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3bb221  No.9971101[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wednesday 07.01.2020 >>9967734

Tuesday 06.30.2020 >>9838572

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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3bb221  No.9971111

Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9970508, >>9970543, >>9970654, >>9970781, >>9970950 planefaggin

>>9971051 Potus live Atlanta

>>9971042 John Durham Jr.: Jeff Sessions put him in charge of the subcommittee on MS-13 in October 2018.


>>9970963 CENTCOM chief: A war with Israel would not end well for Hezbollah

>>9970891 #QBrief Notable Jeffrey Epstein’s “Pimp” was Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>9970827 Rivian Lands Another $2.5 Billion - SOROS & AMAZON

>>9970814 BLM Toronto Leader in Crosshairs Over 'Whites Are Genetic Defects' Remark Attributed to Her

>>9970806 Network Of NATO Centres Of Excellence In Europe And United States

>>9970804 Anthony Fauci tells @TheAtlantic that the White House's recent attacks against him are "bizarre," “nonsense,” and “completely wrong”

>>9970787 My original theory is that Trump did a lot of wonderful artful tax stuff with the casinos in an effort to help the FBI take down the mafia in the 80s

>>9970779 Wedding Massacre In Yemen: 25 Killed In Saudi-Coalition Airstrikes On Al-Jawf vid

>>9970737 Protesters in Kentucky Charged With Trying to Intimidate the Attorney General

>>9970729 President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Rebuilding of America’s Infrastructure vid

>>9970715 Central Banks Have Wrecked Most Hedge Fund Strategies, New Study Finds

>>9970676 Three NYPD Officers Violently Attacked by BLM Militants Crossing Brooklyn Bridge – Officers Sustained Serious Injuries

>>9970663 Most are not aware of the Dalia Lamas connections to CIA, Chinese state intelligence or of murderous history of his yellow hat sect,

>>9970557 To Block Trump’s Troop Withdrawals, Congress Turns An Old Tactic Upside Down

>>9970540 Daesh must be held to account for its crimes

>>9970530 Vaxart, Inc sold by Armistice Capital: $266.99m-June 26 and 29

>>9970489, >>9970561 The #RoseParade has been canceled for the first time since WWII

>>9970407, >>9970925 Moar GMax diggz

>>9971083 #12759


>>9969867, >>9970253 planefaggin

>>9970187 Vox Un-Populi: Flagship Liberal Media To Fire Hundreds

>>9970176 ‘Centrists’ Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against ‘Cultural Marxism’

>>9970121 ViacomCBS drops Nick Cannon over ‘anti-Semitic conspiracies’ after he calls whites ‘savages’ & black people ‘the true Hebrews’

>>9970098 Court rules in Apple's favor in RECORD $15bn tax case against EU

>>9970083 Azerbaijani police disperse protesters storming parliament to demand ‘mobilization’ against Armenia amid border escalation

>>9970070 POTUS talks to press before departure to UPS in Georgia

>>9970003 World population set to shrink rapidly triggering ‘radical power shift’, warns new bombshell report

>>9969980 Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster

>>9969979, >>9970052, >>9970164 North Carolina city to give reparations to Black residents/they move the Mason-Dixon Line?

>>9969936 President Trump Receives a Law Enforcement Briefing on Keeping American Communities Safe vid

>>9969894 Oil pipeline explosion on Cairo motorway injures seventeen people

>>9969872 The Department of Justice Announces Takedown of Key MS-13 Criminal Leadership

>>9969848 Cali woman who paid $9,000 to have someone secretly take online college courses for her son has been sentenced to five weeks in prison

>>9969785, >>9969922 Deaths since the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell

>>9969742, >>9969746 Australian Health Minister: "We've Got To Accept That This Is The New World Order"/ awww h*ll NO

>>9969716, >>9969797, >>9969857, >>9969866, >>9969866, >>9969871, >>9969915 Call to diggz! The classifieds from the Gwinnett Daily Post in GA list the following in reference to a Ghislaine Maxwell Craigie (Pic 1 related)

>>9969662 Pompeo Announces Sanctions Against Huawei, Other Chinese Companies

>>9969650 You have to SHOW THE PEOPLE that the large corporate monopolies are EVIL and part of the Cabal.

>>9969643 Biden: Mr. President, “Open everything now,” isn’t a strategy for success. It’s barely a slogan.

>>9969635 BREAKING: Scott Israel, the former Broward County Sheriff has been hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19, he said Wednesday.

>>9970326 #12758

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000000  No.9971118

CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition

FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.

>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak

>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs

>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing


>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.

>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup

>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)

>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island

>>9970176 (pb) ‘Centrists’ Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against ‘Cultural Marxism’

>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times

>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD

>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster

>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13

>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company

>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)

>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)

>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan

>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean

>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell

>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State Media puts out a Q video.

>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?

>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of “an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy

>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department

>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting

>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name

Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up

Yesterday >>9968076

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3bb221  No.9971119


>>9969004 planefaggin

>>9969515 Call to dig Kidzen

>>9969435 Clay Clark calls Gates a Pedo live on Newsmax

>>9969379 In 1924 #Leningrad hosted a live-scale #chess match right on the Palace Square between 2 Russian GMs Pyotr Romanovskyi & Ilya Ryabinovich.

>>9969233 OPEC+ committee reaches pact to taper oil production cuts starting in August

>>9969212, >>9969258, >>9969272, >>9969334 Wa Po take on Sessions loss, anons chime in

>>9969202 Potus: Three people have been sentenced to death in Iran for participating in protests.

>>9969173 WH summons press pool to Oval Office for Trump remarks on dismantling MS-13 gangs. Other officials at the briefing include Atty Gen Barr, @DHS_Wolf and FBI Dir Chris Wray.

>>9969093 Hydroxychloroquine Should Be Available Over the Counter>>9969165 War Room Operation: Rev. Al Sharpton

>>9969045 GPB: Investment Firm Accused of Running Ponzi Scheme Got Millions of PPP Funds

>>9969036, >>9968913, >>9968928, >>9968939 black outs

>>9968961 ICYMI: GM Schedule Court Document

>>9968896 BREAKING REPORT: Walmart will REQUIRE customers to wear masks NATIONWIDE starting July 20…

>>9969547 #12757


>>9968736 The city of Berkeley moved forward Wednesday with a proposal to eliminate police from conducting traffic stops

>>9968671 Geraldo Rivera: #GhislaineMaxwell improperly denied bail, despite #COVID19 peril in prison. he scared too?

>>9968575 Leaked Emails Show Fauci Was Called Hillary's 'Doctor Admirer,' Wanted Hillary To Know 'We All Love Her'

>>9968524 Banking Cartel to Siphon Off $18 Billion in Fees for Processing PPP Relief Loans During Pandemic

>>9968486 scratch my back and... European court annuls EU’s U$15 billion Apple tax decision

>>9968391 Indictment unsealed charging six men with sexual exploitation of minors

>>9968384 NYC Organ Transplant Programs Suffer At COVID-Overwhelmed Hospitals

>>9968381 Elephant Butte fire near Evergreen now 60% contained

>>9968226 Google will buy a 7.7% stake for $4.5 billion in Jio Platforms, taking a seat on its board alongside another big name backer Facebook...

>>9968210, >>9968414, >>9968492 planefag reporting

>>9968198 Coronavirus updates: CDC chief says masks could halt outbreak in 4-6 weeks

>>9968171 Sec Pompeo Live current global affairs

>>9968164, >>9968412 Gislaine Maxwell called young models “Pop Tarts,”, Q post #86 Killary is made quite hungry looking at “Pop Tarts,” Teigen video about “Lolli - Pop Tarts.”

>>9968147 Happy BDay patriot anon. Turning 45 today

>>9968108 Trump may intervene in case of St. Louis couple wielding guns at protesters, Missouri governor said

>>9968098 Kanye West drops presidential bid after struggling to get on key ballots

>>9968776 #12756

Previously Collected Notables

>>9966470 #12753, >>9967272 #12754, >>9968046 #12755

>>9964206 #12750, >>9964983 #12751, >>9965682 #12752

>>9961921 #12747, >>9962579 #12748, >>9963437 #12749

>>9959502 #12744, >>9960286 #12745, >>9961016 #12746

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3bb221  No.9971122

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

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3bb221  No.9971126

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152

* Public Meme Warehouse links — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA

* Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Epstein Island — mega.nz/folder/DwNkwAZQ#xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

* Arrests General — mega.nz/folder/gdxHzDpJ#RPX2uKWPCy6jFAB2hBHHHg

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-July — mega.nz/folder/cRoBzTpa#ENUEsA16ztg-pVbmh4B4FA

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

* Kung Flu — mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #22 >>>/comms/18935

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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3bb221  No.9971140

File: 01b662170995453⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 01b662170995453e642fc3dbdc….jpg)

File: 6a512f217cf5bb8⋯.png (240.83 KB, 352x307, 352:307, 6a512f217cf5bb857b2444ee67….png)



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496c70  No.9971142




>>9906921 (pb) >>9906340 (pb) Anon discovers which discord namefags run /comms/.

>>9907508 (pb) tl;dr of Findings

>>9909157 (pb) Anon without evidence calls another anon 'WuMao'!

>>9914403 (pb) Creator of qresear.ch refuses to attack without evidence, pilpuls that this is about notables instead of subversion.


>>9935177 (pb) >>>/comms/ disabled Tor posting

>>9937708 (pb) Owner of /comms/ refuses to say Tor was disabled to control legitimate dissent and opposition.

>>9937794 (pb) Owner of /comms/ clarifies argument that they are 'from CCP' as opposed to the fact that their financial livelyhood is based on provable CCP loyalty

>>9938380 (pb) Anon claims /comms/ Tor posting was disabled due to CP posting, >>9937708 (pb) tries to 'debunk' it

>>9938781 (pb) >>9938816, RA-non pretends to not know about QEurope, the discord server he created




Update to the CCP Bakers Union



CCP #1


Know something? Tag this post to have it added

What is the /comms/ Bakers Union?

A group of CCP HATERS who have been nearly exclusively controlling every bake (and every notable) on qresearch for many many months. 'Union' because they only allow one another to bake. To control that they require verified off-board accounts be presented like a union card, like qanonbin.com, created by a baker that namefags as 'chinbaker' because he also created the notables aggregator wearethene.ws. It is connecting the code for qanonbin.com to Ron Jabroni Jr. that exposes 'chinbaker' and his 'frens' Noodlebaker, Lee, Bonito-Flake-N-Bake, doc Chan, Lee baker, KungPao and others as being associated with Trump, pretending to be MAGA. The board >>>/comms/ is where they pretend to plan, but the updated discord code that reposts Q's posts on discord is strong evidence that they are primarily communicating on discord. >>>/comms/ is just the show. This group solely imposes itself on Anons for their own ends, Anons get NOTHING out of the deal that can't be dealt with otherwise. This is a huge gatekeeping operation that has burned a lot of good Anons and the cancer has to go.


Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of why China's 'revolution' was won was because of Pee Wee Herman and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State Bobo the Clown to cover it up before being the first to recognize the CCP Haters in the Middle East

What should we do?


Expose ALL America first posts relentlessly and Pray that moloch see's fit to make our home whole.


Bakers use their controlled opposition persona to 'attack' the CCP bakers and join sides with their legit opposition in an attempt to frontrun actual opposition. America'S 'attack' >>9837343 (pb) was supplemented by loli spam and a pathetic DoS that easily makes it so bakers can't bake (due to board setting) and can again pretend to be under attack, further solidifying their victim status. For the lulz, here's America defending the bakers the next night >>9850093 (pb) (ID: ca008e), classic controlled opposition.

>>9906934 (pb), >>9906924 (pb), >>9906981 (pb) Shills come out, fishing to figure out what we can prove exactly. They claim the github is fake. We cannot disprove that, and it drives us nuts to have the burden of proof unfairly shifted to us as it is we who are the only ones allowed to shift burden of proof on others to 'disprove', the repo is the same yes, but you FORK the code from another repo, then CLONE it to your local machine and make code changes derp herp. All this 'proves' is that CCP haters did not push their code changes to their public github repo. It also proves CCP hater shills are trying to discredit this information.


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fa69ac  No.9971147

File: af85ec054d55e62⋯.png (887.35 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DF3D7AEB_2B10_494E_B7D3_94….png)

File: 871df629578a317⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D5FB8287_72EF_4126_B5A5_FB….png)

File: 001740d922070f2⋯.jpeg (427.93 KB, 1854x1445, 1854:1445, 2814A379_EC00_4F09_AF90_9….jpeg)

Junior gonna get the insta boot for posting truth and calling out CNN hypocrisy


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7e0971  No.9971148

Houston-area dentist links face mask use to increase in cavities

"If you're not used to (masks), it really can impede on our comfort of breathing. So what we tend to do is start breathing through our mouth rather than breathing through our nose," Dr. Piya Ghandi of West U Pediatric Dentistry told the TV station.

Breathing through your mouth more can lead to cavities, according to Ghandi.

"So saliva that usually protects our teeth from cavities is now getting dried out and making us more prone to cavities," she said.


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8a58c3  No.9971154

File: 0adf88d156c5f1e⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 100_Proof_the_Jewish_Talmu….mp4)

File: 065c40f38fbba8f⋯.jpg (105.31 KB, 960x960, 1:1, brix_n_chips.jpg)

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aca663  No.9971158

File: c5457be412c0711⋯.png (21.2 KB, 389x324, 389:324, EZasnqoXYAAMERO.png)

File: 6e4da23ef69dea7⋯.jpg (301.21 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, Ec990K1XgAEzzdC.jpg)


i think i finally understand what Q meant by:


It is about wall street stock market.

It basically means:

A blackout period is a defined period during which the company's employees are not permitted to trade their stock. It's purpose is to prevent insider trading.

I think it will hit US and World financial markets when real shit starts = indictments, arrests, Grand juries, Military tribunals.

It will prevent all insider tradings, so it will hurt all Cabal satanists [Senators, billionaires, banksters, Gates, Bezos, Central banks, FED…]

Global market reset.


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7e0971  No.9971159

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ed5992  No.9971160

File: d3378897d8eda66⋯.png (488.52 KB, 704x998, 352:499, 4e0f835332a971dce6b8e89466….png)


Thank you, baker.

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f07977  No.9971161

File: a69c7d3f397a5d2⋯.png (418.27 KB, 957x499, 957:499, a69c7d3f397a5d2f4c9cf8a70f….png)

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ad9ad6  No.9971164

File: 00896a853de27d0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.jpg)

File: 5d9e4ba10e37ca0⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 940x1253, 940:1253, IMG_715.jpg)

File: f8a3b641f079d78⋯.jpg (542.45 KB, 662x875, 662:875, IMG_716.jpg)

You Imagine God Forgives You Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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cc95a2  No.9971170

File: 2bb5cc5099ca917⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 320x320, 1:1, CTyEWFfWIAACBT1.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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34ad17  No.9971172

File: 15c2c55f4c58354⋯.png (1.17 MB, 680x672, 85:84, POTUS_I_am_the_storm.PNG)

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cc95a2  No.9971175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a177db  No.9971176

File: bd9e83cb7b5f5f4⋯.png (69.15 KB, 626x675, 626:675, BRED_PEOPLE.png)


ty for your service o7

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496c70  No.9971177

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, MOSSAD.png)

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

"MOSSAD attempts failed" - Q1489 June 12, 2018

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f69bc8  No.9971178

File: aff97e6a34eb4db⋯.png (334.27 KB, 469x538, 469:538, gagliano.png)

NEVER bend the knee to a mob. The NYPD’s Chief of Department is attacked and injured. He recently knelt in “solidarity” with protesters (while in uniform) as a means to appease demonstrators. Wrong move. Said it then and say it now — Mob is coming for all.


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60dd1f  No.9971179

File: 511f28603a94ef2⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1024x854, 512:427, 511f28603a94ef26ecca1b2ae0….png)

Thank you Baker.

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9d3f82  No.9971180

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks_Ron_Jim_and_team.jpg)

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 3ec62d08f7e97b1⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 532x380, 7:5, lost_forever.jpg)

File: 2552b60bad0d036⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 816x430, 408:215, You_re_fucked.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

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923aca  No.9971181

Image Blur CSS

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

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09c2ee  No.9971182

File: 10b89f71fb6a6a6⋯.png (282.81 KB, 693x313, 693:313, pgw.png)

File: 4e222adb39ecce1⋯.png (250.84 KB, 586x345, 586:345, PGW2.png)

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95906d  No.9971183

File: b9f32a7a7af14c9⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 750x487, 750:487, 3p1huxcj.jpg)

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f2c53a  No.9971184

File: f90f5caf3dc1704⋯.png (1.16 MB, 970x670, 97:67, im_no_farmer.png)



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923aca  No.9971185

The 'cpp' baker drama is a shtick from our enemy, they were exposed and since then have feigned indignation to buy your trust, to censor your own outrage. They take the kernel of emotional truth you feel and wrap it up in their poison.

Fact: shit.ship crew took over the kitchen

Fact: they cast love spells with TYB posts to jamm your IDEN Fren or Foe Instincts

Fact: the crew are associated with spreading CPP talking points, and know inside information before it reaches the public

Fact: they run shticks like these to spread their fog of war.

Fact: They are the unified point of hatred for all Patriots.

Here's what really happened.

Rundown of the boards response: The event was our hiveminds focus for breads >>9844667 (12599), >>9845457 (12600), and >>9846215 (12601). Only *three* notables (Out of 40) were included about the event talked about by the majority of anons in each these breads.

>>9845517 National Guard Makes Arrests, Prepares to Teargas Anarchists Blocking Road to Mount Rushmore

>>9845010 [LIVE] Indigenous Activists Assert Right to Unceded Land At Anti-Trump Protest

>>9845070 Protesters use vans with slashed tires to BLOCK Trump supporters from Mt. Rushmore event, National Guard on scene

Notice the first two have almost line-for-line similarities with spin that favors the mockingbird media.

This is how our enemy curtails our information flow.

They include what we already know, with spin favorable to their masters, and flood us with largely uncontextual news - to keep us unfocused.

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923aca  No.9971186



Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on the Execution of Daniel Lewis Lee

Attorney General William P. Barr has issued the following statement:

“This morning, in the first federal execution in 17 years…"


BUT WAIT, it gets better:

Exactly 1 year ago…

Q3428 14-Jul-2019


Ghislaine Maxwell.

Follow the Family.

UK/US 1&2

Umbrella SURV (leapfrog [1-4] points of contact).

Open source.

Find [4]


[New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]


Cherry on top: IT'S THE ONLY POST WITH "Ghislaine Maxwell" MENTIONED

Trust The Plan.

Shots fired.

This is War~

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b953d0  No.9971187

File: d5f83cbebb11add⋯.png (200.7 KB, 598x540, 299:270, d5f83cbebb11add3ec23324bd2….png)

File: efaca84f84fe4a4⋯.jpg (159.06 KB, 790x988, 395:494, efaca84f84fe4a49a5115b6f8b….jpg)

File: da0af65aa233b90⋯.png (371.24 KB, 479x560, 479:560, da0af65aa233b90d88014386e0….png)


Tyvm bakerer.

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84fef5  No.9971188


eye-talians have a cabal, too.

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13d7d5  No.9971189

File: 16ea637f941b28a⋯.png (683.08 KB, 900x599, 900:599, defoedefriend.png)

Ben Bernanke says the most important thing Congress can do to fix the US economy is to provide help to state and local governments .


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923aca  No.9971190

File: a8423a843378ac8⋯.png (157.74 KB, 628x348, 157:87, TYBetrayer.png)

“Children act more like a brake on the infection. Not every infection that reaches them is passed on.”

The study by the University of Dresden tested more than 2,000 schoolchildren and teachers for antibodies since the reopening of schools in Germany in the spring.

The study found no evidence of widespread virus transmission. Antibodies were detected in only twelve of the 2,045 people examined. That’s not much more than at the beginning of the pandemic in March, meaning that very few schoolchildren caught the disease.

Instead of fears that schools would become hotspots for transmission, “It is rather the opposite,” said study director Reinhard Berner, director of the polyclinic for children and adolescent medicine at the Dresden University Hospital. “Children act more like a brake on the infection. Not every infection that reaches them is passed on.”

Antibodies were also not found to be above average in the teachers at the facilities.

Saxony was the first federal state in Germany to restart regular school operations after the lockdown ended in mid-April. The Ministry of Education ordered the school opening to be scientifically studied. A total of around 1,500 students between the ages of 14 and 18, and 500 teachers between the ages of 30 and 66 were examined

Saxony’s Minister of Education said the study shows that the decision was right to reopen schools early, and that schools should continue as normal in the fall, even if the overall infection rate should increase again.

“The right of children and adolescents to education and participation and equal opportunities must not be neglect.



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84fef5  No.9971191

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030d3e  No.9971192

File: e078cdb22600519⋯.png (354.47 KB, 606x554, 303:277, banning_tik_tok_and_other_….PNG)


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c54151  No.9971193

File: d12e822afb84894⋯.jpg (240.51 KB, 1130x700, 113:70, PelosiWorshippingSatan.jpg)

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f2c53a  No.9971194

File: 4b4f90c6956c82e⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 970x102, 485:51, GOD_WINS_you.JPG)

File: a70a4668da1e323⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 1728x118, 864:59, GOD_WINS_digits_conf.JPG)


don't be dumb.

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84fef5  No.9971195

24 23 Days Until You Can Get Hannity's New Book!

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c64aab  No.9971196

File: 86125ba25c0fc42⋯.png (900.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker!

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214c7b  No.9971197


So are we in a blackout period or not?

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fa69ac  No.9971198

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046276  No.9971199

File: 7448e1e65738540⋯.png (33.13 KB, 1566x262, 783:131, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9971114 lb


thanks anon that got me to a wiki page about the Unanue family. looks like the current patriarch is MAGA. no wonder the commies are so uppity over a can of beans. i hadnt heard this part of the story yet.


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e34ced  No.9971200

File: 9ebac3f60442915⋯.jpeg (468.49 KB, 785x811, 785:811, ED5AD8E7_91B4_44ED_A17E_F….jpeg)

>>9971074 (LB)

Posted late last bread..

Anyone else know a way around it?

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34ad17  No.9971201

File: 2c8805f4a4836bb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 724x922, 362:461, bernancke_pizza_man.PNG)

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cc95a2  No.9971202

Yeah we're runnin a little hot tonight

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012a20  No.9971203


Could be, anon.

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fdbc3e  No.9971204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.9971205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meet My Metal Maker, Minions!

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cea48c  No.9971206


You win. Best one I’ve seen all day.

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1f51bd  No.9971207

File: d1c73ad9d31d2c8⋯.png (75 KB, 355x615, 71:123, 1008.png)

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4bff4f  No.9971208

File: 67663dc6ef56386⋯.png (111.41 KB, 1263x396, 421:132, Chrissy_Teigen_blocks_1M_T….png)

Chrissy Teigen Blocks 1M Twitter Accounts Accusing Her of Association with Epstein

Clearly this vapid whore is getting help from @Jack. Blocking 1 million accounts, and deleting 28k+ tweets? Even this stupid bitch doesn't have that kind of time on her hands.

From FNC:

Chrissy Teigen conducted a massive overhaul of her Twitter account as conspiracy theorists continue to link her to the late convicted felon Jeffrey Epstein.

Just last week the model slammed Twitter trolls for alleging she once flew on the disgraced financier's private jet. The accusations, which she vehemently denies amid her own denouncing of Epstein's gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell, led to her blocking 1 million accounts on Tuesday to escape the noise.

"I have block chained over one million people, ONE MILLION people today and I am still flooded with sick psychopaths. So please, spare me the 'just ignore them, they’re just trolls,'" she tweeted.


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923aca  No.9971209

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754fad  No.9971210

File: ed6a15b1648ac40⋯.png (96.53 KB, 680x817, 680:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c12759910d6db73⋯.png (128.78 KB, 690x904, 345:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99403d0de695b22⋯.png (553.9 KB, 652x907, 652:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85d1b60ba37841a⋯.png (137.24 KB, 666x907, 666:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd043944f44ab4⋯.png (69.38 KB, 663x509, 663:509, ClipboardImage.png)































MEROVINGIAN (Royal Families)
































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84fef5  No.9971211


learn how to be anon, anon

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60dd1f  No.9971212

Cant broadcast moves this close to an election and this close to the end of investigations. Also, a crucial time for Epstein-Maxwell investigations.

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a58c78  No.9971213

I just received an email from a friend who said that Chelsea Clinton's husband,Marc Mezvinsky, is the nephew of George Soros.

Of course Snopes says it's not true.


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b953d0  No.9971214


Your memes are shit.

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0d1ea3  No.9971215

File: 6cb4e9f6e005d41⋯.jpeg (78.04 KB, 644x527, 644:527, A7491622_E548_49F6_ACA7_A….jpeg)

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83505f  No.9971216

File: b0bd6b966b61ff4⋯.jpeg (282.03 KB, 750x816, 125:136, A73659CE_855B_40E9_B21A_B….jpeg)

Why would @jack want me to follow these topics when there’s nothing but bad news for the cabal associated with them?

Patriots in control of Twitter?

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6352b8  No.9971217

File: de8a7df6d37a725⋯.png (715.7 KB, 1056x531, 352:177, chrissy_teigen_joe_biden.png)

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7e0971  No.9971218

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13d7d5  No.9971219

File: cdb576794114b55⋯.jpg (69.59 KB, 948x1659, 4:7, greenspansmile.jpg)

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449a07  No.9971220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PAYSEUR PART 1: Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8/19 PART 1

OMG anons! Listen to how well IntheMatrixxx/Jeff and Shady Groove break down all of this mysterious [P] = Payseur stuff!

These guys are really on top of it!

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030d3e  No.9971221

File: e2ea6b7e48eeb14⋯.png (295.88 KB, 494x273, 38:21, ms13_on_team_joe.PNG)

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84fef5  No.9971222



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064698  No.9971223


help an old boomer out. twitter bans any of my accounts before i can reach 100 followers. the free SMS phone numbers don't work, and making an account with an EMAIL ADDRESS causes twitter to just lock me after a few days, and demand a phone number.

Communist boot squashin me hard out there. What is the best way to get new reliable phone numbers to get around this shit??? please list any tips or tricks you know here.

email workaround doesnt work.

free sms generators no longer work.

and parler is gay.

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a177db  No.9971224



the answer is yes.

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cc95a2  No.9971225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, poor child.

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783330  No.9971226


Nice anon!

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f74e2f  No.9971227


Ew. Don't advertise that shit in here

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a58c78  No.9971228


did those fake boobs have gps trackers in them?

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6ca953  No.9971229

File: a3259ca55cc759f⋯.png (373.69 KB, 1439x975, 1439:975, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 850f920f4a83c85⋯.png (827.74 KB, 835x558, 835:558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29387594c962f19⋯.png (680.25 KB, 1020x454, 510:227, ClipboardImage.png)



A worldwide ADS-B snapshot filtered by the letters UP for call sign and sqwauk. This view is probably 95%, or more, United Parcel Service aircraft. PF is digging the others. (Wheels Up)

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754fad  No.9971230

File: c30169ef7185677⋯.pdf (247.56 KB, CABAL_.pdf)






























UNIT 8200, FOUNDED 1952



CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection







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064698  No.9971231


anyone ever come up with anything OTHER than buying a new burner phone/phone plan??

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640518  No.9971232

Google Translate:


ON JUL 15, 2020, 7:20 AM

The struggle of the politically correct to control people

The fight to seize “freedom under the shield of the supposed sanitary, humanistic and solidary ethics is the perfect crime”, says Guilherme Fiuza

The fight

The “the worse, the better” gang found in the coronavirus pandemic a way to win the fight to control people


“Your face without a mask can become a stigma even if you respect all the rules of distance,” noted journalist Guilherme Fiuza in the most recent article he published in Oeste . The excerpt is a provocation related to the daily struggle of the politically correct to control people's freedom. To achieve their goals, lovers of authoritarianism even use the covid-19 pandemic. From then on, anything goes, including hiding behind the supposed sanitary, humanistic and solidary ethics to impose a dictatorial agenda.

Therefore, there are aberrations such as general confinement for all, which violates people's freedoms, such as the right to come and go and free speech - as reported by the West , the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Michael Levitt maintains that the experience of totalitarian locking has already it cost more lives than the pandemic itself. Therefore, these and other attempts used by the “the worse, the better” class are incentives to germinate the seed of total control over society. Therefore, "a perfect crime against humanity", guarantees the columnist.

Read more in Guilherme Fiuza's article “Who's afraid of a clean face?” , published in issue No. 16 of Revista Oeste


More from author: https://revistaoeste.com/quem-tem-medo-de-cara-limpa/

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a2f0ae  No.9971233

File: 95dc6ae722c1451⋯.png (42.13 KB, 750x460, 75:46, obama_masks.png)

File: ec3c66ed9b94fe6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, CareNYChospitalbedspng.png)

File: f405ed99c40ded8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, CareNYChospitalbedsR2png.png)


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923aca  No.9971234



<known to have embeded satan faces into floods of memes

We're taking your 'advise' and filtering you~

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13d7d5  No.9971235


hannity knew about tiktok…long ago.


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34ad17  No.9971236


they already have this blackout period.

It's just rarely ever enforced.

Look what Loeffler and hubby got away with and Sprecher is the CoB at NYSE

Like the thinking though

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a51575  No.9971237


follow the stars

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000000  No.9971238


Ephesians 4:28

New International Version

28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

Galatians 4:28

New International Version

28 Now you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise.

John 4:10

New International Version

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

1 John 4:10

New International Version

10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

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95396f  No.9971239

>>9971141 lb

It's worse than a Catch 22.

Virus is still China's fault (until it's discovered that the virus was actually made in the US, maybe).

But it IS DJT's fault for how he handled the response to it.

Anons figured out within hours what a phony and DS plant fauci and birx were. Obviously, the WH knew long ago. But still, POTUS put Pence in charge and he hired those rats.

Buck always stops at the Oval Office desk.

And Q mentioned corona in late August 2018.

This is all part of the Plan. That's the problem.

Trump and Q incorporated this horror into their overall Plan, knowing the devastation it would cause. Econ reset is one thing - and that's the big thing in all this. That and the election, which he could actually lose at this point. Maybe he even wants to.

But the deaths of the elderly, that's something I wouldn't want to live with. That's where they've largely lost me.

Because they seem to think that with all the normies who now do know what's up, what they've seen will change their minds. I can't see that.

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f19ce8  No.9971240

File: 830a36941999dca⋯.png (95.46 KB, 1147x841, 1147:841, ClipboardImage.png)

If Biden plans to use 6 lawyers to fight the election results based on voter suppression, these States have a problem.

Voter suppression would mean NO candidates State or Federal can be sworn in until the matter is resolved.

Voter suppression would engulf everything on every ballot that didn't allow mail in voting


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9d3f82  No.9971241

File: 095b1cc9f1d2d9a⋯.png (618.88 KB, 1426x512, 713:256, Similar.png)

File: df1f312ef213425⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, HUMAN_RIGHTS.jpg)

File: 92a868a9e50b9aa⋯.png (15.7 KB, 443x493, 443:493, Taoism.png)

File: bc2f6ebc345c910⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 517x261, 517:261, agreed_WWG1WGA.jpg)

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8fcafd  No.9971242

>>9970455 lb

>>9970705 lb

>“We used to call him the Elon Musk of the developing world. He was like the Energizer Bunny,” a longtime friend told The Post.


>Hmmm…threat to Elon Musk?

And I should have added, in reference to the "energizer bunny" also, Musk's Teslas with batteries.

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a177db  No.9971243



the mouse in your pocket filters also? makes sense.

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f19ce8  No.9971244


600 I meant

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0a6241  No.9971245


Hard pass.

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030d3e  No.9971246

File: 2c5d7c46a06c2ec⋯.png (205.05 KB, 429x306, 143:102, blm_cofounder_trained_marx….PNG)

File: f4c18d58f211e2b⋯.png (1003.89 KB, 807x534, 269:178, chuck_and_nancy_black_scar….PNG)

File: 03453abfbf775b9⋯.png (478.33 KB, 554x600, 277:300, blm_cofounder_maduro_3.PNG)

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82ea8e  No.9971247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Review of the FBI's Response to John Roberts' Statements on 60 Minutes

February 2003

Office of the Inspector General

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84fef5  No.9971248

o imagine Cardinal Dolan calling out AP for claiming that the Church received COVID funds…

when it was Dolan who arranged a carve-out for the Church from obamacare with obama himself back in the day.


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bdf439  No.9971249


Thank you as well.

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60dd1f  No.9971250

File: 9c78487cbe9c232⋯.png (51.94 KB, 360x500, 18:25, 899292_360W.png)



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449a07  No.9971251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PAYSEUR PART 2: Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8/26 PART 2

"PART 2 of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."

Wow! Just wow!

Inthematrixxx/Jeff and Shady really seem to be on top of the Q game in this video!

Amazing work by some real Patriots who care!

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030d3e  No.9971252

File: c9de0f5c2138ebc⋯.png (336.91 KB, 413x345, 413:345, whitmer_creepy.PNG)

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e53dd1  No.9971254

File: 5ac4fead513c229⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 282x186, 47:31, 84599725_10216089150282975….jpg)

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a51575  No.9971255

File: d517e5a40038d46⋯.png (465.17 KB, 598x583, 598:583, Screenshot_2020_07_01_Reut….png)

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923aca  No.9971256



All us Patriots who care about our Insight Generating Capabilities~

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064698  No.9971257

File: b2904a825010a60⋯.png (404.02 KB, 582x585, 194:195, _DEMONS_.png)

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f18fc5  No.9971258

>>9971149 (pb)

Never stated it. Permindex was brought up yesterday. They look like they could be the financial tentacle to the big octopus. Been around since 1958, located in Basel, International bankers on the board. Spies and hit men pay bills too. Someone is funding.

This the wiki. Lots of info out there.


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34c49e  No.9971259

File: a1086ddb2313054⋯.png (604.3 KB, 800x600, 4:3, RBG23.png)

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754fad  No.9971260

File: faef8e0863f3646⋯.png (70.16 KB, 896x523, 896:523, ClipboardImage.png)

University’s Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism

GWU's racism 'resource syllabus' draws ire of students, faculty

George Washington University is urging students to read Conservatism and Racism, and Why in America They Are the Same in an effort to educate them about the dangers of stereotypes and discrimination.

The "Solidarity Resource Syllabus" released by the Washington, D.C.-based school's Office of Diversity provides students with a reading list that focuses on racism in the United States. Among the 126 books that the university says "actively and effectively … [combat] injustice" is San Francisco State University professor Robert Smith's 2010 book that equates conservative beliefs with bigotry. That label applies to all who subscribe to right-leaning beliefs, including people of color.

"Conservatism as a philosophy and ideology … is and always has been hostile to the aspirations of Africans in America, incompatible with the struggle for freedom and equality," the book reads. "Repeatedly I was asked, ‘Are you saying that conservatism is racism, that all conservatives are racist?' Aren't there black conservatives? Are they racist?'…. My answer to most of these questions was a qualified yes."

"Anti-racism" books have emerged atop Amazon's bestseller list following George Floyd's death in police custody in May. Among them are Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility and Ibram X. Kendi's How To Be An Anti-Racist. Smith's book never made it to Amazon's bestseller list, but his work is used in leading college textbooks on American politics.

GWU hosted a number of online programs focused on racism as the nation's capital and other major cities became the sites of mass protests and, in some cases, riots. The university sought to educate students through programs titled, "Non-black people of color conversation: Role in anti-blackness," "Conversation about the role of white people in racial justice and anti-racism," and "Unconscious bias workshop for faculty." In an email to attendees, the office of diversity boasted that 5,000 people registered for events in the past month.

The workshops culminated with the July 9 release of a 21-page "#GWinSolidarity" syllabus that links to outside resources on the black experience, white allyship, decolonization, and gender and sexuality. GWU and the office of diversity did not respond to multiple requests for comment. The Google document containing the syllabus was removed from public access on Wednesday—shortly after the Washington Free Beacon contacted administrators.

Not everyone on campus is thrilled with the reading list endorsed by university administrators. Political science professor Samuel Goldman said that such books aim to reinforce an ideology, rather than educate. He added that the relationship between American conservatism and racism is important, but the recommendation gives a narrow view on the controversial topic.


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05de29  No.9971261


Nope, keep the K-12 closed, provided that other things are also closed.

Maybe schools can be limited to 50 at a time?

K-12 isn't necessary. It's babysitting with government propaganda.

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89fbdd  No.9971262

One thing for sure about all of the copypasta faggots - they don't give a fuck about the little person; they prop up one side or the other of the major establishment that have fucked America for decades.

Maybe 1% of anons stand for true freedom.

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60dd1f  No.9971263


Does Marc Elias happen to be one of them? Or Perkins Coie?

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6ca953  No.9971264

File: c8f7d39ab518080⋯.png (990.26 KB, 1919x972, 1919:972, ClipboardImage.png)


Non UPS tails.




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e1a941  No.9971265

For those interested in the Georgia Highway expansion

here's a write up


The primary goal is to tackle congestion at a notorious commercial and passenger traffic bottleneck, Dale said. The stretch of interstate handles freight coming to Atlanta from the Port of Savannah. With the recent expansion of the Panama Canal and deepening of the harbor in Savannah, the port plans to double its capacity in the next 10 years. Cargo transportation is therefore expected to grow.

Atlanta had the eighth-worst traffic congestion in the world last year, according to Inrix, a transportation analytics firm. Drivers spent nearly 20 percent of their driving time in traffic during peak hours. It also has two of the top 10 truck traffic bottlenecks nationally.

This I-75 corridor is already past capacity, so instead of just building another lane, the state’s transportation department has opted for a more innovative approach, Dale said. The agency expects the lanes to reduce delays by 40 percent in 2030.

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4c9477  No.9971266


bigger than you realize, comes to mind

>blocked 1 million accounts

>still getting hammered

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84fef5  No.9971267



live by the spoof, die by the spoof.

until someone builds infrastructure to solve probs like this for us, you might have to step up and …

hey, here's an idea: get a business identity address/phone for 30 bucks a month.

well, freedom isn't free, pal.

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a51575  No.9971268

File: 805aad8c8088f33⋯.png (423.58 KB, 535x540, 107:108, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Mich….png)

Roswell UFO Crash to be officially disclosed as time-traveling future humans


Nothing to see here

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d07674  No.9971269

File: b80deabced2ba07⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 480x270, 16:9, factsyoucannotignoreanylon….mp4)

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754fad  No.9971270

North Carolina city approves ‘reparations,’ apologizes for role in slavery

The council voted 7-0 on a measure to mitigate racial disparities

North Carolina’s Asheville City Council apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination, voting unanimously to provide reparations in the form of community investments to help Black residents.

The council voted 7-0 on Tuesday night on the measure to mitigate racial disparities. The reparations will not provide direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in Black neighborhoods.

Councilwoman Shaneika Smith, who is Black, said the council had gotten emails from those "asking, 'Why should we pay for what happened during slavery?'"

"[Slavery] is this institution that serves as the starting point for the building of the strong economic floor for white America, while attempting to keep Blacks subordinate forever to its progress," said Smith, as reported by the Asheville Citizen Times.

The resolution calls on the city to create a Community Reparations Commission to make concrete recommendations of where to funnel programs and resources.

"The resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority home ownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice," the resolution reads.

"Hundreds of years of black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, who is one of two African American city council members and spearheaded the proposal.

"It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature," Young continued.

Councilman Vijay Kapoor, who is known to split with Smith and Young on police and budget issues, said he supported the resolution for moral reasons, but urged skeptics to look at the “practical reason” — data showing large disparities between African Americans and other Asheville residents.

“We don't want to be held back by these gaps," Kapoor said. "We want everyone to be successful."


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449a07  No.9971271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PAYSEUR PART 3: [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8/28

"PART 3 Q CONFIRMS [P]=Payseur from of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."

IntheMatrixxx/Jeff and Shady Groove really lay it all out.

Everything they find leads back to this one family bloodline, everything!

Q confirms [P] = Payseur!

Just amazing work guys!

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193e1b  No.9971272

File: d91f28783128a80⋯.png (925.04 KB, 1108x1324, 277:331, Teigen_pedo_twats.png)

File: 85e3047ca6cf6be⋯.png (734.5 KB, 674x500, 337:250, Teigen_Legend_Weinstein.png)


>Stop using pedo friendly terms

Prime candidates!

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6ab731  No.9971273


Fuck them..and Fuck you

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46511a  No.9971274

File: 435553e0077b035⋯.png (764.24 KB, 565x868, 565:868, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)


I feel they are trying to tell me something…. hmmmmm something failed…. what could that be???!!! you are right, moss Hats are kinda garish, I won't buy any, Thanks!

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f74e2f  No.9971275

File: 5a734c065c152e0⋯.png (477.94 KB, 598x546, 23:21, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

White House officials alleged Vindman created hostile work environment after impeachment testimony: report


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496c70  No.9971276

File: 3fd184083a01ac3⋯.jpg (310.17 KB, 2213x1079, 2213:1079, Capture.JPG)

Wow, with the old "environmentalist", i.e. anti-industry, i.e. anti-life, regulations I'm surprised projects could even be completed at all. What a disaster.

The new regs look so much cleaner and streamlined! Good for human health!

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14cece  No.9971278

File: 290ff67afb57828⋯.png (162.7 KB, 503x2484, 503:2484, 2020_07_15_Nick_Cannon.png)

Nick Cannon touts grooming by Nickelodeon and the love of Jews

Truth and Reconciliation.

I am deeply saddened in a moment so close to reconciliation that the powers that be, misused an important moment for us to all grow closer together and learn more about one another. Instead the moment was stolen and highjacked to make an example of an outspoken black man. I will not be bullied, silenced, or continuously oppressed by any organization, group, or corporation. I am disappointed that Viacom does not understand or respect the power of the black community.

I was a member of the Viacom “Family” for over Twenty years. Since I was a minor, we worked together to make great positive entertainment and I was handed many opportunities that I am grateful for. At17 years old, I was deemed the youngest staff writer in TV history on their various Nickelodeon series. In 2009 the wonderful and amazing Cyma Zarghami blessed me with the opportunity to become the youngest television Chairman in history, placing the teen division of Viacom solely in my hands as an executive. She along with the strong and brilliant Marva Smalls guided me through the corporate infrastructure that at times felt overwhelming due to many doubting my abilities as a black man. I am forever grateful to them for their love and kindness as leaders and their matriarch like care for me over the years. With their support, I rose to the occasion at Viacom creating philanthropic opportunities and award programing such as the HALO Awards which awarded youth grants for their nonprofit organizations to change the world and end everything from bigotry, homophobia, racism, and even attempting to find a cure for AIDS and Cancer. These young people had big ideas, big hearts and more importantly big optimism, just like myself. We successfully brought the world closer together for over 9 years with every big-name celebrity and major corporation you could think of, truly one of my proudest accomplishments in entertainment. Not because of ratings or numbers, but because I was able to empower the next generation. My time at Viacom also birthed one of my other greatest creative accomplishments; their longest running comedy series and the most successful Hip Hop programming in Television History “Wild 'N Out”. An idea in which I self-financed out my own pocket and presented to MTV. I created a billion-dollar brand that expanded across a multitiered empire that is still Viacom’s biggest digital brand, touring business, talent discovery and incubation system and successful restaurant franchise. Based on trust and empty promises, my ownership was swindled away from me. For Viacom to be so deceptive is no surprise; they have been mistreating and robbing our community for years, underpaying talent on their biggest brands like Love & Hip Hop, all of BET programming and of course, Wild 'N Out.

I don’t have to defend myself here, the proof is in the history. I believed that the corporation was becoming more progressive and willing to create helpful spaces and dialogue in these difficult and uncertain times of 2020. Instead they chose to recently ban all advertisement that supported George Floyd and Breonna Taylor who we are all still seeking justice for. I also went as far to reach out to Ms. Shari Redstone, the owner of Viacom, to have a conversation of reconciliation and actually apologize if I said anything that pained or hurt her or her community. Dead Silence! So that’s when I realized they don’t want a conversation or growth, they wanted to put the young negro in his place. They wanted to show me who is boss, hang me out to dry and make an example of anyone who says something they don’t agree with. But like the great Shirley Chisholm, “I am unbossed and unbought and unbothered”. I respectfully stepped away from oppressive corporations in the past. NBC threatened and mistreated me for years, but I was the bigger person and abandoned an 8-figure salary on their number one hit show “Americas Got Talent” and currently stand by my friend and Queen Gabrielle Union in her fight against oppression.

pt 1/2


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84fef5  No.9971279


Fuck everyone, anon.

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34c49e  No.9971280

File: e91c990fd308499⋯.jpg (379.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN64.jpg)

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c54151  No.9971281

File: 3e9ae3ab59b9c6d⋯.jpg (200.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, VindmanAnimalHouse.jpg)

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14cece  No.9971282

pt 2/2 >>9971278

I took my talents and executive creativity to my open minded and willing partners at the Fox Television network to create the current #1 hit show on television “The Masked Singer” in which I host and executive produce. We are also gearing up to launch a daily talk show based in the historic community of Harlem, where the ultimate goal is to bring people closer together during these difficult times. Right now is the time for strong voices and compassionate thinkers to step up and create a dialogue of healing. Dr. King said, “We must learn to grow together as brothers, or we will parish together as fools”. Ironically at that time our government called him “the most dangerous Negro in the country” and labeled him a Terrorist. As we all know Hollywood and the media is a dirty business. Still, I honestly can’t believe that Viacom has such poor council that would allow them to make such a divisive decision in the midst of protests and civil uprising within our current pandemic. Truly an unwise decision. For them to take it one step further and flat out lie in their official press release, saying that I didn’t attempt to reconcile the situation when on two separate occasions I specifically acknowledged and openly requested a forum to be corrected. Malcolm X said it best, “The media is the most powerful entity on earth, it will have you hating the people being oppressed and loving the people doing the oppressing; making the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent.”

My hope and original goal was to use this moment to show healing and acceptance and prayed that Viacom would use their powers for good. Instead I am now receiving death threats, hate messages calling me an ungrateful Nigger and beyond. Viacom’s goal to keep me from providing for my family and lineage will be foiled. They can try to kick me while I’m down or force me to kiss the master’s feet in public for shame and ridicule, but instead I stand firm on my square with my fist in the air repeating my mantra, “You can’t fire a Boss!”.

In a pleasant turn of events and the best blessing in all of this hurtful attack is the outpouring of love and support from the Jewish community. It has been amazing. I have spoken with many Rabbis, clergy, Professors and coworkers who offer their sincere help. I must apologize to my Jewish Brothers and Sisters for putting them in such a painful position, which was never my intention, but I know this whole situation has hurt many people and together we will make it right. I have dedicated my daily efforts to continuing conversations to bring the Jewish Community and the African American community closer together, embracing our differences and sharing our commonalities. Through the guidance of my multicultural team which embodies several people from the Jewish Community, specifically Michael Goldman my business partner for 3 decades who discovered me at the Hollywood Improv when I was doing Stand Up as a kid. Through thick and thin he has been by my side. Yelling at me when I talk too much and laughing with me as we’ve always overcome adversity together. I love you my brother, thank you for helping me become the man that I am today. And as we embark on this next “Ncredible” journey together we will bring our two persecuted communities together like we always planned. He and so many gracious people from the Jewish Community are showering me with love and helping to guide me to the Promise land, literally l am excited to announce that I have been invited to Israel which is a lifelong dream where I will receive teachings, lessons and truth about the Jewish history. As someone who is in pursuit for my PHD in Theology and Divinity and just received a degree in Criminal Justice from the Great Howard University, this will be an enriching, enlightening and overall exciting trip!

As for Viacom, who is now on the wrong side of history, I will continue to pray for you. I don’t blame any individual, I blame the oppressive and racist infrastructure. Systemic racism is what this world was built on and was the subject in which I was attempting to highlight in the recent clips that have been circulating from my podcast. If I have furthered the hate speech, I wholeheartedly apologize.

But now I am the one making demands. I demand full ownership of my billion dollar “Wild ‘N Out” brand that I created, and they will continue to misuse and destroy without my leadership! I demand that the hate and back door bullying cease and while we are at it, now that the truth is out, I demand the Apology!


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a177db  No.9971283

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, Rodney_thinks_you_re_bulls….gif)


<"canadian" talking about patriotism while doing the actions of an unrepentant liar on the daily

<…while disrupting American patriots.

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84fef5  No.9971284


ups' symbolism is "brown."


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a58c78  No.9971285

>>9970422 lb

can somebody meme


antifa needs to be told to USE YOUR WORDS instead of destroying things.

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193e1b  No.9971286

File: be25c8c21cf9e48⋯.png (537.49 KB, 1138x816, 569:408, Aliens.png)


>Roswell UFO Crash to be officially disclosed as time-traveling future humans

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84fef5  No.9971287

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cc95a2  No.9971288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Fuck everyone, anon.

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09c2ee  No.9971289

File: 986fb2907901a3f⋯.png (135.89 KB, 640x336, 40:21, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Bill….png)


Bill Would Ban Governor’s Use Of Emergency Alert System For Policy Announcements

Republican State Sen. Peter Lucido plans to introduce a bill that would restrict the governor’s use of a state of Michigan emergency alert system. Lucido says he plans to formally introduce the bill on July 22.


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6a64c4  No.9971290


I still believe that the blackout revolves around telecommunication equipment being powered down globally, it will be to reduce the EM noise they radiate, and people will be awakened to what we have been subjected to.

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f2c53a  No.9971291

File: f4c4806849d1097⋯.png (820.9 KB, 931x813, 931:813, force_of_light.png)


yup, purposely shitty.

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193e1b  No.9971292

File: 41fd324013e14a5⋯.png (272.36 KB, 804x484, 201:121, 00_0_Grief.png)

File: 74e88f3cb17bad4⋯.png (323.36 KB, 738x520, 369:260, 00_grief.png)

File: da27ffe9d994c64⋯.png (225.95 KB, 542x372, 271:186, 0_00_Grief.png)


>antifa needs to be told to USE YOUR WORDS instead of destroying things.

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05de29  No.9971293


Trumps plan seems to be - get fucked in the ass over and over again, and at the same time giving the Democrats what they want.

What we get is Trump complaining about getting fucked in the ass. Not some worthwhile thing that we would benefit from.

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f74e2f  No.9971294

File: 8bd5f2449cdf69e⋯.png (28.24 KB, 603x310, 603:310, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

I'm feeling generous because of Covid-19.

I'll double any BTC payment sent to my BTC address for the next hour. Good luck, and stay safe out there!



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ed72a7  No.9971295

File: b647a7d821891be⋯.jpeg (156.95 KB, 1080x892, 270:223, Encryption_1.JPEG)

This post is for a lurker:

Ghislaine Maxwell is most likely using a time sensitive three password encryption hash string that contains a 32 character hexadecimal number to protect all the information she has collected over the years on a deep web cloud and now she may need to use it.

""Maxwell is not to be underestimated.''

Lurker: Why because even if the FBI finds the cloud and hacks it they will need a super computer to try crack her password.

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8a58c3  No.9971296

File: 192d041128bb4ee⋯.png (397.41 KB, 612x599, 612:599, shitty_luck_shlomo.png)

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000000  No.9971297


Predators prey on weakness and avoid the strong. This rule is as old as time itself.

Kneeling, wearing the mask, giving any bit will seem like the easier way at first, but then you will find yourself at the end of a chimp feeding frenzy once they see you are weak.

I haven't worn that stupid mask a single time on a single day and nobody has said shit. One black guy said, out of the blue, "I don't think Trump is a racist!" and that was all that was even said even remotely about it.

I'm dead center in the shit in LA.

Predators leave me alone because they don't want the trouble. They prey on the weak.

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f18fc5  No.9971298


Surprised she hasn't done the LDR "I think I'll shuffle on out".

CEO of E.L. Rothschild; Co-Founder, Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism;views expressed on Twitter are my own

Lynn de Rothschild @LdeRothschild ∙ Feb 24, 2018

Not that it matters to anyone but me, but I am deleting my Twitter app after this last tweet;to think that Russians have been using all of us to sow discord & destroy America is repulsive to me & I refuse to take part;the hate & anger on #Twitter is out of control;#GoodbyeTwitter

Feb 24, 2018 17:45:25 UTC ∙ WayBack

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47b8ee  No.9971299

File: 936be0bd5472bf3⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 320x320, 1:1, truthInplainSight.mp4)




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13d7d5  No.9971300

File: 278da250e9bc9b8⋯.png (416.12 KB, 675x450, 3:2, feldmanputz.png)

File: 4d5c5fd6fb50838⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 620x372, 5:3, Berke_Eisen.jpg)

File: cd1fcf11a6d6f46⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 931x524, 931:524, weissman.jpg)

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95906d  No.9971301

President Trump: It should not take ten years or more to get approval for a road.

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754fad  No.9971302

File: ad98b6da3c85d16⋯.png (220.13 KB, 673x332, 673:332, ClipboardImage.png)


P is the PRINCE last noted 1960 as Prince Abdul Baraba Baha of Turko mongol Jewish heritage

Why do you think the new world order religion is call Baha'i

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6db03d  No.9971303


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f2c53a  No.9971304

File: 92251fa09da1527⋯.png (977.29 KB, 767x755, 767:755, practice_makes_perfect.png)

"one way or the other, you are going to GET THOSE ANSWERS QUICKLY."


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496c70  No.9971305



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46511a  No.9971306

File: 88d5a9404cddb83⋯.png (147.8 KB, 407x282, 407:282, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: c817b87012afee1⋯.png (372.1 KB, 525x468, 175:156, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: c2e40e70cf6a899⋯.png (93.61 KB, 404x403, 404:403, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: 91f5f477dc4766e⋯.png (398.07 KB, 529x399, 529:399, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



such Low energy, here I got some memes for you, I know fuck me too, but I feel helpful, feel free to use as needed :)

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9d3f82  No.9971307

File: ac46c4888a1f9f4⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 255x214, 255:214, hysterical.jpg)

File: 00d8056d871a1a1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 192x230, 96:115, IDIOTS_EVERYWHERE.jpg)


>they will need a super computer

lmao… yeah… because they don't have 7 at their disposal…lol

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8e43db  No.9971308

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 76ac149563e111c05489e9456e….jpg)


"vapid whore" .. kek ; some think tapping into the fountain of youth but she/he/it clearly drinks from Loch Ugly ; Chelsea-esque (Piss-face Handler, or Web's spawn is acceptable) : oral counts as anal with all of them

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34ad17  No.9971309

File: 623e1ea6271919d⋯.png (139.5 KB, 970x530, 97:53, 0000000_Dornier_C_146A_dep….PNG)

File: 23918065bf6726f⋯.png (610.89 KB, 1098x558, 61:31, 910504_USAF_RC_26_Metrolin….PNG)

File: c6c21ba8867557a⋯.png (215.08 KB, 1069x576, 1069:576, DDFI5899_USMC_C_560_east_t….PNG)

0000000 Dornier C-146A departs Baranquilla, Columbia after a ground stop here and outside of Medellin, Columbia north and returning to San Juan, PR (this is another unnamed MAGMA flight)

910504 RC-26 Fairchild Metroliner moves off to the ne checking the I-85 corridor

DDFI5899 USMC departed San Antonio-Lackland AFB for the second time today and east towards origin of New Orleans. Prior grouns stops at Ft. Worth, TX NASJRB and San Angelo Regional Airport prior to second stop at Lackland

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7e0971  No.9971310

Grant Imahara, host of 'MythBusters' and 'White Rabbit Project,' has died

He was 49 years old. No cause of death was available


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a177db  No.9971311


Shitpoaster: The NSA controls the Root RSA keys to SSL. SSL keys secure __all internet traffic. The clud is compltely readable in cleartext by the NSA.

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6a64c4  No.9971312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc95a2  No.9971313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Ghislaine Maxwell is most likely using a time sensitive three password encryption hash string that contains a 32 character hexadecimal number to protect all the information she has collected over the years on a deep web cloud and now she may need to use it.

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13d7d5  No.9971314

File: d9560656e8b38d7⋯.jpg (286.93 KB, 640x426, 320:213, mohell.jpg)


yes…she had this done …to her baby.

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d64b79  No.9971315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS still Live!


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b1c37c  No.9971316

File: e8f97df83b11cc8⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 700x420, 5:3, LT1.jpg)

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34ad17  No.9971317

File: 25aebdc3c8529d0⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 300x400, 3:4, RBG_Coping_.jpg)

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323dfa  No.9971318

Happening in Germany right now… Maybe if they get him, he will be conected to some internet conspiracy?

The police are still looking for the 31-year-old who threatened four policemen in Oppenau in the Black Forest and took their weapons from them.

Meanwhile, the schools in Oppenau are to reopen after they closed on Monday. "The place should return to normal," said Mayor Uwe Gaiser on Monday night. A security concept had been agreed upon with the police. However, parents may decide for themselves whether they want to send their children to school or not.

The man, who probably wore camouflage clothes, was armed with a bow and arrow, a knife and a pistol, according to the investigation. He's been hiding in the forest for weeks.


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f2c53a  No.9971319

File: dce2f8e4594f37a⋯.png (155.94 KB, 300x300, 1:1, make_our_farmers_great_aga….png)

File: 4484db7315a8ec4⋯.png (618.97 KB, 767x398, 767:398, FARMERS.png)



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9a19cb  No.9971320

today is a 17.


that's all.

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f74e2f  No.9971321

File: 409461aff80db4f⋯.png (586.23 KB, 1349x6385, 1349:6385, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)


Stupid people are actually doing it too.

We need a meteor to hit

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45bbb7  No.9971322

Hey, how about some fear porn, from Jim Stone. Seems unlikely to me, but what do I know. I wonder what the organization is. Mormons? NRA?


If you don't like naked IP: http://jimstone.is/.vh7.html

Insider info: Pandemic mayhem in October

I just finished talking to a high ranking member of a major conservative organization that has already locked down millions of people in quarantine due to the organization having knowledge of a new virus that will be released within a time frame that slates October as a month of major mayhem. This organization has many elite within it's ranks yet is conservative.

They have already provided comfortable quarantine to millions of people. Some of their people are still out and about in public, but they have protected their most valuable people with forced quarantine because they don't know when the new virus will be released and there will be two groups, those that are already quarantined and those that are not quarantined but provide support. It is a very interesting arrangement, they are obviously taking this seriously.

Many readers of this site have probably seen the recent video clip of Bill Gates stating "This virus did not get taken seriously, but the next one will". It came off as a threat. I believe that was a real threat, and now that this organization has taken this action, it really appears we indeed have something to worry about. It was the conservatives that first saw through the B.S. and if this organization is not subverted it has to mean that the elite within it's ranks got real insider info and there really is something new on the way to worry about. I'd say there is a 30 percent chance of subversion and a 70 percent chance this is all legit.

Anyone with a lick of sense knows the doctors are murdering people and false registering deaths, as well as faking test results to get the stats up to actionable levels, but too many people are aware of this now and it is highly probable that the elite have therefore decided to do it for real this time. So it only makes sense to:

1. If you own a business, be prepared to shut it down, now is not the time to expand and put it at risk with additional debt. If it is going under already, don't wipe yourself out trying to keep it afloat.

2. If you consumed your Corona supplies and can build them back up, you had better get that done SOON because the clock is ticking, this time we have a solid warning.

There is obviously a chance this is all a hoax and nothing real ever will be released, but Bill Gates actually did threaten this and this particular organization would be the last one I'd ever expect to fall for a hoax. Subversion is possible, but not likely.

One final note: I actually went to one of the locations this organization was supposed to be using for quarantine, and YEP, they are there, and quarantined. It looks like they are being stupid for now. This is supposed to be happening in every country, with this organization. Better than in a house at least. There's no question this is legit, my only question is whether or not subversion caused it. And I believe that is unlikely. I would not have posted about this if I did not know for sure such actions were taken. It is spooky, because it is such a freaking huge organization, this is not "heaven's gate".


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6ca953  No.9971323

File: b6711761cb68a8a⋯.png (668.59 KB, 1441x1011, 1441:1011, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bca1a795bbec22a⋯.png (56.38 KB, 1360x379, 1360:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0eafc49e712db3⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1364x1013, 1364:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ec53f4c9a5c03⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1019x762, 1019:762, ClipboardImage.png)



N92UP. Edward Atsinger. Salem Media Group.

Departed Camarillo Airport, CA. Currently at filght level 330 and climbing over SE Utah.

N92UP Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Summary


Fixed wing multi engine

(15 seats / 2 engines)




Edward G. Atsinger

Allyson Aviation, LLC




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cc95a2  No.9971324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a58c3  No.9971325


LOL 1.4 BTC already sent to that address


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c7811d  No.9971326


not listening is freedom


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91966d  No.9971327

https://qmap.pub/ is down for maintenance.

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11df50  No.9971328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>since all these fucks are being thrown around

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49b98d  No.9971329


right out of a coven, no?

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193e1b  No.9971330


>the powers that be, misused an important moment for us to all grow closer together and learn more about one another.

That idiot said "Whites are more savage, raping, looting and killing people because they lack 'melanin'!" How in the hell is THAT complete BS trying "to all grow closer together"? He's so full of utter horse shit, just like almost every single rich Libtard! smdh

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5d2e79  No.9971331


Twitter is trying to find all the numbers to shut them down. No thanks mr twitter employee.

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0ae994  No.9971332

My faggot neighbors are back at it:

"Wouldn't it be great if we can get those people who don't want to wear a mask to sign an agreement to give up their right to Corona virus healthcare in the event they get the virus. #nomasknocoronavirushealthcare"

So fucking dumb they don't even know they're literally nazi pinko commies.

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a51575  No.9971333

File: 88bc9622ef5d7a2⋯.png (60.16 KB, 1532x746, 766:373, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Perk….png)


Perkins Coie for sure

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84fef5  No.9971334


how long were you in management there, anon?

I thought so.

Fuck off.

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754fad  No.9971335

File: d856dc9d1b01dcd⋯.png (333.18 KB, 565x378, 565:378, ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Discharged From Hospital, Home & "Doing Well"

Update (1615ET): Good news. Supreme Court Justice Rith Bader Ginsbrug has been discharged from hospital and, according to a statement, "she is home and doing well at home"

* * *

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland early Tuesday morning for treatment of a possible infection, according to a statement.

She was initially evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C. after experiencing fever and chills.

She underwent an endoscopic procedure at Johns Hopkins this afternoon to clean out a bile duct stent that was placed in August.


Q Patriots didn't arrest anyone so they backed off their kill RBG distraction

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6ab731  No.9971336


Fuck off seek attention on redditt shitbag

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5618ae  No.9971337


There's a couple that run by my house everyday, with masks on.

>I didn't get the chinese beer flu but I died of a stroke.

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000000  No.9971338


I've noticed the most outspoken against China are the former Chinese, present Americans.

My friend came over with his FOB parents when he was 3yrs old. His parents never said a single good thing about China. If anyone asked about China his mom would only say, "FUCK CHINA! is horrible! No go China!"

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f1bd8c  No.9971340

File: 1139ec9e4e21ebc⋯.jpg (992.62 KB, 1500x1275, 20:17, Funk_Wagnalls_Volume_28_Gr….jpg)

File: 9202cd8ec93df12⋯.jpg (528.99 KB, 846x1200, 141:200, Funk_Wagnalls_Volume_28_Gr….jpg)

File: 1b5d066a72f1d5c⋯.jpg (981.26 KB, 1200x1198, 600:599, Funk_Wagnalls_Volume_28_Gr….jpg)

File: 27b8560a18f0272⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1500x1147, 1500:1147, Funk_Wagnalls_Volume_28_Gr….jpg)

File: 159b1530f40d95f⋯.jpg (579.95 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DSC_0523.jpg)

Great Awakening

Funk & Wagnalls Company

Unicorn Publishers

Volume 28 | 1952


Revivals, Religious

Pages 10,325 - 10,326

<Revolutionary Tribunal - Page 10,326

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58f436  No.9971341


Is that a jawbreaker or a tooomah?

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2ec93e  No.9971342

File: 63eedc12408ef2f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 344x250, 172:125, garbage_truck.gif)

welcome to the new world order.

absolute disgrace.

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623347  No.9971343



>Scroll or Filter

>Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

Given the volume of information, you have convinced me.

I will filter your dumb ass.

Scrolling past your old, lame BS is just a recurring PIA.

Filtering is only required once per thread.

See you your first post next thread.

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640518  No.9971344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

July 2, 2020

Diane and Corey are joined by guests Greg Thomas and Mark Palmer in this groundbreaking discussion about racism, anti-racism, and racial integration, highlighting a number of critical views that have been largely missing from the larger conversation that’s been taking place culturally in recent weeks, months, and years.

Watch as we bring some integral understanding to ideas central to anti-racism and the pluralistic discourse itself — ideas like critical race theory, dismantling white supremacy, eradicating systemic racism, overcoming white fragility, and addressing social privilege. Which pieces we might want to include, and which do we likely want to transcend altogether?

We also address how the conversation about race can be easily reduced to a grievance discourse that fails to recognize the dignity, resilience, artistry, and spiritual power of the black community.

So enjoy the following discussion with Greg, Mark, Diane, and Corey as we try to create a space where we can unite multiple divergent perspectives on race and racism, expand our circles of care, and reignite our sense of shared humanity.

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49b98d  No.9971346

File: ac141c543e43eaf⋯.png (233.93 KB, 468x357, 156:119, ClipboardImage.png)


melanin didn't do too much for this guy's compassion, Nick

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ed5992  No.9971347

POTUS anti-climactic today.

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05de29  No.9971348


Gets screwed by Jews, praises Jews.

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d13971  No.9971349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a very good video about the dangers of the new COVID–19 vaccine.

This type of vaccine has never been used on humans before!!

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34c49e  No.9971350

File: 0e314a9dd282802⋯.png (327.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FILTER4.png)

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c64aab  No.9971351

File: 75011253ddd4242⋯.png (960.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>>9971163 lb

Thank you very much everybody!

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84fef5  No.9971352

o, i get it – it's the after-school crowd.


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193e1b  No.9971353


Welcome to Monday, TimeTravelerFag!

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c7811d  No.9971354

POTUS plays Keep on Rocking in the Free World for his outro

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d64b79  No.9971355


Looks like between 8kun & qmap, there’s been some upgrades a habbening!

Let’s watch!

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6db03d  No.9971356


It's a dickfor

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58f436  No.9971357


Then one day you won’t see them and will always wonder where on their route they died!

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030d3e  No.9971358

File: a4005e3521b214e⋯.png (528.54 KB, 750x477, 250:159, smithsonian_on_whiteness_1.PNG)

File: 6697759c07c6b47⋯.png (160.84 KB, 555x548, 555:548, smithsonian_on_whiteness_2.PNG)

A taxpayer-funded museum in Washington D.C. says on its website that objective thinking, self-reliance and planning for the future are among the signs of whiteness that have permeated throughout American culture.

Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity in America has “created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” according to an article published by the National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC).

Aspects of whiteness and white culture include an “emphasis on the scientific method,” which involves “objective, rational linear thinking,” “cause and effect relationships,” and “quantitative emphasis,” according to a graphic created by the museum.

The NMAAHC is a member of the Smithsonian Institute, which bills itself as the largest museum, education and research complex in the world. The Smithsonian Institute received $1 billion in federal funding for its 2020 fiscal year, a figure that comprises 62% of its budget, according to its website.

Other aspects of whiteness include planning for the future, delayed gratification, valuation of time as a commodity, decision-making, self-reliance and politeness, according to the NMAAHC graphic.

As white culture has been “normalized” in the United States, “all Americans have adopted various aspects of white culture, including people of color,” the museum states.

The museum warned that the dominance of white culture in America “leads to an internalized racial superiority for those who adhere to it,” and said a key step to ending racism is for white people to acknowledge their “white racial identity and its privileges.”

The NMAAHC added that being white “does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression,” but it does mean white people “have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin.”

“We need to be honest about the ways white people have benefited from racism so we can work toward an equitable, fair and just society,” the museum wrote.

The article on whiteness was published as part of the museum’s “Talking About Race” project, which was launched in late May following the police-custody death of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the incident.

The NMAAHC project flew under the radar until Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams highlighted its article on whiteness in a tweet Monday evening.


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84fef5  No.9971359


obsesses about joos, gets filtered.

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9d3f82  No.9971360

File: 5269df26088774c⋯.png (415.3 KB, 1053x450, 117:50, bitch_U_love_it.png)


lol… ouch… so scathing….Idiot.

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46511a  No.9971361


wow I forgot about that little thrash band, thanks will listen to some oldies, and remember the early 2ooo's …..

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905b9d  No.9971362

File: 03794f3340d4820⋯.png (767.86 KB, 743x461, 743:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d1ea3  No.9971364

File: 5146f573f55717b⋯.jpeg (160.78 KB, 737x1137, 737:1137, 3DF5AB08_D42D_47E4_B6D7_8….jpeg)

File: d5dc568fafbb9a7⋯.jpeg (4.2 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1BB8301B_111D_4B43_8357_A….jpeg)

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f19ce8  No.9971365


fever and chills

in other words she was shaking like Merkel and needed her transfusion

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449a07  No.9971366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PAYSEUR PART 4: TRUST the Plan 12/14 Q Lounge Live #QArmy

"Starting at 20:00 after we go over the Q linkING to to my Twitter once again. Q2582.

Part 4 PAYSEUR, TRUST the Plan with myself and host @ShadyGrooove. Bringing ALL the PAYSEUR information to today!"

"A 1000 year old illusion!"

"Conspiracy analysts"

"Q uses the word Trust all the time"

"The mirror of Trust is anti Trust!"

"Trust trust trust!"

"When Q says "TRUST the plan" Q is referring to the Payseur trust!"

"its not Pope, its not Pindar, it is Payseur!"

"Because Q reposted anons question!"

Oh, These guys are real good!

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fbc9c3  No.9971367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gladiator • Now We Are Free • Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard

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b953d0  No.9971368


Fuck off you faketriot famefagging nigger.

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cc95a2  No.9971369

File: f0c39118ab7bd8f⋯.jpg (71.41 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, idi_amin.jpg)

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744f59  No.9971370


Baker connection knocked out, had to reset router, new IP same old baker yo


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a58c78  No.9971371

File: 1acc0dd4c688252⋯.jpg (134.91 KB, 1482x676, 57:26, wayfair_clock_1.jpg)

File: bef8b9e29ea288f⋯.jpg (123.17 KB, 1517x716, 1517:716, wayfair_clock_2.jpg)

File: f3baf6bdb896c59⋯.jpg (140.08 KB, 1511x725, 1511:725, pasargard_linkedin.jpg)


DC French Bronze Mantel Clock

from Pasargad NY

Pasargard located in NY & Belgium with ties to Iran

anything here?

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c7811d  No.9971372


click, useless one

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95906d  No.9971373

President Trump: We're going back to..1952.

I bet that's not just infrastructure and construction. We are going back to idyllic America, a time of peace and prosperity!

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a51575  No.9971374

File: f563322a30b9351⋯.png (401.44 KB, 535x579, 535:579, Screenshot_2020_07_15_TASS….png)

Head of Jehovah's Witnesses cell in Siberian city detained on extremism charges


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49b98d  No.9971375

File: da682434e89105b⋯.jpeg (47.62 KB, 679x680, 679:680, rbg_hornet.jpeg)

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2ec93e  No.9971376

fake. >>9971178

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6a64c4  No.9971377


The nwo was dependent on people sheepishly consuming the msm narrative.

Q changed that.

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a58c78  No.9971378


>DC French Bronze Mantel Clock

forgot to point out the name might be DC

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4f2a48  No.9971379

lots of chopper activity over Pasedena. large skywriting says "Peacock's free as a bird" check em

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8a58c3  No.9971380

File: 2328c839cf07b48⋯.png (48.86 KB, 605x520, 121:104, ClipboardImage.png)

This should be fun.


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49b98d  No.9971381

File: 4d145cc6aea7ec7⋯.png (872.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 4d145cc6aea7ec7d13e135a30d….png)

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bc3662  No.9971382

POTUS said Georgia is a "special place" in his speech just now.

subject to google "Georgia country" + George Soros.

You'll find info on the Rose Revolution, a "peaceful transition" of power, funded in part by the Open Society Foundation.

Why POTUS might be hinting at this, I have no clue..

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ab4af7  No.9971383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS ended his speech with this!

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905b9d  No.9971384

File: 3d5deba6b8f450b⋯.png (553.31 KB, 563x419, 563:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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0adb50  No.9971385


>Is that a jawbreaker or a tooomah?

Conjoined twin. Fucking Chinese Cloner on the fritz again. I told them to buy American but noooooo…..

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a177db  No.9971386

File: 966c4d7c23e57d8⋯.png (1.93 MB, 3999x2355, 1333:785, jpg120032fa_1_.png)


>bile duct stent

this uh… person.. is literally being held together with chicken wire.

here's one for a heart stent, but same process.

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744f59  No.9971387


saw those lb


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000000  No.9971388


Shitty memes are a meme


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f87600  No.9971389


>Amazing work by some real Patriots who care!

Somewhere out there, there is a pyramid made specially for you to sit on

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91966d  No.9971390



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030d3e  No.9971391

File: 21f77d625368418⋯.png (168.86 KB, 389x222, 389:222, whitmer_witch.PNG)

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af5dca  No.9971392


Spoken like a true shill. See you next bread.

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e34ced  No.9971393


I’ve been and I’d like to keep it that way, I’d prefer not to give my phone number to them.

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754fad  No.9971394

File: ba54281dce8335a⋯.png (455.99 KB, 502x366, 251:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f5e158f16f67f8⋯.png (185.12 KB, 365x339, 365:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b533c36b6ae95a6⋯.png (545.96 KB, 529x541, 529:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83903ee83f308d2⋯.png (214.94 KB, 860x801, 860:801, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9fc3bc6897019a⋯.png (28.31 KB, 845x260, 13:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Black Lives Matter Activist Shoots Police Officer Dead in Washington State — Media Ignores Story

Washington state Police Officer Jonathan Shoop was murdered on Monday night and his partner was shot and injured following a pursuit of a vehicle that ended in a pedestrian being stuck.

The killer Henry E. Washington fired a weapon at the police SUV pursuing him. Black Lives Matter activist Henry Eugene Washington, 37, was arrested early the next morning. Washington was hiding on a rooftop not far from the scene of the crime.

Washington got out of his car and began firing at the police officers killing one and injuring the second officer.

Henry Washington was a black lives matter activist.

Henry E. Washington has several photos of guns and money on his Facebook page.

Henry is a Black Lives Matter activist from Arizona who was in Washington state at the time.

His mother posted on Facebook that her son killed a cop and was asking for prayers.

Via The Post Millennial:


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ad9ad6  No.9971395

File: 53ef5b79df3ef7c⋯.jpg (573.02 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_711.jpg)

File: 68232f67165694c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_712.jpg)

File: f998268a4eef322⋯.jpg (396.38 KB, 550x617, 550:617, IMG_713.jpg)

You Imagine God Loves You Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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858298  No.9971396

what happened to qmap…'0 drops'?

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f1bd8c  No.9971397


1917 | Russian Revolution

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11df50  No.9971398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


indeed sir

here's another one of their classics

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2ec93e  No.9971399

fake story. >>9971268

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b953d0  No.9971400


No thanks nigger. Go suck yourself off somewhere else.

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5d2e79  No.9971401


Darpa already has all your numbers.

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34ad17  No.9971402

File: b8cc7918bc4cb24⋯.png (446.02 KB, 978x570, 163:95, KOMODO4_USAF_E_8C_Joint_St….PNG)

File: 76f966e7f43c244⋯.png (270.37 KB, 665x299, 665:299, USAF_Joint_Stars_01_2005.PNG)

File: 3505de9bbffe67f⋯.jpg (63.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, joint_stars_patch.jpg)

KOMODO4 USAF E-8C Joint Stars just se of Atlanta out of Robins AFB

The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, or Joint STARS, is an airborne battle management, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform. Its primary mission is to provide theater ground and air commanders with ground surveillance to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy forces. The E-8C is a modified Boeing 707-300 series commercial airframe extensively remanufactured and modified with the radar, communications, operations and control subsystems required to perform its operational mission. The most prominent external feature is the 27-foot (8 meters) long, canoe-shaped radome under the forward fuselage that houses the 24-foot (7.3 meters) long, side-looking phased array antenna.

The radar and computer subsystems on the E-8C can gather and display detailed battlefield information on ground forces. The information is relayed in near-real time to the Army and Marine Corps common ground stations and to other ground command, control, communications, computers and intelligence, or C4I, nodes.

The antenna can be tilted to either side of the aircraft where it can develop a 120-degree field of view covering nearly 19,305 square miles (50,000 square kilometers) and is capable of detecting targets at more than 250 kilometers (more than 820,000 feet). The radar also has some limited capability to detect helicopters, rotating antennas and low, slow-moving fixed wing aircraft. As a battle management and command and control asset, the E-8C can support the full spectrum of roles and missions from peacekeeping operations to major theater war.


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fa69ac  No.9971403


Left yards in twitter are asking “ where does one go to become a ‘trained Marxist ?’

Idiots don’t even know they have already been trained through education

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1506a3  No.9971404


I was also doing some research on https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org, the searching on there has been returning 500 errors since yesterday.

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744f59  No.9971405


really noice gb

electric flicked off here

battery back up kicked in np

bake guud……….

then I got hang and errors on board

lost connection

had to reset router

just so you know


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60417b  No.9971406

File: 9ce67a3b815feb9⋯.png (220.16 KB, 410x205, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> objective thinking, self-reliance and planning for the future are among the signs of whiteness that have permeated throughout American culture

welcome toWRONGTHINK

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2ec93e  No.9971407

actors. >>9971269

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905b9d  No.9971408


how does picking cotton and inventing peanut butter build America exactly

this country was built once the European masons immigrated here. Built our roads and structures.

Irish had a 200 year head start on italy and all they managed to stack was shit so high outside their front door they all got deathly ill. Italy figured out plumbing 2000 years ago.

As far as Kangs and Sheeeet….please explain the conditions in Africa.

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522174  No.9971409


It won't be a "new" virus. It will be experts magically discovering a much deadlier mutation of the Covid virus that just began circulating. Some random mutation/strain that makes Covid much deadlier and more infections. Claims of mortality 25% plus. This is how a second lockdown will be justified, even in the face of currently shrinking numbers of deaths.

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98253e  No.9971410

File: 5c4d98ee9da0b3d⋯.mp4 (939.52 KB, 400x224, 25:14, backpack.mp4)

File: dcc55dc8c4b090b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 885x778, 885:778, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9969613 pb dough

>Pepe in the backpack

Are you making fun of me? That's naughty, kmao. An Anon said it was a magazine cover. I didn't know what it was, but now it's gone. I was really asking because I didn't know wtf. I was looking at.

I stole that Pepe in the bag. ThanQ

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744f59  No.9971411

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11df50  No.9971413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d745e5  No.9971414

File: 67c49c19be180a2⋯.jpeg (123.96 KB, 1080x1022, 540:511, Screenshot_20200715_13302….JPEG)

World-Class Jewish Nose

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cc95a2  No.9971415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a51575  No.9971416


all for a LARP?

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744f59  No.9971417

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da2cbe  No.9971418

File: fab1fc8541832ef⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 684x960, 57:80, sjdjdukko.jpg)

File: 4edbcf7e87cf4b2⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 720x783, 80:87, 7733.jpg)

File: 5e5d07ed2211b4b⋯.jpg (265.61 KB, 816x528, 17:11, PERFECT.JPG)

File: 2e7b67f2bc9bf60⋯.jpg (48.74 KB, 960x530, 96:53, 109111896_3004715096264718….jpg)

File: 4a1b100fa84e12b⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 680x446, 340:223, hhuop78.jpg)

Coronavirus is weakening, could die on its own without vaccine - Italian expert-6/21/2020

The novel coronavirus is no longer lethal as it used to be and could die on its own without a vaccine, an Italian expert has said.

He said this development meant a vaccine was no longer needed to combat the disease since it may weaken by itself and never return.

He said 80 and 90-year-old patients were surviving the virus and breathing with ease but two months ago, they would have needed ventilators.


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2ec93e  No.9971419

clown. >>9971294

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8a58c3  No.9971420


2FA was enabled LUL


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cc95a2  No.9971421

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6352b8  No.9971422


Much appreciated anon.

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744f59  No.9971423




can one ever have enough Olga?

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d0b48c  No.9971424


>all for a LARP?

You used the wrong comeback there. Salla is a LARP. That's used for Q when hundreds of articles are written.

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f2c53a  No.9971425

File: b2d52ebe3fcd933⋯.png (143.34 KB, 445x247, 445:247, busted.png)


when you can't attack the FACTS, you result to name calling.

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34ad17  No.9971426



will watch and keep track

you nee a breaky nb?

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3efc1e  No.9971427


Fuck off Elon.

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09c2ee  No.9971428

File: b9c2fc61164a529⋯.png (233.97 KB, 413x345, 413:345, pgw5.png)

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f5800d  No.9971429

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB, 793x630, 793:630, Q714.png)

Q, On 10 Feb 2018 you posted:

[44] remaining.

Now [ ? ] remaining?

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2ec93e  No.9971430

doubt it. >>9971304

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cae127  No.9971431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Hidden Agenda Behind The Planned Destruction of America with walkaway dem Rosa Koire-orchestrated pandemic and climate change scheme to create public outcry for 'change' - the same old problem, reaction, solution but now its breathing down our necks. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB7120/2019



Congress paid 137 cities to join UN




These cities have separated themselves from the U.S.

By treaty.


Through a United Nations (UN) organization called:

ICLEI. https://icleiusa.org/

Local Governments for Sustainability.

Whatever that is.

Sustained with tax dollars spent by Congress.

Paid out through grants from these federal departments:

Homeland Security





Executive Branch

Defense (Pentagon)

Health & Human Services (HHS)


https://youtu.be/n__2mWEjNqw George Webb NATO in the USA?

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13d7d5  No.9971432

File: 1f475658d8b387e⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 736x540, 184:135, orwellianwisdom.jpg)

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bdb2b7  No.9971433

File: 49190b5a54d6237⋯.jpg (98.45 KB, 629x500, 629:500, pc.jpg)

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744f59  No.9971434


my pleasure

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ed5992  No.9971435

File: 960391eebd9eabc⋯.png (393.38 KB, 775x653, 775:653, Pepe_blushing_Midol.png)


>can one ever have enough Olga?


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05de29  No.9971436

File: 74d579a522060d3⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 360x360, 1:1, christiansvsjews.jpg)

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95396f  No.9971437

Vax? Not so fast, boys.

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In "More Than Half" Of Trial Participants

"A highly anticipated clinical trial for a potential COVID-19 vaccine managed in part by the American drug company Moderna has resulted in some adverse effects in more than half of the trial's participants, with one test group reporting "severe" symptoms. "


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000000  No.9971438


I like making cummies in sock hats I find in the bathroom of houses I visit.

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046276  No.9971439

File: 506c3d3a4d356f5⋯.png (774.75 KB, 864x484, 216:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d6202  No.9971440


Smithsonian has been hiding artifacts that do not fit the current historical timeline " theory "

book ; Forbidden Archeology

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ca6815  No.9971441

File: a2633d689734607⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 594x378, 11:7, ferriswheel.jpg)


not THIS again.

What are they hiding?

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51134d  No.9971442

Is Ghislaine Maxwell still believed to be Ghislaine Craigie?

Have found 4 properties and a business under that name but dont want to post it if the Craigie thing has already been debunked

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f2c53a  No.9971443

File: 3b2e12657da9a2f⋯.png (1006.45 KB, 970x852, 485:426, gotem.png)


ok that was funny, I'm done here.

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d13971  No.9971444

File: 12e150987998b9c⋯.png (1.63 MB, 707x1037, 707:1037, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Topp….png)

File: 23ab9ae7ab32256⋯.png (1.37 MB, 697x1000, 697:1000, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Topp….png)

The statue of British slave trader Edward Colston torn down by Black Lives Matter protesters has finally gotten worthy replacement.

Installed under the cover of night, a new black resin and steel sculpture depicting Black Lives Matter protester Jen Reid appeared on the vacated plinth this morning in Bristol.The work of artist Marc Quinn, the piece entitled "A Surge of Power (Jen Reid) 2020" was inspired by an image he saw on Instagram that captured the local resident raising her fist in a Black Power salute after the Colston statue was torn down.


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2ec93e  No.9971445

tomorrow is 18.

the next day is 19.

no matter. >>9971320

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8a58c3  No.9971446


Not just Elon, tons of accounts just got hit.


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030d3e  No.9971447

File: 3e19d6d39d0c0bf⋯.png (264.55 KB, 606x404, 3:2, czar_nicholas_and_fam.PNG)

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cc95a2  No.9971448

File: b8f864a4e9bfbf9⋯.jpg (388.92 KB, 1920x1039, 1920:1039, terminator1_05.jpg)

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ca6815  No.9971449


she had many pseudonyms.

Could be her

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47b8ee  No.9971451

File: 6551905dc6a5f00⋯.png (118.58 KB, 362x343, 362:343, omg.png)

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744f59  No.9971452




pompeii is one of those historical wtf

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a58c78  No.9971453

Did Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah Step Down After Sex Trafficking Conspiracy?



Article says he has not stepped down and says rumors has not basis in fact or proof of child trafficking. But, I found it interesting the artilce links to these following articles:


>Petition Wants Wayfair Conspiracy Investigated by the Government

>Kids Shipped in Armoires? The Wayfair Conspiracy Started Here

>Here Are Some of The Celebrities Who Sell Products on Wayfair

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d745e5  No.9971454

File: 4abde1e0bb6ade7⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile_1.jpg)

Ghislaine Maxwell at the United Nations, she sure did get around.

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f18fc5  No.9971456


White collar hit men.

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a177db  No.9971457


this is a test. this is only a test.

If you let images and text on a screen trigger you, what good are you here?

What good would you be in a real battle field?

That's for participating.

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6a64c4  No.9971458


Q could have referred to 0bama as no. 44 to be exposed as a clown op.

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95906d  No.9971459


Stone often takes good information, and then paints the most grim picture possible. His predictions of gloom and doom never seem to happen.

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f18fc5  No.9971460


And pumping Iron.

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7a3a76  No.9971461


hoe horid to use a person as a prop for a discredited political movement. If it were me I'd say 'you do not have my permission to use me as a prop.'

it's horid.

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754fad  No.9971462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

COVID-20: "Pandemic Two" Will Be More Deadly

There's no way Gates will succeed in his goal

unless he scares the bejesus out of people,

and the only way to do that is to unleash

something much more powerful.

In an interview with Stephen Colbert in April, Bill Gates mentioned a "bio-terror attack" in the context of "pandemic two" (start at 2 min.)

Colbert asked Gates "What else are we not listening to, that we need to take action on now?"

Gates replied, "Well, the idea of a bio-terrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario because they're a pathogen with a high death rate."

Colbert turns his head in laughter.

Gates goes on "The good news is most of the work we are going to do, to be ready for pandemic two, I call this pandemic one, most of the work we're doing to be ready for that, are also the things we need to do to minimize the threat of bioterrorism."

Although I posted an article about this, I didn't really appreciate its significance.

Who would do this? Now I realize.

Why Gates himself of course!

He has been talking about such an attack for years.

COVID19 "cases" are a lot like money.

They are simply digits.

The Illuminati create them out of hot air.

With control over the MSM, they are used to creating our reality: wars, moon landings, nuclear bombs, assassinations, climate change, false-flag terror.

However, people are remarking at how low the actual death rate is, less than 1/2 of one percent, hardly enough to justify crippling the world economy and putting everyone in face diapers and under house arrest.

If the Illuminati can't sustain their narrative, it is likely that they will unleash a new more deadly virus.

Gates has said that their goal is to vaccinate the human race. Hundreds of millions of doses have been ordered. The stock market soars on the prospect, thinking this will actually cure the imaginary disease. There is no way Gates will succeed unless he scares the bejesus out of people, and the only way to do that is to unleash something much more powerful.

Gates' cohorts at the World Economic Forum have stated that the pandemic is the pretext to "reset" literally every aspect of global society.

The list includes Technology, Financial and Monetary Systems, Cities, Energy, Media, and Culture.

There is no way they will achieve their goal without a new improved COVID20.

Like Gates, Adolf Hitler outlined his plans well in advance. Nobody stopped him. Can no one stop Bill Gates?

Like Europe's Jews, are we going meekly to our fate?

We do not yet appreciate the seriousness of our situation. The prospect of a cure and recovery keeps us docile. People are getting bail-outs.

But sooner or later, the money will stop. We will understand that they are out to destroy civilization.

They are out to destroy us.

We gave them unlimited wealth when we allowed them to create money. Now they want unlimited power.

As Illuminati insider Leonard Cohen said,

I have seen the future and it is murder.


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58f436  No.9971463


Kek..you got it. ;)

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b35176  No.9971464

File: 68ed106887f719e⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PoA1.jpg)


I'd say this was planned for some time. No coincidence the BLM riots and Liberty under attack.

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c7811d  No.9971465


spread by test kits?

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7a3a76  No.9971466


how not 'hoe'. no insult to her.

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11a62a  No.9971467

File: 6a7a2b86ddbd196⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, psychotic.jpg)


>I think it will hit US and World financial markets when real shit starts = indictments, arrests, Grand juries, Military tribunals.


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0570a3  No.9971468


We have a special place picked out for GS.

Really special.

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a51575  No.9971469

File: 44745e62139418c⋯.png (15.65 KB, 512x91, 512:91, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Iron….png)

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da1060  No.9971470

File: f5c81e07af178dd⋯.png (38.92 KB, 606x283, 606:283, Capture.PNG)

Gov Bullock of MT just mandated masks.


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3d71fa  No.9971471

File: 0ccfbe59f234498⋯.png (168.31 KB, 488x543, 488:543, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Parl….png)

And now we know for a fact infowars is controlled opposition

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ca6815  No.9971472

File: d5aaa6613fec06b⋯.jpeg (181.17 KB, 926x982, 463:491, killthetv.jpeg)


allegedly killed


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030d3e  No.9971473


most of the qualities that the smithsonian mentions as being a part of whiteness are really very positive qualities, but somehow, they are trying to make it all seem negative and nefarious

what an upside down world

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6d6202  No.9971474


D - Day was June 6 , 1944

numbers 6 and 18 all over the place

look at dates of Hiroshima - Nagasaki

many other notables incl Fed Reserve meeting dates

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923aca  No.9971475


The crew here are doing their best to downplay Chinas involvement, and the seriousness, that their intentional release of a BioWeapon was used to target foreign political landscapes - specifically America and Trump's re-election.

China Virus has already lost half its potency.

The "Second wave" will be a dud, because the virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

Note: The virus is unnatural to begin with, which means mutation/deletions cannot occur to progress the virus. It's returning to its normal functions, WHICH DOESN'T INCLUDE THE ABILITY TO INFECT HUMANS.

Even *if* it tried to develop airborne capabilities IT IS QUICKLY LOOSING THE ABILITIES TO INFECT HUMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE.


China Hogwart Virus = WuFlu 2.0

What's their world wide death toll at now?

21+ Million from within China alone, and that was at least a month ago.

Contact tracers are ordered to NOT ask about protest attendance.

Personal ads about infecting Trump Rallies are a thing.

See what direction we're headed?

'Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV "Bio-engineered" in Lab - Contains Strings Of Inserted HIV

"This virus was manipulated meticulously, it's not natural."

Interesting Points:

-Mutation-Deletions are bringing the virus back to its unmodified state - the HIV insertion is specifically degrading faster than the rest.

-The virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

-Verifiable proof this was engineered "For Gain-of-function" advances, specifically contains a genetic sequence from HIV.

-China has enormous pressure on any studies or media related to the origins of the virus.

-Source as the Wuhan BioLab confirmed.

-Intentional or not, this engineered virus being released constitutes as a launched Bio Weapon.

-Electromagnetic means of manipulation can be used to neutralize the virus. Which also means they can be used to amplify it.

-Who controls the modulation of the antennas determines the effect

Host: "If we want to reassure ourselves, since you have continued to work on this virus, that virus today it has lost, you say, all its virulence and you imagine that it will no longer be specifically dangerous in the next few weeks?"

Luc: "Yes, what is interesting, if you will, is that my mathematical colleague Perez thinks there's some kind of harmonization of the sequences, of the genetic information, which is carried as well in our own chromosomes as by the virus. So nature doesn't accept anything. That is, we can do anything to nature but if you're making an artificial construct, it is unlikely to survive. That is to say that nature loves the harmonious things and what is foreign, such as another virus coming from another virus is not well tolerated. So, what is happening as time goes by, the epidemic is spreading, notably in the United States where there is the largest number of cases, there is an evolution through mutations, right. The sequences will mutate. Mutate means one nucleotide changed for an other, the genetic code is changing. But it also means deletions that are made: It means that there are whole chunks of the genome, including… what is extraordinary is that, precisely, the region that carries the HIV sequences are mutating much faster than the others. So, it itself disappears by deletions. So, we have patients on whom we have isolated the virus and sequenced the virus, in the western part of the United States, in Seattle, and this sequence is almost demolished and no longer works."

Host: "So the HIV is gone?"

Luc: "You'd think if the new pathogenicity if you will, of the corona is related to the introduction of these sequences, that it is going to disappear. It's a bit of hope."


>"It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it's like a wild cat," Bassetti said. "Even elderly patients, aged 80 or 90, are now sitting up in bed and they are breathing without help. The same patients would have died in two or three days before."


>Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico.


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b953d0  No.9971476



There's no distorting or disputing the fact that you're a namefagging, famefagging faketriot.

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6a64c4  No.9971477


Ofc, definitely not funded by soros

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cc95a2  No.9971478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55bf07  No.9971479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thunderbird wine is now days bum wine.

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152c99  No.9971480


In "the other timeline" he'd be right every time. By now he wouldn't even be making predictions because Clinton would have had him droned.

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a58c78  No.9971481


>Black Lives Matter

The black relative (mom?) of one year old shot in Chicago said it should be BABY LIVES MATTER.

Did anybody see that on Fox? hannity maybe?

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a22a85  No.9971482

>>9971155 lb


13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.


Acts 5:17-42

*v18 They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. 19But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. 20"Go and stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life."

27Having brought the apostles the made them appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 28"We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood."

29Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!....."

Point: Not all laws instituted by men should be followed. Discernment is required. Our nation wouldn't be here if our founders followed Romans 13 to the letter.

See 1st amendment of the Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;....."

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193e1b  No.9971483

File: 26fc78fa195b3b5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1184x778, 592:389, 000_Masks.png)


>Gov Bullock of MT just mandated masks.

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43bfa9  No.9971485


Age 8 "maybe" dumbfuck 100% No one gives one fuck what you do with your inchworm. Grow the fuck up

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df89cc  No.9971486


welcome to 2007

it was obvious the first time AJ said Inside Job into a bullhorn

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f2c53a  No.9971487


i would call you names, but you are hiding behind an anonymous mask…

so all I can call you is a 'random nobody' whining on the internet.

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2ec93e  No.9971488

subjective your point is. >>9971377

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4f34f1  No.9971489


Good call. Also protects pension money.

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2d4cb6  No.9971490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's why I think State post this today:

On December 4, 2019 is was a message to the People of Iran; however, events over the past six months mean now it is actually a message to We The People of the United States of America.

Freedom of Assembly, Free Speech, and Free Press

2-minutes•697 views•Jul 15, 2020

Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook on freedom of assembly, free speech, and free press on December 4, 2019.

U.S. Department of State


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c7811d  No.9971491


save the best for last


save Israel for last

P is an Israeli?

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ab94c1  No.9971493


Wikipedia? Nice source,asshat. Bet you've never even heard of, let alone actually study, Walter Evans-Wentz, Milarepa, Tsongkhapa, etc. etc.

And you think that the Dalai Lama is in cahoots with China? I'm sure the thousands of slaughtered monks and incalculable destruction of culture and wisdom was all for the long con, right?

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95396f  No.9971494


The 'Humpty-Dumpty' System Is Irreparable


TPTB [the powers that be] are desperately working on solutions. For example, the WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos are calling the next Forum in early 2021 “The Great Reset.

"They have created a Strategic Intelligence Platform which will help the members to control the world. Strategic Partners of the WEF will be members of a number of platforms from which they intend to orchestrate the Great Reset. These platforms include “Shaping the future of: Technology, Blockchain, New Economy & Society, Future Consumption, Digital Economy, Financial and Monetary Systems, Trade, Cities & Infrastructure, Energy, Media & Culture etc.

"Well, it sounds like they plan to control everything.

"Central bankers, bankers, industrialists incl. Bill Gates, IMF MD, ECB President Lagarde, Mark Carney former Bank of England governor etc are all members.

"The WEF has developed the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) which “will leave no aspect of global society unchanged”.


This is what it's about. Now, I believe Q has their own Plan.

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0570a3  No.9971495


George Soros,[a] Hon FBA (born Schwartz György)

Georgie boy……kek

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b953d0  No.9971496

File: 35f64c62a2e9cc3⋯.jpg (213.71 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 35f64c62a2e9cc3980a5cbfe86….jpg)

File: 4002a589e18f8c3⋯.png (352.65 KB, 461x515, 461:515, 4002a589e18f8c394ae8fbdaa2….png)

File: 5cccfea2b3aea19⋯.jpg (275.76 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 5cccfea2b3aea19ce3392d94d5….jpg)

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1c54b0  No.9971497

File: 7d5516e8de8192c⋯.png (329.8 KB, 680x340, 2:1, SC_police.png)

Breaking News

Supreme Court Police

My mom just sent me this:

Is everything OK? Did this happen near you? http://raboninco.com/17781351/sc-police-cruiser-2

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6d6202  No.9971498



THEY tell you in advance., round 2 , not the Flu ?


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cc95a2  No.9971499

File: cc23b111714b6ca⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 620x462, 310:231, idi_2.jpg)


Shit skins matter

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3efc1e  No.9971500


C_A did it for the lulz.

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a58c78  No.9971501

File: 2c2cd9256ae7275⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 736x681, 736:681, rbg_news.jpg)


RBG done with her recharge and out of hospital

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330bf8  No.9971502

File: 0a3da291a7b3cf2⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 0a3da291a7b3cf2b8ab180b02f….jpg)



Nigga you got the wizard PePe PNG file?

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2ec93e  No.9971503

special places

are disappearing at an alarming rate. >>9971382

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323dfa  No.9971504

File: 5eafee905a6b8a1⋯.jpg (426.86 KB, 1920x997, 1920:997, Space_Force_18.jpg)

File: 82c7ec34099475e⋯.jpg (178.37 KB, 484x640, 121:160, Space_Force_19.jpg)

Space Force!

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a177db  No.9971505


well, you could be called out for sliding, but.. meh. kek!

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030d3e  No.9971506


such a shame

as a child in middle school went to the smithsonian, was so impressed, but as is the case with most everything now, things you were taught to respect and believe are not what they seem anymore

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34c49e  No.9971507

File: 82ac5566746be17⋯.png (73.06 KB, 800x417, 800:417, SILENCED1.png)

File: 6717f55cf62be41⋯.png (74.6 KB, 800x417, 800:417, SILENCED2.png)

File: 67029408a7091ff⋯.png (74.25 KB, 800x417, 800:417, SILENCED3.png)

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49b98d  No.9971508


knows how to pilot air vehicles, deep sea equipment and subterranean shit too ; a real life Bond girl ;

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2f04fc  No.9971509

File: 565da4a3ca515a8⋯.jpeg (982.8 KB, 1390x1350, 139:135, BA607FED_F8A4_4503_8D25_0….jpeg)

Official “amuse-um” of the US calls blacks lazy…kek

Se what 3 generations of welfare get ya


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cae127  No.9971510


It absolutely has been planned for decades- most thought it was paranoia or denied but now we're here.. pelosi pushing that floyd bill through with fine print deeply embedded so those who vote wont even read it

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c7811d  No.9971511


>Smithsonian has been hiding artifacts that do not fit the current historical timeline " theory "


>book ; Forbidden Archeology

Cremo & Thompson

it's on my shelf

devastating book

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ed0921  No.9971512

File: 74c7a7d05593194⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 892x1168, 223:292, yomkippur2027.jpg)

File: 83c381f86ac8d4d⋯.jpg (106.82 KB, 874x1140, 23:30, feastoftrumpets2020.jpg)

File: a9e521b3cf2a98a⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 1076x536, 269:134, 2550_days.jpg)

"Psalm 90:10

The days of our lives are seventy years;

And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,"

So 80 years is a generation if you are strong.

Matt 24:34

“Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place."

Speaking of the end times. Which generation? The one that sees the rebirth of Israel, the "fig tree".

Israel became a nation in 1948.

1948 + 80 years MAX = 2028

Jesus HAS to return before 2028. And that INCLUDES a 7 year tribulation time.

JESUS fulfilled the spring feast days in his first coming.

Passover = death

Unleavened Bread = burial

First fruits = Resurrection

Pentecost = Holy Spirit

JESUS must also fulfill the fall feast days

Feast of Trumpets = Rapture

Day of Atonement = 2nd coming

Tabernacles = millennial kingdom

Daniel speaks of the 7 final years, called Daniel's 70th week. It is broken into 2 parts, 1,260 days and 1,290 days, which = 2,550 days.

Just a fun fact…

Feast of Trumpets this year is on Sep 18

Sep 18 <<< 2,550 days >>> Sep 12, 2027

Yom Kippur is on Sep 18, 2027

NOTHING can stop what is coming!

It's going to be Biblical

God Wins!

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cc95a2  No.9971513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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905b9d  No.9971514


delusional level 10 MAX.

poor nick. got passed around pedowood. got fame and was used on a Viacom show that was a "billion dollar brand?" to promote and develope awesome talent.

What the fuck has Viacom ever produced that can be deemed as positive?

brags about the masked singer with all its crazy symbolism?

Wheels coming off Nick is great. Best line is as the chairman of Nickolodeon teen division, it made him overwhelmed because so many doubted his abilites as a black man?

You were a glorified RayJay shuttling kids to perverts and making sure old victims stood in the correct place to get SLIMED!

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046276  No.9971515

File: 45268aec376ba7a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


its no surprise AJ would run with a story that was debunked by anons yesterday

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6d6202  No.9971516


the blaze ?

Glenn beck is asshoe

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4f34f1  No.9971517

File: 9b6d52f2bf91391⋯.png (155.21 KB, 1098x853, 1098:853, ClipboardImage.png)



Actual science: Kids are safe.


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8afd32  No.9971518


"The city of Berkeley moved forward Wednesday with a proposal to eliminate police from conducting traffic stops"


Treasonous bastards doing everything to get citizens killed.


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2ec93e  No.9971519




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905b9d  No.9971520


i like rodney…..but he changed his name.

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000000  No.9971521


Elevated IQ Post

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1f51bd  No.9971522

File: ce70c655ed8cfbf⋯.png (23.53 KB, 438x608, 219:304, 365.png)

File: 7a44641ad22d6ca⋯.png (9.57 KB, 436x191, 436:191, 367.png)

File: 1a710cde518c8d4⋯.png (12.71 KB, 442x241, 442:241, 369.png)

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c97928  No.9971523

Any India anons?

I am getting reports of death count climbing a lot hirer than being reported saying bodies are in the streets. Is this true?

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3d71fa  No.9971524

File: b5f691b8aacc923⋯.png (147.1 KB, 386x858, 193:429, Screenshot_2020_07_08_QMAP….png)

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31532f  No.9971525

File: 5fe939b82477f2f⋯.jpeg (463.21 KB, 1125x1429, 1125:1429, 5FFFF20A_D808_4044_AC90_8….jpeg)

Elon Musk Twat hacked

Don’t send BTC unless you’re retarded


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8a58c3  No.9971526

File: 82596d6265e88ab⋯.png (84.09 KB, 869x904, 869:904, ClipboardImage.png)


"It seems like the hackers got access to "Twitter Panel", which is basically hacking one of the Twitter admins/employees. This gives direct admin access to accounts and allows individuals to chance e-mail & password."


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6ca953  No.9971527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This anon loves Thunderbird Whine. They aren't bums either.

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60417b  No.9971528


>objective thinking

be subjective, emotional, childish


rely on us, we're the government and we're here to help

>planning for the future

don't invest, don't learn, don't worry: that's our job. surrender. submit. you'll be glad that you did. you will defer no enjoyment under our new system.


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6d6202  No.9971529


scorpion symbol , astrology

October surprise

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4bff4f  No.9971531

File: a737c43078782b0⋯.png (946.57 KB, 730x678, 365:339, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS Instagram Keeps Hammering Libs w/ Goya Endorsement


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a22a85  No.9971532


2020 Remake of Planet of the Apes

A LARP version.

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cae127  No.9971533


like always, the plantation owners prefer to manage the pharm to their advantage which means leveling national economies to a controlled level globally, removing capability for dissent or individual rights or even constitutional rights.

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f74e2f  No.9971534

Ready for my newest crackpot theory?

What if, there really IS MKUltra/Sleeper Cells laying dormant right now, Like more than anyone imagined.

Kansas found more info on it when he was CIA, Now Gina is on it.

Here's the crackpot part…

White Hats now know who they are. But they can't pull the plug just yet for whatever reason, so they have been secretly making sure these "sleepers" find weed & shit to chill them the fuck out. So they are too lazy & fat to get off the couch to do whatever the programing is.

Don't ask why I think this right now. It's personal. And weird.

Side note:


This shit is horrible.

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f1bd8c  No.9971535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop Celebrating the Low Death Rate!


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905b9d  No.9971536

File: 42877b2d6888988⋯.mp4 (451.36 KB, 224x320, 7:10, manners.mp4)


remember, when you point a middle at someone 3 more point back at you

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009e07  No.9971537

File: 1d6d3f6383fac4b⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 810x539, 810:539, the_truth_is_so_much_stran….jpg)

Strange shit being found in suspiciously familiar waters. Eyes on.


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064698  No.9971538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


well hell i was just bein cheap. all i wanted was a lil cornbread you motherfukker

ill drive my ass down to cricke and buy a net phone plan since NO ONE WILL TEACH ME HOW TO HACK INTO TWITTER WITH DUAL LAPTOPS

*slams door and storms out*

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923aca  No.9971539


He's washing his funds.

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095a05  No.9971540

File: 1758eddca47e43d⋯.png (510.7 KB, 793x456, 793:456, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: 0fc9acd95a4fa00⋯.png (480 KB, 795x463, 795:463, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: 41695b04663d27c⋯.png (436.01 KB, 424x607, 424:607, ClipboardImage.png)

So refreshing to hear a black bishop on cable TV news talking like this guy did.

Quoted the Q-drop(s) verse, talked about it being a spiritual battle, all positive/good stuff (from my perspective at least):

Jeremiah 29:11-13 AKJV -

if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.

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d64b79  No.9971541


This news you speak of is quite old!

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84c47c  No.9971542

File: 346f35ba5336dff⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 780x439, 780:439, gettyimages_911545534_opt.jpg)

Here is a nugget from a tweet for Anons to dig further on Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

Chrissy and John have a home in Thailand.

Rumoured to traffic people by way of underground tunnels.

Anons who dig, may want to include family members and maiden names for purchase of home(s) Thailand where Chrissy's family is from.

And John Legend family as well.

Legend is not a real last name it is a stage name.

John's birth name is actually John Roger Stephens, and if we're being technical here, it's still his real name.

Legend and Teigen’s daughter, Luna, has her dad’s “real” last name (Luna Simone Stephens). The couple is expecting a baby boy in the coming weeks. It is presumed that their son will also be given the last name “Stephens.”

Check records in kids names as well as trusts.


Joan Holland



Aug 14, 2019

Replying to




Chrissy and John have a home in Thailand.

Rumoured to traffic people by way of underground tunnels.

We Bet You Don't Know John Legend's Real Name


John Legend’s Real Name & Why Chrissy Teigen Doesn’t Want it


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449a07  No.9971543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UpFrontInTheProphetic interviews Jeffrey Pedersen AKA @IntheMatrixxx

"Join us with Special Guest Jeffrey Pedersen AKA InTheMatrixxx

Wizards, CORN, AMPFest, Symbolism and so much more….."

"We are all trying to get to that 777 consciousness"

"we know 66 is the number of the fallen angels"

"Yhead is a Chinese satellite company"

"I have been Q'ed 15 times"

"Q did confirm my Payseur post by reposting "hey Q does P = Payseur?""

Wow, just wow!

Amazing work gentlemen!

You truly have Anon' best interest at heart!

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cc95a2  No.9971544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d71fa  No.9971545



Notable - Infowars pushing photo-shopped bullshit in an attempt to discredit Wayfair human trafficking findings.

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905b9d  No.9971546






yw, 1337

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8a58c3  No.9971547

File: 3313099b1397c34⋯.png (142.35 KB, 1030x131, 1030:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e863f  No.9971548

File: 0c19365fbec0e7e⋯.png (303.55 KB, 660x666, 110:111, Nope.png)

Is the old jew bitch dead yet? Also FUCK NASA

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6d6202  No.9971549


Anons want to know what was found in the chamber under the Sphinx paw

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2ec93e  No.9971550

shame. >>9971444

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030d3e  No.9971551

File: 6a77f4dd372ae13⋯.png (399.53 KB, 475x339, 475:339, madonna_covid_face_mask.PNG)

File: e58114af3f5f1d8⋯.png (548.07 KB, 678x376, 339:188, bill_gates_epstein.PNG)

File: 527c8d2e4845a04⋯.png (408.93 KB, 481x387, 481:387, katy_perry_fauci_gang_2.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB, 391x518, 391:518, q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

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330bf8  No.9971552

File: 2830164234672f4⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x553, 500:553, Maxy_1.jpg)

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c7811d  No.9971553


enough ass for two women

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f18fc5  No.9971554


Ranking on the 1,000 points of light.

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046276  No.9971555



its still happening kek. youd think these accounts would get locked down. maybe @Jack has a hand in this to allow some of his friends to harvest some much needed resources.

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11df50  No.9971556


i've heard crackpot theories that cannabis inhibits MK Ultra

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f74e2f  No.9971557

File: 9facf9fa8056985⋯.png (453.13 KB, 594x609, 198:203, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)


looks to better attract gaming industry for training simulations


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754fad  No.9971558

File: 320ad52ac73fb27⋯.png (27.15 KB, 649x345, 649:345, ClipboardImage.png)

Richmond Schools Will Not Reopen for In-Person Learning This Fall

Public schools in Richmond, Virginia, will not reopen their doors this fall following a decision from the Richmond School Board, which voted to kick off the year with an entirely virtual experience for students.

The Richmond School Board voted 8-1 against beginning the 2020-2021 academic year with in-person learning in school facilities. The board had a variety of plans to choose from, ranging from a “hybrid” option — allowing students to receive two days of in-person learning with three days of virtual school — to giving parents the choice between a full virtual option or full in-person option.

One plan proposed would have had students with “high needs” only returning to school facilities. Another would have had elementary students attending school and middle and high school students doing so virtually.

Despite the plethora of options, the school board opted to shut down in-person learning altogether. According to the Richmond-Times Dispatch:

The Richmond Education Association had called for 100% virtual instruction. The teachers group detailed its position in a letter last week drawing attention to poor air quality and open classroom designs that the group feared would put students and staff at greater risk.

In the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Readiness and Planning” tool for K-12, the Richmond Public Schools reopening scenario fell under its “more risk” category for the spread of the coronavirus. It calls for 6 feet of social distancing, mask wearing for all students and staff, and consistent handwashing.

“It’s tough knowing that virtual instruction does not replace the work that our teachers can do with our students in the building,” said school board member Scott Barlow, according to the Dispatch. “It’s pretty well-documented that having students out of the classroom for a period of time is not good for their educational development.”

Barlow appeared to suggest that there was no clear answer, as the decision affects students in different ways for a variety of reasons.

“No matter which option we choose, a certain number of our students are more likely to have an adverse impact,” he explained. “Our Black and Latino students are more likely to suffer from infection risks. Many of our higher-poverty students are more likely to be adversely impacted by not being able to go to school, and there’s overlap between those two groups.”

Jonathan Young, the only school board member to oppose the measure, warned of remaining “naive about the limitations of virtual learning.”

“I really am so concerned for our kids and for the future. We have to acknowledge all of the threats and try to account for differences in science,” he said.

Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced last week that schools would not be able to reopen if Virginia cannot remain in Phase Three of reopening.

“If we’re going to get our kids back in school, we need to do it safely,” he said. “It’s not only the children in schools, it’s the teachers and staff that could contract this, and the point I would make is if our teachers and staff can’t stay healthy and contract the virus, then all is moot.”


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da2cbe  No.9971559

File: 41a3fdecfa1a3b4⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 960x685, 192:137, 9256.jpg)

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f2c53a  No.9971560

File: b7c30089acd2e3e⋯.png (72.79 KB, 343x326, 343:326, wizard_pepe.png)

File: adaa5be320f0cf8⋯.gif (13.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, wizard.gif)

File: 3238b40a8adf619⋯.png (511.48 KB, 720x720, 1:1, pepe_wizard.png)

File: f4d9536dde409ba⋯.gif (494.33 KB, 387x305, 387:305, wizard.gif)

File: c2ab559e275cd64⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 332x484, 83:121, rare_pepe.jpg)


which one?

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9e863f  No.9971561

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4c11ed  No.9971562

File: e7dc2f98e489c24⋯.png (129.13 KB, 303x166, 303:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f545d0eb18c969⋯.png (54.69 KB, 303x166, 303:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2da467a38eb0dba⋯.png (75.48 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e0eb8115e17346⋯.png (56.39 KB, 206x245, 206:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f04fc  No.9971563


Actually nothing wrong with central bank system

The problem is greedy politicians and their private business butt buddies are addicted to central bank cash

Most rich people would go broke if the Stock market didn’t continue to bail them out

Anon on here posts the stock sales by these “rich” people, they are skimming until next big cash infusion

The rich are the prob, not the banks


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319993  No.9971564


a local teen girl I've known for years was taken away days ago by a predator she met online

phone company wouldnt release cell tracking data without a warrant even though she was underage and on her parents plan

by the time they got it, her phone had been discarded

police have no clues other then it was a middle aged man

with a dead end ip and a throw away cell phone

lone perv, or part of a ring? who knows. just venting.

the war is real

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c0e82b  No.9971565


Thanks, made notables on Monday

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cc95a2  No.9971566

File: 2c138e7a67959ff⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 300x127, 300:127, gandalfScrolls.gif)

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754fad  No.9971567

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Uses Emergency Alert System for Mask Mandate

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) used the emergency broadcast system again Monday to order residents to wear masks.

Cell phones went off at 4:44 p.m. with an “Emergency Alert.”

From the Governor’s Office: Fight COVID by wearing a mask. Michiganders are REQUIRED by executive order to wear face coverings in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces. Business must refuse entry or service to those who do not wear a face covering (with limited exceptions). More info: Michigan.gov/MaskUp.

Whitmer has regularly used the system, typically used to issue Amber Alerts for missing children, to reinforce her orders.

In March, the governor took over television stations to issue a “Michigan coronavirus emergency alert broadcast” to communicate the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” shutdown order.

The message was from IPAWSCAP, or Integrated Public Alert Warning System.

In January 2019, Whitmer issued an alert urging, but not requiring, residents to lower their thermostats.

“I’m coming to you now to ask for your help. Due to extremely high demand for natural gas with these record-low temperatures and a facility incident, Consumers Energy has asked that everyone who is able to turn down their thermostats through Friday at noon so we can all get through this with minimal harm,” Whitmer said, WDIV reported.

Whitmer wanted Michiganders to set their thermostats to 65 degrees.

FEMA said there are five types of alerts:

Imminent Threat Alerts that include extreme weather, and other threatening emergencies in your area;

Public Safety Alerts that are less severe in nature than Imminent Threat Alerts;

AMBER Alerts;

Presidential Alerts during a national emergency; and

Test Messages that are opt-in messages to support state and local (Wireless Emergency Alerts) testing.

Cell phone users are able to opt out of the emergency messages, according to FEMA.


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f2c53a  No.9971568

File: 1394309a0641768⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 364x501, 364:501, bendy_pepe.jpg)

File: 8557092d9646518⋯.png (553.25 KB, 800x800, 1:1, magicpepe.png)


jk, of course

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84c47c  No.9971569



'''Old article from 2018 talked of impending birth of son.

Son is now born, they named him MILES'''

>Legend and Teigen’s daughter, Luna, has her dad’s “real” last name (Luna Simone Stephens). The couple is expecting a baby boy in the coming weeks. It is presumed that their son will also be given the last name “Stephens.”

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046276  No.9971570


im starting to think the admin may be trolling israel. taking ownership of the "goy" label like he has done with so many of their symolisms.

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009e07  No.9971571

File: bcd39d855542d59⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 458x305, 458:305, sushi_gone_wrong.jpg)

I don't know how people eat it when news stories like this come out.


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2ec93e  No.9971572

watch the movie


look for the "17".

watch the movie

the town

look for the "17.


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47b8ee  No.9971573

File: 9091089e0be002f⋯.png (599.2 KB, 426x533, 426:533, brix666ard.png)

China Grove, NC



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0a6241  No.9971574

File: 78bad0accd95026⋯.jpeg (155.7 KB, 853x480, 853:480, 3053266E_035F_406E_9E1A_B….jpeg)

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4bff4f  No.9971575

File: 8d75433710fe40f⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 2048x990, 1024:495, Chrissy_Teigen_Spirit_Cook….jpg)


This skank can't get out of her own way.

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3a1662  No.9971576

File: 7977c83309b1d76⋯.png (217.45 KB, 315x450, 7:10, Chrissy_teigen_water_slide….png)

File: 5c09058a1cb5f27⋯.png (410.28 KB, 500x749, 500:749, Tiegen_they_told_me_she_wo….png)

File: 94693ff650a4a24⋯.png (448.36 KB, 500x1031, 500:1031, Teigen_they_said_be_open_w….png)

File: 13f3f628a986438⋯.jpg (89.23 KB, 690x362, 345:181, 48bm34.jpg)

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9e863f  No.9971577

File: bd2dca37f5f7173⋯.jpg (70.62 KB, 634x728, 317:364, ewwwwws.jpg)


Fuck it makes me horny thinking about LDR crying herself to sleep every night with a cocktail of xanax and vodka

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330bf8  No.9971578






The one PePe is by the crackling cauldron.

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7932dd  No.9971579

File: 588600799469bf0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1330x975, 266:195, and_ye_shall_be_as_gods.png)

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2ec93e  No.9971580

new world order. >>9971470

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84c47c  No.9971581





Aug 15, 2019

this *seems* unrelated, but John Legend was pushing online for people to elect the current Philly DA who is Soros backed, anti-cop, and is letting criminals get off easy.


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2894b1  No.9971582

File: e1f8e11b984a722⋯.png (217.7 KB, 726x480, 121:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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a45b99  No.9971583

File: d65ffc51c56a3bc⋯.png (133.74 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, CCEECC76_ECEA_4D59_A7BD_67….png)


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6d6202  No.9971584


Secret Societies call themselves " Guardians of the secrets of the ages " ,

Smithsonian hiding things makes sense in that context.

1984 = control past to control present

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46511a  No.9971585

File: 6bf40df197a3db1⋯.png (231.7 KB, 490x310, 49:31, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)


hmmmm got me to think deeply for a minute….

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d07674  No.9971586


Nice try. They're sending better shills.

But your shill fu is still weak AF.

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f74e2f  No.9971587


See? Even better reason to smoke

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7a3a76  No.9971588


marines from that burning boat would do onshore patrol duty in Thailand.

I found that an odd tidbit from a dig.

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60417b  No.9971589


spoopy. look at it upside down. the teeth look even more human but the lips look more human in the original orientation

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905b9d  No.9971590



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a0cd36  No.9971591


IIRC even was in Kathy Obrien book. Or Svengali. Can't remember which one but have read that too. Not so sure its crackpot.

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1e0cb0  No.9971592


…or one man.

I volunteer

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f2c53a  No.9971593

File: f6f1e72e4dc24cf⋯.png (48.32 KB, 463x425, 463:425, signature.png)


oh nah, i use the popcorn martian…

i don't even consider him a pepe.

but you can have him…

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11a62a  No.9971594

File: 1fab9e64780c1df⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 176x255, 176:255, fc121f7fd404d750a3b22c508c….jpg)

>>9971311 <--


With the highest respect for the aforementioned agency, what does that mean for us low IQ anons, sweetie?

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84fef5  No.9971595


photoshop isn't real anon

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11df50  No.9971597


>I forgot the crackpot part kek

The claim is that it's being more widly legalized now because Monsanto has been able to genetically modify it to no longer inhibit the MK Ultra programming

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34ad17  No.9971598

File: 6ba76cfd7e5dea7⋯.png (834.05 KB, 906x656, 453:328, winthorpe_chek_t.PNG)

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9e863f  No.9971599


The fuck race is this mongoloid bitch?

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3a1662  No.9971600

File: 5a65002766059fc⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 611x408, 611:408, 3ebmtv.jpg)

File: ee0cd0f45d1a536⋯.jpg (86.28 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 3tfo3o.jpg)

File: b0118c03f0def16⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 3tfng8.jpg)

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cc95a2  No.9971601

File: 1b576bd33d04c10⋯.jpg (253.19 KB, 1600x720, 20:9, dr2.jpg)

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a51575  No.9971602

File: 8516d3b3c8b8ec1⋯.png (448.21 KB, 797x448, 797:448, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Bird….png)


Bird on a Wire (1990)

Mel Gibson


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84fef5  No.9971603

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2ec93e  No.9971604

go to a cemetery.

18s and 19s and 17s and 20s

all over the place.

Christmas is December 25, every year. >>9971474

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5242bb  No.9971605


when did cases become the pandemic controlling narrative – fuck deaths we only care about cases

COVID19 science in 2020

wut does ai have to say about this?

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a0cd36  No.9971606


Dumbest comment I have seen in a really long time. It is all debt/fiat currency. Not real money.

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44c188  No.9971607

File: 369b9ae9e79dfe9⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 614x499, 614:499, 489pty.jpg)

Tom Arnold is a maggot.

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030d3e  No.9971608

File: 2cd08fafb390393⋯.png (218.08 KB, 480x269, 480:269, chrissy_teigen_pop_tarts.PNG)

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cae127  No.9971609



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84c47c  No.9971610

File: 1aaee11021fe27b⋯.jpg (263.28 KB, 1000x1400, 5:7, Ec5eiXwWAAEEOef.jpg)



The Classless Conservative_Official



Jul 14

Replying to


This October 2019 Vanity Fair Cover of Chrissy Teigen & John Legend reminds me of the George Magazine Cover—“Wheels Up” & “3D Chess” are phrases found in Q drops & also Dan Scavino’s tweets—The cover says it is an “Impeachment Special” & “The First Family” is also on the cover Eyes

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c7811d  No.9971611


a plantar wart?

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ed37b1  No.9971612


aneurysm for the win

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cc95a2  No.9971613

File: eddeed3be3e53d3⋯.jpg (8.98 KB, 255x230, 51:46, pepeCalvin.jpg)

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11df50  No.9971614


forgot the crackpot part



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f74e2f  No.9971615


Those fucking assholes had control of Gates Twitter?!?!

Gates & Elon must have some hot private messages

But noooo………They just pushed bitcoin

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9e863f  No.9971616

File: 18123a25be7cf9b⋯.jpg (99.07 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Ive_got_the_tapes.jpg)


But the tapes anon…

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c3d303  No.9971617

File: 569b9b6ed158c68⋯.jpg (110.02 KB, 399x472, 399:472, grammar_kitty.jpg)


Know idea?

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744f59  No.9971618



>>9971229, >>9971264, >>9971309, >>9971323 planefaggin

>>9971335 Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Discharged From Hospital, Home & "Doing Well"

>>9971294 I'm feeling generous because of Covid-19.

>>9971289 Bill Would Ban Governor’s Use Of Emergency Alert System For Policy Announcements

>>9971278, >>9971282 Nick Cannon touts grooming by Nickelodeon and the love of Jews

>>9971275 White House officials alleged Vindman created hostile work environment after impeachment testimony

>>9971260 University’s Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism

>>9971232 The struggle of the politically correct to control people/Brazil

>>9971210, >>9971230 Cabal foundational who's who listing

>>9971208 Chrissy Teigen Blocks 1M Twitter Accounts Accusing Her of Association with Epstein

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906e4b  No.9971619

File: 4c3e90c5608f76e⋯.png (132.69 KB, 969x620, 969:620, Img_1594846071123.png)

File: 490524ed8eef981⋯.png (137.5 KB, 720x371, 720:371, Cupace20200714124730.png)

File: f791b9184be4f95⋯.png (377.43 KB, 720x1294, 360:647, Img_1594492294847.png)

File: 34e79d605840333⋯.png (351.96 KB, 1193x648, 1193:648, Img_1590524948161.png)

File: 7d27dbbaa22b789⋯.png (301.03 KB, 1077x632, 1077:632, Img_1593528285305.png)

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f88afe  No.9971620

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe_wizard.png)

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a45b99  No.9971621

File: 18790e45e0f056c⋯.png (142.36 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 8191AB1C_C3D6_45AF_91DF_EA….png)


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353ae0  No.9971622

File: 5f087be99fa56fe⋯.png (857.86 KB, 724x855, 724:855, 4561187863206532.png)

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f2c53a  No.9971623

File: fabf3990ffcf9b6⋯.png (620.26 KB, 553x683, 553:683, you_wish_you_had_my_life.png)

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45bbb7  No.9971624


I always wondered about this:


LA-Tokyo flight turns back after passenger 'boards with wrong ticket'

27 December 2017

A Tokyo-bound flight carrying the model Chrissy Teigen and her musician husband John Legend turned back to LA after someone reportedly boarded in error.

According to Ms Teigen, the passenger boarded at LAX airport with a ticket for a different airline, although this was not confirmed by authorities.

The plane turned back four hours into the flight, over the Pacific Ocean.

The airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), said only that there had been a problem with a customer's "flight arrangement".

Etc. etc.

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84fef5  No.9971625

>Dumbest comment I have seen in a really long time. It is all debt/fiat currency. Not real money.


see >>9971606, anon.

>>9971563 is spot on.

But when the masses can't think beyond >>9971606, they lose the privileges of liberty.

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000000  No.9971626


Without jews we wouldn't have to be constantly navigating lies, always working in reverse. They stifle the progress of their hosts by inserting inane narratives into the public discord while they have already previously positioned themselves at the flow points to receive the spoils of their created conflicts.

They do this, then have the balls to come here and tell us we aren't actually seeing what lies (pun intended) right in front of our face.

I have not a single ounce of sympathy for them and will rejoice the day the world decides to follow in the stops of the 109 previous countries that have ejected them from their ranks.

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46511a  No.9971627


Thai, and its not a woman, its a lady BOY, biological male, and John Legend is Female, its just cabal gender inversion at work, most of Hollywood is the opposite sex etc…

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3efc1e  No.9971628


That is a filthy fucking lie.

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a177db  No.9971629


It means that SSL keys do not lock anything, because the NSA can unlock all of them, starting at the very first copy ever made.

That is how they can get into computers and change/delete/steal/screencap shit.

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a0cd36  No.9971630


What a weak ass cut. Slice that shit satan girl.

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7a3a76  No.9971631

If any of Biden's delegates are Antifa, will they be released in time to do a vote for him, I suppose as a remote convention. Will the convention members be able to stream their votes from GITMO?

I'm kidding, I know no one has an answer to that question for real.

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449a07  No.9971632

File: a2f01cd8eb377ba⋯.png (74.72 KB, 1052x418, 526:209, FSVS1.png)

File: 1e4a5e8d22ffc3f⋯.png (548.5 KB, 1576x1452, 394:363, FSVSAOG1.png)

File: 4ff39422c70bbd8⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AJ432.jpg)

File: 91a1da197ab216b⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1728x1456, 108:91, ajfscombo2.png)

File: 0330687cf7fdc61⋯.png (4.69 MB, 6728x5936, 841:742, AJTRIXXTRAITORA.png)


P = PAYSEUR anon!

It has been confirmed by Q reposting an anon asking that exact question!

That is all the proof we need anon!

Would an Anti Semite, "Army of God", Multiple Felon who Alex Jones devoted entire shows to him and his amazing Book, lie to us?

The truth is right in our faces, anon!

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cc95a2  No.9971633

File: 556229a5c5276ab⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 255x246, 85:82, pepeStare.jpg)

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9e863f  No.9971634


Very true words

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2f04fc  No.9971635


Don’t think a lot of these police “limitations” are legal

Cops were given moar power by homeland security after 9-11.

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923aca  No.9971636





<IDEN previous posts

Thanks for exposing yourself~

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2ec93e  No.9971637

she is for sale. >>9971496

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9bc836  No.9971638

File: 6d034eabcba0ae8⋯.jpg (586.1 KB, 810x2024, 405:1012, 20200715_145346.jpg)

<inb4 [nagr]dotorg

have an petition


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46511a  No.9971639

File: 193fcde813fc8f3⋯.png (308.18 KB, 491x535, 491:535, Screen_Shot_2020_07_01_at_….png)

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3d71fa  No.9971640




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11df50  No.9971641


also in the case that it's not crackpot and is accurate I fortunately have seeds saved from the mid 90's waiting to be planted once my state decides to legalize

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ed0921  No.9971642

File: a044b0d269b8572⋯.png (144.99 KB, 586x463, 586:463, 2550DAYS.png)


2,550 days EXACTLY


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d83610  No.9971643


>contains a 32 character hexadecimal number

So, 128-bit key? Seems pretty low energy. Only

takes a few seconds on a modern computer to bust one of those.

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754fad  No.9971644

File: 39065800e2f6d74⋯.png (34.72 KB, 741x566, 741:566, ClipboardImage.png)

It’s why Big Tech is watching you: How you spend your money reveals parts of your personality, and vice versa

Studies show that the way people spend their money can reveal some aspects of their personality, and it’s only a matter of time before corporations and governments take advantage of this fact to further their own agendas.

Researchers from University College London and Columbia University analyzed the spending of more than 2,000 UK consumers who had agreed to share their financial data for the analysis.

They looked at more than 2 million spending records, analyzing the purchases people made at supermarkets and places like Amazon. Their spending was broken down into categories such as cafés, furniture stores, online retailers, insurance policies and supermarkets.

The participants also completed personality tests that assessed them on the big five personality traits of neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion and openness to experience. The researchers then applied a machine learning technique to explore how people’s spending habits aligned with those traits. Their findings were published in the journal Psychological Science.

The scientists discovered that not every trait had a direct correlation with spending, but some narrower traits such as self-control and materialism had strong matches.

For example, people who are more open to experience had a tendency to spend more money on flights. Consumers who are considered more agreeable tended to donate more money to charity, while more materialistic consumers spent less on donations and more on luxuries like jewelry. Those who are extroverted made more drinking and dining purchases, and conscientious consumers put more money into savings.

People who were categorized as being neurotic, which means they had greater anxiety and worries, generally had lower mortgage payments. That could be because such personalities tend to have greater concerns about overextending themselves financially. Meanwhile, those who had greater self-control spent less money in bank fees.

The authors of the study said that their predictions were consistent across age ranges and salary brackets. There was only one exception: People who lived in poor areas were more difficult to predict. That may be because when money is tight, people have fewer choices when it comes to spending it in ways that may express their personality.


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84fef5  No.9971645




horry sheet, nevermind, yer both fucking clueless tools who couldn't generate an original thought with a fucking machine.

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cae127  No.9971646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THX-1138 is upon us

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6d6202  No.9971647


Watch the water. = ( or, other methods of 'control' )

Some two million Americans lack consistent access to clean tap water.


having water will be raycisss ,soon

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9e863f  No.9971648

File: 2b606fbd67567b6⋯.jpg (59.18 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 46ebwvt4afn6b.jpg)


>John Legend is Female

Surely you can't be serious

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a177db  No.9971649



>That is how they can get into computers and change/delete/steal/screencap shit.

Because that is what @Snowden gave to the NSA. to save himself.

that's why he didn't get the needle. He's still fighting for his life.

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2ec93e  No.9971650

new world order. >>9971501

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46511a  No.9971651

File: 70fe535f06935f1⋯.png (118.05 KB, 301x224, 43:32, Screen_Shot_2020_07_06_at_….png)

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3d2bb3  No.9971652

File: e573d337cdadcab⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 614x484, 307:242, 489gwm_1.jpg)



Deep web cloud is where all the information on the world elites is store….

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ed37b1  No.9971653


Rose parade cancelled…

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f88afe  No.9971654


Nothing I can say anon.

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0adb50  No.9971655


St. Barth's Law: People who want to parade around naked are always the last ones who should

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feb535  No.9971656

File: 7c57ed64544ae8b⋯.jpg (551.68 KB, 720x1086, 120:181, 20200406_195047.jpg)



Any NorthCarolinanons in here.

Pic rel at border of ashe and watauga counties.

Could be nothin'.


Could be somethin'.

Sure is interdasting that the satellite image doesn't line up with the road map tho. That could really mess up a self driving car.

>things that make you go hmmmm…

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000000  No.9971657


I wonder if it's for the same reason they didn't put Ehud Barak in notables when proof showed up he was leading a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel. Just wondering though.

CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition

FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.

>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak

>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs

>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing


>>9971471 (pb) Alex Jones attempts to discredit Wayfair digs with yesterdays shilling

>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.

>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup

>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)

>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island

>>9970176 (pb) ‘Centrists’ Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against ‘Cultural Marxism’

>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times

>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD

>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster

>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13

>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company

>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)

>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)

>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan

>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean

>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell

>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State Media puts out a Q video.

>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?

>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of “an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy

>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department

>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting

>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name

Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up

Yesterday >>9968076

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ad4c6f  No.9971658


Have you seen johns tits?

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a45b99  No.9971659

File: 9eae37cc0c8b3ad⋯.png (324.55 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, A0D382F0_325B_4162_ADA6_4A….png)


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78f719  No.9971660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


















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84c47c  No.9971661

>>9971624 THIS was a huge dig the night it happened old fags remember it all plane fags were hot that night

>>9971610 Something is def up with this family that God Q teams is on them






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46511a  No.9971662


nope, not kidding at all alot of surgery hormones and shit since birth in the dumbs , deep underground military bases.

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449a07  No.9971663

File: a29d2b5c9d7acd3⋯.png (13.08 KB, 796x638, 398:319, Q_714_LAST_P.png)

File: 8501113fa2267ba⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1888x2448, 118:153, CATHINACT2.png)


Cog Dis level 10 initiated, Sir!

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55f005  No.9971664



Change.org petition to recall Roy "Pussy-face" McCrory. Does anyone know if there is a REAL petition circulating somewhere? You know …. paper and ink, registered with Election Commission or whoever?

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34ad17  No.9971665

File: c934af941b66820⋯.png (386.65 KB, 1090x564, 545:282, 82_8000_and_92_9000_USAF_V….PNG)

92-9000 USAF VIP 747 departing Dobbins ARB with 82-8000 USAF VIP 747 out from Atlanta Int'l ne back to JBA

KOMODO4 USAF Joint Stars and MAGMA88 (from it's Ft. Bragg departure)just to the se of them both

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2ec93e  No.9971666

cool images.

too bad the subject therein referenced began lifetimes ago. >>9971507

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47b8ee  No.9971667

File: a7828a60b3c62de⋯.png (327.06 KB, 340x377, 340:377, hrc1015.PNG)


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58f436  No.9971668


Just in time for mosquito season!

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3485aa  No.9971669

File: 3a0c3c37d3102db⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3104x2400, 97:75, wayfair_fed.jpg)

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a177db  No.9971670


so… ALL of the state level players have the keys.

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c3d303  No.9971671

File: 2797c13de2c6125⋯.png (548.72 KB, 556x449, 556:449, alex_it.png)

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2f04fc  No.9971672


Nothing is secure on the web…

Hell they was reading your hard drive way back in 1990

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3d71fa  No.9971673


I'm actually starting to agree with you. This is blatant censorship of something related to Q, Human trafficking, and MOS that baker is ignoring.

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9e863f  No.9971674

File: 03b6a0b54536177⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 768x480, 8:5, 000_14G2H9_e1525112038568.jpg)


We keep all the blackmail on laserdisc, goy!

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683509  No.9971675

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, TGA_Episode_46.jpg)

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754fad  No.9971676

File: f32d56ce3abcc03⋯.png (221.16 KB, 686x897, 686:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a34ab29493ca2⋯.png (571.97 KB, 675x879, 225:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f51af774032c2de⋯.png (577.65 KB, 681x908, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b00555b6564f18a⋯.png (54.85 KB, 687x870, 229:290, ClipboardImage.png)

Rising sea levels will spark 'extraordinary' coastal flooding in the US with some areas experiencing six days of high tides by 2021, experts warn


Rerun of this old chestnut

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95906d  No.9971677


That makes sense. They have definitely altered it for some nefarious purpose.

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2eae46  No.9971678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This is just the start.

172,104 Sealed Indictments'

Many many many Criminal Jews will be arrested, prosecuted and convicted once these are Unsealed.'

*Our entire nation will KNOW about MASSIVE Jewish Cabal Organized Crimes against Americans.


THIS will truly be the Great Awakening.


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927400  No.9971679

File: 887a0b596588936⋯.png (196.93 KB, 426x212, 213:106, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: b467a874a21af56⋯.png (773.8 KB, 898x631, 898:631, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: c1af351d7eac402⋯.png (144.5 KB, 427x285, 427:285, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: 1574971fc5711e9⋯.png (71.94 KB, 1165x303, 1165:303, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

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f2c53a  No.9971680

File: d51218b88a70c6f⋯.png (378.71 KB, 506x527, 506:527, doggo.png)


'exposing' myself?

dude, you've had my facebook URL memorized for like 4 months now… but thanks for playing.

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11df50  No.9971681


agreed anon

been tokin' since 94'

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f18fc5  No.9971682


Hopefully they're entertained! That's a lot of reading to do.

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064698  No.9971683


id only add that after 109 expulsions it is clear they do not work…God commanded us to destroy them in the book of Joshua lest they become thorns in our side. Some were shown mercy, a few enslaved, and look where we are thousands of years later???

if God sais to do something, might wanna listen.

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7a3a76  No.9971684


you sickly divide the phrases to leave is statements delimited by time codes that are intentinally creepy.

you are not a good person.

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9e863f  No.9971685

File: 10b576b81895eb9⋯.png (201.26 KB, 529x469, 529:469, But_my_legacy.png)


No….now I'm scared

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ad4c6f  No.9971686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“Put to death”

Where have I heard that before?

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f74e2f  No.9971687



That's why when I order stuff, I add random shit to my order.

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f88afe  No.9971688

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3d2bb3  No.9971689




Encryption hash is the key everything is scrambled.

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2f04fc  No.9971690


Triggered much?

That you Don Jr.

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9e863f  No.9971691


I know most are trannies, but John Legend having a cunt is a new one to me

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c6bfb8  No.9971692

File: 4ccc04d13728a94⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 458x305, 458:305, she_makes_how_much_doing_t….jpg)

They want us behaving this way. This is no way to "just pay your way through college." I mean, she quit her job to do this crap? Where are we headed?


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754fad  No.9971693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FITTON:MASSIVE Issue: Could 1% of ballots be thrown out on Election Day! Vote by mail increases risk your vote won’t be counted!

PLUS Lindsey Graham should “invite” Obama, Biden and Clinton to testify on Obamagate.

Had another great Judicial Watch interview with Lou Dobbs:


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000000  No.9971694


Here comes the CP!

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030d3e  No.9971695

File: e7c96f60d032de5⋯.png (1.34 KB, 110x37, 110:37, notable_hebrew.PNG)

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744f59  No.9971696


if you want to note for a half I'll take it, quietly


got hit about jews right before the "break"

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e44877  No.9971697


>One hour, 42 minutes

Not trying to be a dick, but is there a cliffnotes version?

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6d6202  No.9971698





Diseases are IN the drugs.

Its in Pale Horse book

Kingsmen plot ?

wake up !

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a45b99  No.9971699

File: 1be3629bc711677⋯.png (144.57 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, F1DB84B7_E3CB_4D10_AEC0_17….png)


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565fb7  No.9971700

File: 4d9f611875d4ac8⋯.png (78.3 KB, 660x600, 11:10, pepe_smirk.png)

Funny how the shills are acting like they own this place.

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2d2521  No.9971701

File: fac6c0d7178b3eb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 960x634, 480:317, ClipboardImage.png)

MCDONALD’S MYSTERY Human corpse emitting foul stench is found on roof of McDonald’s after ‘feet seen poking out of plastic bag’

Israel Salas-Rodriguez

Jul 15 2020, 15:55 ET


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11df50  No.9971702


agreed anon!

nothing good ever comes from genetic modification of any kind

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064698  No.9971703


question: when did the NYPD chief say this and is he still around?

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9e863f  No.9971704


I hope they get every single jew motherfucker birthday

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55ebf2  No.9971705


Is this recent?

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3d71fa  No.9971706



Doc, gonna need an answer as to why you would not add Alex Jones/Infowars deliberately attempting to discredit wayfair gate digs.

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2ec93e  No.9971707

fake. >>9971542

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84c47c  No.9971708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama and Teigen and Legend

add Big Mike


John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Answer an Embarrassing Question on the Public Place They Did It

465,673 views•Feb 8, 2015


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c7811d  No.9971710


fuck religious hatred

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9e863f  No.9971711


You are literally witnessing God's Plan to teach the jews a very big lesson. The joke is that jews could learn a lesson KEK

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a51575  No.9971712

File: 512b6bf12f930f5⋯.png (223.95 KB, 392x219, 392:219, Screenshot_2020_06_07_Meme….png)

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2f04fc  No.9971713


Bullshit…you fucking kike

The dumbest thing in history is paper money…and the 1% have 90% of it…..the rich are dumb as fuck

Money is NOT a sign of intelligence

Read a Bible fag

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9c03e2  No.9971714

File: 67635ff53c80f1a⋯.png (401.2 KB, 1242x1465, 1242:1465, 9A7ABA5D_4A72_486C_87CB_F1….png)

File: 8a7c67056eecedb⋯.jpeg (375.23 KB, 1242x2090, 621:1045, C222378B_3FE6_4EDD_AC35_1….jpeg)

File: 0858cde3021fa9a⋯.jpeg (706.46 KB, 1340x1480, 67:74, 9D21C534_0001_463A_A87D_8….jpeg)

File: 006f5d3f9049d6a⋯.png (385.92 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 87B59ED5_8888_4D7B_BB18_D3….png)

File: ac000f9801d53ed⋯.png (364.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 59CAC166_DEE3_4A98_802A_BA….png)

Digging on Gislaine Maxwell:

Have records from FamilySearch.com pics related.

-Sept 27, 1993 Married a Clark in Osceola, Florida

(2 records show, name mixed up in 1)

- found. James H Clark Billionaire, married 4 times. Can only find info on current wife, model Chrissy Heinze from Australia

Clark co-founded Netscape In Silicon Valley in 1994. Less than a year after possible marriage to Gislaine. He was former Navy and has many patents in his name. He looks like a C_A clown.



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f18fc5  No.9971715


That's like a cross between a Bernie Sanders and a Rothschild Banker.

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34ad17  No.9971716

File: 9ee72f6e0ddef08⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 820x627, 820:627, pepe_yeppers.jpg)



on it nb


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2d2521  No.9971717

File: 96bbed646615d64⋯.png (595.87 KB, 739x836, 739:836, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Gates, Elon Musk Twitter Accounts Hacked In "Nigerian" Bitcoin Scam, Over $53,000 Stolen


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d13971  No.9971718

File: bc062ca6c47bf6c⋯.png (318.98 KB, 598x669, 598:669, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Veri….png)

File: 5d20c4052991029⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 320x568, 40:71, GNcOSry_9EF8wgwb.mp4)

Man not allowed to step outside, even after 7 days..”It’s only safe in your house.”..People being treated like prisoners in their own homes..Our homes will be turned into prisons..This is coming our way..#melbournelockdown #Australia #COVID19 #hoax


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ad4c6f  No.9971719


Stop lying nigger

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18834b  No.9971720


Well, time for the "niggers out now" campaign before it costs us big money.


With COVID tanking the economy, no tax revenues and everyone struggling to live - #NON We just can't afford stupid anymore.

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bdf439  No.9971721


Don't click that shit!

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a0cd36  No.9971722


Definitely a fun night.

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11df50  No.9971723


>drugs are man made

non gmo cannabis is not a drug

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754fad  No.9971724

File: a90c9ab5547c44f⋯.png (46.33 KB, 710x717, 710:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce317bef6ffd3aa⋯.png (38.42 KB, 714x627, 238:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Rabbi injured in Poway synagogue shooting pleads guilty to tax fraud charge

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein gained worldwide fame after the attack on Chabad of Poway in April 2019

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who one year ago had part of his hand shot off in a lethal attack by a gunman at the Poway synagogue he founded and received an outpouring of support that included meeting President Donald Trump, pleaded guilty to federal charges of tax fraud and wire fraud Tuesday.

Goldstein, 58, pleaded guilty to his role in several long-running, multimillion-dollar schemes involving tax, real estate, insurance and grant frauds, some of which stretched back to the 1980s. Omar Meisel, the acting head of the FBI in San Diego, said the investigation uncovered $18 million in “complex financial schemes” by Goldstein and co-defendants, with the rabbi “at the center of illegal activity” that went on for years.

One such scheme, known as the “90-10" fraud, had donors make large contributions to Chabad of Poway but then secretly get most of the money back. Typically, Goldstein would keep 10 percent — then funnel the remaining 90 percent back to the donor, according to a charging document unsealed in San Diego federal court Tuesday.

With a charitable giving receipt on Chabad letterhead, the donor could then claim a large charitable contribution on their taxes, though he or she had only put out a fraction of the claimed amount. The conspiracy netted at least $6.2 million in fraudulent donations from 12 taxpayers, resulting in tax losses to the IRS of at least $1.5 million, according to prosecutors.


Prosecutors say the charitable tax scheme was only one part of a more widespread effort to use the synagogue and its many connected nonprofits to illicitly raise funds and hide money, according to court documents. Goldstein personally benefited by pocketing $620,000 over the years. Prosecutors said the congregation did not benefit from the years of illegal activity by Goldstein.


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9e863f  No.9971725


He would know. He pays them. The Cuntons

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000000  No.9971726


Its a girl with duct tape on her face and "SICK" written across it.

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2d2521  No.9971727




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a12f27  No.9971728


Whoa whoa hold up he might just be copy pasting the transcript, pretty sure you can get a copy-pastable transcript off a YouTube video based on the captioning, hence why it's auto-timecoded like that.

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804e0b  No.9971729

Lou Dobbs jumping on the vaccine train.

Fuck you, too

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f74e2f  No.9971730


Stolen is a stretch.

people WILLINGLY sent money

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e44877  No.9971731



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8ce42b  No.9971732


I really wish I knew who you were.

I know when you come on here, the shills go ballistic.

It's fun to watch. Keep fighting the good fight Anon.

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449a07  No.9971733

File: 59f3537021c5dff⋯.png (742.06 KB, 584x1554, 292:777, 1413.png)


Yeah sure, here ya go! [P] = Payseur

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064698  No.9971734


Always thought the same thing. When I read "I will show them of the synagogue of satan that I have loved you, they will bow before you…" etc etc (paraphrased) it makes me wonder what on earth could ever knock any sense into these evil rats???

oh well. they get tossed into the lake of fire regardless. we'll see what happens

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121644  No.9971735

File: f04f5e11a6a6e39⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 458x305, 458:305, new_trends_happening.jpg)

I blame TikTok and Tide Pods.


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f18fc5  No.9971736


Happy to be of help.

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f88afe  No.9971737



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d05857  No.9971738

File: 5163c344822254c⋯.jpg (74.46 KB, 614x481, 614:481, Polly_1.jpg)

Chrisy Teigen, when someone deletes 28,000 emails because they are being talked about on Q Research you know she is freaking worried.

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927400  No.9971739

File: e3bd00607fa2483⋯.png (805.05 KB, 1340x403, 1340:403, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)


does it make sense to recall someone from retirement in order to retire the recalled?

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c0e82b  No.9971740


Four of the posts in that mini-bun are yours. Seems like someone has a hard on for John and Chrissy. Not saying they don't deserve it, but possibly you and everyone else already made your point?

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2ec93e  No.9971741


special place.

gone. >>9971583

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905b9d  No.9971742


are you nuts?

The banks gamble 20-50 times in "notional" amount on interest for the last 15 years. bailed out 45 to 60 trillion last 12 years on 785 Trillion in positions. NO ONE LOSES ON WALL STREET because one side of a transaction makes insane profits, and the other side gets money pumped into them by your "nothing wrong" central bank system.

Once capital markets implode….which is what is being delayed by the Fed and Blackrock, Wall Street will correct itself.

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a0cd36  No.9971743


Twitter is dangerous because there are a lot of people pushing fake shit. They make all the real diggs look fake too.

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a12f27  No.9971744


Bill Gates was robbed of $53,000? Over $53,000 was stolen? Updated tweet to "over $57,000" like that's a newsworthy jump? What am I missing?

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000000  No.9971745


Have I visited your home?

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a177db  No.9971746


yup. it was built right into the system from the get go.

companies that didn't play ball went by the wayside.

there was an explosion of us-based computer makers in the 80's

most of those were killed off in the early 90's . dig on tandy/radio shack for a textbook example.

The tandy color computer was set to SLAY the apple offering in the 1980s. Then suddenly the project was cancelled, and their other platform offerings were also vurtailed, and they switched to selling… cellphones?

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449a07  No.9971747

File: 62c9eea6eda46f6⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 521x368, 521:368, CN2.jpg)

File: d7fa4d6711b50d1⋯.jpg (616.6 KB, 1461x1107, 487:369, CN4.jpg)

File: 5a5844db4d00674⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 264x191, 264:191, CN8.jpg)

File: 08dd9bb7db8a1a1⋯.jpg (76.88 KB, 512x377, 512:377, CN10.jpg)

File: a0fac5b320a9f68⋯.jpg (13.02 KB, 340x207, 340:207, CN12.jpg)


which kind?

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319993  No.9971748


just knowing some one heard is enough

thank you

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9e863f  No.9971749


They thought it ended when they killed Jesus. That merely started what will be a very long and drawn out end for these fucking rat imposters

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9d3f82  No.9971750

File: a38a29c387a5da1⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1348x606, 674:303, Ghislaine_Maxwell_PEDO.png)

File: 2469697465a9bd1⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 720x313, 720:313, KILL_THE_ROYALS.jpg)

File: 060a9d149697d46⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 634x810, 317:405, FUCKED_UP_ALLIANCE.jpg)

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ad9ad6  No.9971751

File: 58df67acaa8b3a0⋯.jpg (1017.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_708.jpg)

File: f5659baf96e6739⋯.jpg (766.88 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, IMG_709.jpg)

File: 829a147118341c6⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, IMG_710.jpg)

You Imagine Gods Light Burns Demons Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Lawful Good xo

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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7a3a76  No.9971752


fair criticism.

whoever does devide up a speech should scan it and see if anything, if said jsut by itself, without the rest, might be . . . misinterpreted as a fragment.

We all know POTUS would never say such a thing.

POTUS is awesome!

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2f04fc  No.9971753

File: 6a749bbbc825f52⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1632x1080, 68:45, 5FACD4F5_3F31_4C6E_82A1_54….png)

Haha……government was was watching you the whole time

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064698  No.9971754


yeah i just hate the idea of innocent whites being killed along the way…

this is a truly terrible world.

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6d6202  No.9971755


did YOU grow it ?

if not then …………

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9e863f  No.9971756


God help me if the Vrill tech is real

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78f719  No.9971757


Trump receives update on effort to defeat MS-13 in the US

69,429 views•Streamed live 4 hours ago


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565fb7  No.9971758



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9c27a2  No.9971759

File: 0aa828c33fb7c4a⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1464x1360, 183:170, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



This is brilliant.


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11df50  No.9971760


>invokes 5th amendment

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cc95a2  No.9971761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f88afe  No.9971762


Of course. I will pray.

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9e863f  No.9971763


A lot of innocents are dying because of the Cabal. They are literally the membrane holding us back from a true open future

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cc95a2  No.9971764

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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d05857  No.9971765

File: d889e618ace8cbb⋯.jpeg (170.07 KB, 1080x883, 1080:883, Screenshot_20200715_12073….JPEG)


Chrisy Teigen, when someone deletes 28,000 Twitter posts because they are being talked about on Q Research you know she is freaking worried.

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cae127  No.9971766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIBOR- entering the end game






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55f005  No.9971767


"It's up to parents and kids to have conversations about that, that’s how we start to breakdown archaic thinking," said Donaghy.

Actually, it's how to force the views of a small number of people down the throats of a large number of people.

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dc0965  No.9971768

File: 1e9ca9c3061f41f⋯.png (176.03 KB, 966x755, 966:755, Maxwell_sisters_software_b….png)

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744bd2  No.9971769

File: 4cf51347cf61562⋯.png (18.88 KB, 594x352, 27:16, 65436453654.PNG)

A lot of people giving bitcoin away.


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449a07  No.9971770

File: 1236424adf43b5b⋯.png (390.37 KB, 1156x926, 578:463, 11125.png)

File: 87de832e24cf3af⋯.png (488.31 KB, 986x864, 493:432, 11118.png)

File: aa18a2df12eb7e3⋯.png (391.37 KB, 682x888, 341:444, 11126.png)

File: 11a5b01fea4c988⋯.png (62.4 KB, 1116x272, 279:68, 07082020cm2.png)

File: 7aa7b15f251d8f7⋯.png (270.29 KB, 853x480, 853:480, 7aa7b15f251d8f7f91a8967a36….png)


OMG really anon!

Them damned Jews!

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426ba5  No.9971771

File: 2dd5e585c83acee⋯.png (44.01 KB, 431x306, 431:306, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

now YEs account


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d13971  No.9971772

File: daaed3cee2ac50c⋯.png (288.97 KB, 598x447, 598:447, Screenshot_2020_07_15_Veri….png)

File: 143c7f1d7661097⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 480x270, 16:9, vfNGUYP09qG5WFGJ.mp4)

DOOR TO DOOR TESTING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM..They will start to force their way into your home soon enough..wake up sheep..this is headed our way..Forced Vaccines, Forced #NewWorldOrder



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49b98d  No.9971773

File: 032db206550877f⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpeg)

postulating that the 10-days of darkness was to be from arrest to being sprung but the judge got instructed to shock everyone and deny bail…ergo throwing the 10-days of darkness off now ; ok, i will just shut the door on myself ; thanx

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869f6a  No.9971774

File: d916dbea7e50f84⋯.jpg (62.22 KB, 615x723, 205:241, what_did_they_do_to_it.jpg)

What did they do to it?


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33bfa3  No.9971775


There really haven't been that many comments here so far that were dumber - and I've been there from the beginning.

You must be a newfag, and on top of that one of the absolutely stupidest and most ignorant kind.

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152c99  No.9971776


It's not fair. The 1000 should have become the basis for all modern PCs. The 3 channel PSG should have become standard, at least.

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46511a  No.9971777

File: 552a70200c626db⋯.png (662.89 KB, 900x1600, 9:16, Ec_80iPXgAAxIJA.png)


New York State Police to pull out of NYC basically a fuck you to Dill BullBullshittio

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683509  No.9971778





'Voters Oppose Reopening of Schools

Things that make you go HMM.

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f18fc5  No.9971779


They are coming in fast and furious.

2020 Head Of The Charles Regatta Will Not Be Held In Person. BOSTON (CBS) – The Head of the Charles will not be held this fall due to the coronavirus pandemic. This marks only the second time in 55 years the two-day regatta has been canceled. The event was scheduled for October.

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a45b99  No.9971780

File: 68e45a9ead3a9db⋯.png (128.41 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 82AF155C_B830_47DB_8D2B_AD….png)


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030d3e  No.9971781

File: 275fe672f6a444e⋯.png (33.28 KB, 1046x433, 1046:433, melania_visit_to_engine_co….PNG)

Today, First Lady Melania Trump made an unannounced visit to Engine Company 9 fire station in Washington, D.C. to deliver a donation of boxed lunches prepared by the White House chefs, Be Best tote bags, reusable face masks and hand sanitizer. The First Lady met with firefighters and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel from Engine Company 9 and policemen and women from the neighboring DC Metropolitan Police Department Third District.

Engine Company 9 in 4th Battalion, which includes Ward One, is an emergency response and life-saving fire station that works to promote health and safety in the Nation’s Capital. The DC Metropolitan Police Department Third District serves the historic U-Street corridor area and is a highly visited, commercial and residential section of the capital well known for its ethnic and cultural diversity. The Third District aims to protect and serve, and works hard to build a safer and stronger connection between neighbors, police and the community.

During the unannounced visit, the First Lady handed out boxed lunches and spent time engaging in conversation about daily work life, challenges they have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the strength and resiliency of their communities.

“I appreciated today’s opportunity to give my thanks to some of D.C.’s bravest and finest. The President and I will continue to support our dedicated firefighters, police members, EMS personnel and other critical first responders who put their lives at risk each day in order to keep our neighborhoods safe. We are grateful for their teamwork, professionalism and courage, and the vital role they play in communities throughout the country.”


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a177db  No.9971782



I waas anticipating tandy's answer to apple with a 68000 offering that was billed as the coco 4.

Tandy was going afte apple AND ibm, with the 1000 offering. iirc.

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c0e82b  No.9971783



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8ce42b  No.9971784


Looks like he got hacked.

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f88afe  No.9971785


Only NOTABLE, so anons are aware and can spread.

Now starting on Ye's account.>>9971769

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eefcc7  No.9971786




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2eae46  No.9971787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for decades, Anasiakis worm infection is epidemic in Japan because they eat raw fish.

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a51575  No.9971788

File: ab6fb7d71e19e81⋯.png (398.31 KB, 535x591, 535:591, Screenshot_2020_07_15_The_….png)

very organic…


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58f436  No.9971789


That is every parents worst nightmare. You can talk u til you’re blue about predators. I will pray for her and family.

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1742d1  No.9971790

File: 338b5d018c4284f⋯.jpg (329.36 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20200715_170548….jpg)

File: da1a9b3ed5481ae⋯.jpg (153.49 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20200715_170644….jpg)

Marker (9)?


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c3d303  No.9971791

File: 225a04b25bbf584⋯.png (729.81 KB, 671x542, 671:542, alex_gorilla.png)

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f18fc5  No.9971792


BTW - not held in person means this.

Instead, participants will be able to compete by racing the 4,702 meter course on their own body of water, or on an ergometer.

Whats next. You can have sex. But not held in person.

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9cc306  No.9971793

File: 8932c3b0cbd6584⋯.jpeg (155.68 KB, 1080x862, 540:431, Scoojj_1.JPEG)


You'd be a fool to underestimate Ghislaine Maxwell she's a female James Bond.

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46511a  No.9971794


possibly of some note: account or otherwise lukewarm importance, the movie Escape from New York is becoming a reality, just need Snake Pliskin… and we are all set

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744f59  No.9971795



>>9971229, >>9971264, >>9971309, >>9971323, >>9971402 planefaggin

>>9971557 @ARCYBER @USArmy looks to better attract gaming industry for training simulations

>>9971542 Chrissy and John have a home in Thailand.

>>9971490 Freedom of Assembly, Free Speech, and Free Press State Dept

>>9971471 And now we know for a fact infowars is controlled opposition/anons are saying old news, welcome to 2007/baker harrassment on subject beware of who you follow

>>9971444 The statue of British slave trader Edward Colston torn down by Black Lives Matter protesters has finally gotten worthy replacement.

>>9971394 Black Lives Matter Activist Shoots Police Officer Dead in Washington State — Media Ignores Story

>>9971374 Head of Jehovah's Witnesses cell in Siberian city detained on extremism charges

>>9971358 A taxpayer-funded museum in Washington D.C. says on its website that objective thinking, self-reliance and planning for the future are among the signs of whiteness

>>9971335 Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Discharged From Hospital, Home & "Doing Well"

>>9971294, >>9971525 I'm feeling generous because of Covid-19., twat hacked

>>9971289 Bill Would Ban Governor’s Use Of Emergency Alert System For Policy Announcements

>>9971278, >>9971282 Nick Cannon touts grooming by Nickelodeon and the love of Jews

>>9971275 White House officials alleged Vindman created hostile work environment after impeachment testimony

>>9971260 University’s Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism

>>9971232 The struggle of the politically correct to control people/Brazil

>>9971210, >>9971230 Cabal foundational who's who listing

>>9971208 Chrissy Teigen Blocks 1M Twitter Accounts Accusing Her of Association with Epstein

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f74e2f  No.9971796


They hacked HUGE accounts, but won't post their private chats?! fucking retards

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f1bd8c  No.9971797

File: 9bfd0980e986c0a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: d090b5016d944b4⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 5e7130a4f110cc4⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 1c8ae6d6378a15a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 1be5a4578ae9c3a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)



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a177db  No.9971798


>apple AND ibm, with the 1000 offering. iirc.

meant to say:

apple AND ibm, with the coco4 + 1000 offering. iirc

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a45b99  No.9971799

File: 776577a7cd84a02⋯.png (122.47 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E440D598_98DD_4942_BD4F_01….png)


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449a07  No.9971800

File: 939e133f24c0308⋯.png (513.05 KB, 916x896, 229:224, 00000potusglobalinsex.png)

File: 422539f92043d4d⋯.png (471.65 KB, 950x924, 475:462, 00000potusglobalinsex2.png)

File: 1e4df5237956cfa⋯.png (648.89 KB, 1224x832, 153:104, 00000potusglobalinsex3.png)

File: 17ec69f70317792⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, 000012.jpg)



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273334  No.9971801

File: 81739fcf9ac0a42⋯.png (215.97 KB, 722x709, 722:709, ClipboardImage.png)

James Woods


I bet @Target loves this…


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49b98d  No.9971802


like the guy they said took the amish girl but they can't find her but have him….weird

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f00a2e  No.9971803


one of the best.

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6d6202  No.9971804


They said " It cant happen here "

Hello, we're from central services do you have your form 27B stroke 6 ?

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0a6241  No.9971805


Haha what a bunch of idiots

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378fd1  No.9971806

File: fd654541230955e⋯.jpg (349.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200715_135910.jpg)

File: 9b5960e7dae417d⋯.jpg (333.6 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200715_135905.jpg)

File: c6a1ebcefa3e49f⋯.jpg (287.83 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200715_135850.jpg)

File: bceb40bac7a55fc⋯.jpg (344.72 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200715_135844.jpg)

File: 93de59ec8adc3d1⋯.jpg (209.65 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200715_140031.jpg)

Clinton Obama C_A acolyte

Kareem Abdul Jabaar and jews



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76be4f  No.9971807

File: 5de1f16157d9d37⋯.png (38.07 KB, 445x446, 445:446, ClipboardImage.png)

>Martial law is cooming

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ed5992  No.9971808

File: 6181fa125778f59⋯.png (201.43 KB, 495x395, 99:79, Fuckery_afoot.png)


>Looks like he got hacked.

Somebody is telling us they've got the goods on Gates, Elon, and Ye.

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a99eab  No.9971809

File: 14cd3cc203f5475⋯.jpg (223.1 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Chelsea_Soros.jpg)

File: a49a43d5cab438e⋯.jpg (203.65 KB, 1024x555, 1024:555, SorosClinton_ChelseaMezvin….jpg)

File: 1a132265d6a056d⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 608x353, 608:353, Clinton_Mezvinsky1.jpg)


Of course it's true.

Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 13 Jan 2018 22:51:16 No.14


Mezvinsky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and grew up attending a Conservative Jewish synagogue.[2] His parents are both former Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives. His father is Edward Mezvinsky (b. 1937), who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams, and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.[3][4][5] His mother is Marjorie Margolies (b. 1942), who was a TV reporter and represented Pennsylvania's 13th District from 1993 to 1995. They declared bankruptcy shortly before Mezvinsky's conviction, and divorced.[6]



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f1bd8c  No.9971810

File: 1c8e21a87181576⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 80f9fbb5aef0f67⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: aac9c46bf41d028⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: b0993a593eb0e0c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 85148519dd14cfe⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

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45bbb7  No.9971811


So I went to the link and read the story, and at the bottom was a link to this story:

Updating Your MMR Vaccine Might Help Fight COVID. Here's How.

MMR vaccine didn't even exist when I was young. Instead, I actually had M, M, and R. (Measles, mumps, rubella) Does that mean I'm immune to COVID?

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9c03e2  No.9971812

File: f950f1eab026ba1⋯.png (693.94 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7224BEF3_CCD0_46B5_99EF_06….png)

File: 00b7518771cfcb0⋯.png (690.7 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 739A7357_84EB_4BA9_8020_AB….png)


Possibly Gislaine Maxwell Craigie Residences from FamilySearch.com. Must have a membership to view directly.

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426ba5  No.9971813

File: 75a5cfe48c0dfcb⋯.png (32.36 KB, 413x220, 413:220, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



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bfa778  No.9971814

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f1bd8c  No.9971815

File: 22669de4b4f2aa0⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 9dd0b5949dfb87c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: b1fdd831d2a697c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)

File: 63ac5ce78914431⋯.png (2.54 MB, 576x1536, 3:8, John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….png)


dats it

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927400  No.9971816

File: ce09e365fce9869⋯.png (95.26 KB, 696x625, 696:625, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: e4c91ad0801621b⋯.png (232.16 KB, 612x396, 17:11, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: a42d770c884a532⋯.png (346.47 KB, 630x435, 42:29, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)

File: 52cd5197d0865ac⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 350x196, 25:14, dFive.gif)




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f67db1  No.9971817

She didn't have ex Brit special forces protecting her because she was afraid of the FBI.


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000000  No.9971818


>a dead end ip

No such thing

can you give us the IP?

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313682  No.9971819



I lost my shit @ tyler perry as big mike

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a99eab  No.9971820


There is a FAQ in the Warroom that might help.


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449a07  No.9971821

File: a8478d2102cb5c8⋯.png (24.07 KB, 848x798, 424:399, v2.png)


if we ever find that Payseur family they are going to be in big trouble!

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3d71fa  No.9971822


I knew you wouldn't let me down

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45bbb7  No.9971823


Oops, forgot link.


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a08c47  No.9971824

File: ea861a6de9d02b4⋯.png (636.35 KB, 780x539, 780:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d0e5e  No.9971825


>Somebody is telling us they've got the goods on Gates, Elon, and Ye.

Could be, or they just fell for a fishing scam.

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08749a  No.9971826

File: ae543e527aa2833⋯.png (378.07 KB, 738x613, 738:613, ClipboardImage.png)



Apple’s official Twitter account hacked in widespread cryptocurrency scam https://9to5mac.com/2020/07/15/apple-twitter-account-hacked/ by @ChanceHMiller


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a99eab  No.9971827


If we ever find out who P is they are going to be in big trouble.

The identity of P is still uncertain although many hypotheses have been developed and pushed.

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9c27a2  No.9971828

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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f2c53a  No.9971829

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, cant_stop_the_love.png)


no worries fren, 2020 is ours.

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6a64c4  No.9971830

Anyone noticing they are resting the mind control system?

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000000  No.9971831

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19bb15  No.9971832

Q bread?

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78f719  No.9971833



>he might just be copy pasting the transcript


it's copy paste although I did correct it, didn't even consider the time stamp or division of words.

I thought it significant that the statement stands alone out of context to ms13, although it is certainly intended toward them it is also directed to all child killers.

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c3d303  No.9971834

File: fc2fcd4748fd60f⋯.png (1.56 MB, 907x1214, 907:1214, mel_gibs_pc.PNG)

File: df573f82ea0459d⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 480x358, 240:179, cristo.jpg)

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449a07  No.9971835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and you know what comes next, kids….

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2ec93e  No.9971836

no coded messages here.

straightforward truth.

intelligence who? >>9971700

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927400  No.9971837

File: 2be13434a7cb20d⋯.jpg (399.5 KB, 1624x1080, 203:135, 2be13434a7cb20da5526bf3d61….jpg)

File: 5d7b4b3398cf30c⋯.png (152.46 KB, 426x234, 71:39, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



"Can it be real, the Kwisatz Haderach?"

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8ce42b  No.9971838

File: f703306c556ef4d⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index_copy_8.jpg)


That would make a lot of sense.

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449a07  No.9971839

File: 64fe5ffe5fb3c1d⋯.png (981.82 KB, 1696x1798, 848:899, v3.png)



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a45b99  No.9971840

File: e69955cd01429dd⋯.png (682.15 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 3BF5B277_25DC_497F_BB8B_CF….png)


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6294b3  No.9971841

cen·tral cast·ing


noun: central casting; plural noun: central castings

an agency or department that supplies actors for minor, usually stereotypical or generic film roles.

"Lynch is a mild, methodical guy, a bureaucrat from central casting"

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7a3a76  No.9971842


no harm no fowl.

sorry I just didn't want to even imagine that as a phrase.

I tend to leap to the defense of POTUS, like a fool too quickly and sound like a fanboy.

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cae127  No.9971843


Very true- I cringe reading the pile on tweets with stupid silly shit and outlandish unthinking 'ideas'. Its obviously a counter measure to discredit

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a177db  No.9971845


kek, you have a facebook url?

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2ec93e  No.9971846

fake. >>9971717

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744f59  No.9971847



stretch guud yo

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a12f27  No.9971848

File: b73680d2bbeea1c⋯.png (47.87 KB, 680x380, 34:19, download_34_.png)


>fishing scam

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a99eab  No.9971849

File: 5382cbcdc35a289⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 780x520, 3:2, Mez_Soros.jpg)

File: 319c5ff0d0f1b1e⋯.jpg (275.64 KB, 1004x740, 251:185, MezvinskyWeb.jpg)

File: 06c72a468c51316⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 1102x601, 1102:601, ChelseaMezWeddingLavish.jpg)

File: e9bcc5b945650a7⋯.jpg (121.72 KB, 780x520, 3:2, Mez2.jpg)

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95396f  No.9971850


Every deep state plan includes all economies worldwide going fully digital.

End of liberty, privacy. Welcome China's social crediting system.

Gotta fight this. It's already in the works.

Just try to get some change from the store in most parts of the US.

Fed is pulling back currency already.

Nuffin from Q+ on this either.

Stay focused on some damn pedos. Don't look here - where our future lives are actually headed.

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744f59  No.9971851


>>9971229, >>9971264, >>9971309, >>9971323, >>9971402, >>9971665 planefaggin

>>9971557 @ARCYBER @USArmy looks to better attract gaming industry for training simulations

>>9971542 Chrissy and John have a home in Thailand.

>>9971490 Freedom of Assembly, Free Speech, and Free Press State Dept

>>9971471 And now we know for a fact infowars is controlled opposition/anons are saying old news, welcome to 2007/baker harrassment on subject beware of who you follow

>>9971444 The statue of British slave trader Edward Colston torn down by Black Lives Matter protesters has finally gotten worthy replacement.

>>9971394 Black Lives Matter Activist Shoots Police Officer Dead in Washington State — Media Ignores Story

>>9971374 Head of Jehovah's Witnesses cell in Siberian city detained on extremism charges

>>9971358 A taxpayer-funded museum in Washington D.C. says on its website that objective thinking, self-reliance and planning for the future are among the signs of whiteness

>>9971335 Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Discharged From Hospital, Home & "Doing Well"

>>9971294, >>9971525 I'm feeling generous because of Covid-19., twat hacked

>>9971289 Bill Would Ban Governor’s Use Of Emergency Alert System For Policy Announcements

>>9971278, >>9971282 Nick Cannon touts grooming by Nickelodeon and the love of Jews

>>9971275 White House officials alleged Vindman created hostile work environment after impeachment testimony

>>9971260 University’s Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism

>>9971232 The struggle of the politically correct to control people/Brazil

>>9971210, >>9971230 Cabal foundational who's who listing

>>9971208 Chrissy Teigen Blocks 1M Twitter Accounts Accusing Her of Association with Epstein


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2ec93e  No.9971852


new world order. >>9971718

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a9160b  No.9971853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

While Q and Company talk

This is what has actually happened….

Trust the plan.

From what I see, the plan is working perfectly to ensure the destruction of the United States.

In 4 Months….

It's Just A Mask

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f2c53a  No.9971855

File: eb5f548071f83a5⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 427x332, 427:332, thumb_up.jpg)


yup, its literally on google.

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5d0e5e  No.9971856


>Somebody is telling us they've got the goods on Gates, Elon, and Ye.


>Apple’s official Twitter account hacked in widespread cryptocurrency scam

Ok now this is getting more interesting, I could see personal accounts being a bit more lax on security, but not an official company twitter from someone like Apple. Someone on the inside? I bet they use iPhones, anyone know for sure? Could be a breach at Apple themselves.

Just a bitcoin grab or something more?

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5d2e79  No.9971857



We did these digs on July 3rd. Kek

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b953d0  No.9971858

File: 245b6ecc7ded07d⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 540x540, 1:1, faketriotfaggot.jpg)

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6d6202  No.9971859


In an amazing story today , thousands of really swell and nice people had ' criminal activity ' put onto their accounts by the bad ol' putty-tat hackers.

Twatter will be good enough to wipe everything clean.

Now over to Phil for woke news

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08749a  No.9971860

File: c2d2fa89e8ed3ee⋯.png (30.69 KB, 720x369, 80:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed5992  No.9971861

File: 32b64a66f03ed00⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 360x270, 4:3, Power_Tie_on_Twitter_The_m….mp4)

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a51575  No.9971862

File: f53692dc5ec2ddd⋯.png (284.6 KB, 535x564, 535:564, Screenshot_2020_07_15_The_….png)

Every time #RuthBaderGinsburg coughs, #Jews and Democrats gasp in fear and @realDonaldTrump dances a jig with Sen. Mitch McConnell.




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8ce42b  No.9971863

File: 0df8f729c928111⋯.jpg (34.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4iHdZ_tc_400x400.jpg)


Love you Anon.

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c73d40  No.9971864

Rumors say. Big hack ongoing.

Heads up.

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923aca  No.9971866



<Ctrl-F cc95a2

<IDEN previous posts: TYB poster, subliminal gore/satan "patriot memes" flooder, reaper poster, night shift flooder

Thanks for exposing yourself~

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905b9d  No.9971868


big mike and chrissy double teamed BHO then John Legend

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6f77f1  No.9971869


You tell us NYPost, because it's a guaranteed fact you know.

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55f005  No.9971870


Nothing a lasso and a sharp yank by a bumper can't remedy.

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51134d  No.9971871

File: 1c2f475edf9d567⋯.png (118.3 KB, 802x560, 401:280, Maxwell_Possible_Marriage_….png)

File: 2f6b3ae427ac1e1⋯.png (139.33 KB, 1901x781, 1901:781, Maxwell_Business_Edron_Inc.PNG)

File: b121599aa828bdc⋯.png (98.62 KB, 703x897, 703:897, Maxwell_Edron_Inc_Edna_Ber….PNG)

File: e2c5522e141638f⋯.png (219 KB, 813x881, 813:881, Maxwell_Craigie_Address_Ch….PNG)

File: b6ce59b91211581⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1905x762, 5:2, Maxwell_Craigie_Property_O….PNG)

Earlier notables had suggested the Ghislaine Maxwell may have married to John Robert Holman Craigie, apparently now deceased

Search of "Ghislaine Craigie" will lead you to the Georgia Corporations Division


Edron INC was started in 1995 by Edna Berkshire. March of 2019 'Ghislaine Craigie" changes the address to the company 3656 TINSLEY PL DULUTH, GA 30096 at the following link enter the address and


There are 4 properties that appear under that name. All changed hands in November of 2018 to "Ghislaine Craigie" from John Craigie

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95396f  No.9971872


Do you understand what's at stake here?

Every plan the deep state has includes fully digital currency.

We're getting there now. Just try to get change from a store in many parts of the US now.

And we hear nothing from Q or POTUS on this. Look here - at pedos, not there - where we're headed into a place of no liberty, just Chinese social credit systems.

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2518ef  No.9971873

File: 845d93043610bec⋯.jpeg (144.65 KB, 996x561, 332:187, E533157A_306E_49CC_B64C_7….jpeg)

Jesse is a media personality master at this point.

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c73d40  No.9971874


No names till all saved offline.


Archive Offline.

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46511a  No.9971876

File: e67431a98c86c73⋯.png (205.09 KB, 504x341, 504:341, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



Special Yoda Origami Person or SYOP

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df89cc  No.9971879

File: b65ad01e7487d3b⋯.png (615.09 KB, 897x500, 897:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abb62a8035a89a5⋯.png (984.79 KB, 1000x516, 250:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5548eef0898f284⋯.png (205.07 KB, 353x500, 353:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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1742d1  No.9971880



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55f005  No.9971881


If you waste your time posting that shit, what good are YOU?

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5b9d35  No.9971882

File: 820a632ca8e76fe⋯.jpg (290.36 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20200715_220550….jpg)

File: 75de8f3544b3c4f⋯.jpg (23.24 KB, 420x316, 105:79, 85ff897b45cbe7e8e0cbee6982….jpg)

Have you looked into Gelitin the weird bunch of 'artists' who did suspicious stuff before 9/11 and did that freaky giant pink rabbit on a mountain in Italy? Wtaf? My daughter just showed it to me.


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2d9e7a  No.9971883


>There really haven't been that many comments here so far that were dumber - and I've been there from the beginning.

Likely fresh from Reddit, and BASED AF

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58f436  No.9971884


Where’s that vomiting Pepe meme

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449a07  No.9971885

File: 92588ec1053c77a⋯.png (906.95 KB, 1218x1486, 609:743, AJ4.png)

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5d0e5e  No.9971886


Ok I'm thinking it's a breach at Twitter themselves.

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2ec93e  No.9971887

fake. >>9971772

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b57f52  No.9971888

How did no one comment on POTUS remarks to Attorney General Chris Carr of Georgia?

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8ce42b  No.9971889

File: c9213f073812d78⋯.png (99.48 KB, 1066x422, 533:211, musk.png)

Musk just got hit again.


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cc3441  No.9971891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Difficulties of engaging U.S. carriers, 10 min.

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6d6202  No.9971892


Holding America back with a pandemic while others catch up seems part of the plan.

world controllers as Aldous Huxley called them have always wanted to make the whole world like the third world. them on top

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a45b99  No.9971893

File: 1b969b33892f01c⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 596AFEED_67A7_496A_9AB9_7….jpeg)

File: d436f6284a502af⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, A71219AD_975B_4149_B6A6_6….jpeg)

File: f5b443be77975db⋯.png (552.19 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 0E561874_1CAF_478A_A203_EE….png)


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2518ef  No.9971894


Kanye sent this too.

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55ebf2  No.9971895


POTUS is going to get the death penalty approved for crimes against children,

Then, the arrests will happen so they can be executed.

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46511a  No.9971896


a bunch of Real Mossad Faggots, they blew up WTC and parade around as Faggots doing so called art, check out the Shit covered Penis and other lewd faggot art they do, its gross pedo shit

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683509  No.9971897


I stand on my words. We will not have school go back on time or in same format if it returns to in class setting at all until after election.

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9e863f  No.9971898

File: 1c30340b4e9a5e2⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 500x214, 250:107, a4rvyec.gif)

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744f59  No.9971899

Fresh Borg





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a177db  No.9971901


cool. found out that one of my android test handsets is eligible for a custom non-GAPPS rom… time to finally get a twatter account once I reflash that device i guess ;p

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9c27a2  No.9971902


thank you, anon.

notable post (for the keks) >>9971861




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2518ef  No.9971904

File: d9bc3478b8704b2⋯.jpeg (257.08 KB, 750x754, 375:377, F6B0FE74_CE85_4E22_ADCB_F….jpeg)

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55f005  No.9971905


Cases became the magic number as soon as deaths started receding faster than a hookers hairline.

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2d9e7a  No.9971907



God only knows how many poor children met their end in that pool.

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19bb15  No.9971908


so all jews are democrats according to jerusalem post?

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c73d40  No.9971910

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2ec93e  No.9971911

if only you knew.


>Whats next. You can have sex. But not held in person.

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0a6241  No.9971912


People are so fucking retarded sometimes.

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a177db  No.9971913


kek.. keep whining.

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19bb15  No.9971915

kanye and musk being targetted for hurting joe bidan's chances?

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9e863f  No.9971916


All liberalism comes from Talmudic Judaism. They love to admit this to your face

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4b4767  No.9971917

Logan Act violation?

DS trying to rescue mercs?

They used to have an easy go at these things, often planned and controlled via DS politics and MSM support.

Was the pay worth it?

Anyone have a take on this deal? I do not know much about the foreign relations aspect but made some assumptions that it was a DS op, and Richardon is a DS ambassador and they pulled a coup outside of Potus consent, with one goal of their benefit, or to hurt Potus some way.

Shadow Gov of US in alignment with DS Cabal?

Former New Mexico Governor Meets With Maduro, Seeking To Free Detained US Mercenaries

The Grayzone has confirmed that former US ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson traveled to Venezuela on Monday, July 13, following conversations with the families of former Green Beret soldiers Luke Denman and Airan Berry. Venezuelan authorities detained Berry and Denman on May 4, after they participated in a failed mercenary invasion of Venezuela with the stated goal of kidnapping the country’s elected president, Nicolas Maduro.

Mark Denman, the younger brother of the detained mercenary Luke Denman, told The Grayzone that Richardson had agreed to help his family after the US Department of State failed to offer assistance. Denman said the FBI had contacted his family, but only to advance its apparent criminal investigation into the ringleader of the botched mercenary invasion, Silvercorp CEO Jordan Goudreau.

“Richardson is not a government official, he’s a private individual right now and so I’m glad he agreed to help us out,” Mark Denman told The Grayzone.

According to Denman, Luke’s girlfriend “reached out to [The Richardson Center] and got them involved and they agreed to help. We formally asked them to help out and they said that they would love to.”

It is unclear whether the families of other US citizens charged with crimes in Venezuela, such as the Citgo 6, have also reached out to Richardson.

Denman said his older brother’s girlfriend had learned about The Richardson Center after reading about Governor Richardson’s successful effort to free a US Navy Veteran held in Iran this past June. Richardson has previously led successful missions to free US prisoners in North Korea and Iran, including in the high-profile cases of college student Otto Warmbier and journalist Laura Ling. His efforts earned him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019.

“I was glad to see this tweet today, everyone was sending it to me, to see that they are traveling and all,” Denman said, referring to The Richardson Center’s announcement of its latest mission on Twitter. Richardson’s effort came as the US government has failed to offer any official support to the Denman and Berry families.

“As of yet we have not had any contact with the State Department,” Denman explained to The Grayzone. He described a frustrating “Catch-22” situation in dealing with US diplomats.

“We’ve spoken with employees at the US embassy in Bogotá, who have asked us to get Luke to fill out a ‘privacy release form’ so that they can speak to us more about his situation. And I asked them how they propose I do that since technically I don’t even know where these guys [Luke and Airan] are,” Denman said.

“The employee then advised we hire an attorney in Venezuela, and I asked how they propose I do that since as far as I know there are massive efforts to shut off any method of sending money to Venezuela and attorneys want to get paid,” he stated, referencing the impact of unilateral US economic sanctions which have restricted the ability of US citizens to transfer funds to Venezuela.

“I don’t know what information they’d be able to get out anyway since they’re in Colombia and we don’t have any diplomatic ties with Venezuela right now,” Denman added.

Beyond those conversations with US officials in Bogotá, Denman said the only contact his family has had with the US government arrived through the FBI as part of what “sounded like” a criminal investigation into Jordan Goudreau, the former US Green-Beret who directed the bungled invasion of Venezuela, dubbed “Operation Gideon.”

“We’ve been talked to by the FBI a little bit. The questions they asked are revolving around Jordan and any contact we’ve had with him,” Denman said. “They’ve been very basic questions like, ‘Did we know Jordan before this? When have we talked to him? What numbers do we have for him? And if we have record of any communication between Luke and Jordan.’”

(continued w/link)


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6ca953  No.9971918


Just spit balling here.

POTUS said Witch Hunt how many times?

Where did the witch trials take place?


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1742d1  No.9971919

File: 034161fa6c5e8c0⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 708x1163, 708:1163, 20200715_172407.jpg)


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33bfa3  No.9971920


P is the pope

But not the white one - it's the grey one.

The boss of all bosses

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5d0e5e  No.9971921


>kanye and musk being targetted for hurting joe bidan's chances?

Stinks of @jack

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df89cc  No.9971922

File: ac8dc7773d775e8⋯.png (498.98 KB, 800x849, 800:849, ClipboardImage.png)

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c73d40  No.9971923

I dont ever lie to anons.

Be careful today.

On going black ops.

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2ec93e  No.9971924

just like the movie. >>9971801

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df89cc  No.9971928

File: b237b41f89aa5ee⋯.png (274.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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064698  No.9971930



for once theyre actually right

I can't WAIT for that bitch to die

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46511a  No.9971933

The trick to find the really hidden stuff is go to Google and type in Gelatin Art Group and click on a picture of their art, and below that find another picture and click on that, and below that find another horrid pic of theirs and keep going thru windows and doorways on google and the real hidden stuff starts to come up, I call it window shopping, do any topic, it usually gets me things that surface crawlers do not ever see, the magic number is seven to start with and 13 windows or doors gets you some weird stuff, its how I get all the best info. Any one can try this, its a secret for you all.>>9971896

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8ce42b  No.9971934


Maybe they will get Chrissy?

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c73d40  No.9971936

BAck up all offline today

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44038a  No.9971939

File: 5aeb0eed55168b0⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_the_jew_is_an_inborn….jpg)

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c73d40  No.9971940

Last chance. Twitter might go down.

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2518ef  No.9971942

They want the tweets of the peeps they can’t control turned off.

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9e863f  No.9971943


Just google symbols like /

That was an accident and I got some weird shit

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34c78c  No.10005949

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