Make me taller? 12/22/22 (Thu) 20:12:29 No. 141265 [View All]
May someone please make me at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall as soon as possible by any means necessary and at any price please? Do it!
Thank you in advance.
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10/24/23 (Tue) 14:21:26 No. 142279
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10/24/23 (Tue) 17:37:01 No. 142280
That's not an open offer, that's a direct offer. Make an open offer to any entity willing to fulfill that end.
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11/05/23 (Sun) 15:10:06 No. 142301
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11/06/23 (Mon) 18:27:18 No. 142305
All frogs die. keep talking (to each), "other"
so punny you "man"
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11/06/23 (Mon) 18:33:07 No. 142306
weak attempt
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11/10/23 (Fri) 00:06:20 No. 142310
I'm not a frog though? I'm also not replying to myself and pretending to be someone else…
I want a girlfriend so badly. I'm 23 years old and I never had one.
I am very poor though. Please bless me. Being richer will certainly increase my chances. I'm not even short or fat. My face isn't bad looking and would look great with only one or two minor surgeries and some contact lenses/eye surgery.
Please help me. Anyone please help me. Anyone reading this post now or even someone reading this post at any point in the future
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11/10/23 (Fri) 02:59:31 No. 142311
I assume since you didn't reply to >>142280 that you're no longer willing to give up your soul?
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11/11/23 (Sat) 23:20:20 No. 142318
It doesn't seem fair to me. I already once said I would in the past and he agreed in exchange for that to make me at least 6'5" . I put my soul on the table and I'm still short. He said I could keep it but I had no idea he'd say that when I first offered it. I risked my soul for nothing??? That's insanely unfair. Even if I can't be made 6'5" tall I'd be very happy just staying my current height and having a net worth of at least 1400 pounds of at least 98% pure gold soon.
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11/11/23 (Sat) 23:34:19 No. 142319
How is it not fair? You still have your soul. You're acting like simply offering it once without having it taken somehow costed you something. It didn't. Why were you willing to offer your soul back then but not now?
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11/12/23 (Sun) 00:29:42 No. 142320
I was dumber and more desperate then. Now I realize that if I actually have a soul and if we're not all just star dust who become dirt when we die that offering a soul for height money power or love/gf is a bad deal.
The risk existed. If someone walks up to a poke table and puts their house up and wins but doesn't get paid and the other guy just walks away and says
>Hey you might have risked your house to get Richer and you may not be getting paid but at least you get to keep your house
Most people would say he was scammed and cheated. Id argue it's objectively immoral I think?
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11/12/23 (Sun) 01:20:39 No. 142322
You didn't win though. If you won you would have lost your soul because that was the price you agreed to. It wasn't a gamble, it was a contract, one that was nullified.
The fact of the matter is that you're asking for a handout and are unwilling to give anything in exchange. Why would anyone agree to that?
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11/12/23 (Sun) 02:25:49 No. 142324
I already risked it! I risked everything and he risked nothing he said he'd make me 6'5"
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11/12/23 (Sun) 02:35:33 No. 142325
That's not how trade works. "Risking" giving a payment doesn't entitle you to anything, especially not from complete strangers who don't have anything to do with the initial agreement to begin with.
If you're still willing to make that payment, make an open offer. Otherwise why should anyone on this planet be willing to give you something for nothing?
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11/14/23 (Tue) 16:08:25 No. 142329
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11/14/23 (Tue) 23:59:23 No. 142330
I wish to continue to not put a significant amount of calories, potassium or sodium into my body from now until at least November 22nd 2023 A.D. at or after 9 A.M. ! I wish to only consume tal water and air and nothing else until at least November 22nd 2023. I said this before but I'm serious this time and I've gotten farther this time on only tap water then I have last time. In about 40 hours I'll be at a new record of longest time fasted and that time I was drinking cole Robinson snake juice and this time I'm only using tap water.
I wish to continue not to masturbate or have sex until I am at least a millionaire who is married or at least in a serious long term relationship. Right now I have no libido almost certainly because I'm fasting since I had it a few days ago and now I don't. I wish for semen retention to continue to be this easy.
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11/15/23 (Wed) 18:01:13 No. 142331
I broke my fast this morning after just tap water fasting for just over 60 hours straight. I still want to do a at least 6.5 days long cole Robinson snake juice fast or preferably at least 9.5 days long just tap water fast.
I'm still doing semen retention though and I still have very little libido which is good. I intend to keep doing semen retention until I'm at least a millionaire who is married or at least in a serious long term monogamous relationship.
In the meantime between now and my next at least 6.5 days fast I will try do do some more 1-2 days or so long tap water fasts to keep my libido down and under control. I'll keep donating blood and platelets every few weeks to get good karma and to keep my libido down.
I'll try to read more about semen retention /brahamcaynia .
No more listening to subliminals or anything like that because I don't really want to risk putting any libido promoting ideas into my head.
I'm still vegan and I will continue to be vegan for the rest of my life. No purchasing or selling animal products.
I'll probably do the at least 9.5 days consecutive just tap water fast sometime shortly after Thanksgiving. In the meantime I want to find a way to get enough money to pay my phone bill, do my laundry, get anew pillow so my neck doesn't hurt, remove the bees from my room and find a way to keep them out so I don't have to hear their buzzing or worry about being stung, etc so the fast is easier since I'll have clean clothes, clean bedsheets, Internet access and something to do all day like read and watch YouTube videos during that fast. I know there's been times in the past where I have had some money, unlimited free time, etc etc but I didn't fast then but this time will be different.
I told myself I was supposed to be gone last night for good unless I was blessed before then. This is the longest I've gone wearing the same clothes having nothing to change into and the longest I've been sleeping in the same bedsheets without washing them. I make all these big plans but I don't know if I can follow through with them. I don't know where I'll be in just a few days if anywhere at all. Everything is so wrong and horrible. I hate this society and just about every other one that exists. So much hypocrisy all these degenerate hypocrites get so rich and happy and do all their lies and abortion and animal torture and slaughter etc. It makes me sick. I'm supposed to make a Pascal's wager and assume that everyone will get what they deserve in the afterlife but I think it's a risk not necessarily worth taking. Good people should be rewarded in this life and the evil should be punished in it as well. And Justice delayed is justice denied.
veganism reparations or retribution millionaire decamillionaire centimillionaire fasting phone service
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11/16/23 (Thu) 23:24:25 No. 142333
I just got a small amount of money and am washing my clothes. Thank you for your blessings anons
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11/21/23 (Tue) 05:37:47 No. 142348
I'm pissed off. I have no money and no income. They own all the land. They own all the money printers. Billions of dollars to Ukraine but none to me or homeless veterans or Flint or skid row. Take our guns away without due process. Prevent us from carrying them. Commit treason violate your oath to protect the constitution. Circumcise me. Tease me by giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars for emotional damages for a chicken nugget burn. Give out millions of dollars to a Tesla employee for mean words and drawings at work. Don't pay me. I have no legal case and expected to starve and freeze to death as a broke homeless man or be a wage slave since I'm too poor and apparently undeserving to retire. Drug me for years as a kid. Use the state to do it. Get involved in a custody battle and use the courts and police to ensure I'm drugged and hospitalized and starved and that my parent can't do anything to stop it. Permanently and significantly reduce my height. Violate my bodily autonomy. Ship me around and put IVs in me against my will. Use the police to hospitalize me. Use the police to take guns. Use the police to protect abortion clinics (even against peaceful protesters) . Use the police to defend circumcisers of infants.
Use the police to defend research clinics torturing animals to death with electricity and pouring chemicals in their eyes. Use the police to defend slaughterhouses and factory farms. Use your intelligence agencies to spy on me. Use your deep state to cast curses on me and block me from receiving the miracles I deserve. Poison me with PFAS. Vaccinate me as a child. Try to poison me (unsuccessfully) with the covid shot. Take my money from me in taxes and don't give it back. Take it from me when you've already hurt me so much and owe me so much. Take it from me even though you don't need to since taxes only exist for deinflationary pressure ( keep you from working too little or spending too much) and social control ( tax cigarettes a lot so people smoke less) since you can just print endless money to pay for your massive deficits. Spend endlessly and make the rich richer and poor poorer. Make it so I can't ever afford a home. Steal my money from me and give to to the rich doing no work but buying bonds with your inflation. Lie to me. Make it difficult for me to drive. Set up as many barriers to entry as possible to keep me poor. Talk about justice and progress. Pat yourself on the back and give yourself and your friends awards. Deprive me of everything good in life. Love, family, friends, health, privacy, safety, happiness, truth, beauty, etc
Do that while belittling me for not working. Make them rich and happy just to tease me.
Expect me to just do nothing.
I'm done posting here or anywhere else. I've said everything that needs to be said. Exposed so much lies and hypocrisy and corruption and the depths of their moral sickness. Explained why I'm so angry and rightfully so. Why I must either be a multimillionaire or a very dedicated life long very peaceful legal protestor and there is absolutely no other choice. I can't be a broke disability neet or a 9-5 miserable wage slave. I deserve much better and/or they deserve far worse.
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11/25/23 (Sat) 00:33:51 No. 142357
I would like a (proportional) height increase as well. Just by about 5-6 inches. Shoulder broadening a little beyond proportion a plus I suppose.
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12/07/23 (Thu) 19:48:30 No. 142368
OP here again. I'm still not 6'5" ( or even really close to it) , I'm still not a millionaire, im still a virgin and I'm still never going to be employed again for the rest of my life
I hope you get your wishes fren.
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12/12/23 (Tue) 00:02:34 No. 142380
OP here again.
In the event that you find yourself stranded on a deserted island there is something so beautiful about willfully choosing to starve to death rather than to murder a rabbit to eat his body.
In the event that you find yourself alone on a deserted island there is something so beautiful about willfully choosing to starve for about a week while waiting to be rescued rather than to murder a rabbit to eat his body.
There is something so ugly about choosing to murder a rabbit so you can eat his body.
There is something so ugly about intentionally killing yourself.
There is something so beautiful about starving to death.
Shooting yourself in the head or jumping off a cliff is not the same thing as choosing to starve to death by not eating the food in your kitchen or not murdering a rabbit and eating her body.
There's a difference between me not feeding a random starving person and letting them starve to death and me shooting them to death. The same principle applies for your own life. There is a huge difference between killing and merely letting die.
Pretend you are on a deserted island or alone in the middle of a forest. Pretend you have a rare blood type and are dying of liver failure and someone else is a match for your blood type and you'll die of organ failure unless you murder them and steal their organs.
Pretend you must circumcise a newborn baby to save your own life.
Pretend you must murder a rabbit to eat them to save your own life.
Murder, rape, mutilation and theft are not acceptable even the save your own life.
Yes you may choose to kill (in self defense) another human who is trying to murder you . But you can't snipe an innocent human being (child) or herbivorous animal to save your own life ( to eat them, Steal organs etc)
If someone says they can justify murdering an (innocent) human being or (herbivorous animal which possesses a significant amount of consciousness like rabbit, deer, mouse, chicken, etc) animal to save their own life through meat, organ transplant or cannibalism then that necessarily entails that anyone can come steal all their stuff, mutilate them(steal their body parts), murder them, steal their organs, eat their dead body, etc.
Pretend you will be rescued in 8.3 days
Pretend you will die of cold, hunger, disease, etc in 8.3 days
Pretend you will get a care package of food, water, medicine, etc in 8.3 days.
I am currently doing a at least 8.3 days long fast. I will only consume tap water during the fast and nothing else. No drugs, no vitamins, no mineral supplements, no toothpaste, etc.
I will start my fast on tonight Monday December 11th at about 10:30 P.M.
I will fast for at least 8.3 days / 200 hours. I will end my fast on or after Wednesday December 20th at 6:30 A.M.
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12/30/23 (Sat) 18:29:41 No. 142388
I wish to become a millionaire in 2024.
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01/12/24 (Fri) 14:43:54 No. 142399
If this man can get offered 15 million because he quit his job because of mean words and mean drawings then why can't I get 240 million dollars because my foreskin was stolen from me as a baby ?
If this girl / mom can get offered 800,000 because she dropped the tortured corpse of a chicken on her thigh and experienced some small amount of pain and suffering then why can't I get 240 million dollars because my foreskin was stolen from me as a baby ?
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01/12/24 (Fri) 20:14:10 No. 142400
get a lawyer and find out
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01/13/24 (Sat) 14:58:06 No. 142401
Statue of limitations is 2.5 years after you turn 18. I'm too old
I'm obviously talking about morality
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01/21/24 (Sun) 03:24:30 No. 142405
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01/23/24 (Tue) 23:43:29 No. 142411
Damn, what a sad thread. Sorry nothing worked out for you. makes me think of my life.
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01/24/24 (Wed) 03:06:06 No. 142412
Thank you anon. Things could be better and they could be worse I'm doing alright and I'm doing a bit better than when I first started this thread.
How are you?
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02/05/24 (Mon) 15:52:32 No. 142429
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02/14/24 (Wed) 14:05:33 No. 142448
I wish to become a centimillionaire in USA dollars this year.
I am currently fasting and have been for about the past 12 hours. I will fast for at least the next 240 hours and hopefully that will increase my chances of becoming a centimillionaire this year.
I will try to post here if I fail and break my fast early.
I wish to donate millions of dollars to abortion abolitionist charities to have abortion ACTUALLY banned in Oklahoma within the next 2 years.
I wish to donate millions of dollars to vegan animal sanctuaries
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02/20/24 (Tue) 17:44:08 No. 142451
I am currently fasting on just tap water and nothing else . I have been fasting for about 62 hours
I will fast for at least 201 hours but probably a lot longer.
I hope that this fast will make me significantly wealthier very soon.
I will try to post here right after I fail my fast if I fail my fast by eating before fasting for 8 days
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02/21/24 (Wed) 00:27:19 No. 142455
I am still fasting on just tap water and nothing else and it has been about 72 hours
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02/21/24 (Wed) 09:12:46 No. 142456
You can't fast on tap water for much longer you're a high-level occultist, and that you aren't. You'd better eat something soon, or else you're gonna be fucking dead, and without becoming a centimillionaire first.
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02/21/24 (Wed) 09:13:55 No. 142457
Also, I forgot to say I won't be using any magic for you.
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02/21/24 (Wed) 10:12:59 No. 142459
Doesn't tap water contain retard juice that actually reduces wizard powers?
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02/21/24 (Wed) 13:24:36 No. 142460
Thanks but I'm about 84 hours in right now and I feel okay. I definitely feel tired and weak but I'll keep going. Eating won't make me rich even if I try to combine it with subliminals LOA semen retention wishing (I'm op) , etc
I have to try a long term water fast so I can know if it works or not. Honestly I'd rather be dead than poor anyway.
That's alright maybe someone or something else will. Maybe something will be revealed to me in a dream. Maybe It'll help wash away my sins from when I used to eat, purchase and sell meat.
Mine's not fluoridated, I don't use fluoridated toothpaste and water is just water I think. I used to fast on tap water plus electrolyte powder I'd add to it and I feel different and it tastes different when it's just tap water
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02/21/24 (Wed) 13:51:34 No. 142461
I think I'm going to start my new years resolution now to never post on 8kun or any other image boards ever again starting in about 5 minutes or so
I'm currently fasting and I'm like 10 hours away from beating my previous record
Either I fail the fast and remain poor or maybe I break the fast early or maybe I finish the fast at ten days and maybe I then get rich or maybe I remain poor.
Either way posting here isn't helping me. It's a distraction and everything
I'm never going to post on 8kun ever again regardless of whether my fast is successful or not
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03/15/24 (Fri) 16:52:26 No. 142469
I still want to be a centimillionaire in USA dollars and or be at least six feet and five inches tall.
I think I'm going to try to start a at least 1 week or 2 weeks long water fast starting tonight. Either way I think I'm going to stay off 4 chan and 8 kun from now on
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03/16/24 (Sat) 06:15:17 No. 142470
You stupid retard. Good luck being food.
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03/16/24 (Sat) 16:56:29 No. 142471
>I think I'm going to stay off 4 chan and 8 kun from now on
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04/06/24 (Sat) 17:01:24 No. 142492
I think I've grown taller recently. I'm still not 6'5" yet but I'm pretty sure I've gotten closer since I first started this thread
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04/07/24 (Sun) 16:22:58 No. 142496
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04/21/24 (Sun) 08:22:11 No. 142509
Blue Eisenhower November would work for this
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04/25/24 (Thu) 10:55:28 No. 142519
>Excuse me sir, have you heard of our lord and savior Blue Eisenhower November?
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04/26/24 (Fri) 05:39:23 No. 142521
We love Blue Eisenhower November, Don't we folks?
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05/29/24 (Wed) 09:11:26 No. 142551
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07/14/24 (Sun) 02:41:22 No. 142589
I hope you get the help you need, and I'm not just talking about the 6'5" shit and the food pantry. You need help with your mental illness or to be killed for the good of your family and humanity.
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12/17/24 (Tue) 02:51:22 No. 142674
You can have a surgery that inserts steel rods to extend the length of your legs.
Obviously, this is not safe for the body.
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12/17/24 (Tue) 22:16:06 No. 142676
That's some south park shit
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01/25/25 (Sat) 15:38:16 No. 142699
I still wish for anyone to make my physical height at least 6'5", not including hair, shoes, or any other external factors. I wish to achieve this height within the next year. Once I reach a height of at least 6'5", I wish to maintain this height for a minimum of 30 consecutive years. I want all of this to happen in this universe, timeline, and worldline in real life, not just in a dream. I wish for my current physical body to be made at least 6'5" tall within the next year, measured from my feet to my head and excluding any clothing.
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