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File: 4a475f576756a1a⋯.jpg (327.76 KB,1080x1824,45:76,Screenshot_20231124_151431….jpg)


What is this I'm hearing about you guys traced a picture she posted in a bathroom back to a sex club in Berlin? Someone mentioned it on /b/ but I can't seem to find it here or on the archive, some help or info would be greatly appreciated, not sure why that posy would get deleted when it's not against rules to discuss youtubers. Thanks

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Yeah somehow I missed that myself wtf

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All posts eventually get deleted fyi, has nothing to do with breaking rules so ur good. I saw the thread and it was bs, there is no way you can tell where that picture was taken. Reminds me of that thread years ago saying gibi blew se random dude at a pride event that everyone went crazy about, I didn't believe that and the berlin sex club thing is likley bs to

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She has become so woke and perverted it honestly wouldn't suprise me, somehow I missed the original thread to.

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I don't get why you guys care. She is not attractive at all and ill just leave it at that.

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That's absurd, she may not be as pretty as she used to be, but she's still a solid 7 imo, and let's be real any woman married to Ben would have to cheat and fuck around on the side or else you would be stuck in a state of pure sexual dysfunction, nobody looks at him and goes wow there is a guy is probably good in bed. Just saying. He is a beta male. Let her do what she needs to do.

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Where is the original post ? Ot seeing it in archive

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Didn't she allegedly blow some guy at a pride event in front of her husband a few years back ? That's really fucked up. He is a total shrimp for allowing that. I guess my point is it wouldn't suprise me if she was into deviant stuff like swinger clubs.

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That's depressing. Imagine if that was your daughter, and she posted it on social media in spite of you.

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She absolutely did. It was first posted on /b/ during covid.

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That's really disgusting if true.

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How would you feel if you wife wanted go fuck random strangers in foreign countries ? That's not exactly ideal to most men. I feel really bad for the guy.

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Maybe he is a cuck and likes it, he doesn't exactly look the most masculine

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I agree. She is repulsive

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Before covid and back she was beautiful

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Most women who do this type of BS are seeking satisfaction, he likes sucks in bed so she has no choice but to be a perv

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Likely *

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Could someone post the original thread about this ?

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Most people are still at work, tonight would be a better time to ask but this thread will probably be deleted by then, so you'll have to post another tonight. I want to know to.

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A tranny on 4chan /tv/ is lying about this btw

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american women inferior to bugs

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