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9c131e  No.9066632[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.07.2020

>>9066404 ————————————–——– Facts v Fiction (Cap: >>9066433)

>>9066083 ————————————–——– Calculating 'lag' near impossible. Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week. (Cap: >>9066096)

>>9065749 ————————————–——– Source of HCQ: China China using HCQ to treat COVID-19? The more you know… (Cap: >>9065775)

>>9065630 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution. When do you expend ammunition? You have more power and influence than you realize. (Cap: >>9065642)

>>9065447 ————————————–——– It's time to wake up. (Cap: >>9065468, >>9065481)

Wednesday 05.06.2020

>>9060482 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9060298 ————————————–——– There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related]. [C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now].

>>9059016 ————————————–——– Hannity Monologue, Scope Memo, Mueller, RR, Comey, et al re: today's news drop, also fake news CBS and Veritas [0:00 - 21.45] (Vid: >>9059025 )

>>9058932 ————————————–——– There is so much truth in this. Alexa drops truth bombs (Cap and Vid: >>9058947 )

>>9057548 ————————————–——– Advocating overthrow of Government? (Cap: >>9057564 )

>>9056769 ————————————–——– Ready to stand?

>>9056552 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. [note: rare 'truth' caught on camera] (Cap: >>9056601 Vid: >>9056716 )

>>9056537 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. [note: they all read from a teleprompter - who controls the message?] (Cap: >>9056555, Vid: >>9056578 )

>>9052758 ————————————–——– Laser paint the target (Cap: >>9052816)

>>9052346 ————————————–——– Social media yesterday v today v tomorrow. WIN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

>>9052215 rt >>9052050 -————————– "Private, public partnership..." Follow the money.

>>9051651 ————————————–——– Define 'backchannel'. (Cap: >>9051741, >>9051724)

>>9050939 ————————————–——– Q: Can I obtain detailed information about a current FBI investigation that I see in the news? (Cap: >>9050954)

>>9050799 ————————————–——– YOU MUST SHOW THEM. (Cap: >>9050806)

>>9050743 ————————————–——– Staged [FAKE] CBS COVID-19 reporting? (Cap: >>9050790)

>>9050636 ————————————–——– Dates are important. Q's #3332 and #4072 Boom Week Ahead

>>9050527 ————————————–——– [it takes time to remove/install the right people [sleepers]] We are ready. (Cap: >>9050565, >>9050701)

Tuesday 05.05.2020

>>9042207 ————————————–——– Trolling can be fun! (Cap: >>9042241)

>>9041931 ————————————–——– Welcome to the REVOLUTION. (Cap: >>9041983, >>9042011)

>>9041688 ————————————–——– YOU MUST SHOW THEM. (Cap: >>9041733)

>>9041423 ————————————–——– Both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV use the same host cell receptor. Knowledge is power. (Caps: >>9041584, >>9041786)

>>9040144 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9040177)

>>9039589 ————————————–——– Information Warfare. (Cap: >>9039633, >>9039621)

>>9038646 ————————————–——– Will you follow the narrative? (Cap: >>9038692)

>>9038385 ————————————–——– Then and Now (Cap: >>9038750)

>>9034827 ————————————–——– Hawt Punisher Pic

>>9033832 rt >>9033709 -————————– A Gift

>>9033635 rt >>9033602 -————————– Anons need to check it out

>>9033572 ————————————–——– Toolkits can be helpful. (Cap: >>9033603)

Monday 05.04.2020 >>9053556

Sunday 05.03.2020 >>9042656, >>9040205

Saturday 05.02.2020 >>9015564, >>9026985

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Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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9c131e  No.9066653

Global Announcements

>>8985756, >>8985951 CM has given us new small text. Other post has new formatting FAQ in graphic form

>>8979470 Just enabled a hotfix for the "Posted." bug. Let me know if it fixes the "Posted" bug for you or not. Please clear your javascript cache first so you have the newest version.

>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971601 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8944644, >>9019496

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts


are NOT endorsements


>>9066324 48 Pounds of Liquid Meth Seized at Immigration Checkpoint 80 Miles from Border

>>9066290 Ex-PM Theresa May Blames Nationalism for Coronavirus Crisis, Praises China Backing WHO Instead

>>9066266 Poland postpones presidential election

>>9066133 Salvini slams Italian government’s plan to grant amnesty to 600,000 illegal migrants

>>9066132 Lufthansa seeks 9 billion euro bailout amid political discussions

>>9066096 Q cap 0 Delta intended?

>>9066089, >>9066159 Russia/China/India HCQ refresher

>>9066070, >>9066086 Stigma or precaution? DoD memo lists Covid-19 as ‘permanently disqualifying’ for survivors seeking to join army

>>9066042, >>9066071, >>9066075 USPS has lost $78 billion since 2007 despite receiving billions from taxpayers every year. Democrats still want a bailout.

>>9066026 2017 What is contact tracing and why is it important?

>>9066008 Mexican chemical plant RIPPED APART by huge blast as locals flee for their lives

>>9065978 Potus w/caps

>>9065972 Sticky situation: S. African virtual parliament session Zoom-bombed with PORN

>>9065949, >>9065950, >>9066237, >>9066257 Mueller/DOJ prosecutor Brandon Van Grack - who went after Flynn, threatened his son, and withheld evidence - is gone from the Flynn case and moar

>>9066631 #11605


>>9065234, >>9065266, >>9065327, >>9065414, >>9065503 planefaggin

>>9065493 Boatfag Update Report

>>9065486 DOJ charge Apotex with fixing prices of cholesterol medication

>>9065404, >>9065425, >>9065442 DNC is asking people to pay upward of $100K for a ‘virtual dinner’ with Hillary Clinton

>>9065402 Make our voices heard strategy

>>9065394 Moar death star

>>9065367 Jordan Sekulow reporting that Schiff has agreed to release the Russia probe transcripts…in a couple of weeks

>>9065293, >>9065317, >>9065416 Code Review of Ferguson’s Model

>>9065286 Zoom buys Keybase — its first acquisition — as part of 90-day plan to fix security flaws

>>9065242, >>9065255 Rasmussen: Most Republicans Want Comey Prosecuted

>>9065236 Who controls the message? Media Central Newsroom Mgmt + BoD connection to Feinstein

>>9065229 United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:

>>9065158 Welcome and thank you for joining today’s #FBINewYork chat, where we’ll discuss what we're doing to combat Crimes Against Children #HappeningNow

>>9065859 #11604

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9c131e  No.9066654


>>9064807 planefaggin

>>9065077 470th Military Intelligence Brigade[12]

>>9065076 Germany: Pensioner evicted from his home to make room for migrants

>>9065015 US and Iran reach rare consensus in Iraq

>>9064969 Kim Jong-Un replies "World yawns…" to Nancy Pelosi's testing, testing, testing presser

>>9064910 Trump "turbocharging" plan to remove China from global supply chain

>>9064863 Supreme Court Overturns Convictions In New Jersey ‘Bridgegate’ Scandal

>>9064847 The Supreme Court of Texas has ordered Shelley Luther be released from Dallas County jail!

>>9064748, >>9064756 Community Contact Tracing Program/Quarantine

>>9064671 Flotus w/vid

>>9064594 #Breaking: House #GOP Members Announce #China Task Force To Investigate CCP's Coverup

>>9064576 Round 2 peach mint begins

>>9064489 Review board clears U.S. prosecutors accused of botching Sen. Ted Stevens’s corruption trial


>>9064425, >>9064446, >>9064512 DEATH BLOSSOM

>>9065145 #11603

Previously Collected Notables

>>9064288 #11602

>>9061205 #11598, >>9061912 #11599, >>9062734 #11600, >>9063553 #11601

>>9058127 #11594, >>9058864 #11595, >>9059676 #11596, >>9060394 #11597

>>9055021 #11590, >>9055827 #11591, >>9056584 #11592, >>9057353 #11593

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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9c131e  No.9066660

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ← go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

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Q Graphics all in GMT #105 >>9063718

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9c131e  No.9066664

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Meme Ammo

56 >>9027363, 55 >>8696213

Schiff ————— mega.nz/folder/VIh3jTSB#ihNK6kOzKrStdMyWWOJugA

Fake News Examples- mega.nz/folder/xVwhFQCT#fITV5NhbxDuy4uaxAKoELw

Flynn ————— mega.nz/folder/NRwilA6b#MBXRAmkoeVD0278sTu2lEQ

Treason ———— mega.nz/folder/JYxk1Q6I#GfQXk5sF-5GjKzIIeGp7Ag

Big Pharma —— mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

2020-May ——— mega.nz/folder/ZIJQwS6S#gdnJOmSQqSpcxMi4E2TSsQ

Kung Flu ——— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag


Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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9c131e  No.9066688

File: 0a0361dba007540⋯.jpg (67.48 KB, 615x350, 123:70, 0a0361dba007540cb7070e1667….jpg)



Watch, SOON

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eac28a  No.9066702


Contact Trace Governors next decree ….

Your children will be kept by the state in quarantine until we decide that a new vaccine is working.

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3dcf45  No.9066707

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b3e68e  No.9066710

>>9066644 lb

Good job dividing people by religion you glowfaggot clown. We see your tricks.

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04169a  No.9066711

File: 53cced0fa579c39⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, phoenix_lights.jpg)

If they try something with this there is knowledge that can get your bearings on the Truth. Do not fear.

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81f131  No.9066712

>>9066708 (pb)

headline: facebook mocks constitutional law.

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d8857b  No.9066713

So…some next steps? Perhaps?

1. Cancel the student visas of any and all chinese students at any school, college or university with a two-week maximum delay until they have left (china only gave US media a few days to vacate the china premises).

2. Cancel the business/operating license of any school, college or university that is wholly or partially owned by chinese interests.

3. Remove from power any governor in any of the states noted by Secretary Pompeo as governors 'approved of' by the china communists.

4. Arrest any American politician who has taken any money from any china communist organization.

5. Remove the visas and operating licenses from any journalist from china - especially those from china with 'hk' or 'taiwan' in their name which is used to hide the real owners…the PLA.

6. Cancel ALL academic exchanges as they are simply used by china to steal intellectual property from America…and any other country in the world in which they operate.

7. Enhance the order blocking travel to/from China to include hk and taiwan and cancel all shipping to/from china and cancel all transportation from Mexico or Canada that stems from companies in Mexico and Canada who are owned totally by the PLA and hierarchy of the china communist party.

8. Ban all third-country travel of all china citizens - including hk and taiwan - attempting to enter America through a back or side door.

9. Arrest any journalist shilling for the china government for sedition.

10. Close all china communist party owned businesses in any sphere of industry deemed vital to America, such as any and all transportation vehicles manufacturers, lobbyist groups, political action groups, food industry supply chain, farms, factories…every fucking thing owned by the china communist party needs to be excised from the American landscape.

It really is time for Americans to Stand Up and tell the china communist party they are no longer wanted BY THE WORLD!

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89fe9f  No.9066715

File: 055a72e13188d79⋯.png (164.81 KB, 432x481, 432:481, 9d8bc04c3e91aa74bca5d50c76….png)

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b53a3f  No.9066716

File: 95291b016960f07⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 600x907, 600:907, choose_your_adventure_pres….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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d0edc5  No.9066717

>>9066609 (lb)

NYPD should have done the investigation regardless of Comey or the emails.


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393203  No.9066719

>>9066404 (lb)

If one or two anons express frustration at 'famefags' on twitter or youtube the shills run with it and use it to create division the board.

Time to pull together.

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933b9c  No.9066720

Let me guess…

Trip entered but not showing because 7/10.

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17bc2d  No.9066721

File: e3c6710db877ee2⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 600x347, 600:347, covid_quarantine.jpg)

How to remove political opposition

(((Their))) ultimate plan.

1. Give a faulty test (see: contaminated tests)

2. Quarantine

← Pic related

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f2bb86  No.9066722

File: bd96931e25471ed⋯.jpeg (76.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 7271FBB6_6396_4A7E_838F_7….jpeg)

Comey never thought she would lose even after re-opening the investigation after being threatened with the NYPD’s findings on the Laptop.

It would Be a shame if….

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d19bd9  No.9066723

File: 3d5398850393d06⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mask.jpg)

File: af5b222476ae3bc⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 614x318, 307:159, wicked.jpg)


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1b4997  No.9066724


Apology letters don't absolve you from committing crimes. How many people.did this shitbag send to prison for breaking the law?

Fuck this judge and apply the same standards….prison and a ruined career/life.

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57c7ea  No.9066725

File: dbc3fda8e457722⋯.jpg (191.8 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Q_family_3.jpg)

ty baker

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d11f4e  No.9066726

File: 0c339774f16a61a⋯.png (620.49 KB, 480x720, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f69dc  No.9066727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This goes out to all of the lost souls out there in wonderland. Jesus is funky fresh and he loves u

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b88cfa  No.9066728

File: 67473f0af82aef6⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1226x676, 613:338, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc33de93e8e8ca2⋯.png (33.33 KB, 501x284, 501:284, ClipboardImage.png)

IRS Orders The Dead To Return Stimulus Money

One week after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that dead people aren't eligible for stimulus check after it emerged that an unknown number of recently deceased Americans had received a $1200 tax credit as part of the coronavirus helicopter money package, the Internal Revenue Service made sure that the dead will only be allowed to vote instead of stimulating the economy, when it announced that individuals who got a $1,200 stimulus payment intended for someone who’s deceased or incarcerated should return the money. It wasn't clear how the IRS will "enforce" collecting from the dead or their relatives.

The $1,200 stimulus payments for adults earning as much as $75,000 and $500 for their children began hitting bank accounts in April. The IRS is still processing tens of millions more checks to be distributed in the coming weeks.

Instructions posted to the IRS’s website Wednesday said recipients of what the Treasury Department calls "inadvertent" payments should write void on paper checks and mail them back (sure, they'll get right on it). Even more amusing were instructions to those who received direct-deposit payments or have already cashed the payments: they should send a personal check or money order to the IRS for the amount of the payment.


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7ad3b4  No.9066729

File: 05444201737057b⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 500x488, 125:122, vangrackruin.jpg)

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b55cbc  No.9066730

File: 0b677d1958ec708⋯.png (221.18 KB, 594x682, 27:31, Clipboardimage.png)


"- Will Trump take back blah blah…



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f5b319  No.9066731

The sleeping giant is waking up.

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fe7970  No.9066732

>>9066708 (lb)

Kek, noms at 751, ffs.

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eb2cd2  No.9066733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's a Q fan confirmed

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b88cfa  No.9066734

Trump Admin Wins in Appeals Court, Preventing Release of 250 ICE Detainees

A panel on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has overruled a lower court’s order to reduce the detention population of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility by the hundreds.

The Trump administration scored a major win on Tuesday after a three-judge panel ruled that detainees in the Adelanto ICE Processing Facility, a dentition center that sits northeast of Los Angeles, do need to be released en masse while a lower court ruling is being appealed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The decision overrules a decision made by U.S. District Judge Terry Hatter on April 23. The judge had ordered the Adelanto facility to no longer accept new inmates and to reduce its detainee population by at least 250 by the end of the month.

Such a move, Hatter said, would allow remaining inmates and employees to properly practice social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic. The decision pertained to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, a progressive organization that has adamantly opposed President Donald Trump’s immigration agenda.

Attorneys for the Trump administration lodged an emergency request against Hatter’s decision one day later in a bid to prevent an immediate release of more than 200 detainees.

The Ninth Circuit panel that overruled the decision consisted of judges Barry Silverman, Jacqueline Nguyen and Daniel Collins. In a written opinion, Collins said the injunction must “state its terms specifically,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

“One of the many problems with the district court’s injunction is that it disregards the very sort of considerations that the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] says may require adaption of the guidelines in the context of a particular facility,” Collins wrote.

The Adelanto facility, one of the biggest ICE detention centers in the country, holds space for roughly 2,000 detainees but is currently holding around 1,200.

Across the country, ICE is currently detaining just shy of 29,700 foreign nationals, according to the agency’s latest data.

Information provided by the agency also shows that a total of 1,346 inmates have been tested for coronavirus. Of those, 674 detainees have tested positive for the disease.

The Trump administration has recently been dealt a mixed bag from the Ninth Circuit when it’s come to recent decisions regarding its immigration agenda.

On Monday, the appeals court blocked a request from the administration to deny green card applicants who can’t prove they can afford health care.


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7d4b90  No.9066735

File: 75933b4541b926e⋯.mp4 (953.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Trump_Nirvana_drums.mp4)

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2353d2  No.9066736

File: 171e7e52f5520bd⋯.jpg (494.26 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 171e7e52f5520bdef0257275df….jpg)

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360c58  No.9066737

File: 0fad5fad3efb7b3⋯.jpg (210.74 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, flood_is_coming.jpg)


>It would Be a shame if….

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3f64d3  No.9066738

File: e01780c4004db2e⋯.gif (442.49 KB, 384x244, 96:61, download_2_.gif)

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dccd97  No.9066739


=traitors get the rope=

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04169a  No.9066740

>>9066705 (lb)

Advanced Galactic Races never use cybernetics. That is left for the darksiders like reptilians or greys. Some of them are half-cyborgs, but GFOL races are always respectful of the temple of their soul. A physical body in tune with Creation has everything you would possibly need.

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6d8bc6  No.9066742

People are waking up in MN!!

“ Minnesota drops from 'A' to 'D' on social distancing report card”


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ca126d  No.9066743

Big Military aircraft circling Birmingham, England right now.


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668ef3  No.9066744

Well, I've been fired for my activity here. So no Anon can doubt my devotion to the cause.

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4c3d9f  No.9066745

File: d6dbf042c4d4ba5⋯.png (169.06 KB, 598x447, 598:447, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9066643 (lp)


it's all about hotels & where people are kept between points

"think of the second floor of a standard hotel" [1.10]


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4a290a  No.9066746

File: e7cc244ee425742⋯.gif (5.82 MB, 720x540, 4:3, e7cc244ee42574244687b70344….gif)


Thanks baker!

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5ea20d  No.9066747

File: 7f7a626c0b6206c⋯.png (285.64 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20200507_142912.png)

Omg yes….. Here it is!####

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4c3d9f  No.9066748

File: 80cadb68f9b4a1f⋯.png (47.41 KB, 598x243, 598:243, ClipboardImage.png)

and like that


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6f5ad9  No.9066749

File: 80bb86027079883⋯.png (63.68 KB, 819x507, 21:13, Capture.PNG)



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caf881  No.9066750

>>9066680 (pb)

No. No sarcasm.not notable

I don't believe the video showed any evidence of a 6 yo being removed from a home. I believe the video was about the health department talking about tracing people and moving people.

What 6 yo was moved. From where? to where? by whom? when? who reported?

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e61e2a  No.9066752

File: ff1b3ae614d628c⋯.png (313.43 KB, 366x575, 366:575, chewnacheck.png)



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5ffd01  No.9066753


If they still voting, they gets to keep it, tho

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c3cca3  No.9066754


Is there any sauce on what Comey really thought tho?

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08a055  No.9066755

File: 4145dfe411f3a00⋯.png (51.2 KB, 623x434, 89:62, adam_today.PNG)


"lie after lie after lie,"

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b88cfa  No.9066756

No Thanks: Trump White House Shelves CDC Guidelines for Reopening Economy and Public Places

The Trump White House shelved the latest CDC guidelines on how to restart public places and the economy.

It was the CDC along with Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and the White House COVID-19 Task Force who urged President Trump to shut down the record US economy in March.

Now we know that the model they used to scare the administration was a complete fraud and cannot be scientifically replicated.

Breitbart.com reported:

A set of detailed documents created by the nation’s top disease investigators meant to give step-by-step advice to local leaders deciding when and how to reopen public places such as mass transit, day care centers and restaurants during the still-raging pandemic has been shelved by the Trump administration.

The 17-page report by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,” was researched and written to help faith leaders, business owners, educators and state and local officials as they begin to reopen.

It was supposed to be published last Friday, but agency scientists were told the guidance “would never see the light of day,” according to a CDC official. The official was not authorized to talk to reporters and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The AP obtained a copy from a second federal official who was not authorized to release it. The guidance was described in last week, prior to the White House decision to shelve it.

The Trump administration has been closely controlling the release of guidance and information during the pandemic spurred by a new coronavirus that scientists are still trying to understand, with the president himself leading freewheeling daily briefings until last week.

Traditionally, it’s been the CDC’s role to give the public and local officials guidance and science-based information during public health crises. During this one, however, the CDC has not had a regular, pandemic-related news briefing in nearly two months. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield has been a member of the White House coronavirus task force, but largely absent from public appearances…

…Some of the report’s suggestions already appear on federal websites. But the guidance offered specific, tailored recommendations for reopening in one place.

For example, the report suggested restaurants and bars should install sneeze guards at cash registers and avoid having buffets, salad bars and drink stations. Similar tips appear on the CDC’s site and a Food and Drug Administration page.

But the shelved report also said that as restaurants start seating diners again, they should space tables at least 6 feet apart and try to use phone app technology to alert a patron when their table is ready to avoid touching and use of “buzzers.” That’s not on the CDC’s site now.

“You can say that restaurants can open and you need to follow social distancing guidelines. But restaurants want to know, ‘What does that look like?’ States would like more guidance,” said Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.


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e3aeb5  No.9066757

>>9066683 pb

account terminated as well

is that normal?

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1b4997  No.9066758


You were fired for anonymous posting? How does that even work?

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229be7  No.9066759

File: e61d311d34eb660⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 600x338, 300:169, adam_schiff_wut_.jpg)

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d0edc5  No.9066760

File: ac1e320e4844822⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 486x269, 486:269, soon.jpg)

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f2bb86  No.9066761




If/when verified

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b3fb36  No.9066762


Simple solution to all of us using the Enemies Twatter...

POTUS gets a Gab account. (Or the open source platform of your choice..)

Every Patriot in the world follows.

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8bfafb  No.9066763



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fa606f  No.9066764

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB, 828x885, 276:295, 20518252_2FE2_45B9_985D_C….jpeg)


Let’s go

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e61e2a  No.9066766



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360c58  No.9066767

File: 8a30ad2fba01422⋯.jpg (275.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, sleeping_giant_1tw.jpg)

File: 06dbb956cd1eae4⋯.jpg (172.29 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, GA_Americans_wake_up.jpg)


>The sleeping giant is waking up.

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d19bd9  No.9066768

File: 0ffe6041b0e9e5b⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 500x488, 125:122, hitleryouth.jpg)

File: e3ffd13641189b1⋯.jpg (371.46 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, obamswkids.jpg)

File: 0b028aa70f6d7ea⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 384x473, 384:473, nervous.jpg)

Compare and contrast

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08a055  No.9066769

File: 8159be4a70cd6b7⋯.png (1.18 MB, 780x945, 52:63, flynn_pat.PNG)

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5dad28  No.9066770

Is it just a coincidence that the plants staffed with a high number of Obama's refugees have a higher-than-average number of virus cases?

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83d0af  No.9066771

File: 1026ca4eb4a585e⋯.png (378.32 KB, 739x320, 739:320, 496ca215e66ca8cafb5ffd8f7f….png)

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dccd97  No.9066772


Fucking Notable

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f5b319  No.9066773



Best of luck, I am actually making more sitting here on my dead ass than I was busting it for ten hours a day.

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7ad3b4  No.9066774

File: 83b72d6872e40d4⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 594x488, 297:244, 3s8vvb7j.jpg)

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6c20a4  No.9066775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9066523 (lb)

What do you think anons are? Did you know that a group of frogs are called? An army.

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5fd95d  No.9066776

File: b6b1218ece12826⋯.png (195.27 KB, 572x570, 286:285, van_grak_pepe_devo.png)

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d5f390  No.9066777

File: 56401e3f1d3f95c⋯.jpeg (277.87 KB, 1152x777, 384:259, 313BFAB1_B88B_4723_8497_7….jpeg)

File: 403cad703012cd7⋯.jpeg (194.69 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 02112D45_054C_4172_ACC5_7….jpeg)

>>9066749 Yessssss

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57c7ea  No.9066778

File: ec0a76f341749f1⋯.jpeg (57.31 KB, 800x595, 160:119, ec0a76f341749f15d8d03f553….jpeg)

File: 7c16d2964b0409e⋯.jpeg (68.66 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 7c16d2964b0409e75f2df2e2a….jpeg)

File: 834f9a5894caadf⋯.jpg (32.84 KB, 450x626, 225:313, 834f9a5894caadf0417ce8227b….jpg)

File: 77af5a37efbef69⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 1418x800, 709:400, 1452157157036.jpg)

File: 90e8d731d37279a⋯.jpg (312.67 KB, 1920x1371, 640:457, gorila_vestica_1.jpg)

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8204ee  No.9066779

solzhenitsyn in his after-action report suggested that things would have been more comfy had the "contact tracers" been in fear of disappearing untraceably.

that's alot of logistics on the physical plane, not our heavy lifting, yet how could an anon mindfuck the contact tracing?

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27514a  No.9066780



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cd100f  No.9066781

File: 37b6b3675831009⋯.png (31.97 KB, 577x228, 577:228, ImNoQguy_but_conspiracies.PNG)

File: 7bf7ff956e4c192⋯.png (60.73 KB, 745x274, 745:274, ImNoQguy_but_threat.png)





>I’m no Q guy but how is Q a threat worth censoring, but the CCP bot army isn’t?



>I’m curious why Facebook and IG are only removing #QANON “conspiracy” pages? Why not remove Bigfoot pages? UFO pages? If it’s all just silly nonsense why is QANON more silly or harmful than the others? @Facebook @instagram


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6f5ad9  No.9066782


More sauce…


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d0edc5  No.9066783

File: ff40788ab5be24b⋯.png (47.64 KB, 658x901, 658:901, duncepepe.png)

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5dad28  No.9066785



Now comes the pain.

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b88cfa  No.9066786

File: 8b7c0ab544d7565⋯.png (46.23 KB, 788x461, 788:461, ClipboardImage.png)

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Issues New Title IX Rules To Protect Free Speech, Due Process for Accused Students

On Wednesday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos formally announced the new rules related to Title IX—the federal statute that governs sexual misconduct in schools—thus completing a process that began more than a year ago, when the government first unveiled its proposed changes.

The new rules aim to protect victims of sexual misconduct while also establishing fairer procedures for the accused. The department believes the new rules will "balance the scales of justice on campuses across America," a Department of Education spokesperson said during today's press briefing.

Justin Dillon, an attorney with the firm KaiserDillon who specializes in campus misconduct adjudication, hailed the new rules as tremendously well thought out.

"Nothing Betsy DeVos has done since she took office will have a more lasting effect on people's lives than this," Dillon tells Reason. "It's frankly inspiring to see how hard she and her staff have worked to get these regulations done and get them right."

The new rules are similar to what the Department of Education proposed in November 2018. Most notably, the government has abolished the single-investigator model, which previously permitted a sole university official to investigate an accusation of misconduct, decide which evidence to consider, and produce a report recommending an outcome. Under the new rules, the final decision maker must be a different person than the investigator, and a finding of responsibility can only be rendered after a hearing in which a representative for the accused is able to pose questions to the accuser—i.e., cross-examination.

Importantly, the new rules narrow the scope of actionable sexual harassment to exclude conduct that ought to be protected under the First Amendment. Obama-era guidance had defined sexual harassment as "any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature." The new rules keep this definition but add that the conduct must be offensive to a reasonable person, severe, and pervasive. In practice, this should mean that schools will no longer initiate Title IX investigations that impugn free speech.

"This new rule strikes a powerful blow against campus censorship," said a Department of Education spokesperson. "Campus free speech must not be sacrificed in the misguided pursuit of any other value."


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a4f909  No.9066787

File: d713eb2d83c80a8⋯.png (167.75 KB, 800x372, 200:93, if_your_child_9e82dffcf5_2.png)

File: 6cbe4a9b6ca7e5d⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 800x358, 400:179, hal_can_i_2.jpg)

File: 8cf9b4313dae8a8⋯.png (203.22 KB, 800x581, 800:581, you_can_have_6426e469d9_2.png)

File: 3e545d5c966f815⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 800x320, 5:2, the_sign_states_933b8b5896….jpg)

File: 5958b4c7ed4d360⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 600x439, 600:439, information_warfare_2.jpg)

>>9066446 l/b

Thanks for taking the time to talk to these individuals UKanon.

I've done it all: talked to strangers, coworkers and friends.

I even hand-wrote qmap.pub on frisbees and left them in parks.

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dafe6d  No.9066788

File: 78f6609adae0251⋯.png (36.73 KB, 773x305, 773:305, jpflynn.PNG)


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6c20a4  No.9066789


Stone, soon?

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f6490c  No.9066790

File: 1736fd3a35478ab⋯.jpg (287.3 KB, 700x400, 7:4, a_real_american_af02a1bfab.jpg)




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4d69fd  No.9066791



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db0059  No.9066792

File: 3a9a347cb862b29⋯.jpeg (186.69 KB, 828x596, 207:149, F9ADC5BE_B355_497E_93A4_5….jpeg)

So Flynn is free. Now how long til they all fall?

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17bc2d  No.9066793

File: 7c12c5fc863bcca⋯.jpg (36.81 KB, 844x662, 422:331, comfee_siffee.jpg)

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81f131  No.9066794

File: e3ae5655c7700d0⋯.jpg (856.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Justice_888.jpg)

File: 7bf6eb13ba942fe⋯.jpg (250.17 KB, 885x815, 177:163, Justice_is_a_font_of_an_ev….jpg)

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3c47d5  No.9066795


That post was posted in 2 breads..during Q drops it was missed because of the drops.. Enjoy your laugh..

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accf00  No.9066796


The key to contact tracing as originally intended was that the tracing was performed by non-political & non-judgmental qualified individuals who respected the privacy and confidentiality of the process with intent to stop any outbreak.

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21dc4d  No.9066797


Done in 30?

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19a7bd  No.9066798

File: 6d75f413c8dfbc5⋯.png (23.39 KB, 414x370, 207:185, bridging_the_gap.PNG)

The other day I posted a proposal to bridge the gap between the board and social (to preserve solid truth from the bullshit).

It got a lot of attention, mixed reactions. Some Anons liked it, some ripped my ass apart (as expected, kek).

Today it's clear Q is already doing this via posting of Patriot Twatter accounts. Bridging the gap, expanding reach, preserving the truth from dis or mis info.

Only mentioning this cause I'm retracting the idea (not that it was in play anywas, just for the record).

However I do still think we should follow the "GREMLIN RULE". For every social media account banned, 3 more should be created in its place.

Make it PAINFUL to ban an Anon.

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eac28a  No.9066799


Bigly Notable

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e8eee0  No.9066800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Portugal Live

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32541e  No.9066801


Watched the video and your assessment is correct, except that this statement was not limited to public facilities, but is inclusive of private residence. That is a BFD. That type of response has not been activated since the 19th century Typhoid and Tuberculosis outbreaks.

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3f170d  No.9066802

File: 112b8938a959a68⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FlynnPissed.jpg)

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a3e9eb  No.9066803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8bbff  No.9066804

File: a82715805f2c05d⋯.jpg (39.65 KB, 570x570, 1:1, hIntight.jpg)

>>9064837 lb

I hate Fuckbook and avoid it like the plague. However, this "plandemic" has caused me to post a couple of items and lo and behold, I have people asking me to include them with ongoing information. People I would NEVER discuss this stuff with are waking up and asking questions. Keep it up ANONS!! We ARE the news.

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b88cfa  No.9066805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ex interior minister of Austria denounces COVID manipulation, media scare tactics, and calls out to government to : “Wake up and take action”

Europe is starting to wake up, people are coming out of the closet.


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09dd6a  No.9066806

File: ffbc7d7ced226d6⋯.png (418.19 KB, 765x391, 45:23, 2020_05_07_13_57_08.png)

>>9066656 lb

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e5207e  No.9066807

File: feec0a5d74a53b6⋯.png (885.85 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

With everything we've been thru over the last 3 1/2 yr - Re-watching Corney give the HRC briefing from (2016):

It is sooo clear Patriots behind the scenes had ol Corney's pecker in a vise.

It seemed so strange at the time.

The evidence of her guilt that he presented.

His uncomfortable "pained" delivery.

Yet excusing her "carelessness".

That awkward bizarre presentation shows how bad the evidence against him must be.

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cea86a  No.9066808

File: 5f7752b09e90f8c⋯.png (537.59 KB, 919x532, 919:532, DE000B8D_82BA_41D0_96BE_31….png)

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a947ff  No.9066809


Let it begin!!!!!!!!!!!

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b5feb7  No.9066810

Police Involved in 3 deaths in Indianapolis overnight.



Protests In Progress

mission accomplished?

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d536fc  No.9066811



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c3cca3  No.9066812


He'll be fine.

Enough about him on this, the long awaited day for the Patriotic General Michael Flynn.

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ed100f  No.9066813

File: 9b155e49b1a2998⋯.jpeg (98.91 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 9b155e49b1a2998c36c133a67….jpeg)

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16331e  No.9066814

File: b72263a1ee85bc6⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 680x418, 340:209, TheGreatAwakening.jpg)

Q2682 (Feb 10 2019):

>Do they count on the fact that w/ work, family, stresses of life, etc. that the typical person does not have enough time in the day to research topics for themselves and therefore would believe narratives projected in the echo chamber w/o the need to provide facts or substance other than opinion?

Q3613 (Nov 21 2019) & Q3858 (Feb 12 2020):

>How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?

>Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?

Now that the American People and The World have been staying at home they have found the time to research, read, watch and learn!!!!

Now the People of the whole world have the time to FOCUS and can be SHOWN the TRUTH.

Q4121 (May 6 2020):

>Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



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f2bb86  No.9066815







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080930  No.9066816

File: e7c33d78f49b846⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 969x545, 969:545, 2bgwdhvkidb.jpg)

File: 220db4794cd2184⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 413x265, 413:265, brensycvjf.jpg)


According to the CIA, Adolf Hitler was a British intelligence agent tasked with cultivating fear and terror in Europe to justify the creation of Israel.

For example, Adolph Hitler was in England in 1912-1913, a fact supported by his sister-in-law’s book: “The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler”(1979). Many historians including Hitler biographer John Toland have ignored this startling information. (If Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty of creating the matrix that has cost millions of lives.)

Hallett says Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland. “War machines need war and [that means they need] funded, trained and supported double agents to be their patsies, their puppets and their puppet enemies,” Hallett writes

Hallett’s hypothesis explains 1)Why Hitler was able to expand into the Rhineland etc. without fear of retaliation. 2) Why the Nazi war machine was financed and built by the Bank of England and a Who’s Who of Anglo American corporations controlled by the Illuminati. 3) Why Hitler never sealed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar; and why the Spanish dictator Franco remained neutral, despite the huge debt he owed the Nazis from the Civil War. 4) Why I.G. Farben headquarters in Frankfurt was never bombed. This became CIA headquarters. 5) Why the Bank of England rewarded Hitler for taking Prague by giving him the Czech gold reserves held in London.

(Hitler's actions ensured the death of millions of Germanic Europeans, and the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine)


Was Hitler a Zionist stooge?


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20130f  No.9066817

File: bd2a6faef193711⋯.png (68.7 KB, 912x385, 912:385, Felony.png)

File: 3e9d651ec873d9c⋯.png (166.35 KB, 899x781, 899:781, Felony2.png)

File: 3081b617fa2dda2⋯.png (115.27 KB, 989x517, 989:517, Felony3.png)

>>9066566 lb

>>9066463 lb

>>9066579 lb

>>9066371 lb

Felonies too numerous to mention, probably to include failure to apprehend prosecute known criminals. Check.

Don't forget about failure to report (ie enforce known crimes). This also could be pursued under aiding and abetting.

Also, some states have mandatory reporting laws, with consequences.



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78b171  No.9066818

File: 18a5cd09776b41a⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 948x960, 79:80, 96115410_10219452568203402….jpg)



(ThanQ patriot who took this picture)

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7d4b90  No.9066819


God Bless General Flynn!

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e73c15  No.9066820

File: d70b78c1ca95a74⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 591x186, 197:62, dropping_case.JPG)


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25a3a0  No.9066821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c131e  No.9066822


knotabru'd yo

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1a0740  No.9066823

File: 2c0a8f51d974cc2⋯.jpg (751.71 KB, 1175x631, 1175:631, coloroflaw3.jpg)

File: e0b7a95ce1b6ea0⋯.jpg (739.78 KB, 1175x631, 1175:631, coloroflaw2.jpg)

still on screen any help be appreciated. 2 variations tried to get wording from other anons lb.

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cd100f  No.9066824

File: 4c0bbcb97d965d2⋯.png (9.48 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ndex.png)


>However I do still think we should follow the "GREMLIN RULE". For every social media account banned, 3 more should be created in its place.


>Make it PAINFUL to ban an Anon.

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fcf61f  No.9066825


AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn’s criminal case


7 minutes ago''

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, abandoning a prosecution that became a rallying cry for Trump and his supporters in attacking the FBI’s Russia investigation.

The move is a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. It comes even though prosecutors for the last three years had maintained that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in a January 2017 interview. Flynn himself admitted as much, and became a key cooperator for Mueller as he investigated ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.

In court documents being filed Thursday, the Justice Department said it is dropping the case “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.” The documents were obtained by The Associated Press.

The Justice Department said it had concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview on January 24, 2017 was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, recommended the move to Attorney General William Barr last week and formalized the recommendation in a document this week.

“Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

The decision is certain to be embraced by Trump, who has relentlessly tweeted about the case and last week pronounced Flynn “exonerated,” and energize supporters who have taken up the retired Army lieutenant general as something of a cause celebre. But it may also add to Democratic concerns that Attorney General William Barr is excessively loyal to the president, and could be a distraction for a Justice Department that for months has sought to focus on crimes arising from the coronavirus.


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9d0666  No.9066826

File: 27e6cc20cd3ef46⋯.png (678.83 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, AOC.png)

File: 29676e2a6441e5a⋯.png (3.79 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, NO_BRA_REQUIRED.png)

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772aae  No.9066827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


55 years walking down Purgatory Road is enough!

Congratulations General!

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59a048  No.9066828

File: e4b7bc27698e342⋯.jpeg (301.8 KB, 1080x804, 90:67, winning_lil_patriot_maga_….jpeg)

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4a290a  No.9066829


Beautiful trips confirm!

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124fcb  No.9066830



it wasn't days and it wasn't months…

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ca2cad  No.9066831

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)




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17bc2d  No.9066832

File: aaa43b1e820aec4⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 480x320, 3:2, HRC_lies.mp4)

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a55438  No.9066833

File: 37e2384ef8e85ba⋯.jpg (409.63 KB, 1242x1460, 621:730, comey_soon.jpg)























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eac28a  No.9066834


Your truth must be locked down for 14 days

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a26106  No.9066835

File: d56207de0d13c39⋯.png (500.52 KB, 951x748, 951:748, sad_pizza_party.PNG)

Obama Sends Private Letter to National Archives Claiming 'Confidentiality' To Not Release Biden-Ukraine Docs

He worried about what really happened at the White House $60,000 "Pizza Party"?


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b88cfa  No.9066836

Israeli Police Compile Car Movement Info in Massive Secret Database, Report Claims

The project, known as the 'Hawk-Eye' program, was said to have begun secret operations in 2014, collecting data on Israeli-owned vehicles by using smart cameras distributed across all parts of the Middle Eastern country.

Israel’s police forces are gathering a huge secret database on the movement of cars belonging to Israeli citizens, including those not suspected of any wrongdoing, across the country without clear oversight, The Times of Israel reported on Wednesday, citing a local news outlet.

According to the report, police collect video of cars recorded by means of smart LPR cameras capable of identifying license plates to determine whether the vehicle is stolen or if its driver’s license is expired.

The report claims that the videos are stored in a secret database for at least six months and for periods up to several years, citing a police source familiar with Hawk-Eye.

The aim of the surveillance program is reportedly to see where a car travels in case a driver or owner is suspected of involvement in a crime or a terror activity.

The report highlights that the Hawk-Eye program violates a 2012 regulation by the Justice Ministry which requires police to register such databases with the ministry and notify Israelis of their existence.

“What justification can there be for gathering this information when it is not regulated by any law or even an internal protocol?” asked attorney Anne Suciu of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). “Does any cop have the authority to access that database? When they access it, is there any record of it to verify they weren’t searching their ex-wife’s car?”

The report claims that the database is not a subject to any form of oversight.

According to The Times of Israel, police in response to the report said that the use of the Hawk-Eye program has been “validated by judicial means and used in an orderly fashion when needed”.


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dafe6d  No.9066837

got a 24 hr ban from facebook yesterday and during the 24 hrs twitter would not let me post memes

now detention is over and can post memes on twitter

wtf are they connected

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d1ca41  No.9066838


Watch the news today, Q said…

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f2bb86  No.9066839



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abc5cd  No.9066840



Indeed!!!! Congrats Genl Flynn!!!

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89fe9f  No.9066841

File: cb067d14afa0a74⋯.jpg (109.41 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 1583730709389.jpg)

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ed100f  No.9066842

File: b3fa6233dbad457⋯.png (332.48 KB, 652x859, 652:859, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d189  No.9066843


Thank you sir

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65c363  No.9066844

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c572be  No.9066845

File: ccf0d32f2d12150⋯.png (593.62 KB, 820x930, 82:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d1b0bb09682262⋯.png (262.82 KB, 912x971, 912:971, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e203ae6de547519⋯.png (95.47 KB, 856x974, 428:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b4df374027e788⋯.png (28.72 KB, 758x322, 379:161, ClipboardImage.png)


With sauce!


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360c58  No.9066846

File: 75883166142e22e⋯.jpg (289.48 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, everywhere.jpg)

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57c7ea  No.9066847

File: d6b6237476e8830⋯.jpg (99.97 KB, 500x501, 500:501, exterminate_them.jpg)

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21dc4d  No.9066849


Q, we need to have a party/parade for Gen. Flynn.

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8bfafb  No.9066850


Woooo hoooo!!!! Yay!!! Thank you, Lord!!!!

Flood is starting!

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229be7  No.9066851

File: fb4de5c688319bf⋯.png (159.26 KB, 624x351, 16:9, flynnknows.png)

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eac28a  No.9066852


D - 5 avalanche , please , today

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fefc98  No.9066853



>Calculating 'lag' near impossible.

>Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week.

Critical mass, kiddies.

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ce9b13  No.9066854

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, ArchiveUpdate.jpg)

Archive Update

"Combat Fatigue"Edition

I added #11502 to #11604 and updated the checksums.



11502-11604.html.zip MD5: 6feaa0639f43638f7a0d608c774a10f1

The archive now contains 11607 breads.


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83ed62  No.9066855


Does this mean the DOJ can avoid releasing the docs that would incriminate themselves for the illegal prosecution of Flynn?

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a55438  No.9066856

File: a534aa7803d2a30⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 998x674, 499:337, comey_indictment.jpg)



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65c363  No.9066857




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6c20a4  No.9066858


Right, like I don't really care about Stone. I thought I was referencing a Q drop, but after re-reading the drop, I realize I was wrong.


However, it's even more exciting:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: def00e No.7526428 📁

Dec 16 2019 16:37:38 (EST)

Same evidence to FREE FLYNN currently being used to INDICT others [GJ]?

[302]_mod [1] count.

Who listened in [2] count [FISA?]


[6] counts.

FBI agent [1][P] - FLYNN interview……..

If FISA warrant was ILLEGAL……….

If FISA warrant predicated on ILLEGAL/UNCORROBORATED……..

If FISA 'actors' purposely withheld exculpatory evidence from the court………….

[Watch] what happens next.


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83d0af  No.9066859

File: 2deee418db6eeb6⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 630x847, 90:121, 1575832696997.jpg)

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a26106  No.9066860




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fe7970  No.9066861

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dbb854  No.9066862


Lawfare warriors didn't want any more disclosure. Time to sue them General!

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5b0cc3  No.9066863


Fuck yeah!

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17bc2d  No.9066864

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


It's like he'stelling us whereto look.

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59a4d2  No.9066865

YouTube shut down “Plandemic” by this am, so here is a Daily Motion link to the video:


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38c55e  No.9066866

BREAKING: Justice Department is dropping criminal case against ex-Trump adviser Flynn - AP

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cd100f  No.9066867

"no big boom week" anons are invited to present apologies in said thread

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c3cca3  No.9066868


Watch the news indeed!

Moar tomorrow -n- next week, too….

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caf881  No.9066869


BFD that it's being threatened. Absolutely. If there is bloodshed over this the actors will be subject to federal Deprivation of Rights penalties. If it goes the way of Waco, health department officials will hang.

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f8bbff  No.9066870


yeah, but nothing is happening???? lol FU shills.

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59a048  No.9066871

File: 29b96629955aec8⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 686x399, 98:57, Flynn_PATRIOT_on_HRC.jpg)


Just as predicted. God bless Patriot Flynn! o7

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c572be  No.9066872

File: ac04fe2cbec9a0e⋯.png (339.63 KB, 599x679, 599:679, ClipboardImage.png)



Tweet Cap for Baker

Here's article cap as well: >>9066845

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f5b319  No.9066873

File: 65a68c7f36ddc45⋯.gif (569.23 KB, 500x375, 4:3, WeBdancing.gif)

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d11f4e  No.9066874

File: 2872649978be720⋯.png (411.25 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b4d7e  No.9066875

File: 790d0a9628faf22⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Buckle_up.jpg)

File: 73a03cec8fc93bd⋯.jpg (62.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Buckle_up1.jpg)

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16331e  No.9066876

>Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week.



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772aae  No.9066877

File: 8e4aba91dc048ca⋯.png (112.63 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb4f2e  No.9066878


Liberals are going apeshit in the comments.

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ac377b  No.9066879

Just standby anons, booms take time…

2 more weeks

Boom is eminent!

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a947ff  No.9066880


Now they have to be scared

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09d25a  No.9066881


Now thats a BOOM, Great news for Flynn!!

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dccd97  No.9066882


God Bless You All!!!

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c3dbaa  No.9066883

Case against Flynn dropped just now Fox news

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0183d6  No.9066884

FNC reporting now DOJ dropping Flynn charges

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57c7ea  No.9066885

File: 523069a62195ca9⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 753x500, 753:500, or_not_to_score.jpg)

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d1ca41  No.9066886


Congrats to ALL !!

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81f131  No.9066887


TY and BOOM!

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4ad6c9  No.9066888

File: 62375195c72a125⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 62375195c72a1254fe280e71f9….jpg)



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fa606f  No.9066889

File: 8238b534cc7840b⋯.jpeg (92.47 KB, 828x607, 828:607, 588D69D7_9957_41A3_B649_2….jpeg)

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e73c15  No.9066890

File: 25ddcafb21702e4⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 680x640, 17:16, Chuck_Norris_I_never_heard….jpg)

File: cd25c616114b1e6⋯.jpg (158.91 KB, 603x900, 67:100, Flynn_surf.jpg)

File: 0996ea167d0e49b⋯.jpg (106.45 KB, 627x957, 19:29, Flynn_the_tide_has_turned.JPG)

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4a974c  No.9066891

File: 26b566f801cf8c6⋯.png (101.18 KB, 1198x512, 599:256, ClipboardImage.png)




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7bd45c  No.9066892


The United States citizens We, the People are read for the TRUTH.

All of it and only the TRUTH.

As promised.

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b88cfa  No.9066893

File: cbb6f44ac64120e⋯.png (968.93 KB, 805x458, 805:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef67410e9d438c5⋯.png (284.19 KB, 510x423, 170:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e90ee63b8f03e⋯.png (223.56 KB, 508x510, 254:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e776a17498a9faa⋯.png (252.5 KB, 850x711, 850:711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b5f6b99b17198d⋯.png (328 KB, 843x502, 843:502, ClipboardImage.png)

Government by billionaires? Cuomo names former Google CEO to join Gates & Bloomberg in drafting post-pandemic ‘reforms’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has appointed ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt to lead a panel on post-pandemic “reform” of health and education systems, despite criticism for taking other billionaires with conflicts of interest on board.

Schmidt will head a ‘Blue Ribbon Commission’ tasked with “reimagining” New York's existing systems of healthcare and education, Cuomo announced on Wednesday during his daily coronavirus briefing. The decision to place such power in the hands of another unelected billionaire has riled critics already uneasy about the governor's post-Covid-19 plans.

The panel's initial priorities will be “tele-health, remote learning and broadband,” Schmidt announced, dropping into Cuomo's broadcast. The former Google exec still receives a paycheck from parent company Alphabet in an advisory capacity, raising questions of conflict of interest given Google's leading role in developing a digital contact-tracing platform for Covid-19. While Cuomo confirmed in the same presser that the state is partnering with former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg – another billionaire – in building a human contact-tracing network, any digital component will likely involve the participation of Google. At the same time, the tech giant's insatiable hunger for health data, as evinced by initiatives like Project Nightingale and Google's acquisition of Fitbit, is unlikely to sit well with New Yorkers concerned about the company's privacy record.


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89fe9f  No.9066894

File: 13ef3b13cf7756e⋯.jpg (26.57 KB, 899x485, 899:485, 1581565526058.jpg)

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e7f960  No.9066895


Put a Flynn meme up and my account got locked. ffs

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21dc4d  No.9066896


I'm waiting for that shill to show up. Somehow I don't think I'll see it.

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4dd8b2  No.9066897

I have a good idea for a meme. I suck at drawing otherwise I would make it myself. Here is the idea. A warrior pepe with his foot on the neck of a, "nuthing is happening," shill who's on his back. Sort of like Wimp Lo saying, "I'm bleeding making me the victor."

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50c491  No.9066898


Yeah Baby! It's time to rock and roll!

God Bless @GenFlynn!

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880bb7  No.9066899

File: bdad9e33fd9b359⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 170x255, 2:3, Eagle_Sexy_Freedom.jpg)

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08a055  No.9066900

File: 0c940d1d8eb365b⋯.png (219.84 KB, 728x848, 91:106, Fringe_I_O.PNG)

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2f7db5  No.9066901

File: 643e16f5eba9732⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 1182x754, 591:377, 643e16f5eba9732ff1673e185a….jpg)

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f82e95  No.9066902

File: 6e052593e69465f⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 761x1024, 761:1024, GreatInvocation.jpg)

File: 652be068545ce9c⋯.jpg (338.73 KB, 1298x1600, 649:800, LIL93.jpg)

File: 28b8bf8754d5bde⋯.jpeg (97.12 KB, 514x514, 1:1, LIL2.jpeg)

File: 03b7a0291921124⋯.jpeg (140.08 KB, 1224x792, 17:11, LIL1.jpeg)

The number 1,000 denotes the "thousand-petaled lotus" of Eastern and oriental mysticism. "With

proper sexual exercises," explains Barbara Walker in the Women's Encyclopedia of Myths

and Secrets, a true sage might achieve the final flowering of revelation described as the thousand-petaled lotus of invisible light."

note the address on the blue page with the innocuous prayer

This was a full page ad in the October 1982 Reader's Digest

Could Christ refer to the Lord, Lucifer, Bringer of Light?


"This castle according to Springmeier, is a center of the occult and has a cathedral with a dome containing 1000 lights. The castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle and Monarch programming is supposedly performed on children there. This castle is also known as the 'Castle of Kings'. Its real name is "Chateau des Amerois" and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno. This castle and its domain, the Muno forest once belonged to Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, Count of Flanders and father of King Albert I. He purchased the property in 1869 to the Marquis van der Noot d'Assche.The castle of Romantic style was built in 1877 for Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg Gotha by the architect Gustave Saintenoy. It has 365 windows. This castle was later bought by Alice Solvay, niece of the Belgian scientist and industrialist Ernest Solvay and today is apparently still owned by the Solvay's."

Is this the same thousand points of light made famous by George H.W. Bush?

Tausend Sterne Macht Ein Dom

A Christmas Carol popular in Communist East Germany

Now do you see the connections. The UN is the New World Order in which the entire world is governed by the depraved SEX MAGICIANS of theOrder of the Lamp of the Invisible Light


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17bc2d  No.9066903

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, pepe_10.png)

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ea6ad0  No.9066904

File: 965fa69013a7f5d⋯.jpg (164.45 KB, 700x350, 2:1, 9998.jpg)

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16331e  No.9066905


You protect the Patriots!

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7d4b90  No.9066906

File: 51ae4da3dbf0a6d⋯.png (7.29 KB, 1066x373, 1066:373, 65cec9c33f6c6b167c771e0d34….png)



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7ad3b4  No.9066907

File: 4a3eef90e9f1834⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, michael_flynn.jpg)

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ac377b  No.9066908


“Free in 30”


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04169a  No.9066909

File: f002d673c11de0f⋯.jpg (52.73 KB, 413x549, 413:549, f002d673c11de0f69a36f4cb9a….jpg)

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7a8ac1  No.9066910


That balsamo fat fuck is a pedo sympathizer

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e61e2a  No.9066911

File: 0c5dc3be44eb747⋯.png (269.61 KB, 739x464, 739:464, wakeup6.png)

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cea86a  No.9066912

File: ef4b601148b72d4⋯.png (554.74 KB, 631x556, 631:556, 7055E1DB_A071_4871_87D4_09….png)

File: fece6e2b0a63eb0⋯.jpeg (96.62 KB, 500x581, 500:581, 99A00B6E_1264_41D1_A5C2_A….jpeg)

File: 9b2c5d3dd2fd91f⋯.png (809.56 KB, 665x499, 665:499, A4A72868_4E96_48E7_89A5_A7….png)

File: 4127b00b0909009⋯.jpeg (162.97 KB, 668x500, 167:125, 5C180295_24EE_414D_99F9_8….jpeg)

File: 649833c0945dac9⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1076x743, 1076:743, E097B6AE_3DD1_4644_9C27_E4….png)

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57c7ea  No.9066913

File: 422984947f6bd55⋯.jpg (191.84 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Q_family_4.jpg)


God Bless America!

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4a8f30  No.9066914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9066668 (lb)

Here's a copy, anon.


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229be7  No.9066915

File: 8e8dc4542bf4847⋯.jpg (24.31 KB, 540x281, 540:281, RANDRONHAPPENING.jpg)

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5ea20d  No.9066916

I am in tears and shaking. My God the man is FREE and now comes the pain for these evil rat bastards.. Thank you Dear God!

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eac28a  No.9066917


Q – Flynn Free , but is he SAFE ?

Kissenger parallel enterprise ?

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080930  No.9066918

File: 86e3495e50f01bc⋯.jpg (117.51 KB, 723x352, 723:352, herzl.jpg)


That course of action is the kind of thing only a eugenicist supremacist sycophant would conceive of.

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b88cfa  No.9066919

End of Russiagate? DOJ reportedly drops case against Trump adviser Flynn that started ‘witch hunt’


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3f170d  No.9066920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a0740  No.9066921

File: 766feba3d0f3ed9⋯.jpg (840.76 KB, 1175x631, 1175:631, coloroflaw2r.jpg)

File: 9163d9a1e3f2110⋯.jpg (751.65 KB, 1175x631, 1175:631, coloroflaw3r.jpg)


sorry caught an error on own updating now

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5b294e  No.9066922

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, flaga7ffb193423f0a5573ceee….png)



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0d097a  No.9066923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apology if already posted.

Lots about the new coming Corona Vax

FEMA Whistleblower about What's Next - Brace Yourself

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eb2cd2  No.9066924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09dd6a  No.9066925

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB, 294x340, 147:170, transparent_pepe.png)


General Michael T. Flynn

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92de92  No.9066926

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, IMG_20200505_111646.jpg)


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fe77ed  No.9066927

File: 3b5cad7bbd1e058⋯.png (123.21 KB, 828x736, 9:8, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)

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c4e20b  No.9066928

File: 7d112af28c5217e⋯.png (994.56 KB, 637x542, 637:542, ClipboardImage.png)



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5fb3ed  No.9066929

File: 29b47f4e1b44653⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 1024x598, 512:299, PepeAmericanFlag.jpg)


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8642c6  No.9066930


>BREAKING: Justice Department is dropping criminal case against ex-Trump adviser Flynn - AP

It's also on Fox now as well

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dffc0d  No.9066931


About damn time

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04169a  No.9066932


>small tip: "File (hide): f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png) (h) (u)" indicates picture is a repost.

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a26106  No.9066933

VP Flynn 2020

President Flynn 2024-2032

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6bc8d9  No.9066934


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f9ec95  No.9066935

File: 5d0b0bc46fbe84b⋯.jpg (372.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Baggy_Wrinkles.jpg)



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17bc2d  No.9066936

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)

General Flynn knows where thebodies are burried!

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e61e2a  No.9066937

File: 36d1d91714bd855⋯.png (812.72 KB, 726x527, 726:527, amc3.png)

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44c74f  No.9066938

File: 3c15369e2b85774⋯.png (181.44 KB, 1103x628, 1103:628, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)

File: 79c224ecb7d99ae⋯.png (408.46 KB, 1066x633, 1066:633, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)

File: 7322281065bb121⋯.png (73.68 KB, 1126x500, 563:250, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)

File: cd957d3b28498d8⋯.png (305.49 KB, 1148x507, 1148:507, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)

if everyone sent in a foia request to the C_A about the status of QAnon and then posted their reply letters on their twatter accounts or any other social media outlet, that might push the Question and relieve some of the pressure about "conspiracy".

Can't tell 'em, show 'em.



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b6fa42  No.9066939


Wow, flashback to the good ole days, wonder what ever happened to Avatar Charger George?

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25a3a0  No.9066940

File: 3107b73ff426a64⋯.jpg (81.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cat_D5.jpg)


d5= dec5th = 12/5 = 5/12 = May12th? and i don't even datefag, but guess i just did….

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621653  No.9066941

File: 15c6fb015bcd497⋯.jpg (318.76 KB, 1214x865, 1214:865, ShoutOutPowell.jpg)



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912fd2  No.9066942

File: df69cf770b70654⋯.jpg (135.89 KB, 1085x1036, 155:148, PepeThinkBoom.jpg)

File: 9502b7ddd97c81a⋯.jpg (282.4 KB, 1920x1352, 240:169, HappeningDarkToLightPatrio….jpg)



May Almighty God be Praised!!!

Oh happy happy happy dance!!

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a50fcb  No.9066943

File: 8e6c630e5e1a296⋯.png (497.32 KB, 617x636, 617:636, ClipboardImage.png)

So … this get would fall under the …

MK Ultra edition?

Tara Reade + Megyn Kelly: Creepy Joe

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e5207e  No.9066944

File: d35ab2e2dc484de⋯.png (439.87 KB, 695x772, 695:772, Screen_Shot_2020_05_07_at_….png)



Screen Cap

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4933b2  No.9066945

Watch for potus tweet

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772aae  No.9066946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Crank it up!

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4eea3c  No.9066947

File: 395d973dca22b59⋯.png (507.65 KB, 589x843, 589:843, djt_flotus.png)

New DJT Tweet

Today, @FLOTUS

celebrates the two year anniversary of #BeBest, her initiative dedicated to bringing awareness to issues that impact the lives of children. Congratulations, and thank you!



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38c55e  No.9066948



AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn's criminal case https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/green-bay/ap-top-news/2020/05/07/ap-exclusive-justice-dept-dropping-flynns-criminal-case?cid=share_twitter

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e73c15  No.9066949

"Q" - What's that "3" BOOMS…so far…today is not over yet…..keep them coming…we are loving it!!!

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dccd97  No.9066950

General Flynn is a true patriot and American hero

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aed211  No.9066951

File: 885d2390eafa69f⋯.jpeg (107.47 KB, 750x273, 250:91, CA7EBB43_6FE3_40EB_A90C_E….jpeg)

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e4b3d7  No.9066952

File: aa2429e83aa10cc⋯.png (73.46 KB, 2769x982, 2769:982, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a88dd61381461a⋯.png (293.87 KB, 3782x3045, 3782:3045, ClipboardImage.png)


AP took it down.

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056611  No.9066953

File: 6dddd56bdf5507b⋯.jpeg (80.49 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 024702B8_755E_49EB_8D3C_3….jpeg)


Bring the pain now Q

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16331e  No.9066954


Will be good to see General Flynn back at the WH.

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8204ee  No.9066955

File: c0811516087b46a⋯.png (367.57 KB, 801x500, 801:500, granular.png)

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89fe9f  No.9066956

File: 6da9278b5839755⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 6da9278b5839755a412e6476b9….jpg)

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7e329f  No.9066957


Hannity was right, for ONCE!

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949e05  No.9066958

File: 4ec541591903b81⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 231x210, 11:10, blackguysuh1.gif)

File: f780aa09b59f8b2⋯.gif (511.61 KB, 750x720, 25:24, BOOM.gif)



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fe77ed  No.9066959

File: 02e793aa70bb516⋯.png (201.6 KB, 700x1204, 25:43, Q1944.png)

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08a055  No.9066960

File: 130e5850f158368⋯.png (23.76 KB, 602x294, 43:21, good_shit.PNG)




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b53a3f  No.9066961

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

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20130f  No.9066962


Find out the law in your location. In some other states, you must always see the offense take place regardless of whether the offense is a felony or misdemeanor breach of the peace. In these states the citizen's arrest statute does not allow a citizen's arrest based upon "probable cause". [6][7]

Decide if you can safely make a citizen's arrest. Be sure you can physically restrain the person you want to arrest before you try to. Misunderstanding your physical capabilities may put you or others in harm's way. If you make a citizen's arrest, the situation could easily escalate beyond your control.

Remember to think hard before making a citizen's arrest, especially if the perpetrator is armed.

Be prepared to accept the consequences. Be sure you fully understand the circumstances in which you can make a citizen's arrest. You may want to research the rules specific to your state. If so, contact a lawyer through your State Bar Association or local law enforcement office.

If it turns out you didn't have grounds to make the arrest, you could be sued for false imprisonment, assault and battery and other torts.[10] You may also face criminal charges. Don't make a citizen's arrest unless you're willing to face these risks.

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21dc4d  No.9066963


He is about to know where more are buried.

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b88cfa  No.9066964

Fort Worth Child Sexual Predator Sentenced to 80 Years

A Fort Worth child sexual predator was sentenced Monday to 80 years in federal prison announced U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox.

Tyrone Alexander Taylor, 42, pled guilty in October to two counts of sexual exploitation of a child and possession of a visual depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

“This sentence, essentially a life sentence, exemplifies the seriousness of this horrible conduct – one committed against the most vulnerable among us,” stated U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox. “We will continue to dedicate whatever resources necessary to bring to justice to predators who prey on and victimize children.”

“The FBI works with our law enforcement partners every day to ensure that children are protected from predators who seek to exploit them,” said FBI Dallas Special Agent in Charge Matthew J. DeSarno. “Today’s outcome is the result of collaboration and commitment to holding a sexual predator accountable for their actions. We ask that the public continue to remain vigilant and report any suspected child exploitation to the FBI or local law enforcement.”

According to court documents, FBI agents launched their investigation after a computer repair business reported discovering child pornography on a hard drive owned by Taylor. After meeting with a business representative to review the images that depicted child pornography, agents took custody of the hard drive and conducted a forensic review of the device.

Taylor admitted the hard drive belonged to him and that it contained a number of child pornography videos and images – some as young as 9.

Taylor and codefendant, Shannon Nichols, sentenced in February to 50 years in federal prison, sexually victimized children by using them to create child pornography, which Taylor meticulously stored on his computer.


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f2bb86  No.9066965



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a061c2  No.9066966

File: 2d65bec573c94f5⋯.jpg (985.33 KB, 1240x829, 1240:829, 1482460506275.jpg)



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79d996  No.9066967


They suicided 9 out of 12. Yep, maybe action would alter the cause since the result is sad anyways

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ac377b  No.9066968

I can has a boom?

(Flynn qualififies as boomer boom??)

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8f30a5  No.9066969

Congrats Gen Flynn. We are forever in your debt.

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e7f960  No.9066970

File: 809b04b02157695⋯.png (680.74 KB, 634x634, 1:1, flynnsurf.png)


This meme got me locked out of account on TwAT…..

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a26106  No.9066971



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eb2cd2  No.9066972

File: 4413be500891367⋯.png (164.35 KB, 773x823, 773:823, 7FDB0B33_9CEB_4010_841C_ED….png)



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0492f7  No.9066973

File: 5815030ab64146e⋯.png (221.46 KB, 358x371, 358:371, Kate_Brown.PNG)


> mocks constitutional law.

So does the governor of Oregon. She failed to convene the legislature before April 7th to approve an extension to her emergency powers.

Looks like Oregon has been legally open since April 7, unlawfully and unconstitutionally locked down since.

Let the lawsuits begin!


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ba4c3a  No.9066974

Next Bread title ….. FLY FLYNN FLY

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4eea3c  No.9066975

File: 63b719eb9c23f96⋯.jpg (229.42 KB, 1153x1473, 1153:1473, 63b719eb9c23f9647c211d4db7….jpg)




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ea6f10  No.9066976

Gen Flynn is FREE!!! They're DROPPING The Case!

6mins ago!

AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn’s criminal case


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549802  No.9066977

CC is one of good guys now?



Gateway Bridge Project



4 Apr 2018 - 6:09:08 PM


Gateway Bridge Project.

$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.

$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.

$400k Chris Christie - Mary Pat US.


Omnibus Bill.

The gift that keeps on giving.


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c3cca3  No.9066978


>goal posts, anon, goal posts

B-b-but that's just an innocent man freed after he broke now.

Hillary & Obama still walking free.

Weird huh?

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79d996  No.9066979



Flynn is ling overdue and does not qualify as offense

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9f2251  No.9066980

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, fd779acd8540992ca86b62e08e….jpg)

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d19bd9  No.9066981

File: ebaca42dee6cf19⋯.jpg (246.32 KB, 832x832, 1:1, boomgun.jpg)

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880bb7  No.9066982

File: d9f760241f06160⋯.jpg (10.62 KB, 255x145, 51:29, PepegetLight_.jpg)

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fa606f  No.9066983

File: f016b886637560b⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 421x250, 421:250, B6BFE53B_9326_4D7B_A3BE_C5….gif)

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dccd97  No.9066984


Let the bodies hit the floor Q!!! WWG1WGA

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e4b3d7  No.9066985

File: 288cd43e32ded3c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2871x3452, 2871:3452, ClipboardImage.png)



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c5c0f3  No.9066986

File: 91506aa15d510a9⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 183x275, 183:275, Waiting_2.jpg)

Ok, I agree Flynn's case dismissal by DOJ is definitely a BOOM for Q… but I still like my STILL WAITING mems. heheheh

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bd0cc2  No.9066987



Let the next phase begin! Declas some MOABs!

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b006d7  No.9066988

File: bc253a7c074838c⋯.jpg (379.03 KB, 2048x1462, 1024:731, EW42miNUEAACmTK.jpg)



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7ad3b4  No.9066989

File: ff82a68defa153d⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2x53fb.jpg)

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621728  No.9066990

File: a3aa6288959a821⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 645x645, 1:1, IMG_20190427_141558_051.jpg)


We Love Him , and you, too!


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a1b2b4  No.9066991


f'n A!!!

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fe7970  No.9066992


I think the avalanche is gaining some major momentum.

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0eabb8  No.9066993

File: ec88cd9a6aa5b1f⋯.jpg (161.39 KB, 1222x662, 611:331, S.JPG)

File: 4b66d01db1a5d61⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 606x746, 303:373, SD.JPG)

waiting to see how long it takes for CNN to report on Flynn news.

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5dad28  No.9066994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God Bless General Flynn.

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99871d  No.9066995

File: 8ee6c7d98601b67⋯.png (21.61 KB, 355x588, 355:588, 953.png)





Who knows where the bodies are buried?



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17bc2d  No.9066996

File: f60a80ab4220581⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 592x422, 296:211, HRC_Van_Grack.jpg)

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f7a671  No.9066997

File: c13f3b448577860⋯.jpeg (263.9 KB, 1125x781, 1125:781, 0C275EF4_7D3E_4376_BE26_A….jpeg)


This didn’t age well…

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595b1d  No.9066998

Breaking News -

Lead prosecutor in Flynn case abruptly resigns


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16331e  No.9066999



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912fd2  No.9067000

File: 2ae58802ba6a9fa⋯.jpg (33.22 KB, 460x259, 460:259, BadAssFlynn.jpg)

File: 40809822f6f544e⋯.jpg (101.11 KB, 750x735, 50:49, ClearFlynnHero.jpg)

File: 4b0a501d1606119⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 474x432, 79:72, flynn1.jpg)

File: 052c911306017d2⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1101x487, 1101:487, Flynn_calm_b4_storm.jpg)

File: b7937dafbced51b⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 640x339, 640:339, Flynn_FISACorruptionGoodby….jpg)


Meme cannons we have a Flynn folder.

Pick Flynn Patriot memes from the folder.

Don't pick "Exonerate Flynn" or "Pardon Flynn", they are stale now.

Flynn ————— mega.nz/folder/NRwilA6b#MBXRAmkoeVD0278sTu2lEQ

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25a3a0  No.9067001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BOOM BOOM a little party tune for ya….

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ac377b  No.9067002


How you figger 3 there Doll?

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ed100f  No.9067003

File: ed385f639efb738⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 640x437, 640:437, ed385f639efb738ff1fcecc03a….jpg)

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566424  No.9067004


>Flynn is ling overdue and does not qualify as offense

Just feels like another truth swept under the rug

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fde8d0  No.9067005



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ea6f10  No.9067006


Thank you Lord!

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04fa57  No.9067007


Thank you!!

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27514a  No.9067008

File: 95908e4e0ce4ea2⋯.png (248.5 KB, 594x922, 297:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93b1099c1db4e23⋯.png (139.54 KB, 573x605, 573:605, ClipboardImage.png)

Techno Fog


NEW - the Motion to Dismiss the charges against General Flynn

"based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice."


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fb94e2  No.9067009

File: 8cc370720ce078f⋯.png (739.08 KB, 1327x872, 1327:872, 6v542523543.PNG)


I bet these faggots have some hidden videos.

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b88cfa  No.9067010

File: a5d8022407222b6⋯.png (74.25 KB, 510x432, 85:72, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efb341ff752af52⋯.png (859.96 KB, 793x783, 793:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0de4e80d16a0347⋯.png (77.35 KB, 753x641, 753:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 977e6225ef6b7ec⋯.png (83.99 KB, 802x672, 401:336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40c54a42e09eb6a⋯.png (53.31 KB, 780x409, 780:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Mueller prosecutor withdraws from Flynn case after questions surface concerning his compliance with court order

Brandon Van Grack, a top Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, is no longer handling the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn – and he's withdrawing from other unrelated cases as well, raising questions about his future at the DOJ.

No explanation was given for Van Grack's abrupt withdrawal from the Flynn case, which was recorded in a brief filing with the court on Thursday. But Van Grack's removal came just days after Fox News reported that explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI's efforts to target Flynn including a top official's handwritten memo debating whether the FBI's "goal" was "to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired" called into question whether Van Grack complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn.

Since February 2018, Van Grack who now heads the DOJ's Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) unit has been obligated to comply with D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's standing order in the Flynn case to produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.”

The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

In that same October 2019 motion, Van Grack elaborated on those claims, telling Sullivan that the government had not “affirmatively suppressed evidence” or hid Brady material. He denied that the government was “aware of any information that would be favorable and material to [Flynn] at sentencing.”


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7c88f0  No.9067011


It's not just a word, it's a way of life.

We were promised gifts, and a week to remember. Q and Q+ have already delivered, and the week is not over!

What a time to be alive.

Enjoy the show!

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08a055  No.9067012

File: 8a5f889258159f4⋯.png (607.5 KB, 492x577, 492:577, WWG1WGA_I_O.PNG)

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c9c80c  No.9067013

>>9065293 (pb)

WHO/CDC/Fauci/Birx/Gates used this model to shut down the economy ww to further their globalist control agenda.

Barr/POTUS/Q need to expose this fraud! Crimes against humanity!!!

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d1ca41  No.9067014

File: 671eeecb413a03d⋯.jpg (121.4 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Liberal_jews.jpg)





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a440be  No.9067015

File: 539e37fea1b928c⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20200507_123935.png)

How Mormons Built the Next Silicon Valley While No One Was Looking.

Now Podium is a Google Ventures–backed, 650-person company housed in a five-story, 175,000-square-foot space in Lehi. An identical building next door is currently under construction to accommodate the company’s growing workforce, which is expected to double in size

https://marker.medium. com/how-mormons-built-the-next-silicon-valley-while-no-one-was-looking-c50add577478

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7a8829  No.9067016

File: fcbdd80b4d1af0d⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1E5EC67D_4A18_47D5_AC28_7….jpeg)

Flags out for Flynn

Thank you, Q, Q+!,

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a1b2b4  No.9067017


One down…….Let's finish the game!

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a28bb9  No.9067018

File: 8632a6493c05c63⋯.jpg (71.9 KB, 408x403, 408:403, 8632a6493c05c634b98fb5aa48….jpg)

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978819  No.9067019


W= Wuhan

E= Epidemiologists

Wuhan Epidemiologists ARE THE CURE

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db0059  No.9067020

File: 627e8d63306c740⋯.png (43.93 KB, 412x565, 412:565, DE6937C0_6FAE_4F23_8AFD_7B….png)

Indictments coming Q?

We stand at the ready

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34763e  No.9067021



Done in 30.


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2e5f34  No.9067022

File: 875e0a23b66f63d⋯.gif (240.04 KB, 220x128, 55:32, 7462A1EF_B7B1_4C5D_9CA1_D4….gif)


It’s Habbening!!

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a55438  No.9067023

File: 3afaff45c450e76⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 307x359, 307:359, schiffty_eyes.jpg)

g-guys… i'm getting a little nervous here.

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912fd2  No.9067024


Thank you GA Anon!

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fefc98  No.9067025


momentum intensifies

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ed100f  No.9067026

File: e55d92670ec72fc⋯.jpg (159.38 KB, 1200x1110, 40:37, FlynnRrelevant.jpg)

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b643a2  No.9067027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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83d0af  No.9067028

File: 46366257313ac65⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1507x821, 1507:821, 1581311703977.png)


Fucking datefag can you just be right for once?

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1aeda4  No.9067029


A GOOOD GOOOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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621653  No.9067030











Q Research Meme Warfare Operations Thread







Q Research Meme Warfare Operations Thread

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20130f  No.9067031


Tell the person you're making a citizen's arrest. There are no specific words you must say, but you must make it completely clear that you are making a citizen's arrest. The person you're arresting must fully understand what's happening. Explain to the potential criminal why you are making a citizen's arrest. If you cannot provide him or her with this information, then you shouldn't be making the arrest.

In some states you must communicate to the individual the specific criminal offense for which the individual is being arrested for.

Leave it to the police to read the person his or her rights. For now, you only need to say that you're making an arrest.

Detain the person using reasonable force. You can only use the amount of force required to detain the person until the police arrive. Using a greater amount of force exposes you to legal trouble. Be careful not to harm the perpetrator unless it's absolutely necessary.[11]

Call and deliver the suspect to law enforcement. Call law enforcement right after the person is detained. Some statutes in states like California and Minnesota require that a person take the arrested individual before a judge or peace officer “without unnecessary delay.”[12]

But, if you try to transport a suspect on your own and you conducted an improper citizen's arrest, you may be subjected to a lawsuit for false imprisonment.

Ask someone to stay with you. If you can't deliver the suspect or your state doesn't need you to, ask a third party to stay with you. Wait for law enforcement to arrive. If possible, avoid watching the person you've arrested alone. Having a third party help you detain the person is best for everyone's safety.

The third party may be helpful in making sure the encounter doesn't get violent and might be able to serve as a witness.

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e8ca08  No.9067032

File: 9bd962978170e1c⋯.jpg (242.91 KB, 1444x759, 1444:759, 9bd962978170e1cf3ad6f9a67a….jpg)

Be Brave, Strong, Faithful & United.

I was disowned by my family who called me a Conspiracy Theorist. I wear this badge of honor proudly. Joining the Digital Soldier Revolution for Truth & Transparency has saved my life from the insanity 4 years ago. Thank you all Anons for being here. Thank you Q, Q+! WWG1WGA

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17bc2d  No.9067033

File: 19710a313667d23⋯.jpg (81.43 KB, 647x487, 647:487, Schiff_nuffin.jpg)

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2bd6a8  No.9067034

Is Flynn's case dropped or did the prosecutor resign or both?

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4b64ba  No.9067035


Boom for the military.

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cea86a  No.9067036

File: 387f9f91f38e092⋯.png (881.18 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 68F15DC2_5B45_499C_A9A1_D5….png)

File: 69628502480e179⋯.jpeg (43.8 KB, 290x442, 145:221, CEE979B1_E5F0_41A6_9C0D_0….jpeg)

File: 25d34d8b01daea8⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, FAC3EFEE_19F4_48C4_8269_37….png)

File: 49efdfaee8d2b0b⋯.jpeg (388.52 KB, 1800x1247, 1800:1247, B0EA5567_0CBB_486A_9E17_5….jpeg)

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e73c15  No.9067037


Van Grack, Gen Flynn. Texas hair dresser…3???

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a2e6a8  No.9067038


Same here and MSDNC

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237651  No.9067039


She's still trying to rebrand herself?

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cd100f  No.9067040


d d don't worry they said Q is baseless

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fefc98  No.9067041

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229be7  No.9067042

File: e7f087d97680fed⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 474x425, 474:425, shrooming.jpg)

faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhk! woohoo!!!!!!!!

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120802  No.9067043

File: c606adcb15b2618⋯.png (89.43 KB, 645x557, 645:557, calroundup.png)




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88b785  No.9067044

File: 3a0458292b1e438⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1224x1224, 1:1, ReadyForBattle.png)

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, biblicalFrogs.jpg)

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ac377b  No.9067045


Dats what im sayin

Gnome sayin???

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e61e2a  No.9067046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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47a725  No.9067047

File: e63795c3c2c1e44⋯.jpeg (98.53 KB, 623x782, 623:782, 023E496D_DF59_46CC_BE6F_6….jpeg)

File: af90aca0b470cb7⋯.jpeg (766.04 KB, 1242x1188, 23:22, 8B79B9DA_3C3F_430B_AA71_A….jpeg)

File: b4b55d43350989d⋯.jpeg (916.81 KB, 1242x1592, 621:796, FC340B17_D72E_4DE9_8A86_0….jpeg)

File: 6ac26e7d2c1f651⋯.jpeg (291.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, EB710B63_63BE_4018_B5BE_E….jpeg)

File: a71c9caef21c265⋯.jpeg (16.09 KB, 199x255, 199:255, F99822BE_AFEF_48DE_8A6A_9….jpeg)

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7d4b90  No.9067048

File: 595eb3b1b15fed4⋯.png (162.05 KB, 820x508, 205:127, Hello_Schiff.png)

File: aecbe1fd8f31c51⋯.png (132.87 KB, 551x400, 551:400, hellomueller.png)

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56a032  No.9067049

File: 05ae6a41b89d735⋯.jpg (172.65 KB, 1008x756, 4:3, ZomboMeme_03052020180258.jpg)

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04169a  No.9067050


heartwarming if true


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2f5f46  No.9067051

File: c7f3ce9e40f9ac5⋯.png (242.23 KB, 575x383, 575:383, c7f3ce9e40f9ac53f4e5405a80….png)








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e63966  No.9067052


They want everyone to turn into an anxious-ridden, anti-social, government leech who can't step foot outside their own house without having a panic attack.

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21dc4d  No.9067053


Wouldn't it be 5/21

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7d4b90  No.9067054

File: 69caf48ede7c0da⋯.png (109.03 KB, 437x455, 437:455, RR_NPC.png)

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8642c6  No.9067055

Fox reporting pool reporters gathering in oval

Perhaps to hear from POTUS soon

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a28bb9  No.9067056

File: 8f8924d6fb30aba⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 691x630, 691:630, 8f8924d6fb30aba152b6007803….jpg)

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ed100f  No.9067057

File: f84f5d696ca18ad⋯.jpg (208.26 KB, 890x587, 890:587, Q_sent_Army_Of_Digital_Sol….jpg)

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880bb7  No.9067058

File: c3f6c94d832fe7e⋯.png (280.44 KB, 355x468, 355:468, sp_profile.png)

File: d9f7841de5664eb⋯.png (157.48 KB, 277x367, 277:367, sp_book.png)


THANK YOU Sidney Powell

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6c20a4  No.9067059


Use them on the lefties and shills that kept saying they were right all along :)

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120802  No.9067060

File: 1d76c3ec609964e⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 620x465, 4:3, laughpence.jpg)

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e4b3d7  No.9067061


This another removed blockade?

Gen. Flynn now gets to go on the offense?

Who knows where the body's are buried?

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729616  No.9067062

File: 93b9e31b9ab4fd2⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 4054es.jpg)

Now get Manafort released and Roger Stone pardoned.

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3c47d5  No.9067063

File: f4b170849de4131⋯.png (598.05 KB, 945x622, 945:622, Screenshot_2020_05_07_Face….png)

File: 1a709772805c2cf⋯.png (191.79 KB, 651x1496, 651:1496, Screenshot_2020_05_07_Face….png)

File: ca5070fdd1fb81b⋯.png (97.67 KB, 611x739, 611:739, Screenshot_2020_05_07_Face….png)

File: e34aaec508d5618⋯.png (103.55 KB, 601x846, 601:846, Screenshot_2020_05_07_Face….png)

Facebook appoints 20 members to its 'Supreme Court' for speech rules, including noted Trump critic

Posting issues of particular difficulty will be handed-off to the board for review and final judgment

Facebook’s recently announced so-called “Supreme Court” for speech on the social media platform includes the Stanford law professor who has at least twice in past years made public comments that suggest an anti-President Trump sentiment. The lawyer, Pamela Karlan, invoked the name of the president's youngest son, Baron, when she testified last year during the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee’s Trump impeachment hearings. “While the president can name his son Baron, he cannot make him a baron,” Karlan said. Though she promptly apologized, Karlan two years earlier publicly suggested disdain for Trump, when she said she would rather cross the street than walk in front of the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C.

The list of 20 people includes 10 men and 10 women, a total of nine law professors, several journalists and free speech advocates, one of the leaders of the Cato Institute, a former prime minister, and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Facebook announced Wednesday. The board has been in the works for more than two years, following comments made by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2018. The CEO has faced near-constant scrutiny for several years pertaining to his company’s “community standards” policies, which prohibit the posting of illegal images, in addition to hate speech, harassment, and the spreading of false information – most recently regarding the coronavirus pandemic. The creation of this committee will potentially alleviate some of the burden from Facebook executives to design the company’s speech rules and field questions from the media and Capitol Hill lawmakers.

The company is attempting to create distance between itself and the board's operations. Facebook has created a $130 million trust to pay for its operation and has stressed that it cannot remove members from the body. Presently the board has 20 members, a number that will size up to 40 in time. “One of the fruits of this if we do our jobs right is that this will bring about a degree of political and cultural neutrality. It is our ambition and goal that Facebook not decide elections,” said former federal judge and current Stanford law school professor Michael McConnell. Notably, the “Supreme Court” appears to lack the presence of any experts on the spread of disinformation.


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fb94e2  No.9067064



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1ce970  No.9067065

File: 8f7ea9573c8a19c⋯.jpg (682.53 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, MF.jpg)

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17bc2d  No.9067066

File: 52eebb323c26060⋯.jpg (165.03 KB, 500x530, 50:53, soros_killbox.jpg)

Target Paintedsir!

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7e329f  No.9067067


Time for Flynn to step in front of some cameras and shout WWG1WGA!!!

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fa3a62  No.9067068

File: cd4533183bdbb52⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1349x4838, 1349:4838, Screenshot_2020_04_29_Isra….jpg)




Israeli Top Spy Agency, Unit 8200, Embeds ‘Former’ Spook To Head Analytics And AI at Ford Motor Co.



Ford Motor Co. announced it has hired Colonel Gil Gur Arie, a “former” leader of Israel’s military intelligence corps, the super elite Unit 8200, to oversee its big-data analytics as the automaker moves to connect all its cars to the internet:

Retired Colonel Gil Gur Arie, 44, will become chief of Ford’s global data insight and analytics on May 1 as part of a broader initial executive shuffling under new Chief Operating Officer Jim Farley. Gur Arie will report to Farley, the heir apparent to Ford Chief Executive Officer Jim Hackett, according to a statement.

Ford equipped all new vehicles with cellular connectivity last year and has said it will outfit new models with high-speed 4G LTE modems this year. The connections provide a portal into the vehicle for drivers to receive software updates and marketing information, while giving automakers a huge cache of data on how its vehicles are operating. Analyzing that data smartly gives carmakers an edge in deciphering what drivers desire and will pay for in their cars.

Farley, who has said he is on a mission to accelerate Ford’s $11 billion global restructuring, also promoted North American chief Kumar Galhotra, 54, to president of Americas and International markets. And he elevated global purchasing vice president Lisa Drake, 47, to the newly created role of chief operating officer of North America, with a mandate to oversee new model launches, warranty cost reduction and material cost improvements.

After disappointing investors with weaker earnings last year in part due to the botched launch of the Explorer sport utility vehicle, Ford recently withdrew its profit forecast for 2020 — which already was below estimates — citing the affects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ford shares fell as much as 2.8% as of 10:40 a.m. Thursday in New York trading. The stock has dropped about 47% this year."

According to independent investigative reporter, Whitney Webb, so-called “alumni” of Israel’s Unit 8200, like Gur, maintain close relationships with the spy agency, often “blurring the line” between their new activities in the private sector and the ongoing work of 8200.

Unit 8200 programming spooks create “back doors” into software used by private sector companies — which have included Google, Microsoft, and Facebook — to allow Israel to become a global “cyber power”.

Former 8200 commander Yair Cohen told Forbes in 2016, that “there isn’t a major operation, from the Mossad or any intelligence security agency, that 8200 is not involved in.”

Bill Gate’s Microsoft is inextricably linked to Unit 8200, according to research done by Whitney Webb.

As we’ve previously reported, “American-Israeli” billionaire Paul Singer is intimately involved with Unit 8200 through Start-Up Nation Central, an entity he has financed whose purpose appears to be to siphon off the choicest, most powerful tech companies and jobs to Israel.

So rest assured, if you buy a car from Ford, someone in Tel Aviv is going to know everywhere you drive it from the moment it leaves the dealership.

The Jews have never forgiven Henry Ford for exposing their crimes to the world, and this Israeli takeover of his former company no doubt is part of their behind-the-scenes payback.


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287060  No.9067069

File: 41bac580ffd8404⋯.png (975.01 KB, 824x967, 824:967, ClipboardImage.png)

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255c37  No.9067070

File: c988104d1cd4121⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 500x548, 125:137, Do_It_Q.jpg)

Bring it!

Semper Fi

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b643a2  No.9067071

"right side of history "

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f89b8f  No.9067072


oh yeah!!!! Feeling like a little Celebration is in order! Break out the Brewski

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ac377b  No.9067073


Oh snap Iforgot about the TX hair dresser Qew drop…

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3ea42f  No.9067074

File: dbd9a2d869829b7⋯.jpg (198.31 KB, 640x900, 32:45, Cavalier_d_Arpino_Archange….jpg)

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79d996  No.9067075


Go on offense POTUS

You can do it

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f0f51b  No.9067076

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0fa2e9  No.9067077

Flynn charges dropped is a marker. Get ready for the boomerang to start.

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f2bb86  No.9067078








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b88cfa  No.9067079

File: 3ad05897b01803f⋯.png (260.36 KB, 525x470, 105:94, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA confirms Tom Cruise is filming a movie in space

It’s not just a pleasure Cruise.

Tom Cruise is actually going to film a movie in space, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine confirmed Tuesday.

Deadline reported Monday that Cruise had plans to work with Elon Musk and NASA on the first Hollywood flick to ever film in space.

Now, NASA has confirmed that Cruise will film inside the International Space Station.

“We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make NASA’s ambitious plans a reality,” Bridenstine wrote in the tweet.

Cruise is just the man for the job. The 57-year-old actor, who famously does his own stunts, has shown an affinity for the skies in numerous projects, including the “Mission: Impossible” films. He scaled the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in the fourth film; hung from the side of a jet plane in the fifth movie; and did a HALO jump in the sixth and most recent installment.

His newest aerial project, “Top Gun: Maverick,” a sequel to 1986′s “Top Gun,” has been delayed the pandemic, but Cruise’s ambitions have apparently not been put on a similar hold.

Bridenstine did not mention Musk, who became a father Monday, but the eccentric billionaire did respond to the NASA administrator’s tweet, writing, “Should be a lot of fun!”


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d65aff  No.9067080

In regards to Qs post about ventura county forcibly removing and detaining people that are named in a contact trace.

Suddenly those videos of cops tackling chinese citizens, breaking down doors and dragging people out of their cars, makes a lot more sense.

Difference between china and america?

We have guns. It’s only a matter of time until one of these “contact tracers” or LEO is shot trying to enforce this.

What can we do to prevent it from escalating that far?

If you or someone you know is contacted by these people suing you need to be “quarantined” and that they are going to enforce it by removal. That needs to be on camera. There needs to be protests and demonstrations. Call in and say that these “leaders” are the ones who in contact - give them a taste of their own medicine.

This is just absolutely blatant CCP style totalitarianism.

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a26106  No.9067081

Shills be like:


Just informed my colleagues and the are full blown


"Flynn lied"



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65c363  No.9067082

File: 7e839d0ab8eb01b⋯.jpg (252.89 KB, 1750x875, 2:1, usa_uk.jpg)

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d19bd9  No.9067083

File: 5215fc1f7a20771⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 3005x2641, 3005:2641, coup.jpg)

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229be7  No.9067084

File: 9867d28247af34c⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 931x524, 931:524, adamshifty.jpg)

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cd100f  No.9067085

File: 9b7b45e974a32f1⋯.png (848.9 KB, 1111x833, 1111:833, GeorgeSPECIAL.png)

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08a055  No.9067086

File: dcb697735ceaf18⋯.png (19.45 KB, 593x226, 593:226, justice_Jim.PNG)



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da7ea6  No.9067087

File: bbf8710908e8129⋯.jpg (427.44 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, WH_Prayer_Walk_6_190303.JPG)



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a4f909  No.9067088

File: 461118ebfd63ad8⋯.jpg (726.26 KB, 1000x950, 20:19, Hand_of_God.jpg)





I pray in the matchless name of Jesus,


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e73c15  No.9067089

File: c6f11a2c24cdb22⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Gen_Flynn_army_of_digial_s….mp4)

Gen. Flynn - We have a ARMY of Digital Soldiers.

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77fa27  No.9067090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FREEDOM!!! For General Flynn and wife!

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a1b2b4  No.9067091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's Time

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5b4d7e  No.9067092

File: 4917f4f812a4e31⋯.jpg (159.37 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, History.jpg)


Proud to be in this army! General Flynn, you are a hero!

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25a3a0  No.9067093


like the scoreboard shill! that fucker will not be pleased until it is Hanx

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751af3  No.9067094


QQ Until MSM is taken down and start to tell the truth , Most will not wake up …

WHEN QQQQQ When are you taking down those Evil BASTARDS ..

Is it time for Anons to go to their studios and harrass the hell out of them … I'M READY

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fefc98  No.9067095


hoap so

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83d0af  No.9067096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fa3a62  No.9067097

File: 315d3c6f84b1453⋯.png (183.64 KB, 1738x485, 1738:485, Holocaust_official_version….png)

File: d290e46d52f50a2⋯.png (27.83 KB, 1158x339, 386:113, 1_Nuremberg_trial_fraud_op….png)

File: c2ed257d6f7413c⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 827x680, 827:680, 1575132485795.jpg)

File: 05dde2708e786bf⋯.png (3.86 MB, 1048x6440, 131:805, Holocaust_meme_2.png)

File: 017955d5d9ec7a5⋯.png (65.27 KB, 915x424, 915:424, z6_1581290767463.png)


Speaking of the Holocaust, you can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here:


archive.vn/u8OjU – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”

Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.”



http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 - “One Third of the Holocaust” - documentary

www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 - “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”

https://codoh.com/ - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website


https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ - “The "Holocaust" testimonies you DIDN'T hear!”

http://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”


-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"

https://www.ancreport.com/documentary/spinning-squirrel-how-pysch-warfare-propaganda-became-the-historical-narrative/ - “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”

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a50fcb  No.9067098



Which, by no means, CLEARS the

douchies behind the whole fraud of

a fiasco .. Right?

Countersuit for cost and damages


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586244  No.9067099



Come to think of it, the GREMLIN RULE could be applied to everything.

* Ban a Patriots social media account = 3 more are created in its place

* Put out fake news or post about POTUS, Q, patriots, freedom = 3 replies shooting it down.

The list goes on…


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fa3593  No.9067100



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29e6fb  No.9067101

File: 47d95de0484724c⋯.png (782.1 KB, 821x761, 821:761, CommandoPepe.png)




That's a legal maneuver (dropping charges).

That will immediately change the landscape of all investigations related to it, which could lead to DECLAS or indictments or even arrests.

We're here, folks.

Dunno if a brick's on the gas pedal, but the vehicle is visibly moving now.

Strap in!

Things might get bumpy!

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d11f4e  No.9067102


This confirms space is fake

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fb4f2e  No.9067103

File: 32f3758f8c74755⋯.png (96.06 KB, 633x857, 633:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 981d272b1e485ea⋯.png (99.41 KB, 639x888, 213:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a20cd16000bb899⋯.png (110.6 KB, 659x925, 659:925, ClipboardImage.png)

Just some comments. How do you waken them up ?


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f89b8f  No.9067104


Oh yeah! One for the good guys! about Fucking time!!!!

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ac377b  No.9067105

Dint get cocky Dolls, one long overdue Flynn boom does not bust the cabal..

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cd9919  No.9067106


Hey Flynnie!

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6b39e3  No.9067107


This is a BOOM!

Thank Q!

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7d4b90  No.9067108

File: 5ef3d777b5bae2d⋯.jpg (105.14 KB, 420x564, 35:47, 5ef3d777b5bae2d915b4616fe6….jpg)

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736c23  No.9067109

File: 234eca6c3689858⋯.jpeg (436.38 KB, 1713x963, 571:321, 8069AF8D_5F1A_4176_9573_C….jpeg)



Now the REAL Justice begins!!!

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20130f  No.9067110


Explain in full detail what you saw. When law enforcement arrives, explain what you saw in full detail. Law enforcement will probably ask you to give a statement. Make sure to include everything that you saw. Explain your actions during the criminal act and the citizen's arrest. Be clear about any force you had to use to arrest the suspect.

Depending on your state, transporting an individual away from the scene of the crime may constitute kidnapping or criminal confinement, regardless of whether you have lawful grounds for citizen's arrest.

Keep the detained suspect safe. Once you have detained someone, you are responsible for what happens to the person while he or she is under your control. Make sure they are not in the road, where they could be hit by a car, and make sure they are protected from onlookers who might try to attack them.

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729616  No.9067111

File: 73ee8ae93fa86c9⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 618x404, 309:202, 3xa9eh.jpg)

File: f39f537929b7ec6⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 500x597, 500:597, 3whgz8_1.jpg)

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067ac1  No.9067112

File: d9bb13805da11af⋯.png (341.42 KB, 1278x876, 213:146, DayShift.png)

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3ea42f  No.9067113

File: 92d3d87e69aa60a⋯.png (178.7 KB, 355x400, 71:80, Gen_Flynn.png)

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103d5d  No.9067114




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cd100f  No.9067115

File: 38628cb5d9ece2f⋯.jpg (504.03 KB, 3200x2128, 200:133, AFP_1M238E.jpg)



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b88cfa  No.9067116

File: f021f8e1ed0af84⋯.png (57.83 KB, 779x372, 779:372, ClipboardImage.png)

Amazon makes $10,000 per second as shoppers shelter in place

Amazon recorded sales of $75.4 billion in the first three months of the year, a first-quarter record for the ecommerce giant, as many consumers stepped up their online purchases during coronavirus-fueled lockdowns.

That translates into nearly $10,000 in sales every second, according to calculations from Christopher , portfolio manager of the J. Stern & Co. World Stars Global Equity fund.

"The numbers are frankly staggering," Rossbach said in a note.

Amazon's North America sales rose 29%, while AWS — the company's huge cloud-computing segment — increased 33%, the company said in an earnings release Thursday. At the same time, its costs of fulfilling all those customer orders jumped 34% as it hired thousands of new workers and increased pay. Amazon posted an operating profit of $3.9 billion for the quarter, a nearly 10% drop from this period last year.

The "current crisis is demonstrating the adaptability and durability of Amazon's business as never before, but it's also the hardest time we've ever faced," Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said in a statement.

Bezos said the company would spend at least $4 billion on costs related to the COVID-19 outbreak in the coming three months, outlining an increase in personal protective equipment and pay bumps for workers, more intense cleaning of warehouses, and about $300 million to develop internal coronavirus testing capabilities.


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326c19  No.9067117

File: f4920e0a74c9056⋯.png (392.99 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)







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99871d  No.9067118

File: 751c24512577a9b⋯.png (15.4 KB, 437x284, 437:284, 3693.png)


Same evidence to FREE FLYNN currently being used to INDICT others [GJ]?

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fefc98  No.9067119



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a50fcb  No.9067120


Sure looks like it.

"I'm still relevant."

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cea86a  No.9067121

File: de1433056784598⋯.jpeg (117.3 KB, 1080x735, 72:49, A697F946_095B_48E1_AEF9_A….jpeg)

File: 673afaf9b91532c⋯.jpeg (46.47 KB, 360x318, 60:53, BD977EE3_0F19_4CED_BC1E_A….jpeg)

File: 4359002d91090e8⋯.png (813.47 KB, 685x960, 137:192, 10F9AC37_B990_4EE6_AE11_11….png)

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8204ee  No.9067122

File: 7b59a27f61d388b⋯.png (574.91 KB, 801x500, 801:500, schiff_comet.png)

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f281ad  No.9067123

File: 405e67079233b97⋯.jpeg (408.18 KB, 1078x588, 11:6, A11A8354_D5B2_4992_ACD2_3….jpeg)

File: 6efd5923d979718⋯.jpeg (408.98 KB, 1251x849, 417:283, 33DEDD65_8DB6_49C0_BF4C_5….jpeg)



>>9066262 (lb)

>>9066641 (lb)

>>9066375 (lb)

True we Anons need to stay united even if we have some differences in motivation or otherwise.

A shill is not an Anon speaking in frustration.

In relation to how long I’ve been here (Day 1 and WAY before as far as defending the Constitution), things are happening quite a bit faster these last two weeks.

However, it is still freaking slow and frustrating, right?!

The legal profession is part of almost everything we are dealing with.

Lawyers everywhere.

Young lawyers pushing to be a Partner, etc.

Lawyers move at the speed of Lawyers.

>Time is a function of money and vice versa.

Q has to follow the law and go by the book.

>Inherently slow and drawn out.

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840fd5  No.9067124

File: b5eacf20669f86c⋯.png (499.2 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3E656764_D65F_4057_ADC9_E8….png)

Flynn is a free man

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81ac92  No.9067125


>NASA is excited to work with Tom Cruise

Fucking faggots gonna faggot

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3ea42f  No.9067126

File: dddc0c0b890e58a⋯.png (206.74 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Gen_Flynn2.png)

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47a725  No.9067127

File: f85bcea5c12d522⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D271D362_D7A3_49C9_9D21_2….jpeg)


5.5 marker is Durham opening CF foundation investigation. Boom 💥 Haiti and Red Cross and HRC

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79d996  No.9067128


No and no its lady justice raped but taken to the hospital

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fb94e2  No.9067129

File: fe9291145265319⋯.png (4.29 KB, 471x134, 471:134, rt43c4343.PNG)

We knew all along.



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772aae  No.9067130

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873661  No.9067131


now those that went after him should pay restitution

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3f170d  No.9067132

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20191006_155659.jpg)

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c4e20b  No.9067133

File: 13a9baf23cccb3b⋯.png (551.95 KB, 1200x707, 1200:707, ClipboardImage.png)


Amen… At last!!!!

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9d0666  No.9067134


I would have hit it, but not at my house!

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8f30a5  No.9067135

Lead prosecutor in Flynn case abruptly resigns


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cd9919  No.9067136



Holding pattern…

WRWY Patriot.


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6b39e3  No.9067137


Fuck off

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e2ef98  No.9067138

File: dc5142a4cbc54e7⋯.jpg (101.02 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, American_Flag.jpg)


…. On Independence Day!!

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fa3a62  No.9067139

File: 509606eb91d4f76⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 1480x9999, 1480:9999, ARCHIVE_Zionists_are_trait….jpg)


Zionists are always traitors.

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6675e1  No.9067140

File: bec6f7b36b7b41f⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 418x708, 209:354, Dolly_Parton.jpg)

Support will always be provided [undisclosed methods].

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5b4d7e  No.9067141

File: 668838cc9d069d3⋯.png (207.42 KB, 510x336, 85:56, Pain1.png)

File: 1baee83578f20d9⋯.jpg (237.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, knast4.jpg)


Pain for them!

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ab0b4f  No.9067142

File: 74fc68d8f80bb0b⋯.png (7.1 MB, 1903x7487, 1903:7487, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Dept Dropping Flynn's Criminal Case


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3280d1  No.9067143


Just saw this too. I had to come here 'cause I knew there was going to be a party!

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3ea42f  No.9067144

File: 09f7defc8c5f4b7⋯.png (134.98 KB, 373x383, 373:383, General_Flynn.png)

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61f762  No.9067145

File: a24363683631859⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 512x307, 512:307, unguilty.jpg)

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f5b319  No.9067146


The hardest substance known to man, the Diamond, is easily sheared off with but a single blow of a tiny jewelers hammer.

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ed100f  No.9067147

File: 6208ff50c8e7723⋯.jpg (162.88 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Obama_fucked_right_with_Xi.jpg)

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81a114  No.9067148

File: e3f2924de10c8af⋯.jpg (64.46 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bodiesBuried.jpg)



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db0059  No.9067149

File: 0c0225c7a0a65f2⋯.jpeg (363.24 KB, 828x1230, 138:205, 2548F228_6A68_40AD_AC8B_4….jpeg)

Patriots protect Patriots


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080930  No.9067150

File: 4b15dd1a9eace8a⋯.png (248.91 KB, 376x679, 376:679, aPepeF4.png)

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ea6f10  No.9067151

File: fd1719bc85a9db3⋯.png (847.56 KB, 843x552, 281:184, Flynn_Stand_By_Copy.png)

Thank you Lord!

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f0f51b  No.9067152


He just wants to get closer to his god, Xenu.

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17bc2d  No.9067153

File: 9f8151f3c358308⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 666x485, 666:485, Flynn.jpg)

File: 73f81ed507dfccd⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 789x459, 263:153, Fkd.jpg)

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71da65  No.9067154

File: e4547730eab1012⋯.jpg (16.15 KB, 255x228, 85:76, e4547730eab101279c54574999….jpg)


Maybe by the end of the day it will be case dismissed

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04169a  No.9067155



Many anons don't look ready to me, let alone the world

I could be wrong

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2f5f46  No.9067156

File: 8760e6debaf64a4⋯.png (834.71 KB, 950x527, 950:527, 8760e6debaf64a464309bcc673….png)




We sure did kek.

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d099f7  No.9067157


be sure to wear you brigham young shirt or magic underwear to the job interview.

mormons hire mormons.

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1aeda4  No.9067158

File: d57207a19f79b70⋯.png (214.7 KB, 519x501, 173:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Fitton


Justice! @GenFlynn



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5dad28  No.9067159


Another great one, anon.

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a28bb9  No.9067160

File: 11ac666d7a164b5⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 11ac666d7a164b50220ebe890a….jpg)

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79d996  No.9067161

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50c491  No.9067162




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9c131e  No.9067163


Thursday 05.07.2020

>>9066831 ————————————–——– LET FREEDOM RING! (Cap: >>9066842, >>9066845)

>>9066947 Potus w/caps

>>9066854 Archive Update "Combat Fatigue"Edition

>>9066845 Q cap

>>9066805 Ex interior minister of Austria denounces COVID manipulation, media scare tactics, and calls out to government to : “Wake up and take action”

>>9066798, >>9066824 bridge the gap

>>9066786 Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Issues New Title IX Rules To Protect Free Speech, Due Process for Accused Students

>>9066756 No Thanks: Trump White House Shelves CDC Guidelines for Reopening Economy and Public Places

>>9066749, >>9066825 BOOM FUCKING BOOM ANONS! DOJ dropping case against Flynn!

>>9066734 Trump Admin Wins in Appeals Court, Preventing Release of 250 ICE Detainees

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3b5593  No.9067164

my hand hurts

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3ea42f  No.9067165

File: 7766d00b698916f⋯.jpg (366.53 KB, 800x473, 800:473, thanks_god.jpg)

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f564ba  No.9067166

File: d334c38bdb6197d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1285x1322, 1285:1322, FlynnExonerated.png)

Like, as in right this second 'soon'??




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f3181f  No.9067167



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cea86a  No.9067168

File: 1b37f0e52f6e7f9⋯.png (409.71 KB, 550x550, 1:1, EB58EA56_2752_4DCE_A0D4_E0….png)

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b643a2  No.9067169

now the pendulum swings …

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fdba59  No.9067170



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d40535  No.9067171

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729616  No.9067172

File: bdff5b587b094f5⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 653x286, 653:286, downloadfile_130.jpg)

File: f83588368f4e423⋯.jpg (130.53 KB, 595x329, 85:47, downloadfile_128.jpg)

File: 99ec0046a60287b⋯.jpg (3.05 KB, 127x128, 127:128, downloadfile_79.jpg)

Hussein's entire life is a fraud.

Never did his real birth certificate.

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3be030  No.9067173


God bless you General Flynn I know that you've been through hell and I know you read this board. It's about time you've been exonerated

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b53a3f  No.9067174

File: 9cc03eef60dc5be⋯.jpeg (22.78 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, 1530902575.jpeg)

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23ca26  No.9067175

Trump would not appoint a Fauci if he would be free in his decisions. He just follows orders.

Obama was horrible but he did not lock down the country in 2009 like Trump now in order to set up a communism world order.

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8642c6  No.9067176

File: 1fbc3b41dafcfd1⋯.png (274.58 KB, 529x560, 529:560, Wittes_re_Flynn_MSM_Meltdo….PNG)

MSM // EOTP Already in Meldown Mode

Benjamin Wittes


An unbelievable betrayal of the prosecutorial equities of the United States. I will have a lot more to say about this as soon as the filing is available.


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eb2cd2  No.9067177


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6532b9  No.9067178


New Movie…. "Flynn's Revenge"

Coming to a Theatre near You!!

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945bb0  No.9067179

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 1497021851029flag.png)




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32541e  No.9067180


Tell him to reread his own EO about declassification not being abrogated because of embarrasing circumstances

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eed9c5  No.9067181

File: 9aa16aeafe86752⋯.png (123.08 KB, 532x545, 532:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c95186be9cb1426⋯.png (101.33 KB, 795x839, 795:839, ClipboardImage.png)


==NEW - the Motion to Dismiss the charges against General Flynn

"based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice."==

2:40 PM · May 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

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4b64ba  No.9067182

Your average American doesn't even know who Flynn is.

Probably less than 5% understand the significance of this news.

It's something…..but not a PCE.

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25a3a0  No.9067183


done in 30 was thirty months?

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1b2dac  No.9067184


Praise the Lord.

God Bless Gen Flynn x

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ab0b4f  No.9067185

File: fb40fa7284df568⋯.png (95.91 KB, 1903x1369, 1903:1369, ClipboardImage.png)

President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominee

Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate:

Toby Crouse, of Kansas, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the District of Kansas.

Toby Crouse currently serves as the Solicitor General for the State of Kansas. Prior to his appointment as Solicitor General, Mr. Crouse was a Partner in the Kansas law firm of Foulston Siefkin, LLP, where he represented clients in trial and appellate courts. Upon graduation from law school, Mr. Crouse served as a law clerk to Judge Mary Beck Briscoe on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and Judge Monti L. Belot on the United States District Court for the District of Kansas. Mr. Crouse earned his B.A. from Kansas State University and his J.D. from the University of Kansas School of Law, where he was inducted into the Order of the Coif, and served as Articles Editor on the University of Kansas Law Review.


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83d0af  No.9067186

File: cf9fcc8fc907a5b⋯.png (430.95 KB, 598x598, 1:1, 1584704538400.png)

If this entire day isn't a massive Q proof I don't know what it is.

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920194  No.9067187

File: fbce41db6c7861c⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1656x855, 184:95, 890769321614378.png)

A writ of qui tam or the arrest of Martin H. Nesbitt for defrauding the government would start a domino effect…

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287060  No.9067188

File: a2f14f3f595cc11⋯.png (397.32 KB, 680x418, 340:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f5ad9  No.9067189

CNN fake news covering Flynn. This should be good…

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61f762  No.9067190

File: 0d8a5e640971725⋯.jpg (56.62 KB, 634x549, 634:549, Im_back.jpg)

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7a8829  No.9067191

File: e026c179d52fd23⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2A1CC51E_FE14_4A3A_BCF0_55….png)

Hilldawg be pissed about Flynn


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9d0666  No.9067192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's an innocent man!

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c3cca3  No.9067193


>1 of the Himmmmmmms on CDAN says those puppies are

Topless at Hef's pool and in the not so secret archives.

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7d4b90  No.9067195


make it painful to cull them, also.

This has already started to happen in qr.

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18a159  No.9067196



Do it Q!

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b88cfa  No.9067197

File: c225fbac0d5c129⋯.png (111.36 KB, 789x905, 789:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecc140324eb610e⋯.png (106 KB, 754x893, 754:893, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b646a1ee04c84d⋯.png (18.33 KB, 732x146, 366:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8323b746bcf8eef⋯.png (697.42 KB, 785x438, 785:438, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release

The Justice Department on Thursday dropped its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.

The announcement came in a court filing, with the department saying it is dropping the case "after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information."

The documents were first obtained by The Associated Press. DOJ sources confirmed the decision to Fox News.

The retired Army lieutenant general for months has been trying to withdraw his plea, aided by a new attorney who has aggressively challenged the prosecution’s case and conduct. But the case has been plodding through the court system with no resolution ever since his original plea, even amid speculation about whether President Trump himself could extend a pardon.

The DOJ decision would appear to put an end to that process.

Earlier Thursday, the top prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, abruptly withdrew from the case, without explanation, in a brief filing with the court.

Breadcrumbs were being dropped in the days preceding the decision that his case could be reconsidered. Documents unsealed a week ago by the Justice Department revealed agents discussed their motivations for interviewing him in the Russia probe—questioning whether they wanted to“get him to lie” so he'd be fired or prosecuted, or get him to admit wrongdoing. Flynn allies howled over the revelations, arguing that he was essentially set up in a perjury trap. In that interview, Flynn did not admit wrongdoing and instead was accused of lying about his contacts with the then-Russian ambassador – to which he pleaded guilty.

Then on Wednesday, the DOJ released a mostly unredacted version of former acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s August 2017 “scope memo,” outlining the authority then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller had for his investigation. That document revealed for the first time that Mueller’s authority went significantly beyond what was previously known.

Rosenstein’s memo was known to have authorized Mueller to probe “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation,” and “any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws].”

But the new document made clear that Rosenstein authorized a deep-dive criminal probe into the Trump campaign that extended well beyond Russian interference efforts.

The memo revealed that Mueller was, among other things, looking into whether Flynn “committed a crime or crimes by engaging in conversations with Russian government officials during the period of the Trump transition.”

That was an apparent reference to the Logan Act, which is an obscure statute that has never been successfully used in a criminal prosecution and was intended to prevent individuals from falsely claiming to represent the United States government abroad.


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cd100f  No.9067198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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103d5d  No.9067199

File: 6666f9f8aad98fe⋯.png (149.57 KB, 1340x758, 670:379, Screen_Shot_05_07_20_at_07….PNG)



End of Russiagate? DOJ reportedly drops case against Trump adviser Flynn that started ‘witch hunt’

7 May, 2020 18:35 / Updated 6 minutes ago


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7fd1a7  No.9067200


REEEEEEEEEEEEvolution my nigga

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158192  No.9067201

File: ace855eec3a8368⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 636x340, 159:85, 15220196_10155191168451686….jpg)

God bless you wonderful faggots, and Q (who is not a faggot, but no less wonderful)

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e73c15  No.9067202

File: 140181f14ae171b⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Barr_boom.jpg)

File: fa251d9db0d1eee⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Barr_if_they_hang.jpg)

File: 1448977b446ac76⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 508x354, 254:177, Barr_Justice.JPG)

File: cb0dee7af4510a1⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 960x933, 320:311, Barr_says_they_need_to_law….jpg)

File: fec2508cdc8b715⋯.jpg (9.14 KB, 255x146, 255:146, Barr_shut_the_fuck_down.jpg)

A.G Barr has been busssssyyyyyyy!!!!

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38c55e  No.9067203

File: 578d5de237fee17⋯.png (25.97 KB, 561x235, 561:235, GEN_FLYNN_HILLARY_S_AMERIC….png)

File: 6f77291f181c28a⋯.jpg (457.15 KB, 1900x992, 475:248, RI_GEN_FLYNN.JPG)

File: 5b1da2f53c58613⋯.jpg (140.32 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, Gen_Flynn_2_.jpg)


Free Flyn

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360c58  No.9067204


IIRC this will be the 10th time Q has posted this flag, with different filenames.


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ef69dd  No.9067205


Oh Hallelujah! Let Justice Flow Like A River! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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ea6f10  No.9067206

File: 7f7b7d7ae7f734f⋯.jpg (241.13 KB, 888x927, 296:309, Flynn_Brother.jpg)

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