[–]▶ No.290819>>290830 >>293443 >>312551 >>323401 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>Contact Info:
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>Public Bans:
>Board Settings:
>Banners: (Feel free to submit more!)
>File size must be lower than 500 KB and dimensions are 300x100 exactly.
>You may upload up to 300 custom banners per board.
>Allowed file formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif.
Only CodeMonkey (CM) can change these.
Feel free to discuss Meta stuff ITT.
If you have to privately contact the current BO: hggbo@airmail.cc
Or look at the contact us page for the emails of the vols.This thread may be periodically edited/updated.
Previous meta threads:
III: https://archive.fo/tms0p
II: https://archive.is/PYHXH
I: https://archive.is/eqWQU
>Why isn't this thread stickied?
Because we assume you can use ctrl+f and locate it. Stickying would clutter the front page.
>Why was I banned? I didn't break any rules?
Please refer to the rules, or posts in the thread around the same time you were banned. Most of the vols will archive why they banned someone, sometimes they won't post the ban so as not to clutter the thread, sometimes they don't archive. They usually have a good reason for banning you and will respond if asked though.
>I shouldn't have been banned!
Report it to one of the vols. All of our emails are in the contact section. If the ban is less than 8 hours, you might not get a response. If you legit shouldn't have been banned, the issue will typically be quickly resolved.
>Why are some bans visible in the thread while some only appear in the logs?
Personal preference of the vol. Sometimes a public statement makes it clear that we're super serious or are just fucking around, but sometimes a quiet ban is preferable if it's irrelevant to the current discussion/thread.
>Some vols only give short five minute bans while others give 8+ hour bans!
Each vol has their own way of dealing with bannable offenses. Some of us take a laxer approach than others, such as editing posts and giving warning bans for first-time offenders, but that's not guaranteed and is a personal preference, not a requirement. Don't take it for granted. We all take a hardline stance on repeat offenders more or less. Just consider it the luck of the draw and a risk you're going to have to take if you violate the rules. It's not our fault if you didn't read the rules page linked on the front page.
Edit: To make it more clear, 8 hours is what the bans are generally supposed to be for first offenses.
>I'm not receiving a reply! My report is going unnoticed!
If you don't immediately receive a reply, its because we usually will let a few posts stack up before replying. We also work or go to school, so while some of us check the thread during the day, we might not be able to respond to something in a ten or thirty minute break unless it requires an immediate and brief response.
>Can I make a thread about X?
You can make a thread about anything really so long as it follows the OP quality rule. Threads that are completely unrelated to porn are likely to get the B&D treatment though.
>I'm an X, so why can't I namefag?
Read the rules.
>Why aren't old threads just left up?
Because it would clutter the board and kick dead but reviveable threads off the board entirely. An exception has been made to keep the previous thread up for a little while, but not forever.
>Why are some threads purged while other threads left up?
<Dev interactivity and non-shitposting activity for the threads will be considered when deciding to delete it or not after the time period for 0.0001 alpha games (currently set to two weeks since the last post).
Some vols take a more liberal stance than others on this rule's application, but basically pump-and-dump threads will be deleted after two weeks while threads that had lots of activity or quality OPs will generally be left up after two weeks so as to allow further discussion down the line.
EDIT on 3/29: Furfags and Cuckshit have been given a soft ban. Please read: >>330674 Please use another board for such content. Options include but are not limited to…
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▶ No.290830>>291130
>>290819 (OP)
That's one of those weird elves ain't it?
▶ No.290836
post more non rape comics
▶ No.291129>>301399
but where is the little girl from?
▶ No.291130
That's a normal elf
▶ No.293443
>>290819 (OP)
She's a pretty cute elf, Grog you're missing out.
▶ No.293472
That's how it should be.
Meta thread is only used after some stupid shit happens in another thread.
▶ No.294248
Deleted >>293150 (Devs: Trying to make a non-shit game.. Advice?) as it is a duplicate of >>213266. Archive: https://archive.fo/h6nKS
▶ No.294432>>294880
ERAfags did two different threads again.
Just in case, the first one has more detailed OP.
▶ No.294880
The second one is a new concise rewrite of that rambling wall of shit that the first copy-pasted. Wordier doesn't mean better, the same essential information is in both.
▶ No.295681>>295683
I was hesitant about trying to shill my own board here since I don't want to attract the Fag95 faggots from threads like the Cuckolding of Champions containment thread, but I figured since my board is pretty dead.
I made a board to talk about anime mangas you might have liked and anything that may involve that, for example, if you liked a manga about tomboys you can talk about tomboys and the manga and so on and so forth. I want more discussion than senseless dump.
Feel free to pass by unless you're one of those faggots. Vanilla is encouraged, everything else may be shat on.
▶ No.295683>>295684
I hate you for various reasons
▶ No.295684
Cool, then stay away.
▶ No.295765>>296030
>removes cuck
Except for that one time with Helia as a 'joke'.
▶ No.296030>>297253 >>297278
>People are still upset about your waifu sleeping with the rest of your harem
▶ No.297125>>297130
It is 2019, anons. Why don't we celebrate that by adding some new banners to the banner list? Posting one of my old creations to atleast start something off with, even if no one bothers to make any.
▶ No.297130>>297167
I was a little upset we didn't have the santa cock thread this year. Actually I was very upset but I kept holding off on posting it hoping someone else would do so and now I'm just flat-out pissed that no one bothered. What the fuck?
▶ No.297167>>297191
Board population is both low and probably forgetful. I've been here since board inception and ironically forgot myself.
▶ No.297191>>297290
Honestly, this board only makes some mods and not anything else nowadays.
It doesn't even bother to participate in multi board wide events now.
▶ No.297253
>I-it was just one time!
Most text games in this board are cancer anyway.
▶ No.297278
I meant the expanded minotaur cum addiction route after which the author "promised" to do additional vanilla content but then fucked off for some (((reason))) rather than >>296030 .
▶ No.297290
>this board only makes some mods and not anything else nowadays.
Where's your game, cuck?
▶ No.301213>>301219 >>301374 >>301625 >>301630
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I think this video is relevant to the board and the site in general.
Josh a former worker at 8chan, he talks about the current owner of the site, Jim and the possibility of the site ceasing to exist in the coming year.
▶ No.301219>>301374 >>301630
josh has been and always will be a retard
▶ No.301374>>301630
>Josh has been and always will be a retard
Okay, but do we have a plan B, just in case?
▶ No.301399
▶ No.301447
>I don't like when people kinkshame me :(
If something, flaming and circklejerking should be encouraged to get rid of faggots like you.
▶ No.301466>>301526
Just don't reply to them and it will stop sooner.
▶ No.301526>>301635
So you're saying it's ok to shitpost
▶ No.301625>>301626
▶ No.301626>>301631 >>301635
/cow/ is the most feminine board on this site and I don't care about it.
▶ No.301630
D4nkruptbeaner t=1h43s , I'd say host an nntpchan instance:
Better now than never
You're /cow/ right?
▶ No.301631
You're, thanks for the confirmation
▶ No.301635
As long it doesn't last more than one day.
>/cow/ is the most feminine board on this site
>He doesn't know about 5+ porn boards about gay shit in top 100 boards
Then there's nothing what can be done about it. At least without causing amount of autistic screeching that would make this shit even worse than it was before.
▶ No.301894>>303619
It was norm for long time already.
If you don't believe me, just look at previous meta threads.
▶ No.303619>>303624 >>303690 >>304200
Self regulating boards only work when the posters meet a basic minimum of quality. I think /hgg/ has too many shit posters now for that model to remain sustainable.
▶ No.303624>>303737
Let me guess, you think it's shitposting because people kinkshame you.
▶ No.303690
While some shitposters are annoying with their posts, it simply still not enough to actually ban them.
▶ No.303737>>303746
No, incels and cuck fetishists are the main subject of my complaint.
I don't talk about my fetishes because this isn't a fucking blog site.
▶ No.303746>>303749
You have to go back.
▶ No.303749>>303750 >>303753
Go back to where?
This has been the only place I post for a long, long time.
▶ No.303750
If that were true you would know what post etiquette means. That or you're fucking retarded
▶ No.303753>>303757
Shame you still use reddit lingo.
▶ No.303757>>303769
I've never used reddit, but that term is a useful one especially because it offends them.
If it meant anything they could be proud of, they wouldn't cry out from hearing it - a lot like naming the Jew, really.
▶ No.303769>>303777
Do you use term NPC too?
▶ No.303777>>303852
▶ No.303852
Don't worry about it if the kids trying too hard to fit in don't like it if you use "NPC" or "incel" since halfcucks use the terms too.
▶ No.304200>>304202 >>304324 >>304358 >>304641
>I think /hgg/ has too many shit posters now for that model to remain sustainable.
I agree because of the number of underageb&s from reddit in part, but a different level of moderation isn't going to get you the results you're after. The only alternative that would get rid of these "shitposters" is an /a/-style moderation chemotherapy, which as I've stated in previous meta threads, I'd be happy to enforce but it would likely drop our numbers to about half or a third of what they currently are because of how aggressive it would require me to be. I'm alright with either the current level or going all-out since both can foster a nice environment to hang out in, but any inbetween compromise would just lead to needless complaints and would make the rules convoluted. I'd ask anons to be hesitant before requesting more moderation as it's not a question of if it could be accomplished but if it should be accomplished.
Link related: https://ghostbin.com/paste/vk8wh
▶ No.304202
The goddess made the right decision.
▶ No.304328
Reporting to say that the Era threads are fine. Yes, there is occasional discontentment/infighting (NTR/cuck, etc, etc, etc), but it's overall stable. Please don't nuke them.
▶ No.304358>>304362 >>304642
/a/ is not really the best example. It'd be justifiable if the post quality were high, but it isn't. /animu/ it's a much better, comfy and wholesome board than /a/ because it is more free or it was, I have some time I haven't gone there
More moderation only leads to people stopping posting. You want redditors and Fag95 to stop posting, not everyone else.
▶ No.304362
>/animu/ is much better, comfy and wholesome board than /a/ because it is more free or it was, I have some time I haven't gone there
It's still good, unfortunately they also got some stupid problems.
As in blackpillfag which infests 4 boards, some lolicon anon which is prone to descend into pure autistic screeching in any threads about anime with loli fanservice, muh cuckime posters from /tv/ and some anons from /a/, because current year /a/ is too much even for them.
▶ No.304640
Modders are basically devs and would actively fall under the title of "dev" unless their mod is something silly like a small adjustment that anyone could do.
Writefags should honestly fuck off with the namefagging and just leave a "written by XAnon" note in their writefagging. It's easy enough to distinguish who's who when they're posting their stories or including the writing equivalent of a watermark at the bottom of their additions.
▶ No.304641>>304644
Ban+Del doesn't solve shit.
If you're going to ban something, put it on high-tow so other anons can laugh at the faggot. Basically, encourage public flaggelation of the outsiders. This kills their false idea that they are welcome to stay- they are not to be tolerated for even an inch, for at their best they are our amusement, not our equals.
Otherwise there's no point, the banned fool can just get a proxy and shift blame again. Or worse, use deleted post ban messages as ammo for intl astroturfing "mods are oppressing us!" bullshit.
Fight ideals, not individuals.
▶ No.304642>>305041
/a/ is a pinnacle example to go off of for dealing with shitposters as far as I'm concerned, but I also believe that it's up to each board to decide the level of shitposting that they put up with. One of their DJs is the /n/ vol, which should be all you need to know about their attitude about shitposting so long as it's not on their board.
▶ No.304644
I can attest from personal experience that [B&D] (or [RB]+[D+]) is much more effective at stopping shitposters and other undesireables in their tracks than bans + messages. When you leave their messages up, it gives them the impression that they're martyrs or otherwise keeps giving them attention and encourages them to come back and start up again once their ban is up (since they will undoubtedly get in several replies before a vol comes around and bans them again). [B&D] stops them in their tracks and leaves no trace that they were ever there, which I assure you enrages an anon and encourages them to fuck off (or lurk more) more than any public banning spree would.
▶ No.305039>>305041
literally who are you
▶ No.305041
>/a/ is a pinnacle
/a/ is trash. You can go even a bit off-rails even with a topic related to the discussion because you get banned, which is why the board is dead and /animu is far superior.
A butthurt fag that doesn't like shotas and love defending female MC games.
▶ No.305834>>306184 >>306188
Free Cities thread has reached critical levels of furry/bestiality. Cooldown procedures needed.
▶ No.306184>>306188
So that's why it 404'd
Oh fuck off, I don't agree with deleting the thread, but constantly having furfags complain that their shitty fetish doesn't get in the game is cancer
▶ No.306188>>306189 >>306211
You two are so fucking autistic it's unbelievable,
every time you autismo lose an argument and your circular logic fail, then you come here attempting to delete the proof of your inadequacy, absolutely pathethic
Mod, if you are reading this, please keep the old thread in archive, autismos constantly deny their bullshit and then demand proof once the thread is deleted, this has to end
▶ No.306189>>306192
>Oh fuck off, I don't agree with deleting the thread,
>you come here attempting to delete the proof of your inadequacy, absolutely pathethic
Where exactly did I say I wanted the thread to be deleted? I said the opposite.
Also, I absolutely hate both Furry and Beastiality
▶ No.306192>>306198
Clean up mean delete everything ((you)) don't like, same thing
>I absolutely hate both Furry and Beastiality
Well you don't like the new addition then, because fucking an animal is called bestiality, and getting off from it mean being a zoophile, plus no one asked to add furryshit in, no one want to add anthro to the game
▶ No.306196
Literally the only thing I've seen that would warrant extra moderation and want moderated is the irrelevant spergfests about how someone doesn't like x and then proceeds to shitpost the thread with ceaseless bitching. It was shitposted so hard it's dead now.
▶ No.306197>>306199 >>306201
Holy shit guys I'm not sure how this happened but were now the 6th biggest board on 8chan?
▶ No.306198
>Clean up mean delete everything ((you)) don't like, same thing
What? One is censorship the other is retaining the idea of the game.
>because fucking an animal is called bestiality
I'm not retarded, you know?
>Well you don't like the new addition then
Yes, I don't. It's almost as if that's the exact thing I fucking said.
▶ No.306199
We've been for a while anon
▶ No.306201
I think it only happened due to shitstorm in FC thread.
It will return to 7th place soon enough.
▶ No.306211
>Mod, if you are reading this, please keep the old thread in archive, autismos constantly deny their bullshit and then demand proof once the thread is deleted, this has to end
I have both and good news: first the bad, the thread deletion was not intended so I didn't personally archive it before hand and I do not have any faith in any archiving site/tool (archive.is only goes untill the 26th and the wayback machine untill the 10th, this site's (using the beta shield I see) archive only goes to October 1-10 last year, finally google cache is probably the only section of google that fully blocks the site as intended). However the previous thread was fully archived, link in the new thread. The single spam scrapper (zagforums) I searched only had the previous thread as well.
EDIT: I eventually managed to find links to the thread that got nuked however they were 404 as them seemed to be linking to it.
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▶ No.306215>>306414
The shitposting has started anew in FCmod thread again, all because someone didn't like being told no.
This is why we can't have nice things.
▶ No.306229
We moved the /hgg/ CoC writing tutorial to Jewgle Docs in favor of the board nav bar link so the board owner doesn't need to be bothered every time it needs to be changed, edited, or added to. Thanks for having it up there is the first place, it helped out a lot.
If you want to see the new writing guide, it's in the OP for the thread.
▶ No.306274
Update your copypasta, faggot.
▶ No.306334>>306355
I'm aware it's in the game and I want it out ASAP.
▶ No.306355
I don't think that autistic screeching will help in removing that.
▶ No.306414>>306435
Pregmodder should add an unavoidable event where a jew cucks the MC of a supremacist arcology. If they are going to scream anyway, it may as well be amusing.
▶ No.306433
>Doing something wrong because it's funny
Do you know where you are?
▶ No.306435>>306449
>Adding millionaire-tier event for cheap laugh.
No thanks.
If you say so.
▶ No.306449
>Adding millionaire-tier event for cheap laugh.
The chans died when people stopped having fun with them.
▶ No.306567>>306636 >>306697
I don't even know what kind of argument that is supposed to be making. All I know is that I miss the days when Anonymous did not avoid offending people because politics.
▶ No.306636
I didn't know that making mod for some text H-game was political.
▶ No.306697>>306711 >>307026
It's because the chans grew up and faced the truth; there is a collection of ideologies that seek to destroy everything the chans represent. When you suggest to incorporate an event in a fictional game that is about a group of people subverting and destroying what the player has built using the same group of people who actively try to subvert and destroy the chans, you lose any protection that "shitposting" or" fun" becomes a defense. Anons the world over are wise to the enemy behind the curtain that would see our freedom taken from us in furthering their own ends. Any ideology that would strip the chans of their meaning and purpose cannot be joked over. It must simply be eradicated. Anyone who supports the destruction of the chans - however indirectly or fictionally - "for teh lulz" is an infiltrator or traitor who deserves the rope.
▶ No.306711>>306807
>that seek to destroy everything the chans represent
The chans never represented anything. They were not some idealistic collective. If anything, they were the antithesis of such a thing.
>When you suggest to incorporate an event in a fictional game that is about a group of people subverting and destroying what the player has built using the same group of people who actively try to subvert and destroy the chans
It upsets people who take stupid shit like freeware text porno video games seriously. Ask yourself how you managed to get to the point in your life where you see such trivial nonsense as this as a battleground against the dark forces of evil.
>that would see our freedom taken from us
Toppest of all keks. What freedums do you think you have exactly?
>Any ideology that would strip the chans of their meaning and purpose cannot be joked over.
On the contrary, that sounds like the biggest joke of all time.
>the rope
Too bad you are on the internet and not IRL.
▶ No.306807>>306918 >>310535
>posts chanology faggotry
>chans never represented anything
>there totally isn't a cabal of international globalists attempting to silence any and all unapproved opposition
>these people totally don't flood internet sites with shills in an attempt to push their ideology
You don't belong here. You've never belonged here. And you will never belong here.
▶ No.306918>>307005 >>307022
>But that isn't an excuse to be an asshat.
You can't be serious. That is exactly what it is.
>What I like about 8chan is that it brought the "be better" mentality
That shit doesn't mean anything other than taking things that people do on the internet seriously. Being "better" (a humorless moralizer apparently) does not make anything better. A lot of the oldfags moved here, because cuckchan was nothing more than a social media shithole after about 2010, and 420chan fell into the same over-moderated trap that 7chan once fell into. Now the moral crusaders here want to police people's actions in the name of defending some absurd ideal that never existed in the first place. The fun internet is over, isn't it? It died when LulzSec got v&, and we have all just been coming back out of habit.
>This is exactly why these games never improve in the first place.
I know that you can't be stupid enough to believe that. The games don't improve, because every independent dev who takes one gets ambitious enough to think that he can live off of it, gets a Patreon to pay his bills because he needs to for all the time he sinks into it, tries to fit fucking everything into the game in order to coax money out of his subscribers, and then flames out and stops working regularly on it.
>doesn't understand that he has become the moral internet crusader larping as a superhero just like the guys in EFG masks
You faggots are just Chanology all over again.
▶ No.306933
Good thing you can just make your own board and leave this shithole forever.
▶ No.307005>>307022 >>311890
>you see my fellow non-SJW's, you're exactly as bad as the SJW's m'kay?
>so like, stop with that and stuff
>you wouldn't wanna be like those darn SJW's would you?
You say humorless, but I'm having a lot of fun over here. Please shill-kun, tell us more about how you're really one of us and the only way we can avoid being like the people we hate is to let them in and run roughshod over the place.
▶ No.307022
>You can't be serious. That is exactly what it is.
Maybe for you. You should go back to /b/, underage retard.
>A lot of the oldfags moved here, because cuckchan was nothing more than a social media shithole after about 2010, and 420chan fell into the same over-moderated trap that 7chan once fell into
Yes, because it was full of underage faggots that did everything under "muh for the lulz". If you don't like to be "policed" you can always go back to cuckchan, where you belong, because you certainly don't belong here. Or you can go to /b/ like a newfag and keep posting Travis over and over, that's fun, isn't it? It's so random.
>The games don't improve, because every independent dev who takes one gets ambitious enough to think that he can live off of it, gets a Patreon to pay his bills because he needs to for all the time he sinks into it, tries to fit fucking everything into the game in order to coax money out of his subscribers, and then flames out and stops working regularly on it
Sure, that's the excuse for western trash. But what with the brainded people that keep paying for them? Tell them that and they are going to tell you "lol it's just porn" just like you're telling me "lol it's just the internetz".
>You say humorless, but I'm having a lot of fun over here
This. It's fun to make fun of oblivious faggot tht do everything for the lulz. Ironically, they are the best lolcows.
▶ No.307026>>307045 >>309759
>Complaining about people from outside of the original group coming in and ruining a semiobscure topic
>As brown
/hgg/ is a /d/ child. Faggy shit and cuckoldry have been here since the beginning and they've always been shit, but anyone who legitimately came from a fetish board and/or was used to trawling through the sea of cuckshit that nipland produces when looking for games isn't going to mind at all.
Getting triggered by other people's preferences and fetishes clearly demonstrates the lack of experience you have with hentai games, which is perhaps unsurprising considering that you're the same faggots that tagged along with a moral censorship crusade before spending enough time on /v/ to eventually run into hentai games.
▶ No.307045>>307051
>/hgg/ is a /d/ child
Not really. Yes, there's shit like that and there always was, but they had their own containment threads, mostly text games shit, and /d/ fags were slowly pushed there seeing how they weren't welcomed in literally any other thread. Just because they were here from the beginning doesn't mean people always liked them.
>but anyone who legitimately came from a fetish board and/or was used to trawling through the sea of cuckshit that nipland produces when looking for games isn't going to mind at all.
>I'm used to eat shit and as so, I don't mind eating more shit
>Getting triggered by other people's preferences and fetishes clearly demonstrates the lack of experience you have with hentai games
Or maybe I spend enough time to start hating that shit and realizing that "tolerance" don't make things any better. It never does except for the people that NEEDS that tolerance, ie /d/ fags and the such.
I was glad then /d/ was chased out of /monster/. Those subhumans don't deserve sympathy.
▶ No.307051>>307056 >>307058
>I was glad then /d/ was chased out of /monster/
Says a fucking furrfag in denial
If anything the /d/eviants are much better posters than furrfags in denial from monster inserting their furrfaggotry-lite everywhere
▶ No.307056
Maybe, but if I'm going to be a furfag, at least I'm not going to be a 10 inch futa furry in denial.
>If anything the /d/eviants are much better posters than furrfags
Do you know that /chaos/ is the same as /d/ but for furfags, right? You're welcomed to fuck off over there to keep sticking dicks up your ass as if sodomy and transvestism was something good.
▶ No.307058
>If anything the /d/eviants are much better posters than furrfags in denial from monster inserting their furrfaggotry-lite everywhere
You are delusional if you genuinely think that's the case. /d/umbfucks are nothing but faggots in denial, they have every shit taste possible, from traps and trannies to inflation, everything that furfags are shunned for, in fact, they have a furry thread.
You're not only an hypocrite, but you're also full of shit, like most /d/umbfucks.
▶ No.308216>>308456
Can I be given mod powers to indiscriminately ban people I suspect to get faggers or from off board?
▶ No.308456
No way fag.
>Fenceshitter-tier argument
▶ No.309759>>331069
>Sea of cuckshit in Japanese games
/r/ing the picture showing how as a ratio, cuckshit makes up like less than 1% of Japanese hentai while making up something ridiculous like 40% of English translated work.
▶ No.310535
She's not wearing a shit underneath that
▶ No.311090>>311098
Yet more evidence that fagzoners are being directed straight here.
▶ No.311098
Crossposters are a crime against humanity
▶ No.311393>>311604
Are you sure the faggot pushing that bullshit about
>Everything that doesn't let me self-insert as a male MC is cuckshit!
Isn't a fag95 or cuckchan crossposter?
It looks painfully obvious he doesn't belong here with how oblivious he is about like, 90% of the games that are posted about, considering he spammed nearly every thread asking if it's cuckshit like some kind of retard.
Even if his points are aligned with the board, it's like he's pushing an extreme of it so badly about his stupidly broadened version of "netorare", without any idea of what he's actually talking about. People will start abhorring that kind of mentality and might start posting actual real NTR games just to get a few kicks out of his reactions.
You know, like the faggots in /v/ that used to shitpost and destroy entire unrelated FPS threads about how Halo was complete utter shit and killing the genre because regenerating health, but then you had community efforts about Halo CE/dewrito multiplayer gatherings a few months later, despite actually being an unmoddable piece of shit with subpar gameplay and terrible level design. It seems like forced conseus.
Sage because i don't expect anything to be done moderation-wise, just wanted to put a few words out there and see if they flip out over it
▶ No.311604
>might start posting actual real NTR games just to get a few kicks out of his reactions
> t.Someone who didn't saw two NTR H-game generals, which were done just in this year
▶ No.311826>>311844 >>312043
>It's pretty simple
Define it then. I'm not sure if you're a legitimately retarded autist or a cuck pretending to be retarded to get sympathy, but either way you should fuck off. Someone having an orgasm that doesn't involve you or the player character isn't cuckoldry. Having a female MC isn't cuckoldry. Casual sex isn't cuckoldry. Making a character that is in a relationship which the player is supposed to empathize with wind up fucking other people is cuckoldry. Not everything that's degenerate is cuckoldry. There are very clear distinctions between all of these scenarios which you seem to be willfully ignorant of, assuming your chromosome count isn't actually equal to your IQ.
>I shitposted them to dead
That's a funny way of spelling "spammed with gore and scat".
▶ No.311844>>311849 >>311860
>Define it then
If someone other than the MC have sex, it's cuckshit. If you don't agree, just go and watch porn like a cuck.
>but either way you should fuck off
No u, cuck, cucks don't belong in the enterity of 8chan, and as proof, their cuck boards are dead.
>Someone having an orgasm that doesn't involve you or the player character isn't cuckoldry
It depends, it's masturbation? Then it's ok, that's not sex. If it involves someone other than the MC, then it's cuckshit.
>Having a female MC isn't cuckoldry.
>Watching the woman you're playing the game with getting fucked by everything while you masturbate in the corner is not cuckshit
Hmmm… Whatever you say, cuck.
>Casual sex isn't cuckoldry
>Being okay with whores and sloppy seconds is not cuckshit
Hmmm… Whatever you say, cuck.
>Making a character that is in a relationship which the player is supposed to empathize with wind up fucking other people is cuckoldry
100% of female MC games.
>That's a funny way of spelling "spammed with gore and scat".
And it worked.
You sound awfully mad, cuck. Are you mad because I'm exposing your cuck tastes? It's not too late, retard, you can change.
▶ No.311849>>311861
Have you considered that not everyone is literally low-functioning autistic and therefore doesn't necessarily self-insert as the MC of whatever medium they interact with? Considering you literally seem to be unable to even comprehend the notion of voyeurism, I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't.
>100% of female MC games feature girls in a relationship that the player is supposed to empathize with
How many FeMC games have you even played? There are literally two female MC NTR games that I can think of, discounting nu-Ore Teki Shikou, out of dozens. VH, Virgin Island, VPM, every single Clymenia game, and most Acerola games, to name a few off the top of my head.
▶ No.311860>>311871 >>311901
Anon, it's perfectly reasonable to feel that way and have those preferences, but that fact that you seem unable to comprehend that not everyone likes the same things as you and that your opinions aren't objective facts is worrying. Surely you must realize from the replies you read that very, very few people feel as extremely about this as you do? Are you legitimately autistic/sociopathic? If so, I implore you to recognize that you are the abnormal one, not everyone else.
▶ No.311861>>311869 >>311887
>Have you considered that not everyone is literally low-functioning autistic
Dunno, you were indoctrinated to like cuck porn, so I'm pretty sure you're pretty slow witted like a normalfag.
>doesn't necessarily self-insert as the MC of whatever medium they interact with?
Except that's the only thing that differentiates video games from literally any other media. If you don't want to self insert, go and watch porn like a normalfag.
>Considering you literally seem to be unable to even comprehend the notion of voyeurism
Vouyerism = cuckolding
Try to justify anyway you want masturbating in the corner while other people fuck, but that does makes you a textbook cuck.
>100% of female MC games feature girls in a relationship that the player is supposed to empathize with
Yeah, you're the one in the relationship with the female MC, or do you self-insert as her? That's gay, and it's equally as bad. The reason you play those games is because you find the main character attractive, don't you? Since you're already attracted to her and all you do is masturbate as everything else fucks her, again, you're a textbook cuck.
>There are literally two female MC NTR games that I can think of
Really? Because I can open dlsite at anytime and I guarantee you there will be at least 2 in the front page, all female MC NTR shit.
Cuck games are shit. Female MC games are shit and cuckshit. They are also nothing more than shovelware, all of them play the same and all of them have shit fetishes on it.
▶ No.311869>>311873 >>311875
>watching random people have sex is the same thing as watching your SO fuck someone else
>not understanding how relationships work
actual autism
▶ No.311871>>311885 >>311887
>it's perfectly reasonable to feel that way and have those preferences
It really isn't. Homosexuality and sexual dimorphism are mental illnesses because they are biological dead ends, it is not intended to be, and as so there's something wrong with you if you like it. Same with cucks, in fact, being a cuck goes against EVERTHING a human male is supposed to be, therefore, you're mentally ill. This is not some subjective shit, these are objective truths.
>but that fact that you seem unable to comprehend that not everyone likes the same things as you and that your opinions aren't objective facts is worrying
>I-it's just subjective, goy!
>It's [Current Year]! You can be mentally ill and you can force others to accept it because it's their (((opinion)))!
You either deal with facts or shut the fuck up about your opinions. What you like is disgusting, period, so don't get mad when someone else shits on it.
>very, very few people feel as extremely about this as you do?
Maybe, but the fact that there's people that hate cuckolding as much as I do in the world is nice. I couldn't care less if it was a lot or little, though, facts are not a democracy.
>Are you legitimately autistic/sociopathic? If so, I implore you to recognize that you are the abnormal one, not everyone else.
>You have to realize that having a normal reaction towards someone that generates disgust such as cuckolding is abnormal
Whatever you say, (((anon))).
▶ No.311873>>312045
>Random people
If you play vitamin quest because you like the MC then you're a cuck. She is no longer a stranger, she is the reason you started playing the game and it's the only woman you will see for the rest of the game getting fucked by everything.
Also, for it to be cuckshit it doesn't need to be in a relationship, at least in games, because the fact that the woman it's there means it should be fucked by the MC and no one else, otherwise, it's cuckshit. Why would there be a woman in there if not to be fucked by the MC, which is an extension of you? Are you a cuck?
▶ No.311875>>311877 >>311887 >>312045
ok let me get this straight, you're a developer who can do everything he wants about a game, and he CHOOSE to FORCE the player to watch people fuck instead of letting the player do the fucking? That is suspicious as fuck if you ask me.
It'd be nice if it was just a mention of "this woman fucks this random guy" and you don't even see it, but there's even art for it in some games. That's simple a waste of assets, times, and it isn't hard to get why people upset about this would consider it NTR.
▶ No.311877
>It'd be nice if it was just a mention of "this woman fucks this random guy" and you don't even see it
Not really, the implication is bad enough already and just typing it to include it in the game is retarded, is not hot, and is just a waste of time.
▶ No.311885>>311894
Well I'd point out the appeal to nature fallacy, but you don't even quite get that right.
>Homosexuality and sexual dimorphism are mental illnesses because they are biological dead ends, it is not intended to be
But anon, just because something is a biological dead end doesn't mean it's "naturally"/genetically bad. Why do you think homosexuality naturally occurs? Having males that aren't part of the breeding populace can actually be a good thing for social animals like us. Also, why is being so obsessed with fictional sex that you post on an obscure eroge forum okay if other non-procreative sexual acts aren't? How did any of those loads you blew to 2D tits contribute to your genetic legacy? What's the difference between fucking a dude's ass and masturbating, other than you don't like one of them? Additionally, is every action you take healthy and moral? Have you never ever done something because it felt good, even though it wouldn't benefit you in the long run? Because you have, so you should be able to understand that no one acts perfectly according to some objective genetic/moral standards.
>What you like is disgusting, period
I don't like female MC games either, because I self-insert. It's just that I understand that not everyone does. Why is inserting yourself into a game the only way you could enjoy it? It's fine if what you like isn't some objective best. You're so obsessed with being right that you have to find a way to justify your every single opinion and quality, but you don't have to. If you weren't so insecure, you wouldn't have to project your weakness onto everything else, and you wouldn't have to be mad when people like other things. Step back for a moment and reflect on how utterly pathetic your efforts have been. Could you tell your ancestors to their face that their descendant wastes his time trying to convince faggots on the internet that they're jacking off to slightly worse degeneracy than you? Can you take any pride in your life? Do you think any of the things you do here really matter?
This goes beyond whining about cuckshit, anon. I see people like you, and I feel for you, because I understand the desire to be right, but when you let it turn into making the things you like/are right rather than trying to like/be the right things, it becomes a problem. I believe you can change, and I believe that you can mature, but you have to recognize that a lot of the things you care about really don't matter in the end.
▶ No.311887>>311895 >>311897
>that's the only thing that differentiates video games from literally any other media
You sound like one of those retards who doesn't understand why VNs aren't actually games. Gameplay and format is what makes a video game a video game. There are also retards who self-insert as Harry Potter or whoever the fuck the protagonist of twilight is, it doesn't change that self-inserting isn't a prerequisite for playing a game, nor does it make anything that isn't a game a game.
>Try to justify anyway you want masturbating in the corner while other people fuck
Except that's what you're actually doing with any type of pornography no matter how deeply you're invested in pretending that you're actually the character that's having sex. Delusions =/=reality
>Yeah, you're the one in the relationship with the female MC
How the fuck would you be in a relationship with a fictional woman in a porn game?
>or do you self-insert as her
No, because I'm not autistic.
>The reason you play those games is because you find the main character attractive, don't you?
Yes, if they were ugly, I wouldn't play it. Getting angry over someone having sex with someone else just because you're attracted to them is unironically a warning sign of sociopathy. If you can't find someone sexually attractive without immediately forming some weird, one-sided emotional obsession there is something very wrong with you, specifically.
>there will be at least 2 in the front page
I see literally one in that image and I typically don't pay much attention to them regardless, unless they're a circle I'm willing to compromise with for appealing to other stuff I like.
>sexual dimorphism are mental illnesses
I don't think you know what "dimorphism" means.
>letting the player do the fucking
Jacking off to a computer screen isn't sex.
If I'm being totally honest it sounds like you have a bunch of cognitive dissonance between your ideals and what you actually do, especially sexually, and should probably go to /christian/ or whatever the fuck and try to actually meet someone to get into an actual relationship and have sex instead of bitching about porn games, but that's just my two cents.
▶ No.311890
B-but anon-kun! If you kill the terrorists, they win!
▶ No.311893
>the first thing it thinks of are hashtags
You are not one of us.
▶ No.311894>>311900 >>311901 >>311909
>I'd point out the appeal to nature fallacy
Doesn't apply. Genetic dead ends are factually wrong, it's not some ambiguous bad and wrong situation. If you're a fag or a cuck, you're just a freak, as it should be. Also, nature fallacy is a rule of thumb, or are you going to tell me that a sickness, something that is actually unnatural for the organism, is good despite being, well, unnatural?
>just because something is a biological dead end doesn't mean it's "naturally"/genetically bad
It is. If you want to go extinct you're abnormal, and a faggot.
>Why do you think homosexuality naturally occurs? Having males that aren't part of the breeding populace can actually be a good thing for social animals like us
Now you're just being retarded and this is a fucking misconception
Homosexual behavior in animals isn't something they choose to do, it isn't their life style and, more importantly, is temporally. Animals that engage in homosexual behavior only do it for the time being due to circumstances like lack of female or simple entertainment in the case of intelligent animals like dolphins or some monkeys, and they eventually go to mate with women.
>why is being so obsessed with fictional sex that you post on an obscure eroge forum okay if other non-procreative sexual acts aren't?
There are enough cuck sites. This shouldn't be one, starting with the fact that cucks are cancer.
>How did any of those loads you blew to 2D tits contribute to your genetic legacy?
Incentive breeding.
>What's the difference between fucking a dude's ass and masturbating, other than you don't like one of them?
AIDs, and the fact that fucking a dude's ass leads nowhere, masturbation helps your sperm count as long as you do it with moderation.
>is every action you take healthy and moral?
Yes. I'm not an animal, nor a cuck.
>Have you never ever done something because it felt good, even though it wouldn't benefit you in the long run?
Nope. Even recreational activities helps to clear the mind and be more productive, such as video games. Just because you're a shit human being doesn't mean everyone else is. Sadly, I give you that the majority is, which is why the mentality of "IT'S JUST PORNZ GUYZ" it's so prevalent. If you think that, kill yourself asap.
>It's just that I understand that not everyone does
Good for you, fenceshitter. That's the mentality of a leftie, though.
>Why is inserting yourself into a game the only way you could enjoy it?
Because, as said a million of times before, it's the only thing that separates video games from other media. Not doing it it's a waste of everything. If you don't self-insert you might as well watch porn like a normalfag.
>It's fine if what you like isn't some objective best
The thought process of subhumans.
>but you don't have to
I do, because I'm not a subhuman. Live your life in waste.
>B-but you're only insecure!
I'm not, I'm certain of what I say and what I believe.
>and you wouldn't have to be mad when people like other things
I do, specially when it affects the things I like. The main reason I hate cuckshit it's because it infects every game I might like, beyond the fact that cucks are nature's mistakes.
>Step back for a moment and reflect on how utterly pathetic your efforts have been
Dunno, plenty of cuck threads have been gone to shit because of me and some other anons. Seems pretty significant at least board-wise.
>Could you tell your ancestors to their face that their descendant wastes his time trying to convince faggots on the internet that they're jacking off to slightly worse degeneracy than you?
Yes, they'd be proud.
>Do you think any of the things you do here really matter?
Keeping a single place out of the cancer that cuckolding is doesn't matter? Maybe not, but I can try.
>I see people like you, and I feel for you, because I understand the desire to be right, but when you let it turn into making the things you like/are right rather than trying to like/be the right things, it becomes a problem
Holy shit, you can't be serious, are you trying to IMPLY that liking cuckolding is somehow right? What else? Will you imply that rape is ok too? Will you imply that pedophilia is ok too? I can very well tell how lolicon is right compared to actual pedophilia, specially when I don't insist nor preach that liking it is ok, but you're actually trying to convince me that something that is wrong in every way is right.
If you're a cuck, go ahead and be one, it's hard to cure mental illnesses, but don't get mad when people shit on you for being mentally ill.
▶ No.311895>>311900
>Jacking off to a computer screen isn't sex.
I don't think you know what "self-insertion" is.
>Muh Christians
Your fedora is showing.
>My two cents
Reddit needs to fuck off.
▶ No.311897>>311901
Continuing here since the last post was too long
>You sound like one of those retards who doesn't understand why VNs aren't actually games
Heh, VNs are games. Anything that gives you control over a character it's a game, particularly a video game. Sounds to mee like you were banned from /v/ for shitposting.
>There are also retards who self-insert as Harry Potter or whoever the fuck the protagonist of twilight is
They are probably retards seeing how there's nothing that lets you control them.
>Except that's what you're actually doing with any type of pornography no matter how deeply you're invested in pretending that you're actually the character that's having sex
Not really. Having control of a character at least gives you more involvement than any other media gives you. You're not just sitting in the corner, you actually move the character around, which is supposed to be a representation of you, in order to achieve sex. In fact, the concept of an "avatar" goes back to Hinduism.
>How the fuck would you be in a relationship with a fictional woman in a porn game?
You tell me, you're the cuck who plays female MC cuck games. Also, you don't need to be in a relationship, and relationship it's an ambiguous word. If you're attracted to a character and you see her fucking with someone else, it's cuckshit.
>No, because I'm not autistic.
Nah, you're just a cuck since you love watching her fuck other men.
>Getting angry over someone having sex with someone else just because you're attracted to them is unironically a warning sign of sociopathy
Well, I guess sociopaths are not cucks.
>If you can't find someone sexually attractive without immediately forming some weird, one-sided emotional obsession there is something very wrong with you
You're the faggot saying that you can't have relationships with fictional women, so which is it? You're making no fucking sense, cuck, all I see is you justifying wanting to see the women you find attractive fucking other men like a cuck. You said it yourself, if you don't like the woman, you wouldn't play the game.
>unless they're a circle I'm willing to compromise with for appealing to other stuff I like.
Like a spineless cuck.
>I don't think you know what "dimorphism" means.
You're right, I meant dysphoria.
>Jacking off to a computer screen isn't sex.
It doesn't need to be, but it's better than just watching.
>If I'm being totally honest it sounds like you have a bunch of cognitive dissonance between your ideals and what you actually do
But I don't masturbate to cuck porn unlike you, cuck.
▶ No.311900>>311904 >>311907
>Genetic dead ends are factually wrong
You don't understand what a fallacy is, and yet your line of thinking is so entrenched in one that you can't even express two clauses without making a non sequitur.
>isn't something they choose to do
How do you demonstrate choice, dipshit?
>Incentive breeding
Potato fisting.
>I'm certain of what I say and what I believe
Stupidity and arrogance is a bad combination.
>I hate cuckshit it's because it infects every game I might like
If you take what you consider cuckshit out of every game you consider cuckshit they'd have no content whatsoever and every single one would be exactly the same except for the artwork
>are you trying to IMPLY that liking cuckolding is somehow right
No, he's trying to imply that you're unironically obsessed with reading cuckoldry into every fucking porn game because you're an autist who doesn't understand the basics of interpersonal relationships.
>All christians go to /christian/, therefore anyone who directs them there must be enlightened by their own intelligence
I'm not entirely sure where you're from, but you have to go back.
>Anything that gives you control over a character it's a game, particularly a video game
Games have goals, losing conditions, rules, and interactivity. A CYOA book isn't a game, VNs aren't games.
>lets you control them
You aren't actually controlling them, there is a set number of possible inputs with predetermined consequences.
>the concept of an "avatar" goes back to Hinduism
Congratulations, Pajeet, it still doesn't make you a video game character.
>if you don't like the woman, you wouldn't play the game
Jesus Christ, aren't autists supposed to be decent at logic? Sexual attraction is not the same thing as emotional investment; by your reasoning any pornography is automatically cuckoldry.
▶ No.311901>>311907 >>311914
No, the other anon isn't the problem, you faggots are. You and others like you are the abnormal ones, and you yearn for your sickness to be considered "health." So when others call you and yours out for the disease that you are, you turn logic on it's head and expect us to accept you and your sickness, replete with subtle and not-so-subtle insinuations about how maybe we're actually the sick ones.
You need to go and stay go.
This guy gets it. Suffer not the cuck to live.
▶ No.311904>>311909 >>311919
>I'm not entirely sure where you're from, but you have to go back.
>I'm a fedora so everytime someone says something morally sound they are obviously from /christian/
Fedoras are expensive, paco.
>Games have goals, losing conditions, rules, and interactivity
VNs have all that, faggot.
>You aren't actually controlling them
You're. Life is a set number of possibilities with predetermined consequences. If you don't believe me, toss yourself over some stairs and break your neck already.
>it still doesn't make you a video game character
It literally does.
>Sexual attraction is not the same thing as emotional investment
And you don't need emotional investment to be a cuck. It's almost as if you don't know roleplaying is a thing for autists.
>by your reasoning any pornography is automatically cuckoldry.
It is, outside of porn games.
▶ No.311907>>311919
>You don't understand what a fallacy is
Neither do you, it seems. Doesn't change the fact that genetic dead ends are as wrong as an illness, unless you're a bug catcher.
>How do you demonstrate choice, dipshit?
Because animals literally don't have process of thought, retard. They move by instinct. And the ones that do engage in homosexuality for fun.
>Stupidity and arrogance is a bad combination.
Indecisiveness and fenceshitting are the signs of a leftist.
>If you take what you consider cuckshit out of every game you consider cuckshit they'd have no content whatsoever and every single one would be exactly the same except for the artwork
Sounds good to me. You don't need to modify games like incestral awakening, forest of the blue sky, among others. There's a single male MC on them. That's how all games should be.
>Congratulations, Pajeet, it still doesn't make you a video game character.
Anon, when a game gives you the ability to take all of the characters decisions, as limited as they might be, that makes that character an extension of you. It's pretty much the basis of prosthesis.
>Sexual attraction is not the same thing as emotional investment; by your reasoning any pornography is automatically cuckoldry
Well, tell me what'd you call sitting in a corner and masturbating to women you feel attracted to, cuck.
>Suffer not the cuck to live.
Purge the cuck, brother.
▶ No.311909>>311914 >>311935
>Doesn't apply.
>Also, nature fallacy is a rule of thumb,
>It is. If you want to go extinct you're abnormal, and a faggot.
These all make me think you don't understand the appeal to nature fallacy, so I'll explain it briefly. Saying that something is worthwhile/valuable solely because it is "natural" is fallacious. If your argument for something is that it is natural or if it's against something solely because it is unnatural, then you are not providing an actual argument. It does not mean that unnatural things are good, or that you can't argue for something that you view as "natural." It simply means that you have to provide more basis for your argument than just that.
>Genetic dead ends are factually wrong
Anon, I really want to believe that you can improve yourself, but if you can type nonsensical things like this and "sexual dimorphism is a mental illness" while still self-righteously believing that you are always 100% in the right is actually worrying.
>Homosexual behavior in animals isn't something they choose to do
Humans are animals, anon. Homosexual behavior in humans has advantages, as I was saying last time. I cite https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/300145?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.
>There are enough cuck sites.
You've dodged this question, which is disappointing, as I think it's the real crux of the problem. If, according to your view, the sole purpose of a sexual act should be breeding, why is it okay for you to enjoy non-procreative sexual acts?
You can get STDs from fucking a chick, so why is this relevant?
>masturbation helps your sperm count as long as you do it with moderation.
Citation needed, and that doesn't really matter if you're not actively trying to breed with a woman.
>Yes. I'm not an animal, nor a cuck.
What's your weight? How's your skin? Is your diet optimized to give you solely the nutrients you need? Are you comfortable with how much money you make? Are you emotionally fulfilled (loved, respected, accepted)? How often do you actions directly contribute to your future happiness? Do you have any children? How have your actions in the last week contributed to you having a child? Also, I'd like to point out once again that you are in fact an animal and that the actions of wild animals are probably more optimized for their health than those of most humans. Beyond that, the fact that you answered that every action you take is blatantly wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, and the people who deny that they sometimes do things they shouldn't are the ones who just rationalize all of their problems away.
>Even recreational activities helps to clear the mind and be more productive, such as video games.
Yes, you're being so productive right now.
>it's the only thing that separates video games from other media.
No it's interactivity. You can interact with/control events in a game without imagining that you're actually the protagonist.
>The main reason I hate cuckshit it's because it infects every game I might like, beyond the fact that cucks are nature's mistakes.
This is actually a reasonable viewpoint (or it would be, if you didn't have strange delusions about what cuckshit actually is), and I''ll happily agree to bullying cucks away from places they aren't wanted, but you make it personal and take it too far, looking for the enemy in every opinion that differs even slightly from yours.
>Yes, they'd be proud.
You don't actually believe this, do you? It's fine if you say it just to try to look smug or whatever, but if you actually can imagine explaining what you're doing to your great grandfather and not making him deeply ashamed of his lineage, you've got another thing coming.
>Holy shit, you can't be serious, are you trying to IMPLY that liking cuckolding is somehow right?
No, maybe I worded that poorly. I'm saying that everyone wants to be right, and everyone likes a certain set of things, not all of which are right. There are three possible reactions: giving up, deluding yourself into believing that everything you like it right, or trying to better yourself and slowly shift towards liking the right things. You very clearly do the second.
>It literally does.
I really, really wanted to try to help you, anon, but you're delusional. I don't mean this as an insult, and I'm not trying to end the argument with an ad hominem, but you have clearly stated in plain terms that you are deluded and that you cannot separate fiction from reality, so I don't believe it would be possible to convince you of anything.
▶ No.311914>>311927
>You and others like you are the abnormal ones
What I think is that these faggots have been so deep into the rabbit hole that they consider these things normal or remotely ok. Yes, I get it, you can't change people for what they are, even if they are cucks, but they at least should be ashamed of it. Instead, you see the disgusting fetish being pushed in every single game.
>but you have clearly stated in plain terms that you are deluded and that you cannot separate fiction from reality
I can. As simple as to differentiate lolis from real children. But When you play AS character, when you take the control of a character to the point of hearing his thoughts and make decisions for him, how it that not becoming the character? It's almost as if imagination wasn't a thing.
And here is the thing, you can imagine to be everything you want with the right tools, and you choose to be a cuck. I don't think I need help, anon, you do, you need to realize you're being indoctrinated to like and even defend cuckporn, you can stop. You don't have to attack it, but you can stop being a cuck altogether. Stop watching porn, stop masturbating to MFM threesomes. You can do it, but chances are, you don't want to because you're far too gone.
▶ No.311919>>311927 >>311930 >>311941 >>311944
>reflecting guilt over indulging in pornography is morally sound
>VNs have all that, faggot.
They don't have any of them more than a CYOA book does.
>Life is a set number of possibilities with predetermined consequences
You're technically correct, but it's an argument of scale. How many games are there where you can "toss yourself over some stairs and break your neck already", for example?
>need emotional investment to be a cuck
You actually do, it's the main part of the fetish. This is why actual cuck games have a lead-in that attempts to do exactly that. Games that don't aren't considered cuck games by people who aren't autistic, which are, coincidentally, the games that the other anon and myself are arguing in favor of. I agree that actual cuckoldry is way too overrepresented, but this point, specifically, is probably the impasse between you and most people.
>Neither do you, it seems
A fallacy is a flaw in logical argumentation,
>Genetic dead ends are factually wrong
is an example. For this to be true, genetic dead ends would have to be nonexistent. What you probably actually meant is
>Genetic dead ends are morally wrong
with the hidden clause being the naturalistic fallacy, explicitly formulated as
>Genetic dead ends are unnatural
>Unnatural things are morally wrong
>Therefore, genetic dead ends are morally wrong
This would at least be logically valid, but still unsound, because the first premise is still untrue, since genetic dead ends do occur naturally due to mutation. But this isn't a logic 101 course.
>Because animals literally don't have process of thought
As someone who is actually studying neuroscience and has a degree in biology, I think this is pretty dubious, but I don't really want to go into a long digression.
>when a game gives you the ability to take all of the characters decisions, as limited as they might be, that makes that character an extension of you
You aren't making all of the characters decisions in standard games, though. Dialogue, role, etc., are part of the character, not you.
>tell me what'd you call sitting in a corner and masturbating to women you feel attracted to
▶ No.311927>>311930 >>311944
Anon, calling everyone a cuck isn't an argument. I've already said that not only am I not one, but that I don't like female MC games (the sparking point of this argument). I'll go a step further by saying that I despise MFM and gangbangs and am disappointed that they pop up in places that I actually like. I hate that having to justify my viewpoint like that is necessary for you retards, because actual logical arguments aren't enough for some reason. What I'm really trying to say is that people like you two are delusional and that you should recognize those delusions, not that you should like NTR or start accepting it on this board. People like you who are so scared of being wrong that you view any admission of being wrong as weakness are going to keep being wrong. It's a paradox, but I guess it probably feels nice to pretend that you're somehow some moral and intellectual paragon who just happens to be spending their time here. Please change, for your own sake.
I doubt the efficacy of trying to explain logic to people who very clearly and consciously don't care about it.
▶ No.311930
>this level of logical twisting and pilpul
Slow day in Tel Aviv Moishe?
▶ No.311935
>Saying that something is worthwhile/valuable solely because it is "natural" is fallacious
A genetic dead end is not "solely" unnatural. Plus, all illnesses, including mental illnesses, are unnatural as well. What you're basically saying is that it's ok to be sick because it's solely unnatural.
>but if you can type nonsensical things like this and "sexual dimorphism is a mental illness"
For someone that doesn't want to fall for ad hominems, you are pretty quick to cling in an honest mistake.
>Humans are animals, anon
Humans are not JUST animals. If you want to use that as excuse to be a cuck and a faggot, go ahead, but you're not a human, then, you're a subhuman, unable to overcome his instincts.
>why is it okay for you to enjoy non-procreative sexual acts?
The same reason animals engage in homosexual behavior, either entertainment or practice. They both have purposes.
>You can get STDs from fucking a chick, so why is this relevant?
Faggots have a higher rate of STD. Also, as much as you can risk getting STD from a woman, you can also breed with her, unlike with faggots.
>Citation needed, and that doesn't really matter if you're not actively trying to breed with a woman.
But it does. If you are constantly masturbating means you want to have actual sex constantly. That's healthy to an extent, as long as your whole life doesn't revolve around it and you don't do it every single day. https://dontcookyourballs.com/masturbation-lower-sperm-count/
>What's your weight? How's your skin? Is your diet optimized to give you solely the nutrients you need? Are you comfortable with how much money you make? Are you emotionally fulfilled (loved, respected, accepted)? How often do you actions directly contribute to your future happiness? Do you have any children? How have your actions in the last week contributed to you having a child?
I'm fit. I'm white and healthy. Yes, I actually take a lot of care about that. Yes. Yes. A lot, I'm pretty happy at the moment. I plan to. I have sex with my girlfriend every so often without protection.
>I'd like to point out once again that you are in fact an animal and that the actions of wild animals are probably more optimized for their health than those of most humans
So you're a faggot that think that nature is perfect. It isn't. Nature makes mistakes, nature is optimized, but it's far from perfect, and humans can improve on it a lot. If nature was perfect there wouldn't be cucks.
>Everyone makes mistakes, and the people who deny that they sometimes do things they shouldn't are the ones who just rationalize all of their problems away
Mistakes have solutions. Yes, I can fuck up, but you don't see me proud of fucking up, you don't see me trying to force people to accept that my fuck up was right. What I do is improve, redo what I did wrong if I can, and do it right. I didn't say I don't make mistakes, I said that I live so I don't have to commit the same mistakes me or even others before me have done, and in the case I do, not do it again. Not try to convince others that being wrong is somehow right, faggot.
>Yes, you're being so productive right now.
Yeah, I'm shitting on cucks. A world rid of cucks should be a heaven.
>You can interact with/control events in a game without imagining that you're actually the protagonist
So you play pong and you pretend you're both pongs. Got it.
>and I''ll happily agree to bullying cucks away from places they aren't wanted, but you make it personal and take it too far, looking for the enemy in every opinion that differs even slightly from yours.
Then follow your own advises and let humans handle it, subhuman.
>You don't actually believe this, do you?
I do. I had ancestors that actually hunted homosexuals and were always against that kind of shit. My great grandfather would be proud I'm not a cuck and that I hate them, since cuck was an insult even back then.
>and everyone likes a certain set of things, not all of which are right
Then they should shut up about it and live in shame the rest of their lives for liking something that isn't right. Because let's say that I actually like something that isn't right, anon, you don't see me bragging about it.
▶ No.311941>>311946 >>311967
>reflecting guilt over indulging in pornography is morally sound
Are you familiar with the word "degeneracy" that comes from the concept of "moral degeneracy"? You should.
>They don't have any of them more than a CYOA book does
Last time I checked the only thing CYOA books lack is interactivity, which VNs do.
>How many games are there where you can "toss yourself over some stairs and break your neck already", for example?
Plenty. Now ask yourself, how many options do African children have? Doesn't change the fact that video games are the closer you'll get to a different reality. I bet a lot of african children would love escapism, outside of drugs.
>You actually do, it's the main part of the fetish
Cuckolding it's not only a fetish, retard. I can't believe I have to explain this. Cuckolding comes from the cuckoo, that replaces the eggs of it's victims so the victim can raise the eggs instead, the victim is called the cuckold, and that happens against their will, not because they take some sexual pleasure out of it. Cuckold was an insult for around 2 or so centuries even before it was used to define the fetish. Your misconception of having to derive sexual pleasure out of the situation for it to be cuckolding is retarded
▶ No.311944>>311967
>A fallacy is a flaw in logical argumentation,
Argumentum ad logicam exists for a reason.
>For this to be true, genetic dead ends would have to be nonexistent
Nature is not perfect. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your lack of chromosomes is not ok.
>since genetic dead ends do occur naturally due to mutation
Mutations are the definition of unnatural, retard. Only because something happens doesn't mean it's natural, much less beneficial. Mutations are literally errors. And when a mutation is beneficial, it does become natural.
>I think this is pretty dubious, but I don't really want to go into a long digression
Go ahead, I want to see you embarrassing yourself.
>Dialogue, role, etc., are part of the character, not you
You are the one who chooses those dialogues. Your standard games sounds more like shit games.
I guess the situation would be arousing for cucks.
>Anon, calling everyone a cuck isn't an argument
You're pretty adamant on defending cuck games to not be a cuck. If you don't think they are cuck games, then just shut up, otherwise justify why you don't think they are cuck games, and so far, you avoided it.
>Please change, for your own sake.
Says the cuck.
▶ No.311946>>311952
>happens against their will
could it be that a relationship is required for a man to give a shit about another man impregnating or having sex with a woman, perhaps an emotional investment?
▶ No.311952>>311967
>perhaps an emotional investment?
Or perhaps sexual attraction.
▶ No.311967
>Only my specific tastes in pornography aren't degenerate, I, an autist who gets assblasted over the thought of people who I don't actually have any connection to is the sole and final arbiter over sexual morality
> CYOA books lack is interactivity
No, you read a page, then choose the options and flip to the page that has the result. Functionally, the only difference is that VNs have pictures and you click a button instead of flipping pages.
>Mutations are the definition of unnatural
You do realize the base mutation rate is equivalent to over 50 bp/generation in humans and that the accumulation of most negative allele will tend towards the square root of its mutation rate? There are also other complicating factors, like extended fitness which would raise certain "genetic dead ends" to higher frequencies over time. No one cares about your distorted definition of nature, they don't affect reality.
>how many options do African children have
Physically, about the same. Macroeconomics and resource distribution have relatively minor influence on motor neurons.
>Cuckolding it's not only a fetish
The traditional definition doesn't apply because I'm not raising someone else's kids when I watch an anime girl get fucked. If you're going to appeal to the dictionary or etymology as opposed to conventional usage at least fucking think it through.
>Argumentum ad logicam exists for a reason
I'm not saying you're wrong because you used a fallacy in your reasoning, I'm saying you're wrong and you used a fallacy in your reasoning.
>Nature is not perfect
Then by what standard would you consider genetic dead ends to be wrong?
>I want to see you embarrassing yourself
Alright, here's the fifth-grade level version: there is nothing in cognition that does not occur in neuronal pathways. Certain areas of the brain are associated with certain sensations and cognitive phenomena. We know this because when these areas are damage we see specific defects in cognition. We see animals are capable of complex behaviors, including problem-solving which would normally be associated with "thought" in humans. When we dissect their brains, we find homologous neuronal pathways and structures to those in humans. Therefore, we can extrapolate that animals with such pathways are also capable of thinking.
>You are the one who chooses those dialogues.
Show me an h-game where you get to pick word-for-word dialogue for the character you play as and I'll thank you.
>sexual attraction
A physiological response is not the same thing as an investment.
▶ No.312043>>312050
>Making a character that is in a relationship which the player is supposed to empathize with wind up fucking other people is cuckoldry.
This definition is vague and is meant to limit what cuckoldry is. A girl being raped in front of her fiance even though the player isn't said fiance such as in EVENICLE is still cuck content even though by your limited definition it isn't.
▶ No.312045
How would you respond to sex scenes in non-H anime? Are you getting cucked there? How about in live action films where the protagonist (who's clearly not you) has sex with someone? I mean, unless you're going to make a comment about inserting as the character, at which point it can be argued that the MC himself isn't you unless it's a game where you're an amorphous blob with undefined or loosely defined characteristics.
Look anon, I hate the cuck you're responding to trying to narrow the definition of cuckshit to fit his fetish, but there are legitimate storytelling elements/reasons in a game for a character who is not you to fuck someone and one or two CGs to help portray that story element isn't a big deal so long as we're not dealing with shit like pic related. Otherwise I'd agree if the author is wasting a bunch of time with a dozen CGs and probably a cuck.
▶ No.312050
>A girl being raped in front of her fiance even though the player isn't said fiance is still cuck content
I specifically had that example in mind when I set my definition. I'd argue it's borderline specifically because on the one hand, he wasn't actually there; it's largely for world-building and to introduce the villains as an entity to be hated, like the torture/child rape in Sengoku Rance, and works well as such; and finally that the fiance is shown to be unsympathetic afterwards (plus the girl is actually traumatized and doesn't go around begging for more chinpo afterwards). On the other hand the player is led to believe that the fiance is a good person beforehand, which makes it a rough case. The kalar rape is more clearly a cuck scene.
▶ No.312212>>312219
▶ No.312219>>312411
Cucks = bad, but people disagree on what constitutes a cuck.
▶ No.312411>>312421 >>312430 >>313626
In my book, any instances of consensual or pseudo-consensual (blackmailed, forced to, cave in mid-nonconsensual act, etc.) sex outside relationship/marriage is cuckoldry contents. No matter if it happens to protag or others (or even worse, the protag themselves stealing others SO).
▶ No.312421>>312430 >>313626
This is why the context keeps coming up- no one fucking knows what cuck content is because the word cuck is used everywhere on this thread for any reason whatsoever.
Lost all meaning so it's simply cuck means bad. I don't like this content so it's cuck content.
You're a cuck because I don't like you. etcetc. And now because I say this i'm a cuck apologist and people will post the cuck bingo card further proving my point that it's a meaningless term for how it's used here.
And yet many here love netori which is closer to cuck content than 90% of what people call cuck content.
▶ No.312430>>312437 >>313626
It is very hard to point out which 'exactly' constitute cuck content besides the obvious and imo my post here >>312411.
If the protag has a love interest but are not dating, a twice shy situation. Then the girl got snatched, I think that count as cuckoldry as well even if they are not in relationship, in spirit they kind of are in relationship.
It is something that evokes jealously and spiritual pain, anon. The feelings of loved one being taken away and in the worst case fucked right in front of you as the final blow to the heart, that is exactly what 寝取られ/netorare means in both letters and spirit. Many are and SHOULD be disturbed by it. But some pushes this shit like a horrible drug so people reacted against it hard. Kind of reminds me of the worst of the furfags in the early internet heydays.
I say let people argue about it.
>Cuck = Bad
Wholeheartedly agree. Clothing, fetish, style preference (e.g. large breasts, flat, etc.) are other things; but this shit I believe is one line that people should not cross (or in this case, normalise).
▶ No.312437
>Many are and SHOULD be disturbed by it
Evenicle actually does this really well in retrospect and I should probably finish it despite the loli necrophilia female-on-male rape cannibal incest scene.
▶ No.312551>>313627
>>290819 (OP)
Can we have the sources of the banners?
▶ No.312861
Quite literally crossposters >>>/htg/29518
▶ No.313626
>no one fucking knows what cuck content is
Pretty sure you're the only one who doesn't.
>And yet many here love netori
Not to my knowledge they don't. Used goods are used goods, but if you're the anon trying to separate netori from netorare/netorase all the time, just consider cuck content to be anything Netorare/Netorase and most instances of netori based on context.
>It is something that evokes jealously and spiritual pain, anon.
Basically this combined with >>312411 constitutes what cuckoldry is when used in the context of anon calling someone a cuck. Netori might be justifiable under certain situations within the context of the story (usually in kingdom simulators or similar games where there might be a justifiable reason to steal the betrothed princess or the king's wife as an example), but then it's more justifiable netori in the context of story, but still technically "cuck content" just the kind that no one cares about because it almost never actually happens that way.
▶ No.313627
Mostly because this question gets asked and answered on a monthly basis across various threads.
▶ No.315497>>315524
why has this fag not been banned yet?
▶ No.315524>>315814
Nearly every time he is, it does not take long before a ban appeal appears mentioning that it is a shared IP apparently.
>inb4 just ignore it, the fag will give up eventually.
That worked so well for Neville Chamberlain didn't it.
Post last edited at
▶ No.315814>>316010
I've decided to take a more active role in safeguarding the lolicon market thread after seeing a number of posts that look like anon needs to fucking lurk more. At least until the dev tells me to fuck off. I'm still "retired" as far as board-wide voling is concerned though.
Just ignore ban appeals claiming to be shared IPs. It's not like they're permabanned and the individual can use a different IP if they're that assblasted.
▶ No.315966
>Says avatarfag that only shit up all threads with certain content and doesn't even talk about other games or anything else.
Just die already.
▶ No.316008
Viperposter, show me the way, redpill on viper and his teachings.
▶ No.316010
I mean, it's a VPN. You're not actually banning anyone, so either course of action has the same end result: Absolutely fucking nothing
▶ No.321423>>322852
You guys suck at this whole moderating thing.
▶ No.322591>>322596 >>322603 >>322604
What happened to the Trials in Tainted Space mod
thread. It was somewhat active. Did it got removed?
▶ No.322596>>322604
Yes. You're welcome.
▶ No.322603>>322604
The guy that made it pussied out
▶ No.322604
▶ No.322852>>322888 >>322903 >>322930 >>322933 >>325395
The impression I am getting that the eight hour baseline for general rules is too low. If it is the case what should the new value be? In the mean time I have been using 12hrs in some cases as a trial.
I have finally had it with the cuck "discussion". In an attempt to overall minimise fallout, I will only use the per thread options at most with a pre operation snapshot as a fail safe.
Pre clean:
Purification: Share your ideas. - Inspired at /hgg/ - https://archive.li/gQqsc
Degrees of Lewdity: Coping with Prostitution - https://archive.fo/Np7VR
Lilith's Throne: Fennoxia - https://archive.fo/ixIZW
Artificial Academy 2 - https://archive.fo/8fAGD
Sims 4 WickedWhims - https://archive.fo/HH44d
/egg/ Era Games General: Development Timestop - https://archive.fo/SfpvG
>A group with low numbers made entirely up of volunteers is having issues.
Who could have guessed this outcome.
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▶ No.322888>>322928
>Vols gave in to cuck's pressure.
▶ No.322903>>322910
>I have finally had it with the cuck "discussion"
Thank-fucking-god. Seeing the same bullshit non-argument derail every thread gets really old.
▶ No.322910
▶ No.322928>>323057
>Vols finally got tired of same argument happening in every alive thread on board.
▶ No.322930>>323005
It's getting pretty clear the faggots who are doing the whole "anti-cuck" thing don't actually care about being anti-cuck but rather are just using it as an excuse to shitpost threads to death. Regardless of the thread topic or the actual appareance of cuck content in the games discussed, they will actively grasp on straws and exaggerations over what is and what isn't cuck content just to further drag down the quality of the thread with baseless shitposting, even if people are agreeing with their points or not.
It honestly feels like a directed attack against the board itself rather than just some autists being autists, and whoever is doing it certainly has either a lot of time, a large grudge or a lot of money.
Good riddance eitherway.
▶ No.322933>>322936
>If it is the case what should the new value be?
62 days.
Also I want the faggot bingo image from the purification idea thread if anyone has it saved.
▶ No.322936>>322938
I did get banned for bingoposting, so make sure to save it quick.
▶ No.322938
▶ No.323005>>323025 >>323059
I genuinely believe it's some autistic false flag attack. If someone genuinely disliked cuckolding content so much, they'd go after cuckolding content, rather than have a carpet bomb strategy on the board, where they'll shitpost in a dozen of the most active threads then argue with whoever replies. It just seems to me like it's someone making a concerted effort to turn public opinion away from "anti-cuck" style posts.
▶ No.323025>>323059
I'm reluctant to believe anyone who would want to could take pretending to be retarded to the extent that cuck-tan has, especially since they've appropriated lines used against them and also unironically posted repeatedly about making a bingo board which they've then tried to force on multiple occasions. My opinion would probably change if it could be confirmed that more than two people were unironically involved as opposed to feigning support to fan the flames, but I just don't see what anyone would gain from spending a large amount of time on an anti-cuck false flag on a staunchly anti-hugbox porn game image board.
▶ No.323057
>Facts are tired arguments
▶ No.323059>>323079
>It's not cuckolding if it's popular
Kill yourself, faggot.
If you hate the bingo so much it must strike a lot of nerves. I didn't even forced it, I've posted it twice in the board.
▶ No.323079>>323081 >>323082
>i can't argue so i'll just call them a cuck, that'll show them!
>i'm also actively going to make moderating my shitposting as difficult as possible so they will over-react and just ban everything that sounds like something I would post
Yeah, 100% this is a false flag operation. I was only 90% sure before, but this has cemented it for me. You're taking every possible action to make sure that no one anywhere believes anything you're saying, so the only possibilities are extreme stupidity or false flag.
▶ No.323081>>323083
Wew. First post and already buttblasting cucks.
>False flag is not a tactic for defending cuckolding
How long till NTR taggerd games are deemed "False flag" by these retards? I bet you're the kind of fag that will defend Cuck Lilith.
▶ No.323082>>323083
Same. Never really thought about it for the same reason. What a shame.
It's shitposting because it hurt my cuck sensibilities
▶ No.323083>>323085 >>323101
Anon, no one agrees with you. We both know this. No one has ever once agreed with you in any of the arguments you've had on this board.
If your goal is genuinely to get rid of cuckoldry, you're doing it in completely the wrong way. You're burning entire threads to the ground in some autistic attempt to purge them, but what you should be doing is coming up with genuine reasons and making rock-solid arguments.
If you're charismatic and reasonable, people will switch to your side. If you screech autistically about how everyone but you is a cuck, you'll just make people dislike you.
>I bet you're the kind of fag that will defend Cuck Lilith.
I don't even understand what you're trying to reference here. Do you have some kind of problem with Black Lilith? I guess they did have NTR in a couple of their VNs, so that would make sense, but it's a complete non-sequitur.
Oh come on now, it's just pathetic when you samefag so blatantly. You already admitted to me in a previous argument that you're the only one doing this shitposting.
▶ No.323085>>323086
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
Now thanks to cucks, you may never know. But that's how anonymous imageboards are meant to be.
▶ No.323086>>323090
Anon you quite literally told me that you're the only one doing this. I'm not going to buy this random bullshit at this point.
▶ No.323090>>323092
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
▶ No.323092>>323093
>This thread is proof of you being wrong.
Wrong about what, specifically? What exact sentence that I said are you disputing, and what part of the thread do you consider to be proof that it's false?
>Those are not enough for cucks.
Anon. Point at what you believe to be the best argument you have made. Because as far as I know, I've seen every post you've made and I haven't even once seen you try to argue legitimately. You go straight to ad hominem every single time.
>Apologists in a nutshell, everyone. Cucks justifying cuckolding is not something new.
What? I didn't justify anything they did. I was asking how the hell they're relevant. I can bring up Studio Ghibli in the middle of a post that has nothing to do with them, that doesn't say anything about your opinions on anything if you ask me what the fuck Studio Ghibli has to do with the post I was making.
Feel free to explain how Black Lilith was pertinent to the point you were making, though. I'll easily accept that I'm wrong if you actually have some sort of justification for bringing them up apropos of nothing.
Why do you do it, anon? Who are you keeping up this charade for? Both of us know the truth.
▶ No.323093
I dare you to tell me which one of those anons is me and which one isn't
▶ No.323096>>323098
>>Watching a woman you feel attracted to being fucked by multiple guys that are not you, not even by proxy, is not cuckolding
>>Playing as anything but (you) in games is not cuckolding
>>Watching porn is not cuckolding
Wait, you're pro-cuckoldry?
Hang on, have I been seriously misunderstanding all of your posts this whole time? Now I'm just confused.
Or were you trying to imply that I said those things?
><B-but the ad hominem
>Feels almost as if you never used an imageboard before if you're bothered by added ad hominem and use it to undermine the actual arguments.
Anon, I'm not bothered by adding ad hominem, hence why I've repeatedly called you a fucking idiot. Adding insults to legitimate points is just fine, the problem is that you "argue" by ignoring 90% of the post you're replying to and just repeatedly calling the other person a cuck. At no point do you intellectually engage with the people you're arguing with.
>Black lilith is full of cuck games despite being one of the most popular developers. Bringing it out serves as bait for cucks,
I acknowledged in my post that they have made NTR games so I can see why you'd dislike them, but once again how is that relevant? If you want, we can both list every developer who has made NTR games so that they're all out on the field, but how does that change the essence of your argument? You bringing them up didn't add anything whatsoever to the post.
>you bit by defending them because
><T-they don't do it all the time!
>Typical cuck apologist "argument".
I didn't even defend them, though. Once again, I just acknowledged that I can see why you'd dislike them, but I failed to see how they're at all relevant to the conversation we are having.
▶ No.323098>>323101 >>323106
Anon, what do you think you're accomplishing here? Have you not seen this play out dozens of times before? Even in this very thread. You're wasting your time.
▶ No.323101>>323106
>You're burning entire threads to the ground in some autistic attempt to purge them
I've only ever seen cuck threads being affected. One of the reasons I don't care.
Ah… Defeatism.
▶ No.323104
>anon is so obsessed with being cucked that he feels the need to tell all of /hgg/ about how much of a cuck he is
Can't you just go back to /pol/ and share all of your cuck fantasies there? Why do you need to post them in so many threads here?
▶ No.323106>>323401
My time has no value, just like yours, just like shitposter-tan's.
>Those are all the arguments I gave against cuckolding.
But in every one of those things you're saying that things aren't cuckolding. If your biggest "anti-cuck" arguments are against things that other shitposters have said are cuckolding, then why aren't you arguing with them instead of me?
>You're the faggot who brought "the same tired argument".
No, I wasn't.
>I made the bingo because cucks use said arguments over and over, there's no point on retort them over and over again if they are just going to fuck off and a new one will appear to fill for him asking the same thing over and over.
If you've refuted the points to the point where it's just bothersome for you, why do you find yourself unable to articulate these points that you supposedly have articulated enough times before that it's not worth the effort to type them out? All that I'm asking for is that you present me with your best argument so we can have at least approach a productive conversation, and instead you're repeatedly calling me a cuck because in your mind apparently asking someone to explain their reasoning is a cuck move and thus should be ignored.
And you're using the word "retort" wrong here.
>It did. You defending cuck games and cuck developers, like a cuck.
But I didn't defend anything. If you disagree, feel free to quote where you believe I defended someone, because I can say with absolute certainty that at no point in my posts in this thread have I defended any games or developers.
Define "cuck threads." Serious question, because literally every single thread on /hgg/ has had a cuck shitstorm in it at one point or another, and why the fuck are you even here if you believe that every game is a cuck game?
▶ No.323120>>323401
I knew you guys could be fucking retarded sometimes but holy shit this is a new level of absolute dumpsterbrain-tier autism. Can you idiots go read a fucking dictionary to remind yourself what cuckoldry even is? I’ll give you a hint: watching a woman who you don’t know or care about getting fucked isn’t it.
▶ No.323147>>323159 >>323169
>This Fag95 now?
I was attempting to be an objective vol, however the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
▶ No.323159>>323169
You should intervene as little as possible. From some time now you've been falling to pressure and deleting stuff because there's enough whining about it.
I swear I have yet to see a single anti-cuck poster to ask for content to be deleted unlike the actual cucks that get mad so easily.
▶ No.323163>>323169
>look ma i turned on the VPN can i shitpost now?
I haven't seen a lolcow so stupid since chris-chan mutilated his dick, are you serious now cuck-kun?
▶ No.323169>>323180 >>323217
Imagine actually being this mad
/pol/-kun is correct, there's no reason to be intervening at all if it's just low effort trolling. Really, unless he start flooding and pushing threads off the board you shouldn't do anything. Shitty moderation is by far the most dangerous and incurable form of cancer that grows on imageboards.
t. faggot
▶ No.323180>>323223 >>323401
>there's no reason to be intervening at all if it's just low effort trolling
Yeah, just let the braindead redditors shit every thread up.
▶ No.323181>>323217
at least you you guys somehow managed to keep the weg posters at bay. if only you knew how bad things are on that thread…
▶ No.323216>>323223
I don’t need to “tell myself” that anymore than I need to tell myself water is wet. By your retarded non-logic, every single porno that isn’t first person is cucking.
▶ No.323217>>323275 >>323401
That would be way too many.
>Really, unless he start flooding and pushing threads off the board you shouldn't do anything.
<When several threads were shat up so hard, that it was faster to just delete them than do anything else.
Is this joke?
It can't be much worse than what is happening here sometimes.
Maybe with higher amount of patreon scams and faggotry.
▶ No.323223>>323226 >>323236
Because it is, retard.
The cucks are the redditors.
▶ No.323226>>323342
Not him, but there is a difference between being a cuck and being a voyeurist. Both are pathetic, but one is even more so than the other.
▶ No.323236>>323342
>Because it is, retard.
It literally isn’t. “Watching porn that isn’t explicitly making it clear that (you) are the male actor” isn’t anywhere near the definition of cuckoldry. It’s fine to be a drooling fucking idiot, but don’t pretend to know things you don’t.
▶ No.323275
>Maybe with higher amount of patreon scams and faggotry.
that's literally what wegfags would bring here, flood the board with patreon scams and shitty 3D incest games from Fag95
▶ No.323342>>323442
Not really. They are both pathetic.
>Watching females you find arousing whilwhile she gets fucked by everyone but you while you masturbate in the corner is not cuckolding
Whatever you say, cuckcuck.
▶ No.323391>>323401
Just a thought, can we just implement a rule to make responding to cuck-tan a bannable offense, delete all of those posts and just slowly watch them get bored and leave or go insane? It's not like any quality or on-topic discussion would be lost, since cuck-tan can't even figure out how to use machine translation.
▶ No.323401>>323405 >>323442 >>323465
>>290819 (OP)
>But in every one of those things you're saying that things aren't cuckolding
Learn how greentext works before using imageboards, Reddit.
>No, I wasn't.
Fair enough, but that's what the bingo is for.
>why do you find yourself unable to articulate these points that you supposedly have articulated enough times before that it's not worth the effort to type them out?
But I just did. In fact, you're the one that keeps deflecting and outright ignoring them.
>because I can say with absolute certainty that at no point in my posts in this thread have I defended any games or developers
Stick to it, then.
>Define "cuck threads."
Not him, but it should be obvious at this point. It have been repeated over and over in this very thread, and you seem to be too stupid to notice. Seriously, re-read the replies.
>watching a woman who you don’t know or care about getting fucked isn’t it.
See, the bingo perfectly work for these retarded "Arguments". But let's fuck you for the sake of argument. Yes, yes it is. You're willingly letting other men fuck a person you care enough to even bother watching naked. That's text book cuckolding.
If people react is because they get offended by it. If you actually are used to this site and you don;t care, you wouldn;t reply. But yet you see waves and waves of newfags trying to defend their cuck fantasies.
>Waaaah! Vols defend me from this meany
>He is kinkshaming me
Reddit, everyone.
That Reddit mindset about forcing janitors to do their bidding isn't welcomed here. That's what killed cuckchan
But hey, here we are.
Great job at same fagging. Are you the next viper?
▶ No.323405>>323413 >>325074
>If you hate the -tan so much it must strike a lot of nerves
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
▶ No.323413
>Proving me right
▶ No.323442>>323499
>she gets fucked by everyone but you
And literally every other person, animal, alien, and inanimate object who isn't in the game shit-for-brains. Or are you such a fucking dumbshit that you think romance movies are all cucking because the male lead isn't you? Do you seethe with rage every time you see a happy family of 3 walk down the street because the mom was impregnated by someone other than you? Despite your idiotic "I'm the only person allowed to have sex otherwise it's cucking" mindset, other people still have sex. No matter how much you froth about how it's "cucking", it doesn't change reality, nor does it change the definition of words.
>You're willingly letting other men fuck a person you care enough to even bother watching naked. That's text book cuckolding.
You're obviously too retarded to read a text book. Or a dictionary for that matter. No, it isn't, and no matter how much autism you screech it never will be. Words have meanings, anon. Go to google, search "cuckold definition", and come back here, because I guarantee it isn't "watching a woman having sex with someone other than you". Otherwise we'd have to brand 95% of all porn that exists as cuckold. Do you understand or do I have to resort to crayon drawings?
▶ No.323465>>323499 >>323529
>See, the bingo perfectly work for these retarded "Arguments"
>I put valid arguments into a meme which makes them not arguments
Your brain on /pol/.
▶ No.323490>>323503 >>323530
I don't know why it wouldn't be simpler to ban NTR shit full stop and tell them to go their own board or something. They're literally a major source of bullshit and derailing by trying to provoke response.
▶ No.323499>>323559
>Otherwise we'd have to brand 95% of all porn that exists as cuckold.
It is. You are just so used to it that you both don't care about it and are willing to justify it because it makes your peepee hard. I understand justifying it when you don't know better like a normalfag. But since games are a medium that let's you introduce yourself jn a story and have a better degree of control for you to not just sit in the corner ad masturbate but actually engage with the women you are going to fuck, it's amazing people still defend cuckolding, so they are either self-aware cucks or pathetic porn addicts. Or maybe you're just too retarded to understand dynamics in words, bunch of sticks.
>Counter his "argument" as a justification of why it is in the bingo
>T-They're valid
I'd put some pic about "this is your brain on cuck", but you evidently lack one.
▶ No.323503
▶ No.323529
Except nothing in the chart nor has anything the retarded autist said is an actual argument. Arguments have logical coherence and more than one statement, which applies to maybe 5% of what's been posted in the thread. "You are a cuck" and "Degeneracy I like is fine, but everything else is literally cuckoldry" aren't arguments.
▶ No.323530>>323630
Because the shitposter considers 90% of the things posted on the board to be "cuckshit." Why doesn't he make his own board? Because he's just here to shitpost, and nothing anyone else says or does will change his actions in the slightest.
▶ No.323559>>323630
>How it is hard to understand that these concepts are for porn since it is in porn where you engage sexually with what you are seeing?
So you're enough of a pathetic pile of shit that you actually want to fuck the women in pornos? Listen, I understand that you're a total fucking loser who wants to dick every single thing with a hole that he sees, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are. Also, again, that's not fucking cuckolding. I'd tell you to look it up again, but I'm getting the impression your brain is too small to actually understand dictionary definitions, so I'll spell it out for you nice and simple: Porn that doesn't involve anal can't be called anal porn. Porn that doesn't guys having sex cannot be called gay porn. A woman who is not a love interest cannot being fucked cannot, by definition, be cuckshit.
>It is. You are just so used to it that you both don't care about it and are willing to justify it because it makes your peepee hard.
So you're just irredeemably fucking retarded then. Why don't you take the above advice where you go to a board specifically for your 5%, and leave the rest of us alone. After all, apparently 95% of the shit on these boards are cuckshit to you.
▶ No.323630>>323665 >>323680
>Just fuck off and stop kinkshaming me :(
Cucks need to be shamed and laughed at so they can leave. I will always be around to shit on cucks.
▶ No.323665
▶ No.323680>>323685
I think kinkshamimg actually requires you to shame a kink I’m into. Watching a woman I have no romantic or sexual attachment fuck some other guy I have no attachment to isn’t even close to cucking. You, on the other hand, need a healthy dose of retardshaming for unironically thinking 95% of all porn ever produced is cuck porn. It’s funny how you mention laughing at people, because subhuman mouthbreathers like you are too pathetic to even laugh at, let alone laugh at others.
>Why else would you WATCH and MASTURBATE to porn?
Because it contains a decent story? Failing that good art? Failing that something I’m not going to see anywhere else? Failing even that something that makes me feel good about the relationship the two people have?
>Seeing how I proved you wrong countless times already, whatever you say, cuck.
Shitting on your keyboard and calling it an argument doesn’t prove anything wrong. Unless the thing you’re proving wrong is “I have an IQ above 10.” You ignore defintions of words and instead rely on “muh feelings.”
>Muh ignorance of actual definitions of words
Okay, shit-for-brains
>Anal is a single action, cuckolding is psychological. Your argument is shit.
Oh so it has to be psychological? Okay, it can’t be mind control/hypnotism porn if it doesn’t have any mind control/hypnotism. Any other arbitrary conditions you’d like to staple on? First it was “b-b-but it has to be porn!” and now “b-b-but it has to be psychological!”
>Then why do you play these games? Oh, right, to watch the woman fuck others like a cuck.
Already answered this uestion, so instead I’m going to ask you one. When you hear your neighbors having sex in whatever shithole you live in, do you start slitting your wrists because of how cucked you are? When you hear about a celebrity getting pregnant or getting married, do you cry with shame?
>There are dozens of sites that won't kinkshame your cuck fetish. Why is wanting a single porn board free of cuckshit a bad thing? Fuck off back to Fag95 or Reddit, those are more your speed.
You’re the ones who suggested a new board. And in case you haven’t noticed, every single game on this board has an instance where someone has sex with someone and neither of them are (you). So you and your faggot buttbuddy over there going on some kind of retarded crusade to “purge” all threads is basically pulling an Anita Sarkeesian. I’m perfectly justified in telling you to fuck off.
▶ No.323685>>323911
>Oh so it has to be psychological? Okay, it can’t be mind control/hypnotism porn if it doesn’t have any mind control/hypnotism
I don't think you understand what psychology means, stupid cuck.
▶ No.323693>>323747 >>323911
Cucks don't understand the feeling of revulsion which comes from a clear lack of female virtue (on account of the woman being a whore and prisoner to her desires and cares not for the consequences of her actions on those who care for her) and a disdain for for male weakness. I think they are broken and can only be remedied through death.
▶ No.323695
Colloquially the latter two are used somewhat interchangeably, but formally they are distinct things. "X is Y" and whatever modifiers you want to apply to that basic formula, is a statement. Comparing the statements "X is Y" and "X is not Y" isn't argumentation, just contradiction; if evidence is supplied for either statement it's still just a refutation of its opposite. On the other hand, something like "X is Y, and all Y is Z" is an argument that implies X is Z; a counter-argument would refute the truth of at least one statement in the argument. A sentence is a linguistic unit that has nothing to do with argumentation beyond format of its communication. Posting in the off-chance you are actually capable of learning how to use basic terms properly as opposed to repeating the same things over and over again ad nauseam and jacking yourself off after you either run off to shitpost and derail another thread or people stop replying once they realize you're neither actually interested in discussion nor willing to be reasoned with.
▶ No.323747>>323753
>Cucks don't understand the feeling of revulsion which comes from a clear lack of female virtue
Whore Madonna complex
>and a disdain for for male weakness.
Whats wrong with that?
▶ No.323753
>This shit is still going.
Good thing it's just in meta thread now.
▶ No.323807>>323808
Facts literally aren't arguments, they are components of arguments. If you are literally too autistic to understand basic syntax, you probably shouldn't be posting online at all. Your cognitive abilities are unironically at sub-formal operational level, which explains a lot. Are you a mongoloid or just actually retarded?
▶ No.323808>>323809
>If you jump out of a 50th floor you won't die and gravity is not an argument
Go ahead and jump.
▶ No.323809>>323875
What's it like having an IQ below room temperature? Do you ever just stop and think about how stupid you are and how many things in the world around you that you will never be able to comprehend?
▶ No.323819>>323890
Although that's true, that isn't cucking. Desirable? Not at all, but cucking is so overused in this board that it's starting to lose all meaning. The essential part of cucking is the betrayal. The cucker betraying the cuck for the bull. 2 random people fucking in front of a 3rd random person isn't cucking, it's just exitionism/voyeurism.
Textbook cucking is this: Your girlfriend fucks a different guy (or guys) because you're not good enough to satisfy her. What you're describing is just an overattached guy who believes he's in a relationship with literally every single woman, so any relationship where he's not involved is cucking.
▶ No.323875>>323920
Better than being a cuck like you
▶ No.323890>>324379
>Said anon while masturbating in the corner like a cuck
What else would you call it, cuck?
▶ No.323911>>323923
>Pulls out a bingo sheet like it'll win an argument
>An argument that you use yourself is literally on the fucking board.
So by your own standards you're a cuck apologist. You've officially reached the level of stupidity where you lose all self-awareness and start hitting yourself with your own arguments.
Bold words coming from a neanderthal who can't even be bothered to open a dictionary to see what the definition of cuckold even is.
Why the fuck do you think I don't want to fuck any porn star I see in the first place. Also, saying someone is broken is really funny coming from a total shithead who thinks the vast majority of porn is cuck porn and is petrified with fear to jack off to anything that doesn't have you play an male MC in first person for fear of being cucked.
▶ No.323920>>323921
So that's a "no" then? I think there might be rodents with a more sophisticated sense of self than you.
▶ No.323921
That's a "you are a cuck".
▶ No.323923>>323928
>So by your own standards you're a cuck apologist.
>No u
>Bold words coming from
For a person who bitch so much about ad hominems, you love them yourself. You probably reached boiling point. Also, anon is right, that's not what I meant with psychology, retard. The hypnosis you are talking about is still reclused to a single action, whether cuckolding range from being a pathetic faggot who loves to see people fucking to enjoy being cheated on.
>Why the fuck do you think I don't want to fuck any porn star I see in the first place
And yet, here you are defending cucks because you do similar things yourself. If it is not with porn stars is with fictional characters, which isis even worse. With pornstars normalfags don't have options, but with fictional characters you CHOOSE to be cucked.
▶ No.323928
I'm pointing out that you're apparently blind as well as the stupidest fuck in the down syndrome ward.
>For a person who bitch so much about ad hominems, you love them yourself.
Get some fucking glasses, I've been calling you idiots retards, shit-for-brains, faggots, and autists for a good three days now. I didn't say shit about ad-hominem, shithead. Because you having a negative IQ to the point where you think any woman not having sex with you is cucking you is a big part of why you're being laughed at for the retard you are.
>The hypnosis you are talking about is still reclused to a single action
And cuckolding is reclused to a woman fucking someone who isn't (you), by that logic.
>whether cuckolding range from being a pathetic faggot who loves to see people fucking to enjoy being cheated on.
Mind control porn can range from the controllee being forced against his/her will to being a willing participant, to be gradually mind-broken into it. Range doesn't mean shit. Almost every single porn genre has range. If you're old enough to browse these boards in the first place you're old enough that I don't have to explain this to you. But since the school system from wherever you are is apparently fucked, it can't be helped. Speaking of which
>whether cuckolding range
The term you're looking for is "whereas." Crack open a fucking dictionary and learn some english.
>And yet, here you are defending cucks because you do similar things yourself. If it is not with porn stars is with fictional characters, which isis even worse. With pornstars normalfags don't have options, but with fictional characters you CHOOSE to be cucked.
By your definition of cucks? As in, "any woman having sex with any man that isn't me?" The genre which you define as encapsulating 95% of every pornographic video, game, movie, literature, and fucking tabletop game ever made? Yes, I'm defending that. Or rather, I'm laughing at you because you seem to think that's it's a reasonable and logical position to define it as "cuck" porn.
▶ No.323965
So you're essentially anti-porn and your agenda here is to shut this board down or render it a ghost town.
▶ No.323978
Why are you so intent on coming to this cuck board? We're all obviously very into cuckoldry, as 90% of the threads here are cuck threads by your standards. Thus, it follows that the vast majority of the users here are cucks, cucks which you repeatedly seek out communication with. Why do you love interacting with cucks so much? Why does cuckoldry take up so much of your thoughts? You don't have to stay in the closet, anon, we can have a bull over to your place tonight.
▶ No.323989
>You're the only cuck here.
>Calls literally everyone he talks to a cuck.
▶ No.323990
Clearly not since I'm not the guy who you're responding to and I still think you're a mouth-breathing troglodyte with a higher chromosome count than IQ who needs to fuck off which fits under your understanding of "cuck". Just make your own board and stay there, faggot.
▶ No.324011
>Sure you don't champ.
That's not me. Again, learn to read shit-for-brains. The two writing styles are completely different. I've been calling you a fucking retard for several days now, because you are a fucking retard.
>You should learn to read, it isn't ONLY reclused to that but to faggots who are ok with sharing the woman they want to fuck
A.k.a A woman fucking someone who isn't you. You're the one who came up with this retarded definition in the first place at least stick to it or admit how wrong you are.
>It does. What you are saying is that the person forced against her will is hypnosis while the person willingly participating is, to give you an example of how retarded your logic is. They are both mind control, as all the aforementioned are cuckolding. What I said is that they are all ranges of cuckolding, you're the one denying that so you're not kinkshamed.
You said that mind-control was reclused to a single action, which is controlling someone's mind. Meanwhile cuckolding, over here in reality, is also the single action of a woman, knowingly or unknowingly, having sex with a man who isn't her love interest.
>THE definition of cucks.
Your retarded logic comes straight from fuckwads like the ones on MTV who redefine words to mean whatever the fuck you want. No, it's not cuckolding if a love interest for the woman doesn't even fucking exist. No matter how much you screech and cry and whine. Reality doesn't care about your fucking feelings.
>Last time I checked, not all games are pornographic
No fucking shit Sherlock. That why I said every pornographic video, game, movie and literature. If you can't understand basic fucking english don't try to define english words.
>You keep willingly ignoring the fact that I and plenty of anons already said this only apply to porn, in which case, yes, it does encapsulate 95% of porn.
Then get the fuck off these boards. This the "hentai games general" or do I have to explain to you what "general" means. I'll give you a hint, it doesn't just mean a military leader.
>You will be purged, nonetheless, cuck.
If anyone here deserves to be purged it's you and your ilk. You've shit up multiple threads already, are trying to shit up multiple more like the current female protagonist thread, and when a containment thread was made for actual cuckshit you spammed it with gore images until it was removed. If you hate 95% of porn this obviously isn't the place for you. So stop pulling an Anita Sarkeesian and fuck off.
▶ No.324025
Don't look now. Someone's getting purged here, and I think it's you.
▶ No.324029
>half the board is telling him to fuck off
>tells them all they're not welcome here
▶ No.324036
Blah, blah, blah.
▶ No.324051
▶ No.324099>>324195
>everyone who calls me retarded is a cuck
Is this how retards actually process information?
▶ No.324100
cuckposter should create >>>/puritanporngames/ or >>>/phgg/ since he hates 95% of the threads here
▶ No.324194
>hehe I'm anonymous which means my retardation can't be traced back with absolute certainty
Not everyone, just you, you fucking faggot. You can't understand basic fucking English and are literally at the mental level of a ten-year-old at maximum; it's not hard to figure out who you are. You're probably also the shithead who keeps posting about how hard his dick gets for incest.
▶ No.324195
No, cuckposter is a special kind of retard. Even retards know that "cuck" is a meme.
▶ No.324211
>fit in
>doesn't realize that this is a gay jewish sjw cuck board
Lurk moar, you problematic cis-het, tradcon goy.
▶ No.324239
>Learn to use imageboards, reddit cuck
Learn to use english, downie
>Why would you want it otherwise, cuck?
Because I’m not an orc, or a dog, or a tentcle monster. I’m not 6+ foot tall badass secret agent either. And neither are you. It’s alright if you hate other people having sex so much that you slit your wrists every time you see a pregnant woman. But don’t complain other people like things you don’t like. Especially when you are 5% of the population. Or are you one of those tranies you think the whole world should cater to them?
>More like over your cuck brain.
When 95% of the boards, 95% of the porn industry, and the actual definition of the word according to the dictionary agree with me, it’s more likely that you’re the one with the wrong definition. Try thinking with that pile of cow shit you have a brain for once in your life.
>So basically what I've been arguing this whole time. Thanks for proving me right.
And then you immediately say
<No, it's not cuckolding if a love interest for the woman doesn't even fucking exist
>It is, pathetic cuck.
Wow your education system is fucked. Where’d you go to school? Cambodia? Sierre Leone? Or did your daddy beat you so hard after school that you forgot most of your lessons?
>Then you're a cuck if you enjoy it.
About as convincing as an Aspie down-syndrome dropout telling me I’m going to hell.
>Why don't you, cuck? There are plenty of games that doesn't have cuckolding, like FoBS or Eroico. There are plenty of places that would allow your cuck fetish. This one isn't one of them.
Because this is “hentai games general.” Not “hentai games except 95% of hentai.”
>Yeah, it means cucks needs to fuck off.
Wrong again. It means “affecting or concerning most people, places, or things.” Oh sorry, are actual definitions of words too hard for your peabrain? I’ll dumb it down for you. It means “more than 5%.”
>You're just mad I managed to destroy your cuck circlejerk, cuck.
If I was mad I’d make some effort to try to get you banned. An intellectual midget like you who starts shit everywhere is a gift. It means I can bully, harass, and try to drive you to suicide without the slightest bit of guilt.
>Cucks shouldn't be allowed in any way or form, cuck. A containment would only attract more cucks to their safe space.
It’s like you don’t know what a fucking quarantine is for. Not surprising.
>But I don't hate 95% of porn, I just hate cuckolding, which just happen to be around the same percentage
<I don’t hate 95% of porn. I just hate 95% of porn.
That’s not how logic works retard.
▶ No.324245
>W-why doesn't everyone agree with me online? Everyone should be agreeing with me because this is the imageboard I started using after the mods on cuckchan banned me for being a dumb faggot and I picked up terms I clearly don't understand to try to "fit in" on an anonymous fucking imageboard and then decided to start complaining about pornography on a board specifically based around pornography.
It's because you're fucking retarded. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be. No one's even angry at you. It's a mix of awe, disgust and pity, sort of like the feeling one gets when looking at a particularly gruesome train wreck.
▶ No.324288>>324302
What baffles me about cuck-tan is that she doesn't seem to understand any part of what actually goes into a proper argument. She just repeatedly screeches her opinions and acts like that's the end of the argument.
▶ No.324292
You are literally too stupid to even grasp the concept of contrafactuals; this is why you can't really understand conditionals beyond an extremely basic operational level, which is in turn why you think you're accomplishing anything whatsoever beyond demonstrating how incredibly fucking dumb you are. You are intellectually incapable of actually understanding that you're wrong, even when it has been demonstrated that you are wrong, which is why it's pointless to make actual arguments against your statements as opposed to repeating the fact that you are genuinely unbelievably retarded.
▶ No.324302>>324307
I have to wonder if he is an actual retard who is pretending to be retarded, because retarded people think that's how trolling works.
▶ No.324307
I mean, considering he's making the middle-school level mistake of thinking "your=you are", I think he's just genuinely retarded. Normally it's bad taste to make fun of retarded kids, but he's fair game if he starts spouting bullshit to attack others. Which it why it's such fun.
▶ No.324312
>A specific instance is the same thing as a universal rule
Just save yourself the trouble and fuck off.
▶ No.324374
Okay, you are sincerely retarded. Thank you for clearing that up.
▶ No.324379>>324412
What? You just completed ignored what I said and baselessly accused me of being a cuck when I'm telling you something so simple… Let me make a little diagram for your simple mind then.
Alice is in a relationship with Bob, yet fucks Clyde -> Cucking
Alice is in a relationship with Bob and fucks Bob, not Clyde -> Not cucking
Alice is not in any relationship and fucks anyone she wants -> Not cucking
There is no cucking if there is no relationship. At that point it's either having sex with their partner or slutting about. Otherwise billions of men all over the world are cucked hundreds of millions of times each day because another woman is having sex with another men
▶ No.324383>>324387
If you think that he'll actually be able to comprehend your example you are severely underestimating his stupidity.
▶ No.324387
After posting that I read the last few posts here and considering it's probably the same person then I gotta admit my hopes aren't too high.
▶ No.324412>>324460
According to this guy, every single one of those examples is cucking. A is cucking, B is cucking because the player isn't Bob. C is cucking because the woman is fucking someone who isn't you. It's why there's no point in trying to argue or get mad. Just laugh at his retarded shit, and poke at him to make him do more retarded shit.
▶ No.324460>>324474 >>324487
in order to understand his point of view, you just need to come to terms with the idea that voyeurism is a form of 'soft' cuckoldry
▶ No.324474>>324482
Not just voyeurism, though. In this creature's mind, a friend telling you he hooked up with some chick is tantamount to him cucking you because he had sex with some random woman instead of you.
▶ No.324482>>324485
If the guy doesn't want people into cucking here, that's fine, more power to him, I don't care either way. But slut chasers, voyeurs and completely regular people who don't mind the fact other people also have sex are all getting lumped up into the same category, that's the issue
▶ No.324485>>324487 >>324560
It's not really an issue though, it's not like pol-kun has any say over what games get made or posted.
You're literally bitching about being associated with a (admittedly, quite poor) kink you don't have. Do you use imageboards? Does being called a fag or retarded bother you?
Also it seems odd how rarely these conversations touch on the fact that half of the board like dicks up their ass which seems to deflect pol-kuns criticisms altogether. I guess it's just normies getting offended after being used to being pandered to.
▶ No.324487>>324492
I mean, in the same way that two slices of bread is technically a sandwich, yeah. But most people would point out that you need a filling for that sandwich that isn’t air.
I don’t have a particular dog in this fight, aside from liking female-protag games for the sake of variety. But to say it’s harmless is not true. There’s already been a thread taken down because pol-fag posted gore images until it crashed. And the moderator for some reason didn’t perma-ban the idiot. To be fair, it was an actual cuckshit thread and I personally won’t miss it. But think about what his retard said: he thinks that 95% of all porn is cuckshit and needs to be purged.
▶ No.324492>>324528 >>325420
A little gore posting never hurt anyone.
Anyway, I do have a dog in the fight. I'm a voyeur and an autogynephilliac pedophile, so I've got a strong interest in the threads that he's attacking, especially since nowhere else with a population anything like 8ch exists that supports that kind of content in english. Some shitposter dropping low effort bait doesn't endanger the content, moderators doing dumb shit like deleting threads or banning TOR/VPN exits does. The only harm that occurs in a thread being spammed until it is deleted is in the deleting of the thread. All you've told me so far in terms of the damage that pol-kun has done is inflame an over zealous moderator into showing himself as a hotpocket huffing retard. Maybe the nerds getting mad should stop taking the bait if low effort trolling bothers them.
t. /intl/
▶ No.324528
Why should everyone else be expected to trudge through piles and piles of shit in order to find what they're looking for when you could just get rid of the shit and the person who keeps shitting everywhere? That being said the mod clearly shit the bed by deleting the thread and giving the retard a slap on the wrist; which is possibly the worst course of action. If he deleted it and gave the gorespammer a KoS permaban, it would at least pave the way for a new thread that wouldn't be immediately derailed.
▶ No.324560>>324839
What? The problem is that cuck-tan often shitposts across a dozen thread simultaneously, intentionally trying to ruin the thread so people will stop posting in it. That's the behavior I dislike. They can call me a cuck all they want, as long as they aren't actively trying to burn the thread at the time it happens.
▶ No.324839
>There are plenty of cuck threads for you in fag95, and even reddit, so you fuck off there.
I appreciate that you need to stay in character, but you can't honestly suggest that I use a site which seems to require javascript and an account
Several major (FemPC!) loli games are being developed on this board anyway, but you don't seem to be very active in them tbh
>That's why I kill those cuck threads, and it works, and there's nothing you can do about it
He could stop taking the bait, but it might be a bit beyond him
>They can call me a cuck all they want, as long as they aren't actively trying to burn the thread at the time it happens.
People are entitled to try to ruin threads, the only time it actually influences discussion is when you decide to respond to them (or a retard deletes the thread)
The thread was deleted because the mod deleted a thread. That's the only reason I gave for it and that's what happened. The only problem there is the mod deleting a thread. This isn't hard to understand.
▶ No.324858>>324896
>not knowing what a KoS ban is
And you think other people are newfags?
▶ No.324867
>Are you too stupid to understand the concept of removing every post from a user in a thread?
Have you used an imageboard outside of post-2016 cuckchan?
▶ No.324873>>324877 >>324885
Viper pics are avatarfagging and viper do nothing to hide the fact that he is viper. Any anon can cuck shame.
▶ No.324874
>use the ban & delete all posts by this IP address in this thread
You know it takes like three seconds to change your IP, right? You can literally torpost on this board. I'm doing it right now.
But nah, I'm sure randomly deleting all posts in a thread automatically without checking what it'll actually delete isn't retarded at all.
▶ No.324877>>324955
>Any anon can "cuck shame"
If that's what you want to call what cuckfaggot does, anyone can also chug lead paint, but only a select retarded few do.
▶ No.324885>>324899 >>324961
Viper is easily identified by his avatarfagging, thus he can drop the avatarfagging at any time and no one will know it's him. Cuck-tan has created an identity around herself out of her argument instead.
Cuck-tan's single-digit IQ is just making her act in ways that even turns sympathetic people into her enemies. She hasn't made any progress whatsoever on excising what she thinks is cancer, but she has done is make the majority of the board immediately dismiss her entire side of the argument because of its association with mindless shitposting.
That's why I assume it's a false flag. I like to assume that people are reasonably intelligent, and cuck-tan is taking action that no reasonably intelligent person would if they wanted to accomplish the goals she claims she does, and I'd rather assume malevolent intelligence than genuine stupidity.
▶ No.324896>>324955
>Do you know I can just ID hop, right?
You are the only person retarded enough to argue that 95% of porn is cucking. You're not too difficult to recognize.
▶ No.324899>>324955
>Viper can drop his avatarfagging and no one would know its him
He has been called out several times for stirring shit even without posting any pictures. Unless you put a lot of effort into it its hard to mask your writing pattern, and if you know what to look for you can easily pick them out in a crowd.
▶ No.324955>>325018
>But of course, you ignored that, my post, and will with this one to spin your retarded narrative where the big bad mod deleted your poor thread on purpose.
The problem still remains, retard. If you are going to nuke you should at least know what you are nuking. Using the delete by IP and calling it a day is retarded, and the mod acknowledgeacknowledged that when he did it back then.
The problem is that he still do it. Instead of deleting the shitposting he deletes everything from the shitposter and the people responding, even if they had contributions to the thread.
It's cutting off your arm because a mosquito bite, and you are defending this.
Your missing the point, retard. If you want to call anyone who cuck shame someone else cuck anon, that's on you. Unless you have a proof that they are the same person then you are a faggot, and probably a cuck for getting offended.
With viper is different. He uses viper as an avatar. Anyone could use viper reaction pics, but I'm guessing the mods either know his IP If he doesn't change it or the content plus the avatar makes it obvious who he is. He usually reply with "shota is trash". I've seen plenty of posts with "shota is trash" being called Viper, but it isn't banned because he is not avatarfagging.
What it is against the rules is, in fact, avatarfagging.
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
If someone bitches about Straight Shota is probably viper. And if it isn't you can still call him for his faggotry.
▶ No.324961>>324983 >>324985
>Waaaaah! Cuck-tan is ruining the board and burning threads down!
>Nah, it's actually no big deal
Make up your mind, cuck. Sounds to me like you just want to push the idea that people will ignore cuckolding because of me. Funny part is tthat people will shit on cuckolding with or without me.
The only person who seems to be mad about it is you.
▶ No.324983
Make up your mind, cuck. You contradict yourself twice in this very post.
▶ No.324985
Who are you quoting?
Not a meme, I genuinely don't see who you're quoting. You'd think you would avoid accusations of samefagging when you cry so hard about people doing it to you, but why should i expect consistency in your behavior?
>Funny part is tthat people will shit on cuckolding with or without me.
The part that makes all of this so frustrating is that everyone already shits on cuckolding. You're crusading for a holy land you already control.
And in doing so, you're just creating new enemies without defeating any old ones, because these "old enemies" exist only in your mind. Anon, you have admitted that your strategy is now to rapidly switch IPs while shitposting hard enough that vol's need to delete the entire thread instead of just being able to delete posts by your ID. Can you seriously not see why this would breed the resentment of the people in those threads you're attempting to get deleted? The people that you just admitted also hate cuckoldry?
I'm just stringing together your own statements here. Are you going to acknowledge that your course of action is counter-productive, or are you going to call me a cuck and change your stance, again?
▶ No.325013
>If they hate cuckolding there's literally not a single reason why they'd get mad a cuckolding thread gets deleted
First of all, you’re wrong again. Just because you personally hate something does not mean it’s a good thing when it gets deleted. That’s preschool-level thinking. Second, even if that line of logic was valid, you being the massive fuckwit that you are still makes it an issue.
>Cuckolding is sadly very present in the board with every shitty female MC game and similar games where the woman is fucked by anything other but the MC.
Since you’re advocating for a purge of 95% of the board’s content. Again, if you hate this board’s content so much then fuck off.
▶ No.325018
>Unless you have a proof that they are the same person then you are a faggot, and probably a cuck for getting offended
Less offended, more mildly annoyed and tired of having the same retarded discussion in every other thread. If someone's primarily posting to disrupt threads, especially by the written equivalent of flailing around like a fucking retard, there's really nothing of value lost by banning them. It doesn't really fucking matter how many people are doing it or not, regardless of anonymity providing a small chance that it isn't just 1-2 people repeatedly shitting up threads.
▶ No.325024
>Let me guess, you think that everyone have the right to like whatever they want, and you are right, but I'm also in my right to shit on it, so I will.
Yes, that's why if Teaching Feeling gets axed because it supports child slavery you'll totally support people's right to shit on it, right? You fucking moron.
>Here you are defending cuckolding, cuck.
Women fucking people that aren't you isn't cuckolding, retard.
>Again, there are plenty of places for cucks like you. This place isn't one of them.
Apparently it fucking is since you hate the vast majority of games on here. Maybe you should fuck off since you'e so mad your fetish isn't the only one being exclusively catered to, you fucking imbecile.
▶ No.325027
>Yes. Because the translator is a crossposter faggot, and I'll be happy to see it getting axed.
So another piece of content on this board is something you hate. Man it really seems like this board just isn't for you.
>Learn japanese, cuck.
I already know english, which is one more language than you've mastered.
>Here you are defending cuckolding again, pretending that what is cuckolding isn't, cuck.
You can say that all you like retard. Nobody agrees with you/ No porn site defines cuckolding like that, not even this one. No dictionary or source aside from "your ass" defines cuckolding as "a woman having sex with someone who isn't you". You're just a delusional fuckwit.
>Dunno where you get the idea I hate the vast majority of games here.
>Cuckolding is sadly very present in the board with every shitty female MC game and similar games where the woman is fucked by anything other but the MC.
A.k.a the vast majority of games on this board, where somewhere in the game a woman has sex with someone who isn't you. And any translation done by a crossposter, so even Teaching Feeling is out. Again, try not being so retarded you lose track of your own arguments.
>More like I hate cuckolding, cuck.
No, you hate the mere mention of anyone other than you having sex. That's not cuckolding that's just you being a retard.
▶ No.325032>>325034
▶ No.325034
Fucking retards is bad for the genepool. I'm good.
▶ No.325045
Not him, but please go through the catalogue and start counting every thread that you consider "cuckshit" and compare that to the ones you're fine with. You'll find that it's an overwhelming majority, before we even get to the fact that the most popular threads are for text games. I love you, but try to keep your shitposing directed. When you start sliding into arguments that no human being capable of operating a keyboard would ever make, it's less believable.
▶ No.325047
>I hate the faggot translator, not the game. If something, Teaching a Feeling is an example of what a game should be. Shame the translator is a crossposter that doesn't belong in here.
And yet you still want it gone. Again, if you hate so much of the boards maybe you're the one who needs to fuck off.
Yet another word you don't know the definition of. I didn't imply anything, I explicitly states you're really bad at english on top of being just bad at this whole "intelligence" thing.
>The whole Towercuck shitstorm disagrees with you. Not like you even know what that was. More proof that you don't belong here, cuck.
Yes, one instance of one thread that you shitposted relentlessly in somehow disproves the actual definition of the word used everywhere including on these boards. This is why you're a retard.
>Anon, you're just a cuck and you're projecting. Half of the games in this board are not like that, hell, you have stuff like the BISHOP general. Although it's understandable how you don't know about it, seeing how it is hard for cucks to learn japanese or like games with no cuckolding in them.
You want to try going down the list and counting every game that has a woman having sex with someone else? You'll find it's a lot more than half, retard.
>It is, and you're a cuck for defending it, cuck.
No it isn't, and you're a retard for thinking so, retard.
>What do you do otherwise? Sitting in the corner and masturbating as other people fuck like a cuck?
You're asking if I masturbate to porn? Yes. What a fucking shock coming from a poster on an imageboard dedicated to porn. This is why you're a fucking retard, retard.
▶ No.325050
>enumerate what you like and dislike
>j-just figure it out yourself
You didn't even put effort into that deflection. At least try harder next time.
▶ No.325054
Oh, that was someone else, not the one giving you that suggestion. I don't want you to stop, far from it, I'm trying to help you hone your craft. Never before have I seen someone so artfully bring to life a portrayal of a paranoid closeted cuckold going through the final stages of dementia, but when you start to look like a garden-variety retard, it muddies your point a little bit.
▶ No.325055
I'm not the anon who asked you to explain your beliefs.
But this is exactly why people dislike you; you refuse to ever argue in good faith because any time anyone doesn't 100% agree with literally everything you say regardless of context, you call them a cuck and start whining. I want NTR off this board as well, but I also fucking despise everything about your anti-intellectual nonsense.
▶ No.325056>>325059 >>325060 >>325064
What's impressive to me is that so many people keep arguing with anon despite the fact that he always ignored all logic in the post he's replying to, and just calls the person he's replying to a cuck ten times.
It's like watching someone play chess with a pigeon, but every time the pigeon knocks pieces over and shits on the board the other person just keeps playing chess like nothing happened.
▶ No.325057
>I want the translator gone. Learn japanese, cuck.
>Yes. Because the translator is a crossposter faggot, and I'll be happy to see it getting axed.
Not "him", "it", as in the game itself. Unless this is yet another failed attempt at english. Maybe I'll have to try communicating to you in cavemane speak.
>No, you stated that the only language I mastered is english. You're pretty bad at english.
Wow you really are far more retarded than I thought. Let me try to dumb it down for you. You no master english. I master english. 0 + 1 = 1. Simple enough?
>I didn't. I was part of it, but not even just the board was part of it, even /v/, /cow/ and others were aware on it, all of them agreed about it being cuckshit, and that's why towercuck was shamed till he left. Anyone who disagrees tend to be a newfag, offended that their shit fetish is being shamed, just like you. The fact that you don't know about it is pretty pathetic as well.
Oh no I don't give a shit about a shit game. How terrible. For what it's worth Towergirls is in fact cuckshit. Or at least had actual cuckshit in it. That doesn't change the fact that you're a retard for thinking most porn is cuckshit.
>Go ahead, cuck, you sure know more about that.
At least you admit you're no stranger to people knowing more than you. By the way, the only game on the front page that fits your criteria is FoBS.
>Cucks are pathetic.
And you're being cucked millions of times a second because women are having sex with other men. Uh oh.
>Non-cucks masturbate to self-inserts. Only normalfags masturbate to porn, only because in their infinite ignorance they don't know any better. Which is why they are conditioned to be cucks and thinking it is normal, just like you.
>Only normalfags masturbate to porn
You really are just a total fucking moron. It really is a treat to meet someone so fucking retarded they think only normalfag masturbate to porn. It's really such an enjoyable experience shitting on someone as stupid as you.
▶ No.325059
You're telling me you've never had fun throwing peanuts at a caged monkey? You should try it sometime.
▶ No.325060
Did you ever have that one down-syndrome kid in class who would never shut the fuck up? But he never really started shit with anyone so you'd feel like a total fucking cretin for picking on him? Cuckfag over here is that kid, except he starts shit with everyone so you can fuck with him all you like.
▶ No.325062
>Non-cucks masturbate to self-inserts.
You're that retard from the other thread that didn't understand the concept of fapping without self-inserting aren't you?
▶ No.325064
It's an interactive shitfest. If it isn't for humor and sport nobody would even be attempting it at all, and boards like /b/, /pol/ or /cow/ wouldn't be as fast as they are without individuals alike cuck-tan being ridiculized on a daily basis.
▶ No.325072
Hypocrisy is an interesting note to add to this medley, but you're the master shitposter here, so don't let me stop you.
▶ No.325074
>Stop samefagging.
>>Everyone I don't like is the same person
▶ No.325076
>when multiple posts agree with me it's disgusting to imply it's samefagging, but when multiple people disagree with me it's obviously samefagging
Cuck-tan doesn't even try any more. This is boring.
▶ No.325078
Don't sell him short. Most people don't put that much effort into shitposting, so the fact that cuckanon does really makes him a cut above the rest.
▶ No.325079>>325082 >>325159
>Yeah, as in his translation. Learn how english works, cuck.
Since you're too retarded to follow a conversation, I'll do the work for you.
>Yes, that's why if Teaching Feeling gets axed
I never said anything about the translation, I said the game.
>Yes. Because the translator is a crossposter faggot, and I'll be happy to see it getting axed.
You said you'd be happy to see it axed.
So again, you're just a fucking idiot who doesn't understand basic english.
>Says the cuck that can't communicate a simple idea.
I've communicated my ideas quite well, and even an idiot that can't communicate a simple idea is better than a retard who spouts wrong ones.
>Most porn is like towergirls conquest.
<Most videogames are violent murder simulators.
You're being retarded in ways I didn't even know possible.
>Let's ignore the actual purification thread and the sims 4.
The actual purification thread has cuck drama right now you autist. And the sims 4 WickedWhims also has a woman fucking a dog. Are we self-inserting as dogs now? Or maybe the woman jerking off the two black guys?
>I'm glad you accepted that's cuckolding. The first step on taking it down.
The only accepting that needs to be done is you accepting you're being a retard. But by your own logic, I guess you're a cuck then. Please don't neck yourself just yet, you're a marvelous punching bag.
>There is a difference between just porn and porn games. Not like a cuck like you would get it.
They're both still porn you fucking idiot. There's a difference between a chocolate bunny and a chocolate bar, but they're still chocolate.
>Stop samefagging.
Stop being a retard.
>I'm not here to argue. I'm here to shit on cucks.
And yet all you've accomplished is shitting yourself and being shit on. What a tragedy.
▶ No.325080>>325081
Changing IPs wouldn't change the clientside cookies.
Hell anon, you claim you're changing IPs after every post now so you can easily test this yourself.
▶ No.325081>>325083
He really should have claimed I edited the image. Would be far easier and more believable.
▶ No.325082
>And yet all you've accomplished is shitting yourself and being shit on
It's like pottery.
▶ No.325083
That's expecting him to actually use his brain. He can't use what he doesn't have.
▶ No.325084>>325086
Lel you don't even know how (you)s work. Also, no VPN on the planet lets you post two messages at nearly the same time with two different identificators.
Hint: browser and its cookie settings have more to do with it than having a different IP
▶ No.325086
Obviously anon has a VM running on his rig and two different VPNs running on the host and the VM and synchronized posts all in an autistic effort to throw anon off the trail.
That's a much more reasonable assumption than the possibility of multiple people disagreeing with one person.
▶ No.325088>>325090
>there's no way to harden browsers against fingerprinting
▶ No.325090>>325140
You almost made me think my own post was deleted. Why did you write the post number manually?
Also yes you can outright just block cookies and never have (You) show up.
And incidentally, you end up safer in the privacy side of things if you do, as jim can't track you as effectively on the site to sell your post history data to the feds
▶ No.325140
It doesn't add the text to the reply box when you have javascript off. There's also no quick-reply box.
I'm selecting your post so that the post number is added to the url and using the reply box at the top of the page.
I am literally a pedophile on a porn board, looking for what is considered child porn in over half the world. It's more strange that taking rudimentary steps to protect my privacy aren't the norm here.
▶ No.325159>>325179 >>325194 >>325231
>I never said anything about the translation
But I did, cuck.
>You said you'd be happy to see it axed.
Yes, the translation.
>I've communicated my ideas quite well,
You communicated that you are a cuck quite well.
>Most videogames are violent murder simulators.
<I don't know what towergirls was
<Look at my false equivalent
>The actual purification thread has cuck drama right now you autist
Only drama if you are a cuck.
>And the sims 4 WickedWhims also has a woman fucking a dog
That makes that anon a cuck. Pretty sure he was called for it.
>But by your own logic, I guess you're a cuck then.
<NO U!
>They're both still porn you fucking idiot.
No, they are not. Clearly difference being interactivity and the ability to not just masturbate in the corner like a cuck, like you.
▶ No.325179>>325319
Wow, so you can play a typically subpar game or read a VN in between bouts of masturbating in a corner. What an incredibly fucking meaningful distinction.
▶ No.325184
>They are still going at it.
▶ No.325194
>No u
>No u
>No u
>No u
I guess you're better than most at finding humor in people responding in the exact same way as you do.
▶ No.325231
>But I did, cuck.
I’m the one who brought up teaching feeling in the first place, retard, and I didn’t say shit about the translation or translator.
>Yes, the translation.
<Yes, that's why if Teaching Feeling gets axed because it supports child slavery
>Yes. Because the translator is a crossposter faggot, and I'll be happy to see it getting axed.
Follow the conversation, retard
>Look at my false equivalent
Trying to use a logical fallacy is reserved for people who understand logic, which you don’t. You’re the one who decided to generalize all porn, don’t start getting mad at me for what you said.
>Only drama if you are a cuck.
You don’t need to be part of drama to recognize it as drama, retard.
>That makes that anon a cuck. Pretty sure he was called for it.
Follow the conversation, retard. I didn’t say shit about “that anon.” WickedWhims in sims 4 has what you consider “cuckshit”, which according to your retarded definition means “a woman having sex with anyone that’s not explicitly a male self-insert.” Therefore, it fails your criteria, along with 95% of the board.
>NO U!
<Hey look guys, I have a retarded definition of what a cuck is
<Well according to your own retarded definition of cuck, you’re also a cuck
<Heh they said “no u”
I’m not surprised you can’t recognize your ow hypocrisy. That would require a modicum of self-awareness. But do at least try to read more than the post that you’re replying to, or have a short-term memory.
>No, they are not.
I know you’re so mentally deficient that you can’t follow a basic logic train, but try to remember exactly what you’re replying to. Interactivity was never discussed you fucking idiot. You said only normalfags masturbate to porn. Porn games are also porn, retard. That’s why they’re called porn games
>just masturbate in the corner like a cuck, like you.
While you masturbating in the corner while pretending to be someone else in a video game is so much better.
▶ No.325232>>325237 >>325320
How the fuck is that cucking you absolute retard? Jesus fuck, if you're going to hate on something, at least learn what is is! Just because you were forced to watch every girl in your school fuck every other guy while your virgin ass got nothing doesn't mean it works the same in the real world. Now you're pissed off that you were never good enough to be with even the sluttiest chicks and resort to calling everyone else what you are afraid of. Either explain what language you're speaking where 'cuck' is literally anything you want it to be or fuck right off
▶ No.325237>>325249
Just forget about it. It's pointless to argue with this guy if he doesn't care to actually argue in good faith. Let me save you time and reply for him: "Cuck cuck cuckity cuck"
▶ No.325249>>325258
He’s basically using the word “cuck” like a feminist uses the owrd “misogynist” and having the exact same effect.
▶ No.325258
If you were to replace all the times he said cuck with cluck, you'd think he would be laying enough eggs to feed a third world country on his own just with this one thread.
▶ No.325319>>325325 >>325326 >>325332
>What are choices
>What is seeing through your self insert eyes
>What is controlling the character's every action
▶ No.325320>>325325 >>325326 >>325332
>This level of projection
Holy fuck
As for your question, if you are aroused by that, you are a cuck and it's cuckolding. If alice is some random woman you are not persuing, then no problem, but if said woman is in a game you are playing and that happen, then you are a cuck. Otherwise, why play that game?
▶ No.325324>>325363
Isn't it funny how cuck-tan always stops replying once she has been proven wrong in a conversation, just to continue shitposting against someone else shortly after?
Some day soon she'll have lost the argument to everyone posting and just have no one left to respond to.
▶ No.325326
But you mentioned how playing a fem-MC game and having her fuck a non-MC (despite the fact that's just masturbation) is also cucking? Cucking who? At that point there isn't even a person to cuck
▶ No.325332>>325338 >>325388
>What are choices
>What is seeing through your self insert eyes
>What is controlling the character's every action
Even more pathetic, that's what it is. You're pretending to be someone else entirely just so you can fuck a non-existent girl and desperately convince yourself that you're not being "cucked".
>If alice is some random woman you are not persuing, then no problem, but if said woman is in a game you are playing and that happen, then you are a cuck.
You're so bad at english I genuinely can't tell if you misspelled pursuing or if you misspelled perusing.
▶ No.325338
Let's be real, cuck-tan has no idea what "to peruse" means.
▶ No.325363>>325388
Let's hope not, cuck-tan's shitposting is way too cute. I would be sad if she stops posting now due to lack of arguments, she never needed one to call people cucks in the first place!
▶ No.325388
>Even more pathetic
Hardly more pathetic than being a cuck like you that masturbates in the corner while watching other people fuck instead of at the very least pretend to be the person that do the fucking.
▶ No.325391>>325396 >>325397 >>325400 >>325402 >>325441
The fuck is all this cuckshit about? Can someone give me a brief summary?
▶ No.325395>>325398
I advocate the 24 hour approach, bruv, but that's just from personal experience. I used to be more lenient, but I've realized 12 hours is a bare minimum standard and 24 hours seems to work well enough.
▶ No.325396>>325401
>Cuckchan refegees get offended their games are called what they are, cuckshit
>Start calling mods because they come from cuckchan
>Vol complies and delete those posts, nuking a lot of shit along the way because he deletes by IP
>Chaos ensues
The usual, cuckchan thinking they are welcomed here. The place went to shit since the THQ nordic AMA.
▶ No.325397>>325399 >>325401
Basically this one guy is raising a storm, calling everyone cucks, saying how cucking is super detestable and stuff and should be banned from the board while a bunch of people either try and argue with him or just watch the show. There's an interesting bit where he admits to trying to derail treads about cucking in order to get them deleted though
▶ No.325398>>325414
I just had a 7 days ban. Guess who don't give a shit.
▶ No.325399>>325404
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
▶ No.325400>>325404
Anons started wondering who was causing all the "cuck discussion" across the board, the perpetrator outsed himself in the thread and has stated: >>323071
>Already decided to use a number of VPN and proxys after each of my post. That will, hopefully, force the faggot to actually review the shit he is deleting instead of nuke it by ID. It will either easy the amount of post deleted or make the vol drop his cuck act entirely. I hope for the later.
It's just a very dedicated shitposter that wants to dumb down the quality of the board by calling everything and everyone a cuck. The rest of the thread is just playing with the shitposter and his lack of logic behind why he's doing this. Also Viperfag made an appareance, he doesn't appear related but is amused.
▶ No.325401>>325403 >>325404 >>325420
Alright, was he purging that one anon who calls everything cuckshit, or was he purging the rest of anons calling out NTR for what it was? I know there's at least one shitter who claims any female MC = cuckshit among other crap, but cuckshit is a real problem with western games. I saw my posts were still up (as anon) in the stupid thread promoting Evenicle and other crap, but I haven't followed this whole discussion.
▶ No.325402
A bunch of faggots got mad their cuck thread got deleted so they decide to use false flags in order to make cuckolding allowed in the board.
▶ No.325403>>325406
>or was he purging the rest of anons calling out NTR for what it was?
The later.
Also, evenicle is NTR, faggot.
▶ No.325404
I mean, sure types like the same person. Feel free to tell me how many there are.
Yeah the whole IP switching thing being admitted is pretty fucked up as well, basically saying he's going to dodge any potential ban
Not entirely sure, but if you go a bit higher in the thread you can see at least one guy (probably the same guy) is saying any fem-MC game is cucking and even a woman without a relationship slutting about is cucking as well despite not being at all related to the player/MC
▶ No.325406
>Also, Evenicle is NTR, faggot.
Who the fuck do you think was calling out the faggotry in that thread for its initial life cycle, nigger?
▶ No.325410>>325416
Bitch, when did I say I like sluts? What I'm saying is it's important to know the difference for those who actually are into one or the other. If you're gonna group up everything you don't like as cucking, might as well say furries are cucking, scat is cucking and bestiality is cucking while we're at it
▶ No.325414>>325417
>He's the fag who claims everything is cuck even female MC
I've seen nothing from BO or Oilrig about allowing week-long bans (and they're the only two I really answer to) so I'll remove it and re-apply a 24 hour ban since I guess this would count as an X offense, but you really need to cut back on the shitposting, dude.
▶ No.325415>>325416
Sluts are gross. Only vanilla sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation and hand holding get me off, but sluts don't equal cuck necessarily, just women to generally stay away from.
▶ No.325416
You're justifying it and even defending it. Same thing.
>What I'm saying is it's important to know the difference for those who actually are into one or the other
Those would be cucks.
>J-just group it because you don't like it
>Wanting to fuck a women that fuck other men on daily basis as a job
>Not cuckolding
Whatever you say.
Read above. If there are sluts involved, it's cuckshit, otherwise, there wouldn't be sluts on it.
▶ No.325417>>325444
Nah, I'll just keep switching IPs and shitting on cuckshit. Glad to know you're not a retard that let himself go, though. You're the cool dude from back then. I remember Oilrig being the faggot that came after you and the BO was never around Please stick around, the board needs you and not that other faggot
▶ No.325420>>325421 >>325427 >>325429
A thread supposedly was accidentally deleted because the volunteer that did it intended to delete cuck-tan aka anon who calls everything cuckshit and replies from the rest of the anons replying to her via B&D by IP, since apparently the OP was shitposting just as much as cuck-tan was on said thread.
However, intl poster has not provided any info of WHICH thread was actually deleted and i'm not wading through the shitposting to check which one it was, so it could just be another falseflag.
I'd say it's a little bit of both of what you're asking, but mayorly because of cuck-tan's actions.
▶ No.325421>>325427 >>325429 >>325430
Here's the thread's link and a pic of my history.
As far as I'm aware there is no archive. The thread barely lasted a day, as it should be. Cuck threads will be killed.
▶ No.325427>>325433
There's been about four of those in the last two months so that doesn't really tell me much of anything, to be honest. The one I remember had about 300 posts of which 90% was telling OP to fuck off before someone else deleted it (but that was back in late January/February). I remember banning some goreposter in that thread for spamming gore across two or three IPs.
>A thread supposedly was accidentally deleted because the volunteer that did it intended to delete cuck-tan
Ah, well I wasn't him but I'll apologize anyways, sometimes shit happens.
▶ No.325429>>325437 >>325439
I actually found a Jewgle image cache.
>False flag
I keep reading the same thing from this faggot. The fact that he wants to push that narrative, that every post insulting cucks is a false-flag, is suspicious.
▶ No.325430>>325433
>an actual NTR thread
So nothing of value was lost. Still, you're actually stupid enough to be shitposting on a thread the OP had done just to lure out replies and get a few laughs at the responses.
▶ No.325433>>325440
Pretty sure the thread was deleted because the OP kept replying to the gore. Vols should learn to delet what it needs to be deleted instead of deleting by IP. Pretty sure a pregmod thread died because of the very same thing.
>Lol look at how I ironically made this cuck thread
>I'm such le troll
<Nevermind the actual cucks that it might attract
Cucks need to be shit on on sight.
▶ No.325437
>this faggot
Hey now, I'm not that guy and I've called you a false flag attack before, because you're an idiot who doesn't understand that he is hurting his own cause. And you always fail to reply to me other than the usual response of
>hahahahahahaha cuck cuck cuck
It's much more suspicious that you're so consistently idiotic and self-defeating. Someone who isn't false flagging would at least occasionally have a salient point, but not you. Almost like you're intentionally being retarded to make other people dismiss your argument out of its association with your stupidity.
▶ No.325439>>325442 >>325447 >>325448
Yeah which is why it was said before. Cuck-tan's shitposting doesn't drive away cucks, it makes it so that anyone posting against actual real netorare content is frowned upon because they would assume it's just another baseless shitpost with no logic behind it.
Thankfully the volunteers aren't Mark and thus a rule against any kind of anti-NTR posting will never be made.
However, it's getting to the point she isn't doing it for that, but rather to make it board-culture among the regular posters to dismiss any post with the word Cuck on it, which is arguably worse. Let's hope it never gets to that and it just stays on humoring the attempt at a shitpost.
▶ No.325440>>325463 >>325487
>Vols should learn to delet what it needs to be deleted instead of deleting by IP.
I'll be real with you, anon. You're correct. You're absolutely correct.
We're vols. Veil is basically the only really active vol as well as some newfag that I don't really follow but who seems to be doing a decent enough job. BO occasionally also does stuff, but I'm really out of the loop. What I do know from Voling on some other high-frequency boards is that I only have X hours in the day to enjoy myself, and I'm throwing maybe a tenth of those hours away to vol. If I go and read through the reasoning and 100-300 posts to explain why I need to ban someone, I'd have to triple the time I spend voling and thus remove that time from my free time. Sometimes I have to make split-second decisions when at work on break or lunch on whether to deal with something immediately or give the situation an extra several hours to get out of hand, and I imagine these other guys also phone vol like I would. While we should spend a long time deciding on the reason to ban someone, and it should seem like common sense to an anon who's been involved in that argument, you have to think of the vol as an outsider looking in on the situation and trying to make a split-second decision. In this sense, I can't actually fault someone for using the [D*] or hell, the [D+] options. I know I frequently use the [RB] followed by [D+] combo because it's easier than trying to sort the shit/the fallout is easier to deal with.
▶ No.325441>>325446
Oh I looked away for an hour and a volunteer showed up. Basically what happened was there's one or two people here insist that any game involving any woman having sex with anyone that isn't a male self-insert MC is a cuck game, and anyone who likes such games are cucks. Me and a few others are having fun kicking him around for being retarded.
▶ No.325442
>Cuck-tan's shitposting doesn't drive away cucks, it makes it so that anyone posting against actual real netorare content is frowned upon because they would assume it's just another baseless shitpost with no logic behind it.
I feel your pain, anon.
▶ No.325444>>325447 >>325463
>Thankfully the volunteers aren't Mark and thus a rule against any kind of anti-NTR posting will never be made.
Actually on a funny note while my alcohol blood percentage is very high, being pissed off at Towercuck and wanting to help the board is the main reason I became a vol.
The order was BO + old vols, then the old vols left and BO left and Peep or whatever his name is became BO. He brought on Oilrig who is bro-tier, and then I got brought on, so sorry to disappoint but either I or Veil are that fag you're thinking of.
▶ No.325446>>325463 >>325735
It's one person. I wish he'd quit the shitposting, but I or Veil or the newfag vol (who hasn't introduced himself here) would have to go full purge mode to get him to quit, and he's kinda endearing if not ruining the whole argument against NTR in the process.
▶ No.325447
Fuck, first half meant for >>325439
▶ No.325448>>325449 >>325454 >>325455
>Cuck-tan's shitposting doesn't drive away cucks
Seeing how actual cuck threads are deleted because of that, I'd say you're completely wrong.
>it makes it so that anyone posting against actual real netorare content is frowned upon because they would assume it's just another baseless shitpost with no logic behind it
No one would do that, except you.
>to dismiss any post with the word Cuck on it
The only people who dismiss the word "faggot" are homosexuals, literally no one else is affected by that word, which is why it is used on daily basis on these boards, which is why the term normalfag is being used instead of the "normies" that normalfags use.
Under that logic, no. Only cucks would be bothered by the word and no one will frown upon it nor stop using it just because you're bothered by it.
▶ No.325449>>325451
This is why we all call you stupid.
▶ No.325451>>325452
Nice no argument, cuck.
▶ No.325452>>325453 >>325456
I'm not here to argue, I'm here to punch a mentally retarded otter who somehow believes it knows how to argue.
▶ No.325453>>325456 >>325461
And I'm here to shit on cucks like you.
▶ No.325454>>325465
>people will dismiss the word out of its association with you
>y-yeah but fags get triggered by being called fags, therefore i am not associated with the word cuck
That isn't how logic works at all. You took a statement, gave an example which was tangentially related, then came to a conclusion that had nothing to do with either the statement you were replying to or the example you gave.
▶ No.325455>>325465 >>325475
Also cuck-tan, can you stop playing Dota trash anytime soon? You posted the same image on a /vg/ thread several days ago, with yet similar writing style. You still haven't come up with any argument on why it isn't shit, while stating that nobody has an argument against it, which they did have.
polite sage for unrelated bullshit
▶ No.325456>>325459 >>325460 >>325461
Stop encouraging him.
Cut it out.
▶ No.325459>>325465
I meant be civil I guess. I'm drunk enough to hand out blanket bans right now even if meta thread is neutral territory generally speaking.
▶ No.325460>>325465
So no more trolling cuckfag? That's a shame, I was having so much fun fucking with him.
▶ No.325461>>325465
>you either agree with everything i say at all times or you're a cuck
See, this is another reason we call you an idiot.
But it's fun
▶ No.325463>>325464
>While we should spend a long time deciding on the reason to ban someone, and it should seem like common sense to an anon who's been involved in that argument, you have to think of the vol as an outsider looking in on the situation and trying to make a split-second decision
I'm not really asking you to do some inhuman job, specially if you're not involved in the discussion, but using the [D+] is plain retarded because this shit happens.
If something, the less involvement you faggots have, the better.
Shame. If you're the guy back when Towercuck was around, then you're probably him, I think.
>Everyone I don't like is one person
▶ No.325464>>325465
>literally admits multiple times it's him doing all the shitposting
>b-but it's not me, i swear
▶ No.325465>>325469 >>325470
>association with you
>On an anonymous imageboard
>Muh logic
>You posted the same image on a /vg/ thread several days ago
>Everyone who uses a really common reaction pic is the same person
Holy shit, I don't even use /vg/.
>I'm drunk enough to hand out blanket bans right now even if meta thread is neutral territory generally speaking
Pic related.
It's more like you don't want to admit you're a cuck.
>I admit I shitpost
>Then everyone is shitposting
(Hue)▶ No.325469>>325477
>>association with you
>>On an anonymous imageboard
>>Muh logic
Yes, you absolute turbonigger. Do you want to know why we are calling you cuck-tan? Because you have established an identity for yourself with your ridiculous arguments. Now anyone else who uses similar arguments will be associated with the endless stupidity that is "cuck-tan." You don't need to start namefagging to establish an identity for yourself.
▶ No.325470>>325472 >>325483 >>325566
Forgot pic.
Hope you ban the others too :^)
▶ No.325472>>325476
>Evading a 5 minute ban
▶ No.325475>>325479
Cuck-tan probably actually stole that image from me. I posted it a few months ago when shitposting at him and he's been using it ever since.
Plenty of people get their smug anime girls from boorus, though https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3248342
▶ No.325476
He already said he changes IPs every post. He doesn't even know he got banned.
▶ No.325477>>325482
>Let me push this narrative only I believe
You have 2 options here, shit on cuckolding as everyone have always done, or not because you're afraid of some boogeyman. And that is implying you're not a cuck that wants cuckolding to be accepted.
Seriously, the solution is as simple as to keep shitting on cuckshit.
▶ No.325479>>325481
Figures, at least that means the site is a far bit bigger than i expected it to be nowadays.
▶ No.325481
Oh no, anon, the site is really small! Please go back to bigger sites like cuckchan and Reddit. They are more your speed.
▶ No.325482>>325492
You stupid mongoloid. First of all, three people have said this exact same thing to you.
Secondly, the entire point is that everyone else is slowly being deemed retarded by association.
It used to be that pretty much everyone universally agreed to shit on NTR because it wasn't welcome here, but your stupid autistic ass started shitposting and you've kept it up for long enough and severely enough that people have started dismissing anti-NTR rhetoric wholecloth, because they assume it's all as dumb as your posts.
This is why you're getting so much pushback, because everyone who agrees with you just sees the damage you're doing and wants you to fucking cut it out.
I plan to keep on shitting on NTR games as I always have been; that is precisely why it concerns me that you're being so aggressively retarded with your "strategy" here.
▶ No.325483>>325492
>Forgot pic
You say I'm angry, then get so worked up you forget to post a picture and you've made multiple basic english mistakes across your shitposting. Or was that just you being a retard again.
▶ No.325487>>325490
>f I go and read through the reasoning and 100-300 posts to explain why I need to ban someone, I'd have to triple the time I spend voling and thus remove that time from my free time. Sometimes I have to make split-second decisions when at work on break or lunch on whether to deal with something immediately or give the situation an extra several hours to get out of hand, and I imagine these other guys also phone vol like I would. While we should spend a long time deciding on the reason to ban someone, and it should seem like common sense to an anon who's been involved in that argument, you have to think of the vol as an outsider looking in on the situation and trying to make a split-second decision.
Then don't delete anything? This isn't rocket science. Unless you feel like being a fucking retard and shitting up the board, there's no reason to ban anyone or delete anything. You can't say 'but what if someone posts cp!' because you obviously don't need to think in depth about whether or not to remove the image.
▶ No.325490>>325492
>Let /hgg/ become /b/-lite or /htg/
That's not how it works, anon.
▶ No.325492>>325493 >>325494 >>325495 >>325496 >>325506
>No U
>three people have said this exact same thing to you.
Great proof, cuck.
>the entire point is that everyone else is slowly being deemed retarded by association
This is just being pushed by cucks. Why would you be bothered by it if you are not a cuck? You can just ignore all the shitposting, but you engage on it, because it bothers you for shitting on your fetish.
>This is why you're getting so much pushback
I'm getting a pushback because cucks want their cuck fix. What do you want me to do? To not call cuckshit whenever I see it? Gee, sounds like something a cuck would want.
>that is precisely why it concerns me that you're being so aggressively retarded with your "strategy" here.
If everyone will keep doing it then there's no change at all other than less cucks in the board. If you decide to stop doing it only because someone else is doing it, then I have very bad news for you cuck.
>I need moderation because I can't think outside my cuckchan mindset
There's something called user moderation, faggot.
▶ No.325493>>325498
>There's something called user moderation, faggot.
Tell me how that's working for /n/, or should I say Johnny Nigger's experiment in ruining a board. Or /k/ where BO only logs in to keep the board from being given to someone else/does the bare minimum to contain muttspammer.
▶ No.325494>>325498
Advocating to user moderation falls flat on its face when you're basically spamming at every post with meaningless ad-hominems. If you don't get deleted, half the thread is you shitposting. It will ruin discussion regardless of your intentions.
▶ No.325496>>325497 >>325499 >>325501
>What do you want me to do? To not call cuckshit whenever I see it?
No, you ass-goblin, I want you to be intelligent with your fucking posts. Shit on NTR all you want, I'll be doing it myself. But for the love of god, stop being so fucking stupid about every argument you make.
▶ No.325497
▶ No.325498>>325501 >>325502
A lot of people have said it before, but you can just ignore those post. You decide to engage, though, probably because you feel like you should defend your cuck fetish, otherwise you and everyone else can ignore it and move on with their discussion. That's literally user moderation.
But nope, you're used to people deleting things for you. You should go back.
>No u!
▶ No.325499>>325504
Cucks have no reasoning, so it's useless to try to reason with them. All you need to do is laugh at them so they can leave. Why would you care if a cuck thinks you're smart or not? He is a cuck.
▶ No.325501>>325508
I mean his argument is basically "every time a woman has sex with someone else it's cucking", what intelligent arguments are you expecting?
>No u!
Sorry I thought I'd try to keep simple insults for your simple brain. I've already had to explain one of my insults to you.
▶ No.325502>>325503
>You decide to engage, though, probably because you feel like you should defend your cuck fetish, otherwise you and everyone else can ignore it and move on with their discussion.
You can't ignore/just sift through 200 fucking posts you nigger. Anyone inbetween gets drowned out by your autistic screeching.
▶ No.325503>>325507
>You can't ignore/just sift through 200 fucking posts you nigger
You actually can. There's a hide post option for a reason. In fact, that's the reason the option exists, retard.
▶ No.325504
>Cucks have no reasoning,
Oh, is that why cuckfag has completely incomprehensible arguments like "only normalfags masturbate to porn because porn games aren't porn."
▶ No.325506
>I need moderation because I can't think outside my cuckchan mindset
It's been a while since I browsed cuckchan, but I remember them being really hands-off with moderation. You'd pretty much have to break a board rule to get deleted, unless some mod was going on a power trip, but those were short-lived and infrequent.
Has it really deteriorated that much since I left?
▶ No.325507
>Every anon should have to hide 200 posts instead of just getting rid of that shit
▶ No.325508>>325509 >>325525
>every time a woman has sex with someone else it's cucking
Anon said multiple times this only apply to porn games, because those women are in there for you. Gee, cuck.
▶ No.325509>>325510
>Anon said multiple times this only apply to porn games, because those women are in there for you.
Oh is that why in every porn game you can fuck every woman in the game? Oh wait no that's nowhere near true. This is a retarded argument.
▶ No.325510>>325513
Anon also said that Honey Select is the only non-cuck game.
▶ No.325513
Anon literally admitted 95% of porn is cuck porn. I don't know why people are trying to defend him as anything but a particularly stupid circus seal.
>You may just play either shit games or cuck games.
<Every porn game where you can't fuck every single woman is a shit game or a cuck game
Again, completely retarded.
▶ No.325515>>325525
Anon, do you have any friends?
Serious question. Because friends mention their sex lives to each other, usually very frequently.
▶ No.325517
was cuck-tan the one who said women aren't allowed to masturbate to porn games, or was that a different shitposter?
▶ No.325519>>325525
>I mean, let's say she actually have a canon sex life, why would you want to be aware of it Oh, right, because you're a cuck.
<Every woman who has a canon sex life outside of the MC is cucking me
If you're trying to make your arguments sound reasonable, you're shit at it. But sure, I guess I'll bite.
You've essentially asked "why does a character have x quality." It might be to develop their characters. It might be so that said woman can then give advice to another character on their sex life. Or it might just be to showcase some nice art that some artist got paid to make.
Just because neither of the participants is a sex scene happen to be a self insert male MC (who may or may not even exist in the in-game universe in the first place), doesn't mean we as the player need to feel cheated or robbed. That's how a complete fucking psychopath thinks. Sometimes we like the two characters who are fucking onscreen and support their relationship. Or sometimes we can't see a woman getting gangbanged by mutant dogs anywhere else and it's a spectacle if nothing else.
▶ No.325521>>325524 >>325532
There's no reason to ever have mutant dogs (or even average Joes or fat bald bastards) fuck a chick on-screen. You might be able to justify seeing someone else's relationship coming to fruition by the end of a story or game, but even then, a tasteful blackout or implied romance is better than a full-length sex scene dedicated to them.
▶ No.325524>>325526
But that point isn't even in the same universe as any of cuck-tan's. You have to understand that no one's really disagreeing with any coherent argument you can come up with, just laughing at a certain anon's inability to do so.
▶ No.325525>>325531 >>325532 >>325533 >>325534
See >>323962 and >>325508
You have a shit reading comprehension. The problem is not her having a canon sex lifelife, the problem is the game showing it. Why would you want to see it? Wouldn't it be better that if the scene existed it should be with the MC? Why would I want to watch her fuck someone else when she can fuck me?
If the girl have a sex scene, it should be with me. Of not, why add it at all? Not like I expect a cuck to understandunderstand this.
▶ No.325526>>325527 >>325530
That's literally the argument "cuck-tan" have made from the beginning.
▶ No.325527>>325529
Cuck-tan does a shit job of getting that across in his her incessant rambling, to be honest.
▶ No.325529
Dunno, anon, it's pretty easy to understand. Maybe you are just retarded.
▶ No.325530
No, she argues that any game which even hints at the possibility that any existing female had sex with anybody other than her hindu avatar MC is literal, by-the-books cuckoldry, completely ignoring that words have meanings.
▶ No.325531>>325538
>If the girl have a sex scene, it should be with me.
Do you understand that no matter how hard you press your face against the screen, they will never fuck you? There is one character who it's okay to do so apparently, but what if you aren't an idiot and self-insert as *other* characters? Or don't self insert at all like an autist and just watch? How hard is it to be able to shift your perspective as necessary? Then you can get, not only variety on the females, but on the males too! It's a fucking game, you can take the role of whoever you want or nobody at all. And if a game has a female MC then it's super easy to just pretend you are the guy she's fucking
▶ No.325532>>325538
>There's no reason to ever have mutant dogs (or even average Joes or fat bald bastards) fuck a chick on-screen.
Ignoring the fact that "average Joes" is essentially every single self-insert male MC bar a few standout exceptions, I've already told you that the spectacle itself is sometimes reason enough. There's also technically no reason for monster truck rallies or MMA fighting or Michael Bay movies. Sometimes the sheer dumb novelty of a thing is reason enough.
> You might be able to justify seeing someone else's relationship coming to fruition by the end of a story or game, but even then, a tasteful blackout or implied romance is better than a full-length sex scene dedicated to them.
Or sometimes people want more explicit closure than that without feeling any emotions of jealousy associated with, you know, actual cuckolding. Sometimes watching two characters make sweet love to each to each other without the a self insert being involved (or even existing) is far more satisfying than a black screen saying "they fucked, the end". And no, it does not make that person a cuck. It's exactly the same reason why one would turn on a romance movie.
>You have a shit reading comprehension.
Says the guy who had to have an insult explained to them
>If the girl have a sex scene, it should be with me. Of not, why add it at all? Not like I expect a cuck to understandunderstand this.
Because sometimes game creators try to make an actual world instead of a fap simulator. Once you grow up a little and gain some taste you might realize that fucking everything that moves isn't your god given right.
▶ No.325533>>325535
It's pretty funny that you would claim someone else has shit reading comprehension when it took you hundreds of posts of people explicitly stating why they believe you're a false flag attack for you to understand it.
▶ No.325534
Also that time where he thought four different people shitting on him were the same person.
▶ No.325535>>325536 >>325537
>You understood it is falseflagging because I say so
You're pushing your agenda now.
▶ No.325536>>325543
>You're pushing your agenda now.
You're right, the idea of cuckfag understanding anything is beyond the realm of possibility. He can't even understand the definition of "cuckold".
▶ No.325537>>325539
But you agreed with the person explaining it to you!
Jesus christ anon why do you do this?
▶ No.325538>>325541 >>325551
>Do you understand that no matter how hard you press your face against the screen, they will never fuck you?
>Cucks are unable to self-insert so they think everyone are cucks like them
>I've already told you that the spectacle itself is sometimes reason enough
Nobody considers cuckolding an spectacle, cuck.
▶ No.325539>>325542
▶ No.325540>>325543
There, I have solved the argument. Words have agreed-upon definitions, and if you're going to disagree with that statement then how the fuck did you understand any of this sentence if you believe words have no meaning?
▶ No.325541>>325545
Anon, self-inserting doesn't make you the character on the screen. I don't care how much Krishna tells you so, you're still a sad loser fapping to a male who isn't you fucking a girl you never will.
▶ No.325542>>325545
But you literally did
Not even two hours ago
What timeline am I living in?
▶ No.325543>>325546 >>325551
I bet you think NTR and cuckolding is something different. The technical differences doesn't really matter, they are essentially the same thing. If you correct someone in their usage makes no difference whatsoever.
Oh, wow, bunch of sticks.
▶ No.325545>>325548 >>325555
Go back to reddit already, anon. Also, it's the closest thing you'll have to be there. Your other option is masturbating to other people fucking, like a cuck.
But I didn't. Seriously, you can just point it out. But I didn't agree to anything like that.
▶ No.325546>>325547
>Oh, wow, bunch of sticks.
Not even close. Come on, anon. How can you use any words at all if you believe they have no meaning?
▶ No.325547>>325550
You are right anon. Every word have only one meaning and nothing more, bunch of sticks.
▶ No.325548>>325549 >>325554
>But I didn't. Seriously, you can just point it out. But I didn't agree to anything like that.
Earlier anon was explaining to you quite explicitly that he believes you're false flagging because you were being an idiot with your arguments, and you said
>Cucks have no reasoning, so it's useless to try to reason with them.
This is an implicit agreement with the fact that you are not being intelligent.
You literally agreed with the people saying you're a false flag, you just disagreed with the end result.
▶ No.325549>>325552
That's not an agreement, retard.
▶ No.325550>>325554
What? You're going to have to explain that one to me, because it seems like a complete non-sequitur.
Or you literally didn't read me post or look at the image and just repeated what you said before despite the statement contained within being completely refuted by the image posted.
▶ No.325551>>325556
>Nobody considers cuckolding an spectacle, cuck.
You've somehow taken a very short sentence and managed to be wrong twice. Yes, some people do consider cuckolding a spectacle. A repulsive spectacle for repulsive people, but a spectacle nonethess. And also, it's not cuckolding if she's not married, you fucking idiot. Someone's gone to the effort of posting the definition, so go ahead and read, or do you need someone to read it to you?
>I bet you think NTR and cuckolding is something different.
Technically yes. NTR is based more upon the feeling it's meant to impart onto the reader. Netorare literally means "taken away by sleeping with". It's essentially cuckolding except it can apply to any character a male self-insert MC has the vaguest romantic feelings for.
>If you correct someone in their usage makes no difference whatsoever.
In this case that's true. Do you know why? Because cuckfag is arguing that games where a male MC doesn't even exist still counts as a cuck game. Even by the loosest definition of the word, he's still completely wrong.
▶ No.325552
Then why did you agree with it? Jesus christ anon are you literally schizophrenic?
▶ No.325554>>325557 >>325558
I actually didn't agree. I said cucks don't deserve reasoning but how the fuck does that even mean "I false flag", are you retarded?
You are absolutely right, anon. Words just have a single meaning. Faggot doesn't mean a bunch of sticks anymore but just male homosexuals, because words aren't allowed to have meanings based on history, etymology or context. That's why a bunch of sticks is just a bunch of sticks and faggot now means something entirely different so they can't share the same meaning.
▶ No.325555>>325559
Anon, the number of people disagreeing with you means one of two things---either this is a cuck board and the majority of people here are cucks, in which case you just love talking to cucks (very understandable, being one yourself), or you seem like a retard to non-cucks. Either way, any person who is not actively false-flagging or shitposting would have no reason to keep arguing, which is how we all know you're shitposting, you lovable scamp.
▶ No.325556>>325569
>Because cuckfag is arguing that games where a male MC doesn't even exist still counts as a cuck game.
And he is right. You are watching a woman fucked by everything and you don't find that disgusting. I doubt anyonanyone would even masturbate to it unless they like the concept of getting off to it, specially when there are plenty of games that aren't like that. You even go as far as to defend both NTR and cuckolding. You faggots deserve no sympathy.
▶ No.325557>>325559
>You are absolutely right, anon. Words just have a single meaning. Faggot doesn't mean a bunch of sticks anymore but just male homosexuals, because words aren't allowed to have meanings based on history, etymology or context. That's why a bunch of sticks is just a bunch of sticks and faggot now means something entirely different so they can't share the same meaning.
Anon, the entire problem is that you are the only one who has ever used the word "cuckold" in this way.
Seriously, find even one source other than yourself describing "a woman having sex with anyone other than the player's self-insert"
I'll wait for as long as it takes, link me whenever you find even one case of other people using the word this way.
▶ No.325558>>325562
>I said cucks don't deserve reasoning but how the fuck does that even mean "I false flag", are you retarded?
I didn't say you admitted you're false flagging you moron, I said it took you that long to understand them. You agreed with their logic, therefore you have accepted it as true. You disagreeing with the end result of that chain of logic doesn't mean you didn't agree with their logic.
Do you seriously believe that understanding something is literally the same thing as agreeing with it? If so, this explains a lot about you.
▶ No.325559>>325560 >>325563
And yet, here you are replying to me
I doubt the thesaurus have such a word, specially since cuck fits on it pretty well.
▶ No.325560>>325564
>I doubt the thesaurus have such a word, specially since cuck fits on it pretty well.
So you admit defeat? You're not even going to fucking attempt to find another person on the entire internet who uses the word in the same way that you do?
I'll accept this as your concession.
▶ No.325562
Are you stupid? How did I even agreed with them? Jesus, you are making no sense.
>Do you seriously believe that understanding something is literally the same thing as agreeing with it?
You tell me, you are the one saying I agreed because I said something completely unrelated to the notion. You just keep moving the goal post.
▶ No.325563>>325566
I reply to you because I enjoy it. I love you, cuck-tan, you've brought more joy to my life than you can ever know. Thank you for making this a more enjoyable board for all us cucks.
▶ No.325564>>325567
It is used by others in this very same board and it dates back to 2 years ago with towercuck.
▶ No.325566>>325568
▶ No.325567>>325571
It supposedly very common, yet you can't find even one example of someone other than yourself using it?
▶ No.325568
I did, thank you. I would never miss a single one of your posts, they're all so enjoyable.
▶ No.325569>>325870
>And he is right.
Oh so you are retarded. Next time, make it clear from the beginning so I don't have to waste time making actual arguments.
>I doubt anyonanyone would even masturbate to it unless they like the concept of getting off to it, specially when there are plenty of games that aren't like that.
<Games that don't have a male MC are cuck games. Again, words have meanings, retard.
>You even go as far as to defend both NTR and cuckolding.
<A repulsive spectacle for repulsive people
Yeah what a stellar fucking defense, you fucking retard.
>You faggots deserve no sympathy.
Sympathy from who? You? I'll be here to watch you idiots shit yourselves and help you along and I don't need your sympathy to do it.
▶ No.325571>>325572 >>325576
>Games that don't have a male MC are cuck gamesgames
Glad you finally agree.
You can use the archives to see the towercuck threads. Something you'd already know if you actually were present back then.
▶ No.325572>>325575
>Glad you finally agree.
<Can't understand sarcasm
Oh so you're just autistic. No retard, words have meanings.
▶ No.325575>>325578
Yeah, and you just said it.
▶ No.325576>>325577
I was there, though. Which is how I know no one but you uses the word "cuckold" in this extremely specific, extremely retarded way.
Don't worry about losing, anon. Everyone has to lose sometimes, and it's more graceful to simply accept it than to continue to whine that you may be the only one who uses the word that way but it's definitely still the correct way to use it.
▶ No.325577>>325580 >>325581
Nah, you wasn't. Otherwise you'd know that's the reason why towercuck got BTFO.
▶ No.325578>>325582
>Yeah, and you just said it.
<The definition was literally posted in the thread and you still got it wrong.
Keep going anon, you've almost reached cuckfag in terms of total retardation. Next you'll be telling me that only normalfags masturbate to porn.
▶ No.325580>>325652
No, it wasn't. And if you were there, you'd know that. He got BTFO for adding cuckshit to the game. Not the nonsense you're talking about.
▶ No.325581
>you wasn't
How are you so good? I really couldn't make posts this perfectly shitty if I tried, but you make it look so natural.
▶ No.325582>>325583 >>325586
>you've almost reached cuckfag in terms of total retardation
Anon, clearly this is cuck-tan. No one else uses the stupid definition of cuckoldry that she uses.
And if was a different person, they would've just pointed at cuck-tan's posts earlier in the thread for an immediate example of someone else using the same definition, rather than resorting to "e-everyone uses it, there's just no evidence!"
▶ No.325583
Oh is it? I couldn’t tell, since that anon dodn’t use the word “cuck” every other sentence until about the last two posts.
▶ No.325586
>drops the "you can't prove it was all me" the minute it would actually make sense to do so
As expected of cuck-tan. I honestly don't know how she manages to operate a computer at this point.
▶ No.325652>>326038
Exactly, adding cuckolding by the definition of cuckolding you claim no one uses. It got to the point he admitted defeat and added a folterfilter to it. Hence why he is called towercuck. But I doubt you'd know anything about it seeing how you probably wasn't around then.
▶ No.325714
>I guess that further goes to show just how out of touch and the loop you are with the board
not him, but that's a silly argument. i don't pay any attention to the nonsensical moderation drama that this board seems to always have, but i still posts here quite regularly. you're not necessarily "out of touch" if you don't actively track and engage with drama.
▶ No.325715
▶ No.325724
I was more referring to that Negan guy. I don't remember him being around a year ago.
▶ No.325735
That is a distinct possibility.
▶ No.325870>>325873 >>325891 >>326041
>Instead of proving why he is right he just ad hominem everything
This is why people like you is hated. You go all high and mighty about being intelligent, but you're a faggot yourself.
>Yeah what a stellar fucking defense, you fucking retard.
You're justifying it by saying it's just an spectacle instead of being pure shit.
>Sympathy from who? You?
Yes, since you keep bitching about anon shitting on your fetish. I might not agree with him entirely, but you are the reason why he do what he do.
▶ No.325873>>325886
Stop using English language websites, you aren't wanted here.
▶ No.325879>>325935
Someone told me "8chan got taken down" was that guy a faggot
▶ No.325886>>325889
Ironic coming from a cuck.
▶ No.325889
I'm a cuck because you're an obvious ESLnigger?
▶ No.325891
>This is why people like you is hated.
>by saying it's just an spectacle
>you are the reason why he do what he do.
I’d shit on you, but I have a feeling your english will somehow get even worse if I do. If I wanted a headache from reading atrocious english I’d get drunk and watch subtitled foreign movies, so instead I’ll just tell you to fuck off.
▶ No.325935
There was a shooting in New Zealand by a /pol/ack.
Now go back to reddit you fucking newfag.
▶ No.326038
>provide proof
>my proof is that i'm right
>no i'm right
>no i'm right
>no i'm right
>no i'm right
What a thrilling argument you've had, anon.
▶ No.326041
>You go all high and mighty about being intelligent, but you're a faggot yourself
What you mean to say is that he talks like a fag, and his shit's all retarded.
▶ No.326046>>326051
I know i'm lazy faggot, but where are some html download repositories? Is Fag95zone the only one? When i google i only find shitty online html5 games.
▶ No.326051
You need to be in QTDDTOT
▶ No.326680
Reddit spacing should be a bannable offense.
▶ No.326781>>326782
This whole cuck argument is sad even by virgin weeb standards.
I think I'm gonna change my life.
▶ No.326782>>326935
>Being against cuckolding is sad
>I better become a cuck, that's really manly
▶ No.326935
>being legitimately retarded is great
>why are people making fun of me?
▶ No.328656>>328798 >>328838 >>328901
Locked the Flexible Survival thread. Awaiting other vol input before nuking it entirely.
▶ No.328798>>328838 >>329083
I don't like the furfags and don't want to give them a platform so I don't mind this position, but I'm not sure I would've locked the thread either since they didn't violate the rules. Then again, it's kinda like the cuck thread. Guess it would be BO's position, really. But I more or less agree with you on locking it.
It's Furshit.
▶ No.328838>>328856 >>328924 >>329088
Hate to break it to you, but if that's the line you wanna toe, Kemono & Beastiality shit needs to go too.
That accounts:
▶ No.328856>>328900 >>328901
You're retarded if you think any of those games are anything alike the furshit garbage being pushed by FS.
Well except kobold adventure. That shit is 0.001v furshit with no redeeming qualities, the only reason it wasn't nuked it was because there's no patreon page for the dev but that's still stretching it.
▶ No.328900
How is MVOL any different, exactly?
▶ No.328901>>328946
WTF? If furshit isn't allowed on this board, then why isn't this mentioned in rules?
Have you actually played Paraphore? Or Lilith's Throne? Or My Very Own Lilith?
▶ No.328905
Well, no it isn't. We already have plenty of furry game threads that are doing just fine.
▶ No.328908
>You're full of shit. Although you are right
Please try harder.
▶ No.328924
▶ No.328946
Those didn't have furshit in the op so they don't count, duh.
▶ No.329012>>329017
So are we banning fur, and all their kinks?
Or are we going to arbitrarily apply a new rule?
I need to know to make a decision.
▶ No.329017
There was never a ban on it before and we have/had several threads dedicated to particular furry games, so why suddenly ban it now? If there was suddenly a huge wave of threads for furry games, I could see relegating them to a furry general, but there's otherwise no need for it. If you don't like it then just hide/ignore the thread.
▶ No.329036
autism not welcome
▶ No.329082
>pregmod fell to furries
oh, you're the "cat ears = furry bestiality" guy.
▶ No.329083
I didn't see an email, but if this is about the furry thing, I'm sticking to my guns on >>328798 and would like an official reply from BO. In the mean time, I went ahead and changed it from a hard lock to a bumplock for the time being.
▶ No.329088>>330121 >>330984
It's a shitty gay-ass chart, but the only one anons take issue with is type C.
▶ No.329114
This all seems a complex way to simply state "snout == get out."
▶ No.329157>>329191
I checked my folder and it wasn't there. I went to a different "throwaway" email and emailed myself and that showed up immediately, so I'm not sure what's up.
>NotCIA may not like fur or NTR, but that doesn't mean he isn't objective.
I'm far from objective, fam. I just try to apply objective reasoning of the rules to anything that's "more" than a 12 hour ban.
▶ No.329191
>deal with anons calling you out.
I plan to do something better once we get confirmation on what's or not allowed.
Thanks. I'll wait 48hours. Carry on.
▶ No.330100
▶ No.330121>>330140
That chart is absolutely wrong, but Kenomo is fucking gay.
How do i know Kemono is gay?
Read a manga called Kemono-Human school and you will soon understand what makes Kemono a shit fetish.
Kemono people are exactly the same sort of crowd that infected the MLP market and why /pone/ absolutely fucking hates furries and call themselves Horsefuckers
Do not let Kemono infect your monster girls, they are disgusting and sinful
▶ No.330140>>330146
Why are you reading a gay manga, anon?
▶ No.330146
Thats like asking why i know about Boku-no-pisshole
It was a trap
I was lured in qt boys who i thought would be doing cute things
Instead they were doing gay things
U have many regrets
▶ No.330147>>330150 >>330193
A lot of patreon games have android versions but the ui mostly suck because they aren't optimized for phone screens. Do you know any games that are at least passable for mobile screens? I can only think of Akabur games. Also, summertime saga is actually decent on my S9
▶ No.330150>>330152
ToA is breddy gud on a smartphone.
▶ No.330152>>330155
What does toa stand for, anon? I dont speak hgg
▶ No.330155>>330182
Tales of Androgyny
▶ No.330170
Should we thank cuckanon for providing so many unique IPs to the board and contributing to its ranking?
▶ No.330182
Thank you for the recommendation tho
▶ No.330193
Why did you ask this on the thread dedicated to meta drama? There's literally thread called "Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread"
▶ No.330603
Stupid vols being stupid for the 10kth time.
What else is new, /hgg/?
▶ No.330625>>330627
BO has yet to respond via PM or email, so against my better judgement I went ahead and unbumplocked the thread on a matter of principle since it didn't technically violate the rules.
▶ No.330627>>330640 >>330674
This is extremely worrisome.
Just hide the thread on your on client, restrict veil's access in the meantime.
▶ No.330640
Veil did nothing wrong.
▶ No.330674>>330676 >>330687 >>330694 >>330750 >>330831 >>330847 >>330849 >>330858 >>330984
After a lot of thought, all "furshit" can go to >>>/fur/ as it appears to be visible . I could easily lean closer to my default state of being a moderate fag by specifying only fully furry games should go, leaving the games with them as a supported fetish alone. However it is almost certainly past the time I should be a lot more decisive.
Also cuckfags can fuck right off to the easily 15+ boards that caterer to them.
I have ticked, 'Disable thread featuring' "Note: If disabled, nobody will be able to feature any thread on your board on the 8chan front page." as perfer not to be in the spotlight. Should I also tick 'Unindex my board' as well which cause the board to "disappear from boards.html, the Trending boards and Top boards bars, and the Nerve Center. Please note: if you fail to sign in within two weeks, your board will still show up on the list of claimable boards."?
>restrict veil's access in the meantime.
What do you mean by this? Delete is the only option administrators will ever need. t. Tinyboard dev
▶ No.330676>>330679
>Should I also tick 'Unindex my board' as well which cause the board to "disappear from boards.html, the Trending boards and Top boards bars, and the Nerve Center. Please note: if you fail to sign in within two weeks, your board will still show up on the list of claimable boards."?
No, retard. Why would you want that?
▶ No.330679
>Why would you want that?
To ideally reduce the size of the baord's bullseye however that ship has very likely already sailed along ago.
▶ No.330687>>330693 >>330750
What counts as "furshit" then? Should we off the liliths throne thread?
▶ No.330693>>330698 >>330750
Doesn't Liliths thrones let you disable all furry content?
▶ No.330694>>330750
What counts as "furry" or "cuck?" We need fixed definitions.
▶ No.330698
No, named NPCs will still look the same.
▶ No.330750>>330767
>"furshit" can go to >>>/fur/
fuck yeah
Calling FC furshit is beyond retarded, but I wouldn't mind if CoC or LT were axed.
no we don't, you rulemongering faggot.
▶ No.330767>>330786
I think it's a good idea to define this shit before people like cuck-tan or the 'Catgirls are furry' people appear. And if the board owner is here, we can settle this shit once and for all. If we decide if 'Girl fucking someone who isn't me' is always NTR or not then we can point dumbasses straight there
▶ No.330774
I agree with the first half of your post but not the second.
▶ No.330786>>330787
if we define it narrowly we'll get faggots bitching about mods breaking the rules if someone posts something that's clearly furfaggotry or cuckshit but technically isn't included in the "official" definition.
▶ No.330787>>330840 >>330984
If it's clearly furfaggotry/cuckshit then your definition would clearly cover it. You being incapable of defining the term you're using just shows that you know you use it inconsistently.
▶ No.330831>>330951
Thank you for answering.
For anyone else not arbitrary as fuck. Made a new board >>>/sgg/
Setting up GPGs and other creds later. Have to run to work.
>t. Tinyboard dev
It's called OpenIB:
--- English Speaker
▶ No.330840>>330869 >>330878 >>330901
Okay, if it's so easy, give me a complete definition of "furry" and "cuck" games.
every game must strictly meet or not meet the criteria specified; no grey areas
doesn't for example flag a game as furfaggotry because it has cat ears in one scene or similarly stupid shit
no cases where a plausible case could be made that the game is furry or cuck, when the rules did not define it as such
You'll start writing out a definition, then you'll realize all your terms need to be defined, too. Then you'll get to wrestle with the complications that arise from unintended interactions from all your carefully defined terms. Finally you'll have a huge wall of text that is a shoddy piece of shit and nobody agrees about anyway.
Once you're done post it here so I can either bask in awe of your towering intellect or laugh at you for being a fool, depending on whether you actually pulled it off.
Either way, by the end of it, you'll be able to appreciate why lawyers make so much money.
▶ No.330847>>330954 >>330988
>find a board about guns
>post on it for months, discuss various guns
>suddenly BO decides that "hurr durr I don't like rifles, fuck off to /rifle/"
>all rifle threads are banned now
I'm really disappointed. You as an owner are a colossal faggot for not specifying what's allowed and what's not from the very beginning.
▶ No.330849>>331000
Yes, if you're going to go through with this, please specify which threads get shoaed. CoC may indeed be furry but the mod has been working to reduce that.
▶ No.330858>>330863 >>331000
Does that mean the games/mods being developed here aren't allowed to include furry/cuck content in the future? Are we going to have to get rid of existing content that falls under this, even if the game isn't centered around it?
CoC has baby-guro fucking now, what about that?
▶ No.330862>>331000
Could we please not shit on >>>/sgg/? Pin it to the top and praise it in its thread and it might be the containment board that we need.
▶ No.330863>>330864 >>330865
CoC doesn't have that. Individually yes, together no.
▶ No.330864
▶ No.330865
Turned about to be loli-guro fuck, not infant. But with infant sex already written as a possible addition, it's not outside the realm of possibility
▶ No.330869>>330871
I'm not the one proposing a ban, anon. You are. You bring up law, so let's go with that as an analogy. If you were to propose a new law and refused to define any of the terms in the law, do you think anyone in any country would take you seriously?
▶ No.330871
Have you been paying attention to modern politics? Because it looks a lot like people would absolutely be ok with that.
▶ No.330878>>330880 >>330881 >>330883 >>330932
>Okay, if it's so easy, give me a complete definition of "furry" and "cuck" games.
I'll take a crack at it.
Furry = contains at least two animals that are analogous to real species found on Earth and which possess human characteristics that include at least sapience and the ability to speak. Humans with superficial animal characteristics and creatures of fantasy such as sphinx and dragons are excluded.
Cuck = contains at least one unavoidable sequence wherein the protagonist is humiliated by being made to watch his significant other have sex with another character without participating in the sexual act himself
▶ No.330880>>330884
>Humans with superficial animal characteristics
The problem is that there's a spectrum there, and the cutoff point can be a bit of a grey area.
▶ No.330881
Correction: " …unavoidable or which grants the player a significant boon… "
▶ No.330883>>330891 >>330957 >>331000
I hadn't realized the shit going on in here. I can't say I feel bad about the loss of furry and cucking, but I can say I worry for my niche interests. I'm not certain this will get rid of all the unwanted people either.
>animals […] with at least sapience and speech
There goes any sapient non-anthro beasts. Off the top of my head, there's a demon bound in the form of a feral jaguar in CoC. Though not anthro, he fits the definition.
>Humans with superficial animal characteristics excluded
What defines it as superficial? Full body fur is pretty superficial, but that's an absolute red flag of being furshit.
>Cuck = unavoidable
>Cuck = Player must watch
Unavoidable cucking by being cuked behind your back sidesteps this
Having well-supported cuck content that is all avoidable so you can pick which route you want to be cucked by, or play without cucking in a really cuck-serving game, all manages to slip by
>significant other
And in the realm of characters the player is seeking to pursue but is being cucked over as the driving point of the plot? That's not their signfiicant other, they just want them to be.
These definitions are flawed
▶ No.330884>>330888
"Superficial" would mean that it is either purely aesthetic (eg. cat ears and a tail) or induces the character to affect silly mannerisms (eg. interspersing speech with "meow"). Once the animalistic feature significantly either impares or enhances the character's abilities it ceases to be "superficial."
The gray are there is awfully small.
▶ No.330888>>330895
> significantly either impares or enhances the character's abilities it ceases to be "superficial."
In Degrees of Lewdity, growing a number of wolf characteristics grants a bunch of buffs and debuffs, overall becoming enhanced from the baseline. Although these traits are just ears/tail/teeth and maybe paws, it would fall under that definition because those features are enhancing.
>Superficial […] induces silly mannerisms such as meowing
So furbabble is okay.
And as I pointed out, full body fur isn't even definitively furry despite it being obvious fur shit. It's entirely superficial and doesn't impare or enhance abilities. If you think very logically, it may sidegrade them. Less capacity to lose heat through sweat because of fur, but whatever evolutionary benefit fur would have, but the games here probably won't give it anything. It will just be a person with fur, entirely superficial.
The definition cannot work if something as simple as being covered in fur doesn't make something furry.
▶ No.330891>>330901 >>330949
>Though not anthro, he fits the definition.
A demon trapped in an animal's body sounds pretty damn furry to me.
>Unavoidable cucking by being cuked behind your back sidesteps this
It doesn't play to the cuck fetish, so who cares?
>Having well-supported cuck content that is all avoidable so you can pick which route you want to be cucked by, or play without cucking in a really cuck-serving game, all manages to slip by
Do such games even exist? Who makes a cuck game where you can avoid the fetish entirely?
>These definitions are flawed
Provide your own.
▶ No.330895>>330901 >>330949
>In Degrees of Lewdity, growing a number of wolf characteristics grants a bunch of buffs and debuffs, overall becoming enhanced from the baseline.
Yes, but the PC in Degrees of Lewdity is only one character. Even if the character does become furry, the game is still not a furry game, because there are no other furries in it.
>So furbabble is okay.
Yes, acting like a larping retard is very human behavior.
>It will just be a person with fur, entirely superficial.
So a Greek guy pretty much.
▶ No.330901>>330920 >>331000
>Do such games exist?
There's an entire board full of them, called /htg/. One such is Seeds of Chaos. I don't think we've ever seen a game on /hgg/ that is exclusively cucking, despite their existence on sites like fagzone or whatever the other one is.
The thing a lot of people have raged and shitstormed over have been avoidable NTR/cucking, and I'm sure many here remember CoC's threads exploding into a couple thousand posts in a number of days for this reason. Purging CoC itself entirely is an option, as it without a doubt has furries in it, though one of the biggest features was the removal of furry, so you may get some complaints for doing so.
>being cucked without seeing it doesn't play into the fetish
Evidently it does.
>Demon trapped in animal body sounds furry
Many would call it bestiality, because its body is entirely bestial with no humanoid traits.
>Provide your own
The point is, they're right.
>the player is the only furry
Alright, fair point. I concede I missed that detail
▶ No.330920>>330949 >>330959
>There's an entire board full of them, called /htg/. One such is Seeds of Chaos.
That isn't a board for porno tabletop stuff? We always had enough porn on Old /tg/ back in the day before the purge. I miss the gratuitous elf porn.
>The thing a lot of people have raged and shitstormed over have been avoidable NTR/cucking
And that dumb shit needs to stop, because it fucks up good threads. That is why I say we need clear rules and definitions.
>Purging CoC itself entirely is an option
I sure wouldn't shed a tear over it.
>Evidently it does.
I wouldn't know, but I can't imagine how anyone could get off on not knowing that his wife is fucking around or even just knowing that it happened without being there. How is that even a fetish? I am skeptical as to whether cucks actually go for that.
>Many would call it bestiality, because its body is entirely bestial with no humanoid traits.
It is both sapient and can talk. That alone makes it furry. Bestiality is about actual inhuman animals that can't reason and don't talk.
▶ No.330932>>330946
Is Teraurge furry? What about Slave Matrix and FoBS? There is little practical difference between a monster and a furry, save for the community. Are we not to allow monster just because you want to weed out the odd furry game that gets posted. /htg/-tier games like >>326179 are a way bigger threat to the board-quality than the few furry games that will sink to the bottom anyway.
▶ No.330934
Thanks for proving my point, guys.
▶ No.330946>>330949 >>330960
>Is Teraurge furry?
No, they are all alien creatures that are not analogous to animals on Earth.
>What about Slave Matrix
No, it's all fantasy creatures and variations thereof.
I do not remember that one well. Were there a bunch of dog and cat people in it, or were they all griffon, phoenix, etc. girls?
>There is little practical difference between a monster and a furry, save for the community.
Bullshit. Furry is about anthropomorphic animals, and monster girls are about mythical beings with mostly the bodies of human women. The distinction really does not have to be any more complicated than that.
▶ No.330949>>330952
Your garbage opinions are only barely outweighed by your awful formatting. Please fuck off, you're not going to convince anyone of anything.
▶ No.330951>>331014
Good luck with your dead board.
▶ No.330952
I am not seeing any other ideas here. Post some.
▶ No.330954
It's more like you start advocating for a shitty manufactured gun, and getting mad people call you on you on your faggotry. Cucks/furries shouldn't be considered people.
▶ No.330957>>330995
I don't ssee why niches like Guro should be banned, and the bols nor the BO have said anything about it. The differences between cuck/furry and niche is that niche doesn't invade every single fucking thing, corrupting it and forcing it down your throat. At this point cuckolding is borderline mainstream, being included everywhere.
The rest of your post is pretty good. Congrats, anon.
▶ No.330959>>330963
>And that dumb shit needs to stop, because it fucks up good threads. That is why I say we need clear rules and definitions.
Hardly. Avoidable or not, if it has fucking NTR it is thrash and it deserves to die. "Good" only if you are a cuck.
▶ No.330960>>330962 >>330964 >>331091
I honestly can't tell the difference.
▶ No.330962>>330963
Monstergirls are furry
▶ No.330963
This shit right here is why we need definitions for these things that are being banned. Provide some fucking definitions, BO!
▶ No.330964>>330967
What even is that first thing?
▶ No.330967
Its Shyni. If you don't mind fur, go and play Teraurge >>268280, its great.
▶ No.330977
Tales of Androgyny is furry because of the harpy enemy.
▶ No.330984>>330985 >>330995 >>331006 >>331070
I've already given my example of what's pretty clearly furshit here: >>329088
But in light of >>330674 I'm going to interpret it as such unless told otherwise, and I think this is a reasonable approach for the other vols:
>If it has a snout, "fur/scales covering more than ~30-50% of its body," would fit into a Disney Cartoon, elicits a response in the uncanny valley that is neither clearly human with X features, nor an actual animal/monster/alien that is non-human, but rather somewhere inbetween, and/or of which scenes for this content make up more than 10% of total porn scenes it's furshit.
<If it involves scenes that are involuntary/unskippable, elicit a response as if the protagonist's significant other/love interest was taken from them/fucked by others, and/or of which scenes for this content make up more than 10% of total porn scenes, it is cuckshit.
>If it would pass the "dost test" but in relationship to Furfaggotry/Cuckshit instead of CP, it will be treated as if it were furfaggotry/cuckshit for all intents and purposes, even if it "skirts the rules."
These tolerances allow for situations of "Hey guys, I'm taking this furfag game and defurring it" as well as other similar scenarios such as CoC to be included. As everyone knows, it's not the horse cock that makes something furry, nor is it actually fucking a horse, but it's the act of wanting to fuck an anthropomorphic horse.
Also I believe like all rules, this should be applied to all future threads/posts rather than retroactively. Let whatever furfag threads are here finish existing (maybe with the exception of that one that caused this mess). If anyone would like to seriously argue over this instead of trying to argue that everything is subjective, feel free to do so.
Post last edited at
▶ No.330985>>331014
And fuck me, I didn't mean to reddit space like a faggot there.
▶ No.330988>>330996
It's more like advocating a .22LR semi auto as a serious self-defense handgun option over more reliable 10mm/.45 models for months if not years as people call you a faggot over and over again. Your insistence on being loud and vocal about using a .22LR handgun as your CC/OC of choice brings a brigade of people with you to claim that it's simply the best gun ever and everyone who disagrees with you is a mutt, only for everyone to finally get fed up with your shit and tell you to fuck off with your piece of shit firearm and all .22LR discussion outside of plinking rifles/revolvers is no longer allowed.
▶ No.330995
I can't find anything to disagree with.
You say that, and I do appreciate it, but whenever kinks start getting pushed out, I'm keenly aware of how much of a minority I am. I'll take the logic to heart, though.
▶ No.330996
The fuck are you even rambling about, you alcoholic boomer faggot?
Just do your fucking job and shut up.
Or hang yourself.
▶ No.331000>>331003 >>331004 >>331006
CoC is fine. Any currently existing threads are almost certainly fine. The way I understand this, it really only applies to clear and obvious furfaggotry/NTR games.
The 10% approach seems like the best option of enforcement to me and it will be the approach I take until further notice. If Furry or NTR exceeds 10% of total porn in the game, it can probably be considered a furry/cuck game.
>CoC has baby-guro fucking now, what about that?
Toddlercons and guro anons aren't an extremely loud and vocal minority who shit up the board. See >>330867
The furries are basically a neutral party that were skirting the edge for quite a while and just managed to step on a landmine.
There's already >>>/htg/ but I went ahead and added a short list to the meta OP.
>but I can say I worry for my niche interests.
I assure you that the day our little girls are touched is the day I'll wreck havoc on this board the likes of which has never been seen, anon. I like to believe the other volunteers are in agreement on this subject even if they're less zealous about defending lolicon/shotacon.
I've indirectly said it about a dozen times, but CoC, Lilith's Throne, Slave Martix, Free Cities, Terraurge, FoBS, etc. will not be purged. A precedent has been set, but it's not as if that precedent is really outside the range of what was already socially allowed/disallowed on /hgg/ minus the actual rules in place. Furshit threads already quickly died on /hgg/ 9 times out of 10 unless the OP (or a particularly fanatic anon) was constantly bumping said thread.
▶ No.331003
Ah right, as per actual enforcement, I plan to treat it the same way I'd treat an OP quality rule for OPs except with an included bumplock until a second volunteer can reaffirm that the ban/bumplock was made in good faith (at which point the thread would be deleted if it was found in violation). As per anons just randomly posting, I think I'll take a "grey area" approach. If it's spoilered or being used in a specific context, then I'll ignore furry posts. If it's clear anon is just spamming furry porn or using it to elicit a response, I'll respond accordingly as if anon were shitposting/spamming/avatarfagging. I think this is the most reasonable approach, but if I'm wrong, please feel free to call me a faggot and provide a better alternative.
▶ No.331004
>I assure you that the day our little girls are touched is the day I'll wreck havoc on this board the likes of which has never been seen, anon. I like to believe the other volunteers are in agreement on this subject even if they're less zealous about defending lolicon/shotacon.
Brothers in arms.
▶ No.331006>>331008 >>331091
>elicits a response in the uncanny valley that is neither clearly human with X features, nor an actual animal/monster/alien that is non-human, but rather somewhere inbetween
That would mean that games like FoBS, Slave Matrix, and the games about fucking goblin and orc chicks will no longer be allowed
>if the protagonist's significant other/love interest
Does the significant other have to be such at the time that they get fucked, or do future/ex-lovers count?
>nor is it actually fucking a horse
Then bestiality is not furry. I am alright with that.
>it really only applies to clear and obvious furfaggotry/NTR games.
You know what is going to happen--faggots like Cuckanon are going to declare that fucking everything is "obviously" cuck/furry. Can that shit also be bannable?
▶ No.331008>>331011 >>331179
Before we get to anything else, can we ban reddit spacing? Christ.
▶ No.331011>>331013
I was under the impression that reddit spacing was putting a line between what you are quoting and your response. I don't know. I have never been to reddit.
▶ No.331013
The anon you're responding to is retarded.
▶ No.331014
Thanks for the deletion I guess
>Negan hidden23 minutes /hgg/
Deleted post #330834
Outreach takes time. You could have anchor the thread.
Thanks, already have Japanese fediverse looking
>reddit space like a faggot there
We knew this already.
Good luck with your hivemind.
▶ No.331021
There's a moderation log.
▶ No.331023
That's the LT discord, and that banner is mocking that person.
▶ No.331026
Yeah I thought he was just a fag until I realized that along with his responses, so I removed it from the OP.
▶ No.331038>>331050
I made one decent banner and four shitty ones to go with it.
▶ No.331043>>331049
>And a lot of self editing
The meta thread OP goes through editing as needed. Originally I was going to include your board but then you acted like a fag so I decided to remove it. My own post was edited since it had already been responded to and I'm about seven shots of tequila in and didn't want to bother deleting and re-posting the same thing but fixed (plus there was a small change anon unintentionally suggested in terms of the description that I wanted to add in).
>Something something LT something something shitscord
It's called anons lurking and screencapping combined with inside jokes.
>I want to know 1) if I was banned, 2) why was it for?
Don't play dumb. You made that post and then jumped over to a tor browser, 000000. Pic related.
▶ No.331049>>331057
So my thread wasn't a quality thread, I was banned for?
>seven shots of tequila
Why are you drinking on the job?
>inside jokes.
So one of those inside jokes include posting on reddit?
>Don't play dumb. You made that post and then jumped over to a tor browser, 000000. Pic related.
Excuse me? How can I know if I was banned if I have dynamic IP?
▶ No.331050
All five have been added by the BO.
▶ No.331057
Jesus Christ you're a faggot.
▶ No.331066>>331091 >>331206
I went through pic related and at most it might approach that 10% reference. Virtually all of FoBS is monster girls or actual monsters.
>Slave Matrix
Again, monster girls =! furry
That one scene or that one kemono character =! furry
Realistically skimming through the catalog, the only threads I'd currently "hit" would be >>247356
The only threads that "skirt the lines" are the Kobold Thread and the Skyrim mod thread.
▶ No.331069
(((juse a coincidence)))
▶ No.331070>>331071 >>331082
>cuckshit being banned
What about those of us who enjoy NTR?
▶ No.331071
Other boards or the gas chamber, either works.
▶ No.331082>>331097
Don't even bother arguing about it, anon. Despite this board's namesake, no one who manages it knows anything about its history.
▶ No.331091>>331104 >>331151
▶ No.331097
Can you stop spewing bullshit?
▶ No.331104
Kill it with fire.
▶ No.331140
Which threads in specific are being banned?
And why not do nothing instead?
▶ No.331148
Aside from how hypocritical it sounds to make a post decrying people wanting to steer the board in their preferred direction while trying to steer the board in your preferred direction, I don't think you ever got the idea behind the secret club thing. It's not about restricting access to the board, it's about forcing everyone who does come here to conform to the culture of the board in order to preserve that culture.
▶ No.331149
>holy shit, this retardation
▶ No.331151
Shyni is not the only being in Teraurge, so even if she were considered furry the 10% rule would still apply. Teraurge is about fucking weird aliens from across the stars, not furries. If nothing else, the intent is clearly not to draw a bunch of furry from the perspective of anyone who knows anything about the game.
▶ No.331162>>331189
>Great job retard, give in to the demands of a spammer.
You're making two implications here that are incorrect. Namely;
>1) That I disagree with the spammer
Cuck-tan is a faggot who doesn't know what NTR is and thus gets him/herself banned for being a shitter spamming/ruining threads, but my own hatred of NTR isn't that far off from Cuck-tan. I've just kept it in check/separate from moderation since I was trying to enforce the spirit of the rules. Likewise I have no intentions of going after shit like Evenicle even if it deserves to fall under NTR, since the goal is to only ban blatant cuckshit like Towergirls or Seeds of Chaos and not games with cuck.
>2) That I'm making the rule
I'm simply laying out what seem like reasonable guidelines in response to BO's affirmation, so we have a basis to work off of if this alleged "grey material" comes up instead of arguing between ourselves over what does and does not fall under the premise.
▶ No.331169>>331172 >>331327 >>331398
▶ No.331179>>331182 >>331183
"reddit spacing" is a meme, open any cuckchan archive from ANY time and people regularly posted like that since forever. It just makes text more legible, autism-kun
▶ No.331182
>I have a laid out argument and this is a set of thought processes making up a paragraph.
>Here is a second argument/set of principles making up a second, but separate paragraph. I do this to separate the text in order to not have a giant wall of text.
>Here is a single thought/sentence
>Here is a second thought/sentence, responding to the same person.
>Here is a third thought/sentence. The last three of these could have been combined into one paragraph or single-spaced with quotes in between.
Not ok.
▶ No.331183
Threre is a very clear difference between:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Not everything needs a billion white space between it, reddit-kun.
▶ No.331189>>331200
I'm not going to shed a tear over cucks getting the boot. But this is giving me flashbacks to when patreon banned beastiality and incest because "muh rules". To be frank, this sets a precedent of "shit I don't like gets locked" which can be abused by future vols and BOs. It's your choice, but I don't think it's a good one. Especially with how this all started with the FS thread being locked out of the blue and it taking several days for an official response.
▶ No.331200
I can understand your concern, but Patreon is a business through-and-through. They collect a percentage of money that you give to someone, they get ad revenue, and they have to be concerned about their image or they will lose advertisers or potentially even access to banks thus leading to a failure of their business. Bestiality and Incest are illegal in many parts of the world including most of the US, so it goes to reason that being a US-based company, they have to be concerned about this. /hgg/ is run by a bunch of vols who do it for free who do it for fun, who hate rulefag-heavy sites like you-know-who, and who have no financial incentive to ban bestiality or incest or scat, or really much of anything along those lines. If 8chan site-wide bans those things, then there's not much that can be done besides moving it elsewhere, but /hgg/ specifically, while anons will call you a faggot, isn't going to explicitly ban X content unless there's a very valid reason for it (such as an implied invasion, as was the case with the thread that started this).
▶ No.331206>>331224 >>331228
It's funny that you used the non-human skin == furry example while directly mentioning Slave Matrix.
You know, a game where monstergirls have non-human skin.
>Kobold skirts the line
That's because it has snouts. A snout on a humanoid triggers the subconscious "this is furshit" alarm, even if it's literally a classic monster like kobolds.
>Skyrim skirts the line
I haven't checked that in forever did it become majority Khajiit shit.
▶ No.331207>>331214
Wow, I had no idea, from these threads it appears there is a small, dedicated group of shitposters who are adamant to ban all the fetishes they don't like.
I thought it was secluded to just the pregmod threads but they're spreading cancer through the whole board.
▶ No.331211
At least they respond instead of jerking each other off and pretending two people agreeing on "thing i don't like" will motivate anyone to ban anything
▶ No.331214
Anon if there was the tiniest grain of truth in this the FlexSurv thread would be gone and Cuckanon would get FC b& because pimping == cuck to him.
▶ No.331224>>331483
>even if it's literally a classic monster like kobolds.
Kobolds were historically "scaly" dog-like pests until about D&D 3.0 came out and said they were lizard-like.
▶ No.331228
>You know, a game where monstergirls have non-human skin.
Their skin looks pretty fucking human to me if you look at the last archived thread. "Not Black/White/Yellow/Something inbetween" =! "Not human skin" otherwise Oni would be considered furry. I've seen a handful of abominations anon explicitly bred that could be considered furry looking through pictures in the thread, so it would fall under the "10%" meme.
▶ No.331231
Well feel free to keep jerking each other off about it in here and insist people on a mongolian porn board "aren't welcome here", just please be quieter
▶ No.331314>>331323 >>332732
What the fuck is it with hentai games are rape/futa?
I'm not here to judge or to shit on anybody's taste, but it drives me crazy how many games I have to pass up because of this. Is there something I'm not getting? These fetishes are nowhere near as prevalent in common porn. I know futa is pretty popular but e621 and Paheal aren't made up of 75% dickgirls.
▶ No.331323>>331457
>I'm not here to judge or to shit on anybody's taste
This is an anonymous imageboard, that's exactly what you're supposed to do, faggot.
▶ No.331327>>331424
If you could leave the previous CoC thread up (so one current and one full) next time for development reasons, I'd appreciate it as this was already the understanding. It makes my job a lot easier and take less time when I can properly navigate through replies instead of trawling through an archive, God only knows it already takes up too much time.
▶ No.331398>>331424
Did you not archive the most recent CoC thread? There was work there that was lost if you didn't.
▶ No.331424>>331456
The latest archive of the previous thread is the shitty zagforums, then https://web.archive.org/web/20190323164306/https://8ch.net/hgg/res/327410.html followed by https://archive.is/CZmfq . I would request that future OP's archive the previous thread and place said link the OP or continue the process of posting said link ITT, either way it would be appreciated.
▶ No.331456
We have someone who archives threads, but it's not like everything happens instantly. You didn't even wait the 48 hours specified in the rules, which is still a bit restrictive.
▶ No.331457
Yeah, you're supposed to shitpost instead of talking about porn on a porn board
▶ No.331483
I'm pretty sure they are just supposed to be standard fae/goblins. SMT memed them into dogs and DnD memed them into lizards.
▶ No.331529
Won't be surprised if it turn out to be a double joke against this board, we know they come here and the sperging about euthanising most of the board are probably not gone unnoticed
▶ No.331538
▶ No.332395>>332447 >>332467
that purity spiralling isn't going to end well
(and it's hilarious)
▶ No.332447
That kind of shit is only hilarious for retards.
For everyone else it's just annoying.
▶ No.332467>>332469
>implying there was ever any purity in a board about hentai games on a website literally nicknamed HATEchan
You also don't even know how to sage, where the fuck did you even come from?
▶ No.332469>>332483
Coulda fooled me
>waaaaaah why is X porn game allowed on this porn game board?
>waaaaaah why is there gay content in tales of androgyny?
>waaaaaah why is there bestiality in freecities
Can't you just talk about having a wank instead of bitching about furry bogeymen
▶ No.332483
Because furfags deserve worse.
▶ No.332651
>le ebin battletech maymays
>"haha get gassed furfags?"
>How does it feel to be somethingawful's legacy?
It feels like shit, but that's true for all imageboards in West either way.
▶ No.332674>>332697
>waaaaaah if you hate furries you're a goon!
Fucking seriously?
Is this cuck-tan finally breaking down or something? I haven't read something this stupid since decades ago.
>doesn't know MW and calls it warhammer of all things.
>bothering to sage at all when actually talking ontopic It's a meta thread dumbass
>being this asshurt
▶ No.332697>>332800 >>332821
Cuckfag’s over in the pregmod thread as far as I can tell. I don’t know what he expected going into the busiest thread on the board. I briefly looked over to see if I could join in on “kick the retard” but there’s like 8 other people there doing it for me.
▶ No.332732>>332741
The more often you use pornography the less gratifying it becomes requiring more pornography to get a similar response or novel pornography. Majority of mainstream pornography is made for people who are at the early stages of pornography usage so extreme pornography is less common. While Hentai / Adult Games / Erog Games are further down the line of novelty.
For example Western Adult Comics and Japanese Adult Comics differ in stark in this manner. Where as the most extreme content found in Western Adult Comics is normally non blood related incest, where as Japanese Adult Comics have seemingly no limit with rape and even gore comics being common enough that you can easily find them on websites hosting the content.
Moral of the story if there is any, use common sense and watch your pornography usage as enjoyable as it can have a similar spiraling effect as conventional addiction. Well that and traps are really gay.
▶ No.332741
Nah you just need to cycle different types with small breaks and you are set.
▶ No.332800>>332807
Who is "cuckfag"? Is this that "if you pimp your slaves, you're a cuckold" thing?
▶ No.332804>>332807
Because if that's who you're talking about it's good to hear that dumb shitposting nigger is getting btfo
▶ No.332807>>332821
Yup that's him. He's of the opinion that if his porn has anyone that's not a POV male MC having sex, it's cuckshit. Aka a total retard.
▶ No.332821
Cuck-tan got upset at one point when he was assigned the "-tan" suffix, so we use it. Reminds him that this board is at least nominally weeaboo and pisses him off simultaneously.
▶ No.332833
He's right, you know. You guys really have to read up on cuck-tan lore if you want to reach true enlightenment.
▶ No.332850
Oh, shut up. You conceded your argument when you admitted you couldn't find even one person who used the word "cuck" in the same way that you do.
▶ No.332855
>no posts are me! in fact, i didn't even make this very post!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you only capable of two extremes, cuck-tan? One of these days you'll figure out how scales work and it'll blow your mind.
At least you finally figured out cookies, though. So you have demonstrated that you're capable of learning.
▶ No.353024