in-the-dumpster.html

102. Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch - https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1324810144241324037

101. Michigan GOP: Software That Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in One County Used in 47 Counties - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/michigan-gop-software-stole-6000-votes-trump-one-county-used-47-counties/, https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1324793898724720646

100. Ballots turned in without names - https://twitter.com/MarkDice/status/1324195804110680065

99. Las Vegas: ballots loose, misdelivered, in trash, on top of mailboxes, on the ground, bad rolls - but Clark County won't allow observation or challenging of signatures - https://twitter.com/AdamLaxalt/status/1323300475093966850, https://twitter.com/jbinnall/status/1323325653005996032

98. Project Veritas: 2nd PA Postal Worker testimony re: backdating of ballots (vid) - https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1324795336909557762, https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1324787243135938570

97. Preliminary statistical analysis of Philadelphia shows vote totals are “as if someone flipped a coin 100 times and got heads every time" - https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1324767712846008325

96. FEC Chair Trey Trainor to Newsmax TV: Voter Fraud Is Taking Place - https://www.wtma.com/news/trey-trainor-to-newsmax-tv-voter-fraud-is-taking-place/

95. Enormous open thread documenting evidence of voter fraud - https://twitter.com/VeritasTXgem/status/1324768038198091776

94. Milwaukee's sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation - https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/milwaukees-sky-high-voter-turnout-prompts-lawsuit-seeking-explanation

93. Federal Election Commission Chair Trey Trainor Believes Voter Fraud is Taking Place in States Still Counting ballots - https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1324785959871959040

92. Counting New Ballots After Election Day Conflicts with Federal Law - https://www.judicialwatch.org/videos/counting-new-ballots/

91. Computer error led Oakland County officials to give victory to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later - https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2020/11/06/oakland-county-election-2020-race-results/6184186002/

90. Poll Counter Caught Filling Out Multiple Ballots on LIVE FEED Video in Pennsylvania - https://thedcpatriot.com/watch-poll-counter-caught-filling-out-multiple-ballots-on-live-feed-video-in-pennsylvania/

89. Giant list of dead PA voters who mailed votes - https://data.pa.gov/Government-Eff, https://twitter.com/TonyToez/status/1324717894597574657

88. Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/05/lawsuit-at-least-21k-dead-people-on-pennsylvania-voter-rolls/

87. Delaware County, PA Nov 5 at 9PM Eastern - https://twitter.com/Alam_3546/status/1324563597091958785

86. Lawyers for Trump video'd suspicious activity at a Detroit vote-counting center; in darkness, vans & cars delivered unidentified boxes into secured vote-counting rooms - https://youtu.be/Yh7h3w75D8U

85. DOJ Arrests U.S. Postal Worker at Canadian Border With Stolen Ballots In Car Trunk; Postal Worker Arrested And Charged With Failing To Deliver Over 800 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/postal-worker-arrested-and-charged-failing-deliver-over-800-pieces-mail-which-included

84. Philadelphia total votes counted goes from 94% of vote, down to 90% - It's called cheating! - https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1324570050326597633

83. Michigan Poll Watcher Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud - all voter birthdays Jan. 1, 1900 - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/exclusive-poll-watcher-michigan-kicked-detroit-hall-not-obtained-evidence-potential-fraud/

82. Vid of poll worker filling out ballots in Philly - https://twitter.com/realhirsty/status/1324502096956301312?s=21 tweet unavailable

81. Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Posts Video of Philly Post Office Continuing to Collect Ballots After Election Day - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/trumps-director-election-day-operations-posts-video-philly-post-office-continuing-collect-ballots-election-day-watch/

80. Nevada Republican Party: “Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially.” - https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1324517399698264064

79. At least 3,000 unauthorized votes found in Clark County, Nevada by a law firm representing Trump campaign in comparing the election roll with national change-of-address file - https://twitter.com/johnrobertsFox/status/1324509478138597377

78. 350,000 Dead people found on voter rolls in 40 states 1 month before election - https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/16/watchdog-finds-50000-double-voters-350000-dead/

77. Judicial watch finds 1.8 Million ghost voters in 29 states - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/20/judicial-watch-finds-18-million-ghost-voters-in-29/

76. Dead people in Michigan found voting via absentee ballots - https://swarajyamag.com/insta/us-presidential-polls-dead-people-allegedly-found-to-have-cast-votes-via-absentee-ballot-in-michigan

75. Michigan USPS whistle blower details hand stamping late backdated ballots - https://youtu.be/fS6xOuhsiJw

74. Memory Sticks to program voting machines stolen from Philadelphia election warehouse - https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/philadelphia-election-trump-equipment-stolen-usb-laptop-20200930.html

73. 18 Stolen Ballots found "under a rock" in West valley field, Phoenix, Arizona - https://ktar.com/story/3673586/18-stolen-mail-in-ballots-found-in-west-valley-field-returned-to-voters/

72. USPS disreguards order to sweep facilities with police to find unprocessed ballots after USPS confirms 300,000 ballots unaccounted for nationwide - https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/03/election-ballot-delays-usps/?outputType=amp

71. Neighbors in Colorado Springs report car stealing ballots from mail boxes - https://krdo.com/news/2020/10/14/mail-in-ballots-stolen-from-colorado-springs-neighborhood/

70. Mail and ballots found dumped in Nampa Idaho Store Parking lot - https://www.ktvb.com/mobile/article/news/crime/nampa-police-department-report-rise-in-mail-thefts-residential/277-076da88e-4319-4b36-a056-7843e21c7e47

69. Ballots stolen from mail boxes in Norwalk, CT - https://www.thehour.com/news/article/USPS-investigates-theft-of-absentee-ballots-in-15648784.php

68. Numerous houses in Lane County, Oregon neighborhood have ballots stolen from mail boxes - https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/2020/10/21/mail-theft-north-eugene-causes-ballot-security-concerns-election-2020/5999884002/

67. Tucson, AZ resident has 4 ballots stolen from mail box and mysteriously returned - https://kvoa.com/news/2020/10/14/tucson-family-has-ballots-stolen-from-mailbox-then-returned/

66. Store Owner in San Fran witnesses mailbox break in, ballot dropped as thief flees - https://abc7news.com/mailbox-break-in-mail-box-theft-stolen-san-francisco-dropped-ballot/7517508/

65. Dead people from 1915 and 1919 caught voting in New York - https://nypost.com/2020/11/02/dead-people-caught-voting-in-nyc-elections-records-show/

64. Some Bucks County, PA voters receiving pre sealed ballot return envelopes. How many? - https://www.newsbreak.com/pennsylvania/doylestown/news/2087753425989/some-bucks-co-voters-receiving-already-sealed-ballot-envelopes

63. Hundreds of uncounted ballots found hidden in Grafton, MA town clerk's vault - https://www.milforddailynews.com/news/20200701/hundreds-of-uncounted-ballots-discovered-in-grafton-town-clerks-vault

62. Discarded ballots found dumped outside of drive thru ATM machine in California - https://www.newsweek.com/discarded-mail-ballot-found-california-atm-1537386

61. Dozens (est 40) ballots go missing in Contra Costa County, CA - https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/politics/decision-2020/dozens-of-ballots-go-missing-in-contra-costa-county/2388551/

60. FBI investigates ballot drop box set on fire at Boston public library, est. 35 ballots destroyed - https://amp.wbur.org/news/2020/10/25/investigation-fire-ballot-box-boston

59. Burned/Destroyed mail found in Copley Square, Boston, MA - 2nd arson instance - https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2020/10/26/burnt-mail-near-copley-square-where-ballot-box-was-set-on-fire

58. York County. SC: 2,200 duplicate ballots sent to residents - https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/more-than-2200-absentee-ballots-mailed-incorrectly-some-york-county-voters-get-two/7SUXQLSVOBEWJHCBEHBYEXRCUM/

57. Mail & Absentee ballots stolen in Baton Rouge, LA found open and thrown in Houston, TX trash - https://www.wbrz.com/news/la-absentee-ballot-showing-vote-for-president-trump-found-stolen-opened-and-dumped-in-tx-trash/

56. Video from Miami postal center where numerous bins filled with mail, including ballots, discovered sitting for more than a week - https://youtu.be/fdtM3s_1DQY

55. 3 tubs of absentee ballots discovered in Wisconsin processing center for Oshkosh and Appleton after primary - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/three-tubs-of-ballots-discovered-in-mail-processing-center-after-polls-closed-in-wisconsin/ar-BB12laJO

54. Kern County, CA sees hundreds of residents receiving damaged, ripped and destroyed ballots - https://www.turnto23.com/news/election-2020/hundreds-of-kern-county-voters-claim-voter-ballots-were-ripped-tampered-with

53. Paroled cop killer busted attempting to obtain voter registration in Rochester, NY - https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/paroled-cop-killer-facing-voter-fraud-charges/5911589/

52. Fayette County, Pittsburg, PA: pre-filled democrat ballots sent to registered voters + 2 tampered with - https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/video/4834757-officials-investigating-possible-voter-fraud-in-fayette-county/

51. Florida man arrested for changing address in voting database for governor Ron Desantis - https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/29/florida-man-desantis-voting-address/

50. Florida Election Official foil plot to register 50 dead people as democrats - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/florida-election-officials-foil-plot-to-register-over-fifty-dead-people-as-democratic-voters

49. Thieves steal mail from two USPS trucks in Far south side Chicago - https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/4/21/21230630/usps-postal-trucks-vehicles-stolen-far-south-side

48. 2 men charged in stealing ballots from post office boxes in Light House Point, West Palm Beach, FL - https://youtu.be/W3xBJlikKqU

47. Almost a dozen people in NY busted for plot to conceal identity / shave heads and vote multiple times - https://nypost.com/2020/10/29/new-yorkers-plan-to-illegally-vote-by-shaving-heads-foiled/

46. Woman arrested in Vanderburgh County for pre checking boxes on 400+ ballots - https://www.tristatehomepage.com/news/local-news/vanderburgh-county-woman-facing-felony-election-fraud-charge/

45. Butler County, PA loses untold number of mail-in ballots - https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/10/28/butler-county-elections-director-says-postal-service-lost-mail-in-ballots/

44. Ballots stolen from mail boxes and discarded on roadsides in Washington town - https://www.foxnews.com/us/ballots-stolen-from-mailboxes-discarded-on-roadsides-in-washington-town

43. Group claims 400,000 ballots sent to residents who moved out of state or died in California - https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/10/15/nearly-400000-california-ballots-sent-to-people-who-moved-out-of-state-or-died/

42. Texas officer & poll watcher testifies on 2020 Houston Voting Fraud Using stacks of drivers licenses (photos) - https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2084295714190/exclusive-texas-poll-watcher-testifies-on-2020-voter-fraud-in-houston-has-photos

41. West Palm Beach, FL residents receive duplicate ballots and ballots for dead relatives - https://www.wpbf.com/article/duplicate-ballots-sealed-envelopes-dead-relatives-voters-raise-mail-in-ballot-concerns/34198409

40. Pennsylvania postal employee on leave and now fired after bags of mail discovered outside of home put out for trash pickup - https://www.foxnews.com/us/pennsylvania-postal-worker-on-leave-after-bags-of-undelivered-mail-found-outside-home

39. 25,263 ballots rejected in Colorado primary - https://www.cpr.org/2020/10/08/colorado-vote-by-mail-ballots-rejected-signatures/

38. Double absentee ballots sent to residents in Henrico county - https://www.nbc12.com/2020/09/22/double-absentee-ballots-accidentally-sent-some-henrico-voters/

37. PA rejects 336,000 duplicate ballot requests 34,000 rejected for other reasons . Many voters request ballots up to 11 times - https://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-state/2020/10/16/pennsylvania-rejected-mail-ballot-applications-duplicates-voters/stories/202010160153

36. Mecklenburg County, NC residents receiving double ballots due to labelling glitch - https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article245761310.html

35. San Mateo, CA residents receive multiple ballots - https://abc7news.com/mail-in-ballot-california-2020-election-san-mateo-county-double-two-ballots/7006753/

34. Multiple absentee ballot applications showing up at Flint, Michigan homes - https://nbc25news.com/news/local/multiple-absentee-ballot-applications-being-sent-to-mid-michigan-homes

33. Florida man arrested for obtaining dead wife's ballot and forging signature to "test the system" - https://www.wptv.com/news/state/florida-man-who-tried-to-get-ballot-for-dead-wife-arrested

32. Election officials ask voters to not disinfect their mail in ballots as handfulls have already arrived destroyed and unable to be tabulated - https://www.kcra.com/article/election-officials-ask-voters-stop-disinfecting-mail-in-ballots/34336823

31. 400 duplicate ballots sent to local voters in Richmond, VA - https://richmond.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/roughly-400-local-voters-receive-two-ballots-officials-say-errors-wont-lead-to-double-votes/article_934f11bf-8825-5f2f-8391-8cdbe707cd7a.html

30. Duplicate ballots sent to "some" in North Carolina - https://www.wxii12.com/article/duplicate-ballots-sent-to-some-north-carolina-voters/34056922

29. Placer County, CA residents receiving duplicate ballots - https://www.kcra.com/article/thousands-of-second-ballots-mailed-placer-county-voters/34306099

28. Bay Area (CA) voters receive multiple ballots - https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/bay-area-voters-receive-multiple-ballots-fuel-concern-over-november-election/2378192/

27. USPS confirms missing ballots, never made it to residents of Seminole County, FL - https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2020/10/06/usps-confirms-missing-ballots-but-doesnt-have-any-additional-information/

26. Board of elections resends 99,000+ ballots in Brooklyn, NY; officials worry numerous originals already filled out and sent off - https://nypost.com/2020/10/06/board-of-elections-resends-99k-ballots-in-brooklyn-amid-snafu

25. 50,000 ballots in Ohio sent to wrong addresses - https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/09/ohio-county-wrong-ballots-428350

24. 500,000 ballots in Virginia labelled with wrong return address - https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-wrong-mail-in-ballots-fairfax-virginia/65-94c4847c-63fb-4a93-bac5-9bb45df00a8d

23. Glitch sends duplicate ballots in Pittsburg - Allegheny County - https://www.wesa.fm/post/glitch-sends-duplicate-ballots-voters-system-prevents-double-voting-county-says#stream/0

22. Glitch sends duplicate ballots to Needham, MA town residents - https://needham.wickedlocal.com/news/20200818/needham-town-clerk-several-voters-received-duplicate-ballot-after-possible-glitch

21. Detroit elections, where 72% of absentee votes do not match registered voters - https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/08/20/benson-asked-investigate-detroit-perfect-storm-voting-problems/5616629002/

20. 80,000 ballots disappeared in Baltimore - https://www.baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md-voting-snafu-update-20180625-story.html

19. New York voting official warns people will use dead people to vote, and a few have - https://www.newsweek.com/mail-voting-ballots-deceased-1531481

18. Michigan secretary misprinted military absentee ballots; 400 already issued - https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/09/president-trump-goes-after-michigan-secretary-of-state-again-over-ballot-misprint.html

17. Mail-in ballots found in Wisconsin ditch - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/23/mailed-in-ballots-found-tossed-in-wisconsin-ditch/

16. 4 officials arrested in ballot-harvesting scheme - https://www.kltv.com/2020/09/24/gregg-county-commissioner-others-arrested-alleged-vote-harvesting-scheme/

15. 9 military mail-in ballots thrown in dumpster in PA - https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/poconos-coal/fbi-psp-probing-9-discarded-ballots-in-luzerne-county/article_249405da-fea4-11ea-a8d7-b7faa419550f.html

14. 134 felony voter fraud charges announced in Dem primary - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-voter-fraud

13. New Yorkers receiving ballots with wrong names and addresses - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/518682-new-yorkers-report-receiving-ballots-with-wrong-name-voter-addresses

12. Queens voters receiving military ballots - https://nypost.com/2020/09/28/nyc-voters-wrongly-getting-mail-in-ballots-marked-for-military-use/

11. Sun Sentinel details Florida voting fraud - https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-menge-mail-in-ballots-fraud-florida-20200416-hanmbneuendpbaftyktpactlga-story.html

10. Ballot harvesting scam exposed in Minneapolis - https://nypost.com/2020/09/29/minneapolis-police-probing-alleged-ballot-harvesting-claims/

9. A quarter of election officials quit due to the new election law and chaos of mail-in ballots - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/mail-ballot-law-pennsylvania-has-driven-out-nearly-quarter-state-n1240504

8. Texas official arrested on felony election fraud charges - https://www.newsweek.com/texas-official-arrested-felony-election-fraud-charges-could-face-99-year-sentence-1534183

7. Patterson, NJ city council official arrested along with 4 others in ballot fraud scheme - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/paterson-city-council-vice-president-among-4-charged-with-voting-fraud-in-may-special-election-nj-ag/2484797/

6. Yes America! Plenty of voter fraud - https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/yes-america-there-voter-fraud-these-recent-cases-prove-it

5. D.C voters receiving ballots for ex residents; some receive up to 5 multiple ballots - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dc-voters-are-being-sent-mail-in-ballots-for-ex-residents

4. Numerous reports of people going door to door illegally collecting ballots - https://www.newsweek.com/ballot-vote-maryland-collect-anne-arundel-1535901

3. Project Veritas uncovers ballot fraud in San Antonio - 7,000 ballots compromised, likely up to 14,000 - https://www.expressnews.com/news/politics/texas_legislature/article/Project-Veritas-activists-release-San-Antonio-15679739.php

2. Orono, Maine woman charged for casting roommate's ballot - https://bangordailynews.com/2020/10/27/politics/orono-woman-charged-with-voter-fraud-after-allegedly-casting-former-roommates-ballot/

1. Man Arrested in Luzerne County, PA for trying to cast ballot for dead wife - https://www.wnep.com/article/news/local/luzerne-county/man-arrested-for-voter-fraud-in-luzern



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617239 (130147ZNOV20) Notable: Bryan Ware is out at DHS/CISA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bryan Ware is out at DHS/CISA.

Ware was the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity.

Krebs (CISA Director) says that he also expects to be fired.

Put bluntly, these two were responsible for protecting the election.

Appears that they failed.

If Ware's dismissal is related to the election (surely it is),

that seems to confirm that there has been a cyber breach/damage to critical infrastructure.

Senior DHS cybersecurity official to step down at end of week


Also OUT - Valerie Boyd, CISA 'Assistant Director for International Affairs' (whatever that means).

Hey, did you know that Boyd was also Executive Secretary of the President's National Security Council?

President OBAMA'S NSC, that is.

Between 2009-2016!

Nothing to see here folks. Just a coincidence, I'm sure

Before DHS/CISA, Bryan Ware was CEO and Chief Tech Officer for Haystax Technology.

Ring a bell?

Haystax technology was a key part of the President's 'National Insider Threat Taskforce,'

which 'works to detect and deter employees who pose threats to national security.'

The President at the time was one Barrack Hussein Obama

Just another coincidence, I'm sure

Predictive Analytics Tools Confront Insider Threats

Dec. 2015


Obama's 'Taskforce' was set up by EO 13587 in October 2011.

By 2014, it was mired in controversy, especially allegations that it was being used to target whistleblowers/Obama opponents.

The FBI and other Obama agency goons refused to share any info about it.

Eventually, hero Chuck Grassley managed to get two FBI agents to a Senate hearing in 2014.

After 10 minutes, the agents got up and walked out.

I'm not kidding. Read this:

FBI Abruptly Walks Out On Senate Briefing After Being Asked How 'Insider Threat' Program Avoids Whistleblowers

Aril 2014


Executive Order 13587 &ndash; Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information

Oct. 2011


By 2014, Obama's Taskforce was working within the ODNI, reporting to the Director.

Now who was Director of ODNI in 2014 (actually, between 2010 and 2017)?

Why, surely not: None other than JAMES CLAPPER.

You know what I think?


As he's been saying, for some time now.

One of Haystax key products is called 'Carbon'.

This was used to identify Obama's 'insider threats'.

Here's an interview from 2015 with the guy who created it and Haystax Technology's head of tech at the time, one Bryan Ware.

Homeland Security Today Examines How Haystax Carbon Helps Prevent Insider Threats

July 2015


Folks, all this has to be about the election.

What's happening is BIG.

And not good for Biden.

And Obama.

Watch what happens.

Valerie Boyd (CISA) was exec secretary of Obama's NSC between 2009-2016.

Before CISA, Bryan Ware was CEO and Chief Tech Officer for Haystax Technology.

Haystax supplied technology called 'Carbon' to Obama's 'National Insider Threat Taskforce', run by Clapper as ODNI.

Carbon allowed Obama to target opponents and whistleblowers.

Krebs could be a pro-Trump Judas Goat or a bad guy

The election WAS rigged using manipulated tech, illegal mail in ballots, plus a variety of other methods.

China is involved. DHS/CISA was involved. Dem leaders & FakeNews are implicated.

Trump was fully aware throughout and watched the cheating in real time

This is considered to be the greatest national security crisis since 9/11.

Those 'read in' include at least Haspel, Ratcliffe, McConnell, Barr, Miller.

Biden, Pelosi are NOT read in.

The recent purge at Defense is a planned & pre-emptive block by Trump on any Democrat/Biden plans to order the military against Trump & the current administration.

Again, take this with a grain of salt. However it does seem to check out





>>142203 (pb)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142232

File: b13b5a80a51ac46⋯.png (474.65 KB,970x651,970:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617256 (130148ZNOV20) Notable: PF Chill22

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142233

File: 99848d57bddaad1⋯.png (149.91 KB,1626x848,813:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617259 (130148ZNOV20) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>>/qresearch/11617009 LB

>"Just completed my CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE (it's on the 2nd Tab) Not to sound clickbaity, but you won't believe what I found."https://twitter.com/DrivelCivil/status/1327035269409693696


His comments are funny af!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617261 (130148ZNOV20) Notable: Booms enroute Kayleigh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Let my Keyleigh alone

she's not YOUR Kayleigh, she MY Kayleigh.

We'll settle this outside anon.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142235

File: 82fccc11de0e90d⋯.png (11.44 KB,202x250,101:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617267 (130149ZNOV20) Notable: Maria Baritromo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The software also has components from China.

John Poulos, CEO of Dominion of Toronto, gave statement to House Committee:



Are the anons able to find the company and the components she is talking about?

This needs more cowbell

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e031b9 No.142236

File: 386a55c4e789f0f⋯.jpg (27.72 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617269 (130149ZNOV20) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142237

File: 6075c526ca2463e⋯.png (138.73 KB,799x475,799:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 75964437ee9195d⋯.png (288.2 KB,592x301,592:301,Clipboard.png)

File: f868b36dcb202d7⋯.png (334.18 KB,442x372,221:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617279 (130149ZNOV20) Notable: PF PEARL11 13 15 USAF KC-135 Tankers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PEARL11 13 15 USAF KC-135 Tankers se of Tokyo-usually one of these out periodically..first time I've seen three in same airspace

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e031b9 No.142238

File: de72235666184ec⋯.png (334 KB,827x643,827:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617286 (130150ZNOV20) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This guy is following the road?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617299 (130151ZNOV20) Notable: CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142240

File: 6cb7c26aa3bda99⋯.png (143.02 KB,470x352,235:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 736b75e98db0fa1⋯.png (25.75 KB,485x170,97:34,Clipboard.png)

File: b889577c70d60e3⋯.png (61.6 KB,1228x363,1228:363,Clipboard.png)

File: d35d134197693f6⋯.png (54.19 KB,1067x326,1067:326,Clipboard.png)

File: c5bf9f7f2c40bc1⋯.png (756.65 KB,1163x432,1163:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617323 (130152ZNOV20) Notable: Speculative, Dirty Canadian ScotiaBank active in Cuba & Venezuela, relates to Maria B & foreign Dominion Voting finance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11616990 (lb)






any finfags about? Maria B saying dirty money from Cuba and Venezuela.

Canadian dirty gold-fixing Scotiabank / Bank of Nova Scotia active in both countries.

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e031b9 No.142241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617353 (130154ZNOV20) Notable: Speculative, Dirty Canadian ScotiaBank active in Cuba & Venezuela, relates to Maria B & foreign Dominion Voting finance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11616361 (lb)

one of those nights

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e031b9 No.142242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617405 (130158ZNOV20) Notable: PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

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The PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region. Beijing has offered no coherent legal basis for its “Nine-Dashed Line” claim in the South China Sea since formally announcing it in 2009. In a unanimous decision on July 12, 2016, an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention – to which the PRC is a state party – rejected the PRC’s maritime claims as having no basis in international law. The Tribunal sided squarely with the Philippines, which brought the arbitration case, on almost all claims.

As the United States has previously stated, and as specifically provided in the Convention, the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision is final and legally binding on both parties. Today we are aligning the U.S. position on the PRC’s maritime claims in the SCS with the Tribunal’s decision. Specifically:

The PRC cannot lawfully assert a maritime claim – including any Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claims derived from Scarborough Reef and the Spratly Islands – vis-a-vis the Philippines in areas that the Tribunal found to be in the Philippines’ EEZ or on its continental shelf. Beijing’s harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development within those areas is unlawful, as are any unilateral PRC actions to exploit those resources. In line with the Tribunal’s legally binding decision, the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal, both of which fall fully under the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction, nor does Beijing have any territorial or maritime claims generated from these features.

As Beijing has failed to put forth a lawful, coherent maritime claim in the South China Sea, the United States rejects any PRC claim to waters beyond a 12-nautical mile territorial sea derived from islands it claims in the Spratly Islands (without prejudice to other states’ sovereignty claims over such islands). As such, the United States rejects any PRC maritime claim in the waters surrounding Vanguard Bank (off Vietnam), Luconia Shoals (off Malaysia), waters in Brunei’s EEZ, and Natuna Besar (off Indonesia). Any PRC action to harass other states’ fishing or hydrocarbon development in these waters – or to carry out such activities unilaterally – is unlawful.

The PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to (or derived from) James Shoal, an entirely submerged feature only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia and some 1,000 nautical miles from China’s coast. James Shoal is often cited in PRC propaganda as the “southernmost territory of China.” International law is clear: An underwater feature like James Shoal cannot be claimed by any state and is incapable of generating maritime zones. James Shoal (roughly 20 meters below the surface) is not and never was PRC territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from it.

The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire. America stands with our Southeast Asian allies and partners in protecting their sovereign rights to offshore resources, consistent with their rights and obligations under international law. We stand with the international community in defense of freedom of the seas and respect for sovereignty and reject any push to impose “might makes right” in the South China Sea or the wider region.

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e031b9 No.142243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617418 (130159ZNOV20) Notable: Tomorrow is Friday the 13th

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Friday the 13th

In 1305, the new Pope Clement V, based in Avignon, France, sent letters to both the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay and the Hospitaller Grand Master Fulk de Villaret to discuss the possibility of merging the two orders. Neither was amenable to the idea, but Pope Clement persisted, and in 1306 he invited both Grand Masters to France to discuss the matter. De Molay arrived first in early 1307, but de Villaret was delayed for several months. While waiting, De Molay and Clement discussed criminal charges that had been made two years earlier by an ousted Templar and were being discussed by King Philip IV of France and his ministers. It was generally agreed that the charges were false, but Clement sent the king a written request for assistance in the investigation. According to some historians, King Philip, who was already deeply in debt to the Templars from his war against England, decided to seize upon the rumours for his own purposes. He began pressuring the church to take action against the order, as a way of freeing himself from his debts.[35]

At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition)[37][38] King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase: "Dieu n'est pas content, nous avons des ennemis de la foi dans le Royaume" ["God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom"].[39] Claims were made that during Templar admissions ceremonies, recruits were forced to spit on the Cross, deny Christ, and engage in indecent kissing; brethren were also accused of worshipping idols, and the order was said to have encouraged homosexual practices.[40] These allegations, though, were highly politicised without any real evidence.[41] Still, the Templars were charged with numerous other offences such as financial corruption, fraud, and secrecy.[42] Many of the accused confessed to these charges under torture (even though the Templars denied being tortured in their written confessions), and their confessions, even though obtained under duress, caused a scandal in Paris. The prisoners were coerced to confess that they had spat on the Cross: "Moi, Raymond de La Fère, 21 ans, reconnais que [j'ai] craché trois fois sur la Croix, mais de bouche et pas de cœur" ["I, Raymond de La Fère, 21 years old, admit that I have spat three times on the Cross, but only from my mouth and not from my heart"]. The Templars were accused of idolatry and were suspected of worshiping either a figure known as Baphomet or a mummified severed head they recovered, amongst other artifacts, at their original headquarters on the Temple Mount that many scholars theorize might have been that of John the Baptist, among other things.[43]

= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar

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e031b9 No.142244

File: 5514d7064a3b613⋯.jpeg (267.2 KB,828x941,828:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617427 (130200ZNOV20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

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e031b9 No.142245

File: c3293aac17f30a9⋯.png (326.87 KB,571x361,571:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617431 (130200ZNOV20) Notable: PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

A Pennsylvania judge ruled on Thursday that the state cannot count late ballots which required voters to provide proof of identification to 'cure' them by an arbitrary deadline set by the Secretary of State.

After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, a separate issue in dispute, PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted her own guidance that said proof of ID could be provided up to Nov 12, three days from the ballot acceptance deadline.


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e031b9 No.142246

File: 1823645b81c3bf9⋯.png (818.02 KB,1908x932,477:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617450 (130202ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Is it happening?

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e031b9 No.142247

File: e404d26e671d0a8⋯.png (421.18 KB,821x517,821:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617458 (130203ZNOV20) Notable: PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here's an interesting portion of the exchange. Anon posted:

Q: "[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?"

Pirates replied:

"ch*na playing rough and bully over there eh?


When ch*na acts crazy, what is America's move?

Gold and T?

ch na shows force but what would their economy be w/o America?

like dem leaders cheating elections, there was no choice?

cheat or lose and exposed

why do they want biden in?

perhaps ch na along the same track?

attack or lose and exposed"

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e031b9 No.142248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617473 (130204ZNOV20) Notable: Ticketmaster Unveils Plan To Verify Vaccination Status

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This is fucked up and needs to end NOW

Ticketmaster Unveils Plan To Verify Vaccination Status

With several COVID-19 vaccines reportedly just around the corner, Ticketmaster will be verifying concert fans' vaccination status, or whether they've tested negative for the coronavirus within a 24 to 72-hour window, according to Billboard.

As we've noted several times over the past few months, immunity passports are the future of COVID-19.

The plan, still in development phase, will employ three prongs; the Ticketmaster digital app, third-party health status providers such as CLEAR Health Pass or IBM's Digital Health Pass, and testing / vaccine distribution providers such as CVS Minute Clinic and Labcorp.

Here's how it would work, if approved: After purchasing a ticket for a concert, fans would need to verify that they have already been vaccinated (which would provide approximately one year of COVID-19 protection [ZH: really?]) or test negative for coronavirus approximately 24 to 72 hours prior to the concert. The length of coverage a test would provide would be governed by regional health authorities &ndash; if attendees of a Friday night concert had to be tested 48 hours in advance, most could start the testing process the day before the event. If it was a 24-hour window, most people would likely be tested the same day of the event at a lab or a health clinic.

Once the test was complete, the fan would instruct the lab to deliver the results to their health pass company, like CLEAR or IBM. If the tests were negative, or the fan was vaccinated, the health pass company would verify the attendee's COVID-19 status to Ticketmaster, which would then issue the fan the credentials needed to access the event. If a fan tested positive or didn't take a test to verify their status, they would not be granted access to the event. -Billboard

According to the report, Ticketmaster will not store or have access to fans' medical records, and will only receive 'green light or red light' on whether a fan is cleared to attend an event.

At present, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve third-party health information providers for real-time verification, however Ticketmaster president Mark Yovich is confident that demand for such screening services will be in heavy demand for multiple applications such as air travel, employment verification and theme park entry.

"We’re already seeing many third-party health care providers prepare to handle the vetting &ndash; whether that is getting a vaccine, taking a test, or other methods of review and approval - which could then be linked via a digital ticket so everyone entering the event is verified," Yovich told Billboard. "Ticketmaster’s goal is to provide enough flexibility and options that venues and fans have multiple paths to return to events, and is working to create integrations to our API and leading digital ticketing technology as we will look to tap into the top solutions based on what’s green-lit by officials and desired by clients."

For Ticketmaster, two new technologies at the companies will help its clients scale the program. The first is digital ticketing that's linked to a fan’s identity, eliminates paper tickets and can be restricted from being transferred or resold. Ticketmaster also plans to deploy its new SmartEvent system, which helps event organizers and fans manage social distancing, delayed entry and provide possible opportunities for contact tracing. Many of the safety parameters will be set by regional health officials and event organizers. Event organizers also have the ability to set their own prevention protocols, like sanitation, mask compliance and social distancing. -Billboard

According to the report, implementing this COVID-19 verification plan will be key to the survival of the live entertainment industry during the pandemic.

"In order for live events to return, technology and science are going to play huge roles in establishing integrated protocols so that fans, artists, and employees feel safe returning to venues," says Marianne Herman, co-founder and principal reBUILD20, which focuses on helping entertainment and live events companies develop COVID-19 strategies (per Billboard).

"Integrating ticketing platforms with the guests verified testing results is one key way to reimagine how we’re going to get fans back to live events. The experience of attending live events will look completely different, but innovation married with consistent implementation will provide a framework to get the live sports and event industry back to work."


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e031b9 No.142249

File: 9a6e1533b5e40a7⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c0952bcd3870e5f⋯.png (309.61 KB,535x449,535:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617477 (130205ZNOV20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

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Holy Moly


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e031b9 No.142250

File: 6dd2e9168eee6e6⋯.jpg (18.56 KB,574x136,287:68,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617518 (130208ZNOV20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142251

File: c30ae35b32c4494⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1125x1923,375:641,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617532 (130209ZNOV20) Notable: New Gen Flynn Digital Soldier to follow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New GenFlynn Digital Soldier to follow

Follow @AdamMilstein

He is among our top #digitalsoldiers &hellip; A true warrior and Patriot for America 🇺🇸


Follow @AdamMilstein

He is among our top #digitalsoldiers &hellip; A true warrior and Patriot for America 🇺🇸


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e031b9 No.142252

File: e39a3c30bd48da7⋯.jpg (26.89 KB,241x255,241:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617553 (130211ZNOV20) Notable: PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pirate comms 11/12:

Noticing Pirate comms, anons, arrr! Pirates suggesting happenings around the 9 dotted line:


Taiwan……….Due To Ch*na Perceived Possibilities; The Successful Peace Through Strength Doctrine Is Now Being Tested..

Watching The Waters? WWG1WGA. PRAY. Its On.

Arrr Hope ye be watching shipmates. No more shouts from the crow's nest!

transit through the straights demonstrates a resolve to open and free usage and it is unwise to think or act otherwise Arr!

We See Ye Shipmate! Arrr!

ch*na playing rough and bully over there eh?


When ch*na acts crazy, what is America's move?

Gold and T?

ch na shows force but what would their economy be w/o America?

why do they want biden in?

like dem leaders cheating elections, there was no choice?

cheat or lose and exposed

perhaps ch na along the same track?

attack or lose and exposed

ch na already attacked w covid, imo

Many counters to counters.

i suppose the smartest ideas win

This anon had posted Q: "[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?"

Pirates took notice. Their Pompeo responses were instructive. Again, they could be using me. Q did say Mil Intel would steer us. Let's watch the South China Sea for a bit, shall we?

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e031b9 No.142253

File: 9ae213fe9b74077⋯.png (5.78 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617554 (130211ZNOV20) Notable: Tomorrow is Friday the 13th

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Friday The 13th.

I’m sure that nothing will BIG will happen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142254

File: 0a172a40778104e⋯.png (27.16 KB,575x380,115:76,Clipboard.png)

File: ab53ab620c84cda⋯.png (23.79 KB,590x428,295:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617573 (130212ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

Trump Campaign Attorney Lin Wood has been on quite a tear today.

Earlier today Trump campaign attorney L. Lin Wood posted several tweets on the “Dominion” voter fraud scandal.

Later today lawyer Lucian Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr., joined Howie Carr to discuss his voter fraud work for the Trump campaign in Georgia.

Lin Wood reassured Howie that Joe Biden will never be President and that he and many others, including the Military-Industrial Complex and the Media, may go to jail for decades of plotting against the Country.

And now tonight Lin Wood blamed the China Communists for the interference in the election.

Communist Timeline:

1. Infiltrate media & local, state & national government officials (ideology, money & extortion). Over 2 decades.

2. Dominion Voting Systems deployed in US prior to 2020 Election. Computer fraud.

3. Unleash biological weapon Covid-19. Mail ballot fraud.

And then Lin Wood attacked the Chinese Communists for interfering in the US election.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142255

File: 93edcb2f6d3e1bc⋯.png (60.94 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a2221d1892b503⋯.png (71.95 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 03f8a5f788fe2d6⋯.png (61.51 KB,1007x654,1007:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 980c17776ad6e97⋯.png (83.13 KB,1007x669,1007:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617585 (130213ZNOV20) Notable: PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No pics, no vessels expected.

Closest I can get to an ID on this thing. Came out of Changzhou China on 6/14/2017, last reported 4/25/2019.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142256

File: 884e41c508fd022⋯.png (536.61 KB,595x770,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617606 (130214ZNOV20) Notable: Talks about a lawsuit in Georgia BEFORE THE ELECTION over Dominion vulnerabilities

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Worthwhile thread to Read

Talks about a lawsuit in Georgia BEFORE THE ELECTION over Dominion vulnerabilities.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142257

File: f9e97e87b209543⋯.png (240.78 KB,497x639,7:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617619 (130215ZNOV20) Notable: Gen Flynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




a true American Patriot and #DigitalSoldier &hellip; he is working to make sense out of this disastrous fraud of an election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142258

File: abe24867ff327a5⋯.png (278.57 KB,592x592,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617624 (130215ZNOV20) Notable: Gen Flynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

new flynn


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142259

File: 01ee5966f360237⋯.png (667.67 KB,1334x771,1334:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617701 (130220ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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If someone were going to try a border crossing it's looking like we have that covered.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617715 (130222ZNOV20) Notable: #14832

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything or needs removing?

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11617025


>>142257 , >>142258, Gen Flynn

>>142256 Talks about a lawsuit in Georgia BEFORE THE ELECTION over Dominion vulnerabilities

>>142242 , >>142247, >>142252, >>142255, PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

>>142249 , >>142244, >>142250, NEW SCAVINO

>>142251 New Gen Flynn Digital Soldier to follow

>>142248 Ticketmaster Unveils Plan To Verify Vaccination Status

>>142245 PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

>>142254 Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

>>142240 , >>142241, Speculative, Dirty Canadian ScotiaBank active in Cuba & Venezuela, relates to Maria B & foreign Dominion Voting finance


>>142238 , >>142246, >>142259, PF

>>142237 PF PEARL11 13 15 USAF KC-135 Tankers>>142235 John Poulos, CEO of Dominion of Toronto, gave statement to House Committee

>>142231 Bryan Ware is out at DHS/CISA

>>142229 20,000 Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots have "Impossible" Return Dates


>>142225 PF Skull Punisher? 71 17 Q

>>142227 PF ASTL

>>142232 PF Chill22

>>142224 , >>142228, >>142234, Booms enroute Kayleigh

>>142230 , >>142223, >>142233, >>142236, ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>142222 , >>142235, Maria Baritromo

>>142221 CM' Going to tell Chanel Rion all about it today in a video interview. 6:18 PM · Nov 12, 2020 pt

>>142218 , >>142243, >>142253, Tomorrow is Friday the 13th

>>142217 PF Maybe nothing, but: 4 BHs in holding pattern over Ft Carson

>>142216 , >>142219, PF Topcat7 big loop

>>142214 Joseph J Flynn He brought down the mob in NYC

>>142213 , >>142220, Bartoromo post from Parler

>>142212 LUDE Media Live now

>>142215 Fire crews respond to Beverly Hills home of Denzel Washington

>>142211 CM - CodeMonkey strikes again!


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e031b9 No.142261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617805 (130228ZNOV20) Notable: Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order

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Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday tossed out Democrat Governor Tony Evers’ Covid stay-at-home order.

The state Supreme Court ruled Tony Evers overstepped his authority when he unilaterally extended the lockdown order for another month without the legislature.

Evers, like other tyrants of yesteryear was angry that GOP legislators convinced the Supreme Court to toss out his authoritarian lockdown order.

“Today, Republican legislators convinced four members of the state Supreme Court to throw the state into chaos. They have provided no plan. There’s no question among anybody that people are going to get sick. Republicans own that chaos,” Evers said in a conference call.

The Washington Times reported:

The 4-3 ruling essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants. The Tavern League of Wisconsin swiftly posted the news on its website, telling members, “You can OPEN IMMEDIATELY!”

The decision let stand language that had closed schools, however, and local governments can still impose their own health restrictions. In Dane County, home to the capital of Madison, officials quickly imposed a mandate incorporating most of the statewide order. City health officials in Milwaukee said a stay-at-home order they enacted in late March remains in effect.

Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote for the majority that health secretary Andrea Palm’s order amounted to an emergency rule that she doesn’t have the power to create on her own.

“Rule-making exists precisely to ensure that kind of controlling, subjective judgement asserted by one unelected official, Palm, is not imposed in Wisconsin,” Roggensack, part of the court’s 5-2 conservative majority, wrote.

This isn’t the first time Wisconsin’s high court has tossed out Tony Evers’ authoritarian lockdown order for bypassing the state legislators.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court in May tossed out Evers’s Coronavirus lockdown order in a 4-3 decision, ruling it “unlawful” and “unenforceable.”

Democrat officials are issuing new Covid lockdown orders in order to prevent Trump supporters from rallying in support of Trump as he fights voter fraud in the courts.


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e031b9 No.142262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617818 (130229ZNOV20) Notable: Trump campaign enjoys minor victory in Pennsylvania lawsuit over voter ID

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Trump campaign enjoys minor victory in Pennsylvania lawsuit over voter ID

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s re-election campaign was handed a minor legal victory on Thursday when a Pennsylvania judge ruled that a small number of ballots be tossed, from people who did not provide ID by a Monday deadline.

The Pennsylvania appellate court ruling bars counties from including in their final tally mail-in ballots from people who failed to validate their identification against state records by Nov. 9.

It comes as Trump refuses to concede the election, claiming widespread fraud, and his campaign files lawsuits challenging the vote count in swing states.

Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar tried to extend that deadline to Thursday, but Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled she had no authority to do so.

It’s unclear how many votes will be scrapped but it will not make a difference in Joe Biden’s current 54,000-vote advantage over Trump in the Keystone State since they were never included in Pennsylvania’s official tally.

In Philadelphia, officials only found some 2,136 ballots where election officials were unable to verify the voter’s identification, often done with a driver’s license.

Nonetheless, Trump 2020 counsel Matt Morgan celebrated the ruling in a call with reporters, as “a win for the Trump campaign and voters alike” in the state.

Morgan said the ruling “supported our continued assertion that the Secretary of State continues to play fast and loose with statutory deadlines, and has done so throughout this entire election.”

Pennsylvania has been the focal point of the Trump campaign’s legal fight as they seek to claw back the commonwealth’s 20 electoral votes, claiming Pennsylvania was stolen from the president.


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e031b9 No.142263

File: c9474270afe5dac⋯.png (794.29 KB,748x515,748:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617838 (130231ZNOV20) Notable: Commerce Department Stops Tik Tok Ban

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Commerce Department Stops Tik Tok Ban

The Commerce Department said Thursday that they are delaying the implementation of a regulation that would essentially shut down the Chinese-owned video app Tik Tok, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The regulation was set to take effect Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal. Under the law, Tik Tok would no longer appear on the app store, and all U.S. based companies would be prevented from offering it as a mobile app. Tik Tok would also be barred from using the web-hosting services of any U.S. based company, like Amazon and Alphabet, making the app essentially useless.

Last month, U.S. District Judge Wendy Beetlestone in Philadelphia imposed a preliminary injunction against the shutdown after Tik Tok stars Douglas Marland, Cosette Rinab, and Alex Chambers filed a lawsuit, the Journal reported. Beetlestone said that the government likely doesn’t have the power to impose the Tik Tok ban because the regulation “presents a threat to the ‘robust exchange of informational materials’.” The International Economic Powers Act, which the Trump administration relied on to impose the regulation, did not grant the administration power to take action against Tik Tok, Beetlestone said.

The Commerce Department cited Beetlestone’s preliminary injunction when making their decision, saying in a statement that Tik Tok will not be shut down “pending further legal developments.”

Tik Tok also filed an injunction for the ban in U.S. District Court in Washington, the Journal reported. The video app is asking for an injunction from U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols because they say different plaintiffs who have different interests are involved in the Philadelphia case. Also, the preliminary injunction in the Philadelphia case “is, by definition, temporary,” Tik Tok said in a court filing. If it were lifted, it would be “leaving Tik Tok’s entire business in jeopardy.”

In an order issued in August, President Donald Trump said that the popular video sharing app would be banned in the U.S, citing security concerns. However, he said that he would consider approving a divestiture to a U.S. company, the Journal reported.

Tik Tok is “focused on continuing to engage CFIUS and look forward to reaching a resolution that addresses their security concerns, even as we disagree with them,” the company said in response to the Commerce Department’s actions Thursday.


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e031b9 No.142264

File: 584b2af35845d56⋯.png (1.01 MB,2289x2289,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617844 (130231ZNOV20) Notable: NOTHING

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e031b9 No.142265

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,390x634,195:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617845 (130231ZNOV20) Notable: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

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America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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e031b9 No.142266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617846 (130232ZNOV20) Notable: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

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e031b9 No.142267

File: 6341cab4a0eaec2⋯.jpg (122.45 KB,750x936,125:156,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1947dc4a24fb723⋯.jpg (95.25 KB,750x761,750:761,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617854 (130232ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion info passwords etc

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>>>/qresearch/11617777 lb

Dominion info passwords etc

Sauce https://twitter.com/votingvillagedc/status/1160663776884154369?s=21

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e031b9 No.142268

File: b23696560a34e7a⋯.png (2.92 KB,310x163,310:163,GodBlessAmerica.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617856 (130232ZNOV20) Notable: ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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Nothing can stop what is coming.



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e031b9 No.142269

File: 037d13a9d1bc00e⋯.png (5.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617880 (130233ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, November 13, 2020

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POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, November 13, 2020


12:00PM Receive an update on Operation Warp Speed - Oval Office [Closed Press]



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e031b9 No.142270

File: 375bf7722aee928⋯.png (650.62 KB,497x841,497:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 76cd6c8857a3bb3⋯.png (71.89 KB,857x538,857:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 79513be2ded6a5b⋯.png (27.82 KB,848x292,212:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617883 (130233ZNOV20) Notable: MICHIGAN WITNESS: GOP Poll Challengers Were Assaulted at TCF Center trying to Protect the Vote

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MICHIGAN WITNESS: GOP Poll Challengers Were Assaulted at TCF Center trying to Protect the Vote

New Witness: GOP Poll Challengers were ASSAULTED when they tried to protect the vote!

This represents ANOTHER WITNESS who saw VOTER FRAUD!

GOP Challengers were prevented from seeing ballots!

GOP Challengers were ejected for no reason!

Detroit poll workers were HARDLINE DEMOCRATS


Witness says all the rules used to eject challengers weren’t applied evenly. PARTISAN HYPOCRISY!

Absentee ballots from Wayne County/Detroit were supposed to be counted by 8:00PM on election night last week, but a 3:30am delivery of what witnesses have described as 50-61 boxes of ballots puts into doubt the validity of the surprising election results. That surprise brought a commanding Trump lead of 300,000 votes for Michigan’s 16 electoral votes into a 120,000 vote deficit after votes from Wayne County were counted.

Ann Rudisill went down to the counting area after hearing that a large batch of suspicious ballots had arrived in the middle of the night. Rudisill noticed a total lack of security at the TCF Center when she entered. “There was no sign in sheet. There was nothing. Maybe a hundred of us walked in there.”

She described poll challengers as being purposefully prevented from being able to review the ballots as they were being counted on Wednesday, the day after the election, by poll workers and Democrat Poll Challengers. “I was completely unable to see the ballots.”

Rudisill described physical assaults against Republican poll challengers and herself when they attempted to document problems with the process at the TCF Center. The rules, according to Rudisill, were inconsistently enforced. She was told, “we don’t need Republicans here” according to her statement. “They looked at you like you were the lowest form of human being, and they didn’t care if they hurt you.” She described Democrats being excused for lunch and let back in, though Republicans were told that they would not be allowed re-entry for any reason.

Rudisill also pointed out the hypocrisy of COVID distancing requirements that apparently only applied to Republicans, considering that all the ballot counters, poll workers, and Democrat groups were not subject to the same requirements.


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e031b9 No.142271

File: d24a1da9f59c787⋯.png (204.34 KB,931x558,931:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 8107013d231753c⋯.jpg (134.76 KB,900x639,100:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 57ad416b775e20c⋯.png (375.92 KB,591x819,197:273,Clipboard.png)

File: a4339e171099431⋯.png (76.81 KB,586x413,586:413,Clipboard.png)

File: f752b5dc63c56e0⋯.png (869.58 KB,903x1576,903:1576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11617902 (130234ZNOV20) Notable: MAGA Patriot anons this is for you… Trump is not fucking around

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MAGA Patriot anons this is for you&hellip; Trump is not fucking around.

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e031b9 No.142272

File: f55021221168837⋯.jpg (31.55 KB,773x427,773:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618005 (130237ZNOV20) Notable: Big Tech Mogul Eric Schmidt Seeking Citizenship In Cyprus

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Interesting how this works&hellip;.Just running sacred&hellip;.kekekekek

Big Tech Mogul Eric Schmidt Seeking Citizenship In Cyprus

Former CEO of Google, Chairman of Alphabet and current member of the elitist Trilateral Commission, he is also Chairman of The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. Is Cyprus citizenship a conflict of national interest? ⁃ TN Editor

The former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, is finalizing a plan to become a citizen of the island of Cyprus, Recode has learned, becoming one of the highest-profile Americans to take advantage of one of the world’s most controversial “passport-for-sale” programs.

Schmidt, one of America’s wealthiest people, and his family have won approval to become citizens of the Mediterranean nation, according to a previously unreported notice in a Cypriot publication in October. While it is not clear why exactly Schmidt has pursued this foreign citizenship, the new passport gives him the ability to travel to the European Union, along with a potentially favorable personal tax regime.

The move is a window into how the world’s billionaires can maximize their freedoms and finances by relying on the permissive laws of countries where they do not live. Schmidt’s decision in some ways mirrors that of another famous tech billionaire, Peter Thiel, who in 2011 controversially managed to secure citizenship in New Zealand.


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e031b9 No.142273

File: a8e9dae7f4b0e84⋯.png (1.32 MB,1044x596,261:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618016 (130238ZNOV20) Notable: Feinstein urges Graham to stop processing Trump judicial nominees 'now that the 2020 election has concluded'

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Feinstein urges Graham to stop processing Trump judicial nominees 'now that the 2020 election has concluded'

She says the Judiciary Committee should hold off and allow Biden to make his own picks

Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has written a letter to Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), urging her colleague to stop processing President Donald Trump's judicial nominees.

She says the panel should hold off on such business now that the election is over and allow Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to make his own picks.

What are the details?

"Now that the 2020 election has concluded, it is clear that the American people have overwhelmingly rejected a second term for President Trump," Feinstein began, before noting that Biden and his running mate, Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) "are already implementing their transition plan."

Although the presidential election is currently being contested in several lawsuits by the Trump campaign, which alleges voting irregularities and fraud, Feinstein pointed out that "the Biden-Harris ticket is on track to receive 306 electoral votes, and has already garnered the votes of more than 77 million Americans."

"In light of that," she wrote, "it is imperative that the Judiciary Committee cease to process judicial nominees and allow President-Elect Biden the opportunity to appoint judges following his inauguration on January 20, 2021."

Feinstein went on to write that there was precedent behind her argument, saying that "although processing judicial nominations is one of the Committee's principal responsibilities, the Committee's long and established tradition in presidential election years is to halt consideration of judicial nominees after Election Day."

California's senior senator noted that there have only been two exceptions to that since 1984: "Once in 2004, following President George W. Bush's reelection, and once in 2012, following the reelection of President Obama."

"Unlike Presidents Bush and Obama," she wrote, "President Trump has lost his reelection bid."

.@SenFeinstein urges @LindseyGrahamSC to not push Trump judges onto the federal bench in the lame duck period: https://t.co/zdAUu89naQ

— Megan Mineiro (@Megan Mineiro)1605217075.0

Courthouse News pointed out that Graham had already scheduled a nominations hearing for next week, prior to Feinstein's letter.

Appointing Trump's judicial nominees has been a priority of his administration and the Republican-controlled Senate.

NBC News reported in June that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had "confirmed 53 Circuit Court judges appointed by Trump in three-and-a-half years," noting for comparison:

"Obama confirmed 55 in all eight years of his presidency. For all judges, Trump has now confirmed 200. George W. Bush follows with 197 at this point in his presidency, and Bill Clinton with 186."


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e031b9 No.142274

File: b2d653b2566a1b5⋯.png (148.64 KB,605x371,605:371,Clipboard.png)

File: ee6c06d163b0a22⋯.png (7.12 KB,493x139,493:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dc53f11683d86b⋯.png (593.64 KB,814x463,814:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 70a4a86ab9ec78d⋯.png (323.25 KB,614x362,307:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618033 (130238ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Scavino last tweet music matched Q drop 3804also matched Flynn Banner from twitter!

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dan last tweet music matched Q drop 3804


also matched Flynn anner from twitter!

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e031b9 No.142275

File: f06e939bdfab99d⋯.jpeg (8.64 KB,250x150,5:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618034 (130238ZNOV20) Notable: CIA insider dumped on 1/2ch last night, interesting

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CIA insider dumped on 1/2ch last night, interesting

Link at bottom, these are just just posts

Anonymous ID:nFAjaA3P Tue 10 Nov 2020 13:07:06 No.289604655 View

CIA here

I was in a couple threads yesterday. Basically Trump won and right now we are in the deal making process. Essentially a small group of upper elites will be left alone but all the smaller fish getting thrown under the bus. Big people coming out of conference rooms in tears and freaking out. Lots of deals being made as people who previously thought themselves as immune are discovering they are not. Boss is also getting “disappeared” so I can post this and no one will care. Right now I’m on bathroom duty (code).

Look out for mentions of roses in the news in the next few days, it’s a signal that key elites have vanished. Roses is not intended to inform anyone in the MIC, but rather confirm their knowledge through their own medium in case of false intel.

Anonymous ID:nFAjaA3P Tue 10 Nov 2020 13:12:15 No.289605941 View



Not larping, announcements will be made next week as Trump tweeted. He is pissed and wants to be named president again ASAP. You don’t really think litigation could occur in a week do you? Motions take longer than that. Just a front while behind the scenes business goes on, you won’t hear about the arrests though.

Anonymous ID:nFAjaA3P Tue 10 Nov 2020 13:21:18 No.289608289 View

Won’t be able to reply anymore I have to get back on duty and bring in asset now

Thank you to all for listening to me, figured you deserve to get a bite since you did help make our favorite meme (Dr. Pavel, I’m CIA). we call each other big guy on assignments now

Be on lookout for Trump thanksgiving plans. He will not have it in Florida. Biden is the Turkey


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e031b9 No.142276

File: 8212cdb7cce9887⋯.png (776.47 KB,1031x608,1031:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618074 (130240ZNOV20) Notable: Emmanuel Macron says Biden presidency is chance to 'make our planet great again'

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Emmanuel Macron says Biden presidency is chance to 'make our planet great again'

Biden has vowed to rejoin the Paris climate accord

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday expressed his excitement over Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's promise to re-enter the U.S. into the Paris climate accord, describing the prospect as an opportunity to "make our planet great again."

Despite President Donald Trump contesting the election results following mainstream media's widespread declaration that Biden has won the White House, Macron joined world leaders this week in congratulating the Democrat on his win.

Reuters reported that Macron specifically hailed Biden's vow to re-enter the Paris climate accord, noting that the Democrat "has pledged to rejoin the pact and to invest $2 trillion to wean the country off planet-warming fossil fuels."

"It is proof that we had to stand firm against all headwinds," Macron said. "'Make our planet great again' is a possibility, not just in words but also in deed."

The U.S. officially withdrew from the multinational climate initiative on Nov. 4, the day after Election Day and three years from when Trump vowed to withdraw from the agreement that he saw as a bad deal for America.

As TheBlaze previously reported:

President Trump has been a staunch critic of the United States' participation in the international agreement, which commenced under the Obama administration, arguing it "hamstrings the United States while empowering some of the world's top-polluting countries."

Following America's departure from the accord, Biden said he would rejoin it on his first day in office, tweeting, "Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement. And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it."

Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement. And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Admini… https://t.co/7dT22UeN7h

— Joe Biden (@Joe Biden)1604539080.0

Macron and Trump's differences on climate policy have been a sticking point in their relationship for years, leading Macron to create his play on the U.S. president's rallying cry to "Make America Great Again."

Politico reported in 2017:

When Trump announced in June that he would yank the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, Macron spied an opportunity: Within hours, his office took a poke at Trump, unveiling a social media campaign around the tongue-in-cheek slogan "Make Our Planet Great Again," complete with a website where U.S. climate researchers could apply for residency and work in France.

Behind the viral tweet, retweeted 235,896 times, Macron's political message was clear: France would lead the world on climate change research and technology, leaving the United States to choke on coal fumes.


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e031b9 No.142277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618082 (130240ZNOV20) Notable: CALL TO DIG JARED THOMAS

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Former Chief of Staff for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp

Was lobbyist for Dominion


There is too much stuff online about this for me to cover by myself

Big dirt starts about 1:30

Finding a shitload about Jared Thomas at AJC.com but there's a paywall

This was investigated already!


Kemp was a lot better than Stacey Abrams but his hands are dirty too

This explains why he's been so fucking quiet during all this

Fucking Athens Country Club asshole with the fake farmer accent

7th generation Georgian here and I am steaming fucking mad

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e031b9 No.142278

File: 9051c1b166eb686⋯.png (407.32 KB,651x411,217:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 982a37de9b8bdcd⋯.png (492.63 KB,722x799,722:799,Clipboard.png)

File: d0df7a8b75f6925⋯.png (134.61 KB,710x859,710:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 3172072e18a2d54⋯.png (9.59 KB,402x215,402:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618127 (130242ZNOV20) Notable: Ghosts of the past come back to haunt Australian PM

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Ghosts of the past come back to haunt PM

One day after Scott Morrison tried to bury the past, it came back with a force that is impossible to ignore.

The Prime Minister had a holding line on Tuesday about the behaviour of Christian Porter and Alan Tudge, the two ministers at the centre of new allegations about the culture of Parliament House.

"Those matters were addressed by my predecessor at the time," Morrison said. He dismissed the idea of an investigation into his ministers because the events had taken place two or three years ago, when Porter and Tudge answered to Malcolm Turnbull.

But the holding line did not hold for long. It was too flimsy to hold much, anyway. Within a day, it was clear the government would have to deal with formal complaints that were filed last week with the Department of Finance. The ghosts had come back from the grave.

Morrison now has damaged ministers in his cabinet. The questions about them are questions of character. The ABC’s Four Corners program on Monday night aired opinions and allegations that cannot be unsaid.

Porter denies breaching the code of conduct that bans ministers from having sex with their staff and rejects the ABC's depiction of events. But there are several witnesses to his time at the Public bar in Canberra with a young woman from another office in Parliament House. And the Four Corners claims about his university years, with lawyer Kathleen Foley describing him as sexist and misogynist, will leave a permanent mark.

Related Article

Labor leader Anthony Albanese says the party will ban all MPs from engaging in sexual relationships with staff.

Workplace culture

Labor bans all MPs from sexual relationships with their staff

Porter is one of the government’s most capable ministers. He carries a bigger load than others – as Attorney-General, Industrial Relations Minister and the government leader in the House of Representatives – and is always across his brief.

But voters do not just assess what you do as minister – rightly or wrongly, they judge who you are. Porter has been named for years as a potential prime minister. Right now, that dream looks dead.

Tudge expressed regret about his behaviour soon after Four Corners revealed his affair with his former media adviser, Rachelle Miller. His supporters say the events are several years old – like Morrison, they want to leave the past behind him.

If only there was a statute of limitations on personal hurt.

Miller has lodged two complaints with the Department of Finance. In the first, she claims Tudge bullied and intimidated her while she worked for him – in fact, while she was also in a relationship with him. Tudge says he anticipates an inquiry on this.


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e031b9 No.142279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618223 (130246ZNOV20) Notable: Robert P. Kolasky Assistant Director of the CISA

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Robert P. Kolasky

Assistant Director of the CISA

Bob is 48, and prior to joinng government service in 2012, was an associate attorney atBooz Allen Hamilton, a premier global law firm, with ties perhaps to Clowns; certainly Deep State at its finest. I'm sure it was a real cut in pay when he went to the DHS, but being a selfless public servant, he did his duty. /sarc

His father, William Joseph Kolasky, age 74, is an attorney, and has worked forWilmer Hale, another premier law firm in DC, for a couple decades;Robert Muellerwas an attorney at Wilmer Hale way back when William Kolasky was there - maybe they knew each other?

Bob's stepmom, Mary Coyne, 14 years younger than his Dad, is an attorney as well, and has been deputy counsel for Bell Atlantic, Verizon, and now at AR Global, a US and European real estate investment firm.

Bob's wife isCarrie Crawley Kolasky, age 47. She is from Portland Oregon, and I cannot definitively confirm it, but it looks like she attended theCatlin Gabel Schoolthere from preschool to 12th grade. Catlin Gabel is an elite Progressive school which indoctrinates students to "think independently" (kek).

While looking over the board of trustees of the school, I happened across a curious chap,David Recordon, class of '04. Here is his short bio: https://www.catlin.edu/about/our-community/board-of-trustees

David is the Vice President of Infrastructure and Security at the philanthropicChan Zuckerberg Initiative, where he supports a team that builds common solutions and invests in information security across CZI’s Education, Justice and Opportunity, and Science Initiatives. In 2014, David joined the U.S. Digital Service and was appointed as the First Special Assistant to the President of the United States andDirector of White House Information Technology. Prior to his government service, David led software engineering teams at Facebook.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, if you don't know, is a multi-billion dollar money laundering machine, with ties to everything Fuckbook can put its hands on. And David, as a software engineer, can put his finger on every single dollar and person in the machine. I'm sure that comes in handy for him when dealing with old chums like Barry and Joe.

Now David is much younger than Carrie Kolasky, but in a small community oriented school, you get to know everyone, including alumni as a way of networking. Just throwing that in.

Anyway, Carrie (Bob's wife, remember), has a nice job as Senior Vice President of Development forThe Atlantic Council.

What a small world! I bet she gets to meet some very important people in the upper echelons of the ruling class!

She's not too busy with the Atlantic Council, she has time to be Vice President for theUrban Institute, Director of Philanthropic Strategies and Resources for theAmerican Cancer Society(she knows who's got deep pockets, and knows how to launder money), and if that ain't enough, she's Director at theBrookings Institutionand at theNew Democrat Network, both leftist think tanks.

Like Q said, follow the wives.

Carrie's Dad, Samuel Stuart Crawley, age 76, was First Vice President atMorgan Stanley.

That wraps up a small dig into Robert Kolasky, I encourage others to dig more into this central character.

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e031b9 No.142280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618311 (130251ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Attorney (L Linwood) Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

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>Nothing can stop what is coming.

THANK YOU, God, Q/Q+!!!!!

IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Campaign Attorney (L Linwood) Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/happening-trump-campaign-attorney-points-dominion-fraud-communist-china-materially-interfered-election-truth/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

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e031b9 No.142281

File: b82fae146ddedff⋯.png (271.96 KB,488x521,488:521,Clipboard.png)

File: abc11d2799a0f11⋯.png (16.93 KB,584x181,584:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 339e5731e064e1f⋯.png (225.87 KB,827x699,827:699,Clipboard.png)

File: ab9da6fb137787e⋯.png (221.77 KB,594x464,297:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 897c3a6be3d1b23⋯.png (120.93 KB,857x453,857:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618361 (130254ZNOV20) Notable: Outsiders with USB’s and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

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Outsiders with USB’s and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

An IT specialist reached out to the Gateway Pundit and provided more evidence regarding the weak and non-existent system controls in place in the Dominion voting machines and applications. These machines never should have been used in a Presidential election.

One IT system expert told us that he never would have approved the Dominion system for use. It is that bad. Another IT expert provided a review of Dominion based on a vendor user guide he obtained

In the audit report the auditor states:

The Secretary of State ran the Functional Test as if it were a jurisdiction that just purchased the voting system. Testing of the system began by setting up all equipment in a configuration that mirrored a production voting system. The DS5.10 architecture allows elections officials to use one or more, permanent server(s) and set of centraloffice voting devices, known to be running unaltered, certified software and firmware to create memory cards before each election and to use another, physically separate “sacrificial” server and set of voting devices after the election to tabulate results and generate reports. To transfer election specific data, the ICP2 machines utilize SD cards, the ICC and ICE machines utilize CF cards, and the ICX utilizes USB sticks. The election specific data (files) transferred on these cards are encrypted. An iButton is required to unencrypt the SD and CF cards for the ICP2, ICC, and ICE, and a smartcard is needed to unencrypt the USB sticks used to transfer data to the ICX machines. The key used for these devices can be unified or not. A unified key is one that is election specific. A key specific to that iButton (polling place specific) can be used also. This would prevent a malicious actor from accessing the entire system with just one key.

In the audit it is reported:

During the ICX source code vulnerability review, one potential vulnerability was discovered and the level of access required to take advantage of this potential vulnerability would be open to a variety of actors including a voter, a poll worker, an election official insider, and a vendor insider. This potential vulnerability has a more widespread potential. Polling place procedural controls are one method of mitigating this issue, with poll workers actively verifying that the USB ports are covered and the covers sealed to prevent access.

This means unless you block the USB ports they are at risk of being compromise. But then the report mentions the key control weakness in these machines:

Vote-stealing software could easily be constructed that looks for undervotes on the ballot, and marks those unvoted spaces for the candidate of the hacker’s choice. This is very straightforward to do on optical-scan bubble ballots (as on the Dominion ICE) where undervotes are indicated by no mark at all. The autocast configuration setting that allows the voter to indicate, “don’t eject the ballot for my review, just print it and cast it without me looking at it.” If fraudulent software were installed, it could change all the votes of any voter who selected this option, because the voting machine software would know in advance of printing that the voter had waived the opportunity to inspect the printed ballot.

Finally, in situations like in Arizona, where voters were given sharpies instead of pens, the Dominion system could identify ink types and kick these votes out of the system.

The Dominion system was ripe for fraud and never should have been allowed near the Democrat Party.

In the post above we shared a tweet whereRon@CodeMonkeyZstated that the local IT guy as the power to decide elections:


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e031b9 No.142282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618396 (130256ZNOV20) Notable: Zuckerberg Tells Employees Biden 'Is Going to Be Our Next President' - Report

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Zuckerberg Tells Employees Biden 'Is Going to Be Our Next President' - Report

Though Biden himself has declared victory in this election and even outlined his first steps in the White House, the official results of the presidential race are still to be announced.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes Democrat Joe Biden is going to be the next US president, according to an audiotape obtained by Buzz Feed News on Thursday.

"I believe the outcome of the election is now clear and Joe Biden is going to be our next president", Zuckerberg told his employees at a company town hall. "It's important that people have confidence that the election was fundamentally fair, and that goes for the tens of millions of people that voted for Trump."

Despite mainstream media projecting Biden's victory, incumbent US President Donald Trump says this year's presidential race was rigged by Democrats in favour of Joe Biden, citing witness accounts of mass election fraud and irregularities. Following preliminary polling results, Trump wondered why he was leading the former vice president in a number of states but within hours, the results showed Biden ahead.

According to Zuckerberg, Americans do have the right to challenge the credibility of the election results, but he says it is "unhelpful" that they are inspiring hopes the election outcome would be different "from what was projected".

However, a number of Facebook employees reportedly challenged Zuckerberg calling Biden the winner, while one of them said the election "wasn't fair".

Weeks before Election Day, Facebook introduced new restrictions, which prompted Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena Zuckerberg to testify over acts of censorship and restrictions on free speech in October. President Trump, along with other Republicans, blasted Facebook for limiting the circulation of a New York Post story about potential corrupt dealings of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

"We have seen Big Tech, we have seen Twitter and Facebook actively interfering in this election in a way that has no precedent in the history of our country", GOP Senator Ted Cruz said. "Never before have we seen active censorship of a major press publication with serious allegations of corruption of one of the two candidates for President."

In the House of Representatives, Republicans also called on their Democratic colleagues to hold a similar emergency hearing on "Big Tech's censorship and election interference".

On Wednesday, Facebook said it will continue to temporarily ban election-related advertisements at least for another month. Media reported that both Democrats and Republicans were concerned about political advertising being hidden due to the upcoming Senate runoffs in Georgia. On Tuesday, Facebook reportedly pulled several pages connected to ex-Trump administration chief strategist Steve Bannon for allegedly spreading misinformation about the 2020 presidential race.

In early November, the Washington Post reported how Facebook, which also owns Instagram, could use a "shadow-banning" technique against Trump and members of his family during the 2020 election campaign.


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e031b9 No.142283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618429 (130257ZNOV20) Notable: #14833,

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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

>>142282 Zuckerberg Tells Employees Biden 'Is Going to Be Our Next President' - Report

>>142281 Outsiders with USB’s and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

>>142280 Trump Campaign Attorney (L Linwood) Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

>>142276 Emmanuel Macron says Biden presidency is chance to 'make our planet great again'

>>142274 Dan Scavino last tweet music matched Q drop 3804also matched Flynn Banner from twitter!

>>142279 Robert P. Kolasky Assistant Director of the CISA

>>142278 Ghosts of the past come back to haunt Australian PM

>>142275 CIA insider dumped on 1/2ch last night, interesting

>>142273 Feinstein urges Graham to stop processing Trump judicial nominees 'now that the 2020 election has concluded'


>>142272 Big Tech Mogul Eric Schmidt Seeking Citizenship In Cyprus

>>142271 MAGA Patriot anons this is for you… Trump is not fucking around

>>142270 MICHIGAN WITNESS: GOP Poll Challengers Were Assaulted at TCF Center trying to Protect the Vote

>>142269 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, November 13, 2020

>>142267 Dominion info passwords etc

>>142265 , >>142266, The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

>>142264 NOTHING

>>142263 Commerce Department Stops Tik Tok Ban

>>142262 Trump campaign enjoys minor victory in Pennsylvania lawsuit over voter ID

>>142261 Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order


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e031b9 No.142284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618521 (130302ZNOV20) Notable: #14834 @650,

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Baker requests Handoff

Kitchen is offered up



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e031b9 No.142285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618580 (130305ZNOV20) Notable: #14834 @650,

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handoff confirmed?

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e031b9 No.142286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618581 (130305ZNOV20) Notable: #14834 @650,

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Handoff Confirmed

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e031b9 No.142287

File: 7b1a30ee2426127⋯.png (450.61 KB,579x412,579:412,Clipboard.png)

File: acb761af4828f90⋯.png (368.92 KB,585x398,585:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618584 (130305ZNOV20) Notable: Dead Man Voting: Fox News Host Rolls Out List of Deceased People Who Cast Ballot in US Election

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Dead Man Voting: Fox News Host Rolls Out List of Deceased People Who Cast Ballot in US Election

The Trump campaign is contesting the results of the election, citing fraud and irregularities, including the use of "dead souls" – the filing of ballots using the names of people who had died.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has revealed an extensive list of dead Americans who ‘voted’ on Election Day.

The list, presented during his show on Wednesday night, contained the names and dates of death of dozens of American citizens – some who had passed away as long ago as 2003.

While the ballot choices of the deceased voters were not disclosed, the host conjectured that they'd picked Biden.

The host lashed out at the mainstream media for being "totally vested in a Joe Biden presidency" and for not covering the alleged fraud in the election, claiming they are doing this deliberately.

Carlson claims the alleged election fraud has been facilitated through voting by mail. "Dead people tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote", he explains.

"The pretext was COVID. 'We had to do this for public health reasons', remember? 'We had no choice! It was a public health emergency!'", he said, apparently making a parody of local governors. "The effect was to encourage fraud", Carlson concludes.

Carlson drew Nevada as an example, where ballots were sent to "every single registered voter" in the state, whether they requested those ballots or not, and where more than 40,000 registrations have not been updated for 10 years. Carlson assumes that those ballots could be sent to dead people, received, and then cast by someone else.

According to the Fox News host, false allegations of election fraud, however, could cause as much trouble.

The Voting Dead?

The dramatic US election on 3 November that pitted Donald Trump against Joe Biden reached its breaking point on the fifth day of ballot counting, when the US major media projected the former vice president as the winner.

Biden quickly accepted the role of the president-elect, yet Trump refused to concede and vowed to challenge the result of the vote in several game-changing states, claiming the process had been fraught with irregularities and foul play.

In particular, the Trump team maintained that a substantial number of ballots were cast by dead people, citing Pennsylvania as an example.

US media also reported that absentee ballots were cast by deceased Americans in New York and Florida.

Most recently, the Trump campaign managed to have the authorities of Georgia perform a full manual recount of ballots cast in the presidential election, due to the closeness of the results.


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e031b9 No.142288

File: b8560d04fd20540⋯.jpeg (183.55 KB,640x546,320:273,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 32a9f1e253dc480⋯.jpeg (402.35 KB,1062x367,1062:367,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618603 (130306ZNOV20) Notable: VAX THE BLACKS? Joe's team is nasty…

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Page 28


Can’t share this on any of the socials it’s heavily censored


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e031b9 No.142289

File: b8f6b0b6d1d0eb7⋯.png (370.01 KB,606x529,606:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618611 (130307ZNOV20) Notable: Owl comms? Watch out for owls: Signs posted about swooping owls at Beaverton park.

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Watch out for owls: Signs posted about swooping owls at Beaverton park.


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e031b9 No.142290

File: 66d78de8dee423e⋯.png (54.22 KB,900x312,75:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618685 (130309ZNOV20) Notable: Deputy CoS For the Defense Sec… Gone?

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e031b9 No.142291

File: 52be460e0dffe58⋯.jpg (183.76 KB,720x1180,36:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618691 (130309ZNOV20) Notable: One intriguing name being discussed privately is former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations…

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One intriguing name being discussed privately is former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.” Today in transition and Trumpworld news

This witch always has her fingers in the pie

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e031b9 No.142292

File: a3c2abbf182e098⋯.jpg (214.4 KB,669x1213,669:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618748 (130311ZNOV20) Notable: anon nom: Today Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Q 2057) and Kashyap Patel (Q 1481) named to key Defense positions

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Evening, patriots! This movie is really getting good now.

Coups and counter-coups.

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e031b9 No.142293

File: 358c1d1b9fb5137⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618885 (130317ZNOV20) Notable: anon nom: BALLOTS MARKED FOR TRUMP FOUND IN GARBAGE DUMP

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YT link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GidyrSoPB1c&feature=youtu.be

(Wow! Posting is SLOW.)

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e031b9 No.142294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618916 (130318ZNOV20) Notable: anon nom: EVERY COUNTY R & D voting discrepancies

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>>>/qresearch/11617426 (lb) EVERY COUNTY R & D voting discrepancies





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e031b9 No.142295

File: 948d7ecb930d3e6⋯.png (588.91 KB,671x726,61:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618928 (130319ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

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L Linwood calling out China!

IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”


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e031b9 No.142296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618946 (130320ZNOV20) Notable: ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shall we play a game?

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming



Who stepped down today [forced]?


More coming?

Why is this relevant?

How do you 'show' the public the truth?

How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?

How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?

It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


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e031b9 No.142297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11618999 (130322ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Tonight I watched Tucker, Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. All Three used Information from our digs here on Qresearch in their opens. Anons need to pat yourself on the back for a JOB WELL DONE!! Great work Digital Solders you are true Patriots!!

One America News is no stranger, kek!

One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

anon thinks they will be running this segment EVERY HOUR today

-its habbening

get ready for yourChristmas Present, anons



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e031b9 No.142298

File: 5e8331f8f705f3a⋯.png (182.56 KB,1234x1182,617:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619100 (130325ZNOV20) Notable: Nationwide council Of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators info

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e031b9 No.142299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619136 (130326ZNOV20) Notable: Secret Service announces the creation of the Cyber Fraud Task Force

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Secret Service announces the creation of the Cyber Fraud Task Force

In March 2020, in recognition of the growing convergence of cyber and traditional financial crimes, the U.S. Secret Service began the process of merging its Electronic Crimes Task Forces (ECTFs) and Financial Crimes Task Forces (FCTFs) into a single unified network, what is now known as the Cyber Fraud Task Force (CFTF). This consolidation was the culmination of more than two years of planning, multiple pilot programs, and input from key partners and stakeholders. Today, the Secret Service has operationalized CFTFs in 42 domestic offices and in 2 international locations, London and Rome. In the coming years, the Secret Service plans to further extend the network CFTFs through it’s over 160 offices across the country and around the globe.


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e031b9 No.142300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619233 (130330ZNOV20) Notable: #14834

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q's Latest Posts

Day 11.12.2020

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)


#14834 @650, >>142284, >>142285, >>142286

>>142287 Dead Man Voting: Fox News Host Rolls Out List of Deceased People Who Cast Ballot in US Election

>>142288 VAX THE BLACKS? Joe's team is nasty&hellip;

>>142289 Owl comms? Watch out for owls: Signs posted about swooping owls at Beaverton park.

>>142290 Deputy CoS For the Defense Sec&hellip; Gone?

>>142291 One intriguing name being discussed privately is former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations&hellip;

>>142292 anon nom: Today Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Q 2057) and Kashyap Patel (Q 1481) named to key Defense positions


>>142294 anon nom: EVERY COUNTY R & D voting discrepancies

>>142295 Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

>>142297 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142298 Nationwide council Of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators info

>>142299 Secret Service announces the creation of the Cyber Fraud Task Force

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e031b9 No.142301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619487 (130346ZNOV20) Notable: Anons, WHO is NICK IKONOMAKIS and WHY was

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ikonomakis, VP of Dominion Voting Systems and Inventor of 8

DVS Patents, present at Detroit's TCF Counting Center on Nov. 3rd and

4th and why did he dismiss a DVS employee's concerns over obvious

voter fraud witnessed by the employee?

"Was Dominion VP and Inventor Present at the time of alleged ballot fraud?"

"A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems said in a new sworn statement that she saw “fraudulent actions take place” at Detroit’s ballot-counting site on Election Day. She reported the actions to her supervisor who dismissed them. Her supervisor is a VP with Dominion and listed as an Inventor of the software."







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e031b9 No.142302

File: 59c4e1e2b6d435a⋯.png (778.46 KB,647x595,647:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 4aaafd3ef888cf1⋯.png (436.37 KB,1129x641,1129:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619500 (130346ZNOV20) Notable: DOMINION City Brewery, Ottawa: Spoopy Trump haters

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DOMINION City Brewery, Ottawa: Spoopy Trump haters

Aug 26

Standing up.

Donald Trump is trying to bully Canada to win re-electionby arbitrarily imposing a tariff on Canadian aluminum, forcing Canada to respond in kind. The end result is that ordinary people on both sides of the border will pay more for everything from aluminum foil to cars, to beer; all because a desperate American President is putting politics ahead of people.

“Trump’s tariffs and the unavoidable Canadian response will cost small breweries in both Canada and the U.S., in our case about $0.02 per can,” says Dominion City co-founderJosh McJannett.“It might not sound like a lot, but even at our scale this wasteful tax can add up to thousands of dollars per month.”

This is a needless hurdle in an already difficult year. Local businesses like ours now have a decision to make; eat the cost or charge our customers more. Small breweries are now caught in the middle of an unjust and unnecessary trade war, but like Canada itself, we can't roll over.

These tariffs are designed to weaken us, but they won’t succeed. Thanks to the support of our community, instead of being cowed, we're taking a stand and we’re inviting our fans to join us.

We will not raise our prices. Furthermore, we will donate an equivalent two cents for every can sold between today and the end of September toJaku Konbit, a local Black-led organization building community here in Ottawa.When customers checkout their purchase on our website, they’re invited to add their own donation, 100 per cent of which will be passed on to this important charity in our city.

“This is about more than beer - it’s about fairness between friends,” says McJannett. “Together with our fans we hope to make the best of a bad situation until our friends south of the border remember who they are again.


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e031b9 No.142303

File: fd9494f5bd90947⋯.png (37.9 KB,585x300,39:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619525 (130347ZNOV20) Notable: NEW PDJT

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Must see @seanhannity takedown of the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System which is used in States where tens of thousands of votes were stolen from us and given to Biden. Likewise, the Great @LouDobbs has a confirming and powerful piece!


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e031b9 No.142304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619596 (130350ZNOV20) Notable: Urgent! Datafag here - Needs Help

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Urgent! Datafag here

Need a dataset that simply has:

State / County / Voting System Used

That's it.


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e031b9 No.142305

File: f91b607bfbccb2b⋯.png (272.5 KB,1343x1394,79:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c76550241f2aba⋯.png (625.64 KB,1343x4544,1343:4544,Clipboard.png)

File: 796cca6227a4479⋯.png (298.66 KB,1343x1306,1343:1306,Clipboard.png)

File: d9eb4c3fab3d62f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1343x8362,1343:8362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619620 (130351ZNOV20) Notable: BLUEWATER INTERNATIONAL - Bryan S. Ware

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>>142296 Qlb

>multiple patents


"Ware has been issued multiple patents in artificial intelligence and mobile technology. He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology."

Bryan Ware





Bryan is a pioneer in the development of analytics software for risk management, security and intelligence applications.

Most recently he served as the CEO of Haystax Technology where he led a diverse team of software engineers and data scientists developing the industry leading Constellation Analytics Platform. Haystax Technology’s products are core to the largest critical infrastructure risk management program and the largest insider threat prevention programs in the US. Under his leadership, Haystax was recognized by Gartner as a leader in Behavioral Analytics, by Markets to Markets as a leader in Public Safety and Security, and won the top awards from SINET and Red Herring as an AI platform company. Bryan was previously the co-founder and CEO of Digital Sandbox, Inc., a venture-backed provider of security risk analytics and intelligence fusion products that was acquired by Haystax in 2013.

Bryan holds multiple patents for advanced analytics and has advised senior government officials on critical risk matters for many years. He has been part of several ground breaking programs in the US including the evaluation of Market Intelligence or MARKINT to use public market data for intelligence predictions; developing the terrorism risk management approach for Homeland Security after 9/11; and the development of financial models for allocating over $18B in security investments. His work has been featured in several books, including Extreme Risk, Bayesian Networks, and The Unfinished Game.

Bryan began his early career developing automated target recognition algorithms for UAVs and designing survivability options for the “Star Wars” program. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

There is also a Bryan Wares with patents


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e031b9 No.142306

File: 2a8975ed9b314b1⋯.png (377.25 KB,1458x874,729:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619623 (130351ZNOV20) Notable: BLUEWATER INTERNATIONAL - Bryan S. Ware

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>>141992 (PB) Senior U.S.cybersecurity official asked to resignamid Trump transition tumult

Bryan Ware, the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’sCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), confirmed to Reuters that he had handed in his resignation on Thursday.

He didn’t provide details, but a U.S. official familiar with the matter said the White House asked for Ware’s resignation earlier this week.

CISAand the White House did not immediately return an email seeking comment.



Council (of)












My next piece is called&hellip;?

The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference betweenNCSWICand organizations such as,SAFECOM , First Responder Network Authority(FirstNet)Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).

-we had DoDanon here last night saying they were on a telecon where FirstNet was brought up in context of a 10 day blackout of the "normal" internet

FirstNet being the network communication backbone that would be used by emergency personel in the event of a "normal net" blackout

for what its worth

sauce for DoD anon post:

link is waaaaaaay (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

>>141402 (PB)

sauce for NCSWIC


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e031b9 No.142307

File: 7c992947c2e877c⋯.png (400.06 KB,649x376,649:376,Clipboard.png)

File: bee6fd400c3817a⋯.png (539.44 KB,549x392,549:392,Clipboard.png)

File: c75722baf9ff667⋯.png (742.96 KB,550x637,550:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619644 (130352ZNOV20) Notable: Facebook, Inc sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.59m-Nove 9-10

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Facebook, Inc sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.59m-Nove 9-10

Following on a recent sale on Nov 9th of $17.85m-cap #2

These should start to accelerate in size and frequency going forward.

Total share sales since 2016:$9,010,275,493vs. $0 in buys



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e031b9 No.142308

File: 5438a33264517b5⋯.png (435.94 KB,595x344,595:344,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e1570019015c5⋯.png (21.64 KB,871x209,871:209,Clipboard.png)

File: a32fc5b55619daf⋯.png (30.74 KB,812x300,203:75,Clipboard.png)

File: c0c50411ca3737b⋯.png (24.49 KB,836x181,836:181,Clipboard.png)

File: af11f3a53504931⋯.png (25.1 KB,888x202,444:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619679 (130354ZNOV20) Notable: Fox News–A 21st Century MEDIA Titanic?

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Fox News–A 21st Century MEDIA Titanic?

Once a Titan, now a Titanic?

Just as the Captain of the Titanic has gone down in history bearing a heavy share of the blame for that ship’s fateful collision with a rogue iceberg on her maiden voyage, the Rupert Murdoch’s spawn are teeing themselves up as reckless buffoons who are driving a once thriving media property into a ratings collapse. Since Fox News fully unmasked itself as a new bastion of anti-Trump hatred on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, its conservative base of viewers have fled Fox’s daytime line up. Fox News, like the Titanic, is sinking.

If the Titanic had the equivalent of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity it might have stayed afloat. These two are keeping FOX NEWS from sinking into a well-deserved oblivion. I know that some of you reading this have given Fox the total boot. Others, however, are staying away from their daytime propaganda but still tuning into Tucker and Sean.

Take a look at the numbers for yourself (I’m publishing the ratings from Adweek below) comparing Friday, August 28, 2020 to Wednesday, November 11, 2020.

In August, Fox ruled the day over CNN and MSNBC with a “Total Day” number of 2,278,000. CNN and MSNBC combined had a total of 2,629,000. The picture is quite different today. Fox still “won” the day (barely) with 1,998,000 but CNN and MSNBC combined dwared Fox with 3,831,000. Fox has gone from having almost as many viewers as CNN and MSNBC combined to now being half the number that its competitors are drawing. That is a shrinking audience.

Look at the specific shows:

Neil Cavuto, who stupidly cut away from the President’s Press Secretary, has shed almost 200,000 viewers.

The Five, with the intolerable Juan Williams, lost almost 600,000.

Bret Baier is not doing much better–he has 330,000 fewer viewers.

Martha MacCallum’s 7pm show fell by almost 400,000 “fans.”

Laura Ingraham, who is still pushing back against Fox’s shift to the left, still lost 491,000 viewers compared to August.

Last, and also hemorrahaging, is Shannon Bream. She’s down by 450,000 watchers.


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e031b9 No.142309

File: 19157b34a724548⋯.png (302.45 KB,658x362,329:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619746 (130357ZNOV20) Notable: Kenya Weighs in on American Politics

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Obama: Trump’s Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in ‘Delegitimizing’ Democracy

During a portion of an interview set to air on “CBS Sunday Morning” and “60 Minutes” released on Thursday, former President Barack Obama stated that President Donald Trump’s claims of widespread election fraud are “one more step in delegitimizing, not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally, and that’s a dangerous path.”

Obama said Trump’s claims “appear to be motivated, in part, because the president doesn’t like to lose, and never admits loss. I’m more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials, who clearly know better are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step in delegitimizing, not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally, and that’s a dangerous path.”


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e031b9 No.142310

File: 3dd449163238e80⋯.jpg (109.32 KB,574x577,574:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619765 (130358ZNOV20) Notable: Krebs: ‘No Evidence Any Foreign Adversary Was Capable’ of Preventing or Changing Votes

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>>142296 (Q lb)

Krebs said ballots were secure, ignore the Hammer behind the curtain. Bought and paid for.

"The White House is particularly angry at CISA for debunking a conspiracy theory, known as "Hammer and Scorecard," about a supposed supercomputer and accompanying software that flipped votes during the election, according to Reuters. Krebs has been particularly vocal in debunking this conspiracy theory, calling it "nonsense" and "a hoax."

On Thursday evening, Krebs retweeted an election technology specialist who warned people not to share "wild and baseless claims about voting machines, even if they're made by the president."



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e031b9 No.142311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619768 (130358ZNOV20) Notable: Be careful what you wish for

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Hannity's message to media mob, Big Tech: Be careful what you wish for

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e031b9 No.142312

File: 82fb02daee08fe8⋯.png (62.39 KB,998x512,499:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619778 (130359ZNOV20) Notable: BLUEWATER INTERNATIONAL - Bryan S. Ware

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Re DVS Inventor Lawrence J. "Larry" Korb

"Patent number: 8910865

Abstract: A ballot authentication system uses a plurality of security features embedded in and/or printed on the paper stock used to print a ballot on which election-choice-information is printed and a voting unit that includes at least a scanner that is configured to detect the plurality of security features that are embedded in and/or printed on the ballot and authenticate the ballot based on the read information. The voting unit of the ballot authentication system can be configured to verify and confirm that the various security features embedded in and/or printed on the ballot is correct for a particular precinct of an election. The security features of the ballot authentication system can include static, dynamic and data security features.

Type: Grant Filed: April 22, 2011 Date of Patent: December 16, 2014

Assignee: Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.

Inventors: Eric Coomer, Larry Korb, Brian Glenn Lierman

parent permalink save report block reply

–hloblart 16 points 6 hours ago +16 / -0

"Lawrence J. Korb is a senior fellow at American Progress. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University."

parent permalink save report block reply

–hloblart 16 points 6 hours ago +16 / -0


The Center for American Progress (CAP) is a public policy research and advocacy organization which presents a liberal[2] viewpoint on economic and social issues. It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The president and chief executive officer of CAP is Neera Tanden, who worked for the Obama and Clinton administrations and for Hillary Clinton's campaigns.[3] The first president and CEO was John Podesta

parent permalink save report block reply


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e031b9 No.142313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619784 (130359ZNOV20) Notable: Maxine Waters: Biden Win Is the ‘Dawn of a New Progressive America’

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Maxine Waters: Biden Win Is the ‘Dawn of a New Progressive America’

House Financial Services chairwoman Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on Thursday at a hearing that the 2020 presidential election gave Joe Biden a “mandate,” which will usher in “the dawn of a new progressive America.”

Waters said, “On November 3, American decisively rejected President Trump his harmful policies and his dangerous rhetoric. The American people have given President-elect Joe Biden a mandate to reverse the harmful policies of the Trump administration.”

She continued, “It is clear that America wants an economic system that works for them and not against them. I was inspired by the words of President-Elect Biden on how he wants to unify the country. As ever, I stand ready to work with members on both sides of the aisle and to incoming Biden administration on reforming our financial system so that consumers and investors have the protections they need. President-elect Biden has already begun the work of building a future for our nation. Monday, we established a coronavirus task force showing how fiercely he is working on this virus.”

She added, “I am putting witnesses on notice that I will be working with the Biden administration to rollback these rules. These financial regulations and the approach to diversity and inclusion in this country, they are going to change for the better. With the historic election of this country’s first woman and person of color to serve as vice president, it is already changing for the better and under my leadership the committee has led the way on diversity and inclusion.”

She concluded, “We are emerging from the dark days of the Trump administration into the dawn of a new progressive America, where pro-consumer and pro-investor policies will always be first on the agenda.”


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e031b9 No.142314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619864 (130402ZNOV20) Notable: Giuliani: 650K Illegal Ballots

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Giuliani: 650K Illegal Ballots | New Voter Fraud Docs | 2020 Election Update (Day 10)

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e031b9 No.142315

File: 5495fe33d59e2cd⋯.png (334.36 KB,522x489,174:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619908 (130404ZNOV20) Notable: Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom Announces Lawsuit Against Joe Biden On Tucker Carlson Tonight

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Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom Announces Lawsuit Against Joe Biden On Tucker Carlson Tonight

"Kyle is a caring young man. He went to Kenosha to help people. What Joe Biden did, showing my son's picture and labeling him a white supremacist - I will take him down"

The mother of a 17-year-old teen who is currently residing in jail and faces murder murder charges after defending himself on video against violent protesters in Kenosha appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to announce a lawsuit against Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, who used her son’s image to make false claims about white supremacy in an election campaign.

“You saw the Joe Biden campaign smear your son as a white supremacist. What was your reaction to that?” Carlson asked Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom Wendy.

“How dare [Joe Biden] do that to my son,” Wendy Rittenhouse said. “That’s my son that he did that too, and I’m not gonna back down to him. And [Kyle Rittenhouse] is not a white supremacist, and he’s not a racist. He’s my son, and I know him, and he is none that, what Joe Biden said.”

READ MORE: Kenosha Rioter Repeatedly Says ‘Shoot Me N**ga,’ Gets Shot Multiple Times Moments Later

“Kyle is a caring young man. He went to Kenosha to help people. What Joe Biden did, showing my son’s picture and labeling him a white supremacist – I will take him down,” Wendy Rittenhouse added.

Wendy Rittenhouse went on to ask viewers to donate to her son’s legal defense fund at FightBack.Law, so that she can see him again.

“We’re raising money to try to get him home, I just need people to help me to bring my son home, please donate anything you can,” she said.

In October, Rittenhouse’s legal team released an 11-minute documentary that laid out the case for the teen’s defense using a intensive compilation of video footage from the night the incident occurred. The video quickly went viral and was promptly banned from its hosting platform.


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e031b9 No.142316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619969 (130406ZNOV20) Notable: Oregon Sex Workers Now Eligible For COVID Aid

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Oregon Sex Workers Now Eligible For COVID Aid

Strippers, prostitutes, porn stars, and others in the sex industry (pimps?) are now eligible to receive COVID grant money in Oregon. $600,000 has been allocated through the Oregon Health Authority, and the funds will be distributed through a marxist-alligned organization called Haymarket Pole Collective. Perhaps even more outrageous, the YWCA is helping to raise additional funds.

Preference is given to transgender and non white sex workers.

The Oregonian reports:

Nearly $600,000 in federal COVID-relief funds is available for Oregon strippers and sex workers of color who have been financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyone “who has made income from using their or other people’s sexuality to financially assist themselves” can apply, said Cat Hollis, founder of PDX Stripper Strike and Haymarket Pole Collective, which is administering the grant. Priority will be given to Black, Indigenous and transgender applicants, those with minor dependents living in the household and those experiencing homelessness.

The funds are part of $45 million in health equity grants distributed by the Oregon Health Authority to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in tribal communities and communities of color, which have been disproportionally affected by the virus.

The grants will allow Haymarket Pole Collective to provide financial assistance to 75 people, who can receive up to $1,600 in rent assistance, $500 in utility assistance and $150 toward internet services.

This was the Haymarket Pole Collective’s first grant application. The YWCA of Greater Portland, which provides domestic violence services, social justice programs and other services to women and families, is serving as the fiscal agent for the grant’s distribution.

Donations to PDX Stripper Strike are tax-deductible if made through the YWCA at ywcapdx.org/stripperstrike. For more information, or to apply for a grant, visit haymarketpole.com.

And yes, that YWCA is the current lineage of the Young Women’s Christian Association. Oddly enough, however, they leave the “Christian” part out of all of their branding, literature, and website, sans for one reference to an area church in the 1970’s that they were loosely affiliated with.

Things labelled “Haymarket” in politics are typically an ode to early marxist movements of the late 1800’s. Most notably is Haymarket Books, which publishes a variety of far left marxist propaganda.


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e031b9 No.142317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11619986 (130407ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

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this is a re-post, it has already been in multiple (PB) notables

just posting for fresh eyes

One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

anon thinks they will be running this segment EVERY HOUR today

-its habbening

get ready for yourChristmas Present, anons




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e031b9 No.142318

File: 2cff91715fff48d⋯.png (50.94 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

File: c8b4c1018d599a9⋯.png (91.43 KB,678x390,113:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620026 (130409ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING NEWS: Deputy chief of staff to the secretary of defense has resigned amid Pentagon purge

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e031b9 No.142319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620070 (130411ZNOV20) Notable: #14835

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Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!


>>142318 BREAKING NEWS: Deputy chief of staff to the secretary of defense has resigned amid Pentagon purge

>>142317 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142316 Oregon Sex Workers Now Eligible For COVID Aid

>>142315 Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom Announces Lawsuit Against Joe Biden On Tucker Carlson Tonight

>>142314 Giuliani: 650K Illegal Ballots

>>142304 Urgent! Datafag here - Needs Help

>>142313 Maxine Waters: Biden Win Is the ‘Dawn of a New Progressive America’

>>142311 Be careful what you wish for

>>142310 Krebs: ‘No Evidence Any Foreign Adversary Was Capable’ of Preventing or Changing Votes

>>142309 Kenya Weighs in on American Politics

>>142308 Fox News–A 21st Century MEDIA Titanic?

>>142307 Facebook, Inc sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.59m-Nove 9-10

>>142301 Anons, WHO is NICK IKONOMAKIS and WHY was

>>142302 DOMINION City Brewery, Ottawa: Spoopy Trump haters

>>142303 NEW PDJT

>>142305, >>142306, >>142312 BLUEWATER INTERNATIONAL - Bryan S. Ware

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e031b9 No.142320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620120 (130414ZNOV20) Notable: ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

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ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators


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e031b9 No.142321

File: 76458c3f5f1c432⋯.png (116.66 KB,771x852,257:284,Clipboard.png)

File: 24d0a9197b8de57⋯.png (110.66 KB,792x837,88:93,Clipboard.png)

File: e49349fe99473f5⋯.png (36.79 KB,793x265,793:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620144 (130416ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here's an Update on Team Trump's Lawsuits and Recounts

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Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here's an Update on Team Trump's Lawsuits and Recounts

On Thursday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump gave reporters an update on the campaign’s lawsuits and recount requests across the country. Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s communications director, urged patience and said the campaign has “a solid, comprehensive strategy that is tailored to the conditions on the ground in each state and according to the laws in each state.”

“Over 72 million people now have voted for President Trump, and those Americans deserve to know that this election was free, fair, safe, and secure,” Murtaugh said. He warned against the rush to “instant gratification” in reporting preliminary results that suggest Democrat Joe Biden has won the election, and said that Biden voters also deserve to have the election process scrutinized to root out fraud and abuse.

Murtaugh insisted that media outlets should not ignore “the very real evidence of irregularities” in the election process, including disturbing reports of “stacks of ballots being run through scanners multiple times” and election officials treating voters differently based on what county they live in.

Trump Campaign General Counsel Matt Morgan ran through the state of play in five of the key swing states.

1. Pennsylvania

Morgan began by noting the campaign’s legal victory in Pennsylvania earlier on Thursday. “The secretary of state continues to play fast and loose with statutory dates and deadlines,” he alleged.

Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled that Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law days before the election. Leavitt ordered the county boards of elections not to count any ballots that had been segregated.

Last week, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate those ballots that came in after 8 p.m. on Election Day.

It remains unclear exactly how many ballots would not be counted for this reason.

Leavitt’s order represented the latest in the Pennsylvania Republican Party’s litigation against Boockvar. The state’s GOP filed the initial lawsuit on July 10, 2020, and it reached the Supreme Court shortly before Election Day. a 4-4 order let a state Supreme Court decision stand, allowing officials to count mail-in ballots received up to three days after Election Day. The Trump campaign asked to join the case on November 4.

According to The Wall Street Journal, about 10,000 ballots arrived during the three days after Election Day, far below Biden’s lead of more than 45,000 votes.

Morgan also referenced a lawsuit the Trump campaign filed against Boockvar on Monday, accusing the secretary and county election officials of violating voters’ rights to equal protection by favoring some mail-in ballots over others and of violating the Constitution by usurping the state legislature’s authority on election law. The lawsuit laid out ten reasons to suspect Pennsylvania’s election results are “irredeemably compromised,” and asked the court to prevent Boockvar from prematurely certifying the results.

Hearings in this case have been scheduled for next week.

Morgan announced that the campaign had filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to allow the legal team “time to confirm our well-founded theory that Pennsylvania officials have counted thousands of invalid votes.” He also repeated the lawsuit’s claims that Boockvar and other election officials have prevented the Trump campaign’s poll watchers from observing the ballot-counting.


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e031b9 No.142322

File: 797256662661488⋯.png (442.83 KB,590x478,295:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 02c31f5d977cfd6⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620147 (130416ZNOV20) Notable: NEW PDJT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142323

File: 39ed9522b3b01aa⋯.png (1.51 MB,2433x1650,811:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620166 (130417ZNOV20) Notable: Bill Gates partners with Rashida Jones to host a new podcast limited series; first show will be on what the world will look post-COVID

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Bill Gates partners with Rashida Jones to host a new podcast limited series; first show will be on what the world will look post-COVID

Rashida Jones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashida_Jones


Daughter of Quincy Jones, songwriter/producer

Her sister, Kidada Jones, was dating Tupac Shakur at the time of his death


Democratic supporter


The podcast will be called "Ask Big Questions".



From Gates' website:

New podcast series

On our new podcast, I’ve teamed up with actress and writer Rashida Jones to tackle some of the biggest questions facing us today: Is it too late to solve climate change? Does everybody lie? Is inequality inevitable? Join us each week for deep dives into these questions and even a few answers.

What will the world look like after COVID-19?

November 16, 2020

Ever since the pandemic started, we’ve heard the same refrain: we need to get back to normal. But what does “normal” even mean after such a history-changing event? Bill and Rashida discuss how COVID-19 will forever change our workplaces, our schools, and even our social lives. They also get real with NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci about what we can expect in the months ahead. Series premiere November 16th.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142324

File: 4a435c29c9069ce⋯.png (124.64 KB,506x648,253:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620196 (130419ZNOV20) Notable: AZGOP files new lawsuit demanding hand recount by precinct

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AZGOP files new lawsuit demanding hand recount by precinct

NEW: @AZGOP now getting in on the legal challenges. The party just dropped a lawsuit earlier tonight demanding a hand count of votes by precinct, not vote centers. #ABC15 #YourVote


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e031b9 No.142325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620368 (130428ZNOV20) Notable: Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System

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Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142326

File: a8acf7be577c4bd⋯.png (115.76 KB,619x581,619:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 0684782a12a8c01⋯.png (115.25 KB,621x581,621:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620378 (130428ZNOV20) Notable: NCSWIC Primary Membership - PDF

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Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

NCSWIC Primary Membership - PDF


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e031b9 No.142327

File: f80c60c89427c20⋯.png (128.14 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620393 (130429ZNOV20) Notable: Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142328

File: 7a3d323be73c0a8⋯.png (26.23 KB,593x238,593:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620406 (130430ZNOV20) Notable: CM - Thanks for the wonderful chat @ChanelRion. Looking forward to seeing what you are able to do with the information that I have provided you.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142329

File: 97ae52ee5c934f3⋯.png (598.38 KB,1533x930,511:310,Clipboard.png)

File: a471b15ec4ac0be⋯.png (186.93 KB,1242x507,414:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620409 (130430ZNOV20) Notable: Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

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Hillary Clinton shares photos of FLOTUS transition as Melania has yet to reach out to Jill Biden

Melania Trump has thus far ignored protocol by not contacting Biden who will assume her role in January

Hillary Clinton posted two throwback pictures on Instagram of herself and two other first ladies on Thursday.

The first photo shows Clinton with Barbara Bush, who was the first lady from 1989 to 1993, about to embrace during Bill Clinton’s transition to the White House. Clinton won the election against incumbent President George H. W. Bush.


Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

Former Vice President Joe Biden's transition team is reportedly considering installing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his administration's ambassador to the United Nations.

The Washington Post reported on Thursday that a person familiar with the matter said Clinton was "being discussed" as a potential pick because it would purportedly raise the prestige and standing of the U.S. after President Trump's time in office.

News of Clinton's potential nomination came as Biden attempted to alter world leaders' perceptions of the U.S. in foreign relations. "I'm letting them know that America is back. We're going to be back in the game," he said.

Clinton famously lost her 2016 presidential bid against Trump and has become a lightning rod for criticism of the left. During the campaign, she testified before Congress over her role in the 2011 attacks on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. That incident has stuck with her as a prominent point line of attack among critics.


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e031b9 No.142330

File: f7f5b281ddb5f78⋯.png (141.5 KB,1903x1629,1903:1629,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c97f9857535223⋯.png (162.45 KB,696x901,696:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620453 (130433ZNOV20) Notable: MOAR CISA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620495 (130436ZNOV20) Notable: "Look Closely: Trump Still Has A Shot At Winning Reelection"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Look Closely: Trump Still Has A Shot At Winning Reelection"

by Lewis K. Uhler and Peter J. Ferrara

November 12, 2020

"The Biden/Harris team and their complicit allies in the mainstream news industry are attempting one of the most audacious heists in American political history. In “calling”Joe Biden the winner Saturday, political prognosticators in the major cable news outlets reveal not only their continued bias but also their strong sense of dread of the ultimate outcome for their basement-dwelling candidate of choice.

"The facts are, as of Monday, a full week after election day, Biden is behind President Donald Trump in the undisputed electoral count — Biden’s 226 to Trump’s 232 (assuming Trump wins North Carolina) — with a full 80 outstanding electoral votes in seven states still in a legal fog and unlikely to be determined much before the Dec. 14 state deadlines to report the count to Congress.

"Only the candidate with at least 270 actual electoral votes reported to Congress on that date will be declared the winner. Nothing more and nothing less. And it certainly won’t be “declared” by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

"So what can we say at this point about the outstanding 80 electoral votes in those seven states? What are the states in play and what are the ultimate likely outcomes?

"The seven states still counting votes, or with recounts ordered, or audits forecast, or credible evidence of fraud or system “glitches” include:

&ndash; Georgia’s 16 electoral votes under a scheduled recount.

&ndash; Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes under a scheduled audit and a Supreme Court order.

&ndash; Michigan’s 16 electoral votes with statehouse subpoenas for election officials.

&ndash; Wisconsin’s 10 votes under a scheduled recount and statewide canvas.

&ndash; Nevada’s six votes chasing legal challenges for fraud and a Bill Barr Justice Department investigation.

&ndash; Arizona’s 11 votes still counting and under scrutiny for voter irregularities.

&ndash; And Nebraska’s one electoral vote in their District 2 under investigation.

"That’s 80 outstanding Electoral College votes for which no one can at this point reliably predict a final resolution. How can anyone possibly know the results of any investigation, audit or recount before they have begun?

"The only thing that is known for certain at this date is that Biden needs to capture 44 of the remaining 80, while Trump needs only 38. The combination of states to get to either of those totals are a bit varied, but there is one final determinate that heavily advantages Trump.

"Of those seven outstanding states, all but Nevada’s six electoral votes are the responsibility of strong Republican statehouse majorities. Why, you might ask, is that important?

"The Constitution of the United States provides in Article 2 that the final authority for every elector from each state is solely vested in that state’s legislature. Meaning any final disputes or resolutions of accusations of fraud will be determined by the majorities in those states. And since all but six of these outstanding 80 votes are controlled by Republicans, Trump has more than a good shot at being re-elected.

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich cited on Fox on Nov. 9 the legal precedent that where election law has been violated, the court has invalidated the results of that entire vote. Even to the point of switching the result of the election from a corrupt Democrat to a Republican challenger.

"So now you know why the left and their handmaidens in the media are so wild-eyed about projecting Biden now. Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t look promising.

"This scenario comports with the rest of the national 2020 election results in which the rest of the predicted “Big Blue Wave” never crested. Democrats lost House seats in Congress, threatening Pelosi’s speakership, while the Senate remains in Republican control.

"And former Attorney General Eric Holder’s four years to win control of state legislatures for redistricting purposes in 2021 fell flat. Republicans added a net of one governor (Montana) and down-ticket state elected officers.

"The right outcome at the presidential level saves tax reform and puts America back on track to restore integrity to Washington, as we reduce regulations and drain the swamp."


You also know why the Vegas Line on the Election is where it is

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e031b9 No.142332

File: 32dee12efeaec54⋯.png (1.16 MB,1186x946,593:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 811110aba4f50ff⋯.png (153.89 KB,1106x906,553:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 03c401e70eab6f0⋯.png (140.9 KB,1132x931,1132:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620536 (130438ZNOV20) Notable: More on Brian Ware and China

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More on Brian Ware and China


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142333

File: 6c961e334f1efc7⋯.png (63.96 KB,432x563,432:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee17ccd4c10f47⋯.png (436.15 KB,1125x587,1125:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620577 (130441ZNOV20) Notable: #UPDATED ICE Twitter account deactivated temporarily over an age change in settings

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#UPDATED ICE Twitter account deactivated temporarily over an age change in settings

This is why I won't fiddle around with settings&hellip;

ICE said it wasn't a hack or 'rogue employee'

Well that's a relief.

No seriously, Thank you @ICE for all you do.



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e031b9 No.142334

File: a02eb5bfd8332aa⋯.png (586.52 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620583 (130441ZNOV20) Notable: MOAR CISA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620635 (130445ZNOV20) Notable: MOAR CISA

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National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators

DHS-NCSWIC-LOGOEstablished by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) supports Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) from the 56 states and territories, by developing products and services to assist them with leveraging their relationships, professional knowledge, and experience with public safety partners involved in interoperable communications at all levels of government.

CISA is the lead coordination agency for the NCSWIC and recognizes the critical role the SWICs serve in organizing and executing the interoperability effort in all the states and territories.

The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference between NCSWIC and organizations such as, SAFECOM, First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).

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e031b9 No.142336

File: 7e3e4246e5e8f31⋯.png (102.73 KB,609x872,609:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620657 (130446ZNOV20) Notable: "Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine and we’ve done it while maintaining the FDA gold standard for safety." President Donald J. Trump

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>What is Operation Warp Speed

"Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine and we’ve done it while maintaining the FDA gold standard for safety." President Donald J. Trump


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e031b9 No.142337

File: d9b1ed87c312690⋯.png (260.07 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620686 (130449ZNOV20) Notable: MOAR CISA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620721 (130452ZNOV20) Notable: GA GOP LETTER

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Can't post picture

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142339

File: 96afd948545fc43⋯.png (169.65 KB,1440x1306,720:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620742 (130453ZNOV20) Notable: So to summarize the last 4 years:

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So to summarize the last 4 years:

You can't TELL people about corruption because so many won't listen or are deaf to it. You must SHOW them. Since 2016, they have been trying to overthrow DJT because they thought they had the '16 election rigged for HRC. First was Russia Russia Russia which failed. Then they tried impeachment which failed. Ironically (not ironically), the day impeachment was officially filed by Pelosi (Jan 15) was the same day the first case of Corona came to US shores. Virus severity was severy overblown to scare the population into panic: kill economic gains from DJT, stop rallies, and force election to vote by mail (easy fraud manipulation). However, POTUS has been monitoring especially since 2018 election. Right now POTUS knows all and has them dead to rights but you can't charge someone for a crime unless you catch them in the act. (Shoplifter hasn't stolen until they exit the store) So now that Biden and media has declared victory which means nothing, POTUS can challenge the authenticity of the votes. Programs of Hammer and Scorecard have now been exposed for altering votes in real time and Dominion voting machines in 29 states have been IDd for changing votes. Dominion -> managed by Clinton Global Initiative running software by Smartmatic (a Soros investment). Dominion machines used worldwide not just US.

Tweet below from DJT confirms to me, he knows and is 5 steps ahead.

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e031b9 No.142340

File: c9b0f4e197b8e60⋯.png (1.26 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: afe3ddc3ded7f99⋯.png (520.43 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620755 (130454ZNOV20) Notable: Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

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Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

Request made after YouTube shutdown 11/11/2020.

Very next Q post 11/12/2020 is American flag within a day of request, after 10 days of silence.

Coincidence?!? Patriots shut down YouTube!


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e031b9 No.142341

File: d3fa96f5c407b46⋯.png (291.88 KB,1216x1260,304:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620785 (130456ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy

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BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy


Dr. Eric Coomer and Dominion are scrubbing the internet&hellip; The problem is we already have a file with ALL OF IT. Share and follow as I drop more. #reckoning


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e031b9 No.142342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620810 (130457ZNOV20) Notable: #14836

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>>142339 So to summarize the last 4 years:

>>142341 BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy

>>142340 Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

>>142338 GA GOP LETTER

>>142336 "Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine and we’ve done it while maintaining the FDA gold standard for safety." President Donald J. Trump

>>142333 #UPDATED ICE Twitter account deactivated temporarily over an age change in settings

>>142332 More on Brian Ware and China

>>142323 Bill Gates partners with Rashida Jones to host a new podcast limited series; first show will be on what the world will look post-COVID

>>142331 "Look Closely: Trump Still Has A Shot At Winning Reelection"

>>142329 Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

>>142328 CM - Thanks for the wonderful chat @ChanelRion. Looking forward to seeing what you are able to do with the information that I have provided you.

>>142327 Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies

>>142326 NCSWIC Primary Membership - PDF

>>142325 Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System

>>142324 AZGOP files new lawsuit demanding hand recount by precinct

>>142322 NEW PDJT

>>142320 ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

>>142321 Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here's an Update on Team Trump's Lawsuits and Recounts

>>142330, >>142334, >>142335, >>142337 MOAR CISA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620883 (130502ZNOV20) Notable: Staple Street / Dominion Connections Chart

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Staple Street / Dominion Connections Chart



Staple Street / Dominion “Services” = “Dickinson & Avella PLLC” Lobbying Firm



Dickinson & Avella PLLC Info Page:



Dickinson & Avella PLLC Affiliates:

Page 1: https://littlesis.org/org/112465-Dickinson_&_Avella_PLLC?relationships=services_transactions


Page 2: https://littlesis.org/entities/112465-Dickinson_&_Avella_PLLC?page=2&relationships=services_transactions


Page 3: https://littlesis.org/entities/112465-Dickinson_&_Avella_PLLC?page=3&relationships=services_transactions


Page 4: https://littlesis.org/entities/112465-Dickinson_&_Avella_PLLC?page=4&relationships=services_transactions


Notable: also covers Sequoia Voting Systems, New York State Supreme Court, and various other potentially related entities.

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e031b9 No.142344

File: 8dfb9ac3a1a3a1c⋯.png (316.06 KB,511x274,511:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 91cdad411433a84⋯.png (450.34 KB,899x483,899:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620888 (130503ZNOV20) Notable: Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For 'Ethical Robots'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For 'Ethical Robots'

In November's monthly prayer intention, Pope Francis called on all the good Catholics of the world to "pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind."

The pope's monthly prayer intentions, published on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' website, was also featured in a short video clip on YouTube via Vatican News.

In his message, the pope said artificial intelligence was "at the heart of the epochal change we are experiencing," and that robotics could empower the world if harnessed for good. He said, "if technological progress increases inequalities, it is not true progress. Future advances should be orientated towards respecting the dignity of the person."


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e031b9 No.142345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620910 (130505ZNOV20) Notable: Jul 2, 2015- Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jul 2, 2015- Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden


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e031b9 No.142346

File: af59d66b2537c9e⋯.jpg (63.86 KB,691x600,691:600,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf6b1195f4842d2⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620911 (130505ZNOV20) Notable: John Solomon on Dobbs

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John Solomon on Dobbs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142347

File: 8f7a851a5ab4755⋯.png (55.14 KB,760x447,760:447,Clipboard.png)

File: f3e20207c0493eb⋯.png (61.38 KB,760x502,380:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620915 (130505ZNOV20) Notable: 3 year delta of Q posts with our Great American Flag.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 year delta of Q posts with our Great American Flag.

File names are "Freedom.png" & "GodBlessAmerica.png"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620919 (130506ZNOV20) Notable: Ronald Reagan tells joke about Democrats

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Very kek, President Reagan!

Ronald Reagan tells joke about Democrats


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e031b9 No.142349

File: 43facdaeb817255⋯.png (106.2 KB,594x626,297:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b8b2e3c0ea3bd4⋯.png (149.66 KB,1041x800,1041:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620941 (130507ZNOV20) Notable: CAP: Vate Rigging By The Numbers

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e031b9 No.142350

File: bb221c40387ebb7⋯.png (653.52 KB,647x772,647:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 617bd0815afac86⋯.png (364.14 KB,668x738,334:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620952 (130508ZNOV20) Notable: Flying drone taxi in S. Korea.

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Tech disclosure?

Flying drone taxi in S. Korea.

SEOUL, Nov. 11 (UPI) &ndash; South Korea offered a glimpse of a science-fiction future on Wednesday with a demonstration flight of a two-seat drone taxi in Seoul, as the government outlined ambitious plans to commercialize urban air travel by 2025.

At an event held next to the Han River near Yeouido, a finance and banking district in the heart of Seoul, a two-seat drone produced by Chinese manufacturer EHang buzzed quietly overhead for about seven minutes at an altitude of over 150 feet.

The eVTOL electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle which carries a payload of 485 pounds and can reach speeds up to 80 mph, was loaded with heavy sacks of rice instead of passengers for the flight.

The demonstration was hosted by the Seoul city government and South Korea's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which is developing a "K-drone" air- traffic management system as it plans for a sky that will soon be filled with everything from taxis to delivery drones.

"We are very happy to introduce drone taxi, the future transportation system, in Seoul for the first time in Korea," said Seo Jeong-hyup, acting mayor of Seoul. "The city government will do its best to ensure that the human dream of flying in the sky is safely settled as a reality for Seoul citizens and to support the future industry of Korea."

The event also featured demonstrations of several smaller unmanned package-delivery drones.

MOLIT Vice Minister Son Myung-soo said in a statement the government has created a comprehensive urban air mobility roadmap "to achieve commercialization by 2025 without any disruptions through collaboration with industry, academia and research institutes."

According to Son, aerial drones will slash travel times on trips within the Seoul urban area by up to 70%. A journey from Yeouido to Incheon International Airport will take less than 20 minutes, as opposed to over an hour by car.

MOLIT projects that a drone taxi fare for the 30-mile trip would be nearly $100, more than twice the cost of a taxi ride. However, as the market grows and autonomous flight systems are increasingly adopted, the fare could drop to less than $20, the ministry said.

Drones will play a key role in fighting traffic congestion in dense urban areas and are environmentally friendly, said Seo Jeong-seok, deputy director of the drone transport division at MOLIT, a department that was created last year.

"Urban air mobility will be good for decarbonizing the economy," he said. "South Korea is aiming for a complete decarbonization of its transport systems by 2040-2050."

Flying vehicles are also expected to be a big business globally in the coming decades: Last year, Morgan Stanley projected that the global market for autonomous urban aircraft could reach $1.5 trillion by 2040.

South Korea's MOLIT projects the country's own market to be worth $11.6 billion by 2040, with the industry creating 160,000 jobs.

South Korea is lagging behind drone aircraft developers in Europe and the United States, however. Uber is planning to launch its aerial ride-sharing service, UberAir, in Dallas, Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia, in 2023.

But Korean manufacturers are quickly crowding into the market. On Wednesday, Hyundai Motors and Hanwha Systems showed off scale models of their own eVTOL drone aircraft under development.

moar @


op https://populist.press/flying-taxi-takes-off-over-seoul/


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e031b9 No.142351

File: 9428a01c7726701⋯.png (36.27 KB,595x343,85:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620956 (130509ZNOV20) Notable: Chanel & CM

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Chanel & CM


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e031b9 No.142352

File: b0e83359d7eea76⋯.png (536.86 KB,898x963,898:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620959 (130509ZNOV20) Notable: New York Times beheads Stephen Miller (what the fuck -sedition)

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e031b9 No.142353

File: c9b0f4e197b8e60⋯.png (1.26 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: afe3ddc3ded7f99⋯.png (520.43 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620975 (130509ZNOV20) Notable: Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

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Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

Request made last night after YouTube shutdown.

Very next day, Q posts American flag after 10 days of silence, to confirm Patriots shut down YouTube.


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e031b9 No.142354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11620998 (130511ZNOV20) Notable: Democrats LIED about Atlanta water main break to delay Georgia ballot counting

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"Democrats LIED about Atlanta water main break to delay Georgia ballot counting"


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e031b9 No.142355

File: 79f1e7f4a56431c⋯.jpeg (403.66 KB,1291x736,1291:736,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0d34f138ee95e7⋯.jpg (325.16 KB,1152x2048,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 89050d1206f9f07⋯.jpg (83.23 KB,628x463,628:463,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 27b1b04c96424b1⋯.jpg (204.97 KB,1003x694,1003:694,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc17c18d716fd69⋯.png (1.6 MB,7680x4320,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621028 (130513ZNOV20) Notable: Ha I told you fuckers QAI was quantum computing!

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Ha I told you fuckers QAI was quantum computing!




Also claims Antifa is not organized?

Data says not only is Antifa organized, it's ORGANIZED. Dems want to get rid of Antifa now because they're hurting the party. SO they released the cell phone tracking data and literally doxxed their own useful idiots.

Click on data pic, open in other tab, use magnify and the big circles are leaders/organizers.

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e031b9 No.142356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621044 (130515ZNOV20) Notable: Wisconsin Woman Wonders Why Incapacitated Mother Voted this Month

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Wisconsin Woman Wonders Why Incapacitated Mother Voted this Month

In early October, Janet's mother passed away at her assisted living facility following a long battle with dementia. Ethel, who was 95, lived a long, full life and Janet did not consider her death a surprise.

What was a surprise, however, was the fact that two weeks earlier, Ethel returned an absentee ballot.

She hasn't been lucid enough to make any qualified decisions for years. I was her power of attorney and had legal paperwork stating she was incapacitated and not able to make her own decisions, which is on record at her facility."

her mother's condition steadily worsened since she first entered assisted living in 2012 and that since that time, she has been wholly unable to make any decisions on her own; least of all for whom to vote.

Ethel's publicly available voting records, however, indicate that she has voted absentee by mail in every election since 2012 save for the 2017 spring election, 2018 spring election, 2018 partisan primary, 2018 gubernatorial election, and 2019 spring election.


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e031b9 No.142357

File: 41690081d8f66bc⋯.png (575.9 KB,730x423,730:423,Clipboard.png)

File: d18d92cc00af9ed⋯.png (365.26 KB,720x938,360:469,Clipboard.png)

File: f14461a783ce22a⋯.png (685.54 KB,591x700,591:700,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ab0fb0146c239c⋯.png (231.27 KB,1903x1249,1903:1249,Clipboard.png)

File: ca1a4397e61a019⋯.png (69.14 KB,598x530,299:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621055 (130516ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden’s incoming chief of staff said elections are rigged

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Joe Biden’s incoming chief of staff said elections are rigged

The long-serving aide to former Vice President Joe Biden and now-named White House chief of staff has expressed that he believes the elections are rigged and has denied the COVID-19 epidemic in America. In 2014, Ronald Klain responded to a Vox.com article that reported that "68% of Americans think elections are rigged" at the time. Klain commented: “That’s because they are.” Focused on gerrymandering, the piece argued, according to a Rasmussen poll, that voters were "basically right" to suspect that elections were “rigged in favor of incumbents." "The term 'rigged' might go a tad far. The problem here isn’t fraud. In elections, like in so much else, the scandal is what’s legal," Vox founder Ezra Klein levelled. The same reasoning could be applied to mass mail-in voting, which was introduced in the middle of the 2020 presidential campaign. An early November poll by Politico found that 70 percent of Republicans do not think the general election was "free and fair." "We don't have a #COVID-19 epidemic in the US but we are starting to see a fear epidemic," Klain tweeted in February of this year. Then he extended "kudos" to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio among others "for standing against that."

Former President Barack Obama appointed Klain to the so-called Ebola czar position to manage the administration’s handling of the emerging public health crisis after a series of missteps by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now Klain is seen as an asset in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. On Wednesday evening, Biden himself commended Klain's "deep, varied experience and capacity to work with people all across the political spectrum," which he emphasized is "precisely" what he needs in a White House chief of staff to "confront this moment of crisis and bring our country together again." Ron Klain’s deep, varied experience and capacity to work with people all across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in a White House chief of staff as we confront this moment of crisis and bring our country together again. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren called Klain a “superb choice” to serve as Biden’s top adviser. "He understands the magnitude of the health and economic crisis and he has the experience to lead this next administration through it. Ron has earned trust all across the entire Democratic Party." Warren stated that she's known Klain, asserting that he's "guided by his belief in public service and building opportunity for America’s working families." I’ve known @RonaldKlain for years and he is guided by his belief in public service and building opportunity for America’s working families. Let’s get to work! — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) November 12, 2020

In the 2000s, Biden's pick lobbied at the firm O’Melveny & Myers on behalf of a trade coalition that sought to limit payouts in asbestos-related lawsuits. Klain and two others lobbied for the Coalition for Asbestos Resolution to push H.R. 1283 that would cap attorneys fees in such lawsuits and curb liability payouts, Senate lobbying records cite. As Politico noted in a 2008 expose, watchdog Public Citizen called the bill “a classic example of how special interests in Washington use political contributions, high-powered lobbying and public relations firms and prestigious academics to work their will in Congress — and trample on the rights of workers and consumers in the process.” Klain was additionally hired by drugmaker ImClone which was heavily criticized for withholding promising experimental medicine from desperate cancer patients. Klain lobbied on “compassionate use” laws that allowed drug distribution before FDA approval. Out of 10,000 patient applications for C-225, ImClone handed out only 30 doses. Shortly after a congressional hearing—where the ImClone’s CEO admitted to the poor drug allocation—the contract was ended with Klain's firm. He also lobbied on regulatory issues for home lender Fannie Mae, which was accused of inflating its earnings and overpaying executives. The mortgage loan company paid $400 million in fines due to its accounting practices and excessive bonuses to upper management. Klain’s history as a lobbyist nearly two decades ago is effectively omitted from his progressive resume, perhaps due to his work for major corporations supported by Big Business.



Biden-Harris Presidential Transition


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e031b9 No.142358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621068 (130517ZNOV20) Notable: Alright boys & gals, due to the recent DHS/CUSA firing maybe we need to get shovels for these folks.

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Alright boys & gals, due to the recent DHS/CUSA firing maybe we need to get shovels for these folks.

They put out report "no election fraud".

WASHINGTON – The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works) -


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e031b9 No.142359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621106 (130520ZNOV20) Notable: ————————————–——– Durham.

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e031b9 No.142360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621183 (130524ZNOV20) Notable: Vernon Jones says Georgia’s election fraud centers on mail-in ballots

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"Vernon Jones says Georgia’s election fraud centers on mail-in ballots"

The Georgia State representative believes those in his own party are orchestrating voter fraud.


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e031b9 No.142361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621196 (130524ZNOV20) Notable: Declassifing Spook technology?

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Declassifing Spook technology? this is good news&hellip; it was very likely to have been part of the project blue beam fraud. “God” alien bs. Perfect to ruin the NWO control plan an the eve of the Great Happening.


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e031b9 No.142362

File: 45461c9fadf2aa4⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1242x2148,207:358,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621251 (130526ZNOV20) Notable: Michael Cohen Book

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e031b9 No.142363

File: 6a1405bdb487544⋯.png (111.2 KB,606x717,202:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621289 (130528ZNOV20) Notable: Old Tweet RE: Durham, Now Notable

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e031b9 No.142364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621303 (130529ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Biden Confirms Election Is Not Over

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BREAKING: Biden Confirms Election Is Not Over


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e031b9 No.142365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621314 (130529ZNOV20) Notable: Remember Anons, the boat Washington used was called a Durham boat

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Remember Anons, the boat Washington used was called a Durham boat

Originally built to carry heavy cargo on colonial waterways, Durham boats became General George Washington’s landing craft of choice in late 1776.

For the most renowned river crossing in American history— General George Washington’s surprise attack across the Delaware River on the Hessians in Trenton, New Jersey, on December 26, 1776—the logistical key had been attained by an earlier crossing of that same river.

It was a canny move, and Washington clearly recognized that among the craft gathered along the river, the most useful boats—militarily speaking—were the Durham boats.


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e031b9 No.142366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621316 (130529ZNOV20) Notable: This patent from Ware reads a lot like project looking glass

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This patent from Ware reads a lot like project looking glass

An integrated risk management tool includes a persistent object database to store information about actors (individuals and/or groups), physical surroundings, historical events and other information. The risk management tool also includes a decision support system that uses data objects from the database and advanced decision theory techniques, such as Bayesian Networks, to infer the relative risk of an undesirable event. As part of the relative risk calculation, the tool uses a simulation and gaming environment in which artificially intelligent actors interact with the environment to determine susceptibility to the undesired event. Preferred embodiments of the tool also include an open “plug-in” architecture that allows the tool to interface with existing consequence calculators. The tool also provides facilities for presenting data in a user-friendly manner as well as report generation facilities.

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e031b9 No.142367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621323 (130530ZNOV20) Notable: VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020

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VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020


Affected counties involved Rock County and the Town of Fulton. The Wisconsin Elections Commission was a partner as well.

About the team at VotingWorks:

Matt Pasternack - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattpasternack/

Former Corps Member, Teach for America

Y Combinator participant

Stanford Law School student

BA History, Yale University

Ben Adida - https://www.linkedin.com/in/benadida/

PhD, Cryptography and Information Security, MIT

Board Member and Former Technical Advisor, Creative Commons

Former Director of Engineering, Square (@Jack)

Former Director of Engineering, Mozilla

Former Advisory Committee Member, W3C

Former Lead Architect, Harvard Medical School (Indivo indivohealth.org, Gene Partnership genepartnership.org, SMArt smartplatforms.org)

John Lilly, Board Member - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnlilly/

Venture Partner, Greylock Partners (invested in Tumblr, Instagram, Dropbox)

Consulting Assistant Professor & Lecturer, Stanford University

Chair, Code for America

Former CEO, Mozilla

Ryan Merkley, Board Member - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanmerkley/

Chief of Staff, Wikimedia Foundation

Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Former CEO, Creative Commons

Former Chief Strategy Officer & former COO, Mozilla

Former Director of Corporate Communications, 2010 Winter Games for the City of Vancouver

Senior Advisor, Office of the Mayor David Miller, City of Tooronto

|&rarr; Led Mayor's budget policy and development and launch of Toronto Open Data

Former Chief of Staff, Office of Councillor Shelley Carrol, City of Toronto

Former Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor Joe Pantalone, City of Toronto

Former Senior Advisor, Office of Councillor Adam Giambrone, City of Toronto

Former Chief Communications Officer, Engineers Without Borders Canada

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e031b9 No.142368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621333 (130530ZNOV20) Notable: BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE (dafuq?)

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BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE. kcJn5brvybfNjz6 D5ll2Nk0YzMG8uC 6nTlCFhquTIZ1I3 YS0kzllePOsNE65 LuHQBXW9z12mJaV GehoXC8Rb6mdocP 4JyEXYPY6wU9C75 dtNPyaXodSR2WV4 TD7aSKjNfu71M3t yJCbcWkZe70k0zW ikIF3M7ZSFI4Djs NesZe4qN6EfGPZj Pczu78Mk6mGJXYZ 6vw1bE5uNRBp306 3I8XNV59suUNyA5 EOBBgN54DymmFqS QhJL7IFuKKgJdSd ByKaT0HMAb9GaN1 SWcNfAkuY9p2h6y 2060MkdDGXUUKCW R3q8jtvJMSwWMTD ufUPz8Y9. END KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE.

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e031b9 No.142369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621338 (130531ZNOV20) Notable: VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020

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VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020


About VotingWorks:

VotingWorks, founded in 2018, is a non-partisan non-profit building a secure, affordable, and simple voting system. Our vote-by-mail solution lets you scale vote-by-mail quickly and affordably. Our risk-limiting audit software ensures votes cast on any paper-based system are correctly tabulated. Our voting machine creates paper ballots that voters can directly verify. Our source code is available on GitHub.

VotingWorks worked with the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), which helped it with its launch. Its mission is to create a new non-profit voting systems manufacturer with the mission of being the public works for open-source voting systems. The basis of this non-profit is from Ben Adida's 254-page PhD dissertation on cryptographic voting systems he wrote in 2006. In the article with Vice, it indicated that Ben studied voting machines for more than 20 years and had a PhD from MIT in secure voting.

About the pilot:

The pilot was to test a Microsoft's voting system called ElectionGuard. This software allows voters to verify that their ballot was counted. It was stated that local election officials would hand-count all paper ballots to verify the winners.

ElectionGuard is noted as an open-source software that any voting equipment maker is free to use in its existing products. ElectionGuard generates a ballot tracking code which voters can use to verify their vote counted in the final tally. Each vote is recorded and encrypted on a touchscreen ballot marking device as well as printed on a paper ballot. Anyone may download the software and test its security. Technical information about ElectionGuard is available on Microsoft’s website. Links: https://github.com/microsoft/electionguard and https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2020/02/17/wisconsin-electionguard-polls/

VotingWorks modified its systems to integrate ElectionGuard for this pilot test and supplied the ballot marking devices and other supporting voting equipment.

https://urbanmilwaukee.com/pressrelease/wisconsin-partners-with-microsoft-and-votingworks-for-pilot-test-of-new-voting-technology/ / https://archive.vn/nTQzp



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e031b9 No.142370

File: 4769147cbb1a657⋯.png (64.33 KB,929x885,929:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bb6a2ef6aa2693⋯.png (61.88 KB,927x379,927:379,Clipboard.png)

File: b9171d5938e4055⋯.png (599.61 KB,590x744,295:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621378 (130533ZNOV20) Notable: New Executive order today states apparatuses.

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New Executive order today states apparatuses.


I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is increasingly exploiting United States capital to resource and to enable the development and modernization of its military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses, which continues to allow the PRC to directly threaten the United States homeland and United States forces overseas, including by developing and deploying weapons of mass destruction, advanced conventional weapons, and malicious cyber-enabled actions against the United States and its people.

Bryan S. Wares' Method and apparatus for risk management.

Anthony Beverina (the other inventor of the patent) may be worth looking into.

"The Center for Data Innovation spoke with Anthony Beverina, co-founder and chief strategy officer of Socially Determined, a healthcare analytics company based in Washington, DC that applies data science to measure how the social determinants of health impact a population. Beverina discussed Socially Determined’s analytic insights helps organizations that manage population health to take action that improves care in areas that may have traditionally been ignored."


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e031b9 No.142371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621408 (130535ZNOV20) Notable: Flashback: Biden Said He’d Wait Until Election Results Were Independently Certified To Declare Victory

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"Flashback: Biden Said He’d Wait Until Election Results Were Independently Certified To Declare Victory"


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e031b9 No.142372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621410 (130535ZNOV20) Notable: TGP's Joe Hoft Joins Steve Bannon and The War Room to Discuss the Dominion "Glitches"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Boom! That's Pennsylvania!" - TGP's Joe Hoft Joins Steve Bannon and The War Room to Discuss the Dominion "Glitches"

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e031b9 No.142373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621489 (130540ZNOV20) Notable: I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down"


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e031b9 No.142374

File: 968189efbb83037⋯.png (110.44 KB,1195x673,1195:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621492 (130540ZNOV20) Notable: CAP: Dominion Voting Software Connections Map

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142375

File: 2fc6f0bd0496bcf⋯.png (117.92 KB,501x600,167:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621495 (130541ZNOV20) Notable: Am I the only one who thinks Durham might not refer to the person?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Am I the only one who thinks Durham might not refer to the person? Fuck it, I've been wrong almost every other time. May as well keep going.

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e031b9 No.142376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621510 (130542ZNOV20) Notable: MIT Scientists Analyze, Expose How Dominion Switched Thousands, Perhaps Millions Of Votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"MIT Scientists Analyze, Expose How Dominion Switched Thousands, Perhaps Millions Of Votes"


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e031b9 No.142377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621522 (130543ZNOV20) Notable: Microsoft's ElectionGuard team worked with Clear Ballot and Smartmatic

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Microsoft's ElectionGuard team worked with Clear Ballot and Smartmatic

Picture upload isn't working for me, so it's just text for now folks.

It is not confirmed if ElectionGuard was used in this election or not for these two vendors.





All in all, the technology behind ElectionGuard is relatively simple and centers around a few core principles:

- People who vote receive a tracking code.

-They can use the tracking code on an election website to verify that their vote has been counted and that the vote has not been altered.

- The tracking code does not reveal the vote, so it won't allow third-parties to see who voted for who.

- ElectionGuard uses a so-called homomorphic encryption scheme developed in-house at Microsoft under Senior Cryptographer Josh Benaloh.

- Homomorphic encryption allows the counting of votes while keeping the votes encrypted.

- The ElectionGuard SDK also supports third-party "verifier" apps to independently check if encrypted votes have been counted properly and not altered.

- Verifier apps were created for voting officials, the media, or any third party interested in the voting process.

-ElectionGuard machines can also produce paper ballots, as a printed record of their vote, which voters can place inside voting boxes, like old-fashioned votes.

- ElectionGuard also supports voting through accessibility hardware, such as Microsoft Surface or the Xbox Adaptive Controller.The voting machines being deployed tomorrow in Fulton were built by VotingWorks.

Other voting machine vendors like Smartmatic and Clear Ballot also announced partnerships with Microsoft to build ElectionGuard-based voting machines last year. A third, Dominion Voting Systems, said it was also exploring using the SDK.

Both Microsoft and VotingWorks will have technical staff on site tomorrow in Fulton, but the companies don't expect any issues.

"We anticipate many more pilots of ElectionGuard technology as we get it ready for prime time," Burt said.

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e031b9 No.142378

File: 028ddc3cb7e834a⋯.png (904.32 KB,1104x730,552:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621523 (130543ZNOV20) Notable: Also noticed that Q's last post and CM's resignation were 7 hrs 4 mins apart. 74/47 symbolism (DC)?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also noticed that Q's last post and CM's resignation were 7 hrs 4 mins apart. 74/47 symbolism (DC)?

Okay maybe not, but what about this:

Q's image of the largest flag looks like a ship with a flag flying, and then CM posts a similar, mirrored, image of an actual ship with a flag flying.

"Today I bring ship to dock"

We are on a ship anons, and CM brought us to dock. And anons, with CM taking the lead, started SWARMING the deep state with INFORMATION gathering techniques that have been trained into us, we the digital soldiers. We read articles, found relevant names to dig, and began our attack. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE.

This is pretty glorious Q.

o7 frens; glad to serve along side the finest people in the world

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e031b9 No.142379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621553 (130546ZNOV20) Notable: #14837

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11620836 Dough

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142359 ————————————–——– Durham.

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>142343 Staple Street / Dominion Connections Chart

>>142344 Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For 'Ethical Robots'

>>142345 Jul 2, 2015- Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden

>>142346 John Solomon on Dobbs

>>142347 3 year delta of Q posts with our Great American Flag.

>>142348 Ronald Reagan tells joke about Democrats

>>142349 CAP: Vate Rigging By The Numbers

>>142350 Flying drone taxi in S. Korea.

>>142351 Chanel & CM

>>142352 New York Times beheads Stephen Miller (what the fuck -sedition)

>>142353 Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

>>142354 Democrats LIED about Atlanta water main break to delay Georgia ballot counting

>>142355 Ha I told you fuckers QAI was quantum computing!

>>142356 Wisconsin Woman Wonders Why Incapacitated Mother Voted this Month

>>142357 Joe Biden’s incoming chief of staff said elections are rigged

>>142358 Alright boys & gals, due to the recent DHS/CUSA firing maybe we need to get shovels for these folks.

>>142360 Vernon Jones says Georgia’s election fraud centers on mail-in ballots

>>142361 Declassifing Spook technology?

>>142362 Michael Cohen Book

>>142363 Old Tweet RE: Durham, Now Notable

>>142364 BREAKING: Biden Confirms Election Is Not Over

>>142366 This patent from Ware reads a lot like project looking glass

>>142367 , >>142369 VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020


>>142370 New Executive order today states apparatuses.

>>142365 Remember Anons, the boat Washington used was called a Durham boat

>>142371 Flashback: Biden Said He’d Wait Until Election Results Were Independently Certified To Declare Victory

>>142372 TGP's Joe Hoft Joins Steve Bannon and The War Room to Discuss the Dominion "Glitches"

>>142373 I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down

>>142374 CAP: Dominion Voting Software Connections Map

>>142376 MIT Scientists Analyze, Expose How Dominion Switched Thousands, Perhaps Millions Of Votes

>>142377 Microsoft's ElectionGuard team worked with Clear Ballot and Smartmatic

>>142378 Also noticed that Q's last post and CM's resignation were 7 hrs 4 mins apart. 74/47 symbolism (DC)?

>>142375 Am I the only one who thinks Durham might not refer to the person?

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD faggots!

eyes on for late Q's!

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e031b9 No.142380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621645 (130552ZNOV20) Notable: Durham DIGS Bun / Duke University & Duke Clinical Research Center

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I get that Durham = John Durham

But Durham, NC is home to Duke University

And Duke Clinical Research Institute

Look how much money they're getting to study covid, yet everyone's still wearing paper masks and testing false positives

And check out the black pyramid on top of their building

Tried to post pics lb but no go, trying just text this time





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e031b9 No.142381

File: 2c941d96322898b⋯.png (291.99 KB,626x491,626:491,Clipboard.png)

File: d706fec254e23af⋯.png (219.48 KB,463x572,463:572,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a1fcfff6f8b42e⋯.png (487.27 KB,600x352,75:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621677 (130555ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Boat

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Durham Boat

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e031b9 No.142382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621702 (130556ZNOV20) Notable: CISA Director Chris Krebs Addresses American Voters

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watch two clowns saying trump has not much chance

reverse that shit

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e031b9 No.142383

File: bb7fc29c6a09fc6⋯.png (2.16 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 5180d425cf5178f⋯.png (612.11 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 337cd85f0775abd⋯.png (745.47 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 0501ae654458b91⋯.png (659.5 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 1020439e605c447⋯.png (751.23 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621711 (130557ZNOV20) Notable: Far-right protesters, counterdemonstrators plan to gather Saturday in D.C. amid pro-Trump rallies

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>>>/qresearch/11621626 LB here’s your pics anon


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e031b9 No.142384

File: a6515b72990e61c⋯.png (600.61 KB,841x916,841:916,Clipboard.png)

File: f54b76fe106134b⋯.png (77.43 KB,782x934,391:467,Clipboard.png)

File: a3ed93c0e974605⋯.png (346.3 KB,770x891,70:81,Clipboard.png)

File: a3ed93c0e974605⋯.png (346.3 KB,770x891,70:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d1a4b8325f704d⋯.png (63.41 KB,793x855,793:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621718 (130557ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Feds will investigate whether Russia hacked Durham election software in 2016

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e031b9 No.142385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621727 (130558ZNOV20) Notable: Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11621550 lb

Jan 28 2020


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e6ce6c No.7943347 📁

Jan 28 2020 14:46:22 (EST)



Anons found the subtle hint dropped in the beginning.

Think Durham start.

Think 'Q' start.

You have more than you know.


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e031b9 No.142386

File: 65bb2e8d6dc2357⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621731 (130558ZNOV20) Notable: Durham DIGS Bun / North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11621568 (lb)

North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year. Here's Why Raleigh Is the Tech Industry's Best Kept Secret


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e031b9 No.142387

File: 88da4dff3f8c62a⋯.png (205.34 KB,1008x801,112:89,Clipboard.png)

File: edb50d07e4c708d⋯.png (209 KB,985x802,985:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621738 (130559ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Duke University & Durham are directly connected to Wuhan, Ralph Baric (UNC) is key

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Durham, NC

Duke University


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e031b9 No.142388

File: 926c0bcf9b2aa07⋯.png (213.14 KB,1552x629,1552:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621739 (130559ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Durham, NC Politics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Durham, NC

Any of this from the wiki page stand out as noteworthy? I'm coming back from a year long hiatus, so wtf do i know?

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e031b9 No.142389

File: b5e2e63bd02ffa4⋯.png (530.98 KB,589x715,589:715,Clipboard.png)

File: 639c2359571fe5a⋯.png (121.39 KB,900x883,900:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621744 (130559ZNOV20) Notable: Police expose global child abuse ring centered in Australia

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e031b9 No.142390

File: fb6a021095eb904⋯.png (168.65 KB,788x621,788:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621775 (130601ZNOV20) Notable: Just website with good info on dewine, page and others

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Just website with good info on dewine, page and others

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e031b9 No.142391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621793 (130602ZNOV20) Notable: PA Judge Rule Ballots Without ID Cannot Be Counted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"PA Judge Rule Ballots Without ID Cannot Be Counted"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142392

File: 1a9423ab4dc5754⋯.png (1.39 MB,1903x3415,1903:3415,Clipboard.png)

File: 226f637b35512c4⋯.png (92.96 KB,1140x560,57:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ea857a3449a5a4⋯.jpg (808.9 KB,1903x4430,1903:4430,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621835 (130605ZNOV20) Notable: Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

Not for distribution to U.S. news wire services or dissemination in the United States.

TORONTO, Nov. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) &ndash; Dye & Durham Limited (“Dye & Durham” or the “Company”) (TSX: DND) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with an underwriting syndicate led by Scotia Capital Inc., Canaccord Genuity Corp. and BMO Capital Markets (collectively, the “Underwriters”) to complete a new issue (the “Offering”), on a bought deal basis, of an aggregate of 8,600,000 common shares at a purchase price of C$20.35 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of C$175 million. The Company has also granted the Underwriters an over-allotment option, exercisable for a period of 30 days from the date of the closing of the Offering, to purchase up to an additional 15% of the aggregate common shares to be sold pursuant to the Offering.

The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering to accelerate the Company’s growth initiatives, including future acquisitions, for working capital and general corporate purposes, and to reduce outstanding indebtedness, which was generally incurred in connection with prior acquisitions. Closing of the Offering is expected to occur on or about November 25, 2020, or such other date as may be agreed upon by the Company and the Underwriters, subject to customary closing conditions, including required approvals of the Toronto Stock Exchange. No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved the contents of this press release. The common shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act, of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”) or any state securities laws, and are being offered and sold in the United States only to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers in reliance on Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of the common shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

About Dye & Durham Dye & Durham Limited is a leading provider of cloud-based software and technology solutions designed to improve efficiency and increase productivity for legal and business professionals. Dye & Durham provides critical information services and workflows, which clients use to manage their process, information and regulatory requirements. The Company has operations in Canada and the United Kingdom, and has a strong blue-chip customer base that includes law firms, financial service institutions, and government organizations.




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e031b9 No.142393

File: 5727b1b176d082a⋯.png (1.46 MB,891x5575,891:5575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621838 (130606ZNOV20) Notable: Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?


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e031b9 No.142394

File: 4f3ce27c685b3e0⋯.png (193.3 KB,800x1100,8:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621850 (130606ZNOV20) Notable: FBI Investigates VOter Fraud Harris County, TX

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142395

File: b63b89a0ff47df8⋯.png (1.25 MB,1903x3355,173:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 96772c60030a2d2⋯.png (1.03 MB,1903x3415,1903:3415,Clipboard.png)

File: f9881bf3d1065b2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1903x3464,1903:3464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621858 (130607ZNOV20) Notable: Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition



Former Quintiles exec talks new company launch, choosing Durham for HQ


Durham clinical company bolsters C-suite for 'growth spurt'


Hmm.. New Pharma&hellip;

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e031b9 No.142396

File: f9cdd1832a86785⋯.png (529.04 KB,570x753,190:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621863 (130607ZNOV20) Notable: SCOTUS Precedent: Once fraud is proven anywhere, EVERYTHING is invalidated! ALL OF IT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11621624 lb

>Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

SCOTUS Precedent

Once fraud is proven anywhere, EVERYTHING is invalidated! ALL OF IT!

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e031b9 No.142397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621871 (130608ZNOV20) Notable: SAMPLE: Letter to POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Muh letter to GEOTUS

President Donald J Trump

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington D.C. 20500

November 12, 2020

Dear Mr. President,

As a registered voter in the State of Washington, and as a 54 year old Patriot and son of a career United States Air Force NCO, I would like to lend my voice in demanding a Federal recount and audit of all the 50 states elections for 2020. I’ve known since at least high school that our elections are rigged to the detriment of the voters and the Republic. Doing something about it is long overdue!

I would also like to thank you for all you have done and are doing for our GREAT COUNTRY. I never imagined I’d live to see the day the deep state traitors would be removed from power and yet it is happening under your leadership right before my eyes. The United States is the shining light on the hill and it can never be allowed to be extinguished.

If it’s not too much to ask…. When it comes time for executions, please make them public and, if at all possible, let them take place on the White House lawn or the Capitol Building steps. If that’s not feasible, then dull wood chippers set on a slow feed from a dock at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba would be nice.

Keep up the good fight! Never surrender! MAGA Again! KAG! WWG1WGA!


Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx

Crooked state of Washington, U.S.A.

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e031b9 No.142398

File: b0cf7e9e23f66b6⋯.png (494.06 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621872 (130608ZNOV20) Notable: Sneaky ‘hidden gene’ found within coronavirus genetic code may help explain its spread

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Sneaky ‘hidden gene’ found within coronavirus genetic code may help explain its spread


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e031b9 No.142399

File: dc149050fc7441f⋯.png (678.35 KB,1014x768,169:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621885 (130609ZNOV20) Notable: Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and has yet to concede.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Euroanon here. Posting the following for the keks:

Our news is apparently 3 days behind you with the 4am talking points, but still pushing these are the "safest US elections ever, in history" and "no evidence of substantial fraud" narrative.

==WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Election security officials have no evidence that ballots were deleted or lost by voting systems in this month’s U.S. election, two security groups said in a statement released on Thursday by the lead U.S. cybersecurity agency.

“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the groups said about the Nov. 3 election won by Joe Biden, a Democrat.==

Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and has yet to concede.

The groups, the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council Executive Committee (GCC) and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC), said the election was the most secure in U.S. history.

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections and you should too,” the groups said in the statement released by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

CISA has drawn the ire of the Trump White House over a website it runs dubbed “Rumor Control” which debunks misinformation about the election, according to the three people familiar with the matter.

Top U.S. cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers, has told associates he expects to be fired, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

White House officials have asked for content to be edited or removed that pushed back against numerous false claims about the election, including that Democrats are behind a mass election fraud scheme. CISA officials have chosen not to delete accurate information.

The security groups said all the states with close results in the race have paper records of each vote, which can be counted if necessary.



**the last batch seems to be hardcoded in the link, and not a unique link-id

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e031b9 No.142400

File: 9a0cf85909cb025⋯.png (3.33 KB,444x94,222:47,Clipboard.png)

File: df890e92ae4dd1c⋯.png (2.79 KB,427x105,61:15,Clipboard.png)

File: f6799a95474e0df⋯.png (4.35 KB,444x158,222:79,Clipboard.png)

File: c88a21e700fa80a⋯.png (14.59 KB,444x416,111:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 9435a2190106d90⋯.png (5.8 KB,449x143,449:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621899 (130610ZNOV20) Notable: Durham: Ahead of schedule

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Ahead of schedule

First indictment Lord d R.++

First Arrest Soros +

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e031b9 No.142401

File: da8ad9266287be6⋯.png (17.11 KB,492x194,246:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b02ec8b6a05f01⋯.png (146.63 KB,471x508,471:508,Clipboard.png)

File: d8bd72731c8ea35⋯.png (2.65 MB,2048x1594,1024:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621921 (130612ZNOV20) Notable: Why did select senior members of the D party [6] send a letter to Don McGahn in early Oct. outlining 'Hatch Act' violations re: Q?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why did select senior members of the D party [6] send a letter to Don McGahn in early Oct. outlining 'Hatch Act' violations re: Q?

FOIA works in this situation.


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e031b9 No.142402

File: ecc96babe072fe3⋯.png (60.12 KB,598x572,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621935 (130613ZNOV20) Notable: Elon Musk blows the whistle on BOGUS Covid Tests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621948 (130614ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Duke Institute for Health Innovation, they have a satanic logo.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


check dihi.org

It's the Duke Institute for Health Innovation, they have a satanic logo.

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e031b9 No.142404

File: 83f97da58195682⋯.png (46.57 KB,865x290,173:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621950 (130614ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Fraudulent votes in Durham county are being changed

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e031b9 No.142405

File: 2388932918abd3f⋯.png (38.99 KB,589x241,589:241,Clipboard.png)

File: e0cb1e8abf6d760⋯.png (407.4 KB,601x613,601:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621957 (130615ZNOV20) Notable: Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@JohnBasham "REPORT: #Detroit Contracted Poll Workers From Firm Owned By Key Figure In Ex-Mayor's Corruption Case. More Than $1Million Was Awarded To P.I.E. Management LLC, Created By Former #KwameKilpatrick Aide Attorney #WilliamPhillips." https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1327130479615729664

Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case


More than $1 million awarded to P.I.E. Management LLC, created by former Kwame Kilpatrick aide William A. Phillips.'''

When the city of Detroit needed workers to staff its election center this fall, it turned to a familiar figure in city politics: lawyer and entrepreneur William A. Phillips, whose name a few years earlier appeared often in the corruption case of disgraced and still-imprisoned ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

On Sept. 22, the city council approved a $1 million contract for Phillips' staffing firm P.I.E. Management, LLC to hire up to 2,000 workers to work the polls and staff the ballot counting machines. "They will provide up to 2,000 employees (Detroit Residents) the ability to operate election equipment on Election Day as poll workers under the MiDeal Cooperative Agreement with the State," the city council boasted about P.I.E.

Dominion Voting Systems, which provides voting equipment and software for the city, also got fresh money that day for additional machines to count absentee ballots.


A week later, Phillips' firm was advertising for Election Day workers, offering them a handsome sum for one day's work and some training. "Candidates must be 16 years or older," the firm's advertisement read. "Candidates are required to attend a 3 hour training session before the General Election. The position offers two shifts and pay-rates: 1) From 7am to 7pm at $600.00; and 2) From 10pm to 6am at $650."

For the advertised 8 or 12 hour shifts of work, the temporary employees were earning at least $50 per hour.

Outside Detroit, the arrangement was hardly noticed. But now, more than a week later, the city's election center — and those who worked and observed there — are coming under increased scrutiny amidst allegations of irregularities.



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e031b9 No.142406

File: 74bcc1d52bfb0ea⋯.jpg (154.54 KB,662x568,331:284,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621965 (130615ZNOV20) Notable: Sneaky ‘hidden gene’ found within coronavirus genetic code may help explain its spread

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e031b9 No.142407

File: cff4851db23efa6⋯.png (37.72 KB,625x152,625:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621978 (130616ZNOV20) Notable: Want to read a real howler about Bryan Ware?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>142296 (pb- Q drop)


Want to read a real howler about Bryan Ware? https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-admin-fires-senior-dhs-cyber-unit-official-on-same-day-agency-concludes-no-evidence-of-fraud-in-2020-election/

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e031b9 No.142408

File: eca9af2e2e1b121⋯.png (3.34 MB,2650x1542,1325:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621981 (130616ZNOV20) Notable: The Many Profile of Kayleigh McEnany Edition

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e031b9 No.142409

File: 9ae155628ed3084⋯.png (260.27 KB,922x845,922:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e7df933af5bef0⋯.jpg (710.74 KB,2543x2636,2543:2636,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1e195f98632efad⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,3553x2588,3553:2588,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6ecc468d8e8c17a⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,3561x2580,1187:860,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7d3a2dfa94aa742⋯.png (303.91 KB,960x604,240:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11621984 (130616ZNOV20) Notable: Another theory re: Signage at Rudy’s Four Seasons Presser

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Another theory re: Signage at Rudy’s Four Seasons Presser

>>>/qresearch/11542140 p/b (OP)

Rudy’s Presser on 11/8 may not have been a MOAB, but it certainly was a tactical nuke (or LOSBR) considering the reaction it generated.

Of all those that should have stayed quiet, Fatton Oswalt & the CNN dip-shit tied for the top stupid prize by throwing down a gauntlet

in front of anons who are NOT afraid to pick it up and ram it right back up their ass&hellip;which y’all have done with great relish and aplomb. o7

Beyond that, all I could think of was Raul Julia’s epic line to Harrison Ford in “Presumed Innocent” (1997) - ```What a COLOSSAL blunder!```

All kinds of signals/comms were being sent here, too; Rudy’s histrionics; locale; Bernard Kerik’s tie color, lapel pin & hand position; etc.

What caught my eye however was the Single Post anon’s dig on the location of the lone Trump/Pence sign behind Rudy.

Certainly can’t miss it and Q has said ‘Nothing is Random’ (see cap)&hellip;so here’s an expanded take on the OP for additional eyes and almonds.

Pic 1

Numeric only, i.e. Trump/Pence sign = 1 ; Total Signs = 42 (all kinds of connotations there for additional digging)

1 outta 42 = 1:42 = 1+41

Resulting Q drops = #141 & #142|241

Many ways to take the content&hellip;especially given the deltas of the date stamps.

Not quite sure where to go from here, so perhaps someone else will make the connections I’m missing.

Pic 2

Location – I reversed OP’s approach by going with Row 1 / Column 6 = 16

Numeric decode based on addition of Pence (+43 per simple gematria) & removal of 2020 (-40 or -4)

Resulting Q drops = #163|361 & #1639

Possible ‘go’ comms for operators whereby we’ll learn what they did/may do on the noted delta dates??

Pic 3

Same as Pic 2, except I decoded the Pence / 2020 bit using 03 instead of 3.

Resulting Q drops = #1603|3061 & #1639

Even if it’s a stretch, it’s not illogical and I’m kinda partial to the results for reasons highlighted in Q’s drops as it fits my other theory*.

```1 Trump/Pence = 1(st) Trumpet of Revelation (Rev 8:7)```

IF we are at this stage of the game/not a game, did the MSM/DS reaction to the vote while ignoring the fraud open the 7th seal (Rev 8:1)??

IF so, might the “half an hour” pause in Rev 8:1 be analogous to the time between the ‘official’ end of the election and sounding of this trumpet?

Hard as it is to imagine Rudy as an ‘angel’, might his clarion call for truth & ((their)) over-the-top reaction fit the following scenario?

>>As sin is a reproach to any people, so any message that censures evil comes as "hail" or hard truth. There was "fire mingled with blood." The truth being witnessed to was accompanied by righteous, life threatening judgments. As people responded to the higher appeal of truth, it brought opposition and persecution. Darkness hates the light.

Since Q dropped in while I was typing this, is Durham the 2nd Angel blowing his horn tomorrow (today) on Friday the 13th?

Perhaps. But we are at “The Intersection of Titanic Forces” (final pic) on an incredible timeline&hellip;so we’ll see what happens.



http://www.revelation-today.com/Trumpet1st.htm (Used in Graphics)

https://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-first-trumpet-of-revelation-8/ (for a historicist viewpoint of this verse)

>>*The battle IS a spiritual one, no doubt, but I focused on the coded comms/signals possibilities and will leave all theological aspects to the biblefags.

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e031b9 No.142410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622003 (130617ZNOV20) Notable: Durham DIGS Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>142380 Duke University & Duke Clinical Research Center

>>142381 Durham Boat

>>142384 Feds will investigate whether Russia hacked Durham election software in 2016

>>142385 Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

>>142386 North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year

>>142387 Duke University

>>142388 Durham, NC Politics

>>142392 Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

>>142393 Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

>>142395 Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

>>142400 Durham: Ahead of schedule

>>142404 Fraudulent votes in Durham county are being changed

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e031b9 No.142411

File: f44f28adc61247f⋯.png (540.52 KB,1125x2001,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: a930c953f9d7e56⋯.jpeg (575.01 KB,1125x1515,75:101,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4ca772d96ef3761⋯.jpeg (507.11 KB,734x1424,367:712,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 08275a5b5c0cb5f⋯.jpeg (740.2 KB,1035x1798,1035:1798,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622064 (130622ZNOV20) Notable: CISA has lots of election Tools and Technologies…Did they use them or Abuse Them?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NCSWIC: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming&hellip;

CISA has lots of election Tools and Technologies&hellip;Did they use them or Abuse Them?


The Election Infographic Products is a set of three infographics and two maps designed to combat disinformation by equipping election officials, stakeholders, and voters with information on the mail-in voting, post election, and election results processes (which vary by state and/or jurisdictions), and the security measures that were implemented to safeguard the 2020 election season. The products are:

Mail-in Voting Processing Factors Map: A weekly-updated map that offers a visual of the movement in each state’s mail-in ballot process.

Mail-in Voting 2020 Policy Changes Map: A map that offers a visual of changes established to each state as a result of COVID-19.

Mail-in Voting Election Integrity Safeguards Infographic: A product that provides the description and in-person equivalent for procedural and physical ballot safeguards.

Post Election Process Mapping Infographic: A product that provides a timeline of post-election processes for the Presidential election from close of polls on Election Day, November 3, 2020, to Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021.

Election Results Reporting Risk and Mitigations Infographic: A product that provides an overview of the risks associated with results reporting systems and how they are managed through mitigating measures.

CISA/NCSWIC has lots of members&hellip;How effective were they Region by Region?


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e031b9 No.142412

File: d95b204b151b361⋯.jpg (24.98 KB,1188x304,297:76,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622071 (130622ZNOV20) Notable: Google is now banning documents that collect information on voter fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Google is now banning documents that collect information on voter fraud




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e031b9 No.142413

File: d6e18bccc805018⋯.png (228.09 KB,1216x1260,304:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f5b66d4665856c⋯.png (83.22 KB,756x533,756:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622085 (130624ZNOV20) Notable: UPDATE ON THIS NOTABLE JOE OLTMANN's TWATTER ACCOUNT IS NOW SUSPENDED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>142341 BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy


BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy


Dr. Eric Coomer and Dominion are scrubbing the internet… The problem is we already have a file with ALL OF IT. Share and follow as I drop more. #reckoning


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e031b9 No.142414

File: 5d1e2aa0bedeffe⋯.png (471.05 KB,585x517,585:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622097 (130624ZNOV20) Notable: REPORT:@CISAgovIssued A Self-Serving Doc Saying THEY Saw No Evidence Any Voting System

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>CISA has lots of election Tools and Technologies…Did they use them or Abuse Them?


"REPORT:@CISAgovIssued A Self-Serving Doc Saying THEY Saw No Evidence Any Voting System "Deleted Or Lost Votes, Changed Votes, Or Was In Any Way Compromised", Shortly Thereafter The @WhiteHouseRightfully Fired CISA Asst Secty For Cybersecurity Bryan Ware"https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1327134106019393536

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e031b9 No.142415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622163 (130629ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Results are no longer available for Durham County, NC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More Durham and there is no results on site


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e031b9 No.142416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622181 (130630ZNOV20) Notable: Florida "Anti-Mob" Bill Gives Civilians Immunity If They Shoot Looters Or Run Over Protesters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Florida "Anti-Mob" Bill Gives Civilians Immunity If They Shoot Looters Or Run Over Protesters

This week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the drafting of a new piece of legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law. He is calling the legislation an “anti-mob” bill and it seems specifically targeted at the Black lives Matter movement and the ongoing protests against police brutality that have swept across the United States in recent months.

The new legislation, if it becomes law, would allow armed citizens in the state of Florida to shoot, and potentially kill anyone that they suspect of looting a home or business.

According to the Miami Herald, the legislation is an attempt to prevent “violent and disorderly assemblies” by allowing civilians to use violence against anyone involved in the “interruption or impairment” of a business. The law specified that any burglary within 500 feet of “violent or disorderly assembly,” could be legally answered with lethal force.

The proposed legislation has been criticized by legal experts in the state, who fear that it could give vigilantes a license to kill anyone who they deem to be a rioter, and could further increase the change of civil unrest.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand Florida’s Stand Your Ground law that critics say would allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters or anyone engaged in “criminal mischief” that disrupts a businesshttps://t.co/tVEgmnWmIr

— Hamza Shaban (@hshaban) November 10, 2020

Former Miami-Dade County prosecutor, Denise Georges, who has experience with Stand Your Ground cases in the state, told the Herald that,

“It allows for vigilantes to justify their actions. It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime — and that is cruel and unusual punishment. We cannot live in a lawless society where taking a life is done so casually and recklessly.”

The legislation also includes other measures that would give immunity to citizens who hurt or injure protesters who are blocking the road. The bill would make it a third-degree felony to block traffic and give immunity to drivers who kill or injure protesters that were blocking the road.

There is also language in the bill that attempts to block local jurisdictions from defunding police departments, by cutting their entire budget if they decide to scale back police funding.

Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, a former prosecutor, and critic of the already existing Stand Your Ground law, said that DeSantis is attempting to earn favor with the Trump administration.

“It’s clear that the Trump beauty pageant is still going on with governors and senators, who all want to be the next Trump. And the governor is clearly a very good contestant,” Gelber said.

The proposed law remains in draft form and could not be considered until the 2021 legislative session at the earliest.


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e031b9 No.142417

File: 4240812bc5dd818⋯.png (2.24 KB,442x65,34:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 367b9fe67240f1d⋯.gif (4.76 MB,400x267,400:267,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622184 (130630ZNOV20) Notable: Law Abiding Citizen was filmed on location in Philadelphia PA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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e031b9 No.142418

File: 2a5a83286344bb5⋯.png (385.7 KB,750x1624,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622190 (130631ZNOV20) Notable: (PB) post-POTUS comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It says post-POTUS

I immediately thought about Washington Post

Remember Bezos banned small 3rd party sellers from using USPS UNLESS they bought the postage directly directly from Amazon.

Is it possible all those millions of mail-in ballots were mailed & stamped by Amazon?

China ships the fake ballots to Amazon & Amazon mails them?

Or maybe doesn’t even mail them, just puts the postage stamp on the envelopes to make it look It says post-POTUS

I immediately thought about Washington Post

Maybe I’m just tired

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e031b9 No.142419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622201 (130631ZNOV20) Notable: Tens of thousands of PA ballots returned earlier than sent date: 100+ year olds voting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tens of thousands of PA ballots returned earlier than sent date: 100+ year olds voting


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e031b9 No.142420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622206 (130632ZNOV20) Notable: Durham County commissioner-elect becomes first Muslim woman to hold office in NC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Durham County commissioner-elect becomes first Muslim woman to hold office in NC

source: https://www.cbs17.com/news/capitol-report/durham-county-commissioner-elect-becomes-first-muslim-woman-to-hold-office-in-nc/


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e031b9 No.142421

File: 30b9ebc5834d3ab⋯.jpg (16.79 KB,494x140,247:70,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622219 (130633ZNOV20) Notable: Elon Musk blows the whistle on BOGUS Covid Tests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Comms? Q422 pic related

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e031b9 No.142422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622236 (130634ZNOV20) Notable: UNC - Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Connects with past digs done on Ralph Baric (largely ignored, stupidly)

UNC - Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Chek'm out:


Gain of function that was shut down in the USA went to Wuhan, along with the ChiCom researchers in NC.

Look at his CV and the money that he brought in to develop these terrible virii

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e031b9 No.142423

File: ad45147635127b7⋯.jpg (92.31 KB,1080x1184,135:148,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622248 (130635ZNOV20) Notable: Will they ever learn? We see you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Will they ever learn? We see you.


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e031b9 No.142424

File: b408d2fa6441070⋯.png (183.42 KB,728x899,728:899,Clipboard.png)

File: b814c9ddc49b2dc⋯.png (63.57 KB,923x403,71:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622250 (130635ZNOV20) Notable: Law Abiding Citizen was filmed on location in Philadelphia PA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>142417 Law Abiding Citizen was filmed on location in Philadelphia PA


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e031b9 No.142425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622271 (130637ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Duke University & Durham are directly connected to Wuhan, Ralph Baric (UNC) is key

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Durham is directly connected to Wuhan and studying gain of function experiments with Doctors from WUHAN

Ralph Baric (UNC) is key to this program (USA and in China)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142426

File: 2e8b2bfeeaf87e4⋯.png (274.06 KB,1163x608,1163:608,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a53966bf9d2372⋯.png (121.87 KB,1136x309,1136:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622273 (130638ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / Global Advisory Board for Duke Institute for Health Innovation

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Global Advisory Board for Duke Institute for Health Innovation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142427

File: af703eb01b79408⋯.png (835.49 KB,768x798,128:133,Clipboard.png)

File: f6c7fcb9b66ca89⋯.png (48.26 KB,760x334,380:167,Clipboard.png)

File: d3a1b5feab75b90⋯.png (88.82 KB,771x726,257:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622310 (130641ZNOV20) Notable: Glenn Greenwald tears into media, Schiff, other Dems for dismissing Hunter Biden controversy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Glenn Greenwald tears into media, Schiff, other Dems for dismissing Hunter Biden controversy

"Schiff, as he usually does when he moves his mouth, was lying," the journalist alleged about the Dem's October interview on CNN

Journalist Glenn Greenwald took aim Thursday at the mainstream media, top Democrats, and former members of the intelligence community for dismissing the explosive Hunter Biden controversy as "Russian disinformation" without actually backing up their claim.

In a piece published on Substack, Greenwald began by slamming "shameless pathological liar" Rep. Adam Schiff as well as CNN for an Oct. 16 interview reacting to the New York Post's reporting about Hunter Biden's emails that allegedly came from his laptop.

"[Wolf Blitzer] asked him a rhetorical question embedded with baseless assumptions: 'does it surprise you at all that this information Rudy Giuliani is peddling very well could be connected to some sort of Russian government disinformation campaign?'" Greenwald wrote Thursday. "Schiff stated definitively that it is: 'we know that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin,' adding: 'clearly, the origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin, and the President is only too happy to have Kremlin help in amplifying it&hellip; 'there it is in the Oval Office: another wonderful propaganda coup for Vladimir Putin, seeing the President of the United States holding up a newspaper promoting Kremlin propaganda."

He continued, "Schiff, as he usually does when he moves his mouth, was lying: exploiting CNN’s notorious willingness to allow Democratic officials to spread disinformation over its airwaves without the slightest challenge. Schiff claimed certainty about something for which there was and still is no evidence: that the Russians played a role in the procurement and publication of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop."


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e031b9 No.142428

File: 65000ff88b81281⋯.png (152.36 KB,1126x654,563:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622313 (130641ZNOV20) Notable: This timeline is amazing (Chanel Rion and CM taking down the DS)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This timeline is amazing


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e031b9 No.142429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622314 (130641ZNOV20) Notable: Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

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Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship.

It was filed in federal court, not state. The gist is that some of the state's actions, and particularly the exclusion of Republican poll-watchers during the counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, violated federal constitutional requirements.

The point is obvious enough once one thinks of it, but it's brilliant all the same. It shifts the focus from state law, where a politicized Pennsylvania court has the last word, to federal law, where the U.S. Supreme Court rules.

As for the obviousness of the point, consider as a thought experiment a state law requiring that all votes be counted in secret by an unelected board named by the party in power. Could it survive a constitutional challenge?

As my old Harvard constitutional law professors would have said, "to ask the question is to answer it." It is hard to count all the constitutional guarantees violated here: Equal Protection, Due Process, Privileges and Immunities. Indeed, the complaint stacks up the Supreme Court precedents supporting its arguments, including the long line of ringing statements in the chain of one-person-one-vote decisions.

More: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/trumps_pennsylvania_complaint_is_brilliant.html

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e031b9 No.142430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622336 (130643ZNOV20) Notable: #14838

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11621617 Dough

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142359 ————————————–——– Durham.

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>142382 CISA Director Chris Krebs Addresses American Voters

>>142381 Durham Boat

>>142384 Durham?

>>142385 Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

>>142387 , >>142388 , >>142426 Durham, NC: Duke University

>>142389 Police expose global child abuse ring centered in Australia

>>142390 Just website with good info on dewine, page and others

>>142391 PA Judge Rule Ballots Without ID Cannot Be Counted

>>142392 Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

>>142393 Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

>>142394 FBI Investigates VOter Fraud Harris County, TX

>>142395 Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

>>142396 SCOTUS Precedent: Once fraud is proven anywhere, EVERYTHING is invalidated! ALL OF IT!

>>142397 SAMPLE: Letter to POTUS

>>142398 , >>142406 Sneaky ‘hidden gene’ found within coronavirus genetic code may help explain its spread

>>142383 Far-right protesters, counterdemonstrators plan to gather Saturday in D.C. amid pro-Trump rallies

>>142399 Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and has yet to concede.

>>142400 Durham: Ahead of schedule

>>142401 Why did select senior members of the D party [6] send a letter to Don McGahn in early Oct. outlining 'Hatch Act' violations re: Q?

>>142402 , >>142421 Elon Musk blows the whistle on BOGUS Covid Tests

>>142404 halfchan thread on Durham re: Voter Fraud

>>142405 Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

>>142407 Want to read a real howler about Bryan Ware?

>>142409 Another theory re: Signage at Rudy’s Four Seasons Presser

>>142410 Durham DIGS Bun

>>142411 CISA has lots of election Tools and Technologies…Did they use them or Abuse Them?

>>142412 Google is now banning documents that collect information on voter fraud


>>142414 REPORT:@CISAgovIssued A Self-Serving Doc Saying THEY Saw No Evidence Any Voting System

>>142416 Florida "Anti-Mob" Bill Gives Civilians Immunity If They Shoot Looters Or Run Over Protesters

>>142419 Tens of thousands of PA ballots returned earlier than sent date: 100+ year olds voting

>>142420 Durham County commissioner-elect becomes first Muslim woman to hold office in NC

>>142408 The Many Profile of Kayleigh McEnany Edition

>>142422 UNC - Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

>>142423 Will they ever learn? We see you.

>>142417 , >>142424 Law Abiding Citizen was filmed on location in Philadelphia PA

>>142425 Durham is directly connected to Wuhan and studying gain of function experiments with Doctors from WUHAN

>>142427 Glenn Greenwald tears into media, Schiff, other Dems for dismissing Hunter Biden controversy

>>142428 This timeline is amazing (Chanel Rion and CM taking down the DS)

>>142429 Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

save 'em for the NEXT BREAD faggots!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622354 (130644ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN / lb/pb link to #14838, all below are lb/pb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>142430 exchange >>142410 for this


>>142380 Duke University & Duke Clinical Research Center

>>142381 Durham Boat

>>142384 Feds will investigate whether Russia hacked Durham election software in 2016

>>142385 Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

>>142386 North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year

>>142387, >>142425 Duke University & Durham are directly connected to Wuhan, Ralph Baric (UNC) is key

>>142388 Durham, NC Politics

>>142392 Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

>>142393 Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

>>142395 Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

>>142400 Durham: Ahead of schedule

>>142403 Duke Institute for Health Innovation, they have a satanic logo.

>>142404 Fraudulent votes in Durham county are being changed

>>142415 Results are no longer available for Durham County, NC

>>142426 Global Advisory Board for Duke Institute for Health Innovation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622369 (130646ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Durham2.png

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622450 (130653ZNOV20) Notable: Durham Dig BUN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>142431 lb/pb link to #14838, all below are lb/pb


>>142380 Duke University & Duke Clinical Research Center

>>142381 Durham Boat

>>142384 Feds will investigate whether Russia hacked Durham election software in 2016

>>142385 Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

>>142386 North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year

>>142387, >>142425 Duke University & Durham are directly connected to Wuhan, Ralph Baric (UNC) is key

>>142388 Durham, NC Politics

>>142392 Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

>>142393 Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

>>142395 Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

>>142400 Durham: Ahead of schedule

>>142403 Duke Institute for Health Innovation, they have a satanic logo.

>>142404 Fraudulent votes in Durham county are being changed

>>142415 Results are no longer available for Durham County, NC

>>142426 Global Advisory Board for Duke Institute for Health Innovation


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622468 (130655ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Energy employee critically injured in Durham explosion dies, officials say

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>>>/qresearch/11622434 (pb)

"Dominion Energy employee critically injured in Durham explosion dies, officials say."

Funny that. Dominion Energy sent out an internal email that said basically "THIS IS NOT DOMINIONS GAS LINE."

wtf ?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142435

File: 0ba7443890177c3⋯.jpg (409.85 KB,1080x1657,1080:1657,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622474 (130656ZNOV20) Notable: Notable for the Keks (halfchan shitposting is classy)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142436

File: 0c2782667457e80⋯.png (817.22 KB,1093x1459,1093:1459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622500 (130659ZNOV20) Notable: George News: Read Between The Lines Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien

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Read between the lines:



Office of the Press Secretary


November 12, 2020

Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien


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e031b9 No.142437

File: 7b128e332a284ec⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,3079x2995,3079:2995,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622565 (130706ZNOV20) Notable: QTV Guide 11.15: Look to Twitter Edition

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QTV Guide 11.15

Look to Twitter Edition

The Solved Q Code is working amazingly!

11.12 edition had multiple confirmations.

11.13 edition is having confirmations already with more to come.

11.15 is now available!

Previous editions here:







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e031b9 No.142438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622589 (130709ZNOV20) Notable: Economists like to tell us that “economics is everywhere,” but can you also find it in Star Wars? (comms?)

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November 12, 2020

Economists like to tell us that “economics is everywhere,” but can you also find it in Star Wars?

Senior economics and finance double major Bailey Hackenberry thinks so. His new website Economics of Star Wars, created with Matthew Rousu, dean of Susquehanna’s Sigmund Weis School of Business, uses more than 30 clips from the many Star Wars movies, as well as Disney+ series The Mandalorian, to demonstrate economics principles.

“Star Wars in one of the most popular movie franchises of all time,” Hackenberry said. “The topics we cover on Economics of Star Wars are principals that every business student will have to learn, and it helps to apply them to stories that many people already know.”

For example, they use a scene from The Phantom Menace to illustrate how money is defined.

“In order for something to qualify as money, it has to be accepted as money,” Rousu said. “There is a story in The Phantom Menace in which Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is trying to use Republic credits for money, and can’t because it’s not being accepted as money.”

Other scenes touch on game theory, government policy, labor economics and international trade. Each entry is accompanied by discussion questions.

“For many, economics is a daunting subject. While economics can be tough, it can also be really fun to learn,” Rousu said. “A knowledge of economics is vitally important and learning it can be entertaining with the right resources.”

This is Rousu’s second venture into teaching economics in nontraditional ways. His debut book Broadway and Economics analyzes 161 songs from 90 musicals to explore what they can teach us about supply and demand, monetary policy and numerous other core economic concepts. He also maintains the website www.broadwayeconomics.com.

Ben Smith, associate professor of economics at the University of Nebraska Omaha, also contributed to this project.


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e031b9 No.142439

File: 46edfc35275a089⋯.jpg (296.06 KB,1271x807,1271:807,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622597 (130710ZNOV20) Notable: Posted 17 times "Nothing can stop what is coming."

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Posted 17 times "Nothing can stop what is coming."

Shall we play a game?

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming



Who stepped down today [forced]?


More coming?

Why is this relevant?

How do you 'show' the public the truth?

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e031b9 No.142440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622632 (130715ZNOV20) Notable: Remembrance Day

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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of the remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states. Remembrance Day has been observed since the end of the First World War to remember armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. In most countries, Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of First World War hostilities. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]

The tradition of Remembrance Day evolved out of Armistice Day. The initial Armistice Day was observed at Buckingham Palace, commencing with King George V hosting a "Banquet in Honour of the President of the French Republic"[3] during the evening hours of 10 November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning. During the Second World War, many countries changed the name of the holiday. Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations adopted Remembrance Day, while the US chose Veterans Day.[4]

United States

Veterans Day is observed in the United States on 11 November, and is both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states. However, the function of the observance elsewhere is more closely matched by Memorial Day in May. In the United States, and some other allied nations, 11 November was formerly known as Armistice Day; in the United States it was given its new name in 1954 at the end of the Korean War to honour all veterans. Veterans Day is observed with memorial ceremonies, salutes at military cemeteries, and parades.[4]


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e031b9 No.142441

File: 39518504110a2f4⋯.jpeg (374.47 KB,1125x2001,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: edc364510a3b2ea⋯.jpeg (547.24 KB,1046x1635,1046:1635,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 30f150877b766c7⋯.jpeg (885.84 KB,1117x1702,1117:1702,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 82957958269ec7f⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1041x1382,1041:1382,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622642 (130715ZNOV20) Notable: Mail-in Voting Election Integrity Safeguards Infographic (and more)

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>>142411 (lb)

>>142414 (lb)

You all have probably already seen these tools, because they are just charts, not anything fancy. However, updates were a few days before the elections.

Wouldn’t y’all like to take a peek at the real execution of these processes regarding election integrity and safeguarding?

Mail-in Voting Election Integrity Safeguards Infographic:

A product that provides the description and in-person equivalent for procedural and physical ballot safeguards.


Post Election Process Mapping Infographic:

A product that provides a timeline of post-election processes for the Presidential election from close of polls on Election Day, November 3, 2020, to Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021.


Election Results Reporting: Risk and Mitigation

>Lots to appreciate here; that is, guidance not really heeded.


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e031b9 No.142442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622759 (130728ZNOV20) Notable: Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For ‘Ethical Robots’ (so many keks)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Funny you should say that.

Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For ‘Ethical Robots’

Tyler Durden

Thu, 11/12/2020 – 23:20

In November’s monthly prayer intention, Pope Francis called on all the good Catholics of the world to “pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.”


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e031b9 No.142443

File: f572cd1151485de⋯.jpeg (109.24 KB,768x960,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622797 (130733ZNOV20) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nice insurgency you have there

Be a shame if someone &hellip; dismantled it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622798 (130733ZNOV20) Notable: There is literally a chemical plant (supposedly produced aspirin) in Raleigh owned by a medical company named COVIDien.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is literally a chemical plant (supposedly produced aspirin) in Raleigh owned by a medical company named COVIDien.

They recently changed hands and names to:

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical company

8801 Capital Blvd

(919) 878-2800

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622808 (130734ZNOV20) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


nice SES flag in the background

the Keystone

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142446

File: a5dd132a26e94ce⋯.png (70.27 KB,1024x1036,256:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f53dba355eec1c⋯.png (46.52 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622828 (130736ZNOV20) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>nice SES flag in the background

pic related


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142447

File: b77bb9719fb70a7⋯.jpg (80.68 KB,750x1125,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622835 (130737ZNOV20) Notable: Kaiser Permanente blocks 8kun for Pornography

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kaiser Permanente blocks 8kun for Pornography

Went to KP, logged in to their guest wifi, tried to browse 8kun and this is what came up.



Sorry, you don't have permission to visit this site.

Website blocked

Not allowed to browse Pornography category

You tried to visit: https://8kun.top/qresearch/index.html


zscaler Your organization has selected Zscaler to protect you from internet threats.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622848 (130739ZNOV20) Notable: Duke University 20-21 Trustees

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Duke University 20-21 Trustees:

Jack Bovender, former CEO Hospital Corp of America

Mary Barra, CEO General Motors

Tim Cook, CEO Apple

Stephen Pagliuca, Co-chair Bain Capital

JB Pritzker, IL Governor

Adam Silver, NBA Commissioner

among others


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142449

File: ad356358dc72fc5⋯.png (106.61 KB,898x1184,449:592,Clipboard.png)

File: 99cda18d8cfa12d⋯.png (110.4 KB,898x1244,449:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622869 (130742ZNOV20) Notable: Beto blames losing on "powerful memes". (can confirm)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beto blames losing on "powerful memes".


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142450

File: ac1dd9eef9141ab⋯.png (506.52 KB,1256x1631,1256:1631,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b5bf70c49f7979⋯.png (121.6 KB,204x255,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a6628daaae6aa0⋯.png (74.92 KB,252x255,84:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622889 (130744ZNOV20) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


yep, looks about right. Keystone confirmed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142451

File: 81f84e45a81a945⋯.png (1.11 MB,945x620,189:124,Clipboard.png)

File: bb1854e1db1644f⋯.png (283.39 KB,779x683,779:683,Clipboard.png)

File: c8afd16eeac64ab⋯.png (65 KB,767x806,59:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 5091007c0452b6f⋯.png (69.15 KB,1399x548,1399:548,Clipboard.png)

File: b165cced17ba870⋯.png (704.65 KB,1390x678,695:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622930 (130749ZNOV20) Notable: Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

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Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

More than $1 million awarded to P.I.E. Management LLC, created by former Kwame Kilpatrick aide William A. Phillips.

When the city of Detroit needed workers to staff its election center this fall, it turned to a familiar figure in city politics: lawyer and entrepreneur William A. Phillips, whose name a few years earlier appeared often in the corruption case of disgraced and still-imprisoned ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. On Sept. 22, the city council approved a $1 million contract for Phillips' staffing firm P.I.E. Management, LLC to hire up to 2,000 workers to work the polls and staff the ballot counting machines. "They will provide up to 2,000 employees (Detroit Residents) the ability to operate election equipment on Election Day as poll workers under the MiDeal Cooperative Agreement with the State," the city council boasted about P.I.E. Dominion Voting Systems, which provides voting equipment and software for the city, also got fresh money that day for additional machines to count absentee ballots. A week later, Phillips' firm was advertising for Election Day workers, offering them a handsome sum for one day's work and some training. "Candidates must be 16 years or older," the firm's advertisement read. "Candidates are required to attend a 3 hour training session before the General Election. The position offers two shifts and pay-rates: 1) From 7am to 7pm at $600.00; and 2) From 10pm to 6am at $650." For the advertised 8 or 12 hour shifts of work, the temporary employees were earning at least $50 per hour. Outside Detroit, the arrangement was hardly noticed. But now, more than a week later, the city's election center — and those who worked and observed there — are coming under increased scrutiny amidst allegations of irregularities.

Poll observers claimed they were kept from observing ballots as allowed by law or witnessed unusual behavior that included piercing the secrecy of some ballots and unexplained additions and rejections of votes. And one longtime city worker, Jessy Jacob, swore out an affidavit saying she witnessed widespread tampering ordered by her supervisors that impacted thousands of ballots. "On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020," she stated in her affidavit. "I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots. Her declaration makes people who worked or observed at the election center potential witnesses should law enforcement, courts or legislative oversight committees begin investigating. City election officials, Dominion Voting Systems, and Phillips did not respond to a message Thursday seeking comment.

P.I.E. Management, LLC, was incorporated in Detroit in 2002 by Phillips, a longtime Democratic operative who attended the same Cass Technical High School as Kilpatrick, the disgraced mayor currently serving a 28-year sentence on federal corruption-related charges. The firm's website lists Phillips as its founder and current CEO and President. Phillips was celebrated in Crain's Detroit's "40 under 40" after serving as counsel to the underwriters for "Detroit's largest bond issue ever." According to Crain's, Phillips has served in numerous high-level positions, including as Kilpatrick's private lawyer, a director of the Detroit Economic Growth Corp. and vice chairman of its executive committee. He also serves on the city's Local Development Finance Authority. Phillips was never charged with any crimes, but emerged as a key figure in Kilpatrick's political operation. His name arose frequently during Kilpatrick's multiple court proceedings.





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e031b9 No.142452

File: 10e9353242c3c17⋯.jpg (183.86 KB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622949 (130751ZNOV20) Notable: Laser-Guided Lightning May Help Prevent Wildfires

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Laser-Guided Lightning May Help Prevent Wildfires

SYDNEY (AFP) — Small, portable laser pointers could be used to guide lightning strikes, with a study suggesting the technology may prevent bolts from sparking wildfires, a researcher told AFP Thursday.

A team of international scientists have shown storm clouds could be “short-circuited” by using a hollow laser — like a pipe of light — to deliver particles into the clouds and draw lightning strikes, research co-author Professor Andrey Miroshnichenko from the University of New South Wales in Canberra told AFP.

In lab tests, the team — which also included scientists from the Australian National University (ANU) — successfully used a laser tractor beam to direct the path of an electrical discharge to specific targets, Miroshnichenko said.

In the past, high-powered lasers were needed to achieve similar results, making the technique dangerous, costly and inaccurate.

But the new research suggested that small, hand-held lasers could be used in the field within the next decade, he said.

“It turns out that to deliver particles, you do not need high-intensity lasers, even low intensity like your laser pointer will be already enough,” Miroshnichenko said.

Using a tractor beam with a hollow center, micro-particles in the air could be heated up and delivered to a specific point and trigger an electrical discharge.

Although it is yet to be tested outside a lab, the technique could potentially be used to control dry lightning strikes, infamous for sparking large blazes including several major bushfires in Australia and the western US in the past year, Miroshnichenko added.

“We can imagine a future where this technology may induce electrical discharge from passing lightning, helping to guide it to safe targets and reduce the risk of catastrophic fires,” co-researcher Vladlen Shvedov, from the ANU Research School of Physics, said.

The research, published in Nature Communications last month, also involved Texas A&M University in Qatar and the University of California in Los Angeles.


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e031b9 No.142453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622955 (130752ZNOV20) Notable: Vatican’s ‘McCarrick report’ details ex-cardinal’s intimate friendship with Joe Biden, Obama

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Vatican’s ‘McCarrick report’ details ex-cardinal’s intimate friendship with Joe Biden, Obama

One letter in particular details the great intimacy of the relationship between McCarrick and Biden

Wed Nov 11, 2020 - 5:13 pm EST


Can you hear me now?

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e031b9 No.142454

File: 507b79f3a83601e⋯.png (44.6 KB,353x672,353:672,Clipboard.png)

File: c069ca8819037af⋯.png (24.68 KB,339x564,113:188,Clipboard.png)

File: b99a0e9abc09ea3⋯.png (55.08 KB,778x291,778:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e9be20543bc23d⋯.png (79.78 KB,782x462,391:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11622967 (130753ZNOV20) Notable: It was originally nicknamed the "Keystone Division", as it was formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard...

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It was originally nicknamed the "Keystone Division", as it was formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard; Pennsylvania being known as the "Keystone State". During World War II, it was given the nickname the "Bloody Bucket" division by German forces due to the shape and color of its red keystone insignia.[5] Today the 28th Infantry Division goes by the name given to it by General Pershing during World War I: "Iron Division". The 28th is the first Army National Guard division to field the Stryker infantry fighting vehicle, as part of the Army's reorganization in the first decade of the 2000s.

Bloody Bucket

ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, the 28th Division began planting a defensive barrier of 5,000 mines around the cramped salient held in the Hürtgen. Patrols crept through the lines searching for hundreds of missing GIs in the once perfect ranks of trees, now quite imperfect. The weeklong battle had been among the costliest division attacks of the war for the U.S. Army, with casualties exceeding 6,000. The Bloody Bucket was bloodier than ever: One battalion in the 110th Infantry was reduced to 57 men even after being reinforced, and losses had whittled the 112th Infantry from 2,200 to 300. “The division had accomplished very little,” the unit history conceded.


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e031b9 No.142455

File: a5a52f25ae9569d⋯.jpeg (908.33 KB,1242x2148,207:358,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623004 (130759ZNOV20) Notable: Vocid kills a "famous" UK 'Serial Killer' (MK Ultra on the public at large)

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e031b9 No.142456

File: 11924e73560251a⋯.png (200.73 KB,598x581,598:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 84f7d70eb8a320c⋯.png (82.4 KB,779x398,779:398,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a202e854419a3f⋯.png (141.43 KB,627x880,57:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623023 (130801ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Holder Twitter (comms?)

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Eric Holder Twitter


Decided to check into Eric Holder's twitter, recently the decisions he made during the time he was in the O admin as DOJ seems to be popping up in the news. The picture attached to his tweet was also very odd looking, found this interesting result via tineye. Translated search result follows.

PREPARES FOR THE REVANCH. Gallardo and all of River have the Copa Libertadores as their main objective.

Marcelo Gallardo stopped the eleven that would go out to play this Tuesday against the Paraguayan team, at the Monumental, for the second round of the Libertadores. Germán Lux and Enzo Pérez would be headlines in the Millionaire. After the preseason that took place in the United States, La Banda returned to Buenos Aires and continued with the set-up to get to the duel against Guaraní in the best way possible. River beat Aborigen 2-0 on July 4 in Paraguay, and in just two days they will play the rematch at the Antonio Vespucio Liberti stadium. And yes, the Doll continues to draw conclusions in the face of the clash on Tuesday, which will begin at 9:45 p.m. During last Saturday's training, held at the Ezeiza campus, the coach stopped a team that had Lux ​​and Pérez to face the Reserve. In this way, everything seems to indicate that Augusto Batalla and Ignacio Scocco would not act from the beginning. The 4-3-2-1 that Gallardo put together he formed with: Germán Lux; Jorge Moreira, Jonatan Maidana, Javier Pinola, Milton Casco; Enzo Pérez, Leonardo Ponzio, Ariel Rojas; Ignacio Fernández, Gonzalo Martínez; Lucas Alario.



Thinking Comms..

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e031b9 No.142457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623034 (130802ZNOV20) Notable: Still saintly? Vatican’s new report on McCarrick may complicate the legacy of Pope John Paul II

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Still saintly? Vatican’s new report on McCarrick may complicate the legacy of Pope John Paul II.

By Michelle Boorstein and Sarah Pulliam Bailey

November 11, 2020 at 6:46 p.m. EST

A new Vatican report’s revelations that Pope John Paul II disregarded reports about ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual misconduct had Catholics on Wednesday debating the legacy of one of the modern church’s towering figures. The report triggered questions about whether John Paul was rushed through the saint-making process, and whether the author of contemporary Catholic teaching on human sexuality didn’t understand the complex nature of the topic.

“John Paul does not come across at all good in this report. His legacy will be absolutely affected, as will the legacy of everyone mentioned in it,” she said. “There were no heroes.”



They said that there would be I Told you so's yet they did not say it would be by the fucking truckloads!

Can you hear me now, motherfuckers?! 5:5? Yes I will dance! Now and on your fucking graves!

Happy Friday the 13th!

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e031b9 No.142458

File: 86afba40e27d943⋯.jpeg (584.04 KB,1242x1464,207:244,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc65b4c80dd2066⋯.jpeg (515.46 KB,937x1701,937:1701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623074 (130807ZNOV20) Notable: 13 Things That Happened On Friday the 13th

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13 Things That Happened On Friday the 13th –


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e031b9 No.142459

File: a96edccbe2212b5⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623081 (130809ZNOV20) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

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Ezra Cohen-Watnick posted this on Parler

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e031b9 No.142460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623121 (130815ZNOV20) Notable: #14839, #14840 2/2, #14840 1/2

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>>142432 Dough

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142359 ————————————–——– Durham.

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>142433 Durham Dig BUN

>>142418 (PB) post-POTUS comms?

>>142434 Dominion Energy employee critically injured in Durham explosion dies, officials say

>>142435 Notable for the Keks (halfchan shitposting is classy)

>>142436 George News: Read Between The Lines Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien

>>142437 QTV Guide 11.15: Look to Twitter Edition

>>142438 Economists like to tell us that “economics is everywhere,” but can you also find it in Star Wars? (comms?)

>>142439 Posted 17 times "Nothing can stop what is coming."

>>142440 Remembrance Day

>>142441 Mail-in Voting Election Integrity Safeguards Infographic (and more)

>>142442 Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For ‘Ethical Robots’ (so many keks)

>>142444 There is literally a chemical plant (supposedly produced aspirin) in Raleigh owned by a medical company named COVIDien.

>>142447 Kaiser Permanente blocks 8kun for Pornography

>>142448 Duke University 20-21 Trustees

>>142449 Beto blames losing on "powerful memes". (can confirm)

>>142443 , >>142445 , >>142446 , >>142450 , >>142459 Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed

>>142451 Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

>>142452 Laser-Guided Lightning May Help Prevent Wildfires

>>142453 Vatican’s ‘McCarrick report’ details ex-cardinal’s intimate friendship with Joe Biden, Obama

>>142454 It was originally nicknamed the "Keystone Division", as it was formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard&hellip;

>>142455 Vocid kills a "famous" UK 'Serial Killer' (MK Ultra on the public at large)

>>142456 Eric Holder Twitter (comms?)

>>142457 Still saintly? Vatican’s new report on McCarrick may complicate the legacy of Pope John Paul II

>>142458 13 Things That Happened On Friday the 13th

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD faggots!

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e031b9 No.142461

File: 238591a08dbd48e⋯.jpg (35 KB,893x158,893:158,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623158 (130818ZNOV20) Notable: Given CISA rumor control i gather they are with the bad actors?

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given CISA rumor control i gather they are with the bad actors?


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e031b9 No.142462

File: 43a574ed3176125⋯.jpg (147.28 KB,1000x768,125:96,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9acb9584a3f943c⋯.jpg (419.21 KB,703x798,37:42,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 86af2519350ed80⋯.jpg (665.7 KB,817x1167,817:1167,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 22910d61cf21c37⋯.jpg (77.05 KB,720x474,120:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4fcc4a3fc17ae68⋯.jpeg (110.64 KB,1086x813,362:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623222 (130828ZNOV20) Notable: Report (circled in Red) of previous DOMINION fault.

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Report (circled in Red) of previous DOMINION fault.

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e031b9 No.142463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623243 (130832ZNOV20) Notable: Report (circled in Red) of previous DOMINION fault.

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Interesting that this Paulos guy is Greek. I've noticed a number of Greek people are very much pro Hunter Biden running in 2024? I told a Greek friend (now ex friend) that Hunter is a crackhead loser and he lost the plot - started saying I'm a loser etc.. Oh well guess that was never a friend to begin with.

So maybe there is a certain group of people from some anicent tribe in that area - Greece, Trukey, Macedonia, Serbia (Abramovich) that are evil or psychopaths. Just a theory.

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e031b9 No.142464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623280 (130837ZNOV20) Notable: Victor Davis Hanson | US Election 2020

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Victor Davis Hanson | US Election 2020

Superb analysis and commentary - Victor Davis Hanson is brilliant and speaks cogently for the deplorables.

1,733,568 views•Nov 7, 2020

John Anderson

122K subscribers

#Election2020 #Election #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #Vote2020

Author, historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson analyses events in the United States as the election drama continues to unfold. Biden looks likely to gain the Presidency, but the ultimate winners and losers of this election are still being decided.

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e031b9 No.142465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623308 (130841ZNOV20) Notable: White House recommends New Mexico test more to get COVID-19 under control

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Anybody hear of anything about the report being mentioned here?

White House recommends New Mexico test more to get COVID-19 under control

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- A report from the White House makes recommendations for how New Mexico should handle the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

In the 11-page report, the White House recommends proactive weekly testing for people in orange and red zones.

As of Thursday, that would include most New Mexico counties.

The federal government also pointed to university students. On top of weekly proactive testing, they recommended additional testing and behavior changes at least 10 days before they go back home for holidays.

Statement from UNM:

The health and well-being of both our immediate and extended communities is our number one priority at UNM. We are in constant contact with the New Mexico Higher Education Department regarding guidance for COVID-safe recommendations that originate from state, federal or other agencies. The University has done an effective job of mitigating the spread of the virus on campus through a number of efforts including daily screening and targeted, symptomatic testing. UNM also frequently provides updates to the University community regarding COVID-safe practices, student testing for COVID and, most recently, our plans for the remainder of the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters.

The White House also said weekly testing of Tribal members who live on reservations should be done immediately.

The report states more immediate result type of testing is necessary, and that antigen tests need to expand to identify those who are asymptomatic.

A spokesperson for the governor said New Mexico continues to offer asymptomatic testing for free.

State leaders say testing and contact tracing have been, and continue to be key elements of fighting COVID-19. However, they also welcome any additional federal resources to support those efforts.


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e031b9 No.142466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623338 (130847ZNOV20) Notable: 3 year delta drop #150

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3 year delta drop #150

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /lc4nimE No.149262582 📁

Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.





Her third husband is Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (born August 29, 1931), whom she was introduced to by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland.[21] They married on November 30, 2000, in London, England,[1] after de Rothschild divorced his wife in 2000.[22] She is his third wife.[1] On the announcement of the marriage, the Rothschild couple were invited to spend their honeymoon at the White House by the Clintons.[23] The couple divide their time between homes in New York and London, the summer home on Martha’s Vineyard and the Rothschild family's historic Ascott country estate in England. By virtue of her marriage to a knight, she is known socially asLady de Rothschild.[5]

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e031b9 No.142467

File: 87446a1aa494539⋯.png (189.84 KB,710x645,142:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 3817279bc66832f⋯.png (1.03 MB,1521x894,507:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623352 (130849ZNOV20) Notable: PF: Flight just left Opa-Locka - 2307, its a HC144 Ocean Sentry

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Flight just left Opa-Locka

2307, its a HC144 Ocean Sentry

if you look on wikipedia for the ocean sentry, the photo is of the exact plane that just took off

note the location

if it is indeed going to gitmo it will probably go dark

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e031b9 No.142468

File: ce644373dbc19e8⋯.jpeg (532.71 KB,828x1283,828:1283,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 072ec83dd8954c2⋯.jpeg (435.08 KB,1313x2048,1313:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c339b86cc06c57⋯.jpeg (663.53 KB,828x1217,828:1217,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aa4625b12af496d⋯.jpeg (339.38 KB,828x826,414:413,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623428 (130905ZNOV20) Notable: #Snowden trending on Netflix

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#Snowden trending on Netflix


Trending on @Netflix recently and suddenly, my 2016 film #Snowden. Why now? No idea. Maybe there’s a spore of a chance @realDonaldTrump will actually pardon @Snowden. Gracious for once, his action would enhance his legacy.

For the record, I can say that it was a very difficult film to put together. No one at the studios wanted to touch it with a hundred-foot pole.


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e031b9 No.142469

File: 131200ee1015ddd⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,656x360,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623443 (130908ZNOV20) Notable: Fugging based. The Donald.

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fugging based.

The Donald.

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e031b9 No.142470

File: a2d7d6f8881eebe⋯.jpg (93.01 KB,1080x621,40:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623458 (130911ZNOV20) Notable: #Snowden trending on Netflix

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#Homecoming2020 still on? Or did the Rona fuck up the tine table?

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e031b9 No.142471

File: 3b3a9fb22bdcdec⋯.jpg (100.38 KB,512x428,128:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623477 (130914ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Water Spirits’: unmasking demonic spirits associated with the wrong use of water as a source of power

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>>>/qresearch/11623221 (pb)

‘Water Spirits’: unmasking demonic spirits associated with the wrong use of water as a source of power

Jesus also understood the manifestation of water spirits, one time as Jesus crossed over the sea, a furious storm arose as water spirits were trying to overturn the boat. In their natural state, rocks, trees, water, etc . . . give glory to God (Psalm 148). These would not normally challenge God and the authority of Jesus Christ unless the water spirits have inspired them (Matthew 8 vs 23 – 27).

If it was a natural Godly storm, Jesus would not rebuke something from His Father. He knew that the storm was an evil manifestation of water spirits. It is also reasonable to conclude that in the same account that water spirits possessed the Gardarene — demon possessed man that met Jesus as He came out of the boat on the other side. Matthew 8 vs 28-29, When He had come to the other side, to the country of the Gergesenes, there met Him two demon-possessed men, coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way.

And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” They recognised who Jesus was. They pleaded through the Gardarene demoniacs that Jesus should cast them out into the herd of swine. Matthew 8 vs 30-32, Now a good way off from them there was a herd of many swine feeding. So the demons begged Him, saying, “If You cast us out, permit us to go away into the herd of swine.” And He said to them, “Go.” So when they had come out, they went into the herd of swine. And suddenly the whole herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and perished in the water.

They caused the herd of swine to run violently into the sea. In the natural pigs hate water, it was water spirits that drove them into the water and killed them.

These spirits are normally violent spirits that do not let go of their captives easily. The swine perished in the waters but the water spirits went back into their habitat, the sea. Water spirits normally put up great resistance in deliverance but ultimately bow to the name of Jesus and the anointing.

The same account is narrated in Mark 5 vs 1-13.

In the account of Job, he was complaining bitterly to his friends and to God after his affliction and suffering and said at one point . . . Job 7 vs 12,

“Am I a sea, or a sea serpent, That You set a guard over me?” Job understood that there is a demonic force called “sea serpent” that basically is a water spirit. In the book of Psalms and Isaiah, water spirits are referred to as the “leviathan”. This was a massive sea creature that the Bible says God created to play in the sea. Psalm 104 vs 26, “There the ships sail about; There is that Leviathan Which You have made to play there.”


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e031b9 No.142472

File: b3f3c5780d99f45⋯.png (338.11 KB,650x340,65:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623533 (130925ZNOV20) Notable: ACB Gets Her First Crack At The Second Amendment On Friday

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ACB Gets Her First Crack At The Second Amendment On Friday

For the first time since Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in as an Associate Justice, the Supreme Court will be considering two gun-related cases in its Friday conference. One case deals with a local gun ban in Boulder, Colorado, while the other challenges the seizure of two firearms from a Rhode Island man, and has huge implications not only for our Second Amendment rights, but our Fourth Amendment rights as well.


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e031b9 No.142473

File: 45706622d655864⋯.png (1.99 MB,1184x4696,148:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623535 (130925ZNOV20) Notable: CodeMonkey proving the Fraud

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Guess all of them aren't LARPS

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e031b9 No.142474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623574 (130934ZNOV20) Notable: Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

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Good Video you all should listen to. 6 Min.

The great Louie Gohmert on a number of topics, including election fraud, roundup of a server in Europe, and misc other things.

It was notabled last night when I first posted it, so doesn't need to be listed again.

Good for all to listen to though, especially if newbies. Scytl and Dominion work together.

First part of vid is a clip of him on FAUX news earlier yesterday where they tried to cut him off as he talked about fraud.

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e031b9 No.142475

File: 959d7b5846a750e⋯.png (567.91 KB,962x593,962:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 13f9b3a1559ff32⋯.png (417.15 KB,583x564,583:564,Clipboard.png)

File: 7164e247e61b427⋯.png (410.62 KB,565x522,565:522,Clipboard.png)

File: edc6be7625d99e8⋯.png (449.08 KB,614x556,307:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623670 (130949ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS , Video: Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]

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Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]


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e031b9 No.142476

File: a87b41d644475b5⋯.png (227.45 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: d0823656c993deb⋯.png (262.9 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c91160b13eae62⋯.png (228.5 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: d0823656c993deb⋯.png (262.9 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623678 (130951ZNOV20) Notable: Perkins Coie Lobying for election law changes? RE: recounts???

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e031b9 No.142477

File: b8b2b31196d2a09⋯.png (230.16 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a5eb9912fd6e4b⋯.png (242.39 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623686 (130952ZNOV20) Notable: Perkins Coie Lobying for election law changes? RE: recounts???

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e031b9 No.142478

File: 1da75b68aad4c04⋯.png (477.16 KB,520x566,260:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623701 (130955ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS , Video: Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]

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>Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]

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e031b9 No.142479

File: e64a2ec3d988cfc⋯.png (365.88 KB,589x463,589:463,Clipboard.png)

File: c42f1af4877c7e1⋯.jpg (558.94 KB,2246x1680,1123:840,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de6ea05fde577cb⋯.jpg (187.66 KB,1000x1484,250:371,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623707 (130955ZNOV20) Notable: "Durham" is a prison in the UK

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"Durham" is a prison in the UK



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e031b9 No.142480

File: c6a8aa2382c420f⋯.png (1.9 MB,1368x826,684:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623710 (130956ZNOV20) Notable: Post-election, extremists use fringe social networks to push fraud claims, violence

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Post-election, extremists use fringe social networks to push fraud claims, violence

Cries of voter fraud and calls to arms are gaining ground on alternative networks, then finding their way back to mainstream sites.

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e031b9 No.142481

File: cafb43c936ccb39⋯.png (18.09 KB,735x241,735:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623716 (130957ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, but misinformation will continue to win (call it whatever you want, Trump is still your President)

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Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, but misinformation will continue to win

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e031b9 No.142482

File: bc58d30a1c92eda⋯.jpg (490.89 KB,1800x1327,1800:1327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623728 (130958ZNOV20) Notable: IG Horowitz: I Had No Idea Durham Was Going to Rebuke My Findings (2019)

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IG Horowitz: I Had No Idea Durham Was Going to Rebuke My Findings

Dec. 11, 2019

During Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FISA abuses, the top DOJ watchdog Michael Horowitz said he was taken aback by U.S. Attorney John Durham’s Monday statement rebuking the report’s findings.

“Well, I was surprised by the statement. I didn’t necessarily know it was going to be released on Monday,” Horowitz said, adding that he met in November with Durham—who is working with Attorney General William Barr on an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. “He said he did not necessarily agree with our conclusion about the opening of a full counterintelligence investigation, which is what this was. But there are also investigative means by which the FBI can move forward with an investigation called a preliminary investigation.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) also asked Horowitz whether Barr or Durham presented anything that would alter his report, which found there was no political bias and there was sufficient evidence to begin the probe. “No,” he replied.


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e031b9 No.142483

File: baef044f32c4542⋯.png (532.37 KB,854x699,854:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623734 (130959ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

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BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

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e031b9 No.142484

File: f3f009af094254a⋯.png (334.79 KB,857x578,857:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623741 (131000ZNOV20) Notable: Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order (fag got BTFO'd)

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Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order

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e031b9 No.142485

File: 216870988986917⋯.png (299.67 KB,856x632,107:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623747 (131002ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

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Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

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e031b9 No.142486

File: 53756dacb0f6054⋯.png (780.83 KB,957x519,319:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623760 (131003ZNOV20) Notable: Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration

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Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration

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e031b9 No.142487

File: 0f2f0fbfb21c031⋯.png (57.43 KB,624x427,624:427,Clipboard.png)

File: ed9d5f6d5e3e2cd⋯.png (429.29 KB,574x761,574:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623767 (131004ZNOV20) Notable: Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

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Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

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e031b9 No.142488

File: 41089698cc0460d⋯.png (192.36 KB,570x212,285:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623788 (131007ZNOV20) Notable: Philadelphia’s Election Follies: A scene from Ground Zero of ballot confusion

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Philadelphia’s Election Follies

A scene from Ground Zero of ballot confusion

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e031b9 No.142489

File: 3fd4c907e026e14⋯.png (876.73 KB,1264x508,316:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623795 (131008ZNOV20) Notable: Applying the ‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’ Doctrine to Election Fraud

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Applying the ‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’ Doctrine to Election Fraud

The case for ordering new elections in several contested states.

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e031b9 No.142490

File: 32345df5e660a8f⋯.png (54.58 KB,626x428,313:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623800 (131009ZNOV20) Notable: Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science

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Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science

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e031b9 No.142491

File: 1305e7b69888993⋯.png (35.37 KB,1169x233,1169:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623810 (131010ZNOV20) Notable: Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

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Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

Ex-Sen. Ted Kaufman and Rep. Cheri Bustos reportedly being eyed for administration roles

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e031b9 No.142492

File: 11c921f5bceb7c4⋯.png (22.57 KB,953x176,953:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623831 (131013ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Evangelical Advisers, Other Christian Leaders Stand by His Right to Fight in Court

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Trump Evangelical Advisers, Other Christian Leaders Stand by His Right to Fight in Court

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e031b9 No.142493

File: 4944df0c7d857b5⋯.png (21.18 KB,665x201,665:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623837 (131014ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden will stop building Trump's wall as soon as he is sworn in but will leave barrier intact

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Joe Biden will stop building Trump's wall as soon as he is sworn in but will leave barrier intact - meaning president built just 12 miles of entirely new fencing

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e031b9 No.142494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623839 (131014ZNOV20) Notable: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America's free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

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e031b9 No.142495

File: ad077292bd5a401⋯.png (18.22 KB,947x195,947:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623843 (131015ZNOV20) Notable: Pfizer Told Biden About Successful COVID Vaccine Before Trump Administration

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WHOA: Pfizer Told Biden About Successful COVID Vaccine Before Trump Administration

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e031b9 No.142496

File: ad181d4ea2726eb⋯.png (611.63 KB,931x706,931:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623847 (131016ZNOV20) Notable: Arizona Dem Secretary Of State Called Trump Supporters ‘Neo-Nazis’ In 2017. James Woods Fires: Recuse Yourself

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Arizona Dem Secretary Of State Called Trump Supporters ‘Neo-Nazis’ In 2017. James Woods Fires: Recuse Yourself

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e031b9 No.142497

File: 79f5039357294e5⋯.png (37.19 KB,600x246,100:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623850 (131017ZNOV20) Notable: CodeMonkey poins the guns righ at Google

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e031b9 No.142498

File: cb59a0c1c3d90d3⋯.png (292.01 KB,672x555,224:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623858 (131017ZNOV20) Notable: Obama: Trump’s Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in ‘Delegitimizing’ Democracy

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Obama: Trump’s Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in ‘Delegitimizing’ Democracy

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e031b9 No.142499

File: 485f8ac55181e5d⋯.png (15.39 KB,796x105,796:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623869 (131018ZNOV20) Notable: Obama stokes division with red hot coals, smears millions of Americans as racists in new memoir

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Obama stokes division with red hot coals, smears millions of Americans as racists in new memoir

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e031b9 No.142500

File: 917535e084a8b34⋯.png (23.4 KB,984x208,123:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623872 (131020ZNOV20) Notable: Homeland Security agency: 2020 election was the ‘most secure in American history’

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Homeland Security agency: 2020 election was the ‘most secure in American history’

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e031b9 No.142501

File: b584d91a566ac2e⋯.png (18.48 KB,791x159,791:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623875 (131021ZNOV20) Notable: Kevin McCarthy fires back at Pelosi’s election mantra: Yes Speaker, it was a ‘mandate’ – against Socialism!

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Kevin McCarthy fires back at Pelosi’s election mantra: Yes Speaker, it was a ‘mandate’ – against Socialism!

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e031b9 No.142502

File: 78712235d37ab72⋯.png (19.84 KB,1021x199,1021:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623879 (131022ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Michigan Legislature Calls For "Full Audit" Of 2020 Election, Cites Voter Fraud

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BREAKING: Michigan Legislature Calls For "Full Audit" Of 2020 Election, Cites Voter Fraud

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e031b9 No.142503

File: dd34e4e38688969⋯.png (526.11 KB,805x600,161:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623883 (131023ZNOV20) Notable: What Planet Is AOC On?

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What Planet Is AOC On?

Left and center agree on something: Democratic leaders don’t have a clue.

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e031b9 No.142504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623884 (131023ZNOV20) Notable: Trump blocks US investment in firms linked to Chinese military

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(f) the term “foreign interference,” with respect to an election, includes any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions;

(g) the term “foreign government” means any national, state, provincial, or other governing authority, any political party, or any official of any governing authority or political party, in each case of a country other than the United States;

(h) the term “covert,” with respect to an action or attempted action, means characterized by an intent or apparent intent that the role of a foreign government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly; and

(i) the term “State” means the several States or any of the territories, dependencies, or possessions of the United States.

Trump blocks US investment in firms linked to Chinese military


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e031b9 No.142505

File: 754a73569d43d9a⋯.png (520.45 KB,763x678,763:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623895 (131025ZNOV20) Notable: Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America's Alleged Racist Oppression

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Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America's Alleged Racist Oppression

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e031b9 No.142506

File: 8a0450c427a984e⋯.png (1.22 MB,2764x1582,1382:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d48a86a9d9cdca⋯.jpg (73.44 KB,591x432,197:144,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623903 (131026ZNOV20) Notable: Searching "Dominion Voting Systems whistleblower" in Google v.s. Duck Duck Go

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Searching "Dominion Voting Systems whistleblower" in Google v.s. Duck Duck Go

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142507

File: d28cee23df0519f⋯.png (284.94 KB,664x581,8:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623906 (131026ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden's coalition is whiter, wealthier – and will not stick around

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Joe Biden's coalition is whiter, wealthier – and will not stick around

Ben Davis

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e031b9 No.142508

File: aeabe67c7126ed4⋯.png (630.41 KB,774x692,387:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623911 (131028ZNOV20) Notable: Lightfoot Makes No Bones About It: She's Canceling 'Traditional Thanksgiving' for Chicago

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Lightfoot Makes No Bones About It: She's Canceling 'Traditional Thanksgiving' for Chicago

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142509

File: fd27a1293bf0af6⋯.png (347.07 KB,862x573,862:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623917 (131029ZNOV20) Notable: WATCH: USPS whistleblower told to dump Trump mail: Tells Project Veritas his supervisor ordered delivery only of Biden material

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WATCH: USPS whistleblower told to dump Trump mail

Tells Project Veritas his supervisor ordered delivery only of Biden material

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e031b9 No.142510

File: 58ceba735c0dd82⋯.png (309.52 KB,864x620,216:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623924 (131030ZNOV20) Notable: True the Vote chief: Many U.S. votes counted in Spain

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True the Vote chief: Many U.S. votes counted in Spain

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e031b9 No.142511

File: 2a7152e16c7a833⋯.png (29.42 KB,851x279,851:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623928 (131031ZNOV20) Notable: Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

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Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

Exclusive: Scott Lively employs weather analogy in analyzing 'the Great Election Theft of 2020'

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e031b9 No.142512

File: 89c9156b75293c6⋯.png (13.47 KB,772x157,772:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623934 (131032ZNOV20) Notable: NYT Columnist Thomas Friedman Advocates Democrats Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

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NYT Columnist Thomas Friedman Advocates Democrats Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

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e031b9 No.142513

File: dba129275b37cf7⋯.png (580.88 KB,1277x525,1277:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623941 (131034ZNOV20) Notable: About Atlanta’s Election Day Pipe Dream

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About Atlanta’s Election Day Pipe Dream

Vote counting was halted for hours, but evidence of a burst pipe has proven elusive.

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e031b9 No.142514

File: b92be18a68968ce⋯.png (18.88 KB,989x207,43:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623944 (131034ZNOV20) Notable: It would be madness for Joe Biden to return to the Iran nuclear deal

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It would be madness for Joe Biden to return to the Iran nuclear deal

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e031b9 No.142515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623953 (131035ZNOV20) Notable: #14839, #14840 2/2, #14840 1/2

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>>>/qresearch/11623137 Dough

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 11.13.2020

>>142359 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING

#14840 Part 1/2

>>142461 Given CISA rumor control i gather they are with the bad actors?

>>142462 , >>142463 Report (circled in Red) of previous DOMINION fault.

>>142464 Victor Davis Hanson | US Election 2020

>>142465 White House recommends New Mexico test more to get COVID-19 under control

>>142466 3 year delta drop #150

>>142467 PF: Flight just left Opa-Locka - 2307, its a HC144 Ocean Sentry

>>142468 , >>142470 #Snowden trending on Netflix

>>142471 ‘Water Spirits’: unmasking demonic spirits associated with the wrong use of water as a source of power

>>142469 Fugging based. The Donald.

>>142472 ACB Gets Her First Crack At The Second Amendment On Friday

>>142473 CodeMonkey proving the Fraud

>>142474 Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

>>142475 POTUS , >>142478 Video: Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]

>>142476 , >>142477 Perkins Coie Lobying for election law changes? RE: recounts???

>>142479 "Durham" is a prison in the UK

>>142480 Post-election, extremists use fringe social networks to push fraud claims, violence

>>142481 Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, but misinformation will continue to win (call it whatever you want, Trump is still your President)

>>142482 IG Horowitz: I Had No Idea Durham Was Going to Rebuke My Findings (2019)

>>142483 BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

>>142484 Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order (fag got BTFO'd)

>>142485 Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

>>142486 Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration

>>142487 Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

>>142488 Philadelphia’s Election Follies: A scene from Ground Zero of ballot confusion

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e031b9 No.142516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11623956 (131036ZNOV20) Notable: #14839, #14840 2/2, #14840 1/2

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#14840 Part 2/2

>>142489 Applying the ‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’ Doctrine to Election Fraud

>>142490 Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science

>>142491 Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

>>142492 Trump Evangelical Advisers, Other Christian Leaders Stand by His Right to Fight in Court

>>142493 Joe Biden will stop building Trump's wall as soon as he is sworn in but will leave barrier intact

>>142494 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>142495 Pfizer Told Biden About Successful COVID Vaccine Before Trump Administration

>>142496 Arizona Dem Secretary Of State Called Trump Supporters ‘Neo-Nazis’ In 2017. James Woods Fires: Recuse Yourself

>>142497 CodeMonkey poins the guns righ at Google

>>142498 Obama: Trump’s Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in ‘Delegitimizing’ Democracy

>>142499 Obama stokes division with red hot coals, smears millions of Americans as racists in new memoir

>>142505 Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America's Alleged Racist Oppression

>>142500 Homeland Security agency: 2020 election was the ‘most secure in American history’

>>142501 Kevin McCarthy fires back at Pelosi’s election mantra: Yes Speaker, it was a ‘mandate’ – against Socialism!

>>142502 BREAKING: Michigan Legislature Calls For "Full Audit" Of 2020 Election, Cites Voter Fraud

>>142504 Trump blocks US investment in firms linked to Chinese military

>>142503 What Planet Is AOC On?

>>142506 Searching "Dominion Voting Systems whistleblower" in Google v.s. Duck Duck Go

>>142507 Joe Biden's coalition is whiter, wealthier – and will not stick around

>>142508 Lightfoot Makes No Bones About It: She's Canceling 'Traditional Thanksgiving' for Chicago

>>142509 WATCH: USPS whistleblower told to dump Trump mail: Tells Project Veritas his supervisor ordered delivery only of Biden material

>>142510 True the Vote chief: Many U.S. votes counted in Spain

>>142511 Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

>>142512 NYT Columnist Thomas Friedman Advocates Democrats Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

>>142513 About Atlanta’s Election Day Pipe Dream

>>142514 It would be madness for Joe Biden to return to the Iran nuclear deal

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e031b9 No.142517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624016 (131049ZNOV20) Notable: Who’s meddling now? Zuckerberg tells employees it’s ‘clear’ Biden won still-contested US election

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Who’s meddling now? Zuckerberg tells employees it’s ‘clear’ Biden won still-contested US election

13 Nov, 2020 04:18 / Updated 6 hours ago

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly called the 2020 US presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden, soothing employees’ minds while engaging in the sort of meddling his platform purports to fight.

Apparently disregarding Facebook’s public-facing image as a fierce opponent of election meddling by entities not legitimately involved in the political process, Zuckerberg dived into the fray during a Thursday company-wide town hall, according to an audio of the meeting first obtained by Buzzfeed and later confirmed by CNBC.

“I believe the outcome of the election is now clear and Joe Biden is going to be our next president,” Zuckerberg reportedly told the assembled crowd. “It’s important that people have confidence that the election was fundamentally fair, and that goes for the tens of millions of people that voted for Trump.”


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e031b9 No.142518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624037 (131052ZNOV20) Notable: 'Not a fraud case': Trump campaign's Arizona lawyer rebuts 'stop the steal' in case shifted from Sharpies to 191 votes

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Jeffy might have got some of these yet I am gonna do 'em anyways and whatever sticks, sticks.

'Not a fraud case': Trump campaign's Arizona lawyer rebuts 'stop the steal' in case shifted from Sharpies to 191 votes

by Emily Larsen, Political Reporter | | November 13, 2020 04:45 AM

President Trump says that the 2020 election was "stolen" as his supporters cry "stop the steal" at protests across the country, alleging widespread election fraud.

But a lawyer representing Trump's campaign rejected that argument when it comes to the legal complaints about ballot tabulation in Maricopa County, the most populous county in Arizona.

“This is not a fraud case. It is not a stealing-the-election case,” said Kory Langhofer, the lawyer representing the Trump campaign and the Arizona Republican Party, in a six-hour court hearing on Thursday. He called the case a "relatively boring an anodyne case about the proper procedures being followed."

In another comment, Langhofer echoed concerns of Democrats warning that Trump's allegation of widespread fraud is harmful to the democratic system of the United States.

"The words we use here have real effects in the real world and the confidence in our public systems," Langhofer said. "I just want to be very clear on the record about what we're talking about here and what we are not."

What started as a lawsuit based on a now-debunked theory that bleed-through from Sharpie markers caused tabulation errors in how ballots in Maricopa County has turned into a narrowly focused case about a small number of ballots (191 so far) unlikely to make a difference in the presidential election results in the Grand Canyon State.

At issue in the case is whether some in-person Election Day voters' ballots were improperly pushed through a tabulation machine after being flagged as having a problem. Trump's legal team presented several witnesses at the hearing who said that a poll worker pushed, or they were instructed to push, a "green button" that caused the ballot to be accepted.

The green-button direction would process votes that had an "overvote" in which the machine found that a selection was made for multiple candidates in a contest rather than just one, causing no vote to be recorded for that candidate. The witnesses testified that they were instructed or pushed the green button despite not having selected multiple candidates in any race. After reading more information online, they question whether their votes counted.



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e031b9 No.142519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624039 (131052ZNOV20) Notable: China about to pull off ‘diplomatic coup’ by striking world’s largest free trade agreement

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China about to pull off ‘diplomatic coup’ by striking world’s largest free trade agreement

13 Nov, 2020 09:22

Fifteen Asia-Pacific nations including China and Japan plan to sign the world’s biggest free trade deal this weekend. The FTA will cut tariffs, strengthen supply chains with common rules of origin, and codify new e-commerce rules.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is expected to be announced at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, which Vietnam is hosting virtually. It will involve the ten member states of the ASEAN bloc – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – as well as their trade partners Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea.

The new economic bloc will thus represent around a third of the world’s gross domestic product and population.

It will become the first-ever free trade agreement to include China, Japan, and South Korea – Asia’s first, second and fourth-largest economies. One of the original partners, India, said last November that it would not participate in the negotiations due to concern that opening up its market would cause its trade deficit with China to grow.


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e031b9 No.142520

File: 9b83eb4e67c180b⋯.jpg (144.01 KB,924x656,231:164,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624046 (131053ZNOV20) Notable: CISA: The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result. (comped fakeNews)

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WASHINGTON – The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works) - released the following statement:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.

“When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

“Other security measures like pre-election testing, state certification of voting equipment, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) certification of voting equipment help to build additional confidence in the voting systems used in 2020.

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”


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e031b9 No.142521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624054 (131055ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump attacks Fox News: 'They forgot the golden goose'

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Donald Trump attacks Fox News: 'They forgot the golden goose'

President turns to right-wing network Newsmax for support after Fox warned viewers Trump’s election victory claims were false

Helen Sullivan

Thu 12 Nov 2020 22.26 EST Last modified on Fri 13 Nov 2020 02.25 EST

Donald Trump has unleashed a torrent of tweets denouncing Fox News, accusing the network of having forgotten “what made them successful, what got them there”.

“They forgot the Golden Goose,” Trump wrote in a tweet posted at midday on Thursday:

The tirade was posted after the president, who has refused to acknowledge his election loss to Democratic nominee Joe Biden, retweeted multiple comments from supporters, many of which expressed the view that they would instead be relying on right-wing cable channel and website Newsmax.

Late on Thursday, the top story on Newsmax.com was headlined “Sen. Ted Cruz to Newsmax TV: ‘Media Don’t Get to Decide Presidency’.”

Among Trump’s retweets was one by a user called “Appalachian Christian”, who said: “Suit yourself Left Fox 4 NewsMaxxxxx.”

Fox was one of the first news organisations to call the state of Arizona for Biden and has warned its readers that Trump’s claims of victory are false.

On Monday night, Fox host Neil Cavuto cut away from a campaign event hosted by the White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany at the Republican National Committee headquarters when McEnany said that Trump’s campaign team “wanted every legal vote to be counted”.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa – I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue to show you this,” Cavuto said from the studio.

Trump on Monday claimed without evidence that the network’s “ratings have completely collapsed.”

Trump’s embrace of Newsmax has however translated into a ratings boost, with viewership jumping from an average of 65,000 people before the election to 800,000 viewers of its prime time shows this week, according to Nielsen data quoted in the New York Times, which reports that the NewsMax app was the fourth most popular on the Apple App Store on Thursday.

Later on Thursday, however, Trump tweeted his praise for two Fox hosts, both long-time Trump loyalists, touting a “must see” segment by commentator Sean Hannity and a “confirming and powerful piece” by Fox Business Network anchor Lou Dobbs.



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e031b9 No.142522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624069 (131057ZNOV20) Notable: No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of federal and state officials

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No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of federal and state officials

Presidential poll was the most secure ever, says statement from cybersecurity experts, in clearest repudiation yet of Donald Trump’s claims


Fri 13 Nov 2020 00.51 EST Last modified on Fri 13 Nov 2020 02.24 EST

A coalition of US federal and state officials have said they have no evidence that votes were compromised or altered in last week’s presidential election, rejecting unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud advanced by Donald Trump and many of his supporters.

The statement from cybersecurity experts, which trumpeted the 3 November election as the most secure in American history, amounted to the most direct repudiation to date of the outgoing president’s efforts to undermine the integrity of the contest.

It echoed repeated assertions by election experts and state officials over the last week that the election unfolded smoothly without broad irregularities.

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too,“ the statement said. “When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”

The statement was distributed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which spearheaded federal election protection efforts. It was tweeted by the agency’s director, Chris Krebs, who just hours earlier had been the subject of a Reuters story that said he had told associates he expected to be fired by Trump. Krebs has been vocal on Twitter in repeatedly reassuring Americans that the election was secure and that their votes would be counted.

“America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too,” he wrote.

The officials who signed the statement said they had no evidence that any voting system had deleted or lost votes, had changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

They said all of the states with close results have paper records, which allows for the recounting of each ballot, if necessary, and for “the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors”.

“The election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalising the result,” the statement said.

The message is in stark contrast to Trump’s unsupported claims of fraud and widespread problems that he insists could affect vote totals.



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e031b9 No.142523

File: 4a9ad60cde9fea4⋯.png (3.16 MB,2241x1602,249:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624075 (131057ZNOV20) Notable: From three years ago... #Fraud

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From three years ago:

Washington (CNN)A government investigation concluded that the United States Postal Service "improperly coordinated" with a postal workers union that supported Hillary Clinton's campaign.

The investigation, as documented in a report from the Office of Special Counsel, said the USPS granted employees union leave time off, at the request of the union, to do political activity &ndash; which OSC concluded was a "systematic violation" of a law regarding the political activity of federal employees.

The report said the practice was longstanding, perhaps ranging as far back as the 1990s.

The report came in response to a request from Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs a Senate committee that held a hearing Wednesday on the matter and asked representatives of government watchdogs why it went on so long. William Siemer, the acting deputy inspector general of the USPS's inspector general's office, indicated it was a case of institutional inertia.

"It seemed that it was adopted just as a practice where nobody was really looking at it through the lens of is this appropriate or not," Siemer said.

A message left with the Clinton campaign Wednesday afternoon was not immediately returned.

OSC's report said the USPS's actions during the 2016 campaign violated the Hatch Act, a 1939 law intended to keep federal employees from directly supporting candidates. The report said OSC will not seek individual punishments for violation of the law but said USPS needed to take corrective measures, including no longer considering political activity as a reason for official union leave and implementing a "'hands off' approach to a union's political activity."


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e031b9 No.142524

File: 87ffb708475583a⋯.png (956.67 KB,1080x1783,1080:1783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624086 (131059ZNOV20) Notable: Total panic from the Guardian

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Total panic from the Guardian


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e031b9 No.142525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624087 (131059ZNOV20) Notable: Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

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Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

Eyewitnesses testify they saw approximately 40,000 irregular ballots arrive in vehicles with out-of-state plates during an early-morning poll worker shift change Nov. 4. That's not even the half of it.

By Joy Pullmann

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

A lawsuit filed Nov. 8 in Michigan alleges that Detroit, Mich. elections officials oversaw and openly encouraged election fraud totaling many “tens of thousands” of fraudulent ballots, plus other illegal election-tampering.

The complaint filed by an in-state conservative nonprofit legal group alleges numerous instances of illegal and suspicious activity in the Democrat stronghold encompassing Detroit, Wayne County. President Trump’s legal team has filed a separate lawsuit alleging additional voting crimes and irregularities in the county.

The current results of the presidential race in Michigan suggest an approximately 146,000-vote gap between President Trump and Joe Biden, and an 84,000-vote gap between U.S. Senate candidates Gary Peters (D) and John James (R). The Associated Press and the state’s Democrat officials say Biden has won the state’s electoral votes and that Trump’s claims of fraud are insulting and inaccurate.

Wayne County is estimated to have been the site of some 850,000 votes this year. If this lawsuit is accurate, however, a massive portion of these votes is fraudulent.

The Great Lakes Justice Center complaint provides “eyewitness accounts and direct evidence” that “approximately 40,000” unsecured, irregular ballots arrived in vehicles with out-of-state license plates at Detroit’s only vote-counting location, TCF Center, in the wee hours of the Nov. 4 morning during a shift change in election workers. Eyewitnesses signed affidavits saying that every one of this group of 40,000 ballots they saw “was counted orally and attributed only to Democratic candidates,” specifically Joe Biden.

Other eyewitnesses signed affidavits under penalty of perjury stating they saw multiple other piles of ballots, together additionally numbering in the tens of thousands, that were counted despite violating election law, sometimes at the direction of local election officials. This allegedly happened both before the election, during early voting, and during the election and subsequent vote count.

“After poll challengers started discovering the fraud taking place at the TCF Center, Defendant election officials and workers locked credentialed challengers out of the counting room so they could not observe the process, during which time tens of thousands of ballots were processed,” the complaint says. It also alleges:

“Defendant election officials and workers allowed ballots to be duplicated by hand without allowing poll challengers to check if the duplication was accurate. In fact, election officials and workers repeatedly obstructed poll challengers from observing. Defendants permitted thousands of ballots to be filled out by hand and duplicated on site without oversight from poll challengers.”

Poll challenger Daniel Gustafson signed an affidavit stating he “witnessed tens of thousands of ballots being delivered to the TCF Center that were not in any approved, sealed, or tamper-proof container…Large quantities of ballots were delivered to the TCF Center in what appeared to be mail bins with open tops. Contrary to law, these ballot bins and containers did not have lids, were not sealed, and did not have the capability of having a metal seal.”

The Federalist reported earlier this week on one affidavit filed in this complaint, from former Michigan Assistant Attorney General Zachary Larsen, but there are many, many more, and the details are scandalous.



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e031b9 No.142526

File: 86af2519350ed80⋯.jpg (665.7 KB,817x1167,817:1167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624088 (131059ZNOV20) Notable: DOMINION has a history of ERRORS.

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DOMINION has a history of ERRORS.

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e031b9 No.142527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624092 (131100ZNOV20) Notable: Ex navy fag: big flag post (re: Q) indicated to me that they were going into battle

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Ex navy fag here. I've been thinking about the big flag post from 10 days ago. When going into action, the Navy raises the battle ensign which is a much bigger flag than the standard ensign. In the days of wooden ships and low technology it was to ensure you knew who you were fighting. Just a thought, might not be anything related but the big flag post indicated to me that they were going into battle.

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e031b9 No.142528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624095 (131100ZNOV20) Notable: Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory

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Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory

NOVEMBER 12, 2020 By Tristan Justice

House Republicans added one more to their ranks this week after New York Democratic Rep. Max Rose conceded defeat Thursday in the Staten Island-area district.

“I received a gracious phone call from Rep. Max Rose today conceding the election,” wrote State Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis on Twitter. “I want to thank him for his service to our nation in both the military and in Congress. We agreed to work together on a seamless transition to best serve our constituents.”

Rose, a freshman Democrat in the lower chamber had flipped the seat two years ago in what is widely considered one of the most conservative districts in New York City. Rose was one of 41 Democratic lawmakers to oust Republicans in 2018 to reclaim the House majority halfway into President Donald Trump’s first term putting California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi back in the speaker’s chair.

The Republican victory in New York marks the GOP’s tenth pick-up for a net gain of six seats in the House, a majority of whom are women.



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e031b9 No.142529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624108 (131102ZNOV20) Notable: The Shady Ex-Cop Behind Trump’s Nevada Voter Fraud Farce

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The Shady Ex-Cop Behind Trump’s Nevada Voter Fraud Farce


Known for cavorting with criminal strip-club operators and scandals galore, the head of the Nevada GOP is the perfect hype man for a hopeless mission.

John L. Smith

Published Nov. 13, 2020 3:21AM ET

LAS VEGAS—Donald Trump couldn’t have found a better MAGA minion to lead his Nevada voter fraud snipe hunt than Michael McDonald.

An ex-cop with a long history of ethical entanglements, suspect friendships, and outright scandals, McDonald—now chair of the state Republican Party—is made-to-order to represent the Trump brand. In tandem with failed gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt, McDonald heads the scattered squad of Trump loyalists overhyping fact-free claims and lawsuits that continue to be shredded by state Attorney General Aaron Ford and swatted down in court.

Widespread voter fraud enabled by a lack of ballot-count observers? Nope. Armies of out-of-state Democrats flowing into Nevada to cast ballots? Try again. Would you believe throngs of dead people turned out for Joe Biden in the Silver State? They didn’t.



[They] are extremely desperate

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e031b9 No.142530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624114 (131105ZNOV20) Notable: UK summons Chinese ambassador after expulsion of Hong Kong MPs

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UK summons Chinese ambassador after expulsion of Hong Kong MPs

The government views China's latest action as part of a campaign to stifle all voices critical of Beijing's policies.

By Greg Heffer, political reporter

Thursday 12 November 2020 14:23, UK

The government has summoned China's ambassador to register "deep concern" after Beijing ordered the expulsion of four opposition MPs from Hong Kong's parliament.

Kwok Ka-ki, Alvin Yeung, Dennis Kwok and Kenneth Leung were banished from the territory's assembly for allegedly endangering national security.

They were expelled under a new Chinese law banning supporters of Hong Kong independence from holding office.

The action saw the remaining opposition members of Hong Kong's parliament resign en masse and means the territory's pro-Beijing government is now effectively unchallenged in the legislature.



CCP desperation is some of the sweetest.

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e031b9 No.142531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624123 (131106ZNOV20) Notable: South Africa Ruling Party Official Charged With Graft, Fraud

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South Africa Ruling Party Official Charged With Graft, Fraud

By S'thembile Cele and Gemma Gatticchi

November 13, 2020, 5:14 AM EST

ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule appears in court

South African president has vowed to crackdown on corruption

South African prosecutors charged the second-highest ranking official in the nation’s ruling party with corruption, fraud and money-laundering.

The charges were put to African National Congress Secretary-General Ace Magashule at a court appearance in the Magistrate Court in the central city of Bloemfontein on Friday. The court granted Magashule bail of 200,000 rand ($12,827).

Magashule, who currently oversees the day-to-day running of the ANC, is the highest-profile serving politician to face charges since President Cyril Ramaphosa took office in 2018 and pledged to crack down on the corruption that became endemic during his predecessor Jacob Zuma’s rule. The government estimated that more than 500 billion rand was stolen.

The case against Magashule relates to a 255 million-rand asbestos audit contract that was awarded in the Free State, according to the police’s special investigating unit. Four government officials and business people were also detained in connection with the contract in September.

While the legal processes against Magashule could take years to be concluded, he may be politically sidelined in the interim. That’s because the party has instructed all its members facing charges to step aside from their posts until their cases are concluded &ndash; although not all of them have complied.


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e031b9 No.142532

File: 88c46bdfed9db18⋯.png (23.5 KB,868x281,868:281,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624129 (131107ZNOV20) Notable: 10 shot, 3 killed Thursday in Chicago

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10 shot, 3 killed Thursday in Chicago

A 32-year-old man was fatally shot late Thursday while driving in Englewood, police said.

By Sun-Times Wire Nov 13, 2020, 3:15am CST


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e031b9 No.142533

File: 1b190f03ff93906⋯.png (783.52 KB,454x673,454:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624134 (131108ZNOV20) Notable: Interesting - Comey twat about lone kayaker on October 18, 2017, time 1747; Q's first post is ten days later.

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>>>/qresearch/11624070 (LB)

Interesting - Comey twat about lone kayaker on October 18, 2017, time 1747

Q's first post is ten days later.

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e031b9 No.142534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624141 (131109ZNOV20) Notable: Court asked to extend TikTok stay of execution

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Court asked to extend TikTok stay of execution


12 Nov 2020, 02:04 GMT+10

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) &ndash; Video-sharing social networking platform TikTok announced Tuesday that it has filed a petition to a federal appeals court seeking to invalidate the U.S. government's divestiture order issued in August.

According to an executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump in August, TikTok's Chinese parent company ByteDance needs to sell or spin off its U.S. TikTok business within 90 days, which means Thursday.

TikTok said in a statement that it had asked the government for a 30-day extension because it was "facing continual new requests and no clarity on whether our proposed solutions would be accepted" but it had not been granted one.

"We have no choice but to file a petition in court to defend our rights and those of our more than 1,500 employees in the U.S.," it added.

On the pretext of national security threat, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) conducted a probe into ByteDance's 2017 acquisition of Musical.ly, the predecessor to TikTok, in the fall of 2019.

This September, Trump gave a preliminary approval for ByteDance to sell the popular app to U.S. buyers. However, the U.S. administration gave no further decision following the news of a deal among ByteDance, Oracle and Walmart.

TikTok said it had actively engaged with CFIUS in good faith for years to address the latter's concerns, even as "we disagree with its assessment," but the fact of no feedback in nearly two months to its proposed solutions to finalize the three-parts agreement forced the company to appeal before the deadline.

Separately, District Judge Wendy Beetlestone of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Oct. 30 temporarily blocked a Trump order that would ban U.S. companies from doing business with TikTok from Nov. 12.

The judge ruled that she found the U.S. government's "own descriptions of the national security threat posed by the TikTok app are phrased in the hypothetical" and therefore she could not find that "the risk presented by the government outweighs the public interest in enjoining" the ban.

Beetlestone's decision came after a separate ruling by Judge Carl Nichols of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Sept. 27, which blocked the White House's ban on TikTok downloads in the country.

Many American pundits also questioned Trump's orders designed to ban business of TikTok and ByteDance in the country.

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of Berkley School of Law, said at an panel of experts online hosted by the Asia Society in October, that Trump's bans had no legal standing on Constitutional grounds, and the act was a clear violation of the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech.

"There is no compelling 'interest,' no demonstration of a real national security problem, no proof that there was no other way, plus the ban restricts the people's right to transmit and receive information," he said."


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e031b9 No.142535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624163 (131113ZNOV20) Notable: VIDEO: Bulldozer op and co-workers burying trash at landfill found ballots cast for Trump, boss told them to ignore

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VIDEO: Bulldozer op and co-workers burying trash at landfill found ballots cast for Trump, boss told them to ignore


Bulldozer operator (and all his co-workers burying trash at landfill finds ballots cast for Trump

He says his boss is telling them to not take them, not do ANYTHING with them but bury them and they are ALL TRUMP VOTES.

The landfill workers need to get out of their rigs, and dig up all the ballots while their boss screams they are fired. If he stops them, they need to hog tie him and beat him to a pulp. Why the hell are they going along with this???

Remember those mail sort machines I told everyone were being used to separate out all probable Trump votes by merging voter registration databases with addresses, and having the mail sort machines simply ditch the ones with Republican addresses? And then they said the Sonoma dumpster was bogus when it was not??? What about this??? There is SO MUCH FREAKING FRAUD in this election it is UNBELIEVABLE.

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e031b9 No.142536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624166 (131114ZNOV20) Notable: SCOTUS on Covid: Alito: "The Pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty."

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Address by Hon. Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court

[2020 NLC Live] Nov 12, 2020


Alito: "The Pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable

restrictions on individual liberty."


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e031b9 No.142537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624171 (131116ZNOV20) Notable: House GOP Leader Defends Incoming QAnon Supporters, Stands With Trump

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House GOP Leader Defends Incoming QAnon Supporters, Stands With Trump

A few cracks but no big GOP break with Trump on Biden’s win

The Associated Press Haaretz

Published at 05:52

The most powerful Republicans in Washington are standing firmly behind President Donald Trump and his unsupported claims of voter fraud for now, but new cracks emerged among GOP leaders elsewhere who believe it’s time to treat Democrat Joe Biden like the president-elect he is.

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy suggested Thursday that Biden doesn’t need intelligence briefings because Trump might remain president in the new year.


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e031b9 No.142538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624188 (131119ZNOV20) Notable: Justice Alito warns of dangers to free speech, religious liberty in Federalist Society address

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Justice Alito warns of dangers to free speech, religious liberty in Federalist Society address

“In certain quarters religious liberty has fast become a disfavored right,” Alito said

By Brie Stimson | Fox News

Published 2 hours ago

Religious liberty and free speech are among Americans' personal freedoms potentially imperiled along with government overreach during the coronavirus pandemic, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned Thursday.

“Tolerance for opposing views is now in short supply,” Alito added in a virtual keynote speech to a conference of the conservative Federalist Society, in which he referenced the current state of discourse in the nation's law schools and the “broader academic community.”

Many recent law school graduates claim they face “harassment” and “retaliation” for any views that depart “from law school orthodoxy,” Alito said.

“In certain quarters religious liberty has fast become a disfavored right,” he said. “For many today, religious liberty is not a cherished freedom. It’s often just an excuse for bigotry and it can’t be tolerated even when there’s no evidence that anybody has been harmed.”

He cited the Supreme Court cases of the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of Roman Catholic nuns who were exempted from a requirement to provide birth control coverage to employees and Colorado baker who was allowed to refuse service to a gay couple for their wedding.

No employees with the Little Sisters of the Poor asked for birth control coverage and the gay couple was given a free cake by another shop and had celebrity chefs jump to their defense, he said.

“The question we face is whether our society will be inclusive enough to tolerate people with unpopular religious beliefs,” he added, saying Christians deserve the same protections as the any of the religious minority groups in cases over which has presided throughout the years.

When Alito, 70, a nominee of former President George W. Bush who was confirmed by the Senate in 2006, touched on the pandemic, he said it has “resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty” and whatever people believe about the coronavirus restrictions, the U.S. can’t allow the restrictions to stand after the pandemic has passed.

He also said that houses of worship have been treated unfairly compared to other businesses during the pandemic, like in the case of casinos in Nevada.



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e031b9 No.142539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624192 (131119ZNOV20) Notable: One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

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One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

anon thinks they will be running this segment EVERY HOUR today

-its habbening

get ready for yourChristmas Present, anons




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e031b9 No.142540

File: 411492010702f32⋯.png (131.37 KB,249x652,249:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624201 (131122ZNOV20) Notable: Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory

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11 November was her birthday

Nicole Malliotakis (born November 11, 1980) is an American politician and U.S. Representative-elect for New York's 11th congressional district, taking office in 2021. She is a member of the Republican Party. She currently represents part of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and East Shore, Staten Island in the New York State Assembly. She is the only Republican woman elected in New York City and, as the daughter of Greek and Cuban immigrants, the first Hispanic American to win elected office in Staten Island.[1] She is one of the first two Greek-American women elected to office in New York State and the first Greek-American Republican woman elected to the United States House of Representatives.[2][3]


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e031b9 No.142541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624213 (131123ZNOV20) Notable: After firings and turnover, national security community wonders: what’s next?

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After firings and turnover, national security community wonders: what’s next?

By: Aaron Mehta and Joe Gould   11 hours ago

WASHINGTON — The unprecedented removal of top Pentagon officials during a presidential transition has left the national security community reeling, wondering who will be the next to go and struggling to understand why it is happening at all.

Among the theories discussed by national security experts and concerned Democrats alike: that the firings are a play to accelerate the removal of troops in Afghanistan or, more skeptically, to use the military to subvert the election results.

A third option, however, is also floating among Washington circles: that the exits of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and several other key officials stem from personal politics that have been commonplace during the Trump administration.

An administration official, who asked not to be named because of the political sensitivities, attributed the overhaul to John McEntee, the director of the Presidential Personnel Office, who has reportedly been working for months to quash perceived disloyalty within the administration. A Washington Post columnist tweeted McEntee is also behind exits at the Department of Homeland Security.

“All the churn really isn’t about policy,” the official said, adding that National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien has been left out of the decision making. “It’s about getting revenge on the people they consider ‘never Trump.’”

Trump’s Monday firing of Esper, replacing him with Christopher Miller, the head of the National Counterterrorism Center, was already extraordinary for a transition period, and made more unusual because the job did not go to Deputy Secretary David Norquist. (For now, Norquist remains on the job.)

But the situation escalated Tuesday, when Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernan and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy James Anderson submitted their resignations, in moves that were reportedly directed by White House staff. Esper’s chief of staff, Jen Stewart, was also pushed out.

• Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who entered the Trump administration with National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, replaced Kernan in an acting capacity.

• Anthony Tata, a retired Army brigadier general and Fox News guest who was placed in the Pentagon amid controversy over his inflammatory remarks, will be performing the duties held by Anderson.

• Kash Patel, a former National Security Council official who rose to prominence by helping House Republicans during the investigation into ties between Trump and Russia, has been named Miller’s chief of staff.

Patel is “running the show,” and Cohen-Watnick is “very influential over there now,” the administration source said.

While speculation swirls about who is next — reports have named acquisition head Ellen Lord, the longest-serving political appointee at the department, as well as Chief Management Officer Lisa Hershman — other moves with less prominent leaders are also taking place.

These include:

• Charles D. Cowan, a Trump appointee at Housing and Urban Development, arrived on Monday as the new deputy chief management officer, Defense News has learned.

• Alexis Ross, a deputy chief of staff for Esper, was also let go with Stewart. However, Ross may end up staying in the Pentagon in another role.

• Mark Tomb, Anderson’s deputy chief of staff, was also let go Wednesday, according to Foreign Policy.

• And retired Col. Douglas Macgregor, a major proponent of Afghanistan withdrawal, has been placed as an adviser to Miller.

Lead Democrats on the congressional defense committees have been critical of the moves, citing a risk to national security and claiming the changes project chaos and instability to adversaries around the world at a time when the United States should project calm and order.

“If this is the beginning of a trend — the president either firing or forcing out national security professionals in order to replace them with people perceived as more loyal to him — then the next 70 days will be precarious at best and downright dangerous at worst,” Rep. Adam Smith, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said in a statement Tuesday. He added that Trump’s “singular obsession with loyalty has severely undermined the competence of our government and made us less safe.”

On Thursday evening, Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., told a Fox News reporter that the administration had indicated the personnel changes at the Pentagon have finished.



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e031b9 No.142542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624216 (131123ZNOV20) Notable: Turkey Pleads For US To Rethink F-35 Program Suspension Before Biden Enters White House

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Turkey Pleads For US To Rethink F-35 Program Suspension Before Biden Enters White House

by Tyler Durden

Fri, 11/13/2020 - 04:15

Despite Turkey facing immense Washington pressures over its acquirement and recent successful testing of the S-400 anti-air defense system from Russia, including its prior suspended participation in the F-35 program, President Trump has stopped short of allowing sanctions which have been advocated by Congressional hawks.

Critics of the White House have said it's due to Trump's "special relationship" with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; however, with Joe Biden expected to enter the White House in January, Ankara is on edge given Biden's past charged rhetoric on Turkey.

For this reason Turkey is once again urging the US to reconsider, as Reuters reports "Turkey is ready to discuss U.S. concerns about the technical compatibility of Russian S-400 defenses and U.S.-made F-35 jets, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said Thursday, repeating Ankara's proposal for a joint working group with Washington on the issue."



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e031b9 No.142543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624231 (131127ZNOV20) Notable: Senate Republicans, Lindsey Graham say Joe Biden needs presidential daily briefs

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Senate Republicans, Lindsey Graham say Joe Biden needs presidential daily briefs

By Steven Nelson November 12, 2020 | 4:25pm

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday joined a growing number of Senate Republicans calling for President-elect Joe Biden to be given classified presidential daily briefs, or PDBs.

The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and recurrent golf partner of President Trump told CNN Biden should be given the PDBs soon. The Trump administration has not provided the briefings saying it’s unclear if Biden won the election.

Graham, a 2016 Trump adversary who became one of his closest allies, said, “Yeah, I think he should” get access to the secret sessions, which have been withheld pending the outcome of Trump’s legal challenges and state recounts.

Many other Senate Republicans this week said Biden should be given the daily briefings — which would supplement other less frequent classified briefings which he’s received since September as a presidential candidate.

Senate Majority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, the second-ranking Senate Republican, got behind the idea Thursday.

“Well, I think that it probably makes sense to prepare for all contingencies,” Thune said. “As these election challenges play out in court, I don’t have a problem with, and I think it’s important from a national security standpoint, continuity. And you’ve seen other members suggesting that. I think that makes sense.”

Trump swiped at Thune in August when the senator said it was “problematic” for Trump to host his Republican National Convention speech at the White House.

“John Thune did? Right, the Republican John Thune? Well, it is legal,” Trump told reporters at the time.

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) also said he believes Biden should get the briefings, saying, “I don’t think that would hurt.”

And Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) also backed the push, telling reporters, “I would think — especially on classified briefings — the answer is yes.”


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e031b9 No.142544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624232 (131127ZNOV20) Notable: PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

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PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

by Tyler Durden

Fri, 11/13/2020 - 02:50

A Pennsylvania judge ruled on Thursday that the state cannot count late ballots which required voters to provide proof of identification to 'cure' them by an arbitrary deadline set by the Secretary of State.

After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, a separate issue in dispute, PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted her own guidance that said proof of ID could be provided up to Nov 12, three days from the ballot acceptance deadline.

The order is notably separate from a challenge to the PA Supreme Court decision to allow late ballots, and invalidates only those subject to Boockvar's extension to cure a lack of ID between Nov. 10-12.

"[T]he Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Boards of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline … for certain electors to verify proof of identification," wrote Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt in a court order.

"Accordingly, the Court heareby ORDERS that Respondents County Board of Elections are enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Court's order dated November 5, 2020, granting a special injunction."


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e031b9 No.142545

File: f26e5d0c9119679⋯.jpg (575.99 KB,1079x1641,1079:1641,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624241 (131129ZNOV20) Notable: "Durham Furnace" is a town in Pennsylvania with an interesting history. It is just outside of Easton.

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"Durham Furnace" is a town in Pennsylvania with an interesting history. It is just outside of Easton.


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e031b9 No.142546

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB,700x463,700:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624263 (131132ZNOV20) Notable: Tony Norman: QAnon Confidential: A plea for marching orders from 'The One'

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Tony Norman: QAnon Confidential: A plea for marching orders from 'The One'

Donald Trump's absence is testing the faith of his most fervent followers.

NOV 13, 2020 12:00 AM


Those are the words of a believer who lapsed and fell away from you, Donald Trump. Those of us who truly believe and follow you will never question your plan. We are not infidels! We Are QAnon!

It has been a week since the Deep State and its lackeys in the lamestream media attempted to stage a coup and steal the presidency from you.

Thank MAGA Almighty and the forces of Light that are always working for the good of the children that you caught those Satan-worshipping ‘Demoncrat’ bandits in the act of backdating hundreds of thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania. You won the election despite the odds arraigned against you on that apocalyptic day. Of course they refuse to acknowledge it. They lost!

But in every war there are casualties. On Election Day when we needed him most, our former brother, the administrator of the online “Q” sanctuary, left the sacred fellowship to “spend time” with his family and to “have a life” apart from the only life that truly matters — worshipping and supporting you, Donald Trump.

We were left to our own to interpret the flashy electronic boards on cable news showing most of the states turning red with only a tiny few turning blue — yet the Dumbocrats still had the audacity to declare themselves the winners! We have eyes. We aren’t colorblind. We see color! Donald Trump won because there are more red states than blue!

We laugh at these baby-eating pedophiles and their movie star enablers. These globalists and Hollywood mutants have been concocting evil and warping minds since the so-called Dark Ages.

We’ve been saving the world from Jews, Freemasons, Rothschilds, Chinese mercantilists, Jacobins, Abolitionists, mandatory vaccinations, FemiNazis, Marxists, George Soros and global warming alarmists since the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. We refused to bathe during the Black Plague — another big hoax — because we heard the water was fluoridated. We are QAnon!

Because we revere you and look to you for coded answers to all of life’s questions, we eagerly await the unfolding of your plan in the midst of the nation’s revolt against your imperial prerogatives, President Trump.

Didn’t we stage boat flotillas and attend super-spreader events at stadiums in your name? Because we are Q, we didn’t mind barking “lock her up” and “lock him up” like Nero’s subjects in ancient Rome cheering as Christians were thrown to the lions even though we could feel the coronavirus mingling in our bloodstream with every breath. We did not shrink from exposure to you or each other. We are QAnon!



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e031b9 No.142547

File: 596724602af2ef6⋯.png (22.2 KB,464x272,29:17,Clipboard.png)

File: d4f489e7e36756d⋯.png (52.85 KB,306x608,153:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624266 (131133ZNOV20) Notable: ECW mentioned 2y, 1d prior to his appointment; Connected. Patel

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ECW mentioned 2y, 1d prior to his appointment.

Connected. Patel

Ezra 9 November 2018

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e031b9 No.142548

File: d5db7b887aba887⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,1073x375,1073:375,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624271 (131134ZNOV20) Notable: ▲Delta 3Y

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Delta 3Y

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e031b9 No.142549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624279 (131135ZNOV20) Notable: QAnon After Trump's Election Defeat (so many keks)

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QAnon After Trump's Election Defeat

1,830 views • Nov 12, 2020

Bloomberg Politics

262K subscribers

Nov.12 &ndash; Mike Rothschild, Conspiracy theory researcher & author of "The World's Worst Conspiracies", discusses the current state of QAnon after President Trump's election defeat. He speaks with Emily Chang on "Bloomberg Technology".


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e031b9 No.142550

File: 551fbf1c423fbbe⋯.jpg (639.56 KB,923x1263,923:1263,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624281 (131136ZNOV20) Notable: NEW DOMINION VOTING MACHINES NOT OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED

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From half, a declamation:



2019 Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 16 - Elections and Electors

§ 16-449 Required test of equipment and programs; notice; procedures manual

The test shall be observed by at least two election inspectors, who shall not be of the same political party, and shall be open to representatives of the political parties, candidates, the press and the public.

Neither a Libertarian Party agency Representative NOR the Republican GOP Chair Rae Chornenky was preset at this REQUIRED test and by statute there SHALL be at least 2 official observers from differing parties present to certify the machines


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e031b9 No.142551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624299 (131137ZNOV20) Notable: How the CIA stole the election for Biden "Hammer" and "Scorecard"

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How the CIA stole the election for Biden

"Hammer" and "Scorecard"

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.), breaks down how cyber election fraud works and what role it may have played in the election - via Newsmax TV's 'The Chris Salcedo Show.'

Watch Newsmax TV, FUCK FOX

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e031b9 No.142552

File: e8f9f840a1bf39f⋯.png (75.33 KB,402x890,201:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624304 (131138ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Logo rotated 90 degrees is an Owl over a Socialist Z

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>>>/qresearch/11624018 pb

Rotate Biden Logo 90 degrees

Owl over Socialist Z

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e031b9 No.142553

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e031b9 No.142554

File: c46cbf1c853e3e5⋯.png (644.15 KB,811x557,811:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624317 (131139ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood: The Masters of Deceit, the Chinese Communists, thought they had us played.

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Lin Wood


Lin Wood has been eviscerating the traitorous Dems, exposing the WhuFlu bearing and election-interfering-stealing silent enemy CCP and has also been slayin' the Ladies on twatter who are, figuratively, throwing their sodden panties at him (and Sidney Powell!).

Lin Wood


"The Masters of Deceit, the Chinese Communists, thought they had us played.

"Sold us new voting machines to states (likely with big financial kickback to state officials).

"Scared millions into wearing masks that did nothing except lower immune systems. Killed thousands."


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e031b9 No.142555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624338 (131142ZNOV20) Notable: McCarthy responds to QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene joining House GOP Caucus

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McCarthy responds to QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene joining House GOP Caucus

4,056 views • Nov 12, 2020

The Hill

916K subscribers

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy responds to QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene getting elected in 2020.

McCarthy laughs at the Q>>>anon question yet states that "you mentioned two people who will join our party yet both of them have denounced Qanon".

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e031b9 No.142556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624355 (131144ZNOV20) Notable: USS Durham (LKA-114), a Charleston-class amphibious cargo ship of the United States Navy

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Durham (1814 ship), a ship launched in France

USS Durham (LKA-114), a Charleston-class amphibious cargo ship of the United States Navy

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e031b9 No.142557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624362 (131145ZNOV20) Notable: Durham rule, a way that has been used to frame the insanity defense in the US

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Durham rule, a way that has been used to frame the insanity defense in the US

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e031b9 No.142558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624369 (131146ZNOV20) Notable: China Gears For Next-Gen Warfare; Showcases Its Latest Unmanned Combat Capabilities

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China Gears For Next-Gen Warfare; Showcases Its Latest Unmanned Combat Capabilities

Published 2 hours ago on November 13, 2020 By Aakriti Sharma

China’s People’s Liberation Army is certain about winning future wars with the development of unmanned combat systems. As per the latest state media reports, multiple types of unmanned equipment, including an amphibious combat platform and a combat vehicle with a new design concept, are about to enter military service.

China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) has been making independent innovations involving frontier technologies in unmanned warfare since 2013.

A China National Radio (CNR) report said it has developed many types of unmanned combat equipment, which will lay the technical foundations for Chinese troops to win future wars.

CNR reported that photos of the prototype of the amphibious platform in the water show a boat-sized platform sailing at a high speed. The other project a “combat vehicle with a new design concept” is also ready for delivery inspections, the report suggested.

The aim to deploy small, new, tracked war-robots armed with machine guns, night vision, missile loaders and camera sensors is to conduct attacks while manned systems remain at safer stand-off distances.

People’s Online Daily reported earlier this year that the “thigh-high robot looks like a small assault vehicle. Target practice results showed the robot has acceptable accuracy.” It is unknown if these unmanned combat systems are operated by human decision-makers, or are operate with some measure of autonomy.

The armies like that of the US have been long operating combat robots, ranging from teleoperated sensors and IED-detonators to small, semi-autonomous unmanned systems programmed to respond to specific cues or sensor input.

On the other hand, amid rising tensions with Taiwan and in the South China Sea, the PLA deployed multiple types of unmanned equipment including aerial reconnaissance drones, unmanned obstacle-breaking ships, and unmanned ground vehicles for both attack and transport purposes in October, according to a China Central Television report.

Taiwan has reached out the US for military support in case of the Chinese invasion. The US, which is in a trade war with China, has lent support to Taiwan not only for its independence but also due to Chinese claims in the South China Sea.

China’s NUDT team has also developed the “Desert Wolf” series of unmanned ground vehicles, which run on caterpillar tracks, are equipped with remotely controlled weapon stations, and can transport goods and injured soldiers, the state media Global Times Reported.

Currently, aerial drones have become an important part of combat and they have reshaped the modern warfare. Meanwhile, unmanned weapons on the ground, and on the surface of the water and below it, are yet to garner attention, but they are also expected to change how battles are fought, the GT quoted a Beijing-based military expert. He said China needs to develop and commission unmanned equipment in all realms.

The US experts believe that “the apparent Chinese intention for the robots appears somewhat analogous to the U.S. posture, meaning that they will be deployed for reconnaissance and potential attack missions.”

Such a war-prospect means what types of defensive tactics the U.S. might be contemplating in response to the threat of a Chinese robotic attack. As per the experts, this highlights the significance of U.S. efforts to deploy its own unmanned systems to identify and potentially take out approaching armed robots.



Doesn't anyone listen to the Pope?! kek

Pope Francis Urges Followers To Pray That AI And Robots Will Always Serve Mankind

Published by Sahil Varma , in Christianity — November 12, 2020


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e031b9 No.142559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624380 (131148ZNOV20) Notable: Trump organization renews bid to stop state from certifying the election results

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Article on Trump Org's battle and other lawsuits happenings

Trump organization renews bid to stop state from certifying the election results


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e031b9 No.142560

File: 7bf70c2f164e3e6⋯.jpg (383.4 KB,1892x1080,473:270,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624386 (131149ZNOV20) Notable: Isn't what we REALLY want is an Audit? What's the point of recounting fraudulent ballots again?

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I'm reading that GA is beginning its recount today.

Isn't what we REALLY want is an Audit? What's the point of recounting fraudulent ballots again?

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e031b9 No.142561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624394 (131150ZNOV20) Notable: The Report on the Affairs of British North America,[1] (1839) commonly known as the Durham Report or Lord Durham's Report

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The Report on the Affairs of British North America,[1] (1839) commonly known as the Durham Report or Lord Durham's Report, is an important document in the history of Quebec, Ontario, Canada and the British Empire.

The Report was highly controversial. In Upper Canada it was rejected by the dominant Tory elite, while out-of-power reformers welcomed the ideal of responsible government. In Lower Canada, anglophone Tories were supportive because it would enable them to remain in power and promote economic growth. French Canadians were opposed to a union that threatened their nationality. The "Report" led to major reforms and democratic advances. The two Canadas were subsequently merged into a single colony, the Province of Canada, in the 1840 Act of Union. It moved Canada slowly on the path to "responsible government" (that is, self-government), which took a decade. In the long run, it advanced democracy and played a central role in the evolution of Canada’s political independence from Britain

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e031b9 No.142562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624402 (131152ZNOV20) Notable: How the CIA stole the election for Biden "Hammer" and "Scorecard"

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Cyber election fraud | Lt General Thomas McInerney

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.), breaks down how cyber election fraud works and what role it may have played in the election - via Newsmax TV's 'The Chris Salcedo Show.'

More on Hammer and Scorecard and how it was used


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e031b9 No.142563

File: fac4fc10db75d3d⋯.jpg (398.24 KB,809x1992,809:1992,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624405 (131152ZNOV20) Notable: New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

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New device puts music in your head — no headphones required



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e031b9 No.142564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624415 (131153ZNOV20) Notable: TOP MEDICAL JOURNAL CAUGHT IN MASSIVE COVER-UP

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Guise this has timelines and we all know which one it matches. Excerpt:


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Timeline

-October 24, 2019, the first key paper7 was published in the journal Viruses. The authors were Ping Liu, Wu Chen and Jin-Ping Chen. December 12, 2019, the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, and January 12, 2020, the first SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence was published.

-January 20, 2020, China confirmed human-to-human transmission. That same day, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) researchers (Zhou et. al.) submitted a paper to the journal Nature detailing the genome of SARS-CoV-2, as well as the genome of a bat virus called RaTG13, which is 96% identical to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

-RaTG13 is the most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2, and was discovered by the WIV in 2013 after it was reported that six miners had contracted a mysterious viral infection that resulted in severe pneumonia. Three of the miners died.

-January 22, 2020, Chinese officials said the virus likely spread from animals sold at a seafood market in Wuhan. That same day, Liu et. al. reuploaded the pangolin virus data into the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database that was originally published in the journal Viruses October 24, 2019. “Why? Are the two datasets identical?” Chan asks.

-January 31, 2020, China admitted none of the animals at the Wuhan seafood market tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Then, during the week of February 7 through February 14, 2020, four separate papers are submitted to three journals:

Nature, Lam et. al.

Nature, Xiao et. al.

Current Biology, Zheng et. al.

PLOS Pathology, Liu et. al.


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e031b9 No.142565

File: c093cccd0a66a20⋯.jpg (61.97 KB,720x340,36:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624437 (131157ZNOV20) Notable: 'It's not over yet, right?' Trump voters back president's refusal to concede

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'It's not over yet, right?' Trump voters back president's refusal to concede

Loyalty from president’s base remains undimmed, amid belief that political establishment is colluding to deny him victory

Edward Helmore

Fri 13 Nov 2020 02.00 EST Last modified on Fri 13 Nov 2020 03.47 EST

A postal worker collects mail from a mailbox inside the protest pen, as a handful of supporters of Donald Trump demonstrate outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center this week.

A postal worker collects mail from a mailbox inside the protest pen, as a handful of supporters of Donald Trump demonstrate outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center this week. Photograph: Rebecca Blackwell/AP

The red and blue political bunting and yard signs planted on suburban lawns are mostly gone and with them the outward signs of America’s fiercely oppositional election. But in other respects, the tensions of the 2020 contest remain as acute as they were on polling day for many Trump supporters.

“Not many care about people as much as Trump,” said tow-truck driver Vinny Nolan as he took a rest at a highway truck stop near Hackensack, New Jersey. “The [Russia] collusion bullshit was a set-up. He gave everyone money while we iron this virus situation then they announce a vaccine two days after the election. Why didn’t they do that a week ago? He would have won.”

To more than half the country’s voters the election is resolved with Democrat Joe Biden as the winner but to a marginally smaller share of Americans it remains an ongoing contest – no matter all the evidence against that. With Donald Trump as yet unwilling to recognize defeat, and papering swing-states with baseless legal petitions challenging vote counts, many of his supporters still say they remain behind the president.

A pre-natal office administrator in suburban Rockland county, New York, who preferred to give only her first name – Emily – citing pervasive fears of being shunned for her support, conceded that Trump had failed to adequately address “the George Floyd thing”, as she called the killing of a Black American by a white Minneapolis police officer that triggered a summer of unrest and anti-racism protests.

But Emily reasoned that Trump was not fundamentally a politician, a characteristic that lies at the heart of his enduring popularity for many of the 71 million Americans who voted for him on 3 November. And like many, protesters’ calls to defund the police had worried her. “They talk about the community policing. But what community? No one wants to get involved.”

Ten days after voting closed, Republican voters are at a crossroads over whether to support Trump’s ongoing and unprecedented challenge to the vote counts or to accept defeat by Biden. Whichever path supporters choose to follow, for many Trump’s popularity is undiminished, perhaps even enhanced, by the manner of his defeat at the hands of what they regard as a political establishment.

Leo Basa, a veteran from Aerial Lake, Pennsylvania, said he didn’t see evidence of a stolen election but politicians “had made a mockery of the system”.

“The tables have turned. It is Republicans’ turn to say, ‘No, you didn’t win’, just like the Democrats did in 2016. It’s really a shame. They’re acting like children with the bickering. The media has a lot to do with it. State the facts and just the facts. I’ll make my own opinions.”

On Wednesday, the widely publicized #StopTheSteal campaign was augmented with #stopthetires2020, a protest by truck drivers billing themselves as a “bonded group of brothers and sisters to show America who runs the country”.

With stoppages on Wednesday and later this month, many showed their support on social media, and called on drivers to interrupt deliveries to coastal Democrat-controlled states from the industrial and food-producing central red states “to keep the movement going”.

But on arterial highways leading into the disputed swing-state of Pennsylvania, many truckers said that they had either not heard of the protest, or had no wish to forfeit their daily haulage fees.



Anons! What is your profession?!

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e031b9 No.142566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624446 (131158ZNOV20) Notable: Report: 6 American Troops Dead In Helicopter Crash

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Report: 6 American Troops Dead In Helicopter Crash


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e031b9 No.142567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624447 (131158ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump tweets the Dominion Voting Systems have deleted million of votes for him

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President Trump tweets the Dominion Voting Systems have deleted million of votes for him

75,940 views • Nov 12, 2020


25.6K subscribers

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e031b9 No.142568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624468 (131204ZNOV20) Notable: Author Ken Timmerman explains election hacking with Newsmax TV host Grant Stinchfield

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Author Ken Timmerman explains election hacking with Newsmax TV host Grant Stinchfield

4,558 views • Nov 11, 2020

Ken Timmerman

94 subscribers

Did Dominion Voting Systems send a software "patch" that altered votes in last week's election? Team Trump needs to examine the data files in county elections offices in ALL the battleground states. Ken Timmerman explains how the Democrats may have stolen the election in his new book The Election Heist. (Just Google it)

This video might be 2 days old yet Timmerman knows his shit. Good listen

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e031b9 No.142569

File: f0a42c305a6c624⋯.jpg (386.86 KB,1080x1591,1080:1591,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 202e73f418e9d58⋯.jpg (422.7 KB,805x2046,805:2046,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624471 (131204ZNOV20) Notable: New Flynn: Prayer

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e031b9 No.142570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624493 (131208ZNOV20) Notable: Chinese Headache: It is Beijing’s aggressive behaviour that is Asia’s biggest problem today

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Chinese Headache: It is Beijing’s aggressive behaviour that is Asia’s biggest problem today

November 13, 2020, 3:04 PM IST

Russia has warned that any escalation in India-China tensions could be exploited by other players for geopolitical purposes — a clear hint at the US. However, the fact is that it is China that is to be blamed for the current round of tensions between the Asian neighbours. It is China that has unilaterally violated the LAC and is trying to change facts on the ground. It is the Chinese PLA that killed 20 Indian soldiers in clashes in Galwan Valley in June. Therefore, the onus is fully on China to de-escalate the situation and restore calm in the region.

Besides, China’s aggressive behaviour is not just directed at India alone. Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia too have been at the receiving end of Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Then there is Chinese belligerence towards Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, while Taiwan in recent years has been constantly threatened by Chinese military manoeuvres.

All of this shows that China’s rise has been anything but peaceful. In such a scenario, countries at the receiving end of Chinese aggression have every right to band together and push back. And given India’s strategic position, it makes a lot of sense for New Delhi to ally with the West to counterbalance Beijing. The problem here is the current Chinese leadership and its desire to impose China’s will on its neighbours. It is Beijing that needs to back down, return to the path of dialogue and respect international rules. It is China that is creating instability in Asia. Moscow would do well to relay that message to Beijing.


India ain't playing with you and will go all Kali on your asses! kek


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e031b9 No.142571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624496 (131209ZNOV20) Notable: The Pennsylvania Court RULES for TRUMP as BALLOTS gets THROWN OUT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Pennsylvania Court RULES for TRUMP as BALLOTS gets THROWN OUT! Take a look at the breaking news that a Pennsylvania court gave the Trump campaign a gigantic victory, how the mainstream media is reacting to all this and how this victory is just the beginning of many judicial rulings to come. Click here to listen to the latest Turley Talks Podcast: https://www.turleytalks.com/en/podcastlaunch

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e031b9 No.142572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624514 (131212ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion voting systems whistleblower 100k biden only votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dominion voting systems whistleblower 100k biden only votes

1,051 views • Nov 12, 2020

Democrats cheated here is the proof

1.84K subscribers

#dominionvotingmachines whistle blower says 100k biden only ballots input to 'catch up to trump' massive #voterfraud

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e031b9 No.142573

File: 5fde365fddd34a5⋯.png (703.58 KB,862x638,431:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624529 (131214ZNOV20) Notable: Magnitude 5.5 earthquake strikes western Nevada

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Magnitude 5.5 earthquake strikes western Nevada

Updated on: November 13, 2020 / 6:52 AM / CBS News

An earthquake rattled the western part of Nevada early Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The magnitude 5.5 quake struck at 1:13 a.m. local time about 20 miles southeast of the town of Mina at a depth of almost four miles.


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e031b9 No.142574

File: bb10737c9646e22⋯.png (342.43 KB,602x493,602:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624568 (131220ZNOV20) Notable: PA Boards are going to be forced to argue their actions did not violate PA Election Laws – I think Trump campaign gets discovery rights.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This was surprising. PA Boards are going to be forced to argue their actions did not violate PA Election Laws &ndash; I think Trump campaign gets discovery rights.


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e031b9 No.142575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624617 (131228ZNOV20) Notable: Florida now a Republican state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Florida now a Republican state

by Naomi Lim, Political Reporter | | November 13, 2020 06:30 AM

Florida, Florida, Florida is a thing of the past.

Twenty years ago at this time, the Sunshine State was the center of the political universe as the 36-day tussle over ballots and hanging chads left Republican Texas Gov. George W. Bush the winner over Vice President Al Gore by 537 votes out of nearly 6 million cast. And since then, the state has seen a series of nail-biting statewide races.

But this year, President Trump defied poor polling to dispatch President-elect Joe Biden quickly in Florida, an electoral treasure trove.

Trump's overperformance in South Florida denied Biden the opportunity to run-up his margin and cancel out the president's popularity elsewhere in the state, earning Trump the state's 29 votes in the Electoral College.

Trump's repeat win in Florida perpetuates an emerging Republican trend in the state. And it's a trend that has prompted concerns that Florida is slipping away from Democrats, at least for the foreseeable future.

Though Trump won Florida by only 3 percentage points this cycle, he built on the momentum he created when he defeated Hillary Clinton in the state by 1 percentage point four years ago. This year, Florida was also about 3.5 points more Republican compared to the national popular vote as it stands on Thursday. In 2016, the state was roughly 3 points more Republican than the popular vote.

And while former President Barack Obama won Florida by 1 point in 2012 and 3 points in 2008, the state was 1 point and 2 points more Republican than the popular vote, respectively.

Republicans haven't shied away from the shift.

University of Central Florida politics professor Aubrey Jewett recalled how Trump's first Florida win was propelled by higher-than-expected turnout among white voters. And between 2016 and last week, Florida Republicans hustled to register more than 100,000 people relative to the Democrats, who still lead the statewide registration race by 1 point.

But Jewett remembered, too, similar conversations after Obama's consecutive wins. Those victories stirred projections that Florida would become more diverse, bolstering Democrats. That boon never materialized.



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e031b9 No.142576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624621 (131229ZNOV20) Notable: Is anyone looking at vote switching ('glitches') from Independent to Biden?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is anyone looking at vote switching ('glitches') from Independent to Biden?

Independent votes down by 50-75%

Millions of votes. Millions

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e031b9 No.142577

File: 692c9c0eeb5cf6d⋯.png (426.07 KB,663x792,221:264,Clipboard.png)

File: e37e947ef93b7ac⋯.png (1.67 MB,1892x1080,473:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624628 (131229ZNOV20) Notable: Big wins today for Trump in PA lawsuit, Michigan Audit, Georgia hand recount begins tomorrow 13 thru 18NOV.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Projected: 🇺🇸Trump 305, Biden 🇨🇳 233


NOV 12 PM update, Still projected:

Trump 305

Biden 233

Big wins today for Trump in PA lawsuit, Michigan Audit, Georgia hand recount begins tomorrow 13 thru 18NOV. AK absentee votes still being counted thru 18 NOV. NC will complete absentee count tomorrow by ~noon.


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e031b9 No.142578

File: 7a536f14e46770d⋯.png (1.24 MB,1299x1323,433:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 3624535b95e85f8⋯.png (171.57 KB,1665x1140,111:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624661 (131234ZNOV20) Notable: Could Q's Durham crumb have to do with Haspel in light of recent events with her?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Could Q's Durham crumb have to do with Haspel in light of recent events with her?

Durham investigation puts CIA Director Gina Haspel on notice

CIA Director Gina Haspel is the latest Intelligence official to reportedly be dragged into John Durham’s investigation of the Russia probe. On Friday, Politico reported Haspel may have information on former CIA Director John Brennan, who served under the Obama administration.

That information could help Durham learn whether the CIA used unauthorized surveillance on 2016 Trump campaign officials.

Haspel has a controversial history of protecting the agency from political scrutiny and has rarely made public statements about ongoing intelligence matters.

“Over the past year, our leadership team has taken steps to improve CIA’s ability to tackle the many challenges we face, and our efforts are beginning to pay off,” she stated. “We’ve devoted more time, money and creativity to our effort against some of our nation’s toughest adversaries.”

Haspel was the head of the CIA’s London bureau in 2016, when suspected informant Joseph Mifsud allegedly told Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos about Russia obtaining Hillary Clinton’s emails. She was reportedly briefed on the matter, but referred it to the FBI.


Gina Haspel warned Durham inquiry would be a 'nightmare' for CIA: Woodward book


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e031b9 No.142579

File: 3c6b109939cbafd⋯.png (381.56 KB,673x575,673:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624679 (131236ZNOV20) Notable: #DominionVotingSystems voting machine hacked in less then two minutes.

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Captain MAGA🇺🇸


#DominionVotingSystems voting machine hacked in less then two minutes.


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e031b9 No.142580

File: 40b6e6aaa411257⋯.png (323.45 KB,1446x544,723:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624692 (131238ZNOV20) Notable: PF: This guy keeps climbing to over 100k altitude im guessing its a GLITCH?

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This guy keeps climbing to over 100k altitude im guessing its a GLITCH?

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e031b9 No.142581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624720 (131242ZNOV20) Notable: Maricopa county rushed to get a late vote update out last night.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maricopa county rushed to get a late vote update out last night. Strange that were never in a hurry until last night to court any ballots.

They dumped enough votes so that all networks called Arizona for Biden late evening.

Tells me something big is coming out of AZ , maybe maybe today even, and they wanted to get ahead of it.

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e031b9 No.142582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624735 (131244ZNOV20) Notable: #14841 1/2, #14841 2/2, #14842

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11623980 Dough

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 11.13.2020

>>142359 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>142296 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>>/qresearch/11619104)

>>142268 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Global Announcements

>>141932 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>140294 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>140247 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 BAKING -FINAL

#14841 Part 1/2

>>142517 Who’s meddling now? Zuckerberg tells employees it’s ‘clear’ Biden won still-contested US election

>>142518 'Not a fraud case': Trump campaign's Arizona lawyer rebuts 'stop the steal' in case shifted from Sharpies to 191 votes

>>142519 China about to pull off ‘diplomatic coup’ by striking world’s largest free trade agreement

>>142520 CISA: The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result. (comped fakeNews)

>>142521 Donald Trump attacks Fox News: 'They forgot the golden goose'

>>142522 No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of federal and state officials

>>142523 From three years ago&hellip; #Fraud

>>142524 Total panic from the Guardian

>>142525 Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

>>142526 DOMINION has a history of ERRORS.

>>142528 , >>142540 Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory

>>142529 The Shady Ex-Cop Behind Trump’s Nevada Voter Fraud Farce

>>142530 UK summons Chinese ambassador after expulsion of Hong Kong MPs

>>142531 South Africa Ruling Party Official Charged With Graft, Fraud

>>142532 10 shot, 3 killed Thursday in Chicago

>>142533 Interesting - Comey twat about lone kayaker on October 18, 2017, time 1747; Q's first post is ten days later.

>>142534 Court asked to extend TikTok stay of execution

>>142535 VIDEO: Bulldozer op and co-workers burying trash at landfill found ballots cast for Trump, boss told them to ignore

>>142536 SCOTUS on Covid: Alito: "The Pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty."

>>142537 House GOP Leader Defends Incoming QAnon Supporters, Stands With Trump

>>142538 Justice Alito warns of dangers to free speech, religious liberty in Federalist Society address

>>142541 After firings and turnover, national security community wonders: what’s next?

>>142542 Turkey Pleads For US To Rethink F-35 Program Suspension Before Biden Enters White House

>>142539 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>142543 Senate Republicans, Lindsey Graham say Joe Biden needs presidential daily briefs

>>142544 PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

>>142545 "Durham Furnace" is a town in Pennsylvania with an interesting history. It is just outside of Easton.

>>142546 Tony Norman: QAnon Confidential: A plea for marching orders from 'The One'

>>142547 ECW mentioned 2y, 1d prior to his appointment; Connected. Patel

>>142548 ▲Delta 3Y

>>142549 QAnon After Trump's Election Defeat (so many keks)


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e031b9 No.142583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624744 (131245ZNOV20) Notable: #14841 1/2, #14841 2/2, #14842

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#14841 Part 2/2

>>142527 Ex navy fag: big flag post (re: Q) indicated to me that they were going into battle

>>142552 Biden Logo rotated 90 degrees is an Owl over a Socialist Z

>>142551 , >>142562 How the CIA stole the election for Biden "Hammer" and "Scorecard"

>>142553 CP roundup for 11/12/2020

>>142554 Lin Wood: The Masters of Deceit, the Chinese Communists, thought they had us played.

>>142555 McCarthy responds to QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene joining House GOP Caucus

>>142556 USS Durham (LKA-114), a Charleston-class amphibious cargo ship of the United States Navy

>>142557 Durham rule, a way that has been used to frame the insanity defense in the US

>>142558 China Gears For Next-Gen Warfare; Showcases Its Latest Unmanned Combat Capabilities

>>142559 Trump organization renews bid to stop state from certifying the election results

>>142560 Isn't what we REALLY want is an Audit? What's the point of recounting fraudulent ballots again?

>>142561 The Report on the Affairs of British North America,[1] (1839) commonly known as the Durham Report or Lord Durham's Report

>>142563 New device puts music in your head — no headphones required


>>142565 'It's not over yet, right?' Trump voters back president's refusal to concede

>>142566 Report: 6 American Troops Dead In Helicopter Crash

>>142567 President Trump tweets the Dominion Voting Systems have deleted million of votes for him

>>142568 Author Ken Timmerman explains election hacking with Newsmax TV host Grant Stinchfield

>>142569 New Flynn: Prayer

>>142570 Chinese Headache: It is Beijing’s aggressive behaviour that is Asia’s biggest problem today

>>142571 The Pennsylvania Court RULES for TRUMP as BALLOTS gets THROWN OUT!

>>142572 Dominion voting systems whistleblower 100k biden only votes

>>142573 Magnitude 5.5 earthquake strikes western Nevada

>>142574 PA Boards are going to be forced to argue their actions did not violate PA Election Laws – I think Trump campaign gets discovery rights.

>>142575 Florida now a Republican state

>>142576 Is anyone looking at vote switching ('glitches') from Independent to Biden?

>>142577 Big wins today for Trump in PA lawsuit, Michigan Audit, Georgia hand recount begins tomorrow 13 thru 18NOV.

>>142578 Could Q's Durham crumb have to do with Haspel in light of recent events with her?

>>142579 #DominionVotingSystems voting machine hacked in less then two minutes.

>>142580 PF: This guy keeps climbing to over 100k altitude im guessing its a GLITCH?

>>142581 Maricopa county rushed to get a late vote update out last night.

save that shit for the next bread faggots! -phill this one!


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e031b9 No.142584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624865 (131302ZNOV20) Notable: John Poulos opening Transcript, JANUARY 9, 2020 c-span on election security

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JANUARY 9, 2020

2020 Election Security

Voting system vendors, local election officials and computer science professors testified on 2020 election security before the House Administration Committee. Among the witnesses were Election Systems and Software CEO Tom Burt and U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Donald Palmer. Election vendor CEOs told lawmakers they had not seen any evidence of election system tampering. Other topics discussed included election infrastructure and supply chain security, voting equipment testing and election system modernization efforts.2hr40min


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e031b9 No.142585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624878 (131305ZNOV20) Notable: WWG1 points to Nigerian hacker ring

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ok anons decided to follow q's lead with the

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming


so i ran the WWG1 to see what i could find.


>Why You Need to Know About This Nigerian Hacker Ring Targeting Small Businesses

This new intelligence comes from Joe Stewart and James Bettke, researchers at Dell SecureWork's Counter Threat Unit, who have spent the past several months closely monitoring the activities of a gang designated "wire-wire Group 1 or "WWG1."

WWG1 uses a simple tool to crawl the Internet and scrape employee email addresses from corporate websites. Those employees are then bombarded with viral emails (the kind with a virus, not the kind that gets Internet-famous).


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e031b9 No.142586

File: 363eeb0230b27f5⋯.jpg (64.38 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624882 (131305ZNOV20) Notable: Dough Custody Tracker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11624764 Dough


>>>/qresearch/11624859 anon1 -first offer to take

>got you baker

>>>/qresearch/11624866 baker -handoff confirmed?

>Handoff Confirmed?

>>>/qresearch/11624870 anon1 -Handoff Confirmed

>confirmation is confirmed

>notepad set for stun



User ID:eb8d5ahas the Kitchen

Handoff Tracked

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e031b9 No.142587

File: e7c61b9fb55ca42⋯.jpeg (414.18 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624887 (131307ZNOV20) Notable: John Poulos opening Transcript, JANUARY 9, 2020 c-span on election security

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John Poulosopening Transcript


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e031b9 No.142588

File: 0f0eb45ea4b20f1⋯.png (360.71 KB,598x721,598:721,Clipboard.png)

File: c9d8347f5bfb6a2⋯.mp4 (436 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624900 (131309ZNOV20) Notable: Investigate Bill Gates for Crimes against Humanity seen on sign truck at rally; vidya.

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Maybe more people are awake than we thought?


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e031b9 No.142589

File: e02cf0f678acd24⋯.jpeg (719.67 KB,1901x1371,1901:1371,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e54d83c9f076bc0⋯.jpeg (606.17 KB,1965x1460,393:292,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11624918 (131313ZNOV20) Notable: From halfchan. The corona mRNA vaccine will make possible the creation of the first human DNA's trojan/API.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From halfchan.

The corona mRNA vaccine will make possible the creation of the first human DNA's trojan/API.


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e031b9 No.142590

File: c5b3def4e71af2b⋯.jpeg (300.97 KB,640x1055,128:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625099 (131333ZNOV20) Notable: Bidan names transgender vet to review DOD

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I really hope Trump pulls through and gets the second term otherwise we are so fucked anons.


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e031b9 No.142591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625123 (131336ZNOV20) Notable: Trump forced the halt of massive Chinese IPO last week that would have given Xi and other CCP leaders huge, long-expected payouts. Now Xi has to watch his back from a fuckton of unhappy cadres.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For Notables: Interesting Anon Theory From Last Night

The Art of War

TL;DR - Trump forced the halt of massive Chinese IPO last week that would have given Xi and other CCP leaders huge, long-expected payouts. Now Xi has to watch his back from a fuckton of unhappy cadres.


Trump Puts The Kibosh On $37 Billion Payday For The CCP

On November 3, 2020, Hangzhou, China-based financial technology company Ant Group pulled its imminent US$37 Billion IPO. Ostensibly, Beijing regulatory authorities and President Xi Jinping were pissed-off at Ant chairman Jack Ma’s recent criticisms of Chinese financial regulations.

It was to have been the largest IPO ever and a huge payday for Ma, 17 current/former executives, part-owner AliBaba Group, institutional investors China Investment Corp, China Construction Bank, China Life Insurance, China Post and others. Undisclosed shareholders in Ant Group parent companies, Junhan and Junao, can safely be assumed to include many CCP leaders and lackeys who have enabled the company’s stratospheric growth.

Bankers at Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, China International Corp and CSC Financial had been salivating over deal fees of $300+ Million. Oops…

More likely than Xi and his cronies forsaking the Ant jackpot willingly is the probability that their national security intelligence on Trump’s looming landslide forced a retreat. In his second term Trump is certain to double down on China trade sanctions and restrictions on CCP-linked corporates. Evidence of CCP interference in US elections will result in the suspension of Chinese stocks trading in US and other Western markets. Banks and even electronic settlements systems will be forbidden to serve Chinese corporates. Why? Because it will become generally accepted that all Chinese companies exist and survive ultimately at the whim and service of the CCP thugs. Fraud, greed, extortion and fear permeate China’s economy and society. Allowing CCP China into the WTO tainted us all. Ant itself partially owns military-AI company Megvii Tech that is sanctioned by the US and included on a national security watch list.

Trump’s landslide and second term, while obfuscated temporarily by CCP-backed voter fraud, was evident enough to Xi on November 3rd. Taking the IPO proceeds now at a massive premium when the stock would have tanked within months would be a political/social shit-show. All new investors would be irate at the very visible CCP payoff. To avoid a predictable, self-inflicted and very public embarrassment Xi made the brutally tough call to yank the deal and decline the big payday. Trump wins again and Xi must now confront the threat of many deeply unhappy CCP cadres within his court.

For some additional background:


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e031b9 No.142592

File: a19547b227957a2⋯.jpeg (414.8 KB,1241x1876,1241:1876,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 298ff39d30c71b1⋯.jpeg (405.27 KB,1241x1865,1241:1865,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625195 (131344ZNOV20) Notable: Interesting repost by James Woods on Dominion changing votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Interesting repost by James Woods on Dominion changing votes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142593

File: 4f99d36815a9353⋯.png (1010.45 KB,1284x1300,321:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c6d1698a7f0efa⋯.png (144.96 KB,2142x606,357:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625218 (131346ZNOV20) Notable: "Vmat2, FunVax Vaccine and Adrenochrome - a tentative investigation"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Well hory shit&hellip;subject to google: "VMAT2" + "vaccine"


"Vmat2, FunVax Vaccine and Adrenochrome - a tentative investigation"


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e031b9 No.142594

File: e324ccb67ec1162⋯.png (272.23 KB,591x595,591:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625225 (131347ZNOV20) Notable: Google and Apple censoring messages containing Trump-related links/texts now ?

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Google and Apple censoring messages containing Trump-related links/texts now


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e031b9 No.142595

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625242 (131349ZNOV20) Notable: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED; archive offline

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DUE TO INCREASED ATTACKS AND Q SITES BEING TAKEN OFFLINE, you are strongly encouraged to DOWNLOAD the spreadsheet It is available in many different file formats to suit your needs. The more copies, the better.

You do NOT need a google account to download the file.


to Q post >>142359


SPREADSHEET entries include:

- date, post #, EST/EDT timestamp, userID

- direct link to post, link to post on archive.fo (to that exact post, no need to scroll to find it)

- post content including IMAGE(S)

&mdash; direct link on chan/board/

&mdash; permanent link in offsite gallery

&mdash; filename of ALL images Q posts

- archives of every link Q posts (except pdfs & videos) or anon he responds to posts

Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


This includes EVERY image Q has ever posted or was in a post Q responded to

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3brh8m11m/

FEB: https://postimg.cc/gallery/isxphakq/

MAR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/mjl2ud6y/

APR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/VcHNYYZ

MAY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dYb63fh

JUN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dTDZRxj

JULY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/MfqM94D

AUG: https://postimg.cc/gallery/y321pVL

SEPT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/xMtXXFz

OCT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Qd8JkjT

NOV: https://postimg.cc/gallery/bsfGFHP


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/

June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/



Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1se5rh1ay/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

There are archives going back to the very 1st Q post on 4/pol/



JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/FatcK59dn4/08-19_AUG_rar



NOV: https://anonfile.com/p3x3Z7C8n6/11-19_NOV_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/9384U2O8n1/12-19_DEC_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/7ejeF0S7n4/01-20_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/l4A8O3p7o2/02-20_FEB_rar

MAR: https://anonfiles.com/983dG3ndo6/03-20_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/V9Y9yev2of/04-20_APRIL_rar

MAY: https://anonfiles.com/Jd7cn846o6/05-20_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfiles.com/pf50E0Deoc/06-20_JUNE_rar

JULY: https://anonfiles.com/XbabD8N2o2/07-20_JULY_rar

AUG: https://anonfiles.com/T5Z0P3Qcof/08-20_AUG_rar

SEPT: https://anonfiles.com/jbX7ocbcpf/09-20_SEPT_rar

OCT: https://anonfiles.com/b812v9m6p6/10-20_OCT_rar

NOV: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

&rarr; RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

Graphic Comps of Q posts IN GMT


Will be updated as GMTanon creates them

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.



For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

Patriots, archive offline!

THANK YOU all you Patriot archive corps - your help is invaluable!

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e031b9 No.142596

File: 8096220cca1b139⋯.png (87.43 KB,1509x483,503:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625297 (131355ZNOV20) Notable: new @DonaldJTrumpJr

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Donald Trump Jr.


Great. Friday the 13th in 2020 what could possibly go wrong???


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142597

File: 21f9a31092aa198⋯.jpeg (360.24 KB,1241x1811,1241:1811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625321 (131357ZNOV20) Notable: Basham says incoming today

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Basham says incoming today


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142598

File: 5c60eca1b705841⋯.jpeg (361.85 KB,1125x886,1125:886,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625388 (131403ZNOV20) Notable: CMZ: did you know Google, Inc. was a contributor to the latest US Gov't Election Results Common Data Format Spec?

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Ron / Code Monkey fighting on the front lines. High ranking Digital soldier


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e031b9 No.142599

File: 69b86e96f57746b⋯.png (12.86 MB,2500x1875,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625414 (131406ZNOV20) Notable: the reason friday the 13th is such an infamous date

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friendly reminder:

the reason friday the 13th is such an infamous date is because its when the purge of the knights templar was carried out by the king of france and the pope in 1307 to escape the massive debts held by the order. they invented modern day usury.


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e031b9 No.142600

File: 4f55f5af1546999⋯.jpeg (469.51 KB,1241x1709,1241:1709,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9f9b5331b2c6b62⋯.png (132.48 KB,1621x843,1621:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625424 (131406ZNOV20) Notable: Just completed my CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE (it's on the 2nd Tab). Not to sound clickbaity, but you won't believe what I found

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President-Elect CivilDrivel


Replying to


Just completed my CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE (it's on the 2nd Tab). Not to sound clickbaity, but you won't believe what I found


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e031b9 No.142601

File: 7edf031e3548a99⋯.png (15.85 KB,458x207,458:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d42dc48b9f4cfb⋯.png (505.73 KB,846x524,423:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625442 (131408ZNOV20) Notable: Legal scholar Jonathan Turley said there are "rumors" about secret materials obtained by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

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Legal scholar Jonathan Turley said there are "rumors" about secret materials obtained by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

The George Washington University law professor addressed the criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation in an op-ed for the Hill on Thursday about what President-elect Joe Biden might do with politically charged investigations.

Turley said there are "some rumors that Durham holds material undisclosed by the special counsel or the inspector general," referring to Justice Department watchdog Michael Horowitz, with whom Durham disagreed in the determination that the opening of the Trump-Russia investigation was justified, and former special counsel Robert Mueller, who found no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Turley also referred to a report last month that said Durham is working with a federal grand jury to investigate debunked allegations about Alfa Bank.

Durham was appointed by Attorney General William Barr more than a year and a half ago to investigate misconduct by federal law enforcement, intelligence officials, and others related to the FBI's inquiry into links between President Trump's campaign and Russia. So far, the prosecutor has secured one guilty plea from a former FBI lawyer.

Trump and his allies hope Durham will uncover evidence that there was a "coup" to undermine his campaign and administration but got frustrated last month when it became clear there would not be any major indictments or a report before the election. Democrats and national security veterans have criticized the DOJ inquiry as a politicized weapon against the president's political adversaries.

Turley, who has been celebrated by the Right ever since being a witness called by the Republicans during the House impeachment investigation into Trump, wrote that Biden's awareness of investigations into Trump allies, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, would be one reason for him to try and close Durham's inquiry. Turley also noted that it "could be easier" for Biden to shut down any investigation related to his son, Hunter.

Any pressure on prosecutors to stop their investigative work, Turley wrote, "may force the issue on the need for a new special counsel if criminal conduct is further revealed by indictments or filings."


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e031b9 No.142602

File: d2c70cfdaa74f07⋯.png (930.49 KB,837x989,837:989,Clipboard.png)

File: 5daad41a5261bd2⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x549,1024:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625504 (131413ZNOV20) Notable: @USArmy

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.@AKNationalGuard Col. Robert Kurtz flies into his retirement ceremony aboard a UH-72 Lakota helicopter & is welcomed with a water cannon salute &ndash; the first time an AKNG Lakota has been used for this aviation tradition.

Camera with flash

by Sgt. Seth LaCount



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e031b9 No.142603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625539 (131416ZNOV20) Notable: #14841 1/2, #14841 2/2, #14842

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>142586 Dough Custody Tracker

>>142587, >>142584 John Poulos opening Transcript, JANUARY 9, 2020 c-span on election security

>>142585 WWG1 points to Nigerian hacker ring

>>142588 Investigate Bill Gates for Crimes against Humanity seen on sign truck at rally; vidya.

>>142589 From halfchan. The corona mRNA vaccine will make possible the creation of the first human DNA's trojan/API.

>>142591 Trump forced the halt of massive Chinese IPO last week that would have given Xi and other CCP leaders huge, long-expected payouts. Now Xi has to watch his back from a fuckton of unhappy cadres.

>>142592 Interesting repost by James Woods on Dominion changing votes

>>142593 "Vmat2, FunVax Vaccine and Adrenochrome - a tentative investigation"


>>142590 Bidan names transgender vet to review DOD

>>142597 Basham says incoming today

>>142596 new @DonaldJTrumpJr

>>142594 Google and Apple censoring messages containing Trump-related links/texts now ?

>>142598 CMZ: did you know Google, Inc. was a contributor to the latest US Gov't Election Results Common Data Format Spec?

>>142599 the reason friday the 13th is such an infamous date

>>142600 Just completed my CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE (it's on the 2nd Tab). Not to sound clickbaity, but you won't believe what I found

>>142601 Legal scholar Jonathan Turley said there are "rumors" about secret materials obtained by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

>>142602 @USArmy

bakering, bring the good stuff forward please

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e031b9 No.142604

File: 5727b1b176d082a⋯.png (1.46 MB,891x5575,891:5575,Clipboard.png)

File: ac542f68fbaf140⋯.png (90.47 KB,1202x985,1202:985,Clipboard.png)

File: 520e6aff37ba78e⋯.png (123.69 KB,1718x950,859:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cd88a295ddf02e⋯.png (138.96 KB,1727x970,1727:970,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625650 (131428ZNOV20) Notable: Durham, NC / Russian hacking / Help America Vote Act in 2002 following Gore/Bush and 9/11 - the genesis of voter fraud?

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Durham, NC / Russian hacking / Help America Vote Act in 2002 following Gore/Bush and 9/11 - the genesis of voter fraud?





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e031b9 No.142605

File: 7d95464b8e6ddbd⋯.png (423.76 KB,593x498,593:498,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e176cca970ed63⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625653 (131428ZNOV20) Notable: CNN compares Trump to Nazis purging Jews

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CNN compares Trump to Nazis purging Jews


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e031b9 No.142606

File: c7b286436cf8bcd⋯.png (294.5 KB,598x688,299:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625655 (131429ZNOV20) Notable: Dersh in spotlight again.

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Dersh in spotlight again.

Cerno Retweeted

julie k. brown


NEW: DOJ report: Lawyer Alan Dershowitz threatened Palm Beach state attorney handling Jeffrey Epstein case: “Don’t go to court because we are going to destroy those girls.”


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e031b9 No.142607

File: 03e78f5c8192446⋯.png (472.53 KB,816x974,408:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11625665 (131430ZNOV20) Notable: here's the CIA TWAT from Nov 10th about HAMMER

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sorry, here's the CIA TWAT from Nov 10th about HAMMER


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e031b9 No.142608

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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