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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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aa66db No.206 [View All]

20NOV20 to 22NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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aa66db No.147816

File: 34639bed0ee2ed4⋯.png (23.31 KB,572x295,572:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 34466e2fe0f2a82⋯.png (22.59 KB,604x276,151:69,Clipboard.png)

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File: e8c96d1f3689425⋯.png (27.17 KB,586x365,586:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731017 (220049ZNOV20) Notable: Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

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Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

High-profile Democratic representatives came out against the death penalty on Saturday after a man who brutally raped and buried a 16-year-old girl alive was finally executed in Indiana under the Trump administration.

Orlando Hall was executed by the state on Thursday evening for his part in kidnapping, raping, and murdering Lisa Rene in 1994 after he believed her brother had stolen money in a failed marijuana deal.

According to the United States Department of Justice, Hall – after he and his accomplices repeatedly raped her – “placed a sheet over Rene’s head and hit her in the head with a shovel. Rene screamed and tried to run away, but the men tackled her and took turns beating her with the shovel. After soaking her with gasoline, they dragged her into the grave and buried her alive.”

Hall was executed by lethal injection.

Hall was one of five men involved in the crime. One of his accomplices, Bruce Webster, received the same sentence but was ultimately not executed after being classed as “intellectually disabled.” Three others reportedly received lesser sentences in exchange for their cooperation at trial, including Hall’s brother.

Hall was recommended the death penalty after being found guilty in 1995 when former President Bill Clinton occupied the White House.

Prominent Democrats – including half of ‘the Squad’ – reacted to the execution of Hall by protesting the death penalty on Twitter.

“We must abolish the death penalty,” declared Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) in response to the Atlantic writer Clint Smith calling Hall’s execution “utterly cruel and barbaric.”

Pressley’s tweet prompted Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) to add his own post that read, “Abolish the death penalty.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was the next to join in, posting the same: “Abolish the death penalty.”

Georgia State House Rep. Beth Moore criticized the death penalty, branding it “nothing more than government-sanctioned revenge,” and questioning, “We do not rape rapists for the crime of raping, for if we did, which of us would volunteer to inflict that punishment?”



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aa66db No.147817

File: 0961c1a4077d812⋯.png (637.15 KB,856x822,428:411,Clipboard.png)

File: f6a07178b3908a2⋯.png (20.17 KB,841x131,841:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731044 (220051ZNOV20) Notable: Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

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Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

Health officials hope the move will push the drug giants to end their lucrative, thinly veiled ‘speaker programs’ for favored doctors. Fat chance – it’s too profitable a business for them, even though the social costs are huge.

For the first time since 2014, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a rare special fraud alert highlighting allegations that major pharmaceutical companies have been throwing billions at doctors as part of questionable ‘speaker programs’.

These programs have been accused of offering thin cover for bribes to favored doctors in return for promoting and prescribing the companies’ drugs and devices. In return, medical professionals were given lucrative speaking fees and expensive trips and dinners for themselves and their partners. The alert states that some high prescribing healthcare professionals were paid over $100,000 in speaking fees. These honoraria were sometimes attached to agreements that the speaker would write a minimum number of prescriptions per year for the companies’ drugs.

In the last three years, Big Pharma has shelled out nearly $2 billion to medics for these ‘speaker-related services’. While pharmaceutical companies claim that these company-sponsored speaker programs merely educate other healthcare providers about the benefits, risks and proper usage of medicines, the US regulators are skeptical. Already, numerous companies including Novartis and Salix Pharmaceuticals have been investigated and forced to pay out multi-million dollar settlements. This is after their speaker programs were found to be in violation of the anti-kickback statute, designed to prevent pharmaceutical companies offering remuneration in return for doctors drumming up business.

In issuing the alert, the US Department of Health hoped that the suspension of in-person speaker programs due to Covid-19 might be an opportunity for companies to halt the delivery of such programs. However, the US authorities are likely to be disappointed. Such a lucrative practice is unlikely to end after Covid restrictions are lifted. The sheer enormity of the pay-outs pharmaceutical companies have been forced to pay has apparently not halted the practice. Novartis settled with the federal government for using speaker programs as a cover for bribes from 2002 in 2011 and was forced to pay $600 million. Amazingly, they only agreed to look into cutting back on these practices in the future. Clearly, the benefits outweigh the costs.


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aa66db No.147818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731055 (220053ZNOV20) Notable: Microsoft Windows Server Catalog, EMS Application Server Version v4.9 by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

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Microsoft | Windows Server Catalog


Home Software Hardware SVVP

Certified for Windows Server 2008 R2


Version v4.9 byDominion Voting Systems Corporation

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Merchandise pictures and descriptions are provided by the manufacturers of the merchandise. Microsoft makes no representations or warranties regarding the merchandise, manufacturers or compatibility of the merchandise depicted or described. Check system requirements before you purchase any merchandise or download any software described on this site. Use of all software is governed by the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the software.

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aa66db No.147819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731059 (220053ZNOV20) Notable: If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

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>“What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday

If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

If you own a gun, you may someday find yourself using it for self-defense.

If that should happen to you, the USCCA has prepared a video on why it’s important to have a lawyer on call.

In this video, lawyer Lee McMillan shares these points:

– Self-defense incidents don’t always happen during business hours. If one happens at night, you don’t want to wait until the lawyer’s office opens the next day.

Watch the video here:

Here’s a message from Tim Schmidt, president of the USCCA, which provides legal protection for people involved in self-defense incidents:

It’s every responsible gun owners worst nightmare…

You’ve just pulled the trigger in self-defense and called the authorities, but what now?

You might think the worst is over — after all you’re the good guy, right?

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong…

You see, the deck’s already stacked against you as a responsibly armed American…

As a USCCA Member, you have up to $2,250,000 in up-front legal and financial protection behind you should you ever be forced to use your gun in self-defense.

The moment you activate the education, training and protection of a USCCA membership you gain access to:

Up to $2.25 million in Self-Defense SHIELD protection…

Up-Front Funding For Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds: No out-of-pocket expenses…

Protection For Use Of ALL Legal Weapons: Never second-guess defending your family…

No Annual Cap: Your Plan Benefit Limits are fully reinstated for each qualified self-defense incident…

Member-Only Access: Enjoy exclusive discounts and unlimited access to thousands of videos and articles in your training archive…

Protect What You’ve Earned: Join The USCCA Today…

Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt

President | USCCA

P.S. – Check out one of my favorite quotes from a USCCA Member…

“I am a loyal member of USCCA because, God forbid, if a situation were to ever a raise where I needed to protect my family or a fellow American I will be covered, and helped out for doing the right thing.” — U.S. Marine Veteran Josh L., Ohio

The USCCA is MORE than a community of over 400,000 like-minded Americans — it’s the complete peace of mind you’ll get knowing that no matter what, we’ve got your back.


To get peace of mind, USCCA memberships start at just $25 per month.

With your membership, you get:

– 24/7/365 Critical Response Team On Call

– Your Choice of Criminal Defense Attorney

– Up-Front Funding for Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds

– Protection for Use of All Legal Weapons

In addition to legal protection, joining the USCCA provides you:

– A subscription to Concealed Carry Magazine

– CCW Reciprocity Map With Permit Expiration Reminders

– Member-Only USCCA App Features

– Weekly updates on news, changing laws and gear reviews

– 10 Lifesaving Checklists

– And much more…

The USCCA provides three tiers of membership for every comfort level and budget:

– Gold Membership $25/mo

– Platinum Membership $34/mo

– Elite Membership $42/mo

If you’re ready to join a community of pro-2A responsibly-armed Americans, click here.

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It’s every responsible gun owners worst nightmare…

You’ve just pulled the trigger in self-defense and called the authorities, but what now?

You might think the worst is over — after all you’re the good guy, right?

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong…

You see, the deck’s already stacked against you as a responsibly armed American…

As a USCCA Member, you have up to $2,250,000 in up-front legal and financial protection behind you should you ever be forced to use your gun in self-defense.



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aa66db No.147820

File: e957de0c77772ff⋯.png (189.44 KB,599x383,599:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731109 (220057ZNOV20) Notable: Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

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Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administratorhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/texas-county-goes-blue-first-time-since-1964-hiring-former-executive-smartmatic-elections-administrator/

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aa66db No.147821

File: 1d178a73d302d63⋯.png (276.13 KB,687x625,687:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731117 (220058ZNOV20) Notable: Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

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Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’

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aa66db No.147822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731136 (220059ZNOV20) Notable: #14974

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FINAL #14974

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147793 Anon Theory: Hillary tweet comms?

>>147794 Kirkland & Ellis "reportedly" left messages harrasing trump lawyers in PA.

>>147795 B-52 bombers deployed to Middle East

>>147796 Lin Wood wants arrests! Explosive interview with Lin Wood

>>147797 Do Not Trust Governments With The Control Of Money

>>147798 Tesla factory workers in California will be exempt from new coronavirus restrictions taking effect Saturday in the state because they are considered essential, after CEO Elon Musk feuded with authorities over an earlier shutdown

>>147799, >>147801 DIG!: Florence Fang, Peking University Education Foundation (USA)


>>147802 Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?

>>147803 Anon theory: POTUS pens and Herridge highlighters

>>147804 Massachusetts State Democratic Lawmaker Arrested On Charges Of Embezzling Campaign Funds

>>147805 @CodeMonkeyZ: Looking forward to watching this special investigation!

>>147806 Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

>>147807 DIG!: Gracia Hillman

>>147808 ROGER STONE: Bill Gates, Microsoft Designed Election Fraud Software Used By Dominion

>>147809 Top Republican lawmakers challenge Trump to present 'genuine evidence' of voter fraud

>>147810 JUST IN: Obama-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election Results

>>147811 Prince Charles is now selling his 'eco-fascist fantasy of the Great Reset'

>>147812 New @CM: I talked with @ChanelRion about vulnerabilities in Dominion's system

>>147813 Essential entertainment? California Governor excludes Hollywood from having to follow his strict Covid-19 curfew order - report

>>147814 More New Research Shows Only Those With Symptoms Spread COVID-19. Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.

>>147815 Airbnb exec resigned over concerns company shared too much data with China

>>147816 Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive

>>147817 Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs

>>147818 Microsoft Windows Server Catalog, EMS Application Server Version v4.9 by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

>>147819 If You’re A Gun Owner, Get A Lawyer Before You Need One

>>147820 Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

>>147821 Hungarian Prime Minister: ‘Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World’


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aa66db No.147823

File: 8cccc6f1f03b00d⋯.png (697.82 KB,669x487,669:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 69dbe930c7fd8d7⋯.png (977.16 KB,696x911,696:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 51c68965e27f53e⋯.png (35.01 KB,667x488,667:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731204 (220105ZNOV20) Notable: Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

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Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon shut down travel from other countries in the United Kingdom on Friday, as much of the country is placed under draconian lockdown measures to supposedly stem the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

From 6 p.m. on Friday, the Scottish government — roughly equivalent to a U.S. state government — banned Scots from travelling to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. People from the rest of the UK are also banned from entering Scotland, with the government imposing £60 fines for those found to have crossed the border illegally.

On Thursday, the Scottish Parliament voted by a margin of 99 to 23 to back the restrictions. Under the lockdown, all non-essential businesses, including pubs, restaurants, shops, cafes, swimming pools, gyms, and tourist locations, will be shuttered until at least December 11th.

Aside from border crossing restrictions, people in the 11 areas where the government has imposed Tier 4 restrictions will also be banned from travelling to other parts of the country. Those who need to travel for work, as well as a few other exemptions, are permitted to travel inside and out of the country.

Announcing the measures, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “These travel restrictions — nobody likes them, I don’t like them — but they are vital in helping us minimise these risks… They are vital in helping us avoid having the whole country in the same level or restrictions.”

“It is these travel restrictions that mean that even although the central belt has to be in Level Four, we can avoid the Highlands or Edinburgh or parts of the country with lower prevalence being in Level Four too,” she said.

WATCH: 104-year-old Woman Locked Down in Care Home for Months Begs to See Family https://t.co/HQZaDxFsnK

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 24, 2020

The leader of the left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) added that she hopes that the country will return to some sort of normality by the spring, with the government expecting to vaccinate some one million people by the end of January.

“We do now see a possible end in sight and I think it’s really important that we don’t forget that,” Sturgeon said.

The restrictions, which were announced just one day before their implementation, drew widespread criticism from across the political spectrum in Scotland.

The leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Richard Leonard, said that the travel ban was a “poorly conceived and ill-considered piece of legislation rather than the evidence-based intervention we need.”

“It risks uneven application and, as a result, uneven treatment across Scotland and the risk is this uncertainty will eat away at the trust of the public,” Leonard warned, adding that “the best-case scenario is that the travel ban will confuse them; the worst-case scenario is that it will criminalise them.”


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aa66db No.147824

File: d99ebedb502e6e8⋯.png (349.85 KB,599x470,599:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 202444cf937f428⋯.png (284.96 KB,635x479,635:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731216 (220106ZNOV20) Notable: Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

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Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”

Sesame Street has sold its soul — your children’s souls too, if you’ll let it — to the Great Reset.

It has teamed up with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to make a series of videos brainwashing educating children about the vital importance of learning to live with the ‘New Normal’: wearing masks, maintaining six feet social distancing, gratefully accepting their vaccine shots, getting used to not playing with friends in person but just meeting them virtually on a screen…

On a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘The Great Reset: Resetting education with Sesame Street’, the blue Sesame Street puppet Grover tells his impressionable young listeners:

“At first it was hard when nobody could go to school and I could not visit my friends like Elmo or, well, even Oscar the Grouch. But then we learned to have video play time. It was a lot of fun and made me feel better.”

Just in case any children fail to understand that the Great Reset is their friend, Grover is on hand to make a hilarious joke about it.

“I know a thing or two about resetting. I reset my alarm clock every morning. Hahahahahaha.”

Then he adds: “Resetting the entire world. That is a very big job.”

At no point, obviously, does either Grover the blue sock puppet, or his handler Sherrie Westin — President of Social Impact and Philanthropy at Sesame Workshop — raise the possibility that the world might not actually need or want a ‘Great Reset’. Its importance is a given.

On a separate video — one of a series — Grover encourages young children to wear masks and maintain six-foot social distancing in public. Again neither Grover nor his sinister controllers at the non-profit Sesame Workshop appear to be aware that these are deeply contentious positions, that many parents may be strongly opposed to their children wearing masks and highly sceptical about the need for them to maintain six-foot social distancing.

“Caring for each other because we are all in this together,” says Grover.

On a separate video, another Sesame Street character, Elmo, is shown going to the doctor to get a vaccine shot.

The World Economic Forum’s Sesame Street website explains that this

“…helps a parent reassure a child why this is so important, and why it’s OK.”

Some of us are old enough to remember an era when this kind of blatant propaganda came only from countries behind the Iron Curtain and when we in the West treated it with the appropriate scorn and horror.

This won’t be the case if the Great Reset gets its way. It will become the New Normal.


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aa66db No.147825

File: ee55125a5a7ea5e⋯.png (19.46 KB,603x178,603:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731248 (220109ZNOV20) Notable: Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

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aa66db No.147826

File: 184300eb72ca9ef⋯.png (79.97 KB,750x453,250:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731259 (220110ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

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Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports for Just the News, 32% of Democrats and a majority of registered voters want a special counsel appointed to investigate allegations of corruption against the Biden family. The poll asked, “If Joe Biden becomes president, should a special counsel be appointed to investigate allegations of corruption involving his family’s dealings with China and Ukraine?”

Yes – 52%

No – 33%

Unsure – 15%

The overall results of the survey of 1,200 registered voters are partially due to corporate media malfeasance in vetting the Democrat nominee during the general election. Some liberal-leaning outlets like The New York Times and Politico had written stories on the Biden family’s shady foreign business deals, even during the 2020 primary. Then they all had Trump-induced dementia regarding their own reporting during the general election. The DNC establishment had decided Biden was the nominee, and President Trump needed to be defeated at all costs.

When the most damning and corroborated evidence was obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the corporate media was joined by Big Tech in suppressing and discrediting the information. Right-leaning media outlets documented how the information breaking in the New York Post was actively suppressed online. Corporate media outlets and their contributors straight from the deep state dismissed the story as “Russian disinformation.”

The results of the actions taken by Big Tech and the corporate media were documented in a poll conducted for the Media Research Center:

A new post-election poll from the Media Research Center, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, shows 36 percent of Biden voters were NOT aware of the evidence linking Joe Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter. Thirteen percent of these voters (or 4.6% of Biden’s total vote) say that had they known these facts, they would not have voted for the former Vice President.

The disputed election results currently show Biden winning the popular vote by approximately 5%. The group of voters who were unaware and would not have voted for Biden had they known of the scandal could have led to an Electoral College win for President Trump. This episode also demonstrates the danger of early voting because some respondents had already voted when the story broke.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen also notes the poll results may be a result of the growing rift within the Democrat Party:

“It’s not at all surprising that Republicans overwhelmingly believe a special counsel should be appointed,” Rasmussen said. “It’s also not surprising that nearly half of Independents agree. What is stunning is that 32% of Democrats support the idea.”

“That may be a reflection of the deep divide within the Democratic party,” he continued. “Among Very Liberal voters, 42% say a special counsel is warranted (only 47% disagree). These voters lacked enthusiasm for Biden throughout the campaign, but considered him the lesser of two evils compared to Trump.”

Some may say that we have a political retribution problem. However, it is worth considering whether we actually have a genuine corruption problem among our political class, an issue they go to great lengths to hide. The most widely known example is President Trump’s impeachment over an inquiry into the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine during a call with President Volodymyr Zelensky. During that time, the DOJ has now confirmed they had an open, active investigation of Hunter Biden for money laundering. Yet the president, the chief law enforcement officer in the country, was tried in the Senate for asking about it.


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aa66db No.147827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731280 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

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aa66db No.147828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731283 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 1.png

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Soros' Open Society Partners

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file



Donor Partners

"Partnerships with other donors contribute significantly to the work of the Open Society Institute and the Soros foundations network. In some instances, these partnerships involve explicit agreements with other donors to share costs. At other times, they take place informally when another donor determines to support a project OSI has initiated or, conversely, when we build upon another donor’s initiative. In some cases, other donors contribute directly to one of the Soros foundations in support of a particular project."

Our donor partners include the following:

International organizations:

World Bank

World Health Organization (WHO)


UNICEF UNESCO/International Institute for Education Planning

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

European Union

Council of Europe

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

European Commission

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Asian Development Bank

National government aid agencies:

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

United States Department of State’sBureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

French Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CNOUS)

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Matra Programme

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs FRESTA Programme

German Foreign Ministry and Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

a number of Austrian government agencies, including the ministries of education and foreign affairs

National governments in several countries co-fund programs sponsored by Soros foundations,especially in education:





United Kingdom

United States

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aa66db No.147829

File: 234a974dbdf4374⋯.png (526.94 KB,768x671,768:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731286 (220112ZNOV20) Notable: FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

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FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731293 (220113ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

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Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


American private foundations:

Ford Foundation

United Nations Foundation

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

American Austrian Foundation

Freedom Forum

Pew Charitable Trusts

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Atlantic Philanthropies

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Irene Diamond Fund

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Lilly Endowment

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Nathan Cummings Foundation

Schumann Center for Media and Democracy

Rockefeller Foundation

Surdna Foundation

Tides Foundation

German Marshall Fund

European private foundations:


Robert Bosch Foundation

King Baudouin Foundation

Sigrid Rausing Trust

Oak Foundation

European Cultural Foundation

some of the German political party-affiliated foundations

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aa66db No.147831

File: 98aa4973be5b536⋯.jpg (207.4 KB,1615x854,1615:854,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731296 (220113ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Theory: US Military tweet

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Patriot Anons

US Military tweet - Ready for Launch in 3 2 1

POTUS tweet - The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!

13 min apart

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aa66db No.147832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731300 (220114ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


European and North American institutions that administer assistance funds obtained from their governments:

Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

Press Now (Netherlands)

Hivos (Netherlands)

International Media Support (Denmark)

British Council

Norwegian People’s Aid

Medienhilfe (Switzerland)

Freedom House (U.S.)


National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.)

Eurasia Foundation (U.S.)

Nazi Persecutee Relief Fund (U.S., France, Britain)

Norwegian and Danish Burma Committees

Olof Palme International Center (Sweden)

Remembrance, Responsibility and Future Foundation (Germany)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Germany)

Rights and Democracy (Canada)

International Republican Institute (U.S.)

Asia Foundation (U.S.).

Institutions of Higher Learning:

Central European University in Budapest, an internationally recognized institution of postgraduate education in social sciences and humanities established and supported by George Soros and OSI

Columbia University in New York City

American University in Bulgaria

Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences

National Institute of Development Administration in Thailand

Economics Education and Research Consortium in Kyiv

City University of New York

universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Essex in the United Kingdom

University of Ottawa in Canada

University of Maastricht in the Netherlands

Open Society Institute - donor and partner of Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731314 (220115ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN / Soros' Open Society Partners

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Soros' Open Society Partners continued.

Soros has some pretty interesting partners through Open Society Foundations (previously Open Society Institute).

Open Society Foundations - Partners - PDF file


NGO Partners include, but are not limited to the following:

AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund

American Councils for International Education

Arab Fund for Art and Culture

Association for Civil Rights (Argentina)

Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (Colombia)

Baacha Khan Trust

William J.BrennanJr. Center for Justice

The Campaign for Youth Justice

National Juvenile Defender Center

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and its International Budget Project (US)

Center for Community Change

American Institute for Social Justice

Center for Educational Development BILIM–Central Asia

Center for Global Development

Center for Public Interest Research

Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais

Committee to Protect Journalists and Article 19

Council of State Governments (US)

Progressive States Network (US)

Democracy Coalition Project

Drug Policy Alliance (US)

Earth Island Institute

Economic Policy Institute (US)

Equal Justice Society (US)

Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (helping drug addicted)

European Network Against Racism (racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia in all EU member states)

European Roma Rights Center

Roma Education Fund

European Stability Initiative

Global Fund for Women

Global Witness

Helsinki Foundation

Human Rights Watch

Institute for International Education

Institute on Medicine as a Profession (US)


International Bridges to Justice (China, Vietnam, and Cambodia)

International Center for Transitional Justice

International Crisis Group

International Step by Step Association (early childhood education)

International Women’s Health Coalition

Center for Reproductive Rights

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Justice at Stake Campaign

Margaret Mead Film and Video Festival

Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City

Médecins Sans Frontières

AIDS Foundation East-West

Doctors of the World

Partners in Health

Media Development Loan Fund

Southern Africa Media Development Fund

Memorial Human Rights Center

Mental Disability Rights International

Mental Disability Advocacy Center Foundation

National Council for Civil Liberties (Liberty) in the U.K.

National Senior Citizens Law Center (US)

Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration

Network on Police Reform in Nigeria (NOPRIN)

New America Foundation in the United States


Partners Foundation for Local Development in Romania

Peace Institute in Slovenia

Penal Reform International

Policy Association for Open Society (PASOS)

Project Syndicate

Project Vote/Voting for America(US)

Proteus Fund in the United States

Public Interest Law Initiative

Public Interest Projects (U.S.) (affirmative action, human rights, immigrant’s rights, and nonpartisan civic engagement)

Revenue Watch Institute

Refugees International


The Sentencing Project (US)

Southern Center for Human Rights (Southern US)

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama

The Tides Center

TIMAP for Justice


Local chapters of Transparency International

TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation)

Vera Institute of Justice (Russia, South Africa, and the United States)

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aa66db No.147834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731350 (220119ZNOV20) Notable: Soros' Open Society Partners BUN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>147828, >>147830, >>147832, >>147833 Soros' Open Society Partners

Here you go Baker

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147835

File: 4ddae9b9fc04aa4⋯.png (31.94 KB,603x283,603:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ab86c4dae408b⋯.png (24.49 KB,604x246,302:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731366 (220120ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET: THE WORLD IS WATCHING

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Why is Joe Biden so quickly forming a Cabinet when my investigators have found hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, enough to “flip” at least four States, which in turn is more than enough to win the Election? Hopefully the Courts and/or Legislatures will have….


….the COURAGE to do what has to be done to maintain the integrity of our Elections, and the United States of America itself. THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!


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aa66db No.147836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731367 (220120ZNOV20) Notable: New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA

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New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa66db No.147837

File: 7e2a926caa63544⋯.png (163.62 KB,599x383,599:383,Clipboard.png)

File: d8ae0a58217a503⋯.png (297.2 KB,721x812,103:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 82269052d730108⋯.png (173.92 KB,544x735,544:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 3519addd4cf3ecd⋯.png (401.82 KB,483x800,483:800,Clipboard.png)

File: ef569857f9be9d4⋯.png (235.87 KB,553x613,553:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731385 (220122ZNOV20) Notable: HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry

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>>147820 (lb) Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry



ARALIN elections

At a fraud inquiry in the Philippines on May 20, 2010, Heider Garcia of Smartmatic was questioned on what he called “unforeseen” occurrences during the election process, with Philippine official Teodoro Locsin Jr. sharply rebuking Garcia.

May 2010

Makati City representative Teodoro Locsin, chairman of the House committee on suffrage and electoral reforms investigating fraud allegations, blew his top and hurled invectives at officials of Smartmatic, the provider of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines used in the elections.

Locsin became angry after a Smartmatic official admitted the glitches in the PCOS machines, particularly in the time and date settings, were just “part of unforeseen circumstances.”

Smartmatic executive Heider Garcia explained the time and date of the machines were set in their default settings, which resulted in the transmission of the voting results on a date earlier than May 10.


(YT video from article)

ANC Live: Locsin curses at Smartmatic official (raw video)

129,913 views • (May 20, 2010)



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aa66db No.147838

File: b30b2932f73a3ff⋯.png (198.6 KB,942x700,471:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731403 (220124ZNOV20) Notable: Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate

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Nov 19, 2020 08:31 PMFINANCE

Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate


Creditors of Peking University Founder Group Corp. (PUFG) have approved a plan to restructure the state-owned industrial and investment conglomerate, making another step forward in efforts to resolve its nearly 150 billion yuan ($22 billion) debt pile.

About four-fifths of the 446 creditors with voting rights who attended an October meeting voted in favor of the plan, according to a PUFG statement (link in Chinese) released Thursday. Under the plan, PUFG will merge with three subsidiaries and one affiliate.

PUFG, which is owned by Peking University, one of China’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions, rocked the market in December 2019 by failing to repay a 2 billion yuan bond. The default underscored the financial squeeze on Chinese businesses amid slowing economic growth, and especially concerns about the weak finances of debt-laden business arms of Chinese universities.

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aa66db No.147839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731407 (220124ZNOV20) Notable: DIG!: Glenn Dubin

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>>147787 (PB) Notable.

The Virgin Islands subpoenaed Glenn Dubin's financial records back in late August.

We did a whole dig on his daughter Celina Dubin in early September - Epstein said he'd marry her when she got older.

>>>/qresearch/10627199 (PB)

Here's some links used in the dig:
























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aa66db No.147840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731424 (220126ZNOV20) Notable: Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

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Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

“As a former commissioner and chairman of the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC), I have seen a great many varieties of election automation. I believe the VSAP is unique among them in that it is a tangible manifestation of the voter’s will. Their voices helped shape this technology and it’s evident in its form and function. I have no doubt that other jurisdictions will study the VSAP project as they look to secure the future of their election processes.”

Paul DeGregorio, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

“My experience leading the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) informs my opinion of voting technology, and I believe VSAP is a model for future automated elections—not just in the United States—but in democracies worldwide. Secure and transparent voting is the only way to ensure the integrity of an election. The VSAP model supports this in a way that encourages voter participation and simplified event management for election officials.”


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aa66db No.147841

File: 2f77b656806931b⋯.png (61.38 KB,535x588,535:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731495 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization

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Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization


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aa66db No.147842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731501 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

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Finally someone that gets it. While everyone is concentrating on the 4 or 5 other terrible governors she is quietly slipping under the wire and installing draconian measures that are killing New Mexico.

A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

If you don’t believe that the United States can become very radical, very quickly under a Biden administration, you haven’t been paying attention to New Mexico.

I know what you’re thinking: When it comes to radical liberal policies, California is the gold standard. Yet, for the past two years, New Mexico has embarked on an unfortunate mission to become just like California, but faster. The disastrous results speak for themselves.

New Mexico’s governor is Michelle Lujan Grisham, a radical liberal and strong supporter of President-elect Joe Biden. When she entered office in January 2019, she was handed a budget surplus of $1.4 billion, attributable in large part to the state’s oil and gas workers. Her response to this windfall was to give away hundreds of millions of dollars to Hollywood, align herself with radical environmentalists to pass her own version of the "Green New Deal," and, of course, give her own administration a raise.

Today, New Mexico suffers the eighth-highest unemployment rate in the nation. Our state also ranks in the top half of the most restrictive COVID-19 lockdowns. For a sense of how desperate New Mexicans are becoming under these restrictions, look no further than a fourth grade student who was forced to sit outside the walls of his locked school just to get access to Wi-Fi in order to participate in class.

What about that massive budget surplus that Lujan Grisham inherited? Gone. Last June, legislators were forced to go into a special session to fix the budget she had signed just a few months earlier. And it gets worse.

Just this week, the governor's administration delivered budget proposals for next year that include cuts to state funds for investigating senior citizen abuse but increases so that state workers can drive more electric vehicles — appeasing radical environmentalists and donors at the expense of vulnerable grandparents’ well-being.

Were she just any employee, Lujan Grisham would likely be fired for poor performance. But she has spent most of 2020 auditioning for a promotion to the anticipated Biden administration — and that’s where New Mexico’s problem becomes your problem.

Lujan Grisham is so closely tied to Biden that she was on the short list to be his running mate prior to the selection of Kamala Harris. Still, her name is being mentioned as a possible Health and Human Services secretary, so she’ll be able to take her job-killing lockdown policies nationwide.

She also shares Biden’s allegiance to the radical green agenda. These policies are destroying her state’s economy, but that hasn’t stopped speculation that she may also be a potential secretary of the interior or secretary of energy. Biden even picked Lujan Grisham as a co-chair of his transition team nearly two months before election day.

Millions of people are justifiably worried about California’s radical policies spreading nationwide, but don’t sleep on New Mexico. In less than two years, we’ve gone from a budget surplus and low unemployment to the disaster you see today.

You’ve been warned.


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aa66db No.147843

File: 90f2c8132c2b0c3⋯.png (165.61 KB,595x541,595:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 53c88fc4f78d044⋯.png (251.41 KB,581x555,581:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fb0a97ebb5663d⋯.png (35.35 KB,465x297,155:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f7c096b24b4fa1⋯.png (77.15 KB,443x610,443:610,Clipboard.png)

File: f8acb04180587bd⋯.png (229.31 KB,625x518,625:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731502 (220134ZNOV20) Notable: Kill_Chain

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Has this been posted yet?


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aa66db No.147844

File: 484e89a8ebaeeee⋯.png (336.12 KB,606x758,303:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731615 (220146ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET

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Well, there were hundreds of thousands of votes cast where Republican Poll Watchers were not allowed to “watch”, not even allowed in the counting rooms. Likewise with Fake ballots cast and dead people voting!


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aa66db No.147845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731647 (220150ZNOV20) Notable: WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11731425 WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

notable AF hell

I found the sauce:


download as a raw data, copy/paste it into notepad (or notepad++ if you have autism leanings), and select 'language/json.

do a search for 2465541.

So Dominion Voting Systems (or whomever), sends their data to Edison Research, who then encodes their data into javascript…


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aa66db No.147846

File: b858a57ca59441f⋯.png (36.37 KB,605x421,605:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731672 (220153ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET: Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!


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aa66db No.147847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731673 (220153ZNOV20) Notable: Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

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Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – The state has temporarily shut down 11 businesses after workers tested positive for coronavirus. Currently, there are 244 establishments on the watchlist.

Rapid Response COVID-19 Watchlist

Businesses are subject to a possible two-week shut down if they have four or more rapid responses. The 11 businesses, four of which are Albertsons, are now shut down. They will be closed until Dec. 2.

According to the current Public Health Order, establishments will have to close for two weeks if they have four or more rapid responses within the last 14 days. The order states that this applies to retail spaces, places of lodging, food and drink establishments, close-contact businesses and other essential businesses.

The closure of 11 businesses comes after the state broke its daily record of new COVID-19 infections Wednesday, Nov. 18. Along with the 2,897 new cases reported on Wednesday, there were 26 additional COVID-19 deaths.

The number of cases in Bernalillo County jumped from 615 Tuesday to 993 Wednesday. Sandoval County also saw a jump from 117 to 179. The current total of positive COVID-19 cases reported to date statewide is 70,451.

Albertsons		Las Cruces

Albertsons Market	Hobbs	

Albertsons Market	Carlsbad

Albertsons Market Roswell	

Ojo Santa Fe Spa Resort	Santa Fe	

Sam’s Club		Roswell	Chaves

Smith’s Food and Drug Center	Santa Fe

Texas Roadhouse		Las Cruces	

Walmart Supercenter	Las Cruces	

Walmart Supercenter	Santa Fe	Santa Fe

Walmart Supercenter	NW	Albuquerque	

She's killing us and no one seems to notice

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aa66db No.147848

File: 73cd23a0f17dc81⋯.png (53.08 KB,791x350,113:50,Clipboard.png)

File: d44a2366723e333⋯.png (528.03 KB,867x552,289:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cb963e84e0bfa9⋯.png (150.96 KB,615x657,205:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e75545f5882f3⋯.png (1.04 MB,998x940,499:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731681 (220154ZNOV20) Notable: Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

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Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

Interesting one of their co-tenants in the Pine Lodge building is "Scoros [seriously?], which establishes and operates dedicated offshore IT and Software Development organizations"

"We deliver a turnkey office set-up for your remote team in Portugal, Serbia, Ukraine, Barbados, Russia or Mexico."

Looks like it was founded by a Russian mathematician who hired a couple US mathematicians to help out







(Note: SGO still listed at Pine Lodge as late as Dec 2019)


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aa66db No.147849

File: f4756a3d76123f3⋯.png (102.32 KB,1170x312,15:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 89730c3381c99cb⋯.png (146.86 KB,1524x1110,254:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 906b912b803a9b4⋯.png (1.2 MB,716x1190,358:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a62ef3578f97c9⋯.png (352.33 KB,1748x962,874:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731778 (220202ZNOV20) Notable: Cesar Flores has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

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Cesar Flores seems to be a big player in Philippines election, he has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

Who is Cesar Flores Zavarce, president of Smartmatic Asia and the face behind the controversial Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines? The 36-year-old Venezuelan sat down over crepes with GMANews.TV and talked about life in the Philippines, but not necessarily all about the May 10 national elections.



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aa66db No.147850

File: 2cd6b42b58ff41b⋯.png (922.86 KB,1915x1015,383:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f5377c1f2f34a⋯.png (242.9 KB,1919x1011,1919:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731804 (220205ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AE67DA various P-8A / P8 — USA


Actually saw 1,000 mph in the live data. But speed had dropped before anon could grab a screencap.

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aa66db No.147851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731806 (220205ZNOV20) Notable: What is ElectionGuard?

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What is ElectionGuard?

ElectionGuard is a way of checking election results are accurate, and that votes have not been altered, suppressed or tampered with in any way. Individual voters can see that their vote has been accurately recorded, and their choice has been correctly added to the final tally. Anyone who wishes to monitor the election can check all votes have been correctly tallied to produce an accurate and fair result.

ElectionGuard uses something called homomorphic encryption to ensure that nobody can tell how a person voted. In fact, even the voter cannot use the tracking code to prove to anyone else how they voted – they will only be able to prove that their vote wasn’t changed.

Nobody has to just take Microsoft’s word for it – or anyone else’s for that matter. ElectionGuard is a set of open source software components that can be accessed here. Anyone with the programming skills can create their own verification tool. In practice, this means every political party, candidate, news organization or pressure group can run their own checks and make their preferred program publicly available for others.



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aa66db No.147852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731826 (220208ZNOV20) Notable: Sydney Powell - Live

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Sydney Powell - Live

Newsmax TV - Youtube


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aa66db No.147853

File: 789ec8553c01da8⋯.png (800.57 KB,835x1742,835:1742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731848 (220209ZNOV20) Notable: @RUDY: Statement for @TeamTrump on Pennsylvania ruling.

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Statement for @TeamTrump

on Pennsylvania ruling.


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aa66db No.147854

File: 5f7432c5b185322⋯.png (585.11 KB,601x696,601:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11731990 (220224ZNOV20) Notable: @USArmy The 2-11th Field Artillery Regiment FiST conducted fire missions in support of @25thID maneuvers

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Strike Hard!

Flexed biceps

The 2-11th Field Artillery Regiment FiST conducted fire missions in support of @25thID

maneuvers leading to the successful seizure of the objective during their rotation at Joint Readiness Training Center.

#TrainedAndReady | #ArmyTeam


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aa66db No.147855

File: 8034811975592f9⋯.png (140.53 KB,314x367,314:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732002 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: “Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold

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“Every Lie Will Be Revealed – They’re Going to be Shocked at Level of P*dophilia – Satanic Worship” – Lin Wood Does Not Hold Back in EXPLOSIVE “Thrive Time” Interview (VIDEO)

conspiracy no more


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aa66db No.147856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732003 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell - Live

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Sydney Powell - Live

Newsmax TV


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aa66db No.147857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732004 (220225ZNOV20) Notable: (posted in #14975)

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FINAL #14975

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>147823 Nicola’s Wall: Scotland Shuts Borders with Rest of UK in Latest COVID Lockdown Push

>>147824 Delingpole: Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset

>>147825, >>147827 Interviewing SIDNEY POWELL tonight on @NEWSMAX 8-10PM ET

>>147826 Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate

>>147829 FEC Commission Chair: Trump Campaign Has Legitimate Claims of Election Fraud

>>147831 Anon Theory: US Military tweet

>>147834 Soros' Open Society Partners BUN


>>147836 New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA

>>147837 HEIDER GARCIA of Smartmatic - (2010) Questioned = Philippines Election Fraud Inquiry

>>147838 Creditors Approve Restructuring of Indebted Peking University-Linked Conglomerate

>>147839 DIG!: Glenn Dubin

>>147840 Gracia Hillman, Director, Smartmatic USA Board

>>147841 Regeneron's antibody #COVID19 cocktail used to treat Trump receives FDA emergency use authorization

>>147842 A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico

>>147843 Kill_Chain


>>147845 WA Governor's race Massive voting Treachery(fuckery) found

>>147846 NEW POTUS TWEET: Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election.

>>147847 Multiple grocery stores in NM ordered to close by state amid COVID-19

>>147848 Old Smartmatic Office in Barbados

>>147849 Cesar Flores has been scrubbed from the smartmatic website.

>>147850 Planefag

>>147851 What is ElectionGuard?

>>147852 Sydney Powell - Live

>>147853 @RUDY: Statement for @TeamTrump on Pennsylvania ruling.

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aa66db No.147858

File: c141bfe2794c555⋯.png (74.42 KB,570x359,570:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 5509bf7d45f33c1⋯.png (199.15 KB,461x681,461:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 18ac8f5c1ea2ede⋯.png (879.55 KB,1241x2012,1241:2012,Clipboard.png)

File: 79b1358c1bfdedd⋯.png (564.35 KB,1241x1428,73:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732062 (220228ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Pat Toomey: “Pres. Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania"

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Senator Toomey stood up and was counted. He is the enemy of we the people.


Dig on his dirty and let's expose this guy

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aa66db No.147859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732094 (220230ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL

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Love moments like this

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aa66db No.147860

File: eb0c631c0869848⋯.png (37.58 KB,978x236,489:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732107 (220231ZNOV20) Notable: 40,000 people watching yet 250,000 likes, Youtube is corrupt

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40,000 people watching yet 250,000 likes, Youtube is corrupt

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aa66db No.147861

File: 6089d2055673f35⋯.png (681.03 KB,630x480,21:16,Clipboard.png)

File: b4ebe57dfb031e5⋯.png (71.53 KB,681x852,227:284,Clipboard.png)

File: ec469590e539543⋯.png (55.08 KB,682x822,341:411,Clipboard.png)

File: cfb309394ace527⋯.png (68.26 KB,719x834,719:834,Clipboard.png)

File: 357c6d57b5062eb⋯.png (73.72 KB,747x894,249:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732222 (220239ZNOV20) Notable: Virgil: If You Liked the ‘New World Order,’ You’ll Love ‘The Great Reset’

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Virgil: If You Liked the ‘New World Order,’ You’ll Love ‘The Great Reset’

Your Betters Think You Need to be Reset

By now you might have heard of the phrase “The Great Reset.” It refers to the “opportunity”—that’s the eager noun often used by would-be Great Resetters—presented by Covid-19. Yes, some think that we should look past the awful tragedy of the coronavirus and instead see great opportunity. That is, the opportunity for a Great Reset: The wholesale re-engineering of economies and societies, with an eye toward not only combating the virus, but also achieving other goals, notably, fighting climate change.

This phrase, Great Reset, originated with Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). A Breitbart News reader probably knows a lot about the WEF, which convenes every year in Davos, Switzerland; as James Delingpole has written of these confabs, they’re a place where “billionaires go to lecture millionaires on how ordinary people live.” In addition, “Davos Men” and “Davos Women”—plus perhaps, others—gather elsewhere during the year, even as they produce a steady stream of “thought-leader” materials.

Just this past May, Schwab announced a conference with world leaders and luminaries—including Prince Charles, that well-known expert on everything—to discuss his latest brainchild:

The meeting will see various guests from the public and private sector make contributions on how we can achieve a “Great Reset” of our global economic system in the post-COVID era.

And in July, Schwab published a book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, in which he argued:

The scope of change required is immense, ranging from elaborating a new social contract to forging improved international collaboration. Immense but far from insurmountable, as the case for smart investment in the environment shows.

Since then, the phrase has gained steam. On a September 29 video conference with the United Nations, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared that the current crisis provided an “opportunity of a reset.”

Meanwhile, Time magazine published a cover story and special section entitled, yes, of course, “The Great Reset.” The magazine introduced the idea by explaining:

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.

And then the reader was presented with 23 guest essays elaborating on the subject, penned by everyone from Tony Blair, the former British prime minister; to Kristalina Georgieva, the head of the International Monetary Fund; to Prince Harry and Meghan, the self-exiled Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are even more highly regarded than Prince Charles for their planetary problem-solving acumen.

As an aside, we can observe that while Time was once one of the most important publications in America, these days, the title—now a web-only portal—is of interest mostly because it is the platform for the politically active Big Tech mogul, worth $10 billion, Marc Benioff. So if a commoner wants to know what Benioff and his friends are thinking about, Time is a good place to find out.

With so much coordinated hype, it’s little wonder that mentions of the phrase Great Reset, according to Google Trends, have multiplied 100-fold in the past year.



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aa66db No.147862

File: 9e35993a85582f8⋯.png (22.29 KB,581x326,581:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 879560b80a081c6⋯.png (19.36 KB,544x282,272:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 368587fe15433ae⋯.png (78.31 KB,540x1114,270:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d3a8bf6a9873b1⋯.png (20.39 KB,544x310,272:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732274 (220241ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL

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aa66db No.147863

File: e0f1f9848308980⋯.png (690.87 KB,852x820,213:205,Clipboard.png)

File: aa4f60a4bb9ff91⋯.png (30.17 KB,794x229,794:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 3958451f0c7b520⋯.png (33.37 KB,853x322,853:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bee84826a10b11⋯.png (51.4 KB,836x385,76:35,Clipboard.png)

File: feed8ed23a8c093⋯.png (41.75 KB,855x320,171:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732284 (220242ZNOV20) Notable: Was President Trump’s 2020 Board Member Tony Shaffer Hinting on November 6th That the President Was All Over the Major Fraud Now Being Uncovered in the Voting Machines?

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Was President Trump’s 2020 Board Member Tony Shaffer Hinting on November 6th That the President Was All Over the Major Fraud Now Being Uncovered in the Voting Machines?

A couple of days after the 2020 election, President Trump 2020 Advisory Board member Tony Shaffer provided us comfort noting that the President has a great case and will win his case in the courts.

This is what we shared three days after the election.

Tony Shaffer is a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board. He believes the President won the election and has a great case in the courts to prove it.”

Now we have uncovered that in 2019 Shaffer discussed the efforts being taken to prevent interference in US elections especially as related to voting machines:


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aa66db No.147864

File: 3b0f3c82e1ebfb8⋯.jpeg (908.98 KB,1125x1834,1125:1834,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11732301 (220243ZNOV20) Notable: CM about to be on OANN 10PM EST

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Get yer popcorn ready.. CM about to be on OANN


Full Segment with Ron Watkins, Large Systems Data Analyst @CodeMonkeyZ:


#OANinvestigates "Dominion-izing the Vote"

Premiering Saturday, Nov 21 - 10pm EST, 7pm PST.


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aa66db No.147865

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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