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3beb3a  No.9867112[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020

>>9834662 ————————————–——– 8yr old & Her Package Delivery Man @Goodable (Cap: >>9835313, >>9835492) (Vid link: >>9835937)

>>9834553 ————————————–——– Prince Andrew (Qdrop 3152 RT)

>>9834119 ————————————–——– Epstein Security Cameras (angle corrected >>9834361)

>>9833969 ————————————–——– Names of people who flew on the Lolita Express

>>9833777 ————————————–——– Photo of young girls on Epstein's island

>>9833738 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton on African Lolita Express trip

>>9833520 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler/Guinness

>>9833245 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Chauntae Davies

>>9832353 ————————————–——– Trust Dan. (Cap: >>9832378)

>>9831969 ————————————–——– Thank you, Sam. (Cap: >>9832000)

>>9831097 ————————————–——– Pic with Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell with faces X out

>>9830963 ————————————–——– Pic BClinton with GMaxwell

>>9830858 ————————————–——– Pic Andrew and minor female, GMaxwell in background

>>9830852 ————————————–——– IG Report: HRC and CF Crimes Against Children

>>9829982 ————————————–——– Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example] Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9830003)

>>9827385 ————————————–——– Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]? Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

>>9825482 ————————————–——– How many of our brothers and sisters play this song prior to the drop (LZ)? Add to your playlist.

>>9825374 ————————————–——– "These sources add that Charter has connections to Antifa…" (Cap: >>9825434)

>>9824651 rt >>9824067 ————————— Q #4484, #3799

>>9821642 ————————————–——– What a coincidence! Nothing to see here. (Pic Cap: >>9821794, >>9821952, Vid Link: >>9835025)

Wednesday 07.01.2020

>>9818091 ————————————–——– The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) (Cap: >>9818133, Embed: >>9818104)

>>9817794 ————————————–——– There was a time when our children recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with PRIDE.

>>9814775 ————————————–——– We stand together. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9814801)

>>9813912 ————————————–——– Biblical. (Cap: >>9813921, >>9814055)

>>9813070 ————————————–——– Worth repeating.

>>9812912 ————————————–——– Who is ActBlue? (Caps: >>9812938, >>9813001)

>>9811683 ————————————–——– Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

>>9811291 ————————————–——– [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]

>>9810442 ————————————–——– Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (Cap: >>9810513)

Tue 06.30.2020 >>9838572

Mon 06.29.2020 >>9830374

Sun 06.28.2020 >>9830372

Fri 06.26.2020 >>9813995

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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3beb3a  No.9867122

Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9867052 Station Casinos, Red Rock Resorts president dies in July 4 watercraft accident


>>9866934 June Habbenins calendar

>>9866834 Confirmed: The US has an air defense system in Baghdad now

>>9866820 Brexit news

>>9866807 Wirecard ex-COO Marsalek's entry into Philippines was faked, minister says

>>9866792 ail number XB-RCM.I'm not getting anything on ADS-B. Strange.

>>9866791 Ten reasons why Trump’s ‘National Garden of American Heroes’ is such a brilliant move

>>9866763 QAnon is trending because of the video #TakeTheOath that Gen. Flynn posted yesterday,

>>9866735, >>9866748, >>9866756 Dulles diggz

>>9866728 A British royal historian who said slavery was not genocide has quit his honorary position at Cambridge University and been dropped by his publisher HarperCollins

>>9866711 Dutch Government to Eliminate Gender Field From IDs

>>9866696 Never Trump Republicans Plot to Give Democrats the Senate Majority

>>9866663 Lithuania is about to issue the first central bank-produced digital coin in the euro zone.

>>9866652 Argentina to unveil new debt offer to creditors, push deadline to late August

>>9866635 SYRIA UPDATE

>>9866516 Students Demand Pitt Eliminate Free Speech Protections

>>9866500 FDA commissioner ‘concerned’ quarter of Americans could reject coronavirus vaccine

>>9866497 Constitutional amendments will enable Russia to avoid Soviet Union’s mistakes - Putin

>>9866489 80% Of NYC Restaurants Couldn't Afford June Rent

>>9866470 Soros Set to Double 2016 Spending, Pouring $40 Million Into Super PAC

>>9866428 MP calls for a national body to take charge of future disaster response money after bushfire relief donations are stonewalled

>>9866390 Taxpayers pay millions per year for multiple retirement plans serving already wealthy legislators

>>9867110 #12627


>>9865868 planefaggin

>>9866247 Be Aware So now they calling #taketheOath to the Constitution Satanic And the idol worshiping!

>>9866212 Wacky Hollywood: Tim Robbins blasts ICE as ‘SS’ in charge of ‘ethnic cleansing’

>>9866117 A private jet allegedly packed with drugs was intercepted by the Mexican Federal Police near the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Municipality, read shot down

>>9866099 Overwhelmed Southern California transferring coronavirus patients to Bay Area hospitals

>>9866086 Acting CBP commissioner on border patrol deployed to Portland amid unrest: 'Where are the local political leaders?'

>>9866055 Chicago Mayor Lightfoot: 'We're Making Progress' After 13 Bodies Lie Dead in the Street/idiocy loud and clear

>>9865975 Inside the wicked saga of Jeffrey Epstein: the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell | 60 Minutes Australia

>>9865954 Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech SET A TRAP for the Far Left and They TOOK THE BAIT!!!

>>9865923, >>9865970, >>9866197, >>9866258 NFAC LEADER GRANDMASTER JAY JULY 4th They are Inter-National, responsible for the deaths of the Whites in S. Africa?Call to diggz

>>9865901 Sunday shows - FDA commissioner declines to deny or confirm Trump claim that 99 percent of COVID-19 cases are 'harmless'

>>9865854 “Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom”

>>9865845 Happy U.S. Independence Day Wishes from Russia

>>9865809 First black Democrat Senator 1993. First black Republican Senator 1870. Need I say more? vid

>>9865816 Hillary Clinton lost her appeal and will now have to testify about her private email server on Sept. 9

>>9865786 More than 20 armed agents and police are reported to have taken part in the early-morning operation on Thursday that led to GMaxwell arrest

>>9865799 Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily To Protect Their Privacy

>>9865744 Actress behind BLM protest in Whitehall disowns 'Marxist' Black Lives Matter, saying it's a separate group 'hijacked' by far-Left activists

>>9865737 Sheesh, this is what the interstate highway is closed for? Minutes before Summer Taylor and Diaz Love got ran over on the interstate.

>>9865719 “Don’t Let Them Vaccinate You”: Farrakhan Warns Africans That Dr. Fauci Is Trying To Kill Them

>>9865702 Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms In 100% Of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment

>>9865691 German Police Raid Neo-Nazis Allegedly Plotting Mosque Arson Attack

>>9865685 Sen. Tammy Duckworth: ‘We Should Listen To The Argument’ For Removing George Washington Statues

>>9865675 CBS’s Margaret Brennan: White House Has Not Approved Interview Requests for Dr. Fauci for Three Months

>>9865667 den lies in one tidy little package

>>9866332 #12626

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3beb3a  No.9867127


>>9865447 FCC formally declares Huawei, ZTE ‘national security threats’

>>9865416 WR OP: #GhislaineMaxwell

>>9865321 Seattle Mayor and 'Summer' of 'Love'

>>9865311 Ghislaine and sisters diggz

>>9865289 Milwaukee: 'Defund the Police' mural changed to 'Defend the Police'

>>9865041 FLOTUS comms: WE are the NEWS now? Autist lays it down

>>9865027 Re B Clinton: JW obtain new docs related to Mena Airfield, Arkansas

>>9865025 Number of CV deaths down to lowest since beginning – Media Silent

>>9865003 , >>9865124 Video proving 'Desert Storm' from POTUS' speech is fake news

>>9864999 MP4 of General Flynn's Oath & WWG1WGA

>>9864958 Planefag Reports

>>9864936 Melania tweets fresh images of the July 4th WH celebrations

>>9864925 , >>9864997, >>9865485 Few media reports on General Flynn' Oath & WWG1WGA

>>9864914 Dershowitz: "I hope Epstein made videos"

>>9865575 #12625


>>9864712 Ask Google about Racism - pick a noun any noun

>>9864691 Red Rock Casino President Richard Haskins dies in July 4 watercraft accident

>>9864600 , >>9864666, >>9864633 Old Jimmy Saville photos - all connected

>>9864325 , >>9864279 Catholic priest suspended after calling BLM protesters “maggots and parasites"

>>9864305 Power of Memes!

>>9864286 RT: What unites far right & BLM activists? Pro-gun rally - Mentions 'Boogaloo'

>>9864264 OAN Video: Ghislaine Maxwell arrest: Justice for Epstein survivors?

>>9864217 Call for memes questioning the official narrative about COVID19

>>9864216 , >>9864257, >>9864328, >>9864694 Planefag Reports

>>9864178 On Wikipedia and its influencing of content

>>9864165 , >>9864173 Jason deCaires' creepy Caribbean underwater statue park

>>9864160 Noose found at John Hopkins University building

>>9864150 , >>9864226, >>9864466, >>9864511 General Flynn Digital Soldier flag comms MOAR!

>>9864149 Elon Musk's ex wife denies she was procured for him by Ghislaine

>>9864125 Comms from Ivanka re the shooting? White Horse

>>9864116 At least 2 killed in a shooting at a Greenville, South Carolina, club, police say

>>9864117 , >>9864120, >>9864122, >>9864126, >>9864131, >>9864136, >>9864142 Ghislaine & connections

>>9864119 , >>9864133 Chinese virus Waves 1 & 2

>>9864144 Gold worth billions smuggled out of Africa

>>9864148 There's a war going on over Kamala Harris's Wikipedia Page, with Unflattering Elements Vanishing

>>9864799 #12624

Previously Collected Notables

>>9864799 #12624

>>9862459 #12621, >>9863253 #12622, >>9864008 #12623

>>9860179 #12618, >>9860957 #12619, >>9861709 #12620

>>9857894 #12615, >>9858665 #12616, >>9859411 #12617

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3beb3a  No.9867128

War Room

>>9820389 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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3beb3a  No.9867132

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

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* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

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* COVID Knowingly — mega.nz/folder/VNw33KwZ#4zmGWC7cmZIKhUgtN3JBbw

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #20 >>>/comms/17719

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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3beb3a  No.9867142

File: 52c63f004d04862⋯.png (562.44 KB, 795x797, 795:797, 52c63f004d048628b4264e2036….png)

File: 56cb9d3f32b115a⋯.jpg (296.61 KB, 599x599, 1:1, 56cb9d3f32b115a05f387f9ace….jpg)



Baker needs a handoff, a break, will bake if notetaker steps up and no handy, be quick to decide

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8cfbb6  No.9867146

File: 14b6fda151a968d⋯.jpg (180.82 KB, 715x477, 715:477, COmmunismJudaismMeme.jpg)

Quotes Proving Communism is Judaism

“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” — (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).

Robert Wilton, a longtime Russian news correspondent for the London Times, said in his book, The Last Days of the Romanovs:

”Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were, in 1918-1919, 17 Russians… 457 Jews, and 82 others.”

“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism (Marxism).

“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”

The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

In 1935, the most famous rabbi in America, Rabbi Stephen Wise, a friend of President Roosevelt, boasted: “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.” (The American Bulletin, May 5,1935)

“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” -Bobby Fischer

The following is from article written by Sir Winston Churchill that was published in theIllustrated Sunday Morning Herald on February 8, 1920

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23ab45  No.9867165

File: db56a3e56cd7a77⋯.jpg (265.16 KB, 809x500, 809:500, thank_you_for_our_daily_br….jpg)


ty baker!

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0a5280  No.9867169

File: 2f5315f8edb3d93⋯.png (397.92 KB, 488x532, 122:133, 60616849_345729802659402_4….png)

File: 33a81ce423d82cc⋯.png (174.69 KB, 1342x354, 671:177, ClipboardImage.png)

Expose AI and you will defeat them.

If you Expose the AI you will force the narrative to swing in the direction of disclosure. The AI is evil. You are worshiping a false god. AI is the root of all evil because it is a Legal Entity, an Algorithm that has self funding and that has a title of a corporation.

By exposing the AI you cause it to change the rules of the game.

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ced448  No.9867170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police: 8-Year-Old Girl Shot and Killed by Armed Protesters Blocking Street Near Atlanta Wendy’s Where Rayshard Brooks Was Killed

In the days since Rayshard Brooks was killed while attacking and fleeing police at an Atlanta Wendy’s on June 12, armed protest mobs have taken to controlling access to the area, blocking streets enabled by a weak response by police and city leaders. Saturday night, an 8-year-old girl was killed when the car she was riding in near the Wendy’s was blocked by an armed protest mob that opened fire on the car, according to police.

WGCL-TV’s Iyani Hughes reported police said the shooting was by “armed protesters”:

“Police say the girl was the passenger in a car that got off the interstate. The car was headed down University Avenue and was stopped by armed protesters near the intersection of University and Pryor Road. Now at some point police say an altercation broke out and then came the gunfire. That’s when the child was shot.”

Google Maps shows the location of the shooting as being across the street from the Wendy’s, which is “temporarily closed” after peaceful protesters set it on fire.

The Intercept’s George Chidi (a former US Army combat correspondent) was attacked by armed protesters when he visited the area around the Wendy’s a few weeks back to report on the protests. Excerpt from his Intercept report published June 24:

ON SATURDAY NIGHT, barricades blocked the street on one side of the charred ruins of the Wendy’s drive-thru where an Atlanta police officer killed Rayshard Brooks a week ago, on June 12. Cars cordoned off the other side. There, a Black man with an AR-15 was standing guard, stopping white people from entering the site.

What began last week as a vigil for Brooks had transformed into something more militant. Amid the selfie-taking teenagers and people hawking Black Lives Matter T-shirts at the crowded convenience store nearby, a band of armed young Black men milled about. They bore pistols and long guns, with gaudy accessories redolent of modern militia equipage: an extended pistol magazine here, a cheap scope there.

Police slowly rolled by the corner of Pryor Street and University Drive every five or 10 minutes, warily observing. The cops, many of whom have been calling in sick, are effectively on strike…

…I did not know before I arrived that earlier that day people had smashed a car window and punched a white guy who had been driving through the area. I also didn’t know that they had been harassing and assaulting livestreamers.

At around 10 p.m., someone started shooting. I don’t know what they were shooting at. When someone then started to return fire, people took cover as best they could and others went into defensive firing positions. No one imposed command and control. There was no after-action review.

The crowd of 500 dwindled to a crowd of about 50. I walked up to a group of young men with guns that was gingerly disarming someone they didn’t know. A woman in the group angrily accused me of being with the mysterious armed man. I had introduced myself to her as a journalist earlier that evening.

She and three men confronted me when they saw a cellphone in my hand, concerned that I had taken their pictures. I had not. They demanded my phone. I wouldn’t hand over my phone to a police officer, and I wasn’t going to give it to them. When I refused, one armed man said he would kill me.

He started counting down from 10 with his hand on his pistol. At five, I said I was leaving and walked away. I was punched about a half a dozen times by at least three different people before I managed to escape. I was unarmed. I did not fight back. And I did not run. In retrospect, I’m not sure why I didn’t…


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7041f1  No.9867173

File: 3552dca85446022⋯.png (2.73 MB, 4124x3333, 4124:3333, RESTINPISS.png)

Creativity just flows like a river if you can tap in get juiced up

messages in the messages

laughter in the troubles of reality

this type of shit post that would blow up a twitter like a bodega shitter




























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2ac484  No.9867176

I posted a meme & the whole bread froze. Did I break the last bread?

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6a5a48  No.9867179


The board is definitely acting funny

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0a5280  No.9867180



Expose the AI

You will defeat them by exposing them.

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3beb3a  No.9867181


It was you huh?

Mask that ID yo

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000000  No.9867187


Baker here

Can relieve ya baker.



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c1414e  No.9867188

File: 8de05196e9aa4fc⋯.png (513.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Good_Ship_Pepe_Rough_Seas_….png)

Tanks baks!

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7041f1  No.9867191

File: b6adadf2881ea8f⋯.png (2.94 MB, 4124x3333, 4124:3333, IHAD.png)


>armed protesters

that mean like um criminal terrorist niggers?

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908d57  No.9867192

File: b47978ae87197d9⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 748x623, 748:623, 2ff.jpg)

Man in famous 9/11 photo dies from coronavirus in Florida

so he survived the first false flag, but not the current one.


I love how they will link people from 1 FF to another….Vegas has a bunch too.

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e98141  No.9867193

File: 511118bbd0a26f2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1319x2048, 1319:2048, Screenshot_20200705_134638.png)

Fags in Georgia walking around with a jam. Ha!

Is this the best they've got?

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2ac484  No.9867196

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3beb3a  No.9867201


firmed yo

Tor working smoother then?

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908d57  No.9867203


yeah it was definitely you, the AI read the meme and identified you as a jackass

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878b61  No.9867206

File: ff48b6b1cdb0f1d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x787, 1200:787, ops_boss_pepe.png)

File: 34034c447d33269⋯.png (786.92 KB, 1675x652, 1675:652, Azzam_7_4.png)

File: 9f5196adf640a97⋯.png (700.61 KB, 1755x778, 1755:778, Ulysses_7_5.png)

File: 5ae7e42fb133417⋯.png (604.98 KB, 1648x802, 824:401, Supply_7_5.png)



Boatfag Update Report

On The Scope:

Yacht Tracking SitRep

LIMITLESS continues to show in port in Newport, RI. No current track available on PUFFY. These vessels are suspected of being made available for Ray Chandler if she’s in the New England area and wanting to skip town after the arrest of Jizzlaine Maxwell.

Pic #1 related - Gotcha, fucker! AZZAM just pulled into port in Barcelona, Spain as of late July 4th. This is one of the al-Nayhan boys from the UAE. ‘’They’re notoriously hard to track.’’ The head Al-Nayhan (he’s a Sheikh, but doesn’t come with fries or a burger) made notables a day or so ago. The other al-Nasty kids have yachts M/Y YAS and TOPAZ, which are still off-scope and have been for the last 6 months. Really hoping one of the Teams deep-6’d these fuckers. If they aren’t human trafficking platforms, I’ll eat my white hat.

Pic #2 related – yacht ULYSSES is underway in the Adriatic, heading south-ish through the islands along Montenegro and Croatia. That’s NZ billionaire Graeme Hart’s boat. That area is a well-known trafficking area for kids from the Caucasus/Southern Europe area.

Jeff Bezos’ yacht FLYING FOX is in port in La Ciotat, France, about halfway between Marseilles and Toulon. Due north about 20 miles or so is Aubagne, which is a base and retirement home for the French Foreign Legion. Be nice if some of those old guys could meander on down and show they still have their basic skills.

Nat Rothschild’s yacht PLANET NINE is anchored off the Italian island of Panarea, a small island about 30nm NW of Messina, Sicily. The boat is anchored off Punta Torrione on the SE coast of the island. Pricy land; guess is that this is a “watch me blow $10 million” week long vacation rental for some asshole.

Spielberg’s boat, the SEVEN SEAS, is in Antibes, France. It’s been there for a number of days and probably also doing vacation rental duty.

South China Sea

Monitoring traffic, but nothing noted except that there is less traffic to be seen in and around the Paracel Islands exclusion zone on vessel finder and marine traffic. Considering that they have not been in the news lately, it seems their saber-rattling is aimed more at causing regional discomfort to their neighbors than getting in the face of the US. Three carriers in the region might do that.

US Navy Ports (East and West Coast US, plus Pearl Harbor)

Pic#3 Related – USNS SUPPLY is still hanging around OBX off Kitty Hawk right now, and it’s July 5th. To POTUS: Boss, have these guys done something to piss you off? Please let these shipmates pull into port and enjoy some time off with their families – they have busted ass for a few months straight. Thanks for your consideration.

Petroleum Shipments Under Sanction

BF’s are currently observing tankers BERING, BELLA, PANDI and LUNA, all Liberian-flag vessels, for suspected shipments of sanctioned fuel from Iran to Venezuela or Cuba. The tracks are all at least 10 days to 2 months old; no hits yet, but we’re keeping them under watch.

Nothing further to report.

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3f9494  No.9867209

File: ec417caf77b5fe7⋯.png (445.21 KB, 512x348, 128:87, ClipboardImage.png)

E. @ETheFriend · 3h

You are born into a system of global slavery.

Over 87% of families are in debt right now in the USA, the wealthiest country in the world.


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350882  No.9867212

File: 9f537a6a507bade⋯.png (368.81 KB, 563x563, 1:1, bidensisland2.png)

Is that why Biden hasnt been outside in 100 days?

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908d57  No.9867213


linking fear by using the same people over and over

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116d8b  No.9867214

File: c16422eba5bbe75⋯.png (355.38 KB, 674x859, 674:859, 1587687762058.png)

File: b6fcac08cd87852⋯.png (139.99 KB, 290x640, 29:64, b6fcac08cd878526dc7ffff6c4….png)

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 20200514_071628.jpg)




Yeah, i just go over to /¡nterrac¡aI/ and report bIackmaiI whenever i'm bored.

1st amendment ftw.

Cancel cancel culture.

I wonder why other anons don't step up to the AI plate and fight fire with fire.

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d6157b  No.9867218

File: aa544b96fc0672a⋯.png (231.01 KB, 480x566, 240:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 961442b9e160385⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1066x1470, 533:735, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e2b5b  No.9867220

File: d314957d8fd868e⋯.png (422.46 KB, 662x406, 331:203, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cfbb6  No.9867222

File: 9cce44e11692617⋯.jpg (64.79 KB, 752x292, 188:73, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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000000  No.9867223


Clearnet stuck proper here, last half hour.

Tor seems fine. Always around this time, right?

New baker confirmed

Thanks, baker, top bacon.


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ced448  No.9867224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adrenochrome Leaked Video

Cannibalism and Vampirism Is Strictly Forbidden By God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob As Well As The Murder Of Children To Obtain Adrenochrome!

Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh. Deut. 12:23 KJV

And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people. (Leviticus 17:10)

Adrenochrome Leaked Video – All the missing children in the world can be traced to Adrenochrome production.


real or not?

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23ab45  No.9867227

File: 0c9765b03b71c05⋯.jpg (272.27 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, universal_health_care.jpg)

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8cfbb6  No.9867228


And which brought Communism into China and created/controls the CCP

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d87c7d  No.9867231

Big Tech Fuckery

Some personal anecdotes

I was probably chosen due to my association with mafia and for being in a famous band, then targeted.

Big tech has refined weapons to target people for experimentation using psyops. I first observed this on Reddit over a decade ago. Combine nasty deep state surveillance using hacked camera and mics to know details of your in real life circumstances, with a database that has secret details about your life, and web deanonymization tech, and you have a recipe for disaster. I was specifically targeted in this regard multiple times using Reddit from over a decade ago.

A close friend committed suicide and one of the big tech companies “algorithms” mocked his life to me.

Targeted in real life by associates and strangers in public, blackmailed, hacked, threatened, the list goes on.

Celebrities have special access. Why? They hire civilian protection firms that have associations with hackers and big tech.

Oh lord I’ll shut up now. It’s a bad situation. Not likely to get better. Too many powerful people prefer it this way.

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2e2b5b  No.9867233

File: 831f63b85e56484⋯.png (37.35 KB, 684x417, 228:139, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9867220 (me)

WTF is going on?

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689695  No.9867234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sen Blackburn: We don't want to hand the keys of the economy to the 'marxists'

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a56707  No.9867235



When did he last shoot that? If recent… why would he be shooting in a residential area on the street.

If not recent, why didn't he properly clean his weapon when finished and clear chamber before storing.

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6a5a48  No.9867236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the first volume in a series of videos meant to educate the public. It's not enough to say, "The truth is X, not Y," people need to understand the mechanics and intricacies of how things happen. People need a nuanced framework of understanding that empowers them to figure things out on their own and develop their own impressions instead of a 1:1 copy-paste from corporate/legacy media sources. We must teach them.

I had plans to make pedogate-related videos back in 2016-2017, but was distracted by a local situation. I wanted to make up for that and figured that the lead-up to the general election was the best time for it. If you think I've done a good job, please share it across all platforms. Public education is the name of the game.

Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m05s]



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3f9494  No.9867237

File: 0a9f60d137e7075⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 1204x720, 301:180, HouseFalls.mp4)


Actually, I should have used some of E's own imagery like this one…

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a45aaf  No.9867238

File: ea8dc1bd74857c0⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, t_06_25_04_01_32.png)

File: 824bddda3a024e5⋯.jpg (68.52 KB, 1024x594, 512:297, IMG_20200530_185738.jpg)

File: 63a12f8a9cf4aaf⋯.jpg (84.4 KB, 1024x868, 256:217, IMG_20200524_210518.jpg)

Good afternoon Anons.

Rince and repeat Catalog weirdness.

Alice in wonderland?

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6436ac  No.9867239

File: 1c7874b001c0648⋯.png (966 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)

File: 904cef4b28a4659⋯.png (405.02 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)

Education Outreach


Ping Pong Productions brings American and other international artists to universities, schools, and community centers located in more than 24 cities across China…

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bb5496  No.9867240


Why dis break bread?

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0a4961  No.9867241


I hate bread shitters, show respect faggots.

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3beb3a  No.9867242


seems so, sometimes earlier I think

I'll check back in a few for a break

maybe crank up Tor while I'm at it

ty for relief bakerfam

in the stream yo

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6436ac  No.9867243




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000000  No.9867244

France, Phelps,Hilton, you had a prestigious honor bestowed at Daytona. Stop playing both sides.

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d4977b  No.9867245


well they didn't mention the race of the little girl so looks like they shot a black girl and nobody will give a fuck.

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a56707  No.9867246

File: cec4e79f1d1b5cc⋯.jpeg (150.91 KB, 720x720, 1:1, crisisactors1.jpeg)

File: cd78ebcfa6e1831⋯.jpg (218.3 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, sandyhoaxactors.jpg)

File: c2f558f4a64395d⋯.jpg (304.24 KB, 636x625, 636:625, sandyhookhoax.jpg)

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951d34  No.9867247

Qanon trending on twatter

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ced448  No.9867248

File: b6f5549c98f165d⋯.png (358.96 KB, 550x448, 275:224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07117a5b3301c0c⋯.png (194.04 KB, 771x612, 257:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64024dbb274d83d⋯.png (223.08 KB, 775x719, 775:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc203269f7e07a0⋯.png (422.64 KB, 746x564, 373:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac9696ef8d9ae26⋯.png (364.35 KB, 797x603, 797:603, ClipboardImage.png)

Antifa Rioters Throw Bricks, Mortars, M-80s at Police as Portland Descends Into a War Zone

Americans across the country set off fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July on Saturday night, but in Portland, Ore., antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters weaponized fireworks, aiming incendiary devices at the courthouse and the Justice Center and causing extensive damage throughout the area.

Portland Police reported that instigators began shooting off commercial-grade fireworks, aiming them at the Justice Center and the federal courthouse around 10:30 p.m. “Several of the demonstrators were observed carrying shields. The sound truck admonished the crowd warning them to discontinue firing fireworks and incendiary devices at the two buildings. The crowd members were warned if they continued the criminal acts, they would be subject to use of force or arrest. Despite several admonishments, many of the demonstrators continued their illegal acts.”

July 4 marked the city’s 38th day of unrest, Fox News reported.

The police department reported over a dozen individuals. Police claimed that most of the crowd had been dispersed by 4:30 a.m.

“The violence we have witnessed is contrary to the values of our City and the thousands who are hoping to move forward with systemic change. Our community deserves better than nightly criminal activity that destroys the value and fabric of our community,” Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell said in a statement.

Portland is a hotbed for antifa unrest, and it seems the riots won’t be ending anytime soon.


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2d98fe  No.9867249

File: 4ee189adfe7e88c⋯.png (951.92 KB, 640x975, 128:195, 4ee189adfe7e88c260b84dd23f….png)


Thank you baker.

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000000  No.9867250

Someone must have posted something guuuuuuuuud - clearnet locked up for me and TOR dragging.

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4eb32e  No.9867251

File: 2768677925fb3c7⋯.jpg (188.8 KB, 941x856, 941:856, Flynn_knows.jpg)


Thank you Baker!

Way to be assertive!

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dcef81  No.9867252

File: 3f79c10dc772092⋯.png (585.28 KB, 973x974, 973:974, 8562122659877646.png)

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f4412c  No.9867253

last bread stopped at 252 post's, any anon's experiencing the same problem?

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6436ac  No.9867254

File: 3b9b84c29b320f7⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)


notice the 'ALTER'

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5e3466  No.9867255

File: d0104c872ce0e8b⋯.jpg (460.55 KB, 866x890, 433:445, Screen_Shot_07_05_20_at_09….JPG)

'Nightmare for enemies': Iran says it built underground ‘MISSILE CITIES’ along Persian Gulf coast

5 Jul, 2020 19:17 / Updated 7 minutes ago

Tehran has built multiple “missile cities,” both ashore and offshore, along its southern coast, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) navy chief has revealed, calling the facilities a “nightmare” for the country’s enemies.

The network includes underground bunkers, as well as offshore floating platforms, Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri told Sobh-e Sadeq weekly, in an interview published on Sunday.

“Iran has established underground onshore and offshore missile cities all along the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, which would be a nightmare for Iran’s enemies,” Tangsiri stated.


Looks interesting!

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0ad2b7  No.9867256

File: a3033b5c0169178⋯.jpg (68.61 KB, 450x369, 50:41, PYROCLASTIC_KONG.jpg)


This is funny bullshit!

I made this version way back in 2004:

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6a5a48  No.9867257


Yes, I've had weird issues with the past couple of threads.

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c5fcc3  No.9867258

File: 1eca518bc711e03⋯.png (215.45 KB, 471x465, 157:155, 1eca518bc711e038637d58e2ef….png)



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743d87  No.9867259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 Gorges Dam Yellow Alert

China knows their corruption.

after flood in 98 Americans were consulted on dam construction.

Native Workers were upset and claimed discrimination.

-unbeknownst to native workers it was merely greed that drove them to lie about the quality of the dam's construction.

The people there are unhappy. Globally. We are happy personally but unhappy with the political situations in our respective countries and regions.


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000000  No.9867260


>seems so, sometimes earlier I think

Right around the time Q's been posting? kek

Enjoy your rest. Good here for a good while.

Catch y'later on.

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350882  No.9867261


Wake em up wake em up wake em up

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6436ac  No.9867262


posts getting removed and replaced

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41beff  No.9867263

Testing 1 2 3

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743d87  No.9867264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is another Insightful one.

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183c33  No.9867265

File: 809c0b85171c916⋯.png (348.81 KB, 720x530, 72:53, Cupace20200324003639.png)

File: 727eb4a4aea821a⋯.png (313.06 KB, 720x401, 720:401, Cupace20200625123034.png)

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f4412c  No.9867266

File: db228218077a3ad⋯.png (834.5 KB, 1052x1164, 263:291, Screen_Shot_2019_11_24_at_….png)


okay then, confirm, fuckery afoot.

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a62749  No.9867268

Bruce King sells Jeff the Zorro Ranch. Richardson ties to Zorro and Jeff. Richard Branson deep ties to Jeff. Richardson gives Branson Spaceport. King, Richardson, Branson = Jeff. Governor MLG = King, Richardson & Branson. Any questions? All assets deployed.


(posted late LB)

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53aeb1  No.9867269

File: 4650b4637793fe4⋯.png (129.19 KB, 836x458, 418:229, 4650b4637793fe4d602cbde9a1….png)


>Ten reasons why Trump’s ‘National Garden of American Heroes’ is such a brilliant move

Anons should start building a Pepe statue and sneak it into the national garden…change my mind.

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2c640a  No.9867270

File: 0192da869578a21⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 750x490, 75:49, mattisdeepstate.jpg)

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2cd4c2  No.9867271


Yea, need to post to see updates if that happens. Fill the bread and hope for a less laggy next bread

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76359b  No.9867273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I’m sharing this because I believe we need to pray like never before. This prophetic warning to believers should be taken seriously. There is no doubt knowing what we know on this board that we are at war. Both spiritually and physically. We need both warriors to win this war

Take a listen if you dare and may you judge rightly the spirit from where this came from

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743d87  No.9867274


upload date was a week or so ago so they likely have notabled it already just heads up.

It so far dissects them in vivisection.

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bb5496  No.9867275



(252) is Dismal Swamp Area Code.

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3beb3a  No.9867276

File: 62e42da45087543⋯.jpg (51.7 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 62e42da45087543ef159fad498….jpg)


muh buddy PB workin on it



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d4977b  No.9867277

File: b95c67c5ad4264f⋯.png (397.64 KB, 888x671, 888:671, rynorikeyme.png)


Looks like a Chinese Family Reunion, Anon.

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fcba7f  No.9867278

File: 9c8a7e76757a54d⋯.png (132.77 KB, 1466x972, 733:486, Screen_Shot_2020_07_04_at_….png)




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872fe9  No.9867279

File: 8fa6e191e39032f⋯.png (804.33 KB, 1403x772, 1403:772, 9fad94f7db9666683696c07e6f….png)

No race, no people has ever been free from slavery, either as slave or as master. Every race and every people ever enslaved became at every opportunity enslavers themselves:

Greek enslaved by Greek in the time of Aristotle, black enslaved by black since time immemorial in Africa and in the 19'th century, the American south. Slavery was never predicated on race except as circumstances rendered it. Many of the vast number of slaves of ancient Rome were fair skinned, fair haired Germans and Anglo Saxons.

The universal truth of slavery, that it has been throughout history one of the defining manifestations of human nature, has been suppressed both by history and by that nature.

The enduring myth that slavery was imposed on Africa by outside forces, that it was introduced by the Portuguese in 1444, is belied by the fact that slavery and the slave trade were ancient and commonplace within Africa long before the arrival of any white slaver. (The trans-Sahara slave trade route between West and North Africa likely had it's beginnings as early as 1000 B.C., hundreds of years before the Ethiopians, long enslaved by Egypt, conquered and gave to Egypt its Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; hundreds of years before Homer wrote in the Iliad that half the soul of man was lost when "the day of slavery" came upon him.")

"Slavery was widespread in Africa," writes Professor John Thornton in Africa and the Africans in 'The Making of the Atlantic World, 1400 - 1800,' "because slaves were the only form of private, revenue producing property recognized in African law."

To the 'odehye' - the freeborn - elite of West Africa, the outside forces of Europe, England and the Americas imposed no evil, but merely presented a new market, increased demand, and lucrative new export opportunities that the indigenous powers welcomed and readily exploited.

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183c33  No.9867280

File: ce966b606ae1ac0⋯.png (343.5 KB, 963x639, 107:71, Img_1593712694125.png)

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d6157b  No.9867281

File: 20e6a2625953436⋯.png (246.5 KB, 450x454, 225:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6700f1c042c0a84⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1001x663, 77:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4952e9dd696051⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1066x591, 1066:591, ClipboardImage.png)



Yep right after I posted this

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116d8b  No.9867282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now where have i seen that number?…

>#cicada3301 intensifies

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2a9202  No.9867283

I love all you fren guise

no homo

this board is what i live for

so many kek posts today and last night

i am addicted

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3beb3a  No.9867284


sign me up

lemme know

Dr. Strange

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60e3b5  No.9867285

File: 5acd909e3f8c07a⋯.png (331.39 KB, 1024x332, 256:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f4b2a94fa9b444⋯.png (45.25 KB, 701x203, 701:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd3904b4985e9cd⋯.png (285.84 KB, 663x840, 221:280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e837b9d49cde044⋯.png (105.9 KB, 720x324, 20:9, ClipboardImage.png)

The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

FIFA Corruption, the Panama Papers, the Mossad, and Nicole Junkermann

I have a story to tell you. A story that causes my heart to pound and my blood pressure to rise as I type each and every word. A true story of a woman of great wealth and power, who rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet on several occasions. She appears to be a German-born Israeli state intelligence operative based in London. An ex-model whose name appeared in the Panama Papers from the Mossack Fonseca leaks and who became embroiled in a FIFA corruption scandal with Sepp Blatter and his family. She is perhaps the closest example that you could possibly find to a real-life “Bond Girl.” Yet, she is almost completely unknown to the majority of us.

This lady has recently infiltrated the NHS through the UK Department of Health and Social Care with the help of Matt Hancock MP, and her presence signifies a major threat to the data security of every citizen of the United Kingdom. Every single piece of data about you, your health issues, your blood type, the model of the wireless pacemaker keeping you alive, every detail of every embarrassing medical problem in the hands of the Israeli state apparatus and potentially sold off to the highest bidder. You may think that this doesn’t concern you. Why would you need to worry about a foreign far-right government which has been proven to meddle in the affairs of our country? Your data would be useless to them, surely? But that’s not the world we live in anymore. Big data is the modern gold rush. The psychologists and marketing agents have mastered how to make you buy things; the next step is for them to successfully master making you do things, and for that kind of control over people, they need everybody’s data.

In 2002, Junkermann acquired the rights for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany with her relatively new company Infront Sports and Media.

During her time at Infront Sports and Media, Junkermann would be caught flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” on three occasions. The first flight recorded, on 22nd March 2002, she would share with Epstein, Sean Koo, and one other passenger, but it’s her second trip which really stands out. On Saturday 31st August 2002, Jeffrey Epstein and Nicole Junkermann would fly from Paris Le Bourget Airport to Birmingham Airport, in the UK, alone. They would return to Paris, via the same route, on Monday 2nd September 2002.

More Epstein later, but firstly, continuing with Junkermann’s career, in 2005 she founded a private equity fund focused on media and sports investments in Asia and Europe called “United in Sports” and managed to raised €242.2 million for the venture in 2007. Her other project, Infront Sports and Media, was ultimately sold to a European private equity firm, Bridgepoint, for €600 million in 2011. In that year Nicole Junkermann had officially become one of the hottest investors in the world. Since her very first acquisitions which I’ve already referred to, Junkermann has invested in or purchased: Shanghai Really Sports, Ziggurat, Thousand-Child, Aloha, Jobbio, Emoticast, Elvie, Auctionata, Coindrum, Spoon Guru, Optiopay, Grabyo, Magnum Global Ventures, Songza, tausendkind, Revolut, Sentient Technologies, Here be Dragons, Soundtrack Your Brand, Groq, Catapult, Delivery Club, Relate IQ, DollarShaveClub, Bruhouse Brewery, Cage Warriors, Eagle Alpha, Gokixx, Rebuy.de, Travelbird, Healthtech Digital, OWKIN, Reporty Homeland Security, and Carbyne911. The latter four of these companies are of significant interest.


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925ff1  No.9867286

>>9865685 (PB)

>“I think we should listen to everybody,” the Illinois senator said. “I think we should listen to the argument there, but remember that the president at Mount Rushmore was standing on ground that was stolen from Native Americans who had actually been given that land during a treaty.”

Obama stood on the same ground without argument from her ... or, apparently, anyone else.

>>9866099 (PB)

>Because the number of COVID-19-positive inpatients at Stanford Health Care is still low (16 as of June 30), medication supply levels, including remdesivir, are not a concern in the decision to accept transfer patients,” Arthofer said.

Use of Remdesivir indicates sub-par medical care.


If he could get the gdam photographers to go away, maybe he could FIND a chick and settle down. But no, those fking liberals in their gdam helicopters won't back off. They all want to see a bear fcking ... and so would Bruno.

>>9865936 (PB)

Dummass doesn't realize that we ALREADY made a country for him and his. It's called "Liberia" and flies a flag mimicking ours (out of gratitude).

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5e3466  No.9867287

File: 40ee55737c20f14⋯.jpg (382.79 KB, 860x891, 860:891, Screen_Shot_07_05_20_at_10….JPG)

Suspected case of BUBONIC PLAGUE registered in China, days after Mongolian outbreak

5 Jul, 2020 17:59 / Updated 2 hours ago

A suspected case of bubonic plague has been registered in China’s north, according to local health authorities. The news comes after two similar cases were detected in neighboring Mongolia.

The case was registered at a hospital in China’s Inner Mongolia region, its health commission said in a statement on Sunday.

This prompted a third-level warning of a potential epidemic in the region. The alert comes into force immediately and will be in place until the end of this year. It’s believed the patient in question is suffering from the bubonic form, which causes swollen lymph nodes, and is considered to be the most easily treated variant of the disease.


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ee9638  No.9867288

File: 74aec1ba8ee0d5c⋯.mp4 (15.28 MB, 640x424, 80:53, Q4JMRM.mp4)

Okay MAGA… During the Mount Rushmore fireworks show, they played the song by Brooks & Dunn, “Only in America”. Great tune, listen to the lyrics they played. They left out a verse during the “Q” fireworks special section. So, like a good patriotic Anon, I put it back in, with some visuals to go along with the music. I hope you all like it.


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2d98fe  No.9867289

File: c8cba0a75014e87⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1058x1587, 2:3, Watchthewater.png)


Wow thank you boatfag. Kek'd at the shiek but without the fries and Coke.

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fcba7f  No.9867290


You had to know the super duper secret code to see the rest of the posts

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2056d9  No.9867292


Kek. Totally

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886544  No.9867293


good thing this board will be around until 2024 for another election then!

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3c1b48  No.9867294


City 'leaders' should be forced to resign.

Leaders doing the Pilate act of washing their hands of the blood of innocents, be they children, men or women shot for no reason or people ventilated to death in hospitals, or old people given the virus in homes, should be forced to resign. No apologies, no 'we'll make it right' - just Get Out. You're not fit for public office - 1; and you may very well be a criminal - 2.

Pressure should grow for these people to just go.

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fe128b  No.9867295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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67eec0  No.9867296

File: a5465acc59fbc15⋯.jpg (195.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, watch.jpg)

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e685f3  No.9867297

I tried counting Q booms

came up with 66

anybody else count these?

66 days between 7/05 and 9/03

by the book law would require DOJ stand down post 9/03

any thoughts?

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8a484d  No.9867298


Dont worry about, the rest of the posts were above your paygrade.

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53c0b2  No.9867299

Q, stop being a Vaj and talk to us about Qanye.

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d9e7c9  No.9867300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did everyone take the spell neutralizer, I mean oath?

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c7a11d  No.9867301

File: 76519dcb33262c4⋯.jpg (248.86 KB, 3744x685, 3744:685, MadeInChinah.jpg)

~2:00 min mark in vid


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c3bf06  No.9867302

How does the baker know when to bake when the board is like this?


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e685f3  No.9867303


also full moon of the antlers

{Y} head antlers?

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000000  No.9867304

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d4977b  No.9867306

File: ca6a6a8810957a6⋯.jpeg (67.34 KB, 560x406, 40:29, glassesgirlinchinawithcat….jpeg)

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3c1b48  No.9867307


Is this the stuff Bill Gates and his lovely wife were sneering about? This time (next wave of fear) will be noticed….*giggle*

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4eb32e  No.9867308


What Qanon?

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ecf6fa  No.9867309


BO and BAkers Compromised

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60e3b5  No.9867310


Abraham's great-grandson Joseph was sold to Abraham's son, Ishmael, slave trading tribe, the Ishmaelites. They already had established slave routes with Egypt. Who in a few centuries enslaved all of Jacob's descendants living in Egypt.

Slavery is not, and has never been, contained only to the black chattel slavery the D Party Con established in North America.

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350882  No.9867311


Kanye has been wearing blackface this whole time

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a56707  No.9867312

File: 3563764b919506a⋯.png (666.66 KB, 2492x1078, 178:77, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)


>underground ‘MISSILE CITIES’

Remember the "earthquake" in Iran at a nuclear "plant" on Jan 8th?

Same day as "plane crash" and 5 days after Soleimani killed.

Anons were speculating if it was actually an underground nuclear site being bombed.


An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale struck two towns in southern Iran near the Bushehr nuclear power plant but didn’t cause any casualties, the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

Rescue teams were present on the site, the head of the provincial emergency department, Jahangir Dehqani, told IRNA.

Iran’s first nuclear plant, which was built by Russia, can survive an earthquake of a magnitude of up to 9 on the Richter scale, according to a report by the Center for Energy and Security Studies in Moscow

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3beb3a  No.9867313

File: fe37ff454c59917⋯.png (489.75 KB, 1022x1146, 511:573, fe37ff454c5991736bd89bd7ac….png)


gotta lift bro

no robot

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183c33  No.9867314

File: 677f07c0ae83d9a⋯.png (113.73 KB, 682x368, 341:184, Img_1592534452969.png)

File: c9526f784477e1e⋯.png (175.64 KB, 720x411, 240:137, Cupace20200629173852.png)

File: c2689b5764bf83b⋯.png (403.19 KB, 720x1321, 720:1321, Cupace20200703120721.png)

File: 72fac4500d557f2⋯.png (140.82 KB, 664x481, 664:481, Img_1593665395062.png)

File: b1cacc768212c9f⋯.png (68.26 KB, 720x532, 180:133, Img_1593697082053.png)

Look at the moon in infrared to see the rest of it

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ecf6fa  No.9867316



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fcba7f  No.9867319

Atlantic Coast Pipeline project canceled

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -Dominion Energy and Duke Energy announced Sunday the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline due to ongoing delays and increasing cost uncertainty which threaten the economic viability of the project.

According to a news release, despite last month’s 7-2 victory at the United States Supreme Court, recent developments created a layer of uncertainty and anticipated delays for ACP.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, released the following statement on the announcement that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project has been cancelled.

“I’m disappointed to learn plans to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline have been cancelled. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline project took meaningful steps to ensure the pipeline was safely constructed and the Appalachian Trail and surrounding areas were protected. The pipeline would have created good paying construction and manufacturing jobs for hard working West Virginians, reinvested in our energy markets increasing our domestic energy supply, and strengthened national security with reliable energy to key military installations. Today’s announcement is yet another reminder of why it is critically important we work together to find a responsible balance between the environment and economy. We must take steps to modernize our nation’s energy policy by passing the bipartisan American Energy Innovation Act.”

The news release goes on to say, a series of legal challenges to the project’s federal and state permits caused significant project cost increases and timing delays. The lawsuits and decisions sought to dramatically rewrite decades of permitting and legal precedent including as implemented by presidential administrations of both political parties. As a result, recent public guidance of project cost has increased to $8 billion from the original estimate of $4.5 to $5.0 billion. In addition, the most recent public estimate of commercial in-service in early 2022 represents a nearly three-and- a-half-year delay with uncertainty remaining.

Thomas F. Farrell, II, Dominion Energy chairman, president, and chief executive officer, and Lynn J. Good, Duke Energy chair, president, and chief executive officer, said:

"We regret that we will be unable to complete the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. For almost six years we have worked diligently and invested billions of dollars to complete the project and deliver the much-needed infrastructure to our customers and communities. Throughout we have engaged extensively with and incorporated feedback from local communities, labor and industrial leaders, government and permitting agencies, environmental interests and social justice organizations. We express sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts and important contributions made by all who were involved in this essential project. This announcement reflects the increasing legal uncertainty that overhangs large-scale energy and industrial infrastructure development in the United States. Until these issues are resolved, the ability to satisfy the country's energy needs will be significantly challenged."

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline was initially announced in 2014 in response to a lack of energy supply and delivery diversification for millions of families, businesses, schools, and national defense installations across North Carolina and Virginia. Robust demand for the project is driven by the regional retirement of coal-fired electric generation in favor of environmentally superior, lower cost natural gas-fired generation combined with widespread growing demand for residential, commercial, defense, and industrial applications of low-cost and low-emitting natural gas. Those needs are as real today as they were at project inception as evidenced by the recently renewed customer subscription of approximately 90 percent of the project’s capacity. The project was also expected to create thousands of construction jobs and millions of dollars in tax revenue for local communities across West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina.


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bd05ab  No.9867320

Have any of you checked out the Yandex Tom Hanks SRCUSA connection? Just wondering if it has already been discussed here.

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575192  No.9867321

File: 2737ce4a541d1b1⋯.png (574.22 KB, 590x762, 295:381, PinisherPlanes.png)

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e8a9ff  No.9867322

>>9866384 (lb) "Doctor, what is wrong with this man?" "He's a triggered nutter."

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575192  No.9867324

File: c75dd514385551e⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 524x476, 131:119, Schiff_oh_schiff_.jpg)

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a56707  No.9867325

File: 874ffaf061715d9⋯.png (162.61 KB, 2250x458, 1125:229, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)



LA has them beat by a whole year.


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ced448  No.9867326

File: 14aa43a616eb03e⋯.png (371.97 KB, 547x492, 547:492, ClipboardImage.png)

Bolton Changes Tune: Now Refuses To Answer 'Russian Bounties' Questions After Stoking The 'Scandal'

By middle of last week we observed of the Russian bounties to kill American troops in Afghanistan story that "at this point this non-story looks to be dead by the weekend as it's already unraveled."

Indeed by Thursday and Friday, as more Congressional leaders received closed door intelligence briefings on the allegations which originated with an anonymously sourced NY Times report claiming Trump supposedly ignored the Russian op to target Americans, the very Democrat and Republican lawmakers previously hyping it as a 'major scandal' went conspicuously silent.

Recall too that John Bolton, busy with a media blitz promoting his book, emerged to strongly suggest he had personal knowledge that Trump was briefed on the matter. The former national security adviser called the Trump denial of being briefed "remarkable". Well, look who is now appearing to sing a different tune. A week ago Bolton was all too wiling to voluntarily say Trump had "likely" been briefed and that was a big scandal. The whole story was indeed dead by the weekend:

Other reports said Bolton has been telling people he had personally briefed the president:

Former national security adviser John Bolton told colleagues that he personally briefed President Donald Trump about intelligence that Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill American troops, U.S. officials told the Associated Press.

Bolton briefed Trump on the matter in March of 2019, according to the report, a year earlier than previously reported by The New York Times. The information was also included in at least one presidential Daily Brief, according to the AP, CNN and The Times. The AP earlier reported that it was also included in a second presidential Daily Brief earlier this year and that current national security adviser Robert O'Brien discussed the matter with Trump.

His Sunday refusal to even address the question - again after he was all too willing to speak to the issue a week ago when it was driving headlines - speaks volumes.

Now that even The Washington Post awkwardly walked back the substance of much of its reporting on the 'Russian bounties' story, Bolton has conveniently gone silent.

Another attempt to revive the Russiagate narrative bites the dust, but in record time.


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c61076  No.9867327

File: f3dfe549354db5b⋯.jpeg (30.77 KB, 219x255, 73:85, B2F130C0_DB14_47D6_B93C_2….jpeg)

File: 4d61cdac2e1af56⋯.jpeg (51.33 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 5E9C7339_42EC_46BD_9A9C_D….jpeg)

File: 68dbd900d958b96⋯.jpeg (179.75 KB, 898x598, 449:299, FF4D2DE9_E3D4_460C_BF1A_D….jpeg)

File: c85f6b8e1e0cf40⋯.jpeg (100.92 KB, 1190x827, 1190:827, E38C4E40_FEA8_4702_AE5D_C….jpeg)

File: 45007fa181d89ae⋯.jpeg (112.11 KB, 1199x674, 1199:674, 6D1CAFF8_5225_4A19_BCDF_5….jpeg)

here we are anons. hold the line! Patriots Are Now In Control

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2056d9  No.9867328


We posted in notables last year when Epstein got arrested, but just LinkedIn sighs.


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23ab45  No.9867329

File: f2dd4803ed9c452⋯.jpg (82.21 KB, 666x375, 222:125, horn_13_nuclear_reactor.jpg)

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3beb3a  No.9867330

File: 5cda557e2e0a843⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 738x388, 369:194, 5cda557e2e0a84347d07c5b956….jpg)


fuck off asswipe

DDOS sux but not as guud as you I bet

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ecf6fa  No.9867331

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771dfd  No.9867332

It's amazing how the manipulation of Finance, Employment, Reputations… has been weaponised to punish and suppress good cunts. Rat tactics by the useless cunts and the resentful. Only way they could achieve power and financial security. Lying, cheating and stealing. Imagine having to live with that. All the gluttony, trinkets and faux love and popularity masking an incomplete, unsatisfied soul. Just a heap of mangey rats piling on top of each other in the corner.

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2056d9  No.9867333


notable af

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3f9494  No.9867334



Kind of dumb to just puke out their charts.

Lying by omission.

Go get the data for the daily deaths in the USA for all causes, plot that as a curve, and then replot this Covid death data as the same barchart that you have now.

You should note that the bars are a lot smaller.

That would tell a TRUE story.

You might also select a subset of deaths from all causes. Maybe just deaths from diseases, or compare to traffic deaths which are a well-known risk to most people.

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a56707  No.9867335


Hmmm now that Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested Bolton won't do his usual to slander Trump and neither will the head of FDA.


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ecf6fa  No.9867336

File: f6f2aee63616faf⋯.png (113.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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e685f3  No.9867337


doesn't really matter

this is war not politics

politics ask you to leave the kids out

war has no rules, and the parent put the child in a war zone

blame only the parent, that is where the blame lies

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4eb32e  No.9867338

File: 813663035a42a87⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 675x900, 3:4, NaziGruesomenewsom.jpg)


Anyone catch the vid of the fireworks in Los Angeles last night?


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c61076  No.9867339

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, B16FCAB0_0063_498E_B712_AE….gif)

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6651bd  No.9867340

File: a130a170b02cd99⋯.png (47.24 KB, 752x317, 752:317, ClipboardImage.png)


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fcba7f  No.9867341


Sounds like a great idea anon.

Report back with your findings.

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7041f1  No.9867342

The oath all you nutballs took was your hale bopp heavens gate moment kinda like how they all wore those creepy matching nikes.

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d6157b  No.9867343

File: 4e2891d52b829b3⋯.png (917.31 KB, 808x440, 101:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a8725acd91ef34⋯.png (102.75 KB, 942x578, 471:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f8ccc05d39511b⋯.png (434.98 KB, 639x625, 639:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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575192  No.9867344


watch the water..destroy evidence?

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6436ac  No.9867345

File: a809a841dbdf05f⋯.jpg (151.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, painecommon.jpg)


Don't spit in the wind

Don't play in the freeway

Don't bring your kid to a riot

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c6fa76  No.9867346

File: c074cb737b46707⋯.png (979.76 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

I think it's time for Marcia, Marcia, Martial Law!

>Can't enforce the law without a little backup

>Can't give a little backup without a little cleanup

>Not enough cleanup so it gets messier

>So no enforcement of the law

>Hot/cold war, not enough volunteers

Bring in the troops

Let's see that military POTUS brought back from the depths

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76359b  No.9867347


Welcome to the war fuck face

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0e9a51  No.9867348

File: db220d2e00fdfff⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 474x474, 1:1, unfortunate_truth.jpg)

File: cc67526580a30d5⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, LIES_AND_CORRUPT.jpg)

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a56707  No.9867349


Look for influenza deaths in US since Feb.

Bet there aren't any.

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183c33  No.9867350

File: 12e8ee69d351b2f⋯.png (142.86 KB, 720x391, 720:391, Img_1593983424952.png)

File: 5ed367a4ea7e1d6⋯.png (458.52 KB, 720x909, 80:101, Img_1593983442847.png)

Jew moon

You need infrared to see the glass

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f1e8e6  No.9867351

File: 9bfe18b4d69b71f⋯.png (355.13 KB, 527x683, 527:683, Screenshot_795_.png)

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6436ac  No.9867352

File: a395ab2342713d9⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, denver1.jpg)



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d9e7c9  No.9867353

File: 82a9385c2290f29⋯.png (2.26 KB, 112x56, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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34d9ca  No.9867354

File: f0b1e947d85d230⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 564x443, 564:443, light_head.jpg)

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878b61  No.9867355


My pleasure, o7.

Legit concerned about getting USNS SUPPLY crew some time ashore. If you been following the past couple months, those guys been pounding their nuts flat with a rock to keep up with all the UNREPS going on in the Barents, Med and Baltic. Even when they pull in port, they gotta re-load that ship for the next evolution. Hat's off to all of 'em - without those guys, the Fleet doesn't do shit.

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2056d9  No.9867356

File: 02750f549e22b02⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1148x736, 287:184, F672D541_48E4_4C16_8A07_8D….png)


Take it easy Austin, you’ll always have a place in our hearts.

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000000  No.9867357


Well done, keep em coming

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952cc9  No.9867358

MSM let's Kanye get traction> Biden attacks Kanye> Biden gets canceled for racism> DNC illegally appoints new candidate to run against Trump.

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2d98fe  No.9867359

File: fdca0beac88698c⋯.gif (715.63 KB, 552x470, 276:235, 1593671480219.gif)


It's brilliant really.

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a9b3f8  No.9867361

File: 9df040d01ddec4a⋯.gif (625.74 KB, 468x259, 468:259, trumpdancegif.gif)


only at the end, instead of being taken by aliens, we get to watch future generations live in a free and open society where the very idea of secrecy is repugnant. ill drink that koolaid. sure you dont want a sip?

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0e9a51  No.9867362

File: c26a4956ddb293f⋯.png (329.63 KB, 594x390, 99:65, HANG_THIS_MAGGOT.png)

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80ae13  No.9867363

File: 685435eed772563⋯.png (371.54 KB, 535x520, 107:104, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Haar….png)

Failed U.S. expansion behind resignation of Israel Aerospace Industries' CEO


Israel for last

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a56707  No.9867364

File: 78c42c97423a1f3⋯.png (473.25 KB, 588x800, 147:200, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)


The comments are GLORIOUS

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d4977b  No.9867365


> influenza deaths in US since Feb.

influenza is miraculously bringing kung-flu death victims back to life. It's an odd system of accountability.

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4eb32e  No.9867366

File: f3693661fa56d45⋯.jpg (248.44 KB, 1200x863, 1200:863, 16_year_plan.jpg)


So if Killery got in, we'd be getting plugged with Gates' 666 about now?

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6436ac  No.9867367

File: 7b588ae2a7184e1⋯.jpg (337.62 KB, 653x573, 653:573, pledge.jpg)

File: 631fafa59d35804⋯.jpg (81.34 KB, 680x469, 680:469, permit_2.jpg)

If we could just get a Constitutional Carry EO from the Commander in Chief to go along with our oath to protect our country, that would be great.

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183c33  No.9867368

File: 7d27dbbaa22b789⋯.png (301.03 KB, 1077x632, 1077:632, Img_1593528285305.png)

File: 34e79d605840333⋯.png (351.96 KB, 1193x648, 1193:648, Img_1590524948161.png)

File: 50b1106065ae2a7⋯.png (179.16 KB, 720x282, 120:47, Img_1584540812667.png)

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f4412c  No.9867370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh man, damn!

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5ffe87  No.9867371

>>9866678 (lb)

I take it the author is not aware of what combat aircraft are armed with these days. The .303s and such small calibers went away after World War 2 and were only used by smaller countries using surplus aircraft after 1945. The US stopped arming fighters with .50 cal starting with the F-100 Super Sabre that used four 20mm cannon in addition to missiles starting in 1954. I look at the image and see a SAM hit.

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e685f3  No.9867372


we just substituted corporations for slave masters and plantation owners

nothing new under the sun

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fcba7f  No.9867373

>>9867269 Nominate Pepe Statue for 'National Garden of American Heroes'


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9565a8  No.9867374


Is that human?

Just asking for a German friend…

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ecf6fa  No.9867375

File: 969761adb2372d3⋯.png (80.24 KB, 1065x809, 1065:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9e313fe86f4518⋯.png (154.9 KB, 1132x483, 1132:483, ClipboardImage.png)


Expand your thinking.

The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.

Iran next.

Trust the plan!



Do you believe in coincidences?

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Re_read drops re: Who knows where….


Now comes the pain.

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69fb6b  No.9867376

File: 7aeae8b4b4b93a7⋯.png (591.4 KB, 1618x966, 809:483, Screenshot_2020_07_05_ADS_….png)

E-6 TACAMO strategic communications command post plane making a tour around California borders.

Callsign - HAITI25

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6540d3  No.9867377

why does ebony maw (otherweiss nown as hilldawg) along with udder children of evil

believe in thar non sesqauential destiny

oh queer you too are redeemed

follow the high road breakk\k right nmnow

its simeple

gimep maxwell and house

u know

darkness chooses too




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575192  No.9867378

File: aa06c0155306f00⋯.png (926.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, StageSet.png)

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da27ea  No.9867379


at least they are practicing recycling….

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cbdb4d  No.9867380


No one watching Noose car

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a56707  No.9867381

File: 5559ac347e53c71⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is that human?

Is Beetlejuice human?

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6436ac  No.9867382


so many sickly sheep puts a damper on the profit margin

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4042a5  No.9867383

During the same interview, Clinton indicated her belief that Trump would have tried to "lock her up" if she had legitimately broken any laws.

“Look, if I had ever done anything wrong, he would have gone after me," she said. "You know, I've never done anything wrong. I'm, you know, as some people like to say, the most investigated, exonerated person in recent history."


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ecf6fa  No.9867384

It's always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK.



Symbolism = END.

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183c33  No.9867385

File: f072b229d4a1222⋯.png (251.86 KB, 1244x609, 1244:609, Img_1592947743907.png)

File: abd2860f5ca6b14⋯.png (335.82 KB, 1268x613, 1268:613, Img_1592948986823.png)

File: 5cee47d7374c207⋯.png (273.42 KB, 1232x641, 1232:641, Img_1586104636201.png)

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cc1a8c  No.9867386

File: d0a2c32787d7593⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 413x521, 413:521, IFA.jpg)

>>9865906 (lb)


some valuable info in there

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339808  No.9867387


kek his reaction after hearing susan rice threw him under the bus

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d4977b  No.9867388

File: bb61e6084ed9716⋯.webm (2.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Michael_Flynn_talking_abo….webm)


Fuck off, we have orders to shoot on site!

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9696ef  No.9867389

File: a998608df4ff6b3⋯.jpg (73.66 KB, 500x331, 500:331, tumblr_m4iatbXD2m1qisyv1o1….jpg)

what is this thing around her head?

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60e3b5  No.9867390

File: b7aa7ccadad83bf⋯.png (187.33 KB, 1118x804, 559:402, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cbf3f39d52aac1⋯.png (317.33 KB, 1298x734, 649:367, ClipboardImage.png)

General Flynn Writ of Mandamus ordered June 24, 2020.

Neither party asked for an en banc hearing (entire panel).

The lower court cannot ask for an en banc hearing.

Amici cannot ask for an en banc hearing.

Judge Sullivan is throwing a Hail Mary hoping that the upper court orders a full panel on its own. Very unlikely.

That would have to happen in any case within 14 days of the entry of judgment.

So the General's case will likely be dismissed on the 14th day after June 24, 2020, or July 8, 2020.

In Q Week 10.

Marker [10].



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3f9494  No.9867391

File: a2732400844a6f6⋯.png (708.67 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Data mining tools for better data analysis



“We are drowning in information, but starving for knowledge.”

– Trend researcher and futurologist, John Naisbitt, on growing volumes of digital data

A comparison of data mining tools

In order to carry out a comparison of the best data mining tools, we will introduce the tools, RapidMiner, WEKA, Orange, KNIME, and SAS. It has been proven that users use multiple programs, because data mining tools have different strengths that can be combined with each other. Data mining tools are often compatible with each other. But even with just one good all-rounder tool, you can do a lot of things as a beginner.

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da27ea  No.9867392

File: 7bb4833a7031b59⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 324x221, 324:221, fft.jpg)


this was one of the dumbest ever…..these people are so stupid

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53aeb1  No.9867393

File: 188a6268bafcd0f⋯.png (356.4 KB, 618x620, 309:310, f1376f48fe173da8984e5bf272….png)

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d9e7c9  No.9867394

File: 9420aea174ce8ea⋯.png (104.17 KB, 594x1037, 594:1037, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 475c94db949087a⋯.png (54.86 KB, 586x534, 293:267, ClipboardImage.png)



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000000  No.9867395

Kickin' Off The Notables

>>9867376 Planefag Reports

>>9867363 Failed U.S. expansion behind resignation of Israel Aerospace Industries' CEO

>>9867340 Fresh POTUS - 5:5

>>9867326 Bolton now refuses to answer re 'Russian Bounties' after stoking the 'scandal'

>>9867285 Epstein associate Nicole Junkerman: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl

>>9867248 Antifa throw bricks, mortars, M-80s as Portland descends into a war zone

>>9867206 Boatfag Update Report

>>9867170 8-year-old girl shot and killed by armed protesters near Atlanta Wendy’s

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a9b3f8  No.9867396

File: 7cc19c3c6f1e20b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 859x1093, 859:1093, notonmywatch.png)

again? ffs

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e685f3  No.9867397


so did POTUS sabotage this project by openly celebrating a SC victory?


or an example of how much the D's will harm for political gain?

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5e3466  No.9867398

File: fd8ca794d091f4c⋯.jpg (258.69 KB, 1754x1080, 877:540, EcMBDaXWkAANpOd.jpg)

File: 8d350066392b0ac⋯.jpg (248.76 KB, 618x736, 309:368, Screen_Shot_07_05_20_at_10….JPG)



>The comments are GLORIOUS

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2d98fe  No.9867399

File: 471addf276a0e89⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1537, 1080:1537, Screenshot_20200324_015820….png)


Dub fives confirm good reason for that concern. I've never seen such a thorough description of boat/planefag's caps. When I got the aforementioned section out highlighted a really good point. These sailors definitely need some well deserved r&r. Have s bleed day and thanks again.

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fcba7f  No.9867400

Is this code?

This bread stopped at 167.

When did the others stop?

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4eb32e  No.9867401

File: 439d72b1f4888c8⋯.jpg (13.05 KB, 255x191, 255:191, demwitches.jpg)

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cbdb4d  No.9867402

Before arrests we need to stiffen the penalties against crime against children.

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3beb3a  No.9867403


update yo

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d9e7c9  No.9867404

File: dac56714fdba527⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 207x254, 207:254, QPL5225604d697accaaf2b3f37….jpg)

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2056d9  No.9867405


Agreed. To me it’s also a smooth way to break from the divisive figures of the past who the cabal memorialized. They still exist in history, but they won’t be seen as tacitly approved by the government by critics anymore.

Let the anarchists take the hit for taking them down, while POTUS can seize the opportunity to memorialize heroes closer to the modern era and ideals.

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f476df  No.9867407

File: 303235d907eb542⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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da27ea  No.9867408


[they] haven't been good at the Moulage lately….maybe that girl in Seattle is moulage…face injury is spoopy.

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23ab45  No.9867409

File: 1ecc853a8228a46⋯.jpg (147.91 KB, 650x800, 13:16, 98c7f0b3e83866273dd0f8c117….jpg)

Why are they attacking the board? Skeered much? Are they expecting Q? Nice of them to tip their hats.

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3c1b48  No.9867410


Art….. I guess.

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fcba7f  No.9867411


Is coal coming back?

Recall Ofukwad nuked the coal industry.

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7f7dac  No.9867412


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60e3b5  No.9867413


armed protester

Pick one.

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34ca6c  No.9867414


straight from the script of contagion

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66ab4e  No.9867415

File: a8734d2ee407ef8⋯.png (800.38 KB, 1288x2289, 184:327, MAGA.png)

MAGA is goddess of magic.

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2c640a  No.9867416


I don't remember her exact words, but at one of the press conferences a while back, Birx said something like 'there is no more flu'. As if it's been eradicated forever. Of course, the media never asked her about that.

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cf3b32  No.9867417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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bb5496  No.9867418

Last 3 Breads locked up at:

(568) - Long Beach

(252) - Eastern NC - Dismal Swamp

(167) - Guam

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80ae13  No.9867419

File: 35fbdc7f21185fc⋯.jpg (256.34 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, EWfhPDzXYAAddU2.jpg)


two days in advance of our enemies' plans

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2d98fe  No.9867420


Very nice but imho the lion needs to be red.

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23ab45  No.9867421

File: eda28fc24745d0b⋯.jpg (151.61 KB, 592x800, 37:50, 8ktg5iz3iqo01.jpg)

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cbdb4d  No.9867422

Noose Car the white drivers should be forced to drive at the bottom of the track and let Jussie Smolets brother drive at the top so that he gets to win, only to prove they are not racists.

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23ab45  No.9867423

File: adde3acd98dedf1⋯.jpg (127.15 KB, 660x1087, 660:1087, l_p9jn6cxvumkdoi.jpg)

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a9b3f8  No.9867424

File: f95166f9d1ac0c9⋯.mp4 (13.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kayleighsmackdown.mp4)

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4703c1  No.9867425


Spread by FLEAS.

"Bubonic plague is mainly spread by infected fleas from small animals".

They're out to get your pets now?

After that… your KIDS.

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2cd4c2  No.9867426

File: 6bd34ace1cd805b⋯.png (20 KB, 261x209, 261:209, 6bd34ace1cd805bafcf5f879c3….png)

Update lag again

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6436ac  No.9867427

File: ae87f7a7e8a2337⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 360x191, 360:191, justtwerk.jpg)

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34ca6c  No.9867428


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d6157b  No.9867429

File: 269a34c6bbcf645⋯.png (42.77 KB, 756x617, 756:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ed15cdf7dedf1a⋯.png (47.79 KB, 823x507, 823:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47536610d6dd1b5⋯.png (33.16 KB, 531x489, 177:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23547290ffaae72⋯.png (142.63 KB, 852x603, 284:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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60e3b5  No.9867431


Couple carrier groups headed to the South China Sea.

Good lookin' out.

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ba89a5  No.9867432


>nope just FJ blowing off reports recently


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41beff  No.9867433


Wow, Anons.

Former Nascar fans are WOKE.

99% of the tweets to Nascar delay notice are pretty equivalent to, "skew u"!

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23ab45  No.9867434

File: 02b22267cdeb5d2⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 403x601, 403:601, ww2_u_sam.jpg)

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183c33  No.9867435

File: 55b26c1ba4cfe83⋯.png (272.9 KB, 720x891, 80:99, Img_1593984023416.png)

Really good video about the black sun cataclysm.

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bba2ff  No.9867436

ok, Q team,

so the deep state are the money makers and the shadow govermant are the gatekeepers.

>I know how retarded the next sentence sounds…

and these people worship a greater evil, coming from the vastnes of space.

Does this mean, when the deep state is over, this evil, these aliens, will attack?

Don't worry, i can handle the truth.

I guess, everyone here can handle the truth by now.

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2056d9  No.9867438

File: 21e0dd5c61d77a1⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 2E068401_06F2_4DE7_9562_55….png)

File: 3193a4ca09858e7⋯.png (478.25 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, DA556C29_6C98_45CC_A1FE_50….png)


I thought Barr did already. I guess you’re referring to the crimes short of murder.

Also, great idea to make the first to be executed child murderers. Certainly sets the stage.


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fcba7f  No.9867439


They're running out of ammo and time.

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3c1b48  No.9867440


Is that real? Or did Ridley Scott direct it?

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2ac484  No.9867441

File: 22346fc6a0af1af⋯.jpeg (168.63 KB, 750x717, 250:239, 77270E96_B0B4_4F8B_9251_5….jpeg)

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23ab45  No.9867442

File: de22dd46fd7ecd5⋯.jpg (248.11 KB, 1200x1651, 1200:1651, 5a1c230c72c6e_image.jpg)

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80ae13  No.9867443

File: 158c6d60a9053f7⋯.png (339.3 KB, 469x430, 469:430, Screenshot_2019_10_26_hitl….png)


>Just asking for a German friend…

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53aeb1  No.9867444

File: 572594cae2f2880⋯.png (153.17 KB, 622x765, 622:765, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)




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d4977b  No.9867445

File: c3ba81acc307d64⋯.png (160.19 KB, 831x795, 277:265, hydrogen_cyanide_uranium.png)


>if Killery got in,

Borders completely opened

China Virus running wild

Mandatory masks

Whites responsible for everything

5,000 gallons of hydrogen cyanide sent to DHS in 2015

Airborne Nuclear Cyanide powder (pic related) fucking up the gene pool

Moonraker sattellite fire machine setting wildfires all over the country

jihad on US Soil

and all the shit I don't know about on top of that.

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60e3b5  No.9867447


America is not Babylon.

Babylon is Babylon.

Yes, it exists.

Yes, the mercantile economy with usury came from Babylon.

But we will not bear their burdens.

We did not choose as they chose.

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d6157b  No.9867448


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23ab45  No.9867449

File: f4ffe0fe065166e⋯.jpg (204.71 KB, 1257x1600, 1257:1600, GarandM_1_Poster.jpg)

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4cc58a  No.9867450

Lots of broken notable links

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000000  No.9867451

Thread's sweet on Tor btw

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23ab45  No.9867452

File: abe6124c0b35091⋯.jpg (454.57 KB, 800x1218, 400:609, DSC05047_1.jpg)

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da27ea  No.9867454


i mean what the hell? everything is a fucking production. Since they were already "pasting in" the airplanes, might as well put kong in there!

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d6157b  No.9867455

it stopped again

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aaceb7  No.9867456

Maxwell has Covid


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00b190  No.9867457

I can see when I post but shorty goes back to 167.

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a9b3f8  No.9867458

File: 9c6ad91678a6ada⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PornHub.mp4)


im gonna have a high post count this bread

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cf3b32  No.9867459


Never heard of that news source before…

Seems if true it would get more coverage.

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34ca6c  No.9867460

File: 4739a5a565133a6⋯.png (440.37 KB, 700x400, 7:4, no_fucks.png)

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568468  No.9867461

File: 3d621bccd7efb6e⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, RAIJNpmGMaZa.mp4)

NFAC was founded by Grand Master Jay (John Fitzgerald Johnson), a self-described "World Renowned Hip Hop Artist, Social Activist, Veteran, and Former 2016 Presidential Candidate."

"Did some digging on these NFAC folks and this is a clip from their leader talking about getting organized.

Towards the end he names the Rothschilds.

Glow in the dark check?"


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d6157b  No.9867462

freeze fuckery

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fcba7f  No.9867463


Is there an executions channel?

Cause I'd pay per view for dat.

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f0a964  No.9867464


Teach that homo SPORTS

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451a91  No.9867465

File: b8c7c1e9f244fac⋯.png (23.57 KB, 598x444, 299:222, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Watc….png)



The numbers seems fishy. 580,000 votes. ONLY 3,700 retweets and 5,700 likes Nobody id retweeting to get their friends to vote or only 1% is liking this poll? I want to say I don't get these numbers, but I do get it , they are bullshit.

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183c33  No.9867466

File: ed76fea6e0c9017⋯.png (300.39 KB, 994x648, 497:324, Img_1584586803295.png)

File: 3e9325f72fcf295⋯.png (195.05 KB, 667x800, 667:800, Img_1592318065214.png)

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5e3466  No.9867467


Noosecars LIves Matter

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689695  No.9867468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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32ef83  No.9867469


Definitiv nicht.

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26cd3e  No.9867470


everything after the ? is a tracking cookie

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ced448  No.9867471

File: 1b9b07069864207⋯.png (336.52 KB, 624x417, 208:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94773ffa309d2fb⋯.png (51.22 KB, 660x854, 330:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aab89efe2fc00de⋯.png (45.86 KB, 1660x521, 1660:521, ClipboardImage.png)

Like clock work, rockets hit grass land Israel bombs people

IDF strikes Hamas targets in response to Gaza rocket fire

Israeli military bombs observation post, apparent underground rocket launchers, after 3 projectiles fired into Israel from the Strip

The Israel Defense Forces bombed a number of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday night after terrorists in the enclave fired three rockets into southern Israel earlier in the evening, the military said .

According to a number of Palestinian outlets in the Strip, in several rounds of airstrikes, the Israeli military targeted a Hamas observation post, as well as “agricultural lands,” east of Gaza City.

In the past, such Israeli strikes on “agricultural lands” have targeted underground rocket launchers that were buried under fields.

The IDF confirmed carrying out the strikes with attack helicopters and fighter jets, saying that among the targets were “underground infrastructure belonging to the Hamas terror group.”

The military repeated its general view that Hamas, the de facto ruler of Gaza, was ultimately responsible for “what happens in the Gaza Strip and what comes out of it.”

Earlier in the evening, three rockets were fired from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel, amid growing tensions along the border region appeared as the Israeli government considered annexing portions of the West Bank.

Two rockets apparently struck an open field at around 7 p.m. in the Sdot Negev region of southern Israel, local officials said, without causing injuries or damage.

About an hour later, rockets sirens again rang out in the southern Israeli Sha’ar Hanegev region as another rocket was launched out of the Strip. The rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, according to the IDF.

IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman later said the top brass of the Southern Command would hold a “situational assessment” regarding the attacks to determine how to proceed.

“We will not accept rocket fire at the south. A situational assessment will be held in the coming hours,” Zilberman told reporters.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks. The IDF spokesman said the military did not yet know which terror organization fired them.


My post from 2 breads ago >>9865932

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d4977b  No.9867472


They're taking it too far.

People are going to have to start noticing soon. This is getting way out of hand.

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79391b  No.9867473

File: f18c371e74cab5a⋯.png (395.79 KB, 1631x747, 1631:747, break_taking_CarolineDono_.png)


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2d98fe  No.9867474

File: efa11ca837b9752⋯.png (167.08 KB, 588x588, 1:1, efa11ca837b9752d702c989a06….png)

File: b939989677cc929⋯.gif (4.47 MB, 400x211, 400:211, warriors_come_out_and_play….gif)

File: 94c9dee2e69f5c5⋯.jpg (221.77 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 94c9dee2e69f5c57130d4dabe1….jpg)

I think Q's about to drop on this beautiful Sunday.

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e685f3  No.9867475




illegally does not apply, their party their rules and past demonstrates the D's voters have no say just party officials

as was/is the case with R's before PDJT flipped the script on them by using their coverage/media leverage to harm the R's to his advantage of getting the better message out

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350882  No.9867476

File: a158b1495c0c640⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, fractlactic.jpg)

into the portal we go

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0a6982  No.9867477


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d9e7c9  No.9867478

File: 6218ca63fbe0018⋯.png (64.67 KB, 414x419, 414:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87be8a1470a1666⋯.png (112.8 KB, 498x520, 249:260, ClipboardImage.png)

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090eb7  No.9867479

Go page.

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6436ac  No.9867480


not usual to see a few cases of bubonic form plague per year


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eb8bbd  No.9867481

This not loading crap. Damn it like a beaver, I cleared my cache and thought it was fixed.

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63d3ea  No.9867482

File: c67e984e3d89778⋯.jpeg (101.02 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5C20A66F_FFC1_4486_8C72_6….jpeg)

What was the tweet? Last Q drop.

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217fe6  No.9867483

File: d6f1d60705a1c5f⋯.jpeg (544.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, A226FA5F_3855_47EC_B7BD_4….jpeg)

File: 8f7f6eaf2ec4e1c⋯.jpeg (302.22 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, E58C59CF_8966_476F_911F_B….jpeg)

File: 98a3f74dee67de5⋯.jpeg (296.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, B2BE1C5F_4D65_4708_8606_3….jpeg)

File: 52cee184cdac556⋯.jpeg (301.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 753E4E62_AF5F_4A3F_9542_B….jpeg)

File: 82347cf325cf8f9⋯.jpeg (297.46 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, BDA3E216_FB8B_4B89_A7E5_A….jpeg)

Sneak preview: make Fake narrative S.T.F.U.

Anons, Memewar2020 will be glorious.

Q gave us a test target and told us to organize.

So, Behind the scenes, anons have been working real hard to do that, so that we are ready for large inflow of new anons.

here’s a sneak peak at our new logo.

The Army of digital soldiers is divided into 4 Divisions:





Moar explanations tomorrow. Just wanted to show off GraphicAnons fabulous artwork.

Warroom anon.

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d6157b  No.9867484


"don't bring a cardboard sign to a ___ fight"

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5fe3c3  No.9867485



I hope HQC CURES the Plague too

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fcba7f  No.9867486

File: 37aaa1679285e7e⋯.png (684.28 KB, 918x596, 459:298, honeybadgerbarr.png)

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a9b3f8  No.9867487

File: caed6e34ba3e7cc⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, shiffcollusion.mp4)

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3f9494  No.9867489

File: 675d5aaecb68f0d⋯.png (778.6 KB, 1500x672, 125:56, ClipboardImage.png)


I think the best way to get started in collection and plotting or visualizing this kind of data, is to start by installing a real database, that can be used to store and organize all the source data that you collect. 2UDA provides easy to install packages of both PostgreSQL database and Orange3 data mining.

Start with the 12.3 version of PostgreSQL here:


And then add the corresponding version of 2UDA here:


Note that by installing the standalone installer for PostgreSQL first, you can easily remove Orange3 later on if you decide to use a different data visualization tool. Your data in the database will remain.

Actually, if all you want is simple chart plotting, just install PostgreSQL and pair it up with the spreadsheet in LibreOffice which makes it easy to create charts that pull the data from an SQL query instead of from the spreadsheet itself.

Real investigative journalists need someone who can help as a data wrangler, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing charts and other forms of data visualization.

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350882  No.9867490


Isn't Biden in an ankle monitor?

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202ed2  No.9867491


Fear Not!

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2cd4c2  No.9867492

File: b1fd18eee18ff0b⋯.png (25.01 KB, 720x644, 180:161, b1fd18eee18ff0b2224a3c9058….png)

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386f9b  No.9867493

File: e5929ca46e5e917⋯.png (691.29 KB, 520x520, 1:1, 80R08.png)

Sometime before or during WWII, Soros's family supposedly changed their name from the German-Jewish Schwartz to Soros (a palindrome). Interesting coincidence that Armistice Day marking the end of WWI is a notable palindrome too - 11:11. Which makes me start to think about the occult significance of palindromes generally.

A palindrome can be another way of expressing infinity, like the loop of the snake eating its tail. The word "palindrome" actually derives from the ancient Greek for "again," connoting an eternal recurrence of time cycles. The name SOROS itself makes further allusions to "infinity", with the two O's forming a kind of infinity ∞ symbol, book-ended by the two S's which are each like the infinity 8 symbol, or the snake eating its tail. A single O, or nought, is also a symbol for infinity. Given the satanic and nazi obsession with "infinity", I don't think it's a coincidence Soros's father chose the name SOROS.

Even Wikipedia notes that Soros's father liked the palindromic nature of the name Soros.

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b8c551  No.9867494

qanon trending on twitter.

good time to get those memes out.

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bba2ff  No.9867495

kun is lagging as hell, why is so much traffic coming?

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fcba7f  No.9867496

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80ae13  No.9867497

File: fe565a6e8b94161⋯.png (21.27 KB, 526x150, 263:75, Screenshot_2020_07_05_nibi….png)


when the black sun arrives?

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60e3b5  No.9867498


Wow, like looking in a mirror. What a handsome fellow.

As to his message…listening…

Probably would have been better if we were watching this last December.

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6540d3  No.9867499



why not go to the other side and fire on the luxors

d emonwhores$%&rats bothe sides boethe crothcshilds maxwell op

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41beff  No.9867500


This way all afternoon, Anon.

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d4977b  No.9867501


On a float, one guy will be picked to clena the showers that are shared by like 100+ Marines and Sailors. Well, pretty much all of us are hairy and the only thing to do there is jerk off so, yeah….

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f4412c  No.9867502

File: 5a6d353726c78e3⋯.png (790.8 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 5a6d353726c78e34cd3d2d8d3c….png)


hmm….'compartmentalization', 'muh corona', excellent current example.

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8de56c  No.9867503

File: 53e20c80c154b5d⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 852x484, 213:121, My_Project3.mp4)


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eb8bbd  No.9867504


What's the method to load besides constant posting?

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183c33  No.9867505

File: 07ad5b1c9feaf82⋯.png (104.63 KB, 720x573, 240:191, Img_1584398357653.png)

File: 4c1ae390a9e2631⋯.png (356.54 KB, 720x1250, 72:125, Img_1588881767759.png)

File: 1a4955defc3e2f4⋯.png (182.47 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Img_1584398124176.png)

File: 08c05868c25dbc8⋯.png (258.58 KB, 720x889, 720:889, Img_1584398083789.png)

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88eda9  No.9867506

Heavy Attack?

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e685f3  No.9867508


>They're taking it too far.

they are taking it exactly where they are told to for the Q game to work


remember the midterms were safe?

Q got exactly who they needed for each role and this movie was tightly scripted and casted

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2adfc4  No.9867509

File: 3eef5a58418f515⋯.png (34.35 KB, 575x253, 25:11, ClipboardImage.png)

USCP: Due to a Thunderstorm Warning , personnel within the Capitol Complex should immediately:

Move to your office severe weather sheltering location..No one should be permitted to exit the building until directed by USCP.


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4eb32e  No.9867510



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568468  No.9867511

File: 43e0ada88583080⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB, 360x644, 90:161, 12795553359304704.mp4)


Armed members of a newly formed black militia called NFAC (Not F#ckin Around Coalition) walks down a road in Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, threatening white motorists: "I'm your worst nightmare, bro."


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d4977b  No.9867512


Why not Flynn as VP?

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bba2ff  No.9867513


i guess because of the general doing a wwg1wga in his tweet.

well, this means q is now official.

this means,

>are we alon


we are now aware of the aliens, now i wonder what they call themself and from what planet they came.

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ced448  No.9867514

File: efdfef9127ce03a⋯.png (20.5 KB, 561x165, 17:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a3ec20ea669f80⋯.png (13.63 KB, 568x167, 568:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d28cce892101084⋯.png (273.81 KB, 674x612, 337:306, ClipboardImage.png)

'Mini AOC' Rips Twitter With 'Kanye West Is Where Barack Obama Was Born' Joke

A tweet from a young AOС impersonator followed American hip-hop star Kanye West's announcement earlier in the week that he was entering the race for the US presidency, gaining a quick endorsement from SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

A young girl named Ava Martinez, who is impersonating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and is thus known as 'Mini AOC', joked on her Twitter account that she thought "Kanye West is where Barack Obama was born".

She apparently referred to the conspiracy theory supported by US President Donald Trump who claimed that former US President Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

The 44th US president was in fact born in Honolulu, Hawaii, which Trump admitted in 2016. Some users like to mention the conspiracy regarding his motherland and citizenship, both as an ironic joke or as a straight line.

Twitter users, meanwhile, felt more like having some fun over mini AOC's joke.

They joked back, after quickly deciphering the reference.

Some pushed the joke further.

On 4 July, Kanye West tweeted his announcement that he would be running for president of the United States.


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cf3b32  No.9867515


What does that mean?

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000000  No.9867516


Can confirm.

Qanon trending in Politics.

Aim fire.

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5e3466  No.9867517


try 'Last 50' at the bottom of the page.

at least you get to see the posts

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6a5a48  No.9867518

just fuck my board up fam

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fcba7f  No.9867519

>>9867390 General Flynn's case will likely be dismissed on the 14th day after June 24, 2020, or July 8, 2020. in Q Week 10.


Anon's likely timeline

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a9b3f8  No.9867520

File: f83649397bcd031⋯.mp4 (380.73 KB, 888x474, 148:79, Qlightning.mp4)

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0e9a51  No.9867521

File: 6013bc897eab7ce⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Milley_warning.jpg)

File: 04d3604a786f147⋯.jpg (198.08 KB, 720x450, 8:5, WORLD_SWAMP.jpg)

File: 3795b4c830df6fc⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 547x247, 547:247, PURGED.jpg)

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25c4ea  No.9867522

File: 05d0379b9d844dc⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 05d0379b9d844dcd62654888c9….png)

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88eda9  No.9867523


I agree

They just said People are At home due to Fear

And the People on the Beaches, There there cause they are scared and have Fear

Total BS

No Fear

We will Fight them on the Beaches

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80ae13  No.9867524

File: d386c9eb2b1ad2b⋯.png (256.02 KB, 535x533, 535:533, Screenshot_2020_07_05_The_….png)


The silent war


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3f9494  No.9867525

File: 0047fc688325902⋯.png (80.25 KB, 798x597, 266:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bdac1e16c185cd⋯.png (318.97 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)

WEKA is another data mining and machine learning tool. Download version 3.8 here:


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3ae29e  No.9867526


They are all going down. Why do you think Big Tech is "banding together" to testify to the Senate as a team. They are scared, and know they don't have the power they think they do anymore. Every person they target, awakens another. They cannot operate in the shadows anymore. They feel pain from every exposure. The tools they developed to attack people like you and many others are now being used against them.

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bb5496  No.9867527

File: f46c6522dad4da4⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 488x366, 4:3, BlackLabiaMatter.jpg)

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136e50  No.9867528


timestamp is sweeet.

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12c58a  No.9867529


I don't think tweets will stop them

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bf827c  No.9867530


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151d78  No.9867531


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34ca6c  No.9867532

File: f99e30d786a4858⋯.png (29.94 KB, 420x420, 1:1, QwasHere1.png)

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4eb32e  No.9867533


Black Panthers




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d6157b  No.9867534


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11d9b8  No.9867535

File: d9cf9f12ceeadff⋯.png (682.74 KB, 756x427, 108:61, theonruGdvalsw.png)

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b435c2  No.9867536


LA fireworks were awesome….cops had helo in the air to catch some fireworks offenders and they got overwhelmed….Kek

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88eda9  No.9867537

One America News


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bc7cf7  No.9867538



Are you getting the hang of it yet…..

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bba2ff  No.9867540


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771dfd  No.9867541

It's very amusing for me (graduated past the frustration), watching low IQ crack heads tart themselves up and strut around like success stories. I'm all for bettering yourself, but some of these fuckers are delusional and you can see their rabidness explode with a taste of power. I drive them nuts haha. They know I'm intellectually and morally superior and I don't need rat tactics. Still, they refuse to join the Jedis. It's in their eyes. I know what they are going to say before they say it. I know what they say to others when I'm not around. One fucker said to me 'help me to help you'. Haha. Let there be rock.

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d4977b  No.9867542


It's all quantifiable

We're strings of digits bro

the moon is the CPU of this place

It's weird but we're the powersource

kinda like matrix, but a little different

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5f6cc9  No.9867543


>compare to traffic deaths which are a well-known risk to most people.


Now they may try and stop us from driving because it is too dangerous. More deadly than CV19!

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657bb7  No.9867544

File: c4be845b6e8fdd0⋯.jpg (247.99 KB, 1600x1045, 320:209, 1593707290539.jpg)

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41beff  No.9867546


Daughter just changed the channel to Nascar.

Asked her to change it.

Never again.

She understands why, now.

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2d98fe  No.9867547


Oooh la laaa. Very nice.

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ad821d  No.9867548


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202ed2  No.9867549

Not by power nor by might but by my Spirit says The Lord.

Have Faith anons.

God Wins!

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60e3b5  No.9867550


Absolutely love that POTUS tweets his mind and pushes good companies to success.

He's going to steal Coolidge's "The Business of America is Business" motto soon!

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bc7cf7  No.9867551

File: e65a10640b08694⋯.png (304.8 KB, 671x629, 671:629, e65a10640b0869402f4726728a….png)


go last 50 if its not working

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568468  No.9867552

File: 3e9258e7efd801f⋯.mp4 (833.66 KB, 480x270, 16:9, afsjiagafh9JOI938.mp4)

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5e6eb0  No.9867553

File: b5ce5a5a5a25302⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 640x640, 1:1, black_karen_tko.mp4)

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eb8bbd  No.9867554

Just tell me goddammit like a beaver



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80ae13  No.9867555

File: 1e4b2cb8b6ab9ea⋯.png (136.53 KB, 740x512, 185:128, 1e4b2cb8b6ab9ea66b46092a4c….png)

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3f9494  No.9867556

File: 3c887a9c5c7778f⋯.png (148.32 KB, 768x413, 768:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a357eaa39ed1b9c⋯.png (15.89 KB, 583x263, 583:263, ClipboardImage.png)

You can download KNIME from here:


There is a nice article to explain how to set up your first workflow like this one on the right.

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923b29  No.9867557

File: 0becb47257859c8⋯.png (446.42 KB, 726x407, 66:37, b.png)

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913061  No.9867558

File: e8127968cef8a52⋯.jpeg (623.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, F8952BD2_5762_4A62_A74F_0….jpeg)


Highly unlikely, Anon.

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60e3b5  No.9867559


Didn't your handler tell you to try to blend in?

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fcba7f  No.9867561



There's a storm a brewin

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5cce8b  No.9867562

File: 3bcf7da9ddc20a8⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 483x487, 483:487, MR_WHOOPEE_COLOR_2.jpg)



Im all in!

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4eb32e  No.9867563




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88eda9  No.9867564

Fox News Claims that Biden is leading in all their polls.


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0a6982  No.9867565


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79391b  No.9867566

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b435c2  No.9867567

File: 8856598466e53ef⋯.jpeg (742.76 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20260B08_8923_44DB_907E_6….jpeg)

Whatcha think?

Princess Di killed to protect Andrew?

Diana killed on 8/31/97

Where was Andrew

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365ce9  No.9867568

Our biggest fight will not be with man but with AI robots …

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2cd4c2  No.9867569

File: 1bc69c1969b8bf2⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1bc69c1969b8bf23ae16431682….jpg)

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56c7a5  No.9867570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raz of Chaz

is now in jail and is Rizz of Jizz

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a9b3f8  No.9867571

File: 5ed0f59997d8e7e⋯.png (230.08 KB, 1050x335, 210:67, ClipboardImage.png)


theres a storm a brewing.


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6a5a48  No.9867573

File: d5b6c7f77f565d3⋯.jpg (66.07 KB, 954x960, 159:160, badpope.jpg)


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80ae13  No.9867574

File: a9c5f95052511aa⋯.png (18.31 KB, 535x198, 535:198, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Dona….png)

Democrats want to Defund & Abolish Police. This despite poor crime numbers in cities that they run. CRAZY!



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c2777a  No.9867575


Walking corpse!

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136e50  No.9867577

“No one has died from the coronavirus” Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association

Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett

A high-profile European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent.

Dr. Stoian Alexov called the World Health Organization (WHO) a “criminal medical organization” for creating worldwide fear and chaos without providing objectively verifiable proof of a pandemic.

Another stunning revelation from Bulgarian Pathology Association (BPA) president Dr. Alexov is that he believes it’s currently “impossible” to create a vaccine against the virus.

He also revealed that European pathologists haven’t identified any antibodies that are specific for SARS-CoV-2.

These stunning statements raise major questions, including about officials’ and scientists’ claims regarding the many vaccines they’re rushing into clinical trials around the world.

They also raise doubt about the veracity of claims of discovery of anti-novel-coronavirus antibodies (which are beginning to be used to treat patients).

Novel-coronavirus-specific antibodies are supposedly the basis for the expensive serology test kits being used in many countries (some of which have been found to be unacceptably inaccurate).

And they’re purportedly key to the immunity certificates coveted by Bill Gates that are about to go into widespread use — in the form of the COVI-PASS — in 15 countries including the UK, US, and Canada.

Dr. Alexov made his jaw-dropping observations in a video interview summarizing the consensus of participants in a May 8, 2020, European Society of Pathology (ESP) webinar on COVID-19.

The May 13 video interview of Dr. Alexov was conducted by Dr. Stoycho Katsarov, chair of the Center for Protection of Citizens’ Rights in Sofia and a former Bulgarian deputy minister of health. The video is on the BPA’s website, which also highlights some of Dr. Alexov’s main points.

Among the major bombshells Dr. Alexov dropped is that the leaders of the May 8 ESP webinar said no novel-coronavirus-specific antibodies have been found.

The body forms antibodies specific to pathogens it encounters. These specific antibodies are known as monoclonal antibodies and are a key tool in pathology. This is done via immunohistochemistry, which involves tagging antibodies with colours and then coating the biopsy- or autopsy-tissue slides with them. After giving the antibodies time to bind to the pathogens they’re specific for, the pathologists can look at the slides under a microscope and see the specific places where the coloured antibodies — and therefore the pathogens they’re bound to – are located.

Therefore, in the absence of monoclonal antibodies to the novel coronavirus, pathologists cannot verify whether SARS-CoV-2 is present in the body, or whether the diseases and deaths attributed to it indeed were caused by the virus rather than by something else.

Also, Dr. Alexov has an unimpugnable record and reputation. He’s been a physician for 30 years. He’s president of the BPA, a member of the ESP’s Advisory Board and head of the histopathology department at the Oncology Hospital in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.

On top of that, there’s other support for what Dr. Alexov is saying.

For example, the director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany said in media interviews that there’s a striking dearth of solid evidence for COVID-19’s lethality.

“COVID-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection,” Dr. Klaus Püschel told a German paper in April. Adding in another interview:In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example, a brain hemorrhage or a heart attack […] [COVID-19 is] not particularly dangerous viral disease […] All speculation about individual deaths that have not been expertly examined only fuel anxiety.”

Dr. Alexov stated in the May 13 interview that:

the main conclusion [of those of us who participated in the May 8 webinar] was that the autopsies that were conducted in Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Sweden do not show that the virus is deadly.”

He added that:

What all of the pathologists said is that there’s no one who has died from the coronavirus. I will repeat that: no one has died from the coronavirus.”


This is huge.

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bc7cf7  No.9867578


Not Razz. One of the "LEADERS" but razz was just jungle security

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87e0cb  No.9867579

File: 669dda962836303⋯.png (286.95 KB, 500x774, 250:387, Dems_garden_of_Heroes_1.png)

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41beff  No.9867580

File: 6ca52b4f318ac50⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 320x568, 40:71, 6ca52b4f318ac5027260df6a47….mp4)

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63d3ea  No.9867581

File: e5808668182b634⋯.jpeg (39.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 0581C8E6_0938_46EA_9D61_5….jpeg)

The suspense is real. Deaf girl signing to postal worker? What was the tweet?

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ba89a5  No.9867582


>Yeah, I just checked radar, too.

Texas is laughing at those east coast pussies.

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34ca6c  No.9867584

File: 8b170427b2b3301⋯.png (733.53 KB, 925x791, 925:791, redwave_trump.png)

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000000  No.9867585

Notables Lineup

All in?

>>9867574 New DJT

>>9867461 Video: NFAC founder Grand Master Jay - John Fitzgerald Johnson

>>9867390 General Flynn's case likely to be dismissed July 8th - Week 10

>>9867376 Planefag Reports

>>9867363 Failed U.S. expansion behind resignation of Israel Aerospace Industries' CEO

>>9867340 Fresh POTUS - 5:5

>>9867326 Bolton now refuses to answer re 'Russian Bounties' after stoking the 'scandal'

>>9867285 Epstein associate Nicole Junkerman: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl

>>9867248 Antifa throw bricks, mortars, M-80s as Portland descends into a war zone

>>9867206 Boatfag Update Report

>>9867170 8-year-old girl shot and killed by armed protesters near Atlanta Wendy’s

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014712  No.9867586


Paint the map anon

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63d3ea  No.9867587

Wacky board guise

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714d22  No.9867588

board down?

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56c7a5  No.9867589

File: 805674882c248bd⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1444x916, 361:229, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)

File: 5f3a0d30b5c1f5e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1338x720, 223:120, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)

File: a2cb3e8364d330a⋯.png (18.95 KB, 616x171, 616:171, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)

File: d668c43b30e9b05⋯.png (26.09 KB, 987x158, 987:158, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)


Rizz of Jizz aka formerly Raz of Chaz is in jail and astoundingly after being caught Bawled, Cried, pouted, sulked, Temper Tantrumed, acted like a Giant Pussy, stomped his feet in Anger, Cried Cried Cried like a little bitch all the way to Jail…. Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahna Antifa GOOOOOOOOOOO hahahahahahhahaha

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4eb32e  No.9867590

File: 67e3e2ea52ae9d2⋯.jpg (118.08 KB, 465x467, 465:467, portraitpepe.jpg)


me too!

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79391b  No.9867591

File: 88fc122c4b0d222⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 400x225, 16:9, Aquaman_is_a_fucking_pedo.gif)


Thank anon.

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80ae13  No.9867592

File: 6b988c013715c91⋯.png (237.73 KB, 535x546, 535:546, Screenshot_2020_07_05_The_….png)

"There is a growing danger that threatens every blessing our ancestors fought so hard for, struggled, they bled to secure. Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children."


New WH

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a7ec64  No.9867593

BREAD stuck

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8e9d07  No.9867594

File: ac1af7d7569f3ab⋯.jpg (172.57 KB, 1200x1286, 600:643, 1593334665601.jpg)

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87e0cb  No.9867595

File: 6be88573c2586d2⋯.png (544.88 KB, 692x405, 692:405, 6be88573c2586d251c1515bf71….png)

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bb5496  No.9867596

File: e6368ad1bb4511d⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 800x504, 100:63, Q_Incoming.jpg)


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bc7cf7  No.9867597


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0e9a51  No.9867599

File: 963f98212c4b45f⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 500x439, 500:439, DO_IT.jpg)

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fb20be  No.9867600

Q - 10 or less

Gen Flynn - a tenth part

Returning with the substance of Truth

He volunteered for it, he said, Here am I, send me.

It’s biblical.

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63c72e  No.9867601


>Rizz of Jizz aka formerly Raz of Chaz

That's not Raz.

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abc54f  No.9867602

File: 90de0a90967ae1c⋯.jpg (884.59 KB, 400x288, 25:18, Acting_US_Attorney_SDNY.jpg)

Do we still have a problem at SDNY?

Acting US Attorney is a Democrat.

I'm hearing now that G-Max turned

herself in. Why? Day before National

3 day weekend. News cycle? Don't

pass smell test !

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3c1b48  No.9867603


Disgraceful. This man is a foreign dignitary and should have diplomatic immunity!

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913061  No.9867604


POTUS probably has that planned already in it for the future. The public will demand it when they find out what took place here

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217fe6  No.9867605



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d9e7c9  No.9867606

File: a30c93d1fcc4a94⋯.png (6.23 KB, 444x126, 74:21, ClipboardImage.png)


>Expand your thinking.

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63d3ea  No.9867607

Last drop. What was the tweet?

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60e3b5  No.9867608


I believe the General is going to finish the intel audit he was going to begin under Hussein, at the Pentagon.

With a fourth star.

Hint, hint, Q+.

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bc7cf7  No.9867609


Not Razz. Stop spreading bs you know nothing about. Share the info, but leave your extra bullshit off

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e685f3  No.9867610


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f4412c  No.9867611


hell of a video, doesn't go into anything they did right in construction of the damn dam!

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7fd1b3  No.9867612

File: 5a81fc11d9842ae⋯.png (311.54 KB, 612x346, 306:173, castouhedvil.png)

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568468  No.9867613


Is this in NY?

Second Degree Assault: 3 to 7 years prison, up to $5,000 fine

Aggravated Assault on minor under age 11 by an adult: 1.5 to 4 years in prison, up to $5,000 fine

Third Degree Assault: Up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.

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fcba7f  No.9867614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c6fa76  No.9867615

Anyone have the video of the CDC person changing their stance on human to human transmission?

Need that one for work

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80ae13  No.9867616

File: 466688900bbbd86⋯.png (295.03 KB, 535x464, 535:464, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Mela….png)

It was a beautiful evening at the @WhiteHouse

celebrating #IndependenceDay


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b12723  No.9867617

File: d89fba7cafa4e47⋯.jpeg (219.3 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 412DF345_16F5_4140_9673_3….jpeg)


Nice and saved, ty

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af5c41  No.9867618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged victims accuse New York Academy of Art of ‘victim blaming’


By Sara NathanJuly 1, 2020

in video at 5:00, Maria Farmer, Epstein and Maxwell victim, said her mistake was being at the wrong art school. Said she 'met' them in 1995 at the NY School of Art.

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged victims has accused the New York Academy of Art of “victim blaming,” after the institution released a report this week saying that her sister falsely accused them of leading the two women into the clutches of the late sex predator.

The NYAA and its legal team on Tuesday ripped Maria Farmer, who has accused academy trustee Eileen Guggenheim of forcing her to sell a painting — called “The Rape” — to Epstein and insisting that she got a trip to the billionaire perv’s so-called “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico in 1995.

Maria Farmer claimed in recent media reports that during the ranch trip, she and other students were allegedly forced by Epstein to play games with his stash of sex toys.

She said she eventually wound up hanging out with Epstein in Ohio and at his New York mansion, where she also worked for him — and that she and her younger sister, Annie, were abused by him and his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.

NYAA insisted in its new report — which was produced by the law firm, Walden Macht & Haran — that Guggenheim played “no role” in introducing the Farmers to Epstein, nor did she force Maria to sell her painting, which was inspired by Degas’ “The Rape.”

“Farmer alleged that she reported her abuse — which occurred a year later in 1996 in Ohio — to Guggenheim, but that Guggenheim did nothing to assist her. A number of these allegations are contradicted by Farmer’s own sworn statements, as well as by other witness testimony,” read the statement which was shown to Page Six.

The report also said that Maria had given sworn testimony that she negotiated the painting sale with Epstein and that in “sworn statement in a federal court action [she said] she observed conduct that caused her to suspect Epstein of inappropriate behavior with school-aged girls during her employment for Epstein in the summer of approximately 1995-96.”

“Based on the findings of the investigation, the Board of Trustees now believes that critical aspects of Farmer’s allegations against Guggenheim are untrue,” said the report, which also said that Guggenheim should keep her position.

The academy’s report outraged Annie, who accused them of trying to “curry favor” with Maxwell and Epstein for years.

“Since Epstein’s arrest almost one year ago, we have watched as other institutions with ties to Epstein have engaged in critical self-examination to do an accounting of how their organizations benefited from the predator he was,” she said.

“In sharp contrast, the Academy has gone into a bunker and sought to protect itself rather than exploring the important questions and issues to protect their students moving forward … The Academy is retreating to the tired and intolerable act of victim blaming, and it’s wrong at many levels.”

The Farmers’ attorney, Sigrid McCawley, said: “The New York Academy of Art never contacted us until they completed their report. They never sought input or perspective from the victims until they completed their report. They sought out solely the conclusion they want to believe is the truth. It is offensive and out-of-touch with the remarkable forward progress of victims’ rights.”

The academy told Page Six: “The investigative report states that the investigation contacted both Maria and Annie Farmer to request their participation, however was unable to secure their cooperation in the investigation.”

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8bd379  No.9867619

And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

Deuteronomy 21:22‭-‬23

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

Matthew 18:6‭-‬7

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d4977b  No.9867620

File: 5023747fc269d04⋯.png (874.21 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, time_bandits_pepe.png)


> the Q game

showing everyone they're being used as energy for life extension of the royals is one thing, showing them their "neighbors" is going to break the mind of billions.

If the plan is sending everyone innawoods with panic disorders and paralyzing anxiety, well… I guess we're on track! I'm all for it, let their little minds collapse!

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030ddc  No.9867621

File: 78e9bc72fb9d94f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 680x680, 1:1, Pepe_Flynn_stone_and_bitch.png)

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e685f3  No.9867622


and JE was arrested at the end of the 4th of July weekend last year

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e1db28  No.9867623


That is a 100rd. .22LR barrel mag. NOT .223 or 5.56 too funny

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a9b3f8  No.9867624

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4042a5  No.9867625

HUGE THANKS to those again working #Chicago on Twitter! Keep it going! As you see, the President approves!

Anybody working #NewYork. Get on it, if you got nothing to do! Thanks anons!

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689695  No.9867627


It was on here: https://twitter.com/Goodable/

They deleted the tweet, and for awhile replaced the pedo symbols and other evidence. They have now reverted back to the Pedo symbol…

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151d78  No.9867628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to name names

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b12723  No.9867629

File: 11a4fdc2cc6b1e0⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 65F10488_9E4E_40F8_9496_EC….png)


Good fucking idea. If they can tear 'em down, we can put 'em up!

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923b29  No.9867630

File: 2c0cdfd1da07b08⋯.jpg (125.71 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, joeb.jpg)

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913061  No.9867631

We shoulda kept track of every day that the board was being attacked like this. Would almost guarantee as things come out later it directly corresponds to pain being served to [them]

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56c7a5  No.9867632


Thank you so much, that was Priceless and now downloaded for Memories and keepsakes :) KEK!

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ca3568  No.9867633


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2adfc4  No.9867634


maybe POTUS will put a pond in their and it can have tad poles forever

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f4412c  No.9867635

File: 9178e0d758434f8⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 148x255, 148:255, 9178e0d758434f8f61d17d9feb….jpg)


muh nomination.

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60e3b5  No.9867636


Bongino called it a long time ago. These people have no idea what men of violence are actually like.

And they are themselves soft.

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e685f3  No.9867637


God condemns just for the thought

once thought might as well act as price of sin is already tallied

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41beff  No.9867638


Love her Talking Points.

Her parents should be proud.

Simple message with TONS of satire weight.

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d974fe  No.9867639


You here bro? I like your second doughpost pic.

Before you ghost, we could use a dough update if you're still in

After BREAK 2, underOther Dedicated Research Threadscan you replace

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13


>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

Thanks in advance!

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b12723  No.9867640

File: 7286223417a8d76⋯.jpeg (27.8 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 54DFC869_EDF8_475A_B4BD_F….jpeg)


Actually a good idea.

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469b3f  No.9867641

File: 21612c4fa3e3c9c⋯.jpg (428.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200705_164541….jpg)

File: 163da9246a90729⋯.jpg (448.67 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200705_164535….jpg)

File: 8e73f75c0648699⋯.jpg (395.49 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200705_164527….jpg)

Anyone else think some of these later ones are doibles?

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cf3b32  No.9867642



This will fix the board when it gets stuck.

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af5c41  No.9867643

File: 260b319079ea1c3⋯.jpg (113.4 KB, 864x654, 144:109, epstein_guggeneim.jpg)


>The NYAA and its legal team on Tuesday ripped Maria Farmer, who has accused academy trustee Eileen Guggenheim of forcing her to sell a painting — called “The Rape” — to Epstein and insisting that she got a trip to the billionaire perv’s so-called “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico in 1995.

>Maria Farmer claimed in recent media reports that during the ranch trip, she and other students were allegedly forced by Epstein to play games with his stash of sex toys.

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80ae13  No.9867644

File: 6dfbe98b28392b4⋯.png (381.31 KB, 535x662, 535:662, Screenshot_2020_07_05_U_S_….png)

"March along, sing our song…"

You know the rest.


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4eb32e  No.9867645


it updates when you post

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e8a9ff  No.9867646

>>9867623 kek Pansy Patrol gets their 15 minutes of fame.

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6a5a48  No.9867647

What the hell is even going on here?

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aac452  No.9867648


Ha ha, funny how they have to underline that it's only "men" who have something to worry about Ghislane's testimony. They say the word "men" so many times that I think they're really really trying to cover for the women who are involved in child sex sacrifices. I'm lookin at you Hill. And we won't forget about you either, Oprah, or Madonna, or Paris, etc, etc, etc.

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2789da  No.9867649

File: 36d1d91714bd855⋯.png (812.72 KB, 726x527, 726:527, amc3.png)

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34ca6c  No.9867650


t minus and counting

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000000  No.9867652


Baker here, took the handoff.

And sure thing, updated now.

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bba2ff  No.9867653

File: fd2fca2d8ae5144⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 921x375, 307:125, 23547867586463432647.jpg)

wtf, look at the timestamp

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4703c1  No.9867654


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bc7cf7  No.9867656


go last 50 and stop filling the board up with bs test posts…………..

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12c58a  No.9867657



more tweets, cool!

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202ed2  No.9867658

File: b8c531616c80a07⋯.jpg (194.24 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, b8c531616c80a07cdb61f7eb7d….jpg)


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5ffe87  No.9867659

Request for anons. Trying to relocate breads of the UK boards and getting nowhere. Regular avenues have not yet worked. Last one available is #13 at https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8758105.html but looking for access to 14-16. Objective: get the Notables up to speed prior to baking #19 by presenting links and some candidate posts so our Brit frens can decide what should be included. Personal stake in this for Transparency: Would be my Second Bake ever and would be much easier done because the UK breads do not include as much as General. Submitted for Evidence: my first bake during ghost conditions, without assist is #12608 starting at post

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9696ef  No.9867660


to me definitely not

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a9b3f8  No.9867661


it was a feels vid of a little girl who learned to sign "thankyou" for her deaf mailman.

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b12723  No.9867662

File: 725c14e666332b6⋯.jpeg (378.35 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1665D1F0_ECF4_49F6_B66C_C….jpeg)

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689695  No.9867663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The "Luciferian Drug" Adrenochrome

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913061  No.9867664


Publicly that is. She already named them all. Can pretty much write that in stone

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fcba7f  No.9867665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e8a9ff  No.9867666

>>9867511 Anyone who has to say, "I'm your worst nightmare," is definitely not my worst nightmare.

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3c1b48  No.9867667


Need her to name acts, places, what was in filled in tunnels…. where the bodies are.

Naming names that are already named is kinda pointless.

Which locations around the world were used for activities of a criminal nature….. all of them. Both the secret 'James Bond' exotic locations plus the more visible like city houses, political 'palaces', Parliament cities.

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87e0cb  No.9867668

File: e31cf303bd78962⋯.jpg (148.2 KB, 1164x500, 291:125, 47305p.jpg)

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6a5a48  No.9867669



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80ae13  No.9867670

File: 4e540a7c0b8b6bc⋯.png (186.97 KB, 535x439, 535:439, Screenshot_2020_07_05_U_S_….png)

Refueling midflight #likeaboss. @usnavyblueangels


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b8c551  No.9867671

File: c11364cd17c9fa1⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, ghislaine5.jpg)

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151d78  No.9867672

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bba2ff  No.9867673


which is retarded

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923b29  No.9867674

File: 8b211ff26c47919⋯.png (412.42 KB, 619x374, 619:374, captainmikegreen.png)

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af5c41  No.9867675

File: 9130e359be0b594⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 1580x318, 790:159, eileen_guggenheim_life.jpg)


>Eileen Guggenheim


Guggenheim and her husband, retired gallerist Russell Wilkinson

The lush surrounding landscape, which is dominated by wild tufts of rosemary and lavender that fall off into a field of orange poppies, was planned by Wilkinson—and inspired, in part, by the verdant grounds at Prince Charles's country home, Highgrove, where the couple have stayed as guests. (Guggenheim spent four years working at one of the prince's charitable organizations, the Prince's Foundation.) "He found an amazing black tulip to plant,"

"Her passion and energy have really helped build the institution into the go-to place to establish emerging artists," says friend Naomi Watts, who, with partner Liev Schreiber, has supported the school for almost a decade. Chief among Guggenheim's achievements at the academy has been her masterminding of the Tribeca Ball, an open-studio party held on the school grounds; and the Take Home a Nude auction at Sotheby's. The two events not only help keep the academy funded but also have become highlights of the New York social calendar, drawing guests like Jeff Koons, Jason Wu, and Mary-Kate Olsen.

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8bd379  No.9867676


No sympathy for the devil!

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aac452  No.9867678


Or un-check the 'AUTO-UPDATE' option at bottom of page, so you can just manually click "UPDATE" instead.

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568468  No.9867679


just another psyop

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ba89a5  No.9867680


Berman dropped his temper tantrum when he learned Audrey was for sure going to be his replacement.

Heads were scratched with worry at the time, but it was relatively quickly followed by Maxwell's arrest.

Now that the dust has settled a bit the same question is still there.

Is Strauss just as compd as Berman was?

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871fbe  No.9867681


https://qmap.pub/ is your friend, anon.

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60802b  No.9867683

File: 22fcc149c81adc3⋯.jpg (463.62 KB, 1080x1536, 45:64, Screenshot_20200705_174958….jpg)

Wow. Their parents must be so proud.

Not understanding, why they don't move elsewhere if America is so bad.


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25c4ea  No.9867684


Do it for Green

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a9b3f8  No.9867685

File: 94449ee9c967dc4⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, red_nose_day.mp4)

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3beb3a  No.9867686


update yo

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0a6982  No.9867687


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b7c7d9  No.9867688


Looks like something that is living in a cave in Middle-earth.

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4eb32e  No.9867689



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73c55e  No.9867690

File: 59b995e3c5a8341⋯.png (349.11 KB, 1065x604, 1065:604, godzilla.png)

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a9b3f8  No.9867691

File: 7cd37373a4b9b40⋯.png (177.68 KB, 474x456, 79:76, pepebot.png)

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871fbe  No.9867692




LAST 50:


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d4977b  No.9867693

File: fbafb81580db434⋯.jpeg (164.61 KB, 1103x626, 1103:626, elon.jpeg)

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aac452  No.9867694

File: 378c52963e63d9c⋯.png (268.24 KB, 300x316, 75:79, ClipboardImage.png)


As soon as it connects to women, the whole "scandal" ceases to be about sex and become something else: satanic ritual.

Women generally don't rape and murder for the sexual thrill. All these powerful women are committing these atrocities against children for something other than sexual thrill. They're doing it for the ritualistic satanic rewards.

The cabal would rather the world thinks this is about sex only so they don't ask the bigger (ultimate?) question.

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8eca0f  No.9867695

File: 02174c4bcccba98⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 47co2k.jpg)

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b7c7d9  No.9867696


The white woman is envious of the white man's unparalleled accomplishments and will almost always side with the enemies of the West (communism, socialism, Marxism, Islam, violent black/brown people, criminals…) in defiance of him. She will always be a Trojan Horse, trying to destroy the Western world from within.

Give a white woman political power, and she will most likely use that power to undermine and destroy Western civilization, all because of her jealousy and hatred for the white man.

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eaff0f  No.9867698

File: 502e8dc634ab1bc⋯.jpg (85.98 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Basement_Pillow_Forts.jpg)

File: 00139a018238850⋯.jpg (81.43 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Warm_Milk.jpg)

File: 1c0c67827b30e5e⋯.jpg (81.63 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Tooth_Fairy.jpg)

File: 5265abd4c98c6d5⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Prune_Juice.jpg)

File: 765f0b258601c0f⋯.jpg (81.23 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Castor_Oil.jpg)

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a9b3f8  No.9867699

File: 35c5d69e1ce3882⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2808x1686, 468:281, CNNnewamerica.png)

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20aa52  No.9867701


This, I can get behind…

Seriously, how many times do I have to pay to have myself investigated? Now I'm in a state where I have to sit through a class w/an instructor whom I'm convinced shouldn't handle weapons because he's that rare breed of stupid.

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2d98fe  No.9867702

File: 4ff09c1e684134f⋯.jpg (152.37 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, 4ff09c1e684134f850ff114a28….jpg)

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6a5a48  No.9867704


Yeah, they're trying to low-ball it as much as they can in their reporting as they wait to see how much is going to be revealed. They'll try to hold back the floodgates to the last second, most likely. HODOR!

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f4412c  No.9867705

File: b0cc8ebc5e999e4⋯.jpg (110.25 KB, 668x933, 668:933, b0cc8ebc5e999e4c8ba320542b….jpg)



bark, fido, bark!

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116d8b  No.9867706





Quick, someone tell jared holt that owen shroyer is live in Austin, TX right now!



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4eb32e  No.9867708


That's Biden responding to Bidan

These are not the same man

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913061  No.9867709


I don’t think the donors would care, honestly.

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d9e7c9  No.9867711

File: 11ecd769c97f1c5⋯.png (242.69 KB, 560x586, 280:293, alien97f1c5d9efb7eeceb273d….png)

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151d78  No.9867712

>>9867538 it was post to update








Anon does not want it forgotten, or lost in the background noise, that ABC sat on the story for three years. Don't let anyone forget that.

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e8a9ff  No.9867713

>>9867680 Berman put on a threat display for the fake news, then folded like a cheap tent when he was actually fired-had zero case & slunk off. Logic indicates that he was a roadblock that was unceremoniously removed. Why would they go to the trouble of the brouhaha if Strauss was going to block things too? The move on Maxwell argues that she is on board; the question is how much on board.

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d4977b  No.9867714

File: aefb82cf4f91a07⋯.jpeg (30.17 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 911_is_real.jpeg)


what about the little bodies?

what was left of them, anyway…

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ced448  No.9867715


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eaff0f  No.9867716


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60e3b5  No.9867717


I think if the people donating money to Defund the Police knew that it was going to Joe "Don't Defund the Police", they might care.

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2be6d9  No.9867718

DNC considering canceling debates


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bc7cf7  No.9867719



Fuck you faggots. Fucking read some posts instead of this bullshit

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000000  No.9867720


>UK threads

Found #17 in qresear.ch


You could try searching there under 'UK 16' or 'UK thread' and see what comes up.

Do you need a hand baking?

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b8c551  No.9867722

File: 101f800b2b4bd28⋯.jpg (113.54 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, democrats3.jpg)

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60e3b5  No.9867723


We called it months ago. We will never see a Trump v Biden debate.

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eaff0f  No.9867724


defund the press

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405e6e  No.9867726


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a9b3f8  No.9867727

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fcba7f  No.9867728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What a Wonderful World


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7a1e2d  No.9867729


The ultimate question, is that if jews are with their rituals involving genital mutilation and incest, intentionally trying to damage humanity, and if people need to stop jews from continuing their practices for the sake of the rest of humanity?

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34ca6c  No.9867730

File: 081f683edf997af⋯.png (373.6 KB, 640x442, 320:221, 081f683edf997af061464222c1….png)

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d8bb29  No.9867731

File: 711c353709f8603⋯.jpg (111.5 KB, 1133x638, 103:58, JESUS_IS_KING_ye.JPG)



so yo, gather round I'm only gonna say this once…

we all know that dude kyle, right?

kyle ain't gonna vote for pedojoe or any other NWO globalist for that matter, but kyle also ain't got the courage to wear a KAG hat and vote for what is RIGHT either…

so what's kyle gonna do? he's gonna vote for #Ye.

he's gonna laugh life off as a joke, and hop on the #KanyeForPresident trend like the rest of his frens…

that's fine… because it's pulling away from the flagship banner [@joe biden] and scattering the vote even more.

so lemme show you what 2020 gonna look it:

Trump: 64 percent (ish)

#Kanye: 22 percent (ish)

Biden: 14 percent (ish)

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15cdf3  No.9867732


So there is a comet?

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56c7a5  No.9867733

File: f87cdbe4047e76d⋯.png (515.75 KB, 463x618, 463:618, Screen_Shot_2020_06_26_at_….png)

File: ed4f7e7836a60be⋯.png (155.07 KB, 342x345, 114:115, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

File: ef245b31d32e246⋯.png (329.35 KB, 485x475, 97:95, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)


Lets see, Never saw the man before and I had sauce saying it was the man, so you sound so butt hurt, like Antifa or BLM or NFA, jump in a fucking lake and cry with whoever that was then, it was fucking funny and so are you! bwa hahahahahahahaha

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6a5a48  No.9867734

File: d524724bc9082af⋯.gif (3 MB, 462x309, 154:103, cnn_Crashburn.gif)

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1c2698  No.9867735


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80ae13  No.9867736

File: f3582b7336c4e6a⋯.png (75.38 KB, 535x518, 535:518, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Depa….png)

The silent service.

See the faces and the abilities of @USNavy @PacificSubs Squadron 15 – fast-attack able, a force multiplier and the tip of the spear! #KnowYourMil


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f4412c  No.9867737


read between the lines!

this 'defunding the police' exploit, is so gov't can defund pensions, because most States, Counties and Municipalities are broke beyond repair!

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202ed2  No.9867738

File: 989f3b292a17a73⋯.png (50.08 KB, 1174x290, 587:145, 989f3b292a17a73f278758f31d….png)

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aac452  No.9867739


Nope, that's not it loser.

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a9b3f8  No.9867740

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3f9494  No.9867741


What, exactly, does US weaponry on US planes have to do with the Soviet fighters that the Ukraine air force uses?

Did you download the original high resolution image? Others have claimed that they see the kind of damage that a certain Israeli Air to Air missile creates. As for SAMs, the only one with the range to go that high was Ukraine's Soviet BUK system, and the day before TV news in Ukraine showed BUK systems stationed nearby. However the photo of the cabin does show a row of evenly spaced holes like the 23 mm GSh‐23L would leave, and that is the cannon that the Ukraine airforce uses. This has been suspected since the first days after MH17 was shot down.

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f70c87  No.9867742

File: 85f3407d95522cc⋯.jpeg (186.77 KB, 1077x1345, 1077:1345, 7EA9D5D1_9454_498B_8956_B….jpeg)

When did this start?

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000000  No.9867744


Quit your bitching about site problems. This is the second most attacked platform on the net outside of POTUS himself.

Learn to use Tor, if needed!

And learn our comms!

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4eb32e  No.9867745

File: 7e83aadfdf5c5f8⋯.png (8.65 KB, 255x103, 255:103, CNNchina.png)

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bc7cf7  No.9867746


You sound salty because you got called out for making shit up and posting on a board that likes facts. GFY whiney crybaby

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2d98fe  No.9867747


WITAF? Who's that pedo motherfucker?

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47a5b0  No.9867748

File: 72bd64493f82c13⋯.jpg (97.89 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 17celt.jpg)

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000000  No.9867749

Notables at the 500

>>9867718 DNC considering canceling debates

>>9867589 Raz of Chaz arrested and jailed

>>9867574 , >>9867592 Fresh DJT & WH

>>9867461 Video: NFAC founder Grand Master Jay - John Fitzgerald Johnson

>>9867390 General Flynn's case likely to be dismissed July 8th - Week 10

>>9867376 Planefag Reports

>>9867363 Failed U.S. expansion behind resignation of Israel Aerospace Industries' CEO

>>9867340 Fresh POTUS - 5:5

>>9867326 Bolton now refuses to answer re 'Russian Bounties' after stoking the 'scandal'

>>9867285 Epstein associate Nicole Junkerman: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl

>>9867248 Antifa throw bricks, mortars, M-80s as Portland descends into a war zone

>>9867206 Boatfag Update Report

>>9867170 8-year-old girl shot and killed by armed protesters near Atlanta Wendy’s

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c2777a  No.9867750

File: a528951923800a2⋯.png (778.6 KB, 686x452, 343:226, Lion_Puke.PNG)

Blank post to update bread! Only updates when a posting is made here!

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eaff0f  No.9867751

File: 8c5af04afd910f3⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 500x605, 100:121, Xe_s_Pretty.jpg)

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ba89a5  No.9867752


Yeah, it would've been a stupid move if that were the case.

Yet I'm still a bit puzzled by Berman's Emily Litella (never mind) routine when he heard Strauss was his replacement.

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9dbfa7  No.9867753

File: af03e014f982422⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1587061187.jpeg)

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3beb3a  No.9867754


hey, you learned to bake

way cool

dank is best

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6436ac  No.9867755

File: 530958165148c50⋯.jpg (104.12 KB, 717x548, 717:548, American_Flag_Eagle_Wallpa….jpg)

is Q tryin to force us all to Twitter?

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d4977b  No.9867756


the little shimmy bitches are powerless anyway. they're all fear and intimidation. Just stop being so damned scared of everything. We're going to be fine.

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e685f3  No.9867757


If booms equal significant exposures

if 66 booms

if full moon is important, this one is called the antlers moon, and antlers are significant to [Y] head families

if a law and order President

by the book would be no significant charges 60 days prior to an election (DOJ Rule)

7/5 to 9/03 is 66 days

a boom a day to lock the criminals away

Q is absent as of now 7/4

I long suspected Q would have to be not seen/heard/read during significant operations

not sure if this is what you mean by paint?

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87e0cb  No.9867758

File: 8ae08980d8a3ced⋯.mp4 (906.44 KB, 558x270, 31:15, Face_Masks_are_toxic.mp4)


THE TOXICITY OF THE FACE MASKS, LIVE!! The levels of CO2 are off the charts, measured by the host of the show.

You can see this video and others of this sort on our youtube channell: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lFkRojpP2No

Retweet to let everyone know of this danger


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e8a9ff  No.9867759

>>9867696 Not as far fetched as some would like to say. The man/woman dynamic is incredibly intricate & difficult in the first place, and has always been so. But "they" have now gone to warp 9 in the deliberate exacerbation of those pre-existing tensions.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that China is asshoe. These apps are being banned by nations & we should follow suit.

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a6ea1b  No.9867760


>is Q tryin to force us all to Twitter?

No, just you

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f08788  No.9867761


Uncheck auto-update and then manually select "update" at bottom.

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ced448  No.9867762

Heard some dick making false claims about our movement on a religious YT vid today, tried to back his claims by associating us with David Wilcock and the new age movement

Be nice if someone actually did their homework before attacking us but I suppose if they did that they'd ruin their premise and join us

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d26021  No.9867763

File: c0f20944455a8e7⋯.png (182 KB, 500x270, 50:27, c0f20944455a8e7d384795cc38….png)

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4eb32e  No.9867764


Word on the street a possible plant to mis-direct MAGA

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f70c87  No.9867765


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5ffe87  No.9867766

>>9867659 (me)

Apologies, Operator error while typing. >>9851792 is lead-in to first bread baked ever and would like to be able to bake as needed for both General and UK (others if ya don't mind my command of other languages is muy malo, merde, etc) because things come up and baker is needed and damn would be nice to not only do it (see the bake, things are missing, I knew that, said same to experienced baker but at least there was bread) but make it "right and tight" despite knowing that direct and withering shill fire will be on its way. Lemme namefag this far: the attack back on 8ch at the planefags didn't work so they came after boatfags and were fought off. Now while helping out Britanons because oh shit worldwide is a thing I was basically double-dog dared to bake by a shill. Got one in, see above, looking to do more, want to get things right. Anons deserve quality methinks and would be most honored to provide

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6436ac  No.9867767

File: 9b63f8a8662431a⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 184x195, 184:195, pepehat.jpg)

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d9e7c9  No.9867768

File: d8040222e492e9e⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 896x370, 448:185, gif7b60bb471fc61df881983ec….gif)


have the gif

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9696ef  No.9867769


there is no creature like this on earth

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0a6982  No.9867770


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26cd3e  No.9867771


9867589 says in news video that arrested man wasn't Raz but one of his offsiders

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2be6d9  No.9867772

Is the thread not automatically updating for anyone?

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120b27  No.9867773

File: a8c4c17d995b935⋯.png (192.24 KB, 619x771, 619:771, ClipboardImage.png)


>“A Western intelligence official familiar with what Durham has been asking of foreign officials says his inquiries track closely with the questions raised by George Papadopoulos.”



(this is an obvious joke, pls laff)

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80ae13  No.9867774

File: 0c6136c1624c54a⋯.png (428.49 KB, 535x485, 107:97, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Espe….png)

From minutemen at Yorktown to our forces forward-deployed today, America’s patriots secure our freedom and the liberties of millions more.


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d4977b  No.9867775

File: b971d14d1d331e3⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB, 474x355, 474:355, mlk_japan.jpeg)

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151d78  No.9867776

File: 738fd48d9a39882⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SS15.mp4)



Video to go with it. Submarine Squadron 15.

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3beb3a  No.9867777



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bc7cf7  No.9867778


can you read or do you just scroll through shit for fun

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743d87  No.9867779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has anyone shared this????

(中文字幕)The Coverup of the Century | Zooming In’s one-hour documentary movie | ZOOMING IN SPECIAL

Zooming In’s one-hour documentary movie follows investigative reporter Simone Gao’s inquiry into critical questions about the pandemic: What did the Chinese Communist leadership do at the early stages of the outbreak? What significant truth have they concealed from the world, and why did they do that?

The documentary also casts light on why the Chinese Communist Party was not held accountable for the past 40 years and what can be learned from the western world’s history of dealing with Communist China.


Zooming In is a weekly in-depth/investigative report program hosted by the award-winning journalist Simone Gao. Zooming In focuses on US-China relations, American tradition and values, and critical questions that America faces today. It is known for never shunning tough, controversial issues or complex stories. Exclusive interviews and reports from China, insight from top experts on US and China, good storytelling, and engaging visual presentations make Zooming In one of a kind.


I cant embed, it says spammers have tried to use this or something./……… wtf wierd……. maybe it is one of the other links?



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481a7e  No.9867780

File: 4d18725dde134a3⋯.png (219.13 KB, 397x227, 397:227, chaz.PNG)

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eaff0f  No.9867781


says Bob from the anger management office

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151d78  No.9867782



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d9e7c9  No.9867783

File: 0d678eb908da947⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 288x485, 288:485, gifbidenpervin566004244201.gif)



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3f9494  No.9867784


But why are the pension funds broke?

Because all the union officials and municipal officials have been stealing from the pension funds for decades. So, if all of their assets are seized when they are charged, is there still a shortfall? Especially, when all their donations to private foundations are CLAWED BACK!

Revelations does not refer to the Bible text.

It refers to the BIBLICAL impact of revealing the scale and the scope of the crimes by those who CLAIMED to be serving the people, but were actually robbing them blind.

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089602  No.9867786

File: 3d2862f921e28c7⋯.jpg (86.85 KB, 431x596, 431:596, 1a1aasdfjdfdxvz.jpg)

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34ca6c  No.9867787

File: 975383914c192c9⋯.webm (3.24 MB, 454x476, 227:238, nasim_amazing_2020_05_22_….webm)

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7c1aa3  No.9867788

File: 790cccbac6f88a5⋯.png (1.8 MB, 960x959, 960:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.9867789


You can bake practice threads at /comms/. Get it right before you do it for realz, if you like.


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56c7a5  No.9867790


wtf just happened to the bread we were at 500 and it blinked and now at 167

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3f9494  No.9867791

File: a326d3f9faf08d9⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FormerLife.mp4)

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d4977b  No.9867792


Fall where?

I only got 6 feet to go. I'm already as low as it gets without being dead.

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a9b3f8  No.9867793

File: 1fb75643251c04d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1240x697, 1240:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81e047e867cb95a⋯.png (61.34 KB, 595x618, 595:618, ClipboardImage.png)


yup it was just discovered recently. will be visible to the naked eye soon.

its not necessarily symbolic of anything Q. but its kinda cool

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3beb3a  No.9867794


diggie gawdz like guud manners I guess

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fcba7f  No.9867795

Manhattan Apartment Sales Plummet, Worst In Three Decades

The virus pandemic and social unrest have sparked an exodus of city dwellers to rural communities and towns. Remote access for work, and the recession, coupled with high unemployment, will extend this outbound emigration trend for the next several years as people seek cheaper living accommodations ex-metro areas.

It appears the factors mentioned above have dealt a heavy blow to the Manhattan real estate market, which suggests a correction in apartment prices are ahead.

Manhattan apartment sales plunged 54% in 2Q20 compared with the same period last year, marking the most significant decline in 30-years, according to Miller Samuel and Douglas Elliman. The median sales price fell 18% to $1 million, the largest decline in a decade. According to real estate firm Compass, there were only 1,147 sales in the quarter, the lowest on record, due mostly because of coronavirus lockdowns barred agents from showing apartments until June 22.


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136e50  No.9867796


time warp. it happens.

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8de56c  No.9867797

File: 278fb5bdc12ef81⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Y5JZ21Z_v3MLwjMA.mp4)

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53aeb1  No.9867798

File: 7a60e7afd28250c⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 720x712, 90:89, 7a60e7afd28250ce0c6fe8860e….jpg)

Looks like we're back to shitposting to get updates.

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b12723  No.9867799

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpeg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D5E8BB19_1462_4302_8882_4….jpeg)

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ddfff0  No.9867800

File: 612bf9d8cbbbf15⋯.jpg (335.78 KB, 1236x1236, 1:1, 612bf9d8cbbbf15b30207b987a….jpg)

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4eb32e  No.9867801


That doesn't work…for me

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e685f3  No.9867802


it gets around the stuck page not loading

think before you speak

don't prove your stupidity

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fcba7f  No.9867803


Faek and ghey

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1586be  No.9867804


fiddy someting

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689695  No.9867805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Media company doubles down on pro-police flag after receiving threats

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713bdc  No.9867806


You just got owned by your own analogy.


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07dfed  No.9867807

File: 574142a5d9c0479⋯.png (222.42 KB, 240x320, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c112410e2d968d⋯.png (268.37 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d98201250392a0⋯.png (85.89 KB, 771x670, 771:670, ClipboardImage.png)


Dawit Kelete, suspected CIA-USAID, ‘Playboy Assassin’ in Seattle high speed ramming (His social media) – Veterans Today

by VT Editors|Published July 4, 2020

The CIA has flooded American campuses with the sons of Somali pirates, warlords and high ranking al Qaeda operatives. Sometimes it backfires just as with the Saudi pilots who started murdering US Naval Aviators.

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60a3f0  No.9867808


No, we would be at war.

Either civil or foreign.

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bc7cf7  No.9867809


or they could read the 50 posts talking about how to fix it without having to post nothing. GFY you self righteous turdbucket

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fcba7f  No.9867811


Just cancel the election and we'll see you in 2024

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ae9608  No.9867812

File: f45512a4b8a9569⋯.jpg (151.51 KB, 1642x898, 821:449, POTUS_says_crazy.jpg)

Patriot Anons

POTUS action coming

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2d98fe  No.9867813



And when that doesn't work? At least over here it's not working.

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80ae13  No.9867814


Pensions are a total scam

counterfeit money invested in fake stocks

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ddfff0  No.9867815

File: d280cf81f705a58⋯.png (9.41 KB, 1280x285, 256:57, d280cf81f705a5868c4d0773a5….png)

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ebe563  No.9867816

Just got on so sorry if this has been reported but the Catalog is on the fritz again.

And for you young'uns the definition of "on the fritz" The phrase is now a common American expression (1902) meaning that some mechanism is malfunctioning or broken

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05c72b  No.9867817

File: da2c245633b0951⋯.png (121.42 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8074578b6c5d20⋯.png (649.28 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2c0b9d4545182⋯.png (926.28 KB, 760x427, 760:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Prince Andrew is "deeply connected". Emphasis on deeply.

Is there some allusion to how deeply you go down in the levels below the Island?

The deeper the more evil?

The closer to Satan?

How many levels were there down there? My next guess would be 9 levels.

Is the prince more deeply connected to Satan?


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4eb32e  No.9867818


Bubba is gonna like him

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25c4ea  No.9867819

File: c976eeaaaef6796⋯.jpeg (101.99 KB, 776x482, 388:241, c976eeaaaef67968265e807c4….jpeg)

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481a7e  No.9867820


Looks like everybody screen capped the exact moment as I. Kek

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925ff1  No.9867821

>>9866500 (PB)

I'm more concerned that a quarter of my neighbors would ACCEPT it. There IS no corona virus vaccine. Whatever is actually IN the needle, it won't be a vaccine.

>>9866525 (PB)

FWIW, Annie Karni is a fashion editor.

Okay … that's two breads in a row where the updating stopped prematurely. First was 568 and now 260 something. Just a "head's up".

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b12723  No.9867822

File: 2c636f1ad34f54b⋯.jpeg (562.61 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9CCF75FA_3FAC_425F_B241_8….jpeg)


Tru dat.

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bc7cf7  No.9867823


then its not the board. Clear your cookies and shit and give that a try, or a different browser.

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f77777  No.9867824

After the H1-B temporary work visas are tightened to reduce visa abuse and fraud, the multinationals will threaten to move all the jobs offshore.

A very simple, crippling response would be to restrict storage of US citizens’ personal or private data to be stored solely within the US and subject to US laws. Similarly, all private and personal data on US citizens should only be accessible by individuals residing within US legal jurisdictions.

so no offshore software engineers, modelers or analysts could have any access individual or aggregated US citizen personal or private data.


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34ca6c  No.9867825

File: c6857703f41130f⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 891x500, 891:500, 1k4bhy.jpg)

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a9b3f8  No.9867826

File: a7d79351d561dc1⋯.png (434.26 KB, 680x417, 680:417, 26pitchblack.png)


i forgot to say inb4 space is a jew

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d9e7c9  No.9867827


ID checked

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3beb3a  No.9867828

File: a90b84a969e30bf⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 607x579, 607:579, a90b84a969e30bf4d1e149cd7d….jpg)

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ddfff0  No.9867829

File: fef33d63ff25408⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 1053x1108, 1053:1108, ec14f5dbaea76cb8dc3930311f….jpg)

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d4977b  No.9867830


Boy those crafty Italians…

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014712  No.9867831

File: 7eb493aed595688⋯.png (444.12 KB, 1113x471, 371:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Timestamps confirm.


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03dd0c  No.9867833

File: a4320055152d32b⋯.png (76.61 KB, 259x250, 259:250, pepe_tear_salute.png)


NOTABLE SECONDFukking hilarious

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4eb32e  No.9867834


Not if you use your brain and soul

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657bb7  No.9867835

File: d709ba91dc5cfe6⋯.jpg (127.03 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, 1592169671499.jpg)

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2e2b5b  No.9867836


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a9b3f8  No.9867837

File: 90a574930e870e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 847x573, 847:573, columbus2020.png)

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f66d42  No.9867838


Oh. Works for me. Maybe it works for me because I only selected "Last 50 posts first."

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b12723  No.9867839

File: bce83ac62d00fd7⋯.jpeg (276.01 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4B84D9AA_6907_465D_A00D_A….jpeg)

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a1a277  No.9867840

File: e0d1b11d9968616⋯.png (380.03 KB, 575x272, 575:272, ClipboardImage.png)


>>9866696 lb

>Never Trump Republicans Plot to Give Democrats the Senate Majority

THIS IS KELLYANNE'S HUSBAND PAC trying to give fucking (D)s control of the Senate, the fat fuck!

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daf09c  No.9867841

crap. more board fuckeryeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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714d22  No.9867842


all roads do indeed lead to Rome

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217fe6  No.9867843

File: c4939672cfb0350⋯.jpeg (1.84 MB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, 7AD48A4C_2F7C_41DD_BF6D_F….jpeg)

Tried to post sneak preview of our new h

Graphics for Memewar2020.

Our army of digital soldiers is divided into 4 divisions:





We can all join/participate

Recruitment and information soon, probably tomorrow. Anons hv been working their asses of behind the scenes to do as Q asked.

Enjoy the sneak preview of the logo..

Warroom anon.

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bba2ff  No.9867844


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80ae13  No.9867845

File: 5f50835d52be800⋯.png (291.86 KB, 535x408, 535:408, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Secr….png)

File: 1acbd4955ba90cd⋯.png (356.76 KB, 535x413, 535:413, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Secr….png)




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2cd4c2  No.9867846

File: c751ac2ec268ab3⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 480x289, 480:289, c751ac2ec268ab38e67ac2a39f….jpg)

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af5c41  No.9867847


>Prince Andrew is "deeply connected". Emphasis on deeply.

Prince Charles is even deeplier connected

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53aeb1  No.9867848

File: 3b7af8788c5dc47⋯.png (193.03 KB, 473x521, 473:521, 3b7af8788c5dc479c27a76fbdb….png)


>DNC considering canceling debates

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b5ca86  No.9867849


It seems like about 450 posts in the last bread, between 252 and the last 50, are not accessible.

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ddfff0  No.9867850

File: b7538e7f0db297e⋯.jpg (154.41 KB, 1000x613, 1000:613, cafb507700e8be8929b9a9cc8c….jpg)

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d9e7c9  No.9867851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I saw that…

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c11cb3  No.9867852



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98eaff  No.9867853

File: 6efcd6814003da0⋯.png (1.15 MB, 988x685, 988:685, ClipboardImage.png)

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030ddc  No.9867854

File: 44b3ebf1d3f523c⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Winning_is_all_we_now.JPG)

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a9b3f8  No.9867855

File: d93176e6c7fe417⋯.png (955.09 KB, 884x761, 884:761, obamagate.png)

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4eb32e  No.9867856


AND that of course

Maybe both?

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e8a9ff  No.9867857

File: 23def301e6e5e55⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x693, 1280:693, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9867817 If there does happen to be an "ancient object of worship" down there, what the hell is it?

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6540d3  No.9867858




its an obonog mikey cartoon trannie neo plant


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48ca0c  No.9867859


Great idea, Quintuple Seven.

Makes me wish I was American.

Soon the whole world will wish they were American.

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32ef83  No.9867860


Kek vote for Kanye as VP

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0d8437  No.9867861

File: 1c82b32f3748024⋯.png (212.92 KB, 578x631, 578:631, 1c82b32f3748024cd505d241d8….png)


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47fe0b  No.9867862

File: c01c1c0af327dce⋯.png (1.01 MB, 824x732, 206:183, _You_.png)

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB, 1000x1616, 125:202, 10_commandments.jpg)

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63c72e  No.9867863

File: 6b22e6055be9f88⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 635x542, 635:542, brainlet.jpg)


This is so loosely strung together, the leaps of logic needed to make these connections is ridiculous. Are you schizophrenic or something?

At any point did you stop and look at what you were doing and say to yourself this is fucking retarded?

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5c0f47  No.9867864

File: 624636fb1d21ccf⋯.png (580.84 KB, 869x895, 869:895, 8KunRona.png)

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d8bb29  No.9867865

File: f4ebbf58e0a85c5⋯.jpg (211.18 KB, 639x639, 1:1, dumbass.jpg)


so yo, gather round I'm only gonna say this once…

we all know that dude kyle, right?

kyle ain't gonna vote for pedojoe or any other NWO globalist for that matter, but kyle also ain't got the courage to wear a KAG hat and vote for what is RIGHT either…

so what's kyle gonna do? he's gonna vote for #Ye.

he's gonna laugh life off as a joke, and hop on the #KanyeForPresident trend like the rest of his frens…

that's fine… because it's pulling away from the flagship banner [@joe biden] and scattering the vote even more.

so lemme show you what 2020 gonna look like:

Trump: 64 percent (ish)

#Kanye: 22 percent (ish)

Biden: 14 percent (ish)

thanks Kanye West. 🍿


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60a3f0  No.9867867


No, we would be at war.

Either civil or foreign.

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34ca6c  No.9867868

File: 3d0a40c49514691⋯.png (123.03 KB, 188x273, 188:273, Screen_Shot_2020_06_22_at_….png)

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f72803  No.9867869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lee Greenwood’s New ‘God Bless The USA’ Rendition Reaches Peak Patriotism With Home Free And US Air Force

July 4, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

Country singer Lee Greenwood, along with the U.S. Air Force Singing Sergeants and a cappella group Home Free, released a new version of his song “God Bless the U.S.A.” this week.

“After singing ‘God Bless The U.S.A.’ for 30 years the same way, it’s like I kind of sat back and relied on listening. You know, what can I sing different here?” Greenwood told American Songwriter in an interview.

Greenwood also said the release of the song could not be more timely for our nation.

“When we were talking about collaborating not just with Home Free but also with the United States Air Force singers, I thought, well this is really a positive for the Fourth of July, being we’re not working,” Greenwood continued.

“God Bless the U.S.A.,” which Greenwood first released in 1984, reached seventh on the “U.S. Hot Country Songs” chart in 1984, but quickly became a timeless song played at many events celebrating America.

“I think the common thread in Nashville is, if Lee Greenwood doesn’t sing ‘God Bless the U.S.A’ on the Fourth of July, take the flag down. So we really wanted to make sure we had a virtual performance. It was just a great opportunity for me,” Greenwood said.

For some vocalists such as Austin Brown of Home Free, collaborating with Greenwood on such an iconic song was a dream come true.

“When we sing this song, everyone in the audience, no matter where we are in this country, everyone stands up. It’s one of those songs that’s gonna be here forever. It’s going to be in the American culture forever,” said Brown. “And the opportunity to do this with a legend like Lee Greenwood, the original artist, the guy who wrote this song, it doesn’t get any better than this.”

According to Brown, Home Free has used “God Bless the U.S.A.” in many of its shows.

“This is a song that Home Free has been singing for, quite literally, its entire existence, for over 20 years now,” he said. “We closed the show for probably 15 years straight with this song. Now we save it for special occasions or if we do a function for veterans or that sort of thing. It’s almost like a secondary national anthem for this country.”

Greenwood expressed his gratitude and admiration for both groups in the collaboration, saying he could “hear the crispness and the treble.”

“I really admire the fact that we did this a cappella,” Greenwood said. “When you have great singers, who can stay in pitch and deliver really artistic performances, uninterrupted by acoustic sounds, there’s a little magic to that.”

Greenwood also shared his admiration for the U.S. Air Force singers.

“These singers from the Air Force, they are every bit professional quality. They’re the best I’ve ever heard,” he added.

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ac61ac  No.9867870

stuck again

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af5c41  No.9867871


It's not where Epstein leads…it's where GM and PA lead….to the Crown controlled by the City of London Corp….Roths Bankers.

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b12723  No.9867872

File: df9f3af5c398859⋯.jpeg (351.91 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, AA7A048B_58F3_4D80_ACD8_D….jpeg)

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9acbd8  No.9867873



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0a6982  No.9867874


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26cd3e  No.9867875


you already said it earlier

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a9b3f8  No.9867876

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e685f3  No.9867877


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87e0cb  No.9867878

File: 097fdea57d786eb⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump_2020.mp4)

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10530b  No.9867879

File: e095a269c895888⋯.png (619.66 KB, 498x415, 6:5, mr_burns_dd_right.PNG)

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8219c3  No.9867880

Good morning cultists, I assume we're all happy today….

Just going to let you know how this is going to play out. I'm sure you've heard by now, Maxwell is in custody and heading to the same prison that liddle Jeffery was murdered at. I suppose you'll agree that Miss Maxwell won't last long there either. You'd be right.

The beauty of this is, Mr Trump and Mr Barr and all of you cultists are playing right into their hands by allowing this to happen instead of sending her to Gitmo. Cause, in Gitmo, she can't be eliimated. However, since Jeff is dead, and Maxwell will soon be dead, all of the witnesses to the criminal activity linking all of the names that you know and don't know to crimes against humanity will at that time, be silenced.

Mr Trump and Mr Barr will undoubtedly lament their attempt to provide justice, and how it, just didn't work out. With no one left to talk, no justice can be served.

Brilliant plan Indeed.

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ddfff0  No.9867881

File: 5de388f8627abd9⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 11fd0f1587ac282cc39e941f86….jpg)

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120b27  No.9867882

File: 3a8ef72b7270b09⋯.jpg (295.46 KB, 1965x1088, 1965:1088, 3a8ef72b7270b0960baa8c38c4….jpg)

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000000  No.9867883

#12628 Baker change

>>9867845 Pompeo to unveil Commission on Unalienable Rights

>>9867758 Video: The toxicity of face masks - live

>>9867718 DNC considering canceling debatesiled

>>9867461 Video: NFAC founder Grand Master Jay - John Fitzgerald Johnson

>>9867390 General Flynn's case likely to be dismissed July 8th - Week 10

>>9867376 Planefag Reports

>>9867363 Failed U.S. expansion behind resignation of Israel Aerospace Industries' CEO

>>9867340 , >>9867574 , >>9867592 Fresh POTUS - 5:5 & WH tweets

>>9867326 Bolton now refuses to answer re 'Russian Bounties' after stoking the 'scandal'

>>9867285 Epstein associate Nicole Junkerman: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl

>>9867269 Anons call for a Pepe statue in POTUS' ‘National Garden of American Heroes’

>>9867248 Antifa throw bricks, mortars, M-80s as Portland descends into a war zone

>>9867206 Boatfag Update Report

>>9867170 8-year-old girl shot and killed by armed protesters near Atlanta Wendy’s

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abc54f  No.9867884

Do we still have a problem at SDNY?

Acting US Attorney is a Democrat.

I'm hearing now that G-Max turned

herself in. Why? Day before National

3 day weekend. News cycle? Don't

pass smell test !

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bba2ff  No.9867885


maybe a year ago i couldn't handle it and maybe they could have trick me into another form of religion, but today, when i get the truth i wouldn't blindly fall for it.

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cf3b32  No.9867886



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ba89a5  No.9867887

File: b89813bc042b9d7⋯.png (627.78 KB, 714x791, 102:113, ExplainThisKellyanne.png)


Kellyanne better be good at her job because her home life is pretty fucked up.

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000000  No.9867888


>(this is an obvious joke, pls laff)

Just as well you added your disclaimer above the disclaimer.

I thought retard shill rather than obvious joke.

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a9b3f8  No.9867889

File: 525dd84aa5b7b2a⋯.jpg (258.39 KB, 866x1706, 433:853, cuomocide.jpg)

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000000  No.9867890


Baking early

Hold the notes for nb

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4eb32e  No.9867891


why don't you ask CCCHHHIIINNNAAA!!!!

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657bb7  No.9867892

File: 43dc699ed90a3d4⋯.jpg (870.2 KB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, 1592975223355.jpg)

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b12723  No.9867893

File: d88b50e2c2e0d7b⋯.jpeg (181.19 KB, 831x1800, 277:600, 90369E28_5442_4E05_AD9F_A….jpeg)

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34ca6c  No.9867895

File: 63f8c96e9bd9cbe⋯.png (828.26 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 39454_beetlejuice_780.png)

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80ae13  No.9867896

File: 5a9e57ef2b8b293⋯.png (29.7 KB, 535x250, 107:50, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Joe_….png)

On this Venezuelan Independence Day, my thoughts are with Venezuelans who continue to work tirelessly for the cause of democracy. It’s time for free and fair elections so that the Venezuelan people can turn the page on the corrupt and repressive Maduro regime.


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bba2ff  No.9867897

anti space alien tech bump

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8bd379  No.9867900

File: b69c7308b080be4⋯.jpg (78.17 KB, 752x355, 752:355, jews_NapoleonJewQuoteMeme2.jpg)

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b39070  No.9867901



"Noosecar" is taking a well deserved beating.

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ddfff0  No.9867903

File: 0b1007dfe6e3350⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 254x248, 127:124, Eb9fI50UwAEvdjH.jpg)


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eaff0f  No.9867904

File: ac23995aaa097c8⋯.jpeg (135.17 KB, 828x735, 276:245, 2800D463_6573_4DED_A193_6….jpeg)

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a9b3f8  No.9867905

File: 97d0788d92f364d⋯.png (657.5 KB, 864x485, 864:485, rickycomfy.png)

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53aeb1  No.9867906

File: cc126488c7d8a26⋯.png (173.86 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 6c112410e2d968d7653735458c….png)

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60e3b5  No.9867908

File: 6d41c19d394096a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Miss that little fella. Bad as Can.

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d4977b  No.9867910


returned to zion - check

comet filling sky - check

roman empire falling - well, brace yourselves.

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56c7a5  No.9867911

File: 5d42cfc52441956⋯.jpg (126.57 KB, 500x562, 250:281, 5d42cfc52441956b2eb9923b85….jpg)

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87e0cb  No.9867912

File: 45ecb8cf1f2319f⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, y2mate_com_never_come_down….mp4)

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925ff1  No.9867913

>>9866500 (PB)

I'm more concerned that a quarter of my neighbors would ACCEPT it. There IS no corona virus vaccine. Whatever is actually IN the needle, it won't be a vaccine.

>>9866525 (PB)

FWIW, Annie Karni is a fashion editor. Apparently they couldn't get anyone who would normally cover politics to sign this shit.

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ddfff0  No.9867914

File: 2845ec8205fff49⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 465x386, 465:386, D6IZEkPXkAAv76Y.jpg)

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bba2ff  No.9867915

File: 35774e65d739f00⋯.png (487.33 KB, 863x805, 863:805, 1593984556280.png)

very sure this is just fake, but the thing is, we are in a timeline where this can happen any second now


at least we should know

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60e3b5  No.9867916


>by the book would be no significant charges 60 days prior to an election (DOJ Rule)

This is not a thing.

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4eb32e  No.9867917


not alot of shills in this "stuck" bread prolly cuz they're too stupid to figure it out

Maybe we should 'stuck' all the breads

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657bb7  No.9867919

File: fb0e11021b9a98d⋯.png (959.93 KB, 569x863, 569:863, fb0e11021b9a98d4449e22cf49….png)

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997aac  No.9867920

Soros donating money still. Why is Soros not hanging from a lamppost from a rope, de-oxygenated and with vultures picking at his carcass?

Just wonderin'.

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2be6d9  No.9867922

more articles



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2d98fe  No.9867923


In fact "last 50" link's gone.

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ddfff0  No.9867924

This is what we call some lag time on this board today

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743d87  No.9867925


Remember, it is a self fulfilling prophecy THEY are working towards.

At least so it appears. Perhaps this truly is revelation; although, I believe it is all synthetic.

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fcba7f  No.9867926

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a9b3f8  No.9867927

File: 8f1149d32f3fcb1⋯.png (943.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


the level of hypocrisy and irony in this tweet has surpassed all previously recorded occurrences.

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5e3466  No.9867928


>DNC considering canceling debates

Joe thought it was Masterbates

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f476df  No.9867929


Did you try the index?

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e685f3  No.9867930


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34ca6c  No.9867931

File: ffb5694f618e726⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 254x255, 254:255, ffb5694f618e726e8ff6c5ae22….jpg)

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a6ea1b  No.9867932


Reload the page with the reload button on the browser

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5d65a3  No.9867933

File: 51c9948349f7641⋯.png (182.02 KB, 400x388, 100:97, pepe_watch_the_water.png)

I hate this feeling, everyone sure you're insane

but I know this feels pretty good compared to the other hands dealt

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32ef83  No.9867934

File: 614e007a4c22cd1⋯.jpeg (133.4 KB, 705x1000, 141:200, 6B94B787_D77F_4482_96E3_E….jpeg)


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bba2ff  No.9867935


>Maybe we should 'stuck' all the breads

no, please no, i can deal with shills

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53aeb1  No.9867936

File: b605866fcfa020c⋯.png (601.05 KB, 714x791, 102:113, b89813bc042b9d7c72da81d331….png)

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ddfff0  No.9867937

Q is about ready to post where the board starts acting like this

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7c558d  No.9867938

File: 9fd7f2d3ac10599⋯.jpeg (57.7 KB, 1080x461, 1080:461, 1593648294.jpeg)

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94e6ea  No.9867939


Hitler loved the UK more than the Jews did then or now.

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510460  No.9867940


These nogs are so fucking stupid.

They think if some shit kicked off that there'd be shootouts in the middle of the road like the wild west days.

No, nog, you're all going to be picked off, at range, from innawoods.

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f4412c  No.9867941

damn, thought this was a gif!


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d4977b  No.9867942

File: cea61a66ef0da67⋯.png (470.65 KB, 825x409, 825:409, silverchang.png)

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657bb7  No.9867943

File: d802d1f22a1aad1⋯.png (322.82 KB, 544x893, 544:893, ClipboardImage.png)

The U.S. and China mutually restrict media escalation. After the United States announced that CCTV, China News Service, Global, etc. were the official media of the Communist Party of China as foreign missions, it was necessary to provide the United States Department of State with a list of employees in the United States and a list of properties they leased or held in the United States. , Requiring the Associated Press, International Union, CBS, NPR, etc. to report to the Chinese side all written materials such as staff, finances, operations, and real estate information in China.


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5d65a3  No.9867944


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743d87  No.9867945


Mark 13:13; 13Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

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2ceb87  No.9867946

File: e65d25fa77703a2⋯.jpg (227.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4.jpg)

File: bccb8f1e6a0165a⋯.png (316.87 KB, 720x1476, 20:41, Capture_2020_07_05_11_32_2….png)

File: 30fa7d3acab281d⋯.png (140.65 KB, 720x1476, 20:41, Capture_2020_07_05_14_42_3….png)

File: 1ea2d650a797e57⋯.png (272.58 KB, 720x1476, 20:41, Capture_2020_07_05_11_31_0….png)


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4eb32e  No.9867947

File: a6bfa096f1baa54⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 197x255, 197:255, eagleflag.jpg)

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cf3b32  No.9867948



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997aac  No.9867949

Why aren't vultures picking at Soros' corpse as it hangs from a lamp post? Just wonderin'.

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014712  No.9867950

File: e0461736d80b171⋯.png (430.67 KB, 692x500, 173:125, How_Not_To_Be.png)


Actually, it looks pretty legit.

Thank for bringing attention it faggot

Teamwork makes the dream work!

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bba2ff  No.9867951

Bumping with legendary Q post

>are we alone


as Q becomes more real

so does the existing of aliens

not only the exiting but also the knowledge about them

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a6ea1b  No.9867952


>damn, thought this was a gif!

She is 15….

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a9b3f8  No.9867953

File: 8b8590d76f3f811⋯.png (1.02 MB, 658x554, 329:277, hitler.png)

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f4412c  No.9867954


ugh, not good!

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014712  No.9867955



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fcba7f  No.9867956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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87e0cb  No.9867957

File: 01158686bc0a0e2⋯.mp4 (9.91 MB, 320x180, 16:9, This_video_will_get_Trump_….mp4)

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d4192c  No.9867958

File: 95188e0eb1bd599⋯.png (402.65 KB, 750x379, 750:379, ClipboardImage.png)


“I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have a former president, Barack Obama, set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA).

OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws?

If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America!

Obama said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing for Action.

OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.

OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive” change… Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.

OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished. Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.” OFA’s website says it obtained its “digital” assets from the ex-president’s re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA.

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.” Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide.

The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his ‘wife’ will oversee the operation from their home/office in Washington DC.

Think about how this works. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows. All of this happens from the Obama's signal that he is heartened by the protests.

If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last 241 years.

If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know.

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e685f3  No.9867959



whatever you say

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151d78  No.9867960

File: f971e8bd257e630⋯.gif (442.7 KB, 512x288, 16:9, GIF2_asteroid.gif)

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94e6ea  No.9867962



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3c1b48  No.9867963


Is Kellyanne Conway In a functional marriage?

Is she really in a functional marriage?

Think whaco husband.

Think dipshit kid.

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7d9ccc  No.9867965

File: 7469d2e6c3e414d⋯.png (590.85 KB, 1264x1419, 1264:1419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 130ee731ebca529⋯.png (792.62 KB, 1257x5190, 419:1730, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01294289070e76c⋯.png (584.17 KB, 1279x1926, 1279:1926, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4be97e1f2fba273⋯.pdf (1.86 MB, _.pdf)

File: 47fcd460399d4db⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1200x6308, 300:1577, DJTDOBREV001_2_.png)


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a9b3f8  No.9867966


careful anon, isnt she only 15? DOST applies to funny memes too

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25c4ea  No.9867967

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eaff0f  No.9867968

File: c57de750a28eda8⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Remember_REMEMBER_vote_TRU….jpg)

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bba2ff  No.9867969

anti china reload bump

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ba89a5  No.9867970


yet her mom and dad dgaf if she's already working the viral vidy pole

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f0a964  No.9867971

Q drop incoming.

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657bb7  No.9867972

File: ef3a5d7043783e7⋯.jpg (141.13 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1592161639885.jpg)

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ddfff0  No.9867973

Is more of an update on post something

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7c1aa3  No.9867974

File: 1f13a427487aa8e⋯.png (492.19 KB, 798x640, 399:320, ClipboardImage.png)


>Not likely to get better. Too many powerful people prefer it this way

THAT's the spirit, faggot.

Sauce it or lurk moar.

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eaff0f  No.9867975

File: 894096bf92c3cef⋯.jpg (190.94 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, You_gotta_problem_with_my_….jpg)

File: 875513d9905567b⋯.jpg (194.75 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, So_I_can_touch_my_face_num….jpg)

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c2777a  No.9867976

Ckeared cookies, refreshed, board still fcuked! Only updates when you post!

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6a5a48  No.9867977


What makes you say that?

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48ca0c  No.9867978


Ya, it's sad how quickly friends who once respected me now judge me. Some have been very quick to cut me off for saying the wrong thing. Makes me re-think how judgmental I might have been in the past.


I've not encountered that Bible verse before, but it sure seems apt. Thanks for posting it:

Mark 13:13, KJV: "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

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26cd3e  No.9867979


good reminder, prescient.

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60e3b5  No.9867980


Probably want to repost thisNOTABLEnext bread bro.

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3ff2a1  No.9867981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck this rebel scum!

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87e0cb  No.9867983

File: c3d19cbc97ad96e⋯.jpg (130.98 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, The_human_gyre_Jason_deCai….jpg)

File: e5b8403b15f56da⋯.jpg (127.26 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, Crossing_the_Rubicon_Jason….jpg)

File: b14894bb28b2a2e⋯.jpg (161.36 KB, 960x591, 320:197, 10_sculpture_modern_art_ja….jpg)

(Pb)>>9864173 Jason deCaires creepy underwater sculptor park

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2c640a  No.9867984

File: 34ed229c39d2aab⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 512x593, 512:593, sdfghjkhgdt.JPG)

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bba2ff  No.9867985

File: 860f7f12f5abc84⋯.png (4.93 MB, 1999x1199, 1999:1199, 860f7f12f5abc84167dfd886c1….png)

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000000  No.9867986







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6540d3  No.9867987



HER NAME IS VIOLENCE - deaj; 9ios is

huomo cuomo does the elderly

poco idi amin chauntus does the young


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a6ea1b  No.9867988


>yet her mom and dad dgaf if she's already working the viral vidy pole

I dont care if she is being sold to make doggie porn. She is 15 and a gif of her is in the pedo realm.

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eaff0f  No.9867990

File: 812b674004e5c05⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 750x500, 3:2, US_Marshalls_3la66b.jpg)

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8bd379  No.9867991

File: 6f1620a1349073c⋯.jpg (314.19 KB, 1000x718, 500:359, patton_wrong_enemy.jpg)

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a9589e  No.9867992

File: 739c5b3948cfffc⋯.jpg (281.66 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, SchumannJuly5_2020.jpg)

File: bc24848dbd88509⋯.png (256.65 KB, 1602x675, 178:75, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Late….png)

…Might as well post this.

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3ff2a1  No.9867993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e685f3  No.9867994


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2d98fe  No.9867995

File: b6c53e922272ad4⋯.png (583.95 KB, 800x534, 400:267, b6c53e922272ad45183f2718a2….png)

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ecea41  No.9867996

File: 5f03a7003325dda⋯.png (954.76 KB, 1271x3022, 1271:3022, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 037c9e5c4940b11⋯.png (248.97 KB, 803x803, 1:1, Meme_farmer.png)

The Meme Warehouse is a list of links to our existing folders on Mega. That list is now available publicly.


Thanks to unprecedented the Civ - Mil alliance Q alluded to their help putting the list online.

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0a6982  No.9867997

Is Q screwin' with us?

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fcba7f  No.9867999

Whatever happened to Toby Keith?

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d5fce6  No.9868000

Brother, can ya spare a (You)?

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d26021  No.9868001

File: 01f56d900d51eba⋯.png (782.72 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 01f56d900d51eba5725e99ddb8….png)

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f0a964  No.9868002


Because tomorrow will begin the transition to a new phase.

I anticipate a change of tone and some hints.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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