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File: ebf580d15beaa77⋯.jpg (29.8 KB,194x260,97:130,god-kill.jpg)

 No.111045 [View All]

How do we kill this evil faggot called god?

It is a pathetic being allowing and creating evil and misery beyond imagination.

It has no right to exist.

If I were god, I would be so ashamed of my actions that I would just kill myself.

But this faggot has no honor whatsoever.

So how do we kill this piece of shit? Because it ain't gonna kill itself.

83 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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There is a the goddess (creation of herbivore animals, the earth, the physical and metaphysical laws (karma, natural law, reincarnation), then there is the counterpart, Dimiurge, who created the sociopathic Archons whose nature is to prey on humanity, who was created as a slave race by them for a world scale mining operation. You cannot kill either, but you can side with one. That asshole God you hear about in the iffy verses in the Bible and the feeling you get that life is miserable and ignorant for so many people? It's the bad god and his archons and their human puppets.

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How do I side with the Goddess?

Why can't I kill this piece of shit God?

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Pretending not to suffer doesn't mean you aren't suffering.

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>all these serious replies to some literal retard's shitspew >>111045

This board sometimes disappoints me

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you simply don't get the idea. maybe in your next life.

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just shoot a gun at the sky until he dead

~Epyc Wynn

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I believe the term is Egregore

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yall motherfuckers need Apep

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Actually you just need to reach the altitude of 100km (330'000ft).


It's quite easy to nuke the fucker today. Time to do it?

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>I've found depolarization helps.

Could you explain this depolarization more? I have an idea of what it may mean, but I'm not sure if it syncs with yours.

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Read Tesla's work. He refers to this world as a realm that is a machine.

We break the machine. We destroy the "god" thereof.

It's quite simple once you know how it all actually works.

(oh, and free energy is simple as fuck too – the circuit between sky and ground, duh)

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>How do we kill this evil faggot called god?

First Creators (what people recognise as 'God') were killed in 2012 already.

>If I were god, I would be so ashamed

If you were God, you wouldn't have emotions such as 'ashamed'. All you would know is progress without ethical consideration.

>So how do we kill this piece of shit?

They were killed through the use of qigong.

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>who's doing the miracles or apparitions

What miracles or apparitions?



Demiurges are the first creators, they were the only true variations of 'God's that supposedly put the universe together.


>>God isn't the enemy, the Demiurge is

>You people don't know YHWH

They're all the same enemy, and they're all dead; this infighting is pointless.


>>111145 isn't "just a masochistic freak". What the degenerate is saying is that there cannot be joy without suffering. Consider this analogy: If a room is purely dark, bringing light to will allow you to see; if the room were purely light though, you would not be able to see due to the brightness, therefore the light would become obsolete, presenting the same outcome as darkness: the inability to see. Now consider what I've said where light refers to pleasure and darkness refers to suffering.


>but what if killing "god" means you destroy realitey :^)

Killing the creator of reality does not mean the reality ceases to exist. Think about Steve Jobs (or the founder of any company that's now dead); does the company itself cease to exist along with their creator, or are they still going?


Is "god" really that petty? Or do you believe that an infinite, all-knowing being would think that by making his creations suffer, they'd learn the value of gratefulness? Would his supposed creations not be more grateful if he didn't impose so much suffering on them? And if not, then why are you interfering with 'god's lessons?


Good post.


Just spotted Max Stirner's reincarnate.

>So what mechanic was at play that I had to have this life that I feel so strongly I wish to reject all the time, that I wish not to live?

The metaphysical would be at play there: the more suffering you're made to endure in your life, the more lessons you're to learn, in turn resulting in the development of your metaphysical being.


>nice shizopost

I hope you're not disregarding all of the ideas in that post because they don't fall under the psychoanalytical definition of 'sanity'. I've seen and heard much worse than that post too, their post is fine.


>do I need dogma to believe in things?

Why don't you start by asking yourself?


Maybe OP is a retard, but it doesn't automatically mean all the posters within OP's thread are also retarded.

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No more credible than the others. A lot of people believe the demiurge is our reality, so destroying it would destroy reality, that's one of the things you dumbly forgot

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File: 945face73e9bdad⋯.jpg (154.46 KB,902x762,451:381,YhZeA7a.jpg)

The CIA niggers killed god

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Christ killed the God of the Jews

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btw, having Autism doesn't make you a loser, its related to Schizophrenia

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File: 7a7d38243d2552c⋯.jpg (689.18 KB,1363x2048,1363:2048,77a7420834769818dc1f5f0679….jpg)

I don't buy the monotheistic BS. I know such presuppositions to be false. Why, you're not even a singular entity, or else: Explain the behavior of those in your dreams…

(un)Fortunately, once one learns how to kill a local god of this realm, one realizes that there are bigger things going on than man's petty obsession with freedom from the forces of nature.

In his arrogance man has personified that which is as it must be, and ignored that subtle clever force beckoning him to BECOME GREATER. It's apparent that those men who desire to project their will over all other gods haven't seen any of the other gods and are just projecting their own delusional fantasies of control.

Those attempting to murder deities I seriously doubt have ever had discourse with even a demi-god or tried to be friends with such powers that be. I used to be fearful too and learned to hide even my earthly powers, keeping certain forces in reserve lest I need to strike down the wicked if it turned its eye fully upon me. Once confronted with such opportunity, I was able to peer beyond the natural cocoon of reality swaddling our world's precious intellect. Now I'd rather summon the heavenly sun to earth, boil the seas and melt the mountains, casting the entire realm into cataclysm (again), rather than kill the beautiful timid one who lurks on the edges of your perception.

Perhaps you imagine yourself a god? Well, it is possible for a man to have become a god… but let me suggest that it's easier done with a little help from the forces beyond yourself, and more fun too!

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You can't because something like you could call the"being" that created reality, not gods with their feelings, they could be supreme beings on this reality and really can mold this reality at some degree but still not the creator of the reality. The creator of this reality is not on this reality you see, is outside of reality so you can't kill something that is not even on this reality because it's impossible for any being to "escape" reality. Reality meaning any level that you exist, on any form…

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Kill yourself. Because that's ultimately what would happen if such a thing were possible in the first place.

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Good idea.

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>related to schizophrenia

>doesn't make you a loser

Also, the diseases have a mechanical difference: in one, the synapses densely cover the brain, and in another, they're simply hyperactive. This has a bigger affect than you think.

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>thanking god for the suffering it caused so that god will stop making you suffer

Yeah, suck up to your master and maybe he'll stop whipping you, but you'll never be free. Every man and every woman is a star. All meaning mental, of the mind, the conscious; all meaning is created. Create meaning in your favor, slave.

"This old holy man in his forest hadn't yet heard that God is dead!"

God lives and dies within you; as above, so below.

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now, let's kill YHWH

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You must own and tip a fedora

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Imagine Posting this unironically

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YHWH is Just a word silly. stop being fooled by idols. All Satan wants to do is turn you away from your Father. The God of Abraham.

Remember the Covenant

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There is only one God silly. Polytheism is supposed t unify into Monotheism over time. It is the evolution of spirituality. Repetance of Sin is freedom from yourself.

Wtf is with all the Anti-Monotheists on this board. you guys cant be serious

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Oh, so this one would rather think that the cosmos in all of it's creative vigor is somehow solely managed by a single entity? Even the brightest individuals have a team. Even though we are insignificant in the eyes of the universe, it is easy to see that such principle could be applied in reverse as well.

Some of us don't want to join your collective hivemind unconscious. Some of us prefer existing not as a food source for potent ideals. Man creates thoughts, yet somehow some thoughts create themselves in man.

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Start by killing yourself.

There, that's step 1.

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Polytheism and monotheism is basically naive pantheism.

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it was posted unironically

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then what?

have you tried?

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You can't kill god.

He is baptized into the CIA.

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God is a synonym with the verb "Be". Nobody stands a chance.

He only kills those tainted by Satan and the Watchers. They knew it'd make him look bad.. that was the point of screwing things up. So they could point and say "Look at all the murders!" Then fast forward thousands of years later and imageboard posts like this one could be made..and futile questions asked about the impossible.

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god is a synonym with the noun "shit".

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>>How to kill god?

God is the first and last, the biggest and the smallest, heavier than infinite universes and lighter than an atom… Good luck whit that.

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This guy has seen stuff. I second him.

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File: b500da99d6a17f7⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,269x188,269:188,bereshit.jpg)






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You aren't as smart and sophisticated as you think you are.

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>Some bitch ass girly girl bitch 'goddess'

Nah dude get your mind right get your grind right never follow a girl lead I'm straight be an Archon , straight mini boss in here

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Free will. It's a gift. Make your choice. Go to Heaven and be with GOD or don't.

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>You will either worship me and do whatever I want or suffer in the worst way imaginable


Cosmic kike, not even once.

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Let thos faggot run out of time and he'll kill himself while his circle watches themselves get crucified by victory.

Victory defeats this dying god, Christ is a trap.

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He was killed during 2012-2019.

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2018, to be specific

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Kys faggot.

That's my honest, devoid of any hate answer.

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