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File: ebf580d15beaa77⋯.jpg (29.8 KB,194x260,97:130,god-kill.jpg)

 No.111045 [Last50 Posts]

How do we kill this evil faggot called god?

It is a pathetic being allowing and creating evil and misery beyond imagination.

It has no right to exist.

If I were god, I would be so ashamed of my actions that I would just kill myself.

But this faggot has no honor whatsoever.

So how do we kill this piece of shit? Because it ain't gonna kill itself.

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He left a long time ago. Quit being an edgy faggot.

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The God is dead, and we killed him.

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How can you kill that which is still worshipped and has people do actions in its name?

If you want to kill him then replace him.

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Are you being metaphorical , referencing a myth, or being literal?


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If by God you mean Yahweh, he left this world an exceptionally long time ago, even before the Olympic spirits (who left at least some of their essence here on Earth which is how people have been able to sense them for centuries). If you want to learn shit like this as swiftly as possible and skip the bullshit parade here on /fringe/, look into Inedia, Shiva style meditation, chaos magick (not carroll bullshit), or other naturalistic methods. Don't do filtered sigil bullshit, if you approach spirits respectfully you have nothing to fear.

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Then who's in his place?

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Why does there have to be someone in his place? There's plenty of other "gods".

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I mean, who's doing the miracles or apparitions that a lot people say was Yahweh, mostly in the early XX (and the Virgin Mary apparitions too)

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Isn't this what they try to do at le Bohemian grove peso mason zone every year

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There's a couple answers I can think of:

1) His spiritual servants acting in his stead

2) His worldly servants creating and spreading myths

3) The miracles/apparitions were not really miracles/apparitions but just regular phenomena

I don't have anything against Yahweh by the way, I'm just saying it's very likely he left this place. It's equally likely that he will return. And no, he didn't create the damned thing. I doubt even the highest spiritual forces know the true meaning of this planet or where it came from.

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As a spiritualist interested in magic, your enemy is not god, but fate. It is not creation itself that tries to keep you weak, it is the balancing, heartless mechanism that we call "fate" or sometimes "demiurge".

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Isn't Yahweh just Jewish garbage?

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>Nothing against YHWH


>God isn't the enemy, the Demiurge is

You people don't know YHWH. He is the evil god of fire and brimstone - a volcano god of explosion and fire. He is the semitic god that required blood sacrifice. He is the one whose religion even now threatens all great knowledge of abstract things. Haven't you ever noticed how all abrahamic religion consistently tries to hide forbidden knowledge and hates witchcraft with a passion? Haven't you ever noticed how they are the ones trying to hide the truth? YHWH goes by many names; "the morning star (ironically a name used for satan)" Saturn in Roman mythology, Set in Egyptian religion, etc. All known for their jealousy! Their large egos and their desire to destroy all competition by other gods! YHWH the fire god, YHWH the god of blind jealousy, YHWH the deciever! He proclaims himself the one true god, that there be no other gods before him, and you like fools are blind to his intention! He is worthy of nothing more than total erasure from every piece of literature he and his many other names have been written in.

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YHWH is not as powerful as the fate system when you look at the universe as a whole, but certainly one of the worst demons humanity has to deal with. But he should not be confused with "god" or "fate / demiurge", even though that's what he wants.

Some people believe that YHWH = demiurge. However, YHWH is an entitiy, while the demiurge is a system, born from the original, first urge of god, the desire for order and balance.

While without balance there would only be destruction, for a mage the shackles of fate are still far too tight.

Look at the heavy punishment dealt out by fate to those who try to gain power as a mage. You always have to overcome countless "tests" fate throws at you, though usually the intention is not to test, but to prevent.

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(To put it more simply: Think of "YHWH" as an evil entitiy with a soul, while "fate / the demiurge" is more of an artificial intelligence created with a singular purpose. Think of "god" as the first soul that ever existed in this universe and thus the first creator.)

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I agree with YHWH being an old testament ((((jewish)))) pagan god, but new testament word from Christ was imo leading a different path altogether.

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>reeeeeee fuck God I hate suffering

Can't have good without evil, suffering is context. If every day of your life was perfectly happy, after a while you'd grow bored with it. You'll develop a tolerance to anything that makes your brain feel good.

I went through a phase in my teens where I skipped school for weeks and did nothing but smoke weed all day, from when my parents left in the morning until they got home, at which time I left and met up with my friends to continue to smoke. Having the house to myself to smoke and chill was initially fun, but after weeks of constant stimulation, it was becoming agonizing. Getting back into the swing of things at school wasn't any easier.

Point is, now that I'm working full time, my time off is so much more enjoyable. It feels good to know I've accomplished something, and now the few hours I have left at the end of the day are more enjoyable than days or weeks spent "high".

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You're just a masochistic freak

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I am the wall.

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Good, you have found "purpose".

Don't let anyone or anything take that away from you, as very few people in this plane can claim they have done the same.

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>Can't have good without evil

There's no good in this universe

>suffering is context

Suffering is this universe's constant

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Your callous ignorance is ashaming to G-d

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but what if killing "god" means you destroy realitey :^)

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Then who's in his place?

No one in particular, technically we are

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childish moron

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then let it be so

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>soul-and-consciousness is a part of GOD

>wants to kill God

Very funny, Freemason.


>not finishing Nietzsche's quote

Filthy nihilists, Friedrich would say.


>doing things in someone's name

>somehow the one with the name is fault




The Christian God is the All minues Nature. That's about it.

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Gods are phenomena akin to tulpas. They are like tulpas in the sense that they are created and fed by consciousness. However, they are group tulpas… created and fed by groups of people. What do you do when you want to kill a tulpa? You stop feeding it and you let it starve to death. If you want to kill the most powerful "god" on this earth, (((YHWH))), then you have to get all the jews, christians and muslims to stop worshiping him. You also have to get all the athiest to stop cursing him. You have to get everyone to stop thinking about them all together. You have to erase them from the history books so nobody ever resurrects them again. Good luck with that… because, as things stand today, that would basically require the extinction of the human race.

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You are schizophrenic. None of this gay shit is real. You beat "god" by not being a fucking pussy and accepting reality.

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>freemasons are afraid of god and the devil is failing them so they try to get a bunch of autists on 8chan to help them

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Who are you quoting?

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From my current level of understanding, the concept of YHWH differs on different levels. On a purely mainstream level, YHWH takes different anthropomorphic forms depending on social/cultural/religious conditioning. On a modern Christian New Testament paradigm, it takes one form; on purely judaic religious paradigm it takes a totally different form, while on more esoteric levels (jewish mysticism), it takes more abstract forms (YHWH as the psyche refined to place that balances objective/subjective universes refined to divine frequencies).

Even in gnosticism, the idea that YHWH is an 'evil god' is an outlook only exclusive to some schools of thought, not all. Many schools of gnosticism looked at YHWH as the machinery behind this objective universe that could be 'figured out' via gnosis (aka intuitive/intellectual understanding of sacred geometrical pythagorean neoplatic first forms/first principles mathematical *word salad*). In jewish mysticism, YHWH represents the five elements (akasha being the all encompassing)

Point is, even the gnostic schools of thought that viewed YHWH as 'evil' understood they had to 'program' their way out of it. To do that efficiently means to 'understand the coding language', the syntax, the principles behind the machinery and manipulate it to your will. All the knowledge, wisdom and religious dogma surrounding this core understanding are merely guides to help you in your journey and make sure you're not huge dick to people. Nonetheless, guides that may or may not have been tainted over the years by the less evolved aspects of human nature. If you have 'x-ray vision,' you can bypass most of it, but it's definitely not easy for everyone. I've found depolarization helps. Anyways, that's how I see it right now.

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Moloch is god you retard.

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Not a nice one. At least the side he represents isn't nice.

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You can't. This realm is a test/sift to see where the progression of your soul is at when it evacuates its vessel.

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Maybe god wouldn't give you a reason to hate him if you weren't so fucking ungrateful

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I've grow numb to suffering. I wouldn't mind a good bout of happiness every day for a good long fucking time. There is an overwhelming overabundance of suffering all around and I've had enough of it. It is true that people aren't too happy if not challenged a little but they also aren't happy if they are stomped on and beaten so thoroughly they have no chance of winning at all.

I've heard tales of happy people who are basically happy all the time, usually small tribal peoples living a very ideal sort of life… but that isn't the life of the vast majority of people on the planet right now.

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Guy who said "can't have good without evil" consider the opposite statement… can you have evil without good? I think the answer most certainly is yes, you can have evil without good. So there is a fundamental imbalance right there.

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We know "good" is "good" only when we compare it to "evil". We know "evil" is "evil" only when we compare it to "good". Each one is define through the prism of the other one, thus without one we wouldn't be able to define the other.

Btw that among other examples demonstrates why transcending duality is so important in any real esoteric/spiritual practice.

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False binary. There's shit I like, shit I don't like, shit that don't mean a whole lot, and fuck if I know. And that's my perspective, not God's view of the game. Nobody fucking knows what he's up to, but he seems to be running some genetic program, culling people here and there, to produce a particular result. Our part seems to be purely survival as he crafts extinction events. I suspect he remains secret to avoid creating any dependence on him in us, but he may boost those he likes and are responsive to him.

I'm curious what the coming genocides and genetic modifications will cause. If he'll tip his hand or what.

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Simple. Educate the ignorant. Educate educate educate! That will kill off god for good.

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Remember! All these books are very important and teach you many great things! This is why everyone on Earth is aware of them, yet only small groups use them! There are zero scientists who became aware of occultism, then went, gee whiz, we were making things like planes when we could be ascending to the next planes, so lets drop everything we are doing and gather sands from every desert and offer them to Madonna at noon!

There are billions of christians,mudslimes,jewslimes etc on this planet, all of these people have spent every single day of their life worshipping their alter ego "God", and zero of them can offer you any sort of guidance or explanation for their beliefs, but this is just because they are waiting a few more billion years before they free us from suffering, because that is their plan! I mean that is gods plan! I mean our plan! This is your destiny! Just go do this persons work for them while they are the most important person in the universe! If they I mean god wanted you to be the most important person, then they I mean god would have chosen you, but instead they chose all these priests rabbis and sheiks who have healed zero people through faith based healing to guide us to their reality of choice I mean gods reality of choice!

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Sparknotes for all 5000000 of the blockchain tier snake oil books these schizophrenics worship:

Believe in yourself. Don't be a piece of shit, and others won't be a piece of shit to you. We are all Tyler Durden, this world operates like a computer simulation, this isn't the only world, and everybody who claims that they are the keymaster and you need to go through them to do anything is a fucking virus and should be avoided or destroyed, because it's really as simple as just leaving. What these people are saying is the equivilant of somebody coming up to you while you are playing Call of Duty and going "omg dewd if you don't make an offering to me you can't pull out that game and put in Assasins Creed".

There is no getting around this. This is the truth. I just saved you fucking years of frustration. You have curiosity and obviously don't like society, so to me there is something to you. That is why I am giving you this gift.

Have fun in eternal loneliness, because at the end of the day, you are nothing, and everything you love will eventually be destroyed when you move on. That's why the fucking monk thing exists. You can go into isolation for a few years and find out what's really going on and what you really need, or you can just take this shortcut and go live your fucking life. We need a shit ton of repair work done here, so get to that shit instead. None of these fucking books will tell you anything like this. It's just some ego driven faggot flaunting his vocabulary and doing the old talk until they are too confused to question you con for shekels. Actual "enlightenment" will show you that you can just give things away for free, because the effects of that will reward you 5000000000000x more in the long run than some money dollar will. If there was anything to a cult ism, then these people who you have heard of are fucking poison, because anyone with half a fucking brain can look around and go damn dude this shit is fucked, I need to do something about this to save humanity,because that mission is more important than fakesbook likes.

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Imagine that you broke a bone. You have a dead end job that you need to not fucking die. You ask your dumb ass psychopath boss to work with you. Maybe you can work from home. Your entire job is just processing paperwork anyways. Maybe you can take off a few days then work the weekend. You are in more pain in the morning, so maybe you can work at night instead. The purpose of your job is making this fucking faggot more money, and they are going to get millions of dollars in passive income regardless, so what the fuck is the big deal?

Woah woah woah, you think you are sovereign? The meaning of life is working 40 hours a week at the designated times! Because that is how the sun goes! We have to rise with the sun and then eat at 5 then drink a beer then smack ourselves in the head and go to sleep! For 30 years! And then you get to take a break when your body is old as fuck!


Are you fucking serious?

Nah, that is slavery. The entire purpose of this reality is serving a few douchebag fucking faggots. There are unlimited other systems where everybody could get to feel like the president while helping others. Everyone could do things at their own pace. There would never be another psycho fuck whipping someone so they pick them some cotton. "Why am I doing this for you?" "Shut up and do my work for me! The meaning of life doesn't matter! Work work work! And then die! And then reincarnate and work for my son!"

Are you fucking kidding me? I am slightly biased on this because I have dealt with head trauma/sickness/chronic pain/suicidal depression/body clock fucked/ poisoned by psychiatry/ hopelessness/cheated on/scammed by own family. This has made it extremely difficult for me to "adjust" to this world. Plenty of people are fucking happy working their dumb ass dead end job, and to them they see it as a great deal to be able to pretend like they are doing something for 8 hours 5 days a week and in exchange get some nice toys and superbowls. Other people don't. This is fucking retarded. This is actually hell to me. Oh look, the entire world is connected through the internet! That means we can try new things! Lets make an app where people can do an alternative to "jobs", where anytime somebody has something they need help with, whether its moving a couch, cooking some pancakes, making some old lady some tea, anyone on the planet can go help them. You could just play world of warcraft basically and help at the chemistry lab one day, then help at the news station the next. As someone who is not fucking retarded but doesnt worship money, this would be much better than becoming chief executive human resources operating manager of marketing director. I don't want some made up job that is there so someone can sit at a throne and hold back humanity for 30 years while they pay off their mortage.

Ok I am done rambling. The point I am making is I just offered solutions to millions of peoples problems. Instead of anyone listening, I am lazy, poor, homeless, stupid, drug addict, delusional. Cop: NO! Priest: NO! Politician: NO! Parent: NO! etc etc etc etc etc.

Ok, therefore, no. Fuck your shit world. It ain't murder if I pull off the cord that attaches me to you and your world dies off.

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Sorry but the absence of both polarities or the absence of God and his manifestation would well fit the qualifier of "evil".

I think the only way you can counter what I'm saying is by simply pointing out "but there is no absence of the good therefore what I am talking about is some fiction having nothing to do with reality and quite irrelevant".

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Oh and the other thing is the world evidences a lot of imbalance. Everything is a pyramid, and the good is one, and the evils are myriad, and so on. Now it is important to point out that you can climb the ladder to that top of the pyramid, without denying others the same, because there is a uniformity of convergence up there. Just like you can recognize yourself as at the very center of the universe, and another man can also recognize himself as the center, and both are right because the center of infinity is everywhere. I think there is a good case made in Christian theology that the world is evil and that our salvation must be through a very narrow path towards the good. There are so many ways to error. I also would like to point out the very transcendental nature of serving God and the idea of god's perfect justice being active always in the world, so that literally everything that happens is just. I have been thinking as the greeks and romans apparently have (only found this out recently btw while listening to some documentaries that they thought the same as me) as to do good is to do as one's nature compels them and to do bad is to against your own nature. A man is supposed to do what he is fitted to and no fault really can be had with him when he is doing what he is meant for, you don't blame for example a cat for hunting and killing mice, that's what the cat does. Men are purposed for various things and there is no universal morality in that we can apply the same model to each man because we are many different kinds of man created with an inner-guide so to speak pushing us in our proper direction and we suffer terribly when we don't do what we are meant to. If a car decides it's going to stop eating mice it's not going to fair well. Some men are meant to be thieves, assassins, etc. and they are perfectly justified in it and there have certainly been esoteric guilds for these people just as there are for example the freemasons who were basically constructing stone buildings. Maybe this is why self-knowledge is so essential to the good for all the suffering in the world might simply be evidence that people are out of touch with their real nature and with reality; and because they are so out of touch they are visited by many illnesses and problems that result from them straying so far away from where they should be. Now this said here is a tricky problem; we all inherit the sins of our ancestors, we pay dearly for what our parents have done for instance, but I suppose before I cry about injustice I need to understand the full equation and get to the part of why I'm born into my particular life and circumstances; which was no accident or happen chance at all. So what mechanic was at play that I had to have this life that I feel so strongly I wish to reject all the time, that I wish not to live? Also what about when people commit suicide and reject their life purpose so completely? hmmmm… well I am certainly blinded by a lot of noise at this time and can't think clearly enough but at least I know a few very essential truths that I can stand on so that even when I have to participate in a thread like this where everything I say might be bullshit and everything everyone else says is probably bullshit at least I still know the way to true knowledge. I should probably post the way but I can also hope that a man so perfected he speak from truth will maybe come in here and say things

I will know and recognize and confirm as truth at a later time.

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>Nah, that is slavery. The entire purpose of this reality is serving a few douchebag fucking faggots. There are unlimited other systems where everybody could get to feel like the president while helping others. Everyone could do things at their own pace. There would never be another psycho fuck whipping someone so they pick them some cotton. "Why am I doing this for you?" "Shut up and do my work for me! The meaning of life doesn't matter! Work work work! And then die! And then reincarnate and work for my son!"

All actual cotton pickers of the past I am sure can attest that the work they did was nowhere near as miserable, time-consuming, and soul-destroying as the work people grind themselves through today at great cost to their mental and physical well-being and all for nothing. They had acres and acres of land back then and freedom. We get debts, women conditioned to hate us, foreigners pouring in, forced drugs, forced state propaganda "education", etc. just a ton of shit to wear us down and make us give up any hope.

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>Are you fucking kidding me? I am slightly biased on this because I have dealt with head trauma/sickness/chronic pain/suicidal depression/body clock fucked/ poisoned by psychiatry/ hopelessness/cheated on/scammed by own family.

All me minus the head trauma.

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Kill all of his believers

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do you want help? maybe to ease the pain of this existence, or to help you use your Sovereign Divine powers?

I have help:

"I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."


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You're absolutely right! You are free to disengage from the whole thing and to leave this world, without external punishment. Stop putting credence into value systems that make you miserable, and stop burdening yourself by caring for the fate of this world. Frustration stems from attachment. You don't have to give yourself over to any systems or thoughts which drain you, you can let go of them and never worry about them again.

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>believing in one real, concrete reality of events

>not realizing that reality means nothing and that all of this is an abstraction of an abstraction you make while still linked up to the Godhead

I shiggy diggy.

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nice trips

Abrahamic religions in general are all scam developed by (((them))).

Most of them are larp gone wrong and I can only laugh about people believing on them meticulously although few stuff are golden but they're plagiarized from other works or are common sense (like idioms).

I'm not even talking about the Jew instruments or the good goyims when I (((echo))) post.

The real enemies are Kabals.

Their frontrunners are corrupted knights-assassins following a new code.

It's a brotherhood united by language because people aren't connected in the first place like how all animals just live and die for nothing.

These Kabals can pass their practices and domination to their clan thanks to language - so when they die their practices will get passed-on. Wonder why people in middle ages can't write? It's only a matter of time until they try to bring back the old ages where people aren't even bonded like beasts/animals.

The ultimate truth is there is something that precedes everything but we have no information about it and news flash! we have plenty of information about religion! even structures! coincidence??? most of them can't even be proven fake! thank you kabals!

A theory is that we precede our future which is the ouroboros - we willed everything into existence. This means god will become - and it is gonna become immortal - it emerges and it seeks the 'chosen' will.


The other theory is that we are all artificial creations. 'Natural' is a meme. If there is a god-administrator then it means we're nothing but sub-iterations following a program simulation but we have free_will() function as a consolation for being trapped inside electronic chips. We can never exceed limitations and we can never escape unless there's a bug or the god upgrades the chips. We're simulations only meant to bring result in the end it is because

>anything undesirable or unlikeable is eliminated in time

>anything that will continue to exist are desirable among desirables

literally simulation101

I bet they're putting this on their local news:

"simulation wants to kill their programmer"

"one poster spoke about simulation theory incident number 10032"

"many are starting to think they live in simulation even our favorite elon musk agrees"

"should we roll the patch or reset ***'s simulation?"

To prove this you only have to run a lower simulation with almost-near intelligence as us and make them believe about the sane concepts we believe in… until they point back at their programmer(s).

If you are a about to steal all these texts or is a scientist stealing my ideas, properly say it's not originally yours and originally belonged to the hivemind otherwise beware forever.

All of these religions are just concepts, take away every language and destroy all of humanity and bam! we have a fresh new start as howling beasts. Religions were all scams, just abusing latin/futhork runes, hebrew scripts, and etcetera. Thoughts are all scam as they all come from these very same runes and scripts.

>how do we kill god

Is a thought of a concept. You're basically barking at nothing. Before trying to kill god how about you summon god?

Kill everything. maybe that would change a few things and let the administrator press the button. Again.

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nice shizopost

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why do you want to kill God,who created you?

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t. mundane christcuck

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., god is an ancient human sacrifice and his wife's name is olga , india broke out of europe and built camp in the orient when they were not meant to with stolen military coding and prays , long ago , over 300,000,000 years ago , and this is no cost information , avoid hunting the people named god they are normal people with a hefty responsibility like those people named christian helping jesus round up indians back to ireland and finland , and thanks be for any peaceful virtuous information to The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.

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Did I need to be Christian to belive in God? I am more like universalist than a close-minded Catholic

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>writing atheism isn't good

>usimg old as fuck atheist "meme"

Makes perfect sense

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yeah,that's the point


God's work is not perfect, but it is important that the Creator is hated and is just an expression of ungratefulness

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That pic seems like a christian recruiting poster intended for /fringe/ tbh. No one is interested in "normal" beliefs here.

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Why are you conflating goodness and pleasure anon?

imo there is also a difference between the type of pain that can lead to personal growth, and mere needless suffering. If you're out of shape and start to exercise, you may experience pain at first but in the long run will become stronger for it. But if someone ties you up in a basement and slowly starves you to death, that will only cause you to needlessly suffer. This world is filled with far too much of the latter.

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op is fast tracked to hell

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I don't want to be ungrateful. I would like to praise and worship Him (Her?) with all my will and consciousness.

But I have nothing to be grateful about… illnesses, poverty,death, and God is nowhere around to even be worshiped.

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>I'm curious what the coming genocides and genetic modifications will cause.


>If he'll tip his hand or what.


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Why tho op? There are so many people raving on this board about how we are all divine, all is one, everything is natural perfection etc etc, and you still dare to say that there is suffering, and we should do something about it? Outrageous! Don't you see that all is divine perfection?

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not sure if irony or not

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How's that liberation of yours going?

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It's going great my friend :D


Oh my friend, how could this be irony? ;)

Even if you would somehow for literally no reason at all (because all is one and all is natural divine perfection) think that there in fact is suffering in our divine and perfect world, know that it is only good and right to be so, and you in fact should embrace it and love it. Just like some other anon here on the board said; suffering is necessary for reality to even exist. Without (massive) amounts of suffering no universe can exist and nobody of us would be able to experience existence. Isn't that so beautiful and true you wanna shed a tear? For me personally this is not enough however, I think we need to go a step further…I hereby proclare that our world, it being so perfect and divine and us being all one and god, should only consist of suffering. We need to amp up on the suffering a lot. Our world will be soooo much better if we get more of this good, perfect and divine stuff. Line more people up for the slaughterhouse!

(((Just sit down and do nothing, friend. Let your fellow people and yourself be abused and tortured and turn into degenerate slaves because hey…it's all divine perfection.)))*

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He's only half ironic. He does actually mean that part about everyone going to the slaughterhouse:


>If earth was completely nuked and Gaia was massacred, nothing of value would be lost, in fact only the prison with it's foul goddess would be broken and we all would be free

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I am 100% ironic.

I am not sure about the greentext quote you posted, nobody knows what lies beyond and what happens after death. Maybe we all would be free, but maybe we would be off even worse.

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Do you mean the All? If so then you don't or more you can't.

Do you mean Gods like YHWH or the Roman gods? If so then you just need a being of equal or superior power to kill it.

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>op is fast tracked to hell

>implying this isn't hell


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but who is the joo?

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We can't kill god, but we can go to hell instead of heaven. If the simulation theory or whatever is true, hope who's ever running this faggy simulation decides to shut it off and god the npc dies.

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The one you are referring to is not God.

It is a neg (negative entity/spirit) which has the power to telepathically communicate with people, and pretends to be God.

And yes, we need to do something about it. I plan on capturing it.

Many of the negative things in the bible, which are attributed to God are actually the actions of these spirits.

(Also, many of the positive things in the bible, thought to be of God, are from Angels / positive spirits)

This imposter God has also managed to insert many deceptive things into the bible which confuse people and prevent them from being able to know the truth.

It is all coming down though. Help me to end it.

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>And yes, we need to do something about it. I plan on capturing it.

Count me in.

I'm willing to kill it once you capture the piece of shit.

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how absolutely plebian. you meme yourself to suffer. You cast magic against yourself and there is nothing that I can say that will make you listen to me. You are pathetic, a fucking wretch.

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There is a the goddess (creation of herbivore animals, the earth, the physical and metaphysical laws (karma, natural law, reincarnation), then there is the counterpart, Dimiurge, who created the sociopathic Archons whose nature is to prey on humanity, who was created as a slave race by them for a world scale mining operation. You cannot kill either, but you can side with one. That asshole God you hear about in the iffy verses in the Bible and the feeling you get that life is miserable and ignorant for so many people? It's the bad god and his archons and their human puppets.

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How do I side with the Goddess?

Why can't I kill this piece of shit God?

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Pretending not to suffer doesn't mean you aren't suffering.

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>all these serious replies to some literal retard's shitspew >>111045

This board sometimes disappoints me

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you simply don't get the idea. maybe in your next life.

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just shoot a gun at the sky until he dead

~Epyc Wynn

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I believe the term is Egregore

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yall motherfuckers need Apep

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Actually you just need to reach the altitude of 100km (330'000ft).


It's quite easy to nuke the fucker today. Time to do it?

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>I've found depolarization helps.

Could you explain this depolarization more? I have an idea of what it may mean, but I'm not sure if it syncs with yours.

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Read Tesla's work. He refers to this world as a realm that is a machine.

We break the machine. We destroy the "god" thereof.

It's quite simple once you know how it all actually works.

(oh, and free energy is simple as fuck too – the circuit between sky and ground, duh)

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>How do we kill this evil faggot called god?

First Creators (what people recognise as 'God') were killed in 2012 already.

>If I were god, I would be so ashamed

If you were God, you wouldn't have emotions such as 'ashamed'. All you would know is progress without ethical consideration.

>So how do we kill this piece of shit?

They were killed through the use of qigong.

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>who's doing the miracles or apparitions

What miracles or apparitions?



Demiurges are the first creators, they were the only true variations of 'God's that supposedly put the universe together.


>>God isn't the enemy, the Demiurge is

>You people don't know YHWH

They're all the same enemy, and they're all dead; this infighting is pointless.


>>111145 isn't "just a masochistic freak". What the degenerate is saying is that there cannot be joy without suffering. Consider this analogy: If a room is purely dark, bringing light to will allow you to see; if the room were purely light though, you would not be able to see due to the brightness, therefore the light would become obsolete, presenting the same outcome as darkness: the inability to see. Now consider what I've said where light refers to pleasure and darkness refers to suffering.


>but what if killing "god" means you destroy realitey :^)

Killing the creator of reality does not mean the reality ceases to exist. Think about Steve Jobs (or the founder of any company that's now dead); does the company itself cease to exist along with their creator, or are they still going?


Is "god" really that petty? Or do you believe that an infinite, all-knowing being would think that by making his creations suffer, they'd learn the value of gratefulness? Would his supposed creations not be more grateful if he didn't impose so much suffering on them? And if not, then why are you interfering with 'god's lessons?


Good post.


Just spotted Max Stirner's reincarnate.

>So what mechanic was at play that I had to have this life that I feel so strongly I wish to reject all the time, that I wish not to live?

The metaphysical would be at play there: the more suffering you're made to endure in your life, the more lessons you're to learn, in turn resulting in the development of your metaphysical being.


>nice shizopost

I hope you're not disregarding all of the ideas in that post because they don't fall under the psychoanalytical definition of 'sanity'. I've seen and heard much worse than that post too, their post is fine.


>do I need dogma to believe in things?

Why don't you start by asking yourself?


Maybe OP is a retard, but it doesn't automatically mean all the posters within OP's thread are also retarded.

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No more credible than the others. A lot of people believe the demiurge is our reality, so destroying it would destroy reality, that's one of the things you dumbly forgot

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The CIA niggers killed god

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Christ killed the God of the Jews

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btw, having Autism doesn't make you a loser, its related to Schizophrenia

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I don't buy the monotheistic BS. I know such presuppositions to be false. Why, you're not even a singular entity, or else: Explain the behavior of those in your dreams…

(un)Fortunately, once one learns how to kill a local god of this realm, one realizes that there are bigger things going on than man's petty obsession with freedom from the forces of nature.

In his arrogance man has personified that which is as it must be, and ignored that subtle clever force beckoning him to BECOME GREATER. It's apparent that those men who desire to project their will over all other gods haven't seen any of the other gods and are just projecting their own delusional fantasies of control.

Those attempting to murder deities I seriously doubt have ever had discourse with even a demi-god or tried to be friends with such powers that be. I used to be fearful too and learned to hide even my earthly powers, keeping certain forces in reserve lest I need to strike down the wicked if it turned its eye fully upon me. Once confronted with such opportunity, I was able to peer beyond the natural cocoon of reality swaddling our world's precious intellect. Now I'd rather summon the heavenly sun to earth, boil the seas and melt the mountains, casting the entire realm into cataclysm (again), rather than kill the beautiful timid one who lurks on the edges of your perception.

Perhaps you imagine yourself a god? Well, it is possible for a man to have become a god… but let me suggest that it's easier done with a little help from the forces beyond yourself, and more fun too!

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You can't because something like you could call the"being" that created reality, not gods with their feelings, they could be supreme beings on this reality and really can mold this reality at some degree but still not the creator of the reality. The creator of this reality is not on this reality you see, is outside of reality so you can't kill something that is not even on this reality because it's impossible for any being to "escape" reality. Reality meaning any level that you exist, on any form…

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Kill yourself. Because that's ultimately what would happen if such a thing were possible in the first place.

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Good idea.

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>related to schizophrenia

>doesn't make you a loser

Also, the diseases have a mechanical difference: in one, the synapses densely cover the brain, and in another, they're simply hyperactive. This has a bigger affect than you think.

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>thanking god for the suffering it caused so that god will stop making you suffer

Yeah, suck up to your master and maybe he'll stop whipping you, but you'll never be free. Every man and every woman is a star. All meaning mental, of the mind, the conscious; all meaning is created. Create meaning in your favor, slave.

"This old holy man in his forest hadn't yet heard that God is dead!"

God lives and dies within you; as above, so below.

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now, let's kill YHWH

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You must own and tip a fedora

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Imagine Posting this unironically

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YHWH is Just a word silly. stop being fooled by idols. All Satan wants to do is turn you away from your Father. The God of Abraham.

Remember the Covenant

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There is only one God silly. Polytheism is supposed t unify into Monotheism over time. It is the evolution of spirituality. Repetance of Sin is freedom from yourself.

Wtf is with all the Anti-Monotheists on this board. you guys cant be serious

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Oh, so this one would rather think that the cosmos in all of it's creative vigor is somehow solely managed by a single entity? Even the brightest individuals have a team. Even though we are insignificant in the eyes of the universe, it is easy to see that such principle could be applied in reverse as well.

Some of us don't want to join your collective hivemind unconscious. Some of us prefer existing not as a food source for potent ideals. Man creates thoughts, yet somehow some thoughts create themselves in man.

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Start by killing yourself.

There, that's step 1.

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Polytheism and monotheism is basically naive pantheism.

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it was posted unironically

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then what?

have you tried?

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You can't kill god.

He is baptized into the CIA.

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God is a synonym with the verb "Be". Nobody stands a chance.

He only kills those tainted by Satan and the Watchers. They knew it'd make him look bad.. that was the point of screwing things up. So they could point and say "Look at all the murders!" Then fast forward thousands of years later and imageboard posts like this one could be made..and futile questions asked about the impossible.

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god is a synonym with the noun "shit".

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>>How to kill god?

God is the first and last, the biggest and the smallest, heavier than infinite universes and lighter than an atom… Good luck whit that.

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This guy has seen stuff. I second him.

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You aren't as smart and sophisticated as you think you are.

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>Some bitch ass girly girl bitch 'goddess'

Nah dude get your mind right get your grind right never follow a girl lead I'm straight be an Archon , straight mini boss in here

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Free will. It's a gift. Make your choice. Go to Heaven and be with GOD or don't.

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>You will either worship me and do whatever I want or suffer in the worst way imaginable


Cosmic kike, not even once.

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Let thos faggot run out of time and he'll kill himself while his circle watches themselves get crucified by victory.

Victory defeats this dying god, Christ is a trap.

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He was killed during 2012-2019.

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2018, to be specific

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Kys faggot.

That's my honest, devoid of any hate answer.

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