How does dark matter and dark energy are 94% of all observable universe? That is the wrong question, the right question is why do we need dark energy? Maybe we are causing the unexpected expansions of universe? Our observation has something to do with it?
In my point of view, facts don't matter if they don't all add up into one pattern. My belief is far more radical than fringe scientists. Poetry is better than science, imagination is better than calculation. I think we have to rethink para-psychology and metaphysics. We need to create a meta-physical theorem, vague enough to explain our problems, but also definite enough to solve 100 years old quantum mechanics. This theory of everything will have to inspire us to unite spiritually by figuring our inner problems. In my radical re-interpretation, scientists are poets, knowingly or unknowingly. Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Persians and Italian scientists all are poets, philosophers or theologians.
Be careful, in order to find the theory of everything to unite every part of life with spirituality, I really have let it go.
How does massless particle travels at 1.0c but massful particle will never travel at 1.0c?
That is the wrong question, universe is not purposeless. What is the universe telling us about itself? What is the message? is there any underlying message for humanity? Why does God limit us under lightspeed?
Massful particles can't reach 1.0c, only photon and gluon, massless (egoless) particle can reach 1.0c. Technically it's because the rest mass and the inertia of the particle increases exponentially. When you spend energy on electron, instead of being faster and faster, the electron will start wasting it's energy on increasing mass on an exponential rate. That is why electron will never ever reach 1.0c, energy wastage will be exponential at high speed.
We know for 130 years that we can’t ever reach 1.0c with mass. Einstein explained the Lorrentz equations of time dilation. He said even though massful particles won't reach 1.0c, photons will always travel at 1.0c, never less, never morePost too long. Click here to view the full text.