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/hover/ - Hovercraft and Advanced Technology



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 No.6 [Open thread]

Welcome to /hover/

Helpful links ; >>7 .
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1. Keep posts relevant to each thread

2. Porn goes in spoiler tags

3. No gore, narcotics or uncanny valley scares

4. Low quality/disruptive memes may be removed

5. Don't spam, flood or otherwise disrupt the board

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File: 048efe9db1f21e7⋯.png (977.62 KB,935x981,935:981,048efe9db1f21e7d187e2d4366….png)

 No.1538 [Open thread]

Ideas on how to get this stuff released in a safe fashion.

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I had a conversation with [Redacted] publicly on X. He mentioned that "We are looking for ideas to release this tech". Basically he is saying that the information is too dangerous to release and those who control the tech will use the tech to make sure no one can get the tech.

We look at the ability of the orbs to make thing's appear/disappear (watch video about Ashton's letter "letter" (video).


28minute mark is the start.

This overall view of the world presented here seems pretty likely to me. I'm going to go with it as factual until it is disproven. So given that overall structure, how do we use this tech without destroying the world/humanity?

So far the strategy has been to just hide/lie/murder/steal etc anything that is related to this tech… Using the tech… Which makes sense short term but stagnation is not a real solution now is it?

If there were an… Um… Veritable Genius (I love you) out there involved with this tech who wants an answer to this stuff… I think the place to start is to simply stop lying about it. Perhaps this is currently happening now but from insider reactions I think it is unplanned.

Currently there is a heavy-handed tool (the orb tools) that can stop this tech. That means that this tech can be detected when in use remotely and it's not shieldable with normal methods like walls.

So… Keep up the blocking of the tech that can be weaponized. When weapons are created just orb them into the sun or whatever. Automate this system using AI so that it is reliable and rapid.

Essentially have approved power devices, approved transportation devices and other tools but if they are unauthorized or super dangerous then block their creation and use! Do this OPENLY and without secrecy so that everyone knows.

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While listening to this video again and contemplating Why everyone would immediately create weapons with this instead of creating power and propulsion and (Star Trek) replicators… I ask myself why? I mean. I don't really want or need another gun or bomb or whatever. Instead I want to build a house on my land, grow weed and food and some animals and raise my kids the way I see fit.

Thing is this… That shit is denied to me. "my land" is not really owned by me it's owned by the county government. My kids are entrapped at birth by paperwork, schools, IDs, passports etc. If I try to teach them something then the government must approve! Well F. That! If I want to do the basic things of human life I'm constantly and aggressively under siege! Of course my first action is to make a weapon so I can live, have property, have kids, make food, etc.

Have any of you retards in control of this tech ever consider that the absolute dismal state of existence on this planet is the reason just about everyone would make a weapon first?!

Why not just improve the lives of people until they can live decently? We are trapped here in this prison and abused and tortured and everyone is worried we would make weapons! … Shocker. Meanwhile I get insiders telling me that "I need to come from a place of lllooovvveee"

Really? Stop lying. Start releasing meaningful tools to improve the world and everyone will be way more interested in building and exploring than they ever would be in making weapons.

Let's start with electrical power and transportation.

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 No.1535 [Open thread]

MH370 Llink and file dump. This is the real answer to Hover.

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File and link backup to everything that I have learned about MH370, electrogravitics, free energy, etc etc. When I first created Hover back in the Q and VQC days I didn't have any of the info I had now and moreso did not have the understanding and vision I have now.

Thankyou to Ashton Forbes and MH370 crew for rekindling this fire in my mind. I was unable to continue from where i was at before but now I can! Some starter links for people to peruse.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mxJhHyusOps the satellite video

Archive.is/eohGG (an ancient file dump that is full of broken links but still has much info. I have been mining it for years. I will post highlights and MEGA links to hopefully make the information more available to all.

I am a hands on guy and plan on making stuff with this tech if I can get a good idea of how/what to build. I will do the best I can to explain theory and building methods as I go.

At a minimum please download and store offline the info here so that it can be retained by humanity going forward. A shout-out to VQC crew here who are still grinding on the hardest math problem on earth.

Disclaimer: I have no NDAs, I am non-violent and definitely not suicidal. I love my life and have greatly enjoyed this journey. Everything I put here is stuff I found on the Internet. I have no insider information nor am I any sort of whistleblower. I am merely reposting stuff.

I am not looking to aggressively release this info in a way that is not responsible… But… I will not back off for a mere threat or shady conversation. If I am releasing something here that is problematic then I am doing so based on ignorance not malice. To get me to stop will require you to teach me why and how it's dangerous. It also will require me to be included in the research going forward in a meaningful way… (secret is fine). I am flexible and open to ideas and conversation.

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This guy is new to me but the above seems to be on the right track

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 No.217 [Open thread]

This is an exploration thread for motion/gravitational effects as related with electricity, mainly focusing on static electricity and high voltage.

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High voltage can be tricky to deal with

If its high enough it can leak through insulators and cause damage to experimenters or components

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It might not have been mentioned before but higher frequency pulses of direct current high voltage might work better. To this end it may be preferable to use vacuum tubes, since transistors lack higher electron flow which is preferred with high frequency high voltage.

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So who's got the time machine?? Hover did not exist in 2015.

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File: b3ecc314637ad0d⋯.webm (2.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,1488115139278.webm)

 No.592 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Dump random /hover/ related stuffs in here,

video, audio, animated gifs, links whatever

pdf thread is here;


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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 No.88 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Suggestions, maintenance, questions and off topic discussion

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Main page has gotten reverted again

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Seems like the board's front page isn't updating anymore

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Typical that when that's posted it suddenly works

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It keeps reverting, it wouldn't be as much of an issue if the board were more active but I guess its just too niche for that

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 No.1529 [Open thread]

This is my theory of everything. I have figured out how to give fringe science a scientific stand. Be careful, in order to unite morphic, fringe science, censorship, politics and covid I really have let it go. Poetry>science, imagination>calculation. russel targ>other physicists, sheldrake> other biologists.

https://youtu.be/SpeSpA3e56A?t=1505 US military industrial complex might already have a infinite energy source. (inertial dampener=infinite energy). I bet they achieved this with my theory of self correction wave.


have you heard about morphic resonance theory by rupert sheldrake? If you are familiar with rupert sheldrake and others like him, they believe in morphic resonance theory. which states when you do something, it is kinda stored in the spiritual level of the universe. He believes in telepathy, other biologists believe in remote viewing and esp stuff. He claims that people have a collective consciousness, training rats in England will make rats in Africa smarter. There is no proof for universe to be completely mechanical. mechanical universe can not have dark energy which makes universe still to be expanding. universe might be an organism, purposeful.

morphic resonance supporters also claims that prayer/meditation/self-correction can make your heart bigger and make you a better CONSCIOUS observer. it can make you a better telepath in the spiritual realm. eastern mysticism, which rupert sheldrake is into, warns about having an ego. every eastern religion/philosophy tells people to be humble, and emphasizes on the importance of mediation/prayer, widening your heart and thus empowering your spirit blah blah.

Gregg braden is not really as reputed as rupert but he focuses on heart. He claims heart is the source of consciousness, human organ or blood donation can transfer the memory and character. he focuses on meditation and prayer to let heart have its time etc.

Russel Targ, a very prominent physicist, is an ESP researchPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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How does dark matter and dark energy are 94% of all observable universe? That is the wrong question, the right question is why do we need dark energy? Maybe we are causing the unexpected expansions of universe? Our observation has something to do with it?

In my point of view, facts don't matter if they don't all add up into one pattern. My belief is far more radical than fringe scientists. Poetry is better than science, imagination is better than calculation. I think we have to rethink para-psychology and metaphysics. We need to create a meta-physical theorem, vague enough to explain our problems, but also definite enough to solve 100 years old quantum mechanics. This theory of everything will have to inspire us to unite spiritually by figuring our inner problems. In my radical re-interpretation, scientists are poets, knowingly or unknowingly. Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Persians and Italian scientists all are poets, philosophers or theologians.

Be careful, in order to find the theory of everything to unite every part of life with spirituality, I really have let it go.

How does massless particle travels at 1.0c but massful particle will never travel at 1.0c?

That is the wrong question, universe is not purposeless. What is the universe telling us about itself? What is the message? is there any underlying message for humanity? Why does God limit us under lightspeed?

Massful particles can't reach 1.0c, only photon and gluon, massless (egoless) particle can reach 1.0c. Technically it's because the rest mass and the inertia of the particle increases exponentially. When you spend energy on electron, instead of being faster and faster, the electron will start wasting it's energy on increasing mass on an exponential rate. That is why electron will never ever reach 1.0c, energy wastage will be exponential at high speed.

We know for 130 years that we can’t ever reach 1.0c with mass. Einstein explained the Lorrentz equations of time dilation. He said even though massful particles won't reach 1.0c, photons will always travel at 1.0c, never less, never morePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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However I have to warn you about the following paragraphs, my self correction wave theorem also claims (and depends on) that virus can spiritually connect through lab walls to the flea market virus(similar virus). My theory suggests that every species can be spiritually connected with the same species.

I will not elaborate this too much because moderators hate organ spiritual connection/spiritual quantum tunnel/remote view/radical russel targ theorem. However I am obliged to state that, sheldrake and gregg braden believe some of what I am about to say.

mass=ego. patent laws=bad intent= bad heart=bad conscious observer. And in double slit experiment, bad conscious observer is problematic

Human organs can send information through thick walls like telepathy/remote-view. If you steal one of my lungs and your friend steals another, those will be connected spiritually. This connection strength depends on my self-correction/humility/prayer/meditation. This is not really my theory, gregg braden and many others have been doing research on quantum biology for decades. Human organs can self correct themselves and thus go back in time and connect themselves.

in my theory, the 'fourth' dimension is time but the 'fifth dimension' is life. That's why biological organs can be connected or entangled, because of spirituality in living things. The smaller the organism, say virus, which is very very small, the higher the potential to connect with same species.

How do many animals use quantum mechanics into their advantage? How did birds learn to use quantum biology in their brain to navigate? Why is human brain using quantum mechanics in a massive scale? I believe only with spiritual unity, we can defeat delusion, dilate time dimension.

If CCP organ harvests my lungs and gives one to you and another one to your friend, those two lungs still be spiritually connected. The connection strength depends on my self-correction/humility/prayer/meditation. HumaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.89 [Open thread]

This thread is for general gravity/antigravity discussion.

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It is apparently possible to send and receive signals using gravitational wave patterns

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Proper knowledge of gravity could lead to practical time travel

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Proper applications are being purposefully held back because of politics, private interests and limited thinking.

Sure there are risks involved, but other technologies like nuclear tech and artificial intelligence also present huge risks.

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It may be that masses are only affected by gravity and not the cause of it, falling bodies fall at the same rate (ignoring wind resistance and such) but can still have different weights when measured.

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 No.193 [Open thread]

Devices which are strapped on to the body to allow an individual to take flight. Recently some hurdles have been cleared in making way for working models. Strap yourselves in, if interested.

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File: 3aa51632b9c29ea⋯.png (227.25 KB,500x384,125:96,141431489761521.png)

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I'm working on a rocket belt.

The main barriers you sorta run into with this technology is finding spare parts for the tanks and a source of peroxide.

I sorta fixed both: the fuel tank they used on the original one by bell is a D-2 oxygen cylinder repainted, they're 5k new and 200$ on eBay.

The peroxide problem I sorta solved from two approaches, you get a concentrator for solvent extraction (rottavap) and buy the 50% stuff.

The second one is you can burn a fuel like a hydrocarbon in an "afterburner" but it takes a sparkplug under 70% since the vaporization enthralpy on the water is eating your temp to under 200C

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Do you have any pics of the rocket belt?

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 No.35 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post pics of UFO's
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File: 77d92d9d5353c74⋯.png (208.44 KB,664x374,332:187,14289187242680.png)

Lofoten Lights April 2019

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File: 892fba23ce073de⋯.jpg (8.34 KB,320x240,4:3,1505364784469.jpg)

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File: 786e060348a438f⋯.png (180.69 KB,540x338,270:169,142890921698764.png)

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File: fee28e3a1861ed6⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,633x328,633:328,6c090b48b912.jpg)

10 years since the Norway spiral

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File: 59865e22a913ba4⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,624x624,1:1,eu5f33c7eb.jpg)

Photo from a storm in Scotland, August 2020

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 No.246 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This thread is for sharing stories involving ufo's, experiments or other interesting/mysterious events with advanced technology implications.

Post articles or share your story here.

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File: 034b3ff2410c38c⋯.png (25.4 KB,961x199,961:199,ufoalienbookscollection.png)


Yeah there were plenty of these on /leaked/

A lot of the links are dead, but if you look through 8ch.net/leaked using the wayback machine, you might be able to find some working links

I found a working link to an archive like that just now, not sure how long it will still work but;



There's a lot of this stuff online, some of it is dubious, some of it has interesting stuff in it

Some of it was on the internet archive site;


Anything in particular you're interested in?

>Fundamentals of Electric Propulsion - Ion and Hall Thrusters

This is a pdf file

There's some stuff on the pdf thread;


Pic related is the contents of the


Or at least all I have of it

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File: 39776e3bec7f910⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Strange_Creature_looking_f….mp4)


Thank you so much! I'm really just interested in figuring out what the hell is going on and why we are really here. I seek the truth no matter how grim it may be. As far as I have been able to determine thus far, it appears that we as a species are just lab rats of sorts. But that's just my opinion right now.

If I had to be particular; I think finding old imagery and video of the dark side of the moon as well as raw seismographic datasets from when our lunar modules (or otherwise) crashed onto the lunar surface are important to analyze. Also any hard to find data sets mapping the lunar mass concentrations are also of importance.

I tried manually accessing the urls and using the wayback machine for /leaked but to no avail. :( Earliest links to anything are 2019, I usually get weird errors as well.

The forces on this planet have been doing an exceptionally good job of censoring with AI in recent years. It's sad to see so much of history and so many warnings from almost a century ago on what was going to happen to us erased from existence.

Thanks again, here is a video I had to spend a longgg time hunting for.

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File: 43194292220d4a9⋯.png (97.23 KB,1122x1208,561:604,leaked_on_wayback_machine.png)


I don't have much info on the moon at this time. But I think there might well be things on the moon most on earth don't know about. I could maybe dig some stuff up and post some if I find anything but for me its mostly been out of scope, I haven't seen compelling enough things to look into moon related things much since I'm mostly interested in practical tech stuff and the moon anomalies tend to just leave one with more questions than asked to begin with.

That's strange. For me, the archives of the /leaked/ board go back to 2015 and I don't seem to have any issues accessing what's archived. It had a lot of links so it would take a long time to go through it all. The one who kept that board was apparently into collecting data so there must be terabytes upon terabytes of stuff stored somewhere, including data on these types of things. I'm sure most of it is online somewhere but it can be tricky to find. There's a lot of different kinds of links, torrent magnets and a bunch of files which look interesting but not all of them are interesting so it can be a bit of work to sort through to find good stuff.

I've read about certain routers being compromised which would mean someone could control what you might be able to access or send. Such things exist I'm sure. There was a list of compromised router types somewhere. It could also be something else. I wouldn't know but its strange if someone in a certain place can access an open site easily while another cannot.

That vid looks like its showing a flying squid, most would discern this as being a kite. Tree is moving in the wind, there's some big waves. Not to discount it, could be anything. But its likely a kite.

/leaked/ really was a goldmine of information, a lot of interesting files were in the archives linked on there, I mostly just checked on the tech stuff

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File: 6a979c6c392bdad⋯.png (25.01 KB,1292x466,646:233,leaked_eg_patents.png)

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Found this link on /pdfs/:


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File: 1470177427137.jpg (78.05 KB,640x451,640:451,1272986483373.jpg)

 No.372 [Open thread]

Exploration of things relating to paradoxes, higher dimensions and unexplainable phenomena.

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File: 5324fde3dfa38ba⋯.jpg (43.26 KB,440x352,5:4,1281114951588.jpg)

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We should clarify the dimensions better in a way that makes sense to make things easier to work with

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Here's a list of the known dimensions;

1. Line, Length

2. Plane, Height

3. Space, Depth

4. Time, Frame

5. Timeplane, Derivative Frame

6. Spacetime, Alternative Frame

7. Universe, Infinity

8. Multiverse

9. Hyperverse

This list might have differing interpretations, especially considering the higher dimensions which are difficult to comprehend without extrapolations, so these notions could be revised later.


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 No.155 [Open thread]

This thread is for exploring concepts involving advanced technology depicted in stories and rumors which may or may not be true.

If a story is plausible, it belongs in this thread.

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File: 05fddc50a29b8dc⋯.png (318.02 KB,480x360,4:3,143128754365712.png)

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File: 81786b026263c67⋯.jpg (84.82 KB,1180x785,236:157,14394271685492.jpg)

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File: 1436993975924.jpg (209.63 KB,898x469,898:469,116230752533.jpg)

 No.110 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Technologies, ideas and systems which improve living standards with respect for nature.

Self-sufficiency, sustainability and efficiency are relevant here.

Discussion, pics and links.

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File: 1927d5ccf06abe7⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,4000x2768,250:173,14270867232197.jpg)

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File: 54fd6c99db98999⋯.png (340.51 KB,628x422,314:211,14283109441569714.png)

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Supposedly high-energy particles can only be detected coming “down” from space, but apparently heavier particles were detected which seemed to come “up” out of Earth


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This is cool! First time I’ve see someone in /hover/

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File: f490597cd1d1728⋯.png (168.71 KB,380x204,95:51,142870674503897.png)

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File: 0fac0feb4836579⋯.png (431.79 KB,811x523,811:523,13298421776282.png)

 No.624 [Open thread]

This thread has two main focus points;

Linking organic and inorganic

Mimicking nature with electronics and machinery

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File: dd8c4eb60dc9f7e⋯.png (179.42 KB,440x412,110:103,142318710450218.png)

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File: 70efd722c977d8d⋯.png (671.59 KB,610x422,305:211,14209854671516.png)

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File: 363a73c30637368⋯.png (366.45 KB,392x387,392:387,1426984904980840.png)

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File: d0c93a561cf5247⋯.png (169.07 KB,300x300,1:1,3dprinth.png)

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File: 43d4cf7d9f142d7⋯.png (265.34 KB,388x340,97:85,141219849079612.png)

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