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f69841  No.9947186[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020

>>9834662 ————————————–——– 8yr old & Her Package Delivery Man @Goodable (Cap: >>9835313, >>9835492) (Vid link: >>9835937)

>>9834553 ————————————–——– Prince Andrew (Qdrop 3152 RT)

>>9834119 ————————————–——– Epstein Security Cameras (angle corrected >>9834361)

>>9833969 ————————————–——– Names of people who flew on the Lolita Express

>>9833777 ————————————–——– Photo of young girls on Epstein's island

>>9833738 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton on African Lolita Express trip

>>9833520 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler/Guinness

>>9833245 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Chauntae Davies

>>9832353 ————————————–——– Trust Dan. (Cap: >>9832378)

>>9831969 ————————————–——– Thank you, Sam. (Cap: >>9832000)

>>9831097 ————————————–——– Pic with Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell with faces X out

>>9830963 ————————————–——– Pic BClinton with GMaxwell

>>9830858 ————————————–——– Pic Andrew and minor female, GMaxwell in background

>>9830852 ————————————–——– IG Report: HRC and CF Crimes Against Children

>>9829982 ————————————–——– Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example] Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9830003)

>>9827385 ————————————–——– Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]? Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

>>9825482 ————————————–——– How many of our brothers and sisters play this song prior to the drop (LZ)? Add to your playlist.

>>9825374 ————————————–——– "These sources add that Charter has connections to Antifa…" (Cap: >>9825434)

>>9824651 rt >>9824067 ————————— Q #4484, #3799

>>9821642 ————————————–——– What a coincidence! Nothing to see here. (Pic Cap: >>9821794, >>9821952, Vid Link: >>9835025)

Wednesday 07.01.2020

>>9818091 ————————————–——– The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) (Cap: >>9818133, Embed: >>9818104)

>>9817794 ————————————–——– There was a time when our children recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with PRIDE.

>>9814775 ————————————–——– We stand together. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9814801)

>>9813912 ————————————–——– Biblical. (Cap: >>9813921, >>9814055)

>>9813070 ————————————–——– Worth repeating.

>>9812912 ————————————–——– Who is ActBlue? (Caps: >>9812938, >>9813001)

>>9811683 ————————————–——– Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

>>9811291 ————————————–——– [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]

>>9810442 ————————————–——– Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (Cap: >>9810513)

Tue 06.30.2020 >>9838572

Mon 06.29.2020 >>9830374

Sun 06.28.2020 >>9830372

Fri 06.26.2020 >>9813995

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>6885294

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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f69841  No.9947194

Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


Baker Change

>>9947035 China says it will ban entry tp U.S. Senators Rubio and Cruz over their criticism of the ruling Communist Party’s policies toward minority groups and people of faith

>>9947010, >>9947058 planefag reporting

>>9946891 Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in 'Virtuous Victim Signaling,' Says Study

>>9946884 Iran admits panicky missile operators shot down airliner

>>9946862, >>9946916, >>9946997 Nice Wayfair T-Shirt: 21 charged with prostitution, pimping after two-day sting at Newnan Springhill Suites

>>9946848, >>9946944 Make Hydroxychloroquine an Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug

>>9946842 Flynn’s status in MAGA world as a deep state-fighting warrior has grown.

>>9946835 Michigan House Passes Human Microchipping Legislation

>>9946772 Trump gains 6 points in latest Zogby poll

>>9946597 George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push

>>9946551 'People Are Going To Be Shocked': Bannon Claims Wuhan Lab Employees Have Defected, Are Working With FBI

>>9946530 anon opines: A Social Engineering Perspective on Q. Q prevented a falsely engineered civil war in America

>>9947177 #12728'''


ghost & community notes - tx anons!

>>9945678 Discussion of election & "who is really running the show"

>>9945692 Bono campaign group accuses UK of wasting international aid budget

>>9945700 Payseur Digs

>>9945709, >>9945836 John Travolta's wife, Actress Kelly Preston dies of breast cancer at 57

>>9945724, >>9946003 Mueller defending Roger Stone investigation: ‘He remains a convicted felon’ (maybe not for long)

>>9945732 W. Virginia mail carrier admits to attempted election fraud, changing political affiliation on mail-in ballots

>>9945738 Virgil: Welcome to Year One—All Prior History Is Cancelled

>>9945748 Greyhound’s Value Drops by $156M Due to Less Illegal Immigration to U.S.

>>9945762 Prep schools adopt pro-Black Lives Matter curriculum

>>9945807, >>9945651 Boatfag discussion

>>9945828 Portlandia Update

>>9945892, >>9945916, >>9946222, >>9946256, >>9946270 RDT Tweet, USMC Tweet & Liddle Adam Schiff

>>9945904 Elvis’ “eldest” grandson commits suicide! Age 27

>>9945907 Investigative Notes Released Today in Flynn Case Confirm DOJ View Flynn Was Not Being Willfully False to FBI

baker change

>>9945949, >>9945957, >>9945985 Epstein's other 'recruiters'

>>9945956 John Legend on DA elections

>>9945963 George Webb: Epstein was running drugs for Wexner w/Evergreen Aviation (vid; 1:14:00 mins)

>>9945964 Kelly Victory MD - The Old Norm is the New Norm: Breaking down Covid-19 (17min; vid)

>>9945987 George Floyd positive for Covid-19 & other autopsy oddities

>>9946008 France sentences former spies to prison for spying for China

>>9946055 Redskins to 'retire' team name on Monday

>>9946079 Piers Morgan explains meeting with 'charming and confident' Ghislaine Maxwell in 2013

>>9946083 Race Relations plummeted while Joe Biden was VP

>>9946140 Cancel culture trying to bully us all into thinking alike

>>9946152, >>9946177, >>9946185, >>9946211 Little's Lab sells "Q" facemask & onesie

>>9946248 Biden Laughs with Poroshenko about Sabotaging Trump’s 2016 Campaign

>>9946258, >>9946300 Fitton: Judge Sullivan's lawyer provided free legal rep. to HRC aid Cheryl Mills re Benghazi/Clinton emails

>>9946266 1962's Naked Communist predicted Left's plot to destroy America

>>9946275 "Back the Blue" Rallies Kick Off Across the Country

>>9946293 Planefags aloft

>>9946383 #12727

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f69841  No.9947197


>>9944127, >>9944145, >>9944193, >>9944290 (PB) Connections between POTUS "golf" tweets and Q #3109 (The 'SRIKE' will be FAST)

>>9944882 For Keks: Congress Members To Wear Barcodes So Lobbyists Can Scan Prices, Self-Checkout (babylonbee.com)

>>9944912 Writer Catches the New York Times Accidentally Reporting Who Sabotaged the DACA Decision at SCOTUS (pjmedia.com)

>>9944928 Dan Scavino (Twatt) who's joe hearing in the rain? who's he calling in from the rain?

>>9944930 CME is on its way!.. but slow moving money shot by the sun (Spaceweather.com)

>>9944943 Cathrine Herridge (Twatt) the decision to call former Special Counsel Mueller is not designed to create distance with the President.

>>9944974 Ricky Gervais (Twatt) July 8, This was 4 years ago when people thought I was just being rude

>>9945025, >>9945038, >>9945073, >>9945091, >>9945050, >>9945078, >>9945284 Dreamstime Dig (Continued) (mutiple sauz)

>>9945035, >>9945058, BF Floaty Shizz

>>9945059 @2:55 listen to the creepy greyskull Lori Lightfoot in Chicago talk about how to pick agents that will comply with the New World Order. (Youtube)

>>9944755, >>9944668, >>9944404, >>9944627, (LB) >>9945024 Alphabet Kidz London (Bun)

>>9945111 Daughter of slain Texas cop attacked online for writing #BlueLivesMatter in tribute to fallen father (Twatter)

>>9945121 The storm is upon us, over a quarter of a million of South Africans are infected': President Cyril Ramaphosa (Youtube/gov.za)

>>9945149 Gordon Chang: Biden Needs to Come Clean About Hunter's China Ties (newsmax.com)

>>9945161 Andrew Breitbart on James O'Keefe bringing undercover video on dem voter fraud and propaganda media (Youtube)

>>9945181 Japan Announces New Stealth Fighter As US Clears Massive F-35 Sale (Zerohedge)

>>9945117, >>9945183 (spaceforce/Cosmos/Origins talk)

>>9945195 PF Fly Shizz

>>9945224, >>9945297, >>9945313, >>9945350 WayFair Digs (we still not done)

>>9945192, >>9945308, >>9945347, >>9945360, >>9945418, >>9945376, >>9945503 Kelly Preston, wife of John Travolta dead of breast cancer. Died Sunday evening. age 57 (Multiple Sauz)

>>9945257, >>9945262 Europe: Rape Victims Accused Of Racism (Zerohedge)

>>9945265 Ted Cruz (Twatt) NEW LEADERS NEEDED (Joe Biden became a US Senator in 1973, when I was two years old. Fauxahantus vid)

>>9945253, >>9945395, >>9945530, Ex-CIA Robert Steel talks on Epstein "Scandal" (worth a listen), w Cynthia McKinney 2nd vid, George Webb 3rd

>>9945317, >>9945330, >>9945464 Boomer sub missile bay caps painted like billiards balls, Scavino Twatt from Camp David (Shall we play a game?) US vs. China comms?

>>9945353, >>9945487 SaudiArabia said it intercepted ballistic #missiles fired from #Yemen overnight between Sunday and Monday (twatter) Also Qdrop 121

>>9945367 With coronavirus cases rising in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has abandoned plans to allow additional business reopenings (only a matter of time..)

>>9945372 Georgia man Fredrick Walker arrested for human trafficking wears WAYFAIR T-shirt in mug shot!

>>9945394 Quality Control Music announced the death of Atlanta rapper Lil Marlo, saying he will be remembered as “a man of great talent who feared nothing.”

>>9945407, >>9945411, >>9945428, >>9945429, >>9945496 GOLD BE TRANSFURING TO IRAN SAYS THE PIRATE (DIG/BUN)

>>9945448 POTUS friend, Andrzej Duda WON reelection in Poland (twatter)

>>9945491 News Break calls Trump supporters White Trash Trumpers and depicts painting over BLM road "art" as vandalism.

>>9945538 update from UK thread re digg on London NSA Traffic Cam/ Corinthia Hotel pics

>>9946339, >>9946323, >>9946333, >>9946349, >>9946357 'Canyon of Fire' erupts on the sun

>>9945572 #12726

Previously Collected Notables

>>9943227 #12723, >>9944011 #12724, >>9944729 #12725

>>9940791 #12720, >>9941642 #12721, >>9942432 #12722

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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f69841  No.9947199

War Room

>>9820389 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

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f69841  No.9947201

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

* Public Meme Warehouse links — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA

* Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Epstein Island — mega.nz/folder/DwNkwAZQ#xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

* Arrests General — mega.nz/folder/gdxHzDpJ#RPX2uKWPCy6jFAB2hBHHHg

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-July — mega.nz/folder/cRoBzTpa#ENUEsA16ztg-pVbmh4B4FA

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #22 >>>/comms/18935

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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f69841  No.9947205

File: d883b0663a18ef1⋯.png (981.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, iltsospitm.png)




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5a2584  No.9947210

File: d8658faa95ed733⋯.jpg (200.62 KB, 956x500, 239:125, They_ll_eliminate_the_depl….jpg)


ty baker

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e5d65d  No.9947218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greg Hunter and Kevin Shipp call out Q and anons have no response.

Wut up with that?

Start at 24:00


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cfd98a  No.9947221

File: 898c5da1507cdf5⋯.png (300.02 KB, 434x434, 1:1, 898c5da1507cdf505dce1b4a9d….png)

One day science and spirit will unite, the Bible will be fully explained, and all in a way everyone can understand. This has already happened for some anons (to a degree) but it must happen for everyone. We need this truth.

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a610cd  No.9947224

File: f4865aa704ad8bf⋯.png (58.35 KB, 780x420, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Nelson Mandela's daughter Zindzi becomes the fourth of his children to die after passing away in hospital in Johannesburg at the age of 59

Zindzi Mandela, 59, died this morning in a hospital in Johannesburg

Zindzi had been South Africa's ambassador to Denmark since 2015

She rose to international fame in 1985 after reading her father Nelson Mandela's letter which rejected a deal with the South African apartheid government

By Ryan Fahey For Mailonline

Published: 03:16 EDT, 13 July 2020 | Updated: 08:10 EDT, 13 July 202


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c7484b  No.9947228

File: 58b3c7f7fa725ff⋯.png (481.99 KB, 403x520, 31:40, 58b3c7f7fa725ff7512639beb9….png)



mornin, mornin baker

shillz in thrillz again today?

Another day of winning then

Never tired of it

on schedgy for 11ish

~westcoast caker

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33f6ae  No.9947235

File: cda33bdf3ae5062⋯.png (242.38 KB, 720x631, 720:631, Img_1589898366112.png)

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33f6ae  No.9947236

File: c1d5953d4b44e68⋯.png (80.65 KB, 594x693, 6:7, Img_1589898337113.png)

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048936  No.9947238

Anons, what do you think about this theory:

1. Nov 2010 | James Biden joins HillStone International


2. June 2011 | HillStone International lands $1.5 billion contract to build housing in Iraq


3. Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran


Did that CASH go to IRAQ from IRAN, and then IRAQ pay to Joe Bidens brother LEGALLY for that housing contract?

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68d361  No.9947239


>Wut up with that?

Because none of us gives a shit.

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33f6ae  No.9947241

File: 69ece91104663ee⋯.png (207.64 KB, 720x503, 720:503, Img_1589898396074.png)

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105b5b  No.9947242

File: a051a8f4016dfd8⋯.png (48.88 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

here is is anons

the winner

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56a0be  No.9947243

File: c2cf0fff7f6dc8e⋯.png (235.1 KB, 1056x528, 2:1, wash_snakeskins.png)

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f142b2  No.9947244

File: 614f1cd95dffca6⋯.jpg (159.47 KB, 1600x1050, 32:21, Copy_of_back_ground_image.jpg)

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9c436e  No.9947245

Coincidence? Judge Sullivan's lawyer provided free legal representation to Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in joint desperate appeal to avoid testifying under oath about Clinton emails and #Benghazi attack docs.


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33f6ae  No.9947246

File: 17df4c9fb506221⋯.png (210.2 KB, 720x575, 144:115, Img_1589898440023.png)

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6bd3b0  No.9947247

File: 8f7b413efcffc73⋯.jpg (676.82 KB, 2307x1318, 2307:1318, GaetzJeanine.jpg)

File: c0303d9addab2e7⋯.jpg (139.04 KB, 731x1079, 731:1079, Q9.JPG)

File: 2438a418f4a070d⋯.jpg (162.33 KB, 898x1386, 449:693, Q122.JPG)

File: e213d59a5a80f1b⋯.jpg (258.01 KB, 1440x980, 72:49, Demokkkrats2.jpg)

File: 6a3aa33e373f618⋯.png (829.36 KB, 2399x938, 2399:938, Demokkkrats.png)

Matt Gaetz went there

Gaetz likens the organizers of BLM with the Confederacy.

As soon as Gaetz went there, Jeanine and then Gaetz couldn't contain their shit eating grins (love it!)

It was if they both 'knew' what Gaetz was doing…

I am treating this as a Q proof because I believe this is the first time any Congressperson has done this publicly…

The entire TRUTH of the D party is being shown to the world and oooohhhhh baby is this one going to rustle a lot of jimmies that depended on a false history.

The whole 'temple' (fantasy land) is coming down!

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c7484b  No.9947248

File: 9e278465bad3598⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 960x764, 240:191, 9e278465bad359872c2ec33b73….jpg)

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ba4edb  No.9947249

File: 4262b7e8b9805b7⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 700x437, 700:437, Q2.jpg)

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1982e5  No.9947250

File: 457bb414e16d6fc⋯.jpeg (492.02 KB, 1054x1500, 527:750, 43301277_4AF2_404B_855F_6….jpeg)

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8fb410  No.9947251

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks_Ron_Jim_and_team.jpg)

File: e51c070e8cc5922⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 600x335, 120:67, LOST_SOULS.jpg)

File: e8f4b0a6040270a⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 551x367, 551:367, AWAKENING_WORLD.jpg)

File: aa70bab8f93cf1e⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 576x350, 288:175, Truth_will_hurt.jpg)

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707fb0  No.9947252

File: e14331a1b486330⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1024x1521, 1024:1521, e14331a1b486330cd0bce265b7….png)

Thank You Baker

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33f6ae  No.9947253

File: 2914ca203a15a58⋯.png (117.53 KB, 479x499, 479:499, Img_1594060402299.png)

File: 34bee3fb617e897⋯.png (293.7 KB, 1116x648, 31:18, Img_1590159873571.png)

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41dd78  No.9947254


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2284e6  No.9947255

File: d42b549175a0f60⋯.jpg (8.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1594472103818.jpg)

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d8992d  No.9947256

File: 97b36362526c264⋯.gif (897.14 KB, 498x266, 249:133, tenor_4_.gif)

File: 98f3687f47d5bdb⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 240x228, 20:19, tenor_6_.gif)

File: f7b010f27ac2dab⋯.gif (358.8 KB, 220x123, 220:123, tenor_5_.gif)

File: 93c8e8b8d25d37f⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 93c8e8b8d25d37f0d9bb7b15a2….jpg)

File: 2a3da542e6fbee1⋯.png (357.62 KB, 568x441, 568:441, 2a3da542e6fbee1a5adf0431b4….png)


AOC is 100% Pure Sport SNATCH. Otherwise BEAT IT TRICK!

"I left a 20-spot on the nightstand for your cab fare..." ~ Clint Eastwood (The Eiger Sanction)

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e52955  No.9947257


"I love the Q patriot"

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9c436e  No.9947258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discusses the latest news about the Clinton Email Scandal with Senior Attorney Ramona Cotca–last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held a hearing regarding former Secretary of State #HillaryClinton’s efforts to avoid testifying to Judicial Watch, under oath, about her emails. Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, also seeks to avoid giving testimony.

The appellate court is considering Clinton and Mills’ extraordinary request, known as a “petition for writ of mandamus,” to overturn an order issued by U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth requiring them to testify.

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c17e1e  No.9947259

File: 9c69c16593358ee⋯.png (778.78 KB, 1628x1238, 814:619, Screen_Shot_2020_07_13_at_….png)

Former Mueller prosecutor writing book on investigation

Random House announced Monday that Andrew Weissmann's “Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation” will be published Sept. 29.Weissmann, often the target of criticism from Trump supporters, is calling the book a meticulous account of the Mueller team's probe and its ongoing battles with the Trump administration.


(included the ad in screenshot for keks)

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8fb410  No.9947260

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 3ec62d08f7e97b1⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 532x380, 7:5, lost_forever.jpg)

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

File: 4f6d68004edecee⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 690x292, 345:146, MSM_CAN_T_HANDLE_TRUTH.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

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f69841  No.9947261


roger that wcc. bread gobblers in the wire.


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3d84c3  No.9947262


He a good glownigga changed he ways amirite?

Besides he's moar a nowfag than anything else if your the benefit of the doubt kinda anon…

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79242c  No.9947263

It would be helpful in dealing w Local Politicians if POTUS would say it is hard to STOMACH watching what is happening to Patriots re: Governors and COVID-19 restrictions.

>The Silent Majority will reign!


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9c436e  No.9947264


source for 13 14 15 amendment vote totals

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c7d9a3  No.9947265

File: 4e5dca7490af901⋯.jpeg (37.13 KB, 240x320, 3:4, 512A731E_59DE_4AA7_9ACF_B….jpeg)

Oh boy

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33f6ae  No.9947266

File: 0eb659c06933132⋯.png (191.88 KB, 720x475, 144:95, Img_1591121296215.png)

File: 8b6cdf6851103d8⋯.png (391.52 KB, 720x451, 720:451, Cupace20200602141743.png)

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26a135  No.9947267

File: 84d479c9532dec1⋯.png (1.19 MB, 795x737, 795:737, ClipboardImage.png)

First Federal Execution in 17 years can proceed on Monday (today).


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a371a7  No.9947268


That's cool. So until that day, skeptics get a pass for not embracing a needlessly vague book.

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105b5b  No.9947269


i agree with them 100%

time for truth and transparency

that is all they said and its correct

they praise q patriots and the movement but say

"secrecy hides in the shadows"

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cd5395  No.9947270

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33f6ae  No.9947271

File: 2157e51bbf3bd29⋯.png (148.75 KB, 720x492, 60:41, Img_1589898587702.png)

File: 376bb11d11bb3df⋯.png (209.51 KB, 687x446, 687:446, Img_1594582089407.png)

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c17e1e  No.9947272


Another Covid-19 death.

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c7484b  No.9947273


Sad when you got to write a book to defend your position cause all you got left is public opinion and a legal bill worth millions for all the crime committed. Weismann Goin Down!

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f0efc5  No.9947274

Posting again because it's worth a look

Katy Perry chooses her unborn baby's godmother-

Guess who?

Jennifer Aniston

Aniston has really stepped in it..

Heard this stuff on the radio.

Thought I'd provide a few quick links-

Sorry for the shit research, work is a bitch

Can't dig rn, but it's this stuff is trending so it's worth a look.





Also, Katy Perry is apparently related to Taylor Swift.

The connections..





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33f6ae  No.9947275

File: 7e6b22d36d0663b⋯.png (149.9 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Img_1588778438341.png)

File: e878a62deeae069⋯.png (127.76 KB, 720x478, 360:239, Img_1589898524244.png)

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aff9b2  No.9947276


and I don't support you two. No one gets to tell them what they are to do.

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a206f8  No.9947277

File: 8a527e575665d14⋯.png (237.25 KB, 1002x1004, 501:502, 8a527e575665d14e13bedaed3e….png)

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604337  No.9947278

File: 27dddc3021ad4bb⋯.jpg (103.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 27dddc3021ad4bb1f4be16eeb3….jpg)

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ba4edb  No.9947279

File: aa236c219ab7d04⋯.png (205.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q12.png)

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133587  No.9947280


Duuuhhhhh !!

From the very start, drop 34/35 saying we are finally taking back our country, means the darkest hours are not here yet.

This is a war encompassing past and present in the hopes of a new future.

These whistle blowing faggots know this and are just pushing premature actions

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52c567  No.9947281

File: e8c07b8752800af⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1100x661, 1100:661, thank_you_bakers.PNG)

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a24fec  No.9947282

File: 4e37c7dafa4507d⋯.png (94.41 KB, 294x295, 294:295, Screen_Shot_2019_02_12_at_….png)

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a65d7f  No.9947283


interesting, I guess $200 mil was the bribe for the pass through.

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33f6ae  No.9947284

File: f4eec0edd4f5861⋯.png (128.65 KB, 720x374, 360:187, Img_1589826980128.png)

File: af8ba746b0013df⋯.png (207.78 KB, 720x828, 20:23, Img_1589898379333.png)

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c402ec  No.9947285

File: 02c8f8667a4b4e3⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1065x801, 355:267, MasksAreFor.png)

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ebfab3  No.9947286


he likes selfies

even more than Scott Presler

Q = ratings

be proud

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802dc4  No.9947287

File: f0963e8a588459b⋯.jpeg (69.21 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 21EF8748_C8F0_488E_A5B0_C….jpeg)

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b0c9da  No.9947288

File: f79b332a683c36f⋯.png (399.68 KB, 359x900, 359:900, f79b332a683c36f66b050645ae….png)

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a610cd  No.9947289

File: 1d93206a99aa7eb⋯.png (35.93 KB, 725x425, 29:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Vladimir Putin wished a speedy recovery to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, infected with the novel coronavirus


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33f6ae  No.9947290

File: 4e3072109b4b3c8⋯.png (338.48 KB, 720x1088, 45:68, Img_1591805862720.png)

File: 9f324a60e0c1a09⋯.png (86.51 KB, 720x361, 720:361, Img_1591712376577.png)

File: e93c0e10ff396aa⋯.png (186.44 KB, 720x398, 360:199, Img_1589648381454.png)

File: 2136d1095a1895e⋯.png (217.89 KB, 720x923, 720:923, Img_1589671290771.png)

File: 6175dfe581a3c3b⋯.png (344.78 KB, 720x1069, 720:1069, Img_1589671325747.png)

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d98427  No.9947291

File: c3286621b5b46db⋯.jpeg (500.97 KB, 1125x1283, 1125:1283, D01EBFD2_D750_4E62_A6ED_E….jpeg)

File: 58129c62d409f1f⋯.jpeg (599.48 KB, 1125x2137, 1125:2137, CA139EAE_0614_48C8_A42D_F….jpeg)

File: e5bc026c99507f1⋯.jpeg (140.5 KB, 1125x527, 1125:527, 8417E615_50F8_45CF_9525_4….jpeg)

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c7d9a3  No.9947292

File: c5c5d8bcd4d5cf0⋯.jpeg (46.67 KB, 400x309, 400:309, 7983245B_70ED_4074_8AE9_5….jpeg)

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33f6ae  No.9947293

File: 727e86e1dfce727⋯.png (305.28 KB, 720x929, 720:929, Img_1589843264275.png)

File: 2c816c6c09b107d⋯.png (156.12 KB, 720x310, 72:31, Img_1589898514215.png)

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ed9407  No.9947294

File: c02b3de74a301f1⋯.png (776.26 KB, 770x809, 770:809, 6598089771269435.png)

File: 2d8f032965aa4ec⋯.png (415.75 KB, 912x796, 228:199, 875412897437876543.png)

File: 4a87c991c3b39f0⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1083x1162, 1083:1162, 8971239068346576546.png)

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33f6ae  No.9947295

File: e56b90bb9b56f57⋯.png (148.38 KB, 720x473, 720:473, Img_1589898648617.png)

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ebfab3  No.9947296


>Anons, what do you think about this theory:

I think it is still just as stupid as when you posted it last bread.

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2f5f8c  No.9947297


Benjamin Storm Keough

His middle name is storm.



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6bd3b0  No.9947298

File: 4c2e67a6a59df00⋯.jpg (660.72 KB, 2307x1318, 2307:1318, GaetzJeanine.jpg)


I neglected to add a very important comma.

This meme is better.

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33f6ae  No.9947299

File: 72139b78a13ca1f⋯.png (299.77 KB, 720x690, 24:23, Img_1589898419053.png)

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6bd3b0  No.9947300

File: 37c592b6aabb07f⋯.png (423.75 KB, 2429x1519, 347:217, Solzhenitsyn4.png)

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baa9a5  No.9947301

The whole point of sports is not to be about politics or religion….they all failed.

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26a135  No.9947302

File: 3b7fe6d3c222648⋯.png (392.77 KB, 635x615, 127:123, ClipboardImage.png)


Gold Confiscation was a Bailout of the Federal Reserve Bank




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b14691  No.9947303

de·plor·a·ble (dĭ-plôr′ə-bəl)


1. Worthy of severe condemnation or reproach: a deplorable act of violence.

2. Lamentable; woeful: My finances were in a deplorable state of neglect.

3. Wretched; bad: deplorable housing conditions in the inner city.

…and Justice for All. Haha. DECLAS. Level the playing field o7. Let's compare our genitals 😆 We are squeaky clean compared to you filthy parasites. You are demons in the history books forever 🤷‍♂️🛡

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33f6ae  No.9947305

File: 7d7d80a6700e7be⋯.png (81.81 KB, 720x573, 240:191, Img_1589671571135.png)

File: b6fa184cbf3f274⋯.png (100.68 KB, 720x398, 360:199, Img_1589898535898.png)

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504804  No.9947306

File: d24b313e3426163⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1279x611, 1279:611, ClipboardImage.png)

Red Pill

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049a61  No.9947307

File: ba32cf40a0bbc8f⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 450x406, 225:203, ACBA83C6_6DC8_4A6D_A6F7_F….jpeg)


If rich douchebags are so smart

Why do they need a stock market to bail themselves out?

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f84b69  No.9947308

File: 04d0e36e7807536⋯.png (403.46 KB, 596x599, 596:599, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

John Travolta Mourns Death of Wife Kelly Preston: Her 'Love and Life Will Always Be Remembered'​


I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one.

This came out of NO WHERE.

Charile Sheen shot her for a reason a long time ago.

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e52955  No.9947309


Greg Hunter and Schipp are breaking rule #1

they are not Trusting the Plan

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52c567  No.9947310

File: 65d4cf70b8ef15a⋯.png (405.28 KB, 988x565, 988:565, 82_8000_USAF_VIP_747_depar….PNG)

82-8000 USAF VIP 747 departing JBA and looks like a quick out and back maintenance flight-so far

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c17e1e  No.9947311



Think it'll still be published if/when Mueller testifies before the Senate?

Wonder how much $$$$ he made for his 'book'

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133587  No.9947313


Congressional record, do your research

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2284e6  No.9947314

File: b27aa891dc354ba⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1281x793, 21:13, b27aa891dc354bab68098f4f24….png)

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2cabfe  No.9947315


Gets my vote!

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d61bfd  No.9947316

File: af359d8c3f3d609⋯.jpeg (223.21 KB, 1224x1080, 17:15, 8D79B707_A84A_44D9_A739_B….jpeg)


Reign / Rain

Rain = Storm

#StormIsUponUs possible


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3d84c3  No.9947317


Nice of him to kill himself so a connection like that could be made.

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306efb  No.9947318


2yr battle with breast cancer came outta nowhere


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82b679  No.9947320


You know, they are basically saying Q is NOT a larp.

FWIW, their critiques are not off base.

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a206f8  No.9947321


>>9947036 pb

>>9947067 pb



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33f6ae  No.9947322

File: a08645917e4ea2c⋯.png (172.6 KB, 720x589, 720:589, Img_1588900062118.png)

File: 3cdf2b1a3c51f6c⋯.png (465.06 KB, 720x971, 720:971, Img_1594649580472.png)

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000000  No.9947323



>>9943822 (pb), >This place can be very toxic - by their intention. They have a large bag of tricks. Which is only to say and warn to take care of yourself. Very important.

It is not a mistake that they disabled Tor posting. If you stand up to them, they will try to dox you.

>>9915862 (pb) Bakers Union Doughs deliberately memory hole Anons Wayfair digs.

>>9921355 (pb) Wu Mao confirms what the cp attack is really about

Update to the CCP Bakers Union Saga

>>9935177 (pb) >>>/comms/ disabled Tor posting

>>9937708 (pb) Owner of /comms/ admits Tor was disabled to Control legitimate dissent and opposition.

>>9937794 (pb)Owner of /comms/ tries to reframe argument into the idea that they are 'from CCP' as opposed to the fact that their financial livelyhood is based on provable CCP loyalty

>>9938380 (pb) Wu Mao claims /comms/ Tor posting was disabled due to CP posting, >>9937708 (pb) is actual reason



Know something? Tag this post to have it added

What is the /comms/ Bakers Union?

A group of namefag bakers that have been nearly exclusively controlling every bake (and every notable) on qresearch for many many months. 'Union' because they only allow one another to bake. To control that they require verified off-board accounts be presented like a union card, like qanonbin.com, created by a baker that namefags as 'newsbaker' because he also created the notables aggregator wearethene.ws. It is connecting the code for qanonbin.com to Ron Cabrera Jr. that exposes 'newsbaker' and his 'frens' Nightbaker, gyb, wake-n-baker, doc strange, tex baker, d2l and others as being associated with lefty, Antifa, Chinese subversives pretending to be MAGA. The board >>>/comms/ is where they pretend to plan, but the updated discord code that reposts Q's posts on discord is strong evidence that they are primarily communicating on discord. >>>/comms/ is just the show. This group solely imposes itself on Anons for their own ends, Anons get NOTHING out of the deal that can't be dealt with otherwise. This is a huge gatekeeping operation that has burned a lot of good Anons and the cancer has to go.


They're useful idiots for the CCP. Every major power has allied as subordinates of the CCP, from the Vatican (http://archive.vn/680pd) to Israel (they were positioning themselves with the CCP during Obama, surely aware of the 16 year plan). The two guys mentioned as Ronald Cabrera Jr's Mentors got plenty of cabal airtime and publicity to sell their Taoist ideology and their protege's attempted to control the maligned individuals of society, also known as those who's ego's died and become 'Anons'. They are the antithesis of what it means to be Anonymous, that's why it's abhorent cancer that has to go. Not only are they trying to cuck Anons, they're trying (and now miserably failing) to cuck us out of our Country and OUR GREAT AWAKENING.

Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up

What should we do?

Expose it relentlessly and Pray that God see's fit to make our home whole.


Bakers use their controlled opposition persona to 'attack' the bakers and join sides with their legit opposition in an attempt to frontrun actual oppostion. AFLB's limp dicked 'attack' >>9837343 (pb) was supplemented by loli spam and a pathetic DoS that easily makes it so bakers can't bake (due to board setting) and can again pretend to be under attack, further solidifying their victim status. For the lulz, here's AFLB defending the bakers the next night >>9850093 (pb) (ID: ca008e), classic controlled opposition.

>>9906934 (pb), >>9906924 (pb), >>9906981 (pb) Shills come out, fishing to figure out what we can prove exacly. They claim the github is fake they're lying by omission, the repo is the same yes, but you FORK the code from another repo, then CLONE it to your local machine and make code changes. All this 'proves' is that newsbaker did not push his code changes to his public github repo. It also proves shills are trying to discredit this information.

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d8992d  No.9947324

File: de983c2a9a7a05a⋯.png (733.37 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, de983c2a9a7a05a28ac0974419….png)

File: aaf13144617f6ed⋯.png (242.81 KB, 370x394, 185:197, aaf13144617f6edf1a752b5e09….png)

File: 9d6d5c93b104873⋯.png (506.16 KB, 523x522, 523:522, 9d6d5c93b104873b93b0020e37….png)

File: 6e633618bf4a693⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 215x320, 43:64, 6e633618bf4a693978067c9986….jpg)

File: 816ed17f0851b1f⋯.png (43.56 KB, 300x262, 150:131, 816ed17f0851b1f15e1a5c4f50….png)

If a Cuck Sucks and Suck Would Cuck, How mUch Suck Wood a Would Cuck Suck, If a Would Cuck Suck, If a Sucked Cuck Would Suck Wood?



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483c7c  No.9947325

File: bf1681b4bea8eb1⋯.jpeg (68.22 KB, 960x905, 192:181, Eczluz8WkAAAGlR.jpeg)

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483c7c  No.9947326

File: 42be6178e8aa6c5⋯.jpeg (52.44 KB, 828x491, 828:491, EcyLLZSX0AAUFOs.jpeg)

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048936  No.9947327

File: 316dba45fc5af73⋯.jpg (145.15 KB, 1223x881, 1223:881, Ecu7ZelWsAESgUc.jpg)

File: e5e760f552927be⋯.jpg (117.69 KB, 1241x931, 1241:931, Ecu7ZenXYAA5KGO.jpg)

Don Jr. this morning on Fox News.

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133587  No.9947328


Payoff time.. He did his job, then quit.. Any crimes ?? maybe not, Prosecutorial misconduct .. big maybe.

Book Deals doesn't mean any audience.. NYT bestseller list is total crap.. all about money laundering and payoffs.

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c17e1e  No.9947329

>>9947291 POTUS tweet: Be careful what you wish for! and Q post 586


good find anon!

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3d84c3  No.9947330


Hockey (mostly) keeps their mouths shut - they're the ones that can least afford to alienate their fan base.

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10a87a  No.9947331

I agree…its a psyop…a good one but it is what it is.

reveal yourself Q

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bee8d2  No.9947332


>Greg Hunter and Kevin Shipp

Who?… Who?

I'm not responding to a couple of clown nobodies.

Go fuck yourself, anon, you fucking faggot.

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6bd3b0  No.9947333

File: e53a902f2a122de⋯.png (406.47 KB, 2420x1474, 110:67, Solzhenitsyn5.png)

File: 802ae9f431c3d4a⋯.png (424.54 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, molochwhineshillmeltdownpa….png)

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33f6ae  No.9947334

File: 5cee47d7374c207⋯.png (273.42 KB, 1232x641, 1232:641, Img_1586104636201.png)

File: 6f532f3353dbbd6⋯.png (154.1 KB, 639x629, 639:629, Img_1594649670943.png)

File: a3eb77621532187⋯.png (503.85 KB, 720x966, 120:161, Img_1594649713920.png)

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000000  No.9947335




>>9906921 (pb) >>9906340 (pb) Anon discovers which discord namefags run /comms/.

>>9907508 (pb) tl;dr of Findings

>>9909157 (pb) Anon calls out the CCP propagandists by title 'WuMao'

>>9914403 (pb) Creator of qresear.ch defends the comped ChiCom site, pilpuls that this is about notables instead of subversion.


>>9935177 (pb) >>>/comms/ disabled Tor posting

>>9937708 (pb) Owner of /comms/ admits Tor was disabled to Control legitimate dissent and opposition.

>>9937794 (pb)Owner of /comms/ tries to reframe argument into the idea that they are 'from CCP' as opposed to the fact that their financial livelyhood is based on provable CCP loyalty

>>9938380 (pb) Wu Mao claims /comms/ Tor posting was disabled due to CP posting, >>9937708 (pb) is actual reason

>>9938781 (pb) >>9938816, RA-non pretends to not know about QEurope, the discord server he created




Update to the CCP Bakers Union Saga





Know something? Tag this post to have it added

What is the /comms/ Bakers Union?

A group of namefag bakers that have been nearly exclusively controlling every bake (and every notable) on qresearch for many many months. 'Union' because they only allow one another to bake. To control that they require verified off-board accounts be presented like a union card, like qanonbin.com, created by a baker that namefags as 'newsbaker' because he also created the notables aggregator wearethene.ws. It is connecting the code for qanonbin.com to Ron Cabrera Jr. that exposes 'newsbaker' and his 'frens' Nightbaker, gyb, wake-n-baker, doc strange, tex baker, d2l and others as being associated with lefty, Antifa, Chinese subversives pretending to be MAGA. The board >>>/comms/ is where they pretend to plan, but the updated discord code that reposts Q's posts on discord is strong evidence that they are primarily communicating on discord. >>>/comms/ is just the show. This group solely imposes itself on Anons for their own ends, Anons get NOTHING out of the deal that can't be dealt with otherwise. This is a huge gatekeeping operation that has burned a lot of good Anons and the cancer has to go.


Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of why Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before being the first to recognize the CCP in the Middle East

What should we do?

Expose it relentlessly and Pray that God see's fit to make our home whole.


Bakers use their controlled opposition persona to 'attack' the bakers and join sides with their legit opposition in an attempt to frontrun actual oppostion. AFLB's limp dicked 'attack' >>9837343 (pb) was supplemented by loli spam and a pathetic DoS that easily makes it so bakers can't bake (due to board setting) and can again pretend to be under attack, further solidifying their victim status. For the lulz, here's AFLB defending the bakers the next night >>9850093 (pb) (ID: ca008e), classic controlled opposition.

>>9906934 (pb), >>9906924 (pb), >>9906981 (pb) Shills come out, fishing to figure out what we can prove exacly. They claim the github is fake they're lying by omission, the repo is the same yes, but you FORK the code from another repo, then CLONE it to your local machine and make code changes. All this 'proves' is that newsbaker did not push his code changes to his public github repo. It also proves shills are trying to discredit this information.

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d1c5fe  No.9947336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anyone seen this vid of "Charlie Xavier White, Jr." debunking the wayfair story? Also tries to debunk the tom hanks manhole cover with srcwhatever in the pic.

youtuber with 5+mil subs and who played roles in blockbuster hollywood movies? yeah….this is surely organic.

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1982e5  No.9947337

File: b33604203561abe⋯.jpeg (389.15 KB, 683x905, 683:905, 9F2AEAA5_1BBE_4AEA_B1C8_3….jpeg)

Complicated business.

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f84b69  No.9947338


Have you heard about her being sick? At all? EXACTLY you stupid ignorant fuck

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baa9a5  No.9947339

Not Red Skins. Rosie Palms!

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150fed  No.9947340

>>9946002 (PB)

You left out universiities and Planned Parenthood.

>>9946010 (PB)

You were told to prep.

There were no further directions given, thus leaving the details up to you.

Are you done so soon?

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56a0be  No.9947341

File: 18b61af2ca9ed12⋯.png (674.37 KB, 1053x528, 351:176, what_a_beautiful_black_sky.png)

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049a61  No.9947342


In the mist of the worlds worst pandemic

And the government hasn’t furloughed any employees

See how that works?

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0c34b3  No.9947343


I'll call this the GOING UNDERGROUND PHAZE of the deep state plandemic…

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707fb0  No.9947344

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1546028880.jpeg)

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b14691  No.9947345

Fuckin ROAR

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26a135  No.9947346

File: 848bf667a3c0e10⋯.png (16.09 KB, 449x286, 449:286, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS retweets old from 5/9

Jan 15th on Q clock for today.

Covid start

Impeachment Pass

China Trade Deal -> Lose Billions

POTUS tweet Jim Jordan video chyron:

China has lost 11.75 Billion $ due to flooding.

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048936  No.9947347

File: 520785e17c1ddf0⋯.jpg (471.78 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Ecz6rIHWkAANhFL.jpg)

File: 3327254a57089c2⋯.jpg (692.57 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Ecz6rKmXkAYFDsT.jpg)

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c17e1e  No.9947348

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2284e6  No.9947349

File: 476557044fa1950⋯.png (871.23 KB, 724x866, 362:433, 476557044fa195056d81c5daa4….png)

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8fb410  No.9947350



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2366a8  No.9947351

Has anyone ever seen a Payseur in the wild?

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6bd3b0  No.9947352

File: 924430051b6a218⋯.jpg (747.68 KB, 2574x1482, 33:19, WuMao7.JPG)

File: 8c6fa513c93bad1⋯.jpg (786.4 KB, 2654x1448, 1327:724, WuMao6.JPG)

File: c6af30a15fdb613⋯.jpg (759.82 KB, 2399x1477, 2399:1477, WuMao5.JPG)

File: 6f7a38e4f1e2860⋯.jpg (768.39 KB, 2643x1476, 881:492, WuMao3.JPG)

File: 3997e1161eddfe8⋯.jpg (737.37 KB, 1690x1101, 1690:1101, WuMao2.jpg)





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1982e5  No.9947353

File: b7b854ee6b310a7⋯.jpeg (324.66 KB, 828x1227, 276:409, B9462475_DA54_431C_ABC1_5….jpeg)

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e52955  No.9947354


douchebag, you don't beat the drums when you are hunting lion

Hunter and Schipp are wrong. They are concernfagging and nowfagging, like you

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6bd3b0  No.9947355

File: f166cd599768e3a⋯.jpg (701.23 KB, 2583x1375, 2583:1375, WuMao8.JPG)


I am the anon who posted the comment "I knew it, you're WuMao!"

For the record, I was being sarcastic, I was joking, there is no way for me to 'know' conclusively the source of ANY post on 8kun, other than Board Owner and Q with Tripcode.

I was 'play acting', throwing out random accusations to test to see how the replies would change if they do change.

The fact this copypasta shill keeps tagging one of my old comments with "Anon calls out the CCP propagandists by title 'WuMao'", as if this proves anything for his goals here, is proof this poster is trying to DISRUPT the bakers of this site by intentionally posting disinfo.

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13a5c3  No.9947356

Was Week 10 really just Roger Stone?

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8fb410  No.9947357


Bit like shills… they only come out after dark…lol….hideous things…lol.

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049a61  No.9947358

Did Hollywood celebs get laid off?

Their Chinese masters don’t seem very happy

Watching celebs try to be funny at home is serious cringe factor

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13a5c3  No.9947359



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6bd3b0  No.9947360

File: 91d6c014dcabc61⋯.png (438.59 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, molochwhinybitchmoanings.png)

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3c0172  No.9947361


Sooooo You are telling me its the JEWS?

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f142b2  No.9947363

File: ab610beb2dc8a06⋯.png (468.57 KB, 1034x708, 517:354, ClipboardImage.png)


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6c3c17  No.9947364

File: 46dc05846e93659⋯.jpeg (27.25 KB, 299x451, 299:451, 8C896A28_9D3F_4632_B3A2_4….jpeg)

>>9944726 PB

Serban Enache, CEO of Dreamstime (pedo logo).


Company located in a wealthy suburb south of Nashville.

Read "Trance-formation of America" by Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips for insight into the Country Music underworld.

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33f6ae  No.9947365

File: cf1a5af4c3106d6⋯.png (77.33 KB, 666x241, 666:241, Img_1594649914352.png)

File: 2a21772f041e1fc⋯.png (150.78 KB, 720x299, 720:299, Img_1594649933187.png)

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e52955  No.9947366

File: 76698bcd86a0061⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 762x500, 381:250, The_CDC_Guidelines_do_not_….jpg)

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0aafab  No.9947367


What time? Where?

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68d361  No.9947368


>Watching celebs try to be funny at home is serious cringe factor

It does highlight just how unfunny they really are and how we are being fooled by every interview that has been shown.

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809aa4  No.9947369

File: 4cf3de4e871f883⋯.png (154.6 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2020_07_13_10_11_41.png)

File: 23d84d0c52d14d3⋯.png (104.08 KB, 506x587, 506:587, 2020_07_13_10_16_05.png)

>>9947021 lb

>>9947225 lb


53 Washington foreskins suiting up for every game

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6bd3b0  No.9947370


I didn't tell YOU anything, homeslice.

Are you going to slide and deflect from CCP as well?


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52c567  No.9947371

File: aa3b3fc91b17f85⋯.png (320.61 KB, 1081x562, 1081:562, AZAZ09O9_US_ARmy_C_560_dep….PNG)

File: ad7b4617e96558b⋯.png (321.33 KB, 452x309, 452:309, werner_von_braun_periscope.PNG)

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 departed Huntsville Int'l ne

WING44 US Army C-560 wn from Dobbins ARB

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3d84c3  No.9947372

File: bc10458b46c654f⋯.jpg (904.27 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, KingSTL.jpg)


Do statues count?

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13a5c3  No.9947373


lisping faggot

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26a135  No.9947374


Nice Mug Q

Saw blank pages framed on the wall here too.

All this cancel culture talk - are we erasing their GARBAGE BETRAYAL HISTORY


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2284e6  No.9947375

File: f23d3848c9c7277⋯.png (729.67 KB, 905x649, 905:649, f23d3848c9c72775b8621cc634….png)

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f84b69  No.9947376


I have never figured out what her angle is.

They are both Scientologists

She has been his beard for YEARS

The thing with their son & how he died was not what they have said

Then she has another son

She's always come off as a real conniving bitch

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6bd3b0  No.9947377

File: b3316ff7cbb8de3⋯.jpg (18.69 KB, 255x182, 255:182, Shill_Harder.jpg)


Try harder.

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133587  No.9947378



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

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8fb410  No.9947379


No… It's dickheads like you… click.

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b14691  No.9947380

Any idea of how many deplorables want to cut your heads off? They Just won't. Last resort, so not so deplorable huh. Don't mistake composure for weakness. We are a civilised people.

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ffb72b  No.9947381

File: a34ab6837f76dfe⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 375x622, 375:622, Q_1181.jpg)

I think we may be in for the Sky Event this week. Going through EO's after the last watch drop as per Q instructed I found this one particularly interesting. I'd never heard of PNT services but I think we will all know of this soon. Take a few minutes to read it. may be relevant soon. Timing is everything.

Executive Order on Strengthening National Resilience through Responsible Use of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Services


Issued on: February 12, 2020


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150fed  No.9947382


Keep sleeping. I don't have to outrun the bear … just you.

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ebfab3  No.9947383


make me a sammich…

I fly like paper, get high like planes

If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name

If you come around here, I make 'em all day

I get one done in a second if you wait

I fly like paper, get high like planes

If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name

If you come around here, I make 'em all day

I get one done in a second if you wait

Sometimes I think sitting on trains

Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game

Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame

Bona fide hustler making my name

Sometimes I think sitting on trains

Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game

Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame

Bona fide hustler making my name

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

Pirate skulls and bones

Sticks and stones and weed and bongs

Running when we hit 'em

Lethal poison for the system

Pirate skulls and bones

Sticks and stones and weed and bombs

Running when we hit 'em

Lethal poison for the system

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Hit me on my burner prepaid wireless

We pack and deliver like UPS trucks

Already going hell just pumping that gas

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Hit me on my burner prepaid wireless

We pack and deliver like UPS trucks

Already going hell just pumping that gas

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money


Third world democracy

Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.

So, uh, no funny business

Are you ready all?

Some some some I some I murder

Some I some I let go

Some some some I some I murder

Some I some I let go

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money

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1982e5  No.9947385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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33f6ae  No.9947386

File: e9f3a30a8b6fdf4⋯.png (332.47 KB, 720x828, 20:23, Img_1594650067164.png)

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5afccc  No.9947387

File: c899526ba895ab9⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cult.jpg)


If you are listening carefully, there are 2 key messages about Q and anons at and after the 24 min mark:

Anons are solid Patriots, good people


Q should reveal himself/themselves

"Calls out Q" without actually dismissing Q or the mission. Both of these guys have outlier backgrounds, but they are followed by a number of folks outside of the Anon community. This is a groundswell-building message designed to advance the press of forcing the question, as well as "mainstream" Anons as Patriot leaders in society.

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2284e6  No.9947388

File: 472b3286300428b⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1594625486771.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947389


Dead believing Anons, maybe. The rest of us are still muddling through.


No passes.


You are born in a universe that tells you every second of every day exactly what you need to know.

That you suppress the truth in unrighteousness is on you.

Not on God.

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b8054a  No.9947390

How’s your faith in humanity going?

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8fb410  No.9947391



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d8992d  No.9947392

File: 2256485a2dc113d⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 250x314, 125:157, e1f0822afeeda2aa5246191017….jpg)

File: 9eecb33ebff38d0⋯.jpg (750.76 KB, 1075x1120, 215:224, Screenshot_20200713_092047….jpg)

File: fcdb59ee61d910d⋯.png (411.75 KB, 774x711, 86:79, fcdb59ee61d910d1f8b0b156a1….png)

File: 88d93dd81e7f5d0⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 88d93dd81e7f5d0abf1c552b33….jpg)

File: 00dc179644bf349⋯.png (625.98 KB, 450x561, 150:187, 00dc179644bf349cbee86488f5….png)


Good Morning MUH Air Force Office of Investigations. o7

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2366a8  No.9947393


How would a SKY EVENT coincide with an EO? Wouldn't a SKY EVENT supersede it?

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56a0be  No.9947394

File: af6bfedff8868ab⋯.png (493.48 KB, 532x528, 133:132, jed_hollywood_folk.png)

File: 92fcb7e3103965c⋯.png (908.39 KB, 1014x528, 169:88, schiff_bourdain.png)

File: 8aa3e4b2937dedf⋯.png (399.59 KB, 719x478, 719:478, newsome_hand.png)

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809aa4  No.9947395

File: 2a9ede9b07f5691⋯.png (1.3 MB, 925x691, 925:691, faggot_you.png)

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26a135  No.9947396

File: 56ab2af9e181056⋯.png (487.58 KB, 590x664, 295:332, ClipboardImage.png)

I fly MIA


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000000  No.9947397


>>9947218 Kevin Shipp, best friend of InTheMatrixxx shits on Q.

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105b5b  No.9947398


you nasty

a better man that you said this:

the truth shall set you free

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13a5c3  No.9947399


No. Biden's brother would be paid through no bid contracts, etc. Seemingly legit.

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e5d65d  No.9947400

File: a0b8b11d639708d⋯.png (677.88 KB, 523x477, 523:477, Shill_Baby.png)


The shills are out and some of them should learn the English language!

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ebfab3  No.9947401





you'll get it


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dca281  No.9947402


not half bad

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3c0172  No.9947403

File: d9cd9b23a547efd⋯.png (176.61 KB, 955x884, 955:884, UFOSNW.png)



Make sure you report it.

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736f51  No.9947404

File: 5ba39be2d4bef75⋯.png (102.9 KB, 400x414, 200:207, crys_outt.png)

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4d1ea3  No.9947405

File: b8e7b5e3a2b7fa2⋯.jpeg (18.34 KB, 254x226, 127:113, A541A356_9703_421C_9BBE_0….jpeg)


>nice mug

placed on the scanner


don't remember ever just happening to set my mug down on the scanner that happens to be in the background of a video call

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3d84c3  No.9947406


If the Mockingbirds never show the good stuff then there is none.

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e20279  No.9947407

Please help complete this list:

A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for:

The loss of your freedom of speech.

The loss of your right to bear arms.

The rule of man instead of the rule of law.

The defunding of law enforcement.

The legalization of late term abortion, infanticide and the selling of body parts.

The continued control by decades long leaders who blame Americas problems on a 3 year politician.


Sex Trafficking.

Child Trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Human Trafficking.

Fake news and legalized propaganda.




The denunciation of God, Church and Religious Freedom.

Indoctrination of Liberal ideology instead of based Education.

Medical Tyranny and the right to your own body.

Rioting, looting and destruction of property by misguided youth and raised taxes to pay for it.

The rewriting of American History.

The looting of your tax dollars given to foreign nations and then returned to criminal politicians.

Pay to Play.



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d8992d  No.9947408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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736f51  No.9947409

File: 656d6e1f0e00476⋯.png (417.83 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, ps.png)

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52c567  No.9947410

File: 007737f54eeb8f0⋯.png (381.66 KB, 523x520, 523:520, pro_tip_no_one_cares.PNG)

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b1cb6f  No.9947411


new phone who dis?

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e52955  No.9947412


Washington Red Sickle

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13a5c3  No.9947413


but muh corona virus. the person to be executed may catch it.

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306efb  No.9947414


you really dont understand the whole RESEARCH part of this do you tard?



tardanon posits Kelly was murdered and didnt & the 2yr battle with breast cancer came outta nowhere because its a cover for Charlie Sheen

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8fb410  No.9947415


Still talking to yourself…. it's a problem, that I think your friends have been keeping from you… complete and total delusions of grandeur… or do you really think "it's not over".

Your boat is sunk.

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37a0b1  No.9947416

File: b3976cf181e15a2⋯.jpg (181.47 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PrinceAndrewRegrets713h.jpg)

File: 23f7572fd93c1c5⋯.jpg (195.57 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PrinceAndrew_Epstein713g.jpg)

File: 7497f0a8f1d3a30⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PrinceAndrewBlank713f.jpg)

File: cb016a9838dc897⋯.jpg (275.89 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, PrinceAndrew_JeffreyEpstei….jpg)


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b14691  No.9947417

Some of us think the penance stare is apt. It's the only reason you're alive. Let that sink in.

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ffb72b  No.9947418


It coincides in the drop. It starts with EO and ends with SKY EVENT.

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13f9ee  No.9947419


A military tribunal IS NOT a criminal trial. An investigation into a group conducting a coup d'etat against the USA IS NOT a criminal investigation.

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f142b2  No.9947420


>A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for:

A puppet for the assholes who've fucked this country for generations..

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2366a8  No.9947421

File: 4c20ff4fa1cf1cd⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 968x681, 968:681, Ecz6bSnX0AYb9Ty.jpg)

Sky Event?

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a610cd  No.9947422

File: 010b857d57786a8⋯.png (36.99 KB, 728x303, 728:303, ClipboardImage.png)

China says it will ban entry tp U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz over their criticism of the ruling Communist Party’s policies toward minority groups and people of faith - @AP


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e52955  No.9947423


that enlightenment wouldn't light the last brain cell you have

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d8992d  No.9947424

File: 9b2036e8c31831f⋯.jpg (166.22 KB, 705x940, 3:4, Stargazer.jpg)

File: 68b58ae572ee5bf⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 686x458, 343:229, Fire_The_Generals.jpg)


You're Fired You Lazy POS….

Did I wash out of Basic Training ANON?

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9e5123  No.9947425

File: bb2385733562787⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 531x470, 531:470, CroatiaIB.jpg)

File: b7bfdf68f61745a⋯.png (128.53 KB, 976x684, 244:171, CroatiaII.png)

File: 2e8894920aaa11d⋯.png (373.77 KB, 808x745, 808:745, KushnerEndIsNearII.png)

File: 9cb1f67865ec8b1⋯.png (530.98 KB, 946x647, 946:647, ClipboardImage.png)

"Meadows told me he was doing that," one former White House official told the news outlet. "I don't know if it ever worked."


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2f5f8c  No.9947426

I've never bought GOYA before. What's some good GOYA stuff to buy?

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305894  No.9947427

File: 1ce15e80e3a8483⋯.png (757.2 KB, 1070x1364, 535:682, Screen_Shot_2020_07_13_at_….png)


Assange's lawyer named French minister


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti has been appointed as France's new justice minister.

Dupond-Moretti, a prominent criminal defence lawyer, was elevated to the ministry by incoming Prime Minister Jean Castex on Monday.

The 55-year-old is known for a his record number of acquittals and led a push by European lawyers for French President Emmanuel Macron to grant asylum to Assange in February.

"We consider the situation is sufficiently serious that our duty is to talk about it," Dupond-Moretti said about Assange's case at the time.

The Frenchman has said the case against the Australian is unfair, citing Assange's poor health and alleged violations of his rights while in jail in London

Dupond-Moretti's team also warned of "consequences for all journalists" if Assange is extradited and jailed in the US.

French members of Assange's legal team said they had been working on a "concrete demand" for Macron to grant Assange asylum in France, where he has children.

It's unclear whether Dupond-Moretti will now use his position to grant the Australian asylum.

Assange has been held on remand in London's Belmarsh prison since October 11, and is facing an extradition hearing to decide whether he should be sent to the US to face charges.

The hearing has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and Assange hasn't appeared before court in more than three months.

The 49-year-old's next callover hearing is in the Westminster Magistrates' Court on July 27.

The extradition trial is set to resume on September 7.

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3290a1  No.9947428


your shit's retard and pretty stale

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e5d65d  No.9947429


Exactly! I've followed both for a long time. I just think they are getting frustrated like many are.

"Patience grasshopper."

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eeb444  No.9947430

HERE IT COMES: Bill Gates And His GAVI Vaccine Alliance Launching AI-Powered ‘Trust Stamp’ Combining A Vaccine And Digital Biometric ID In West Africa

Digital identity capabilities from Trust Stamp are now being integrated with Mastercard’s Wellness Pass solution, which it will launch in cooperation with Gavi in West Africa. Proving identity without revealing any information about it is the idea behind Trust Stamp’s zero knowledge approach to online identity verification, according to a profile by Mastercard.

We have been warning you night and day since March that this was coming, now it’s here, the first iteration of Bill Gates fever dream masterpiece of a vaccine tied to digital identification. Under the banner of his GAVI Vaccine Alliance and through a partnership with MasterCard, AI is being used from a company called TrustStamp that ‘creates tokenized identities from any biometric modality, or other identity data, from any source’. Of course, Bill Gates is launching this in Africa where his bought and paid for credentials from the WHO give him an open door to use the people of Africa as guinea pigs. Welcome to Phase 1, in just a little under 4 months from the date we told you it was ‘coming soon’.



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a79686  No.9947431


the real crime is what's legal

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3d84c3  No.9947432


King Louis IX (France) statue in STL (Forest Park) that the Soros crowd wants taken/torn down.

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ed9407  No.9947433

File: 69e54ea1fbe3a56⋯.png (776.15 KB, 770x809, 770:809, 6587091267538793432712.png)

File: 132755b5cca7241⋯.png (1.29 MB, 951x826, 951:826, 658907120986895467.png)

File: 6c7c946e4efc081⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1083x1162, 1083:1162, 942389071269035.png)

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26a135  No.9947434



Sky Event is FED related

Taxes Due Wednesday?

Prior to The Securities Act of 1933, regulation of securities was chiefly governed by state laws, commonly referred to as blue sky laws.

Bunker Apple Yellow Sky

Yellow = GOLD

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e17643  No.9947435


Actress Kelly Preston, who starred in such hit movies as “Jerry Maguire,” died Sunday, said husband John Travolta. She was 57.

Travolta made the announcement in an Instagram post, saying Preston had died after a two-year battle with breast cancer.

“It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my beautiful wife Kelly has lost her two-year battle with breast cancer,” Travolta said in the post. “She fought a courageous fight with the love and support of so many.”

Preston’s film and TV acting career also included roles in the 1999 film “For the Love of the Game,” and “What a Girl Wants” in 2003. She starred next to such leading men as Tom Cruise and Kevin Costner, according to the Associated Press.

Travolta and Preston met in 1988 while filming “The Experts." They last starred together in the 2018 film “Gotti,” with Travolta playing John Gotti and Preston playing the crime boss’s wife, Victoria, the wire service also reports. Preston is also survived by three children.


But the AdrenoTARDS said that she died at 57 because of no Adrenochrome. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT

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0b9805  No.9947436

Did you see Mueller's top lawyer is now writing a book?

Funny, if there were indeed "Habbenings Afoot" you would think the DS would be more humble or at least circumspect

You would think they would lie low

Another possibility is, dare I say it, there are ZERO happenings, just as there have been zero happenings since Q first showed up in October of 2017

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

Not a single DS or Democrat prosecution

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1b8ab0  No.9947438

File: 7fbab5406e9f047⋯.jpg (75.09 KB, 480x720, 2:3, IMG_3344.JPG)

Ok Q Team

Got a little coffee in me this fine Monday morning.

Ready to get back on the offensive.

What else do you have for us to crack open and expose this week?

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306efb  No.9947439


>I have never figured out

yeah, well go figure

youre too busy contriving fantasy scenarios to do any logical research

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6c3c17  No.9947440

File: 2b856c48935c009⋯.jpg (500.56 KB, 2082x1079, 2082:1079, Time.JPG)

File: f6ef1060ed8bf0d⋯.jpg (197.6 KB, 828x809, 828:809, TimeShark.JPG)

File: 7854841423c45b5⋯.jpg (676.45 KB, 2048x1350, 1024:675, MasksForMasses.JPG)

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b1cb6f  No.9947441


Gotcha. Thanks

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d8992d  No.9947442

File: 1ab21cf2c5e528e⋯.gif (3.35 MB, 288x216, 4:3, 20200509_202948.gif)




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105b5b  No.9947443


add to red text


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e0cddb  No.9947444

File: 48df8512a36d0b3⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 800x500, 8:5, women_sunsets_landscapes_n….jpg)



Seems plausible. Shipp knows Q linked the documentary he was featured in for a reason. And if they are calling for Q to reveal themselves, (@POTUS getting asked the question and confirming it) then I 100% whole-heartedly agree. It's been fun, but it's time to set all the records straight before people truly become unhinged.

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c40a69  No.9947445

File: 69da911d6e9b508⋯.png (120.38 KB, 1174x812, 587:406, ClipboardImage.png)



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41dd78  No.9947446

File: 3708d4dabede89a⋯.png (416.16 KB, 800x551, 800:551, kingsman_epstein_character….png)

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8fb410  No.9947447

File: a2f0cd8460bb5c9⋯.jpg (216.31 KB, 1162x788, 581:394, STAY_SAFE_PATRIOT.jpg)

File: 6d707861fd6ad00⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 238x255, 14:15, take_home_Assange.jpg)

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132733  No.9947448

Stone was mentioned in the Kim Clement prophecies, maybe more important things incoming?>>9947356

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60419e  No.9947449


where's grammar cat when you need him……MIDST

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68d361  No.9947450


Who dies of breast cancer anymore?

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3d84c3  No.9947451


kek - wake me up when it's Hunter they ban

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d0875d  No.9947452


Not All dog get to go to Heaven

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978e31  No.9947453

File: 1f2598b31875a91⋯.jpg (559.64 KB, 1079x1657, 1079:1657, Screenshot_20200713_103011….jpg)

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8fb410  No.9947454

File: d0b6a508880cbc5⋯.jpg (257.07 KB, 1000x645, 200:129, Good_learning.jpg)

File: 165d7e14fd4be92⋯.jpg (90.57 KB, 645x369, 215:123, WINNING.jpg)

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e52955  No.9947455

File: d6f91abbacc21c0⋯.jpg (116.71 KB, 888x499, 888:499, this_leftist_impulse.jpg)


We prefer them all at one time.

Thank you for playing.

No deals.

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f142b2  No.9947456

File: 1e3781aa25dc3b4⋯.png (181.05 KB, 489x448, 489:448, asange_they.png)

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707fb0  No.9947457

File: fc70f4291245957⋯.jpeg (147.66 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1593528495.jpeg)

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13a5c3  No.9947458


Watching video after video after video of patriotic black Americans waking up, it's very high.

Coming here?

Yeah. Not so much.

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0b9805  No.9947459


Sorry pops

People who "think for themselves" would wonder why all the supposed "cabal" are 100% free

Walking around, talking shit on TV, writing books

Not one, single prosecution

Not one incriminating info drop from Q who "has it all"

You are in fact brainwashed boomers who have to tell yourselves the people laughing at your are signs of "Panic"

Dumb shits

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3d84c3  No.9947460


Black beans in a can - good luck finding it on the shelves now - my local store sold out by yesterday evening when I was there.

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db0cfa  No.9947461

File: d4b6d2fa7aded87⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4132x6073, 4132:6073, wf.jpg)


what if the grafx being pushed was created by them…so it could be debunked, putting doubt in the whole story?

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6c3c17  No.9947462

File: d832fc13dcf5f5e⋯.jpg (755.07 KB, 2048x1372, 512:343, AntifaBootCamp.jpg)

File: 0016c434c22e7bd⋯.jpg (757.13 KB, 2028x1321, 2028:1321, SorosWantsYou.jpg)

File: dd1da4c5e66562f⋯.jpg (890.1 KB, 2500x1767, 2500:1767, AntifaTokenBLM.JPG)

File: 3d3a321e33285c7⋯.jpg (742.83 KB, 2048x1057, 2048:1057, SorosPuppeteer.JPG)

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869b65  No.9947463


Literally who? And why should I care what this asshat thinks?

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317a7c  No.9947464

File: e79e6cb20cc570d⋯.png (3.6 MB, 1502x1080, 751:540, IMG_6151.PNG)

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000000  No.9947465


Scientologists that won't go a regular doctor, because LRon mahgikkk.

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9d1c65  No.9947466

File: a7b3ea40eb251c1⋯.png (1.74 MB, 888x685, 888:685, Vol_1_Final_LEIS_Oct2018_p….png)

>>9947230 lb

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264e94  No.9947467

File: 0f30eaae788705a⋯.png (303.5 KB, 1054x901, 62:53, texas_fake_poll.png)

Fact check: MSNBC falsely claims Biden, who has not committed to the debates, is leading in the polls

Washington (CNN)MSNBC falsely claimed again on Thursday that Joe Biden the former Vice President, is leading Donald Trump in Texas Polling.


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8ce3c9  No.9947468




MASSIVE v/pizzagate digs into Wayfair. The digs even go into the comments on these.

Within these 3 threads, connections to Jeffery Epstein, Les Wexnar, and even Heather Podesta’s sister got found.

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a79686  No.9947469


if there is indeed a plan, the reveal of Q is in it - either way. to do it or not.

I personally don't see any reason for Q to come forward, and in fact it would be a huge distraction

my guess is that if a reveal is in the plan, certain conditions would have to be met

imo, of course, but we're not through the storm yet. by a long shot.

If I'm wrong, and Q is an empty suit, then this whole thing will just fade out like a bad dream

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13a5c3  No.9947470


Washington Smallpox

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869b65  No.9947471


When no one comments, it is because it isnt a noteworthy theory

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8fb410  No.9947472

File: 114b69d6181f5ff⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 680x849, 680:849, no_brakes.gif)

File: 2552b60bad0d036⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 816x430, 408:215, You_re_fucked.jpg)

File: 9f804a898dcc2b0⋯.jpg (289.34 KB, 1152x768, 3:2, PEACE_IS_THE_PRIZE.jpg)

File: 465697ed8598633⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 648x371, 648:371, TRUMP_S_ON_IT.jpg)

File: f4bf7ac9e9b5c7d⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 255x169, 255:169, STABLE_GENIUS.jpg)

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d0875d  No.9947473

Why would he want to do that now?

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42398f  No.9947474

File: 3416a28d1956ecc⋯.png (165.55 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_07_12_12_0….png)

File: d5af88f4d7c8ae2⋯.jpg (104.47 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1594568720478.jpg)

HITMANANON Threads Deleted all weekend on little brother 4, approx 10 threads of varying lengths, nerves struck


Bun here: https://wearethene.ws/notable/121325


GHIDRA+HITMAN came up in Threads continuously, some Anons working on it.


pic related is artwork in game, Look Familiar?


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d0875d  No.9947475

File: fd0922dade55aa8⋯.png (424.15 KB, 585x370, 117:74, ClipboardImage.png)

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e52955  No.9947476

File: 24e5b51b325e79d⋯.jpg (212.07 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, The_government_doesn_t_run….jpg)

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306efb  No.9947477

File: 02e67c36b6d4196⋯.png (40.29 KB, 731x324, 731:324, ClipboardImage.png)


imagine how great QR would be if anons read notables


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a6adae  No.9947478

Started seeing signs posted all over at stores and such saying theres a shortage of change.

I inquired…. several places said same thing… the signs came from one local bank. They were asked to post the signal. And theres a phone number on the flyer. But no bank name. Will get the phone number today….

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a610cd  No.9947479

File: 85c86648a6186df⋯.png (20.49 KB, 721x178, 721:178, ClipboardImage.png)

PMJT will speak to US President Trump today.


Justin Truedeu to meet with Trump…

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13a5c3  No.9947480

File: 2aee225d5bd3fea⋯.png (1.07 MB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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707fb0  No.9947481

File: acd45fea572b822⋯.jpeg (97.09 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1592328241.jpeg)

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0f3f3f  No.9947482

File: 06072d4d1fbdb88⋯.png (130.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200713_073209.png)

Wayfair = Waif air

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0a95db  No.9947483


Because tits are involved.

Tits motivate us all Anon, we are born needing tits, and we die thinking about them.

Tits run the world, and they lubricate 8Kun.

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30f6db  No.9947484

File: cf7b19614fc68cc⋯.png (769.46 KB, 642x641, 642:641, bushpaperplanes.png)


This ^^^ is a connect to ASSANGE and to his Dead man switch code, which was his last tweet and was combined with the link to the M.I.A. video

>>9947383 is the lyrics; in case you didn't pick up that detail already?

Also the Paper Planes?


How could people miss that?

Because everyone knows "Planes hit the Towers"

Also, it's probably the FAKE they are most proud of, and get the most giggles from.

And the one that willdefinitelybring down the Major networks , since they wereALL INVOLVED

cross - reference The Paper Plane and BUSH painting in the pad of Epstein on 71st st.

That area is fucking creepy, just so you know.


Nancy Lanza : in case any hobbiest are interested in a Sandy Hook data collection?


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f142b2  No.9947485


when is blanket day?

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a610cd  No.9947486

File: 2012b46350f0f89⋯.png (203.08 KB, 731x646, 43:38, ClipboardImage.png)


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f69841  No.9947487

notables bun @ 250

>>9947414 #12727 notable.


>>9947479 Justin Truedeu to meet with Trump…

>>9947427 Assange's lawyer named French minister

>>9947218 Violence in Streets Going to Increase – Kevin Shipp

>>9947396 DJT rewat w/CAP: @AmericanAir has turned the Admirals Club at @iflymia into a mask-making factory! During a time of crisi…

>>9947291 anon ties POTUS "Be careful what you wish for' to Q Post 586

>>9947310, >>9947371 planefag reporting

>>9947267 First Federal Execution in 17 years can proceed on Monday (today).

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f84b69  No.9947488


Phew that reach! You lefties are such blind morons that only hear what YOU want to hear.

What a dirty lying faggot you are

TITS or GTFO purpled hair cow

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0aafab  No.9947489


What store? My local supermarket didn't have this

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736f51  No.9947490

File: 3e195f99bba309e⋯.png (214.69 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Nicole Thea, pregnant YouTube star, dead at 24


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8dc31a  No.9947491

File: f7ef29e15a01221⋯.png (146.23 KB, 480x477, 160:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Q:

As long as we are in a so called count down releasing names


since we have these beautiful blurry camera pics of the Epstein island lower levels,

Maybe you since you have and we do not have the technology on the board to enhance these photos

You could start enhancing these photos as you make drops so that close to the end we have some people which we can identify for the lemmings out in the real world who don't understand or refuse to believe what is going on.

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ea9edb  No.9947492

Give me 1 good reason 2020 isn't just the mad fever dream of some comatose Afghanistan vet

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e52955  No.9947493


Washington Menstruaters

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b14691  No.9947494

95% of people will be confident, happy and inspired when all the 'elite' scum and human scourge disappear. Let that sink in. Good times ahead. Rid this wonderful planet of all that holds all of us down. They are fuckin frauds

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b0c9da  No.9947495

File: 49b33309ff18cfa⋯.png (315.06 KB, 454x426, 227:213, 49b33309ff18cfa541c5b19258….png)


What is perhaps most alarming about this new “Wellness Pass” initiative, is that it links these “dual use” digital solutions to cashless payment solutions that could soon become mandated as anything over than touchless, cashless, methods of payment have been treated as potential modes for contagion by GAVI-aligned groups like the World Health Organization, among others, since the pandemic was first declared earlier this year.


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5afccc  No.9947496

File: ac619001b89d942⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 1200x409, 1200:409, kekistan_airlines.jpg)


Trips confirm your perception has earned you a free upgrade to first class.*

(*Upgrade only applies towards roundtrip airfare to the Doge Republic on flights originating on Tuesdays after 11pm)

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049a61  No.9947497


Got the chem trailed big time yesterday

Perfect clear skies at 7am, several jets flying over

I watched “con trails” grow into high thin clouds, wind and rain later

They use storm fronts to hide the chem trialing

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8e14bb  No.9947498



Does that link to the drop Sky is Falling?

IRS has been fucking around with taxes filed months ago, not processing them, which in turn, denied stimulus payments to many people.

Can't get a straight answer from anyone regarding this "glitch."

If they haven't finished up the back filings, how the hell are they going to work on the new ones? So much fuckery with the IRS.

Thinking Rettig is DS about now.

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13a5c3  No.9947499


Every day!

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e0cddb  No.9947500


Shipp's featured/interviewed in "Out of Shadows". Q called it the "Best documentary of the year":

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9e3eda No.8765747 📁

Apr 11 2020 23:00:04 (EST)


Best documentary of the year.

[F] black sites are being closed [MK_active]

[CLAS 1-99: future]


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d0875d  No.9947501

File: e6a015add561f1e⋯.png (336.46 KB, 575x448, 575:448, ClipboardImage.png)

Ha ha ha ha ha

Lunatic politician needs to come back to earth

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b1cb6f  No.9947502


This is a silly argument. Non-starter. They're telling Trump to come out about his views. Trump is already out about his views.

Trump is Q is Trump is Anons. These guys need to low-key chill.

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9d1c65  No.9947503


>If I'm wrong, and Q is an empty suit, then this whole thing will just fade out like a bad dream

Nothing can stop what is coming…nothing.

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c40a69  No.9947504


Daniel Dale is complete faggot

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000000  No.9947505



>>9947218 Kevin Shipp, best friend of InTheMatrixxx shits on Q, both promote race division at the start of the show before calling BLM not a civil rights movement.

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13a5c3  No.9947506

File: 55372641a656567⋯.png (156.55 KB, 1125x872, 1125:872, ClipboardImage.png)


Can anyone read graphs anymore?

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a610cd  No.9947507

File: 0ec4656ce897ea9⋯.png (60.29 KB, 255x137, 255:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d74aa196a0c1685⋯.png (314.29 KB, 824x358, 412:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Nelson Mandela's daughter Zindzi becomes the fourth of his children to die after passing away in hospital in Johannesburg at the age of 59


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1fc8df  No.9947509

File: 5755ee1f0832b74⋯.png (199.86 KB, 655x743, 655:743, moarSAWZmoarSAWZ.png)



>neglected to add a very important

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317a7c  No.9947510

File: e532bc7c405a48c⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 711x551, 711:551, IMG_5087.JPG)

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3d84c3  No.9947511



Washington Half-Oklahomans

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13f9ee  No.9947512


Bought me some Goya stuff for the first time yesterday. Was out of Adobo spice though.

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e52955  No.9947513

File: 90a1e8a907596fb⋯.png (8.14 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 51470552ff4d82d5a79a28d20c….png)



he said lubricate

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d8992d  No.9947514

File: 9afd2408e459bbe⋯.png (246.05 KB, 419x260, 419:260, 9afd2408e459bbe05e89dc288f….png)

File: b86754e3b1ffd8b⋯.gif (5.09 MB, 640x482, 320:241, b86754e3b1ffd8b8eb7dd4b6e3….gif)

File: 11a4e31e7017036⋯.gif (161.41 KB, 261x267, 87:89, 11a4e31e701703622d874bf23a….gif)

File: f550da6b8283396⋯.jpg (119.43 KB, 500x750, 2:3, f550da6b8283396318521b03bc….jpg)

File: ba300a31befa748⋯.jpg (91.68 KB, 400x470, 40:47, GrimJob_Kat.jpg)


Grammer Kat corrects


Frijoles Negros….

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8fb410  No.9947515

File: 80d62716db553e7⋯.jpg (142.84 KB, 940x627, 940:627, GLOW_MORE.jpg)

File: 6a31647fc1904c2⋯.png (374.45 KB, 1012x720, 253:180, DINOSAUR_BRAIN.png)

File: 68a748876e7f9da⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 846x796, 423:398, RETARDS_ARE_GOING_DOWN.jpg)

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6bd3b0  No.9947516

File: 9debcdd78b2dc1f⋯.jpg (609.09 KB, 1242x1762, 621:881, PelosiDoWhatThouWilt.jpg)

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c4801d  No.9947517

Quick observation here.. and I’m probably late to the game: when President Trump endorsed Goya he was telling us that Goya products are untainted (Cabal/Geoengineering Free) and safe for our consumption. Going to let spouse know that we should buy Goya products going forward.

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4f678a  No.9947518

File: 80d8d4753c3cbc9⋯.jpg (367.91 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200712_193731.jpg)

some people did something

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707fb0  No.9947519

File: a8ce5321bd72a03⋯.jpeg (98.66 KB, 1080x1077, 360:359, 1576933938.jpeg)

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802dc4  No.9947520

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60419e  No.9947521


usually when it spreads to the lungs or other vital organs. Other than that it's very survivable.

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b0c9da  No.9947522

File: de20f7af1261443⋯.jpg (137.99 KB, 541x469, 541:469, KEK_.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947523


Literally the plot for Les Miserables…..

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a610cd  No.9947524

File: 88ba9f9a5201539⋯.png (281.63 KB, 723x551, 723:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Courts

Published 7 mins ago

Federal judge blocks imminent execution, last-minute appeals likely

By Ronn Blitzer, Bill Mears | Fox News


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133587  No.9947525


Nominate Notable

While the sauce site is religious, the hyperlinks within the site do link through to original sauce sites that are secularly credible.

The AI generated 3D mask of an individuals Head or Palm is scary enough for this to be captured.

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6bd3b0  No.9947526

File: 33284cd9d5deaf8⋯.jpg (145.42 KB, 1550x901, 1550:901, Boom1.JPG)

File: e0dd6055ec6a8c1⋯.jpg (145.35 KB, 1528x908, 382:227, Boom2.JPG)

File: 45ad928ad1366ca⋯.jpg (145.56 KB, 1539x918, 57:34, Boom3.JPG)


Jesse Waters:"Boom, boom, boom"

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0f2e2c  No.9947527


They're a spooky family for sure. Member their older son's accidental death in Bahamas & poof she was pregnant with replacement child. Bahamas had some weird stuff going on back then with Heff's blonde fren getting ded, her son ded..crazy stuff back then.

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8fb410  No.9947529

File: 90b68f486a59302⋯.jpg (184.76 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, PHONEY_FISA_DOSSIER.jpg)

File: 0e0d46bdd10b486⋯.jpg (190.9 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, took_out_internet_bill.jpg)

File: 71ff1001e1eff32⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 375x210, 25:14, FISA_PHONEY.jpg)

File: f3f096511aa20e6⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 509x320, 509:320, More_LIES_needed.jpg)

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721e26  No.9947530


Not likely… if so it backfired.

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8a8bc6  No.9947531

File: b12f0680db5926d⋯.png (902.21 KB, 750x588, 125:98, EEFEE234_8DD0_4438_A781_3B….png)


What dis? First son death prolly a sacrifice

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18c01c  No.9947532


- 7/13 - Zindziswa Mandela (Nelson daughter)

- 7/12 - Kelly Preston (Travolta wife)

- 7/12 - Benjamin Keough (Presley kid)

- 7/11 - Nicole Thea (YouTube star)

- 7/11 - Lil Marlo (Rapper)

- 7/8 - Alex Pullin (Snowboarder)

- 7/6 - Charlie Daniels (Patriot)

- 7/6 - Ennio Morricone (Composer)

- 7/5 - Nick Cordero (Broadway)

- 7/4 - Sebastián Athié (Disney)

-7/2 - Maxwell arrested

- 7/1 - Hugh Downs (Host)

- 6/29 - Carl Reiner (Pedo)


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e52955  No.9947533


>They use storm fronts to hide the chem trialing

if that were the case (hiding it) wouldn't they just fly at night?

I see the same sequence as you, yet I wonder.

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15e53b  No.9947534

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e966101f60414f⋯.png (111.63 KB, 207x255, 69:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f25894a7597ad25⋯.png (510.87 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The economy is ROARING BACK! This is the last thing the [DS] wants. We will not shut down again. TRUMP will win on November 3 (or whenever all ballots are counted) and the United States will enter in to a glorious period of PEACE AND PROSPERITY. Until then, we have to FIGHT.


Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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306efb  No.9947535

File: 6d7aad260d33abb⋯.png (582.62 KB, 500x420, 25:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok Karen

the purpled hair cow comment really hit a nerve

now go make me a sammich

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26727e  No.9947536

BAKERlb notable

Bun on Preston, Travolta ties to Scientologist Haiti Orphanage

>>9946545Kelly Preston, Travolta's Ties to Haitian Orphanage

>>9946747Kelly Preston friend, Claude Reginald Jean, Scientologist Owner of Haitian Orphanage Tweets "I Will Not Kill Myself" July 3rd


>>9946836Digg on Claude Reginald Jean's Grodysh International Haiti non profit scam and Dr. Julia Perlstein

Need more digging into Julia Perlstein, Calgary, Chicago connections, Kingston Lawson, and CTrust Realty

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000000  No.9947537


Hugo there…

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52c567  No.9947538

File: b978f763366b2b6⋯.png (308.33 KB, 1028x561, 1028:561, 82_8000_USAF_VIP_747_n_fro….PNG)

82-8000 USAF VIP 747 heading north at just over 5k/ft now

RSAF MEDVC5A on final at Dulles Int'l-DC

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B out from McGuire AFB, NJ doing fly overs

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2366a8  No.9947539


C++ fag here, I couldn't anything much in the code. It's just too much effort to go through. Best you can do is find code comments and infer from the disassembly.

The problem with the idea is that, if we take the hypothetical as true (Hitman plus several other games to be used as an offline data dump/reveal in case of a DS internet killswitch), then why would you make it too cryptic?

Normies aren't going to run steganography algorithms on their PS4 screenshots. If this is true and not a pointless duck hunt shill tactic, then there has to be something that is easily accessible in-game.

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26a135  No.9947540

Is Powell a sleeper?

The victims the dude scheduled to be federally executed today… The family he murdered had the last name POWELL.

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13a5c3  No.9947541


You don't sit around holding bunny statues in family photos???

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d0875d  No.9947542

Meuller = Distraction

Graham cracker will soft ball him

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6c3c17  No.9947543

File: 65dca2516ba0a05⋯.png (502.12 KB, 813x498, 271:166, AOCEmotion.PNG)

File: 7525c32c6317db8⋯.jpg (91.03 KB, 720x558, 40:31, AOCpuzzle.JPG)

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e0cddb  No.9947544



Don't forget to re-read crumbs every morning for breakfast, anons!


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 03ac69 No.1953310 📁

Jun 28 2018 23:59:18 (EST)

Anonymous ID: ffd993 No.1952748 📁

Jun 28 2018 23:25:43 (EST)


I almost hope they don't ask. It would be fun to watch them try to manage the spin when 90% of the country is aware of you and all that you've been shining a light on, while the MSM still can acknowledge it.

I can see them squirming now..


It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



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8fb410  No.9947545

File: 6193a5c31584bc7⋯.jpg (158.07 KB, 812x542, 406:271, run_renegade_rabbit.jpg)

File: 4be0cf2948950dc⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 518x388, 259:194, HILLARY_S_FUCKED_NOW.jpg)

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68d361  No.9947546


>usually when it spreads to the lungs or other vital organs. Other than that it's very survivable.

It has impacted this house in the last year. My question was less sarcastic than my have been origionally observed. That all being said, I guess if you dont believe that doctors are necessary and holding a pair of electrical tongs can be a substitute….

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684b60  No.9947547

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3290a1  No.9947548

File: 902ac61f4d343f6⋯.jpg (190.52 KB, 886x576, 443:288, FAILED_COUP_OBAMAGATE2.jpg)

File: 86039de18c1ff49⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 350x255, 70:51, FAILED2.jpg)

File: 7845feedca28a26⋯.jpg (66.36 KB, 322x332, 161:166, FAILED1.jpg)

File: 1af00f4d223bf73⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 272x265, 272:265, FAILED3.jpg)

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ebfab3  No.9947549

File: f72041a2e3ab1a5⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 869x223, 869:223, Liz_shill_Jr_.JPG)

File: ef3b0ca2cfd177f⋯.jpg (263.37 KB, 521x527, 521:527, potato_head_Jr_shillz.jpg)


> "Best documentary of the year":

kekked on that

"herpes mental distress" lady is so over the top

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d8992d  No.9947550

File: af8f2d16c7b9aea⋯.gif (97.76 KB, 150x150, 1:1, BH_of_LIGHT.gif)

File: 2ff9e9fcf0bdf76⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 960x693, 320:231, Scott_BayHole.jpg)

File: 8b9ef18a2eb44fe⋯.gif (6 MB, 512x384, 4:3, Jitterbug_Small.gif)

File: 8382df7d3190ae0⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 320x240, 4:3, tenor_2_.gif)

File: b3f0b994c9a2b84⋯.png (2.42 MB, 2135x1242, 2135:1242, Hakluyt_2.png)

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0e0791  No.9947551



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8a8bc6  No.9947552


Kek! Negative anon. These people are so fucked

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736f51  No.9947553

File: ed36ad515da0bcf⋯.png (310.22 KB, 471x521, 471:521, lyt16.png)

File: 28c85870e7526ca⋯.png (298.68 KB, 489x491, 489:491, lyt17.png)

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8038a1  No.9947554

File: b608ec149f0e94f⋯.jpg (91.35 KB, 500x575, 20:23, 484gnt.jpg)

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684b60  No.9947555


>>9947467 MSNBC Fake Poll Results

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8fb410  No.9947556

File: ddf1cfce94f25c2⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 600x336, 25:14, grassley_disgusted.jpg)

File: fe2dbeee79f27dd⋯.png (728.49 KB, 900x586, 450:293, smeagal_schiff_is_preeeeee….png)

File: 2c2619fc0f856a2⋯.jpg (52.09 KB, 600x336, 25:14, SCARED_THEY_LL_HANG.jpg)

File: 8aa247f38cc4f0f⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 450x252, 25:14, Pamela_Karlan_Snark.jpg)

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721e26  No.9947557


Which would you rather have?

A virus outbreak or a prison breakout

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15e53b  No.9947558

File: 301f94ad98691cd⋯.png (53.12 KB, 286x176, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Composed by His Excellency

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Almighty and Eternal God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords: graciously

turn your gaze to us who invoke You with confidence.

Bless us, citizens of the United States of America; grant peace and

prosperity to our Nation; illuminate those who govern us so that they may

commit themselves to the common good, in respect for Your holy Law.

Protect those who, defending the inviolable principles of the Natural Law

and Your Commandments, must face the repeated assaults of the Enemy

of the human race.

Keep in the hearts of Your children courage for the truth, love for virtue

and perseverance in the midst of trials.

Make our families grow in the example that Our Lord has given us, together

with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph in the home of Nazareth;

give to our fathers and mothers the gift of Strength, to educate wisely the

children with which you have blessed them.

Give courage to those who, in spiritual combat, fight the good fight as

soldiers of Christ against the furious forces of the children of darkness.

Keep each one of us, O Lord, in your Most Sacred Heart, and above all

He whom Your Providence has placed at the head of our Nation.

Bless the President of the United States of America, so that aware of his

responsibility and his duties, he may be a knight of justice, a defender of

the oppressed, a firm bulwark against Your enemies, and a proud

supporter of the children of light.

Place the United States of America and the whole world under the mantle

of the Queen of Victories, our Unconquered Leader in battle, the

Immaculate Conception. It is thanks to her, and through your Mercy, that

the hymn of praise rises to you, O Lord, from the children whom you have

redeemed in the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.Jesus Christ.


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d0875d  No.9947559


Why not Both

Double the Fear for the normies

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f683ae  No.9947560


Graphs work better with sauce

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ebfab3  No.9947561


how much longer

can white Jesus survive

at such a woke forum?

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56a0be  No.9947562

File: 088fbec28c936a3⋯.png (143.46 KB, 1056x528, 2:1, redsickles.png)

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d44bc3  No.9947563


Great to see an anon digging through EOs for insights related to Q drops. I sometimes try, but I am not very good at comprehending them. My mind goes into neutral like it does when I try to read a legal contract or a user license agreement.

What did you find interesting about it, and how might it tie to "Sky Event"? The new required 'Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Profiles', soon to be required for federal contracts? The upcoming vulnerability test? The mandatory reporting from agencies? How this all will affect 'critical infrastructure owners'?

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721e26  No.9947564


Trump pardons Stone gets all sorts of msm back lash … Newsom let’s 8000 felons lose, no coverage.

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43fd8d  No.9947565

File: 7c43e163f318693⋯.png (75.38 KB, 1195x351, 1195:351, Screenshot_from_2020_07_13….png)

Spread that post far and wide.


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f84b69  No.9947566


This is fucked up.

The victims family need to stop being retarded.

How much does it cost to house this asshole each day?

The ONLY reason they say they won't go watch it now is because they are scared of CoronaVirus.

Fucking clowns

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e52955  No.9947567

File: 30bd9545db6d63c⋯.jpg (111.7 KB, 753x500, 753:500, WHAT_gs_ORDERS_TOTALLY_.jpg)


Does she realize that by being Soros' stooge she is going to be a huge target?

I am not encouraging violence at all, but if you wanna be the most corrupt democrat lightning rod….

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3d84c3  No.9947568



kek - I know but was afraid of being cancel cultured

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a610cd  No.9947569

File: 21564f0adb11d85⋯.png (280.93 KB, 728x608, 91:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96ac1a34d18a7b2⋯.png (271.89 KB, 680x652, 170:163, ClipboardImage.png)



Washington NFL team to announce retirement of 'Redskins' nickname, reveal new name Monday https://usatoday.com/story/sports/

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8fb410  No.9947570

File: 1027a32ec7fa911⋯.jpg (72.08 KB, 549x366, 3:2, Factless_liar.jpg)

File: 1d9314ff6e0e882⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 495x329, 495:329, bullshit.jpg)

File: b9bce4affd63b9f⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 550x366, 275:183, YOU_RE_FUCKED_CORY.jpg)

File: 36fbbd2690d04fd⋯.jpg (139.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Their_fate_is_sealed_.jpg)

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3290a1  No.9947572

File: 34664684b42ddcb⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 640x322, 320:161, Blumenthal_gets_REEEEEEEKT….mp4)

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6bd3b0  No.9947573

File: c591cf976d8542e⋯.png (36.66 KB, 202x250, 101:125, Retard.png)

File: 4c14a2d6c43d3ce⋯.jpg (571.89 KB, 1194x1640, 597:820, Lucifer_Derp.jpg)

File: 3394bd764468a3a⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2792x7512, 349:939, Baphomet_Defender.JPG)

File: c2f98e4b19ee7f3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 860x484, 215:121, SATANIST_EXPOSED_1.png)

File: d7086ba8e39198e⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Muhjoo16.jpg)

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e0cddb  No.9947574




Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #38

May 22, 2018

I really wanted to call this one full circle, but think I have used that name before.This involves three women and a few men, but it is the way this all came to be which is the most interesting thing. The first woman we will call A. You all know her and she ended up with the job. She was not the first or even the second choice, but in the long run, she has worked out well and looking back, probably the best choice.

A (former A- list mostly television actress) was chosen by a guy named M. M is one of those guys who has a ton of money and throws enough in the air until women close their eyes and shut out all thought until the sexual act is over. A always seems to need money and has openly admitted in the past to exchanging sex for money. Meanwhile M has kind of collection of one type of woman he wants to sleep with and keeps a running total of them. He has told friends he is up to almost 100. It is a special kind of celebrity.

Anyway, the first choice was kind of unusual. The first choice was B. The reason they wanted B is because she spends a great deal of time in the country where she was needed and famous enough, but not too famous where it would work. Finally, she too is known to accept money for arrangements, but here was the sticking point. Usually, even though she is a permanent A list singer in that country, she is the one bearding for lesser known people and never actually has sex with them. They pay to be seen with her and she will live with them, but there is no sex. According to the demands of the ultimate employer, he wanted to be able to have sex with the woman chosen.

The second choice was an interesting choice. We will call her C. She is an interesting choice. She lives in the country where she was needed. C also fit the bill of famous, but not too famous. She was perfectly willing to have sex when needed and had done that frequently to land many of her reality jobs/singing gigs. What ultimately disqualified her was N. Apparently N had been instructed by his employers that C was being claimed, yes that was the word used, by someone who she had yachted with in the past and he wanted her available to him when needed. N and M are best buddies.

So, in the end, A was chosen and has been doing it for several years at this point. She has made over $1M for her work. Will she end up going to jail? I think it is more likely she will end up killed rather than jailed.

A: Pamela Anderson

B: Kylie Minogue

C: Nicole Scherzinger

M: George Soros

N: Julian Assange

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13a5c3  No.9947575

How do I all the memes

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e23c36  No.9947576


Biden. Rain. Iran.


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d0875d  No.9947577


The Great Awakening is Near

Civilians know nothing john snow

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ed9407  No.9947578

File: 758e6647a6d621a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1184x885, 1184:885, 8975251465787.png)

File: 3301c2453817768⋯.png (898.87 KB, 937x993, 937:993, 543784089765.png)

File: 81381a0fe574573⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1185x875, 237:175, 786421585985476463.png)

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baa31f  No.9947579

Daily reminder

Super Majority



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b0c9da  No.9947580

File: c73d003d8f70dc4⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 280x280, 1:1, c73d003d8f70dc4c88f68e4d6d….jpg)

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74c0d9  No.9947581


Member Shipp inthematrix and Liz crokin are in cohoots. Crokin is the ho that bleeds the jfkjr larp for every penny she can get.

Lots of self serving opportunists out there.

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e52955  No.9947582

File: 7388dfa34512ae0⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 923x500, 923:500, this_01.jpg)

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dca281  No.9947583

File: d15ef73c2ed0268⋯.png (289.35 KB, 604x520, 151:130, ClipboardImage.png)


something like this

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305894  No.9947584

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients



Higher rates of serious illness and death from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection among older people and those who have comorbidities suggest that age- and disease-related biological processes make such individuals more sensitive to environmental stress factors including infectious agents like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Specifically, impaired redox homeostasis and associated oxidative stress appear to be important biological processes that may account for increased individual susceptibility to diverse environmental insults. The aim of this Viewpoint is to justify (1) the crucial roles of glutathione in determining individual responsiveness to COVID-19 infection and disease pathogenesis and (2) the feasibility of using glutathione as a means for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 illness. The hypothesis that glutathione deficiency is the most plausible explanation for serious manifestation and death in COVID-19 patients was proposed on the basis of an exhaustive literature analysis and observations. The hypothesis unravels the mysteries of epidemiological data on the risk factors determining serious manifestations of COVID-19 infection and the high risk of death and opens real opportunities for effective treatment and prevention of the disease.

I believe this is saying that deficiencies in the diet are the reason that some people die from Coronavirus. That would mean that we can prevent the disease simply by eating the right foods in the run-up to cold and flu season.

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a610cd  No.9947585

File: b54e77709d7e868⋯.png (354.07 KB, 855x370, 171:74, ClipboardImage.png)

UPDATE July 13, 2020

Apple allocates more than $400 million toward its $2.5 billion commitment to combat California’s housing crisis


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6bd3b0  No.9947586

File: 1dcaf11b82931ad⋯.png (398.33 KB, 2465x1501, 2465:1501, Solzhenitsyn6.png)

File: 010450abe3c50ef⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Baphomet49.jpg)

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47dded  No.9947587

File: 9ac1a00f9833dd8⋯.png (872.56 KB, 500x901, 500:901, Screenshot_2020_07_13_Dani….png)

Dan Scavino Jr, Facebook

Sorry, Dr. Faucet! At least you know if I’m going to disagree with a colleague, such as yourself, it’s done publicly — and not cowardly, behind journalists with leaks. See you tomorrow!


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f84b69  No.9947588



Jett Travolta did not have to die. That whole thing was fucked up.

John Travolta was devastated, it was such a sad thing. His wife never showed any emotion about it publicly then she knocked up again & has another boy. Designer baby. No doubt in my mind.

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3290a1  No.9947589

File: c2af7e751936272⋯.mp4 (861.11 KB, 480x480, 1:1, SOTU2020_Trump_warns_while….mp4)

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2366a8  No.9947590


Canniphiledurer has a strange ring.

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d3bb64  No.9947591

File: 6ce4e86416103a5⋯.png (951.72 KB, 1722x1088, 861:544, 2020.png)

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30e48d  No.9947592


TERRE HAUTE — The first federal execution in 17 years is on hold after a U.S. judge ordered a new delay in federal executions.

Daniel Lewis Lee, of Yukon, Oklahoma, was scheduled to be executed at 4 p.m. Monday at the Federal Correctional Institution in Terre Haute.

A U.S. district judge ordered a new delay in federal executions on Monday morning. Lee's execution had previously been been suspended late Friday following a decision by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Lee is one of four people who are scheduled to be executed at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute. Two other men are set to be put to death this week, while another execution is scheduled for August.

The executions, pushed by the Trump administration, would be the first carried out at the federal level since 2003.

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d0875d  No.9947593


This is how you do it

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6c3c17  No.9947594

File: 0876ef862170d06⋯.jpg (106.8 KB, 605x757, 605:757, FeinsteinChiCom.JPG)

File: 21eeca44073c998⋯.png (1.02 MB, 894x687, 298:229, FeinsteinCPC.PNG)

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15e53b  No.9947595


He has survived over 2,000 years now.

Not concerned.

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e52955  No.9947596

File: 2e85419abfbed6f⋯.png (344.66 KB, 570x345, 38:23, 2e85419abfbed6f6632bd9c084….png)


Washington Transsexuals

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8fb410  No.9947597

File: 4b462761f56e20f⋯.png (472.34 KB, 810x421, 810:421, PELOSI_LIES.png)

File: 144b5eeb8ac4a84⋯.jpg (142.81 KB, 1140x710, 114:71, Jerry_Nadler_luvs_Schiff.jpg)

File: 7bd4e80e8c803d6⋯.jpg (63.12 KB, 598x338, 23:13, FORD_LIES.jpg)

File: 8b517a013831b24⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 327x269, 327:269, GOD_FORGIVE_ME.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947598


Er, he had already shut down the border to China by then.

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8dc31a  No.9947599

File: f5b69e5c48805dc⋯.png (44.07 KB, 255x133, 255:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Every self absorbed attention needing useless want to be is a fucking YOU TUBE star

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1fc8df  No.9947600

File: 6de540c21f6bf67⋯.png (375.5 KB, 609x696, 7:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6be832f2b017e5e⋯.mp4 (13.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JudgeJeanine_GAETZ.mp4)


caps >>9947509


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1982e5  No.9947601

File: 4169268feaffc4f⋯.jpeg (318.42 KB, 913x1500, 913:1500, 44C341BC_1A85_4303_82E3_D….jpeg)

Think you got problems?

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a8f2cd  No.9947602



Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

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3290a1  No.9947603


The Washington Cocksuckers.

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e0cddb  No.9947604


Yep, asked about this earlier. Anxiously awaiting what's going to come of it.

>>9947080 (lb)

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13a5c3  No.9947605



I must has all of them.

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ad8053  No.9947606


>M: George Soros

>N: Julian Assange

> N and M are best buddies.

need sauce for that one, never heard that.

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133587  No.9947607


3D AI generated verification Scheme:


Digital Notaries:


Required for commerce: (Voluntary for now)


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9d1c65  No.9947608

File: 15c42563728806e⋯.png (478.34 KB, 827x197, 827:197, WenChair.png)


Wayfair | Wenchair

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520a18  No.9947609


Israel is so desperate for this war. I am so glad POTUS is playing these kike fucks.

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0e0791  No.9947610


On Easter they might. The daughter holding tinfoil covered eggs might be a clue

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1fc8df  No.9947611


>>neglected SAWZ doh!


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ebfab3  No.9947612

File: 7f0b3e29f300635⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 7_14.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947613

File: a537a9aee302151⋯.png (497.75 KB, 383x500, 383:500, ClipboardImage.png)


It's this.

It's always been this.

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0a95db  No.9947614


What do you think keeps the bakers so slick and shiney. Its not sweat!

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d3bb64  No.9947615

File: 2efaada55afb4ac⋯.png (410.75 KB, 852x394, 426:197, Commutations.png)

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1982e5  No.9947616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Right off the bat, Mondays.

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3d84c3  No.9947617



Recent SC ruling that half of Oklahoma is legally an Indian Reservation - rape & pillage all you want Chief Casino Magnate dgaf.

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3290a1  No.9947618


or maybe even the Washington Cucksuckers. They ain't even good enough to suck a stiff cock.

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13a5c3  No.9947619


Pagan fertility god symbols.

Eggs and bunnies for fertility.

Sunflower for sun god.

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6c3c17  No.9947620

File: 33be9b2c4ddc2c3⋯.png (644.97 KB, 640x588, 160:147, FeinsteinPush.PNG)

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d8992d  No.9947621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm jest a Salty Ol SNCO hoo happens to have been in the background watching, waiting, taking notes. Peace and True Freedom from Superstition, Ignorance, and Tyranny are the Prize. They've infiltrated and perverted at all levels. It's funny to see how many throw the baby out with the bathwater. Founding Fathers knew this, yet THEY try to Destroy the history through their lenses of Cataracts.

Stay the Course Patriot.

For God and Country!




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305894  No.9947622

File: 3b44e4e4649c05d⋯.png (656.25 KB, 1078x1460, 539:730, Screen_Shot_2020_07_13_at_….png)

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a79686  No.9947623


a new 'this one will surely off trump' book?

that kind of book?

just hopium for your side, asshat

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ebfab3  No.9947624


just one thing:

he didn't turn white

until the council of Nicea

so 1700 years y'all been drinking the [clear] Kool-Aid; not 2,000

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13a5c3  No.9947625

File: dfa819f52bb47a6⋯.png (806.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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59b160  No.9947626



>Fact check: MSNBC falsely claims Biden, who has not committed to the debates, is leading in the polls

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13a5c3  No.9947627


Jesus never turned white.

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707fb0  No.9947628

File: 0f52e0948c0adbe⋯.jpeg (116.88 KB, 1080x741, 360:247, 1589551147.jpeg)

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8fb410  No.9947629

File: c3ff78fa954b93d⋯.png (926 KB, 684x932, 171:233, beauty_salon.png)

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f9a101  No.9947630




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d0875d  No.9947631


How can peeps be so blind

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b14691  No.9947632

Only a few people know how good I am. Unfortunately… the 'majority' of that for a long time were the demons. Hence the concerted effort. I never sold out, and never will. I know my heart. Alone and persecuted. Blindsided. You tried to frame every personal mistake and provocation… whilst under immense fuckery. Ya frustrated that my soul is pure, and hating that I punished myself with integrity, remorse and integrity. I'm everything you can never be. Glorious! How sweet it is. Truth wins 😲 DECLAS. Never bend. Hold ya line.

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000000  No.9947633


Washington Stealers!

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13a5c3  No.9947634

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6c3c17  No.9947635

File: 9fb8ff17e4e69f4⋯.jpg (544.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PelosiTicToc.JPG)

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133587  No.9947636


H.P. Lovecraft

Disclosure through fiction of evil, ancient evil all around us.

Antarctic, the Oceans, Temples

Was considered to be "Fantasy or Horror fiction" but what if it is 80% real like any good lie or story ?

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974d4e  No.9947637

In case you thought that globohomo hadn't infected hard science disciplines (like Machine Learning), you're wrong!

Consider ICML, a premier conference in Machine Learning, and the absolutely hysterical bullshit they pull.

Website: https://icml.cc/virtual/2020


While there are affinity group events throughout the week, the majority of them are taking place today, on July 13: Women in Machine Learning (July 13), LatinX in AI (July 13), Queer in AI (every day), and New in ML (July 13).

Faggots get to go every day, so that's pretty funny.

Honk honk, motherfuckers!

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13a5c3  No.9947638


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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ed9407  No.9947639

File: a493dc47f6f65ff⋯.png (425.65 KB, 1587x852, 529:284, 30786715243786.png)

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8fb410  No.9947640

File: ae199c1bbeb4b2f⋯.png (796.99 KB, 826x512, 413:256, country_needs_steel.png)

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f683ae  No.9947641


>Trump pardons Stone

Trump commuted Stone’s sentence

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ebbe61  No.9947642


Respect for Digits

Critical Timing involved.

Critical Mass Approaching.

Gaslighting ops loosing basis of majority agreement, awakening masses rethinking things and finding less support for the accepted narrative, and more reasons to suspect dishonest dealing with epstain and the crew that has told so many lies.

I am a simple anon. I know one thing certain.

I've been Lied to.

Most salvageable souls will accept this fact, and those who present those lies as truth will become suspects.

For Example:

Epstein didn't kill himself.

This simple phrase, attributed to truthers, simple enough for an alpha-waver to comprehend, contains the unproven and terminal Lie that Epstain is Dead.

Do not repeat lies, or accept them.

Think for yourself, and set it as an example.

The First Requirement of Mind Control is finding a Mind that is not already Controlled

Mass Media has created a glut.

In the right hands, doing God's Will, Media could fix this in a Month.

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bb74c3  No.9947643

File: be5d5161de86cb0⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 750x487, 750:487, brownterrorist.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947644

Now gibs me all the memes.

All of them.

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d0875d  No.9947645


Lucid Nightmare will [soon] [end]

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baa9a5  No.9947646

Can't wait for my Qanon Commerative plate collection from The Franklin Mint to show up. 2 to 6 weeks.

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a79686  No.9947647


the russian bounties story was so laughable

it's hard to believe the press is that dumb

or willingly used

to any journo reading this: your integrity is worth more than you are being paid

"hey, journo, I got a hot one for you. it involves trump and russia …"

"thanks, bro! my editors eat this shit up!"

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6bd3b0  No.9947648

File: 8fb74dd427770e4⋯.png (403.52 KB, 2503x1548, 2503:1548, Solzhenitsyn7.png)

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d7b99e  No.9947649


please take a moment to counter with





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52c567  No.9947650

File: 6c578c5b7882a5b⋯.png (286.1 KB, 957x566, 957:566, VENUS96_USAF_C_32A_departe….PNG)

File: 8448f6e032f9119⋯.png (365.46 KB, 668x313, 668:313, USAF_C_32A_09_0016.PNG)

VENUS96 USAF C-32A departed Majors Airport, Greenville TX nw-passing just west of Wichita KS now

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7d0cb2  No.9947651


there have been many, many happenings

But they are all invisible

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0e0791  No.9947653

File: 8ad7940bd4afbb9⋯.jpg (178.99 KB, 936x697, 936:697, KP_Easter.jpg)

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41dc4a  No.9947654

File: fcc72a932cc6744⋯.jpg (389.35 KB, 1816x3278, 908:1639, 693f00eadd1042e88c408acd41….jpg)



Courts to review court's review of US appellate court 'suspension' of D. Lewis Lee's federally imposed death sentence and proposed execution. Gnarly.

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8fb410  No.9947655

File: a1a512c635bd5be⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 880x416, 55:26, DONT_LOOK.jpg)

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5c7d25  No.9947656

File: 1164a242e999131⋯.png (437.07 KB, 680x383, 680:383, IQtest.png)

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a79686  No.9947657

File: aac4579f22b94fa⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 251x255, 251:255, memebetter_com_20200713095….jpg)

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306efb  No.9947658


Barr agrees to testify before House Judiciary Committee on July 28

Day 'O Keks

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4044a8  No.9947659

File: 2842d3a8e5b7a7a⋯.jpg (378.98 KB, 1080x1804, 270:451, Screenshot_20200713_105543….jpg)

High School Children Party Like It's 1999 in Michigan


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0aafab  No.9947660





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8dc31a  No.9947661




Washington Appeasers

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13a5c3  No.9947662


People like that should call it Ishtar.

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ed9407  No.9947663

File: 46820cd792c2288⋯.png (388.82 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 2817891263264.png)

File: fca05f61d36ad3e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1034x835, 1034:835, 9807613546768.png)

File: 85abe9557d2d03e⋯.png (383.04 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 4078923908712643.png)

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a79686  No.9947664


not completely invisible. but obscured certainly

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13a5c3  No.9947665


Do not want.

Want memes.

All of them.

(Seriously, do we not have links to all the memes? The link above leads to no memes.)

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baa31f  No.9947666

Daily reminder.

Do not help fund the







or any franchise that supports blm!


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809aa4  No.9947667

File: 3916a5750958880⋯.png (459.34 KB, 614x607, 614:607, wash_swamprats.png)


>Washington NFL team to announce retirement of 'Redskins' nickname, reveal new name Monday

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427cea  No.9947668



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bb74c3  No.9947669

"Biden is executing his campaign perfectly"

-Rahm Emanuel, ABC This Week

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a79686  No.9947670


now they are talking about "cases" as if it's some sort of death sentence

so tired of this shit

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ebfab3  No.9947671


yeah, we used to do that with chicken pox too

it's way better to be exposed before adultery sets in. adulthood, sry.

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26a135  No.9947672

File: 6534099bce464bb⋯.png (201.02 KB, 587x613, 587:613, ClipboardImage.png)

puts down the hammer


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15e53b  No.9947673


Jesus was a Jew; so whatever color jews are…

Whatever color He needs to be for you - go for it.

Just serve Him.

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f142b2  No.9947674

File: fbb41d2ebdac819⋯.png (906.34 KB, 1289x531, 1289:531, 2018_09_23_treason.png)

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e0cddb  No.9947675


>Runs the most successful espionage outfit of all time

>No one suspects he's actually an insider

Not saying CDAN is a source worth a notable, but CDAN usually gives you a place to start. Who funded WL? Who funded that NPO that funded WL? How about who funded that? It gets suspiciously difficult to pin down where all their money came from.

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6bd3b0  No.9947676


The "Washington Thin Skins" !

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9e5123  No.9947677

File: 2c48f5ee00089e9⋯.png (85.59 KB, 777x499, 777:499, CHLBossJews.PNG)

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b33e9d  No.9947678


He corrected it. Least was originally "lease"

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30e48d  No.9947679


The organization-backed candidate in most of the sprawling, eight-county 2nd District, political scientist Brigid Callahan Harrison, lost to teacher Amy Kennedy in the race to take on Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who won the seat as a Democrat two years ago and then flipped to the GOP after opposing President Donald Trump’s impeachment in December.

Longtime observers struggled to remember a time a candidate lost a primary when he or she had the all-out support of the organization, which is controlled by wealthy insurance executive George Norcross, the brother of 1st District Rep. and someday Senate candidate Donald Norcross.

The Kennedy name was surely a factor: Amy Kennedy is married to former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the son of former Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy. She also had the support of Atlantic City’s party leader and was endorsed by Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy.

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a79686  No.9947680


he said "executing" LOL

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8fb410  No.9947681

File: 678447c93be0cab⋯.jpg (60 KB, 751x388, 751:388, HELL.jpg)

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13a5c3  No.9947682



I has found link.

I has all memes.

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a79686  No.9947683


best yet

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c7484b  No.9947684

File: 322c91c78883d81⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 322c91c78883d81f549a295c37….jpg)


caker checkin in


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a79686  No.9947685


you are too dumb to be here, sorry

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8fb410  No.9947686

File: 213ad73b7fb4fcb⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 374x352, 17:16, JEWBASHING_NAZI_LOSER.jpg)

File: 6698803f0cde4e8⋯.png (174.22 KB, 2404x1844, 601:461, Jew_bashing_retards.png)

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0af504  No.9947687


dank you caker

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736f51  No.9947688

File: 22a76ff65c88092⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x233, 501:233, _They_never_disprove_shit.jpg)

File: 4053360fd7e76fb⋯.png (67.46 KB, 490x368, 245:184, lyt21.png)

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ebfab3  No.9947689

File: 5772f3aaadf6977⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 474x355, 474:355, to_serve_man.jpg)


>Just serve Him.


lick my bunghole. 'served' you too!

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6c9b63  No.9947690

File: 89c7c09fd64084d⋯.png (270.71 KB, 490x331, 490:331, Screenshot_2020_07_13_frog….png)

Gud morning frogs

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707fb0  No.9947691

File: a14f3e95b0bceaf⋯.jpeg (141.69 KB, 1080x819, 120:91, 1593897057.jpeg)

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3290a1  No.9947692


The Washington Non-Player Characters.

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f142b2  No.9947693

Why are there no Biden signs? Is it because they know he's not the real candidate?

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736f51  No.9947694

File: baab5a4af3a431c⋯.png (137.02 KB, 490x275, 98:55, lyt25.png)

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c7484b  No.9947695

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0aafab  No.9947696

File: a7f90b7e15f273a⋯.jpg (17.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fkoutahere.jpg)

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43fd8d  No.9947697



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baa31f  No.9947698

Daily reminder

No one in Congress or the Senate

Has become ill and died of the

Wuhan Holocough!

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721e26  No.9947699

You know why so many COVID patients died with blood clots.

Because they died from something causing blood clots not COVID.

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313a3c  No.9947700

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Trump is winning against democrats kunflu

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f69841  No.9947701

>>9947684 morn'n cakes. c u at the top?

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ebfab3  No.9947702

File: 2f6bb2f45180ca0⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 147x315, 7:15, infinity_aware.jpg)

File: 5c6f392210dca5e⋯.jpeg (8.54 KB, 248x255, 248:255, orwell_hat.jpeg)

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b227ba  No.9947703

File: e96966dcd48c424⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 480x269, 480:269, giphy_4_.gif)


Oh, Indeed.

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3d84c3  No.9947704


>reveal new name Monday

except they didn't - they punted instead

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61055d  No.9947705

File: 256e4aad7f1d371⋯.jpeg (46.09 KB, 605x412, 605:412, 7DC84B15_3973_4C8C_9DBA_C….jpeg)

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42398f  No.9947706



Q linked to Ghidra and instructed Anons to learn.

Screenshots are not same as finding the image file in the code and working from there. The entire Hitman code is free online, although first level is only unlocked.

Find the image in the code.

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d8992d  No.9947707

File: 9e306fe11b5d45d⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1198x1927, 1198:1927, 20200713_095319.jpg)

File: 1115712c87c93c0⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1568x1966, 784:983, 20200713_095339.jpg)

File: ee6867a7d4940c4⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 1669x2380, 1669:2380, 20200713_095620.jpg)

File: ad115b28e98dcef⋯.gif (716.46 KB, 245x130, 49:26, Nazi_Rally.gif)

File: 72aea4e0014c77c⋯.gif (7.31 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Goose_Stepping_Morons.gif)







Dumb Goose-Stepping Niggers shuld reed books instead of burning them…

Grammer Adjusted 4 Comprehension Level…

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41dc4a  No.9947708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

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1fc8df  No.9947709

File: 07ec7af6b8d4757⋯.png (452.57 KB, 1265x772, 1265:772, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39f734a810c0893⋯.png (55.88 KB, 611x602, 611:602, ClipboardImage.png)




Once we get our HANDS on PLATINUM team of @wayfair

can they be CHARGED with aiding and abetting TRAFFICKING or are they all contractors? @TheJusticeDept

1st cap



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9e5123  No.9947710

File: 0ce81038133ac70⋯.png (60.65 KB, 603x414, 67:46, RLAM.png)

File: f2f3024c2082d74⋯.png (65.42 KB, 586x426, 293:213, RLAMM.png)

File: d8439e15844614e⋯.png (68.52 KB, 527x474, 527:474, RLAMMM.png)

File: 28bdf3baeb34765⋯.png (84.1 KB, 598x417, 598:417, RLAMMMM.png)

File: f2a7866b4734ec6⋯.png (75.82 KB, 617x404, 617:404, RLAMMMMM.png)

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736f51  No.9947711

File: 5f84d441370e308⋯.png (526.85 KB, 534x497, 534:497, tell_em.png)

File: 8302fa47d57ac48⋯.mp4 (12.25 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Jesus_Was_Not_A_Jew.mp4)

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b14691  No.9947712

Who would want to be [You]? Seriously. I'd rather die. Let that sink in. Dying is better than [Your] fucked up idea of a world. You're SICK!

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3290a1  No.9947713


OP'ly retort: The entire msm wasn't wearing the masks when they thought the cameras were off.

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52c567  No.9947714

File: c33c199f6053e32⋯.png (260.67 KB, 349x524, 349:524, ground_control_to_major_ba….PNG)


gud morning B

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2f5f8c  No.9947715

File: 0ec7e0f567f0cb9⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 253x199, 253:199, Goncern.jpg)

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736f51  No.9947716

File: e5896b968b2a8db⋯.png (304.92 KB, 482x666, 241:333, no_filters.png)

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47dded  No.9947717

File: c381bc0a8396c33⋯.png (753.94 KB, 598x796, 299:398, Screenshot_2020_07_13_Rant….png)



>He corrected it. Least was originally "lease"

Thanks anon…Rantingly.com twitter had it. Got it here:


What the hell is going on?


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e52955  No.9947718

File: 502eac8c22d4d6f⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 666x500, 333:250, apostrophe.jpg)

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3d6886  No.9947719

File: c62e046da79042d⋯.jpg (405.46 KB, 1079x1144, 83:88, Screenshot_20200713_105804….jpg)

File: 805b926e122c7b2⋯.jpg (732.64 KB, 1079x1906, 1079:1906, Screenshot_20200713_105832….jpg)

File: 18838364140cfda⋯.jpg (349.51 KB, 1079x896, 1079:896, Screenshot_20200713_105846….jpg)


Red shoes

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736f51  No.9947720

File: 560c08747a5ad4b⋯.jpg (259.62 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, hanged_jesus.jpg)

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9099c9  No.9947721


source not found! i can't find reference to this anywhere..


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a300d5  No.9947722

Post #4256


Flynn DOJ_dismiss_week_1