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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ##QR.jpg)

887f5c  No.5985796

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5949454 rt >>5949296 ————————— Eyes on

>>5948880 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5949933)

>>5948854 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5949897)

>>5948778 ————————————–——– PATRIOTS UNITED (Cap: >>5948823)

>>5948737 ————————————–——– MAKE CA GREAT AGAIN! (Cap: >>5948770)

>>5948706 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap >>5949560)

>>5948690 ————————————–——– HONOR & RESPECT! (Cap: >>5949472)

>>5948656 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5949408)

>>5948641 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5981967)

>>5948625 ————————————–——– WE ARE UNITED IN THIS FIGHT! (Cap: >>5948663)

>>5948590 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap >>5949251)

>>5948569 ————————————–——– YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN (Cap: >>5949373)

>>5948511 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5948542)

>>5948479 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>5950392)

>>5948441 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>5950409)

>>5948406 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5950428)

>>5948387 ————————————–——– SHEEP NO MORE (Cap: >>5950442)

>>5948334 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5950855)

>>5948315 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5948610)

>>5948229 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5949126)

>>5948195 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5950899)

>>5948159 ————————————–——– Listed up-to-date? (Cap: >>5948233)

>>5948102 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5948284)

>>5948084 ————————————–——– [THEY] wanted you silenced (Cap: >>5948232)

>>5948009 ————————————–——– Fast & Furious (Cap: >>5948165)

>>5947941 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5948042)

>>5947913 ————————————–——– Flags out? (Cap: >>5947996)

>>5947846 ————————————–——– Millions of Patriots WW! (Cap: >>5947908)

>>5947752 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5950923)

Compilation of Bread #7606 Q Rally Posts >>5947585

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

887f5c  No.5985800

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images


are not endorsements


>>5985641 Interdasting Loop Capital newsletter

>>5985611 More digs on the MAGA Coalition

>>5985336 , >>5985570 10 days of darkness, Ridley Scott and Scott Free Productions

>>5985501 Jeanine Pirro Returns, Calls for Trump’s Accusers to Face ‘Behind the Bars Justice’

>>5985351 , >>5985387, >>5985190 Biden, Kerry, their sons and Ukraine gas company. Dig call

>>5985378 Americans Can't Afford To Buy A Home In 70% Of The Country

>>5985375 Besides post #2776, here are the other mentions of CLAS 1-99

>>5985302 , >>5985443, >>5985459 RBG sighting? Eyes on

>>5985266 , >>5985702 Beto: Imigrants make the country safer

>>5985178 , >>5985629 Dig on Titanuim Law Group PLLC

>>5985151 , >>5985260 Cindy McCain is in Ukraine. Elections tommorow

>>5985106 Off-duty Cook County sheriff’s deputy killed in Chicago Ridge crash

>>5985097 Judge: Trump's order to open Arctic & Atlantic waters to drilling unlawful

>>5985786 #7655


>>5984964 Papadopoulos, Caputo feeling vindicated after Mueller report

>>5984809 Loop Capital, Exelon, Atomstroyexport, Rosatom, Bushehr -> Iran

>>5984762 Zuckerberg: FB should be regulated

>>5984733 More on SPLC's racist/sexist culture problem

>>5984714 Possible tunnel entrance below temple, Epstein Island

>>5984630 , >>5984899 Jeff Flake, John McCain, David Stringer = The Sierra Club

>>5984618, >>5984673, >>5984512 Brian Hassine, MAGA Coalition major donor: Dig call

>>5984566 Jeff Kwatinetz (king pin) connections

>>5984526 , >>5984716 Sidney Dillard, partner and head of CIB, Loop Capital

>>5984539 PapaD weighs in on FISA and Hussein/HRC tweet (note below)

>>5984522 Solomon: Time To Question Obama And Clinton About FISA Warrant

>>5984344 FISA Court rumor confirmed by JW: FISA granted w/o hearing

>>5984404 Bezos' security chief: Saudis gained access to Bezos' phone

>>5984359 , >>5984493 More MAGA Coalition digs

>>5984289 #MyWhitePrivilege trending US No1 on twitter

>>5985020 #7654


>>5983998 , >>5984000 DJTJr Confirms: "Any reporter who tries (to attack Trump)"

>>5983949 , >>5983978 Missed 1 year delta / confirmation?

>>5983934 More on the MAGA Coalition

>>5983897 Sheryl Sandberg's statement on NZ and 'hate speech'

>>5983839 New PapaD tweet

>>5983718 Dig on Ginger McQueen, treasurer for the Maga Coalition

>>5983674 Dig on the crisis actor gig ad in Georgia and the Guardian Center

>>5983625 Anon: Q Research is FAR MORE Than it Seems (Part 1 pb: >>5982802)

>>5983588 New find: Child Crimes FBI Agent brought in early in Smollett case

>>5983581 'Out of Syria First’: Moscow Reacts to Trump’s Demand to Leave Venezuela

>>5983578 College scandal digs and dig call (possible NP connection)

>>5983539 , >>5983696 Helicopter crashes in NY's Orange County

>>5984950 #7653

Previously Collected Notables

>>5981983 #7650, >>5982690 #7651, >>5983469 #7652

>>5979632 #7647, >>5980380 #7648, >>5981156 #7649

>>5977311 #7644, >>5978091 #7645, >>5978859 #7646

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

887f5c  No.5985805

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>5443913 Australia

>>4554541 Brazil

>>5514044 Canada

>>4237797 France

>>5797874 Germany

>>5313285 India

>>5794762 Netherlands

>>5890171 New Zealand

>>5290557 Nordic

>>5568222 Northern Ireland and Ireland

>>4924411 South Africa

>>5710194 Spain

>>5936409 UK

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


887f5c  No.5985810

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

* 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

887f5c  No.5985818

File: 8a0c5729f98f57b⋯.jpg (384.97 KB, 750x1022, 375:511, 8a0c5729f98f57bfdb6f814b81….jpg)

#7656 Dough


7e59bd  No.5985819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


7e59bd  No.5985821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


7e59bd  No.5985826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

1b8d35  No.5985827

File: 6fb7a8cc91922e6⋯.png (1013.42 KB, 1375x1062, 1375:1062, AEGAP.png)

6c5637  No.5985835

File: 5a1cbbeba2cce17⋯.jpg (238.28 KB, 1012x525, 1012:525, HRCtakes DC.jpg)

File: f07f6b55e7c8579⋯.png (177.24 KB, 1012x669, 1012:669, MalcomX2.png)

File: 69ee7976a48c336⋯.jpg (130.59 KB, 758x512, 379:256, Vplan.jpg)

File: f2c4dca0fb55d2c⋯.jpg (167.92 KB, 621x836, 621:836, wakeupamericaredpilldeclas.jpg)

File: 43a49b5336622ab⋯.jpg (202.22 KB, 620x832, 155:208, wakeupamericatreasontrials….jpg)

7e59bd  No.5985841

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

da46e3  No.5985845

File: adc4d05a6e7bfbd⋯.jpeg (77.04 KB, 474x433, 474:433, image.jpeg)


TY baker

7e59bd  No.5985852

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)







https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

e17487  No.5985855

File: 69098a808f4ef12⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1169x1377, 1169:1377, 2CC268A3-E56E-4961-9028-9….jpeg)

File: 320318b45c9b52d⋯.jpeg (976.89 KB, 1242x1463, 1242:1463, 208E27D4-C80C-41FF-BFAE-7….jpeg)

1a2028  No.5985870


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are countless millions devoted to shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others.

The NOTABLES section will best help you cut through some of the chaos and noise. Notables aren’t endorsements. Discern for yourself.

This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they get paid to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can prevent something like this, when anyone can post anonymously, is a huge leap. We are busy with current events and research and filter them or ignore it. This isn’t one of your safe spaces, so if you can’t discern the difference, you shouldn’t be here.

If it is hate based, it is paid / fake

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives.

We are not QAnon

QAnon posts are entirely independent of our research around them. For casual observers, the notables are the primary thing to pay attention to, especially when shaping your opinion. Sometimes we get it wrong and our interpretations shouldn’t be attributed to QAnon.

When you see something that’s outrageous or fitting these “narratives”:

You must first understand this is open to anyone, anywhere. Posts are made to try and attribute the most outlandish and unrelated things to our work. The most common are hateful towards a given group or wild or bizarre claims that we call “slides” where it’s intended to distract from major news, Q drops or findings. These are entirely planted, and users are paid to do so. There has even been evidence of “journalists” making such posts themselves for a story, as nothing prevents this. This is intended to support the fake mews narrative that we are loons etc and discourage others from joining us. Everyone knows the Chan’s are the wild west of the internet, so it’s VERY disingenuous to label QAnon based on what is seen here at a glance.

The ruse is easy to spot:

Their “narratives” are never in notables.They don’t contribute to any meaningful discussion, regardless of the gravity of the news. They also never say anything good about Trump or Q, or show any excitement with good news. They have much higher post counts, usually well over 15. This is viewed as disrespectful to other anons, as there are limits on each thread to the number of replies. This is especially rude when their posts are repeated between threads that could easily be compressed into one post (by linking to prior posts as a courtesy.)

Use this tool to help spot this deception:

http://qresear.ch and type the exact text of a given subject and you will see it posted thousands of times. We aren’t idiots and don’t repeat a topic 24x7. Those that do, are more concerned with first impressions from any newcomers and are willing to post the same propaganda 24x7.

We encourage you to filter these users and to look at the work in correlation to Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)

ebed6b  No.5985871

How much we have changed over the past year


One of my fav moments. Wonder if that guy is still around. Or if that "fake Q" was fake at all. Memory haze.

961bde  No.5985873

File: 64290d48b05122c⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 900x797, 900:797, 55680204_2311833032201066_….jpg)

3acdd0  No.5985874

File: db87a91fd65f695⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 810x482, 405:241, Ferris.jpg)

Night shift rules. Trust THE PLAN. WWG1WGA!!!!

a22faa  No.5985877

File: 87b7a0dcf6cb220⋯.jpeg (29.16 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 1553883276.jpeg)

049c75  No.5985878


BO, how the hell does this drivel always seem to be at the top of every bread?

7e59bd  No.5985879

File: 784c1f86ae3db2b⋯.jpg (864.04 KB, 1812x852, 151:71, 00.jpg)

File: f6439f2daf3030c⋯.jpeg (176.04 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, weareQ.jpeg)



>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon


>We are not QAnon

17b32e  No.5985885

Hollyweird is starting to gobble itself up:


'It's chickens**t tokenism:' Bill Maher slams George Clooney's call for a boycott of hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei after nation announced it would stone to death any Muslims engaging in gay sex

Real Time host Bill Maher blasted George Clooney's call for a boycott of hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei as 'chicken s**t tokenism.'

Show panelist S.E. Cupp criticized Clooney' stance and called him 'hypocritical'

George Clooney condemned Brunei's cruel anti-gay laws in an opinion piece

The actor called on the public to boycott Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's nine hotels

Hotels include: The Beverly Hills Hotel, The Hotel Bel-Air, The Dorchester in London, Hotel Eden in Rome, Le Meurice in Paris and Coworth Park in the UK

Clooney's piece was written in response to Brunei's strict Sharia law that would see any Muslims engaging in gay sex be stoned to death beginning April 3

ebed6b  No.5985889



66fb58  No.5985892

File: a53be56493e5c77⋯.jpeg (9.97 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pepsuspicious.jpeg)

Lawfag here to summarize the AK case where POTUS EO allowing drilling was over turned.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Congress has power over all federal lands under Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 of the Constitution: "The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States…"

With this power Congress passed the "Outer Continental Shore Lines Act" of 1954. At issue in this case is the meaning of Section 12(a) of OCSLA: “The President of the United States may, from time to time, withdraw from disposition any of the unleased lands of the outer Continental Shelf.”

The party seeking to REVERSE what POTUS did argued that this text only authorizes a President to withdraw lands from disposition; it does not authorize a President to revoke a prior withdrawal and thus that power remains vested solely with Congress

POTUS lawyers countered by arguing that the section does not limit the President’s authority in any way, other than to clarify that lands must be unleased in order to be withdrawn and that the phrases “may . . . withdraw” amd that action that ‘may’ be taken ‘from time to time’—carries with it the implied power to revise action previously taken under the delegated authority.


The text of Section 12(a) refers only to the withdrawal of lands; it does not expressly authorize the President to revoke a prior withdrawal. Congress appears to have expressed one concept—withdrawal—and excluded the converse— revocation.

However, the statute’s inclusion of the phrase “from time to time” renders the text of Section 12(a) ambiguous (AND SO COULD BE READ EITHER WAY)

HOW TO RESOLVE AMBIGUITY? COURT STATED: "In light of the ambiguity created by this aspect of Section 12(a)’s text, the Court will look to the context of the statute in an effort to discern the intent of Congress." (THIS IS NORMAL PRACTICE)

The Court went on to conclude that Congress did not intend to grant POTUS authority to REVOKE a prior REMOVAL - the arguments are not easy to summarize but IMO the Court got it right

Bottom line in simple terms - in other laws Congress granted POTUS power to remove and to revoke various actions - so the Court reasoanbly concluded if Congress had intended that in this case it could and would and should have done so.

So in any event it does not appear to be fuckery or anything outrageous - its just a quirk in the law. If you want to read it:


809c7a  No.5985893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker!!!

546dfe  No.5985894

File: aa9f8f4f00ca61d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 962x643, 962:643, 3A26ACA000000578-3914350-C….jpg)

Comey and his wife, Patrice (right)

7e59bd  No.5985895

File: 4d2c665e1333bec⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 154x151, 154:151, listen.jpg)


>BO, how the hell does this drivel always seem to be at the top of every bread?

70a890  No.5985896

File: 7f1d081d93cb7e6⋯.jpg (213.41 KB, 2048x1229, 2048:1229, ticktockdeepstatedown.jpg)

f7406e  No.5985897

File: 981f5d162ef5953⋯.jpeg (627.35 KB, 640x1720, 16:43, 1467DD2E-C0BB-401D-A1E9-E….jpeg)

File: 79f694ef842e94a⋯.jpeg (600.95 KB, 663x1718, 663:1718, 57649100-CF90-4BCD-8891-3….jpeg)

File: fb081a720688b11⋯.jpeg (782.74 KB, 611x1569, 611:1569, 0E2E4D79-2EBF-48E2-A241-8….jpeg)

>>5985592 (/pb)




I didn’t realize the bread has been archived. The following is what was posted.

Mornin’ frenz, decided to search #QNN hashtag on twatter and scroll, as far as I could go, or shall I say, as far as twatter would allow…and I still haven’t hit the beginning.

I’m currently holding at July of 2018. But, this is not the basis of this post. I came across an article that I had no idea happened. I cannot recall hearing any major, or reporting from msm.

Britain test files a trident D5 missile off the coast of Florida and it ‘accidentally’ turns toward the US.

I question that this was not an ‘accident’ for this reason. It happened on June 20th, 2016 and was first reported January 22nd 2017. 2 days after DJT’s inauguration…like a said no major news, no 24/7 coverage…would that have been different had shill been elected? Was it part of the 16 year plan? Or was it simply an accident?

Either way, accident or not, I thought it should be in the bread for archiving purposes.



ee900b  No.5985898

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

9382f7  No.5985899

File: d23c3b7781fcbf0⋯.jpg (129.72 KB, 1272x1144, 159:143, fartontoast.JPG)

lol this guy just cannot give it up

he absolutely hates Q because Q followers are redpilled on the JQ and see right through his bullshit.


a90381  No.5985900

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)

0ad6a3  No.5985902

File: 54c6274a230cdcf⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 430x242, 215:121, projectthor.jpg)

Bring the Pain

3c480a  No.5985903

File: 03604cc8f037408⋯.jpg (116.01 KB, 288x360, 4:5, funkn.jpg)

94f290  No.5985904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh em Eff GGGG

This has aged VERY WELL

a90381  No.5985905

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, you.png)

6a1654  No.5985906


4dbc6e  No.5985907

Time is the school in which we learn,

Time is the fire in which we burn.

d2f39a  No.5985908

File: c74ab211aa3f561⋯.png (419.38 KB, 553x514, 553:514, RIP_RBG_lil_fighter.png)

f6086c  No.5985909

File: fe91b94aa2ca31f⋯.png (352.4 KB, 527x638, 527:638, A6A6EF5D-A12A-4EE2-A4F3-67….png)

File: 1e81f0a0a573054⋯.jpeg (384.76 KB, 834x2972, 417:1486, 92B232F9-C809-4C75-B878-3….jpeg)

File: 996611b11a553fe⋯.jpeg (130.12 KB, 1022x667, 1022:667, 99648CCE-1EB6-4CFF-A65F-E….jpeg)

File: 1df5dd30fa2ac24⋯.jpeg (60.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A58D6B22-3180-4CBB-8EDE-2….jpeg)

File: 663e0ea2b06db63⋯.jpeg (56.88 KB, 512x330, 256:165, 81E2EBA5-3788-4F86-90D2-5….jpeg)

f31a06  No.5985910


gross, almost felt sorry for the redwood dickhole… nope, that was gas!

447a51  No.5985911

File: c5561c428a94f0a⋯.png (266.86 KB, 787x1314, 787:1314, 1.png)

File: 9d9890ded97ddb0⋯.png (442.08 KB, 685x1227, 685:1227, 2.png)

File: 5992295cf9f5f0a⋯.png (258.46 KB, 651x1262, 651:1262, 3.png)

File: 9c708eefd1c6dbb⋯.png (166.74 KB, 622x854, 311:427, 4.png)



99f348  No.5985913

File: dc15d407100528c⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 346x361, 346:361, Mueller.jpg)

Mueller Never Had a Good-Faith Basis to Pursue President Trump

The fizzling out of the corrupt Mueller investigation is great victory for the rule of law and our constitutional republic. Here is the statement I issued in response Attorney General Barr’s initial summary of the special counsel’s report.

The long, national nightmare is over and President Trump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and constitutionally abusive Mueller investigation failed to find any evidence to support the big lie that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.

We’re pleased that AG Barr rejected Mueller’s attempt to smear President Trump with obstruction of justice innuendo by concluding that no such charges could be credibly sustained. Frankly, Mueller never had a valid basis upon which to investigate President Trump for obstruction of justice.

Let’s be clear, neither Mueller, the Obama FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, nor the Deep State ever had a good-faith basis to pursue President Trump on Russia collusion. Russia collusion wasn’t just a hoax, it was criminal abuse, which is why Judicial Watch has fought and will continue to fight for Russiagate documents in federal court.

The targeting of President Trump served to protect Hillary Clinton and her enablers/co-conspirators in Obama administration from prosecution. Attorney General Barr can begin restoring the credibility of the Justice Department by finally initiating a thorough investigation of the Clinton emails and related pay-to-play scandals and the abuses behind the targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch has long called for the shutdown of the Mueller special counsel operation and has pursued dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits in connection with the illicit targeting and other abuses of President Trump. Judicial Watch FOIA litigation exposed, for example:

The dossier-based Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications targeting President Trump

FBI payments to Christopher Steele

FBI firing of Steele

Extensive DOJ (Ohr) collusion w/Steele, Simpson, Fusion GPS

No court hearings by defrauded FISA courts before warrants were issued

Anti-Trump bias by Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann

As you would expect, the Democrats are refusing to back down from their collusion lies. As I told the media this week, we must demand accountability for this attack on the Republic. Judicial Watch, not Congress nor the corrupt media, remains the best path forward for getting the full truth about the effort to overthrow President Trump, which is the worst corruption scandal in American history.


06bee7  No.5985914

>>5985872 (LB)

Repost from end of LB. Can't believe I randomly hit it twice. KEK WILLS IT!

ef621f  No.5985915

File: 4947335d56f8b8f⋯.png (203.47 KB, 329x308, 47:44, rbggloves.PNG)

File: 49bd7b66782ebd1⋯.png (497.43 KB, 688x404, 172:101, rbggloves 2.PNG)

what is with RBG gloves?

97f824  No.5985916

File: b80cd8c40b5f7af⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 169x255, 169:255, Pepe Boner.jpeg)



>>5985888 lb

chek'd and hope you had a wife or secretary!

ef621f  No.5985917


and is he wearing the same embroidered coat?

cf847f  No.5985918

File: f9507e42737387a⋯.gif (5.02 MB, 600x338, 300:169, E7DA062D-D562-48C8-8C7B-38….gif)

File: 2c5dfb543026371⋯.jpeg (201.38 KB, 962x641, 962:641, A7161123-CC0F-431B-916D-1….jpeg)

File: 20bd2b8939a6884⋯.jpeg (553 KB, 1804x1800, 451:450, 56CF6ACC-EE27-4F50-A9E7-3….jpeg)


From LB


Redhead anon with QNN news here. I have some questions, if you don't mind:

1. What's the average age of your attendees?

2. What's the average weight of your attendees?

3. Will you be performing this ritual naked?

4. Is the Kitten Toots?

1276d7  No.5985919

File: c1072a4952052c1⋯.png (321.15 KB, 1569x1657, 1569:1657, fed.png)

File: 7ab013db0fd75b1⋯.png (81.88 KB, 889x622, 889:622, fqd.png)

future disproves past? disinformation is necessary?


> Kudlow said there was no 'emergency' prompting demand but

> concerns have surfaced about ((('yield curve' indicator)))

> suggesting a recession coming next year

Smells like BS, I'm waiting for the GOLD

faa0a5  No.5985920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So Las Vegas was a Saudi Arabian internal conflict/terrorist act? Is the case closed or open still or national security shuttered?

546dfe  No.5985921

File: e51bf4ef351f864⋯.png (730.44 KB, 776x579, 776:579, Screenshot 2019-03-30_22-2….png)

A photo including members of the Comey family. (Facebook/Claire Comey)

33a032  No.5985922


They may be bruised from IV needles. Just one theory.

049c75  No.5985923


As a vet nuke warrior, I find it highly implausible that it was accidental.

fbe4b5  No.5985924

File: 16fe8af325fe6a4⋯.jpeg (68.98 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 648C0BE5-3D48-45FB-8B54-C….jpeg)

ee900b  No.5985925



Shill bots, and they even talk to each other

52b170  No.5985926

File: a47a22bde1c3626⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1260x840, 3:2, NightFlight.png)

>>5985780 (lb)

Thank you team POTUS

37f660  No.5985927


im just gonna listen to the whole album now

fuck it

809c7a  No.5985928

File: 62d9599117ef9a6⋯.png (261.52 KB, 607x480, 607:480, 62d9599117ef9a6c9d66ec6bca….png)


The envy is real!

f6086c  No.5985929

File: 0b663356e1fef1c⋯.jpeg (55 KB, 620x412, 155:103, 80387807-503B-44F0-A8C8-1….jpeg)

9c570b  No.5985930


Dude where the fuck Hahahah


6a1654  No.5985931



49f93a  No.5985932



0ad6a3  No.5985933



4713aa  No.5985934


Clone hands malformed, must hide with evil villain gloves 🧤

c0290e  No.5985935


>>5985501 Jeanine Pirro Returns, Calls for Trump’s Accusers to Face ‘Behind the Bars Justice’

Honorable Judge Pirro:

You spelled "Face the lethal injection Justice" wrong.

Thank you for being vocal for MAGA.

94293c  No.5985936

File: a2f36ec7b2845fd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, OnDeck.png)

Tonight seems weird.

Anyone else agree?

da11f1  No.5985937


Dig on specific individuals and present your case if it's related to Q research.

f2a82c  No.5985938


thx for breaking that down, lawfag

da46e3  No.5985939


Makes it easier to skip over and get to the good stuff!

4e722b  No.5985940


They sit and wait to get at the top of every bread to discourage any newbie lurkers from taking any of this seriously.

Probably paid shills or bots.

99f348  No.5985941

File: e1871829888bb4d⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 552x519, 184:173, e1871829888bb4da9ebf6b0c57….jpg)

a4cc5c  No.5985942



049c75  No.5985943


He should hang for treason.

b9c4a4  No.5985944


I already answered those.

1. 54

2. 450lb

3. Yes.

4. Yes.

693dd3  No.5985945


D5?! Was this a test run for WWIII? Good find, anon.

ef621f  No.5985946


>Mueller Never Had a Good-Faith Basis to Pursue President Trump


a2dd05  No.5985947


Q said…silence will not last forever. Looking forward to the truth on this anon!

0c134a  No.5985948

File: 61d8d1cd6798d6f⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Night shift SR-71.jpg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, A6_Intruder_Vietnam_Q.jpg)


Awesome Job Baker !

Semper Fidelis

f31a06  No.5985949


dozens literally dozens

fe99a0  No.5985950


At that age, all subcutaneous fat is diminished so heat retention is more difficult.

1276d7  No.5985951


that is an awesome photo, saved

ff7de6  No.5985952


shit floats

ef621f  No.5985953


what is the white in her left hand? kleenex?

her arms look different lengths

97f824  No.5985954

File: 59aec80680c5f05⋯.jpeg (7.95 KB, 195x255, 13:17, this nigga.jpeg)

>>5985892 Lawfag Summary re: POTUS exec order allowing drilling


342fd1  No.5985955

File: 074f8bbcd9ea655⋯.png (523.8 KB, 892x556, 223:139, nightshiftL.PNG)

6a1654  No.5985956




da46e3  No.5985957


Gotta be da bots

74595c  No.5985958


Navy? Boat?

0bcdaa  No.5985959

File: 31099168d3f655d⋯.png (202.13 KB, 591x455, 591:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5624d2f2ef2e754⋯.png (1005.01 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9af1a5ead953900⋯.png (642.22 KB, 905x1199, 905:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e201d809eef8dc⋯.png (736.92 KB, 595x595, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Baker, Notable from LB!


Maurene Comey Assistant US Attorney at SDNY

She worked under Preet!

cf847f  No.5985960

File: fd35b4dabce1258⋯.gif (332.8 KB, 1000x753, 1000:753, 5D87168B-E9AE-4E99-954B-EE….gif)

960e5e  No.5985961


gotta love a good gazebo

3c480a  No.5985962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they had to kick him out of the band

b57522  No.5985963

File: cb6d94b36c71cee⋯.png (163.1 KB, 654x620, 327:310, ClipboardImage.png)

5e7825  No.5985964


The man accused of the Christchurch mosque attacks has lodged a formal complaint in prison, saying he has been deprived of his basic rights.

A Corrections source said the prisoner complained he was being denied access to visitors and phone calls from his cell at the Auckland Prison at Paremoremo.

Under the Corrections Act, everyone in custody is entitled to exercise, bedding, a proper diet, one private visitor a week, a legal adviser, medical treatment, healthcare, mail, and telephone calls.

But there are exceptions. Entitlements can be withheld for various reasons including being segregated or in protective custody, health and safety, and because it's not practicable.

Among Corrections staff concerns, said the source, is if he is found guilty and sentenced to a lengthy prison term and his security classification drops on account of good behaviour: "There is nothing we can do about it, that's our system."

The accused is expected to stay in Auckland during the pre-trial process and appear for Christchurch hearings by audio visual link, which isn't unusual.

The alleged mosque shooter was moved to Auckland after his court appearance on March 16, charged with a single count of murder, a day after 50 people were killed in attacks at the Masjid Al Noor on Deans Ave and the Linwood Masjid in Christchurch.

809c7a  No.5985965

File: b4abb4988a9bae0⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, coffee2.png)


Dude, you gotta listen to music at work. I'm a firm believer in that. I was listening to Vivaldi last bread. Before that, SRV. Before that, Omnium Gatherum. Last bread, anon posted Dire Straits, and Sultans of Swing was the first thing that popped in my head.

Lionel is up late tonight:


The Deep State [DS] Is Real, Dangerous and Hides Within the Potemkin Village of Washington DC [VIDEO] #LionelNation🇺🇸@realDonaldTrump #MAGA2020 #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #LockHerUp #HillaryForPrison #DECLAS #Winning #ThesePeopleAreSick…

ee900b  No.5985966


Wife anon finds stuff on the y00t00b

9c570b  No.5985967


She’s got no immunity system anymore probably

088faa  No.5985968

Found on https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/saloon/3534619-child-trafficking-agent-greg-wing-called-smollett-case.html

While searching for Agent Wing… for whatever it’s worth.

“Al Capone never really died of syphillas in jail

they let him out because of illuminati/mob/JFK murder planners connections that were happening back in that time. and made up his death to keep the public in the dark.

he was staying in his hideout/complex/compound in western Indiana and fathered to up to 2 dozen children to various women that brought in.

Jussie is not one of Al's childrens but he was born to a woman that DID father at least 3 of Al's children.

Al had a very close relationship with this woman and in his secret last will, he made it known to the illuminati that they should always take care of her and all her family.

Rahm got the memo a week ago on this and he put the pressure on Foxx

it was agreed that they would let him save face by pretending to be out raged in the public”

f6086c  No.5985969

File: 3018a4ce15a9d2d⋯.jpeg (23.4 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 4D692A2A-2FA6-4EE4-B48F-C….jpeg)

File: fe115b308d98f6b⋯.jpeg (169.4 KB, 748x997, 748:997, 2136F6E8-B283-4F13-B8A5-5….jpeg)

File: 763638721e23109⋯.jpeg (1008.12 KB, 2302x1536, 1151:768, 50147845-5D32-4D85-9FAC-A….jpeg)

ef621f  No.5985970


I don't think it is an 'outdoor' type coat.

It looks like a suit type jacket/sweater that most women own plenty of, if their work requires it..

It is like you are asking how many suits does a lawyer own?

more than a few I would guess.

058cdd  No.5985971

File: da2771c0fa474c1⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 7mu6[1].jpg)

Remember that lump right below RBG's right ear…looks like it's gone. I thought she only had two in the brain? Also, there appears to be a pretty well defined mass on her left jaw line. Maybe a parotid tumor…but I looked at some past photos and that one has been there awhile. Anyways, she does not look well.

cf2c6f  No.5985972


If you need to know someone’s age look at their hands,

Those hands don’t have wrinkles at all

So cover everything up and hide

It’s all fuckery anon

961bde  No.5985973

I can't fucking stand the Gutfeld show

275a56  No.5985974


If this is accurate does anyone else see a problem with Russians just running into Mexico unchecked? You would think the way the Dems yell about Russia this would definitely be a reason to build the wall. https://www.riviera-maya-news.com/mexico-and-russia-agree-to-eliminate-tourist-visas/2018.html

049c75  No.5985975


We the People DEMAND the truth!! Yes, maybe it will take time to put everything in place to make it possible, but know this… if it is withheld due to political expediency, it will be answered for.

d3859f  No.5985976

File: b912ae1b8bb6c80⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1691x938, 1691:938, PANIC.png)

File: 68c78d4d952deb0⋯.png (206.36 KB, 360x415, 72:83, bossmanincharge.png)

File: f5d63cec9114170⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, zog.jpg)

52b170  No.5985977

File: 641eb6436ba2c8e⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1857x1461, 619:487, HRCPODESTAMANAFORTUKRAINEG….png)


The ukraine is weak!

cb881e  No.5985978


Your followers are HighIQ Anons and Autists.

They think for themselves

They know that something is wrong in this world

If you make one single mistake, Anons and Autists will fuck you up

d2c649  No.5985979

File: b53b46fee45c53f⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 768x576, 4:3, Gaynigger3.mp4)


That's a good one.

I give you this……… Try to top this :)

1a2028  No.5985980

File: 7e4dc0d3ec341bf⋯.jpeg (12.44 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 26AB0959-EDC4-450A-B2C3-6….jpeg)

48fb76  No.5985981

>>5985699 (pb)

Back now!

Dig to your hearts content. Iv'e seen enough to know better. You can blaze that trail. I wouldn't go any further my self "just in case". Once you see something like that it's of your own volition to decide to see more.

But go ahead and make sure everything is clear. Keep in mind that most anons don't want to see naked children.

I get what your saying about other countries and peoples belief and so on. If your a US citizen it doesn't matter what country your in or your beliefs. The laws pretty clear about that.

You can't go to another country and screw an under age prostitute for example. Your still a US citizen and still under US law.

I had no way to know what else would come up nor did I care to find out. The shit he posted I would assume is exactly what a PEDO would be looking for. As a father I would protect my children from internet exploitation. I'd say she was at least 5 or 6 and that's more on the perv side if you ask me.

Keep in mind that the site has been reported.

d44135  No.5985982

I guess someone needs to tell Michelle Mallon she’s being a concernfag by calling Trump our on his Bullshit promises. Hmm. Who else makes Bulkshit promises that don’t come to pass?


9d55d7  No.5985983

File: ed990ca88f1f918⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 578x432, 289:216, 2x0z3r.jpg)

da46e3  No.5985984


I've been there

7c5b8e  No.5985985

File: 8747b09ab70a032⋯.png (139.3 KB, 1242x706, 621:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Heard of an AF pilot who lost his clearance of a stupid bounced check.

IC should refuse to provide [AS] any info until he is fully investigated for leaking.


87af86  No.5985986

File: 7e7d4918486cdb6⋯.jpg (165.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, little-evil-adam.jpg)

66fb58  No.5985987

File: 0d3abcc0c758d01⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ukraineweak.jpg)



693dd3  No.5985988


Killing people with lethal injections is cruel and unusually punishment. Lethal injection in the US is reserved for innocent babies, via "well baby checks" that produce SIDS a few hours later.

97d272  No.5985989

(past notable)

>>5985378 Americans Can't Afford To Buy A Home In 70% Of The Country

Seems legit. So everyone is in a borrowed/temporary camp. Cant even plant a garden and watch it grow.

bfb49c  No.5985990


She’s hiding tattoos of Trump on the right, and MAGA on the left.

9382f7  No.5985991

File: 730e7641601669a⋯.jpeg (10.4 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 730e7641601669a9a0a050221….jpeg)


Well lucky for Q he claimed disinformation is necessary, which I'm sure it is, but it's a nice out/plausible deniability for anything that gets misinterpreted

069331  No.5985992


Malkin has been comped for years. Fuck off.

ea0987  No.5985993



Thanks for the recommendation.

88553f  No.5985994


Thats a mossad shill attempting to poison the entire JQ well.

Q told us mossad is deploying all tactics to subvert this board. They want to sully all genuine JQ discussion.

They’re gay. Just ignore them.

049c75  No.5985995


AF, Minuteman.

faa0a5  No.5985996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seems so swept away, but lots is going on I suppose. Let's hope the truth comes sooner than later.

ef621f  No.5985997


are there letters on the gloves?

what is the white in her left hand?

d1319f  No.5985998



52117f  No.5985999

887f5c  No.5986000



See this from earlier?

>>5982862 Kek: Trump Campaign offers free Pencil Neck Schiff t-shirt for donation

a4cc5c  No.5986001

File: 04fd207003575bd⋯.png (153.66 KB, 380x354, 190:177, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)


>what is the white in her left hand? kleenex?

Maybe. Or a napkin. You know how old ladies are w/their tissues.

>her arms look different lengths

IDK, I think she's just leaning into the non-gesturing arm.

c0290e  No.5986002


ermehgerd stahp.. i'm gona need the wahmbulance.

b7b685  No.5986003


>someone needs to tell Michelle Mallon she’s being a concernfag

If you ain't “concerned” about the border you are the fag

4172f0  No.5986004

Arrests. Arrests arrests arrests

887f5c  No.5986005

3c480a  No.5986006

File: 529fdd3e3c2719e⋯.jpg (468.86 KB, 962x641, 962:641, Disinformation.jpg)

7c5b8e  No.5986007

File: cd706a0c737a16f⋯.png (972.65 KB, 1072x1250, 536:625, ClipboardImage.png)

the KNOWINGLY statements from Q remind me of a how an indictment might read.

3acdd0  No.5986008

File: 075947f04922628⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 700x451, 700:451, Deep State Shit.jpg)

Bring the pain. We the people demand full disclosure.

In Q we trust. In THE PLAN we trust. WWG1WGA!!!

66fb58  No.5986009



that is why you are NOT in charge

72f9c2  No.5986010

File: f8723c940d5f394⋯.jpeg (439.5 KB, 1668x1497, 556:499, 5D9CDE23-A306-4150-8E0B-4….jpeg)

>>5985754 pb

Whenever I see those weirdos, I only think tampon. What a bunch of gross and evil losers.


9382f7  No.5986011


I didn't say that at all. Please take a chill pill.

d3859f  No.5986012

File: 204ea17bc35c773⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, syn.jpg)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, synagogue of satan.jpg)

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 4fb63bb2ad2784.png)

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, jews_hate_jesus.jpeg)

c0290e  No.5986013

File: a717dd45b7d3c93⋯.png (340.56 KB, 700x463, 700:463, 5a05b1c662e272c0142befca40….png)

a4cc5c  No.5986014

File: 730e7641601669a⋯.jpeg (10.4 KB, 255x239, 255:239, cool pepe.jpeg)

3c480a  No.5986015

File: 300f12bbd1a6528⋯.jpeg (4.34 KB, 283x178, 283:178, 300f12bbd1a6528e97ad7d528….jpeg)

961bde  No.5986016


The Russians Just Did A Fly-By Of Area 51

How did they even get close to that airspace???

ef621f  No.5986017

File: 123fd50fbd9fc7b⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pencil neck.jpg)

33a032  No.5986018

There is a noteworthy lack of breasts in this bread.

809c7a  No.5986019


She's always worn gloves. Not sure if germaphobe or symbology. I know freemasons have a thing for gloves. Not sure if a female equivalent to freemasonry somewhere has that.

da46e3  No.5986020


That is too damn funny!

74595c  No.5986021


Thanks. Navy, SSBN.

f51279  No.5986022


I'd try, but dear wife wishes I'd quit phonefagging and go to sleep!

17b32e  No.5986023

File: e0eb8ee236e493f⋯.png (474.47 KB, 1204x1336, 301:334, Schiff14.png)



He got contact lenses.

Same curly hair.

Same pencil neck.

What we have is a Jewish nerd with 50-something years of resentment buildup.

"I'll show them; I'll be a crook and steal millions."

9c570b  No.5986024

File: a978df573109e5c⋯.jpeg (25.75 KB, 300x430, 30:43, 3E0F529C-C826-4D8A-B9E1-5….jpeg)

File: b54e23c75d99e3c⋯.jpeg (19.85 KB, 300x430, 30:43, DF5C96FB-F834-47FF-9A6D-E….jpeg)

File: 569f5ed23e7eff1⋯.jpeg (789.15 KB, 1280x1702, 640:851, 0072DC60-A2C1-4C5E-85D0-9….jpeg)

File: fe85ac0dfdb83ef⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 387x277, 387:277, B4126AE6-91DF-43A2-A961-9C….gif)

File: 1e682a132765b59⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 300x219, 100:73, BE4B0F0B-B9CA-47C0-83F4-C0….gif)

d3859f  No.5986025

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

33562b  No.5986026


I think… It is honestly starting to get exhausting.

a76fc3  No.5986027

File: 6699aebf171f3e4⋯.jpg (294.37 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)

File: 31b1f2d6a61c7a0⋯.jpg (130.67 KB, 916x720, 229:180, PatriotsStrong-wrwy.jpg)

File: fa8c680ad1d28c7⋯.jpg (258.15 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, UnitedTogetherStrong3.jpg)

1a2750  No.5986028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

66fb58  No.5986029


lawfag here

"mens rea" is the bedrock requirement of any criminal prosecution

it means the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.

all convictions MUST prove mens rea (KNOWLEDGE/KNOWINGLY)

33a032  No.5986030


Tip of the hat, anon.

9c570b  No.5986031

File: 98f1c5dbb01f74d⋯.gif (667.65 KB, 352x196, 88:49, 15E9594B-BAA7-4481-BF67-F6….gif)

File: 7fde5bac881eacf⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 225x275, 9:11, B9050A49-8940-41AF-A7E3-61….gif)

6a1654  No.5986032

File: f67d4e9e555ff01⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 580x372, 145:93, MellyIsisPortraitCropped[1….jpg)

94f290  No.5986033

File: daab635f6dd8f37⋯.png (662.24 KB, 618x623, 618:623, Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at ….png)

bf65dc  No.5986034

File: f5ed493404c478e⋯.jpg (213.56 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, bill-hicks-is-now-alex-jon….jpg)

>>5985868 pb

>>5985884 pb

"Alex' took himself down and a whole bunch of others with him?


Yeah he "met " Hicks because he's the same person.

No interview at Waco, fool


"I met him" means nothing.

So what?

So have I. He's a stupid actor.

He's get duper's delight with his childish routine. He hates "Hicks' / hillbillies.

He routine is to make fun of you.

What I hate about him the most is how he pretends to be so sincere, looking straight into the camera. It's such a joke to him.

Hi Bill.

>>5985884 pb

pics related

37f660  No.5986035


yeah you kind of oscillate between the two and then eventually end up like the kid on the left

big smile

70a890  No.5986036

File: 8e19c05b7472b5c⋯.png (497.53 KB, 1000x732, 250:183, 8e19c05b7472b5c4215250e484….png)


The guy's a crazy piece of garbage.

It'll be nice to see him do a perp walk someday.

ff7de6  No.5986037


one of them looks like a young Lisa Page…. : O

049c75  No.5986038


Glad to meet you. Is your assessment similar?

1a2028  No.5986039


Yeah, as it refers to Fraud and employees or officials of the government making false statements.


§1001. Statements or entries generally

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, [knowingly] and willfully—

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;

shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.

(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party's counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.

(c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—

(1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or

(2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.

ef621f  No.5986041


seriously? are those schitt's ears?

c0290e  No.5986042


you already posted mkultrachick. Compared her to the chucky stare earlier.

get new shit.

765a5d  No.5986043

Video clip of Steve Bannon.

"This is going to be the most vitriolic period in American history since before the Civil War," Steve Bannon predicts of the next few months. President Trump is "going to get off the chain…it's going to be payback," he tells @RichardEngel. "People better strap in and watch it."


136db6  No.5986044

File: 5871562bf031045⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 8chanKEK1.gif)

f31a06  No.5986045


NEVER! i for one investigate and research EVERY SINGLE image posted.. im not done yet

d3859f  No.5986046

File: 4446713b9ce934b⋯.jpg (557.98 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, jew5.jpg)


You are radioactive.

33562b  No.5986047

97f824  No.5986048

File: 10777d336a1224a⋯.jpg (447.06 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Nightshift moonbeam riders.jpg)

17b32e  No.5986049

File: 498769771a6da12⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PICC.jpg)


Gloves would cover up a permanently placed PICC line.

66fb58  No.5986050


OK i will good idea

carry on fren

f51279  No.5986051


First time I've noticed the ip change after switching to wifi

3c480a  No.5986052

File: 900a63607f57047⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 640x392, 80:49, 2062947885c76caafcbc9cf52d….jpg)


relax…scroll awhile….

5a8848  No.5986053

File: 1835ce0fa2d0cfe⋯.png (198.08 KB, 512x512, 1:1, C7F6EA6F-0B98-4387-80A4-91….png)


die a slow miserable death

curse on you i put

cf847f  No.5986054

File: fd595c6822cc60e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1092x727, 1092:727, 995E9774-A7F5-48EC-AD25-A1….png)


The Russians are operating their Tu-154M aircraft configured for surveillance flights sanctioned under the Open Skies Treaty that allows member countries to conduct surveillance flights over each other's territory relatively unimpeded. The aircraft are equipped with imaging equipment with specific limitations and monitors from the country being surveilled are onboard the flights to make certain the party complies with the parameters of the treaty. This latest series of Russian Open Skies flights are being conducted out of Great Falls, Montana and are covering a slew of strategic points in the western part of the United States, including the highly secure Nellis Test and Training Range (NTTR) in southern Nevada, home of Area 51.

The mid-day flight on March 28th, 2019 appears to have originated out of Travis AFB, located near San Francisco, and continued on something of a highlights tour of American military installations in California and Nevada. It flew south over central California, passing near bases like Naval Air Station Lemoore and headed out over the Channel Islands. It then headed directly over Edwards AFB before meandering around Fort Irwin and on to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake before hooking a right and heading toward Creech AFB in Nevada. It then headed north, directly into the NTTR—the most secure airspace in the United States along with Washington, D.C.

1a2750  No.5986055



6a1654  No.5986056



9a005b  No.5986057

File: d81d377fe0913bf⋯.png (132.17 KB, 629x568, 629:568, ros1.png)


4a6e23  No.5986058

File: bb340dd45d24b9f⋯.jpeg (939.01 KB, 1194x1098, 199:183, C107A228-3EDB-47FC-A07B-7….jpeg)

MARINE ONE cockpit at Mar-a-Lago.

9382f7  No.5986059

File: 80bf0972a6c9b1c⋯.gif (465.15 KB, 790x837, 790:837, 1553308071395.gif)

1a2750  No.5986060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe99a0  No.5986061


That makes me shudder… Had one of those in the hospital a few years ago. Discomfort doesn't even begin to describe it.

72c72d  No.5986062

File: 555452ef8f19abe⋯.png (225.92 KB, 321x498, 107:166, 2019-03-30_22-37-58.png)

c18ae2  No.5986063

File: b2635c9e3afad84⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, Screenshot_20190325-193330….jpg)

File: c1a9901cfbc6e96⋯.png (160.22 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage(92).png)

File: 5e11db826064e69⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 594x301, 594:301, DEATHpenalty.jpg)

d00de7  No.5986064

File: d35467ad896a73f⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 230x255, 46:51, e30516c4fabab4f88640d11762….jpg)

Heads up pmfags.

JM Bullion has 10oz and kilo silver bars at $0.69 over spot per ounce. Both by Silver Towne.

049c75  No.5986065


Not those gloves.

99f348  No.5986066

File: 006cd25799ff0f1⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB, 326x180, 163:90, ahxX8KGA81vqNWSB.mp4)

Giuliani takes aim at 'phony politicians' leading FBI over Russia investigation

President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani lambasted current and former top officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice on Saturday for the years-long investigation into President Trump's campaign and Russian election interference on Saturday.

In an interview with Jeanine Pirro on Fox News, the former New York City mayor predicted that evidence of criminality on the part of top FBI officials both currently and no longer in the administration would be uncovered.

"What they did here, I believe, over the next six months, we're going to uncover evidence, I believe, that what they did here was criminal," Giuliani said. "Somebody made this up, Jeanine. Somebody conceived this. And they superimposed it, and they went out and tried to prove it."

"And we have to find out: Who's the brains behind this? Couple of, four or five possibilities. I think we'll find them," he continued.

Giuliani added that his suspicions were limited to top brass at the FBI, adding that field agents and regular agency personnel were just trying to serve their country.

"Well, first of all, I know you agree with me. The people it indicts are the corrupted politicians at the top of the FBI and DOJ. No field office of the FBI is implicated in this. No agent who is sacrificing his life to protect us. It's a bunch of these phony politicians at the top who corrupt themselves because they want to suck up to whoever's in power," he said.

Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation ended last week and a report issued by Attorney General William Barr on the investigation's findings claimed that it established no link between the Trump campaign and Russian efforts to interfere in the election.

The White House and its allies have held Barr's report as a victory over the past week, attacking both Democrats and the mainstream media for claims made about Trump and his campaign throughout the course of the investigation.

Democrats, meanwhile, have called for the full release of Mueller's report to Congress and for Barr to testify publicly.


01e675  No.5986067

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>5985336 /lb

>10 days of darkness, Ridley Scott and Scott Free Productions

They made an anime short about the blackout period. 2022.


66fb58  No.5986068


breasts on the board are 90% boring

once in a while theres a nice set but i feel like a doctor - dont notice or care

52117f  No.5986069


Well, she's had that pic line an awfully long time. She has worn long gloves for years.

da46e3  No.5986070


No Q drops

Going through Q withdrawal

0964b4  No.5986071


So kek. Love it.

da11f1  No.5986072


That's not bad :I

94f290  No.5986073


That's the point. Deprogramming from Jewish sexualization.

3c480a  No.5986074

File: c7f035936d0280a⋯.jpg (83.75 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 14e6001e493872abbfe1e4363e….jpg)

1a2750  No.5986075

File: 1cf00aa44a13db5⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0042.JPG)

File: 4593f198df75742⋯.jpg (258.31 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0058.JPG)

File: 5297b9d0ff5f496⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 640x846, 320:423, IMG_0059.JPG)

File: 6888468d2b5fcb7⋯.jpg (158.93 KB, 910x596, 455:298, IMG_0100.JPG)


1c4e64  No.5986076

File: 4bc155679e6ac8e⋯.jpeg (20.33 KB, 540x380, 27:19, Biden Hillary Grab.jpeg)

File: 0dabcd2f802fb0f⋯.jpeg (30.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Biden Collage.jpeg)

cf847f  No.5986077

File: e9ab600c31e6663⋯.png (121.13 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 5316A787-A8E5-4013-9134-E7….png)

e825dd  No.5986078


lawfag here, too. haven't read the order, working on other things. good breakdown. short version, if Congress intended to allow POTUS revocation authority (as they have done in other laws), then they would have given authority in this case.

is that a good summation? i'm betting there was a long review of other, related Congressional grants of authority.

87af86  No.5986079

File: 3df6588bc118f07⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 1158x700, 579:350, schill-in-the-house.jpg)

File: bc2da6c7fca91cf⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 746x704, 373:352, schill5.jpg)

File: 32d38849af91436⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 590x288, 295:144, schill4.jpg)

File: 217ef764734f7c2⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 577x213, 577:213, schill3.jpg)

File: 9372500922b61f2⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1092x706, 546:353, schill2.jpg)

6a1654  No.5986080



48fb76  No.5986081

File: b5816cb435e407a⋯.png (867.54 KB, 1076x3591, 1076:3591, Q400 VS S400.png)


It's easy.

Buy off the US politicians and Whalla

Plus they were probably just checking out their land acquired from the U1 deal. They own it, can't they fly over it?


Fuckin Russians!

d1319f  No.5986082


so would this apply to Wray and his bullshit report / coverup of Las Vegas

94f290  No.5986083

File: 97986d20a6d4727⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 1024x627, 1024:627, nQvxoh.jpg)

File: ee508f29c642d19⋯.png (822.91 KB, 1216x1642, 608:821, o8jfXVm2JQYSekIbUnSMV3fXDP….png)

File: 240f769fee73abd⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 500x375, 4:3, FKN2X.jpg)

File: e87a750431cdbba⋯.mp4 (693.34 KB, 640x416, 20:13, mp4.mp4)

cf2c6f  No.5986084


PICC lines are not placed in hands

They place it in the upper arm in a big vein

74595c  No.5986085


I seem to have a vague memory of something similar happening to USN back in the day. You are dealing with a lot of tech, shit happens.

0ad6a3  No.5986086


Whodis anon

3c480a  No.5986087

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, p17i1t7vc01th81fhv13pp1sk1….jpg)

56b9aa  No.5986088


You exhibit signs of PMS.

74acfd  No.5986089

File: 4bcc439e9aa5917⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 500x680, 25:34, 295v7k.jpg)

97f824  No.5986090


too many people treated homes as an investment looking to trade up to the next one and used them as ATM's-instead of what they truly were…a home. Had a knock on result to everyone else who was responsible. And then the McMansion thing did not help either.

3de543  No.5986091


Is that a handkerchief in her hand?

Sure does look like blood on it….

7adbc9  No.5986092



William Cooper reported on Open Skies treaty / Russians and errybody can fly over area 51 under the plan , its just secret from US

cf847f  No.5986093

File: d3aab712160b690⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1125x757, 1125:757, 6F65F2D6-B956-45DC-B901-A3….png)

fe99a0  No.5986094


Keep it up, I say. Gives me confidence in my own boobs to see so many shapes and sizes are considered beautiful.

bf65dc  No.5986095

File: 593f130dc198b25⋯.png (371.73 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, zuckerburg.png)


>>5985884 pb

pic related

>>5985868 pb

The Court case was months and months ago.

Why does the "psychosis' excuse surface now?

Maybe some owners have decided "Jones" and Biden [?] need to end their careers so the have the Media Mavens push stuff we've known for years?

Weird. And it's all "NEWS"

so semi- Fresh

c193c0  No.5986096

File: 6b1ad73e0bf6075⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 719x405, 719:405, sergbrin.jpg)

4d9715  No.5986097

File: 2fcc8a22f13823e⋯.png (179.71 KB, 457x709, 457:709, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

>>5985570 (/pb)

Second pic has the movie "man who brought down the WH" co produced by PLAYTONE

e4f3fa  No.5986098

File: 3fe42a9f388d646⋯.png (2.53 MB, 795x1111, 795:1111, Q Research is FAR MORE Tha….png)

File: 62c4c285cf063fd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 797x1152, 797:1152, Q Research is FAR MORE Tha….png)

Q Research is FAR MORE Than it Seems.

>Anon agrees. Been here digging from the start. Capped.

#7652 [ >>5982802 ] https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5982699.html#q5982802 (Part 1)

#7653 [ >>5983625 ] https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5983471.html#q5983625 (Part 2)

fbe4b5  No.5986099

File: 523f32b6fb8285c⋯.jpeg (368.59 KB, 1712x2500, 428:625, 1E75EB4D-EAE0-4A90-89F7-C….jpeg)

33a032  No.5986101


We'll be the judge of that.


66fb58  No.5986102


>i'm betting there was a long review of other, related Congressional grants of authority.


9a005b  No.5986103

File: 70af4c4dcb6cdef⋯.jpg (335.09 KB, 1125x1475, 45:59, maur.jpg)


Looks Confirmed she is Comeys

890805  No.5986104

File: 955bd39de6f1cb1⋯.jpg (234.02 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, worldisabout2chnge.jpg)


Yep something is going down.

97f824  No.5986105

File: e7fa1936d2cf41f⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, thou shall not shill.jpg)

52b170  No.5986106

File: ede9577b4c53e74⋯.png (415.24 KB, 573x739, 573:739, ClipboardImage.png)




cb881e  No.5986107


US citizens own 40% of all guns in world - more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined, study suggests


Tell us, what the fuch will Democrats, Social media, Liberals etc do, if PATRIOTS GETS ANGRY?

0ad6a3  No.5986108


This calls for a Barishnikov

1a2750  No.5986109



Our pasta, who art in a colander,

draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come,

Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan.

Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and

forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive

those who trample on our lawns. And lead us

not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza,

for thine is the meatball, the noodle,

and the sauce, forever and ever.


fbedca  No.5986110


Nonlawfag believes it could be read either way. Congress gave power to a President to withdraw, to take away, something.

Logic would follow that if Congress gave a President to take something away, it would also allow another President to put it back. It's like it either IS or it ISN'T, it can't be half, it must be whole.

aea16d  No.5986111

File: cae325b96961405⋯.png (142.69 KB, 933x707, 933:707, outline2.png)

d00de7  No.5986112

File: 540ad4d39b527b4⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 601168b5872fa52f4a9aa03745….jpg)


Not bad at all. I'm going to get one of the kilo bars. Largest bar I've bought up till now are 10oz.

06bee7  No.5986113

Board appears to be finally back to normal from whatever was happening earlier. Images loading immediately

3c480a  No.5986114

File: fdca5486a055d6a⋯.jpg (939.35 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Jean Norman.jpg)


Norma Jeane Baker

fe99a0  No.5986116


I agree… Today feels like a lot is going on. Lots of energy in play.

f31a06  No.5986117


you invoked the rules… pay up!

08b89c  No.5986118


Prove you wrong, OK, that's easy, you're here.

Next shill, go!

17b32e  No.5986119


True. Did some digging & found this:


The gloves are apparently a little bit of protection for an old lady whose immunity is compromised by previous chemotherapy.

Justice Ginsburg explained in an e-mailed statement, “Justice (Sandra Day) O’Connor said when I was having chemotherapy after colon cancer, ‘You are vulnerable now, and you’re going to receptions and shaking hands with lots of people, so you should at least wear gloves.’ This was in 1999. So, I wore gloves and liked them so much, I decided to keep wearing them.”

33a032  No.5986120


Yeah. By any objective standard, we are reaching an inflection point. A point of no return.

Tension is noticeable tonight.

e5e229  No.5986121

File: e0285eede26468e⋯.jpg (154.02 KB, 920x401, 920:401, Been Waiting.jpg)

ed9364  No.5986122

File: 0af33cff9408f6e⋯.png (521.58 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 66D8E1D9-A072-4029-8138-4B….png)

File: aa46ee25b39adee⋯.png (562.29 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 785678F5-09E6-4F39-B6ED-CC….png)

File: 1460b0ffe1b1d53⋯.png (499.21 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B48275FC-45E7-468E-9F02-95….png)

File: 86db7350f188315⋯.png (486.47 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D61F6FD9-03D6-4BE5-B02D-1A….png)

Class 1-99. Fbi archives.


7c5b8e  No.5986123

File: db9861ddd3d4d7b⋯.png (194.94 KB, 1212x958, 606:479, ClipboardImage.png)


a5a9bc  No.5986124

File: 1512ace6e00ad88⋯.jpg (277.32 KB, 1200x712, 150:89, obama-party-rome.jpg)

Parallels to recent past.

9bed4f  No.5986125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apologies if this has been talked about before, but an Australian friend of the movement and all things “Q” — Who goes by the handle of “Stroppy Me” on YouTube is having a rough time of it. Unrelenting hiccups for 6 or so days.

His YouTube videos are followed by thousands of patriots. His laid back delivery of Q posts and other news are one of my favorite ways to keep up on events. If you have a moment, please leave Stroppy some encouragement in the comments of his most recent YouTube video. See the embedded link.

693dd3  No.5986126


Governor Northam is a doctor and he wants to make it acceptable to kill infants after birth. Why? To protect doctors from liability for what they are already doing. Why don't the dims want the "born alive protection act"? Because killing babies is what they do. If a doctor were in any way obligated by law to help children live they couldn't vaccinate them. Vaccines can add about half a million dollars in revenue to a medical practice as insurers give bonuses for administering the "full schedule". If a doctor had an obligation to help children live, how could they make all that money?

cf847f  No.5986127

File: e02225f6d981aaf⋯.jpeg (103.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 70C08DC1-10BF-4CE3-ACF9-0….jpeg)


After it flew over Creech AFB, it headed up to Yucca Flat, where one of America's nuclear weapons assembly plants is located, and a secretive airstrip that specializes in test flights of unmanned aircraft, as well as other sensitive Department Of Energy installations. It then headed over the pockmarked Nevada Test Site. Area 51 sits just to the east of this location. The aircraft's panoramic cameras can collect fairly wide swathes of imagery along the Open Skies aircraft's flight path.

The voyage continued north, with Tonopah Test Range to the east, before heading northeast towards Salt Lake. It passed somewhat near Dugway Proving Grounds on its way back to Great Falls, but it's not clear if the aircraft was collecting imagery at that time. If it was, it was doing so at double the altitude as before. The Tu-154 flew at an altitude of around 14,000 to 15,000 feet for the part of its trip over Nevada and California, before climbing out to above 30,000 feet after exiting the NTTR and heading back to its temporary base of operations in Great Falls.

d3385d  No.5986128

File: ad89b338808bbca⋯.jpeg (891.95 KB, 1242x1141, 1242:1141, 9B910DC2-959F-4684-96DF-9….jpeg)

5762c5  No.5986129

File: a6199f437266a8a⋯.png (184.85 KB, 1320x654, 220:109, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

File: 37039afc7689818⋯.png (808.26 KB, 1292x682, 646:341, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

File: 863f66e40f3231f⋯.png (402.01 KB, 954x692, 477:346, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

File: b740ad94c26ee30⋯.png (200.72 KB, 960x362, 480:181, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

Anons, I started a digg on Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), one of those who is screaming loud about POTUS.

Early years:

Born in Providence, RI July 1961. Mother is Jewish, father is a a Catholic Italian American, a prominent attorney who defended local Mob figures in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Attended college at Brown University where he, along with JFK Jr., established a branch of the “College Democrats”.


- Served as a RI House of Rep. (1995 - 2003).

- Mayor of Providence, RI (2003 - 2011). First openly gay mayor of a US capital city. During his time in office, his approval rating fell from 64% in 2007, to 28% in 2011.

- So what did Rhode Islanders do? They voted him into the US House of Representatives (2011 - present). Unreal.

Cicilline’s Wikipedia & US House pages:



Brown University College Democrats FB & Twitter pages:



Here’s where my dive went: AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS.

Cicilline is a strong proponent of after school programs. This is a red flag, considering he is one of the loud anti-POTUS screamers. Helped form Providence After School Alliance (PASA), and serves on the board of a national organization, Afterschool Alliance.

PASA: http://www.mypasa.org/staff/

Afterschool Alliance: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org

Symbolism will be their downfall:

Scroll down, re: all seeing eyes in palms of hands: http://www.mypasa.org. (PASA website)

Masonic symbol in program’s logo: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org (ASA website)

I honed my digg down to the Afterschool Alliance.


The Afterschool Alliance was established in 2000 by a small group of corporate and foundation philanthropies—including the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, JCPenney Company, Inc., the Open Society Institute/The After-School Corporation, the Entertainment Industry Foundation and the Creative Artists Agency Foundation—to expand afterschool and summer learning opportunities nationwide. Since our inception, public investment in afterschool programs has doubled; between 2004 and 2014, the number of children served by afterschool programs nationwide has grown by 57 percent.

NOTE: US Dept of Ed + Soros’ Open Society Foundations + Entertainment Industry Foundation + Creative Artists Agency = Nationwide infrastructure in place to exploit children after school while parents are busy at work. Divide and conquer the family unit.

Cicilline serves on the board of Afterschool Alliance. So does Jean Margaret Smith,

S.V.P. of Public Affairs & Administration, Nickelodeon/MTVN Kids & Family Group. And a guy named Herb Sturz, Senior Advisor of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. There are a number of people on the board, but Smith and Sturz stuck out due to their involvement with Nickelodeon/MTV and Soros.


Interesting to note, two years ago (March 2017) POTUS cut the budget for after school programs. Afterschool Alliance is quoted in this article complaining about the cuts:


Now I see why Cicilline is screaming. Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide. I’m thinking these after school programs need more looking into. Perhaps this is one reason, or THE reason POTUS cut their funding.

God help us, and please keep the children safe…we ARE surrounded by evil, just like Q said.

ef621f  No.5986130





dc27cc  No.5986131

Can somebody read me in on whether we have more ds in NZ tonight? Comey is allegedly still there, prince on his way.

4a6e23  No.5986132

File: 6414974f9e293d3⋯.jpeg (437.48 KB, 913x735, 913:735, 922FAFF3-9BB2-4CE2-9A9E-B….jpeg)

Maybe time to ride.


06bee7  No.5986133


Adam, history has already judged you. Your reservation at the gallows has been confirmed.

1a2028  No.5986134


That’s more likely to be John Podesta’s brother over that field office

2bc5d0  No.5986135


Hot damn, Anon!!!

136db6  No.5986136

File: b0b2a612a6b84d2⋯.png (41.01 KB, 388x417, 388:417, Selection_963.png)

Think I just time traveled

back a few seconds.

Timestamps out of order…




9382f7  No.5986137


makes you wonder if the open air treaty was signed because anything important enough to hide is already underground

cb79a5  No.5986138


He’s a literal clown. He’s been planted in conspiracy and MAGA groups for years. I left reddit long ago, but I would love to see fartontoast be exposed on that platform.

37f660  No.5986139



agree with everything you're saying anon

97f824  No.5986140

File: 185ed77dee06688⋯.png (132.27 KB, 897x364, 69:28, quiet...too quiet.PNG)

cf2c6f  No.5986141


It feels like we are reaching the edge

Either we jump to safety or ……

It’s definitely a weird day

0ad6a3  No.5986142


She bakes? Damn….

bb6a38  No.5986143


Sorry, we don't fame fag

5762c5  No.5986144

File: 576b1a344d02fee⋯.png (235.6 KB, 1466x730, 733:365, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)


Meant to add this one:

3ebc56  No.5986145

File: 8587554a596815c⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2079x1540, 27:20, AJ_1c_Here_It_Comes.PNG)


cf847f  No.5986146

File: e51f0cd792aa90f⋯.png (330.88 KB, 1179x682, 1179:682, E1E28ED9-82E8-4210-BF0E-B9….png)



A flight before this one saw the Tu-154 check out Salt Lake and Hill AFB, Las Vegas and Nellis AFB, pretty much all of San Diego, and up the Southern California coast, which has plenty of military bases and weapons storage areas. It then flew directly to Plant 42 in Palmdale before climbing up and heading to Travis AFB to land and refuel.

These are Russia's first Open Skies missions over the U.S. for the year. The U.S. has already flown a number of Open Skies sorties over Russia in February.

Open Skies almost became a thing of the past when the U.S. accused the Russians of abusing the agreement and not offering equal treatment as defined by its terms. The U.S. also claimed that the equipment on Russian's newest Tu-214ON Open Skies plane didn't meet the limiting requirements of the treaty. Many think that the Russians get far more out of Open Skies than the U.S. as their satellite imaging and general reconnaissance capabilities are more limited than those of the U.S. military. You can more about this situation here.

Just as it looked like Open Skies was crumbling, there was a sudden about-face and the flights resumed, with an especially high profile U.S. sortie over Ukraine occurring in January.

ef621f  No.5986147




9c570b  No.5986148

File: 481c7f11e63a2d8⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 205x289, 205:289, 5DD86C3C-8057-4CF5-A0D1-A9….gif)

File: 54086fff099c5f1⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 300x450, 2:3, 8BFD8DA9-118D-48D8-8180-7A….gif)

File: c15b92464e841eb⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 300x326, 150:163, 08559AAA-342F-4866-A956-E1….gif)

File: 28099f465b4028e⋯.gif (2.89 MB, 474x320, 237:160, 39B263C0-1FD1-4E52-BE13-A7….gif)


My apologies

ed9364  No.5986149


Thank you! Each has a link. I’ve been digging this for a while now. All crimes Q mentioned are tied to this.

589f45  No.5986150

Dare I turn off LivePD at 11:30 pm EST and watch SNL for the first time in years to see what the narrative they spin on the Mueller Report?

109f5b  No.5986151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

since it appears to be a gen X type of night…

if you still have choices, we'll blow you away

809c7a  No.5986152

File: a8b50007b61bb6f⋯.jpg (164.21 KB, 821x1024, 821:1024, 1546497486712m.jpg)


Everyone likes boobs. Male or female. All shapes, all sizes.

db38f1  No.5986153

File: 2f20c104dd84cb3⋯.png (69.24 KB, 946x610, 473:305, ClipboardImage.png)

For the researchfags another name….. Chicago…Conception Malinek (Perp) No mention of sex crimes, yet….

Concepcion Malinek, 49, was arrested Tuesday after federal authorities raided her 1,900-square-foot home and found 19 adults and 14 children inside, The Chicago Sun-Times reported. She is charged with forced labor.

In a Thursday court hearing, prosecutors said Malinek helped the immigrants come to the United States from Guatemala. Then, she told them they owed her thousands of dollars for her assistance, got them jobs at a Romeoville, Illinois, factory and made them turn over most of their wages to her, prosecutors said.

One 15-year-old girl was allegedly given an ID saying she was 27 and made to work at the factory.


961bde  No.5986154


what's all this about?

ef621f  No.5986155

File: 123fd50fbd9fc7b⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pencil neck.jpg)



17b32e  No.5986156



It's felt weird all afternoon and evening

Nunes said the indictments were coming within a week.

Wonder how that will go down?

Do process serving deputies show up at your front door?

Do you get a warning phonecall from your lawyer beforehand?

Does the FBI show up with guns drawn?

God, how I wish there was going to be video of some of the stuff coming.

"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."

342fd1  No.5986157


The precipice is a interdasting place to be

da46e3  No.5986158



Compression helps to ease the pain

c1031a  No.5986159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You've got my body, now you want my soul.


Say "NO GO".

Night Shift

52bac1  No.5986161

Jeez … there were 4 adds while the effing page was loading. 8 now. Hot board tonight!

9382f7  No.5986162

File: e32a0360c9d9673⋯.jpg (206.16 KB, 995x672, 995:672, angryshill.JPG)

File: 2b1e2a6fd2673c5⋯.jpg (72.13 KB, 911x313, 911:313, shillmodBTFO.JPG)


He's been absolutely losing his mind the past few days. Like spending 12 hours a day saying that Q hurts the MAGA movement because its inherently anti-semitic and that anti-zionism = anti-semitism which is not MAGA

I believe you are correct, the way he types is very clown like. His pilpul skills are weak. He was getting absolutely lit up in the comments earlier.

66fb58  No.5986163


>Nonlawfag believes it could be read either way

well the court said that anon

so the resort to "congressional intent"

i agree a Judge could have gone either way BUT IMO Congress needs to do a better job of drafting laws and this is the result

they makes lots of mistakes


d1e93f  No.5986164

File: e1dad69e46b796f⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 579x561, 193:187, 2019-03-31 03.36.53 www.go….jpg)

To all the newbies and first time board users; WELCOME.

On behalf of your anon brothers & sisters around the world, I extend a hand of friendship and love.

Anyone who acts the opposite of this to you as a newbie, does NOT represent the Q spirit of UNITY, not do they represent the family bond of the community here.

Don't let them discourage, disappoint or discourage you from staying.

You (WE) are stronger/better than them.

In these momentous times, you are here looking for answers &/or are hungry to contribute and make a difference.

Or perhaps you are here to be part of something bigger, something your heart tells you is right.

Whichever/Whatever/Whosoever you may be; it is a joy, blessing and honor to have you join us. You are valued. You are needed.

We are on a ship sailing special seas of history.

The sails billow with fertile winds of JUSTICE, HOPE, FREEDOM & PEACE.

Enjoy the voyage & WELCOME. God bless.


a2f35a  No.5986165


I wonder how different they will look when his sentence is handed down. Stretched neck or life in prison?

88553f  No.5986166

File: 4eed09291758845⋯.jpeg (829.6 KB, 604x6632, 151:1658, D4E2D24D-5E71-4963-B04D-8….jpeg)

File: 73f8bae729646b0⋯.jpeg (735.53 KB, 604x6094, 302:3047, E0819C13-20C2-4911-93CC-0….jpeg)

File: 041c200399bf942⋯.png (454.59 KB, 1720x1423, 1720:1423, BA96A6A3-5168-4ECC-8F84-EE….png)

File: 2ecdd7f20a0183a⋯.jpeg (915.41 KB, 1242x2078, 621:1039, 675CAE71-92AF-4686-AEBD-3….jpeg)

File: e7de67a1a3fd02c⋯.jpeg (845.88 KB, 1242x2087, 1242:2087, 7176753D-549F-4EDF-88B5-9….jpeg)


Dougie and his noys were outted today… so they are all doing a diff schtick tonight.

Notice these types of post missing?

f6086c  No.5986167


Voting inspections. I’d trust her to…

“Bwahaha!” Kekking

c193c0  No.5986168

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


>Now I see why Cicilline is screaming.

something always "bothered" me about him….

7ec7da  No.5986169

File: 7c464b3b64d1472⋯.png (466.39 KB, 501x673, 501:673, ClipboardImage.png)

ed9364  No.5986170


99- plant survey is military defense!

de5ce9  No.5986171

File: 1bba358dedfb0db⋯.png (59.44 KB, 1144x592, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)

fbedca  No.5986172

First time anon has gotten an ID with only letters, no number digits. First time anon has seen such a thing.

Maybe anon simply wasn't paying attention before.

72f9c2  No.5986173


Love Stroppy Me. Will do. Like his no nonsense updates. Press on Stropster - we need you.

fe99a0  No.5986174

Found something interesting… looks like the Ukranian presidential election is coming up…


049c75  No.5986175


Yeah, back in the day there were several mishaps on the road to maturing these systems. But these past couple of decades, not so much. I just find it suspicious, given the hostility the British Crown has shown toward us of late, especially regarding GCHQ being heavily involved in attempting to remove President Trump.

a76fc3  No.5986176


>Nunes said the indictments were coming within a week.

I thought Nunes said Congress was going to make criminal referrals (to DoJ) within a week. A referral is not an indictment. It is basically a case file or some facts or staetments that Congress believes should be considered by the DoJ/FBI. Congress does not have authority to issue indictments.

33a032  No.5986177


Nunes originally said that he would not file the referrals until after the DECLAS. Then last week he said we could expect them by the end of last week.

No one in the media caught that. I'd say we are within 72 hours of DECLAS hitting the fan. Maximum.

a2dd05  No.5986178


Haha! I've had my days being both types!!

c0290e  No.5986179


Q has stated this already in plain English.


825de7  No.5986180

QAnon conspiracy theorists increase their presence at Trump rallies


17b32e  No.5986181

File: 89314c91bd7295e⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 400x373, 400:373, schifftyeyes.gif)

809c7a  No.5986182


She's had (various forms of) cancer for 20 years (or more). Think about that a sec.

Who are the doctors 'currently' treating [RBG]?

What other political [former/current] sr. political heads are they affiliated w/?

What 'off-market' drugs are being provided to [RBG] in order to sustain minimum daily function?

What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]?

Who is managing her care?

Who is 'really' managing her care?

The clock is ticking.



064c1d  No.5986183


I’ll stay as long as the tits keep coming


97f824  No.5986184

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)


that is a great deal. They have been a good source and have a great selection. have bough much from them over the year's. Professional packaging for shipping and actually answer the phone.

0bcdaa  No.5986185

File: d96a397db7809c2⋯.png (515.14 KB, 718x617, 718:617, PanicPepe.png)


I agree, anon. Been antsy all day. Been chalking it up to Spring Fever.

4e722b  No.5986186


pencil dick is upset.

3c480a  No.5986187

File: 7330603eed9c2e0⋯.jpg (549.41 KB, 1536x1674, 256:279, o-ROSWELL-UFO-.jpg)


this is a slide….rumor is she got to see the UFO

8f4d43  No.5986188

File: b40ce58ff24a4f4⋯.png (241.32 KB, 724x548, 181:137, MUELLER REPORT.png)


There will be revelations in Mueller's Report that will Expose the Criminals in Obama's White House, Department of Justice, and FBI.

The Mueller Report WILL BACKFIRE on the DS and Democrats and Liberals.

4f3882  No.5986189

File: 329ba68ae384aa5⋯.jpeg (84.53 KB, 706x416, 353:208, 740726FA-8B21-4254-B53B-8….jpeg)



d1319f  No.5986190


Rouse began his career with the FBI in September 1996 and was first assigned to the Washington Field Office (WFO) where he worked violent crime and was on both the Joint Fugitive Task Force and the Violent Crime/Reactive squads. During his tenure with the FBI, he has served as Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) in the Counterintelligence Division at FBIHQ, the senior liaison to the newly established Community HUMINT Coordination Center at CIA Headquarters, and Section Chief for the Clandestine Operations Section in the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters. Currently, Rouse serves as Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division.

“The lessons learned from Rouse regarding the Route 91 Harvest Festival investigation will help set the tone for the week of AVSS classes, exercises, and activities,” noted Herrera. “It is important that venues of all types, across all sectors, hosting events small or large, hear the message that Rouse will deliver at AVSS, so as to better plan, prepare, respond, and recover from tragic events such as Harvest 91.”

fbedca  No.5986191


Did the SC say that?

2bc5d0  No.5986192


Baker Notable

37f660  No.5986193


yeah dude i woke up at like 2:30am yesterday and it's been a weird feeling since lol

not neccesarily bad but I cant seem to sit still

52b170  No.5986194

File: 6ca3db9a2e71c6e⋯.jpg (158.05 KB, 1207x897, 1207:897, HOTELGITMO.jpg)

cb881e  No.5986195



597de3  No.5986196

All Russiagate Roads Lead To London As Evidence Emerges Of Joseph Mifsud's Links To UK Intelligence

Thanks to corporate press' overzealous attempts to paint Mifsud at the center of the Trump-Russia scandal, the revelation that he was nothing of the sort removes yet another central tenant from the Trump-Russia debacle.


13eaca  No.5986197

If you get confused - Good. DON'T stop thinking about it. You'll get the answer.

Every single time.

447a51  No.5986198


you know the rule

693dd3  No.5986199

File: 5674ece2c5d1cce⋯.png (178.48 KB, 1228x729, 1228:729, Screenshot 2019-03-30 20.4….png)


Worse than all of this, Adam Schiff wants each and every one of us to know that vaccines are "safe and effective"

5a8848  No.5986200


in fairness bvs prob dont show their hand but ip hash or two has already been banned

once its been shown hop ability they just show they are chanded like we should and ignore and filter

da46e3  No.5986201



Part of the plan

Someone colluded with Russia but it wasn't Trump or his campaign

a76fc3  No.5986202

File: 563e846c19d55b5⋯.jpg (154.78 KB, 488x617, 488:617, UraniumOneHillaryClintonBe….jpg)

File: 61ae2eea325f664⋯.jpg (260.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Uranium-u1bloodredsky.jpg)

File: b8c9329d5a129e6⋯.jpg (118.11 KB, 773x960, 773:960, UraniumOneU1GrandTheftGTU.jpg)

File: 44b81a893f3a9cc⋯.jpg (124.8 KB, 888x500, 222:125, QCrumbsMuellerUraniumOneCr….jpg)

File: f665cffb55b2a20⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 746x499, 746:499, ContainerUraniumCargo.jpg)

A shill called me radioactive. I'll show them radioactive.

a62cdd  No.5986203

File: 292bf245c143c5a⋯.jpeg (68.41 KB, 886x664, 443:332, robertmuellerwhitehat_1.jpeg)

File: 6c5a6f9030694b1⋯.jpeg (125.29 KB, 1125x979, 1125:979, 6c5a6f9030694b141cfb684d2….jpeg)


Mueller was purposely put in place so that HUBER could investigate and put together his cases without the media, the democrats or the Deep State noticing. Mueller lulled them to sleep under the promise of eventual removal of Trump.

But, Mueller was a blockade but not against Trump. Mueller was a blockade that was blocking anyone from paying attention to Huber.

Blockade is now removed….so that's why pain is coming. They were so confused (like Comey) why Mueller came back with nothing. When their eyes fully focus and they begin to see Huber they will lose their shit.

d1e93f  No.5986204

File: 3972945fb503d82⋯.jpg (126.76 KB, 987x551, 987:551, 2019-03-31 03.50.32 www.go….jpg)

Ahoy there mi hearties!


4af012  No.5986205



Hints of finding secrets buried on Necker Island?

Standard Schiff

843e79  No.5986206

>>5985387 lb

so is hunter the brother who married his dead brother's wife? that should tell you something about him

c0290e  No.5986207


known issue.

The board software batches the posts in numerical order, regardless of the datestamp of the remote data.

52117f  No.5986208


Ty, anon.

cf2c6f  No.5986209



That’s just fuckery

Daughter anon had cancer for 6 years I know everything there is about it

Fishnets are just plain fuckery

6ae9e2  No.5986210


if true why are you not joyous

that Hicks

is not really dead?

d3859f  No.5986211

File: eaa38091fa2846a⋯.jpg (321.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepevsshlomo.jpg)

File: f0afe380d02b4ac⋯.jpg (745.16 KB, 1280x1009, 1280:1009, pepevsshlomop.jpg)

Kikes all salty cause they get BTFO at the top of each bread. Make up lame ass doug bullshit and the "ATTN PRESS / FAKE NEWS MSM / NEW HERE?" faggotry and keep running with it after Q shat all over it. Their meltdown is hilarious.

ea0987  No.5986212



Eyes on, notable? Good job anon, I run into many “children” related organization affiliations when digging DS suspects. Never any gotcha situation, but a lot of connections and “coincidences”.

1c4e64  No.5986213

File: 30eeb2ad831ca86⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Schitt How Long Get Away W….jpg)

File: d3665fefbb00914⋯.jpg (315.52 KB, 1439x1039, 1439:1039, d3665fefbb00914879bcb0868c….jpg)

66fb58  No.5986214


You mean SCOTUS right?

not SC

anyway this case was not SCOTUS

federal trial court in AK

b57522  No.5986215


He will pay.


94f290  No.5986216


No, you keep "it" up.

0e830d  No.5986217

File: c5a36e358c65329⋯.jpg (422.23 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WWG1WGA.jpg)



7f3929  No.5986218

File: e9015313d6c3be1⋯.png (820.12 KB, 991x641, 991:641, Screenshot_2019-03-30 Satu….png)

75b3fb  No.5986219


Americans will NEVER give up their guns.

Let the US Govt and news outlets disappear. The people will be better off with out them. They are just lies and propaganda.

7cec46  No.5986220


Fartontoast is none other than Micro Dick!

bf65dc  No.5986221


Images aren't loading.

I looked at my charts.

Delusion is still strong in our Home Country

Those who would hurt us and pretend to be "under color of law" but who are "Kings of the Underworld" ?

Money is getting tightened on them

( I think the border closing will finish it)

There is still security danger from them

(reading the chart)

We are moving into a new phase

"The Beauty of Justice"

but it's just on the cusp of kicking in.

say some prayers or mantras, what ever tyou do.

Stay quiet and peaceful.

Otherwise, all is good fren.

I was restless as hell. But then had a good sleep and had a second very positive vibe all day.

Woke up antsy. But solved it by reflection, and gratitude. Was able to feel the gratitude today.

The fog will lift.

a76fc3  No.5986222

File: b2a1722dceb919e⋯.jpg (326.28 KB, 1440x1507, 1440:1507, HillaryUraniumOneU1clinton….JPG)

File: 0269f8918b9ad07⋯.jpg (473.14 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN:U1 Anons Knew.jpg)

File: 9582e4ad62e7d4b⋯.jpeg (118.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, U1-b.jpeg)

File: c459d511f312d8b⋯.jpeg (136.5 KB, 1242x1073, 1242:1073, U1-a.jpeg)

File: e60ddfad0a66509⋯.jpg (139.88 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, QCrumbsMuellerFaceChargesU….jpg)

3ebc56  No.5986223

File: 8587554a596815c⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2079x1540, 27:20, AJ_1c_Here_It_Comes.PNG)

File: 28ed11f42dbd2b0⋯.png (2.14 MB, 2135x1530, 427:306, AJ_2_Conjuring_ Lucifer.PNG)


136db6  No.5986224



just found it curious.

Posted with larger pic on slow ass connection as well.

890805  No.5986225

File: 502904da6a5c16c⋯.jpg (142.16 KB, 1300x576, 325:144, 3cfabe2bc06809eba6fc5ca396….jpg)


Yes feels quiet and tense. Even with all the usual shills earlier crying all day.

689ecf  No.5986226

Note to self,don’t be corrupt as a DAG

Former Deputy Asst. Attorney General: Kim Foxx Faces Up to 20 Years in Jail if Convicted of Corruption (VIDEO)

Appearing Thursday evening on the Fox News Channel, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo told host Laura Ingraham that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx could serve up to 20 years in prison if convicted of corruption for her handling of the Jussie Smollett case.


8f4d43  No.5986227


Time to Report you for Spamming the Bread. You post this every. freaking. bread.

c193c0  No.5986228

File: fb40b5b5b946dcb⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 550x550, 1:1, paulhappenig.jpg)

fa384d  No.5986229


>But just a thought-.RBG.

> i was just digging. what if she got transplanted ORGANS from the sudden of Sar3ena-dunn rothchld.


DOB-4/28/1935 - DIED 1/13/2019

>RBG 3/15/1935 - DIED 1/?/2019


>I wouldn't nor couldn't put anything pass them!

d00de7  No.5986230

File: 4c5bda85333624e⋯.jpg (520.51 KB, 1592x1040, 199:130, fort_knox-gold-1.jpg)


Yeah I've bought almost everything from them these past 2 or so years. Once I got past buying silver eagles and junk silver I usually just buy what they have on sale in silver bars now. I'm simply stacking for weight at this point.

fe99a0  No.5986231


I think AJ pulled a Scientology and drank his own koolaid

4b4381  No.5986232

File: 2b88b3e967dd84c⋯.png (446.91 KB, 721x450, 721:450, 2019-03-30 (5).png)

File: 75e65eb53d812b8⋯.png (447.83 KB, 542x582, 271:291, 2019-03-30 (7).png)



493f3a  No.5986233

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 900x524, 225:131, F15-pilot-pepe.gif)

da46e3  No.5986234


Chubby Pepe

3acdd0  No.5986235

File: 5605c5d37de9162⋯.jpg (36.55 KB, 623x386, 623:386, Smelling Shills.jpg)

06bee7  No.5986236

File: 95e6abe7b948ac5⋯.jpg (87.93 KB, 947x819, 947:819, Amiright..JPG)


a76fc3  No.5986237

File: 92f9a261380bad5⋯.jpeg (418.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Contraband cargo 1.jpeg)

File: 7eee32f3f11f98e⋯.jpeg (162.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Contraband cargo 2.jpeg)

File: 4acec185b1b63cb⋯.jpeg (375.7 KB, 1300x741, 100:57, Contraband cargo 3.jpeg)

File: 4c729a706c059c4⋯.jpeg (653.51 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Contraband cargo 5.jpeg)

File: a4360474747d305⋯.jpeg (330.29 KB, 1300x734, 650:367, Contraband cargo 6.jpeg)

3c480a  No.5986238

File: 039ae12af463740⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 300x205, 60:41, text.jpg)

02f832  No.5986239


No Table

2bb4e4  No.5986240

File: d5def52aa4c2928⋯.jpg (430.9 KB, 1079x1006, 1079:1006, Screenshot_20190330-225125….jpg)


Comey's daughter apparently works for the SDNY.


17b32e  No.5986241

File: dade1e38b54fdf7⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 634x603, 634:603, BushPic.jpg)

I am surprised that, as if completely forgetting about all the hate we were raining down when he died, nobody has jumped onto this pretty surprising George H. W. Bush revelation:


Old CIA boy had mistress Jennifer Fitzgerald for over ten years?

Barbara Bush nearly committed suicide in the 1970s during an episode of crippling depression sparked by her husband’s affair with an aide, a new biography reveals.

“She would pull over to the side of the road until the impulse to plow into a tree or drive into the path of an oncoming car had passed,” writes author Susan Page in “The Matriarch,” out Tuesday, a book based on hours of interviews with the former first lady.

“I really wasn’t brave enough to do that,” Bush said. “But that’s why I pulled over, so I wouldn’t do that, or I wouldn’t run into another car.”

President George H.W. Bush was long rumored to have carried on a lengthy liaison with personal aide Jennifer Fitzgerald, who joined his staff in 1974. She remained his gatekeeper while he served as vice president for two terms under Ronald Reagan. In 1988, when Bush was elected president, he moved Fitzgerald into a State Department job.

Bush and Fitzgerald both denied the rumors. “I’m not going to take any sleazy questions like that,” the president snapped when CNN asked him about it as he campaigned for re-election in 1992. “I’m not going to respond other than to say it’s a lie.”

But in a diary entry Page includes in the book, Barbara Bush seemed to think otherwise.

“My own opinion is that Jennifer really does hurt George,” she wrote in the 1980s. “His eyes really glaze over when you mention her name. She is just what he wants, he says and says the hell with it all.”

Both Bushes died last year — Barbara at age 93 in April, and George, 94, in November.

cb881e  No.5986242

Fucking retarded lost souls.

a4cc5c  No.5986243

File: 329641fe83d40d4⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 630x960, 21:32, armed educators.jpg)

07af8e  No.5986244

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

52b170  No.5986245

File: 653ac8f3451da28⋯.jpg (136.27 KB, 1024x445, 1024:445, WARPspeed.jpg)

d1319f  No.5986246


Mifsud allegedly discussed that Russia has ‘dirt’ on Clinton in the form of ‘thousands of emails’ with George Papadopoulos in London in April 2016.

The following month, Papadopoulos spoke with Alexander Downer, Australia’s ambassador to the UK, about the alleged Russian dirt on Clinton while they were drinking at a swanky Kensington bar, according to The Times. In late July 2016, Downer shared his tip with Australian intelligence officials who forwarded it to the FBI.

Robert Goldstone, a key figure in the ‘Trump Tower’ part of the RussiaGate narrative, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email claiming Russia wanted to help the Trump campaign. He is a British music promoter.

Christopher Steele, ex-MI6, who worked as an MI6 agent in Moscow until 1993 and ran the Russia desk at MI6 HQ in London between 2006 and 2009. He produced the totally unsubstantiated ‘Steele Dossier’ of Trump-Russia allegations, with funding from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

Robert Hannigan, the head of British spy agency GCHQ, flew to Washington DC to share ‘director-to-director’ level intelligence with then-CIA Chief John Brennan.

caad67  No.5986247


it's marilyn monroe

049c75  No.5986248


Instruments can see underground.

d1e93f  No.5986249

File: fd9f581cd02e9fa⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 569x551, 569:551, 2019-02-26 10.54.48 www.go….jpg)


9382f7  No.5986250



Even if hell froze over and every single American decided to turn in every firearm they owned, there would still be hundreds of millions of firearms floating around the country.

It's logistically impossible to remove guns. Samuel Colt opened Pandora's box and luckily for us what came out was for the betterment of humanity. Guns are here to stay whether we like it or not.

97d272  No.5986251


It was designed. There is a reason one income could easily pay for a HOME (With ya on that) back in the day and today it is nearly impossible with 2.

0c883c  No.5986252

>>5983893>>5983960 >>5983972 >>5984054 (pb) all

anon! nice dig on kwatinetz! soon as i saw his name my mind went to brittany murphy who had been engaged to him. to the list of dead you can add her husband simon monjack.

ea0987  No.5986253


>were outted today

This stoopid fukken slide has been going on since yesterday morning, ffs.

da46e3  No.5986254


I have the same coat that I bought in 1995.

d00de7  No.5986255

File: 9827eb15888365d⋯.jpeg (8.58 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0cf07246a69cbbb7c225b0097….jpeg)


Maybe you should shower?

d1e93f  No.5986256


Arrr indeed

It's been a busy day digging on treasure island.


9382f7  No.5986257


Fair enough, but how deep though? We assume that DUMB's exist, but how deep? 50 feet? 100? 250? 1000?

How deep can instruments 'see' underground?

74595c  No.5986258


I'm not saying one way or the other, no opinion really.


Could be spoopy.

0ad6a3  No.5986259


Einstein was a fan/protector of hers

597de3  No.5986260

Amicus Legal Consultants

Gray's Inn Chambers

Gray's Inn



United Kingdom

07af8e  No.5986261

File: 207f8ff056b419c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, loser_ass_jew_sub.png)

cf847f  No.5986262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



94293c  No.5986263

File: b61c6a0a0933ab7⋯.png (204.34 KB, 1592x1198, 796:599, QCountdowns.png)














Thanks for the confirmation and perspectives.

The next date I have on the Q countdowns is 4/10 – a week from Wednesday. I'm thinking DECLAS then which is causing DC to panic now. Or head to NZ.

a76fc3  No.5986264

File: 9f8768b187ae243⋯.jpg (109.83 KB, 500x640, 25:32, ContainerIllegalCargo.jpg)

File: 555d238b7763fd5⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 343x407, 343:407, ClintonTreasonFoundation2.jpg)

File: 8db2085c1c589c7⋯.jpeg (60.7 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, UraniumClintonPay.jpeg)

File: 6eda34a4d34c337⋯.jpg (242.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClintonFoundationMoneyLaun….jpg)

File: fe859fb4288e63d⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 683x629, 683:629, ClintonFear.jpg)

48fb76  No.5986265


At the least he is a handler. Just look at all the people working for him. Ties back to Zion.

It's all in the names and genetics.

Jones was a common name for Intel assets. Alex has been in it for sometime now.

cf7060  No.5986266

Dan Bongino was Secret Service to Bill Clinton. What the fuck did he witness?

41abba  No.5986267

File: 9375aed1f280abe⋯.png (155.05 KB, 377x403, 29:31, oreeeeeeo.png)

dcbd4c  No.5986268

Is the border closed yet?

7cec46  No.5986269


Mueller had 13 angry democrats looking over his shoulder every fuckin day, you know the 13 that were pre-selected even before Mueller sat down in the drivers seat. Too many eyes and too many ears leads to…….

a62cdd  No.5986270


Anon, can we prove this event happened independently?

i can't find any reports of this event in March. Not from the school or anywhere. Just the pictures. She's been honored by them in several successive years. I just want to nail down that it was for sure this year

a2f35a  No.5986271


Shill is fattening.

c30285  No.5986272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check this out. And look at the shape of the medal. Familiar??

cf847f  No.5986273


ty anon, took several breads to get to this, grateful to ya.

d1319f  No.5986274


>Mueller will face charged re:U1. He's working to save himself. #QAnon

citation needed

fbedca  No.5986275


Absolutely. Anon has been just going about things but now that you mention it, the whole day has been different than usual.

3cf862  No.5986276


But know this is the kitchen, not the dining room.

If you need something, get it yourself.

d1e93f  No.5986277

File: b0087927ac2d0b5⋯.jpg (254.59 KB, 1575x863, 1575:863, 2019-03-21 03.16.12 proxy.….jpg)

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

e825dd  No.5986278


You're having pre-op jitters.

We're all chair-bound, but we know that the tip of the spear guys are all gearing up and getting ready to move out for round one. When you're staff instead of in the field, times like this are always weird.

b57846  No.5986279


Could be stress related - suicide weekend?

fa384d  No.5986281

just a thought-.RBG.

> i was just digging. what if she got transplanted ORGANS from the sudden of Sar3ena-dunn rothchld.



>I wouldn't nor couldn't put anything pass them!>5986119

DOB-4/28/1935 - DIED 1/13/2019

>RBG 3/15/1935 - DIED 1/?/2019

5762c5  No.5986282

File: d3da390a36d3c88⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2014x916, 1007:458, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)


Fixed graphic

d00de7  No.5986283

File: 83f344e2c103765⋯.jpeg (14.75 KB, 241x300, 241:300, th.jpeg)


She should of stayed in Texas and had a nice family with a cowboy or something.

Hollywood destroys everything that comes in contact with it.

fe99a0  No.5986284


Mimics a damned asthma attack and sugar low all in one.

94293c  No.5986285

File: 8d33db703ca8cb6⋯.png (762.12 KB, 712x566, 356:283, yellowtie.png)


Reflection and meditation.

Great advice anon.

c30285  No.5986286


I thought it was Barry.

d1e93f  No.5986287


Cover each other in prayer and thrust God, Q team & the plan.

7c5b8e  No.5986288

File: d6a26d919c1d08f⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1236x930, 206:155, ClipboardImage.png)


c18ae2  No.5986289

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)

e5e229  No.5986290

File: 1322bac00c20276⋯.jpeg (103.39 KB, 959x900, 959:900, 523d19988b11bbbdc2eae772e….jpeg)

7e09da  No.5986291

Has the RBG pictures been discussed? The first one looks shopped at first glance. And what the heck is up with her hands? I'll look at the other pictures but…

7ec7da  No.5986292

File: fa223c563745357⋯.png (20.88 KB, 546x293, 546:293, ClipboardImage.png)

61b802  No.5986293


>Whenever I see those weirdos, I only think tampon. What a bunch of gross and evil losers.

But they are called royal which supposedly makes them better than you.

8f4d43  No.5986294






All Reported as Spam, posting Same posts, every bread, every day.

d1319f  No.5986297


and you can always 3D print some more


f6086c  No.5986298

File: 663e0ea2b06db63⋯.jpeg (56.88 KB, 512x330, 256:165, 8188F9F1-4BE1-4DD6-8153-0….jpeg)

File: a74ecf9e6b906bf⋯.jpeg (111.91 KB, 800x1085, 160:217, 96D2D03E-AFEF-4120-9BB7-B….jpeg)

File: 1e81f0a0a573054⋯.jpeg (384.76 KB, 834x2972, 417:1486, 8797C0DD-1AF2-4E02-9B8D-C….jpeg)

887f5c  No.5986299


Got a link for that anon?

ad5c73  No.5986300

File: c24c86a5fb085ce⋯.jpg (301.27 KB, 991x804, 991:804, detoq.jpg)

37f660  No.5986301


yeah bro im at a loss here

you guys seem to read my mind on a daily basis now

33a032  No.5986302


That's from a Q drop circa Sept. 2018

17b32e  No.5986303


72 hours.


I'm gonna end up stuck listening to a long-winded customer or fixing some fuckup around the house when it happens; I just know it.

I wish there was an app that had an alarm for happenings.

de5ce9  No.5986304


Yaay! It lives!!

5802be  No.5986305

File: 9c325db9ae4a6e4⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 213x292, 213:292, TYB.jpg)

52117f  No.5986306


There's a tortured soul. A low life father and mentally ill mother.

Used and abused by Hollywood and every man she ever came into contact with. Includes the Kennedy's, Joe DiMaggio (beat her up), et al.

99f348  No.5986307

File: a5d40e7ea94c5e3⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1c5926de556d25b01b5b2f76d2….jpg)

9c570b  No.5986308


It was Hussein

1a2028  No.5986309



Actually Rouse is connected to Podesta’s daughter.

05da91  No.5986310


She looks mostly miserable. Why not let her go home and die?

d1319f  No.5986311


big if true

but I'm not as angry with Mueller about U1 as I am about 9/11

6d065c  No.5986312

File: 8e5848b5c796bbb⋯.png (22.64 KB, 431x430, 431:430, a782fe42-e74b-4dcc-a2a5-d5….png)

5eb031  No.5986313

File: c4f69f6474bc76e⋯.png (291.19 KB, 569x532, 569:532, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at ….png)

File: 7e768d13482f1c4⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cayIk5BFQQjWSfpY.mp4)

Dan Scavino just now.

"WOW! #March Madness"


06bee7  No.5986314


See this clown? It is a shill or bot that posts innocuous images and memes without comment or a response to another post. Another bread gobbler. Same images every time.

ad5c73  No.5986315

File: b57af0925601f8d⋯.jpg (4.3 MB, 6048x4032, 3:2, horse.jpg)

ty b

809c7a  No.5986316

File: 9838cf3bc296288⋯.jpg (31 KB, 474x711, 2:3, Welcome to Wendy's.jpg)


It's always weird. That's why we are here!

d1319f  No.5986317


very well thanks

887f5c  No.5986318

Notes so far

Anything missing?

>>5986129 Dig on Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) (screaming loudly)

>>5986123 Schiff sticks his pencil neck out

>>5986122 Class 1-99. Fbi archives

>>5986066 Giuliani takes aim at 'phony politicians' leading FBI over Russia inv.

>>5986058 45_Schedule tweets Marine One cockpit at Mar-a-Lago

>>5985977 Ukraine corruption graphic

>>5985959 , >>5986057 Comey's daughter Maurene is Assistant US Attorney at SDNY

>>5985911 Joe Biden, his son and a Ukrainian oligarch

>>5985892 A look into the reversal of POTUS' drilling EO

>>5986199 Schiff wants us to believe vacines are safe (awaiting link)

c002e8  No.5986319

File: 91c835d6901b940⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x187, 15:11, KYS Meme.jpg)

afd78b  No.5986320

File: c79ce827d5ffbac⋯.jpg (131.86 KB, 1006x882, 503:441, 1a.JPG)

BRIAN HASSINE insurance fraud??

Just what is the MAGA Coalition doing?

Burglars Escape With More Than $1 Million in Baubles in Laguna Niguel Jewelry Store Break-In


a76fc3  No.5986321


When anons drop a Q crumb, if you don't recognize it, first step should be to check qmap.pub or qanon.pub whenever the opportunity to re_read crumbs is presented.

c18ae2  No.5986322


I'm just a cheerleader. You don't like my shit. Filter me.

0faac2  No.5986323

File: 803eb6e8e93846c⋯.png (298.5 KB, 1966x842, 983:421, d aw8o0d7wad9 bwa d wad 89….png)

cb79a5  No.5986324


I have personal experience with him. I modded a sub that attacked topmindsofreddit, and then fartontoast somehow got on the mod team and destroyed it. He would also make private subreddits and then make them public without telling anyone so that everybody’s posts would be exposed. He also spent a very long time weasling into the conspiracy world so that he could get invited to some of the private pages. Not surprisingly, those private groups were gradually destroyed.

I’m not surprised one bit that he’s a subversive Jew. It explains all of his previous behavior very well. Glad to see him at least losing his shit.

1a2028  No.5986325


John Podesta’s daughter is with him

61b802  No.5986326


>She looks mostly miserable. Why not let her go home and die?

She doesn't look like she could survive a flight to Israel.

06bee7  No.5986327


ok, bye

50b010  No.5986328





c18ae2  No.5986329

File: 55419ee32566270⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 670x377, 670:377, QPenPower.jpg)

de5ce9  No.5986330

File: aa348270615d4f8⋯.mp4 (12.2 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Alex Jones was not liked b….mp4)

fef917  No.5986331


Just waiting?

fe99a0  No.5986332


Attempting to besmirch MAGA's good name. Have to keep them from trying to use our good names.

d00de7  No.5986333

File: 2442a7c8d9db6ae⋯.jpeg (8.94 KB, 254x255, 254:255, da65ca8188de15b3aa4c7994b….jpeg)


Doesn't work that way. You make a deal with satan you're in for eternity.

da46e3  No.5986334


"It's for your own protection.

Shut up and sign the form!"

d1e93f  No.5986335


New Zealand removes any reference to Jesus from parliamentary prayer!

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population.

Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer “more inclusive” for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reported: A reference to “almighty god” remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian god.

The protesters want Jesus’s name reinstated, and held signs reading “Dishonourable Judas Mallard”.

Around 1,000 people protested on the steps of parliament house in Wellington, arguing that New Zealand was a Christian nation and Mallard had no authority to axe Jesus’s name.

More than ever NZ needs our prayers.


c18ae2  No.5986336


OH no! You filtered me? Wow! My life is changed forever!

Fuck you!

3dca09  No.5986337

File: a879fd44971e006⋯.png (385.66 KB, 426x619, 426:619, ClipboardImage.png)

c30285  No.5986338


So I guess she left out him getting his dick sucked by little boys. Shame! Burn in hell both of ya demons.

d1e93f  No.5986339

File: ff3beec3600fb91⋯.jpg (61.53 KB, 1004x866, 502:433, 2019-03-31 04.00.50 voiceo….jpg)


Forgot the picture sorry baker.

db38f1  No.5986340


chicken and egg… referrals or DECLAS

what about the IG report(s)

what about the potential inditements

cf847f  No.5986341

File: 263dfa367ad24c7⋯.png (705.76 KB, 998x669, 998:669, 709F3812-CC44-4B6D-A656-2C….png)

File: 382008e6dd67d00⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, 63E3BFCE-DD56-4924-9AA8-B2….png)

ad5c73  No.5986342

File: 031a4cb93829f4e⋯.jpg (69 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

a76fc3  No.5986343

File: 74ffdcc49f48524⋯.jpg (176.49 KB, 709x1024, 709:1024, QCrumbsRedLine3.jpg)

File: 5a3ea0fe8f89d05⋯.jpg (118.26 KB, 566x636, 283:318, QCrumbsHuberSeverePain6.jpg)

File: 14be82259d15061⋯.jpg (203.1 KB, 883x629, 883:629, QCrumbsPanicDCFireSuicideW….jpg)

File: 6820c981ba75648⋯.jpg (102.48 KB, 597x514, 597:514, QCrumbsWorldChange.jpg)

File: 1f18d0308ad5de5⋯.jpg (296.48 KB, 749x752, 749:752, QCrumbsPanicDCWhitakerLeas….jpg)


Thanks fren.

Maybe we need to replay some more crumbs tonite. Seems we've got some visitors here.

7c5b8e  No.5986344


NZ is in full CABAL takeover mode. NZ anons, you have some dark days ahead. Pray.

fbedca  No.5986345


Nonlawfag is talking with lawfag. Lawfag gives legal interpretation of law. Nonlawfag disagrees. Lawfag says a court decided.

Nowlawfag asksL did the SC decide that?

Lawfag doesn't understand what SC is.

Does nonlawfag have the record correct?

07af8e  No.5986346

File: 66da046d9d633dd⋯.jpg (103.88 KB, 960x928, 30:29, Lt_dang.jpg)


Dang, you gonna be ok? Those filters hurt don't they?

d1e93f  No.5986347


Aye shippie

d1319f  No.5986348


>John Podesta’s daughter is with him

big if true

the corruption never ends

887f5c  No.5986349



Good stuff anon, it was noted and posted a lot yesterday.

19f2f9  No.5986350



You are both retards

589f45  No.5986351


I met Dan Bongino at a Republican event in Western Maryland. After what he told us about Mr. Clinton, it was no wonder he decided to run for Congress in Maryland. John Delaney unfortunately won the district. I decided to send him donations to help him buy his signs and bumper stickers. He is a good man with knowledge that would make Anon's want to tar and feather Bill and Hillary Clinton. Very sick people. Believe everything Dan says.

9382f7  No.5986352


Wow. What a truly sad existence.

0ad6a3  No.5986353


You sound filterable on principle. Done.

842fbe  No.5986354

>>5983972 pb

Whoa Nelly!

Wasn't expecting to see Steve Banon on that list!

c30285  No.5986355



08b89c  No.5986356

File: 7de34cb1ace3f44⋯.jpg (3.97 KB, 240x111, 80:37, th.jpg)


You mad bro? Yeah, you mad Kek!

61b802  No.5986357


New Cuckland is sinking fast.

cb881e  No.5986358

Anons and Autists,

Q needs you

MSM needs you

Potus needs you

Democrats needs you

HRC needs you

BO needs you

AOC need you

Do you understand it?

Everyone needs you.

They fight for your sympathy.

Everyone can have good intentions.

Q, whitehats, greyhats…

YOU have guns → you have power → You have free will → YOU have possibility of decision

THINK FOR ONE SECOND, why is Q trying to communicate with YOU?

YOU have the real power.

Anons have the power.


Awakened Anons and Autists → unstoppable force

ef621f  No.5986359

File: 276787912ab224b⋯.png (854.18 KB, 1282x691, 1282:691, VICE.PNG)



a62cdd  No.5986360

File: 9311533fdc2eced⋯.png (187.23 KB, 1124x1842, 562:921, 5cad1002-8c45-4362-a158-3f….png)


those 13 plus Mueller past with Uranium 1 gave Mueller credibility with the Deep State. Mueller was acting as a double agent. You don't think he let on with the 13 what he was doing? But he slow walked it and held them back.

c18ae2  No.5986361


Exaggerated. I don't care. I'll keep gobbling up my bread just the same as I have been doing. I'm not a Clown.

cf847f  No.5986362

File: 2269cd15ba123aa⋯.png (158.29 KB, 450x415, 90:83, 2269cd15ba123aab07ebc788d3….png)

21cb57  No.5986363

Titled "Queen takes Knight"

Plot of the episode looks like a thinly veiled summary of the last couple of years meaning the Q phenomenon. Gordon is Trump and Penguin is Hillary. Only 20 minutes in and was only in the background which tells you how obvious it is!

21:30 trolling Hillary like a dog

TLDR: Falcone (JFK) killed mysteriously.

Penguin sacrifices orphan (Seth rich) because the kid becomes a liability in a power struggle between then villains.

Sure there's much more.

Sorry in advance if it's been noticed before. If not then it's probably probably because no one watches that gay ass show.

Eerie though because if I'm right and that's what this is then it's basically a show of force

88553f  No.5986364

File: b00a1438ff579a6⋯.jpeg (155.58 KB, 910x1260, 13:18, 3CC1EDE2-9D0E-4B75-B42F-4….jpeg)

File: 274f80464639389⋯.jpeg (122.47 KB, 1242x966, 9:7, 05804835-7D28-4349-A07B-7….jpeg)

File: fb22227d3c29e7d⋯.jpeg (228.88 KB, 1242x1438, 621:719, 8E6A18AE-5CB6-4AD2-82A1-D….jpeg)

File: 00c6a5b4a79b91a⋯.jpeg (127.01 KB, 1242x957, 414:319, 63CF1E07-2E72-4F2D-A3B9-8….jpeg)

File: a8c79d7e3b83fb2⋯.jpeg (477.36 KB, 1242x895, 1242:895, 8268F789-0454-49B0-B645-5….jpeg)


HI Doug!!

ed9364  No.5986365


I wasn’t sure if it was a hit, but as I started researching, it made more and more sense. The #99 plant survey got my attention as it is involving bases. There’s ALOT to dig. Thank you for noticing.

d1e93f  No.5986366


Many different forms of persecuting the body of Christ.

This is just another.

Prayer battle begins.

1a2028  No.5986367




This is what I just found…

John Podesta's daughter, Megan Rouse; she is the wife of Gordon whos is the brother of Aaron (Over investigation)

They’re always connected

7dd362  No.5986368

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

37f660  No.5986369


who is that fartontoast guy anyways??

i got in a big argument with him on reddit right before they yanked the plug lol

weird how shit works out

i got that fucker good too

c18ae2  No.5986370

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

1fe562  No.5986371

>>5985336 , >>5985570 pb Notable

Going along with the Notable of Ten Days of Darkness, what if FB, and all of social media was wiped at the end of it? Twitter, FB, IG, all wiped clean. Wouldn't that be glorious?

842fbe  No.5986372


Should have added for the list


0ad6a3  No.5986373


solid KEK

d1e93f  No.5986374


I missed the post yesterday, busy sailing the high seas arrr.

Glad it wasn't missed.

c18ae2  No.5986375

File: f02133741dd432a⋯.jpg (76.52 KB, 599x337, 599:337, NancyAndChuckAreFucked.jpg)

ad5c73  No.5986376

File: 23efb85e324705e⋯.png (938.91 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, barr.png)

cf7060  No.5986377

So are they going to take down Adam "pencil neck" first? We have all the indictments on everyone. Are they going to set the precedent with him? Are they going to just convict him on leaking from the Intel committee, or will they go FULL BORE and convict him of the Standard Hotel and the crap he did with the sick fuck that kills black male hookers? They know he's guilty of more. I'm not sure one way or another how I percieve that.

7dd362  No.5986378



d1319f  No.5986379


damn thats some good diggin

you have sauce, should be notable

d00de7  No.5986380

File: 30886b07f717183⋯.jpeg (14.42 KB, 255x146, 255:146, 70a424e72873891d5ea9a8b21….jpeg)

809c7a  No.5986381



Well, I think that settles it. There is power in the name (invocation) of Jesus.

5534be  No.5986382

File: 4342ccee298f6cf⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 457x386, 457:386, 4342ccee298f6cf5e62d64bf9a….jpg)

c18ae2  No.5986383

File: 31deceed7b31062⋯.jpg (133.15 KB, 640x457, 640:457, FuckCongress2.jpg)

File: 34ed912d0d0037c⋯.jpg (133 KB, 640x457, 640:457, FuckCongress.jpg)

7dd362  No.5986384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

63d9a6  No.5986385


So Obama, Clinton, Bush’s are all Good the Jooos did it?

Thank you Anon I thought these people were bad. They are all good and the Juuhs did it.

Fuck off

They’re all Bad asswipe

c002e8  No.5986386


She was born and raised in Los Angeles, dipshit.

7dd362  No.5986387

File: a2c42e2bacf7c98⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 355x355, 1:1, IMG_0005.JPG)

c18ae2  No.5986388

File: beb5c899bc3a652⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 564x441, 188:147, Nice&Tough.jpg)

ea0987  No.5986389


And less than a minute to respond. I’m never that quick to respond if actually looking at the posts.

07af8e  No.5986390

File: 66369ebb7e4da5f⋯.gif (977.63 KB, 229x176, 229:176, kekekekek.gif)

Just think of it, one of JIDF's final shills is going to be "HI DOUG!"… What a time to be alive.

5345ff  No.5986391


Welcome back.

I've gone through almost all of the pages.

There are more of the young girl with family, etc.

Those three were the only like that.

I was just reading, since early last bread, what the laws around that type of content are.

Best I can get, so far, is this…

Up until the child is 4yo, it's a grey area, of sorts.

If the images are obviously of a sexual nature, and there are no doubts of the intent, someone is going to jail.

In cases like we are talking about, it becomes opinion.

I see a child playing on a beach, no big deal.

You see it as porn, etc.

Cases like that seem to be dismissed.

So, there's that.

Good on you for bailing if you were uncomfortable.

You're still a retard though, because this was not my intended dig for tonight.

7dd362  No.5986392

File: 3214de46b05cee4⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 189x266, 27:38, IMG_0062.JPG)

de5ce9  No.5986393

File: 95fb16e820d6cde⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f32a1bab658ca84⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x663, 1024:663, ClipboardImage.png)

c18ae2  No.5986394

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

7c5b8e  No.5986396

File: 51a3f721a73fe95⋯.png (105.76 KB, 1232x466, 616:233, ClipboardImage.png)

IA small pleasure I take every year is to turn on every light I can during #EarthHour.


cf847f  No.5986397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c30285  No.5986398



He remained on protective duty after Barack Obama became President, leaving in May 2011 to run for the U.S. Senate.[3]


0964b4  No.5986399


Friday notable.

7dd362  No.5986401

File: 62e17be01e3820a⋯.png (126.2 KB, 851x315, 851:315, IMG_0072.PNG)

4badf0  No.5986402

What happened around 2013 that would give cause for the SEC to look all the way back to 2011 and 2012 about a Loop Capital employee using an AOL email to conduct company business involving a finance transaction? And why bring it all the way forward n 2017 for an admin proceeding?

Sort of hush hush?


6c83ed  No.5986403

File: dcc9c6120f906af⋯.png (201.04 KB, 1440x1152, 5:4, POTUS WINNING LETTER FLAG-….png)

a76fc3  No.5986404

File: 0b9e4be1a24bb2b⋯.jpg (431.03 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, HillarySexTortureDungeon5.jpg)

File: 5c8fd1383453da5⋯.jpg (302 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: 99251295d06b447⋯.jpg (350.86 KB, 1154x833, 1154:833, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: 5b456df98e986c3⋯.jpg (297.98 KB, 1086x724, 3:2, BillHillaryClintonEpsteinH….jpg)

File: 65a1bc72126901c⋯.jpg (453.08 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, HillarySexTortureDungeon.jpg)


I simply do not believe that

>Everyone can have good intentions.

Some have bad intentions, very bad intentions.

c18ae2  No.5986405

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

File: 0898b6ef64e8eca⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 989x556, 989:556, WhoDesignedMueller.jpg)

c99c11  No.5986406


4/5/2019 (+55)



94293c  No.5986407

File: b3483008d7754b7⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1424x1064, 178:133, FreedomShip.png)


Well said.

Freedom Ship Engaged.

9382f7  No.5986408


great post

Anons must remember, all (((they))) have is labels. That's it. That is all they have.

We have the guns, we have history, we have God on our side. We have the spirit of revolutionaries running through our veins.

They should be scared of us.


affb8b  No.5986409

File: 0870cf765a74072⋯.jpg (64.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1553820219563.jpg)

c18ae2  No.5986410

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)

ef621f  No.5986411

JUst watch Watter's world replay tonight with Brad Parscale.

30%+ of Michigan Rally attendees were DEmocrats

9382f7  No.5986412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


forgot to embed

bb8b66  No.5986413

File: 62bae99e5549bce⋯.png (8.63 KB, 992x283, 992:283, Screenshot_2019-03-31 Re C….png)

File: 5f84b3f068b724c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1658x1192, 829:596, Screenshot_2019-03-31 Part….png)

Podesta emails https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/49331 another access to children Opportunity Institute ?

c18ae2  No.5986414

File: f26f43ab56ad0ec⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 700x400, 7:4, RubberBullets.jpg)

File: 112b8938a959a68⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FlynnPissed.jpg)

718af9  No.5986415




7dd362  No.5986416

File: 6997e71fcd505d6⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 599x430, 599:430, IMG_0110.JPG)

File: 63a35970edce3db⋯.jpg (59.75 KB, 665x900, 133:180, IMG_0111.JPG)

File: 6491c48173cdc1e⋯.jpg (208.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0114.JPG)

File: 1cec8a001b6b4e1⋯.jpg (185.77 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_0115.JPG)

cb79a5  No.5986417


He’s a user that is likely working for some Israeli internet group or something similar, and has the blessing of reddit admins. He’s been infiltrating and subverting groups since at least 2016, and from what I hear, he even became a mod of the_donald.

24fa6b  No.5986418


Reminds me of the bank job in Laguna Niguel, 47 years ago almost to the day. That was connected to Ohio-based organized crime. I assume it's a total coincidence, but still interesting:

"The United California Bank burglary took place on 24 March 1972, when the safe deposit vault at United California Bank in Laguna Niguel, California, was broken into and $9 million ($54 million today) in cash and valuables were looted by professional burglars led by Amil Dinsio."


7b3bd7  No.5986419

Fuck all of you im reverse shilling

Puppies and kittens for all of you

No negative energy

72b657  No.5986420

File: 0a503e7fb282346⋯.jpeg (52.72 KB, 540x500, 27:25, 82AF7F65-CDCA-4085-BC18-9….jpeg)


is he smugglin’ peanuts in that cheek or what?

c18ae2  No.5986421

File: ca69bfc4cf756c3⋯.jpg (66.41 KB, 780x438, 130:73, MittIsShit.jpg)

File: f6e5820644a0bc6⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 680x450, 68:45, Mitt Is Piece Of Shit.jpg)

File: 7d7493c12fadd12⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 640x400, 8:5, MittSaysFuckYouToAmerica.jpg)

887f5c  No.5986422



c30285  No.5986423


He's listed as the treasurer of MAGA coalition. So fuckin odd!!

597de3  No.5986424


April 4, 2018 Elizabeth Vos

Over the last few months, Professor Joseph Mifsud has become a feather in the cap for those pushing the Trump-Russia narrative. He is characterized as a “Russian” intelligence asset in mainstream press, despite his declarations to the contrary. However, evidence has surfaced that suggests Mifsud was anything but a Russian spy, and may have actually worked for British intelligence. This new evidence culminates in the ground-breaking conclusion that the UK and its intelligence apparatus may be responsible for the invention of key pillars of the Trump-Russia scandal. If true, this would essentially turn the entire RussiaGate debacle on its head.

To give an idea of the scope of this report, a few central points showing the UK connections with the central pillars of the Trump-Russia claims are included here, in the order of discussion in this article:

Mifsud allegedly discussed that Russia has ‘dirt’ on Clinton in the form of ‘thousands of emails’ with George Papadopoulos in London in April 2016.

The following month, Papadopoulos spoke with Alexander Downer, Australia’s ambassador to the UK, about the alleged Russian dirt on Clinton while they were drinking at a swanky Kensington bar, according to The Times. In late July 2016, Downer shared his tip with Australian intelligence officials who forwarded it to the FBI.

Robert Goldstone, a key figure in the ‘Trump Tower’ part of the RussiaGate narrative, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email claiming Russia wanted to help the Trump campaign. He is a British music promoter.

Christopher Steele, ex-MI6, who worked as an MI6 agent in Moscow until 1993 and ran the Russia desk at MI6 HQ in London between 2006 and 2009. He produced the totally unsubstantiated ‘Steele Dossier’ of Trump-Russia allegations, with funding from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

Robert Hannigan, the head of British spy agency GCHQ, flew to Washington DC to share ‘director-to-director’ level intelligence with then-CIA Chief John Brennan.

961bde  No.5986425


47, you saaaaaaay….

7b3bd7  No.5986426

File: 32d277667ee619c⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 555x559, 555:559, awoflag.gif)

f23914  No.5986427

Forgive this anon if the following is already well covered. Thinking about how Stasi should be a worse insult vs Nazi, went to comped https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stasi and


The crest on the flag.

97f824  No.5986428


Same here-liberty's, assorted rounds, 10oz bars. Have merc dimes too just for portability. Rounded off the pile with the asahi kilo bar's. i have been unable to find out the real issues as to why Johnson Mathey sold to Asahi a few year's back but also think mittens is somehow involved based on that mine's location.

a76fc3  No.5986429

File: b7239133f47d262⋯.jpg (111.26 KB, 401x560, 401:560, GoodVsEvil.jpg)

File: 5c69c7ae30d364f⋯.jpg (549.18 KB, 3492x1964, 873:491, QCrumbsGoodEvilWe_are_at_W….jpg)

File: 99d20d5fbd9363c⋯.jpg (914.68 KB, 3512x2452, 878:613, GOOD VS EVIL1.jpg)

File: 06dd3d242d75df9⋯.jpg (141.31 KB, 1024x511, 1024:511, QCrumbsThoseWhoKnowCannotS….jpg)

File: 44c926362c44fa6⋯.jpg (673.64 KB, 2000x1067, 2000:1067, those who know cannot slee….jpg)

08b89c  No.5986430


Mommy come and wipe my ass, and bring me a cookie

02f832  No.5986431


Yep. I get all amped. Very exciting.

809c7a  No.5986432

File: 6bcc0001f996f86⋯.jpg (79.07 KB, 700x456, 175:114, Accent-LED-color-changing-….jpg)


Fuck, I missed an opportunity. My house is completely covered in LED lighting for events like Christmas and such. I change the colors depending on the event. Looks similar to this:

7b3bd7  No.5986433

File: 7ca58cbf0304b76⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 1000x751, 1000:751, d3f6fa927085449e2858ab7cf3….jpg)

37f660  No.5986434


Gotcha. I kind of figured as much. I was just suprised to see eveyrone talking about him here because I just ran into the guy randomly while he was bullying other anons.

i bet he has a million sock puppet accounts

a2dd05  No.5986435


Man! That's why I can't watch basketball anymore! My heart can't take it! Kek!

da46e3  No.5986436

File: 4c0e262846adc18⋯.jpeg (58.31 KB, 474x282, 79:47, image.jpeg)


And run them out on a splintery rail!

c18ae2  No.5986437

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

File: 5e11db826064e69⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 594x301, 594:301, DEATHpenalty.jpg)

File: c3dd2ff033e3185⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 800x450, 16:9, NewSherriff.jpg)

99f348  No.5986438

File: 16c7dba3101a269⋯.png (13.92 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 6b2331d069e8892069b7818cb6….png)

ac1a2a  No.5986439

Laws need to be introduced that will hold those filing cases against bogus investigations/that they know hold no water and are FALSE!

They file just to muddy up the water/narrative at the time (to shift narrative) and then cause GREAT harm to Patriots!




Bring it back on them Please Q!

They DESTROY for talking points.

84b706  No.5986440

Is Antartica really last?

c18ae2  No.5986441

File: c235e6df0a2a1b0⋯.jpg (93.79 KB, 750x500, 3:2, GorkaFag.jpg)

7dd362  No.5986442

File: 4adbeac1cad56c9⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0242.JPG)



62d5a7  No.5986444

(PB) >>5985641 Interdasting Loop Capital newsletter

Has anyone else tried looking this up? Im getting an "not allowed access" to this portion of the URL…


cf7060  No.5986445


If they convict with treason and the punishment is severe, will that weigh out the balance of Justice from the sick things they've done.

Save the Republic and let rule of law prevail.

Is this the choice to know will be yours?

441294  No.5986446

File: a31da4537e41427⋯.jpg (643.35 KB, 2638x1685, 2638:1685, 032019201122.jpg)

c18ae2  No.5986447

File: eb5101b1f74d501⋯.jpg (65.37 KB, 588x441, 4:3, DumbAsARock.jpg)

0bcdaa  No.5986448

File: 13c4f2cd4919259⋯.png (16.21 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)



ed9364  No.5986449

File: f16e99ea048fdae⋯.jpeg (254.96 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 5ACA4CA6-8D40-40F2-B689-A….jpeg)

Podesta a Daughter Megan Rouse and family. Check the shirt. You think HRC would be treated poorly under the CF crime investigation if held under the SDNY?

cecd89  No.5986450


gloves for poor circulation

9382f7  No.5986451


China is expanding in Antarctica, I hope something is done about it.

6d065c  No.5986452

File: 004a29eef8a07a2⋯.png (583.16 KB, 497x558, 497:558, af9ba40c-a682-4e97-9b31-d7….png)


its always good to reread crumbs

c18ae2  No.5986453

File: f05b6a5e672da57⋯.jpg (107.49 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ApologizerInChief.jpg)

72b657  No.5986455

File: 710be44f6c0e58e⋯.jpeg (59.04 KB, 449x800, 449:800, F2D2E2B0-EE74-41E2-A036-9….jpeg)

Yo, Qew, if you “have it all” how about you stop the demonshits next FF and release the comms I KNOW exist between Shady Hoax actors…

627078  No.5986456

File: 98bef9b2658cf95⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 765x574, 765:574, IMG_20190330_220850.jpg)

File: 47025e4b732a4b2⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20190330_215337.jpg)

File: c9fd33d930a25a7⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20190330_215615.jpg)

Symbolism will be their downfall

Emoji movie - pizza - ping pong - boylover pedo symbol - dominos… Does it open the door to yet unknown symbols?

cf847f  No.5986457

File: 1e5a3c0a45e9e49⋯.png (958.2 KB, 1064x884, 266:221, 43CA95C6-A2BC-4ACA-93C0-BE….png)

Love the newfags

07af8e  No.5986458


I know, i was mocking them with you. o7

c06f96  No.5986459

File: e8872cfeed85b87⋯.png (972.25 KB, 600x800, 3:4, e8872cfeed85b876d1133a04ea….png)

c18ae2  No.5986460

File: 61544afd746d168⋯.jpg (126.27 KB, 660x990, 2:3, CrackSmoker.jpg)

7b3bd7  No.5986461

File: 3037b35dc89f172⋯.jpg (312.86 KB, 600x480, 5:4, 69065708_p0.jpg)

Hug all the puppies

ef621f  No.5986462





dcbd4c  No.5986463

Is the border closed yet?

17b32e  No.5986464

Peter Schweizer's grade A digs on the Clintons, Bidens, Kerrys, and others.

Literally, there's no reason to dig.

Schweizer already did it all.

Pick your desired level of detail–

5 min. Hannity interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo3LpGOFIAY

12 min. RT interview (yes irony, keep yer panties on and listen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoTn3cHtXxQ

25 min. Dove TV interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj8xEMKJj3I

8095ac  No.5986465

File: c581a951f74fe09⋯.png (215.47 KB, 614x806, 307:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94e2aecf95774dc⋯.png (352.03 KB, 614x806, 307:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Exonerate Lyndon LaRouche!

March 21, 2019


Note: Thought this was interesting,

Liliana Gorini

Schiller Institute

Chairwoman of MoviSol (Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili, Solidarietà)

Milan Italy asking for this? Why?

9382f7  No.5986466

File: d965d815b3ed275⋯.jpg (64 KB, 656x478, 328:239, joem.JPG)

File: bfd0c64e54f3ce5⋯.jpg (247.37 KB, 1140x2037, 380:679, watkins.jpg)

File: 95e0f37f35a7657⋯.jpg (149.36 KB, 664x1242, 332:621, gitmobuildup.JPG)

File: bb914a776646848⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 751x584, 751:584, GITMO COURT ROOM.JPG)

File: 42208abc870e7b4⋯.png (150.08 KB, 600x554, 300:277, cell padding.png)

7dd362  No.5986467

File: ef877a08a244995⋯.jpg (90.97 KB, 470x550, 47:55, IMG_0125.JPG)

File: f45d3625d3ed8e5⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 640x623, 640:623, IMG_0129.JPG)

File: 68c66bd212546dc⋯.jpg (102.17 KB, 600x375, 8:5, IMG_0136.JPG)

File: e2a43779700e669⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 581x499, 581:499, IMG_0146.JPG)

File: 9b1d7b86c8ef516⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 868x960, 217:240, IMG_0148.JPG)

887f5c  No.5986468

File: cda0e92fc20ebb5⋯.jpeg (98.71 KB, 814x900, 407:450, da56762ac4716afd50afeee0b….jpeg)

fbedca  No.5986469


No worries mate. Christchurch is the city in the S. Island. Queensland is (or was) the only ski resort in New Zealand.

Normies in S. Island, especially the Maori's never go to either one. Sure, maybe the DS, in collusion with Wellington, pulled a fast one. S. Island Kiwi's will need no help. DS in trouble there.

693dd3  No.5986470


Why would it be so important for gun owners to be convinced that they should vaccinate their children? Note: I don't advocate for violence. I only want to understand why we see several trends at this time: Push for mandated vaccines at every turn plus the disarmament of citizens. The Democrats want BOTH. https://www.nratv.com/videos/cam-and-company-2015-julie-gunlock-vaccinate-your-children The link is to a woman from the "Independent Women's Forum" and she is speaking on NRA TV about the need to vaccinate. The interview is old, but still relevant.

94f290  No.5986471

We must be under attack.

Voat seems like it's down.

Boards are slow as fuck.

67ef13  No.5986472


Great price.

Thanx for the tip, fren.

d1319f  No.5986473


where were you all day?

oh right, Shabbat = no work

24b16a  No.5986474

File: 1d96f78463a5d99⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 962x593, 962:593, dronebomb.jpg)

c0290e  No.5986475

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

136db6  No.5986476



maybe, maybe not.

7b3bd7  No.5986477

File: 2a1feb19e9eb876⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 262x395, 262:395, Labradoodle_Brown.jpg)

Hugging a puppy makes the cia niggers go away

c30285  No.5986478


Lib women are almost always gross. Like they need a bath and a shave.

ea0987  No.5986479


Been cabal. Just being exposed now. I think a few other countries will be in the limelight before we’re all said and done. Ireland and Australia for example.

7dd362  No.5986480

File: 5078c2329747bd1⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 793x1007, 793:1007, IMG_0415.JPG)

File: d17f920a7434979⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_0417.JPG)

File: 0fe5fc4f1f99697⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 900x389, 900:389, IMG_0418.JPG)

File: d26569bf48945b6⋯.jpg (136.03 KB, 1184x675, 1184:675, IMG_0419.JPG)

77e343  No.5986481

File: 234afb6c5f205f5⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 55842798_2267327376816319_….jpg)

1a2028  No.5986482

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, 9133FB98-BDD9-412E-9629-32….png)

File: e38ab937d7c3c56⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 4554AC4E-CBA5-42C7-8324-2….jpeg)

c18ae2  No.5986483



97f824  No.5986484

File: a62304e2d07351a⋯.png (282 KB, 1000x963, 1000:963, pepe patriot 1.png)


actually went out today and had a nice day with spouse-did notice that two stores in mall here had some interdasting names. One was just simply "Q" and another was "Qluvv". Have not been there for a while so do not know the time they have existed but it sure caught my attention.


this is what I think too but have learned to not have the expectation lest you be let down by it.

718af9  No.5986485




667349  No.5986486

File: d4f7b156566effc⋯.png (238.89 KB, 2726x768, 1363:384, MAGA COALITION PAC FINANCI….png)




A little leg work for you guys research.


7b3bd7  No.5986487

File: 2a1feb19e9eb876⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 262x395, 262:395, Labradoodle_Brown.jpg)

Q would hug this puppy

07af8e  No.5986488

File: fbfb74505b07b08⋯.jpg (179.9 KB, 783x366, 261:122, zzzzzzzzzzz.jpg)

a62cdd  No.5986489


How many vaccine (neurologically) damaged people own and can wield a gun?

d00de7  No.5986490

File: 316b3076d3eec5f⋯.jpeg (15.88 KB, 293x300, 293:300, th.jpeg)

de5ce9  No.5986491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c18ae2  No.5986492


Go ahead and dox.

667349  No.5986493

>>5985022 (lb)

>>5985629 (lb)

>>5985748 (lb)


049c75  No.5986494


First, you can probably strike assume. Vet here who has been underground in the early days of NORAD. As to how deep they can see… well, they find oil several miles deep. Just saying.

05da91  No.5986495

File: 1afa6e706b48373⋯.png (54.54 KB, 531x753, 177:251, 2D400FAD-2B36-4755-9E45-E8….png)


I can’t imagine you can’t buy it back. Everything has a price.

562a8e  No.5986496

File: 67e94b4643ba0e9⋯.jpg (229.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JIDF meme war stories.jpg)

fe99a0  No.5986497

File: 0c595b4b591f1bf⋯.jpg (119.21 KB, 640x916, 160:229, Screenshot 2019-03-30 22.1….jpg)


db38f1  No.5986498


what he meant to say is he should not be running around sticking his 'dick' out and handing out hatchets at the same time

597de3  No.5986499



(CBS) LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif. - Three men were reportedly on the loose after an armed robbery Monday morning at a jewelry store that caters to celebrities in the affluent Orange County community of Laguna Niguel, CBS Los Angeles reported.

Brian Hassine, the owner of Nuggets & Carats Fine Jewelry & Art, said a gunman, wearing no disguise, held him and his three employees hostage while two other men smashed his showcases.

Police said the alleged thieves stole several hundred thousand dollars in jewelry, according to CBS Los Angeles.

"All our rings and our watches are gone," said Hassine.

Hassine, who said the gunman threatened to kill everyone, told the station he watched the heist unfold from his security cameras in the back room of the store.

"I kept thinking he's going to have to kill us. We could identify this guy," said Hassine.

Sheriff's deputies said the suspects fled in a white sports utility vehicle, reported stolen out of Lakewood, then abandoned it and escaped in another car. They reportedly left rings behind on the floor of the SUV.

The suspects were described as black men in their early 20s. The gunman was 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighing more than 200 pounds, and had short hair.

Store owner Hassine is known for designing the wedding ring of Tamra Barney, who stars on Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Orange County."

809c7a  No.5986500


One of my favs:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2600716 📁

Aug 14 2018 17:31:12 (EST)


Not seen since WL Podesta dump?

Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS?

Think waves.

Think coordinated.

Think ALL outlets utilized + FAKES [Fake MAGA]

Foreign & Domestic.

Are the emails in the WL Podesta dump AUTH?

Has POTUS made a statement as PRESIDENT that hasn't ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT?


This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).

REPEATS necessary.

5,000+ new/day.






94f290  No.5986501

File: b7be9ede0588dc6⋯.png (473.49 KB, 437x561, 437:561, Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at ….png)


Doxx this.

11eea9  No.5986502


you've said that too many times already nobody believes you anymore

887f5c  No.5986503




There's this from earlier:

>>5982910 , >>5983023 DoD and Scavino tweets reflect

589f45  No.5986504



I remember my mom saying Babs Bush was really calling Hillary out as the head witch of the coven when she said "that @itch, rhymes with witch".

03b145  No.5986505


Who's the dude?

cf847f  No.5986506

File: 222e08d7b97bf83⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 222e08d7b97bf83873d769b4e2….jpg)

887f5c  No.5986507

37cc22  No.5986508

cf847f  No.5986509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea0987  No.5986510


Here, SC=Special Counsel and SCOTUS is Supreme Court. Looks like nonlawfag is mixing up terms.

edffc0  No.5986511


Take a chill pill, Sebastian.

842fbe  No.5986512


Some big golf balls on top! Will def need a wood fur that!

24fa6b  No.5986513

File: 034c99e10b8b8f0⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 863x622, 863:622, lkjhgfdd.JPG)

667349  No.5986514


lets try this again.

muh post was to these guys last bread. god dammit. grrr

>>5985022 (lb)

>>5985629 (lb)

>>5985748 (lb)

didnt put space between lb

a76fc3  No.5986515


One of my faves: #854

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563806 📁

Mar 6 2018 01:09:09 (EST)

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].

WE must work TOGETHER.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.


We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

Dark to LIGHT.

EVIL surrounds us.

WE are FIGHTING for you.

Where we go one, we go ALL.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].


97f824  No.5986516

File: c93d8d301c285b3⋯.jpg (180.37 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Rexy errand boy.jpg)

fbe4b5  No.5986517

File: bd1f7cc1c91d09b⋯.jpeg (65.56 KB, 800x602, 400:301, 3F82B39C-1AC7-45AE-B7F2-9….jpeg)

I have noticed a pattern of large amounts of Q posts when the date equals 17.

3/2/2019 3+2+2+0+1+9 = 17

3/11/2019 3+1+1+2+0+1+9 = 17

3/20/2019 3 +2+0+2+0+1+9 = 17

Next date

4/1/2019. 4+1+2+0+1+9 = 17

That is all Numberfag

9382f7  No.5986518


interesting, thank you

d2c649  No.5986519

File: 67e58e9072942f3⋯.jpeg (115.22 KB, 726x930, 121:155, 17 jet.jpeg)

File: 101591bda18194f⋯.jpeg (144.32 KB, 1125x815, 225:163, Ukraine_Russia Nuke.jpeg)


Important election in Ukraine…… You know is the Cabal going to win or not?

99f348  No.5986520

File: 792bfc213064cfb⋯.jpg (17.54 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 7c95653dcb10ace54dae995b1c….jpg)



5eb031  No.5986521

File: 95ac5a623a6d63d⋯.png (693.39 KB, 960x499, 960:499, Now this I like AF1 air fo….png)

94f290  No.5986522

File: 1545cf7c2bedc41⋯.png (437.21 KB, 404x604, 101:151, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at ….png)


==Baker== we've got a live one.

94f290  No.5986523




718af9  No.5986524




c0290e  No.5986525


>calls on mil grade hackers

Are you stupid and naive or just stupid?

The NSA took all of [C_A]'s shit. They have your hardware MAC.

They have mine too, but I'm not an accessory with traitors.

94293c  No.5986526


Ahhh, yes. I should add 4/5 – D5.

Perhaps something is released on Friday, 4/5, followed by responses on Wednesday, 4/10.

e825dd  No.5986527


Beauty is in the hand of the holder.

3a1cc7  No.5986528



8095ac  No.5986529

File: f88d4f5c50618ce⋯.png (719.45 KB, 640x806, 320:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c86af892d004a4a⋯.png (1.51 MB, 869x869, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Sarah Sanders March Madness Tweet..


Not sure if we have this yet…

de5ce9  No.5986530

File: f93ff89169ffa17⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks for namefagging so consistently, shills!

Makes it easy!

05da91  No.5986531


Do it. Do you want to come over?

d1319f  No.5986532

File: 94f5a0cf08793ec⋯.png (114.21 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

890805  No.5986533

File: f5162d9321287ee⋯.png (65.32 KB, 774x866, 387:433, 1551954987426.png)


Run along kid. This board is for people 18 and over.

7b3bd7  No.5986534

File: d53dd7cb55bee4c⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 564x767, 564:767, ri62pl7qtcp21.jpg)


Doxx this puppy please

ac1a2a  No.5986535


Yep Brother/Sister!!

52b170  No.5986536

File: d5f0084ce67059c⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 204x255, 4:5, Alefantis.jpg)

809c7a  No.5986537

File: 0622de3939d86e6⋯.jpg (260.48 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, Minority Report.jpg)


Q can know the possibility of all things, but actionable efforts cannot be base on possibilities of circumstances. Free Will is a bitch, ain't it?

f23914  No.5986538



fc0592  No.5986539

File: 16b459a1809f824⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1519712050641.webm)


Tactical Nuke.

7b3bd7  No.5986540

File: 27521f5e536e638⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 1080x1113, 360:371, Corgi-Puppies-130.jpg)

How do you shills feel about this puppy

I would feed it steak and ice cream and hug it

6834e6  No.5986541

File: 2cbf237e56bf2e1⋯.png (11.68 KB, 227x255, 227:255, swamp bingo.png)

Q, give us another please.

3a1cc7  No.5986542

File: 2157935edfd4706⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4489.JPG)


961bde  No.5986543

File: cae39560074024e⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 2370x1355, 474:271, BreakingVQC-ChrisWasANoSho….jpg)


fe99a0  No.5986544

File: 55ed176ef66d8d4⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 642x637, 642:637, Screenshot 2019-03-30 22.1….jpg)



88553f  No.5986545


Come ans get me fggot.

fbedca  No.5986546


Dox you say? Dox you say as a threat?

Does thee not know that when the final scroll is opened all the living and the dead will be DOXED?

cf847f  No.5986547

File: 91fc64e867d3245⋯.jpeg (50.38 KB, 440x250, 44:25, 91EE61A2-6FF9-4A24-86B1-6….jpeg)



ea0987  No.5986548


Hi muh friendly reminder faggot. How’s your finkel? Micro and jimmy boy doing well?

74595c  No.5986549


Gonna use his lifesized map of the US…..Legend at bottom says"1 mile=1mile"

7b3bd7  No.5986550

File: d593b6cc0db3fe6⋯.jpg (154.18 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, Pembroke_Welsh_Corgi_dog(3….jpg)

Who hurt freddy

Freddy just needs a hug

And life in gitmo

3a1cc7  No.5986551

809c7a  No.5986552


Oh, a nice follow up to that:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 188b95 No.5484459 📁

Mar 3 2019 14:27:22 (EST)

Why have there been no arrests?

Why have 'specific' dates been mentioned only to see no action?

Define 'game theory'.

Why must disinformation be provided?

Define 'open source'.

Define 'public purview'.

Do we let our enemies walk through the front door?

Define 'plausible deniability'.

Why was it important to FIRST clean house within the FBI & DOJ (public info)?

Why was it important to FIRST clean house within other ABC agencies (non_public info)?

What are the duties of the FBI?

What are the duties of the DOJ?

When does MIL INTEL have jurisdiction?

What vested powers does POTUS have re: MIL INTEL vs. ABC agencies re: matters of NAT SEC (HOMELAND)?

Think 'umbrella surv'.

What agency does the FBI report to?

What is the role of the AG?

Does the AG oversee the firing of FBI & DOJ senior/mid/lower staff?

How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?

Does 'Russia' recusal prevent/block AG from this responsibility?

What time period did this occur?

Who appointed and tasked HUBER?

Who appointed and tasked the OIG?

Who was AG?

[zero leaks - none]

Transfer from AG1 to AG2?

Why might that be important?

How do you avoid 'politically motivated/attack - obstruction - attempt to block/obstruct Mueller'?

Optics are important.

When are optics not important?

Think Whitaker.

Define 'stage set'.

Who recently walked 'on stage' to take command?

What 'stage' experience did this person have?

Think Bill Clinton impeachment.

Has the 'stage' been cleaned & cleared for the next performance?

If the 'stage' is clean, can the performance begin?

How might 'transparency' [DECLAS] fit into the dialogue?

Define 'thesis' statement.

What benefit(s) does this provide BARR?

"This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government." - POTUS

Logical thinking.


a1b578  No.5986553


Very well written.

2d69ca  No.5986554



Release the cures.

You would of thought that she would be on the list to receive, or has she, many times.

1210c0  No.5986555

Voat is down!

7b3bd7  No.5986556

File: 35eaeee41947cbf⋯.jpg (80.33 KB, 556x634, 278:317, hell.jpg)


We already got the best one of all

41abba  No.5986557

File: 911629db62c556e⋯.png (72.25 KB, 500x706, 250:353, OREO2 copy.png)

08b89c  No.5986558

Just a FYO tip anons, a Virtual PC (VirtualBox) is handy, if things look spoofy or you think it's been comped just scrub the image, fire up a fresh clone and get back at it. Everything is separated from the host unless you change the settings to share, which I myself would never do.

fc0592  No.5986559

File: cd079d29d0d8bb3⋯.png (3.51 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, trump-cleaning-time-aqua-v….png)

e825dd  No.5986560

File: 90d99ca8ac57451⋯.png (598.81 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Make like a rodent, and gopher it, shillboy

825de7  No.5986561

File: d733e0833350d86⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 1199x685, 1199:685, D2nNv9sXQAAnCPd.jpg)

File: e2a20679890d5f1⋯.jpg (93.97 KB, 1200x679, 1200:679, DFZD81uXoAAiwtC.jpg)

File: c3108cbc115af13⋯.jpg (98.47 KB, 640x804, 160:201, D28LCr2XgAEOcy5.jpg)

df2a78  No.5986562


He’s a wanna be double T’s.

c0290e  No.5986563

887f5c  No.5986564


>>5986517 Anon notices pattern of large amounts of Q posts when the date equals 17

>>5986497 Cindy report: In Ukraine because 'Democracy is at stake'

>>5986413 Podesta emails: The Opportunity Institute

>>5986313 Scavino tweets 'March Madness', and from pb >>5982910, >>5983023

>>5986199 Schiff wants us to believe vacines are safe (awaiting link)

>>5986129 Dig on Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) (screaming loudly)

>>5986123 Schiff sticks his pencil neck out

>>5986122 Class 1-99 at the FBI Archives

>>5986066 Giuliani takes aim at 'phony politicians' leading FBI over Russia inv.

>>5986058 45_Schedule tweets Marine One cockpit at Mar-a-Lago

>>5985977 Ukraine corruption graphic

>>5985959 , >>5986057 Comey's daughter Maurene is Assistant US Attorney at SDNY

>>5985911 Joe Biden, his son and a Ukrainian oligarch

>>5985892 A look into the reversal of POTUS' drilling EO

23a3c7  No.5986565

File: 23e8af803fcd777⋯.png (343.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out this goon:


7f3929  No.5986566

File: 8dad75b385074f6⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 794x413, 794:413, image030.jpg)

File: a5b587b8e716e26⋯.jpg (319.11 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 1200px-USS_Virginia_(CGN-3….jpg)

c30285  No.5986567


Did they catch those guys?

3686c4  No.5986569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise, this is the cabal's endgame if we don't get some serious change sorted out relatively soon. Get up to speed on 5G. This is by far the best (and most disturbing) video I have seen on the subject. I recommend you share widely after watching. This s*** has to be stopped. Seriously, watch this video and share. These people are sick!!!!!!

fbe4b5  No.5986570

File: 099c72e91a0a76a⋯.jpeg (25.41 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 18C9E5BD-4297-49CD-B3C0-1….jpeg)


Last two digits 17

No coincidences

Q says HI

3a1cc7  No.5986571



a1b578  No.5986572


I would add that by doing the research yourself and finding the truth, you are able to ascertain easier when untruths are presented.

f6086c  No.5986574

File: 902893094899363⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2400x1823, 2400:1823, 6E7C6D06-B42C-4847-94EE-E….jpeg)

File: 6f4188f2f36fa04⋯.jpeg (84.81 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 8CB29C76-357E-4763-BD26-4….jpeg)

File: 1abd72e5eda90fe⋯.jpeg (424.44 KB, 2160x1537, 2160:1537, 2693DE14-65B2-40F3-9BBF-3….jpeg)

File: 54e8f0ca1112d2a⋯.jpeg (79.29 KB, 350x450, 7:9, BB71DAD1-6336-4577-A068-9….jpeg)

File: 80f284737dc692f⋯.jpeg (86.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0FC9D83A-ED58-4DBB-BD08-A….jpeg)

718af9  No.5986575



7b3bd7  No.5986576

File: 14b23bbd7c9dc73⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 222x255, 74:85, hammer.jpg)

Have you hugged your puppy today

4740a0  No.5986578

File: ae7804fa0e44617⋯.jpg (355.87 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, VictoryOfTheLight (1).jpg)

05da91  No.5986579


With the looking glass? What are they based upon then?

88553f  No.5986581


Ask Doug faggot.

See here for dougs post history >>5986364


d2c649  No.5986582


Voat is fine….. Relax

87e26f  No.5986583

File: daaa1dfabb5c717⋯.png (1.41 MB, 907x976, 907:976, ClipboardImage.png)


Maurene Comey (Ryan)

890805  No.5986584

File: 8beccea6b3789ec⋯.png (442.63 KB, 1056x779, 1056:779, Screenshot_2019-03-30 Macr….png)

Churches being attacked and vandalized in France


e825dd  No.5986585


Funny, I took a shit this morning that looked just like that…

7cec46  No.5986586


Christchurch? In Christ Jesus we pray Amen! Kek!

2d69ca  No.5986587


Yup won't accept login

2dcfa3  No.5986588

Seems like this would be note worthy if it hasn't already been:

"The BBC apologized to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and will pay him damages over a false report that he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet with President Donald Trump.

The inaccurate article was published in May 2018 and claimed that Poroshenko paid $400,000 to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in order to extend a brief 2017 meeting with the U.S. president. The story has since been scrubbed from the BBC website.

According to an archive of BBC.com, the article was the lead story on the website. At the time, Poroshenko’s administration called the story a “blatant lie, slander and fake.”

“We apologize to Mr. Poroshenko for any distress caused and have agreed to pay him damages, legal costs and have participated in a joint statement in open court,” BBC said on its website Thursday. The apology continues:

In our News at Ten bulletin and in an online article published on May 23, 2018, we incorrectly reported that Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, had procured or authorised a corrupt payment of $400,000 to be made to Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer of Donald Trump, to extend a brief meeting between Mr. Poroshenko and President Trump, that had already been agreed, into more substantial talks.

In its correction, BBC also claims they never intended to make the accusation that Poroshenko had paid to extend the meeting. However, the High Court found during arbitration “that the allegation was as set out” by the BBC.

“We are happy to accept that this allegation was untrue,” BBC stated."



1210c0  No.5986590


What exactly does that mean? I thought that had to do with releasing someone personal info? Sorry I’m a nub.

97f824  No.5986592

File: bb7ab48e55c6139⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 442x516, 221:258, POTUS and Russian Agent.jpg)

003dcf  No.5986594


Never too late. I missed it too. Let’s do it now!!!

3a1cc7  No.5986595

File: 73dd7372c3c7780⋯.jpg (116.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0192.JPG)

File: 3d663df4ef09a5c⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 1071x1071, 1:1, IMG_0193.JPG)

File: 3e6337ef2f6b13f⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 828x664, 207:166, IMG_0195.JPG)

File: b2a04714292fe42⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 480x320, 3:2, IMG_0196.JPG)

File: 6c20751cf59eb0c⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 521x517, 521:517, IMG_0223.JPG)




ef621f  No.5986596



Yes. it was perfect for him sticking his neck out.


d2c649  No.5986597


Of course they did… Think of it as hush money for his silence…….

fe99a0  No.5986599


Shill is trying to chase out the frightened newbies

e15db5  No.5986600

File: 0340b4803006b05⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1884x2183, 1884:2183, hands.png)

>>5985302 lb

Why is she hiding those occult rings under kinky fishnet gloves?

c30285  No.5986601


49th Most Powerful Person in DC.

A pizza place owner. Totally makes sense.

37b5a5  No.5986602


This sounds like Macron's wet dream come true. He can't wait for the muzzie takeover.

66fb58  No.5986603


there are ez common sense solutions but corrupt DS and congress wont act

example - take a bite out of each congesssmans budget for shit they want to do

so ez

so effective

7b3bd7  No.5986604

File: c8d442842fda318⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1537813293806.jpg)

Hugging puppies is much better than hating jews

1210c0  No.5986605


Server isn’t responding for me.

a2dd05  No.5986606


Dear Lord, please forgive him.

049c75  No.5986607


No, but I've done rope on a boat.

e825dd  No.5986610


Later in life for the Spru-can. She has VLS.

fe99a0  No.5986611


My brain goes to death veils.

7b3bd7  No.5986612

File: 213204480dcc7d1⋯.jpeg (46.95 KB, 600x442, 300:221, 503a90635f79d185655382be4….jpeg)


They still did 911 tho

afd78b  No.5986613

File: a1eb4ae2fac8ec1⋯.jpg (133.04 KB, 895x936, 895:936, 1a.JPG)


ef621f  No.5986614




ea0987  No.5986615


Stfu jidf. Been watching your faggotry for two days.

7b3bd7  No.5986617


Please stop spreading hateful conspiracy theories goyim

James alefantis is completely normal and totally not a satanist

60cb60  No.5986619

File: 3a49c0863514881⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 341a5e.jpg)

fef917  No.5986620

File: 389ba8ad6770c72⋯.jpg (187.7 KB, 1353x678, 451:226, NoNameUkraine2013.jpg)


Schiff was in the Ukraine in July 2013, No Name was there in December 2013.


67ef13  No.5986621


I would call it a BOOM.

Definitely a good start.

94293c  No.5986622

File: 87792f88d8c7cfc⋯.png (447.53 KB, 496x552, 62:69, PictureDay.png)


I know him.

003dcf  No.5986623

>>5986595 (just the tip)

For fucks sake, THE TIP is the only part that hurts.

21ab7a  No.5986624

File: 8bd9d1deba6e55e⋯.png (435.65 KB, 617x383, 617:383, 2632062.png)


But what about the end?

37b5a5  No.5986625


believe the MSM goy

88553f  No.5986626


wow dougie. Taking projection to a whole new level??

Cry moar faggot.

890805  No.5986628


EU passed 'Africanization' laws on the 26th. The collapse is just around the corner. 5-10 years western europe is done for.

0bcdaa  No.5986629

File: cddf7e44367fb47⋯.png (269.43 KB, 1000x706, 500:353, LadybugPepe.png)

1210c0  No.5986630

File: 05f96c3ecf19f03⋯.jpeg (35.43 KB, 255x253, 255:253, D6597C3C-6817-4928-92E1-1….jpeg)

File: 6c1d6713c55730e⋯.jpeg (75.3 KB, 635x600, 127:120, CF7CD737-6A54-4D3B-B952-5….jpeg)

887f5c  No.5986632

File: 1ad3f9269a56f15⋯.jpg (218.68 KB, 818x472, 409:236, 1ad3f9269a56f152d758d98194….jpg)






de5ce9  No.5986634

File: b6516a52cf625f9⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 250x188, 125:94, opnhmr.gif)

3a1cc7  No.5986635



ea0987  No.5986636



Projecting projection. Kek. Faggot

a62cdd  No.5986637


That's because even just saying his name is powerful. Luciferians cower before such a prayer.

This is why they must remove any reference to Jesus

e15db5  No.5986639


Death nails under death veils with snot tissue in hand.

948689  No.5986640


dumbest thing i heard but for sake of being open minded maybe not a satanist but forsure hes a pedophile

c0290e  No.5986644

File: 92d1ce7e7fd9205⋯.jpg (364.52 KB, 1296x991, 1296:991, 16yearplan-HusseinHRC.jpg)

ea0987  No.5986645


Cry moar, glow moar shillfaggot

c30285  No.5986647


Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess…

1210c0  No.5986648


What does o7 stand for? I know 5:5…is it similar?

809c7a  No.5986649


NSA can "know" all and "track" many but cannot "stop" them all. There are also moral and existential questions regarding intervention.

Q has said that there are more good than bad. I don't disagree on that. The problem is a matter of intervention prior to events (travesties) based on a checklist of criteria before a person "acts" on something (mass shootings). Also, and I see this as being the most hindering, resources might be lacking.

You cannot just post a Marine or a special agent to track and cover all the possible "baddies" out there. There's not enough resources for that. Besides that, doing so would be akin to a "Minority Report" type of scenario. People would be being tracked, monitored, and assumed "potentially guilty" of committing atrocities based on some check marks in a criteria sheet.

That's Orwellian to the Nth degree.

fbedca  No.5986650

Anybody else noticing shills be much more stupid today? Shills taking a beat-down like never before?

Something's changed

a19c99  No.5986651


Didn't sleep well last night, felt odd today. Can't put my finger on it, but odd. Had a dream of a box of large silver coins, like 5 inches across, like many per layer. couldn't see how many layers or how deep the box was.

c0290e  No.5986652

File: 5931a8d0b1f6bba⋯.jpg (556.17 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, page01.jpg)

ea0987  No.5986653


Tell gork hello

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