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File: 58098ad18c3d4cc⋯.jpg (152.07 KB,630x630,1:1,Jewish Magick.jpg)


The 1987 movie Spaceballs based on Star Wars had a character resembling Yoda who would say "May the Schwartz be with you". Schwartza is Yiddish for Black. So he was repeating an incantation to Americans which meant "May Black people be with you". The 1990's saw a huge increase in Black culture being promoted to Americans.


Jewish Curses


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File: 2d20d5872a9200f⋯.png (354.28 KB,822x553,822:553,echecs.png)

An archive of the Jewish curses: http://archive.is/H24Eg

There are also a number of curses Jews have carved on stone in Europe:

"2002, a marble monument was erected funded by Jews. The Hebrew inscription says:

"Here are buried Jews murdered by the Germans and their accomplices, may their(Hermans and accomplices) name and memory be blotted out. May God avenge their(Jews) blood. May their(Jews) souls be bound up in the bond of life." "



Inscriptions on monuments or monuments themselves are a means of having a magickal effect over the land.

A Jewish proverb says "revenge is the business of God", this means Jews believe in prayers for vengeance and they sometimes use the phrase prayers for justice to mean that. But some Jews obviously do more than pray.

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Jewish curses are simply verbal formulas, you would find similar stuff among Romans

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>may their(Germans* and accomplices)

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A Jewish prayer for vengeance from the book of psalms:


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>May Black people be with you

The only interpretation you can come up with is racial. How mundane.

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I accept being mundane

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Perhaps that proverb about revenge does not mean that it is a common cultural practice to pray for vengeance but rather that justice is in God's hand rather than human hands in an existential way.

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File: 77e5d352eab5ab5⋯.jpeg (541.75 KB,1439x1144,1439:1144,bf484f9e6eb2a05a6da9d14ff….jpeg)


As above so below. To dream about destroying a race (((they))) would as subversive rats affect mundane realities with metaphysical tactics.

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File: dbd9ad47491bdd5⋯.jpg (172.71 KB,1200x1245,80:83,hybridgods.jpg)


Would Latin be the counter magical language to yidd?

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File: aea65ce38b4025e⋯.png (182.95 KB,640x927,640:927,blason.png)


Latin is a powerful language to use to make affirmations or blessings or curses.

Any language or alphabet that was used in a magickal way a lot is good to use for making incantations. The English language works as well.

A blessing or curse is really just a simple use of language. For example Rebekah was a pagan woman who married into the Jewish tribe in the old testament. Her family gave a pagan blessing to her Jewish descendants, and this is found in Genesis 24:60.

QUOTE from KJV of 24:60 Genesis: "And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them."

The blessing they told Rebekah was: "may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies".

So if we fast forward 4,000 years from when that blessing was given to the Jewish descendants of Rebekah, and here we are 4,000 years later, The Jews have possessed the gates of their enemies for centuries.

They have been opening the gates to immigration to Europe and America. Not only the gates of human immigration. The Jews have also been in control of the information gateways. The book publishing, the TV and movie industry. So this is evidence that blessing and cursing does work.

And the pagan blessing given to Rebekah did not even invoke God.

If you want to put some craftsmanship into it you can construct incantations using Latin or carve incantations into stone. Carving an affirmation or phrase into stone is very powerful and functions like an antenna that broadcasts the vibration of that inscription.

Praying on mountains is very powerful too for the same reason you make an antenna very high and for the same reason obelisks are constructed with inscriptions.

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Schwartza is Yiddish slang for black person: http://archive.is/nbcOk

based on the German Schwarz for black: http://archive.is/IDTaU

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Well I think you are right about it not being a common practice in most religions. But I don't believe God gets vengeance on people without prayers for vengeance in some form.

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Prayers for vengeance are common in Jewish tradition, but such prayers tend to be discouraged in many other religions. Prayers for vengeance are compatible with all religions though

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File: a99b60cb23c7376⋯.jpg (34.08 KB,315x445,63:89,the_never_ending_story.jpg)


Every movie, every piece of music, every story told, every shred of pop culture is a magical incantation. Almost always it is black magic and almost always it is Jewish. This is true in about 99.99999999999% of cases. The only exceptions may be a couple of Mel Gibson films and some songs that are now banned from YouTube, so you can't even find them anymore.

I was thinking about the film "The NeverEnding Story" today, and I thought about how that's a perfect illustration of how Jews embed messages into their own works. Never Ending Story is a metaphor for Jewish subversion of children through literature. The story revolves around an old kike who gives a kid a book, which the kid then gets "drawn into". There's a lot of traumatizing events for the kids in the story to go through. A somewhat sexualized little girl. Lots of occult imagery and stuff.

The primary villain is an unseen entity called "the nothing" which basically destroys all of the magic and wonder and innocence of the world the boy is getting drawn into. It's pretty clearly symbolic of the psychological damage done to children who are abused by MKULTRA mind control pop culture and traumatizing stories (I certainly remember how badly watching Nightmare On Elm St fucked me up as a 5 year old).

Yeah, and the original story was even written by a guy who was "oppressed" by the nazis for being a "degenerate".

Just saying, they all know exactly what they're doing. They know everything they're making is a magic spell. They know it consciously, and they often work that conscious knowing into their own spells.

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lol I actually tried evoking the energy of this song a month or so ago.


It might have worked since I haven't seen a nigger irl since.

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File: d37fdb45238b38a⋯.jpg (207.88 KB,1100x619,1100:619,when_you_see_it.jpg)


>revenge is the business of God

Romans 12:19 Vengeance is mine, thus sayeth the Lord. I'm not sure if you can directly put a curse on someone with Yahweh, but there are numerous instances in the Bible where they have asked God for help in fighting enemies like >>133796 points out here.

>some jews do more than pray

Also, If you know the right Fallen Angel to ask, you can afflict your enemies with demons or have them attacked.


>big antenna to amplify magic

>Latin inscription

Laus Deo


Spot on, mate! Normies don't realize what they're looking at, but the Washington Monument is a giant spirit antenna in front of a black mirror. Once you see it, you'll shit bricks.



The thing about "jewish" magic is that it's not exclusive to jews. Anyone can use it. It's why so many elites and Hollywood get into Kabbalah. Jews have compiled their own brand of magic stealing from other traditions. The use of obelisks was originally an Egyptian thing. Most jews learned their sorcery from Babylon, which was famous for it's magic in those times.

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>>136147 has it right, but here's a thing I'd like to add: the Jews you're familiar with don't use Kabbalah, they use it's antithesis, Qlipthoth. Jews hate it when people use Kabbalah, especially Israelites and foreigners.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Mel Brooks is considered irrelevant at best, and at worst, disgraced to them. Despite being "part of the club" he never really was "with the club" so to speak..

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