>>100089 (PB), >>100321, >>100322, >>100323, >>100324, >>100325, >>100326, >>100327, >>100328, >>100330, >>100331, >>100332 HUNTER AUDIO FILES & DISCUSSION
>>100329 Below are summaries of some of the concerns that have emerged or been raised by medical officials... (SharylAttkisson.com)
>>100340, >>100365, >>100366, >>100367 Black Pop slip slip slipping away...
>>100341 'Thousands of paedophiles have operated within the French Catholic Church since 1950, the head of a panel investigating abuses by church members says. (MultiSauz)
>>100342 A second official within the Biden administration has resigned amid controversy over the handling of Haitian migrants flooding to the southern border.
>>100344 Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller last weekend dissed former President Donald Trump and his son Don Trump Jr. via Facebook, saying he’d “rather sit in jail” than work with the former president. (ResistTheMainStream)
>>100345, (GAB) Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose critical race theory in public schools, citing "threats."
>>100346, >>100419
(GAB) Protesters in NYC wreck mobile COVID testing facility
>>100348 ANON: Q Drop # 1700
>>100350 (GAB) Dr. Francis Collins to step down as head of NIH
>>100351 VIDEO: Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion (YouTube)
>>100354 Texas braces for surge of 60,000 Haitian migrants (washingtonexaminer.com)
>>100357 RE, >100144 (LB), >>100358, >>100359, The WHO has documented adverse reactions around the world
>>100361, >>100362, >>100363, >>100398, >>100400, >>100411 The “FaceBook Whistleblower” is a total hitpiece designed to be against conservatives.. so they “out” info in a poisoned well slanted way to make it seem like conservatives are the problem, and there should be MORE control over conservative content. To [them] we are all anarchists.. total crock of fucking shit
>>100364 (GAB) We have 33k signatures on our #AuditPimaCounty petition. Help me get to 500k NOW. We must do it.
>>100371, >>100372, >>100373, >>100376, >>100403
NOW - Capitol Police shutting down roads as they investigate a "suspicious vehicle" outside the U.S. Supreme Court. (MULTI-Sauz)
>>100375 (T.me) NYC: FBI has reportedly raided NYPD Sergeant Union Headquarters as well as Ed Mullins, SBA President, Home.
>>100377 (T.me) New York police union boss just appeared on Fox News with a Qanon mug KEK
>>100378 (Twatt) MZ sitting on a booster seat to look taller in front of Congress as he promises to use his platform to censor conservatives (Glitch in matrix? Is this from today or from a few yrs ago??)
>>100379, >>100380, >>100420 (T.me) [CM] Is working on something big, that will 'BLOW OUR MINDS' (Was literally JUST talking to anon about this last night or before!.. Where is that monkey man?!?! If comms.. kek thanks buddy~! Now get out muh DMs!! kek)
>>100381 (Twatt) New book by HRC called 'State of Terror' she recommends we ]dive[ in. Being released on Tuesday 12th October
>>100382 BREAKING: NIH Director Francis Collins Resigns After Documents Reveal He Lied About His Involvement with Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan Lab (GateWayPundit)
>>100384, >>100385 WendyRogers (GAB) Good morning to everyone who understands this.
>>100386 FBI Raids NY City Police Union Headquarters - After Union Openly Backed President Trump for the First Endorsement in its History (GateWayPundit)
>>100387 (T.me) I was going to comment but the video speaks for itself. I posted this for a follower who was not on telegram here is the link
>>100388 (GAB) Now they want to murder people for not getting the vaccine… I think you need to share this and let them know what you think… respectfully.
>>100389 DELICIOUS!!!
>>100390, >>100394, >>100397 FB . .They prioritize content in your feed so that you will give little hits of dopamine to your friends so they will create more content.
>>100391 Wholey sheet . . . 5 officers hit by a tesla autodrive car at 70mph (Multi-Sauz)
>>100392 (T.me) Paying respects on the 5th anniversary of the murder of beloved Sergeant Steve Owen.
>>100393 (T.me) There are ONLY 18 more days until THE MOST EPIC PATRIOT EVENT TO DATE
>>100395 (T.me) The Day of Reckoning is Coming, Its going to be Biblical
>>100396, >>100399, >>100402, >>100409 (T.me) Billionaire Kylie Jenner Just Posted This to Instagram
>>100401 LookingGlass: SPARS-25 is Coming -- Covid-19 was a Beta Test (Multi-Sauz)
>>100404 (Twatt) In Michigan today lol ….Wait for it….don’t forget the “Pedo Joe” sign! NOW THAT'S GANGSTA!
>>100405 Pennsylvania House Democrat Releases Forced Sterilization Bill…Then Claims It Was a ‘Parody’ After Being Exposed (BigLeaguePolitics.com)
>>100406 (T.me) The FBI is being deployed to intimidate concerned parents at school board meetings from speaking up.
>>100407 Parents take a stand against FBI crackdown on CRT opponents (NyPost.com)
>>100410 (Twatt) Leftist activists can come to your house with bullhorns. Film you in the bathroom. Loot your business. Burn police stations. The FBI does nothing.
>>100412 (Twatt) REMINDER: Dr. Fauci loves coronavirus. It’s the greatest thing that ever happened to him. He has absolutely no incentive for it to end. Every incentive is for him to keep pushing fear forever.
>>100413 Trump Super PAC rebrands: 'Make America Great Again, Again!' (BusinessInsider.com)
>>100414 (GAB) Kek worthy version of the Beatles “Imagine”
>>100415, >>100416 Biden admin considering vaccine passports for all interstate commerce (Independentsentinel.com)
>>100417, >>100418 (GAB) So this is me leaving Gab. I was arrested on Friday morning by a special division police unit and Normal police. For apparently posting racial and homophobic and something else but related to Gab posts, also telegram was mentioned.
>>100424 LizHerrington (Twatt) NEW! President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Kevin Sparks for Texas State Senate
>>100425 (Twatt) 2019: Evidence that The Sinister Dr Fauci and his cadre of medical Scientism maximalists were trying to game their own system to get experimental vaccines approved quicker by using an “entity (Covid19) of excitement that’s not beholden to the bureaucratic strings and processes.”
>>100426 TheHill (Twatt) Judge rules against Kansas City plan to shift funds from police to community services
>>100427, >>100428 (Twatt) I wonder how the vaccine passport lovers will explain the new Veritas video showing 3 senior scientists at Pfizer admitting that natural immunity is better and lasts longer than the vaccine?
>>100429 All Three Of The U.S. Navy’s Most Powerful Submarines Were Under Way At The Same Time, In The Same Place (Aug 4th, 2021) (Forbes)
>>100439 $486
Previously Collected Notables
>>99390 #479, >>99526 #480, >>99652 #481, >>99760 #482, >>99956 #483, >>100088 #484, >>100334 #485
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>>91894 #431, >>92116 #432, >>92267 #433, >>92512 #434, >>92702 #435, >>92930 #436, >>93108 #437, >>93271 #438
>>90214 #423, >>90436 #424, >>90697 #425, >>90903 #426, >>91119 #427, >>91321 #428, >>91547 #429, >>91713 #430
>>88616 #415, >>88896 #416, >>89066 #417, >>89236 #418, >>89478 #419, >>89594 #420, >>89839 @421, >>90026 #422
>>86546 #407, >>86909 #408, >>87126 #409, >>87337 #410, >>87552 #411, >>87837 #412, >>88278 #413, >>88475 #414
>>84866 #399, >>84989 #400, >>85184 #401, >>85401 #402, >>85564 #403, >>85764 #404, >>86047 #405, >>86361 #406
>>83613 #391, >>83732 #392, >>83894 #393, >>84039 #394, >>84231 #395, >>84460 #396, >>84600 #397, >>84743 #398
>>82565 #383, >>82697 #384, >>82836 #385, >>82992 #386, >>83109 #387, >>83197 #388, >>83317 #389, >>83460 #390
>>80834 #375, >>81135 #376, >>81376 #377, >>81834 #378, >>82005 #379, >>82120 #380, >>82279 #381, >>82381 #382
>>79604 #367, >>79780 #368, >>79879 #369, >>80007 #370, >>80174 #371, >>80315 #372, >>80467 #373, >>80684 #374
>>78399 #359, >>78545 #360, >>78731 #361, >>78866 #362, >>79063 #363, >>79187 #364, >>79349 #365, >>79465 #366
>>77249 #351, >>77378 #352, >>77572 #353, >>77777 #354, >>77869 #355, >>77987 #356, >>78138 #357, >>78282 #358
>>76038 #343, >>76178 #344, >>76296 #345, >>76447 #346, >>76682 #347, >>76814 #348, >>76966 #349, >>77080 #350
>>74806 #335, >>74992 #336, >>75206 #337, >>75397 #338, >>75534 #339, >>75639 #340, >>75816 #341, >>75922 #342,
>>73986 #331, >>74184 #332, >>74389 #333, >>74575 #334