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File: 57735b43701fdb9⋯.jpg (47.38 KB,554x554,1:1,images.jpg)

 No.2122156 [Open thread]

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 2024 part 2 DOWNLOAD


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice stars Michael Keaton, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Willem Dafoe, and Justin Theroux sit down with Fandango’s Erik Davis to talk about the upcoming movie.

The cast shared what it was like to reunite with Director Tim Burton, Jenna shared her experience with meeting Beetlejuice for the first time, the cats teased a potential third movie, and so much more

Three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River after an unexpected family tragedy. Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia's life soon gets turned upside down when her rebellious teenage daughter discovers a mysterious portal to the afterlife.

When someone says Beetlejuice's name three times, the mischievous demon gleefully returns to unleash his very own brand of mayhem.

DOWNLOAD MOVIE Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 2024

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File: d9913991387ded4⋯.jpeg (157.72 KB,774x908,387:454,IMG_1178.jpeg)

 No.2122155 [Open thread]

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File: 4d71e4a609893e2⋯.jpg (569.83 KB,3576x2011,3576:2011,222.jpg)

 No.2122154 [Open thread]

this stupid ‘you absolutely must see it’ film has ruined my life. and your anon?


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File: f2904db9acffced⋯.jpeg (277.06 KB,1175x1763,1175:1763,cockandballtorture.jpeg)

 No.2121876 [Open thread]

Anyone have a good link for the new rick and morty episode? Thanks.

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I have a theory that American cartoons get censored if they are too into the randomness comedy in the direction they go. Like Avatar the last Airbender. I returned to it recently and I'm like what happened to this show. The softened the blow.

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I'm not too sure if it's censorship. A lot of the times what happens is animators and writers get added to the show. Old ones leave or the team becomes large. So anything from the animation style to the jokes can change. you can even see this in the style of the show and other shows.


thanks works great!

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You're welcome. Also, if you want the uncensored version the only way to get that is BlueRay. Any streaming version is going to be censored.

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File: 8b647a2379ef6a3⋯.jpeg (70.71 KB,1003x564,1003:564,FU_H0O4WAAIybfv.jpeg)

 No.2122152 [Open thread]

I only remember the opening scenes of this movie.

A high school couple from a upper middle class neighborhood have some level of intellectual disability.

The parents seemed very concerned about letting them move into an apartment together after graduation but allow it.

The young couple packs a station wagon and moves into a crappy city apartment. I remember one of the shenanigans being a leaky ceiling.

Anyways, if anyone can identify this flick it would be appreciated

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File: 4c2f2e46ad8a6a5⋯.png (8.15 KB,120x113,120:113,TEST_Copy_Copy_3_.png)

 No.2122129 [Open thread]


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File: 54f6ac292ca736f⋯.jpeg (61.04 KB,554x554,1:1,images_53_.jpeg)

 No.2122150 [Open thread]

Download Watchmen Chapter 1 (2024)


In 1985, the murder of a government sponsored superhero draws his outlawed colleagues out of retirement and into a mystery that threatens to upend their personal lives and the world itself.

Streaming Watchmen Chapter 1 (2024)

very faithful adaptation of the comic book, with an animation style that hews closely to artist Dave Gibbons’ well-regarded depictions of the characters and the alternate 1985 timeline they inhabit

Download movie Watchmen Chapter 1

Genre: Animation


Download Watchmen Chapter 1 (2024)

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File: d83845201606760⋯.jpeg (28.72 KB,600x338,300:169,images_40_.jpeg)

 No.2122149 [Open thread]

Download The Umbrella Academy season 4


In their teenage years, though, the family fractures and the team disbands. Fast forward to the present time, when the six surviving members of the clan reunite upon the news of Hargreeves' passing.

Where to watch The Umbrella Academy season 4

They work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father's death, but divergent personalities and abilities again pull the estranged family apart, and a global apocalypse is another imminent threat.

The Umbrella Academy season 4 download

The series is based on a collection of comics and graphic novels created and written by My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard Way.

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File: fc8977c65ac1ed4⋯.jpg (59.87 KB,600x881,600:881,9a83785a65044b7abe7f62fc0c….jpg)

 No.2122148 [Open thread]

Download Project silence Korea movie

Trapped on a collapsing bridge, survivors of a massive car pile-up find themselves in a fight for their lives against a mysterious creature.

Download Project silence

What is the Korean movie fog in the bridge?

In the heart-pounding disaster thriller 'Project Silence', a group of individuals finds themselves trapped on an airport bridge engulfed in dense, impenetrable fog just moments before its collapse

On the bridge that connects an island and its major airport with the Korean peninsula, weather conditions suddenly become so bad one can't distinguish anything right in front of them.

Where to Watch Project silence

Echoes”, creatures born from a military experiment called "Project Silence", and being transferred in the utmost secrecy, are let loose, wreaking havoc

Download movie Project silence


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File: b7cd4b390073ec4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.94 KB,600x400,3:2,_.jpg)

 No.2122147 [Open thread]

저는 주로 Naifei보다 더 완벽한 리소스를 갖춘 3377TV에서 무료 영화를 시청합니다.

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File: df7e04ab4f0687d⋯.jpeg (68.7 KB,640x488,80:61,TYLA_e1712185427698.jpeg)

 No.2122133 [Open thread]

Download Tyla water mp3

Tyla water mp3 Download

Tyla, has revealed that she dislikes ‘very’ funny men

Singer, Tyla says she dislikes extremely funny guys In a recent interview with Capital Xtra, London, the ‘Water’ crooner said her ideal man is a dominant man.

She said, “My biggest turn on is a dominant man. And my biggest turn off is guys that are funny all the time. I like funny guys but when they don’t know when to be serious it irritates me.”

However, Tyla in an interview with Power 106 FM, Los Angeles, talked about Chris Brown’s support for her music before she gained global prominence.

“Chris Brown would come to my show, disguise and stay with the audience,” she recalled.

Tyla hit international stardom after her song ‘Water’ became a global sensation after going viral on Tiktok.

Download link music Tyla water


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That's funny, because comedians like myself dislike her too.

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Just imagine going on a date and your date leaves you because you made her laugh. That would be fucking irritating

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File: eada7be723a4ac4⋯.jpg (2.61 MB,4096x4096,1:1,2024070513095367.jpg)

 No.2122143 [Open thread]

Straight hair (on the right) or curly (on the left for Eliza Taylor, details please

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File: 4a475f576756a1a⋯.jpg (327.76 KB,1080x1824,45:76,Screenshot_20231124_151431….jpg)

 No.2122081 [Open thread]

What is this I'm hearing about you guys traced a picture she posted in a bathroom back to a sex club in Berlin? Someone mentioned it on /b/ but I can't seem to find it here or on the archive, some help or info would be greatly appreciated, not sure why that posy would get deleted when it's not against rules to discuss youtubers. Thanks

16 posts omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Likely *

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Could someone post the original thread about this ?

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Most people are still at work, tonight would be a better time to ask but this thread will probably be deleted by then, so you'll have to post another tonight. I want to know to.

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A tranny on 4chan /tv/ is lying about this btw

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american women inferior to bugs

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File: 66fb2cedb92d00c⋯.png (74.21 KB,400x400,1:1,Untitled_1.png)

 No.2121886 [Open thread]

One will protect, the others will attack, who do you choose?

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I guess Kanya since OJ is dead now.

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File: 856f8df3661cb66⋯.jpg (64.95 KB,600x900,2:3,sleeping_dogs_hollywood_mo….jpg)

 No.2122135 [Open thread]

Sleeping dogs Download movie

Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember.

As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past.

With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.


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